A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR SCHOOLS BY WILBUR F. GORDY PRINCIPAL OF THE NORTH SCHOOL, HARTFORD, CONN. WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS NEW EDITION NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS iqo8 COPYRIGHT, 1898, 1899, 1904, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS TTo I. H. G. 22171 PREFACE THE function of the writer and of the teacher of history is to explain the meaning of human life as revealed in the records of the past. For such explanation much depends upon the selection of facts. The writer of history, when addressing himself to adult readers, must exercise the nicest discrimination in choosing facts that are typical. With immeasurably greater care should such choice be made by the writer of a text-book whose task it is to aid immature minds to get an impression of the truth. In the school-room, then, the guiding principle should be the nature of the facts rather than their number. As already intimated, this principle should find application even when the purpose is to develop thorough scholarship. But this is not the purpose of history teaching in grammar grades. In these grades, only a short time, during which many other studies are pursued, is devoted to the study of history. Under such conditions, the acquisition of a consid erable body of facts cannot wisely be a dominant motive. Higher aims should demand attention. One of these is to develop in the pupil an interest in history a fondness for historical reading. Another is to teach him how to read history. He should be led to see that a little judicious and thorough reading, with a definite plan, will yield better re sults than much aimless and desultory reading of even the best authorities. The author, feeling intensely the value of these aims, vii viii PREFACE believes that too many indiscriminate facts are presented in text-books. He has, therefore, as an outcome of a life long interest in the study and of many years experience in teaching it, prepared a book which he hopes will serve as an aid to an intelligent teaching of history. He has been careful not only in selecting but in grouping typical events, which can have their full value only when they are known as causes or as results. The reader is invited to examine briefly the plan of the book. After a short chapter on early discoveries, follows an account of the struggle, on the part of the Spanish, the English, the Dutch, and the French, for control in the New World. In this account painstaking care has been exer cised in selecting significant events. For example, in the chapter on Spain in the New World, the adventures of Balboa, Cortez, and Pizarro romantic and interesting .as they are have been omitted from the body of the text, in order to give more space to topics of greater importance. But enough has been told to explain the nat ure of Spanish exploration, the objects and methods of the Spaniards, and the reasons for their failure to plant success ful colonies north of Mexico. Following this chapter is a similar one on the " English in the New World," leading up to an account of life in typical English colonies. These colonies are divided into three groups. Virginia and Maryland represent the South ern group; Massachusetts and Connecticut, the New Eng land group; and New York and Pennsylvania, the Middle group. Two or three things should be noted in connection with the treatment of these typical colonies. In the first place, the history of each group is brought down to 1689 a turn ing-point in American history. The pupil can thus study separately the three parallel streams of colonial history, PREFACE ix without the inevitable and almost inextricable confusion which must attend a strictly chronological treatment of the thirteen colonies, whether taken up singly or all together. In the second place, emphasis is laid upon what is impor tant. The selection of typical colonies and of typical events in the life of these colonies must, of course, give more space for intelligent and interesting treatment of illustrative facts. In the third place, certain definite characteristics of the people in any one of the groups can, by comparison and contrast, be distinctly brought out by this method of study. Of course there is an elimination of some matter gener ally used in text-books. At the ends of chapters, however, may be found, in the "Notes," reference to the colonies not treated fully in the body of the text. The subject-matter of these "Notes** has been carefully selected and will supply nearly all that is needed in schools where the conditions require a special handling of the colony in question. The author observes with keen satisfaction the movement in favor of teaching local history, and earnestly recommends that such teaching find a place in all American schools. Up to 1689 there was little of the spirit of union among the colonies. To a great extent each went its own way. But after 1689, three sets of influences Indian wars, troub les with the French, and difficulties with the royal and the proprietary governors gradually brought the colonies into closer sympathy and prepared them for union. To make clear the working of these three sets of historic forces, the following topics are introduced in the order named: "Life among the Indians" and "Indian Wars;" "French Explora tions" and the "Last French War;" and "Life among the Colonies " and " Growth toward Union." Special attention is called to the facts selected to explain the real meaning of the intercolonial struggle between the X PREFACE English and the French. Of the four Intercolonial Wars, the only one worthy of study in grammar schools is the Last French War. By omitting the other three, space is gained for a more interesting discussion of the one that had the most important bearing upon American history. If the pupil rightly understands this war he will know the mean ing of the struggle between England and France for con trol in America. In the Revolution, as in all other wars, much attention is given to causes and results and to the way in which the war began. Campaigns and battles are of use only in so far as they enable the pupil to understand the character of the fighting. For such understanding, a few significant battles are far better than many minor engagements and military details. The pertinent question here as elsewhere is: What useful purpose does the fact serve in giving the pupil clear ideas of the meaning of the past? In applying this test in the study of history, we soon find ourselves passing lightly over or omitting altogether much that has found a conspicuous place in class-room work. In the Con stitutional period, the traditional system of grouping topics according to Presidential administrations, although conven ient for some purposes, is often mechanical and meaning less. The author b elieves that the development of history can be much more clearly shown by a logical grouping of facts. But those who prefer to use topics grouped accord ing to Presidential administrations can easily adapt that grouping to this book. Numerous references are made, in the notes "To the Pupil," to the Presidents and their terms of office, and a carefully prepared table containing a list of the Presidents and important facts about them may be found in the Appendix. Moreover, portraits of all the Presidents and sketches of their lives have been given an appropriate place. PREFACE xi It has been well said that up to 1890 American history was largely the colonization of the West. Believing this to be true, the author has emphasized the influence of West ern development upon American life and institutions. He has, therefore, no apology to make for the prominence given to Western settlement, Western life, the difficult prob lems of connecting the East and the West, the bearing of Western expansion upon the slavery controversy and immi gration, the influence of the prairies and the Pacific rail roads, and so on. The importance of the West cannot be discussed with out showing the intimate relation existing between man and the physical conditions that surround him. Indeed, throughout the book the emphatic influence of geography upon history has been distinctly recognized. But, after all, history concerns itself more largely with moral than with physical life. Accordingly, the personal element has been made prominent. In portraits, auto graphs, biographical sketches, and in the conspicuous men tion made of representative men, the moral element has been kept uppermost. In this new edition the history of our country has been brought down to date. Although many changes in the text have not been found necessary, yet, whenever in the interests of a more useful and serviceable book such changes have been suggested they have been unhesitat ingly made. The excellence of the maps and pictures in the editions already published has won hearty commenda tion. Further improvements, however, have been possible, rendering these features of the book even more noticeable than before for their helpfulness in illuminating and sup plementing the text. In closing the author wishes to express his deep obliga tion to Superintendent Thomas M. Balliet, of Springfield, xii PREFACE Mass., and to Professor William E. Mead, of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., both of whom have offered many invaluable suggestions ; also to Miss Elizabeth M. Worthington, of Hartford, Conn., who has read the proof with great care. WILBUR F. GORDY. HARTFORD, Conn., March 18, 1904. TO THE TEACHER " Outside Readings" for bright pupils. Useful books for teachers. There is no hard and fast method of teaching history which can be successfully applied without modification. Certain limitations and conditions surround every teacher. Among these are the age and capacity of the class, the time devoted to the study, the num ber of other studies pursued at the same time, the books of refer ence accessible, and, most of all, the teacher s equipment for the work. Whatever the conditions may be, however, experienced teachers will have their own ways and means ; but for the benefit of beginners it may not be amiss to offer a few suggestions, this text-book serving as a basis. Before taking up any chapter or period the teacher should get a " bird s-eye" view of the whole. An intelligent conception will thus be secured of the relation of cause and effect, to which special thought has been given by the author in the grouping. In making this preparation the "References" will be helpful. The books therein mentioned are not numerous, but they include those which have been thoroughly tested. A short but well-selected list is of greater service than a long and indiscriminate one. The " Refer ences " are made to books which the pupil may be expected to con sult in preparing the lesson. As a rule, each pupil should read one " Reference " book in addition to his text-book. The " Outside Readings " will prove a great help to the teacher in cultivating a taste for history. In every class may be found some bright pupils who can do much more work than is demanded of the others. To such pupils the " Outside Readings " will make a special appeal. The " References " and " Outside Readings " fur nish teacher and pupil alike with additional subject-matter which, used with freedom and intelligence, must result in vitalizing history and in stimulating and invigorating thought. The teacher should have at hand for constant use at least one of the books containing extended bibliographies for class-room work. Hinsdale s "How to Teach History," Adams s "Manual of Historic Literature," Hall s " Methods of Teaching History," Channing and Hart s "Guide to American History," and Gordy and Twitchell s TO THE TEACHER Poetry and fiction aid in making history a thing of life. The teach er an in terpreter of life. The impor tance of training pupils to form right habits of study. Discretion in the use of a text- book. The notes "To the Pupil." "Pathfinder in American History" have such bibliographies. The last of the books named contains numerous page references. When nothing but a single book and that a text-book is read, the reci tation will generally prove to be mechanical and lifeless. To make history attractive collateral reading must be called into requisition. Poetry and fiction, therefore, find a fitting place in this list because they appeal to the feelings and the imagination, and do much to recall the movement, the color, and the life of the past. As the historical fiction is selected with especial reference to grammar grades, the number of books is small. Here, as in the other bibli ographical suggestions, the quality rather than the quantity has been considered. In the notes "To the Pupil " will be found, in al most every chapter, a special reference to some book or selection of high literary or historic merit, a feature which may be made of great value to pupils. Important as the teacher s preparation is, however, the recitation is his opportunity. It is the measure of his success in reaching the lives of his pupils, for the teacher s personality is much more than text-books, references, outside readings, methods, devices, and count less appliances. History is an expression of life ; the teacher is the interpreter of that life. The pupil is fortunate whose life-inter preter is wise and true. The assignment of the lesson is one of the most important parts of the recitation. Here the judicious teacher will do some of his best work by aiding the pupils to discriminate between what is of less and what is of greater value. Time thus given in training the pupils how to study will be well spent. Not so much depends upon the number of facts the pupil may learn as upon the proper apprecia tion he may have of their relative importance and upon the habits he may form in learning them. Nearly all the facts will soon be forgotten, but the habits will remain as a permanent factor in the mental and moral equipment for the work of life. The length of the lesson, which it is assumed will be assigned by topics rather than pages, should be duly considered. The young teacher sometimes falls into the pernicious habit of assigning les sons of uniform length. The pages of this book are of unequal value. Some of them should be merely read ; some should be thoroughly studied ; and some, under certain conditions which de pend partly upon the age and capacity of the class and the time devoted to history, may well be altogether omitted. In a word, the book should be adapted to the class and the school in which it may be used. The notes " To the Pupil " may be used in lessons on advance work or in reviews. The questions do not cover all the facts found in the text, but rather call attention to the more important ones and xiv TO THE TEACHER The recitation. The pupil to prepare a question for every recitation. Test ques tions made out by the pupil. Freedom of discussion to be en couraged. suggest other questions ; for, after all, the most stimulating ques tions are often those called forth by the pupils themselves in the recitation period. The purposes of the recitation should include more than a test of memory; they should include a comparison and discussion of facts acquired in the preparation of the lesson. At the beginning of the recitation a topic should be named and the pupil required to recite upon it without question or comment from the teacher. Such a method, if persisted in, will inevitably develop fluency and readiness of expression. Teachers ask too many questions questions that seri ously interfere with the flow of thought and with its free expres sion. Such interference is without doubt the most serious defect of the average recitation. The best work lies in helping the pupil to get definite ideas and then to give these ideas clear expression in well-connected sentences. He will thus acquire more available knowledge and better mental training through the acquisition of this knowledge. In other words, the language faculty and the logical faculty will each receive good training. History, when well taught, appeals not merely to memory ; it appeals to the understanding and the reason. Hence the pupils should be required to prepare a written question on every lesson. The value of this simple device in leading them to note the work ing of cause and effect cannot easily be measured. If pupils have not been trained to ask such questions they may at first be diffident about it. They will also ask questions that call for yes or no or for single-word answers. With a little judicious help, how ever, they will soon begin to ask searching questions that will stimulate the interest of the entire class. Furthermore, it is a good plan to require pupils, on finishing the review of a chapter or period, to make out a set of test questions for the class to answer. These questions will themselves prove to be a pretty good measure of the kind of thought-work done by the pupils. After trying this plan for years the author heartily recom mends it. The pupils questions used in recitations and sometimes, espe cially on review, the entire recitation period may be devoted to their discussion will call forth many differences of opinion. At such times the teacher will do well to encourage freedom in the expression of these differences and will by all means refrain from making known his own views until he has given the members of the class an opportunity to reach a conclusion. There need be no haste about settling the question. It can well afford to wait sometimes for weeks. Of course this work is with children whose minds are immature. They will often reach crude and even errone ous conclusions ; but in so doing they receive wholesome discipline XV TO THE TEACHER Debates and their value. Five- minute written exercises. Sugges tions on formal written work. Close connection between geography and history. Every event to be located on the map. The value of the pictures. and make some growth in the habit of weighing and comparing facts. The questions and discussions during the recitation period will furnish good preparation for the debates suggested here and there in the notes " To the Pupil." A comparatively small number are mem- tioned, but many others are suggested, not only in the notes but in the facts of the text. A comparison of men and measures should always call forth, in a well-trained class, different points of view and, therefore, differences of opinion. Formal debates, with chosen leaders, test the extent and accuracy of the pupil s knowledge, train him to look at all sides of a question before making up his mind, and help him to give clear expression to his views. For accuracy and definiteness of thought, frequent five-minute written exercises on some topic of the lesson should be given. Such exercises will test the teacher s work quite as much as the pupil s. Out of the abundance of material for language-work only a little can here be mentioned. The notes " To the Pupil " suggest much more. Biographical sketches of eminent men, in which the per sonal characteristics receive emphasis, will promote a better in sight into the working of moral forces. The sketches may often take the form of impersonations and thus be made a decided stimu lus to the imagination. A more formal kind of written work may consist of compositions written on subjects for special investigation. Such work will best be done, of course, in connection with a period or chapter that has been carefully studied. In the Preface mention has been made of the attempt to connect closely geography and history. In all probability too much empha sis will not be laid upon such connection. To aid the pupil in see ing this connection, every event should be located on the map, not only in preparing the lesson, but also In reciting it. Wall maps or blackboard maps are, of course, necessary ; but, in addition to these, pupils should have progressive outline maps, such as are now pre pared by many publishers. If for any reason these outline maps cannot be secured, the pupils can draw their own and fill in the places and events referred to in the text. No lesson should be prepared without a constant reference to maps. The maps in this book contain no useless matter. The aim has been to put into them only that which will help the pupil to understand the text. The liberal use of beautiful illustrations throughout the book has the same purpose in view. It would be well to aid the pupils to examine these illustrations with care. In the notes " To the Pupil " special reference is made again and again to dates indicating great landmarks. These dates should be learned with strict accuracy and should be repeatedly reviewed as a sort of "multiplication table of history." Around these sig- TO THE TEACHER Dates indicating great land marks to be accu rately learned. Prepara tory work for the study of a period. The pupil to make outhisown review- outlines. Impor tance of freshness and va riety In re view work. l he best review leads to a clearer knowledge of historic develop ment. nificant dates should be grouped the less important ones. Believing this to be a matter of serious import, the author has made in the notes "To the Pupil" many suggestions about dates. Rightly used, they are of the first importance, because they lead to a knowl edge of the meaning of history. From one point of view events are causes ; from another, effects. But, however regarded, they occur in time, and a clear understanding of their logical relations demands an acquaintance with their chronological relations. But only the great landmarks need be known with absolute accuracy Perhaps the best way to use dates in the class-room is to make them serve in giving perspective in review work. Before taking up the serious study of a chapter or period it is a good plan either to read it over with the class or at any rate to pass over it rapidly, with the purpose of getting a general view of it. The pupils are then prepared to study with intelligence, because they can better see causal connections. As the following paragraphs indicate, the author believes in a variety of review work ; but whatever may be the character of the review, the preparatory work for it is extremely valuable. In the notes " To the Pupil " are found suggestions on mak ing topical analyses which are useful in reviews. Topical anal yses, Judiciously used, are excellent, but they are of most value when made out by the pupil himself. He can easily prepare a topical analysis for any chapter by arranging in order the headings and sub-topics of paragraphs. By making the review-outline for him self, he will derive much more benefit than he would from a printed outline arranged for him. For a similar reason the pupil should make out his own charts. In the notes may be found suggestions on chart- making also. To give the review freshness and variety, however, something more than charts and topical analyses is required. If the purpose is to fix in mind important dates, the review may be chronological. Certain dates may be assigned and the class required to connect with each an important event. The review may be biographical. In this case noteworthy events may be associated with the names of men. It may be geographical, when the association of events is to be with places. But these kinds of reviews are, as a rule, somewhat fragmentary. The best review should lead to a clearer knowledge of historic de velopment. With this purpose in mind such large subjects as slavery, growth toward Union, the Indian question, and progress in means of transportation may be selected. By studying each one of these larger subjects by itself, the learner can give his entire atten tion to a single group of topics without the distraction and confu sion which result from studying parts of several groups at the same TO THE TEACHER A geo- graphical grouping sometimes better in reviews. The ethical value of studying represen tative men. time, as must be done when the events of a period are taken up in strictly chronological order. Such reviews are repeatedly suggested in the notes "To the Pupil." It is hardly necessary to remind the teacher that, in reviewing, the index can be made very service able. Children should be trained to use the index, even in their everyday work ; but if in addition they are trained to use it in re viewing they will get valuable suggestions on the intelligent hand ling of books. Sometimes it is difficult for the teacher to decide on what basis to group topics in a period or chapter. For instance, in teaching the Civil War shall the grouping be chronological or geographical ? In either case there are advantages and disadvantages. For the ad vance the grouping may be made on the basis of chronology, but for the review a geographical grouping is much clearer. For example, after the Union plan is matured (1862) all the battles for the open ing of the Mississippi should be taught in a single group. The same should be done for the capture of Richmond, and so on. As suggested in the preface, the moral element is of surpassing importance in history. Therefore emphasis should be given to per sonal force. Certain men are leaders because they represent in themselves the best characteristics of the people they lead. The boy has no special interest in these characteristics as they find ex pression in a whole people, but he has deep interest in them as they find expression in a distinguished man. By studying these distinguished men, by finding out what they felt and thought and believed, the pupil will get at the true meaning of history, for the motives and ideals of great leaders reveal the motives and ideals that inspired the people. xviii CONTENTS DISCOVERY OF AMERICA I. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, . CHAPTER pAGE EXPLORATION AND COLONIZATION II. SPAIN IN THE NEW WORLD I3 III. ENGLAND IN THE NEW WORLD, . . 20 IV. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND (1607-1689), 28 V. THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS IN MASSACHUSETTS AND CONNECTICUT (1620-1689), 42 VI. THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK AND THE QUAKERS IN PENNSYLVANIA (1609-1689), 6 3 VII. LIFE AMONG THE N INDIANS 75 VIII. EARLY INDIAN WARS 84 IX. FRENCH EXPLORATIONS, 87 X. THE LAST FRENCH WAR 93 XI. LIFE IN THE COLONIES AT THE CLOSE OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS I0 $ XII. GROWTH TOWARD UNION IN THE COLONIES, . . .118 THE REVOLUTION, THE CONFEDERATION, AND THE FEDERAL UNION XIII. THE REVOLUTION I2 c XIV. THE BREAKDOWN OF THE CONFEDERATION AND THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION (1781-1789), . 185 XV. THE NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND THE GROWTH OF NATIONAL FEELING (1789- I82 9 194 xix xx CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XVI. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST (1829-1841), . 250 XVII. THE SLAVERY QUESTION (1841-1859) 267 XVIII. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR (1860-1865), . . .298 RECONSTRUCTION AND THE NEW UNION XIX. RECONSTRUCTION DAYS (1865-1871) 356 XX. THE NEW SOUTH (1877- ), 365 XXI. THE NEW WEST (1865- ), 372 XXII. THE NEW UNION (1865), 382 XXIII. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS, . 410 XXIV. SOME SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND POLITICAL CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT, .... 425 APPENDICES A. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 437 B. A CHART ON THE CONSTITUTION 441 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 442 C. TABLE OF STATES AND TERRITORIES 456 D. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 458 INDEX, 459 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FAGS George Washington, Frontispiect A Ship of the Norsemen, ..... .... 2 Christopher Columbus, ,,...... 3 The Nina, ..... ....... 4 The Pinta, . . . .... 4 The Santa Maria, "......... 5 Sebastian Cabot, ........... 8 Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella after his Return from the New World, facing page 8 Americus Vespucius, 9 Cortez, 13 Old Spanish Mission, New Mexico, Built 1604, . . . . . .14 Spanish Gateway, St. Augustine, Florida, . . . . . . .14 Balboa, Ig Fernando de Soto, . .16 Queen Elizabeth, ....... ... 20 Sir Walter Raleigh and Autograph, ... .... 21 The Destruction of the Spanish Armada, . 22 Philippe II., King of Spain, 1527-1598, . . . . . . ,23 An Indian Village at Roanoke, . .... 24 English Explorers Bartering with Indians for Land, 25 Queen Elizabeth s Signature, ......... 27 Signature of James I., . . 28 Ruins of Old Church at Jamestown, ...... 30 Captain John Smith, ........... 31 Tobacco-plant, .......*.... 34 A Wild Dash for Life, 35 George Calvert (Lord Baltimore), 38 A Maryland Shilling 39 A Puritan, . 42 Oliver Cromwell, 43 The Mayflower, ............46 A Chest which came over in the Mayflvwer, 47 Myles Standish, 48 Pilgrim Types, . , 49 Myles Standish s Bill of Expenses after his Visit to the Indians, ... 50 xxi xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Hooker s Emigration to Connecticut, ..... facing page 50 Gov. John Winthrop, ... ........ 51 First Church at Salem, .... 54 Facsimile of Opening Lines of the Massachusetts Charter, . . . 56-57 Sir Edmund Andros, ........... 58 The Charter Oak, 60 A Dutch Officer of the Seventeenth Century, 64 A Group of Seventeenth Century Dutchmen, ...... 65 The Earliest Picture of New Amsterdam, ....... 66 Henry Hudson s Half Moon on the Hudson, ...... 67 An Early Dutch Man of War 69 William Penn, 70 Penn s Treaty with the Indians, ...... facing page 70 An Indian Camp, ........... 76 Wampum received by Penn from the Indians, ...... 77 Indian Whip (Quirt), War-Club, and Hunting-Arrow, 78 Indian Snow-shoes and Pappoose-case, ....... 79 Totem of the Five Nations, . . .80 Totem of the Illinois, 80 Totem of the Sioux, 81 Totem of the Hurons, .......... 81 Carved Pipes from an Indian Mound, ........ 82 Big Elephant Mound, .......... 83 Indians Carrying Canoes over a Portage, 85 French Soldiers of the Time of the French Exploration 88 Samuel Champlain, ........... 89 La Salle Claiming for France all the Territory through which the Missis sippi and its Tributaries Flowed, .... Jacing page 90 Robert Cavalier De La Salle, 91 French Soldiers and Officers of the Time of the French War, ... 95 Quebec in 1730, 97 General Braddock s Troops in an Indian Ambuscade, . . facing page 98 Maj.-Gen. James Wolfe, 101 Marquis de Montcalm, .......... 102 Puritans Going to Church, . 108 A Wanton Gospeller, no The Pillory, 112 Colonial Relics, 113 Early New Amsterdam, Showing Costumes, Amusements, and Architec ture, ii4-"5 Old Spinning-wheel, . . . . . . H7 Title-page of "Poor Richard s Almanac," ....... I2O John Hancock House, Boston, Mass., ....... 126 James Otis, 127 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxiii PAGE A Royal Stamp, 12 8 Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., 129 Old State House, Boston, Mass., . .130 Patrick Henry, 131 The " Boston Massacre," ...... . . . 133 Old South Church, Boston, 135 St. John s Church, Richmond, Va., ........ 137 The Fight on Lexington Common, April 19, 1775, facing page 138 Old North Church, Boston, Mass., 140 The Retreat from Concord, ....... facing page 140 The Battle of Bunker Hill, facing page 142 The Washington Elm at Cambridge, ........ 144 The Craigie House, Washington s Headquarters at Cambridge (afterward the residence of Longfellow), ......... 146 Samuel Adams, ............ 149 Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. Chestnut Street Front, . . .150 Signing the Declaration of Independence, .... facing page 150 The Jumel Mansion, New York City, Washington s Headquarters, . .153 John Burgoyne, ............ 159 Lafayette, ............. 160 Benjamin Franklin, . . . . . . . . . . .162 The Attack on the Chew House, Germantown, . . . facing page 164 A Revolutionary Gun, . . . . . . . . . .168 A Revolutionary Flint-lock Pistol, 1 68 Clark on the way to Kaskaskia, 1 70 John Paul Jones, . . . . . . . . . . .172 The Bonhomme Richard and the Serapis, . . . . . . 1 73 The Escape of Benedict Arnold, 178 Nathaniel Greene, 180 Washington Firing the First Gun at the Siege of Yorktown, facing page 180 Nelson House, Yorktown, Va., 182 Three Shilling Massachusetts Bill of 1741, 186 Celebrating in New York the Adoption of the Constitution, .... 189 Washington s Mansion South and West Fronts Mt.Vernon, Va., . . 196 Washington s Bedroom, Mt. Vernon, Va., 197 Servants Quarters, Mt. Vernon, Va., I9 8 A Mail Carrier 199 A Fast Mail 1876 199 A Twentieth Century Flyer, . . . . , . 1 99 John Jay, 200 How Washington Signed his Name at Various Ages, . . . . .201 Alexander Hamilton, 202 A Primitive Cotton-gin, 2O 4 Whitney s First Cotton-gin, 35 xxiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS John Adams, ........... 209 School-house where Thomas Jefferson Received his Early Education, . 214 Monticello, the Home of Jefferson, . . . . . . . 21$ Thomas Jefferson, . . . . . . . . . . 216 A Pack-horse, 217 A Hand Corn-mill, 217 A Sweep-mill, 218 Breaking Flax, 218 An Ohio River Flatboat, 219 Early Settlers Crossing the Plains facing pagl 220 Lewis s First Glimpse of the Rockies, facing pagl 222 James Madison, ............ 228 American Seamen Boarding the Frolic, .... facing pagi 232 Old State House, where the Hartford Convention Met, .... 237 James Monroe, ......... 24 1 Henry Clay, " The Great Peacemaker," 244 John Quincy Adams, the Anti-slavery Statesman, 246 Andrew Jackson, .... . ... ... 2^1 John C. Calhoun, the Defender of Slavery and State Rights, . . .253 Daniel Webster, 255 The Boston & Worcester Railroad in 1835, 257 The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 1830-35, 258 A Mohawk & Hudson Car of 1831, 260 A Railway Coach of 1830, 261 Martin Van Buren, 262 William Henry Harrison 268 John Tyler, 269 Facsimile of the Heading of Garrison s Paper, ...... 272 James K. Polk, 275 The Storming of Chapultepec, . . .276 Sutler s Mill, where Gold was first found in California, . . . 27* Zachary Taylor, 2 8<? Modes of travel in the West. An Old Stage Coach and Prairie Schooner, . 282 Millard Fillmore, 283 Fugitive Slave Advertisements, 284 Harriet Beecher Stowe, -285 Franklin Pierce, . . 286 Charles Sumner, 289 Old Plantation Days, .292 James Buchanan, 2 94 Last Moments of John Brown, 2 9 6 Abraham Lincoln, 3 Lincoln s Birthplace, . 3 O1 Jefferson Davis, 33 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxv PAGE Interior of Fort Sumter after the Bombardment in 1863, . . . 306 Long Bridge Across the Potomac at Washington, D. C., , . , 308 George B. McClellan, .......... 309 Deck of the Monitor, . . . . . . . . . . .312 The Battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac, . . facing page 314 Parapet at Fortress Monroe, . . . . . . . . .316 Grant s " Unconditional Surrender " Letter, . . . . . . 317 A Mortar Battery in front of Yorktown, . . . . . . .321 A Federal Battery in the Field, . . . . . . . . .323 Robert E. Lee, ............ 324 Fugitive Negroes Fording the Rappahannock, ...... 326 Thomas J. (" Stonewall ") Jackson, ........ 327 George G. Meade, ........... 329 The First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation, . . . . 331 A Federal Cavalry Camp Winter Quarters ...... 332 George H. Thomas, " the Rock of Chickamauga," 333 General Grant and Staff on Point Lookout, 1863, ..... 334 General U. S. Grant, 337 Building a Pontoon Bridge, 338 Philip H. Sheridan, ... ...... . . 339 Destroying a Railroad at Atlanta, Ga., ....... 340 William T. Sherman, ........... 34! David Glasgow Farragut, .......... 343 Farragut in Mobile Bay, ....... facing page 344 A Council of War at Massaponax Church, 347 The Surrender of Lee to Grant at Appomattox, . . . facing page 348 A Sanitary Commission Lodge near Alexandria, Va., .... 351 Andrew Johnson, ........... 357 A Ku-klux " Warning " in Mississippi, ....... 362 Rutherford B. Hayes, 366 Eads Bridge over the Mississippi at St. Louis, ...... 367 A Cotton Press Yard, New Orleans, 368 A Sugar Plantation, 369 State Buildings, Atlanta, Ga., 370 Bennett Avenue, Cripple Creek, Colorado, . . . . . . 374 A Cripple Creek Mine, 375 A Reaper, 376 A Thresher, 377 Indian Warfare in the West facing page 378 Artesian Well System, Riverside, Cal. An Aerator in foreground, . -379 An Irrigated Orange Grove, Riverside, Cal., 380 A Midship View of the Great Eastern, showing one of the Paddle Wheels and the Launching Gear, ......... 383 Samuel F. B. Morse s Original Model of the Telegraph Instrument, . . 384 xxvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE R. F. T. Allen s Original Model of the Typewriter, 385 Alexander Graham Bell s Original Model of the Telephone Receiver and Transmitter, 386 Elias Howe s Original Model of the Sewing Machine, ..... 387 Opening Day at the Philadelphia Centennial, 1876, 388 Samuel J. Tilden, 389 James A. Garfield, 390 Supreme Court Room, Capitol, Washington, D. C., . . . . . 391 Chester A. Arthur, . . . . 392 Grover Cleveland, ........... 393 Brooklyn Bridge. One of the largest suspension bridges in the world, . . 394 The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, 396 Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C 398 Hall of the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C., . . . . 399 James G. Elaine, 400 The New Battleship Maine, 401 Benjamin Harrison, ........... 402 At the World s Fair, facing page 402 William McKinley, 44 The Inauguration of William McKinley, ....... 406 The Wreck of Cervera s Flagship Colon, 410 W. S. Schley, 4" George Dewey, 412 Shipping and Docks, Pasig River, Manila, 413 United States Troops Landing at Baiquiri, Cuba, 415 The Palace at Santiago on which the American Flag was raised when the American troops took possession, 416 Theodore Roosevelt, 41 7 W. T. Sampson, 418 Nelson A. Miles, 420 Native Tagalo Children, Malabon, 421 A Crowded Street in a Tenement District, . . . . . - 4 2 5 Transportation in a Large City, showing Elevated Road, Surface Line and Subway, 4 2 6 New Steel Tower Bridge Across the East River, New York, . . . 427 Washington Irving, ........... 4 2 8 James Fenimore Cooper, 4 2 8 W. C. Bryant 429 Nathaniel Hawthorne, 429 Ralph Waldo Emerson 43<> John Greenleaf Whittier, 43 The Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. One of the Bridges and Lagoons, with the Palace of Education, 43 * The Capitol, Washington, D. C., 43 2 LIST OF MAPS PAGE The World as Known in the Time of Columbus, 7 English and Spanish Explorers in America, IO Routes of Narvaez, De Soto, and Ponce de Leon, 17 The United States as it was in 1650, .... between pages 28 and 29 Plymouth and London Grants, 1 606, .... 29 England and Holland, . . 45 New England, 53 Province Ruled over by Sir Edmund Andros, 1688, 59 Colonies between Potomac and Hudson Rivers, . . . . . 71 Routes of Champlain, Marquette, and La Salle also English Possessions, French and Spanish Claims, .... between pages 88 and 89 Quebec and Vicinity, . ........ 100 Results of the French and Indian War, . . . . . .107 Boston and Vicinity, ........... 143 New York and Vicinity, 151 Washington s Retreat across New Jersey, . . . . . .155 Burgoyne s Invasion and Howe s Capture of Philadelphia 161 War in the South and the Northwest Territory, 171 Scene of Arnold s Treason, . . . . . . . . .177 North America at the Close of the Revolution, . between pages 182 and 183 Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Route, 221 War of 1812, between pages 234 and 235 Oregon Country, ......... .270 Area in Dispute at Time of Mexican War, .... facing page 274 The Mexican Cession, Gadsden Purchase, etc., . . . facing page 280 Acquisition of Territory, facing page 294 The First and Second Secession Areas, . . between pages 304 and 305 Campaigns in the West, 1862-63, 318 Virginia Campaigns and McClellan s Route, .... . 320 The Battle of Gettysburg 328 Vicksburg and Vicinity, 330 Chattanooga and Vicinity, .335 Sherman s March to the Sea, 342 Cuba, 414 Porto Rico, 410 The United States in 1900, between pages 420 and 421 Philippine Islands 422 xxvii HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Discovery of Hmerica CHAPTER I DISCOVERY OF AMERICA REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, I.; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Richardson s History of Our Country; Coffin s Old Times in the Colonies; Eggleston s Household History; Bancroft s United States, I.; Andrews s United States, I. OUTSIDE READINGS : Irving s Columbus ; Prescott s Ferdinand and Isa bella; Winsor s Columbus; Fiske s Discovery of America; Towle s Heroes of History (Marco Polo ; also Vasco Da Gama) ; Brooks s The Story of Marco Polo. 1. European Trade with Asia in the Fifteenth Cen tury. For many hundred years there had been more or less trade between the people of Europe and Asia. Silks, spices, and precious stones had been brought by ships and caravans from India, China, and Japan, enriching the cities of southern Europe. Genoa and Venice, especially, had been made rich by this eastern trade, which continued to grow until 1453, when the Turks conquered Constantinople. This was thirty-nine years before Columbus discovered America. At this time European vessels on the Mediter ranean Sea were no longer safe from the attack of these fierce and warlike people. Therefore Europe began to look for another and safer route to the Indies. 2. Aids to Discovery. Three inventions which had re cently come into practical use had made discovery less difficult than it had ever been before, (i) Gunpowder made easier the conquest of uncivilized peoples; (2) the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES A SHIP OF THE NORSEMEN. Remains of a inking sJiip and a sketch showing steering board. mariner s compass encouraged the sailor to venture far out into the sea; (3) and the printing-press spread abroad the knowledge of new-found lands. Men were full of curiosity, and the more they learned the more they wished to know. With this burning desire for knowledge went hand in hand the spirit of adventure. There was a longing to go into distant lands, to perform great deeds, and to bring home gold and jewels. In these far-away lands men thought they should find honor, wealth, and fame. 3. Portugal Leads in Discovering an Eastern Route. PortugaJ is to-day a very unimportant country. At the time when men were trying to find a safe water route to the Indies, she was one of the great powers of the world. She was the leader in many adventures and discoveries reaching through a period of two centuries. Early in the fifteenth century, Portuguese vessels and seamen were slowly and cautiously skirting the coast of Africa, and alter seventy years of brave struggle they found the Cape of Good Hope. 1 Portugal had at this time many vessels and 1 Diaz reached the southern point of Africa in 1487 and called it the Cape of Storms. It was afterward significantly named the Cape of Good Hope. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. From a portrait by A ntonio Van Moor painted in 1342. By permission of Charles F. Gunther. seamen, and was the first country to find a new route to the Indies. 4. Plans of Columbus. In the meantime Christopher Columbus, in common with some learned men of his time, had decided that the eastern coast of Asia could be reached by sailing westward across the Atlantic. Columbus thought, also, that Asia was no farther from Europe on the west than we now know America to be. He thought the East Indies were directly west from the Canary Islands. This being so, the easiest way of reaching China, India, and Japan would be to sail down to the Canaries, and from them straight across the Atlantic in a westerly direction. To us, with our knowledge, all this seems simple and nat ural enough, but it was not so then. Men knew little of the world outside of their own country. Sailors were afraid to venture upon the trackless ocean, or Sea of Darkness, as HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Difficulties of Columbus. they called the Atlantic, where death seemed likely to meet them. Moreover, practical difficulties stood in the way. Such an enterprise would require the equip ment of vessels at much expense. Money and influence were essential. Columbus had neither, but he was eager to fit out an expedition. He went with his plans to his native city, Genoa, and then to Portugal and Spain. He sent his brother to Eng land and to France. Then he went to Spain again. He was nowhere successful. Some thought he was an idle dream er, and others that he was a madman. But he never de spaired, because he had faith in himself and believed also that his work was under the special direction of God. 5. First Voyage of Co lumbus (1492). Finally, after seven years of anxious wait ing, the brave Columbus found success. Isabella, Queen of Spain, agreed to aid him in carrying out his plans. Still there were difficulties. Sail ors were unwilling to go on the dangerous voyage, but were compelled to yield to the mandate of the king. Three small vessels, only one of which had a deck, were fitted out. The largest of these, the Santa Maria, was com manded by Columbus. The others were the Nina and the Pinta. Before sunrise, August 3, 1492, this little fleet, with one hundred and twenty men and provisions for a year, sailed out of the port of Palos. It was a sad hour for the poor sailors. Columbus steered for the Canaries, where he stopped over three weeks to make a rudder for one of his Columbus sets vessels. He then set sail again. As soon as ail - they could no longer see land, the sailors were overcome with fear and cried like children. At the end ot a week the compass needle did not point to the North THE PINTA. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Star. Failing to understand the reason for this, the sailors were struck with terror. Three days later the vessels en tered wide stretches of sea-weed. It was then feared that the vessels might strike upon hidden rocks and be dashed to pieces. But they passed on in safety. Soon afterward the sailors were gladdened by the sight of birds, which they thought indicated that land was near. It was an idle hope, for no land appeared. Again and again the cry " Land " was shouted, but in every case the cry was called forth by the sight of distant clouds. The sailors in The poor sailors were in despair. They were despair, now in the belt of the trade-winds, which were steadily and certainly blowing them farther and farther from home and friends. " We can never re turn to Spain," they said. "What shall we do?" They begged Columbus to turn back. He refused. They be came angry and talked of throwing him overboard. He knew he was in danger and tried hard to quiet their fears and to give them hope. It was then that his great influ ence over men was shown. His tall and manly figure gave him a commanding pres ence, but his greatest strength in these trying days lay in his noble soul and his lofty purpose. His courage never failed him. Sometimes he heartened the sailors with promises of wealth and fame, and again, as occasion demanded, he threatened them with punishment from the Spanish king. At last, after a voyage of ten weeks, land was discovered October I2, 1 1492. In a full suit of armor and bearing the 1 October 21 by the present method of reckoning time. THE SANTA MARIA. 6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES flag- of Spain, Columbus landed. With tears of joy he knelt upon the ground and offered thanks to God. Then, Land discovered P^ ant i n g tne royal banner, he took possession of the land in the name of the king and queen of Spain. He had discovered one of the Bahama Islands which he called San Salvador (Holy Saviour). He coasted along the shores of Cuba and Hayti, touched the coast here and there, and sent reconnoitring- parties inland to exam ine the land. He did not find the cities of Asia as he had expected, but he had no doubt that he was in the East In dies, and therefore called the natives Indians. 6. Other Voyages of Columbus. When Columbus re turned to Spain with the news of his discovery, the people were enthusiastic with delight. The idle dreamer became suddenly great and famous, and honors were heaped upon him from every side. It was easy enough to find sailors and vessels for a second voyage, which was made in the following year, 1493. Men were now eager to go where they expected to get all kinds of wealth. Four voyages were made in all, but when the adventurers reached the land of their hopes, and found no silks, no spices, no pre cious stones, no gold, they reproached Columbus. The Court of Spain, also, finding no return for the great ex pense of fitting out these expeditions, censured him. His Last days of enemies increased, and his last days were spent Columbus. j n disappointment and neglect. Heart-broken, he died ignorant of the greatness of his own discovery. 7. John Cabot Discovers the Mainland of North Amer ica (1497). I n consequence of the discoveries by Colum- The "Line of De- bus * n ^ ne West and of those by Portuguese marcation " di- captains in the East, it was feared there might poe 8 si h on. h ^ then be trouble between Spain and Portugal over Spain and Portu- the new-found lands. To keep the peace, gal< therefore, between these two great Catholic countries, a treaty was signed in 1494, dividing between them the heathen lands that had been, or should be, discov ered. " The Line of Demarcation," extending north and south three hundred and seventy leagues west of the Cape i ||| iii * >0 ell e, 3 W 1^ IP ft | ^ ** 8 jii o|gl ;..-.... ..... wlj 1 I- t ; :> : ., i_JJL \ \ P]|i 3| J ic "o io 8 S "S 8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Verde Islands, ran between Spain s possessions on the West and those of Portugal on the East. The powerful navies of these two countries were sufficient to make good their claims against England or any other nation. But Eng land was determined to have some share in the discoveries that were stirring the hearts of men. Hence, in 1497, Henry VII. sent out John Cabot, accompanied possibly by his son Sebastian, to find a short northwest passage to Asia. By sailing across the northern part of the Atlantic, England avoided difficulties likely to arise from coming in contact with Spanish or Portuguese discoverers far ther south. John Cabot landed Voyages of the somewhere on the cabots. eastern coast of North America, possibly on the coast of Labrador. He was therefore the first to discover the mainland of the Continent SEBASTIAN CABOT. of North America, and he claimed it in the name of Eng land. The next year Sebastian Cabot sailed from England and explored the coast of North America from Nova Scotia down as far as North Carolina or farther. Upon these discoveries England based her claim to North America. 8. Americus Vespucius and the Naming of America (1499-1503). Americus Vespucius, a native of Florence and a navigator, was first employed by Spain and later by Portugal, to make explorations. In 1499 he skirted the coast of Venezuela and northeastern South America. During the next four years he made several voyages to Brazil, and explored its coast as far south as the mouth of the La Plata River. On returning to Europe he wrote a good description of what he had seen. This was pub lished in 1504, and constituted the first printed account of the mainland of the New World. Up to that time Europe, Asia and Africa were known as the three parts of the DISCOVERY OF AMERICA world, and one distinguished geographer believed there was an unknown southern continent which constituted the fourth part. It now seemed clear that Americus Vespu- cius had proved the existence of the fourth part. In con sequence of this belief a German professor, New world who printed a little treatise on geography a called Amer|ca - few years later, suggested that the fourth part should be called America, after Americus Vespucius. According to this suggestion the name Amer ica was at first applied to Brazil, later to South America, and later still to the whole of the New World. 9. Magellan Proves America to be a Continent (1519-1521). What America and the New World meant was as yet by no means clear. By some, America was supposed to be an immense island, like Australia ; by others, a peninsula extending in a south easterly direction from Asia. In 1519 Magellan, a Portuguese captain in command of a Spanish AMERICUS VESPUCIUS. fleet, started on a voyage whose From statue b y G. Grazzini in the uffizi . . A i Gallery, Florence, Italy. object was to reach Asia by way of a passage through America. After coasting down much of the eastern shore of South America, he discovered and sailed through the strait now bearing his wonderful voy- name. Mutiny, starvation, and other hard- age of nageiian. ships that would have driven back a less heroic man were bravely endured. He sailed for some distance up the west ern side of South America, and then steered his way across the Pacific. He was killed by the natives in the Philippine Islands, but a part of his men succeeded in finding their way back to Spain. This was the most wonderful voyage that had ever been made, because it proved that the earth was a globe, and that America was a distinct continent. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA II TO THE PUPIL. z. Trace on the map the Eastern trade routes in the fifteenth century. In what way did printing aid discovery ? What advantage did the control of the water route to India give to Portugal ? 2. Imagine yourself to be Columbus and write an account, in the first person, of your plans, your difficulties, and your first voyage. Trace this voyage on the map. What do you admire in the character of Columbus ? 3. How did America receive its name ? Was this fair to Columbus ? Give reasons for your answer. 4. What was the distinctive work of Columbus ? Of Americus Ves- pucius ? Of Magellan ? 5. Read in Fiske s Discovery of America the account of Magellan s wonderful voyage. NOTES Lief Ericsson and the Northmen. The old inhabitants of Norway were called Northmen or Norsemen. These people were bold and hardy sail ors, and in the ninth and tenth centuries were famous sea-robbers. In order to find new fields for plunder and adventure they sought strange coasts. On one of these expeditions they reached Iceland and on another Greenland. In each of these islands they made settlements. The brave deeds of these old warriors are preserved in the so-called " Sagas," which were written in Icelandic prose. For a long time these Sagas were trans mitted orally, but finally they were committed to writing. Three of the Sagas tell us of the daring adventures of Lief Ericsson in his wanderings in the year 1000 A.D. along the eastern coast of North America. As the story goes, Lief Ericsson, with a crew of thirty-five men, started out in search of a land which had been visited by another Northman. Sailing west, Lief touched upon the coast of Labrador and thence, proceeding south, he landed, built huts, and spent the winter near the coast. Finding vines hung with grapes, he called the country Vinland. Some historians have supposed that Lief Ericsson s Vinland was somewhere on the coast of Massachusetts, but the weight of authority is in favor of Cape Breton Island or Nova Scotia. Other Northmen visited Vinland but they made no per manent settlements. Nothing reliable can be found out about these early expeditions, and nothing of importance ever came of them. 12 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES CHRONOLOGY 870 ICELAND DISCOVERED BY NADDOD, THE NORTHMAN. 1000. LEIF, SON OF ERIC THE RED, DISCOVERS AMERICA. 1450. INVENTION OF PRINTING, ABOUT THIS DATE. 1453. THE TURKS CAPTURE CONSTANTINOPLE. 1492. FIRST VOYAGE OF COLUMBUS ; DISCOVERY OF WEST INDIES. 1497. JOHN CABOT DISCOVERS NORTH AMERICA. 1498. THIRD VOYAGE OF COLUMBUS ; HE DISCOVERS THE CONTINENT OF SOUTH AMERICA. VOYAGE OF SEBASTIAN CABOT. 1499. FIRST VOYAGE OF AMERICUS VESPUCIUS. 1504. AMERICUS VESPUCIUS S NARRATIVE PUBLISHED. 1507. AMERICA NAMED. 1513. DISCOVERY OF FLORIDA BY JUAN PONCE DE LEON. PACIFIC OCEAN DISCOVERED BY VASCO NUNEZ DE BALBOA. 1519-21. CORTEZ CONQUERS MEXICO. 1519-21. A SHIP OF MAGELLAN S EXPEDITION SAILS AROUND THE WORLD. jEyploratkm ant> Colonisation CHAPTER II SPAIN IN THE NEW WORLD REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, I.; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Richardson s History of Our Country; Bancroft s United States,,!.; Higginson s American Explorers; Morris s Half Hours with American History, I.; Andrews s United States, I. OUTSIDE READINGS: Prescott s Conquest of Mexico; Prescott s Con quest of Peru; Fiske s Discovery of America; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, II.; Higginson s American Explorers; Parkman s Pioneers of France in the New World (Huguenots). FICTION: Henty s By Right of Conquest; Wallace s The Fair God; Munroe s Flamingo Feather; Munroe s The White Conqueror. 10. Precious Metals the Main Object of Spaniards. Spain is to-day a third-rate power, t but in the early part of the sixteenth century she was the greatest power in Eu rope. She had a mighty navy, manned by daring and patriotic seamen, and she was ambitious to extend her sway over much of the heathen world. The marvellous stories of the treasures to be found in the New World dazzled the imagination of the Span iards. Believing that gold and silver made the only true wealth, they were willing to undergo almost any suffering to secure them. 11. De Leon Discovers Florida (1513). Among these fortune-hunters was an old 13 CORTEZ. An early Spanish explorer. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OLD SPANISH MISSION, NEW MEXICO, BUILT 1604. man, Ponce de Leon, who had been governor of the island of Porto Rico. He had heard the natives tell stories of rich gold mines, and of a wonderful fountain in the land of the North, the drinking of whose waters would restore youth and vigor to old age. De Leon conducted an expedition northward by which he hoped to secure for him self wealth and young manhood. The gold and the fountain he did not find, but he discovered something of much greater value to Spain, a beautiful land covered with flowers. This he named Florida (1513). A few years later De Leon returned to Flor ida with the purpose of planting a colony, but he was killed by an un friendly Indian. SPANISH GATEWAY, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. 12. De SotO ExplOFCS Florida and Discovers the Mississippi (1539-1541). The failure of De Leon and Narvaez did not prevent other Spaniards from making sim- SPAIN IN THE NEW WORLD ilar attempts. In 1539 De Soto, with about six hundred men, two hundred horses, and bloodhounds to hunt the Indians, landed on the west coast of Florida in search of the new kingdom of gold. The Indians did not fear the bloodhounds more than they hated the Span iards, whom they fiercely op posed. Northward and west ward the Spaniards wandered in their fruitless search for gold mines. They found, instead, " fig-hting, fever, and famine." One great, unlooked-for discov ery it was their fortune to make. That was the discovery of the Mississippi River. They jour neyed many miles beyond it but soon returned, and at last, after two years of hopeless wan dering, De Soto, worn out and sick at heart, died and was bur ied in the great river which he had discovered (1541). His sur viving companions sailed down the Mississippi and found shel ter in the Spanish settlement of Mexico. 1 De Soto, like De Leon, failed ;. nor were any Spanish explorations in the country north of Mexico successful. 13. The Spaniards Drive the Huguenots out of Florida. (1562-1565). For more than twenty years after De Soto s failure the Spaniards made no further efforts in Florida. In the meantime a bitter religious war broke out in France between the Catholics and the Huguenots. 2 Coligny, the distinguished leader of the Huguenots, desired to establish 1 Cortez had conquered Mexico and established Spanish colonies there (1519- 1521). Pizarro had conquered Peru (1531-1533). * French Protestants. BALBOA. An early Spanish explorer. i6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES a commonwealth of his own religious sect in America, Accordingly he sent over in 1562 a small number of settlers Huguenot set- who tried to plant a colony where Port Royal, tiements. South Carolina, now stands. The colony having failed, another expedition under good leadership was sent out in 1564. This time the French planted a fort not far from the mouth of the St. John s River, Florida. But for several reasons Spain laid claim to Florida: (i) By right of discovery through Colum bus; (2) by the explorations of De Why Spain laid Leon and De Soto; and claim to Florida. (3) by t h e Pope s de- cree, which assigned that part of the heathen world to Spain. The king of Spain, therefore, was indignant that the French should make any settlement there, and at once decided to send out a force to destroy the insolent intruders. This Spanish force was under the command of Menendez, who in 1565 landed in Florida and built a stronghold which later became St. Augustine. Then he marched across the country, and by surprise and treachery succeeded in destroying all but a miserable remnant of the The Spaniards de- unfortunate Frenchmen who had established no7Uement U i e n the settlement. It was a cruel work, thor- Fiorida. oughly done. 1 The French learned a lesson from their unpleasant experience with the Spaniards at this time, and made no further attempt to plant colonies in the southern part of what is now the United States. 14. Advantages of Spain in the New World. The ad vantages of Spain in the New World were many, two of which we will notice. In the tropical regions of Mexico, 1 Although at this time France and Spain were at peace, the French did nothing to resent this wrong. A French captain, Dominic de Gourgues, however, deter mined upon revenge in the name ot his country. Having a private grudge against the Spaniards, who had imprisoned him and made him work in the galleys, he fitted FERNANDO DE SOTO. SPAIN IN THE NEW WORLD South America, and the West Indies, the Indians lived in a warm climate, supported themselves by a rude tillage of the soil, and could be easily enslaved. In this respect Spain had a decided advantage over the nations colonizing in the North, where the Indians had been made hardy and brave by exposure to rougher climate and almost continu ous inter-tribal warfare. These Indians were dangerous ROUTES OF S ARTAEZ, DE SOTO .AND PONCE DE LEON with Huguenot Settlements and Raleigh s Colonies 50 100 200 300 Scale of.Miles. enemies to the white settlers. And surpassing all other advantages was the possession of the Gulf of Mexico and the mouth of the Mississippi River. 15. Reasons for Spanish Failure. But in spite of these advantages the Spaniards failed, and they failed because out at his own expense an expedition to Florida. Until the proper time he con cealed his real purpose. Then he sailed straight to Florida, and with the aid of the Indians surprised the Spanish forts on the St. John s River and put to the sword nearly all the Spanish soldiers. As his force was too small to attack St. Augustine he returned to France, leaving Spain in control of Florida. l8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES their conceptions and aims were wrong. Their greatest desire was for gold and silver, conquest, and adventure. They did not understand that the soil must first be con quered, and that in order to develop agriculture, trade, and commerce, a life of patient toil was necessary. As they wished to get rich without work, the gold and silver which they found made them poor because it took away habits of industry. In North America Spanish colonization was a total failure. TO THE PUPIL 1. There are some dates which you should know as well as the alphabet. One of these is 1492. Just about fifty years later De Soto, the last Spanish explorer of note, discovered the Mississippi River. 2. 1492-1541. Memorize these dates and remember that Balboa, De Leon, Cortez, Pizarro, and the other Spanish explorers did their work at some time within these fifty years. Just when, it is not im portant to know. 3. Why did Spain lay claim to Florida ? What advantages did Spain have ? Why did Spanish colonization fail in North America ? You may well notice the fact that in the struggle among European coun tries for colonizing North America, Spain practically dropped out of the race after establishing St. Augustine. 4. To develop accuracy, frequently write for five minutes on such topics as the following: De Soto s expedition, the Huguenots in Florida. Use your map constantly. 5. Read Munroe s Flamingo -Feather. NOTES Balboa Discovers the Pacific (1513). Balboa, a Spaniard in command of a company of men at Darien, made his way across the Isthmus of Pan ama (then known as the Isthmus of Darien) and discovered the Pacific Ocean. He took possession of the sea in the name of his king. Cortez Conquers Mexico (1519-1521). In 1519 Hernando Cortez began the conquest of Mexico. Although his army numbered less than five hundred Spaniards, he burned his fleet behind him at Vera Cruz and boldly set forth against the powerful Mexican ruler, Montezuma. Under an ordi nary leader the Spaniards must have been destroyed, but Cortez, with rare courage and foresight, led them on to victory. Before the close of 1521 Mexico had become a Spanish province. SPAIN IN THE NEW WORLD IQ Narvaez Explores Florida (1528). As the greedy Spaniards now had fresh hopes of finding gold and silver in the new country, Narvaez fitted out an expedition that landed on the western coast of Florida (1528.) After passing through the severest hardships, he and many of his men were drowned. His secretary, Cabeza de Vaca, and three companions fell into the hands of the Indians. Passing through many thrilling experiences, they wandered during eight years over two thousand miles of territory and finally joined, on the Gulf of California, a body of Spaniards from Mexico. Pizarro Conquers Peru (1531-1533). In 1531 Pizarro sailed from Panama, with the purpose of conquering Peru for Spain. By bravery, cruelty, and treachery, he succeeded in carrying out his plan (1533). Peru, like Mexico, yielded to Spain vast quantities of gold and silver, which greatly aided her in carrying on her European wars. CHAPTER III ENGLAND IN THE NEW WORLD REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, II. ; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Richardson s History of Our Country; Morris s Half Hours with American History, I.; Eggleston s House hold History; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, III.; Andrews s United States, I. OUTSIDE READINGS : Towle s Heroes of History (Drake and Raleigh) ; Higginson s United States ; Montgomery s English History ; Camden s His tory of Queen Elizabeth ; Creasy s Fifteen Decisive Battles. FICTION: Scott s Kenilworth; Kingsley s Westward Ho!; Henty s Under Drake s Flag. 16. Relations Between Spam and England. England s claim to North America was based upon the discoveries of the Cabots, who reached the mainland shortly after Colum bus made his first landing- on the West Indies. But Spain was the leading naval power in Europe. She controlled the Netherlands, and her mighty fleets sailed far and wide over the seas. England was not then the power she is now, and she was not strong enough to pre vent Spain from carrying out her plans in America. So Eng lish explorers did not venture into that part of America to which Spain laid claim. Their QUEEN ELIZABETH. efforts were directed chiefly to [20 ENGLAND IN THE NEW WORLD 21 discovering a northwest passage to Asia, since they re garded America as only a barrier between Europe and Asia. During the latter part of the sixteenth century, however, conditions changed. In 1567 the Netherlands revolted against the rule of Spain, and for forty years carried on war with that country. In this war, which was partly re ligious, England was on the side of the Netherlands. Thus Spain had to contend with two countries at once, and found the great struggle a constant drain upon her strength. During these forty years of warring Spain re ceived blows from which she never recovered. The " Invincible Ar mada," her mighty Defeat of the fleet Of War vessels, 1 Spanish Armada, met with crushing defeat at the hands of English seamen (1588), From that date England s naval power was on the in SIR WALTER RALEIGH AND AUTOGRAPH. crease. 17. English Sea- rovers and Explorers. After 1570 the English did not confine them selves to the northern ocean but explored in waters that Spain claimed as hers alone. English ships, manned by fearless sea-captains ready to do and dare anything tor old England and their queen, began to sail in every direction. As soon as it became clear that for carrying on her wars Spain depended largely on the gold and silver 2 coming from the mines of Mexico and Peru, there was a fresh 1 The Invincible Armada consisted of 130 warships carrying 2,500 cannon and about 30,000 men. Philip II. /the Spanish king, expected to humble England with this fleet. 3 It has been estimated that the gold and silver Spain got from America would be now valued at five thousand million dollars. 22 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SPANISH ARMADA. motive for English voyages to the New World. To cut off the supply of these metals bold sea-captains like Drake and Hawkins scoured the sea in search of Spanish vessels. They cruised about the coasts, burning and plundering Spanish fleets and settlements, and thus did very great injury to Spain and her colonies in South America and Mexico. 18. Sir Walter Raleigh s 1 Attempt to Colonize Amer ica (1584-1587). In 1578, ten years before the Invincible Ar- 1 Sir Walter Raleigh, born in 1562, was in his own time rightly called the " Great Englishman," for he ranked high as historian, navigator, soldier, and statesman. In 1579, when only seventeen years old, he fought on the side of the Huguenots in the religious wars in France. He is said to have won the admiration of Queen Elizabeth by a simple act of. gallantry. Meeting her one day as she was walking across a muddy street, he spread his cloak in her pathway for her to walk upon. From that time the queen took him into her court as a favorite. So en tirely did he win her favor that she made him a knight. In 1588 Raleigh commanded one of the vessels in the English fleet that de feated the " Spanish Armada." Later he was thrown into the Tower of London on an unproved charge of treason. After remaining* twelve years in the Tower he was beheaded (1618). Just as he was about to lay his head upon the block he felt the keen edge of the axe and said, "This is a sharp medicine, but a sound cure for all diseases." ENGLAND IN THE NEW WORLD mada sailed for England, a scheme was laid to plant on the coast of America an English settlement, or military post, from which attacks might be made upon sir Humphrey Spanish fleets. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, the Gilbert s scheme. author of the scheme, failed, but the idea of making a settle ment in America had found a lodging-place in the English mind. A little later Sir Walter Raleigh determined upon an other effort. He saw that America s greatest wealth did not consist in gold and silver, but in the opportunities it offered for the growth of a great people. He earnestly desired to plant an English commonwealth in Amer ica, and he had the honor of making the first English settlement. After obtaining a patent from the queen, he Rale|gh sends an Sent OUt in 1584 two Vessels exploring party to make explorations. The toVir 2 inia - explorers returned with glowing ac counts of the new land and its people, and Queen Elizabeth was so delighted with the reports of the new country that she called it Virginia in honor of herself, the " Virgin Queen." In 1585 Raleigh sent out one hundred colonists, who landed on Roanoke Island, bright with hope. As soon as the ships sailed back to England the unfitness of the colonists for their new trials became apparent. Like all who had come before them they failed because of their thirst for gold. Instead of building homes Raleigh sfirstcoi- and trying to cultivate the soil, they gave ony fails. themselves up to searching for gold and silver. Moreover, they showed so little wisdom in dealing with the Indians that the latter became bitter enemies, eager to destroy the white strangers. The natural result of the experiment was failure. Fortunately for them Drake, who was returning from one of his cruising expeditions, happened along and PHILIPPE II., KING OF SPAIIS 1527-1598. 24 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES carried the colonists back to England. The expedition was not wholly fruitless, however, for they took back to England on their return two products which were evidence AN INDIAN VILLAGE AT ROANOKE. From an old print. of the real wealth and promise of the new country. These products were tobacco and the common potato. Raleigh did not lose hope. Two years later he made a second attempt. He sent out a much larger number of settlers, among whom were women and children. The new ENGLAND IN THE NEW WORLD ENGLISH EXPLORERS BARTERING WITH INDIANS FOR LAND. settlement was made at Roanoke under the leadership of Governor White. He was soon compelled to return to England for supplies, where he found all the Raleigh s second people astir in preparation for the attack colony fails, about to be made by the Spanish Armada. As every man was needed to fight the coming enemy, three years passed before Governor White sailed again for Roanoke. Not one of the colonists was ever found. Raleigh sent out several expeditions in search of the lost colony, but finally gave up hope of finding it or of plant ing another. He had spent what was equiv- Raleigh s lost alent to more than a million dollars of our colony, present money. Although nothing remained to be seen in return for this vast expenditure, of money, Raleigh s work was not a failure, for his efforts had suggested to England that the real wealth of America lay in the opportunity it afforded for planting colonies which in time would become the foundation of a new English nation. 19. England s Need of America. There was special need at this time for such an opportunity to relieve the crowded industrial conditions at home. The great demand for wool by Flemish weavers made wool-growing very 26 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES profitable in England. Therefore, English landowners en gaged largely in raising sheep instead of cultivating the Large numbers of so ^- The result was that but one man was men thrown out of now required to watch sheep where formerly England. barley. Large numbers of men were thrown out of work, and there was great distress among the laboring classes. The closing of the monasteries by Henry VIII., a few decades earlier, had had a similar effect, and the return of soldiers from European wars increased the difficulty. What to do with this large body of the unemployed was a trying problem. America seemed to furnish a solution, and to America men eagerly turned for help in the hour of Eng land s need. TO THE PUPIL 1. As the defeat of the " Invincible Armada " by England is a great landmark in history, 1588 is another date you should know with certainty. You will notice that this defeat, which had a large influ ence upon colonization in America, occurred about one hundred years after 1492. You will notice, also, that Raleigh s attempts to plant colonies took place only a short time before 1588, 2. If you will learn important dates like 1492 and 1588 and group about them others of less importance, you will remember your history much better. 3. Why can you say that Raleigh s work in America was not a failure ? Make a chart outline of the most important events for the first hun dred years after the discovery of America by Columbus, 4. You can easily make a review outline from the topics in the three chapters now studied. Do it It would be well for you to read the life of Sir Walter Raleigh and also Scott s Kenilworth. NOTES Sir Francis Drake (1577). Sir Francis Drake was one of EnglancTs famous navigators and admirals. In 1577 he set sail from England with five vessels; in 1580 he returned with but one. In the meantime he had doubled the Cape of Good Hope, as Magellan s men had done sixty years before, and sailed entirely around the world. He was the first English sea- captain to accomplish this great undertaking. Bartholomew Gosnold (1602). In 1602, the same year In which Ra leigh sent out his final exoedition in search of the lost colony at Roanoke- ENGLAND IN THE NEW WORLD 27 Bartholomew Gosnold set sail from England. He had with him twenty- three men, eleven of whom were to remain in Amerrca to make a settle ment. Reaching the coast of Massachusetts, he sailed around Cape Cod, which he so named on account of the abundance of cod fish near its coast. Then steering his course southward, he entered Buzzard s Bay and landed on an island which he called Elizabeth, in honor of the Queen of England. On his return homeward the eleven men, who were expected to remain and make a settlement, insisted upon returning with him. But Gosnold s inter est in America bore fruit, for it kept alive the interests of other Englishmen in colonizing the New World. QUEEN ELIZABETH S SIGNATURE. CHAPTER IV THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND (1607-1689) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, III.; Wright s Children s Stories in American History ; Drake s Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies; Richardson s History of Our Country; Coffin s Old Times in the Colonies; Cooke s Stories of the Old Dominion; Andrews s United States, I. OUTSIDE READINGS: Fiske s Old Virginia and Her Neighbors; Fisher s Colonial Era; Eggleston s Pocahontas and Powhatan; Bancroft s United States, I.; Eggleston s The Beginners of a Nation; Doyle s English Colonies; Lodge s Short History of the English Colonies in America; Thwaites s The Colonies; Cooke s Virginia; Browne s Maryland? Wilson s A History of the American People, I. FICTION: Johnston s Prisoners of Hope; Johnston s To Have and to Hold. 20. London and Plymouth Companies. Raleigh as signed his interests to a number of merchants and capital ists, who received a charter from King James in 1606 and formed two companies for the purpose of colonizing Amer- -^ ** ica. One of these companies was rt ~* *^/ located in London, and was called X lf(JlfWlft$@* the London Company. The other ( I was located in Plymouth, and was * *^ called the Plymouth Company. 1 SIGNATURE OF JAMES I. , r ,111 The former was to occupy the land between 34 degrees and 38 degrees north latitude, extending from Cape Fear to the mouth of the Potomac River; the latter, between 41 degrees and 45 degrees, extending from the mouth of the Hudson River to New Brunswick. By a 1 The Plymouth Company sent out to the Kennebec the following year a settle ment which proved a failure. No further attempt was made by this company. 28 Hap of the present Area of the UNITED STATES, AS IT WAS IN 165O, /Showing For<wt,Pla!n and Prairie Regions, and Indian Tribes East of the Hissktippi. The Orten represents the Forests, the more wooded portion! being darker in colon "U5 JL-. - 100 2QO 8QO 4(M) Scale of Miles. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 29 charter granted in 1609, the Pacific Ocean was made the western boundary of Virginia. The area lying between these two belts, 38 degrees to 41 degrees, might be occu pied by either company provided it came no nearer than one hundred miles to a settlement made by the other. The most notable provision of the charter was that the colonists, as citizens in America, should have the same rights and privileges as belonged to citizens of England. It will be well to bear this great principle of the charter in mind when we study later the causes of the American Revolution. Thecharterand In addition tO the common store- the charter, house - the emigrants received from King James and the London Company strict or ders about what should be done in Virginia. One of these orders was very un wise and almost ruined the colony. It was as follows : for five years after settle ment no one was to have any land of his own ; all were to work together and put the products of their labor into a common store house, out of which pro vision was to be made for clothing and feeding the colonists. 21. Settlement of Jamestown (1607.) On New Year s day, 1607, the first colony, consisting of one hundred and five men, set sail from London. About half of these men were gentlemen, whose aim, like that of previous settlers, was to make their fortunes in the New World and then re turn home. The other half consisted mostly of mechanics and tradesmen. There were no farmers and no women in the new colony, for the colonists did not come to make homes 3////AWM0F~~ PLYMOUTH and LOXDON ^C.Fear GRANTS, 1G06. 9 50 100 200 Scale of Miles. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and settle down to earning their living by patient labor. Their aim was to find gold as the Spaniards had done in Peru and Mexico. Such men were not the right material to make a successful colony, as soon appeared after they had reached Virginia. In May they sailed up the James River and made a settlement. This they called Jamestown, in honor of King James, from whom they received their charter. Being for the most part a lazy, shiftless set, they did very little to prepare for the future. They were so slow that by the time they were settled it was too late for the The settlers and spring planting. their sufferings. S oon tne ir prOVl - sions began to fail, and famine, along with the fever which seized them in the warm climate, rapidly thinned their ranks. Sometimes there were hardly enough well persons to bury the dead. In about four months half their num ber had died, and the rest were discouraged. During these weary months of suffering some of the settlers lived in miserable dwell ings made of boughs of trees or old sails, and some dug holes in the ground for shelter. 22. The Services of Smith. But for one courageous man, John Smith, they would probably have perished. He so managed the Indians as to secure food enough to pre serve the lives of the wretched colonists. Two years later more colonists joined them, but the new-comers were as un fit as those who came first. During this time John Smith not only kept the colony from ruin but found opportunity to do some valuable exploring. While on one of these ex peditions he sailed, in search of the Pacific, up the Chick- ahominy River, 1 where he was captured by the Indians and 1 North America at this time was supposed to be a narrow strip of land. RUINS OF OLD CHURCH AT JAMESTOWN. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND the Suffering Colo- of famine and taken before their chief, Powhatan. Smith tells a thrilling story 1 of the saving- of his life by Powhatan s young daugh ter, Pocahontas. However much truth there may be in the romantic incident, Pocahontas herself is an attractive character, and her relation to the colonists is full of in terest. 2 23. Smith Returns to England nists (1609-1610). After two more years hardships, five hundred additional colonists came over. It was the old story over again. Paupers, crim inals, and otherwise worthless men made up the greater part of this wretched company. About this time the colonists suffered a severe loss, also, for Smith, having been wounded by the accidental dis charge of a gun, was obliged to re turn to England. The colony was thus left without a leader. At once the Indians, whom Smith had man aged with great skill, began to rob CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. 1 As Smith in his efforts to prevent capture had killed two Indian warriors, Powhatan decided that he must be put to death. In the meantime Smith had won the warm friendship of Pocahontas, a kind-hearted girl about ten years old. This little friend saved his life. For the Indians, having bound Smith hand and foot and laid his head upon some stones, were gathered about their captive to see him put to death. Then a warrior raised his club, but before it could fall upon Smith s head, Pocahontas threw her arms about the prisoner s neck and begged her father not to kill him. Powhatan s heart being touched, Smith was released and allowed to return to Jamestown. Although this story has been discredited by some his torians, there is pretty good evidence for its truth. Later, Pocahontas carried food to the starving settlers at Jamestown, and gave Smith warning of an Indian plot to kill him. A young Englishman, John Rolfe, fell in love with Pocahontas and married her. He took her to England, where she was treated with great kindness. Just as she was on the point of returning to America she died, leaving a son who became a man of influence in Virginia. John Randolph, of Roanoke (Va.), was one of her descendants. s According to his own romantic account, John Smith had many thrilling advent ures before he went to Virginia. Running away from his home in England, while 32 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and plunder the settlers, and famine and disease aided the work of destruction. The famine became so severe that The starving the colonists ate the bodies of their own dead. time." Every day the numbers were thinned by death, and at the close of that dreadful winter (1609-1610), long known as " the starving time/ barely sixty of the five hundred were left alive. Lord Delaware, the newly ap pointed governor, came in June, 1610, just in time to pre vent the miserable remnant from sailing away to England. On account of ill-health he could not remain long in the colony, and left Sir Thomas Dale in charge of affairs. 24. Dale s Great Reform : He Establishes Individual Ownership of Land and Goods (1611-1616). Dale was, like Smith, a vigorous and able ruler. He quickly saw that he must be extremely severe in governing the lawless men in the colony. He not only flogged the unruly but in flicted the severest kind of punishment upon those who Dale s severe said anything against his mode of governing. measures. j^ e even went so far as to burn some of the most rebellious, and in one case he sentenced to death by starvation a man who had stolen food. Of course these oppressive measures made Dale unpopular, but a stern ruler was just what was needed to put the colony on a firm footing. Its future soon began to look hopeful. Perhaps Dale s wisest act was the abolition of the sys tem of a common storehouse. This had been one of the Dale abolishes greatest evils of the colony. The settler had the system of the no land of h is own and had to put the prod- common store- 1 . house. ucts of his labor into a common stock which all shared alike. It was a foolish system. The idlers, yet a boy, he went to Holland and became a soldier. From Holland he wandered to other parts of Europe, and in course of time fought against the Turks, three of whom he slew in single combat. After being captured and enslaved by the Turks he made his escape, and in 1604 returned to England, at the age of twenty-five, in time to join the movement for planting a settlement in Virginia. On his return to England in 1609 he sailed to New England and made a map of much of its coast. In addition to an account of his own life, he wrote several books on America. lie was a man of immense courage and energy, and doubtless saved the Jamestown colony from ruin. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 33 knowing they would be fed and clothed whether they worked or not, willingly let the industrious ones support them. As a result, thirty or forty energetic men had been supporting four or five times as many lazy, good-for-noth ing men. Dale s great reform consisted in giving every man his own plot of ground. After the owner had turned into the common stock two and one-half barrels of corn, the remainder of his crop was his own. Under the new law the idle were compelled to work, and the thrifty were en- couraged to produce all they could by their labor. 25. Tobacco the Main Source of Wealth. About the time that this working spirit began to direct the colonists, they found that raising tobacco was immensely profitable. The soil and climate of Virginia specially fitting it for grow- ing tobacco, after 1616 this product was the .principal source of wealth. Now that the colonists could have their own land and could make money by raising tobacco, they were ready to work with a will. Farmers in England were glad to come to Virginia, and the success of the colony was no longer doubtful. 26. The Second Great Reform : Self-government (1619). Up to 1619 the people had little or no voice in their government. This state of things they did not like, for they had been accustomed in England to sending represent atives to their governing body, Parliament. In 1619, there fore, they were granted a new charter, which provided for a representative assembly consisting of two delegates from each of the eleven settlements. As these settlements were called boroughs, the assembly was known as the House of Burgesses. The new government The new gov- consisted of a governor, council, and assem- eminent. bly. This threefold government was modelled after the English form l and furnished later a basis for our own State and national governments. The private ownership of land and the culture of tobacco were two great inducements to 1 The English Government consists of the King, House of Lords, and House of Commons. The Cabinet, and not the King, is the real executive in England. The two Houses constitute what is known as Parliament. 34 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES emigration. Now that the people had a voice in making their own laws and levying their own taxes, Englishmen flocked to Virginia. Within a year after the people began to govern themselves, the population increased from 600 to 4,000. With the coming of women about that time family life found a place in Virginia, and the people became pros perous and contented. 27. Great Need of Labor; Labor Supply. A very different class of men now came to Vir ginia. Men with families and capital were ready to plant homes where returns for labor were so promising. The great need was for laborers, and to supply this need indented servants in large numbers were brought over. At first these were poor boys and girls who were bound to service until they became of age. Then adult servants, required to serve a term of years to pay for their passage, were sent. white servants There were also kidnappers in England sent to Virginia, whose special duty it was to procure men for service in Virginia. But all these sources of labor did not supply Virginia s demand ; for it frequently happened that the indented ser- The first cargo vant, when free, himself became a landowner of negro slaves. anc | required laborers. Naturally, then, the slave-trader sought this inviting market, and in 1619 landed the first cargo of negro slaves in Virginia. At that TOBACCO-PLANT. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 35 time able-bodied negroes could be bought on the coast of Guinea for a few shillings apiece. These negroes were packed so closely for sailing that a vessel would bring hundreds of them over in a single voyage. Reaching Vir ginia they could be sold for about the price of a good horse. The profits were immense both to the slave-trader and the slave-owner. What the tobacco grower needed was an abundance of cheap labor, a need which negro slavery supplied. Tobacco, therefore, was large ly responsible for the introduction of negro slavery into Virginia. 28. Tobacco Es tablishes Rural Life. It was found that tobacco quickly ex hausted the soil. This led to taking up much new land as soon as the old was worn out. Large plantations were the result. Each planter tried to secure a planta tion on one of the many rivers. He could then have his own wharf, where he could ship his tobacco and receive in exchange manu factured goods from England. Under such a system, where each planter held thousands of acres of land, no large town could grow up, and life was wholly rural. A WILD DASH FOR LIFE. An incident of the early slave trade. 36 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 29. Berkeley and the People. In 1660 after the over throw of the commonwealth (see par. 35), Charles II. as cended the throne of England, and Sir William Berkeley for a second time 1 became governor in Virginia. Governor Berkeley cared very little for the rights and wishes of the people. He was trying to rule in America as his despotic king was ruling in England. Hence in 1660 there began, between the people on the one side and the king s party headed by Berkeley on the other, a struggle that grew more and more bitter until it ended in Bacon s Rebellion in 1676. As this rebellion is an event of some importance, we may well notice how it came about. We shall see in the chain of events some of the causes of the American Revolution which occurred one hundred years later. 30. Bacon Leads an Uprising of the People (1676). Charles II., early in his reign, decided to enforce the Naviga- The Navigation tion Laws as a means of increasing his revenue. Law 8 - These laws were very severe upon the tobacco trade of Virginia. They required that the planters should send their tobacco in English vessels and to none but Eng lish ports. They required also that the planters should buy in England all the European goods they might need, and that these goods should be brought over in English vessels. In other words, the planter had to sell his tobacco and buy his manufactured goods at prices set by English merchants. This nearly ruined the leading industry of the planters, and they became discouraged and. exasperated. In 1670 they received almost nothing for their tobacco, and paid high prices for goods manufactured in England. At the same time the Virginia Assembly no longer rep resented the wishes of the people, but the tyrannical ideas Tyranny of of Berkeley. Having found in 1660 a set of Berkeley. men 2 that suited his views, Berkeley for six teen years kept these men in office, without an election by 1 Berkeley was governor from 1642-1651. * Between 1650 and 1660, when the Puritans were in control in En gland, hundreds of the Stuart followers, called cavaliers, came to Virginia (see par. 103), Many of these cavaliers became planters of large influence and naturally supported Berkeley. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 37 the people, by adjourning the assembly from year to year. Popular rights were thus despised. Moreover, suffrage was taken from all except land-owners and " housekeepers/ All these things were bad enough, but in 1673 the king did something far worse. He actually gave away Virginia to two of his favorites for thirty-one years. This action made the colonists uncertain about the titles to their land and aroused them to a high pitch of indignation. When a little later the lives of the settlers were threatened by attacks from the Indians and Berkeley refused to send troops against them, the people were ready , ,,. XT i i T-> Bacon s Rebellion. for open rebellion. Nathaniel Bacon, a young man of wealth and influence and a leader among the peo ple, sought a commission from the governor to march against the Indians, but the governor, fearing a revolt, refused to give it. Without the commission, therefore, Bacon led his troops against the Indians and routed them. The governor declared him a rebel and traitor. Civil war followed. Governor Berkeley was driven out of Jamestown, and the town was burned by owners of property in order to prevent his coming back. But Bacon suddenly died of fever, and Berkeley returned to take revenge by putting to death more than twenty of Bacon s leading followers. Not pleased with Berkeley s management of affairs, the king summoned him to England where, dis appointed and heart-broken at the king s rebuke, he soon afterward died. Bacon s Rebellion showed that the 40,000 people in Virginia loved liberty well enough to shed their blood in its defence. We have shortly to study settlers of a very different type, the New England Pilgrims and Puritans, but before doing so we must glance at the fortunes of the Catholics in Maryland. 31. Lord Baltimore and the Catholics Settle Maryland (1634). At the time the Puritans 1 were coming over to America on account of religious persecution in England, the Catholics also were being badly treated because they 1 See par- 40. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES were unwilling- to conform to the English church. Lord Baltimore, a prominent Catholic, wishing to secure freedom of worship for English Catholics, obtained from Charles I., who was his personal friend, a charter granting him the land lying north and east of the Potomac River and on both sides of the Chesapeake Bay. Lord Baltimore died before the charter was issued, and it was transferred to his son. The latter made a settlement in 1634 near the mouth of the Potomac River, at St. Mary s, and named his colony Maryland in honor of the queen, Henrietta Maria. Before proceed ing to build houses for themselves the colonists bought the land of the Indians, and paid for it with axes, hoes, and cloth. Their re lations with the Indians were, with rare exceptions, most friendly. 32. Lord Baltimore s Proprie tary Rights. 1 The charter granted The liberal char- to Lord Baltimore ter - was extremely lib eral. The king made him propri etor, requiring, as a token of his allegiance to the crown, two Indian arrows yearly and one- fifth of all the gold and silver. Lord Baltimore had almost the powers of a king in the new colony. He could call together an assembly of the people s representatives, whose laws were in force as soon as he signed them, the king s assent not being required. The proprietor could coin money, establish at his will courts of law and pardon crim inals ; and these proprietary rights were to remain with Lord Baltimore s descendants. Thus we see that he had almost as much power in Maryland as King Charles had in England. Besides, the Maryland charter contained a remarkable 1 Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware were the only Proprietary colonies at the time of the Revolution. See par. m, -Vi GEORGE CALVERT (LORD BAL TIMORE). THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 39 provision denying the right of the English government to tax the colonists within the province. The colonists were to enjoy all the rights of freeborn Englishmen in the mother country, and no taxes could be levied without being voted by the people s representatives in their colonial legislature. 33. Disputes About Boundaries and Religion. The Virginia colonists were greatly dissatisfied on account of the king s grant of land to Lord Baltimore, because the same land, they claimed, had already been granted to them. This dispute led to fighting and blood shed, but the king finally decided the question in favor of Lord Baltimore. Much later, after the set- . ,. T-, , . A MARYLAND SHILLING. tlement of Pennsylvania, there was a dispute also about the boundary between that colony and Maryland. After a long time two riason and Dix- surveyors, Mason and Dixon, established the on 8 Iine boundary since known as Mason and Dixon s line (1763- 1767). In the early days of the colony every settler was allowed to worship as he pleased provided he worshipped in a Chris tian church ; all were equally protected under the laws. But later, during Cromwell s rule in England, the Protestants, 1 getting control of the government, began to persecute the Catholics, and serious trouble followed. 34. Prosperity of the People. But in spite of many disputes about boundaries and religion the colony pros pered. The land was fertile, the climate delightful, and the colonists could make their own laws. As in Virginia, life was almost wholly rural during the seven- R Ura | i ife O f the teenth century. The numerous rivers, creeks, people. and inlets made communication so easy that towns, or cen tres for collecting and distributing articles of trade, were un necessary. Ships could bring whatever the planter needea 1 Protestants were always more numerous in the colony than Catholics. 40 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES to his door, and carry away in exchange the products of the plantation, tobacco and Indian corn. Like Virginia, Mary land derived much wealth from growing tobacco, which was for a long time the staple product of the two colonies. TO THE PUPIL 1. What was the most notable provision of the charter granted by James I. to the London Company? What bad results followed the estab lishment of the common storehouse ? What did John Smith do for the Virginia colony ? Tell all you can about his character. 2. Imagine yourself in Virginia during these early years, and give an account of your life there. Impersonating Pocahontas, speak in the first person of your relations to the whites. Compare the work of Smith and Dale. 3. Do not be satisfied until you understand clearly the two great reforms. 4. Study the relation of soil and climate to tobacco, and of tobacco to plantation life and to negro slavery. 5. What was Berkeley s attitude toward the plain people ? How did the Navigation Laws bear heavily upon the Virginia planters ? In what way was Berkeley tyrannical ? Write a simple outline of the events which led to an uprising of the people under Bacon in 1676. What were the results of this uprising ? Contrast Bacon and Berke ley, and show why you like or dislike either of them. 6. Subject for debate : Resolved, that Virginia owed a greater debt to John Smith than to Governor Dale. 7. Why did Lord Baltimore wish to plant a colony in the New World ? What singular powers did the king confer upon Lord Baltimore as proprietor of Maryland ? Be sure that you know what a proprietor was. 8. What remarkable provision did the Maryland charter contain ? Note the important clause in the Maryland charter about " no taxation without representation." What was Mason and Dixon s Line ? In what respect -was the life of the Maryland colonists like that of the settlers of Virginia? If you can see the relation of cause and effect between events, history at once becomes full of meaning and life. In looking for such relation, you will find it a great help to bring to your recitation at least one written question on every lesson. 9. The account of Bacon s Rebellion, as told in Cooke s Virginia, is well worth reading. THE ENGLISH IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 41 NOTES North and South Caroli?ta (1663-1729). In 1663-65 Charles II., desir ing to reward eight of his favorite noblemen, gave them a grant of all the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific and extending from Virginia to a point some distance below St. Augustine. Thus we see that this land, called Carolina, had eight proprietors, just as Maryland and Pennsylvania each had one. The form of government for Carolina was aristocratic. It was called the Grand Model, and is said to have been outlined by a great English philosopher, John Locke. A few noblemen were to own all the land, make the laws, and have all the powers of government in their hands. The people were, like the old Russian serfs, to be bought and sold with the land. Of course this absurd scheme was a failure. The people made so much trouble for the proprietors that the latter were glad to sell in 1729 all their rights to the king of England. The king then divided Carolina into North and South Carolina, appointing a governor for each colony and allowing the people in each to choose their own assembly. The population of the two colonies w r as composed of Englishmen, Huguenots, Germans, Scotch-Irish, and Scotch Highlanders. When the Revolution began, North Carolina was the fourth colony in population. The staple products of South Carolina were rice and indigo, and of North Carolina were tar, pitch, turpentine, and lumber. Georgia (1733). James Oglethorpe, a brave soldier and wealthy mem ber of Parliament, knowing how eager the Spaniards were to destroy the weak English settlements in South Carolina, wished to plant a colony that should serve as a military outpost to ward off the Spanish attacks. But this was not his only motive. Being a man of warm sympathies, he de sired to find relief for imprisoned debtors suffering in English prisons. He therefore secured from the king a grant of the land lying between the Savannah and the Altamaha Rivers and extending westward to the Pacific. In 1733 he planted at Savannah a colony in which freedom of worship was allowed to all but Catholics. For many years neither rum nor slaves could be imported. But, believing that these restrictions interfered with the prosperity of the colony, the people finally secured their removal. At the end of twenty years the trustees, to whom the king had granted the original charter, gave it up. Georgia then became a royal colony and re mained so until the Revolution. CHAPTER V THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS IN MASSACHUSETTS AND CONNECTICUT (1620-1689) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, Land II.; Drake s Making of New England; Coffin s Old Times in the Colonies; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, III.; Eggleston s Household History; Andrews s United States. OUTSIDE READINGS: Fisher s Colonial Era; Doyle s English Colonies; Dodge s Short History of the English Colonies in America; Thwaites s The Colonies ; Hawthorne s Grandfather s Chair ; Male s Story of Massachusetts ; Fiske s Beginnings of New England ; Abbott s Captain Myles Standish ; Earle s Child Life in Colonial Days ; Earle s Home Life in Colonial Days ; Drake s On Plymouth Rock ; Drake s Making of New England. FICTION: Stowe s Mayflower; Austin s Standish of Standish, Betty Alden, A Nameless Nobleman, Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters; Cogswell s Regicides. POETRY: Longfellow s Courtship of Myles Standish. 35. England Under the Stuarts (1603-1649 and 1660- 1688). We cannot understand who the Pilgrims and Puri tans were, why they left their homes in England, and what they did after they came to America, unless we know something of English history from 1603 to 1689. With the exception of eleven years (1649-1660) the Stuart kings 1 A PURITAN. reigned in England during 1 James I. (1603-1625), Charles I. (1625-1649), Charles II. (1660-1685^ James II. (1685-1688). 42 THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 43 this period. These men were oppressive rulers and aroused the opposition of many of the best people in England. When James I. ascended the throne he seemed The tyrannical to think that all England and its people were stuarts. his personal property. He claimed that he ruled by divine right, which was another way of saying that his will was law and that the people had no rights which he was bound to respect. Accordingly, there at once began a struggle be tween the throne and the people, who were repre sented by Parliament. The great majority of the peo ple claimed that they could not lawfully be taxed with out their consent; in other words, that no No taxatlon with . taxes COuld be out representa- levied unless tion> voted by the people s rep resentatives in Parliament. The Stuarts tried to plan various ways of raising money without asking Parliament to vote it. But this was very difficult. For eleven years (1629-1640) Charles I. ruled England without Parliament, and he was so arbitrary that he brought on the war which ended in the loss not only of his crown but of his life (1649). The Commonwealth followed (1649- 1660), England being ruled by Oliver Cromwell and later by his son Richard. Oliver Cromwell became even more autocratic than Charles I. had been. After the Restoration Charles II., son of Charles I., reigned till 1685, when he was succeeded by his brother, James II. The latter was so despotic that the people rose OLIVER CROMWELL. 44 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES against him in the revolution of 1688 and drove him out of England. It will greatly help us to understand Berkeley James ii. driven in Virginia and Andros in New England, if from England. we remember that these men were trying to rule in America as their royal masters were ruling in England. James I. was determined to make every one conform to the Established Church in England. But there were many The church of people who did not like its forms and cere- Engiand and the monies and wished to modify them. They were called Puritans because, it was said, they wished to purify the Church. The Puritans wished to re main in the Church and reform it. Another party wished to leave the Established Church, or separate themselves from it, and were therefore known as Separatists or The Separatists. _ V ... , , Independents. They not only disliked the forms and ceremonies of the English Church, but they also disapproved of church-government by bishops. They wished to have a church in which the people only should rule. Such a self governing church, where each congrega tion could elect its minister and manage its own affairs with out interference irom king or bishop, afterward became known as Congregational. 36. Pilgrims Migrate to America (1620). In the early part of the reign of James I. a number of people in the village of Scrooby, a small village in Nottinghamshire, under took to form such a church. But they were regarded as The pilgrims es- rebels and were hunted down, and some of cape to Holland, them were thrown into prison. At last, in 1608, they escaped to Holland, where they were allowed to remain in peace and to worship as they pleased. But they were not satisfied to settle permanently in Hol land, because they did not wish their children when grown up to intermarry with the Dutch. They wished to make homes in a new land and there establish a free government and their own religion. After remaining in Holland twelve years, therefore, they decided to go to America, in order to establish a self-governing community and bring up their THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 45 children to be liberty-loving and God-fearing men and women. By reason of their wanderings these people were called Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were poor, Their aims and but they were men of strong will and noble character. purpose. They tried to get a charter from the king, but he refused to give it. He led them to believe, however, ENGLAND AND HOLLAND. 5*) ytO 200 Scale of Miles. that he would not interfere with theii^ project if they did not make themselves troublesome to him. 37. Voyage and First Winter. After getting money on hard terms they started 1 over from Plymouth, England, in the Mayflower arid the Speedwell. On account of a leak the Speedivell was obliged to return, and the Mayflower, with about one hundred people on board, sailed for America. 1 The Pilgrims sailed in July, 1620, from Delftshaven, the Port of Leyden, Holland, in the Speedwell for Southampton, England, where the Mayflower awaited them. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE MAYFLOWER, From a model in the Smithsonian Institution. After a stormy voyage they anchored about the end of November, 1620, on the northern shore of Cape Cod. As this place was not suitable for a settlement, they sailed across the bay to a good harbor and made their fi nal landing at Plymouth December 21, 1620. The suffering during the first winter was severe, and before spring half their number were dead. But when spring came they had no disposition to re turn to England. Weak as they were in numbers and possessions, they were strong in manly purpose and brave enough to face any danger that threatened their little settlement. 38. The Covenant, Democracy, and the Church. Before landing they signed, in the cabin of the Mayflozver, a cove nant in which they agreed to make and support such laws as should seem for the best interests of all. John Carver was chosen governor. The laws were made in town-meetings, in which every man could vote. The Pilgrims at Plymouth believed that the people should rule ; they planted democ racy in their church and state. Some years later, 1 after population had increased, this pure democracy was obliged to give place to representative government. Governor Carver died during the first winter, and William Bradford was chosen to succeed him. Elder Brewster was the minister, and Captain Myles Stan- dish was chosen military leader. These stout-hearted lead ers well represented the character of the Plymouth settlers. 39. Relations with the Indians. For a better defence against the Indians the Pilgrims organized their able-bodied 1 In 1630 there were only 300 settlers. By 1639 representative, government became necessary, and in 1643 the population numbered 3,000. This increase was due to surrounding settlements which began to spring" up about 1630. Pilgrim leaders. THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 47 A CHEST WHICH CAME OVER IN THE MA Yf LOWER. men into small companies who took turns in guarding the settlement against surprises by the Indians. Fortunately for the Plymouth settlers, so many of the Indians of that region had recently died from a pestilence that the remaining natives were not troublesome. Massasoit, chief of the Wampanoag Indians, visited Plymouth in the spring of 1621, and Governor Bradford made a treaty of peace with him that lasted fifty years. 1 40. The Puritans and the Massachusetts Bay Colony (1628-1630). Encouraged by the successes of the Pilgrims, many Puritans began to follow their example. In 1628 some of the leaders of the Puritan party in England, men of wealth and influence, formed a trading company. They bought of the Plymouth Company a tract of land along the Massachusetts coast, extending between the Charles and Merrimac Rivers and to within three miles beyond each, and sent out men to occupy it. Endicott was their leader, and they settled at Salem. The following year the same trading company, with in creased numbers, obtained a charter from the king, incor porating it as the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay. Very likely Charles I. was quite willing to be rid of these liberty-loving, unruly subjects. At any rate he granted them a charter which was very liberal in its terms. It allowed the freemen of the company to choose their own governor, his deputy, and a council of eighteen The Puritan8 se _ assistants, and to manage in every way their cure a liberal own affairs. It did not restrict its holders in charten the place of meeting. Of course this was a distinct advan tage to the promoters of the new enterprise. Accordingly, 1 Later the Narragansett chief, Canonicus, sent to Plymouth a rattlesnake skin containing a bundle of arrows ; Governor Bradford removed the arrows and, filling the skin with powder and shot, returned it to the Indians. This hint was sufficient. 4 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES in 1629, when the king was ruling with a high hand and setting at naught the will of Parliament by levying taxes himself and by throwing into prison those who refused to pay such illegal taxes, these Puritans decided upon the bold step of removing with their chartered rights to New England, where they might find a refuge from the tyranny of the king and build up a government accord ing to their own ideas. In 1630, under the leadership of John Winthrop, about 1,000 persons, with horses,- cattle, and stores of The Puritan set- various kinds, sailed for ttements in 1630. M aSSacll U SCttS. This new colony, called the Massachusetts Bay Colony, made settlements at Charlestown, Boston, Roxbury, and Watertown. John Win throp was made the first gov ernor. Like the Plymouth --colony they established a gov ernment democratic in form, MYLES STANDISH but un like the Plymouth col ony they were men of wealth and culture. Some of them were relatives of the greatest men of the day. They were men of wisdom and energy also, and might have made great names 1 for themselves in England. It must have been a strong motive that led them to sacrifice so much. We shall see how tenaciously they held to the rights which those sacrifices had bought. 41. The New England Township. Unlike ordinary colonists, the Puritans came in large communities with their plans of government fully matured. They were not Sepa ratists in England as the Pilgrims had been, but the church they established in Massachusetts was independent and Con gregational. Each congregation formed a settlement, and 1 Stoughton, lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts (1692-1701), said, "God sifted a whole nation that He might send choice grain over into this wilderness." THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 49 PILGRIM TYPES. each settlement consti tuted a township and parish whose boundaries were one and the same, and usually included an area of from forty to sixty square miles. Each parish had one church or meeting-house, where all business, The meeting-house church or and the village. civil, was transacted. 1 Later the people erected a separate building for their town meetings and called it a town-house or town-hall. The meet ing house and the town- house were the centres about which clustered the villages. In order to meet the more easily for worship the settlers built their houses close together. Perhaps another reason was to secure a better defence against the Indians. 42. Church and State. The charter permitted all free men to vote, but the Puritans came to New England to establish and preserve what was most dear to them, their own religious and political freedom in no sense religious toleration. When the first elections were held, Puritan8 allow therefore, it was enacted that no one should none but church be admitted a freeman and so have a right to members to vote - vote who was not a member of one of the churches of the colony. The union of church and state was thus complete. At first the freemen met with the governor, his deputy, and council of assistants to make such laws as pertained to the general welfare of the several towns. But after a time, when the towns and freemen had so multiplied that it be- 1 As early as 1631 it was decided that none but church members should be admitted as freemen. 50 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES came inconvenient for them all to meet, each town began to send representatives, or deputies, to the legislature, or General Court (1634), just as each settlement or borough in Virginia sent representatives to the House of Burgesses. MYLES STANDISH S BILL OF EXPENSES AFTER HIS VISIT TO THE INDIANS. 43. Massachusetts Gets Control of the Connecticut Valley (1633-1636). Some time before the Massachusetts Bay Company had made settlements on the New England coast the Dutch had become established in New York (then New Amsterdam) on the Hudson, where they were engaged in the fur trade with the Indians. Claiming the land as far east as the Connecticut River, they built a small fort at THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS Hartford in the interest of the fur trade. In 1633 Massa chusetts sent up the Connecticut a vessel, which in spite of Dutch protests sailed to Windsor, six miles The Dutch at above Hartford. There the Massachusetts Hartford. men built a house for trading with the Indians. Two years later John Winthrop, by building a fort called Saybrook at the mouth of the river, cut off the Dutch fort at Hartford from the support of New Amsterdam. The way was now open for Mas sachusetts to send settlers into the valley of the Connecticut. 44. Massachusetts Settles the Connecticut Valley (1635-1636). In 1635 3,000 more settlers came from England to Massachusetts, where, some of them maintained, there was not enough good land for the many people now in that colony. The complaint of the lack of land came mainly from three of the eight Massachusetts towns. On hearing of the fertile soil of the Connecticut val ley a great part of the people of these three towns decided to make settlements there. When they migrated to Connecticut they settled the three towns of Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor. The principal settlement at settlement was made at Hartford in June, Hartford. 1636. Under the leadership of their minister, Thomas Hooker, one hundred men, women, and children came overland from Cambridge (then Newtown), driving their cattle before them. It took them two weeks to make the toilsome journey through the woods to their new home. 45. Thomas Hooker and Democracy. There is not much doubt that the principal reason why these three towns GOV. JOHN WINTHROP. 52 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES wished to move to Connecticut was political. Many peo ple did not approve of the Puritan idea held in Massachusetts of allowing 1 only church members to vote. Nor did they like to have the clergy take a controlling part in political life. Thomas Hooker, the minister at Cambridge, was the leader of this movement in favor of a more democratic sys tem. John Winthrop and other Puritan leaders believed in government by only a part of the people. They did not believe that all the people were wise enough to govern well. But Thomas Hooker, like Abraham Lincoln, believed in government " of the people, by the people, and for the people." 46. The Connecticut Constitution (1639). In l &39 the three towns of Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor united under one government. The constitution which they adopted was the first written constitution in all history upon which a government was built up. Another interest ing fact about this constitution is that in it no mention was made either of the king or of the English company 1 hold- Government by ing a patent of the land. This constitution the people. was made by the people, in the interests of the people, and showed that Thomas Hooker and his followers had faith in the ability of the people to manage their own affairs. 2 In the Connecticut colony all freemen, whether church members or not, could vote. The New Haven colony was founded in 1638 by a small body of men under the leadership of John Daven- New Haven coi- port and Theophilus Eaton. They based "y- their laws strictly upon the Bible, and like the Massachusetts Bay colonists allowed none but church members to vote. After the Restoration Connecticut, in order to confirm 1 In 1630 the Council for New England granted the patent to the Earl of War wick. In 1631 he assigned it to Lord Say-and-Sele and others. - Alexander Johnston says: " It is on the banks of the Connecticut, under the mighty preaching of Thomas Hooker, and in the constitution to which he gave life if not form, that we draw the first breath of that atmosphere which is now so famil iar to us. The birthplace of American democracy is Hartford." 54 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES her rights, thought it best to secure, if possible, a charter from the king. Governor Winthrop was sent to England, and by his tact and pleasing address succeeded in obtain- The Connecticut ing a charter (1662) for the territory which charter. included Hartford, New Haven, and all the other settlements 1 that had been made in what is now Con necticut. This charter was so liberal and satisfied the peo ple so well that it afterward became the State Constitution and remained in force till 1818. 47. Religious Intoler ance in Massachusetts Leads to the Settlement of Rhode Island (1636). We must remember that the Puritans did not come to New England to establish religious free dom, but to form a state where they should have freedom for their own religion. They thought their own safety, cer tainly their own welfare, depended upon having none but members of the church take any part in government. But while none but church members could vote, all were obliged to pay taxes for the support of the church and were corn- Roger Williams pelled to attend its services. Roger Will- and his views. iams, a young man of pure spirit and strong conviction, who had become pastor of a church at Salem (1633), declared this system to be wrong. He asserted that no man should be obliged to pay taxes to support any church, nor should he be punished by the magistrates for not attending church services. His belief was that 1 Saybrook was purchased by the Connecticut colony in 1644. FIRST CHURCH AT SALEM. THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 55 every man should settle all such matters with his con science and his God. Williams stirred up the Puritans by declaring, also, that they had no just claim to the land they lived on. The land was theirs because the king had granted it to the Massachusetts Bay Company. But the land, Williams said, had never become the king s property ; it belonged to the Indians ; and the king, therefore, could not grant to anybody what was not his own. This strange way of looking at the authority of the magistrates and at property rights alarmed the Puritans, especially as the English government was already none too friendly. They very much feared that the English king, hearing of the disturbance which these new teachings had caused in the colony, would hasten to take away the charter. Hence they looked upon Roger Williams as a dangerous person and drove him out of the colony. 1 He went to Rhode Island and made a settlement Koger Williams at Providence (1636). Rhode Island became driven out of a refuge for all who were seeking for a place nassa c hU8etts - to worship freely in accordance with their chosen faith. Another disturber of the public peace was Mrs. Anne Hutchinson, an able woman who had recently come from England. She gave religious lectures which were opposed in their doctrines to those of the regular clergy, and caused great excitement. Although some of the leading men were included among her followers she was banished from the colony. 48. The New England Confederacy (1643). The Dutch, angry at the loss of their fur trade in the Connecti cut valley, had twice tried to drive the English away. The French in Canada were trying to push their claims to the 1 As soon as Roger Williams learned that the Puritan magistrates had decided to send him back to England, he made his escape in midwinter to the wilderness. Here he wandered about for fourteen weeks, through deep snows, sometimes sleep ing in hollow trees at night and sometimes getting food from the Indians. Early in the following summer, with five friends from Salem, he crossed the Narragansett Bay in search of a new home. Canonicus, chief of the Narragansetts, gave him a tract of land where he made a settlement, calling it Providence, in token of God s care for him during his time of trouble. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES south, and the Indians, either as allies of the French or the Dutch or on their own account, threatened on all sides. Enemies of the Connecticut, therefore, proposed to Massa- New England coi- chusetts a union of the New England colonies for mutual defence. In 1643 articles were agreed upon at Boston by representatives from Massachu setts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven, uniting the colonies in a confederation for " mutual safety and welfare." This confederacy was important because it taught the colonies how to unite and made stronger their feeling of independence. It prepared the way for the Albany Con gress, the Continental Congress, and the union of the States in 1789. 49. The Quakers in New England. In 1656 the Massa chusetts colonists were greatly alarmed to learn of the arrival of two Quakers. These persons were at once thrown into prison until the ship in which they had come should sail, and boards were nailed on their prison windows Punishment of the to prevent them from communicating with Quakers. people outside. But in spite of this harsh treatment the Quakers continued to come. Fined, im* prisoned, whipped without mercy, mutilated, and driven from the colony on penalty of death, they still persevered. THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 57 unty | V n f to pvantmg uxg c \*a an gpvctnino Oy fitwo ^x>vCcd Ocou^rt feavcaj ototua . L-7uaci>tO. ano gg MvO ifiut Ott)tT X>pon U)t Plmixf ontotfo untQux iQt jyonfett tntoixt tptX atau^y XMivt ,<uit to. (utuaU.c yoTfMfi QXiAVlattKS 6y uy otfr OF THE MASSACHUSETTS CHARTER.- Not until four of them were hanged did a reaction in their favor set in. We are led to ask why the Quakers persisted in coming to Massachusetts in the face of such deadly opposition, and why the Puritans were so horrified to have them in the colony. The first question is quickly answered. The Quakers were zealous to make converts and were more than willing to suffer for their teachings. In answering the second it may be said that the Quakers held Peculiar ideas of in small esteem both the political and religious the Quakers. system of the Puritans. The ideal of the Quakers was a separation of church and state. They were guided by what they called the " inner light," or conscience. This was to them a supreme authority to be obeyed in spite of law or punishment. As they did not approve the Puritan system they refused to take the oath of allegiance, to pay taxes, or do military service. To the Puritans the success of Quakerism meant the overthrow of Puritanism. The Puritans said, Why the Purltan8 " We have come over to New England to es- persecuted the tablish a church and state after our own ideal. Q uaker8 - If the Quakers and others do not like our system let them go elsewhere, as we did when we left England." HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 50. Trouble with England and Loss of the Massa chusetts Charter (1684). During the first thirty years of its existence, Massachusetts, left pretty much alone by independent atti- England, had improved her opportunities to tudeofMassa- build up a strong and independent govern ment. The stormy reign of Charles I. had not permitted any oversight on the part of England. The commonwealth which succeeded (see par. 35), being Puritan in its sympathies, allowed the colony to follow its own course. But the conditions which had favored her growth thus far were giving way. After the Restora- tion (1660), it was not to be ex- pected that Charles II. would overlook the growing importance and independent attitude of the Massachusetts colony. That would be too much to expect of any king, especially of a Stuart king. Moreover, Massachusetts had used her power in such a way as to make many enemies. Her custom of excluding from the colony people like Roger Williams and Anne Hutch- inson, whose religious views differed from her own, had Enemies of Massa- driven some men of influence back to England. chusetts. Others who were not members of the Congre gational Church had of their accord returned to England, because in Massachusetts they could get no voice in the government. As a result, these men cherished only ill-will toward the colony which had caused them so much trouble. All these aggrieved persons found means of carrying into the king s court mischievous reports of the doings of the colony. For instance, it was rumored that Massachu setts had raised money without the king s sanction, and had given a hearty welcome to two of the judges who had sen tenced Charles I. to death, and who afterward had escaped SIR EDMUND ANDROS. THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 59 to Massachusetts. Furthermore, it was said that Massachu setts had broken the Navigation Laws, which forbade the colonies to receive foreign vessels into their Com |a|nta ports or to trade with any except English against Massa- ports or ports belonging to England. This chusetts - political sin was especially grievous to English merchants, and robbed the king of his revenue. The time had therefore arrived for England to find means of humbling her am- bitious colonists. But it was not until after a long struggle that the charter was finally annulled in 1684. The Government and Com pany of Massachusetts then passed out of existence. 51. Andros, the Stuart Governor in New England (1686-1689). Charles II. died and James II. suc ceeded him. In 1686 he appointed Sir Edmund An dros governor of all New England and, later, of New York and New Jersey also. Andros truly represented the despotic will of his royal master. He was especially tyran nical in Massachusetts, because this colony Tyranny of An _ had taken such an independent attitude tow- dros in Massa. ard England. He at once declared that inas- chusetts - much as the colonists had lost their charter they could no longer lay any legal claim to their lands. They could hold them only by paying money as a quit-rent to the king. The privilege of making their own laws and levying their own taxes in town meetings and General Court 1 was also taken 1 General Court was the name for the colonial legislature. The term is still applied to the Massachusetts legislature. PROVINCE RUEED OVER BY SIR EDMUND ANDROS, TG88. 50 100 200 800 6o HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES away. Andros and a council of his own choosing now made the laws and levied the taxes. The colonists rebelled, but the king stood back of the governor, and resistance was useless. Freedom of the press was no longer allowed, and men were illegally thrown into prison. Indeed, the condi tion of the people was little short of slavery. jfi THE CHARTER OAK. In 1687 Andros went to Hartford to secure the Connect icut charter. The conference was so long and heated that it continued till dark, when suddenly the candles were blown Andros fails to se- out an( ^> as tne traditional story goes, the cure the connect!- charter was snatched from the table and hid den in an oak-tree l afterward historic as the " Charter Oak." But the colonists were obliged to give up their charter government and to acknowledge Andros as Governor. 1 In 1856 the noble old tree, which stood in what is now Charter Oak Place, Hartford, was blown down, A marble tablet marks the spot. THE PILGRIMS AND PURITANS 61 Andros, however, pressed his tyranny too far. As soon as the people heard that King James II. was driven from the throne of England, they seized Andros, threw him into prison, and later sent him back to England. Andros in Massachusetts and Berkeley in Virginia were both intensely hated and bitterly remembered. 1 52. Industries and Trade in New England. As AVC have seen, soil and climate favored the growth of tobacco on large plantations in Virginia, where life was rural. This was not true in New England. There the soil was rocky, and the climate was too cold for the growth of tobacco. The people lived mostly in towns, usually not far from the coast. Near the towns were the farms of those who tilled the soil. In Virginia the many sluggish rivers made it easy for vessels to reach the wharves of the plantations. In hilly New England the swift-running streams were not so navi gable, but were useful for turning the wheels of mills and factories. Naturally, manufacturing on a small scale began early in New England. In addition to saw-mills and weav ing-mills the New Englanders had factories for making salt, gunpowder, and glass-ware. Good fishing off the coast led to a considerable export trade in dried fish. The exten sive forests furnished lumber for ship-building and com merce. At an early day New England started the ship building industry, for which, in later New England history, the people became famous. TO THE PUPIL 1. In what ways were the Stuart kings tyrannical ? Name two or three results of their struggles with the people of England. 2. Who were the Puritans ? the Pilgrims ? Why did the Pilgrims wish to emigrate to America ? 3. Explain how the settlers at Plymouth first made their laws. What were their relations with the Indians ? 1 It is only fair to say that Andros was personally a far more honorable man than Berkeley. 62 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 4. State the leading provisions of the charter which the Puritans ob tained from the king. What was the township ? Why would the Puritans allow none but church members to vote ? What form of government did they have ? 5. Name points of difference between the Pilgrims and the Puritans. Which do you like the better, the Pilgrims or the Puritans ? Give your reasons. 6. How did the Massachusetts people get control of the Connecticut valley ? How did Thomas Hooker and John Winthrop differ in their ideas of government ? Tell all you can about the Connecticut Con stitution. 7. Why did the Puritans send Roger Williams out of their colony ? Subject for debate : Resolved, that the Puritans were right in their treatment of Roger Williams. 8. What were the causes and results of the New England Confeder acy ? Do you think that if you had been a Puritan you would have joined in persecuting the Quakers ? Give your reasons. 9. What enemies did Massachusetts make ? What complaints did they raise against the colony ? Compare the rule of Andros in Massa chusetts with that of Berkeley in Virginia. In what respects were these governors like the Stuart kings ? 10. How did the life and occupations of the people in Virginia differ from those of the people in Massachusetts ? 11. Read Austin s Standish of Standish and Longfellow s Courtship of Miles Standish. NOTES New Hampshire (1623). Two years after the Pilgrims landed, the Council of Plymouth granted to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Captain John Mason the territory between the Merrimac and the Kennebec Rivers. In 1623 fishing stations were begun at Dover and Portsmouth. Later, Mason and Gorges divided the territory between them. Mason took the part west of the Piscataqua, which he named New Hampshire after his own county of Hampshire in England ; Gorges took the part east of the same river, naming it Maine. The proprietors left the early settlers to do pretty much as they liked. Massachusetts claimed all the territory, but to make certain her claim bought out the heirs of Gorges (1677) for $6,000. Maine continued as a part of Massachusetts till 1820. New Hampshire re mained for a long time under the protection of Massachusetts. After sever ing connection with Massachusetts three times, New Hampshire became a separate royal co4ony in 1741, and so continued until the Revolution. CHAPTER VI THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK AND THE QUAKERS IN PENN SYLVANIA (1609-1689) REFERENCES : Scribner s Popular History of the United States, II. and III.; Wright s Children s Stories in American History ; Drake s Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies; Richardson s History of Our Country; Morris s Half Hours with American History ; Andrews s United States, I. OUTSIDE READINGS: Fisher s Colonial Era; Doyle s English Colonies; Lodge s Short History of the English Colonies in America ; Thwaites s The Col onies; Bancroft s United States, I.; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, III.; Fiske s The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America; Buell s William Penn. FICTION : Irving s Knickerbocker s History of New York. 53. Henry Hudson Seeks the Northwest Passage (1609). In 1609 Henry Hudson, an English navigator, was employed by the Dutch East India Company to sail in search of a short northwest passage to India. Holland was then one of the greatest commercial countries in the world, and, like the other great European powers, desired to find a shorter route for the trade that was making her people rich. Hudson crossed the Atlantic, and with a crew of twenty men, in the Half-moon, sailed up the river which now bears his name. He held the familiar belief of his time, that the East Indies could be reached by a short water-route through North America, which was supposed to be a narrow conti nent. But after sailing as far as the present site of Albany he could go no farther, and gave up his plan of finding the East Indies by that route. Although he did not find a short passage to the Pacific, he discovered the Hudson River which was a great water-way for the Dutch fur traders coming later. He also won the good-will of the Indians. 63 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES It was worth much to the Dutch that Hudson came to the Indians as a friend. The same year Champlain, a French explorer and trader, made deadly enemies of Hudson wins the , r good-win of the these same Indians, the Iroquois, who gave him " reat Double and hindered the French in their work of exploration and colonization. 54. Dutch Claims to New Netherland. During the next few years Dutch traders continued to visit the region of the Hudson, and in 1615 the Dutch States-General gave a char ter to a company of merchants. In this charter the new qountry was named New Netherland. A small trading-house was erected on the present site of Albany, and a sim ilar one was built on Manhattan Island at the mouth of the river. Real colonizing did not begin until 1623, when the West India Company, which had been char tered two years before for pur poses of settlement and trade, be gan to send out colonists. Some of these settled on the Delaware, or South River, some on the Hudson, or North River, some on Long Island, and a few remained on Manhattan Island. The Dutch built Fort Orange, where Albany now stands. In 1626 Peter Minuit, governor of New Netherland, founded Dutch settlements New Amsterdam (now New York City) on and forts. Manhattan Island, which he bought from the Indians for trinkets worth twenty-four dollars. These early colonies opened a successful trade with the Indians, with whom they kept on good terms, but they did not cultivate the soil and, therefore, their settlements did not thrive. 55. The Patroons. To encourage emigration the States-General of Holland granted to the company a new charter by which the patroon system was established. This system permitted any member of the Dutch West India A DUTCH OFFICER OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK 65 / \ \ ~ A GROUP OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DUTCHMEN. Company who would, within four years, bring into the col ony fifty settlers, to own a landed estate with a water front of sixteen miles if on but one side of the Hudson, or of eight miles if on both sides. This great land-owner or patroon might extend his estate inland as far Power and duties as he thought desirable. In all cases the land of the patroons. was to be fairly bought of the Indians. These patroons exercised almost absolute power over their tenants. In factl the patroons resembled feudal lords, and the tenants resem-J bled the vassals of feudal times. It should be noted that the patroons were each required to support a minister and a school teacher, in order that religious education should not suffer. This wise provision indicated the sturdy, whole some character of the Dutch people. 56. The Dutch Win the Friendship of the Iroquois Indians and thus Secure an Extensive Fur Trade. By treating the Iroquois justly the Dutch won the warm friendship of these powerful Indians, who engaged in an extensive fur trade with them. By honest dealing the Dutch fur-traders avoided costly Indian wars, and easily secured all the furs coming through the hands of the Iro quois from numerous tribes around the Great Lakes and between the Ohio and the Mississippi. The results of this 66 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES friendship were important : (i) Dutch commerce was en riched ; (2) the Iroquois received for their furs the fire- Results of the arms which enabled them all the more suc- Ir? q n u d ois iP for f Jhe cessfully to prevent the French from getting Dutchc possession of New York; (3) unwittingly the Dutch were doing the English a great favor, for after New Netherland passed into the hands of England, the Dutch remained along the Hudson as before, and helped The government. THE EARLIEST PICTURE OF NEW AMSTERDAM. to maintain the fur trade with the Iroquois, much to the advantage of England. 57. New Netherland Under Dutch Governors 1 (1623- 1664). There was less political freedom in New Netherland than in New England. The people could not make their own laws nor levy their own taxes. The town meeting, which was such a characteristic feature of New England life, had no existence here. Religious free dom was all that the most liberal could desire. As Holland welcomed the Pilgrims when driven by persecution from 1 New Netherland had four Dutch governors : Peter Minuit, Walter von T wil ier, William Kieft, and Peter Stuyvesant. Stuyvesant was the only governor worthy of the name. With great reluctance did he yield to the English. THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK England, the Dutch in New Netherland welcomed the vie- tims of Puritan intolerance in New England. People from all parts of Europe were attracted to New The mixed popu- Netherland, and a very mixed population was Iation - the result. It was said that in 1643 eighteen languages were spoken in New Amsterdam. In such a mixed com munity there could not be the same intense loyalty to the ruling power as if all the people had been of one nation. 58. New Netherland Becomes New York (1664). The Dutch were now, as the Span iards had been the cen tury before, the great naval and commercial rivals of England. It Was nat- Why England nral that wished to get mat control of New England Netherland. should be jealous of Dutch trade. The Dutch held the best harbor on the Atlantic coast and the best highway to the Indian fur trade in the interior. No other river equalled the Hudson in this respect; its advantages were superb. Moreover, the Dutch colonies separated the Eng lish colonies north and south, and England, not foreseeing that the union of the English colonies could prove disas trous to the mother country, conceived the idea that the intrusion of the Dutch was a great obstacle to their growth. Therefore, after allowing the Dutch to remain fifty years in the territory they had settled, England suddenly brought forward her claim to the land by the discovery of the Cab- ots. Accordingly, in 1664, while Holland and England were at peace, Charles II. sent .over a fleet to attack the Dutch HENRY HUDSON S HALF MOON ON THE HUDSON. 68 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES colony at New Amsterdam. 1 Governor Stuyvesant made frantic appeals to the people to assist in warding off the at- The Dutch yield tack, but the Dutch were outnumbered, 2 and to the English. resistance was useless. Without a blow New Amsterdam fell into the hands of the English, and with it the whole of New Netherland. Charles II. gave the newly conquered territory to his brother, the Duke of York, and changed the name of both the colony and its capital to New York. Dutch colonization, like Spanish, failed, and for a similar reason. The Spaniards were allured by gold, the Dutch by why the Dutch trade. They both lacked the colonizing in- failed> stinct which puts home-making before wealth- getting. Though the Dutch failed as a nation in colonizing America, their influence was indelibly impressed for good on the part of the country which they settled. 59. New York Under English Governors. New York prospered under English rule, but the people there were disappointed because they were not given as much political freedom as the English colonists enjoyed in New England. The feeling became so strong that in 1683 they were al lowed an assembly elected by the freeholders, which could meet with the governor and council to make laws and levy taxes. In 1686, however, the Duke of York, having become king, took away this representative government, and two years later annexed New York to New England, under the rule of Andros. 3 The later English governors were so ex asperating and tyrannical, that a people s party arose in the colony. When in 1689 news came that James II. had been driven from the throne, the people of New York, like 1 Connecticut readily came forward to assist in defeating her old enemy in the Connecticut valley and on Long Island, where English settlers had come into col lision with the Dutch. 2 At this time the population of New Amsterdam was about fifteen hundred, and of New Netherland about seven thousand. 3 Andros, while governor of New England, New York, and New Jersey (1686- 1689), remained in New England. Nicholson represented him in New York as lieutenant-governor. THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK 69 AN EARLY DUTCH MAN OF WAR. From a model in the Musee de Louvre, Paris. their New England neighbors, put aside the king s govern ment and established one of their own. Their party was headed by Jacob Leisler, an energetic trades- Leisier leads an man without education or political experi- J^pte"* against ence. He made many mistakes and aroused Andros. the opposition of his own party, but he managed to hold office for three years. The people finally appealed to the king (William III.), who sent over in 1691 a new governor. Leisler was tried for treason and hanged. With the new governor, the assembly was restored, and from this time the colony was governed in a constitutional way. 60. The Quakers in England. The direct cause of the settlement of Pennsylvania was the bitter persecution 70 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES of the Quakers in England. 1 They had no respect for forms and ceremonies ; they were extreme dissenters from the Established Church, and did not believe in paying taxes for its support ; they would use no titles of honor to any man, not even the king ; they counted it a sin to take oath even in a court of justice, or to pay taxes for war. 61. William Penn and the Quakers Settle Pennsyl vania (1681). William Penn was the most illustrious con vert of the Quakers in the seven teenth century. He was a young man of wealth, education, culture, and political promise. His father, Admiral Penn, had been active in bringing about the restoration of the Stuarts, and was therefore held in high esteem by King Charles II. and his court. Penn early cher ished an idea of founding a settle ment for the Quakers in America. He had taken a leading interest in a colony in West Jersey, where WILLIAM PENN. m ^ n y Quakers had found a refuge. 2 The colony was not altogether sat isfactory, and he was led to obtain a grant of land from the king, in payment of a claim of $80,000 which he had inher ited from his father. The king, always short of money, was glad to discharge his debt in this way. He granted Penn a large tract of land west of the Delaware River (1681), and named it Penn sylvania in honor of his friend, the admiral. Penn was made proprietor of the new colony, and by the terms of the charter, which was drawn by his own Penn becomes pro- . prietor of Penn- hand, the proprietor, with the consent ol the syivania. freemen, was to make all necessary laws. Having obtained the charter, Penn offered land on liberal terms, and promised the settlers a popular government, 1 At one time there were 4,000 Quakers in English prisons. 3 Some of the New England Quakers came here, and many came from England. THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK with justice to all regardless of religious belief. The people of his faith throughout England responded with such en thusiasm that he sent out a large colony. 62. The Quakers Live in Peace with the Indians. William Penn came to America in 1682, and in the follow- ing year he laid out the city of Philadel phia on a tract of land lying between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. Under the spread ing branches of an elm-tree 1 he made a treaty 2 of peace with the Indians. By this treaty he paid them fairly for the land and made them presents. So honest were the Quaker colonists of Pennsylvania in all their dealings with the natives that for a long time the highest compliment an Indian could pay a white man was to liken him to Penn. They kept their treaty with them for sixty years. 63. Penn s Liberal Government. The government was very liberal. The proprietor named the governor, but the 1 This tree was blown down in 1810. A monument marks the spot where it stood. 2 Penn said to the Indians : " The friendship between you and me I will not compare to a chain, for that might rust, or the falling tree might break. We are the same as if one man s body were to be divided into two parts. We are all one flesh and blood." When the Indians handed to Penn the wampum belt of peace, they said: " We will live in love and peace with William Penn as long as the sun and the moon shall endure." COLONIES between Potomac and Hudson Hirers. 50 100 Scale of Miles. 72 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES people chose the members of the council and the assembly. Every tax-payer and freeholder was to have the right to vote. The first laws reflect the benevolence of Penn and his people. These laws provided that the Indians should be treated kindly ; that each child should be taught a trade ; that criminals in prison should be kept busy with some kind of work; and that all public officers should be pro fessing Christians. 64. Growth of Pennsylvania. In spite of internal feuds, some slight and others serious, the colony continued to pros per. The climate was good, the soil was fertile, and rivers offered easy communication. These natural advantages, together with the liberal spirit, the good laws, and the peaceful relations with the Indians, caused the settlement to grow rapidly. 1 Colonists were not afraid to come where Mixed character of others had opened the way. Besides English the population. anc [ Swedes, there were many from Wales, Holland, and Germany. Industries were built up, and wealth increased with population. Thus Penn s " Holy Ex periment" proved to be successful, and Pennsylvania took her place among the foremost of the original colonies. 2 TO THE PUPIL X. Describe Hudson s attempt to find the Northwest passage to India. What advantage did he gain for the Dutch by winning the good will of the Iroquois Indians ? How did Champlain make these same Indians deadly enemies of the French ? In what way did the friend ship of these Indians to the Dutch aid the English later ? Note the importance of the fur trade. 2. Bear in mind the mixed population in New York and in Pennsylvania, for you can use this knowledge to a good purpose when you study the Revolution. 1 In three years Philadelphia had gained more in population than New York had in a half century. Toward the close of the century Philadelphia was a " noble and beautiful " city, as a history of that time describes it, containing two thousand houses, most of them " stately," built of brick. 3 Although Penn s colony prospered, it caused him much anxiety and the loss of a large fortune. THE DUTCH IN NEW YORK 73 3. Why did England wish to secure New Netherland ? What does the series of years, 1609-1664, cover in the history of New Netherland? Why did Dutch colonization fail ? 4. What was the condition of New York under the English governors ? What led to a popular uprising under the leadership of Leisler ? 5. Find interesting facts about the following : The Quakers, William Penn, his charter, his liberal ideas of government in the new colony, and his relations with the Indians. Write five minutes on one of these. 6. You began with 1492: you have now reached 1689, about two cen turies later. Learn these dates thoroughly : 1492,1588,1689. 1492- 1898: observe that 1689 is almost half-way between the two. How many of the thirteen original colonies had been settled before 1689? Make out a chart with the following facts in separate columns : Name of colony, when settled, where settled, by whom settled. 7. You have seen how the Spanish, the English, and the Dutch tried to establish colonies. In the "Notes" you will find an account of similar attempts made by the Swedes. 8. It would be a good plan for you to make out a chronological chart, beginning with 1492 and ending with 1689, including dates of princi pal events in three parallel lines, one for the Spanish, one for the English, and one for the Dutch. NOTES New Jersey (1618). As New Jersey was at first included in New Netherland, the Dutch erected, as early as 1618, a small fort at Bergen, on the west bank of the Hudson River. When in 1664 New Netherland passed into the hands of the English, the Duke of York sold the land be tween the Hudson River and the Delaware to his friends, Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. He named the province New Jersey, after the island of Jersey, which Carteret had bravely defended for the king s father, Charles L, during the Civil War in England. The first permanent English settlement was made at Elizabethtown in 1665. As the people were allowed freedom of worship and a part in making the laws, a good class of settlers was attracted to New Jersey. The Indians were so kindly treated that they gave no trouble. In 1674 the province was divided into East and West Jersey, for many years known as " The Jerseys." By 1682 both the Jerseys had been sold to a number of Quakers, among whom was William Penn. There were now so many proprietors that much confusion over land titles resulted. The proprietors therefore sold in 1702 all their claims to the English Crown. From that time the Jerseys were known as New Jersey and were 74 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES united to New York. New Jersey and New York now had the same gov ernor, but each province had its own assembly. In 1738 New Jersey was made a royal province, which it continued to be until the Revolution. Benjamin Franklin s son was the last royal governor. Delaware (1638). In 1638 a number of Swedes and Finlanders landed near the present site of Wilmington, Delaware, and built a fort which they called Christina, in honor of their queen. Later, the Swedes made settlements along the Delaware River as far as the site of Philadelphia. Their colony they called New Sweden. But the Dutch claimed all this region as a part of New Netherland, and in 1655 they sailed up the Del aware, captured all the Swedish forts, and made New Sweden a part of New Netherland. When in 1664 the English took New Netherland from the Dutch, Delaware became an English possession. In 1682 William Penn, wishing to secure a free outlet to the ocean, bought from the Duke of York this territory, then known as the " three lower counties on the Delaware." Delaware then became a part of Pennsylvania. In 1703 the people of Delaware were allowed a separate assembly ; but they had the same gov ernor as Pennsylvania until the Revolution. CHAPTER VII LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, I., II., III. j Drake s Making of New England ; Drake s Making of the Great West ; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Morris s Half Hours with American His tory, I. ; Richardson s History of Our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS: Catlin s North American Indians; Chapin s Land of the Cliff Dwellers; Fiske s Discovery of America; EIHs s Red Man and White Man; Drake s Indian History for Young Folks; Parkman s Conspiracy of Pontiac; Hart s Colonial Children. POETRY: Longfellow s Hiawatha. 65. The People Columbus Found in America. When Columbus came to America he found a people very differ ent from the Spaniards or other Europeans. As he believed he had reached the Indies he called these people Indians. They were alike in having high cheek-bones, black eyes, coarse black hair, and beardless faces. But with respect to their size, dress, houses, and manner of life there was as much difference as there was among people living in various countries of Europe. 66. Division into Families of the Indians East of the Mississippi. The Indians whom the French and English found living East of the Mississippi were divided into three great families. First, there were the Southern, or Maskoki, Indians, who were spread over the country extending from the Tennessee River to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi to the Atlantic. The most important tribes were the Chickasaws, Choctaws, Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles. Secondly, there were the Iroquois Indians, 75 7 6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES AN INDIAN CAMP. who included the Five Nations 1 in Central New York, the Tuscaroras in North Carolina, the Hurons north of Lake Erie, and the Eries south of it. Thirdly, all the other tribes spreading northward from the Tennessee and eastward from the Mississippi were Algonquins. 67. Character. The Indian was a true child of the forest. He had a wild love of liberty, which refused control by any 1 The Five Nations included the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas, who formed a loose confederacy. The Five Nations were very powerful Indians till their defeat by Frontenac in 1697. They firmly controlled the Mohawk River valley and prevented the French from using the best natural highways from Lake Erie to the Ohio. Their population at the time of their greatest strength was under 20,000. After the Tuscaroras from North Carolina joined them in 1715 they were known as the Six Nations. LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS 77 will except his own. He was cruel to his enemy and often tortured him or burned him alive. But the Indian was generous and kind. In the midst of famine he would cheer fully share the last morsel with a fellow-sufferer, and in the hour of danger would lay down his life for a friend. 68. Occupations. The squaw did nearly all the work. She dug the soil with shells and pointed sticks, gathered the crops, dressed skins, dried meat, and made mocca sins and various articles of clothing out of what the squaw the skins of animals. The Indian was first dld - of all a warrior. His weapons were the war-club, the bow and arrow, and the tomahawk. A sharpened stone served for the blade of his tomahawk, and bone or flint pointed his arrows. He was also fond of CEll C : I ltd ui i c aGiitiiitwiimcMitt [ mi aw c . uiittDotnmNKiiceG G ucuiucu C C C CEGttGIIIIIIIIBilflltllfllC t KlltlOllili c c cttcccoiiiiitiuiuiiiiiilci niiitiuiii M .. ,, ., iiiiiifiitcttwcotcct 8 liOBOOOHODBBfin (NlEUilllttliailllUIUINCCttllG UUCUIWltlMMMCCOe l IIUUIUUU WAMPUM RECEIVED BY PENN FROM THE INDIANS. hunting and fishing, and to assist him in these occupations he made the canoe and the snow-shoe. 69. The Canoe and the Snow-shoe. In the fishing sea son he sought the side of lake or stream, and he was always eager to go where game was thickest and where the scalps of his enemies could be taken in greatest numbers. The canoe was therefore a necessity. Before the whites came it was to him horse, steamboat, and railroad, all in one. In travelling on land he followed the trail of The canoes and the deer or the buffalo. But water-ways were the water-ways, so much easier that he travelled ten miles on water to one on land. Between the water-ways there were " carrying places," or portages, over which he had to carry the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES canoe words, and all its load of fur and other goods. In other sometimes the canoe carried its owner and some- times the owner carried his ca noe. It was therefore necessary that it should be both light and strong. Such was the birch- bark canoe, which was made by stripping off the bark of the birch in one piece and carefully fitting it over a light wooden frame. Another Indian inven tion of great use was the snow- shoe, which was three or four feet in length, curved and taper ing, and enabled the wearer to go along easily on the surface of the snow at the rate of forty miles a day. 70. Wampum. Wampum consisted of small shells, or beads made from shells, perfor ated and strung together, and often wrought into belts. The Indians used wampum for per sonal adornment and also for more serious purposes, such as summoning the tribes to war, and recording treaties, laws, and speeches. Ten thousand beads have been known to be worked into a single war-belt four inches wide. The colors and the pat terns of the belt varied with its purpose, peculiar signs and fig ures enabling the Indian to remember certain parts of a speech or a treaty. This was necessary because the Indian LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS 79 could not write. Apart from other uses it was valued also as money. 71. Religion. The Indian believed that all Indians, good and bad, would after this life go to the Happy Hunt ing Grounds. This was his name for Heaven. The Happy Hunt- Life there would be the same as life in this ing Grounds, world, but without pain or trouble of any kind. It is INDIAN SNOW-SHOES AND PAPPOOSE-CASE. thought that the practice of scalping enemies killed in bat tle was associated with the belief that the loss of the scalp prevented the spirit from entering the Happy Hunting Grounds. The Indian would therefore risk almost any thing to save the dead body of his chief or his friend from being scalped by the enemy. As in the Happy Hunting Grounds he would need arms to defend himself, these and 8o HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES other things of use in this lite were buried with him for use in the other life. 72. The Clan and the Tribe. According to language and locality the Indians were separated into families, such as the Maskoki, Algonquin, and Iroquois. According to government the family was separated into distinct tribes, and again, by relationship more or less remote, the tribe was separated into clans. Each clan had its name, usually TOTEM OF THE FIVE NATIONS. TOTEM OF THE ILLINOIS. The totem. that of some bird, beast, or reptile, and the picture of this animal became the peculiar emblem or " to tem " of the clan. The animal represented in the totem of each clan was supposed to favor and protect that clan and was sometimes tattooed on the breast. Every clan selected a sachem, or "civil ruler, and at least one war-chief. The sachems exercised but little authority. Indian govern- They acted as advisers and, when assembled ment democratic, together in tribal councils, freely discussed important questions. The Indian government was there fore democratic, each* warrior being to a large degree his own master. 73. Communal Living. The Indians knew but little of real estate. The tribes occupied the land but did not own it in the sense in which white men own land now. They had LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS 81 very little personal property except such objects as weap ons, trinkets, and clothing-, and held all other property in common. Their architecture was adapted to their com munal life. Interesting illustrations of this are to be found in the " Long Houses "of the Iroquois. These The Long houses, made of wood and bark, were in some Houses" of the cases one hundred feet long, and would ac- Iro< i uoi8 - commodate as many as twenty families. As a rule, each house was occupied by families of which the mothers were members of the same clan. Whatever these families obtained TOTEM OF THE SIOUX. TOTEM OF THE HURONS. by hunting or by the rude culture of the soil they owned in common, and all their food they kept in a common store house. 74. The Mound Builders. Many thousands of mounds Have been found in Ohio and in other parts of the United States. Some have the shape of birds, fishes, and reptiles ; some of the square, circle, and other mathematical figures. The Big Elephant Mound, a few miles below the mouth of the Wisconsin River, is 135 feet long; the Serpent Mound, in Ohio, is 1,000 feet long, with a gracefully curving body. These mounds have gateways, outlooks, and parallel lines, showing that they were probably used as for- ,.r .. ^ri / J f , Themounds. tincations. Of late years very careful explorers have been at work among these mounds, opening many of them and taking out relics. These relics include kettles, HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES pipes, axes, arrowheads, tools for weaving and spinning, and other things. They have been examined with the great. Relics found in est care, because they help us to understand the mounds. what kind of people made and used thena. At one time it was thought that the Mound Builders were a people of a very superior civilization, because of the artistic skill they showed in their sculptured relics. Accordingly, the Mound Builders were spoken of as a " lost race " that numbered many millions and constituted a mighty empire. The character of the mounds and of the relics found in them leaves no Mound Builders d ubt that probably Amerl- they Were can Indians. the WOrk of various tribes, differing from each other quite as much as Indian tribes differ now. The Chero- kees, who are known to have built mounds some time after the whites came to America, prob ably built those found in the western part of North Carolina and the eastern part of Tennessee. It seems altogether probable that the Mound Builders were nothing more than American Indians, like those found by the English and the French colonists. 75. Number of Indians. There are at present about 250,000 Indians in the United States. Very likely the num. ber is quite as large now as it was when the English and the French began to plant settlements. It has been thought CARVED PIPES FROM AN INDIAN MOUND. LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS 83 that the coming of the whites prevented the destruction of large numbers of Indians by war and famine. 76. Influence of the Indians Upon the Whites. The influence of the Indians upon the whites, especially from the time of the early settlements to the Revolution, was considerable. They often saved struggling settlers from starvation by furnishing them food, and they taught the whites how to cultivate Indian corn. But, as we shall see in later chapters of this book, the principal Indian wara influence of the Indians upon the whites was ^st^uie^dva n- through the numerous Indian wars, which tage of union. helped the colonists to know one another better, and taught them what they most needed to learn the advantage of union. In fighting against a common danger the colonies were brought into closer sympathy with one another. Let us briefly refer to two of those wars, the Pequot War and King Philip s War, both of which were fought before the beginning of the Intercolonial Wars. BIG ELEPHANT MOUND. CHAPTER VIII EARLY INDIAN WARS 77. The Pequot War (1637) The leading cause ol each of the Indian wars in New England was the same the feeling on the part of the Indians that the whites were Leading cause of getting possession of the lands, and would early Indian wars, in time drive the Red Men away from their hunting grounds. The Indians did not at first understand that sales of land meant their giving it up entirely. But even when they understood the nature of land sales, they thought the whites had taken advantage of them. When the people from Massachusetts settled in Con necticut in 1636 they found themselves neighbors to a strong, ferocious tribe of Indians, called Pequots, living in the east ern part of the State. These Indians attacked the little settlement of Wethersfield, where they killed a number of persons. Captain John Mason, with ninety men from the Captain Mason s towns f Hartford, Wethersfield, and Wind- expedition against sor, started in pursuit. The party came to the Pequots. anchor in Narragansett Bay about three weeks after leaving Hartford. Mason marched westward across Rhode Island, and at the end of two days halted the expe dition just north of the present town of Stonington. Before daybreak next morning he and his men surprised the Ind ian fort, and destroyed nearly all the Indians in it, con sisting of from 400 to 600 men, women, and children. The war resulted in the destruction of the Pequot tribe, and so awed the Indians in that part of the country that there was no more trouble with them for about forty years. Then came King Philip s War, which lasted two years and was much more extensive than the Pequot War. EARLY INDIAN WARS 85 78. King Philip s War (1675-1676). King Philip, chief of the Wampanoags, a Rhode Island tribe, was a leader of much ability. He united the New England King Phiiip-s Indians from Maine to the Hudson River in purpose. a league whose aim was to destroy all the whites in New England. The war broke out in Swansea, Massachusetts, \ INDIANS CARRYING CANOES OVER A PORTAGE. and spread through the towns in the southern and western parts of the State. Deerfield and Hadley were among the places pillaged and burned. The war was stubbornly fought, and finally ended with the death of King Philip, who was shot while trying to escape capture at Mount Hope (Bristol), Rhode Island, which was his home. Results of King The remnant of his tribe were either killed or Philip s war. sold into slavery, and the power of the New England Ind ians was completely broken. The war was a severe strain upon the New England colonists. Six hundred of them were killed, and thirteen of their towns were destroyed. It 86 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES cost the colonists a large sum of money and imposed heavy burdens upon them in the way of taxation. But the Indians having the greatest influence upon co lonial development were the Iroquois. These we have already mentioned in their relation to the Dutch, and we shall now speak of their immediate influence upon the French and the English colonies. TO THE PUPIL 1. Why were the canoe and the snow-shoe of great value to the Indian ? What was his religious belief? Tell what you can about communal living; about the Mound Builders. 2. Why did the absence of such animals as horses and oxen retard the progress of the Indians ? Discuss the influence of the Indians upon the whites. 3. What were the causes and results of the Pequot War? of King Philip s War ? Impersonating King Philip, write an account of the wrongs you suffered at the hands of the whites. 4. Subject for debate: Resolved, that the Indians have been unjustly treated by the white people. 5. If you rightly study the facts about the Indians, you will be prepared to understand the Indian problem which the American people are now trying to solve. As in the case of all other problems of to-day, we study the past that we may learn how to interpret the present. Even the Indian question has two sides. Read the first chapter of Parkman s Conspiracy of Pontiac ; also Longfellow s Hiawatha. CHAPTER IX FRENCH EXPLORATIONS REFERENCES: Scrlbner s Popular History of the United States, I. and II.; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Drake s Making of the Great West; Drake s Making of New England; Morris s Half Hours with American History ; Richardson s History of Our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS : Parkman s La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; Parkman s Pioneers of France in the New World; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, IV.; Winsor s The Westward Movement; Bancroft s United States, II.; Hinsdale s Old Northwest; Hildreth s United States, II.; Thwaites s Father Marquette ; Wilson s A History of the American People, II.; Dix s Champlain. FICTION: Catherwood s Romance of Dollard; Catherwood s Story of Tonty. 79. The French Discover and Explore the St. Law rence. By reason of the discoveries of Verrazano (1524) France laid claim to the Atlantic coast between Cape Fear, North Carolina, and Newfoundland. Ten Cartier discovers years later Jacques Cartier discovered the St. the st. Lawrence Lawrence and sailed up the river as far as an (I534) - Indian village on the present site of Montreal. He returned in 1540 and in the name of King Francis I. took possession of Canada, as the Indians called the country. Immediately attempts were made to colonize, but they were unsuccess ful. In 1603 the French again attempted settlement in the region extending from New York harbor to Cape Breton, called Acadia, 1 and again they failed. But these failures only shed the greater lustre about the name of Samuel de Champlain, the " Father of New France." When he first penetrated the Sfc^awrence val- 1 Acadia was afterward restricted in meaning to its present boundaries. 87 88 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FRENCH SOLDIERS OF THE TIME OF THE FRENCH EXPLORATION. ley he was impressed with its great beauty and its valu able resources, for it was rich in forests and furs. Next champiain makes to the gold and silver, the fur trade furnished nent* French set- tne best means f securing the coveted wealth tiement in Canada, which the New World offered. Champiain was a man of culture and refinement, earnest, patriotic, and religious. He wished to extend the glory of France and the Catholic Church. Moreover, he saw that the St. Law rence valley, and not Acadia, was the promising field for France in the New World. In 1608 he made the first per manent French settlement in Canada, at Quebec. The fol lowing year he discovered the lake which bears his name. 80. Champiain and the Iroquois. It was a curious coin cidence that two years after the settlement of Jamestown Hudson should have sailed up the Hudson River and champiain and Champiain should have explored Lake Cham- Henry Hudson, plain (1609). These two events had a large influence on American history. The Dutch on the Hudson and the Iroquois in the Mohawk River valley stood in the way of FrenclMtticcess in America. The story containing the reasons fornrrench failure is full of interest, and we will now begin to read it. MAP SHOWING ROUTES OF CHAMPLAIN, MARQTJETTE and LA SAL.IjE, ALSO ENGLISH POSSESSIONS, FRENCH and SPANISH CLAIMS Scale of Miles. Champlain Marquette+ _ + + La Salle FRENCH EXPLORATIONS 80 When Champlain settled at Quebec in 1608, he found that the neighboring tribes of Algonquin Indians were bit ter enemies of the Mohawks, one of the Five Nations, or Iroquois, in New York. It was hard for him to keep out of their deadly feud, and he decided to take the side of the Algonquins because their lands were nearer to him. Ac cordingly he joined them in a battle with the Mohawks near Ticonderoga, on Lake Cham- plain, and shot some of the latter with his gun. As the Mo hawks had never before heard the report of a gun champlain makes they Were Overcome the Iroquois ene- with superstitious mies of the French terror and defeated. The French man enabled the Algonquins to triumph over the Mohawks, but that shot was fatal t the future success of the French in America. The Iroquois were from that day the unrelenting enemies of the French colonists, and did all they could to prevent them from carrying out their plans of exploration and trade. 81. The French Reach the Mississippi Valley. It is important to remember that this battle of Ticonderoga took place in 1609, when only a handful of Englishmen were at Jamestown. The French had control of the St. Law rence, one of the three great water-ways to the interior of North America. If they could get control of The three great the Mississippi valley and the Hudson-Mo- water-ways. hawk River route they would hold the other two, and North America would be in their grasp. The distance from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi was not great. One route lay through Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, by portage into French Creek, through the Alleghany and Ohio Rivers into the Mississippi. Another lay through the same lakes into the Maumee, by portage into the Wabash, SAMUEL CHAMPLAIN. 90 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and through the Ohio into the Mississippi. But the ever- watchful Iroquois, whose territory stretched along- the The iroquois force shore of Lake Erie, blocked the way and fionTand^fficltt baffled th e French here. The latter were <- ute - obliged to seek a route farther north, which was much longer and more difficult. Slowly and patiently they worked their way up the Ottawa River into Georgian Bay, through Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, across into the Illinois River, and from there into the Mississippi. The Jesuit missionaries bore a large part in this toil some work of exploration. These brave men were eager to Christianize the Indians. They built mission stations and in their zeal braved many dangers. Not only did they gain converts to their faith, but with rare intelligence they made important explorations and discoveries. It was one f of their number, Marquette, who succeeded Important work of . . the Jesuit mis- in reaching the Mississippi. Attended by sionaries. Joliet, he sailed, in 1673, as far down the Mis sissippi as the mouth of the Arkansas. This was two years before King- Philip s War and three years before Bacon s Rebellion. 82. La Salle Plants the Arms of France at the Mouth of the Mississippi. But the most valuable explorations were made by the daring and tireless La Salle. He was an earnest Catholic, and was full of plans for his own success and ambitious for the success of France. In 1666, at the age of twenty-three, he came out to Canada, filled with the passion of his age, the desire to discover a water route to India. Not much is known of his early explorations, but it is supposed that he discovered the Ohio River and partially explored it. In 1679 he set out on an expedition to explore the Mississippi. By this time he had given up the idea of a water route to India. His great ambition was to reach La Saiie sets out tne moutn f tne Mississippi and secure the to explore the valley for France. Having built the Griffin, Mississippi. a small boatj Qn the Niagara River, he sailed in it through Lakes Erie and Huron and landed on the shore of Lake Michigan. He then sent back his boat for LA SALLE CLAIMING FOR FRANCE ALL THE TERRITORY THROUGH WHICH THE MISSISSIPPI AND ITS TRIBUTARIES FLOWED. FRENCH EXPLORATIONS 9 1 supplies, but he never heard from it again. This was only one of the many trials and disappointments in his troubled life. A little later he reached the Illinois La Sa iie reaches River, and sailing about half way down, built a the mouth of the fort afterward fitly named Crevecoeur (Heart- 88ippK break). In 1682 he found the Mississippi and explored it to its mouth. There, according to French custom, he planted the French arms and claimed all the country through which the river and its tributaries flowed. He called the country Louisiana in honor of the French King, Louis XIV. This was the year in which Penn was laying the foundations of Philadelphia. 83. Attempt to Plant a Colony at the Mouth of the Mississippi. La Salle s aims were two-fold : (i) To establish military and trade centres at various Lasaiie stwo points and (2) to aims - plant a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi River. In this way he hoped to get control of the fur trade for France. He had built many forts. He now returned to France to get people for his colony. He succeeded in getting men for this new scheme, but in sailing for the mouth of the Mississippi he missed it and landed several hundred miles to the west at Matagorda Bay. Trials and difficulties grew thick about him until, at the end of two years, he started overland to get assistance from Canada. While he and his wretched followers were wandering through the dense forests, he was waylaid and shot dead by some of the men of his own company (1687). He had not accom- whatLaSaiie plished his full purpose, but in exploring did - the Ohio and the Mississippi and in building forts in the unoccupied territory he had done a great work for his country. ROBERT CAVALIER DE LA SALLE. 92 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 84. On Account of La Salle s Exploration the Missis sippi Valley Becomes a Part of New France. The plant ing of French arms at the mouth of the Mississippi was a very significant event in American history. It was the declaration to the world that France laid claim to the whole Mississippi valley from the Rocky to the Alleghany Mountains. Spain had failed to follow up her discovery of the Mississippi by making the country known to the world or by colonizing it. It had been the dream of La Salle to unite this immense and valuable territory with the St. Lawrence valley, making a vast empire which would crowd out the English. The English had planted their colonies on the Atlantic sea-coast, and he wished to keep them shut in behind the Alleghanies for ever. The Mississippi and St. Lawrence valleys would form the New France of America, with the seat of govern ment removed to the Mississippi. TO THE PUPIL 1. You have been studying colonial history from the earliest settlements to 1689. Before that date, each colony largely went its own way, with but little interest in any other. After that date, the colonies were gradually drawn nearer together by the necessity of uniting for a better defence against common enemies. One of these common enemies was the French and the Indians, and another the royal and proprietary governors. 2. What was done for France by Verrazano ? by Cartier ? by Cham- plain ? You cannot too carefully note the results of Champlain s mistake (1609) i n making enemies of the Iroquois. 3. Trace carefully on the map the various water-ways by which the French could reach the Mississippi valley. What part did the Jesuit missionaries bear in the toilsome work of exploration ? 4. Describe the work of La Salle. What were his aims ? Notice what he did in 1682, only seven years before the great landmark 1689. What were the results of his work ? Write an essay on nis explora tions. 5. Learn all you can about the Iroquois Indians, as their influence upon colonial history was remarkable. You will find a good account of them in the first chapter of Parkman s Conspiracy of Pontiac. CHAPTER X THE LAST FRENCH WAR REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, III.; Wright s Children s Stories in American History; Sloane s French War and the Revolution ; Cook s Stories in the Old Dominion ; Coffin s Old Times in the Colonies ; Fiske s War of Independence; Richardson s History of Our Country ; Hart s Formation of the Union. OUTSIDE READINGS : Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, V. and VI. ; Parkman s Montcalm and Wolfe; Parkman s Conspiracy of Pontiac; Park- man s Old Re gime in Canada ; Bancroft s United States, V. ; Morris s Half Hours with American History, I. ; Minsdale s Old Northwest; Wilson s A His tory of the American People, II.; Frothingham s Rise of the Republic; Rossiter Johnson s Old French War; Scudder s George Washington; Franklin s Au tobiography; Wilson s George Washington ; Ford s The True George Wash ington. FICTION: Cooper s Last of the Mohicans; Thackeray s Virginians; Henty s With Wolfe in Canada ; Munroe s At War with Pontiac. POETRY : Longfellow s Evangeline (the Acadians). 85. England and France Struggle for Control in America (1689-1763). These events in the Mississippi val ley occurred just before 1689. In 1688 James WarsbetweenEnjf . II., the last Stuart king", was driven OUt of land and France England and found refuge in the court o f 689 ~ I763) France. There France took up his cause, and England and France began a series of wars which did not end until 1763. While these wars were going on in Europe there was fight ing between the French and English colonies in America. The Iroquois stood in the way of French The iroquois and success, for the French sought the fur trade, the fur trade. and the Iroquois largely controlled it in the region of the Great Lakes. But since the day that Champlain had joined Q3 94 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES the Aigonquins and helped them defeat the Iroquois, the French had been persistently hindered and harassed by these powerful tribes in the Mohawk valley. It will be re membered that the English, when they conquered New Netherland, inherited from the Dutch the good-will and friendly alliance of these Indians. Both the French and the English encouraged their Ind ian allies to make attacks upon frontier settlements during the years that France and England were at war. The vari- The intercolonial ous wars in the colonies were called Inter- Wars - colonial Wars. 1 The last one is the most in teresting one to us. It is known as the Last French War 2 in America and the Seven Years War in Europe (1756-1763). 86. Causes of the Last French War. Both England and France claimed the territory between the Alleghanies Reasons why and the Mississippi. England claimed it by the discovery of the Cabots and by Indian vaiiey. treaty, and France by reason of exploration. France had done much more than England to make this region known, but had not occupied the country. When, therefore, the English colonies, which had been taking root on the Atlantic coast, had spread as far west as the eastern base of the Alleghanies, a struggle for possession was inevi table. By 1750 the French had built a line of sixty forts by 1 The first three of the Intercolonial Wars, named after the English sovereign reigning at the time, were as follows: King William s War (1689-1697), Queen Anne s War (1702-1713), and King George s War (1744-1748). During the last one the New England colonists, led by Colonel Pepperrell, captured Louisburg, a great fortress on Cape Breton Island. The French had thought that this strong hold could withstand any attack, and were therefore amazed at the success of the New England farmers and fishermen. At the end of the war, however, England gave up Louisburg to France. 2 To develop union among the English colonies, there were needed such com mon interests as the Intercolonial Wars furnished. Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York united in King William s War ; South Carolina, New England, New York, and New Jersey organized separate expeditions against the French and Ind ians in Queen Anne s War; the northern colonies engaged in King George s War; and in the Last French War all the colonies stood side by side in a solid array against the French and Indians. This war was national, and led the provincial to begin to think of himself as an American. THE LAST FRENCH WAR 95 FRENCH SOLDIERS AND OFFICERS OF THE TIME OF THE FRENCH WAR. way of the Great Lakes, from the St. Lawrence to the mouth of the Mississippi. Great skill was shown in lo cating them at points of military importance. In many cases they afterward became great business French forts and and trade centres. Detroit, Chicago, Nat- colonies. chez, and St. Louis mark the sites of some of these forts. The French had planted colonies also at Mobile and New Orleans early in the eighteenth century. Thus far they had outgeneraled the English in establishing a claim to such a vast extent of territory, for the English colonists had been so busy with their own affairs that they had thought very little of the land lying west of the mountains. But at last they had waked up and were ready to make a stubborn fight if necessary. French and English traders had come into collision in the disputed territory, and both the French and the English appreciated the need of immediate action. About the same time that the French governor was once more trying to make friends with the Iroquois 1 Indians, and urging the 1 The Iroquois were the great barrier between the French and the disputed terri tory. During this war the Iroquois were neutral. 96 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES home government to send colonists to the Ohio valley, the Ohio Company was formed by some gentlemen in Virginia. This company received from the king, on condition of set- The OHIO com- tlement, a grant of 600,000 acres of land be- pany - tween the Great Kanawha and Mononga- hela Rivers. Lawrence Washington had a large interest in the Ohio Company, and his younger brother George was employed as surveyor. The Ohio Company at once began to send explorers into the disputed region, and at the same time the French were taking formal possession by sinking lead plates with inscriptions at the mouths of the streams. To get ahead of the English the French built a line of forts on the direct route to the Ohio. 1 Governor Dinwid- Washington s die sent George Washington, then adjutant- loumeytothe general of the Virginia militia, to inform the French commander 2 that he was building on English territory and would do well to depart peace ably. Washington at this time was twenty-one years old and over six feet tall. Cool-headed and fearless, with seven companions, all on pack-horses, he started for Williams- burg, Va., on his perilous journey late in October, 1753. About the middle of January, 1754, he returned with the refusal of the French commander to withdraw. As the juncture of the Alleghany and Monongahela Rivers was the " Gateway of the West," a fort here would control the entrance to the Ohio valley. Both nations had their eyes upon this important site. The English reached 1 These forts included Presque Isle, Le Boeuf, and Venango on the Alleghany. 8 To reach Fort Le Boeuf, situated only fifteen miles from Lake Erie, Washing ton had to travel five hundred miles through the wilderness. By the time he was ready to start back from Fort Venango, it was Christmas. The pack-horses were so weak that Washington and a single companion pressed forward on foot. They had many narrow escapes from death. A treacherous Indian guide, who was not three rods in advance, turned suddenly and shot at Washington, but missed him. Washington took the Indian s gun away and let him go. On reaching the Alle ghany River Washington and his companion found it full of floating ice. With nothing but a hatchet, they made a raft and began crossing the river. Shortly after ward Washington was struck by a piece of floating ice and knocked into the water. Darkness falling upon them before they could reach the opposite side of the river, they spent the night on an island, where thev nearly froze to death. THE LAST FRENCH WAR 97 it first, but were driven off by a larger force of French, who put up a fort and called it Fort Du Quesne. Washington, who was on his way from Virginia to occupy the new fort, was met by the unsuccessful party of English. He pushed on to Great Meadows (Pennsylvania), and there learned that the French were marching toward him. Advancing with the aid of an Indian guide and forty men, The fighting be- he met a French party in a dark glen near by, gins at Great and exchanged shots with them. The French neadows leader and most of his men were killed. This encounter began the war. Washington returned to Great Meadows QUEBEC IN 1730. and threw up intrenchments which he called Fort Neces sity. Here he was defeated by the French and obliged to retire (July, 1754). This handful of men with their youth ful leader had fired the shot which set in motion European armies. The war which followed was but little less im portant in its issues than the Revolution. Let us now fol low it in some of its most important engagements. 87. Plan of the War. The plan ol the English in 1755 and their general plan for &^e war was four-fold. An ex pedition was to be sent against N Acadia ; a second against Crown Point, a French fort on Lake Champlain, which 9& HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES controlled the route to Canada from the south ; a third was to move through the Mohawk valley and capture Fort Niagara, the key to the Great Lakes ; and a fourth, the most important, under the leadership of General Braddock, had for its object the capture of Fort Du Quesne, the " Gate way of the West/ 88. Braddock s Defeat (1755.) In 1755 General Brad- dock was sent over to take command of the English forces in America. He was a brave soldier with much expe rience, but he knew nothing of fighting the Indians in woodland warfare. Self-confident and headstrong, he was quite unwilling: to take advice from Wash- General Braddock. / T- i i i i i .1 j i mgton or Franklin, 1 who both warned him against Indian ambuscades. He trusted all things to his English regulars. The colonial troops were to his mind very inferior, the colonial officers inexperienced, and he regarded them with contempt. With 2,000 men Braddock started from Alexandria, Virginia, toward Fort Du Quesne. 2 His purpose was to capture this fort and then to march north along the Alleghany River, capture the line of forts upon its banks, and join the other forces at Niagara. In marching his troops he insisted upon the same order and precision as in the open fields of Europe, and would listen to no suggestions of avoiding risks from ambush. Finally, when within eight miles of the fort, the fears of the de spised American militia were realized. Braddock s army The ambush and marched into an ambush. The attack came the battle. from an unseen foe, who shot down by scores the surprised English soldiers. The regulars tried to fight in ranks, but in doing so were the more easily struck down 1 Benjamin Franklin was at this time forty-nine years old. He had been for many years a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly and was now Postmaster-gen eral for America. 2 Braddock was in great need of horses and wagons, which for a long time he was not able to secure. At Frederick, Maryland, he was met by Benjamin Frank lin, who used his powerful influence to procure from Pennsylvania farmers one hun dred and fifty wagons, six hundred draft-horses, and fifteen hundred pack-horses. Franklin promised to see that the farmers were paid for their horses and wagons, and he kept his word. GENERAL BRADDOCK S TROOPS IN AN INDIAN AMBUSCADE. THE LAST FRENCH WAR 99 by the Indians firing from behind trees. Braddock made a brave effort to bear up against the foe. Four horses were killed under him, and he was on the fifth when he received a mortal wound. Washington, one of Braddock s staff, had three horses shot under him, and four bullets passed through his clothes. Finally, after suffering severely, the regulars fled in shameful rout. The brave Virginians, led by Washington, fought behind trees in true Indian fashion, and saved the army from utter ruin. Out of Braddock s Disma , f allure of army of 2,000, 700 men and three-fourths of Braddock s expe- the officers were killed. Such was the dismal dltlon - failure of Braddock s expedition. The miserable remnant of his army retreated, and the Indians laid waste the settle ments in western Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. 89. Removal of the Acadians (1755). During the same summer that Braddock was defeated the people of Acadia were removed from their homes. Acadia was included in what is now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It was settled by the French early in the seventeenth century, and about one hundred years later (1710) was captured by the English. For forty-five years it had been un- The Acadians take der English rule. But the simple-minded, sides with the ignorant peasantry continued to speak the French< French language and to take sides with the French in every struggle with the English. In this way they did much in jury to the English cause. Accordingly, in 1755, some troops from New England landed in Acadia and told the inhabitants they must promise to support the English king or they would be sent out of the country. More than 5,000 of them refused, and they were torn from their Their removal homes and scattered among the colonies from necessary. Massachusetts to Georgia. A large number of them found their way to Louisiana, where many of their descendants may be found to-day. This removal caused much hardship, but it seemed to be a military necessity. 90. Montcalm and French Successes. There had been fighting in the colonies for about two years before war was IOO HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES QUEBEC declared between England and France in 1756. The first two years of fighting in the colonies found the French suc cessful almost everywhere. The English government sent weak English to America very weak and inefficient generals. generals. These men, like Braddock, were unwilling to take any advice from colonial officers and looked down upon colonial troops. Moreover, they so managed the various armies that there was not united and harmo nious action. The French, on the contrary, were ably handled by Montcalm, who so massed his forces at im portant points that, during these two years, he kept the English out of the disputed territory, and hemmed them in behind the Alle- ghanies. At the close of 1757 the outlook for Eng land was gloomy. 91. William Pitt and English Successes. At this critical time William Pitt became the head of affairs in England. Clear headed and great-hearted, he was a true hero. He loved England as fondly as his own life and was willing to rise or fall with her. He said, " I can save England," and he did save England. His faith in himself and his country filled the people with hope and confidence. He appointed strong and able officers for the troops in America. He put the colonial officers and troops on an equal footing with the English and pushed forward the various armies in energetic, united action. The spirit of Pitt was everywhere. In quick succession Louisburg, Fort Frontenac, Fort Du Quesne, Fort Niagara, and other French strongholds fell into the hands of the English. THE LAST FRENCH WAR 101 Quebec. 92. Wolfe and the Capture of Quebec (September 18, J 759)- Pitt showed great wisdom in appointing General Wolfe to take command of an expedition against Quebec, the most important place now remaining in possession of the French. 1 General Wolfe, then in his thirty-third year, had a feeble body but a fear less soul. As brigadier-general at Louisburg he had gained high praise for energy and boldness. Pitt believed in this brave young general, and therefore placed him at the head of an army of 10,000 men for the capture of Quebec. The men so idolized Wolfe that they would gladly follow him to victory or death. Quebec was situated on steep and lofty cliffs overlooking the St. Law rence, and was pro tected by a strong for tress. This fortress was the strongest in America, and the key to Canada. Wolfe and his army tried in vain for three months to find a weak spot where they might make a successful attack, but failure met them on every hand. The English troops were dis couraged, and even the brave Wolfe began to lose hope, but in spite of sickness and intense bodily suffering he resolved to make one more attempt to take Quebec. At last his searching eyes caught sight of a pathway up the rugged sides of the cliffs along the river bank, some distance above the city. Here was an opportunity not to be neglected. One dark night Wolfe s army floated quietly down the river in boats and landed at the foot The English ciimb of the rocky heights. The brave soldiers, the rocky heights. with immense difficulty, pulled themselves and their cannon up the steep ascent. Reaching the top, they quickly over- 1 Crown Point and Ticonderoga were captured by the English under Amherst in the summer of 1759 (the last of July). MAJ.-GEN. JAMES WOLFE. IO2 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES powered the guard, which was too much astonished to make resistance. In the morning-, Wolfe s men were drawn up in line of battle on the Plains of Abraham, less than a mile from the walls of Quebec. Montcalm, astonished at what the English had done, would not wait for an attack, but at once led his army out on the open plain. The fighting was terrible, and the French could not stand up against the withering fire of the English. Wolfe led in a furious charge and, although twice pierced with bullets, refused to give up until he received a mortal wound. It was Wolfe s victory hard for him to die as and death. long as the issue was in doubt, but when, in his last moments, he heard the shout of victory, he said, " Now, God be praised, I will die in peace." Montcalm was also mortally wounded, and in the hour of death was equally heroic. When told that he could not live more than ten or twelve hours, he exclaimed, " Thank God, I shall not live to see Quebec surrendered." A few days later Quebec passed from French into English hands (September 18, 1759). 93. The Treaty of Peace (1763). With the fall of Quebec the last stronghold of the French in America passed into the hands of the English. The following year Montreal surrendered, and the colony of New France ceased to exist. Although the war was over in America, it still continued for three years in Europe, and Spain joined France against England, It was finally closed by the treaty of Paris, signed in 1763. By this treaty France ceded to Spain all the territory lying between the Missis sippi and the Rocky Mountains; also the town of New Orleans, which controlled the navigation of the Mississippi. To England she gave Canada and all her territory east of the Mississippi. 1 Spain gave Florida to England in ex- 1 France retained for fishing stations two small islands, St. Pierre and Miquelon, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. MARQUIS DE MONTCALM. THE LAST FRENCH WAR 103 change for Havana, which the English had captured during the war. The English had driven out of North America successively the Dutch (1664) and the French (1763). Eng land and Spain alone remained. Thenceforward these two had control in North America. 94. Other Results of the War. But there were other far-reaching results of the Last French War which largely affected the future of the English colonies: (i) Up to this time there had been little of common interest among them. But all were engaged in this struggle, and they fought side by side. Thus the war taught them to know and respect .each other, gave them a mutual interest, and prepared them for union. (2) They were made to realize their own strength and to see that their military ability was quite equal to that of the English soldiers. (3) The war was a preparatory school for the Revolution. Such officers as Marion, Stark, Putnam, and Washington received a mil itary training of great value. (4) Although in fighting the French in America, England felt that she had been pro tecting the colonies, the colonies felt that they had been helping England in establishing English against French authority. This attitude explains their growing sense of power and independence which led, after the removal of the French, to their resistance against British interference and their final separation from the British crown. NOTE The Conspiracy of Pontiac. When, at the close of the Last French War,. England tried to take possession of the territory west of the Alleghanies and north of the Ohio, trouble with the Indians in that region at once arose. The French, embittered by their loss of this territory, stirred up the Indians against tfie English, and the conspiracy of Pontiac was the outcome. This able and daring chief of the Ottawas organized a widespread movement for the purpose of destroying all the English settlers west of the Alleghanies. Having won over to his scheme many tribes, he succeeded in capturing eight out of twelve forts, whose garrisons he put to death. This fierce and bloody war lasted two years and ended in the complete failure of Pontiac. 104 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE PUPIL 1. What was the leading cause of the Last French War ? What did the Ohio Company set out to do ? What journey did Washington make and with what results ? Write an account of this journey. 2. How did the war begin ? In outlining the plan of the war use the map freely. 3. What do you think of Braddock and of the causes of his defeat ? Was the removal of the Acadians just ? Give reasons for your answer. 4. Account for French successes in the early years of the war. What had William Pitt to do with English successes later ? 5. What do you admire in the character of General Wolfe ? For many interesting facts about the personality of this heroic man, see Park- man s Montcalm and Wolfe. 6. Imagine yourself to have been one of Wolfe s soldiers and write an account in the first person of scaling the Heights of Abraham and of the battle on the following day. 7. What were the results of the war ? Make two brief outlines, one containing the advantages the French had in America and the other containing the advantages the English had. 8. Subject for debate : Resolved, that the French had a just claim to the Ohio valley. 9. Subject for essay : Cooper s Last of the Mohicans. 10. To aid you in an intelligent review from the beginning of the book, you can supplement the chronological chart suggested at the end of Chapter VI. by adding a fourth parallel line for the principal events connected with French exploration and colonization. Such a review will help you to understand clearly the nature of the struggle, mainly on the part of four European countries, to get control of North America. By 1763 England had come out ahead in this struggle. 11. As you may know, Francis Parkman is the standard historian on the relations between the English and the French colonies in America. Read his Montcalm and Wolfe and Longfellow s Evangeline. CHAPTER XI LIFE IN THE COLONIES AT THE CLOSE OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS REFERENCES: Drake s Making of New England; Richardson s History of Our Country; Barnes s Popular History of the United States; Sanford s History of Connecticut; Thwaites s Colonies; Scudder s Men and Manners in America One Hundred Years Ago ; Eggleston s Household History. OUTSIDE READINGS: Earle s Customs and Fashions in Old New England; Earle s Sabbath in Puritan New England; Earle s Costume of Colonial Times; Weeden s Economic and Social History of New England; Earle s Margaret Winthrop; Irving s Knickerbocker s History of New York; living s Sketch Book ; Hart s Colonial Children. 95. The Colonies in General. At the close of the French and Indian Wars in 1763, the colonies mainly occu pied a strip of land lying along- the Atlantic coast and stretching all the way from Maine to Florida. There were, thirteen of these original colonies, which, by reason of dif ference in soil, climate, and other natural as well as social and economic conditions, may be divided into three groups : the New England group, or New Hampshire, Thc three groupg Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecti- of colonies. cut; the Middle group, or New York, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, and Delaware ; and the Southern group, or Mary land, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The population was about two million souls, 1 one-fourth of whom were slaves. The people lived mainly along the sea- coast and large rivers, although a few settle- population and ments stretched back into the forests. As large towns. many of the people were engaged in farming there were few large towns. Philadelphia, with a population of about l The population of New York City in 1900 was 3,437,202. 105 io6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 25,000, was the largest town ; Boston was not far behind ; and New York contained 10,000 or 12,000 people. Money being scarce, trade was mainly by barter. There were much comfort and prosperity and some wealth, but there was great need of labor to develop the resources of the West, which was now under the control of the English and open to settlement. THE NEW ENGLAND GROUP OF COLONIES 96. Occupations of the People. By reason of the poor, rocky soil of New England, agriculture yielded a meagre re turn for a great deal of hard labor. Farming on a small scale was extensive, but much more important sources of wealth The fisheries and were the cod and whale fisheries. By 1763 New the west indta England had built up a flourishing trade with islands. the West India Islands. Cargoes of dried fish from New England were exchanged in these islands for sugar, molasses, and slaves. Large forests furnished excel lent material for shipbuilding. Boston alone had six hun dred vessels engaged in foreign commerce and a thousand in the fisheries and trade along the coast. All this fishing and trading developed a hardy and expert class of sailors that later furnished excellent material for our navy. 97. Religion and Church Worship. Religion came first with the Puritan. The minister was usually the leading man in the community, and he did much to form public opinion in political as well as religious matters. The churches were plain within and without. They were not heated, even in the coldest weather. But for all this, church attend- everybody was expected to attend, absence ance. without good excuse being punishable by a fine. The minister sometimes preached in overcoat and mittens. Women carried heated stones in their muffs, and later handstoves took the place of the stones. When going to church the men sometimes carried their muskets and left sentinels outside to watch against sudden attack from the Indians. People were carefully seated according to their 108 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES social position, the men sitting- on one side of the church and the women on the other. As the minister often preached two or three hours, the congregation at times naturally The tithing grew tired and sleepy. But the tithing man man - was always present with his long rod of author ity. This rod had a piece of brass on one end and a hare s foot on the other. If a woman went to sleep she was gently touched with the hare s foot, but if an unfortunate boy PURITANS GOING TO CHURCH. nodded or otherwise failed in reverent attention, he was less gently rapped on the head with the hard end of the rod. 98. The Salem Witchcraft (1692). It has often been said that the gloomy religious life of the Puritans led to that strange delusion known as the Salem Witchcraft. As a matter of fact, the belief in witchcraft in 1692 was not con fined to the Puritans, for such a belief was almost universal. The witchcraft craze in Massachusetts started from Salem Village (now Danvers) a short distance from Salem. A half dozen girls and young women, from ten to twenty years old, became almost insane over the subject of witch craft. They mewed like cats, barked like dogs, and went into fits, declaring that certain persons, in league with the devil, bit them, pinched them, or in some way tortured them. On the testimony of these silly girls hundreds of innocent people were thrown into prison on the charge of witchcraft Before the frenzy had spent itself, nineteen LIFE IN COLONIAL TIMES 109 people were hanged, including a clergyman, and one old man eighty years of age was pressed to death with heavy weights. But when, after six months, some of the magis trates and even the governor s wife were accused, the people realized their folly and stopped punishing for witch craft. 99. Education. Education stood next to religion and, from the Puritan standpoint, was almost a part of religion. The Puritans therefore established a system of public edu cation soon after reaching New England. Every town was required to have a school, and before 1650 each New England colony, except Rhode Island, had passed laws en forcing some degree of education. Everywhere there was training in reading and writing. As a consequence, public education was so general that there were few people who could not read and write. As early as 1636 Harvard Col lege was established at Cambridge, Mass., and in 1701 Yale College at New Haven, Conn. 100. Crimes and Punishments. Laws were severe, and few crimes were committed. Many offences were punish able by death, and all kinds of punishments were inflicted in the most public way. Stocks, pillories, ducking-stools, and whipping-posts could usually be found in every village of any size. The pillory was a wooden frame, so constructed as to hold fast the head and hands of the offender. The stocks held fast the offender s feet only. In The stocks and some cases he was confined in a cage and ex- thepiiiory. posed to the public gaze ; in others, he was branded with the initial letter of his crimes or compelled to wear, in a conspicuous place, a big initial letter indicating his crime. 101. Life and Manners. The New England diet was simple. Cider and rum were favorite drinks, used often as we use tea and coffee now. The best room and the kitchen were the principal rooms in the house. The most noticeable thing in the kitchen was the fireplace. It would accommodate a Theoid-time backlog five or six feet long and two or three fireplace, feet in diameter, and was large enough for roasting an en- no HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Amusements. tire sheep. As there were no stoves all cooking was done here. By such firesides the mothers and daughters would sit during the long winter evenings with their knitting, spinning, or quilting, while the father read his Bible or smoked his pipe. Sometimes as the fire blazed, cider-drink ing, nut-cracking, and story-telling helped to while away the evening hours. In general, however, life was neither bright nor cheer ful, as the Puritans were shy of most kinds of enjoyment. But the young people were not with- out simple amusements, like house -raisings, dancing, and corn-husking parties, and social gatherings for spinning, quilting, and apple- paring. On these occasions there was much genuine fun. Christmas was not observed because the Puritans did not like the Church of England, which made much of the observance of Christmas. Their chief holiday was Thanksgiving Day, which they celebrated, as now, in the autumn. This was made the occasion for family reunions. At the Thanks- The Thanksgiving giving dinner the table was loaded with reunion. chicken, turkey, nuts, plum-puddings, mince- pies, pumpkin-pies, and many other toothsome varieties of food. Weddings were festive occasions. The friends and Weddings and neighbors were generally entertained at the tunerais. bride s home, the wedding feast often lasting several days. Funerals were very expensive. Gifts such as scarfs, gloves, and rings were generously distributed to A WANTON GOSPELLER LIFE IN COLONIAL TIMES in the guests, and an elaborate feast of meats and drinks was regarded as an essential feature of the occasion. TO THE PUPIL 1. Prepare yourself to write five minutes on any one of the following topics : Occupations of the people, church worship, education, crimes and punishments, the old-time fireplace, and amusements. 2. Imagine yourself to be a New England boy or girl in colonial days and write a story of your experiences. Such work will greatly aid you in reviving the past. 3. What do you like in the manners and customs of Early New England ? Read Earle s Customs and Fashions in Old New England. THE SOUTHERN GROUP OF COLONIES 102. Occupations of the People. In the Southern col onies, a rich soil was ^general, rivers made excellent high ways, and the climate was well suited to agriculture. The plantations were scattered along the rivers, T he plantation and sometimes many miles apart, with thickly the planter, wooded stretches of land between. Each planter in Vir ginia had his own wharf, from which his produce was car ried to England, and to which manufactured goods of every sort were brought in exchange. The planter needed but little that he did not obtain on his plantation or at his wharf His slaves were not only cultivators of the soil, but they in- eluded skilled workmen, such as millers, tailors, carpenters, and shoemakers. Under such an independent system of life, towns were not needed, and before the Revolution there were only a few towns of any size in Virginia. 103. Education. The facilities for common school edu cation were poor. Governor Berkeley said (1670), " I thank God there are no free schools, nor printing, Berkeley opposes and I hope we shall not have them these hun- free schools, dred years." The scattered condition of the population did not favor the establishment of good common schools. The rich planters had tutors at home for their children and often sent their sons to Europe to be educated, but the vschools for the masses were so few that the poorer people 112 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES generally grew up in ignorance. The wealthy planters could live without work and formed a leisure class. Many of them owned fine libraries. Although Virginia had been settled as early as 1607, the most important additions were made to her population in the time of the Commonwealth (1649-1660.) During this The cavaliers and tlme hundreds of the king s followers, or political leaders m cavaliers, came to Virginia. These men were usually from the higher ranks of English soci ety, and had been prominent in public life in England. Their descendants in Virginia naturally inherited their political tendencies and included the ancestors of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Patrick Henry, the Lees, and the Randolphs. We need not be surprised, then, that Virginia furnished more leaders in the Revolution than any other colony and after ward became the " Mother of Presidents." 104. Life and Manners. The mansion of the planter, built of wood or brick, was two stories high, with a spa cious veranda and a wide hall way. Close by the mansion The mansion and WCTC the slave the slave quarters, quarters, COnsist- ing of wooden cabins sur rounded by gardens and poultry yards. These negro quarters, on a. large plantation, made a small village, and all about them could be seen swarms of negro children. Planters on the large plantations lived in wasteful Manner of life of extravagance, with the planters. choice dogS, fine horses, and a coach-and-six for great occasions. They were fond of such sports as horse- racing and fox-hunting, and were so generous and hospi- THE PILLORY. LIFE IN COLONIAL TIMES 113 COLONIAL RELICS. table that the doors of their mansions were always open to respectable travellers. Though, as we have seen, Thanks giving was the feast-day of the year in New Christmas a fes- England, Christmas was celebrated in a fes- tive occasion. tive manner in the South, when everything was gay and bright in the planter s house. A great dinner was followed in the evening by dancing to the music of the harpsichord and the violin. TO THE PUPIL 1. Find points of difference between the people in New England and in the South in respect to occupations, education, and life and man ners. 2. Write an essay on life in Virginia just before the Revolution. Read Scudder s George Washington. THE MIDDLE GROUP OF COLONIES 105. The People and Their Occupation. The people in the New England and Southern groups of colonies were largely English, but this was by no means A mjxed popula . true of New York, Pennsylvania, and the tion in New York other Middle colonies. Here the population and Penn8 y vania - represented many of the countries of Europe. Trade and agriculture were of about equal importance in New York. The fur trade claimed most attention in New York and HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES EARLY NEW AMSTERDAM, SHOWING Pennsylvania. Besides iurs, the principal exports were grain and flour. The principal port tor foreign trade was then, as now, New York, whose merchants were busy and prosperous, employing many ships in their extensive corn- Trade agricuit= rnerce with England, the West Indies, and ure, and manu- other parts of the world. Most manufactured goods came from England and the continent of Europe. As in New England, the spinning-wheel and loom took their place in the domestic economy. The ship building industry and the saw-mill were of necessity early developed, and the Dutch wind-mill became a striking feat ure of the landscape. Outside of New York agriculture was the most extensive industry. 106. Education. While the Dutch were in control, common schools were well supported in New York, but under the English they were not in a flourishing condition. The Episcopalians founded King s College, now Columbia University, New York, in 1754. Although in New Jersey and Pennsylvania but little was done to provide for general education, outside of a few larger towns, the Presbyte- LIFE IN COLONIAL TIMES COSTUMES, AMUSEMENTS, AND ARCHITECTURE. rians founded Princeton College, New Jersey, in 1746; and Benjamin Franklin founded the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia in 1749. 107. Crimes and Punishments. Crime was not widely prevalent in the Middle colonies, although piracy had a most demoralizing influence. Hanging, whipping, and the pillory were forms of punishment frequently practised under the public gaze, as was the case in New England. 108. Life and Manners Among the Dutch. The Dutch house had a pointed gable roof with a weather-vane on top and a porch in front of the house, where the family sat during summer evenings to enjoy the air. r . , & - , J J . , The Dutch house. There were great wide fireplaces with seats for reading or sewing. The walls were without paper, but many pictures in small frames hung upon them. The Dutch women were noted for their neatness and for their excellent housekeeping. They scrubbed the Neat housekeep- floors and sprinkled them with sand every In *- day. The men were slow and easy-going, but they were honest, thrifty, and industrious. They were fond of smok- n6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ing and liked story-telling and good eating, the Dutch housekeepers being noted for their skill in making dough- nuts, crullers, and various kinds of cakes. The Dutch intro duced " Santa Claus and " St. Nicholas " at Christmas time, and New Year s visiting. Among them a funeral was a most expensive affair. Not only did Funeral customs. , , . . . . . J . they distribute to the guests gloves, scarfs, and rings, as was the custom in New England, but to each friend a bottle of wine. In Albany the funeral expenses in one instance were $20,000. The towns were situated mostly about the mouth of the Hudson, and from there the settlements extended through the Hudson valley to Albany and then followed the Mo hawk valley. The patroons lived on their vast estates in Lifeamongthe grand and richly furnished houses facing the patroons. Hudson. They had about them many ser vants and rented to numerous tenants the farms into which their estates were divided. These great estates, lying on the rivers, where goods could be easily landed and cargoes sent off, did away with the necessity of trade centres or towns. The people were more social and fond of merry-making than the New Englanders. Their most noted holidays were Christmas, New Year s, St. Valentine s Day, Easter, and May Day. In the country, spinning-bees, house-rais- sociai life of the ings, corn-huskings, and dancing parties were people, favorite amusements; in towns, horse-racing, cock-fighting, balls, and picnics. There was little luxury, but much quiet contentment with the simple ways of living. TO THE PUPIL 1. What points of difference do you find between the people of the Middle colonies and those of New England ? Those of the South ? 2. Write a short account of life and manners among the Dutch, adding as many facts as you can to those given in the text. 3. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, in Irving s Sketch Book, is delightful reading. LIFE IN COLONIAL TIMES 117 MODES OF TRAVEL AND COMMUNICATION 109. Modes of Travel. It was difficult for the colonies to know and understand each other because their means of communication were so restricted. The usual mode of travel on land was on foot or horseback ; and not only were the roads poor, but very few of the rivers had bridges. People living near the rivers journeyed much by row-boats, and those along the coast made great use of sloops. The trip by water from New York to Philadelphia, with a fair wind, required three days. A wagon ran twice a week from New York to Philadelphia, and, in 1766, a stage-coach was put on which made the trip in two days. This stage, greatly shortening the time, was called a " flying machine." It could make the journey from Boston to New York in four days. When the coach was ready the driver The old stage- gave notice by sounding a horn, and then, with coach, a crack of the whip, away it went on its slow and toilsome journey, during which it was no uncommon thing for the travellers to be compelled to alight and help pry the coach- wheels out of the mire. Mails were carried mostly on horseback, and people depended mainly on letters for news. Newspapers did not at this time tell much about local or colonial news. They were full of advertisements and news from Europe. The first newspaper was the Boston News Letter (1704). At the close of the Last French Wai- there were from thirty to forty newspapers in the whole country. OLD SPINNING-WHEEL. Newspapers. CHAPTER XII GROWTH TOWARD UNION IN THE COLONIES REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States; Fisher s Civil Government in the United States ; Thwaites s Colonies ; Fiske s Colonial Era ; Bancroft s United States, II. OUTSIDE READINGS: Frothingham s Rise of the Republic; Eggteston s Household History; Macy s Our Government; Franklin s Plan of Union (Old South Leaflets) ; Fiske s Civil Government in the United States ; Woodburn s The American Republic. no. Colonial Government. The various colonial gov ernments were modelled after the English and were there fore much alike in form. Each colony had The governor, the f > council, and the its governor and a law-making body consist ing of the Council, 1 and the Assembly. The Council was the governor s body of advisers. They aided the governor in executing his duties, and generally took part in making laws. The Assembly was elected by the people and was therefore the stronghold of their rights. It alone could levy taxes, and in this way it controlled the public money. But the manner of choosing the governor made all the difference in the amount of freedom which each colony The three kinds enjoyed. In 1763 there were three political of colonies. groups 2 of colonies. The first, containing Rhode Island and Connecticut, may rightly be called the republican, or self-governing, group, because the people elected the governor; the second, containing Pennsylvania, 1 The members of the council were chosen in various ways : by the king, as in Virginia; by the proprietary governor, as in Pennsylvania; by the legislature, as in Massachusetts ; or by the people, as in Connecticut. 2 These political groups should not be confused with the groups named in par. 94. 1 18 GROWTH TOWARD UNION IN THE COLONIES 119 Delaware, and Maryland, may be called the proprietary group, because the proprietors appointed the governor; and the third, containing the remaining eight colonies, may be called the royal group, because the king of England appointed the governor. in. Republican, Proprietary, and Royal Colonies. Connecticut and Rhode Island had very liberal charters and governed themselves without any interference from the mother-country. They were, * even at this early period, little republics. In the royal and proprietary stru g gle between colonies there was an almost continual strug- the r y al andpro- gle going on between the governors and the and ^he^^awem! colonial assemblies. The points at issue were blies - sometimes petty, sometimes serious, and the discussions were often bitter. In New York, for instance, the burn ing question was whether the governor should receive a fixed salary (1/45-1755). The members of the assembly ob jected, for they feared that the governor might thus become independent of the people. They believed a fixed salary would be in the nature of a tax by the crown, and, true to the instincts of their forefathers, they declared that no taxes should be levied without the consent of the people. In all the proprietary and royal colonies, long and No taxatlon with _ bitter conflicts were waged over raising money out representa- for public defence, especially during the Inter- * colonial Wars (1689-1763). As the real source of power in any government is the authority that lays the taxes, the assemblies usually came out ahead. The results were twofold : (i) The people received valu able political training, and (2) they learned that they had a common interest in contending against the personal rule of the king of England. The attempt to enforce personal rule, or royal prerogative, as it was called, is TWO results of most familiar in the case of Berkeley in Vir- the struggle, ginia and Andros in Massachusetts, who did much to arouse the spirit of opposition in the two leading colonies. These colonies were afterward the first to break out in open re bellion against English authority. I2O HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Poor Richard, 1733. A N Almanack FoithcYcarofChrift i H2. Need of Union Among the Colonies. The great need of the thirteen colonies was union. We have seen how the feeling of common danger from Indian Wars, and later from the various wars with the French, drew the col onists together. The com mon grievances of the as semblies against their royal and proprietary governors united the people still more closely, when the latter real ized that their liberties were endangered by the British crown. The royal governors ap preciated the need of union, and they naturally sought the advantage of the crown. They urged union as a means of checking the people s power. As representatives of the king they wished (i) to get control of colonial trade, and (2) to take the right of taxation out of the Why the royal hands . f tllC governors wished colonial union. 733 Being the Firft after I E AP YEAR: Jnd mates fm f the Creation Years By the Account- of the E (\nn Gftdi 7241 By the Latin Church, when O cm V 6932 By the Computation of W If- 5742 By the Roman Chronology By the Jevijb Rabbies 5454 Wherein is contained The Lunations, Eclipfcs, Judgment of the Weather, Spring Tide*, PrW s Motionsfic jrmrual AfpcGs, Sun and Moon s Rif.ng and Set ting, Length of Days. Tirne of High Water. Fairs, Courts, and obfcrvable Day* Fitted to the Lariruclcoi Forty Degrees and a Meridian of Fivr Hours VV-ft frorr. 7M*. Init may without fenflMe Error ferve ah the ad jacent Places, ewen from KnvfomcUaiJ , Carolina. By RICHARD S/fUNDERS,Ph i\om. PHILADRLPHIAs Printed and fold by B FRJHKLIH. at rhe New Printing Office neat the Market TITLE PAGE OF " POOR RICHARD S ALMANAC." blies. people, under the various colonial governments, had acquired much more power than the king wished them to have. For instance, the dif ferent assemblies, in their narrow, provincial spirit, would not act together, and were slow to enlist soldiers, build weakness from forts, or send armies into the field, where their lack of union. O wn territory was in no danger of attack. As a result, there was little united effort to ward off a great danger such as threatened the colonies in the Last French War and in Pontiac s conspiracy. This lack of union ex- GROWTH TOWARD UNION IN THE COLONIES 121 plains the purpose of James II. in appointing Andros gov. ernor of New England, New York, and New Jersey. He supposed he would strengthen the Northern colonies by uniting them under one government that could act with energy and promptness, but, as we have seen, he failed. The colonies sought union, in so far as they sought it at all, for an entirely different purpose to ward why the colonies off the offensive restrictions and impositions of sought union. England and to extend and increase the rights of the people. From the beginning of the English settlements in Amer ica, a democratic spirit was developed by the situation and life of the colonists. But Benjamin Franklin 1 saw that something more than a spirit of democracy or self-govern ment was needed to make a strong people. He saw that they needed a central authority to lay taxes for their mutual defence. Clearly understanding this need, Franklin pro posed his famous Plan of Union at the Albany Convention 8 (1754). According to this plan each colony Franklin s Plan was to elect representatives to a Grand Coun- of Unlon - cil, similar to our present National Congress. This Grand Council was to have the power of levying taxes upon the people for raising and maintaining armies and otherwise providing for the defence of the colonies. Moreover, like our present Congress, this Council was to exercise supreme 1 Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston in 1706 and died in 1790. His father, a soap-boiler and tallow-chandler, had seventeen children, of whom Benjamin was the youngest son. At ten years of age the lad was set to work in his father s shop, but was dissatisfied with the business. Then he tried printing with his brother, but suffered from harsh treatment. Finally, at the age of seventeen he ran away from home to seek his fortune. One Sunday morning he landed in Philadelphia, cold and friendless, and with only a single dollar in his pocket. In 1732 he began to publish Poor Richard s Almanac, which he continued to publish for twenty years. Full of witty maxims which people could apply with profit to every-day living, it became extremely popular and had an immense sale. Franklin became rich and devoted himself to science. By simple experimenting with a kite, he discovered that lightning is nothing more than discharges of electric ity. He invented a kind of open stove which is in use at the present time. At the close of the Revolution he was associated with John Adams and John Jay in securing a treaty of peace with England. * Only seven colonies were represented. This Convention was called to form a closer alliance with the Six Nations. 122 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES authority in questions affecting all the colonies alike. This was known as the Albany Plan of Union. The king of England did not like it, because he feared it might encourage the colonies to form a union in which the people would exercise too much power. The colonists did not like it 1 because they were unwilling to give up Reasons for its the right of taxation by their colonial assem- faiiure. blies. Franklin s Plan of Union failed, but it was of great value because it led the people to think seri ously about the advantages of union. TO THE PUPIL 1. How did the Council differ from the Assembly ? 2. What were the three political groups of colonies ? What was the distinguishing feature of each group ? 3. Discuss the nature of the struggle between the various assemblies on the one side and the loyal and proprietary governors on the other. What were the results ? In this connection, review the struggle be tween Governor Berkeley and the people of Virginia and that be tween Governor Andros and the people of New England. If you get clear ideas about these struggles, you will better understand the causes of the Revolution. 4. Why was there need of union among the colonies ? What attempts at union had been made ? Why did the royal governors wish union among the colonies ? On what grounds did the colonies seek union ? What was Franklin s Plan of Union ? Why did it fail and what were its results ? CHRONOLOGY 1524. FRENCH EXPEDITION TO AMERICA UNDER VERRAZANO. 1528. PAMPHILO DE NARVAEZ LANDS IN FLORIDA. 1531-33. PIZARRO CONQUERS PERU. 1534. CARTIER SAILS TO THE GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE. 1539. DE SOTO LANDS IN FLORIDA. 1540. CORON ADO S EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF CIBOLA. 1541. DE SOTO DISCOVERS THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. 1562. COLIGNY S FIRST COLONY SENT TO FLORIDA UNDER RIBAULT. 1565. FOUNDING OF ST. AUGUSTINE. 1576. MARTIN FROBISHER DISCOVERS THE STRAIT SINCE CALLED BY HIS NAME. 1579. DRAKE ON THE CALIFORNIA COAST. 1 The plan was presented to the several legislatures, and they all rejected it be cause they did not strongly feel the need of union. GROWTH TOWARD UNION IN THE COLONIES 123 1584. SIR WALTER RALEIGH S FIRST EXPEDITION. 1585. RALEIGH S FIRST COLONY. 1587. IIALEIGH S SECOND COLONY. 1603. FIRST VOYAGE OF SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN TO AMERICA. 1606. PATENT GRANTED TO THE VIRGINIA COMPANIES. 1607. FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA AT JAMESTOWN. 1608. FOUNDING OF QUEBEC BY SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN. 1609. THE DISCOVERY OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. HENRY HUDSON DISCOVERS THE HUDSON RIVER. l6ll. SIR THOMAS DALE, GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA. 1619. FIRST CARGO OF SLAVES BROUGHT TO JAMESTOWN. FIRST LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA MEETS IN JAMESTOWN. 1620. THE PILGRIMS LAND AT PLYMOUTH. 1623. SETTLEMENT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT PORTSMOUTH AND DOVER. 1630. SETTLEMENT OF BOSTON AND NEIGHBORING TOWNS. 1634. SETTLEMENT OF MARYLAND. 1635. PERMANENT SETTLEMENT OF CONNECTICUT BY EMIGRANTS FROM MASSACHU SETTS BAY. 1636. PROVIDENCE FOUNDED BY ROGER WILLIAMS. 1637. THE PEQUOT WAR. 1643. THE CONFEDERATION OF NEW ENGLAND COLONIES FORMED. 1663. CHARTER OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS GRANTED BY CHARLES II. FIRST GRANT OF CAROLINA. 1664. GRANT OF NEW NETHERLAND TO THE DUKE OF YORK, AND ITS SURRENDER TO, THE ENGLISH. NAMED NEW YORK. GOVERNMENT OF NC RTH CAROLINA ESTABLISHED. GRANT OF NEW JERSEY TO BERKELEY AND CARTERET. 1665. SECOND GRANT OF CAROLINA. ARRIVAL OF PHILIP CARTERET AS GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY. ELIZABETH FOUNDED. 1673. MARQUETTE EXPLORES THE MISSISSIPPI. 1675. OUTBREAK OF KING PHILIP S WAR IN NEW ENGLAND. 1676. BACON S REBELLION IN VIRGINIA. 1679. NEW HAMPSHIRE MADE AN INDEPENDENT ROYAL PROVINCE. 1680. HENNEPIN S VOYAGE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. 1 68 1. THE GRANT OF PENNSYLVANIA SIGNED. EMIGRATION BEGUN. 1682. THE FRIENDS BUY EAST JERSEY. PENN SAILS FOR AMERICA. PHILADELPHIA FOUNDED. PENN S INDIAN TREATY. LA SALLE S VOYAGE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. 1685. LA SALLE S COLONY FOUNDED IN TEXAS. 1686. ANDROS GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF NEW ENGLAND. 1687. ANDROS ATTEMPTS TO SEIZE THE CONNECTICUT CHARTER. 1689. ARREST OF ANDROS AT BOSTON. 1692. OUTBREAK OF THE WITCHCRAFT PANIC AT SALEM, MASS. 1700. IBERVILLE ESTABLISHES A SETTLEMENT AT POVERTY POINT, LA. 1702. BEGINNING OF QUEEN ANNE S WAR. 1715. FIVE NATIONS BECOME SIX BY ADDITION OF THE TUSCARORAS. 1733. OGELTHORPE S COLONY SETTLES IN GEORGIA. SUGAR AND MOLASSES ACT. 1744. BEGINNING OF KING GEORGE S WAR. 124 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 1745. CAPTURE OF LOUISBURG. 1748. OHIO COMPANY FORMED. LOUISBURG RESTORED TO FRANCE. 1754. COLONIAL CONGRESS AT ALBANY, AND FRANKLIN S PLAN OF UNION. 1755. BRADDOCK S DEFEAT. BANISHMENT OF THE ACADIANS. 1756. FORT OSWEGO SURRENDERED TO THE FRENCH. BEGINNING OF THE LAST FRENCH WAR. 1757. MASSACRE OF FORT WILLIAM HENRY. 1758. DEFEAT OF ABERCROMBIE AT FORT TICONDEROGA. RECAPTURE OF LOUISBURG. 1759. FORT TICONDEROGA TAKEN BY AMHERST. CAPTURE OF FORT NIAGARA BY THE ENGLISH. WOLFE CAPTURES QUEBEC. 1761. ATTEMPT TO ENFORCE WRITS OF ASSISTANCE IN MASSACHUSETTS. 1763. PONTIAC S WAR. TREATY OF PARIS, Gbe IRevolution, tbe Confeberation, an& tbe fefcerai "Union CHAPTER XIII THE REVOLUTION REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, III. and IV. ; Andrews s United States, I. ; Fiske s War of Independence ; Sloane s French War and the Revolution ; Hart s Formation of the Union ; Chan= ning s United States ; Richardson s History of Our Country; Coffin s Boys of 76; Barnes s Popular History of the United States ; Cooke s Stories of the Old Dominion ; Male s Stories of Massachusetts. OUTSIDE READINGS : Trevelyan s The American Revolution ; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History, VI. and VII.; Bancroft s United States, III.; Fiske s American Revolution ; Hildreth s United States, II. and III. ; Lossing s Field Book of the Revolution ; Lecky s England in the Eighteenth Century, III. ; Wilson s History of the American People, II. ; Frothingham s Rise of the Re public; Qoldwin Smith s United States; Morris s Half Hours with American History, II.; Male s Franklin in France ; Hart s Camps and Firesides of the Revo lution : Roosevelt s Winning the West, Land II.; Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution ; Hinsdale s Old Northwest; Green s History of the English People, IV.; Drake s Burgoyne s Invasion ; Abbot s Blue Jackets of 76; Brown s Mercy Warren ; Wharton s Martha Washington ; Hosmer s Samuel Adams ; Henry s Patrick Henry ; Morse s John Adams ; Scudder s George Washington ; Hale s George Washington ; Abbot s Paul Jones ; Spark s Life of Arnold ; Arnold s Lifeof Arnold; Lossing s Two Spies; Spear s The History of Our Navy; Ford s The True Benjamin Franklin; Thwaites s Daniel Boone; Greene s General Greene; Brady s Commodore Paul Jones; Wilson s George Washington ; Ford s The True George Washington. FICTION: Cooper s Lionel Lincoln; Henty s True to the Old Flag; Cooper s Spy ; Harte s Thankful Blossom ; Cooper s Pilot ; Simms s Partisan ; flitchell s Hugh Wynne; Brady s For Love of Country ; Churchill s Richard Carvel ; Thompson s Alice of Old Vincennes. POETRY : Holmes s Grandmother s Story of Bunker Hill Battle ; Independ ence Bell; Bryant s Seventy-six; Bryant s Song of Marion s Men. 125 I2t> HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The Navigation Laws and Acts of Trade. The Causes of the Revolution 113. England Tries to Control American Commerce. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries European countries planted colonies as a means of increasing their own trade. In accordance with this theory, England valued her American colonies according to the wealth she gained from them. To secure control of colonial trade, therefore, Parliament began in 1651, thirty-one years after the landing of the Pilgrims, to pass the famous Navigation Laws and Acts of Trade. These laws required (i) that all trade between the colonies should be carried on in ships buil,t in England or in the colonies ; (2) that the colonies should not ex port such colonial prod ucts as sugar, tobacco, iron, furs and lumber to any part of the world except England, or some English colony ; (3) that all European goods should be bought in England and brought over to the colonies on English vessels; (4) that the colonies should not manufac ture any article that could be manufactured in England. The carrying out of these laws would injure the colo- These laws injure m StS in thg f llowin g wa J S : (0 A profitable the colonies in trade with the Dutch would be cut off at a four ways. single stroke ; (2) whatever colonial products the English manufacturer needed he could buy of the colo nies at his own price; (3) as the colonists were compelled to JOHN HANCOCK HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS. THE REVOLUTION 127 buy European goods in England, they had to pay whatever English merchants charged, or not buy at all ; (4) while the law providing that all European goods should be imported in English ships would put money into the pockets of the English ship-owner, it would almost ruin the ship-building industry in the colonies and throw thousands of sailors out of employ ment. 114. The Sugar Act and Smug gling. In 1733 the famous Sugar Act was passed to protect the English West India sugar islands. By this act a prohibitory duty was laid upon the sugar and molasses imported into the colonies from the French islands in the West Indies. The principal exports of New England were lum ber and fish. The inferior qualities of fish were carried to the French islands and exchanged with profit for sugar and molasses. There was thus a double advantage to New England in this trade : (i) The French would buy fish which were not salable elsewhere ; (2) they were willing to sell at a low price their sugar and molasses. On the other hand, Advantages of the New Englanders made the sugar and mo- Si French west lasses into rum, part of which they consumed indies, at home, and the remainder they took to Africa, where they exchanged it for slaves to be sold to the Southern colonies. All this trade was extremely profitable for New England, and was one of the principal sources of wealth. New Eng land merchants saw that if the Sugar Act should be en forced the profits of their West India trade smuggling or must be greatly diminished. Financial ruin financial ruin. threatened them. They had to choose between that and smuggling. They chose smuggling, because they believed the law was an unjust interference with the natural rights of free-born Englishmen. JAMES OTIS. 128 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 115. James Otis Defends New England Merchants against Writs of Assistance. As long as England allowed this smuggling to go on, all went well with the colonies. But after the Last French War the English Government decided to put a stop to this contraband trade. England was greatly in debt. Money had to be raised, and it was thought that by enforcing the Navigation and Trade Laws the profits of colonial trade would be turned over to English merchants. Legal papers called Writs of Assistance were issued (1761). They were general England issues search- warrants, which em- writs of Assist- powered officers to go into any warehouse or private dwelling in search of contraband goods. With these odious papers in hand, cus tom-house officers could at any time en ter a warehouse or a private dwelling, and ransack it from garret to cellar. In A ROYAL STAMP. this way many thousand dollars worth of goods were seized and confiscated. The people were furious. James Otis, of Massachusetts, defended the colonial merchants in a test case. He made a otis declares that great speech, in which he earnestly contended ou^rTpres^ta^ that the colonists were not bound to obey any tion is tyranny." law not made by their own representatives. The keynote of his speech was "Taxation without rep resentation is tyranny," and it sounded from Massachusetts to Georgia. 116. Parliament Passes the Stamp Act. We have just seen how England, in protecting her merchants, ship owners, and manufacturers, had indirectly 1 taxed the colo nies. In thus taxing them England regarded the colonies as trading companies whose main purpose, from her standpoint, 1 A tax levied directly on a person or property is a direct tax. One levied on trade is an indirect tax. When a man pays a tax on his house, his horse and car riage, or any other form of property, he pays a direct tax. When a merchant im ports goods upon which a duty has been laid by the government, he pays this duty to the government through the custom-house. Such a duty is called an indirect tax. The taxes for the support of our national government are usually indirect. THE REVOLUTION 129 was to enrich the mother-country. The colonies had sub mitted to such indirect taxation of their trade The colonies sub- and industries because (i) it was usual, the world over, for colonies to have their trade reasons, thus taxed by their mother-country ; (2) the English navy protected the commerce of the colo nies ; and (3) the Trade Laws were not strictly enforced. But in 1764 the English Govern ment decided to levy a direct tax upon them. As we have seen, England, by reason of the expensive Intercolonial Wars (1689-1763), was greatly in debt. The king s representative in the min istry, Lord Grenville, main tained that this debt was incurred in the defence of the colonies. He said that it was now time that the colonies should pay their share of their defence. Grenville seemed to forget that the colonies had paid their share and were them selves heavily in debt. He seemed to forget, also, that all these wars were fought quite as much to protect the English trade as to defend the colonies. Now that the French were driven out, a standing army of from 10,000 to 20,000 men was to be kept up in America for the The co ionies to be purpose, among other things, of protecting the r ^^^^^ colonies from the Indians. A standing army, standing army it was argued, would prevent a repetition of an ln Amerlca - Indian uprising such as Pontiac s conspiracy. Moreover, if such a permanent standing army was to be maintained in 1 Faneuil Hall was built in 1742 by a Boston merchant named Peter Faneuil and presented by him to the town of Boston. The first floor was to be used as a FANEUIL HALL, BOSTON, MASS. I 3 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Colonies slow in paying taxes dur= the colonies for their defence, it seemed fair to Grenville and to the king that the colonies should share in the expense. During the Intercolonial Wars the various colonies paid their share of expense by raising money in ing the intercom response to requisition made by the king s niaiwars. agents. But they were very slow about it. It was difficult to get any legislature to vote money for soldiers and supplies unless the danger threatened its own colony. Such a sys tem was weak and lame, and it prevented prompt and united action. Some more effective plan of taxa tion seemed not only desirable but impera tive. The Stamp Act offered such a scheme, and it became a law in March, 1 1765. 117. How the Stamp Act Was Re ceived in America. This act required the colonies to use stamped paper for newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, advertisements, and all kinds of legal documents. These stamps cost all the way from six cents to thirty dollars each. Grenville market house ; the second as a town hall. Just before the Revolution, so many public meetings were held in Faneuil Hall that it was called "The Cradle of Liberty." In "The Cradle of Liberty" the people met, day after day, in 1773 (see par. 127) to decide upon some plan of action about the tea in Boston Harbor. The last of these meetings was so large that it had to be held in the Old South Church. 1 It is certain that up to this time, as later during the Revolution (1775-1783), and the critical period (1783-1789), the American people suffered greatly for lack of some central taxing power. England s purpose was to supply this lack by a system of direct taxation furnished in the Stamp Act. OLD STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS. The Stamp Act. THE REVOLUTION 131 thought this tax would be fair because it would fall upon all alike. But he found that the Stamp Act aroused a storm of angry opposition throughout the colonies. 1 Organizations called " Sons of Liberty " were formed. Merchants banded together to import no more goods from Eng- its effects upon land until the Stamp Act should be repealed. the colonists. They urged the necessity of manufacturing in the colonies. They decided to stop eating mutton, that they might have more wool for making cloth. The day the Stamp Act went into effect was made a day of mourning. 2 Bells tolled, flags were lowered, and business houses were closed to indicate that liberty was dead. 118. Patrick Henry Intro duces the Virginia Resolutions. In May the Virginia Legisla ture met at Williamsburg. It in cluded the most eminent men of Virginia, and they were anxious to act wisely. In the midst of pATRICK HENRY the general doubt and perplexity, Patrick Henry 3 arose and introduced his famous resolu tions. In these he declared that the " General Assembly 1 At Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the people bore to an open grave a coffin with this inscription: "Liberty, aged CXLV years." The solemn procession marched to the beating of muffled drums. On reaching the grave the people listened to a funeral oration over Liberty, which was supposed to be lying dead, but just as they were lowering the coffin some one cried, "There are signs of life! " The coffin was eagerly raised, and " Liberty Revived" was inscribed upon it. At once the people shouted themselves hoarse because Liberty was once more alive. * The brave women did their share, also. They formed organizations called " Daughters of Liberty," and agreed to buy no more goods imported from England. They formed " Spinning Societies," and wove cloth for the men to wear. 8 He was at this time just twenty-nine, tall in figure, but stooping, with a grim expression, small, blue eyes which had a peculiar twinkle, and wore a brown wig without powder, a "peach-blossom coat," leather knee-breeches, and yarn stock ings. He had ridden to Williamsburg on " a lean horse," and carried his papers in 132 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES of the colony had the sole right and power of laying taxes in the colony." An exciting debate followed. George Patrick Henry s Washington was present, and Thomas Jeffer- famous resoiu- son stood at the door earnestly listening. He tells us later that the discussion was " most bloody." The opposition only fired the passion of Henry, and in a burst of wrathful eloquence he ended his speech in words never to be forgotten : " Cassar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Cromwell, and George the Third" -"Treason! Treason!" wildly shouted some of the members. The orator paused a moment and then calmly added, " may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it." The excitement caused by this speech travelled like wildfire through the colonies. Massachusetts and Virginia had declared themselves and were ready to join hands in open resistance. 119. The Stamp Act Congress (1765). The English Government made a great mistake in passing the Stamp Eland s mistake Act The enforcement of the Sugar Act in passing the affected the Middle and Southern colonies so stamp Act. little that the y Doubtless would not have joined New England in resistance to Parliament on this issue alone. But in the Stamp Act a grievance was presented which affected all the colonies alike. It furnished them a common ground for resistance and a common purpose for united action. Accordingly, the passing of the Stamp Act had a most important and significant result in strengthening the union of the colonies. In June Massachusetts sent out a call for a general congress to discuss the situation and agree upon some plan of action. Representatives from nine of the colonies met at New York in October and passed reso lutions similar to those of Virginia. They sent a memorial to the king acknowledging his sovereignty, and a remon strance to Parliament declaring it had no right to tax a pair of saddle-bags. ... As Henry came out of the Capitol a man of the crowd slapped him on the shoulder and cried : " Stick to us, old fellow, or we are gone." COOKE S VIRGINIA. THE REVOLUTION 133 them. This congress should have been a warning to George III. 120. Repeal of the Stamp Act (1766). But the most effective action of the colonists was their non-importation agreements. One-third of England s trade Effect of non- was with the colonies. In 1772 it amounted importation upon to $30,000,000. Non-importation, therefore, chants. caused a serious loss to English merchants, and they eagerly begged Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act. The debate THE " BOSTON MASSACRE." After an engraving by Paul Revere. in Parliament over the repeal showed that many English statesmen stoutly defended the colonies in their opposition to the direct taxation without representation. Said Will iam Pitt in a stirring speech in the House of Commons : "Sir, I rejoice that America has resisted! wiinam Pitt op- Three millions of people so dead to all the poses the stamp feelings of liberty as voluntarily to submit to Act * be slaves would have been fit instruments to make slaves of all the rest." Parliament voted to repeal the act, but de- 134 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES clared its right to bind the colonies in all cases. It was this very right to tax an unrepresented people that the colonies called in question. 121. Taxation Without Representation in America. The colonists claimed that as freeborn Englishmen in Amer ica they had, granted to them in their charters, the same rights and privileges as freeborn Englishmen in the mother- country. The only difference between the man of Kent (England) and the man of Massachusetts was in the author ity that taxed him. The government in Kent consisted of the king and Parliament ; the government in Massachusetts of the king and the colonial assembly. The king could exer cise no more power in Massachusetts than in Kent, while the taxing power in Kent was Parliament and in Massachusetts was the colonial assembly. This was the position taken by the Whig 1 party in America, not by all the colonists. 122. Taxation Without Representation in England. We cannot understand the real meaning of the Revolution in America without looking into a similar struggle that was at the same time going on in England. Some Americans did not oppose England and some Englishmen did not join hands against America. It was in each country the same kind of struggle a struggle between hostile principles. There was taxation without representation in England as well as in America, and many Englishmen, like William Pitt, were as much opposed to it there as men like Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were opposed to it in America. William Pitt and his followers represented the true feeling of the English people toward America. At this time Parliament did not fairly represent the peo ple of England. Great towns like Manchester, Liverpool, The English peo- Birmingham, and Leeds were not represented rlsen^in plr-" at a ^ an( * members were returned for boroughs Hament. that had no existence except in name. Such boroughs were called rotten boroughs, or pocket boroughs, 1 The Whigs were those who opposed the king s schemes of taxing the Ameri cans without their consent. The supporters of the king, who at this time included a large part of the American people, were called Loyalists, or Tories. THE REVOLUTION 135 which were owned by the great families. Long after Old Sarum, a noted rotten borough, had no population, a mem ber, representing its owner, was returned to the House of Commons. In a population of 8,000,000 only about 160,- ooo, or one-tenth of the men of voting age in England, could vote. 1 A few great fam ilies controlled the House of Commons. Certainly the mass of Englishmen could justly complain of taxation without representation. Among them was the great William Pitt, who urged upon the people the justice of par liamentary reform, with a fair and full representation of the English people in the House of Commons. 123. George III. and Personal Government. " George, be King," said George the Third s mother when he was crowned. That advice pleased the young ruler, who was then only twenty-two years old. His controlling purpose was to establish personal government in England. His desire for arbitrary power, together with his narrowness and bigotry, had much influence in bringing on the Rev- The views of olution. He cared little for the rights of Qeorgein. the people. The more power they had the less he would enjoy. By the corrupt use of money he succeeded in con- 1 In our own country the people are fairly and equally represented in the na tional House of Representatives. The unit of representation, or the number of people entitled to one representative since the last census of 1900, has been 194, 182. This means that the number of representatives in Congress from any State may be found by dividing its population by 194,182. For example, Pennsylvania lias 32 OLD SOUTH CHURCH, BOSTON. 136 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES trolling the elections. His desire was to make Parliament represent him and a few great families that were in the political ring with him. He maintained his influence large ly through boss-like methods, keeping his followers under control by the use of an immense corruption fund. As long as a large number of small boroughs remained under the control of his friends, the king could maintain his tyrannical hold upon the government. But if the Americans should succeed in their struggle for " No taxation without representation," there was little doubt that in time Englishmen would succeed in a similar why the king struggle for parliamentary reform, or "No wished to tax the taxation without representation" in England If the Americans were not repressed, their success would make certain the failure of the king s pet scheme of personal government. King George, therefore, was deeply chagrined when the Stamp Act was repealed. He could not let the matter rest here, however, but the next year (1767) he again tried to force new taxes upon America. We shall see how well he succeeded. 124. The New Taxes of 1767. In 1767 Townshend, acting as the king s tool, induced Parliament to levy new port duties on a few articles, including glass, lead, papei, and tea. The colonies had objected to a stamp tax because it was a direct tax. As these new taxes were indirect, Townshend and King George thought the Americans might not refuse to pay them. But in this they wholly misunder stood the temper and feeling of the American people. The new taxes were opposed quite as violently as the Stamp Act had been. We can easily understand the feelings of the colonists when we see the purpose of the taxes. The Sugar Act Purpose of the (see par. 114) was to be strictly enforced by new taxes. commissioners who were to use the hated Writs of Assistance in searching for smuggled goods. The money raised by these taxes was to be used not only to pay representatives and Delaware but one. But every State, large or small, has tw" members in the Senate. THE REVOLUTION ST. JOHN S CHURCH, RICHMOND, VA. Where the famous orator Patrick Henry made his great speech. the colonial governors, judges, and crown attorneys, and thus make all these officials independent of the people, but also to maintain a small English army in the colonies. The remainder, if there should be any, was to be used in pen sioning men of influence. This last was in reality a cor ruption fund to bribe men to become the king s tools. Thus we see that the colonists themselves were to pay the taxes which should keep their governors and judges inde pendent of them. When we recall the bitter struggle between the people and the royal governors over this question of allowing a fixed salary, we can easily realize why this Bitter opposition measure was so unpopular. Then, too, in pay- to the new taxes. ing this tax the people were supporting a standing army whose presence was plainly intended to enforce the per sonal rule of the king. In a word, the people were to pay taxes whose real purpose was to deprive them of the rights of freeborn citizens. 138 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Massachusetts led in the opposition. She sent a circu lar letter to the other colonies for the purpose of securing some united plan of action against the Townshend Acts. The result was that the colonies again agreed Results. . & to import no more goods from England, and they thus greatly injured English ship-owners and mer chants. In the next two years English imports to New England fell off one-half, and to New York five-sixths. 125. The Redcoats 1 and the "Boston Massacre" (1770). King George at length decided to send troops to America to enforce the revenue laws. In the autumn of 1768 they arrived in Boston. Their presence was regarded as a menace and was a constant source of annoyance. Quarrels between them and the people were of frequent occurrence ; and finally one evening in March, 1770, the crisis came in a disturbance which took place in State Street in front of what was then the Custom House but is now the old State House. The soldiers fired upon the people, killing three and wounding many others. This was called the " Boston Massacre." The next day an immense town meeting was held, and the people, through Samuel Adams as spokesman, demanded that the troops should be removed. They were withdrawn to an island in the harbor. 126. Committees of Correspondence (1772-1773). The need of united action among the towns of Massachusetts was now pressing. It was hard to tell what new danger might at any hour fall upon the people. So Samuel Adams proposed, in town meeting, that committees of correspond ence should be appointed in the towns. His plan was car ried out (1772). In the following year Dabney Carr of Virginia suggested committees of correspondence for the various colonies. When these committees were organ ized the colonies rapidly drew closer and closer together in their sympathies. This was a bold step, which led later, as we shall see, to the Continental Congress and open war. 1 The English soldiers wore red uniforms. They were therefore called Redcoats. THE REVOLUTION 139 127. Samuel Adams 1 and the "Boston Tea Party" )- The new duties were no more successful than the Stamp Act had been, for again colonial merchants refused to import English goods. Again English merchants begged for a repeal. But the stupid king could not understand the Americans. Thus far he had failed. He now resorted to a trick by which he hoped to induce the colonists to pay a small tax levied by Parliament. He took off all the new taxes except the one on tea. "There must George TMrd , s be one tax to keep the right to tax," he said. trick in levying The tax on tea was to be only threepence thetaxontea. a pound in America, instead of sixpence, as in England. This not only enabled the colonists to buy tea cheaper than it could be bought by the people in England, but also cheaper than it could be bought when the colonists smuggled it from Holland. But still they refused to im port the taxed tea. The East India Company decided to ship cargoes to such important ports as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston. When the tea arrived the people Taxed tea sent to in New York and Philadelphia refused to let it America. land, and the people in Charleston stored it in damp cellars where it spoiled. In Boston the people were determined to send it back, but GovernorJ-Tutchinson refused to let this be done. For nineteen days the struggle continued. On the nineteenth day the excitement in Boston was intense. 11 the cargo of tea should remain in the harbor till the twen tieth day the law permitted it to be landed. All day long the town meeting continued in Boston. Seven thousand men crowded the Old South Church 8 and the streets outside. 1 Samuel Adams has been called the * Father of the Revolution." He was dis tinguished for his courage and perseverance and for his ability as a leader of men Like Jefferson, he was full of sympathy for the toiling masses and easily won their confidence. In 1774 General Gage offered him money and official advancement if he would give his influence and services to the king. Although Samuel Adams was poor, yet true to himself and to his countrymen, he scorned the offer. He was the first American to advocate independence of England, and was one of the fore most leaders that prepared the people to adopt the Declaration of Independence. 8 The Old South Church is still standing on Washington Street, at the corner of Milk Street. 140 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES At nightfall a messenger brought word from the gov ernor that he would not permit the tea to be returned to The "Boston Tea England. At once Samuel Adams, moderator Party." o f ne meeting, arose and said : " This meeting can do nothing more to save the country." As if this were the signal, a warwhoop was heard, and forty or fifty men, disguised as Indians, proceeded down the street toward Griffin s Wharf. 1 Boarding the tea-ships they ripped open every chest and spilled the tea into the harbor. A large party of people stood by while the " Indians " were emptying the chests, but every one was quiet and orderly. This was the famous " Boston Tea Party," at which some of the best people of Bos ton were present (1773). 128. Boston Punished for its Tea Party. King George was very angry at these high-handed proceedings. In order to punish the Boston people for what they had done, Parliament passed the Boston Port Bill, which closed the port of Boston to all trade until the town should pay for the tea that had been destroyed. Another law, known as the Massachusetts Act, annulled the charter and took away free government A military governor, General Gage, like the Stuart governor, Andros, was appointed to stand for the tyranny of an arbitrary king. Surely George III. and his followers little realized the love of self-government in these stubborn, unruly colonists ! 129. The Colonies Unite in Support of Massachu setts. The English Government determined to make an example of Boston, and hoped in this way to frighten the 1 A tablet on Atlantic Avenue now marks the spot where the Tea Party reached the wharf. OLD NORTH CHURCH, BOSTON, MASS. from the people. Vv THE REVOLUTION 141 other colonies into submission. Contrary to the expecta tion of the Government, the effect of the oppressive meas ures was to unite the colonies in sympathetic support of the Massachusetts people. Through the committees of cor respondence the colonies , could now act together more promptly than ever before. Provisions were sent from every direction to the suffering people in Boston. Help came from even the far-away Carolinas. Patrick Henry l angrily cried : " We must fight. I repeat it, . fa i . i "We must fight." sir; we must ngnt. 1 know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." The excitement was everywhere intense. United action was a necessity. The Continental Congress, meeting in Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia, was the out- The continental come (September 5, 1774). All the colonies congress. except Georgia 2 were represented. This Congress declared the colonies had a right to govern themselves and levy their own taxes. It further declared that, should England attempt to force Massachusetts to submission, the other colonies would join Massachusetts in forcible resistance. TO THE PUPIL 1. Name four requirements of the Navigation Laws and the Acts of Trade. In what four ways did these laws injure the colonists ? 2. What advantages did New England merchants have in trading with the French islands in the West Indies ? Do you think these merchants were right in smuggling ? Give reasons for your answer. How were the Writs of Assistance connected with smuggling ? 3. What is the difference between a direct and an indirect tax ? Why had the colonies submitted to indirect taxation ? 4. What was the object of the English Government in levying the stamp tax? From the English stand-point, give reasons why it was just that such a tax should be imposed upon the Americans. 1 This great speech by the famous orator of the Revolution was made in " Old St. John s Church," Richmond, Va. This church is still standing. 2 Georgia people were in sympathy with the Congress, but her royal governor prevented the appointment of delegates. 142 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 5. Subject for debate : Resolved that England had the right to levy the stamp tax upon the colonies. 6. What colonies did the Sugar Act of 1733 affect most seriously? What colonies did the Stamp Act affect ? How, then, did the Eng lish Government make a great mistake in passing the Stamp Act ? 7. Why did England repeal the Stamp, Act ? 8. What did James Otis mean by saying that "taxation without repre sentation is tyranny "? In what way did Otis and those agreeing with him think that direct taxes should be levied in America ? Was Otis right in his views of taxation ? Give reasons for your answer. 9. Why were William Pitt and his followers in England opposed to the Stamp Act ? Do you see clearly what was meant by taxation with out representation in England ? 10. What were King George s ideas of government for both England and America ? If a man like William Pitt had been king of England, do you think there would have been any American Revolution ? Give reasons for your answer. 11. What was the purpose of the new taxes of 1767? Why were com mittees of correspondence organized and with what result ? Find out all you can about the influence of Samuel Adams in these trying times. 12. What events led to the Boston Tea Party ? You can easily trace the connection between the destruction of the tea and the Conti nental Congress. 13. Make an outline of the topics discussed under the " Causes of the Revolution " and try to discover a causal connection between the events. 14. 1763 and 1775, between which most of these events took place, are well worth remembering. 15. In studying the Revolution, do not fail to read Fiske s War of Inde pendence. THE WAR BEGINS 130. Battles of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775). General Gage, as military governor of Massachusetts, re mained at Boston with 3,000 British troops. But the peo ple outside of Boston refused to recognize his authority, and through their Provincial Congress governed them selves as well as they could. This Congress was a provis ional government, organized by the people to take the place of the Colonial Assembly which General Gage had THE REVOLUTION 143 dissolved. John Hancock was its president^ and Samuel Adams was its leading spirit. It prepared for war. Twenty thousand men were ordered to be ready, at The Provincial a minute s notice, to march to any point of congress and the danger. They were called " minute-men." " minute - men -" In April General Gage received orders from England to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams and send them to England to be tried for treason. About the same time the governor heard that _ T _ i _ ^ the minute-men had collected some mil itary stores at Con cord, twenty miles from Boston. As Hancock and Adams were staying with a friend in Lexington, English troops - sent to Lexington ed to andconcord - send out troops for the purpose of ar resting them and at the same time destroying the military stores at Concord. About midnight eight hundred English soldiers started from Boston. But the minute-men were on the watch. Dr. Joseph Warren 1 sent Paul Revere and William Dawes 2 to warn his two friends and to spread the alarm, " The regulars are coming ! " 1 Dr. Joseph Warren was a prominent patriot leader and a warm friend of Sam uel Adams. Referring to the British soldiers he said: "Those fellows say we won t fight. By heavens, I hope I shall die up to my knees in blood." He was killed at Bunker Hill. 1 William Dawes rode on horseback by way of Roxbury. Paul Revere went over from Boston to Charlestown in a boat and there awaited a signal which was given by a lantern hung in the belfry of the Old North Church. At eleven o clock on that beautiful moonlight night he mounted his horse. Speeding his way through Medford he barely escaped capture by some British officers. From Lexington, where his warning saved Hancock and Adams from capture, he pressed on toward Concord, in company with Dr. Samuel Prescott and William Dawes. Between 144 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Early next morning (April 19, 1/75), when the English troops reached Lexington, Hancock and Adams had made their escape, and a party of minute-men were drawn up on Lexington Common. Soon the English fired upon them, killing seven of their number, and then passed on to Con cord. Here they destroyed the small part of the military THE WASHINGTON ELM AT CAMBRIDGE. stores which the Americans had not had time to conceal. Again they found minute-men, in ever-increasing numbers, The tight at angrily facing them. At the old Concord concord Bridge. Bridge the fight began in earnest, and men fell on each side. From every direction the minute-men came flocking in, and the English were forced to retreat, loading and firing as they marched. Lexington and Concord some British officers captured Dawes and Revere, took them back to Lexington, and there released them. Paul Revere s ride is graphi cally described in Longfellow s famous poem, but some of the details are not his torically accurate. THE REVOLUTION 145 From behind rocks and trees, fences and barns, the min ute-men shot the tired soldiers. On the English soldiers pushed, but they had to leave the dead and dying scattered along the road. At Lexington they met reinforcements sent from Boston. But for these fresh troops all of the eight hundred men sent out to Concord would Ret reat of the have been captured. As it was, the whole English to Boston, force of about 2,000 men fled in confusion from Lexington to Boston, barely saving themselves from capture. The British lost about three hundred men ; the Americans about one hundred. The British were glad to find shelter in Boston, around which in a few days were gathered 16,000 Americans. It was a good beginning for the patriot army. 131. The Colonies Unite for Resistance. On May 10 (1775) there was a second meeting of the Continental Con gress at Philadelphia. John Hancock, of Massachusetts, was chosen president. The colonies voted to Tne second meet . unite in resisting England, and for that pur- ing of the conti- pose to raise an army of 20,000 men, whose r expenses were to be paid by the united colonies. George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Con. tinental army. While Congress was passing these war measures New England was actually engaged in pushing the war. Sixteen thousand yeoman troops were already besieging Boston, and, on the day that Congress met, Ethan Allen from Ver mont and Benedict Arnold from Connecticut led a force which surprised and captured Ticonderoga, American8 capture thus securing an important fort. Two days Ticonderoga and later Crown Point was taken. With these c forts they secured two hundred and twenty cannon and other military supplies. The Americans now had control of the line of communication between New York and Can ada. They vainly hoped Canada would join them in their struggle. In November, 1775, they captured St. John s and Montreal. On December 3Oth Montgomery and Arnold made a gallant attack upon Quebec but were driven back. Montgomery was killed and Arnold wounded. It was 146 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES plain that the colonies meant to fight and that the war had already begun. 132. Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17, 1775). In the meantime the English troops had been increased to 10,000, and Howe had been sent over to take the place of Gage as their commander. The English general saw the impor tance of occupying the heights in Charlestown known as THE CRAIGIE HOUSE, WASHINGTON S HEADQUARTERS AT CAMBRIDGE (AFTER WARD THE RESIDENCE OF LONGFELLOW). Bunker Hill and Breed s Hill. If the Americans should secure them it would be very difficult for the British troops to remain in Boston. But the English were not quick enough. About the middle of the night preceding June i/th, 1,500 Americans, led by Colonel Prescott and aided later by General Putnam and General Warren, began throwing up breastworks on Breed s Hill. All night they toiled, and in the morning the British were surprised to find that the Americans had got ahead of them in occupying this important position. The Americans fortify Breed s Hill. THE REVOLUTION 147 Later in the day Howe, at the head of about 2,500 men, tried to drive the Americans out of their intrenchments. The British supposed the Americans would not stand an attack, but in this they were mistaken. As the English troops marched up the hill the Americans bravely waited until the regulars were within fifty yards. Prescott s orders were " Aim low! wait till you see the whites of their eyes." They did wait, and then they poured forth , J . .. General Howe such a deadly fire that the English retreated attacks the down the hill, leaving the ground covered with their dead and wounded. Before making a second attack the English set fire to Charlestown, and then a second time were driven by American bullets down the hill. By this time the ammunition of the Americans had given out, and slowly and stubbornly they retired, fighting with clubbed muskets as they went. Among their dead was the brave General Warren. The British lost over one thousand, or more than one- third of their attacking force, while the Americans lost about four hundred and fifty. Although the Results of the bat- Americans had to give up their position they tleof Bunker HIH. gained a moral victory because their brave fighting inspired the people with courage and hope. When Washington heard that the raw American troops stood fire he said : " The liberties of the country are safe." It was a glad day for the American colonies. 133. Washington Drives the British out of Boston. About two weeks after the battle of Bunker Hill Washing ton arrived at Cambridge and formally took command of the American army (July 3), under the famous elm still standing near Harvard University. His army Washington s was in no condition for fighting. The men were in every way without proper equipment. Only a limited number had muskets, and very few had bayonets. Besides, there was a great scarcity of cannon and powder. Of course, under such conditions, Washington could not attack the enemy. But with patience and faith he awaited the hour when he could strike a telling blow. 148 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Early in March, 1776, having received cannon 1 and am munition, he seized Dorchester Heights, on th,e south The Americans ^ Boston, and threw up intreiichments there seize Dorchester as the Americans had done on Bunker Hill in the previous June. Howe saw that he must drive Washington off the heights or leave Boston. He proposed to storm the works, but bad weather delayed him until the position had been made too strong to be suc cessfully attacked. The British therefore evacuated Bos ton and went to Halifax. TO THE PUPIL 1. Why were English troops sent to Lexington and Concord ? What results followed this expedition? 2. Impersonating Paul Revere, write an account of his famous ride. What did the Continental Congress do at its second meeting? 3. As an aid to the intelligent study of the Battle of Bunker Hill, draw a map of Boston and its surroundings. Why was this battle fought ? What effect did it have upon the Americans ? 4. Describe the difficulties Washington had to face after taking com mand of the American army. 5. Do not fail to read, over and over again, Holmes s Grandmother s Story of Bunker Hill Battle. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE HUDSON RIVER AND THE MIDDLE STATES IN 1776 134. The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) When the first gun of the Revolution was fired, Samuel Adams stood almost alone in his wish for the political separation of America from England. One year later, however, the desire for independence grew Desire for indepen- . dence grows rapidly. The king had refused to hear the rapidly. petition sent to him by the Continental Con gress ; he had called the colonists rebels ; he had sent his ships of war to burn their towns; and, worst of all, had 1 These cannon, numbering fifty, came from Ticonderoga, which had been captured the previous year. Along with other supplies, they were brought down on sledges drawn by oxen. THE REVOLUTION 149 hired Hessian 1 soldiers to make war upon them. About this time Thomas Paine published Common Sense a pamphlet which urged many reasons why America should separate from England. The fact that war already existed had weakened the bond of union, and Paine s arguments led many to look with favor upon the idea of independence. Virginia took a leading part by instructing her dele gates in Congress to vote for independence. This action on the part of Virginia had its due influence upon the other colonies. The Stamp Act, the Boston Port Bill, and the other unpopular meas ures of the King and Parliament had drawn the colonies much closer together. They were beginning not only to realize the value of united action but to have a feeling of self-confidence leading to a de sire for independence. On June 7 Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, introduced a resolution " that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states." 2 This resolution was sec onded by John Adams of Massa chusetts. Thus did the leading colonies, Massachusetts and Virginia, join hands in this most important step toward es tablishing the nation. Before July all the colonies except New York had de- 1 The Hessians were so called because they came from Hesse-Cassel in Ger many. Thirty thousand Hessians were hired during the war, 18,000 of* whom were engaged the first year. Twelve thousand lost "their lives during the war. The cost to the king was $22,000,000. The English government was driven to hire Hessian troops because (at this time) the war was so unpopular in England that it was not easy to secure English volunteers to fight in America. 2 The colonies, with the approval of Congress, began to form State govern ments in 1775. The change from a colonial to a State form of government was slight. In Connecticut and Rhode Island, where the people had been governing themselves by electing their own representatives, the only change necessary was to withdraw allegiance from the king. SAMUEL ADAMS. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES clared themselves in favor of independence. In the mean time, the committee 1 which had been appointed to prepare Adoption of the the Declaration of Independence, made its re- Declaration of -T-> , . f independence, port. L his famous paper, written by Thomas July 4, 1776. Jefferson, was formally adopted in Indepen dence Hall, 2 Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. Realizing how se rious the occasion was, John Hancock said : " We must be INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHESTNUT STREET FRONT. unanimous ; we must hang- together." " Yes," said Franklin, with his ready wit, "we must all hang together, or else we shall all hang separately." 135. The British Direct their Attention to the Middle States and the Hudson River. The British 3 had failed in 1 The committee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston. 2 This building is still standing on Chestnut Street. 3 On June 28th the British fleet attacked Fort Moultrie, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Colonel Moultrie commanded the fort. His men returned the British fire with a precision which was surprising in untried gunners. The fleet retired, and South Carolina and Georgia were safe for three years. THE REVOLUTION NEW YORK and Vicinity. 9 , . . . $ trau> orth Castl their attempts to crush the Revolution in New England. They had found the opposition there so stubborn that they had been driven out of Boston. Their next move was to try to get control of the Hudson River and the Middle States. There were several reasons why this movement attracted the British. In this region, on account of the mixed char- Reasons why the acter of the English wished to secure the Hudson population, the River and the people were ""die states. not so united and earnest in their desire for independence as in New England. A large part of the inhabitants were Tories, 1 whose influence, it was thought, would be of much service to the British. The Hudson River was of great military importance, because, along with Lakes George and Champlain, it made a natural highway 2 be tween New York and Can ada. If the British could secure this river, they could cut off New England from the other States. British forces concentrated in New England would soon conquer it, and they would then make short work of the rest of America. In a word, British control of the Hudson meant certain defeat for the Americans. 136. Washington s Plan of Defending New York : Bat tle of Long Island (August 27). When the British evacu ated Boston, Washington supposed that their next point of attack would be New York. He therefore proceeded to 1 Everywhere in America Tory sentiment was strongest among the non- English elements of the people. 2 Water routes were especially valuable then, because there were no railroads for the transportation of armies and military supplies. 152 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES make ready its defences. Not knowing at what point the attack would be made, he found it necessary to prepare for the defence of a line of twenty miles. Just above New \ ork he built Forts Lee and Washington, on opposite sides of the Hudson. He also fortified Brooklyn Heights and sent Putnam with half the army to occupy them. In the summer General Howe arrived at Staten Island with a powerful fleet and an army of about 30,000 men. Washington had only about 18,000. On August 27 Howe landed on Long Island and attacked a detachment of the Americans under Sullivan, whose forces were outnumbered four or five to one. The battle was brief and one-sided. The Americans were defeated and driven back behind their intrenchments on Brooklyn Heights. If Howe Washington i i r 1 1 i i -11 escapes from had lollowed. up his victory he might have captured the American army and brought the war to a speedy end, but as usual he was too slow. Two days later Washington, perceiving that the British fleet was moving to cut him off from New York, secured all the boats he could find, and with the aid of a heavy fog es caped during the night with all his force. 1 137. Washington s Retreat from New York and Across New Jersey. Brooklyn Heights overlooked New York just as Bunker Hill or Dorchester Heights over looked Boston. As soon, therefore, as the British got pos session of Brooklyn Heights, Washington saw that his army could not long remain in New York. 2 A little later 1 It is surprising that Washington could, in a single night, succeed in getting an army of 10,000 men across a river, at this point nearly a mile wide, without be ing discovered. It was a brilliant piece of work, which none but an able general could have achieved. Here, as at Dorchester Heights, the slow-witted Howe was outgeneralled. 2 During the interval of about two weeks between the retreat from Long Island and the evacuation of New York, the sad episode of Nathan Hale s capture and execution occurred. Captain Nathan Hale, who was only twenty-one years of age, was quite willing to risk his life by going as a spy into Howe s camp on Long Island. Hale succeeded in getting much valuable information about the enemy s fortifications, and was on his way back to the American army when he was captured and taken before General Howe. The latter promptly ordered him to be hanged on the next (Sunday) morning. During the night Hale asked for a clergyman and THE REVOLUTION 153 THE JUMEL MANSION, NEW YORK CITY, WASHINGTON S HEADQUARTERS. Howe, with the aid of his fleet, tried to prevent Washing ton s escape by cutting off his retreat, but Washington was too alert for him. After more or less fighting near the Hudson River, north of New York, Washing- The Br . tish capt . ton left General Charles Lee with one-half ure Forts Lee and the army at North Castle while he crossed over to New Jersey. The British captured Forts Lee and Washington and 3,000 men. This was a terrible loss at a time when everything seemed to be going against the American cause. But even worse things were to follow. In order to pre vent the British from carrying out their plan of taking Philadelphia, Washington put his troops between that city and the British army. Needing every avail- Lee s disobedience able soldier, he sent Lee orders to join him. and jealousy. Lee did not move. Again and again Washington urged upon Lee the importance of joining their forces, but he re- a Bible. Both were denied him. He wrote to his mother and to his betrothed, but the letters were torn in pieces before his eyes by the hard-hearted jailer. The last words of the martyr-spy bore witness to his brave spirit : " I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." i S 4 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES mained at North Castle. He was jealous of Washington, and, being second in command, he wished Washington to fail in order that he himself, by promotion, might become commander-in-chief. This disobedience and jealousy put Washington in a critical position. To save his army from capture he was again forced to retreat this time across New Jersey. On his line of march he broke down bridges and destroyed supplies which the British hoped to secure for their army. Often the rear guard was just leaving a burning bridge when the advance of the British could be seen approaching. Washington s retreat was so skilful that the British spent nineteen days (November 19 to December 8) in marching a little Washington s over sixty miles. But his losses by desertion army melting were great and his army seemed to be melting away. When he reached the Delaware River he had only about 3,000 soldiers. Having previously sent on men to secure the boats for nearly one hundred miles along the river, he got his little army across just in time to escape the British, who arrived on the evening of the same day. 138. Battle of Trenton. These were indeed " dark and dismal " days. In the retreat across New Jersey the Amer- Dark outlook of i cans suffered greatly. Many were without the American shoes and they could be tracked by crimson foot-prints upon the snow. The friends of the patriot cause, both in England and in America, thought the Americans hopelessly beaten. There was doubt and gloom everywhere. The British generals thought the war was near its close, and Cornwallis was packing up to re turn to England ; for as soon as the Delaware should be come frozen over the British intended to march across and seize Philadelphia, the "rebel" capital. It would then be useless for him to remain longer in America. But Washington was not without hope. He noted with satisfaction the mistake the British were making in care- Washington s lessly separating their army into several di- P Ians - visions and scattering them at various points in New Jersey. In the meantime Charles Lee had been THE REVOLUTION 155 WASHINGTON S RETREAT ACROSS NEW JERSEY. captured. His troops, now under Sullivan, had joined Washington, so that the entire army numbered 6,000. Washington at once planned to attack the body of Hessians stationed at Trenton. The attack was made on Christmas night with 2,400 picked men. They began crossing the river early in the evening. Great blocks of ice, float ing down the swift current, made the crossing slow and difficult. Massa chusetts fishermen skilfully directed the boats, but it was four o clock in the morning before the soldiers were ready to take up their line of march. A furious storm of snow and sleet beat in their faces as they plodded on toward Trenton, nine miles away. By daybreak they had completely surprised the Hessians and, after a brief struggle, had captured the whole force A glorious victory of more than 1,000 men. By one bold stroke t Trenton. Washington had changed defeat into victory and had in spired the patriot Americans with new hope. Cornwallis, filled with amazement, decided to remain a little longer in America. Leaving a rear-guard at Prince ton to protect his supplies, he speedily advanced with a superior force against Washington. At nightfall January 2, 1777, only a small creek separated the two armies, just south of Trenton. " At last," said Cornwallis, " we have run down the old fox and we will bag him in the morning." But 156 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Washington outgeneralled him. During the night he not only escaped, but marched around Cornwallis, defeated his Battle of Prince, rear-guard at Princeton, captured five hun- ton * dred prisoners, and then withdrew in safety to the heights about Morristown, where he went into winter quarters. 139. Robert Morris Furnishes Money for the Army.. After the battle of Trenton Washington was in sore straits Great need of with his army. Many of the soldiers terms of money for the service were about to expire, and these men were eager to get to their homes. Washing ton knew that good money would hold them over for a few weeks. He wrote in haste therefore to his friend Robert Morris, a rich merchant and banker of Philadelphia, for $50,000 in hard cash. Morris promptly responded. Before light on New Year s morning he went knocking from door to door to secure the money from among his friends. The nobie task of By noon the sum was made up and on its way Robert riorris. to Washington. The army was saved, and Washington was able to bring to an end a brilliantly ex- ecuted campaign. Again during Greene s campaign in the Carolinas (1780) and during Washington s about Yorktown (1781), Morris came to the rescue of the army. His ample fortune was a silent power which none the less truly than the military genius of Washington made American inde pendence possible. TO THE PUPIL 1. Review the New England Confederacy, Franklin s Plan of Union, the Stamp Act Congress, and the Continental Congress. How do you account for the rapid growth of a desire on the part of the colonists for Independence ? In this connection, find out all you can about the Hessians. 2. Explain the leading part taken by Virginia and Massachusetts in se curing the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Review Berkeley in Virginia and Andros in Massachusetts. 3. What -were the Americans fighting for before the adoption of the Dec laration of Independence ? What, after it ? THE REVOLUTION 157 4. Why did the British wish to secure control of the Hudson River and the Middle States ? Can you give any reason why the Tories were more numerous in this part of the country than in New England ? 5. What plans did Washington make for the defence of New York? 6. Are you constantly using a map to aid you in forming vivid pictures ? 7. What had Charles Lee to do with Washington s retreat across New Jersey ? After chasing Washington across New Jersey, what mis take did the British make ? How did Washington take advantage of this ? You may well closely follow Washington at this time. What service did Robert Morris render the American cause ? 8. Read the account of the battle of Trenton in Coffin s Boys of 76. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE HUDSON RIVER AND THE MIDDLE STATES IN 1777 140. The British Plan to get Control of the Hudson in 1777. By the capture of New York the British held the lower part of the Hudson. Their plan for 1777, like that for 1776, was to get entire control of this river. The plan was three-fold : (i) Burgoyne was to come down from Can ada by way of Lake Champlain ; J (2) St. Leger was to sail up the St. Lawrence into Lake Ontario and, landing at Os- wego, was to come down the Mohawk Valley ; (3) and Howe, with the main army, was to go up the Hudson from New York. All three of these divisions were to meet at Albany. The plan looks simple. It will be interesting to see how the blundering of the British led to failure. 141. Burgoyne s Brilliant Beginning. Burgoyne, with an army of 10,000 men, including Canadians and Indians, captured Crown Point (June 26). Ten days later he forced the Americans to evacuate Fort Ticonderoga and hastily to retreat southward. Burgoyne was now confident of easy victory. King George clapped his hands and shouted, "I have beat them! I have beat all the Americans!" The English people thought the war would soon be over. 1 In 1776 Carleton had led a similar expedition. With 12,000 troops he started from Canada to secure control of the water route to the mouth of the Hudson. Al though stubbornly opposed by Arnold on Lake Champlain, he captured Crown Point, but finding Ticonderoga strongly fortified he withdrew without attacking that fort. 158 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The Americans were everywhere disheartened. Four days more (July 10) found Burgoyne s army at Skenesboro (now Whitehall), about twenty miles distant in a direct line from Fort Edward. 142. Some of Burgoyne s Difficulties. But in crossing the carrying-place between Lake Champlain and the Hud son serious difficulties stood in his way. The country was swampy and heavily wooded. General Schuyler, who was in command of the Americans, felled trees across the roads and destroyed over forty bridges. These obstructions greatly delayed Burgoyne. The British advanced only about a mile a day until they reached Fort Edward (July 30). As Burgoyne s supplies had to be sent to him from Canada, the farther he advanced the more difficult it was to feed his army. To keep his line of communication guarded it was necessary to leave troops in his rear. Every mile of advance thus compelled him to weaken his attacking force. 143. Burgoyne s Indian Allies. Burgoyne s Indian allies were a source of more weakness than strength to his army. They murdered and scalped peaceful inhab itants every day. 1 These barbarous cruelties aroused the hottest indignation among the people, hundreds of whom eagerly offered their services to the American commander. 144. Bennington and Supplies. While encamped at Fort Edward in August, Burgoyne s army stood greatly in need of horses and supplies. News came that at Benning- 1 Near Fort Edward they killed Jane McCrea, a fascinating young woman who was engaged to be married to David Jones, an American loyalist serving as lieutenant in Burgoyne s army. Jones, having prevailed upon Miss McCrea to come within the British lines and man him, sent a party of Indians under the half-breed Duluth to act as her guard. She was staying at the house of Mrs. McNeil, only a few hundred yards from Fort Edward. Before Duluth s party could reach Mrs. McNeil s house, however, another party of Indians under the Wyandotte Panther arrived and carried off Miss McCrea. Both parties of Indians met at a spring between Fort Edward and Glens Falls, and Duluth declared his right to take charge of the young lady. In the heated dispute which followed the Panther shot dead the unfortunate Miss McCrea. This is the version of the McCrea story as told by W. L. Stone in the " Cyclopaedia of American Biography." THE REVOLUTION 159 ton, a little village in Vermont at the foot of the Green Mountains, the Americans had collected several hundred horses, as well as food supplies and ammunition. Burgoyne was as much in need of horses to draw his can- Burgoyne s need non as of food to feed his troops. Besides, he of *PP. was told that there were many Tories in the Green Moun tains who would, with a little encouragement, flock to the British army. To win over the people to the British cause was no small part of the purpose of the expedition to Bennington. Accordingly, about 1,000 Hes sians were sent to Bennington, where nearly all of them were killed or captured by a body of militia under Colonel John Stark. Burgoyne s army was badly crip pled by this disaster. Instead of bringing recruits to Re8u3tsofthe the British the expe- British defeat at dition to Bennington Bennln * ton - only served to make the feeling of the Green Mountain farmers more bitter against the English Government. Great numbers of them speedily hastened to join the American army. 145. Failure of St. Leger. Fortune seemed to be against Burgoyne. St. Leger, it was hoped, would gather about his standard many of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and large numbers of Tories in western and central New York. In due time he made his way to Oswego, and from there to Fort Stanwix. St. Leger laid siege to the fort. Arnold, with a body of troops, pressed forward to its st. Lexer s relief. He sent a messenger ahead to report hurried retreat, that a large force would soon attack the British. Panic- stricken, the Indians at once hurried away and were soon followed by St. Leger himself (August 22). Burgoyne could no longer look for aid in this direction. His only re maining hope was in receiving reinforcements from Howe. JOHN BURGOYNE. i6o HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Where Howe was and what his army was doing we will now consider. 146. Why Howe Failed to Unite with Burgoyne If Howe had gone up the Hudson and joined Burgoyne at the time planned, the latter s invasion would no doubt have been successful. Why Howe did not do the part assigned him was a question that until eighty years afterward had no satisfactory answer. An explanation was then found in a document in Charles Lee s hand writing that proved him beyond a doubt to be a trai- The traitor Lee. , , , tor. Lee had been captured in the autumn of 1776. While yet uncertain of his fate, he told Howe that he had given up the American cause and of fered his advice for the summer campaign. Lee believed it was more important to capture Phila delphia than to get control of the Lee s advice to Hudson. HenCC he Howe - advised sending a force to take that city, which the British general called the "rebel capital." Howe might thus speedily bring Pennsylvania under subjection to England, while Burgoyne and St. Leger would easily subdue New York. To his own confusion and to the confusion of the British cause Howe followed Lee s advice. 147. Howe s Advance Toward Philadelphia. Howe opened the campaign (June 12) by an effort to draw Wash ington from his strong position among the Howe s vain at tempt to bring on hills around Mornstown into a general en gagement. But Washington was too wary to allow himself to be caught napping. After spending two or three weeks in vain attempts to provoke Washington to come out from his strongholds and fight in the open field Howe withdrew, tired out with his fruitless manoeuvres. LAFAYETTE. MAP SHOWING BURGOYNE S INVASION HOOVE S CAPTURE OF PHILADELPHIA 1 62 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES He sails to Elkton. Even though Howe s army numbered 18,000 men he dared not risk a march across New Jersey with Washing ton and an army of 8,000 in his rear. So on the last day of June he gave up his plan of marching across New Jersey to Philadelphia and withdrew his army to Staten Island. He then sailed southward in order to reach Philadelphia by way of the Chesapeake. When he reached Elkton, the head of the Chesapeake (August 25), he had been two months on the way. It was a precious two months to the American cause, as we shall now see. 148. Battle of the Brandywine. 1 Howe had no sooner landed, than he found his watchful foe ready to dispute his advance upon Philadel phia. Washington decided to make a stand at Brandywine Creek, where he met Howe in battle (September u). The British greatly outnum bered the Americans and defeated Washington s them. 2 But Washing- skiifui retreat. ton withdrew in good order and handled his troops with such skill as to keep Howe two weeks in marching to Philadelphia, only twenty-six miles from the battle-field. 1 When La Fayette heard that the Americans had declared their independence of England he was eager to cross the Atlantic and aid them. He was not yet twenty years of age and had just married a beautiful young woman of rank and fortune. But he was willing to leave behind him wife, family, and friends to fight in a noble cause. Accordingly, he sailed in his own vessel for this country and reached the coast of South Carolina in April, 1777. Congress made him major-general in the Continental army, where he rendered excellent service. He fought his fir:;t battle at Brandywine, and here was wounded in the leg. He freely spent his own money for clothing and equipping the soldiers under his command. From their first meeting a warm friendship sprang up be tween La Fayette and Washington. After the war was over La Fayette twice visited the United States. The first visit he made in 1784 on Washington s invi tation ; the second, in 1824, when he laid the corner stone of Bunker Hill monu ment on the spot where the brave Warren had fallen in 1775. 8 Washington had weakened his army by sending picked troops to aid the Army of the North. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. THE REVOLUTION 163 It was on September 26 when the British general marched into this city, a week after the first battle of Saratoga, and altogether too late to send troops to co-operate with the unfortunate Burgoyne three hundred miles away. In de laying Howe Washington had made Burgoyne s capture certain. People did not understand the meaning of Wash ington s masterful strategy, but his policy of delaying Howe had been fatal to the success of the British plan to secure control of the Hudson. 149. Burgoyne s Surrender. While Howe was on his way to Philadelphia Burgoyne was passing through a try ing experience in the North. On sailing away from New York Howe left Clinton in command there. In vain Bur goyne sent messenger after messenger to Clinton, asking for reinforcements. Without Clinton s aid success was very doubtful, for the Americans were increasing daily and were threatening to cut off Burgoyne s line of com munication with Canada. The American army, now com manded by Gates, 1 occupied a strong position at Bemis Heights. The situation was desperate. Bur- Burgoyne s situa- goyne must force an advance. With great tion desperate, courage he fought a battle (September 19), in which his advance was stubbornly contested. Still there was no news from Clinton. In the meantime, Lincoln had suc ceeded in cutting off the British supplies from Canada. Three weeks later Burgoyne, whose army was suffering from want of food, again attacked the Americans (Oc tober 7) with the hope of cutting his way through their lines, and again suffered defeat. He tried in vain to find a way of escape but could not, for he was surrounded and cut off from supplies. After ten days, therefore, he 1 Schuyler was a noble man and a good general, but he had political enemies who succeeded in having him removed. Gates was vain and weak, and his subse quent history proved him to be lacking even in personal bravery. The success of his army at Saratoga was due to the gallant leadership of Arnold and Morgan, Gates deserved no credit. His easy manner and fluent tongue enabled him for a time to influence people who did not understand his real character. In time, how ever, his selfishness, trickery, and cowardice brought down upon him the contempt of honest men. 164 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES surrendered his entire army of 6,000 regular troops 1 (Oc tober 17). 150. Burgoyne s Surrender Leads to Aid from France. -The surrender of Burgoyne was the turning-point in the Franklin s infiu- war. Its immediate result was a treaty of cretakTfrom * alliance between France and our country. France. Shortly after the Declaration of Independence was signed Congress sent over three commissioners 2 to se cure aid from France. The principal one of these was Benjamin Franklin, then seventy years old. His simplicity and directness charmed the French people and won him a warm place in their hearts. Before Burgoyne s invasion France had secretly sent to the Americans much aid in the form of money and ship-loads of ammunition and clothing. But after Burgoyne s surrender it was evident that the Americans were fighting England with success. France, Results of the England s traditional enemy, was then ready American treaty to aid them openly. She therefore entered into a treaty of alliance with the United States, agreeing to send over a fleet and an army of 4,000 men. England promptly declared war against France. She also changed her policy toward the Americans. She repealed the tea duty, the Boston Port Bill, and all the other hated measures that had driven the colonies to take up arms against the king. She promised that there should be no more taxation without representation. But it was too late. The Americans would now agree to nothing short of independence. 151. The Suffering at Valley Forge. Even after losing Philadelphia, Washington had the courage to attack the British at Germantown. Although he made a well-planned attack, on account of a fog he suffered defeat. He then 1 The Americans when marching the English soldiers off the field of sur render proudly unfurled their new flag. In January, 1776, Washington began to use an American flag. This was like the British flag, except that the thirteen stripes in the American flag took the place of the solid red of the British. Con gress adopted the " Stars and Stripes " on June 14, 1777. John Paul Jones is be lieved to have been the first to hoist the flag at sea. 2 These commissioners were Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee, and Silas Deane. THE REVOLUTION 165 withdrew his army and went into winter quarters at Valley Forge. This was a strong position among the hills, about twenty miles northwest of Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill River. But the winter was a terrible one for the army. 1 Most of the soldiers were in rags, few had any bedding, and many had not even straw to lie upon at night. Nearly 3,000 were barefoot, and could be tracked by their bloody foot prints upon the frozen ground. Owing to mismanage ment by Congress and the commissary department, there was often, for days at a time, no bread. The army, though weakened by suffering and loss of food, was greatly strengthened by the systematic military drill which they received from Steuben, 2 a Prussian veteran who had joined the American cause. He was made in spector-general, and he transformed the ragged regiments into a well-disciplined army. 152. The Conway Cabal. Petty politics and personal jealousy in Congress did much at this time and at other times to prevent the successful handling of w . 1 Washington s the troops by Washington. Weak and vain enemies and their men, such as Gates and Charles Lee, did all petty 8Chemin *- they could to destroy Washington s influence and drive him from his position as commander-in-chief. As Gates had succeeded, by his political scheming, in getting Congress to appoint him, in place of Schuyler, as head of the Northern army in 1/77, so now he was busily scheming for the down fall of Washington that he might himself become the head of all the American armies. As one of the leaders in this 1 A beautiful story is told of Washington at Valley Forge. When "Friend Potts " was near the camp one day he heard an earnest voice. On approaching he saw Washington on his knees, his cheeks wet with tears, praying to God for help and guidance. When the farmer returned to his home he said to his wife: " George Washington will succeed ! George Washington will succeed ! The Americans will secure their independence ! " "What makes thee think so, Isaac?" inquired his wife. "I have heard him pray, Hannah, out in the woods to-day, and the Lord will surely hear his prayer. He will, Hannah ; thee may rest assured He will. " 2 There were five eminent foreign gentlemen who fought in the American army. Two of these, La Fayette and John Kalb, were Frenchmen ; two others, Kosciusko and Pulaski, were Poles ; and the fifth was Baron Steuben, a German. These brave Officers won the lasting gratitude of patriot Americans. 166 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES shameful plot was Conway, it was called the Conway Cabal. The taunt was openly made that while Gates had captured Burgoyne at Saratoga, Washington had been defeated by Howe on the Brandywine. But when people understood the meanness of all this plotting they were indignant. Washington appeared all the more noble in contrast with these selfish men, and his popularity was even greater than before. 153. The British Evacuate Philadelphia (June 18, 1778). When the British learned that a French fleet was coming over to aid the Americans, they feared it might go up the Delaware and, co-operating with Washington, capture their troops in Philadelphia. So Clinton, who had suc ceeded Howe in the chief command, was at once ordered to hasten away from Philadelphia and reinforce the army in Battle o*Mon- New York. With 17,000 men, the British mouth. general began his march across New Jersey. Washington started in pursuit of Clinton, overtook him at Monmouth, and attacked him there (June 28). But, ow ing to the treachery of Charles Lee, 1 Washington failed to win a decisive victory. During the night the British hur ried from the battle-field on toward New York. TO THE PUPIL 1. First review the reasons why the British wished to get control of the Hudson River and the Middle States. What was the British plan for 1777 ? 2. Describe Burgoyne s brilliant beginning and his later difficulties. In what way did his Indian allies affect the invasion ? 3. What were the purposes and the results of the expedition against Bennington ? Explain the failure of St. Leger. 4. Why did not Howe sail up the Hudson to join Burgoyne ? In what way did Charles Lee show himself to be a traitor to the American cause ? What -was his advice to Howe ? 5. Why did not Howe march across New Jersey in his attempt to capture Philadelphia ? Trace his route by water to Elkton. In what way did Howe "waste valuable time ? 1 For his shameful retreat and disobedience of orders Lee was tried by court- martial. He was suspended from his command for one year. Later he was ex pelled from the army. THE REVOLUTION 167 6. How did Washington aid the Northern army to capture Burgoyne ? 7. Give reasons for Burgoyne s failure. 8. What were the most important results of his surrender ? How had France aided us before this surrender? After France entered into a treaty of alliance with the Americans what change did England make in her policy toward them ? 9. Be prepared to write five minutes on any of the following topics : The suffering at Valley Forge, the Conway cabal, the British evacuate Philadelphia. Contrast Washington with such men as Lee and Gates. 10. Imagine yourself to have been with Washington s army at Valley Forge in that trying winter and write an account of your personal experiences. 11. Read Scudder s George Washington. WARFARE ON THE BORDER AND ON THE SEA 154. England s Numerous Wars. England s war with France made it necessary for her to protect her colonies in various parts of the world. This prevented her from con centrating her forces in America. Within the next two years she also became implicated in war with Spain and Holland ; hence we need not be surprised that the English did but little fighting in America during 1778 and 1779. JSS- Weakness and Difficulties of the Americans. The United States was equally unable to engage in exten sive military operations. The country was very weak in point of wealth and population. The principal industries were farming, fishing, ship-building, and commerce, and these, especially the last three, had naturally been much interfered with by the war. The Continental Congress had but little authority, and steadily lost influ- The continental ence until it commanded but little respect. It congress has could not enlist a soldier or build a fort, be cause it had no power to levy taxes. In course of time the States paid little heed to the requisitions for money which Congress made upon them. Under such circumstances Congress had great difficulty in raising money enough to carry on the war. Although Congress had no money and no means of get- i68 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES A REVOLUTIONARY GUN. ting any, it could issue paper promises, and this it did in immense quantities. These paper promises were called Con- continentai tineiital currency, and, like all such promises, currency. they were valuable only in so far as people had confidence in the ability of the government to redeem them. As people lost respect for Congress, this paper cur rency fell in value. Before the close of 1779 the coin value of this Continental currency was only two cents on the dol lar, and in the early part of the following- year its coin value was nothing at all. " Not worth a Continental " recalls the money trials of the Revolution. 156. Use of Indians by the English. The difficulties of the situation were enhanced by the hostility of the orig inal owners of the soil. We have seen how Burgoyne em ployed Indians to help him. It was a part of the plan of the English to get all the aid they could from the Iroquois in New York and from the Indians west of the Alleghanies. These powerful tribes, furnished with arms, ammunition, provisions, and sometimes with British leaders, were a seri ous annoyance to the people on the frontier. The struggle between the backwoodsmen and the red men was Importance of the struggle between OI great im- backwoodsmen portance. The and the Indians. * . . , English Gov ernment wished to coop up the Americans between the Alleghanies and the Atlan tic. For, as long as the western country remained un settled, English merchants could continue to grow rich on the immensely profitable fur trade with the Indians. The A REVOLUTIONARY FLINT-T OCK PISTOL. THE REVOLUTION 169 Americans were eager to make settlements west of the Alleghanies, but before they could occupy the land they had to conquer the Indians. Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, John Sevier, and James Robertson were prominent leaders in this western movement for conquest. The strug gle east of the Alleghanies was for independence in terri tory already acquired; the struggle west of the Alleghanies was .for the conquest of new territory. 157. George Rogers Clark Marches Against the British Posts North of the Ohio. When the war began the British had possession of all the territory north of the Ohio between the Mississippi and the Alleghanies. Colonel Hamilton, the English governor of that re- , P. .. . . . Hamilton s plans. gion, wished to drive out all the American settlers. He encouraged the Indians to roam over the country, burning, murdering, and scalping without mercy. Colonel George Rogers Clark, a backwoodsman of Ken tucky, which was then a part of Virginia, decided to put a check upon Hamilton s plans. Clark got together a small body of volunteers, who numbered less than two hundred, and with these he boldly set out to capture the British posts north of the Ohio. In May, 1778, Clark s men made rude flat boats and rafts and floated down the Ohio to a point south of the Tennessee River. Here they met a party of hunters who consented to act as guides overland to Kaskaskia in the southwestern part of Illinois. Having surprised and captured this post, Clark sent a small force to seize Cahokia (Illinois), from thirty to forty miles northwest of Kaskaskia. This expedition was successful, and a message was received about the same time that Vincennes had taken the oath of allegiance to America and that the American flag floated over the fort there. 158. Clark Secures Control of the Northwest. Hear ing of Clark s success, Hamilton, who was at Detroit, at once prepared to march against him. As Hamilton marches soon as possible the expedition started from a ains t ciark. Detroit toward Vincennes. In four or five weeks Hamilton captured Vincennes and threatened to advance upon Clark. 170 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES When the news reached the Illinois towns there was great alarm. Clark s situation was now critical. With scarcely more than one hundred men he was too far away to secure reinforcements from Virginia. Hamilton had five hundred men, including Indians, and could easily get reinforcements from his red friends. In the midst of the excitement Clark got news that Hamilton had postponed further operations for the winter, and was holding Vincennes with only eighty men in the Clark s expedition garrison. Al to Vincennes. though it was midwinter, Clark promptly decided to march across the country and attack Hamil ton at Vincennes, two hun- dred and forty miles away. He started from Kaskaskia (February 7, 1779). It was a fearful march of sixteen days, five of them spent in wading over the drowned lands of the Wabash. The water was often three or four feet deep and sometimes reached the men s chins. The weather was bitterly cold. During the last six days of the march the men, drenched and half-frozen, had no regular meals, ciark s heroic and were wholly without food for two days. work - But Clark pressed steadily forward. On reaching Vincennes he attacked the fort with such vigor that he forced Hamilton to surrender (February 24, 1779). He had done a heroic piece of work. In capturing Vin cennes Clark and his brave backwoodsmen finished the conquest of the territory in the Northwest and opened all this vast region to American settlers. The importance of this conquest will be appreciated when we see its ef- CLARK ON THE WAY TO KASKASKIA. 172 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES fects upon the treaty of peace at the close of the Rev olution. 159. The American Navy. Up to this time all the fight- ing, so far as we have seen, had been on land, but there was serious trouble on the sea also. When the war began the Americans were without war vessels, because up to this time they had been under the protection of England. Be fore the close of 1775, however, Congress had ordered a small navy of thirteen vessels to be built, nearly all of which were cap tured during the war or burned to avoid capture. As a consequence we were much crippled for means of transporting troops by water. After recognizing our independence France aids us 0778), France made with her fleets. several attempts to aid us with her strong fleets, but owing to the supremacy of the English navy these efforts were of little ser vice before the siege of Yorktown. Indirectly, however, they were of great assistance, because they kept England busy on various parts of the sea and in this way withdrew her strength from America. 160. American Privateering. While England had little to fear from our navy, she suffered much from American privateers. Even as early as 1776 they captured three hundred and fifty English vessels, a few of which were loaded with powder and supplies for the British army. So much damage did they inflict upon England s commerce that her ship-ow T ners and merchants became bitter in their opposition to the war. Governor Hutchinson of Massachu setts said there were 70,000* New England sailors at one time on privateers. The estimate was too high, but with- 1 There were two reasons why it was easier to get men to engage in privateering than to enlist in the army : (i) Most of the men on these privateers were fishermen JOHN PAUL JONES. THE REVOLUTION 173 Out doubt many more than this number of Americans en gaged in privateering during the war. 161. Paul Jones and the American Navy. John Paul Jones, the naval hero of the Revolution, was a Scotchman by birth. At an early age he emigrated to America, and had been engaged in commerce many years before the outbreak of the war. Being placed by Congress in command of a small ship, he cap tured many vessels in the English Chan nel and thoroughly frightened the people as he sailed along the coasts of England and Scot land threatening the towns. At length, through the help of Franklin and the French king, he was placed in command of a small squadron. His flag-ship was called the Bonhomme Richard. Sailing along the eastern coast of England he saw several English merchantmen convoyed by two men- of-war. At seven o clock in the evening (Sep- Desperate fight tember 23, 1779), his ship attacked the larger I*, e ^^"^ e of the two, the Serapis. A desperate fight Richard and the followed. During the action the firing on " Sera P i8 -" the Richard slacked. The English commander shouted to Jones, "Have you struck?" Jones promptly answered, " I have not begun to fight." The two vessels coming in touch, he lashed them together with his own hands and for two hours longer continued the deadly struggle. At last some of Jones s men, from the main-yard of the Richard, dropped hand-grenades among the English sailors. One of and sailors who, as we have already found, were thrown out of employment by English cruisers ; (2) privateering was far more profitable than service in an ill paid army. THE BONHOMME RICHARD AND THE SERAPIS 174 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES these caused an explosion of a powder chest. This de moralized the English crew, and their commander struck his colors. Jones had lost in killed and wounded one hun dred and sixteen men, and the RicJiard was sinking. It was a tremendous struggle and a great victory, and it caused the name of John Paul Jones to be spoken of with gratitude throughout America. TO THE PUPIL 1. In what part of the country was most of the fighting in 1775? In 1776 and 1777 ? Review the leading events of these three years. 2. Why was there little fighting in 1778 and 1779 ? Notice with care the weakness of the Continental Congress and the disastrous effects of the Continental currency. 3. How did the English make use of the Indians? Give reasons for the importance of the struggle between the backwoodsmen and the Ind ians in the region west of the Alleghanies. 4. What was the purpose of George Rogers Clark s expedition ? Trace it on the map. What did Clark accomplish in the Northwest? 5. Imagine as vividly as you can his heroic expedition against Vincennes and write an account of it. 6. Why were the Americans without war vessels at the beginning of the war? How were they crippled for lack of a suitable navy during the Revolution ? In what way did France aid them with her fleets ? 7. Who was Paul Jones ? What service did he render the Americans ? 8. Read Roosevelt s Winning of the West for a good account of what the Westerners did during the Revolution. WAR IN THE SOUTH AND THE SURRENDER OF CORNWAL- LIS (1780-1781) 162. Reasons Why the British Tried to Conquer the South. After failing in New England and the Middle States, the British directed their energies to the South. Their plan was to conquer Georgia and then get control of the Carolinas and Virginia. They knew that Georgia, be ing weak, could not offer much resistance, and that the Tories, who were numerous in the Carolinas, would join them. Moreover, should England fail in overthrowing American independence, the control of the South would THE REVOLUTION 175 help her, at the close of the war, in confining the Ameri cans within a smaller territory than would be otherwise possible. 163. First Successes of the British. As we have seen, there was little fighting anywhere in America in 1778 and 1779. The British had captured Savannah in 1778, but it was not until the spring of 1780 that they began the serious work of conquering the South. General Lincoln was in command of the American army in the South and was stationed at Charleston. Clinton, coming down from New York with a large force, succeeded in penning Lincoln surren . him in this place and forcing his surrender ders to cnnton at (May 12), with about 3,000 Continental troops. Charleston - Well satisfied with this beginning, Clinton returned to New York and left Cornwallis in command of the British forces in the South. After Lincoln s surrender at Charleston, Congress sent General Gates down to take command of the American troops. Gates, whose head had been turned by his capture of Burgoyne at Saratoga, went South confident of success. He reached the army on July 19 and at once planned to make an advance upon Camden. This was Defeat of Gates at the most important place in South Carolina, Camden. because all the principal roads, leading from the North and from the coast, centred here. He was met by Corn wallis (August 16) and badly defeated. This was the sec ond American army destroyed in the South within three months. Gates rode off the battle-field in such confusion of mind that he did not stop until he was more than -sixty miles from Camden. In utter disgrace he retired from the army, to be heard of no more during the war. As Gates was leaving his Virginia plantation to take command of the army in South Carolina, his friend Charles Lee had said to him, " Take care that your Northern laurels do not change to Southern willows." But Gates was bound to fail. He was too self-satisfied to listen to any advice, even that of his officers. 1 76 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 164. Battle of King s Mountain. Cornwallis now ad vanced into North Carolina. At the same time he sent 1,200 men, mostly American Tories under the dashing Fer guson, to enlist Tories in the mountainous regions of South Carolina. Hearing of this movement, a body of American backwoodsmen hastily gathered and attacked Ferguson at King s Mountain (October 7) before he could receive rein forcements. His position was a strong one, but the back woodsmen assailed him with great fury on three sides at once and killed or captured his entire force. Ferguson himself was killed. This brilliant victory so severely crippled Cornwallis that it has sometimes been called the Bennington of the South. Cornwallis was compelled to return to South Carolina in order to maintain control of the territory in that State. 165. Partisan Warfare in the South. Before returning to New York after the capture of Charleston, Clinton sent Clinton s unwise small forces into the interior of South Caro- prociamation. \{ n ^ anc j j n a proclamation offered pardon to all who would return to allegiance to England. 1 hose who would not actively aid in restoring the royal government were to be treated as rebels and traitors. This unwise proclamation compelled all citizens to range themselves on one side or the other. A bitter, bloody, and cruel partisan warfare resulted. Neighbor fought against neighbor, sometimes brother against brother, in this semi-civil war. The most noted par- tisan leaders on the American side were Marion, Sumter, Pickens, and Lee. Marion s men were without uniforms, without tents, and without pay. They lived The Swamp Fox. . / i in the swamps, and were so swift and cunning in their attacks that their leader was known as the Swamp Fox. With a very small force, often less than fifty men, he annoyed beyond measure the British by rescuing prisoners and capturing supply-trains, foraging parties, and outposts. When the American cause looked most gloomy in the South, these brave men, aided by noble women, kept hope alive in patriot hearts. THE REVOLUTION 177 166. Arnold in Philadelphia. Before we follow Greene and Cornwallis in their final struggle for control in the South, let us turn to an alarming event on the banks of the Hudson. This was Arnold s treason, which offered the British an opportunity to make a third attempt to get con trol of the Hudson. After | j ^ the British left Philadelphia (1778) Arnold, who had not fully recovered from his wounds received at Sara toga, was placed in com mand there. He was pop ular in social circles, which included many Tories, and became engaged to a Tory s daughter. Extravagant liv ing followed, and Arnold was soon heavily in debt. The State government accusing him of dishonesty, Congress ordered his trial by COUrt-mar- Arnold tried by tial. By its court-martial. verdict he was found guilty of indiscretions and mildly sentenced to receive a rep rimand from the command- er-in-chief. As Arnold had served his country with dis tinguished bravery, Wash ington held him in high esteem and therefore gave the reproof as gently as possible. But Arnold was indignant. He felt that he had been un justly treated, and he secretly planned revenge. 167. Arnold Becomes a Traitor. Arnold pretended that on account of his wound he was not able to engage in active service, and requested that he might be placed in command of the important position of West Point. Wash- i 7 8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ington, suspecting nothing, granted Arnold s request. The latter, no doubt, thought the American cause was hopeless. At any rate he was as eager for money as he was for re venge and soon opened a treasonable correspondence with General Clinton, commanding the British troops in New York. The scheme was that Arnold should so dispose of his forces at West Point that this strong fort might easily fall into the British hands at a time agreed upon for an attack. 168. Arnold Fails, and Andr6 is Hanged as a Spy. For weeks the correspondence between Arnold and the THE ESCAPE OF BENEDICT ARNOLD. British commander was carried on. Arnold looked for ward to a successful execution of his plot; but a few details were yet to be agreed upon. So, in September (1780), Major Andre was sent by Clinton up the Hudson to make final arrangements with Arnold. Andre sailed up the river in the ship Vulture and met Arnold on shore near Stony Point. An all-night interview followed, and morning found the transaction still unfin- The aii-night ished. Before Andre could return to the Vult- interview. ure ft was fired upon and withdrew down the river. Andre" then attempted to make his way to the Brit ish lines by land. In disguise, therefore, and with Arnold s THE REVOLUTION 1 79 plans ot the fort between his stockings and the soles of his feet, the next morning he was galloping rapidly down the east side of the Hudson on his way to New York. His safe arrival would secure him honor and fame. Little did he know what fate awaited him. As he reached Tarrytown he was stopped by three militiamen lying in wait for any suspicious persons who might ap pear. They searched him and, finding the tell-tale papers, retained him as a prisoner. Arnold got the ,, r . \ -i f Andre s capture. news of the capture in time to escape. Andre was tried by a fair-minded court-martial and was con demned to be hanged as a spy. Arnold received for his treason a brigadiership and about $30,000, but he spent the remainder of his life in dis grace, justly despised by Americans and Englishmen alike. He had carefully kept in his possession the Arnold s disgrace old uniform in which he made his escape from and death. West Point. Just before his death he called for this and put it on once more. " Let me die," said he, " in this old uniform in which I fought my battles. May God forgive me for ever putting on any other." 169. Greene and Cornwallis. In the meantime the struggle between Greene and Cornwallis in the South was going on. When Gates retired from the command of the armies of the South, General Greene was appointed by Con gress to succeed him. On reaching the Carotinas (Decem ber 2, 1780) Greene had many difficulties to Greene s face. The British, now in control of Georgia difficulties. and South Carolina, were about to overrun North Carolina also. Their army was in good condition and was led by such able officers as Cornwallis, Tarleton, and Rawdon. Greene s small forces were poorly armed, without pay and clothing, and sometimes even without food. The troops were broken in spirit and discouraged, but Greene soon inspired the confidence of officers and soldiers. He sent the brave General Morgan against Tarleton. They met at Cowpens (January 17, 1781), where Morgan, with only nine hundred men, routed the British force of l8o HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 1, 100 picked men. The British loss was two hundred and thirty killed and wounded and six hundred prisoners. This Morgan s brilliant brilliant victory destroyed nearly one-third of victory at cow- Cornwallis s army and, like the victory at King s Mountain, seriously interfered with his plans. At King s Mountain Cornwallis lost his best corps of scouts ; at Cowpens he lost his light infantry. Both would have been of untold benefit to him when chas ing Greene into Virginia immedi ately after this battle. 170. Greene s Retreat into Vir ginia. After his victory at Cow- pens Morgan joined Greene. Corn wallis then chased them for two hundred miles northward across the Carolinas. In this famous retreat the Americans forded three rivers whose waters, swollen by rain storms soon after the Americans had crossed, checked the British in their pursuit. Greene crossed the last of these, the Dan, just in time to escape the British, who were NATHANIEL GREENE. . . . . . pressing closely upon his rear. Knowing that Greene would be reinforced in Virginia, Cornwallis dared not follow. On receiving reinforcements Greene returned and fought his enemy at Guilford Court House, North Carolina (March 15, 1781). Here he was defeated, but withdrew his forces Battle of Guilford in good order. This battle was fatal to the court House. plans of Cornwallis, for it so severely crip pled his army which lost about one-fourth of its whole number that he would not follow Greene in his retreat. The remainder of the British army were tired out and Cornwall^ retires almost famished. With his men in this condi- to Wilmington. tion Cornwallis could not return to Charles ton, his base of supplies, but decided to go to Wilming ton, where communication with the English fleet would THE REVOLUTION l8l be easy. Greene s Fabian policy had been very successful. He had worn out the enemy and forced him to seek the coast for supplies. Greene at once greatly disturbed Cornwallis s peace of mind by marching- back to South Carolina. Again and again Greene was defeated, but he skilfully handled his troops and inflicted severe losses upon the Greene s skin as enemy. Before the close of 1781 the British a general. held, in the States south of Virginia, only the two seaports of Charleston and Savannah. Greene was bold, cautious, active, and persevering. He had outgeneraled Cornwallis, the ablest English commander, and shown himself second only to Washington in military genius. 171. Cornwallis Goes to Virginia. Cornwallis, disap pointed in the South, and regarding Virginia as the great storehouse of the Southern armies, now marched north ward to get control of that State. Here he found a con- siderable force of British sent there to keep the inhabitants from aiding the more southern States. Arnold had set fire to Richmond and had destroyed much property in other parts of Virginia. La Fayette was there with Cornv ,, allls trles a body of troops to look after the interests of to entrap the Americans. When Cornwallis reached La Fa y ette - Virginia he tried to entrap La Fayette, but the wily young Frenchman was not to be caught. Cornwallis then withdrew to Yorktown, where he could easily communicate with the English fleet. Clinton had ordered him to be in readiness to send reinforcements to New York in case the expected French fleet should co-operate with Washington in trying to capture that place. 172. Cornwallis, Entrapped at Yorktown, Surrenders. Up to this time the French army had not been of any real service to the American cause, nor had the French fleet given much direct aid. Now, however, Direct aid from both their land forces and their fleet were to the French, help Washington in carrying out a bold plan. The latter, whose army was lying on the Hudson, had been joined the 182 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES NELSON HOUSE, YORKTOWN, VA. Which was occupied as headquarters by General Cornwallis^ year before Cornwallis went to Yorktown by 6,000 fresh troops from France in command of Rochambeau. Clinton, who was at the head of the English forces in New York, hearing- that a powerful French fleet was on its way with more land forces to America, feared that on its arrival there would be a combined attack by land and sea. This had been the original plan, but when Washington learned that the fleet was on its way to the Chesapeake he withdrew from New York and began the execution of a brilliant movement. Leaving a small force on the Hudson, he marched the rest of his army four hundred miles to reinforce La Fay- ette in Virginia and co-operate with the fleet in capturing Cornwallis. So secretly and skilfully did Washington make his plans that he had almost reached Maryland be fore Clinton found out what was going on. Clinton at once sent a fleet to drive the French fleet away. He also sent Arnold to burn New London, Con. necticut, hoping thus to draw Washington back. But the English fleet failed in its attack on the French, and Washing. ton was not to be turned aside from his purpose. Rapidly marching to the Chesapeake, he embarked his troops at Washington s brilliant movement. THE REVOLUTION 183 Baltimore and Elkton, and united with La Fayette, who had already been reinforced by a French land force from the fleet. Cornwallis, entirely surrounded, comwaiiis saw but one chance of escape. That was by surrenders crossing the York River and making a rapid retreat north ward. A violent storm upset his plans. As his army of 8,000 was matched against an army of 16,000, to say nothing of the fleet, a successful resistance was hopeless. Therefore, after a siege of about three weeks he surrendered his army (October 19, 1781). 173. The End of the War and the Treaty of Peace (1783). The Americans everywhere rejoiced. Congress, adjourning in a body, attended church to offer thanksgiving for the great victory. It was plain to Americans and Eng lishmen that Cornwallis s surrender must end the war. Peace commissioners from both countries were therefore appointed to agree upon a treaty of peace. The French Government tried hard to confine the Amer icans to the region east of the Alleghanies. But the work of George Rogers Clark and other Westerners who had bravely conquered and settled the vast regions George Rogers north and south of the Ohio, aided our com- ciark and the missioners in securing for American indepen dence the territory lying between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi, and between the Great Lakes and Florida. Florida was ceded back to Spain. George the Third s plan of personal government in America had failed. The Revolution secured independence in America; it overthrew the personal rule George the Thlrd of George the Third in England. In 1784 fails to carry out young William Pitt had become the real head hls plans< of the English Government, and Parliamentary reform was only a question of time. 184 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE PUPIL 1. Review the attempt on the part of the British, first, to subdue Massa chusetts in 1775, and second, to get control of the Hudson River and the Middle States in 1776 and 1777. You will remember that there was but little fighting in 1778 and 1779. 2. Why did the British in 1780 turn their attention to conquering the South ? Take note of their first successes there. 3. Explain why the Battle of King s Mountain was important. 4. What was the character of partisan warfare in the South ? Look up facts about the Swamp Fox and his men. Subject for essay : Parti san warfare in the South. 5. What were the results of Arnold s trial by court-martial ? What reason did he assign for requesting that he might be placed in com mand of the troops at West Point ? 6. How was his treasonable scheme to be carried out ? What part did Andre take in this scheme ? Discuss Arnold s disgrace and death. Subject for essay: Arnold the traitor. 7. What were the difficulties of Greene when he succeeded Gates in the South ? How did Morgan s brilliant victory at Cowpens play havoc with the plans of Cornwallis ? 8. What was the condition of the English army after the Battle of Guil- ford Court House ? What had been Greene s main purpose and how had he carried it out ? 9. Why did Cornwallis go to Yorktown ? What direct aid did the Americans now receive from the French fleet ? Before its arrival what plans of attack upon the British had Washington made? What changes did he make in his plans after the arrival of the fleet ? 10. Outline the events leading to the surrender of Cornwallis. What were its results ? 11. Study carefully these topics: George Rogers Clark and the West; George the Third fails to carry out his plans. 12. Subject for debate : Resolved, that Greene was a better general than Cornwallis. Subject for debate : Resolved, that the capture of Bur- goyne was a greater achievement than the capture of Cornwallis. 13. Read Simms s Partisan and the chapter on Arnold s treason in Coffin s Boys of 76. Memorize Bryant s Song of Marion s Men. CHAPTER XIV THE BREAKDOWN OF THE CONFEDERATION AND THE FOR- MATION OF THE CONSTITUTION (1781-1789) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, IV. ; Fiske s Critical Period of American History; Fiske s War of Independence; Channing s United States ; Hart s Formation of the Union ; Fiske s Civil Government. OUTSIDE READINGS: Frothingham s Rise of the Republic; Male s Story of Massachusetts ; Johnston s American Politics ; Hinsdale s Old Northwest ; Lossing s Field Book of the Revolution ; Roosevelt s Winning of the West, III. ; Wilson s A History of the American People, III. 174. Congress During the Revolution. -When the col onies threw off the yoke of Great Britain it was necessary that they should have some central authority to guide them in establishing their independence. To meet this need they formed the Continental Congress, which assumed many of the duties of such a government. But Congress, as we have seen, labored with great difficulties because it had no power to compel obedience. Early in the Revolution the people had formed State governments. They felt more closely in touch with these and were extremely jealous of any authority interfering with local control. This feeling found marked expression in the Articles of Confederation a plan of government outlined by a committee which Con gress appointed in June, 1776. 175. Weakness of Congress Under the Confederation. Under the Articles of Confederation, which did not go into effect until 1781 (see par. 180), Congress had but little power. It could declare war, but it could not raise or sup port an army. It could find out the amount of revenue needed for the expenses of carrying on the government, but it could not raise a dollar by taxation. In our own 185 i86 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES time the tariff supplies a large part of the government revenue, but as Congress could not at that time regulate commerce, it could not levy any duties on imported goods. Commerce with foreign countries and between the States was under the control of the States. Congress could do nothing but request the States to pay certain sums of money needed by the central government, and the States pjijim mil i-.-j.ua i could, and usually did, re fuse to notice such requests. The States control In f a C t , the commerce. mail! business of Congress was to recom mend and advise. It could not compel a State, or a citizen of a State, to do anything. 176. England and Amer ican Commerce. A gov ernment so weak at home could not command respect abroad. Soon after the Revolution, Parliament be gan to enforce the restric tions upon American trade which had threatened to ruin the colonial commerce. Of course these acts of Parliament embittered the Americans against England, and they sought in vain for some way of retaliating. Thirteen independent States could not, or would not, agree upon a united plan of action, and as Congress could not regulate commerce nothing was done. 177. Commercial War Between the States. Each State, managing its own commerce, tried to gain advantages over the other States in its trade relations. In order to in crease its foreign trade, a State would sometimes make its duties on imported goods lower than those of a neighboring THREE SHILLING MASSACHUSETTS BILL OF J74I. THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION 187 State. Duties were levied on goods carried from one State into another. For example, New York laid a duty on chick ens, vegetables, and dairy products from New Jersey, and on firewood from Connecticut. New Jersey retaliated by laying a tax of $1,800 a year upon a lighthouse which New York had erected on the New Jersey shore, and the mer chants in Connecticut began to hold meetings for the pur pose of stopping all trade with New York. All such bickerings over inter-State trade made the States more jealous and unfriendly toward one another. And it is worthy of notice that all this increase Con resswithout of selfishness, the continuation of which could power to regulate only result in civil war and the political ruin con of the Confederation, was brought about by the inability of Congress to regulate commerce. But there were other commercial difficulties of a serious nature. 178. Financial Difficulties of the Confederation. After the Revolution our imports, which had to be paid for in specie, were so much more than our exports that the coun try was soon drained of nearly all its gold and silver. Con gress was in great need of money, and there was financial distress throughout the country. 179. Shays s Rebellion. Business depression steadily continued to grow worse. People were in debt, their taxes were heavy, and they could not get money for what they had to sell. The consequence was that nearly all the States began to issue paper promises, which they called money. Distress was especially great among the farmers in western Massachusetts. Their cattle and their farms D i 8tr ess of farm- were sold by the sheriff, and they themselves ers in western were sometimes thrown into prison for debt. When their State Legislature refused to issue paper promises in order that they might pay their debts, two thousand angry farmers in the region about Springfield and Worcester, under the leadership of Daniel Shays, sur rounded the court-houses in those cities and put a stop for the time to all lawsuits against debtors. Fora while (in the latter part of 1786 and early part of 1787) they had things 1 88 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES their own way. They not only burned barns and carried off movable goods, but they tried to seize the arsenal at Springfield for the purpose of securing muskets and cannon. After about seven months the rebellion was put down by the State militia. 180. Conflicting Claims to the Northwest Territory. Thus we see that, by reason of the inability of Congress to regulate commerce and to raise money by taxation, difficul ties were growing day by day. There was still another vexing question. That was the conflicting claims to the territory between the Ohio and the Mississippi, known as the Northwest Territory. Four States claimed each a part or all of it. Massachusetts and Connecticut based their claims to the northern part upon their chartered rights. New York insisted that about all of it belonged to her by an agreement with the Iroquois Indians. Virginia claimed the whole of it not only by chartered right but by the con quest of George Rogers Clark during the Revolution. Of course these conflicting claims led to bitter disputing, in which Maryland took a leading part. She objected to the naryiand objects ownership of the Northwest Territory by a to these claims. p art o f ^g States. She said that inasmuch as all the States had fought France and England to secure this territory, all ought to have a share in the ownership of it. Maryland therefore refused to agree to the Articles of Confederation until it was clear that these claims would be abandoned. The four States having yielded their claims, she signed the articles in 1781. In taking this position Maryland was doing a great ser vice to the whole country. The common possession of the Results of com- Northwest Territory by the thirteen States mon ownership, helped to hold the States together. They all had an equal interest in this extensive region, whose land sales would enable the Confederation to get money enough to pay all its debts. 181. The Ordinance of 1787. The outcome of the dis pute concerning this common ownership was the ordinance of 1787, which was the most important measure passed by THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION 189 tne Confederation. This ordinance provided for the gov ernment of the Northwest Territory, and for dividing it into five States. Education was to be encouraged, and there was to be religious freedom. Although runaway slaves were to be returned to their masters, slavery was to be forever prohibited. This ordinance was passed by Con- CELEBRATING IN NEW YORK THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION. gress in 1787, the year of the formation of the Consti tution. 182. Events Leading to the Constitutional Convention. The many commercial and financial difficulties, ending in Shays s Rebellion, showed that the Confeder- The confederation ation was breaking down. Shays s Rebellion breaking down, in Massachusetts might soon be followed by similar upris- 1 90 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ings in other States. In the face of such dangers the Con federation was almost powerless. A better form of govern ment had therefore become a necessity, and this the Con stitutional Convention devised. The question of the regulation of commerce led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention. Western settle ment showed the need of connecting the East and the West by a system of canals. As the navigation of the Potomac River was concerned, commissioners from Maryland and Virginia met to adopt some regulations for the use of this river by the two States (1785). When the Virginia Legislat ure adopted the commissioners report, they also voted to invite all the States to send delegates to a convention the following year. This convention was to consider com mercial regulations for the whole country. As delegates The conference at from only five States met at this conference, Annapolis. held at Annapolis in 1786, it did not seem worth while to discuss the business for which they were called together. But before adjourning, they recommended that delegates from all the States should meet to consider the Articles of Confederation and make them adequate to the needs of the country. All the States except Rhode Island appointed some of their ablest men as delegates to the convention, which met in Philadelphia (May 25, 1787) and remained in secret session almost four months. Washington was presiding officer of The constitution this convention, which framed the Constitu- ratified. tion ! for the New Federal Union. The adop tion of the Constitution required its ratification by nine States. When the ninth State ratified it on June 21, 1788, 1 Slavery Compromises in the Constitution. In appointing representatives to Congress from each State, some of the Southern States wished all the slaves to be counted. The Northern States opposed the counting of any of the slaves. Finally, it was agreed that in deciding the number of representatives from any slave State three-fifths of the slaves should be counted. The North, or commercial part of the country, wished the national government to have power to regulate commerce, but the South feared this power might be used to prohibit the slave trade. At last it was voted that Congress should have full control of commerce, but that importation of slaves should not be stopped before 1808. THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION 191 preparations were immediately made for the organization of the new government. 183. Supporters and Opponents of the Constitution. There was much opposition to the Constitution from men who honestly believed that too much power was The Federalistg given to the national government. These men andtheAnti- believed that the States should have most of Ftderalists - the power, as under the Confederation. Because they opposed the Federal Constitution they were called Anti- Federalists. The brilliant orator, Patrick Henry, belonged to this political party. Among the Federalists, or sup porters of the Constitution, were Washington, Hamilton, and Franklin, who firmly believed in a strong central gov ernment to control all matters of national interest. After a long struggle between these political parties throughout the country, the Constitution was ratified by the various States, and thus the New Federal Union was established. TO THE PUPIL 1. The period from the close of the Revolution to the adoption of the Constitution has rightly been called the Critical Period. Ascertain the reason. 2. Why was there a delay in the adoption of the Articles of Confedera tion ? What is meant by saying that Congress was merely an ad visory body ? 3. What was the relation between Congress and the various States ? 4. Be sure that you get clear ideas about the following topics: Com mercial war between the States ; Congress without power to regu late commerce. 5. What financial difficulties did the Confederation have after the close of the Revolution ? What caused Shays s Rebellion? 6. What claims were made by various States to the Northwest Terri tory ? Why did Maryland object to these claims ? Name the lead ing provisions in the Ordinance of 1787. 7. Can you now tell why the Confederation broke down ? Outline the events leading to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. What was the position taken by those who opposed the Constitu tion ? By those who supported it ? IQ2 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES CHRONOLOGY 1765. PASSAGE OF THE STAMP ACT. 1765. MEETING OF STAMP ACT CONGRESS. 1767. NEW TAXES ON GLASS, LEAD, PAPER, AND TEA. 1768. BRITISH TROOPS QUARTERED IN BOSTON. 1770. BOSTON MASSACRE. 1773. DESTRUCTION OF TEA IN BOSTON AND ELSEWHERE. 1774. BOSTON PORT BILL PASSED. THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS MEETS AT PHILADELPHIA. 1775. April 19, FIGHT AT LEXINGTON AND CONCORD. May 10, CAPTURE OF TICONDEROGA AND CROWN POINT. SECOND MEETING OI THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. 1775- JIM* *5> WASHINGTON APPOINTED COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. June 17, BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. November 12, MONTREAL TAKEN BY MONTGOMERY ARNOLD S MARCH TO QUEBEC. December 30, DANIEL BOONE SETiLES IN KENTUCKY. 1776. January I, UNION FLAG RAISED AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. February 27, BATTLE OF MOORE S CREEK BRIDGE. June, ARRIVAL OF BRITISH FLEET IN NEW YORK BAY, June 28, ATTACK ON FORT SULLIVAN, CHARLESTON, S. C. July 4, DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE BY CONGRESS. \ August 27, BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. September 15, AMERICANS ABANDON NEW YORK. October 28, BATTLE OF WHITE PLAINS. November 16, SURRENDER OF FORT WASHINGTON. A {December 26, BATTLE OF TRENTON. 1777 . January 3, BATTLE OF PRINCETON. June 14, FLAG OF STARS AND STRIPES ADOPTED BY CONGRESS. " J u ty 6, BURGOYNE CAPTURES TICONDEROGA. , August 6, BATTLE OF ORISKANY. August l6^fBATTLE OF BENNINGTON. . September II, BATTLE OF BRAND YWINE. . October 4, BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. October 17, SURRENDER OF BURGOYNE. HOWE OCCUPIES PHILADELPHIA. 1778. CON WAY CABAL. ALLIANCE WITH FRANCE. May, CLARK S EXPEDITION TO ILLINOIS. June, ATTACK ON WYOMING. June 18, BRITISH LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. Junt 28, BATTLE OF MONMOUTH. July, ARRIVAL OF FRENCH FLEET UNDER D*ESTAING. December 29, SAVANNAH TAKEN BY THE BRITISH. 1779. September 22, FIGHT BETWEEN THE BONHOMME RICHARD AND THE SERAPIS. SULLIVAN S EXPEDITION AGAINST THE IROQUOIS. 1780. May, CAPTURE OF CHARLESTON BY THE BRITISH. August 1 6, BATTLE OF CAMDEN. September, ARNOLD S TREASON. 1781. January 17, BATTLE OF COWPENS. March 15, BATTLE OF GUILFORD COURTHOUSE. September 8, BATTLE OF EUTAW SPRINGS. October 19, CORNWALLIS S SURRENDER AT YORKTOWW. THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION 193 1782. November 30, PRELIMINARY TREATY OF PEACE SIGNED. 1783. September 3, FINAL TREATY or PEACE WITH CHEAT BRITAIN SIGNED, November 25, EVACUATION OF NEW YORK. December 4, WASHINGTON TAKES LEAVE OF HIS OFFICERS. 1784. JEFFERSON S NORTHWEST ORDINANCE PROPOSED. 1786. SHAYS S REBELLION. 1787. NORTHWEST TERRITORY ORGANIZED, AND ORDINANCE ADOPTED. May 25, CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION MET AT PHILADELPHIA. September 17, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES SIGNED BY THE DEL EGATES. 1788. June 21, CONSTITUTION RATIFIED BY NEW HAMPSHIRE, SECURING ITS ADOPTION. CHAPTER XV THE NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND THE GROWTH OF NATIONAL FEELING (1789-1829) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, IV.; An- drews s United States, I.; Walker s Making of the Nation ; Richardson s His tory of Our Country; Wright s Children s Stories of American Progress; Male s Stories of Invention ; Coffin s Building the Nation ; Hart s Formation of the Union; Channing s United States ; Eggleston s Household History ; Drake s Making the Great West; Drake s Making the Ohio Valley States ; Barnes s Popular History of the United States ; Burgess s Middle Period. OUTSIDE READINGS: Me/Master s United States, I.-IV.; Hildreth s United States, IV.-VI.; Schouler s United States, I.; Henry Adams s United States, I.-IX.; Brooks s First Across the Continent; Lossing s Field-book of the War of 1812; Roosevelt s Winning of the West, IV.; Roosevelt s Naval War of 1812; Spears s History of Our Navy ; Wilson s A History of the American People, III. ; Thwaites s Rocky Mountain Exploration ; Hosmer s A History of the Mis sissippi Valley; Hart s How Our Grandfathers Lived; Gordy s Political History of the United States, I.- II. ; Parton s General Jackson ; Johnston s American Politics ; Lodge s George Washington; Lodge s Alexander Hamilton ; Morse s Thomas Jefferson ; Wharton s Martha Washington ; Bolton s Famous Americans ; Gil- man s James Monroe; Magruder s John Marshall; Gay s James Madison; Schurz s Henry Clay ; Morse s John Quincy Adams. FICTION : Martlneau s Peasant and Prince; Dickens s Tale of Two Cities ; Henty s In the Reign of Terror; Hale s Philip Nolan s Friends ; Hale s Man Without a Country ; Elggeston s Signal Boys ; Eggleston s Captain Sam ; Eggleston s Big Brother ; Bynner s Zachary Phips ; SeawelFs Little Jarvis ; Seawell s Midshipman Paulding. POETRY : Holmes s Ode for Washington s Birthday ; Key s Star Spangled Banner; Drake s American Flag; Holmes s God Save the Flag ; Holmes s Old Ironsides. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS IN THE EARLY YEARS OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT 184. Washington the First President. Tt was natural that the people should wish George Washington to be 194 NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 195 the first President. 1 He stood for no party but was the choice of all the people, and he received the unanimous vote of the Presidential electors.* John Adams, of Massa chusetts, was elected Vice-President. The inauguration had been planned for the first Wednesday in March, but travelling was so slow in those days that it was impossible for Congress to meet and count the electoral votes in time to have the inauguration before April 30. New York City was the capital of the country. The inauguration at Federal Hall was very impressive. The oath of office was solemnly taken, and the chancellor of New York, who had given it, then turned , ? , T v ^ The Inauguration. to the people and cried, " Long live George Washington, President of the United States!" The cry was taken up by the throng, who, amid their joyous shouts, had escorted Washington from his house in New York to Federal Hall on his way to deliver his first inaugural. 185. The Number and Distribution of the People. According to the census of 1790 the population of the 1 George Washington, first President of the United States (1789-1797), was born in Westmoreland County, Va., February 22, 1732, and died at Mount Vernon December 14, 1799. When he was eleven years old his father died, leaving the youth in care of a faithful and devoted mother. While at school George was pains- taking and careful with his work and excelled in such athletic sports as running, leaping, and wrestling. lie was so true to himself and to others that he often acted as a judge in deciding disputes between his young friends. In 1759 ne married a rich young widow, Mrs. Martha Custis, whose property, added to his own large estates at Mount Vernon, made him a man of much wealth. His bravery, patriot ism, and military skill, as shown in the Last French War, led to his being chosen by the Continental Congress as Commander-in Chief of the American troops during the Revolution. By reason of his modesty he shrank from this service, for which he was admirably fitted. He refused to receive any pay during/the entire Revolution. It may indeed be truly said that he proved himself indispensable to the success of the Americans in that war. He was a man of commanding presence and dignified man ner. His success lay not in intellectual brilliancy, but in a well-balanced judgment, in a belief that right made might, and in a rare power of winning men s confidence. 2 Under Section I., Article II., of the Constitution, maybe found the following: " Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress." The people in the various States vote for these Presidential electors. The latter, called when taken to gether the Electoral College, vote directly for President and Vice-President. 196 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES United States was nearly 4,000,000 souls, about one-fifth of whom were negroes. Most of the people resided in the thirteen original States, not more than five per cent, being found west of the Alleghanies. The belt of settlement ex tended from Maine to Florida, with an average width of two Weii-settied hundred and fifty-five miles. The most densely peopled regions were on the coast of Massa chusetts, of southern New England, and of New York. Other well-settled regions included the Hudson River val- WASHINGTON S MANSION SOUTH AND WEST FRONTS MT. VERNON, VA. ley as far as Albany, the Mohawk valley, the route now fol lowed by the Pennsylvania Railroad from New York across New Jersey to Philadelphia, and the river valleys of eastern Virginia. Virginia ranked first in population, having 532,000 in habitants. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, with about Five principal 33 oo each, stood next. There were no large commercial cities. The principal commercial centres were Philadelphia, with about 31,000; New York, with 23,000; Boston, with 15,000; Baltimore, with NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 197 13,000, and Charleston, with nearly 11,000. All these five cities contained fewer people than Albany or Denver alone contains to-day. 186. Modes of Travel. The people lived mainly along rivers or on the coast, because one of the easiest and most convenient methods of travel was by boat or simple conditions sailing packet. It is not easy for us to realize of life - how simple the conditions of life were in those days. Imag ine our being without steamboats, railroads, electric cars, telegraphs, and telephones, ^ and you will have an idea how slowly life moved in 1789. The best method of conveying passengers and goods by land was the clumsy old stage-coach. In Washington s first adminis- WASH INGTON S BEDROOM, MT. VERNON, VA. tration two stage-coaches and twelve horses were sufficient to accommodate all the people and carry all the goods passing between Boston and New York, two of the chief commercial cen- The old tres in the country. It took about as long to stage-coach. make the trip as it does now to travel from Boston to San Francisco, or from New York to Liverpool. In summer the stage could cover forty miles a day. In winter, when the snow lay upon the ground or the roads were heavy with mud, the distance was cut down to twenty-five miles a day. About ten o clock at night the traveller reached the wayside inn, where he put up for the night. He was called at three o clock the next morning in time to renew his journey for another eighteen hours. 187. Ferries. There were no bridges spanning large rivers as there are now. In going by stage from Boston to Philadelphia the passenger had to be ferried across eight or ten rivers. In a high wind these crossings were very dangerous, owing to great blocks of floating ice. Not un commonly the ferryboat was upset by a sudden gust of HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES wind. The passage in winter from New York to Jersey City (then Paulus Hook) involved more risk than a trip from New York to Japan does now. 188. The Mails. To-day a number of express trains daily carry mail in less than six hours from New York to Boston, but in Washington s time a postman carried the mail on horseback from New York to Boston three times a week in summer and twice in winter. It required six days to make the trip in sum mer and nine in winter. A pair of saddle-bags suf ficed to carry all the mail between these two com mercial centres. Post men carried mail from New York to Philadel phia five times a week, and were two days in making the journey. In regions remote from business The post-rider centres an old man was often made post-rider. While his horse jogged leisurely along he would while away the lonely hours in knitting socks and mittens or in opening and reading the letters in the mail-bag. These clumsy methods of travel and communication kept the people ignorant of those parts of the country which were not near them. The Massachusetts citizen knew very little about the citizen of South Carolina, and neither un- Lack of national derstood the other. Under such conditions patriotism. there was much foolish prejudice in each State against people in other States, and but little attachment to the Union. We see, therefore, that the patriotism of those days was a State patriotism rather than a national patriotism. 189. Washington s Formality. The Federalists in cluded much the larger part of the wealthy and commer- SERV ANTS QUARTERS, MT. VERNON, VA. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 199 A MAIL CARRIER. cial classes, and were especially strong in the cities. They were aristocratic in their feelings and were inclined to imi tate English social and official customs. Believing in a strong central gov ernment, they wished the Pres- Aristocratic feel . idential ings of the Fed- Office to erall8t8 be one of great dig nity. Washington had seen something of the pomp and state of the royal govern or s court in Virginia, and it seems to have appealed to his sense of fitness. He there- f ore su rrounded himself with much ceremony. On state occasions he rode in a coach drawn by six horses, and on ordi nary occasions in a coach drawn by four horses. When walk ing on the street he was followed at a re spectful distance by a body servant in liv ery. Every Tuesday afternoon, from three to four o clock, he held at the executive mansion a public reception, when he appeared in court dress, with powdered hair, a dress-sword at his side, and a cocked Washington at hat under his arm. Standing with his right public receptions. hand behind him, he bowed formally as his guests were pre sented. Moreover, he allowed his birthday to be celebrated. A FAST MAIL 1876. A TWENTIETH CENTURY FLYER. 2 CO HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES These things greatly displeased many people, who charged Washington with the desire to become king. They wished the President to dress plainly and to live as simply as an ordinary citizen. 190. The New Government. Washington s first duty was to organize the new government. John Jay was ap pointed first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The cabinet is most important, because its members are the heads of various executive depart ments and aid the President in doing his official work. Washington chose for his cabinet four eminent citizens who represented both political par ties. Thomas Jefferson became Sec retary of State ; Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury ; General Henry Knox, Secretary of War; and Edmund Randolph, Attorney-Gen eral. 191. Hamilton and Jefferson the Two Great Political Leaders. Hamilton was a stanch Federalist, but Jefferson was a bitter opponent of the Federalists. They became the respective leaders of the two political parties, and were soon engaged in a long and bitter struggle to carry out their views of government. The struggle was not personal. It was a struggle of prin- shaii the Federal ciples and did not end when Hamilton and Jefferson passed out of public life. It con tinued until it brought on the great Civil Shall the Federal Government be supreme over the State? Shall there be a liberal construction of the Consti tution, so as to grant large powers to Congress and the President? Hamilton said "Yes;" Jefferson said " No." Jefferson feared that the Federal Government might be come so strong as to rob the States of their powers and at last to drift into a monarchy. He believed that the general government had only such powers as were definitely JOHN JAY. or the State Gov ernment be su preme ? War. Age 13. Four days before his death. Age 67. HOW WASHINGTON SIGNED HIS NAME AT VARIOUS AGES. 202 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES granted in the Constitution. In other words, he believed in a " strict construction " of the Constitution. 192. Hamilton s Plan for Establishing Credit The new government had many difficulties to face. The most Hamilton s finan- serious and pressing of these were its debts. ciai policy. The old Confederation had little credit at home or abroad. If the United States was to lift its head among the nations it must first find its footing in a firm financial policy. Alexander Ham ilton had a wonderful insight and clear understanding in money mat ters, and he brought his sound judgment to the support of the new government. He knew that the only way of gaining credit is by paying one s debts. He there fore recommended that the United States assume in full all the debts of the Confederation, both foreign and domestic. In regard to the foreign debt, Congress readily as sented. After some discussion, it voted to pay also the domestic debt, or that owed to American citizens. But Hamilton was a very conservative man. He clung to old principles of government. He wished to establish a government of whose strength the nation need not be ashamed. In his plan for building up the nation s credit, therefore, he proposed that, besides its own debts, or the debts which had been handed down from the Confederation, the United States should assume the debts of the separate He recommends States. The Union would thus establish a the payment of supremacy over the separate States. As the the State debts by the United State debts were mostly loans from wealthy states. Americans, these influential citizens would be attached as creditors to the Union. They would become directly interested in building up its financial credit. They ALEXANDER HAMILTON. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 203 would work to make the central government strong by giv ing it a large taxing power with which to obtain a revenue to pay its debts. This part of the plan was novel and unexpected, and greatly alarmed the followers of Jefferson. They believed that the States should do a large part of the Jefferson s foi- governing. They dreaded more than all else ^^^oi a strong central government, because they the state debts, feared it might lead to a monarchy. They accused Hamil ton of trying to rob the people of their rights by placing them under the rule of a king. Accordingly, the followers of Jefferson opposed the payment of the State debts by the United States, and after a bitter struggle defeated Hamil ton s scheme by a narrow majority. Later, however, in return for an agreement to locate the new capital, Washington, upon the banks of Washington the Potomac, the Jeffersonians conceded the made the capital. assumption of the State debts to the followers of Hamilton. The measure proved one of the wisest policies ever adopt ed. It was a brilliant example of Hamilton s far-seeing statesmanship. 193. A Tariff Laid on Foreign Trade. How to raise the money to pay all these debts was a serious question. At its first session, Congress laid an indirect tax upon ves sels and certain kinds of goods coming into this country from foreign ports. This tax, or tariff, was not only for the purpose of raising a revenue, but also for protecting the young manufactories springing up at various points in the United States. As this tariff did not yield rev- Tax on 8p i r ituoua enue enough for the country s need, a direct "quors. tax was laid later on spirituous liquors (1794). Direct taxes are not generally popular, and this one was no exception. It was an unpleasant reminder of the Stamp Act. We need not be surprised, therefore, that resistance was offered to this direct tax imposed by the new government. 194. The Whiskey Rebellion (1794). The people of western Pennsylvania lived so far from business centres, which they could reach only by poor roads, that it was 204 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES very expensive for them to transport their grain to market There was more profit in making the grain into whiskey, which was much less bulky than the grain from which it was made. As the tax levied upon the whiskey lessened the profit of the farmers, they regarded this tax as unjust. They therefore refused to pay it, and severely handled offi cers sent by the Government to see that it was enforced. The people rose in arms to resist the law, but Washington promptly sent a body of troops, which easily put down the insurrection. 195. The Invention of the Cotton-gin (1793). The Whiskey Rebellion had merely a passing interest. Whit ney s cotton-gin had a permanent influence upon our history. Let us now consider that re markable invention. In 1793 Eli Whit ney, a Massachu setts man then liv ing as a tutor at the home of General Greene s widow in Georgia, invented the cotton-gin. The influence of this in vention upon cotton-growing, slavery, and the future his tory of the country cannot be measured. Before that time cotton was not raised to any great extent in the South. Without the cotton-gin a slave could separate, in a day, the seeds from only a single pound of cotton fibre, but now, with the aid of the cotton-gin, he could in the same time separate the seeds from a thousand pounds. The value of slave labor was thus greatly increased, and the planter could afford to sell his cotton much cheaper than before. At once there was a great and increasing demand for cotton in English as well as Northern cotton-mills, and its A PRIMITIVE COTTON-GIN. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 205 culture became highly profitable. The general belief had been that slavery would gradually die out all over the country. It did not pay in the North, where there were no large plantations, and in that region it was already Result8 of the disappear. invention of the ing. But cotton -* in - now the cotton-growers in the South and the owners of cotton-mills in the North had a sel fish interest in the insti tution. For the owners of cotton-mills, like the planters, made money on the ever-increasing demand for cotton, the price of which had been greatly lessened by the cotton-gin. They all thought that cotton- raising could not be carried on successfully without slave- labor. Hence the demand from this time forward for more and more slaves in the cotton States. WHITNEY S FIRST COTTON-GIN. TO THE PUPIL 1. Note the fact that Washington was President for two terms, 1789-1797. 2. With your map before you, study carefully the distribution of the peo ple in 1790. Why did the people live mainly along rivers or on the coast ? 3. Try to form vivid mental pictures of travel by the old stage-coach. How was the mail carried in 1790 ? How did the clumsy methods of travel and communication affect the attitude of the people in one State toward the people of another State ? On all these topics McMaster s History, I., will repay careful reading. 4. What classes of people were included in the Federalists ? Discuss Washington s formality. 5. What is meant by the Cabinet ? 6. "Shall the Federal Government be supreme over the States?" What answer did Hamilton give ? Jefferson ? You may well keep this great question in mind, for it will come up again and again in 2o6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES the subsequent periods of our history. As you will find later, dis agreement about the answer led at last to Civil War. What is meant by " strict construction " of the Constitution? 7. What was Hamilton s financial policy? Why did he urge that the United States should assume the debts of the separate States ? Why did Jefferson s followers oppose this part of Hamilton s plan ? 8. Which do you think was right in his attitude toward the State debts, Hamilton or Jefferson ? Give reasons for your answer. 9. Review the difference between a direct and an indirect tax. What indirect tax was levied ? What was its purpose? What direct tax was levied ? Why was it unpopular ? 10. What influence did the invention of the cotton-gin have upon the pro duction of cotton by slave-labor ? Explain why the Southern planters and the Northern cotton-mill owners had, from the time the cotton- gin was invented, a selfish interest in slavery. 11. For social life in New England and in other States read Coffin s Building the Nation. FOREIGN RELATIONS IN THE EARLY YEARS OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT 196. A Period of Trial and Uncertainty for the Young Republic (1789-1815) When in 1789 Washington became President, many intelligent people, both in Europe and America, doubted whether the Federal Union would live long. This was a reasonable doubt, for the young repub- Littie national ^ c was J et wea ^ and called forth little na- feeiing in the tional feeling. A foreign traveller, visiting united states. the United States at this time, said that he found no Americans ; that the people were all English or French in their sympathies and feelings. The English party, or the Hamiltonians, and the French party, or the Jeffersonians, were almost as intense in their dislike of each other as were Englishmen and Frenchmen in Europe. Soon after the outbreak of the French Revolution (1789), war began between France and England and, with short War between intervals of peace, continued until Napoleon s France and downfall at Waterloo (1815). During this great struggle many efforts were made to drag the United States into the war. Both France and Eng land were unwilling that this country should remain neu- NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 207 tral. When the United States refused to form an alliance with either country, both of them seriously injured our commerce. They showed little respect for a people who seemed so lacking in national spirit. The entire period from 1789 to the close of the War of 1812 was one of anxiety for the well-wishers of the republic. During all these years the American people were engaged in a struggle similar to the American Revo- From 1789 to 1815 lution. In the earlier struggle they were the Americans f , . , . T r T- i i struggle for in fighting to become independent of England ; dependence of in the later they were striving to become Eur P e - independent of Europe. This later period culminated in the War of 1812, which has been rightly called the Second War of Independence. But from the beginning of Wash ington s administration the struggle over commercial or other difficulties was pressing. 197. Influence of the French Revolution upon Ameri can Affairs. The same year that Washington became President was also the first year of the French Revolution. The people of France had been so oppres- The French sively taxed and otherwise misgoverned that Revolution. they were at last ready to resort to violence against the French monarchy. They tore down the gloomy prison called the Bastile and afterward put to death the king and queen. In the "reign of terror" that followed thousands of men and women were guillotined. To add to the confusion, the French Republic was soon at war with neighboring countries. She declared war with England in 1793. Hamilton and his followers took the side of England ; Jefferson and his supporters sympathized with the French revolutionists. As France had helped us in the American Revolution, the French claimed that we ought Washington to help them in their struggle for freedom. refuses to aid At first Washington and the Hamiltonians, ance with gratitude to France for aid given us in the American Revolution, felt a warm interest ; but later, when the revo lutionists had resorted to extreme violence to carry out their plans, Hamilton began to regard them with great distrust. 208 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Besides, Washington agreed with Hamilton in the belief that we were too weak to become involved in European wars, and he therefore issued a proclamation of neutrality. 198. Citizen Genet Defies Washington. The new French Government, the Directory, knowing that many Americans were in sympathy with the French revolution ists, sent Citizen Genet as minister to the United States. In utter defiance of the President this indiscreet man tried to fit out American privateers to be used in destroying English commerce. In answer to objections from Wash ington, Genet threatened to appeal to the people, hoping they would approve his course and take his side against their own President. This threat was a striking bit of au dacity and showed the contempt Genet felt for our govern ment. But the people sustained Washington, and at his request Citizen Genet was recalled. 199. Jay s Fruitless Treaty with England. The Eng lish would not give up Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, and other our difficulties Northwestern forts which, by the treaty of with England. peace at the close of the Revolution, they had agreed to surrender. They also seriously interfered with our commerce by forcibly stopping and searching our ves sels for deserters, and in many cases impressing our seamen into their service. Besides all this, they would not let us trade with the English West Indies. On the other hand, the English maintained that we had failed to keep our part of the same treaty by refusing to pay certain debts owed by Americans to English merchants, and by not making good the losses sustained by American Tories when they left their homes in this country during the Revolution To settle these difficulties John Jay was sent over to England. As a result a treaty was agreed upon which set tled nothing about the impressment of American seamen. Jay s treaty England refused to discontinue this practice, makes the Amer- but Jay felt that in our weak position among leans indignant. the nat j ons o f t h e wor ld we must be satisfied with what we could get from a country so much stronger than our own. Washington, believing the treaty was the NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 209 best we could arrange, urged its adoption. A large part of the American people were indignant. Hamilton was stoned while making a speech in New York in defence of the treaty, and Washington was so bitterly attacked and unjustly accused that he said he would rather be in his grave than be President. 200. Political Parties. Originally, as we have seen, those supporting the Constitution were called Federalists, and those opposing it Anti-Feder alists. After the Constitution went into effect, the Federalists, under the lead of Alexander Hamilton, favored a strong central govern ment, while the Anti-Federalists, under the lead of Jefferson, wished the States to have most of the pow ers of government. The Jefferso- nians called themselves Republi cans, but since Jefferson s followers favored the French revolutionists, the Federalists called them Demo crats, after the French Democrats. A little later they became known as Democratic -Republicans. In Andrew Jackson s administration they were called Democrats, and the name has remained till the present time. 201. The "X YZ Papers." Our trouble with France was by no means settled by the recall of Genet. When the Jay treaty with England was ratified, the The French an . French were so angry that they sent home gry about the our minister and recalled their own from the United States. French cruisers openly attacked our mer chant vessels. The country was too weak for war, and President Adams 1 wished to avoid one if possible. ! John Adams, second President of the United States (1797-1801), was born at Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1735 and died July 4, 1826. After graduating from Harvard he became a lawyer. He was a prominent member of the Continental Con- JOHN ADAMS. 210 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The French having promised to receive an embassy with honor, President Adams sent over three envoys, John Marshall, afterward Chief Justice, Charles Pinckney, and Elbridge Gerry to set things right. Upon their arrival they were not received with respect. They were boldly informed that peace with France could be secured only on two conditions: (i) That a large sum of money should be paid to members of the Directory, and (2) that an ad ditional sum should be loaned to France for carrying on her wars. The papers reporting to Congress these shame ful propositions were signed, not by the names of the secret agents representing the French Government, but by the letters X Y Z. Hence they were called the " X Y Z Papers." Pinckney s indignant reply was, " Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute," and this became a rallying cry throughout the United States. Congress organized an army and put Washington at the head of it. In the meantime, the French continued to capt- serious trouble ure our vessels and seized a thousand of them. with France. Soon a state of war existed on the sea, where Commodore Truxton defeated and captured two French frigates. 1 These defeats recalled France from her insolent attitude, and when President Adams again sent over envoys, gress, and proposed Washington for commander-in-chief of the American troops. Being an eloquent advocate of independence, he did much to bring about apolitical separation from England. He was one of the three commissioners who negotiated a treaty of peace with Great Britain at the close of the Revolution and afterward became the first American minister to England. His honesty and courage won the admiration of his friends, but his obstinacy and lack of tact involved him in many quarrels. John Adams was inaugurated at Philadelphia, which had taken the place of New York as the seat of government. During his term of office, in 1800, Washington became the capital. Out of the excitement that thrilled the people the song, "Hail, Columbia," sprang. The words were written by a lawyer of Philadelphia, Joseph Hopkinson, and set to the music of the march composed for Washington s inauguration. " Hail, Columbia" was first sung at a theatre in Philadelphia. The applause was tremen dous. Men rose to their feet, throwing their hats into the air, and women vigor ously waved their handkerchiefs. Again and again the audience called for the song until it had been sung nine times. In a few weeks " Hail, Columbia" was known by thousands of enthusiastic Americans. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 211 Napoleon Bonaparte, who was then at the head of affairs, made things satisfactory to this country. 202. Alien and Sedition Laws (1798). These difficul ties with France stirred the patriotic feelings of our peo ple and for a time strengthened the Federalist party. Its leaders went too far, however, when they passed the Alien and Sedition Laws. Many of the Democratic-Republican newspapers were under the influence of Frenchmen who had come to live in the United States. These men used their papers to make bitter and slanderous attacks upon President Adams and the government. Naturally the Fed eralists, with their leanings toward a strong central govern ment, believed that such attacks weakened the Union by lessening the respect of the people for it. They there fore passed the Alien Law, which gave the President power to send out of the country any foreigner whom he might think dangerous to its peace. The Sedition Law gave him power to fine or imprison any one who might conspire against the government or publish anything evil against it. This law violated the first Amendment to the Consti tution by interfering with the freedom of the press, and aroused the Democratic-Republicans to a high state of in dignation. They said such laws were tyrannical and proved the desire of the Federal leaders for something like a mon archy. The Virginia Resolutions, written by The Virginia and Madison, and the Kentucky Resolutions, writ- ten by Jefferson, expressed their dislike of the 1799). Alien and Sedition Laws. These Resolutions not only de clared the laws to be unconstitutional, but the Kentucky Resolutions went so far as to say that a State might right fully nullify any act passed by Congress that was not con stitutional. Nullifying a law is declaring it not binding, and therefore nullification is. a most dangerous doctrine; for if each State should reserve the right to refuse obedience to any law which in its judgment violates the Constitution, that document would in time be worth as little as the paper it is written on, and the Federal Union would fall to pieces. 212 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 203. Chief Justice Marshall s Influence in Strengthen ing the Federal Union. That this result was not brought about was largely due to the influence of one man. Just before going out of office in 1801, President Adams ap pointed John Marshall, 1 of Virginia, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He heartily believed in the liberal con struction of the Constitution, and for thirty-five years his decisions as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court had great influence in making the general government superior to the States in all questions affecting the common interests of the whole people. It has well been said of him: "He found the Constitution paper, and made it power; he found it a skeleton, and clothed it with flesh and blood." TO THE PUPIL 1. Review the significance of the following dates : 1492, 1588, 1689. Now add to these 1789. Why is it significant? Can you think of any reason for the lack of national feeling among the Americans in 1789? 2. Look up in Coffin s Building the Nation the causes of the French Revolution. 3. Why was the entire period from 1789 to 1815 one of trial and anxiety for the Young Republic? Do not forget these dates. 4. Why did the French Revolutionists maintain that we should aid them in their war with England ? What did Washington think of aiding them ? Was he right or wrong ? Give reasons for your answer. 5. What difficulties did we have with England ? Why was Jay s treaty unsatisfactory to a large part of the American people ? Do you like it or not ? Give reasons for your answer. 6. Review the origin of the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist parties. What were these parties now called ? What was the principal difference between them ? 7. How did the French indicate their anger about the Jay treaty ? Ex plain clearly the " X Y Z Papers." What recalled France from her insolent attitude toward the Americans ? At this juncture John Adams, our second President, was in office. He served one term, 1797-1801. 1 John Marshall was a great American and left his impress upon the government as few men have done. His personal appearance was striking. He was tall and slender, with black hair and small eyes. Simple in dress and modest in manner, his warm heart won the truest friendship of those who knew him. With rare grasp of mind and greatness of purpose, he labored to make the Union strong. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 213 8. What facts led the Federalists to pass the Alien and Sedition laws ? What were these laws ? What were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions ? Mark them well. They were a significant and dangerous step toward the nullification and secession movements of later years. 9. What kind of man was Chief Justice Marshall ? Memorize the quota tion which well indicates the work of this remarkable man, the greatest chief justice we have ever had. 10. If you will read Martineau s Peasant and Prince you will have clear ideas about the leading facts of the French Revolution. SETTLEMENT OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY 204. Thomas Jefferson, the Democratic-Republican Leader, becomes President. 1 Before beginning to discuss the settlement of the Mississippi valley let us consider for a moment a statesman whose greatest act was the purchase of Louisiana, a large part of this valley. That statesman was Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, who became the third President (March 4, i8oi). 2 Up to that time the national government had been under the control of the Federalists, and many people believed that the election of the Demo- 1 Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States (1801-1809), was born at Shadwell, Virginia, in 1743 and died at Monticello, Virginia, July 4, 1826. At seventeen years of age he entered the College of William and Mary, where he was an earnest student. He afterward became one of the most learned men of his times, being known as the " Sage of Monticello." He was also a daring horseman and an excellent violinist. After graduating from college he studied law and soon exer cised a large influence over the politics of his State and his country. He was elected a member of the Continental Congress and, as chairman of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, wrote practically all of that remarkable document. At the end of his Presidential term of office he retired to his beautiful home, Monticello, where he spent the remaining years of his life. 2 The Presidential election for a successor to John Adams caused much bitter feeling between the two political parties. The Federalists cast their votes for John Adams and C. C. Pinckney ; the Republicans, for Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. As the two latter each received seventy-three electoral votes, neither was elected, and the election was thrown into the House of Representatives, which, ac cording to the Constitution, was to choose one of them for President. The contest was prolonged and exciting, but ended, as above stated, in the choice of Jefferson as President. Burr became Vice-President. This unfortunate contest resulted in the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution, in accordance with which the Presi dential electors must vote separately for President and for Vice-President. 214 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES cratic-Republican President would lead to the country s ruin. In this, of course, they were greatly in error, for Jefferson, as President, moved slowly in changing- the pol icy of the government, and did many things to make the general government stronger than it had been before. 205. Jefferson s " Republican Simplicity." During the eight years of his Presidency Jefferson wielded a large per sonal influence over the people. Form and ceremony were distasteful to him. He believed the Pres ident should be sim ple in dress and man ner and mingle freely with the people. In his " red waistcoat, yarn stockings, and slippers down at the heel," he presented a striking contrast to the courtly appear ance of Washington. On the day of his inauguration he went on foot to the Capi tol, in his ordinary dress, escorted by a number of his politi cal friends. 1 It be came his custom, when visiting the Capitol, to ride on a horse, which he tied with his own hands before entering. He did not hold Jefferson the idol weekly receptions, but he entertained hospi- of the masses. tably and allowed persons wishing to see him to call at any time. Though the Federalists did not be- SCHOOL-HOUSE WHERE THOMAS JEFFERSON RECEIVED HIS EARLY EDUCATION. 1 Henry Adams, in Vol. I., pp. 190, 191, of his History of the United States, denies the truth of the story that on the day of his inauguration "Jefferson rode on horseback to the Capitol and, after hitching his horse to the palings, went in to take his oath." NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 215 lieve it best for men of all classes and conditions to vote, Jefferson, because of his great faith in the people, was an ad vocate of universal manhood suffrage. We need not be sur prised, then, to learn that he became the idol of the masses. 206. Pioneers in the Mississippi Valley before the Revolution. We have seen how Boone, Clarke, Sevier, MONTICELLO, THE HOME OF JEFFERSON. and Robertson were leaders among the pioneers who went from Virginia and the Carolinas across the mountains be fore the Revolution and made settlements in The pack=horse Kentucky and Tennessee. Their only roads and the forest- were the forest-trail and the river ; their only means of travel and transportation the pack-horse and the canoe. Daring and full of the spirit of adventure, they re lied quite as much upon the rifle as upon the axe and the hoe. Leading their pack-horses along the rough mountain pathways, they built log huts for dwellings, and with their rude tillage raised a few vegetables and a little corn for food. 2l6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 207. Life in the Backwoods of Kentucky and Tennes see in Pioneer Days. Often the pioneer s cabin was built of rough logs and had only one room, with a ladder reach- The cabin and i n g to a loft above, where the children slept. its furniture. Articles of clothing hung upon pegs that were thrust into the sides of the house. A rough piece of board resting upon four wooden legs served as a table, three-legged stools were used as chairs, and wooden bowls as dishes. Life was everywhere plain and simple, and society dem ocratic. Land was plentiful, and every head of a household had his own farm, usually of about four hundred acres. The settler relied upon his rifle for meat. He dressed much like an Indian, often ap- .The settler. f peanng in a fur cap, a fringed hunting-shirt of buck-skin, and moccasins and leggings made of the skins of wild animals. Amusements took a practical turn, the pioneers making them a pleasurable means of getting their work done. Hence, log-rollings, corn- huskings, and quiltings were common. After the work was out of the way the guests sat down at a table loaded with an abundance of such coarse foods as the backwoods afforded and such beverages as rum and whiskey. Then followed dancing, wrestling, racing, and various other sports calling for strength and skill. 208. The Flatboat and the Ohio River. Soon after the ordinance of 1787 was adopted, and the fertile region lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi was opened for set- Westward tlement, population began to stream westward. emigration. Yankees from New England, Scotch from New York, and Germans from Pennsylvania formed the bulk of this second emigration to the West. This wave of Amusements. THOMAS JEFFERSON. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 217 A PACK-HORSE. migration was greatly accelerated by the use of the flatboat, which could be employed as soon as the Ohio River was reached. By means of the flatboat the settler could carry many more goods than with the pack-horse. He could also travel much more rapidly, especially when going with the current. For this reason it was natural that this westward movement should follow the lines of the Ohio and the streams flowing into it from the north. Along their banks such towns as Marietta, Cincinnati, and Louisville rapidly sprang up. 209. Twofold Use of Rivers. The rivers were valu able, not only for bringing the new settlers to their homes, but also as highways for their trade. The settlers could not profitably carry their bulky produce, such as corn- meal, flour, ham, and ba con, on pack-horses over the mountains to eastern business centres ; but they could easily float their produce on rafts or flat- boats down the currents of the Ohio and Missis sippi Rivers to New Or leans. There, instead of attempting the slow and laborious return against the current, they disposed of their cargoes and sold their boats as lumber. The goods received in A HAND CORN-MILL. exchange were put aboard 2l8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES A SWEEP- MILL. vessels sailing for Baltimore or some other Atlantic port, and from there taken over the mountains to the Ohio valley. The roundabout Several months were required to make this mL P tm4kTin r roundabout trip. But this circuitous route trading. was the only one by which the Westerners could get such home comforts as clothing, furniture, and other manufactured products. As the Mississippi was their outlet into the world, their prosperity depended upon its free use for navigation. 210. Napoleon s Scheme to Plant Colonies in the Mif sissippi Valley. By the treaty of 1763 France had given up to Spain all claim to the Mississippi valley lying west of the river. The dreams of La Salle for establishing a New France in America had failed to be realized. But by 1800 Napoleon, who had become the all- powerful ruler of France, conceived a similar and equally brilliant plan. He determined to secure Louisiana which in- BREAKING FLAX. eluded all the country NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 219 from the Mississippi to the Rockies between Texas and Canada and to people it with French colonists. New France in America would thus be revived, and the Amer ican Union would be hemmed in between the Mississippi and the Atlantic. 211. France Regains Louisiana from Spain (1800). Napoleon forced Spain to cede Louisiana to France, and thus carried out the first part of his plan. He next sent an army to subdue the island of San Domingo. His purpose was to make this island a base for his extensive operations in the Mississippi valley. But in this attempt he met a mighty opposition. Toussaint L Ouverture, a native black AN OHIO RIVER FLATBOAT. general, fought the French troops with desperate heroism. Although he was taken prisoner, yellow fever finished the work which he had begun. Many thousand French soldiers perished, and the island was not subdued. French army for The army intended for the support of the Louisiana detained colonists in Louisiana never reached New at5al Orleans. War between France and England was again about to break out, and Napoleon was too busy in Europe to think of colonizing America. 212. Alarm in the United States. When the Americans found that Louisiana had again passed into the hands of France they were alarmed. It was bad enough to have the territory colonized by feeble Spain. It was far worse to 220 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES have for a neighbor a dangerous rival like France. This feeling was especially prevalent among the settlers west of the Alleghanies. Their alarm was increased when they learned that the Spanish authorities at New Orleans had refused to let them float their products to that town and there reship them. Closing the Mississippi to their trade meant their commercial ruin. Their indignation was at The indignant a wn i te neat anc ^ they talked loudly of war. westerners talk of They urged Jefferson to get control of the war with Spain. isknd Qn which New Orleans stood, and of the territory including the east bank of the river to its mouth and extending some distance eastward. The free navigation of the Mississippi would thus be assured. 213. The United States Purchases Louisiana (1803). President Jefferson therefore sent Monroe over to France as special envoy to aid Livingston, the American minister, in securing West Florida and New Orleans. It was an oppor tune time for the Americans. As Napoleon was greatly in need of money for his war with England, he was willing to sell much more territory than the envoys were instructed to buy. The result was that we purchased from France in 1803, for $15,000,000, the immense Louisiana territory, a larger area than the United States of that day contained. 1 By this purchase Jefferson was taking much greater liber ties with the Constitution than the Federalists had ever done. His action was directly contrary to the teachings of his party. He realized this, but the purchase was so plainly for the interests of the people that he felt justified in mak ing it. The purchase proved to be the greatest act of his admin istration and had four important results : (i) It kept France Results of the from planting colonies which would be our purchase. near neighbors; (2) it prevented England from getting possession of the territory by treaty with France; (3) it gave us the control of the Mississippi River ; (4) it added much to the strength of the national government. 1 Before 1803 the area of the United States was 827,844 square miles. The Louisiana purchase added 1,171,931 square miles to this area. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 221 Singularly enough, Jefferson, the writer of the Kentucky Resolutions, boldly did that for which the Constitution made no express provision. The Federalists Jefferson s bold declared the purchase to be unconstitutional, action, and many people opposed it on the ground that we already had territory enough. But the great majority, especially in the West, warmly applauded Jefferson s course. MAP OP -e LOUISIANA PURCHASE LEWIS & CLARK ROUTE, ^ Scale of Miles, 9 100 214. Lewis and Clark s Expedition 1 through the Loui siana Territory to the Pacific (1804-1806.) Previous to the purchase of Louisiana, Jefferson sent to Congress a mes sage recommending that an exploring party be sent to the Pacific Ocean. Accordingly a party of thirty men under Lewis and Clark started from St. Louis in 1804 and trav elled in boats to the head-waters of the Missouri, nearly three thousand miles from its mouth. Here they procured horses from some Indians, made their way over the moun- 1 In accordance with Jefferson s long cherished desire this expedition was de signed primarily to explore the Missouri River to its source and then by the easiest route to reach and explore some river flowing into the Pacific Ocean. 222 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES tains, and again taking to boats, floated down the Columbia River to the Pacific. After nearly two years and a half, the party returned with a most interesting account of their experiences. Besides giving the American people some Results of the idea of the vast extent and great wealth of expedition. ^Q Louisiana purchase, Lewis and Clark s expedition gave the United States a basis for claiming the Oregon Country some years later. 215. War with the Barbary States (1801-1815). In the year 1801 the attention of the American people was sud denly drawn toward the East. The Barbary States in cluded the petty Moorish powers of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, on the northern coast of Africa. For some time their pirates had been seriously disturbing Amer ican commerce in the Mediterranean. They captured and destroyed our vessels, confiscated the cargoes, and- made slaves of the crews. In many cases largq sums were paid to ransom Americans from slavery. Like the various nations of Europe, the United States had been protecting her commerce by paying tribute to these Barbary States. But the pirates grew continually more aggressive. Tripoli became so insolent that War with Tripoli. c ,, ,, T T * i cu j i finally the United States declared war against that country (1802). By 1805 Tripoli was forced by our navy to make peace and to stop interfering with our com merce. For some years the Barbary pirates did not interfere with American vessels, but it was not till 1815 that their at- Results of war tacks were entirely suppressed. The war with with the Bar. these states had two good results: (i) It forced Jefferson to increase the navy ; (2) it was a training school by which our officers and seamen greatly profited in the War of 1812. 216. Fulton s Steamboat and River Navigation. The war with the Barbary States brought the young republic into a more prominent position in the eyes of Europe, and showed that the American spirit would have to be reckoned with. But, important as the results were, they sank into comparative insignificance when placed beside an event LEWIS S FIRST GLIMPSE OF THE ROCKIES. (Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804.) NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 223 which, at the time, attracted no special attention. In the year 1807 Robert Fiuton, after many trials and difficul ties, succeeded in applying steam to boats as a motive power. The outcome of his efforts was the steamboat Clermont, a clumsy affair that people ridiculed by calling it" Fulton s Folly." On the day advertised i , ^ i ^ f XT AT i i i Tnc Clermont. " for its trial trip from New York, a large crowd gathered on the river side, expecting to witness a fail ure. When the boat slowly moved off they began to jeer, but when finally the success of the experiment was no lon ger in doubt they were equally hearty in their applause. The Clermont steamed up the Hudson from New York to Albany, 150 miles, at the rate of nearly five miles an hour. .At once the boat became a wonder to the people, and they came many miles to see it. Four years later (1811) the first steamboat on Western rivers was launched on the Ohio at Pittsburg. As this strange-looking object passed down the Ohio at what was then regarded as wonderful speed, the people on the river- banks were filled with awe and fear. The flying sparks, especially at night, and the unusual noise of the wheels, made some of the more ignorant onlookers believe the end of the world was near. This boat was soon Useof t he steam- followed by others, and the great network of boat on western rivers became thick with steam-driven craft, rlvers - defying wind and current. The steamboat was a great ad vance upon the flatboat. Western settlers could now more easily and cheaply reach the fertile land in the great valley and send their produce to good markets. The steamboat gave a fresh impulse to Western migration also. Population increased and many new settlements sprang up. 217. Burr s Conspiracy. While holding the office of Vice-President, Aaron Burr a brilliant and villainous man killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, because Hamilton had prevented him from being made President of the United States, and later from being elected Governor of New York. Having failed to satisfy his political ambition in the East, Burr got together soldiers and adventurers from the West- 224 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ern States, and sailed down the Ohio and the Mississippi to carry out some schemes not yet fully understood. It is thought that his plan was to establish a personal govern ment in the Southwest, possibly including the Spanish possessions in Mexico. In due time he was taken and tried for treason, but was acquitted for lack of evidence. He died many years later, disgraced by his own acts and despised by the American people. TO. THE PUPIL 1. How did Jefferson illustrate his republican simplicity ? Compare his ideas of formality -with those of Washington. Why would the Federalists naturally favor pomp and ceremony on the part of the President? 2. Prepare to write five minutes about any one of the following Western leaders : Boone, Clark, Sevier, and Robertson. Describe the life of the pioneer settlers. 3. What advantages had the natboat over the pack-horse ? What were the two uses of rivers ? With your map before you, outline the roundabout trip the Western settler had to make in trading. 4. Napoleon is one of the most interesting men in all history. Can you not look up some facts about his life and his plans of conquest ? Any short French History will give you all you need. Perhaps after you have read such a brief sketch you will wish to read what you can find about the great general in Henry Adams s History of the United States. 5. What was Napoleon s scheme to plant colonies in the Mississippi valley ? Compare this scheme with La Salle s. In this connection review La Salle s work. In what respect was La Salle like Napoleon ? 6. What country owned Louisiana at this time ? What had the island of San Domingo and the black general Toussaint L Ouverture to do with Napoleon s scheme for colonizing the Mississippi valley? Why did the cession of Louisiana to France alarm the people of the United States ? 7. What steps did Jefferson take which finally led to the purchase of Louisiana ? What were the results of this purchase ? 8. Do not fail to get a clear idea of the territory that was included in Louisiana. How many States like your own did its area equal ? 9. How did the steamboat aid Western migration ? 10. Find out what you can about Burr s relations with Hamilton. Com pare the two men. What was Burr s Conspiracy ? NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 225 II. In connection with the study of Aaron Burr, read Hale s Man With out a Country. The chapter in Shaler s History of the United States, Vol. I., on the Mississippi valley, is worth careful reading. THE WAR OF l8l2, OR THE SECOND WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 218. England Claims the Right to Search American Vessels and Impress American Seamen. England still continued to search our vessels and to impress into her service American seamen. She claimed that T- v u u T- T i " Once an English- English seamen, having once been English man, always an subjects, always remained such ; or, as the say- En ll8hman -" ing ran, " Once an Englishman, always an Englishman. On the other hand, our government claimed that an English- born subject could become an American by naturalization. There was doubtless cause for annoyance on both sides. Many English seamen, on reaching American ports, easily procured fraudulent naturalization papers, and Fraudulent nat- entered the American service. As a result, an Ur aiization English captain was often embarrassed to find that, after making a port and visiting the town, he had no crew with which to put to sea again. And why was American service preferred ? Because better treatment and higher pay were received on American vessels. The commanders of English war-ships therefore insisted upon searching our vessels and taking off American seamen on the charge that they were deserters. English cruisers hovered about the more important American ports, and in their search for seamen boarded every vessel entering or leaving the harbor. Before the War of 1812 began nine hundred American vessels had been searched, and more than 4,000 Americans had been impressed into the English service. These insults and outrages reached their most irritating stage in the attack made on the frigate Chesapeake by the British man-of-war Leopard, off the coast of Virginia. The English captain made a demand for some English deserters who, he claimed, were on the American frigate. When 226 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES the American commander protested, the Englishman fired a broadside, killing or wounding twenty-one of the Ameri- The "Leopard" can crew - The Chesapeake, not being in a con- fires upon the dition to make resistance, surrendered. She "Chesapeake." wag b oar ded, and four of her crew were ar rested for deserters and taken on board the Leopard. One of these was afterward hanged as a deserter and the other three, who were Americans, were released. The people were deeply excited, and in some quarters there was a clamor for war. But as the country was ill prepared for war, Jefferson could go no further than to en ter a protest, and warn English men-of-war Results. . to leave American waters. In return, the British Government made a tardy and half-hearted apol ogy, but declared its purpose to continue the impressment of seamen. 219. England and France Greatly Injure American Commerce (1806-1807). England and France, now at war, tried to starve each other into submission. Each country, in her efforts to injure the other s trade, seriously crippled American commerce. During the early years of the war our vessels had done much of the carrying trade of the world, and our merchants had been growing rich. But in i8o6 1 and 1807 England issued her "Orders in Council," England s "Or- which forbade neutral vessels to trade with ind^l^n"" France or her allies. Napoleon retaliated by "Decrees." issuing his " Decrees," which placed a prohi bition upon all neutral trade with England. As nearly all American commerce was with England, France, and their respective allies, these restrictions threatened it with ruin. If an American vessel was bound for an English port she was liable to be seized by the French. If she risked a voyage to a French or other Continental port she was liable to be seized by an English man-of-war. Thus j 1 "Orders in Council," issued in England in 1806, declared that all the ports between Brest and the Elbe were in a state of blockade. In 1807 a similar order declared all ports blockaded from which the British flag was excluded, and forbade all vessels to trade with France or any of her allies. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 227 merchantmen were between two fires. They were pretty certain not to escape both. 220. Jefferson s Peace Policy and the Embargo (1807). With all his greatness, Jefferson was not a model execu tive in time of serious foreign difficulties demanding firm and vigorous measures. He abhorred war and believed that the same results could be accomplished by peaceful means. He thought that by refusing to trade with Eng land and France he could force them to a reasonable and just treatment of the United States. As an expression of his peace policy, he secured the passage of the Embargo Act (December, 1807). This prohibited all American ves sels from leaving the United States for foreign ports and foreign vessels from taking cargoes out of American ports. Jefferson thought that France and England stood in such need of our trade that they would soon come to terms when deprived of it. But they could do with- Disastrous re- out our trade much better than we, could do bar^lndks" 1 " without theirs. Our ships rotted at the repeal. wharves. Our commerce was destroyed. New York and New England especially suffered, and business distress be came very severe. A few hot-headed men in the Eastern States suggested withdrawing from the Union. 1 The farm ers and planters also suffered greatly because they could not export their produce. Many of the Virginia planters, whose principal source of wealth was tobacco, were nearly ruined. Dissatisfaction was so bitter that Jefferson, after con siderable urging, consented to the repeal of the Embargo after a trial of fourteen months. The Non- Bitter dissatisfac- intercourse Act, allowing American vessels ^afof the * he to open trade with all the world except Embargo. France and England, took the place of the Embargo (i8o 9 ). 2 1 When New England commerce was ruined, the merchants of that part of the country invested their money in manufacturing. 9 By act of Congress the Embargo was removed on March 4, the day when Jef ferson s ternr> of office expired and Madison succeeded him as President. James 228 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 221. Tecumseh s Conspiracy (1811). From these com- mercial difficulties we may now turn our attention to In dian troubles, supposed to be incited by England. The rapid settlement north of the Ohio in the early part of the century made the Indians of that region restless and dissatisfied. General Harrison, who had been appointed Governor of Indiana Territory, bought from some of the tribes a tract of land on the Wabash River. Tecumseh, an able Indian chief, objected to the sale. A few tribes, he said, had no right to sell Tecumseh and land belonging to the his plans. whole Indian race. It is quite likely that he was encour aged by the English in his unfriendly feelings against the Americans, for it is thought that the English sup plied the Indians of the Northwest with arms and ammunition. Te- cumseh s plan was similar to that or Pontiac. It was to unite the South ern and Northwestern Indians in one great conspiracy, in order to drive the whites back from the frontiers and make the Ohio River a permanent boundary between the red race and the whites. When General Harrison became aware of Tecumseh s purpose, he marched with a body of troops against the Ind ian town on the Tippecanoe River, in Indiana. A battle Madison, fourth President of the United States (1809-1817), was born in King George County, Virginia, in 1751, and died in 1836. After he was graduated from Princeton, at twenty-one years of age, he studied law. Few men of his time did so much to bring about the Federal convention of 1787. He was one of the ablest advocates of the Constitution, and was the author of many of its fundamen tal features. He was associated with Hamilton and Jay in writing the very able papers that appeared in the Federalist. After being Jefferson s Secretary of State, he was elected President. Like Jefferson, Madison was a man of scholarly attain ments and constructive statesmanship, but was not adapted to the pressing emer gencies that must be met by the President of the United States in time of war. JAMES MADISON. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 229 was fought in which the Indians were defeated. Their power between the Ohio and Mississippi was broken for. ever. It was at last decided that the North- Battle of Tippe _ west Territory, so long in dispute between canoe and its re- the English and the Indians on one side and sults * the Americans on the other, was to remain in possession of the United States. Thus did a single battle dispose of Tecumseh s conspiracy. The troubles with England about commerce and the impressment of American seamen were much more serious. 222. Causes of the War of 1812 ; Political Parties. Congress expressed a willingness to repeal the Non-inter course Acts (May, 1810), provided France and England would revoke their decrees against American commerce. Napoleon, who had little regard for truth when it stood in the way of his ambition, then played a trick J i T < i Napoleon s trick. upon our government in the hope of bringing on war between the United States and England. He in formed us that he would revoke his decrees, but at the same time he sent secret orders to the French Admiralty to continue seizing our vessels. When the French emperor made this promise, England was requested to do likewise. She, however, would not consent, because she knew that Napoleon was not acting in good faith. For a time Ameri can vessels were allowed to enter French ports without be ing seized. But when a goodly number were within reach, the French swooped down upon them and confiscated them and their cargoes. England believed that Americans were favoring France, and therefore vexed and irritated them more than ever be fore. Her war-ships lay in wait along the en- increasing trouble tire eastern coast of the United States and with England. captured many of gun. merchantmen. Bitterness toward England increased. It seems pretty clear that the United States had as much ground for going to war with the one country as with the other. But we were too weak to go to war with both of them, and the stronger of the two political parties, which had always sympathized with 230 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES France, wished for war with England rather than with France. The Federalist party included most of the commer. cial classes and the wealthy business men of the country. They were strong- in New England and were closely Attitude of the allied in trade with England. They believed ^ 8 \ P ow i "d a wa a r r " that the war was needless and wicked. They with England. asserted that in making it the United States was really strengthening Napoleon in his ambitious schemes in Europe. This was true. On the other hand, the Democratic-Republicans were largely made up of the agricultural classes in the South and West. The Western. ers in particular cherished bitter memories of England s Indian policy during the Revolution, and were eager for a war with that country. The young leaders, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, thought that such a war would result in the speedy con quering of Canada. Later on, as we shall see, the attempt to conquer Canada became a leading feature of the war. Finally, on June 18, 1812, war was declared, although New England hotly opposed it. This opposition led to great difficulty in securing the necessary loans for carrying on the war, because a large part of the money War declared. .. i i j x XT T^ in the country was in the hands of New Eng land business men, who refused to loan it to the govern ment. 223. The British and the American Navies. When the war began the United States was not prepared for it. The Democratic-Republicans had never favored a navy. More over, Jefferson had been so bent on paying off the national debt that he had used all his influence against building a strong navy. The land forces were without proper equip ment, good discipline, or competent officers. England s navy contained about 1,000 vessels, many of them belonging to the largest and most powerful class. It was greater than the combined navies of the rest of the world. To match this, the United States navy contained only twelve war-ves sels, none of them large, but all well built and the best of NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 231 their class. There was small hope that this little navy could do much when fighting against the " Mistress of the Seas." But as soon as war was declared, the American vessels gal lantly started out in search of the enemy. 224. Fight Between the Constitution and the Guer- riere (1812). The first sea fight of importance was between the Constitution, commanded by Captain Isaac Hull, and the English man-of-war Guerrtire, which were thought to be about equal in fighting strength. Within a half-hour the Americans won a splendid victory. They thoroughly dis abled the English vessel, so that she had to be destroyed where she lay at the end of the fight. The Constitution was practically unharmed, and lost in killed and wounded only fourteen men. The Guerrtire lost one hundred. This naval duel took place (August 19, 1812) in less than three months after war was declared. By reason of this and later vic tories, the people afterward proudly named the Constitution " Old Ironsides." 225. Superiority of Americans in Naval Battles. In twenty years of fighting with France, England had lost only five vessels. In about six months of fighting in the War of 1812 she lost every one of the six vessels that fought with the Americans. Europe was amazed. England was, of course, chagrined ; but Americans were carried away with enthusiasm. Their gallantry on the sea showed that they had lost none of the national spirit shown by them in the days of the Revolution. The British officers and seamen were so accustomed to winning victories that they had be come careless in their training and discipline. The marvel lous success of the Americans was due to better seaman ship, more accurate gunnery, and the superior construction of their vessels. But our victories did not prevent the immense English navy from blockading our coast. Smarting under repeated defeats when she had counted on certain vie- Engllsh war-vcs . tory, England transferred a good part of her seis blockade our navy to American waters. Whenever one of C0a8t * our war-vessels entered a harbor, several British vessels 232 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES hovered near to prevent her escaping- to sea again. As a consequence, during the last half of the war the larger American vessels, shut in by this blockade, could not engage in fighting. But American privateers inflicted Privateers. great loss on English commerce. During the war about 2,500 British merchant vessels were captured by American privateers. These privateers were New Eng land vessels that were prevented by war from engaging in commerce. But while we were successful on the sea, we were not so successful on land. 226. War in the Northwest (1812-1813). It will be remembered that one of the leading purposes of the war (see par. 222) was to invade and conquer Canada. With this aim in view General William Hull started from De troit into Canada. He was soon driven back and forced to surrender at Detroit with his entire force (August 16, I8I2). 1 A little later the English captured Fort Dearborn, now Chicago. Instead of our securing Canada it looked very much as if the British would get control of all the ter ritory north of the Ohio. To prevent this, General Har rison was sent, early in the winter of 1813, to drive the British troops out of Detroit, but his advance force was obliged to surrender at the River Raisin, where the Indians cruelly massacred the wounded prisoners. 227. Perry Wins a Brilliant Victory on Lake Erie (September 10, 1813). Before the English could come into effective control of the Northwest, it was necessary for them to command Lake Erie. To prevent this, Captain Oliver H. Perry, a naval officer twenty-eight years old, was sent there to build and man a fleet. With remarkable en- Perry s remark- ergy an d perseverance he cut down trees, able energy. constructed vessels of green timber, and got together men whom he trained for the severe struggle they were to engage in. Some of his best men were Rhode Island seamen and Kentucky riflemen. 1 People were indignant at Hull for his surrender and accused him of cowardice. Although he was tried by court-martial and sentenced to be shot, the sentence was never executed. It now seems clear that General Hull was an innocent man. AMERICAN SEAMEN BOARDING THE FROLIC. The engagement between the Wasf and the Frolic War of 1812, NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 233 On September 10, 1813, the British fleet, commanded by Captain Barclay, a veteran officer, hove in sight. There was little difference in the strength of the two fleets. The British had six vessels with sixty-three guns, and the Amer icans had nine vessels with fifty-four guns; but while the enemy s vessels were larger, their guns were smaller. By concentrating their fire upon Perry s flagship, Lawrence, the British completely disabled her. Only Perry and eight of his men were left unharmed. It was a su- , , 111 His bravery. preme moment. Most men would have sur rendered. He boldly entered a rowboat and, standing up, flag in hand, rowed straight for the Niagara, another vessel of his fleet. Although the British directed their fire upon the little boat, Perry reached the Niagara without injury. He then renewed the battle with great vigor, and in fifteen minutes compelled the English captain to strike his colors. This was the first time in history that an entire English fleet was captured. It was a brilliant victory. Taking out of his pocket an old letter, Perry wrote on the back of it his celebrated dispatch to General Harrison : " We have met the enemy and they are ours." General Harrison at once attacked and defeated the land forces at the Thames River (October 5, 1813). These two victories put the Americans in entire control of Lake Erie and saved the Northwest. 228. Threefold Attack of the British in 1814. In the Northwest neither side had made any decided gain when invading the other s territory. This was equally true of the fighting farther east, where the Americans failed at Ni agara River, 1 and the English at Fort Erie. Having de feated Napoleon in Europe, England now had more soldiers and seamen for the war in the United States. Accordingly, she decided to invade American territory from the north, on the old Burgoyne route, and to enter the Mississippi 1 Under the lead of General Scott and General Brown, the bloody battles of Chippawa and Lundy s Lane were fought and won just west of Niagara River, on Canadian soil. As the United States troops had to retreat across the Niagara River, these victories were of no immediate advantage. 234 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES on the south and capture New Orleans. At the same time attacks were to be made at various points along the eastern coast, so as to keep the inhabitants in that quarter in a state of fear and doubt. By making this threefold attack, the English expected to prevent the Americans from concen trating at any point. 229. McDonough s Victory on Lake Champlain. To ward off the attack from the north, the Americans had a squadron under Commodore McDonough on Lake Cham- plain, and a land force of 1,500 at Plattsburg on the lake shore. . The English also had a fleet on the lake and an army of 14,000 on land. Although the English fleet was stronger in men and guns, McDonough, in about two hours, gained a decided victory, and captured all the larger ves sels belonging to the English fleet. As soon as the news of the battle reached land, the English army beat a hasty re treat (September u, 1814). This invasion, in its purpose and failure, recalls that of Burgoyne in 1777. 230. The British Capture Washington and Attack Baltimore (1814). In August (1814) a British fleet sailed into Chesapeake Bay and landed an army which marched against Washington. They reached Bladensburg, six or seven miles from Washington, before they met with any opposition. Here General Winder, an incompetent com mander, with a body of Americans composed largely of untrained and ill-supplied militia, made a short, feeble re sistance and fled in confusion. The British then marched into Washington, almost capturing President Madison him self. Here they disgraced their victory by destroying the Capitol and other government buildings. After a few days they sailed for Baltimore, where they were bravely re pulsed, with the loss of General Ross, their commander. 1 1 When the British were marching against Washington, they seized and carried off a friend of Francis S. Key. As soon as Key heard of the capture he took steps to secure the release of the prisoner. President Madison gave assistance by order ing that. a vessel be placed at the disposal of Key. General Ross consented to the release of Key s friend, but insisted that Key should be detained until after the at tack upon Baltimore. During the night of attack Key could see, by the glare of the firing guns, the " Star- Spangled Banner " waving over Fort Mclienry. But NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 235 The British fleet visited many points of the Virginia and Carolina coast, burning bridges, farm-houses and vil lages, and carrying off crops, stocks, and slaves belonging to the inhabitants. They also maintained a strict blockade all along the coast from Maine to Georgia. 231. War with the Creek Indians (1814). Tecumseh, when planning his conspiracy in the Northwest, had aroused against the Americans the powerful Creek Indians, occupying territory now included in Georgia and Alabama. Like the Indians north of the Ohio, they saw the whites getting control of their hunting-grounds and killing their game. Believing this time of war to be a favorable oppor tunity for getting back their lands, the Creeks planned an attack. They captured Fort Mimms, near Mobile, and cruelly slaughtered some 400 men, women, and children in the garrison (summer of 1813). Andrew Jackson, with men from Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi, marched against the Creeks, and, after defeating them several times, won a decisive victory over them at Horseshoe Bend, on the Tal- lapoosa River, in eastern Alabama (March, 1814). This battle so broke the power of the Creeks that they were obliged to abandon much of their territory and go farther west. 232. Battle of New Orleans (1815). The British wished to get possession of New Orleans, in order to control the trade of the Mississippi and the territory of Louisiana after the close of the war. As their success here would give them a great advantage over the Americans, they sent against New Orleans 12,000 veterans who had fought in Wellington s army. The success of the expedition, which was in command of skilful generals, seemed well-nigh certain. Andrew Jackson s But Andrew Jackson, who was put in com- preparations. mand of the Americans at New Orleans, proved himself toward morning, when the firing ceased, he was in an agony of suspense to learn whether or not our flag yet floated in triumph over the fort. After finding that the " flag was still there," he gave expression to his deep feeling in "The Star-Spangled Banner," a part of which he hastily penned on the back of a letter. 236 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES equal to the emergency. When he found that the enemy were close at hand, he began with unbounded energy to prepare for the defence of the city. After arming even free colored men and convicts, he could number only half as many men as the English. But with his army strongly posted behind fortifications, he awaited the final assault, which was made January 8, 1815. The British gallantly advanced, but they were mowed down in hundreds by the terrible cannonade oppos ing them. It was chiefly an artillery battle, the main Brit ish column not arriving within fair musket range. The British lines could not advance in the face of such fearful slaughter. In twenty-five minutes they had lost their com* mander, General Pakenham, and 2,600 men killed and wounded, or more than one-fifth of their army. The Amer icans lost only twenty-one. Here, as in all the fighting on Bloody repulse of land and sea, the superiority of the American the British. gunnery was noteworthy. In fact, through out the war the Americans were unmistakably ahead of the English in intelligence and quickness of movement. We more fully appreciate the telegraph and subma rine cable when we learn that this battle, so terrible in loss of life, was fought two weeks after the treaty of peace had been agreed upon. Communication in those days was so slow that the news of Jackson s victory (January 8, 1815) did not reach Washington until February 4. News of the treaty of peace reached New York a week later. The Result of the battle, therefore, did not in any way affect this battle - treaty. But it did revive the confidence of the American people in the military ability of their soldiery when under competent leadership. 233. The Hartford Convention (December, i8i4-Janu- ary, 1815). From the outset New England Federalists had New England s been much opposed to the war. As it pro- dissatisfaction, gressed, their opposition became bitter. At first the government had not only appointed weak command ers, but all along it had poorly managed the finances, It had not protected the New England coasts from British attack. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 237 and to New England merchants it had seemed indifferent about furnishing such protection. Commerce was practi cally ruined, and there was much business distress. New England had bravely done its part in carrying on the war, Massachusetts having furnished much more than its share of men and money, but the Federalists in New England had no confidence in President Madison and his OLD STATE HOUSE, WHERE THE HARTFORD CONVENTION MET. government. At length they called together the Hartford Convention, which met at Hartford, in December, 1814. All the meetings were secret, and the peo- The people greatly pie throughout the country were greatly ex- excited. cited about the possible outcome. Democratic-Republi cans openly charged the members with plotting to break up the Union and to form a separate government. As the proceedings were not published, nobody knows all that the Convention did. It did, however, take a bold and dangerous step toward the dissolution of what the Hartford the Union, by recommendiag that the pro- convention did. ceeds of the national taxes, collected in each New England State, should be reserved by it to pay troops for its own defence. This recommendation was extremely unwise. It 238 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES sounded much like the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799. The Hartford Convention was a great political blunder. It killed the Federalist party. 234. Treaty of Peace and Results of the War (Decem ber 24, 1814). The treaty of peace was agreed upon De cember 24, 1814. No mention was made of impressment of seamen and the unjust interference with our commerce by the English navy. But the war put a stop to both evils, and had, in addition, three results: (i) It showed the supe riority of American seamanship ; (2) it gave the United States a position of respect and honor among the nations of the world ; (3) it led the Americans, who had been for so many years cut off from the manufactured goods of Europe, to build mills and factories for themselves and thus become more independent of European manufactures than ever be fore. Well may this war be called the Second War of Inde pendence. In the Revolution Americans fought for inde pendence of England; in the War of 1812 they fought for independence of Europe. TO THE PUPIL 1. What complaints did we make against England about searching American vessels and impressing American seamen ? What com plaints did England enter against us ? 2. How did England and France injure American commerce ? What was Jefferson s purpose in securing the passage of the Embargo Act ? What was the Embargo ? How did it affect American commerce? 3. Why was there more commerce carried on in New England than in the South ? Why was the Embargo Act repealed ? 4. James Madison, our fourth President, was inaugurated March 4, 1809, and served two terms, 1809-1817. Name in order the three Presi dents who preceded him. 5. What led to Tecumseh s conspiracy ? What were the results of the battle of Tippecanoe ? What had Tecumseh s conspiracy to do with our trouble with England ? 6. What was Napoleon s trick, and how did its success lead to increasing trouble with England ? Why did the Federalists oppose a war with England ? Why did the Democratic-Republicans favor such a war ? 7. Subject for debate : Resolved that in 1812 we should have gone to war with France rather than with England. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 239 8. Why had we so small a navy in 1812 ? Compare it with the English navy at that time. 9. Give an account of the fight between the " Constitution " and the "Guerriere." How great was the success of the American navy in the first six months of the war ? How do you account for this success ? 10. What disasters fell upon our armies in the Northwest in 1812-13 ? What led to the battle of Lake Erie ? Imagine yourself with Perry during the battle, and write to a friend, giving an account of your experiences. What were the results of Perry s victory ? 11. What was the threefold plan of attack made by the British in 1814 ? Give the results of McDonough s victory on Lake Champlain. 12. What was the object of the British in trying to capture New Orleans ? Give the results of the battle. In what ways were the Americans superior to the English in this and in other battles of the war ? 13. Why were New England Federalists bitterly opposed to the Em bargo ? How was their dissatisfaction increased during the war ? What recommendation did the Hartford Convention make ? Com pare this recommendation with the Kentucky and Virginia resolu tions of 1798 and 1799. You observe that even in 1814 true national feeling was not strong and deep in the United States. Name three results of the war. 14. Learn well the story of The Star-Spangled Banner s origin and then memorize the poem. Read again and again Drake s American Flaer and Holmes s Old Ironsides. DEVELOPMENT WEST OF THE ALLEGHANIES 235. Purchase of Florida. At the close of the Revolu tion Florida had passed into the hands of Spain. During the War of 1812 the Spaniards were in sympathy with the English, and allowed them to build forts in Florida and to arm the Seminole Indians living there. This TheSem i no ie unfriendly attitude of the Spaniards embit- Indians protect tered the Southern States. Moreover, many runawa y slaves - slaves, escaping from Georgia and Alabama, fled into the swamps and morasses of Florida, and there found protec tion among the Seminole Indians, with whom they married and lived. The slave-owners often followed in search of their slaves, and for years carried on a kind of border warfare. As Spain did not set matters right, General Andrew Jackson was 240 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES sent down (1817) with a body of troops. Jackson acted with his usual decision and energy. He hanged two Ind ian chiefs, and two Englishmen whom he ac- Jackson in Florida. , , . ... ,i_ o i TT cused of inciting the Semmoles. He captured Pensacola and established a garrison there. These acts were open war against Spain, but trouble was avoided by Q.UJ buying Florida. The purchase was made in 1819, for $5,000,000. The territory was more than twelve times the size of Connecticut. 1 236. The Monroe 2 Doctrine (1823). Having watched the United States win independence from England and then become strong and prosperous, Mexico and the other Spanish colonies in America rose in revolt against Spain. One after another they declared their independence and set up republics of their own. Spain was unable of herself Spain and the to enforce authority, and looked for aid to the Hoiy Alliance.- Holy Alliance." This alliance had been formed in 1815, after the downfall of Napoleon, by Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Its purpose was to prevent the peo ple of any European monarchy from overthrowing the gov ernment, as the French people had done during the French Revolution. From the American standpoint, if the great European powers should begin to interfere with the coun tries of America, they might, by obtaining a foothold here, endanger the welfare of the United States. The experiment of twenty-five years of struggle between the United States on the one hand and England and France 1 The area of Connecticut, being 4,990 or approximately 5> square miles, makes a very convenient unit of measurement. It will hereafter be so used in many cases. 2 James Monroe, fifth President of the United States (1817-1825), was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1758, and died in 1831. Soon after his student life began at the College of William and Mary, he was called away to active service in the Revolution. He fought bravely at Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. He filled many high stations in his country s ser vice, not only at home, where he was a member of the Continental Congress, and later of the Senate under the Constitution, but abroad, where he was minister to France, England, and Spain. After being Secretary of State under Madison, he was elected President. In all his public service he proved himself a patriotic and upright citizen. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 241 on the other had culminated in the War of 1812. We, had thus learned the wisdom of keeping out of European entanglements. We, had learned, also, the wisdom of man aging our own affairs without the intervention of England, France, or any other European country. President Mon roe, therefore, in a message to Congress at The "Monroe this time, declared (i) that we would take no Doctrine." part in European wars; (2) that we would not interfere with any European colonies already established in America; (3) but that any attempt on the part of a European nation to interfere with the independence of an Ameri can state would be regarded as an unfriendly act. 1 This statement of our position gave expression to the general American sentiment which has since become known as the " Monroe Doctrine." It was a strong position to take, but the valor of Perry on Lake Erie, of McDonough on Lake Results of the Champlain, of Jackson Monroe at New Orleans, and of D o<* rin *-" the American sailors on the sea, had JAM ES MONROE. won the respect and admiration of Europe. The Holy Alliance wisely refrained from med dling with American affairs; a precedent was established; and the Monroe Doctrine has ever since been the settled policy of the United States. 237. The National Road. The Monroe Doctrine prac tically settled the foreign policy of the United States ; but there remained a question at home which appeared almost to defy solution. From early colonial times two obstacles 1 We find a similar sentiment expressed in Washington s Farewell Address, from which the following is quoted: "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. . . It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world." 242 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES had stood in the way of westward migration. These were the Indians and the natural barriers to travel and transporta- TWO obstacles to tion. By the overthrow of Tecumseh s con- westward migra- spiracy in the Northwest and of the Creeks in the Southwest, the power of the Indians in the eastern part of the Mississippi River had been broken. This vast, fertile area was now open to migration. People from New England and the Northern States be gan to move westward in large and increasing numbers. The steamboat greatly aided this westward movement, but The steamboat the steamboat was of use only on the rivers and the pack- and lakes. It was necessary for men and all kinds of movable property to pass over wide stretches of country through which navigable rivers did not flow. The pack-horse of early days needed only a path through the woods, but the emigrant called for a roadway to connect the East and the West. Hence the "National Road," beginning on the banks of the Potomac, at Cumber land, Maryland, was undertaken at national expense. The first contract was let in iSn. By 1820 the road was extended over the mountains to Wheeling, where it connected with the steamboats on the Ohio. The original purpose was to build this road to the Mississippi. But by the time it reached Illinois (1838) the coming of the rail road made its farther extension unnecessary. It helped much in furthering emigration and westward growth. For the construction and repair of this road Congress spent nearly seven million dollars. 238. The Natural Boundary Line Between Freedom and Slavery. Nature had decreed that the large plantation should have no place in the North. Mason and Dixon s Line and the Ohio River formed the convenient and natural boundary line between the free and the slave States as far west as the Mississippi River. North of that line slaves were of use mainly as house hold servants. It was thought that other kinds of work could be done with greater profit by white labor. In all this northern area, therefore, there were comparatively few NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 243 slaves. But south of that line the soil and climate were favorable to the growth of cotton, rice, sugar, and tobacco. The successful cultivation of these great slavery in the staples called for an abundance of cheap North and in the labor always at hand when needed. Slavery Soutn - fulfilled these conditions. Moreover, it was assumed that the negroes, if set free, would not work, and hence slavery seemed to the Southern planter necessary for his highest prosperity. Since the freeing of the slaves, this assumption has been shown to be incorrect, but it was none the less believed in the South before the Civil War. 239. The Question of the Extension of Slavery into the Louisiana Territory. Before the Louisiana Purchase, then, soil and climate seem to have largely decided what should be the line separating freedom from slavery. Seven of the thirteen original States were free and six were slave, but the admission of new ones had been so planned that in 1819 there were eleven standing for freedom and the same number for slavery. In this way each section had an equal vote in the Senate. In the House of Repre- The south eager sentatives the North, having grown in popu- lation much faster than the South, had by Senate. 1819 a much larger vote. 1 If, however, the South could maintain an equality in the Senate, legislation unfriendly 1 REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS IN l82O. No. Free States. Ad mitted. Sen ate. House of Rep. No. Slave States. Ad mitted. Sen ate. House of Rep. I 2 Pennsylvania. . . New Jersey 1787 1787 2 2, 23 6 I 2 Delaware Georgia 1787 1788 2 2 2 6 3 4 5 Connecticut. . . . Massachusetts. . New Hampshire 1788 1788 1788 2 2 2 7 13 6 3 4 g Maryland South Carolina Virginia 1788 1788 1788 2 2 2 9 9 23 6 New York Rhode Island.. Vermont 1788 1790 I7QI 2 2 2 27 2 6 6 7 8 North Carolina Kentucky Tennessee .... 1789 1792 1796 2 2 2 13 10 6 Q Ohio 1803 2 6 Louisiana 1812 2 i IO Indiana 1816 2 i JO Mississippi . . 1817 2 i II Illinois 1818 2 i 1 1 Alabama 1818 2 i 12 Maine 1820 2 7 12 Missouri 1821 2 i 12 Free c 24. IOC 12 Slave 24. 82 244 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Attitude of the North and the South toward slavery in Mis souri. to slavery could be prevented, and to this end the slave- holders were ready to put forth all their energy. 240. The Missouri Compromise (1820). In 1818 Mis souri, a part of the Louisiana Purchase, applied for admission into the Union. The first State admitted from this purchase, Louisiana, had come in as a slave State in 1812, but it was far south of the line dividing freedom and slavery as al ready established. Missouri, however, lay partly north of this dividing line and partly south. The Northern people claimed that as Congress had control of the Territories it had a constitutional right to decide whether they should be free or slave. The Southern people, on the other hand, insisted that each State had a consti tutional right to decide this question for itself. When applying for admission the people of Missouri had requested that they might have slavery. It happened that about the same time Maine wished to be admitted as a free State. The slaveholders, there fore, refused to allow Maine to enter the Union unless Missouri should be admitted as a slave State. The strug gle was long and bitter. At last, largely through the in fluence of Henry Clay, an act known as the " Missouri Compromise " was passed, which, for the time, settled the difficulty. This compromise had two provisions: (i) Missouri was to come into the Union as a slave State ; (2) all the remain- The two provis- ing territory in the Louisiana Purchase, north of the parallel of 36 30 , or the southern boundary of Missouri, was to be forever free. Maine was admitted as a free State in 1820, and Missouri as a slave State in 1821, making twelve free and twelve slave HENRY CLAY, THE GREAT PEACEMAKER." ions of the Mis souri Compro mise. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 245 States. It was supposed that the slavery difficulty was for ever settled. "Forever" in this case meant only about twenty-five years. 241. The Erie Canal (I8I7-I825). 1 Transportation over- land, from east to west, by means of wagons and draught animals was slow and expensive. Some better means of travel and communication between the Altantic coast and the Mississippi valley had therefore become a necessity. This necessity suggested to the thoughtful mind of DeWitt Clinton the building of a canal to connect the Great Lakes with the eastern seaboard. So in 1817, through his untir ing energy, a large body of laborers began the task of dig ging the Erie Canal. It extended from Buffalo, on Lake Erie, to Albany, on the Hudson, a distance of three hundred and sixty-three miles. As Lake Erie is nearly six hundred feet higher than the level of the Hudson, and as the canal had Difficulties in to pass through forests and over rivers, many building the canal. people looked upon the scheme as a foolish venture. By way of ridicule they called the canal " Clinton s Ditch." But Clinton s perseverance overcame all opposition, and the Erie Canal was ready for use in 1825. It was built at the expense of the State of New York, and was easily paid for by tolls levied on boats and goods passing through it. 242. Results of the Construction of the Erie Canal. The results of constructing the Erie Canal surpassed the 1 The Erie Canal was opened in the autumn of 1825, the first year of John Quincy Adams s administration. John Quincy Adams, the son of John Adams and the sixth President of the United States (1825-1829), was born at Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1767, and died in 1848. After graduating from Harvard he began the study of law. His public service was long and distinguished. He was not only American minister to Holland, Portugal, England, Prussia, and Russia, but was one of the American peace commissioners at the close of the War of 1812. After serving with signal ability as Monroe s Secretary of State, he was elected to the presidency. As President he was unpopular and made many enemies. But the greatest part of his caieer began when he entered the national House of Representatives in 1831. Here he became the anti-slavery statesman of his time. His fearlessness won the admira tion of friend and foe alike. He remained a member of the House until 1848, when he fell dead in the Capitol. He was well called the " Old Man Eloquent." 246 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES highest expectations, even of Clinton, (i) Cost of transpor tation was reduced. Before the canal was in use $10 was paid for carrying a barrel of flour from Buffalo to Albany by wagon. By canal-boat the expense was reduced to thirty cents per barrel. (2) Since the canal made travel easier and less expensive, it increased migration westward. Before the building of the New York Central Railroad it carried thousands of emigrants. (3) All along the canal towns and cities rapidly grew up, so that New York soon became the most populous State in the Union. (4) It greatly stimulated the devel opment of New York city, which shortly became, as it has since re mained, the chief commercial city in the country. (5) By largely reduc ing the freight charges for transpor tation of goods it made the food produced on Western farms much cheaper in the East, and for the same reason it caused manufactured goods from the East and imported goods from Europe to sell for lower prices in the West. It therefore increased the wealth of both the East and the West. 243. Internal Improvements. The National Road and the Erie Canal were a part of an extensive system of inter nal improvements which were of great service in develop ing the West and connecting it with the East. This system included not only the building of roads and canals, but the improvement of rivers and harbors. Some of these roads and canals were built by private enterprise and some by TWO ways of tne separate States. The cost of building making internal and keeping them in repair was met by toll improvements. c h ar ges. Many people believed that Con gress had a right to make internal improvements at the ex pense of the whole people. Many others insisted that such improvements should be made by private companies or by JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, THE ANTI-SLAVERY STATES MAN. NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 247 the separate State governments. These last urged that the " general welfare" 1 of the people was not served by build ing roads and canals and by improving rivers and harbors, which directly benefited limited areas only. They there fore argued that such works should not be undertaken by the general government at national expense. This was the view of those who gave a strict construc tion to all parts of the Constitution. Madison, Monroe, and Jackson were of this party. Those who gave a broad construction to the Constitution said that this power was implied in the following clause : " The Congress shall have power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all the powers vested by the Constitution in the government of the United States" (Article I., Section 8, Clause 18). This has rightly been called the " Elastic Clause." The Elastic The " River and Harbor Bill," passed every clause." year for the improvement of rivers and harbors in all parts of the country, shows that Congress to-day gives a liberal construction to the Constitution. 244. New Problems and a New Political Party. The best way of making internal improvements was a new problem for the people to solve, but there were other prob lems equally difficult. The Alien and Sedition laws had seriously injured the Federalist party; the The era of good Hartford Convention had killed it, leaving feeling. the Democratic-Republicans as the only political party in the country. From 1817 to 1825, during Monroe s adminis tration, this singular condition of affairs prevailed, and this period has ever since been known as the " Era of Good Feeling." But the new problems that soon presented themselves led to the rise of a new political party and involved three pressing and vital questions: (i) Shall inter- Three pressing nal improvements be made by Congress at questions, national expense ? (2) Is the United States Bank constitu tional? (3) Is the true policy of the country a tariff for 1 See preamble of the Constitution. 248 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES revenue only or a high tariff for the protection of home industries? The Democrats, as the Democratic-Repub licans now began to call themselves, believed in leaving internal improvements to private enterprise or to State governments. They regarded the Bank of the United States as unconstitutional. They favored a low tariff. The new party wished internal improvements to be made at national expense, approved the United States The National Re- Bank, and urged that a high protective tariff publican party. was f or tne fr GSt interests of the people. Be cause this new party favored the strengthening of the na tional government in these three ways it was called the National Republican Party. TO THE PUPIL 1. James Monroe was now President, serving two terms, 1817-1825. 2. What difficulties led to the purchase of Florida ? 3. What was the Holy Alliance, and what was its connection with the Monroe Doctrine ? Name the three main provisions of this Doctrine. Try to understand clearly the meaning of the Monroe Doctrine. It will come up again later. 4. Before the purchase of Louisiana, what was the natural boundary line between free and slave territory? Explain how soil and climate favored slavery south of Mason and Dixon s Line and the Ohio River. 5. Why was the South eager to maintain in the Senate an equality with the North? What difficulty was settled by the Missouri Com promise ? What was this Compromise ? 6. Review what has been said about the pack-horse, the flat boat, the steamboat, and the National Road. In what way did the Erie Canal supplement these ? Do not be satisfied until you know well the re sults of constructing this canal, especially the last one named in the text. 7. John Quincy Adams, who served for one term, 1825-1829, was now President. 8. What was meant by internal improvements ? Why were they greatly needed at this time ? What two views were held as to the best way of making internal improvements ? 9. You see you are again face to face with the two opposite views of the true meaning of the Constitution. What were these views ? What is the " Elastic Clause " ? NEW STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE 249 IQ. What were the new political problems, and what the pressing ques tions they involved ? What was the new political party, and how did it answer each of these questions ? How did the Democratic party answer them ? 11. In this connection you might well review what you have already studied about political parties. You will recall two great mistakes made by the Federalist party. Make frequent use of the index. 12. Read Washington s Farewell Address and the message containing the Monroe Doctrine. CHAPTER XVI JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST (1829-1841) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, IV.; An- drews s United States, I.; Burgess s Middle Period; Wright s Children s Stories of American Progress ; Wilson s Division and Reunion ; Coffin s Build ing the Nation; Richardson s History of Our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS : Schouler s United States, III. and IV. ; Rhodes s The United States, I.; Wilson s A History of the American People, IV.; Sumner s Andrew Jackson; Lodge s Daniel Webster; Von Hoist s John C. Calhoun; Schurz s Henry Clay; Morse s John Quincy Adams; Johnston s American Orations (Webster and Hayne); Bolton s Famous American Statesmen; Teft s Webster and His Masterpieces. FICTION : Eggleston s Hoosier Schoolmaster ; Eggleston s Graysons. 245. Character of Andrew Jackson. 1 The six Presi dents that preceded Jackson came from Virginia or Massa chusetts. They were all men of culture and stood for what was best in the social life of New England and the South. Andrew Jackson was of a different type. He represented the frontier life of the West. His education had been meagre, but he was a man of much ability and of strong and forceful character. He was a natural leader of men and had occupied many positions of trust in the community in which he lived. His unbounded 1 Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States (1829-1837), was born in Union County, North Carolina, in 1767, and died at his home, "The Her mitage," near Nashville, in 1845. When only fourteen years old he joined the American force under Sumter. After the Revolution he began to study law. At the age of twenty-nine he removed to Nashville and soon became prominent in pub lic life-. He was elected to the national House of Representatives, and later to the Senate. In 1814 he was appointed major-general in the United States army and in this position won the brilliant victory at the battle of New Orleans. On account of his obstinate will his friends called him " Old Hickory." 250 JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 251 faith in his own convictions caused him to commit some errors as President. But he was always sincere and in tensely patriotic. He was loyal to his friends, but severe upon his enemies. His personal prejudices and his jealousy for the nation were so intense that he regarded those dis agreeing with him as not only enemies to himself but to his country. His genuine interest in the welfare of the people cannot be questioned. During the eight years of his Presidency (1829-1837) his influence upon the course of events was a A man of the personal one. He was people, in a true sense a man of the people, who cheerfully followed wherever he led. 246. The Spoils System. When Jackson became President he desired to reward those political friends who had worked faithfully for his elec tion. Moreover, he believed in the rights of the people, and did not deem it democratic to allow any set of men to remain long in office to the exclusion of others just as worthy. He therefore decided to adopt the more democratic principle of "rotation in office." " To the victors belong the spoils," was his motto. He accordingly turned out of office two thousand postmasters 1 and other officials, i.i A. i Rotation in office. although their work was in no way con nected with politics. Jackson appointed his own follow ers to positions which he had made vacant by removal. He appointed them because they were his followers and not because they had a special fitness for the official work they were to do. This was the introduction into national 1 During the forty years from 1789 to 1829, there had been only 74 removals, or, on an average, less than two a year. Of these, Washington had made 9 ; John Adams, 10 ; Jefferson, 39 ; Madison, 5 ; Monroe, 9 ; John Quincy Adams, 2. ANDREW JACKSON. The Union ! It must and shall be preserved . " 252 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES politics of the " Spoils System." The system, until 1883, had full sway in the country, and has had a most demoral izing influence on the political life of the nation. 247. " A Tariff for Revenue with Incidental Protec tion." It will be remembered that during the time of the Embargo and the War of 1812 the country, being cut off from foreign trade, was obliged to build its own mills and factories to produce whatever manufactured goods were needed for home use. As the streams flowing down New England hillsides furnished excellent water-power, the busi ness men of that region gradually invested their capital in manufacturing instead of commerce. Until 1816 duties had been levied on goods from foreign countries mainly for revenue to pay the expenses of the national government. These duties furnished only incidental protection to Ameri can manufacturers. Such a system of duties is called "a tariff for revenue with incidental protection." 248. A Protective Tariff. After the war closed, how ever, and trade was resumed with foreign countries, pur En Hsh goods in markets became flooded with foreign goods, American mar- especially from England. Labor was so much cheaper in England than in this country that her merchants could sell goods to the United States at a lower price than American manufacturers could afford to sell them. OUT manufacturers naturally called for a higher tariff on the goods that could be made to advantage in American mills and factories. These imported goods would then cost so much in the United States that the American manu facturer could afford to undersell the foreigner and still make a profit. Such a tariff is said to encourage home in dustries, or to protect American manufacturers from for eign competition. It is therefore called a protective tariff. 249. South Carolina Objects to a High Protective Tariff. The first protective tariff was laid in 1816. It was too moderate. The duties were so low that foreign mer chants could pay them and still fill our markets with their goods. The New England manufacturers could not thrive JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 253 under such conditions and urged Congress to raise the duties. These were therefore gradually in- The high tariff of creased until the high tariff of 1828 was passed. l828 - The industrial conditions of the South were so different from those of the North that manufacturing had no place there. The people of the South were almost Slaver andthe exclusively employed in raising on their plan- four great staples tations the four great staples: rice, sugar, cot ton, and tobacco. The slaves were not intelligent enough to be employed in manufacturing. They were adapted only to agricultural labor. Such a difference in industrial conditions between the North and the South was decidedly unfortunate. The conflicting business interests of the two sections brought about a seri ous disagreement in regard to the tariff system. The Southern people had to buy all the manufactured goods they used, and naturally wished to buy them at as low prices as possible. They claimed the right T he south desires to import foreign lree trade - goods free from duty. In other words, they wished free trade, or freedom to seek, without govern ment restrictions, any foreign market. The people of South Carolina claimed that a protective tariff made them poorer and the New England manufacturers richer, and that it was therefore sectional and unfair. 250. Calhoun and Nullification (1831-1832). John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, Vice-President during most of Jackson s first term, and an able statesman, was the leader of his State in this memorable struggle over the tariff. He declared that inasmuch as the tariff enriched the Northern manufacturers at the expense of the South, it was sectional and, therefore, unconstitutional. JOHN C. CALHOUN, THE DE FENDER OF SLAVERY AND STATE RIGHTS. 254 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES His theory was that of the Kentucky and Virginia Reso lutions. It declared that the States were superior to the caihoun believes Union and that each was its own master, or in state Rights practically a sovereign nation. According to nd Nullification. ^ j^ ^ ^^^ ^ Qn}y & loose .j ointed confederacy, and South Carolina had a right to decide lor itself whether or not laws passed by Congress were con stitutional. This was the doctrine of State Rights. He believed, also, that the State could nullify, or declare not binding in its own territory, any law which it decided to be unconstitutional. This was the doctrine of Nullification. 251. New England Manufacturers and the Protective Tariff. On the other hand, the manufacturers of New Eng land and of other Northern States vigorously maintained that a protective tariff would benefit the whole country in the following ways : (i) It would provide a revenue to defray the expenses of the Government ; (2) it would, by making wages higher, better the condition of workingmen ; (3) it would furnish a home market for the products of the farm ; (4) it would cause a greater diversity of interests in the United States and would thus make the country more independent of foreign nations, especially in time of war. 252. Webster and the Union. About the same time there was in the United States Senate a great debate between Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, and Robert Y. Hayne, of South Carolina, over the public lands. This de bate was a part of the controversy between the North and the South about the true meaning of the Constitution. Web ster, like Hamilton, believed in a strong Federal Union, supreme in matters concerning the interests common to all the people. He saw clearly that a Union composed of States with the right to nullify at pleasure any laws passed by Congress must in time break down, just as the Confed- webster believes eration had after the close of the Revolution. ^e n o^he He therefore insisted that, under the Consti- states. tution, the State governments were inferior to the Federal government. According to his idea, the United States was a nation with supreme authority over JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 255 the States, and he summed up his views in those glowing words that to-day should inspire us with lofty patriotism : " Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and insepa rable." 253. Jackson s Feeling Toward Nullification. In the meantime there was much excitement over the tariff agitation. The South Carolina people, knowing Jackson s opposition to a high protective tariff, were eager to find out the President s feeling about the position their State was taking. They invited him to a dinner in Washington, and called upon him for a speech on a toast r , . , . Jackson s toast. of his own selection. He startled them by proposing this toast: " Our Federal Union: it must be preserved." Although he did not like the tariff, yet as the head of the Federal Union he meant to enforce its laws. At another time, when asked by a member of Con gress from South Carolina whether he had any message for his friends in that State, he said : " Please give my compliments to my friends in your State, and say to them that if a single drop of blood shall be shed in opposition to the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man I can lay my hands on engaged in such treasonable conduct." In this struggle for the Union, Jackson was nobly supported by Thomas H. Benton, a prominent Senator from Missouri. 254. South Carolina and State Rights. In 1832 an at tempt was made to pour oil upon the troubled waters by adopting a new protective tariff, lower and therefore less objectionable to the South than the tariff of 1828. But South Carolina, being opposed to the principle of protec tion, was still dissatisfied. Accordingly, a State convention was called (1832) which DANIEL WEBSTER. ; Liberty and Union, now an. ever, one and inseparable." 256 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES declared that the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 were null and void, and prohibited the collection, after a certain date (February i, 1833), of duties under these laws in the ports south Carolina ^ South Carolina. It threatened that, in case declares the tariff the United States should try to enforce the acts null and void. tar j ff lawg j n g outh Carolina> ghe WQuld whh _ draw from the Union and organize a separate government. When Jackson received the news of the action of the South Carolina Convention he was filled with indignation. Rais ing aloft his right arm, he exclaimed: "The Union! It must and shall be preserved ! Send for General Scott! " Troops and war-vessels were at once sent to Charleston with orders to collect duties upon all imported goods entering the harbor. Through Clay s influence, however, Congress enacted a compromise measure, gradually lowering the duties. Un- The compromise ^er tn * s g ra dual reduction, the tariff, at the with south caro- end of ten years, would not be far removed from a tariff for revenue only. But the prompt, energetic action of the President was an object- lesson to the nation. We should remember with gratitude the unflinching devotion of Daniel Webster and Andrew Jackson to the Union at this critical time. 255. Jackson and the United States Bank. The first United States Bank was planned and chartered by Alex ander Hamilton 1 for twenty years (1791 to 1811); and the second one also received a charter for the same number of years (1816 to 1836). It was to receive all revenue and other public money and to pay this out as needed by the government. Its friends, the National Republicans, main tained that it made the paper currency safer and more uniform throughout the United States. Jackson declared it was unconstitutional : that it enriched its managers at the expense of the people, and was therefore not democratic : that its funds were used in politics to reward its friends and to injure its enemies. 1 This bank was an important feature in Hamilton s scheme for giving the na tional government a firm financial footing. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 257 256. Jackson s Removal of Deposits (1833). Although the charter of the second United States Bank was not to expire until 1836, a bill to recharter was passed by Con gress in 1832. It failed to become a law by reason of Jack son s veto. The next year the President decided upon the removal of the deposits. He therefore ordered that after that time all the money of the government should THE BOSTON & WORCESTER RAILROAD IN 1835. deposited in various State banks. This was known as the " removal of deposits." Since in every case these banks were managed by Democrats, they were known as " pet banks." The effect of this " removal of deposits " will be better understood if we ob serve how money was used at that time in the development and expansion of the West. 257. The Introduction of the Railroad. Vast sums had been spent in the construction of better means of trans portation. As already seen (see par. 216), the application of steam-power to boats made the people independent of wind and current. But methods of trade and travel overland were altogether too slow and meagre for the energetic American people. Roads, canals, and steam boats had promoted travel and transportation, but the great problem was to find some way of applying steam-power to travel and transportation by land. The railroad and the steam-driven locomotive-engine furnished a solution. The first form of the railroad was the wooden rail used in the coal mines of England. The next step was to cover the wooden rail with a thin layer of iron for protection. 258 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES This was the form in which the first railroad appeared in the United States at Quincy, Massachusetts (1826). This road was only five miles long, and its cars were drawn by The first passen- horses. It was used to carry granite from ger ran road in the the quarries to the place of shipping. In 1828 the first passenger railroad in the United States was begun in Baltimore. It extended westward about thirteen miles, and its cars were at first drawn by horses. This road was the beginning of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. 258. The Growth and Results of the Railroad. The growth of the- railroad in the United States has been wonderful. In 1828 there were only 3 miles; in 1837, 1,500 miles; and in 1840, 2,200 miles. From that time on the growth has been tremendous. The United States now has over 200,000 miles of railroad. The railroad brought about great changes in the life of the people: (i) It stimulated Western migration; (2) it made Western lands more valuable ; (3) by lowering cost of transportation, it cheapened Western food in the East and Eastern manufactured goods in the West ; (4) it there fore added to the wealth of both parts of the country and brought the people into closer sympathy and union. 259. Rapid Growth of the West. From 1821 to 1837 the country was highly prosperous. Crops were good, trade and manufacturing flourished, and cities grew rap idly. In 1821 the population of the whole country was ten millions; in 1837 it was sixteen millions. This remarkable growth in population was encouraged by the vast expanse of rich public land which the government was offering for THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD, 1830-35. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 259 very small sums, in order to increase Western migration and settlement. 1 The growth was stimulated by the steamboat and the railroad. Before 1837 steamboats were in extensive use on the Great Lakes, the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the many smaller tributaries of those rivers. And now, with the in vention of the railroad, settlement spread westward with ever-increasing rapidity. Towns and cities sprang into ex- istence as if by magic. In 1830 Chicago consisted of a fort (Dearborn) and a small village. In 1833 it na d 55O inhabit ants; in 1837 it numbered 4,170; and at the last census the population was 1,698,575. 1 An examination of the following two tables, one showing the number of foreign immigrants for the years 1829-1837, and the other the population of many of the States for 1821 and 1837, will give a better idea of the rapidity of this growth in the West: IMMIGRATION TABLE, 1829-37. Year. Number of Immi grants. Year. Number of Immi grants. 1829 22 52O 1834. . 65,361; 1830 23 322 1835.. AC. 374 18^1.. 22 633 1836.. 76,242 1832.. 60,482 1837.. 70, 340 1833.. ;8 64.0 POPULATION IN 1821. Round Numbers. Round Numbers. New York I,4OO,OOO 2,2OO OOO I,OOO,OOO I 6OO,OOO Ohio 600 ooo I 400,000 4. CO OOO 800, ooo I7O,OOO 6OO,OOO 8o,OOO 32O,OOO 70 ooo 3 CQ OOO 60 ooo 400 ooo 10,000 2OO OOO POPULATION IN 1837. 260 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 260. Speculation in Western Lands. Extensive areas of Western public lands, offered at low prices, filled men with the fever of speculation. Plans were laid to buy up large tracts and connect them with the East by roads, canals, and railroads. It required a great amount of money to establish all these great lines of communication started up by the railroads, but the demand was easily met after the " removal of de posits," for then the public money was dis tributed among many State banks, and was more accessible to bor rowers. Loans could now be obtained, and here and there cities were laid out in the West. Then by the sale of these lands, at an enormous advance in price, the speculators became suddenly wealthy. For tune-making seemed so easy that men took great risks with borrowed money. 261. Wild-cat Banking. The increasing demand for money led to " wild-cat" banking. A few men with little or no capital to make good the notes they issued, would start a bank by issuing cheaply printed bills (notes) which they circulated under the name of money. After buying public lands from the government at high prices and paying for them with these notes, they would sell their lands for gold and silver. When, however, their own notes returned to be redeemed in gold and silver, these dishonest bankers would fail, and, in some cases, go elsewhere and repeat their swindling operations. 262. The United States Free from Debt. Of course this speculation in government lands made it easy for the United States to pay the public debt. Whereas, in 1830, the sum received for these lands was $2,300,000, six years A MOHAWK & HUDSON CAR OF 1831. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 261 later it reached nearly $25,000,000. We need not be sur prised, then, that by the end of 1835 the public debt was paid. The apparent prosperity made foreigners eager to emigrate from Europe to this country, and they came in large numbers (see table, page 274). 263. State Speculation in Internal Improvements. After the public debt was paid there was a large surplus, $28,000,000 of which was distributed among the vari ous States. It was now very easy for State govern ments, especially where the " pet banks " were located, to get money for carrying out their extensive plans, and these governments in vested large sums in in ternal improvements. Not A RAILWAY COACH OF 1830. satisfied with what their States supplied, they began to borrow largely from foreign countries. By 1837 these foreign debts amounted to nearly two hundred million dollars. Of course the loans from foreign countries made money all the more plentiful, and the fever of speculation raged more fiercely than ever. 264. The Specie Circular. Such reckless speculation could not fail to bring disaster. The wild-cat banks had issued so many paper promises, based upon nothing more solid than the people s willingness to receive them, that, like the Continental currency, they became worthless. Jackson was alarmed at the amount of this worthless paper coming into the United States Treasury. He therefore issued the famous Specie Circular, which declared that in the future nothing but specie, or gold and silver, should be received in payment for these lands. Wild-cat bank-notes were no longer of any use in buying and selling public lands. These notes went streaming back to the Eastern banks that had issued them, for redemption in gold and silver. Since the banks were without the gold 262 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and silver to make good these printed promises, the prom ises were worth nothing and could not be redeemed. 265. The Financial Panic of 1837. Of course there at once arose a great cry for money. Men tried to sell stocks, houses, lands in fact every kind of property to raise money to pay their debts. All wanted to sell. None cared to buy. As always happens under such conditions, prices went down with astonishing rapidity. There were exten sive business failures, and rich men became poor. Mills and fac tories shut down because they could not sell their goods. La boring men were thereby thrown out of work, and their families suffered for lack of food. Soon there were bread riots in the streets of New York. It was a terrible time and has always been known as the " Panic of 1837." 266. The Independent Treas ury. As mentioned above, many of the States had made extensive foreign loans for the purpose of building roads, canals, and rail roads. When caught by the great financial panic of 1837, some States refused to pay the interest on these loans, and some went so far as to refuse Repudiation of to pay either principal or interest. Such a state debts. refusal on the part of a State to pay its debts is called repudiation. In the midst of this financial distress 1 Martin Van Buren, eighth President of the United States, was born at Kin- derhook, New York, in 1782, and died in 1862. After he had received his tram ing as a lawyer he began, at only eighteen years of age, his long political career. He represented New York in the Senate and afterward served his State as Gov ernor. When Jackson was elected President he made Van Buren his Secretary of State. During Jackson s second term Van Buren was Vice-President. In 1837 the latter became President, but owing to the unpopularity of his administration he failed to be re-elected. He was eminent not only as a lawyer but also as a political leader. MARTIN VAN BUREN. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 263 the "pet banks" were unable to pay the Federal Govern ment the public money which it had deposited in them. The government being greatly embarrassed, President Van Buren, Jackson s successor, was obliged to call a spe cial session of Congress to adopt some plan for getting money to pay the running expenses of the government. Congress authorized the Treasury Department to issue $10,000,000 in notes. The wisdom of having an independ ent treasury instead of a number of State Banks for the safe-keeping of all the public money, was now evident. By 1846 it had become the settled policy of the United States to have a national treasury which should take care of all the money paid to the government. This independent treasury is at Washington, while there are nine branches known as subtreasuries distributed in various commercial centres. 1 267. The Public School System and the Newspaper As life began to move at a quicker pace people began to think more actively, ^and to take a larger interest in things outside of their immediate surroundings. In the newer States there was such a democratic feeling Manhood suf- that every man was made a voter. 2 Manhood fra s e - suffrage, adopted in all the West, soon spread to the older communities of the East. All the people, coming into full control of public affairs, began to feel a deep interest in po litical life. It thus became a necessity to educate men to an intelli gent conception of their duties toward the State and so ciety. This led to a great improvement in the public school systems, especially in the newer States. If the people were to be rulers they must have intelligence and virtue enough to rule wisely. In this period the modern news paper may be said to have been born. The New York Sun (1833) and the New York Herald (1835) became more ener- 1 These are located in. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Bos ton, St. Louis, Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Baltimore. 5 In the earlier years the suffrage was in many ways icstricted in the older States. 264 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES getic than before in collecting news, were printed in a more convenient form, and were sold at lower prices. From that time the daily newspaper has had a great influence in mould ing public opinion. 268. Other Aids to Progress. Other aids to progress were furnished in the establishment of transatlantic steam ship lines and in the invention of the McCormick reaping- machine. The Savannah, sailing from Savannah, Georgia, in 1819, was the first ocean steamship to cross the Atlantic. In 1838 two English steamships, the Sirius and the Great West ern, sailed from England to New York. Two years later the first regular transatlantic steamship line, between New York and Liverpool, was established. This was the begin ning of the well-known Cunard Line. Ocean steamship traffic greatly stimulated European immigration to this country. The McCormick reaping machine, which came into use in 1834, was destined to have a large influence upon the development of the West. By making farm-work easier and more profitable, it stimulated emigration to the fertile Western lands. 1 269. The Temperance Movement. There was so much pauperism and general demoralization during the years fol lowing the War of 1812 that people became alarmed and began to inquire the cause. Investigating committees re ported that drinking was the most fruitful source of the evil. Everybody drank ministers, doctors, merchants, la borers, and even women and children. An occasion was never wanting ; at funerals, weddings, dinners, and when ever friends met, the social glass flowed. In 1824 there began in Boston a great national move ment which swept through the Union. Its principle was abstinence from strong drink. By 1830 a thousand temper ance societies had been formed and hundreds of merchants had given up the sale of liquor. Temperance societies in creased in number and influence, saving hundreds of thou- 1 In 1838, matches, adding much to the comfort and convenience of household life, came into successful use. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE WEST 265 sands of men from the curse of the drinking habit. From that time the cause of temperance has steadily gained ground. TO THE PUPIL 1. You have now reached an important chapter in your nation s history. Study it carefully. Since 1829 the influence of the West has been very great. You will therefore add 1829 to the following land marks: 1789, 1803, 1812-1814, 1820. Review the meaning of these dates. 2. Are you still grouping less important events about the more impor tant ? 3. Andrew Jackson was President for two terms, 1829-1837. Name in order the Presidents who preceded him. What was the secret of Jackson s large influence over the people ? Name his most striking characteristics. 4. What was the " Spoils System " ? What did Jackson mean by saying that it was democratic ? How did he apply this system to the na tional civil service ? What is the civil service ? Do you think Jackson was wise, or unwise, in introducing the " Spoils System " into national politics ? Give reasons for your answer. 5. Review the tariff measure enacted when Washington was President. What was its double purpose ? What is meant by " a tariff for revenue, with incidental protection"? 6. Recall the effect which the Embargo and the War of 1812 had upon the growth of manufacturing in New England. Why could English goods be sold at a lower price than American ? What is a protective tariff? 7. Why did South Carolina object to a high protective tariff? What difference was there in the industrial conditions of the North and the South ? 8. On what ground did Calhoun declare that the protective tariff was unconstitutional ? What was his idea of the Union ? Define nulli fication and State rights. 9. What arguments did Northern manufacturers advance in favor of a protective tariff? What was Webster s idea of the Union ? Find out all you can about the personality of these noted statesmen. 10. What was Jackson s feeling toward nullification ? How did he ex- press this feeling in a toast and in a message he sent to friends in South Carolina ? n. What action was taken by the State Convention in South Carolina? What did Jackson do when he heard of South Carolina s bold step ? 12. Subject for debate : Resolved, that a protective tariff was for the best interests of the country as a whole. 266 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 13. What was the purpose of the United States Bank? What three charges did Jackson bring against it ? What is meant by his " re moval of deposits " and by " pet banks " ? 14. What results followed the building of railroads ? Discuss the rapid growth of the West. Why was there extensive speculation in Western lands, and how did the "removal of deposits" make such speculation easier ? 15. What was wild-cat banking ? How did speculation affect the pay ment of the public debt ? What effect did the payment of the public debt have upon foreign immigration ? Can you now explain the re lation of the railroad to Western development and to speculation in Western lands ? 16. What led Jackson to issue the specie circular ? How did it help to bring on the financial panic of 1837 ? 17. What is the independent treasury ? 18. Prepare yourself to write from three to five minutes on any of the fol lowing topics : The public schools, the newspaper, and the temper ance movement. 19. Read Webster s famous " Reply to Hayne " and memorize some of the most eloquent passages. CHAPTER XVII THE SLAVERY QUESTION (1841 -1859 ) 3 REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, IV. ; An- drews s United States, II. ; Wright s Children s Stories of American Progress; Burgess s Middle Period; Wilson s Division and Reunion; Richardson s History of Our Country; Coffin s Building the Nation. OUTSIDE READINGS: Rhodes s United States, I. and II.; Schouler s United States, IV. and V.; Wilson s A History of the American People, IV.; Draper s Civil War, I.; Ropes s Story of the Civil War; Hart s Romance of the Civil War; Brigham s Geographic Influence in American History; Goldwin Smith s United States; Johnston s American Orations, II. and III.; Bolton s Famous American Statesmen ; Trent s William Gilmore Simms; Grant s Personal Memoirs; Olmstead s Seaboard Slave States; Olmstead s Texas Journey; Olmstead s Journey in the Back Country; Page s Old South. FICTION: Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin; Stowe s Minister s Wooing; Munroe s Golden Days of 49; Harris s Uncle Remus; Brooks s Boy Settlers; Brooks s Boy Emigrants. POETRY: Whittier s Slave Ships; Whittier s Our Countrymen in Chains; Longfellow s Slave s Dreams. THE RISE OF THE ABOLITION MOVEMENT 270. Morse and the Electric Telegraph (1844). Be fore we consider the slavery question, let us briefly refer 1 William Henry Harrison, ninth President of the United States, was born in Charles City County, Virginia, in 1773, and died in Washington, District of Colum bia, in 1841. After attending Hampden Sidney College, Virginia, he began to study medicine, but being drawn toward military life he soon entered the army at nineteen years of age. In the War of 1812 he served as major-general with dis tinguished success. Later he represented his State in both Houses of Congress He was the Whig candidate for the Presidency in 1840, and after an exciting can- vass in what has been called the " log-cabin and hard-cider campaign " was elected. He died just one month after his inauguration. John Tyler, tenth President of the United States (1841-1845), was born in Charles City County, Virginia, in 1790, and died in 1862. After he was graduated 267 268 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES what the tele- graph has done for the world. to a few other events. After twelve years of patient effort, Samuel F. B. Morse succeeded in bringing the electric tele graph into practical use (1844). Being poor, he had tried for four years to get an appropriation from Congress for testing his invention. At length Congress reluctantly voted him $30,000 for constructing a line from Baltimore to Washington, a distance of forty miles. Morse himself sent the first message from the Supreme Court room, in Washington, to Baltimore. " What hath God wrought!" was the message. Fitting words were these, since the telegraph has brought great changes into the ^^ Qy ^^ Qf it trade and commerce have been much increased. Business men can keep themselves acquainted with the quotations of the world s great markets every hour in the day. They can transact more business in five or six hours now than could have been transacted in as many WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, months a hundred years ago. Another wonderful discovery of untold value to mankind was made in 1844 by Horace Wells, a dentist of Hartford, Connecticut. He tried an ex- Horace Weils and periment upon himself. He caused one of his anaesthetics. teeth to be extracted after he had inhaled nitrous oxide, or " laughing-gas," and found that while un der the influence of the "laughing-gas" he was insensible to pain. About two years later William T. G. Morton and Charles T. Jackson, both of Boston, made a similar appli- from the College of William and Mary he studied law and entered upon his long political career. He served his State as governor and represented it in both Houses of Congress. He was elected Vice-President by the Whigs in 1840, and on the death of Harrison became President. He was soon engaged in a bitter struggle with the Whig leaders, with whom he became extremely unpopular. As a warm advocate of State sovereignty, he gave his cordial support to the secession movement in 1861, when he was elected a member of the Confederate Congress. Y THE SLAVERY QUESTION 269 cation of sulphuric ether to render surgical operations painless. When sulphuric ether and "laughing-gas" are thus used they are called anassthetics. 271. "Fifty-four Forty or Fight" (1844). In the same year that Morse s electric telegraph came into successful use, there was much excitement in the United conflicting claims States over the dispute between our country to the Oregon and England about the Northwest Boundary. Countr y- Our government claimed the country west of the Rockies from the northern boundary of Cal ifornia, then a part of Mexico, to the southern boundary of Alaska, or the parallel of 54 40 . Great Britain claimed the region as far south as the Columbia River in latitude 46. By 1818 the dispute over these con flicting claims had grown serious, but the two countries agreed to a joint occupation of the Oregon Country for ten years, and at the end of that period they renewed their agreement for an indefinite time. Why the United States at length laid vigorous claim to it and became so eager for it that the Democratic party in the presidential campaign of 1844 was shouting " Fifty-four forty or fight," can be told in a few words. 272. American Settlers Strengthen Our Claims to Oregon. We had several reasons for claiming Oregon. In 1792 Captain Gray, of Boston, discovered the Columbia River, which he named in honor of his ship; in 1805 Lewis and Clark explored this river, and in 1811 an American company established at its mouth the trading Reasons for our post, Astoria. But we made a yet stronger claims to re on - claim by reason of the actual settlements which Americans planted there before 1845. These settlements began in a small way as early as 1832, missionaries being among the first Americans to find their way to the Oregon Country. JOHN TYLER. 270 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Now in this matter of planting settlements we bad the ad vantage of England, because we were nearer the disputed territory. For a long time, to be sure, the English Hudson Bay Company had been out there making money in fur- trading, but this company had planted no settlements. The Americans, too, were for many years little inclined to seek homes in Oregon. Although small parties of Amer- OREGON COUNTRY Showing the United States Claim to the 54 40 Parallel Scale of Miles. 50 100 200 ican settlers started for the Columbia River after 1832, no large settlements were made until 1843. In that year one American emi- thousand emigrants made the journey of gration in 1843 more than two thousand miles, braving many and 1844. dangers and enduring much hardship. The next year two thousand more went out, and by 1845 about seven thousand American settlers had made their homes in Oregon. The English Hudson Bay Company held only a small number of military posts and trading stations. The United States could therefore claim the country by right of actual possession. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 271 By a treaty agreed upon in 1846 both England and the United States gave up a part of their claims. The boun dary determined upon was neither 54 40 as The Oregon desired by the United States, nor 46 as de- boundary dispute sired by England, but 49, as at present. The settled by treaty< whole Oregon Country included what is now the States of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington, or an area equal to more then fifty States like Connecticut. 273. The Anti-Slavery Movement. Hitherto we have not had occasion to refer to a movement which was des tined to overthrow the most cherished institution of the South. In order to understand this movement we must notice for a moment the new spirit which was gaining ground among the plain people of the country. It has been rightly said that when Andrew Jackson went to Washington as President he took the people with him. It is The rights of the certainly true that at that time the common common people, people began to feel a sense of their power such as they had not felt before. Jackson supported them in this feeling by standing up for their rights and by encouraging them to have faith in themselves as controlling the affairs of the na tion. There had been various limitations on suffrage in the Eastern States, but now manhood suffrage spread from the West to the East. Government by the people and for the people had become a reality. The anti-slavery movement, led by the abolitionists, was partly the product of this democratic spirit, but was mainly due to the gradual recognition of the dignity and worth of man as man, regardless of race or color. It was felt that slavery was out of place in a country where the people are the rulers. This sentiment, at first limited to a despised few who were called fanatics, rapidly spread through all classes of society. 274. William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator. In 1831 William Lloyd Garrison, a young man of slender means and little education, began to publish a paper called The Liberator. In it he urged that all the slaves in the United States should be immediately set free. He went so 272 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES far as to declare that it would be better to have no Union at all than to have a Union with slavery in one section of it. He boldly asserted that slavery was a " sin against God and a crime against man," and that the Consti tution, by giving it support, " was a covenant with death and an agreement with hell. * 275. Southern Opposition. The Southern people, how- ever, believed that the immediate abolition of slavery would FAC-SIMILE OF THE HEADING OF GARRISON S PAPER. bring about their financial ruin. Inasmuch as the whole industrial system of the South rested on slavery, they re garded the advocates of immediate abolition as nothing less than public enemies of that section. Therefore gov ernors and State legislators in the South were so eager to punish the abolitionists that large rewards were of fered for their capture. But the abolitionists were in earnest, and by means of lectures, pamphlets, books, and newspapers scattered their anti-slavery ideas among the people. 276. Northern Opposition. Very few people, even in the North, had any sympathy at that time with Garrison s extreme views about immediate abolition. Northern people thought that such agitation could only result in stirring up sectional feeling and might end in breaking up the Union. To them a Union with slavery seemed better than no Union at all. So the abolitionists were for a time disliked in the North quite as much as in the South, and in various parts THE SLAVERY QUESTION 273 of the North anti-slavery mobs and riots were common for some years. The opposition to Garrison s teachings became so intense that he was mobbed in the streets of Boston (1835). The mob in its fury had almost torn the clothing Qarrison mobbed from his body and was dragging him through in the streets of the streets with a rope around his waist, when he was saved from death by the police. Elijah P. Lovejoy was mobbed and murdered in Illinois for printing an aboli tion newspaper (1837), and abolition speakers became accus tomed to showers of eggs and stones at public meetings. 277. Growth of the Abolition Movement. But in spite of all the scorn and contempt heaped upon them, in the North and in the South, the heroic William Lloyd Garrison and his brave followers would not be silenced. They were, like most reformers, extreme in their views and unwise in their methods, but they were right in their leading idea that slavery was wrong. Their sincerity of purpose had its in fluence, and won the sympathy of many who joined them in forming abolition societies, which by 1837 included probably 150,000 members. Among them were two of the ablest de fenders of the anti-slavery crusade, Wendell Phillips, the anti-slavery orator, and John Quincy Adams, the anti-slav ery statesman. 278. John Quincy Adams Defends the Right of Petition. John Quincy Adams was the champion of the sacred right of petition. For many years he stood almost alone in the na tional House of Representatives in his opposition to slavery. He presented on the floor of the House hundreds of peti tions that slavery be abolished in the District of Columbia, and that the slave-trade between the States be stopped. As these petitions were very displeasing to Southern members, Congress unwisely voted not to receive them. This was not fair play and aroused much sym- . Gag .| aw .> in pathy in the North for the abolition movement, the House of Rep- The "gag-law," by which the House refused resentatlves - to receive these petitions, continued in effect for many years (1836-1844), but the heroic efforts of the " old man eloquent," 274 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES as Adams was rightly called, at last gained for these anti- slavery petitions a respectful consideration (1844). TO THE PUPIL 1. What has the telegraph done for the world ? 2. Upon what did we base our claim to Oregon ? 3. What reason is assigned in the text for the origin of the anti-slavery movement ? What position did William Lloyd Garrison take upon the slavery question ? 4. How did Southern opposition to the abolitionists express itself? How did Northern opposition? What do you admire in William Lloyd Garrison and his anti-slavery friends ? What connection did John Quincy Adams have with the abolition movement ? 5. Read the account of his untiring efforts as described in Morse s "John Quincy Adams." TEXAS AND THE MEXICAN WAR 279. The Annexation of Texas. About 1820 Southern people began to migrate to Texas, which was then a part of Mexico. By the year 1835 several colonies had been planted by these settlers from the Southern States. Being dissatisfied with Mexican rule the Texans revolted (1835), defeated the Mexicans, and drove them out of Texas. They then declared their independence and sought annexation to the United States. The South was eager for this annexation, because Texas lay south of the slavery line established by the Missouri whythesouth Compromise in 1 820. If Texas, which was as favored the lar^e as fifty States like Connecticut, could be annexation of Texas, ^ddcd to the slave territory of the South, the cause of slavery would be materially strengthened. In time, four or five slave States would be made out of this vast area, and the South would thereby have a larger number of sena tors. This increase of voting power in the Senate would enable her to maintain, for some years at least, the balance between the slave States and the free States. The North entered a vigorous protest against annexation, but the South won, and Texas entered the Union as a slave State in 1845. Hap illustrating TERRITORY IN DISPUTE AT THB TIME OP MEXICAN WAR. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 275 280. Attitude of the North and the South Toward the Mexican War. One of the reasons urged by the North against annexation was, that it would cause trouble with the Mexicans, who refused to acknowledge the independence of Texas. But this objection had no weight with the South ern slaveholders. A war with Mexico might result in the acquisition of more slave territory, and hence such a war was not, from their stand-point, un desirable. The North, however, ear nestly opposed the acquisition of any more slave territory, and just as ear nestly opposed a war with Mexico. 281. The Causes of the Mexican War. Mexico wished to avoid seri ous trouble with the United States about the annexation of Texas. But before the question could be settled there arose a dispute about the boundary line between Texas and Mexico. Texas claimed the territory to the Rio Grande ; Mexico claimed it to the Nueces River. The terri tory in dispute was large and there fore desirable both to the South and to Mexico. While the difficulty was still under discussion, however, our government took steps that were almost certain to bring on war. General Taylor had been sent down in command of American troops to support the cause of Texas, and was ordered to advance into the disputed terri- General Taylor tory. He did so, taking a position on the Rio e d^tedter- Grande at Fort Brown, opposite Matamoras. 1 ritory. The Mexicans justly considered this an invasion of their territory and therefore an act of war. It certainly looked 1 Before this time President Polk had sent an envoy to Mexico, whose govern ment refused to receive him. This action of Mexico aroused the resentment of our government. James K. Polk, eleventh President of the United States (1845-1849), was born JAMES K. POLK. 276 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE STORMING OF CHAPULTEPEC. An incident in one of the important battles of the Mexican War. like an attempt to provoke them to make an attack on the American troops. At all events, this was the result of General Taylor s movement. A Mexican force crossed the Rio Grande and killed some American dragoons belonging to a reconnoitring party. At once President Polk sent to Congress a message in in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in 1795, and died in 1849. In 1806 he removed to Tennessee. After being graduated with distinguished. honors from the University of North Carolina he entered upon the study of law. He served the State of Tennessee not only as governor but as member of the national House of Representatives. His manners were simple, and his private life sincere and blameless. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 277 which he declared, " War exists notwithstanding all our ef forts to avoid it exists by the act of Mexico herself. Mex ico has invaded our territory and shed Amer- congress declares ican blood upon American soil." Congress war - therefore declared that war existed " by the act of Mexico," and at once sent troops and supplies to invade Mexican ter ritory (1846). 282. The Character of the Struggle. The American plan of campaign was comprehensive. It indicated that the purpose of the war was the conquest of new territory. Al though the Americans met with stout opposition from Mexico, the American commanders easily carried out their plans. The war was one-sided. The battles were all won by the Americans, even in cases where the Mexicans great ly outnumbered our troops. There were many reasons for the defeat of the Mexicans. Their government was weak and poor ; their generals were inefficient; and their troops were without discipline and proper equipment. Although the Mexicans were spirited and brave, they were greatly inferior to the Americans in intelligence, dash, and endurance. 283. Results of the War. In less than two years Mexico was conquered, and her entire territory was at the mercy of the United States. But however unfair our gov ernment may have been in bringing on the war with this weak country, it was willing to pay for any territory it might secure. Mexico received more than eighteen million dollars 1 for the cession it made to the United States. Nev ertheless, we cannot but regret that our people, distinguished for their keen sense of justice, should have consented to wage this war in the interests of slavery. But the results of the war seemed decidedly favorable to the slavehold ers, who thought they had gained a vast region adapted to the use of slave labor. If we include in the territory acquired by the Mexican war the State of Texas and the parts of Arizona and New 1 The sum paid to Mexico was $15.000,000. The United States also satisfied claims of American citizens against Mexico to the amount of about $3,500,000. 273 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Mexico secured by the Gadsden Purchase 1 a little later, the whole area is equal to more than one hundred and ninety States like Connecticut. 284. The Wilmot Proviso. But there was another re sult which made the war a costly one to the United States, and that was the increased bitterness between the two sec tions over the slavery question. The South insisted that slavery should go into the new territory, and the North in- sisted that it should not. In fact, this quarrel over the question of slavery in the new territory began even before the war was over. For when in 1846 it seemed pretty evident what the result of the fighting would be, David Wilmot, a representative in Congress from Pennsylvania, proposed that slavery should be forever prohibited in all the territory which should be acquired from Mexico. This was called the Wilmot Proviso. It failed of enactment by Congress, but it expressed a policy which was soon to be made a guiding principle by a great political party. Two years later this principle became the political watchword of the Free Soil Party and later of the Republican Party. The Wilmot Proviso marked the swift approach of the downfall of slavery in the United States. TO THE PUPIL 1. Why did the South favor the annexation of Texas ? What was the attitude of the North and the South toward the Mexican War? 2. What were the causes of this war ? How did it begin ? Give three reasons why the Mexicans were defeated in every battle. 3. What were the principal results of the war? Including Texas and the Gadsden Purchase, how many States like your own would the whole territory acquired by the Mexican War equal? What was the Wil mot Proviso ? 4. Read Thomas Nelson Page s " Old South." 1 In 1853 a treaty was negotiated through James Gadsden which settled the dis puted boundary with Mexico. The United States paid $10,000,000 and gained the Mesilla Valley, an area of about twenty million acres. It formed the southern part of what is now New Mexico and Arizona, and b^caoae known as the Gadsden Purchase. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 279 THE MEXICAN CESSION AND THE COMPROMISE OF 1850 285. Discovery of Gold in California and Its Results (1848). California had been valued for its fertile soil and its delightful climate. It had also the fine harbor of San Fran cisco. These attractions drew a few settlers, who in 1848 made a great discovery. Some workmen, in digging a mill- SUTTER S MILL, WHERE GOLD WAS FIRST FOUND IN CALIFORNIA. race for Captain Sutter, a Swiss immigrant, discovered shining particles of gold in a stream flowing into the Sacra mento River, about 100 miles northeast of San Francisco. Upon examination of the surrounding country, the soil, the river-beds, and the rocks were found to be rich with gold. It was a wonderful discovery. Before the close of 1861 these mines had yielded more than $500,000,000. As soon as the news spread abroad people were almost beside themselves with excitement, and at once rushed for the gold region from all the settled parts of Excitement of the the United States. Farmers, carpenters, store- P e P le keepers, and professional men were seized with a desire for sudden wealth, and left their work to seek the golden treasure. Vessels coming into the harbors of San Fran- 280 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES cisco were deserted by their crews, who, with the rest, wild ly rushed with pickaxe and shovel to the mines. There were three routes to California from the Eastern States: the first and longest was by vessel around Cape Horn, the trip from New York to San Francisco in 1848 taking about one hundred and thirty days ; the second was down to the Isthmus of Panama, across it, and up along the western coast to San Francisco ; the third was by slowly moving trains of wagons The three routes and ox-carts overland to California. across the country. By this last route it took one hun dred days to travel to the valleys of California after reaching the plains west of the Mississippi. The difficulties and dangers in crossing the plains and the desert region on the journey were many. The Indians often attacked the em igrants, and in one instance they were encouraged to do so by a few white settlers of southern Utah, who pleaded in palliation that these emigrants had exasperated them beyond endurance. Thousands died on the way, and the bones of human beings, horses, and oxen were strewn along The dangers of tne route The gold-seekers found the Mor- the overland mon settlements near the Great Salt Lake of much convenience, as they could there rest in safety and secure fresh supplies to enable them to reach their journey s end. Large numbers of men flocked to the gold regions. In less than eighteen months after the discovery, California Results of the dis- na< ^ a population of not less than 100,000. In covery of gold in the meantime, San Francisco increased from 2,ooo to 20,000 people, and Sacramento from a little cluster of houses to a place of 10,000 inhabitants. The discovery of gold in California had important results : ZACHARY TAYLOR. ing Mexican Cession I 1 Gadsden Purchase I 1 Territories open to Slavery under Principle of Popular Sovereignty, 1839 Principle of Popular Sovereignty , THE SLAVERY QUESTION 281 (i) By greatly increasing the gold in circulation, it stimu lated trade and commerce; (2) by developing the Pacific coast it led about twenty years later to the building of the first Pacific railroad ; (3) it had, as we shall now see, an important bearing upon the slavery question. 286. California Seeks Admission into the Union as a Free State (I84Q). 1 In about a year after the discovery of gold there were people enough in California for a State. But Congress had been so busy discussing the slavery ques tion that it had not established any government at all there. This was most unfortunate, for among the gold-diggers there were many thieves and ruffians, who were very dis orderly and lawless. Hence the better class of citizens were forced to act without waiting for Congress. They organized a government of their own, established order, and applied for admission into the Union in 1849. As a large majority of the people were from the North, they wished California to be made a free State. 287. Difficult Slavery Questions in 1850. It will be re membered that the Missouri compromise was called forth J Zachary Taylor, twelfth President of the United States (1849-1850), was born in Orange County, Virginia, in 1784, and died in 1850. While he was yet an infant his parents removed to Kentucky, which continued to be his adopted State until 1841, when he made his family home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Al though his opportunities for education were very limited, his keen desire for knowledge led him to study with care ancient and modern history. He became a daring and skilful soldier, serving his country with great distinction as brigadier- general in the Mexican War. " Old Rough and Ready," as he was fondly called by his many admirers, indicates that he was a popular hero. He died in the sec ond year of his Presidency. Millard Fillmore, thirteenth President of the United States (1850-1853), was born in Cayuga County. New York, in 1800, and died in 1874. In early youth he learned the meaning of a life of struggle. Like Lincoln and Garfield, he was a poor boy, and like them he overcame, by invincible determination, almost insur mountable difficulties. Until fourteen years of age he worked on a farm nine months of the year, and attended the primitive schools of those times the remain ing three. At fourteen he was apprenticed to a trade, but managed to find some time for hard study. Later he studied law, and won for himself an enviable posi tion at the bar. Having been elected Vice-President in 1848, he became President on the death of Zachary Taylor in 1850. His kindly manner and never-failing courtesy made him very popular. 282 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES by the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. The whole question was opened afresh by the Mexican cession. Should the territory acquired from Mexico be slave, or free? The North argued that inasmuch as this territory had always been free, it should continue to be so. The South was divided in opinion. Some of the Southerners wished to extend the line of the Missouri Compromise, 36 30 , as a boundary to the Pacific. Others claimed, as in MODES OF TRAVEL IN THE WEST. AN OLD STAGE-COACH AND PRAIRIE SCHOONER. 1820, that Congress had no constitutional right to interfere with slavery ; and that the people in the territories ought to be allowed to decide for themselves whether they should come into the Union as free or slave States. The settlement of the dispute was one of extreme im portance. It involved several points of issue: (i) California wished to come in as a free State, but in that case the bal ance of power in the Senate would be disturbed. Hence there were strong objections from the South. (2) The anti- slavery men continued to urge upon Congress legislation that would abolish slavery, or, at least, the slave-trade in THE SLAVERY QUESTION 283 the District of Columbia. Whether or not Congress had a right to meddle with slavery in the territories, it clearly had a right to enact a measure against slavery S|avery |n Ca ,. for- in the District of Columbia, which was under nia and the DIS- the direct control of Congress. We have ^ct of Columbia. already seen how John Quincy Adams bravely struggled for years in behalf of legislative action against slavery in this district. (3) The South bitterly complained that the North was violating the Fugitive Slave Law, by aiding the escape of slaves from their masters to Canada. All these difficult slavery ques tions were pressing for satisfactory answers, and many people began to fear a dissolution of the Union. Threats of Secession Threats of seces- were freely made by 8ion * some of the more hot-headed pro- slavery men. It was evident that prompt and wise measures must be taken to quiet the violent feelings among people in both sections. 288. The Compromise of 1850. Henry Clay had already fairly gained the title of " Peace-maker" by taking a leading part in securing the Missouri Compromise in Henry ciay the 1820, and the compromise in 1833 settling the " Peace-maker." difficulties brought about by the tariff and nullification in South Carolina. In his old age he was again called upon to help meet these new difficulties in 1850. He therefore prepared what was called the Omnibus Bill, because it made provision for settling many questions. This famous Omnibus Bill, or Compromise of 1850, con tained four essential clauses, two of which favored the North and two the South. They were as follows: The four essentlar (i) California was to be admitted as a free clauses of the State (for the North) ; (2) but in the rest of the Omnlbus B111 - Mexican cession, divided into the two territories of Utah / MILLARD FILLMORE. 24 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and New Mexico, the people were to decide for themselves whether or not they would have slaves (for the South); (3) the slave-trade, not slavery, was to be abolished in the Dis trict of Columbia (for the North) ; (4) but a vigorous and exacting fugitive slave law was to be passed (for the South). Many people thought that this compromise would bring peace and good-will throughout the country. 289. The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Results in the North. Congress had directed that the Fugitive Slave Law enacted in 1793 should be car ried out by the various State governments. As the South charged that the Northern States were neglecting to en force this law in a proper manner, the fugitive slave FUGITIVE SLAVE ADVERTISEMENTS. ClailSC WaS inserted ill the Compromise of 1850, as has just been stated. In accordance with this clause Congress passed a rigid Fugitive Slave Law, which was to be en forced not by State but by Federal officers. By the provisions of this law fugitive slaves, or negroes claimed as fugitive slaves, were to have no trial by jury and were not to be permitted to testify in their own defence. Ail citizens, if called upon, were required to aid the United States marshal in capturing runaway slaves. Many cases of cruelty, injustice, and violence followed. The indignation of the North rose to fever heat, and soon the " higher law " of right and justice was openly pro- indignation in claimed. Some people in the North were the North. ready to defy a law that was in their view cruel and inhuman. 290, Personal Liberty Bills and Their Results in the South. The outcome of this intense opposition to the Fugi tive Slave Law was the passage, by many Northern. States, of the Personal Liberty Bills. These laws granted trial by jury to runaway slaves and in other ways protected them from the severity of the Fugitive Slave Law. Naturally THE SLAVERY QUESTION 285 these Personal Liberty Laws embittered the Southern slaveholders, who accused the North of a desire to break up slavery. They further asserted that in passing these Personal Liberty Bills the Northern States were nullifying an act of Congress and violating the Constitution. 291. The Underground Railroad. Some people in the North secretly aided the runaway slaves in escaping to Canada. The fugitives made their way to freedom by means of the so-called " Under ground Railroad." The " stations " were the houses of persons who received the poor negroes at any hour, night or day, giving them food and shelter and keeping them in a safe hiding-place until they could be sent on to the next " station." In this way they were fed and cared for until they reached Canada, the northern end of this strange railroad. It is estimated that over 30,000 fugi tive slaves escaped to Canada be- HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. tween 1830 and 1860. 292. Uncle Tom s Cabin (1852). In the midst of the stirring discussion about slavery Uncle Tom s Cabin," by Harriet Beecher Stowe, appeared. During the first year after its publication more than 200,000 copies were sold. It was read in all parts of Europe as well as in the United States. It not only appealed to the imagination, but it also touched the heart and conscience. It rapidly caused people to feel that slavery was more than a political ques tion. Through its influence hundreds of thousands of men and women now joined the abolitionists in the conviction that slavery was a great moral evil. 293. Commodore Perry Secures a Treaty with Japan (1854). Two years after the publication of "Uncle Tom s Cabin" Commodore Perry sailed into the ports of Japan with a fleet of steamers. Previous to that time the Japanese had been suspicious of all foreign nations and had refused to 286 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES trade with them. Commodore Perry won the good-will of these people, and they entered into a treaty of commerce with our country. From that time Japan has been on a most friendly footing with the United States. Through her trade relations with this country and Europe she has come into touch with Western civilization, and has sur prised the world by the eagerness with which she has adopted it. 294. Filibustering Expeditions (1851-1860) ; The Os- tend Manifesto (1854). By the admission of California as a free State in 1850 the balance be tween the free and the slave States was destroyed, for now there were sixteen free to fifteen slave States. The outlook for slavery was so gloomy that the Southerners turned their eyes toward Cuba, as they had turned them, a few years before, The slaveholders toward Texas. Slavery eager for Cuba. already existed in Cuba, and if the island could be secured to the Union it would furnish two more slave States. Our government was on friendly terms with Spain, and no pretext for war existed when, in 1851, the first filibustering expedition started out from New Or leans. The scheme ended in disaster, but there were still many greedy eyes turned toward Cuba. Some people thought that Spain might be induced -by treaty to give it up, and even advocated seizure if it could not be got by cession. In 1854, therefore, the United States ministers to England, France, and Spain, acting under in struction from President Pierce, 1 met at Ostend, Belgium, 1 Franklin Pierce, fourteenth President of the United States (1853-1857), was born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, in 1804, and died in 1869. In his class at Bowdoin College, from which he was graduated, were Henry W. Longfellow and Nathaniel Hawthorne, the latter being a life-long friend. Entering the army at the outbreak of the Mexican War, he was so brave that he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. After serving in both Plouses of Congress he was elected FRANKLIN PIERCE. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 287 to discuss the situation. They declared, in the Ostend Man ifesto, that Cuba ought to belong to the United States, and that if Spain should refuse to sell it we should secure it by force. It is perhaps unnecessary to say that the United States did not adopt any such policy. TO THE PUPIL 1. Trace on your map the three routes to California from the Eastern States. What were the results of the discovery of gold ? 2. Explain why California sought admission into the Union as a free State. What were the three difficult slavery questions in 1850 ? 3. In what way was the Missouri Compromise called forth by the Louisiana Purchase ? What question was asked about the Mexican cession? How did the North answer the question? How did the South ? 4. What two clauses in the Compromise of 1850 favored the North ? What two the South ? 5. What was the Fugitive Slave Law, and what were its results ? Ex plain the Personal Liberty Bills and the Underground Railroad. What effect had " Uncle Tom s Cabin " upon the slavery question? 6. What was the purpose of the filibustering expedition? What do you think of the Ostend Manifesto? 7. Read the chapters on slavery in Coffin s " Building the Nation." THE FIGHT FOR SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES 295. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1845.) By the Com promise of 1850 the people in all the territory acquired from Mexico, except California, were to de- The south desires cide for themselves whether or not they would "i^^tte^terri- have slavery. But this act was not enough, tory. The need of the South for a still further extension of slave territory to offset the rapidly growing power of the free North became more pressing every year. By the Missouri Compromise of 1820 slavery was for ever prohibited in the Louisiana Purchase north and west to the Presidency in 1852. Although he believed in " State Rights" and opposed all anti-slavery movements, he urged the people of New Hampshire, in the stormy days following the attack upon Fort Sumter in 1861, to stand by the Union. 288 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES of Missouri, or north of the parallel of 36 30 . In 1854 Stephen A. Douglas, a Democratic Senator from Illinois, claimed that the Compromise of 1850 had repealed the Mis souri Compromise ; moreover, that Congress had no Consti tutional right in 1820 to shut out slavery from the Louisiana Purchase. He therefore proposed the erection of the two territories of Kansas and Nebraska, in which the settlers should decide whether they would have slavery or not. This measure, known as the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, became a law in 1854. It had many important results: (i) It took from Con gress all authority over slavery in the territories, and gave Results of the tn * s authority to the people ; (2) it opened to Kansas-Nebraska slavery all the territories belonging to the United States ; (3) it led to a bitter struggle over Kansas ; (4) and it reopened with renewed bitterness the slavery controversy, which could never again be set tled by peaceable means. 296. The Struggle for the Control of Kansas. Since the people now had authority to decide the question of free dom or slavery in Kansas, both the North and the South made a desperate effort to gain control of the territory. Emigration was no longer a matter of private or personal Emigrant aid interests. There were now urgent political secieties in the reasons why emigration to Kansas should be encouraged from both sections. Meetings were therefore held in many leading Northern cities, and money was raised for the support of emigrant aid societies to send settlers to Kansas. Soon long trains of emigrant wagons were winding their way across the prairies. As the Missouri people refused to let them pass across that State, they were obliged to go north through Iowa. Missouri also made hasty preparations to get control of Kansas. But in this struggle the South was at a disadvan tage, because slave-holders were afraid to risk taking their slaves into a territory that might, by vote of the people, be come free. The South, therefore, did not make such an organized effort to settle Kansas as was made in the North. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 289 Bloodshed in Two rival gov ernments in Kansas. The Missouri pro-slavery men, however, made hasty prep arations to do all they could. Arming- them- selves, they crossed the border and began to plant colonies. Both sides were aroused, and both took part in the plundering, burning, and murdering. 297. Triumph for the Free-State Men. On election days the men from Missouri, who soon became known as " border ruffians," went over to Kansas in large numbers and cast fraudulent votes in the in terests of slavery. By false voting and false counting of ballots the pro-slavery party was for some time ahead. Two rival govern ments were estab lished. Although the anti-slavery men were clearly in the majority, Pres ident Pierce supported the pro- slavery faction and used the influ ence of the administration to secure the admission of Kansas into the Union as a slave State. But in spite of all that could be done by President Pierce and the pro-slavery leaders, the cause of freedom triumphed. After three years (1855-1858) of this civil war, in what was truly called " Bleeding Kansas," the free-State men won a victory, and Kansas was admitted to the Union in 1861 with an antislavery constitution. 298. Assault on Charles Sumner (1856). During the fiery debating in Congress over the difficulties in Kansas, the distinguished anti-slavery leader, Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, made in the Senate a vigorous speech on the " Crime against Kansas." In this speech he severely attacked Senator Butler, from South Carolina. Sumner s Southern enemies became more intense in their hatred of him than ever before. In the midst of the exciting days which fol lowed, Senator Butler s nephew, Preston S. Brooks, who was a representative in Congress from South Carolina, came CHARLES SUMNER. 290 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES suddenly upon Mr. Sumner while writing at his desk in the Senate Chamber and assaulted him. Again and again Brooks struck Sumner over the head with a cane until he Results of the reeled and fell senseless to the floor. Sumner assault. did no t recover from the shock for over three years. This assault increased the bitterness of feeling and made both sections more determined in their actions. 299. New Political Parties (1854). Slavery had brought about in political parties great changes, which we will now The whi s briefly consider. In 1833 tne National Repub lican Party (see par. 244) was succeeded by the Whig Party, of which Henry Clay became the leader. This party opposed the Mexican War. At the close of this war many Northern Whigs and Democrats believed in the principle of the Wilmot Proviso that slavery should be prohibited in all the Mexican cession. They became anti- slavery men and, joining the Abolitionists, formed the Free Soil Party. But while many Northern Whigs became anti- slavery men, many pro-slavery Whigs in the South joined the Democrats. The result was the breaking into frag ments of the Whig Party after 1852. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1854) caused still another split in parties. By reason of this measure all The Republican voters in the North who opposed the further Party. extension of slavery, whether they had been previously known as Democrats or Free Soilers, called them selves Anti-Nebraska Men. In the following year the " Anti-Nebraska Men " began to be called the Republican Party, which has ever since been known by that name. The corner-stone of the Republican Party was the principle con tained in the Wilmot Proviso. TABLE OF IMMIGRATION FROM EUROPE FOR THE YEARS 1845-1856. Number of Year. Immigrants. 1845 1846 154,416 1847 234,968 1848 226, 527 1849 297,024 1850. 310,004 Number of Year. Immigrants. 1851 379.466 1852 371,603 1853 368,645 1854 427,833 1855 200, 877 1856 200,436 THE SLAVERY QUESTION 2QI 300. Immigration from Europe. Before 1840 the total number of foreign immigrants into the United States during any one year never exceeded 100,000. A reference to the immigration table given above will show that from 1845 onward, especially after 1848, the increase was surprisingly great. During almost the whole decade from 1840 to 1850 there was in Europe much unrest, and this led The reasons for to political disturbances extending through many European countries. In 1846 and 1847 a terrible famine in Ireland caused thousands to seek homes in the United States. The discovery of gold in California, also, had a great influence in stimulating the desire to seek a land where the working man could have prosperity, political freedom, and happiness. As can be seen by noting the rapid increase of population in many of our Western States and Territories, a large number of these immigrants joined the westward movement. TABLE OF POPULATION IN WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES IN 1840, 1850, AND 1860. STATES. POPULATION. Illinois 1840. 472,2^4 1850. 846,074 1860. 1,704,32 ? 478 698 Q77 1^4 I 33Q OOO 42,0,24. I9I,88l 673,844 211,560 39^071 742,314 \Visconsin ...... ... ...... .... .... 3O 74Q 304,7^6 m,7io 01,6^6 361, -K3 6,0^8 171,864 Utah JI.7C4 40,214 Colorado ... ....... .... . .. . 34. 231 106, ^70 28 7CQ 2,337 It is significant that nearly all of them sought the North. They avoided making their homes in the why Immigrant8 South, because there labor was servile and would not settle degrading. In fact, the slave-holders did not lntheSouth - encourage European immigrants to come South because HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES they thought the presence of free white laborers might dissatisfy the slaves with their condition and lead them to rise in insurrection. The slave-holders even guarded against the spread of intelligence among their slaves, on account of the discontent intelligence was sure to bring about among the blacks. 301. Economic and Social Conditions in the South. We see, then, that slavery in the South prevented the in crease of population there by immigration, and thus hin- OLD PLANTATION DAYS. dered the most rapid development of its resources. There were reasons, also, within the South s own boundaries, which explain why it did not keep pace with the North in indus- Three reasons trial prosperity : (i) The negroes were so lazy behln^thrNor^h and careless tnat on tne average two or three in prosperity. slaves in the South would do only as much work as one free laborer in the North. (2) Since slavery degraded labor, the large class of people in the South known as " poor whites" would work but little. (3) The planters themselves spent most of their time in leisure, leavii? their business in charge of overseers. When we bear in mind that of the three great classes of people in the South the planters, the poor whites, and the slaves the planters did nothing, the poor whites as little as they could, and the slaves not more than half as much as the THE SLAVERY QUESTION 293 same number of intelligent free laborers would have done, we cannot be surprised that the South was so rapidly out stripped by the North in productive power and therefore in wealth and prosperity. 302. Economic and Social Conditions in the North. While there were three great classes in the South, there was in the North, so far as production was concerned, but one. In this section nearly ail belonged to the working, producing class. In the North, there was the busy hum of industry. A spirit of enterprise, manifesting itself in agri culture, manufacture, trade, and commerce, was everywhere present. All labor was honorable and idlers were few. Such being the industrial conditions, the North was soon far ahead of the South in population, in productive power, and in political influence. 303. Influence of the "West in Favor of Nationalism. Again glancing over the tables of population in some of the Western States and territories from 1840 to 1850 and from 1850 to 1860, we shall see that the increase was very great. Nor was it all due to foreign immigration. Much of it was the result of the large movement of population from the Eastern States. The prairie lands, so fertile and so easily brought under cultivation, invited The prairies and the laborer to begin life anew where indus- the railroad, trial conditions highly favored prosperity. The railroad encouraged the movement by making the transportation of emigrants and goods rapid, easy, and inexpensive. It is worth while to notice that only a small part of this westward emigration was from the South. Frlendly re i a tions The West was being rapidly occupied by men between the North who were not in sympathy with the slave- andtheV holding planter. Moreover, when these people in the West began to find a market for their corn, wheat, and other produce, they traded with the North because the North had what they needed. The North and the West found mutual profit in trade. With common interests they soon found themselves having common sympathies and common political aims and purposes. 294 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Year by year the West became more and more like the North. Her loyalty to the Union was unquestioned. Hav ing received statehood from the national government, the Western States had very little of that State Rights feeling National feeling so common in the South. They were first of in the west. a }[ Americans, ready to stand up for the pres ervation of the Union whenever it should be in danger. When the inevitable clash of arms between the North and the South came in 1861, the West erner was on the side of the North, and shouldered his musket in behalf of a Union which he had unwittingly helped to weld into a solid, indivisible nation. 304. The Financial Panic of 1857. The great financial panics of the last century occurred at intervals of about twenty years. You will recall that the panic of 1837 was preceded by unusual business prosperity. The same condition existed before the panic of 1857. It was easy to get money, and men were seized with the desire to make fortunes by speculat ing in Western lands. Railroads were built faster than they could get business support. The discovery of gold in Cali fornia and Australia had increased the money in circulation Causes of the and thus contributed to the general feeling of P anic - prosperity. Extravagance in living followed. Trade was greatly stimulated, and soon there was an over-production of goods. There had been too much credit, and that brought on the panic. In August, 1857, the crash came and everywhere there was great business distress. 305. The Dred Scott Decision (1857).! The Kansas- Nebraska Bill (1854) deprived Congress of all authority over 1 This noted decision was made public in the first year of Buchanan s adminis tration. James Buchanan, fifteenth President of the United States (1857-1861), was JAMES BUCHANAN. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 295 the question of slavery in the Territories and left it wholly in the hands of the people. Then began the The principle oi struggle between the two sections for control. ^ g p n u t ^ a p p ^ e r d " to It was soon evident that the North, with ail the territories. greatly superior resources, must win the other Territories just as it had won in Kansas. The South was dismayed at the prospect and looked about for some means of escaping from the apparently hopeless situation. The means was found in the Dred Scott Decision (1857). Dred Scott was a slave belonging to an army surgeon. In 1834 this surgeon went with his slave from Missouri to Illinois, and some years afterward to Minnesota Territory. On the return of master and slave to Missouri, Dred Scott claimed that, inasmuch as he had been taken by his owner into free territory, he himself was a free man. The case was finally tried in the Supreme Court of the United States. The decision supported the extreme position the pro-slavery men had taken. It declared, in effect, (i) that a slave, according to the Constitution, was not a person but a chattel or mere piece of property ; (2) that the Missouri Compromise, forbidding slavery in a part of the Louisiana Purchase, was unconstitu tional, since Congress had no right to interfere with slavery in the Territories; (3) and that a master had as much right to take his slave with him into a free State as he had to take his horse, his cow, or any other kind of personal property. This decision was far-reaching. It meant nothing less than the extension of slavery all over the Union. It inten sified the anti-slavery feeling in the North, where many threatened that they would not obey the decision. The slave-holders became reckless. They even went so far as to reopen the slave-trade with Africa, for the importation born near Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, in 1791, and died in 1868. After his gradu ation from Dickinson College he studied law. He filled many public positions of great responsibility. Besides serving in both Houses of Congress, he became Sec retary of State under President Polk and minister to England in Pierce s adminis tration. As President of the United States during the trying years just preceding the Civil War, he was severely blamed by the Unionists because he did not take a firm stand in opposition to the secession movement. 296 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES LAST MOMENTS OF JOHN BROWN. From a painting by Thomas Hovenden. Copyright, 1883, by Thomas Hovenden. of slaves was carried on from 1857 to the outbreak of the siave-trade with Civil War. This high-handed proceeding a AfHca re-opened, direct violation of the law prohibiting the importation of slaves after 1808 indicated that all hope for further compromise was useless. 306. John Brown s Raid at Harper s Ferry (1859). John Brown was a thorough-going abolitionist, who had taken a prominent part in the struggle for Kansas. He had a strong John Brown and will, a rugged, intense nature, and was deeply his plan. religious. He believed that slavery was a curse to the nation, and that he himself was an instrument in God s hands to put an end to it in this country. The only way to carry out his purpose was, as he thought, to make slave-property insecure. His plan was to aid the slaves in rising and then escaping to the mountains of Vir- ginia, which would become a rallying-place for the negroes. THE SLAVERY QUESTION 297 Having- this aim in view, in the autumn of 1859, w i tn about twenty followers, he seized the arsenal at Harper s Ferry. His plan met with disastrous failure. He was captured, brought to a speedy trial, and hanged. Throughout his trial he was calm and dignified, and he died bravely. The South was alarmed and angered by this delib- Results of the erate plan to stir up a general uprising of raid - slaves. A large majority of the Northern people also bit terly condemned it. John Brown s raid increased the mis understanding and widened the breach between the two sections. The irrepressible conflict was now at hand. TO THE PUPIL 1. How did the Kansas-Nebraska bill differ from the Missouri Compro mise ? What important results did it have ? What struggle did the North and the South make to get control of Kansas ? 2. You can easily see how such a struggle would stir up bitter feelings in the people of the North and of the South. The assault on Charles Sumner illustrates well the intensity and depth of this feeling. 3. You will do well to note that the "Anti-Nebraska Men " banded to gether on the one issue that there should be no further extension of slavery. The members of the Republican Party did the same. The fight all along, except in the case of the Abolitionists, was about the extension of slavery into new States. 4. Why did European immigrants refuse to settle in the South ? Give three reasons why the South fell behind the North in prosperity. 5. Account for the friendly relations between the North and the West, and for the national feeling in the West. 6. Before taking up the Dred Scott decision review the following topics : Natural boundary between the free and the slave States before the purchase of Louisiana ; the Missouri Compromise (1820) ; the Com promise of 1850; the Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1854). 7. What extreme ground was taken by the slave-holders in the Dred Scott Decision ? What were the far-reaching results of this deci sion ? 8. What was John Brown s plan ? What were the results of his raid ? 9. Subject for debate: Resolved, that slavery was a social, industrial, moral, and political evil to the South. 10. By ail means read Harriet Beecher Stowe s " Uncle Tom s Cabin." CHAPTER XVIII SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR (1860-1865) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, IV.; An- drew s United States, II. ; Burgess s Civil War and Reconstruction; Wilson s Division and Reunion ; Coffin s Building the Nation ; Richardson s History ot Our Country; Champlin s Young Folks History of the War for the Union; Barnes s Popular History of the United States. OUTSIDE READINGS: Wilson s A History of the American People, IV.; Comte de Paris s Civil War ; Draper s Civil War; Rhodes s United States, III. and IV.; Ropes s Story of the Civil War, I. and II.; Qreeley s American Conflict; Alexander H. Stephens s War Between the States; Jefferson Davis s Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government; Qoldwin Smith s United States; Pollard s Lost Cause; Spear s The History of Our Navy, IV.; Morris s Half Hours with American History, II.; Ropes s Army Under Pope; Doubleday s Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; Fiske s The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War; Cox s March to the Sea; Pond s Shenandoah Valley; Coffin s Drum-Beat of the Nation; Coffin s Freedom Triumphant; Coffin s Marching to Victory; Soley s Sailor Boys of 61 ; Soley s Blockade and Cruisers; Parker s Recollections of a Naval Officer; Hague s Blockaded Family; Maury s . Recollections of a Virginian; Dodge s Bird s-Eye View of the Civil War; Johnson s Short History of the War; Nicolay and Hay s Abraham Lincoln; Horse s Abraham Lincoln; Brooks s Abraham Lincoln ; Pratt s Lincoln in Story; Tarbell s Abraham Lincoln ; Grant s Personal Mem oirs; Adams s Charles Francis Adams; Lothrop s William H.Seward; Davies s General Sheridan; Mahan s Admiral Farragut; Lee s General Lee; Sher man s Memoirs; Sheridan s Memoirs; Home s General Thomas; McClel= Alan s Own Story; Cooke s Robert E. Lee; Cooke s "Stonewall" Jackson; Hughes s Joseph E. Johnston ; Church s Ericsson ; Qoss s Recollections of a Private ; Trumbull s War Memories of an Army Chaplain ; Gordon s Rem iniscences of the Civil War; Hart s Romance of the Civil War; Alcott s Hos pital Sketches; Livermore s My Story of the War. FICTION: Page s In Ole Virginia; Page s Among the Camps; Page s Two Little Confederates ; Henty s With Lee in Virginia; Trowbridge s Cud- joe s Cave; Trowbridge s Three Scouts; Trowbridge s Drummer Boy; But- terworth s In the Boyhood of Lincoln; Goss s Tom Clifton; Stoddard s Bat tle of New York; Churchill s The Crisis. 298 SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 299 POETRY: Holmes s View of the Loyal North; Holmes s Our Country; Whittier s Barbara Frietchie; Harte s John Burns of Gettysburg; Read s Sheridan s Ride; Work s Marching through Georgia; Tenting on the Old Camp Ground; Stoddard s Burial of Lincoln ; Longfellow s Decoration Day. THE WAR BEGINS 307. Slavery Splits the Democratic Party (1860). By 1860 the question of slavery caused a split in the Demo cratic Party. The Northern Democrats believed in the principle of popular sovereignty , which allowed the people in the territories to decide for themselves whether or not they would have slaves. The Southern Democrats declared that the Constitution imposed upon Congress the duty of pro tecting slavery in the territories, and they supported their view by the Dred Scott Decision. The Republican Party declared that the Constitution imposed upon slavery in the Congress the duty of forbidding slavery in the territories. territories and repudiated the Dred Scott Decision. This party did not at that time favor the abolition of slavery. The great political issue, therefore, in the campaign of 1860 was the extension of slavery into the territories. The Northern Democrats nominated for President Stephen A. Douglas; the Southern Democrats, John C. Breckin- ridge ; and the Republicans, Abraham Lincoln. As the Democratic vote was divided the Republicans elected their candidate. 308. Abraham Lincoln. 1 The new President was one of the most remarkable men that the country has produced. While Lincoln was still young, his parents, who were of very humble origin, moved to Indiana. His home sur roundings were such as a log hut in the backwoods could 1 Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States (186*1-1865), was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, February 12, 1809, and died at the hands of an issassin in 1865. His father, who could neither read nor write, removed to In diana when his son was only seven years of age, and later to Illinois. After serving as captain in the war with the Black Hawk Indians Lincoln was elected as a mem- ber of the Illinois State Legislature. In 1837 he began to practise law and soon became distinguished for his ability as a lawyer. In 1847-1849 he served a Rep 300 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES furnish, and his advantages were few. He had less than a year s training in the rude schools of the region ; yet de spite his rough exterior he developed into a youth of manly character. He became known as "Honest Abe." His clear head and good judgment caused him to be selected as a judge to settle disputes among his friends and neigh, bors. He was six feet four inches in height and a giant in strength. His opportunities for reading were so limited that it was hard work for him to make much headway with even the few books he could get. But he was patient and persevering in the Patient and per* face ol difficulties, and severing. gradually won a great reputation as a debater and public speaker. He had a keen sense of humor, was a good story-teller, and possessed a rare power in winning men over to his views. His mag netic influence, joined to his clear judgment and sincerity of purpose, thus made him a great leader in the affairs of the nation. 309. The Southern Point of View. Soon after Lincoln s elec tion, South Carolina, the leader in the attempt to dissolve the Union, passed the Ordinance of Secession (December 20, 1860). The Southern leaders did not closely discriminate between Abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown, and Republicans like Seward and Lincoln. Therefore, when the Republican candidate was elected, these leaders naturally thought that resentative in Congress. He first attracted special attention, however, by his able speech in reply to Stephen A. Douglas on the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. This speech and his great reputation led to his nomination by the Republicans in 1858 for the United States senatorship. Douglas was nominated by the Demo crats. The contest was a memorable one. Although Douglas secured the election, Lincoln s brilliant debating with Douglas led to his nomination for the Presidency in 1860. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 301 slavery would thrive better out of the Union than in it. Like Calhoun, Southern leaders in general were more at tached to their States than to the Union. The state first And, since they believed that the separate in the south. States were possessed of sovereign power, they also be lieved that any State could withdraw, or secede, from the Union whenever it pleased. 310. The Northern Point of View. The North believed, as Webster had declared (1830), that the Constitution was LINCOLN S BIRTHPLACE. not a compact between sovereign States but the fundamental law of the nation ; that the Union was " now and forever, one and inseparable." With the South the The Union first State was first and the Union second: with in the North. the North the Union stood first, and no State had a right to secede from the Union against the consent of the other States. According to the latter view, peaceable secession, as Webster said (1850), was impossible. When, therefore, South Carolina passed the Ordinance of Secession, she gave the signal for a terrible struggle in which the life of the nation was threatened. 311. Slavery the Real Cause of the War. The follow ing were the principal steps in the disagreement 1 resulting in Civil War between the North and the South. By reason of an unfavorable soil and climate, slavery did not pay in 1 Of course the two sections had long disagreed on the tariff question also. But we have already seen how slavery led to this disagreement. 302 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES the North, while it seemed to pay in the South. As the moral sentiment against slavery increased in the North, steps toward the the South saw that the interests of the slave- Civiiwar. holder demanded an extension of slavery into new States. The North objected. This disagreement ar rayed the sections against each other. Finally the Southern slave-holders declared that, since the States were nations with sovereign power, they had a perfect right to secede from the Union and erect a Con federacy with slavery as the corner-stone. When eleven of the fifteen slave States tried to break up the Union by secession, the free States were determined to preserve the Union, and the result was the Civil War. Slavery, there fore, was the real cause of the war, although secession was the occasion of the outbreak. 312. Secession of the Remaining Cotton States and Organization of the Confederacy. Within six weeks after the secession of South Carolina, the six other cotton States, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, had likewise seceded. The cotton States naturally seceded first, because there slave labor was more profitable than in other parts of the South. On February 4, 1861, delegates from all these 1 States except Texas met at Mont gomery, Alabama, and proceeded to the organization of the " Confederate States of America." 2 Jefferson Davis, 3 of 1 The South was disappointed because some of the slave States did not secede and because the Northern people were so united. The Secessionists did not expect the cause to meet with such firm opposition throughout the North. 2 The Confederate capital was removed from Montgomery, Alabama, to Rich mond, Virginia, on May 20, 1861. 3 Jefferson Davis was born in Kentucky in 1808, and died in 1889. After graduating from West Point (1828) he served in the army for some years and then became a cotton-planter in Mississippi. He took his seat in Congress in 1845, but again entered the army on the outbreak of the Mexican War. He distinguished himself for bravery in this war, receiving a severe wound at the battle of Buena Vista. He represented his State (Mississippi) in the United States Senate in 1847-51, and was Secretary of War under President Pierce. He again entered the Senate in 1857 and there remained until the beginning of the Civil War, when he resigned. He was elected President of the Southern Confederacy and remained in that office until the end of the war. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 303 Mississippi, was elected President, and Alexander H. Ste phens, 1 of Georgia, Vice-President. 313. Advantages of the North. In this great struggle the North and the South were more evenly matched than is sometimes supposed. The North had many advantages: (i) She had a population of twenty-three millions, while the seceding States had but nine millions, three and a half mil lions of whom were slaves. (2) She had many factories, by means of which the necessary mili tary supplies could be furnished to her armies. The South had to get her supplies from abroad. 2 (3) The North had a navy that gave her command of the sea, while the South, having put nearly all her energies into the cultivation of rice, cotton, sugar, and tobacco, had few sailors and no navy. Her extensive sea- coast and large rivers were therefore open to attack from Northern vessels. (4) The North had also a greater number of able business men and far more wealth than the South. The industrial system of the North had developed men of the highest business ability. 314. Advantages of the South. The South had the fol lowing advantages: (i) Fighting on the defensive, on her Alexander H. Stephens was born near Crawfordsville, Georgia, in 1812, and died in 1883. After graduating from the State University at the head of his class, he studied law and soon began his long political career by securing an election to the State Legislature. As a representative in Congress for sixteen years, 1843-59, he proved himself to be a statesman of conspicuous ability. In 1860 he vigorously opposed secession, but when Georgia seceded "he went with his State." He was elected Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy and continued in that position throughout the Civil War. The year before his death he was elected governor of Georgia. He was a man of very slight, frail body, and toward the end of his life had to be wheeled about in a chair. 2 Not until the war was half over did the Confederates succeed in building and equipping the factories necessary for supplying their troops with guns and ammuni tion. JEFFERSON DAVIS. 304 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES own soil, she needed fewer soldiers. Generally she could select her own positions behind breastworks and could fight near her base of supplies. On the other hand, many Northern troops were required to garrison strategic points that had been captured in the South. Before the war had closed a large proportion of the Union soldiers were guard ing conquered territory. (2) At the beginning of the war the South had most of the experienced generals. (3) More over, the Southern people, almost exclusively devoted to the out-door life of agricultural pursuits, were well pre pared to endure the severe physical strain demanded of a soldier in time of war. (4) The Southern troops, accus tomed to the woods of the South, had a great advantage also in that considerable part of the fighting took place in the woods and wild regions. 315. The South Seizes National Property; the Star of the West. Throughout the area of secession the South at once began to seize custom-houses, forts, arsenals, and all other property belonging to the United States. Some of President Buchanan s Cabinet were Southern men in full sympathy with the secession movement, and they took ac tive measures to aid the South by sending arms and military supplies to Southern forts. Buchanan did not believe in the right of secession, but neither did he believe that the National government Buchanan s inde- had a right to use coercion. As he was in diswteVipon sympathy with the Southerners on the slav- the union. ery question, he was unwilling to oppose them by preventing secession. The seceding States were there fore allowed to do much in preparation for war before Lin coln came into office. If the iron-willed Andrew Jackson had been President, in place of Buchanan, secession would probably have been put down before gaining much head way. Buchanan, with unfortunate indecision, let things drift, and by this let-alone policy brought disaster upon the Union. Before Lincoln s inauguration the South was ready for a terrible struggle. Early in January (1861) President Bu- MAP OF THE UNITED STATES SHOWING IRSTASJD SECOND SECESSION AKE and the Four Slave States that did not C3 Union Free States. (JUnion Slave holding CD Statei weeded before April 15, 18C1. C3 States seceded after April 15. 1861. Territories controlled by the Federal Government. N/ c g lountain Area of the South outlined thus: _._ I QL 50 100 200 300 400 Scale of Miles. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 305 chanan sent the merchant steamer Star of the West with men and supplies for Major Anderson of the United States army, who had command at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, but the South Carolina army in Charleston fired upon the steamer and prevented her reaching- the fort. 316. Lincoln s Inaugural Address. The time for de cisive action had at last come. In the midst of intense ex citement all over the Union Lincoln started from his home in Illinois for Washington. Before reaching Baltimore he was informed that a plan had been laid to assassinate him as he passed through that city. He therefore changed his plans and went to Washington at night on a special train. In his inaugural address (March 4, 1861) he said he had no intention of interfering with slavery, because he thought the Constitution had given him no such authority. But he declared that he would do everything in his power to pre serve, protect, and defend the Union. President Lincoln s address was free from bitterness, but left no doubt of the firmness of his purpose to uphold the Constitution. 317. The Confederates Capture Fort Sumter. Neither the North nor the South wished to strike the first blow, but the South was eager to get possession of Fort Sumter. Major Anderson was in command here with asmall force of about eighty fighting men. The Confederates had an op posing army of between 5,000 and 6,000 men. Moreover, Major Anderson had only a small supply of provisions on hand. About one month after the inauguration of Lincoln the latter decided to send supplies to the garrison. Two days after this decision reached South Carolina General Beauregard, who commanded the Confederate troops in Charleston, demanded the surrender of the fort. When Major Anderson refused, Beauregard opened fire at 4.30 on the morning of April 12, 1861. For thirty-four hours the brave garrison, with little to eat, held out The brave Httie against the overwhelming forces of the enemy, garrison makes a On the morning of the second day the Con- 8tubborn defense - federates, firing hot shot, set on fire the barracks and other wood-work in the fort. The flames were dangerously near 306 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES the powder magazine, and the smoke almost suffocated the soldiers. Falling flat upon the ground, they covered their faces with wet cloths for protection, but would not give up. At last, seeing that there was no hope of supplies reaching the garrison, Major Anderson was compelled to surrender. On Sunday afternoon, the i4th, the Union sol diers saluted the Stars and Stripes with fifty guns, and, with drums beating " Yankee Doodle," marched out of the INTERIOR OF FORT SUMTER AFTER THE BOMBARDMENT IN 1863. fort to embark for New York. In this bombardment no one was killed on either side. The North was ablaze with indignation at the attack on Fort Sumter. Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for Results of the 75,ooo volunteers (April 15), and declared attack on Fort Southern ports to be in a state of blockade sumter. (April 19). Troops flocked to Washington. The North thrilled with martial enthusiasm. The South was surprised. The secessionists had looked for compro mise, but war had begun. In the North and in the South alike armies were promptly organized. 318. Secession of Four More States. When Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas were called upon to furnish their quota of troops to the National army, they SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 307 refused. Although these States had not wished to secede, they believed in the right of secession, and therefore when it became certain that the government meant to coerce their sister States to remain in the Union, they voted to secede. The secession area was thus extended over eleven States. 1 319. Battle of Bull Run. When, early in July, the Northern army had driven the Confederate forces out of West Virginia, the people in the North became impatient for an advance upon Richmond. General McDowell was in command, in Washington, of a Union army (of about 30,000 men). General Patterson (with about 18,000) was in the Shenandoah Valley watching General The opposing Joseph E. Johnston 2 (with 9,000), and the Con- forc * 8 federate army, commanded by General Beauregard, with 22,000, was posted at Manassas Junction, about thirty-five miles from Washington, on a little stream called Bull Run. This position was selected by the Confederates because it could be easily reached by rail with men and supplies, and because an advance upon Washington from this point would be easy. Here, on July 21, McDowell made an attack upon the Confederates, in which he seemed at first to be winning a 1 The remaining slave States, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, did not secede. The mountainous parts of western Virginia, not being adapted to the cultivation of rice, cotton, sugar, or tobacco, had no large plantations, and there was not a large ownership of slaves in that part of the State. The people, therefore, did not sympathize with secession, and early in 1861 withdrew from Virginia and organ ized a separate State government under the name of West Virginia. In June, 1863, West Virginia was admitted to the Union. The attitude of this State toward the war is an interesting illustration of the intimate connection between soil and climate and slavery, and between slavery and secession. In the mountainous regions still farther south many of the people were loyal to the Union. It is estimated that 100,000 of these mountain whites fought in the Northern armies. 2 Joseph E. Johnston was born in Longwood, Virginia, in 1807, and died in 1891. He was graduated from West Point in the same class with Robert E. Lee, who was ever after his warm, personal friend. Like Lee, he did not favor seces sion, but "went with his State " when it seceded. Next to Lee he was probably the ablest Confederate general. After his success at the battle of Bull Run he fell into a serious disagreement with Jefferson Davis, the effect of which was to injure the Southern cause. Johnston s defensive campaign in Georgia in 1864, when Sher man was advancing upon Atlanta, showed military ability of a high order. 308 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES victory by forcing- back a part of the Confederates a dis tance of a mile and a half. At the critical moment, how- The Northern ever, the Confederates were reinforced by surass*u| lr re- fresh troops from the Shenandoah, where John- treats in a panic, ston had eluded Patterson with his entire army, most of which had joined Beauregard on July 2oth. The Federal army fled in a panic toward Washington, but LONG BRIDGE ACROSS THE POTOMAC AT WASHINGTON, D. C. the Southern army, by reason of its crippled condition, made no attempt at pursuit. 320. Results of the Battle of Bull Run. This battle probably benefited the North more than it did the South. The Confederates seemed to think the war was over and began to seek .their homes. But the defeat caused the North to appreciate the need of putting 1 forth all her ener gies in preparation for the great struggle which, it was now evident, could not be avoided. General McClellan, who had been very successful in driving- the Confederates out of West Virginia, was called from his victories there to or ganize and drill the army. During the autumn and winter the warring forces were busy fortifying their respective SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 309 capitals, Washington and Richmond, and gathering all pos sible strength for the campaigns of 1862. 321. The Trent Affair. To secure aid for the South ern cause Mason and Slidell had been selected by the Con federate government as commissioners to England and France. In November, 1861, they escaped the blockade at Charleston and took passage at Havana on the British mail steamer Trent. Captain Wilkes, of the United States war- vessel San Jacinto, stopped the Trent not far from the Bahama Islands, took off Mason and Slidell, and confined them in Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. 322. England Resents the Cap ture of Mason and Slidell. For this act Captain Wilkes was greatly applauded by Northern people, but England was highly indignant and at once began to make preparations for war. She sent troops and war- vessels to Canada and w r as unnec essarily harsh in her demands that the prisoners be given up. President Lincoln, knowing that the War of 1812 was brought about mainly because England claimed the right to stop and search neutral American vessels at sea, wisely refused to approve the course taken by Captain Wilkes. Accordingly he at once gave up the prisoners President Lincoln to England, with the statement that Captain gives up Mason Wilkes had acted without any authority from andsndeIL the United States Government. But the North could not help thinking that England was not only insolent in her de mands, but over-hasty in her preparations to make war upon us. Ill-feeling between the two countries was thus aroused and was a source of more or less irritation throughout the war. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN. 3*0 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE PUPIL 1. You are now ready to study the Civil War. Only a few of the great battles are described in this history, but these will enable you to understand the character of the terrible conflict. You do not need to know the details of military movements, but you do need to know what kind of men your country sent to the camp and battle field. Were they brave men ? Were they manly, vigorous, and true ? Find out as you study the war. 2. How did slavery split the Democratic Party ? What did the Repub licans think of slavery ? Learn all you can about the life and char acter of Abraham Lincoln. 3. What was the Southern point of view of the Constitution? The Northern point of view ? Recall the liberal construction and the strict construction theories of the Constitution in the time of Ham ilton and Jefferson. Explain how slavery was the real cause of the war. 4. Why were the cotton States the first to secede ? Name the advan tages of the North and of the South in the war. 5. What was President Buchanan s attitude toward the secession move ment ? Contrast this attitude with that of Andrew Jackson toward nullification. What was the result of Buchanan s attitude ? 6. Why did the Confederates attack Fort Sumter? Imagine yourself to have been in the fort with the brave little garrison and describe your experience there. What were the results of the attack on Fort Sumter ? 7. Why did Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas secede ? Account for the refusal of the people in the western part of Virginia to join their State in the secession movement. 8. Locate on your map the position of the opposing forces just before the Battle of Bull Run. What were the results of this battle? 9. What was the " Trent affair " ? Do you think President Lincoln acted wisely in giving up Mason and Slidell ? Give reasons for your answer. 10. By reading the opening chapter of Ropes s " Story of the Civil War " you will get a clear idea of the difference between the Northern and the Southern point of view of the Union. THE NATION IN PERIL 323. Union Plan of the War. Not until the opening of 1862 was a plan of operations matured by the North. This plan, at the outset, was threefold: (i) To blockade SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 311 Southern ports ; (2) to open the Mississippi ; (3) to capture Richmond. The successful carrying out of this plan led also to Sherman s campaign in Georgia in 1864. 324. England and King Cotton. At the outbreak of the war people at the North supposed they had only the South to deal with. They soon found, however, that they had to contend with an insidious influence from abroad. When Jefferson Davis said, " Cotton is king," 1 he doubtless thought that England s money and friendship could be se cured by her need of cotton. In 1860 the cotton exports, most of which went to English factories, amounted to more than $202,000,000. Many English manufacturers and mer chants and 4,000,000 English working people were depend ent upon Southern cotton for their means of support. The Southern leaders naturally thought that these English manufacturers and working people would never submit to any action on the part of the North which would cripple their industries. It was therefore expected by the Con federates that the need of cotton in England would win for them the sympathy of the English people. 325. The Blockade. But from the beginning of the struggle the North was determined to blockade the South so effectually that the latter could neither send cotton to England nor receive in return the much-needed supplies for her soldiers and homes. In the end, as the world knows, the South was forced to give up the struggle be cause of a lack of the very supplies which cotton alone could procure ; in other words, the Confederacy was starved into submission by the blockade. Although, as stated above, the cotton exports in 1860 had amounted to $202,000,000, in 1 86 1 the exports fell in value to $42,000,000, and in 1862 to $4,000,000. In the remaining years of the war the blockade was so effectual that the value of the cot ton exports was not worth consideration. 326. The Merrimac and the Monitor. It was to break the blockade that the Merrimac was set afloat. When the 1 At the beginning of the war the cotton States in the South furnished nearly two thirds of all the cotton used in the world. 312 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Norfolk navy-yard was abandoned by the United States Government at the outbreak of the war, among the ships The Confederates burned and sunk was the frigate Merrimac. a ?hV l Merru C This had been one of the largest and finest mac. , ships in the navy. The Confederates raised her and converted her into an iron-clad. Up to this time very few iron-clad frigates had been built, and none had been tested in war. The Confederate naval officers V DECK OF THE MONITOR. thought, however, that one iron-clad would be much more effective in reducing the Union navy and raising the blockade than a whole fleet of wooden craft to match those generally in use. The history of the naval duel between the Merrimac and the Monitor shows how wisely the Con federates planned. The hull of the Merrimac was razed to the water s level. The vessel was rebuilt with sloping sides, plated with iron four inches thick, and was furnished with a cast-iron beak and a formidable battery. The Merri mac had been many months in construction, and when, about noon of March 8, 1862, she steamed into Hampton Roads, where the United States had a fleet of five powerful war-vessels, she was not wholly unexpected. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 313 In advancing to meet her, three of the blockading squad ron ran aground on account of low water. But the Con gress and the Cumberland, supported by the batteries on the shore, made ready for the attack. They poured broad side after broadside into the Merrimac as she The Merrimac approached. The balls rebounded from her *? iron sides with no effect. The Merrimac squadron, steered straight for the Cumberland, discharging a broad side into the Congress in passing. Continuing her fire she rammed her iron beak into the Cumberland s side, making a great hole, into which the water rushed. The crew of the Cumberland continued firing until they reached the water s edge, and when they went down their colors were still fly ing. The Merrimac then turned to the Congress, poured hot shot into her, set her afire, and forced her to surrender. At nightfall the Merrimac steamed back to her landing, expect ing to complete her work of destruction the following day. Great was the joy in the South that night, and great was the consternation in the North. Statesmen were grave, the people terrified. The blockade was broken consternation in at Norfolk. Soon it might be broken at other the North, ports, and Northern commerce might be ruined by the ravages of this invulnerable sea-monster. But in history, as in fiction, it is the unexpected that of ten happens. That night a strange-looking craft came into the harbor. It was Ericsson s Monitor^ which had been completed in New York two days before. The The Monitor Monitor was an experiment, and her construe- arrives just in tion had been pushed with desperate energy, that she might be ready as soon as the Merrimac. She was built with an iron-plated deck almost level with the water, and had a revolving iron turret with two powerful guns. The purpose of this peculiar construction was to present as little resisting surface as possible to the enemy s guns. The Confederates well described her appearance when they said she looked like a Yankee cheese-box on a raft. She had arrived just in time. The following morning the Merrimac steamed out of 314 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Norfolk confident of a victory over the other three frigates. She steered for the Minnesota, by the side of which the Monitor was lying, and soon found that she had a new ad versary to deal with. The Monitor steered straight for the Merrimac, and one of the strangest naval battles ever fought The sturdy little t> e g an - The duel continued over three hours. Monitor saves At points the Merrimac s armor was crushed the union. but nQ(; p i erce( j. Captain Worden of the Monitor received a wound which delayed the action for a little, and the Merrimac withdrew. Neither side cared to continue the struggle. The Merrimac had met her match and made no further attempt to break the blockade. The sturdy little Monitor had saved the Union. This fight revolutionized naval warfare, for it showed that the days of wooden war-vessels were at an end. Against such iron-clads as the Monitor and the Merrimac wooden vessels of the finest type were useless. 1 327. The Importance of the Mississippi. In order to cut off the South from communication with the rest of the why the North world, it was necessary not only to maintain ^troiofth? the blockade but to g ain possession of the Mississippi. Mississippi River. For by way of Mexico trade was kept up with European countries to some extent. Other advantages would be secured to the North by getting control of this river: (i) Such control would cut the Con federacy in two, making Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana of little use to the Southern cause; (2) it would prevent the South from getting supplies of any sort from the region west of the Mississippi ; (3) it would enable the North to use her navy to great advantage in concentrating troops in the rear of the Confederacy and in getting supplies to her armies in that region ; (4) it would open the Mississippi to the trade of the West and the Northwest. 1 Neither of these famous iron-clads ever again took part in a battle. When, two months later, McClellan forced the Confederates to evacuate Norfolk, they destroyed the Merrimac, which drew so much water that she could not steam up the James River to Richmond. In December of the same year the Monitor went down, with most of her crew, in a storm off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 315 328. Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson. It was one thing- to cut off the South from the rest of the world ; it was quite another to get possession of her vast territory. But this last was necessary also. Early in the war the Con federates had been driven from West Virginia and from Missouri. In the winter and spring of 1862 the Federal generals began a series of movements whose twofold pur pose was to open the Mississippi to the North and gain possession of Tennessee. To defend Tennessee, the Confederates had built Fort Henry on the Tennessee and Fort Donelson on the Cum berland. Their line of defence, as will be seen The Confederate by consulting the map, extended from Colum- ne of defence, bus through Forts Henry and Donelson, Bowling Green, and Mill Springs, to Cumberland Gap. To break this line of defence, it was necessary for the North to capture Forts Henry and Donelson. By capturing the two forts the two important rivers would be under the control of Northern vessels, and Nashville would have to be abandoned by the Confederates. Columbus, when cut off from support, would also have to be given up without a struggle. With all these things in view, General Grant, with the aid of Commodore Foote, moved upon the two forts. Com modore Foote soon captured Fort Henry (February 6); and General Grant, 1 after a hard fight, received the surrender of Fort Donelson with nearly 15,000 prisoners (February 1 6). By this important victory the first Southern line of defence in the West was thus broken, and Columbus and Nashville fell into the hands of the Federals. 329. The Battle of Pittsburg Landing (or Shiloh). The Confederates now fell back upon another line of de fence, extending from Memphis, through Cor- General Grant at inth, an important railroad centre, to Chatta- nooga. Under General Albert Sidney John- Bueii. ston, the Confederate army, 40,000 strong, took position at 1 When General Buckner sent to Grant for terms of surrender the following an swer was sent : " No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works." 316 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Corinth. General Grant, with 33,000 men, advanced as far as Pittsburg Landing- on the Tennessee River, about twenty- four miles from Corinth. Here he waited for Buell, who was hastening from Nashville to join him with an army of 27,000 men. On Buell s arrival the Federal army was to attack Johnston s forces at Corinth. Before Buell could reach Pittsburg Landing, however, Johnston attacked Grant early on Sunday morning, April 6. PARAPET AT FORTRESS MONROE. It was a terrible day. By nightfall the Confederates had driven Grant s troops back a mile and a half toward the Grant wins a river. But before morning Buell s fresh troops victory. nac j come up, and they assisted Grant in driv ing the Confederates from the field. In this battle about 20,000 men were killed or wounded. Among the killed was General Albert Sidney Johnston, whose death was a serious loss to the South. 330. Capture of New Orleans. New Orleans was im portant to the South because it controlled the lower Missis sippi. Thirty miles from the mouth of the river were two forts nearly opposite each other. Between them were Confederate stretched across the river immense chains defences. fastened to the hulks of old vessels. A little farther up the river was a strong fleet, which included a formidable iron- clad ram like the Mcrrimac and a floating battery covered with railroad iron. There were also fire- rafts ready to be turned loose upon the Federal vessels, SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 317 Commodore Farragut, who was in command of a fleet of nearly fifty wooden vessels that was to attack Farragut runs by these forts, advanced up the river to New Or- the forts. leans There General Butler, with an army of 15,000 men, GRANT S " UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER " LETTER. By Permission of General James Grant Wilson. was to aid in getting- possession of the city. After bom barding the forts for six days without making much im pression, Farragut determined to run by them at night. It was a desperate undertaking, but it succeeded, and easily SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 319 brought New Orleans into the possession ot the Union forces (April 25). With the aid of the river gunboats the Federals had, before the close of 1862, opened the river as far down as Vicksburg. This city and Port Hudson alone remained in possession of the Confederacy. 331. The Peninsular Campaign (1862). These brilliant victories were in marked contrast with the failure of the army under General McClellan. As we have Mccieiian creates already seen, he was placed in command of a splendid army, the Army of the Potomac, which was intended for the de fence of Washington and the capture of Richmond. Be fore the opening of the spring campaign in 1862, he had, by thorough organization and drill, created a splendid army. His original plan was to approach Richmond by the James River. Lincoln opposed this because he thought that Washington would thus be exposed to attack. He therefore urged the wisdom of approaching Richmond over land from the north, in order to keep the Federal army between the Confederates and Washington. Mccieiian objects McClellan objected because there were so to Lincoln s plan. many rivers to be crossed, every one of which could, for defensive purposes, be made a Confederate stronghold. The swampy forests of this region were also in the same way of great value to the South. It is no exaggeration to say that these natural advantages were worth many thou sand troops to the Confederate army, and it is unfair to McClellan and Grant not to take them into account. McClellan adopted neither Lincoln s plan nor his own, but compromised by approaching Richmond by way of the peninsula between the James and the York Rivers, making his base of supplies on the latter. McDowell was stationed near Fredericksburg, between the main Confederate army and Washington. In this posi tion he could protect Washington or unite McDowen with McClellan, as occasion required. To stationed at prevent an attack upon the capital by way of the Shenandoah, well known during the war as the " back MAP ILLUSTRATING VIRGINIA CAMPAIGNS AND BIC CLELLAN S ROUTE, SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 321 door to Washington," Union forces were stationed there under Banks and Fremont. 332. McClellan Advances up the Peninsula. Starting at Fortress Monroe on April 4, 1862, McClellan, with 120,- ooo troops, advanced along the York River Mccieiian sto s to Yorktown. Here, instead of storming the for a month at town, he laid siege to it. When he was ready Yorktown - for an assault, the Confederates, having held him in check for a month, withdrew, and thus gained time to strengthen A MORTAR BATTERY IN FRONT OF YORKTOWN. their defences about Richmond. McClellan hurried after them and fought an indecisive battle at Williamsburg, from which the Confederates retired toward their capital. McClellan then advanced slowly, and by the end of May found himself within ten miles of Richmond. By that time the Confederates defending Richmond numbered 70,000. Dividing his army, McClellan encamped upon both sides of the Chickahominy. He made this arrangement so as to establish easy connection between his north wing and Mc Dowell, who (with 45,000 men) was near Fredericksburg with 322 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES orders to be in readiness to unite with McClellan. Heavy rains caused the Chickahominy to swell, thus separating the two wings. General Johnston took advantage of the Battle of situation to attack the division south of the Fair oaks. r i ver at p a j r Qaks (Seven Pines), and threat ened to overwhelm it, but McClellan got reinforcements across and stayed the retreat. 333. " Stonewall" Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley; McClellan Changes his Base of Supplies. In order to prevent McDowell from joining McClellan, General Rob ert E. Lee, who was now in command of the Confederates, 1 sent " Stonewall " Jackson down the Shenandoah Valley to threaten Washington. Jackson defeated Banks and Fre mont, and so thoroughly alarmed Lincoln that the latter ordered McDowell to return to the defence of Washington. After playing havoc with the Union forces in the Shenan doah Jackson hastily joined Lee. Now that McDowell was prevented from joining the at tack upon Richmond, McClellan changed his base of sup plies to the James River. During the week that he was The "Seven Days transferring the army to the new base of sup- Batties." pii es ^g terrible "Seven Days Battles," in which McClellan lost 15,000 men, were fought. At Malvern Hill, the field of the last of these engagements, Lee repeat- 1 Lee had succeeded General Joseph E. Johnston, who was wounded in the bat tle of Fair Oaks (May 31). Robert E. Lee, son of Henry Lee, or "Light-Horse Harry," of Revolutionary fame, was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1807, and died in 1870. He was graduated from West Point in 1829, ranking second in a class of forty-six. He distinguished himself for bravery in the Mexican War and rose to the rank of colonel. After Virginia seceded in 1861 Lee decided "to go with his State." He therefore resigned his commission in the army of the United States, and a little later took command of the Virginia State troops. When, at the battle of Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks (1862), General Joseph E. Johnston received a serious wound that temporarily unfitted him for active service, Lee was put at the head of the Confederate army. From that time to the end of the war he was the leading Confederate general and handled his troops with consummate ability. Military critics rank him and Grant as two of the foremost commanders of this century. Lee won the confidence of the Southern people, who regarded him with unbounded admiration and affection. At the close of the war he became president of what is now Washington and Lee Uni versity, where he spent the remaining years of his life. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 323 edly charged but was driven back with fearful slaughter. The Army of the Potomac fought here with magnificent heroism. Had McClellan taken immediate advantage of this victory he might, by a vigorous attack, have captured Richmond. As a whole, the Peninsular Campaign failed and caused bitter disappointment in the North. 334. Lee s First Invasion of the North (1862). Mc Clellan made no further attempt upon Richmond. In the A FEDERAL BATTERY IN THE FIELD. meantime Halleck had been put in chief command of the Union armies. Pope was appointed to take command of the forces in northern Virginia and McClellan was ordered to join him. Before McClellan could reach Pope, however, Lee pushed north. He united his forces with "Stonewall" Jackson s, which had been sent to surprise Pope s rear. After defeating Pope in the second battle of second Battle of Bull Run he marched across the Potomac BuiiRun. into Maryland, where he thought he would receive large recruits. In this he was disappointed. The great major ity of the Maryland people were loyal to the Union, and 3 2 4 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES plainly showed this in their attitude toward the invasion. When Lee s men marched into the State singing " My Maryland people Maryland" there was not a word of welcome loyai to the union. f rom t j, e p eO ple. On reaching Frederick, Lee was surprised to find not only places of business shut, but even the doors closed and the blinds drawn. The North, however, fearing an attack upon Baltimore, Washington, or Philadelphia, was greatly alarmed. 335. Battle of Antietam (Sep tember 17, 1862). After Pope s de feat in the second battle of Bull Run, McClellan, having united Pope s army with the Army of the Potomac, started in pursuit of Lee. On September 17, with an army of 70,000, he attacked Lee, who, with about 40,000, had taken his position at Sharpsburg, behind Antietam Creek. This battle was one of the bloodiest of the war. Although Lee Lee retreats successfully defended into Virginia. himself against the at tack of the Union army, he had to retreat into Virginia without hav ing gained anything by his first invasion of the North. Some people thought McClellan ought to have routed or captured Lee s army. As he did not follow the Con- , who su- federates he was severely criticised for being S ^ OW an d overcautious, and was superseded by Burnside. Burnside was as rash as Mc Clellan was cautious, and later in the autumn met a crush ing defeat when he attacked Lee, who was intrenched in a strong position at Fredericksburg. The year s operations had been successful for the Union cause in the West, but unsuccessful in the East. 1 1 One of the bloodiest battles of the war was fought at the end of this year at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Beginning December 31 (1862), it lasted three days, and resulted in the retreat of the Confederates after the most stubborn fighting. ROBERT E. LEE. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 325 TO THE PUPIL 1. What was the Union plan of the war? In what way did Jefferson Davis think that the cotton trade would secure the friendship of England for the Southern cause ? Why was it extremely important for the North to blockade the South ? 2. What did the Merrimac accomplish on the first day she attacked the blockading squadron ? What were the results of the fight be tween the Merrimac and the Monitor ? 3. Name four or five advantages to the North in securing control of the Mississippi. What purpose had the Confederates in building Forts Henry and Donelson ? What effect did the capture of these forts by the Federals have upon the Confederate line of defence ? 4. What was the second Confederate line of defence ? What were the causes and results of the Battle of Shiloh ? Why was New Orleans of importance to the South ? 5. Are you making constant use of your map ? 6. What was McClellan s plan of approaching Richmond ? What was Lincoln s ? Which do you think was the better plan ? Give reasons for your answer. For defensive purposes, what natural advantages had the Confederates in Virginia?- Why was General McDowell left at Fredericksburg ? 7. Point out on the map Yorktown and Williamsburg, and show their connection with McClellan s advance upon Richmond. What was the purpose of " Stonewall " Jackson s movements in the Shenandoah ? What was the result ? 8. After reading as much as you can on the Peninsular Campaign, give reasons for McClellan s failure to capture Richmond. 9. Why did Lee decide to invade the North ? How was he disap pointed ? What were the results of the Battle of Antietam ? THE TIDE TURNS 336. Lee s Second Invasion of the North ; Battle of Gettysburg (1863). After Burnside s repulse at Fredericks- burg in December, 1862, he retired to winter Hooker , 8 defeat quarters. Before the campaign of 1863 opened at chanceiiors- Hooker was put in command. In April he ville advanced to Chancellorsville with 1 13,000 men, and attacked Lee, who had 62,000.* Lee again badly defeated the Army 1 In this battle the Confederates met with a grievous loss in the death of " Stone wall " Jackson. Through a mistake he was fired upon by some of his own men. Thomas J. Jackson, often called " Stonewall " Jackson, was born in 1824, in Har- 326 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES of the Potomac. These two victories made the South jubi lant, but depressed the North. With an exultant and confident army Lee planned to invade the North a second time. Early in June he marched down the Shenandoah, crossed the Potomac, and advanced into Pennsylvania. The whole country was wild with ex- citement. Lee hoped to win a decisive vic- tory, capture Baltimore or some other great Northern city, and dictate terms of peace. He had reason to believe that a victory on Northern soil Lee s reasons for FUGITIVE NEGROES FORDING THE RAPPAHANNOCK. would lead England and France to recognize the indepen dence of the South. These two countries were only wait ing until some pronounced success on the part of the South should afford them a reasonable excuse for giving such recognition. risen County, Virginia (now West Virginia), and was graduated from West Point in 1846. He took part in the Mexican War, where he was promoted for good con duct. He resigned from the army in 1851, on receiving an appointment as profess or in the Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington, Virginia. He was so eccentri< that he became unpopular with the students, who did not regard him as a man of ability. Although he was opposed to secession he thoroughly believed in State rights, and therefore "went with his State" when it seceded. As soon as he took command of troops on the battle field he showed himself to be a splendid soldier. By his stubborn bravery at Bull Run he won the name of " Stonewall" Jackson, and rose at once to the rank of major-general. He was Lee s ablest subordinate, and, next to Lee, was probably the most popular Confederate general. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 327 Lee advanced his army toward Chambersburg and en camped in that vicinity. Hooker crossed the Potomac east of the mountains, marched north to Frederick, and sent a detachment west through the mountains to menace Lee s line of supplies. In order to draw off the Union forces from his rear, Lee marched eastward to TTT . . . Lee s advance. threaten Washington. On the very same morning Meade, who had superseded Hooker, started north from Frederick, keeping east of the mountains to protect Washington. The two ar mies were thus marching toward each other, and each The two armles Was ignorant Of the meet at Gettys- other s movements. They unexpectedly met at Gettys burg and fought a three-days battle (July I, 2, and 3). On the first day the advance forces of the Union army, being greatly out numbered, were driven through Gettysburg with a loss of 5,000 prisoners. The Confederates also suffered heavy loss in killed and wounded. That night the Union army took a strong position on Cemetery Ridge, just south of the town. This ridge, three miles in length, is in the shape of a fish hook, with Gulp s Hill for the barb and Round Top at the extreme southern end. Just north of Round Top was Little Round Top. Lee s army took position on Seminary Ridge, lying about a mile west of Cemetery Ridge and nearly parallel with it. On the second day of the battle the Confederates made two vigorous assaults, one at Gulp s Hill on the right wing of the Union army and the other in front of Little Round Top on the left wing. Al though the Confederates gained some slight advantage, there was no definite result on either side. Having 1 failed to break the Union flanks and having re- The first day. THOMAS j. (" STONEWALL") JACKSON. The second day. 328 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ceived Pickett s fresh division, Lee spent the next morning in preparation for a grand assault on the Union centre, where he hoped to be more successful. By one o clock in the afternoon he had placed in position on Seminary Ridge The furious can- more than a hundred guns. The Federals nonade. could find room for only eighty on Cemetery Ridge. At one o clock the Confederate guns opened fire, and until three the furious cannonade continued. At that time the fire slackened on Cemetery Ridge in order to let the guns cool in time for the expected attack. The Confederates thought they had silenced the Union batteries, and that the mo ment for the South to make one mighty effort had come. General Pickett, who was to lead this assault at the head of some of the best Virginia troops, was ordered to Pickett s cnarge. , , advance. In three magnificent lines, with a front a mile long, 15,000 Confederates charged across the field. The sight was thrilling, but soon the murderous fire from the Northern guns began to cut them down by hundreds. The fearful slaughter thinned the advancing lines. Still they pressed on. As they neared the first line of Northern troops, Lieutenant Cushing, a Union officer, although mortally wounded, pushed the only remaining gun of his battery to the fence and shouted to his commander, " Webb, I will give them one more shot/* As he fired he fell, saying " Good-by." Pickett s men broke through the first line. Armistead, one of Pickett s gener als, leaped over the fence, raised aloft his sword, upon the H1AP OP S THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. Union Lines =__ Union Defenses Confederate Lines Confederate Defenses 1/2 1 2 SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 3 2 9 point of which he swung his hat, and shouted, " Give them the cold steel, boys ! " Just as he laid his hand upon a Union gun to capture it, he was shot down. From every side the Union men came rushing headlong upon the enemy. The struggle that followed was terrific. Men and officers were mingled together in one seething mass, each man fighting for himself. Pickett s men were soon repulsed, and with their lines broken into fragments they were driven back with disas trous loss. The failure of Pickett s charge insured Lee s defeat at Gettysburg, and with Defeat of that defeat the tide Pickett s men. turned. Next day, while Grant was receiving the surrender of Vicksburg, Lee began his retreat toward the Potomac. After this failure the South was unable to secure a foothold in the North. 1 337. Capture of Vicksburg; Opening of the Mississippi River. At the close of 1862 Vicksburg and Port Hudson were the only Confederate strongholds left on the Mississippi. After months of unsuccessful effort to take Vicksburg from the north, Gen eral Grant moved his army down on the west bank of the river and, crossing over to the east bank, Grant attacks made an attack from the south. Pemberton, Vicksburg from who was in command of the Confederates in Vicksburg, marched out to meet Grant, hoping to unite with Johnston, who was hastening to join him. Before the union of the two Confederate armies could be effected, Grant drove Pemberton into Vicksburg and compelled Johnston to retreat. Grant s bold plan was brilliantly executed. 1 In this battle Meade s army (infantry and artillery) numbered about 82,000; Lee s about 74,000. Each army had in addition about 11,000 cavalry. Meade lost in all about 23,000; Lee 30,000, or more than one-third of his entire force. GEORGE G. MEADE. 330 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The Confederates starved into surrender. He then laid siege to the city (May 19), cutting it off from supplies of all kinds. Flour sold for $1,000 a barrel (Confederate money). Provisions became so scarce that even rats and mule-flesh were used as food. So many thou sand shells were thrown into the city daily that many people abandoned their homes. They lived in caves which they dug in banks where the streets had been cut through the hills. In about seven weeks the Confeder ates were starved into surrender. On July 4, 1863, the clay after Lee s defeat at Gettys burg, Pemberton sur rendered Vicksburg with 32,000 men. When, four days later, Port Hudson was cap tured, the Mississippi River, to its mouth, was under the control of the North. 338. Slavery and the Emancipation Proclamation (Janu ary i, 1863). In his inaugural address President Lincoln had declared that he would not interfere with slavery where it already existed because he had no constitutional right to do so. But as The slaves aid tne war proceeded it became evident that the cause of the blacks in the South were a great source the south. of stren g t h to t h e Confederate cause ; for while masters enlisted in the army, slaves by their labor supplied food not only for Southern families but for the SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 331 support of the Southern army. In this way they were aiding the cause of the South about as much as if they had been able to bear arms. Moreover, the sentiment in regard to slavery was changing in the North. People had come to look upon it as the cause of the war, and many de sired the government to attack it as a war measure. As commander-in-chief of the armies of the United States, President Lincoln had authority to set free all slaves THE FIRST READING OF THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. in territory conquered by the Union armies. Just after the Battle of Antietam, therefore, he warned the seceded States (September 22, 1862) that unless they returned to the Union before January i, 1863, he would set their slaves free. As none of these States returned, the emancipation procla mation was issued on January i, 1863. From that time the North fought not only for the Union but for the abolition of slavery. 1 339. Employment of Emancipated Blacks in Northern Army Stops Exchange of Prisoners. It was but one step further to arm the blacks and make them soldiers. If the 1 General Butler, early in the war, confiscated the negroes whom he found em ployed in throwing up earthworks for the Confederates near Fortress Monroe. He fed and protected them, regarding them as contraband of war, 332 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Emancipation Proclamation was issued as a military neces sity in order to weaken the South and to make the issue of the war perfectly plain to the world, the same military necessity would call for the arming of these emancipated slaves. Before the end of the war there were enlisted in the Union armies 180,000 blacks, who made good soldiers. The Confederates bitterly resented the employment of their former slaves in the Union armies and refused to recognize A FEDERAL CAVALRY CAMP WINTER QUARTERS. the negro soldiers or their officers in exchanging prisoners. This led to mutual misunderstanding and ended in stopping all exchange of prisoners. As a result, thousands of sol diers languished in prisons and suffered much from disease and famine. 1 340. Conscription in the North; Draft Riots. In 1863 the North found it advisable to resort to a conscription or draft. All able-bodied men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five were enrolled, and from the enrollment a cer tain proportion was chosen by lot. The draft was very unpopular, and in New York City, on July 13, 1863, a serious riot took place, lasting four days and resulting in the de- 1 Some of the noted Southern pisons were Libby Prison and Belle Isle in Rich mond, Virginia, and Andersonville, in Georgia. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 333 struction of much property. The mobs showed especial hatred toward colored people, brutally killing- many. The riot was finally put down by the aid of troops sent from Gettysburg. 341. Conscription in the South. In April, 1862, by an act of the Confederate Congress, all able-bodied white men between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five were required to enter the Confederate army. In the autumn of the same year all white men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five were in cluded in the conscription law, and before the close of the war even boys of sixteen and seventeen and old men were included. So hard pressed for men were the Confederates that just before the war came to an end their Congress had decided to enlist some of the slaves in the Confederate army. When all exchange of prisoners was stopped, the South, by reason of the scarcity of fighting men, was much more seriously crippled than the North. The whole number of men captured from the armies of the North and the South in the entire war amounted to a half-million. 342. Battle of Chickamauga (1863). After the loss of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, the strongest and most im portant position held by the Confederates in The importance the West was Chattanooga, 1 which was not oi Chattanooga, only a great railroad centre, but the key to eastern Tennes see and the gateway to Georgia. General Rosecrans, in 1 From the outbreak of the war the Confederates had made a strenuous effort to get control of Kentucky and Tennessee. The outcome was the remarkable middle Tennessee campaign in 1862. On the last day of the year the battle of Stone s River, or Murfreesboro, was fought, Rosecrans being the commander of the Northern army and Bragg of the Southern. The result was the retreat of Bragg with his army greatly weakened. This battle kept the South from capturing Nashville, and made easier the movement of the Northern army against Chatta nooga in 1863. GEORGE H. THOMAS, "THE ROCK OF CHICKAMAUGA." 334 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES command of the Union army in Tennessee, advanced with 55,000 troops upon Chattanooga, which was occupied by Bragg. By moving to the south of this place, Rosecrans threatened Bragg s line of supplies and compelled him to withdraw from Chattanooga and take position at Lafayette (September 19-20), twenty-six miles to the south. Here Bragg received a strong body of reinforcements and vigorously attacked the Union army, now outnumbered. He overwhelmed and routed the right wing, General Thomas and WOuld saves the Union i army from ruin- have Pt ous defeat. to TO lit the entire army but for the unflinching courage of General Thomas, the " Rock of Chicka- mauga," who coolly held his position on the left until the rest of the army could make a safe retreat to Rossviile on Missionary Ridge. 343. Siege of Chat tanooga. Although Bragg defeated the Union army in the bat tle of Chickamauga, he did not secure what he greatly desired Chattanooga itself. He therefore strongly fortified himself on Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, overlooking Chattanooga, and tried to cut off the Union army from its supplies. The situation became serious. For weeks all the Union supplies had to be brought over a single mountain road for a distance of sixty miles. When Grant, who had superseded Rosecrans, reached Chattanooga about the middle of November, the number of horses and mules had been so reduced by starvation that GENERAL GRANT AND STAFF ON POINT LOOKOUT, 1863. Critical situation of the Union army. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 335 the artillery could not be moved. 1 The soldiers were liv ing on half-rations, and had not enough ammunition left for a single day s battle. But in five days after reaching Chattanooga Grant 2 got control of the river line of sup plies. From that time the army, which had been cooped up in Chattanooga for months, had an abundance of food. 344. Battle of Chatta nooga. Having received reinforcements, Grant now decided to attack Bragg, Who OCCUpied Bragg s strong a very strong position. position, with his right flank resting on the northern end of Missionary Ridge, his left flank on the northern end of Lookout Mountain, and his centre stretching across Chattanooga Valley. His line was twelve miles long and on the flanks ap peared to be almost im pregnable. On November 24 Grant sent the gallant Hooker and his men to charge up the rocky heights of Lookout Mountain. This charge resulted in desperate fighting " above the clouds," and in driving Bragg s left flank from its mountain strong- 1 Ten thousand horses and mules had starved to death. 2 When seventeen years of age (see par. 371) Ulysses S. Grant received an ap pointment to a cadetship in the Military Academy at West Point. Although he did not take high rank in scholarship, he became the finest horseman in his class, and showed a marked aptitude for mathematical studies. Entering the army after graduation, he distinguished himself for bravery in many important battles of the Mexican War. He remained in the army until 1854, when he resigned his com mission, and continued in private life until the beginning of the Civil War. Dur ing these years he tried farming, store-keeping, and selling real estate, but did not have much success. In 1861 he received a commission as colonel of an Illinois regiment, and, by his extraordinary military skill and ability, rose to the rank of HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES hold. Early next morning Sherman vigorously assaulted the north end of Missionary Ridge. Until three o clock in TWO heroic ^ e afternoon he struggled to drive the enemy charges by the from the heights, but in vain. Then Thomas s union troops. men were orc jered to j o j n tne attack. Like a mighty whirlwind they swept away all opposition in their grand charge up the hill. Bragg s army, overwhelmed and defeated, fled from the battle-field in confusion. TO THE PUPIL 1. Observe that after Lee s retreat from Antietam he defeated the Army of the Potomac in two battles, the first at Fredericksburg (December, 1862), and the second at Chancellorsville (April, 1863). What reasons had Lee for a second invasion of the North in 1863 ? 2. Trace with care upon your map the location of the two armies on the second day of the battle of Gettysburg. As this is one of the world s great battles you will do well to understand it. Describe Pickett s charge. What were the most striking results of the battle ? 3. Before studying the capture of Vicksburg review the following battles fought to open the Mississippi in 1862: Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, the battle of Shiloh, and the capture of New Orleans. Now you are ready to describe the capture of Vicksburg. Read General Grant s excellent account of it in his " Personal Memoirs." 4. How did the slaves aid the Confederate cause ? What was the source of President Lincoln s authority to set free any of the slaves in the South ? What was the Emancipation Proclamation ? After its issue what was the North fighting for ? 5. Why was it natural for the North, after emancipating the blacks, to employ them as soldiers? What effect did such employment have upon the exchange of prisoners ? 6. Why was Chattanooga an important military position? What led to the battle of Chickamauga, and how did General Thomas save the Union army from rout ? Describe the critical situation of the Union army when Grant reached Chattanooga. What were the results of the battle of Chattanooga ? 7. You will find Coffin s books on the Civil War very interesting. lieutenant-general (1864) in command of the Union armies. His brilliant strategy at Vicksburg and Chattanooga in 1863, and his advance upon Richmond in 1864- 65, proved him to be one of the greatest military leaders of all time. His iron will, resolute purpose, cool judgment, and unflinching courage never failed him in the hour of trial and danger. He was also a man of singularly pure and gentle spirit, with a high sense of public duty. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 337 THE HAMMERING CAMPAIGN 345. The Union Plan of 1864. In March, 1864, Grant, who had won the confidence of the people by his campaigns in the West, was raised to a military rank sec- General Grant ond only to that of the President, with the title LTd^TtTe of lieutenant-general. 1 In reality he was placed union armies, in command of all the Northern armies. By the close of 1863 the Confederacy had been cut down to Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The Union armies had now to get control of these four States. Grant was to attempt the capture of Richmond, which was defended by Lee ; Sherman was to get control of Georgia by defeating Johnston, who had command of the Confederates there. The watchword in the East was "On to Richmond;" in the West, "On to Atlanta." These two movements were planned to begin at the same time, early in May, so that, if possible, the Confederate armies might be pre vented from aiding each other. 346. " On to Richmond." Grant s advance upon Rich mond began (May 4) by crossing the Rapidan and entering the Wilderness. He had i2O,ooo a men against Lee s 62,000. For two days in the thick, gloomy woods, where the enemy could not be seen twenty feet away, a terrible struggle ensued. Grant s loss was se vere, but he pressed on, writing to Lincoln, " I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." As Grant moved forward, terrible battles were fought at Spott- sylvania Court House (May 8-18) and at Cold Harbor 1 Before that time only Washington and Scott had been made lieutenant-generals. 2 Grant s army, arranged in ranks of four, the ranks being five feet apart, would extend a distance of more than twenty-eight miles. GENERAL U. S. GRANT. In the Wilderness. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (June 3). Before the close of June he had lost more than 60,000 men, and Lee, 40,000. Realizing after this great loss of life that he could not capture Richmond by attacking it from the north, Grant Grant transfers transferred his army across the James in order his army across to attack the city from the south. Here an attempt was made to capture Petersburg (July 30) by exploding a mine under the outer Confederate defences. The explosion was followed by a vigorous as sault, but the plan failed. 347. Early s Raid in the Shenandoah. -It will be re membered that in 1862, when McClellan was near Richmond, BUILDING A PONTOON BRIDGE. " Stonewall " Jackson was sent into the Shenandoah to threaten Washington and prevent McDowell from reinforc ing McClellan. In 1864 Lee tried in the same way to weaken the attack upon Richmond. Toward the last of June he sent Early with 20,000 men to threaten Washington Early threatens by way of the Shenandoah. Early swept on ^rnscfambert until he met General Lew Wallace with a burg. much smaller force on the Monocacy River, not far from Washington. Here Wallace fought a losing battle in order to detain Early long enough for Grant to got a part of his army into Washington. These troops reached the city just in time to prevent its capture. A lit tle later Early again pushed down the Shenandoah across SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 339 the Potomac into Pennsylvania, where he burned Chambers- burg;. 348. Sheridan in the Shenandoah. To put an end to such raids in the North, General Sheridan 1 was sent with 30,000 men to watch General Early and to lay waste the fruitful Shenandoah Valley. After defeating Early and chasing him up the valley, Sheridan destroyed 2,000 barns filled with grain and farming implements and seventy mills filled with flour and wheat, besides driving off thousands of sheep and cattle. A few days later, while Sheridan 2 was away, Early surprised the Union army at Cedar Creek, and drove it back seven miles. This was the occasion of " Sheridan s Ride " Sheridan s from Winchester, R ide -" about fourteen (not " twenty ") miles away. On Sheridan s arrival he found that the Union forces had been formed in battle array. Early s army was totally defeated (October 19) and driven in confusion from the field. 1 Philip H. Sheridan was born in Ohio in 1831, and died in 1888. He was graduated from West Point in 1853. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War he was made chief quartermaster of the army in the southwestern part of Missouri. He handled his troops so ably at the battle of Murfreesboro that he was promoted to the rank of major-general. He gave further striking evidence of military skill and dar ing at Chickamauga and Chattanooga. In 1864 Grant had Sheridan put in com mand of all the cavalry in the Army of the Potomac. His campaign in the Shenan doah was one of the great military achievements of the war. He was so popular that he was called by his men " Little Phil." Some years before his death he became lieutenant-general, and on his death-bed was promoted to the rank of general -in-chief. 2 In the early morning of the battle, General Sheridan, who was at Winchester on his return from Washington, was informed of the firing in the direction of Cedar Creek. Mounting his handsome coal-black horse, he rode at full speed toward the scene of battle. When he met the retreating soldiers he shouted, "Turn back, men turn back ! Face the other way ! " His inspiring presence heartened the soldiers. With waving hats they cried, "Sheridan! Sheridan! " and cheerfully followed their leader as he dashed forward. Sheridan s ride changed defeat into overwhelming victory. PHILIP H. SHERIDAN. 340 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Sherman s difficulties. 349. " On to Atlanta." Early in May, 1864, Sherman, 1 with 100,000 men, was at Chattanooga, facing Johnston, with importance of 64,000, at. Dalton. It was desirable to get Atlanta and possession of Georgia because it was the workshop, the arsenal, and the storehouse of the Confederacy. Sherman s plan was to capture Atlanta, an important railroad and manufacturing centre, and then to pass on to the sea and destroy the sup plies necessary to sus tain the Confederate armies. 2 Sherman had great difficulties to face. In the first place, an able general, Joseph E. Johnston, opposed him ; in the second place, every mile of advance took him far ther away from his base of supplies at Nashville. He soon had to protect a long line of com munication which the enemy was constantly trying to 1 William T. Sherman was born in Lancaster, Ohio, in 1820, and died in 1891. Having graduated from West Point in 1840, he remained in the army until 1853 and then resigned his commission to engage in business. At the outbreak of the Civil War he became a colonel and took part in the battle of Bull Run. Soon after that battle he was raised to the rank of brigadier-general and transferred to Halleck L command in the Department of the West. His great military skill was shown at Shiloh and in the memorable Vicksburg campaign. When, therefore, Grant was placed in command of all the Union armies in 1864, he secured the appointment of Sherman as commander of the armies of the West. The " March to the Sea," one of the notable military achievements of modern history, followed. Sherman was among the ablest generals of the Civil War. When Grant became general-in- chief of the army in 1866, Sherman was made lieutenant-general, and when Grant was elected President, Sherman was promoted to the rank of general-in-chief. 2 Such a course may seem cruel, but it is just as good generalship to starve an army into submission as to kill with firearms. Its effect is to shorten war and save life. DESTROYING A RAILROAD AT ATLANTA, GA. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 341 destroy. Johnston s plan was to draw him as far as pos sible from Nashville, always avoiding a pitched battle. Sherman s plan was to flank Johnston and threaten his line of communication with Atlanta. By a series of flank move ments Sherman compelled Johnston to retreat. Battles were fought at Resaca, New Hope Church, and Kenesaw Mountain. Both generals were skilful, but Johnston, by his cautious movements, failed to satisfy the Confederate authorities. He was superseded by Hood, who was as rash and impetuous as John ston was careful and capture of cautious. Hood at once Atlanta. made desperate attacks upon Sher man and was soon defeated. By cutting the railroad connections on the south Sherman captured Atlanta (September 2, 1864). 350. Sherman s " March to the Sea." A little later Sherman, cut ting loose from all communication with the North, started through Georgia on his famous march to the sea, which was some two hundred miles away. Hood, by moving northward, tried to draw Sherman after him, but Sherman sent Thomas to look after Hood, while he himself moved southward from Atlanta. After destroying three hundred miles of railroad and laying waste the country over a belt sixty miles wide, " from Atlanta to the sea," Sherman, with the loss of less than a thousand men, reached Savannah just before Christmas. He presented Savannah as a "Christmas gift" to the government. 1 In the mean- 1 The following was Sherman s message to the President : SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 22, 1864. To His Excellency , President Lincoln, Washington, D. C. : I beg to present you, as a Christmas gift, the city of Savannah, with one hun dred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition ; also about twenty-five thou sand bales of cotton. W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General. WILLIAM T. SHERMAN. 342 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES time Tnomas so thoroughly routed Hood s army at Nash* ville that it could not be brought together again. 351. Capture of Mobile. As we have seen, one of the leading purposes of the North was to prevent, by blockade, the export of Southern cotton. By the middle of 1864 Union war-vessels had closed to foreign trade nearly all the Southern ports. One of the most important of these was Mobile, which Admiral Farragut, in co-operation with MAP ItLUSTRJlTING SHERMANS MARCH TO THE SEA. Scale of Miles. 25 50 75 100 a land force of 5,000 men, was sent to capture. Realizing the great value of Mobile, the Confederates had prepared The defences for a vigorous defence. Two strong forts of Mobile. stood on opposite sides of the entrance of the bay, the channel of which was obstructed by torpedoes. Within the bay were three gun-boats and the powerful iron clad ram, Tennessee. At six o clock on the morning of August 5, 1864, the Union fleet, consisting of fourteen wooden vessels and four monitors, was under wav. In order that he might see over the smoke, Admiral Farragut, 1 then sixty-three years old, 1 David Glasgow Farragut was born near Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1801, and died in 1870. The night before the terrible struggle in Mobile Bay he wrote to his SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 343 took his position in the rigging of the flagship Hartford. One of the monitors was sunk by a torpedo, but the remain der of the fleet passed into the bay and engaged the Ten- nessee, the strongest of the Confederate iron-clads. By ten o clock the fight was over and the capture of Mobile as sured. In a few days the forts surrendered to the land force. This signal victory was due to the unflinching cour age of Admiral Farragut. 352. Sympathy of English Workingmen with the North. We may now leave the armies for a while and consider how England and France were look ing upon the war, Jefferson Davis and the South greatly erred when they counted upon the sympathy of the working classes in England, for when English workingmen under stood that the war was a struggle between freedom and slavery, their sympathies were with the North. Although the cotton famine in Eng land, produced by the blockade of the South, forced hundreds of thou sands out of employment, these starving laborers prayed for the success of the North. On the other hand, the aristocracy, with a few exceptions, and the Eng lish Government, being more in sympathy with the aristo cratic Southern planter and perhaps jealous of American commerce, favored the South. 353. England and the Confederate Navy. The South was in great need of a navy, and had no facilities for build ing one. English shipbuilders, therefore, with the knowl edge of the English Government, responded to the need of the South, and built formidable Confederate cruisers in British dock-yards. These cruisers drove our merchant marine from the sea. wife : "I am going into Mobile Bay in the morning, if God is my leader, as I hope He is, and in Him I place my trust. God bless and preserve you, my darling, and my dear boy, if anything should happen to me." DAVID GLASGOW FARRAGUT. 344 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The most famous cruiser was the Alabama? commanded by Captain Semmes. This vessel was built with English money in an English port, was manned by an The Alabama. ,. J , . % . English crew, carried English gunners, and hoisted an English flag. In a word, with the exception of her officers, she was an English vessel built for the special purpose of destroying Northern commerce. Charles Fran cis Adams, our able minister to England at that time, pro tested, but in vain. The United States, in the midst of a civil war, no longer commanded the respect of the English Government. Our country was not in a position to demand justice and satisfaction. But it resented England s attitude none the less keenly, and the time came when England was wise enough to listen. The Alabama (1862-64) captured over sixty Norther-n vessels, amounting in value, with their cargoes, to over $7,- TheKearsarge ooo,ooo. The duel between the Alabama and sinks the the Kearsarge, which had gone out in search of her, was fought off the coast of France (June 19, 1864). The Alabama, in about one hour, was shattered and sunk. The sinking of the Alabama put an end to the destructive work of Confederate cruisers. After the war England paid more than $15,000,000 for damages done by The Alabama Confederate cruisers. As the first of these claims. claims made by our government for redress grew out of acts committed by the Alabama, all the claims growing out of the acts of all the vessels became known as the " Alabama Claims." 354. Napoleon III. and the Confederate Navy. But the English Government did not stand alone in its un friendly attitude. The French Government was equally 1 "A score of other Confederate cruisers roamed the seas to prey upon United States commerce, but none of them became quite so famous as the Sumter and the Alabama. They included the Shenandoah, which made thirty-eight captures; the Florida, which made thirty-six ; the 7^allahassee, which made twenty-seven ; the Tacony, which made fifteen ; and the Georgia, which made ten. Most of these cruisers were built in British ship-yards." R. JOHNSON. The attitude of the English government toward the Confederate navy was most unfortunate, naturally causing in the North much bitter feeling toward England. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 345 hostile to the North. Napoleon III., for personal reasons, was eager for the success of the Confederate cause, and urged England to acknowledge the independence of the South. He wished to see the Union dissolved, Napoleon , s desire because it was his desire to establish an em- to establish an pire upon the ruins of the republic of Mexico, empire in Mexico and he knew that so long as the Union remained unbroken he would not be permitted to carry out his plans. He also, during the later years of the war, with contemptible du plicity equal to that of Napoleon I. just before the War of 1812, allowed formidable iron-clads for the Southern navy to be built in France. One of these was finally launched, but the war was at an end before it could reach our coast. Napoleon sent a French army to invade Mexico in 1861. By 1863 it had established an empire there, and Napoleon offered the throne to Maximilian, Archduke Maximilian in of Austria. The United States protested, but Mexico, in vain. After the close of the war, however, in response to the threatening attitude of this country, Napoleon with drew the French troops. Maximilian was then taken pris oner by the Mexican authorities, tried by court-martial, and shot. TO THE PUPIL z. What part of the Confederacy remained unconquered at the close of 1863 ? Describe the Union plan of campaign in 1864. Outline the "On to Richmond " movement. 2. Compare Early s raid in the Shenandoah in 1864 with Jackson s move ment in that valley in 1862. What did Jackson accomplish ? What did Early accomplish ? Why was Sheridan sent into the Shenan doah? What did he accomplish there ? Why was the Shenandoah of importance to the Confederates ? 3. Why was it desirable for the North to get possession of Atlanta? What difficulties did Sherman meet in his advance upon Atlanta ? What was Johnston s plan of defence ? 4. Outline Sherman s " March to the Sea." Which do you think was the abler general, Sherman or Johnston ? Give reasons for your answer. 5. What did Jefferson Davis mean by speaking of cotton as "king"? At this point review the " Trent Affair," the importance of the block ade, the attempt on the part of the South to break the blockade by HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES means of the " Merrimac," and the effect the blockade had upon cot ton export. 6. Why did English workingmen sympathize with the North? Why did the English aristocracy and the English Government favor the South ? In what way did English shipbuilders aid the South ? 7. What was the " Alabama," and what was the attitude of the English Government toward Southern cruisers built in English dockyards ? What became of the " Alabama "? What were the "Alabama Claims " ? 8. How did Napoleon III. show his sympathy with the South ? What was his scheme in sending Maximilian to Mexico ? In this connec tion review the Monroe Doctrine, and find out whether or not Napo leon III. vifllated this doctrine by supporting Maximilian with a French army. Why were the French troops withdrawn from Mex ico after the Civil War ? 9. Subject for debate : Resolved, that Grant was a better general than Lee. APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE 355. Fall of Richmond. By the various disasters which we have recounted the Southern cause was brought into Lee fans to break desperate straits. Careful observers could see through Grant s that the end was near. 1 Sherman, after re maining about a month in Savannah, started through the Carolinas northward (February i). Lee, with 40,000 men, still held Richmond, which Grant, with 100,000 men, was trying to capture. In order to join Johnston s force in North Carolina, Lee made one last effort to break through the Union army lying south of Petersburg. This plan was defeated by Sheridan in the battle of Five Forks, where 5,000 Confederates were captured. The next day (April 2) Lee evacuated Richmond and started on a retreat westward. The pursuit was hot. Hun dreds of the Confederates, having" little to eat Lee retreats. . . , . . . . t . and believing that their cause was hopeless, deserted, and thousands threw away their arms. Their condition was pitiable. For five or six days they lived on 1 In the spring of this year General Wilson, in a brilliant cavalry movement, captured the five fortified cities of Selma, Montgomery, West Point, Columbus, and Macon. These places had important railroad connections, contained valuable supplies for the Confederate army, and manufactured for it war material. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 347 A COUNCIL OF WAR AT MASSAPONAX CHURCH. parched corn and the shoots of trees. One week after leav ing Richmond (April 9), Lee, finding that every avenue of escape was cut off, agreed to hold a conference with Grant at Appomattox Court House, about seventy-five miles west of Richmond, to consider terms of surrender. 356. Lee s Surrender. It was a notable meeting. The result of the interview was the surrender of Lee with 26,000 men, only 8,000 of whom had arms. The Grant s delicacy terms of surrender were very generous to the of feeling. Confederates, who were to lay down their arms and were not, unless properly exchanged, to take them up again. With rare delicacy of feeling Grant ordered that all the Confederates owning horses or mules should be allowed to HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES take them home. "They will need them for the spring ploughing-," he said. But consideration for the Confeder ate soldiers did not stop here, for when they inarched in front of the Union soldiers to stack arms in token of sur render the Union soldiers saluted them. The Confederates promptly returned the salute. Grant s attitude toward the Confederates, which won the hearts of the Southern people, was like that of the The enerous United States Government as a whole. Only attitude of the one Confederate the keeper of Anderson- Government. ville p r ison was put to death at the close of the war. The death-penalty in this case was inflicted, not at all for connection with the Confederate movement, but because of inhuman cruelty. No government ever showed so great mercy to those who had tried to break it in pieces. The great struggle ended when Johnston surren dered to Sherman near Raleigh, North Carolina (April 26, 1865). 357. Flight and Capture of Jefferson Davis. On Sun day morning, April 2, Jefferson Davis was attending service at St. Paul s Episcopal Church in Richmond when an offi cer walked quietly up the aisle with a telegram from Lee announcing the retreat of the latter from Petersburg. Da vis at once left the church and prepared to leave the city. In a vain endeavor to escape capture he fled through the Carolinas into Georgia. While encamped in the woods near Irwinsvilte, Georgia, in the early morning he was sur prised and captured (May 10). He was taken to Fortress Monroe and confined there for two years. At the end of that time many well-known men among whom was Horace Greeley, a Republican leader of great prominence used their influence to secure his release. Davis was never brought to trial. 358. The Assassination of Lincoln. The rejoicing of the people over the return of peace soon gave place to mourning for the loss of the one who had safely piloted the ration through the storm of war. On the evening of April 14, 1865, while President Lincoln was at Ford s Thea- THE SURRENDER OF LEE TO GRANT AT APPOMATTOX. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 349 tre in Washington, an obscure actor, half-crazed over what he believed to be the wrongs of the South, entered the Pres ident s box from the rear and shot him through the head. He then leaped upon the stage, and shouting " Sic semper tyrannis ! " (So be it always to tyrants), rushed out of the stage-door amid the wildest excitement of the people and escaped. In a few days he was hunted to his hiding-place in Virginia and shot dead while resisting capture. Lincoln s assassin was at the head of a conspiracy whose aim was to bring confusion to the government by killing some of the leading men and thus creating a The aim of the panic. On the same evening one of these con- conspirators. spirators forced his way to the bedside of Secretary Sew- ard, who was lying ill in his home, and vainly tried to stab him to death. Four of these conspirators were hanged and three imprisoned for life. Lincoln, who was shot a little after ten o clock in the evening, lingered, unconscious, until early next morning. When Lincoln s spirit passed away, Secretary The grief of the Stanton was the first to break the silence by people. saying, " Now he belongs to the ages." The grief of the people for the nation s hero was well-nigh universal. On Friday, April 21, the train that was to take his body to Springfield, Illinois, moved slowly out of Washington on its mournful journey In order that the people might have opportunity to express their love and grief for the departed leader, it stopped at many large cities along the route. The unbroken silence amid which the vast throngs filed past the open coffin as the body lay in state indicated a feel ing too deep for words. The spirit of his noble service is well illustrated in the closing words of his second inaugural address, March 4, I865: 1 With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let rs strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nat on s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the J It seems fitting to introduce here the memorable Gettysburg speech, made at Ge .tysburg, November 19, 1863, on the occasion of the dedication of the National 35 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES battle, and for his widow, and his orphan to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." 359. The Sanitary and Christian Commissions. Early in the war the Sanitary Commission was organized by good men and women to supplement the work of the government in aiding needy and distressed soldiers. Rec ognized by the government and supported by all classes of the people, its career was one of extraordinary useful ness. It had its own physicians, nurses, and attendants, its own transports and methods of work. It ministered to the wounded on the battle-field and carried the wounded sol diers by easy methods of conveyance to the hospital. Fur thermore, it gave special relief to men on sick-leave, col lected and distributed supplies, and in every possible way cared for the suffering and needy soldiers. The Christian Commission cared for the souls as well as the bodies of the soldiers. It distributed tracts, held prayer- meetings in improvised chapels, comforted the dying, and, where possible, gave Christian burial. This commission Cemetery there. The speech well exemplifies, in its brevity, simplicity, and ten derness of feeling, the character of President Lincoln : LINCOLN S GETTYSBURG SPEECH Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that na tion, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We are come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here ; but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be ded icated here to the unfinished work which they, who fought here, have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that .cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion ; that we here highly re ;olve that these dead shall not have died in vain ; that this nation, under God, shall lave a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 35 1 also received the recognition and support of the govern ment. Thousands of noble women at home, in hospitals, and near the scenes of battles expressed in The work of their service through these commissions not noblewomen, only a tender love and sympathy, but a patriotism as faithful and true as that of the brave soldiers whom they attended. 360. The Results of the War. The Civil War was one of gigantic proportions. At its close the South was pros- A SANITARY COMMISSION LODGE NEAR ALEXANDRIA, VA. trated, the North was under severe strain. About 600,000 men had been killed, and several hundred thousand more permanently injured. The loss of wealth can never be told, but, including the expenditure of the government and the States, the destruction of property by both armies, and the value of slaves to the South, the war cost not far from eight thousand millions of dollars. The most important result of the Civil War was that slavery was forever abolished throughout the Union. 1 The Emancipation Proclamation had set free only the slaves in 1 See Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. 35 2 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES those States and parts of States conquered by Union armies ; but now slavery was entirely swept away, and with it the attendant evils of State rights, nullification, and secession. The supremacy of the Union was established, and the United States, " one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all," turned her energies to the new struggle of building up what had been torn down by four years of frightful havoc the industries and wealth of her people, TO THE PUPIL 1. Before studying the fall of Richmond review the various attempts made by the Army of the Potomac to capture that city. Your review will include Bull Run, the Peninsular Campaign, and the " Onto Rich mond " movement in 1864. 2. Describe Lee s retreat and his memorable surrender. 3. Read Lincoln s second inaugural, and memorize his Gettysburg speech. 4. Subject for debate : Resolved, that the army did more effective work than the navy in the Civil War. 5. What were the Sanitary and Christian Commissions ? What were the most important results of the war ? Are you sure you know its causes ? 6. If you will read Alcott s Hospital Sketches you will get a sad picture of suffering in the hospitals during the war. CHRONOLOGY 1789. March 4, FIRST CONGRESS ASSEMBLED IN NEW YORK. April 30, WASHINGTON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1790. THE FIRST CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 3,929,214. 1791. VERMONT ADMITTED TO THE UNION FIRST NATIONAL BANK ESTABLISHED. 1792. KENTUCKY ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1793. WAYNE S CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE INDIANS. COTTON-GIN INVENTED BY ELI WHITNEY. 1794. THE WHISKEY INSURRECTION. 1795. JAY S TREATY RATIFIED. 1796. TENNESSEE ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1797. March 4, JOHN ADAMS INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1798. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CREATED BY ACT OF CONGRESS. ALIEN AND SEDITION LAWS ENACTED BY CONGRESS. 1800. THE SECOND CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 5,308,483. 1 80 1. JOHN MARSHALL MADE CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. March 4, JEFFERSON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1802. OHIO ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1803. LOUISIANA PURCHASED FROM FRANCE. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 353 1804. LEWIS AND CLARK STARTED ON THEIR EXPEDITION 1805. TREATY OF PEACE WITH TRIPOLI. 1806. AARON BURR S EXPEDITION TO THE SOUTHWEST. November 2O, THE BERLIN DECREE ISSUED. 1807. TRIAL TRIP OF FULTON S FIRST STEAMBOAT. November, THE ORDERS IN COUNCIL. December, THE EMBARGO ACT PASSED BY CONGRESS. 1809. March 4, MADISON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1810. THE THIRD CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 7,239,881. 1811. THE FIRST STEAMBOAT STARTS DOWN THE OHIO FROM PITTSBURG FOR NEW ORLEANS. November 7, BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. 1812. LOUISIANA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. June 1 8, WAR DECLARED AGAINST ENGLAND. August 16, HULL S SURRENDER OF DETROIT. August 19, NAVAL FIGHT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES VESSEL CONSTITU TION AND THE BRITISH FRIGATE GUERRIERE. 1813. March 4, MADISON S SECOND INAUGURATION. September IO, PERRY S VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE. October 5, BATTLE OF THE THAMES. JACKSON S CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE SOUTHERN INDIANS. 1814. CAMPAIGN ON THE NIAGARA ; BATTLES OF CHIPPEWA AND LUNDY S LANE. August 25, CAPTURE OF WASHINGTON BY THE BRITISH. September u, BATTLE OF PLATTSBURG. December 15, HARTFORD CONVENTION MET. December 24, TREATY OF PEACE SIGNED AT GHENT. 1815. Jinuary 8, BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. 1816. THE SECOND UNITED STATES BANK CHARTERED. INDIANA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1817. March 4, MONROE INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. July 4, CONSTRUCTION OF THE ERIE CANAL BEGUN. MISSISSIPPI ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1818. STEAM NAVIGATION BEGUN ON THE GREAT LAKES. ILLINOIS ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1819. ALABAMA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. THE STEAMSHIP SAVANNAH MADE THE FIRST TRIP ACROSS THE ATLANTIC FROM SAVANNAH TO LIVERPOOL. 1820. MAINE ADMITTED TO THE UNION. THE FOURTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 9,633,822. 1821. RATIFICATION OF TREATY OF 1819, CEDING FLORIDA TO THE UNITED STATES. MISSOURI COMPROMISE ADOPTED BY CONGRESS. MISSOURI ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1825. March 4, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. CORNER-STONE OF BUNKER HILL MONUMENT LAID IN BOSTON BY LAFAYETTE. ERIE CANAL OPENED. 1826. FIRST RAILROAD BUILT IN THE UNITED STATES (AT QUINCY, MASS.). 1828. FIRST PASSENGER RAILROAD IN THE UNITED STATES BEGUN (AT BALTIMORE, MD.), 1829. March 4, JACKSON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1830. THE FIFTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF I2,866,O2O. 1831. GARRISON ESTABLISHED " THE LIBERATOR." 1832. NULLIFICATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 1833. REMOVAL OF DEPOSITS FROM THE UNITED STATES BANK. 1835. TEXAS DECLARED HER INDEPENDENCE OF MEXICO. 354 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 1836. June 15, ARKANSAS ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1837. January 26, MICHIGAN ADMITTED TO THE UNION. March 4, VAN BUREN INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1840. THE FIRST CUNARD STEAMER SAILS FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. THE SIXTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 17,069,453. 1841. March 4, HARRISON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1842. THE DORR REBELLION IN RHODE ISLAND. THE ASHBURTON TREATY CONCLUDED. 1844. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH LINE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND WASHING TON. 1845. TEXAS ANNEXED BY JOINT RESOLUTION. March 3, FLORIDA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. March 4, POLK INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. December 29, TEXAS ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1846. May 8, BATTLE OF PALO ALTO, BEGINNING OF THE MEXICAN WAR. August 8, DAVID WILMOT INTRODUCED HIS PROVISO IN CONGRESS. December 28, IOWA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1847. February 22, 23, BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA. March 27, SURRENDER OF VERA CRUZ. September 14, CITY OF MEXICO OCCUPIED BY THE AMERICAN FORCES. 1848. February, TREATY OF PEACE WITH MEXICO CONCLUDED. GOLD DISCOVERED IN CALIFORNIA. May 29, WISCONSIN ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1849. March 4, TAYLOR INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1850. THE CLAY COMPROMISE PASSED. THE SEVENTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 23,191,876. September 9, CALIFORNIA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1853. March 4, PIERCE INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1854. May 30, THE KANSAS-NEBRASKA BILL PASSED. 1857. March 4, BUCHANAN INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. March 6, THE DRED SCOTT DECISION. 1858. May II, MINNESOTA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1859. February 14, OREGON ADMITTED TO THE UNION. October, JOHN BROWN S RAI; ON HARPER S FERRY. 1860. THE EIGHTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 31,443,321. December 20, SOUTH CAROLINA SECEDED. 1861. January, MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, \ND LOUISIANA SECEDED. January 29, KANSAS ADMITTED TO THE UNION. February, TEXAS SECEDED ; PROVISIONAL CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT ORGAN- IZED. March 4, LINCOLN INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. April 12, 13, BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER. April 17, VIRGINIA SECEDED. Afril 19, FIRST BLOOD SHED, IN BALTIMORE. May, ARKANSAS AND NORTH CAROLINA SECEDED. July 21, FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN. November 8, MASON AND SLIDELL TAKEN FROM THE TRENT. 1862. February 16, SURRENDER OF FORT DONELSON. March 9, FIGHT BETWEEN THE MERRIMAC AND THE MONITOR. April 6, 7, BATTLE OF PITTSBURG LANDING (SHILOH). April 25, CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS BY FARRAGUT. June 25, THE SEVEN DAYS BATTLES BEFORE RICHMOND BEGUN. August 29, 30, SECOND BATTLES OF BULL RUN. SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR 355 1862. September 17, BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. December 13, BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 1863. January I, EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION ISSUED. May 2, 3, BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. June 20, WEST VIRGINIA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. July 1-3, BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. July 4, SURRENDER OF VICKSBURG. July 8, SURRENDER OF PORT HUDSON. September 19, 20, BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA. November 24, 25, BATTLE OF CHATTANOOGA. May 4, SHERMAN S ATLANTA CAMPAIGN BEGUN. 1864. May 5, 6, GRANT S ADVANCE ON LEE, BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. June 14, GRANT CROSSES THE JAMES ; SIEGE OF PETERSBURG BEGUN. June 19, THE ALABAMA SUNK BY THE KEARSARGE. August 5, BATTLE OF MOBILE BAY. September 2, FALL OF ATLANTA. September and October, SHERIDAN S CAMPAIGN IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY, October 19, BATTLE OF CEDAR CREEK. October 31, NEVADA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. November 15, SHERMAN S MARCH TO THE SEA BEGUN. December 15, 16, BATTLE OF NASHVILLE. December 21, SHERMAN ENTERS SAVANNAH. 1865. January 15, FORT FISHER CAPTURED BY GENERAL TERRY. March 4, ABRAHAM LINCOLN S SECOND INAUGURATION. April I, BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS. April 2, RICHMOND EVACUATED. April 9, SURRENDER OF LEE S ARMY. April 14, PRESIDENT LINCOLN ASSASSINATED. April 26, SURRENDER OF JOHNSTON S ARMY. May 10, CAPTURE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. May 23, 24, REVIEW OF THE ARMY AT WASHINGTON. IReconetruction anfc tbe 1Rcw TUnion CHAPTER XIX RECONSTRUCTION DAYS (1865-1871) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, V.; An- drews s United States, Ii.; Andrews s Last Quarter Century, I.; Burgess s Civil War and Reconstruction; Wilson s Division and Reunion; Richardson s History of Our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS: Wilson s A History of the American People; Gold- win Smith s United States; Alexander H. Stephens s War between the States; Jefferson Davis s Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government; Blaine s Twenty Years in Congress ; McPherson s Political History of Recon struction ; McCulloch s Men and Measures of Half a Century. 361. Condition of the South when Johnson became President. If all the wisdom and tact of Lincoln had been required during the war, much more were they needed in the trying days of reconstruction. The public debt was enormous, and the whole country was suffering from the strain of war. Fortunes had been lost, family circles broken, and thousands of brave fathers, husbands, and brothers slain in battle. Conditions were hardest in the South, where wasted plantations and ruined homes bore evidence of the terrible havoc of war. Bodies of Union cavalry were scour ing the country in search of Confederate leaders who, when captured, were sent to forts arid imprisoned until the nation should decide their fate. "What shall be done with the leading Confederates?" "How shall the millions of Southern negroes be cared for?" Perplexing " In what way shall the seceded States be questions. treated?" These were a few of the perplex ing questions of those trying times. It was hard to know 356 RECONSTRUCTION DAYS 357 what was best to do so hard that men soon realized that Lee s surrender presented new troubles as difficult to settle as the problems that brought on the war itself. 362. Andrew Johnson. 1 Andrew Johnson, who suc ceeded Lincoln, was rash, hot-tempered, and self-willed, ut terly without the delicate tact and persuasive power that gave Lincoln such a remarkable influence over men. In politics he was a strict constructionist, but was devoted to the Union. At the beginning of the war he was the only senator from the secession States who refused to resign his office. At this time he was an ardent believer in the doctrine of State rights, but he had no sympathy with the secession move ment. This was accounted for by the fact that he was brought up among the " poor whites" and was therefore prejudiced alike against the rich men of the South and the negroes. We need not be surprised, then, to find him ready to put to death Jefferson Davis and other distinguished Confederates, and to show no special concern about the protection of the freedmen. 363. President Johnson s Plan of Restoring the Se ceded States. By the middle of July, 1865, President John son took steps to restore the eleven Confederate States to their places in the Union. Congress would not meet until ANDREW JOHNSON. 1 Andrew Johnson, the seventeenth President of the United States (1865-1! was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1808, and died in 1875. His parents be longed to the class of people known as the " poor whites," and therefore his early advantages were extremely limited ; but he was fearless, honest, energetic, and ambitious. He taught himself to read while apprenticed to a tailor,- and after his marriage his wife taught him to write and cipher. While a young man he re moved to Tennessee with his mother and sister, who were dependent upon him. There he gained the confidence of the people, and occupied one public office after another until his election to the Senate of the United States. He was governor of Tennessee when he was elected Vice-President, and after Lincoln s assassination he became President. 35 8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES December, and up to that time he could carry out his own ideas in regard to the South. He appointed provisional governors, who were to call upon the white voters in their respective States to elect delegates to State conventions. These conventions were to pass three votes: (i) To declare the Ordinances of Secession to be null and void ; (2) to repu diate the Confederate war-debt; (3) and to ratify the Thir teenth Amendment, which forever abolished slavery in the United States. 1 The votes having been passed by all the seceded States, the President recognized the State govern ments 2 and declared them ready to be represented in Con gress (December, 1865). 364. The Freedmen and Southern Legislation. It was believed in the South that the freedmen, having so long been accustomed as slaves to the direction of masters and overseers, would not work unless compelled by law, and that the safety of the South was threatened by the pres ence of several million ignorant and shiftless beings. Southern Legislatures, therefore, began to enact laws whose results would have been to reduce the negroes to a condi tion little short of actual slavery. These laws aroused in dignation in the North and had great influence in shaping the work of reconstruction. 365. The Congressional Plan of Reconstruction in the Seceded States (1867). When Congress met in December, 1865, the Republicans refused to admit the representatives and senators from the seceded States until something President John- should be done to protect the freedmen in ESXt their civil ri s hts -. This action made Presi - gress. dent Johnson furious against Congress. He declared that it had no more right to keep a State out of the Union than the States had to secede from the Union. His bitterness increased until it led him to lose all sense of dignity and propriety as he gave expression to his violent 1 This amendment did for the whole United States what the Emancipation Proc lamation did for the seceded States. 8 Johnson s plan of restoring the seceded States was similar to that outlined by Lincoln in his " Presidential Theory " of reconstruction. RECONSTRUCTION DAYS 359 feelings. In a short time he turned his party in Congress against him. As they numbered two-thirds of both the Senate and the House they could enact any laws they pleased, in spite of the President s veto. Johnson soon ac cused them of keeping out the Southern representation for this specific purpose. But the more he accused, the more solid became the ranks of the Republicans opposed to him. By 1867 Congress had worked out a simple and thorough plan of reconstruction which it boldly proceeded to execute. By this plan, (i) the Confederate leaders were TWO essential excluded from voting or holding office until pardoned by Congress, and (2) the freedmen plan. were given the ballot. In other words, those who a few years before had been slaves were given large influence in public affairs, while many of their former masters were left without any political power whatever. No seceded State could be represented in Congress until it should submit to these two conditions. To indicate its submission each State was to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. 1 366. The Work of Reconstruction Complete. It is needless to say that the Southern people indignantly op posed these laws. They thought Congress unjust to deny the right of suffrage to the most intelligent and influential whites, and at the same time to give it to the ignorant blacks. But in June, 1868, seven 2 of the States had submit ted, and their representatives were admitted again to Con gress. By January 30, 1871, the work of reconstruction had been completed, and all the States were again represented in Congress. 367. Bitter Struggle Between President Johnson and Congress (1867-1868). The President, as we have seen, had 1 This made the freedman a citizen, declared that the Confederate leaders should not fill any public office until pardoned by Congress, and that while the debt of the Union should be paid, the debt of the Confederacy should not be paid. Tennessee was the first of the Confederate States to accept the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, and Congress voted, July 24, 1 866, that she was entitled to repre sentation. * These States were Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Ala bama, Louisiana, and Arkansas. 360 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES not agreed with Congress about the plan of reconstruction. The quarrel between them grew more bitter. Congress continued to pass measures over his veto, and he con tinued fiercely to attack that body in his speeches. This most unfortunate and undignified contest was brought to The Tenure of a climax by the Tenure ol Office Act. Up to Office Act. that time j t had been held that> while the President could appoint no high officials without the Senate s approval, he could remove them at his pleasure. But in March, 1867, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, pn> viding that the President should not, without the consent of the Senate, remove any office-holder whose appointment required the consent of the Senate. In August, during the Congressional recess, Johnson removed from his Cabinet Mr. Stanton, Secretary of War, and appointed General Grant to fill the position. When the Senate again met, it refused to sanction Stanton s removal, and General Grant withdrew. 368. Congress Impeaches President Johnson. The President, believing that the Tenure of Office Act was unconstitutional, refused to obey it, and again removed Secretary Stanton, putting General Thomas in his place. The House then impeached the President ; that is, it accused him of failing to do his duty as the executive head of the nation. He was tried before the Senate, Chief-Justice Chase presiding. As in all cases of impeachment, the Sen ate acted as a high court, a two-thirds vote being necessary to secure conviction. More than two-thirds of the Senators were Republicans, but seven of them voted for acquittal, making the vote stand thirty-five for conviction and nine teen for acquittal. The President had won by a single vote. 369. Negro Suffrage and Carpet-bag Rule (1868-1871). Before the work of reconstruction was completed, the The negro a freed- Fif^ een th Amendment had become a part of man, a citizen, the Constitution. The Thirteenth Amend- andavoter. ment ^g^ ma(je the ne g. ro a f reedman> the Fourteenth Amendment (1868) made him a citizen, and the Fifteenth Amendment (1870) made him a voter. With the RECONSTRUCTION DAYS 361 right of suffrage in his grasp, his friends hoped that he might protect himself against oppression. But he was too ignorant to become a voter or lawmaker. As a slave he had not only been kept in ignorance, but, by his master s care for his wants, had been deprived of all sense of respon sibility. One could hardly expect that all at once he would become an intelligent voter. The whites tried by bribes and other means to keep the negroes away from the polls. When mild means failed, vio lence was used. As a natural result there was great disor der. The negroes were joined by a small number of white men, some of whom were adventurers from the North, called "carpet-baggers" because they were Great disorder) said to have brought all their possessions in heavy taxes, and their carpet-bags, and others were Southern badlaws - men, called "scalawags" and despised as traitors by the South. Doubtless many of these white men were honest in their convictions, but some of them used the blacks as tools for their own political advancement. The Legislatures made bad laws and levied heavy taxes upon property owned mostly by the whites, who could not vote. Vast sums of money were wasted or stolen, and State debts were enor mously increased. 370. The Ku-Klux Klan (1868-1871). Naturally, men of property and intelligence resented these unjust prac tices and determined to put a stop to them. At first the whites used peaceable means, and soon got control in some of the States. But in others, especially where the blacks were in a majority, the whites were not so successful. In those States attempts were made to terrify the freedmen. Much of this terrorizing was done under the name of a secret society called the Ku-Klux Klan, which existed throughout the South. It was at first a sort of police organized by the young men of Tennessee as a pleasurable means of keeping the negroes under control by working upon their superstitions. Its members wore hideous masks and disguises, and did much of their work at night. As disorder increased, 362 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES "dens," or Ku-Klux societies, multiplied, especially in those States where the blacks were in a majority. Usually the Brutal me thod5 knowledge that a " den " was organized in of the KU-KIUX the vicinity was enough to terrify the negroes into submission. When that was not sufficient the Ku-Klux Klan, or men who pretended to belong to the society, began to whip, maim, and even murder the freedmen and their white Republican friends. Finally, law-abiding "Dam Your SouL The Horrible Sepulchre and Bloody Moon has at last arrive* some live to-day to-morrow "Die.- We the undersigned understand through ou brand (,1/dops that you have recommended a big Black Nigger for Male agent on Our nu rode; wel, sir, Jest you understand in time if he gets on the rode yon can make up your mind to pull roape. If you have any thing to say in regard to tho Cfct IstT?! CjCl0p8 aud Coaclave at D No - 4 * IS O clock midnight, When, you are in Calera we warn you to hold your tounge and not speak to much sas c-fiarflSS -- bl * "- "PHILLIP ISENBAUM, " Grand Cyehifti "JOHN BANKSTOWN "ESAU DAVES. "MARCUS THOMAS. "BLOODY BONES. O then of the Klan." A KU-KLUX "WARNING" IN MISSISSIPPI. citizens of both parties, aided by the National Government, united to put down the disorder, and by the close of 1871 had succeeded. 371. Unsatisfactory Results of Reconstruction. The reconstructed governments, which were in the hands of the negroes, assisted by their white friends, appealed to Presi dent Grant 1 for national troops to help them secure order. 1 Ulysses S. Grant, eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877), was born at Point Pleasant, Ohio, in 1822, and died at Mount McGregor, near Saratoga, New York, in 1885. He was the oldest of six children, and in his boyhood helped his father in the work of the farm. The name given him by his parents was Hiram Ulysses. On receiving his cadetship at West Point, however, he found that his name had been inserted in the official appointment as Ulysses S. Although Cadet Grant informed the authorities at West Point of the mistake, they did not rectify it. RECONSTRUCTION DAYS 363 These were sent, but before 1877 the whites had gained control in all but three States, South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. The presence of bayonets in President Grant aid of the reconstructed governments had %*%J^ greatly irritated the Southern whites, who had cure order, thus been prevented from getting complete political control. The North did not clearly understand the situation, and the South found it hard to yield to the changed conditions. There was a great effort made on each side to do the best thing under the circumstances, but the obstacles were un usually great. TO THE PUPIL 1. What perplexing questions called for answers at the close of the war? It was a trying time for the new President. Can you tell what his peculiar political views were ? 2. What steps did he take to restore the seceded States ? What three votes were the State conventions required to pass before the se ceded States could be restored to their places in the Union ? Re member that these things were done between the time when John son became President (April 15, 1865) and the meeting of Congress in December of the same year. 3. Before the meeting, however, what laws were passed by Southern Legislatures, and with what effect ? Why, then, did Congress refuse to admit representatives and senators from the seceded States ? 4. What were the [two essential features of the Congressional plan of reconstruction ? 5. You will observe the increasing bitterness of the disagreement be tween Johnson and Congress. What was the Tenure of Office Act ? Why did Congress impeach the President ? Which do you think had the right attitude toward the Tenure of Office Act, the Presi-* dent or Congress ? Give reasons for your answer. 6. What effect did the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amend ments have upon the political condition of the negro ? What kind of voter and law-maker did he make ? What was the Ku-Klux Klan? 7. Note the dates, 1865-1871, of this reconstruction period and bear in mind the fact that Andrew Johnson was President nearly four of His name ever after remained Ulysses S. He was inaugurated as President March 4, 1869. At the close of his first term he was re-elected. After retiring from public life he made a tour of the globe, and received distinguished attention wher ever he went. 364 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES these years. His administration was, in some ways, as critical as that of President Lincoln during the Civil War, 1861-1865. These two groups of dates are important enough for you to know them accurately. 8. Read the pages of McCulloch s Men and Measures of Half a Century that refer to the difficult problem of reconstruction. CHAPTER XX THE NEW SOUTH (18/7- ) REFERENCES : Scribner s Popular History of the United States, V. ; An- drews s United States, II.; Andrews Last Quarter Century, I.; Wilson s Division and Reunion ; Richardson s History of Our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS: Wilson s A History of the American People, V. ; Qrady s New South; Appleton s Annual Cyclopaedia; Cyclopaedic Review of Current History; various magazine articles; the World and the Tribune almanacs, each issued annually. 372. President Hayes Withdraws the Troops from the South (1877). When Hayes 1 became President many of the problems of reconstruction remained still unsolved. He nevertheless withdrew the Federal troops from the South, leaving the Southern people to settle their difficulties alone. This was a wise measure, for, as long as Federal bayonets were employed in the South, Southern men were kept in a state of irritation against the Federal government. The Republican governments in the South had been supported by Federal troops, but as soon as they were withdrawn the Democrats got control. The South was now " solid "; that is, the solid white 2 vote was in control and was Demo cratic. 1 Rutherford B. Hayes, nineteenth President of the United States (1877-1881), was born in Delaware, Ohio, in 1822, and died in Fremont, Ohio, 1893. After graduating from Kenyon College he studied law at Harvard University. Entering the Union army during the Civil War, his gallantry and meritorious service led to his promotion to the rank of brigadier-general. In 1865 he resigned his commission because he had been elected to represent his district in Congress. Three times he was elected governor of Ohio. His popularity in that great State had a large influ ence in securing his nomination by the Republicans for the Presidency. 2 Only a small fraction of the whites joined the negroes in voting the Republican ticket. 365 3 66 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 373. Eads and the Mississippi Jetties (1879). Hayes s administration was fortunate enough to accomplish a great engineering achievement of vast importance to the South. The Mississippi River brings down large quantities of mud which, in its natural course, it deposits when its current The mud bars at becomes slower on reaching the Gulf of Mex- the mouth of the ico. These deposits fill up the channel at the mouth of the river, thereby preventing the passage of heavy ships. Formerly these mud bars were a great hindrance to the shipping industry of this great sea port of the Southwest, and many rnill- ions were expended both by the United States Government and Louisiana for the removal of the bars and the deep ening of the channel ; but the work was not successful. In 1874 Captain James B. Eads, an engineer who had built the magnificent steel bridge spanning the Mississippi River at St. Louis, proposed a different plan. He had noticed that where the river was narrow and the current swift the channel was also deep. He be lieved, therefore, that by narrowing the river at the mouth a deeper, swifter current could be secured, which by its natural force would Captain Eads make and keep the channel free from ob- proposesthe structing deposits. Hence he proposed the < jetty system." j e tty system," which had been in use in Europe for more than a century. Captain Eads met with great opposition, but Congress finally allowed him (1875) to make a trial of his plan on one success of the of the smaller mouths. In the contract time, P Ian - four years, he succeeded in all he had planned to do, and made the channel deep enough to float the heavi est steamships as far up the river as New Orleans. This was a gigantic undertaking, but its success has brought great increase of wealth both to New Orleans and the country at large. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. THE NEW SOUTH 367 Cotton. 374. The New South. As the South became politically peaceful her industries took a new start. We have al ready noted that before the war the Southern people be lieved that slavery was necessary for the cultivation of their staples, especially cotton. Statistics since the war show us how greatly they erred in this belief. The largest cotton crop under slavery was about four and a half million bales (1860); in 1900 it was more than ten million bales. The South furnishes about five-sevenths of the world s supply of cotton. The United States exported dur ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, raw cotton valued at more than $316,000,- ooo, and supplied our own mills with near ly two -sevenths as much. We must re in ember, too, that this is in spite of the fact that much labor has been turned in other directions. The South is no longer exclusively devoted to agriculture. There is scarcely an industry com mon to other parts of the country which has not been taken up there. Before the war there were very few railroads, the great network of rivers forming natural highways for trade, except in mountainous regions. But since the war railroads have spread in every direction, and hundreds of mills and factories have sprung up. It is not too much to say that the South promises to be come unsurpassed in the production of manufactured goods. It has been predicted that the mountainous area including EADS BRIDGE OVER THE MISSISSIPPI AT ST. LOUIS. Copyright, 1503, by Underwood &* Underwood, New York. Railroads. 368 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES southern Tennessee, northern Alabama, and northern Geor gia, may in time take the lead of the world in the produc tion of iron and steel. It is of great ad van- Manufacturing. . .... . . tage to the factories in this region that their raw materials, cotton, iron, coal, and lumber, are close to the manufacturing centres. The mountains of Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Natural mineral furnish rich mineral products, including the resources. finest marble in the country and extensive coal-fields. It is estimated that at the present rate of con- A COTTON PRESS YARD, NEW ORLEANS. sumption these coal-fields could supply the world for one hundred and fifty years. Since 1880 the development of the new South has been almost as remarkable as that of the West. Northern capi- Prosperity in tal has flowed in; the energies of Southern the south. men, held in check under the system of sla very, have been directed to new industries; and the better class of negroes, forced to depend upon themselves, have worked harder and to better advantage. The South is no longer sectional. Her industries are varied ; her interests and feelings are national. Nowhere does loyalty to the Union find more sincere expression than in the South. 375. The New Orleans Cotton Centennial (1884). The improved state of the South, under the new conditions, was THE NEW SOUTH 3 6 9 particularly evidenced in 1884 by a great exhibition. In that year a Cotton Centennial was held at New Orleans, to commemorate the first shipment of cotton from the United States. In 1784 eight bags were shipped from Charleston, South Carolina; in 1884 nearly four million bales were ex ported from our country. Two millions of these were sent from New Orleans, which had become the most important cotton port in the world. This Centennial Exposition was a striking revelation of the vast changes that had been taking place in New Orleans A SUGAR PLANTATION. since the close of the war. In 1860 it was mainly a commer cial city. Twenty-four years later it had not only become a great railroad centre, but had an immense New Orleans capital invested in various kinds of manufac- in |88 4- turing and an export trade ranking second only to that of New York city. Its trade with foreign countries has been vastly increased by the construction of the Mississippi jetties. 376. The Atlanta Exposition (1895). Another evidence of the changes wrought in the industries of the South was the Cotton States and International Exposition, held at Atlanta, Georgia, in the autumn of 1895. To make a suc cessful exhibit so soon after the World s Columbian Expo sition (1893) was a daring enterprise, but in beauty, extent, 37 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES STATE BUILDINGS, ATLANTA, GA. and significance, the result fully justified the attempt. The Exposition at Atlanta was a great object-lesson to the coun try at large of the wonderful natural resources of the South, the variety of its manufactured products, the skill of its workmanship, and the surprising advance made by the negroes. 377. The Freedmen and Education (1865- ). We hear much said about the race problem in the South, but education is slowly finding a way out of the difficulty. Since the war the South has spent about $125,000,000 upon negro education, the Southern whites having cheerfully taxed themselves to give the blacks a start in life. The North, also, has contributed generously for the same pur pose. The fund of $3,500,000 given by George Peabody for education in the South, and $1,000,000 given by John F. Slater for educating the freedmen in the South, aided by the immense work done by various religious denominations of the North, are causing rapid changes in the social and political conditions of that region. Then, too, such institutions as Hampton School (Hamp ton, Virginia), Fiske University (Nashville), and Tuskegee THE NEW SOUTH 371 Normal and Industrial Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama) are giving young colored men and women the training best suited to make them leaders among their , ndustria i prog= people in all parts of the South. In 1865 ressoithe the freedmen had no property ; the colored people in the whole country now have over $500,000,000 worth. This fact shows that the former slaves have made marvellous progress industrially. And the industrial train ing that the normal schools for the colored people are now giving will still better prepare the freedmen to make intel ligent use of their opportunities. TO THE PUPIL 1. Note the dates of the period you are now beginning to study, 1877- 1904. Grant was President in 1869-1877. Can you give in order the Presidents and the dates of their administrations, up to the time of Hayes s administration ? Do not fail to learn them. 2. Why did President Hayes withdraw the Federal troops from the South ? Do you think his action was wise ? Give reasons for your answer. What is meant by the " solid South " ? 3. What changes have been wrought in New Orleans since the war ? 4. In studying the important paragraph headed The New South, note the sub-topics cotton, railroads, manufacturing, natural mineral re sources. By a careful study of these sub-topics you will see clearly how different is the New South without slavery from the Old South with slavery. What has been done for the education of the freedmen, and with what results ? CHAPTER XXI THE NEW WEST (1865- REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, V.; An- drews s United States, II.; Andrews s Last Quarter Century, Land II.; Wil son s Division and Reunion; Richardson s History of our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS: Appleton s Annual Cyclopaedia; Cyclopaedic Review of Current History; various magazine articles; the World and the Tribune alma nacs, each issued annually. 378. Population and Immigration. A reference to the table of population for the United States, 1 according- to the census taken every ten years, from 1790 to 1900, will show that the increase has been exceedingly rapid. In 1890 the population was 62,622,000. In 1900 it was 75,568,686, mak ing the rate of increase since 1890 more than one and one- quarter millions a year. A comparison of the table of population with the table of immigration will show that since 1860 a large part ol the increase has been due to immigration. From 1820 to 1790 3,929,214 1800 5,308,483 1810 7,239,881 1 820 ...... 9,633, 822 1830 . 12,866,020 1840 I7> 6 9>453 POPULATION, 1790-1900 1850 23,191,876 1860 31,443,321 I8 7o 38,558,371 1880 50,155,783 1890 62,622,250 1900 75,568,686 IMMIGRATION, 1820-1896 1820-1840 . .,.. 750,949 1841-1850 ,.,... 1,713,251 1851-1860 ,. 2,598,214 1861-1870 2,466,752 I87I-I880 2,944,695 10,473,861 1881-1890 .... 5,238,728 1891-1900 .... 3,687,564 8,926,292 Total, 1820-1900 19,400,153 372 THE NEW WEST 373 1900 more than 19,000,000 foreign immigrants came to the United States. In the decade preceding the last census (1891-1900) the number reached over three immigration and a half millions, and during the years 1881- since 1880. 1900 immigrants swarmed into the United States at an aver age rate of nearly 400,000 a year; that is, considerably more than two-fifths of all the foreign immigration since 1820 came into this country during the last two census decades. It is estimated that the better classes of immigrants brought with them an average of at least $80 apiece, mak ing a very large sum in the aggregate. If we add to this sum their power to produce wealth by their value of immi- work, their contribution to the nation s wealth grants to the will be found to be enormous. Without for- United states eign immigrants, a large part of whom were skilled labor ers when they came and have made valuable citizens, it would have been impossible to develop the resources and increase the wealth of the country so rapidly. But within the past ten or fifteen years the general char acter of the immigrants has not been so good as formerly, the average of intelligence and morals being much lower than it was before that time. The worst elements among them, including paupers and criminals, become a burden upon society and seriously tax the strength of our republi can institutions. 379. Influence of the Public Lands on our National Growth. The foundation for our extraordinary national growth and increase in population has been the vast area of the public lands. These have been sold for very small sums in order to get them into the hands of the people, who have speedily brought them under cultivation. At first it was the policy of the government to sell these lands in order to increase the public revenue, but it was afterward thought wiser to use them for the purpose of developing the wealth and increasing the population of the country. In 1841, by what is called the pre-emption 1 1 Pre-emption gives the settler the first right of purchase as against the investor or speculator. 374 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES system, Congress began to sell farms on the public lands The preemption at the low price of $1.25 an acre. This was system. upon con dition that the purchaser would oc cupy and cultivate the land. Easy as these terms were, more liberal ones were de sired. The growing sentiment in the West was that the The Homestead land belonged to the people and that the United States should grant free homes on the public domain. Finally, after much debate, Congress passed in 1862 the Homestead Bill, which is still in operation. BENNETT AVENUE, CRIPPLE CREEK, COLORADO. This enables settlers to secure farms of one hundred and sixty acres free of payment, except a small fee for legal ex penses, on condition of settlement. This method has proved very successful in establishing homes and communities, thus increasing the value of the lands and the strength of the nation. 380. Westward Expansion. American history has been largely the history of westward movement from the Atlan tic to the Pacific. At the close of the Revolution (1783) the area of settlement was confined, for the most part, between the Alleghanies and the Atlantic. By 1825 it had reached THE NEW WEST 375 A CRIPPLE CREEK MINE. the Mississippi, by 1850 the Missouri, 1 and by 1890 the Pa cific coast. 2 We thus see that the westward movement was at first slow, requiring about one hundred and fifty years to reach the Alleghanies. But after 1825 it was wonderfully rapid. This marvel lous expansion was in a large measure due to the opening of the prairies, which were easily brought under The opening of cultivation because they were almost free from the prairies, trees. In the forest-covered regions farther east, from forty to fifty days labor was required to clear an acre of land for tillage, but only three or four days per acre were required in the prairie region. Moreover, the soil was rich and fer tile and needed little cultivation. These great waves of migration had two important re sults: (i) They made labor scarce, and therefore wages high, in the East ; (2) they led to an enormous Results of west- increase in food products, and therefore low- ward migration, ered the cost of food. Both of these conditions were of im mense advantage to the workingmen, and they help us to realize how much the general welfare of the people has 1 The gold-mining region of California is not here taken into account. 2 In 1889 North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington were ad mitted to the Union, in 1890 Idaho and Wyoming, and in 1896 Utah, making the number of States in the Union forty-five. 37 6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES been increased by the settlement and cultivation of the western part of the country. 381. The Mormons. Among- the many settlers of the West was a religious people who wished to enjoy their forms of worship and social customs without hindrance. In 1839 tne main body of these people, under the leader ship of Joseph Smith, a native of Vermont, settled at Com merce, Illinois, and built up the city of Joseph Smith. . . J Nauvoo. Smith claimed to receive revela tions from God, and to have discovered the Book of Mormon, which, according to his teaching, is a religious record of prehistoric America, containing the pure Gospel A REAPER. of Christ He was the founder of the Church of the Latter- day Saints, otherwise known as Mormons. They prospered at Nauvoo, but had trouble with some of the other people of Illinois, and their leader fell a victim to mob violence. Owing to these troubles with their neighbors, the Mormons went into the wilderness to find a place where they could live in peace and safety and in accordance with their own beliefs. Under their new prophet, Brigham Young, they soon after emigrated to the desert region of Salt Lake valley. Thrift of the Mor- There the Mormons prospered. With com mons in Utah. mendable industry and thrift they transformed the desert, by irrigation, into fertile land, and soon built Salt Lake City. Much credit is due to them for the rich culti vation under which they brought the surrounding land. 1 382. The Pacific Coast and Chinese Immigration. A less desirable increase of population came from the far 1 The Mormons acted together in State politics also. THE NEW WEST 377 East, at first in comparatively small numbers, but at length in such large bodies as to cause a general demand for re pressive measures. These people were the Chinese. In 1888 the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed to prevent the further immigration into the United States of Chinese laborers. Although at that time not more than 100,000 Chi nese were in the United States, 75,000 of whom were ir, A THRESHER. California, the American people, especially those on the Pacific coast, were bitterly opposed to any further Chinese immigration. For this opposition there were Three reasons for several reasons, (i) The Chinese brought no SJfiStali. families with them, because they did not intend ^ration. to remain and become citizens ; they showed little interest in American affairs and almost no inclination to adopt our customs. (2) As they lived more meanly than the whites, eating little but rice, they could work for lower wages, and in this way they greatly injured our laboring men. (3) It was feared that in time they might come over in such vast hordes as seriously to endanger our institutions. 383. The Pacific Railroads Furnish the Short North west Passage to China, Japan, and the Indies. It is well to remember that the westward growth of population has depended much on easy, cheap, and rapid transporta tion, in which the railroad has played a most important part. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES The first trans-continental railroad, the Union and Central Pacific, was completed in 1869. It extended from Omaha, Nebraska, to San Francisco, California. Work had been progressing upon this road for six years, one party working east from San Francisco, the other west from Omaha. The parties met at Ogden, Utah. Since that time four other Pacific railroads have been built, so that there are The five Pacific now five great trunk lines connecting the At- Weste a r d n 8 s e n t d tle. lantic with the Pacific COast. The value of ment. these Pacific railroads to the United States can hardly be estimated, for they have brought into service immense areas of land otherwise of trifling value. Without these roads and their network of branches running in all directions through the agricultural and mining regions of the West, the rapid settlements made in the last fifty years would have been impossible. At the close of the Revolution, Frederick of Prussia de clared that no single republic could be held together in a territory so vast as that stretching from Maine to Georgia. He believed it would break into sections or give place to a monarchy. A like argument was made by a United States senator when the Oregon country came under discussion in 1843. This senator urged that such a far-off land could never become an integral part of the United States : that it would require ten months out of every twelve for the representatives in Congress from a State so remote to go The railroad and to and from Washington. But we can now go he^ma^ntain from O re g on to Washington in less time than the union. John Adams could go from Boston to Phil adelphia in the days of the Continental Congress. Steam and electricity, applied to the transportation of men and goods and the transmission of thought, enable us to main tain a republic over an area of vast extent. It is difficult to see how the North, the South, the East, and the West, with their widely differing interests, could be held together in one great Union without the railroad and the telegraph. But the effects of the Pacific railroads on international trade, also, have been striking. Americans in the nineteenth THE NEW WEST 379 century have found what Europeans so eagerly sought in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries a short northwest passage to China, Japan, and the A short route to East Indies. Formerly, vessels with tea from china and Japan. China and spices from the East Indies sailed around Cape Horn and reached our eastern coast after a five or six months voyage. Now cargoes of these products are brought to San Francisco and reshipped by rail to New ARTESIAN WELL SYSTEM, RIVERSIDE, CAL. AN ORATOR IN FOREGROUND. York, the whole distance being covered in five or six weeks. The Pacific railroads have thus not only shortened the journey between Asia and the United States, but have reduced the cost of goods by diminishing freight charges. 384. The Arid Region and the Problem of Irrigation. With the extension of facilities for transportation the rapidly increasing population of the country began to turn to the districts that yet remained unoccupied. Under the Homestead Law nearly all the fertile land of the West, in regions of sufficient rainfall for agriculture, has been taken up by settlers. 1 But there is a great district which is barren until it is improved by irrigation. This arid and 1 Areas of fertile land still open to settlement are found in the forest regions of northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and in those west of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington. 3 8o HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES semi-arid region extends from the icoth meridian west ward to a belt of country lying within about two hundred miles from the Pacific coast. It includes the whole of Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico, and parts of Washington, Oregon, Califor nia, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kan sas, and Texas. This vast region contains at least 1,000,000 square miles, or an area equal to more than two hundred AN IRRIGATED ORANGE GROVE, RIVERSIDE, CAL. States like Connecticut. The soil is of great depth, and is exceedingly fertile when watered by irrigating canals and ditches. 1 Professor Shaler estimates that the area of this immense arid region which may be won to tillage by irri gation is probably not more than ten States like Con necticut. 385. Forest Reservations. Under authority from Con gress President Harrison withdrew from public sale 18,- 000,000 acres of forest-covered public lands. The move ment in the direction of forest preservation is exceedingly 1 Irrigation has been successfully introduced in Utah, Colorado, California, Idaho, and Arizona. THE NEW WEST 3 Sl important, because forests hold water in the ground and let it drain off gradually. They thus influence the volume of water in rivers, and therefore greatly aid irrigation. TO THE PUPIL 1. Why did our government, from the first, sell the public lands at very low prices ? What was the Homestead Bill ? 2. Trace on your map the advance of Western settlement and note the marvellous expansion due to the opening of the prairies. 3. What objections have been urged against Chinese immigration ? What do you think of these objections? What influence has the building of the Pacific railroads had upon trade with China, Japan, and the Indies ? Upon Western settlement ? In this connection re view the pack-horse, the flat-boat, the steamboat, the national road, and the Erie Canal. 4. Trace on your map the arid region and show what connection irriga tion has with it. How many States like your own could be included in this region ? CHAPTER XXII THE NEW UNION (1865) REFERENCES: Scribner s Popular History of the United States, V.; An- drews s United States, II.; Andrews s Last Quarter Century, I. and II.; Wilson s Division and Reunion ; Richardson s History of Our Country. OUTSIDE READINGS: Wilson s A History of the American People, V.; Appleton s Annual Cyclopaedia; Cyclopaedic Review of Current History; Field s Story of the Atlantic Telegraph; Elliott s Our Arctic Province; McCul- loch s Men and Measures of Half a Century ; Bourke s On the Border with Crook; Walker s Indian Question; Elaine s Twenty Years in Congress; Stan= wood s History of Presidential Elections; Woodburn s Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States ; various magazine articles ; the World and the Tribune almanacs, each issued annually. 386. The Atlantic Cable (1866). We have considered in some detail the development of the South and of the West. We have now to glance rapidly at some matters that concern the nation as a whole. One of the most im portant facts in the history of the country since the close of the Civil War is the invention that has made possible the instant transmission of thought to the most distant parts of the world. In 1858, after several unsuccessful efforts, the two continents were connected by a wire cable extending from Newfoundland to Ireland. Two ships, each contain ing a section of the cable, met in mid-ocean, and, having The wire cable of s pli ce d the sections, returned, the one toward 1858 is not sue- Newfoundland and the other toward Ireland, cessfui. laying the cable as they went. The two ships reached land on the same day, and very soon afterward (August 16) the Queen of England sent to the President of the United States this message : " Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good-will to men." But within 382 THE NEW UNION 383 A MIDSHIP VIEW OF THE GREAT EASTERN, SHOWING ONE OF THE PADDLE WHEELS AND THE LAUNCHING GEAR. Redrawn by permission from a copyrighted picture in Gassier s Magazine. a month the cable failed to work, and not until 1866 did ocean cabling become permanently successful. Since that time communication between Europe and America has not been interrupted, and now ten lines cross the Northern Atlantic. The cable has largely Results of the affected commerce, because the market prices Atlantic cable, in the great trade centres of America and Europe are re ported every day, and large business transactions can easily be made in a few hours between American and European business houses. It has also brought the vari ous parts of the civilized world into closer and more sympathetic relations, because the news of what is going on is so readily sent across the ocean. Our daily papers easily report Eurooean events a few hours after they have occurred. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 387. The Purchase of Alaska (1867). In 1867 our gov ernment gave to Russia $7,200,000 for Alaska, an immense territory equal in area to about one hundred and twenty States like Connecticut. The purchase was then thought by many to be an extravagant waste of the public money, because Alaska ap peared to be almost worthless. But the investment has proved to be a good one, the seal-fur trade alone being worth $2,500,000 a Alaska fur- beautiful marble, and SAMUEL F. B. MORSE S ORIGINAL MODEL OF THE TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENT. From the model in the Patent Office, Washington. year. nishes white has mines of coal, iron, and gold of great value. Along many of the streams are found rich forests, consisting Natural re- mainly of pine and cedar. The fisheries, sources of which include salmon in the rivers and cod and halibut on the coast, are extensive. Be sides all these natural resources Alaska has a coast well supplied with good harbors. By consulting the table below it will be seen that the entire area of the United States, exclusive of our island possessions, is now about 3,600,000 square miles, or nearly the size of all Europe. 1 388. Grant s Indian Peace Policy (1869). The Indians had always been more or less troublesome on the frontier, and during the Civil War the Sioux had committed shock- Square Miles. 1 United States, in 1783 827,844 Louisiana, 1803 1,171,931 Florida, 1819 59.268 Texas, 1845 37^,133 Mexican cession, 1848 545 7^3 Gadsden purchase, 1853 45>535 Alaska, 1867 57739 Total 3,603,884 THE NEW UNION 385 ing outrages in Minnesota. Half of the expenses of our War Department, exclusive of those incurred by the Civil War, had been occasioned by Indian wars, and yet Failure of the the Indians were not subdued. The war policy war policy, had failed, and therefore President Grant wisely adopted a peace policy. He had observed that the Cherokees 1 had developed by themselves a good degree of civilization, and he believed that by kind treatment and education the more barbarous tribes might be trained into good citizenship. He therefore entrusted the management of a few reservations to the Society of Friends, with whom the Indians had always held peaceful re lations. No Indian agent was to be appointed for these reservations with out the approval of both the President and the Society. The system gradually extended to other reser vations and to other religious denominations, with some success. The Indian could not immediately appreciate this new policy, however, and within a few years the Modocs (1872) and the Sioux (1876) both made outbreaks. There is no doubt that the Indian had grievances. He Grievances of could not understand why the Great Father the Indians, in Washington should allow the white man to invade his reservations, as the white man did when he saw in them fertile soil and unworked gold mines. But a more crying evil was the dishonesty of Indian contractors, who were making money by cheating both the government and the 1 The five civilized tribes were the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles. They all lived on reservations in the Indian Territory. R. F. T. ALLEN S ORIGINAL MODEL OF THE TYPEWRITER. From a model in the Patent Office, Washington. 386 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Indians, and were ready to oppose any plan likely to inter fere with their schemes. The government method of reservation was by treaty with the various tribes, the government agreeing to give yearly, for land yielded by the Indians, a quantity of The Indian reser- food, ammunition, and other supplies. The vation - food-supplies were to compensate for the loss of hunting-grounds, because hunting was the Indian s only means of support. Ammunition was to help them in secur- ing such game as their reservations supplied. The govern ment made liberal promises for the comfort, education, and civilization of these Indians. The reservation system was, however, not successful, because under it the Indians were placed by themselves, out of contact with Why the reserva- the dvil- tion system failed. 12102" 111- fluence of the whites. Moreover, it was im possible for them to develop a spirit of manly independence ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL S ORIGINAL MODEL w h#n co mii/-K \rnc OF THE TELEPHONE RECEIVER AND TRANS- W IJ MITTER. done for them. The From the model in tJte Patent Office, Washington. reservation plan made the Indian a pauper. The "Dawes Act," passed in 1887, provided for indi vidual ownership of land by the Indians. In the course of time it is hoped that the individual Indian, like The Dawes Act. , the white man, will have his own farm and reap the fruits of his own toil. Individual ownership, along with industrial training and general education, will aid in making him a useful citizen. 389. The Financial Panic of 1873. The Indian prob lem, serious as it was, affected a comparatively small part of the population. Far different was the trouble that attended the financial crash of the year 1873. This panic was much like the panics of 1837 and 1857. It was preceded by a THE NEW UNION 387 period of general prosperity, and was brought on by rash speculations in Western railroads. For five years railroad building had been going on to such an extent speculation in that the railroad mileage in the United States rai ^ d - bu " dln * and western had increased one-half. 1 This excessive rail- lands. road building, which was in the West, increased more rap idly than it could receive support from the population. Fortunes were made by some and lost by others in buying up tracts of lands in unsettled regions and increasing the value of that land by extending railroads through them. The speculative fever be came so high that rail roads were built much faster than they were needed. As in 1857, the failure of a single great banking- house suddenly brought this panic upon the coun try. Financial ruin fell upon business firms and From the model in the Patent offictt Washtngt0 n. individuals, and want and suffering came into thousands of homes. It was six years before the country fully recovered. 390. Railroad Strikes (1877). During the years of finan cial distress following the panic of 1873, the earnings of the railroads were much reduced. In 1877 some of the railroads in the Middle and Western States lowered the wages of their men. Brakemen and other trainmen on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and on the Pennsylvania Railroad refused 1 In 1861 only 651 miles of railroad were built ; in 1871 7,779 miles were built. The Northern Pacific, extending from Duluth to Puget Sound, was the most impor tant of these roads. During the five years preceding the panic, about $1,700,000.- OOQ were spent in railroad building. ELIAS HOWE S ORIGINAL MODEL OF THE SEWING MACHINE. 388 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OPENING DAY AT THE PHILADELPHIA CENTENNIAL, 1876. to work. Then men on other roads followed their example. Soon there were bloody riots at Baltimore and Pittsburgh and large mobs in Chicago, St. Louis, and other cities. In Pittsburg a mob of 20,000 men had control of the city for two days, one hundred lives being lost. The State mi litia and the United States troops united to stop violence, but it continued about two weeks. During that time 100,000 men took part in the strike, which resulted in the destruc tion of ten million dollars worth of property. 391. The Centennial Exhibition (1876). But during these years of financial depression and industrial discontent the country gave striking evidence of its vast resources by holding the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 in honor of the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the nation. The place chosen was Philadelphia, the city in which the Dec laration of Independence was given to the world. This ex hibition taught the people many things. It showed them the wonderful results that had been brought about by THE NEW UNION 389 What the Cen tennial taught the people. A close election. machinery and invention in all countries. It quickened their sympathies and turned their attention toward art. But education, especially, received such an impetus that the good results have steadily increased. The Centennial Exhibition also re vealed to America, as well as to the rest of the world, the richness and the variety of our natural productions and the superiority of this country over all others in useful inven tions. Two of the most wonderful of these were the telephone 1 and the application of elec tricity to lighting- purposes. 392. The Electoral Commission and the Presidency (1877). In the Presi dential election of 1876 there were dis putes about the election returns made in South Carolina, Florida, and Louisi ana. 2 Hayes, the Republican candidate, needed all the electoral votes from these States to secure his election, while Tilden, the Democratic candidate, needed only one. Florida and Louisiana had given Dem ocratic majorities, but the " returning boards," who received the election returns as they came in from various parts of the State, were Republican, and threw out enough votes, on the charge of intimidation, to make a Republican majority. The people were much disturbed, and feared there might be serious results. The excitement increased as the time drew near for the new President to be inaugurated. The Senate being Repub lican and the House Democratic, they could not unite upon any plan of seating either of the rival candidates. Finally a bill passed both Houses providing that a " Joint High Commission " should be appointed, whose decision should 1 The inventor of the telephone, which came at once into practical use, was Alexander Graham Bell, of Massachusetts. The American Bell Telephone Com pany was soon incorporated, and lines rapidly multiplied. * There was some dispute about the election in Oregon also. SAMUEL J. TILDEN. 39 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES be final. The commission included five senators, five rep resentatives, and five justices of the Supreme Court. The The "Joint High fifth justice was appointed by the other four commission." named in the bill. Before the fifth justice was appointed, seven of the commission were Republicans and seven were Democrats. It was expected that the fifth justice would be an independent, but circumstances caused a Republican to be selected, thus giving the Republicans a majority of one on the commission. On March 2, just two days before the time set by the Constitution for Decision in favor inauguration, the deci- \ , W :^ y "_ of Hayes. s { on j n f avor o f Hayes was published. Opinions were di vided as to the correctness of the returns, but whichever candidate was elected, the decision of the uncer tain question was final. The people throughout the land, Democrats and Republicans alike, had shown re- JAMES A. GARFIELD. 1,1 markable wisdom and self-control during all the months of the trying situation. 1 393. Resumption of Specie Payment (1879). The finan cial disturbance of 1873 and subsequent years was partly caused by the instability of the currency and the undue en couragement thereby given to speculation. Nobody knew exactly how much a dollar was worth or how much it was likely to be worth. This condition was unavoidable during the Civil War, but it was intolerable in a time of peace. During the Civil War so much money was needed to carry on the extensive military operations that the gov ernment and the banks could not furnish gold and silver enough for the unusual demands. Congress, therefore, like 1 To provide for possible contested elections in the future the Electoral Count Bill was passed in 1887. This measure threw the responsibility of Presidential elections upon the States, and provided that electoral certificates sent to the national capital by the various States should be opened by the president of the Senate in the presence of both Houses, and that four tellers, two from each House, should read aloud and make record of the votes. THE NEW UNION 39 Qreenbacks dur . the Continental Congress of the Revolution, issued millions of dollars of paper currency, which the people used instead of gold and silver. These paper notes were called greenbacks. As they were "legal tender" that is, the law declared that they might be used in paying debts everybody was willing to make free use of them. Gold, however, remained the stand ard of value, and the value of the greenbacks depended SUPREME COURT ROOM, CAPITOL, WASHINGTON, D. C. upon the defeats and victories on the battle-field. When the Northern armies won a great victory, the greenbacks rose in value ; when they met with a severe defeat, the green backs fell in value. While the war was most threatening they were worth, in gold, little more than one-third of their face value, because the prospect of Northern success was very gloomy. After the war, when the government began to pay the national debt rapidly, people began to have more and more 39* HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES confidence in these paper promises issued by Congress, and the greenbacks steadily rose in value. In 1879 tne Secre- Greenbacks be- tai "J ^ tne Treasury announced that he would come as good as give gold for paper currency if it were pre sented at the Treasury. This action of the Secretary of the Treasury meant the resumption of specie payment by the government, and from that time on a paper dollar was worth as much as a gold dollar. 394. Assassination of President Garfield 1 (1881) ; Civil Service Re form (1883-1886). When this impor tant question of the currency was set tled, the new administration of Gar- field, who was elected in 1880, seemed to be opening a new era of prosperity. But only a few months after his inaug uration the country was shocked by the announcement of his assassination (July 2, 1881). The assassin being a disappointed office-seeker, the tragedy brought forcibly to the minds of the people the great need of civil service reform. President Jackson had intro duced the spoils system into the civil service in order to reward his political friends. Appointments were not made 1 James A. Garfield, twentieth President of the United States, was born at Orange, Ohio in 1831, and died September 19, 1881, from a wound inflicted by a disappointed office-seeker. In early childhood Garfield s path was beset with difficulties. He was but two years of age when his father died, and his home, in a lonely log-cabin of the backwoods, was one of poverty and hardship. But the boy cheerfully helped his mother in supporting the family. After being graduated from Williams College he was for a time a college professor, and afterward studied law. Owing to his gallantry and daring on the battle-field in the Civil War he was pro moted to the rank of major-general. His term of service in Congress (1863 1880) was so successful that he was elected to the Senate of the United States in 1880. Before taking his seat, however, he was nominated by the Republicans for the Presidency. He was the second President who was assassinated and the fourth who died in office. ! Chester A. Arthur, twenty-first President of the United States (1881-1885), was born in Fairneld, Vermont, in 1830, and died in 1886. After being graduated from CHESTER A. ARTHUR. THE NEW UNION 393 by reason of fitness for the work, but were distributed as rewards for political services. In 1883 an ac t was passed by Congress authorizing the President to appoint civil service examiners, who should test by fair examinations, without regard to Reform in the party, the fitness of applicants for office. civil service. From the list of those passing the civil service examinations appointments and promotions were to be made. In accord ance with this act, during the next twenty years about 110,000 office holders were put under Rapid growth oi civil service rules. As thereto. a result all Federal officers are now under civil service reform rules, except two classes: (i) The higher officers, including the heads of de partments, and (2) postmasters in fourth class offices. 1 These 110,000 positions are now filled by those who have successfully passed the civil service examinations without any reference to changes in Presidential administrations. The spoils system in the Federal civil service has become largely a thing of the past. Experience, training, ability in a Union College he studied law and became a successful lawyer. In 1871 President Grant appointed him Collector of the Port of New York. Having been elected Vice-President by the Republicans in 1880, he succeeded to the Presidency on the death of Garfield. He was the fourth Vice-President who thus became the execu tive head of the nation. 1 Of those not yet classified, over 72,000 are postmasters of the fourth class. These include postmasters receiving salaries of $1,000 or less a year. 2 Grover Cleveland, twenty-second and twenty-fourth President of the United States (1885-1889 and 1893-1897), was born in Caldwell, New Jersey, in 1837. In his early childhood the family removed to New York State. Later, he became a lawyer and took high rank in his profession. After filling the offices of assistant district attorney and sheriff of the county he was elected Mayor of Buffalo. In this position he so fearlessly used his veto power that he was called the " veto mayor." His success as mayor led to his nomination by the Democrats, in 1882, for gov- GROVER CLEVELAND. 394 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES word, personal fitness to perform the duties of the office are now demanded in our civil service. 395. The Brooklyn Bridge (1883). In the same year that Congress passed the act for civil service reform, another great work affecting the public good was accomplished. This was the completion of the Suspension Bridge spanning East River and connecting Brooklyn with New York. The bridge was sixteen years in building, and co:t $16,000,000. It is 85 feet wide, and is more than a mile long, its centre being supported by four main cables made of steel wire nearly 16 inches in diameter. There are five passage ways two for cable- cars, two for drive ways, and a middle one for foot-passen gers. In design and construction it is a most stupendous work of engineering. 396. Presidential Succession Act (1886). A great nation like this should not be left for a single day without a Pres ident. Congress had already passed a law that in case of the death or disability of both President and Vice-Presi- dent, the temporary president of the Senate and, following him, the Speaker of the House, should become President. But in case either of the last named should be of the oppo- ernor of the State of New York, to which office he was elected by an overwhelming majority. Owing to his popularity in New York the Democrats nominated him for the Presidency in 1884. James G. Elaine was nominated by the Republicans. The political campaign was exciting and resulted in Cleveland s election. At the close of his first term he was defeated by Benjamin Harrison, but in 1892 he in turn defeated President Harrison and became President for a second term.* BROOKLYN BRIDGE. ONE OF THE LARGEST SUSPENSION BRIDGES IN THE WORLD. Copyright, I^ by Underwood &* Underwood, New York. THE NEW UNION 395 site party, their succession would not represent the choice of the people, and the plan was therefore not considered satisfactory. In 1886 an act was passed providing that in case of the death or disability of both the President and Vice-President, members of the Cabinet should; one after another, be made Acting President as long as the disability existed, or until the next election of a President by the peo ple. The duty would fall first upon the Secretary of State, and then upon the other members of the Cabinet in the order of establishment of the various departments. 1 Such members as might in any way be disqualified would be passed over. There is scarcely an emergency now in which the country could be left without a President. 2 397. Knights of Labor. We have already noted (see par. 390) the great railroad strike of 1877. Within ten years there were many similar troubles between working- men and their employers. In order to strengthen them selves for a struggle with employers the workingmen formed large organizations, one of which, the Knights of Labor, contained many thousand members and exerted a large influence all over the country. The members of the organization, calling themselves union men, would suddenly quit work, or strike, when they wished to force their em ployers to grant them higher wages or shorter hours. The employers, in turn, united against the work- Black lists and ingmen by making out " black lists," contain- boycotting. ing the names of the more influential union men, whom the employers would, from that time forward, refuse to em ploy. The workingmen sometimes resorted to "boycot ting," which was refusing to have any business relations J The order in which the various Cabinet positions were created was: (i) Sec retary of State, 1789; (2) Secretary of the Treasury, 1789; (3) Secretary of War, 1789; (4) Attorney-General, 1789; (5) Postmaster-General, 1789; (6) Secretary of the Navy, 1798; (7) Secretary of the Interior, 1849; (8) Secretary of Agri culture, 1889 ; (9) Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 1903. 1 President Garfield died in September, nearly three months before Congress as sembled, and during the intervening period President Arthur was critically ill. Had he died at that time there might have been some confusion in the administra tion of the government. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES with the man they wished to injure, either by using any goods he had manufactured or by handling them even for transportation. In most cases both parties gained little by their unfortunate attempts to injure each other. 398. The Statue of Liberty (1886). In pleasing con trast with these serious labor troubles was an international event that took place in New York City in 1886. This was the unveiling of the enormous statue of " Liberty Enlight ening the World," which was given by Frenchmen to the people of the United States as an expression of friendly feeling toward our country. The statue cost more than $200,000 and was paid for by 100,000 Frenchmen. It was placed on Bedloe s Island now called Liberty Island in New York Bay. The height of the statue is 151 feet and of the pedestal 155 feet. 399. Oklahoma Opened to Settlement (1889). The rapid growth of population west ward began at last to press upon the Indian reservation. That part of Indian Territory called Oklahoma was a large and fertile stretch of country especially coveted by white settlers. The United States therefore finally purchased it from the Indians in 1889, and President Harrison, by proc lamation, declared it open to settlement. By nightfall of the day of occupation (April 22, 1889) several thousand persons had staked out their claims in Guthrie and had taken steps to form a city government. Before the year THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IN NEW YORK HARBOR. THE NEW UNION 397 came to a close the territory had nearly or quite 60,000 people, 8,000 of whom were in Guthrie and R ap id growth oi 5,000 in Oklahoma City. The population of Oklahoma. Oklahoma in 1900 was 398,331. At no distant day it will doubtless seek admission into the Union as a State. 400. Pension Bill (1890). In 1890 Congress passed a Pension Bill which was very liberal to the soldiers and sail ors injured in defending the Union during the Civil War. In accordance with this measure the government paid in pensions, to the close of 1903, more than $137,000,000 a year, on an average. This sum will be diminished gradually as our veterans pass away. No other nation has ever before been so liberal to its soldiers and sailors, nor has any other na tion, with the possible exception of Germany, ever had in its service an army and navy ranking so high in intelligence and fighting ability. Well may we be proud of American manhood as it was seen on the battle-fields of this war. 401. The Pan-American Congress (1889-1890). The attention of the people of this country during the past generation has naturally been given, for the most part, to questions of internal polity and development. But ques tions of wider import have now and then been brought to the front. The relations of this country to the coun tries of South America present a still unsettled problem. More than one American statesman has cherished the hope of bringing about closer relations and more friendly feel ings between the United States and the leading independent countries of North and South America. Hence our gov ernment invited these countries to send representatives to a congress to meet at Washington. The invitation was accepted, and the Pan-American Congress was held in the autumn of 1889. Seventeen coun tries were represented by sixty-six members. Questions concerning closer business relations and bet- what the Pan- ter means of communication between the American con- various countries represented in the Con- s r ^ sdld - gress were discussed. But by far the most important work of the Pan-American Congress was its recommendation 398 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE CHAMBER, WASHINGTON, D. C. that the republics of North, Central, and South America should settle by arbitration all disputes and difficulties that might arise among them. 402. Trouble with Italy (1890) and with Chili (1891). The desirability of a system of arbitration with foreign Assassination of countries was made suddenly and painfully the New Orleans evident. In 1890, on the failure of the jury to ohce * convict some Italians on trial for assassinating the New Orleans Chief of Police, a party of lynchers, in dignant at this failure of justice, broke into the jail and Three Italian put to death eleven Italian prisoners. As citizens lynched, three of these men were Italian citizens there was serious trouble with Italy over the lynching; but through our able Secretary of State, James G. Elaine, a satisfactory settlement was reached when our government agreed to pay $25,000 to the families of the murdered men. Equally unexpected and unwelcome was the complica tion with Chili. In 1891, in the streets of Valparaiso, a mob THE NEW UNION 399 HALL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON, D. C. attacked 1 some sailors from the American warship Balti more , killing two of them and wounding eighteen others. When the United States demanded satisfaction, Chili dis avowed the act and agreed to pay damages to our govern ment. 403. Our New Navy (1883- ). These various diffi culties with foreign nations showed the need of a more powerful navy. During the twenty years succeeding the Civil War nothing was done to build up or Need of a new maintain our navy. The ships that had served nav y during the war had either been disposed of or had gradu ally become useless through age. Such a navy could af ford but small protection to our commerce and extensive sea-coast, and was unworthy of a great nation like the United States. 1 A revolution having broken out in Chili, our Minister there took sides with the Chilian president. Moreover, a Chilian cruiser had been seized in a port of California because she was thought to be on the point of sailing with a supply of arms for the revolutionists. Hence the anger of the Chilian mob. 400 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Finally, people began to realize its worthlessness and took measures to improve its condition. Accordingly, in 1883 Congress authorized the building of four steel cruis- The strength of ers. This was a beginning. Since that time our navy. other cruisers of great strength and speed, and battle-ships of immense power, have been brought into use. The cruisers are for the protection of our commerce and the destruction of the enemy s com merce in case of war. 404. The Australian Ballot System Introduced into Most of the States (1888-1892). By the year 1888 public opinion demanded a sweeping reform in the methods of voting at State and Demoralizing national elections. Votes effect of buying were so easily bought and sold that the results of the election in some cases seemed to depend in a large measure upon the JAMES G. ELAINE. amount of money spent in buying votes. This was a serious menace to our institu tions and was highly demoralizing. The feeling of the peo ple against this corruption of American manhood soon ex pressed itself in an emphatic way. State after State passed ballot-reform laws, the purpose of which was to lessen vote- buying and to give voters a better opportunity to cast a secret ballot. These laws provided for a method of voting called the Australian ballot system. By this plan every voter could shut himself in a stall and there prepare and fold his ballot, so that no one could know how he voted or interfere in any way with his choice. By 1892 thirty-seven of the States, with the aid of both of the great political parties, had passed such ballot-reform laws. 405. The Bering Sea Trouble Settled by Arbitration (1886-1893). This movement, important as it was, aroused no great attention abroad. But an international question that had remained long unsettled threatened for a time to embroil us with Great Britain. After the purchase of THE NEW UNION 401 THE NEW BATTLESHIP MAINE. Alaska (1867) the United States claimed entire control of the seal-fisheries in Bering Sea. England insisted that the jurisdiction of our government could not extend beyond three miles from the shore, and she therefore encouraged Canadian sailors in seal-catching outside the En Iand and the three-mile limit. So great had become the united states destruction of seals that their extermination dlsa ^ ree - seemed only a matter of a few years. In 1886, when our cruisers seized Canadian vessels and confiscated all their cargoes of seal-furs, the dispute between the United States and England became serious. After a warm diplomatic correspondence the matter was referred to a tribunal of arbitration, which decided (1893) that the United States had no right to con trol the seal-fisheries beyond the three-mile limit. But in making careful provision for the protection of the seals, the decision was satisfactory to the United States, whose main purpose was to prevent the destruction of the seals. The settlement of this dispute without an ap peal to arms was, like the settlement of the Alabama Claims (1871), another triumph for arbitration. 406. The United States and the Hawaiian Revolution (1893-1894). In 1893 a revolution broke out in Hawaii. 1 The revolutionists at once appointed a committee of safety The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States in 1898. The decision. 402 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES which organized a provisional government and sent com- missioners to Washington to secure a treaty of annexation. The treaty was arranged and sent by President Harrison 1 to the Senate for confirmation. But before the Senate could act upon it President Harrison s term of office had expired (March 3). Five days after taking his seat, Presi dent Cleveland withdrew the treaty from the Senate and sent to Hawaii a minister who recommended that the queen be restored to her throne. Con gress, however, refused to take any action. 407. The World s Columbian Exposition (1893). Our history opened with the discovery of Amer ica by Columbus in 1492. Four hundred years later the great Co lumbian Exposition in Chicago cel ebrated that event. This exhibition surpassed all previous international exhibitions, being regarded as one of the marvels of the world. The location on the lake front was most fortunate, and the buildings were wonderful in their grandeur and beauty. The dedication exercises were held October 21, 1892, and the fair was for mally opened in May, 1893. Foreigners were greatly im pressed by the evidence of the growth of our people in higher than industrial lines; and Americans were justly proud of the intellectual and artistic advance of their country. 1 Benjamin Harrison, twenty-third President of the United States (1889-1893), was born in North Bend, Ohio, in 1833, and died in 1901. After being graduated from Miami University, he studied law in Cincinnati, removed two years later to Indianapolis, and soon won much success in his chosen profession. In 1862 he entered the Union army as a lieutenant, and a little later, having organized a company of an Indiana regiment, received the commission of colonel of the regiment. He remained in the army throughout the war and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. He became a United States Senator in 1881 and ably repre sented the State of Indiana. He was elected President in 1888. BENJAMIN HARRISON. AT THE WORLD S FAIR. The Administration Building on Chicago Day, THE NEW UNION 403 408. Financial Panic of 1893. While the country was still celebrating the great achievement of Columbus, there came, almost without warning to ordinary observers, one of the worst financial panics the United States has ever passed through. It was called the panic of 1893. There were bus iness failures and financial distress everywhere. As great manufacturing establishments could not sell their goods, many of them shut down their factories altogether or ran them on shorter hours. Soon there were hundreds of thousands of workingmen out of work, with suffering and want in their families. President Cleveland, believing that silver legislation was one of the principal causes of the panic, summoned Congress to repeal the Sherman Act, which it did (November, 1893) after a long and bitter struggle. 409. Silver Legislation (1873-1893). By 1873 the silver dollar, having become worth more than the gold dollar, had practically passed out of circulation. Very little silver had been coined in the United States since 1834, and for more than twenty years the yield from newly discovered gold mines had been so abundant that it was gener- silver demone- ally supposed, both here and abroad, that the tizedim8 7 3. supply of gold would be sufficient to provide all the specie the world needed. Congress therefore passed a coinage act (1873) which demonetized silver by declaring that it should no longer be a legal tender for debts. But many people desired to have more gold and silver money in circulation. Accordingly, in 1878, the Bland Silver Bill was passed, which not only made silver a legal tender for debts, but also directed that the TheBiand mints should coin not less than two, nor more Silver Bin - than four, million silver dollars a month. In spite of this extensive purchase of silver by the government, however, there was a demand for a still larger purchase. Congress, therefore, passed the Sherman Act (1890), which modified the Bland Bill by providing The Sherman that the Secretary of the Treasury should pur- Act - chase not less than $4,000,000 worth of silver bullion each month and pay for it by issuing Treasury notes which were 404 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES a legal tender for all debts, and redeemable in gold or silver coin at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. The purchase of silver was therefore increased, but its coinage was no longer compulsory. 410. The Tariff Question. During the Civil War du ties on foreign goods were raised repeatedly for increased revenue to meet the enormous expenses of maintaining the army and navy. After the war no change worthy of mention was made for about twenty-five years. Dur ing Mr. Cleveland s first administra tion (1885-1889) it was found that the $100,000,000 internal revenue on to- ?^ n .% bacco and spirituous liq- year. uors, and the duties on foreign goods, piled up in the national treasury $100,000,000 every year, after all the expenses of the government were paid. President Cleveland there fore recommended such a reduction in the tariff as would make the revenue and the expenses more nearly equal. The Mills Bill, representing the pol icy of the President, was passed in the House but failed in the Senate. In the election of a President and a Congress in 1888 the tariff was the main issue between the two great parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democrats de manded a tariff for revenue only, and the Republicans a high tariff for the protection of American manufactures. The Republicans were successful not only in electing the President, Benjamin Harrison, but in getting control of both TheMcKiniey Houses of Congress. The outcome was the BUI. passage of the McKinley Bill in the interests of a high tariff to protect and stimulate American manu factures. In the Presidential election of 1892 the tariff plank was the principal difference between the platforms of the Re publicans and the Democrats. As in 1888, the Repub- WILLIAM MCKINLEY. THE NEW UNION 405 lican policy was a high protective tariff, while the Demo cratic policy was a tariff for revenue only. The Democrats were successful, electing the President and an overwhelm ing majority in the House of Representatives. As soon as they came into office they set about a revision of the tariff by passing the Wilson Bill, which, in its final form, differed from the McKinley Bill mainly in the degree of protection it called for. 1 In other words, the Wilson Bill stood for a moderately low protective tariff; the McKinley Bill for a high protective tariff. 411. The Pullman Boycott and the Great Railroad Strike (1894). The financial depression of 1893 caused such a decrease in travel that there was little demand for the sleeping-cars furnished to numerous railroads by the Pull man Car Company, located at Pullman, Illinois, near Chi cago. Its income being greatly lessened, the Pullman Company decided upon a reduction of wages. When, on re ceiving notice of this reduction, 3,000 of the workmen went out on strike, the company shut down its works. The outcome was a strike which soon spread to twenty- two railroads running out of Chicago. Business in Chicago was prostrate, and travel became dangerous. The usual large supplies of meat and provisions going out to various part^ of the country from that city were cut off, and a meat famine was threatened. Various kinds of trade and in dustry throughout the land were thrown into confusion. To aid the local authorities in putting an end to the disorder in Chicago, 2,000 United States troops and 4,000 state militia were sent there. During the strike, the worst of which was over at the end of three weeks, the money losses to workingmen, railroads, and the United States Govern ment were not less than $7,000,000. 412. The Anglo-Venezuelan Difficulty and the Mon roe Doctrine (1895-1897). For a long time there had been a dispute between Venezuela and England about the boun ds an amendment to the Wilson Bill, an Income Tax of two per cent. OH all incomes of more than $4,000 a year was proposed, but the Supreme Court decided by a vote of five to four that such a national tax was unconstitutional. 