WAR RECORD ROW1ST UNIVERSITY GIFT OF WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF BROWN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL WAR RECORD OF BROWN UNIVERSITY COMPILED BY BREVET MAJOR HENRY S. BURRAGE, D. D., CLASS OF 1861. PROVIDENCE, R. I. 1920. <. c/) L/ET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN THAT FAITH LET US DARE TO DO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDERSTAND IT. Abraham Lincoln, in an address in Cooper Institute, New York, February 27, 1860, FOREWORD. The compiler of this Record, early in 1868, published a volume of three hundred and eighty pages entitled Brown University in the Civil War. In it were included biographies of twenty-one of the graduates and non-graduates of the University who died in that war, and also the record of the two hundred and ninety- four of the graduates and non-graduates who served in the Union army or navy in the Civil War period. In the Brown Alumni Monthly for April, 1915, attention was called to a noteworthy gift received by the Library of the Univer sity from Mr. Bertram Smith, of Berkeley, California (class of 1910). It was a typewritten compilation, covering one hundred pages, containing references to Brown University graduates and non-graduates in the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies in the Civil War that monumental work comprising one hundred and thirty volumes, published under the direction of suc cessive Secretaries of War until its completion under Secretary Elihu Root in 1901. It was a happy thought that led Mr. Smith (even with the aid of the invaluable index volume of 1242 pages, recording every name in these one hundred and thirty volumes) to make the extended search which his plan required. As Mr. Smith remarked in his introduction, the material thus secured added little to what was already known concerning the services of Brown University graduates and non-graduates in the Civil War. Its great value was in calling attention to quite a large number of VI FOREWORD. Brown men who had a part in that war on the Union or Confed erate side, but whose services had not found mention in our University war records. The list thus compiled contained one hundred and ninety- seven names. Of these, seventeen had no other connection with the University than as the recipients of honorary degrees. Major General Burnside was one of the seventeen; but of course such recognition of honorable service was not sufficient to give him a place among Brown University graduates or non-graduates in the Civil War. Of the one hundred and eighty other persons men tioned by Mr. Smith thirty had no military service in that war, and accordingly their names had no place in a record of such service. One of the thirty was Francis Wayland, who, in the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Volume IV, Series III, page 1246), is mentioned as one of the incorporators of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers; but mention of a call to such honorable service even would not entitle the ven erable ex-president of the University to a place in a record among those who were enrolled in the military service during the Civil War. Then, in this list taken from the Official Records, there were eighty-three names of graduates and non-graduates of Brown who were mentioned in the memorial volume, Brown University in the Civil War, published in 1868; so that these eighty-three names were not a new contribution to the roll of Brown University grad ates and non-graduates who were in the military service, on one side or the other, in the battle years 1861-1865. But even with the elimination of these names there were still left sixty-seven names, taken from the Official Records, which are not recorded in the roll prepared at the close of the Civil War. FOREWORD. VII Other names also, not appearing in that roll, but belonging to it, the writer of these lines had obtained from various sources since the publication of Brown University in the Civil War; and Mr. Smith s discovery became now the suggestion of bringing together the names of these men preparatory to a search for the record of their military service. Such a list was made with the assistance of the keeper of the Graduate Records of the Univer sity; and the seventy-three names thus secured, added to Mr. Smith s sixty-seven, made a total of one hundred and forty names. The task of obtaining the Civil War record of these men was divided between Mr. Smith and myself, he to make an effort to obtain the war service of the men whose names he had secured, and I to make an effort to ascertain the war service of those whose names were on my list. After some time, because of the difficul ties encountered in obtaining the information desired, Mr. Smith relinquished his endeavor, and I took upon myself the whole of the work. The task was not an easy one. Many whose names were in the two lists had died, not a few long ago, indeed so long ago that little information concerning their part in the war could be secured, while of some no evidence was ascertainable that at any time they had a part in the war on either side. This difficulty was greatest in case of those graduates or non-graduates who resided in the South. Accordingly, I have not found it possible to make the Civil War service of the graduates and non-graduates of the University as complete as I desired. In the limit that has been reached, however, sufficient information was discovered to increase the roll of Brown University men in the Civil War from two hundred and ninety -four, as recorded in 1868, to four hundred and seventeen, VIII FOREWORD. and the number of those who died in the service from twenty-one to thirty-nine. In the new Record are included the names of the graduates and non-graduates of the University who served in the Confeder ate army. The roll in Brown University in the Civil War was the record of the men of the University whose service in that war had been pro libertateet pro Reipublicce integritate? But a great change had been manifested in the intervening years. The bitterness of the war-period, also of the period following the war for some time, had now given place to a spirit of love and devotion to the one common country, which happily the war left to us. Especially was this change made to appear at the time of the Spanish- Amer ican War, and more recently in the great World War. General E. P. Alexander, who fired the guns at Gettysburg which opened upon the Union lines preceding what is commonly known as Pickett s Charge, used the following words in the introduction to his Military Memories of a Confederate, published in 1902: "The world has not stood still in the years since we took up arms for what we deemed our most invaluable right that of self govern ment. We now enjoy the rare privilege of seeing what we fought for in the retrospect. It no longer seems desirable. It would now prove only a curse. We have good cause to thank God for our escape from it, not alone for ourselves, but for that of the whole country and even of the world." With such words on record, and many others from a similar source that have long been familiar, the time certainly had come for a recognition of the change which the years had wrought since the Civil War. Accordingly, it seemed desirable that search should be made for the record of our graduates and non -graduates who served in the 1 From the inscription on the tablet in Manning Hall by Professor John L/. Lincoln. FOREWORD IX Confederate army or navy. The Civil War records in the South ern States have not been as carefully preserved as were those in the Union States. Such as remain are now in the War Depart ment at Washington, and these, as required, have been used; but I am especially indebted to many willing helpers in the South, who have rendered valuable service when search was requested. At a meeting of the corporation of the University, October 15, 1919, the writer of these lines had the pleasure of reporting to his associates the results of these later labors. In so doing he stated that this new Civil War Record is still incomplete because of the difficulty of obtaining any information concerning Civil War service at a date so remote from that great crisis in our national history. But the number of missing names must be small; and with an expression of gratitude that his years had been lengthened out so as to make it possible for him to record the memory of the services of these other sons of his alma mater, he presented his manuscript Record to the corporation, closing his remarks with the mention of the noteworthy fact that there were still in the membership of the corporation, and present on that day, four other graduates of Brown, also survivors of the Civil War, namely, Messrs Keen and Porter of the Board of Fel lows, and Messrs. Douglas and Lapham of the Board of Trustees. In the action that followed with reference to the publication of the Record, it was the happy suggestion of one of the Trustees that these four survivors should be associated with the compiler in the work of publication , and it was so ordered . Such assist ance has been helpfully rendered. At the dedication of the Civil War Memorial Tablet in Man ning Hall, September 4, 1866, Professor J. L,. Ditnan made men tion of the significance of such a memorial in such a place, incul- X FOREWORD. eating visibly and most impressively the lesson that study is not an end in itself, but looks to larger results than mere academic success, and he referred to the gratifying response made to calls of duty in the Civil War by the graduates and non-graduates of all of our higher institutions of learning, "it is safe to affirm," he said, that no one class of the American people was represented in so liberal a ratio as the very class whose training had been decried as tending to keep them at a distance from the questions of the day. And in this respect our experience has been the experience of those before us. In that matchless eulogy which Pericles pronounced at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, he proudly claimed that Athens had lost nothing in the cultiva- vation of those arts to which she owed her highest fame; and we, too, looking back on our record, remembering the readiness with which so many of our educated youth made sacrifice of the hopes of years, recognizing the conspicuous ability so often shown in the novel and arduous positions to which they were summoned, bewailing, alas, what may not even now be mentioned without renewing in the hearts of some here present a grief too sacred and too recent to be disturbed, may repeat with added emphasis the words of the great Athenian orator, We have not been enfeebled by philosophy. " How impressively in the recent World War was this old-time truth repeated and emphasized in the great uprising that immediately followed in all of our colleges and uni versities ! Again, too, the response of the graduates and non- graduates of Brown was worthy of the best traditions of the University. So may it ever be ! KENNEBUNKPORT, MAINE, April 2, 1920. THE ROLL. CLASS OF 1825 GEORGE W. PATTEN. Brevet Second Lieutenant, Second Infantry, United States Army, July 1, 1830; First Lieutenant, February 13, 1837; Captain, June 18, 1846; wounded lost right hand at the battle of CerroGordo, April 18, 1847; Brevet Major, April 18, 1847; Major, Ninth Infantry, April 30, 1861; Lieuten ant Colonel, Second Infantry, June 7, 1862; retired from active service, February 17, 1864. CLASS OF 1826 GEORGE W. HATHAWAY. Chaplain, Nineteenth Maine Vol unteers, June 13, 1863; mustered out of service with regiment, May 31, 1865; served in Virginia and Pennsylvania. CLASS OF 1829 JOHN A. BoLLES. Captain and additional Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Major General John A. Dix, February, 1862; Major and Provost Judge at Fortress Monroe, June 20, 1862; Judge Advocate, Seventh Army Corps, September 3, 1862; Brevet Lieu- tentant Colonel, March 13, 1865; Brevet Colonel, July, 1865; Brevet Brigadier General, May, 1866; resigned, July, 1865, and appointed Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate. BENONI CARPENTER. Surgeon, Twelth Rhode Island Vol unteers, October 5, 1862; Surgeon, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), September 5, 1863; Medical Director and Inspector of the District of Carrollton, Louisiana, June 18, 1864; mustered out of service with regiment, October 2, 1865. HUSH A DYER. Captain, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. 2 CIVIL WAR RECORD CLASS OF 1830 FRANCIS J. LIPPITT. Colonel, Second California Volunteers, August 23, 1861; in command of the Northern District of Cali fornia from January, 1862, till July, 1863; mustered out of serv ice, October 11, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865. CLASS OF 1832 JOHN B. WHITE. Chaplain, One Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Volunteers, August 4, 1864; mustered out of service, July, 1865. CLASS OF 1834 THOMAS M. POTTER. Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, October 17, 1839; Passed Assistant Surgeon, January 22, 1848; Surgeon, July 13, 1853; served on the Niagara, Roanoke, Cumberland and Santee. CLASS OF 1835 LKVi H. HOLDEN. Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, June 15, 1840; Major and Surgeon, April 23, 1860; Brevet Lieu tenant Colonel, March 13, 1865; served as Medical Director, and was stationed during the war at Cincinnati, Ohio. CLASS OF 1836 FOSTER HARTWELL. Chaplain, One Hundred and Twenti eth New York Volunteers, August 22, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, December 10, 1863. CLASS OF 1837 CHARLES K. NEWCOMB. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. CHARLES R. TRAIN. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, United States Volunteers, September 4, 1862; served on the staff OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 3 of Brigadier General George H. Gordon; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service, November 6, 1862. CLASS OF 1838 FRANCIS LELAND. Surgeon, Second Massachusetts Volun teers, October 11, 1861; wounded at Cedar Mountain, Virginia, August 9, 1862; resigned, October 24, 1862. ISAAC G. WILSON. Enrolled, September 6, 1861, at Geneva, Illinois; Colonel of the Fifty-second Illinois Volunteers, Novem ber 19, 1861; resigned, December 6, 1861. CLASS OF 1839 RUFUS COFFIN. First Lieutenant, United States Revenue Service, August 21, 1861; resigned on account of illness in the summer of 1863. JOSEPH S. PITMAN. Lieutenant Colonel, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 18, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. JAMES B. M. POTTER. Additional Paymaster, United States Army, June 1, 1861; Major and Paymaster, July 15, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865; remained in the service. JAMES R. STONE. Captain, Company I, Tenth New Jersey Volunteers, March 15, 1862; Captain, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 24, 1863; Brevet Major, September 26, 1865; mustered out of service, January 1, 1868. CLASS OF 1 840 OBIL W. BRIGGS. Chaplain, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, Octo ber 26, 1861; honorably mustered out of service in orders dated February 23, 1863. GEORGE H. BROWNE. Colonel, Twelfth Rhode Island Vol unteers, September 18, 1862; served in Virginia and Kentucky; mustered out of service with regiment, July 29, 1863. 4 CIVII, WAR RECORD THORNDIKE C. JAMESON. Chaplain, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, June 11, 1861; Major, December 13, 1862; resigned, January 8, 1863; Major, Fifth Rhode Island^ Heavy Artillery, March 2, 1863; served in Virginia and North Carolina; mustered out of service, February 2, 1865. HENRY S. NEWCOMB. Midshipman, United States Navy, July 21, 1838; Passed Midshipman; lieutenant, June 28, 1853; Lieutenant Commander; Commander, September, 1862; served in the South Atlantic and East Gulf Blockading Squadron; died, October 24, 1863. ELISHA F. WATSON. Chaplain, Eleventh Massachusetts Vol unteers, June 13, 1861; served in the Army of the Potomac until February 24, 1864, and was subsequently an acting Chaplain of the Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers. CLASS OF 1841 WILLIAM M. HALE. Captain, Co. I, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, August 11, 1862; served in the defenses of Washington; mustered out with regi ment, September 1, 1862. ORIGEN S. JEWETT. Major, Thirty-eighth Alabama Infan try, May 15, 1862; killed in action in the battle of Chickamauga, September 19, 1863. AUGUSTUS MASON. Assistant Surgeon, Forty-third Massa chusetts Volunteers, November 5, 1862; Acting Surgeon, Fifty- first Massachusetts Volunteers, November, 1862, at Newport, North Carolina; returned to the Forty-third Regiment, December 6, 1862; again Acting Surgeon of the Fifty-first Regiment; in charge of Galloupe Field Hospital, Charleston Expedition; re signed, March 17, 1863. JOHN M. THAYER. Colonel, First Nebraska Volunteers, June 13, 1861; Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, Octo ber 4, 1862; served in Missouri, and under General Grant in Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi; in the fall of 1863 was OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 5 transferred to the Department of Arkansas, and assigned to the command of the Army of the Frontier; Brevet Major General, United States Volunteers; resigned, July 19, 1865. CLASS OF 1842 EDWIN METCALF. Major, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artil lery, August 27, 1861; resigned, August 4, 1862; Colonel, Elev enth Rhode Island Volunteers, September 15, 1862; Colonel, Third Heavy Artillery, November 11, 1862; resigned, February 5, 1864. CLASS OF 1843 TRACY P. CHEEVER. Captain, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 13, 1862; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out, June 23, 1863, on account of wounds received at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. ROBERT B. HILTON. Captain, Company D, First Regiment Florida Infantry, April 5, 1861; member of Confederate Congress. LEWIS RICHMOND. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers, on staff of Major General Burnside, September 13, 1861; Major, April 28, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, July 22, 1862; Brevet Colonel, August 1, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General, March 13, 1865. ABRAM VAN BUREN. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Twen ty-sixth Missouri Volunteers, January 17, 1862; served in Mis souri; resigned, April 26, 1862. CLASS OF 1844 LEWIS H. BouTEU,. Major, Forty-fifth Missouri Volun teers; mustered out of service, March 7, 1865. FRANCIS C. JOHNSON. Private, Company K, First Florida Reserves, August 23, 1864; soon after appointed Chaplain of 6 CIVIL WAR RECORD forces under General J. J. Dickinson, at Waldo, Florida, his serv ice closing at the end of the war. B. PORTER KING. Captain, Company GT, Fourth Alabama Infantry, April 22, 1861. After serving a year in the Army of Northern Virginia, he was recalled to his post as Circuit Judge and resigned his army commission. WiUvARD SAYLES. Major, First Rhode Island Cavalry, Sep tember 27, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, February 21, 1862; resigned, July 7, 1862; Colonel, Third Rhode Island Cavalry, July 1, 1863; served in Virginia and in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, November 29, 1865. CLASS OF 1845 JAMES K. BELL. First Lieutenant, Company B, Sixth Vir ginia Infantry, April, 1861; mustered out May 1, 1862; Assist ant Surgeon, Thirty-seventh Georgia Infantry, September 14, 1862, and later served in hospitals at Opelika, Alabama, and Lou- don , Tennessee. CORNELIUS KOLLOCK. Served in the Army of Northern Virginia as Surgeon of the Eighth South Carolina Infantry in 1861 and 1862. CLASS OF 1846 SANFORD R. GIFFORD. Private, Seventh New York Volun teers, April, 1861; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with his regiment. Twice again during the war he went to the field with his regiment. WILLIAM GODDARD. Major, First Rhode Island Volunteers, June 27, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Major by special order and Volunteer Aide on staff of Major General Burnside at the battle of Fred- ericksburg, Virginia, December 11, 1862; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel; Brevet Colonel, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 7 WILLIAM W. PEARCE. Corporal, First Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; Sergeant; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with battery, August 6, 1861. CLASS OF 1847 THOMAS S. ANTHONY. First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, March 17, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, October 15, 1862. JAMES P. BOYCE. Chaplain, Sixteenth South Carolina Infan try, December, 1861. Later he served as Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Governor Magrath of South Carolina, and also as Acting Provost Marshal of Columbia, South Carolina, when it was occu pied by General Sherman. ALBERT H. CAMPBELL. Captain, Confederate Engineers, June 6, 1862; Major, October 19, 1864; in charge of the topo graphical department of the Army of Northern Virginia. FREDERIC DENISON. Chaplain, First Rhode Island Cavalry, November 7, 1861; resigned, January 19, 1863; Chaplain, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, January 20, 1863; mustered out, October 5, 1864, at expiration of service. JOSHUA J. ELLIS. Assistant Surgeon, Thirty-seventh Mas sachusetts Volunteers, August 18, 1862; served in Virginia; resigned, March 10, 1863; died, March 17, 1863. JAMES HARRIS. Assistant Surgeon, First Rhode Island Vol unteers, April 17, 1861; mustered out, August 2, 1861; Surgeon, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers, August 18, 1862; Medical Inspector, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, October 19, 1864; Medical Director, Ninth Army Corps, May 29, 1865; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, November 24, 1865, to date from March 13, 1865. WALTER H. JUDSON. Second Lieutenant, Thirteenth Mas sachusetts Volunteers, July 16, 1861; served in Virginia; a pris oner at Richmond, Virginia, November, 1862; died at New Haven, Connecticut, March 10, 1863. 8 CIVIL WAR RECORD TIMOTHY NEWHALL. Surgeon, First Rhode Island Cavalry, November 1, 1861; served in Virginia; resigned, May 23, 1862. CLASS OF 1848 FAYETTE CLAPP. Surgeon on staff of Major General Fre mont, November, 1861; Regimental Surgeon, December, 1861, and ordered to Jefferson City on hospital duty; resigned, 1862; Surgeon, United States steamer Marmora, December, 1862; died, September, 1864. JOSEPH B. CLARK. Captain, Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteers, August 21, 1862; wounded at the battle of the Wil derness, May 6, 1864; served in Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee; mustered out of service with regiment, June 4, 1865. AUSTIN S. CUSHMAN. Second Lieutenant, Third Massachu setts Volunteers, April 23, 1861; Adjutant, April 29, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 21, 1861; Major, Forty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers, Novem ber 7, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1863. THOMAS H. JOHNSON. Captain, Third South Carolina Cav alry, January 27, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, August 21, 1862; on the field and staff of the regiment, July and August, 1864; cap tured near Greensboro, North Carolina, April 11, 1865; took the oath of allegiance, April 12, 1865. JOHN H. TUCKER. Captain, Seventh South Carolina Cav alry, May 5, 1861, and served in South Carolina and Virginia; resigned, February 7, 1865, on account of ill health, and returned to South Carolina. WILLIAM B. WEEDEN. Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, June 6, 1861; Captain, August 8, 1861; served in Virginia; resigned, July 21, 1862. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 9 CLASS OF 1849 WILLIAM R. BROWNELL. Surgeon, Twelfth Connecticut Volunteers, October 7, 1861; May, 1862, on staff of Major Gen eral Butler; July, 1862, on duty at St. James General Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana; August, 1863, Medical Director, La Fourche District, Louisiana; December, 1863, Division Surgeon, First Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, August, 1864; Decem ber, 1864, appointed Staff Surgeon, United States Army; served in Louisiana and Virginia; resigned, April, 1865. JULIAN HARTRIDGE. First Lieutenant, Chatham Artillery, Savannah, Georgia, August 1, 1861; resigned, March 27, 1862, and became a member of the Confederate Congress. LLOYD MORTON. Surgeon, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virgina; mustered out of service with regiment, September, 1862. ALEXANDER J. ROBERT. Private, Company E, Fourth Georgia Infantry, April 28, 1861; Sergeant, May 10, 1861; Sec ond Lieutenant, 1861; Adjutant, August, 1862; was with his command on August 31, 1864, but the Georgia Soldier Roster Commission has no further record of his service. ISAAC N. TOURTELLOTE. Private, Company D, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, October 14, 1862; served in Virginia; discharged at Elmira, New York, April, 1865, from Company A, Nineteenth Veteran Reserve Corps. ADIN B. UNDERWOOD. Captain, Second Massachusetts Vol unteers, May 24, 1861; Major, Thirty-third Massachusetts Volun teers, July 11, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, July 24, 1862; Colonel, April 3, 1863; wounded at Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Octo ber 29, 1863; Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, Jan uary 22, 1864; Brevet Major General, United States Volunteers, August 13, 1865; President of Court Martial at Washington, May to September, 1865; mustered out of service, September 1, 1865. H. LINCOLN WAYLAND. Chaplain, Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, September 18, 1861; served in the Department of the South; mustered out of service, January 7. 1864. 10 CIVII, WAR RECORD C LASS OF 1850 JAMES BROWN. Captain, Thirty-third Massachusetts Vol unteers, July 31, 1862; Major, November 2<f, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, May 11, 1863. ROBERT HAU,. Private, Company E, Fifty-fifth Virginia Infantry, July 24, 1861; Corporal, October, 1863, and later Lieu tenant; mentioned in General Orders, Adjutant and Inspector General s Office, Richmond, Virginia, October 3, 1863, for gal lantry in the battle of Chancellorsville. HENRY F. LANE. Chaplain Forty-first Massachusetts Vol unteers, November 4, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, August 25, 1863. KDWARD L. PIERCE. Private, Company L, Third Massa chusetts Volunteers, April 16, 1861; served in Virginia. While the regiment was at Fortress Monroe, having charge of work in behalf of escaped slaves at Hampton, he wrote an article for the Atlantic Monthly (November, 1861) entitled The Contrabands at Fort Monroe, in which he suggested the possibility of arming the negroes for service in the Union army. He was mustered out with regiment, July 22, 1861. CHARLES P. PRICE. Corporal, Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York Volunteers, November 1, 1862; Ser geant, January 21, 1863; Second Lieutenant, January 27, 1863; died April 17, 1863, at Brashear City, Louisiana, of wounds received at Irish Bend, Louisiana, April 14, 1863. He served in the Third Brigade, Grover s Division, Nineteenth Army Corps. CLASS OF 1851 FRANCIS W. BIRD. Captain, Company C, Eleventh North Carolina Infantry, June 23, 1863; Major, July 3, 1863; Lieuten ant Colonel; killed at Reams Station, Virginia, August 24, 1864. EMMONS P. BOND. Private, Fourteenth Connecticut Volun teers, September, 1864; Chaplain, October 12, 1864; served in Virginia; resigned, May 5, 1865. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 11 LUTHER F. HUMESTON. Contract Surgeon, United States Army, October 13, 1864; served as such until the close of the war. Major General Gordon Granger, commanding the Thirteenth Army Corps, in a General Field Order, March 18, 1865, in a list of officers on duty at his headquarters, mentions "Acting Staff Surgeon, L. F. Humeston, U. S. Army," as "Acting Medical Inspector." JAMES B. JORDAN. In his record in the General Catalogue of Brown University is the following: "Confederate military serv ice, colonel or major. From Forestville, N. C.; born in 1831; killed in battle 1862." Added inquiries of the president of the University of North Carolina and of the North Carolina Histor ical Commission having in charge the Civil War records of North Carolina regiments have added the following from "Sketches of the History of the University of North Carolina together with a Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1789-1889," compiled and edited by Mrs. Cornelia P. Spencer, page 157: "Jordan, James B., Bertie Co., 1855-56. A. B. Brown Univ. Lawyer, C. S. A. Born, 1831. Died in service, 1862." On this information it seems proper to include his name among those graduates of the service who died while engaged in military service in the Civil War. ANTOINE J. MAURAN. Assistant Surgeon, Third New York Infantry, October 29, 1862; served later as Acting Assistant Sur geon, United States Army. FREDERIC MOTT. Quartermaster, Thirty-ninth Iowa Vol unteers, September 14, 1862; Adjutant from the spring of 1863 to December, 1864; Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, December, 1864; Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Fif teenth Army Corps, January 1, 1865; mustered out of service, July 10, 1865. FRANK WHEATON. First Lieutenant, Fourth Cavalry, United States Army, March 3, 1855; Captain, March 1, 1861; Lieuten ant Colonel, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, July, 1861; Colonel, 12 CIVIL WAR RECORD July 22, 1861; Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, No vember 29, 1862; Major, Second Cavalry, United States Army, November 5, 1863; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army, May 5, 1864; Brevet Major General, United States Volun teers, October 19, 1864; Brevet Colonel, United States Army, October 19, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General, United States Army, March 13, 1865; Brevet Major General, United States Army, March 13, 1865; Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-ninth Infan try, United States Army, July 28, 1866; served in Maryland and Virginia; continued in the service. CLASS OF 1852 SULLIVAN BALLOU. Major, Second Rhode Island Volun teers, June 11, 1861; served in Virginia; died near Sudley Church, Virginia, July 26, 1861, of wounds received at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. JAMES E. BROWN. Corporal, Company F, Twenty-fifth Wisconsin Volunteers, September 14, 1862; died in regimental hospital at Helena, Arkansas, November 4, 1863. MILES J. FLETCHER. Aide-de-Camp to Governor Oliver P. Morton of Illinois, from April, 1861. As Aide he was useful in many ways, organizing troops and in caring for them after they left the State. While hastening with the Governor to the relief of the wounded after the battle of Shiloh, he was instantly killed in a railroad accident, May 10, 1862. HENRY CLAY HART. Captain, Fifteenth Alabama Infantry Regiment, July 30, 1861, and served in battles in the peninsula campaign of 1862, closing with the battle of Malvern Hill; mus tered out on account of disability. DARWIN E. MAXSON. Chaplain, Eighty-fifth New York Volunteers, December 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out, June 23, 1862. CHARLES H. PARKHURST. Captain, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, September 19, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, Third OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 13 Rhode Island Cavalry, August 31, 1863; served in the Depart ment of the Gulf; resigned, May 26, 1865. CHARLES B. RANDAU,. Second Lieutenant, Twelfth New York Volunteers, May 13, 1861; Captain, September 25, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, May 17, 1863; Major, One Hundred and Forty-ninth New York Volunteers, March 17, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, June 5, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, Penn sylvania, July, 1863; killed before Atlanta, Georgia, July 20, 1864. MELANCTHON STORRS. Surgeon, Eighth Connecticut Vol unteers, October 5, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, October 6, 1864; Contract Surgeon, United States Army, from October 7, 1864, to July 17, 1865. CLARENDON WAITE. Private, February 18, 1864; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service, May 20, 1864. Lucius A. WHEELOCK. Second Lieutenant, Company A, Forty-third Massachusetts Volunteers, November 10, 1862; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service with regiment, July 30, 1863. JOSEPH C. WIGHTMAN. Chaplain, Twenty-fourth Connect icut Volunteers, November 18, 1862; mustered out with regiment at expiration of service. CLASS OF 1853 FRANK S. BRADFORD. Assistant Surgeon, First Regiment Rhode Island Artillery, November 14, 1861; in June, 1862, tem porarily attached to the Eighty-second New York Volunteers; resigned and mustered out, July 19, 1862. OSBORN E. BRIGHT. Sergeant Major, Twenty-second New York Volunteers, June 28, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 15, 1862. HENRY W. DIMAN. Acting Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy, January 14, 1862; served in the West Gulf Blockad ing Squadron; resigned, August 13, 1862. 14 CIVII, WAR RECORD GEORGE A. CROCKER. First Lieutenant, Company E, Fifth New York Cavalry, September 11, 1861; Adjutant, Sixth New York Cavalry, November 11, 1861; Captain, Company A, June 27, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out, May 15, 1865. GEORGE D. HENDERSON. Chaplain, United States Navy, July 2, 1864; served in the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron; ordered to the Naval Academy, September 12, 1864; detached, December 20, 1865; remained in the service. CHARLES H. HENSHAW. Captain, Company K, One Hun dredth New York Volunteers, October, 1861; served in Virginia; resigned, August, 1862. EDWARD P. LAWTON. Member of the Chatham Artillery, Savannah, Georgia, May, 1861; Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, August 15, 1861; served in Virginia on the staff of his brother, Brigadier General A. R. Lawton. In the summer of 1862, at the battles of Gaines Mills and Malvern Hill, he com manded the Thirty-first and Thirty-eighth Georgia regiments. At the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, he was mortally wounded, and as a prisoner he was taken to the United States Hospital at Alexandria, where he died, December 26, 1862. LEONARD B. PRATT. Second Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Cavalry, December, 1861; Quartermaster, First Battalion; First Lieutenant and Regimental Commissary, November 1, 1863; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service, December 14, 1864. GEORGE H. WOODS. First Lieutenant, First Minnesota Volunteers, April 29, 1861; Acting Regimental Quartermaster, July 3, 1861; Chief Quartermaster, Corps of Observation, Briga dier Charles P. Stone, commanding; Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, November 16, 1861; Second Corps, April, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Commissary of Subsistence, Third Corps, January 1, 1863; Sheridan s Cavalry Corps, March 28, 1864; President of Board of Examination for Officers of the Sub- OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 15 sistence Department, December, 1864; mustered out of service, June 11, 1865. CLASS OF 1854 CHARLES H. BOYD. Received an appointment in the United States Coast Survey service soon after graduation; in the sum mer of 1861 was on the United States steamer Arago in Passama- quoddy Bay, Maine, and was sent from there to participate in the Port Royal Expedition; served on the staff of Admiral Du Pont; in 1862, was with General Barnard in the defenses of Washington, D. C.; in 1863, was with Colonel W. F. Reynolds, United States Engineers, in the defenses of Baltimore; in December, 1863, re ported to General W. L. Elliott, commanding Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumberland, as Captain of Topographical Engi neers, but was soon transferred to the staff of Major General George H. Thomas and remained on his staff until November, 1865, the latter part of the time as Major of Topographical Engi neers; served in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and Tennessee. FRANK W. CHENEY. Lieutenant Colonel, Sixteenth Con necticut Volunteers, August 15, 1862; wounded at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862; served in Virginia and Maryland; mustered out on account of wounds, December 24, 1862. ALEXANDER W. COUPER. Private, Company A, Sixteenth Georgia Infantry, January, 1863; transferred to the staff of Gen eral Clement A. Evans, June, 1863, and served in the Army of Northern Virginia to the close of the war. ARTHUR F. DEXTER. Captain, First Rhode Island Volun teers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; on staff of Brigadier General Tyler, April, 1862; resigned. JOHN A. DUVILLARD. Second Lieutenant, Twelfth United States Infantry, Company H, October 24, 1861; First Lieutenant, Company F, August 11, 1862; is mentioned in the Official Records 16 CIVIL WAR RECORD of the Union and Confederate Armies as in the second Bull Run battle, Antietam and Fredericksburg; died at Fort Hamilton, New York, May 5, 1865. WILLIAM G. ELY. Lieutenant Colonel, Sixth Connecticut Volunteers, September 4, 1861; Colonel Eighteenth Connecticut Volunteers, July 24, 1862; served in South Carolina and Virginia; captured at Winchester, Virginia, June, 1863; wounded at Lynch- burg, June 18, 1864; discharged on account of wounds, Septem ber 18, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865. FRANCIS W. GODDARD. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; Captain (carbineers), June 27, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. THOMAS P. IVES. Lieutenant, United States Revenue Serv ice, May 15, 1861; resigned, November 6, 1861; in command of steamer Picket, Burnside s flagship, December 2, 1861; resigned, May 12, 1862; Acting Master, United States Navy, September 3, 1862; Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, May 26, 1863; assigned to duty in the Ordnance Bureau, December 3, 1863; Acting Volun teer Commander, November 7, 1864; January 26, 1865, relieved from duty on account of ill health with permission to travel abroad; died at Havre, France, November 17, 1865. GEORGE C. DE MARINI. Sergeant, First Rhode Island Light Battery, May 2, 1861; served in the defenses of Washington and in Virginia; mustered out of service with battery, August 6, 1861. ENOS MUNGER. Private, Company C, Seventh Minnesota Volunteers, August 14, 1862; discharged at Benton Barracks, Missouri, March 20, 1864, for promotion; Chaplain, Sixty-second United States Colored Infantry, May 31, 1864; resigned, Decem ber 28, 1864. JAMES N. OLNEY. Lieutenant Colonel, Second California Volunteers, September 2, 1861; mustered out of service at San Francisco, California, October 20, 1864. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 17 HENRY C. PARSONS. Sergeant, Eleventh Pennsylvania Vol unteers, April 25, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of serv ice with regiment, July 25, 1861; Captain, Pennsylvania Volun teers, 1863. NATHANIEL P. RICHMOND. Lieutenant Colonel, First West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry, October 7, 1861; Colonel, August 6, 1862; at the battle of Gettysburg, after General Farnsworth was killed, July 3, 1863, he commanded the First Cavalry Brigade, and was mentioned by Major General Kilpatrick in his report as one who deserved "the greatest praise"; resigned, and was mus tered out, November 2, 1863. AMOS D. SMITH, JR. Second Lieutenant, Tenth Light Bat tery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with battery, August 30, 1862. WILLIAM TILLMAN. Major and Paymaster, United States Volunteers, September 9, 1861; served in Virginia and in the Department of the Cumberland; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865; mustered out of service, January 15, 1866. THOMAS VERNON. Corporal, Seventy-first New York Vol unteers, April 19, 1861; mustered out, July 30, 1861; re-entered the service, May 28, 1862; mustered out, September 2, 1862; entered the service again, June 17, 1863; mustered out, July 22, 1863; served in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. JARED J. WILLIAMS. Private, Seventeenth New Hampshire Volunteers, October 18, 1862; Captain, Company A, December 30, 1862; mustered out of service, April 16, 1863. JOSEPH R. WINCHESTER. Second Lieutenant, Company F, St. James Regiment, Louisiana Militia, September 13, 1861. The Confederate records in the War Department at Washington show that he was serving, December 1, 1862, as First Lieutenant of the Pelican Light Artillery. These records also show that November 18, 1863, he was First Lieutenant in Faries Louisiana Battery. 18 CIVIL WAR RECORD CLASS OF 1855 Louis BELL. Captain, Company A, First New Hampshire Volunteers, May, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, Fourth New Hampshire Vol unteers, September 3, 1861; Colonel, May 16, 1862; commanded Third Brigade, Second Division, Tenth Army Corps; served in Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina; killed at Fort Fisher, North Carolina, January 15, 1865; Brevet Briga dier General, January 15, 1865. JOHN W. BIGELOW. Sergeant, Company E, Fifty-first Massachusetts Volunteers, September 21, 1862; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service, July 25, 1863. HORACE H. BRAND. Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, First Regiment of Riflemen and Sixth District Missouri State Guard, Confederate service; Inspector General, Missouri Confederate forces, July 16, 1861; served on the staff of Major General Ster ling Price. In the General Catalogue of the University (1914) it is stated that he was killed in Arkansas, March 13, 1863. JOHN K. BROWN. Acting Second Lieutenant of Engineers (Confederate) at Wilmington, North Carolina, from April 13, 1863, to September 30, 1864. He resigned February 1, 1865, and no later record of his service has been found in the War Depart ment in Washington. WILLIAM P. GRIER. Assistant Surgeon, Third Cavalry, United States Army, July 30, 1862; on duty at the United States Hospital, Chester, Pennsylvania, and at the Medical Inspector s office in Philadelphia. While passing up the Arkansas River to join his regiment, January 8, 1866, he was killed by the bursting of the boiler of steamer Miami. MOSES B. JENKINS. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. ARTHUR J. MAGENIS. Quartermaster, Second Missouri Mili tia, November, 1861 (recorded in the Official Records of the Union OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 19 and Confederate Armies}, when he was exchanged for Captain E. C. Thomas, Thirteenth Missouri Volunteers (Union service); First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Twenty-seventh Arkansas Infan try, July 14, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, October 1, 1862; Adju tant and Inspector General (Confederate), February 15, 1864. It is mentioned in the records of the War Department, Washington, that he was serving in that position, February 21, 1865, but there is no later record of his service. CHARLES PHELPS. Second Lieutenant, Thirty-seventh Mas sachusetts Volunteers, August 27, 1862; First Lieutenant, Decem ber 30, 1862. The regiment served in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. It was also ordered to New York, July 31, 1863, for duty in connection with the draft riot. Resigned, and was mustered out of service, November 17, 1863. ADDISON W. PRESTON. Captain, Company D, First Ver mont Cavalry, October 15, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, September 16, 1862; Colonel, April 29, 1864; killed in action at Hawes Shop, Virginia, June 3, 1864. HORATIO ROGERS, JR. First Lieutenant, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, August 27, 1861; Captain, October 9, 1861; Major, August 18, 1862; Colonel, Eleventh Rhode Island Volun teers, December 27, 1862; Colonel, Second Rhode Island Vol unteers, January 29, 1863; served in South Carolina and Virginia; resigned and honorably mustered out of service, January 14, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865. CHARLES A. SNOW. Chaplain, Third Massachusetts Volun teers, October 10, 1862; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service with regiment, June 26, 1863. HENRY N. SNYDER. Captain, Company K, Fifty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, July 30, 1861; Assistant Commissary of Mus ters on staff of General Jefferson C. Davis, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, from April to October, 1863, and on the staff of Major General Philip H. Sheridan, from October, 1863, to August, 20 CIVIL WAR RECORD 1864; served in Tennessee and Virginia; mustered out of service, October 5, 1864. JOHN F. TOBEY. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WILLIAM M. TURNER. Assistant Surgeon, Virginia Volun teers, May 17, 1861; Assistant Surgeon, Confederate Army, July 19, 1861; resigned, May 6, 1862, and entered the Confederate Navy as Assistant Surgeon, serving later with the Naval Battalion on the James River; surrendered at Richmond, Virginia, April 3, 1865, and was paroled April 18, 1865. ORESTES WARREN. Private, Company A, First Mississippi Cavalry, August 16, 1861. On a roll of the company in the War Department at Washington, he is recorded as present from April 30, 1862, to October 31, 1862, but no later report is known to exist. BENJAMIN F. WINCHESTER. Mentioned in the Official Rec ords of the Union and Confederate Armies as First Lieutenant in Faries Louisiana Battery, and later as Captain of that battery. He is mentioned in command of the battery in reports of Novem ber 19, 1864, December 31, 1864, and June 1, 1865, serving then in the Confederate Trans-Mississippi Department. CLASS OF 1856 GEORGE W. ADAMS. Private, First Rhode Island Light Battery, May 2, 1861; First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, August 12, 1861; Captain, January 30, 1863; Brevet Major, October 19, 1864; served in Maryland and Virginia; mus tered out of service with battery, June 24, 1865. CHARLES H. ALDEN. Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, June 23, 1860; Surgeon, July 28, 1866; Brevet Major, March 13, 1865; remained in the service. CALEB BATES. Volunteer Aide to his cousin, General Joshua H. Bates, in the spring of 1861; in September, 1862, Volunteer OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 21 Aide to Major General A. McCook, commanding the right wing of the Army of the Ohio; March 11, 1863, commissioned Major and Aide-de-Camp, United States Volunteers, and assigned to duty on the staff of Major General McCook, then commanding the Twentieth Army Corps; served in the Army of the Cumber land and in the Department of Missouri; mustered out of service, November 22, 1865. NICHOLAS B. BOLLES. First lieutenant, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HORACE E. BROOKS. Corporal, Company A, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, September 16, 1861; served in North Carolina and Virginia; discharged on surgeon s certificate of dis ability, January 6, 1863. HENDERSON CRAWFORD. Second Lieutenant, Company G, Consolidated Eighteenth Regiment and Yellow Jacket Battalion, Louisiana Infantry, on muster roll as present for duty, January and February, 1864; also in a list of paroled officers on file in the War Department, Washington, District of Columbia, as Captain, Company G, Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry, paroled at Natchi- toches, Louisiana, June 6, 1865. JAMES M. CUTTS. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 9, 1861; served in Virginia; discharged to accept promotion, June 23, 1861; Captain, Eleventh Infantry, United States Army, May 14, 1861; Judge Advocate on staff of Major General Burnside; detached from staff, September 28, 1863; Brevet Major, United States Army, August 1, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, August 1, 1864; Captain, Twentieth Infantry, United States Army; remained in the service. J. HALSEY DE WOLF. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. THOMAS EWING, JR. Colonel, Eleventh Kansas Volunteers, September 15, 1862; Brigadier General, United States Volun- 22 CIVIL WAR RECORD teers, March 13, 1863; Brevet Major General, United States Vol unteers, March 13, 1865; wounded at Pilot Knob, Missouri; served in Missouri, Arkansas and the Indian Territory; resigned, March 13, 1865. CHARLES H. HOWE. Assistant Surgeon, United States Army. GEORGE W. LEMON. Private, Company H, Third Michigan Volunteers, May 13, 1861; mustered out of service at expiration of enlistment, June 20, 1864. CHARLES H. LOTHROP. Additional Assistant Surgeon, First Iowa Cavalry, May 14, 1862; Assistant Surgeon, February 1, 1863; Surgeon, July 2, 1864; mustered out with regiment, Feb ruary 15, 1865. FRANK A. RHODES. First Lieutenant, Tenth Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service with battery, August 30, 1862. SAMUEL STARKWEATHER. Private, Company D, Eighty- fourth Ohio Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mus tered out at expiration of service at Camp Delaware, Ohio, Sep tember 20, 1862. JOHN E. TOURTELLOTTE. Captain, Company H, Fourth Minnesota Volunteers, October 5, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, August 24, 1862; Colonel, November 24, 1862; wounded at Alatoona, Georgia, October, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General; served in Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia; Captain, United States Army; remained in the service. AMOS P. WELLS. Captain, Company C, Eleventh New York Volunteers, August 4, 1861; resigned, April 30, 1862; Major, Twentieth United States Colored Infantry, January 15, 1864; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, October 7, 1865. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 23 CLASS OF 1857 HENRY T. BISSELL. Sergeant Major, One Hundred and Eleventh Ohio Volunteers, September 6, 1862; Second Lieuten ant, Company H; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, April 29, 1863; mustering officer on the staff of Brigadier General Judah, June, 1863; died in General Hospital, Number 2, Louisville, Kentucky, September 10, 1863. ALEXANDER T. BRITTON. Private, Captain Smead s Com pany, District of Columbia Volunteers, later known as Company A, Third Battalion, District of Columbia Militia (National Rifles), April 21, 1861; honorably discharged, June 8, 1861. CALEB H. CARLTON. On leaving college he entered the Military Academy at West Point. At the opening of the Civil War he was a First Lieutenant in the Fourth United States Infan try; Captain, June 30, 1862; Brevet Major, July 4, 1862; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, September 20, 1863; Colonel, Eighty-Ninth Ohio Volunteers, July 7, 1863; mustered out of the volunteer service with his regiment, June 23, 1865; remained in the service of the United States until retired, June 30, 1897. GEORGE W. CARR. Assistant Surgeon, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 18, 1861; Assistant Surgeon, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, August 27, 1861; Surgeon, September 12, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, June 17, 1864,. term of service having expired. CHARLES L. COMFORT. First Sergeant, Company I, Elev enth Louisiana Infantry, August 18, 1861. Prison records in the War Department at Washington, District of Columbia, mention him as First Lieutenant, same regiment, captured at Liberty, Mississippi, November 16, 1864. November 22, 1864, he was a prisoner at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Afterward he was sent to Ship Island, Mississippi, where he was exchanged March 2, 1865. SAMUEL J. FLETCHER. Sergeant, Company H, Fifteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, May 25, 1861; First Sergeant, January 16, 1862; Second Lieutenant, May 18, 1862; First Lieutenant, 24 CIVIL WAR RECORD November 14, 1862; Captain, Company D, July 4, 1863; mus tered out of service, July 28, 1864. ROBERT H. IvES. Lieutenant and Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General I. P. Rodman, commanding Third Division, Ninth Army Corps, August 19, 1862; served in Virginia and Maryland; mortally wounded at the battle of Antietam, Septem ber 17, 1862; died at Hagerstown, Maryland, September 27, 1862. CHARLES H. POPE. Sergeant Major, First Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service with battery, August 6, 1861; First Lieuten ant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, October 17, 1861; served in Virginia and North Carolina; resigned, October 6, 1862; Cap tain and Commissary of Subsistence, United States Volunteers, February 21, 1863. WILLIAM B. ROGERS. Acting Master s Mate, United States Navy, October 11, 1862; ordered to United States steamer Rhode Island; Acting Ensign, July 13, 1863; detached from United States steamer Rhode Island, September 19, 1863, and ordered to United States steamer Onward; detached on two months leave, June 16, 1865; honorably discharged, September 16, 1865. JOSIAH P. STONE. First Lieutenant, One Hundred and Sev enteenth New York Volunteers, April 9, 1862; Captain, August 20, 1862; served in Virginia; killed in action near Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. JOSIAH G. WOODBURY. Acting Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy, December, 1862; served in the South Atlantic Block ading Squadron; killed on board the ironclad Catskill in the attack on Forts Wagner and Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, August 17, 1863. CLASS OF 1858 SAMUEL W. ABBOTT. Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, November 11, 1861; served in North and South Blockad ing Squadrons; resigned, May 27, 1864; Surgeon, First Massa- OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 25 chusetts Cavalry, November 2, 1864; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service with regiment, June 26, 1865. EDWARD L. CLARK. Chaplain, Twelfth Massachusetts Vol unteers, June 26, 1861; served in Virginia; resigned, June 16, 1862. STEPHEN A. COBB. Captain, Fourth Kansas Volunteers, 1862; Provost Marshal of the Eighth and Ninth Districts of the Department of Missouri; mustered out of the service in 1863; appointed Captain and Commissary of Subsistence in the spring of 1864, and assigned to duty on the staff of Major General Gor don Granger; Chief Commissary, Thirteenth Army Corps; Brevet Major; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel; served in the Department of Missouri and the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, September 23, 1865. WALTER CONGDON. Private, Company F, Seventh New York Infantry; enrolled in New York City, April 17, 1861; mus tered into the service of the United States at Washington, Dis trict of Columbia, April 26, 1861; mustered out in New York, June 3, 1861; also enrolled at New York in same company and regiment, May 25, 1862; mustered into the service of the United States at Baltimore, Maryland, June 19, 1862; mustered out at New York, September 5, 1862. ELISHA DYER, JR. Sergeant, First Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, April 18, 1861; discharged, April 27, 1861, on Surgeon s certificate of injuries received at Easton, Pennsylvania, previous to muster in of battery. ROBERT H. I. GODDARD. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861 (date of muster); mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Lieutenant and Volun teer Aide-de-Camp on staff of Major General Burnside, Septem ber 20, 1862; Captain, March 11, 1863; Brevet Major, August 4, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, April 2, 1865; Assistant Inspector General, Ninth Army Corps; served in Maryland, Virginia, Ken- 26 CIVIL WAR RECORD tucky and Tennessee; mustered out of service at the close of the war. ARNOLD GREEN. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 29, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. EDWARD M. GUSHEE. Chaplain, Ninth New Hampshire Volunteers, July 10, 1862; served in Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky; resigned, October 20, 1863. JOHN HAY. Secretary to President Lincoln, March, 1861; Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Major General Hunter, 1863; Major and Assistant Adjutant General, January 12, 1864; ordered to Major General Gilmore, commanding Department of the South, April, 1864; ordered to Washington as Aide-de-Camp to the Pres ident, May 31, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel; Brevet Colonel. JOHN G. HASKELL. First Lieutenant and Regimental Quar termaster, Tenth Kansas Volunteers, July 24, 1861; Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, June 11, 1862; Brevet Major, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865; mustered out of service, November 22, 1865. ROBERT J. HENDERSON. Colonel, Forty-second Georgia Infantry, March 20, 1862; in March and April, 1865, he was in command of Cummings Brigade of Confederate troops in North Carolina. The War Department in Washington has no further record of his service. CHARLES L. KNEASS. First Lieutenant Eighteenth United States Infantry, May 14, 1861; Adjutant, July 2, 1861; Captain, 1862; served in Tennessee; killed at the battle of Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862. MOSES LYMAN. Second Lieutenant, Company F, Fifteenth Vermont Volunteers, September 16, 1862; First Lieutenant, Com pany H, November 8, 1862; transferred to Company K, June 19, 1863; mustered out of service with regiment, August 5, 1863. FRANCIS MANSFIELD. Chaplain, One Hundred and Thirty- second New York Volunteers, August 15, 1862; served in Vir- OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 27 ginia, in the First Brigade, Fifth Division, Eighteenth Army Corps; mustered out of service, February 6, 1863. ROBERT MILLAR. Assistant Surgeon, Fourth Rhode Island Volunteers, August 27, 1861; Brevet Major, United States Volun teers, March 13, 1865; served in Virginia; mustered out of serv ice at expiration of service, August 26, 1864. WILLIAM A. MOWRY. Captain, Company K, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, October 1, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 13, 1863. AARON H. NELSON. Acting Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy, July 7, 1863; served in the North and South Block ading Squadrons; resigned, March 28, 1865. WALTER B. NOYES. Chaplain, Fifth Rhode Island Volun teers, November 7, 1861; served in North Carolina; resigned, August 15, 1862. SAMUEL THURBER. Private, Company K, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, October 1, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Novem ber 3, 1862; First Lieutenant, March 26, 1863; served in Vir ginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 13, 1863. CLASS OF 1859 THEODORE ANDREWS. Private, Company D, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. JOSEPH A. ANSLEY. Third Sergeant, Company A, Twelfth Georgia Infantry, June 15, 1861; First Sergeant, 1863; captured at Fisher s Hill, Virginia, September 22, 1864; released at Point Lookout, Maryland, June 22, 1865. Lucius S. BOLLES. Assistant Surgeon, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, March 9, 1863; served in Maryland and Virginia; resigned, September 10, 1863. WILLIAM E. BOWEN. First Sergeant, Battery E, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, September 30, 1861; served in Virginia; discharged on surgeon s certificate, March 14, 1862. 28 CIVIL WAR RECORD HOWARD BREDELL. First Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp on the staff of General J. S. Bowen, April 23, 1863. July 4, 1863, he was made a prisoner at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and paroled. Later he enlisted as a private in Company D (Mosby s Cavalry command), Captain R. P. Montjoy s Company, organized in 1864. He was killed in action, but the date of his death is not given in Confederate military records. WILLIAM EDDY. Contract Surgeon, United States Army, April 29, 1862, until February 10, 1863; also from May 17, 1864, until August 25, 1864. BENJAMIN T. HUTCHINS. Private, Company A, Third Bat talion, District of Columbia Militia (National Rifles), April 15, 1861; mustered out, June 20, 1861; First Lieutenant, Third United States Cavalry, May 14, 1861; Regimental Quartermaster, July 1, 1861; transferred to the Sixth United States Cavalry, August 3, 1861; Captain, November 19, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, First New Hampshire Cavalry, March 18, 1864; Brevet Major, United States Army, March 13, 1865; honorably discharged from the volunteer service, July 15, 1865; remained in the regular army. ADONIRAM B. JUDSON. Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, July 30, 1861; Passed Assistant Surgeon, June 22, 1864; Surgeon, December 26, 1866; served in the South Atlantic and Gulf Squadrons; remained in the service. WILLIAM W. KEEN. Assistant Surgeon, Fifth Massachu setts Volunteers, July 1, 1861; participated in the first battle of Bull Run; mustered out of service with regiment, July 31, 1861; Acting Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, May 8, 1862; temporarily in charge also of Camp Sprague; Assistant Surgeon and Executive Officer, Eckington Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia; Surgeon in charge of Ascension General Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia, also of the Eighth Street Gen eral Hospital in addition; on field duty, second Bull Run battle, August 30, 1862, and until September 5th a prisoner; afterwards OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 29 on hospital duty at Philadelphia, viz., at the Satterlee General Hospital, West Philadelphia, then at the Christian Street Hos pital, Philadelphia, with Assistant Surgeons S. Weir Mitchell and George R. Morehouse, in charge of patients suffering from inju ries and diseases of the nervous system; later this ward and all the three Assistant Surgeons were transferred to Turner s Lane Hospital, Philadelphia; mustered out of service, July 2, 1864. EDWIN W. MITCHELL. Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, September 6, 1862; resigned and mustered out of service, December 5, 1862. EGBERT OLCOTT. Major, One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers, August 23, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, April 10, 1863; Brevet Colonel, October 19, 1864, for distin guished gallantry in the battle of Cedar Creek; Colonel, April 18, 1865; mustered out of the service of the United States, June 25, 1865. JOSEPH PERKINS. Enrolled, December 18, 1861; Captain , Company L,, First Connecticut Volunteer Artillery, March 12, 1862; served in Virginia; resigned, December 3, 1863. CHARLES H. PERRY. Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, September 2, 1861; served in the West Gulf and North Atlantic Blockading Squadron; resigned, May 9, 1865. HENRY PHELPS. Private, Company B, Ninety-first New York Volunteers, March 13, 1865. Colonel Jonathan Tarbell, commanding the regiment, in an official report dated "in the field near Appomattox Court House, Va., April 12, 1865, * referring to his officers and men who had "manifested the most determined perseverance and courage" in the campaign just closed, says, "Private Henry Phelps, Company B, captured the Adjutant of the Thirty-fourth Alabama, turned him over to the provost marshal, Fifth Army Corps, and holds receipt." Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Serial Number 95, page 889. 30 CIVII, WAR RECORD SAMUEL T. POINTER. Chaplain, Fifteenth Kentucky Vol unteers, June 3, 1863; served in Tennessee and Georgia; mus tered out of service, February, 1865. GEORGE L. PORTER. Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, July 17, 1862; served with Best s Battery, United States Artillery, and with Fifth United States Cavalry; captured during Banks campaign in the Shenandoah Valley; wounded at Boons- boro , Maryland, July 9, 1863; assigned to duty as Post Surgeon, at Washington Arsenal, District of Columbia, May 12, 1864; Brevet Captain, Brevet Major, United States Army, March 13, 1865; remained in the service. NATHAN A. REED, JR. First Sergeant, Company A, Fif tieth Ohio Volunteers, July 10, 1862; Second Lieutenant, October 16, 1862; First Lieutenant, May 27, 1863; mentioned in the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies as on the staff of Brigadier General Jacob Ammen in East Tennessee in 1864, and as Acting Assistant Adjutant General at Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1865; he resigned and was mustered out of the service, April 20, 1865. CHARLES M. SMITH. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), January 14, 1864; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, October 2, 1865. ROBERT H. THURSTON. Third Assistant Engineer, United States Navy, July 29, 1861; Second Assistant Engineer (Ensign), December 18, 1862; First Assistant Engineer (Master), January 30, 1865; served in the North and South Atlantic Blockading Squadrons, and in the Gulf Blockading Squadron; remained in the service, and on duty at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. THOMAS F. TOBEY. Sergeant, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 29, 1862; Captain, Seventh Rhode Island OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 31 Volunteers, September 4, 1862; Major, January 7, 1863; served in Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi; resigned, February 9, 1864; Second Lieutenant, Fourteenth Infantry, United States Army, May 3, 1865; First Lieutenant, May 6, 1865; remained in the service. LEVI A. TOWER. Ensign, Company E, First Rhode Island Volunteers; mustered into the service of the United States, May 21, 1861; resigned, July 1, 1861; Captain, Company F, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, June 6, 1861; killed at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. RICHARD WATERMAN. Private, First Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with battery, August 6, 1861; First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery C, August 8, 1861; Captain, July 25, 1862; served in Virginia and Maryland; mus tered out of service, September 2, 1864. CLASS OF 1860 HENRY S. ADAMS. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Forty- first Massachusetts Volunteers, September, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, November 10, 1863. CRAWFORD ALLEN. Second Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, November 7, 1861; First Lieutenant, November 18, 1862; Adjutant, First Regiment Rhode Island Artillery; Cap tain, Battery H, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, September 30, 1863; Brevet Major, April 2, 1865; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel; served in Virginia; wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Vir ginia, May 3, 1863; mustered out of service, June 28, 1865. ETHAN ALLEN. Colonel, Third Merchants Volunteers, New York, October 23, 1862; mustered out of the service. April 21, 1863, by consolidation of the regiment with the Blair Rifles, afterwards consolidated with the One Hundred and Seventy- eighth New York Volunteers. 32 CIVII, WAR RECORD GEORGE N. BLISS. Private, Company B, First Rhode Island Cavalry, September 28, 1861; Quartermaster Sergeant, October 4, 1861; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, October 12, 1861; assigned to duty in Company G, December 21, 1861; Captain, July 15, 1862; Judge Advocate, General Court Martial, New Haven, Connecticut, from August, 1863, to May, 1864; Assistant Provost Marshal, General Sheridan s Cavalry; wounded at Waynesborough, Virginia, September 28, 1864, and taken prisoner; in hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia, and at the Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia, December 9; selected as a hostage and placed in close confinement; exchanged, February 8, 1865; mustered out of service, May 15, 1865. HORACE S. BRADFORD. Acting Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy, February 24, 1862; served in the West Gulf and Atlantic Blockading Squadrons; resigned, December 1, 1863. DAVID P. CORBIN. First Lieutenant, Company G, Twenty- second Connecticut Volunteers, August 25, 1862; Captain, Feb ruary 19, 1863; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 7, 1863. SAMUEL W. DUNCAN. Captain, Company F, Fiftieth Mas sachusetts Volunteers, November 10, 1862; served in the Depart ment of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, August 24, 1863. HARRIS HOWARD. Chaplain, Seventh Rhode Island Volun teers, September 6, 1862; served in Maryland, Virginia and Ken tucky; resigned, June 3, 1863. PARDON S. JASTRAM. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Second Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, October 16, 1861; First Lieu tenant, December 6, 1862; Assistant Adjutant General, Artillery Brigade, Third Army Corps; served in Maryland and Virginia; resigned, March 29, 1864. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 33 WILLIAM L,. JONES. Enlisted at Norristown, Pennsylvania, September 10, 1861; Quartermaster Sergeant, Fifty-first Pennsyl vania Volunteers, October 16, 1861; served in North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland; died at Falmouth, Virginia, December 11, 1862. CHARLES G. KING. Hospital Steward, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. JOSEPH L,. MEIGS. Private, Company B, Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, June 29, 1863, to repel the invasion of Pennsylvania, which ended with the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863; mustered out of service with regiment, August 10, 1863. FREDERICK A. MITCHEL. Captain and Aide-de-Camp on staff of Major General O. M. Mitchel, September 3, 1862; mus tered out of service, November 7, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Six teenth United States Infantry, March 25, 1863; served in the Department of the Cumberland; resigned, August 7, 1863. HORACE G. MILLER. Sergeant, Company H, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; Commissary Sergeant, June 9, 1862; served in the defenses of Washington; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862. BENJAMIN F. PABODIE. Corporal, Company H, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. ANDREW C. POLLARD. Paymaster s Clerk, United States Navy, April 17, 1865; served in the West Gulf Blockading Squad ron; discharged, December 20, 1865. HENRY K. PORTER. Private, Company A, Forty-fifth Mas sachusetts Volunteers, October, 1862; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service with regiment, July 8, 1863. LIVINGSTON SATERLEE. On staff of Colonel (afterwards Major General) Butterfield, April 19, 1861; Captain, Company 3 34 CIVIL WAR RECORD K, Twelfth New York Volunteers (National Guards); Lieuten ant Colonel, 1862; taken prisoner at Harper s Ferry, Virginia, September, 1862; Brevet Brigadier General, United States Vol unteers. WILLIAM S. SMITH. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Captain, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HENRY J. SPOONER. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Rhode Island Volunteers, August 27, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adju tant, October 5, 1862; Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Third Brigade, Heckman s Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, February, 1864; also, April 30, 1864, with Second Brigade, First Division, same Corps, until November, 1864, when made Acting Adjutant, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers; mustered out as First Lieutenant and Adjutant of that regiment, February 3, 1865; served in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. JOHN E. TEFFT. Principal Musician, Major Zagony s Bat talion, Fremont s Body Guard, Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, Aug ust 12, 1861; Hospital Steward and Field Medical Purveyor, October 20, 1861; mustered out, November 20, 1861; Assistant Surgeon, First Arkansas Cavalry, March 1, 1863; resigned and mustered out, January 11, 1865. ALBERT G. WASHBURN. Private, One Hundred and Thirty- fourth New York Volunteers, July, 1862; Sergeant; First Lieu tenant, Company I, September 12, 1862; Captain, Company E, October 24, 1862; served in Virginia; died at Falmouth, Virginia, January 26, 1863. JOHN WHIPPLE. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, First Rhode Island Cavalry, October 4, 1861; Captain, February 21, 1862; Major, June 27, 1862; served in Maryland and Virginia; resigned, February 17, 1863. ALFRED M. WILLIAMS. Private, Company K, Fourth Mas- OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 35 sachusetts Volunteers, August 12, 1862; served in the Depart ment of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, August 28, 1863. CLASS OF 1861 ORVII^E A. BARKER. Private, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 5, 1862; Corporal, January 1, 1863; Hospital Steward, October 13, 1863; Second Lieutenant, November 8, 1863; First Lieutenant, September 13, 1864; Adjutant, December 5, 1864; Captain, April 3, 1865; served in Maryland and Vir ginia; mustered out with regiment, June 2, 1865. JOHN H. BROWN. Private, Company F, Fourth Rhode Island Volunteers, September 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a Veteran Volunteer, January 5, 1864; transferred to Company D, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers, October 21, 1864; transferred to Com pany D, Battalion Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers, June 6, 1865; Corporal, June 10, 1865; served in North Carolina and Virginia; mustered out of service, July 13, 1865. JOHN K. BUCKLYN. Private, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, 1861; Quartermaster Sergeant, September, 1861; Sec ond Lieutenant, March 1, 1862; First Lieutenant, December 31, 1862; wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863; Bre vet Captain, United States Volunteers, October 19, 1864; Captain, 1865; mustered out of service, February 2, 1865. HENRY S. BURRAGE. Private, Company A, Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 1, 1862; Sergeant, August 5, 1862; Sergeant Major, August 27, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Company D, May 16, 1863; First Lieutenant, November 17, 1863; wounded at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, 1864; Captain, June 19, 1864; a prisoner at Richmond and Danville, Virginia, from November 1, 1864, to February 22, 1865; Brevet Major, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865; Acting Assistant General, First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps; served in Maryland, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia; mus tered out of service, June 8, 1865. 36 CIVIL WAR RECORD CHRISTOPHER C. BURROWS. Quartermaster Sergeant, Com pany C, First Rhode Island Cavalry, December 11, 1861; served in Maryland and Virginia; discharged, April 20, 1864, to accept the Chaplaincy of the Twenty-second United States Infantry (colored); served in the Department of the Gulf; resigned, June 17, 1865. FRANK H. CARPENTER. Hospital Steward, Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, October 13, 1862; served in Virginia and Kentucky; mustered out of service with regiment, July 29, 1863. THOMAS T. CASWELL. Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy (Master), September 9, 1861; Paymaster (Lieutenant Com mander), September 17, 1863; served in the West Gulf, North and South Blockading Squadrons; remained in the service. CHARLES H. CHAPMAN. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers, November 30, 1861; served in North Carolina; resigned, May 14, 1862; Sergeant Major, Thirty- ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, September 1, 1862; Second Lieu tenant, August 30, 1863; First Lieutenant, September 6, 1864; a prisoner at Richmond and Danville, Virginia, from August 19, 1864, to February 22, 1865; served in Maryland and Virginia; resigned, April 29, 1865; Captain, Forty-first United States Infantry (colored), April 30, 1865; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, December 10, 1865. AUGUSTUS P. CLARKE. Assistant Surgeon, Sixth New York Cavalry, August, 1861, to May 5, 1863; Surgeon, May 5, 1863, to October, 1865; Surgeon-in-Chief, Second Brigade, First Cav alry Division, February 1, 1865, to July 1, 1865; Brevet Lieuten ant Colonel, United States Volunteers, October 1, 1865. CLINGMAN CRAIG. First Sergeant, Company C, Eleventh North Carolina Infantry (Confederate), January 22, 1862; Sec- ond Lieutenant, same company and regiment; wounded at Get tysburg, Pennsylvania, July, 1863, and died as the result of his wounds, September, 1863. GEORGE C. CRUTCHER. Private, Company A, Thirty-first OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 37 Mississippi Infantry, May 31, 1861; served in Virginia; died of typhoid fever at Camp Pickens, Manassas, Virginia, September 2, 1861. JAMES A. DEWOLF. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 17, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Acting Medical Cadet at McDougall General Hospital, New York Harbor, March 10, 1863; Acting Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, at Hampton General Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Virginia, June 1, 1863. WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS. Second Lieutenant, Fifth Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, November 30, 1861; First Lieutenant, June 7, 1862; Captain, February 14, 1863; served in North Carolina; mustered out, December 20, 1864, at expiration of service. T. HENRY EDSALL. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, One Hundred and Seventy-sixth New York Volunteers (Ironsides), December 31, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf ; mus tered out of service with regiment, November 16, 1863. CHARLES H. HIDDEN. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WILLIAM W. HOPPIN. Private, Company D, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 17, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. CHARLES K. HOSMER. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Assistant Sur geon, United States Navy; mustered out at the close of the war. LELAND D. JENCKES. Private, Company D, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 17, 1861; wounded, July 21, 181 (bat tle of Bull Run) and fell into the hands of the enemy; a pris oner at Richmond, Virginia, and Tuscaloosa, Alabama; paroled, March 1, 1862, but remained a prisoner at Salisbury, North Caro- 38 CFVTI, lina, until May 23, 1862; he was then exchanged, and June 1, 1862, he was mustered out of the service. CHARLES F. MASON. Second Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, December 24, 1861; First Lieutenant, October 1, 1862; on staff of Colonel Tompkins, Chief of Artillery Brigade, Sixth Army Corps, November, 1863; served in Maryland and Virginia; resigned, April 21, 1864. CHARLES MENDENHALL. Private, Company D, Second Ohio Volunteers, April 17, 1861; Sergeant, April 29, 1861; mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1861. EUSHA C. MOWRY. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1862. STEPHEN F. PECKHAM. Hospital Steward, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers, September 6, 1862; with Medical Director, Ninth Army Corps, May 21, 1864; in charge of Chemical Depart ment, United States Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January, 1865; served in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi; mustered out of service, May 26, 1865. DUNCAN C. PHIUJPS. First Lieutenant, Company M, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, September 9, 1862; Captain, Com pany F, November 21, 1863; Major, January 1, 1865; Inspector of Cavalry at Elmira, New York, from July, 1864; mustered out of service, February 16, 1865. JOHN W. ROGERS. First Lieutenant, Seventh Massachu setts Volunteers, June 15, 1861; Captain, Thirty-eighth Massa chusetts Volunteers, August 12, 1862; Captain, Fortieth Mas sachusetts Volunteers, August 18, 1862; declined commission; served in Virginia. FREDERIC M. SACKETT. Private, Company D, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 17, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; First Lieutenant, Battery C, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, October 5, 1861; wounded at the OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 39 battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 3, 1863; served in Mary land and Virginia; mustered out of service, October 3, 1863. SUMNKR U. SHEARMAN. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Rhode Island Volunteers, August 27, 1862; First Lieutenant, November 25, 1862; Captain, March 7, 1863; captured before Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864; a prisoner at Columbia, South Carolina, until exchanged, December 7, 1864; served in Virginia and Mary land; mustered out of service, December 17, 1864. HENRY K. SOUTHWICK. Second Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, August 29, 1862; First Lieutenant, August 9, 1863; Captain, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), February 1, 1864; Acting Inspector General on the staff of Gen eral T. W. Sherman; served in Virginia and in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, October 2, 1865. JOHN H. STINESS. Second Lieutenant, Second New York Artillery, December 13, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, November 1, 1862. LUCIEN B. STONE. Second Lieutenant, Company E, First Rhode Island Volunteers, April 18, 1861; served in Virginia; resigned, June 5, 1861. WASHINGTON B. TRULL. Assistant Surgeon, United States Volunteers, July 6, 1863; Brevet Captain, November 30, 1865; served in Tennessee; mustered out of service, December 8, 1865. JAMES C. WILLIAMS. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fifth Ohio- Volunteers, September, 1861; Acting Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Major General O. M. Mitchel, September 29, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteers, December 20, 1861; appointed Aide-de-Camp (rank Second Lieutenant) July 1, 1862, to date from April 11, 1862; Captain and Aide-de-Camp, Septem ber 15, 1862, to date from September 3, 1862; died at Beaufort, South Carolina, October 29, 1862. 40 CIVIL WAR RECORD CLASS OF 1862 JOSHUA M. ADDEMAN. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Captain, Company H, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery, November 23, 1863; Acting Assist ant Adjutant General on the staff of General Cameron, command ing District of La Fourche, Louisiana, 1864; served in Virginia and Louisiana; mustered out of service with regiment, October 2, 1865. GEORGE H. BABBITT. Private, Company F, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 5, 1862; Sergeant, September 1, 1862; served in Ambulance Corps, Fifth Army Corps; mus tered out of service with regiment, June 2, 1865. JOHN T. BLAKE. Sergeant, Battery B, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, August 13, 1861; wounded at the battle of Get tysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863; Second Lieutenant, Battery A, October 28, 1863; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, August 12, 1864. T. FREDERIC BROWN. Corporal, Battery A, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, June 6, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Battery C, August 13, 1862; First Lieutenant, Battery B, December 29, 1862; Captain, April 7, 1864; Brevet Major, December 3, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, April 9, 1865; Inspector General, Artillery Brigade, Second Army Corps; wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service, June 12, 1865. WILLIAM I. BROWN. Second Lieutenant, Ninth New Hamp shire Volunteers, August 10, 1862; First Lieutenant, March 1, 1863; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, November 1, 1863; Major, Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, October 13, 1864; served in Maryland, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia; killed before Petersburg, Virginia, March 29, 1865. FRANK W. DRAPER. Private, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 10, 1862; Captain, Thirty-ninth United States OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 41 Infantry (colored), April 14, 1864; Acting Aide-de-Camp, July 12, 1864; Acting Assistant Adjutant General, First Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, October 20, 1864; served in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee and North Carolina; mustered out of service, July 23, 1865. JOSIAH R. GODDARD. Sergeant, Company K, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, October 1, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 6, 1863. JAMES B. M. GROSVENOR. Private, First Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861 (date of muster); served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 6, 1861. RoDOivPHUS H. JOHNSON. Private, Company I, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862. JASON B. KELivY. Corporal, Tenth Rhode Island Volun teers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. GEORGE E. MASON. Assistant Surgeon, First Massachu setts Heavy Artillery, April 7, 1865; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service, August 23, 1865; Assistant Surgeon, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, August 24, 1865; mustered out, September 18, 1865. JOSHUA MELLEN. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. RUSSELL A. OLIN. Private, Company L, Fifteenth Pennsyl vania Cavalry, October 10, 1862; Corporal; served in the Depart ment of the Cumberland, and was in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, December 31, 1862; discharged, February 9, 1863, on surgeon s certificate of disability. ADDISON PARKER. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. 42 CIVII, WAR RECORD JAMES H. REMINGTON. Captain, Second Rhode Island Vol unteers, September 4, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Vir ginia, December 13, 1862; served in Maryland and Virginia; May 2, 1863, honorably discharged on account of wounds received in action; Captain, Veteran Reserve Corps; Brevet Major. CHRISTOPHER RHODES. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. ISAAC H. SAUNDERS. Private, Company D, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 30, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. EDWARD H. SEARS. First Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, June 6, 1861; Captain, July 22, 1861; resigned, October 18, 1861; First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, October 19, 1861; served in Virginia and Maryland; resigned, November 14, 1862; Acting Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy, August 27, 1863; served in the North and South Atlantic Blockading Squadrons; remained in the service. EDWARD N. WHITTIER. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; First Sergeant, Fifth Maine Battery, November 29, 1861; Second Lieutenant, September 1, 1862; First Lieutenant, May 5, 1863; Brevet Captain, United States Volunteers, October 19, 1864; Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral, Artillery Brigade, Sixth Army Corps, June, 1864; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with battery* July 25, 1865. GEORGE T. WOODWARD. Private, Company F, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 25, 1862; Sergeant, Signal Corps, United States Army; served in Virginia and Louisiana; mustered out of service, June 2, 1865. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 43 CLASS OF 1863 WILLIAM AMES. Second Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, June 6, 1861; First Lieutenant, October 25, 1861; Captain, July 24, 1862; Major, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artil lery, January 28, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, March 22, 1864; Colonel, October 10, 1864; Chief of Artillery, Department of South Carolina; served in Maryland, Virginia and South Caro lina; mustered out of service, August 27, 1865. WILLIAM B. A VERY. Private, Company A, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Master s Mate, United States Navy, December 25, 1861; Second Lieutenant, New York Marine Artillery, February 15, 1862; First Lieutenant, July 1, 1862; Captain, August 1, 1862; Chief of Artillery, on General Ledlie s staff, January 17, 1863; Acting Ensign, United States Navy, June 15, 1863; served in North and South Atlantic Block ading Squadrons; passed an examination as Acting Master, and honorably discharged, August 10, 1865. CHARLES E. BAILEY. Private, Company D, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 30, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861. DANIEL R. BALLOU. Sergeant Major, Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, October 13, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Company G, November 20, 1862; served in Virginia; resigned, April 25, 1863. WILLIAM W. BLISS. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Private, Company B, One Hun dred and Seventy-sixth New York Volunteers, September 11, 1862; First Sergeant, December 18, 1862; Sergeant Major, March 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant, August 20, 1863; Captain, First Corps d Afrique, Engineers, September 2, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, Eighty-seventh United States Infantry (colored), Sep tember 28, 1864; served in Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas; resigned, September 7, 1865. 44 CIVII, WAR RECORD AMOS M. BOWEN. Private, Company A, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; captured at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; a prisoner at Richmond, Virginia, and Salisbury, North Carolina; exchanged, May 22, 1862; First Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, January 22, 1863; Aide-de-Camp on the staff of General Eustis; served in Virginia; mustered out, June 17, 1864, term of service having expired. JOSEPH M. BRADLEY. Private, First Light Battery, Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with battery, August 6, 1861. CHARLES R. BRAYTON. First Lieutenant, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, August 27, 1861; Captain, November 28, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, October 22, 1863; Colonel, March 22, 1864; served in the Department of the South; mustered out, October 5, 1864, term of service having expired. EDWARD P. BROWN. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Rhode Island Volunteers, August 27, 1862; First Lieutenant, January 4, 1863; Captain, March 2, 1863; Acting Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, First Brigade, Second Division, Seventh Army Corps, July 28, 1863; Acting Inspector General, Port of Williamsburg, Virginia, May 15, 1864; Aide-de-Camp, First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, July 4, 1864; Acting Assistant Inspector General of the same brigade, August 19, 1864; Acting Assistant Inspector General, Third Division, Ninth Army Corps, March 26, 1865; Brevet Major, April 2, 1865; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, June 5, 1865. DAVID E. N. CARLETON. Corporal, Company B, Forty- eighth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 21, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; was in the assault on Port Hudson; mustered out of service with regiment, September 3, 1863. CHARLES C. CRAGIN. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Captain, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), December 5, 1863; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, October 2, 1865. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 45 AUGUSTUS N. CUNNINGHAM. Sergeant, Company D, Sec ond Rhode Island Volunteers, June 5, 1861; First Lieutenant, Company H, Seventy-eighth New York Volunteers, December 23, 1861; Captain, February 30, 1862, but not mustered; mustered out of service, July 13, 1865. JOSEPH H. CURTIS. Private, Company F, Forty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers, August, 1862; served in North Caro lina; mustered out of service with regiment, June 18, 1863. EDWARD P. DEACON. Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Major General Heintzleman, commanding the Third Army Corps, May, 1862; Captain, Second United States Cavalry, February, 1864; June, 1864, ordered to duty with the Eighteenth Army Corps; Acting Aide-de-Camp to Brevet Major General Devens, command ing the Third Division, Twenty-fourth Army Corps; twice officer at Aiken s Landing, Virginia; Brevet Major, United States Vol unteers; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel; served in Virginia and Mary land; mustered out of service, June 25, 1865. SAMUEL R. DORRANCE. Sergeant, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service, July 15, 1862. SHERBURNE B. EATON. First Lieutenant and Adjutant, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteers, October 1, 1862; Captain, Company F, May 23, 1863; resigned, November 4, 1864. In the report of Brigadier General W. B. Hazen, under date of September 14, 1864 (Official Records of the Union and Con federate Armies} , he is mentioned as follows: "Captain Sherburne B. Eaton, 124th Ohio Volunteers, of my staff, was severely wounded while assisting at the crossing of Peach Tree Creek, July 19. He is an officer of rare intelligence and merit." FOREST F. EMERSON. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HENRY G. GAY. Private, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 46 CIVIL WAR RECORD 1, 1862; Private, Company F, Twenty-sixth Connecticut Volun teers, September 3, 1862; First Sergeant, September 19, 1862; wounded at Port Hudson, Louisiana, June 13, 1863; served in Virginia and Louisiana; mustered out of service with regiment; Second Lieutenant, August 17, 1863, but not mustered on account of expiration of service. MONROE GOODE. Private, Company B, Twenty-second Mississippi (Confederate) Infantry, known as Hinds County Light Guards, early part of 1861, and with the forces operating around Vicksburg until the siege of Vicksburg, in 1863; he was killed in front of Atlanta, Georgia, at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864. CHARLES W. GREENE. Private, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, July 25, 1862; Captain, Company F, One Hundred and Sixteenth United States Infantry (colored), July 21, 1864; served in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas; mustered out of service, July 8, 1865. JAMES K. HALL. Sergeant, Eighteenth Maine Volunteers, August 4, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Company G, First Maine Heavy Artillery; served in Virginia; killed in action in the assault near Petersburg, Virginia, June 18, 1864. JOHN J. HOLMES. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HERVEY F. JACOBS. Second Lieutenant, Company F, Twenty-sixth Connecticut Volunteers, August 29, 1862; wound ed in the assault upon Port Hudson, Louisiana, June 14, 1863, and died, July 5, 1863; served in the Department of the Gulf. J. ALBERT MONROE. First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, June 6, 1861; Captain, September 7, 1861; Major, October 21, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, December 4, 1862; Chief of Artillery, Ninth Army Corps; served in Virginia; mustered out, October 5, 1864, term of service having expired. ALEXANDER PECKHAM. Private, Company L, Ninth Rhode OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 47 Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862. DUNCAN A. PELL. Private, Company A, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; Lieutenant and Volunteer Aide-de-Camp on staff of Major General Burnside, December 1, 1861; Captain, April 4, 1862; Brevet Major, December 2, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865; Brevet Colonel, April 2, 1865; served in North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ten nessee; mustered out of service at the close of the war. GEORGE W. POTTER. Private, Battery G, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, February 26, 1862; re-enlisted as a Vet eran Volunteer, March 4, 1864; wounded in the assault at Peters burg, Virginia, April 2, 1865, and was mustered out with the battery, June 24, 1865. For gallantry at Petersburg on April 2, 1865, he was awarded the Congressional medal of honor. S. HARTWELL PRATT. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. LIVINGSTON SCOTT. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Third Rhode Island Cavalry, July 1, 1863; Captain, January 2, 1864; served in Virginia and Louisiana; mustered out of service with regiment, November 29, 1865. ORVILLE B. SEAGRAVE. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Acting Assistant Paymaster, United States Navy, October 19, 1863; served in the West Gulf and South Atlantic Blockading Squadrons; honorably discharged October 18, 1865. ORSMUS A. TAFT. Corporal, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. 48 CIVII, WAR RECORD ANDREW F. WARREN. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1862. RICHARD WATERMAN. Private, Company C, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; First Lieutenant, Company F, First Rhode Island Cavalry, October 4, 1861; resigned, December 5, 1862; served in Maryland and Virginia. CL ASS OF 1864 SETH J. AXTELL. Corporal, Fifty-first Massachusetts Vol unteers, August 25, 1862; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service with regiment, July 21, 1863. W. WHITMAN BAILEY. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service on account of sickness, July 15, 1862. GEORGE B. BARROWS. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. EDWARD R. BI.ANCHARD. Private, First Massachusetts Cav alry, August, 1861, but was discharged as a minor, December, 1861; Private, Forty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 29, 1862; served in North Carolina; mustered out of service with regiment, June 18, 1863. KDSON C. CHICK. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. JOHN S. CHICK. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HARRY C. GUSHING. Corporal, Battery A, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, June 6, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Battery F, Fourth United States Artillery, November 1, 1861; First Lieu- OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 49 tenant, Battery H, Fourth United States Artillery; Brevet First Lieutenant, United States Army; Brevet Captain; Brevet Major; served in Virginia, Maryland and Tennessee; remained in the service after the close of the war. , EDGAR J. DOE. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. JOHN K. DORRANCE. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, September 15, 1864; First Lieutenant, Decem ber 5, 1864; wounded before Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, 1865; Brevet First Lieutenant, April 2, 1865; Brevet Captain, March 13, 1865; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, June 20, 1865. G. LYMAN D WIGHT. Corporal, Battery A, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, June 6, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Battery B, November 29, 1861; First Lieutenant, Battery A, November 4, 1862; Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Artillery Brigade, Sec ond Army Corps; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service, September 30, 1864. JOHN D. EDGELL. Corporal, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Company F, Fifty-third Massachusetts Volunteers, September 12, 1862; served in Virginia and Louisiana; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1863. DAVID FALES. Corporal, Company I, Forty-fifth Massa chusetts Volunteers, September 17, 1862; served in North Caro lina; mustered out of service with regiment, July 8, 1863. SIMEON GALLUP. Corporal, Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, October 29, 1861; Sergeant; served in Virginia 50 CIVIL WAR RECORD and Maryland; mustered out of service, October 28, 1864, at the end of enlistment. CLARENCE T. GARDNER. Private, Company E, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 2, 1861; mustered out of service with regiment, August 2, 1861; First Sergeant, Company H, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, October 5, 1861; Second Lieuten ant, July 8, 1862; First Lieutenant, January 21, 1863; detached for service with Battery B, First United States Light Artillery, March 24, 1863; served in Virginia and South Carolina; resigned, October 24, 1863; United States Contract Surgeon, Army of the Potomac, from March 4, 1865, until June 4, 1865. ALBERT E. HAM. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HENRY L. HAMMOND. Contract Surgeon, United States Army, March 4, 1865; his service closed June 5, 1865. CHARLES L. HARRINGTON. Private, Taylor s Battery, First Illinois Artillery Regiment, May, 1862; served in Tennessee; died near Lafayette, Tennessee, June 25, 1862. FRANK T. HAZLEWOOD. Private, Company A, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. DAVID A. HOLMES. Corporal, Company A, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, August 20, 1861; First Lieutenant, Sec ond Rhode Island Volunteers, March 3, 1863; served in South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia; resigned, August 18, 1863. JOHN S. HOLMES. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WENDELL P. HOOD. Private, Company A, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Hospital Stew ard, Forty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers, November 7, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 3, 1863. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 51 EPHRAIM H. JENCKES. Corporal, Company F, First Rhode Island Cavalry, November 27, 1861; Quartermaster Sergeant, July 17, 1862; discharged at Washington, District of Columbia, for disability, November, 1862. BENJAMIN D. JONES. Corporal, Fourth Rhode Island Volun teers, October 30, 1861; wounded at the battle of Antietam, Sep tember 17, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), December 5, 1863; served in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Louisiana; mustered out of service, October, 1865. HENRY H. JUDSON. Private, Company M, Fifteenth New York Heavy Artillery, January 28, 1864; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, December 12, 1864. GEORGE H. KEN YON. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. OSCAR LAPHAM. Private, Twelfth Rhode Island Volun teers, August 23, 1862; First Lieutenant, October 13, 1862; Aide- de-Camp to Colonel D. R. Wright, commanding First Brigade, Casey s Division, November 7, 1862; Adjutant, Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, December 27, 1862; Captain, March 29, 1863; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 29, 1863. HENRY S. LATHAM. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. FRANK W. LOVE. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HORACE W. LOVE. Second Lieutenant, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, July 8, 1862; served in the Department of the South; resigned, June 12, 1863. ROGER W. LOVE. Private, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, April 3, 1862; Sergeant Major, July 1, 1864; served in 52 CIVIL WAR RECORD the Department of the South; mustered out of service with regi ment, April 12, 1865. MATTHEW M. MEGGETT. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; died at Fort Pennsylva nia, near Washington, District of Columbia, August 18, 1862. GEORGE B. PECK. Second Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Volunteers, December 13, 1864; wounded at the battle of Sailor s Creek, Virginia, April 6, 1865; served in Virginia; resigned June 30, 1865. MATTSON C. SANBORN. First Lieutenant, Twentieth Maine Volunteers, August 29, 1862; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, June 4, 1865. NATHANIEL T. SANDERS. Private, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. EUGENE SANGER. Private, Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers, August, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; died of wounds received in action at Fort Bisland, Louisiana, April 12, 1863. A. JUDSON SHURTLEFF. Private, Company I, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862. T. DELAP SMITH. Private, Company A, First Rhode Island Volunteers, May 29, 1861; taken prisoner at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; Hospital Steward, United States Army; in the service of the United States until the end of the war. JOHN TETLOW. Corporal, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. FRANCIS M. TYLER. Private, Company H, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862; Sergeant, Nine teenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Militia, August 8, 1864; mustered out of service with company, November 16, 1864. OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 53 WILLIAM H. UNDERBILL. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mus tered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. Louis O. WALKER. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. CLASS OF 1865 ZEPHANIAH BROWN. Corporal, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; First Lieutenant, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), October 24, 1863; Acting Adjutant of First Battalion; served in Virginia and Louisiana; resigned, June 1, 1865. ISRAEL M. BULLOCK. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. CHARLES M. CORBIN. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WILLIAM P. DAVIS. Corporal, Company G, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862. JAMES DINGWELL. Private, Company I, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, October 1, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 13, 1863. FREDERIC A. DOCKRAY. Second Lieutenant, Company I, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, February 11, 1862; served in the Department of the South; resigned, June 12, 1862. JAMES G. DOUGHERTY. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. GEORGE B. HANNA. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode 54 CIVIL WAR RECORD Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WILLIAM C. IvES. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. FRANCIS J. LEONARD. Private, Company B, Sixth Con necticut Volunteers, September 11, 1863; mustered out of service with regiment, June 20, 1865. GEORGE H. MESSER. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. ROBERT H. PAINE. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. J. AMMON PRICE. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. HOSEA M. QUIMBY. Sergeant, Twenty-seventh Maine Vol unteers, September 14, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 17, 1863. GEORGE W. SHAW. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WELCOME A. SMITH. Private, Company F, Twenty-sixth Connecticut Volunteers, September 20, 1862; served in the Depart ment of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, August 17, 1863. HEBRON H. STEERE. Second L/ieutenant, First Rhode Island Cavalry, June 14, 1863; First Lieutenant, May 19, 1865; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, August 3, 1865. CALEB E. THAYER. Corporal, Company C, Tenth Rhode OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 55 Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. LEVI C. WALKER. Private, Company G, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. He returned to Providence with the sick of his regiment, but the disease he had contracted while in the service retained its hold upon him, and he died February 23, 1864. JOSEPH WARD. Private, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. RUFUS WATERMAN. United States Naval Academy, Annap olis, Maryland, September 25, 1861; Midshipman, and as such, while connected with the academy, saw service in the Civil War and is so credited by the Navy Department at Washington. WILLIAM C. WITTER. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. CLASS OF 1866 JAMES W. BLACKWOOD. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. GEORGE B. BLODGETTE. Private, Company D, Forty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers, August 18, 1862; served in Louisiana and Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 3, 1863. BENEZET A. HOUGH. Private, Company B s Twenty-fourth Connecticut Volunteers, August 25, 1862; Sergeant, October 25, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, September 30, 1863. EDWIN B. FISKE. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. 56 CIVIL WAR RECORD HERVKY A. FOSTER. Corporal, Company D, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862^. N. NEWTON GLAZIER. Private, Company G, Eleventh Ver mont Volunteers, later First Vermont Heavy Artillery; Corporal, November 23, 1862; Acting Ordnance Sergeant; Second Lieuten ant, Company A, November 2, 1863; First Lieutenant, January 21, 1864; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia (lost left arm), May 18, 1864; served in Virginia; discharged on account of wounds, September 3, 1864. EDWARD K. GLEZEN. Sergeant Major, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, June 9, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. WILLIAM H. SPENCER. First Sergeant, Company C, Sixty- first New York Volunteers, September 6, 1861; Second Lieuten ant, Company A, January 8, 1862; First Lieutenant, Company I, January 24, 1862; Captain, Company G, May 12, 1862; wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, Virginia (right leg amputated), June 30, 1862; Major, November 17, 1862; served in Virginia; discharged for disability, December 29, 1862. CLASS OF 1867 PHANUEL S. BISHOP. First Lieutenant, Company B, Elev enth United States Heavy Artillery (colored), September 14, 1863; Captain, November 9, 1864; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, October 2, 1865. JAMES P. BROWN. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862; Second Lieutenant, Company H, Eleventh United States Heavy Artillery (colored), December 31, 1863; served in Virginia and Louisiana; died at Donaldson, Louisiana, August 23, 1865. ELMER L. CORTHELL. Private, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, May 15, 1861; Corporal, August, 1861; Sergeant, Bat- OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 57 tery F, September, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Battery H, October 11, 1862; First Lieutenant, Battery G, November 11, 1863; Cap- tain, Battery D, November 2, 1864; served in North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with battery, July 17, 1865. HENRY CROCKER. Private, Company H, Ninth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 2, 1862. JOSEPH F. FIELDEN. Private, Sixtieth Massachusetts Vol unteers, July 15, 1864; served in the Department of the Ohio; mustered out of service, December 4, 1864. JAMES N. GRANGER. First Lieutenant, Company H, Sec ond Rhode Island Volunteers, 1864; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 13, 1865. FREDERIC B. HALL. Private, Seventeenth Connecticut Vol unteers, August 10, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, August 8, 1863. WILLIAM R. HARMOUNT. First Lieutenant, Twenty-seventh Connecticut Volunteers, October 4, 1862; served in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 27, 1863. CHARLES E. HARVEY. Seaman, United States Navy, Sep tember 9, 1862; on blockading service; discharged August 18, 1863. WILLIAM H. HAWKES. Private, Company B, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; discharged from the service as a minor, July 8, 1862. JOSEPH D. KIRBY. Corporal, Third Massachusetts Volun teers, May 4, 1864; mustered out of service with regiment, Aug ust 2, 1864. JAMES MCWHINNIE, JR. Sergeant, Twentieth Connecticut Volunteers, August 6, 1862; wounded in the battle of Chancel- lorsville, Virginia, May 2, 1863; served in Virginia; discharged on account of wounds (left leg amputated), May 4, 1864. 58 CIVII, WAR RECORD MARTIN S. SMITH. Second Lieutenant, Company K, Elev enth United States Heavy Artillery (colored), January 8, 1864; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, October 2, 1865. JOHN C. SUUJVAN. Sergeant, Fourth Massachusetts Vol unteers, September 9, 1862; served in Louisiana; mustered out of service with regiment, August 29, 1863. HENRY A. WINN. Private, Sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, July 15, 1864; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, October 25, 1865. CLASS OF 1868 SABIN T. GOODEIX. Private, One Hundred and Fifty- seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 18, 1863; Second Lieu tenant, Twenty-first United States Infantry (colored), October 17, 1864; First Lieutenant, August 17, 1865; served in the Department of the South; mustered out of service, April 25, 1866. GEORGE R. READ. Private, Forty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers, August 30, 1862; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service, August 30, 1863. XENOPHON D. TINGLE Y. Private, Company I, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, September 15, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, July 13, 1863. CLASS OF 1869 JAMES C. BUTTERWORTH. Private, Company K, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, October 5, 1861; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out, October 5, 1864, at expi ration of service. JOSEPH H. COWBU,. Private, One Hundred and Thirty- ninth Illinois Volunteers, May 1, 1864; served in the Middle Department; mustered out of service, December 1, 1864. ALVIN M. CRANE. Second Lieutenant, Twenty-first Con necticut Volunteers, September 5, 1862; Captain, October 12, OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 59 1864; served in Virginia and North Carolina; mustered out of service, June 20, 1865. ALBERT R. GREENE. Private, Company K, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, September 25, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, July 13, 1863; First Lieutenant, Seventy- eighth New York Volunteers; Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Third Brigade, Second Division, Thirteenth Army Corps; served in Vir ginia and in the Department of the Cumberland; mustered out of service, July 11, 1864. JOHN C. HOPKINS. Private, Company K, Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 26, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, September 1, 1862. DURA P. MORGAN. Private, Eleventh New Hampshire Vol unteers, August 26, 1862; Hospital Steward, United States Army, June 21, 1864; served in the Army of the Potomac; mustered out of service, June 30, 1866. WIUJAM T. RICHMOND. Private, Fifteenth Independent Company, Massachusetts Volunteers, July 25, 1864; mustered out of service, November 11, 1864. CLASS OF 1870 ELISHA B. ANDREWS. Private, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, April 30, 1861; Second Lieutenant, August 27, 1863; wounded in front of Petersburg, Virginia, August 24, 1864; with loss of one eye, mustered out of service, October 29, 1864. JAMES H. ARTHUR. Private, Seventh Connecticut Volun teers, August 19, 1862; wounded at Fort Wagner, Charleston Harbor, June 11, 1863; served in the Department of the South; mustered out of service, September 20, 1864. JAMES B. T. CHASE. First Lieutenant, Company K, Twen ty-sixth United States Infantry (colored), May 18, 1864; Captain, Company D, One Hundred and Fourth United States Infantry (colored), June 22, 1865; served in South Carolina; mustered out of service, November 7, 1865. 60 CIVIL WAR RECORD IRVING W. COOMBS. Private, Fifteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, October 21, 1862; served in Louisiana; mustered out of service, August 12, 1863. NEWELL T. BUTTON. Private, Ninth New Hampshire Vol unteers, August 6, 1862; Sergeant Major, February 1, 1865; served in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ten nessee; mustered out of service with regiment, June 15, 1865. THOMAS G. FIELD. Corporal, Eighty-fifth Ohio Volun teers, May 15, 1862; served in the Department of the Ohio; mus tered out of service, September 28, 1862. WILLIAM H. FISH. Corporal, One Hundred and Forty- fourth New York Volunteers, September 6, 1862; First Lieuten ant, Twenty-first United States Infantry (colored), February 9, 1865; served in the Department of the South; mustered out of service, April 25, 1866. LEWIS MUNGER. Private, Second Connecticut Heavy Artil lery, July 22, 1862; Second Lieutenant, March 15, 1864; First Lieutenant, February 4, 1865; Brevet Captain, April 2, 1865; served in Virginia; mustered out of service, August 18, 1865. ISAAC P. NOYES. Private, Battery H, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, October 14, 1862; served in the Army of the Potomac; mustered out of service with battery, June 28, 1865. PETER B. SHIERE. Private, Company I, Eleventh Rhode Island Volunteers, October 1, 1862; served in Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, July 13, 1863. ALONZO WILLIAMS. Company A, First Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, October 5, 1861; Corporal, May 4, 1862; Sergeant, January 1, 1863; mustered as a Veteran Volunteer, January 30, 1864; First Sergeant, Company A, July 6, 1865; Second Lieuten ant, but not mustered; served in the Department of the South, which included South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; mustered out of service with regiment, August 4, 1865. PRENTISS M. WOODMAN. Private, Twenty-ninth Maine OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 61 Volunteers, March 20, 1865; mustered out of service, May 10, 1865. CLASS OF 1871 DANIEL HOYT. Private, Company M, Fourth Massachu setts Heavy Artillery, August 23, 1864; served in Maryland and Virginia; mustered out of service with regiment, June 17, 1865. CLASS OF 1872 ORSON P. BESTOR. Private, Company D, Sixty-ninth Illi nois Volunteers, June 6, 1862; mustered out of service with regiment, October 6, 1862. JOHN D. SMITH. Private, Company F, Nineteenth Maine Volunteers, August 8, 1862; wounded near Petersburg, Virginia, July 23, 1864; served in Virginia and Pennsylvania; mustered out of service as Corporal, April 16, 1865. CLASS OF 1873 DANIEL RHODES. Private, Third Rhode Island Volunteers, June 29, 1864; Sergeant; served in the Department of the Gulf; mustered out of service with regiment, November 29, 1865. CLASS OF 1874 ALFRED B. WHITNEY. Private, Eleventh Massachusetts Light Battery, December 19, 1863; served in the Army of the Potomac until the surrender at Appomattox; mustered out of service with battery, June 25, 1865. 62 CIVIL WAR RECORD THE ROLL ENUMERATED BY CLASSES Number Number Class of in Service. Class of in Service. 1825 1 1852 11 1826 1 1853 9 1829 3 1854 18 1830 1 1855 16 1832 1 1856 16 1834 1 1857 11 1835 1 1858 19 1836 1 1859 22 1837 2 1860 24 1838 2 1861 31 1839 4 1862 20 1840 5 1863 33 1841 4 1864 41 1842 1 1865 22 1843 4 1866 8 1844 4 1867 15 1845 2 1868 3 1846 3 1869 7 1847 8 1870 12 1848 6 1871 1 1849 7 1872 2 1850 5 1873 1 1851 7 1874 1 417 OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. 63 ROLL OK THE THIRTY-NINE GRADUATES AND NON-GRADUATES OF BROWN UNIVERSITY WHO WERE IN THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE IN THE CIVIL WAR, AND DIED IN THE SERVICE. PAGE Henry S. Newcomb, class of 1840, ..... 4 Origen S. Jewett, class of 1841, 4 Joshua J. Ellis, class of 1847, 7 Walter H. Judson, class of 1847, 7 Fayette Clapp, class of 1848, 8 Charles P. Price, class of 1850, 10 Francis W. Bird, class of 1851, 10 James B. Jordan, class of 1851, ...... 11 Sullivan Ballou, class of 1852, 12 James E. Brown, class of 1852, 12 Miles J. Fletcher, class of 1852, 12 Charles B. Randall, class of 1852, 13 Edward P. L,awton, class of 1853, 14 John A. Duvillard, class of 1854, 15 Thomas P. Ives, class of 1854, 16 Louis Bell, class of 1855, 18 Horace H. Brand, class of 1855, 18 Addison W. Preston, class of 1855, 19 Henry T. Bissell, class of 1857, 23 Robert H. Ives, class of 1857, . ... 24 64 CIVII, WAR RECORD Josiah P. Stone, class of 1857, 24 Josiah G. Woodbury, class of 1857, 24 Charles L. Kneass, class of 1858, 26 Edward Bredell, class of 1859, . . . . . . 28 L,evi A. Tower, class of 1859, 31 William L,. Jones, class of 1860, 33 Albert t>. Washburn, class of 1860, 34 Clingrnan Craig, class of 1861, 36 George C. Crutcher, class of 1861, 36 James C. Williams, class of 1861, 39 William I. Brown, class of 1862, 40 Monroe Goode, class of 1863, 46 James K. Hall, class of 1863, 46 Hervey F. Jacobs, class of 1863, 46 Charles I<. Harrington, class of 1864, .... 50 Matthew M. Meggett, class of 1864, .... 52 Eugene Sanger, class of 1864, 52 Levi C. Walker, class of 1865, 55 James P. Brown, class of 1867, 56 INDEX. Abbott, Samuel W., 24 Adams, George W., 20 Adams, Henry S., 31 Addeman, Joshua M., 40 Alden, Charles H., 20 Allen, Crawford, 31 Allen, Ethan, 31 Ames, William, 43 Andrews, Klisha B., 59 Andrews, Theodore, 27 Ansley, Joseph A., 27 Anthony, Thomas S., 7 Arthur, James H., 59 Avery, William B., 43 Axtell, Seth J. , 48 Babbitt, George H., 40 Bailey, Charles E., 43 Bailey, W. Whitman, 48 Ballou, Daniel R., 43 Ballou, Sullivan, 12 Barker, Orville A., 35 Barrows, George B., 48 Bates, Caleb, 20 Bell, James E., 6 Bell, Ivouis, 18 Bestor, Orson P., 61 Bigelow, John W., 18 Bird, Francis W., 10 Bishop, Phanuel S. , 56 Bissell, Henry T., 23 Black wood, James W., 55 Blake, John T., 40 Blanchard, Edward R., 48 Bliss, George N., 32 Bliss, William W., 43 Blodgette, George B., 55 Bolles, John A., 1 Bolles, Lucius S., 27 Bolles, Nicholas B., 21 Bond, Emmons P., 10 Boutell, lyewis H., 5 Bowen, Amos M., 44 Bowen, William E., 27 Boy ce, James P., 7 Boyd, Charles H. , 15 Bradford, Franks., 13 Bradford, Horace S., 32 Bradley, Joseph M., 44 Brand, Horace H., 18 Brayton , Charles R. , 44 Bredell, Edward, 28 Briggs, Obil W. , 3 Bright, Osborn E. , 13 Britton, Alexander T., 23 Brooks, Horace E., 21 Brown, Edward P., 44 Brown, James, 10 Brown, James E., 12 Brown, James P., 56 Brown, John H., 35 Brown, John K., 18 Brown, T. Frederic, 40 Brown, William J., 40 Brown, Zephaniah, 53 Browne, George H., 3 Brownell, William R., 9 Bucklyn, JohnK., 35 Bullock, Israel M., 53 Burrage, Henry S., 35 Burrows, Christopher C., 36 Butterworth, James C., 58 Campbell, Albert H., 7 Carlton, Caleb H., 23 Carleton, David E. N., 44 Carpenter, Benoni, 1 Carpenter, Frank H., 36 Carr, George W., 23 Caswell, Thomas T., 36 66 INDEX. Chapman, Charles H., 36 Chase, James B. T., 59 Cheever, Tracy P., 5 Cheney, Frank W., 15 Chick, Edson C. , 48 Chick, John S., 48 Clapp, Fayette, 8 Clark, Edward i,., 25 Clark, Joseph B., 8 Clarke, Augustus P., 36 Cobb, Stephen A., 25 Coffin, Rufus, 3 Comfort, Charles!,., 23 Congdon, Walter, 25 Coombs, Irving W., 60 Corbin, Charles M., 53 Corbin, David P., 32 Corthell, Elmer L,., 56 Couper, Alexander W., 15 Cowell, Joseph H., 58 Craig, Clingman, 36 Cragin, Charles C., 44 Crane, Alvin M., 58 Crawford, Henderson, 21 Crocker, George A., 14 Crocker, Henry, 57 Crutcher, George C. , 36 Cun ni ngham , Augustu s N . , 45 Curtis, Joseph H., 45 Cushing, Harry C., 48 Cushman, Austin S., 8 Cutts, James M., 21 Davis, William P., 53 Deacon, Edward P., 45 De Marini, George C., 16 Denison, Frederic, 7 De Wolf, James A., 37 DeWolf, J. Halsey, 21 Dexter, Arthur F., 15 Diman, Henry W., 13 Dingwell, James, 53 Dockray, Frederic A., 53 Doe, Edgar J., 49 Dorrance, John K., 49 Dorrance, Samuel R., 45 Dougherty, James G., 53 Douglas, William W., 37 Draper, Frank W., 40 Duncan, Samuel W., 32 Dutton, Newell T., 60 Duvillard, John A., 15 D wight, G. Ivyman, 49 Dyer, Elisha, 1 Dyer, Elisha, Jr., 25 Eaton, Sherburne B., 45 Eddy, William, 28 Edgell, JohnD., 49 Edsall, T. Henry 37 Ellis, Joshua J., . 7 Ely, William G., 16 Emerson, Forest F. , 45 Ewing, Thomas, Jr., 21 Fales, David, 49 Field, Thomas G., 60 Fielden, Joseph F., 57 Fish, William H., 60 Fiske, Edwin B., 55 Fletcher, Miles J., 12 Fletcher, Samuel J. , 23 Foster, Hervey A. , 56 Gallup, Simeon, 49 Gardner, Clarence T., 50 Gay, Henry G., 45 Gifford, Sanford, 6 Glazier, N. Newton, 56 Glezen, Edward K., 56 Goddard, Francis W., 16 Goddard, Josiah R., 41 Goddard, R. H. I., 25 Goddard, William, 6 Goode, Monroe, 46 Goodell, Sabin T., 58 Granger, James N., 57 Green, Arnold, 26 Greene, Albert R., 59 Greene, Charles W., 46 Grier, William P., 18 Grosvenor, James B. M., 41 Gushee, Edward M., 26 INDEX. 67 Hale, William M., 4 Hall, Frederic B., 57 Hall, James E., 46 Hall, Robert, 10 Ham, Albert E., 50 Hammond, Henry L., 50 Hanna, George B. , 53 Harmount, William R., 57 Harris, James, 7 Harrington, Charles L., 50 Hart, Henry C., 12 Hartridge, Julian, 9 Hartwell, Foster, 2 Harvey , Charles E . , 57 Haskell, JohnG., 26 Hathaway, George W., 1 Hawkes, William H., 57 Hay, John, 26 Hazlewood, Frank T., 50 Henderson, George D., 14 Henderson, Robert J., 26 Henshaw, Charles H., 14 Hidden, Charles H., 37 Hilton, Robert B., 5 Holden, Levi H., 2 Holmes, David A., 50 Holmes, John J., 46 Holmes, John S., 50 Hood, Wendell P., 50 Hopkins, John C., 59 Hoppin, William W., 37 Hosmer, Charles E., 37 Hough, Benezet A., 55 Howard, Harris, 32 Howe, Charles H., 22 Hoyt, Daniel, 61 Humeston, Luther F., 11 Hutchins, Benjamin T., 28 Ives, Robert H. , 24 Ives, Thomas P. , 16 Ives, William C., 54 Jacobs, Hervey F., 46 Jameson, ThorndikeC., 4 Jastram, Pardon S., 32 Jenckes, Ephraim H., 51 Jenckes, Leland D., 37 Jenkins, Moses B., 18 Jewett, Origen S., 4 Johnson, Francis C., 5 Johnson, Rodolphus H., 41 Johnson, Thomas H., 8 Jones, Benjamin D., 51 Jones, William L-, 33 Jordan, James B., 11 Judson, Adoniram B., 28 Judson, Henry H., 51 Judson, Walter H., 7 Keen, William W., 28 Kelly, Jason B., 41 Kenyon, George H., 51 King, Charles G. , 33 King, E. Porter, 6 Kirby, Joseph D., 57 Kneass, Charles Iv., 26 Kollock, Cornelius, 9 Lane, Henry F., 10 Lapham, Oscar, 51 Latham, Henry S., 51 Lawton, Edward P., 14 Lemon, George W., 22 Leonard, Francis J., 54 Leland, Francis, 3 Lippitt, Francis J., 2 Ivothrop, Charles H., 22 Love, Horace W., 51 Love, Frank W., 51 Love, Roger W., 51 Lyman, Moses, 26 Magenis, Arthur J., 18 Mansfield, Francis, 26 Mason, Augustus, 4 Mason, Charles F., 38 Mason, George E., 41 Mauran, Antoine J., 11 Maxson, Darwin E., 12 McWhinnie, James, Jr., 57 Meggett, MathewM., 52 Meigs, Joseph L., 33 68 INDEX. Mellen, Joshua, 41 Mendenhall, Charles, 38 Messer, George H., 54 Metcalf, Edwin, 5 Millar, Robert, 27 Miller, Horace G., 33 Mitchell, Edwin W., 29 Mitchel , Frederick A . , 33 Monroe, J. Albert, 46 Morgan, Dura P., 59 Morton, Lloyd, 9 Mott, Frederic, 11 Mowry, ElishaC., 38 Mowry, William A., 27 Munger, Enos, 16 Munger, Lewis, 60 Nelson, Aaron H., 27 Newcomb, Charles K., 2 Newcomb, Henry S. , 4 Newhall, Timothy, 8 Noyes, Isaac P., 60 Noyes, Walter B., 27 Olcott, Egbert, 29 Olin, Russell A., 41 Olney, James N., 16 Pabodie, Benjamin F., 33 Paine, Robert H., 54 Parker, Addison, 41 Parkhurst, Charles H., 12 Parsons, Henry C., 17 Patten, George W., 1 Pearce, William W., 7 Peck, George B., 52 Peckham, Stephen F., 38 Peckham, Alexander, 46 Pell, Duncan A., 47 Perkins, Joseph, 29 Perry, Charles H., 29 Phelps, Charles, 19 Phelps, Henry, 29 Phillips, Duncan C., 38 Pierce, Ed ward L., 10 Pitman, Joseph S., 3 Poinier, Samuel T., 30 Pollard, Andre wC., 33 Pope, Charles H., 24 Porter, George I,., 30 Porter, Henry K., 33 Potter, George W., 47 Potter, James B. M., 3 Potter, Thomas M., 2 Pratt, Leonard B., 14 Pratt, S. Hart well, 47 Preston, Addison W., 19 Price, Charles P., 10 Price, J. Aramon, 54 Quimby, Hosea M., 54 Randall, Charles B., 13 Read, George R., 58 Reed, Nathan A., 30 Remington, James H., 42 Rhodes, Christopher, 42 Rhodes, Daniel, 61 Rhodes, Frank A., 22 Richmond, Lewis, 5 Richmond, Nathaniel P., 17 Richmond, William T., 59 Robert, Alexander J., 9 Rogers, Horatio, Jr., 19 Rogers, John W., 38 Rogers, William B., 24 Sackett, Frederic M., 38 Sanborn, Mattson C., 52 Sanders, Nathaniel T., 52 Sanger, Eugene, 52 Saterlee, Livingston, 33 Saunders, Isaac H., 42 Sayles, Willard, 6 Scott, Livingston, 47 Seagrave, Orville B., 47 Sears, Edward H., 42 Shaw, George W., 54 Shearman, Sumner U., 39 Shurtleff, A. Judson, 52 Shiere, Peter B., 60 Smith, Amos D., Jr., 17 Smith, Charles M., 30 Smith, John D., 61 INDEX. 69 Smith, Martin S., 58 Smith, T. Delap, 52 Smith, Welcome A., 54 Smith, William S., 34 Snow, Charles A. , 19 Snyder, Henry N. , 19 Southwick, Henry K., 39 Spencer, William H., 56 Spooner, Henry J., 34 Starkweather, Samuel, 22 Steere, Hebron H. f 54 Stiness, John H., 39 Stone, James R., 3 Stone, Josiah P., 24 Stone, L,ucien B., 39 Storrs, Melancthon, 13 Sullivan, John C., 58 Taft, Orsmus, 47 Tefft, JohnE., 34 Tetlow, John, 52 Thayer, Caleb E., 54 Thayer, John M., 4 Thurber, Samuel, 27 Thurston, Robert H., 30 Tillman, William, 17 Tingley, Xenophon D., 58 Tobey, John F. , 20 Tobey, Thomas F., 30 Tourtellotte, Isaac N., 9 Tourtellotte, John E., 22 Tower, L/evi A., 31 Train, Charles R., 2 Trull, Washington B., 39 Tucker, John H., 8 Turner, William M., 20 Tyler, Francis M., 52 Underbill, William H., 53 Underwood, Adin B., 9 Van Buren, Abram, 5 Vernon, Thomas, 17 Waite, Clarendon, 13 Walker, lyevi C. , 55 Walker, IvOuisO., 53 Ward, Joseph, 55 Warren, Andrew F., 48 Warren, Orestes, 20 Washburn, Albert G., 34 Waterman, Richard, 31 Waterman, Richard, 48 Waterman, Rufus, 55 Watson, ElishaF., 4 Wayland, H. Lincoln, 9 Weeden, William B., 8 Wells, Amos P., 22 Wheaton, Frank, 11 Wheelock, Lucius A., 13 Whipple, John, 34 White, John B., 2 Whitney, Alfred B., 61 Whittier, Edward N., 42 Wightman, Joseph C., 13 Williams, Alfred M. , 34 Williams, Alonzo, 60 Williams, James C., 39 Williams, JaredJ., 17 Wilson, Isaac G., 3 Winchester, Benjamin F., 20 Winchester, Joseph R., 17 Winn, Henry A., 58 Witter, William C. , 55 Woodbury, Josiah G., 24 Woodman, Prentiss M., 60 Woods, George H., 14 Woodward, George T., 42 S BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. r*, LD 21-100m-7, 40 (6936s) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY