UC-NRLF GIFT Of Dr. C. A. Kofoid CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON AMERICA, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, ETC., BELONGING TO T. H.|MQRRELL, CONSISTING OF Rare Works on the History and Antiquities of America, early Prin ted Tracts, Franklin Imprints, and Washington Eulogies, togeth er with a number of SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED AND UNIQUE BOOKS, having inserted plates; Privately Printed and Large Paper Editions, etc., TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, Jan. 1 2th, i 3th and Hth, 1869, By BANGS, MERWIN & CO., At their Salesroom 694 & 696 Broadway, Commencing each Evening at 7 o clock, precisely. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their orders to purchase executed bv the Auctioneers. NEW YORK: BERGKN TRIPP, PRINTERS, 114 NASSAU ST. 1869. E7 NOTICE. The Books forming this Collection have been selected with great care as to their condition, and comprise some of the choicest speci mens of binding by Bedford, Riviere, Hayday, Matthews, Pawson and Nicholson, and other eminent Binders. No Books have been admitted from my stock, or from any other source, and with the exception of a few volumes, none have ever been offered by me at private sale. All are warranted perfect, unless otherwise described, and are offered without any reservation whatever. The quotations of prices affixed to a large portion of the books, have been taken from priced Catalogues of the most prominent sales that have occurred in this city, and elsewhere, within the past ten years, and apply to copies similar in condition, unless otherwise stated. The comparison of the fluctuations in the prices of many of the volumes, together with the uniformity. of those realized by others, will it is hoped, be of interest to the Collector. T. H. MORRELL, 100 NASSAU STREET. New York, December 28th, 1868. M3I858 ERRATA. Lot 3 1 For Price read Bruce. " 152 Omit Frank. 184 Omit Morrell, $3.25 ; Bruce, $2.75. 1 88 For green read dark. " 20G For Hewat read Hewatt. 221 For 40 read $50. 243 Omit last n in Preseniationn. " 245 For 10 read 110. 311 For $5. 00 read $3.00. 330 For blue read green. 533 For ? - er?/ many read many very. 565 Omit ?>// Matthtivs after laurels. Insert A?/ Matthews after borders. A few errors occurring in punctuation, can readily be discerned. DAMS, JOHN. Letters Addressed to his Wife. Edited by his Grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Portrait. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth) uncut. Boston, 1841 2. ADAMS, Miss. Journal and Correspondence of, Daughter of John Adams, Second President of the United States. Written in France and England, in 1785. Edited by her Daughter. Portrait, etc. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1841-2 3. ALDEN, Rev. TIMOTHY. Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional Notes. Portraits. 5 vols., 12mo, boards uncut, rough edges. Fine clean copy. Very Rare. New York, 1814 Whitmore, $4.75 per vol.; Morrell, $4.75 per vol.; Roche, $4.1 2 per vol. 4. ALEXANDER, GABRIEL. THE FAIR ALA ID OF WYOMING. A Tale of the War of Independence. Compositions from Campbell s Gertrude of Wyoming, by G. E. Hicks. With Introduction and Historical Notes. 1 3 Beautiful Outline Engravings. Oblong, 4fc>., cloth, gilt. Scarce. Art Union of London, 1846 5. ALLEN, ETHAN. Narrative of the Capture of Ticonde- roga, his Captivity and Treatment by the British. Written by Himself. Fifth Edition, with Notes. Boo., uncut. Burlington, 1854 e ALLEN, IRA. Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, one of the United States of America. 6 To which is added an Appendix containing answers to Sundry Queries, addressed to the Author. 8vo,pp. 300, board*, uncut, rough edges. Fine clean copy. Very scarce. London, 1798 7 AMEKK A TOIS D IXTHI: BALANCE OF JUSTICE. Ornamented with an Elegiac Frontispiece, and a reconciliatory Tailpiece. In this Research, the present Dissention 1. ctween the Mother Country and her Colonies is con- M do red in a SEW Light, and supported by Arguments quite different from those held forth by the parliamen- tary Speakers and polemical Writers on either Side of the Question. By P-oplicola H-istoricus. Curious Emblematical Frontispiece and Tailpiece. 4to, pp. 40, half morocco. Rare. London, Printed for the Author, [1776.] b AMKUICAN MARINERS ; or the Atlantic Voyage, a Moral Poem. Prefixed is a Vindication of the American Character, from the Aspersions of the Quarterly Review. To which are added Naval Annals, etc. Copious Notes and Illustrations. Tliick post 8? o, uncut. London, n. d. y ANBUREY, THOMAS. Travels through the Interior Parts of America. In a series of Letters. By an Officer. Plates and maps. 2 vols. Svo, boards uncut, rough edges. Fine copy, and very scarce in this condition. London, 1789 Tfi a copy contains the plates of the Continental Money, Vol. 2, p. 400, frequently wanting. "The Author was an Officer in Burgoyne a Array, and was taken prisoner by the Americans when that wing of the British Army fell into their hands. A graphic personal narrative. " Whitmore, $7. per vol. ; Morrell, $5. per vol. 10 ANI.RI:, MAJOR JOHN. Cow-Chace, in Three Cantos, Pub lished on Occasion of the Rebel General Wayne s at tack of the Refugees Block-House on Hudson s River, on Friday, the 21st of July, 1780. Rare and beautiful Portrait of Major Andre, inserted. Svo, pp. 69. Full green crushed levant morocco, rich gilt back and sides, with inside borders, elaborately tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. New York, Printed by James Rivington, MDCCLXXX The FIRST EDITION of this celebrated Revolutionary lyric, a fine copy, perfect, and one of the rarest ivorks ever offered for sale, It contains besides " THE AMERICAN TIMES, a Satire in Three Parts. In which are delineated the Characters of the Leaders of the American Rebel lion, etc. By Camillo Quemo, Poet-Laureat to the Congress." 11 ANDRE. A representation of Major John Andre, Adjutant General to the King s Forces in Forth America, going from the Vulture Sloop of War to the Shore of Haver- straw Bay in the Hudson s River the night of the 23d of September, 1780, in a Boat which was sent for him (accompanied by a Mr. Smith,) under the Sanction of a Flag of Truce by Major General Arnold, who then commanded the Rebel Forces in that District. Neatly mounted. Small folio, and bound in full crimson morocco. " J. A. fee., 1st Oct., 1780." EXCESSIVELY RARE. The above is an exact copy of a drawing, sketched with a pen by Major Andre on the morning he was to have been executed, with a desire (it is supposed) of perpetuating a transaction which ter minated fatally for him. The drawing was found upon his table, with other papers, the next day (being that of his decease,) by his servant, and delivered by him, on his arrival in New York, to Lieut. Colonel Crosbie, of the 22d Regiment, who caused this en graving to be taken, as a mark of his friendship for that unfortu nate officer. There is also inserted, a rare and beautiful Portrait of Major Andre, engraved by D. Berger, 1783. 12 ANDBE*. ANDBEANA. Containing the Trial, Execution and various matter connected with the History of MAJOR JOHN ANDRE, Adjutant General of the British Army in America, A, D., 1780. 12 Fine plates, consisting of 8 Portrait of Andre, Arnold, Paulding, etc., folio, un- mf. Jointed on heavy plate paper. Philadelphia, 1865 LARGEST I APKR. 25 Qopfa printed. IX ANPRE. DUNLAP, WILLIAM. ANDKE ; a Tragedy in Five Acts, as performed by the Old American Company. New York, March 30, 1798. To which are added authentic documents respecting Major Andre ; Letters to Miss Se ward, etc. Fixe proof portrait of Dunlap inserted. Bvo. half morocco. New York, 1798 Morrell, $20; Roche, $18. 14 ANDRE. Minutes of a Court of Inquiry upon the case of Major John Andre, with accompanying documents, published in 1780, by order of Congress. With an Additional Appendix. Edited by Franklin B. Hough. Portrait, with 14 Plates inserted, including rare Portraits of Andre, Arnold, etc. also original autograph signature of Major Andre. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1865 100 copies. PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR MR. JOHN F. McCoy. 1* ANDRE. SARGENT, WINTHROP. Life and Career of Major John Andre, Adjutant General of the British Army in North America. Portrait. Thick Svo ; doth, uncut. Boston, 1861 LARGE PAPER. 75 COPIES PRINTED. Fisher, $15; Morrell, $12 ; Fowle, $11; Whitmore, $8.50 ; Roche, $8. 1 ANDRE. SMITH, JOSHUA HETT. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of his Majesty s Forces in North America. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. Fine portrait of Andre, View of his Monument in Westminister Abbey and Map. Svo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine clean copy : very rare. . London, 1808 Morrell, $21; Fisher, $14.50, Roche, calf, $11.50. 17 ARCHENHOLTZ, J. M. vox. HISTORY OF THE PIRATES, FREE BOOTERS, OR BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Translated from the German. By George Mason, Esq. Small 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1807 18 ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. Report of the Proceedings at a Banquet given to Mr. Cyrus W. Field, by the Chamber of Commerce of New York, at the Metropolitan Hotel, November 15th, 18G3. Portraits of C. W. Field, Peter Cooper, General Grant, and Admiral Farragut, and other Plates inserted. Also, Original Call for a Meeting of the American Geographical Society, " to cooperate with Dr. If ayes in organizing an Expedition to the Arctic Seas" signed by C. W. Field, Henry Grinnell, Peter Cooper, etc. 4to. New York, 1866 LARGE PAPER. 19 AUSTIN, JAMES T. Life of Elbridge Gerry. With Contem porary Letters. To the close of the American Revolu tion. Portrait and Fac-simile. 2 vols. Svo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Boston, 1828- 29 Fine, tall copy ; very rare in uncut condition. AILY, J. T. Historical Sketch of the City of Brooklyn and the Surrounding Neighborhood, including the vil lage of Williamsburgh and the towns of Bushwick, Flatbush, Flatlands, New Utrecht and Gravesend. To which is added an Interesting Account of the ^Battle of Long Island. Compiled from the best authorities. \2rno. Scarce. Brooklyn : Published by the Author, 1840 10 jl r.Aii.r.y, WILLIAM. Records of Patriotism and Love of Country. 8vo, half green morocco ; gilt back. Washington, 1826 Scarce. 22 BANCROFT, GEORGE. POEMS. Fine Portrait on India paper, and View of his residence at Northampton, Mass., inserted. I2mo, pp. 77; half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1823 Very scarce. Davis, $-11 ; Whitmore, $17.50. 23 BANCROFT, GEORGE. Memorial Address on the Life and and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the request of both Houses of the Congress of America, be fore them in the House of Representatives at "Washing ton, on the 12th of February, 1866. 15 Portraits, all different, of President Lincoln, inserted ; also beauti ful proof portrait and fine autograph letter of Bancroft. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Washington, 1866 LARGE PAPER. 24 BARBER, JOHN W. and E. G. Historical, Poetical and Pic torial American Scenes ; with a Chronological Table of Important Events in the Secession War. Map and numerous woodcuts. 12mo, uncut. New Haven, n. d. 25 BARLOW, JOEL. The Columbiad : a Poem. Beautiful Por trait of Barlow, and numerous Plates by Smirke, en graved by Heath, Bromley, etc. With three fine and rare Portraits ctr, -I interesting Autograph Letter, 2 pp. 4to (1811,) of the Author inserted. Half green moroc- i dt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1807 Splendid copy, entirely free from stains, and of excessive rarity in uncut condition. Contains also the Fac-simile of the Signatures to the Declaration of Independence, often wanting. 26 BAKM-.M, ILL. The Spy Unmasked ; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch : being an Authentic Ac- 11 count of the Secret Services which he rendered his country during the Revolutionary War. (Taken from his own lips, in short hand), etc. Portrait and Plates. &vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1828 Wight, extra Plates, $14.50: Morrell, extra Plates, $11 ; Whitmore, $8.50 ; Fisher, $6. 27 BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL. History of the Destruction of His Britannic Majesty s Schooner Gaspee in Narragan- sett Bay, on the 10th June, 1772. Accompanied by the Correspondence connected therewith. Hoy. 8vo. 9 uncut. Providence, 1861 125 COPIES PRIYATELY PRINTED. Wight, $4.00. 28 BARTON, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the late David Rittenhouse, L.L.D., F. R, S., interspersed with various notices of many distinguished men. Portrait. Svo, boards, un cut. Phil. 1813 29 BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South. Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Chero kee Country, etc. ; containing an Account of the Soil and Natural Productions of those regions ; together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Plates. Second Edition. 8?;o, boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1794 Wight, $4.75; Fisher, half calf, $4.25; Morrell, $3.75. 30 BEACON HILL. A Local Poem, Historic and Descriptive, with Notes. View of the Monument on Beacon Hill, Boston, inserted ; 4to, pp. 56, uncut, rough edges. Very rare. Boston, 1797. Fine, dean copy. 31 BELKNAP, JEREMY. History of New Hampshire, compre hending the events of one complete century from the 12 discovery of the River Pascataqua. Mop. 3 vols. Svo. boards, uncut, rough edges. Dover, N. H., 1812 Slightly stained : volume 3 wants cover. Price $4.50 per vol.; Whitmore, $2.50 per vol. 32 BENNETT, JAMES GORDON. Life and Writings of James Gordon Bennett, Editor of the New York Herald. Woodcuts, with Portrait of Bennett inserted. I2mo. pp. 64. New York, 1844 This scurrilous pamphlet is ecctrtrncly rare, having been rigidly sup pressed. 33 BENSON, EGBERT. DUTCH AND INDIAN NAMES. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1816. Illustrated by the insertion of 15 rare plates, including Portraits of Gen. /Schuyler, Hendrick Hudson, etc., and Views of Nieuw Amster^ dam, Hell Gate, Lake George, the Battery, Park Place, with curious old Map engraved by Tiebout, etc. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Very rare. New York, 1817 First Edition. Presentation Copy from Egbert Benson, with his auto- graph, and numerous manuscript corrections. 34 BENSON, EGBERT. DUTCH AND INDIAN NAMES. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1816. Second Edition, with Notes. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, rough edges ; rare. Roche, $10;Morrell, $5. Jamaica, 1825 35 [BEVERLY, RICHARD.] History of Virginia, in four parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Government thereof, to the year 1706. II. The natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native Indians and inhabitants, their Religion, Laws and Customs in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country, & c . By a native of the place, Second 13 and best Edition. Arms of Virginia, and Plates by Gribelin, 8yo, calf. London, 1722 Fine clean copy, with large margins. Brilliant impressions of the Plates. Bruce. $10.50; Whitmore, $10; Fisher, $10; ilorrell, $5. 56 BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tes taments, and the Apocrypha ; Illustrated with Select, Rare and Curious Engravings after eminent Painters, and by the most celebrated Engravers, Ancient and Modern. 4 vols., folio. Fall crimson levant morocco, rich gilt back and edges, with inside borders, by Hay- day. Glasgow, 1844 UNIQUE COPT, SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF OVER 500 EXTRA PLATES, many of them being of the greatest rarity and beauty, and comprising some of the choicest specimens of engraving, by YISSCHER, FAITHORNE, SAEDELER KILIAN, COLLAERT, GALL, KUSELL, A. WIERX, J. WIERX, etc., etc. Many rare old etchings, curious colored plates, a beautiful set of illustra tions from a French Bible, together with a number of the choicest of DORE S Plates, enrich these volumes, while the condition and bril liancy of the impressions of the Engravings could not be improved. An excessively rare etching (a folding plate], by JOHN LUYKEN, of the " Shipwreck of St. Paul" and "Noah enter ing the Ark" by YISSCHER. may be mentioned as the most valuable. Tfie text of this splendid work is BROWN S IMPERIAL FAMILY BIBLE. Extra Rubricated Title Pages have been printed especially for this work, which has been extended from ONE volume to FOUR. 37 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. Catalogue of a valuable Collection of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, etc., relating to America. Prepared by John Russell Smith. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1865 38 BIRCH S VIEWS. The City of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, North America, as it appeared in the year 1800; consisting of twenty-eight plates. Drawn and Engraved by W. Birch & Son. 28 fine colored plates. Oblong folio, calf > Very rare. Published by subscription at $44. T 5 5 ff . Philadelphia, 1800 14 Slightly stained. Among the rare Engravings in this volume are views of Congress Hall, Pennsylvania Hospital, the Gaol, etc., with repre sentation of the Funeral of Washington, Dec. 2C, 1799. 30 Bisiioi K, GKOEGE. New England Judged, Not by Man s, I. ut the Spirit of the Lord; and the SUMME sealed up of New-England s PERSECUTIONS. Being a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those Parts of AMERICA, from the beginning of the .Fifth Moneth, 1656, (the time of their first arrival at BOSTON from ENGLAND), to the later end of the Tenth Moneth, 1CGO. Wherein the Cruel Whippings and ticourgings, Bonds and Imprisonments, Beatings and Chaining*, Starving* and Huntings, Fines and Con fiscations of Estates, Burning in the Hand and Cutting of Ears, Orders of Sale for Bondmen and Bondwomen, Banishment upon pain of Death, and Putting to Death of those People, are shortly touched with a Relation of the Manner, and some of the 0J/ier most Material JRro- ceedings ; and a Judgment thereupon. Small 4to, pp. 176. Original calf binding. Very scarce. London, 1661 /Yne copy o/ Ms excessively rare first edition a few pages very slightly stained, but otherwise in good condition. 40 BISHOP, GEORGE. New England Judged by the Spirit of the Lord. In Two Parts. Containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers, in New- England, from the Time of their first arrival there in the year 1656, to the year 1660. With a farther Rela tion of the Cruel and Bloody Sufferings of the People called Quakers in New-England, etc. Also an Appen dix, Containing the Writings of Several of the Suffer ers, etc., etc. Thick Svo, calf, gilt back. FINE COPY. Very scarce. London, 1703 Wight, $19.50; Morrell, $15; Bruce, $14; Fisher, $11.50. 15 41 BLEEKER, CAPT. LEONARD. Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the early part of the ex pedition against the Indian Settlements of Western N T ew York, in the Campaign of 1779. Edited by Franklin B. Hough. Portrait of G-en. James Clinton inserted. to, uncut. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER. 50 Copies printed. 42 [BLOODGOOD, S. DE WITT.] The Sexagenary; or Reminis cences of the American Revolution. Hare and beauti ful Portrait of Lady Ackland inserted. Vlmo, boards. Albany, 1833 Fine copy of the very rare original edition, of which but few copies were printed. Morrell, $8.50; Roche, $5. 43. BORDER LIFE. Mirror of Olden Time Border Life; embrac ing a History of the Discovery of America, History of Virginia ; also of the Early Settlement of Pennsylvania, with Personal Narratives of Captivities and Escapes, etc., compiled from authentic sources, by J. Pritts, Chambersburg, Pa. Numerous plates of Indian Bat tles, Incidents of Border Life, etc. 8vo, sheep. Scarce. Abbington, Va., 1849 Morrell, $4. 44 BOSTON MASSACRE. Short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston; perpetrated in the Evening of the Fifth day of March, 1770, by Soldiers of the XXIXth Reg iment, which, with the XlVth Regiment, were then quartered there, With some, observations on the state of things prior to that Catastrophe. Excessively rare Engraving of the Massacre, brilliant impression. Svo, pp. 166. Full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. Printed by Order of the Town of Boston. London, Re-printed, 1770 Fine copy, rare. 16 Ifl BOSTON MASSACRE. HANCOCK, JOHN. An Oration deliv ered March 5, 1774, at the request ol the Inhabitants of the town of Boston, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. Original Lot- ten/ Ticket, for the Re-building of Faneuil Hall, Bos ton, April, 1767, signed by JOHN HANCOCK, inserted ; also cm excessively rare and curious Portrait of him. Full rich green levant morocco, gilt. Boston : Printed by Edes & Gill, in Queen Street, 1774 Splendid copy, dean, with large margins. Once the property of ISAIAH THOMAS, the Printer, and has his Autograph on title page. 46 BOSTON MASSACRE. Orations delivered at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to commemorate the Evening of the Fifth of March, 1770, etc. 12mo, shee P- Boston, 1807 47 BOSTON MASSACRE. Short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston; perpetrated in the evening of the fifth day of March, 1770, by soldiers of the 29th Regt., etc. Plate of the Mo,ssacre. 8vo, doth. Boston, 1770 New York : Re-published with Notes and Illustrations, by John Doggett, Jr., 1849. BOSTON MASSACRE. [See Trial of Wemms.] 4 BOUCHER, JONATHAN. View of the Causes and Conse quences of the American Revolution, with an Histori cal Preface. Thick 8vo, calf. London, 1797 40 BOYLSTON, ZABDIEL. An Historical Account of the SMALL POX, Inoculated in New Em/land, upon all sorts of persons, W7iites, Slacks, and of all ages and constitu tions; with some account of the Nature of the Infec tion in the Natural and Inoculated way, and their dif- 17 ferent effects on Human Bodies, etc. Small, 4to, pp. 62, Hf. calf. Fine copy, with large margins. London, 1726 Among those -mentioned as inoculated by the Author, may be found the names of Judge Quincy s Son, Judge SeweWs Grandson, Hon. Jonathan Belcher s Son, etc. 50 BOYXTOX, EDWARD C. History of West Point and its Military Importance during the American Revolution ; and the Origin and Progress of the United States Military Academy. Illustrations and Maps, many on India paper. Hoy. &vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 LARGE PAPER. 100 copie* printed. Whitmore, $18; Powle, $17.50; Morrell, $13.50; Fisher, $10; Roche, $8. 51 BRACKEXRIDGE, H. M. History ot the Western Insurrec tion in Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection, 179 1. 8v0, "cloth. Scarce. Pittsburgh, 1859 52 BRADFORD, ALEXANDER W. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. Svo, cloth. New York, 1841 53 BREMER, FREDRIKA. Homes of the New World ; Im pressions of America. Translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols., cr., Syo, full polished green, calf, gilt backs. Beautiful copy. London, 1853 Fine plates. 54 BRUTE, SIMON WM. GABRIEL. Memories of the Right Rever end Simon Wm. Gabriel Brute, D. D., First Bishop of Vincennes, with Sketches Describing his Recollections of Scenes connected with the French Revolution, and % Extracts from his Journal. By the Right Rev. James 18 Rosevelt Bayley, D. D., Bishop of Newark. Portrait and Illustration*. Small 4to, uncut. Xcw York : John Gilmary Shea, I860 PRIVATELY PRINTED. 50 copies. Roche, $5.00. 55 BRYAN, DANIEL. Mountain Muse; comprising the Adven tures of .Daniel Boone ; and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty. I2mo, sheep. Ilarrisonburgh : Printed for the Author, 1813 56 BUCANIEKS OF AMERICA, HISTORY OF THE. Containing the Exploits and Adventures of Le Grand, Lolonois, Roche Brasiliano, Bat the Portuguese, Sir Henry Morgan, etc. The ichole written in several languages by persons present at the transactions. Translated into English. Fourth Edition. Numerous Portraits and Plates. 2 vols. small 8?;o, calf, gilt backs. Fine copy. London, 1741 o7 BURGOYNE, LIEUT. GEX. State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons by Lieut. General Burgoyne, and verified by Evidence ; with a Collection of Authentic Documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appear ing before the House. Written and collected by himself, and Dedicated to the officers of the army he commanded. Fine Map and Plans of Battles, icithl^J rare and valu able Plates inserted, among which are Portraits of J2ur- yoyne, Sir GUI/ Carleton, Gates, Baron Riedesel, etc., and also the cert/ scarce folding plate of 11 Gen. Frazer^s Funeral" 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, London, 1780 Maps are all mounted on linen. Fisher, half morocco, uncut, no plates, $19; Morrcll, half morocco, gilt edges, no plates, $14.50. 58 BUIU;OYNE, LIEUT. GEX. [The Same.] 19 Fine Map and Plans of Battle, beautifully mounted on muslin. Svo, pp. 191, Appendix, pp. CIX. Boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine copy. London, 1780 Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney-s copy, with his autograph on title page. Portrait of him inserted. 59 BURGOYNE, LIEUT. GEN. Letter from, to his Constituents, upon his late Resignation ; with the Correspondences between the Secretaries of War and him relative to his return to America. 8vo,pp. 37, boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine copy, rare. London, 1779 After General Burgoyne s surrender, he was allowed to return to England on parole. Thinking himself ill-treated by the Govern ment, and having been elected member of Parliament for Preston, he joined the opposition ; whereupon an official order was sent to him, signifying that it was the king s pleasure that he should re turn to America and rejoin his captive army. He remonstrated, and was again ordered, and in consequence resigned all his civil and military employments. In this letter he gives an explanation of his conduct. 60 BURGOYXE. Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, from his Entry into the State of New York until his Surrender at Saratoga, 16th Oct., 1777, etc. Edited by E. B. O Callaghan, M. D. Maps and Plates. Small 4to, uncut. MUNSELL S HISTORICAL SERIES, No. 7. Albany, 1860 Fowle, halfmor., uncut, $22; Whitmore, $9; Wight, $5.25. BURGOYNE. Proceedings of a Courtmartial for the Trial of Col. Henley, accused by Gen. Burgoyne of Ill-Treat- ment of the British Soldiers. SEE TRIALS. 61 BURK, JOHN. Bunker-Hill; or, The Death of General War ren. An Historic Tragedy, in five Acts. 12mo, uncut. New York, 1817 By the Author of the very rare " History of Virginia." 62 BURK, JOHN. History of the Late War in Ireland, with an 20 Account of the United Irish Association, from the First Meeting in Belfast to tire Landing of the French at Kilala, Svo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Phila. 1799 Morrell, $3.00. 63 BURKE, EDMUND. An Account of the European Settlements in America, containing an Accurate Description of their Extent, Climate, Productions, etc., etc. New Edition. Maps. 2 vols royal Svo, boards, uncut, rough edges. LARGE PAPER. Scarce. London, 1808 Title pages slightly spotted. 64 BURR. Reports of the Trial of Colonel Aaron Burr (late Vice-President of the L T nited States,) for Treason, and for a Misdemeanor, in preparing the means of a Military Expedition against Mexico, a Territory of the King of Spain, with whom the United States were at Peace, &c. By David Robertson. 2 vols. Svo., boards, uncut, rough edges. FINE COPY. Venj scarce. Philadelphia, 1808 Bruce, $11.00 per vol. ; Roche, $10.00 per vol.: Wight, half calf, uncut, $10 per vol.; Fisher, half mor., uncut, $9.00 per vol.; Morrell, half mor., uncut, $8.50 per vol. 65 BURR. CHEETIIAM, JAMES. Letter to a Friend on the Con duct of the Adherents to Mr. Burr. Svo.,2^p. 72, half morocco. New York, 1803 66 BURR. CHEETHAM, JAMES. Narrative of the Suppression by Colonel Burr of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. Written by John Wood. To which is added a Bio graphy of Thomas Jefferson, and of General Hamilton, with Strictures on the conduct of John Adams, and on the Character of General C. C. Pinckney. Svo,pp. 72, half morocco. New York, 1802 Wight, uncut, $6.00. 21 67 BURR. CHEETHAM, JAMES. Nine Letters on the Subject of Colonel Burr s Political Defection, with an Appendix. 8i 9, pp. 130, half morocco. New York, 1 803 68 BURR. CHEETHAM, JAMES. Reply to Aristides. 8vo, pp. 134, half morocco. New York, 1804 69 BURR. CHEETHAM, JAMES. View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice President of the United States. By the author of the " Narrative." 8vo,pp. 120, half morocco. New York, 1802 70 BURR. Examination of the Various Charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States ; and a Development of the Characters and Views of his Political Opponents. New edition, revised and cor rected, with additions. By Aristides. Svo, pp. 116. half morocco. Printed for the Author, 1804 71 BURR. Strictures upon the Narrative of the Suppression, by Col. Burr, of Wood s History of the Administration of John Adams. By a Yeoman. 8vo, pp. 26, half mo rocco. Very scarce. s. 1. s. a. 72 BURTON. BIBLIOTHECA DRAMATICA. Catalogue of the Thea trical and Miscellaneous Library of the late William E. Burton, the distinguished Comedian, comprising an immense assemblage of Books relating to the Stage ; also, a small but select collection of Curiosities, Anti quities, Shakspearian Models, &c. Fine Portrait. TJiick Royal 8vo. uncut. LARGE PAPER. New York. 1860 Morrell, half mor., uncut, $5.00; Fowle, $4.00; Whitmore, hf. mor., uncut, $3.50. 73 BUTLER, FRANCES ANNE. POEMS. Beautifully engraved Portrait of Fanny Kemble, by Cheney, after Sully s Pic- 3 22 tare. Portrait in the character of Euphrasia inserted ; also Newspaper Cuttings. 1 2m o, uncut. Philadelphia, 1844. Murrell, raorooco, $5.00. 74 BUTLER, MANN. History of the Commonwealth of Ken tucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the Close of the Northwestern Campaign, in 1813. With an Introduction, etc. Second Edition ; Revised and Enlarged by the Author. Fine Portrait of Gen. George Rogers Clarke inserted. Thick Svo., pp. 551. Half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Fine copy. Scarce. Cincinnati, 1836 Roche, cloth, uncut, $5.50 ; Fisher, sheep, $5.00. 75 BYFIELD, NATHANIEL. An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, and the county adjacent, April 18, 1689. Written by Mr. Nathaniel Byfield, a Merchant of Bristol in New England, to his friends in London. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and edges, by Mat thews. London, 1689 Fine copy. Very scarce. Morrell, $35 ; Roche, $30. 76 BYRD, WILLIAM. Western Manuscripts ; containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina ; a Journey to the Land of Eden, A. D., 1733 ; and a Progress to the Mines, written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published. Roy. Qvo, uncut. 1st Edition scarce. Petersburg, 1841 Fisher, Hf. Mor., uucut, $G.25. 23 ABOT, SEBASTIAN. Memoir of, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. Illustrated by docu ments from the Rolls; now first published. Qvo, hoards uncut. Scarce. London, 1831 78 CALLENDEB, Joiix. An Historical Discourse on the Civil Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in New England, in America. From the first settlement, 1638, to the end of the First Century. 8 vo,full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and edges, with rich inside borders, by Bedford. . Boston, 1739 Beautiful copy of the very rare first edition. Roche, $30 ; Morrell, $25. 79 CALLEXDER, TOM. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds ; Ci-Devant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, Inspector-General of the Standing Armies thereof, Counselor-at-Law, &c., &c., &c. Being intended as a reply to a Scandalous Pam phlet, lately published under the sanction, as it is pre sumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and signed with the signature of Junius Philcenus. 8vo, pp. 64, uncut. Fine, clean copy. Rare. New York, 1802 Morrell, $5.50. SO CAMPBELL, J. W. History of Virginia, from its Discovery till the year 1781 ; with Biographical Sketches of the most Distinguished Characters that occur in the Colo nial Revolutionary, or .subsequent period of our His tory. 12 wo, calf. Philadelphia, 1813 81 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM W. Annals of Tryon County ; or the Border Warfare of New York, during the Revolution. Map. 8vo, boards, uncut y rough -edges, New York, 1831 Very rare, in uncut condition. 24 CAMTHELL, WILLIAM W. Border Warfare of New York, during the Revolution ; or the Annals of Tryon Coun ty. 12 wo, cloth. New York, 1849 CAREW, BAMPFYLDE-MOORB. Surprising Adventures of, King of the Beggars ; containing his life, a Dictionary of the Cant Language, and many entertaining particu lars of that extraordinary man. New edition, correct ed and much improved. Portrait and plates. 12mo, hf. cf. London, 1812 [CARPENTER, STEPHEN CULLEX.] Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, Vice-President, and Presi dent of the L T nited States of America; containing a Concise History of those {States, from the Acknowl edgement of their Independence. With a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in that Country. Portrait and autograph letter of Jefferson (Richmond, Nov. 26, 1780,) inserted. 2 vols, Svo. Hf. green morocco, gilt back. S. L. Printed for the Purchasers, 1809 4 very scurrilous work, criticising severely the character and adminis tration of THOMAS JEFFERSOX. Morrell, uncut, $5 per vol. ; Wight, uncut, $3.75 per vol. CARVER, JOHX. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. First edi tion. Maps and copper-plates. Royal 8vo. Hoards, uncut, rough edges. Printed for the Author, London, 1778 LARGE PAPER. Fine clean copy. Rare. Rare autograph receipt for enlisting five men, signed by Captain Car ver, Springfield, May 31, 1760, inserted; also portrait. Contains rare view of the Falls of St. Anthony, Mississippi River. "Carver came to England soon after he returned from his travels, with the intention of publishing his account of th em; but when he had already sold the MS. to a bookseller he was ordered by the 25 government to deliver up all his maps and journals ; and it was not until near ten years after that he obtained permission to pub lish the work." 86 CARVER, JOHN. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Third edi tion. To which is added some account of the author, and a copious index. Beautiful Mezzotint Portrait, Map, and colored plates. Thick 8vo, bds., uncut, rough edges. London, 1781 Fine copy. 86 CATESBY, MARK. Natural History of CAROLINA, FLORIDA, and the BAHAMA ISLANDS ; containing the Figures of BIRDS, BEASTS, FISHES, SERPENTS, INSECTS, and PLANTS. Particularly the Forest Trees, Shrubs, and other Plants, not hitherto described, or very incorrectly figured by authors. Together with their descriptions in English and French. To which are added observations on the AIR, SOIL, and WATERS, etc., etc. Revised by Mr. EDWARDS, of the Royal College of Physicians, Lon don ; WITH THE SUPPLEMENT, Map and 200 beautifully COLOURED plates of American Birds, Animals, Fishes, Insects, Plants, <&c. 2 vols, Imperial folio, Russia gilt. Fine copy. Rare. London, 1754 This edition is colored with superior care. Henry Laurens, of South Carolina, in 1780, says : " the best Natural History of this country will be found in Catesby s book of Natural History, published by a Society of noblemen and gentlemen, about thirty-five years ago." See Laurens Correspondence, page 187. 88 CATESBY, MARK. Hortus Britanno-Americamis ; or a Cu rious Collection of Trees and Shrubs, the Produce of the British Colonies in North America / adapted to the Soil and Climate of England. With Observations on their Constitution, Growth and Culture, etc. 84 beautifully colored Plates of Plmts, etc., on 17 sheets. Imperial 4to / fuU morocco, gilt ; specimen of old binding, with gilt tooling. Very scarce. London, 1763 26 80 CAUSTIC, CHRISTOPHER. Terrible Tractoration ! a Poetical Petition against Galvanising Trumpery, and the Per- kinistic Institution. In Four Cantos. 12wo, bds, un- ,-uf. New York, 1804 90 CAUSTIC, CHRISTOPHER. Democracy Unveiled ; or Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism. 12 wo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1805 91 CAUSTIC, CHRISTOPHER, [The same.] Third Edition, with large additions. 2 vols. 12 wo, hf. crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1806 92 CHALKLEY, THOMAS. Collection of the Works of, In Two Parts. 2 vols. 8vo. Full crimson levant morocco, richly tooled back, and inside borders, by Bedford. Very rare. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin & D. Hall, MDCCXLIX. Wight, $10 per vol. 93 CHALMERS, GEORGE. Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. Compiled chiefly from Records, and Authorized often by the insertion of State Papers. Autograph Letter of the Author inserted. Vol. 1, all published. Thick 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt edges. DAVID RAM SAY S (the historian) copy, icith his autograph on title page. Portrait of him inserted. London, 1780 "Valuable for the distinctness of its details, the authenticity of its documents, and me elegant manner in which it is written." Fisher, half mor., uncut, Portrait inserted, $19; Wight, half mor uncut, $12.50. 94 CHAHI.EVOIX. History and General Description of New France. By the Rev. P. F. X. De Charlevoix, S. J. 27 Translated, with Notes, by John Gilmary Shea. Por traits and Maps. 3 vols. 4to, uncut. New York, 1866-1868 LARGE PAPER. Only 25 copies printed. The purchaser to be entitled to the remaining volumes (3) at the sub scription price. Morrell, $9.50 per vol. 95 CHARLEVOIX. [The Same.] Portrait and Maps. 3 vols. Imperial Svo, uncut. New York, 1866-1868 250 COPIES PRINTED.. The purchaser to be entitled to the remaining volumes (3) at the sub scription price. * Morrell, $5.00 per vol. 96 CHASTELLUX, MARQUIS DE. Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 1781 and 1782. Translated from the French by an English Gentleman who resided in America at that period. With notes by the Transla tor. Maps and Plates, with Portrait of the Author in- serted. 2 vols, Svo, Iff. calf, gilt backs, uncut. London, 1787 Fine copy, and scarce in this condition. Morrell, $3 per vol. 97 CHESS MADE EASY. New and Comprehensive Rules for Playing the Game of Chess ; with Examples from Phili- dor, Cunningham, etc., etc. To which is prefixed a pleas ing account of its origin ; some interesting anecdotes of several exalted personages, who have been admirers of it, and the Morals of Chess. Written by the inge nious and learned Dr. FRANKLIN. Plate. Hare Por trait of Dr. Franklin inserted. I2mo, full purple crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Pratt. Philadelphia, 1802 Scarce. 28 98 CICERO, M. T. CATO MAJOR, or his Discourse of Old Age ; with Explanatory Notes. (By John Logan.) 8vo, fall green crushed levant morocco, richly gilt back and inside borders, by Bedford. Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin. MDCCXLIV This book Franklin always considered the chef d ceuvre of his press. "He took many copies to England, and distributed them with evident satisfaction." Beautiful copy. Very scarce. Bruce, $90; Wight, MSS. of Franklin inserted, $73. 99 CLINTON, SIR HENRY and CORNWALLIS, Earl. Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., Relative to his Conduct during Part of his Command of the King s Troops in North America, etc. Rare and beau tiful Portrait of Sir Henry Clinton inserted. ANSWER to that part of the Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., which relates to the conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, during the Cam paign in North America, in the Year 1781. Fine Por trait of Cormcallis inserted. OBSERVATIONS on some parts of the answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton s Narrative, etc. Fine Portrait of Sir Henry Clinton inserted. 3 vols, 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1783 Clean, uncut copies of these rare pamphlets. Morrell, bound together in one volume, $20; Roche, the same, $19.50. 100 CLINTON, SIR HENRY and CORNWALLIS, Earl. Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., Relative to liis Conduct during part of his Command of the King s Troops in North America, etc. AwswERtothat part of the Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., which relates to the Conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis during the Cam paign in North America, in the Year 1781. 29 OBSERVATIONS on some parts of the answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton s Narrative, etc. 3 vols, 4to, uncut. LARGE PAPER. 75 copies printed. Philadelphia, 1865-66 The above were re-printed from the London Editions, 1783. 101 CLOQUET. M. JULES. Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette. Numerous wood-cuts. 5 rare and beautiful Portraits of Lafayette inserted. 8vo cloth, uncut. London, 1835 102 [COOKINGS, GEORGE.] The American War ; a Poem. In Six Books. In which the names of the officers who have distinguished themselves during the war are introduced. Extremely rare Print of the "Attack on Bunker s Hill, etc." Svo, half calf. London, 1781 Roche, half morocco, uncut, $8.50. 103 COGHLAN, MRS. Memoirs of, (daughter of the late Major Moncrieife). Written by herself, and dedicated to the British Nation ; being interspersed with ANECDOTES of the late American and present French War. With Re marks, Moral and Political. Portrait of Aaron Burr inserted. 2 vols. in one. Small Svo, half Russia. Scarce. London, 1794 Large type. Fine, dean copy. 1 04 COGHLAN, Mrs. [The same.] small Svo, calf. London, 1794 105 COGHLAN, Mrs. Memoirs of, (daughter of the late Major MoncrieiFe). Written by herself, and dedicated to the British Nation ; being interspersed with ANECDOTES of the late AMERICAN and present FRENCH WAR. With Remarks, Moral and Political. /Small Svo, full smooth calf, gilt back and edges, ly Pratt. Rare. New York : T. & J. Swords, 1795 Contains the New York Preface, suppressed, and nearly always wanting. Morrell, extra plates, $28,00; Wight, $6.25. Roche, " " 28.50. 4 30 106 COGHLAN, Mrs. [The same.] 22 Plates inserted. including rare Portraits of Gens. Amherst, Monckton, Montgomery, Cornwattis, Geo. III., etc. ; some proofs on India paper. Also very scarce Autograph Letter of Major Moncrieffe, Father of Mrs. Coghlan. 1 page 4to. Charlestown, 1780. Svo, fc.ll crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. 100 copies reprinted, with Introduction and Notes. New York: T. H. Morrell, 1864 107 GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are the barrier between the English and French in that part of the World, etc. Second Edition. Map. Svo, half Russia. Fine copy. London, 1750 Wight, $7 ; Morrell, $4, 108 GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the Pro vince of New York, in America, etc. Third Edition. Map. 2 vols., 12zo, calf. London, 1755 Morrell, $3.00 per vol. ; Fiehor, $2.G2 per vol. 109 GOLDEN CADWALLADER. The History of the Five Indian Nations Depending on the Province of New York. JKeprinted exactly from BRADFORD S NEW YORK EDI TION, 1727. With an Introduction and Notes by John Gilmary Shea. Portrait. Svo, full rich brown morocco, bevelled, gilt top, uncut. 125 copies printed. New York: T. H. Morrell, 1866 Portrait of Gov. Burnet, and Map of the "Five Great Lakes" inserted. 110 GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. The History of the Five Indian Nations Depending on the Province of New York. Rtprinted exactly from BRADFORD S NEW YORK EDI TION (1727). With an Introduction and Notes by John 31 Gilmary Shea. Portrait on India paper. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER; only 30 Copies printed. New York: T. H. Morrell, 1866 Morrell, $16 ; Roche, $9. 1 1 1 COLDEN, CADWALLADER D. Memoir, prepared at the request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the Mayor of the City at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals. Fine Portraits of Golden, Philip Home, S. L. Mitchell, etc., engraved by Durand. Maps, Plans, Views, etc., etc. 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges. New York, 1825 Fine, dean copy, very rare, in uncut condition. It may not be well known that the narrative was written ly the late Mr. Wm. L. Stone, of whom a very rare portrait is inserted in this copy. Morrell, $14.50. 112 COLUMBIAN MUSE. A Selection of American Poetry, from various Authors of Established Reputation. Portrait of Joel Barlow, fine old impression, inserted. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1794 Fine copy of this scarce little volume. Morrell, morocco, $10; Fisher, $4.25. 113 CONDUCTOR GENERALIS; or, the Office, Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, High-Sheriffs, Under-Sheriffs, Gaolers, Coroners, Constables, Jurymen, and Over seers of the Poor. As also the Office of Clerks of As size and of the Peace, etc. To which is added a Col lection out of Sir Matthew Hales, etc. Second Edition, with large Additions. Svo, pp. 592, half calf, antique, red edges. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. FRANKLIN and D. PlAix, at the New Printing Office, near the Market, 1749 Wight, $10. 32 114 CoN-TITl -TIONS (THE) OF THE SEVERAL INDEPENDENT STATES OF AMERICA ; the Declaration of Independence ; the Articles of Confederation between the said States ; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. Published by order of Congress. I2mo,pp. 226, original sheep binding. ONLY 200 COPIES PRINTED. Very rare. Philadelphia, 1781 The following notice, from page 2, will show that this is a work of the deepest historical and political interest, as the first authoritative and original printed text of these important documents. "In Congress, December 29, 1780. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to collect ani cause to be published two hun dred correct copies of the Declaration of Independence, etc. (as in title above), to be bound together in boards, etc., etc. " Extract from the Minutes. CHARLES THOMPSON. Secretary." Morrell, uncut copy, $20 ; "Welford, $13. 115 CONSTITUTIONS OF THE SEVERAL INDEPENDENT STATES OF AMERICA ; the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation between the said States, etc. The whole arranged, with a Preface and Dedication by the Rev. William Jackson. Second Edition. Hare and Curious Portrait of Washington, with emblemati cal design, Flags, Liberty Cap and Serpent, and Motto, " Dortt tread on me" engraved by Shai p. Svo, pp. 472, boards, uncut, rough edges. Scarce, London, Stockdale, 1783 116 COOPER, J. FENIMORE. History of the Navy of the United States of America. 50 Portraits, Views, etc., collected for insertion ; also Autograph Note of Cooper, and Let ters signed by Commodores Stewart and ~Warrington. 2 vols. 8t o, cloth, uncut. Fine, large type edition. London, 1839 1 1 7 COOPER, Rev. Mr. History of North America ; containing a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original 33 Inhabitants, the First Settlement of the British Colo nies, etc. Curious Copper Plates of the Death of Gen. Montgomery, Defeat of De G-rasse, Destruction of Tea at Boston, etc. 12wo, pp. 184, unbound. Scarce. London, 1789 118 COXE, DANIEL. Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiane. As also of the great and famous river Meschacebe, or Mississippi, the five vast naviga ble Lakes of Fresh Water, and the Parts Adjacent, etc., and a Preface. Fine Map. 8vo, boards. London, 1722 Reprinted, St. Louis, 1840 119 CURTIS, G. "W. LOTUS EATING. A Summer Book. Beau tiful Woodcuts from Designs by J. F. Kensett. Por trait inserted. 1 2m o, uncut. Scarce. New York, 1852 ARTMOOR PRISON. ANDREWS, CHARLES. The Pris oners Memoirs ; or, Dartmoor Prison : Containing a complete and impartial History of the entire Captivity of the Americans in England, etc. Also, a Particular Detail of all Occurrences Relative to that Horrible Massacre at Dartmoor, on the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. Colored View of Dartmoor Prison. I2mo, half calf , gilt top, uncut, rough edges. New York : Printed for the Author, 1815 Morrell, $4.25; Fisher, $4.00. 121 DARTMOOR PRISON. Journal of a Young Man of Massa chusetts, late a Surgeon on board an American Priva teer who was captured at sea by the British, in May, 34 1813, and was confined, first, at Melville Island, Hali fax, then at Chatham, in England, and last, at Dart moor Prison; interspersed with Observations, Anec dotes and Remarks. Written by himself. Folding Plate of Dartmoor Prison, representing the Massacre of American Prisoners. 12 mo, sheep. Scarce. Boston, 1816 Fisher, $2.75. 122 DAETMOOR Pmsox. The Prisoners Memoirs ; or Dartmoor Prison : Containing a Complete and Impartial History of the Entire Captivity of the Americans in England, etc., with a Particular Detail of the Horrid Massacre at Dartmoor on the Fatal Evening of the 6th of April, 1815. The whole carefully compiled by a Prisoner in England, who was a Captive during the whole war . 12 mo, cloth. New York: Printed for the Author, 1852 Morrell, $3.50. 123 DAVIES, SAMUEL. Religion and Patriotism the Constitu ents of a Good Soldier. A Sermon Preached to Cap tain Overtoil s Independent Company of Volunteers raised in Hanover County, Virginia, August 17, 1755. By Samuel Davies, A. M., Minister of the Gospel there. 8yo, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1756 This rare Sermon contains the following prophetic note on page 12. " As a remarkable instance of this, I may point out to the public that he roic youth, COL. WASHINGTON, whom I cannot lut hope Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal a manner for some important ser vice to his country." Morrell, $5.50. 124 DAVIS, W. II. II. History of the Battle of the Crooked Billet, fought May 1st, 1778. Svo. Scarce. Doyleston, Pa,, 1860 125 DAVIS. Catalogue of the Entire Private Library of the late Mr. William J. Davis, with u lx MEMORIAM;" being a 35 Biographical Sketch of William Jackson Davis, by Henry B. Davrson, Esq. Portrait. 2 vols. 4to, uncut. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER; 15 copies printed. Morrell, $2.00 per vol. 126 DAWSON, HENRY B., GEISWOLD, A. CLIFFORD, and others. Major-General Israel Putnam. A Correspondence on this subject with the Editor of the Hartford Daily Post, by " Selah," of that city, and Henry B. Dawson, of White Plains, 1ST. Y. ILLUSTRATED COPY, having 47 Plates inserted^ including eight different Portraits of G-en. Putnam, some being of extreme rarity also Por traits of Gens. Reed, Wboster, Green, Stark, Dearborn, Major Rogers, Drs. Styles, Belknap, Dwight and others / and a number of Curious Vievss of the JBattle of Bunker Hill, Putnam s Escape at Horseneck, etc. Many of the Engravings are Proofs on India Paper. Full green levant morocco, rich gilt back and sides, with inside borders, gilt top, uncut. LIMITED EDITION. Morrisania, 1ST. Y., 1860 Very Scarce. 117 copies of the 252 only printed, having been destroyed by fire. Morrell, half morocco, extra plates, $32.50. 127 DAWSON, HENRY B., GRISWOLD, A. CLIFFORD, AND OTHERS. Major-General Israel Putnam. A Corre spondence on this Subject with the Editor of The Hart ford Daily Post, by " Selah," of that City, and Henry B. Dawson, of White Plains, N". Y. Royal Svo, uncut. LIMITED EDITION. Morrisania, N. Y., 1860. Fowle, $30. "Wight, half Russia, $14. 128 DAWSON, HENRY B. The Assault on Stony Point by Gen eral Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the York Historical Society, and read at its regular 36 monthly meeting, April 1, 1862. With a Map, Fac similes, and Illustrative Notes. Royal 8vo, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1863 LIMITED EDITION; only 250 Copies printed. Fowle, $20.50 ; Morrell, half morocco, extra plates, 20. 129. PAWSOX, HENRy B. Battles of the United States by Sea and Land. Fine Steel Plates. 40 numbers, uncut, 4to, as originally published. New York, 1858 SUBSCRIBERS Cow. 130 DAWSON, HENRY B. Sons of Liberty in New York : A Paper read before the New York Historical Society, May 3d, 1859. Portrait of Cadwalader Golden inserted. Svo, uncut. New York, 1859 PRIVATELY PRINTED; limited edition. Morrell, half morocco, $4 131 DE GRASSE. The Operations of the French Fleet, under the Count De Grasse in 1781-2, as described in two contemporaneous journals. Portrait on India paper, etc, with 10 plates inserted, including fine Portraits of De Grasse, D^Estaing, Hochambeau, and others, and three very rare Prints representing the " Defeat of De Grasse by Lord Rodney, in 1782." Eoyal Svo, clot uncut. New York, 18 PRIVATELY PRINTED; 150 copies Bradford Club Series No. 3. Morrell. extra plates, $25. I 132 DELEPLAINE. Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. 18 Portraits/ Washington, Hamilton, Jay, Henry Laurens, Peyton Randolph, etc. 3 vols> 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1815-18 Fine copy in the parts, as originally published. Beautiful impressions of the plates, Morrell, Autograph Letter inserted, $7 per vol. 37 133 DENTON, DANIEL. Brief Description of New York, for merly called New Netherlands, with the Places There unto Adjoining. Likewise a Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians there. New Edition, with cm Introduction^ and copious Historical Notes, by Gabriel Fannan. 4o, cloth^ uncut. LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. Morrell, $3.50. New York, 1845 134 DE SOLIS, DON ANTONIO. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into English from the Original Spanish, by Thomas Townsend, Esq. Plates, with fine Portrait of Cortez, engraved by Vertue, after Titian. Folio, Panelled calf ; fine copy. London, 1724 Morrell, $4.50. 135 DE SOTO. Narratives of the Career of Hernando De Soto in the Conquest of Florida, as told by a Knight of Elvas, and in a Relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedrna, Factor of the Expedition. Translated by Buckingham Smith. Portrait on India paper , map, etc. Engraving of the BurialofjDe Soto inserted. Imperial 8vo, uncut. New York, 1866 75 COPIES ONLY PRINTED. Bradford Club Series, No. 5. Has vieiv of William Bradford s Tomb- stone in Trinity Church-yard. Morrell, $14. 136 DETAIL OF SOME PARTICULAR SERVICES PERFORMED IN AMERICA, During the Years 1776, 1777, 1778 and, 1779. Compiled from Journals and Original Papers, supposed to be chiefly taken from the Journal kept on Board of the Ship Rainbow, Commanded by Sir George Collier, while on the American Station during that Period. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1835 PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR ITHIEL TOWN. Fine, clean copy of this very scarce little book. Morrell, $4. * 5 38 137 DICKINSON, JOHN. Political Writings. Portrait, View of Dickinson College, and rare Document, signed, 1760, inserted. 2 vols., Svo, sheep. Wilmington, 1801 138 DODDRIDGE, REV. DR. JOSEPH. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from the Year 17G3 until the Year 1783 inclusive. Together with a View of the State of Society and Manners of the First Settlers of the West ern Country. 12w?0, sheep, fine copy, scarce. Wellsburg, Ya., 1824 Fisher. $6.62 ; Morrell, S6. 139 DORR, REV. BENJAMIN. Memoir of John Fanning Watson, the Annalist of Philadelphia and New York. Prepared by Request of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and read in their Hall, Monday Evening, February 11, 1861. Portrait (photograph). Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 BUT FKW COPIES PRINTED. 140 DRAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN, AND HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. The Croakers. First complete edition. Portraits on India paper. Portrait, engraved by JBurtfrom Roger s beautiful Miniature (Private Plate), and Autograph Letter of Halleck inserted, also Dr. Shelton Mackenzie s Review of the Work, from the Philadelphia Press, Nov. 9, 1860, and other cuttings. Royal &vo., full maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1860 PRIVATELY PRINTED; 150 copies. Bradford Club Series, No. 2. Worrell, cloth, $12.50. 141 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. Book of the Indians; or, Biography and History of the Indians of North America, from its First Discovery to the Year 1841. Eighth edition, 39 with large additions and corrections. Portraits, Maps, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1841 Contains the Portraits of Sir William Johnson, Gen. Wayne, Red Jacket, Pocahontas, etc., omitted in subsequent editions. Morrell, $6.50 ; Roche, $5. 142 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh, prepared for and published in the N. E. His torical and Genealogical Register for April, 1862, and now reprinted with additions. Portrait after Zucchero. Royal 4to, full crimson levant morocco, richly gilt sides and inside borders, by Pawson and Nicholson. Boston : Printed for the Author for Private Distribution. 1862 LARGE PAPER; only 10 copies printed. One of the finest specimens of Pawson and Nicholson s binding. Rare Portrait of Raleigh, engraved by Simon Pass, original impression, inserted. Morrell, extra plates, $23; Fowle, $19. 143 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. The History and Antiquities of Bos ton, the Capital of Massachusetts, and Metropolis of New England, from its Settlement in 1630 to the year 1770. Also an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes Critical and Illustrative. 42 fine steel Plates, Portraits, Views, etc., with several hundred Woodcuts. 2 vols., folio, sheets, folded. Boston, 1857 LARGE PAPER; but few printed, scarce. Has also the Portrait of Samuel G. Drake, the author, taken from a private plate. Wight, $10.00 per vol. 144 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. [The Same.] Thick Royal 8vo, cloth, bevelled, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1856 Fowle, $16. 40 145 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. Old Indian Chronicle; being a Col lection of Exceeding Rare Tracts Written and Pub lished in the Time of King Philip s War, by Persons Residing in the Country ; to which are now added Marginal Notes and Chronicles of the Indians from the Discovery of America to the Present Time. Maps and plates, llmo, cloth. Boston, 1836 But few printed, scarce. Fisher, $2.25. 146 DKAYTON, JOHN. Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its Commencement to the Year 1776, inclusive; as Relating to the State of South Carolina, and Occa sionally referring to the States of North Carolina and Georgia. Fine Portrait, and Plan of the Attack on Fort Moultrie, June, 1776. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut* rough edges. Charleston, 1821 Morrell, $11.00 per vol. ; Fisher, half morocco, $8.00 per vol. 147 DUEK, WILLIAM A. Reminiscences of AN OLD YORKER. By the late William A. Duer, LL.D., President of Columbia College, etc. Imperial 8vo., cloth, uncut. New York, 186 7 PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR W. L. ANDREWS, ESQ. ONLY 35 COPIES. These Articles on Old New York originally appeared in the " American Hail" 1847, and have become so scarce that but one copy could be obtained, from which to reprint this rare volume. 148 DUNLAP, WILLIAM. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. Portraits of Dunlap and Gilbert Stuart inserted. 2 vols., Svo, boards. Very scarce. New York, 1834 Fine, clean copy, in nearly uncut condition. Wight, half morocco, extra plates, $25 per vol. Morrell. extended to 4 vols., half morocco, extra plates, $20.00 per vol. ; Fisher, half morocco, $10.50 per vol. 149 DWIGHT, THEODORE. History of the Hartford Convention ; with a Review of the Policy of the United States Gov- 41 eminent, which led to the War of 1812, Portrait of President Madison inserted. 8-yo, boards. New York, 1833 Wight, $2.25. AKLY VOYAGES UP AND DOWN THE MISSIS SIPPI, by Cavalier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier, and Guignes. With an Introduction, Notes, and Index. By John Gilmary Shea. Small 4fo, uncut. Albany, 1861 MUNSELL S HISTORICAL SERIES, Xo. 8. Fowle, half morocco, $27.50. 151 EASTOX, JOHX. Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip s Indian War of 1675 and 1676. By John Easton, of Rhode Island. With other Documents Con cerning this Event, in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York. Prepared from the Originals, with an Introduction and Notes. By Franklin B. Hough. Map and fac similes. Portrait of King Philip in serted. 4fo>, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, Munsell, 1858 MUNSELL S HISTORICAL SERIES, No. 2. LARGE PAPER; only 10 copies printed ; very rar*. Fowle, small paper, uncut, $70 ; Fisher, small paper, half morocco, uncut, $50 ; "Wight, small paper, half Russia, uncut, $20. 152 EATOX, Jo FIX HEXRY. Life of Andrew Jackson, Major- General in the Service of the United States ; Compris ing a History of the War in the South, from the Com mencement of the Creek Campaign to the Termination of Hostilities before New Orleans. Portrait. 8vo, board s, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1824 2 Portraits and Autograph of General Jackson Frank, and super scription of letter to John H. Eaton, his Biographer, inserted. 153 ECHO, THE. With other Poems. Written by Alsop, Dwight, Cogswell, Hopkins and Truinbull. Plates <ifter Painting* by Tisdale. Svo, calf. Phila. 1807 Fisher, uncut, with MSS. of Alsop, $11 ; "Wright, uncut, $4.25. 154 EDWARDS, Rev. JONATHAN. Faithful Narrative of the Sur prising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hun dred Souls in Northampton and the neighboring Towns and Villages of New Hampshire, in New England. In a letter to the Ecu. Dr. Benjamin Coleman, of Boston, with a Large Preface, etc. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1*738 155 ENGLISH LIBERTIES ; or, the Free-born Subjects Inheritance. Containing Maf/na Charta, Charta de Foresta, the Habeas Corpus Act, and several other statutes, with Comments on each of them. Likewise the Proceedings in Appeals of Murder, etc. Compiled first by HENRY CARE, and continued, with large additions, by W. N., of the Middle Temple, Esq. Small 8vo.,pp. 288. Full crimson levant morocco, rich gilt back, and inside bor ders, gilt edges, by Matthews. Boston : Printed by J. Franklin, for N. Buttelph, B. Eliot and D. Henchman, and sold at their shops, 1721 Rzre specimen of J. FRANKLIN S printing. 156 ENTICK Rev. JOHN. General History of the Late Wars in Europe, Asia, Africa and America ; with Accurate De scriptions of the Battles by Sea and Land. Portraits, Plans, Maps and Charts. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Fine cop)/. London, 1765 Portraits of Generals Wolfe, Monckton, Lord Howe, etc. [ 5 7 EVANS, LEWIS. A Letter Representing the Impropriety of Sending Forces to Virginia / the Importance of Tak ing Frontenae / and that the Preservation of Oswego was owing to General Shirley s proceeding thither. 43 Containing Objections to those parts QfEoan a General Map and Analysis, which relate to the French title to the Country on the North- West side of the St. Law rence River, between Fort Frontenac and Montreal, etc. Published in the New York Mercury, No. 178, Jan. 5, 1756. With an ANSWER to so much thereof as concerns the public; and the several articles set in a just light. 4to, pp. 135, half morocco, London, 1756 Excessively rare. Title page written on ; otherwise a fine, large copy. Forms No. 2, of a Proposed Series of " Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosophi cal and Mechanical Essays. 158 EVAXS, NATHAXIEL. Poems on Several Occasions, with some other Compositions. 8vo, sheep. Fine copy. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 1772 Presentation copy to Lord Balgonie, from DR. BENJAMIN RUSH [signer of the Declaration of Independence}, with his signature, and several lines in his autograph. Among the subscribers to this rare volume of early American Poetry wereGov. Franklin, of New Jersey; Governor Eden, of Maryland; Hugh Gaine, Joseph Galloway. Dr. Duche, Gen. Wayne, Wm. Paca, etc. Wight, $5.00 ; Fisher, $4.50. ALCKNER, JUSTUS. Grondlycke Onderricht van Se- kere Voorname Hoofdstrucken, der Waren, Lontern, Saligmakenden, CHKISTELYCKEN LEEKE, Gegrondetop den Grondt van de Apostelen en Propheten, daer JESUS CHRISTUS de Hoecksteen. Is, Angewesen in eenvoudige, dog stigtlyckc Vragen en Antwoorden, door JUSTUS FALCKNER, Saxe- Germanus, Minister der Chri&telycken Protestantsen Genaemten, Lutherfchen Gemcente te N. York en Albanien ,etc. Small Svo., pp. 128, orig inal sheep binding. Gedruckt in Nieuw-York, by W. Bradfordt, 1708 Fine and very early specimen of William Bradford s printing ; exces sively rare. 44 160 FARXHAM, LUTHER. A Glance at Private Libraries. Plate inserted. 8vo. Boston, 1855 Contains Accounts of the Libraries of Edward Everett, W. H. Prescott, Itufus Choate, etc., etc. 161 FEDERALIST, THE. A Collection of Essays written in fa- favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. 2 vols., \2rno, fall crimson levant morocco, (jilt back and edges, by Ma tthews. Ne w York, 1788 FIRST EDITION ; excessively rare. Morrell, boards, uncut, $16.00 per vol. ; Roche, boards, uncut, $15.00 per vol. 162 FEDERALIST, THE. A Collection of Essays written in Favor of the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17,1787. Reprinted from the ORIGINAL TEXT, with an Historical Introduction and and Notes by H. B. Dawson. Portrait of Alexander Hamilton on India paper. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. Vol. I. Morrisania, X. Y., 1864 LARGE PAPER; ONLY 250 COPIES PRINTED. Vol. II. is not yet pub lished. Morrell, $5.50. 163 FELLOWS, JOHN. The Veil Removed; or, Reflections on David Humphrey s Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam, etc. Proof Portrait of Gen. Putnam inserted. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1843 164 FILSON, JOHN. Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of KENTUCKY, and an Introduction to the Topography and Natural History of that rich and important coun try ; also, Colonel Daniel Boone s Narrative of the Wars in Kentucky, with an Account of the INDIAN NA TIONS within the Limits of the United States, their Manners, Customs, Religion, and their Origin. Por trait of Daniel Boone inserted. Svo,fitll crushed crim- 45 so?i levant morocco, gilt back, edges, and inside borders, by Bedford London, 1793 Fine copy, but wants Map. 165 FINDLEY, WILLIAM. History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania in the year MDCCXCIV. ; with a Recital of the Circumstances Specially Connected therewith ; and an Historical Re view of the Previous Situation of the Country. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1796 In beautiful condition, and one of the finest copies ever offered for sale. Very rare. Portrait of Washington inserted. Morrell, half mor., uncut, $19.00; Roche, $14.25, Fisher, half rus- sia, $12.50. 166 FORREST. Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. Compiled by Joseph Sabin. Pine Portrait. 8vo., uncut. Philadelphia, 1863 175 Copies printed for private distribution ; scarce. 167 FOUNDERS OF NEW ENGLAND. Result of some Researches Among the British Archives for Information Relative to the Founders of New England ; Made in the Years 1858, 1859, and 1860. Originally collected for the New England Historic and Genealogical Register, and now corrected and enlarged. By Samuel G. Drake. Third Edition. Portraits and Map of New England. Rubricated Title. 4to, uncut. Boston, W. E. Woodward, 1865 LARGE PAPER; 75 copies printed. Contains the very rare portrait of Samuel G. Drake, from private plate. 168 FOWLE. Catalogue of the Choice Collection of Books be longing to William F. Fowle, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Royal 8vo, uncut. Printed on heavy paper. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1865 LARGE PAPER: 85 copies printed, Roche, $5.25. 6 46 169 Fox, EBENEZER. Revolutionary Adventures of, of Rox- bury, Massachusetts. Portrait; I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1838 Fisher, half morocco, $2.25. 170 Fox, EBENEZER. Adventures of, in the Revolutionary War. Illustrated by Elegant (?) Engravings from Original Designs. Portrait and plates. 12 mo, doth. Boston, 1847 171 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Works, containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former edi tion, and many Letters, Official and Private, not hitherto published. With Notes and Life, by Jared Sparks. Portraits and Plates. 10 vols. imperial octavo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1840 LARGE PAPER ; VERY SCARCE. Fine copy, free from stains. Fowle, treed calf, $25 per vol.; Bruce, half Russia, $11.50 per vol. ; Whitmore, $8 per TO!. ; Roche, $6.25 per vol. 172 FRANKLIN. Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790. Portraits of Mrs. franklin and Mrs. Bache, with the excessively rare Portrait of Franklin, with fur cap and spectacles, designed by Cochin, 1777, original impression, inserted. 4 to, half Russia, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1859 LARGE PAPER ; 10 COPIES ONLY PRINTED. Very scarce. Morrell, extra plates, $28. 173 FRANKLIN. Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790. With Portraits of Mrs. franklin and Mrs. Bache. Royal 8vo., paper, uncut. New York, 1859 Edition limited to 250 copies in Royal 8vo., and 10 on large paper in 4to. A few plates inserted. Fowle, half morocco, $18; Wight, half Russia, $7.75; Fisher, half morocco, $5.50 ; Morrell, half morocco, $5. 174 FRANKLIN. The Way to Wealth. Written by the late 47 Dr. Franklin. Extracted from his Poetical Works. Portrait ; I2mo, uncut ; chapbook. Nottingham, n. d. 175 FEANKLIN. Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin ; now for the first time published. Edited by Jared Sparks. With Explanatory Notes. Portrait inserted. Cr., Svo., bds., uncut. London, 1533 176 FEANKLIN. Life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself; with Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary. Portrait ; 16 wo., sheep. Boston, 1815 177 FKANKLIN. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D., F.R.S., etc., Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, at the Court of France, etc, etc. Written by Himself to a late Period, and Continued to the Time of His Death by His Grand son, William Temple Franklin. Now first published from the Original MSS., etc. Fine Portrait, engraved by Pye, andfac-simile ; rare Portrait inserted. 2 vols., 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1817-1818 178 FKASER, CHAELES. Reminiscences of Charleston, lately published in the Charleston Courier, and now revised and enlarged by the author. 1 4 plates inserted, includ ing rare View of Charleston. Svo., half morocco, gilt top. Charleston, 1854 PRIVATELY FEINTED. Morrell, cloth, $4; Whitmore, cloth, $3.50. 179 FEENEAU, PHILIP. Miscellaneous Works, containing his Essays, and Additional Poems. I2mo,pp. 429 / green morocco, gilt scarce. Philadelphia, 1788 Wight, half morocco, uncut, $8.25. 180 FEENEAU, PHILIP. Poems Written Between the Years 1768 and 1794. A New Edition, revised and corrected 48 by the Author, including a considerable number of pieces never before published. Portrait and Autograph of the Author inserted. Svo, green morocco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. Scarce. Monmouth, N. J., 1795 Bruce, half morocco, $9 ; Morrell, half morocco, $8.50. 181 FROTHIXGHAM, JR. RICHAKD. History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Also an Account of Bunker Hill Monu ment, with Illustrative Documents. Maps and engrav ings, 8vo., cloth. Boston, 1849 Bruce, $5.50 ; Morrell, $4.25. 182 FROTHLNGHAM, JR., RICHAKD. The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill, with a Reply to " Remarks on Frothing- ham s History of the Battle, by S. Swett." Svo. Boston, 1850 183 FULLER, THOMAS. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, and Other Papers. Portrait on India paper. 8vo. ; full purple crushed levant morocco, rich gilt hack and sides, with inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Matthevis. Boston, 1863 LARGE PAPER ; only 30 copies printed ; very rare. Fowle, $10.50. 184 FULTON. Original Autograph Letters of ROBERT FULTON, relative to his Steamboat Enterprise. 1 To Mr. Delacy, New York, October 19, 1812, I p. 4to. 2 " " " November 27, 1812, 1 p., 4to. 3 " " " July 24, 1813, 7 pp., to. 4 " " November 25, 1813, 3pp., 4to. With plans of his Steamboat. TJiis valuable Letter is slightly water stained. Portraits of Fulton, etc. Neatly mounted / 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt edges. Collected and arranged, New York, 1868 UNIQUE. Morrell, $3.25 ; Bruce, $2.75. 49 185 FURMAN, GABRIEL. Notes, Geographical and Historical, Relating to the Town of Brooklyn, Long Island, with Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. 4to, uncut. Brooklyn : Reprinted for the Faust Club, 1865 Only 120 copies. Morrell, $3.25; Bruce, $2.75. 186 FANNING, COLONEL DAVID. Narrative of, (A Tory in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain) ; Giving an Account of His Adventures in North Carolina from 1775 to 1783, as Written by Himself. With an Intro duction and Explanatory Notes. Royal Svo., uncut. Richmond, Va. : Printed for Private Distribution only, 1861. New York, J. Sabin, 1865 LARGE PAPER; 50 copies reprinted. 187 FELTMAN, LIEUT. WILLLIAM. Journal of, of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, 1781-82. Including the March into Virginia, and the Siege of Yorktown. Engraving of the Surrender of Cormvallis inserted. Svo., boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1853 AGE, THOS. New Survey of the West Indies, Contain- taining A Journal of Three Thousand and Three Hun dred Miles Within the Mainland of AMERICA, etc., etc. With a Grammar or some few Rudiments of the Indian Tongue, etc. Folio, full green morocco, gilt edges. Original Edition. London, 1648 "This work appears to have been much celebrated in its time, having been frequently reprinted, and translated into French, Dutch, Ger man, etc." Rich. 189 [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH.] Letters to - a Nobleman, on the Con duct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Plan of the Operations of the British and Rebel Army in the Campaign, 1777. Svo., pp. 101, half green morocco. London, 1779 " Mr. Galloway was a member of Congress (and Speaker of the House 50 of Assembly of Pennsylvania) ; he went over to the Royal Army in December, 1776, and continued with it till the evacuation of Philadelphia, in June, 1778, abandoning his estate and property to the value of above forty thousand pounds sterling." GALLOWAY. Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq. See Trials. 190 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distinguished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services. Svo., boards, uncut, rough edges. Charleston, 1822 Fine, dean copy ; rare. Wight, $19 ; Morrell, $15; Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $14; Whit- more, half morocco, uncut, $10; Roche, $8.50; Bruce, half mo rocco, uncut, $8. 191 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdotes of the American Revo lution, Illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots who acted the most Conspicuous Parts Therein. Second Series. 12 wo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Charleston, 1828 Fine, dean copy; rare. Wight, $16.50; Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $14: Morrell, $125 t i Whitmore, $10; Roche, $8.50; Bruce, half morocco, uncut, $8. The above copies of the very scarce original editions of " Garden s Anec dotes" are in unusual fine condition, being without a blemish. 1&2 GARRARD, LEWIS H. Chambersburg in the Colony, and the Revolution. A Sketch. 8vo. 9 cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 193 GILPIN, THOMAS. Exiles in Virginia; with Observations on the Conduct of the Society of Friends During the Revolutionary War, Comprising the Official Papers of the Government Relating to that Period, 1777-1778. Fac similes. Philadelphia : Printed for the Subscribers, 1848 LIMITED EDITION. Fisher, extra plates, $9.50 ; Wight, half morocco, uncut, $7.25 ; Morrell, autograph letter inserted, $5.50. 51 194 GLORIOUS PROGRESS OP THE GOSPEL AMONGST THE IN DIANS IN NEW ENGLAND. Manifested by Three Let ters, under the Hand of that Famous Instrument of the Lord, Mr. JOHN ELIOT, and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew, jun.; both Preachers of the Word, as well to the English as Indians in New England ; Wherein the Riches of God s Grace, in the Effectual Calling of Many of Them, is Cleared Up, etc. Published by Ed ward Winslow. Small 4to,pp. 28, polished calf. Scarce. London, 1649 195 GORDON, WILLIAM. History of the Rise, Progress, and Es tablishment of the Independence of the United States of America ; Including an Account of the Late War ; and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their Origin to that Period. Maps. 4 vols., 8vo, half maroon calf. London : Printed for the Author. 1788 Fine, dean copy, almost uncut. Portraits of Washington, FranMn, Lafayette, and Lord Cornwallis in serted, facing the title page of each volume. Wight, uncut, $6 per vol. ; Bruce, half morocco, uncut, $5.50 per vol. ; Morrell, with Portrait of Gordon, $5 per vol. ; Roche, uucut, $4 per vol. 196 GRAHAM, GENERAL. Memoir of, with Notices of the Cam paigns in which he was engaged from 1779 to 1801. Edited by his Son, Colonel James J. Graham. Portrait, Plates, and Plan of Torktown, 1781. Hare Portrait of Copt. Asgill inserted. Crown Svo., cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1862 PRIVATELY PRINTED. Contains a graphic Account of the romantic and tragic incidents con nected with Captain Charles Asgill during the American Revolu tion. But few copies of this work were printed, and those only for private circulation among the friends and relatives of the family. See Preface. Morrell, $18; Roche, $8.50. 197 GRANT, MRS. Memoirs of an American Lady; with Sketche 8 52 of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. Second edition. Fine Autograph Letter, 2 pp., 4fo, July 7, 1831, of the Au thoress inserted. 2 vols., cr., 8vo, half calf. London, 1809 198 GRANT, MRS. Memoirs and Correspondence of, of Laggan 3 vols. Also, LETTERS FROM THE MOUNTAINS ; 2 vols. Edited by her Son, J. P. Grant, Esq. Fine Portrait. Together, 5 vols, cr., Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1845 Mrs. Grant passed her early days in the Family of Gen. Schuyler at Albany. 199 GRAHAME, JAMES. History of the United States of North America, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their Revolt and Declaration of Independence. 4 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1836 Fisher, $1.50 per vol. 200 GRAVES, W. Two Letters from W. Graves, Esq., Re specting the Conduct of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves in North America, during his Accidental Command there for Four Months in 1 781. Plan of the Sea Fight between Admiral Graves and Count De Grasse. Fine Portraits of Admiral Graves and Count De Grasse inserted. 4to, full morocco, gilt lack, and richly tooled inside borders, by Matthews. London, 1782 Original edition, very rare. 201 GRAVES, WILLIAM. Two Letters Respecting the Conduct of Rear-Admiral Graves on the Coast of the United States, July to November, 1781. 4to, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1865 Only 100 copies re-printed. Fisher, $1.88. 202 GRAYDON, ALEXANDER. Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty B Years ; with Occasional Remarks upon the General Occurrences, Character, and Spirit of that Eventful Period. Nines- paper cuttings inserted. 12?o, half Russia, gilt. Harrisburgh, 1811 203 GRAYDON, ALEXANDER. [The Same.] 1.2mo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Scarce in tliis con dition. I larrisburgh, 1811. JO 4 GREEXWOOD ILLUSTBATED. In a Series of PICTURESQUE and MONUMENTAL Views, in highly finished Line En graving. From Drawings taken on the Spot, by James Smillie; the Literary Department by N. Cleaveland. Beautiful steel plates ; 1 4 parts, as originally pub lished ; folio. Xew York, 1840 LARGE PAPER. Very scarce. Published by Subscription only. 205 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdote of American Revolution, Illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes of the Revolution vrho acted the most conspicuous parts therein. Fine Portraits of Lord CornwaHis.and Lord Rawdon inserted. 3 voU., folio, uncut. Brooklyn, 1805 LARGE PAPER; 30 copies printed. Imprinted from the rare original*, with additional matter, ly Mr. T. W. Field. EWAT, ALEXANDER, An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 rols., 8vo, boards, itncut, rough edges. Fine, dean copy ; very rare. London, 1779 Bruce, $6.25 per vol. Roche, calf, $4.00 per vol. 207 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. Plates. Vols. 1 to 7, cloth, 8, 9, 10 and 11, /// numbers, 7 54 uncut. Together 11 vols., smalt, 4to. Scarce. Boston and New York, 1857- G7 Volume 10 wants No. 11, volume 11 icants Nos. 4 and 11. (November number.} 208 HlSTORY OF THE DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS OF THE ENGLISH IN NORTH AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. jlfultum in Parvo. /Small 8vo., calf. Glasgow. 1764 209 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. The principal! Navigations, Voiages and Discoueries of the English Nation, made by Sea or oner Land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : Deuided into three senral parts, according to the positions of the Regions whereunto they were directed, etc. Including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America, etc., etc. BLACKLETTER. Curious Initial Letters, Head and Tail Pieces, etc. Folio, full calf antique, gilt edges. Very rare. Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Ralph New- lerie, Deputies to Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Majestic. 1589 litle page mounted, otherwise a fine copy, containing the six inserted leaves between pages 643 and 644, ivifh account of Sir Francis Drake s voyage to the south. 210 HAKLUYT. Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinand De Soto, and six hundred Spaniards, his followers, written by a gentleman of Elvas, and translated out of Portuguese, by Richard Hakeluyt. Reprinted from the edition of 1611, with Notes and an Introduction by William B. Rye. Map, Svo, cloth, uncut. London; Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1851 211 [HALES, S.] History of the United States, from their First 55 Settlement as Colonies to the close of the War with Great Britain, in 1815. Svo.,pp. -167, boards, uncut. London, 1682 212 HALIBURTON, THOMAS C. An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Maps, etc. 2 vols., 8uo., boards, uncut. Halifax, 1829 Fisher, half mor., $2.75 per vol. 213 HALLECK, FITZ-GREEXE. Fanny: a Poem. With Notes. Proof Portrait on India Paper, of Ilalleck, engraved by Buri after miniature by Rogers. Printed entirely on India Paper on one side only. Imperial to., pp. 84, doth, uncut. Very rare. ONLY 5 COPIES PRINTED ox INDIA PAPER. New York, 1866 PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR MR. \Y. L. ANDREWS. 214 HALLECK. Duyckinck, Evart A. Fitz-Greene Hallcck. From Putnani s Magazine, February, 1868. Fine Proof Portrait, with 2 additional ones inserted. to.. uncut. New York, 1868. 50 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR MR. \V. L. ANDREWS. 215 HAMILTON. Coleman, William. A Collection of the Facts and Documents relative to the Death of MAJOR GEN ERAL ALEXANDER HAMILTON, with Comments : To gether with the various Orations, Sermons and Eulogies that have been Published or Written on his life and Character. 16 Plates inserted, comprising portraits of Hamilton, Burr, Gfoverneur Morris., Dr. Ilosack, Gen. Schuyler, Dr. N^ott, Mrs. Hamilton, etc., together with original autograph note of Col. Aaron Burr. Svo, Fall brown morocco, gilt. Very rare. New York, 1804 Allan, extra plates, $25. Wight, extra plates, $21. 56 216 HAMILTON. Works of Alexander Hamilton : comprising his most important Official Reports; an improved edition of the Federalist, etc., etc. Fine Portraits of Hamilton, Jay > and Madison, the latter slightly spotted. 3 voh., 8vo, calf. New York, 1810 Roche, half Russia, uncut, $2.1 2 -A- per vol. 217 HAMILTON. Hamilton, John C. Life of Alexander Ham ilton. By his Son. Fine Portrait, engraved by Durand, icith extra one inserted. 2 vols., Svo, doth, uncut. New York, 1840 41 Fine, dean, cupy ; scarce. Morrell, $5.75 per vol. ; Whitmorc, $5.50 per vol.: Roche, $3.50 per vol. 218 HAMILTON CLUIJ SERIES : No. I. Life of Alexander Hamilton, by John Williams (An thony Pasquin.) II. Observations on Certain Documents in the " History of the United States for the Year 1796," by Alexander Hamilton (" Reynold s Pamphlet"). III. The Hamiltoniad, by John Williams (Anthony Pas quin). IV. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds. Ci- devant Secretary of the Treasury, etc., by Tom Cal- lender. 4 vols., 4to, uncut. New York, 1866 LARGE PAPER; only 20 copies. 219 HAMILTON, SCHUYLEU. History of the National Flag of the United States of America. UNIQUE COPY. Eoery leaf has been beautifully inlaid, and extended to quarto size, borders being ruled icith red ink, and has 69 in serted Plates, comprising rare and curious Portraits of Washington, Putnam, Reed, Arnold, Gage, Frank lin, Paul Jo)ies, Commodore Hopkins, etc. Also a great variety of beautifully colored Flags, and the very 57 rare Engravings, from the old Columbian Magazine, of the " ARMS," and the " GKEAT SI-IAL" of the United States. Inserted in this volume are also Engravings of Washington?* Coat of Arms" and the " Military Costume of the Revolution" illn ninated in gold and colors. Mann of the Blitstrati<ni& are proofs on India paper. Full rich green Iwant morocco, back and sides elegantly tooled, gilt e<lae*. Phi adelphia, 1852 220 HAMOK. A Trve Discovrse of the Present Estate of Vir ginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 offline, 1614. Together with a Relation of the severall English Townes and Fortes, the assured hopes of that countrie, and the peace concluded with the Indians. The Christening of Powhatans daughter, and her mar riage with an Englishman. Written by Raphe Hamor the younger, late Secretaire in that Colony. Beautiful Portrait of Captain John Smith, printed on folio pa per, inserted. Folio, half morocco, gill top, uncut. London, 1015, Albany, 1860 200 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. Reprinted for Dr. Charles Gorman Barney, of Richmond. Ya. Whitmore, $25.50; Morrell, $14: Roche, $7. 221 HATFIELD AXD DEKRPIKLD. Papers Concerning the At tack on Hatfielcl and Deerfield by a Party of Indians from Canada, September Nineteenth, 1677. Map. Royal Svo ; full morocco, extra, with inside covers, richly and elaborately tooled, gilt top. Xew York, 1859 PRIVATELY PRINTED: 100 COPIES. Very rare. Club copy ; Bradford Club Series, JYb. 1. Morrell, $40 ; Bruce, $27. 222 HAVEX, C. C. Thirty Days in New Jersey Ninety Years Ago : An Essay Revealing Xew Facts in Connection with Washington and his Army in 1776 and 1777. Svo, uncut, Trenton, 1867 58 223 HEATH, MAJOK-GEXEHAL. Memoirs containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War. Written by Him self. Published according to Act of Congress. Por trait of General Heath inserted. 8 wo, original, sheep binding. Pine, tall copy, scarce. Boston, Aug., 1798 In unusually jini condition, being entirely free from stains. Roche, extra plates, $36 ; Morrell. same copy, $35 ; "Whitmore, $1.50 224 HECKEWELDER, JOHN. Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohcgan Indians, from its Commencement in the year 1740 to the close of the year 1808. Interspersed with Anec dotes, Historical Facts, Speeches of Indians, and other Interesting Matter, etc. Portrait. 8y#, calf. Philadelphia, 1820 Morrell, uncut, $9 ; Roche, uncut. $8.50 ; Bruce, uncut, $5.25 Whitmore, uncut, $4.25. 225 HENXEPIN, LEWIS. A New Discovery of a Vast Country i)i America, Extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico. With a De scription of the Great Eakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals, etc. With a Continuation : Giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barle, etc. The Taking of Quebec by the English ; with the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and. JapTn. Both parts complete. Numerous plates, including the rare view of Niagara Falls. Svo. full rich green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges ; inside borders, by Bedford ; very rare. London, 1098 Superb copy, tall, and perfectly spotless. Bruce, half morocco, $18 ; Morrell, calf, $13 ; Fisher, calf, $13. 59 226 HENRY, JOHN JOSEPH. An Accurate and Interesting Ac count of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. Rare View of Quebec in serted. I2?no, sheep. Lancaster, 1812 Fine, dean copy. Morrell, $2.50; Bruce, $2.50 ; Fislier, $2. 227 HERBERT, CHARLES. A Relic of the Revolution, containing a full and Particular Account of the Sufferings and Pri vations of all the American Prisoners captured on the High Seas and carried into Plymouth, England, during the Revolution of 1776, etc. Also, an Account of the several Cruises of the Squadron under the Command of Commodore John Paul Jones, Prizes Taken, etc., etc. Plates. Portrait of Paul Jones inserted. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top, by jBradMrcet. Scarce. Boston, 1847 Morrell, $3.25. 228 HOLLISTER, G. H. History of Connecticut, from the First Settlement to the Adoption of the Present Constitu tion. Numerous fine steel plates. 2 vols., Svo, uncut, (sheets folded.) New Haven, 1855 229 HOLM, THOMAS CAMPANIUS. Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called, by the English, PENN SYLVANIA, IN AMERICA. Compiled from the Relations and Writings of Persons worthy of Credit, and adorned with Maps and Plates. Translated from the Swedish, for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, with Notes, by Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL.D. Maps and Plates. Svo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1 834 Fine, clean copy. 230 HOLMES, ABIEL. Life of Ezra Styles, D.D., LL.D. A Fellow of the American Philosophical Society, Presi- 60 dent of Yale College, etc., etc. / /<; Portrait. 8vo, <"iff. Title page stained. Boston, 1798 Dr. Stiles was the author of the History of Three of the Judges of Kiny Charles /. 231 IloiiAc E. Lyric Works, translated into English Verse: To which are added a number of Original Poems. By a native of America (Mr. Parke). Curiously Engraved Frontispiece* 8ro, calf. ]"< j ry scarce. Philadelphia, 1780 Included in the Original Pocrua is VIRGINIA;" a Pastoral Drama on the Birth-Day of an ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGE, and the Return of Peace, February llth. 1784. Fisher. $3.50. 232 Ho\v, DAVID. Diary of a Private in Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent s Regiment of the Massachusetts Line, in the Army of the American Revolution. From the Original Manuscript, with Biography, Notes, etc., by George Wingatc Chase, and Henry B. Dawson. Royal Svo, uncut. Morrisania, X. Y., 1865 250 copies printed, 233 HOWE. A Candid and Impartial Narrative of the Trans actions of the Fleet under the command of Lord Howe, from the arrival of the Toulon Squadron, on the Coast of America, to the time of his Lordship s Departure for England, with Observations. By an Officer then serv ing in the Fleet. Second edition, revised and corrected. Plan of the Situation of the Fleet, within Sandy Hook, mounted on rnuslin. 8 ro, pp. 58, boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1779 Very scarce. 234 HOWE. The Narrative of Lieu tenant- General Sir William Howe relative to His Conduct during His Late Com mand of the King s Troops in North America. To 61 which are added Some observations upon a Pamphet entitled Letters to a Nobleman. Portrait of General Howe inserted. 4to, half green morocco, gilt top. Fine copy London, 1781 M~orrell. $11. 235 HUBHARD, REV. WILLIAM. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first Planting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677 ; Containing the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians, etc. I2mo. Crimson morocco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. Worcester, 1801 Scarce. 236 HUBBARD, REV. WILLIAM. History of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Settlement to the Termi nation of the War with King Phillip, in 1677. From the original work, with Historical Preface, Extensive Notes, etc., by Samuel G. Drake. Map of New Eng land and fac-similes. 2 vols.,roy. Svo., uncut. Roxbury, Mass., 1865 LARGE PAPER: 50 Copies printed. Woodward s Historical Series, Nos. 3 & 4. 237 HUMPHREYS, DAVID. Miscellaneous Works, (Including Es say on the Life of Putnam.) Portrait. 5 plates inserted. 8vo., green morocco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. New York, 1804 Presentation copy from Col. Humphreys, with his Autograph. 238 HUTCHINS, THOMAS. A Topographical Description of VIR GINIA, PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND, and NORTH CARO LINA, comprehending the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Siota, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, etc. ; the Cli mate, Soil, and Produce, whether Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral; the Mountains, Creeks, Roads, Distances, 62 Latitudes, &c., &c., of every Part laid down in the an nexed Map. Published by THOMES HUTCHINS, Captain of the 60th Regiment of Foot, etc., with an APPENDIX containing MR. PATRICK KENNEDY S Journal up the Illi nois River, and a correct list of the different NATIONS and TRIBES of Indians, etc. Plan of the Eapids of the Ohio, Map, etc., 8vo., full green morocco with rich inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. London : Printed for the Author, etc., 1778 Very rare. 239 HUTCHINSON, FRANCIS. HISTORICAL ESSAY concerning WITCH CRAFT, with Observations upon Matters of Fact, &c., &c. Qvo., calf. London, 1781 Gives an account of the Witchcraft troubles at Salem, Boston and Andover, in New England. [NDIAN HOSTILITIES, 1655. A Brief and True Narra tive of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives towards the Dutch Nation. Translated by Dr. E. B. O Callaghan. Royal Svo, hlf. morocco, uncut. Munsell, Albany, 1863 ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED. 241 INDIAN TREATIES. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs appointed by law for the Extinguish ment of Indian Titles in the State of New York, with Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Maps. 2 vols., small 4to cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1861 MUNSELL S HISTORICAL SERIES, Nos. 9 & 10. Fowle, hlf. mor. $14 per vol. "Whitmore, $5 per vol. 242 IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR IN AMERICA, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commence ment to the Year 1779. Exhibiting a circumstantial, connected and complete Account of the real Causes, 63 Rise and Progress of the War, interspersed with Anecdotes and Characters of the diiferent Commanders, and Accounts of such Personages in Congress as have distinguished themselves during the Contest. With an Appendix. Illustrated with a variety of beautiful Copper-Plates, representing real and animated Like nesses of those celebrated Generals who have distin guished themselves in the important contest. Map, and 13 full length portraits of American and Brit ish Generals, being those of Generals Washington, Gates, Arnold, Wooster, Putnam, Charles Lee, Com. Hopkins. Samuel Adams, Hancock, Franklin, Gen. Howe, Admiral Howe, American Rifleman. 8vo., pp. 608. Appendix, pp. 44. J3oards, uncut. Carlisle, 1780 Excesssively rare. Wight, half calf, $17. 243 INGRAHAM, EDWARD D. Sketch of the Events which pre ceded the Capture of Washington, by the British, on the twenty-fourth of August, 1814. Map, with por trait of the Author inserted. Svo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1849 PRIVATELY PRINTED. Presentationn copy from the author, with his own MSS. corrections. Allan, Autograph Letter inserted, $8. Wight, hlf. mor. Autograph and Portrait inserted, $6.50. Fisher, hlf. mor. $5.50. 244 IRVING, WASHINGTON. History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dy nasty, etc., being the only Authentic History of the Times that ever hath been or ever will be published. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. Plates, Vignettes, etc., by Allston & Darleyl Royal Svo. pp. 459, sheets folded. Ne w York, 1867 LARGE PAPER: limited edition, leautifully printed. 64 Contains the folding plate of " Peter StuyvesanVs army entering New Amsterdam," from a drawing by William Heath of London. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life of Washington. See Wash ington. 245 IRVIXGIAXA. A Memorial of Washington Irving. Portraits on India Paper, and Fac-simile. 4to, boards, uncut. New York, 1860 LARGE PAPER: only 10 copies printed. Autograph Letter, 2 pp., 8vo., (" Sunny side. May 8, 1857,") of Irving, inserted, and 1 5 different portraits, proofs on India paper, etc., some rare; also newspaper cuttings. Morrell, morocco, extra plates, $65. AMAICA. A New History of Jamaica, from the Earliest accounts to the taking of Porto Bello by Vice-Admi ral VEEXOX, with account of the Buccaneers, Sir Henry Morgan, Brasiliano, etc. Second Edition. Maps. 8vo,p%). 340, calf. London, 1740 247 JAY. Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of Amer ica, by their President, etc., Conditionally Ratified on the Part of the United States, at Philadelphia, June 24, 1795, etc. I2mo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795 248 JAY, WILLIAM. Life of John Jay; with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. Por trait. 2 vols.y 8yo, boards, uncut. New York, 1833 H. A. Smith, $4 per vol. 249 JEFFERSOX, THOMAS. Notes on the State of Virginia. Il lustrated with a Map, including the State of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Boards, un cut, rough edges. London, 1787 STOCKDALE S EDITION. Fine copy. Roche, $7. 65 250 JEFFEESOX, THOMAS. Notes on the State of Virginia. With . the Appendix relative to the Murder of Logan s Fam ily. FIKST HOT PRESSED EDITION. Fine Portrait of Jefferson, View of the Natural Bridge, and Maps. Svo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1801 Excessively rare in uncut condition. Autograph letter, 24 lines, 8vo. of the Author, signed " Th. J.," m~ ssrted. Morrell, calf, $5. 251 JOHNSON, JOSEPH. Traditions and Reminiscences chiefly of the American Revolution in the South ; including Biographical Sketches, Incidents and Anecdotes, few of which have been published, particularly of Residents in the Upper Country. Ma2is, Fac-similes, etc., mounted on muslin; curious Portrait of General Moultrie inserted. Svo, half green morocco, gilt back, gilt top. Charleston, S. C., 1851 Beautiful copy, very rare. Though of recent publication, this work is comparatively unknown in Southern collections. Morrell, cloth, $13. Bruce, half russia, $10.50. H. A. Smith, cloth, $9. Roche, cloth, $8.50 252 JOHNSOX, WILLIAM. Sketches of the Life and Correspond ence of Nathaniel Greene, Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the Revolution. Compiled chiefly from Original Materials. Full length Portrait of Gen. Greene, and Maps. 2 vols., 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges. Charleston, 1822 Rare Contemporary newspaper account of the death of Gen. Greene in serted. Good copy of this work, but as usual somewhat spotted. Morrell, $12.50 per vol. Whitmore, $11.50 per vol. Fisher, half Russia, $11 per vol. Roche, $7 per vol. H. A. Smith, $5 per vol. 253 JONES, DAVID. Journal of Two Visits made to some Na tions of Indians on the west side of the River Ohio, in the years 1772 and 1773, with a Biographical Notice 66 of the Author, by Horatio Gates Jones, A. M. Royal Svo, uncut. Burlington, 1774 Reprinted, New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER : only 50 copies. Sabin s Reprints, No. II. 254 JONES, HUGH. PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA, giving a par ticular and short Account of the Indian, English, and Negroe Inhabitants of that Colony, with a short view of Maryland and North Carolina, &c., &c, Beauti fully printed, with Vignettes and Initial Letters. Royal Svo, uncut. London, 1724 Reprinted, New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER ; only 50 copies. Sabin s Reprints, No. V. 255 JONES, JAMES ATHEARN. Traditions of the North Ameri can Indians. Numerous Illustrations in outline, de signed and sketched by W. H. Brooks. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. Scarce. London, 1830 Fisher, hlf. mor., uncut, $7 per vol. H. A. Smith, uncut, $3 per vol. 256 JOSSELYN, JOHN. An Account of Two Voyages to New England. Wherein you have the setting out of a Ship, with the charges ; The prices of all necessaries for fur nishing a Planter and his Family at his first coming ; A Description of the Countrey, Natives and Creatures, with their Mercharitil and Physical use ; The Govern ment of the Countrey as it is now possessed by the English, etc. A large Chronological Table of the most remarkable passages from the first discovering of the Continent of America, to the Year 1673. By John Josselyn, Gent. With the plate of the Dragon, fre quently wanting. Small 8vo, full panelled calf, red edges. London : Printed for Giles Widdows, at the Green-Dragon in St. Paul s Church-yard, 1674 Fine copy of this scarce little book, with good margins. 67 Roche, $40. Morrell, $32.50. Fisher, $27. Allan, fac-simile title page, $27. 257 JOSSELYN, JOHN. An Account of Two Voyages to New- England, Made during the years 1638-1663. Medium, 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 75 Copies printed. 258 JOSSELYN, JOHN. New-England s Rarities Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country. With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Tuckerman, M.A. Plates. Medium, 4fo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 75 Copies printed. 259 JOSSELYN, JOHN. [The same] . With an. Introduction and Notes by Edward Tucker man, A.M. Plates. Svo, cloth. Boston, n. d. Scarce. Presentation copy. 260 JUNIUS. " A LETTER TO AN HONORABLE BRIGADIER GENERAL, Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty s forces in Canada." London, 1760. Now first ascribed to Junius. To which is added, " a Refutation of the Letter, etc. By an Officer," etc. Edited by N. W. Simons, of the British Museum. Post Svo, cloth, uncut. London, Pickering, 1841 APP, FRIEDRICH. Life of Frederick William Von Steu- ben, Major-General in the Revolutionary Army. With an introduction by George Bancroft. Second edition Portrait, with rare additional one inserted. Thick, 8vo,half russia, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1859 Morrell, $4.75. 262 KEITH, GEORGE. The Presbyterian and Independent Visi* ble CHURCHES in NEW-ENGLAND and elsewhere, brought 68 to the Test, and examined according to the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, in their Doctrine, Ministry, Wor ship, Constitution, Government, Sacraments, and Sab bath Day. More particularly directed to those in New England, etc. Small Svo, pp. 230, 2^tnelled calf. Very scarce. London, 1691 263 KEITH, SIR WILLIAM. HISTORY OF THE BRITISH PLANTATIONS ix AMERICA. With a Chronological ACCOUNT of the most remarkable Things which happened to the first ADVEN TURERS in their several Discoveries of that New W T oiid. Part I. Containing the History of VIRGINIA ; with Remarks on the Trade and Commerce of that Colony. 2 large folding Maps. Small 4to, pp. 187. Full green crushed levant morocco, rich gilt back, and inside bor ders, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, 1738 Very Rare. Splendid copy, perfectly spotless, and with wide margins, of KEITH S VIRGINIA. This work was the first of an intended series of COLONIAL HISTORIES, but no otlivr ever appeared. Sir William Keith was Governor of Pennsylvania from 1717 to 172G. Morrell, $22.50. 264 KENNEDY, JOHN P. Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert, the First Lord Baltimore. Before the Maryland Historical Society, December 9, 1845. 8vo. Baltimore, 1845 265 KNIGHT, MADAME. BUCKINGHAM, REV. MR. Journal of, from the Original Manuscripts, written in 1704 and 1710, 12 wo, boards, uncut. New York, 1825 Roche, $4. 266 KNIGHT, MADAME. Private Journal of a Journey from Boston to New York in the year 1704, with Introduc tion and Notes, ^to, uncut. Albany, 1865 LARGE PAPER ; only 50 copies printed. 69 267 Kxox, CAPTAIN JOHN. An Historical Journal of the Cam paigns in North America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 175 9 and 1760: containing the most Remarkable Oc currences of that period, particularly the two Sieges of Quebec, etc. Fine Portraits of Generals Wolfe and Amherst, with Map. 2 vols., 4to calf. London : Printed for the Author, 1769 Fine dean copy, very rare. Whitmore, uncut, $12.00 per vol. Fisher, without plates, $9.50 per vol. >A FAYETTE. ANDERSON, LEROY. Half an Hour s Amuse, ment at York and James-Town ; Preparatory to a Narra_ tive of La Fayette s Return and Reception in Virginia. Portrait of Lafayette inserted. Svo, half morocco. Richmond, 15th October, 1824 269 LAMB, R. An Original and Authentic Journal of Occur rences during the Late American War, from its Com mencement to the year 1783. 8^0., half green mo rocco, gilt. Dublin, 1809 Roche, uncut, $5.00 ; Wight, calf, $4.00. 270 LAMB, R. Memoir of His Own Life. 8tv>, half green mo rocco, gilt. Dublin, 1811 Morrell, uncut, $5.75. No Narratives of the exciting period of our Revolutionary War contain so much of interest and novelty as the above two volumes. 271 LAMB, R. An Original and Authentic Journal of Occur rences during the Late American War, from its Com mencement to the Year 1783. Svo, in the numbers as originally published, uncut, rough edges. Dublin, 1809 Very sconce in this condition. 272 LAUKENS. Materials for History, Printed from Original Manuscripts. With Xotes and Illustrations. By 70 Frank Moore. CORRESPONDENCE OF HENRY LAURENS, OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ILLUSTRATED COPY, having 38 plates inserted, consisting of 10 rare and beautiful Portraits, all different, of Henry Laurens ; also Por traits of Generals Washington, Gates, Sullivan, Moultrie, Hamilton, Cornwallis, Admiral IfEstaing, W. H. Drayton, Tom Paine, Lafayette, Franklin, Duche, etc., etc., together with a fine and interesting Autograph Letter of Laurens. 5#p., 4 to, " Savannah, May 10, 17G9." 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Xew York : Printed for the Zenger Club, 1861 250 COPIES PRINTED. This volume also contains a beautiful Portrait, on India paper, of Henry Laurens. engraved for the work. 273 LAW, WILLIAM. An extract from a Treatise called, The Spirit of Prayer ; or, The Soul Rising out of the VANITY of Time into the RICHES of Eternity, etc. Small Svo, pp. 47, half levant morocco, gilt edges. PHILADELPHIA : Printed by B. FRANKLIN and D. HALL, 1760 Wight, calf, $10. 274 LEE. Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Esq., Second in Command in the Service of the United States of America during the Revolution ; to which are added his Political and Military Essays, etc. Rare full length portrait of Gen. Lee inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1792 Morrell, $8.00 ; Roche, $7.00. 275 LEE, HENRY. Memoirs of the War in the Southern De partment of the United States. Portraits of General Greene and Lord Cornwallis, engraved by Edwin. Por- 71 trait and Autograph Letter of Gen. Lee inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine copy, rare. Philadelphia, 1812 Morrell, extra plates, $18.00 per vol. ; Fisher, calf, $7.50 per vol. ; Wight, $5.75 per vol. 276 LENDRUM, JOHN. History of the American Revolution, with a Summary View of the State and Character of the British Colonies of North America. Xew Edition, re vised and corected. 2 vols.,l2mo, sheep. Exeter, 1836 277 LETTERS BETWEEN THEOPHILUS AND EUGENIC, on the Moral Pravity of Man, and the Means of His Restora tion. Wrote in the East Indies, and now First Pub lished from the Original Manuscript. Small 4to, pp. IV., 64. Full morocco, gilt. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. 1747 In beautiful condition ; rare. Morrell, $15. 278 LETTERS to the Right Honorable the Earl of Ilillsborough, from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and the Hon orable His Majesty s Council for the Province of MASSA CHUSETTS-BAY. With Appendix, etc. Rare Portrait of General Gage inserted. 8>,?o, pp. 165, half green morocco, gilt, Boston, 1760 London [1769^] 279 LEWIS AND CLARK. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean Performed during the years 1804-5-6. By order of the Government of the United States. Prepared for the press by Paul Allen, Esq. Maps. Portrait of Captain Meriwether Lewis inserted. 2 vols., Svo, boards, 72 uncut, rough edges. 7<ine, clean copy. Very rare in this condition. Philadelphia, 1814 Fishor, sheep. $7 per voL 280 LEWIS AND CLARK. Travels to the source of the Missouri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, performed by order of the Government of the United States, in the years 1804, 05, and 06. Full length Portrait of Captain Lewis inserted. 3 vols., 8#o, caJf, (jilt. London, 1817 Fine copy. Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $4 per vol. Bruce. $2.50 per vol. 281 LEWIS AND CLARKE. Travels to the Source of the Mis souri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the Govern ment of the United States, in the Years 1804, 1805 and 1806. Map. 4o, pp. 6<53, hoards, uncut, rougli edges. London, 1814 fine, clean copy, very rare. 282 LEWIS, Gen. ANDREW. The Orderly Book of that Portion of the American Army stationed at or near Williams- burgh, Va., under the command of General Andrew Lewis, from March 18th, 1776 to August 28th, 1776. Printed from the Original Manuscript, with Notes and Introduction, by Charles Campbell, Esq. Portrait of Gen. Henry Lee inserted. Small 4o, half morocco, uncut. Richmond, Ya., 1860 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; only 100 copies. Very Scarce. Printed by Joel Munsell, Albany. Fowle, $47.50]; Wight, $15.50; Whitmore, $13.50; Morrell, $10.50 283 LOSKIEL, GEORGE HENRY. History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. In Three Parts. Translated from the German by 73 Christian Ignatius La Trobe. Map. 8vo, half purple morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1794 Fine copy, scarce. Wight, $8. H. A. Smith. $7.50. Fisher, calf, $7.50. 284 LOSSING, BENSON J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Rev olution ; or. Illustrations by Fen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Independence. With several hundred en gravings on wood, by Lossing <& Barrett, cliiefly from Original Sketches by the Author. In 30 numbers, as originally pubHsJted, mi king 2 vols., royal 81*0, uncut. New York, 1850 FIRST EDITION : excessively rare. Morrell. half morocco, uncut, $13.00 per vol. ; Whitmore, $8.50 per vol. ; Bruce, $7.75 per vol. ; Wight, $6.50 per vol. 285 LOUISIANA. Boasu. Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Translated from the French by John Reinhold Forster, F.A.S. Illus trated with Notes relative chiefly to Natural History, etc. 2 vols., &vo, calf. Fine, tall copy. London, 1775 Fisher, half mor., $3.25 per vol. 285 LOVE AND PATRIOTISM! or, the Extraordinary Adventures of M. Du POETAIL, late Major General in the Armies of the United States. Interspersed with many surprising incidents in the Life of the late COUNT PULASKI. Por trait of Pulaski inserted. Small 8vo,pp. 59. Full green levant morocco, gilt back, inside borders and edges by Bedford. Boston, 1799 Fine copy, very rare. 287 LOVEWELL. The Expeditions of Captain John Lovewell and His Encounters with the Indians ; including a Par- 74 ticular Account of the Pequaket Battle with a History of that Tribe; and a Reprint of Rev Thomas Symmes s Sermon. By Frederic Kidder. Map, 4to, uncut. Boston, 1865 LARGE PAPER ; 25 copies only printtd. 288 LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Poems. Royal $vo, boards, uncut. LAIIGE PAPER: PRIVATELY PRINTED. Cambridge, 1844 Handsomely printed on heavy wliite paper. ACK, DOCTOR EBENEZER. The Cat-Fight ; a Mock Heroic Poem. Supported with Copious Extracts from Ancient and Modern Classic Authors. Curious Plates by J). C. Johnston. 12 wo, boards, uncut. New York, 1824 290 MACKENZIE ALEXANDER SLIDELL. Life of Stephen Deca- tur, a Commodore in the Navy of the United States. Engraved Title, with Portrait. 53 jrtates inserted, many very fine ; also rare Autograph Letters of Commodores Decatur and .Bainbridge. Svo,jricll green morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. LARGE PAPER : scarce. Boston, 1846 291 MADISON. The Papers of Jarnes Madison, purchased by order of Congress ; being his Correspondence and Re ports during the Congress of the Confederation and his reports of Debates in the Federal Convention. Now published from tlio Original Manuscripts, under the Superintendence of Henry I). Gilpin. Fac-similes. Por trait of Madison inserted. 3 vols., Svo, boards, in almost uncut condition. Excessively rare. Washington, 1840 Fine copy, entirely free from staiiis. Morrell, $7 per vol. Wight, sheep, $7 per vol. Whitmore, sheep, $G per vol. 75 292 MANATI ORE LOXG ILE. The Commodities of the Hand called Manati ore Long He, which is in the Continent of Virginia. Map. 8??<9, half crimson, morocco, gilt top, uncut. PRIVATELY PRINTED : 50 copies. Very rare. Imprinted by J. M. for J. Gr. S. And for sale at the sign of the Two Storks. But few copies have the Map. 293 MANTE, THOMAS. The History of the Late War in North America, and the Islands of the West Indies, includ ing the Campaigns of MDCCLXIII and MDCCLXIV against his Majesty s Indian Enemies. Maps wanting, but has inserted an excessively rare contemporary print, brilliant impression, of the "Defeat and Death of Gen. Braddock in North America" 4to, pp. 542, calf. Fine, clean copy. London, 1772 On pages 6 and 7 of this very rare work will be found the ORIGINAL account from which Irving gives a description of the attempted assassi nation of Washington by his Indian guide, in 1753. 294 MARBOIS, M. BARBE. Complot D Arnold et de Henry Clinton contre les E tats-Unis D Amerique et le Gen- 6ral Washington. September 1780. Fine Portraits of Gens. Wcishi?ic/ton and Arnold, designed by Du Simitier, and Map. 8vo, half purple, levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1831 LARGE PAPER. Scarce. Title page repaired. 295 MARBOIS, M. MARBE. [The same.] 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1816 296 MARSH, LUTHER R. General Woodhull and his Monument. An Oration on the Life, Character and Public Services of General Nathaniel Wooodhull, etc. Plates. Svo. New York, 1848 297 MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER. Passages from the Remem- 76 brancer of, Member of the Committee of Observation and Inspection, of the Provincial Conference, and of the Council of Safety. Edited by William Duane, Jr. 12???o, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1839 298 MASON, MAJOR JOHN. A Brief History of the PEQUOT War ; especially of the Memorable Taking of their Fort at Mistick, in Connecticut, in 1737. Written by Major John Mason, a principal Actor therein, as then Chief Captain and Commander of Connecticut Forces. With an Introduction and some Explanatory Notes by Rev. Mr. Thomas Prince. Hare plate of " Captain Mason s Engagement with the Indians inserted" Small 8yo, full polished calf, gilt back, edges, and inside borders, by Pratt. Boston : Printed and Sold S. KXEELAXD & T. GREEN in Queen Street, 1736 Fore edges neatly mended, but text unimpaired, and. otherwise a, fine, clean copy of this excessively rare u-orJc. Morrell, $51. 299 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the, from 1855 to 1865. Numerous fine steel plates, fac. similes, etc. 6 vols., 8wo, cloth. Boston, 1859-1866 Contains the beautiful engraving of WASHINGTON by MARSHALL from GULLIGHER S Painting, also fine portraits of THOMAS DOWSE, EVERETT, PRESCOTT, etc., etc. 800 MATHER COTTON. Magnalia Christi Americana ; or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England, From Its First Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. By the Reverend und Learned Cotton Mather, M. A. and Pastor of the North Church in Boston, New-England. Map of New-England and New York. Polio. Full Panelled calf, ricJdy gilt 77 back and edges by Bedford. Beautiful specimen, of binding. London, 1702 This copy has the leaf of advertisements often wanting*, also all the titles, etc. Inserted in this superb copy of the " Magnolia" is a long ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTER of COTTOX MATHER, over forty lines, folio, and in fine order, signed "Co. MATHER." Roche, $50. Corwin, $50. Bruce, $41.50. Wight, $39. Morrell, $38.50. H. A. Smith, $35. 801 MATHER, COTTON. India Christiana. A discourse delivered unto the Commissioners for the propogation of the GOSPEL among the American Indians which is Accom panied with several Instruments relating to the Glorious Design of Propagating our Ploly Religion in the Eastern as well as the Western., INDIES. An Entertainment which they that are Waiting for the .Kingdom of GOD will receive as Good News from a far Country. Small Svo, pp. 94, and corrigenda. Orig inal calf binding. Boston, in New-England: Printed by B Green, 1771 Fine tall copy ; very rare. 802 MATHER, COTTOX. The Christian Philosopher : A Collec tion of the Best Discoveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. Svo, calf, pp. 304. London, 1721 303 MATHER, COTTOX. The Wonders of the Invisible World. Being an Account of the Tryals of several Witches lately Executed in New England. To which is added a farther Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches. By Increase Mather, D.D. Portrait, post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862 304 MATHER, INCREASE. Komhtotpaqia ; or, A Discourse Con cerning Comets ; Wherein the Nature of .Blazmg Stars is Enquired Into. With an Historical Account of all the Comets which have appeared from the Beginning 10 78 of the World unto this present Yoar, M, DC, LXXXII1. Expressing the Place in the Heavens where they were seen ; Their Motion, Forms, Duration ; and the Re markable Events which have Followed in the World, so far as they have been by Learned Men Observed. As also Two Sermons Occasioned by the Late Blazing Stars. By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church at Boston, in New England. Hare Autograph Marriage Certificate, 1706, and signed by Increase Mather, in serted. Small Svo,fuU crimson levant morocco, gilt back with inside borders richly tooled, gilt edges, by Bed ford. BOSTON ix NEW ENGLAND. Printed by S. (amuel) G. (reen) for S. (amuel) S. (ewall), and Sold by J. Brow ing, at the corner of the Prison Lane, next the Town House, 1683 Fine Copy of this excessively rare work, some of the leaves being in proof condition. Has the THREE title pages that to the first Sermon, "Heaven s Alarm to the World," fearing date, Boston, 1682. Dis course, pp. 143 ; " Heavens Alarm," pp. 38; " Tlte Latter Sign, 1 pp. ?. !. 305 MATHER, INCREASE. JRcmarkable Providences illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonization. With Introductory preface, by George Offer. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1856 306 MATHER, INCREASE. History of King Philip s War; also, a History of the same War, by the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D. With Introduction and Xotes by Samuel G. G. Drake, Portraits, etc. Small 4 to, sheets folded. Boston, 1862 250 COPIES PRINTED. Very scarce in this condition. 307 MATHER. INCREASE. The same, Small ^to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1S62 250 COPIES PRINTED. Fowle, $16; Fisher, $10. 308 MATHER, INCREASE. Early History of New England ; 79 being a Relation of Hostile Passages between the In dians and European Voyagers and First Settlers ; with a full Narrative of Hostilities, to the Close of the War with the Pequots, in the Year 1637, etc., with Intro duction and Xotes. by Samuel G. Drake. Small 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1864 250 COPIES PRINTED. Fowle, $21. 309 MAUDE, JOHN. Visit to the FALLS OF NIAGARA in 1800. tine plates, with 22 extra ones inserted, including 10 different Views of Niagara Falls, some very rare ; also portraits of Washington, Putnam, Major Andre, Colonel Brandt, General Wolfe, etc. The whole book printed entirely on India paper, of which only FOUR COPIES were issued in this style. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt. Very rare. London, 1826 TJiis edition contains a beautiful Portrait of the Author. 310 M CALL, CAPTAIN HUGH. History of Georgia, containing Brief Sketches of the most Remarkable Events, up to the present Day. Portrait of General Oglethorpe in serted. 2 vols., 8/;o, fu-U polished calf, gilt back and edges, by .Pratt. Savannah, 1811-16 Fine copy, excessively rare. Morrell. uncut, $21. 00 per vol. .311 MILITARY JOURNALS OF Two PRIVATE SOLDIERS 1758- 1775, with numerous Illustrative Xotes ; to which is added a Supplement, containing Official Papers on the Skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. Plate, Svo, cloth. Poughkeepsie, 1855 A limited edition only printed. Fisher, half mor., $4.25; Morrell, $3.00 ; Wight, $5.00. 312 MITCIIEL, JONATHAN. A Discourse of the GLORY to which GOD hath called BELIEVERS by JESUS CHRIST. Deliv ered in some SERMONS, etc. Second edition, with a 80 Preface, by INCREASE MATHER, D.I). Small 8vo, pp. 29, original sheep binding. Boston, 1721 In good condition. 313 MITCIIILL, SAMUEL LATHAM. Observations Anatomical, Physiological, and Pathological, on the Absorbent Tubes of ANIMAL BODIES. To which are added GEO LOGICAL REMARKS ON THE MARITIME PARTS OF THE STATE OF XEW YORK. I2mo. New York, 1787 Excessively Eire. Dr. MttchW 8 first publication. 314( MOLL. Atlas Minor ; or a SET of Sixty-two Xew and Cor rect MAPS, of all Parts of the World. All composed and done by HERMAN MOLL, Geographer. 4fo, calf. London, 1729 Includes Maps of New England, New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, etc., etc. 815 MONTHLY MILITARY REPOSITORY. Dedicated to the Mill-, tary of the United States of America by Charles Smith- Complete. Curious Portraits of Washington and Wayne, Military Maps, Views, &c., of the most im: portant battles of the Revolution. 2 vols., Svo, calf. Xew York, 1796 Fine copy. These volumes contain the original issue of the very rare History of " THE AMERICAN WAR, FROM 1775 TO 1783, WITH PLANS," BY CHARLES SMITH, which was published the following year (1797) as a separate volume, a copy of which brought in MorreWf sale (1866) $25. Bruce, $5.50 per vol. 316 MOODY, LIEUT. JAMES. NARRATIVE OF HIS EXERTIONS AND SUFFERINGS ix THE CAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, Since the Year 1776; authenticated by proper certificates. Small 8yo, pp. 64, green moroeco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. London, 1 783 Fine copy ; very rare. " Lieut. Moody, an American farmer, was so harrassed by mobs, asso ciations, and committees, that, driven into the British lines, he 81 became an active and, in some instances, successful partisan against his countrymen." Bruce, half morocco, S27. 31*7 MOODY, LIEUT. JAMES. Narrative of his Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of the Government since the Year 1776. Written by Himself, with the Author s last corrections. Authenticated by proper Certificates. With an Introduction and Notes by CHARLES I. BUSH- NELL. Plates. Fine Portraits of Sir Henry Clinton, Uochambeau, Gens. Arnold, Gates, and Wayne in serted. Svo, uncut. New York, 1865 PRIVATELY PRINTED. 318 MOORE, FRANK. Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and Original Documents. Portraits and Plates, on India Paper. 2 vols, royal Svo, uncut. New York, 1865. LARGE PAPER: 100 copies printed. Morrell, $8.50 per vol. 319 MOORE, GEORGE IT. "Mr. Lee s Plan March 29, 1777." The Treason of Charles Lee, Major-General, Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolution Portraits and fac-simihs. Engraving of " Washing ton at Monmouth," after Darley, inserted. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1860 Fowle, $6.50. Whitmore, $3.25. II. A. Smith, $8. 320 MOORE, HUGH. Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen ; containing the most interesting incidents connected with his pri vate and public career. I2mo, cloth. Pittsburgh, N. Y., 1834 321 MOORE, SB., M. A. Life of Gen. Edward Lacey, with a List of Battles and Skirmishes in South Carolina, dur ing the Revolutionary War. Svo. /Scarce. Spartanburg, S. C., 1859 82 322 -MORIIKLL. Bibliothcca Americana. Catalogue of the en tire Private Library of Mr. T. II. Morrell; comprising, a Choice Collection of Books on the History and An tiquities of America, Illustrated Works, etc. To bo sold at Auction, November 8th, Oth, & 10th, I860. Priced. 4(o, uncut. Xew York, 1866 LARGE PAPER; only 10 copies printed. 323 MORKELL. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of a Valu able Collection of Books, belonging to Mr. T. II. Mor rell ; consisting of rare Works on the History and An tiquities of America, Illustrated Volumes, etc. To be Sold at Auction, January 32th and 13th 1869. 4to., uncut. X ew York, 1868 LARGE PAPER ; only G copies printed. 324 Mourns, CAPTAIN THOMAS. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, (WITH HIS JOURNAL ix AMERICA.) .Fine Portrait. 8vo., half morocco, Very scarce. London, 1791 This rare look contains a graphic account of several incidents in connec tion iv Wi the Roche, $4.50. tionwith the celebrated u Pontiac W</r. 325 MORRIS, GEORGE P. Poems. The Deserted Bride and other Productions. Portrait, and fine plates, ly the best American Engravers, from paintings by WEIR and BARLEY. 8vo, clot-h, yilt. Scarce. New York, 1853 326 MORSE, JEDIDIAII. Sermon delivered at Charlestown, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, February 19, 1795 : being the Day Recommended by GEORGE WASHING TON, President of the United States of America, for Public, Thanksgiving and Prayer. Svo. Boston, 1795 327 MORSE, JEDIDIAII. Annals of the American Revolution; or a Record of the Causes and Events which produced 83 and terminated in the Establishment of the American Republic, etc. Plates, comprising views of the Rattle, of Saratoga, Capture of Andre, Storming of Stony Point, etc. Svo, half morocco. Hartford, 1824 Morrell, autograph inserted, $ii. Fisher, $3.50. 328 MORSE, REV. JEDIDIAH. Report of the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs, comprising a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820, etc., for the purpose of ascertaining the Actual State of the Indian Tribes in our Country. Map and Portrait. Svo., bds., uncut, rough edges. New Haven, 1822 Morrell, $2. $29 MORTON, NATHANIEL. NEW-ENGLAND S MEMORIAL ; or A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England in America ; with special Reference to the first Colony thereof, Called New- Plymouth, &c., &c. Published for the Use and Bene fit of present and future Generations, by NATHANIEL MORTON. Second Edition. Small Svo, Crimson levant morocco, gilt lack and edges, l>y Pratt. Boston : Re printed for Daniel Ilinchman, at the , Corner Shop ovcr-against the JBrick-Meeting-IIouse, 1721 Fine copy. : The first edition of this work was printed at Cambridge, X. E., iu 1669. small 4to. The second edition (the above) appeared in Bos ton in 1721, with a Supplement by JOSIAH COTTOX, Register of Deeds for the county of Plymouth." I?ich. 230 MOULTRIE, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the American Revolu tion, so far as it related to North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Compiled from the most Authentic Ma terials, the Author s Personal Knowledge of the various Events,, and including an Epistolary Correspondence 84 on Public Affairs, with Civil and Military Officers, at that Period. Fine Portrait, icith extra one inserted. 2 vols., Svo, full blue morocco, gilt, with inside borders, by Bedford, New York, 1802 Splendid copy ; excessively rare. Fisher, $16.50 per vol. ; Bruce, $10.50 per vol. , Roche, $7.75. per vol. 831 MOURT, G. Mourt s Relation ; or, Journal of the Plantation at Plymouth. With an Introduction and Notes by Henry Martin Dexter. 4to, uncut. Boston, J. K. Wiggin, 1865 LARGE PAPER ; only 35 copies printed. 332 MURRAY, HUGH. The United States of America ; their History from the Earliest Period ; their Industry Commerce, National Works, etc., with Illustrations of the Natural History, by James Nicol. Woodcuts. Post Svo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1844 833 MURRAY, HUGH. An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America ; comprehending Canada Upper and Lower, Nova-Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfound land, etc., with Illustrations of the Natural History, by James Wilson, F.R.S., and others. Map and Woodcuts. 3 vols., post Svo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1839^ 834 MURRAY, REV. JAMES. An Impartial History of the Present War in America ; containing an Account of its Rise and Progress, the Political Springs thereof, with its various Successes and Disappointments, on Both Sides. Maps and 22 Portraits of American and British Offi cer $, brilliant impressions, with very rare portrait of the Author inserted. 2 foft?,, 8ro, calf. London, 1778 Fine copy. the portraits include those of Gens. Washington, Charles Lee, Putnam^ Arnold, Gates,, Montgomery, Gage, Burgoyne, etc. 85 335 MURRAY, REV. JAMES. Sermons to Asses, to Doctors in Divinity, to Lord s Spiritual, and to Ministers of State, with Original Sketch of the Author s Life. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1819 336 MUSEUM OF REMARKABLE AND INTERESTING EVENTS, con taining Historical and other Accounts of Adventures, Incidents of Travel and Voyages, Scenes of Peril, and Escapes, Military Achievements, etc., etc.; with a full Account of the Captivity and truly wonderful escape of THOMAS ANDROS FROM THE OLD JERSEY PRISON SHIP during the Revolutionary War, written recently by himself. Compiled principally by J. WATTS. 25 En- (/ravings, including representation of " the Escape of Rev. Thomas Andros from the Old Jersey Prison Skip" 2 vols., Svo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges. Scarce. Cleveland, Ohio, 1844 A few pages very slightly water stained, otherwise a beautiful copy. 337 MUNSELL S SERIES OF LOCAL HISTORY : 1. Pioneer History of the Champlai/i Valley / being an Account of the Settlement of the town of Willsborough, by William Gilliland, together with his Journal and other Papers, and a Memoir, and Historical and Illustra tive Notes, by Winslow C. Watson, Esq. Albany, 1863 2. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, Baronet : or, Boston in Colonial Times, by Elias Nason, M.A. Albany, 1865 3. Random Recollections of Albany, 1800 to 1808, by Gor- ham A. Worth ; with Notes. Numerous portraits and plates, on steel and wood. Albany, 1866 4. History of Lake Champlain from its Exploration by the French in 1609, to the close of the year 1814, by Hon. Peter S. Palmer. Plans of naval actions. Albany, 1860 11 86 o The Sexagenary / or, Recollections of the Revolutionary War, by S. De Witt Bloodgood, Esq. Portraits of Schuyler, Burgoyne and Lady Harriet Acldand. Albany, 1866 6. Letters and Journals relating to the War of the American Revolution, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga, by Mrs. General Riedesel ; translated from the original German, by William L. Stone. Portrait. Albany, 1867 7. Tali- Gah-Jute ; or, Logan and Cresap, an Historical Essay, by Brantz Mayer. (A Vindication of Captain Cresap against the Charge of Murdering the Family of Logan etc.) Albany, 1867 8 & 9. Memoirs and Letters and Journal of Major- General Riedesel) during his Residence in America. Translated from the Original German of Max von Eelking. By Wil liam L. Stone. Portrait and Plates. 2 vols. In all 9 vols., Royal Svo, uncut. LARGE PAPER. Albany, Munsell, 1863-67. Of No. I,. but 30 copies were printed ; of the others, 50 copies. 338 MUNSELL, JOEL. Typographical Miscellany. Rare Por trait of Isaiah Thomas inserted. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1850 ?ANTUCKET. PAPERS relating to the ISLAND of XAX- TUCKET. With Documents relating to the Original Settlement of that Island, Martha s Vineyard, and other Islands adjacent, known as Duke s County, while under the Colony of New York. Compiled from official Rec ords in the Office of the Secretary of State at Albany, New York. With an Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Map and fac-simile autogra%>lis, Small 4to., cloth uncut. J. Munsell, Albany, 1856 PRIVATELY PRINTED : and only 150 copies. 87 Excessively rare in uncut condition, nearly every copy having been bound for presentation. Fowle, half calf, trimmed, $40. Roche, half calf, trimmed, $18. Mor- rell, half morocco, trimmed, $12. 340 NANTUCKET. The same. Half morocco. Albany, 1856 PRIVATELY PRINTED: 150 copies. Scarce. 341 NEAL, DANIEL. History of New-England, Containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Af fairs of the Country. To which is added, The Present State of New England, etc. Map. 2 vols., Svo, pan elled calf. London ,1720 Fine copy. 342 NEILSON, CHARLES. An Original, Compiled and Corrected Account of Burgoynds Campaign, and the Memora ble Battle of Bemis s Heights, September 19, and Oc tober 7, 1777, from the most authentic sources of In formation, etc. Map, 12mo, doth. Albany, 1844 Fisher, half morocco, autograph, etc , inserted, $8. 343 NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER, Improved for the more Easy At taining the True Reading of English. With Mr. Cot ton s Catechism, etc. Woodcut portrait of John Han cock. 16mo, boards. Boston, 1777. Reprint in Fac-simile. Fisher, $3.25. 344 NEW YORK. Account of the Terrific and Fatal Riot at the Astor Place Opera House, on the night of May 10th, 1849 ; with the Quarrels of Forrest and Macready, etc., with " THE REPLIES FROM ENGLAND, ETC., to certain Statements circulated in this County respecting MR. MACREADY." Engraving of the "Scene of the Riot" Portraits of Macready as " Macbeth" Forrest, etc., inserted. 8uo, hlf. morocco. Scarce. New York, 1849 88 345 NEW YORK. A Rejoinder to " The Replies from England, etc," together with an IMPARTIAL HISTORY AND RE VIEW of the Lamentable Occurrences at the Astor Place Opera House, on the 10th of May, 1849. By an American Citizen. $vo,pp. 119. New York, 1849 346 NEW YORK. Almanacks. The American ALMANACK. For the Years of Christian Account, 1731, 1732, and 1733. Printed by Titan Leeds, Philomat, 3 vols., 12rao. Printed and sold by William Bradford in New York, and Andrew Bradford, Philadelphia. 1731, 1732, 1733 347 NEW YORK. Almanacks. The American ALMANACK. For the Years of Christian Account, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1742, and 1743. By TITAN LEEDS. 5 vols., 12mo, New York: Printed and sold by William Bradford, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1742, and 1743 Excessively rare. The Almanac for the year 1739 has a special historical interest on ac count of its authenticating the date of William Bradford s birth, in regard to which there has been so much controversy, See Calendar for the month of May; "THE PRINTER BORN THE 20TH, 1663." Wallace, in his " Commemorate Address at the Celebration of the 2QQth Birth-day of Bradford, 1 refers to the Almanac of this year (1739). Seepages 19, 20, and 102. 348 NEW YORK. Almanacks. THE AMERICAN ALMANACK. For the Year of Christian Account, 1741. By TITAN LEEDS, Philomat. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold Inj Andrew Bradford, 1741 349 NEW YORK. POOR WILL S ALMANAC, for the Years of Christian Account, 1744 and 1750. By WILLIAM BIRKETT. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by William Bradford, 1744; I. Warner and C. Bradford, 1750. 350 NEW YORK. AMERICAN COUNTRY ALMANAC for the 89 Years of Christian Account, 1747, 1748, 1751, 1752, and 1754. By THOMAS MORE, Philodespot. 5 vols. New York: Printed and Sold by J. Parker, 1747, 1748, 1751, 1752, 1754 351 NEW YORK. ASTRONOMICAL DIARY, or an ALMANACK for the Year of our LORD CHRIST, 1753. By ROGER SHERMAN. New York: Printed and sold by Henry De forest, 1753. In all 9 vols., 12 wo. New York, and Philadelphia, 1741-44-47-48-50-51-52-53-54. Scarce. 352 NEW YORK. " A MAP of the Country of THE FIVE NA TIONS, belonging to the Province of NEW YORK, and of the LAKES, near which the Nations of FAR IN DIANS Live, with part of CANADA and River St. Law rence." Small jf olio, in passepartout. New York : Printed and Published by William Bradford, 1727. In fine condition, and of excessive rarity. This Map was published by BRADFORD to accompany the original edi tion of COLDEN S FIVE INDIAN NATIONS, and was the FIRST one issued in the COLONY OF NEW YORK. 353 NEW YORK. Anthology of New Netherland ; or, Trans lations from the Early Dutch Poets of New York ; with Memoirs of their Lives, by Henry C. Murphy. Portrait of Steendam, fac-similes, etc. lloyal 8vo, un cut. 75 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. New York, 1865 Bradford Club Series. No. 4. Morrell, $13.00. 354 NEW YORK. [De Forest, T. R.] Olden Time in New York, by Those Who Knew. 12 wo, half crimson le vant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1833 Morrell, unbound, $1.75. 90 355 DE PEYSTER, FREDERIC. Early Political History of New York. Address delivered before the ISTew York His torical Society, on its Sixtieth Anniversary, Tuesday, November 22, 1864. Beautiful Portrait of Luther Bradisli, engraved by Hurt. Royal 8vo., uncut. LARGE PAPER ; but few printed. New York, 1865 356 NEW YORK. Francis, John W. OLD NEW YORK ; OR, REMINISCENCES OF THE PAST SIXTY YEARS. With a MEMOIR of the AUTHOR, by HENRY T. TUCKERMAX. Portraits on India Paper, etc. UNIQUE COPY, being extended to Two Volumes. With extra Title Pages, and ILLUSTRATED by the insertion o/158 PLATES, con sisting of Portraits, Views, etc., and including some of the rarest engravings, illustrative of New York, ever gathered together. There is also inserted an original autograph note (New York, Aug. 10, 1806) of HUGH GAINE, the Printer. 2 vols., 8vo,full rich green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. LARGE PAPER ; 100 copies printed. New York, 1865 In collecting the Illustrations for these volumes, thi RARITY and CONDI TION of the plates has been more of a DESIDERATUM than to gather together a large number, the prevalent mania for OVERFLOWING a work with pictures giving it more the appearance of a SCRAP BOOK. To those engaged in illustrating " Dr. Francis s OLD NEW YORK, " the ac. compamjing list of some of the RARER portraits, etc., inserted in the above volumes, may not be uninteresting. Mrs. Alsop, Luther Bradish, George Bancroft, "William Bartram, Samuel Bard, John Bard, Matthew Carey, Henry Cruger, William Cobbett, J. S. Copley, Captain Jonathan Carver, George Frederick Cooke, William Dunlap, A. B. Durand, Lorenzo Dow, Citizen Genet, Elias Hicks, Philip Hone, Dr. Hosack, Washington Irving, Incledon. John Jay, Fanny KeiL,ble, Edmund Kean, Madame Malibran, Dr. John M. Mason, Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Miller, Dr. Mott, Governeur Morris, Macready, Dr. Ogilvie, John Pintard, Elihu Palmer, Hiram Powers, Priestley, Tom Paine, C. W. Peale, James K. Paulding, Capt, Riley, Dr. Stiles, Dr. Sprague, Elihu H. Smith, R. C. Sands, Peter Stuyvesant, Alexander Wilson, Dr. Waterhouse, Sir Peter Warren Hugh Williamson, etc., etc. . . Also Views of the Elgin Botanic Gardens, Columbia College, etc., etc. 357 NEW YORK. Francis, John W. New York During the 91 Last Half Century : A Discourse in Commemoration of* the Fifty-third Anniversary of the NEW YOEK HIS TORICAL SOCIETY, and of the Dedication of their New Edifice (November 17, 1857). 8vo, uncut. New York, 1857 Original edition of Dr. Francis s " Old New York ;" scarce, in uncut condition. 858 NEW YORK. Ireland, Joseph N. Records of the New York Stage, from 1750 to 1860. Vignette Portraits. Extended to Four Volumes, and Illustrated by the in sertion of*5Q Plates, consisting of Portraits of Fanny f&* Kemble, Ellen Tree, Clara Fisher, Mrs. Wood, Miss Phillips, Cooke, Kean, Forrest, Macready, Edwin Sooth, Dowton, JBraham, Incledon, Hamblin, Sheridan Knowles, Major Noah, Harwood, Wallack, etc., etc., with autograph Letters of Charlotte Cushman, Burton, and others. 2 vols., extended to 4, with extra title pages, Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York: T. H. Morrell, 1866-67 OXLY 200 COPIES PRINTED. " The acknowledged standard work on the Drama in America 1 359 NEW YORK. Journal of a Voyage to New York, and a Tour in several of the American Colonies in 1676-80, by JASPER D ANKERS and PETER SLUYTER, OF WIE- WERD, in Friesland. Translated from the Original Manuscript in Dutch, and Edited by HENRY C. MUR PHY. Plates. Royal Svo., pp. 440, uncut. Brooklyn, 1867 LARGE PAPER ; 100 copies printed ; scarce. Forms Vol. 1 of the Long Island Historical Society Publications. 360 NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY DURING THE REVOLUTION : A Collection of Original Papers, Published from the 92 Original MSS. in the Possession of the Mercantile Li brary Association. Map, 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1861 Privately Printed for the Association. Morrell, morocco, extra plates, etc., $140; Fowle, $18; Allan, $9; Whitmore, $7 ; Bruce, half Russia, $7. 861 NEAV YORK. Proceedings of TAMMANY SOCIETY, or Co lumbia Order, on LAYING THE CORNER-STONE of their New Hall on Fourteenth Street, and Celebrating the Ninety-first Anniversary of the Declaration of Inde pendence, at Irving Hall, Thursday, July 4th, 1867. Also, a BRIEF HISTORY of the ORIGIN and EARLIER HISTORY of the Society. Published by order of the Tammany Society. Views of Old and New Tammany Hall. 28 Plates inserted, including portraits, some very rare, of James Madison, Marinus Willett, John Pintard, Philip Freneau, Stephen Allen, Walter Bowne, Ogden Hoffman, Gulian C. Verplanck, Dewitt Clinton, etc. Also a number of scarce local views. Svo, half green morocco, gilt top. New York, 1867 362 NEW YORK. SMITH, WILLIAM. History of the Province of New York, from the First Discovery to the Year MDCCXXXH. To which is annexed, a Description of the Country, with a short Account of the Inhabi tants, their Trade, Religion, and Political State, etc. Hare " View of Fort George, with the City of New York" inserted. 4to, full levant morocco, gilt, by Matthews. London, 1757 Fine copy. Very scarce. Contains the plate of Oswego, often wanting. Wight, half calf, $33. Morrell, $24. Bruce, half morocco, $20. 363 NEW YORK. SMITH, WILLIAM. The History of the late Province of New York, from its Discovery to the Ap pointment of Governor Colden in 1762. Portrait of 93 Golden inserted. 2 vols., tfvo, boards, uncut, rough edges. New York, 1830 From the library of Commodore Charles Wilkes, with his autograph. Bruce, half morocco, $5.25 per vol. Whitmore, $4.25 per vol. H- A. Smith, $2.50 per vol. 364 NEW YORK. The CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ; Printed by Order of the Mayor, Recorder, Alderman, and Commonalty of the City aforesaid. To which is Annexed, THE ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Con firming the same. Folio, pp. 52. Full crimson levant morocco, rich gilt back, and inside borders, by Bedford. New York : Printed by JOHN PETER ZENGER. 1735 Fine clean copy. Excessively rare. NEW YORK. See Denton, Daniel. TRIAL OF ZEXGER. 366 NEW JERSEY. A Bill in the Chancery of New Jersey, at the Suit of JOHN Earl of STAIR, and Others, Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey, against Benja min Bond, and some other Persons of Elizabeth Town, distinguished by the name of the Clinker Lot Right Men ; with the PUBLICATIONS of the Council of the Proprietors of East New Jersey, etc., concerning the RIOTS committed in NEW JERSEY, and the Pretences of the Rioters and their Seducers. 3 large Maps. Folio, pp. 124, 39 uncut. Of great rarity. PUBLISHED BY SUBSCRIPTION. Printed by James Parker, in New York, 1747 ; and a few copies are to be sold by him and Benjamin franklin in Philadelphia. XEW JERSEY. See Smith, Samuel, History of New Jersey. 368 NICHOLSON, JAMES B. Manual of the Art of Book-binding, etc., designed for the Practical Workman, the Amateur, and the Book Collector. Plates and Specimens. I2mo, ( .loth. Philadelphia, 1856 Roche, half mor., $ 2.50 : Morrell, $2.2S. 12 94 369 NILES, IT. Principles and Acts of the Revolution in Amer ica, or an Attempt to Collect and Preserve some of the Speeches, Orations and Proceedings, with Sketches and Remarks on Men and Things, and other fugitive and neglected pieces, belonging to the Revolutionary Period in the United States, etc. Royal 8vo, half mo rocco, gilt top, uncut. Baltimore, 1822 370 NORTON, CHARLES B. Literary Letter, comprising American Papers of Interest, and a Catalogue of Rare and Val uable Books relative to America. Plates and Fac similes. 6 Nbs. All published. Sinatt 4to. New York, 1857-60 These little pamphlets have become quite scarce, and contain, besides other valuable matter, the Bibliography of the State of Maine, pre- bv the Hon. William Willis. CALLAGHAN, E. B. List of the Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts Thereof, Printed in America pre vious to 1860; with Introduction and Biographical Notes. Fac-similes of the Title Pages to KUofs In dian Bible, etc. Royal 8vo, uncut. ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED. Albany, 1861 Fowle, $20; Wight, $9.50; Bruce, $6.25; Morrell, $6 ; Roche, $6. 372 ORATIONS. British Cruelty, Oppression, and Murder. Ora tion Delivered by JOHN HANCOCK, Esq., at Boston, in Commemoration of the Boston Massacre, March 5th, 1770; also an Oration Delivered by Dr. JOSEPH WAR REN, at Boston on the same Subject, etc., with an Ac count of the Captivity of Mrs. JEREMIAH HOWE, taken by the Indians at Ilinsdale, N. II., July 27th, 1765. 12mo, uncut. Rare. P. M. Davis, Publisher (no place), 1824 95 373 ORDERLY BOOK OF THE NORTHERN AR^XY, at Ticonderoga and Mount Independence, from October 17th, 1776, to January 8th, 1777, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix. Portrait of General Gates, and Map, with inserted Portrait of Colonel Anthony Wayne. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, Munsell, 1859 LARGE PAPER; only 10 copies printed. Munsell s Historical Series, No. 3. Fowle, $27.50 ; Wight, $10.25. 374 THE SAME. Small 4to, uncut. LIMITED EDITION. z\lbany, Munsell, 1859 AINE, THOMAS. The American Crisis, and a Letter to Sir Guy Garleton, on the Murder of CAPTAIN HUDDY, and the Intended Retaliation on CAPTAIN ASGILL, of the Guards. Svo, pp. 293, uncut, rough edges. Very rare. London, 1788 376 PARKMAN, JR., FRANCIS. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. Maps, Plate, " Pontiac 1 s Fire Raft" in serted* Thick Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER; 75 Copies printed. Boston, 1866 Morrell $7.00. 377 PARKMAN, JR., FRANCIS. France arid England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. Pioneers of France in the New World. Fine Portrait on India paper, and Map. Royal Qvo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER ; 75 copies printed. Boston, 1866 Morrell, $7. 96 378 PARKMAN, JR., FRANCIS. France and England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Cen tury. Map. Thick Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER; 75 copies printed. Boston, 1867 370 PATTIE, JAMES O. Personal Narrative of, of Kentucky, daring an Expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, in which he and his Father, who accompanied him, Suffered unheard-of Hardships and Dangers, had various Conflicts with the Indians, and were made Captives, in which Captivity his Father Died. With a Description of the Country, etc. Edited by Timothy Flint. 8vo, sheep scarce. Cincinnatti, 1833 Wight, $5.00 ; Fisher, $4.00 ; H. A. Smith, $5.50. 380 PAULDIXG, JAMES K. The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. By Hector Bull-us. Third Edition, improved. 4 plates, " Jonathan throwing the Tea-Kettle at BuWs Head" etc. Vlmo,pp. 114, Ms., uncut, rough edges. Rare. Philadelphia, 1827 381 PAULDIXG. Report of the Select Committee on Erecting a Monument to the Memory of John Paulding, with an Address to the Mayor of the City of New York. 12 plates inserted / portraits of Arnold, Paulding, etc. Svo, h r df green levant morocco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. ONLY 500 COPIES PRINTED. New York, 1827 382 PEABODY. Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, etc., on the 27th October, 1851. Royal Svo, cloth, gilt. London : Pickering, 1851 LARGE PAPER. Printed for private distribution. 97 383 PEALE, REMBRANDT. Notes on Italy. Written during a Tour in the years 1829 and 1830. Autograph Letter inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1831 384 PEMAQUID PAPERS. Papers Relating to PEMA^UID and Parts adjacent, in the Present State of Maine, known as Cornwall County, when under the Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Records, etc., by Frank lin B. Housrh. Svo. uncut. O " LIMITED EDITION. Albany, 1856 Fowle, thick paper, half morocco, $16. 385 PENN. Original Autograph Letters, etc., of ADMIRAL PENN. Document signed, 1 p., folio, 1666 WILLIAM PENN. Autograph Letter signed, 4 pp., 4to, 1686 HANNAH PENN. " " " 2pp., " 1717 JOHN PENN. " " " 2pp., " 1787 JULIANA PENN to Henry Zaurens " 2pp., " 1782 Portraits of William Penn, A diniral Penn, etc. Beau tifully inlaid, 4to size, and bound in full brown levant morocco, gilt edges. Collected and arranged, New York, 1868 386 PENNSYLVANIA. A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsyl vania for the Year 1755 ; so far as it affected the Gen eral Service of the British Colonies, particularly the Expedition under the late GENERAL BRADDOCK. With an Account of the Shocking Inhumanities committed by Incursions of the Indians upon the Province in October and November, etc. Interspersed with several interest ing Anecdotes and original Papers, relating to the Politics and Principles of the People called QUAKERS ; being a Sequel to a late well known Pamphlet, intitled A Brief State of Pennsylvania, etc. Portrait of Brad- dock, dnd rare Engraving of " Braddoctfs Defeat" inserted. 8vo, pp. 88, half morocco, gilt top, by Brad- street. Scarce. London, 1756 387 PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Some Account of the Pennsyl vania Hospital, from its First Rise to the beginning of the Fifth Month, called May, 1754. With the Con tinuation, from the First of May, 1754, to the Fifth of May, 1761. With a List of the Contributors, of the Legacies bequeathed, etc. Both parts complete. View of the Hospital inserted. Small 4to, pp. 77, half brown morocco y very rare. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1754-1761 Fine copy ; both parts seldom met loith, the two title pages having Frank lin and HaWs Imprint. Wight, calf, without the Continuation, $21 ; Whitmore, without the Continuation, $10. 388 [PETEKS.] General History of Connecticut, from its First Settlement under George Fen wick, Esq., to its Latest Period of Amity with Great Britain, including a J)e- scription of the Country, and many curious and in teresting Anecdotes. With an Appendix, wherein new and true Sources of the present Rebellion in America are pointed out ; together with the particular Part taken by the People of Connecticut in its Promo tion. By a Gentleman of the Province. 8yo r pp. 436, full crimson crushed levant morocco, rich gilt back, inside borders and edges, by Bedford. Excessively rare. London : Printed for the AUTHOR, 1781 Splendid copy, perfectly spotless, and with large margins, having the appearance of a LAI^U PAPER copy. Contains a wonde.ml account of the upper Cohoes Palls, " where wa ter is consolidated, without frost, by pressure, by swiftness, be- tween the pinching sturdy rocks, to such a degree of induration, that no iron crow can be forced into it." Also a curious account of the ancient custom of courtship by " bundling-" " The author was Dr. Samuel A. Peters, a refugee. He resided in England from 1774 to 1805, when he returned to America, and died in New Yerk in 1826, at the age of 90." Bruce, half calf, $19. 99 389 PIIELPS, RICHARD H. History of Newgate, of Connecticut, at Simsbury, now East Granby ; its insurrections and Massacres, the Imprisonment of the Tories in the Revo lution, and the Working of its Mines. Also, some account ot the State Prison at Wethersfield. Portrait and woodcut. /Small to, uncut. Munsell, Albany, I860 LARGE PAPER: Very few copies printed. Fowle, $9. 390 PICKET, ALBERT JAMES. History of Alabama, and inci dentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. Third edition. Plates. 2 vols., IZmo, half calf. Charleston, 1851 Best edition, very scarce. Morrell, $5.75 per vol. H. A. Smith, $4 per vol. 391 POPE, ALEXANDER. Essay on Man, Enlarged and Improved by the Author. With notes Critical and Explanatory. /Small 8vo, pp. 46. Scarce. New York : Printed by HUGH GAINK, at the Bible, in Hanover Square, 1786 392 POTTER, ISRAEL R. Life and Remarkable Adventures oi, (a Native of Cranston, Rhode Island), who was a Sol dier in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, and took a distin guished part in the Battle, of Bunker Hill, etc., etc. Curious Woodcut Portrait of Potter, crying u Old Chairs to Mend. 1 12mo. half coif . Scarce. Providence, 1824 Morrell, $7.25. Fisher, $5. 393 POUCHOT. MEMOIR UPON THE LATE WAR IN NORTH AMER. ICA, between the French and English, 1755- 60 ; fol lowed by Observations upon the Theatre of Actual War, and by New Details concerning the Manners and Customs of the Indians ; with Topographical Maps. Translated and edited by Franklin B. Hough, with 100 additional Notes and Illustrations. Maps and Plates : with extremely rare contemporary print of the " Taking of Quebeck" inserted. 2 vols., 4to, half crimson crashed levant morocco, gilt top, uticnt, by Matthews. Roxbury, Mass., 1866 LARGE PAPER: only 50 copies. 394 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. ORIGINAL AUTO GRAPH LETTERS OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Consisting of full letters entirely in the auto graph, and signed by every President, from GEORGE WASHINGTON to ANDREW JOHNSON, inclusive, making in all 1 7 letters. GEORGE WASHINGTON. The greal historical interest attached to the letter of Washington, written on the occasion of the burning of the village of Kingston, New York, by the British, in 1772, will warrant its being printed entire. GENTLEMEN : I receive with peculiar pleasure the affectionate ad dress of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Kingston, your polite and friendly reception of me is a proof of its sincerity. While I view with indignation the marks of a wanton and cruel enemy, I perceive with the highest satisfaction that the heavy calam ity which befel this flourishing Settlement seems but to have added to the Patriotic spirit of its Inhabitants ; and that a new town is fast rising out of the ashes of the old. That you and your worthy Constituents may long enjoy the Free dom for which you have so nobly contended is the sincere wish of Gentn. Yr. most obedt. & Hble. Sevt. GEO. WASHINGTON. Kingston, N. Y., IQt/i Nov., 1782. JOHN ADAMS, Quincy, July, 1802. Interesting letter relative to the Yellow Fever in Phila- delph ia. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Monticello, October, 20th, 1815. JAMES MADISON, Montpelier, January 20th, 1834. JAMES MO.VKOK, Philadelphia, February 28th, 1791. JOHN Qi ixcv ADAMS, Boston, March 27th, 1794. 101 ANDREW JACKSON, Senate Chamber, (Washington,) May 22nd, 1824. MARTIN VAN BUREN, Lindenwold, March 9th, 1856. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, Cincinnati, October 27th, 1840. JOHN TYLER, Sherwood Forest, Charles City County, Ya., November 1G, 1848. JAMES K. POLK, Washington City, December 10th, 1827. ZACHARY TAYLOR, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 20th, 1848. MILLARD FILLMORE, Buffalo, N". Y., August 22d, 1856. FRANKLIN PIERCE, to Hon. J. Davis > Secretary of War, no date. JAMES BUCHANAN, Wheatlands near Lancaster, Penn, August 29th, 1856. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Executive Mansion, March 7, 1861. ANDREW JOHNSON, Greenville, Tenn., May, 1859. Fine Portraits accompany each letter. These letters, all ONE PAGE in length, have been beauti fully inlaid, in heavy white paper, quarto size. This unique volume is superbly bound by MATTHEWS in full green levant morocco, full gilt back and sides, elegantly hand-tooled, with rich inside borders and linings of green moire antique. The binding of this volume could not be duplicated for $75. Extract from "The Nation," November 25, 1867. " Speaking of autographs, we find in Mr. Morrell s collection many of Revolutionary heroes and many of artists, etc. He has, in a dress almost extravagantly fine, autograph letters of all the PRESIDENTS FROM WASHINGTON DOWN TO MR. JOHNSON. The letters are none of them long ; each is written on one page of writing paper, and it was there fore possible to make them an inlaid volume. Mr. Lincoln s is short and, characteristically, is expressive of that friendliness and kindness which constituted not the smallest of his claims to the admiration of his countrymen and all mankind. It reads as follows : Whom it may concern. William Johnson, a colored boy, and bearer of this, has been with me about twelve months; and has been, so far, as I be lieve, honest, faithful, sober, industrious, and handy as a servant. A. Lincoln. The book contains portraits engraved on steel of each of the Presidents, and is a curiosity which it would not be easy to du plicate. 13 102 395 PRINCE, THOMAS. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF NEW-ENG LAND, in the form of Annals ; being A summary and exact Account of the most material Transactions and Occurrences relating to THIS COUNTRY, in the Order of Time wherein they happened from the Discovery by CAPT. GOSNOLD, in 1602, to the arrival of Governor BELCHER in 1730, with An Introduction, &c. Portrait inserted. ( Vol.1.) Part I and part II. Small Quo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. Boston, N. E. Printed by XEneeland and Green, for S. Gerrish, 1736 VERY SCARCE. Morrell, $25. Roche, $23. 396 PRINCE, THOMAS. Sermon at the South Church in Boston, N. E. On the GENERAL THANKSGIVING, Thursday, July 18, 1745. Occasional by Taking the City of Louisbourg, on the Isle of Cape- Breton, by New -Eng land Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron. 8vo,pp. 32. BOSTON, Printed: LONDON, Reprinted, 1746 397 PRINCE, THOMAS. Sermon at the South Church in Boston, Nov. 27, 1746, Being the Day of the ANNIVERSARY THANKSGIVING in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in NEW-ENGLAND, etc. 8z?o, pp. 36. BOSTON, Printed: LONDON, Reprinted, 1747 398 PROCLAMATIONS FOR THANKSGIVING, issued by the Continen tal Congress, President Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New York, &c., &c., with An Introduc tion and Notes (by F. B. Hough.) Royal, 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1858 PRIVATELY PRINTED : Only 100 copies. A. few portraits inserted. 103 399 PROUD, ROBERT. The History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from the Original Institution and Settlement of that Province, under the first Proprietor and G-over- nor, WILLIAM PEXX, in 1381, till after the year 1742. With an Introduction, Appendix, etc. Portrait of William Penn, and Map. 2 vols., Svo, boards uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1797 FIXE CLEAN COPY: Excessively ran in the original uncut condition. Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $11.50 per vol. H. A. Smith, half mo rocco, uncut, $11.50 per vol. Wight, half morocco, uncut, $11 per vol. Bruce, $G.G3 por vol. Morrell, $3.25 per vol. Roche, $6 per vol. 400 PSALMS. The Whole Book of Psalmes, faithfully Translated into English Metre, whereunto is prefixed a Discourse declaring not only the Lawfulness, but also the Ne cessity of the Heavenly Ordinance of Singing Scrip ture Psalraes in the Churches of God. Imprinted 1640. A literal reprint of the BAY PSALM-BOOK ; being the earliest New-England version of the Psalms, and the first book printed in America. 8vo, full purple levant morocco, gilt edges, baok and sides, inside linings of green crushed levant with rich and elaborate toolings, by Pawson & Nicholson. Charles B. Richardson, New York, 18C2 PRIVATELY PRINTED ; and only 50 copies. Three were destroyed by fire at the Irving buildings. Exceedingly scarce. Binding cost $30. Fowle, $GO. "Whitmore, thick paper, $50. Morrell, $37.50. Bruce, thick paper, $37. Roche, $31. Wight, $20. 401 PUTNAM. Memoirs of the Life, Adventures and Military Exploits of Israel Putnam, Senior Major-General in the Revolutionary Army of the United States, and next in Rank to General Washington. 12mo, boards. Ithaca, 1839 402 [PUTNAM, GEORGE P.] Pocket Memorandum Book during a Ten Weeks Trip to Italy and Germany in 1847. 104 Printed on blue letter paper. Small 4 to., 144 pp., doth. New York, 1848 PRIVATELY PRINTED. Only 20 copies. Very scarce. " These brief notes from a pocket memorandum book and < written on the winy, have been printed in the LITERARY WORLD, and a very few copies are struck off in this form, chiefly for private friends." UIN"CY, Jr., JOSIAII. Observations on the act of Par liament commonly called the BOSTON PORT BILL ; with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. 8vo, PP- 60 - Philadelphia, 1774 A few leaves slightly spotted. EAMSAY, DAVID. The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. Maps. Portrait of Mamsay inserted. 2 vols., Svo, calf. Fine dean copy. Hare. Trenton, 1785 Morrell, uncut, $15 per vol. Roche, uncut, $8,25 per vol. 405 RAMSAY, DAVID. The History of the American Revolution. New Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, uncut, rough edges. London, Stockdale, 1793 Pine dean copy. 406 RANDOLPH, JOHN. Letters to a young Relative ; embracing a Series of Years, from early Youth, to Mature Man hood. Portrait inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough Gdges. Philadelphia, 1834 Very scarce in uncut condition. 407 READ, Jr., JOHN MEREDITH. Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his Friends, Relatives, and Early Life, his connection with the Muscovy company and Dis covery of Delaware Bay. Arms of Henry Hudson in Gold and colors. 2 Fine engravings inserted, "Land- 105 I ing of Henry Hudson" and "Hudson s Interview with the Indians" 4o, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1866 LARGE PAPER: Only 50 copies printed. Roche, $11. Morrell, $11. 408 REBELLION. BARKER, JACOB. The Rebellion ; Its conse quences, and the Congressional Committee, denomi nated the Reconstruction Committee with their action. By Investigator. Portrait of Jacob Barker inserted. Svo,pp. 248, half bound. Scarce. New Orleans, 1866 409 REBELLION. Draft Riots. The Bloody Week! Riot, Murder and Arson; containing a Full Account of this Wholesale Outrage on Life and Property, Accurately prepared from Official Sources, by Eye Witnesses, etc. Svo,pp. 32. Rare. New York, 1863 410 REBELLION. Envelopes. A collection of over 600 UNION AND REBEL ENVELOPES, all different, consisting of Portraits, Flags, Shields, State Arms, Soldiers and Sailors, Cannons, Eagles, Comic Mottoes, etc., etc., issued during the late Rebellion. Neatly mounted in Scrap Hooks. 2 vols. 4Jo 9 half morocco. New York, and other places. 411 REBELLION. Government Sale. Catalogue of an immense Collection of Library Books, etc., to be sold at Auc tion By Order and under the Direction of HIRAM BARNEY, Esq., Collector of the Port of N. Y., on Mon day evening, Nov. 17th, 1862, etc. By Bangs, Merwin & Co. Svo. Scarce. New York, 1862 Sale countermanded, and catalogue suppressed. 412 REBELLION. Historical Reminiscences. Scrap Book con taining a collection of Rebel and Union Newspapers, Hand Bills, Placards, Confederate Bonds, Money, 106 Badges, Passes, Oaths of Allegiance, Songs, Union Calico, Bogus Extras, etc., etc., neatly mounted in folio Scrap Book. Among the rare curiosities in this volume, is an original copy of tlio "Daily Citizen, Vicksburg, Miss., July 2, 1863," printed on wall paper with Postscript announcing the SURRENDER TO GEN. GRANT. Extras with account of "Attack on Fort Sumter," "North Carolina Times," printed on Skraiv Poper, Original Placard issued by the War Department, April 20, 1865, offering "$100,000 REWARD FOR THE MURDERER OF OUR LATE BELOVED PRESIDENT," "Draft Riot" Handbill, New York, July 14, 1863, calling a Meeting of the Mer chants, Bankers, etc., for Organization and Enrollment u to take im mediate Action in the present crisis. Military now engaged loith the Mob. The Mayor s House being Sacked and Torn Down ! ! Ex cessively rare Placard, issued in New York, June 30, 1863, call ing upon GENERAL HALLECK to send troops to support the Union Army, to " CONQUER LEE, OR RESIGN." * 413 REBELLION. JAMISON, D. F. Life and Times of Bertrand Du Guesclin : a History of the Fourteenth Century. Portrait. 2 vols.^ Svo, doth, uncut. London, 1804 Beautifully printed, with initial letters, and head and tail pieces. " The Author was President of the Convention in Charleston, S. C., which passed the ordinance of Secession. It was printed in London^ and a number of copies were taken in a blockade runner. Roche, $5 per vol. 414 REBELLION. Life of Thomas J. Jackson. (STONEWALL JACKSON.) By an ex-Cadet. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the author, llmo^pp. 196. Richmond, 1804 415 REBELLION. MCCLELLAN. Eight Pamphlets on General McCIellan s Campaign, when Commander of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-02. 8 Pamphlets. 8vo and 12 wo. Somu scarce. v. p. v. y. 416 REBELLION. Pamphlets. A collection of Fifty Pamphlets relative to the late Rebellion in America, by Lossing, Curtis, Thayer, Ingersoll, Moore, Gen. Meagher, Stille, Laboulaye, etc., etc. Some very rare, having been sup pressed. 50 Pamphlets, Svo, I2mo, etc. 107 417 REBELLION. Report of Lieut. General U. S. Grant, of the Armies of the United States. 1864- 65, Portraits of Gens. Grant, Sherman and jBurnside inserted. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Washington, 1865 Presentation Copy, with autograph, " U. S. Grant, Lt. Gen." Auto graphs of the PRESIDENT ELECT are very rare. 4 1 8 REBELLION. Tucker, Judge Beverly. The Partisan Leader ; a Novel, and an Apocalypse of the Origin and Struggles of the Southern Confederacy. Originally published in 1830. Now Re-published and edited by Rev. Thomas A. Ware. Svo, pp. 220. Richmond, 1862 419 REBELLION. Uniform and Dress of the ARMY of the CONFEDERATE STATES. Plates, inserted in this rare volume is a beautiful proof portrait of GEN. ROBERT E. LEE, in uniform, with his autograph attached to check on Bank of Commerce, Neio York, 31 May, 1841, " E. E. Lee, Capt. Enynrs. on ac. Fort Hamil ton." Also Portrait and Autograph Letter of JEF FERSON DAVIS, 1 p., 4to. (Concordia, IQth November, 1848.) Royal 4to, boards. Richmond, 1861 Excessively rare. 420 RECORD OF THE COURT OF UPLAND, in Pennsylvania, 1676 to 1681. And a Military Journal kept by Major E. Denny, 1781 to 1795. Portraits of Major Denny and Gen. Harmar, etc. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860 421 RECUEIL D ESTAMPES REPRESENTANT les Differents Even- emcns de la Guerre qui a procure Hndependence aux Etats Unis de 1 Amerique, A series of sixteen beauti ful steel Engravings, by Godfrey, and M. Ponce, illus trative of the principal events of the Revolutionary 108 War, with descriptions (also engraved). Oblong, 4o, calf, gilt. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSIONS. Paris, [1790.] Contains vieios of the Battles of Lexington and Saratoga, Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, etc. 422 REED, WILLIAM B. Life and Correspondence of JOSEPH REED, Military Secretary of Washington, at Cambridge, Adjutant General of the Continental Army, etc. By his Grandson. Portrait, icith rare additional one in serted. 2 vols., Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1847 Wight, $4.50 per vol. H. A. Smith, sheets, $4.12 per vol. Morrell, sheets, $2.50 per vol. 423 REED AND CADWALADER. A Reprint of the Reed and Cad- walader Pamphlets, with an Appendix. Royal Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. LIMITED EDITION PRINTED. [Philadelphia,] 1863 Fowle. $9. Wight, $3.50. Fisher, $3. 424 REES, JAMES. Dramatic Authors of America, Portraits of William Dunlap, Edwin Forrest, and Mrs. Mowatt inserted. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top. Pare. Philadelphia, 1845 Morrell, extra plates, $5.25. 425 RHODE ISLAND. STATE OF AMERICAN REBEL PRISONERS EXCHANGED BY CARTEL, the 26th of November 1778, and the 25th of February, 1779. ORIGINAL MANU SCRIPT. 18 j!)p. folio. 426 RIEDESEL, MADAME DE. Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Translated from the Original German. I2mo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine copy, scarce. !N"ew York, 1827 109 Inserted in this copy is the original " Embarkation Return of the Guards, of Men of British and German Regiments under the Conventions of Saratoga, etc.," 1 signed by SIR GUY CARLETOX, June 15, 1783. Also Portraits of Gen. Riedesel, Lady Ackland, Engraving of Burgoyne s Surrender, etc. Fisher, autographs, etc., $21.50. Morrell, extra plates, etc., $14. Wight, $10.25. Whitmore, $8. Roche, $8. 427 ROBIX, ABBE. New Travels through North America. In a Series of Letters ; Exhibiting the History of the Vic torious Campaign of the Allied Armies, under His Excellency, Gen. Washington, and -the Count De Rochambeau, in the year 1781, etc. Also, Narrations of the Capture of General Burgoyne and Lord.Corn- wallis, with their Armies; etc., etc. Translated from the Original of the Abbe Robin ; One of the Chaplains to the French Army in America. Portrait of Count Rochambeau inserted. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. Philadelphia, 1783 Splendid copy in the most perfect order of the excessively rare first edition, and almost impossible to duplicate in uncut condition. 428 ROBINSON, CONTVAY. An Account of Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of VOYAGES to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. Prepared for the "Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society." Svo, pp. 491, doth. Richmond, 1848 Whitmore, 4.50. Wight, $4. H. A. Smith, half calf, $2.50. 429 ROGERS, MAJOR ROBERT. Journals: containing an Account of the several excursions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of NORTH AMER ICA, during the late War, etc, CONCISE ACCOUNT or NORTH AMERICA: containing a description of the several BRITISH COLONIES, on that Continent, etc., with an Account of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians, etc., their Customs, Manners, Government, Numbers, etc., etc, 14 110 2 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt inside borders Beautiful copies. Hare. London : Printed for the AUTHOR, 1765 "Major Rogers headed, with much reputation, the provincial troops called Rangers, during the whole course of what were called the French wars in America. To this brave, active, judicious officer, that the public are indebted for the most satisfactory account yet published of the interior parts of America." Monthly Review. 430 ROWLANDSON, MRS. MARY. Narrative of the Captivity and Removes of, who was taken by the Indians at the Destruction of Lancaster, in IC76. Written by Herself. IGmo, boards. Lancaster, 1828 Fisher, half morocco, $3.50. H. A. Smith, half morocco, $3.00. 431 RUSH, BENJAMIN. An Account of the Life and Character of CHRISTOPHER LUDWICK, late Citizen of Philadelphia, and Baker-General of the Army of the United States during the Revolutionary War. First published in the year 1801. 12 wo, boards. Philadelphia, 1831 % 432 RUSSELL, WILLIAM. History of America, from its Discovery by Columbus to the Conclusion of the late War. With an APPENDIX, containing an Account of the RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE PRESENT UNHAPPY CONTEST BET WEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND HER COLONIES. Numerous fine Plates, including Portraits of Columbus, Sir Walter Kaleigh, Washington, Franklin, Sir Henry Clinton, etc., and the very rare View of "Fort George with the City of New York." 2 vols., 4to., calf. London, 1778 The impressions of the many plates, are in this copy unusually fine. ABINE, LORENZO. American Loyalists, or Biogra phical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of Revolution. With a Preliminary Histori cal Essay. Portrait of Gov. William Franklin in serted. Thick 8vo, doth, uncut. Boston, 1847. Ill 434 SABINE, LORENZO. Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, [with an Historical Essay. Handsomely printed on toned paper. 2 vols., Svo, sheets folded. Boston, 1864 Fowle, $5.00 per vol. 435 SABINE, LORENZO. An Address before the New England Historic- Genealogical Society , Tuesday, September 13th, 1859. The Two Hundredth Anniversary of the DEATH OF MAJOR GENERAL JAMES WOLFE, with Passages omitted in the delivery, and illustrative IsTotes and Documents. 31 Plates inserted, including rare Portraits of Generals Wolfe, Amherst, Arnold, Lord London, Barre, Pitt, and others, with View of Siege of Quebec, Death of Wolfe, etc. 8vo, half green morocco, gilttop, uncut. Boston, 1859 436 SALEM WITCHCRAFT: Comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World, Collected by Robert Calef; and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather; With Xotes and Explanations by Sam l P. Fowler. Rubricated Title pages, portrait, etc. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1365 Large Paper ; few printed. Morrell, $6.50. Roche, $3.00. Bruce, $3.00. 487 SANDERSON, JOHN. Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. 31 portraits. 9 vols. Svo boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1820 Splendid copy, dean, with choke impressions of the portraits. Wight, large paper, half Russia, uncut, $11.75 per vol. Fowle, $0.00 per vol. Morrell, $3.88 per vol. Whitmore. $3.00 per vol. H. A. Smith, $2.75 per vol. Bruce, $2.12 per vol. 438 SARGENT, WINTHROP. The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under Major-General Edward Braddock. Edited from the Original Manuscripts. 112 Plate and maps. Svo, cloth. Published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1855 Wight, half morocco, $4.25. Roche, $2.50. Whitmore, $2.25. IT. A. Smith, $1.75. 439 SCHUYLKILL FISHING COMPANY. An Authentic Historical Memoir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill. From its Establishment on that Romantic Stream, near Philadelphia, in the year 1732, to the present time. By a Member. Plate. Svo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut ; scarce. Philadelphia, 1830 Fisher, cloth, $3.00. Wight, $2.G3. 440 SCOTT, WINFIELD. Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Win- field Scott, LL. D. Written by himself. Portraits. A number of plates inserted, including several rare portraits of Gen. Scott ; also his autograph, attached to check, 1831. Royal &vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 LARGE PAPER: limited edition. 441 SEDGWICK, THEODORE. Memoir of the Life of WilliarnLiv- ingston, Member of Congress in 1774, 1775, and 1776, Delegate to the Federal Convention in 1787, and Gov ernor of the State of New Jersey from 1766 to 1790, etc. Portrait, Svo, boards. New York, 1833 Wight, $3.13. Morrell, $2.50. Whitmore, $1.75. 442 SEVENTY-SIX SOCIETY. The Publications of: 1. Papers in relation to the Case of SILAS DEANE. Now first published from the Original Manuscripts. 2. The Examination of JOSEPH GALLOWAY, ESQ., by a Committee of the House of Commons. Edited by Thomas Balch. 3. Papers relating to Public Events in MASSACHUSETTS preceding the American Revolution. 113 4. Papers relating chiefly to the MARYLAND Line dur ing the Revolution. Edited by Thomas Balch. 4 vols. Svo, sheets folded. Philadelphia, 1855 57 LIMITED EDITIONS. Excessively rare in this condition. Roche, half morocco, uncut, $6.00 per vol. 443 SHAKESPEARE. Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakespeare, by the New England Historic- Genealogi cal Society, at Boston, Mass., April 23d, 1864. Fine proof portrait of Shakespeare inserted, also beautiful inlaid extra Title. Folio, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. PRIVATELY PRINTED. Boston, 1864 LARGE PAPER; only 25 copies printed. Morrell, extra plates, $14.00. 444 SIEGE or QUEBEC. Memoirs of the Life and Gallant Ex ploits of the Old Highlander, Sergeant DONALD MAC LEOD, who, having returned, wounded, with the Corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec, was admitted an out- Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, in 1759: and is now in the CHI d year of his Age. Fine Portrait of Serjeant MacLeod . 8vo, half green morocco. Rare. London, 1791 445 SIEGE OF QUEBEC. Journal of the Principal Occurrences during the Siege of Quebec by the American Revolu tionists under Generals Montgomery and Arnold, in 1775-76 : Containing many Anecdotes of moment never yet published. Collected from some Old Manuscripts originally WRITTEN BY AN OFFICER, etc., with a Pre face and Illustrative Notes, by W. T. P. SHORT. Rare Portraits of Gens. Wolfe, Montgomery, and Arnold inserted, also proof engraving of the Death of 114 Montgomery. 8vo, pp. 111. Green levant morocco, gilt. Scarce. London, 1824 Bruce, half morocco, $7.00. 446 SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Book of the Signers : Containing Fac-Simile Letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. With Sixty-one Engravings from Original Photographs and Drawings, of their Residences, Portraits-, etc. UNIQUE AND VALUABLE COPY having inserted TWENTY ORIG INAL AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS SIGNED, OF FRANKLIN, JOHN ADAMS, HANCOCK, JEFFERSON, R. H. LEE, CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLTON, ROBERT MORRIS, etc., etc. Also 100 Engravings, including Portraits of nearly all the Signers FRANKLIN, JEFFERSON, HANCOCK, ADAMS, CARROLL, etc., etc., many being of the greatest beauty and rarity and all inlaid, or mounted neatly on heavy plate paper. Views of the OLD STATE HOUSE, PHIL. COATS OF ARMS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES many being fine, choice proofs. The portraits include a full set from Sanderson s Lives of the Signers 9 vols. The letters and documents are as follows : B. Franklin, A. L. S. Robert Morris, " Charles Carroll, Jefferson, R. II. Lee, B. Rush, E. Gerry, " S. Iluntington, " Charles Thomson, W. Paca, A. D. S. John Hancock, D. S. J756 1703 1822 1813 1792 1805 1780 1795 1783 175G 1776- 115 Phil. Livingston, IX S. R.T. Paine, 1?95 Geo. Clymer, 1809 tc u " n. d. James Wilson, L. S. 1794 John Adams, 1819 John Witherspoon, 1 7 75 John, Hart, Signature to Continental Bill, 1776 F. Hopkinson, Signature to Bill of Exchange, 1780 Extra Title page. Folio. Half green morocco, levelled, gilt edges, gilt lack. LARGE PAPER : Only 99 copies. Philadelphia, William Brotherhead, 1861 447 SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Book of the Signers : Containing Fac-Simile Letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Illustrated also with SIXTY-ONE ENGRAVINGS from Original Pho tographs and Drawings of their Residences, Portraits, etc. Edited by William Brotherhead. Beautijul Portrait on India paper of THOMAS JEFFERSON inserted. Folio, half purple levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1861 LARGE PAPER: 99 copies printed. Fowle, $30. 448 SILLIMAN, BENJAMIN. Remarks made on a Short Tour, between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819. Engraved Title, Views of Lake George, Quebec, etc. 12rao, half morocco. New Haven, 1820 449 SIMMS, J. R. Trappers of New York, or a Biography of Nicolas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster together with Anecdotes of other celebrated Hunters, etc. Plates. 12?7io, cloth. Albany, 1851 Fisher, half morocco, $2.00. 116 450 SIMMS, J. R. American Spy, or Freedom s Early Sacrifice; A Tale of the Revolution, Founded on Fact. Frontis piece, Capt. Nathaniel Ilale^s Monument. Royal 8vo, uncut. Munsell, Albany, 1857 LARGE PAPER : only 28 copies. Fisher, half morecco, $4.00, Morrell, $2.75, Roche, hf mor., $2.75. 451 SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE. Army Correspondence of Col onel John Laurens in the years 1777-8. Now first printed from Original Letters addressed to his Father, HENRY LAURENS, President of Congress. With a Me moir by Win. Gilmore Simms. Fine Proof Portrait of Col. Laurens. Roy. 8vo, uncut. 75 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. New York, 1867 Bradford Club Series, No. 7. This work wa.s omitted under the head of LAURENS. 452 SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE. Life of Francis Marion. Plates. Portrait and rare Autograph of Gen. Marion (1781,) inserted. 12 wo, cloth. New York, 1845 453 SMITH, CAPTAIN, Jonx. The GENERALL HISTORIE OF VIR GINIA, NEW-ENGLAND, AND THE SUMMER ISLES, with the names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from their first beginning, anno 1584 to this present 1624. WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THESE SEVERALL COLONIES, and the Accidents that befell them in all their Journyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and De scriptions of all those Countryes, their Commodities, People, Government, Customes, and Religion yet knowne. DIVIDED INTO Six BOOKS. By Captain JOHN SMITH, sometymes Governour in those Coun tryes and A dmirall of NEW-ENGLAND. Engraved Title, (with Portraits and Coats of Arms), Map of VIRGINIA, Map of NEW-ENGLAND, (with Portrait of CAPTAIN SMITH), and Engraving of the " FORTS." 117 Small folio, pp. 248, full polished Crinkled calf, gilt back and edges, and inside borders, by Pratt. FIRST EDITION. LONDON. Printed by J. D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes. 1624 Fine copy, clean, and with good margins. .Excessively rare. Unfortunately wants one Majt. 454 SMITH, CAPTAIN JOHN. THE TRVE TRAVELS, ADVENTVRES AND OBSERVATIONS of Captaine JOHN SMITH, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, from Anno Do mini 1593 to 1629. His Accidents and Sea Fights in the Straights; his Service and Stratagems of warre in Hung aria ) Transilvania, Wallachia and Moldavia, against the Turks, and Tartars ; his three single com bats betwixt the Christian Armie and the Tiirkes, Af ter how he was taken prisoner by the Turks, sold for a Slave, sent into Tartaria, etc. Together with a Continuation of his Generall History of VIRGINIA, SUMMER ILES, NEAV-ENGLAND, and their proceedings, since 1624, to this present 1629; as also of the new Plantations of the great River of the Ama zons, the lies of St. Christopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the West Indies. All written by actuall Authours, whose names you shall finde along the History. Coat of Arms on reverse of Title page. Small folio, pp. 60, full polished calf, gilt back, edges and inside borders, by Bedford. LONDON, Printed by F. H. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee sold at the Blue Bible in Greene Arbour. 1630 Beautiful copy, with large margins. Excessively rare. Wants the Plate. 455 SMITH, CAPTAIN JOHN. The Trve Travels, Advent vres and Observations of Captaine lohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America ; beginning about the yeere 15 118 1593, and continued to this Present 1629. Portrait and Engravings from the London edition of 1629. 2 vols., 8vo., boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine, clean copy. Scarce. Richmond, 1819 Bruce, half morocco, uncut, $1-4.00 per vol. Morrell, $S.SO per vol. Whitmoro, $7.00 per vol. H. A. Smith, $6.00 per vol. Roche. $5.25 per vol. 456 SMITH, CAPT. JOHN. Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Anywhere ; or the Path way to erect a Plantation. Foe-simile of Smith" 1 s Map of New England (1635). Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 75 COPIES PRINTED. Fisher, $5.00. Morrell, $4.50. 45T SMITH, CAPT. JOHN. DESCRIPTION OF NEW ENGLAND; Ob servations and Discoveries in the North of America in the year of our Lord 1614. With the Succefs of six Ships that went the next year, 1615. Map. Small 4to, uncut. Boston, 1865 75 COPIES PRINTED. Fisher, $5.00 Morrell, $4.50. 458 SMITH, J. SPEAR. Memoir of the Baron De Kalb, read at the Meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, 7th January, 1858. 16 Plates inserted, including beautiful drawing in pencil and sepia of De Kalb. Sro, half green morocco, gilt top. Scarce. Baltimore, 1858 Brought at Sale of my Library in 18GG, $14, and re-purchased in 18G7 at Sale of Mr. Elliott s Library. 459 SMITH, MRS. E. OAKES. Salamander ; a Legend for Christ mas, found amongst the papers of the late Ernst Helf- enstein, edited by E. Oakes Smith. Plates by Darley. Svo, cloth gilt. New York, 1 848 119 The scene of this romantic story is laid among the hills and vales of the beautiful county of Rockland. In the introduction to this work, the editor refers to several incidents occurring in this region, relative to General Washington and the American Revolution. 460 SMITH, SAMUEL. THE HISTORY OF THE COLONY OF Ko- VA-C^ESARIA, or New- Jersey ; containing an Account of its First Settlement Progrefsive Improvements, The Original and Present Constitution, and other Events, to the year 1721, with some particulars since; and A Short View of its Present State. 8vo, pp. 574. Full French bright gros grained crimson morocco, elegant, fall giU back, broad rich borders inside, and French filleted pan-netted sides, edges gilt before sewed, by Bed ford. Burlington, N". J., 1765 SPLENDID COPY. With the exception of the unique UNCUT copy in the possession of John A. Rice, Esq., of Chicago, this is probably the finest ever offered for sale. Roche, calf, $52. Whitmore, morocco, $35. Bruce, $27. Wight, calf, $26.50. H. A. Smith, half morocco. $25. Morrell, sheep, $21. Fisher, half sheep, $21. 461 SMITH, WILLIAM. History of the PROVINCE of NEW YORK, from the First Discovery to the Year MDCCXXXII. To which is annexed a Description of the Country, with a short Account of the Inhabitants, their Trade, Re ligious and Political State, and the Constitution of the Courts of Justice in that Colony. Fine impression of the rare View of Oswego. to. Calf. Fine Copy. London, 1757 For quotation of prices, see NEW YORK. SMITH, WILLIAM. 462 SMITH, WILLIAM. Sermon Preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia; Before the Provincial GRAND MASTER, and General Communication of Free and Accepted MA SONS. On Tuesday , the 24th of June, 1755, being the Grand Anniversary of ST. JOHN, the Baptist. Svo, pp. 24, half green morocco. 120 Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, and I). HALL, (1755) 403 SMITH, WILLIAM. Discourse concerning the Conversion of the Heathen Americans, and the final Propagation of Christianity and the Sciences to the Ends of the Earth. In Two Parts. %vo, pp. 53. Philadelphia, 1760 464 SMITH, WILLIAM. An Oration in Memory of GENERAL MONTGOMERY, and of the Officers and Soldiers who Fell with Him, December 31, 1775, Before QUEBEC: Drawn np (and Delivered, February 19th, 1776) at the Desire of the Honorable Continental Congress. 8vo, pp. 44, uncut. Rare. Philadelphia, 1776 Stained. 465 SMITH, WILLIAM. [The Same.] Second Edition. 8vo,pp. 36, uncut. Fine, clean copy. Philadelphia, Printed ; London, Reprinted, 1776 Morrell, half morocco. $4.00. Roche, $3.00. 466 SMITH, WILLIAM. Works of William Smith, D. D., Late Pro vost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. Fine Portrait, engraved by Edwin after Stuart. 2 vols. Svo, boards, uncut, Philadelphia, 1803 167 SMYTH, J. Y. D. TOUR IN THE UNITED STATES of America; Containing An Account of the Present Situation of that Country. Anecdotes of several Members of the CON GRESS, and General Officers in the American Army, with Description of the Indian Nations, etc., etc. 2 vols. Svo, half JRussict. London, 1784 " Mr. Smyth was ail European who went to America to try his fortune as a planter. During the war he leagued with the government, and the zeal of loyalty proved the destruction of his property." Fisher, $3.35 per vol. Bruce, $2.38 per vol. 121 468 [SNOWDEN, RICHARD."] The History of the American Re volution : In Scripture Style. To which is added the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, and the interesting Farewell Address of General Washington. Carious and rare Woodcut Portrait of Washington. I1mo,full brown crushed levant morocco , (jilt back and edges, inside borders of gold, by Bedford. Fine, clean copy ; ex cessively rare. Frederick County, Md., 1823 Morrell, calf, uncut, $10. Fisher, half calf, uncut, $8.50. 469 [SNOWDEN, RICHARD.] The Same. Half crimson morocco, by Matthews. Clinton, O., 1815 470 SNOWDEN, RICHARD. The Columbiad; or a Poem on the American War, in Thirteen Cantos, \1rno, half mo rocco. Baltimore, n. d. 471 SOULDIER S POCKET BIBLE: Containing the most (if not all) those places contained in Holy Scripture, which doe shew the qualifications of his inner man, that is a fit Souldier to fight the Lords Battels, etc. An EXACT REPRINT of the Original Edition of 1643, with a Prefatory Xote by George Livermore. Beautiful Portrait of Oliver Cromwell inserted. Square 12mo, boards, uncut. PRIVATELY PRINTED. Hare. Cambridge, 1861 Morrell, $5.00. Roche, $3.50. 472 SOUTH CAROLINA. Historical Collections of South Caro lina ; embracing many Rare and Valuable Pamphlets, and other Documents relating to the History of that State, from its First Discovery to its Independence, in the year 1776. Compiled with various Notes and an Introduction by B. R. CARROLL. Map. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. New York, 1836 Fisher, half morocco, $3.12 per vol. 122 473 SOUTH CAROLINA. Sketch of the History of South Carolina to the close of the Proprietary Government by the Revolu tion of 1719. With an Appendix containing many valuable Records hitherto unpublished. Svo, pp. 470, cloth. Charleston, 1856 474 SPARKS, JARED. Library of American Biography. Con ducted by Jared Sparks. Both Series complete. En graved Title pages, with Vignette Portraits, etc. ORIGINAL EDITION. 25 vols. I2mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Boston, 1834-1848 Bruce, half morocco, $1.20 per vol. Fisher, $1.12 per vol. Roche, 87 cents per vol. 475 SPARKS, JARED. Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers; detailing Events in the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and in the Political History of the United States. Portrait. 3 vols., Svo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832 Wight, $3.50 per vol. Morrell, $1.25 per vol. Bruce. $1.25 per vol. 476 SPARKS, JARED. Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold. Engraved Title, with Portrait. 12 mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1835 Fisher, half morocco, $2.75. Morrell, $2.00. 477 STAMP ACT. A COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE STAMP ACT IN AMERICA. "An Authentic Ac count of the Proceedings of the Congress held at New York in 1765, on the Subject of the American Stamp Act. 8 vo, pp. 37, 1767." " Vindication of the British Colonies. By James Otis. Svo, pp. 48, 1769." "Ex amination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, relative to the Repeal of the American Stamp Act, in 1766. Svo, pp.50, 1767." "An Enquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, etc., By Pdchard Bland, of Virginia. 123 8vo, pp. 23, 1769," etc., etc. 4 vols. Suo, half bound. Rare. London, 1766-69 478 STANSBURY AND ODELL. The Loyal Verses of Joseph Stansbury and Doctor Jonathan Odell; Relating to the American Revolution. Edited by Winthrop Sar gent. Autograph letter of the Editor inserted. Small 4to, uncut. Mtmsell, Albany, I860 LIMITED EDITION. Munsell s Historical Series, No. 6. Fowle, half morocco, $20.00, Wight, half morocco, $12.25. Roche, $12.00. Bruce, morocco, $12.00. 479 ST. CLAIR, MAJOR GENERAL. Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in the year 1791, was conducted, under the Command of Major General St. Clair, etc. Portrait and Autograph Docu ment signed, 1784, of Gen. St. Clair inserted. Svo boards, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1812 Morrell, $7.25. Wight, $6.75. Fisher, half morocco. Autograph inserted, $6.50. Bruce, $5.00. Whitmore, $4.50. 480 STEDMAN, CAPT. HISTORY OF THE ORIGIX, PROGRESS AXD TERMINATION OF THE AMERICAN WAR. 15 Maps and Plans. 2 vols. %to, boards, uncut, rough edges. Fine copy ; scarce. London, 1794 "Stedman wrote a History of the American War, an actor in the scene, and a sensible man. He served under Howe, Clinton and Cornwallis, and when the conduct of the war is to be estimated, he must be cm\- sulted.^Smythe. "The work is also particularly valuable on account of the large and splendid military maps and surveys from the official originals by the British engineering staff, with which it is adorned." Morrell, 19.00 per vol. Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $19.00 per vol. Bruce, morocco, uncut, $13.50 per vol. Roche, half calf, $8.50 per vol. 481 STEVENS, HENRY. Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Ameri cana, or a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Rare Books relating to America. 2 vols. post Svo, cloth, gilt top ^ uncut. 124 LIMITED EDITION. Hare. Chiswick Press, London, 1862 A great portion of this valuable work was destroyed by fire in New York in 1864. Roche, $10.00 per vol. Morrell, $8.00 per vol. Whitmore, $7.00 per vol. 482 STILES, EZRA. History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell ; who, at the Restoration, 1860, fled to America; and were secreted and con cealed, in Massachusetts and Connecticut, for nearly thirty years, etc. Portrait, (fine impression) and plates. I2mo. Original sheep binding. Fine, clean copy : rare. Hartford, 1794 View of the Judges cave, West Rock, New Haven, inserted, Morrell, morocco, $20. IT. A. Smith, $15. Wight, $12. Fisher, $11.50. Bruce, $11.50. 483 STITH, WILLIAM. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia ; being a Essay towards a Gen eral History of this Colony. With an Appendix to the First Part of the History of Virginia : containing a Collection of such Ancient Charters or Letters Patent, as relate to that Period of Time, and are still extant in our Publick Offices in the Capitol, or in other Au thentic Papers and Records. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt hack and edges. Williamsburgh : Printed by William Parks, 1747 Beautiful copy, with good margins and having both Title pages. Very rare. H. A. Smith, $35. Whitmore, $31. Morrell, $31. 484 STITH, WILLIAM. History of the First Discovery and Set tlement of VIRGINIA. TJiick Roy. 81-0, uncut. LARGE PAPER: Only 50 copies printed. Xew York Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, 1865 Tltis valuable reprint is a perfect far-simile of the above rare Williams- burgh edition. Roche, $9.00. 125 485 STOBO. Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. Map. 16 wo, cloth. Pittsburgh, 1854 486 STOXE, WILLIAM L. Tales and Sketches, such as they are 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Xe\v York, 1834 Among the romances contained in- these volumes are, -i The Grave of the Indian King, " Lake St. S.icrament^ etc. 487 STOXE, WILLIAM L. The Poetry and History of Wyoming : containing Campbell s Gertrude, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by Washington Irving, etc. Plates, 12 mo, doth. Xew York, 1841 Some copies were issued without the plates. Morrell, half morocco, uncut, $3.50. 488 STOXE, WILLIAM L. Poetry and History of Wyoming : containing Campbell s Gertrude, and the History of Wyoming from its Discovery to the beginning of the present century. Third Edition, with an Index. Por traits of Campbell, Col. Brandt, and Plates by Westall inserted. Thick 12mo. Half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1864 489 STOXE, WM. L. Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanega), in cluding the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, etc. Portraits. 2 vols. royal 8vo, uncut. LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed. Albany, 1864 Morrell, $5.00 per vol. Roche, $3.00 per vol. 490 STOXE, WM. L. Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart. Portraits. 2 vols. Royal Svo, uncut. LARGE PAPER: only 50 copies printed. Albany, 1865 Roche, $3.00 per vol. 491 STOXE, WM. L. Life and Times of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red Jacket. With a Memoir of the Author bv his Son, 16 126 Portraits of the Author, and Red Jacket, etc.. Hoy. 8vo, uncut. LARGE PAPER: Only 50 copies printed. Albany, I860 Roche, $7.00. 492 STONE, WAI. L. [The Same.] Portraits on India paper, etc., Mo, uncut. BIT 10 COPIES PRINTED THIS SIZE. Scarce. Albany, 1806 Accompanying this volume is an original Autograph letter, (of great historical interest,} of PRESIDENT JEFFERSON written to "BROTHER HANDSOME LAKE," Washington, Nov. 3, 1802. 3 pp. 4fo, depre cating the use of spirituous liquor among them, advocating their right to sell their lands, etc. 493 STRENGTH OUT OF WEAKXESSE; Or, a Glorious Manifesta tion Of the farther Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England. Held forth in Sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the Cor poration established by Parliament for Promoting the Gospel among the Heathen in New-England, etc. Formerly set forth by* Mr. Henry W/dtfield, late Pastor of Gilford, in Neir- En aland. Small Uo, fall purple levant morocco, a tit, by lied ford. Very fine copy. Hare. London, 1652 This valuable little tract contains letters from John Eliot, William Le- verich, Thomas Mayheiv, etc. Morrcll, $30. 494 STRONG, THOMAS M. History of the Town of Flatbush, in Kings County, Long Island. Published by Request. Map and Plates. 12 wo, doth. Xew York, 1842 Morrcll, $4.00. 495 STUART, J. W. Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Martyr- Spy of the American Revolution. Second Edition. Enlarged and Improved. Plate*. \1)no, cloth. Hartford, 1856 Wight, $5.75. Morrell. $2.63. 127 496 SULLIVAN S CAMPAIGN. Notices of; or, the Revolutionary Warfare in Western New York. Plate, representing the " Hill of the Revolutionary Patriots at Mt. Hope, Rochester" 12 wo, cloth. Scarce. Rochester, 1842 Published "pursuant to a resolution adopted by the people assembled in Livingston County, to preserve a record of the honors paid to the soldiers whose blood first consecrated to freedom the soil of the Genessee Valley." Morrcll, $4.00. Roche, half morocco, $3.25. 497 SUTCLIFF, ROBERT. Travels in some parts of North America, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. View of Niagara Falls. 12 wo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Rare. Philadelphia, 1812 498 SWETT, S. History of Bunker Hill Battle. With a Plan. Third Edition, with Notes. Portraits of Gens. Warren, Putnam, and other plates inserted. 8vo, half Purple morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1827 499 SWETT, S. [The Same.] Plan. 8uo, uncut. Boston, 1827 4XLMADGE, COL. BENJAMIN. Memoir, prepared by Himself, at the request of his Children. Fine por trait after Col. Trumbull. vo,pp. 70, cloth. PRIVATELY FEINTED. Very scarce. New York, 1858 This was strictly a privately printed volume, and seldom occurs for sale, not half a dozen copies having been offered at public auction since its issue, and is consequently almost unattainable. It is a curious fact that the prices quoted below are for but one copy, that of Messrs. Morrell, Whit- more and Davis being identically the same. Morrell, $10.00. Davis. $7.50. Whitmore, $6.00. 501 TABLETON, LIEUT. COL. History of the Campaign of 1780 and 1781 in the southern Provinces of North America. Map and plans. 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1787 128 Fine copy. Rare and beautiful full length, portrait of Col. Tarteton in serted. "Colonel Tarleton s history gives a minute detail of all the military operations in both Carolinas, and part of Virginia, until the surren der of Lord Cornwallia with his whole army at Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1781." JBfeft. Morrell, $20.00. Bruce, half morocco, $20.00. Roche, $11.50. 502 TARLETON. STRICTURES ON LIEUT. COL. TARLETON S HISTO RY " of tlie campaign of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America," wherein Military Char acters and Corps are vindicated from injurious asper sions, and several important Transactions placed in their proper point of view. In a series of Letters to a Friend, by RODERICK MACKENZIE late Lieutenant in the 71st Regiment. To which is added a DETAIL OF THE SIEGE OF NINETY-SIX, AND THE RE-CAPTURE OF THE IS LAND OF NEW PROVIDENCE. Portrait of Col. Tarleton inserted. 8vo, pp. 186, board*, uncut, rough edges. Fine clean copy. Very rare. London, Printed for the AUTHOR 1787 503 TEA-PARTV. RETROSPECT OF THE BOSTON TEA-PARTY. With a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, a Survivor of the little Band of Patriots who drowned the Tea in Boston Harbour, in 1773. By a Citizen of Xew York. Portrait of Hewes. 12 wo, boards, uncut. New York, 1834 Unusual wide margins, having the appearance of a large paper copy : can trace no similar copy. Morrell, trimmed, with Portrait, etc. inserted, $6.00. 504 TEA-PARTY. Traits of the Tea-Party ; being a Memoir of George 11. T. Ilewes, one of the last of its Survivors ; with a History of that Transaction Reminiscences of the Massacre and the Siege, and other Stories of Old Times. By a Bostonian. Etched Portrait of Hewes. Rare Engraving of the " Destruction of Tea in Boston Harbor" inserted, llmo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1835 Fisher, calf, Autograph inserted, $6.50. 129 505 TH ACHES, JAMES. Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, describing In teresting Events and Transactions of this Period ; with Numerous Historical Facts and Anecdotes, from the Original Manuscript. To which is added, An Appen dix, Containing Biographical Sketches of several Gen eral Officers. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo, boards, uncut. Fine copy, with rough edges. Scarce. Boston, 1827 H. A. Smith. $425. 506 THACIIEB, JAMES. [The same.] FIRST EDITION. 8vo, uncut, rough edges. A number of Plates inserted, Lady AcMand, Lord Stirling, Gens. Sullivan, Putnam, etc. Boston, 1823 Whitmore, no plates, $16.00. Morrell, Portrait inserted, $7.00. Roche, no plates, $4.50. 507 THACHEK, JAMES. American Medical Biography; or, Me moirs of Eminent Physicians who have flourished in America. To which is prefixed a Succinct History of Medical Science in the United States, from the first Settlement of the Country. Portraits. 2 vols. Svo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1828 Contains Portraits of Drs. Thacher, John Bard, Samuel Bard, etc. Fine impressions. Fisher, 2 vols. in 1, half morocco, $ 17.00. Roche, Fishers copy, $7.00. Morrell, 2 vol s,in 1, $7.00. Whitmore, 2 vols. in 1, $5.50. H. A. Smith, $3.00 per vol. 508 THOMAS, GABRIEL. An Historical and Geographical Ac count of the Province and Country of Pennsilvania ; arid of West-New-Jersey in America, etc., etc. With a Map of both Countries. By Gabriel Thomas who resided there about Fifteen Years. Portrait of Wil liam Penn inserted, also very rare print from the Col- lumbian Magazine of " Paysaick Falls" New Jersey. 130 Printed on blue paper. Folio, Fall Morocco, gilt edges. London, 1698 LARGE PAPER. New Yoriv, 1848 Of this very rare fac-simile reprint (by H. A. Brady, Esq., in 1848), but 10 copies were issued on large paper. Morrell, $2.0.00. 509 THOMAS, GAHKIEL. An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania and West- Xe w- Jersey in America, etc. With a Map of both Countries. Map. Fac-simile of the Original, (Lon don, 1698), lithographed by Henry Austin Brady. llmo. Half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1848 Fisher, $2.38. Roche, cloth, $2.00. H. A. Smith, cloth, $2.00. 510 THOMPSON-, BENJAMIN F. History of Long Island; from its Discovery and Settlement, to the Present Time, With many Important and Interesting Matters, etc. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged, Por trait of the Author, and Plates. 2 v ols. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1843 Scarce in uncut condition. Morrell, $6.00 per rol. Roche. $4.12 per vol. 511 TIOKNOR, GEORGE. Life of William Hickling Prescott. With a Prefatory Xotice, an Appendix, and an In dex. Illustrated with a Portrait, an engraving of the Bust, by Greenough, and beautiful woodcuts, includ ing numerous ornamental head and tail pieces and in itials. 2 additional Portraits inserted. Small 4to vellum cloth, uncut. LIMITED EDITION : beautifully printed. Boston, 1864 Fovvle, half morocco, $10.00. Whitmore, $7.00. Morrell, Autograph, etc., inserted, $7.00. 512 TREATY, HELD AT THE TOWN OF LANCASTER, in Pennsylva nia, by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor of the 131 Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Provinces of Virginia and Maryland, with the In dians of the /Six Nations, in June, 1744. Folio, pp. 39. Half Morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New-Printing Office, near the Market. 1744 In fine condition. The extreme rarity of this work can be readily imag ined, wlien but TWO copies, including the above, are the only ones known to have been offered for sale in this city. Morrell, calf, $40.00. Roche, MorrelVs copy, $30.00. Wight, copy now offered, $20.00. 513 TRIAL. A Brief NARRATIVE of the CASE and TRIAL of JOHN PETER ZENGER, Printer of the NEW YORK WEEKLY JOURNAL. Folio, 2^ 39. Full purple levant morocco, rich, inside borders, by Matthews. NEW YORK Printed : LANCASTER Re-printed, and Sold by W. DUNLAP, at the New Printing Office, in Queen Street, 1756 514 TRIAL. Proceedings of a General Court Martial, Held, at Brunswick, in the State of New Jersey, by Order of His Excellency GENERAL WASHINGTON, Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America, For the Trial of MAJOR GENERAL LEE, July 4th, 1778. Major General Lord Stirling, President. Rare old Mezzotint Portrait, fine impression of Gen. Charles Lee inserted. Folio, pp. 62. Full purple levant mo rocco, rich, inside borders, by Matthews. PHILADELPHIA: Printed by John Dunlap, in Market Street. MDCCLXXVIII 515 TRIAL. Proceedings of a General Court Martial, Held at White Plains, in the State of New York, by Order of his Excellency General Washington, Commander in Chief of the Army of the L^nited States of America, For the Trial of MAJOR GENERAL ST. CLAIR, August 25,1778. Major General Lincoln, President. Plan of 132 Mount Independence, Forts, etc. Portrait of General St. Clair inserted. Folio, pp. 52. Full purple levant morocco, rich inside borders, by Matthews. PHILADELPHIA : Printed by HALL and SELLERS, in Mar ket Street, MDCCLXXYIII 516 TRIAL. PROCEEDINGS of a GENERAL COURT MARTIAL, Held at Major General LINCOLN S Quarters Near Quaker Hill, in the State of New York, by Order of his Ex cellency GENERAL WASHINGTON, Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America, .for the Trial of MAJOR GENERAL SCIIUYLER, October 1, 1778. Major General LINCOLN, President. Portrait of Gen eral Schuyler inserted. Folio, pp. 62. Full purple levant morocco, rich inside borders, by Matthews. PHILADELPHIA : Printed by HALL and SELLERS, in Mar ket Street. MDCCLXXYIII IT IS NOT KNOWN THAT THE ABOVE FOUR TRIALS ARE CONTAINED IN ANY OTHER COLLECTION, AND IN ALL PROBABILITY BUT FEW POSSESS ANY ONE OF THEM. THEY ARE ALL BOUND UNIFORM. ARE IN FINE CONDITION, AND OF EXCESSIYE RARITY. 517 TRIAL. Alton Trials: of Winthrop S. Gilman, who was indicted with Enoch Long, Amos B. Roif, and others, for the Crime of Riot, committed on the night of the 7th of November, 1837, while engaged in defending a Printing Press, from an attack made on it at that time, by an Armed Mob, etc., etc. Plate of the Miot at Alton, Illinois. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1838 518 TRIAL. BOSTON MASSACRE: The Trial of William Wemms, James Hartegan, Wm. M Cauley, Hugh White, Mat thew Killroy, William Warren, John Carrol, and Hugh Montgomery, Soldiers in his Majesty s 29th Regiment of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldiccll and Patrick Carr, on Monday Evening, the ftth of March, 1770, at 133 the Superior Court, Held at Boston, the 27th Day of November, 1770, etc. Sro, pp. 210, boards, uncnt, rough edges. Boston, Printed, London, reprinted, 1770 Fine, clean copy : of excessive rarity in uncut condition. Bruce, half morocco, $11.00. 519 TRIAL. BURR. Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr (late Vice-President of the United States), for Treason and for a Misdemeanor, in preparing the means of a Military Expedition against Mexico, a Territory of the King of Spain, with whom the United States were at Peace, etc., etc. By David Robertson. Por trait of Burr inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, rich gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. Fine, dean copy. Very rare. Philadelphia, 1808 One of the choicest copies ever offered for sale. See BURR for quotations of prices. 520 TRIAL. GALLOWAY. Examination of Joseph Galloway, JZsq., Late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Penn sylvania. Before the House of Commons, in a Com mittee on the American Papers. With Explanatory Notes. Svo, pp. 85. Half green morocco. London, 1779 Wight, $4.00. 521 TRIAL. HARMAR. Proceedings of a Court of Enquiry, Held at the special Request of Brigadier-General JOSIAII HARMAR, to investigate his Conduct as Commanding Officer of the Expedition against the Miami Indians, 1790: the same having been transmitted by Major- General St. Clair, to the Secretary of the L T nited States, etc. Published by Authority. Fine Portrait on India paper of Gen. Ilarmar inserted, also Auto- graph note signed "Jos. Ilarmar" August 29th, 1789. .Folio, pp. 31. Half calf , uncut. Philadelphia, 1791 17 134 Very scarce, the present copy being the saine one formerly in the collec tions of Messrs. Roclte and Wiyht. The Autograph has since been inserted. Roche, $13.00. Wight, $8.00. 522 TRIAL. HEXLEY, COL. DAVID. PROCEEDINGS OF A COURT MARTIAL held at Cambridge by order of Maj. Gen. Heath, commanding the American Troops, for the Trial of Colonel David Henley, accused by General Bur- goyne, of ill-treatment of the British Soldiers, etc. Rare old Portrait of Gen. Burgoyne inserted. 8vo, h a If purple morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Fine copy, very scarce. London, 1778 Bruce, no portrait, $6.00. 523 TRIAL. HORSMANDEX, DANIEL. The New York conspir acy ; or, a History of the Negro Plot, with the Jour nal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New York in the years 1741-2. Sro, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1810 Excessively rare in uncut condition. Has inserted a valuable Historical Document signed by CHIEF-JUSTICE HORSMANDEN, dated New York, April 2Q, 1759. Bruce, boards, uncut, $26.00. Wight, half morocco, trimmed, $9.00. Morrell, half sheep, trimmed, $9.00. 524 TRIAL. LEE. Proceedings of a General Court-Martial held at Brunswick, in the State of New Jersey, by Order of General Washington, for the trial of MAJOR-GENERAL LEE, July tli, 1778, Major- General Lord Stirling, President. Rare and beautiful Portrait of General Lee inserted. Svo, half green morrocco, gilt top, uncut. PRIVATELY REPRINTED. 100 copies. New York, 1864 H. A. Smith, unbound, $10.00. 525 TRIAL. ZENGER. The Trial of John Peter Zenger of New York, Printer, who was lately Try d and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Govern- 135 merit. With the Pleadings and Arguments on botli Sides. Small 4to, green morocco, extra, yilt top, uncut, by Matthews. FIRST LONDON- EDITION. Scarce. London, 1738 Morrell, half morocco, trimmed. $6.50. 526 TRIAL. WEBSTER. Report of the Case of John W. Web ster for the murder of George Parkman with the hearing on the Petition for a Writ of Error, the Pris oner s Confessional Statements, and Application for Commutation of Sentence, &c. By George Bemis, one of the Counsel in the Case. Numerous engravings, plans, fete-similes of letters, &c. Thick royal 8vo, pp. 628. Cloth, uncut. Scarce, Boston, 18,50 Rare Autograph Letter, 1 -page Uo, Boston, April 23, 1819, of PROFES SOR WEBSTER inserted, also Card of Admission to Lectures on Chem istry at Harvard University, signed ly him, with Portraits of DR. PARKMAN and PROFESSOR WEBSTER. The most faithful account of " one of the darkest incident* in legal or hu man annals." Bruce, half morocco, $4.50. 527 TRIAL. ANDRE. Proceedings of a Board of General Of ficers, Held by Order of His Excellency Gen. Wash ington Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America, Respecting Major JOHN ANDRE, Adjutant General of the British Army, Sep tember 29, 1780. Svo, pp. 21, half morocco, uncut. ORIGINAL EDITION. Fine copy, very scarce. Philadelphia, 1 780 Inserted in this copy is the full length portrait of Major Andre, choice original impression well known to be of excessive variety. Roche, $37.50. Morrell, morocco, $26.00. 528 TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN. Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its First Planters from England, in the year 1630, to the 136 year 1764 ; and to the close of the Indian Wars. Por trait, fine impression. 2 vols. 8v0, sheep. New Haven, 18 J 8 Beautiful copy. Wight," half morocco, $5.50 per vol. Morrell, $5.00 per vol. 529 TRUMBULL, HENRY. History of the Discovery of America ; of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians in New England, from their first landing in 1620, un til the final Subjugation of the Natives in 1679, etc., etc. Plates. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Hare in uncut condition. Boston, 1828 530 TRUMBULL, JOHN. McFiNGAL : a Modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos. Portrait inserted. 12mo. Full crim son levant morocco, gilt back and, edges, inside borders, l>ij Bedford, FIRST EDITION. Very rare. Hartford, 1782 Beautiful copy, with large margins. Morrell, $7.00. 531 TRUMBULL, JOHN. Poetical Works, Containing McFingal, a Modern Epic Poem, revised and corrected, with copious Explanatory Notes, etc., and a collection of Poems on various subjects written before and during the Revolutionary War. Portrait and Plates by Tis- dale, with fine extra portrait inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Hartford, 1820 WLitmore, same oopy, $3.00 pej vol. 532 TRUMBULL, JOHN. McFingal. An Epic Poem. With In troduction and Notes, by Benson J. Lossing. Tinted paper. Portrait. Royal 8vo,2?p. 322, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER: only 100 Copies printed. New York, 1860 Fowle, half morocco, $10.00. Fisher, $7.00. Wight, $6.25. Mor rell, $5.00. Roche, $3.50. Wkitmore. $3.60. 137 533 TRUMBULL, JOHN. Autobiography, Kerainiscences and Let ters, from 1756 to 1841. Fine Portrait, Maps and Etchings. Extended to TWO VOLUMES and illustrated by the insertion of 95 Plates, very many fine and rare, together with Autograph Letter of COL. TRUMBULL, July l^th, 1829. 2 vols. 8co, full brown morocco, gilt, gilt top, m witt, by Matthews. New York, 1841 Allan, 2 vols. morocco, extra plates, $80.00 per vol. Morrell. in one vol. half morocco, extra plates, $25.00. 534 TRUMBULL, JOHN. [The Same]. Portrait, Maps and Etchings. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1841 Fisher, half morocco, Autograph Letter inserted, $7.00. Whit- more. $4.00. 535 TUCKER, GEORGE. Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third Presi dent of the United States, with Parts of his Corres pondence never before published, etc. Portrait, fine Autograph better of the Author, with extra Portrait of Jefferson inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Fine clean copy. Philadelphia, 1837 Morrell, cloth, $2.00 per vol. 536 TUDOR, WILLIAM. Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts ; containing also, Notices of some Contemporary Char acters and Events from the year 1760 to 1775. Fine Portrait engraved by Durand, and other plates. Rare Original Document signed by JAMES OTIS, with seven lines in his handier iting, August 28th, 1764, inserted. Thick, 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Cover loose. Fine copy. Scarce. Boston, 1823 Morrell, half morocco, extra plates, $11.00. Fovvle, $7.00. Wight, $5.25. Whitmore. $3.25. 537 TUDOR, WILLIAM. Letters on the Eastern States. Second and best Edition. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Boston, 1821 188 PHAM, CHARLES W. Salem Witchcraft ; with an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and kindred subjects. Plates and fae sitniles. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. TINTED PAPER. Boston, 1867 AN SCHAACK, HENRY C. Life of PeterVan Schaack, LL.D., embracing Selections from his Correspondence and other Writings, during the American Revolution, and his Exile in England. By his Son. Fine Portrait. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1842 540 VAN SCHAACK, HENRY C. Henry Cruger ; the Colleague of Edmund Burke in the British Parliament. A Paper read before the New York Historical Society, January 4th, 1859. Beautiful Portrait, tinted, of Henry Cruger inserted. Svo. New York, 1859 541 VIRGINIA. The Proceedings of the HOUSE OF BURGESSES of VIRGINIA, Convened in General Assembly, on Thurs day, the first day of June, 1775, will fully appear in their Journals, printed at large ; but as it was judged necessary that the most material transactions should be seen in one connected and distinct point of view, the House ordered that these should be published in a pamphlet, and they are contained in the following sheets. 4to, pp. 48. Of excessive rarity. Williamsburg : Printed by ALEXANDER PURDIE, (1775) Fine copy, in nearly uncut condition. 542 VOYAGES. DAMPIER, CAPTAIN W T ILLIAM. New Voyage around the World. Describing particularly the Isth mus of America, several Coasts and Islands in the West Indies, the Isles of Cape Verde, etc., etc., their Soil, Rivers, Harbours, Plants, Fruits, Animals, and Inhabitants. Their Customs, Religion, Government, Trade, etc. Numerous Maps. 3 vols. Svo, calf. London, 1705-09-17 139 543 VOYAGES. Early Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by Cavelin, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier, andGuignas. With an Introduction, Notes and Index. By John Gilmary Shea. Small 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. MUNSELL S HISTORICAL SERIES, No. 8. Albany, 1861 Limited Edition, 544 VOYAGES. IRVING, WASHINGTON. History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Maps. Fine Portraits of Irving, and Columbus inserted. 4 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. MURRAY S FINE LARGE TYPE EDITION. London, 1828 545 VOYAGES. WAFER, LIONEL. New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, Giving an Account of the AUTHOR S Abode there, the Form and Make of the Country, etc. The Indian Inhabitants, their Features, Complexion, etc. Curious Plates, and Map. 8vo,p2). 224. Full polished calf, gilt lack and edges, by Pratt. Beautiful copy. London ,1699 ALKER, SIR HOVENDEN. Journal ; or full Ac- t count of the late Expedition to Canada, with an Ap pendix, containing Commissions, Orders, Instructions, etc., etc., relating thereto. Svo,full green levant mo rocco, gilt edges. Fine copy. London, 1720 " Sir Hovenden Walker was the naval commander of the great expe dition against Canada, which sailed from Boston, N. E., in the summer of 1711; but which proved a complete failure, owing to the unskilfulness of the pilots, by which eight ships and nearly one thousand men were lost in the river St. Lawrence. Great blame was attached to Sir Hovenden, and he published this account in his own vindication." Nichols 1 Lit. Anecdotes. 547 WALLABOUT PRISON SHIP. Account of the Interment of the Remains of AMERICAN PATRIOTS, who perished on board the British Prison Ships during the American 140 Revolution. With Notes and an Appendix, by Henry R. Stiles, M. D. Plate. Portraits of Dr. Mitchill, Dewitt Clinton and Jefferson inserted. Svo, uncut. Only 80 copies printed. New York, 1865 Beautifully printed, with characteristic head and tailpieces. 548 WALLACE, JOHN WILLIAM. An Address delivered at the Celebration by the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Mr. WILLIAM BRADFORD who introduced the Art of Print ing into the Middle Colonies of British America. 12 Plates inserted, including View of Bradford s Tomb stone in Trinity Churchyard, Portraits of Franklin, George Bancroft and Gulian C. Verplanck, (proofs,) George Fox, Cotton Mather, William Penn, Attorney- General Bradford, etc., with an original title page from the " LEED S ALMANAC," having BRADFORD S im print, New York, 1735, also Autograph Better of the Author. 8vo, half green crushed lerant morocco, gilt top, uncut. LIMITED EDITION. Albany, 1863 Tliis copy also contains the fac-similes. 549 WALLACK. Memorial. Sketch of the Life of James Wil liam Wallack, (Senior,) Late Actor and Manager. Vignette Portrait. Beautiful Portrait on India paper inserted. 4to. LARGE PAPER: 50 copies printed. New York, T. H. Morrell, 1865 550 WALLACK. Memorial. [The Same.J Vignette Portrait. Roy. 8vo, 200 copies printed. New York, T. H. Morrell, 1865 551 WALTON AND COTTON S COMPLETE ANGLER. Pickering s splendid edition, edited by Sir Harris Nichols, illus trated by Stothard, Inskipp, etc., Joriginal copy, with 141 early impressions of the plates, and a duplicate set of proofs before letters on India paper, 4 thick vols. col- oinbier size, bound by Riviere in his best style, green levant morocco extra, the side* ami back enriched with beautiful a old tooling, gilt edges. London, Pickering, 1836 UNIQUE COPY illustrated and extended into 4 thick volumes royal oc tavo, by the addition of 240 extra plates consisting of Portraits, Views, Fish, and Fishing Subjects, mostly fine proofs, and all early impressions. Many of the Portraits, etc., are rare, including some by Hollar, etc. This copy has been illustrated cow. amore with the greatest care, and in the most complete manner. There are four extra titles (one to each volume), beautifully executed by hand in pen and ink. The binding and condition of the book is superb, each leaf having a separate guard. The illustrations inserted in this superb work include many of the choicest specimens of engraving by Bromley, Finden, Pye, Warren, S. W. Reynolds, Worthington, etc., many being proofs in a finished and unfinished state, also beautifully colored plates of various fish, and colored illustrations by Bunbury and others. Among the portraits are fine and rare ones of Cowley, Dr. Johnson. Lord Bacon, Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, Henry VIII., Bunyan, Lilly, Aldrovanus, etc., etc., and including also the excessively rare portrait of WILLIAM PICKERING, publisher, a fine proof on India paper from a private plate, impressions from which are valued in London at about 2. Mr. John Allans copy of this work extended to FOUR columes, as aliot*, with 2 GO extra plates, green morocco, r/iU, sold for $150 per ml., or the set. 552 WALTON AND COTTON S COMPLETE ANGLER. [The Same.J With copious Notes, for the most part Original, a Bib liographical Preface, giving an account of Fishing ami Fishing Books, from the earliest Antiquity to the time of Walton, etc., etc. Portraits and Plates. Beautiful Portrait on India paper of Walton inserted. Royal Svo, half levant, morocco, gilt top, uncut. LARGE PAPER. 1 00 copies printed. Scarce. New York, 1847 Edited by the late Dr. Bethune. Contains : the most complete Catalogue of Books on Angling, etc., ever printed." 18 142 553 WANSEY, HENRY. Journal of an Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. Embellished with the Profile of General Washington, and an Aqua-tinta View of the State House at Phila delphia. 8vo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Rare. Salisbury, 17 90 Curious Portrait of General Washington, taken in 1791. Bruce, half calf, trimmed, $3.62. 554 WAR, THE. Being a Faithful Record of the Transactions of the War between the United States of America, their Territories, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Dependencies thereof. 45 Plates inserted, many very scarce, including Por traits of Commodores Lawrence, Perry, Decatur and other Naval Officers, together with Views, tiea^Fights, etc. 3 vols. in 2, 4to, half green morocco, gilt. New York, 1813-14 War Newspaper, edited by Samuel Woodworth. 555 WAR OF 1812. Barbarities of the Enemy, exposed in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representa tives of the United States, Appointed to inquire into the spirit and manner in which the war has been waged by the Enemy, with Documents, etc. I2mo, boards, uncut. Troy, 1813 556 WARD, NATHANIEL. The Simple Cobler of Aggawamm in America. Willing to help mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to bee paid for his work, by Old English wonted pay. It is his Trade to patch all the year long, gratis. Therefore I pray Gentlemen keep your purses, By THEODORE DE LA GUARD. The Third Edition, with some Amendments. Small 4to, />/>. 80. Full polished calf, gilt back and, edges, by Pratt. Very rare. London, 1647 143 Clean, and with lanje margins, and as fine a copy as has ever been of fered for sale. Allan, $55. Roche, $4-2.50. Bruce, 827. Morrell, morocco, $26. 557 WARD, XATHANIEL. {The Same.] Edited by David Pul- sifer. 12mo, uncut. London, 1647 REPRINT. Boston, 1843 558 WARNER AND ALLEN. Memoir of COL. SETII WARNER, by Daniel Chipman, LL.D. To which is added the Life of COL. ETHAN ALLEN, by Jared Sparks, LL.D. \2rno, cloth. Middlebmy, 1848 559 WASHINGTON. Alsop, Richard. A Poem ; Sacred to the Memory of George Washington, late President of the United States, etc. 8vo, pp. 23. Hartford, 1800 560 WASHINGTON. Ames, Fisher. An Oration on the Sublime Virtues of General Washington, before his Honor, the Lieutenant-Govenor, the Council, and the two Branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, etc. 8vo, pp. 31, uncut. Boston, 1800 Morrell, $7.00. 561 WASHINGTON. BANCROFT, AAROX. An Essay on the Life of George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Army through the American War, and the First President of the United States. Fine Portrait. 8 v o, full polished calf, gilt back and edges, by Pratt. Beautiful copy. Rare. Worcester, 1807 Fisher, half morocco, uncut, L. S. of Washington inserted, $35.50. 562 WASHINGTON. BANCROFT, AARON. Life of George Wash ington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Army through the Revolutionary War, etc. Letter Signed by Washington, 1 p. 4to. "New Windsor, Dec. 9, 1780," inserted. 8wo, boards, uncut. London, Stockdale, 1808 Wight, $6.50. 144 563 WASHINGTON. BINNEY, HORACE. An inquiry into the Formation of Washington s Farewell Address*, 8rc>, cloth. PRIVATELY PRINTED. Philadelphia, 1859 Wight, half morocco, extra plates. sG.2.~>. Roche, sheets. <>!.00. Bruce, 5JC3.W). 564 WASHINGTON. Biographical .Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Washington, First President of the t "nited States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of their Armies, during the Revolutionary War. Dedicated to the Youth of America. Monument with initials kt (r. IT. 1 on title pay?. \ i lmo< pi>. 103, boards. Very rare. Baltimore, 1812 Corner, half calf, $3.75. 565 WASHINGTON. Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Washington, late President of the O O United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of their Armies, during the Revolutionary War. Dedi cated to the Youth of America. Portrait of Wash ington, angel crowning him with laurels, by Matthews. I2mo, pp. 160, crimson levant morocco , rich gilt back, and inside borders. Very rare. Barnard, Vt., 1813 566 WASHINGTON. Biography and Character of George Wash ington, His Farewell Address to the People of the United States, and the Federal Constitution, with the Amendments. Portrait. \mo, pp. 105, morocco, gilt. Scarce. Title page and Portrait mounted. Concord, 1814 567 WASHINGTON. BLAKE, GEORGE. Masonic Eulogy, on the Life of the Illustrious Brother George Washington. pronounced before the Brethren of ST. JOHN S LODGE, on the evening of the 4th Feb. 5800, etc. By Brother George Blake. Sro, pp. 2ft, uncut. Boston, 5800. (1800) 145 568 WASHINGTON. BI-CKMIXSTEK, JOSEPH. Sermon Preached to the North and South Parishes in Portsmouth, Fra ternally united in observance of the 22nd February, 1800, the day appointed by Congress to pay tributary respect to the Memory of Gen. Washington. Svo. pp. 28. iSfarre. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1800 509 WASHINGTON. Collection of the Speeches of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, at the Opening of every Session, with their Answers Also the Addresses of the President, etc., etc. Ylmo. Sheep. Boston, July, 1796 570 WASHINGTON. Columbia s Legacy; or, WASHINGTON S Valuable Advice to his Fellow Citizens, published by him at the period of announcing his intention of retir ing from Public Life at the expiration of _the present Constitutional Term of the Presidency of the United States. To which is added, his Speech to Congress, at their present session, which terminates his political career. Portrait of Washington inserted. 16mo,pp. S9, Original Sheep binding. Philadelphia, December 10th, 1796 In fine prese/ caiio /i, and of great rarity. 571 WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the American Revolu tion.; being Letters of Eminent Men to George Wash ington, from the time of his taking command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. 4 vols. Imperial Quo, cloth, uncut. LAIIGE PAPEK. Boston, 1853 Portraits of Washington inverted in each volume to face title pages. Fowle, tree calf $14.00, per vol. Bruce, half Russia, uncut, $10.50 per vol. Morrell, $2.00 per vol. 572 WASHINGTON. COIIRY, JOHN. The Life of George Wash ington, late President, and Cominander-in-Chief of the 146 United States of America; Interspersed with Bio graphical Anecdotes of the most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution, etc. .Rare Portrait inserted. Small, 8vo, pp. 228. Fall crimson levant morocco, crushed, (jilt back, and rich inside borders, !/ilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London, 1800 Superb copy and of excessive rarity in uncut condition. 573 WASIIINATON. CORKY, Joiix. Life of George Washing ton, late President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States of America. New Edition. Curious Portrait. Small 8vo,pp. 57, with Index, 2 pp. uncut. Fine copy, very rare. London, 1802 574 WASHINGTON. DANA, DANIEL. Discourse on the Charac ter and Virtues of General George Washington, etc. 8vo,pp. 31, uncut. Xewburyport, 1800 574* Diary of Washington, from the first day of October, 1789, to the 10th day of March, 1790. From the Original Manuscript, now first printed. Portrait, and Letter Signed by WASHINGTON, New York, July 9, 1789, to BEVERLY RANDOLPH, inserted. Royal Svo, full crim son morocco, gilt edges. PRIVATELY PRINTED. Only 1 00 copies. New York, 1858 This rare volume, edited by Mr. Benson J. Lossing, is one of the few copies privately printed by Mr. Carson Brevoort, having the title printed in black. Those issued by the Club, have rubricated titles. Corner, half morocco. $21.00. Roche, uncut. $21.00. 575 WASHINGTON. DIARY OF WASHINGTON : from the first day of October, 1789, to the 10th day of March, 1790, from the Original Manuscript, with Introductory Remarks by B. J. Lossing. Photograph from Mme. de Bri- enne s miniature, alluded to at 2xtge 12 of the Diary, inserted. Royal Svo, full crimson morocco, extra, by Matthews. Xew York, 1858 ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED. 147 The above copy (No. 12), was presented to the Brooklyn and Long Island Sanitary Fair by J. Carson Brevoort, Esq., and has a long historical note, in the autograph of the donor, appended. 570 WASHINGTON. DIARY OF WASHINGTON : from the first day of October, 1789, to the 10th day of March, 1790. From, the Original Manuscript, now first printed. Royal 8vo, uncut. PRIVATELY PRINTED : only 100 Copies. New York, 1858 Rubricated Title. This rare volume, the second of the privately printed issues of " The Club," was edited by Mr. Benson J. Lossing. Wight, morocco, extra plates, $75. Allan, morocco, extra plates, $50. Morrell, half morocco, extra plates, $40. Whitman, mo rocco, $37. Roche, $25. 577 WASHINGTON. Diary of George Washington, from 1789 to 1791; embracing the opening of the First Congress, and his Tours through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States. Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. 1 2mo, sheets. Scarce in this condition. New York, 1860 Morrell, $3.50. Roche, $3.00. 578 WASHINGTON. Diary of George Washington, from 1789 to 1791 ; embracing the Opening of the First Congress, and his Tours through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States, Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Loss ing. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. LARGE PAPER : but few printed. Richmond: Press of the Historical Society, 1861 Inserted in this volume are THREE fine portraits of Washington, after paintings by Gulligher, Savage, and Trumbull. 579 WASHINGTON. DUNHAM, JOSIAII. Funeral Oration on George Washington, late General of the Armies of the 148 United States, etc. By Josiah Dunham, A. M. Capt, l(5th l r . S. Regiment. 8*v>, ;>/>. 20. Scarce. Boston, 1800 Presentation copij t v>it)i Autograph. Has curious Postscript. 580 WASHINGTON. EDMONDS, CYRUS R. Life and Times of General Washington. Full length Portrait of Wash ington, and Plate of Washington s TriumphalJourney to the Capital, designed by GEORGE CRUIKSIIANK, also .Fac-s) miles. 2 vols. 12;/K>, boards, uncut. London, Tegg, 1835 The Portrait, of Washington i.v a reduced one of Ifcatlt s celebrated en- graving. 581 WASHINGTON. Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of General George Washington, First President of the United States .of America. Svo 9 sheep. Flue dean ropy. Boston, 1800 With list of subscriber*. Wight, $9.2C. 582 WASHINGTON. EVERETT, EDWARD. Life of George Wash ington. Portraits. Beautiful JBank Note Vignette portrait inserted in Title paye. 8vo, cloth, imcnt. LARGE PAPER : 100 COPIES PRINTED. New York, 1800 Finely printed in large type on heavy plate paper. Morrell, $5.00. Whitmore, $3.00. Roche, $3.00. Mr. Wight s copy, extended to quarto size, morocco, 135 extra plates, $180. 583 WASHINGTON. LETTERS OF THE T\vo COMMANDERS-IN- CHIEF, GENERALS GAGE AND WASHINGTON, and Ma jor-Generals BURGOYNE and LEE ; with the Manifesto of GENERAL WASHINGTON to the Inhabitants of Can ada, pp. 8. Xew York, James Rivington, 1775 PRESENT POLITICAL STATE OF THE PROVINCE OF MASSA- 149 CHUSETTS BAY in General, and the Town of BOSTON in Particular, etc. By a Native of New England, pp. 86. New York, Rivington, 1775 PATRIOTS OF NORTH AMERICA : a Sketch with Explana tory Notes, pp. 47. New York, 1775 AMERICANS ROUSED ix A CURE FOR THE SPLEEN, etc., pp. 32. New York, Rivington, n. d. ALARM TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW YORK, occasioned by the present Political Disturb ances, etc., pp. 13. New York, Rivington, 1775 WHAT THINK YE OF CONGRESS Now? etc.,^>jo. 48 New York, Rivington, 1775 POOR MAN S ADVICE TO HIS NEIGHBOURS : A JBallad to the Tune of Chevy Chase, pp. 19. New York, 1774 FRIENDLY ADDRESS TO ALL REASONABLE AMERICANS, etc. pp.55. New York, 1774 With other scarce Pamphlets, in all 24, nearly all print ed by JAMES RIVINGTON the Tory Printer of the Revo lution. Excessively rare. Thick 8vo, green morocco. New York, etc., 1774, 1775 584 WASHINGTON. LETTERS WRITTEN BY GENERAL WASHING TON TO HENRY LAURENS, President of the Continental Congress. 1. Valley Forge, January 31, 1778, 3 pp. folio. 2. " " April 30, 1778, 4 pp. folio, (stained.} 3. u " May 29, 1778, ?> pp. folio. 4. Headquarters, August 20, 1778, pp. folio. Portrait of Washington, Proof before Letters, engraved by Hall, from an Original Miniature by Wm. Birch, in the possession of Charles G. Barney, Esq. Private Plate. Title page beautifully drawn, and illuminated by hand in gold and colors. Folio, full rich c/recn morocro, extra, inside borders of gold. New York, 1867 19 150 The intense historical interest associated with the above ORIGINAL AUTO GRAPH LETTERS of WASHINGTON, cannot le overestimated; the first, written at Valley Forge, January, 31, 1778, to HENRY LAURENS, President of Congress, respecting the cabal which existed against him in Congress and in the Army, and vindicating himself against the as persions of General Conway and others, is here given in full GEORGE WASHINGTON TO HENRY LAURENS, Valley Forge, 31 January, 1778: SIR; I this morning received your favor of the 27th instant. I cannot sufficiently express the obligation I feel to you, for your friendship and politeness upon all occasions in which I am so deeply interested. I was not unapprized that a malignant fac tion had been for some time formiug to my prejudice : which, con scious as I am of having ever done all in my power to answer the important purposes of the trust reposed in me, could not but give me some pain on a personal account. But my chief concern arises from an apprehension of the dangerous consequences, which intes tine dissensions may produce to the common cause. As I have no other view than to promote the public good, and am unambitious of honors not founded in the approbation of my coun try, I would not desire in the last degree to suppress a free spirit of inquiry into any part of my conduct, that even a faction itself may deem reprehensible. The anonymous paper handed to you exhibits many serious charges, and it is my wish that it should be submit ted to Congress. This I am the more inclined to, as the suppres sion or concealment, may possibly involve you in embarrassments hereafter, since it is uncertain how many or who may be privy to the contents. My enemies take an ungenerous advantage of me. They know the delicacy of my situation, and that motives of policy deprive me of the defence I might otherwise make against their insidious attacks. They know I cannot combat their insinuations, however injurious, without disclosing secrets which is of the utmost moment to con ceal. But why should I expect to be exempt from censure, the un failing lot of an elevated station ? Merit and talents, with which I can have no pretensions of rivalship, have ever been subject to it. My heart tells me that it has been my uuremitted aim to do the best that circumstances would permit ; yet I may have been very often mistaken in my judgment of the means, and may in many instances deserve the imputation of error. I cannot forbear repeating, that I have a grateful sense of the favorable disposition you have mani fested to me in this affair, and beg you will believe me to be, with sentiments of real esteem and regard, Sir, Your much obliged and obed t servant, GEORGE WASHINGTON. The Hon ble HENRY LAURENS, ESQ., Prcs t Congress. 585 WASHINGTON PEALE. Catalogue of Valuable Original Paintings by the Late REMBRANDT PEALE, with Engrav- 151 ings, etc., comprising the contents of the Studio of this Eminent Artist. To be sold without reserve, Novem ber 18th, 1862, etc. Fine Autograph Letter of Peale, 1 p. to, JBoston, June 20, 1828, also Portrait of Wash ington, after Painting by Peale, inserted. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, by Matthews. Philadelphia, 1862 Contains interesting account of the Portraits of Washington, painted by Peak, with the Testimonials in reference, from Chief -Justice Marshall, Judge Washington, Judge Peters, Charles Carroll, Bishop White, Col Tallmadge, and others. 586 WASHINGTON. Fac-similes of Letters from his Excellency George Washington, President of the United States of America, to Sir John Sinclair, Bart., M. P., on Agri" cultural and other Interesting Topics, etc. Portrait and Views of Mt. Vernon and Washington s Tomb. Autograph Letter (Edinburgh, 1831), of Sir John Sinclair, inserted, also fine Portrait engraved by Brom ley. Washington, 1844 587 WASHINGTON. FAREWELL ADDRESS. George Washington to the People of the United States, Announcing his Intention of Retiring from Public Life. Fine Portrait engraved by Edwin. Royal Svo, crimson morocco, gilt. Original binding. Very rare. Philadelphia, 1800 Newspaper cuttings inserted. Whiteman, $15.00. 588 WASHINGTON. Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Portrait, 1 2mo, half morocco, gilt. New Brunswick, 1812 589 WASHINGTON. Farewell Address to the People of the United States. View of Mount Vernon, etc., with Or namental Title page, and Arabesque designs. 4to, uncut. Philadelphia, 1858 590 WASHINGTON. JOHN FITCH. Sermon delivered at Dan- 152 rille at the Request of Harmony Lodge ; as a Tribute of Respect for the Memory of the Late General George Washington, February 26th, 1800. 8vo,pp. 24, uncut. Scarce. Peacham, Vermont, 1800 591 WASHINGTON. FLINT, ABEL. Discourse delivered at Hart ford February 22, 1800, the Day set apart by recom mendation of Congress, to pay a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of General George Washington, who died December 14th 1799. 8vo,pp. 22 Hartford, 1800 592 WASHINGTON. Fox, CHARLES. A Portrait of George Washington, from an Original Drawing, as he ap peared while reviewing the Continental Army on Bos ton Common, in 1776. A History of the Portrait, and Documentary Evidence in proof of the correctness of the likeness. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1851 Morrell, $3.00. Fisher, $2.25. 593 WASHINGTON. GUIZOT. Washington. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. Portrait inserted. Crown 8vo, cloth, un cut. London, Murray, 1840 Fine, large type edition of Guizofs beautiful Essay on the Life and Character of Washington. 94 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] Washington. In French. Post 8vo, fiussia, gilt. London, 1841 595 WASHINGTON. HOLCOMBE, HENKY. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Lieutenant-General George Washing ton, late President of the United States of America, etc. By Henry Holcombe, Minister of the Word of God in Savannah. Small 4to 9 pp. 18, uncut. Very Scarce. Savannah, 1800 Morrell, $5.00. Koche, $4.50. H. A. Smith, $3.75. 596 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] Small kto^pp. 18, uncut. Savannah, 1800 153 597 WASHINGTON. HOUDIN S LAST RESPECTS TO GEORGE WASHINGTON. Very rare Portrait of Washington in serted, also Autograph Letter of Michael G. Iloudin (3 pp to, Albany, October 22, 1800.) Svo, pp. V. Morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. Albany, 1800 The Compiler cannot learn of another copy of this excessively rare pam phlet. 598 WASHINGTON. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life of George Washington. Numerous fine Plates, many on India paper, after Paintings by F. 0. C. Darley, tind others. 5 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER : 100 copies only printed. New York, 1855-59 THIS COPY is ONE OP A VERY FEW HAVING THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH OF THE AUTHOR ON THE REVERSE OF TITLE PAGE, " WASHINGTON IRVING, NEW YORK, APRIL 9, 1856." Fowle, $19.00 per vol. Fisher, $14.50 per vol. Roche, $13.00 per vol. Whitman, $13.00 per vol. Morrell, extended to 10 vols. morocco, 1100 inserted Plates, etc., $200 per vol. Wight, extended to 10 vols., unbound, 1036 Plates, etc., inserted, $77.50 per vol. Allan, extended to 5 vols., half morocco, inserted Plates, etc., $55.00 per vol. 599 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] Fine steel Plates, the same as in the quarto edition. Royal 8vo, uncut, in 68 num bers, as originally issued. PUBLISHED BY SUBSCRIPTION. New York, 1857-59 600 WASHINGTON. Journal of Major George Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq., His Majesty s Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Vir ginia, to the Commandant of the French Forces on Ohio. To which are added, the Governor s Letter ; and a Translation of the French Officer s Answer, with a new Map of the Country as far as the Mississippi. Map. Svo, pp. 32, green levant morocco extra, gilt 154 edges, with deep inside borders, richly tooled. Exces sively rare. Williamsburcj , Printed ; London, lie- printed, 1754 Rare Portrait of Washington inserted, also Autograph. ("Head quarters. Morristown. Jan. 12, 1777, George Washington.") This copy, the only one sold at Auction in this city in many years, for merly belonged to the present owner, and brought at his sale in 1866, $46.00. Was repurchased at Mr. Roche s sale in 1867 for $49.00. 601 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] Map. Royal Svo, uncut. LARGE PAPER : 50 copies printed. Williams burgh (1754), London, Reprinted 1754, New York, Re printed 1865 602 WASHINGTON. KIRKLAND, MBS. C. M. Memoirs of Wash ington. Portrait and Plates. IZmo, cloth. New York, 1857 608 WASHINGTON. Last Will and Testament of Gen. George Washington, llmo, uncut. Scarce. Boston, Feb., 1800 604 WASHINGTON. LEE, Major-General HENRY. Funeral Ora tion on the Death of General Washington. Delivered at the request of Congress. Svo,pp. 15. Boston, 1800 605 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] 8vo, pp. 17. Philadelphia, 1800 606 WASHINGTON. LEE, Major-General HENRY, and MINOT, Judge. Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington, etc., delivered at the Request of Congress, by Major-General HenrY Lee. To which is subjoined, An Eulogy ; by Judge Minot. 8vo. pp. 28, uncut. London, 1800 Morrell, $4.50. Roche, $4.00. 607 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] 8vo,pp. 28, uncut. London, 1800 608 WASHINGTON. Letter to the People of the United States of 155 America, from General Washington^ on his Resigna tion of the Office of President of the United States. 8vo,-pp. 32. London, 1796 609 WASHINGTON. Letters from his Excellency General Wash ington, to Arthur Young, Esq., F R. S. Containing, an Account of his Husbandry, with a Map of his Farm etc. Map, vo,pp. 1^2, uncut. London, 1801 610 WASHINGTON. Life of General George Washington, late President of the United States of America, and Com mander in Chief of their Armies, during the Revolu tionary War. Dedicated to the Youth of America. I2mo,pp. 143. Full smooth calf , gilt back, by Bed ford. Rare. Poughkeepsie, 1812 611 WASHINGTON. Life of General George Washington, late President of the United States of America, and Com mander in Chief of their Armies, during the Revolu tionary War. Dedicated to the Youth of America. 12mo,pp. 144. Futt polished calf, gilt back, by Bed ford, Rare. Boston, 1815 612 WASHINGTON. LOSSING, BENSON J. Life of Washington; A Biography, Personal, Military and Political. Nu merous fine steel plates. 3 vols, Roy. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1859 613 WASHINGTON. LOSSING, BENSON J. The Home of Washing ton and its Associations, Historical, Biographical and Pictorial. New Edition, Revised, with Additions. Il lustrated by numerous Engravings, chiefly from origi nal Drawings by the Author, engraved by Lossing and Barritt. Fine impressions of the wood-cuts, Portrait of Washington, andnewspaper cuttings inserted. Roy. Svo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER: 100 Copies printed. New York, 1865 MorrelL $12.50. Eoche, $8.50. 156 614 WASHINGTON. MARSH, EBENEZER GRANT. An Oration de livered at Wethersfield, February 22,1800; on the Death of General George Washington, etc. 8vo, pp. 16. Hartford, 1 800 H. A. Smith, $4.00. 615 WASHINGTON. MARSHALL, JOHN. Life of George Wash ington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces, during the war which established the Independence of his Country, etc. Portrait, Views and Maps. 5 vols, 8vo, half calf. Fine copy. London, 1804 616 WASHINGTON. Memory of Washington: comprising a sketch of his Life and Character, and the National Tes timonials of Respect. Also, a collection of Eulogies and Orations, with a copious index. Rare and curi ous Portrait of Washington, l^mo^fidl levant mor occo, by Matthews. Beautiful copy. Very scarce. Newport, R. I., 1800 Allan, sheep, Portrait, wanting, $10. Morrell, sheep, Portrait wanting, $9.50 617 WASHINGTON. MINOT, GEORGE RICHARDS. An Eulogy on George Washington, late Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, who died De cember 14, 1799, etc. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. 24, uncut. Boston, 1800 Morrell, $7.00. 618 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] 8vo, %>P- 24 ? uncut. Boston, 18.00 619 WASHINGTON. M GuiRE, E. C. Religious Opinions and Character of Washington. 12wo, cloth. New York, 1836 620 WASHINGTON. Minutes of a Conspiracy against the Liber ties of America. Fine Portrait on India paper, of 157 Washington after Stuarts picture inwted. Folio, un cut. LARGE PAPER: 25 copies printed. Philadelphia, 1865 Originally printed in 1786. Contains an Account of the celebrated " Rickey Plot, 1 in which an attempt was made to assassinate General Washington. 621 WASHINGTON. Monuments of Washington s Patriotism; containing a Fac-simile of his Publick Accounts kept during the Revolutionary War ; and some of the most interesting Documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration, etc. Together with an Eulogium on the Character of Washington, by Major W. Jackson, one of his Aids-de-Camp. Portrait and Fac-similes of Continental Money. Folio, cloth. City of Washington, 1838 Morrell, $6.50. 022 WASHINGTON. Monuments of Washington s Patriotism ; containing a Fac-simile of his Publick Accounts kept during the Revolutionary War ; and some of the most interesting Documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration, etc. Portraits, Views of Mt. Vernon and Washington^ 8 Sarcophagus. Folio, morocco, gilt, Washington, 1841 Wight, $4.50. 623 WASHINGTON. MORSE, JEDIDIAII. Sermon delivered at Charlestown, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, February 19, 1795; being the Day recommended by George Washington, President of the United States of America, for Public Thanksgiving and Prayer. Svo. pp. 37, uncut. Boston, 1795 r 624 WASHINGTON. MORSE, JEDIDIAH. A Prayer and Sermon delivered at Charlestown, December 31, 1799, on the death of George Washington, late President and Com- 20 158 mander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, etc. With an Additional SKETCH OP ms LIFE, etc., etc. $vo, pp. 44, 36, uncut. London, 1800 Wight, $3.75 625 WASHINGTON. NATIVE AMERICAN. A Gift for the People. Containing Washington s Farewell Address, Declara tion of Independence, Constitution of the United States, etc. Portraits of Washington, Franklin, Adams and Jefferson. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1845 This volume is " appropriately printed with red ink, in blue borders, on white paper/ 626 WASHINGTON. Official Letters to the Honourable Ameri can Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, by his Excellency George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Con tinental Forces, now President of the United States. Rare Portrait after Savage, engraved by Hill, fine im pression. 2 vols. 12mo, sheep. Boston, 1796 Copies containing the Portrait are seldom md with. 627 WASHINGTON. PAINE, THOMAS. An Eulogy on the Life of General George Washington, who died at Mount Yer- non, December 14th, 1799, in the 68th year of his age, etc. 8vo,pp. 22, uncut. Xewburyport, 1800 Morrell, $6.75. 628 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] Sro. uncut. Xewburyport, 1800 629 WASHINGTON. PICTORIAL LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON : embracing Anecdotes illustrative of his Character. Colored Plates. Square 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1847 630 WASHINGTON. Poetical Epistle to his Excellency, George Washington, Esq., Commander-in-Chief of the Armies 159 of the United States of America, from an Inhabitant of the State of Maryland. To which is annexed A SHORT SKETCH of General WASHINGTON S Life and Character. 5 Portraits of Washington inserted. Small 4to, half morocco. 50 COPIES ONLY REPRINTED. Annapolis, Printed, 1779 London, Reprinted, 1780. Xew York, Reprinted, 1865 Fisher, $3.25. A copy of the London Reprint, 1780. morocco extra, by Matthews sold in MorreWssale for $46.00. 631 WASHINGTON. PORTRAITS, A COLLECTION OF 85 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON, all different, many being of excessive rarity ; proofs on India paper, etc., neatly mounted in Scrap Book. Imperial 4to, half crimson levant morocco, (jilt edges. Tae above, were collected with a view to inserting in " Tudcermaris Essay on the Portraits of Washington, and consist of engravings by Sav age, Rollinson, Fittler, Tanner, Nutter, Leney, Durand, Prudhom- me, Gimbrede, Kelly, Furman, etc., etc., after paintings by Stuart, Trumbull, Alex Campbell, Savage, J. Peale, Woolley, Dunlap, Rob - ertson, C. TV. Beale, Bartoli, Chapman, etc. 632 WASHINGTON. RAMSAY, DAVID. Oration on the Death of Lieutenant General Washington, late President of the United States, who died Dec. 14, 1799, etc. Svo, pp. 30. Charleston, 1800 Wight, $4.00. 633 WASHINGTON. RAMSAY, DAVID. Life of George Washing ton, Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States, in the war which established their Independence ; and First President of the United States. Fine Por trait engraved by Heath. Svo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, rough edges. Fine copy, London, 1807 634 WASHINGTON. RAMSAY, DAVID. Vie de Georges Wash ington, General eu Chef des Armees des Etats Unis, 160 etc. Traduit de L Anglais. Fine Portrait. SKO, calf, gilt. Paris, 1809 085 WASHINGTON. KAMSAY, DAVID. Life o f George Wash- & ington, Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, throughout the war which established their Independence, etc. Portrait. 12mo, shc <-P- Boston, 1811 036 WASHINGTON, Remarks Occasioned by the Late Conduct of Mr. Washington, as President of the United States, M.DCC.XCVI. Svo, uncut, Philadelphia, 1797 Fisher, half nior., $5.25. Morrell, half mor., uncut, $5.00. 637 WASHINGTON. Revolutionary Orders of General Washing ton, issued during the years 1778, SO, 81 and 82 ; se lected from the JVISS. of John Whiting, etc., and edi ted by his son, Henry Whiting, Lieut. Col. L T . S. Army. Portrait inserted. Svo, half morocco, gilt top- New York, 1844 Bruce, $3.00. 638 WASHINGTON. Selections of the Patriotic Addresses to the President of the Linked States, together with the PRESIDENT S A-nsirers, etc. 12 wo, sheep. Boston, 1798 639 WASHINGTON. Selections from the Correspondence of GEORGE WASHINGTON, and James Anderson, LL.D., etc. 8vo, pp. 79, uncut. Chariest-own, 1800 640 WASHINGTON. SIMPKINSON, JOHN XASSAU. The Wash- ingtons, a Tale of a Country Parish in the Seventeenth Century. Based on Authentic Documents. Plates. Crown Svo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1860 Contains a valuable historical account of the Ancestors of Washing ton. Dr. Stiles copy sold in 1866, for $9. Stiles, $9.00. Morrell, calf $5.00. 641 WASHINGTON. SMITH, JEREMIAH. Oration on the Death 161 of George Washington ; delivered at Exeter, February 22,1800. Sco,pp.3\,uncnt. Scarce. Exeter, 3800 G42 WASHINGTON. SNOW DEN, JAMES Ross. Medallic Memo rials of Washington in the Mint of the United States. 79 Btautiful Engravings from Medals. ImperialSvo, doth. Philadelphia, 1861 643 WASHINGTON. SPARKS, JAREP. Life ot George Washing ton, Commander-in-Chief of the American Armies, and First President of the United States, to which are ad ded his Diaries and Speeches, and various Miscellane ous Papers relating to his Habits and Opinions. Por traits on India pape.\ 2 vote. 8wo, cloth, uncut. Fine large type edition. London, 1839 Portrait and Autograph Letter of JAREU SPARKS inserted, also several Portraits of WASHINGTON, etc. Morrell, $6.00 per vol. 644 WASHINGTON. SPARKS, JARKD. Lite of George Washing ton. Plates, induding the beautiful Portrait of Wash ington engraved by A . B. Durand after Stuart s Paint- inr/. Svo, cloth, uncut. Early Edition. Boston, 1844 645 WASHINGTON. STEAIINS, ELISIIA. Eulogium on General George Washington ; Spoken at Tolland, on the 22nd of February, 1800, at the request of the Inhabitants. I2mo,pp. 24, uncut. Veru rare. East Windsor, July, 29, 1800 646 WASHINGTON. STORY, ISAAC. Eulogy on the Glorious Virtues of the Illustrious General George Washington^ who died at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799, in the 68th year of his age ripe in honor and full of glory. Svo, pp. 23, uncut. Worcester, 1800 647 WASHINGTON. STORY, XATHAX. Discourse delivered on Friday, December 27, 1799, the Day set apart by the 162 Citizens of Hartford, to lament before God, the Death of General George Washington, etc. Svo,pp. 31. Hartford, 1800 648 WASHINGTON. TRUMIJULL, BKXJAMIN. Funeral Discourse delivered at North Haven, December 29, 1799, on the death of General George Washington, etc. Rare Por trait, en graved by Doolittle. Svo, pp. 31, half mo rocco. Scarce. New Haven, 1800 Roche, uncut, $G.OO. 649 WASHINGTON. TUCKERMAN, HENRY T. The Character and Portraits of Washington. Portraits on India Paper. Portrait of Tuckerman, and Newspaper cutting relative to Portraits of Washington inserted. 4to, uncut, in portfolio. Very scarce. New York, 1859 ONLY 156 COPIES PRINTED. Morrell, $20. Whiteinan, $16. Bruce, 12.50. 650 WASHINGTON. TUOKERMAN, JOSEPH. Funeral Oration oc casioned by the death of General George Washington, written at the request of the Boston Mechanic s As sociation, etc. Svo, pp. 24. Boston, 1800 65 1 WASHINGTON. UPH AM, REV. C. W. Life of Gen. Washing ton, First President of the United States, written by himself; comprising his Memoirs and Correspondence, etc. Portraits of Washington and Franklin, and views of the " Seige of New York" and "Surrender at Saratoga" 2 vols, crown Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1852 Wight, half Russia, $2.00 pr-r vol. Roche, half Russia, uncut, $2.00 per vol. 652 WASHINGTON. UPIIAM, CHARLES W. [The Same.] Por trait inserted. 2 vols, I2mo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1840 653 WASHINGTON. Washingtoniana ; containing a sketch of the 163 Life and Death of the late General George Washington; with a collection of elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, etc., sacred to his Memory; also, an appendix compris ing all his most Valuable Public Papers, and his last Will and Testament. Portrait, engraved by Edwin, &vo, sheep. Fine copy. Lancaster, 1802 Morrell, $10. "Wight, $9.50. Whiteman, $8,50. Corner, 87.50. Smith, $7.00. Whitmore, $5.75. 654 WASHINGTON. Washingtoniana ; or Memorials of the Death of George Washington, giving an Account of the Fu neral Honors paid to his Memory, with a List of Tracts and Volumes printed upon the occasion, and a Cata logue of Medals commemorating the Event. By Frank lin B. Hough. Portraits on India paper, and Map. 2 vols, to, uncut. LARGE PAPER: only 85 copies printed. W. Elliot Woodward, Roxbury, Mass., 18G5 Morrell, $6.75 per vol. Corner, $5. 50 per vol. Bruce, $5,00 per vol. 655 WASHINGTON. Washington Chair, presented to the New York Historical Society, by Benjamin Robert Win- throp, 1857. Plates. Svo, doth. New York, 1857 EDITION LIMITED. Whitmore, $1.60. Roche, $1.50. 656 WASHINGTON. WEEMS, REV. M. L. A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits, of Gen. George Washington, Faithfully taken from Authentic Docu ments, and now, in a Second Edition Improved ; Re spectfully offered to the perusal of his Countrymen ; as also, all others who wish to see Human Nature in its most finished form. Rare Portrait of Washington. Svo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt, with rich inside borders, by Matthews. Philadelphia, 1800 The octavo edition of this well known biography is of great rarity. In serted in this copy is a beautiful woodcut Portrait on tinted paper of the Author, Dr. Weems. 104 057 WASHINGTON. WBEMS, REV. M. L. Life of George Wash ington, with Curious Anecdotes, equally honourable to himself, and exemplary to his young Countrymen. Portrait and Map, with curious engravings of Brad- dock s Defeat, the Battle of Lexington, etc. llmo, half morocco, gilt bad- and edges. Philadelphia, 1818 658 WASHINGTON. WEEMS, REV. M. L. Life of George Wash ington, With Curious Anecdotes, equally honourable to himself, and exemplary to his young Countrymen. Twenty-sixth Edition greatly improved. Portrait, Map, and Plates, comprising curious representations of the Battle of Lexington, Capture of Andre, etc., etc. I2jno, sheep. Philadelphia, 1824 659 WASHINGTON. WETMOBE, REV. ROBERT G. Oration oc casioned by the Death of Lieutenant-General George Washington. Delivered at the Lutheran Church, in Scoharie, on the loth of January, 1800. To which is added the Order of Procession, and a number of elegiac Odes. I1mo,pp. 20, uncut. Cooperstouii, 1800 One of the rarest of Washington Eulogies. Probably imperfect, as the ODES are wanting, though they may never have been printed. Not know ing of another copy, it has been impossible to compose by collating. 660 WASHINGTON. Writings of George "Washington ; being his Correspondence Addresses, Messages, and other Pa pers, Official and Private, Selected and Published from the Original Manuscripts ; with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations, by Jared Sparks. Portraits, MapS) etc. 12 vols. Imperial Svo, boards, uncut. LARGE PAPER : Fine, clean copy. Boston, 1834 Name of previous owner has been cut from Title pages of volumes 2 and 3, otherwise a splendid copy. Fowie, tree calf, $25 per vol. Bruce, half Russia uncut, $10.50 per vol. "Whitmore, $8.00 per vol. Whiteman, $6.75 per vol. Wight, $6.00 per vol. Roche, $5.75 per vol. 661 WATSON, ELKAXAII. History of the Rise, Progress and 165 Existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State 1 of New York, from September, 1788, to the comple tion of the Middle Section of the Grand Canal, in 1812, etc. Fine Portrait of Elkanah Watson, and Map*. Svo, calf, gilt. Albany, 1820 Morrell, boards, uncut, $3.00. 662 WAYNE. Orderly Book of the Northern Army, at Ti- conderoga andMt. Independence, from October 17th, 1776, to January 8th, 1777, with Biographical and Ex planatory Notes, and an Appendix. Portrait and Map. 4to, uncut. Albany, 1859 LARGE PAPER : only 10 copies printed. Mn n sell s Historical Series, No. 3. 603 WEBSTER, NOAH, Collections of Essays and Fugitive Wri tings, on Moral, Historical, Political and Literary Sub jects. Portrait inserted. 8vo, sheep, Boston, 1790 Contains ;i Sketches of the American Jforolution." ^Remarks on Indian Funerals, etc." 664 WELD, JUN., ISAAC. Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Can ada, during the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. 16 Fine Plates, including views of Mt. Vernon, Natural Bridge, etc. 2 vols. in 1. 8??o, half crimson morocco, uncut. London, Stockdale, 1807 665 WELDE, T. A Short Story of the Rise, Reign and Ruin of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines that infect ed the Churches of NEW ENGLAND ; and how they were Confuted by the Assembly of Ministers there. As also of the Magistrate s Proceedings in Court against them. Together with God s Strange, Remark able Judgements from Heaven upon some of the Chief Fomenters of these Opinions ; and the lamentable death of Mrs. Hutchinson, etc. Small 4fo. pp. 64. Full 21 166 crimson levant morocco, gilt back, inside borders and edges, by Pratt. London, 1692 Beautiful clean copy, with large margins of this very rare tract. Morrell, Title inlaid, calf, $26. 666 WESTERN ANNALS. Annals of the West ; embracing a Concise Account of Principal Events which have oc curred in the Western States and Territories from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year eigh teen hundred and fifty-six. Compiled from the most Authentic Sources, and published by James L. Al- bach. Thick royal 8vo, pp. 1016, sheep. Pittsburgh, 1857 667 WESTERN WORLD. The United States. Fine steel plate Vignette engraved by Finden, representing " Washing ton taking leave of his Officers" etc. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1830-32 668 WETMORE, PROSPER M. Lexington, with other Fugitive Poems. Portraits of General Wetmore, Clara Fisher, and other plates inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. New York, 1830 Morrell, extra plates, morocco, $21.00. "Whitmore, no plates, $3.00. Whiteman, no plates, $3.00. Koche, no plates, $2.25. 669 WHEATLEY, PHILLIS. Poems on Various Subjects, Reli gious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, NEGRO SER VANT TO MR. JOHN WHEATLEY, OF BOSTON IN NEW ENGLAND. Curious Portrait, fine impression, &mall 8vo, original sheep binding. Hare. London, 1773 Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $15. 670 WHITBOURNE, RICHARD. A Discovrse and Discovery of NEW-FOVND LAND, With many reasons to proove how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, after a better manner than it was. Together with a laying open of certaine Enormities and abuses commit- 167 ted by some that trade to that Countrey, and the meanes laid downe for reformation thereof. Written by Cap- tame Richard Whitbourne, etc. As also a louing Insti tution : and likewise the copies of certaine Letters sent from that Countrey, which are printed in the lat ter part of this Booke. Royal Arms on reverse of Title. Small Mo, full polished calf, by Bedford. Very rare. London, 1623 671 WHITE, GEORGE. Statistics of the State of Georgia; in cluding an Account of its Natural, Civil, and Ecclesi astical History, etc., with Notices of the Manners and Customs of its Aboriginal Tribes. Map. Thick 8vo, cloth. Savannah, 1849 Wight. $2.88. 672 WHITE, STEPHEN. Sermon occasioned by the lamentable death of Col. JOSEPH TKUMBULL, ESQ., who departed this life, July 23d, 1778, and delivered in the First So ciety in Lebanon, at his Interment, July the 24th. Svo, pp. 17, uncut. Very scarce. Hartford, 1779 673 WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah, in Georgia, with continuation, etc. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1830 674 WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM A. Contributions to the Early His tory of Perth Amboy and adjoining County, with sketches of Men and Events in New Jersey, during the Provincial Era. Maps and Engravings, including portraits of Governor Franklin, John Watson, early American Painter, etc. Svo, cloth. New York, 1856 675 WHITTIEE, JOHN G. Poems, illustrated by H. Billings. Fine Portrait, and illustrations on steel. Svo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1849 676 WILKES, CHARLES. Narrative of the United States Ex- 168 ploring Expedition, during the years, 1838, 1889, 1840, 1841,1842. Portrait and numerous fine steelplates and woodcuts. Autograph^ and 2 extra portraits of Com modore Wilkes inserted. 5 vols., with Atlas together ; ro/#., Roy. Svo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1845 677 WILKINSON, ELIZA. Letters, during the Invasion and Pos session of Charleston, S. C., by the British in Revo lutionary War. Arranged from the Original Manu scripts, by Caroline Oilman. 12 wo, cloth. Xe\v York, 1839 Wight. $2.38. Morrell, half morocco, $2.00. 678 WILLAKD, SAMUEL. A Complete BODY OF DIVINITY IN Two HUNDRED AND FIFTY Expository Lectures on the Assembly s Shorter Catechism, wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are unfolded, etc., etc. By the Reverend and Learned SAMUEL WILLAKD, M. A., Late Pastor of the South Church in Boston, and Vice- President of Harvard College in Cambridge, in New England. Folio, pp. 914, half brown morocco, red edges. Boston, 1726 Portrait wanting. 679 WILLETS, MABINUS. Narrative of the Military Actions of Colonel Marinus Willett, taken Chiefly from his Own Manuscript. Prepared by his Son, William M. Willett. Fine proof Portrait of Col. Willett. Svo, boards, uncut, rough edges. Very rare. New York, 1831 Fine clean copy, with original Historical Document, dated Fort Stanwix, 9th August, 1777, signed by SIR JOHN JOHNSON (one of the rarest of American Autographs), inserted : also. View of Major Wilktfs resi dence, and cuttings. Roche, no extra matter, $10. 680 WILLIAMS, REV. ELEAZEE. Life of Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen, alias Thomas Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga 169 Tribe of Indians in Canada. Rare original receipt to United States Store- Keeper -, JJetroit, July 25, 1820, for Ordinance Stores for " the use of a party of the Six- Nations of Indians" signed, " ELEAZER WILLIAMS," inserted. Royal Svo, cloth. Albany, Munsell, 1859 ONLY 200 COPIES PKINTED. Whiteman. morocco, $5.50. Wight, half morocco, $4.00. Roche, half morocco, $-4.00. 681 WILLIAMS. STEPHEN W. American Medical Biography ; or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians, etc. Portraits. Si o, cloth. Greenfield, Mass., 1859 Intended as a Supplement lo DR. THACHER S MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY. See THACHER. 682 WILSON. Orderly Book. Expedition of the British and Provincial Army, under Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Amherst, against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. Map. Small \to, boards, uncut. Albany, 1857 Fowle, $60. MUNSELL S HISTORICAL SEIIIES, Xo. 1. 683 WIRT, WILLIAM. Letters of the British Spy. Originally published in the Virginia Argus, in August and Sep tember, 1803. Second Edition. Two Portraits of Wirt and fine, autograph letter, Washington, .Decem ber 4, 1820 inserted. Svo, boards. /Scarce. Richmond, December, 1803 The first collected edition. 684 WOOD, SILAS. Sketch of the First Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island ; with their Political Condition, to the end of the American Revolution. New Edition. View of Battle Pass, Brooklyn, inserted. Svo, boards, uncut. Rare. Brooklyn, X. Y., 1828 Morrell, half morocco, uncut. $20. H. A. Smith, $8.25. Bruce, $5. 170 685 WOODWARD. HISTORICAL SERIES. 1, 2 Records of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Origi nal Documents, 1691-2. 2 vols. 200 COPIES PRINTED. 3, 4 History of the Indian Wars in New England, etc., from the Original Work ; by the Rev. William Hub- bard, edited by Samuel G. Drake. Map. 2 vols. 300 COPIES PRINTED. 5, 6, 7 Witchcraft Delusion in New England ; its Rise, Progress and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, and Mr. Robert Calef, etc. Edited by Samuel G. Drake. 3 vols. 280 COPIES PRINTED. In all 7 vols. Small to, uncut. Roxbury, Mass., 1864-1866 Volumes 1 and 2 of this series have on several occasions brought from $15 to $20 each. 686 WYNNE, JAMES. Private Libraries of New York. 12 plates inserted, consisting of fine Portraits of T. F. Dibdin, Isaac Walton, Samuel Rogers, John Allan, George Bancroft, Henry C. Murphy, W. K Burton, etc., some being proofs on India paper. Thick Impe rial 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1860 LARGE PAPER: 100 copies printed. Fowle, morocco, $41. Morrell, plates inserted, half morocco, $37. H. A. Smith, half Russia, $21. Wight, half morocco, $18. 50. Contains view of the interior of the Library of William Curtis Noyes. 687 WYNNE, JAMES. [The Same.] Plate, interior of W. C. Noyes 1 Library. Thick 8vo, crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. New York, 1860 EDITION LIMITED. OUNG, SAMUEL. A Wall Street Bear in Europe, with his Familiar Foreign Journal of a Tour through Por tions of England, Scotland, France, and Italy. ByT. Q. I2mo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut 171 FEINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION*. Scarce. New York, 1855 Allan, extra plates, morocco, $11.50. Morrell, half morocco, $2.50. 689 YOUNG, ALEXANDER. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now first collected from Original Records, etc., with Notes. Portrait of Governor Winthrop. Svo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1846 Fowle, $3.50. Bruce, calf, $3.00. Whiteman, $2.75. AREW, BAMFYLDE MOORE. Life and Adventures of, the King of the Beggars, being an Account of his Life, etc., with his travels twice through a great part of North America, giving a particular account of the Origin, Government, Laws and Customs of the Gip- xies, and a Dictionary of the Cant Language used by the Mendicants. Plate. 1 2mo, boards, uncut. London, 182*7 691 COOPEE, MYLES. National Humiliation and Repentance recommended, and the Causes of the Present Rebellion in AMERICA, assigned in a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, on Friday, December 13, 1776, etc., by MYLES COOPEE, LL.D., President of KING S COLLEGE, NEW YORK, etc. 4o, pp. 24. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1777 View of King s College, (Columbia College) inserted. 692 DAVIS, WILLIAM J., AND DAWSON, HENEY B. Reminiscen ces of the CITY OF NEW YOEK AND ITS VICINITY. Plates. 12rao, uncut. New York, 1855 50 COPIES ONLY PRIVATELY PRINTED. Very scarce. Presentation copy to WASHINGTON IRVING. 693 [GRANT, MRS.] Memoirs of an American Lady ; with 22 174 Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. 2 vols., cr., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1817 694 HINTON, JOHN HOWARD. History and Topography of the United States. Illustrated with a Series of Views, drawn on the spot, and engraved on steel. 100 Fine plates. 2 vols., 4to, boards, uncut. ORIGINAL EDITION. London, 1830 The plates include beautiful views of the New York Battery, Columbia College, Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George, The Palisades, Chestnut St. Theatre, Phila., Walnut St. Theatre, Phila., Masonic Hall, Broadway, etc. 695 JEFFERSON. Original Autograph Letter of THOMAS JEF FERSON, to JUDGE PAGE, of Virginia. 1 page, 4to. Philadelphia, October 31, 1775 Unsigned. Of great Historical interest, says, " Gen. Montgomery and our forces before St. John, etc., have repelled three different at tacks from the Port, etc., etc." Accompanying this letter are 5 Por traits of Jefferson, some very rare, including a fine original drawing. 696 JOHNSON. Original Autograph Letter of SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, 1 page, 4to. "Johnson Hall, 24th January, 1767, with rare Portrait. FINE SPECIMEN. 697 LAFAYETTE. Complete History of the Marquis De Lafay ette, Major General in the Army of the L T nited States of America, in the War of the Revolution; with ac count of his Tour through the United States, in 1825. By an officer in the late Army. Two Portraits, view of " landing of Lafayette at Castle Garden," etc. Fine original autograph letter of Layfayette inserted. Svo, calf. New York, 1826 698 LEE. GIRDLESTONE, THOMAS. Facts tending to prove that GENERAL LEE, was never absent from this Coun try, for any length of time, during the years, 1767, 175 1768, 1709, 1770, 1771, 1772, and that he was the Au thor of JUNIUS. Rare Portrait of Gen. Charles Lee, (full length, with his Dog,} taken from a caricature drawing, by Barham Rushbrooke, Esq., also Fac-simi- les. 8vo, pp, 138, boards uncut, rough edges. Fine dean copy. Very scarce. London, 1813 899 MISCELLANEA CURIOSA. A Collection of Curious Travels, Voyages, Antiquities, and Natural Histories of Coun tries, etc., as delivered to the Royal Society. Plates, Fac-similes, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1726 The third volume contains Clapton s Account of Virginia, and other mat ter relative to America. 700 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY OF DISTINGUISHED AMERI CANS. Conducted by James Herring, New York, and James B. Longacre, Philadelphia, under the Superin tendence of the American Academy of Fine Arts. 144 Portraits of Statesmen, Soldiers, Authors, etc., etc. 4 vols. 4to. morocco, gilt. LARGE PAPER. Hare. Philadelphia, 1834-35-36-39 Morrell, uncut, $13.00 per vol. 701 NORTHERN INVASION OF OCTOBER 1780. A Series of Pa pers relating to the Expeditions from Canada under Sir John Johnson and others against the FRONTIERS OF NEW YORK, which were supposed to have Connection with Arnolds Treason. Prepared from the Originals, with an Introduction and Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. Map and Plate. Royal 8vo, uncut. 75 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. New York, 1866 Bradford Club Series, No. 6. 702 -REBELLION. EVANS, MRS. Silas Marner, the Weaver of Raveloe. 12mo, pp. 276. Mobile, 1863 Covers made of Wall-pa per. 703 SEWARD, ANNA. Beauties of, Carefully Selected and Al- 176 phabetically arranged under appropriate heads. By W. C. Oulton. Fine Portrait of Miss Seicard, en graved by Woolnoth, after Homney. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1822 704 SMITH, JOSHUA HETT. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Ad- jutant-C4eneral of his Majesty s Forces in North Amer ica. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. Map and View of Andre s Monument in Westminster Abbey. 8vo, half calf. London, 1808 Has fine Portrait of Andre inserted, but wants the one belonging to the book ARGE BLACK WALNUT BOOKCASE, gla%* doors, icith drawers, will be sold on WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13th, AT 8 O CLOCK. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. DEC 191940 M LD 21-100m-7, 40 (6936s) YC 69306 M31858 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY raam