406 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE INAUGURATION OF WILLIAM McKINLEY. dary line separating Venezuela from British Guiana. By 1895 the dispute had become serious, and our government tried as it had for years been trying to induce England to submit the whole question to arbitration. The English Government declared, however, that England and Vene zuela could settle their own disputes, without aid or inter ference from the United States. Our government answered that if, in this controversy, England insisted upon enforcing her claims to territory not shown to be rightfully her own, she was violating the Monroe Doctrine. In the high- spirited diplomatic correspondence between the two govern- THE NEW UNION 407 ments, our Secretary of State, Richard Olney, argued the American side with great vigor and ability. There was, for a short time, talk of war; but this war feeling quickly sub sided, and England and Venezuela agreed to settle their boundary dispute by arbitration. A most fortunate out come of the Anglo-Venezuelan dispute was a growing feel ing on the part of a large number of people in both the United States and England in favor of the settlement of difficulties between the two countries by arbitration. 413. The Presidential Campaign of 1896. Scarcely had the excitement over the Anglo-Venezuelan difficulty passed when the United States entered upon an experience which can never be forgotten. This was the Presidential campaign of 1896. The two leading political questions Free silver and to be answered by the people were as follows : the tariff. (i) " Shall we have free and unlimited coinage of silver, or shall we maintain a gold standard?" (2) "Shall we have a protective tariff, or a tariff for revenue only ? " When the Republicans met in their National Convention to make nominations for President and for Vice-President they declared in their platform that they were in favor of a protective tariff, and that they were " opposed to the free coinage of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world." The convention nominated William McKinley, of Ohio, for President, and Garrett A. Hobart, of New Jersey, for Vice- The Republicans President. The Democratic Nominating Con- nominate McKin- ley and the Dem- vention " demanded, in its platform, "the free ocrats Bryan, and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal rate of 16 to I, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation." This Convention also declared itself in favor of a tariff for revenue only, and nominated William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, for President. Some Democrats, believing in a gold standard, would not join the silver movement, and nominated their own candidates for President and Vice-President; while many voters, who were called Populists, believing that the gov ernment should own and manage all railroads and telegraph 4o8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES lines, just as it owns and manages the post-office, nominated still other candidates. After an intensely earnest and serious campaign McKin- ley was elected, and was inaugurated President, March 4, I89/. 1 He at once set about the revision of the tariff by call ing a special session of Congress. The result was the pas sage of the " Dingley Tariff" (July 24, 1897), which raised the duties on foreign goods in accordance with the promises made by the Republicans in the Presidential campaign of 1896. TO THE PUPIL 1. Although the events discussed under " The New Union " are im portant, their connection is not always easily traced. They require all the more careful study. 2. Discuss the difficulties and results of the Atlantic Cable. Of what value is Alaska to the United States ? How many States like your own does its area equal ? 3. What grievances had the Indians even after the adoption of Grant s peace policy? What is the reservation system, and why has it failed ? What was the Dawes Act ? 4. Subject for debate: Resolved, that the Indian has been unjustly treated by the whites. 5. Name the causes of the financial panic of 1873, and show the connec tion between it and Western settlement. What did the Centennial Exhibition teach the people ? 6. What difficulty was there about the Presidential election of 1876, and how was it settled ? Observe that Rutherford B. Hayes was Presi dent in 1877-1881. Name all the Presidents in order up to this time. 1 William McKinley, twenty-fifth President of the United States (1897), was born at Niles, Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1844, and died in 1901. When the Civil War began he was a teacher in a country school. Although only seventeen years old he enlisted as a private in the 23d Ohio Regiment, which was commanded later by Rutherford B. Hayes. Young McKinley fought so gallantly in the battles of Antie- tam, Opequan, Fisher s Hill, and Cedar Creek, that he was advanced to the grade of major. After the war was over he studied law and began the successful practice of it in Canton, Ohio. In 1877 he entered Congress as a Republican representative from Ohio, and served almost continuously until 1891. During his last term, as Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, he became the author of the McKinley Bill. In 1891, and again in 1893, the Republicans elected him Governor of Ohio, and he gave evidence of rare tact and executive ability. President McKinley was a very effective public speaker. THE NEW UNION 409 7. Why was so much paper currency issued during the Civil War? Upon what did the value of the greenbacks depend ? What is meant by resumption of specie payment ? 8. Review Jackson s introduction of the spoils system and rotation in office. What are the demoralizing influences of this system ? What is civil service reform ? 9. Observe that James A. Garfield was inaugurated as a Republican President in 1881, and that after his death Chester A. Arthur be came President, continuing in office in 1881-1885. Grover Cleveland, elected by the Democrats, was President in 1885-1889. Benjamin Harrison, elected by the Republicans, was President in 1889-1893. For the next four years, 1893-1897, Cleveland was again President, and gave place to William McKinley, who was inaugurated March 4, 1897. What was the Presidential Act of 1886 ? 10. Prepare to write from three to five minutes on any of the following topics: Oklahoma, the Pan-American Congress, the trouble with Italy, the Pension Bill, and the trouble with Chili. 11. Why do we need a strong navy ? I2o What is the Australian ballot system, and why has it been introduced into most of our States ? 13. What was the Bering Sea trouble ? What was the decision reached in regard to it by the tribunal of arbitration ? What is arbitration ? 14. Write an outline of the silver legislation, 1873-1893. 15. Before taking up the tariff question here review the difficulties about the tariff which resulted in nullification in South Carolina in Jack son s administration. What were the Mill s Bill, the Wilson Bill, and the McKinley Bill ? 16. Review the Monroe Doctrine and Maximilian in Mexico. What -was the trouble between Venezuela and England ? What attitude did our government take toward this trouble ? 17. What were the leading political questions before the people in the Presidential campaign of 1896 ? What answers did the Republicans propose ? the Democrats ? CHAPTER XXIII THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS (18 9 8- ) OUTSIDE READINGS: Watterson s History of the Spanish-American War; Kennan s Campaigning in Cuba; Spear s Our Navy in the War with Spain; Russell s History of Our War with Spain ; Roosevelt s Rough Riders ; Lodge s War with Spain; Foster s American Diplomacy in the Orient; Woolsey s America s Foreign Policy; Qriffis s America in the East; Andrews s United States in Our Own Times; Wilson s History of the American People, V. 414. The Cubans Rise against Spain (February, 1895). Tariff revision and the financial policy of the government were serious questions, but there soon arose an international complication of overshadowing interest, which absorbed much of the thought and energy of the nation. From the be ginning of her control in Cuba the rule of Spain was cruel and unjust. The Cubans tried several times to throw off the galling yoke, but in vain. In February, 1895, however, they organized in eastern Cuba an insurrection that within a vear spread to the western end of the island. THE WRECK OF CERVERA S FLAGSHIP COLON. Copyright, iSqq, by Strohmeyer &> Wyman. 4IO THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS In alarm the Spanish Government decided upon severe measures, and appointed General Weyler as governor- general. He drove the country people into The brutal policy towns and cities, burned their dwellings, and of concentration. destroyed everything that might furnish support to the fighting Cubans. Such was the brutal policy of concentra tion. By this policy General Weyler hoped to starve the people into submission, but he failed. Blanco succeeded him as governor-general and tried by a milder policy to win the Cubans back to Spain. The Cubans cry, however, was, " Independence or death ! " At the end of three years, with an army of more than 200,000, Spain had made little headway in putting down the insurrection. 415. Blowing up the Maine. As the war went on American indignation grew bitter. In the midst of a period of deep feeling aroused by the inhu man methods of conducting the war, the people of the United States were shocked by an awful event. On the night of February 15, 1898, the American battle-ship Maine, lying in the harbor of Havana, was blown up, two hundred and The Maine and sixty-six of her sailors being killed by the ex- the submarine plosion. Great excitement swept over the country. The President at once appointed a naval court of inquiry, which, after four weeks of investigation, reported that the Maine was blown up by the explosion of a subma rine mine. The American people, holding Spanish officials responsible for the destruction of the Maine, were more than ever inclined to insist that Spain should end the war. President McKinley did all in his power to bring about a settlement of the trouble, but without success. 416. War Declared (April, 1898). In the meantime af fairs in Cuba were becoming worse every day. The Presi dent, urged by an impatient Congress to decisive action, W. S. SCHLEY. 412 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES declared, in a message sent to that body : " In the name of humanity, in the name of civilization, in behalf of endan gered American interests which give us the right and the duty to speak and to act, the war in Cuba must stop." Congress responded by passing a joint resolution to the following effect: (i) The Cubans are free and indepen- spain must give dent ; (2) Spain must give up all authority up Cuba. j n Cuba and withdraw her troops; (3) The United States will exercise control over Cuba long enough to restore peace and good order, and will then leave the island under the control of the Cu bans. A little later Congress de clared that war had existed since April 2ist, and in due time the President called for 200,000 vol unteers from the various States and Territories. Congress voted that the regular army also should be increased to 62,000. 417. Dewey s Brilliant Victory at Manila. Commodore Dewey, GEORGE DEWEY. tne commander of the American fleet in Asiatic waters, was ordered to sail at once for the Philippine Islands and capture or destroy the Spanish fleet. He hastened to Manila, where he found (May 1st) the Spanish fleet lying under the pro tection of strong shore batteries. With a daring unsur passed he headed his ships for the enemy. While his flag ship was steaming boldly into action, two submarine mines exploded just in front of her, but Commodore Dewey did not falter. The skilful seamanship of the Americans and the rapid and accurate handling of their guns made the The Spanish fleet battle short and decisive. The entire Spanish destroyed. fleet of ten war-vessels was destroyed, and 1,200 Spaniards were killed or wounded. Not one Amer ican was killed and only eight were wounded, and not one American vessel received serious injury. It was one of the most brilliant naval victories in history. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 413 SHIPPING AND DOCKS, PASIG RIVER, MANILA. Admiral Dewey l could have captured Manila, but, not having men enough to hold it, he had to wait for reinforce ments. As soon as possible over 15,000 soldiers were sent under General Merritt to co-operate with the American fleet. After a combined attack was made upon Manila by the army and the fleet, the city surrendered (August I3th). 418. The Coming of Cervera s Fleet. Until the Span ish fleet at Manila had been destroyed, there was fear of an attack upon our Pacific coast. And there was still grave fear that an attack might be made upon the great Atlantic seaports by the Spanish fleet under the command of Ad miral Cervera. At the outbreak of the war this fleet was at the Cape Verde Islands, whence it soon steamed away toward Cuban waters. What were Cervera s plans? Would he try to reach Havana by attacking the American fleet which, under the 1 On the news of the victory the President appointed Dewey as acting admiral. 414 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Cervera s plans. command of Admiral Sampson, was blockading the north ern coast of Cuba? Would he steer directly for some great city on the Atlantic coast? Or would he try to intercept the Oregon^ on her way up the eastern coast of South America? Events soon an swered these questions. Cervera arrived at Martinique and then sailed for the Dutch island Curasao off the coast of Venezuela, where he CUBA. got much-needed coal. He was then ordered to Santiago, which, on account of the highlands and the narrow mouth of its protected harbor, was thought to be a good hiding- Cervera bottled place while taking on coal and other supplies. up " at Santiago. Soon after his arrival the fleet under Commo dore Schley discovered and blockaded the harbor. The Spanish fleet was now " bottled up." Still there was fear that Cervera might on some dark, stormy night succeed in getting away. To prevent this, a 1 This great battle-ship had, on March 19, begun her remarkable journey of some 15,000 miles from San Francisco around Cape Horn. On May 24th the Oregon arrived safely and soon joined the blockading squadron. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 4*5 UNITED STATES TROOPS LANDING AT BAIQUIRI, CUBA. daring plan was laid to sink the collier Merrimac directly across the very narrow entrance to the harbor. Lieuten ant Hobson and seven other heroic men tried Lieutenant nob= to carry out this plan; but a Spanish shot son s daring ex- having carried away the rudder of the Mer- ploitt rimac before she could be blown up, Hobson did not suc ceed in sinking- her directly across but only along the chan nel, and thus but partly obstructed it. 419. On to Santiago. A plan of campaign in Cuba was quickly organized, and an army of 15,000 men was soon on its way to unite with Admiral Sampson s squadron for the capture of Santiago and Cervera s fleet. A little later the troops were on Cuban soil, pressing on toward Santiago. The advance had hardly begun when a battle R 00 seveitRou h took place at Las Guasimas 1 between about Riders at Las 1,000 Americans, among whom were the Guasimas - famous Roosevelt Rough Riders, and a force of Spaniards considerably larger. This battle was fought in a tropical forest, where the dense undergrowth often made it impos sible to see the enemy a few yards away. The Americans 1 The first engagement was at Guantanamo, where 600 American marines gallantly held their ground against an attack of greatly superior numbers. 416 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES advanced in a series of short, desperate rushes, by which they steadily drove the Spaniards before them and won a signal victory. 420. The Battle of Santiago. Yet in spite of this vic tory it was evident that the Spaniards would make a stout resistance. Moreover, the Americans had to face unusual difficulties. The so-called roads were rough paths fre quently crossed by rushing torrents without bridges. THE PALACE AT SANTIAGO ON WHICH THE AMERICAN FLAG WAS RAISED WHEN THE AMERICAN TROOPS TOOK POSSESSION. Under such conditions heavy siege-guns could not be moved forward promptly. But delay meant something worse than Spanish bullets. The intense heat and the ex treme dampness threatened the American ranks with deadly disease. General Shafter therefore decided to move on without delay, and on July ist made a vigorous attack upon the outworks of Santiago at El Caney on the Spanish left A glorious Ameri- and the strong position of San Juan, corn- can victory, manding the city. Both these places were stoutly defended. The battle was hotly contested, but ended in glorious victory for the Americans, who by bril- THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 417 liant charges swept the enemy before them and captured the two strongholds. 421. Cervera s Fleet Destroyed. On the morning of July 3d the Spanish fleet dashed boldly out of the harbor in a desperate attempt to escape. When (about half past nine) it was seen coming out, every American sailor eagerly leaped to his post of duty. The battle was on. As at Manila, the Americans showed themselves superior to the Spaniards in gunnery, and won a vic tory as brilliant as that of Admiral Dewey. The entire Spanish fleet of six war-vessels was destroyed, 600 Spaniards were killed and 1,300 cap tured. Only one American was killed and one severely wounded, and not one of our ships was seriously harmed. About two weeks afterward Santiago and the eastern end of Cuba, with 22,000 Spanish soldiers, surrendered. 422. Results of the War. A large American force under General Miles was then sent to Porto Rico and w^ rapidly getting control of the island when Spain expressed a desire for peace. The principal results of the war as set forth in the treaty, which, after much opposition, was ratified by the United States Senate, February 6, 1899, were as follows: (i) Spain gave up Cuba and ceded to the United States Porto Rico. (2) She also ceded to the United States the Philippines, the United States agreeing to pay her $20,000,000. There were two other important results of the struggle. The first was the increased friendship between this country and England. Some of the great powers of Two other strik . Europe showed in the earlier stages of the ing results of the war a disposition to intervene in behalf of Spain. But England refused to join them and indicated her sympathy for us. As a fortunate outcome of this atti tude, the most friendly relations now exist between England 4i8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and the United States. The war also helped to bring- all parts of the country into closer and deeper sympathy,, The various sections are united as they have never been before. 423. Porto Rico under the Control of the United States (1900). The people of Porto Rico were glad to come under the control of the United States. But they did not get rid of all their troubles when they got rid of Spanish rule. They were in great financial distress. The war had par alyzed their trade, and a fierce hur ricane had swept over the island in Americans relieve l 8 99> destroying prop- financial distress erty WOrth $22,OOO,OOO. in Porto Rico. The Americans g ener . ously came to their aid by distrib uting immense quantities of food. But to relieve the distress some thing more was necessary. In the spring of 1900, therefore, Congress returned to Porto Rico more than $2,000,000 that had come into our treasury in the form of duties laid upon imports from the island. Later, all tariff rates between Porto Rico and the United States were removed. In April, ,1900, Congress passed a law providing for a territorial government. Under this law the President of the United States appoints a governor and the people of the island elect a legislature. 424. The Re-election and Assassination of President McKinley (1900-1901). Scarcely had the question of civil government in Porto Rico been settled when the country was astir with the excitement of another Presidential cam- pain. The Republicans again nominated William McKinley for President, and the Democrats William J. Bryan. As in 1896, the leading issue before the country was whether there should be a free and unlimited coinage of silver at W. T. SAMPSON. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 4*9 the rate of 16 to i or a gold standard. The people voted in favor of William McKinley and the gold standard. Six months after his inauguration, during a visit to the Pan-American Exposition 1 at Buffalo, President McKinley was assassinated. While receiving in line a great number of people in the Temple of Music on the afternoon of Sep tember 6th, he was shot by an anarchist who concealed a pistol under a handkerchief wrapped about his hand. This 67 Longitude West ^ from 66 Greenwich A T PORTO RICO SCALE OF MILES ) TO 20 !?0 dastardly act sent a thrill of horror through the land. Dur ing eight days the nation was held in anxious suspense. Then the President died, deeply mourned by the people. The Vice-President, Theodore Roosevelt, 2 at once took the oath of office as President of the United States. J This was called the Pan-American Exposition because all the countries of North America, Central America, and South America were represented there. 2 Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-sixth President of the United States (1901), was born in New York City, October 2J, 1858. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1882, and two years afterwards was elected a member of the New York legislature. In later years he rendered valuable service as a member of the National Civil Service Commission, as president of the New York Police Board, and as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War he resigned his position as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in order to help organize the First United States Cavalry Volunteers (popularly known as the "Roosevelt Rough Riders"), a regiment that distinguished itself in the Cuban campaign. By reason of his gallantry on the battle-field Roosevelt was promoted from the rank of lieutenant-colonel to that of colonel. The year after the war he was elected Governor of New York, and in 1901 Vice-President of the United 420 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 425. Military and Civil Government in the Philippine Islands (1899-1901). Before the treaty of peace at the end of the Spanish-American War could be ratified, some of the Filipinos, led by Aguinaldo, rebelled against the authority of the United States (February, 1899). After hard fighting, Aguinaido, the Aguinaldo s forces were driven from their leader of are- position near Manila and then out of Malolos, beiiion. the rebel i eac } er s ca pitaL But the rebels con tinued their desperate struggle against a large American army 1 until Aguinaldo was captured in April, 1900. From that time the rebellion offered no seri ous resistance. The islands remained under mili tary rule until July i, 1901, when civil government was established, a special Civil govern- eff rt beill g made tO g ive mentintne the people as large a Philippine Islands. ghare j n thdr govem . ment as they had capacity to exercise. William H. Taft was appointed gov ernor. For ten months he had worked zealously as chairman of the civil com- NELSON A. MILES. mission appointed for the purpose of organizing the best attainable govern ment for the Filipinos. Governor Taft s administration was successful in securing good order and popular content. 426. China and the "Open Door" (1900). Our presence in the Philippine Islands and our rapidly increasing foreign commerce brought us into close touch with affairs in the Far East. After the war between Japan and China in The scramble for 1894-95, some of the European powers began Chinese territory. t o v j e w ith each other in seizing large area s of Chinese territory known as " spheres of influence " in order to bring them under their own control. In 1899 States. In the midst of his busy public life he has also written many books, most of them in the field of history or biography. * In all his work he has labored with earnestness, vigor, and sincerity of purpose. 1 In October, 1900, the army there contained 71,000 men. COMPARATIVE AREAS. 84. Miles. . 23,040 North Carolina, ,305 South Carolina, Total, Massachusetts, Donneotlcut, . abode Island, tsa* Total, Spain, 60.867 8,316 4,990 Tennessee, 1,250 Mississippi, 45,216 Alabama, . 49,170 Louisiana, 41,060 Arkansas, . 2,050 7,816 Total, . 12,210 4MM 24,780 Texas, 800,975 197,670 40,400 42,050 46,810 62,250 48,720 63,850 384,080 Ml ....... Iowa, . . Missouri, . Indian Territory Oklahoma, . Kansas, . . Nebraska,. . South Dakota, North Dakota, New Mexico, . Colorado, . . Wyoming,. . Norway* Sweden, 297,321 366.TW Nevada, . California, Total, MO.H1 97,890 84,970 110,700 158,360 1,350,495 1,336,841 Arizona, .... 113,020 8,56 Italy 114,410 77,510 77,650 70,795 122,580 84. MUM. Wisconsin, . . . 66,040 Michigan,. . . . 58,916 Illinois, .... 56,650 Indiana 36,350 Total 207,955 France 204,091 Montana, .... 146,080 Japan, ..... 147,656 Washington,. . . 69,181 Oregon, .... 96,030 Total, .... 166,210 Gt. Britain, I ortu- jal and Greece, 180,058 THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 421 Secretary Hay urged these powers to unite in guaranteeing to all nations equal rights of trade in China. The powers agreed to carry out his wishes, and thus established the policy of the " open door." By securing an agreement to this policy Secretary Hay did much to prevent the break up or "partition" of the Chinese Empire for the benefit of those European powers that coveted her territory for their own enrichment. The unseemly scramble for her territory developed in China a bitter anti-foreign sentiment, which culminated in NATIVE TAGALO CHILDREN, MALABON. 1900 in a serious outbreak. Some foreigners were killed, and even the lives of foreign ministers in Peking were in danger. In order to put down the uprising The Chinese up- and rescue the legations, the European pow- rising against ers, Japan, and the United States found it forei ners - necessary to send troops to Peking. In the settlement of the difficulties in China our government exercised a pre dominating influence in favor of fair treatment of the Chinese. This was an incident in the persistent policy of the United States to preserve the territorial integrity of China., 427. The Republic of Cuba (1902). While these events were taking place in the Far East, others of deep concern to 422 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES us were taking place at our very doors. When Spain gave us Cuba, the island came under the military authority of the United States. According to a joint resolution passed by Congress before the outbreak of the war, this military control was to continue until order should be restored and the Cubans should organize a govern- The Cubans organ= ize a government. factory to Con gress. Early in November, 1900, a convention of Cu bans met at Ha vana, and before the middle of Feb ruary, 1901, com pleted a constitu tion modelled after that of the United States. On Janu ary i, 1902, a presi dent and members of congress were appointed in ac cordance with the provisions of the Cuban Constitu tion, and on May 20, 1902, the new Cuban govern- ment was formally inaugurated. True to its pledges, the United States handed over the control of affairs to the recognized official, and the people of the young republic entered upon their full independence. In Cuba, as in Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands, the United States greatly improved sanitary conditions PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 423 and rapidly organized an effective system of public schools. In December, 1903, the Cuban Reciprocity Act was passed. This provided for a reduction of twenty per cent, of the Dingley Tariff rates on Cuban imports into the United States, and thus greatly increased Cuban trade. 428. The Isthmian Canal (1901-1904). For some time our growing commercial interests had led many people to be lieve that we should be benefited by the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama or some narrow part of Central America. But public opinion in the United States demanded that such a canal should be owned and controlled by our government. In accordance with this The Hay=p a uncc- sentiment, therefore, the Hay-Pauncefote fote Treaty, treaty between England and the United States was signed in November, 1901. By the terms of this treaty the United States was to have sole power to construct, control, and defend an Isthmian Canal for the benefit of the commerce of the world. The next step toward the construction of such a canal was the passage by Congress in June, 1902, of the Isthmian Canal Act. This act empowered the Presi- The isthmian dent to secure the unfinished Panama Canal CanaiAct. at a cost not to exceed $40,000,000, and also to secure from the Republic of Colombia a strip of land, at least six miles wide, extending across the Isthmus of Panama. Within this strip of land the United States was to construct, oper ate, and protect a canal with control of its terminal ports. If, however, the unfinished Panama Canal and the land from Colombia could not be secured in a reasonable time and on reasonable terms, the President was empowered to secure a canal route from Costa Rica and Nicaragua. When the Colombian government rejected the treaty containing the conditions expressed in the Isthmian Canal Act, the people of the State of Panama, feel- The revolution ing that their interests had been disregarded, in Panama. planned a revolution, which broke out on November 3, 1903. They quickly organized a provisional government 424 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES and proclaimed their political independence as the Republic of Panama. The new republic was recognized by the United States, November 6th. On November i8th a new canal treaty was signed by Secretary Hay and the representatives of Panama. By the The treaty with terms of this treaty Panama granted to the Panama. United States " in perpetuity the use, occu pation, and control " of a zone of land ten miles wide on the margins of the canal. In return the United States guaran teed the independence of Panama, the payment of $10,000,000 when the treaty should become active, and at the end of nine years an annual payment of $250,000. The Senate of the United States adopted this treaty on February 23, 1904. 429. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis (1904). Long before the signing of this treaty the people of the United States had been intent upon carrying out a great enterprise. This was the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, planned to commemorate the centennial of the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803. It opened April 30, 1904, and closed December 1st. Like other international expositions on a large scale, it had a great educational influence. Its architecture, its sculpture, and its landscape-gardening were of a high order of excellence, and so were its exhibits of industry and commerce. The latest scientific discoveries were among the remarkable features of this exposition. It is especially worthy of note, however, that for the first time in the history of international expositions, the educational exhibit had a building exclusively for itself. 430. Theodore Roosevelt Elected President (1904). While interest in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was still at its height, the public mind was earnestly engaged in considering the Presidential nominations that were to be made in the summer of 1904. When the national conven tions of the two great parties met, the Republicans nomi nated Theodore Roosevelt, and the Democrats Alton B. Parker. The principal point of difference between the two party THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND RECENT EVENTS 425 platforms related to tariff reform, but the issue was largely one of the personal popularity of the candidates. When officially notified of his nomination, Mr. Roosevelt spoke with emphasis in favor of a protective tariff, in answer to the declaration made in the Democratic platform that pro tection is robbery. The sentiment of the people was with Mr. Roosevelt, and he was elected by the largest popular majority ever given in the country. In his message to Congress in December, 1905, President Roosevelt said there was the most pressing need of enacting into law some scheme to secure to the agents of the Gov ernment such supervision and regulation of the rates charged by the railroads engaged in interstate traffic as should ef fectively prevent them from imposing rates that were unjust and unreasonable. He added that the power to regulate railway charges should be exercised with moderation, cau tion and self-restraint. Referring to the Chinese Exclusion Law, the President said that in the effort to carry out the policy of excluding Chinese laborers grave injustice and wrong had been done to China, and, as he thought the future would prove, to this nation itself. Much trouble, the President continued, had come in the summer of 1905 from the boycott in China against American goods, but this boycott was largely the result of the harshness of our law toward educated China men of the professional and business classes. " We cannot expect to receive equity unless we do equity. We cannot ask the Chinese to do to us what we cannot to do them." 431. President Roosevelt as Peacemaker (1905). From these questions of national interest and importance we turn to one which involved the welfare of the whole civilized world. On February 6, 1904, nine months before the election of President Roosevelt, a terrible war broke out between Rus sia and Japan. All the Western nations, shocked by the frightful loss of life, watched the struggle with great concern. Finally, when the progress of the war and the condition of the opposing forces seemed to warrant it, President Roose velt addressed a note to the Governments of Russia and 426 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Japan (June 8, 1905). In this note he urged the warring na tions, not only in their own interests, but in the interests of the civilized world, to try to agree upon terms of peace. The outcome was a conference at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, between commissioners from each of the two countries. The people in this and in other lands looked on with anxious suspense as the commissioners continued, week after week, to discuss the question of peace or war. At last, when it seemed likely that the conference had come to a point of deadlock and was about to break up in failure, President Roosevelt, with well-timed decision and tact, brought about a delay until he could communicate with the Czar of Russia and the Emperor of Japan. The result was the sending by the home Governments of such instructions to the commissioners at Portsmouth as enabled them speed ily to agree to terms of peace. The treaty was signed Sep tember 5. TO THE PUPIL 1. What was the policy of concentration ? 2. Do you think the United States was justified in going to war with Spain at this time ? Give reasons for your answer. 3. Be sure that you are perfectly clear as to the location of Manila, Havana, and Santiago. Why did Dewey go to Manila? Imper sonating him, give an account of your experiences. 4. Give a brief account of the fighting near Santiago. 5. Imagine yourself on an American ship as Cervera s fleet came out of the harbor of Santiago, and describe the battle. 6. What were the striking results of the war ? 7. In what way did the United States relieve the suffering in Porto Rico? 8. Tell about the assassination of President McKinley. 9. What kind of government did the Americans establish in the Philip pine Islands after the Spanish- American War? How are these islands governed now ? 10. Explain the policy of the " Open door." What is meant by the ter ritorial integrity of China ? 11. Give a brief account of the government of Cuba since the Spanish- American War. 12. Explain the following: The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, the Isthmian Canal Act, the revolution in Panama, and the treaty with Panama. 13. Name in order the Presidents of the United States. CHAPTER XXIV SOME SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND POLITICAL CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT REFERENCES : Scribner s Popular History of the United States, V. ; An- drews s Last Quarter Century, H. OUTSIDE READINGS: Boone s Education in the United States; Tyler s History of American Literature ; Richardson s American Literature ; Stedman s Poets of America Hudson s Historv of Journalism in America; various mag azine articles. 432. The Natural Advantages of the United States. As the United States in its vast extent has many vari eties of soil and cli mate, its produc tions also are varied. Our coasts offer valuable fisheries, and the prairies fur nish excellent past urage for sheep and cattle. Extensive areas of forest lands supply the best tim ber, and rich min eral deposits of gold, silver, iron, and coal lie imbedded in the mountain regions. Our coal supply is many times greater A CROWDED STREET IN A TENEMENT DISTRICT. than that Of all EU- Copyright, 1002, by Underwood & Underwood, New York. 427 4 2i HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSPORTATION IN A LARGE CITY, SHOWING ELEVATED ROAD, SURFACE LINE AND SUBWAY. rope, including Eng land. From all these sources we get abun dant raw material with which to supply our factories, and still have some things to spare for trade in foreign markets. 433- City Population and Municipal Reform. But the growth of wealth and the massing of population in great centres have brought new problems to the front. When the Constitution went into effect in 1789, only about three per cent, of the people of the United States lived in cities; in 1900 over thirty-one per cent, were in cities of 8,000 inhabitants and upward. The immense growth of manufactures and commerce largely caused this change. The massing of large numbers of people in commercial and CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT 429 manufacturing centres furnishes a difficult political prob lem. Many of the most ignorant foreign-born voters are found in such centres, and, being without in- Difficult problem telligent ideas about republican institutions, Jarg^city^ they can the more readily be induced to population. sell their votes. As the strength of republican institutions depends upon the mo rality and intelligence of the people, the prac tice of buying and sell ing votes must have the effect of weakening our municipal institutions. But a widespread move ment in the interests of better city government is making itself felt more and more every year. 434- Street Rail ways and the Cities. The crowding of popu lation in cities is not accidental nor a condi tion that is peculiar to this country. It results from the building up of multiplied industries which are best carried on by great bodies of workmen. But while these many industries require masses of men, the city, which has become a great trade and manu facturing centre, cannot supply comfortable homes in the vicinity of its business. It is here that the electric railway comes in to unite the city and the country. These railways make it possible for the wage-earner to return at night, after his day s labor, to the fresh air and wholesome surroundings of the country, where his family can live much more comfortably and at much less expense than in the crowded city. 435- Education. All our material advantages would be NEW STEEL TOWER BRIDGE ACROSS THE EAST RIVER, NEW YORK. Copyright, IQO4, by Underwood &* Underwood, New York, 430 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES worth little without a moral and intelligent people to make a proper use of them. For this reason the United States has been among the foremost countries of the world in educating its citizens. From the earliest colonial times Liberal provision Americans have shown a great interest in the made for public education of their children. The famous Ordi nance of 1787 set aside one section of every township for the support of public schools, and all the newer States use the proceeds of two sections in every WASHINGTON IRVING. JAMES FENIMORE COOPER. township as a public-school fund. Every State and organ ized territory in the Union now has its system of public schools. The number of pupils enrolled in 1900 in the ele mentary and high common schools was more than 15,000,000. As a natural result of such a system the progress of educa tion iu the United States has been wonderful. The people have shown much interest in higher educa tion also. The number of colleges and universities in the Interest in United States is now nearly five hundred, 1 higher education anc j their grounds, buildings, and productive funds are valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. Be* 1 Many of these, however, are colleges only in name. CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT 43 l sides colleges and universities there are many professional and scientific schools. Many of these higher institutions of learning have been established by gifts and bequests of rich men and women, who have given of their abundance not only Education of the for the development of good and strong minds, weak and help, but also for the training and support of the weak and helpless classes of society. There are in the United States over one hundred and forty institutions for W. C. BRYANT. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. those classes of the community that require help. No other people has done so much to educate the masses and to make better the condition of the weak and the suffering. 436 Newspapers and Periodicals. The high average of intelligence in the United States has created a great de mand for newspapers and magazines. There are now over twenty thousand of them, sending out more than three thousand million copies a year. They have become an im mense educational force, giving the people a keener, more intelligent interest in public affairs. 437- Literature. For a long time after the settlement of the English colonies the people were too busy with the 432 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES work of clearing the land and building suitable homes to produce any literature. Washington Irving, born the same year that the Revolution was brought to a close, first attracted public attention by his Knickerbocker History of New York. He has rightly been called the " Father of American Literature." J. Fenimore Cooper, his contem- irving, cooper. porary, was the first American novelist. He and Bryant. wrote the first sea-story that attracted the attention of the world, and was author of the famous Leather- stocking Tales, describing the life of the American Indian. RALPH WALDO EMERSON. JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER. These stories were written with such freshness and origi nality that they were eagerly read in many countries. Our first poet to be recognized in England, William Cuilen Bryant, belonged to the same period. He came into fame by his well-known poem, Thanatofsis, written when he was nineteen. Among the familiar names of later American literature are the following : poets, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, other familiar J onn Grecnleaf Whittier, Oliver Wendell names in Amer- Holmes, Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo ican literature Emerson, and James Russell Lowell; essay- ists, Emerson and Lowell ; novelists, Nathaniel Hawthorne, CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT 433 THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS, 1904. ONE OF THE BRIDGES AND LAGOONS, WITH THE PALACE OF EDUCATION. Copyright, 1904, by Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co a W. D. Howells, Henry James, Harriet Beecher Stowe; historians, George Bancroft, John LothrojD Motley, William H. Prescott, and Francis Parkman. Much excellent work has been done by living writers, especially in the depart ment of American History, and this work is coming from all parts of the country. 438. Problems of the Hour. The great educational in fluences coming from the public schools, from higher in stitutions of learning, from the newspapers and periodicals, and from the reading and study of good literature, are pre paring the people rightly to solve the problems of the hour. These problems include the Indian question, the race problem in the South, temperance reform, ballot re form, immigration, the tariff, trusts, the money question, civil service reform, woman suffrage, and the strife between labor and capital. The right solution of these difficult 434 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES THE CAPITOL, WASHINGTON, D. C. problems demands intelligence, patience, and conscientious effort. We must take time to study them, and we must try to look at them from more than one point of view. If we approach them with a broad and generous spirit, with an earnest desire to find out the truth, we shall be more likely to understand them and to take the proper steps to a satis factory solution. 439- Relation of the Individual Citizen to the State. The character of the State is determined bv the character of its citizens. We should never forget that a vast ter ritory like ours, with all its wealth, is not necessarily great. The greatness of a country is not measured by what it has in land, productions, trades, and educational institutions, but by what its people are. If they are intelligent and patriotic, ready at all times to do their duty in the interest of the public good, their future is assured. You, my young reader, owe much to your country for America means what it has done for you. It has been said opportunity. that America means opportunity. It does. It means opportunity to get wealth, power, influence, and CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT 435 honor. It means opportunity to make the most of your powers of body and mind. But, more than all else, it means opportunity to make the institutions of your country better by honest, faithful service, and sincere efforts to know the truth. Charles Sumner said of our national flag: "The stripes of alternate red and white proclaim the original union of thirteen States to maintain the Declaration of Independence. Its stars, white on a field of blue, proclaim the union of States constituting our national constellation, which re ceives a new star with every new State. These two signif3^ union, past and present. The very colors have a language which was officially recognized by our fathers. White is for purity, red for valor, blue for justice." " I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." 436 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE PUPIL 1. What is meant by municipal reform, and why is it needed ? What are the advantages of street railways in our cities ? 2. What liberal provision has been made for public schools in this coun try ? 3. What are some of the familiar names in American literature ? Name some of the problems of the hour. 4. What is the relation of an individual citizen to the state ? 5. Before laying aside the study of this history learn the symbolism, as given by Charles Sumner, of the colors of the "Stars and Stripes," and memorize the "pledge." CHRONOLOGY 1867. March I, NEBRASKA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1868. July 28, FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT ADOPTED. 1869. March 4, ULYSSES S. GRANT INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. May 10, FIRST PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPLETED. 1870. March 30, FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT RATIFIED. THE NINTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 38,558,371. 1871. January , ALL STATES AGAIN REPRESENTED IN CONGRESS. 1873. February, LAW PASSED DEMONETIZING SILVER. March 4, ULYSSES S. GRANT INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. FINANCIAL PANIC. 1876. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AT PHILADELPHIA. FIRST TELEPHONE PATENTED. August I, COLORADO ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 1877. March 4, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. July, GREAT RAILROAD STRIKE IN PITTSBURG. 1878. February, BLAND-ALLISON SILVER BILL PASSED. ELECTRIC LIGHT INVENTED. 1879. January I, RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. 1880. THE TENTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 50,155,783. 1881. March 4, JAMES A. GARFIELD INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. September 22, CHESTER A. ARTHUR FORMALLY INAUGURATED. 1883. LETTER POSTAGE REDUCED TO TWO CENTS. 1884. December, NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION OPENED. 1885. March 4, GROVER CLEVELAND INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. 1889. March 4, BENJAMIN HARRISON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. April 22, OKLAHOMA OPENED TO SETTLERS. PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS MET IN WASHINGTON. November 2, NORTH DAKOTA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. November 2, SOUTH DAKOTA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. November 8, MONTANA ADMITTED TO THE UNION. November n, WASHINGTON ADMITTED TO THE UNION. CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT 437 1890. DEPENDENT PENSIONS ACT BECAME A LAW. July 3, IDAHO ADMITTED TO THE UNION. July 10, WYOMING ADMITTED TO THE UNION. MCKINLEY TARIFF BILL BECAME A LAW. SHERMAN SILVER PURCHASE LAW PASSED. THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 62,622,250. 1893. January 14, REVOLUTION IN HAWAII. March 4, GROVER CLEVELAND INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. May I, COLUMBIAN WORLD S FAIR OPENED AT CHICAGO. 1894. June 4, PULLMAN BOYCOTT. August 27, THE WILSON BILL BECAME A LAW. 1895. December 17, PRESIDENT CLEVELAND S VENEZUELA MESSAGE. 1897. March 4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. July 24, DINGLE Y TARIFF BILL BECAME A LAW. 1898. April 25, CONGRESS DECLARES WAR TO EXIST WITH SPAIN. May i, DEWEY S VICTORY AT MANILA. July I, BATTLE OF SANTIAGO. July 3, CERVERA S FLEET DESTROYED. 1899. February 6, TREATY OF PEACE WITH SPAIN RATIFIED. 1900. THE TWELFTH CENSUS, SHOWING A POPULATION OF 75,568,686. 1901. March 4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. July I, CIVIL GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHED IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. September 14, THEODORE ROOSEVELT INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. HAY-PAUNCEFOTE TREATY SIGNED. 1902. May 20, NEW CUBAN GOVERNMENT FORMALLY INAUGURATED. THE ISTHMIAN CANAL ACT. 1903. November 3, THE REVOLUTION IN PANAMA. November 18, THE CANAL TREATY WITH PANAMA SIGNED. APPENDIX A THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 THE following preamble and specifications, known as the Declaration of Inde pendence, accompanied the resolution of Richard Henry Lee, which was adopted by Congress on the 2d day of July, 1776. This declaration was agreed to on the 4th, and the transaction is thus recorded in the Journal for that day : " Agreeably to the order of the day, the Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole, to take into their further consideration the Declaration ; and, after some time, the president resumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported that the committee had agreed to a Declaration, which they desired him to report. 7^he Declaration being read, was agreed to as follows : " A DECLARATION BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to as sume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, gov ernments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a 439 - 44 APPENDIX A long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. 1. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. 2. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing im portance, unless suspended in their operations till his assent should be obtained ; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. 3. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the Legislature a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. 4. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the repository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. 5. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. 6. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise ; the State remaining, in the meantime, ex posed to all the dangers of invasions from without and convulsions within. 7. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States ; for that pur pose obstructing the laws for the naturalization of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appro priations of lands. 8. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. 9. He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure on their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. 10. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people and eat out their substance. 11. He has kept among us in times of peace, standing armies, without the con sent of our Legislatures. 12. He has affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power. 13. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitutions, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation ; 14. For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us; 15. For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these States ; THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 441 16. For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world ; 17. For imposing taxes on us without our consent ; 18. For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of a trial by jury; 19. For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried for pretended offenses; 20. For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies ; 21. For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and alter- ing, fundamentally, the forms of our governments ; 22. For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. 23. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. 24. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and de stroyed the lives of our people. 25. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to com- plete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally un worthy the head of a civilized nation. 26. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. 27. He has excited domestic insurrection among us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms ; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in our attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts by their legislature to extend an un warrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consan guinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our sep aration, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war ; in peace, friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America in general Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the recti tude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies arc, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved 442 APPENDIX A from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved, and that, as free and independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. The foregoing declaration was, by order of Congress, engrossed, and signed by the following members : JOHN HANCOCK. NEW HAMPSHIRE. JOSIAH BARTLETT, WILLIAM WHIPPLE, MATTHEW THORNTON. MASSACHUSETTS BAY SAMUEL ADAMS, JOHN ADAMS, ROBERT TREAT PAINE, ELBRIDGE GERRY. RHODE ISLAND. STEPHEN HOPKINS, WILLIAM ELLERY. CONNECTICUT. ROGER SHERMAN, SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, OLIVER WOLCOTT. NEW YORK. WILLIAM FLOYD, PHILIP LIVINGSTON, FRANCIS LEWIS, LEWIS MORRIS. NEW JERSEY. RICHARD STOCKTON, JOHN WITHERSPOON, FRANCIS HOPKINSON, JOHN HART, ABRAHAM CLARK. PENNSYLVANIA. ROBERT MORRIS, BENJAMIN RUSH, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, JOHN MORTON, GEORGE CLYMER, JAMES SMITH, GEORGE TAYLOR, JAMES WILSON, GEORGE Ross. DELAWARE OESAR RODNEY, GEORGE READ, THOMAS M KEAN. MARYLAND. SAMUEL CHASE, WILLIAM PACA, THOMAS STONE, CHARLES CARROLL of Carrollton. VIRGINIA. GEORGE WYTHE, RICHARD HENRY LEE, THOMAS JEFFERSON, BENJAMIN HARRISON, THOMAS NELSON, JUN., FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE CARTER BRAXTON. NORTH CAROLINA. WILLIAM HOOPER, JOSEPH HEWES, JOHN PENN. SOUTH CAROLINA. EDWARD RUTLEDGE, THOMAS HEYWARD, JUN THOMAS LYNCH, JUN., ARTHUR MIDDLETON. GEORGIA. BUTTON GWINNETT, LYMAN HALL, GEORGE WALTON. APPENDIX B A CHART ON THE CONSTITUTION Some Steps toward the Constitution.. . New England Confederation (1643). Franklin s Plan of Union (1754). Stamp Act Congress (1765). Committees of Correspondence (1772). First Meeting of the Continental Congress (i774> Declaration of Independence (1776). Adoption of Articles of Confederation (1781). Annapolis Convention (1786). Constitutional Convention (1787). House of Represent atives.. . . Legislative Depart- * ment. . . , Manner of election. Term of office. Qualifications. Represents the people. Census. Apportionment. Speaker the Presiding Officer. r Number. I Manner of election. I Term of office. ^Senate I Represents the States. I Qualifications. I Sole power to try impeachments. Vice-President the Presiding Office: President. Executive Depart ment.. ICabinet . . C Term of office. I Manner of election. -I Qualifications. Oath of office. ^ Impeachment. {Manner of appointment. Number. Duties. Judicial Department/ fjudges ^Courts {Manner of appointment. Number. Term of office. Supreme. Circuit. District. 443 444 APPENDIX B Congress, Time of meeting. Congress has power Quorum. To lay taxes. Adjournment. To borrow money. Journal. To regulate commerce. How a Bill becomes To naturalize foreigners. a Law. To coin money. To fix standard of weights and measures. To establish post-offices. To declare war. To raise and support armies. To provide and maintain a navy. To maintain light-houses. To make new States. Commander in-Chief of the army and navy. president s I With the advice and Powers..^ consent of the Sen ate makes treaties and appoints f Ambassadors. J Ministers. } Consuls. L Judges. President s Duties.. Messages to Con gress. Special sessions of Con gress. Receives Ambassadors. Attends to ex ecution of laws. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES WE, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, pro mote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Legislative Department. SECTION I. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Con- gress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Represent atives. SECTION II. CLAUSE I. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. CLAUSE 2. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. CLAUSE 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev eral States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 445 numbers, 1 which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The num ber of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three; Massachusetts, eight ; Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, one ; Connecticut, five ; New York, six ; New Jersey, four ; Pennsylvania, eight ; Delaware, one; Maryland, six ; Virginia, ten ; North Carolina, five ; South Carolina, five ; and Georgia, three. CLAUSE 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. CLAUSE 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers ; and shall have the sole power of impeachment. SECTION III. CLAUSE I. The Senate of the United States shall be com posed of two senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. CLAUSE 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year ; of the second class, at the expiration of the fourth year ; and of the third class, at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be chosen every second year ; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the Legis lature of any State, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. CLAUSE 3. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. CLAUSE 4. The Vice-President of the United States shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. CLAUSES. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. CLAUSE 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief- Justice shall preside ; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present. CLAUSE 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be i Under the census of 1900 one representative is apportioned to every 199,102 people. 446 APPENDIX B liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law. SECTION IV. CLAUSE I. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof ; but the Congress may at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. CLAUSE 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall bylaw appoint a different day. SECTION V. CLAUSE i. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, re turns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties, as each house may provide. CLAUSE 2. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. CLAUSE 3. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. CLAUSE 4. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. SECTION VI. CLAUSE I. The senators and representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law and paid out of the treas ury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the ses sion of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place. CLAUSE 2. No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been in creased, during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. SECTION VII. CLAUSE I. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills. CLAUSE 2. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States ; if he approve, he shall sign it, but if not, he shall return it, with CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 447 his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such re consideration, two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon sidered, and if approved by two thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Presi dent within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. CLAUSE 3. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States ; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, accord ing to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. SECTION VIII. CLAUSE i. The Congress shall have power to lay and col. lect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, imposts, and ex cises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; CLAUSE 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; CLAUSE 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; CLAUSE 4. To establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; CLAUSE 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; CLAUSE 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; CLAUSE 7. To establish post-offices and post-roads ; CLAUSE 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; CLAUSE 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; CLAUSE 10 To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations ; CLAUSE u. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; CLAUSE 12. To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; CLAUSE 13. To provide and maintain a navy; CLAUSE 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; 448 APPENDIX B CLAUSE 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; CLAUSE 16. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Con gress ; CLAUSE 17. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature o f ihe State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, maga zines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings ; And CLAUSE 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitu tion in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. SECTION IX. CLAUSE I. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. CLAUSE 2. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. CLAUSE 3. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. CLAUSE 4. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. CLAUSE 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. CLAUSE 6. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev enue to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. CLAUSE 7. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. CLAUSE 8. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : And no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind what ever, from any king, prince, or foreign State. SECTION X. CLAUSE I. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, tx post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 449 CLAUSE 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any impost or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for exe cuting its inspection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and impost, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Con gress. CLAUSE 3. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. Executive Department. SECTION I. CLAUSE i. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during a term of four years, and, together with the Vice- President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : CLAUSE 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and repre sentatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress ; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. CLAUSE 3. 1 CLAUSE 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same through out the United States. CLAUSE 5. No person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age or thirty-five years, and been fourteen years resident within the United States. CLAUSE 6. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the President and Vice- President, declaring what officer shall then act as President ; and such officer shall act accordingly until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. CLAUSE 7. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. CLAUSE 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol- 1 This clause is no longer in force. Amendment XII. has superseded it. 450 APPENDIX B lowing oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my abil ity, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." SECTION II. CLAUSE I. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices ; and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. CLAUSE 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall ap point, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of department. CLAUSE 3. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION III. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, con vene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. SECTION IV. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. Judicial Department. SECTION I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 45 1 SECTION II. CLAUSE i. 1 The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more States; between a State and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different States ; between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. CLAUSE 2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and con suls, and those in which a State shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have orig inal jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. CLAUSE 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. SECTION III. CLAUSE i. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. CLAUSE 2. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason ; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except dur- ing the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. General Provisions. SECTION I. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State ; and the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION IL CLAUSE i. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. CLAUSE 2. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. CLAUSE 3. No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. This clause has been modified by Amendment XI. 452 APPENDIX B SECTION III. CLAUSE I. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. CLAUSE 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to preju dice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State. SECTION IV. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature, or of the executive (when the Leg islature can not be convened), against domestic violence. ARTICLE V. Power of Amendment. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the Legis latures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress ; provided that no amend ment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. Miscellaneous Provisions. CLAUSE I. All debts contracted, and engagements entered into, before the adop tion of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. CLAUSE 2. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof ; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. CLAUSE 3. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religions test shall ever be required as a quail- fication to any office or public trust under the United States. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 453 ARTICLE VII. Ratification of the Constitution. The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the estab lishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in convention, by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President, and Deputy from Virginia, CONSENT OF THE STATES PRESENT. 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE. JOHN LANGDON, NICHOLAS GILMAN. MASSACHUSETTS. NATHANIEL GORHAM, RUFUS KING. CONNECTICUT. WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, ROGER SHERMAN. NEW YORK. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. NEW JERSEY. WILLIAM LIVINGSTON, DAVID BREARLEY, WILLIAM PATERSON, JONATHAN DAYTON. PENNSYLVANIA. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, THOMAS MIFFLIN, ROBERT MORRIS, GEORGE CLYMER, THOMAS FITZSIMONS, JARED INGERSOL, JAMES WILSON, GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. Attest: DELAWARE. GEORGE READ, GUNNING BEDFORD, JR., JOHN DICKINSON, RICHARD BASSETT, JACOB BROOM. MARYLAND. JAMES MCHENRY, DANIEL OF ST. THOMAS JENIFER, DANIEL CARROLL. VIRGINIA. JOHN BLAIR, JAMES MADISON, JR. NORTH CAROLINA. WILLIAM BLOUNT, RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT, HUGH WILLIAMSON. SOUTH CAROLINA. JOHN RUTLEDGE, CHARLES C. PINCKNEY, CHARLES PINCKNEY, PIERCE BUTLER. GEORGIA. WILLIAM FEW, ABRAHAM BALDWIN. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary 1 Rhode Island was not represented in the Federal Convention. 454 APPENDIX B AM ENDMENTS 1 To the Constitution of the United States, Ratified according to the Provisions of the Fifth Article of the Foregoing Constitution. ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress and grievances. ARTICLE II. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ARTICLE III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be pre scribed by law. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio lated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise in famous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war and public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor to be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. ARTICLE VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of common law. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines im posed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 1 Amendments I. to X. were declared in force December 15, 1791. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 455 ARTICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitu tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XI. 1 The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. ARTICLE XII. 2 The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and indistinct ballots the person voted for as Vice- President ; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the govern ment of the United States, directed to the president of the Senate ; the president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted; the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-Presi dent ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. ARTICLE XIII. 3 SECTION I. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ex.- cept as a punishment for crime, whereof the person shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 1 Declared in force January 8, 1798. 2 Declared in force September 25, 1804. 3 Declared in force December 18, 1865. 456 APPENDIX B SECTION 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ARTICLE XIV. 1 SECTION i. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. SECTION 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several States accord ing to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, repre sentatives in Congress, the executive or judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of represen tation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. SECTION 3. No person shall be a senator or representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove such disability. SECTION 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pension and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. SECTION 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legisla tion, the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV. 2 SECTION I. The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. SECTION 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. * Declared in force July 28, 1898. * Declared in force March 30, 1870. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES - 457 TO THE PUPIL 1. What colonies united to form the New England Confederation, and what were its purposes and results ? What was Franklin s plan of Union, and why was it not adopted ? What did the Stamp Act Con gress do ? What was the leading object of the Committees of Cor respondence ? 2. Under what circumstances was the first meeting of the Continental Congress held ? What led the colonies to adopt the Declaration of Independence ? 3. When did the States adopt the Articles of Confederation? Explain the weakness of the central governing power, Congress, under the Articles of Confederation. Tell what you can about the Annapolis Convention ; the Constitutional Convention. 4. Under the Constitution, what are the three departments of our gov ernment ? Which of them makes the laws ? Which sees that they are carried out ? Which interprets them and tries cases arising under them ? 5. Of what does the legislative department consist ? How are members of the House of Representatives elected? For how long? What are their qualifications ? $ How many people does each member of the House represent ? What is the unit of representation ? How can you find the number of rep resentatives in any State ? How many in your own ? Why ? 7. What do the Senators represent ? How are they elected and for what term of office ? What are their qualifications ? 8. What exclusive functions has the House ? the Senate ? 9. What are the qualifications of the President ? How is he elected ? For what term of office is he elected ? What is meant by the im peachment of the President ? 10. What is the President s Cabinet ? How many members had Wash ington s Cabinet ? How many in the Cabinet now ? What are the duties of the Cabinet officers ? 11. Name the three kinds of national courts. How many judges are there in the Supreme Court ? How are they appointed and what is their term of office ? Why should we have national courts ? 12. Explain the three courses which a bill must take in order to become a law. Name the powers of Congress enumerated in the chart. 13. What military power has the President ? How are treaties and im portant appointments made ? What duties of the President are named in the chart ? APPENDIX C TABLE 1 OF STATES AND TERRITORIES No. Name. Date of Admission. Area in Square Miles. Represent atives in Congress, 1900. Electoral Votes," 1900. I Delaware 3 1787 2 CKO I 3 2 Pennsylvania . . . 178? 4.S 21 C ?2 7A 7 New Jersey 1787 7 8IS J^ IO JT- 1 2 4 1788 en 47 1 I I I "^ 5 Connecticut 1788 4- OQO C 1 J 7 6 Massachusetts 1788 8 7IC 16 7 Maryland 1788 I2,2IO 6 8 8 South Carolina .... 1788 OQ C7O 7 9 New Hampshire 1788 Q.7OC 2 4 10 1788 4.2 4. CO IO 12 1 1 New York 1788 40,170 57 JQ 12 North Carolina I78Q C2 2^O IO 12 17 Rhode Island . I7QO I 2 SO 2 j. Vermont I7QI Q $6$ 2 A TC Kentucky 1702 40,400 1 1 I ^ 16 I7o6 4.2 O?O IO 12 17 Ohio */y v 1802 41 060 21 2^ 18 1812 4.8 720 7 ig Indiana 1816 36, iso 13 I c 2O Mississippi 1817 46,810 8 IO 21 1818 ;6 6;o 2C 27 22 1810 $2 2SO 1 1 2i> Maine 1820 ^,O4O 4 6 24 1821 60 4.1 i 16 18 2"> 1836 ^ 8;o 7 76 Michigan 1837 c8,qi ? 12 ?7 Florida 1845 58,680 c ?8 Texas 184.1; 26 c 780 16 18 1 The population, the capital, and the largest city of each State may be found on the map be. tween pages 434 and 435. 2 In 1900 the total number of representatives in Congress was 386. Add to this number 90, fot the number of senators in the Senate, and the result is 476 Electoral votes. 8 The dates opposite the first thirteen the "Original Thirteen" indicate the year when tha States ratified the Constitution. 458 TABLE OF STATES AND TERRITORIES 459 No. Name. Date of Admission. Area in Square Miles. Represent atives in Congress, 1900. Electoral Votes,! 1900. 29 1846 c6 02? j j I 7. 3O Wisconsin 1848 }v,w*3 CO O4O j j 1 J I ^ 71 California 1 8 no i c.8 -360 8 1 J jo 32 Minnesota 1858 ST. 76s 1 1 77 Oregon 1850 96,0^0 2 A 7,4 Kansas 1861 82,080 8 IO 3? West Virginia 1863 24,780 c 7 3* Nevada 1864 1 10,700 I 7 77 Nebraska 1867 77,c.io 6 8 38 Colorado 1876 ioT,,92<; 5 c 70 North Dakota 1889 70,79 H 2 4 40 South Dakota 1880 77,650 2 4 /JT Montana 1889 146,080 I 7 42 Washington 1889 69,180 7 c 47 Idaho -7 1800 84,800 I 7 44 Wyoming -^ 1890 07 800 I 7_ 4C Utah 1896 84 970 I 7 New Mexico ijyvy 122 580 Arizona I 13 O2O Alaska C.77 ^QO Indian Territory 7J 400 Oklahoma ^9 O^O District of Columbia 7O 1 See note 2 on opposite page. APPENDIX D PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES President. State. By Whom Elected. Term of Office. George Washington Virginia John Adams Massachusetts. Federalists Thomas Jefferson. Virginia Dem. -Rep James Madison. Virginia Dem. -Rep ames Monroe. Virginia Dem. -Rep ohn Quincy Adams Massachusetts Rep.. Andrew Jackson. . Tennessee Dem.. Martin Van Buren . New York Dem.. \Villiam Henry Harrison Ohio Whigs. John Tyler. Virginia Whigs Tennessee Dem .. . 1845- One term * 1845 1849 Zachary Taylor Louisiana Whigs . i yr 4 mos 1849 i8sO New York Whigs . . 2 yrs 8 mos 1850 Franklin Pierce New Hampshire Dem 1853- One term 1853 1857 James Buchanan. Pennsylvania Dem One term 1857 1861 Illinois Rep One term and 6 wks Andrew Johnson Tennessee Rep.. . . ^1861-1865. 3 yrs 10 mos 1865 Ulysses Simpson Grant Rutherford Burchard Hayes. James Abraham Garfield Chester Alan Arthur. . . Illinois Ohio Ohio New York . . . Rep Rep Rep Rep 1869. Two terms ; 1869-1877. One term ; 1877-1881. 6 mos. 15 days ; 1881. 3 yrs. 5 mos., 15 days ; Grover Cleveland New York Dem ... . 1881-1885. One term 1885 1889 Benjamin Harrison Indiana Rep One term ; 1889-1893. Grover Cleveland. . . New York Dem One term ; 1893-1897. William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt Ohio New York...... Rep Rep One term and 6% mos. ; 1897-1901. 1901 INDEX ABOLITIONISTS, 271-273 Acadians, removal of, 99 Adams, John, 149 ; presidency of, 209- 212 ; sketch and portrait, 209 Adams, J. Q., sketch, 245 ; portrait, 246; presidency of, 245-248 ; defends the right of petition, 273 Adams, Samuel, 138-140; 142, 148; portrait, 149 Aguinaldo s rebellion, 420 Alabama Claims, 344 Alabama, Confederate cruiser, 344 Alabama, secedes, 302 ; 355, 368 Alaska, purchase of, 384 Albany (Fort Orange), 64 Alien and Sedition Laws, 211 Allen, Ethan, 145 Amsterdam, New, 64 Anderson, Major, 305, 306 Andre" (an dra), John, 178, 179 Andros, Sir Edmund, 59-61 ; 68 Antietam, battle of, 324 Anti-Federalist Party, 191, 209 Appomattox Court House, Lee surren ders at, 347 Arbitration, 400, 406, 407 Arid region, 379 Arkansas, 354 Armistead (ar mis-ted), General, 228 Army, Continental, 145, 147 Arnold, Benedict, 145, 157, 159, 163 ; his treason, 177-179 Arthur, Chester A., sketch, 392 Articles of Confederation, 185-188 Ashburton Treaty, 354 Asia, European trade with, I Atlanta Exposition, 369 Atlantic Cable, 382 Australian Ballot System, 400 BACON S rebellion, 37 Balboa discovers the Pacific, 18 Baltimore, Lord, 37, 38 Baltimore attacked by the British, 234 Bancroft, George, 431 Bank, United States, 256, 257 Barbary States, war with, 222 Barclay, Captain, defeated by Perry on Lake Erie, 233 Beauregard (bo re-gaard), General, 305 Bell, A. G., 389 Bennington, battle of, 158 Bering Sea trouble, 400 Berkeley, Sir William, 36 Blacklists, 395 KEY TO PRONUNCIATION.* a as in fat. e as in mete. 5 as in note. u as in mute, a " " fate. e* " " her. 6 " " move. ii German ii, French u a " " far. i " pin. 6 " " nor. oi as in oil. 5 " " fare. i " " pine. u " " tub. ou " " pound. e " " met. o " * not. A double dot under any vowel indicates the short w-sound, as in but. * According to Century Dictionary. 401 462 INDEX Blaine, James G., 400 Blanco, Captain-General, 411 Bland Silver Bill, 403 Bon Homme Richard (bo-nom re-shar ), 173 Boone, Daniel, 169 Border ruffians, 288 " Boston Massacre," 138 Boston settled, 48 ; evacuated by the British, 148 Boycott, 395 Braddock, General, his defeat, 98 Bradford, Governor, 46 Bragg, General, 334 Brandywine, battle of the, 162 Breckenridge, John C., 299 Brewster, Elder, 46 Brooklyn Bridge, 394 Brooks, Preston S., assaults Charles Sumner, 289 Brown, John, at Harper s Ferry, 296 Bryan, William J., 407, 418 Bryant, William Cullen, 429 Buchanan (bu-kan an), James, sketch, 294; portrait, 294; presidency of, 294-304 Buell, General, 316 Buffalo, 419 Buena Vista, battle of, 354 Bull Run, first battle of, 307 ; second battle of, 323 Bunker Hill, battle of, 146, 147 Burgoyne (ber-goin ), General, his in vasion, 157-164; his surrender, 163 Burnside, General, 324 Burr, Aaron, 213; his conspiracy, 223 Butler, General, 316, 331 CABINET, the President s, 200, 395 Cabot, John, seeks the northwest pas sage, 6 Cabot, Sebastian, explores the coast of North America, 8 Calhoun, Jonn C., and nullification, 253 J portrait, 253 California seeks admission to the Union, 281 ; admitted to the Union, 354 Cambridge, 51 Camden, battle of, 175 Canada, 58, 87, 102, 145 Canal, Isthmian, 423 Canonicus, 47, 55 Cape Cod, 46 Carpet-bag rule, 360 Carteret, 73, 123 Cartier (kar-tya ), 87 Carver, John, 46 Catholics, 37 Cedar Creek, battle of, 339 Centennial Exhibition, 388 Cervera, Admiral, 413 Chambersburg, 339 Champlain (sham-plan ), 87-89, 123 Champlain, Lake, 88, 123 Chancellorsville, battle of, 325 Charles I., 42, 43-58 Charles II., 42, 43, 58, 59, 70 Charleston, 305 Charter Oak, 60 Charters, 28, 38, 45, 54, 60, 64, 70 Chattanooga, battle of, 335 Chesapeake, Leopard fires upon, 225 Chicago, 259 Chickamauga, battle of, 333 Chili, trouble with, 398 China, 420 Chinese immigration, 376 Chippewa (chip e-wa), battle of, 233, 353 Christian Comnmsion, 350 Church of England, 44 Civil service reform, 392, 393 Civil War, causes of, 301 ; principal events of, 305-348; results of, 351 Clark, George Rogers, in the North west, 169, 170; 183 Clay, Henry, portrait, 244, 256 Clermont, 223 Cleveland, Grover, sketch, 393 ; por trait, 393 ; 402, 404 INDEX 463 Clinton, DeWitt, and Erie Canal, 245 Clinton, General, 163, 175, 166, 175, 176, 178, 182 Cold Harbor, battle of, 337 Coligny (ko-len ye), 15, 122 Colonies, life in the, at the close of the French and Indian Wars, 105-117; groups of, 105, 118, 119 Colorado, 434 Colored troops in the Civil War, 332 Columbia River, 269 Columbia University, 114 Columbus, Christopher, his plans, 3 ; portrait, 3 ; his difficulties, 4 ; first voyage of, 4 ; trials on his first voy- a g e 5 discovers America, 6 ; other voyages, 6 ; last days, 6 Commerce, American, after the Revolu tion, 1 86 Committees of Correspondence, 138 Compromise with Missouri, 244; with South Carolina, 256; of 1850, 283 Concentration, 411 Concord, battle of, 142-145 Confederate States of America, organi zation of, 302 Congress, Continental, first meeting of, 141 ; second meeting of, 145 ; has lit tle power, 167, 185, 187, 418 Connecticut, early history of, 50-54; and the Northwest Territory, 1 88 Conscription, in the North, 332 ; in the South, 333 Constitution of the United States, events leading to, 189; ratified, 190; slavery compromises in, 190; strict and lib eral construction of, 200 Constitution captures the Guerriere, 231 Continental currency, 168. Con way Cabal, 165 Cooper, James Fenimore, 428 Cornwallis, General, 154, 176, 179, 181 Coronado, 122 Cortez conquers Mexico, 18 Cotton export, 311, 367, 368 Cotton-gin, invention of, 204 Cowpens, battle of, 179 Creek Indians, war with, 235 Creve-Coeur (krev-keY), 91 Cromwell, Oliver, 43 Crown Point, Fort, 101 ; Americans capture, 145; Burgoyne captures, 157 Cuba, Island of, 286, 410 Cuba, Republic of, 421 Cuban Reciprocity Act, 423 Cubans rise against Spain, 410 Cumberland destroyed by the Merrimac, 313 Cunard Steamship Line, 354 Gushing, Lieutenant, 328 DAKOTA, North, 375 Dakota, South, 375 Dale, Sir Thomas, 32 Daughters of Liberty, 131 Davenport, John, 52 Davis, Jefferson, sketch, 302; elected President of the Confederacy, 303 ; flight and capture of, 348 Dawes, William, 143 Dawes Act, 386 Declaration of Independence, 148-150 "Decrees," 226 De Kalb (de kalb). Baron, 165 Delaware, early history of, 74 Delaware, Lord, 32 Democratic Party, 209, 248, 299, 404, 407, 418 Democratic- Republican Party, 209, 211, 230 Deposits, removal of, 257 De Soto (so to), lands in Florida, 14; discovers the Mississippi, 15 ; por trait, 1 6 Detroit, 232 Dewey, Admiral George, 412 Dingley Tariff, 408 Dinwiddie, Governor, 96 Discovery, aids to, I District of Columbia, slavery in, 283 464 INDEX Dorchester Heights, 148 Dorr rebellion in Rhode Island, 354 Douglas, Stephen A., 288, 299 Draft riots, 332 Drake, Sir Francis, 22, 26 Dred Scott decision, 294 Du Quesne (dii-kan ), Fort, 97 Dutch, in New Netherland, 63-68 ; rea sons for their failure, 68 EADS, Captain, and the Mississippi jet ties, 366 Early, General, his raid in the Shenan- doah, 338 Eaton, Theophilus, 52 Education, 100, 109, III, 114, 427 Edward, Fort, 158 El Caney, 416 Electoral Commission, 389 Electoral Count Bill, 390 Elizabeth, Queen, 20, 23, 27 Emancipation Proclamation, 330 Embargo, 226, 227 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 430 Endicott, John, 47 England, her need of America, 25 ; im presses American seamen, 225 ; in jures American commerce, 226 ; and the Civil War, 309-311 and 343~345 J and Venezuela, 405-407 ; friendship of, 417 Era of good feeling, 247 Ericsson, John, and the Monitor, 313 Ericsson, Leif, II Erie Canal, 245 Eutaw Springs, battle of, 192 FAIR OAKS (Seven Pines), battle of, 322 Faneuil Hall, 129 Far East, 420 Farragut, Admiral David G. , at New Orleans, 317 ; sketch, 342 ; at Mobile Bay, 342 Federalist Party, 191, 198, 209, 211, 230 Fifteenth Amendment, 360 Filibustering Expeditions, 286 Filipinos, rebellion of, 420 Fillmore, Millard, sketch and portrait 281, 283 Five Forks, battle of, 346 Five Nations (see Six Nations), 76 Flag, American, 164 Flatboat, 216 Florida, purchase of, 239; admitted U the Union, 354 Foote, Commodore, 315 Forest reservations, 380 Fort Donelson, 315 Fort Henry, 315 Fort Orange (Albany), 64 Fort William Henry, massacre at, 124 Fourteenth Amendment, 360 France, her struggle with England for control of America, 93 ; American treaty with, 164; aids the Americans with her fleets, 172; at war with England, 206 ; regains Louisiana, 219; injures American commerce, 226 Franklin, Benjamin, 98; his plan of union, 121; sketch, 121 ; 150, 164; portrait, 162 Fredericksburg, battle of, 324 Freedmen, and Southern legislation, 358 ; and education, 370 French forts, 95 French Revolution, 207 French War, Last, 94-103 ; causes of, 94; principal events of, 96-102; treaty of peace, 102 ; other results of, 103 Fugitive Slave Law, 284 Fulton, Robert, 222 GADSDEN PURCHASE, 278 Gage, General, 140, 142, 143 Garfield, James A., sketch and portrait, 390, 392 Garrison, William Lloyd, 271 Gates, General, 163, 175 INDEX 465 Genet (zhe-na ) Citizen, defies Washing ton, 208 George III., 135-140, 183, Georgia, early history, 41; secedes, 302, 354 Germantown, battle of, 192 Gettysburg, battle of, 325-329 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 23 Gold, discovery of, in California, 279-280 Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 62 Gosnold, Bartholomew, 26 Gourges (gorg), Dominique de, in Flor ida, 1 6 Government, colonial, 118-121 Grant, Ulysses S., at Fort Donelson, 315; at Shiloh, 315; at Vicksburg, 329; at Chattanooga, 334; sketch, 335; in campaigns about Richmond, 337-34 8 ; captures Lee s army, 347; made President, 362; his Indian policy, 384 Great Meadows, 97 Greeley, Horace, 348 Greenbacks, 392 Greene, General, 179-181 Grenville, Lord, 129 Griffin, 90 Griffin s Wharf, 140 Guantanamo, 415 Guerriere (gar-ryar), captured, 231 Guilford Court House, battle of, 180 "HAIL COLUMBIA," 210 Hale, Nathan, 152 Half Moon, 63 Hamilton, Alexander, favors a strong Union, 200; financial policy of, 202; portrait, 202; killed by Burr, 223 Hamilton, Colonel, 169, 170 Hancock, John, 143, 145, 150 Harrison, Benjamin, 380, 396; sketch, 402; portrait, 402 ; elected President, 404 Harrison, William Henry, 228; sketch, 267; portrait, 268 Hartford, 51, 54, 60 Hartford, at Mobile Bay, 343 Hartford Convention, 236 Harvard College, 109 Havana, 411 Hawaii (ha-wi e), revolution in, 401 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 429 Hay, Secretary, 421 Hayes, Rutherford B., sketch, 365; withdraws troops from the South, 365; portrait, 366; election of, 389 Hennepin, 123 Henry, Patrick, 131, 141, 191 Hessians, 149, 155 Hobson, Lieutenant, 415 Holland at war with England, 167 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 430 Holy Alliance, 240 Hood, General, 341 Hooker, Joseph, 325, 335 Hooker, Thomas, 51-52 Howe, General, 146, 152, 160-163, 166 Hudson, Henry, discovers the Hudson River, 63 Hudson River, 63, 64, 67, 150, 157 Huguenots (hu ge-nots) in France, 15; their settlements, 16; Spanish de stroy settlements of, 16 Hull, Captain Isaac, 231 Hull, General William, 232 Hutchinson, Anne, 55 IBERVILLE (e-ber-veT), 123 Idaho, 375 Illinois, 353 Immigration, foreign, table of, 2591 290, 291, 372-373 Impeachment, President Johnson s, 360 Impressment of American seaman, 208, 225 Income Tax, 405 Independence of the United States, 183 Independent Treasury, 262 Indiana, 353 466 INDEX Indians, division of, 75 ; character of, 76; occupations of, 77; their canoes and snow-shoes, 77; wampum, 78; religion, 79; clan and tribe, 80; com munal living, 80; number of, 82; in fluence of, upon the whites, 83 ; early wars with, 84-86; aid Burgoyne, 158; use of, by the English, 168; reserva tion system, 386 Intercolonial Wars, 94 Internal improvements, 246, 247, 261 "Ironsides, Old," 231 Iroquois (ir-6-kwoi ) Indians (see Five Nations and Six Nations), 64, 65; and Champlain, 88; enemies of French, 89; and fur trade, 93; and St. Leger, 159 Irrigation, 379 Irving, Washington, 428 Isthmian Canal Act, 423 Italy, trouble with, 398 JACKSON, ANDREW, at Battle of New Orleans, 235-236; in Florida, 239; presidency of, 250-262; sketch, 250; portrait, 251 Jackson, C. T., 268 Jackson, Thomas J. ("Stonewall"), in the Shenandoah, 323; sketch, 325; and portrait, 327 James I., 30, 42-44 James II., 42, 43, 59 Jamestown, settlement of, 29 Japan, treaty with, 285 Jay, his treaty with England, 208 Jefferson, Thomas, 132; writes Decla ration of Independence, 150; opposes a strong union, 200; presidency of, 213-227; sketch, 213; portrait, 216 Jesuit missionaries, 90 Johnson, Andrew, presidency of, 356- 363; sketch and portrait, 357; his plan of reconstruction, 357; im peached, 360 Johnston, Albert Sydney, 315 Johnston, Joseph E., 307, 322, 329, 337, 340, 348 Joliet (zho-lya/), 90 Jones, John Paul, 164, 173 KALB, Baron de, 165 Kansas, struggle for, 287-289; admitted to the Union, 354 Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 287 Kaskasia, 169 Kearsarge, sinks the Alabama, 344 Kenesaw Mountain, battle of, 341 Kentucky, Resolutions presented by, 21 1 ; life in, 216, 352 King George s War, 94 King Philip s War, 85 King William s War, 94 King s Mountain, battle of, 176 Knights of Labor, 395 Knox, Henry, 200 Kosciusko (kos-i-us ko), 165 Ku-Klux Klan, 361, 362 LA FAYETTE (la-fa-yet ), sketch, 162; portrait, 1 60; in Virginia, 181 La Salle (la sal ), explores the Missis sippi, 90; his aims and work, 91 Lake Erie, Perry s victory on, 232 Lands, Public, 373 Las Guasimas, 415 Lawrence, Perry s flagship, 232 Lee, Charles, 153, 154, 160, 165 Lee, Fort, 152, 153 Lee, Richard Henry, 149 Lee, Robert E., sketch, 322; in Pen. insular campaign, 323 ; portrait, 324; at Antietam, 324; at Fredericksburg, at Chancellorsville, 324; at Gettys burg, 327; in campaigns of 1864 and l86 5 337-3475 his surrender, 347 Leisler, (lls le"r), Jacob, leads an uprising against Andros, 70 Lewis and Clarke s Expedition, 221-222 Lexington, battle of, 142-145 Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison s, 271 INDEX 467 Lincoln, Abraham, sketch, 299; por trait 300 ; presidency of, 305-348 ; assassinated, 348 Lincoln, General, 175 " Line of Demarcation," 6 Literature, 429 London Company, 28, 29 Long Island, battle of, 151, 152 Longfellow, Henry W., 430 Lookout Mountain, battle of, 335 Louisburg, 94 Louisiana, 353 Louisiana Purchase, 220-221, 424 Lovejoy, Elijah P., 273 Lowell, James Russell, 430 Lundy s Lane, battle of, 353 McCLELLAN, GEORGE B., in the Penin sula Campaign, 319-324 McCormick reaping-machine, 264 McCrea, Jane, 158 McDonough (mak-don o), Thomas, on Lake Champlain, 234 McDowell, General, 307, 321 McKinley, William, author of McKinley Bill, 404 ; sketch and portrait, 404, 408; conduct of Spanish War, 411, 418 Madison, James, portrait, 228 ; sketch, 228 ; presidency of, 228-238 Magellan (ma-jel an), wonderful voyage of, 9 Mails, 198 Maine, 353 Maine (The), 411 Malolos, 420 Malvern Hill, battle of, 322 Manassas (ma-nas as), battle of (see Bull Run) Manhattan Island, 64 Manila, 412-420 Manufactures, in New England, 61, 227; in the South, 368 Marion, Francis, 176 Marquette (mar-ket ), Father, 90, 123 Marshall, Chief Justice, 212, 352 Maryland, early history of, 37-39 ; and the Northwest Territory, 188 Mason, John, 84 Mason and Dixon s Line, 39 Mason and Slidell seized on the Trent, 309 Massachusetts, early history of, 45-59 Massachusetts Bay Company, 47, 48 Massasoit (mas-a-soit ), 47 Maximilian, Archduke, in Mexico, 345 Meade, George G., portrait, 329; at Gettysburg, 325-329 Melendez in Florida, 16 Merrimac, Confederate ironclad, 311- 3H Merrimac, United States collier, 415 Merritt, General, 413 Mexican War, 274-277 Mexico, City of, occupied by American troops, 354 Michigan, 354 Middle Colonies, 113-116; mixed pop ulation of, 1 13 ; occupations of people in, 113; education in, 114; crimes and punishments in, 115; life and man ners of the Dutch in, 115 Miles, General, 420 Mills Bill, 404 Mimms, Fort, massacre at, 235 Minnesota, 354 Missionary Ridge, battle of, 336 Mississippi, 353 Mississippi River, importance of, in the Civil War, 314 Missouri, 353 Missouri Compromise, 244, 245 Mobile Bay, battle of, 342-343 Mohawk River, 89, 157 Monitor, Union ironclad, 311-314 Monmouth, battle of, 1 66 Monroe, James, presidency of, 239-245 ; sketch, 240; portrait, 241 Monroe Doctrine, 241-242, 405 Montana, 375 468 INDEX Montcalm, General, 99, IO2 Montgomery, 145 Montreal, 145 Moore s Creek Bridge, battle of, 192 Morgan, Daniel, at battle of Cowpens, 1 80 Mormons, 376 Morris, Robert, 156 Morristown, 156, 160 Morse, Samuel F. B., and the telegraph, 267 Morton, W. T. G., 268 Moultrie (mol tri), Fort, 150 Mound Builders, 81-83 Mount Vernon, home of Washington, 196 Municipal reform, 426 NAPOLEON I., 218-220, 229 Napoleon III., and the Confederate navy, 344; and Mexico, 345 Narragansett Indians, 47, 55 Narvaez (nar-va-ath ) explores Florida, 19 Nashville, battle of, 355 National Republican Party, 248 National road, 241, 242 Navigation Laws, 36, 59, 126 Navy, United States, in the Revolution, 172; in War of 1812, 230 ; our new, 399 Nebraska, 360 Negro suffrage, 360 Nevada, 355 New Amsterdam, 64 New England, industries and trade of, 6 1 ; occupations of the people in, 113; religion and church worship in, 113 ; education in, 1 14 ; crimes and punish ments in, 115; life and manners in, 115; and Protection, 254 New England Confederacy, 55 New Hampshire, early history of, 62 New Haven, 52 New Jersey, early history of, 73 New Netherland, early history of, 64- 67 ; becomes New York, 67 New Orleans, battle of, 235-236 ; capt ure of, 316; Cotton Centennial, 368 New York, under English governors, 68 ; and the Northwest Territory, 188 New York City, 246 Newspapers, 117, 263, 429 Non-Importation agreements, 133, 139 Norfolk, 311 North, economic conditions in, 293 ; ad vantages of, 303 North Carolina, early history of, 41 ; secedes, 306, 354 North Dakota, 375 Northern point of view, 301 Northmen, n Northwest Boundary, 269 Northwest Passage, 8 Northwest Territory, conflicting claims to, 188 Nullification, 21 1, 253, 255, 256 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS, 264 Oglethorpe (5 gl-thorp), James, 41 Ohio, 352 Ohio Company, 96 Oklahoma (ok-la.-h5 ma), territory opened to settlement, 396 Old North Church, 143 Old South Church, 130, 139 Olney, Richard, 407 "Open Door," 420 " Orders in Council," 226 Ordinance of 1787, 188 Oregon, 354 Oregon (The), 414 Oregon Country, 221, 269-271 Ostend (os-tend ) Manifesto, 286 Oswego, 159 Otis, James, 128 PACIFIC OCEAN, discovery of, 18 Pacific Railroads, 377 INDEX 469 Pack-horse, 217 Paine, Thomas, writes Common Sense, 149 Pakenham (pak en-am), Sir Edward, 236 Palo Alto (pa 16 al to), battle of, 354 Panama, revolution in, 423 ; treaty with, 424 Pan-American Congress, 397 Pan-American Exposition, 419 Panic, Financial, of 37, 262; of 57, 294; of 73, 386; of 93, 403 Paper money, 168, 187, 390 Parkman, Francis, 431 Partisan warfare in the South, 176 Patroons in New Netherland, 63 Peking, 421 Pemberton, General, 329, 330 Penn, William, proprietor of Pennsyl vania, 70-72; portrait, 70 Pennsylvania, early history of, 70-72 Pennsylvania, University of, 115 Pension Bill, 397 Pepperell, Colonel, 94 Pequot Indians, 84 Perry, Commodore, in Japan, 285 Perry, Oliver H., his victory on Lake Erie, 232 Personal Liberty Bills, 284 "Pet banks," 257 Petersburg, explosion of mine at, 338 Petition, right of, 273 Philadelphia, 71 Philippine Islands, 417, 420 Pickett, General, 328 Pierce, Franklin, portrait, 286; sketch, 286; presidency of, 287-294 Pilgrims, go to Holland, 44; aims and character of, 45; voyage to America, 45; settle at Plymouth, 46; cove nant and democracy, 46; relations with the Indians, 46, 47 Pinckney, Charles C., 210 Pitt, William, 100, 133 Pittsburg Landing, battle of, 315 Pizarro (pi-za ro), conquers Peru, 19 Plymouth Company, 28 Pocahontas, 31 Polk, James K., sketch and portrait, 275; presidency of, 275-281 Ponce de Leon (pon -tha da la-6n ), dis covers Florida, 13 Pontiac, his conspiracy, 103, 120, 124 Pope, General, 323 Port Bill, Boston, 140 Port Hudson, surrender of, 330 Porto Rico, 417, 418 Portugal leads in discovering an eastern route, 2 Potomac, Army of, 319 Powhatan (pow-ha-tan ), 31 Prescott, Colonel, 146 Prescott, William H., 431 Presidential succession, 394 Princeton, battle of, 156 Princeton College, 115 Prisoners, difficulties about exchange of, in Civil War, 331-333 Privateering, in Revolution, 172; in War of 1812, 232 Problems of the hour, 431 Protective Tariff, 203, 252-254, 404-405, 407 Providence, R. I., 55, 123 Provincial Congress, 142 Public Schools, 263 Pullman boycott, 405 Puritans, 44-59; obtain a charter, 47; settlements, 48; government, 49; re ligious intolerance, 54-58; persecute the Quakers, 56; have trouble with England, 58 Putnam, Israel, 103, 146, 152 QUAKERS, 56, 57, 69 Quebec, 89; capture of, by Wolfe, 101 Queen Anne s War, 94 RAILROADS, 257-258, 377 Raleigh, Sir Walter, sketch, 22; por trait, 21 ; colonies, 22-25 47 INDEX Reconstruction, Johnson s plan of, 357; congressional plan of, 358: work of, complete, 359; difficulties and results of, 362 Religious intolerance among the Massa chusetts Puritans, 54-59 Republican Party, 290, 299, 404, 407, 418 Reservations, Indian, 386 Resumption of specie payments, 390 Revere, Paul, 143 Review of the army at Washington, 355 Revolution, American, causes of, 126- 142; principal events of, 142-183; results of, 183 Rhode Island, settled, 54; religious toleration in, 55 Richmond, Virginia, Confederate capi tal, 302; evacuated by Lee, 346 Right of Search claimed by England, 225 Rivers, twofold use of, 217 Rochambeau, 182 Rolfe, John, marries Pocahontas, 31 Roosevelt, Theodore, 419, 424, 425 Rosecrans (roze-cranz), General, 334 Ross, General, 234 "Rotten boroughs," 134 Rough Riders, 415 Roxbury, settled, 48 SAMPSON, ADMIRAL, 415 St. Augustine, 16, 122 St. Lawrence River, 87-89 St. Leger (santlej er) in Western New York, 159 St. Mary s, settlement at, 38 Salem Witchcraft, 108 San Francisco, 280 San Salvador, 6 Sanitary Commission, 350 Santiago, 416 Savannah, Sherman captures, 341 Savannah, 264 Say-and-Sele, Lord, 52 Saybrook, 54 "Scalawags," 361 Schuyler, General, 158, 163 Scrooby, England, 44 Seal fisheries, 400 Secession, 254, 302; of the remaining Cotton States, 302; of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Ar kansas, 306 Seminole Indians, 239 Semmes (semz), Captain, 344 Serapis, 178 Seven Days Battles, 322 Seven Pines, battle of (see Fair Oaks) Schley, 411 Shafter, 416 Shays s Rebellion, 187, 188 Shenandoah Valley, Jackson in, 322; Early in, 338; Sheridan in, 339 Sheridan, Philip H., in the Shenan doah, 339; portrait, 339; at Cedar Creek, 339; sketch, 339; at Five Forks, 346 Sherman, Roger, 150 Sherman, William T., sketch, 340; por trait, 341 ; captures Atlanta, 341 ; his "March to the Sea, "341; capt ures Johnston s army, 348 Sherman Act, 403 Shiloh, battle of, 315 Silver, legislation, 403 ; free, 407 Six Nations, 7 1 (see Iroquois) Slavery, in Virginia, 34; cotton-gin and, 204 ; in the North and the South, 243 ; real cause of the Civil War, 301 Slidell, seized on the Trent, 309 Smith, Captain John, his services to the Virginia colonists, 30; sketch, 31 ; portrait, 31 ; returns to England, 31 Smith, Joseph, 376 Solid South, 365 Sons of Liberty, 131 South, economic conditions in, 292-293 ; advantages of, 303 ; seizes national property, 304; condition at the close INDEX of the Civil War, 356; the new, 365- 371 ; troops withdrawn from, 365 South Carolina, 41 ; objects to Protec tion, 252, 253 ; and State Rights, 255, 256; secedes, 300 South Dakota, 375 Southern Colonies, 111-113; occupa tions of the people of, 1 1 1 ; education in, in ; life and manners in, 112 Southern point of view, 300 Spain claims Florida, 16; advantages of, in the New World, 16; reasons for failure, 17; relations with Eng land, 20 ; rise of Cubans against, 410 Spaniards, precious metals main object of, 13; and the Indians, 14; destroy Huguenot settlements, 16 Spanish- American War, 410-417 Spanish fleet destroyed, 412 Specie Circular, 261 Speedwell, 45 Spoils system, 251 Spottsylvania Court House, battle of, 337 Stamp Act, 128-131 ; Stamp Act Con gress, 132 ; repeal of, 133 Standish, Myles, portrait, 48 Stanwix, Fort, 159 Star of the West, 305 Star-Spangled Banner, 234 Stark, John, 159 State Rights, 255, 256, 300 Statue of Liberty, 396 Steamboat, Fulton s first, 222 ; launched on the Ohio River, 223 Stephens, Alexander H., sketch, 303 Steuben, Baron, 165 " Stonewall " Jackson (see Jackson, Thomas J.) Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 285 Street railways, 427 Strike, railroad, 387, 405 Stuyvesant (stl ve-sant), Governor, 68 Sugar and Molasses Act, 127 Sullivan, General, 152 Sumner, Charles, assault on, 289 Sumter, Fort, Confederates capture, 306 Surplus, 404 Sutler, Captain, 279 Swedes, settlement made by, 74 TARIFF, 203, 252-254, 404-405, 407, 408, 418 Taft, William H., 420 Taxation, 39, 43, 130 ; without repre sentation in America, 134; without representation in England, 134 Taylor, Zachary, 276; portrait, 280; sketch, 281 Tea, tax on, 139-140 Tecumseh (te-kum sg), 228 Telegraph, 267, 378 Telephone, 389 Temperance movement, 264, 265 Tennessee, life in, 216; 352 Tennessee, Confederate ironclad, 342 Territories, slavery in, 287, 294, 299 Texas, annexation of, 274 ; admitted to the Union, 354 Thames River, battle of, 353 Thirteenth Amendment, 358, 360 Thomas, General, 333, 336 Ticonderoga, Fort, 101, 129; Amer icans capture, 145 ; Burgoyne capt ures, 157 Tilden, Samuel J., 389 Tippecanoe, battle of, 228 Tobacco, 33, 35, 39 Tories, 134, 151 Township, New England, 48 Trade, Colonial, 127, 128 Travel, modes of, 117, 197, 215 Treaty at close of last French War, IO2 ; at close of Revolution, 183 ; Jay s, 208; at close of War of 1812, 238; with Mexico, 278 ; between Vene zuela and England, 405-407 ; Hay- Pauncefote, 423 Trent Affair, 309 Trenton, battle of, 154, 155 472 INDEX Tuscaroras (tus-ka-ro ras), 76 Tyler, John, sketch, 267 ; portrait, 269 " UNCLE TOM S CABIN," 285 Underground Railroad, 285 United States, natural advantages of, 425 United States Bank, 256, 257 Utah, 375 VALLEY FORGE, suffering at, 164, 165 Van Buren, Martin, sketch and portrait, 262 ; presidency of, 262, 263 Venezuela (ven-e-zwe-la) and England, 405-407 Vera Cruz (ve ra kroz), surrender of, 354 Vermont, 352 Verrazano (ver rat-sa no), 87 Vespucius, Americus, 8 Vicksburg, capture of, 329 Vincennes, 169 Virginia, early history of, 29-37; anc ^ the Northwest territory, 188 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 211 Vulture, 178 WALLACE, LEW, 338 War of 1812, causes of, 229; principal events of, 231-236; results of, 238 Warren, Joseph, 143, 146, 147 Washington, D. C., made the national capital, 203 ; captured by the British, 234 Washington, Fort, 152 Washington, George, his journey to the French forts, 96 ; at Great Meadows, 97 ; with Braddock, 99 ; takes com mand of the American army, 147 ; in the Revolution, 147-183; presidency of, 194-209 ; sketch, 195 ; inaugu rated, 195; formality of, 198-200; his cabinet, 200 Washington, Lawrence, 96 Washington Elm, 144 Webster, Daniel, and the Union, 254; portrait, 255 Wells, Horace, 268 West, rapid growth of, 258 ; influence of, in favor of nationality, 293 ; ex pansion of, 374 West Virginia, 355 Western lands, speculation in, 260 Wethersfield settled, 51 Weyler, General, 411 Whig Party, 290 Whiskey Rebellion, 203 White Plains, battle of, 192 Whitney, Eli, invents cotton-gin, 204 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 430 Wild-cat banking, 260 Wilderness, battles of, 337 Williams, Roger, 54, 55 Williamsburg, 131 Williamsburg, battle of, 322 Wilmot David, 284 Wilmot Proviso, 284 Wilson Bill, 405 Windsor settled, 51 Winthrop, John, 51 Wisconsin, 354 Witchcraft, Salem, 108 Wolfe, General, captures Quebec, 1C. 102 World s Columbian Exposition, 402 Writs of Assistance, 128 Wyoming, attack on, 192 Wyoming, 375 X. Y. Z. Papers, 209 YALE COLLEGE, 109 Yorktown, McClellan at, 321 Young, Brigham, 376 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FligS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO DAY AND TO $1.OO ON OVERDUE. THE SEVENTH DAY 8 3 1935 . f " : JAN JAN 131 1944 ^fr* ^c. LD 21-100m-8, 34 .YC 27940 . 0/7/7 5,7* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY