SHS m \ Wy >~s ; UNIVERSAL. H1STOB.Y OF THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA. EMBRACING THE WHOLE PERIOD FROM THK EARLIEST DISCOVERY DOW> TO THE PRESENT TIME I\i T\\iee Parts. BY A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES HARTFORD. PUBLISHED BY EZRA STRONG MDCCCXXVin, DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, ss. ^>:;::o-:::x: ::;::::. -BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the x fourth day of September, in the Jifty third L g . A year of the Independence of the United States of America, Ezra Strong, of the said Dis- }.( trict, hath deposited in this office the title of a ifo:-:::-::::-::::-::::-::::-::^ book, the right whereof he claims as Propri etor in the words following, to wit : A Universal History of the United States of America, embracing the whole period from the earliest discovery down to the present time. In three parts. By a citizen of the United States. In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled, " An act for the encour agement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned. And also to the act, entitled, " An act supplementary to an act, entitled An act for the encourage ment of learning , by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me, CHARLES A. INGERSOLL ; Clerk of the District of Connecticut; PREFACE. THE writers of the following pages have used their best endeavours to present for public patronage, a correct and interesting narrative of the most important events which have transpired in our country. Their design is to ex hibit, in a strong point of light, those principles of political and religious freedom, for which our progenitors fought, bled, and conquered. While we behold them braving the gloomy horrors of the desert, the appalling terrors of untu tored savages, the distresses of famine and war, we admire their constancy, courage and perseverance, and rejoice in their escape from danger. While we contemplate the ob stacles surmounted, the hardships endured, and the un shrinking firmness of purpose which turned a wilderness into fruitful fields, established a government of laws, and provided an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, we are lost in wonder and astonishment. Feeling the value of those blessings which have descend ed to the posterity of the Pilgrims, the writers have en deavoured to contribute their mite for the benefit of the risen and rising generation. The work is designed for a family and school book, intended as a substitute for those more voluminous works which find their way to the few only, whose time and resources are sufficient to afford them. This, though in a condensed form, will be found to con tain a considerable fund of information, avd if well studied, will impress more strongly on the minds, the important points in our general history, than a more laborious and minute detail. The size of the type on which the volume is printed, has enabled them to present much more matter than was originally contemplated, and to give the amount of a common octavo volume, at a reduced price. Such are the advantages of history, and such its absolute neces sity in a republican form of government, that no parent should be satisfied, until his family is supplied, and his chil dren taught to lisp the name of our great, our heroic Washington. - PREFACE. That the work might be more particularly interesting, especially to the young, certain events and personal anec dotes of the revolution are given in a separate chapter, that the thread of the history might not be interrupted. Of these, the number is greater than is to be found in any other similar work. These are of a character truly inter esting, and numbers of them affecting. Feats of the most heroic courage, and the most consummate tact, are related on unquestionable authority ; and the more retired, but highly amiable traits of character are displayed The comparative population, wealth, resources, and pro gressive improvement in the several states and territories, will be found particularly useful to those who may design to change their places of abode, and it is fully believed, that as a family book, on this subject, it has a claim to the most liberal patronage. The publisher is well aware of the objections which are made to an anonymous work. This work was prepared by several hands, capable of the undertaking 1 , and to avoid the necessity of giving credit to several names, it was thought best to state the whole under the general title of A Citizen of the United States, which circumstances will be considered as a sufficient apology. CHAPTER I. DISCOVERIES Christopher Columbus, who was destined (o the high honour uf revealing a new hemisphere to the Europeans, was by birth a Genoese, who had early trained himself to a seafaring life, and, having acquired every branch of knowledge connected with that profession, was no less distinguished by his skill and abili ties, than for his intrepid and persevering spirit. This man when afrout forty \ ears of age, had formed the great idea ot reaching the East Indies by sailing westward ; but, as his for tune was very small, and the attempt required effectual patron age, desirous that uis native country should profit by his suc cess, he laid his plan before the senate of Genoa ; but the scheme appeared chimerical, it was rejected. He then repair ed to the court of Portugal : and although ihe Portuguese were at that time distinguished for their commercial spirit, and John II. who then reigned, was a discerning 1 and enterprising prince. yet the prejudice? of the great men in his court, to whom the matter was referred, caused Columbus finally to fail in his at tempt there also, lie next applied to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Arragon and Castile, and at the same time ^ent his brother Bartholomew (who followed tho same profes sion, and who was well qualified to fill the immediate place under such a leader) to England, to lay the proposals before Henry VII. which likewise, very fortunately for the future well being of the country, met with no success. Many were the years which Christopher Columbus spent in ineffectual attendance at the Castilian court; the impoverished state into which the finances of the united kingdom were reduced, the war with Grenada, repressing every disposition to attempt too great designs. But the war being at length terminated, the powerful mind of Isabella broke through all obstructions ; she declared herself the patroness of Columbus, while her husband Ferdinand, de clining to partake as an adventurer, in the voyage, only gave it the sanction of his name. Thus did the superior genius of woman effect the discovery of one half of the globe ! The ships sent out on this important search were only three in number, two of them very small : with ninety men, victualed 6 , v> ; .; DISCOVERIES. for ayeai s voyage. Although .the expense of the expedition hau long temftine d^the ssoTs obstacle to this undertaking, yet, when eyry tiling \jras prcvidecf, -iho cost did not amount to more than sixteen thousand five hundred dollars, for which purpose the queen disposed of her jewels to raise the amount. Columbus set sail from port Palos in the province of AudalU* sia, on the 3d of August, 1492 : He proceeded to the Canary Islands, and thence directed his course due west, in the latitude of about 28 N. In this course he continued for two months, without falling in with any land, which caused such a spirit of discontent and mutiny to arise, as the superior address and management of the commander became unequal to suppress, al though for those qualities he was eminently distinguished. He was at length, reduced to the necessity of entering into a solemn engagement, to abandon the enterprise and return home, if land was not discovered in three days. Probably he would not have been able to retain his men so long from acts of violence and outrage, in pursuing so untried and dreary a course, had they not been sensible that their safety in returning home, depended very much on his skill as a navigator, in conducting the vessel. About midnight of the llth of October, 1492, the cry was land, land, which proved to be one of the Bahama islands, which Columbus named San Salvadore ; it was only 3 deg. 30 min. lat. to the south, of the island of Gomora, one of the Canaries, whence he took his departure. This navigator was still so con fident in the opinion ho had formed before he undertook the voyage, that he believed himself then to be on an islaud which was situated adjacent to the Indies. Proceeding towards the S. he saw three olhur islands which he named St. Mary, Ferdi nand, and Isabella. At length he arrived at a very large island, and as he had taken seven of the natives of San Salvadore on board, he learned from them that its name was called Cuba, bnt he gave it the name of Juanna. He next proceeded to an island which he called Espagnola, in honour of the kingdom by which he was employed, and it still bears the name of His- paniola. Here he built a fort, and formed a small settlement ; he then returned home, having on board some of the natives whom he had taken from the different islands, on the passage. He was overtaken by a storm which had nearly proved fatal. During the storm, Columbus hastily enclosed in a cake of wax, a short account of his voyage and discovery, which he hoped, should he perish, might fall into the hands of some navigator ; or be cast ashore, and thus the knowledge of his discovery be preser ved to the world. But the storm abated, and he arrived safe in Spain, March 15th, 1493, having been seven months and eleven days on this most important voyage. DISCOVERIES. 7 On his arrival, letters patent were issued by the king and queen, confirming to Columbus and to his heirs, all the privi leges contained in an agreement which had been enacted be fore bis departure. Not only the Spaniards, but the other nations of Europe, seem to have adopted the opinion of Columbus, in considering the countries which he had discovered as a part of India. Whence Ferdinand and Isabella gave them the name " Indies" in the ratification of their forme r agreement with Columbus, even after the error waj- detected, the name was retained, and the appellation of * West Indies." Nothing could possibly tend more effectually to rouse P very active principle of human nature, than the discoveries which Columbus had made ; no time was lost or expense ^pared, in preparing a fleet of ships, with which this great man should revisit the countries he had made known. Seventeen ships were made ready in six months, and 6fteen hundred persons embarked on board of them, among 1 whom were many noble families, who had filled honorable sta tions. Ferdinand, now desirous of securing the benefits of these discoveries, applied to the Pope to be invested with a right in their newly discovered country, as well as to all future discoveries in that direction ; but as it was necessary that there should be some favor of religion in the business, he founded his plea on a desire of converting the savage natives to the Romisu faith, which plan had its desired effect. Alexander VII, who then filled the papal chair, it ought to be mentioned, was the most profligate and abandoned of men, being a, native of Arragon,and desirous of conciliating the favor of Fer dinand, for the puruose of aggrandising his family, he readily granted his request; which, ai no expence or risk tended to ex tend the consequence and authority of the papacy : he therefore bestowed on Ferdinand and Isabella all the countries inhabited by infidels, which they had discovered. But as it was necessary to prevent this grant from interfering with <>ne not ong before made to the crown of Portugal, he appointed that a line suppo sed to be drawn from pole to pole, one hundred leagues to the westward of the Azores should serve as a limit between them : and in the plenitude of his power, conferred all to the east of this imaginary line upon th Portuguese, and all to the west of it upon the Spaniards. Columbus sailed from the port of Cadiz, on the 25th of Sep tember, 1493. When he arrived at Espagniola, he had the af fliction to find that all the Spaniards whom he had left there, amounting to thirty-six in number, had been put to death by the natives in revenge for the insults and outrage which they had commit ted. After tracing out the plan of a town in a large plain near a spacious bay, and giving it the name of Isabella, in honor DISCOVERIES. of his patroness, the queen of Castile, and appointed his brother to preside as deputy Governor in his absence ; Columbus, on the 24th of April, 1494, sailed with one ship and two small barke, to make further discoveries in those seas. In this voyage he was cmyloyed five months, and fell in with many small islands on the coast of Cuba, but none of any importance except the island of Jamaica. Soon after his return to Hispaniola, he resolved to make war with the Indians, who amounted to 100,000 rnet), then having experienced every lawless act of violence from their invaders-, were rendered extremely inveterate, and thirsting for revenge, a disposition which appears to have been foreign to their natures. Having collected his whole force, he attacked them by night, whilst they were assembled on a wide plain, and obtained a most decisive victory, without the loss of a single man on his part. Besides the effect of. cannon and fire arms, the noise of which was appalling, a,nd their effect against a numerous body of Indi ans, closely drawn together, was in the highest degree destruc tive. Columbus had brought over with him a small body of ca valry. The Indians who had never before seen such a creature, imagined the Spanish horses to be rational beings, and that each with its rider formed but one animal ; they were astonished at their speed, and considered their impetuosity and strength as ir resistible. Besides these they had another formidable enemy f o terrify and destroy them : a great number of the largest and fiercest species of dogs which were bred in Europe, and had ieen brought hither, which being set on by their weapons, with out attempting resistance, the Indians fled with all the speed which terror could excite. Numbers were slain and many made prisoners, who were immediately consigned to slavery. At the departure of Columbus from Spain, he was appointed (jovernor of the New World ; but by false representations from his enemies*, the king was persuaded to appoint another in his place. The king also gave orders that Columbus should be seized and sent to Spain ; this was executed, and the heroic Co- iumbus returned to Spain in irons. He was set at liberty by the king on his arrival, but never recovered his-authority, after his return from his fourth voyage, and finding Isabella, his pa troness dead, he sunk beneath his misfortunes, and died May 20th, 1506, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. In 1497, John Cabot and his son, commenced a voyage of dis covery, and on the 24th of June discovered the island of New foundland, which they gave the name of Prima Vesta. Leaving ihis they fell in with a small island which they called St. Johns. The French attempted no discoveries until 1524. In 15P.4, Sir Walter Raleigh under commission of Queen Elizabeth, arrived in America, entered Pamplico Sound, now in North Carolina DISCOVERIES. and sailed thence to Roanoke, of this country ; he took posses sion, and on his return to England gave so splendid a description of it, that Queen Elizabeth bestowed upon it the name of Vir ginia, in allusion to her being unraaried. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosuold discovered some part of New England. He first touched on its eastern coast, in about 43 de grees of north latitude; he made some discoveries of the adja- cient ports, and gave them the name of Cape Cod, and Martha s Vineyard. In 1603, the French made some small discoveries, and began to settle at Port Royal, on the Bay of Funda. In 1608, Henry Hudson discovered Long Island; he also dis covered and gave name to Hudson river, which retains this name to the present time. In the story of Columbus we are introduced to a man of ge nius, energy, and enterprise, who surmounted every obstacle, and at length spread his sails upon the unknown waters of -the At lantic. A kind Providence auspiciously guides his way, and crowns his enterprise with the discovery of a new world. The character of Columbus stands very high in the estima tion of mankind ; he is venerated not only as a man possessing superior fortitude, and such a steady perseverance, as no impe diments, dangers and sufferings could shake ; but as equally dis tinguished for piety and virtue. His second son Ferdinand, who wrote the life of his father, apologised for his severity towards the natives on account of the distressed state into which the co lony was brought : the change of climate, and the indispensa ble labor which was required of men unaccustomed to any ex ertion, had swept away great numbers of the new settlers, and the survivors were declining daily ; whilst such was the irre concilable enmity of the natives, hat the most kind and circum spect conduct on the part of the Spaniards, would not have been effectual to regain their good will. This apology seerns to have been generally admitted, for all modern writers have bestowed upon the discovery of the New World the warmest commendation, unmixed with censure. It is an unpleasant task to derogate from exalted merit, and to im pute a deliberate plan of cruelty and extirpation to a man re vered for moral worth ; but although a pert affectation of novel opinions could only originate in weak minds, and can be counte nanced onl> by such, yet a free and unreserved scrutiny of facts can alone separate truth from error, and apportion the just and intrinsic degree of merit belonging to any character. Columbus having found the natives peaceable and well dispo sed, he had no retson to apprehend that any would commence unprovoked hostilites; the cavalry which he took over, whilst it tended to impress those people with the deepest awe and ven* 10 DISCOVERIES. eration, was fully sufficient for the security of the new colony, if the friendship of the natives had been sincerely meant to be cultivated by a kind, equitable deportment; but to treat them as a free people, was inconsistent to the views which he had of plant ing a colony; Columbus is celebrated for histiumanity and good ness, but should he not rather be considered as a most consummate dissembler; professing moderation whilst he meditated subver sion, and like most of the heroes and conquerors whom history records, renouncing every principle of justice and humanity when they stopped the career of his ambition ! Ferdinand Columbus, his son and biographer, has with great address covered the shame of his father, whilst the admiring world has been little disposed to censure a man, the splendor of whose actions so powerfully fascinates and dazzles. We see him forming a new, and in those days a mighty project; having matured his plan, we see him set himself rigorously about executing it, after being baffled by opposition, rejected by his friends, yet the RULER of the Uni verse guides his course, and crowns his vov age with valuable discovery. While wp admire the lofty qualities of Columbus, and look with wonder at the consequences which have resulted from his discovery, let us emulate his decision, energy and perseverance. Many are the occasions in the present world, on which it will be important to summon these to our aid ; and by their means, ma ny useful objects may be accomplished, which, without them, would be unattained. But, while we thus press forward in the career of usefulness while we aim to accomplish for our fellow men all the amount of good in our power, let us moderate our expectations of re ward here, by the consideration that Columbus died the victim of ingratitude and disappointment. Another consideration, of still deeper interest, is suggested by the story of Columbus. In his first voyage, he contemplated chiefly the discovery of a passage to India. We who live to mark the wonderful events which have flowed from this disco very, within the short space of three centuries, cannot but ad vert with awe to HIM, who attaches to the actions of a single individual, a train of consequences so stupendous and unexpec ted. How lightly soever, then, \ e may think or our conduct, let us remember that the invisible hand of Providence ma^ be connecting with our smallest actions the most momentous re sults, to ourselves and others. With respect to Americus Vespucius, it may be observed, that although he deprived Columbus of the merited honor of giving his name to the new world, and gained this distinction for him self still, his name will ever remain stigmatized as having ap propriated that to himself, which fairly belonged to another- DISCOVERIES. 11 A peculiar trait in the rich and varied character of Columbus, remains to be noticed ; that ardent and enthusiastic imagination which threw a magnificence over his whole style of thinking* Herrera intimates that he had a talent for poetry, and some slight traces of it are on record, in the book of prophecies which he presented to the Catholic sovereigns. But his poetical tem perament is discernible throughout all his writings, and in all his actions. It spread a golden and glorious world around him, and tinged every thing with its own gorgeous colours. It be trayed him into visionary speculations, which subjected him to the sneers and cavillings of men of cooler and safer, but more grovelling minds. Such were the conjectures formed on the coast of Paria about the form of the earth and the situation of the terrestrial paradise; about the mines of Ophir in Hispanio- la, and of tbe Aurea Chersonesus in Veragua ; and such was the heroic scheme of a crusade for the recovery of the holy sep ulchre. It mingled with his religion, and filled his mind with solemn and visionary meditations on mystic passages of the scriptures, and the shadowy ponents of the prophecies. It ex alted his office in his eyes, and made him conceive himself an agent sent forth upon a sublime and awful mission, subject to impulses and supernatural intimations from the deity; such as the voice which he imagined spoke to him in comfort, amidst the troubles ot Hispamola, and in the silence of night on the disasteroub coast of Veragua. He was decidedly a visionary ; but a visionary of an uncom mon and successful kind. The manner in which his ardent, im aginative and mercurial nature was controlled by a powerful judgment, and directed by an acute sagacity, is the most extra ordinary feature in his character. Thus governed, his imagina tion, instead of exhausting itselt in idle soarings, lent wings to his judgment, and bore it away to remote conclusions, at which common minds could never have arrived, nay, which they could not percieve when pointed out. To his intellectual vision it was given to read the signs of the times, and in the conjectures and reveries of past ages, the in dications of an unknown world ; as soothsayers were said to read predictions in the stars, and to foretell events from the visions of night. "His soul," observes a Spanish writer, " was superior to the age in which he lived. For him was reserved the great enterprize to plough a sea which had given rise to so many fables, and to decipher ihe mystery of his time." With all the visionary fervor of his imagination, its fondest dreams fell short of the reality. He died in ignorance of the real grandeur of his discovery. Until his last breath, he enter tained the idea that he had merely opened a new way to the old resorts of opulent commerce, and had discovered some of the 12 DISCOVERIES. wild regions of the east. He supposed Hispaniola to be the an cient Ophir, which had been visited by the ships of Solomon, and that Cuba and Terra Firma were but remote parts of Asia. What visions of glory would have broke upon his mind, could he have known that he had indeed discovered a new continent, equal to the whole of the old world in magnitude, and separa ted by two vast oceans from all the earth hitherto known by ci vilized man : and how would his magnanimous spirit have been consoled, amidst the chills of age and cares of penury, the neg lect of a fickle public, and the injustice of an ungrateful king, could he have anticipated the splendid empires which were to spread over the beautiful world he had discovered, and the na tions, and tongues, and languages, which were to fill its lands with his renown, and to revere and bless his name to the latest posterity ! When we read of the remains of Columbus, thus conveyed from the port of St. Domingo, After an interval of nearly three hundred years, as sacred national reliques, with civic and mil itary pomp, and high religious ceremonial ; the most dignified and illustrious men striving who most should pay them reve rence ; we cannot but reflect that it was from this very port he was carried offloaded with ignominious chains, blasted ap parently in fame and fortune, and followed by the revilings of a rabble. Such honours, it is true, are nothing to the dead, nor can they atone to the heart, now dust and ashes, for all the wrongs and sorrows it may have suffered ; but they speak vol umes of comfort to the illustrious, yet slandered and persecu ted living, encouraging them bravely to bear with present in juries, by showing them how true merit outlives all calumny, and receives its glorious reward in the admiration of after ages. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES- Part \rat. CHAPTER II. Front the settlement of Jamestoicn to the embarkation of the Plymouth Company. The discovery of America by Columbus, gave a new impulse to that bold spirit of adventure which characterised the hardy age in which lie lived. Although several men of rank and for tune were concerned in the companies which had been formed in England for colonising America, their funds appear to have been very limited, and their first efforts were extremely feeble. The first expedition for the southern colony consisted of one vessel of 100 tons, and two barks, with 105 men destined to re main in the country. The command of this small fleet was given to Captain Newport, who sailed from the Thames the l^thof December, 1606. At the time his instructions were given, three packages, sealed with the seal of the council, were delivered, one to Captain Newport, one to Captain Bartholomew Gosnald, and the third to Captain John Ratcliffe, containing the names of the council for the colony. They were directed not to open these packages within 24 hours after their arrival on the coast of Virginia, and the names of his majesty s council were then to be proclaimed. The council were then to proceed to the choice of a president, who should have two votes. To this singular and unaccountable concealment have been in a great degree attributed, the dissension which distracted the col onists on their passage, and which afterwards considerably im peded the progress of their infant settlement. Newport, whose place of destination was Roanoke, took the circuitous route by 2 14 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP the West India islands, and had a long passage of four months. The reckoning had been out for three days, without perceiving land ; and serious propositions were made for returning- to Eng land ; when they were overtaken by a storm which fortunately drove them to the mouth of the Chesapeake. On the 26th of April, 1607, they discerned cape Henry, and soon after cape Charles. Impatient to land, a party of about 30 men went on shore at cape Henry, but they were immediately attacked by the natives, who considered them as enemies, and in the skir mish which ensued, several were wounded on both sides. The first employment of the colonists was to explore the adjacent country, with the appearance ofwhichthey weregreatly delight ed, and to select a spot on which their settlement should be made. They proceeded up alarge, beautiful river, called by the natives, Powhatan, and to which they gave the name of James ; on a peninsula on the north side of which they immedi ately agreed to make the first establishment of their colony. This place, as well as the river, they named after their king, and called it Jamestown ; there they debarked on the 13th of May, and the sealed packets being opened, Mr. Wingfield was by the council elected their president; but under frivolous and unjustifiable pretexts, they excluded from his seat among them, John Smith, whose courage and lalentsseem to have excited their envy, and who on the passage had been imprisoned on the improbable and unsupportable charge of intending to murder the council, usurp the government, and make himself king of Virginia. The colonists soon found themselves embroiled with the In dians, who attacked them suddenly while at work ; but were Irightened by the fire from the ship, and in a short time a tem porary accommodation with them was effected. Although Newport was named of the council, he was ordered to return with the vessel to England, and the time of his departure ap proached. The accusers of Smith affecting a degree of hu manity which they did not feel, proposed that he should return with Newport, instead of being prosecuted in Virginia ; but, with the pride of conscious innocence, he demanded his trial, and being honourably acquitted, took his seat in the council. About the 15th of Juno, Newport sailed for England, leaving behind him one bark and about 100 persons, the only English then on the continent of America. Thus about one hundred and ten years after this continent had been discovered by Ca bot, and 22 years after a colony had been conducted to Roanoke by Sir Richard Grenville, the English possessions in America, designed soon to become a mighty empire, were limited to a peninsula of a fe\v thousand acres of land, held by a small body of men, who with difficulty maintained themselves against the THE UNITED STATE-. 15 paltry tribes which surrounded them, and looked in a great measure to the other si Je of the Atlantic for the bread on which they were to subsist. The stock of provisions for the colony had been very improvidentially laid in; it was entirely inade- equate to their wants, and in addition to this original er ror, it had sustained great damage in the holds of their vessels, during their long passage. On the departure of Newport (du ring whose stay they managed to partake of the superfluity of sailors) they were reduced to the necessity of subsisting on the distributions from the public stores. These were at the same time scanty and unwholesome. They did not amount to more per man than a pint of worm eaten wheat, and barley boiled in a common kettle. This wretched food increased the malignity of. the diseases generated by a hot, and at tint time (the country being entirely uncleared and undraincd,) a damp climate, among men exposed from their situation to all its rigours. Before the month of September, 50 of the company, and among them Bar tholomew Gosnald, who had originated the expedition, and so much contributed towards its being carried on, were buried. This scene of distress was, heightened by internal dissension. The president was charged with having embezzled the best stores of the colony, and with feasting at his private table with beef and bread, then deemed luxuries of the highest order, while famine and death devoured his fellow adventurers. No crime in the public opinion, could have been more atrocious. In addition to this, he was detected in an attempt to escape from them and their calamities, in the bark which had been left by Newport. The general indignation, could no longer be restrained. He was deposed, and Ratcliffe chosen to succeed him. Misfortune is not (infrequently the parent of moderation and reflection, and this state of misery produced a system of conduct towards the neighbouring Indians which for the moment disarmed their re sentment, and induced them to bring in sucii supplies as the country at that season afforded, and therebv preserved the rem nant of the colony. It produced another effect, not less impor tant. Their sense of imminent and common danger, called forth and compelled submission to those talents which were fitted to the exigence, and best calculated to extricate them from the difficulties to which they were surrounded. Captain Smith, who had been imprisoned and expelled from the council by the envy of those who felt and hated his superiority, and who "after evin cing Iris innocence, had with difficulty been admitted to the sta tion assigned, preserved his health unimpaired, his spirits un broken, and his judgment unclouded, amidst this general misery rind dejection. In him, by common consent, all actual authority was placed, and ho. by his own example, soon gave energy and efficiency to others in the execution of his commands. 16 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP He immediately erected at Jamestown such rude fortifications as were necessary to resist the sudden attack of the savages, and with great labour, in which he always took the lead, comple ted the construction of such dwellings as could shelter the peo ple from the weather : contributed to restore and preserve their health while his accommodation gave place to all others. In the season of gathering corn, which with the Indians is a sea son of plenty, putting himself at the head of small parties, he penetrated into the country, and by presents and caresses to those that were well disposed, and attacking with open force and defeating those who were hostile, he obtained for his country men the most abundant supplies. While thus actively and use fully employed abroad, he was not permitted to withdraw his at tention from the domestic concerns of the colony. However unfit men may be for command, there are few examples of their descending willingly from exalted stations once filled by them, and it is not wonderful that the late president saw with displeas ure, another placed above him. A3 unworthy minds most readily devise unworthy means, he sought by intriguing with the factious, and fomenting their discontents, to regain his lost authority ; and when their at tempts were disconcerted, plans were laid, first by Wingfieid and Kendal, and afterwards bvthe president himself, in conjunction with Martin, the only remaining member of the council, except Smith, to escape in the bark, and thus abandon the country. The vigilance of Smith detected all these machinations, and his vigour defeated them. The hope was now indulged of preserv ing the colony in quiet and plenty, until supplies could be re ceived from England, with the ships which were expected in the spring. This hope was in a considerable degree defeated, by an event which threatened at first, the most disastrous con sequences. In an attempt to explore the head of Chickaho- miny river, Smith was discovered and attacked by a numerous body of Indians, and in endeavouring to make his escape, after a most gallant defence, his attention being directed to the ene my whom he still fought in retreating, he sunk up to his neck in a swamp, and was^obliged to surrender. Still, retaining his presence of mind he showed them a mariner s compass, at which, especially at the playing of the needle, and the impossi bility of touching it, although they saw it so distinctly, they were greatly astonished ; and he amused them with so many surprising stories of its qualities as to inspire them with ^ a de gree of veneration which prevented their executing their first design of killing him on the spot. They conducted him in tri umph through several towns to the palace of Powhatan, the most potent king in the country. There he was doomed to be put to death, by laying his head upon a log, and beating his. THE UNITED STATES. 17 brains out with club?. He was led to the place of execution, and his head bowed down for the purpose of death, when Pocahontas, the kind s daughter, then about thirteen years of age, whose entreaties for his life had been ineffectual, rushed between him and the executioner, and folding his head in her arms, and laying hers upon it, arrested the fatal blow. Her father was then prevailed on to spare his life, and after a great many savage ceremonies, he was sent back to Jamestown. On his arrival thither, haung been absent seven weeks, he found the colony reduced to 3H persons, most of whom seemed deter mined to abandon the country which appeared to them so un favourable to hum-in life. He was Justin lime to prevent the execution of this design. Alternately employing persuasions, threats, and even violence, he at length with much hazard to himself induced the majority to relinquish the intentions they had formed, and then turning the guns of the forJs on the bark on board which were the most determined, compelled her to remain, or sink in the river. By judicious regulation of their intercourse with the Indians, among whom Smith was now in high repute, he preserved plenty in the colony, until the arrival of two vessels which had been despatched from England under the command of Captain Newport, with a supply of pro visions, instruments of husbandry, and with a reinforcement of 120 persons, consisting of many gentlemen, a few labourer?, and several refiners, goldsmiths, and jewellers. The Joy of the colony on receiving this accession of force and supply of pro visions, was extreme. But the influence of Smith disappeared with the danger which had produced it, and an improvident re laxation of discipline, productive of the most pernicious conse quences succeeded to it. Among the unwise practices which they tolerated, an indiscriminate traffic with the natives was permitted, in the course of which, some obtained for their com modities much better bargains than others, which inspired those who had been most hardly dealt by, and who thought them selves cheated, with resentment against the English generally, and a consequent thirst for revenge. Abou* this time was found washed down by a small stream of water, back of Jamestown, a glittering earth, which by the colonists was mistaken for gold dust. All that raging thirst for gold which accompanied the first Europeans who visited the American continent, seemed re-excited by this incident. Mr. Stith, in his history, says, there was nothing thought of but to dtg gold, wash gold, refine gold, and load gold. And notwith standing Captain Smith s warm and judicious representations, how absurd it was to neglect all other things of immediate sse and necessity, to load such a drunken ship with gilded dust, yet was he overruled, and her returns were made with a parcel of 2* 18 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF glittering dirt, which is to bo found in various parts of the country, and which they very sanguinely concluded to be gold dust. One vessel returned in the spring of 1608, the other the 2d of June, laden one wilh dust, the other with cedar. This is the first remittance ever made from America by an English colony. The effects of this fatal delusion were such as might have been foreseen, and were soon felt. The colony began to suffer the same distress from scarcity of food, which had be fore brought it to the brink of ruin. The researches of the Eng lish settlers had not yet extended beyond the countries adja cent to James river. Smith had formed the bold design of ex ploring the great bay of Chesapeake, examining the mighty riv ers which empty into it, opening an entrance with the nations inhabiting them, and acquiring a knowledge of the state of their cultivation and population. This hardy enterprise, he un dertook, accompanied by Doctor Russell, in an open boat of about three tons burthen, and with a crew of 13 men. On the 2d of June, he fell down the river in company with the last of Newport s two vessels, and parted with her at the capes. Be ginning his survey at cape Charles, he examined with immense fatigue and danger, every river, inlet, and bay, on both sides the Chesapeake, as far as the mouth of the Rappahannoc, from whence, their provisions being exhausted, he returned to Jamestown. He reached the place on the 21st of July, and found the colony in the utmost confusion and disorder. Those who had arrived" last with Newport, were all sick, and general scarcity prevailed, an universal discontent with the president, whom they charged with riotously consuming the stores, and unnecessarily fatiguing the people, with building a house of pleasure for himself, in the woods. The seasonable arrival of Smith, prevented their fury from breaking out in acts of per sonal violence. Their views were extended and their spirits revived, by the accounts he gave of his discovery. They con tented themselves with deposing their president, and Smith was urged, but refused to succeed him. Having made in three days, arrangements for obtaining reg ular supplies, and for the government of the colony, his firm friend Mr. Scrivner, was appointed vice president, and on the 14th of July, he again set out, with 12 men, to complete his discoveries. From this voyage he returned on the 7th of September. He had adventured as far as the river Susquehanna, and visited all the countries on both sides f the bay ; he entered most of the large creeks, and sailed up many of the great rivers to their falls. When we consider that he sailed above 300 miles in an open > when we contemplate the dangers and the hardships he THE UNITED STATES. 19 encountered, and the fortitude, courage and patience with which he met them ; when we reflect on the useful and impor tant additions which he made to the stock of knowledge res pecting America, then possessed by his countrymen, we shall not hesitate to say that few voyages of discovery, undertaken at any time, reflect more honour on those engaged in them, than this does on Captain Smith. It may not be entirely un worthy of remark, that about the bottom of the bay, Smith went with a party of Indians from St Lawrence, coming to war with those of that neighbourhood ; and that he found among Indians on the Susquehannah, hatchets obtained originally from the French in Canada. On the 10th of September, immediately after his return from his expedition, he was chosen president by the council, and ac cepted the office. Soon after Newport arrived with an additional supply of in habitants ; among whom were the two first females who had ventured into the country : but he came without provisions. The distinguished, judidious, and vigorousedministration of the president, however, supplied their wants, and restrained the turbulent. Encouraged by his example, coerced by his au thority, a spirit of industry and subordination appeared to be created in the colony, which was the parent of plenty and peace. In the mean time, the company in England became excessively dissatisfied with their property in America. They had calculated on discovering a passage to the south sea, and mines of the precious metals ; which might afford to individu als the same sudden accumulation of wealth which had been ac quired by the Spaniards in the south. In all their hopes they had been previously disappointed, rnd had as yet received scarcely any advantage for the heavy expenses they had incur red ; yet hope did not altogether forsake them, and they still indulged in golden dreams of future wealth. On the 23d of May, 1609, a new charter was granted them, gome of the first nobility and gentry of tlie country, and most of the companies of London, with a numerous body of merchants and tradesmen, were now added to the former adventurers, and they were all incorporated, by the name of the Treasurer and company of adventurers of the city of London, for the first colony in Virginia. To them was granted, as their property, the lands extending from cape or point Comfort along the sea coast, 200 miles northward, and from the same point along the eea coast 200 miles southward. The corporation was authorised to own under its common seal particular portions of these lands to subjects or denizens on such conditions as might promote the intentions of the grant. The powers of the president and council in Virginia were 20 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF abrogated, and a new council in England was established an<l ordained in ihe charter, with power to the company to fill all vacancies therein by election. This council was empowered to appoint and renew all officers for the colony, and to make all ordinances for its Government, provided they be not con trary to the laws of England. License was given to trans port all persons that were willing, and to export merchandize free from custom to Virginia, for seven years. There was also granted for twenty one years, freedom from all subsidies in Virginia, and from all impositions on importations and ex- portations, from or to any of the king s dominions, except only the five pounds in the hundred due for custom. The company being now enlarged, was enabled to take more efficient meas ures than heretofore for the settlement of the country ; they soon fitted out nine ships with 500 emigrants, and such supplier as were deemed necessary for them. Lord Delawar was con stituted governor and captain general for life, and several oth er high sounding and useless offices were created. The direc tion of the expedition was again given to Captain Newport, George Somers, and Thomas Gates. Power was severally granted to govern the colony until the arrival of Lord Dela war. With singular indiscretion, the council omitted to establish precedence among these gentlemen, and being totally unable to settle this point between themselves, they agreed to embark on board of the sa,ne vessel, and to be companions during the voyage. They were parted from the rest of the fleet in a storm, and driven on Bermudas, having on board 150 men, a consider able portion of the provisions, and the new commission and in structions of the council. , The residue of the squadron arrived, safe in Virginia. The great part of the new company consis ted of unruly sparks packed off by thoir friends to escape worse destinies at home ; and the rest chiefly made up of poor gen tlemen, broken tradesmen, rakes and libertines, footmen, and such others as were more ruinous to the commonwealth, than to help to raise or maintain it. They assumed to themselves the power of disposing of the government, and conferred it some times, on one and sometimes on another. To day the old com mission must rule, to morrow the new, and next day neither. So all was anarchy and distraction. The judgment of Smith was suspended but for a short time. He soon determined that his own authority was not legally revoked until the arrival of the new commission, and therefore resolved to continue itsex,- ercise. He boldly imprisoned the chief promoter of the sedi tion, and thereby restored for a time regularity and obedience. Having effected "this, he detached 100 persons to the falls of James river, under the conduct of West, and the same nuna~ THE UNITED STATES. 21 bcr to Nansemond, under the command of Martin. These set tlements were conducted with so little judgment, that they soon converted all the neighbouring Indians into enemies, had several parties cut off, and found themselves in need of the sup port and direction of Smith. These were always afforded un til a melancholy accident deprived the colony of the aid of a man, whose talents had more than once rescued it from that desperate condition info which folly and vice had plunged it. Returning from the company at the falls of James river, his powder bag, while he was asleep in the boat, took fire ; he was wounded so as to be confined to his bed. Being thus wound ed, and unable to obtain the aid of a surgeon in the colony, ho determined to return to England, fur which place he embarked about the beginning of October. At his departure, the colony consisted of about 500 inhabitants ; they were furnished with three ships, 7 boats, 10 weeks provisions in the public store, 6 mares and a horse, a lara e stock of hogs and poultry, with some fcheep and goats ; utensils for agriculture, nets for fishing ; 100 trained and expert soldiers, well acquainted with the Indians, their language and habitations : 24 pieces of ordnance, and three hundred muskets, with a sufficient quantity of other arms and ammunition.. The present fair prospect was soon blasted. The Indians understood that the man whose conduct and vig our they had so often experienced, and so much dreaded, no longer remained in the country ; they fell upon them. Captains West and Martin having lost their boats, and nearly half of their men, were driven back to Jamestown ; the stock of pro visions was lavishly wasted, and a famine, tho most dreadful with which they had ever been afflicted, raged among them. After devouring the skins of their horses, and the Indians they had killed, the survivors fed on those of their companions who had sunk under such accumulated calamities. This period was long remembered by the name of the Starving Time. In six months, the colony was reduced to 60 persons; who were so feeble and dejected, that they could not survive ten days iou- ger. In this calamitous state, they were relieved by Thomas Gates, George Somers, and Captain Newport, who arrive i from Bermuda, 24th of May, 1610. It was immediately deter mined to abandon the country ; and for this purpose th > wietched remnant of the colony embarked on board the vessel just arrived from Bermuda, and set sail for England. None dropped a tear, because none had enjoyed one day of happiness. But they met Lord Delawar in the river, with 3 ships, and a recruit of new settlers and persons from England, who prevailed on them to return ; and on the 10th of June, re-settled them at Jamestown. 52 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On the 10th of May, 1611, Sir Thomas Dale, who had been appointed to the government, arrived with fresh supplies of men and provisions, and found tl>e colony relapsing into its for mer state ofidleness and penury. It required all the authority of the new governor to maintain public order, and to compel the idle and the dissolute to labour. Some conspiracies having been detected he proclaimed martial law, and instantly executed it, by punishing the most guilty. These severities, which in the ordinary state of society would not and ought not to have been submitted to, were then deemed necessary, and are spoken of as having probably saved the settlement. In the beginning of August, Sir Thomas Gates, who had been appointed to suc ceed Thomas Dale, arrived with six ships, and a considerable supply of men and provisions. The colony being now greatly strengthened, began to extend itself up the James river, and several new settlements were made. In March 1612, a new charter was issued, granting to the treasurer and company all the islands situate in the ocean, within three hundred leagues of the coast of Virginia. It was ordained that four general courts of adventurers should be holden annually, for the determination of affairs of importance, and weekly meetings were appointed for the transaction of common business. To promote the settlement, which had already cost such considerable sums, license was given to open lotteries in any part of England. These lotteries, which were the first ever drawn in England, brought twenty nine thousand pounds into the treasury of the company. Captain Argal arrived from England, with two vessels, and was sent round to the Potomac, for a cargo of corn. Here he understood that Pocahontas, who had saved the life of Smith, and ever had been steadfast in her attachments to the English, having absented herself from her father s house, now lay concealed. By bribing some of those in whom she had confided, Captain Argal prevailed on her to come on board his vessel, where she was detained respectfully, and brought to Jamestown. His motive was the hope that the possession of Pocahontas would give the English an ascendancy over her father, Powhatan. In this", however he-was disappointed. Powhatan offered corn and friendship, if they would first restore his daughter, but would come to no terms until reparation was made for what he resented, as an act of unhandsome treachery. During her detention at Jamestown, she made an impression on the heart of Mr. Rolfe, a young gentleman of estimation in the colony who also suceeded in gaining her affections. They were mar ried, with the consent of Powhatan, who ever after continued to be a sincere friend to the English. This led to a treaty with the Chiccahom mies a brave and powerful tribe, who submitted THE UNITED STATES. 23 to the English, and became their tributaries. In 1613, Sir Thom as Dale divided a considerable portion of the lands into lots of three acres each, and granted one of these to each individual in full propriety. Althoughthey \verestillrequired to devote a great portion of their labour to the public, yet a sudden change was made in the appearance and habits of* the colony. Industry ad vanced with rapid strides, and the colonists were no mure fear ful of wanting bread, either for themselves or the emigrants who came annually from England. Early in the year 1614, Sir Thomas Gates returned to England, leaving the govern ment again with Sir Thomas Dale. In 161 5, fifty acres of land were alloled to each individual, which was actually laid olf and delivered to the persons having titles to them, who were per mitted toexercifaover them, in such a manner as was agreea ble themselves, all the rights of ownership. About the same time tobacco was first cultivated in Virginia. This plant was detested by the king, who used all his influ ence to prevent its use. He even wrote a pamphlet against it which he styled the counter blast. It was discountenanced by the leading members of parliament, and also by the company, who issued edicts against its cultivation. And although on a first experiment it was unpleasent in its taste, and disagreeable in its effects, it surmounted all difficulties, and has, by an un accountable caprice, been brought into general use, and be- cocne one of the most considerable staples of America. In the spring of 1616, Sir Thomas Dale sailed for England, having placed the government in the hands of George Yeardly, his deputy, who after a very lax administration of one year, was succeeded, in May 1617, by Captain Argal, who had been ap pointed deputy governor by the company. He was a man of great talents and energy of mind, but selfish, haughty, and ty rannical. He provided with ability, for the wants of the colony. Martial law was continued during a season of peace, ar,d Mr. Brewstcr, who was tried under this arbitrary system !or con temptuous words spoken against the governor, was sentenced to suffer death. A respite of execution was with difficulty ob tained, and on an appeal to the council in England, the sen tence was reversed. While martial law was, according to S*ith, the common law of the land, the deputy governor seems to have been the sole legislator. His edicts mark the severity of his rule, but some of them evince an attention to the public safety. He ordered that merchandise should be sold at the ad- rance price of 25 per cent, and tobacco taken in payment at the rate of three shillings per pound, under the penalty of three year s servitude to the company ; that no person should traffic with the Indians, or teach them the use of fire arms, under pain of death ; that no person should hunt deer or hogs without leave 24 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF from the governor; that no person should shoot, unless in his own defence, until a new supply of ammunition arrived, on pain of a year s personal service ; that no one should go on board the ships without the governor s leave ; that every person should go to church on Sundays, under the penalty of slavery during that present week, for the first offence; a month for the second, and a year for the third. The rigour of this administration necessarily excited much discontent, and the complaints of the Virginians at length made their way to the company. Lord Delawar, being 1 now dead, Mr. Yeardly was appointed" captain general, with instructions to examine with attention the wants of the people, and to redress them. The new governor arrived in April, 1619, and soon after, to the inexpTessible joy of the inhabitants, declared his intentions to convoke a colonial assembly. This is an important era in the history of Virginia. Heretofore, all legislative authority had been exercised, either by the corporation in England, or by their officers in this country. The people, either personally or by their representatives, had no voice in the government of themselves, and their most important concerns were decided by persons unacquainted with their situation, and always posses sing interests different from theirs. This first assembly met at Jamestown, on the 19th of June, 1619. The colony was not then divided into counties, and the members were elected by the different boroughs, amounting to seven in number. The assembly, composed of the governor, the council, and burgesses, met together in one apartment, and there debated all matters thought conducive to the general welfare. The laws then enacted, which it is believed are no longer extant, were trans mitted to England for the approbation of the treasurer and company, and were said to have been judiciously formed. The emigrations from England continued to be very considerable, and were made at great expense to the company ; but as yet few females had ever crossed the Atlantic. Men without wives could not contemplate Virginia as a place of permanent resi dence, and proposed, after amassing some wealth, to return to their native land. To put an end to a mode of thinking in its effects so ruinous to the colony, it was proposed to send out 100 maids as wives for the colony. 90 young; girls were transported in the beginning of the year 1620, and 60 more in the subse quent year. They were immediately disposed of to the young planters. The price of a wife was estimated first at one hun dred and afterwards, atone hundred and fifty pounds of tobac co ; then selling at three shillings per pound : and a debt so contracted, wos made of greater dignity, than any other. The education of the children was likewise attended to, and several ps were taken towards founding- a college, afterwards com- THE UNITED STATES. 25 pletely established by William and Mary. About the same time, the company received orders from the king to transport to Virginia 100 idle and dissolute persons then in custody of the Knight Marshal. These men, dispersed through the colony, be came a useful and acceptable addition of labourers, and were the first convicts transported to America. CHAPTER III. From, the embarkation of the Plymouth Company, to the close of the Pequot War. We have seen with what slow and difficult steps, the first, or southern colony, although supported by individuals of great wealth, and influence in the nation, advanced to a firm and se- c ure establishment. Let us now employ our attention in view ing the establishment of the Plymouth Company. King- James first granted Letters Patent to this company, in 1606, to pos sess all the lands in America, lying between 34 and 45 degrees of North latitude. They applied for leave to go under the roy al sanction, but were refused. At length they obtained permis sion from the Virginia company to make a settlement near the mouth of Hudson river. It was resolved that part of the con gregation should remove first, and the remaining part with their pastor after the new settlement had commenced. This produ ced a scene at parting, not to be described. They took their leave of one another, which proved to be their last leave, with many of them. They sailed from Holland to Southampton, in England, where they met the other ships, and their friends who were to accompany them from England in July 1620. On the fifth of August they sailed from Southampton, but on account of bad weather and the Jeakiness of one of their ves sels, they were obliged twice to put back. The poorer vessel they were compelled to leave, while as many as could be accom modated, one hundred and one persons of the adventurers, en tered on board the other ship, and took their last leave of the land of their fathers, on the sixth of September. Called to go out into a place which they should after receive for an inheri tance, they obeyed ; and they went out, not knowing whither they went. 3 26 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF After a tedious voyage, safely housed in the ark which God in his providence had directed them to prepare, protected by him who directs the storm, on the tenth of November, they ar rived at Cape Cod. The Dutch, intending to keep possession of Hudson s River, had bribed the ship master to carry these ad venturers so far northward, that they should not find their in tended place of residence. They had found land, and it was too late in the season to put to sea a^ain ; they were in good har bour but on a most barren and inhospitable shore. On their arrival, they stepped upon the strand, and with ben ded knees gave thanks to God who had preserved his church in the ark, who had preserved their number entire, and brought (hem in safety to those unhallowed shores. Being without the limits of their patent, as to civil government, they were in a state of nature. They therefore procured and signed a civil compact, by which they severally bound themselves to be obedient to all ordinances made by (he body, acknowledging (he King of Great Britain to be their lawful sovereign. They say in the preamble, Having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christain Faith, and honour of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents," &c. This instrument was executed on board their ship on the eleventh of November. Mr. John Carver, a man of distinguished abilities and eminent piety, was chosen their governor. The prospects now before them were such as to appal any other than our fathers. In a most howling wilderness, inhab ited by pagan savages and wild beasts, a dreary winter ap proaching, no shelter from the tempest, and, as yet, no place of abode. They had one resting place, and that was all. Their trust was in him who hath said to his chosen, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms ; and hk shall thrust out the enemy from before thee, andshall say, destroy them. After several unsuccessful attempts to find a convenient place for their residence, a party sent out for discovery, enter ed the harbour of Plymouth. In a severe storm on a Decem ber night, having with their little barque, narrowly escaped a shipwreck, (hey were cast upon an island in the harbor. This was on Friday night. The next, day tney dried their clothes, concluding- to remain on this little island, till after the Sabbath. This little band, about, twenty in number, observed the next day BS a Sabbath, which was the first Sabbath ever observed in a religious manner, on the New-England shore. Having exam ined the harbor, they returned to the ship, which weighed an chor and brought in their consecrated cargo in safety. Here these pious pilgrims landed on the twenty-second of Decem ber, 1620, They crimed the place Plymouth, the- name of the THE UNITED STATES. 27 town from which they last sailed in England. They now had a country and a home, but they had a better country on high. They had now to contend with the inclement seasons, with innumerable privations, in a constant fear of a savage foe. But God had prepared their way before them. A desolating plague, which prevailed among the natives about three years before, had nearly depopulated those parts of the country. On this account, they received very little molestation from the sav ages for many years. Had they been carried to Hudson s Riv er, according* "to their intention, where the savages were nu merous, there is much reason to believe the little colony would have been cut oii. Infinite wisdom directed their course to their prepared habitation. We have heard with our ears, O God, out fathers have told us, how thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, and planted them. The severities of the season, their unwholesome-food, and their incessant labours, brought upon this little ilock a general and very mortal sickness, so that forty-six of their number died before the opening of the ensuing spring. Of those wno survi ved the most had been severely sick. Who can contemplate this little band, in an uncultivated wilderness, with no promise of support from their mother country, exposed to the inclement ekiesof a dreary winter, with scanty supplies of food, utterly unskilled and destitute of the means for the cultivation of a new country, with no security for future harvests ; surrounded with a savage enemy whose seats and prowess they cou d not know ; visited TV i 111 a raging disease, committing, at times, two or three in a "day to. the grave ; of the living scarcely enough who had strength to perform the rites of sepulture ; without despon dency, firmly determined to abide the just appointments of Heaven, and not admire a virtue which the religion of the Lord Jesus alone can furnish, and a patriotism to which the canon ized heroes of Rome could never attain. Had their object been to obtain a property, for themselves and for their posterity, or to obtain a name among the heroes of enterprize, they had sunk under their sufferings. Their souls were strengthened with other prospects. They confided in the wisdom of Heaven ; they firmly believed that the Most High would here plant and maintain his church ; that he would make the American wil derness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Buoyed up by faith, strengthened by the promises, obstacles vanished before them. They knew God had often led his church into the wilderness, but he had never forsaken her. He raised up the righteous man from the east, brought him to a strange country, the Canaanite was then in the land, but he gave them as the dast to his sword, and as driven stubble tc i;is how. 28 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On the fifth of April after their arrival, the Plymouth Com pany were called to mourn the loss of their excellent gover nor, and a deacon of the church, Mr, Carver. Mr. Bradford, a gentleman of distinguished worth, was chosen to succeed him, and excepting four years, he was annually elecled to the office till his death, in 1657. A little before the death of Mr. Carver, the Indian Sachem, Massasoit, came into Plymouth in a friendly manner, and entered into a treaty of friendship with the Colony, which he observed inviolably till his death. He was father of the famous Sachem, King Philip. After the first desolating sickness, the people of Plymouth were, generally, very healthy, and the most of the first plan ters who survived that epidemic, lived to old age. Their priva tions, however, and their sufferings, inseparable from the circumstances of their situation, were great in the extreme. Their property was, principally, held in common stock for the support of the whole. And the wants of the few first years, consumed the most of their store. Through fear of the na tives, having received some threatening intimations from some of the tribes, they were necessitated to erect a fort, to empale their whole village, and to keep a constant guard. In their excursions to find a proper place for settlement, while their ship lay at the Cape, they found about ten bushels of Indian corn which had been buried, for which they afterwards paid the owners, which helped to preserve their lives the first win ter, and afford them seed for planting in the ensuing spring. Some friendly Indians taught them the manner of raising their corn, but their crop was very unequal to their necessities. Mr. Hutchinson is of opinion that no English grain was raised in the colony previous to the year 1633 ; when a few ears of rye were produced. The first domestic cattle were brought to the colony in 1624, previous to which, they had none for milk or labour. The most credible historians affirm that these pil grims subsisted in repeated instances, for days and weeks to gether without bread, feeding upon the wild nuts of the woods, and shell-fish. Their difficulties for clothing were equally great. Some of the ancient writers intimate, that the great mortality in the first winter appears to have been the means, under a wise Providence, of preserving the colony from perish ing by famine. The second summer after their arrival, the settlement was threatened with a famine by a severe drought. From the third week in May to the middle of July, there was no rain. Their corn, for which they had made their inmost exertions, withered under the heat of a scorching sun, the greater part of it ap peared irrecoverably lost. The Indians, seeing their pros pects, observed they would soon be subdued by famine, when THE UNITED STATES. oof they should find them an easy prey. A public Fast was ap pointed and observed with great solemnity. The morning and most of the day was clear and hot, but, towards evening, the clouds collected, and like the gracious influences of God, the rain descended in moderate, yet copious showers. This revived their expiring crop, and produced a plentiful harvest. After which they observed a day of public Thanksgiving. I believe this to be the origin of our annual Thanksgivings. This event made an astonishing impression on the minds of the Natives, who saw and acknowledged that the God of Christians was great,, and good, and a hearer of prayer.* In the autumn of 16-21, the plantation received an accession of settlers, of about thirty-five, of tiieir friends from Holland. In the year 16-25, their venerable and beloved Psstor, the Rev. Mr. Robinson, died at Leyden, in the fiftieth year of his age. He was thus prevented irom ever seeing his much loved Amer ican church. After his death, (he most of his congregation came over to Plymouth. Trie Planters who first came to Plymouth were accompanied by Mr. William Brewster, a Ruling Elder in the church, who supplied, in a good degree, the absence of their Pastor. He was a man of abilities and learning, having been liberally edu cated at the University of Cambridge, and of great piety. Be ing an able and useful preacher, he served the congregation in that capacity the greater part of the time till his death, about twenty-three years after the first settlement. The congrega tion, however, enjoyed the labours of other ministers during this period. This little colony continued for many years in harmony, and were, perhaps, as eminent as any people which have appeared in modern time, for continning stedfasily in the apostles doc trine and fellowship,- an! in breaking, of bread, and in prayers. LIFE OF REV. JOHN ROBINeOX,- That we may be enabled to form a correct opinion of the venerable founders ofthe New-England Colonies, it is necessa ry for us to have a more distinct view of those individual?, whose virtues and services rendered them conspicuous, than can be taken from a general iiistory of events. Though sensible that the task is arduous, and the subject worthy of the la bours ofthe ablest Biographer ; under the persuasion that some account ofthe characters of those great and good men, whom we love to denominate our forefathers, will be acceptable to my readers, the work will be attempted. *See Morton, and other;. 30 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Of the early settlements of New-Engiand, the Colony o? Plymouth, the first in standing, led the way in the establish ment of the most important civil and religious institutions. The fathers of that colony, therefore, for their zeal and inde fatigable labours, will always be held in the most grateful re membrance ; while their practical wisdom and rational piety can never cease to be revered. The eminent characters of that colony, may, very justly, be the subject of our first atten tion. The most distinguished person of that extraordinary compa ny, who made the settlement of Plymouth, and commenced the first colony which in its early state had the appearance of per manency, within the present limits of the United States, was their venerable minister, the Rev. John Robinson. Through the interesting vicissitudes of about twenty years, he was their leader, their shield, and the only common bond which gave a unity to all their pursuits. Mr. Robinson was born in the cast of England, about the year 1575. Possessed of a strong and discriminating mind, un der the advantages of a liberal education, he made an early and distinguished progress in those branches of science which were the principal subjects of learning in that day. Having been early inducted into the work of the gospel ministry, he applied with great diligence to the study of the Scriptures, and to the constitution and character of the national church. Of that church he was a member, ha\ing received episcopal ordination, and was settled over a small congregation near Yarmouth. Ho entered upon the work of the ministry about the time when the debates between the advocates of high episcopacy and the Pu ritans, managed by those able champions Whitgift and Cart- wright, were carried on with the utmost vigour! The minds of all men were affected with those discussions, and such as were of an inquisitive turn, necessarily examined the subjects which so greatly agitated the nation. From a careful atten tion to the existing order of the religious establishment, Mr- Robinson became convinced tlat many of the ordinances and ceremonies of the church were unsupported by divine precept, and inconsistent with the word of God. Finding that rites of human invention were maintained and enforced with as much pertinacity as any of the express precepts or ordinances of Christ, that he was denied the privilege of conscientious omis sion of forms andceremonies confessedly unessential, Mr. Rob inson determined, at the hazard of all temporal good, to sepa rate from the established church. About the year 1580, a sect of violent separatists arose in England, the principal leader of whom, was Robert Brown, from whom the sect was denominated Brownists. These ab- THE UNITED STATES. 31 sofutely disowned the Church of England as a church of Christ, and held it to be unlawful to hold any communion with that church. Mr. Robinson, on a discovery of the numerous fac titious rites which are imposed by the church, of arbitrary measures and high usurpations of the hierarchy, fell into the same mistaken sentiments, and connected himself with the Brownists. The sentiments which he embraced and publicly maintained, were generally adopted by his congregation. En lightened by his luminous mind, allured by his ardent piety, at tached by his unfeigned worth, the congregation ever adhered to their faithful, beloved pastor. Mr. Robinson published some small tracts in vindication of the lawfulness of separation, and in opposition to many of the ordinances of the ecclesiastical establishment. Many of the Browtiisls, unable to endure the persecuting zeal of Archbishop Whitgift and his successor Ban croft, fled to Holland and set up several churches. Those chur ches enjoyed the labours of several excellent divines, whose names are still eminent in the depar iments ofdivinityand science. Mr. Robinson and his people made many efforts to enjoy and perform the pure worship and ordinances of the gospel, in a private manner, without giving offence to those who sought to enforce a general uniformity. But t:,e zeal of the ecclesiasti cal courts, and the vigilance of the pursuivants rendering this impracticable, they were compelled to look ior an asylum in foreign countries. The removal of Mr. Robinson and his con gregation to Amsterdam,, in the year 1607 ; and in the year following, to Leydun, has been particul uly described. Mr. Robinson was a man of an independent mind, who made truth and duty his great object^ of pursuit, and was not to be governed by the prejudices of a sect. On a more near ac quaintance with the principles and practices of the Brownists than he could obtain in his native country, aided by the light of the holy Scriptures and an intercourse W:th some eminent Pu ritan divines-, he became sensible of the unreasonable bio-otry and many errors of the Brownists, and undertook to eifect a reformation in their sentiments and churches. In this impor tant undertaking, he was eminently successful. Many of the Brownists gradually came into his sentiments, and, that they might be distinguished from those who tenaciously adhered to the sentiments of Brown, and went even greater lengths in error, they were distinguished by the name of Indeper-.dcnti. The leading principles on which Mr. Robinson s church in Ley den was established, was these : They acknowledged the doctrinal Articles of the Church of England to contain the es sential doctrines of the gospel ; they held that, that was a true church of Christ, and, as such, to be venerated and esteemed ; that every individual church had received authority from Christ 32 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF to enjoy all (he privileges, to exercise all the rights, which lie has appointed for his visible people; and that such a church is not amenable to any external or superior ecclesiastical au thority. They held a cordial communion with the reformed churches of Holland, with the churches of Geneva, with the French Protestants who were regulated by the Walloon con fession, and with the mast of the reformed churches, they agreed in the essential principles of doctrine and practice. They held it lawful to unite with the church of England in Christian intercourse and divine worship, but not to commune with them in their then existing state, in sealing ordinances. This state ment is made from a confession of faith and a general account of that first Independent church, drawn by Mr. Robinson, with great ability and learning, and published at Leyden in Latin, in the year 1619. It is entitled An Apology for the English exiles who are vulgarly called Brownist/i. In this confession it is sta ted, " We hold the Reformed Churches to be true and genu ine, we profess communion with them in the sacraments of God, and, as far as we are able, cultivate their fellowship." Dr. Mosheirn observes, " Instead of differing from all other Christian societies ; it may rather be said of the Independents, that they were perfectly agreed with by far the greatest part of the reformed churches." The religions sentiments, in doc trine and practice, which were received by Mr. Robinson s church at Leyden, under the instruction of that great man, and afterwards brought to America, were remarkably coincident with those which have been so ably vindicated by Dr. Hop kins in his incomparable System ; a work which will be ad mired in the latest periods of the church, notwithstanding the censures it now receives from many by whom it was never read. The sentiments of Mr. Robinson which have been men tioned, which were adopted by his people, afford a satisfactory reason for an extraordinary remark of that ac ite historian, Mr. Hume. He says, of the Independents, " Of all Christian sects this was the first, which during its prosperity, as well as its adveisity, always adopted the principle of toleration." At the lime that Mr. Robinson removed to Leyden, the cele brated Arminius was professor of divinity in the eminent uni versity of that city, and publicly inculcated his peculiar reli gious sentiments. After his death in 1609, he was succeeded in the divinity chair by Episcopius, who maintained the reli gious sentiments of his predecessor with great ability and learning. An occurrence during his professorate, deserves a particular mention in this place. It is related in an historical tract of Governor Bradford. " Episcopius, the Armenian pro fessor, put forth his best strength and set forth sundry theses, which by public dispute he would defend against all men. THE UNITED STATES. 3.3 Xo\v, Poliander, the other professor, and the chief preachers of the city desired Mr. Robinson to dispute against him ; but he was loth, being a stranger ; yet the other diJ importune him and told him that such was the abilities aud nimbleness of the adversary that the truth would sulfor if he did not help them ; so that he condescended, and prepared himself against the time;, and when the day came, the Lord did so help to defend the truth and foil his adversary as he p it him to an apparent non plus in this p;reat and public audience, and so he did a second and a third tune upon such like occasions, which procured him much honour and respect." Mr. Robinson appears to have had no less influence with his people in the regulation of their m>ral conduct, than in the di rection of their religious sentiments. A little previous to their removal to America, the Magistrates of the city of Leyden, in a public address to the members of the French church in that city, observe, " These English have lived among us these twelve years, and ye(. we never had any suit or accusation come against anv of them ; but your strifes and quarrels are continu al." The plan of a removal to America, projected by the congre gation at Leyden, met with the cordial approbation of their re vered Pastor. He considered the reasons for a removal suf ficient, and resolved to accompany his beloved flock to the western wilderness. After attending to the nature of the ne cessary preparations, it was found that the whole company could not remove at one time, and it was agreed thafc the Pastor should attend the greater number. At the time of the first em igration, the greater number remained in Holland, with whom Mr. Robinson continued. He remained, however, in the full expectation of removing with the residue of his people, to America. This confident expectation was never relinquished till his death. When the first emigrants were prepared for their embarka tion, the congregation observed, with great solemnity, a day of fasting and prayer. After preaching from Ezra viii. 21. Mr. Robinson addressed the adventurers in the following manner : u BRETHREN, tk We are now quickly to part from one another, and whether I may ever live to see your faces on earth any more, the God of Heaven only knows ; but whether the Lord has appointed that or no, I charge 3*ou before God and his blessed angels, that you follow rne no farther than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ. " If God reveal any thing to you by any other instrument of his, be as ready to receive it as ever you were to receive any truth by my ministry ; for I am verily persuaded, the Lord has 34 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF more truth yet to break : <)rth out of his holy word. For my part, I cannot sufficiently bewail the condition of the reformed churches, who are come to a period in religion, .and will go at present no farther than (lie instruments or. their reformation. The Lutherans cannot be drawn to go beyond what Luther saw; whatever part of his will our God has revealed to Cal vin, they will rather die than embrace it ; and the Calvinists, you see, stick fast where they were left by that great man of. God, who yet saw not all things. " This is a misery much to be lamented, for though they were burning and shining lights in their times, yet they penetrated not into the whole counsel of God, but were they now living would be as willingto embrace further light as that which they first re ceived. I beseech you remember, it is an article of your church covenant, that you be ready to receive whatever truth shall be made known to you from the written word of God. Kernember that, and every other article of your sacred covenant. Eut I must herevvithall exhort you to take heed what you receive as truth, examine it, consider it, and compare it with other scriptures of truth, before you receive it ; for it is not possible the Christian world should come so lately out of such thick anti-christian darkness, and that perfection of knowledge should break forth at once. ki I must also advise you to abandon, avoid, and shake off the name of Brownist ; it is a mere nick-name, and a brand for the making religion, and the professor of it, odious to the Christian world. 5 " Uitfothis end, I should be extremely glad, if some godly minisier would go with you, or come to you, before you can have any company. For there will be no difference be tween the unconforruable ministers of England and you, when you come Lothe practice of evangelical ordinances out of the Kingdom. And I would wish you, by all means, to close with the godly people of England ; study union v\iih them in all things, wherein you can have it without sin, rather than in the least measure to affect a division or separation from them. Neither would I have you loth to take another Pastor beside myself; inasmuch as a rlock that hath two Shepherds, is not thereby endangered, but secured." This judicious address was closed with a most affectionate farewell. TiS- company who were to sail for America, being composed of the younger part of the congregation, Mr. Robinson and their elder brethren accompanied them to Delfthaven, where *Had Judge Marshall been favoured with sufficient time for the compilation of his History, he would not have stated that the first settlers of Plymouth were Browuists. I THE UNITED STATES. 35 they embarked, July 2d, 1620. Having spent the preceding night in Christian converse and social worship, in the morning, after exchanging 1 the endearments of a rrutual affection, which nothing- less than common suffering s in a strange land could have produced, the beloved Pastor kneeled down on the sea shore, and, with a fervent, prayer, committed the adventurers to the care and mercy of heaven. The pilgrims stepped on board, he srave thorn his blessing. that voice to which they had always listened wilh delight, they were not to hoar again, till they hear it in the heavenly praises of redeeming love. The emigrants were to make some stay in England, before their final depaiQTre for the western continent. After they had sailed from Holland, Mr. Robinson wrote and sent to them a most, affectionate and judicious pastoral latter, which was pre served by them with the tendsrest remembrance, and was of great benefit to them through the residue of their lives. IP. this, he counselled them, above all things else to make their peace with God and their own consciences, by a sincere repen tance of ail sin, and a life of faithful obedience to the divine commands. As the next most important duty, he exhorted them to live in peace with one another. To be very cautious of giving offence, and equally cautions of indulging an irritable temper, whereby they would be liable to take offence from oth ers. He observes, " In my own experience, few or none have been found that sooner give offence, than those that easily take it ; neither have they ever proved sound and profitable mem- society, who have nourished this touchy humour." He h great earnestness, against the indulgence of a private selfish spirit, whereby any one should be seeking 1 , ex clusively, his own personal interest. He reminds them that they are the house of God, and cautions them not to be shaken with unprofitable novelties and innovations. For a few succeeding years, Mr. Robinson continued with the part of his congregation remaining in Holland, enioyirgthe utmost confidence of his own people, and rising consini: the esteem and affection of all to whom he was knovn. In and 1623. small companies of emigrants removed from the congregation to join their friends in Plymouth. So many ob stacles were thrown in the way of the emigration of the prin cipal part of the company, by the Plymouth company in Eng land, who liked not the religious sentiments of the Puritans, that their removal, the o! ject of their earnest and constant hope, was delayed from year to year. In the year 1025, the "providence of God ca=t a sudden gloom upon all their prospects, by removing their beloved pa=tor to his eternal rest. This event, which threw the company in both continents into the deepest mourning, was coramunica ed to 36 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Plymouth in a letter from Leyden, of which the folllowing is an extract ; " It has pleased the Lord to take out of this vale of tears, your and our loving pastor, Mr. Robinson. He fell sick, Saturday morning 1 , Feb. 22d, next day taught us twice, on the week grew weaker every day, feeling little or no sen sible pain to the last. Departed this life the first of March. Had a continual ague. All his friends came freely to him. And if prayers, tears or means could have saved his life, he had not gone hence. We will still hold close in peace, wishing that you and we were together." He died in the fiftieth year of his age. Mr. Robinson was a man of great dignity of manners, of a very grave deportment, and possessed in an eminent degree, that solemn piety which was characteristic of the distinguished Puritans of his time. He had a singular talent at securing the affections and commanding the minds of men. Very few of his friends or followers ever forsook him, for every additional knowledge of his character increased their attachment and confidence. Such was his acquaintance with the human char acter and such his knowledge of truth, that he seldom failed of the accomplishment of his purposes. He possessed the rarest talent in polemical writers, a candour of mind, which al ways bowed to the force of truth. Sensible of his own imper fections, he believed that much additional light respecting di vine truth remained in the sacred volume, to be sought .out hereafter, by those that fear the Lord. I apprehend that the history of the church furnishes not another instance in which the founder of an extensive religious denomination has deliver ed such sentiments as we have in Mr. Robinson s farewell ad dress to the emigrants for America. He requires them not to make his opinion their standard, but to be always ready to re ceive the truth which God in mercy should lay before them. And expresses his confidence that much remains to be exhibit ed. A certain Mr. Jacob, an English divine, compelled like many others to leave his own country, after residing- several years in Holland, fully imbibed the sentiments of Mr. Robinson, return ed to England in 16 1C, and established the first independent church in that country. In a few years they increased to a great number. The venerable Synod who composed the Sa voy confession in 1658, which has since been acknowledged by conventions of the churches in Massachusetts and Connecticut, were Independents. An English historian, who was a great enemy to all Non conformists, observes, " Mr. Robinson was a man of excellent parts, and the most learned, polished, and modest spirit that ev er separated from the church of England. The apologies he THE UNITED STATES. 37 wrote were very handsome. By his connexion with Dr. Ames and Mr. Parker, he was brought to a greater moderation than he at first expressed. He ruined the rigid separation by allowing the lawfulness of communing with the church of Eng land in the word and piayer, though not in the sacraments and discipline.* Such was the man, who under God, laid the foundation of the eldest church in the United States. LIFE OF GOVERNOR CARVER. The first governor of the colony of Plymouth, was Mr. John Carver. During the period of the residence of Mr. Robinson and his congregation at Leyden, Mr. Carver was much distin guished for his talents and piety ; and for his activity, zeal, and fidelity in the service of the company. In early life, his heart was, apparently, sanctified bv the grace of God, whic .. was evinced by a life faithfully devoted to the service of the Re deemer. He possessed a gra\e rather than an ardent tempr yet he deliberately embraced the religious sentiirents of the Pu ritans, and resolved to submit to the privations of worldly good, rather than neglect or abuse the religion of a divine Saviour, by being subject to ordinance?, after the ccirrr.anilments and doctrines of men. He rejoiced in the privileges of a British sub ject, and remembered with humble gratitude the great things which God had done for his church in his native land, in deliv ering it from the bondage of papal superstiiion and tyranny. Yet perceiving that the national church, pertinaciously retain ed errors, after they had been most clearly pointed out by af fectionate and faithful friends ; that it persisted in enforcing, by penal sanction?, rites of human prescription, unwarranted, if not inconsistent with the gospel of. Christ; tiiat it would allow *Dr. Ames, here mentioned, was the celebrated Professor at the Uuiversily of Franquer, and author of the Medulla Theoioijise. He was one that fled from the persecution of Archbishop Bancroft, anil wund an honourable asylum in Holland. H s friendship was of foeat advantage to Mr. Robinson, a* he helped to convince h;ni of gre errors of the Brownists, and afforded him much assistance in es- thblishing 1 the order of the Leyden church. He intended to have re- taoved to America, but was prevented by death, wiich took place in 1633. His widow and children removed to New-England, and brought his library, which was of jp-eat value. Ii -i possessed a very acute mind and an extensive learning, and wns ae of the ablest ministers of his time in opposition to the sentiment? of the Armin- ians. A lineal descendant from him, was that greut ornament of our country, the late Fisher Ames. 4 38 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF no indulgence to those who begged an exemption from those burdensome services, while they would accord with all essen tial ordinances; he felt himself called, in the Providence of God, to bear a temperate testimony against such impositions, and to exercise those rights which Christ has given to all his people. Mindful of the high precept, Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage ; and knowing that no human author ity was paramount ; believing- that many of the ordinances to which his obedience was required were an abridgement of this liberty, he felt authorized and bound to follow Christ alone. Thus he became one of the pillars, one of the most able and faithful supporters of Mr. Robinson s church. Mr. Carver was a deacon of the church in Leyden, and re tained the office after his removal to America. As an officer in the church, by his clear understanding, his sound judgment, his exemplary character, he possessed much influence, and waa eminently useful in the performance of his many important du ties. When we contemplate this little church standing alone in the Christian world, with no friends or sister churches for its support, without the enjoyment of any ecclesiastical constitu tion, without any ancient and established usages for their regu lation, the passions of individuals highly excited by oppression; while we adore the merciful care of the great head of the church, in preserving them from ruin, we cannot but admire the wis dom, the prudence, the moderation, of the officers and influen tial members, by whose instrumentality they were thus preser ved, and led to such an eminent purity of gospel order. The experience of two centuries has discovered no material defects in the system which they established. And no churches in the Christian world, according (o their number, have, more emi nently, enjoyed the divine blessing, than those which have been regulated according to their model. When the congregation at Leyden had become generally dis posed to a removal from Holland, Mr. Carver and Mr. Cushman were deputed to make application to the Virginia company in England, for some lands within their Patent, for the establish ment of a colony. On account of the many prejudices existing in England against this congregation, their first application was unsuccessful. The year following, 1619, they obtained the grant. Mr. Carver, for his education, his discretion, his gravity of manners, and his activity in the business of the emi gration, was looked upon by the adventurers as the proper per son for their chief magistrate, before their departure from Hol land. The emigrants arrived in the harbor of Cape Cod, November 9th, 1620. A political compact, which was their civil constitu- THE UNITED STATES. 39 tion for many years, was soon formed, and on the eleventh of that month, was signed by forty-one persons, all the males who were of age. Mr. Carver is the first signer, and immediately after was unanimously chosen Governor. No other magistrate was appointed. In the perils and distresses of the succeeding winter, all that could be done by the benevolent man, by the illustrious patriot, by the exemplary Christian, was performed by Mr. Carver, to support the settlers under their accumulated Bufferings, to preserve them from despondency, to provide every practical relief, and to preserve the colony from ruin. He cheerfully submitted to an equal share of privation and labour, afforded every possible assistance to the sick, counselled the dying, and comforted the mournful survivors ; his serene coun tenance inspired confidence in every beholder, his humble sub mission directed all souls to God. During the most of the pe riod of the raginrr sickness, in which one half of the whole num ber died, Gov. Carver enjoyed ?ood health, and was able to discharge the important duties devolving i,pon him. The Governor having been informed that Massasoit, a pow erful Indian Sachem, not far distant from the plantation, was amicably disposed towards the settlement, sent him a message, inviting him to an interview at Plymouth. He accordingly came with great state, attended by a numerous train, and on the 22d of March, halted at the entrance of the town. The Governor, attended by a file of armed men, advanced to meet the royal savage, and after much ceremony, they proceeded to a friendly interview. The colony, very providentially, were provided with an Indian interpreter. After partaking- of an en tertainment provided for that purpose, " they entered into a perpetual league of friendship, commerce, and mutual defence. The natives manifested the highest satisfaction at the scene. It was an event of uncommon interest, as the existence of the col ony depended on the issue. This treaty was maintained invio lably by MassosoiMill his death ; and was the foundation of that peculiar harmony which long subsisted between the Plymouth Colony and the natives. The negotiation of this important treaty was the last pub lic service performed by their worthy Governor. On the fifth of April, 1621, after a short illness, a mysterious providence re moved him from the afflicted colony, whose cup of sorrows now was full removed him to the rest which remaineth for the peo ple of God. Notwithstanding the low state of the colony, they gave their lamented Governor all the funeral honors which were in their power to bestow : the men were under arms, and fired several volleys over his grave. Mr. Carver was a man of singular piety, of great fortitude and public spirit ; grave ia his manners, yet open, condescend- 40 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ing, and affectionate. He possessed a good estate, the greater part of which was spent in the service of the colony. As a magistrate, he was firm, upright, and watchful; as a Christian, humble and exemplary. By his virtues, he was endeared to all his acquaintance, but especially, to the infant colony of which he was a most distinguished ornament and support. By the re moval of such pillars, God taught our venerable fathers that his Almighty arm, and that alone, must " sustain the children of his love." Mr. Carver s wife, who was distinguished for her piety, over come with grief, died about six weeks after her husband. > His posterity have been numerous ana respectable in the Plym outh colony, and distinguished for health and longevity. One of the towns in the county of Plymouth, now bears his name. LIFE OF GOVERNOR BRADFORD. The infant colony of Plymouth, after the decease of their first Governor, the worthy Mr. Carver, in the spring of the year 1621, unanimously elected Mr. William Bradford to be their chief magistrate. The reflection often occurs, to every atten tive reader of history, that God, in his infinite wisdom, always provides illustrious characters, endued with all requisite qual ifications, for the performance of the extraordinary services, which, in his holy providence, he designs to accomplish. This thought is forcibly illustrated in the characters of Julius Csesar, Columbus, Luther, Washington, as well as in most of the emi nent actors in human affairs. In the character of the man whose life is now to be given, though his sphere of action was less extensive than"that of most of the heroes of history, we dis cover, no less clearly, the special operations of Divine Provi dence, in providing those peculiar qualifications which were ne cessary to the discharge of the important duties which he waa called to perform. And as every mind enlightened with re vealed truth, will contemplate all human characters as acting in connexion with the interests of the church of God, many of the fathers of New England will be considered as occupying more important places, than many of the long-laboured subjects of historic eulogy. The conquerors of the world have aided the interests of the Redeemer s kingdom by destroying its ene mies; but its humble, faithful friends, have ever stood as pillars in the temple of God. Mr. Bradford may be said to have been the most eminent instrument in divine Providence, of establishing and preserving the first colony of New-England, and the first church of the United States. He was a native of Yorkshire in England, born in the year 1588. In that part of England, the people were at THE UNITED STATES. 41 that time, exceedingly destitute of religious instruction, and the Scriptures were scarcely known among them. Just emerging from the darkness of Romish imposture, the practical effects of the reformation had scarcely begun to appear. Mr. Bradford de scended from a respectable ancestry, who had long been em ployed in the business of husbandry. He enjoyed a competent inheritance from his parents, which, in consequence of their death, fell to him in his childhood. The care of his education devolved upon his grand-parents ; and after their death, upon his uncles. At an early age, a loner and severe sickness had the effect of turning his mind to the truths of religion. At the age of twelve years, by a divine blessmg on careful reading- of the Scriptures, his ;nind became deeply impressed with the reality of divine things, and, under the faithful ministry of the pious Mr. Clifton, he became, apparently, a subject of divine grace. At this time, he formed a connexion with a number of pious people who were called Professors. These were Puritans, svho found the ordinary foims of the religious establishment un satisfying to an ardent piety, who held private meeting s for re ligious worship, and improvement, but were the subjects of strong popular odium. Naturally of a studious turn, Mr. Bradford, in his youth, applied himself to a serious investigation of the order and practices of the religious establishment, care fully comparing its various ordinances with the word of God. From a deliberate and prayerful attention to this subject, he became convinced of his duty to separate from the established church, that he might perform the duties of religion, unembar rassed, with ordinances of human invention. Having taken a deliberate resolution to this effect, he soon found that it met with the decided disapprobation of his friends, particularly of his uncles, from whom he received severe and angry reproach es. To these he made the following- temperate reply : " Were I like to endanger my life, or consume my estate by any un godly courses, your counsels to me were very seasonable. But you know that I have been dilig-ent and provident in my calling, and desirous not only to augment what I have, but to enjoy it in your company ; to part t rorn which, will be as great a cross as can beta! me. Nevertheless, to keep a good con science, and walk in such a way as God has prescribed in his word, is a thing which I must prefer before you all, and above life itself. Wherefore, since it is for a good cause that I am like to suffer the disasters which you lay before me, you have no cause to be either angry with me, or sorry for me". Yea, I am willing, not only, to part with every thing dear to me in this world for this cause, but I am thankful that God has given me an heart so to do, and will accept me so to suffer for him." He aow saw that he was clearly addressed iu the providence of 4* 42 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP God, Get thee out of thy country , and from thy kindred^ and from, thy father s house, unto a land that I will shew thee. And I will bless thee and thov shall be a blessing. At the age of eighteen years, Mr. Bradford left the place of his nativity, and connecting himself with the people of Mr. Robinson s congregation, was one of the first company who en dured so many sufferings and disasters in getting to Holland, in the year 1607. He there served as an apprentice to a silk manufacturer, till he became of age. He then converted his estate in England into money, and continued in the same em ployment. Being, however, more fond of study than business, and improving every opportunity to increase his stock of sci ence and general information, his employment was not attend ed with great success. The facilities for obtaining extensive learning, in the city of Leyden, were many, and they were much improved by Mr. Bradford. He spoke the Dutch and French language with ease, in the Latin and Greek he was well skilled, but paid more particular attention to the Hebrew. He often observed, * I would see with my own eyes the ancient oracles of God, in their native beauty." At the time of the projected removal of Mr. Roinson s con gregation to America, Mr. Bradford engaged with ardour in the important enterprise. He was one of the first company of em igrants, who arrived on the American coast in November, 1620. In the political compact which was formed on their arrival, Mr. Carver is the first subscriber, and Mr. Bradford is the second. At the time of the landing of the planters at Plymouth, the wife of Mr. Bradford, to whom he was tenderly attached, fell from the vessel, and was drowned in the harbor. In the distressing sickness with which the plantation was afflicted, the first win ter, he was a sufferer. His disease was iong and severe, and he was not recovered at the death of Mr. Carver, in April. He was then, however, by the unanimous suffrage of the people, elected their governor ; and he retained their undiminished confidence till his death. As he recovered his health, and began to contemplate the weight of cares devolving upon him, the innumerable difficul ties with which he must contend, the arduous labours that were before him, the many dangers in which he must be involved; had he not possessed a constancy of mind equal to the greatest patriots, a wisdom and prudence seldom equalled, a resource in difficulties adequate to every emergency, a reliance on God steady as his promises, he must have sunk under the overwhelm ing prospect. He was the chief magistrate of a feeble peo ple surrounded with many enemies ; he was the leader of a colony in an uninhabited wilderness, without any prospect of support from the mother country ; he was tUe father of a fami- THE UNITED STATES. 43 ly possessed of the most scanty supplies, by innumerable losses almost wholly dispirited. But he had that hope which casts anchor within the veil, a hold which never yet was broken. In the early part of his administration, Gov- Bradford took effectual measures to secure the friendship of the natives, in the vicinity of the colony, and succeeded in a remarkable manner, ia securing their confidence. Another measure of great im portance to the colony, he undertook to accomplish, which required the exercise of all his skill and authority. The plant ation was com nenced on the principle of a convntinity of prop erty. The Governor soon perceived the evils of this state of things, and notwithstanding the strong attachment to such a course which was felt by many, and the insidious insinuations which must necessarily fall upon any ono that would advocate a division of a common property, he firmly prosecuted the meas ure, and effected a division to such an extent as was thought expedient. In the year 1627, a further distribution of the Jands and the small property of the colony, xvas made among the planters. For several years after the commencement of the settlement, the people suffered greatly for want of the necessaries of life. Mr. Bradford cheerfully submitedtoan equal share of privations and labour, living 1 , several time?, some weeks in succession, without any bread ; labouring in the fields, at the buildings, at the fortifications, taking part in the watchings which were of ten maintained for a security against a surprise from insidious enemies. When any came to complain of their sufferings, the readiness which he manifested to be an equal sharer in all ne cessary privations, his dignified composure in the greatest dan gers, his cheerful serenity in the dirkest times, his uniform re liance on that God who had planted them in a land not sown, quieted, if they could not relieve every mind. And in these times of distress, all that could be effected by the most active exertions, by persevering labour or (bring enterprise, by the most watchful prudence or sagacious forethought, was done by their worthy governor, to preserve the existence of the colony, and to relieve the distresses of the people. Without his vigi lance and exertions, it would seem that this infant colony, like several plantations which had been commenced at the south ward, would have been broken up, and, for a long period, all at tempts for the settlement of New-England must have been discouraged. But he was prepared for the work appointed for tiim to perform. The early character and circumstances of the Plymouth set tlement were such, that it would seem no person could have been their enemy. They were weak and few, struggling with ivery difficulty, their prospects very unpromising, on a bleak. 44 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and barren shore, surrounded with a multitude of savages, and eminently distinguished for the virtues of integrity, justice, and charity. But for the same reason that the faithfui witnesses of old had trials of cruel mockings, and were subjected to innu merable sufferings, these humble servants of God could not escape the insidious designs of malignant enemies. Many of their savage neighbours ever viewed them with an eye of hos tility, waiting a favourable opportunity to exterminate the colo ny. But these were not the most dangerous foes. The reli gious order of the church and colony of Plymouth were entirely different from the determined sentiments of the civil and eccle siastical government of England. They were therefore con stantly watched with a jealous eye. Their small consequence in the estimation of the English hierarchy, seems to have been the great reason, under the favour of Heaven, that they were to such a degree left unmolested. Some vicious characters who came from tiio mother country, hoping to obtain a consequence in a new plantation which they -could never reach in their na tive land, found themselves rejected by the church of Plymouth, and could obtain no encouragement from the government of the colony. Some of these returned to England and propagated with malignant zeal, the most malicious calumnies against the new plantation. To counteract the effect of these slanderous accusations, required all the skill, all the address and fidelity of the governor. The English government declared that Mr. Robinson professed in his Apology, that they accorded with the reformed churches on the continent. They were accused of substantial deviations from those principles. Gov. Bradford, in a very able memorial, clearly showed that they agreed with tho reformed churches in the essential particulars of faith and prac tice, that they were not Brownists, and that they did not dis own the church of England as a church of Christ. These ef forts of the governor, supported by the known purity of his character, proved successful. In the first year of Mr. Bradford s administration, the Nar- raganset Indians, a very powerful tribe, sent him an angry mes sage, threatening to make war upon the colony. The Gov ernor sent them an answer, " If they loved war rather than peace, they might begin when they would ; the colony had done them no wrono-, and did not fear them, nor should they find them unprovided." By this well timed decision, the ene my were prevented from the execution of their hostile attempts. In the year 1633, Mr. Edward Winslow was chosen the governor of the colony; being solicited by Gov. Bradford to accept of the office. Mr. Winslow was also called to the same trust in 1636, and 1644. In 1634, Mr. Thomas Prince was elected to the same office. In all of I hose years, Mr.. Bradford. THE UNITED STATES. 4i stands first among the Assistants. He held the office of gov ernor, himself, every othes year, from 1621, to 1657, the year of his death. Such an instance of the steadiness of a popular annual election, in a new settlement, founded in principles of the purest equality, unsupported by any established usages, while it stands as a prodigy in popular governments, declares more for the character of the individual, than can be done by all the eloquence of historic eulogy. In the latter period of the life of Gov. Bradford, we find an instance of disinterestedness, not exceeded in the character of Aristides/Cincinnatus, or Publicola. The patent of the Colo ny \vas made out in his name, " To William Bradford, His heirs, Associates, and Assigns." With such an authority? he pos sessed every opportunity which a selfish heart could desire. Cut when the freemen became numerous, and several new towns were established, the General Court desired Mr. Brad ford to transfer the patent, with all its privileges, to them and their successors. With their request, he cheerfully complied, confirming tho act with a legal instrument, without any con sideration. Notwithstanding his disinterestedness, and his long employment in the public service, and though he spent the most of his paternal estate for the support of the colony, he was much prospered in his individual circumstances, and left a good estate to his posterity. In the latter part of his life, Gov. Bradford devoted much of his time to study, in which he arrived to very profitable at tainments. He left several historical pieces, which, judging from those parts which remain, must have been very valuable ; but the most of them are unfortunately lost. His favourite study was Theblogv, in which he made great proficiency. He was well versed in the religious controversies of his time, and was an able advocate for truth. In his Chris.tian character, Mr. Bradford was no less dis tinguished, than as a Magistrate, and the founder of a prosper ous colony. In early life, he became a subject of a sanctifying grace. His religious sentiments were formed on mature re flection, and a careful examination of the holy Scriptures as the only standard of truth. His opinions on gospel documents, and the order and discipline of the Christian church, were such as have been generally maintained by the New-England church es. During the lono- destitute state of the Plymouth church, the wisdom and steadfastness of Gov. Bradford were eminently instrumental in preserving them from disorder, and from a de parture from the truth." He often assistEd in the duties of divine worship, in public, as well as in a more private manner, when deprived of the iabours a minister. He was a faithful observer of the private dutie.3 of the Christian character; con- 46 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF stant in the services of religion; grave and bumble in his de portment ; yet cheerful and singularly uniform. No changes diverted him from the path of duty; no disappointments shook his confidence in God. His attainments in grace were eminent. For several months preceding his death, he was in a weak and declining slate, from which he was convinced he should not re cover. As he grew worse, contemplating-, on a certain night, the character and truths of the Redeemer, his soul was filled with ecstatic joy, longing to be with Christ. He informed his friends, the next morning, that the good Spirit of God had given him the first fruits of his eternal glory. His work on earth was done, his soul was allied to the church in heaven. The day following, May 9th, 1657, in the 69th year of his age, he slept with his fathers. There is no character among the fathers of New-England, transmitted to us as more unexceptionable, than that of Gov, Bradford. For thirty-six years, he was the pillar of the Ply mouth Colony. His patriotism was ardent and incorruptible, without haughtinebs or self-interest. His wisdom was practi cal, enlightened by science, and guided by accurate observation. His care embraced all objects within the compass of his duty, and his attention escaped none. His firmness was above the reach of casualty or craft. His demeanor always inspired con fidence, and he could ever command the minds of men. The virtues of his private life were no less conspicuous than those of his public character. For these, no less than for his public services, he was always beloved. He possessed a perfect com mand of himself. We find no record of any hasty or rash measure in his conduct, or of any passionate speech to have fallen from him. As a Christian, he was meek and faithful, and now rests in the inheritance of the just.* The illustrious coadjutors of Gov. Bradford, who united with him in laying the foundation of the Plymouth Colony, and sup porting through the first age the work which they had reared, richly deserve the tribute of historic memorial. Gov. Wins- low was their faithful and successful agent in all foreign embassies; to the Indian tribes, and to the parent country. Gov. Prince was a judicious statesman, an upright magistrate, and a valuable historian. Capt. Standish was their undaunted hero, who led all their military expeditions, not less skilled in conduct than vigorous in action. Their worthy Elder, the Rev. Mr. Brewster, who, through modesty declined the pasto ral office, distinguished for his learning and piety, performed * A silver Cup, an armed Chair, with several other articles, brought by Mr. Bradford from England, are now possessed by hi* descendants in Plymouth.. THE UNITED STATES. 47 the ministerial duties for many years, to great acceptance, ever enjoying the confidence and the attachment of the people, and rested from his labours in a good old age. Though it would be highly pleasing to have a nearer view of these eminent fathers, equally illustrious for vigour of mind, for Christian piety, and eminent usefulness, in our present historic sketch, they must be passed \viih the bare mention of their nnmes, and the willing tribute of grateful remembrance. In 1621 ,theVirginia company passed an ordinance establishing the constitution of the colony. This provided that thenceforth there should be two supreme councils in Virginia, the one to be called the council of state, to be appointed and displaced by the treasurer and company, and to assist the governor with advice on executive subjects ; the other to be denominated the general assembly, and to consist of the governor, the council and two burgesses, to be chosen for the present by the inhabitants of every town. The assembly was empowered to consult and determine on matters respecting the public weal. It was de clared that no acts passed by the assembly should be in force until confirmed by the general court in England, and the ratifi cation returned under its seal, and that on the other hand no order of the general court should bind the colony until assented to by the assembly. In 1622, the controversy which had for some time existed between the crown and the company con- cering the importation of tobacco, was at length adjusted by amicable agreement. The king had demanded high duties on that article while he admitted its importation from the domini ons of Spain, and had also restrained the company from trans porting it directly from Virginia to their warehouses in Holland, to which expedient, his exactions had driven them. It was now agreed that they should enjoy the sole right of importing that commodity into the kingdom, for which they should pay a duty of nine-pence per pound, in lieu of all charges, and that the whole productions of the colony should be brought to England. The industry of the colony had now greatly increased. At peace with the Indians, their settlements had extended not only along the banks of James and York rivers, but to the Rappahannoc, and even to tJie Potovvmac. It now became extremely inconvenient to bring- all causes to Jamestown before the governor and council. Thus originated the present county couits of Virginia. In this year the cup of prosperity of which the colony now began to taste, was dashed from their lips, by an event which shook to iis foundation, and nearly destroyed the colony. In the year 1618, Povvhatan, the most powerful of the Indian kings in" Virginia, who after the marriage of his daughter to Mr. Rolfe, had remained faithful to the English, departed this life, aud was succeeded b/ 48 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Opechancanough, a bold and cunning chief, remarkable for his jealousy and hatred of the new settlers ; but for a considera ble time the general peace remained undisturbed. The Indians were furnished with fire arm?, and taught ihe use of them ; they were admitted at all times freely into the habitations of the English, as harmless visitants; were fed at their tables, and lodged in their chambers. The 22d of March was designated as the day on which all the English were to be at the same instant attacked. Thus, in one hour, and almost at the same instant, fell 347 men, women and children. The massacre would have been still greater, had not information been given the pre ceding night, to a Mr. Pace, by an Indian, who disclosed to him the plot. He immediately cat ried the intelligence to James town, and the alarm was- given, to some of the nearest settle ments, which were thereby saved. As seon as intelligence reached England of these calamities of the sufferers, relief was ordered. Arms from the tower were delivered to the treasurer and company, and several ves sels were immediately despatched with articles for their relief. While the Virginians were mourning their losses, the Plymouth company began to experience I he distress of famine. By the time their planting was finished, 1623. iheir provisions were so far exhausted, that they had neither bread nor corn, for three or four months. A drought continued from May until some time in July. Under these afflictions, they appointed a day of fasting and prayer, to Immbie themselves before God. But a plentiful harvest soon followed, which was noticed by a day of thanksgiving-. Mr. White, a non-conformist minister at. Dorchester, who had prevented some few of Ins countrymen who had settled around the bay at Massachusetts, from returning to England, by his assurances of procuring them relief and assistance, formed by great exertions an association of several gentlemen, who had imbibed puritanical opinions, for the purpose of con ducting thither a colony, and rendering it an as) him from the persecution of his own pei>u;isioo. In prosecution of iheir views, a treaty was -concluded wnh the council of Plymouth, for the purchase of part ofNtw England ; and that corporation, in March 1G27, conveyed to Sir Henry Roswell and others, all that part of New England lying 1 three rr.iles to the south of Charles River, and three miles north of Merrirnack river, and extending from the Atlantic to the south sea. A small number of planters and servants were soon afterwards despatched under Endicot, a deep enthusiast, who, in September, 1628, laid the foundation of Salem, ihe first peirnanent town in Massachu- etts. In the year 1629, soon after the organization of the company, under the eauction of the royal charter, they resolv- THE UNITED STATES. 49 d a second embarkation for their new colony, to support the expenses of which, it was resolved that every person who should subscribe fifty pounds, should be entitled to two hun dred acres of land, as the first dividend. Five ships were pro vided for the purpose, and being laden with cattle and other necessaries, tor the supply of the colony, with three hundred persons, men, women and children, they sailed from the Isle of Wight, in May, and arrived at Salem in June, where they found Endicot, to whom they brought a confirmation of his commission as governor. The colony now consisted of three hundred persons, of whom one hundred removed and settled the town of Charlestown ; and the remainder continued at Salem. Mr. Husfginson and Mr. Skelton, distinguished far their learning and piety, both of them, resolved to lend im portant services in laying the foundation of the American Church. These faithful servants of Christ cordially engaged in the great design ; they embarked with the second party, and arrived at Salem, in 1629. Early in the following year, John Winthrop, who had been appointed governor, and Thomas Dudley deputy governor, with one thousand five hundred persons, embarked on board of seventeen vessels at an expense of upwards of twenty thou sand pound?, and arrived at Salem in July, 1630. Dissatisfied with this situation, they explored the country in quest of a better station, and settled in many places around the bay ; and laid the foundation of several towns, among others of Boston. On the arrival of Gov. Winthrop, in July, who was from that time to his death, the head and father of the colony, he found the plantation in a suffering state. In the preceding autumn the colony contained about three hundred inhabitants ; eighty of them died, and a great part of the survivors were in a weak, sickly state. Their supply of corn was not sufficient for more than a fortnight, and their provisions nearly exhaust ed. Friday, Febuary 6th, was appointed as a day of fasting and prayer ; but on the fifth of Febuary, a ship arrived with provisions > and a day of thanksgiving was appointed by the governor, The succeeding winter commenced in December, with great severity ; few of the houses which had been erected were comfortable. Unused to such severities of climate, the people suffered severely from the cold. Many of them died from the cold. On the opening of the Spring of 1631, health was generally restored in the settlements; but the colony was greatly impoverished. All the provisions that were brought from England, were purchased at a very high rate. By the length of the passage and the severity of the winter, the great- 5 50 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF er part of their cattle died. The materials for building and implements of labor were obtained with great difficult) and expense. This year, great exertions were made for a crop of Indian corn, which was their whole dependance; and it plea sed God to give them an abundant harvest. In the commencement of all the individual settlements, the planters were mindful of their great errand into the wilder ness; and directed their first exertions to the establishment of the church of Christ, and the institution of the gospel. The ilrst church after the one at Salem was gathered at Charles- town, August 27th, 1630. Soon after this, a church was or ganized at Dorchester. The next was at Boston; one at Roxhury, one at Lynn, and one at Watnrtown. In less than two years from the organization of the first church in Salem, there were in the colony seven churches, which were indeed golden candlesticks. In 1633 came over Mr. Hayncs, afterwards the first gover nor of Conrieclicut, and Mr. Stone, Mr. Hooker and Mr. Cotton ; three of the most eminent lights of the New England churches* On the 21st of February, an order was made by the king in council, to stop the ships at that time ready to sail, freighted with passengers and provisions for New England. But this order seems never to have been strictly executed, as the emigrations still continned, without any sensible diminution. To the religious dissensions which distracted Massachusetts, and to the rigour with which conformity was exacted, is in great measure to be attributed the first settlement of the other colonies of New England. As early as 1634, Roger Williams, a very popular preacher of Salem, who had refused to hold communion with the church at Boston, because its members refused to make a public declaration of their repentance for having held communion with the church of England, during their residence in that country, was charged with many ex ceptionable tenets. The divines of Massachusetts opposed Mr. Williams ; he was accordingly summoned to appear be fore the genera! court, and the ministers of the colony. Mr. Hooker was appointed to dispute with him, but, being unable to change his sentiments, it was decreed by (he court, arid npproved by the ministers, that he should depart out of this jurisdiction within six weeks. Many of his disciples followed him into exile ; and travelling south until they passed the line of Massachusetts, they purchased a tract of land of the Nar- ragansetts, then a powerful tribe of Indians ; where, in 1635, they made a settlement, to which they gave the name of Pro vidence. Having fixed their place of residence, they entered into a voluntary association, and framed a government, com- THE UNITED STATES. 51 posed of the whole body of freemen, for the preservation of peace, and the making of such laws as their situation might require. They created a church after the manner of Massa chusetts, by collecting a religious society; but as one of the causes of their migration, had been the tenet that all were entitled to freedom of conscience in worship, the most entire toleration in matters of religion was established. Williams long retained his authority. He employed himself continually in acts of kindness; affording relief to the distress ed, and an asylum to the persecuted. It was not long aUer the banishme nt of Williams, that the controversy between those who maintained the covenant of works, and those who maintained the covenant of grace, divided and distracted Massachusetts. This controversy having been decided in 1637 against the Antinoraians, or those who supported the covenant of grace, Mrs. Hutchinson, a woman of deep enthusiasm, and the leader of that sect, was banished. She with many of her disciples, followed the steps of Williams, r. id arrived in his neighbourhood. They purchased a tract of land from the same tribe, where they founded Rhode Island. They formed a simi lar association, and adoptc 1 the same principles of toleration. They afforded protection to those who resorted thither. In consequence of this conduct., the Island soon became so popu lated as to send out colonists to the adjacent shores. Let me now call the attention of the reader to the settlement of Connecticut. The first discovery of the country of Connec ticut River, was made by the enterprising people of Plymouth, in 1633. The Plymouth people determined to undertake the enterprise at their own risk. Preparations were made for erecting a trading house, and establishing" a small company upon the river. In the mean time the master of a vessel from Massachusetts, who was trading at New Netherlands, shewed to the Dutch rro\ernor. the connnis? cn the English bad to tradtf and settle in Ne\v Englard ; and th;^ :he kin^ imd granted these parts to his own subjects : he also desired that the Dutch would not build in Connecticut. The Dutch governor requested that the English would not settle in Connecticut until the affair should be determined between them. This appears to have been a piece of policy i: the Dutch governor, to keep the English back, until the Dutch had got a firm footing upon the river. In September, several vessels went into Connecticut river, to trade. John Oldham, from Dorchester, with a few men, tra velled through Connecticut to view the country, and trade with the Indians. He found that the Indian hemp grew in great abundance in the meadows, and purchased a quantity of r which upon trial, was found to exceed that which grew in 52 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF England. William Holmes, of Plymouth, with his company, having prepared a frame of a house, and boards and materials for covering it, immediately put them on board a vessel, and sailed for Connecticut. When he came into the river, he found that the Dutch had got in before him, and made a light fort, and planted two pieces of cannon at the mouth of the little river, since called Hartford. The Dutch forbade Holmes going up the river, stood by their cannon, and ordered him to strike his colours, or they would fire upon him ; but he was a man of spirit, and assured them that he had a commission from the governor of Plymouth, to go up the river, and go he would. They still threatened, but he proceeded, landed an the west side of the river, and erected his house, a little below the mouth of the little river in Windsor. This was the first house erected in Connecticut. It was covered with the uimost des patch, and well fortified. The Sachems who were original owners of the soil, had been driven from this point of the coun try, by the Pequots, and were now carried home on board Holmes vessel. The Dutch, about the same time, erected a trading house at Hartford. It was with great difficulty that Holmes and his company erected and fortified their house, and kept it afterwards. The Dutch, before the Plymouth people took possession of the river, had been invited to trade with them at Connecticut; but when they found that they were preparing for a settlement there, they repented of the invita tion, and did all in their power to prevent them. On the 8th of June, the Dutch purchased about twenty acres of land at Hartford, of a Pequod captain. Of this the Dutch took posses sion ; they protested against Holmes, the builder of the trading house. Some time afterwards, the Dutch governor despatched a reinforcement from fort Amsterdam to Connecticut, designing to drive Holmes and his company from the river. A band of seventy men assaulted the Plymouth house; but they found it too well fortified, and gave up their design. In November and December, the small pox raged among the Indians ; two Sachems, with a great part of their Indians, died. When their own people forsook them, the English, who lived near them, went to their wigwams, and ministered to them. Some families spent almost their whole time with them. One Englishman buried thirty of their dead in one day. In 1634, at a meeting of the General Court, in September, the people of Nevvtown made application for liberty to remove to Connecticut River. Mr. Hooker, acting as principal advocate for the people, the court refused to give their consent ; and the design was given over. In 1635, permission was granted, on condition that the new settlement should continue subject to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. The people of Newtown, THE UNITED STATES. 53 Dorchester, and Watertown, now began to prepare for their new habitation. In the course of the season, several people went to Connecticut river; some by water, some through the wilderness. The Dorchester men sat down at Windsor, near the Plymouth trading house. They purchased the building and land owned by the Plymouth people. The people from New- town, of whom but few removed till the following year, settled at Hartford. The Watertown settlors began the town of Wethersfield. In 1636, about one hundred persons, men, wo men and children, led by the Rev. Messrs. Hooker and Stone, together with their horses, cattle and swine, commenced their journey through the wilderness to Connecticat river. They travelled about two weeks, on foot ; during which time they lived upon the milk of their cows. By the 25th of November, Connecticut river was frozen over ; heavy falls of snow suc ceeded, and the season was very severe. Several small ves sels, which hid been laden with their furniture and provisions, sailed from Boston, and were wrecked on the coast. By the last of November, provision began to fail in the settlements on the river, and death looked them sternly in the face. Thii- teen in one company, driven by hunger, attempted their way in this severe season. In passing the river, one of their com pany fell through the ice, and was drowned, the other twelve were kept from perishing by the Indians, and arrived in Mas sachusetts in ten days. Their distress was so great that by the first of December a considerable part of the men settlers were obliged to abandon their habitations. As the only means of preserving their lives, about seventy persons, men, women and children, left their settlements, and went down the river, in hopes of meeting with their provisions. As their expecta tion failed, they went on board the Rebecca lying near the mouth of the river. This, but two days before, was frozen in twenty miles up the river, but was released by the falling 1 of a small rain, and reached Boston in five days. Had it not beea for a very quick passage, the people must have perished. The people that kept their situations on the river suffered extremely. After all the help they were able to obtain by hunting, and from the Indians, they were obliged to subsist on acorns, malt and grain. The number of cattle that could not be got over before winter, living upon what they found in the woods and meadows, wintered better than those which were brought over; however, a great number of them perished. Early in the spring, those who went from Connecticut to spend the winter with their friends, began to return to their new habitations. The first court held in Connecticut, was held at April 26th, 1636. 34 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Towards the last of the year 1635, Mr. Winthrop,son of the Massachusetts governor, the worthy character who afterwards procured the Connecticut Charter, arrived at Boston with a commission from Jords Say and Seal, lord Brook, and others, to take possession of Connecticut river ; and built a fort, which they had named Saybrook. In a few days, a Dutch vessel appeared off the harbour, sent to take possession of the entrance of the river, and erect for tifications ; but the English had by this time mounted two can non, and prevented their landing. Thus providentially was this fine tract of country preserved for our venerable ancestors, and their posterity. In September 1636, Mr. Pynchion, with a part of the people of Roxbury, began the settlement of the town of Springfield^ but no sooner had the English begun to trade, and make set tlements in Connecticut, than the Pequods began to murder, and kill their cattle. In 1634, they murdered captains Stone and Norton, with their whole crew, consisting of eight men ; they then plundered and sunk the vessel. In November following, the Pequods sent a messenger to Boston, for the purpose of obtaining peace with the English. He made an offer of a great quantity of beaver skins, to pur- suade the governor to enter into a league with them. The governor assured them that the English were willing to make peace on condition that they would give up the murderers of Captain Stone and iiis men ; the Indians assured him that the murderers were all dead but two, and they would give them up to justice; they offered to give up their right at Connecticut river, if the English desired to settle there, and engaged to assist them as far as was in their power in making settlements ; they also agreed that they would give the English forty beaver and thirty otter skins. The governor and council entered into a treaty with them on the conditions they proposed. Whatever their designs were at that time, they soon afterwards became rnore and more mischievous, hostile and bloody. In 1636, John Oldham was murdered near Block Island. He had witli him two boys and two Narraganset Indians ; these were taken and carried off. John Gallup, as he was going from Connecticut to Boston, discovered Mr. Oldham s vessel full of Indians, and saw a canoe go from her laden with goods. Sus pecting they had murdered Mr. Oldham, 1m hailed them, but received no answer. Gallup was a bold man ; and although he had but one man and two boys with him, he immediately bore down upon her, and fired duck shot so thick among them, that he soon cleared the deck. The Indians all got under the hatch es. He then stood oft , bore down upon her, with a brisk gale, and nearly overset her, which so frightened the Indians, that THE UNITED STATES. 55 several jumped overboard and were drowned ; he then stood off, and running down upon her the second lime, raked her fore and aft with his shot, and running down upon her a third time, lie gave her such a shock, that five more jumped overboard and were drowned. He then boarded her, and took two of the In dians and bound them. Two or three others, armed with swords, in a little room be ow, could not be driven out. Mr. Oldham s corpse was found on board ; his head split, and the body mangled in a barbarous manner. Gallup and his men, thru, as decently as possible, put the corpse into the sea. Af ter taking her rigging and goods which had not been carried off, they were obliged to let her go adrift, and she was lost. The Indians who committed the murder were chiefly Block Islanders, and Narragansets. The governor and council of Massachusetts, despatched captain Endicott with ninety volun teers to avenge the murder. The Narraganset Sachems sent home Mr. Oldham s two boys, and made peace with them ; but the other Indians made no compensation. Captain En dicott was ordered to proceed to Block Island, put the men to the sword, and take possession of the Island, but to spare the women and children. They sailed from Boston 25th of Au gust. When they arrived at Biock Island, forty or fifty In dians appeared on shore, and opposed his landing. After a short skirmish, the Indians fled to the woods. After the Eng lish had spent two days on the Island, burning the wigwams, destroying the corn, and staving their canoes, they sailed for the Pequot country ; when they had arrived in Pequot harbour, Captain Endicott acquainted the Pequots with his design ; in a few hours, about three hundrtd Pequots appeared upoo the shore ; but as soon as they were fully informed of his business, they began to withdraw into the woods. He landed his men on both sides the haibcur, burnt their wigwams, destroyed their canoes, killed one or two Indians, and returned to Bos ton. This measure, instead of allaying, seemed to increase their hostility ; several persons were taken near Saybrook fort, ,and tortured with savage barbarity. About the beginning of October, the enemy concealed themselves in the grass in the meadow, and surprised five ofthe garrison at Saybrook, as they were carrying home their hay. One Butterfield was taken and tortured to death ; the rest made their escape. Eight or ten days after, Joseph Fiiley, a m isterof a small vessel, w*e taken as he was going down the Connecticut river. He came to an chor about three miles above the fort, and taking a canoe and one man with him went a fowling. No sooner had he dischar ged his piece, than a large number of Pequots, arising from their concealment, took him and killed his companion. The iudians used him in the cao;t baibarous manner, first cuuir^ 56 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF off his hands, and then his feet ; thus torturing him to death. As he did not groan, they pronounced him a stout man. In March, 1637, Lieutenant Gardiner, who commanded the fort at Saybrook, going out with about twelve men, to burn the marshes, was waylaid near a narrow neck of land ; the en emy rose upon him, killed three of his men, and wounded seve ral. The enemy pursued them in great numbers to the fort, and compassed it on all sides. They challenged the English to come out and fight ; they boasted that tiiey could kill the Eng lish-men, all one flies ; mocked the groans of the wounded. But the cannon being loaded with grape shot was fired among them, which caused them to groan in reality. Soon after, the enemy, in a number of canoes beset a shallop, going down the river, with three men on board ; the men fought bravely, but were overpowered by numbers, and taken. The Indians rip ped them up from the bottom of their bellies to their throats, and cleft them down their backs. They then hung them upon trees beside the river in full view of the English, as they pas sed up and down, on the river. At a court holden at Hartford, it was decreed that the plant ation of Newtown should be named Hartford, and that Water- town should be named Wethersfield, and tbat Dorchester should be called Windsor. In April, the Indians waylaid the people at Wethersfield, as they were going into the fields to labour, and killed six men and three women ; two maids were taken captive, twenty cowa killed, and other damages done to the inhabitants. The court holden at Hartford, May 1st, 1637, resolved to prosecute the war with the Pequots ; that ninety men should be raised ; forty two from Hartford, thirty from Windsor, and eighteen from Wethersfield. Massachusetts determined to gend two hundred, and Plymouth forty men to assist Connec ticut in prosecuting the war. The troops being assembled at Hartford, May 10th, Rev. Mr. Hooker delivered the following address. " Fellow soldiers, countrymen and companions ! yon arc this day assembled by the special providence of God ! you are not collected by wild fancy, nor ferocious passions. It is not a tumultuous assembly, whose actions are abortive, or if successful, produce only theft, rapine and murder : crimes incon sistent with nature s light inconsistent with a soldier s valor. You my dear hearts, were selected from your neighbors, by the godly fathersof theland, foryourknown courage, toexecutesuch a work. Your cause is the cau?6 of heaven ; the enemy have blasphemed your God, and slain his servants ; you are only the ministers of his justice. I do not pretend that your enemies are earelcss or indifferent ; no, their hatred is inflamed, their lipi THE UNITED STATES. 57 thirst for blood ; they would devour you, and all the people of God; but my brave soldiers, their guilt has reached the clouds; they are ripe for destruction ; their cruelty is notorious ; and cruelty and cowardice are always united. There is nothing, therefore, to pr event your certain victory, but their nimble feet, their impenetrable woods ; from these your small numbers will entice them, or your courage drive them. I now put the question Who would not fight in such a cause ? fight with undaunted boldness ? do you wish for more encouragement? mope I give you. Riches: waken the soldier s sword ; and though you will not obtain silver and gold on the field of victory, you will secure what is infinitely more precious, you will se cure (he liberties, the privileges and the lives of Christ s church* in this new world. You will procure safety for your affection ate wives, safety for your prattling-, harmless, smiling babes : you will secure all the blessings enjoyed by the people of God, in the ordinances ofthe gospel. Distinguished was the honor conferred upon David, for fighting the battles of the Lord ; this honor, O ye courageous soldiers of God, is now prepared for you. You will now execute his vengeance on the heathen ; you will bind their kings in chains, and their nobles in fetters of iron. But perhaps some one may fear that a fatal arrow may deprive him of this honor. Let every faithful soldier of Jesus Christ, be assured, that if any servant be taken away, it is merely because the honors of this world are too narrow for his reward ; an everlasting crown is set upon his head, because the rewards of this life are insufficient. March then with Christian courage, in the strength of the Lord ; march with faith in his divine promises, and soon your swords shall find your enemies, soon they shall fall like the leaves ofthe forest under your feet." On Wednesday, the 10th of May, the troops from Connecti cut fell down the river, for the fort at Saybrook. They consis ted of 90 Englishmen, and about 70 Mohegan andriver Indians. They embarked on board a pink, a pinnace and a shallop. The Indians were commanded by Uncas, sachem of the Mohegans. The whole was commanded by captain John Mason, who had been bred a soldier in the old countries. The Rev. Mr. Stone of Hartford went their chaplain. On Monday the 15th, the troops arrived at Saybrook fort. As the water was low, this little fleet several times ran aground. The Indians, impatient of delays, desired to be set, on shore, promising to join the Eng lish at Saybrook. The captain therefore granted their request. On their march they fell in with about forty ofthe enemy, near the fort, killed seven, and took one prisoner. The prisoner had been a perfidious villian. He had lived in the fort, some time before, and could speak English well. But after thePequots commenced hostilities against the English, ha 58 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF became a constant spy upon the garrison, and acquainted Sas- sacus with every thing tie could discover. He had been pres ent at the slaughter of all the English who had been killed at Saybrook. Uncas and his men insisted upon executing him according to the manner of their ancestors ; and the English, in the circumstances in which they then were, did not judge it prudent to interpose. The Indians, kindling a large fire, vio lently tore him limb from limb. Barbarously cutting his flesh in pieces, they handed it round from one to another, eating it, singing and dancing round the fire, in their violent and tumul tuous manner. The bones and such | arts of their captive, as were not consumed in this dreadful repast, were committed to the flames and burnt to ashes. This success was matter of joy, not only as it was a check upon (he enemy, but it v\ as an evidence of the fidelity of Uncaa and his Indians, of which the English had been before in doubt. There were other circumstances, however, which more than counterbalanced this joy. The army lay wind bound until Friday, and Captain Mason and his officers were entirely divi ded in opinion, with respect to the manner of prosecuting their enterprise. The court, by the commission and instructions which it had given, enjoined the landing of the men at Pequot harbour, and that from thence they should advance upon tho enemy. The captain was for passing by thorn, and sailing to the Narraganset country. He was fixed in this opinion, be cause he found that, expecting the army at Pequot harbour, they kept watch upon the river night and day. Their number of rnen greatly exceeded his. He was informed, at Saybrook, that (hey had sixteen fire arms, with powder and shot. The har bour was compassed with rocks and thickets, affording the ene my every advantage. They were upon the land, and exceed ingly light of foot. He was therefore of the opinion, that they would render it very difficult and dangerous to land, and that he might sustain such loss, as would discourage his men and frus trate the design of the expedition. If they should make good their landing, he was sure, that while they directed their march through the country, to the enemy s forts, they would waylay and attack them, with their whole force, at every difficult pass. Besides if they should find, on t.rial, that they were not able to defeat the English, they would run off to swamps and fastness es, where they could not be found ; and they should not be able to effect any thing capital against them. He was not without hopes, that, by going to Narraganset, he might surprise them. There was also some prospect, that the Narragansets would join him in the expedition, and that he might fall in with some port of the troops from Massachusetts, THE UJNITED STATES. 59 Hig officers and men in general were for attending their in structions, and going at all hazards directly to the forts. The necessity of their affairs at home, tne danger of the Indians at- tacking their families and settlements, in their absence, made them wish, at once to despatch the business, on which they had been sent. They did not relish a long march through the wil derness. They also imagined that they might be discovered, even should they determine to march from Narraganset to the attack of the enemy. In this division of opinion, Mr. Slono was desired by the officers most importunately to pray for them, that their way might be directed, and that, notwithstanding the present embarrassment, the enterprise might be crowned with success. Mr. Stone spent most of Thursday night in prayer, and the next morning visii : " captain Mason, assured him, that he had done as he was desired ; adding, that he was entirely satisfied with his plan. The council was again called, and, upon a full view of all the reasons, unanimously agreed to proceed to Nar raganset. It was also determined that twenty men should be sent back to Connecticut, to strengthen the infant settlements, while the rest of the troops were employed in service against the enemy ; and, that Captain Underbill, with nineteen men from the garrison at Saybrook fort, should supply their places. On Friday. May 19th. the Captain sailed for Narraganset bay, and arrived on Saturday at the desired port. On Monday, captain Mason, and captain Underbill marched with a guard to the plantation of Canonicus, and acquainted him with the design of their coming. A messenger was immediately des patched to Miantonimob, the chief sachem of the Narragansets, to acquaint him also with the expedition. The next day Mian- tonimoh met them, with his chief counsellors and warriors, consisting of about 200 men. Captain Mason certified him, that the occasion of his coming with armed men, into his coun try, was to avenge .the intolerable injuries which the Pequots, his as well as their enemies, had done the English : and, that he desired a free passago to the Pequot forts. After a solemn consultation in the Indian manner, Mian toni mob answered, That he highly approved of the expedition, and that he would send men. He observed, however, that the English were not sufficient in number to fight wi h the enemy. He said the Pe quots were great Captains, skilled in war, and rather slighted the English. Captain Mason landed his men, and marched just at night to the plantation of Canonicus, which was ap pointed to be the place of general rendezvous. That night there arrived an Indian runner in the camp, with a letter from captain Patrick, who had arrived with his party at Mr. Wil liams plantation in Providence. Captain Patrick signified his 60 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP desire, that captain Mason would wait until he could join him. Upon deliberation it was determined not to wait, though a junction was greatly desired. The men had already been de tained much longer than was agreeable to their wishes. When they had absolutely resolved the preceding day to march the next morning, the Indians insisted that they were but in jest ; that Englishmen talked much, but would not fight. It was therefore feared, that any delay would have a bad effect upon them. It was also suspected that, if they did not proceed im mediately, they should be discovered, as there were a number of squaws who maintained an intercourse between the Pequot and Narraganset Indians. The army therefore, consisting of seventy seven Englishmen, sixty Mohegan and river Indians, and about two hundred Narragansets, inarched on Wednesday morning, and that day reached the eastern Nihantic, about eighteen or twenty miles from the place of rendezvous the night before. This was a frontier to the Pequots, and was the seat of one ofthe Narraganset sachems. Here the army halted, at the close ofthe day. But the sachem and his Indians conduct ed therm-pelves in a haughty manner towards the English, and would not suffer them to enter within their fort. Captain Ma son therefore placed a strong guard round the fort ; and as the Indians would not suffer him to enter it, he determined that none of them should corne out. Knowing the perfidy ofthe In dians, and that it was customary among them to suffer the near est relatives of their greatest enemies to reside with them, he judged it necessary, to prevent their discovering him to the enemy. In the morning, a considerable number of Miantonimoh s men came on and joined the English. This encouraged many ofthe Nihanticks also to join them. They soon formed a cir cle, and made protestations, how gallantly they would fight, and what numbers they would kill. When the army marched, the next morning, the captain had with him nearly five hundred Indian?. He marched twelve miles, to the ford in Pawcatuck river. The day was very hot, and the men, through the great heat, and a scarcity of provision, began to faint. The army, therefore, made a considerable halt, and refreshed themselves. Here the Narraganset Indians began to manifest their dread of the Pequots, and to inquire of captain Mason, with great anxi ety, what were his real designs. He assured them, that it was his design to attack the Pequots in their forts. At this they ap peared to be panic-struck, and filled with amazement. Many of them drew off, ami returned to Naraganset. The army marched on about three miles^ and came to Indian corn fields ; and the captain, imagining that he drew near the enemy, mad a halt : he called his guides and council, and demanded of the THE UNITED STATES. 61 Indians how far it was to the forts. They represented, that it was twelve miles to Sassacus s furt, and that bo h forts were in a manner impregnable. We q nosh, a Peqnnt Captain or petty pache n, who had revolted from Sassams to the Narragansets, was the principal guide, and he proved faithful. He gave such information, respecting the distance of the forts from each oth er, B ij the distance which they were then at, from the chief fachem s, as determined him and his officer? to alter the resolu tion which they had before adopted, of attacking them both at once; and to make a united attack upon that at Mistic. He found his men so fatigued, in marching through a pathless wil derness, with their provisions, arms, and ammunition, and so af fected with the heat, that this resolution appeared to be abso lutely necessary. One of captain Underbill s men became lame, at the same time, and began to fail. The army, therefore, proceeded directly to Mistic, and continuing their inarch, came to a small swamp between two hills, just at the disappearing of the day light. The officers, supposingthat they were now near the furt, pitched their little camp, between or near two large rocks, in Groton, since called Porter s rocks. The men were faint and weary, and though the rocks were their pillows, their rest was swee t. The guards and sentinels were considerably advanced, in the front of the army, and heard the enemy sing ing, at the fort, who continued their rejoicings even until midnight. They had seen the vessels pass the harbor, some days before, and had concluded, that the English were afraid, and had not courage to attack them. They were therefore, rejoicing, singing, dancing, insulting them, and wearying them selves, on this account. The ni<rht was serene, and, towards morning, the moon shone clear. The important crisis wns now come, when the very ex istence of Connecticut, under providence, was to be determin ed by the sword, in a single action j and to be decided by the good conduct of less than eighty brave men. The Indians who remained, were now sorely dismayed, and though, at first, they had led the van, and boasted of great feats, yet were now all fallen back in the rear. About two hours before day, the men were routed with all expedition, and briefly commending themselves and their cajse to God, advanced immediately towards the fort. After a march of about two miles, they came to the foot of a large hill, where a fine country opened before them. The captain, supposing that the fort could not be far dis anl, sent for the Indians in the rear, to come wp. Uncas and Wequosh,at length appeared. He demanded of them where the fort was. They answered on the toy oi thc hill. He demanded of them where were theothr *r Indians. Tbey answered, that they were ranch afraid. 6 62 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The captain sent to thorn not to fly, but to surround the fort- % at any distance t!my pleased, and see whether Englishmen would fight. The day wis nearly dawning, and no lime was to be lost. The men pressed on, in two divisions, captain Ma son to the noith-eastern, and captain Underbill to the western entrance. As the object which they had been so long seeking, came into view, and while they reflected they were to fight not only for themselves, but their parents, wives, children, und the whole colony, the martial spirit kindled in their bosoms, and they were wonderfully animated. As captain Mason advanced within a rod or two of the fort, a dog barked, and an Indian roared out, Owanux ! Owanux ! That is, Englishmen ! En glishmen ! The troops pressed on, and as the Indians were ral lying, poured in upon them, through the pallisadoes, a general discharge of their muskets, and then wheeling off to the princi pal entrance, entered the foil sword in hand. Notwithstanding the sudilenness, of ihe attack, tie blaze and thunder of their arms, the tnemv made a manly ami desperate resistance. Captain Mason and his party, drove the Indians in the main etrett towards the west part of the fort, where some bold men who bad forced their way, met them, and made such slaughter among them, that the street WPS soon clear of the enemy. They secreted themselves in and behind their wigwams, and taking 1 advantage of every covert, maintained an obsinate de fence. The Captain and his men entcied the wigwams, where they were beset with many Indians, who took every advantage to shoot them, and lay hands upon them, so that it was with great difficulty that they could defend themselves with their swords. After a severe conflict, in which many of the Indians were slain, some of the English kilhd, and ethers sorely wounded, the victory still hung in suspense. The captain find ing himself much exhausted, and out of breath, as well as bis men, by the extraordinary exertions which they had made ; in this critical state of action, had recourse to a successful expe dient. He cries out to his men, We must iurn them. He im mediately entering a wigwam, took fire, and put it into the- mats, with which the wigwams were covered. The fire in stantly kindling, spread with such violence that all the Indian houses were soon wrapped inflames. As the fire increased, the English retired witKout the fort, and compassed it on every side. Uncas and Ins Indians, with such of ihe Narraganseta as yet remained, took cournge, from the example of the English, and formed another cucle in the rear or them. The enemj were now seized with astonishment, and foiced, by the flamea^ from their lurking places, into open light, became a fair mark for the English soldiers. Some climbed the paUisadoes, and were instantly brought down by the fire of the Englisk cuus- THE UNITED STATES. 63 kets. Others, desperately sallying forth from their burning cells, were shot, or cut in pieces with the sword. Such (error fell upon them, that th.*y wouid run back from the English, into the very flames. Great numbers perished in the conflagra tion. The greatness and violence of the fire, the reflection of the light, the flashing and roar of the arms, the shrieks and vei lings of the men, women and children, in the fort, and tne shoutings of the Indians without, just at the dawning of the morning-, exhibited a grand and awful scene. In a little more than an hour this whole work of destruction was finished. Seventy wigwams were burnt, and five or six hundred Indiana perished, either by the sword, or in the flames.* A hundred and fifty warriors had been sent on, the evening before, who that very morninir, were to have gone forth against the English. Of th^se, and ail who belonged to the fort, seven only escaped, and seven were made prisoners. It had been previously con clude I not to burn the fort, but to destroy the enemy, and take the plunder ; but the captain afterwards found it the only ex pedient to obtain the vic ory, and save his men. Thus parents and children, Hie sannup and squaw, ths old man and babe, perished in promiscuous ruin. Though the victory was complete, yet the army were in great danger and distress. The men had been exceedingly fa tigued, by the heat, and long marches through rough and difficult places ; and by thai constant watch and guard which they had been obl ged to keep. They had no A* been greatly exhausted, by the sharpness of the action, and the exertions winch they had been necessitated to make. Their lo?s was very consider able. Two men were kilieJ, and nearly twenty wounded. This was more than one quarter of the English. Numbers fainted by reason of fatigue, the heat. anJ want of necessaries. The surg-con, their provisions, and the articles necessary for the wounded, were on board the vessels, which had been or dered to sail from the Natraganset bay, the night before, for Pequot harbour ; but there was no appearance of them in the sound. They weie sensible that, by the burning of the fort, and the noise ol" war, they had alarmed the country ; and there fore were in constant expectation of an attack, by a fresh and numerous enemy from the other fortress, and from every quar ter whence the Peq iots might be collected. A number of friendly Indians had been wounded, and they were so distracted with fear, that it was difficult even to tpeak *Captain Mason, in his history, says six or seven hundred. From the Dumber of wigwams, anJ the reinforcement, the probability is that about six hundred were destroyed. 64 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF with their guide and interpeter, or to know any thing what they designed. The English were in an enemy s country, and enlire strangers to the vvay in which they must return. The enemy were far more numerous than themselves, and enraged to the highest degree. Another circumstance rendered their situation still more dangerous, their provisions and ammunition were nearly expended. Four or five men were so wounded that it was necessary to carry them, and they were also obli ged to bear about twenty fire arms, so that not more than for ty men could be spared for action. After an interval of about an hour, while the officers were in consultation what course they should take, their vessels, &s though guided by the hand of providence, to serve the necessi ties of these brave men, came full in view ; and, under a fair gale, were steering directly into the harbour. This in the sit uation of the army at that time, was a most jo> ful sight. Immediately, upon the discovery of the vessels, about three hundred Indians came on from the other fort. Captain Mason, perceiving their approach, led out a chosen party to engage them, and try their temper. He gave them such a warm re ception, as soon checked and put them to a stand. This gave him great encouragement, arid he ordered the army to march for Pequot harbour. The enemy, upon this, immediately ad vanced to the hill, where the fort stood ; and viewing the de struction which had been made, stamped and tore their hair from their heads. After a short pause, and blowing them selves up to the highest transport of passion, they leaped down the hill after the army, in the most violent manner, as though they were about to run over the English. Captain Uiiderlnl!, who, with a number of the best men, was ordered to defend the rear, soon checked the eagerness of their pursuit, and. taught them to keep at a more respectful distance. The friendly Indians who had not deserted, now kept close to the English, and it was believed, that after the enemy came on. they were afraid to leave them. The enemy pursued the ar my nearly six miles, sometimes shooting at a distance, from behind the rocks and trees, and at other times, pressing on more violently, and desperately hazarding themselves in tha open field. That the English might be enabled to fight, captain Mason eoon hired the Indians to carry the wounded men and their arms. The English killed several of the enemy while they pursued them, but sustained no loss themselves. When they killed a Pequot, the other Indians would shout, run and fetch his head. At length, the enemy finding that they could make no impression upon the army, and that wounds and death at tended their attempts, gave over the pursuit. THE UNITED STATES. 65 t*he army then m-uched to the harbor, with their colors flying, and were received on board the vessels, with great mu tual joy and congratulation. In about three weeks from the time the men embarked at Hartford, they returned a^ain to their respective habitations. They were received with the greatest exultation. As the peo ple had been deeply afflicted with their danger, and full of anx iety for their friends, while nearly half the effective men in the colony were in service, upon so hazardous an enterprise, so sudden a change, in the groat victory obtained, and in the safe return of so many of their children and neighbors, filled them with exceeding joy and thankfulness. Every family, and eve ry worshipping 1 assembly, spoke the language of praise and thanksgiving. Several circumstances a tending this enterprise, were much noticed by the soldiers themselves, and especially by all the pious people. It was considered as very providential, that the army should march nearly forty miles, and a considerable part of it in the enemy s country, and not be discovered until the mo ment they were ready to commence the attack. It was judg ed remarkable, that the vessels should come into the harbour at the very hour in which they were most needed. The life ol captain Mason was very signally preserved. As he entered a wigwam for fire to burn the fort, an Lid:an was drawing aa arrow to the very head, and would have killed him instantly ; but Divis, one his sergeants, cut the bow string with his cut lass auJ prevented the fatal shot. Lieutenant Ball received an arrow into a hard piec? of cheese, which he had in his clothes, and by it was saved harmless. Two soldiers, John Dyer and Thomas Stiles, both servants of one mm, were shot in the knots of their a ec it lotus, a.iJ by them preserved from instant death. Few enterprises have ever been achieved with more person al bravery or go xl conduct. In few have so great a proportion of the effective ^n MI or* a whole cjlony, stale, or nation been put to so great an 1 i nuiedhte danger. In few, have a people been BO deeply an 1 im nedtateiy interested, as the whole colony of Connecticut w is i i this, iu thai uncommon crisis. In these respects, even the great armaments and battles of Europe are, comparatively, of linle i nportance. In this, under the divine conduct, by seventy-seven brave men, Connecticut was saved, and the moat warlike and terrible Indian nation iu New-Eng land, defeated and ruined. The body of the P^q-io s, returning from the pursuit of cap tain Mason, repaired to &issac..s, at the royal fortress, and re lated the doleful s oiy of their misfortunes. They charged them all to hLs haughtiness and misconduct, and threatened 6* 66 UNIVERSAL HISTO&Y OF him, and his, with immediate destruction. His friends and chief counsellors interceded for him ; and, at their entreaty, his men spared his life. Then, upon consultation, they concluded, that they could not, with safety, remain any longer in the coun try. They were, indeed, so panic siruck, that, burning their wigwams and destroying their fort they fled and scatter ed into various parts of the country. Sassacus, Mononotto* and seventy or eighty of their cliief counsellors and warriors, took their route towards Hudson s river. Just before captain Mason went out upon the expedition against the Pequots, the Dutch performed a very neighbourly office for Connecticut. The two maids, who had been capti vated at Wethersfield, had, through the humanity and media tion of Mononotto s squaw, been spare! from death, and kindly treated. The Dutch governor, receiving intelligence of their circumstances, determined to redeem them at any rate, and despatched a sloop to Pequot harbour for that purpose. Upon its arrival, the Dutch made large offers for their redemption, but the Pequots would not accept them. Finally, as the Dutch had a number of Peq iots on board, whom they had ta ken, and finding that they could do no better, they offered the Pequots six of their own men for the two maids. These they accepted, and the Dutch delivered the youug women at Say- brook, just before captain Mason and his party arrived. Of them ho received particular information respecting the enemy. An Indian runner, despatched by Mr. Wiliums, at Provi dence, soon carried the news of the success of Connecticut against the Pequots, to the governor of Massachusetts. The gov ernor and his council, judging that the Peq lots had received a capital blow, sent forward but a hundred and twenty men. These wore commanded by Mr. Stonghion, aud ihe Ilev. Mr. Wilson, of Boston, was sent his chaplain. This party arrived at Pequot turbo >r the latter pirt of June. By the assistance of the Narragansel Indians, the party under captain St-Might on surround- d a laige body of Pequots in a swamp. They took eighty captives. Tliiuywere men; t he- rest were wom^n and children. The nr:n. except two sa chems, wore killed, but the women and children were sar*d. Tne sachems promised to conduct the English to Sassacus, and f>r that purpose were spared for the present. fc The court at Connecti Ut ordered that forty men should bo raided forthwith for the further prosecution of the war against Ihe Pequjts. to be commanded by captain Mason. The troop* from Connecticut made a junction with the party under the? command of captain Stougtiton, at Pequot. Mr. Lndlow, with other principal gentlemen fiom Connecticut, went also with the army, to advice with respect to the measure* to l>e adopted in the 1 urUicr prod^sutioa of the war. THE UNITED STATES. 67 genera! consultation, it was concluded to pursue the Pequota, who ha- l fldd to the westward. Tiie army marched immediate ly, and soon discovered the places, where the enemy had rendezvouz-^d, at their several removes. As these were not far distant from eac i other, it appeared that they moved slow ly, having their women and children with them. They also were without provisions, and were obliged to dig for clams, and to range the groves for such articles as they afforded. The English found som-j scattering 1 Peqnois, as they scoured the country, whom th captivated, and from whom they ob tained intelligence rd .tive to the Peq iots whom they wero pursuing. But finding, that the sachems, whom they had spar ed, would give them no information, they beheaded them, on their march, at a place called Alenunkaiuek, since Guiitord; from which circumstance, the spot on which the execution waa done, bears the name of Sachem s Hjad to the present time. In three days they arrived at New Haven harbour. The vessels sailed along the shore while the troop? marched by land. At New Haven, then called Quinnipiack, a great smoke, at a small distance, was discovered in the woods. The officers supposing, tint they had now discovered the enemy, ordered the army immediately to advance upon them; but were soon informed that they were not. in that vicinity. The Connecticut Indians had kindled the fires whence the smoke arose. The troop* so >n embarked 0:1 b iard the vessels. After staying several days at New Hiveu, -officers received in- intelligence from a P q i>r, whom t .,vl previously sent to make discovery, that the erit-tny \vre at a considerable dis tance, in a great swamo, to the westward. Upon this infor mation, the ftrmy marched with al possible despatch to a great ewanip, in Fairl! >IJ, where were eijh v or a hundred Pequot warriors, and nearly tw > h.ui-lr -d other Indians. The ssvamp was such a thicket, so deep and boggy, that it \vas difficult to enter it, or make anv movement without sinking in Hie mire, lieutenant Davenport and otli.-rs, rushing eagerly into it, were sorely wounded, and several were soon so de^p in the mud, that th^y could not set on*, v,-i hout assistance. The enemy pressed thorn so hard, that they were j i*t r^ady to seizo them by th<3 h ; iir of their b^ad. A nu nber of brave men were obliged to rescue them ^wo-.lin hand Some? of the Indians were slain, and the men w ;re drawn out of the mire. The swamp was surrounded, an 1 after a cuAsidarable skirmish, the Indians desired a pirlr;/. As the officers were not willino- to make a promiscuous destruction of mon. woiwn and ciiildren, and a the sachem and Inti .vis of the vicimtv had fled into thm *wam;>, thonorh tl-.ey had J >ne the colonies no injury, a parley was granted. Thomas fc) uotou, a cuan well acqj-aitlca witk 68 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the manners and language of the Indians, was sent to treat with them. He was authorized to offer life to all the Indians who had shed no English hlood. Upon this offer, the sachem of the place came out to the English, and one company of old men, women and cidldren after another, to the number of about two hundred. The sachem of the place declared for himself and his Indiana^ that they had never shed the blood of the English, nor done them any harm. But the Pequot warriors hud too great a spirit to accept of the offer of life, declaring-, that they would fight it out. They shot their arrows at Stanton, and pressed so hard upon him. that the soldiers were obliged to fly to his res cue. The fight was then renewed, the soldiers firing upon them whenever an opportunity presented. But by reason of an unhappy division among the officers, a great part of the enemy escaped. Some were for forcing the swamp immediately, but this was oppo-ed, as too dangerous. Others were for cutting it down, as they had taken many hatchets, with which they were of the opinion it might be effected! Some others were for making a pallisado and hedge round it, but neither of these measures could be adopted. As night came on, the English cut through a narrow pa; t of it, by which the circumference was greatly lessened ; so that the soldiers, at twelve feet dis tance from each other, were able completely to compass tho enemy. In this manner they enclosed and watched them until it was nearly morning. A thick fog arose just before day, and it became exceedingly dark, At this juncture, the Indian* took the opportunity to break through the English. They made their first at empt upon captain Patrick s quarters, yelling in their hideous manner, and pressing on with violence, but they were several times di iven back. As the noise and tumult of war increased, enp ain Mason sent a party to assist captain Patrick. Captain Tra:ik itl-o matched to reinforce him. A* the bailie greatly increased, the siege broke up. Captain. Mason marched to give assistance in ihe action. Advancing to the turn o! the swamp, ho found that the enemy were press ing 1 out upon him ; but he gave them so wuim a reception, that the) were soon glad to retire. While he u a-; expecting thut they would make another a t-mpt uptni him, they faced about, and falling on captain Puirick, bi oke through hi* quarters and fled. Tln^e were their bravest warriors, t-ixty or evenly of whom made their escape. About twenty wero killed, and one hundred and rig! ty were taken prisoners. Th English also took hatchets, wampum, kettles, trays and other Indian utensils. The Pequot women and children, who had been captivated, were divided among- the troupe. Sumu were cairicU to THE UNITED STATB3. 69 necticut, and others to the Massachusetts. The people of Massachusetts s?nt a number of ihe women and boys to the West-Indies, and sold them for slaves. It was supposed that about seven hundred Pequots were destroyed. The women who were captivated, reposed, thirteen sachems had been ilain, and that thirteen yet survived. Among ihe latter wero Sassacus and VTononotto, Ihe two r lief sachems. These with about twenty of their b -st men fl .<! to the Mo iav ks. They carried off with them wampum to the amount of 500 pound*. The Mohawks surprised and slew them ail, except Monouotlo. They wounded him, but he made hi.s escape. Tiie scalp of 6a?sacus was sent to Connecticut in the fall, and Mr. Ludiow and several other gentlemen, go in.^ into Massachusetts, in September, carried a lck of it to Boston, as a rare sight, and a sure demonstration of the death of their mortal enemy. Among the Peq-iot captives were the wife and children of Mononotto. She w<is particularly noticed, by the English, for her gr.-at modesty, humanity and good sense. She made ii aa her only request., thv she migiit not be injured either as to her offspring or person ;i I vmor. As a requital of her kindness lo the captivated maids, ii -r life and the lives of her children wore not only spared, but they were particularly recommended to the care of governor \Vinthrop. lie gave charge for their protection and kind treatment. After the swamp fight, the Pcquots became so weak and scattered, that the Narragaasets and Moheag.ins constantly killed thorn, and brought in iheir heads lo Windsor and Hart ford. Those who :-iirvived were so hun f ed and harassed, that a number of their rviief men repaired to the English, at Hart ford, for relief. Th- y offored, if their lives might be spa-ed. that they would become the servaiits of the En^isti, and bd disposed of at their pleasure. This was granted, and the court interposed for their protection. Uncas ami MianUmimoh, with the Pequots, by ihe direction of the magistrates of Connecticut, met at Ilartftrd; and it was demanded by them, l;o\v many of thu Pequots were yet living? they answered, about two hundred, besides women and children. The magistrates then entered into a fr m covenant with them, to the following cff ct : that there should be per petual peace between M lantpitimoh and Uncas, and their res pective Indians ; and that all past injuries should be remitted, and for ever buried : that if any injuries should be done, iu future, by one party to the other, lhat they should not im mediately revenge it, but appeal to the English to do them justice. It. was stipulated, that they should submit to their determination, and that if ei ; her party should be obstinate, that then they might enforce submission, to tbeir decisions. It wu 70 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF further agreed, that neither the Moheagans, nor Narragansete should conceal, nor entertain any ot their enemies ; but. deliver up or destroy nil such Indians as had murdered any English man or woman. The English (hen gave the Pequot Indians to the Nanajransets and Moheagnns ; eisrhty to Miantonimoh, twenty to Ninnigret, and the oilier hundred to Uncas ; to bo received and treated as their men. It was also covenanted, that the Pcquots should nevt r more inhabit their native coun- tiy, nor he called Peqtiofs, but Narraganets and Moheagans. It was also further stipulated, that neither the Narrag-anseti nor Moheagans should pos-ess any part of tiie Pequot country without the consent of the English. The Pequots were to pay a tribute, at Connecticut, annually, of a fathwm of wam- pumpeag for every Sannop, of half a fathom for every young man, and of a hand for every male papoose. On these con ditions the magistrates, in behalf of the cubny, stipulated a firm peace with all the Indians. The conquest of Ihe Pequots struck all the Indians in New- England with terror, and they were possessed with such fear of the displeasure and arms of the English, that they had no open war with -hem for nearly forty years. This happy event gave great joy to the colonies. A day of public thanksgiving was appointed ; and, in all the churches of New England, devout and animated prases were addressed to Him, who givetli his people the victory, and cuuseih them to dwell safely. Th^ war with the Pequots led to the discovery of Quinna- piack (now New Haven.) Air. Eaton, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Da venport, and several others commenced a settlement ; and on the 18th of April, 1638, they kept the first sabbath in that place. They assembled under a large spreading oak; and Mr. Davenport pi cached to them from iVIalthew 6: 1. On the first, of June, about three or fnir o clock in the after noon, Wcis a g reai earthquake throughout New England. The chock w:is so grvat, that a number of chimneys were thrown down; the earth by turns was unquiet for fifteen days. In addition to the town of New Haven, several other towna were soon commenced, which were included in this colony. In 1633, commenced the towns of Guilford, and Milford. Stamford was settled in 1641 : soon after began the town of Branford. Some sett ements on Long Island were included in the colony of New Haven. The colony of New-Hampshire, which now holds a distin guished rank among the New-England States, though it eetilement began at a very early period, did not become a separate colony till many years alter that settlement commen ced. Capt. Smith, of Virginia, who sailed along the shore ef THE UNITED STATES. 71 New England in 1614, and published a chart of the coast, with some account of the country, discovered the river Fiscal- aqua. He found the river to be large, tr.e harbor capricious and safe, and grave a favourable representation of the place as a Eite for a new plantation. Gorjres and Ma; on, two mrmbrrs of the council of Plymouth, in England, having obtained from the council a jrrant of that tract of country, attempted the estish i.-liment of a colony and fishery at the river Pise taqui. In the spring of the year 1623, tliey sent over n f,-w persons fur this purpose, who sat down on the south side of the river near its? mouth, and there fixed a temporary residence. This u as t he brainning of the excellent and flourishing town of Portsmouth. The >aine year, two of the company erected a n>h-house at the of the present town of Dover. These sot t laments, fr several years, were small, and srorcely permanent. In 1629, smne of the settlers about the Massachusetts-Bay, wUhiiiir to unite with the settlement at. P^cat; q<ia, they assembled the chiefs of teveral Indian tribes at b qsutmscot fiills, now Exeter, and, for a valuable consideration, made n purchase of an ex ensive tract of land. In the instrument of conveyance, th; natives express a desire to have the English come and settle among them, as among their count rymen in iNUtssacnusetts." After this purchase, the plantation had a moileia e increase, but no new settlements were made till the \rar 1638, which \\as tlie be ginning of the town of Exeter and Hamp on. The people at Dn-er early erected a convenient meeting house, which was afterward*) improved as a fortification. A church was soon organized, of a character similar to the church- es in the neighbouring eoloriie< ; an 1 Mr. Wiihain Leverich, a worthy and able puritan divino, came from Emrhnd in 1633, and became their minister. Tne settlement at Portsmouth, in their infant state, erected a house for divine wo? ship, and en joyed, successively, the labours of several faithful minister.". The mini.-tn of one of these. Mr. James Parker, was attended with much success. But the town had no settled minister till a number of years after its settlement. The people who made the set:lemcnt of Ev j ter, in 1633, were mostly from Boston. Having been regularly dismissed from the church in that town, they immediately united in a church relation, on the principles of their mother church. As they judged their settlement to be without the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, they formed themselves into a body politic, chose rulers and assistants, who were sworn to the proper ex ecution of their respective offices, and a coi respondent oath of obedience wa& taken by the people. In this political compact, we have an instance of civil government in its simplest, per* 72 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP haps, in its pvirest form. The magistrates, who were few, were vested with, ami executive authority. The settlements at Portsmouth and Dover, for several years, wera governed, principally, by airtMits sent < ver by the proprietors in England. Having experienced many inconveniences from this mode of government, they, separately, forming u civil-compact, after the example of their neighbour* at Exeiei, enacted and enforced their own laws. The combination at Dover was similar to the one at Exeter; at Iporternouth they had a chief magistrate, annually elected, styled a. govoinor. These settlements for many years, lived peaceably with tho natives, and, from their great advantages for fishery, ex perienced less of the evils of famine than the neighbouring colonies. Placed in distinct civil communities, ihey soon found themselves exposed to a vaiie.ty of difficulties, and peculiarly defenceless it) the event of trouble frcru an enemy. Their cor porations were necessarily weak, and exposed to the intrusion of vagrants and outlaws, who would not submit in the steady government which was maintained in the c ionies of Massa chusetts and Plymouth. Had these political combinations been left to the management of their original framers and their posterity, they might have exhibited an example of the finest republics on historic recotd. But the constant influx of immi grants, and of demagogues invited by their weakness, rendered ttiis expectation hopeless. These considerations induced the settlement to desire a union with the coli ny of Massachusetts. The subject having been for some time in agitation, in the year 1641, the settlements on and near ihe PL-cataqua, submitted to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, on condition pf enjoying equal privileges with the people of that colony, and having a court of justice maintained among themselves. They were cordially accepted by that government, and thus, by a solemn compact, became a part of the colony of Massachusetts. From this time, the settlements advanced in a more rapid progress, and in greater security ; and their civil and ecclesiastical history becomes one with the colony of which they now constituted a respectable portion. This union continued till the year 1679, when, by the authority of the King of Great Britain, New- Hampshire was separated fiom the government of Massachu setts, and became a ro\al province. One of the most prominent characters in the early history of New-England, was Roger Williams. He was a man of con siderable ability and learning, active and diligent in his pur suits, humane and benevolent in his character* ever fond of novelty and change. Previous to his comirg to America, Mr. Williams was a minister in the Ghurc!. of England. He came to New-England in the year 1631, and resided two year* at THE UNITED STATES. 73 Plymouth. He there exercised his ministerial functions, oc casionally, to good acceptance. During his residence at Ply mouth, his conduct was inoffensive, and his character naturally mild, to that he ever after retained the esteem of the people of that colony. In 1633, he removed to Salem, and, on the death of their excellent minister, Mr. Skelton, the church in that town invited Mr. Williams to become their pastor. During his connexion with the church at Salem, Mr. Williams incul cated many opinions which were disapproved by the govern ment and churches of the colony, which it was thought would prejudice their interests in the view of the met ier country, and destroy that system of civil and ecclesiastical polity on which the colony existed. After much faithful and friendly dealing, Mr. Williams heirs; ... Ailing to renounce or conceal the sentiments which he e^;er:ained, in 1635, ho was directed by the government to depart from the j ir .diction of Massachu setts. He removed with a few follovA.:r-s and sat down within the Plymouth jurisdiction, in t -ie present town of [lehoboth. The year following, at tin; d.-Mre of Governor Winslow, lest the government of ;Vlassncltu-;i Us slmuM take umbrage at his remaining 1 within the Pymouth jurisdiction, he crossed the Pawtucket River, and. with about iwc-nfv seMlers, laid the foundation of the present opulent and fl-nirislii -o- town >f Pro vidence, flies*; dissensions were conducted in suci> a manner, that no personal alienation ai pears to have taken pi .c 1 between Mr. Williams ami Governor Winthrnp, and a constant inter change of good office.- rxi-rU-d between the Providoii -e Phnta- tion and the Massacliosflfs : id PlTDiotith Colonies. In the war with the PequniJ-s iu 1^. ". theie was a c^niial co-orora- tion of all the p uuNitioii:- P:;. . ..- ihe common enemy. Proba- bly no individual of the ni ..:"do greater and n:oie Kiiccessful" exertions to maintain thy pence of \\\r- coloniis with the natives; and, living in the vieinry of several powerful tnbes, lie was vigilant in discovering iheif d -.-i^ns, ;tud avo the oilier colonies timely notice of their hos ili- maeiiinali Ui-. Mr. Williams, for fame yeso*, established no particulr church o^der, inviting jiersous uf :ill religious &uiuiiu-.-ivs to unite with his rising plantation. After a few years, ho and several of h is people renounced ih i lp i> i of rh-ir iufancv, wore re-bap tized, and united in :i cmitcli, whicli was. I h !i^v, t!ie first Baptist church in N*MV E:sg! \nd. On cconnt of differoncea of sentiment whicii, su!i--.- > n i r-nrly, p : vailHi iu the church, in the year 1353, it w.-is <h\ i ! o I :\nl became tw.> churches Mr. Williams pu Cuas. d in-; ^-uis of hi-* i I i ;M i M of the lii Jian proprietors, and no m v\ c .j >ye(l iln-ir c.uifiilence in n higher degree. Ho w;is ;h . Vtlit-t ot ih" c )iny, snJ. fir some time, he appear* to have poj^s^ed and exercised the pritrcrpal ptfweri 71 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF t" government which existed. In some of the first years of the Providence plantation the people suffered very sensibly trom scarcity- The product of their forests and rivers saved them from perishing by famine. The most of the fathers of New-England experienced the evils of war and famine, in a degree of which their posterity are unable to form any ade quate conception. At the time of the banishment of Mrs. Hutchinson from Massachusetts, several people who had favoured her religious opinions, and of course, differed in principle from the prevailing sentiments of the churches, chose to remove from the colony. One of these was Mr. William Coddington ; a gentleman of education and affluence, who had been for several years an assistant, and one of the most worthy magistrates of the Mas sachusetts government. In the year 1638, Mr. Coddington with a few others, removed to Narraganset Bay, and commen ced the settlement of Rhode Island. These planters immedi ately, united in a civil compact, to which Mr. Coddington and seventeen others subscribed their names. This infant planta tion furnishes an instance of something of the simplicity and natural existence of a patriarchal government. Mr. Codding ton, a man of great virtue and natural dignity of character, possessing the confidence of all, was created their magistrate, to whom were delegated the necessary powers of civil govern ment. By the friendly assistance of Mr. Williams, he pur chased the island of the Indians, and in consequence of ita pleasantness and fertility, in a few years, it became a flourish- ing settlement. In the year 1644, a Baptist church was formed in Newport, which was afterwards divided into two. A con- gicgational church was formed in Newport in 1720; and a second one, in 1728. These two churches afterwards enjoyed the ministry of two of the most eminent American divines of the last century, President Stiles and Dr. Hopkins. These settlements being destitute of any chartered govern ment from the mother country, in 1643, Mr. Williams went to England, and by the assistance of Mr. Vane, who had been governor of Massachusetts, obtained a liberal charter of incor poration of Providence and Rhode Island Plantations. The form of government provided by this incorporation was essen tially similar to that established in the adjacent colonies. Mr. Williams lived to a great age, and was chosen several timeg governor of the colony. As early as the year 1607, some of the Patentees of the northern colony of Virginia began a settlement at the mouth of the river Sagadahock, now Kennebeck. They laid the plan of an extensive and opulent state. But in consequence of the of the principal patrons, and the severities endured by THE UNITED STATES. 75 the planters, the settlement broke up the following year, and those who were living returned to England. The first perma nent settlements made within the District of Maine, commen ced about the year 1630. The oldest (owns are Kittery and York. In the year 1635, Sir Ferdinando Gorges obtained from the council of Plymouth a grant of the tract of land lying between the rivers Saaadahock and Piscatciqua. It is suppos ed that he instituted civil government in the province. Courts were held as early as 1636, who appear to have exercised legis lative and judicial powers. In 1639, Gorges obtained from the Crown a charter, conveying the amplest powers of juris diction. He appointed a governor and council who administer ed justice to the people to iheir general satisfaction, for a num ber of years. Alter the death of the proprietor, these powei of government were generally supposed to have expired. The different settlements formed some kind of voluntary compact?, and elected their own rulers. But the people, soon perceiving the inconveniences of this state of things, in the year J652, united with the government of Massachusetts, and became an integral part of that Colony. In the first settlements, churches were early established, who enjoyed the labours of some of the worthiest ministers of their time. In general, their early civil and religious institution were very similar to those of Massachusetts. No part of New-England has suffered so much from the hos tility of the natives, as the District of Maine. Many ferocious tribes of savages were settled on the rivers with which trie country abounds, and fiom the small progress made by the settlements for a lonor period, they were unable to subdue their power, or prevent their predatory incursions. From tt> proximity of that district to Canada, in all the wars between England and France for a century after its first settlement, they were exposed to the hostile incursions of the savage--, stimulated by a most artful and unfeeling enemy. Many of their towns have been pillaged and burnt, and many of the peo ple made captives and s ain. So late as the war of 1745, inauv of the towns suffered severely from savage hostility. The State of Vermont, the youngest of the New-Engiuod Sta es, has advanced in population and wealth more rapid]*-, than either of the others, and holds a respectable rank in llu ir number. The tract of country composing that etate, lying between the states of New Hampshire and New-York, to which both laid an imperfect claim, remained long unoccupied. In the year 1724, in the time of a severe Indian war, the go vernment of Massachusetts erected Fort Dummer, within ff, present town of Brattleborough, and commenced a small set tlement near the foit, This was then supposed to be w .thiu 76 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP the limits of Massachusetts; but, on running the province line in 1741, it fell within the state of Vermont. In the year 1731, the French from Canada erected the well-built fort at Crown Point, on the west side of Lake Cliamplain, and, soon after began a settlement on the eastern side of the lake opposite to the fort. From the time in which the provincial line between Massa chusetts and New- Hampshire was ascertained, till after the peace of 1763, when it became a subject of controversy, the territory of Vermont was considered as belonging to JNew Hampshire. The town of Bennington, as it is one of the best, is considered the oldest town in the state. This township waa granted to certain proprietors, in the year 1749, by the Gover nor* of New Hampshire, and called after his name. Soon after this grant, the settlement of that town commenced. In four or five of the following- years, a few other towns were granted by the government of New Hampshire, on the western side of Connecticut River. The war of 1755 put a stop to these grants and settlements. In the progress of the war, the territory of Vermont became the scene of military operations. These events produced a general acquaintance with many- parts of the country, and towards the conclusion of the war, extensive grants of townships were made by the New Hamp shire government, and numerous openings were made in the wilderness. From 1764 to the commencement of the American war, the new setilers were harassed with conflicting claims to their territory, maintained by the provinces of New Hampshire and New-York. Notwithstanding 1 these embarrassments the infant settlements gradually increased by emigrations from the several New-England provinces. At the commencement of the war of 1775, the people of Vermont warmly espoused the American cause, and during its continuance performed many important services. As the authority of the royal governments became disavowed, the people finding themselves wholly des titute of any bonds of civil government, public sentiment natu rally adverted to the necessity of some political regulations for the general safely. There having been several conventions of committees of towns, to deliberate on measures to be pursued, in January, 1777, a convention of delegates from the respec tive towns, held at Westminster, resolved that the territory now included in that state, should " be considered as a free and independent jurisdiction of state : to be for ever hereafter called, known, and distinguished, by the name of New Con necticut, alias Vermont." From this period, Vermont became * Cenaing Went worth. THE UNITED STATES. 77 tin independent state; and in 1791, was admitted a member af the American union. Tiie settlers of Vermont were mostly emigrants from Con necticut, and for several years afier the peace of 1733, their number increased with an unprecedented rapidity. Their civil and religious institutions ^ere generally copied fiom those ex isting in Connecticut. A congregational church was early es- tabiu-hed at Benniugton, and continued many years under the ministry of the pious and worthy Mr. Dewey. In most of the town?, churches were established at an early period of their settlement, who have enjoyed the labours of many able and faithful ministers of Christ. The churches and ministers in Vermont have been remarkable for uniformity in religious sen timent and practice; conformable to the CulvinUlic system, and to the doctrines of the gospel so ably vindicated by several New-England divines of tin; last century. The late Dr. Job Swift, who has been styled the Apotle of Vermont, not more distinguished for abilities and piety than for indefatigable la bours, was an eminent instrument of organizing and establish ing the churches and religious institutions of the state, and was an unshaken pillar of divine truth., in the midst of his labours in the service of his -Master and his fellow-men, was suddenly removed to his eternal rest. The churches and people of the e ate have been favoured with many gracious manifestations of ti.e special influences of the Holy Spirit, in reviving the in terests of vital religion, and bringing many souls into the holy .kingdom of the Redeemer. Probably no instance can be found in the history of men, where ail public institutions, of a civil, moral and religious character, are held so entirely under the constant control of pab;ic sentiment, as in the state of Vermont. It is earnestly lioped, that though the merciful fivour of Heaven, that people may be long worthy of the postescion ef the .many psivilege* which they now enjoy- Remirkt upon the Religion of the Colony* It is a verjvsingular fact, that, while the Eng ish govern ment, and all the ecclesiastical authority, were usinor their most vigilant exertions to suppress evangelical religion, and put an effectual stop to the progress of psirilanism, and while the New-England colonies wtre formed for the express purpose of the promotion of these objects, they were suffered to pro ceed with very little molestation. The company that formed the settlement of Plymouth, having 1 long experienced the se verities of ecclesiastical tyranny, vvpre fearful of forming a 78 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF settlement in any of the dominions of the British king, without a promise that they should not be obstructed in the free ex ercise of their religion. Frequent and earnest solicitations were made to the royal court for such a permission. But aa such a concession would not comport with the maxims of a bigoted prince and a persecuting 1 prelate, it was never ob tained. The adventurers, therefore, committed their case ttv the protection of God, and they were not disappointed. The- succeeding companies, though many important civil privileges were secured to them by patent, could obtain no more than in direct intimations that they might enjoy liberty of conscience in the services of religion. They hoped, indeed, that the God whom they served, would remember their want?, and that the distance of three thousand miles would mitigate the rage of persecution. The religious order which they established was directly opposed to the sentiments of the government, and was such as they had long laboured to fcuppress. But through the interference of various causes, in which the hand of God was peculiarly visible, thoy were left undisturbed, till their churches had become firmly established. Archbishop Laud resolved at length, to interfere, and subject the colonies to the earne ocCiesiastieal order as the mother country. But his death soon put an end to the design. The long period of the civil war?, and the commonwealth which then succeeded, enabled the ecclesiastical institutions of the colonies to acquire such a consistence as could noi easily be dissolved. That remarkable interval in the English monarchy, of which there has been no- equal in ten centuries, was the occasion of the establishment of the gospel order in the New England churches. How un searchable and holy are the appointments of God ! The diyine interposition in favour of the early settlement of this land, was signally manifest in the removal and restraint of the natives. Their disposition is naturally jealous, and almost every cause existed to excite their hostility ugainst the colo nies. This, however, was in a great measure prevented. Three years before the landing of the planters at Plymouth, n epidemical disease raged in all that part of the country with such violence, that many of their principal stations were nearly depopulated, and many of tho tribes almost annihilated. Had not God thus driven out the heathen before them, that little band, few, sickly, and almost famished, to human ap pearance, must, have become the victims of savage cruelty. In 1634, the sm ill-pox made great desolation among the native* in the viciniiy of the Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies. A little previous to the commencement of he Christian settle ments, lon^- wars had prevailed among several of the tribof, tvbich had been attended with great animosity, and the aevtrmt THE UNITED STATES. ?f acts of injustice and cruelty. These animosities continued, and proved an insuperable obstacle to a general union for the extirpation of the colonies. While many of the most artful and implacable savages were erer labouring to effect such a combination, their enemies would reveal their machinations to the English, and would frequently form alliances with them cgainst the power of their ancient oppressors. Thus, there was never any general Indian war till more than forty yeari after the settlement of the colonies. They had then become able to resist all their force. In many individual occurrences, the special interposition of Heaven, in favour of our ancestors, was eminently manifest. In everal instances, they were in the utmost danger of perishing by famine, but were providentially relieved. Relief frequently appeared, when, according to all human calculations, it could not have been expected. The first winter after the arrival of the numerous company in Massachusetts, the weather was very evere, and in the depth of winter, their provisions universally failed ; the first families were reduced to the last baking of bread. At this juncture, while all knees bended before God, the ship Lion, with a large supply, arrived at Boston. She hed had a stormy passage, and rode amid heavy drifts of ice in the har bour. But its great Pilot brought her safe to shore. In the drought at PI) mouth, the second summer of the settlement, their corn, which was their whole dependence, appeared irre coverably gone, the leaves and stalks were generally withered. On a day of solemn fasting, the rains of heaven began to de- cend in a gentle and copious manner, and contrary to all ex pectation of English and Indians, produced a plentiful crop. The first winter of the settlement of Connecticut, on the fail ure of the expected supplies, about seveistv persons travelled down the river, as the only means of saving their lives, in hopes to meet their provisions. Being disappointed, they went on board a vessel, firmly bound in the ice. By a eudden thaw the vessel was soon released, and with a favourable passage, sailed in five days to Boston. They could not have subsisted five days longer. In the war with the Pequots, it was scarcely lesi evident that God fought for his people, than in the most suc cessful wars of his ancient Israel. The special agency of God in behalf of our fathers, appear* in preserving them from sinking in despondency. Never were euch trials, such discouragement?, euch fearful dangers, ap pointed for any other peop>e Hut they wore never dishearten ed ; they never sunk under th<;ir d fficulfifs or prospects ; they never regretted that they had undertaken this great design, tnd they never lost their confidence that God would do good for hii churches in IS ew England. Oftentimes, nothing 80 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP apeared before them but remediless ruin, yet their great maxim ever was, Although the Jig-tree shaft not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vine ; the labour of the olive shall fail, and ths fields shallyield no meat ; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls ; yet I nil I rejoice in thi Lord) I will joy in the God of my salvation. In 1656, Quakers made their first appearance in the Massa chusetts colony ; but the Legislature passed laws for their ban ishment ; but as the colony continued to be molested, it was enacted, that any Quaker return ; ng from banishment to renew his practices against the colony should be put to death. Under this law four persons were executed. Any master of any vessel that should bring any of this sect into the jurisdiction of Massachusetts should be subject to a fine of one hundred pounds. The Roman Catholics first came to America in 1632. The first Baptist Church in America, was formed at Provi dence, in 1639. Manners and Customs. The laws of the colonies, in 1639, prohibited the custom of drinking healths. In 1651, the legis lature passed laws prohibiting all persons whose estate did not exceed two hundred pounds, from wearing any gold or silver luce or any bone lace that cost above two shillings per yard, the selectmen was authorised to take notice of the fashions the apparel of the people eripecially in wearing of ribands and great boots. In 1647, it was ordered, that no person under the age of twenty years, should use any tobacco, unless he should bring a certificate from a Physician, that it was useful to him. Agriculture was first attended to by clearing the forests; by cutting down the trees, and digging up the sunups, befora tillage. The first neat cattle were brought into New England by Mr. Winslow in 1624. In 1633 the cattle in Virginia bad increased to about 1000 head. They also raised a large quan tity of wheat and rye ; some peas, beans, flax and hemp. Commerce. The colony imported all their merchandise from England : and exported thither peltry, tobacco, beef, pork, grain, and fish. The importations from England much ex ceeded the exports thither. The skins of deer, elk, buffalo, and the furs of others, hare, fox, muskrat, and beaver, were pur chased of the Indians, for ruin, blankets, &c. and exported to England. Arts and Manufactures. In 1620, 100 persons came from England, lo carry on the Manufacture of silk, potash, tar, pitch, gla^s, and salt.; but did not succeed. All cordage, sail cloth, and mats, came from England. Brick and fiamtd houses were won built in large tew RE. Tie first mill was a wind will, THE UNITED STATES, 81 near Waterfown. The first vessel was built in Massachusetts ; which was called the Blessing of the Bay. In 1633, a ship of 60 tons was built at Medford. In 1636, one was built of 120 tons at Marblehead. In 1641, one was built at Salem, of 300 tons, and another of 160 tons, at Boston. Printing- was fir^t introduced in 1639. The first thin? print ed was the Freeman s Oath ; the next an Almanac ; the third a collection of Psalms. Education. Scacely had the people opened the forest, nnd constructed habitations, before they directed their attention to wards the education of their children. Schools were free to all classes of people ; the poor had the same advantage in edu cating their children as the rich. Population of Massachusetts Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont was estimated at about 75000. But it is impossible to ascertain very exactly the population of the American colonies at the close ofthis period. The esti mates made by writers are vague, and often contradictory. It is worthy of particular notice, that so small a population, scattered over such an extent of country, should have been abl* to conquer so many Indians and thereby save themselves from *uyage destruction. UiNIVERSAL HISTORY or THE UNITED STATES. Part Second. CHAPTER IV. and Progrets of the Middle and Southern State*. NEW YORK. The reader s first attention in this second part, will be di rected to the settlement of New York. Captaiu Henry Hudson, commissioned by the King in 1608, sailed in the employment of several London merchants, to North America. He came upon the coast in about forty de grees of north latitude, and made a discovery of Long Island and Hudson river. He proceeded up the river, as far as the latitude of forty-three, and called it by his own name. About two 3 ears after, he made a second voyage to the rir- cr iu the service of a number of Dutch merchants ; and gome time after, sold his right to them. The right to the country however belonged to king James, by virtue of the discovery which Hudson had made under his commission. The English protested against the sale. But the Dutch in 1614, built a fort nearly on the same ground where Albany now stands, which they called fort Auranea. Sir Thomas Dale, governor of Virginia, directly after de spatched captain Argallto dispossess the Dutch, and they sub mitted to the King of England, and under the governor of Vir ginia. l> But receiving a reinforcement the next, year, they again a- perteJ the right of Holland to the country, and erected fort Amsterdam on the south end of the Island. The English for many years d.d not interfere. In 1621, fin extensive territory on both sides of the Hudsoa wa* granted to the Dutch West India company, and callri THE UNITED STATES* 83 Kew Netherlands. The boundaries were considered by the company as including Connecticut river on the North, and Del aware river on the South, tn 16-23, they erected a tort on the Delaware, which they called Nassau ; and in 1633, they erect- eel another on Connecticut, which they called Good Hope. Near the former the Swedes had a settlement ; and a quarrel trose between the settlers which continued for many yeari which terminated in the subjugation of the Swede*. NEW JERSEY. The first settlement of New Jersey was made by the Dane*. about the year 16-24. Soon afterwards, several Dutch families seated themselves in the vicinity of New York. In 1626, a company was formed in Sweden, under the patronage of King Gustavus Adolphus, for the purpose of planting a colony ;n America. The next year a nurrber of Swedes and Finns came over, and made a settlement on the west bank of the Delaware fir- er. In 1640, the English began a plantation on the eastern bank. The Swedes in concert with the Dutch who possessed N*SY York drove them out the country. DELAWARE. This state was settled by a company of Swedes and Finnj, under the patronage of of King Gustavus A(k;l;>hus. In 1627, they landed at Cape Henlopen, and were so charm ed with its appearance, that they gave it the name of Paradise Point. The country they called New S.veden, and the river Dela ware New Swedeland stream. They purchased ofthe Indians the lands on both sides of that river, "from the sea to the falls ; and seated themselves at the mouth of Christian creek, nc -r Wilmington. Being frequently molested by the Dutch, who claimed a right to the country, they for their protection, built for!s at Christian, Lewi.stown, and Tinicnm. The last wag their aeat of government, and John Printz, their Governor, erected an elegant mansion at this place, which be naoioil Priul* Hall. MARYLAND. This state waa settled by one Calvert, who sniled for Ameri ca near the close of 1633, accompanied by about two hundred emigrant3, chiefly Roman Catholics. Twe/ arrived in February, 1634, at the mouth of tl. rittr 84 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Potomac. At a conference with the Indians, who dwelt on the fhore, they purchased Yoamaco, a considerable village ; the site which St. Mary s now occupies. This colony as we ll as all others, in the early period of thei/ existence, was afflicted with troubles; they were principally caused by one William Clayborne. While a member of the Virginia council, he had obtained a license from the King to traffic in those parts fcf America where no other person enjoyed the exclusive right of trade. Under this license he had made a small settlement on the Island of Kent, and when the grant was made to Lord Baltimore, refused to submit to his authori ty. He persuaded the natives that the new comers were Span iards, and enemies to the "Virginians. An Indian war \v. s the consequence, which continued for several years, with great distress. Clayborne wns imlicted tmd convicted of muider, piracy and sedition, and fleeing from justice his estate was con fiscated. He applied to the King lor redress, but did not suc ceed. When the civil war between the King and Parliament began, he embraced the cause of the laiter ; returned to Mary land, and by his intrigues fon.enU d in 1645 a rebellion against its rulers, who were attached to the ivyai cause. Calvert the Governor was compelled to fly to Virginia, and the insurgent* eixod the reins of government. The next year, however, tho revolt was suppressed and tranquillity restored. NORTH CAROLINA. In 1630, CharlosT. grnnted to Sir Robert Heath nil the ter ritory between the 30 h and 36th decrees of north latitude, and extending from the Atlantic ocean to the south sea, by tho name of Carolina. Under this gnmr no settlement was made. In 1640, some persons fled I <un Virginia and without license from any source, occupi< d that portion of North Carolina of Albemarle sound. In 1661, aim Jn.:r settlement was made near the mouth of Clarendon river, by adventurers from Massa chusetts. The land being sterile, und the Indians hobtile, they oon abandoned it. GEORGIA. In June 1732, several gen lemeu in England proposed to transport thither all 1 ho. indigent S -bji-rt? of Grunt Britain. To a project springing from so g ><><! motives, t .e people and the government exu. ndi-d their rncouriiurmrnt and patronage. A patent was granted by ilielvng, conve, ing to twenty on trustees the territory in; w constimtijio the elate of Georgia, wbich wa to be apportioned gratu.oualy among tho THE UNITED STATE3. 85 and donations were made for the purpose of conveying them thither and their support the first season. In November one hundred and thirty emigrants embarked for Georgia; in January they arrived at Charleston. The Car olinians gave the adventurers a cordial welcome ; they sup plied them with provisions and boats to carry them to the place of their destination ; and on the 9th of February, they erected the first house, where Savannah now stands. History of the ickote colonies of America, Combined, from 1661. Whalley and Goffe, two of the judges who had sentenced king Charles I. to be beheaded, having fled before his succes sor s return, arrived at Boston, and were treated with great respect. But no sooner was it known that the judges had been condemned as traitors, than governor Endicott called a courtof Magistrates to consult on measures for apprehending them ; but the majority opposed it. Some of the council declared, that they would stand by (hem ; others advised them to move out of the colony. Accordingly they removed to New Haven, and made Mr. Davenport s house their residence. They were treated with the same esteem and friendship at New Haven as at Massachusetts, but it was not long before orders were re ceived from the King to arrest them, wherever they might be found. The governor of Massachusets issued his warrant to arrest them, but the judges had such faithful friends, that a search was made to uo purpose. Before the session of the general assembly of Connecticut, in October, 1662, the charter was brought over. Upon the day of the election, the charter was publicly read to the freemen, and declared to belong to them and their successors. They then prodeeded to make choice of Mr. Wyllys, Mr. Talcott, and Mr. Allen, to receive the charter into custody, and keep it in behalf of the colony. In 1663, a tax of three hundred pounds was levied upon the colony. A day of fasting and prayer was appointed ; the col ony was much in debt ; many were dissatisfied with the gover nor, and refused to pay any thing fer his support. No sooner did the officers begin to distrain the rates of those who refused to pay, lhan it produced the most alarming conse quences. The gentlemen from Connecticut remonstrated against collecting taxes from those who had been taken under the protection of that colony, and desired New Haven to sus pend the affair for further consideration. Colonel Nichols arrived at Boston with a fleet and troops tinder his command, July 23, 1664. He immediately commu nicated his commission to the colonies, and requested the troept 3 gg UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF to assist him against the Dutch. He then sailed for New Netherlands and on the 20th of August made a demand upon the town snd forts upon the Island of Manhadoes, Gov ernor Wiuthrop, with several gentlemen from Connecticut, joined him, according to his wishes. Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor, was an old soldier, and had lie been prepared, doubt- Tess would have made a brave defence. He was extremely op posed to a surrender of the fort and town, but the opposition party outnumbered him, and he was obliged to submit on tho 27th of August. After the reduction of the Dutch, colonel Nichols fixed^his residence at New York, to manage the affairs of Government. About 1664 r a settlement commenced on the east side of Connec ticut river. In 1667 Lyme was made a distinct town. In this and the next year several new settlements were made and neur towns incorporated. On the 20th of May 1662, a purchase was made of the Indians, and East Haddarn settled by twenty eight persons. In the session of May 1670, it was enacted that Massacoe should be called Simsbury. At the same term New Haven village was incorporated, and made a town by the name of Wallingford. la 1643, war had been declared in England against the Dutch. The colony was put into a state of de fence, and it was ordered that a troop of horse should be raised in each county. On the 30th of July, a small Dutch fleet arri ved at New York. One John Manning, who commanded the fort and Island treacherously delivered them to the enemy, without firing a gun or attempting the least resistance. Scarcely had the colonies recovered from their calamities, before new and more terrible alarm and destruction presented themselves to nil the colonies of New England. On the first of July, 1674, the Duke of York commissioned Sir Edmund Andros* to be governor of New York, and all New England. Sir Ed mund was a tyrant over the people, but New England refused to submit to this man as their ruler. It was soon discovered that Sir Edmund Andro s was about to make a hostile invasion on the colony, and to demand its surrender. Detachments from the military were sent <o New London and Saybrook. Captain Thomas" Bull of Hartford, commanded the party a Say- brook. About the 9(h of July 1675, the people of that town were suprised by the appearance of Mojor Andross, with an firmed force in the sound, making directly for the fort. The fort^was soon manned, and militia called out for its defence ; at this moment, Captain Bull arrived, which gave them fresh courage. On the Hth Major Andreas hoisted the King s flag on board, and demanded a surrender of the fortress and town ; Captain Bull raised his majesty s colors snd prepared for de fence. The MajjoF did not like to fire on the King s colors, and THE UNITED STATES. 7 thought it would be a bloody affair to reduce the (own by force- Early in the morning of the 12th, Sir Edmund desired to be ad mitted on shore, Captain Bull met the Major at his landing-, and requested a treaty. The major rejected the proposal, and commanded in his majesty s name that the Dukes patent and his commission should be read. Captain Bull, in his majesty s name, comman ded him to forbear reading 1 . When his clerk attempted to pro ceed, Captain Bull arrain repeated his command with such en ergy, that it convinced the Major it was not safe (o proceed. The Captain then acquainted him that he had an address from the assembly and read his protest. Governor Andross pleased with his bold and soldier like ap pearance, said " What is your name ?" He replied " My name is Bull, Sir." " Bull," said the Governor, " It is a pity your horns are not tipped with silver." Finding he could ma&e no impression upon the people he soon sailed for New Yorki In the year 1675, began the famous Indian war; which was termed Kin? Philip s war. The leading one was Philip, sachem of the tribe living within the boundary of Plymouth, Rhode Island. His brother being .suspected of plotting against the whites, was seized by a de- tacement of soldiers. Philip ever sought to revenge the treat ment of his brother. He succeeded in forming a confederacy -able to send into action between three and four thousand war riors. The immediate cause of the war was (he execation of three Indians by the English, whom Philip had excited to murder one "Sausaman, an Indian missionary. Sausatrmn, being friendly to the English, had informed them that Philip, with several tribes, was plotting their dt^struction. The execution of these Indians roused the ansrer of Philip, who immediately armed his men, and commenced hostilities. Their first attack was made June 24th, upon the people of Swanzey, in Plymouth colony, as they were returning home from pubhc worship, on a day of humiliation and prayer, un der the apprehension of the approaching war. Eight or nina persons were killed. The country was immediatclv alarmed, and the troops of the colony flew to the defence of Swanzey. On the 28th, the com pany of horse and company of foot, with one hundred and ten volunteers from Boston, joined the Plymouth forces at Swan zey. The next morning 1 an attack was made upon some of Philip s men, who were pursued, and five or six of them killed. This resolute conduct of the English made a deep impression on *he enemy. Philip *ith his forces left Mount Hope the 88 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP night marking his route, however, with the burning of hous es, and the scalping of the defenceless inhabitants. It being known that the Narragajisets favoured the cause of Philip, he having sent his women and children to them for protection, the Massachusetts forces under Capt. Hutchinson, proceeded forhwilh into their country, to renew a treaty with them or to give them battle. Fortunately, a treaty was con cluded, and the troops returned. On the 17th of July, news arrived that Philip, with his war riors, was in a swamp at Pocasset, now Ttverton. The Mas sachusetts and Plymouth forces immediately marched to that place, and the next day resolutely charged the enemy in their recesses. As tho troops entered the swamps, the Indians con tinued to retire. The English in vain pursued, till the ap proach of night, when the commander ordered a retreat. Ma ny of the English were killed, and the enemy seemed to take courage. It being impossible to encounter the Indians with advantage in the swamps, it was determined to starve them out; but Phil ip, apprehending their design, contrived to escape with his forces. He now fled to the Nipmucks, a tribe in Worcester county, Massachusetts, whom he induced to assist him. This tribe had already commenced hostilities against the English ; but, in the hope of reclaiming them, the Governor and council sent Cap tains Wheeler and Hutchinson to treat with them. But the Indians, having intimation of their corning, lurked in ambush for them, fired upon them as they approached, killed eight men, and mortally wounded eight more, of whom Capt. Hutchinson was one. The remainder of the English fled to Quaboag, Brookfield. The Indians however, closely pursued them into the town, and burnt every house excepting one, in which the inhabitants had taken refuge. This house at lengtii they surrounded. " For two days they continued to pour a storm of rnusket balls upon it, and although countless numbers pierced through the walls, but one person was killed. With long poles, they next thrust against it brands, and rags dipped in brimstone ; they shot ar rows of fire ; they loaded a cart with flax and tow, and with long poles fastened together, they pushed it against the house. Destruction seemed inevitable. The house was kindling, and the savages stood ready to destroy the first that should open the door to escape. At this awful moment, a torrent of rain descended, and suddenly extinguished the kindling flames." August 4th, Major Willard came to their relief, raised the iege, and destroyed a considerable number of the assailants. THE UNITED STATES. $g During 1 the month of September, Hadley, Deerfield. and :ield, on Connecticut river, were attacked ; several of the inhab rants were killed, and many buildings consumed. On the ISth, Captain Lathrop, with several "teams and eighty young men, the flower of the county of Essex, were sent to Deerfield to transport a quantity of grain to Hadley. On their return, stopping to gather grapes at .Muddy Brook, they were suddenly attacked by near eight hundred Indians. Resistance was in vain, and seventy of these young men fell before the merciless enemy, and were buried in one grave. Captain Mosely who was at Deerfield, hearing the report of the guns, hastened to the spot, and with a few men, attacked the Indians, killed ninety-six, aad wounded forty, losing himself but two men. Early in October, the Springfield Indians, who had hitherto been friendly to the English, concerted a plan, with the hos tile tribes, to burn thatTlown. Having, under cover of night, received two or three hundred of Philip s men into their fort, the assistanca of these, they set fire to the town. The plot, however, was discovered so seasonably, that troops arri ved from Westfield, in time to save the tovrn, excepting thirty two houses already consumed. Soon after hostilities were commenced by Philip, the Tarren- teens began their depredations in New Hampshire, and the Province of Maine. They robbed the boats and plundered the houses of tiie English. In September they fell on Saco. Scar borough, and Kittery, killed between twenty and thirty of th .t.r.s, and consigned their hoases, barns, and miLs to tba flames. Elated wi h these successes, they next advanced towards Piscataqua. committing the same outrages at Oyster river, Salmon Falls, Dover and Exeter. Before winter, sixty cftbe English, in that quarter, were killed, and nearly as many buildings consumed. The Indian? in tliose parts, however, had real ground of complaint. Some seamen, hearing it reported that Indian children could swim by instinct, overset the canoe of Sqnando, Fuciiem of the S; co Indians, in which were ins squaw and in fant child. This act Sq undo could not overlook, especially & eomo lime after the child died, and, as the sachem believed , on accouunt of some injury that it then received. Besides this, Indians had been enticed on board a vessel, carried off, and sold into slavery. To redress these wrongs, the Indiani commenced hostilities. Notwithstanding the Narrajansets had pledged themselves by their treaty, not to engage in the war against the English, it was discovered that they were taking part with the enemj. S* 90 ^UNIVERSAL HISTORY O^ It uras deemed necesary, therefore, for the safety of the cold- Hies, early to check that powerful tribe. Accordingly, governor Winslow of Plymouth, with about *pne thousand eight hundred troops from Massachusetts and Connecticut, and one hundred and sixty friendly Indians, com menced their march from Pettyquamscot, on the 19th of Do- dember, 1675, through a deep snow, towards the enemy, who were in a swamp about fifteen miles distant. The army arrived at the swamp at one in the afternoon. Some Indians at the edge of the swamp were fired upon, but fled. The whole army now entered and pursued the Indiana to their fortress. This stood on a rising ground, in the middle of the swamp. It was a work of great strength and labour, being composed of palisades, and surrounded by a hedge about sixteen feet in -thickness. One entrance only led to the fort, through the surrounding thicket. Upon this the English providentially fell ; and with- out wanting to form, rushed impetuously towards the fort. The English captains entered first. The resistance of the In dians was gallant and warlike. Captains Johnson and Daven- port, with many of their men, fell at the entrance. At length the English gave back, and were obliged to retreat out of the fort. <At this crisis, the army being on the point of a fatal repulse, some Connecticut men, on the opposite side of the fort, disco\- ered a place destitute of palisades ; they instantly sprang into the fort, fell upon the rear of the Indians, and, aided by the rest of the army, after a desperate conflict, achieved a com plete victory. Six hundred wigwams were now set on fire- The scene was awful. Deep volumes of smoke rolled up to heaven, mingling with the dying shrieks of mothers and infants, while the aged and infirm were consuming in the flames. Even at this distant period, we cannot recall this scene with out pain, and can justify tlrs severity of our ancestors, only bjr admitting its necessily for self-preservation. The Indians in the fort were estimated at four thousand ; of these seven hundred warriors were killed, and three hundred died of their wounds ; three hundred were taken prisoners, and ; 43 many women and children. The rest, except such as were Consumed, fled. The victory of the English, complete as it was, was purchas ed with blood. Six brave captains fell ; eighty of the troops were killed or mortally wounded ; and one hundred and lift/ were wounded, who recovered. From this defeat, the Indians rever recovered. They were -act yet, however, effectually subdued. During the winUr THE UNITED STATES. $1 till continued to murder and burn. The towns of Lancaster, Medfield, Weymouth, Groton, Springfield, Northampton, Sud- burv, and Marlborough, in Massachusetts, and Warwick and Providence in .Rhode-Island, were assulted, and some of them partly, and others wholly destroyed. In March, Captain Pierce, with fifty English, and twenty friendly Indians, were attacked, and every Englishman, and most of ihe Indians were eiain. In April, Captain \Vads\vorth, marching: with fifty men to the relief of Sudbury, was surrounded, and all either killed on the spot, or reserved for long and distressing tortures. The success ot the Indians, during the winter, had been great ; but on the return of spring the tide turned against them. The Narraganset country was scoured, and many of the natives were killed, among whom was Cnnonchet, their chief sachem. On the 12th of August, 1676, the finishing stroke was given to the war in the United colonies, by the death of Philip. Af ter his flight from Mount Hope, he had attempted to rouse the Mohawks against the English. To effect his purpose, he killed et several times, some of that tribe, and laid it to the English. But his iniquity was discovered, and he was obliged hastily to flee. He returned at length to Mount Hope. Tidings of his return were brought to Captain Church, a man who had been of eminent service in this war, and who was better able than any other person to provide against the wiles of the enemy. Capt. Church immediately proceeded to the place of Philip s concealment, near Mount Hope, accom panied by a small body of men. On his arrival, which was in the night, he placed his men in ambushes ronnd the swamp, charging them not to move till daylight, that they might distin guish Philip, should he attempt to escape. Such was his con fidence of success, that taking Major SanJford by the hand, ha eaid, " It is scarcely possible that Philip should escape." At that instant, a bullet whistled over their heads, and a volley [followed. The firing proceeded from Philip, and his men, who were in riew. Perceiving his peril, the savage chief, desperately snatch ed his powder horn and gun, and tan fiercely towards the spot where an Englishman and In lian lay concealed. The English oldier levelled his gun, but it missed fire: the Indian fired, and shot Philip through the heart. Captain Church ordered him to be beheaded, and quartered. The Indian who executed this order, pronounced the warrior s epitaph, " You have been one very great man. You hare made many a man afraid of you. But so big as you be, I will aow chop you to pieces." Thus fell a savage hero and patriot of whose transcendant -abilities our history furnishes myla icholy evidence. The ad- #8 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF vantage of civilized education, and a wider theatre of action, might have made the name of Philip of Mount Hope, as memo rable as that of Alexander, or Csesar. After the death of Philip, the war continued in the province of Maine, till the spring of 1678. Bat westward, the Indiana having lost their chiefs, wigwams, and provisions, and perceiv ing further contest vain, came in singly, by tens, and hundreds, end submitted to the English. Thus closed a melancholy period in the annals of New Eng land history; during which, six hundred men, the flower of her strength, had fallen ; twelve or thirteen towns had been des troyed, and six hundred dwelling houses consumed. Every eleventh family was houseless, and every eleventh soldier had sunk to his grave. So costly was the inheritance which our fathers have transmitted to us. Never was peace more welcome; for never had war been more distressing. The whole population was mourning for their relatives slain. The colonies had contracted a large debt, which, their resources having been so much diminished, they found an almost unsupportable burden; yet they forebore to apply to their mother country for assistance, which excited jealousy. "You act," said a privy counsellor: "as though, you were independent;" although poor, you arc proud. In 1680, it appears that there were twenty-six towns in New England : that the mili h, including horse and foot consisted of two thousand five hundred and seven men ; that the annual exports were about nine thousand pounds. There were in the colony about twenty small merchants, trading to Boston, New- York, Newfoundland and the West-Indies ; and the shipping 1 consisted of four ships, three pinks, eight sloops, and other email vessels, amount ing to about twenty-seven in number, tho tonnage of which was only one thousand and fifty. The num ber of inhabitants was nearly twelve thousand. In 1682, East Jersey passed from Carteret to William Penn, end twenty three associates, mostly of the Quaker persuasion. In April, Perm published a frame of government. The chief object was declared to be, to support ptv.ver and reverenco among the people. This year, William Pemi laid out Phila delphia, for his capital, which grew rapidly. In 1683, Penn held the second assembly in his new capital, and presided in the council. The lasting prosperity of Pennsylvania the foun dation of which must be traced to his wisdom and benevolence, is an eloquent eulonfium upon his character. In 1684, king James established a .temporary government over the colony, first appointing Joseph Dudley ; and in 1680 he appointed Sir Edmund Audross to be governor of New England. Sir Edmund had been governor of New-York, suu4 THE UNITED STATES. Q3 it was known that his conduct there had been arbitrary and tyrannical. In October, Sir Edmund, with a guard of about eixty regular troops, went to Hartford. The assembly met, as usual, in October, and the government continued according to charier, until the last of the month. About this time, Sir Edmund, with his suit, and more than fixty regular troop?, came to Hartford, when the assembly were sitting:, demanded the charter, and declared the govern ment under it to be dissolved. The assembly were extremely reluctant and slow with respect to any resolve to surrender tho charter, or with respect to any motion to bring it forth. The tradition is, that governor Treat strongly represented the great expense and hardships of the colonies, in planting the coun try ; the blood and treasure which they had expended in de fending it, both against the savages and foreigners; to what hardships and dangers he himself had been exposed for that purpose; and that it was like giving up his life, now to surren der the patent and privileges so dearly bought, and so long enjoyed. The important affiit 1 was debated and kept in sus pense, until the evening, when the charter was brought and laid upon the table, where the assembly were sitting. By this time, great numbers of people were assembled, and men suffi ciently bold to enterprise whatever might be necessary or ex pedient. The lights were instantly extinguished, and one captain Wadsworth, of Hartford, SM the most silent and secret manner, carried off the charter, arid secreted it in a large hol low tree, fronting tho Mouse of the Hon. Samuel Wyllys, then one of the magistrates of the colony. The people appeared all peaceable and orderly. The candles were officiously re lighted; but the patent was gone, and no discovery could he made of it, or of the person who had conveyed it away. Sir Edmund assumed the government, and the records of the colony were closed in the following words. **At a general court at Hartford, October 31st, 1687, his excellency. Sir Edmund Andross, knight, and captain-general and governor of his majesty s territories and dominions in New-Enjriand, by order from his mnjestv, James the second, king of England, Scoflan I, France, and Ireland, the 3Ist of October, 1687, took into his hands the government of the colony of Connecticut, it being, by his majesty, annexed to Massachusetts, and other colonies under his excellency s go vernment." Sir Edmund appointed officers civil and military, through the colony, according to his pleasure. He had a council, at first, consisting of about forty persons, and afterwards, of Dearly fifty. Four of this number, governor Treat, John Fit- $4 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP Winthrop, Wait Winthrop, and John Allen, Esquires, were of Connecticut. Sir Edmund began his government with the most flattering professions of his regard to the public safety and happiness. He instructed the judges to administer justice, as far as might be consistent with the new regulations, according to the for mer laws and customs. It is, however, well observed, by governor Hiitchinson, that "Nero concealed his tyrannical disposition tnoie years, than Sir Edmund and his creatures did months." He soon laid a restraint upon the liberty of the press ; and then, one far more grievous upon marriage. This was prohibited, unless bonds were previously given, with sure ties, to the governor. These were to be forfeited, in case it should afterwards appear, that there was any lawful impedi ment to the marriage. Magistrates only were allowed to join people in the bands of wedlock. The governor not only de prived the clergy of the perquisite from marriages, but soon suspended the laws for their support, and would not suffer any person to be obliged to pay any tiling to his minister. Nay, he menaced the people, that, if they resisted his will, their meeting-houses should be taken from them, and that any per son who should give two pence to a non-confonnist minister, should be punished. The fees of all officers, under this new administration, were exorbitant. The common fee for the probate of a will waa fifty shillings. The widow and fatherless, how distant soever, were obliged to appear at Boston, to transact all business re lative to the settlement of estates. This was a grievous oppression of the poor people; especially, of the fatherless and widow. Sir Edmund, without an assembly, nay, without a majority of his council, taxed the people at pleasure. He and Ran dolph, with four or five others of his creatures, who were sufficiently wicked to join with him, in all his oppressive de signs, managed the affairs of government, as they pleased. But these were but the beginnings of oppression and sorrow. They were soon increased and more extensively spread. In 1688, Sir Edmund was made governor of New York, as well as of New England, and the same kind of government was exercised in that department. As the charters were now either vacated, surrendered, or the government under them suspended, it was declared, that the titles of the colonists to their lands were of no value. Sir Edmund declared, that Indian deeds were no better than " the scratch of a bear s paw." Not the fairest purchases and most ample conveyances from the natives, no dangers, disbursements nor labors, in cuK rivaling a wilderness, and turning it into orchards, gardens t THE UNITED STATES. 95 and pleasant fields, no grants by charter, nor by legislatures constituted by them, no declarations of preceding kings, nor of his then present majesty, promising them the quiet enjoy ment of their houses and lands, nor fifty or sixty years undis turbed possession, were pleas of any validity or consideration with Sir Edmund and his minions. The purchasers and cul tivators, after fifty and sixty years improvement, were obliged to take out patents for their estates. For these, in some in stances, a fee of fifty pounds was demanded. Writs of intru sion were issued against persons of principal character, who would not submit to such impositions, and their lands were patented to others. Governor Hutchinson observes, with res pect to Massachusetts, that ** men s titles were not all question ed at once. Had this been the case, according to the compu tation then made, all the personal estate in the colony would not have paid the charge of the new patents." The governor, and a small number of his council, in the most arbitrary manner, fined and imprisoned numbers of the inhabitants of Massachusetts, and denied them the benefit of the act of habeas corpus. All town meetings were prohibited except one in the month of May, for the election of town offi cers, to prevent the people from consulting measures for the redress of their grievances. No person indeed was suffered to go out of the country, without, leave from the governor, lest complaints should be carried to England against his adminis tration. At the same lime, he so well knew the temper and views of his royal master, that he feared little from him, even though complaints should be carried over a gainst him. Hence he and his dependants oppressed the people, and enriched themselves without restraint. The most humble petitions were presented to his majesty, from corporations of various descriptions, beseeching him, that the governor s council might consist of none but men of con siderable property in lan ls; that no act might be passed to bind the people, but by a majority of the council; and that he would quiet his good subjects in the enjoyment of all property in houses and lands.* But, in the reign of James the Second, petitions so reasonable and just could not be heard. The prince, at home, and his officers abroad, like greedy harpies, preyed upon the people Mithout control. Randolph was not ashamed to make his boast, in his letters, with respect to * Sir Edmund, with all his vigilance, could not prevent the carry ing oves of complaints against him. Mr. Increase Mather, got oa board a ship, and sailed to England, for this very purpose, and de livered the complaints, which be carried over, iato his majesty t 96 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP governor Andro?s and his council, " that they were as arbitrary as the great Turk." Ail New England groaned under their oppression. The heaviest, share of it, however, fell upon tha inhabitants of Massachusetts and New Plymouth. Connec ticut had been less obnoxious to government, than Massachu setts, and as it was furl her removed from the seat of govern- ment, was less under the notice and influence cf those op pressors. Governor Treat was a father to the people, and felt for them, in their distressed circumstances. The other gentle men, who were of the council, and had the principal manage ment of affairs, in Connecticut, were men of principle, lovers of justice and of their fellow subjects. They took advantage of Sir Edmund s first instructions, and as far as they possibly could, consistently with the new regulations, governed the colony according to the foimer laws arid customs. The people were patient and peaceable, though in great fear and despon dency. They were no strangers to what was transacted in the neighbouring colonies, and expected soon fully to share with them, in all their miseries. It was generally believed, that Andross was n papist ; that he had employed the Indians to ravage the frontiers, and had supplied them with ammunition; and that he was making preparations to deliver the country into the hands of the French. All the motives to great ac tions, to industry, economy, enterprise, wealth, and popula tion, were in a manner annihilated. A general inactivity and languishment pervaded the v hole public body. Liberty, pro perty, and every thing, which ought t.o be dear to men, every day, grew mere and more insecure. The colonies were in a state of general despondency, with respect to the restoration of their privileges, and the truth of that divine maxim, " when the wicked beare h rule the people mourn," was, in a striking manner, every where exemplified. In 1690, war was declared between France and England. Count Frontinac was appointed Governor in Canada. In Jan uary he despatched several parries against the English settle ments. One of them was sent against Albany, but resolved to attack Schenectady. The inhabitants of this village got information of their danger, but they judged it impossible for the enemy to march several hundred miles in the depth of win ter, and disregarded the intelligence. No regular watch wa kept, nor military order observed. The French and Indians ar rived near the town on the 8th of February. ; On Saturday night, at eleven o clock they entered the gates which they found open ; universal silence reigned. In a few moments all the house* were in flames. Women weie butchered, and children thrown alive into tiie flames ; fcixty persons perished in the flames ; THE UNITED STATES. 97 -<ive persons made prisoners; while the rcit of the in habitants fled naked. A furious storm came on. Albany, their only refuse was, at a distance. A part arrived in safety, twen ty-five lost their limbs by the severity of the cold. No tongue can express the cruelties which were committed. The second party directed their course to New-Hampshire, burned the vil lage" at Salmon Falls, killed twenty-six of the bravest men, and took fifty prisoners. The third party destroyed Casco in Maine, and killed and captured ninety-five people. To avenge these barbarities, and others perpetrated in New- England, a combined expedition against Canada was proposed. An army was raised in New- York and Connecticut, which pro ceeded as far as the head of Lake Champ-lain, but not finding boats to cross the lake, were obliged to return. Sir William Phipps, with a fleet of about 30 vessels, sailed from Boston into the St. Lawrence, and landing a body of troops, made an at tack bv land and water upon Quebec; but was unsuccessful. Sir William Phipps, to whom the above expeditions were en trusted, was a native of New-England. The extraordinary inci dent of his life will serve to exhibit the powerful spirit c; sonal enterprise, which the peculiar circumstances of the colo nies called forth. The place of his birth, which happened in 1650, was a small plantation on the river Kennebeck, at that time nearly the limit of the English settlements on the east. His father was a gunsmith, who had a family of twenty-six children by one wife, twenty-one of whom were sons, of which William wa3 nearly the youngest. His father dying while he was quite a lad, he lived with his mother until his eighteenth year, during which time he was chiefly concerned in the care of shoep. Con trary to the wishes of his friends, he now indented himself as an apprentice to a ship-carpenter, for four years, in which time he became master of his art. Upon the expiration of his service he went to Boston, where he followed his trade about a year, during which he learned to re-^d and write, and in which time he was respectably married. Failing of that success in his trade, which his enterprising genius coveted, he turned his attention to the sea, and during his first voyage, hearing of a Spanish wreck near the Bahamas, he directed his course thither, but obtained from it only suffi cient to furnish himself with a voyage to England. On his arrival in that country he heard of another Spanish wreck, in which was lost an immense treasure ; but the precise spot of which was as yet undiscovered. Being sanguine in the belief that he should be more successful than those who had preceed- ed him, in their attempts to discover it, he solicited the patro- age of several persons in office, through whose influence he 9 93 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF was appointed to the Algier Rose, an English frigate of eigh teen guns and ninety-five men, in which, in sometime alter, he bailed inquest of the wreck. It often happens that Divine Providence, previously to crown ing a man s exertions with success, involves him for a season in difficulties, and tries him with disapointments. This was strikingly verified in the case of Capt. Phipps. Not meeting with the success which he had promised his crew, they at length became mutinous, and on a sudden rushed upon him, while on the quartet deck, wilh diawn swords, and demanded of him as Hie only condition of life, that he should join them in escaping to the South Seas, to engage in piracy. Although entirely un armed, he stood firm and collected until he had fixed his plan, and then with a courage bordering on rashness, rushed in upon their pointed swords, dealing his blows so judiciously, that lie felled numbers to the deck, and so awed the rest, tiiat they consented to yield. At another time, finding it ne cessary to careen his vessel, he put into a desolate Spanish island, near to a rock from which a temporary bridge was ex tended to ihe ship. Mutiny was secretly working among his crew. While preparations were making by the carpenter for repairing the vessel, ninety of his men left her, and retired in to the adjoining wood, under pretence of diversion, but in reali ty for mutinous purposes. Here a plan was formed, which was to seize Capt. Phipps, and the nine or ten men who were known to be friendly to him, and to abandon them to their fate on the island. Apprehensive that the carpenter might be necessary on their voyage, they sent to him, then at work on the vessel, and re quested that they would come to them. On his arrival he was apprised of their design, and threatened with death should he not second their views. The carpenter, being an honest man, requested an half hour to think upon the proposal, and re turning to the ship, accompanied by u spy from the mutineers, resumed his work. On a sudden, feigning himself severely distressed with pain, he excused himself, while he should hasten to the captain, who was below, for a dram. In a few words, whilst the dram was getting, he discovered the plot to Capt, Phipps, and sought his advice. The captain bid him go the rogues, sign their articles, and leave the rest to him. No soon er had the carpenter gone, than Capt. Phipps summoned the men on board, of whom the gunner was one, and having briefly stated the plan in agitation, demanded of them whether they they would share his fortune; to which they unanimously agreed. All their provisions were on V-hore in a tent, round which several jruns had been planted, to defend them from the Spaniards, would any chance to pass that way. These guns Capt. Phipps ordered his men to charge, and silently to turn in the direction THE UXITED STATED. 99, of the mutineers, while he should pull up tfieVridge, and with* the assistance of two or three others bring the guns on board to bear on every side of the tent. Scarcely were these preparations ended, when the muti neers, flushed with ttieir anticipated success, made their ap pearance. On their nearer approach, Capt. Phipps bade them ad vance at their peril ; at the same time directing his men to fire, should a single one come forward. Awed by his decision, and the death like preparations visible, (hey paused ; upon which Capt. Phipps informed them that their plot was discovered and that he was determined to leave them to that fate, whicil they had designed for him, and those of the crew who were too virtuous to second their villainous purposes. At the same time he directed the bridge to be let down, and the provision to be brought on board while some of the men should stand with matches at the <rmis with orders to fire should a single mati- neer advance. This unexpected reverse, and especially the prospect of a certain, but a lingering death on a desolate shore, had the effect to subdue the mutineers, who now on their knees besought his pardon, and promised obedience to his orders. Unwilling, however, to trust them, Capt. Phipps tied their arms one after another ; and when all were on board immediate ly weighed anchor, and sailed for Jamaica, where he dismissed them. From this place having shipped another crew, he sailed for Hispaniola, intending to proceed in search of the Spanish wreck ; but his crew proving unfit, he returned to England. Through the ass Stancc of the Duke of Albemarlo, and other pei sons of quality, he was furnished with another ship and a tender with which he sailed for Porto de la Plata, where after com pleting- his preparations, he proceeded in search of the wreck. Having for a long (line fruitlessly sought the object of his voy age, in the neighborhood of a reef of rocks called the B nlers, further search was about being abandoned, when, as one of the boats was returning t-j the ship across the reef, one of the men looking over the side, spied as he thought a sea-feather, grow ing out of a rock ; whereupon an Indian diver was directed tc descend and fetch it up. But what was their surprise and joy, on his return, to learn that he had discovered several guns, h ing on the bottom of t .ie deep. A second descent of the Indian increase! their joy still more, for on his rising, he was bearing in his hand a sotc, as they called it, or a mass of silver of the value of several hundred pounds sterling. Tidings of the dis covery were immediately conveyed to Capt. Phipps, who with his men, repaired to the spot, and upon leaving the place, car ried with him thirty tons of silver bullion, besides a large quan- ity of gold, pearls, and jewels, over which the billows had teen roiling for more than half a century. On his arrival in ,^ ^ UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF London, the property thns rescued was valued at nearly three hundred thousand pounds sterling- ; yet of this sum, such was his exemplary honesty and liberality, that partly by fulfilling his assurances to his seamen, and partly by conscientiously paying over to his employers all their dues, he hat! left to himself less than sixteen thousand pounds. As a reward to his fidelity, however, he received a large present from the Duke of Albemarle, and upon a representation of his enterprise to the king, his majesty conferred upon him the honour of knighthood. Liberal offers were made to him by the commissioners of the navy to continue in England, but, he had too great an attachment for his native country to think of a permanent residence in any other land than that of New-England. James II. was at this time on the throne of England, by whom the colonies in America had been deprived of iheir char ters, and under whose governors they were severely suffering from arbitrary laws and excessive exactions. Pleased with Phipps, the king gave him an opportunity to ask of his majesty what he pleased; upon which, forgetting personal aggrandize ment, he besought for New-England, that her lost privileges might be restored to her. This was too great a boon to be grante4, and the king replied, "any tiling but that" His next, request was, that he might be appointed high sheriff of the country, hoping that by means of his deputies in that ofSce, he might supply the country with conscientious juries "which was the only method, says Mather " that (he New-Englanders had left !h?r to secure any thing that was dear to them." Having at some expense obtained his request, after an ab sence of "five years, he arrived in his native country ; but the king s government found means not only to set aside his com mission as high sheriff, but also to raise against him such a tide of opposition, that he had nearly been assassinated before his own door. Finding affairs in so unsettled a state, and his own situation uncomfortable, he not long after, took another voyage to England. Soon after his arrival in that country, Jarnes abdicated the throne, and the Prince of Orange ascended it. This event was the harbinger of better things to New Eng land. Having tendered his services to William, and rejected with disdain the government of New England, proffered to him about this time by the abdicated king, he hastened his return to America, hoping now to be of some service to his country. In the unsettled state of the colonies, his wisdom and influence were of great importance, and contributed not a little to for ward the revolution, which issued in freeing the colonies fro n the tyranny of James and his minister s. The latter part of the life of Sir William Phipps is rendered doubly interesting, by his openly espousing the cause of reli- THE UNITED STATES. :\ : iOl/ At the acre of forty he was publicly baptized in one of the churches of Boston, and received into her communion. In an address on that occasion, in conclusion he observed, " I have had proffers of baptism elsewhere made to me, but I resolved rather to defer it until I could enjoy it in the communion of these churches. I have had awful impressions from the words of the Lord Jesus, VVnosoever shall be ashamed, of me, and of rny word, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed. When God had blessed me with something of the world, I had no trouble so great as this, lest it should not be in mercy ; and I trembled at nothing more than being put off with a portion here. That I may be sure of better things, I now offer myself unto the communion of the faithful." King William s war breaking out at this time, he sailed upon the expedition against Port Royal and Quebec, related above. fn the following year he received a commision as captain gene ral and governor in chief over the province of Massachusetts Bay. No appointment could have been mo e acceptable to the people. He came to the government, however, in unsettled tim-is, and though his administration was marked by disinter estedness and liberality, it was his fortune, as it is the fortune of all-in high stations, to have enemies. Too restless to remain at ease* they at length preferred charges against him to the king, who, though satisfied of his fidelity, considering it expe dient to inquire into the case, directed Sir William to appear in England. In obedience to : he royal command, he took leave of B Hion, in Nov. 1694, attended with every demonstration of respect from the people, and with addresses to their Majesties, that he might be continued in his present respectable and use ful station. On his arrival in England, the cloud, which had hun over him, was dispelling, and the prospect flattering of his speedy return to h ? g >v 3rii!n?iH, uninjured by the accusation of preju dice and cjla iiMv. But Providence had now accomplished its designs in re-poet to him. He was suddenly attacked by a malignant disease, which terminated his life, in February, to the great grief of all who were acquainted with the generoiity and patriotism, integrity, and piety, that distinguished him. The life of such a man is always replete with instruction. It reveals to tho^e in the humbler waiks of life, the means by which they may not only arrive at distinction, but to that which is of far higher importance an extended sphere of usefulness in chu ch and state. Enterprise, exertion, integrity, will ac complish every thing-.* * Mather s Manalia. 102 UNIVERSAL HISTOLY OF This year, 1691, colonel Henry Sloughter succeeded colonel Leisler, Governor of New York. Leisler, when informed of this appointment, onglit to have relinquished the authority he had exercised. Although twice required he refused to surren der the fort. Sloughler caused Leisler and Milborneto be ar rested and executed for high treason. In July, 1691, Piter Schuyler, al the head of three hundred Mohawks, made a sudden and bold attack upon the French settlements at the North end of Lake Charr plain. An army of eight hundred men was despatched from Wontreal to oppose him. \Vith1hem he had several singular but successful con flicts, iu which he killed a greater number of the enemy than his whole party. In 1692, colonelFletcher, succeeded governor Sloughter, and was authorised bv his commission to take command of the mi litia of Connecticut. This power haxing been given by the charter to the Governor of the colony oi ISew England, he de termined not to relinquish it, and was supported by the people. On the 26th of October, colonel Fletcher came to Hartford, while the assembly were sitting, and, in his majesty s name, demanded their submission of the militia to bis command, as they would answer it to his majesty; and that they would give him a speedy answer in one word, Yes or Mo. He subscribed himself his majesty s lieutenent, and commander in chief of the militia, and of all the forces by sea or land, and of all the forts and places of strength in the colony of Connecticut. He ordered the militia of Hartford under arms, that he might beat up for volunteers. It was judged expedient to call the trainbands in Hartford together ; but theassembly insisted, that the command of the militia was expressly vest ed, by charter, in the governor and company ; and that they .could, by no means, consistently with their just rights and the common safety, resign it into any other bands. They insinuated, that his demands were an invasion of their essen tial privileges, and subversive of their constitution. Upon this, colonel Bayard, by his excellency s command, sent a letter into the assembly, declaring, that his excellency had no design upon the civil rights of the colony; but would leave them, in all respects, as he found them. IB the name of his excellency, he tendered a commission to governor Treat, empowering him to command the militia of the colony. He de clared, that his excellency insisted, that they should acknowl edge it an essential right, inherent in his majesty, to command the militia ; and that he was determined not to set his foot out of the colony until he had seen his majesty s commission obey ed : That he would issue his proclamation, showing the n:eans he had taken to give ease and satisfaction to his majesty s sub- THE UNITED STATES. 103 jacts of Connecticut, and that he would distinguish the disloy al from the rest. The assembly, nevertheless, would not give up the command of the militia ; nor would governor Treat receive a commission from colonel Fletcher. The trainbands of Hartford assembled, and, as the tradition is, while captain Wadsworth, the senior officer, was walking in frunt of the companies, arid exercising the soldiers, colonel Fletcher ordered iris commission and instructions to he read. Captain Wadsworth instantly commanded, " Beat the drums ;" and tiiere was such a roaring of them that nothing- else could be heard. Colonel Fletcher commanded silence. But nosoon- er had Bayard made an attempt to read again, than Wadsworth commands, " Drum, drum, I say." The drummers understood their business, and instantly beat up with all the art and life of which they were masters. " Silence, silence," says the Colo nel. No sooner was there a pause, than Wadsuorth speaks with great earnestness, * Drum, drum, I say ; and turning to hi=; excellency, said, " If I am interrupted a^ain I will make the sun shine through you in a moment." He spoke with such energy in his voice and meaning in his countenance, that no further attempts were made to read or enlist men. Such num bers of people collected together, and their spirits appeared so high, that the Governor and his suite judged it expedient, soon to leave the town and return to New Vork. No pen can describe the cruelties which were practised du ring the French and Indian war. Wonvn soon expecting to become mothers were ripped up, and their unborn offspring 1 , dashed against a stone or tree. Infants, when troublesom were despatched in the same manner. Some of the captives were roasted alive ; others received deep wounds in the flesh, and sticks on fire thrust into them, and were thus tormented to death. 169-1. Upon the solicitations of governor Fletcher and Sir William Phipps, agents, with a number of!n;ops were sent to attend a treaty with the Five Nations. The expense of it was about four hundred pounds. December 10th 1697, closed the horrid scene, by a treaty of peace between Great Britain and France. The winter of 1696 was unusually severe. Never had the country sustained such losses in commerce , nor had provisions ever been so scarce, or borne a higher price. The surprise of Dover, in New Hampshire, was attended by circumstances of the most shocking barbarity. That the na tives had been cruelly injured by major Waldron, the princi- palcitizen.may account for it, if not extenuate their ferocity, in obtaining revenge. Having determined upon their plan of 104 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP attack, they employed more than their usual art to lull the suspicions of the inhabitants. So civil and respectful was their behaviour, that they often obtained permission to sleep iu the fortified houses in the town. On the fatal evening- they assembled in the neighbourhood, and sent their women to apply for lodgings at the houses devot ed to destruction ; they were not only admitted, but were shown how they could open the doors, should they have oc casion to go ot-it in the night. When all was quiet, the doors were opened, and a signal ^iven. The Indians rushed into Mr. Waldron s house, and hastened to his apartment. Awa kened by the noise, he seized his sword, and drove them back ; but when returning for his other amis, he was stunned with a hatchet, and fell. They then dragged him into the hall, seated him in an elbow chair, upon a large (able, and insultingly asked him, " who shall judge Indians now ?" each one, with his knife, cut gashes across his breast, saying, ^ I cross out my ac count." When weakened with the loss of blood, he was about to fall from the table, his own sword was held under him, which put an end to his misery. At other houses, similar acts of cruelty were perpetrated. In the whole town twenty-three persons were killed, twenty- nine carried prisoners to Canada, and sold to the French. The details of individual Bufferings that occurred during this war, were they faithfully recorded, would excite the sympathies of (he most unfeeling bosum. One instance only will serve to confiim the remark. In an attack, by a body of Indians, upon Haverhill, New- Hampshire, in the winter of 1G97, the concluding year of the war, a party of the assailants, burning with savage animosity, approached the house of a Mr. Dustau. Upon the first alarm, he flew from a neighboring field to his family, with the hope of hurrying them to a place of safety. Seven of his children he directed to nVe, while he himself went to assist his wife, who was confined in her bod with an infant a week old; but before she could leava the bed, thes avages arrived. In despair of rendering her assistance, Mr. Dustan flew to the door, mounted his horse, and determined in his own mind to snatch up the child he loved best. He followed in pursuit of his little flock, but on coming up with them, he found it impossible to make a selection. He determined, there fore, to meet his fate with them ; to defend and save them from the knife of the pursuing savages, or die by their side. A body of the Indians soon came up with them, and from short distances, commenced a fire upon him and his little com pany. For more than a mile he continued to retreat, placinr himself between the fire of the Indians and his children, ari< THE Treat spirit s ody pursuers, ia It i~ i nobler ins - . i ered . - - :"i- .n- - la t: mar : .\ad - 9 [ pr :a an _irn the - - . _ . - ener_ _ :ae they B :ed bv tw- - set c - - , ran : - tion earn led them promptly to 2 awakfnwber nur - etl ten . two - The Wi - and danjfr^us journey - -- -. arrived sate at Hav - - - they v - and received : general c-mrt a ha tion - - - - ^ic cone -" .v itch craft in > - nd, and if in at Spri _ - ... - vere aboir .:s; 1 atCharL : Dorchester, I 100 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP 1 at Cambridge, and 1 at Boston. For almost 30 years after wards the subject rested. Bat in 16M7, or 1668, it was revived in Boston ; four of the children of John Goodwin uniting in ac cusing a poor Irish woman with bewitching 1 them. Unhappily, the accusation was regarded with attention, and the woman was tried and executed. Near the close of February, 1692, the subject was again revived, in consequence, of several chil dren near Danvers and Salem, beginning to act in a peculiar and unacoimtable manner. Their strange conduct continuing 1 for several days, their friends betook themselves to fasting and prayer. During religious exercises, it was found that the chil- were generally decent and still; but after service was ended, they renewed their former inexplicable conduct. This was deemed sufficient evidence that they were laboring under the influence of witchcraft. At the expiration of some days, the children began to accuse several persons in the neighborhood of bewitching them. Un fortunately they were credited, and the suspected authors of the spell were seized and imprisoned. From this date the awful mania rapidly spread into the neigh boring country, and soon appeared in various parts of Essex, Middlesex, and Suffolk. Persons at Andoyer, Ipswich, Glou cester, Boston and various other places, were accused by their neighbors and others. For some time the victims were selected only from among the lower classes. Bat at length, the accusations fell upon per sons of the most respectable rank. In August, Mr. George Burroughs, sometime minister in Salem, was accused, brought to trial, and condemned. Accusations were also brought against Mr. English, a respectable merchant in Salem, and his wife ; against Messrs. Dudley and Bradley, sons of the then late governor Bradstreet ; against the wife of Mr. Hale, the lady of Sir Wm. I hipps, and against the secretary of Connecticut. The evil had now become awfully alarming 1 . One man nam ed Giles Corry, had been pressed to death for refusing to plead, and nineteen persons had been executed. More than one third of. these were members of the chu -ch. One hundred and fifty were in prison, and two hundred were accused. At length, the inquiry was anxiously suggested, where will this accumulated mischief and misery end? The conviction soon followed, that the proceedings had been rash and indefen sible. A special court was held on the subject, and titty who were brought to trial were acquitted excepting three, who were afterwards reprieved by the governor. These events were follow ed by a general release of those who had been imprisoned. " Thus the cloud," says the late president Dwight, "which had so long hung over the colony, slowly and sullenly retired ; and like the THE UNITED STATES. 107 darkness of Egypt, was to the groat joy of the distressed inhabit ants, succedeed by serenity and sunshine." We who live to look back upon this scene, are wont to con template w ith wonder the seeming madness and infatuation, not of the weak, illiterate, and unprincipled, but of men of sense, education, and fervent piety. Let us consider, however, that at this period, the actual existence of witchcraft was taken for granted, and that doubts respecting it, were deemed little less than heresy. The learned Baxfer, who at this time in Eng land, where the same notions on this subject prevailed, pro nounced the disbeliever in witchcraft, an " obdurate sadducee ; and sir Mathew Hale, one of the brightest ornaments of the English bench, repeatedly tried and condemned those as crimi nals who were accused of witchciafl. Let us then rather advert with gratitude to our own freedom from such delusions, than bestow invectives upon those who can plead, in excuse for their error, the spirit of the age in which they lived. In 1693, the earl of Bellamont was appointed governor. He was particularly instructed to clear the Arneiicen seas of the pirates who infested them, and who it was suspected had even received encouragement from governor Fletcher. The government declining lo furnish the necessary naval force, the earl, with others, engaged in a private undertaking against them. The associates procured a vessel of war : gave" the command of it to a captain Kidd, and sent him to cruise against the pirates. He had been but a short time at sea, when disre garding his instruction^, he made a new contract with his crew, and on the Atlantic and Indian ocean became himself a daring atrocious, and successful pirate. Three years afterwards, he returned, burned his vessel, and appeared publicly in Boston. He was apprehended and sent to England, where he was tried and executed. When Gov. Bellamont had settled the affairs of that Govern ment, he returned toNew-Yuik, where he died in 1701, greatly lamented. Scarcely had the colonies recovered from the war which ended in 1697, before they were again involved in the horrors of another war with the French, Indians and Spaniards, which continued from 1702 to March 31, 1713. In February 1704, DeM field, in Massachusetts was sur prised in the night. About 40 persons was killed, and 150 made prisoners, among whom wero Mr. Williams, the minister, and his They cair.e lo the house of Mr. Williams, forced open the doors and entered the room where Mr. Wil liams was sleeping. Awaked bv the noise, he seized his pis tol, and snapped it at the first Indian, hut it missed fire, the house was then plundered, and two of his children and the 108 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF black female servant, were butchered before his eyes. The savages at length suffered his wife and himself, with five chil dren, to put on their clothes, and prepare for a long- journe} . Every house but the one next to Mr. Williams was consumed. " One house still remains, as a painful memento to posterity. The front door was hacked and hewn with hatchets, until the savages had cut a hole through it ; through this hole they fired into the house ; this door, which still bears its ancient wounds, and the hole, (closed only by-.a board, tacked on within.) remains now as the savages left it, and is a most interesting monument. " Through the windows they also fired, and one bullet killed the female head of the family, sit ting up in bed, and the mark of that bullet, as well as of four otiiers, is visible in the room : in one of the holes in a joist, another bullet, remains to this day. This family were all killed, or cam s d into captivity." The second day, Mrs. Williams began to fail, and could go no farther. Her husband requested permision to remain with her ; but they plunged a hatchet into her head, and compelled him to proceed. Before the termination of their journey, twenty more shared the same fate. Those who reached Cana da, were treated with humanity by the French. At the end of two years, Mr. Willliams, and fifty-seven oth ers, were redeemed, and he returned to Deerfield, where he continued his labors in the ministry twelve years, and died. His eldest daughter was married to an Indian in Canada, where she lived many years. She came into IN ew England onc e or twice, with her sannup and children, to visit her friends, and at her death left, a numerous family. In 1707, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, despatched an armament against Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, which was in possession of the French. The expedition, con sisted of one thousand men ; but returned without accomplish ing its object. General Nicholson visited England, and proposed an expedi tion against Canada. In June 1711, Admiral Walker, with a fleet of fifteen ships of war, and forty transports, arrived at Boston, and taking on board two additional regiments, he sailed from Boston the last of July. At the same time, general Nich olson proceeded from Alhany. at the head of four thousand men, from Connec ieut, New- York, and New Jersey, against Canada. The fleet had advanced about ten leagues up the river St. Lawrence, when the weather became foggy. Different opin ions arose, Concerning what couse to take ; the English Pilots recommended one course, the Americans another. The admiral, like all other English officers, adopted the advise of his own pi lots ; and about midnight, nine transports were driven upon the THE UiNITED STATES. 109 Tocks and dashed to pieces. Abo - 4 one thousand men sunk to rise no more. Not a single American was lost. The Ad miral returned to England, and on the 15th of October, his ship blew up, and four hundred seamen perished. Trie New England troops returned home, and when Nicholson, \vlio had advanced as far as lake George learned the fate of the fleet, he led back his troops to Albany. The next year, 1713, France and England made peace at Utrecht; this relieved the northern part of the country, and in the same year, peace was concluded with the Indian?. Such was the destruction of lives in this war, that the popu lation of New England was sensibly decreasing. Their expen ses were great, which obliged them to issue bills of credit, or paper money, which perplexed the government in all their transactions. In 1716, -Samuel Street, a colonel in the army of the celebra ted duke of Marlborough, was appointed governor. On his arrival in the province, he found the people divided into parties; one in favour. of a public Bank, which had just been established: the other for a private Bank. He joined the former ; the latter became hostile, and led by a Mr. Cook opposed with virulence all his measures. In 1715, after several years of profound peace, an Indian war broke out in South Carolina. All the tribes from Florida to Cape Fear had been long engaged in a conspiracy against the whites. On the morning of the 15th of April, the first blow was struck, at the settlements ar^ur l Tort Royal. Ninety persons were massacred. Some oft? - .i;tbitants escaped by embark ing on board a vessel which then lay in the harbour, and sailed directly for Charleston. At a plantation on Goose Creek, seventy whites and forty faithful negroes being protected by a breast work, determined to maintain their post ; but on the fir^t attack, their courage failed them, and they agreed to surrender. The instant they fell into the power of the enemy, all were barbarously murdered. Governor Craven, from North Carolina, at the head of one thousand men, marched against the savages. He discovered several small parties, who fled before him. At Saltcatchers, he found them all assembled, and there an obstinate and bloody battle was fought. The whites were victorious, and compel led the enemy to leave the province. Most of them fled to Florida, and were kindly received by the Spaniards. In 1719, at a general review of the militia at Chariest on, oo- casioned by a threatening invasion of the colony from Florida, the officers and soldiers bound themselves by a solemn compact, to support each other in resisting the tyranny of the proprie tors ; and the assembly which was then in session, requested 10 ] 10 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP the Governor, by a respectful address, to consent to administer the government in the king s name. He refused, and by proc- lamaiion dissolved the assembly. The members immediately met and elected colonel James Moore their governor. He was a bold man, and exceedingly well qualified for a popular lead er, in aturbuient season. He accepted the appointment, aiul administered the affairs of the colony. The conduct c.f the proprietors and people was brought be fore his mnjesty s council. After a full hearing, it was decided that both colonies should be taken under the protection of the crown. In 1719, Hunter, governor of New York, quitted the province, and Irs authority devolved on Peter Schuyler. The next }ear, William Burner., son of the celebrated bishop, was appointed governor. Turning his attention towards the wil derness, he perceived that the French, in order to secure them selves the Indian tsade, arid confine the English to the st.a coast, were erect in:; foris, from St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. He endeavoured to defeat these designs, by building a trading house and fort at Os-wego, on lake Ontario. But the French applied with great activity in accomplishing their object ; they launched two vessels upon the lake, and erected a fort at Niag-ara ; they had previously erected fort Frontinac, com- mandir g the outlet. The peace of 1713, was of short duration. In 1722, the eastern Indians began to be hostile, murdering several per sons, and burning 1 the town of Brunswick- In 1723, Dover was surprised, and several persons killed, and a number carried into captivity; and in 1724, repeated attacks were made, and the English kept in a continual alarm. Numbers were killed. The English in their turn made an attack upon Norridgewa) ; killed Railed the Jesuit, and about eighty-seven Indians. The war now raged with violence, until 1726, when peace was restored. This treaty was greatly applauded, and under it, owing to the more pacific feelings of the Indians, and more faithful observance of the English, the colonies experienced unusual tranquillity for a long time. The settlement of Georgia, in June 1732. Continued. Several benevolent gentlemen in Englard suggested a plan of conveying all the indigent subjects of Great Britain thither. To a project springing tiom rnoiive-s so noble, the people and the government extended their patronage. In November, 1732, one hundred emigrants embarked for Georgia. The next year, five hundred persons arrived at that place. But it was soon discovered, that these people had become poor by their idleness, and were not titted to fill the groves of Georgia. THE UNITED STATES. Ill The trustees therefore offered to receive such as had become poor by unavoidable misfortune, and grant to each one who should repair to ihe colony fifiy acres of land. This offer brought more than four hundred persons in o Georgia. In 1736, John Wesley, a celebrated Methodist, made a vi.-: : t to Georgia for the purpose of preaching to the colony. Two years after, George Whitefield, another celebrated Methodist, arrived in the colony ; but both created more enemies thaa friends, and returned. In 1733. a disturbance was created among the negroes in South Carolina. A number of them assembled at Stono, sur prised and killed two while men who had the charge of a warehouse, from which they took guns and ammunition. They then chose a captain, and wish drums proceeded Southward, burning every house, and killing all the whites that fell in tiioir way ; and com.-eljed all the negroes to join them. Go- \\ rnor 13;;!!, who was returning from tiie southward, accidently mot them, hastened out cf the way, and spread the alarm. ]S-3 ,vs oo!i reached Wiltown, where a larje congregation were attending divine service. The men, according to the law, brought their arms to the place of worship, and marched directly in quest of the negroes. While in a:> open field, they were dancing with frantic exultation at their late success, they .vere suddenly attacked by the whites ; a number were kill- ;.!, e < me fled, and the remainder taken. They who had been compelled to join them, were pardoned ; but all the leaders eufF red death. About twenty whites were murdered. In 1744, war again broke out between England and France, Mid the co o: ies were involved. Their commerce ami fisheries suffered great injury from privateers fifed out at Louisburg, a French port <;n cape Breton. I s situation was impoitant. Nearly six millions of dollars had been expended on its fortifi cations.* It was of great importance ihat tiie colonies should * The harbor of Louisburg lies in latitude 45 deg. 55 min. ; its en trance is about 40 yards wale. The anchorage is uniformly safe, and ships tnay run ashore on a soft, muddy bottom. The depth of water at the entrance is about nine to twelve fathom. The harbor lies open to the southeast. Upon a neck of land upon the south side of the har rir >r, v/a? buiit the town, two miles aud a quarter in circumference ; fortified in every accessible part, with a rampart of stone, from thirty to sixty feet high, and a dstch ei;;h.t feet wide. A space of about two hundred yards v, as lelt without a rampart; on the side next to the sea, it v/as enclosed with n simple dike, and a line of pickets ; the sea was so shallow in t:iis place that it made only a narrow channel, inaccessi ble from its numerous reefs, to any shipping whatever. The side-fire from the bastions secured this spot from attack. There were six bas- l;ons and three batteries, containing eiabrazures for one hundred aud UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF destroy or take possession of this strong- hold, although it was* considered impossible. Having exacted of the general court ii oath of seciecy, the governor, in January 1745, communica ted to them the project. Many heard it with amazement. So strong was the place, and so weak were the colonies, that the thoughts of attacking it seemed rash and pit --juiptuous. The secret was disclosed by an honest member, who prayed for divine blessing on the attempt, if it should be made. The people were instantly struck with the advantage of possessing the place. When the decision was made known, a petition, signed by a large number of merchants, was presented to the general court, praxing them to comply with the governor s pro posals. The subject was again discussed, and the vote in favour of the expedition was only one majority." The question was now decided, and all who xvere before averse to the enterprise, united heartily with the supporters, to carry it into r-xecutioe. The other New England colonies agreed to furnish ast-istu ce, and a boat was despatched to com modore Warren in the West-Indies, to invite him to their as sistance. In t .vo months, an army of more than four thousand men were enlibtrd, clothed, victualled, and equipped for ser vice, in the four New England colonies, which did not contain forty-eight (:;-. v,>n, of which sixty -five only were mounted, and sixteen- mortars. On u.a island at the entrance of the harbor was planted a battery of thirty cannon, carrying twenty-eight pound shot; and at the bottom of the harbor, directly opposite to the entrance, was the r royal battery, of twenty eight cannon, forty-two pounders, and tv/o eighteen pounders. On a high cliff opposite to the island battery, stood a light-house; and within this point, at the northeast part of the harbor, was a careening wharf, secure from all winds, and a magazine of naval stores. The town was regularly laid out in squares ; the streets were broad,, the houses mostly of wood, and some of stone. On the west side, near the ramprrt, was a spacious citadel, and a large parade; on the one side of which were the governor s apartments ; under the rampart were casement to receive the women and children, during a siege. The entrance of the town on the land side, was at the west gate, over a draw bridge, near to which was a circular battery, mounting sixteen guns of twenty-four pound shot. Thes v orks had been twenty-five years in building, and had cost the croAva of France not less than thirty millions of livres. The place was so strong as to be called the u Dunkirk of America." It was in peace a safe retreat for the ships of France, bound homeward from the East or West-Indies ; and in war a source of distress to the northern English colonies; its situation being extremely favourable for priva teers to ruin their fishery, and intercept their coasting and foreign trade ; for which reason the reduction of it was as desirable to athe reduction of Carthage was to the Romans, tME UNITED STATES. 113 four hundred thousand inhabitants. On the 23d of March, the despatch boat returned from the West- Indies, with information that commodore Warren declined furnishing any aid, without orders from England. This intelligence was kept a secret. About the 19th of Apiil, the troops, too ether with those from Connecticut and New Hampshire, arrived safely at Canso. Commodore Warren had but just despatched his answer, when he received orders to repair to Boston with such ship? as he could spare, and concert measures with governor Shirley for hi;: majesty s service in North Arnenca. He sailed immediately but learning 1 that the transports had sailed for Canso, he steer ed directly for that place. He added much to the naval strength. Several vessels of war, which had been sent to cruise before Louisbnrg, had captured several French ships, and prevented any intelligence of the expiditioo from reaching them. Those vessels were daily within sight of the place, but were supposed to be privateers, and caused no alarm. The appearance of the fleet on the 30th of April, gave the French the first intimation of their danger. The troops im mediately landed, and the next day, four hundied marched around the hills, approached within a mile of the grand battery, setting fire to all the houses and stores on the way. Many of these contained tar and pitch, which produced a thick smoke, that completely enveloped the invadors. The fears of the French were increased by their uncertainty. They imagined all the army was coming upon them, and throwing their pow der into a well, destroyed the battery, which the English took without loss. This was uncommon good fortune ; but the most difficult labour of the siege remained to be performed. The cannon were to be drawn nearly two miles over a deep morass, in plain view, and within gun shot of the enemy s principal fortification. For fourteen nights the troops with straps over their shoulders, and sinking to their knees in mud, were em ployed in the service. By the 20th of May, they had erected five batteries, one of which mounted five forty-two pounders, and did great execution. Meanwhile, the fleet cruised in the harbor, and was equally successful. It captured a French ship of sixty-four gnn, loaded wiih stores for the garrison, to whom the loss was distressing-. English ships of war were continual ly arriving, and added su^li strength 10 the fleet, that a com bined attack upon the town was resolved upon. The enemy discovering this design, deemed it unwise to rim the hazard of an assault. On the 15th of June, the French commander proposed a cessation of hostilities ; and on the 17th capitulated. Intelligence of this event spread like lightning through the country. The French fiagf still standing upon the walls of 10* UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Louisburg 1 , which decoyed several India ships, supposed to be worth six hundred thousand pounds. Well might the citizens ofNevv England be elated with these glad tidings. Without even a suggestion from the mother country, their commerce and fisheries were now secure. France, fired with resentment at her loss v made extraordina ry exertions to retrieve it, and to inflict chastisement on New England. The next summer, she despatched to the American coast a powerful fleet, carrying a large number of soldiers. The news-of its approach spread terror throughout New Eng land. But an uncommon succession of disasters, which the pious of that time attributed to the special interposition of Providence, deprived it of all power to inflict injury. After remaining a short time on tlte coast, it returned to France. Having lost two admirals, both of \vhom it was supposed, put an end to their lives through chagrin ; having al^o by tempest been reduced .to one half its force, and effected nothing. In 1748, peace was concluded ; each party restored all its priso ners arid conquests. A striking, but not uncommon illustra tion of the folly of war. Louisburg, though conquered by the colonies, was exchanged by Great Britain for territories which she had lost in Europe. New England murmured at this in justice, but what avail the murmurs of the weak? In 1750, an act was passed, prohibiting the exportations of hats, out of the plantations of America, and to restrain the number of apprentices taken by hat makers ; also an act pro viding a penahy of one hundred pounds for the erection of any mill for slitting or rolling of iron, or any plating forgo to work with a tilt hammer. CHAPTER V^ French and Itidian War which commenced in 1766, and contin ued to 1763. The war which ended in 1748, for a short period gave peace to America, and the population in the thirteen colonies, amounted to one million and one hundred thousand. Scarcely had the colonies time to reap the benefits of peace, before their prospect was clouded, and the sound of war filled the land with general anxiety and distress. In 1756, the IHth of May, C r jat Britain declared war against France. THE UNITED STATES. 115 The general cause leading- to this war, commonly called the French and Indian war, was the encroachment of the French upon Nova Scotia, which had been ceded to Great Britain by the 12th article of the treaty of Utrecht. About this time a company of English traders established trading houses on the banks of the Ohio. The French seized some of the traders, and conveyed them prisoners to Canada. A tribe of Indians in Oiiio, among whom the English had been trading resented the seizure, and by wav of retaliation, took several French traders, and sent them to Pennsylvania.. The Ohio company complained to Dinwiddie, governor of Virginia, who laid the subject before the assembly, which ordered a messenger to be despatched to the French Commmander in Ohio, and require him to withdraw his troops. The person entrusted with the service, was George Washing ton. Our beloved Washington happening to hear -it, instantly wait ed on his excellency, and offered his services, but not without beiag terribly afraid lest his want of a beard should go against him. However, the Governor was so charmed with his modes ty and manly air, that he never asked him a syllable about his age, but after thanking him for a mble ynith-," and insis ing on his taking a glass of wine with him, slipped a commission into his hand. The next day, accompanied by an interpreter and a couple of servants, he set out on his expedition, which was, from start to pole, as disagreeable and dangerous as any thing Hercules himself could have wisheJ. Soaking rains, chilling blasts, roaring floods, pathless woods, and mountains clad in sniws, opposed his course, but opposed in vain. The glorious ambition to serve his country imparted an animation to his nerves, which rendered him superior to all difficulties. Returning homewards, he wa^ waylaid and shot at by a French Indian, and though the copper-colored rufiian was not 15 steps distant when he fired at him, yet not even so much os the sm^ll of lead passed on the riot lies of our young hero. On his return to Virginia, it was found that he had executed his negotiations, both with the French and Indians, with such fidelity and judgment, that he received the heartiest thanks of the Governor and Council for the very important services he had done his country. He was now ( : n trie 20th vear of his age) appointed major and adjutant general of tne Virginia forces. ISoon after this, the Indians continuing the encroachments, orders were given by the English government, for the colonies to arm and unite in one confederacy- Virginia took the lead, and raised a regiment of four hundred mea, at the head of which she placed her darling Washington. 116 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF With this handful of brave fellows, Col. Washington, not yet 23 years of age, boldly pushed out into the Indian cauntry, and there for a considerable time, Hannibal-like, maintained the war against three times the number of French and Indians. At the Red-Stones he came up with a strong- party of the enemy, whom he engaged and effectualjy defeated, after having killed finll taken thirty one men. From his prisoners tie obtained un doubted intelligence, that the French forces on the Ohio con sisted of upwards of a thousand regulars and many hundreds of Indians. But notwithstanding this disheartening- advice, he still pressed on undauntedly against the enemy, and at a place called Little Meadows, built a f >rt, which lie called Fort Ne cessity. Here he waU?d, hourly and anxiously looking for succours from New York, -and Pennsylvania ; but he looked in vain nobody came to his assistance. Not long- after this his small force, now reduced to three hundred men, were attacked by an army of 1100 French and Indians. Never did the true Virginian valor shine more gloriously than on this trying oc casion. f* To see three hundred young fellows commanded by a boy all unaccustomed to the terrors of war far from home, and from all hopes of help shut up in a dreary wilderness, and surrounded by four times their number of sav- nge foes, and yet, without sign of fear, without thought of sur render, preparing for mortal combat. Oh! it was a noble sight ! Scarcely since the days of Leonidas and his three hun dred deathless Spartans, had the sun beheld its equal. With hideous whoops and yells the enemy came on like a host of ti gers. The woods, and rocks, and tall tree tops (as the Indians climbing to the tops of the trees, poured down their bullets in to the fort ) were in one continued blaze and crash of fire-arms. Nor were our young warriors idle, but, animated by their gal lant chief, plied their rifles with such spirit, that their little fort resembled a volcano in full blast, roaring and. discharging thick sheets of liquid fire and of leaden deaths among their Iocs. For three glorious hours, Salamander like, enveloped in smoke and flame, they sustained the attack of the enemy s whole force, and laid two hundred of them dead on the spot ! Discouraged by puch desperate resistance, the French general, the Count d Villers sent in a firig to Washington, extolling his gallantly to the skies, and offering him the most honorable terms. It wa stipulated that Col. Washington and bis little baud of heroes, should march away with all the honors of war, and carry with them their military stores and baggage. The conduct of the French against the Ohio company, soon reached England. The English were convinced, that their elaims to the country through which that river flows must be - THE UNITED STATES. 117 relinquished, or maintained hy the sword. They soon .chose the latter, and early in the spring -jf 1755, they despatched gen eral Braddock with a respectable force to America, to expel the French, and keep posies-ion of the territory. In April, Braddock met tire Governors of several provinces to confer up* on the plan of the ensuing campaign. Three expeditions were resolved upon ; one against. Dn Q>ies e, to be commanded by General Bradu ock : one agaius! f.rfs Niagara and Frontinac ; to be commanded Governor Shirley ; an 1 one against Crown Point, by General Johnson. This last expedition was to be executed by t r oops raised in New England and New York. In th<? Spring of 1755, Washington, while busied in the high est military operation?, was summoned to aitend Gen. Brad- dock who in the month of February, arrived at Alexandria, with two thousand British troops. The assembly of Virginia appointed eight hundred pfoviiiciala to join him. Theohject of this urmy was to march through the country, by the way of Will s Creek, to fort Da Qnesne (now Pittsburgh, or Fort Pitt.) As no person was so well acquainted, with the frontier country as Washington, and none stood so high . in miLlary fame, it was thought he woull be infinitely serviceable togpenc- ral Braddock. At the request of the Governor and Council he cheerfully quitted his own command, to act as volunteer aid de camp to that very imprudent and unfortunate general. The army yearly three thousand strong, marched from Alexandria and proceeded unmolested within a few inilfs of Fort Pitt. On the morning of the day in which th^y expc-crod to arrive, the provincial scouts discovered a large parly of French and In dians lying in ambush. Washington with bis usual modesty, observed to Gen. Braddock what port of enemy ho had now to deal with. An enemy who would not, like the Europeans, come forward to a fair" content in the field, but, concealed be hind rocks and trees carry on a deadly warfare with their ri fles. He concluded v ith bilging that Gen. BradJock would grant him the honor to U.-t him place himself at the head of the Virginia riflemen, and fight them in their own way. And it / -was generally thought that our young hero and his eight him- ; dred hearts of hickory, would \ery easily have- beaten them , too, for they were not superior to the force, which, (with only / three hundred) he had handled so roughly a twelve month be fore. But Geri. Braddock, who had all along treated the American officers and soldiers with infinite contempt, instead of following this truly salutary advice, swelled and reddened with most unmanly rage. tk High times, by G d " he ex claimed, strutting to and fro with arms a kimbo, " High times ! when a young buckskin can teach a British general how to fight !" Washington withdrew, biting his lips with grief and ind gna- 118 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tion, to think what numbers of bravo follows would draw short breath that day, through the pride and obstinacy of one epau- lettrd fool. The troops \vero ordered [ufortn and advance in columns through the woods ! ! ! In a hliie time the ruin which Washington had predicted en.-urnl. This poor devoted army, pphed on by their mad-cap genera], fell into the fatal snare which \vns Hd for them. A!! at once a thousand rifles began {!:<> vork ofdoftth. The pToun.d was instantly covered with the r \ in;>- and the df-ad. The British troops, thus slaughtered by hundreds, and by an enemy whom tho_\ could not see, were thrown irreenverabty into panic and confusion, and in a few minnUs their haughty general with 1200 of his brave but un fortunate countrymen, bit the ground. Poor Braddok closed the iraredy with great decency, lie was mortally wounded in the beginning < f the action, and Washington had him placed in a cart rendy for retreat.. Close on t!je left, where the weight of the French and Indian fl. e principally fell, Washington and his Virginia rith:rsen, dressed in blue, sustained t lie shock. At every discharge of their rifles thr wounded general cried out, 11 O m>/ brrtvG Virginia hfitt.v ! tT^ou d to God J tould live to re- v-nrfl you for such-gallantry. * Biu he died. Washington bu ried him in the road, and to save him from discovery and the BCaJpng knife, ordf-red the uag-ponson their retreat to drive over his grave ! O Gud ! what is man? Even a thing of nought ! ! Amidst all this fearful consternation and carnage, amidst all the uproars and horrors of a rout, rendered still more dreadful fey the groans of tjbe dying, -the gCTenms of the wounded, the pjr-jcing shrinks of the women, snd the veils of the furious as- ? aiiitint; savages WashipgtojQj calm and self -coUi-c ed, rallied his fmbf . l rificmen, led them on to the charge, k lied numbers of the enemy who were rushing on with tomahawks, checked their pursuit, and brought off. the shattered remains of the British ai my. With respect to our beloved Washington, we cannot but men tion here two very extraordinary speeches that were uttered about him at this time, and which, as things have turned out, look a good deal like prophecies. A famous Indian warrior who assisted in the defeat of Braddock, was often heard to swear that Washington vas ru.-t lorn to be killed by a bullet, 4u ybr." continued lie, li / had sewnh-en fair fires at Jam with trty rifle, and, aftir al , I could not bring him to the grownd." And, indeed, w .-cever considers that a good rifle, levelled by a proper tr>ark?nan, harily ever misses its aim, will readily, enough conc iule with 1 1: is unlettered savage, that some in visible hand must have turned aside his bullets. THE UNITED STATES. 119 The Rev. Mr. Davies, in a sermon occasioned by Gerie ral Braddock s defeat, lias these remarkable words l> I beg- leave to point the attention of Vie public to that heroic youth. Colonel George Wcuhington, whom I cannot but hope providence h:is preserved for some ?real service to this country. Governor Shirley proceeded to Oswe^o, on lake Ontario. His army was poorly supplied with provisions, and the rainy season approaching, lie abandoned the expedition, and retain ed to Albanv. Tiiearrny unJer General Johnson, arrived at the south end of lake George, the hitler part of August, when he received information thai two thousand of the enemy com manded by Baron Dieskau, were marching against Fort Ed- warJ. Accordingly, Colonel Williams was detuched to in tercept him. Coljuei \Vi;!h;r,< party, which left the camp between eight and nine o clock in tne morning of Sept. 8th, 1755, very unex pectedly foil in with the army of baron Difskau ; the two ar mies met in the road, front to front; the Indians of D.esktiu s army were in ambuscade, upon both declivities of the moun tains, and ?hns it was a complete surprise, lor Col. Williams had unhappily neglected to place any scouts upon his winjs. A bloody battle ensued, and a deadly fire was ponred in upon i\ .inks. Col. Williams, endeavouring to lead his men against the unseen enemy, was instantly shot 1 through tue head, and be and hundreds of his party, iuclu.iing old Hendrick. the chief of the Mohawks, and forty Indians, were slain. The remainder of the patty, under the command of Col. Whiting, retreated into the camp. They came running in, in the u most confusion and consternation, and peihaps owed their safety, in a great measure, to anotner party, which, ivhen the firing was heard, and perceived to be growing louder and nearer, was sent out to succor them. Nor did this bailie terminate the fighting O f this blood} day. The remains of Dieskan s army retreated about four miles, to the ground where colonel Wi^iams h.-ul been defeated in the morninrr, the rear of the army were there siuiog upon Ibd groundThad opened their knapsacks, and were refreshing them selves, when capt. McGinnies, who with two hundred men, \\\\ been despatched from fort Ed war 1, to succor the main bodv, came up with this portion of the French army, tnus sitting in security, and attacked and totally defeated them, althou.. was himself mortally wounded. Thus: were three buttle;* fought in one day, and almost upon the same ground. This ground I went over. The neighboring mountain, in which the French so suddenly their appearance, is to this day, called French Mountain ; and this name, with the tradition of the fact, will be eeut d.jvvn to the latest posterity. I waa 120 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF shown a rock by the road, at which a considerable slaughter took place. It was on the east side of the road near where col. Williams fell, and 1 am informed is, to this day, called, Williams Rock. Just by the present road, and in the midst of these battle grounds, is a circular pond, shaped exactly like a bowl ; it. may be two hundred feet in diameter, and was when I saw it, full of water, and covered with the pond lily. Alas! this pond, DOW so peaceful;, was the common sepulchre of the brave; the dead bodies of most of those who v\ere s ; ain on this eventful day, were thrown, in undistinguished confusion into this pond ; from that time to the present, it has been called the Bloody- Pond, and there is not a child in this region, but will point you (o the French Mountain and the Bloody Pond. I stood with dread upon its brink, and threw a stone inio the unconscious waters. After these events, a tegular fort was constructed at the head of the lake, and called fort William Henry. Early in the vspring, 1756, the enemy, invited by the success of the preceding- year, made another irruption into the in habited country, and did great mischief. The number of troops on the regular establishment was totally insufficient for the protection of the fi on tier. The Indian*-, divided into srn^ll parties, concealed themselves wiih so much dexterity^as sel dom to be perceived until the blow wa-- struck. These murder* were frequently committed in the very neighbourhood of the forts, and the detachments which were employed in scouring the country were generally eluded or attacked to advantage. In one of the<=e skirmishes in the neighbourhood of a stockade, the Americans were totally routed, and captain Mercer killed.. The smaller foils were very frequently assaulted and attack ed. The people either abandoned the country, or attempted to secure themselves in small stockades, where they were in great distress for provisiows, arms, and ammunition. Lord Loudon arrived in America, in July 1756, as commander in chief. He was clothed with t^e highest civil authority, having been appointed governor if the colony. A complimentary address from the regiment, stating their pleasure at his arrival and appointment, and the readiness with which they would execute his commands, was presented to him : also a statement of the distress of the colony, and a particular description of the situation of the military points. An army was raised of about twelve thousand men, which was better prepared for tl.e field than any army that had been assembled in America. But the change of commanders de layed the operations of the English army. The French were active, and on the 12th of July, jrercral Abcrcrombie received intelligence that they meditated au attack upon Oswego, a THE UNITED STATES. 121 post of the ;, tarrce. General Webb was ordered to prepare to muich uith a regiment to support the defence of that place, but was detain*, d until the 12th of August. Before he had proceeded far he learned it was too late. By the loss of Oswego, all the western country was -laid open to their rava-irs. There was r:asrn to fear that the frontier posts would be swept away, one alter another, and that all the preparations which had been made for an early attack on the enemy, would be lost with them. Besides, the enemy would have an- ; . md strengthen their posfs, and to render the reduction uf them much more hazardous and difficult. The colonies were obliged to submit, and lord London sailed from New-York for Halifax, with six thousand land ibices, and there made a junction with Holbourn and Hopson. Here was now an army of twelve thousand men, exclusive of offi cers, aided by a powerful fleet; but they were so dilatory in their measures ihat, before they were ready to sail, the Brest fleet, with seventeen sail of the line, besides frigates and trans ports, arrived at Louisburg. The garrison was so reinforced as to amount to nine thousand men. On the reception of this intelligence, it was judged inexpedient to proceed, and the expedition was given up. Had the earl of Loudon been a man of enterprise, had he wished to distinguish himself in his majesty s service, or to have rendered himself popular in the colonies, he might hare conducted this powerful army to Ticonderoga, and carried all before him, in quarter. At least, he might have sent on large detachments for the defence of the frontiers. With his Prussian majesty, an Amherst, or a Wolfe, these would have been but natural and common achievements. But he returned leisurely to New-York, and effected nothing. The British generals, in America, did more, in two year?, by the pusillanimity, weakness and inconsistency of their councils, to injure the colonies, than the French could have done with all their force. The provincials would, probably, have advanced to Crown Point the last year, and made them selves masters of the country south of lake Champlain. They would undoubtedly have kept their own posts and prevented the evils which followed. The British generals and officers not only lost Oswego, but they destroyed the fortifications at the great carrying place; and filled Wood Creek with log s and trees. They cut off all communication between the colo nies and the five nations, the only body of Indians which pre served the appearance of friendship to them. They abandoned their whole country to the mercy of the enemy. Nothing 11 122 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF could be done to prevent (heir collecting the Indians, from all quarters, to act against the colonies. Monsieur IMon calm, did not neglect (o improve the advanta ges ho had gained, and which the conduct of the British gene rate afforded him. Finding that the troops were drawn off io Halifax, he at once determined on the siege of fort William Henry, and the destruction of the vessels, boats, and batteaux, at the south landing of lake George. Bodies of Indians, with Ins xvholc force, were collected for this purpose. Colonf I Monroe, who commanded at fort William Henry, having intelligence that an advanced party of the enemy lay at Ticonderoga, detached colonel Parker with four hundred men to surprise them. Having landed at ni^ht, not far distant from the enemy, he sent three boats to reconnoitre, directing them where to meet him in a general rendezvous. The enemy, waylaying and intercepting the boats, obtained a pefi ct know ledge of the colonel s designs, and concerted measures to decoy him into their hands. They laid an smbu^h behind the point where they knew he designed to land, and having- been rein forced to nearly double his numbers, they sent three boats to llio place appointed for the general rendezvous. The colonel mistaking- them for b ; s own boats, eagerly put to shore, and was instantiy surrounded by the enemy. They attacked him on all sides with such incessant violence, that seventy privates and two officers only made their escape. Elated with this success. Monsieur Mnntcalm hastened to the seige of fort William Henry. Havr ir drawn together all his forces from Crown Point, Ticonderoga, and the adjacent posts, with a greater number of Indians than the French had ever employed on any oihcr occasion, he passed the lake and regularly invested the foil. The whole army consisted of nearly eight thousand men. The garrison consisted of about three thousand, snd the fortifications were said to be good. At fort Edward, scarcely foiii oen miles distant, lay general Webb, with four thousand troops. The regular troops at the two posts, wero probably more than rqurl to the regular force of the enemy. A considerable proportion of their army con sisted of Canadians aid Indians. Yet. in about six da\s, was this important post delivered up into the hands of the enemy. All the vessels, boats, and i-aUeanx, which, at so much ex pense and labor, had been for two years preparing, fell into the power of the enemy. Though general Webb had timely notice of the of the enemy, >et he neve* sent to alarm the country, and bring on the militia. He never reinforced tho garrison, nor made a single motion for its Y< lief. So far was he from this, that he sent a letter to colonel Monroe, who com> manded the fort, advising him to give it up to the enemy. THE UNITED STATES. 123 Monfcalm intercepted the letter, and sent it into the fort to the colonel. He had acted the part of a soldier and made a brave defence ; but having 1 burst a number of his cannon, expended a considerable part of his ammunition, and peicciving 1 that he was to have no relief from general Webb, he capitulated on terms hcnorable for himself and the garrison. It was, to march out with arms, baggage, and one piece of cannon, in honor to colcm 1 Monroe, for the brave defence he had made. The troops were not to serve against the most Christian king under eighteen months, unless exchanged for an equal number of French prisoners. The French and Indians paid no regard to the f-.rticles of capitulation, but falling on the English, stripped them of ilieir baggage and few remaining effects ; and the Indians, in the English service, .were dragged from the ranks, tomahawked and scalped. Men and women had their throats cut, their bodies ripped open, and their bowels, with insult, thrown in their faces. Infants and children were bar barously taken by tho heels, and their brains dashed out against stones and trce^. The Indians pursued the English nearly i;a!f the way to fort Edward, where the greatest number of taem arrived in a most forlorn condition. It seems astonishing, that between two and three thousand troops, with arms in their hands, should, contrary to the most express stipulations, suffer these intolerable insults. When it was too late, general Webb alarmed tho country, and put the colonies to great expense in sending on large de tachments of the militia for the defence of the northern fron tier. The sudden capture of the fort, the massacre made by the enemj s Indians, and suspicions of general Webb s trea chery, and an apprehension that general Montcalm would force his way to Albany, put the country into a state of great alarm and consternation. People were never more alarmed during the war. At the same time, there was never a more general and manly exertion. Connecticut detached and seat on, in a few days, about five thousand men. She had raised and sent into the field, fourteen hundred before, which wat more tiian her proportion. Large reinforcements were inarch ed on to Albany and fort Edward from New-York, and the other colonies. General Webb, notwithstanding the great numbers of me,n with which he was reinforced, did not make any effectual piovision for the defence of the frontier settle ments. No sooner was one expedition finished by the enemy, than another was undertaken. Soon after the reduction of tori William Henry, the enemy, with fire and sword, laid vaste the fine settlements at trie German flats, and on the Mohawk river. 124 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On the American station th<>ro wore nrruly twenty thousand regular troops, and a large number of provincials in service ; and yet one fortress and set I lenient after another were swept. away; and every where the enemy ri i ed ;u;d triumphed wild impunity. Tiio army spent the remuin. ler of the campaign in inactivity. The provincials, as i he :-<. ,i-on for winter quarters approached, returned to their respective colonies. The regu lar troops were stationed at Albany and iurt Edw<ird. Thus ended (he inglorious campaign of 17.17. By this time, under the repeated losses th^y had sustained, tlie colonies had very much lost their confidence i > the nritish commanders in Aineriea. Tluy for two ynrw had wit;, their dilatory mea-ures, their inconsistency", want of foresight and a spirit of enterprise, and h;ul such bitter- experience of the consequences, that they considered them as utterly dis qualified for the important command which (hey held. To their incapacity and pusillanimity wholly, did they impute the loss of Oswego, fort William Henry, and their other losses on the frontiers. Not with stan ding all the reinforcements which France had sent to Canada, they, every campaign, had a force much supe rior to the enemy. Had they IK- ri men of military <_ skill and enterprise, instead of the losses they sustained, they might have led on their troops to conquest and glory. Had the colonies been left to them.-elves, they would probably have done better. The fir. t year of the war, when left to ihem- eelves, their achievements were honorable and useful to the nation: but now they had sustained two years of great ex pense, which had been worte than lost. Indeed, such were the ministry, and (.he men whom they employed, that misfor tune and disaster attended them in almost every quarter of the globe.* A British historian observes, with respect to this third campaign in America, " That it ended to the eternal disgrace of those who then commanded the armies, and directed the councils of Great Britain." By this time the disputes relative to the Ohio, Crown Point, and territory in America, had involved a great part of Eu rope in the flames of war. It had kindled in both the Indies, and extended its destructive nifinence beyond the Ganges. The disappointments and lo.-s<;.s of the Uritish nation for a uc- ces.-iiori of years, and its present exigences, absolutely deman ded a change of men and measures. Men of capacity and en terprise were necessary to retrieve its honor, and prevent its * There was one exception : admiral Watson and colonel Clive acted with great magnanimity and success upon the Ganges, in the East-ladies. THE UNITED STATES. rain. By a most happy turn in providence, those incomparable men, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Leg, and iheir friend?, had been chosen and established in the ministry, and had time to concert their tneas- ind choose the meu to carry them into execution. Now therefore, every thing relative to the nation, in Europe and America, took a new and surprising torn. Now men were brought forward, upon whose fidelity, skill, and spirit of enter prise, confidence might be place* 1 . Notwithstanding the disappointments and losses of th past years, they determined on the reduction of Louieburg, with a view of cutting off the communication between France and Canada, olYestroyinir the French fishery, and of securing the trade and fisheries rf Great Britain, and her colonies in Amer ica. At the same time, to gratify the colonies, and to draw forth iheir whole strength into exertion, they also determined on expeditions a _ .n Point and fort Du Quesne. .at ions of his majesty s des-i^n?, and of hU expectations from the colonies, were, at an earl? period, given to them by letters from the ri^ht honorable Mr. Pilt. These were writ ten in a s yle which animated their courage, and drew forth liitir most spirited exertions. The people of Connecticut, in particular, exerted themselves in an extraordinary manner. A special assembly was convened on the 8th of March, at ilaven, when the right honorable Mr. Pitt s letter was communicated to the legislature, importing, that his majesty had nothing m ire at heart than to repair the losses and disap pointments of the last inactive and unhappy campaign, and by the mo.-t vigorous and extensive efforts, to avert, by the bles sings of God ur>on his arm*, the dangers impending over North America ; and not doubting but his faithful and brave subjects here would cheerfully co-operate with and second, to the utmost, the large expense and extraordinary --ipplied by bis kingdom, for thf*ir preservation and defence : And that his ma jesty, judging that this c- lony. together with Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey. wer able to furnish twenty thousand men, to join a body of the king s fore?.* for invading Canada, and carrying the war into the heart of the enemy s possessions ; and tha p . it waa bis majesty s pleasure, :,*. with all possible despatch, there be raised as large a body of men as the number of inhabitant* would alietr. to begin the operations of the campaign, as soon as practicable. And that no encouragement might be wanting to so great and salutary an attempt, that strong recommenda tions vrould be made to parliament, to graut compensation for the expenses f paid provinces, according as their aciirt vigor auVgtrnuous efibrs should appear justly to merit. 11* 126 UNIVERSAL HISTOYR OF The legislature resolved, That, notwithstanding this colony, when acting with the several provinces aforesaid, in the three several expeditions undertaken the preceding years, against Crown Point, hath raised a much greater number of men than itsjust proportion, in comparison with what they then raised, by means of which the number of men is greatly diminished and its strength much exhausted, yet that nothing be wanting, on the part of this colony, to promote the great and good de sign proposed by his majesty, and relying on his royal encour agement, five thousand good and effective men, including offi cers, shall be raised wiihin this colony, as soon as may be, for the service aforesaid. It was resolved at the same time, that the assembly is sensible, that it is really more than the .num ber ofmen this colony can allow, without great difficulty ; and much exceeds this colony s proportion, even of twenty thousand men, when compared with the other provinces. It was resolved that the said five thousand men should he formed into four regiments, consisting of twelve companies in each regiment. That there should be one colonel, one lieu tenant colonel, one major and one chaplain to a regiment. The honorable Phinehas Lyman, Esq. who had a general s command in 1755, Nathan Whiting. Esq. Eliphalet Dyar, Esq. and John Read, Esq. were appointed colonels, to command the respec tive regiments.* The Rev. Messrs. George Beckwith, Joseph Fish, Benjamin Pomeroy and Jonathan Ingersoll, were ap pointed chaplains. To encourage the speedy enlistment of men for the service, the bounty was increased much beyond what it had been in former years. All proper measures were adopted to raise the troops with expedition, and to have them seasonably in the field. To provide forthe expense ofsuch a number of troops, the as sembly enacted that thirty thousand pounds lawful money in bills of credit, at five per cent interest, should be immediately printed : and that for a fund for the sinking of said bills, a tax of eight pence on the pound should be levied on the grand list ofthe colony to be brought in, Anno Domini, 1760. It was provided, however, that such monies as should arrive from Great Britain for the reimbursement of the expenses of the war, should be applied, by the treasurer, for the purpose of sinking the said bills, and that if a sufficient sum should arrive * Each colonel was allowed forty pounds for his table, and the de cent support of his chaplain. Their wa;es as colonels, and captain* for one company, was fifteen pounds per month. The bounty for each man who would equip himself for the field was four The waga were the same as in the preceding years. THE UNITED STATES. 127 before the time fixed for the payment of said tax, to sink the whole, that then said tax should notbs levied, and that the act respecting it should be null and void. That the treasurer might be able to pay the troops on their return from the public service, the assembly laid a tax of nine pence on the pound on the whole rateable estate of the colony, according to the list brought in to the assembly in October last, and ordered that it should be collected by the last of De cember then following. And as it was uncertais whether mon ey would arrive, sufficient to reimburse the expenses of the colony, in season, a committee was appointed to borrow the svim of twenty five thousand pounds, to be paid before the 20th of May, 1761. For an ample fund to repay the sum to be bor rowed, a tax of five pence on the pound was levied on the list which should be brought in to the assembly in 1759, to be paid into the treasury by the last of December, 1760. It was enac ted also, that any of the notes given for the money borrowed, might be received in payment of said tax. But, as considera ble sums of money were expected from England, for provisions, furnished for the troops under the command of lord London, in 1756, it was enacted that said money, as fast as it should arrive, should be applied to discharge the notes given for the money borrowed ; and that, if a sufficient sum should seasonably ar rive to discharge all the notes, that then said tax should not be collected. That nothing might be left undone, which could be attempted for his majesty s service, the commissioners appointed in Octo ber, to meet those from the other colonies, were now authorised to meet them at Hartford on the 19th of April, or as near that time as mi^ht be, to consult on measures for the genera! safety, and to excite the several colonies to the most vigorous and uuited exertions to cary his majesty s designs into execution.* As it appeared by Mr. Pitt s letter that major general Aber- crombie was chief commander of the troops for the northern expedition, the Governor was desired to give him the earliest information of the measures adopted by the colonies, and their rigorous preparations for an early and successful campaign. While the colonies were employing the most vigorous exer tions for an early campaign, such effectual measures had been pursued in England, that, in February, the armament designed for the reduction of Louisburg, was in readiness, and Bailed for America. Admiral Bo^cawen commanded the naval, a nJ gen eral Arnherst the land operations. Under general Amherst, wag brigadier general Wolfe. These were men of singular haracters. General Amhersl had the coolness and abilities of * Records of the colony for March 8th, 1758. 128 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the Roman Fabius, while general Wolfe possessed the magna nimity and fire of the Scipios. From such men, great achieve ments might reasonably be expected ; and their successes equal led the most sanguine expectations. Admiral Boscawen and general Amherst, with the armament under their command, arrived safely in America ; and on the 28th of May, (he whole fleet, consisting of one hundred and fifty-sev en sail, with about fourteen thousand troops on board, took ita departure from Ilalifa^, and on tlte second of June appeared be- fere Louisburg. For six days the landing of the troops wa* impracticable. The surf was so great, that no boat could livs near the shore. On every part of the coast, where a landing was judged possible, the enemy had made entrenchments : ana, in places most convenient for the purpose, they had erected batteries and mounted cannon. During the whole time after the discovery of the fleet, un il the landing of the troops, th enemy employed themselves in strengthening their line?. 7 hei?e they manned with a numerous infantry. General Am herst, with a number of his officers, reconnoitered the shore. On the eighth the weather became more favourable, though there was yet a great sweil and surf. The General, detet min ing 1 not to lose a moment seized the opportunity. Before the break of day the troops were embarked in three divisions. Th admiral and general made their dispositions with consummate judgment. To distract the enemy, and diaw their attention to different parts, the dispositions were made in this manner: The divisions on the right, and in the centre, were designed only for feints, while that on the left, was appointed for the real attack. This was commanded by general Wolfe. Before the landing, five frigates, and some other ships of war, commenced a furious fire, not only on the centre, but en the right and left of the enemy, to rake them in their flanks. When these had fired about fifteen minutes, general Wolfe pressed to the short?. The enemy reserved his fire until the boats were nearly in shore, and then poured upon them the united blaze and thunder of their musketry and cannon. Many of the boats were overset, and others dashed in pieces. Some of the men were thrown, and others leaped into the water ; and while some were killed, and others drowned, the main body, supported and animated by the noble example and conduct of their commander, pushed to the land, and with such order and resolution rushed on the en emy, as soon put them into confusion, and drove them from their entrenchments. When general Wolfe had made good his lan ding, the centre division having moved to the left, and the right following the centre, the landing was completed in excellent *r- THE UNITED STATES. J?9 For many days, the weather was so bad, and the swell and surf so great, that scarcely any of t ie artillery or stores could be laruKl. It was with irre:U difficulty that even the tent?, provision?, and implement:? for the siege, were got on shore. The weather was so bnd, at the time of landi"g, and during the siegr>, that a hundred boats were lost in the service. The en- cmv had fiveshifw of the line, and one or more frigates, in the harbour, and could brinor their <_ r uns to bear upon the troops, in their approaches. T : >- ground was excci dingly bad ; in some places rough, in c ;y, u f :t, and miry. These obstacles, with a brave resistance from the enemy, caused the sieofe, for some time to proceed slowly. But no di-courasrcments were judged insurmountable, by such general- as Amherst and Wolfe. By the twelfth of June, general Wolfe had secured the point called the light house battery, and al! the posts in that quirter. On the twenty-fifth, he had silenced the island batte ry ; but the shipping- in the harbour kept up the fire upon him until the twenty firal of July. One of the ships then took fire and blew up. This set two others on fire, which burnt to the wa : This was to the enemy an irreparable loss. 13 y this time general Arnberst had made his approaches near to the city ; so that he was in jjood forwardness to make lodg ments on the covered way. The town, in many places, was consumed to the ground, and in others, was much damaged. The fire of the enemy greatly languished, yet no proposals of capitulation were made. One bold action more was necessary to bring them to terms. That was to destroy, or bring off, the ships remaining in the harbour. For this purpose, the admiral sent in a detachment of six hundred men, under the command of two enterprising youn^ captains, Laforey and Bilfour. Be tween the 25th and 26th of the month, under (he darkness of the night, they made their way through a terrible -fire of can non and musketry, and, sword in hand took the two ships. One ran aground, and was burnt ; the other they rowed out of the harbour, in triumph, The next morning, the governor proposed terms ofc-ipilula- tion. The garrison, consisting of five ihousind seven hundred and thirty seven men, surrendered p i-^oners of war. One hun dred and twenty one cannon, eighteen mortars, and large quan tities of stores and a-nrmriiM on, were taken. The enemy 1 <-t five ships of the line and four frio-ates, besides other vess - s. St. John s, with Louisburg, was given up, and the English be came masters of the whole coast from St. Lawrence^to Nova Scotia. This was the most eff ctual blow to France, which she had received since the commencement of the war. It was a deep wound to her navy, and especially to her colonies and interests in America. Ir. very much cut offber commnunication 130 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF with Canada, and greatly facilitated the reduction of that country. As the reduction of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, was a fa vorite object with the northern co!oni?s, they made early and great exertions for carrying it into effectual execution. Be sides ihe assistance which they gave to the reduction of Louis- burg, they furnished about, ten thousand troops for the northern expedition. These in conjunction with between six and seven thousand regular troops, hud, by the beginning of July, got in to lake George- more than a thousand ooats and batteaux, a lino train of artillery, provisions, and every thing necessary for an attack on the fortresses of the enemy. On the fifth of July, the army, consisting of fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety effective men, embarked in nine hun dred batteaux, and one hundred and thirty five whale boats, for Ticonderoga. Besides, there were a number of rafts, on which cannon we.-e mounted, to cover the landing of the troops. Early the next morning, they landed at the north end of lake George, without opposition. The army formed in four col umns, and began their march for Ticonderoga. But as tha woods were thick, and the guides unskilful, thy troops were be wildered, and the columns filling in one upon another, were en tirely broken. In this confusion, lord Il.nve, advancing at tha head of the right centre column, fell in with the advanced guard of the enemy consisting of a but alion of regulars and a few Indians, who had deserted their advanced camp near tha lake, and were precipitately fleeing from our troops ; but bad lost their way, and were bewildered in the same manner as they were. The enemy discharged, and killed lord Howe the first fire. The suddenness of the attack, the terriblencss of the In dian yell, and the fall of lord Howe, threw the regulars, who composed the centre columns, into a general panic and confu sion ; but the provincials, who flanked them, and were ac quainted with their mode of fighting, stood their ground and soon defeated (hern. The loss of the enemy, was about three hundred killed, and one hundred and forty eight taken. Tha loss of the English was inconsiderable as to numbers, but in worth and consequences, it was great. The loss of that gal lant officer, lord Howe, was irreparable. From the day ot his arrival in America, he had conformed himself, an:l made his re giment to conform, to that kind of service which the country required. He was the first to endure hunger and fatigue, to encounter danger, and to sacrifice all personal considerations to the public service. While he was rigid in discipline, by hi* affability, condescending and easy manners, heconciliated affec tion, anil commanded universal esteem. Indeed, he was con sidered very much as the idol arid life of the army. The loss THE UNITED STATES. 131 a man, at such a lime cannot be estimated. To tin?, the provincials attributed the defeat and unhappy consequen ces which followed. As the troops for two nights had slept li tle, were c.eatly fa tigued, and needed refreshment, the general ordered them to return to the landing place, where they arrived at eight in the morning. Colonel Lrcdstreet was, FOOD after detached \viih a strong corps, to take possession of the sawmill, about two miles from Ticonderege, which the enemy had absndonct . Towards ihe clpse of the day, the whole army marched to the niil. The genera] having received information, that the garrison at Ti- conderoga consUled ol about MX thousand men, and that a re inforcement of three thousand ir.cic was daily expected, deter mined to lose no time in attacking their lines. He ordered hi? engineer to reconnoitre the giound and intrenchments of the enemy. It seems .that he Lad not so approached and examined them as to obtain any proper idea of them. He made a favora ble report of their weakness, and of the facility of forcing them without cannon. On this groundless report, a rash and fatal resolution was taken, to attack the lines without bringing up the artillery. The aimy advarced to tie charge with the greatest intrepid ity, and for more then four hours with incredible obstinacy maintained the attcck. But the works where the principal attack was made were eight or nine feet high, and impregna ble even by field pieces ; and foi i early an hundred yards from the brers \\oik, trees were f. lied so thick, and so wrong! t to gether with their limbs (ointirg e.utv.ard, that it rendered the approach of the troops in a great measure impossible. In this dreadful situation. i:ndi r the fire of fcbout three thousand of lite enemy, these gallant troops were kept, without the leasl prospect of success-, until nearly t\\o thousand were killed and wounded. They wete iheu cslkcl iff. To this ra.-h and pre cipitate attack H, CM tied a ntnru fqrnlly rr.advisrd and pre cipitate. By the eveuijig of the m xt-eoy the aimy had re treated to their former < i c;-r j ru<m, at the south &nd of lake George, Nothing could have been rr,o;e contrcrv to tlie op.niong, or more mortifying to the frciings of he provincials, than this whole affair. They vicwid tl; att;:ck u} on the lines without the artillery as the height of madness. Besides, it was mado under every disadvantage to the assailants. Tho enemy s linei were of great exieru, iiearly three quarters of a roile. On the right of tl^e con mun patii towards south bay, and especial ly on the north, they weie weak and of little consideration. 1 both these quarters they might have been approached undwr 132 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the cover of a thick wood. The army was sufficiently nume rous to have attacked the lines in their whole extent at once, or at least in a very great, part of them, and to have drawn their attention to various parts of their lines. But, unhappily, the attack was made upon a umill part of them where they were far the strongest, and most inaccessible. As no attacks or feints were made in olher paits, the enemy were left to pour their whole fire on a small spot, while the whole army could not approach it. Besides, the general never approached the field, where his presence was indispensably neces.^-ary ; but re mained at the mill, where he could see nothing- of the action, nor know any tiling only by information at a distance of iwo miles. By reason of this, the troops for hours after they should have been called off, were pushed OQ to inevitable slaughter. But especially did the provincials reprobate the retreat. They considered themselves as more than a match for the en emy, should their pretended reinforcements arrive. The army, after this bloody affair, consisted of fourteen thousand effective men. After all the pompous accounts of the numbers of the enemy, they amounted to little more than three thousand. When the general retreated, he had more than four effective men to one of theirs. He hotl a fine train of artillery, and there were strong grounds on which he might have encamped with the utmost irately. There were eminences which com manded all the works of the enemy, whence he might have en filaded their front, and poured destruction on their whole lines and camp. The provincial officers were therefore clearly of the opinion that there was the fairest prospect of success, notwithstanding their misfortune, could the expedition only be prosecuted with energy and prudence. But the general took his own way, without advising with them, and appeared to retreat with the utmost perturbation. The general never had been high in the estimation of the provincials after the loss of Oswego ; but now he sunk into contempt. They generally called him Mrs,Nabbycromhie, im porting that petticoats would much better become him than breeches. To repair as far as might be, the disaster at Ticon- deroga, the general detached colonel Bradstreet, with three thousand provincials, on an expedition against fort Frontenac, It was planned by the c Jonel, and undertaken at his desire. Notwithstanding the gnat distance of this post from Lake George, and the numerous obstacles in his march, he reached lake Ontario, embarked his troops, and landed them in the short term of about a month, within one mile of the enemy s post. Having secured his landing, lie immediately invested THE UNITED STATES. 133 the fort. The enemy made no opposition, but, after two days, surrendered themselves prisoners of war. This important post was on the north side of the river St. Lawrence, just where it takes its rise from lake Ontario. The fort not only commanded the entrance of the river from the lake, bnt was the grand magazine lor supplying Niagara, du Quesne, and all the enemy s southern and western garrisons. But as no attack had heen expected in this quarter, and the enemy had been drawn off, for the defence of Ticonderoga, and their southern posts, the garrison consisted only of one hundred and thirty men. But there were in the fort sixty cannon, sixteen small mortars, and an irrmense quantity of provisions and goods. They were valued by the French at eight hundred thousand li- vres. Mine armed vessels, from eight to eighteen guns ware taken. This was the whole naval force which the enemy had on the lake. After tins enterprising officer had destroyed the fort, stores, provisions and shipping, except two vessels, and what he could carry on board of them, he returned with them, richly laden, toOswr^o. This fortunate event, with the attempt on Ticondaroga, was attended with very impoitant consequences. It frustrated tho expedition of Monsieur Levi against the settlements on the Mohawk river, rec >vcred the communication between Albany and Oswego; and once more gave us the command of lake On tario. Itgreatly obstructed the communication between Ca nada, Niagara, and the southern and western settlements. General Arnherst having placed a strong garrison at Louis- burg, and having made the dispositions necessary for the secu rity of the adjacent country, p r ceeded to B )-ton, with six regiments, and thence marc .ed through the country, to re ; n- force the army at Jake George. He designed, if the season should not be too far advanced, to achieve something further for the service of his country. While these events were taking place in the northern di-pa t- ment, general Forbes, who had been appointed to command the expedition to the southward, was advancing with great activity and labour, to the conquest, of fort du Quesne. About eight thousand men had been assigned to this service. In June, the general marched from Philadelphia for the Ohio. His march lay through a vast tract of country but little known, destitute of roads for the marching of armies, anu encurnbered-with wood, morasses and mountains almost impassable. It was with in credible difficulty that he procured provisions and carriacres for the expedition ; that he formed new roads, extended scouti"? parties, secured his carnp, from time lo time, and surmounted the numerous obstructions which presented themselves in his tedious march. In addition to the other difficulties, which im- 12 1 34 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF peded his march, tlie hostile Indians kept a constant watch upon all his movements, and, in small detachments, neglected no opportunity to obstruct and harrass him as he advanced. When he had arrived at Ray s town, about ninety miles ft on? du Quesne, he sent forward colonel Bouquet, with a detach ment of a thousand rrrtn, to Lyal Henning, within about forty miles of the fort. The colonel, from this post, detached major Grant, with eight hundred men, to reconnoitre the situation and works of the enemy; and, if practicable, to reduce the post by a coup de main. The enemy Discovered them as they ap proached, and detached a body of troops sufficient completely to surround them. A severe action ensued, which, for three hours, the English, with great spirit maintained against so great a superiority. But, finally, they were overpowered, obliged to give way, and retreated with disorder to Lyal Hen ning. About three hundred men were killed and taken. Among the latter was major Grant, and nineteen other officers, who were carried prisoners to fort du Q,uesne. This severe check made no alteration in the resolution of general Forbes. He still advanced, with that persevering firmness and -circumspec tion, which had marked his whole conduct. The enemy, per ceiving that it was impossible to surprise and defeat him on hi* march, and that their numbers were not sufficient to maintain the post against him, on the twenty-fourth of November, de stroyed their works and abandoned the post to the general. His light troops took possession the following evening. The next day the general arrived with his whole army, and the British flag was once more erected at. fort du Quesne. The French made their escape down the river, partly in boats and partly by land, to their settlements on the Mississippi. General Forbes repaired the fort and named it FORT PITT, in honor to secretary Pitt. Having concluded treaties of friend ship and alliance with the Indian nations of that fine and exten sive country, and apparently reconciled them to the English government, he committed the care of the fort to a garrison of provincials, and took hie departure for Philadelphia. On hii returti. he erected some small fortresses at Lyal Henuing, for the defence of the western frontiers of Pennsylvania. The incredible fatigues of this campaign so broke the consti tution of this vigilant and brave commander, that he returned to Philadelphia in a very enfeebled state ; where, after languish ing a short time, he died, universally lamented. When general . Amherst arrived with his troops at the lake, the season was so far advanced, and such a body of troops had been drawn off, for the expedition under colonel Bradstreet. that he judged it (inadvisable to make any further attempts against tVe enemy during that campaign. THE UNITED STATES. 135 Notwithstanding the defeat at Ticonderoga, the campaign closed with great honour and advantage, not only to the colo nies, but to the nation in general. In this fourth year after the commencement of hostilities, the English had not only reduced Louisburg, St. Johns, and Frontenac ; but had made themselves the undisturbed possessors of that fine tract of country, the con- ten tion for which had kindled the flames of war in so general and destructive a manner. Success had attended the British arms, not only in America, but in almost every quarter of the globe. The successes in America, besides many other important advantages, paved the way fur that series ofs uccessfui events, which terminated in the entire reduction of Canada. Another favourable occurrence of this year, which had ita influence in that great event, was a general treaty and pacifi cation with all the Indian nations, inhabiting bet .veen the Appa lachian mountains and the lakes. This was completed at Eas- ton, on the eighth of October. In review of the events of the present and past years of the war, the immense importance of having men of capacity, fideli ty, and enterprise, at the head of government, appears in a convincing and striking point of light. Under the old ministry and their generals, for three successive years, nothing but loss, disappointment, and shame, attended every enterprise. Not ono general officer, of their appointment, in America, ever achieved anything magnanimous or honourable; but hesitation, delay, and disappointment, attended all their measures. On the con trary, under the new ministry, and the generals and officers originally of their appointment, every enterprise was crowned with success. A series of most important and brilliant successes, from every quarter, like a steady, all cheering stream, flowed in upon the nation. 1749. It wa^ proposed to attack Canada, and it was deter mined that three powerful armies should enter the country by different routs, and commence an attack at the same time. Gene ral Amherst, who commanded one division, in his rout attacked Ticonderoga. The garrison soon surrendered, as the principal part of them had retired to Crown Point. General Amherst proceeded against this place, and took possession of it, but the enemy before their arrival, fled to Lie aux Noix, in the northern part of lake Cham^lain. The second party, commanded by general Prideaux, was destined against Ni^ara, but he was killed by the bursting of a cohorn. Sir William Johnson, on. whcir the command now rested, successfully put in execution the plans of his lamented predecessor; and on the twenty-fourth of July, a genera! battle took place. The action was warm and bloody, and th-3 carnage was groat; but the conflict was short, which placed Niagara in the hands of the Enjflis i. An expedition against Quebeck was the most during and important. 136 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF That place wa? so well strengthened, that all expeditions against it had failed. It was commanded hy Montcalm, who was post ed below the town, with a strong force, and the town was covered by an army of 10,000 men. General Wolfe was deter mined to try his skill in this case. He soon took possession of Point Levi, on the southern bank of the St. Lawrence, and erected batteries. By means of these, he destroyed many houses, but made little impression on the fortifications of the town ; he resolved to quit his post. General Wolfe made several attempts to reduce the place, but they all proved unsuccessful!. He also attempted to des troy the shipping; this attempt also proved abortive. Stung with chagrin at his own disappointment, general Wolfe deter mined to nssend a precipice of about one hundred and seventy five feet, by which he might gain the heights of Abraham. And on the night of the 12t.h of September, he dropped down river, and at the break of day, September 13i.h, the army was formed on the heights of Abraham, ready to meet the erieJiy, ere Montcalm, the French general, was aware of it. On the 12th of September, one hour af^ ; midnight, general Wolfe, with his army, leaving the ships, embarked in boats, and silently dropped down with the current, intending to land a league above cape Diamond, and thus to gain the heights of Abraham. But, owing to the rapidi y of the current, they fell below their intended place, and disembaiked at what is now called Wolfe s cove, a mile, or a mile and a half, above the city. The operation was a most critical one they had to na vigate in silence, down a rapid stream to hit upon the right place for a landing, which in the dark, might be easily mistak en the shore was shelving, and the bank to be ascended was steep and lofty, and scarcely practicable, even without opposi tion. Doubtless, it was this combination of circumstances, which lulled the vigilance of the wary and discerning Montcalm: he thought such an enterprise absolutely impracticable, and therefore had stationed only sentinels and picket, guards aloug this precipitous shore. Indeed, the attempt was in the greatest danger of being de feated by an occurrence, which is very interesting, as marking muoh more emphatically, than dry official accounts can do, the very great delicacy of the transaction. One of the French sentinels, posted along the shore, chal lenged the English boats in the customary military language of the French; * Qui vit !" who gees there! to which a captain of Frazer s regiment, who had served in Holland, and was familiar with the French language and customs, promptly re plied, " la France." The next question was much more em- barrassino, for the sentinel demanded, " a quel regiment ?" " to THE UNITED STATES. 137 what regiment." The captain, who happened to know the name of one of the regiments which was up the river, with Bougainville, promptly rejoined, " de la Reine, 1 " the queen s." The soklier immediately replied, " passe ," for he concluded at once, that this; was a French convoy of provisions, which, as ihe English had learned, from some deserters, vvas expected to pass down the river to Quebec. The other sentinels were deceived in a si niiar manner ; but one, less credulous than the rest, running 1 down to the water s edge, called out. " Pourquoi est ce que vous tie p^Hez plus haul?" why donl you speak louder?" Tne same captain, wi;h perfect self-command, re plied, Tai t>i, nous, serons, entendues!" " hu?h, we shall be overheard and discovered." The sentry, satisfied with this caution, retired. The British boats were on the point of being fired info, by the captain of one of their own transport ships, xvho, ignorant of what was going on, took them for French ; but general Wolfe perceiving tiie commotion on board, rowed along side in person, and prevented the firing, which would have alarmed the town, and frustrated the enterprise. General Wolfe, although greatly reduced by a fever, to which a dysen tery was superadded, was nevertheless the first man to leap ashore. The rugged precipices, full of projections of rocks and uf trees, and shrubs growing every where among the cliffs, into which the bank was broken, presented a most forbidding ap pearance, and general Wolfe familiarly speaking to an officer who stood by, said, " I don t believe there is any possibility of getting up, but you must do your endeavour." There was ouly a narrow path, leading obliquely up the hill; this had been rendered by the e<iemv unpayable, in consequence of be- iugbrofcen up by cross ditches, and there was besides an en trenchment at the top, uefendt d by a captain s guard. This guard was easily lii.-persed, and the troops then pulled theiri- selvcjs up by taking hold of the boughs and stumps of the ti-ees, and or the projections of the rocks. This precipice, (which nay be in different places, from one hundred and (my to iwo hundred feet high,) is stiil vvry rude and rugged, but probably much less so than- in 1750; it can now bo su! mounted, without very great difficulty, bv m-jn who are unmolested. Wni;e slaking all, upon a very hazardous adventure; had he been discovered prematurely, through a s-py, a inserter, or an alarmed sentry, his army would hove been im^ -ifiioiv lost : but having gained the heij i t, iie limned las iruo.a, and n,et the enemy in good order. The plains of Abraham lie south and west of Quebec, and commence the moment you leave the walls of the citv. They area very elevated tract of Around; this ratut of course IM 138 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the fact, as they are on the summit of the heights which ter minate at the river; they are nearly level free from trees and all other obstacles, and I presume were nearly so at the time of the hattle. Our military friend, captain , with true professional feelings, remarked, that it was "a fine place for a battle." I went to the brink of the precipice, where my guide assured me that Wolfe and the army came up; a footpath, much trodden, leads through lo\v bushes to the spot. I pre sume, that five hundred men, ported on this edge, would have repelled the whole army. It was about an hour before the dawn, that the army began to ascend the precipice, and by day light, they were formed and io perfect preparation to meet the enemy. When Montcalm first received information that the English occupied the heights of Abraham, he was gre itly surprised. He saw that a battle was inevitable, and prepared to fight. The French advanced briskly; the English reserved their fire, until the enemy were near, and then gave it with decisive effect. Early in the engagement, Wolfe received a slight wound in hrs wrist, but binding- his handkerchief around it, he continued to encourage his men. Sooo after r!;is he received another in his groin. This he also concealed, and continued to urge on his troops, until a third ball pierced his breast, which obliged him to quit the command, which fell on Monckton. He was soon vVounded, and the Command devolved upon Towoshead. At this moment, Montcalm, fighting at the head of his men, was mortally wounded, and general Jennezergus, his second in command, also fell. The loss of their commanders caused the French te give way. Wolfe, who was reclining his head on the arm of an officer, was aroused by the cry of " they fly they fly !" the hero eagerly asked, " who fly ?" being informed the French were routed, u then," said he, " I die in peace/ and expired. This death, says professor Silliman, has furnished a grand and pathetic subject for the painter, the poet, the historian, and undoubtedly, considered as a mere military glory, it is one of the most sublime that the annals of war afford. In five days after the battle, the city surrendered, and received an English garrison. The following anecdote may serve as a specimen of the sufferings then common to French and Indian wars. "Captain Ochterlony, and ensign Peyton, belonged to the regiment of brigadier-general Monckton. They were nearly of an age, which did not exceed thirty ; the first was a North- Briton, the other -a native of Ireland. Both were agreeable in person, and unblemished in character, and connected to gether by the ties of mutual friendship and esteem. On tha THE UNITED STATES. 139 day that preceded the battle, captain Ochterlony had been obliged to fight a duel with a German officer, in which, though be wounded and disarmed his antagonist, yet he himself re ceived a dangerous hint under the right arm, in consequence of which, his friends insisted on his remaining- in camp during 1 the action the next day; but his spirit was too great to comply with this remonstrance. He declared it should never be said that a scratch, received in a private rencounter, had prevented him from doing his duty, when his country required his service ; and he took the field with a fusil in his hand, though he was hardly able to carry his arms. In leading up his men to the enemy s entrenchment, he was shut through the lungs with a musket ball, an accident which obliged him to part with his fusil ; but he still continued advancing, until, by loss of blood, he became too weak to proceed further. About the same time, Mr. Peyton was lamed by a shot, which shattered the small bone of his left leg. The soldiers, in iheir retreat, earnestly begged, with tears in their eyes, that captain Qcbtef Ion y would allow them to carry him and the ensign off the field. But he was so bigoted to a severe point of honor, that he would ndt quit the ground, though he desired they would take care of his ensign. Mr. Peyton, with a o-enerous disdain, rejected their good officas, declaring he would not leave his captain in such a situation; and, in a little time, they remained sole survivors on that part of the field. " Captain Ochterlony sat down by his friend, and, as they expected nothing but immediate death, they took leave of each ether ; yet they were not al ogether abandoned by the hope of being protected as prisoners; for the captain, seeing a French soldier, with -two Indians, approach, started up, and accosting them in the French language, which he spoke per fectly well, expressed his expectation that they would treat him and his companion as officers, prisoners, and gentlemen. The two Indians seemed to be entirely under the conduct of the Frenchman, who, coming up to Mr. Peyton, as he sat on the ground, snatched his laced hat from his head, and robbed the captain of his watch and money. This outrage was a signal to the Indians for murder and pillage. One of them, clubbing his firelock, struck at him behind, with a view to knock him down ; but the blow, missing his head, took place upon his shoulders. At the same instant, the other Indian poured his shot into the breast of this unfortunate young gen tleman, who cried out, O Peyton! the villain has" shot me. Not yet satiated with cruelty, the barbarian sprung upon him, and stabbed him in the belly with his scalping knife. Tho captain having parted with his fus;l, had no weapon for hia defence, a* none of the officers wore swords in the action. HO UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The three ruffians finding him still alive endeavored to strangle him with his own sash ; and he was now upon his knees, struggling against thorn with surprising exertion. Mr. Peyton, at this juncture, having a double barrelled musket in his hand, and seeing the distress of his friend, fired at one of the Indians, who dropped dead on the spot. The other, thinking the en sign would now be an easy prey, advanced towards him, and Mr. Peyton, having taken gcod aim, at the distance of four yards, discharged his piece a second time, but it seemed to take no effect. The savage fired in his turn, and wounded the en sign in the shoulder; then, rushing upon him, thrust his bay onet through his body ; he repeated the blow, which Mr. Pey ton attempting to parry, received another wound in his left hawd ; nevertheless, he seized the Indian s musket with the same hand, pulled him forwards, and, with his right, drawing a dagger which hung by his side, plunged it into the barbarian s side. A violent struggle endued; but at length, Mr. Peyton was uppermost, and with repeated strokes of his dagger, killed his antagonist outright. Here he was seized with an unac countable emotion of curiosity, to know whether or not his shot had taken effect on the body of the Indian ; he according ly turned him up, and stripping off his blanket, perceived that the ball had penetrated quite through the cavity of the breast. Having thus obtained a dear bought victory, he started up on one leg, and saw capfain Ochteilony standing at the distance of sixty yards, CIOFO by the enemy s breastwork, with the French soldier attending him. Mr. Peyton then called aloud, captain Ochterlony, I am glad to see you have at last got under protection. Beware of that villain, who is more bar barous than the savages. God bless you, my dear captain. I see a pa;(y of Indians coming this way, and expect to be murdered immediately. A number of those barbarians hud for some time been employed on the left, in scalping and pillag ing the d) ing and the dead, that were left upon the field of battle ; and above thirty of them were in full inarch to destroy Mr. Peyton. This gentleman knew he had no mercy to ex pect; for, should his life be spared for the pr< sent, they WMild ha\e afterwards insisted upon sacrificing him to the nruines of their brethren whom he had slain; and in that case, he would have been put to death by the most excruciating tortures. Full of this idea, he snatched up his musker, and, notwithstand ing his broken leg, ran above forty yards without halting, and feeling himself now totally disabled, and incapable of proceed ing one step funher, he loaded his piece, and presented it to the two foremost Indians, who stood aloof, waiting to be joined by their fellows ; while the French, from tlteir breast- works, kept up a continual lire of canuon and small arms upon this THE UNITED STATES. * 141 poor, solitary, maimed gentleman. In this uncomfortable situ ation he stood, when he discerned at a distance, a Highland offi cer, with a party of his men, skirting the plain towards the field of battle. He forthwith waved his hand in signal of dis tress, and being perceived by the officer, he detached thr^e of his men to his assistance. These brave fellows hastened to him through the midst of a terrible fire, and one of them bore him off on his shoulders. The Highland officer was captain Macdonald, of colonel Fiazer s battalion ; who, understanding that a young gentleman, his kinsman, had dropped on the field of battk?, had nut himself at the head of this party, with which he penetrated to the middle of the field, drove a considerable number of tiie French and Indians before him, and finding his relation still unscalped, c Tried him off in triumph. Poor cap tain Ochterlony was conveyed to Quebec, where, in a few days, he died of his wounds. After the reduction of that place, the French surgeons who attended him, declared that, in all probability, he would have recovered of the two shots he had received in his breast, had lie not been mortally wounded in the belly, by the Indian s scalping knife. " As this very remarkable scene was acted in sight of both aunies, general Townsend, in the sequel, expostulated with the French officers upon the inhumanity of keeping up such a se vere fire against two wounded gentlemen, who were disabled, and destitute of all hope of escaping. They answered, that the fire was not made by the regulars, but by the Canadians and savages, whom it was not in the power of discipline to restrain." In September, 1760, Montreal fell into the hands of the En glish, and soon after, all the French posis in Canada fell into their power. Thus ended a war which had continued six years, which had cost many thousand lives, and much distress. In 1763, Nova Scotia, Canada, the Isle of Cape Breton, and all other islands in the gulf and near St. Lawrence, were ceded to the British crown. REMARKS ON PART SECOND. Manners and Customs. The rapid increase of wealth began to introduce among tiie colonies the tastes and fashions of the Europeans countries, but their continuance was short among the Americans. Religion. The Dutch reformed religion generally prevailed in New- York during this period, Shakers and Friends arrived in America. During the French and Indian war, infidelity was introduced into tiie army by the English officers and soldiers who came into this country, and froru the army it spread through society generally. Population 2,500,000. UiNIVERSAL HISTORY or THE UMITZSB STATES Part T\UY<\. CHAPTER Vf. A tummnry view of the Causes that led to the American Revo lution. Although the narrow and illiberal policy of the British gov ernment towards her North American colonies, from their first settlement, was calculated to alienate the affections of the colo nies from the parent country ; yet from their exposed situation, and habitual loyalty, this unworthy conduct, long perserved in, produced no sensible impression on the Americans : their loy alty and attachment to the interests of Britain were not in the smallest degree impaired, down to the period of the peace of Paris in 1763. Never had they shewn so much zeal, or made such great sacrifices in the cause of their country, as during the preceding war; having lost more than twenty-five thousand men, expended all the revenues they could raise, and involved themselves deeply in debt. Almost the whole burdens of the war in America had fallen on the colonies; and their exertions were altogether disproportionate to their means, and tended greatly to impoverish and distress them. After eight years arduous struo-gles, attended with the greatest sacrifices, the successful termination of the war the dominion of France in America being relinquished forever occasioned universal joy throughout the colonies ; they forgot their sufferings and distresses, in the fair prospects which the peace afforded. But these prospects were of short duration ; the peace of Paris formed a now era in the views and conduct of Great Britain towards her colonies in America. The possessions of France, in America, having been ceded to Britain, and having no longer any ft ar of her power in this hemisphere, a system of THE UNITED STATES. 143 measures was pursued towards the colonies, originating in jeal ousy, and tending to despotism. As soon as the colonies had fought their way to a condition which afforded the prospect of rapidly increasing in population and wealth, attempts were made to restrict their commercial and political privileges, and gradually to reduce them to the most wretched state of coloni al vasalage. For a century and a half, the-co!on : es had been left to themselves as to taxation ; their own local assemblies had provided the necessary revenues to defray the expenses of their fovernments ; and the parliament of Great Britain had neither irectly or indirectly ever attempted to derive a dollar of reve nue from America ; although various acts had from time to time been passed, regulating the trade and commerce of the colonies, yet none of these were designed or regarded, either in Britain or America, as revenue laws. But in an inauspicious moment, the British ministry con ceived the idea of taxing the colonies, under the pretence of providing for their protection, but in reality to relieve the na tion from the immense debt, the weight of which hung heavily upon it. This iniquitous scheme, originating- with the cabinet was easily introduced into parliament ; and in March, 1764, as a prelude to (he memorable Stamp Act, the house of commons resolved, " That towards further defraying the necessary ex penses of protecting the colonies, it nuy be necessary to charge certain stamp duties upon them; and this resolution was follow ed by what was commonly called the Sugar Act, passed on tha 5th of April, and introduced by the following truly alarming preamble : " Whereas it ifju^t and necessary that a revenue be raised in America, for defraying the expenses of defending, protecting and securing the same ; we, the commons, &c. to wards raising the same, give and ^ rant unto your majesty, af ter the 29ih day of September, 1764, on clayed sugar, indigo and coffee, of foreign produce, [and various other article:?] the eum of," &C. This was the first act. adopted by parliament, for the avowed object of raising a ivvtMiue in the colonies. The justice of this measure, which appeared so clear to the I3,itish parliament, was regarded in America as oppression and ty run ny ^ and occasioned great excitement and alarm. The decep tive pretension, that the revenue was to be raised fir the pur pose of protecting the colonies, was o-ily adding iosulr to in justice ; as the colonies supposed that they were capable of protecting themselves, anjl they apprehended that the ohj^.-t was rather under the pretence of afford, n^ them projection, to maintain a military force in America, for the purpose ofJrauoon- ing them into submission, and enforcing an unconstitutional sys tem of taxation ; thereby rendering them the instruments of forging their own chains. This act was rendered more di- 144 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF gusting, by a provision that the money raised by it must be paid in specie, and another, that those charged with having violated the revenue laws, might be prosecuted in the courts of admi ralty ; whereby they were deprived of the privilege of trial by a jury, and were liable to be condemned by a single officer of the crown, whose salary was to be paid from the very forfeit ures decreed by himself. And this was not all, or even the worst; as the trial was conducted on such principles, that the accused, contrary to the well known maxims of the common law, and repugnant to every idea of justice, was obliged to prove himself innocent, or suffer the penalties of the law. These iniquitous proceedings destroyed all security of property, and left every one at the mercy of the minions of the British crown. Their pernicious influence was soon felt extensively in the ccjo- nies, they no longer regarded Great Britain as an affectionate mother, but viewed herin the light of a selfish, cruel and impe rious step-mother. The designs of I he ministry were penetra ted, and occasioned great alarm, which spread wider and wi der, until it became universal. The press, that great engine of truth and liberty, was called into requisition ; the subject was ably and elaborately discussed ; and tlie more it was discussed, and the belter it was understood, the more strong and deter mined the opposition became. All the colonies petitioned and remonstrated against these obnoxious rnea urcs, and most of them appointed agents to present their memprialsto parliament, or the king. But notwithstanding the excitement and opposition in Ame rica, and the remonstrances of the colonies, Mr. Grenville, who was at the head of the treasury, prepared the Stamp-Bill, and introduced it into parliament in February, 1765; and al though opposed with all the powers of eloquence, by Alderman Beck;ord, Mr. Jackson, Colonel Barre, Sir William Meredith and others, it was adopted by a great majority ; fifty only vot ing 1 in opposition, out of about three hundred members, who were present. On the second reading of the bill, various peti tions, not only from the colonies, but from the London mer chants interested in the American trade, were pi evented ; but the petitions were not even received, being refused, on the plea that no memorial could be received on a money bill. Having passed both hou c es of parliament, on the 22d of March, the Stamp- Act received the royal assent. Dr. Franklin, then in England, as agent for Pennsylvania, wrote to ChurleJ Thompson, afterwards secretary of congress C1 The sun of liberty is set; you must light up the lamps of industry and economy." Mr. Thompson, in a spirited reply, observed, " That he thought other lights would be lighted up to resist these un constitutional measures." It is unnecessary to add, that this prediction was toon fulfilled. THE UNITED STATES. 145 This unjust and impolitic act was the first great cause which led to the American revolution ; indeed it was substantially the first scene in the bloody drama of that revolution. It was pas sed in parliament, on the 7th of February, 1765, under the min istry of Lord Grenville, and was repealed on the 18th of March, 1766, from the influence of Mr. Pitt. This period of thirteen months was the most eventful and tumultuous of any which had hitherto occurred ; the apprehensions of the people were roused to the highest pitch, and the most determined spirit of opposition prevailed throughout the colonies. The Americans had not believed that the act would be passed, and on receiv ing the intelligence, every one was struck with astonishment, and filled with consternation ; they looked at each other with amazement, and for a short interval, hesitated what course to pursue ; but soon recovering from their consternation, they de termined not to submit to such a flagrant outrage on their rights. In Boston, the ships in the harbor, in token of the deepest mourning, suspended their colours half-mast high; the bells were rung muffled ; and the obnoxious act. with a death s head in front of it, with the motto "Thejolly of England and the ruin of America," was carried in solemn procession about the streets. The discontents soon spread throughout the colo nies, and the opposition became general and determined ; the spirit of the people gave a tone to the colonial assemblies, and bold and decided resolutions were adopted against the iniqui tous scheme of parlimentary taxation. Virginia took the lead, and ontheSSthof May, 1765, Patrick Henry introduced his cel ebrated resolutions into the house of burgesses, which de clared that the inhabitants of that colony were entitled to, and had possessed and enjoyed all the rights, liberties and privi leges of the people of Great Britain ; that the general assem bly of the colony had always exercised and alone possessed the power to levy taxes and imposts on the inhabitants of the colo ny, and that they " were not bound to yield obedience to any law or ordinance whatsoever, designed to impose any taxation whatever upon them other than the law and ordinances of the general assembly." So bold and unexpected were these resolu tions, that whilst they were reading, one of the members cried out * treason ! treason !" These resolutions were communicated to all the colonies, and the spirit they breathed spread from one legislature to another, and their sentiments were reiterated in resolutions adopted by the legislatures and the freemen in public meetings. Commit tees were appointed, by the assemblies of the colonies, to cor respond with each other, and to meet for consultation ; the ob ject of which was to secure harmony of feeling and concert of ation. These measures had a very happy effect; in the menn 13 146 ; UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF time, the press teemed with constant publications, vindicating the rights of the colonies ; and many of them were of a highly inflammatory character, calculated to raise thepublic mind to the highest pitch. The pulpit also, particularly in New-England, labored in the same cause with great zeal and effect ; the flame of liberty kindled from breast to breast, and spread from prov ince to province, until the conflagration became general. The spirit of opposition ran so high as to break out into acts ef tu mult and disorder. In Boston the effigy of Mr. Oliver, the stamp master, was burnt and his house assailed, partly demolished, and his furniture destroyed ; and soon after, the house of Wil liam torer, deputy-regisler of the court of admiralty, was at tacked, and the books and files of the court destroyed ; and the house of Benjamin Hallowell, comptroller of the customs, shared ihe same fate. These outrages were followed by a more bold and daring attack upon the dwelling of Mr. Hutch- inson, lieutenant-governor of the province ; be was obliged to flee to save his lii e, and his house was entirely demolished, ex cept the walls, and every thing in it destroyed or carried off. Similar outrages were committed in other places. In Connec ticut, Mr. Ingersoll, the stamp officer, was burnt in effigy in many towns ; and whilst he was proceeding from New Haven to Hartford, where the assembly was in session, he was pursu ed and overtaken by a large concourse of people, some from more than thirty miles, and compelled to resign his office, which, was followed by three hearty cheers of liberty and property. This took place at Wethersfield, from whence the people, who were headed by militia officers, proceeded to Hartford, where Mr. Ingersoll was compelled to read his res.gnation in the hear ing of the assembly, which was succeeded by loud acclama tions of liberty and property. In New York the stamp officer was compelled to resign, and Lieutenant Governor Coldea was burnt in effigy, with a stamp bill in his hand, suspended from his own coach, and the whole was consumed together. In the southern colonies, the public feeling did not lead to the same excesses ; but in all of them, means were found to compel the stamp officers to resign ; and in all the colonies the assemblies adopted resolutions in opposition to the stamp act, although in mauy of them the ro} al governors prorogued and attempted to stop their proceedings. The members of the colonial assemblies were animated and encouraged by the peo ple, who, in most of the towns, instructed them to oppose the stamp act. But the most important measure to unite the colo nies and give energy and effect to their opposition, was con vening a continental congress, consisting of deputies appointed by each colony. This measure was first proposed by the assem bly of Massachusetts. The meeting was appointed to be hoi- THE UNITED STATES. 147 den in New York, in October, 1765. All the colonies, except New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia, sent deputies ; the three last of these colonies were prevented by their governors, and tUe first excused itself on account of its pe culiar situation. The congress, after mature deliberation; adopted a declaration of rights, and a statement of the grievan ces of the colonies, and asserted in the strongest terms, their exemption from all taxes not imposed by their own represen tatives. It also prepared a petition to the house of commons. As the first of November, the time when the stamp-act was to go into operation, approached, pnblic feeling became still stronger, and was excited to the utmost to prevent the execu tion of the law. In New York, ten boxes of stamps, which had arrived tliere for Connecticut, were seized by the populace and burned ; and in other ports, the masters of vessels, which brought out stamps, were compelled to return with their de testable cargoes, or deliver them up to the people to be destroy ed. In Boston and many of the principal towns, the first of November was kept as a day of mourning and deep distress ; all the shops were shut, the bells were tolled muffled, and the effigies of the authors and abettors of the act were carried in procession through the streets, and then torn to pieces and con sumed by the flames. The lawyers of the supreme court in New Jersey resolved that they would not purchase the stamps in their professional business, and that they wonld relinquish their practice as a sac rifice to the public good ; and the principal merchants in the colonies, and great numbers of other classes of the inhabitants, entered into solemn engagements not only to refuse to use the stamps, but also not to import any more goods from Great Brit ain until the stamp act should be repealed. Associations were formed, called the " Sons of Liberty," the object of which was, to assist and protect with force, if necessary, every one who might be in danger front his resistance or opposition to the stamp act. This bold association originated in New York, and prevailed throughout New England, and, bad not the act been repealed, must have led to civil war. The restrictive meas ures produced distress and tumults in England ; large numbers of the manufactures beingthrown out of employment, and more than foity thousand, with black flags, appeared in the streets ; n London, and surrounded the royal palace and parliament house. Fortunately a change of ministry took place, in consequence of what was called the regency bill, and Lrd Grenville was suc ceeded by the Marquis of Rockirigham, as first lord of the treas ury, and the Duke of Grafton and General Conway wero ap pointed secretaries of state. In January the parliament met ; tbe affairs of America occupied the principal attention, and the 148 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF first talents of the house were engaged in the discussion. Mr. Pitt, who had been confined to his bed by sickness, when the stamp act was passed, now came forward as the great cham pion of the rights of the Americans, and with his manly and all powerful eloquence, opposed the unjust, unconstitutional, and dangerous measure ; he even justified the Americans in their resistance of an act of tyranny and oppression. After a long and animated discussion, the act was repealed, accompanied, however, with a declaration, " that the king and parliament had, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force to bind the colonies, and his majesty s subjects in them, in all cases whatsoever." An act of indemnity was also passed. The repeal of the obnoxious act occasioned universal joy, both in Great Britain and America ; the ships in the Thames displayed their colours, and the whole city of London was illu minated ; and in the colonies, notwithstanding the declaratory act, asserting the principle of taxation, the joy and rejoicings were uoiveisal ; the nonimportation resolutions were rescin ded ; animosities, ill treatment, and every thing nast, were for gotten, and commercial intercourse with Great Britain was re sumed with greater activity than ever before had been witness ed. The colonies hoped and believed, that harmony, would now be restored, and did every thing in their power to promote this desirable object. But the officers of the crown, the min ions of power, and the expectants of place, kept up a correspon dence with the officers of the British government at home, and attempted to promote their own selfish views by misrepresent ing their countrymen. Governor Bernard, of Massachusetts, was the head of this party, which contributed so much to breed difficulties and bring matters to a crisis. Notwithstanding that the declaratory act still hung over the heads of the colo nies, like a portentous cloud, it was not generally expected that the British government would very soon make another so dan gerous an experiment. But these reasonable expectations, however, soon proved to be fallacious, and all reliance on the justice or liberality of Britain, were found to be deceptive and dangerous. Notwithstanding the distraction into which the colonies had been thrown, by the stamp act, within a few months after its repeal, and before the wounds it had occasion ed had had time to heal, the chancellor of the exchequer, Charles Townsend, came forward with a new scheme of tax ing America, and was so sanguine in his views, that lie pledged his character for the success of the project. The new revenue scheme was, to takeoff the duties on teas, which were paid in Great Britain, and to levy three pence per pound on all that was purchased in America, and also a duty on pa- THE UNITED STATES. 149 per, glass and several other articles. A board of customs was established, and commissioners appointed to set in Boston to col lect the duties; and the custom-officers were to be paid from the revenue thus rajsed ; and the governor, judges of the supe rior court, and other officers in Massachusetts, who had hith erto been dependant for their salaries on the assembly, to ron- der them independent of the people, and more devoted to Great Britain, were also to be paid from these revenues. And to carry the iniquitous system into effect (as unjust laws can on ly be enforced by unjust means,) the powers of the court of admiralty were greatly extended, so as to deprive the people of trial by jury in prosecutions for violating the revenue laws. Writs of Assistance, as they were called, issued by the gover nor, or any officer of the revenue, authorised searching the liouse of the most respectable inhabitant in the province, on suspicion of the concealment of contraband or smuggled goods. When intelligence of these new parliamentary regulations reached America, they occasioned universal astonishment, and revived all the excitement and alarm which prevailed during the stamp act. In the tninds of reflecting men they were re garded as more dangerous than that obnoxious act, as an indi rect and disguised system of taxation had a more certain and fatal tendency to undermine the liberties and enslave the peo ple, than direct taxes. The colonies, assailed by the same in juries, had recourse to their former measures of complaint and supplication ; but their petitions were not even read, and their remonstrances treated with contempt, thus adding insult to in justice. These accumulated injuries and indignities aroused the fears and spirit of the colonies; and a circular letter, ad dressed to the other colonies, by the assembly of Massachusetts, contributed to diffuse the flame and lead to concert of action. This letter was dated the 1 1th of February, 1768, and the sen timents it contained were reiterated by most of the colonial as semblies. From the bold and determined conduct of the as sembly of Massachusetts, it was prorogued by the governor. Another assembly was convened in May following, to which the governor, in hi 1 ? first communication, insolent! v demanded of them, as required by the British Secretary of State, to rescind the resolutions of the preceding assembly, which led to the cir cular letter, and intimated that unless th*y complied immedi ately, they would be dissolved at once. But the assembly act ed with a firmness which became the defenders of liberty ; and instead of complying with this haughty mandate, petitioned tha king for the removal of the royal governor, and charged upon him a long catalogue of crimes. The governor, exasperated at their conduct, immediately dissolved the mutinous assembly, and applied to the commander in chief of the king s troops, 13* 150 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF then in New York, to have several additional regiments sent to Boston. Alarmed at these circumstances, the inhabitants of Boston besought the governor to convene another assembly ; but he treated their request with contempt. The crisis requi red something to be done, without delay, and accordingly, let ters were written to every town in the colony, requesting the appointment of delegates to meet in convention at Boston, be fore the arrival of the troops. Delegates from ninety six towns met on the 22d of September. The governor instantly sent them an angry message, commanding them to disperse, threat ening, in case of refusal, that they would suffer the consequence of their temerity. The convention, however, was not frightened into submission, but gave their reasons for convening, continued .their deliberations, and prepared a petition to the king. On the first of October, the troops arrived and landed ; and, gword in hand, paraded through the streets of Boston, which v ere filled uith vast crowds, who with sullen silence, denoting the deepest resentment, witnessed this, the first act in the great .and bloody drama about to be performed. No tumult or resist ance however, ensued, notwithstanding the troops were quarter ed i?) the houses of the inhabitants. The assembly met in May, 1769, and immediately adopted several spirited resolutions; that the placing an armed force where the legislature was con vened, to overawe their deliberations, was a breach of privilege, and that the quartering of troops on tiie inhabitants in time of peace, was illegal, and a violation of the rights and liberties of British subjects. A standing army was now stationed in the capital of Massa chusetts, for the avowed object of coercing the inhabitants into submission ; their commerce fettered, their characters traduced, the assembly prevented from meeting, and the petitions of all classes to have the assembly convened, treated with contempt by an insolent governor, who threatened to augment the troops, and enforce at all hazards, his arbitrary and tyrannical mea sures ; it cannot be surprising that the fears and exasperations of the people exceeded what had ever been witnessed before. At this alarming 1 conjuncture, something must be done, and there was no other alternative but submission or resistance, as petitions had been treated with such contempt, that to memo rialize any branch of the British government would be equiva lent to submission ; and there were but two ways of resistance, either an appeal to the sword, or an entire suspension of ail commercial intercourse with Great Britain, which, as was said by Mr. Pitt iu his speech, furnished the means whereby Britain had carried on the war with France, and which if continued, would afford the means of their own oppression. As all the Colonies were involved in one common danger, they readily entered into the most solemn engagements, that no British or THE UNITED STATES. 15 1 India goods should be imported, except a few specified arti cles of necessary use. The effects of these arrangements were soon felt in England, and produced clamors, and even tumults in some parts of the kingdom. But the partisans of the crown in America, endeavoured by their correspondence, to induce the ministry to persevere in their oppressive measures, and re presented in the strongest terms, that the interruption of com merce was only an effort of desperation, which could not last long. They ad vised the ministry, to purchase large quantities of goods, designed for the American market, and also to allow the merchants engaged in the American trade, a premium equal to the profits of their stock in business. ** If these mea sures are adopted," said Mr. Oliver, secretary in Massachu setts, in one of his letters, " the game will soon be up with my countrymen." The assembly which convened at Boston in May, set several weeks without doing any business, as they refused to act as long as an armed force was quartered in the town, and sur rounded the h"use where they were in session ; they were finally adjourned to Cambridge. They sent several messages to the governor to have the troops removed, but after evading the matter for ?ome time, he declared that he had no authority over the king s troops; thus admitting that the military was above the civil power in the province. Governor Bernard sent a provoking- message, stating the expenditures of quartering the troops on the town, and requesting that provision be made for the payment of the same, and also for their future support ; the assembly were thus called on to maintain the instruments bv which they were to be oppressed ami enslaved. But instead of Complying with this request, they passed several spirited resolutions, censuring the conduct of the governor and General Gage, for their rash an I oppressive measures, their wanton violations of the constitution, tl e introduction of a standing ar my in time of peace, and r.heir encroachments on the liberties of the citizens and of the province. The governor had re ceived an order to repair to England, and lay before the king the state of the colony ; which he communicated to the assem bly, with a request that his salary might be continued during his absence, as his office would remain. But the assembly in formed him in decided terms, that they couH not comply with either of his requests. On receiving this answer, be immedi ately, after a short, angry, and threatening speech, prorogued the legislature. He soon after set sail for Europe, then littla thinking that he should nev* r return to a country that by his violent temper and arbitrary conduct, he had brought to the brink of civil war. His reception at court convinced the Ame ricana of the truth of what they feared, that the governor had 152 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF been sent for, as a mischievous emissary, rather than for an impartial inquiry into the real situation of the province, or an investigation of his own conduct. Thomas Hntchinson, the lieutenant-governor, was appointed to succeed Governor Bernard. Hutchinson was a native of Boston, and had run a career of popularity ; whilst, however, he was courting the people at home, he was not less assiduous in ingratiating himself into the favor of the British government, by misrepresenting his countrymen. He was artful and plausi ble, and possessed or popular talents; but was insidious, dark, intriguing and ambitious; and the extreme of avarice marked every feature of his character. His appointment was announc ed at the close of the year 1769. He immediately assumed a more haughty tone, and aimed at more high handed measures than his predecessor, and commenced his administration by in forming the assembly that he was independent of them and the people, as his majesty had made provision for his salary. Se cure of the favor of his sovereign, he treated the people and the assembly with contempt, and answered their repeated so licitations to remove the troops from the capital, by withdraw ing the garrison from a strong fortress in the harbour of Bos ton, who were in the pay of tlie province, and replacing them by two regiments of the king s troops. The ebullitions of po pular feeling, were so high as to occasion great alarm with the leading patriots, that it would break out into acts of violence, which might injure the cause of the people. The miserable minions or power in America, endeavored to promote this re sult, and openly avowed, " that the only method to restore tranquillity, was to take off the original incendiaries, whose; writing had instilled the poison of sedition into the people." James Otis, the most active, bold, and influential patriot of the day, having published under his proper signature, some severe strictures on the conduct oi the officers of the crown, was as saulted in a public room, by a band of hired ruffians, with swords and bludgeons; and being covered with wounds, was left for dead. The assassins made their escape, and took re fuge oo board the king s ships in the harbor. Mr. Otis surviv ed, but the lamp of bis understanding which had glowed with such effulgence, was overcast with clouds arid darkness. Mr. John Adams says that he "laid the foundation of the American revolution, with an energy, and with those masterly talents which no other man possessed ;" and he is justly considered aa the first martyr to American liberty. The insults which the inhabitants constantly experienced, from the soldiers, increased their animosity towards them to uch a degree, as to le,ad to violence and blood-shad. On the scond of March, 1770, an affray took place between a party THE UNITED STATES. 153 of soldiers of the 29th regiment, and some rope-makers, in front of Mr. Gray s rope- walk. This was followed by a more alarming outrage on the 5th : the indignant populace pressed upon and insulted the soldiers, while under arms, and assailed them with clubs, sticks and snow-balls, covering stones. Be ing dared to fire by the mob, six of the soldiers discharged their muskets, which killed three of the citizens, and wounded five others. The effect of this was electric; the town was in stantly in commotion, and the mass of the people were so ex asperated, that it required the utmost exertions to prevent their rallying and driving the British myrmidons out of town; and nothing but an assurance that the troops should be with drawn, prevented this resort to force. The captain of the party and eight men were brought to trial ; two of the men were found guilty; the captain and the other men were ac quitted. A general meeting of the inhabitants was immediate ly assembled in Faneuil Hall, who unanimously resolved that no armed force should be suffered longer to reside in the capi tal; and a committee was appointed to wait on the governor, and request the immediale removal of the troops. The go vernor refused to act, under pretence of want of authority ; but Colonel Dalrymple, alarmed at the state of things, pro posed to withdraw the 29th regiment, which was more culpa ble than any other ; but he was informed that not a soldier should be left in town ; he was reluctantly compelled to com ply, and within four days not a Red-coat remained. This tra gical affair produced tiie deepest impressions on the minds of the people; and the anniversary of the massacre of the 5th of March, 1770, was commemorated for many years, and orations delivered, which unfolded the blessings of civil liberty, the horrors of slavery, the dangers of standing armies, and the rights of the colonies. These annual orations administered fuel to the fire of liberty, and kept it burning with an incessant flame, and in no small degree promoted the cause of the colo nies, in a manner that served to give a deeper glow to the flame of liberty. In the spring of 1773, the schooner Gaspee was stationed at Providence, to prevent smuggling ; and the conduct of the commander having exasperated the inhabitants, two hundred men entered on board the schooner at night, ;ind compelled the captain and crew to go ashore, and then set re to the vessel. The government offered a reward of five hun dred pounds, for the apprehension of any of the persons en gaged in this outrage ; but such was the spirit and unanimity of the people, that this pecuniary inducement produced no effect, and the authors of the outrage could not be discovered. About this period, the letters of Governor Hutchiuson and Mr. Oliver, to their friends in England, urging the government to 154 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF adopt more decisive and vigorous measures, to coerce the colo nies into submission, were discovered and sent back to Ameri ca by Dr. Franklin, which, being published by the assembly of Massachusetts, greatly contributed to inflame the public mind, and exasperate the people against these officers of the crown, who were justly charged with having shamefully betrayed their trust, and the people, whose rights it was their duty vigi lantly to guard. Whilst the other duties were repealed, that on tea was retained, for the sole and avowed object of main taining the power, which parliament had asserted, of collecting a revenue in America. The ministerial scheme was cunning and artful ; but did not, in the least degree, deceive the vigi lance of the Americans. The object was to cheat the colonies out of their rights, by collecting an indirect, imperceptible duty, little more than nominal in amount, which, however, if acquiesced in, would have been an admission of the principle or right of Britain to raise a revenue in America. It was an attempt to obtain, covertly and by fraud , what they had at tempted, but fulled to obtain, openly by force. In the first place, measures were adopted, openly and explicitly, for taxing the colonies, the duties to be paid directly by the consumer; but being unable to enforce this act, it was repealed, accompani ed with a declaration of the right of parliament to tax the Americans, in all cases whatsoever. This naked assertion of a right, when the application of it had been attempted and abandoned, did not give the Americans much concern : they would not have cared, if the British had kept that assertion of a rigid to do wrong on their statute-book, as long as the two countries existed, provided they had not attempted to exercise their assumed right. But the advocates of American taxation seemed to be sensible, that the bare assertion of a right, after an unsuccessful attempt to enforce it, would amount to but little, and that conclusions, obviously following the abandon ment of the first attempt to tax the Americans, would be left in their full force. Under the circumstances in which the two countries were placed, therefore, the right must be enforced, or it must be considered as virtually abandoned. But this had been once attempted, without success ; a more ingenious mode, therefore, must be devised, or one less likely to give alarm to the colonies. The stamp duties were a direct tax, as the duty constituted the entire value of the sum paid ; but a trifling im post would not be perceived, as the duty would scarcely make any sensible difference in the price of the article. The bitter pill, which it was intended to make the colonies swallow, was gilded with sugar. The duty was more artfully disguised* than a simple impost. It was, in fact, no additional burden on the consumers of tea, it being only a different mode of collect* THE UXITED STATES. 155 ing the duty which had before been paid ; yet this alteration of the mode involved the right and power of parliament to es tablish a revenue system in America. According to the former regulations, the teas of the India Company were first brought to England, where a duty was paid before they were sent to the colonies. The scheme was merely to change the place and mode of collecting the duty ; it was to be paid in America, instead of England ; for which purpose custom regulations were established, and officers appointed. A duty of three pence on a pound of tea, would not be felt by the people, and this, or rather a greater duty, had been paid before in England ; so that, instead of the burdens of the people being increased, they were rather lightened by this new regulation. So artfully disguised was this scheme. It is a maxim with many politi cians, and too generally correct, that the people will not be alarmed or excited by any principle, however it may be fraught with danger ; that they must feel and suffer, before their fears will arouse them into action. But this maxim did not hold true with the Americans ; they saw the danger, and resolved to resist, at the hazard of their lives, a principle, calculated to undermine the foundation of their liberty ; although its opera tion at the time was not felt, in the slightest degree. The re sistance of the Americans to the scheme of collecting a duty on tea in America, instead of England, was the resistance of the principle which that scheme involved, solely : as no additional burden was thereby imposed on the people. It is believed that this is the only instance in history, of an entire people being roused to resistance, from measures which were not burdensome or oppressive in their immediate opera tions, and dangerous only from a principle on which they were founded. This consideration affords the highest evidence of the intelligence of the Americans, as well as of their extreme jealousy and vigilance, in guarding their rights. That the ex perienced poliliciau should forsee the ultimate desigrv-astl ten dency of measures, not immediately oppressive, is natural enough; but that the common people, or rather the entire pop ulation of a country should bearoused to resistance, ou account of measures noi burdensome or oppressive, but dangerous only from the principle on which they were founded, is unparalleled. It is not, however, to be supposed that the colonists would have been so alarmed and aroused to such a spirit of resistance, by the new regulations as to tea, had it not been for the previous measures of the parent country, evincing, in the clearest man ner, a settled design to exercise the power of taxation orer them. They considered the new regulations as to tea, as an artful and disguised revenue s\ stem, although it imposed no ad ditional duty, and they were determined Dot to be cheated out 150 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF of their liberties, as they had before resolved not to be fright ened out of them. Measures were immediately adopted to prevent the introduc tion of the tea into the country, so as to avoid the payment of the duty; and such was the strength and unanimity of public opinion, that without the aid of law, or rather in opposition to law, they were enabled to render their measures efficient, sole ly by the force of public sentiment, although measures of all others the most difficult to enforce, as interfering both with the interests and the established habits of the people. In most of the towns from New*Hampshire to Georgia, the people as sembled and resolved to discontinue the use of tea, which was now regarded as an herb, (however agreeable as a beverage) noxious to the political constitution. In the large commercial towns, regulations were adopted to prevent the landing of tea ; committees 4 were appointed to inspect merchant s books, propose tests, and make use of other means to defeat the designs of Britain. Where it could be done, the consignees of the teas, were persuaded or compelled to resign, or to bind themselvos not to act in that capacity. The cargo sent to South-Carolina, was stored, the consignees being constrained to enter into an engagement not to offer any for sale ; and in many of the colo nies, the ships were compelled to return without discharging their cargoes. So vigorously were these measure enforcad, that during one year, eighty-five pounds was the whole amount of duties received. The teas consumed in the colonies, were principally smuggled into the country, by the Dutch and French, who were favored by the inhabitants in evading the revenue laws. During the four or five years that the new system had been in existence, very trifling quantities of teas had been in- trqduced into the colonies, and instead of the restrictive mea sures being relaxed as was expected in England, they increas ed in vigor and efficacy, and the quantity of tea introduced had constantly diminished. AB had been the ca?e with other matters, of difference be* . tween the two countries, the principal struggle, growing out of the regulations as to tea, occurred at Boston. The other provinces had avoided the alternative which was reserved for this, of either suffering the teas to be disposed of, or to destroy them, by violent means. Knowing the spirit of the inhabitants of Boston, the India Company had been more cautitusas to tha cargoes shipped for tlirr port, than those sent to the other prov inces ; and the zeal c.f Covernor Hutchinson, and the other of ficers of the crown Thorp, greatly * ;rpassed that of the crown officers in the other colonies, and was calculated to frustrate the measures of the inhabitants. The tea ships destined t Boston, were all consigned to the sous, cousins, and person* THE UNITED STATES, 35* T>ho were the merest tools of Governor Hutchinson. When called on to resign, the only answer they would give was, " that it was not in their power." As the consignees could not be induced or frightened to resign, the next plan was, to compel the vessels to return without landing their detestable cargoes ; but the collector refused to give a clearance without the vessels were discharged of dutiable articles, and the gov ernor refused to give a pass for the vessels, until they were properly qualified from the custom house ; and to guard against the vessels being taken possession of, and conducted out of thr- harbor, the governor ordered Admiral Montague, who com manded the nava! force, to keep a vigilant look out, and to suf fer no vessel, coasters excepted, to pass the fortress from the town, without a pass signed by himself. The rigorous adhe rence to these measures, afforded great satisfaction to the gov ernor and his minions, and all thp British party ; they flattered themselves that the " Sons of Lreerty," afier all their clamour, resolutions, and schemes to resist the tea system, were out- managed, and that it would be impossible for them to prevent the landing and sale of the obnoxious cargoes. Their meas ures had been planned so wisely, and their execution was en trusted to agents of such known fidelity to the crown, and who were under the immediate influence and control of the governor, they thought there was not a loop-hole whereby the rebellious Americans could escape paying tha hateful tax. They did not even dream that an attempt would be made to destroy or throw overboa-d the offensive article, which cover ed a tribute to Britain ; for if they had, the vessels would have been guarded. The governor, after all he had witnessed and experienced, judging rattier from his feelings than li? krr.wl- edge, was entirely ignoraut of public sentiment, and of the spirit of the people : he had no idea that they had determined to resist the obnoxious measure, at every hazard, even thnt of life. Nothing short of this bold step, could prevent the deep laid scheme, against the liberties of the country from succeed ing. It had been rendered impossible that the vessels should return with their cargoes ; and to surfer the tea to be landed and trust to the spirit and unanimity of the inhabitants not to purchase it, would have been to yielc) the point; fora small portion of the citizens vyerein favor of the British, and would of course consume the article, and by fair means or foul, it would have been distributed among others. And it would have been equally impracticable to prevent the tea from br-ircr landed ; the most -unwearied \vatching day and night, cou!d not prevent this, as it might be conveyed ashore by mail quantities in boats in the night season, and at such places a* to eseape the utmost vigilance. Every other measure had been 14 1 58 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF attempted without success ; the consignees had been urged to decline the commission, and a numerous public meeting of the citizens had been held, who presented a remonstrance to the governor, and urged him to order back the ships without suf fering any part of their cargoes to be landed. But his answer satisfied them that he was the adviser of the measure, and de termined to carry it into execution. The parties were at issue on the great question, on which the liberties of the country hung suspended; whether Great Britain should exercise the power of taxing the Americans in anyway, or not. This question depended on the landing of a few cargoes of tea, which had become contaminated with an unconstitutional tax. The colonists were determined that they would not pay the tax, and the British party were determined to carry into effect the tea regulation, and to frustrate the plans of the Americans. Both parties had taken their measures, and the British party were confident of success, the contest was advancing to a crisis; alarm and dismay prevailed; the deepest anxiety was depicted in every countenance; had an invading army been in the neighbourhood, threatening to sack the town, or had the pestilence which walks in darkness, ravaged its pavilions, great er gloorn could not overspread the town, or stronger indica tions been exhibited, of a pending event big with the fate of three millions of people. During this deep and awful sus pense, a report was started, which spread with the rapidity of lightning through the town, that Admiral Montague was about to seize the ships and dispose of their cargoes, at public auc tion, within twenty-four hours; which was believed to be a cunning device of Hutchinson,as this would as effectually have secured the duties, as if the teas had been sold at the stores of the consignees. This rumour was like an electric shock ; leaving their employments, the people rushed into the streets, and with amazed and terrified countenances, every one seemed to say, what shall we do to prevent the consummation in so bold and daring a manner, of this iniquitous scheme. In a few mo ments, as from an instinctive impulse, a vast crowd repaired to one of the most spacious churches in Boston, and organized themselves into a public meeting. Previously to taking any other step, a message was sent to the governor and the con signees, who with difficulty could be found, as they were afraid to encounter even the looks of an indignant and injured people. No satisfactory answers were returned; but instead of com plying with their wishes, whilst the assembled multitude were quietly, notwithstanding the excitement which prevailed, con sulting on their critical situation, and the measures proper to be adopted, the sheriff entered with an order from the govern or, styling them an illegal and seditious assembly, and ordering THE UNITED STATES. 159 them immediately to disperse. But he did not bring with him ihe posse comitatus, as the power of the county was already as sembled, and it was that, the sheriff was ordered to disperse ; this mandate was treated with deserved contempt, and the sheriff hissed out of the house, mortified and chagrined, and a confused murmur followed not only in the house but among the vast multitude from without ; but soon order was restored, and the meeting adjourned, without adopting any vote or resolution. The leaders probably supposed that such a meeting was not the place to discuss and devise measures to meet the crisis. The bold measure was now conceived, and immediately pro posed for execution, which surprised and agitated the two coun tries, and hurried on that memorable revolution which made them " enemies in war, and in peace friends." The success of it, as well as the danger attending it, required secresy and despatch. It has never been known with certainty, either who contrived or executed this bold ee.3ient ; but there is no rea son to doubt, but that Mr. Samuel Adams, and many of the leaders in the political affairs of the day, were its contrivers, and it is known, that the hall of council was in the back room of Edes & Gill s printing office, at the corner of the alley lead ing from Court-Street to Brattle-Street Church. It is a singu lar circumstance, that this daring and desperate measure, for the maintenance of the liberties of the country, should have been counselled and contrived in an editorial closet of a news paper, which was one of the organs of the public voice, and a vigilant sentinel of the liberties of the people. Since this peri od many political schemes have originated, in the " back rooms" of printing offices, but in general of a very different char acter. In a few hours after the adjournment of (he public meeting, the bold measure, on the success of which the great question of taxation hung suspended, was contrived, matured, and ripen ed for execution ; and the public were surprised with the sud den appearance in the streets, of a large number of savages, or persons disguised, clad, and every way counterfeiting the aborigines of i he country ; armed with a tomahawk in one hand, and a club over the shoulder, who, in a silent and solemn manner, not a voice being heard, marched in Indian file, through the streets, amidst a crowd of astonished spectators, who knew not what to think of so unexpected and strange an exhibition ; and its novelty and the surprise which it occasion ed, may have prevented any steps being taken to oppose their design. The Indians, whilst strongly attached to tobacco, in this instance at least, appear to have had a mortal antipathy to tea ; and as though a-ttracted by its noxious qualities, they pro ceeded directly towards the whaives where the tea ships lay ; 160 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP boarded them, demanded the keys, and without the least hesi tation or delay, knocked open the chests, and emptied their contents, duties and all, into the ocean, comprising several thousand weight of the finest teas. The deed was done in the face of the world, and although surrounded by the king s ships, no opposition was made or attempted ; all was silence and amazement. Thus the teas which were designed as a means of extorting tribute from the Americans, became an offering to the " spirits of the vasty deep/ and a sac rifice to the liberties of the country.. The " Indians" hav ing effected their object, shewed no marks of triumph ; no savage warwhoop was heard; nor did they commit any other violence or disorder, but in the same silent, solemn and order ly manner, marched back through the town, followed by a vast crowd. No movements on the part of the government, or disturbance by the people, followed this event ; and it was ob served at the time, that the !01est night succeeded, which Bos ton had enjoyed for several months. No person3 assisted the savages, in the destruction of the tea, except some boys or young men, who had assembled on the occasion, and voluntarily took a part in what was going on ; one of these youths, collected the tea which fell into his own shoes and those of several of his companions, put in a phial and sealed it up ; which is now in his possession, containing the same obnoxious tea, which in. this instance was considered as mere dangerous to the political health and constitution of the people, even than strong drink. The number of savages, manu factured for the occasion, has been variously estimated, from sixty to eighty : although several persons have been mentioned as among the number, none of them have ever been known with certainty ; there are many and obvious reason?, why secrecy then, and concealment since were neceseary. Not any of those who ii has been confidently asserted were of the party have ad mitted the fact except some of the boys. Nearly all of the disguised persons have left this scene of strife, and their secret has died with them ; and what few remain, if any, will proba bly be as prudent as those who have gone before them, and like them will suffer their knowledge to be buried with them, so that the greatest secret will shortly be beyond the reach of human research. The success of this bold and daring measure, astonished Governor Hutchinson and the British party, and seemed to convince him, that the " Sons of Liberty" were not quite so contemptible as he had represented them in his letters to the ministry ; and it even astonished the whigs, in the other colonies, and contributed to fan the flames of liberty, and give them a deeper glow, and more intense heat. THE UNITED STATES. 161 When the intelligence of this event readied England, accom panied wit!) all (he exaggeration and colouring which Hutch- inson could give to it, it produced the utmost excitement, and indignation with the ministerial party, and even the opponents of the American revenue system, could not justify so rash and desperate a measure. Putliament at once determined to crush the devoted town, which was the seat and cause of this high handed resistance to its supremacy. Its omnipotent power, and all the terrors of its wrath, were to be concentrated and directed against this rebellious town. A bill was immediately introduced to" discontinue the landing and discharging, landing and shipping of goods, wares and merchandise, at the town of Boston, or within the harbor." This bill, called the <% Boston Port Bill/ passed on the 25th of March, 1774, and when it was known, threw the inhabitants into the utmost consternation. A general meeting was called, and spirited resolutions adop ted, expressive, in strong terms, of their sense of the oppres sive measure, and they requested all the colonies to unite in an engagement to discontinue al! importations from Great Britain; and most of the colonies resolved to make common cause with Massachusetts, in her opposition to the unconstitutional meas ures of parliament. The first of June, when the port bill was to go into operation was appointed to be kept as a day of fasting and prayer. This act was soon followed by another, " for the better regulating gov t. in the province of Mass. Bay ;" the object o^F which was to alter the charter, so as to make the judges and sheriffs dependant on the king, and removeable at his pleas ure. And this act was soon succeeded by another, which pro vided, that any persons indicted for murder, or other capital of- fenee, committed in aiding the magistrates, in enforcing the laws, might be sent by the governor either to any other colony, or to Great Britain for his trial. The Quebec Bill followed in rapid succession, enlarging the bounds of that province, and con ferring many privileges on the Roman Catholics ; the design of which was to secure the attachment of that province, and pre vent its joining with the colonies in their measures of resis tance. These measures instead, ofintimidating the colonies into submission, only confirmed their fears of the settled designs of Great Britain to deprive them of their chartered rights, and re duce the colonies to the lowest state of political degradation and oppression. A sense of common danger led to an extensive correspondence, which resulted in the opinion that it was ex* pedient to convene a general congress, to consist of deputies from all the colonies. This congress met at Philadelphia oa 1 he 5th of September, 1774; and comprised among its mem bers, some of the most distinguished patriots, statesmen and orators in the country, or perhaps in anr other. Notwithataodiag 14* 162 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the ferment which prevailed in most of the colonies, their pro- ceedino-g were characterised by coolness, unanimity and firm ness. They published a long and solemn declaration of rights, as British subjects, and maintained in the strongest terms, their exemption from taxation by parliament ; besides which, they pre pared a petition to the king-, which was refused to be answer ed ; an address to the people of Great Britain, and another to the people of America. These documents were drawn up with a masterly hand,, and exhibited great dignity and ability, and wore in every respect worthy of the men who had confided to them the liberties of their country, and the destinies of three millions of their countrymen, threatened with slavery. The proceedings of congress did not tend to allay public feel ing, and as the royal agents in jMassachusetts seemed deter mined to push matters to extremities, and reduce the people to unconditional submission, by arbitrary and forcible means, eve ry thing now wore the appearance of civil war. A new coun cil, and new judges were appointed by the crown ; and ter attempted to enter upon the execution of their offices ; but the juries refused to be sworn under them ; the people in some counties assembled to prevent their proceedings, and in Berk shire succeeded, in thus setting an example, which was after wards followed by Shays men, in violation of the laws of the state. About this time the famous " Tree of Liberty," in Bos ton, which had been pruned and ornamented with so much pride and care, " fell a victim to British vengeance, or to some individual to whom its shade had become offensive."? Previously to this period, General Gage had succeeded Hutchinson as Governer of Massachusetts ^ and, apprehending danger from a general muster of the militia, he caused the mag azines and ammunition at Charlestown and Cambridge, to be removed to Boston, and fortified the neck of land which joins Boston to the main land, at Roxbury. These measures occa sioned a universal panic ; delegates from all the towns in the county of Suffolk met, and spirited resolutions, and a remon strance to the Governor, were adopted. The general assem bly had been summoned to meet at Salem ; bat from the turbu lence of the times, the governor issued his proclamation, coun termanding their meeting; yet, in defiance of the governor s mandate, ninety members mei;, resolved themselves into a pro vincial congress, chose Mr. Hancock president, and adjourn ed to Concord, nineteen miles from Boston. They fearlessly proceeded to business; after addressing the governor, and re iterating their grievances ; in the face of British law and Brit ish troops, they proceeded to adopt the first measures, which were taken, directly and avowedly preparatory to an appeal to THE UNITED STATES. 163 the ?vrord, in defence of their rights and liberties. They regu lated the militia, made provision for furnishing the people with arms, and for supplying the treasury ; and such was the enthu siasm of the people, that their recommendations had the force of law. Governor Ganfe was filled with rage at these daring pro ceedings, and issued a proclamation, in which he insinuated that they amounted to rebellion. Early in 1775, parliament passed the fishery bills, which pro hibited the colonies from trading in fish with Great Brita : n, Ire- * land and the West Indies, and frcm taking fish on the banks of Newfoundland. These acts were intended to operate on the town of Boston, which had become the devoted object of min isterial wrath. The various statutes, which were passed, occa sioned deep and general distress in Boston and its vicinty ; but their bretheren in the other colonies sympathized with them, and promptly supplied them with provisions of every descrip tion for the relief of the sufferers. This policy of the British government was not only oppres sive, but mean and contemptible. Partial legislation is al ways odious and tyrannical ; yet it consisted with the justice and dignity of the British nation ; and a series of acts were pas sed, and the power of the nation exerted, to crush the town of Boston, because it had shown a more determined spirit of re sistance to their oppressive and unconstitutional measures than had appeared in other places. The ministry were not sensible that the colonies considered themselves all engaged in a com mon cause; they were in hopes to humble and crush the re bellious inhabitants of that devoted town, which they thought would be such a terrific example as wouid frighten all the col onies into submission. But their wicked designs recoiled on the heads of their authors; for these oppressive measures to wards the Bostonians, only served to exasperate the people throughout allthe colonies, who regarded them as cruel and de testable. In March 1773, the public indignation was greatly excited bv the following base and most shameful transactions : " The people from the country, whose business called them into Boston, were suspected by the officers of purchasing gnns from their soldiers. In order to furnish an opportunity to in flict punishment, and to raise occasion for a serious quarrel. Lieutenant Colonel Nesbit, of tbe forty seventh regiment, or dered a soldier to offer a countryman an old rusty musket. A man fromBillerica was caught by this habit, and purchased the gun for three dollars. The unfortunate man was immediately seized by Xesbit and confined in the guard house all night. Early next mroning they stripped him entirely naked, covered him over with warm tar, and then with feathers, placed him on 164 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF a cart and conducted him through the streets as far as liberty tree, where the people began to collect in vast numbers, and the military, fearing for their own safety, dismissed the man, and retreated to their barracks. The party consisted of about thirty grenadiers, with fixed bayonets, twenty drums and fifes playing the rogue s march, headed by the redoubtable N esbit with a drawn sword ! What an honorable deed for a British field of ficer and grenadiers ! The selectmen of Billerica remonstrated with General Gage respecting- this outrage, but obtained no sat isfaction. The breach between Britain and the colonies had now be come so wide, as with the mass of the people, nearly to exclude all ideas of conciliation ; and both parties began to make prepa rations for an appeal to the sword. No alternative was left the Americans but slavery, or resistance by force ; measures were adopted for training the militia to the use of arms, to en courage the manufacture of gun powder, and for collecting all kinds of military stores ; and committees of public safety were appointed in all the towns in the province. The British gov ernment sent out a re-inforcement of troops to Boston, and in the mean time Governor Gage attempted to counteract the de signs and treasures of the provincials, and particularly to seize or destroy their military stores, and thus deprive the m of the means of resistance. To destroy the military stores at Concord, General Gage despatched, in a secret mariner, a regiment of grenadiers, who undertook to disperse, and fired upon a party of militia at Lexington, several of whom were killed, which was the first blood spilt in that memorable war and revolution, that separated Great Britain and America forever ; and gave to the latter, not only a rank among the nations of the earth, but what only can exalt a nation Liberty and free institutions, which are the durable foundations of its glory and rising prosperity ; its tranquillity and happiness, its increasing population and wealth, the rapidity of which is unexampled in the annals of the world. Thus, dear reader, I have given^vou a summary view of the causes which led to the America^ revolution. I shall com mence the revolution by giving you an account of the battle of Lexington. On the ICth of April, 1775, Lieut. Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn left Boston with 800 chosen men from the British ar my, for the purpose of destroying the American stores at Con cord. On their arrival at Lexington, they found about se\en- ty militia under arms upon the green. Major Pitcairn, seeing the Americans on parade, rode up to them, and exclaimed, disperse, you rebels, throw down your arms, and disperse. His orders not being instantly obeyed, he discharged bis own pis- THE UNITED STATES. 165 tol, and ordered his men to fire. His orders were obeyed, and three of the Americans were killed. The detachment procee ded to Concord. The militia of that town had also assembled to oppose them, but their number was so small that they retir ed and waited for aid from the neighboring 1 towns. The Brit ish destroyed ail the stores that were to be found, and then be gan their retreat towards Lexington. But the whole country was in arms, and pressed upon their roar. The Americans kept up a continual fire from behind hedges, stone walls, &.c. Major Pi ? cairn, fearing his carcass would be picked from his borse, dismounted, and led his division on foot ; but his horse and equipments were taken bv the provincials. At sun-set, the regulars, overcome with fttigue, secured their retreat over Charlestown neck, and found on Bunker s Hill a place of secu rity and repose. The loss of the British in killed, wounded and taken prisoner?, amounted to 273, while the American loss in killed, wounded and missing, was only 88. The battle of Lexington spread like a conflagration, and aroused the hardy sons of the country to a manful resistance. The agriculturist left his plough in the furrow, and the mechanic dropped his tools in the shop, and the great mass of the people repaired to Boston with such arms as could be found. Within a few days a large army was collected under the com mand of generals Ward and Putnam. This alarmed general Gage for the safety of his garrison. When the tidings of these events reached the south, the population were aroused to the contest with the same animated zeal which had been dis played at the north, and the tocsin of alarm spread far and wide through the country. On the 28th of April, 1776, the provincial congress of Mas sachusetts issued the following general circular: " We conjure you by all that is dear, by all that is sacred, that you orive all possible assistance in forming an army, in de fence of~the country. Our all is at stake. Death* and de struction are the certain consequences of deJay. Every mt- ment is infinitely precious; an hour lost, may deluge your country in blood, and entail perpetual slavery upon the few of your posterity that survive the carnage. We beg and entreat, as you will answer it to your country, to your consciences, and above all, as you will answer it to your God, that you will has ten, by all possible means, the enlistment of men, to form en army; and send them forward to head-quarters, at Cambridge, with that expedition, which the vast importance, and instant urgency of the affairs demands." This, as might be expected, aroused the energies of the coun try, and inspired the people with the most heroic feelings. The 166 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP call was promptly obeyed, and the sons of liberty enlisted them selves with the greatest alacrity for the defence of their rights. The responsibilities which now rested on the fathers of the revolution were great, and their services important. Theyhad to imbody and discipline new and inexperienced troops, bring order out of confusion, and to supply both arms and ammuni tion being without funds, and almost without authority to resist them. Besides this, the army was to he supplied with pro visions, in the face of a formidable, well disciplined, and well furnished enemy. But the zeal and ability of the officers were equal to the crisis. Of some it is even recorded, that for a succession of days and nights, they were constantly at the hsad of their respective guards, without a change of raiment. At this critical epoch, General Ward directed colonel Ethan Allen to raise four hundred Green Mountain Boys, on the New Hampshire grants, since then composing the state now called Vermont. With this force he was to surprise the garrisons of the English on lake Champlain. The colonel raised two hundred and thirty of the number, with which force he repaired to Castleton, where he met one hundred and seventy two more, by concert with certain officers of the militia. In this plan, Dean, Wooster, and Parsons, with others in Connecticut, co-operated, and sentinels were posted on the different routes to Ticonderoga, to intercept intelligence of the intentions of the Americans. About this time, Colonel Benedict Arnold, who had arrived to assist in the enterprise, consented to act in concert with colonel Allen, and no unnecessary delay prevented them from moving forward to the object which they determined to ac complish. Colonel Allen crossed the lake on the 10th of May, with a detachment of only eighty three men, with which he attack ed fort Ticonderoga early in the morning. With this small number he rushed into the fort, while the garrison was asleep. Captain Delaplace was ordered to surrender the garrison in stantly, as he would save them from immediate destruction. The captain inquired by what authority, to whom colonel Allen icplied " In the name of the Great Jehovah, and the continen tal Congress." The fort was immediately surrendered, and the soldiers paraded without arms. The prisoners consisted of four officers, forty-four privates, with several women and chil dren, who were sent into Connecticut for security. The fruits of this victory were 120 iron cannon, 50 swivels, more than three tons of balls, two 10 inch mortars, and a quantity of shells, flints, gun carriages, powder, flour, pork, c. with two brass cannon, and many other valuables. THE UNITED STATES. 167 With the remainder of the party, Colonel Seth Warner, a native of Connecticut, crossed the lake, and took the fortress of Crown Point by surprise, with more than one hundred pieces of cannon. Colonel Arnold, who had embaiked on the lake, in a small schooner, captured an English armed vessel, and returned to Ticonderosra with his prize. Thus was a free communication with Canada secured by the command of the lake. While the tide of success thus waited on the American arms in the north, general Gage contemplated an attack upon the American troops at Roxbury, under the command of general Thomas. The number of troops at this place, amounted in all, to but seven hundred militia, and they were nearly des titute of both arms and ammunition. What was wanting in force, however, was supplied by stratagem. The Americans were marched round a hill in full view of the enemy, and dis played to such advantage through the day, that the British general was completely hoaxed, and the attack was not made. Reinforcements soon arrived, and the place was saved. The success which attended the American arms in their fre quent skirmishes >vith the foraging parties of the British, among the small islands which abound in Massachusetts bay, gave them confidence and courage to face the English forces with confidence and success in more important undertakings. On the 25th of the month, the three British generals, Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne, arrived at Boston. They were able and experienced, and to them was committed the task of put ting down all opposition, and of bringing the revolted colonists to a state of absolute and unconditional submission, during the first campaign. Two days after this, the provincials, under Putnam and War ren, defeated a strong force of the enemy on the islands, and destroyed the vessel, armed and stationed for their defence. The same success attended their arms on the 30th, and the British were greatly distressed by a removal of the cattle from the island, and the communication with Boston was now closed. On the part of the continentals, *.he sufferings were severe. The small pox had been communicated from Boston, and raged in the army to an alarming degree. Money was exceedingly scarce; and the whole foice, including officers and soldiers, did not exceed eight thousand. Under all their discouragements, and in their undisciplined state, nothing could keep them together, but the mest ardent zeal for the cause of their com mon country. A proclamation was issued by General Gage, on the 12th of June, in the king s name, offering a general amnesty, exclud ing only John Hancock and Samuel Adams. Those who should 168 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF refuse these gracious offers, or correspond with, or aid and assist the refractory, were denounced as rebels, and threatened to be treated as such. Martial law was also declared in the province. The proclamation was very properly considered as a public declaration of war, and the precursor of hostile operations, and the enemy was watched with the utmost vigilance. Colonel Prescott, with a detachment of one thousand men, was ordered to fortify Bunker s Hill, in Charlestown ; but as the operation was in the night, he fortified a place which lay contiguous to it, called Breed s Hill, which was nearer to Boston. The bold ness of this movement both perplexed and astonished general Gage, who saw that it jeopardized his own safety in Boston. He determined to dislodge them from this possition without delay; and on the 17th, about, noon, he detached a train of artillery, ten companies of grenadiers, and four battalions of infantry, for this purpose. On this occassion, Major general Howe and Brigadier general Pigot commanded. At (Charles- town, a re-inforcement added to their members, and the force amounted to three thousand men. This force formed on the beach, and marching in battle array, a terrible cannonade was commenced. The first shock of the battle was firmly sustained by colonel Prescott, aided by colonel Stark of New Hampshire, and captain Norton, of Connecticut. The detachment was soon joined by generals Putnam, Warren, and Pomeroy, who imparted enthusiasm and energy to the conflict. Charlestown was wrapped in flames as the British advanced. In imitation of the heroes on the plains of Abraham, the fire of the Americans was reserved until the English arrived to within seventy yards. A well directed fire of musketry was then op&ned, which spread destruction in the ranks of the as sailants, and kept them in check. The discharge of the mus ketry was dreadful, and the enemy fled in disorder. The cha grin and mortification of the officers was extreme, and the men were rallied to another charge. They were again repul sed, cut to pieces, and put lo the rout. At this crisis, general Clinton came up, and the troops being once more rallied, re newed the charge, and the carnage became dreadful. The time was a critical one. The powder of the provincials was nearly expended, and the cartridges of the dead were searched, that the fire might be continued, when their wings were out flanked b) the enemy, and the trenches were exposed to a rak ing fire from the British artillery. A terrible cannonade was now commenced from the British ships and batteries, and the exertions of the enemy were re doubled. Thti troops were pressed on by the swords and bay onets in the rear, and the points of British bayonets were met THE UNITED STATES. 1C9 Ijy clubbed muskets, until numbers prevailed, and the Ameri- ?re compared fo retire. The retreat was conducted in r- der, and the camp at Cambridge was regained, under a well directed fire from ships and batteries, which raked them severely as they crossed over the neck at Charlestown. Of this baitle it may be said, that in all the records of British valour, not one action occurred, in which they were met by a more dauntless courage, or a more obstinate resistance, or in which they obtained a harder victory. In this battle, the Americans lost 139 killed, 278 wounded, and 36 mis? g ; in all 453. Among the killed, were Gen. Warren. ("</,. Gardner, Lieut. Col. Parker, and Majors Moore and McClaney, whose loss to the nation was severely felt, anil shed a gloom over the country. The British loss, as reported by General Gage, was 226 kil led, nineteen of whom were commissioned officers, and seventy officers wounded. Total loss of the British, 1054. The result of the American loss in this battle, is said to equal that of Wolfe in the captnre of Quebec, but in the loss of offi cers, it stands as eighteen to thirteen in kPled, and as seventy to sixty-six in wounded. From this some estimate can be made of the comparative resistance in the two conflicts. * On the 10th of May the day on which Col. Alien deman ded the surrender of Ticonderoga in the name of the Arm ri- can Congress, tint illustrious body assembled in Philadelphia, and commenced its session. The Hon. Bey ton Randolph was re-appointed President, and Charles Thompson, Secretary. In June, by a special resolve, the Congress interdicted tercourse with the enemy, and assumed the style of the Twelve United Colonies, under sanction of which, a day of fasting was appointed for the 30th of July following. On the 15th, Gen. Washington, than a member from Virginia, was appointed to the responsible station of Commander in Chief of the " can forces. He accepted the trust with great diffidence. In reply to the President, after accepting the appointment, he added " But lest s:/,ne unlucky event should happen ur; able to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered, by every gentleman in the room, that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honoured with. " As to pay, sir, I br>g leave to assure the congress, that as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness. I do not wish to make any profit from it. I will keep an exact account of my expenses. Those I douU not they will discharge, and that is all I desire. 15 170 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP On presenting this special commission to Gen. Washington, a resolution was unanimously adopted, that " they would main tain and assist him, and adhere to him, with their lives and fortunes in the cause of American liberty." Immediately af ter this, was the appointment of four IvJajor Generals, Artemas Ward, Charles Lee, PhiJip Schuyler, and Israel Putnam ; and eight Brigadier Generals, Seth Pomeroy, Richard Montgome ry, David Wooster, William Heath, Joseph Spencer, John Sullivan, and Nathaniel Green. On the 2d of July, fifteen days from the date of his commis sion, Washington arrived at Head Quarters, in Cambridge, ac companied by General Lee, and several other gentlemen. The sentiment felt and expressed throughout the country was, that " under God, Washington must be the Saviour of his country." What was their presentiment, is now historic re cord. General Washington entered on the duties of his new office, under the most discouraging circumstances. He was indeed at the head of 14,000 men, but without discipline, without or der, and nearly destitute of military stores, and o f most of tha conveniences necessary to the well being of an army. New efforts and new energies became necessary, and they were ap plied with effect. * At this time, general Howe commanded the main body of the British army, which was posted on Bunker s Hill. Anoth er division was securely stationed near Roxbury. The fleet covered the reserve, and Boston. The main body of- the American army was posted at Cam bridge, under the guardianship of the commander in chief. The right rested on Iloxbn-y, under General Ward, and the left was securely posted on Prospect Hill, under general Lee. About 3000 men filled the intermediate spaces, under the com mand of genera] Putnam and o .hurs. The American army, thus posted, held a controlling power, which left the British in a state of sir.-g-"-, or at. least of a land blockade. On the 14! h und 22d of June, Congress ordered a battalion of riflemen to be raised in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and such was the spirit of patriotism in these States, that on the 7th of August, they were raised, accoutred and embodied with the army, without drawing- on the public treasury for a single cent. At this time the wants of the army were truly embarrass ing, and exposed the Americans to great danger, in the event of an attack, which was anticipated. Among the most impor tant, were the want of ammunition and bayonets. Carnp equipage and engineers we/ N in great request, and the disaf fection of officers, occasioned by certain appointments of Con- THE UNITED STATES. 171 gress, \vere truly distressing. Added to this, that many of the troops were to be disbanded in November, and the longest term of service wouid close with the year. But the zeal which was the fruit of a righteous cause, prevailed, and they were enabled to conquer their difficulties. Had the enemy known their vulnerable points the result, might have been very differ ent. The British force had lately been augmented by a reinforce- ment of 8000 men, and the commander in chief of course cal led a council to settle on a plan of operations for the summer campaign. This council determined on a blockade, as the want of ammunition precluded the idea of an assault on the town. Of the British force it had been well ascertained, that siace the 19th of April 2500 of the army had, by various means been lost, and it was thought thai before the recruits should arrive in the spring the army would be much weak ened. About this tims, an invitation was sent (o New York, by general Gage, to enlist as volunteers the foreign seamen who might be there. In October, Falmouth, in Massachusetts, was burnt by order of the English government, which directed that i he towns on the sea coast should be laid waste for the sin of rebellion. But the step was as impolitic as it was inhuman. The flames of Fahnouth, like those of Charlestons, roused the spirit of the colonies afresh, and called forth more union and greater exertions. Frigates and privateers were fitted for sea and commissioned against the commerce of the enemy, and two battalions of marines were raised for that service. Crui sers were sent out to intercept supplies for t he British a spir it of adventure was raised, and success attended them. Capt. Manley, of the privateer Lee, took a rich store ship laden with supplies for the army in Boston, which encouraged the Ameri cans, in proportion as it disheartened and distressed the enemy, for whose use the supplies were much needed. On hearing tidings of the battle at Lexington, the spirit of South Carolina awaken^ to the situation of the nation. Her provincial Congresfe was convened, and the following covenant was passed) by an unanimous resolution. " Thoroughly convinced, that under our present distressed circumstances, we shall be justified before God and man, in re sisting force by force : \Ve do unite ourselves under every tie of religion and honor, and associate as a band of brothers, in defence of our injured country, against every foe ; hereby sol emnly engaging, that whenever our continental or provincial councils shall decree it necessary, we will go forth and be ready to sacrifice our lives and fortunes to secure her defence and safely. This covenant to continue in force, until a reconcilia- 172 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tion shall take place between Great Britain and America, upon constitutional principles ; an event, which we most heartily de sire. And we will hold (hose persons criminal to the liberty of these colonies, who shall refuse to subscribe to this associa tion." The result of this resolution was such as might be expected. Two regiments of infantry, and one of rangers was raised for common defence, and the language of the day was in unison with that of the other colonies, nearer the seat of danger. Having organized their affairs with a view to the situation of the country, they adjourned. But we must here remark, that South Carolina was noi alone in the spirit of resistance. The king s governors were removed from office in the neighbouring colonies, and the people assumed the responsibility of self gov ernment. Committees of safety were appointed, and means taken to attend to their own business in their own way. The efforts of the colonies generally, were directed to the supplies wanted by the army near Boston. Powder was pur chased in foreign ports, some was obtained from Bermuda, ana about three and a half tons was received by General Washing ton from the British forts on the coast of Africa. The colonies also, set about the manufacture of this article. Intelligence was received at head quarters, that the Cana dians had received the addresses from Congress in a favourable manner, and that they would not act against the colonies. An expedition was set out for Quebec on the 19lh of September, consisting of one thousand men, under Col. Arnold, by way of Kennebec. lie arrived at his place of destination on the 9th of November, after traversing a pathless wilderness, and en countering the greatest hardships and privations. About the same time, general Montgomery entered Canada byway of Lake Chan* plain, in company with general Schuyler. He laid siege to St. John s on the 8th of October. Sir Guy Carleton, Governor 01 Canada, with eight hundred men, went to the relief of the place, but the green mountain boys, under colonel Warner, defeated him. Chamblee was surprised and taken, with six tons of powder, by Brown and Livingston, which was used to reduce St. Johns, which surrendered on the 2d of No- ve.mber and the garrison was made prisoners. During the siege, col. Allen invested Montreal, but was defeated, taken prisoner, and sent to England in irons, to be tried for trea son. General Montgomery entered Montreal in triumph, on th<* 12th of November, and but five days afterwards, eleven sail of vessels, general Prescott. several other officers, and one hun dred and twenty privates, a large supply of flour, beef, butter, &c. cannon, tmall arms, and military stores, were taken. AH" THE UNITED STATES. 173 of these were useful in the nrosr-c :ition of the war. In the night Governor Carleton escaped in a canoe, with muffled pa(J- d!es, and shaped his course tor Quebec, where he arrived in safely. On the first of December, general Montgomery formed a junction with colonel Arrioll, before Quebec, and operations to carry it by storm were commenced on the fifth. The garri son of tiiis second Gibraltar consisted of fifteen hundred men, under command of the governor. Trenches were opened in the depth of a Can ul an winter, and the siege was commenced. A council of war was now called, which acceded to the views of the general, and were nearly unanimous in resolving to take the city by assault. Arrangements were made, and on tho morning- of the 31st, the signal was given for the attack, by a discharge of rockets. The soldiers advanced with firm ness, but tiie rockets had s^\en warning, and the garrison was prepared to receive it. The n st division commanded by gen eral Montgomery, attempted to enter the lower town by the margin of the river, The first battery was carried, and the guard dispersed. The discharge of a single gun from the abandoned batter; 7 , killed general Montgomery, captains Mac- pherbon and Cheesman, with several others, and the trcops being 1 appalled, retired, and the enterprise was abandoned. The second division was commundod by colonel Arnold, who entered the Uwer town, on the opposite side of the city. A solitary field piece, mounted on a sled, commanded by captain Lamb, and guarded by a co npany of artillery, next entered, and the main body brought up the rear. Colonel Arnold was wounded by a musket ball in the leg, at the head of the brave band, while forcing the first barrier. The bone was fractured, and he- re tired from (he combat. Caloncl Morgan now took the command, curried the first barrier by storm, and assaulted tiie second with a prospect of success, not knowing the fate of general Montgomery. Majors Bigelow and Meigs now came up with abotit two hundred men. The second barrier was char?d, amidst a shower of musquetry, and the barrier was mounted. But to their astonishment, a forest ofbri-tly bayonets for bade their en trancing. On the advance, death was certain, and the danger of a retreat was great. They retired into adjacent buildings, and de fended themselves until overpowered by numbers, when they were compelled to surrender. The general was killed, about four hundred men killed and wounded, and, after all their la bours and privations, the daring enterprise entirely failed. The loss of General Montgomery was severely felt by the nation, and Congross voted to erect a monument to aid memory, which 15* 174 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF was accordingly done, and may be seen in St. Paul s Church, New-York. CHAPTER VII. Revolution continued. In October, 1775, Gen. Gage was succeeded by General Howe, in command of the British troops at Boston, which had boon blockaded through the winter by the army under Washington. Congress being- desirous to support the views of the commander- In-chief, resolved, " That if General Wash ington ar.d his council of war shall be of opinion that a successful attack may be made upon the troops in Boston, he should make it in any manner he might think expedient, not withstanding the town and property in it might be destroyed. In the reply of the general, he thus speaks: "It is not in the pages of history to furnish a case like ours. To maintain a post within musket shot of the enemy for six months together, without ammunition, and at the same time to disband one army and recruit another, within that distance of twenty odd British regiments, is more than probably ever was attempted; but if we succeed in the latter as we have done in the former I shall think it one of the most fortunate events of rny whole life." That we may be able to judge of the means at this time possess ed by Washington, for offensive operations, it i s merely neces sary to observe, that his whole force consisted of less than nine thousand men, two thousand of whom were utterly destitute of arms. The general pressed Congress to raise a regular army for a stipulated time as a safe project on which the country might securely rely. The propriety of this step was seen by Con gress, and on the first of March the army numbered fourteen thousand, and was soon reinforced by six thousand of the militia, amounting in all to twenty thousand. His operations now com menced in good earnest. The detachment at Roxbury was or dered to take possession of Dorchester Heights, while the commander in clrief was to cover this motion by a bombard ment of the town. Oo the night of the fourth of March, this was accomplished, and works thrown up which would secure them from the guns of the enemy. The light of day opened the eyes of the commanding gen eral to the danger of his situation. One of two things must be done, and that immediately. Either the American troops must THE UNITED STATES. 175 be disloged, or Boston must be evacuated. The English Admiral eaw that the fleet was at the mercy of the provincials, and the General determined to attempt a dislodgement. Three thousand men were detached for the service, and Lord Percy, who was to command the expedition, actually embarked for (he execu tion of the project. He was however, providentially prevent ed from the attempt, by the roughness of weather. In expecta tion of this, however, Washington, had made preparations to attack Boston, the moment the British General should com mence a hostile step in this quarter. Gen. Howe, finding himself very unpleasantly situated, sent a flag of truce to tl-.e American head quarters, notifying gene ral Washington of his intention to evacuate Boston, but threat ened to destroy the town, in case he should be molested. On the 16th, at night, the British troops embarked, and the next day sailed for Nantasket Roads, and, in a few days, the whole fleet set sail for Halifax. Immediately after the evacuation of the English army, Washington entered the town, and spread joy through the colonies. "The joy of the inhabitants was excessive, and the general was received with every demonstration of gratitude. They were now relieved fro n tiie abuses of an insolent soldiery, and from the distresses occasioned by hunger. A resoluMon was passed in congress, expressing the thanks of he naiioti, and a gold medal was ordered to be struck with an appropriate de vice, commemorating f ha event, which should b presented to the commander in chief. In the mean time, the royal governo-s at the south were aot idle. Lord Dunmore, of Virginia, endeavoured to counterwork the revolution. But he was compelled by the patriots of that state, to relinquish the attempt, and to go on board the fleet for safety. Chagrined at his defeat, he determined to avenge The affront, and on the night of the first of January, 1776, he caused fire to be set at Norfolk, which was destroyed. These depredations were continued until they disgusted the most loyal of his party, when lie departed with his booty of aboyt one thousand negroes, when he departed for Florida and the Bermudas. In Nerth Carolina, the governorattempted the same play, btit his plot was defeated, and the insurrection wa suppressed by the patriotism and intelligence of the people. About the middle of February, the American navy, under commodore Hopkins, set sail from cape Henlo^ n, and soon surprised and dismantled aTort in New Providence, taking off forty pieces of iron ordnance, and fifteen brass mortars. The governor, lieutenant governor and one counsellor ieli into the power of the commodore- In the fore part of March, the fleet captured a British schooner, and the next day, Uuk a bomb brig, 176 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF laden with arms and military stores. On the day preceding-, the fleet engaged a sloop of wv, carrying 20 guns, but night separated them, and the next day the sloop escaped into New- poit. When the intelligence of the two first battles between the and the colonists reached Great Britain, with the infor mation tLat general Washington \vas appointed commander in chief, the impros-ions on the people and the government were riouf. The king and the ministry however, determined to carry on the war. On the 26th of October, the parliament livened, and the speech of the king evidently supported the unnatural controversy. In both houses, the opposition was strong, but the ministry prevailed, and the supplies wereg-rnt- ed. Sir Peter Parker and Earl Cornwailis sailed from Ports mouth in December, for Ireland, with Hie ships Acteon and Thunderbomb. a? a convoy for the transports, with four thou sand troops, intended for service in the col nies. In this fleet, came colonel Allen, who had been confined in Pendinnis castle, Cornwall, and treated with much seven y. A subscription was opened for him and his companions in Ireland, which was the first humane attention which he had received since his impri- Bonment. About this time, the bargain with the king of England, for 17,000 men to be employed in this war, by the prince of Hesse Cassel, the duke of Brunswick, and other German princes, \vaa sanctioned in parliament, by a vote of 242 to 58. In the spring of 1776, two dirisioi.s of these mercenaries sailed to America. The estimate for the service against the liberties of America, amounted to 60,000 men. The Cork fleet, under theconroy of Admiral Parker, arrived in cape Fear river, on the 3 i of May, where they were joined by General Clinton, from the northern army. On the 5th, the offer of pardon, on certain conditions, was published by th-> general, but finding his efforts to stem th tide of popular feeling, of little avail, the fleet sailed for Charleston, S. C. and anchor ed off Sullivan s Island, about the first of June. Tr e siege of Charleston was opened by the offer of pardon, as in North Car olina, and with equal effect. The day of proclarnations and smooth words had come too late. Governor Rutledge had pre pared for a vigorous defence, and the militia cheerfully rallied around the flag of their country. At this critical moment, general Lee appeared at the head of some northern regiments, and took the command of Charleston. The enemy crossed the bar on the 26lh of June, with a number of ships arid frigates, aod operations were commenced with little delay. The fire from the American fort and batteries, however, was too galling, &nd the squadron was compelled to withdraw, after the loss of THE UNITED STATES. 177 one fifty gun ship, and a damage to o hers, which rendered them for the . - w. may form an es< . .-: coa- test, by learning the fact, that 7009 loose ball.- :--d up on Sullivan s Island, after the b . Tife garrisoii in i lie fort consisted of about three hundred and seveiv ;. "ars, and . . . . ..lonel Moultrie. The: * -) mounted but twenty six, nine, and eighteen pounders. Tue British force was three thousand uiea on board i.wy snips of fifty gun- e^ch, four frigates of t eight guns each, and some saial. This severe repulse obtainei a respite from the calamities of war, for more than two years in the southern states. Of those who deserve an honourable notice ia tins action, sergeant. Jasper must not be forgotten. During the iisat of the engagement, the fl ig-,staff was shot away, and fell into the ditoh. The inhabitants of Charleston considered this aS a token of sub mission. Wnen the intrepid sergeant discovered it, he j imped -:- ditch, seized the flaj, st-cuied it to a sponge-staff, and erected it again in the heat of the action. For this act of bravery, the governor the next day, presented him a sword. The result of this battle led to the declaration of indepen dence. It had blown ihespark of liberty into a steady fl ime, and prepared the minds of the people for an event to which many looked with the deepest solicitude. Tiie spirit which lived in congress, was united bv instructions from the colonies, and the country now secerned ripe for entire separation from the mother country. A resolution was moved in congress by Rich ard Henry Lee, and seconded by John Adams, in the following words, which passed unanimously. Resolved, that ihe*e United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent stale* ; and that all political con nexion between them and Great Bri .am is, and ought to be dissolved." In defence of this motion, Mr. Lee addressed the house in ;\ very animal ed strain, which he closed in the following- language; Why then do we longer delay, why still deliberate ? Let this happy day give birth to the American republic. Let her arisi% not to devastate and conquer, but to re-establish the reign of peace and of the laws. The eyes of Europe are fixed upon us ; she demands of us a living example of freedom, that may GJO- trast, by the felicity of the citizen?, with the ever increasing tyranny which desolates her polluted shares. She invites us to prepare an asylum, where the unhappy may find soloce, and the perecout-e<l repose. She entreats us to cultivate a propi tious soil, where that generous plant, which first sprang up and -!i England, but is now withered by the poisonous blasts ofScottish tyranny, may revive and flourish, sheltering under 178 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP its salubrious and interminable shade, all the unfortunate of the human race. " This is the end presages by so many omens, by ouv first vic tories, by the present ardour and union, by the flight of Howe, and the pestilence which broke out amongst Duninore s people, by the very winds which baffled the enemy s fleets and trans ports, and that terrible tempest which ingulphed seven hundred vessels upon the coast of Newfoundland. If we are not this day wanting in our duty to our country, the names of the American legislators will be placed, by posterity, at the side of tiiose of Theseus, of Lycurgus, of Romulus, of Numa, of the three Williams of Nassau, and of all those whose memory has been, and will be forever dear to virtuous men, and good citi zens." The members of congress from Pennsylvania and Maryland were not present, and the deliberations on the subject were postponed to the first of July. On that day the discussion was renewed, and on the Fourth of July, 1776, the report of the special committee was adopted, dissolving the allegiance of the colonies to the Beitish crown, and declaring therm Free and la- dependent, under the style of the Thirteen United States of America. The committee who drafted this instrument, consisted of Messrs. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger sherrnan, and Philip Livingston. This declaration was signed by all (he members of congress, whose names, and the states to which they respectively belong ed were as follows. John Hancock, President, from Massachusetts. JVeio Hampshire. Delaware. Joeiah L>artl<-tt, Cesar Rodney, William Whipple, George Road. Mat hew Thornton. Marylarid. Massachusetts. Samuel Chase, Samuel Adams, William Paca, John Adams, Thomas Stone, Robert Treat Paine, Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Elbridge Gerry. Virginia. Rhode-Island. George VVythe, Stephen Hopkins, Richard Henry Lee, William Ellery, Thomas Jefferson, Connecticut. Benjamin Harrison, Roger Sherman, Thomas Nelson, Jun. Samuel Huritington, Thomas Lig-htfoot T.eo, William Williams, Carter Braxton. Oliver Vtolcott. THE UNITED STATES. 179 New-York. James Smith, William Floyd, George Taylor, Philip Livingston, Jamss Wilson, Francis Lewis, George Ross. Lewis Morris. ^Vorth Carojjna. A~ew Jersey. William Hooper, Richard Stockton, Joseph Ilewes, John Witherspoon, John Penn. Francis Hopkinson, South Carolina. John Hart, Edward Rutledge, Abraham Clark. Thomas Hayward, Jun. Pensylvania. Thomas Lynch, Jun. Robert Morris, Arthur Middleton. Benjamin Rush, Georgia. Benjamin Franklin, Button Gwimiett, John Morton, Lyman Hall, George Ciymer, George Walton. This declaration was received by the people with transports of joy- Public rejoicings took place in various part:- of (he Union. In New York, the statue of George III. was taken down, and the lead, of which it was composed, was converted into musket balls. In Bo.ston, the garrison w?.s drawn up in King s street, which from that moment, took the name of State street, and thirteen salute-, by thirteen detachments, into which the troops were formed, were fired ; the bells of the town were rung, in token of felicitation, and the evening concluded with the tearing in pieces, and burning, the ensigns of royalty lions, sceptres, and crowns. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. PREAMBLE. " When, in the course of human event?, it becomes neces sary for one people to dissolve the political bands that Iwve united them with another, and to assume among the powers of the errih, the separate and equal stations, to which the laws of nature and of nature s God, enti le them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires, that they should declare the causes which impel them to a separation. " We hold these truths to be self-evident ; that all men are created equal: that they are endowed by their Creator, with .:i unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, ttiiii the pursuit of happiness ; that to secure these rghis, go- 180 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP vernmcnts are instituted amongst men, deriving their just ers from the consent of the governed : that whenever any form of government becomes de^ructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and or ganizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and iappimss. " Prudence indeed, will did e, that governments long es tablished, should not he cha: d ibr light and transient causes: and accordingly all experiei.: e liath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while, nvils are gufTerable, than to right themselves, by abolishing the forms to which they are accus tomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pur suing invariably the some object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism ; it is their right, it is thf-ir duty, to throw off such a government, pnd to provide new guards for their fu ure security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is the necessity now that constrains them to alter their former sjstrms of government." Having already recapitulated the causes which principally led to the separation of the colonies from Great Britain, they nef d not here be repeated. We shall therefore proceed to that part of the instrument which exhibits the course taken by the colonies, in consequence of British aggressions, arid their determination, at all hazards, to dissolve the ties which bound them to the mother country. " In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble mariner. Our repeated petitions have hern answered only by repeated injury. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them, from lime to time, of attempts by their legisla ture, to extend an i mvarranu.hlc jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have iippr-aled to their native, justice and magnanimity, and we have, cot jured them by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our c< nriexions and correspondence. They too nave been deaf to the voice of jut- ice, and of consanguini ty. We must therefore acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rett of mankind, enemies iu war, in prace, friends. "We, theiffore, the reprc-peinutivcs "f the United States of America, in conjrress assembled, nj p .;. , g to the Supreme Judge of the world for I he rrciitudc ot our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish at.d declare, that these united eolo- are, aijd of right ought to be, free and Independent states; THE UNITED STATES. 181 that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown ; and that all political connexion between them and Great Bri tain, is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that as free and independent stales, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things, that independent states may do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on Divine Pro vidence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our for tunes, and our sacred honors." The effects produced on the people of the United Stales by this declaration, were uniformly those of joy and exultation. The flame wuich had been smothered during ten years of suffer ings, now burst forth in acts and expressions v hich could not b6 misunderstood. In various parts of the union, public re joicings were the result. In New York the equestrian statue of George III, in Bawling Green, was hauled dwn and con verted into bullets. The garrison at Boston was paraded in King s street, which was thenceforward named State street. Thirteen detachments fired as many salutes, and the bells rung in merry peals, felicitating the citizens on the joyous intelli gence. To conclude the evening, the ensigns of royalty were either torn to pieces or consumed. But in no place was the excitement greater than in Virginia. The convention was then in session, and decreed, among other things, that " the name of the king should be suppressed in all public prayers. 11 The great seal of the commonwealth was aiteit-d. The tutelary genius of the province was represented by Virtue, " robed in the drapery of an Amazon, resting ne iiand upon her lance," while the other grasped a sword. She was repre sented as trampling on tyranny, characterised by a prostrate man, from whose head a crown had fallen, carrying " in one hand a broken chain, and in the other a scourge." J irgir.ia was at the foot, and round the figure of Virtue " sic semper tyrannis. On the reverse was a group of figures, m the midst of which stood Liberty, with her wasd and cap; on one side was Ceres, with a horn of plenty in the right hand, and a sheaf of wheat in the left. On the other side appeared E er- nity, with the Globe and the Phoenix At the loot are these words : Dt us tiobis hose otia facil. The Americans now made a permanent stand; they had gone too far to recede ; and the Tree of Liberty could thrive only, when nurtured oy the blood of the country. The blow had now been struck ,il<l not be recalled, and it was aimed at British power and influence in America, and the blow ataV 16 182 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF CHAPTER VIII. Revolution Continued. Capture of New York. On the evacuation of Boston by general Howe, Washington euspected that the possession of New York would be a favourite object. To prevent this, if possible, he determined to make that city his head quarters, and thus to prevent its occupation by the British general. He accordingly soon removed to that city, with the principal part of bis army. On the 28th of June, general Howe arrived at Sandy Hook, near New York, with his armament from Halifax, where he was joined by his brother, lord Howe, on the 12th of July, with another armament. By the latter arrival, the two bro thers were clothed with powers to treat with the United States, collectively or separately. A flag was despatched to Amboy, to announce his commission. This circular was communicated to Congress by general Washington. The American army at New York, amounted to little more than seventeen thousand men, a part of which force was en camped at Brooklyn, on Long Island. The combined forces of the British amounted to twenty four thousand, which were landed near the Narrows, nine miles from the city, on the 2d, of August. On the 27th, the British forces, under Sir Henry Clinton, Percy, and Cornwallis, attacked the American camp at Long Island, which was defended by brigadier general Sul livan, who was defeated, with the loss of more than a thousand men, while the loss of the British was less than four hundred. Brigadier generals lord Stirling and Woodhull fell into the hands of the English. General Washington perceived with anguish, what would be the result of the battle, but he dare not draw off more troops from the city, as he would not even by that measure, be able to cope with the British. On both sides this battle was expected. On the 22d, the British effect ed a landing, at Utrecht, near the Narrows, under cover of the ships, and every preparation was made to meet them manfully. Colonel Hand was ordered to the high ground, in order to protect the pass leading to Flatbush. Lord Cornwallis wa ordered to secure this pass, if it could be done without an en gagement. He hailed at the village, finding that the pass wa secured by the Americans. On this occasion, Washington issued the following ordeis: " The enerny have now landed upon Long island, the hour ig fast approaching in which the honor and success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding- country depend. Remember, that JOT are of liberty: that riai ef ytw posterity, if yoa ob mot I-; :- i.rj: :: -.-::.. ::.; 3:.-. - -:-: ;- :i i : i :"-" :..- i r~: :: := ^::.",:T: -. I "".--. " to New York, udcr euro of a dense fog : :j : " :- On titt i of September, two regiments of Gorcraot s biaW, aear New York, with their arac aW of the Britfih fleet, wah the 7- i- :: Ar.-.Ti of a gie battle. The re- :- : ~: -ri :: ^ i-: i:-!:-: the armr , aa .1:1 ,T: -:. !- i- i toed to While Plaim, IB of the ei j, as the A at fen \V 184 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF General Howe, being 1 reinforced by a division or two of Ger mans, marched towards tbe American army, encamped at White Plains. On the 28th of October, a general skirmish commenced between the advanced parties. On the 29th, the genera] moved in columns to the support of his van, and to bring on a general engagement. General Washington kept him at bay until the 31st, when he retired to higher ground, and left a strong rear guard to cover White Plains. The British now abandoned the enterprise, and on the 8th of Novem ber, drew off his army towards Kingsbridge. On the 15th, he sent a summons to colonel Magraw, commanding Fort Wash ington, and the next day stormed the fort, and put the garrison to the sword, General Washington beheld the awful scene, and wept with the feelings of a compassionate father. The shock was felt with the keenest sensibility, throughout the American army, and even general Lee wept with indignation, at the news of the merciless butchery, and cursed the unrelenting foe. On the 18th, lord Cornwallis moved to the attack of Fort Lee ; but general Greene drew off the garrison, abandoned the Fort, and joined general Washington. On the 22d, general Washington crossed North river, and retired to Newark, where he found himself almost abandoned by the army ; and left to the mercy of a victorious, pursuing enemy, with only about three thousand five hundred men, to accompany him in his flight. On the 28th, general Washington retired to Bruns wick, and lord Cornwallis entered Newark, with his victorious army. His lords-hip pursued to Brunswick, and general Wash ington retired to Princeton, December 1st. Lord Cornwallis halted one whole week at Brunwick, agreeable to orders; and in the mean time, general Washington saw himself abandoned by the Jersey and Maryland brigades of militia, whose terms of service then expired. On the 7th, his lordship pursued to Princeton, and general Washington retired to Trenton. The next day his lordship entered Trenton, just at the critical moment that general Washington, with his remnant of an army, had crossed the Delaware,* and secured the boats to prevent his passing f December 8th, 1776. General Howe had joined lord Cornwallis at Newark, and now made a stand at Princeton, and issued the proclamation of * General Washington could muster only two thousand two hun dred men at this time. t The same day general P/escott, with a strong British force, took possession of Newport, (Rhode-Island.) THE UNITED STATES/ 18o the king s commissioners, proffering pardon and peace to all such as should submit in sixty days. Sucfi were the distresses of the* army and the country, when they saw their liberties about to expire under the pressure of an overwhelming foe, that men of the first distinction, in great numbers, in tbat part of the country, embraced the overture, and made their submission. To add to the distresses of this most trying scene, general Lee> who had harrassed the rear of the British army, with about three thousand m n, was now surprised in his quarters, aud taken by the enemy, December 13. The troops of general Lee. now under the com.nand of general Sullivan, joined gene ral Washington. During the delay of genera! Howe at Trenton, general Wash ington, with the assistance of genera) Miffl ; n, collected a body of Pennsylvania miiitia, and resolved to in ke a stand, to re cover, if possible, the spirits of the army and nation. On th.2 night of the -25th, general Washington, under cover of a violent snow storm, recfossed the Delaware, commenced an attack upon the British army, and g.dnod a signal victory; took about one thousand prisoners, including an entire regiment of Germans, with their whole encampment, and secured his po sition at Trenton. The enemy soon recovered their sho,k by large reinforce ments, and genera! Washington retired to Prinscton. by a circui tous march ; triumphed over the enemy again, and pursued them to Brunswick. Lord Cornwailis collected all his forces at Brunswick, and made a stand. General Washington took up his position at Morristown, and wruched the motions of the enemy, During these operations in New Jersey, the British army had thrown up the rein, and given full scope to the brutai passions. Tni- roused the indignation of the peop e, and rekindled the fire of Lexington, which spread like lightning through the country. New Jersey then exhibited a scene whie i was con sidered but the miniature of \vlrit the nation would exhibit, should Britain prevail. Ilusbamk eaw the fate of their wives ; parents of their daughters; and the nation beefKTte most serious ly alarmed ..feiy, and more immediately alive to the interest of the common cause. New J>ssey felt the wound she had received, and roused to the combat, to avenge her wrongs upon the brutal foo. General Washington surprised lord Cornwallis at Elizabeth- town, and he retired to Am boy, where he was closely invested through the winter. In June following, general Ho>ve drew off this army to Statea island, and the Jerseys were cleared. 16* 186 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF In April, general Howe detached governor Tryon, with the command of a major-general of provincials, at the head of about two thousand men, to destroy the American stores at Danburv. The general executed this commission, and destroyed one thousand ei^fht hundred barrels of beef, two thousand bushels of wheat, eight hundred barrels of flour, one thousand seven hundred tents, one hundred hogsheads of rum, &c. with the loss of about four hundred men, killed, wounded, and taken by the Americans. But this expedition cost the British a severe loss. Three generals were in the neighbourhood, Wooster, Arnold, and Sullivan. About six hundred militia were collected in great haste, and followed in pursuit about two miles, during a heavy rain. The next morning tiie troops were divided. Wooster fell in the rear of the enemy, while Arnold was posted at Ridgefield,in their front. Wooster attacked the enemy, and was mortall} wounded in the contest; the troops had to re treat. Arnold gave them a severe reception at Ridgefield, and was repulsed, but renewed the attack during the next day. The yeomanry of the country through which they passed towards the Sound constantly annoyed them, and they made a precipitate retreat to their ships, which conveyed them to New York. They lost in killed, wounded, and missing, about one hundred and seventy ; while the loss of the Americans did not exceed one hundred. General Wooster lingered until the 2d of May, and expired in his seventieth year. A monument was voted" to his memory by congress, and a horse, splendidly caparisoned was presented to Arnold, as a token of respect for hig intrepidity and good conduct. CHAPTER IX. Eeacuation of Canada Capture of Burgoyne, and fall of Philadelphia. We must now return to the affairs in the north. General Montgomery fell at Quebec, and the command devolved on colonel Arnold, who had been badly wounded. But he was removed to Montreal, and was preceded by general Thomas. He soon died, and general Sullivan was appointed in his place. The small pox, with other diseases, reduced the number of men to four hundred. The siege was raised, and this hand ful of men was compelled to retreat for Montreal. THE UNITED STATES. 187 A reinforcement had arrived from England, and the army in Canada was now thirteen thousand strong. With this force governor C. arleton, with generals Burgoyne, Frazer, Phillips, and Reidesel, advanced in different divisions, in pursuit of Sul livan. General Frazer took post at Troies Riviers, when the Americans attempted a surprise, but it miscarried, and general Thompson was left in the hands of the English. Carleton pur sued with his whole force, but the retreat of Sullivan was se cured, and he reached the river Sorel in safety, where he was met by Arnold, from Montreal. The troop.s, baggage, and cannon were embarked, and they made a stand at Crown Point, on the 15th of June, 1776. In the fore part of July, general Sullivan left the command of the northern army, and was succeeded by general Gates. The army was diminished more than 5000, and the ravages of the small pox were dreadfully alarming. About three hun dred sick were removed to fort George. The exertions of governor Carleton to prepare his fleet to meet the Americans on the lake, were great and unceasing. Early in October, troops were embarked, and operations commenced. A sharp action ensued near Valicour island, and much valour was dis played on both sides. But the Americans were overpowered, dispersed, taken, or destroyed, which enabled the enemy to approach Ticonderoga, on the 1 1th of October. But this vic tory was not followed up with spirit. Hostile operations were suspended for the season, and the governor retired into Cana da. To the honour of the governor we would here record his humanity to prisoners, who were often dismissed with kind ness, and furnished with necessaries to reach their friends in the United States. These traits in his character are worthy of perpetual remembrance and gratitude. General Gates discharged the militia, and the campaign wai closed. General Burgoyne succeeded to the command after Carle- ton, in the spring of 1777. Operations were commenced early at the head often thousand mn, English and German, com manded by ger>erals Phillips, Frazer, Powel, Hamilton, and by the German generals, Reidesel and Spicht. The army wag well appointed, and well supplied wi .h every facility to ensure a successful compaign. Th-; troops were in fine health and high spirits. To this powerful armament were attached seve rs! tribes of Indians, who were to take the field on condition* of humanity ; they were not to scalp the wounded, nor their prisoners ; but a bounty was to be given for every prisoner UKen and brought in alive. In June the army arrived at Crown Point, and on the 19lh, operations were commenced against Ticonderoga. 138 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP General Gates was succeeded in his command by general Scluiyler, who placed this fortress in good order for defence, and gave the command to general St. Clair. The forl was ap proached on the right wing of the American army on the 2d of July, and possession taktm of Mount Defiance. This lies con tiguous to Ticonderoga, and overlooks the fortress. This mount had hitherto been deemed inaccessible, and had remained unoccupied. Cannon were hoisted by tackles, until the force was sufficient to dislodge the garrison. To save the men, the fort was now abandoned, and the Arnercan force retired to Hub- bardston, and thence to Castleton, where a stand was made, about thirty miles from Ticonderoga. General Frazer, supported by general Reidesel, commenced a pursuit in the morning, with the light troop* of the Britisu and Germans, and overtook (he American rear guard under colonel Warner, at Castleton, and commenced an attack on the 7th, which became sharp and bloody. The British were rout ed at first, with loss ; but finding that colonel Warner was not, supported by general St. Clair, thvy rallied to the combat, and with the bayonet, charged and dispersed the American rear with the loss of about three hundred men ; and colonel Warner reiired with the remainder of his troops to fort Ann. General Burgoyne, with the main body of the "British army,, sailed from Ticonderoga, in pursuit or the American fleet ; destroyed arid dispersed the whole, and landed at Skeensbor- ough, now Whitehall. He there detached lieutenant colonel Hill, with a strong party to dislodge the Americans from fort Ann. The garrison marched out on the morning of the 6th, and commenced an attack upon tbe detachment, which was sharply supported by both parties, for about two hours, with apparent success oo the part of the Americans ; but a paity of Indians appeared and joined colonel Hiil, and the Americans withdrew from the field ; abandoned the fortress, and retired to fort Edward, July 12th. The whole force at this time, at, fort Edward, did not exceed 5000 men. The operations of both armies, were now commenced with vigour. In his retreat, the American g-eneral destroyed bridg es, and obstructed the roads, to impede the pursuit of Bur- oo>ne ; but all these difficulties were surmounted, and on tiie 30th, the British force reached fort Edward, which h;id been abandoned by Schuyler on the 27th. He retired to Saratoga, and on the first of August, removed to Stiliwater, only twenty five miles north of Albany. The nation saw with deep regret, that this remnant of an army was compelled to flee hefore a victorious enenav. and that those impoitarat .fortresses were THE U-MTED STATES. 189 abandoned. These event? greatly depressed the spirits of our counirymen, while the foe exulted in (he triumph. On the 3d of August, colonel Si. Ledger waa detached by general Bur^ovne against foil Sranwix, as a diversion. To re lieve the furl, the genera! was ordered down with eight hundred miliiia. Near the fort he tVii into an Indian arifbush, and was killed in a most severe af-.t on. The garrison saiiied out, deci ded the targumaiy congest, drove the Indian?, and relieved the fortress. The co one! sent a summons to the fort to surrender, ! jiiel Gansevoort returned a prompt and spirited reply, and St. Ledger withdrew 7 precipitately, and returned to the lake. During these movements, general Washington detached general Lincoln to the northward, to take command of such eastern rmhtia as rnijht join the northern army. General Lin coln arrived at Manchester, on the 2d of August, where he took the command of six hundred militia, and on the 6;h, he wa> joined by general Stark, with eight hundred more. General Stark was a soldier of merit, and had deserved well of his country, by his distinguished services in the famous bat tle of Bunker s hill ; but he had felt himself wounded by the neglect of congress, after the battle, and retired from service. He engaged at this time, in the service of his country, upon the express condition, that he should not be constrained to serve under a continental officer ; he accordingly re^sted the pitting solicitations of General Schuyler, to join him in check ing the progress of general Burgoyne. Congress interposed in this controversy ; and at this event ful moment, general Burgoyne detached colonel Baum, with five hundred Germans, and one hundred Indians, to seize n the American stores at Bennington, to enable him to pursue his n.arch to Albany. General Stark was apprised of this movement, and sent expresses to collect the neighbouring mi litia, aiid marched to meet the enemy on the 14th, supported by colonels Warner, William-- and Brush. The advance par ties of the two arrries, met, and commenced a skirmishing, that continued through the day. On the 15th, all operations wv re suspended by the excessive rains that fell ; but on the 16th, general Stark was joined by the Berkshire militia, under colo nel Symonds, and he detaciied Niche s to take post in the rear of the enemy, on the left ; col >uel Hendrick to take post in the rpar of his right; to be supported by colonels Hubbard and Shokley, still further on the right. About 3 o clock ;n the af- ternonn, general Stark commenced an attack upon the enemy, strongly entrenched, and supported by two field piece?. The attack became general, an.i <. a.^ valiantly supported o -nth sides ; the Indians fled ; the Germans "were overpowered ; 1 90 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF forced from their erttrer.chments, and put to flight. The mili tia, flushed with the successes ofihe day, abandoned the pur suit, and gave themselves up to plunder. At this eventful mo ment, lieutenant-colonel Breyman joined colonel Baum with a reinforcement ; they rallied to the charge, and renewed the Combat. Colonel Warner led on his regiment of continentals, at this critical moment, and supported (he action until the mili tia could recover their order, and advance to the charge. The action soon became general, and continued through the day. The Germans again gave way, and secured their retreat under cover of the night, leaving their artillery, baggage, &c. with two hundred slain, and seven hundred prisoners, among whom was colonel Baum. This was an important action, and proved ruinous to general Burgoyne This action was highly applauded, and a brigadier s com mission was made out for colonel Stark, in the continental ser vice. This success gavefiesh courage to the Americans, and the public pulse beat high with expectation. General Gates now took command of the army, and the militia joined the ar my with alacrity. On the rear of the British army was an American force under general Lincoln, and on the 18th gene ral Brown destroyed the British stores at lake George, releas ing a number of American prisoners. Successful operations were also commenced against Ticonderoga, and Skeensboroughi now Whitehall. General Burgoyne had crossed the Hudson, and finally took post at Still water, but three miles from gene ral Gates. On the 18th of September, general Gates detached about 3000 men to offer the enemy battle ; but he declined the com bat. On the 19th, the scouting parties of the two armies com menced a skirmishing, that led to a general action, which con tinued through the day, and was supported with great zeal and intrepid bravery. Night closed the scene, and the two gene rals drew off their armies, to protect their camps, and waited with impatience, the returning day. In this action the Ameiican loss was about three hundred, and that of the English, about five hundred. The American strength was now about seven thousand, not including about, two thousand under general Lincoln, who were then at Benuington. The Indian allies of Great Britain were deserting the standard of general Burgoyne, since the late contest, and four of the six nations favoured the cause of America, and furnished one hundred and fifty warriors. The troops under general Lincoln now added to the force under general Gates, and revived the spirits of the army. Until the 7th of October, the armies were within common shot, and skirmishes were frequent and severe. The armies THE UNITED STATES. 191 were harrassed and alarmed. Th situation of Burgoyne was becoming critical, and be applied to sir Henry Clinton for re lief. The latter had just received two thousand men from Europe, and commenced operations by the capture of West Point, a strong fortress on the Hudson. He was then enabled to clear the obstructions on the river, and leave a free passage for his shipping-. Of all this general Burgoyne had intelligence, but too late to render him any service. As general Burgoyne determined on a retreat, he sent for ward a strong party on one side, while he headed another, sup ported by general Frazer, and a contest was commenced imme diately, and lasted through the day. Victory perched on the American standard, and they were successful at all points. General Arnold fought desperately, and received a wound in the action. General Frazer* and sir James Clark were mortally wounded, and the latter became a prisoner. General Bur goyne changed his position in the night, and the Americana spoiled the British camp. The British now expected a momentary attack, and were un der arms all the day on the 8th, and at sunset, the last honours were paid to the remains of the much lamented Frazer. On the 9th the English army was so closely invested, that the commander resolved on a retreat to Saratoga. This was ef fected with no other loss, than that of his hospital of sick and wounded, which he was compelled to abandon to the merey of general Gates, who did honour to bis character, in the display of his benevolent feelings, in behalf of the sufferers. General Burgoyne now perceived that all the passes in his rear were strongly guarded, and that further retreat was next to impossible. In this difficulty, he called a council, on the 13th. While the council was deliberating, an eighteen pound shot crossed the table, and they resolved unanimously, to pro pose terms with general Gates. The proposals of general Gates were rejected, and general Burgoyne then sent in terms on which the capitulation was finally made. The news of the capture in the Highlands is said to have ar rived at this juncture, which led general Burgoyne to hesitate, in expectation of relief from sir Henry Clinton. General * ID the heat of the action, colonel Morgan, (the future hero of the battle of Cowpens,) selected several of his sharp shooters , and point ing them to a British officer, who appeared most conspicuously ac tive in his duty, at the head of his division, mounted upon an iron grey charger, thus addressed them: " that gallant officer is gen eral Frazer ; I admire and respect him ; but it is necessary that he should die; take your station in that wood, and do your duty." It is unnecessary to add, that general Frazer soon fell, mortally UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Gates, seizing the critical moment, drew up his army in battle array, and s nt in a flag demanding a reply in ten minutes. The responsibility was great,, and Burgoyne felt it. The treaty was signed and returned in due time. The whole British army marched out of their linos, deposited their arms, and became prisoners of war. General Gates marched in, under the. rune of Yankee Doodle, and took quiet possession. General Gates oidered supplies to be issued to the BriM^h arm}, who were destitute, and the t-o ernn scene was closed. Such and so various are the scenes of life, and the fates of men ; such and so fickle is the fortune of war ; but firm and unshaken is the providence of God ; wisdcm, and might, and strength are His. Sir Henry Clinton detached sir James Wallace and general Vaughn, with a flying squadron, carrying 3600 troops, to pene trate, if possible, to the camp of Burgoyne, or make a diversion in his favor ; but learning the situation of general Burgoyne, at Esopus, on the 13th, they set h re to the village, and con sumed it. Had they proceeded to Albany, they might have destroyed the place, with the American stores, and Burgoyne might have been relieved. The inquiry has often been made, why this unnecessary delay ? But no other answer can pessi- bly be. given, than this ; it was the special providence of God. The army of general Burgoyne was marched directly to Bos ton, where the) were detained as prisoners of war. Having thus restored tranquillity in the norUi, the army un der general Gates marched to support general Putnam, at Kingston, aod guard the country from the incursions of the British. The alarm was taken, and the enemy hastened back to New York. We will now take a look at the transactions of the conquer ing army f New York. Aboiu the time that victory perched on the British standard on lake Champlain, under the din.ctian of Burgojne, general Howe embarked with about sixteen thou sand troops, with two hundred and sixty sail, and on the 23d of July, went to sta on a private expedition, to .make a diver sion at the south. General Washington then made a move- nieht towards Delaware, that he might cover Philadelphia. Gi-reral Howe manoeuvred on the coast some days, and finally entered the Chesapeake. Washington advanced to meet him. The British troops wen landed ai Elk River ferry, and the two armies met at Chad s Ford, on the Brandywine, where an action was fought, on the llth of September. Victory declared for the Erjghsh. and Washington retired to the high grounds, to watch tiie enemy. Philadelphia was entered on the 26th, when congress retired 10 Lancaster. THE UNITED STATES. About this time, the Marquis La Fayette arrived in the United States, and tendered rns services to congress, and he received a commission as brigadier general in the service-. He joined the army, and served at his own expense, and soon be came the companion and the friend of Washington. His tal ents as a soldier were first displaced at Chad s Ford, vvherb he received a wound in the leg, the effects of which he still car ries. The count Pulaski, a Polish gentleman, also distinguish ed liimselfin the battle, and was honoured with the comn oT major general. The fleet of lord Howe was now ordered in o the De si- ware, that his communication with the ocean might remaio se cure. While the fleet was thus employed, Washington attempted to cut off the main body of the British army, encamped at Gorm into wn, seven miles from the city. The attack was well concerted, and executed promptly. The British were completely surprised, at break of day, Oc tober 4tb ; at sunrise the action became warm, and tiie Amer icans were successes! at ail points, until they attempted to dis lodge a battalion of the British, who in their flight had thrown themselves into a stone house ; this occasioned a delay, broke the pursuit, and gave the enemv timi- to recover frum their surprise, and rally to the charge; the action soon became warm and bloody. A thick fog arose, whicti covered the courjal- ants, and caused some confusion ; the enemy took ..d vantage of this, the Americans retired, and abandoned the victory they had =o fairly gained. The losses of the parlies were about equal ; but it Droved a lesson of caution to general Howe. He collected his army at Philadelphia, where h- j was closely invented bv gt-neral Wash- ihcrton, through the winter ; which occasioned the remark of Doctor Franklin ; " Philnrh phia h/i* taken Howe." The privations of the American arm* were truly d-st rising; without clothes, shoes, stockings, & ^ven breeches & <i-inkets ; more than two thousand wer*- marched through tne hrrnv. im printing the roads with their blood stained steps; yet all this wa? endured with a firmness worthy of those valiant - liberty. Dr. Benjam n Franklin had new been more than a year is Fiance, urging the jrovernmeni oftha country to ac our independence, and to enter in.o a treaty of alliance. Tr,e-o objects were effected, after the fall of Burguyne had manifes ted the probability that the Ameucan* could na iii *.-) I dependent stand single handed. A treaty was sijn f . 6th of February, by which it was a.; i Contracting powers was to make war or peace without Uie for- 17 J94 UNIVERSAL HISTOKY OP mal consent of the other." The treaty was soon known in London, and the British government determined to evacuate Philadelphia, and concentrate the royal forces in New York. On the 18th of June, ihe royal army crossed the Delaware on the road to Mew York. But Washington had foreseen this, and prepared the militia of New Jersey to give the B ritish a troublesome march. He crossed the Delaware in pursuit, and the hostile armies met at Monrnouth, on the 28th, sixty four miles from Philadel phia. The contest was si vere, and the weather so hot, that numbers of both armies perished from that cause, and the use ofwaler when it could be obtained. The American army re mained on the battleground, intending to renew the contest in the morning 1 , but the enemy made good a retreat. The less of the Amencans, was eight officers and sixty one privates killed, and one hundred and sixty vroundcd. The British loss in killed, wounded, and missing-, was three hundred and fifty eight men, including officers. One hundred prisoners were taken, and the loss by desertion was one thousand. Sir Henry retired by forced marches to Sand v Hook, where he was taken on board the fleet, and embarked the army for New York. General L<>e has been censured by a court martial for diso bedience of orders on this occasion. It appears that he first declined a particular command, and then asked for if. Wash ington directed him to commence the attack, "unless them should be powerful reasons to the contrary," and his disobedi ence, " and doubtful movements" appear to have marred the expected success, and justified *he event in depriving him of his command. The French government, by the terms of the treaty, had now entered into the war On the Htb of July, couat D Estaing entered the capes of the Delaware, with the Ton Ion fleet, after a passage of eighty seven dajs ; lord Howe had been gone only eleven days, and sir Henry Clinton had evacuated Philadelphia only one month before, and was now embarking his army at Sandy Hook, for New York. The French fleet was about double the fo ce of the English, both in the number of ships and weight of metal. Count D Estaing- landed Mr. Gerard, French minister to the United States, who was most cordially received by congress, and on the 9th set sail for Sandy Hoi k, where he arrived on the llth, and blockaded the English squodran in the harbour. The count made -al! possible efforts to attack the English fleet in the harbor ; but found it impracticable to cross the bar with his heavy ships, and on the 22d, agreeable to advice from gen eral Washington, he set sail for Newport, to co-operate in the destruction of the British fleet and army, at Rhode Island. THE UNITED STATES. 19.6 Admiral Bvron s squadron arrived at Sandy Hook, a few days after the departure of the French fleet, in a very broken, sickly, dismasted, distressed situation. The provision ships fro. 11 Cork, arrived also, and entered the harbor of New York, in safety, to the inexpressible joy of the British army, who were in great want of supplies. Count D E^taing arrived off Point Judith, on the 29th of July, and such was the joy upon the occasion, that it diffused the fire and zeal of 1775 and 6, throughout New England. Volun eers by thousands, flocked to the standard of their coun try, to join general Sullivan, and co-operate with llieir illus trious allies, in the reduction of Rhode Island. General Washington had detached the Marquis LT Fayetle and general Greene, with two thousand men, to join the general enterprise. Tne American force was now about ten thousand strong. Si Robert Pigot, who commanded at Newport, had been re inforced with five battalions, which rendered his force about aix thousand strong 1 . Thus balanced,* the panics commenced their operations. The count D Estaing entered the harbor of Newport, on the 18th of August, without opposition ; general Pigot having de stroyed the English shipping, on the 5lh, to prevent their fal ling into the hands of the French. Oa the 9th, at eight in the morning, general Sullivan began to cross over with his army, from Tiverton ; the enemy having- abandoned their works at fhe north end of t l ie inland. At two ia the morning, lord Howe appeared off Point Judith, with a fle< i t of twenty five sail of the line, where he anchored for the night. On the 10th, count D Estaing, eager to meet the British fleet, took advantage of the wind and put to sea. The tsvo fleets manoeuvred through the day, without coming to action. On the 1 1 ih, a violent gale sprang up, and continued through the 12th and 13th, which parted the fleets, dismasted the French admiral s ship, destroyed liar rudder, and greatly dam- ag-ed several others, On the 14 h, the gala abated, and close and severe actions commenced between several single ships of the two fleets, but noihing decisive. The count, having collected six of his ships, Covered his disabled fl^et, and stood in for Newport, and came to anchor. General Greene and the Marquis La Fax-ette, went on board the admiral s ship, and pressed him to enter the harbour of Newport, and complete the enterprise ; but the flr-et was so shattered by the storm, and the officers were generally se rso, that the count concluded to sail fur Boston. 19U UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The troops under general Sullivan had gained the north end of the island, and marched down upon the enemy s lines, ready to co-operate with the French fleet, and commence the attack: but their sufferings in the storm were so severe, that the troops were in a deplorable state. On the 15th, the American army had recovered from their misfortunes and were again prepared for action. In this situ ation, they continued anxiously waiting the movements of the Frencii fleet, to join in the general attack ; but to their grief and astonishment, they saw them weigh and stand off for Bos ton, on the 24th. The mortification of general Sullivan, was greater than the pride of an American soldier could sustain, and he expressed himself unguardedly, in his general orders upon the occasion. On the 2811^ count D Eslaing wrote to congress from Bos ton, and explained his movements to the satisfaction of that honorable body. General Sullivan soon saw himself abandoned by most of the volunteers, which reduced his army to a standard below that of the? enemy, and he hastened to secure his retreat. On the 25th, general Sullivan sent off his heavy cannon, and on the 29th, he retired to the north end of the island. General Pigot pursued w-ith his whole force, to intercept his retreat. The advance guard of the enemy wa^ soon engaged with the rear guard of the Americans, and a severe action ensued, that continued through the day. The next dav, general Sullivan learnt that lord Howe was again at sea, and that the French fleer was not expected to return to Newport, and he hastened to evaeuare the island. General Suihvan, with the advice and assistance of general Greene and the Marquis La Fayette, conducted his retreat in the presence of a superior foe, whose sentries, were not more th^n 400 yards distant from the American sentries : and on the morning of the 1st of September, 1778, the retreat was ac complished without the loss of a man, or any part of the artil lery or baggage. The s*rm- (Jay, sir Henry Clinton arrived off Newport, on board of (he fleet under lord Howe, with four thousand troops, to cutoff the A-nerican retreat ; but learning the departure of the French for Boston, and the retreat of the Americans, he set sail for Boston, in pursuit of the French. On the morning of the 3d, he discovered th -i French fleet in the harbor of Bos ton, s rongly posted, "and returned to New York. On the 5th, lord HDWO commenced an attack upon the American shipping in Bedford harbor, and destroyed about seventy sail, besides small craft, store* . dwelling houses, and vessels o<; !ie stocks,, together with the magazine, to the amount of20,000/ sterling. THE UNITED STATES. 19? His lordship next commenced an attack noon Martha s Vine yard ; destroyed all the vessels, and carried off the arms of the militia, the public money, 300 oxen, and 10.000 sheep, and re turned to New York. The following extract of a letter from general Washington, shall close the chapter : u It is not a little pleasing, nor less wonderful, to contem plate, that after two years rnanceuvreing, and undergoing the stra.-igest vicissitudes, tint p^riiap* ever attended any one con test since the cieation, both armies are b~<>u<*ht back to the very point they set out from, and the offending party, in the beginning, is reduced to the spade and pick-axe f.>r detence. Tae hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, thU he m-ist be vvorse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations." CHAPTER X. Operations of the Revolutionary War Continued. The British, fin ling the instability of their dependence on the success of their arm--,* determined to accomplish their ob ject by the arts of diplomacy* A;i attempt wa-s made to bribe a M . Reed, a ad other members of Congress, to assist in rec onciling the Americans to the English government. Tne in strument of this attempt was George Johnston, Esq. one of the British coiii.asrisiouers. "Mr. Reed replied "I am not worth buying, but siicu as I am. the ki.ig of E igland is not rich enough to do i ! ." Tne fac<s were disclosed to Congress, an 1 excited considerable feeling-. Congress then resolved, t.iat a!i letters addressed to members of Congress by British commissioners or agents, or a iv ^u:>pcts of the kins of Great B.itain, of a public utture, should bo laid before that b idy To this resolution, a spirited replv was rrnde from New Vo I; bv Johnston, H i i a total iis tvowal of r;i, fa^ts, on tho uart of Sir Meary Clinton, lord Carlisle, and Mr. Elen. At the same time, a ratification of the convention of Saratoga was tender ed, that the troops of Burgoyue might be suffer d to emba r k for fiuglind. Taid was Jeclned by Congress, ualc-ss ratified * by f ; ie British government. T leo .11 nissioners then Appealed to the people, and this was favored bv C igress, truti ij taat the good sense of the in habitant would treat it with coaiompt, aad cover the authors 198 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF with lasting disgrace. Chagrined by their failure in this in sidious measure, they denounced the American government in a manifesto, threatening the American people with destruc tion, if determined ta persevere in their rebellion, an d adhere to their alliance with France. This idle threat was fairly met, by Congress, by a developernent of (he mode of warfare adopted by Ihe enemy, and was thus concluded. * If our enemies presume toexecute their threats, or persist in their present career of barbarity, we will take such exem plary vengeance as shall deter others from a like conduct. We appeal to that God, who is the searcher of hearts, for the rec itude of our intentions, and in his holy presence declare, that as we are not moved by any light or hasty suggestions of anger or revenge, so through every possible change of fortune, we will adhere to this onr determination. Dr. Franklin, till now a commissioner at the French court, was appoiuted minister plenipotentiary to the court of Ver sailles, with instructic ns to negotiate for an expedition to Can ada. About this time, the Sieui Gerard delivered his credent tials to Congress, and was recognized as a minister from the French court. The marquis La Fayette, at this time, requested leave to return to France ; to which congress readily consented, and directed the President to express to him by letter, the thanks f congress, for that disinterested zeal that led him to Ameri ca, as well as those services he had rendered the United Slates, by the exertions of his courage and abilities, on many signal occasions. They also directed doc-or Franklin to cause an elf gant sword to be made, with proper devices, and presented to the marquis, in the name of the United States. Congress at the same time, addressed a letter to the king of France ex pressive of tbe high sense they entertained of the talents and services of the marquis. He took his leave of congress, by let ter ; repaired to Boston, and embarked for France. Pending these movements, the Indians, in concert with the tories, began their ravages upon the Susquehannah ; entered the settlements, in a body of about sixteen hundred ; defeated colonel Batler, at the head of about four hundred men, and cut off his party with a terrible slaughter. They took one small fort at Kingston, end then carried Fort Wilkesbarre ; butcher ed the garrison, and burnt Ihe women and children in the bar racks. They next proceeded to lay waste the settlements with, fire and tword, and destroyed the cattle io tbe most wanton and barbarous manner ; but spared the persons and property of the tories. The following extract from Mr/Gordoo s revolutionary wap, 3ay serve as a specimen of the distresses of Wyoming: THE UNITED STATES. ** The following are a few of the more singular cruelties practised in the attack upon Wyoming. Captain Braddock, who had been taken prisoner, had his body stuck full of splin ters and pine knots, and then a heap of pine knots piled round him ; the whole was then set on fire, and his two companions, captains Ransom and Durgee, thrown into the flames, and held d->wn with pitchforks. The tones were the most distinguished for th&ir cruelties ; in this they resembled the British forces. One of those Wyoming tones, whose mother had married a second husband, butchered with his own hands both his father- in-law, his own sisters, and their infant children. Another, who during 1 his absence had sent home several threats against the life of his father, now not only executed them in pprson^ but was with his own hands, the exterminator of his family, mother, brothers and sisters, and mingled their blood indis criminately with that of the husband and father." But to dwell on this subject is painful, and it is only men- t ouod, that our descendants m^y have a faint picture of the sufferings which have been endured by their progenitors, that they may know the value of the legacy, which is bequeathed to their posterity. Such was the general alarm through the Union, on account of these barbarous transactions, and such <he spirit of Virginia, that an expedition was sent into the Indian country, under colonel Clark, against the French settlements on the upper Mississippi, in the Illinois country ; and it was wt-11 under stood that the governor of these settlements WHS the iosttgator of these acts of b*rbarily. Colonel Clark traversed the desert with his party, about twelve bunded miles, and reached Ksskaskia, attiiehourof midnight, in a desperate situation, and destitute of provisions ; but being undiscovered, he ro^olved to strike the fata! blow. He entered the town immediately, and secured the whole, consisting of two hundred an fifty houses, with the fort, the governor ami all the inhabitants, without even an alarm, and sent, the governor to Virginia, with all his written instruc ions from Quebec, Montreal, Detroit and Michilimakinac, for exci ting the Indians to war, and offering a bounty on scalps. Co lonel Clark administered the oath of allegiance to this village, and sent detachments to surprise the other villages ; which was done in regular succession, and the oath of allegiance adminis tered, until the whole were subdued to the allegiance of the United Slates. A scene of the same stamp of that at Wyoming, but from a very different quarter, is now before us. Lord Corirvaliis detached general Grav, with his light in fantry, to surprise and cut off the American forces on North 200 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF river, in conjunction with a detachment from general Kniphau- sen s corps ; but the expedition was defeated by some desert ers, who gave timely notice to general Wayne, and he eluded the attack. General Gray however, conducted his movements with such despatch as to surprise colonel Baylor s troop of horse, asleep and naked in their quarters; (September 27th,) no quarter was the order of the day, and the whole were given up to indiscriminate butchery, and bayoneted in cold blood, whih> begging for tnercv. Sir Henry Clinton detached captain Ferguson, with about thrf-e hundred men, upon an expedition to Little Egg-Harbor, under a strong 1 convoy, to destroy the American shipping ind privateers ; but these being 1 removed, captain Ferguson" pro ceeded up to Chesnut Neck, where he destroyed such vessels as wee there, together wth the whole village, arid laid waste the adjacent country, and repined the squadrou. October 5th. On the 15th, the convoy with the troops, moved round to an other landing place not far distant, and landed two hundred and fif y men und^r the command of captain Ferguson, who advanced into the country, in the silence of night, and surpri sed count Pulawki s light infantry ; killed the baron De Base and lieutenant tie la Broderic, with fifty privates. These were mostly butchered in cold blood, begrgiBi* for mercy, under the order t of MO quarter*, as before ; but count Pulaski closed this horrid scene, by a sudden charge of his cavalry, that put to flight the murderous foe, and thus saved the remnant of his infantry. Captain Ferguson made a hasty retreat, embarked his party, and returned to New Vork. Admiral Graves arrived at No-v-York, on the 16th of Oc^o- ber, in a most shattered condition, by a violent storm whir-h de tained him the remainder of tiie month to repair the fl-^t. About the first of November, he put to sea, arid appeared off the harbour of Boston, on a visit to the count D Estaing ; but a violent, storm hore overtook him, scattered his fleet, de stroyed the Somerset of 64 guns on the shores of Cape Cod, ami forced the rest into Rhode Island for shelter. From this time the war assumed the most savage aspect, and exhibited the most unrelenting barbarity. Except in few instances, the rules of civi i/ed warriors seemed hardly to be known, and the combatants seemed mutually determined on a war of extermination. The vrar was carried anew into ihe Supquehannah country. Co). VV in. Butler, at the head of a Pennsylvania regiment, with a bvnd of riflemen, Jed an expedi tion to the Indian villages, which he destroyed, and after en during th -greatest hardships, returned in safy in sixteen iia}. To avenge this muursioii, colonel John Bulier, at the THE UNITED STATES. 201 head of a strong party, surprised colonel Alclen at Cherry Val ley. wii> vva* killed, and the greatest cruelties were perpetra ted. Fifty or sixty men, women, and children were killed or Hiado captives, and e en the dead were made monuments of savage harbari ies. All farther designs against the north, seemed now to be abandoned. Clinton and Prescott, wiio commanded in East Florida, isoncerted a plai of operations against Georgia. Be fore tiiis r.ould be carried into effect, <wo parties entered Geor* gU from Florida, one by Uod, and ilie other by water. The Fitter advanced to Sunhury, and summoned the placf to sur render, but receiving a spirited reply from colonel Mackintosh, the aU.jMhut \vns abandoned. The other party made for Sa vannah, b u being firmly opposed by general Screven and colo nel Elbyrt, nothing was effected, if we except the plundering of negroes and caitte, and the commission of the most wanton barbarities. Colonel Screven was killed in the defence. On the 27th ofXovo U r >~?r, 1773. colonel Campbell embarked a( Satiily Hook, at the head of one regiment, two battalions of reg-uiars, and fo:ir of lories, with a detachment of artillery, in a! labour, twenty-five hundred men, andarrived ut the mouth of the Savannah, the latter part of December, and soon landed his troops. General R Howe was posted in this place, at the head of about eight hundred militia and regulars, worn down by a fruitless expedition against Florida. He chose a judi cious position to cover Savannah, but was out goueialed, sur prised in carnp, and routed with a considerable loss of men, and arms. The fort wi;h its contents, forty eig^t pieces of can non, twenty three mortars, all the shipping, a large store of provisions, and the capital of the state fell into the bands of the victors. The defenceless inhabitants were bayoneted in the s reets, and the remnant of the troops escaped to South Carolina. Abou ths time, Sunbury fell into the hands of general Prescott, who m trehed to Savannah, and took command of the royal arrny. " ). inhabitants were directed to lay down th"i r arms, or u-;e them in support of the royal cause. O the 25th of ^eo einber. general Lincoln was appointed to the command of tii souiii -rn army, but he did not arrive at Cii.i I.^Nin unt i the 4th of D.-C- j mbi?r. He was joined bv g- n- eral-: Asne an.J Rirherforvi, wi^h about two thousand N--lh C:; > ; i ia militia, destined to act in defence of South Carol r-a. As Georgia was the point of atlaok, ireneral Lincoln raised sorneMiing less than a fhn-isruid men, and joined the remains of lhe ; roops under c >i!)n- j i EibiM-t.. ostablisbsir^ his head quarters at Purysbu-g. Here he found h.m>etf Ht the head of b il f o ir- indired m-Mi. and even this small fo/ce -lesntute of arms, cannon, tents, and altnust of powder and lead. The milnia of 202 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF South Carolina were without discipline or subordination, and on the 24th of January, 1779, they had generally returned to their homes. About eleven hundred militia from North Caro lina supplied their place, and the whole force was about twenty four hundred. General Prescott had taken possession of Port Royal Island, South Carolina, and general Moult rie, at the head of the Charleston militia, attacked the island, dislodged the enemy, and compelled the colonel to retire into Georgia, with much Joss. He took post at Augusta, and by fomenting divisions, and encouraging insurrections, caused much distress. But a part} from the district of Ninety-six, under colonel P.ckens, pursued the banditti, which they overtook, routed, k<lled, or dispersed, and their leader, colonel Boyd, was slain. The re mainder threw themselves on the clemency of the state. Seventy Were tried, convicted, and sentenced to death, but the sentence was executed on five of the principals only, and the remainder were pardoned. General Lincoln determined to dislodge the enemy from Georgia, and directed general Williamson to take a stiong posi tion near Augusta, to walch the motions of co onel Campbell, and general Ashe, was ordered to the support of general Wil liamson, with about two thousand men. On receiving the in telligence of this junction, the BntLsh retired about fourteen miles down the river. Measures were concerted by the Ameri can generals, aad the plan of operations settled. About this time, colonej Prevost gained the rear of the Ame rican camp by a circuitous march, and commenced a furious attack. The continentals advanced to the charge, to check the invaders; but the militia were panic struck, and flight en sued. The regulars under general Eibert were cut to pieces, and the militia, under general Ashe, never returned. Ameri cans lost, one hundred and fifty killed, and one hundred and sixty-two captured. The wounded not numbered. About four hundred and fifty rejoined general Liccoln. Georgia now be longed to the enemy, and a free communication was opened with the tories of South Carolina. In this slate of alarm, John Rutledge was appointed gover nor of the slate, and to him and the council was given a dicta torial power. A large body of militia was assembled at Orange- burg, near the centre of the state, to act as might be re- f|i;ired. General Williamson sent parties into Georgia to distress and plunder the enemy. On this, general Lincoln remarked to the governor, that the innocent and the guilty, the egj-d and infirm, women and children, would be equally ex posed to the effects of this order. General Lincoln, was novy reinforced at his camp, Black swamp, and advanced into Geor- THE UNITED STATES. 203 ?ia, leaving a strong guard under general Monlt.rie, at Purys- burg. Prescott permitted the Americans lo advance one hun dred and fifty mile?, that he might surprise general Moultne. Moultne eluded the attack, b\ a change of position. General Lincoln, learning the movements of Prescott, moved by forced marche? in support of Moullrie, and to cover Charles ton. The governor took alarm by the movements of Pies- cotf, and destroyed the suburbs, that he might gir.ird against the advance of the enemy. The neighbouring militia were called in to join his troops in defence of Charleston. On the llth, general Prescott crossed the terry, and appear ed before Charleston, on which day the count Pulaski arrived, and entered hito the defence of thi-; city with ?f>irit. The object of general Prescott was, to carry the town before gene ral Lincoln could arrive, and his operations were conducted with such vigour, that the civil authority sent out the following proposition. u South Carolina will remain in a state of neutrality till the close of the war, and then follow the fate of her ne ghbors, on condition, the royal army withdraw." To which general Pres cott rerlied : " The garrison are in arms, and they shall sur render prisoners of war." Before general Prescott could accomplish any thing of im portance, general Lincoln arrived, and the enemy withdrew to Beaufort, and thence TO Georgia. Plunder and devastation marked its steps. Slaves to the number of three thousand were taken, and sent for pale to the West- Indies. An expedition was fiued out by Sir Henr\ Clinton, under Sir Gr-orge Collier and general Matthews, from Nc\v York, who took possession of Portsmouth and the remains oi Nor folk, in Virginia, in May. 1779. On the same day, a d t:ich- m--nt was sent to Suffolk, and destroyed provisions, nr.val stores, and vessels, leaving the town in ashes, and gentlt me- s seats, as well as plantations were burnt, and ravaged. On the ooast, the eanit- ravages were committed by the Beet. A /out one hundred and thirty vessels were destroyed or captured, with about three thousand hogsheads of tobacco. About this time a successful attempt was made against Stoney Point and Verplank, by Sir Henry Clinton, alter which he weut forward to the Highlands. Previous to these operations, sir Henry Clinton had concert ed measures with the toiies and British under his c nun^nd, to assume a general system of predatoiy war in Auierica, and submitted nis plnns to the British ministry, who expressed their approbation. Thi* plan s<;ou reached the American ci. Hi iiis^i- on at Paris, and was Ciiiiunur-icatpd to governor TruiubuJl, of Connecticut, on the Gth of April, 1779. 204 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP Sir Henry Clinton detached general Tryon, (late governor of New York) with 2600 land forces, protected by a squadron under sir George Collier, and supported by general Gar h, to begin their depredations in Connecticut. On the 4th of July*, the armament moved into the sound, and the commanders issued their proclamation to the citizens of Connecticut, offering par don and protection to all such as would return to their allegi ance ; but threatening ruin and destruction to all who should reject this overture. On the morning of the 6th, general Try- on landed his division at East Haven; general Garth landed at the same time, at West Haven, and proceeded directly to INevv Hr.ven, and gave up the town to promiscuous pillage. The miJitia collected so fast on the next day, that the enemy aban doned the town in haste; burnt several stores on long wharf, and embarked their troops. Tne infamous Tryon next proceeded to the plunder of East Haven, and then mailed for Fait field. The town and vicinity were laid in ruin:-:, and the enemy embarked forNorwalk, which was next la;d in ashes. He then returned to New York. In this incuision, four houses for public worship, near one hundred dwellings, eighty barns, about thirty stores, seven teen shops, four mills, and five vessels were burui. And in addition to this destruction of property, the greatest acts of brutality were perpetrated. Women were instils ed and abused, while their apparel was robbed, a, id desks, trunks, and closets were rifled. But a plan was concerted by general Washington, which kf pt in check this hero of rapine and conflagration This plan issufd in the capture of Stoney Point, on the Hudson. General V* ayne commenced his moverm nts against Stoney Point, on the 15th, at noon ; and after having crossed the in>un- tairiH, through dangerous and difficult defies, he approached the fort, about eight of the ^anae evening. H: vifg rec<>nn< uer- ed the position of the enemy, the general pui himself at the hend of his brave troops, and at twenty minutes past twelve, precisely, on the night of the 16th, entered the for , v -th screwed bayonets, amidst a moist, tremendous fi/e of muske ><-d grape, and carried the fortress without firing a gun. Li- r te nant- colonel Fleur? entered the fort with his division, upon the opposite side, at the same time, and both parties met in the centre; but the garrison was spared and made prisoners ot war, to the number of five hundred and ./nrfy three. Genet al Wayne dismantled he fort, aud brought off the cannou, stores, &c. ag-reeiible to orders. Congress passed a vote of thanks to general Washington, general Wayne, and the officers and soldi. 4 s under their com mand, for the masterly exploit in the capture of Sioney Point. THE UNITED STATES. The English having persuaded the six nations, excepting the OneidaSi to take up the hntchet against the United States, general Sullivan was sent with a detachment of from four to five thousand men to chastise them. He marched up the Sus- quehannah, and attacked them in their fortifications, which were well constructed. The resistance was obstinate, but they were compelled to yield, and took to flight. According to his instructions, their country was devastated, and one hundred and sixty thousand bushels of corn were consumed. The attemion of the reader will now be turned to the ocean, where the brilliant achievements of our hardy tars struck with terror "the mistress of the seas." About the last of July, the American captain, John Paul Jones, sailed from port L Orient, in Prance, on a cruise, on board the French ship, the Bon Hornme Richard, of forty guns, and 375 men ; accompanied by frigates Alliance, of thirty-si.\ guns, Pallas, thirty-two guns, and the- Vengeance, an armed brig, of twelve guns, and a cutter. Commodore Jones cruised off the coast of Scotland, with his little squadron, until he fell in with the homeward bound Baltic fleet, under the convoy of the Serapis, captain Pierscn, and Countess of Scarborough, lain Pearcy. When captain Pierson discovered commodore Jones, he made sail to cover the convoy, and gave signal at the same time., for the Countess of Scarborough to join him. which was immediately done, September 23. Commodore Jones immediately laid his ship along side of the Serapis, and commenced an action, which soon became des perate; but the Serapis appeared to reap advantage from her superior management. To obviate this, commodore Jones laid his ship across the bow of the Serapis. and the ships grappled, yard arm and yard arm, and the muzzles of their guns were nearly in contact. In this position they lay, vomiting forth death, and strewing the decks with carnage and destruction, about two hours. Both ships were frequently on fire, but the Serapis not less than ten or twelve times. The Alliance at tempted to co-operate in the action, and with some good effect, until the darkness of the evening rendered it impossible to dis tinguish correctly, when she killed eleven men, and wounded several others, on board the Bon Homme Richard. At this critical moment, the Serapis struck, and closed the sanguinary scene. The Bon Homme Richard, at the close of the action, was so much of a wreck, as to have seven feet of water in her hold, which rendered it necessary to remove the crew on board the Serapis, and the wounded on board the Pallas. On the 24th, her pumps were closely plied; but on the 25th she went down : fortunately no lives were lost. 18 206 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The Pallas engaged and took the Countess of Scarborough, at the same time, and commodore Jones sailed with his prizes, for the coast of Holland, and anchored off the Texel. We shall now return to the operations in the southern states. Instead of pursuing general Prescott in his retreat to Geor gia, general Lircoln devoted all his powers and strength, to the defence of Charleston, against any further attack. After learning the success of the count D Estaing in the West Indies, governor Rutledge, general Lincoln, and the French consul, wrote to the count, inviting him to co-operate with the Ameri cans in the reduction of Savannah. The invitation was ac cepted, and on the first of September he arrived off Charleston, with a fleet of twenty sail of the line, two of fifty guns, and eleven frigates. A British eighty gun ship and three frigates were taken by surprise. On the arrival of the count, general Lincoln marched with all his troops for Savannah. The fleet , ailed to join him : the French troops were landed in ten or twelve days, and count D Estaing summoned the town to, surrender to the arms of the king of France. General Lincoln remonstrated against this, as the Americans were acting in concert. The count persisted, and general Prescott demanded a cessation of hostilities for twenty-four hours, to deliberate, which was granted. During this time, seven or eight hundred troops arrived from Beaufort, and general Prescott determined to defend the town to the last extremity. The count saw his error, and consulted general Lincoln," and they united their efforts to carry the town by a regular siege. On the 23d of September, the allies broke ground, and commenced their operations. On f he 4th of Oc tober, they opened their batteries, and began to play upon the town with nine mortars, and fifty-four pieces of cannon, which continued four or five days without intermission, but without any apparent effect. On the morning of the 8th, the enemy sallied out and attempted to set fire to the abattis ; but the materials were green, the weather moist, and the attempt fail ed. General Prescott next requested, that the women and children might be removed ; but this was refused, and U^e allies resolved to carry the town by storm. The morning of the 9th was the time agreed upon, and the assault commenced. The attack was well concerted and bravely executed by the allies; yet the fire of the enemy was so destructive, that, the troops gave way, after having planted the French and American standards upon the British redoubts. At this eventful moment, the brave count Pulaski fell, mortally wounded, at ths head of his legion, when charging the enemy in their rear, in the full career of victory. The allies supported thio desperate conflict fifty-five minutes, under a deadly fire, from tne eneim s baite- THE UNITED STATES. 207 nes, and then made good their retreat, with the loss of six hundred and thirty-seven French, and two hundred and thirty- four continentals, killed and wounded. The defence of the place was well conducted by general Prescott, and he certainly deserved the applause of his king and country. In consideration of the bravery of count Pulaski, the congress resolved that a monument be erected to his memory. The count D Estaing soon embarked, and seven ships were ordered for the Chesapeake, one of which only, arrived at the place of destination, the fleet having been dispersed by a storm. The remainder steered for the West Indies. As sir Henry Clinton expected an attack on New York by the French fleet, general Pigot was ordered to evacuate Rhode Island, which order was accomplished, and the troops repaired to head quarters, at New York. Near the close of December, as the coast was still clear, sir Henry planned an expedition to South Carolina. He embark ed seven thousand five hundred troops, under convoy of admiral Arbuthnot, and about the last of January, 1780, he appeared off Charleston. As one ordnance ship and several transports had been wrecked and lost on the passage, and several taken by the Americans, he was not prepared to effect a landing, un til February 1 1th, when he landed on the south side of John s island, thirty miles from the city. But this expedition had been foreseen by congress, and pre parations were made to meet it. Three continental frigates were to sail for the port, and a trusty officer was despatched to the Havanna, in order to obtain ships and troops for the de fence, promising as a return, two thousand men to co-operate with the Spaniards in the reductioa of St. Augustine. To the force of seven or eight thousand men, general Lin coln could oppose but two thousand four hundred, near half of whom were militia ; yet with them he hoped to defend the city. The continental frigates arrived, and landing their crews, guns, and equipments, prepared to act on the defensive. The British admiral entered the harbour with all the ships which could pass the bar. On the 10th of April, the town was summoned to surrender, which the commander refused. On the 12th, sir Henry opened his batteries on the town, and his fire was promptly returned during eight successive days. On the 18th, a reinforcement arrived from New York, of three thousand men, and sir Henry approached within three hundred yards of the American lines. A council of war was now called, by general Lincoln, of which* the following was the result , 208 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF A retreat wonld be attended with many distressing incon veniences, if not altogether impracticable, for the undermen tioned causes. 1. The authority is averse to it, and would counteract the measure. 2. It must be performed in the face of a superior enemy, across a river three miles wide. 3. The passes are occupied by the enemy, which must be forced. 4. All these obstacles being overcome, the Santee must be crossed without boats, in the face of a pursuing enemy. We therefore advise to make immediate terms with the ene my." General Lincoln, however, determined to continue the de fence ; but, on the 26th, general Lincoln again smnmone l ano ther council of war, and at the eventful moment, the flag of the enemy was seen to wave on the walls of fort Moultrie. Sul livan s Island fell into the hands of the enemy, on the 6th of May. Sir Henry Clinton pushed his approaches, and on the 8th, he opened a correspondence with general Lincoln ; renewed his summons, offered terms, &c. and threatened to renew hos tilities at 8 o clock. The eventful hour arrived : and awful, solemn silence ensued ; neither party fired a gun; all was anx ious suspense for an hour, yet neithtr party moved a proposi tion. At 9, the besieged opened a fire upon the enemy, who in their turn, opened their batteries upon the town, which threatened to bury it in ruins. The town was repeatedly on fire, and many houses were burnt; at the same time, sir Hen ry advanced his last parallel to the distance of twenty yards, and prepared for a general assault, by sea and land. The critical moment had now arrived ; the people by their leaders, called on general Lincoln to renew the conference, and make terms with the enemy. The lieutenant-governor and council enforced the request. The militia threw down their arms, and all was submission. General Lincoln renewed the conference with sir Henry, and accepted his terms. Sir Henry complied, and the next day the garrison, with all such as had borne arms, marched out and be came prisoners of war, May 12th. The French consul, and the subjects of France and Spain, were, with their houses and effects, to be protected ; but they themselves were to be considered prisoners of war. At this time, colonel Buford was advancing through the up per country, with a party of 300 Virginians, to the relief of Charleston. When colonel Tarleton learnt the position of this party, he advanced with about 700 cavalry and mounted io- THE UNITED STATES. 209 fantry, by a forced march of 105 miles, in fifty. four hours, and surprised them at Ihe Waxhaws, and summoned the colonel to surrender. A parley ensued ; and during the conference, colo nel Tarleton surrounded the party, and cut them to pieces, while begging for mercy. Thirty-seven only, were made prisoners, and the remainder were either killed or wounded in the butch ery. Lord Cornwallis highly applauded the act, and recom mended colonel Tarleton specially, to the favor of his sovereign. With this blow, the state of South Carolina was subdued, and a regular British government was organized. General Gates, then in Virginia, was appointed to succeed genera] Lincoln, in the southern command. Georgia and South Carolina were now wholly subdued, and the enemy saw his way clear, to advance into North Carolina. To counteract these movements of Tarleton, and keep up the spirits of the people, generals Marion, and Sumpter, at the head of their flying parties, kept up a system of predatory war fare, that greatly hairassed and annoyed the enemy. So sharp and desperate were their attacks, that in one instance, general Sumpter reduced the prince of Wales regiment, from the num ber of 273 to nine. While the brave Sumpter was thus harrassing the enemy, and animating the zeal of the inhabitants, a considerable force was traversing the middle states southward, for the relief cf the British troops. On the 6th of June, generals Knip iausen, Robertson, Tryon, and Sterling, crossed over from Staten Inland into New Jersey, at the head of 5000 regulars. On the 7th, they advanced to Connecticut farm?, distant about five miles, in quest of the Rer. James Caldwell, whose patriotic zeal had rendered him peculiarly obnoxious ; wantonly shot his wife in her own house ; then burnt the house and meeting-house,^ with about a dozen other dwelling houses. The royal army next attempted to ad vance to Springfield; but were checked by colonel Dayton, supported by general Maxwell, and they fled in disorder. General Washington considered this movement as a feint in sir Henry Clinton, to open the way for an attack upon West Point ; he accordingly detached general Greene, at the head of a strong party, to watch the motions of the enemy. General Washington learning from general Greene, that Springfield was their object of destination, sent forward a detachment to support general Greene. The enemy advanced upon Springfield, at five in the morn ing of the 23d of June. General Greene disputed every pass valiantly; but obstinate bravery was constrained to yield to superior numbers; general Greene retired to the high grounds, and the enemy gained the town. Here the ravages of the 18* 210 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Farms were renewed; Britannia played the savage again, and Springfield smoked in ruins. The commander-in-chie^ sensible of the worth and talents of general Greene, returned the thanks of himself and his suffer ing country, to him and the men under his command. But this skirmish was not to pass off so lightly. The militia rallied in considerable force, and drove the enemy to Staten Island, in a precipatate retreat. The marquis La Fayette, who had been to France on leave of absence, now returned to head quarters. He had negotiated for supplies from tho French government, and an armament was soon to follow him. On the 10th of July, the armament arrived at Newport, Rhode Island, consisting of two ships of eighty guns, one of seventy-four, four of sixty-four, two fri gates of forty, a cutter of twenty, an hospital ship, pierced for sixty-four, one bomb-ship, and thirty-two transports, under the command of the chevalier de Ternay. Also four old regiments of land forces, together with the legion of de Lauzern, and a battalion of artillery ; in the whole, about 6000, under the com mand of lieut. general count de Rocliambeau. General Heath received the count at his landing, and put him and his troops in possession of the Island, where they were handsomely accommodated. The general assembly, then in session at Newport, by their special committee, presented the count with a complimentary address; to which the count repli ed, with assurances, that a much greater force would soon fol low him, and that his whole powers would be devoted to the service of the United States. The French troops," added the count, "are under the strictest discipline, and acting under the orders of general Washington, will live with the Americans as brethren. I arn highly sensible oftne marks of respect shewn me by the assem bly, and beg leave to assure them, that as brethren, not only my life, but the lives of the troops under my command, are de- yotedto their service." The marquis witnessed these respectful attentions to his countrymen, and in honour to our French allies, Washington directed in his general orders, that black and white cockades should be worn as a compliment. But the wants of the country were pressing, and congress directed, that bills to the amount of twenty five thousand pounds sterling should be drawn on Dr. Franklin, at the French court ; and that bills to the same amount should be drawn on John Jay, mii.ister at the court of Spain, and that the money should be immediately applied to the use of the troops. &ftqr the fall of Charleston, sir Henry committed the care of THE UNITED STATES. 211 the southern states to lord Cornwallis, at the head of four thou sand men, and returned to New York. The arrival cf the fleet under the chevalier Ternay, at Rhode Island, gave admiral Arbuthnot considerable alarm. His whole fores amounted to but four ships of the line. But he was joined by admiral Graves, with six line of battle ships, and felt himself secure from attack in New York. With this reinforcement, sir Honry concerted an attack on the French fleet at Newport, and immediately embarked eight thousand troops. The fleet put into Huntington bay on Long Island. The country was alarmed, and the militia turned out in force. But general Washington made a diversion, by moving his whole force down to Kingsbridge, and threatening New York. The plan succeeded, and sir Henry returned to New York in haste. In the south lord Cornwallis, having settled the government of South Carolina; prepared to subdue the rebellious spirit of the North Carolinians. This was seen by the Americans, and general Gates, with his shadow of an army, moved across Deep River, on the 27th of July, to watch the motions of the enemy. On the 6th of August, he was joined by general Cas- well, at the head of a fine body of North Carolina militia, who were in good spirits, but under bad discipline ; and he encamp ed at the Cross Roads, on his way to Camden. On the 13th, he moved forward his army to Clermont, where he was joined by brigadier-general Stevens, with about seven hundred Vir ginia militia. An express also arrived, informing him that colonel Sumpter would join him at Camden, with a detach ment of South Carolina militia, and that an escort of clothing, ammunition and stores, was on its way from Charleston to Camden, for the use of the garrison posted there. General Gates immediately detached lieutenant-colonel Woodford, at the head of the Maryland line, consisting of one hundred infantry, a company of artillery, with two brass field- pieces, and about three hundred North Carolina militia to join colonel Sumpter, reduce the forts, and intercept the convoy. General Gates prepared to support colonel Sumpter with hia whole force ; total about four thousand. But Curnwallis had anticipated this movement, and entered Camden the day previous, and an attack was meditated ongen- earal Gates, in his camp at Clermont. Both generals put their armies in motion early in the evening of the 15th, and their advance parties met in the woods about 2 o clock in the morning of the 16th; a conflict ensued, the Americans gave way in some disorder, but they soon recovered, and a skirmishing con tinued though the night. When morning appeared, both gen erals made their dispositions to contest the field. An action commenced ; the regular troops were firm, but the militia be- 212 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF inor overpowered by the British bayonets, gave way, and dis persed as they fled. The victory was complete, and the gene ral and his regulars were abandoned to their fate. Several parties of militia, who were advancing to join the army, turned their arms against the fugitives, and thus completed the over throw. The pursuit continued for more than twenty miles, and the road was strewed with the fragments of this routed ar my, together with the wounded, the dead and the dying. A party of horse, supported by 200 infantry, at the distance of more than eighty miles from the scene of acticn, upon the first intelligence, abandoned their ground, and sought safety by flight. The brave baron De Kaib fell in this action, much and de servedly lamented. He was at the head of the Maryland troops, and second in command. Congress ordered that a monument should be raised to his memory, at Annapolis. The advantages of this victory were not great. The losses and want of supplies in a sickly season, compelled Cornwallis to return to Camden. General Greene now arrived, and succeeded general Gates in the command of the southern army. The country still continued to suffer by the ravages of Tarleton, who was detached at the "head of his cavalry to dis lodge general Morgan from his position at the cowpens. He commenced his operations with his usual impetuosity ; traversed the country for several days, laying waste every thing in his course, until he arrived at Morgan s position ; and commenced an action with the same impetuosity ; the Ameri cans were dislodged with some disorder, but they rallied to the charge, and were victorious in their turn. Tarleton was de feated, his army routed, his artillery and baggage taken, and he with the mounted fugitives, fled to lord Cornwallis, January 7, 1781. This defeat roused his lordship ; he comrnersred a pursuit,. and the Americans retired. General Greene had the address to harrass his lordship, and yet avoid a genera! action, until lie ar rived at Guilford, near the confines of Virginia, where he made a stand, and gave him battle. General Greene, with his little army had hopes of success against his lordchip s pursuing for ces, though greatly superior. The movements were well con certed, and well executed, and the conflict wassharp and bloody ; but the militia gave way, the regulars were overpowered, and general Greene drew off his troops in good order, and took a strong position. The severity of the action occasioned his lordship to make a retrograde movement, to recover his losses. THE UNITED STATES. 213 Sir Henry had detached a fleet from New York, with fifteen hundred troops on board, toco-operate with Cornwallis. The troops were lauded in Chesapeake bay, and committed the most alarming depredations. Ineffectual attempts were made to dislodge them. A movement was now made by general Greene towards South Carolina, which had become an ene my s country. He boldly advanced, and gavo battle to lord Rawdon, who was in the vicinty of Camden. A desperate con test ensued, and victory was doubtful. Both withdrew from the conflict, and left the field covered with the dead. Lord Rawdon retired to Camden, and strengthened his position. General Greene advanced, and by a desperate assault, was on the point of carrying the strong fortress of Ninety Six, the reduction of which would have recovered all South Carolina, except Charleston. At this critical moment, lord Rawden retired in person to Charleston ; put himself at the head of 1700 fresh troops, then arrived from Ireland, an J by forced marches, advanced to the re lief of Ninety Six. The approach of his lordship, compelled general Greene to abandon the assault, when engaged hand to hand, with the enemy, and when victory was ready to decide in his favor. The general drew off his army towards Camden in good order, and his lordship pursued ; but general Greene elu ded his lordship, by filing off towards Charleston and taking a strong position upon the hills of Santee. Lord Rawdon re tired to Charleston. The war, during- these operations in the south raged in Vir ginia, under the command of general Phillips, through the month of April, and the ravages of the enemy exceeded all de scription. At Petersburg they destroyed all the shipping and about four hundred hogsheads of tobacco. At Osborn s Mills, they took two ships and ten smaller vessels, laden with cord age, flour, &c. Four ships and a number of smaller vessels were burnt or sunk, besides many others, destroyed by the Americans, to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy ; together with about three thousand hogsheads of tobacco, April 27. On the 30th, they penetrated to Manchester, and destroyed 1200 hogsheads more, thence they proceeded to Warwick, and laid waste the shipping, both in the river and on the stocks, also extensive rope walks, tanneries, warehouses and magazines of flour, mills, &c. in one general conflagration, and then embarked on board their shipping. The baron Steuben opposed this party, but his force was in sufficient to make any serious impressions. The Marquis La Fay- ette was detached with troops to succour the town, but such was the state of the military funds, that when he arrived at Baltimore, he was obliged to borrow two thousand guineas, on his owr 2)4 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF responsibility, to enable him to proceed. On the strength of this, he advanced to Richmond, where he joined the baron, with the Virginia militia, and covered Richmond. Here he watch ed the movements of the enemy, though too weak to check all their operations. On the 9th of May general Phillips entered Petersburg 1 , where he died on the 13th. Of the sufferings of the southern army we may form some estimate, by reading an extract of a letter from general Greene to the Marquis : " You may depend upon it, that nothing can equal the suf ferings of our little army, but their merits. Let not the love of fame get the better of your prudence, and plunge you into a misfortune, in too eager a pursuit after glory. This is the voice of n friend, not of a general." Lord Cornwallis had advanced from Guilford to Wilmington, and left general Greene in the rear. From Wilmington he ad vanced to join general Phillips, in Petersburg. The general was dead, but he found eighteen hundred troops, and being thus reinforced, he advanced towards Richmond, in order to dislodge the Marquis. Flushed by recent triumphs, in a letter to sir Henry, he thus wrote" the boy cannot escape me." The marquis did escape, however, and evacualed the place on the 27th. On the 7th of June, general Wayne joined the marquis with eight hundred of the Pennsylvania militia. While on the march, however, supposing the main army of Cornwallis had crossed the river James, he attacked what he supposed to be the rear guard, when to his surprise, he found the general at the head of the army, ready to receive him. Finding no time was to be lost he advanced to the charge at the head of his column in gallant style. The conflict was sharp, and availing himself of his first impression, he hastily withdrew, leaving the general as much astonished as he found him. He retreated in good order, without pursuit, as Cornwallis probably concluded that it was an ambuscade. His lordship retired in the night, and marched to Portsmouth* CHAPTER XI. Treason of Arnold Major Andre taken. Immediately after the fall of Charleston, in May, sir Henrj Clinton returned to New York, to commence the operations of the season. THE UNITED STATES. About the middle of September, 1780, general Washington retired from head quarters, (near New York) with his suite, general Knox and the marquis La Fayette, to meet admiral Ternay and count Rochambeau, at Hartford, (Connecticut) agreeable to appointment ; and about the 21st, the parties met accordingly. The avowed object of their conference was to concert measures, for the reduction of New York. In the midst of this conference, an express arrived from West Point, on the Hudson, announcing the raitorous designs of gen eral Arnold. The council was immediately closed ; the par ties retired, and general Washington went to the relief of West Point. On his arrival, he found the fortress dismantled, the cannon dismounted, and that Arnold had fled and taken ref uge on Board the British sloop of war, Vulture, then lying in the river. Whilst his excellency was employed in repairing the fortress, a prisoner was announced, who proved to be the unfortunate major Andre, who had volunteered his services to sir Henry Clinton, to negotiate the treacherous design. His character was that of a spy ; his fate was death ! Let us pas tn - this distressing scene. The righteous sacrifice, greatly interested the feelings, and touched the sympathy of every American breast The feelings of general Washington upon this eventful occa sion, may be seen in the following extract from his private cor respondence, of October 13th : " In no instance since the commencement of the war, has the interposition of divine providence, appeared more remarka bly conspicuous, than in the rescue of the fort and garrison at- \Vest Point. Andre h.a.s met his fafe, and with that fortitude that was to have been expf?cted from an accomplished man, an i a gallant officer ; but I am mislnken if Arnold is not undergoing at this time, the torments of a mental Hell." In the month of October, 1780, Sir Henry Clinton detached general Arnold on a marauding- expedition, into Virginia, w uh about 1600 men and a number of armed vessels ; lie laid waste the country upon James river, in several predatory excursions, until his progress was arrested by the appearance of the French squadron from Newport. This fleet put an end to the ravages of Arnold, by capturing and destroying a very considerable part of his fleet ; and would have caused the destruction of -the traitor, had not a British fleet appeared from New York, for the relief of Arnold, and by a naval engagement oft* th-2 capes of Virginia, with the French fleet, afforded him an opportunity to escape to New York. Tne French returned to Newport. On the 18th of December, the chevalier Charles Louis de Ternay, Knight of St. John of Jerusalem, late governor of the 216 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Isles of France and Bourbon, and commander of the French squadron in the American seas, died in Newport, and was in terred in Trinity church yard the next day, with military hon ours. The frequent changes in the army, owing to short enlist ments ; the want of pay, clothing, provisions, &c. had repeat edly distressed the army, and were at last accompanied with the revolt of the Pennsylvania line, excepting three regiments. In defiance of all the efforts of General Wayne and all the oth er officers, they seized on six field pieces, "and took up their march for Princeton, January, 1781. Sir Henry Clinton, upon the first intelligence, made some im portant movements from Staten Island, and sent spies at the same time, to countenance and encourage the revolters. A committee from congress, visited the mutineers at Princeton, with liberal assurances, to persuade them to return to their du ty ; but general Washington sent a strong force and compel led them to return. A general arrangement was soon made (o supply the armies, both with foreign and domestic aid and re sources. On the 14th of May, information was given to Washington, that colonel Greene, with his whole detachment, had been cut off by Delancy s troops, near Croton river, about forty miles north of New York. Colonel Greene had been wounded and captured, and was afterwards murdered, and major Flagg was killed in his quarters. About this period, general Washington wrote to the gover nors of the northern states : " On the calculations I have been able to form, io concert with the most experienced French and American officers, the operations in view, will require, in addition to the French ar my, all the continental battalions from New Hampshire to N. Jersey, to be completed." He afterwards added, " As we cannot count upon their being full, and as a body of militia will also be necessary, I have called upon several slates to hold certain numbers in readiness, to move within one week of the time I may require them." These despatches were intercepted, and gave considerable alarm to sir Henry, who renewed his exertions for the defence of the city. On the 14th of June, a junction was effected before New York, between general Washington, and a body of fifteen hun dred French troops lately arrived hi Boston. On the 21st, genera! Washington wrote to the French Ad miral at Newport, as follows : " I hope there will he no occa sion fora movement, to the southward, for the want of force to act against New York, as I flattered myself that the glory of THE UNITED STATES. 217 destroying the British squadron at New York, is reserved for the king s fleet under your command, and that of the land for ces, at the same place, for the allied ar.nies." On the evening of the 18th, precisely at eight o clock, the allied armies commenced a grand movement, and marched from their encampments, down to New York, and at four the next morning 1 , they were drawn up in order of battle, while general Washington and count Rochatnbeau,\vith all the general officers and engineers, reconnitred the enemy s works throughout their whole line. The next day they renewed their reconnoi tring, and in the afternoon, drew off their troops and returned to their encampments. These movements, together with the removal of the heavy cannon and mortars, left at Boston in 1776, across the country to North river, and down to the army before New York ; as well ns the intercepted correspondence, confirmed sir Henry Clinton in his fears, and led him to withdraw a very considera ble force from lord Cornwallis, for the defence of New. York. At this eventful moment, count de Grasse announced his ar rival in the Chesapeake bav, with a fleet of twenty four ships of the line, frigates, &c. The allied commanders forwarded as surances that they would put their troops in immediate motion, to co-operate with him. Count de Grasse landed 3,300 troops, under the command of the Marquis de St. Simon, to reinforce the Marquis La Fay- ette. Monsieur de Barras, at the same time, sailed from Newport with the French squadron, to join count de Grasse. General Washington committed the command of the forces before New York, to general Heath, and put himself at the head of the allied armies, and by a rapid movement, marched to Philadelphia ; and thence to the head of the river Elk. Sir Henry Clinton, in the mean time, despatched admiral Graves in quest of count de Grasse. On the 5th of September- he discovered the French fleet in Lynnhaven bay. At sight of the English fleet, count de Grasse slipped his cables and put to sea, and at 4 o clock un action commenced. The French were victorious, and regained the bay ; but the English retired to New York, to repair. At this eventful moment, de Barras entered the Bay and joined de Grasse, who sent up their transports to convey the allied armies down the bay. The allied commanders, at the same time, held an interview with the count de Grasse, on board the Ville de Paris, to settle the plan of operations. The allied armies, amounting to twelve thousand men, form ed a junction with the marquis, while lord Cornwallis fortified himself at Yorktown, in Virginia. The militia of Virginia 19 213 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF took the field under governor Nelson, and the movement seemed to portend some important results. On the 27th of September, general Washington issued the following orders. " If the enemy should be tempted to meet the army on its march, the general particularly enjoins it upon the troops to place their principal reliance upon the bayonet, that they may prove the vanity of that boast which the British make of their peculiar prowess, in deciding battles with that weapon." . The next morning, the whole army encamped about a mile from York Town, and lay on their arms through the next night. At the earnest solicitations of the commander in chief and the marquis, count De Grasse moved with his fleet up to the mouth of York river, and closely invested Cornwallis. On the 6th of October, the trenches of the allies were opened upon his lordship, at the distance of 600 yards. On the 9th, the American line began to play upon York Town, with twenty four, eighteen, and ten inch mortars, which continued through the night. The next morning the French opened a destructive fire from their batteries, without intermission, for about eight hours ; and on the succeeding night a terrible fire was kept up from the whole line, without intermission, until morning. The horrors of this scene were greatly heightened by the conflagra tion of two British ships, set on fire by the shells of the allies, and consumed in the night. The next morning 1 , October 11th, the allies opened their second parallel, at the distance of two hundred yards, and another British ship was consumed by their shells. On the 14th, general Washington ordered two battalions to advance to the second parallel and begin a large battery in the centre, and in advance. The enemy met this movement with an incessant fire from two redoubts, in advance of their works, as well as from their whole line, that continued through the night. General Washington detached the marquis La Fayette in the morning, at the head of the American light infantry, sup ported by the baron Viominel, from the line of the French, to advance and storm these redoubfs, which had so annoyed them through the night. Lieutenant colonel Hamilton commanded the von of the corps of the marquis La Fayette. The re doubt was promptly carried by La Fayette at the point of the bayonet ; but the captives were spared. The marquis sent his aid", mnjor Harbour, through the whole line of the enemy s fire, to notify the baron Viominel of his success, and inquire where he was ; to which the baron replied, " I arn not in my redoubt, but -shall be in five minutes ;" in five minutes his redoubt was oarried. THE UNITED STATES. 219 General Washington was highly gratified with the success of this exploit, and commended the officers and soldiers engaged in it, in the highest terms, in the following general orders : " The marquis La Fayette s division will mount the trenches to-morrow. The commander in chief congratulates the allied army on the success of the enterprise, last evening, against the two important redoubts on the left of the enemy s works. He requests the baron Viominel, who commanded the French grenadiers, and the marquis LaFayette, who commanded the American light infantry, to accept his warmest acknowledge ments for the excellence of their dispositions, and for their own gallant conduct on the occasion. And ho begs them to present his thanks to every individual officer, and to the men of their respective commands, for the spirit and rapidity with which they advanced to the points of attack assigned them, and for the admirable firmness with which they supported them, under the fire of the enemy, without returning a siiot. The general re flects, with the highest pleasure, on the confidence which the troops of the two nations must hereafter have in each other: assured of mutual support, he is convinced there is no danger which they will not cheerfully encounter ; no difficulty which they will not bravely overcome." On the morning 1 of the 16th, his lordship detached lieutenant colonel Abercrombie at the head of four hundred men, upon a sortie, to destroy two batteries, the allies had erected in the night ; the enterprise succeeded, and he spiked the cannon. The French suffered severely in the defence of these works ; but the British gained no permanent advantage. On the af ternoon of the same day, the allies opened their batteries, cov ered with about one hundred pieces of heavy cannon, and such was their destructive fire, that the British lines were soonde- molished, and silenced. Alarmed for his safety, his lordship now began to prepare to retire ; his boats were collected, and a part of his army was embarked across to Gloucester point ; opposite to York Town, then under the command of lieutenant colonel Tarelton ; but a violent storm suddenly arose which de feated the plan, and it was with the greatest difficulty that his lordship could recover his boats, and restore the division. His lordship now seeing that all hope of succour or escape was vain, and that there was no alternative, to avoid the tre mendous fire of the allies, but submission, requested a parley on the Ittth, for twenty-four hours ; and that commissioners migiit be appointed to arrange articles of capitulation. General Washington consented, and commissioners were appointed ac cordingly.* On the 19th, the articles were signed, and his * The commissioners on the part of the allies were the Vicount de Noailes, and lieutenant colonel Laurens, whose father had been sect t 220 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP lordship, with the whole British army, marched out prisoners of war. The ships were the conquest of France. The same terms were prescribed by the commissioners to lord Cornwal- lis, that had been prescribed to general Lincoln at Charleston, just eighteen months before; he was refused the honors of war, and general Lincoln was deputed to receive the sword of his lordship. Thus the mission of the marquis La Fayette to France, in the \vinterofl779-80, was consummated by the fall of the hrro of the south, at York Town. The noble generosity of the French officers to those of the British, after the capitulation, called forth the following ac knowledgment of his lordship : ;t The deliberate sensibility of the officers of his most chris- tiaii majesty towards our situation ; their generous and pres sing offers of money, both public and private, to any amount, has really gone beyond what I can possibly describe." Lord Cornwallis pressed hard for permission to embark the British and German troops to Europe, under suitable engage ments, not to serve during the war ; also that the torics might be protected ; but both were refused. His lordship was, how ever, indulged with the permission, that the Bonetta sloop of war, might pass unsearched ; and many of the most obnoxious lories escaped from the rage of their injured and insulted coun trymen. Seven thousand troops under the command of earl Cornwal lis, with 1500 seamen, were the subjects of this convention ; together with one frigate of twenty-four guns, besides trans ports, (twenty of which had been sunk or otherwise destroyed-) seventy-five brass, and sixty-nine iron ordnance, howitzers and mortars. Also a military chest containing /2113,6s. sterling, which, trifling as it was, could not fall to be acceptable to the army. His excellency, general Washington, closed this glorious scene at Yorktown, by publishing to the army, both officers and soldiers, in general orders, the grateful effusions of his heart, and ordered the whole to be assembled in divisions and brigades, to attend to divine service, and render thanks to that God who had given them the victory. Congress received the letter of general Washington, on the 24th, announcing the capture of the British army, with the most cordial satisfaction, and immediately resolved to move in pro cession at 2 o clock, to the Lutheran church, and return thanks to Almighty God, for crowning with success, the allied arms out by congress, as minister to the court of Versailles, and who was captured on his passage, by the British, and confined iu the tower oC London, where he then remained in close confinement. THE UNITED STATES. 221 of America and France. Congress next resolved, that a proc lamation be issued for the religious observance of the I3th of December, then next, as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, throughout the United States. Tiius joy, gratitude, and praise to God, were united, and be came universal, and swelled with transports, every patriotic breast, throughout United America. Congress resolved, on the 29th, " That thanks be presented to general Washington, count de Rochambeau, count de Grasse, and the officers of the different corps, and the men under their command, for their services, in the reduction of lord Corn- wallis." They next resolved, ** That a marble column be erected at York Town, adorned with emblems commemorative of the al liance between the United States and his most Christian ma jesty ; anJ inscribed with a succinct account of the surrendry of the British army." Congress next resolved, " That two stands of colors be pre sented to general Washington, and two pieces of ordnance be by him presented to count de Rochambeau, as trophies of their illustrious victory ; and that the chevalier de La Luzerne, be requested to inform his most Christian majesty, that it was the wish of congress, that count da Grasse might be permitted to accept the same testimonials, with the count de Rocham beau. General Rochambeau, with his army, took up their winter quarters in Virginia ; but the troops under the command of the marquis de St. Simon, were embarked for the West Indies, and the American troops returned to their former stations, ex cepting such cavalry and infantry as were necessary to t?he ser vice of general Greene ; these were sent forward in Novem ber under the cornaiand of general St. Clair, to co-operate in the southern war. The French fleet, under the count de Grasse, sailed at the same time, for the West Indies, and the operations of the sea son were generally closed. His excellency, general Washington, retired to Philadelphia, to give repose to his mind, as well as to confer with congress upon the future exigences ofthe nation. One universal expression of grati ude and app ause, burst forth from all par s of the country, to the allied heroes, who fought under Washington, and triumphed over Britain. Min isters at the altar, of all denominations, caught the sacred llarne, and the temples of Almighty God, resounded with gratitude a:i=l praise to Uis groat na;ne, throughout) United America. On tli3 4th of November, congress bonore d the chevalier do La Luzerne with iheir attendance at the Rjinan catholic chap- 19* 222 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF el, where the following address was delivered by monsieur Je Baiwirfe, chaplain to the French legation : " Gentlemen A numerous people, assembled to render thanks to Almighty God for his mercies, is one of the most af fecting objects, and worthy the attention of the Supreme Be ing. While camps resound with triumphal actions, whole na tions rejoice in victory and glory, the most honorable office the minister of the altar can fill, is, to be the organ by which pub lic gratitude is conveyed to the Omnipotent. Those miracles which he once wrought for his chosen people, are renewed in our favor ; and it would be equally ungrateful and impious, not to acknowledge, that the event which lately confounded our en emies, and frustrated their designs, was the wonderful work of that God, who guards our liberties. And who but He could so combine the events that led to such success ? We have seen our enemies push forward amidst perils almost innumerable, amidst objects almost insurmountable, to the spot which was designed to witness their disgrace ; yet they eagerly sought it as the theatre of their triumph ! jplind as they were, they bore hunger, thirst, and inclement skies ; poured out their blood in battle against brave republicans, and crossed immense re gions to confine themselves in another Jericho ; whose walls were fated to fall down before another Joshua. It is He whose voice commands the winds, the seas, and the seasons ; who form ed a junction on the same day, and the same hour, between a formidable fleet from the south, and an army rushing from the north like an impetuous torrent. Who but He, in whose hands are the hearts of men, could have inspired the allied troops with the friendship, the confidence, the tenderness of brothers ! How is it that two nations, once divided, jealous, inimical, and nursed in reciprocal prejudices, are now become so cordially united as to form but one ! Worldlings would say it is the wisdom, the virtue, and moderation of our chiefs ; it is a great national interest that has performed this prodigy. They will say, that to the skill of the generals, to the courage of the troops, to the activity of the whole army, we must attri bute this splendid success. Ah ! they are ignorant that the combining of so many fortunate circumstances, is an emana tion from the All perfect Mind ; that courage, that skill, that activity, bear the sacred impressions of Him who is divine For how many favors have we not to thank Him during the present year ? Your union s which was at first supported by justice alone, lias been consolidated by your courage, and the knot which ties you hns become indissoluble, by the accession of all the -tales, and the unanimous voice of all the confederates. You present to the universe the noble sight of a society, which, THE UNITED STATES. 223 founded in equality and justice, secures to the individuals who compose it, the utmost happiness that can be derived from hu man institutions. This advantage, which so many other na tions have been unable to procure, even after ages of effort and misery, is granted by Divine Providence to the United States ; and His adorable decrees have marked the present moment for the completion of that memorable, happy revolu tion, which has taken place in this extensive continent. These large states are at once wrested from the foe. The ra pacious soldier has been compelled to take refuge behind his ramparts, and oppression has vanished like those phantoms which are dispelled by the morning ray. On this solemn oc casion we might renew our thanks to the God of battles, for the success he has granted to your allies, and your friends, by land and sea, through the other parts of the globe. But let us not recall those events which too dearly prore how much the hearts of our enemies have been obdurated. Let us prostrate ourselves at the altar, and implore the God of mer cy to suspend his vengeance, to spare them in his wrath, to inspire them with sentiments of justice and moderation, to terminate their obstinacy and error, and to ordain that your victories be followed wi;h peace and tranquillity. Let us en treat Him to continue to shed on the councils of the king, your ally, that spirit of wisdom, of justice, and of courage, which has rendered his reign so glorious. Let us beseech Him to maintain in each of the states, that intelligence by which the United States are inspired. Let us return Him thanks, that a faction, whose rebellion he has corrected, and now deprived of support, is annihilated. Let us offer Him pure hearts, unsullied by private hatred, or public dissen sion ; and let us with one voice, pour forth to the Lord that hymn of praise, by which Christians celebrate their gratitude, and His glory." This signal and decisive victory over Cornwallis, blasted the hope of the British government, as regarded the subjection of the revolted colonies to their former allegiance. During near ly three months after the 12th of December, 1781, motions were frequently made in Parliament for closing hostile opera tions against this country. On the 4th of March, 1782, the commons resolved, " That the house would consider as enemies to his majesty and to the country, all those who should advise, or attempt the further prosecution of offensive war, on the continent of North America." As one earnest of the sincerity of this resolution the command of the British forces was taken from Sir Henry Clinton, arid given to sir Guy Carleton, who was directed to advance the wishes of the British government, for an accommodation with the United States. 224 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Agreeable to his instructions, Sir Guy proposed a corres pondence with Congress, and solicited of the commander in chief, a passport for his secretary. This was however refused, as the United States had stipulated not to negotiate without the consent of the French government. As soon as information of the capture of Cornvvallis was re ceived at the French court, the government proposed to Con gress the immediate appointment of commissioners to treat of peace. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Henry Laurens, were accordingly chosen. These were "met by Mr. Fitzherbert and Mr. Oswald, at Paris, on the part of Great Britain. Provisional articles were signed on the 30th of No vember, 1782, and the definitive treaty was concluded in Sep tember following. On the 18th of April, general Washington announced the cessation of hostilities between the two countries, in the fol lowing- general orders. " The Commander in Chief orders the cessation of hostili ties, between the United States of America and the King of Great Britain, to be publicly proclaimed tomorrow at twelve o clock, at the New Building; arid the proclamation which will be communicated herewith, be read tomorrow evening, at the head of every regiment and corps of the army ; after which, the chaplains, with the several brigades, will render thanks to Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for his overru ling the wrath of man to his own glory, and causing the rage of war to cease airong the nations." " The Commander in Chief, far from endeavoring to stifle the feeling of joy in his own bosorn, offers his most cordial con gratulations on the occasion, to all the officers of every denom ination to all the troops of the United States in general, and in particular to those gallant and persevering men who had re solved to defend the rights of their invaded country so long as the war should continue ; for these are the men who ougiit to be considered as the pride and boast of the American army, and who, crowned with well-earned laurels, may soon withdraw from the field of glory, to the more tranquil walks of civil life. * c While the general recollects the almost infinite variety of ecenes through which we have passed with a mixture of pleas- sure, astonishment, and gratitude while he contemplates the prospects before us with rapture, he cannot, help wishing that :ill the brave men, of whatever condition tiiey may be, vvbo have shared in the toils and dangers of effecting this glorious revolution, of rescuing millions from the hand of oppression, and of laying the foundation of a great empire, might be im pressed with a proper idea of the dignified part they have been THE UNITED STATES. called to act, under the smiles of Providence, on the stage of human affairs; for happy, thrice happy, shall they be pronoua- ced hereafter, who have contributed any thing, who have per formed the meanest office in erecting this stupendous fabric of Freedom and Empire, on the broad basis of independency ; who have assisted in protecting the rights of human nature, and establishing an asylum for the poor and oppressed of all na tions and religions. "The glorious task for which we first flew to arms, being thus accomplished, the liberties of our country being fully ac knowledged and firmly secured, by the smiles of Heaven on the purity of our cause, and the honest exertions of a feeble people, determined to be free, against a powerful nation dis posed to oppress them ; and the character of those who have persevered through every extremity of hardship, suffering, and danger, beinsr immortalized by the illustrious appellation of the Patriot Army, nothing now remains but for the actors of this mighty scene to preserve a perfect, unvarying consistency of character through the very last act ; to close the drama with . applause ; and to retire from the military theatre with the same approbation of angel ~ and men, which have crowned all their former virtuous actions. " For this purpose, no disorder or licentiousness must be tolerated; every considerate and well disposed soldier must remember it will be absolutely necessary to wait with patience, till peace shall be declared, or Congress shall be enabled to take proper measures for the security of the public stores, fec. So soon as these arrangements shall be made, the general is confident there will be no delay in discharging, with every mark of distinction and honour, all the men enlisted for the war, who will then have faitftfully performed their engage ments with the public. The general has already interested himself in their behalf; and he thinks he need not repeat the assurances of his disposition to be useful to them on the pre sent, and erery other proper occasion. In the mean time, he is determined that no military neglects or excesses shall go un punished, while he retains the command of the army. "The adjutant general will have such working parties de tailed to assist in making the preparation for a general re joicing as the chief engineer, with the army, shall call for ; and the quarter master general will also furnish such materials as he may want. The quarter master general will, without delay, procure such a number of discharges to be printed as will be sufficient for all the men enlisted for the war; he will please to apply to head quarters for the form. " An extra ration of liquor to be issued to every man tomor- 226 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP row>, to drink perpetual peace, independence and happiness to the United States of America" It is not a little remarkable, that these general orders of the commander-in-chief were read to the army, just eight years from the battle of Lexington. The farewell orders of the general were issued to the army on the 2d of November, from which the following is a selection. " A contemplation of the complete attainment, at a period earlier than could have been expected, of the object for which we contended, against so formidable a power, cannot but in spire us with astonishment and gratitude. The disadvantage ous circumstances on our part, under which the war was undertaken, can never be forgotten. The signal interpositions of Providence, in our feeble condition, were such as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving; while the unparalleled perseverance of the armies of the United States, through almost every possible suffering and discourage ment, for the space of eight long years, was little short of a standing miracle/ His closing words are, " and being now to conclude these his last public orders, to take his ultimate leave in a short time, of the military character, and to bid adieu to the armies he has so long had the honour to command, he can only again offer in their behalf his recommendations to their grateful country, and his prayers to the God of armies. May ample justice be.done them here, and may the choicest of Hea ven s favours both here and hereafter attend those, who, under the divine auspices have secured innumerable blessings for others ! With these wishes, and this benediction, the Com mander-in-chief is about to retire from service. The curtaia of separation will soon be drawn, and the military scene to him will be forever closed." The army was now disbanded by the proclamation of con gress, of which Dr. Thacher gives the following sketch, with the parting scene between General Washington and his officers. Painful indeed was the parting scene, no description can be adequate to the tragic exhibition. Both officers and soldiers, long unaccustomed to the affairs of private life, turned loose on the world to starve and to become a prey to vulture specula tors. Never can that melancholy day be forgotten when friends, companions for seven long years in joy, and in sorrow, were torn asunder, without the hope of ever meeting again, and with prospects of a miserable subsistence in future. Among other incidents peculiarly affecting on this occasion, were the lamentations of women and children, earnestly en treating that those with whom they had been connected in the character of husband and father, would not withdraw from THE UNITED STATES. 227 them the hand of kindness and protection, and leave them in despair; but in several instances the reply was, no, " we took you as companions during the tear, and now we are destitute of the means of support, and you must provide for yourselves. November 25th. The British army evacuated New York, and the American troops under General Knox, took possession of the city. Soon after. General Washington and Governor Clinton, with their suite, made their public entry into the city on horseback, followed by the lieutenant governor and the members of council, for the temporary government of the southern district, four abreast. General Knox and the officers of the army, eight abreast ; citizens on horseback, eight abreast the speaker of the assembly and citizens on foot, eight abreast. The governor gave a public dinner, at which the Commander-in-chief, and other general officers were present. The arrangements for the whole business were so well made and executed, that the most admirable tranquillity succeeded through the day and night. On Monday the governor gave an elegant entertainment to the French ambassador, the Chevalier de la Luzerne ; General Washington, the principal officers of New York state, and of the army, and upwards of a hundred gentlemen were present. Magnificent fireworks, infinitely ex ceeding every thing of the kind before seen in the United States, were exhibited at the Bowling Green in Broadway, on the evening of Tuesday, in celebration of the definitive treaty of peace. They commenced by a dove descending with ths olive branch, and setting fire to a.marron battery. On Tuesday noon, December 4th, the principal officers of the army assem bled at Francis tavern, to take a final leave of their much lov ed Commander in Chief. Soon after his Excellency entered the room. His emotions were too strong to be concealed. Filling a glass, he turned to them and said, " With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you. I most de voutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable. 1 Having drank, he added, " I cannot come to each of you to lake my leave, but shall be obliged to you, if each of you will come and take me by the hund." General Knox being nearest, turned to him. Incapable of utterance, Washington, in tears, grasped his hand, embraced and kissed him. In the same af fectionate manner he took leave of each succeeding- tfricer. la every eye was the tear of dignified sensibility; and not n word was articulated to interrupt the eloquent silence, and tenderness of the scene. Leaving the room, he passed through the corps of light infantry, and walked to White Hall, where a barge waited to convey him to Paulus Hook. The whole company followed in mute and solemn procession, with deject- UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ed countenances, testifying feelings of delicious melancholy, which no language can describe. Having entered the barge, he turned to the company, and waving his hat, bade them a silent adieu. They paid him the same affectionate compliment, and after the barge had left them, returned in the same solemn manner to the place where they had assembled. The passions of human nature were never more tenderly agitated than in this interesting and distressful scene." Congress was now in session at Annapolis, to whom, on the 23d of December, the commander in chief resigned h ; s com mission. " The governor, couRcil and legislature of Maryland, several general officers, the consul general of France, and nu merous citizens of Annapolis were present. Congress were seated and covered, as representatives of the sovereignty ot the union ; the spectators were uncovered and standing. The general was introduced, to a chair by the secretary, who, after a decent interval ordered silence. A short pause eneued, when the honorable Thomas Mifflin, the president, informed the ge neral that "the United States in Congress assembled were prepared to receive his communications." On which he rose with dignity and delivered this address. 41 Mr. President, The great events on \vhich my resignation depended, having at length taken place, I now have the honour of offering my sincere congratulations to Congress, and of pre senting myself before them, to surrender into their hands, the trust committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my country. " Happy in the confirmation of our independence and sove reignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United States, of becoming a respectable nation, I resign with satis faction the appointment I accepted with diffidence; a diffidence in my abilities, to accomplish so arduous a task, vvnich, how ever, was superseded, by a confidence in the rectitude of our cause, the support of the supreme power of the union, and the patronage of Heaven. " The successful termination of the war has verified the most sanguine expectations, my gratitude for the interposi tions of Providence, and the assistance I have received from my countrymen, increase with every review of the momentous contest. "While I respect my obligations to the army in general, 1 should do injustice to my own feelings, not to acknowledge in this place, the peculiar services and distinguished merits of the persons, who have been attached to my person during the war. It was impossible the choice of confidential officers, to compose my family, should have been more fortunate. Permit me, Sir, to reccmn:end in particular, those who have continued in the THE UNITED STATES. 229 lervice to the present moment, as worthy of the favorable no tice and patronage of Congress. " I consider it as an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my official life, by commending the interests of our dearest country, to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintendence of them to his holy keep ing. " Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of action; and, bidding an affectionate fare well to this august body, under whose orders I have long acted, I here offer my commission, and take my leave of all the em ployments of public life." This address being ended, General Washington advanced and delivered his commission into the hands of the President of Congress, who replied as follows. "The United States in Congress assembled, receive with emotions too affecting for utterance, the solemn resignation of the authorities under which you have led their troops with suc cess, through a perilous and doubtful war. " Called on by your country to defend its invaded rights, yon accepted the sacred charge before it had formed alliances, and whilst it was without friend:? or a government to support you. " You have conducted the great military contest with wisdom and fortitude, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power, through all disasters and changes. You have by the love and confidence of your fellow citizens, enabled them to display their martial genius, and transmit their fame to posterity ; you have persevered till these United States, aided by a magnani mous king and nation, have been enabled under a just Provi dence, to close the war io safety, freedom, and independence ; on which happy event, we sincerely join you in congratula tions. " Having defended the standard of liberty in this new world : having taught a lesson useful to those who inflict, and to those who feel oppression, you retire from the great theatre of ac tion, with the blessings of your fellow citizens ; but the glory ef your virtues will not terminte with your military command", it will continue to animate remotest ages. We feel with you, our obligations to the army in general, and will particularly charge ourselves, with the interest of those confidential officers , who have attended your person to this affecting moment. "We join you in commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, beseeching him to dispose the hearts and minds of its citizens to improve the op portunity afforded them of becoming a happy and respectable nation ; and for you we address to Him our earnest prayers, that a life so beloved, may be fostered with all his care: that 20 230 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF your days may be happy, as they have been illustrious, and that he will finally give you that reward, which this world cannot give." Thus did the United States, after passing- through scenes of blood and suffering, at (he sacrifice of more than seventy thou sand lives, and much treasure, maintain by the sword the de claration of her sages in council, who dared to proclaim her independence. The amount of national debt created by the struggle was less than forty-five millions of dollars. Great Britain lost two large armies, besides thousands killed and taken in different engagements; her empire was dismembered, and the increase of her debt by the conflict, was more than five hundred million of dollars. It has already been stated in the history, that a messenger arrived while general Washington was in consultation with the French officers at Hartford, and that the council was dissolved, and Washington went to West Point. The following state ment is taken from the Appendix to the Military Journal of Dr. Thacher, and may be correct. "Arnold was apprised that General Washington, being on his return from a journey to Hartford, intended to visit him that day, and he was momentarily expected ; accordingly his Ex cellency arrived soon after Arnold had absconded, and not find ing him at bis quarters he passed over the river to West Point, to view the works, and with the expectation of finding him at his post, but being disappointed he returned to Arnold s quar ters, where he still found that no one coultl account for his absence. But in a few hours despatches arrived fVum Colonel Jameson announcing the capture of Major Andre, and this was accompanied by his own letter of confession. The mys terious affair was now developed. Arnold"^ treason and elope ment admitted at once of explanation. An officer was im mediately sent to our fort at Verplank s Point with orders to fire at Arnold s barge, but it was too late, she had already reached the Vulture." Since the revolutionary part of our history was compiled, we have discovered the following, of which we before had no distinct recollection. It is copied from the Military Journal of Dr. Thacher, and deserves a place in every history of the country. It is certainly astonishing, that while nearly every child has heard of the sympathy which was expressed for major Andre, the very existence of Captain Hale has nearly been forgotten. Is it indeed a fact, that " republics are al ways ungrateful ?" ft is with the highest degree of satisfaction, that I am ena bled to copy the following interesting narrative, vouched by Major General Hull, of Newton, from Hannah Adams History THE UNITED STATES. 231 of New England. Let the reader draw the striking contrast between the conduct of the royalists and the Americans, on an occasion where the duties of humanity and benevolence, were equally and imperiously demanded. " The retreat of General Washington, left the British in complete possession of Long Island. What would be their future operations, remained uncertain. To obtain information of their situation, their strength and future movements, was of high importance. For this purpose, General Washington ap plied to Colonel Knowlton, who commanded a regiment of light infantry, which formed the van of the American army, and de sired him to adopt some mode of gaining the necessary infor mation. Colonel Knowlton communicated this request to Cap tain Hale, of Connecticut, who was then a captain in his regi ment. This young officer, animated by a sense of duty, and considering that an opportunity presented itself by which he might be useful to his country, at once offered himself a volun teer for this hazardous service. He passed in disguise to Long Island, examined every part of the British army, and obtained the best possible information respecting their situation and future operations. " In his attempt to return, he was apprehended, carried be fore Sir William Howe, and the proof of his object was so clear, that he frankly acknowledged who he was, and what were his views. " Sir William Ho.we at once gave an order-to the provost marshal to execute him the next morning. " The order was accordingly executed in a most unfeeUng manner, and by as great a savage as ever disgraced humanity. A clergyman, whose attendance he desired, was refused him; a bible for a moment s devotion was not procured, though he requested it. Letters, which on the morning of his execution, he wrote to his mother, and other friends, were destroyed; and this very extraordinary reason given by the provost marshal, that the rebels should not know that they had a man in their army, who could die with so much firmness. "Unknown to all around him, without a single friend to offer him the least consolation, thus fell as amiable and as worthy a young man as America could boast, with this as his dying observation, that he only lamented he had but one life to lose for his country. How superior to the dying words of Andre. Though the manner of his execution will ever be abhorred by every friend to humanity and religion, yet there cannot be a question but that the sentence was conformable to the rules of war, and the practice of nations in similar cases. It is, however, a justice due to the character of Captain Hale, to observe, that his motives for engaging in this service 232 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF - were entirely different from those which generally influence others in similar circumstances. * Neither expectation of pro motion nor pecuniary reward, induced him to this attempt. A sense of duty, a hope that he might in this way be useful to his country, and an opinion which he had adopted, that every kind of service necessary to the public good, became honourable by being necessary, were the great motives which induced him to engage in an enterprize, by which his connexions lost a most amiable friend, and his country one of its most promising sup porters. * The fate of this unfortunate young man excites the most interesting reflections. " To see such a character, in the flower of youth, cheerfully treading in the most hazardous paths, influenced by the purest intentions, and only emulous to do good to his country, without the imputation of a crime, fall a victim to policy, must have been wounding to the feelings even of his enemies. " Should a comparison be drawn between Major Andre and Captain Hale, injustice would be done to the latter, should he not be placed on an equal ground with the former. Whilst almost every historian of the American Revolution, has cele brated the virtues and lamented the fate of Andre, Hale has re mained unnoticed, and it is scarcely Known that such a character ever existed. " To the memory of Andre, his country has erected the moet magnificent monuments, and bestowed on his family the highest honours and most liberal rewards. To the memory of Hale not a stone has been erected, nor an inscription to preserve hia ashes from insult."* CHAPTER XII. Events and anecdotes of the Revolution. Perhaps no event which affected merely the life of an indi vidual, during the revolution, more generally touched the sym pathies of Europeans and Americans, than that of which cap tain Asgill was the hero. On the 24th of March, 1782, captain Joshua Huddy, of New Jersey, was taken prisoner, by a party of refugees. On the 12th of April, he was taken to the Jersey shore, and hung on * In the autumn of 1821, the remains of Major Andre were d.i*-, interred, and transported to England. THE UNITED STATES. 233 & tree, by order of captain LippincoU, without even the sem blance of a trial. By a label affixed to his breast, the refuges signified that it was an act of retaliation, on account of the death of one Phiiip While, whom they asserted to have been murdered, after being; taken prisoner. It was shown, how ever, that the death of White happened after captain Huddy was prisoner in New- York, and that he was killed, on the second escape from his captors, and being ordered to surrender, which he refused. A memorial was presented to general AVashington, stating the atrocity of the murder of captain Huddy. Washington addressed sir Henry Clinton on the sub ject, who ordered a court martial on Lippincott, who was re turned not guilty. General Washington demanded, that Lip pincott should be given up, and threatened retaliation, in case he should not be delivered up to the Americans. The commander in chief represented the business to con gress, and his conduct was unanimously approved. Soon after the murder of Huddy, the commanders of brigades and regiments, were ordered to assemble at the quarters of general Heath, to decide on the following questions: 1st. shall resort be had to retaliation for the murder of captain Huddy? 2d. On whom shall it be inflicted : 3d. How shall the victim be designated? The answer was to be given in writing, seal ed, and without conversation on the subject. The first was answered affirmatively, and unanimously. The victim was to be of equal rank, and the name selected by lot. The painful alternative was adopted, and, the names of British captains in captivity were collected, an impartial lot taken, which fell on captain Asgill, of the British guards. He was of a noble fami ly in England, only son of his parents, and but nineteen years old. The distress of Washington was poignant and visible, but he was firm and inflexible. Every attention was paid to his feelings, and every facility granted him to communicate with sir Guy Carleton, who succeeded sir Henry Clinton, in the command at New York. He was put on his parole at Morristown, and permitted to ride within a few miles of the British lines. In the mean time, his unfortunate situation became a very genera] topic of discoure and interest in England. The king of England ordered that the cjlprit, Lippincott, should be given up to the Americans, and the States of Holland solicied for the liberation of the amiable young Asgill. Sir Henry Clinton and his successor, both lamented the fate of Huddy ; but as the act was committed by order of the board of associated loyalists, they considered Lippincott as acting un der superior authority, and therefore not liable. 20* 534 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP On the 7th of October, the commander in chief expressed his private opinion to the secretary of war, that captain Asgill ihould be liberated. The intelligence of the fate which threatened captain Asgill had reached his parents. The father was languishing with a mortal sickness. His mother, was a mother still. Already had he procured an order fretn the king, which should release her ion ; but the order was not obeyed. She wrote to the count de Vergennes, and she did not write in vain. Here follows the letter, which those who have hearts of marble may pas* over in silence it was not intended for them. Letter from. Lady Asgill, to the Comte de Vergennet. " SIR, If the politeness of the French court will permit a tranger to address it, it cannot be doubted but that she who unites in herself all the more delicate sensations with which an kidivideal can be penetrated, will be received favorably by a nobleman, who reflects honor not only on his nation, but on human nature. The subject on which I implore your assistance, is too heart rending to be dwelt on ; most probably, the public report of it has already reached you ; this relieves me from the burthen of so mournful a duty. My son, my only son, dear to me as he is brave, amiable as he is beloved, only nineteen years of age, a prisoner of war, in consequence of the capitulation of Yorktown, is at present confined in America as an object of reprisal. Shall the innocent, share the fate of the guilty ? Figure to yourself, Sir, the situation of a family in these cir cumstances. Surrounded as I am with objects of distress, bowed down by fear and grief, words are wanting to express what I feel, and to paint such a scene of misery : my husband given over by his physicians some hours before the arrival of this news, not in a condition to be informed of it ; my daughter attacked by a fever, accompanied witb delirium ; speaking of her brother in tones of wildness, and without an interral of reason, unless it be to listen to some circumstances which may console her heart. Let your sensibility, Sir, paint to you my profound, my inexpressible misery, and plead in my favour; a word, a word from you, like a voice from Heaven, would libc- . rate us from desolation, from the last degree of misfortune. I know how far General Washington reveres your character. Tell him only that you wish my son restored to liberty, and he will restore him to his despond ing family ; he will restore him to happiness. The virtue and courage of my son will justify this act of clemency. His honour, Sir, led him to America; he was born to abundance, to independence, and to the hap piest prospects. Permit me, once more to entreat the inter THE UNITED STATES. 535 ference of your high influence in favour of innocence, and in the cause of justice and humanity. Despatch, Sir, a letter from France to General Washington, and favour me with a copy of it, that it may be transmitted from hence. I feel the whole weight of the liberty taken in presenting this request ; but I feel confident, whether granted or not, that you will pity the distresses by which it was suggested ; your humanity will drop a tear on my fault, and blot it out forever. " May that Heaven which I implore, grant that you may never need the consolation which you have it in your power to bestow OQ THERESA ASGILL." This letter was presented to the king and queen of France they were much affected, and through him requested the liber ation of the hitherto unfortunate captaiu Asgill. The request was accompanied b\ the letter of Mrs. Asgill, and the request was granted. Washington communicated the letters to eon- jrress, and on the 7th of November it was resolved that captain Asgill should be set at liberty. The resolution was transmit ted to the unhappy youth, with a passport for New York. A letter from Washington to him closes as follows : " I cannot take leave of you, Sir, without assuring you, that in whatever light my agency in this unpleasant affair may be viewed, I was never influenced through the whole of it, by sanguinary motives, but by what I conceived to be a sense of my duty, which loudly called on me to take measures, however disagreeable, to prevent a repetition of those enormities which have been the subject of discussion. And that this important rnd is likely to be answered without the effusion of the blood of an innocent, person is not a greater relief to you than it is, Sir, to your most obedient humble Servant, GEORGE WASHINGTON. What were the feelings of one whoso life had so long been in jeopardy or the feelings of a much loved and worthy mother, or that of a sister, almost frantic at the news of his being confined by way of reprisal, is left for those to express who can find language. The letter of thanks written to the count de Vergennes, is a production which needs no comment. Like the former, it came from the heart, and will reach the heart. Second letter of Lady Asgill to the Comte de Vergtnnet. " SIR, Exhausted by long suffering, overpowered by an ex- eess of unexpected happiness, confined to my bed by weakness and languor, bent to the earth by what I have undergone, my 538 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF of Massaehuselts, he had liberty to write. His wife and ths young lady, her companion, paid him a visit, and a hint was given him to take care of himself. The meaning of this waa rot understood, until major Benjamin Burton was made his fel low prisoner. By him he learned, that orders had been given by Sir Henry Clinton, to convey them to England for trial, They then determined to escape. On account of the oiders from head quarters, they were de nied the customary civility of a parole, and were closely and fathfully guarded. The walls of the fortiess were twenty feet high,*surrounded by a ditch, at the bottom of which was a che- vaux-Je-frieze. The guard house was constantly watched, and the prospect of escape was a forlorn hope. They deter mined however to attempt- it, and they finally succeeded. Their room vvas railed by boards. Their intention was to cut off one of these, pass through, and let themselves down into an entry by a blanket. But a gimblet was necessary, and one was procured for a dollar. With this they worked cautiously and silently, and in three weeks their labours were nearly completed. The night of the 18th of June vvas dark and stormy, and they had no time to lose. Having extinguished their lights, they began to cut the corners of the board, and in iess than an hour the intended opening was completed. The noise which the operation occasioned was drowned by the rain falling on the roof. Major Burton first ascended to the ceiling, and pressed himself through the opening. General Wadsworth next, hav ing put the corner of his blanket through the hole and made it fast by a strong wooden skewer, attempted to make his way through, standing on a chair below, but it vvas with extreme difficulty that he at length effected it, and reached the middle entry. From this he passed through the door which he found open, and made his way to the wall of the fort and had to en counter the greatest difficulty before he could ascend to the lop. He had now to creep along the top of the fort between the sentry boxes at the very moment when the relief was shift ing sentinels, but the falling of the heavy rain kept the senti nels within their boxes, and favoured his escape. Having now fastened his blanket round a picket at the top, he let himself down through the chevaux de frize to the ground, and in a man ner astonishing to himself made his way into the open field. Here he was obliged to grope his way among the rocks, stumps and brush in the darkness of night, till he reached the cove, happily the tide had ebbed and enabled him to cross the water about "a mile in breadth and not more than three feet deep. About two o clock in the morning General Wadsworth found himself a mile anda half from the fort, and he proceeded through. THE UNITED STATES. 239 a thick wood and brush to the Penobscot river, and after pas sing some distance along the shore, being seven miles from the fort, to his unspeakable joy he saw his friend Burton advancing towards him. Major Burton had been obliged to encounter in his course equal difficulties with his companion, and such were the incredible perils, dangers and obstructions, which they sur mounted, that their escape may be considered almost miracu- lou s. It was no\v necessary they should cross the Penob?cot river, and fortunately they discovered a canoe with oars on the shore suited to their purpose. While on the river they discovered a barge with a party of British from the fort in pur suit of them, but by taking an oblique course, and plying their oars to the utmost, they happily eluded the eyes of their pursu ers and arrived safe on the western shore. After having wan dered in the wilderness for several days and nights, exposed to extreme fatigue and cold, and with no other food than a little dry bread and meat, which they brought in their pockets from the fori, they reached the .settlements on the river St. George, and no further difficulties attended their return to their respec tive families. Adventurers vf Sergeant JMajor Champe. After the capture and conviction of major Andre as a spy, general Washington conceived the project of capturing nreneral Amoki, then in New York, and releasing Andre. He sent for major Lee to his quarters, to consult with him on the subject, and procure a man for the dangerous enterpiise. " I have sent for you," said general Washington, " in the ex pectation that you have some one in your corps, who is willing undertake a delicate and hazardous project. Whoever comes forward will confer great obligations upon me personal ly, and, in behalf of the United States, I will reward him amply. No time is to be lost ; he must proceed, if possible, to night- 1 intend to seize Arnold, and save Andre." Major Lee named a sergeant major of his corps, by (he name of Champe a native of Virginia, a rnan full of bone and mus cle with a countenance grave, thoughtful, and taciturn of tried courage, and inflexible perseverance. Champe \va<? sent for fey major Lee, and the plan proposed. This was for him to desert to escape to New York to ap pear friendly to the enemy to watch Arnold, and, upon some fit opportunity, with the assistance of some one whom Champe could trust, to seize him, and conduct him to a place oo the river, appointed, where boats should be in readiness to bear them away. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF of Massachuselts, he had liberty to write. His wife and th& young lady, her companion, paid him a visit, and a hint was given him to take care of himself. The meaning of this was not understood, until major Benjamin Burton was made his fel low prisoner. By him he learned, that orders had been given by Sir Henry Clinton, to convey them to England for trial, They then determined to escape. On account of the oiders from head quarters, they were de nied the sustomary civility of a parole, and were closely and fathfully guarded. The walls of the fortiess were twenty feet high,;snriounded by a ditch, at the bottom of which was a che- vaux c e-frieze. The guard house was constantly watched, and the prospect of escape was a forlorn hope. They deter mined however to attempt- it, and they finally succeeded. Their room was railed by boards. Their intention was to cut off one of these, pass through, and let themselves down into an entry by a blanket. But a gimblet was necessary, and one was procured for a dollar. With this they worked cautiously and silently, and in three weeks their labours were nearly completed. The night of the 18th of June was dark and stormy, and they had no time to lose. Having extinguished their lights, they began to cut the corners of the board, and in iess than an hour the intended opening was completed. The noise which the operation occasioned was drowned by the rain falling on the roof. Major Burton first ascended to the ceiling, and pressed himself through the opening. General Wadsworth next, hav ing put the corner of his blanket through the hole and made it fast by a strong- wooden skewer, attempted to make his way through, standing on a chair below, but it was with extreme difficulty that he at length effected it, and reached the middle entry. From this he passed through the door which he found open, and made his way to the wall of the fort and had to en counter the greatest difficulty before he could ascend to the top. He had now to creep along the top of the fort between the sentry boxes at. the very moment when the relief was shift ing sentinels, but the falling of the heavy rain kept the senti nels within their boxes, arid favoured his escape. Having now fastened his blanket round a picket at the top, he let himself down through the chevaux de frize to the ground, and in a man ner astonishing to himself made his way into the open field. Here he was obliged to grope his way among the rocks, stumps and brush in the darkness of night, till he reached the cove, happily the tide had ebbed and enabled him to cross the water about a mile in breadth and not more than three feet deep. About two o clock in the morning General Wadsworth found himself a mile and a half from the fort,andhe proceeded through THE UNITED STATES. 239 a thick wood and brush to the Penobscot river, and after pas sing some distance along 1 the shore, being seven miles from the fort, to his unspeakable joy lie saw his friend Burton advancing towards him. Major Burton had been obliged to encounter in his course equal difficulties with his companion, and such were the incredible perils, dangers and obstructions, which they sur mounted, that their escape may be considered almost miracu- lou s. It was now necessary they should cross the Penobscot river, and fortunately they discovered a canoe with oars on the shore suited to their purpose. While on the river they discovered a barge with a party of British from the fort in pur suit of them, but by taking an oblique course, and plying their oars to the utmost, they happily eluded (he eyes of their pursu ers and arrived safe on the western shore. After having wan dered in the wilderness for several days and nights, exposed t.o extreme fatigue and cold, and with no other food than a little dry bread and meat, which they brought in their pockets from the forf, they reached the .settlements on the river St. George, and no further difficulties attended their return to their respec tive families. Adventurers of Sergeant Jfajor Chctmpe. After the capture and conviction of major Andre as a spy, general Washington conceived the project of capturing general Arnokl, then in New York, and releasing Andre. He sent for major Lee to his quarters, to consult wilh him on the subject, and procure a man for the dangerous enterprise. " I have sent for you," said general Washington, " in the ex pectation that you have some one in your corps, who is willing undertake" a delicate and hazardous project. Whoever comes forward will confer great obligations upon me personal ly, and, in behalf of the United States, I will reward him amply. No time is to be lost ; he must proceed, if possible, to night. I intend to seize Arnold, and save Andre." Major Lee named a sergeant major of his corps, by (he name of Champe a native of Virginia, a man full of bone and mus cle with a countenance grave, thoughtful, and taciturn of tried courage, and inflexible perseverance. Champe was sent tor fey mnjor Lee, and the plan proposed. This was for him to desert to escape to New York to ap pear friendly to the enemy to watch Arnold, and, upon some fit opportunity, with the assistance of some one whom Champe could trust, to seize him, and conduct him to a place on the river, appointed, where boats should be in readiness to bear them away. 40 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Champe listened to the plan attentively but, with the spirit of a man of honour and integrity, replied " that it was not danger nor difficulty, that deterred him from immediately ac cepting the proposal, but the ignominy of desertion, and the hy pocrisy of enlisting with the enemy ! " To these objections. Lee replied, that although he would ap pear to desert, yet as he obeyed the call of his commander in chief, his departure could not be considered as criminal, and that, if he suffered in reputation, for a time, the matter would one day be exp lained to his credit. As to the second objection, it was urged, that to bring such a man as Arnold to justiue loaded with guilt as he was and to save Audre so young so accomplished so beloved to achieve so much good in the cause of his country was more than sufficient to balance a wrong, existing only in appearance. The objections of Champe were at length surmounted, and he accepted the service. It was now eleven o clock at night. With his instructions in his pocket, the sergeant returned to camp, and, taking his cloak, valice, and orderly book, drew his horse from the picket, and mounted, putting himself upon for tune. Scarcely had half an hour elapsed, before Capt. Carnes, the officer of the day, waited upon Lee, who was vainly attempting to rest, and informed him, that one of the patrol had fallen in with a dragoon, who, being challenged, put spurs to his horse and escaped. Lee, hoping to conceal the flight of Champe, or at least to delay pursuit, complained of fatigue, and told the captain that the patrol had probably mistaken a country man for a dragoon. Carnes, however, was not thus to be quieted ; and he withdrew to assemble his corps. On exam ination, it was found that Champe was absent. The captain now returned, and acquainted Lee with the discovery, adding that he had detached a party to pursue the deserter, and beg ged the major s written orders. After making as much delay as practicable, without exciting suspicion. Lee delivers his orders in which he directed the party to ta ke Champe if possible. " Bring him alive," said he, " that he may suffer in the presence of the army ; but kill him if he resists, or if ne escapes after being taken." A shower of rain fell soon after Champe s departure, which enabled the p srsuing 1 dragoons to take the trail of his horse, his shoes, in common with those of the horses of the army, being made in a peculiar form, and each having a private mark, which was to be seen in the path. Middleton, the lender of the pursuing party, left the camp a few minutes past twelve, so that Champe had the start of but little more than an hour a period by for shorter than had THE UNITED STATES. 241 been contemplated. During the night, the dragoons were of- icu delayed in the necessary halts to examine the road ; but, on the coining of morning, the impression of the horse s shoes was so apparent, that they pressed on with rapidity. Some miles above Bergen, a village three miles north of New York, on the opposite side of the Hudson, on ascending a hill, Champe was descried, not more than half a mile distant. Fortunately, Champe descried his pursuers, at the snme moment, and, con jecturing their object, put spurs to his horse, with the hope cf escape. By taking a different road, Champe was, for a time, lust sight of but, on approaching the river, he was again descried, A ware of his danger, he now lathed his valice, containing his clothes and orderly hook, to his shoulders, and prepared him self to plunge into the river, if necessary. Swift was his flight, and swift the pursuit. MidJleion and his party were within a few hundred yards, when Champe threw himself from his horse and plunged info the river, calling aloud upon some British gal leys, at, no great distance, for help. A boat was instantly des patched to the scigeant s assistance, and a fire commenced upon the pursuers. Champe was taken on board, and soon af ter carried to New York, with a letter from the captain of the galley, stating the past scene, all of which he had witnessed. The pursuers having recovered the sergeant s horse and cloak, returned to camp, where they arrived about three o clock the next day. On their appearance with the \vell known horse, the soldiers made the air resound with the acclamations that the scoundrel was killed. The agony of Lee, for a moment, was past description, lest the faithful, honourable, intrepid Champe had fallen. But the truth soot: relieved his fears, and he repaired to Washington to impart to him the success, t. far of his plan. Soon after the arrival of Champe in New Y ork, he was sent to Sir Henry Clinton, who treated him kindly, but detained him more than an hour in a^-king him questions, to answer some of which, without exciting suspicion, required all the art the sergeant was master of. He succeeded, however, nnfi Sir Henry gave him a couple of guineas, and recommended him to Arnold, who was wishing to procure American recruits. Ar nold received him kindly, and proposed to him to join his le gion ; Charnpe, however, expressed his wu=h to retire from war ; Int assured the general, that if he thculd change his mind, he would enlist. Champe found means to communicate to Lee an account of his adventures; but, unfortunately, he could not succeed in taking Arnold, as was wished, before the execution of Andre. Ten days before Champe brought his project to a concilia. n, 21 242 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP Lee received from him his final communication, appointing the third subsequent night for a party of dragoons to meet him at Hoboken, opposite New York, when he hoped to deliver Ar nold to the officers. Champe had enlisted into Arnold s legion, from which lime he had every opportunity he could wish, to attend to the habits of the general. Ho discovered that it was his custom to return home about twelve every night, and that, previously to going to bed, he always visited the garden. During this visit, the conspirators were to seize him, and, being prepared with a gag, they were to apply the same instantly. Adjoining the house in which Arnold resided, and in which it was designed to seize and gag him, Champe had taken off several of the palings and replaced them, so that with ease, and without noise, he could readily open his way to the adjoin ing alley. Into this alley he intended to convey his prisoner, aided by his companion, one of two associates, who had been introduced by (he friend, to wh@m Champe had been originally made known by letter from the commander in chief, and with whose aid and counsel, he had so far conducted the enterprise. His other associate was with the boat, prepared at one of the wharves on the Hudson river, to receive the party. Champe and his friend intended to place themselves each un der Arnold s shoulder, and thus to bear him through the most unfrequented alleys and streets to the boat, representing Ar nold, in case of being questioned, as a drunken soldier, whom they were conveying Jo the guard-house. When arrived at the boat, the difficulties would be all sur mounted, there being no danger nor obstacle in passing to the Jersey shore. These particulars, as soon as made known to Lee, were communicated to the commander in chief, who was highly gratified with the much desired intelligence. He de sired Major Lee to meet Champe, and to take care that Ar nold should not be hurt. The day arrived, and Lee, with a party of accoutred horses, (one for Arnold, one for the sergeant, and the third for his as sociate, who was to assist in securing Arnold,) left the camp, never doubting the success of the enterprise, from the tenor of the last received communication. The party reached Hobo- ken about midnight, where they were concealed in the adjoin ing wood Lee, with three dragoons, stationing himself near the shore of the river. Hour after hour passed, but no boat approached. At length the dav broke, and the major retired to his party, and, with his 1-ed horses, returned to the camp, when he pro ceeded to head quarters to inform the general of the much la mented disappointment, as mortifying, asinexplicable. Wash- THE UNITED STATES. 243 ington, having perused Champe s plan and communication, had indulged he presumplion, that, at length, the object of his keen and constant pursuit was sure of execution, and did not dis semble the joy which such a conviction produced. He was chagrined at the issue, and apprehended that his faithful ser geant must have been detected in the last scene of his tedious and difficult enterprise. In a few days, Lee received an anonymous letter from Champe s patron and friend, informing him, that on the day preceding the night fixed for the execution of the plot, Arnold had removed his quarters to another part of the town, to super intend the embarkation of troops, preparing as was rumored, for an expedition to be directed by himself; and that the Ame rican legion, consisting chiefly of American deserters, had been transferred from their barracks to one of the transports, it be ing apprehended that if left on shore, until the expedition wag ready, many of them might desert. Thus it happened that John Champe, instead of crossing the Hudson that night, was safely deposited on board one of the fleet of transports, from whence he never departed, until the troops under Arnold landed in Virginia. Nor was he able to escape from the British army, until after the junction of Lord Cornwallis at Petersburg, when he deserted : and proceeding high np into Virginia, he passed into North Carolina, near the Saura towns, and, keeping in the friendly districts of that State, safelyjoined tiie army soon after it had passed the Congaree, in pursuit of LordRawdon. His appearance excited extreme surprise among his former comrades, which was not a little increased, when they saw the cordial reception lie met with from the late major, now Lieu tenant Col. Lee. His whole story was soon known to the corps, which re-produced the love and respect of officers and soldiers, heretofore invariably entertained for the sergeant, heightened by universal admiration of his late daring and arduous attempt. Champe was introduced to general Greene, who very cheer fully complied with the promise made by the commander in chief, so far as in his power ; and having- provided the sergeant with a good horse and money for his journey, sent him to general Washington, who munificently anticipated every de sire of the sergeant, and presented him with a discharge from further service, lest he might, in the vicissitudes of war, fall into the hands of the enemy, when, if recognized, he was sure to die on a gibbet. We shall only add, respecting the after life of this interest ing adventurer, that, when general Washington was called by President Adams, in 1793, to the command of the army, pre pared to defend the country, against French hostility, he sent 244 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF to Lieutenant Col. Lee, to inquire for Charnpe; being deter mined to bring him into the field at the head of a company of infantry. Lee sent to London county, Virginia, where Champ* settled afier hte discharge from the army ; when he learned that the gallant soldier had removed to Kentucky, where lie soon after died. Colonel John White s adventure. While the siege of Savannah was pending, one of the most extraordinary enterprises ever related in history, one, indeed, which nothing, but the respectability of the testimony, could have prevented our considering as marvellous, occurred. It was an enterprise conceived and executed by colonel John White of the Georgia line. A captain French, of Delancey s first battalion, was posted with one hundred men, British regu lars, on the Ogeechee river, about twenty-fire miles from Sa vannah. There lay also at the same place five armed vessels, the largest mounting fourteen guns, and having on board al together forty -one men. Colonel White, with captain Etholm, three soldiers, and his own servant, approached this post, on the evening of the 30th of September, kindled a number of fires, arranging them in the manner of a large camp, and summoned French to surrender, he and his comrades in the mean time riding about in various directions, and giving orders in a loud Toice, as if performing 1 the duties of the staff, to a large army. French, not doubting the reality of what he saw, and anxious to spare the effusion of blood, which a contest with a force so superior would produce, surrendered the .whole detachment,, together with the crews of the five vessels, amounting in all to one hundred and forty-one men, and one hundred and thirty stands of arms! Colonel White had still, however, a very difficult game to play ; it was necessary to keep up the delusion of captain French, until the prisoners should be secured ; and with this view, he pretended that the animosity of his troops was so un governable, that a little stratagem would be necessary to save the prisoners from their fury, and that he should therefore com mit them to the care of three guides, with orders to conduct them to a place of safety. With many thanks for the colonel s humanity, French accepted the proposition, and marched off at a quick pace, under the direction of three guides, fearful, at every step, that the rage of White s trooops would burst upon- them in defiance of his humane attempts to restrain them. White, as soon as they were out of sight, employed himself in collecting the militia of the neighbourhood, with, whom he over- THE UNITED STATES. 245 took his prisoners, and they were conducted in safety for twenty five miles, to an American fort. General Putnam s adventure. General Putnam, who had heen stationed with a respectable force at Reading, in Connecricut, then on a visit to his out-post, at Horse Neck was attacked by Governor Tryon, with one thousand five hundred men. Putnam had only a picket of one hundred and fifty men, and two field pieces, without horses or drag ropes. He however placed his cannon on the high ground near the meeting house, and continued to pour in upon the ad vancing foe, until the enemy s horse appeared upon a charge. The general now ha.siily ordered his men to retreat to a neigh- houring swamp, inaccessible to horse, while he himself put spurs to his steed, and plunged down the precipice at the church. This is so steep, as to have artificial stairs, composed of nearly one hundred stone steps, for the accommodation of wor- ehippers ascending- to the sanctuary. On the arrival of the dragoons at the brow of the hill, they paused, thinking it too dangerous to follow the steps of the adventurous hero. Before any could go round the hill and descend, Putnam had escaped, uninjured by the many balls which were fired at him in his de scent ; but one touched him, and that only passed through his hat. He proceeded to Stamford, wiiere, having strengthened his picket with some militia, he boldly faced about aud pursued governor Tryon on his return. Notwithstanding- the known bravery, good conduct, and ex cellent character of general Putnam, in the spring of 1818, an account of the battle of Bunker s Hill was published in the Port Folio, animadverting on his conduct in the affair, with much severity. The author was major general Henry Dear born, and his statements were viewed with amazement. They were answered by colonel Daniel Putnam, the son of the gene ral, and triumphantly refuted by a mass of able documents and certificate? from distinguished gentlemen who were in that tre mendous conflict. Why this attack was made on the posthu mous fame of an officer of such celebrity, does not appear. At the tima the impression went abroad, that general Dearborn wished to raise his own fame, which was at a low ebb. on the ruins of another. But they are both at rest with their fathers. Peace to thei^ ashes. The following- Eulogiutn was pronounced at the grave cl General Putnam by Dr. A. Waldo. 21* 346 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF * Those venerable relics ! once defoghted in the endearing domestic virtues which constitute the excellent neighbor, husband, parent and worthy brother! liberal and substan tial in his friendship ; unsuspicious open, and generous ; just and sincere in dealing ; a benevolent citizen of the world he concentrated in his bosom the noble qualities of an Honest Man. " Born a Hero whom nature taught and cherished in the lap of innumerable toils and dangers, he was terrible in battle ! But, from the amiablencss of his heart when carnage ceased, his humanity spread over the fold, like the refreshing zephyrs of a summer s evening ! The prisoner the wounded the sick the forlorn experienced the delicate sympathy of this Sto/dier s Pillar. The poor and the needy of every descrip tion, received the charitable bounties of tfiis Christian Soldier. Vk He pitied liltlenesss loved goodness admired greatness, and ever aspired to its glorious summit ! The friend, the ser vant, and ajmost unparalleled lover of his country; worn with honorable age, and the former toils of tear Putnam rests from his labors ! u Till mouldering worlds and trembling systems burst ! When the last trump shall renovate his dust Still by the mandate of eternel truth, His soul will flourish in immortal youth ! " " This all who knew him, know ; this all who lov d him tell." Colonel John Crane Was an officer of much merit, and a complete master of the art of gunnery . He commanded at the breast work on Boston neck, with great effect, and frequently dismounted the cannon in the embrasures of the British works. After the evacuation of Boston, he marched to New York, where he frequently annoyed the British shipping, in passing up the rivers. On a particular occasion, a British frigate run up the East river and anchored on the Long Island side, near Corlaer s hook. Four field pieces were ordered to annoy her. They irere only six pounders. Crane, as usual, was present and pointed the. pieces. His sight was remarkably true, his aim was sure. He had from habit and the acutenessof his vision, the faculty of seeing a cannon ball on its passage through the air. A falling shot from the ship he kenned in a direction to nrike, us he thought, the lower part of his body, not having time to change his position in any other way, he whirled him- elf round on one foot, the ball struck the other foot while raised THE UNITED STATES. 347 in the air, carrying away the great toe and ball of the foot. Thus ended his usefulness for the campaign. He was after- w.irds removed to New Jersey, and surviving the perils of a partial Jock, jaw so far recovered as to go home on furlough. He returned the next spring and continued in service till the peace. Jlajor General Thomas Conway, and his duel with General Cadwallader. By birth, general Conway was an Irishman, but was carried to France while young. He came from that country in 1777, with proper recommendations ; and was created brigadier- general. He was afterwards made inspector general, with the rank of major-general, but other brigadiers remonstrated, and he never undertook the duties of an inspector. His hostility to Washington was obvious, and his attempt to raise general Gates to the office of Commander-in-chief, gave him an un pleasant notoriety. General Cadwallader, of Pennsylvania, indignant at the a tenjpt to vilify the character of Washington, resolved to avenge himself on the aggressor, in personal com bat. In Major Garden s Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War, &c. we have the following detailed particulars of the duel. " The parties having declared themselves ready, the word was given to proceed. General Conway immediately raised his pistol and fired with great composure, but without effect. General Cadwallader was about to do so, when a sud den gust of wind occurring, he kept his pistol down and re mained tranquil. " Why do you not fire, General Cadwalla der ?" exclaimed Conway. "Because," replied general Cad wallader, " we came not here to trifle. Let the gale pass, and I shall act my part." "You shall have a fair chance of per forming it well," rejoined Conway, and immediately presented a full front. General Cadwallader fired, and his ball entered the mouth of his antagonist, who fell directly forward on his face. Colonel Morgan, running to his assistance, found the blood spouting from behind his neck, and lifting up the ciub of hig hair, saw the ball drop from it. It had passed through his head, greatly to the derangement of his tongue and teeth, but did not inflict a mortal wound. As soon as the blood was suf ficiently washed away to allow him to speak. General Conway, tu.ning to his opponent, said good humoredly, " You fire, gene ral, with much deliberation, and certainly with a great deal of effect." The calls of honour being satisfied, all animosity sub sided, and they parted free from all resentment. General Conway, conceiving his wound to be mortal, and believing death to be near, acted honorably, in addressing to General 248 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Washington, whom he had perfidiously slandered, the following letter of apology. Philadelphia, February 23d, 1778. SIR, I find myself just able to hold my pen during a few mi nutes, and take this opportunity of expressing my sincere grief, for having done, written, or said any thing disagreeable to your Excellency. My career will soon be over, therefore jus- tics and truth prompt me to declare my last sentiments. You are in my eyes the great and good man. May you long enjoy the love, esteem and veneration of these states, whose liberties you have asserted, by your virtues. I am, with the greatest rnspect, Your Excellency s Most obedient and humble servant, THS. COINWAY- Frederick Wlllidm Augustus B.iron de Sleubcn. This gentleman was a Prussian officer, aid to the great Frederick, and lieutenant-general in the army. In 1777, he presented his credentials to congress, and offered to serve as a volunteer under the United Stales. By this devotion of him self to the cause of liberty an honorable and the lucrative sta tion was relinquished, and congress voted him thanks for his zeal and tender of service. He was a pupil of the king of Prussia, an able disciplinarian and tactician, and was soon ap pointed inspector general, with the title of major general. He was equally respected as an officer, and beloved as well bred and humane. While reviewing a troop of light horse, the name of Arnold struck his ear. The soldier was ordered to the front, he was a fine looking- fellow, his horse and equipments in excellent or der. " Change your name, brother soldier, you are too res pectable to bear the name of a traitor." " What name shall I take, general?" " Take any other name, mine is at your ser vice." Most cheerfully was the offer accepied, and his nann- was entered on the roll as Steuben. He or his children now enjoy land given to him in the town of Steuben by the Baron. This brave soldier met him after the war. " I aui well settled, general," said he, " and have a wife and son, I have called my son after you, Sir." " 1 thank you, my friend, what name have you given the boy?" " I called him Baron, what else could I call him?" THE UNITED STATES. 249 A ludicrous circumstance happened while he commanded in Virginia, which shows the firmness of his character, and hia detestation of deception. A colonel of militia brought him a recruit, a mere boy, whose stature had been increased by something put in his shoes. After patting the child s head, and asking his age, he turnod to (he colonel "Sir," said he, " you must have supposed me to be a rascal." " O ! no, Baron, 1 did not. "Then, Sir, I suppose you to be a rascal, an in famous rascal, thus to attempt to cheat your country. Ser geant, take off this fellow s spurs, and place him in the ranks, that we may have a man able to serve instead of an infant whom he would basely have made his substitute ! Go, my boy, take the colonel s spurs and horse to his wife; make tny com pliments, and say, her husband has gone to fight for the freedom of his county, as an honest man should do, and instantly ordered platoons ! to tne right, wheel ! forward inarch ! The generou?, the noble feelings of the Baron kept him always poor. His was a heart too sensitive to see the wants of either officer or soldier, without doing his duty towards their relief. He and others were often invited to the tables of the French officers, a compliment he was often unable to return. But finally he could stand it no longer. On of his people was ordered to sell his silver forks and spoons, saying, " it is not republican to eat with silver forks, and it is the part of a gentleman to pay his debts. They shall have one good dinner, if I eat my soup with a wooden spoon forever after." At a review near Morristown, some fault was committed, which led him to arrest lieutenaHt Gibbons, who was ordered to the rear. At a proper moment, the commander of the re giment came forward and informed the Baron of Mr. Gibbon s innocence, of his worth, and of his acue feelings under this unmerited disgrace. " Desire Lieutenant Gibbons to come to the front, colonel." " Sir, 1 said the Baron, to the young gen tleman, " the fault which was made, by throwing the line into confusion, might, in the presence of an enemy, have been fatal. I arrested you as its supposed author, but 1 have reason to be lieve that I was mistaken, and that in this instance you were blameless; I ask your pardon; return to your command 1 would not deal unjustly by any, much less by one whose char- actor as an officer is so respectable." All this passed with the Baron s hat off, the rain pournj on his venerable head ! Do you think there was an officer, a soldier who saw it, unmoved by affection and respect? Not one." Among the numerous annecdotes which show the kindness of his nature, is one which we ought not to omit. It is related in Thacher s Journal, and is as follows : 250 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF " A black man, with wounds unhealed, wept on the wharf (for it was at Newburgh where this tragedy was acting) there was a vessel in the stream, bound to the place where he once had friends. He had not a dollar to pay his passage, and he could not walk. Unused to tears, I saw them trickle down this good man s cheeks as he put into the hands of the black man the last dollar he possessed. The negro hailed the sloop, and cried, God Almighty bless you, master Baron ! After peace, New Jersey gave him a small improved farm, and New York a tract of land in Oneida county, of sixteen thousand acres ; and congress, through the influence of Ha milton and Washington, granted him twenty-five hundred dollars yearly, for life. Of his land, about one tenth was given to his aids and servants, and the remainder was parcelled out to twenty or thirty tenants; on easy terms. He died in 1795, aged sixty-five years. Captain Houdin, or Udang. Among the ludicrous aneedotes which are told of revolu tionary timps, one relating to captain Houdin, is particularly mirthful. He was a Frenchman of singular manners, features, and general appearance. On a return from Boston, in 1780, he relaled some incidents that occurred to him, which have frequently been repeated to aid in festive mirth. Some wag knowing his vanity and affectation of consequence, had em ployed a negro wench to make a familiar address to him in some public place. This was a severe mortification, and des troyed all the comforts of his visit. In answer to an inquiry how he liked Boston, this vexation was uppermost in his mind. " I like Boston very well all but one d d madam nig," by whom he was insulted. J\Ir. Bushneirs Torpedo. Our readers rill recollect that Mr. Fulton constructed a torpedo, or machine for blowing up ships, which made some stir among the British during the last war. But few, com paratively speaking, have heard of the invention by Mr. Bush- nell for this purpose, during the Revolution. As we have a description at hand, it may be read by the curious. Mr. Bushnell, gave to his machine the name of the Ameri can Turtle or Torpedo. It was constructed on the principles of submarine navigation, and on trial it has been ascertained that it might be rowed horizontally, at any given depth unde"r water, and the adventurer, concealed within, might rise or THE UNITED STATES. 251 sink, as occasion requires. A magazine of powder was attach ed to it in such a manner as to be screwed into the bottom ut the ship ; and being now disengaged from the machine, the operator retires in safety, leaving tiie internal clock work in motion ; and at the distance of half an hoar, or an hour, the striking of a gun lock communicates fire to the powder, and the explosion takes place. It was determined to make the ex periment with this machine in the night, on the ship Eagle, of sixty four guns, on board of which admiral Lord Howe com manded. General Putnam placed himself on the wharf to witness the result. Mr. Bushnell had instructed his brother in the management of the Torpedo with perfect dexterity ; but being taken sick, a sergeant of a Connecticut regiment was se lected for the business, who, for want of time, could not be properly instructed. He however, succeeded so far as to ar rive in safety with his apparatus under the botiom of the ship, when the ecrew, designed to perforate the copper sheathing, unfortunately struck against an iron plate, near the rudder, which, with the strong current and want of skill in the opera tor, frustrated the enterprize ; and, as day light hnd begun to appear, the sergeant abandoned his magazine, and returned in the Torpedo to the shore. In less than half an hour a terribla explosion from the magazine look place, and threw into the air a prodigious column of water, resembling 1 a great water spout, attended with a report like thunder. General Putnam, and others who waited with great anxiety for the result, were ex ceedingly amused with the astonishment and alarm which this secret explosion occasioned on board of the ship. This failure, it is confidently asserted, is not to be attributed to any defect in the principles of this wonderful machine; as it is allowed to be admirably calculated to execute destruction among the ship ping. Anecdote of General Prescott. General Prescott, who was taken at Rhode Island by Cuio- nel Barton, on his route through Connecticut, called at a tavern to dine ; the landlady brought on the table a dish of suc- catash, boiled corn and beans ; tho ^oneral, unaccustomed to such kind of food, with much warmth exclaimed, "what, do you treat us with the food of hogs ? and taking (he dish from the table, emptied the contents ovor the floor. The landlord being informed of this, soon entered with his horsewhip, and gave the general a severe chastisement. After the general was exchanged, and lie resumed his command on the island, the inhabitants of Nantucket deputed Dr. Gilston to negotiate 252 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF some concerns with General Prescott, in behalf of the town. Prescott treated the Doctor very cavalierly, and gave as the cause, that the Doctor looked so like that d d landlord, who horsewhipped him in Connecticut, that he could not treat him with civility. Anecdote of a Blackamoor. When the count D Estaing s fleet appeared near the British batteries, in the harbor of Rhode Island, a severe cannonade was commenced, and several shot passed through the housea in town, and occasioned great consternation among the inhab itants. A shot passed through the door of Mrs. Mason s house, just above the floor. The family were alarmed, not knowing where to flee for safety. A negro man ran and sat himself down very composedly, with his back against the shot hole in the door, and being asked by young Mr. Mason why he chose that situation, he replied, " Massa, you never know two bullet go in one place." Heroic Enterprise of Sergeant Jasper. Among the little band of heroes who so faithfully and effi ciently defended Sullivan s Island against the attack of an over whelming British force, tho name of sergeant Jasper holds a conspicuous place. During the heat of the engagement, a can non ball struck the American flag, which fell into the ditch. The inhabitants of Charleston, considered the fort as surren dered. When sergeant Jasper discovered this, he leaped from an embrasure, picked up the flag 1 , and secured it to a sponge stock, and supported it till secured to another flag staff. In consequence of his enterprise, intelligence, and activity, he received a roving commission from his commander, who was often first informed of his absence, by his return with prisoners. As a partisan officer he was therefore exceedingly useful. The few men he took with him were of his own choice, and his enterprises successful ; and that his humanity equalled his daring exploits, is a truth which is well known, and redounds to his lasting- honour. Wiiile Savannah was in possession of the British, he entered the city, learned their strength and in- ttifition, and returned with information to his commander, co lonel Moultrie. The biographer of general Marion relates an achievement of the sergeant, which was executed in one of his expeditions, the credibility of which is too well attested to be doubted. While he was examining the British camp at Ebenezer, all THE UNITED STATES. 253 >he sympathy of his heart was awakened by the distress of a. Airs. Jones, whose husband,, an American by birth, had taken the king s protection, and been confined in irons for deserting the royal cause, after he had taken the oath of allegiance. Her well founded belief was, that nothing short of the life of her husband would atone for the offence with which he was char ged. Anticipating the awful scene of a beloved husband ex piring on the gibbet, had excited inexpressible emotions of grief and distraction. Jasper secretly consulted with his com panion, sergeant Newton, whose feelings for the distressed fe male and her child were equally excited with his own, upon the practicability of releasing Jones from his impending fate. Though they were unable to suggest a plan of operation, they were determined to watch for the most favourable* opportunity, and make the efibrt. The departure of Jones and several others, all in irons, to Savannah, for trial, under a guard, consisting of a sergeant, corporal, and eight men, was ordered upon the succeeding morning. Within two miles of Savannah, about thirty yards from the main road, is a spring of fine water surrounded by a deep and thick underwood, where travellers often halt to re fresh themselves with a cool draught from this pure fountain. Jasper and his companion selected this spot as the most fa vourable for their enterprise. They accordingly passed the guard, and concealed themselves near the spring. When the enemy came up, they halted, and two of the gmrn only remained with the prisoners, while the others leaned their guns against the trees in a careless manner, and went to the spring. Jasper and Newton sprung from their place of con cealment, seized two of the muskets, and shot the sentinel*. The possession of all the arms placed the enemy in their power, and compelled them to surrender. The irons were taken oil* from the prisoners, and arms put into their hands. The win;;e party arrived at Purysburg, the next mrrning, and joined the American camp. There are but few instances upon record where personal exertions, even for self-preservation from cer tain prospects of death, would have induced a resort to an act so desperate of execution ; how much more laudable was this, where the spring to action was roused, by the lamentations of a female unknown to the adventurers ! Subsequently to the gallant defence at Sullivan s Island. Col. Moultrie s regiment was presented with a stand of colours by Mrs. Elliot, which she had richly embroidered with her own hands ; and, as a reward of Jasper s particular merits, govern- our Rutledgo presented him with a very handsome sword. Du ring the assault against Savannah, two officers had been killed and one wounded, endeavouring to plant these colours upon 22 *54 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the enemy s parapet of the Sprini;hill redouht. Just before the retreat was ordered, Jasper endeavored to replace them up on the works, and while he was in the act, received a mortal wound and fell into the ditch. When a retreat was ordered, he recollected the honourable condition upon which the donor pre sented the colours to his regiment, and among the last, acts of his life, succeeded in bringing them off. Major Horry called to see him soon after the retreat, to whom, it is said, he made the following communication. * 1 have got my furlough. That sword was presented to rm: by Governour Rutledge, for rny services in the defence of fort Moul rie. Give it to my father, and tell him I have worn it wilh honour. If he should \yeep, tell him his son died in the hope of a better life. Tell Mrs. Elliot that I lost my life, supporting the col ours which she presented to our regiment. If you should ever see Jones, his wife and son. tell them that Jasper is gone, but that the remembrance of the battle, which he fought for them, brought a secret joy to his heart when it was about to stop its motion forever." He expired a few minutes after closing this sentence. Perhaps few incidents which occurrred in the revolutionary struggle, have been better related, or more widely circulated, than those connected with the heroines who were in the army of Burgoyne, when he surrendered to the prowess of General Gates. The baroness de Reidesel and lady Harriet Ackland continued with their husbands, and were exposed to the hard ships and dangers of an invading army, until the fortune of war made them captives. The high character given to general Schuyler in the narration of the baroness, is sufficient to en sure it a place among the anecdotes, if we had no other reason. We delight to honour him, at this late day, whose worth de serves an abler pen than ours. The catastrophe which so severely affected lady Harriet, was truly distressing. After braving the dangers of the seas, the fatigues of marching, the privations of a camp, and the hor rors of war ; after exhibiting the most courageous constancy, fidelity, and kindly attention, how is it possible, that her hus band could risk his life, and finally die u as a fool dieth," by the hands of a duelist ? Astonishing infatuation ! fatal delu sion ! Let every man, and every woman too, give a vote against this mode of" honourable murder." On the 7th of October, says the Baroness de Reidesel, our misfortunes began. I was at breafast with my husband, anU heard that something was intended. On the same day 1 expec ted Generals Burgoyne, Phillips, and Fraser, to dine with us. f *a\v a great movement among the troops ; my husband told me it ?*as merely a reconrioissance, which gave me no concern, as THE UNITED STATES. 255 it often happened. I \\ <tof the house, and met several Indians in their war dresses, .vith guns in their hands. When I asked where they were going 1 , they cried out, War ! War ! meaning that they were going to battle. This filled me with apprehension ; and I had scarcely got home, befere I heard the reports of cannon and musketry, which grew louder by degrees, till at last the noise became excessive. About four o clock in the afternoon, instead of the guests whom I expected. Gen. Fraser was brought on a litter, mor tally wounded. The table, which was already set, was re moved, and a bed placed in its stead, for the wounded general. I sat trembling- in a corner ; the noise grew louder, and the alarm increased; the thought that my husband might be brought in wounded, in the same manner, was terrible to me, and distressed me exceedingly. General Fraser said to the surgeon, " Tell me if my wound is mortal, do not flatter me." The ball had passsed through his body, and, unhappily for the general, he had eaten a very hearty breakfast, by which the stomach was distended, and the ball, as the surgeon said, had passed through it. I heard him often exclaim, with a sigh, OH FATAL AMBI TION ! Poor General Burgoyne ! Ok my poor wife!" He was asked if he had any request to make, to which he replied ; " If General Burgtyne would permit if, he should like to be buried at 6 o clock, in the evening^ on the top of a mountain, in a redoubt, which, had been built there. 1 did not know which way to turn ; all the other rooms were full of sick. Towards even ing, [ saw my husband coming ; then I forgot all my sorrows, and thanked God that he was spared to me. He and his aid- de-camp ate, in great haste, with me, behind the house. We had been told, that we had the advantage of the enemy ; but the sorrowful faces which I beheld told a different tale ; and, before my husband went away, he took me one side, and said every thing was going very bad ; that I must keep myself in readiness to leave the place, but not to mention it to any one. I made the pretence that I would move, the next moining, into my new house, and had every thing packed up and ready. Lady H. Ackland had a tent, not far from our house, in which she slept, and the rest of the day she was in the -camp. All of a sudden, a mnn came to tell her, that her husband was mortally wounded, and taken prisoner ; on hearing this, she became very miserable; we comforted her, by telling her, that the wound was only slight, and, at the same time advised her to go over to her husband, to do which she would certainly ob tain permission, and then she could attend him herself.* She was a charming woman, and very fond of him. I spent much of Uie night in comforting her, and then went again to my ci;il- 256 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF dren, whom I had put to bed. I could not go to sleep, as I had General Fraser, and all the other wounded gentlemen, in my room ; and I was sadly afraid my children would awake, and by their crying, disturb the dying man, in his last moments, who often addressed me, and apologized " for the trouble fie gave me." About three o clock in the morning, I was told that he could not hold out much longer ; I had desired to be informed of the near approarh of this sad crisis, and then wrapped up my chil dren in their clothes, and went with them into the room below. About eight o clock in the morning, he died. After he was laid out, and his corpse wrapped up in a sheet, we came again into the room, and had thi* sorrowful sight before us, the whole day ; and, to add to the melancholy scene, almost every mo ment, some officer of my acquaintance was brought in wound ed. The connonade commenced again ; a retreat was spoken of, but not the smallest motion was made towards it. About four o clock in the nfternoon, I saw the house, which had just been boilt for me, in flames, and the enemy was not far off. We kew that General Burgoyne would not refuse the last re quest of General Fraser, though, by his acceding to it, an un necessary delay was occasioned, by which the inconvenience o the army was increased. At six o clock, the corpse was brought out, and we saw all the generals attend it to the mountain ; the chaplain, Mr. Br.udenell, performed the funeral service, rendered unusually solemn and awful, from its being accompanied by constant peals from the enemy s artillery. Many cannon balls flew close by me, but I had my eyes directed towards the mountain, where my husband was standing-, amidst the fire of the enemy, arid, of course, I could not think of my own danger. General Gates afterwards said, that if he had known it had been a funeral, he would not have permitted it to be fired on. As soon as the funeral service was finished, and the grave of Gen. Fraser was closed, an order was issued that the army should retreat. My calash was prepared, but I would not con sent to go before the troops. Major Harnage, although suf fering 1 from his wounds, crept, from his bed, as he did not wish to remain in the hospital, which was left with a flag of truce. When Gen. Reideselsaw me in the midst of danger, he order ed my women and children to be brought into the calash, and intimated tome to depart, without delay. I still prayed to re main; but my husband, knowing my weak side, said, " well then, your children must go, that, at least, they may be safe from danger." I then agreed to enter the calash with them, and we set off at eight o clock. The retreat was ordered to be con ducted with the greatest silence. Many fires were lighted. THE UNITED STATES. 257 and several tents left standing. We travelled continually du ring the night. At six o clock in the morning, W e halted, which excited the surprise of all. General Burgoyne had the cannon ranged and prepared for battle. This delay seemed to displease every body; for, if we could only have made another good march, we should have been in safety. My husband, quite exhausted with fatigue, came into my calash, and slept for three hours. During that time, Capt. Wilde brought me a bag full of bank notes, and Captain Geisman his elegant watch, a ring, and a purse full of money, which they requested me to take care of, and which I promised to do to the utmof-.t of my power. We again marched, but had scarcely proceeded an hour before we halted, as the enemy was in sight. It proved to be only a reconnoitering party of two hundred men, who might easily have been made prisoners, if General Burgoyne had given pro per orders on the occasion. About evening we arrived at Saratoga; my dress was 3 wet through and through with raiu, and, in that state, I had to re main the whole night, having no place to change it ; I how ever got close to a large fire, and at last lay down on some straw. Al this moment, General Phillips came up to me, and j asked him why we had not continued our retreat, as my hus band had promised to cover it, and bring the army through ? Poor dear woman," said he. " I wonder how, drenched aa you are, you have still the courajre to persevere, and venture further in this kind of weather. 1 wish," continued he, " YOU wus our commanding general. General Burgoyne is tired, and means to halt here to-night, and give us our supper. 1 On the morning of the 9th, at ten o clock, General Burgoyoe ordered the retreat to be continued, and caused the handsome houses and mills of General Schuyler to be burnt ; we march ed however but a short distance, and then hnlb d. The great est misery at this time prevailed in the army, and more taa thirty officers came to me, for whom tea and coffee were pre pared, and with whom I shared all my provisions, with which iny calash was in general well supplied ; for I had a cook vi;o was an excellent caterer, and who often, in the night, crossed small rivers, and foraged on the inhabitants, bringing in with him sheep, small pigs, and poultry, for which he often forgot to pay, though he received good pay from me, as long as i had any, and he wa-, jlMmutely, handsomely rewarded. = Our pro vision nt.xv failed us^ for want of proper conduct in the corn- juissary s department, and 1 began to despair. About two o clock in the afternoon, wo again heard a firing cf cannon and small arms ; instantly all was in alarm, and every thing in motion. My husband tuid me to go to a Lous* 22* 258 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF not far off. I immediately seated myself in my calash, with my children, and drove off; but, scarcely had we reached it, before I discovered five or six armed men, on the other side of the Hudson. Instinctively I threw my children down in the ealash, and concealed myself with them. At that moment the fellows fired, and wounded an already wounded English soldier, who was behind me. Poor fellow ! I pitied him exceeding^, but, at that moment, had no power or means to relieve him. A terrible cannonade was commenced by the enemy, which was directed against the house in which I sought to obtain shelter for myself and children, under the mistaken idea that all the generals were in it. Alas ! it contained none but wounded and women ; we were at last obliged to resort to the cellar for refuge, and, in one corner of this, I remained the whole day, my children sleeping on the earth, with their heads in my lap"; and in the same situation I passed a sleepless night. Eleven cannon balls passed through the house, and we could distinctly hear them roll away. One poor soldier, who was lying on a table, for the purpose of having his leg amputated, was struck by a shot, which carried away his other leg 1 . His comrades had left him, and, when we went to his assistance, we found him in a corner of the room, into which he had crept, more dead than alive, scarcely breathing. My reflections on the danger to which my husband was expose-d now agonized me exceedingly, and the thoughts of my children, and the necessity of struggling for their preservation alone sustained me. I now occupied myself through the day in attending to the wounded ; I made them toa and coffee, and often shared my dinner with them, for which they offered me a thousand ex pressions of gratitude. One day a Canadian officer came to our cellar, who had hardly the power of holding himself up right, and we concluded he was dying for want of nourish ment. 1 was happy in offering him my dinner, which strength ened him, and procured me his friendship. I now undertook the care of Major Bloomfield, another aid-de-camp of General Phillips, who had received a musket ball through both cheeks, which in its course, had knocked out several of his teeth, and cut his tongue. He could hold nothing in his mouth ; the matter which ran from his wound almost choked him, and he was not able to take any nourishment, except a little soup or something liquid. We had some Rhenish wine; and, in the hope that the acidity of it would cleanse the wound, I gave him a bottle of it; he took a little now and then, and with such effect, that his cure soon followed ; and thus I -added another to my stock of friends, and derived a satisfaction. THE UNITED STATES. 259 which, in the midst of sufferings, served to tranquillize me, and diminish their acuteness. One day, General Phillips accompanied my husband, at the risk of their lives, on a visit to us, who, after having witnessed our situation, said to him, " I would not, for ten thousand gui neas, come again to this place, my heart is almost broken." In this horrid situation we remained six days. A cessation of hostilities was now spoken of, and eventually took place ; a convention was afterwards agreed upon; but one day a mes sage was sent to my husband, who had visited me, and was re- pnsinof in my bed, to attend a council of war, where it was pro posed"^ break the the convention, but, to my great joy, the majority were for adhering to it. On the 16th, however, my husband had to repair to his post, and I to my cellar. This day fresh beef was served out to the officers, who, until now, had only had salt provisions, which was very bad for their wounds. Oo the 17th of October, the convention was completed. Gene ral Burgoyne and the other generals waited or General Gates, the American commander. The troops laid down their arms, and gave themselves up prisoners of war, and now, the good woman, who had supplied us with water, at the hazard of her life, received the reward of her services; each of us threw a handful of money into her apron, and she got altogether about twenty guineas. At such a moment as this, how susceptible is the heart of feelings of gratitude ! My husband sent a message to me, to come over to him with my children. I seated myself, once more, in my dear ealash, and then rode through the American camp. As I passed on, 1 observed (and this was a great consolation to me) that no one eyed me with loaks of resentment, but that they ail greeted us, and even showed compassion in their countenances, at the sight of a woman with small children. I was, I confess, afraid to go over to the enemy, as it was quite a new situation to me. When I drew near the tents, a handsome man approached and met ine, took my children from the calash, and hugged and kiss ed them, which affected me almost to tears. " You tremble," said he, addressing himself to me, " be not afraid." * iSo," I answered, "you geem so kind and tender to my children, it inspires me with courage." He now led me to the tent of General Gates, where T found Generals Bursroyne and Phillips, who were on a friendly footing with the former. Burgoyne t.a;d to me, " Never mind, your sorrows have now an end." I answered him that I should be reprehensible to have any cares, as he had none, and I was pleased to see him on such a friendljr footing with General Gates. All the generals remained to dine with General Gates. 260 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The same gentleman, who received me so kindly, now came and said to me, " You will be very much embarrassed to eat with all these gentlemen ; come with your children to my tent ; there I will prepare f br you a frugal dinner, and give it with a free will." I said, "You are certainly a husband and a father, you have shown me so much kindness. I now found that he was General Schuylcr. He treated me with excellent smoked tongue, beef steaks, potatoes, and good bread and butter. Never could I have wished to eat a better dinner. I was con tent. I saw all around me were so likewise; and, what vu* better than all, my husband was out of danger. When we had dined, he told me hia residence was at Albanr, and that General Burgoyne intended to honour him as Ins guest, and invited myself and children to do likewise. I asked my husband how I should act ; he told me to accept the invi tation. As it was two days journey there, he advised me to go to a place, which was about three hours ride distant. Ge neral Schuyler had the politeness to send with me a French officer, a very agreeable man, who commanded the reconnoiter- ing party of which I had before spoken ; and when he had es corted me to the house, where 1 was to remain, he turned back again. In the house I found a French surgeon, who had under his care a Brunswick officer, who was mortally wounded, and died some days afterwards. The Frenchman boasted much of the care he took of his pa tient, and perhaps was skilful enough as a surgeon, but other wise was a mere simpleton. He was rejoiced when he found I could speak his language, and he began to address many empty and impertinent speeches to me; he said, among other things, he could not believe that I was a general s wife, as he was certain a woman of such rank would not follow her hus band. He wished me to remain with him, as he said it w-a* better, to be with the conquerors than the conquered. I was shocked at his impudence, hut dared not show the contempt I felt for him, because it would deprive me of a place of safety. Towards evening he begged mo to take a part of his chamber. I told him I was determined to remain in the room with the wounded officer ; whereupon he attempted to pay me some stupid compliments. At this moment the door opened, and tny husband with his aid-de-carnp entered. I then said, " Here, Sir, is my husband ;" and at the same -time eyed him with scorn, whereupon he retired abashed, nevertheless, he was so polite as to offer his chamber to us. Some days after this we arrived at Albany, where v, r e BO often wished ourselves, but we did not enter it as we expected we should, victors! We were received by the good General Schuyler, his wife, and daughtes, not as cuernies, but kiud THE UNITED STATES. 261 friends; and they treated us with the most marked attention and politeness, as they did General Burgoyne, who had caused General Schuyler s beautifully finished house to be burnt. In fact, they behaved like persons of exalted minds, who deter mined to bury ail recollection of their own injuries, in the con templation of our misfortunes. General Burgoyne was struck with General ?chuy!er s generosity, and said to him, " You show me great kindness, although I have done you much in jury." ""That was the fate of war," replied the brave man, ;; let us say no more about it. r * The fortunes of Lady Harriet Ackland were not less inte resting than those of the Baroness de Reidesel, just recited. This ladv, says General Burgoyne in his " State of the Expedi- tion from Canada," had accompanied her husband to Canada, in the beginning of the year 1776. In the course of that cam paign, she traversed a vast space of country, in different ex tremities of the season, and with difficulties, of which an Euro pean traveller cannot easily conceive. In the opening of the campaign, in 1777, she was restrained from offering herself to a share of the fatigue and hazard ex- pacted before Ticonderoga, by the positive injunctions of her husband. The day after the conquest of the place he was badly wounded, and she crossed Lake Champlain to join him. As soon as he recovered, Lady Harriet proceeded to follow his fortunes through the campaign; and at Fort Edward, or at the next camp, she acquired a two wheel tumbril, which had been constructed by the artificers of the artillery, something similar to the carriage used for the mail, upon the great roads in England. Major Ackland commanded the British grena diers, which were attached to General Eraser s corps; and conse quently were always the most advanced part of the army. They were often so much on the alert, that no person slept out of his clothes. One of their temporary encampments, a tent in which the major and Lady Harriet were asleep, suddenly took fire. An orderly sergeant of grenadiers, with great ha zard of suffocation, dragged out the first person he caught hold of. It proved to be the major. It happened that, in the same instant, she had, unknowing what she did, and perhaps not perfectly awaked, providentially made her escape, by creeping under the walls of the teut. The first object she saw, upon the recovery of ber senses, was the major on the other side, and in the same instant, again in the fire in search of her. The serjeant again saved him, but not without the major s be ing very severely burnt in his face, and different parts of his * Wilkinson s Memoirs, from the Memoirs of the Baroness de Reidesel. 562 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF body. Every thing they had with them in (he tent was con sumed. This accident happened a little time before the army crossed the Hudson, 13th Sept. It neither altered the resolution or cheerfulness of Lady Harriet ; and she continued her progress, a partaker of the fatigues of the advanced corps. The next call upon her fortitude was of a different nature, and more dis tressing-, as of longer suspense. On the morning of the 19th of September, the grenadiers being liable to action at every step, she had been directed by the major to follow the route of the artillery and baggage, which were not exposed. At the time the action began, she found herself near an uninhabited hut, where she alighted. When it was found the action wa. becoming general, the surgeon of the hospital took possessioft of the same place, as the most convenient for the first care of the wounded. Thus was this lady in the hearing of one con tinued fire of cannon and musketry for four hours together, with the presumption, from the post of her husband, at the head of the grenadiers, that he was in the most exposed part of the action. She had three female companions, the Baroness of Reidesel, and the wives of two British officers, Major Harnage and Lieutenant Reynell ; but, in the event, their presence serv ed but little for comfort. Major Harnage was soon brought to the surgeon very badly wounded ; and a little time after, came intelligence that Lieutenant Reynell was shot dead. Imagina tion will want no help to figure the state of the whole group. From the date of that action to the 7th of October, Lady Harriet, with her usual serenity, stood prepared for new trials; and it was her lot that their severity increased with their num ber. She was again exposed to the hearing of the whole ac tion, and, at last, received the word of her individual misfor tune, mixed with the intelligence of the general calamity ; the troops were defeated, and Major Ackland, desperately wounded, was a prisoner. The day of the 8th was passed by Lady Harriet and her com panions in uncommon anxiety ; not a tent nor a shed being standing, except what belonged to the hospital, their refuge was among 1 the wounded and the dying. " When the army was upon the point of moving, I received a message from Lady Harrier, submitting to my decision a proposal, and expressing an earnest solicitude to execute it, if not interfering with my design, of passing to the camp of the enemy, and requesting General Gates permission to attend her husband. " Though I was ready to believe, for I had experienced, that patience and fortitude in a supreme degree, were to be found, as well as everv other virtue, under the most tender forms, I THE UNITED STATES. 263 fas astonished at the proposal. After so long an agitation, ex hausted not only for want of rest, but absolutely want of food, drenched in rain for twelve hours together, that a woman should be capable of such an undertaking, as delivering herself to the enemy, probably iu the night, and uncertain of what hands she might first fall into, appeared an effort above human nature. The assurance I was enabled to give wa small in deed. I*had not even a cup of wine to offer; but I was told she found from some kind and fortunate hand, a little rum and dirty water. All I could furnish to her was an open boat, and a few lines, written upon dirty and wet paper, to general Gates, recommending her to his protection." This letter was as follows : SIR, Lady Harriet Ackland, a lady of the first distinction by family, rank, and personal virtues, is under such concern on account of Major Ackland, her husband, wounded and a prison er in your hands, that I cannot refuse her request to commit her to your protection. Whatever general impropriety there may be in persons, act ing in your situation and mine, to solicit favours, I cannot, see the uncommon pre-eminence in every female grace and exalta tion of character in this lady, and her very hard fortune, with out testifying that your attentions to her will lay me under obli gations. Oct. 9, 1777. l am v Sif K ,V. G. Gate*. . lour obedient servant, J. BURGOY.NE. With this letter did this woman, who was of the most tender and delicate frame, habituated to all the soft elegances and re fined enjoyments, that attend high birth and fortune, and far ad vanced in a state in which the tenderest cares, always due to the sex, become indispensably necessary, in an open boat leave the camp of Burgoyne with a flag of truce for that of the ene my. The night was advanced before the boat reached the shore. Hady Harriet was immediately conveyed into the apart ment of Major Henry Dearborn, since Major General, who commanded the guard at that place, and every attention was paid her which her rank and situation demanded, and which circumstances permitted. Early in the morning, she was per mitted to proceed in the boat to the camp, where general Gates, whose gallantry will not bo denied, stood ready to receive her, with due respect and courtesy. Having ascertained that Major Ackland had set out for Albany, Lady Harriet proceeded, by permission, to join hisu. Some time after, Major Aek!auu ef- 264 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF fected his exchange, and returned to England. The catastro phe of this lale is affecting. Ackland, after his return to Eng land, procured a regiment, nnd at a dinner of military men, where the courage of the Americans was made a question, took the negative side with his usual decision. He was op posed, warmth ensued, and he gave the lie direct to a Lieute- hant Lloyd, fought him, and was shot through the head. Lady Harriet lost her senses, and continued deranged two* years ; after which she married Mr. Brudenell, who accompanied her from Gen. Burgoyne s camp, when she sought her wounded husband on Hudson river. CHAPTER XIII. Of t/ie Confederation. Formation and adoption of the present Constitution of the United States. On the 12th of July. 1777, articles of confederation and per petual union were drawn up by congress, and ratified by twelve of the states in the December following. This instrument was so imperfect as to be termed by some " a rope of sand." Brit tle as it was, however, it carried the people through a perilous war, and what it lacked in energy, was supplied by the spirit of the times. But when the plive branch of peace succeeded to the clarion of war and the din of arms when private interest took precedence of public spirit, and intrigue usurped the place of national virtue, the wants of the country called for a more en ergetic compact, and the cause of republican America required a more efficient safeguard. To effect this object, a convention was proposed, which held its session in Philadelphia. In this august body general Wash ington had a seat, and was chosen president. On the 17th of September, 1787, the finishing hand was put to the Constitu tion, which was submitted to the different states, and ratified, at first, but by eleven, North Carolina and Rhode Island re fusing their assent. The former assented to it in 1789, and the latter in 1790. In 1789, General George Washington was elected first presi dent of the United States. It was with great reluctance, that he accepted this office. His feeling s, as he said himself, were like those of a culprit, going to the place of execution. But the voice of a whole continent, the pressing recommendation of his particular friends, and the apprehension, thai he should otherwise be con- THE UNITED STATES. 265 sidered as unwilling to hazard his reputation in executing a system, which he had assisted in forming, determined him to accept the appointment. In April he left Mount Vernon to proceed to New York, ar to enter on the duties of his high office. He every where . reived testimonies of respect and love. At Trenton the gentler sex regarded him for his iuc- cessful enterprise, and the protection which he afforded them twelve Jtears before. On the bridge over the creek, which passes through the town, was erected a triumphal arch, orna mented with laurels and flowers, and supported by thirteen pillars, each encircled with wreaths of evergreen. On the front of the arch was inscribed, in large gilt letters, THE DEFENDER OF THE MOTHERS WILL BE THE PROTECTOR OF THE DAUGHTERS. At this place he was met by a party of matrons, leading their daughters, who were dressed in white, and who, with baskets of flowers in their hands, sung with exquisite sweetness the fol lowing ode, written for the occasion : Welcome, mighty chief, once more Welcome to this grateful shore ; Now no mercenary foe Aims again the fatal blow, Aims at THEE the fatal blow. Virgins fair and matrons grave, Those thy conquering arms did save, Build for thee triumphal bowers ; Strew, ye fair, his way with flowers, Strew your HERO S way with flowers. At the last line the flowers were strewed before him. After receiving such proofs of affectionate attachment, he arrived at New York, and was inaugurated first President of the United States on the thirtieth of April. In making the necessary ar rangements of his household he publicly announced, that nei ther visits of business nor of ceremony would be expected on Sunday, as he wished to reserve that day sacredly to himself. In an impressive address to both houses of Congress, he de clared, with characterestic modesty, his " incapacity for the mighty and untried cares before him," and offered his " fervent supplications to that Almighty Being whose providential aid can supply every human defect, that his benediction would consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the united States, a government instituted by themselves for theie 23 266 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF essential purposes ; and would enable every instrument, em ployed in its administration, to execute, with succes, the func tions allotted to his charge." At the close of the Revolution, the people anticipated Inde pendence and peace ; but they were somewhat disappointed ; debts contracted during 1 the war bore heavily upon the people. To remedy these evils, congress applied to the states for a grant ofthe power to regulate commerce, and to collect a reve nue from it. New York alone refused ; but as unanimity was requisite, her single negative defeated the project. In the mean time, the distress increased, and in Massachusetts, where it was greatest, urged to insurrection a portion ofthe inhabitants. Near the close ofthe year 1786, they assembled, to the number of two thousand, in the northwestern part of the state, and, choosing- Daniel Shays their leader, demanded that the col lection of debts should be suspended, and that the legislature should authorize the emission of paper money for general circulation. Two bodies of militia, drawn from those parts of the state where disaffection did not prevail, were immediately despatched against them, one under the command of general Lincoln, the other of general Shepard. They were easily dispersed : and afterwards abandoning their seditious purposes, accepted the proffered indemnity of the government. It was a question whether the general Government should be supported, or abandoned, or whether the object of the Revolution should be realized or lost. In May 1787, commissioners were appointed, and assembled at Philadelphia; George Washington was unanimously elected president. They deliberated with closed doors, and happily it was agreed to sacrifice local interest, on the altar of publick good. An abstract of this constitution, with its several subsequent amendments, follows : it is extracted from Mr. Webster s Ele ments of Useful Knowledge. Of the Legislature. " The Legislative power ofthe United States is vested in a congress, consisting of two houses or branches, a senate, and a house of representatives. The mem bers of the house of representatives are chosen once in two years, by the persons who are qualified to vote for members of the most numerous branches ofthe legislature, in each State. To be entitled to a seat in this house, a person must have at tained to the age of twenty five years, been a citizen of the United States for seven years, and be an inhabitant of the State in which be is chosen. THE UNITED STATES. -267 Of the Senate. " The senate consists of two senators from each State, chosen by the legislature for six years. The Senate is divided into three classes, the seat of one of which is vaca ted every second year. If a vacancy happens, during the re cess of the legislature, the executive of tbe state makes a tem porary appointment of a senator, until the next meeting of the legislature. A senator must have attained to the age of thirty years, been a citizen of the United States nine years, and be an inhabitant of the State for which he is chosen. Of the powers of the two Houses. " The house of represen tatives choose their own speaker and other officers, arid have the exclusive power of impeaching public officers, and origina ting bills for raising a revenue. The vice president of the United States is president of the senate ; but the other officers are chosen by the senate. The senate tries all impeachments ; each house determines the validity of the elections and qual- licatious of its own members, forms its own rules, and keeps a journal of its proceedings. The members are privileged from arrest, while attending on the session, going to, or re turning from the same, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace. Of the powers of Congress. " The congress of the United States have power to make and enforce all laws, which are ne cessary for the genera] welfare as to lay and collect taxes, im posts, and excises; borrow money, regulate commerce, esta blish uniform rules of naturalization, coin money, establish post roads and post offices, promote the arts and sciences, institute tribunals inferiour to the supreme court, define and punish pira cy, declare war, and make reprisals, raise and support armies, provide a navy, regulate the militia, and to make all laws ne- cessarv 10 carry these powers into effect. Of Restrictions. "No bill of attainder, or retrospective law, shall be passed; the writ of habeas corpus c \nnot be suspended, except in cases of rebellion or invasion ; no direct tax can be laid, except according to a census of the inhabitants ; no duty can be laid on exports, no money can be drawn from the treas ury, unless appropriated by law ; no title of nobility caa ba granted, nor can any publick officer, without the consent of con gress, accept of any present or title from any foreign prince or state. The states are restrained from emitting bills of credit, from making any thing but gold or silver a tender for debts, and from passing any law impairing private contracts. Of the Executive. " The executive power of the United States is vested in a president, who holds his office for four years. To qualify a man for president, he must have been a citizen at the adoption of the constitution, or must be a native of the United States; he must have attained to the age of 268 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. The president and vice president are chosen by electors designated in such a manner as the legislature of each State shall direct. The number of electors, in each State, is equal to the whole number of senators and represen tatives. Of the powers of the President. " The president of the United States is commander in chief of the army and navy, and of the militia when in actual service. He grants reprieves and pardons ; nominates, and with the consent of the senate, ap points ambassadors, judges, and other officers ; and, with the advice and consent of the senate, forms treaties, provided two thirds of the senate agree. He fills vacancies in offices which happen during the recess of the senate. He convenes the con gress on extraordinary occasions, receives foreign ministers, gives information to congress of the state of publick affairs, and in general, takes care that the laws be faithfully executed. Of the Judiciary. " The Judiciary of the United States con- sits of one supreme court, and such inferiour courts as the con gress shall ordain. The judges are to hold their offices during good behaviour, and their salaries cannot be diminished during their continuance in office. The judicial power of these courts extends to all cases in law and equity, arising under the con stitution, or laws ofthe United States, and under treaties ; to cases of publick ministers and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies between the States, and in which the United States are a party : between citizens of different States ; between a State and a citizen of another State, and between citizens ofthe same State, claiming under grants of different States ; and to causes between one of the States or an American citizen, and a foreign State or citizen. Of Rights and Immunities. * In all criminal trials, except impeachment, the trial by jury is guaranteed to the accused. Treason is restricted to the simple acts of levying war against the United States, and adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort : and no person can be convicted, but by two witnesses to the same, act or by confession in open court. A conviction of treason is not followed by a corruption of blood, to disinherit the heirs ofthe criminal, nor by a forfeiture of es tate, except during the life of the offender. The citizens of each State are entitled to all privileges and Immunities of citi zens in the several States. Congress may admit new States into the union, and the national compact guarantees, to each State, a republican form of government, together with protec tion from foreign invasion and domestic violence." It has already been stated that in April 1789, General Wash- inton took the chair as the first Presidenl of the United State* THE UNITED STATES. 269 Messrs Jefferson, Hamilton, and general Knox appointed secre taries, and E Imnnd Randolph, attorney general. The secretary of the treasury was directed to prepare a plan for the support of public credit, and report the same at their next meeting. After the adjournment of congress, the president made a tour through New England, where he was received by the inhab itants with an affection bordering on adoration. People of all classes crowded to behold the man whose virtues and talents exalted him, in their view, above the heroes of ancient and mo dern times ; and to present to him the undissembled homage of their grateful hearts. But to none did his visit give more ex quisite pleasure than to the officers and soldiers of the " patriot army," who had been his companions in suffering and in victory, who were endeared to him by their bravery and fidelity in war, and by the magnanimity with which, in peace, they endured unmerited neglect and poverty. At the next session ofcongress, which commenced in Janua ry, 1790, Mr. Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury, made his celebrated report upon the public debts contracted during the revolutionary war. Taking an able and enlarged view of the advantages of public credit, he recommended that, not only the debts of the continental congress, but those of the states arising 1 from their exertions in the common cause, should be funded or assumed by the general government; and that provi sion should be made for paying the interest, by imposing taxes on certain articles of luxury, and on spirits distilled within the country. Upon this report an animated debate took place. Its recom mendations were opposed by that party who had seen, or thought they had seen, in the constitution, many features hos tile to freedom, and who remembered that Mr. Hamilton, when a member of the convention, had proposed that th president aad senate shuuld be appointed to hold their offices during good behavior. They now expressed their fears, that the assumption of these debts would render the government still stronger, by drawing around it a numerous and powerful body of public creditors, who, in all the contests, with th etatesorthe people, would be bound, by the strongest of all ties, that of interest, to support it whether right or wrong. This party, existing principally in the southern states, and pro fessing an ardent attachment to the equal rights of man, took the name of republican. Mr. Madison proposed, that whenever the public securities had been transferred, the highest price which they had borns in the market should be paid to the purchaser, and the residue to the original holder. After aa eloquent debate, this proposi- 23* 270 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tion was rejected. The party denominated federal, and exist ing principally in the northern states, supported throughout with great ability and force of reasoning, the plans of the sec retary ; but on taking the vote in the house of representatives, they were rejected by a majority of two. Afterwards this national measure was connected, as is too frequently the case in legislative bodies, with one which had excited much local feeling. It was understood that, should the seat of government be fixed for ten years at Philadelphia, and afterwards permanently at a place to be selected on the Poto mac, some southern members would withdraw their opposition to the funding system. A law to that effect was accordingly enacted. The former discussion was then resumed. The plana of the secretary were adopted in the senate, and afterwards in the house, two members representing districts on the Potomac, changing their votes. The debt funded amounted to a little more than seventy five millions of dollars ; upon a part of which three per cent, and upon the remainder six per cent, interest was to be paid. The effect of this measure was great and rapid. The price of the public paper, which had fallen to twelve or fifteen cents on the dollar, suddenly rose to the sum expressed on the face of it. This difference was gained, in most instances, by purchas ers of the securities, who, feeling indebted, for this immense accession of wealth, to the plans of the secretary, regarded him with enthusiastic attachment. But in others, this wealth, sud denly acquired without merit, excited envy and dissatisfaction. These joined the republican party; who fancying they were witnessing the fulfilment of their prediction, became more ac tive in their opposition. The recommendation of the secretary to impose additional duties, was not acted upon until the next session of congress. Those on distilled spirits were proposed in order to render the burdens of the inhabitants beyond the Allegany mountains, where no other spirits were consumed, equal to those of the in habitants on the sea coast, who consumed most of the articles on which an impost duty was paid. In the beginning of the year 1791, they were laid as proposed. A national bank, re commended also by the same officer, was in the same year in corporated. Both measures met a violent opposition from the republican party. When the new government was first organized, but eleven states had ratified the constitution. Afterwards, North Caro lina and Rhode Island, the two dissenting states, adopted it; the former in November, 1789, the latter in May, 1790. In 1791, Vermont adopted it, and applied to congress to be admitted in to tbe union. Tbe territory of this state, situated between THE UNITED STATES. 271 New Hampshire and New York, was claimed by both, and both had made grants of land wiihin its limits. In 1777, the inhabitants, refusing to submit to either, declared themselves independent. Although not represented in the continental congress, yet, during the war, they embraced the cause of their brethren in the other states, and to them their aid was often rendered, and was always efficient. Agreeably to their re quest, an act was now passed, constituting Vermont one of the members of the union. An act was also passed, declaring that the district of Kentucky, then apart of Virginia, should be ad mitted into the union on the first day of June, in the succeeding year. In 1791, was completed tho first census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. They amounted to 3, 921, 326, of which number 695,655 were slaves. The revenue, ac cording to the report of the secretary of the treasury, amounted to 4,771,000 dollars, the exports to about nineteen, and the imports to about twenty millions. A great improvement in the circumstances of the people began at this period to be visible. The establishment of a firm and regular government, and con fidence in the men whom they had chosen to administer it, gave an impulse to their exertions which bore them rapidly forward in the career of prosperity. In 1790, a termination was put to the war which, for several years, had raged between the Creek Indians and the state of Georgia. Pacific overtures were also made to the hostile tribes inhabiting the banks of the Scioto and the Wabash. T:iGse being rejected, an army of 1400 men, commanded by general Harmer, was despatched against them. Two battles were fought near Chilicothe, in Ohio, between successive de tachments ftom this army and the Indains, in which the latter were victorious. Emboldened by these successes, they made more vigorous at tacks upon the frontier settlements, which suffered all the dis tressing calamities of an Indian war. Additional troops were raised, and the command of the whole was given to general St. Clair. With near 2000 man, he marched, in October, into the wilderness. By desertion and detachments, this force was re duced to fourteen hundred. On the third of November, they encamped a few miles from the villages on the Miami, intend ing to remain there until joined by those who were absent. But before sunrise, the next morning, just after the troops were dismissed from the parade, they were attacked unexpect edly by the Indians. The new levies, who were in front, rushed back in confusion upon the regulars. These, who had been hastily formed, were thrown into disorder. They, how ever, with great intrepidity, advanced into the midst of the ene/> 272 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF my, who retired from covert to covert, keeping always beyond reach, and again returning as soon as the troops weie recalled from pursuit. In these charges many brave and experienced officers were killed ; the loss of men was also great, and no per manent impression was made upon the enemy. At length, after a contest of three or four hours, St. Clair, whose ill health disabled him from performing the active duties of commander, determined to withdraw from the field the rem nant of his troops. The instant that the directions to retire were given, a disorderly flighi commenced. Fortunately for the survivors, the victorious Indians were soon recalled from pursuit to the camp, by their avidity for plunder ; and the van quished continued their retreat unmolested to the frontier settlements. In this battle, the numbers engaged on each side were sup posed to be equal. Of the whites, the slaughter was almost beyond example. Six hundred and thirty were killed and mis sing, and two hundred and sixty were wounded a loss which proves at once the obstinacy of the defence, and the bravery of the assailants. On receiving information of this disaster, con gress, resolving to prosecute the war with increased vigor, made provision for augmenting, by enlistment, the military force of the nation to 5000 men. In the autumn of 1 792, general Washington was again unani mously elected president of the American republic.and in March, 1793, was inducted into office. Mr. Adams was re-elected vice- president, in opposition to George Clinton, of New York. In the progress of these elections, but little party feeling was ex hibited ; the repose of society was not disturbed, but the citi zens raised to posts of the highest honor those whom their judg ments and affections designated as the most worthy. Early in April, information was received of the declartion of war by Fiance, against England and Holland. The United States were greatly interested for the success of France, which had assisted us during our Revolution. The French people, at the same time, regarded the Ameri cans as their brethren, bound to them by the ties of gratitude ; and when the kings of Europe, dreading the establishment of republicanism in her borders, assembled in arms to restore monarchy to France, they looked across the Atlantic for sym pathy and assistance. The new government, recalling the minister whom the king had appointed, despatched the citizen Genet, of ardent temper and a zealous republican, to supply his place. In April, 1793, he arrived at Charleston, in South- Carolina, where he was received, by the governor and the citi zens, in a manner expressive of their warm attachment to hi* THE UNITED STATES. 273 country, and their cordial approbation of the change in her institutions. Flattered by his reception, and presuming that the nation and the government were actuated by similar feelings, he assumed the authority of expediting privateers from that port to cruise against the vessels of nations who were enemies to France, hut at peace with the United States, a procedure forbidden by the laws of nations, and derogatory to the govern ;nent of the country. Notwithstanding this illegal assumption of power, he received, on his journey to Philadelphia, extravagant marks of public attachment : and, on his arrival there, "crowds flock ed from every avenue of the city to meet the republican am bassador of an allied nation." Intoxicated by these continued and increased demonstrations of regard, he persisted in form ing and executing schemes of hostility against the enemies of France. Mr. Hammond, and the American cabinet disapproved of these proceedings, and laid them before the President, who appealed to the French government, and they resolved that Genet should be succeeded by Mr. Fauchet, and Mr. Monroe was sent out to France to succeed Mr. Morris. The first day of January, 1794, Mr. Jefferson, the secretary, resigned, and was succeeded by Edmund Randolph. Ever since the peace of 1783, the United States and Great Britain complained of each other as violating the stipulation contained in the treaty. The latter was accused of carrying away negroes, and the former for preventing the loyalists from regaining possession of their estates, and British subjects from recovering the debts contracted before the commencement of hostilities. Mr. John Jay, was appointed envoy extraordinary to the court of Great Britain, and succeeded io negotiating a treaty with the court of St. James, in June 1795. Mr. Hamilton retired from the office of secretary, and was succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut. As the time for a new election for president approached, Washington signified his intention to retire from publick life, and published at the same time his farewell address. CHAPTER XIV. Adams Administration. In February, 1797, John Adams was declared to be elected president for the term of four years, commencing 4th of March, 274 UNIVB-RSAL HISTORY OP and Mr. Jefferson vice president. Washington retired to Mount Vernon, having established his fame as the greatest hero, and most distinguished statesman of the age. He there devoted his time to the cultivation of an extensive farm, and to the enjoyment, once more, of the sweets of private life. March 4th, Mr. Adarns entered upon the duties of his office. The numerous tribes of Indians on the western territories, had been taught by arms and justice, to respect the United States, and continue at peace. Treaties had been formed with Algiers and Tripoli, so that the Mediterranean was opened to American vessels. The administration of Mr. Adams, wag met at the threshold, by open indignity on the part of France, in her refusing to ac cept Mr. Pinckney in exchange for Mr. Monroe. This refusal roused the sensibilities of Mr. Adams, and he immediately no- mio ated two others, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Gerry, who were sent out to France, toco-operate with Mr. Pinckney, if possible, to settle an accommodation with the directory. To command the armies of the United States, president Adams, with the unanimous advice of the Senate, appointed George Washington. He consented, but with great reluctance, to accept the office, declaring, however, that he cordially ap proved the measures of the government. No opportunity was presented of testing the courage and skill of the American troops. At sea, a desperate action was fought between the frigate Constellation, of 3 8 guns, commanded by commodore Truxton, and the French frigate L Insurgente, of 40 guns. The latter, although of superior force, was cap tured. The same intrepid officer, in a subsequent action, com pelled another French frigate of 50 guns, to strike her colors, but she afterwards escaped in the night. The United States, in arms at home, and victorious on the ocean, commanded the respect of their enemy. The directory made overtures of peace. The president immediately appoint ed ministers, who, on their arrival at Paris, found the executive authority in the possession of Bonaparte as first consul. They were promptly accredited, and in September, 1800, a treaty was concluded satisfactory to both countries. While this negotiation was in progress, the whole American people were o?ershadowed with gloom, by the sudden death of the Father of his country. On the 14th of December, 1799, after an illness of one day only, general Washington expired. Intelligence of this event, as it rapidly spread, produced sponta neous, deep, and unaffected grief, suspending every other thought, and absorbing every different feeling. Congress, then in session at Philadelphia, immediately ad journed. Oa assembling the next day, the house of represent THE UNITED STATES. 275 latives resolved, " that the speaker s chair should be shrouded in black, and the member:? wear black during the session ; and that a joint committee should be appointed to devise the most suitable manner of paying honor to the memory of the MAX first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his coun trymen." The senate, on this melancholy occasion, addressed a letter of condolence to the president of the United States. " This event, 1 they observe, " so distressing to all our fellow citizens, must be particularly heavy to you, who have long been associ ated with him in deeds of patriotism. Permit us. sir, to min gle our tears with yours. On this occasion it is manly to weep. To lose such a man, at such a crisis, is no common calamity to the world. Our country mourns a father. The Almighty Disposer of human events" has taken from us our greatest benefactor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with reverence to HIM who maketh darkness his pavilion. * With patriotic pride we review the life of our WASH INGTON, and compare him with those of other countries who have been pre-eminent in fame. Ancient and modern names are diminished before him. Greatness and guilt have too often been allied; but his fame is whiter than it is brilliant. The destroyers of nations stood abashed at the majesty of his vir tues. It reproved the intemperance of their ambition, and darkened the splendor of victory. "Such was the man whom we deplore. Thanks to God, his glory is consummated. Washington yet lives on earth in his spotless example his spirit is in heaven. Let his countrymen consecrate the memory of tbe heroic general, the patriotic statesman, and the virtuous sage : let them teach their children never to forget that the fruits of his labors, and of his example, are their inheritance." Agreeably to the report of the committee, and the unanimous resolves of congress, a funeral procession moved from the legis lative hall to the German Lutheran Church, where an oration was delivered by General Lee, a representative from Virginia. The procession was grand and solemn, the oration impressivo and eloquent. Throughout the union similar marks of afflic tion were exhibited. A whole bereaved people appeared in mourning-. In every part of the republic, funeral orations were delivered, and the best talents of the nation were devoted to an expression of the nation s grief. In 1800, Congress removed from Philadelphia to a place which had been previously selected; and public buildings were erected on the Potomac, a few miles above Mount Vernon, to which the name of Washington \vas given, and congress com- 276 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP menced its session for the first time at this place in Novem ber. President Adams first term was drawing nigh to a close, and the people were to give their votes for the next president. The federalists supported Mr. Adams, and general Pinck- ney ; the republicans, Mr. Jefferson and Colonel Burr. The.strife of the two parties during the time of electioneering, was spirited, Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr received a very small majority, and their votes were equal, each having 73. The house of representative was called to make a decision. After thirty five trials, Mr. Jefferson was chosen president, and Mr. Burr vice-president. At this period, the population amounted to 5,319,763, having increased about one million four hundred thousand, in ten years. Mr Jefferson entered upon the duty of president, March 4th, 1801. Mr. Jefferson took a bold and decided stand, as may be seen by the following extract from his message : " Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political: peace, commerce, and ho nest friendship, with all nations, entangling alliances with none : The support of the state governments in all their rights, as the most competent administration for our domestick concerns, and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies : the preservation of the general government in its whole con stitutional vigour, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home, and safety abroad : a jealous care of the right of election by the people, a mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lop ped by the sword of revolution where peaceable remedies are unprovided : absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of republics, from which is no ap peal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotisms: a well disciplined militia, our best reliance in peace, and for the first moments of war, till regulars may re lieve them : the supremacy of the civil over the military au thority : economy in the public expense, that labor may be lightly burthened. The honest payment of our debts, and sacred preservation of the public faith: encouragement of agriculture, and of com merce as its hand-maid : the diffusion of information, and ar raignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason : freedom of religion : freedom of the press ; and freedom of person, under the protection of the habeas coipus : and trial by juries im partially Felected." "These principles," added Mr. Jefferson, " should be the creed of our political faith and should we wander from them in moments of errour or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps, and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety." THE UNITED STATES. 277 1 1803, Ohio was admitted as an independent state into the union. It derived its name from the river Ohio, which sweeps the southern border of the stale. Louisiana was purchased by the United States, in April, 1803,for the sum of fifteen millions of dollars. The Tripolitan cruisers continued to harass the vessels of the United States, and congress determined to act with greater vigor against them. Accordingly, a squadron was fitted out and the command given to commodore Preble. On arriving before Tripoli, captain Bainbridge, in the frigale Philadelphia, of 4i guns, was sent into the harbor to reconnoitre. While in eager pursuit of a small vessel, ke unfortunately advanced <o far that the frigate grounded, and all attempts to remove her were in vain. The sea around her was immmediately covered with Tripolifan gun-bents, and captain Bainbridge was com pelled to surrender. The officers were considered as prisonois of war ; but the crew, according to the custom of Oarbarv, were treated as slaves. At the capture of this frigate, the enemy rejoiced and exult ed beyond measure. Lieutenant Stephen Decatur conceived the design of retaking or destroying her. Cou rnodore Pre ole, applauding the spirit of the youthful hero, gnnU ci him per mission to make the attempt. In February, l ; 04, he sailed from Syracuse, in a small schooner, having on board but seven ty-six men, entered undiscovered the harbour of Tripoli, and advancing boldly took a station alongside the frigate. Per ceiving the crew in consternation, Decatur sprang on board, his men followed, and with drawn swords rushed upon the ene my. The decks were soon cleared, some being killed, and others driven into the sea. A heavy cannonade upon the frigate, from the batteries o;; shore and the corsairs near, was now commenced, and se v . on,; vessels of war were seen approaching. She was set on fire and abandoned, none of the paily being killed and but four wounded. Throughout all the piratical states, this brilliant exploit exalted the reputation of the American arms. The president, in reward of his address and bravery, promoted lieu tenant Decatur to the rank of post-captain ia the navv. The Bashaw, who ftight well be compared to the toad v, h-ch wished to swell itself to the size of the ox, reposed in fancied security. He cast a malignant glance at the little squadron m which Decatur was one of the distinguished leaders. He -a\\ 7 in the bay spreading before his city, his batteries, and his cas tles, a noble American frigate, (the Philadelphia,) and the pride of the American navy upon which the l * star-spangled ban ner" once triumphantly waved, now added to his naval force; manned by a double crew of Tripolitans, and with the T.. 24 27* UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP crescent waving on its mast. He saw its once gallant erew/ miserable slaves in his own gloomy dungeons; and, in anticipa tion, feasted his cannibal appetite upon all the victims which the American squadron could add to his list of Christian slaves. The American squadron obliged the Bashaw to smell their powder, and taste their lead so frequently, that he was obliged to offer favourable terms of peace, which were accepted, and the war in the Mediterranean ended^ hi .Tune, 1804, Colonel Burr challenged Mr. Hamilton to settle some trifling offence by a duel, in which the latter waa killed. This year Mr. Jefferson was re-elected president, and George Clinton vice-preeident; and their term of office commenced in March, 1005. This year Michigan became a government of the United States, and General Hall were appointed by Mr. Jefferson the first governor. Burr, notwithstanding his brilliant talents, now sunk, for a time, into merited obscurity. His future conduct showed, however, that, while unobserved by his fellow citisens, he had not been idle, in the autumn of 1806, his movements in the western country attracted the notice of government. He had purchased and was building boats on the Ohio, and engaging men to descend that river. His declared purpose was to form a settlement on t,he banks of the Washita, in Louisiana ; but the character of the man, the nature of his preparations, and the incautious disclosures of his associates, led to the suspicion that his true object was either to gain possession of New- Orleans, and erect into a separate government the country watered by the Mississippi and its branches, or to invade, from the territories of the United States, the rich Spanish province of Mexico. From the first moment of suspicion, he was closely watched by the agents of the government. At Natchez, while on his way to New Orleans, he was cited to appear before the su preme court of the Mississippi Territory. But he had so en veloped his projects in secrecy, that sufficient evidence to con vict him could not be produced, and he was discharged. Hear ing, however, that several persons, suspected of being hia ac complices, had been arrested at New Orleans and elsewhere, he fled in disguise from Natchez, was apprehended on the Tombigbee, and conveyed a prisoner to Richmond. Two in dictments were found against him, one charging him with trea son against the United States, the other with preparing and commencing an expedition against the dominions of Spain. hi August, 1807, he was "tried, upon those indictments, be fore John Marshall, the chief justice of the United States. THE UNITED STATES, 579 Full evidence of his guilt not being exhibited, he was acquit ted by the jury. The people, however, believed him guilty ; and by their desertion and contempt, he was reduced to a con dition of the most abject wretchedness. The ease with which his plans were defeated, demonstrated the strength of the go vernment, and his fate will ever be an impressive warning to those who, in a free country, listen to the suggestions of crimi nal ambition. In June, 1807, an event occurred, which for a time concen trated upon one of the several nations, the whole weight of popular indignation. On the 22d of June, the Chesapeake weighed anchor and proceeded to sea. She passed the British ships Bellona and Melampus, lying in Lynnhaven bay, whose appearance wan friendly. There were two other ships that lay off Cape Henry, one of which, the Leopard, Captain Humphreys), weighed an chor, and in a few hours came along 1 side the Chesapeake. A British officer immediately came on board, and demanded the deserters. To this, Captain Barren replied, that he did not know of any being there, and that his duty forbade him to allow of any muster of his crew, except by their own of ficers. During this interview, Barron noticed some proceedings of a hostile nature on board the adverse ship, but he could not be persuaded that any thing but menace was intended by thejn. After the British officer departed, he gavo orders to clear his gun deck, and after some time, he directed his men to their quarters, secretly, and without beat of drum : still, however, without any serious apprehensions of an attack. Before these orders could be executed, the Leopard com menced a heavy fire. This fire unfortunately was very des tructive. In about thirty minutes, the hull, rigging, and spars of the Chesapeake were greatly damaged, three men were killed and sixtoen wounded ; among the latter was the cap tain himself. Such was the previous disorder, that during this time, the utmost exertions were insufficient to prepare the Bhip for action, and the captain thought proper to strike his colours. The British captain refused to accept the surrender of the Chesapeake, but took from her crew, Ware, Martin, and Strachan, the three men formerly demanded as deserters, and a fourth, John Wilson, claimed as a runaway from a mer- cimnt ship. This insolent attack upon a national ship, this wanton ex ercise of a claim derogatory to national honor, aroused the spirit of the republic. The distinctions of party were forgotten, numerous meetings of the citizens were held, and all concurred 580 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF in the expression of a determination to support the government of their country in its efforts to obtain, whether by negotiation or war, satisfaction for this insulting outrage. The president, by proclamation, prohibited all British ships of war from continuing- in or entering the harbours </f the United States. He senT instructions to the minister at London to demand satisfaction for the insult, and security against future aggression. He summoned congress to meet and decide what further measures should be adopted. The British government promptly disavowing the act of its officer, the hostile feelings which had been excited began to subside; but delaying to ren der satisfaction, and refuting to adopt adequate measures to prevent a continuance of aggression, they were not extinguish ed nor op peaked. On the 6th of November following, the empsror Napoleon issued his Berlin decree, which declared all the British isles in a state of blockade. This decree was in direct violation of the treaty between France and the United States, as well as of the law of nations. On the 7th of January, 1307, the British government met this decree by an order in council, declaring " all vessels coast ing from one port to another on the coast of France, or that, of her allies, liable to seizure and condemnation." On the llth of November, Great Britain repeated her or ders in council, by way of retaliation upon the French decrees, 11 declaring all nations at war with Great Britain, and all ports from which the British flag is excluded, to be under the same restrictions in point of trade and navigation, as if the same were in a state of blockade." To retaliate upon Great Britain for her orders in council, the French emperor issued his Milan decree, declaring " all vessels denationalized, which shall have submitted to a search from a British ship, and every vessel a good prize, which shall sail to or from Great Britain, or any of her colonies or coun tries occupied by British troops," December 17th, 1807. On the 22d, congress laid an indefinite embargo. Thus balanced, America began to feel more immediately, the convulsions of Europe, and to find herself involved in the contest. One grand system of incrigue ROW pervaded all Christendom, and paved the way for the calamities that fol lowed. Mr. Jefferson being desirous of confirming the example of Washington, declined a re-election. James Madison was elected president, and George Clinton re-elected vice-president, March, 1809. Great Britain continued to violate the laws of peace. She had ships of war stationed before the principal harbours of the THE UMTED STATES. !28i l.Vited States. American mere ), in (men were boarded, search ed, and many of ihem s:-nt to British ports as legal prizes. Commodore Ro<]gers, commanding the frigate president, was fired upon by the British sloop of war Little Beir, of 18 guns ; but the President being a superior force, the Little Belt was soon x silenced wii .i considerable loss. Congress, in November 1811, pissed a law to increase the regular army to 35 030 men : empowered the president to ac cept the services of volunteers, -and to borrow eleven thousand dollars. Congress con .inueJ to ;nake preparations for war, yet stii. c lerislTinnr the hope, that a change cf policy in Europe would render unnecessary an appeal to arms. On the 20th of May, 101 2, th.* H jrner arrived. tVn n London, bringing information that no prosooct existed of a favourable change. On the first of June, the question in congress was, whether they should continue to endure their wrong-, oc resort to arms. The British government had been told in plain terms, that if they continued to drnir the American seamen from their is uios, and rob the vessel^ uf their Broods, wr-; wi. ukl be inevita ble. Congress, after sitting a number of days with closed doors, declared war against Great Britain, on the 13th day cf June, 1C 1-2; and on the following day,. war was publickly proclaimed. The president was authorised to receive 50,000 volunteers, nnd to C lll out one hundred thousand militia. Governor Hull, at the head of about two thousand men, was on his march to Detroit, with a view of pulling an end to the Indian hos tilities. \v :en i:e received iril -.n jation of the declaration of war. This li tie nraiy HI inched to Spring Wells. w;thin a few iniles .pf Detroit, July fifth, th.-re they l|ad f)i\\^ small skir- sn;.sli--3 with the Indian-, bat soort Compelled them t>o retire: and !I;:11 proceeded wi hout molestation to Bandwjch. Here he was me f , by a superior force, ujvJer the command of Gene ral C- -oek. General Hull hastened bock to Detroit. On the 14<h., the British took a position opposite to Detroit, and erected batteries. The next day, they began a cannon ade upon the American fortification, which was rutusned with precision and effect. On the iGth, the enemy crossed the river, taking post sb .uit three miles above the town, and advanced (owtt"ds the fori in close columns, twelve deep. The hearts of our soldiers now beat high at their approach, expecting to re gain their credit. But who can describe the chagrin and morti fication which took possession of these troops. At the very moment the destruction of the enemy was cer tain, orders were given not to fire. The troops were ordered to stack their arms, and to the astonish-menl of all, a white Hag. 582 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF >n token of submission, was suspended from the walls. Words are wanting to express the feelings of the Americans on this occasion ; they considered themselves basely betrayed, in thu< surrendering to an inferior force, without firing-, a gun, when they were firmly convinced the enemy weie in their power. General Hull was exchanged fur thirty British prisoners, brought before a court martial, charged with treason, coward ice, and unofficer like conduct ; was sentenced to death. The sentence was remitted by the president, but his name was or dered to be struck from the rolls of the army. While the na tion was overspread with gloom inconsequence of this disaster, they were suddenly consoled in the most pleasing manner. A new and glorious era burst upon our country, and upon* the world. At the moment of the declaration of war, a squadron under commodore Rogers, had rendezvoused under the order of the government, off" Sandy Hook, consisting of the frigates Presi dent, Congress, United States, and the brig Hornet. On the Slst of June they put to sea, in pursuit of a British squadron, which had sailed as the convoy of the West India fleet, the preceding month. While thus engaged, the British frigate Belvidera was discovered, to \vhicli they instantly gave chase. The chase was continued from early in the morning until patt four in the afternoon, when the President, outsailing the other vessels, had come within gun shot, the opened a fire with her bow gruns, intending to cripple the Belvidera, which returned it with her stern chasers. The firing was kept up for ten min utes, when one of the guns of the President burst, killed and wounded sixteen men, and fractured the leg of the commodore.. By this accident, and the explosion of the passing box, the decks were so much shattered, as to render the gui.e on that tide useless. The ship was then put about, and a broadside fired, but without the desired effect, though considerable injury was done the Belvidera. This vessel having thrown overboard every thing she could span;, now gained ground. The chase waa continued until eleven o clock at night, before it was deemed hopefess. The squadron then continued in pursuit of the convoy, which it did not give over until within sight of the British channel : then stood for the islaiid of Maderia, and thence passing the Azores, stood for Newfoundland, and thence by Cape Sable, arrived at Boston the 30th of August, having made prize of several British vessels ; but owing 19 the haziness of the weather, they were less successful than might have been expected. The frigate Essex went to sea from New York, on the third of July ; the Constitution sailed from- the Chesapeake on the twelfth ; the brigs Nautilus, and Vixen, were at the same ticn* THE UNITED STATES. 533 cruising off tho coast ; the sloop of war Wasp was at sea oa her return from Prance. The Constitution, Capt. Hull, had sailed from Annapolis on tiie 5th of July. On the morning ofthe 17th, offEgg Harbour r she was chased hya ship ofthe line, the Africa, and the frigates Shannon, Guerriere, Belvidera. and ^Eolus. These vessels were approaching rapidly, with a fine breeze, while it was nearly a calm about the Constitution. At sunrise the next morning, escape from the enemy was almost hopeless, as they were then within five miles. The Constitution was therefore cleared for action, determined to make a desperate resistance. The ene my still drawing near, captain Hull resolved to make another effort to escape. Boats were sent ahad, with anchors for the purpose of warping, there prevailing almost a calm. The oth ers finding the Constitution gaining upon them, resorted to the uamo expedient. The chase continued in this manner for two days, partly sailing- with light breezes, and partly warping, until the 20th, when the squadron was left entirely out of sight. This escape from so great a disparity of force, was considered as deserving a high rank in naval exploits, and was much ad mired at the time, as evincing- superior nautical skill. The ad vantage to the Bi itish in this chase, was considerable, when we reflect that their foremost vessel had the assistance of all the boats of the squadron, for the purpose of towing. The superi orly of captain Hull, was that of seamanship alone. This su periority was sometime afterwards proved in a most remarka ble manner : while naval history lasts it will not be forgotten. The Constitution again put to sea, on the second of Septem- lember. On the nineteenth, a vessel hove in sight, and a chase instantly commenced. It was soon discovered to be the Guer riere. one of the best frigates in the British navy ; and winch Beamed not averse from the rencontre, as site backed her main topsail, waiting for the Constitution to come dawn. This was a most desirable occurrence to our brave tars, as this f/igate had for soino time been in search of an American frigate, hav ing given a formal challenge to all our vessels of the same class. She had at one of her mast, heads a flagf, on which her name was inscribed in large characters, by way of gasconade, and or. another, the words, " not the Little Belt," in allusion to the broadsides which the President had given that vessel, before the war. The Guerriere had looked into several of our ports, and affected to be exceedingly anxious taearn the first laurel from the new enemy. The Constitution being made ready for action, now bore down, her crew giving three cheers. At first it was the intention of captain Hull, to bring her to close action immediately ; but on coming within gun-shot, she gave broadside and filled a ,vay. then wore, giving a broadside on tU 281 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF other tack, but without effect. They now continued wearing, and manoeuvring, on both sides, for three quarters of an hour, the Gucrriere attempting to take a raking position : but failing in this, she bore up, under her topsail and jib. The Constitu tion perceiving this made sail to come up with her. Captain Hull, with admirable coolness, received the enemy s flre, with out returning it. The enemy, mistaking this conduct on (he part of the American commander, for want of skill, continued to pour out his broadsides with a view to cripple his antagonist. From the Constitution, not a gun had been fired. Already had an officer twice C >me on deck, with information that seve ral of the men had been killed at their gnns. The gallant crew though burning with impatience, silently awaited the orders of their commander. The moment go long looked for, at last arrived. Sailing master Ayiwin, having seconded the views of the captain, with admirable skill, in bringing the ves sel exactly to the btation intended, orders were given at five minutes before five P. M. to fire broadside after broadside, in quick succession. The crew instantly the whole plan, and entered info it, with ail the spirit the circumstance was calculated to inspire. Never was any finny so dreadful. For fifteen minutes the vivid lightning of the Constitution s guns continued one bUze, and their thunder roared with scarce an intermission. The enemy s rnizrm ma*t had gone by the board, and he stood exposed to a raking fire, which swept his decks. The Guerriere had now become unmanageable ; her hull, rig<j ng and sails dreadfully torn ; when the Constitution nttemptexi to lay her on board. At this moment lieutenant Bush, in attempting to throw his marines on board, was killed by a musket ball, and the enemy shot ahead, but could not be brought before the wind. A raking fire now continued for fif teen ninutes longer, when his mainmast and foremast went, taking with them every spar, txcepting the bowsprit. On seeing 1 this, the firing ceased, and at twenty five minutes past five she surrendered. In thirty minutes," says captain Hull, " after we got faiily along side of the enemy, she surrendered and had not a spar standing, and her hull, above and below water, so shattered rhat a few 7 rnure broadsides must have car ried her down." The Guerriere was so much damaged, as to render it impossible to bring her in ; she was therefore set fire to the next day. and blown up. The damage sustained by the Constitution, ws comparatively of so little consequence, that site actually made readv for action, when a vessel appear ed in eight the next day. The loss on board the Guerriere was fifteen killed and sixty three wounded ; on the side of the Constitution seven killed and seven wounded. It is pleasing to observe, that even the British commander, on this occasion, bore testimony to the humanity and generosity, with which he THE UNITED STATES. -285 was treated by the victors. The American frigate was some what superior in force, by a few guns, but this difference bore no comparison to the disparity of the conflict. The Gnerriere was thought to be a mitc i for any vessel of her class, and had b een ranked amongst tha in the British navy. The Constitution arrived at Boston on the twenty eighth of August, living captured several merchant vessels. On the 7th of -September, Commodore Porter, of the Essex, fell in with a fleet of merchantmen, and at night cut out a brig with a hundred and fifty soldiers on board, which was ransomed for 14000 dollars. On the 13th of August, the Essex fell in with the Aiert, sloop of war, and captured her in eight min utes. On the 8th of October, a squadron, consisting of the Presi dent, the United States, Congress, and the Argus, sailed from Boston on ft cruise. On the 13th, the United States and Ar gus, parted from the re^t in a gale of wind. A few days after wards, the President and Congress had the good fortune to cap ture the British packet Swallow, with 200,000 dollars on board, and on the 30th of December arrived at Boston, after a very successful cruise. The Argus was not less fortunate ; after parting from the squadron, she cruised in every direction, between the continent and the West Indies, and after being out ninety six days, she returned (o New York, with prizes to the amount of two hun dred thousand dollars. She made various hairbreadth escapes : at one time she was chased, by a British squadron for three days, and several times almost surrounded ; she was one mo ment within pistol shot of a seventy four and yet in the Amidst of all this peril, she actually captured and manned one of her prizes. The United States, commanded by that distinguished officer commodore Decatur, soon after her separation from the squad ron, had the good fortune to add another victory to our Naval Chronicle, not less glorious than that of the Constitution. On the 25th of October, off the Western Islands, she fell in with the Macedonian, captain Carden, a frigate of the largest class, carrying- 49 guns and 300 men. The Macedonian, being to windward, she had it in her power to choose her distance, and at no time were they nearer than musket shot; from this cir cumstance, and the prevalence of a heavy sea, the action lasted nearly two hours. The superiority of the American gunnery, in this action, was very remarkable, both for its greater rapidi ty and effect. From the continued blaze of her guns, the Uni ted States was, at one moment, thought by her antagonist to be on fire ; a mistake of very short duration. On board the Macedonian there were 36 killed and 63 wounded. She lost *8G UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF her mainmast, her main-topmast, and main yard, and waa mucfc cut up in her hull. The United States suffered so little, that & return (o port was not necessary : she had only five killed, aud seven wounded. Among the killed were lieutenant Funk, of whom the commodore spoke in the highest terms. Lieutenant Allen was on this occasion highly applauded. The commodore arrived at New York on the 4th of December, with his prize. Commodore Decalur, already a universal favorite, experienced the same demonstrations of gratitude, as were shown to cap tain Hull; nor was there denied him that new species of praise, which the generous conduct of our heroic seamen has uniformly drawn forth, the praise of the enemy ; all the private property belonging to the men and officers on board the Macedonian, was restored to the captured, with the most rigid exactitude ; and their treatment was the most polite and humane. An act ot generosity and benevolence on the part of our brave tars, of the victorious frigate, deserves to be honourably recorded. The carpenter, who was unfortunately killed ia the conflict with the Macedonian, had left three small children to the care of a worthless mother. When the circumstance became known to the brave seamen, they instantly made a contribution amongst themselves, to the amount of eight hundred dollars, and placed it in sate hands, to be appropriated to the education and maintenance of the unhappy orphans. The feelings of the nation had scarce time to subside, when the welcome news of another victory was received ; a victory over an enemy most decidedly superior in force, and under cir cumstances the most favourable to him. This was the capture of the brig Frolick, of 22 guns, by the sloop of war Wasp. Captain Jones had returned from France, two weeks after the declaration of war, and on the 1 3th of October again put lo sea. On the 16th he experienced a heavy gale, in which the Wasp lost her jib boom and two men. On the evening of the following- day, the Wasp found herself near five strange sail, and as two of them appeared to be ships of war, it was thought proper to keep at a distance. At day-light on Sunday moin- ing> they were discovered to be six merchant ships, from Hon duras to England, under strong convoy of a brig and two ships, armed with sixteen guns each. The brig which proved to be the Frolick, capt. Whinyates, dropped behind, while the othert made sn jl. The Wasp, being prepared for action, at 32 minutea past 11 o clock, came down to the windward in handsome btyle, when the action was begun by the enemy s cannon and musketry. This was returned and approaching still nearer the enemy brought her to close action. In five minutes tha main topmast of the Wasp was shot away, and falling dowu with the muintopsail ; u;d across the larboard fore and for* THE UNITED STATES. 567 topsail, rendered her head yards unmanageable during the rest >f the action. In two minutes more her gaft arid mizea topgallant mast were shot away. The sea being exceed ingly rough, the muzzles of the Waco s guns were sometimes under water. The English fired as their vessel rose, so that their shot was either throxvn away, or touched the rigging of (he Americans; the Wasp, on the contrary, fired as she sunk : and every time struck the hull of her antagonist. The Wasp now shot ahead, raked her, and then returned her position. The Frolick s fire had evidently slackened, and the Wasp, gradually neared her, until the last broadside, they touched her side wilh their rammers. It was determined to lay her by the hoard. The jib-boom of the Frolick came in between the main and mizen mast rigging of the Wasp, and .after giving a raking fire, which swept the whole deck, they resolved to board. Lieutenant Biddl? sprang on the rigging of the ene my s bowsprit, where he was at first somewhat entangled, and midshipman Barker, in his impatience to be on board, caught hold of Biddle s coat, and fell back on the deck, but in a mo ment sprang up and leaped on tho bowsprit, where he found one Lang and another seaman. His surprise can scarcely be imagined, when he found no person on deck, except throe offi cers and the seaman at the wheel. The deck was slippery with blood, anJ presented a scene of havock and ruin, such as has been seldom witnessed. As he advanced the officers threw down their swords in submission. The colours were still fly ing, there being no seamen loft to pull them down. Lieutenant Biddle leaped into the rigging-, and hauled them down with his own hands. Thus, in forty-three minutes, comp ets possession was taken of the Frolick, after one of the most bloody conflicts any where recorded in naval history. The condition of this unfortunate vessel, was inexpressibly shock ing. The birth deck was crowded with the dead, the dying and the wounded : and the masts, which soon after fell, cover ing the dead and every thing on deck, leaving her a most melancholy wreck. Captain Jones sent on board his surgeon. and humanely exerted himself in their relief, to the utmost of his power. The loss on board the Frolick was thirty killed and fifty wounded ; on board the Wasp five killed and five slightly wounded. This was certainly the most decisive ac tion fought during the war. The Wasp and Frolick were both captured that very day by a British seventy-four, the Poictiers, captain Beresfonl. On the fourth of March, 1813, Mr- Madison entered upon Ibe second terra o r his office, Mr. George Clinton was elected vice president, but soon after died, and was succeeded bj ltridnr Garry, 288 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP So great was the desire of the citizens of the western coun try to regain possession of the territory of Michigan, that, in order to effect it, general Harrison resolved to undertake a \vinter campaign. General Winchester, with a portion of the western army, proceeded in advance to Frenchtown, a village on the river Raisin, not far from Detroit. A British party stationed in the village was attacked, routed, and entirely dis persed. The Americans encamped near the field of battle, a part of them being protected by close garden pickets. Although near an enemy s post, but litltle precaution was taken to prevent a surprize. Early in the morning of the 22d of January, they were attacked by a large force of British and Indians, the for mer commanded by colonel Procter, the latter by the chief* Roundhead and Splitlog 1 . The troops in the open field wero thrown into disorder. General Winchester, and other officers, made an ineffectual attempt to rally them. They fled, but while attempting to escape were mostly killed by the Indians. The general and colonel Lewis were made prisoners. The troops behind the pickets maintained the contest with undaunted bravery. At length colonel Proctor assured gene ral Winchester, that if the remainder of the Americans would im mediately surrender, they should be protected from massacre; but otherwise he would set fire to the village, and would not be responsible for the conduct of the savages. Intimidated by this threat, general Winchester sent an order to the troops to surrender, which they obeyed. Colonel Procter, leaving- the wounded without a guard, inarched back immediately to Maiden. The Indians accom panied them a few miles, but returned early the next morning. Deeds of horror followed. The wounded officers were drag ged from the! houses, killed and scalped in the streets. The buildings were set on fire. Some who attempted to escape were forced back into the flames. Others were put to death by the tomahawk, and left shockingly mangled in the highway. The infamy of this butchery should not fall upon the perpetra tors alone. It must rest equally upon those who instigated them to hostility, by whose side they fought, who were able and were bound by a solemn engagement to restrain them. The battle and massacre at Frenchtown clothed Kentucky and Ohio in mourning. Other volunteers, indignant at (he treachery and cruelty of (heir foes, hastened to the aid of Harri son. He marched to the rapids of the Miami, where he erec ted a fort, which he called fort Mcigs, in honour of the gover nor of Ohio. On the first of May it was invested by a large number of Indians, and by R party of British troops from Mai- tleu. the whole commanded by colouel Procter. THE UNITED STATES. 289 Five days afterwards, general Clay, at the head o^ 1200 Kentuckians, made an attempt to raise the siege. Dividing his force into several parties, and making an impetuous onset, he drove the besiegers from their works. His troops supposing the victory complete and disregarding the orders of their com mander, dispersed into the woods. The enemy, returning from their flight, obtained an easy victory. Of the Americans, two or three hunJred escaped into the fort ; about three hun dred were killed or made prisoners ; the remainder fled to the nearest settlements* The enemy sustained considerable loss. The fort continued to he defended with bravery and skill. The Indians, unaccustomed to sieges, became weary and dis contented. On the 8th of May, notwithstanding the entreaties of their chief, Tecumseh they deserted their allies. On the 9th the enemy, despairing of success, made a precipitate retreat. General Harrison, leaving general Ciay in command, returned to Ohio for reinforcements , but in this quarter active opera tions were not resumed until a squadron had been built and prepared for action on lake Erie. At Sackett s Harbor, on the northern frontier, a body of troops had been assembled under the command of general Dear born, and great exertions were made, by commodore Chaun- cey, to build and equip a squadron, on lake Ontario, sufficiently powerful to contend with that of the enomy. By the xJ5ih of April, the naval preparations were so far completed that the general, and 1700 troops, were conveyed across the lake to the attack of York, the capital of Upper Canada. On the 27th, an advanced party, led by brigadier general Pike, who was born in a camp and bred a soldier from his birth, landed, although opposed, at the water s edge, by a superior force. After a short but severe conflict, the enemy were dri ven to their fortifications. The rest of the troops having land ed, the whole party pressed forward, carried the first batterv by assault, and were moving towards the main works, when the enemy s magazine blew up, with a tremendous explosion, hurling upon the advancing troops immense quantities of stone and timber. Numbers were killed, the gallant Pike received a mortal wound ; the troops halted for a moment, but recovering from the shock, again pressed forward and soon gained possession of the town. Of the British troops, one hundred were kitted, pearly three hundred were wounded, and the same number made prisoners. Of the Americans, three hundred and twenty were killed and wounded, and nearly all of them by the explo sion of the magazine. The flag which waved over the fort was carried to the dying Pike ; at his desire, it was placed un- 25* 200 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF dor his head, when, with the smile of triumph on his lips he expired. The object of the expedition attained, the squadron and troops returned to Sackett s Harbor, whence, the wounded and prisoners being landed and other troops taken on board, it sail ed to Fort George, at the head of the Lake. After a warm engagement, the enemy abandoned, and the Americans entered the fort. The fugitives retired to the heights, at the head of Burlington bay. On their retreat, they were joined by a de tachment from fort ! >ie and Chippeway. Two brigades, un der generals Chandler and Winder, were despatched in pursuit. On the evening of the 5th of June, they encamped at Ston-ey Creek, in the vicinity of the enemy, who considering their sit uation desperate, turned upon their pursuers and attacked them in the night. The Americans received them with coolness ; but snch v as the darknoes, that general Chandler, intending to place himself at the head of his artillery, threw himself in. o the midst of a British party. A few minutrs afterwards, the same mistake was committed by general Winder. Satisfied with the cap ture of these officers, and a few other prisoners, the enemy made a precipitate retreat. The American troops returned to fort George. The misfortune was soon followed by another. Lieutenant colonel Boerstler. having been sent, with five hun dred men, to disperse a body of the enemy collected at the Bea ver Dams, was surrounded, and the whole detachment made prisoners. While the greater part of the American army^was thus em ployed in Canada, the British made an attack upon the impor tant pest of Sackett s Harbor. On the 27th of May, their squadron appeared before the town. Alarm gun? instantly as sembled the citizens of the neighborhood. General Brown, of the New York militia, commanded in chief, his whole force amounting to about one thousand men. By his orders, a slight breast work was hastily thrown up, at the only place where the enemy could land. Behind tins, he placed the militia, the regulars under colonel Backus forming a second line. On the morning of the 29th, one thousand British troops lan ded from the squadron. They advanced toward the breast work. The militia, seized with a sudden panic, fled in confu sion. Colonel Mills, in a vain attempt to rally them, was mor tally wounded. The regulars, after a spirited resistance, were compelled to retire towards the town, but in their retreat they took possession of the houses on the road. From these coverts they poured so destructive a fire upon the British column, that, it halted and fell back. General Brown, by a stratagem, con verted this slight check into a precipitate flight. Collecting the THE UNITED "STATES. 091 panic struck militia, he directedtheir course along a road, which, while it led from the village, appeared to the British comman der to lead to the place of landing. Perceiving them marching with great speed, he supposed that their object was to cut off his retreat, and re-embarked so hastily as to leave behind most of his wounded. General Brown, in recompense for his services, was appointed a brigadier in the regular army- Meanwhile, upon the sea coast, a distressing and predatory war was carried on, by a large detatchments from the powerful navy of Great Britain. One squadron, stationed in Delaware bay, captured and burned every merchant vessel which came within its reach. The inhabitants of Lewiston, in the state of Delaware, having refused to sell provisions to the enemy, the village was bombarded and several attempts were made to land, but they were defeated by the militia. On the fourth of February, a squadron consisting of two ships of the line, three frigates, and other vessels, made its ap pearance in the Chesapeake, apparently standing for Hampton Roads. The alarm was immediately caught at Norfolk, and the militia called in from the, upper part of the state. No at tempt, however, was made upon the town, the enemy content ing himself with destroying the smaller vessels employed in the navigation of the bay, and effectively blockading its waters. About the same time, another squadron, under the command of commodore Beresford, appeared in the Delaware, consisting of the Poictiers, the Belvidera, and some other vessels, which iu the same manner destroyed a number of -small trading vessels, and attempted several times to land some of their men, who were as often repulsed by the militia, hastily collected. On the tenth of April, sir John Beresford made a demand on the people of the village of Lewistown, for a supply of provisions, which was spiritedly refused by colonel Davis, commanding at that place. Captain Byron, of the Belvidera, was ordered to move near the village and bombard it, until the demand should be complied with. This was obeyed, but without effect ; after a cannonade of twenty hours, they were unable to make any im pression on the place. Their fire had been returned from some batteries, hastily thrown up on the bank, with considerable ef fect. On the tenth of May, the same squadron sent out their barges in the neighbourhood of Lewistown, to procure water. Major -George Hunter was detached by colonel Davis, with one hundred and fifty men, to oppose their landing, which the major did with so much gallantry, that he compelled them to hasten to their shipping. The squadron soon after returned to Bermuda, where sir J. Borlace Warren, who commanded ou this station, was engaged in fitting out a more considerable armament, for the attack of our sea-coast during the si-mmer. 292 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Soon after the departure of (he squadron, the Spartan, an$ some other frigates entered the Delaware. One of their ves sels, the Martin, was discovered on the twenty ninth of July, slightly grounded on the outer edge of Crow s shoals. A de tachment of the gunboat flotilla immediately moved, and an choring in a line about three quarters of a mile from the sloop, opened a destructive fire upon her. The Junon frigate soon after came off to her relief; a cannonade was kept up during an hour between the gunboats and these two vessels, in which the latter suffered great injury. Finding it impossible to drive off this musqueto fleet, they manned their launches, tenders, and cutters, to cut off the gunboats at the extremity of the line. No. 121, commanded by sailing master Head, was unfortunate ly taken, after a desperate resistance against eight times her number. The British soon after made sail, the Martin having been extricated from her situation. Scenes of a different kind were, in the meanwhile, acting in the Chesapeake. The squadron, which returned in February, slill continued to carry on a predatory war along the shores and inlets. It was here, that one Cockburn, by some means, an admiral in the service of the king of England, exhibited the first of those exploits, for which he afterwards became so highly celebrated ; and of which be may justly claim to be the origin ator. At first they were directed against the detached farm houses and seats of private gentlemen, unprepared for, and in capable of defence ; these were robbed, and the owners treated in the rudest munner. . The cattle which could not be carried away, were doomed to wanton destruction ; the slaves were armed against their owners, and persuaded to follow the exam ple of their new friends, to attack their master s defenceless families, and to engage in pillaging them. It was impossible to station a force at each farmhouse, to repel these miserable and disgraceful incursions ; yet, in several instances, Cockburn and his ruffians were bravely repelled by a collection of the neighbours without authority, and under no leader. The spir ited citizens of Maryland formed bodies of cavalry, which were stationed at intervals along the shore, to be drawn out at a moment s warning, for the purpose of repelling the sudden in roads of the enemy. Cockburn took possession of several islands in the bay, particularly Sharp s, Tilghman s, and Poplar islands, whence he could seize the opportunity of making a de scent upon the neighbouring shores, when the inhabitants happened to be off their guard. Encouraged by his success against the farmers, and his ra pacity increasing by the booty which he had already obtained, Cockburn now resolved to undertake something of a more bold 3,n,d adventurous character, in which his thirst for plunder, and THE UNITED STATES, 293 hU love of mischief, might be gratified in a higher degree. He therefore directed his attention to the unprotected villages and hamlets along ths bay ; carefully avoiding the larger towns, the plunderici of which miht be attended with some danger. The first of these exploits was against the village of French- town, conu nlng six. d A-. iliii^ houses, two large store houses, and several stabies. It is important, however, as a place of deposite on the line of packets and stages from Philadelphia to the city of Baltimore, and Cockburn rightly conjectured that here there might be private property to a considerable amount. He accordingly set out on this expedition, from his ship, the Marlb-jrough, in barges, sviihfive hundred marines; a suffi cient, mrubjr I o have carried the town on their backs. Some siiow of resisianc--? was made by a small party of militia collec- te,l from Elktou, but which moved off as the admiral approach ed. Tua storehouses were destroyed, together with the goods they ware unable to carry off, to an immense amount. Amongst other objects of wanton destruction, wa- an elegant drop-cur tain, intended far the theatres of the cities before mentioned. The brand was applied to some of the private dwelling houses, and to several vessels lyiii^ at the wharf; after achieving this glorious victory, the admiral, fearing the approach of the mili tia, hastily retired to his sliip. The next exploit of the admiral, was of still greater impor tance. The lown of Ha?re d^ Grace is situated on the Sus- quehanna, about two miles from the head of the bay, and is a ueat village, containing twenty or thirty houses. An attack on this p .ace was the n^xt obiect \v!jich entered into the plan of the admiral s operations. Accordingly on the third of May, before day light, his annroach was announced by a few cannon slut, and the firing of rockets. The inhabitants, roused from their sleep, leaped up in the greatest coii=:erna:ion, and the more courageous repaired to the beach, where a few small places of artiilery had been planned on a kind of battery for the purpose of defence against the sinaher watering or plundering parlies of the e.i-Miiy. Afier firing a few tiuts, with the excep tion of an old citizen of the place, of the name of O Neill, they all fled on the approach of the barges, abandoning the village to the mercy of Cockburn. OTs eill alone continued to fight, loading a piece of artillery, and fi ing it himself, until by re coiling it ran over his thigh and wounded him severely. He then armed himself with a mn-kec, and limping away, still kept up a retreating fight with the advancing column *of the British, who bad by this time landed and formed ; after which lie moved off to join his five or six comrades, whom he attempt ed in vain to rally. 25* 294 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The ocean, in the mean time, had been the theatre of san guinary conflicts, in winch the victors gained untarnished laurels. Captain Lawrence, in the sloop of war Hornet, dis covering, in the neutral port of San Salvador, a British sloop of war of superior force, challenged her commander to meet him at sea. The challenge being declined, Captain Lawrence blockaded the fort until forced by a ship of the line to retire. Soon after, on the 23d of February, the Hornet met the British brig Peacock, of about equal force. A fierce combat ensued. In less than fifteen minutes, the Peacock struck her colours, displaying, at the same time a signal of distress. The victors hastened lo the relief of the vanquished, and the same strength which had been exerted to conquer was now exerted to save. Their efforts were but partially successful. She sunk before all her crew could be removed, carrying down nine British seamen and three brave and generous Americans. In the battle, the loss of the Hornet was but one killed and two wounded ; that of the Peacock was never oscertained. On his return to the United States, captain Lawrence was promoted to the command of the frigate Chesapeake, then in the harbor of Boston. For several weeks, the British frigate Shannon, of equal force but having a selected crew-, had been cruising before the port ; and captain Broke, her commander, had announced his wish to meet, in single combat, an American frgate. Inflamed by this challenge, captain Law rence, although his crew was jutt enlisted, and Ins officers were strangers to him and to each other, set eail, on the first of June, in pursuit of the Shannon. Towards evening of the ssme day, iliey met, and instantly engaged, with unexampled fury. In a very tew minutes, and in quick succession, the sailing master of the Chesapeake was killed, captain Lawrence and three Lieutenants were severely wounded, her rigging- was so cut to pieces that she fell on board the Shannon, her chest of arms blew up, captain Law rence received a second and mortal wound and was carried be low ; at this instant, the. position of the ships bring favorable, captain Broke, at the head ofhis marines, guilantly boarded the Chesapeake, when every officer who could t:- lie command being killed or wounded , resistance ceased, and the American flag wn.s struck by the enemy. That fortune favouredlhe Shannon cannot be donbted. .That the event would have been the same had fortune favoured neither, is rendered probable by the astonishing effect of her fire. This unexpected defeat impelled the Americans to seek for circumstances condoling to their pride and in the journals of the day, many slich were stated to have preceded and at tended the action. But nothing could allay their grief at the THE UNITED STATES. 205 fall of the youthful and intrepid Lawrence. H ; s previous vic tory and magnanimous conduct had rendered him the favourite of the nation, and he was lamented with sorrow, deep, sincere, and lasting. When carried below, he \vasasked if the colors should be struck. " No," he replied, " they shall wave while I live." When the fate of the ship was decided, his proud spirit was broken. He became delirious from excess of mental and bodily suffering. Whenever able to speak, he would exclaim, " Don t give up the ship !" an expression consecrated by his countrymen ; and he uttered but few other words during 1 the four days that he survived his defeat. This victory was not achieved without loss. Of the crew of the Shannon, twenty four were killed and fifty six wounded. Of that of the Chesapeake, forty eight were killed and nearly one hundred wounded. Great was the exultation of the enemy. Victories over the frigates of other nations were occurrences too common to excite emotion ; but the capture of an Ameri can frigate was considered a glorious epoch in the naval history of Great Britain. The honors and rewards bestowed upon captain Broke were such as had never before been received but by the conqueror of a squadron. These demonstrations of triumph were inadvertent confessions of American superiority ; and were to the vanquished themselves, sources of triumph and consolation. The next encounter at sea was between the American brig Argus and the British brig Pelican. The latter was of superi or force, and was victorious. Soon after, the American brig Enterprise, commanded by lieutenant Burrows, captured the British brig Boxer, commanded by captain Blyth. These ves sels were of equal force, but the greater effect of the fire of the Enterprise furnished to the Americans another proof of the su perior skill of their seaman. Both commanders were killed in the action, and were buried, each by the other s side, in Port land. Commodore Porter had been cruising- in the Pacific for near ly a year, in the course of which he had captured several Bri tish armed whale ships. Sorna of these were equipped as Amer ican cruisers and store ships; and the Atlantic, now called the Essex Junior, of twenty guns and sixty men, was assigned to Lieut. Downes. The prizes which were to be laid up, were convoyed by this otlicer to Valparai?o. On his return, he brought intelligence to Commodore Porter that a British squad ron, consisting of one frigate, and two sloops of war, and a store ship of twenty guns, had sailed in quest of the Essex. The commodore took measures, immediately, to repair his vessel, which, having accomplished, on the 12th of December, 1813, he sailed for Valparaiso, in company with the Essex Junior. 29G UiNIVERSAL HISTORY OF "It was not long after the arrival of Commodore Porter at Valparaiso, when Commodore Hillyar appeared there in the Phoebe frigate, accompanied by the Cherub sloop of war. These vessels had been equipped fur the purpose of meeting the Essex, with picked crews, in prime order, and hoisted flags bearing the motto, "God and our country, British sailors best rights-, traitors offend them." This was in allusion to Porter s celebrated motto, " Free trade and sailors rights ;" he now hoisted at his mizzen, " God, our country, and liberty : tyrants offend them." On entering- the harbour, the British commodore fell foul of the Essex, in such a situation as lo be placed com pletely in the power of the latter ; the forbearance of Commo dore Porter wus acknowledged by the English commander, and he passed his word and honour to observe the same regard to the neutrality of the port. "Tne Briiish vessels soon after stood out, arid cruised offthe port about six weeks, rigorously blockading the Essex. Their united force amounted to eighty one guns and about five hun dred men, about double that of the Essex; but the circumstance of this force being divided in two ships, rendered the disparity still greater; and was by no menus counterba anced by the Es sex Junior. Commodore Porier being prevented by this great disparity of force, from engaging, made repeated attempts to draw the Phoebe into action singly, either by mauceuvreing or sending formal challenges ; but Commodore Hillyar carefully avoided the coming- to action alone. The Ameiican command er, hearing that an additional British force was on its way, and having discovered that his vessel could outsail those of the Bri tish, determined to sail out, and, while the enemy was in chase, enable the Essex Junior to escape to a place of rendezvous pre viously, appointed. kt On the twenty-eighth of March, the wind coming onto blow fresh from ihe southward ; the Essex parted her starboard cable, and dragging her larboard anchor to sea. I\ot a moment was lost in getting sail on the ship, as it was determined to seize this moment to escape. In endeavouring to pass to the windward of the enemy, a squall struck the American vessel, just as she was doubling the point, which carried away her main-top-mast ; both ships immediately gave chase, and being unable to escape in his crippled state, the commodore endeav oured to put back into the harbour ; but finding this impractica ble, he ran into a small bay, and anchored within pistol shot of the shore : where, from a supposition that the enemy would continue to respect the neutrality of the port, he thought himself fcccure. He soon found, however, by the manner in which they approached, that he was mistaken. With all possible despatch therefore, lie prepared his ship for action, and endeavoured to THE UNITED STATES. 297 get a spring on his cable, which he could not accomplish before the enemy commenced the attack, at fifty-four minutes past three. At first the Phrebe placed herself on his stern, and the Che rub on his larboard bow ; bat the latter soon finding herself ex posed to a hot fire, changed her position, and with her consort, kept up a raking fire under his stern. The American, being unable to bring his broad side to bear on the enemy, his spring cables having been three times shot away, was obliged, there fore, to rely for defence against this tremendous attack, on three long twelve pounders, which he ran out of the stern ports, which were worked with such bravery and skill, as in half an hour to do so much injury to the enemy, as to compel them to haul off and repair. It was evident that Commodore Hillyar meant to risk nothing from the daring courage of the Americans; all his manoeuvres were deliberate and wary ; his antagonist was in his power, and his only concern was to succeed with as little loss to himself as possible. The situation of the Essex was most vexatious to our brave countrymen ; many of whom were already killed and wounded, and from the crippled state of their ship, they were unable to bring her guns to bear upon the enemy. Her gallant crew were not disheartened ; aroused to desperation, they ex pressed their defiance to the enemy, and their determination to hold out to the last. The enemy having repaired, now placed himself, with both ships on the starboard quarter of the Essex, where none of her guns could be brought to bear; the commodore saw no hope but in getting under way ; the flying jib was the only sail he could set; this he caused to be hoisted, cut his cable, and ran down on both ships, with the intention of laying the Phoebe on board. For a short time he was enabled to close with the en emy, and the firing was tremendous ; the decks of the Essex were strewed with dead, and her cockpit filled with the wound ed; she had been several times on fire, and was, in fact, a per fect wreck. At this moment, a feeble hope arose, that she might still be saved, in consequence of the Cherub being compelled to haul off on account of her crippled state; she, however, kept up her fire at a distance, with her long guns. The Essex was unable, however, to take advantage of the circumstance, as the Phcebe edged off, and also kept up, at a distance, a destructive fire ; the former being totally bereft of her sails, could not bring her to close quarters. Commodore Porter finding the greater part of his crew dis abled, at last gave up all hope, and attempted to run his vessel on shore, the wind at that moment favouring his design ; but it suddenly changed, drove her close upon the Phcebe, exposing 298 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF her to a raking fire. The ship was totally unmanageable, but as she drifted with her head to the enemy, Commodore Porter again seized a faint hope of being able to board. At this mo ment Lieutenant Dovvnes came on board, to receive orders, ex pecting that his commander would soon be a prisoner. His ser vices could be of no avail in the present deplorable state of the Essex, and finding from the enemy s putting up his helm, that the last atte.i/pt at boarding would not succeed, Dovvnes was directed to repair to his ship, to be prepared for defending- and destroying her, in case of an attack. The slaughter on board the Essex now became horrible, the enemy continuing to rake her while she was unable to bring a single gun to bear. Still her commander refused to yield while a ray of hope appeared. Every expedient, that a fertile and inventive genius could suggest, was resorted to, in the forlorn hope, that he might be able, by some lucky. chance, to escape from the grasp of the foe. A hawser was bent to the sheet an chor, and the anchor cut from the bows, to bring the ship s head around. This succeeded ; the broadside of the Essex was again brought to bear; and as the enemy was much crippled, and un able to hold his own, the commodore thought she might drift out of gunshot, before he discovered that the Essex had an chored ; but alas ! this last expedient failed ; the hawser par ted, and with it went the last lingering hope of the Essex. At this moment her situation was awful beyond description, She was on fire both before and aft, the flames were bursting up her hatchway, a quantity of powder exploded below, and word was given that fire was near her magazine. Thus surrounded by horrors, without any chance of saving his ship, he turned his attention to the saving as many of his gallant companions as he could ; the distance to the shore not exceeding three quarters of a mile, he hoped that many of them would save themselves before the ship blew up. His boats being cut up, they could only hope to . escape by swimming; by some this was effected, but the greater part of his generous crew resol ved to stay by the ship, and share the fate of their commander. They now laboured to extinguish the flames, and succeeded; after this they again repaired to their guns, but their strength had become so much exhausted, that this effort was HI vain. Commodoie Porter summoned a consultation of the officers of the divisions, when to his astonishment only one acting lieuten ant Stephen Decatnr M Night, appeared. The accounts from every part of the ship were deplorable indeed ; she was in im minent danger of sinking, and so crowded with the wounded, that even her birthdeck could hold no more, and several were killed under the surgeon s hands. In the mean time the enemy, at a secure distance, continued his fire ; the water having be- THE UNITED STATES. come smooth, he struck the hull of the Essex at every shot. At last, despairing of saving his ship, the commodore was compel led, at twenty minutes pasi six, to give the painful orders to strike the colours. The enemy, probably not seeing that this had taken place, continued to fire for ten minutes after, "and Porter was about to give orders that the colours should again be hoisted, under a belief that the enemy intended to give no quarters, when the firing ceased. The loss on board the Essex was fifty-eight killed, thirty-nine wounded ^severely, twenty- seven shghtly, and thirty-one missing. The loss on board the British vessels was five killed and ten wounded ; but they were both much cut up in their hulls and rigging ; the Phoebe could scarcely be kept afloat until she anchored in the port of Valpa raiso next morning. Commodore Porter was paroled, and permitted to return to the United States in the Essex Junior, which was converted into a cartel for the purpose. On arrrvingr off the port of New York, the vessel was detained by the Saturn razee, and to tho disgrace of the British navy, already dishonoured by the base attack upon this gn.lant officer, he was compelled to give up his parole, and declare himself a prisoner of war, and, as such, he informed the British officer that he would attempt his escape. In consequence of this threa-, the Essex Junior was ordered to remain under the lee of the Saturn ; but the next morning Commodore Porter put off in liis boat, though thirty miles from shore, and notwithstanding the pursuit by those of the Saturn, arrived safely in New-York."* In Jhe spring of 1814, Commodore Barney took the com mand of a small flotilla of gunboats to protect the inlets, and small rirers, that fall into the Chesapeake bay. About the 1st of June, the enemy entered the Chesapeake bay and renewed their ravages, with greater severity than they done the last year. Sharp and frequent rencounters took place, upon the water and upon the land ; but the enemy succeeded in laying waste the country, and carrying off the negroes, through the months of June and July. About the middle of August, the British entered the Chesa peake with a fleet of about sixty sail, including, transports, under Admiral Cockburn, and landed about six thousand men at Benedict, on the Patuxent, under the command of general Ross. On (he 22rl, G?n. Ross reached tho WonJ-ytir.I ($o called) twelve miles from Washington", where commodore Barney caused a large flotilla of gun-boats to be destroyed, to prevent tlioir tailing into the hands of the enemy. * Brackonridg;e. 300 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On the 23d, General Ross reached Bladensburgh, six miles from Washington, where he dispersed the tnilitia, after a short resistance, and advanced to the city. Commodore Barney had assembled a small force in defence of the capital, with several eighteen pounders, and made a stand ; but he was soon over powered by numbers, wounded and taken prisoner, and the capital fell into the hands of the enemy. The navy yard was destroyed. Here stands recorded one more display of British magna nimity. By order of Gen. Ross, the capitol, the President s house, and executive offices were burnt. The enemy retired on the night of the 25th, by rapid marches; regained their ships and embarked. A detachment from this fleet visited Alexandria ; plundered the city, and carried off a quantity of flour, &c. During these troubles at the south, the war was carried on at the west, which did honour to the American flag. In the midst of the various occurrences of the war, on the northern frontier, on the sea-board, and on the ocean, impor tant preparations were making to the westward ; and although the spring and summer had passed away, without any incident in this quarter worthy of being recorded, they had not passed inactive. The general attention was now turned towards it with much anxiety, and the armies of the Niagara and St. Law- jence, remained almost with folded arms, awaiting the issue of Harrison s campaign, and the result of the contest for the mas tership of lake Erie. The British, aware of the consequence of a defeat, had with great assiduity laboured to strengthen themselves. The reinforcements continually arriving at fort George, were evidently destined to follow up the advantages which Proctor might gain, in conjunction with the commander on the lake. In the meanwhile, the neighbouring states of Kentucky and Ohio, the people were excited in a most surpris ing degree ; had it been necessary they would have risen CM masse ; almost every man capable of bearing a musket, was anxious to march. The governor of Ohio had scarcely issued his proclamation, calling on volunteers, (for the obliga tions of law to render military service were no longer thought of,) than fifteen thousand men presented themselves, completely armed and equipped more than five times the number required. The venerable governor of Kentucky, Shelby, a revolutionary hero, and the Nestor of the present war, made it known that he would put himself at the head of the injured citizens of that state, and lead them to seek revenge for the murder of their relatives and friends ; but limited the number of volunteers to four thousand. The ttate of Kentucky, called by the natives, 41 the dark and bloody ground," forty years ago waa an uniu- THE UNITED STAGES. 301 habited forest, possessed by no tribe of Indians; but from time immemorial the theatre of sanguinary wars. , At this day, it blooms beneath the hand of agriculture, it is filled with beauti ful towns and villages; and is the abode of pence, opulence and refinement. The inhabitants are descended from the planters of Virginia and Noith Carolina, and emigrants, composed of the enterprising and intelligent of the other states. Living in abundance and at their ease, and more remote f&om the seats of commerce, they have imbibed less of foreign attachments or feelings, than any of our people ; and are perhaps more enthu siastically devoted to the institutions of freedom. They have notalittfeof the manners of chivalry in their generous and hospitable deportment. Fearless of danger,regarding dishonor more than death, but with these qualities, a benevolence and humanity, which has scarcely a parallel. Had the elJer breth ren of our confederacy acted like this younger member, the Canadas would have been ours, and Britain would never have dared to insult us with her unwarrantable pretensions. The transactions which are now to be related, may justly rank amongst the most pleasing to our feelings and national pride, of any which took place during the contest. The cam paign opened with an affair, which, though comparatively of smaller consequence than some others, is in its circumstances one of the most brilliant tha: occurred during the war. This was the unparalleled defence of fort Sandusky, by a youth of twenty-one years of age. In August, and before the arrival of the Ohio and Kentucky volunteers, which did not take place until the following month, threatening movements had been made upon all the different forts, established by the Americans on the rivers which fall into lake Erie. After the siege of fort Meigs,the British had been considerably reinforced by regulars, and an unusual number of Indians, under their great leader Tecumseh. It was all-important to reduce these forts before the arrival of the volunteers. Major Croghan, then command ing at Upper Sandusky, having received intimation that the enemy were about to invest the fort of Lower Sandusky, had marched to this place with some additional force, and had been occupied with great assiduity in placing it in the best posture of defence. But the only audition of importance, which the time would allow him to make, was a ditch of six feet deep and nine feet wide, outside the stockade of pickets, by which these hastily constructed forts are enclosed, but which can afford but a weak defence against aitillery. He had but one six pounder and about one hundred and sixty men, consisting of regulars, and detachments of the Pittsburgh and Petersburg!! volunteers. General Harrison, not conceiving it practicable to. defend the place, ordered young Croghan to retire on the approach of ill* 26 302 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF enemy, after having destroyed the works. This our young hero, taking the responsibility upon himself, determined to dis obey. On the first of August, general Proctor, having left a large body of Indians under Tecumseh, to keep up the appearance of a siege of fort Meigs, arrived at Sandusky with about five hundred regulars, seven hundred Indians, and some gnn-boats. After the general had made such dispositions of his troops, as to cut off the retreat of the garrison, he sent a flag by colonel Elliott nnd major Chambers, demanding a surrender, accompa nied with the usual base and detestable threats of butchery and cold blood massacre, if the garrison should hold out. A spirited answer was retured by Croghan, who found that all his companions, chiefly striplings like himself, would support him to the last. When the flag returned, a brisk fire was opened from the gunboats arid howitzer, and which was kept up during the night. In the morning they opened with three sixes, which had been planted under cover of the night, within two hundred and fifty yards of the pickets, but not with much effect. About four o clock in the afternoon, it was discovered that the enemy had concentrated his fire against the northwest angle, with the intention of making a breach. This part was immediately strengthened by the apposition of bags of flour and sand, so that the pickets suffered but little injury. During this time, the six pounder was carefully concealed in the bastion, which cov ered the point to be assailed, and it was loaded with slugs and grape. About five hundred of the enemy now advanced in close column to assail the part where it was supposed the pick ets must have been injured: at the same time making several feints, to draw the attention of the beseiged to other parts of the fort : their force being thus divided, a column of three hundred and fifty men, which were so enveloped in smoke as not to be seen until they approached within twenty paces of the lines, advanced rapidly to the assault. A fire of musketry from the fort, fora moment threw them into confusion, but were then quickly rallied by colonel Short, their commander, who, now springing over the outer works into the ditch, commanded the rest to follow, crying out give the d d Yankees no quar ter!" Scarcely had these detestable words escaped his lips, and the greater part of his followers landed in the ditch, when the six pounder opened upon them a most destructive fire, killing and wounding the greater part, and amongst the first, the wretched leader, who was sent into eternity, before his words had died upon the air. A volley o* musketry was, at the same tinie. fired upon those who had not ventured. The officer who succeeded Short, exasperated at being thus treated by THE UNITED STATES. 303 a few boys, formed his broken column, and again rushed to the ditch, where he, and those who dared to follow him, met with the same fate as their fellow soldiers. The small arms were again played on them, the whole British force was thrown into confusion, and in spite of the exertions of their officers, fled^to the woods, almost panick struck, whither they were soon fol lowed by the Indians. Thus were these men, confident of suc cess, and detestable in the intended use of victory, most signal ly chastised, under Providence, by a force scarce a tenth of their numbers. Terror indescribable took possession of the as sailants, and they retreated towards their boats, scarcely daring to cast their eyes towards the fatal spot, while they were fol lowed by their allies in sullen silence. If this gallant defence deserves the applause of the brave, the subsequent conduct of the heseignd deserves the praise of every friend of humanity. The scene which now ensued, de serves to be denominated sublime. The little band, forgetting in a moment th^t they had been assailed by merciless foes, who sought to massacre them without regarding the laws of honor able war, now felt only the desire of relieving wounded men, and of administering comfort to the wretched. Had they been friends, had they been brothers, they could not have experien ced a more tender solicitude. The whole night was occupied in endeavouring to assuage their sufferings ; provisions and buckets of water were handed over the pickets, and an opea- iug was made, by which many of the sufferers was taken in, who were immediately supplied with surgical aid ; and this, although a firing was kept up with small arms by the enemy, until some time in the night. The loss of the garrison amoun ted to one killed and seven wounded ; that of the enemy, it is supposed, to be at least two hundred. Upwards of fifty were found in and about the ditch. It was discovered next morning, that the enemy had hastily retreated, leaving a boat and a considerable quantity of military stores. Upwards of seventy stand of arms were taken, besides a quantity of ammunition. The Americans were engaged during the day, in burying the dead with the honours of war, and providing for the wounded. This exploit called forth the admiiation of every party in the United States. Croghan, together with his companions, cap tain Hunter, and lieutenants Johnson, Bayley, and Meeks, of the seventeenth ; Antbony, of the twenty-fourth ; and ensigns Ship and Duncan, of the seventeenth, together with the other officers and volunteers, were highly complimented by the gen eral. They afterwards received the thanks ef congress. iSif cc Croghan was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, and was pr eothe. was presented with an elegant sword by ^e Indies of Chili- 304 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Soon after this nfiair Tr-cumseh raised the siege effort Meig9 v and followed Proctor to Detroit ; all hope was now given uo by the enemy of reducing these forts, until they could gain the ascendency on the lake. The utmost exertions had been made in the meanwhile, by captain Perry, to complete the naval armament on lake Erie". By the fourth of August, the fleet was completed ; but several of the vessels were with difficulty got over the bar, on which there are but five feet water. He sailed in quest of the enemy, but not meeting him, returned on the eighth, and after icceiving a reinforcement of sailors, brought by captgin Elliot, sailed again on the twelfth, and on the fifteenth anchored in the bay of Sandusky. Here, after taking in about twenty volunteer marines, he again went in quest of the enemy -, and after cruis ing off Maiden, returned to Put-in-Bay, a distance of thirty miles. His fleet consisted of the brig- Lawrence, of .20 guns; the Niagara, captain Elliot, of twenty ; the Caledonia, lieuten ant Turner, three ; the schooner Ariel, of four ; the Scorpion, of two; the Somers, of two, and two swivels; Uie sloop Tnppe, and schooners Tygress and Porcupine, of one gun ; mak ing a fleet of nine vessels and fifty-four guns. On the morning of the tenth of September, the enemy was discovered bearing down upon the American squadron, which immediately got un der weigh, and stood out to meet him. Superiority was deci dedly in favour of the British ; the Americans had three more vessels, but this was much more than counterbalanced by the size of those of the enemy, and the number of their guns. Their fleet consisted of the Detroit, Captain Barclay, of nine teen guns, and two howitzers ; the Queen Charlotte, of sev enteen guns, captain Finnis ; the schooner Lady Provost, lieu tenant Buchan, of thirteen guns, and two howitzers ; the brig Hunter, of ten guns ; the sloop Bittle Belt, of three ; and the schooner Chippevva, of one gun and two swivels; in all six vessels and sixty three guns. When the Americans stood out, the British fleet had the weather gage; but the wind soon after changed, and brought the American fleet to windward. The line of battle was form ed at eleven, and fifteen minutes before twelve, the enemy s flag ship, the Queen Charlotte, opened her fire upon the Law rence, which she sustained for ten minutes, before she could approach near enough for her carronades to return. She there fore bore up, making signals for the other vessels to hasten to her support, and about twelve, brought her guns to bear upon the enemy. Unfortunately, the wind being too light, the re mainder of the squadron could not be brought up to her assist ance, and she w,as compelled to contend, for two hours, with two ships of equ$k force. The contest was, notwithstanding. THE UNITED STATES. 305 kept up with unshaken courage and a degree of coolness, which deserves admiration. By this time the brig, which had so long borne the brunt of the whole of the British force, had become en tirely unmanageable ; every gun was dismounted, and, with the exception of four or live, her whole crew either killed or wound ed. Perry now, with admirable presence of u>ind, and which drew forth the praise of the gallant officer to whom he was op posed, resolved to shift, his flag, leaped into his boat, and he roically waving his sword, passed unhurt to the Niagara. At the moment he reached the Niagara, he saw with anguish the flag ot* his ship come down ; she was utterly unable to make farther resistance, and it would have been a wanton waste of the remaining lives, to continue the contest; the enemy was not able to take possession of her. Captain Eiiiott, seconding the design of the commodore, volunteered to bring up the rest of the fleet: for at this critical moment the wind had providentially, increased. Perry now bore down upon the enemy with a fresh ship; and passing ahead of the Detroit, Q.ueeu Charlotte, and Ladv Prevost, poured a destructive broadside into each from iiis sUrboard. and from his larboard into the Chippewa and Lit tle Belt. In this manner cutting through the line, he was with in pistol shot of the Lady Prevost, which received so heavy a nre as to coiapelher men to run below. At this moment the Ca- led<.-nia came up, and opened her fire; several others of the squadron were enabled soon after to do the same. For a time, tine novel and important combat mingled with indescribable vio lence and fury. The issue of a campaign, the mastery of a sea, the glory and reuown of two rival nations, matched fur the first true in squadron, were the incentives to the content,. But it was not long before the scale turned in favour of Perry, and his ship, the Lawrence, was again enabled to hoist her flag. The Queen Charlotte, having lost her captain and ail her prin cipal officers, by some mischance ran foul of the Detroit, and the greater parr of the guns of both ships rendered useless. They were now compelled to sustain, m turn, an incessant fire from the Niagara, and the other vessels of the squadron. T.,e flag of captain Barclay was soon after struck, and those of the Queen Charlotte, the Lady Prevost, the Hunter, and ( the Chippe wa, came down in succession : the Liltie Belt attempted to escape, but was pursued by two gunboats and captured. Thus after a contest of three hours, was this unparalleled naval victory achieved, in which every vessel of the enemy was captured, the first occurrence of the kind ever recorded. If any thing could heighten this glorious victory, it was the mod est and yet sublime manner in whicn it was announced by the incomparable Perry : WE HAVE MET THE E>EMY, AND THE* ARE OBRS. Britain had beeu btaten m dingle eombut ; slid 26* 306 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF was now beaten in squadron, where she had conceived herself invincible. The loss in this bloody affair, was very great in proportion to the numbers engaged." The Americans had twenty seven killed and ninety six wounded; amongst the first, were lieutenant Brooks, of the marines, and midshipman Laub; amongst the latter, were lieutenant Yarnell, sailing- master Taylor, purser Hamilton, and midshipmen Claxton and Swartwout. The loss of the British was about two hundred in killed and wounded, and the number of prisoners amounted to six hundred, exceeding the whole number of the Americans. Commodore Barclay, a gallant officer, who had. lost an arm at the battle of Trafalgar, was severely wounded, and the loss of officers, on the side of the British, was unusually great. Among the officers particularly spoken of on this occasion, were captain Elliot, lieutenants Turner, Edwards, Forest, Clark, and Cum- mings, besides those already mentioned. The victory of commodore Perry left the Americans in peaceable possession of Lake Erie, but Detroit and Maiden still remained in possession of the British. The triumph of the American arms seemed to unite conflicting parties, and the kindness extended to the British captives, reflected the bright est glory on our country. But the territory still occupied by the enemy was to be Retaken. For the accomplishment of this purpose, colonel Johnson, with a body of his faithful Ken- tuckians, were destined to act against Detroit, and general Harrison was to march against. Maiden. Finding Maiden untenable, the British general destroyed, and then evacuated it. On the 2d of October, general Harrison, with about 3500 men, commenced a pursuit, and on the 5th, the enemy was overta ken. Colonel Johnson, who had formed a junction with Gen. Harrison, was sentfonvaru to reconnoitre the British and In dian forces, gave intelligence that the enemy were pre pared for action, at tho distance of a few milos. On their left was the river, ami their right consisting of Indians, under Te- eumseh, rested on a swamp. The American force consisted of Ohio militia, and four thou sand Kentuckians> the flower of their state, commanded by governor Shelby, who arrived at the camp of general Harrison on the 7th of September. When the troops approached the river Raisin, which had been the scene to such wanton barbari ties, they halted to contemplate for a while, the tragic spot. With feelings which language must fail to describe, they gath ered up the undistinguishable bones of friends and foes, and con signed them to one common grave, with affecting demonstra tions of grief. The enemy was drawn up under cover of the beech trees by which the narrow strip of land was covered. The Americans THE UNITED STATES. 307 were soon formed in battle array. General Trotter s brigade formed the front line, supported by Desna s divisions on the left. The brigade of general King formed the second Hue, in rear of generaf Trotter s, and Chile s acted as a corps of re serve, both under the command of major general Henry. The brigades averaged live hundred men each. Governor Shelby occupied (he angle formed the brigades of Trotter and Desha. The regular troops, numbering only one hundred and twenty men, were formed into columns, and occupied the narrow space between the river and the road, for the purpose of seizing the artillery should the enemy be repulsed. The order of general Harrison was, to form coloael Johnson s mounted men in two lines, in front of the Indians, but the undersvood being too close, for cavalry to be effective, he determined on a new mode of attack. Knowing the dexterity of the backwood s-men in riding 1 through forests, and the little inconvenience to them of carry ing their rifles in such a situation, he determined to refuse his left to. the Indians, and charge on the regulars drawn up among the beech trees ; the mounted regiment was accordingly drawn up in front. The army moved on but a short distance in this way, when the mounted men received the enemy s fire and were instantly ordered to charge. The horses, in front of the column at first recoiled from the fire; but soon after got in mo tion, and immediately at full speed broke through the enemy with irre=istible force. In one minute the contest was over in front. The mounted men instantly formed in the rear, and poured a destructive fire, and were about to make another charge, when the British officers, finding it impossible to form their broken ranks, immediately surrendered. Upon the left, the onset was begun byTecumseh with great fury. Colonel R. M. Johnson, who commanded on that flank of his regiment, received a galling lire, which he returned with effect, while the Indians advanced towards the point occupied by governor Shelby; and at first made an impression on it; but the aged warrior brought a regiment lo its support. The combat now raged with increasing fury ; the Indians to the number of twelve or fifteen hundred, seemed determined to maintain their ground to the last. The terrible voice of Te- cumseh could be distinctly heard, encouraging his warriors ; and although beset on every side, excepting on that of the morass, they fought with more determined courage than had ever been witnessed in these people. An incident soon occur red, however, which decided the contest. Colonel Johnson rushed towards the spot where the war-iors, clustering around their undaunted chief, appeared resolved to perish by his side ; in a moment a hundred rifles were aimed at the Americae, 308 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF whose uniform and white horse which he rode rendered a con spicuous object ; his holsters, dress, and accoutrements, were pierced with bullets, his horse and himself receiving a number of wounds. At the instant his horse was about to sink under him, the daring Kentuckian, covered with blood from his wounds, was discovered by Teeumseh : the chief having dis charged his rifle, sprang forward with his tomahawk, but struck with the appearance of the warrior who btood before him, hesitated for a moment, and that moment was hi* last. Tiie Kentuckian levelled a pistol at his breast, aud they both, almost at the same instant, fell to the ground. The Kentuekians rushed forward to the rescue of their leader, and the Indians, no longer hearing the voiee of Teeumseh soon after fled. Near the spot where this seeno occurred, thirty In dians were found dead, and six whites." Thus fell Teeumseh, the most celebrated Indian warriour that over raised the tomahawk against us, and with him fell the last hope of our Indian enemies. This mighty warriour was the determined foe of civilization, and had for years been labouring to unite all the Indian tribes in opposing- the progress of the settlements to the westward. Had such a man opposed the European colonists on their firstarrival, this continent, in all probability, would still have been a wilderness. To those who prefer a savage, uncultivated waste inhabited by wolves and panthers, arid by men more savage still, to the busy city, to the peaceful hamlet and cottage, to science and the comforts of civi lization, to such it may be a source of regret that Teeumseh came too late. But if the cultivation of the earth, and the cul tivation of the human intellect and the human virtues, are agreeable in the sight of the Creator, it may be a just cause of felicitation that this champion of barbarism was the ally of Great Britain, at a period, when he could only draw down destruction on his own head, by savagely daring what was beyond his strength. But Tecurnseh fell respected by his en emies, as a great and a magnanimous chief. Although he sel dom took prisoners in battle, he treated well those that had been taken by ftthers ; ad, at the defeat of Dudley, actually put to death a chief whom he found engaged in the work of massacre. He had been in almost every engagement with the whites since Harmer- s defeat, although at his death, he scarce ly exceeded forty years of age. Tecurnseh had received the stamp of greatness from the hand of nature, and had his lot been cast in a different state of society, he would have shone RS one of the most distinguished of men. He was endowed with a powerful mind, with the soul of a hero. There was an uncommon dignity in his countenance and manners ; by the former he could be easily discovered even after death, among THE UNITED STATES. 309 the rest of the slain, for he wore no insignia of distinction. Whoa gmle.1 with a silk sneh, and told by general Proctor That he was mado a brigadier in the British service, for his conduct at Brownstown and Magagua, he returned the present with respectful contempt. Born >vith no title to command, but his nutivj greatness, every tribe yielded submission to hira at once, and no one ever disputed his precedence. Subtle and fierce in war, he possessed uncommon eloquence, his speeches might bear a comparison with those of the most celebrated or ators of Greece and Rome. His invective was terrible, as we had frequent occasion to experience, anJ as may be seen in the reproaches which he applied to Proctor, a few days before his death, in a speech which was found amongst the papers of the British officers. His form was uncommonly elegant ; his stature about six feet, his limbs perfectly proportioned. He was honourably interred by the victors, by whom he was held in much respect, as an inveterate, but a magnanimous ene- emy. The loss of the Americans in this engagement, was more than fifty killed and wounded, among whom was colonel \Vhite- ly a revolutionary soldier, killed. The loss ofthe British was nineteen killed and fifty wounded. Six hundred were taken prisoners, ofthe Indians, one hundred and twenty were left on the field. Several pieces of cannon, taken in the revolution, and which had been surrendered by general Hull, were trophies of this victory. General Proctor fled when the charge wai made, and escaped down the Thames, by means ot fleet norses. though closely pursued. His carnage together with his pri vate papers, was left in his haste to retreat. The time was now come, which would prove w-hether the stigma past upon the chivalrous people of Kentucky by the in famous Procter, in order that his own atrocious conduct might escape notice, was founded in truth. It was now seen wheth er, to use the words of this monster, they were a " ferocious and mortal foe, using the same mode of warfare, with the allies of Britain/ The recollection of the affair of the river Raisin might have justified revenge : and what is more, the iustr.i- ments who perpetrated those horrid deeds were now at their disposal; bereft of hope by this signal dei eai and the loss tf their great leader, the savages sued for peace, and as an parn- estof their sincerity, offered to raise theirtomahawkson the side ofthe U. States, and to inflict upon the British prisoners, the same abominable cruelties, they had practised oa the Ameri cans. But the Kentuckians, to their honour, far from giving way to the passions ofrevenge, forebore even a word, or look of insult ; there was not even an allusion to the murder of their brothers and friends ; the prisoners were distributed in Email 310 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP parties, in the interior towns, and although extremely insulting in their deportment, were not merely treated with humanity, but in many places actually caressed and fed with dainties by the compassionate inhabitants. This treatment was carried to an excess, which might properly deserve the name of folly ; were it not a noble mode of revenge for what our countrymen at that moment endured -in (he British dungeons on the land, arid in the floating prisons on the sea, where they underwent every spc-cies of distress, wretchedness and torture. The Indian war now ceased, and our frontier rested in secu rity. Most of the volunteers returned home. General Harri son stationed general Cass at Detroit, with about one thousand men, and proceeded with the remainder to join the central ar my at Buffalo. About this time, at the request of general Vin cent, a correspondence was opened between him and general Harrison, relative to the treatment of the British prisoners. After assuring the British general that the request to treat his prisoners with humanity, was unnecessary, he referred him to the treatment experienced by American captives, and referred him to the scenes which had transpired at the river Raisin, the Miami, others of a similar complexion, and wished to be infor med whether the Indians should be permitted to repeat those cruelties. His words are worthy of remembrance. " Use then, I pray you, your authority and influence to stop the dreadful effusion of innocent blood, which proceeds from the employment of those savage monsters, whose aid, as must now bo discovered, is so little to be depended on when most wanted, and which can have so trifling an effect on the issue of war. The effect of their barbarities will not be confined to the present generation. Ages yet to come will feel the deep root ed hatred and enmity, wnich they must produce between the two nations. 1 The reply of general Vincent was not unlike that of sir Sid ney Beckwith, vague and evasive. He expressed kimself per fectly satisfied on the score of the treatment of the prisoners, but with respect to the other topics, he declined saying any thing; it was beyond his power to give an explicit answer; but he pledged his honour that to the utmost of his power, he would join with general Harrison in alleviating the calamities of war. Although general Harrison pledged himself to produce proofs of every tiling which he stated, general Vincent chose to be silent upon the subject ; neither disavowing that such acts were sanctioned by the British government, nor calling the truth of them in question ; they will, therefore, remain an in delible stigma on the British name. The successes of the north western army, and the victory on Lake Erie, prepared the way for the invasion of Canada. A THE UNITED STATES. 311 more formidable force was collected on the frontier, than here tofore, under more experienced officers, and the Indians had declared against the enemy. The public mind was elated, and a fit opportunity presented for the invasion of Canada. General Armstrong was at the head of the war department, and much was expected from his experience and zeal. Im provements were introduced, especially in the selection of offi cers. The Secretary proceeded to the northern frontier, to put his plans into operation. The plan was perhaps judicious, but the season was too far advanced, to accomplish his inten tions. General Dearborn resigned, and general Wilkinson was cal led from the southern army to supply his place. He issued an order which gave general satisfaction, and much was expected from his military science. The force directly under his com mand, amounted to eight thousand men, and he expected to be joined in October by the force under general Harrison. Gene ral Hampton commanded about four thousand men at Platts- burg. The plan was, to descend the St. Lawrence, pass the British posts above, form a junction with general Hampton, and invade Montreal. The army, which had been distributed in different corps, and stationed at various points, was now to be concentrated at gome place most convenient for its embarkation. For this purpose Grenadier s Island, which lies between Sackett s Har bour and Kingston, was selected, on account of its contiguity to the St. Lawrence, as the most proper place of rendezvous. On the second of October, general Wilkinson left fort George, with the principal body of the troops, and soon reached the island, where he occupied himself incessantly in making the necessary preparations for the prosecution of his enterprise. He several times visited Sackett s Harbour, at which place the troops first arrived, and after receiving their necessary supplies proceeded to the place of rendezvous. Colonel Scott, whom he had left in command at fort George, was ordered to embark with his regiment of artillery, and colonel Randolph s infantry, on board a vessel of the squadron, and proceed to the island. Colonel Dennis was left in the command of Sackett s Harbour; and the general having provided a sufficient number of boats to transport the artillery through the St. Lawrence, proceeded to put the troops in motion. By the twenty-third the troops thus collected, exceeded seven thousand men, and were compos ed of tolonel Porter s light artillery, a few companies of colo nels Scott s and Macomb s regiments of artillery, twelve regi ments of infantry, and Forsythe s rifle corps. General Brown, now a brigadier in the service of the Ui- leJ States, was ordered to take the command of the advance 312 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF of the army at this place. On the first of November, a Brit ish squadron made its appearance near French creek, with a large hody of infantry; a battery of three eighteen pounders, skilfully managed by captains M Pherson and Fanning, soon forced them to retire. The attack was renewed the next morning, but with no better success ; and as (he other corps of the army now daily arrived, the enemy thought proper to move off. On the sixth, the army was put in motion, and in the evening landed a few miles above the British fort Prescott. After reconnoitering the passage at this place, and finding that the fort commanded the river, general Wilkinson directed the fixed ammunition to be transported by land to a safe point below, and determined to take advantage of the night to pass with the flotilla, while the troops were marched to the same point, leav ing on board the boats merely a sufficient number to navigate them. Availing himself of a heavy fog which came en in the evening, the commander endeavoured to pass the fort unobser ved ; but the weather clearing up, and the moon shining, he was discovered by the enemy, who opened a heavy fire. General Brown, who was in the rear with the flotilla, thought it prudent to land for the present, until the night should grow darker. He then proceeded down the river, but not without being discovered, and again exposed to a severe cannonade ; notwithstanding which, not one out of three hundred boats suf fered the slightest injury.^ Before ten o clock the next day, they had all safely arrived at the place of destination. A mes senger was now despatched to general Hampton, informing him of the movement of the army, and requiring his co-opera- tion. The enemy having discovered the design of the Americans, determined to counteract it. Parties were posted where they could annoy our boats by musket shot, and the illness of the Commander-in-chief, augmented alarmingly. The army was delayed for half a day in extricating two schrs. loaded with with-ptovisions, which had been driven into a part of the river near O gdens burgh, by the enemy s fire. A corps d elite of twelve hundred men, under Colonel M Comb, being despatched to remove the obstructions to the descent of the army, at three o clock he was followed by the main body. On passing the first rapids of the St. Lawrence, the barge of the comrnamler-in-ehief was assailed by two pieces of artillery, but without any other injury than cutting the ringing. The atten tion of the enemy was soon diverted by lieutenant colonel Eustis who returned their fire from som? light bargos, while major Forsythe at the same time, landed some of his riflemen, attacked them unexpectedly, and carried off three pieces of their artillery. The flotilla came to about six miles below THE UNITED STATES. 313 and that the dragoons attached to the first division of the ene my, had been collected at a place ealledthe White House, at a contraction of the river ; to which point the flotilla was ordered the next morning to proceed. On arriving- at this place en the eighth, g-enerai Brown was ordered to go forward with his brigade, to reinforce colonel M Comb, and take command of the advance, while the commander-in-c!;ief directed the trans portation of the dragoon? across the St. Lawrence. The last was completed during the night. The British now determined to harass the Americans. On the 9th, a skirmish occurred between the American riflemen and a party of nalitia and Indians. In the course of the day, the cavalry and four piecos of ar tillery under captain M Pherson, were ordered to ck j ar the coast as far as the head of the Longue Snut ; and in the eve ning the army arrived at a place called the Yellow House, which stands near the Saut. As the passage of this place was attended with considerable difficulty, on account of the rapidi ty of the current and of its length, it was deemed prudent to wait until the next day, and in the meanwhile it became neces- gary to use the utmost precaution. On the morning of the tenth, general Brown with the troops under his command, excepting two pieces of artillery, and tie second regiment of dragoons, was ordered to march in the ad vance of the army. A regard for the safety of the men, had induced thr commander-in-chief to retain as few of the troops in the boats as possible, on account of the exposure to vvh : c : i they would be subject, in the long and dangerous passage of these rapids, and where the enem\ had in all probability es ab- lisbed batteries ! < -; he purpose of impeding their descent. The second regiuieni of dragoons, and a considerable portion of the other brigades, which had been withdrawn from the boats, were ordered to follow under general Boyd, the steps of gener al Brown, to prevent the enemy who were s ill hanging ou the rear of the army, from making any advantageous attack- Gen. Brown now commenced his march at the .head of his troops, consisting principally of colonel M Comb s artillery, .and a part of Scott s part of the light artillery, the riflomen, and the sixth, fifteenth and twenty-second regiments. Ii was not long before he found himself engaged with a strong party at a block house near the Saut, which after a contest of a few minutes, was repulsed by the riflemen under Forsythe, who was severely wounded. About the same time some of the enemy s galleys approached the flotilla, which had landed and commenced a firo upon it, by which a number of boats were injured ; two eighteen pounders, however, being hastily run on shore, a fire from them soon compelled the assailants to retire. The day being now 27 .-514 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF too far spent to nt tempt the Saut, it was resolved to postpone ii until the day following. At ten o clock on the eleventh, at the moment that the flo tilla was about to proceed, and when at the same time, the di vision under general Bo\ii, consisting of his own and the brig ades of generals Govington and Swartwout, were drawn up in marching ordi;r, an ulnrm was given that the enemy was dis covered approaching in column. The commander-in-chief and general Lewis, being both loo much indisposed to lake the command, general Boyd was ordered to face about and attack the approaching army. The enemy s galleys had at the same lime approached, for the purpose of attacking the rear of the American flotilla. General 13o)d now advanced with his de tachment formed in three columns, and ordered a part of gene ral Swartwout s brigade to move forward, and briiig the enemy to action. Colonel Ripley, accordingly at the head of the twenty-first regiment, passed the wood which skirts the open ground called Chrystier s field, and drove in several of the enemy s parties. On entering the field, he met the advance of the British, consisting of the forty-ninth and the Glengary fencibles. Colonel Ripley immediately ordered a charge, which was executed with such surprising firmness, that these two reg iments, nearly double his numbers, were compelled to retire ; and on making a stand, were a second time driven before the bayonet, and compelled to pass over the ravines and fences, bj which the field was intersected, until they fell on their main body .General Covington had. before this, advanced upon the right of the enemy, where his artillery was posted, and at the moment colonel Ripley bad astailed the left flank, the right was forced by a determined onset, and success appeared scarcely doubtful. Unfortuntlely, however, general Coving- ington, whose activity had rendered him conspicuous, became a mark for the sharp shooters of the enemy stationed in Chryst ier s house, and lie was shot from his horse. The fall of tlm gallant officer arrested the progress of the brigade, and the artillery cf the enemy ihrev it into confusion, and caused it to fall back in disorder." The British commander now wheeled part of his line into column, with the view of capturing pome pieces of artillery, which were no lunger supported. A body ol" dragoons, under the adjutant-general, Waltnich, attempted, in a very gallant manner, to charge the British rolijinn, but from the nature of the ground was not successful. At this critical moment, colonel Ripley, who had been engaged with the enemy s left flank, threw his regiment between ttie artille ry and the advancing column, and frustrated tttrir de-ign. The iJritish fell bnck with precipitation. The region nts which hsd broken had aot retired from the field, bul still continued t THE UNITED STATED keep up an irregular fight with various success ; and the twenty-first having by this time expended its ammunition, and being much exposed, was withdrawn to another position, and in the meanwhile the enemy again attempted to possess them selves of the artillery. One picco was unfortunately captured by them, in consequence of the death of lieutenant Wiiliam S. Smith, who commanded it; the others were brought off by the coolness in-l bravery of captain Armstrong- Irvine. The actirtn soon after ceased, having been kept up for two hours by little better than raw troops against an equal number of veterans. The British force consisted of detachments from the forty ninth, eighty fourth, hundred and fourth, the Volligcure, and the Glengary reghnenf. The enemy soon after retired to their camp, and tMe American* to their b In this battle the loss of ihe Americans, in killed and wound ed, amounted to three hundred and thirty-nine, of whom one hundred and two were killed : amon* these were lieutenants Smith, Hunter, a among the wounded, were gen eral Covington, who afterwards died ; colonel Preston, majors Chambers, Noon and Cum ning* ; cip:ams Townsend, Foster, . Campbell, and Murdock ; and lieutenants Heaton, Williams, Lynch, Pelham, Brown, and Cheery. The British loss could not have been less than that of ihe Americans. This appears to Inve been a drawn battle, the British and Americans both leaving the ground. On the llth. the army joined the advance near Barnharl. The commander-in-chief received information fro-n General Hampton, which puts an rnd to the design against Montreal. a few days before the battle of Chrystler a field, the Commander-in-chief had given orders to general Hampton to meet him at St. Regis : but soon after this order, a letter was received from General HnmpJon. in which, after stating 1 that from the disclosure of the state of general Wilkin- - ipply of provisions, and the situation of the roads to S*. . which rend r- d it imp.-ib!o to transport a greater quantity than could be carried by a man on Ins back, he had lined to open a communication from PlaUsburgh to Con- ewago, or by any other point on the Sf. Liwrence, which the inder-in chief might indicate. General Hampton some time before thi-, with a view to a further movement of troop*, had descended the Chatcaujjay river: about the same time that ihe army was concentrated on lake Ontario. Sir George Pre- rceiving this movement towards Montreal, had collected > force at this point to oppose the march of Hampton. On the twenty first of October this officer crossed the line, b it Koon found his road obstructed by fallen timber, and the ambsi*- cadc of ita enemy s militia an^ of consider- 316 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP able extent would have to be passed, before they could reach the open country, and while the engineers were engaged in catting a way through, colonel Purdy was detached with the light troops and one regiment of the line, to turn their flank, and then seize on the open country below. In this he succeed ed, and the army by the next day reached the position of the advance. But it was discovered that aboutseven miles further, there was a wood which had been felled and formed into an abatis, and thai a succession of breast works, some of them well supplied with artillery, had been formed by the main body of the enemy. Colonel Purdy, on the twenty fifth, was ordered to march down the river on the opposite side, and on passing the enemy, to cross over, and attack him in his rear, whilst the brigade under general Izard would attack him in front. Colo nel Purdy had not marched far, when his orders were counter manded ; but on his return, he was attacked by the enemy s in fantry and Indians, and at first thrown into confusion, but the assailants were soon after repulsed ; they came out at the same moment in front, and attacked general Izard, but were compelled to retire behind their defences. Gen. Hampton finding that the enemy was gaining strength, determined to retreat. A council of officers was called by "the commander in chief, and the army retired to winter quarters at French Mills. Thus determined a campaign, which gave rise (o dissatisfac tion, proportioned to the high expectations which had been in dulged ; this unexpected turn of affairs appeared to ca^t a shade upon all the brilliant series of success winch had preceded. Opinion was much divided as to the causes of the failure, and as to the parties who ought to bear the blame. While these things were taking place on the land, the com mander of our squadronon the lake was not idle. Commodore Chauncey, it has been seen, after his first attempt to bring the enemy to action, returned to Sackett s Harbour, for the pur pose of obtaining a fresh supply of provisions. After being re inforced by a new schooner, he again sailed on a cruise ; and on the seventh of September, discovered the British squadron Dear the Niagara, and immediately stood for it. Sir James, on perceiving the Americans, made sail to the northward, and was pursued during four days and nights ; but owing to the dull sailing of a greater part of the pursuers, he was enabled to keep out of their reach. On the fourth day, off Genesee river, eorr.modore Chauncey having a breeze, while sir James lay be calmed, endeavoured to close with him ; this he was not able to accomplish, the enemy taking the breeze also, when the American squadron had approached within half a mile. After a running fight of more than three hours, the British escaped ; THE UNITED STATES. 317 But the next morning 1 ran into Amherst bay, whither the American commodore, for want of a pilot, did not think it pru dent to follow, but contented himself with forming a blockade. In the running- fight, the British sustained considerable injury : that of the Americans was very trifling-. The blockade wag continued until the seventeenth of September, when in conse quence of a heavy ga e which blew from the westward, the commodore was compelled to leave his station, and the Brit ish escaped into Kingston. After remaining but a short time in Snckett s Harbor, com modore Chauncey again sailed towards Niagara, where ho ar rived on the twenty fourth, having passed sir James at the False Ducks, without noticing him, intending to draw him into the lake. A few days after, the American commodore receive*! information, that the enemy was in the harbor of York ; he therefore made sail to that place, as fast as his dull sailing Fchooners would permit; and on the twenty seventh, early in the morning-, discovered the enemy in motion in the bay, ami immediately stood for him. This being perceived hy sir James, he stood out and endeavoured to escape to the southward : but finding thai the American was close upon hin, tacked his squadron in succession, and commenced a well directed 5re at the Pike, in order to cover his rear ; and attacking the rear of his opponent as he passed to leeward ; this was prevented by the skilful manoeuvring of Chauncey, by bearing down in line on the centre ofihe enenn s sqr.aJron, which was thrown into confusion, Yeo immediately bore away, but not before his ship had been roughly handled by that of the commodore. In tweii- tv minutes, the main and ir.izoutopmast and mainyard of the Wolfe, were shot away ; the British commander set sail upon his foremast, and keeping dead before the wind, was enabled to outsail the greater part of Chauncey s squadron. The chase was continued until three o clock, the Pike having the As;> ,u tow, and during the greater part of this time, within reach of the enpmy s shot. Captain Crane, in the Madison, and lieu tenant Brown, of the Oneida, used every exertion to close with the enemy, but without success. The chose was at length re- luctan-ly given up, as it came on to blow kJuK^t a gale, arul there was no hope of closing with the enemy before he could reach the British batteries, and without great risk of running ashore. The commodore was justly entitled to claim a victory in this affair : although the enemy were cot captured, ths v were certainly beaten; two of his vessels were at one moment completely in the commodore s power; but from his eagerness to close with the whole- fleet, they effected their escape. " In ad dition to the general policy of sir" James Yeo, the late affair op lake Erie had rendered him particularly careful to avoid an ee- 27* 318 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF gagement. The loss on board the Pike was considerable, ow ing to her having been so long exposed to the fire of the ene my s fleet ; the most serious, how ever, was occasioned by the bursting of one of her guns, by which twenty two men were killed and wounded ; the total amounted to twenty seven. The vessel was a good deal cut up in her hull and rig ging. Shortly after this affair, the commodore having communica ted with general Wilkinson on the subject of the expedition then on foot, was advised to continue to watch the enemy s squadron ; and if possible, to prevent its retarn to Kingston. About the beginning of October the commodore again chased the enemy s fleet for several days, and forced it to take refuge in Burlington bay ; the next morning, on sending the Lady of the Lake to reconnoitre, it was discovered that sir James had taken advantage of the darkness of night, and escaped to Kingston. Much pleasantry was indulged at this time, at the shyness of the British knight, and his ungallant escape from the Lady of the Lake. The chase was now renewed, and, favour ed by the wind, the commodore came in sight of seven schoon ers, and captured five of them, in spite of their efforts to escape by separating. Before sun down, three of them struck to the Pike, and another to the Sylph and the Lady of the Lake, and a fifth was after wai da captured by the Sylph. They turned nut to be gun vessels, bound to the head of the lake as trans ports. Two of them were the Julia and Growler, which had been lost by the Americans. On board were three hundred sol diers, belonging to the De Watteville regiment. It was ascer tained that the ship of sir James Yeo, and the Royal George had suffered very considerable injury, as well as loss in lulled and wounded. Commodore Chauncsy remained master of the lake during the remainder of the season. The consequences of leaving a large force of the enemy in the rear, and withdrawing the troops from Niagara, were soon felt. General Harrison arrived at Buffalo soon after the de parture of the commander in chief, but could not follow, for \vant of transports. He embarked after the main body had gone into winter quarters. The fori was left under command of general M Clure, who commanded militia, whose term of service had nearly expired. This force was soon reduced to a. handful of men, and the place was no longer tenable. The en emy was in march with a large force. The fort was blown up, and the few troops crossed the river, just in time to escape the F.ritish. But this retreat wss preceded by an act which every American ought to condemn. Newark, a handsome little vil lage, near the fort, would greatly favour a besieging army, ard orders wre given by the Secretary, that if necessary for the de fence of the fort, the village should be destroyed, to prevent THE UNITED STATES. 319 the enemy from taking shelter in it. By an astonishing mi- concepticii of these orders, the General gave notice to the in habitants to retire, and left the village in flames. The act waa promptly disavowed by the goverement. The order so mis conceived, was soon enclosed to Sir George Prevost, expressing- regret, and declaring the act unauthorised. Sir George Prevost, however, did not wait for the disavowal of the American government; he had already inflicted a retali ation sufficient to satisfy the vengeance of the fiercest enemy. At day-light on the nineteenth of December, fort Niagara was surprised by colonel Murray, with about four hundred men, and the garrison, nearly three hundred in number, and princi pally invalids, was put to the sword; not more than twenty be ing able to escape. The commanding officer, captain Leonard, appears to have been shamefully negligent, or perhaps bought by the enemy : he was absent at the time, and had used no pre cautions against an assault. Having possessed themselves of this place. t l >ey soon after increased thei* force, and immediate ly proceeded to lay waste the Niagara frontier with fire and sword. The militia, hastily collected, could oppose no re-i.-t- ance to a large body of British regulars and seven hundred In dians. A spirited, but unavailing attempt was made by major Bennett 10 ci.-fend Lewi.stown ; this village, together with that a* Mancii cier, Young s town, and the Indian village of the Tuscaruras, were speedily reduced to ashes, and many of the inhabitants butchered. Major Mellorv advanced from Slosser, to oppose he invaders, but was compelled by superior numbers to retreat. On the thirtieth, a detachment lauded at Black Rock, and proceeded to Buffalo; general Hall had organized a body of militia, but on the approach of the enemy, they could not be induced to hold their Around. Great exertions were made by majors Staunton and Norton, and lieutenant Riddle, but to no purpose. The village was- soon after reduced to ashes, and the whole frontier, for many miles, exhibited a scene of ru in and devastation. Here was indeed ample vengeance for the burning of Newark. Even the British generai was satisfied, as appears by his proclamation of the twelfth of January : "the opportunity of punishment has occurred, and a full theruurt vf retribution has liken place .- and he declared his intention of - pursuing HO further a system of warfare so revolting to hi* own feelings, and so little congenial to the British character. We think indeed it was timo to stop, nod we are well per suaded that ihosa who venerate the lex talionix. m jst be satis- tied that the measure of vindictive vengeance was full to over flowing . About. this time a very interesting subject was submitted t the consideration of cmgres*. Twenty three American idl- 320 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF diers, taken at the battle of Queenstown, in the autumn of 1812, were detained in close confinement as British subjects ; and sent to England to undergo a trial for treason. On this being made known to our government, orders were given to general Dearborn to confine a like number of British prisoners taken at fort George, and to keep them as hostages for the safety of the Americans ; which was carried into effect, and eoen after made known to the governour of Canada. The British government was no sooner informed of this, than gov ernour Prevost was ordered to place forty six American offi cers and non-cornmissioned officers in confinement, to ensure the safety of the British soldiers. This subject was the theme of very immediate debate in con gress, which was at this time in session. The result of this debate was, a determination to maintain with firmness the position which the adminisl ration had taken ; and if Great Britain persisted in the fell resolution of rendering the war bloody beyond the example of modern times ; as they had already rendered it most barbarous and ferocious, the Uni ted States must reluctantly pursue a course to be lamented by every man of common humanity. Notwithstanding the intemperate opposition on the floor of congress, the war was evidently gaining ground ; the conduct of the enem} , in the prosecution of hostilities, was such as to awaken the feeling of every American; and the rejection of the Russian mediation staggered miny, who confidently pre dicted its prompt acceptance. Tljo victories, which we had obtained at sea, came home to the filings of the whole nation, and were claimed exclusively by the opposition, as having al ways been the best friends to the navy. The British actually complained, that those whom she considered her friends in America, should rejoice in her misfortunes ; and accused them of faithlessness and inconstancy, because they permitted their love ofcountry to overcome their hatred for the men in power. But this was a delightful proof of nationality, such as might have been expected from Britain herself, or from France, though not from a nation so recently composed of independent jarring states, not yet perfectly cemented. It becomes every virtuous man to rejoice in the good fortune of hi.s country, however he may dislike the present rulers. This sentiment was gradually gaining ground ; the warlike appearances every where displayed, interested the ardent minds of the young, and enterprising, and the feate of arms daily recounted, awakened the desire of being distinguished. The contagion of military pursuits was rapidly spreading. The habits of a people, who liad been thirty years at peace, and constantly occupied in their industrious avocations, could not be changed suddenly. But THE UNITED STATES. 321 man Is evsry where by nature warlike, and cannot exist long in the midst of martial scenes and preparations, without catch ing their spirit. It would not have been difficult to predict, that the foreign enemy, which was at first regarded only as the enemy of a party, would soon become the enemy of the coun try. Our affairs in the southward, had assumed a serious aspect, and no sooner had the northern armies retired in!o winter quar ters, than the public attention was kept alive, by tl)3 interest ing events which transpired in the c.miitry of ihe Creaks, du ring the winter. That ill fated people had" at length declared open war. In consequence of the threa ening appearances to the south, and the hostilities which already prevailed with the Indians in habiting the Spanish territory, governour Mitchell, of Georgia, was required by the secretary at war, to detach a brigade to the Oakmnjgee river, fir the purpose of covering 1 the frontier settlements of the state. Governor Holmes of the Mississippi territory, was at the same time ordered to join a body of miii- tia to the volunteers under general Claiborne, then stationed on the Mobile. In the course of the summer, the settlers in the vicitvty of that river, became so much alarmed from the hostile deportment of the Creaks, that the greater part aban doned their plantations, and sought refuge in the different forts ; while the pete? pa --ty auv.ngst the Creeks, had in some places, shut themselves up in forts, and were besieged by their countrymen. The commencement of hostilities was witnessed by one of the most shocking masacres, that can be found in the history of our Indian wars. T te settlor-, from an imperfect idea of their danger, had adopted an erroneous mode of defence, by throw ing themselves into small forts or stations, at. ?reat distances from each other, on the various branches of :he Mobile. Ear ly in August it was ascertained, that the Indians intended to make an attack upon all those stations, aud destroy them in de tail. The first place which th^y woul 1 a taempt, would proba bly be fort Minis, in which the greatest nirnber of families had been collected. Towards the hitter part of August, information xvas brought that the Indians were about to make an attack on this post, bur. unfortunately too little attention xas paid to the warning. During the momentary continuance of the alarm, sDnu preparations were made fir defence, but it seems that it was almost impossible to rouse them from their unfortunate disbelief of the proximity of their danger. The fort was com manded by major Beasly, of the Mississippi territory, (a brave officer, and as a private citizen highly respected,) with about a hanJrjJ volunteer i under his command. By some fatality, UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF notwithstanding the warnings he had received, he was not suf ficiently on his guard, and suffered himself to be surprised on the thirtieth, at noon-day. The sentinel had scarcely time to notify the approach of the Indians, when they rushed, with a dreadful yell, towards the gate, which was wide open; the gar rison was instantly under ann.s, and the major flew towards the gate, with some of his men, in order to close it, and if possible expel tho enemy ; but he soon after fell mortally wounded. The gate was at length closed, after great slaughter on both sides ; but a number of the Indians had taken possession of a block house, from which they were expelled, after a bloody contest, by captain Jack. The assault was still continued for an hour, on the out side of the pickets ; the port holes were several times carried by the assailants, and retaken by those within the fort. The Indians now for a moment withdrew, apparently dis heartened by their loss, but on being harangued by their chief Weatherford, they returned with augmented fury to the as sault ; having procured axes, thev proceeded to cut down the gate, and at the same time made a breach in the pickets, and possessing themselves of the area of the fort, compelled the besieged to take refuge in the houses. Here they made a gal lant resistance, but the Indians at length setting fire to the roofs, the situation of these unfortunate people became alto gether hopeless. The agonizing shrieks of the unfortunate women and children at their unhappy fate, would have awa kened pity in the breasts of tigers ; it is only by those who have some faint idea of the nature of Indian warfare, that the horror of their situation can be conceived. The terror of the scene had already been sufficient to have bereft them of their senses ; but what heart does not bleed at the recital of its realities. Not a soul was spared by these monsters ; from the most aged person to the youngest infant, they became the victims of indis criminate butchery ; and some, to avoid a worse fate, even rushed into the flames. A few only escaped by leaping over the pickets, while the Indians were engaged in the work of massacre. About two hundred and sixty persons of all ages, and sexes, thus perished, including some friendly Indians, and about one hundred negroes. Tlbe panic causod at the other posts, or station?, by this dreadful catastrophe, can scarcely be de scribed ; the wretched inhabitants, fearing a similar fate, aban doned their retreats of fancied security in the middle of the night, and in their endeavours to escape to Mobile, encounter ed every species of suffering. The dwellings of these settlers, (who wtre probably as numerous as the whols tribe of Creeks,) burnt, and their cattle destroyed. THE UNITED -STATES. 32S On the receipt of this disastrous intelligence, the Tennessee militia, under the orders of general Jackson and general Cocke, immediately marched to the country of the Creeks. On the second of November general Coffee was detached, with nine hundred men, against the Tallusbatches towns, and reached the place about day light the next morning. The Indians, ap prised of his approach, were prepared to receive him. Within a short distance of the village the enemy charged upon him, with a boldness seldom displayed by Indians. They were re pulsed, and after the most obstinate resistance, in which they would receive no quarters, they were slain almost to a man, and their women and children taken prisoners. There were nearly two hundred of the warriors killed in this affair. The loss of the Americans was five killed and forty wounded. Late in the morning of the seventh, a friendly Indian brought intelligence to general Jackson, that about thirty miles below his camp, were a number of Creeks collected at a place called Talledega, where they were engaged in besiegipg a number of friendly Indians, who must inevitably perish unless speedily re lieved. This officer, whose resolutions were as rapidly execu ted as they were formed, marched at twelve o clock the same night, at the head of twelve hundred men, and arrived within six miles of the place the next evening. At, midnight he again advanced, by seven o clock was within a mile of the enemy, and immediately made the most judicious arrangements for surrounding them. Having approached in this manner almost unperceived, within eighty yards of the Indians, the baule commenced on their part with great fury, but being repulsed on all sides, they attempted to make their escape, but soon found themselves enclosed ; two companies having at first giv en way, a space was left through which a considerable number of the enemy escaped, and were pursued to the mountains with great slaughter. In this action the Americ -n loss was fifteen killed and eighty wounded. That of the Creeks was li t .e short of three hundred ; their whole force exceeded a thou sand. General Cocke, who commanded the other division of the Tennessee militia, on the eleventh detached general White from fort Armstrong, where he was encamped against the hos tile towns on the Tallapoose river. After matching the whole night of the seventeenth, lie surprised a town at day light, containing upwards of three hundred warriors, sixty of whom were killed and the rest taken prisoners. Having burnt several of their villages which had been deserted, lie returned en the twenty third, wi hout losing a single man. The Georgia militia, under general Floyd, advanced into the Cretk country, about the last of the month. Receiving infor- 324 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF nation (hat a great number of Indians were collected at (?>e Autossee towns, on tne Tallapoose river, a place which they called their beloved ground, and where, according to their prophets, no white mart could molest them, general Fioyd, pla cing himself at the head of nine hundred militia, and four hun dred friendly Creeks, marched from his encampment on the Chatahouchie. On the evening of the twenty eighth, he en camped within ten miles of the place, and resuming his march at one o clock, reached the towns about six, and commenced an attack upon both at the same moment. His troops were met by the Indians w 7 ith uncommon bravery ; and it was not until after an obstinate resistance, that they were forced, by his musketn- and bayonets, to fly to the thickets and copses in the rear of the towns. In the course of three Lours the enemy was completely defeated, and the villages in flames. Eleven Americans were killed and fifty wounded, among the latter the general himself : oftheenemy, it is supposed that beside the Autossee and Tallassee kings, upwards of two hundred were killed. This just retribution, it was hoped, would bring these wretched creatures to a proper sense of their situations ; but unfortunately it had not this effect, they stil! persisted in their hostilities against us. In the month of December, general Claiborne marched a detachment against the towns of Eccana- chaca,on the Alabama river. On the twenty second, he came suddenly upon them, killed thirty of their warriors, and after destroying their villages, returned with a trifling loss. After the battle of Talledega, general Jackson was left with but a handful of men, in consequence of the term of service of the militia having expired. On the fourteenth of January he was fortunately reinforced by eight hundred volunteers from Tennessee, and soon after by several hundred friendly Indians. He was also joined by general Coffee with a number of offi cers, his militia having returned home. On the seventeenth, with a view of making a diversion in favour of general Floyd, and at the same time of relieving fort Armstrong, which was said to be threatened, he penetrated the Indian country. On the evening of the twenty first, believing himself, from appear ances, in the vicinity of a large body of Indians, he encamp ed with great precaution, arid placed himself in the best attitude for defence. Some time in the night, one of his spies brought information that he hnd seen the em-my a few miles off, and from their being busily engaged in sending away their women and children, it was evident >hey had discovered the American , and would either escape or rrake an attack before morning. While the troops were in this state of readiness, they were vigorously attacked cc tbeir left flank about daylight; the enemy wag re- THE UNITED STATES. sisted with firmnes3,and after a severe contest, they fled in every direction. This was however soon discovered to be a feint . gene ral Coffee having been despatched with four hundred men, to destroy the enemy s camp, with directions not to attack it, if strongly fortified, returned with information that it would not be prudent to attempt it without artillery; half an hur had scarcely elapsed, when the enemy commenced a fierce at tack on Jackson s left flank. It seems they had intended, by the first onset, to draw the Americans into a pursuit, and by that means create a confusion ; but this was completely pre vented by Jackson s causing his left flank to keep its position, General Coffee, with about fifty of his officers, acting- as vol unteers, assailed the Indians on the left, while about two hun dred friendly Indians came upon them on the right. The whole line giving them one fire, resolutely charged; and the enemy bein;r disappointed in their plan, fled with precipitation. On the left flank of the Indians the contest was kept up some time longer ; general Coffee was severely wounded, and his aid, A. Donaldson, killed ; on being reinforced by a party of the friendly Indians, he compelled the enemy to fly, leaving fifty of their warriors on the ground. General Jackson, being apprehensive of another attack, for tified his camp for the night ; the next clay, fearing a want of provisions, he found it necessary to retreat, and before night reached Enotachopco, having passed a dangerous defile with out interruption. In the morning he had to cross a defile still more dangerous, where he might expect that the enemy had formed an ambuscade ; he therefore determined to pass at some other point. The most judicious arrangements having been made for the disposition of his force in case of attcK moved forward towards the pass which he had selected. The front guard, with part of the flank columns, together with the wounded, had^carcely crossed the creek, when the alarm wr.;? given in the rear. Jackson immediately gave orders for his right and left columns to wheel on their pivot, and cro^irv? the stream above and below, assail the flanks and rear of the en emy, and thus completely enclose them. But, to his astonish ment and mortification, when the word was given for these columns to for p.), and a few guns were fired, they pregipitateiv gave way. This unaccountable flight had well nigh proved fatal : it drew along with it the greater part of the centre col umn, leaving not more than twenty five men, wh, being form ed by colonel Carrol, maintained their ground for a time against overwhelming numbers. All that could now bo op posed to the enemy, were the few who remained of the rear guard, the artillery company, and captain Rupel s company of spies. Their conduct, however, was admirable. Lieutenant 28 326 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Armstrong, with the utmost coolness and intrepidity, dragged, with the assistance of a few more, the six pounder up the hill, although exposed to a heavy fire ; and having gained his posi tion, loaded the piece with grape, and fired it with sueh effect, that after a few discharges, the enemy was repulsed. The In dians, were pursued for several miles, hy colonel Carrol, colo nel Higgins, and captains Elliot and Pipkins . Captain Gor don, of the spies, had partly succeeded in turning their flanks, aad by this impetuous charge, contributed greatly to restore the day. The Americans now continued their march without further molestation. In these different engagements, about twenty Americans were killed, and seventy five wounded , in the last, about one hundred and eighty of the Creeks were slain. Meanwhile general Floyd was advancing towards the Indian territory, from the Chatahouchie river. On the twenty-sev enth of January bis camp was attacked by a large body of Indians about an hour before day. They stole upon the sentinels, fired upon them, and then rushed with great impetuosity towards the line. The action soon became general ; the front of both flanks was closely pressed, but the firmness of the officers and men repelled their assaults at every point. As soon as it be came sufficiently light, general Floyd strengthened his right wing, and formed his cavalry in the rear, then directed a charge; the enemy were driven before the bayonet, and being pursued by the cavalry, many of them were killed. The loss of general Floyd was seventeen killed and one hundred and thirty-two wounded. That of the Indians coold not be ascer tained ; thirty-seven of their warriors were left dead on the field, but it is thought their loss was very considerable. By this time, it might be supposed that the Creeks had been satisfied with the experiment of war, but they appear to have been infatuated in a most extraordinary degree. . From the in fluence of their prophets over their superstitious minds, they were led on from one ruinous effort to another, in hopes tbat the time would at last arrive, when their enemies would be de- livored into their hands. General Jackson, having received considerable reinforcements from Tennessee, and being joined by a number of friendly In dians, set out on an expedition to the Tallapoose river. He proceeded from the Coose on the twenty-fourth of March, reach ed the southern extremity of the New Youca on the twenty- seventh, at a place called the Horse-shoe-bend of the Coose. Nature furnishes few situations so eligible for defence ; and here the Creeks, by the direction of their prophets, had made their last stand. Across the neck of land they had erected a breastwork of the greatest compactness and strength, from five THE UNITED STATES. 327 to eight feet high, and provided withB double row of port holes artfully arranged. In this place they considered themselves perfectly secure. The assailants could not approach without being exposed to a double and cross fire from the Indians who lay behind. The area thus enclosed by the breastworks was little short of on3 hundred acres. The warriors from OaWus- kee, Oakshaya, Hilebees, the Fish Ponds, and Eupata towns, had collected their force at this place, in number exceeding a thousand. Early in the morning of the twenty-seventh general Jackson, having encamped the preceding night within six^milcs of the bend, detached general Coffee, with the mounted men and nearly the whole of the Indian force, to pass the river at a ford about three miles below their encampment, and to surround the bend in such a manner, that none of them should escape by attempting to cross the river. With the remainder of his force, general Jackson advanced to the point of the breastwork, and at half past ten, planted his artillery on a small eminence with in eighty yards of the nearest point of the \vork, and within two hundred and fifty of the farthest. A brisk cannonade was opened upon the centre, and a severe fire was kept up with musketry and rifles, when the Indians ventured to show them selves behind tlioir defences. In the meantime, general Coffee having crossed below, had advanced towards the village; when within half a mile of that which stood at the extremity of the peninsula, the Indians gave their yell ; Coffee expecting: an immediate attack, drew up his men in order of battle, and in this manner continued to move forward. The friendly Indians had previously taken possession of the bank, for the purpose of preventing the retreat of the enemy ; but they no sooner heard the artillery of Jackson, and the approach of Coffee, than they rushed forward to the banks; while the militia, apprehending an attack from the Oakfuskee villages, wore obliged to remain, in order of battle. The friendly Indians, unable to remain silent spectators, began to fire across the stream, about one hundred yards wide, while some plunged into- the river, and swimming across, brought back a number of canoes; in these the greater part embarked, landed on the peninsula, then ad vanced into the village, drove the enemy from their huts up to the fortifications, and continued to annoy them during the whole action. This movement of the Indians rendered it ne cessary that a part of Coffee s line should take their place. General Jackson finding that his arrangements were com plete, at length yielded to the earnest solicitations of his men to be led to the charge. The regular troops, led by colonel Williams and major Montgomery, were in a moment in posses sion of the nearest part of the breastworks : the mJlilia aocon> 328 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF panied them with equal firmness and intrepidity. Having maintained for a few minutes a very obstinate contest, muzzle to muzzle through the port- holes, they succeeded in gaining the opposite side of the works. The event could no longer be doubtful. The enemy, although many of them fought with that kind of bravery which desperation inspires, were cut to pieces, The whole margin of the river which surrounded the peninsula, was strewed with the slain. Five hundred und fifty-seven were found, besides those thrown into the river by their friends, or drowned in attempting to escape. Not more than fifty could have escaped. Among the slain was their great prophet Manahoe, and two others of less note. About three hundred women and children were taken prisoners. Jackson s loss was twenty-six white men killed, and one hundred andseven woun ded ; eighteen Cherokees killed and thirty-six wounded; and live friendly Creeks killed and eleven wounded. This most decisive victory put <an end to the Creek war. The spirit and power of these misguided men were completely broken; Jackson soon after scoured the countries on the Coose and Tallapoose. A party of the enemy, on the latter river, on iiis approach, fled to Pensacola. The greater part of the Creeks now came forward and threw themselves on the mercy of the victors. A detachment of militia from North and South. Carolina, under the command of colonel Pearson, scoured the country on the Alabama, and received the submission of a great number of Creek warriors and their prophets. In the course of the summer a treaty of peace was dictated to them by Jackson, on severe but just terms. They agreed to yield a portion of their country as an ind-emnity for the ex penses of the war ; they conceded the privilege of opening roads through their country, together with the liberty of navigating their rivers. They also stipulated to hold no intercourse with anv British or Spanish post, or garrison, and to deliver up the property they had taken from whites or friendly Indians. The general, on the part of the United States, undertook to guaran tee their territory, to restore all their prisoners, and in consider ation of their destitute situation, to furnish them gratuitously with the necessaries of life, until they could provide for them selves. They also engaged to establish trading houses, and endeavour to bring back the nation to their former state. It has already been stated, that after the failure of the cam paign against the British provinces, the army retired into win ter quarters. It remained inactive till the latter part of Feb ruary. The Secretary at War gave orders to withdraw to Pittsburgh, and that two thousand men should be marched to Sackett s Harbour, under Gen. Brown, with a proportion of field pieces and battering cannon. The general destroyed his barracks, and retired to the place assigned him.. THE UNITED STATES. 359 The British detached a large force under Col. Scott, who de stroyed the public stores, and pillaged the citizens. Towards the latter end of March, (jeneral Wilkinson detei- rained to erect a battery at a place called Rouse s point, where his engineer had discovered a position from which the enemy s fleet, then laid up at St. John s, might he kept in check. The ice breaking up on lake Champlain sooner than usual, defeated bis plan ; a body of the enemy, upwards of two thousand strong, on discovering his design had been collected at La Colle mill, three miles from Rouse s point, for the purpose of opposing him. With a view of dislodging this party, and at the same time of forming 1 a diversion in favour of general Brown, who had march ed against Niagara, the commander in chief, at the head of about four thousand men, crossed the Canada lines on the thir tieth of March. After dispersing several of the enemy s skir mishing parties, iie reached La Colle mill, a large fortified stone house, at which major Hancock commanded. An eighteen pounder was ordered up, but owing to the nature of the ground over which it had to pass, the transportation was found imprac ticable ; a twelve pounder and a five inch howitzer, were there fore substituted. These pieces, under the direction of captain M Pherson, and lieutenants Larubee and Sheldon, were posted at the distance of two hundred paces from the house, and cov ered by the second brigade, with part of colonel Clark s com mand, under general Smith, on the right : and the third brigade, under general Bissel, on the . Miller was ordered to take a position with th- :ith regiments, in order to cut off the enemy V r-.reat; white IMO reserve, com posed of four select corps of tho rirst - rijMde, w?i-= placed under the command of general .M C- ,;;ents being made, the battery opened upon the hu the fire was promptly returned. The different corps were greatly exposed to the fire from the house; it v. to effect a breach, although the guns were managed with o-reat. skill. Captain M Pherson was wounded at the commencement of tho attack, but continued notwilhstanJ! itil a second shot had broken his thi^h : his uext ufifcef, } is shot through the lungs: lieutenant Sheldon kept up the fire until the end of the afiYir, and behaved in a manner which drew forth the praise of his gemeral. The British commander, perceiving that the Americans per sisted in bombarding the house, made a desperate sortie, and several times charged upon the cannon, in which he was re pulsed by the covering troops, and compelled to retire to his fortress with loss. It being now found impracticable to make an impression on this strong building, whose walls were of un usual t .iickness, the commander in chief, calling in his different 2S* 380 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF parties, fell back in good order. The loss of the Americans in this affair, was upwards of one hundred and forty in killed and wounded, that of the British is not ascertained." Many were the difficulties under which the army laboured. Lack of system, a severe climate, sickness, unforeseen expens es, abuses in every department, and want of experience and ed ucation in the subalterns ; and the disgraceful conduct of many of the frontier inhabitants, in supplying the enemy with provi sions, are among the number of misfortunes under which the country laboured. Besides which, the enemy was regularly informed of every thing which transpired on the American side. "Shortly after the affair of La Colle, the greater part of the British force was collected at St. John s and the Isle Aux Noix, for the purpose of securing the entrance of the squadron into lake Champlain, on the breaking up of the ice. This was ef fected early in May. Sometime before this, on the suggestion of general Wilkinson, commodore M Donough had fortified the mouth of Otter river, so as to secure a passage for his flotilla, which then lay at Vergennes, higher up the river, waiting for its armament. This precaution proved of great service. The commodore had laboured, with indefatigable industry, to pro vide a naval force on this lake, to cope with that of the enemy; the vesels had been built during the autumn and winter, but their armament did not arrive before spring. The first object of the enemy, when they found the navigation open, was to at tempt the destruction of the fleet, before it could move upon its element prepared to meet them. On the 1 2lh of May, not long after the erection of the battery on the cape, at the entrance of the river, a bomb vessel and eight large gallies were stationed by the enemy across the creek, for the purpose of blockading the squadron, and at the same time to intercept naval supplies, which it was supposed would be sent by water, for the purpose of completing its armament. Captain Thornton of the light artillery, and lieutenant Cassin, with a number of sailors, were ordered to the defence of the battery. Indications being at the same time discovered of an attempt hy the enemy to assail the battery in the rear, general Davis, of the Vermont militia, cal led part of his brigade, in order to oppose the landing 1 . At day break on the 14th, the enemy commenced an attack upon the works, but were so effectually resisted, that they were compel led to withdraw from their position with the loss of two gallies, which they were obliged to abandon. Soon after, the whole squadron moved down the lake, bnt not without some skir mishing with general Wright of the militia, as they passed Bur lington. Commodore M Donough had attempted to bring some of the American vessel! to the mouth of the river, but the THE UNITED STATES. 331 British sqnadron had disappeared before he could attain hia ob ject. While the naval ^rparations were making on lake Cham- plain, the winter a. , pring were taken up with the prepara tions for a contest for superiority on lake Ontario. The Bri tish converted it, however, into a contest in building the great est number and the largest shius. At Kingston, a ship of ex traordinary size tvas building : for the enemy no longer trusted, as they had done with other nations, to superior seamanship and valour. Commodore Chauncey was under the necessity of building additional vessels, for the purpose of maintaining as nearly as possible an equality of force. The enemy was, how ever, not satisfied in endeavouring to conquer us in ship building, they made numerous attempts to destroy by insiduous means, those already built by the Americans. On the twenty- fifth of April, three of the enemy s boats, provided with the means of blowing up the vi-ssels, succeeded in getting close in to Sackett s Harbour undiscovered ; :o they could ex ecute their purpose, they were detected a-ul fired upon by lieu tenant Dudley, th officer of the guar-1. on which they threw their powder into the lake, and pulled off. Failing in all thess attempts, from the vigilance of the Americans, th.-v next form ed the determination to intercept the naval stores vi their way from Osweg-o, where il.eyhad been denn-vcd. Thi! her sir James proceeded wi h his whole fleet, R:K! having on :> *rd a large body of troops under general DruniMuuul. proceed :<j on the fifth of May. with the determination of storming the io\vn and cap turing the equipments destined for the new vessels. The Bri tish commenced a heavy bombardment, which was kept up for several days ; the unexpected and gallant resistance of the gar rison, consisting of three hundred men under lieutenant colonel Mi cSiel!. was in vain against such superior foree. The schoon er Growler, then in Oswego creek to receive the cannon, \vas punk to prevent hei from being taken, and all the tents that could be procured were pitched on the village side, to give the appearance of a largo force of militia. The ?ai!ors of the Grow ler, under lieutenant Pearce, were added to the garrison ; the shore battery was commanded by captain Boyle, seconded bv lieutenant Legate. At one o clock, fifteen barges filled wit i troops, moved^owards the shore, preceded by several gunboats, while a heavy cannonade was commenced by the larger vessels. They were so warmly received by the battery on shore, that the boats were twice repulsed, and one of the largest fell into the hands of the Americans. The squadron now stood off, but this was evidently for the purpose of renewing the attack, in such a manner a& to render it effectual. They a^ain approached on the sixth, having re- 332 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP solved to land under cover of their ships; they accordingly kept up a heavy fire for three hours, while their" land forces, two thousand in number, under general DQ Watteville, succeeded in gaining the shore, after being- gallantly opposed by lieutenant Pearce and his seamen. Colonel Mitchell now abandoned the fort, and joining his corps to the marines and seamen, engaged the enemy s flank, and did great execution. Finding further resistance useless, he fell back, formed his troops, and took up his march to the falls of Oswego, destroying the bridges in his rear. Hitherto, to the inexpressible disappointment of the Bri tish, the naval stores had been removed, and all their trouble, and the loss which they sustained, procured them nothing more than a few barrels of provisions and some whiskey. This was purchased with the loss of two hundred and thirty-five men, in killed arid wounded ; they were certainly entitled to the victory, but they never thought proper to claim it. The loss of the Americans was sixty-nine in killed, wounded and missing; among the first, a promising officer, lieutenant JBlaney. On the evening of the same day, apart of this force proceed ed to Pultneyville, and demanded the public stores. The inha bitants were unable to repel the invaders, who indulged them selves in iheir usual depredations ; when genaral Swiff, of the New- York militia, opportunely arriving, with a part of his brig ade, put them to flight. The British soon after, hearing that the Superior, which had lately been launched, had received her equipments from the interior, bruke up the blockade, and re turned to Kingston. Another new ship, the Mohawk, was at this time on the stocks, and as she would have to; he supplied with her equipments from the same place, it was determined, since the British had disappeared, to transport them by water, and avoid the expense and delay of land transportation. To deceive the enemy, who had numerous gunboats hovering about the different creeks, a report was circulated thai it was intended to forward the stores to tlieOneida lake. Nineteen barges were loaded at Oswego, and major Appling was despatched by gene ral Gaines, with a detachment to aid captain Woolsey, in their defence. On the twenty-eighth of May, captain Woolsey, find ing 1 the coast clear, reached the village of Oswego by sunset, and taking advantage of the darkness of the night, put into the lake. The next day they reached Sandy creek, and ascending it a few miles, despatched a boat to look out for the British on the lake ; this boat was discovered by some gun vessels, and im mediately chased. Major Appling and captain VVoolscy deter mined to draw them into an ambuscade. As had been antici pated, the enemy pushed their gunboats and cutters up the creek, while a parly landed and ascended along the bank. The A-mericans now rushed suddenly upon them, and in a few mo- THE UNITED STATES. 333 ments, after one fire, by which a number of them were killed and wounded, the whole party was taken prisoners, Consisting of four lieutenants of the navy, two lieutenants of rgarines, and one hundred and thirty men, together with all their boats and cutters. Major Appling, for this affair, was breveted, and his officers, lieutenants South, M-Intosh, Calhoun, M Farland and Armstrong, and ensign Austin, were publicly thanked. The conduct of captain Woolsey and his officers was not less ap plauded. " The consequences of this affair, were severely felt by the British; they lost a number of their best seamen and officers, and commodore Chauncey was once more master of the lake. He accordingly sailed out, and several times presented himself before Kingston, but sir James did not think it prudent to stir out, until his large ship of one hundred and twelve guns, then on the stocks, should be completed. This mode of warfare was exceeding expensive, but more to the British than to the Ame ricans ; it is ascertained that it cost the former more than twice what was expended by the Americans; in consequence of their greater difficulties of transportation. ** General Brown had, in the mean time, reached the Niaga ra frontier, and it was expected that the enemy would be imme diately expelled from the American territory; but his situation did not permit the attempt, and with the exception of a few par tial encounters, tranquillity prevailed along the Niagara frontier during the summer. It would be improper to pass over in si- lence, however, an affair which took place in this quarter. Col onel Campbell crossed the lake from Erie, with about five hun dred men, and landing at Dover, a small village on the Canada side, proceeded to destroy the mills, together with the greater part of the private dwellings. The expedition was undertaken without orders, and his conduct in this affair, though otherwise a meritorious officer, was greatly reprobated, a court of inqui ry, at which general Scott presided, was instituted. The court decided, that the destruction of the distilleries and mills might be justified by the usages of war, as they furnished the British troops with their necessary supplies : but urith respect to the other part of his conduct, although excused in some measure by the example of the enemy; in the destruction of the villages on the Niagara, it was nevertheless condemned," Early in the spring, intelligence was received, that a body of regulars, militia and Indians, was collected on the river Thames. Captain Lee succeeded in gaining their rear, and made prisoners of several officers, and among them colonel Bau- bee, who commanded a party of Indians in their depredations on the frontier of New- York. "A gallant affair was soon after achieved by captain Holmes, 334 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF a youth of ttie most promising talents, and brother to the gover- nour of the Mississippi territory. With a party of about ne hundred and sixty rangers and mounted men, he proceeded ou the kwentWfirst of February against some of the enemy s posts. About ihe beginning of March, he received intelligence, that a British force, which afterwards proved to be double his own, was descending the river Thames. Captain Holmes, finding himself not in a situation to give battle, from the fatigue which his men had already encountered, and his ignorance of the strength of the enemy s party, fell back a few miles, and chos a strong position, where he was confident of being able to defend himself, until he could obtain the necessary information of the British. He despatched a small body of rangers, for this pur poseful which soon returned, pursued by the enemy, but with out being able to learn his strength. The British perceiving the strength of captain Holmes position, resorted to stratagem for the purpose of drawing him from it. They feigned an attack, and then retreated, taking- care not to show more than sixty or seventy men: captain Holmes now pursued, but with caution ; aud after proceeding about five miies, discovered their main body drawn up to receive him, on which he immediately return ed to his former position. Having- disposed of his troops in the DiCit j^Jieio-u? mS-M^r, ho liiTi ly wait eJ for them ; being- prc- trc ed in front by a<iep ravine, and the approaches on the oth er sides somewhr, f ^iJleult. The attack was commenced at the F- !me moment on every point, with savage yells, and the sound f bugles, the regulars charging- up the heights from the ravine; the other sides were rapidly assailed by militia and Indians. The first approached within twenty paces of the American lines, against a very destructive fire; but the front section being cut to pieces, those who followed severely wounded, and many of their officers cut down, they retired to the woods, within thirty or forty paces, and the firing- continued with great spirit on both sides. The American regulars being uncovered, were ordered to kneel, that the brow of the heights might assist in screening- them from the enemy fbiit the enemy s covering was insufficient, a single tree affording no shelter even to one, from the extend ed line of the Americans, much less to the squads that stood to- o-ether. On the other sides, the attack was sustained with equal coolness, and with considerable loss to the foe; the Americans had, on three sides, thrown together some logs hastily, and no charge being made, they could aim their pieces at leisure, with that deadly certainty, which belongs to the backwoodsman. The British, after an hour of hard fighting, ordered a retreat, and as the night approached, captain Holmes thought it not ad visable to pursue : besides, his men were much fatigued, and many of them bad nearly worn out their shoes-oil the hard fro THE UNITED STATES. 335 zeu ground. The American loss on this occasion did not amount to more than six killed and wounded. According to the state ment of the British, their loss was sixty-five killed and wound ed, besides Indians. In consequence of his good conduct, in this affair, captain Holmes was promoted to the rank of major. "Hitherto nothingof moment occurred, which could have much influence on the final result of the war. On the ocean, it had been glorious for us; on the lakes and on the frontier, our arms during the last year, had retrieved our Former disgraces; and on the sea-coast, the enemy had .discovered that it was not an easy matter to make an impression. It is true, the disastrous issue of the campaign against Canada, took away all hope of being able to make an impression on tha* province, under pre sent circumstances; but the happy termination of the Indian war to the westward, and its success to the south, in some de gree afforded a consolation. AH important crisis, however, had arrived in the general state of our affairs. The third year of of the war found the situation of the country materially chang ed. The most disheartening periods|of the revolution scarcely presented a state of things more painfully embarrassing. The distress of the northern states, whose subsistence, in a great measure, depended upon their shipping, and those of the peo ple of the south, whose staples had almost ceased to be of any value, together with embarrassments of the banks in the middle states, had begun, at last, to make us feel that we were at war. To a people who had been for years in the most flourishing state, a check to their prosperityjiowever it might result to their ulti mate good, was felt as a positive affliction. To the great body of the farmers, in the interior of the country, the effects of hostilties were rather beneficial; their produce was raised in price, and their lands in value; the wealth of the cities, rio longer applied to commerce, was diverted to the Anterior, and was soon discovered in the improvement of the lands, the in crease of the inland towns, and the establishment of manufac tures. But the number of those, whom the war distressed or ruined, was proportionally great; and as men are more lo id in crying out against calamities, than forward in displaying their good fortune, the unfavourable side of the picture only was ex hibited. The philosopher might say, that what was lost to the nation, on the one side, was gained in the other ; but this reas oning could have but little weight with the individual sufferers. In several of the New England states, complaints assumed a more serious cast; a convention was talked of, and it was even insinuated, that they meant to secede from the union. This, in deed, would have been an event, which would fii 1 every Ameri can bosom with grief; a greater injury to our common country than a thousand wars. The collisions between the state autho- 336 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP rities and that of the union, were beginning to produce all the embarrassments which had been predicted by Patrick Henry? at the formation of the constitution. The supposed existence of such a temper, at the period of our utmost need, could net fail to weaken the hands of the administration, and increase the disposition of England to prosecute the war. The embarrass ments in our financial system were alarming, and it was confi dently predicted that, from a want of funds, the adn inistration would be compelled to yield up the reins of government, or throw the nation upon tl>e mercy of the enemy. A new event had occurred in Europe, which could not be viewed with indifference, even on these distant shores; and its consequence threatened us with a serious danger. The ambi tious monarch of Franee had been hurled from his throne by the combined powers of Europe, and the house of Bourbon restored. This event was received by some of our citizens with open re joicing, as though it brought some signal good fortune to this country, or to the human race. To tin s country it could bring no benefit, for it was not likely that the king of France could, any more than Napoleon, feel a friendship for us, although he might not so cordially hate or despise us. Louis the eighteenth could not be expected to entertain much love for republics, and certainly not for ours, the contagion of whose example is said to have contributed much to that dreadful revolution, in which his family had so severely suffered ; indeed, it is natural that a republic, like ours, should not be regarded with much compla cency by any monarch ; for, to use the expression of Demos thenes , " we are considered as a spy upon their actions." Na poleon, having been already reduced within a reasonable com pass, there was no longer any danger of his seizing the ships of England, and transporting several hundred thousand men to make a barren conquest of America; it is more probable that he would have paid a visit to the emperor of China. I am not the advocate of a cold and unfeeling policy. The unfortunate family of the French Bourbons have suffered enough to atone for many errors and faults ; and as men, we might be permitted to express our satisfaction, that Providence had deigned to put an end to their miseries. It had, however, become a matter of indifference to us, whether the throne of France was occu pied by an emperor or a king, but as Great Britain had claimed the chief merit of this wonderful operation, public rejoicings for the event, had too mueh the appearance of a rejoicing for the success of our enemies, and for the abstract success of royalty, which, whether of recent or ancient usurpation, ought to be equally nauseous to ? republican. The event was, in reality, greatly adverse to our national interests. Fired by the success of the wars of the continent, and extravagantly elated with her THE UNITED STATES. 337 supposed power and greatness, the enemy TVBS at liberty to send her veteran troops and her numerous fleets, to chastise Ameri ca ; while our commissioners were suffered to remain fur months in neglect, under a pretence, that despised republicans might wait patiently in the anti- chamber, while Britain was engaged with personages of importance. Tins turn of affairs, far from producing exultation, ought rather to have depressed the friends of liberty and America. Great Britain was highly incensed that we had not waited, how long no one could lell, with all due patience, tinder the numerous outrages she had perpetrated for years, until, disengaged from ell her European wars, she would have leisure to give us a severe chastisement for daring to as sert our rights. It now behoved us to think no more ot invad ing Canada ; our northern frontier was to be laid waste, our sea-coast devastated, and the utmost to bo expected, was a suc cessful self-defence. In the plenitude of her arrogance, Britain talked of recolonization, and of crippling us for fifty years to come. Such was the situation of America at this eventful peri od ; the time was approaching, which would put to the tost the strength of our confederation, and our ability for defence; and and what was still more interesting, the time had come, would try our attachments to our political institutions, which, although not yet venerable from time, deserved the highest ad miration for their justice and wisdom. The people of other nations could not view with indifference, the fate of this i.- and sanctuary of the oppressed and unfortunate throughout the world. The northern sea-coast, which had thus far experienced little- molestation from the enemy, became the object of attack early in the spring. On the seventh of April, a body of sailc marines, to the number of two hundred, ascend ed the Connec ticut river, as far as Saybrook, where they spiked the cannon, and destroyed the shipping; they proceeded iheuce to Brock- way s ferry, where they did the same; and afterwards, unap prehensive of attack, carelessly remained twenty-four hours. In the meantime, a body of militia, tog-ether with a number of marines and sailors, under captain Jones and lieutenant Diddle, had collected for the purpose of cutting off their retreat; but the British, taking advantage of a very dark night, and using muffled oars, escaped to their fleet, after having destroyed two hundred thousand dollars worth of shipping. About this time the coasting trade was almost destroyed by a British privateer, the Liverpool Packet, which cruised in the sound. Commodore Lewis sailed with a detachment of thir teen gunboats, and succeeded in chasing her off. On his arri val at Saybrook, he found upwards of fifty vessels bound to the eastward, but afraid to venture out. The commodore consented 29 338 UNIVW RSAL HISTORY OF to take them under convoy, but was not able to promise them, protection against the squadron then blockading New London They, however, being disposed to run the risk, he sailed with them on the twenty-fifth, and in the afternoon of the same day was compelled to throw himself between hisconvoy and a Bri tish .frigate, a sloop of war and a tender, and kept up a contest, until the coasters had safely reached New London. Having attained his object, he determined to try what he could do with his gunboats against the enemy s ships. Furnaces being hasti ly constructed, he began to throw hot balls at the enemy s sides, and repeatedly set their ships on fire, without receiving any injury himself. The sloop soon withdrew, and the fire was principally directed against the frigate. One shot passed through her, very near her magazine; her lieutenant, and a great number of her men were already killed; her captain was on the point of striking, when he observed that the gunboats had ceased firing. The night soon after coming on, the gun boats desisted from the attack, determined to wait until morn ing. At daylight, they perceived the squadron towing away : it was resolved to pursue them, but several other frigates soon made their appearance, and put a stop to this design. This af fair together with that of Craney island, revived the discussion on the utility of gunboats in the defence of harbours and the coast. Great services had been rendered by captain Lewis on this as well as on many other occasions. Formidable squadrons were kept up before the ports of Ne w York, New London and Boston; and the whole eastern coast was exposed to the enemy. The war was carried on here in a very different manner from that to the south. Commodore Hardy would not permit any wanton outrages upon private property, or upon defenceless individuals. In spite, however, of his general demeanour, there were particular instances of the contrary on the part of the officers commanding smaller parties, and actuated by a thirst for plunder. At the towns of Warebarn and Scituate, they burned all the vessels at their moorings ; and at the former, they set fire to an extensive cot ton manufactory. At a place called Boothbay, they met with a spirited resistance, and were repeatedly repulsed in various desperate attacks. An invasion of a more serious nature was made in July. On the eleventh of that month, sir Thomas Hardy, with a strong force, made a descent on Moose Island, and after taking posses sion of Eastport, declared all the islands and towns, on the eas tern side of Passamaquoddy bay, to appertain to his Britannic majesty, and required the inhabitants to appear within seven days and take the oath of allegiance. About two thirds of the inhabitants submitted ; but in the month of August, the council THE UNITED STATES. 339 ofthe province of New Brunswick declared, that notwithstand ing the oath of allegiance, they should be considered as a con quered people, and placed under military government. Eastport was soon after strongly fortified; but it was found extremely difficult for the enemy to subsist his troops, and the desertions were so frequent as to render it almost impossible to keep up a garrison. The commodore soon after sailed with a part of his squadron, for the purpose of attacking Stonington. The appearance of this force excited much alarm, which was not diminished, when they received a message from the commodore, to remove the women and children, as he had received orders to reduce the place to ashes. The inhabitants, although with very trifling means of defence, determined to make an attempt to save their property. The handful of militia of the place, repaired to a small battery erected on the shore, and to a breastwork thrown up for musketry, and at the same time despatched an express to obtain assistance from general Gushing, commanding at New London. In the evening, five barges and a large launch, filled with men, approached the shore, under cover of a heavy fire from the ships. The Americans, reserving their fire until the enemy were within short grape distance, opened their two eighteen-pounders, and soon compelled the invaders to retire out of the reach of their battery. They next proceeded to an other part of the town, which they supposed defenceless, but a part of the militia being detached thither with a six-pounder, the barges were again repulsed ; the enemy then retired to t heir ships, but determined to renew the attack in the morning; and in the meantime, kept up a bombardment until midnight. The next was discovered, that one ofthe enemy s vessels had approached within pistol shot of the battery, and the barges advanced in still greater numbers than the day before ; these were again gallantly repulsed, and the vessel driven from her anchorage. The squadron then renewed the bombardment of the town, but without effect; and on the twelfth, the commo dore thought proper to retire. The inhabitants, after this gal lant defence, which, considering the means with which it was effected, and the great disparity of force opposed to them, de serves much praise, once more occnpied their dwellings in se curity. It was not long after this, that the British occupied all that part ofthe district of Maine between Penobscot river and Pas- samaquoddy bay, and declared it to be held as a colony. On the first of September, the governor of Nova Scotia, and admiral Griffith entered the Penobscot river, and took possession of Castine, which the garrison had previously evacuated. A proclamation was then issued, declaring that possession of that 340 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF possession of that part of the province of Maine east of the Pe- nobscot, was formally taken, in the name of his Britannic ma jesty. The country, which contained about thirty thousand inhabitants, was then gradually occupied, and possessed until the conclusion of the war. The naval incidents of eighteen hundred and fourteen, are as grateful to American feelings as those of the two former years. An occurrence took place in the very beginning of the year, which afforded to us as much cause for triumph, as of mortifica tion to the enemy. In the month of February, commodore Rodgers, on hid return from a cruise in the President, found himself off Sandy Hook, within a short distance of three large British ships of war, the nearest cf which was the Plantagenet, a seventy-four. Believing that an engagement with one or all of them, was unavoidable, he cleared his shipjor action, deter mining not to surrender without selling his ship as dearly as ho could. But notwithstanding he fired several guns to windward, as a proof of his willingness to engage, the British vessels did uot think proper to approach, and he safely reached New Tork. Captain Lloyd, of the Plantagenet, after returning to England, accounted for his conduct, by alleging a mutiny in his ship, and several of his sailors were executed un the charge. Another affair took place soon after, which furnished a still stronger proof of the now acknowledged superiority of America upon the ocean, an acknowledgement more strongly expressed than by words. In the month of April, captain Siewart was also on his return in the Constitution, after a cruise, when he was chased by.two British frigates and a brig, but escaped by superior seamanship, into Marblehead. Some time before, af ter capturing the public schooner Picton, he fell in with the British f"i<?;ate La Pique, captain Maitland, who fled on the approaci f the Constitution, and finally escaped during the night, after a long chase. Captain Maitland was complimented by the board of admiralty, for thus obeying their instructions, in not fighting an American frigate singly : it having been de- termined that not less than two frigates could be a match for an American. The enemy had become equally shy of the gunboat flotilla, Commodore L- <-dly beat off the British vessels near Sandy Hook. Vated the return of the American ships. The Kegenl virh a very valuable cargo, was chased by the Belvid . commodore Lewis throwing himself with eleven of ; ><>ats between them, the frigate moved off without i lie shot of the gunboats. That bnivu uud adventurous seaman, commodore Porter, ter minated this year his glorious cruise in the Pacific. From Lima, in the neighbourhood of which he had chastised the pi-. THE UNITED STATES. 34 1 rates of the ship Nereyda, he proceeded to the Gallipagoa, where ha cruised from April, 1813, until October , and in the course of that time captured twelve British armed whale ships, carrying in all one hundred and seven guns, and three hundred and two men. Several of these were equipped as American cruisers and store ships; and the Atlantic, now called the Essex Junior, of twenty guns and sixty men, was assigned to lieutenant Downes, The prizes which were to be laid u. 5 , were convoyed by thia officer to Valparaiso. On his return, he brought intelligence to commodore Porter, that a British squadron, consisting of one frigate and two sloops of war, and a store ship of twenty guns, had sailed in quest of the Essex. The commodore, hav ing been almost a year at sea, with little intermission, found it absolutely necessary that his ship should undergo considerable repairs. With (his view, he steered to the island of Nooahee- vah, or Madison s island, which he so named in honour of the president. Here he found a fine bay, and a situation in every respect suitable to his wishes, the inhabitants apparently friendly. But it was not long before he found that his situation would be un- sife, in consequence of a war which prevailed between ths in habitants of a neighbouring village, and those among whom he had been received. These insisted upon his joining them in their wars, and threatened to drive him away if he did not. The commodore was compelled, by a regard to his ov/n safety, to send a party of sailors with the natives, \vho, by their assistance defeated their eneinies ; and by the interference of the commo dore, a peace was brought about between them. lu consequence of this, the natives erected a village for the co.nmoJore, freely traded with him for provisions, and for some time the greatest harmony prevailed. His safety was again threatened by the conduct cf the Ty- pees, an inland tribe, one of the most warlike on ths island, and which still continued hostile, and who were continually urging the friendly Indians to destroy the strang-ers. The commodore found his situation growing every day more critical. He therefore resolved to pursue the course necessary to ensure his safety, and which has always been held justifiable in our intercourse with uncivilzed men, who are only to be re strained from violence and injustice by terror. He had suc ceeded thus far by peaceable means, and by the permission of the natives, in placing his vessel in a state to be repaired ; but should the tribes around him become inimical, ^and what con fidence can any one repo?e in the faith of a savage, who regards only force,) he might be in greater danger in his present situa tion. He was very unwilling to engage in war with them ; to 29* 342 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF prevent the necessity, he sent them a present, and requested that they would remain quiet and be at peace. This had no oth er effect than to increase their insolence to the Americans, whom they represented as a cowardly race, or they would not have condescended to beg for peace. This enmity was naturally enough engendered by their jealousy of the tribes who had the benefit of the traffic with the whites, and by this means obtain ed articles from them, according to their estimation, of great value. The commodore now discovered, that his safety depend ed entirely upon making these people feel his strength, as it was- impossible for him, in his present situation, to leave the island until his vessel could be repaired, and while the greater part of his effects were actually on shore. lie therefore set off, at the head of thirty-five men, against these people, determined to give them battle, and, by shewing the efficacy of his weapons, compel to be at peace. The tribes, heretofore friendly, were on the point of breaking out into hostilities, and were only in duced to wait the result of this expedition, of which they were little more than silent spectators. The commodore had in vain endeavoured to convince them of the destructive nature of his fire-arms, by shooting at rocks and trees; war was absolutely unavoidable. But the small force with which he marched, was insufficient to make any impression. Their country being ex ceedingly mountainous and abounding in thickets, rendered it easy for them to escape; The commodore was, therefore, com pelled to return in a worse situation than before- To prevent the friendly Indians from rising, he found it necessary to inform them, that he would proceed the next day with the greater part of his men. A large body was now marched across the moun tains, notwithstanding the extreme difficulties of the route, and penetrated into their valley ; but the natives, as usual, took re fuge in their inaccessible fastnesses. The only mode of causing them to feel the consequences of their conduct, was in the de struction of their villages ; nine of them were accordingly burnt, after which the party retreated. The Typees now gladly ac cepted terms of peace, and all the tribes on the island, soon af ter, were reconciled to each other; a circumstance which the oldest amongst them did not recollect to have seen ; and they vied with each other in friendship towards the whites while the commodore remained. We have now to record a most singular fact, and one which speaks volumes for the prowess of our little navy. During the third year, every naval combat, without a single exception, where there was any thing like an equality of force, terminated in favour of the Americans. The sloop of war Pea- eock, launched in October, performed a cruise during the win ter, and on her return was chased into St. Mary a. Shu soon THE UNITED STATES. 343 after put to sea again, and on the twenty-ninth of April discov ered the brig of war Epervier, captain Wales, having several vessels under convoy. Captain Warrington engaged the Eper vier, while the others were making their escape. At the first broadside, the foreyard of the Peacock was totally disabled by two round shot in theetarboard quarter. By this she was de prived of the use of her fore and fore-topsail, and was obliged to keep aloof during the remainder of the action, which lasted for ty-two minutes. In this time she received considerable damage in her rigging, but her hull was not at all injured. The Eper vier struck, having five feet water in her hold, her topmasts over her side, her main boom shot away, her foremast cut near ly in two, her rigging and stays shot away, her hull pierced by forty-five shot, twenty of which were within a foot of her water line. Eleven of her crew were killed, and her first lieutenant and fourteen men wounded. She was immediately taken posses sion of by lieutenant Nicholson, first officer of the Peacock, who with lieutenant Vorhees, of Ihe same ship, had been al ready distinguished in another naval action. The sum of one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars in specie was found in her, and transferred to the Peacock. Captain Warrington im. mediately repaired, with his prize to one of the southern ports. The day following the captain discovered two frigates in chase- At the suggestion of lieutenant Nicholson, he took all the pri soners on board the Peacock, and leaving a sufficient number on board the Epervier for the purpose of navigating her, he di rected her to seek the nearest port. By skillful seamanship the captain succeeded in escaping from the enemy s ships, and reached Savannah, where he found his prize/ Lieutenant Ni cholson, by his good management, had brought her in, after en countering very great difficulties. The new sloop of war Wasp, captainly Blakely, sailed from Portsmouth on the first of May, and after capturing seven mer- merchantmen, fell in with the British brig of war t}ie Reindeer, captain Manners, which she captured after an action of eigteen minutes. On the sixth of July, being in chase of two vessels, he discovered the Reindeer, and immediately altered his course, and hauled by the wind in chase of her. At fifteen minutes past one, captain Blakely prepared for action } but it was not before fifteen minutes after three, in consequence of their ma- nrevreing, and the endeavours of the Reindeer to escape, that they approached sufficiently near to engage. Several guns were fired from the Wasp before her antagonist could bring her guns to bear; her helm was then put alee, and at twenty- six minutes after three, captain Blakely commenced the action with his after carronadjs on the starboard side, and fired in suc cession. Shortly after, the larboard bow coming in contact 344 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF with the Wasp, captain Manners gave orders to board, but the attempt was gallantly repulsed by the crew of the Wasp, and the enemy was several times repelled ; at forty-four minutes past three, orders were given to board in turn. Throwing themselves with promtitude upon her deck, they succeeded in the execu tion of their orders; and at forty minutes past four the flag of the enemy s ship came down. She was almost cut to pieces, and half her crow was killed and wounded. The loss of the Wasp was five killed and twenty-one wounded; among the lat ter, midshipmen Langdon and Toscan, both of whom expired some days after. The Reindeer having been found altogether unmanageable, was blown up, and captain Blakely steered for L Orient, to provide for the wounded of both crews. After leaving L Orient, and capturing two valuable British merchantmen, captain Blakely fell in with a fleet of ten sail, under convoy of the Armada seventy four and a bomb ship. He stood for them, and succeeded in cutting out of the squadron a brig laden with brass and iron cannon and military stores, from Gibraltar ; after taking out the prisoners and setting her on fire, he endeavoured to cut out another, but was chased off by the seventy four. In the evening 1 , at half past six, he de scried two vessels, one on his starboard and one on his larboard bow, and hauled for that which was farthest to windward. At seven she was discovered to be a brig of war, and at twenty nine minutes past nine she was under the lee bow of the Wasp. An action soon after commenced, which lasted until ten o clock, when captain Blakely, supposing his antagonist to be silenced, ceased firing, and demanded if he had surrendered. No an swer being returned, he commenced firing ; and the enemy returned broadside for broadside for twelve minutes, when, perceiving that the two last were not returned, he hailed again, and was informed that she was sinking, and that her comman der had struck. Before the Wasp s boat could be lowered, a second brig of war was discovered : the crew were instantly sent to their quarters, and the Wasp was standing to for the approach of the stranger, when two other brigs appeared : he now made sail, and endeavoured to draw the first one after him, but without effect. The name of the prize has sines been ascertained to have been the Avon, captain Arbuthnot, of the same force as the Reindeer. She sunk immediately after the last man had been taken out of her. She had eight killed and thirty one wounded, including her captain and several other officers. The Wasp soon repaired her damage, and continued on her cruise. On the twenty first of September, she captured, off the Madeiras, her thirteenth prize, the British brig Atalanta, eight guns, and the only one she sent into port. The return of THE UNITED STATES. 345 this vessel, after her brilliant cruise, was for along time fondly looked for by oar country; but all hope has at last vanished of ever seeing her again. There is but little doubt that the brave commander and the gallant crew have found a common grave in the waste of ocean ; but they will always live in the fond gratitude and recollection of their country. The loss of the frigate President was severely felt at the time, of which the following is an unvarnished tale. The blockade of contnodore Dacutur s squadron at New London, having been continued until after the season had pas sed in which there existed any prospect of escape, the ships were ordered up the river and dismantled, while the commo dore with his crew were transferred to the President, then at New York. A cruise was contemplated, in conjunction with the Peacock, the Hornet, and the Tom Bowline store ship. Tiie commodore thinking it more safe to venture out singly, appointed a place of rendezvous, and ordered the other vessels to follow. In consequence of the negligence of the pilot, the President struck upon the bar, and remained there thumping for two hours, by which her ballast was deranged, and her trim for sailing entirely lost. The course of the wind preven ted from returning into port ; he put to sea trusting to the excellence of his vessel. At daylight he fell in with a British squadron, consisting of the Endymion, Tenedos and Poraone frigates, and the Majestick razee. In spite of every, exertion they gained upon him; the foremost, the Endymion, got close un der his quarters and commenced firing. The commodore de termined to bear up and engage her, with the intention of car rying her by boarding, and afterwards escaping in her, and abandoning his own ship. In this he was prevented by the manoeuvreing of the enemy, who protracted the enjage nent for two hours, until the rest of the squadron were fast gaining upon them. He now assailed the Endymion, and in a short time completely silenced her, leaving her a wreck. The Pres ident was also considerably damaged, having lost twenty five men killed and wounded ; among the former, lieutenants Babit and Hamil ton ; and acting lieutenantHowell ; among the latter, the commodore himself, and midshipman Dale, who aftenvar Js died. On the approach of the squadron, the gallant commodore, unwilling to sacrifice the lives of his men in a useless contest, on receiving- the fire of the nearest frigate, surrendered. On this occasion, we cannot pass in silence the dishonourable conduct of the British officers of the navy, where such ought least to have been expected. The generous and heroick character of Decatur is acknowledged wherever the American flag is known, and requires no testimony in its support, for the British them selves have often declared their admiration of this chivalrous 34tf UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF officer. The commodore was taken on boarrd the Endymion, for the purpose of acting the miserable farce of surrendering his sword to the officer of a frigate of equal size, but which would have fallen into the hands of the commodore, but for the ap proach of the squadron. Decatur indignantly refused to give up his sword to any one but the commander of the squadron. Another artifice was actually resorted to, in order to satisfy the good people of England that the President was a seventy four in disguise: she was lightened laid in dock, along side of an old seventy four, diminished to appearance by being deeply laden. Thus it seems, a British frigate had captured an Amer ican seventy four. The naval superiority of Great Britein was therefore no longer doubted. The following account of several naval victories seems almost incredible, but they are too well authenticated to leave a doubt on the mind of those who are willing to credit on the best of human testimony. Not the least amongst the exploits of our naval heroes, WBS the capture of two of the enemy s ships of war by the Con stitution, Captain Stewart. Having sailed on a cruise, he discovered two ships, one of which bore up for the Constitu tion, but soon after changed her course, to join her con- sort.l The Constitution gave chase to both, and at six P. M. ranged ahead of the sternmost, brought her on the quarter, her consort on the bow, and opened a broadside, which was immediately returned. An exchange of broadsides continued until both ships were enveloped in smoke; upon the clearing away of which, the Constitution finding herself abreast of the headmost ship, captain Stewart ordered both sides to be man ned, backed topsails, and dropped into his first position. The ship on the bow backed sails also. The Constitution s broad sides were then fired from the larboard battery, and in a few moments the ship on the bow, perceiving her errour in getting eternboard, filled away with the intention of tacking athwart the bows of the Constitution, while the othe* fell off en tirely unmanageable. The Constitution then filled away in pursuit of the former, and coming within a hundred yards, gave her several raknig broadsides, and so crippled her that no fur- Iher apprehensions were entertained of her ability to escape ; the captain therefore returned to the first which immediately struck. Possession was then taken of her by lieutenant Hoffman, and proved to be the frigate Cyane, captain Gor don Falcon, of thirty four guns. Captain Stewart then steer ed in pursuit of the other vessel, and after a short resistance, in which she suffered considerably, she struck with five feet water in her hold. She proved to be the sloop of war Levant, of eighteen thirty two pound corronades. The loss on THE UNITED STATES. 347 board the two ships amounted to about eighty in killed and wounded, on board the Constitution there were four killed and eleven wounded ; but the ship received a very trifling injury. On the tenth of March, captain Stewart entered the harbour of Port Praya, with his prizes, and on the eleventh a British squad ron of two sixty gun ships and a frigat,e appeared off the entrance of the harbour; captain Stewart, having no faith in his security, in this neutral port, made sail with his prize the Cyane, and though closely pursued, had the good fortune to escape into the United States. The Levant was recaptured in the Portuguese port, in contempt of the neutral state. These are acts of injus tice, in which no nation can ever prosper. The Peacock, Hornet, and Tom Bowline, left Xew York a few days after the President, without having received informa tion of her capture. On the 23d of January, 1815, the Hornet parted company, and directed her course to Tristan d Acuna, the place of rendezvous. On the 23d of March, she descried the British brig Penguin, captain Dickinson, of eighteen guns and a twelve pound carronade, to the eastward and southward of the island. Captain Biddle hove to, while the Penguin bore down ; at forty minutes past one, the British vessel comrrenced the engagement. The firing was hotly kept up for fifteen mi nutes, the Penguin gradually nearing the Hornet with the in tention to board, her captain having given orders for this pur pose, but was killed by a grape shot : her lieutenant then bore her op, and running her bowsprit between the main and min- zen rigging of the Hornet, gave orders to board. His men, however, perceiving the crew of the Hornet ready to receive them, refused to follow him. At this moment, the heavy swell of the sea lifted the Hornet ahead, and the enemy s bowsprit carried away her mizzen shrouds and spanker boom, and the Penguin hung upon the Hornet s quarter, with the loss of her foremast and bowsprit. Her commander then called out that he had surrendered, and captain Biddle ordered his men to cease firing. At this moment an officer cf the Hornet called to captain Biddle, that a man was taking aim at him in the ene my s shrouds ; lie had scarcely changed his position, when a musket ball struck Lim in t!:e neck, and wounded him severely. Two marines immediately levelled their pieces at the wretch, and killed him before he brought his gun from his shoulder. The Penguin had by that time got clear of the Hornet, and the latter wore round to give the enemy a fresh broadside, when they cried out a second time that they had surrendered. It was with great difficulty that captain Biddle could restrain his crew, who were exasperated at the conduct of the enemy. In twenty-two minutes after the commencement of the action, she was taken possession of by lieutenant Mayo, of the Hornet 348 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The Penguin was so much injured, that captain Biddle deter mined on taking out her crew, and scuttling her ; and after wards sent off his prisoners by the Tom Bowline, which by this time had joined him with the Peacock. The enemy lost four teen in killed, and twenty-eight woundad ; the Hornet one kil led, and eleven wounded; among the latter, her lieutenant, Conner, dangerously. Captain Biddle, being compelled to part from the Peacock, by the appearance of a British ship of the line, after being closely pursued for several days, effected his escape into St. Salvador, where the news of peace soon after ajrived. The capture of the Cyane, the Levant, and the Penguin, took place before the expiration of the time limited by the second article of the.treaty of peace. The exploits of the privateers continued to rival those of our national vessels. In one instance the enemy was compelled to pay dearly for his disregard of the sanctuary of a neutral port. The privateer Armstrong lay at anchor in the harbour of Fay- al, when a British squadron, consisting of the Carnation, the Plantagenet, and the Rota hove in sight. Captain Reid, of the privateer, discovering by the light of the moon that the enemy had put cut his barges, and was preparing to attack him, clear ed for action, and moved rear the shore. Four boats, filled with men approached, and making no answer on being hailed, a fire was opened upon them, which was returned, but they soon called out, for quarters, and were permitted to haul off. They then prepared fora more formidable attack; the privateer was now anchored within a cable s length of the shore, and within pistol shot of the castle. The next day they sent a lleet of boats, supported by the Carnation, which stood before the harbour, to prevent the escape of the privateer. At midnight the boats approached a second time, to the number of twelve or fourteen, manned with several hundred men. They were suffered to approach along side of the privateer; and without waiting- an attack; they were assailed with such astonishing fury, that in forty minutes scarcely a man of them was left alive. During these attacks the shores were lined with the inhabitauts, who from the brightness of the moon, had a full view of the scene. The governor, with the first people of the place, stood by and saw the whole affair. After the second at tack, the governor sent a note to the commander of the Plan tagenet, captain Lloyd, requesting him to desist, but was answer ed that he determined lo have the privateer at the risk of knock ing down the town. The American consul having communicat ed this information to captain Reid, he ordered his crew to save their effects as fast as possible, and to carry the dead and wounded on shore. At daylight the Carnation stood close to THE UNITED STATES. 349 the Armstrong, and commenced a heavy fire ; but being con siderably cut up by the privateer, she hauled off to repair. Cap tain Reid now thinking it useless to protract the contest, on her reappearance, scuttled his vessel and escaped to shore. The British loss amounted to the astonishing number of one hundred and twenty killed, and one hundred and thirty wounded; that of the Americans was only two killed and seven wounded. Several houses in the town were destroyed, and some of the inhabitants wounded. Before closing this chapter, it may not be improper to make a few remarks on war generally. In its most civilized modes of destruction, it is indeed a dreadful scourge. The distress which it occasions, is incalculable and immeasurable ; and we may venture a declaration, that all the benefit ever derived from the practice of mutual destruction, can never balance the evils, even could they be realized. That the mode of savage warfare is more dreadful than that of the more civilized, is undoubted ; but the inference is not therefore in favour of hostilities, in any degree. That the loss of blood, and treasure, and moral feeling, are more than a fair equivalent for any supposed benefits in expectation, is evident to every reflecting mind, even without bringing into the ac count the dreadful inroads which it makes in the domestic cir cle. Bat, if we add to this, the violence which it does to the principles of the Christian religion, who shall fathom it? CHAPTER XV. Operations of the Army on the Frontiers. General Brown and his officers were employed in disciplining the troops, and collecting forces, destined to dislodge the British from the American posts which they still occupied. In the be ginning of July, the American forces amounted to but two brigades of regulars, and one of New York volunteers, under generals Porter and Swift, with a few Indians. In the meantime, the force of the enemy, under general Drummond, had been greatly increased, by the addition of a number of veteran regiments, which since the pacification of Europe, Great Britain had been enabled to send to this country. The first attack was on Fort Erie, which was garrisoned by one hundred and seventy men, which was taken by surprise. 30 350 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The second attempt was upon major-general Riall, who occu pied an entrenched camp at Chippewa. This led to the first regular pitched battle during 1 the war, and victory declared for the Americans, and the British were compelled to retire into the camp. The events of the war now began to thicken, and its charac ter assumed the most sanguinary aspect. The victory already obtained by the Americans over men superior in numbers and discipline, enraged general Drummond to madness. But the enemy v;as obliged to fall back to Queenstown,and finally took post at Bnrlington heights. The flush of victory on one side, and the pride of military glory on the other, led to deeds of intrepid -Jaring, unexampled in the former progress of the war. Skirmishing was constant and severe, and every movement seemed to be of a decisive character. In these rencontres, the loss on both sides, especially of officers, was very great. A specimen of the obstinate perseverance of the American troops, was exhibited near the cataracts of N agara, which lias few parallels. The enemy occupied an eminence well fortified, and defended by thrice the number of men mustered by the Americans, while the latter sustained the unequal conflict more than an hour, when orders were given to advance, and charge the enemy s heights, and break the British line. But the order was countermanded. The British now pressed forward on the ninth, which with wonderful firmness withstood the attack cf their overwhelming numbers; but reduced at length to nearly one half, and being compelled at every moment to repel fresh charges of the British, colonel Leavenworth despatched a messenger to general Scott, to communicate its condition. The general rode up in person, roused the flagging spirits of his brave men with the pleasing intelligence, that reinforcements were expected every moment, and besought them to hold their ground. Lieutenant Riddle, already well known as a reconnoitering 1 officer, was the first to come to the assistance of his feliow soldiers, having been drawn to the place by the soufld of the cannon, while out with a scout ing party. The same circumstance induced general Brown to proceed rapidly to the scene of action, giving orders to general Ripley to follow, with the second brigade. On his way he was met by major Jones, and from his information, he was induced to order up general Porter, with the volunteers, together with the artillery. So far, the Americans had repelled every attack with the most unyielding courage, but the situation of the brigade was very critical. The desperate efforts of the troops led general Riall to overrate the numbers to which he was opposed, and he sent to general Drummond for reinforcements. THE UNITED STATES. 35! About this time an awful pause ensued between the two ar mies.; for a time no sound broke upon the stillness of the night, but the groans of the wounded, mingling with the distant din of the cataract of Niagara. The shattered regiments were consolidated into one brigade, and placed as a reserve under colonel Brady, who, though severely wounded, refused to quit the field. The silence was once more interrupted by the arri val of General Ripley s brigade, major Hindmao s artillery, and 3iieral Porter s volunteers, and at the same time of general rummond, with reinforcements. In the meantime, that accomplished young officer, major Jes- sup, who had been ordered in the early part of the action, to take post on the right, had succeeded, during the engagement, after encountering great difficulty, in turning the left flank of the enemy. At the present moment, taking advantage of the darkness of the night, and the incaution of the enemy, he threw his regiment in the rear of their reserve, and surprising one detachment after another, made prisoners of so many of their officers and men, that his progress was greatly impeded. The laws of war would have justified him in putting them to death : " but the laurel, in his opinion, was most glorious when en twined by the hand of mercy ;" he therefore spared them, un der circumstances where they certainly would not have spared him. One of his officers, captain Ketchum, had the good for tune to make prisoner of general Rial], and of the aid of general Drummond ; the latter a most fortunate circumstance, as it pre vented the concentration of the British force, contemplated by that oliicer, before the Americans were prepared for his recep tion. After disposing of his prisoners, major Jessup felt his way to the place where the hottest tire was kept up on the brigade to which he belonged, and drew up his regiment behind a fence on the side of the Queenstown road, bu r . in the rear of a party of British infantry, drawn up on the opposite side of the same road ; he suddenly gave them a destructive fire, on which they broke and fled. " The major," says general Brown, " showed himself to his own army in a blaze of fire." He was ordered to form on the right of the second brigade. The following instance of generalship, by which this san guinary contest was decided, is of so daring a nature, and so completely developes the American character, that it will be inserted entire. General Ripley s brigade had by this time been for men* for action, when orders were given for it to advance to the support of general Scott, against whom a fire was now directed, which he could not long withstand. General Ripley, with the quick discernment which characterizes the real commander, seeing that too much time would be lost before he could make his way 352 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF through the skirt of (he woods, in the darkness of the night, decided at once upon his own responsibility, to adopt the only measure from which he saw a hope; and which being- made known to the commander in chief, he instantly sanctioned. The enemy s artillery occupied a hill, which was the key to the whole position, an,d it would be in vain to hope for victory,, while they were permitted to retain it. Addressing himself to colonel Miller, he inquired whether he could storm the batteries at the head of the twenty-first, while he would himself support him with the younger regiment, the twenty-third. To this the wary, but intrepid veteran replied, in an unaffected phrase, I WILL TRV, Sm; words, which were afterwards given as the motto of his regiment. The twenty-third was formed in close column, under its commander, Major M Farland, and the first regiment, under colonel Nicholas, was left to keep the infantry in check. The two regiments moved on to one of the most perilous charges ever attempted ;. the whole of the artillery opened upon them as they advanced, supported by a powerful line of infantry. The twenty-first advanced steadily to its purpose; the twenty-third faultered on receiving the deadly fire of the enemy, but was gOGIi rallied by the personal exertions of general Ripley. When within a hundred yards of the summit, they received another dreadful discharge, by which major M Farland was killed, and the command devolved on Major Brooks. To the amazemen^ of the British, the intrepid Miller firmly advanced, until within a few paces of their line, when he impetuously charged upon the artillery, which, after a short but desperate resistance, yielded their whole battery, and the American line was in a moment formed in the rear, upon the ground previously occupied by the British infantry. During the charge, general Riall was taken prisoner, and the effect may easily be imagined- But this brilliant exploit seemed to spur on the enemy to redoubled exertions. Being reinforced, the British marched with quick step on the Ameri cans, who reserved their fire, until it could become deadly. The whole British division came within twenty paces of the lines, when the well directed fire from our troops put thorn into confusion. But they rallied to the attack, and the conflict be came tremendous. But the enemy yielded, and retired down the hill. The contest was, however, soon renewed by the Bri tish, with the same results. Disheartened by these repeated defeats, the British were ou the point of yielding the contest, when they received 1 resh rein forcements from fort Niagara, which revived their spirits, and induced them to make another and still more desperate struggle. After taking an hour to refresh themselves, and recovering from. THE UNITED STATES. 353 tl>eir Fatigue, they advanced with a new and more extended line, and with confident hopes of being able to overpower the Americans, who thus far had been denied both refreshment and repose. Our countrymen had stood to their arms during all this time, their canteens exhausted, and many almost fainting with thirst ; and from *he long interval, they had begun to cherish hopes that the enemy had yielded. In this they were disappointed ; but on discovering the approach of the British, their courageous spirit returned, and they resolved never to yield the glorious trophies of their victory, until they could contend no longer. The British delivered their fire at the same distance as oo the last onset, which was returned by the Americans with the same deadly effect; but tiiey did not fall back with the same precipitation ; a fresh line supplied the place of the first, and the whole steadily advanced. A conflict, dreadful beyond description, ensued; the twenty* first, under its brave leader, firmly withstood the shock. The right and left repeatedly fell back, but were again rallied by the general, by colonels Miller, Nicholas, and Jessup. At length the two lines closed with each ether on the very summit of the hill, which they contested with terrific violence at the point of the bayonet. Such was the obstinacy of the contest, that many battalion?, on both sides, were forced back, anJ the contending parties became mingled with each oljxer. Nothing could exceed the desperation of the conflict, ul. the point where the cannon was stationed. The enemy having forced himself into the very unldtof major Himhjian d ariiilery, this officer was compelled to spike two of his pieces, and was warmly engaged across the carriages and guns. General Ripley now pressing upon the enemy s flanks, compelled them to give way, and the centre soon following the example, the whole British line fled a third time, and no exertions of their officers could restrain them, un til they placed themselves out of the reach of the musketry and artillery. The British being now completely beaten, retired beyond the borders of the field, leaving their dead and wound ed. The loss on this occasion was in proportion to the obstinacy of the conflict, the whole being seventeen hundred and twenty- nine; of which the British amounted to twenty-seven more than the Americans. The intention of the American commander was to renew the action in the morning, but finding that he had but fifteen hundred men fit for duty, and that the British were drawn up in considerable force, general Ripley determined not to com mence an attack. He then retreated to Erie, and extended it* 30* 554 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF defences. Having been reinforced by a thousand men, the en emy appeared before Fort Erie on the 3d of August, and com menced with regular approaches. By the 7th, the defences were sufficient to keep the enemy at bay. Until the 14th, the cannonade was incessant, and the enemy gained ground, but in skirmishes, the Americans were generally victorious. General Gaines now commanded at Erie, and colonel Drurn- mond was preparing to assail him. At half past two in the morning, the attack was commenced by three columns. On the second attempt, the British gained the parapet, and the enemy received the orders of colonel Drummond, to give no quarter! The ordar was faithfully executed, and a terrible strife ensued. Colonel Drummond was shot in the breast, but the enemy still maintained their position; but they were finally defeated. The British loss in this assault was two hundred and twenty- two killed, including fourteen officers of distinction, one hun dred and seven y-fbur wounded, and one hundred and eighty- six prisoners. The Amercians lost seventeen killed, fifty-six wounded, and ten prisoners. Nothing farther of particular importance transpired, until the seventeenth of September, when General Brown, observing- that the enemy had just completed a battery, which could open a most destructive fire the next day, planned a sortie, which has been considered a military chef d osuvre. The British force consisted of three brigades, of qrie thousand five hundred men, each, one of which was stationed at the works in front of fort Erie, the other two occupied a earnp two miles in the rear. The design of general Brown was to "storm the batteries, de stroy the cannon, and roughly handle the brigade on duty, before those in reserve could be brought up." A road had pre viously been opened by lieutenants Riddle and Frazer, in a circuitous course through the woods, within pistol shot of the flank of the line of batteries, and with such secresy as to have escaped the notice of the enemy. At two o clock, the troops were drawn up in readiness to make the sortie. The division commanded by general Porter, was composed of riflemen and. Indians under colonel Gibson, and two columns, one on the right, commanded by colonel Wood, the left commanded by General Davis, of the New York militia ; this was to proceed through the woods, by the road which had been opened ; while the right division of the troops,, in the ravine already mentioned, was to be stationed between the fort and the enemy s works, under general Miller, with or ders not to advance until general Porter should have engaged tkeir flank. The command of general Porter advanced with so much cc- THE UNITED STATES. 355 lority and caution, that when they rushed upon tho enemy s flank, they gave the first intimation of their approach. A se vere conflict for a moment ensued, ia which those gallant offi cers, colonel Gibson and colonel Wood, fell at the head of their columns, and the command devolved OB lieutenant colonel M Donald and Major Brooks. In thirty minutes possession vras taken of both batteries in this quarter, together with a block- house in the rear, and the garrison made prisoners. Three twenty-four pounders were rendered useless, and their magazine blown up by lieutenant Riddle, who narrowly escaped the effects of the explosion. At this moment the division of general Miller came up ; general Brown having heard the firing had ordered it to advance. In conjunction with colonel Gibson s column, he pierced between the second a:id third line of batter ies, and after a severe contest, carried the first of these. In this assault general Davis fell, at the head of his volunteers. The whole of these batteries and the two blockhouses being in the possession of the Americans, general Miller s division in clined to the more formidable batteries toward the lake shore. At this moment they were joined by the reserve under general RiplfV. Here the resistance was more obstinate, the work being 1 exceedingly intricate, from the successive lines of en- trencinrienis, contrived with studied complexity; a constant use of the bayonet was the only mode of assailing them ; the enemy had. also, by this time, received considerable reinforce- meats. General Miller continued to advance, although suffer ing severe loss in some of his valuable officers : colonel Aspin- wall wns btiuly wounded, and major Trimble dangerously. The twenty- il^t, under lieutenant colonel Upiiam, forming a part of the reserve, and part of the seventeenth, uniting with the corps of General Miller, charged rapidly upon the remaining battery, which was instantly abandoned by- the British infantry and ar tillery- General Ripley now ordered a line to be formed, for the protection of the detachments engaged in destroying the batieiiec, and was engaged in making arrangements for follow ing up, against the rear of general Drummond, the success which hud so fai transcended expectation, when he received a wound in the neck, and fell by the side of major Brooks; he was immediately transported to the fort. The objects of the sortie having been completely effected, general Miller called in his detachments, and retired in good order, with the prison ers and the trophies of this signal exploit. The American loss in this affair was five hundred and eleven, that of the enemy upwards of a thousand, besides their cannon. On the eighteenth of October a detachment of nine hundred Americans was ordered to destroy some stores at Lyon s creek, which they effected, after encountering a party of twelve bun; 356 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF dred. The object was effected, after the loss of sixty-seven killed, wounded and missing. During the season, several expeditions were planned, but to little purpose. Major Croghan commanded one destined to regain Michilimackinack, but the main object was unsuccess ful. He effected a landing, but his force was too feeble, and the plan was given up as hopeless. He merely destroyed the establishments at St. Mary s and St. Joseph. General M l Arthur made an incursion into Canada, dispersing some detachments, destroying their stores, and taking one hundred and fifty pri- oners, returned without loss. The shitting scenes of this war, carried on over a surface so extensive, and with objects so various, once more brings us back to the Atlantic sea coast. With the return of spring, the British renewed Iheir praelice of petty plundreing and savage devastation on the waters of the Chesapeake, but canying it to an extent still greater than the year before. The flotilla alrea dy spoken of, for the defence of the inlets and smaller rivers, consisting of a cutter, two gunboats, and nine barges, was pla ced under the command of thai gallant veteran, commodore Barney, and who, on several occasions, severely repressed the inroads of the enemy. On the first of June, he gave chase to Itvo of the enemy s schooners, but on the appearance of a large ship, which despatched a number of barges to cut him off, the commodore ordered his flotilla by signal to sail up the Patux- ent. Here he engaged the enemy s schooners and barges, and succeeded in beating them off, inflicting considerable injury on them. The enemy, having been reinforced, made another at tempt upon the flotilla with all their barges, but vveie again compelled to retire, being pursued to their ships. On the tenth, the enemy made a more formidable attack upon the flotilla, with two schooners and twenty barges. After a smart action, the barges were driven to lake shelter in the St. Leonard s from an eighteen gun vessel, which was then -so roughly handled, at long shot, that her crew run her aground and abandoned her. These attempts were frequently repeated, until the twenty- sixth, when the commodore, having received a reinforcement of artil lerists and marines, movedagainst the enemy s sqaudron, of which two of the vessels were frigates, and after an action of two hours, drove them from their anchorage. The commodore find ing the blockade of the St. Leonard s raised, sailed out and as cended the Patuxent. The marauding system was now renewed with additional spirit. Villages and settlements along the bay, were visited for the purpose of plunder and destruction. But apprehensions were felt of more important visitations. The peace in Europe fcad placed in the hands of our enemy, the disposal of a large THE UNITED STATES. 357 m litary force, inured to discipline and danger. We hacl little to fear from any attack by shipping without the aid of a con siderable lan.J force, but much to apprehend from their union. Our mail army was occupied in a border war at a distance from the coast, whose extent offered great facilities for an invading foe. To meet the crisis promptly, a requisition was made of the whole quota of the state of Maryland-, of six thousand; five thousand of that of Pennsylvania; two thousand of Virginia; besides the whole quota of the district of Columbia, amounting to two thousand more; making in the whole, fifteen thousand, which it was thought would scarcely fail of bringing at least ten thousand into the field. It was ascertained, that about a thou sand regulars could be depended on, besides a squadron of horse then in Pennsylvania, and some regulars who were ordered from North Carolina, and in addition, the men of Barney s flo tilla, in case it should be found necessary to abandon it. A nev military district, composed of Maryland, the district of Columbia, and part of Virginia, was formed, and on the fifth of July the command was given to general Winder, who had beeo a short time before exchanged. The duties assigned to this officer were amongst the most important entrusted to any one during the war; and were, in their nature, exceedingly ar- duoes and difficult. The army with which he was to defend the important cities of Baltimore and Washington, existed omy on paper; and whether they could be brought into the field, or no:, depended upon casualties beyond his control. The event showed that no dependence was to be placed on this system, for in August the general found that he could place no confidence in more than one thousand regulars, and about four thousand militia, the latter still at their domestic firesides. The prospect of a succesful opposition to any serious attack either on Baltimore or Washington, was certainly problemati cal; and to which point the enemy would direct his forces, was beyond the power of human ken/ The force of general Wind er, if divided, was insufficient to warrant any sanguine hopes of the result. The expected reinforcements arrived in the Chesapeake about the beginning of August, under admiral Cochrane. who was soon joined by the fleet in great force, under admiral Malcolm. The expedition was destined against Baltimore or Washington; but until the last moment, it was uncertain against which in par ticular. To increase this perplexity, the enemy divided his force into three parts, sending one up the Potomac, under captain Gordon, for the purpose of bombarding fort Warburton, and opening the way to the City of Washington; while the main body ascended the Patuxent, apparently with the intention of 358 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF attacking- commodore Barney s flotilla, which had taken refuge at the head of that tiver, but with the real intention, as it was soon discovered, of attacking- Washington. They proceeded to Benedict, which they reached on the nineteenth of August, and by the next day had completed the debarkation of their land forces, under general Hots, to the number of six thousand; tui the twenty- first, they moved towards Nottingham, and on the following day reached Marlborough. The British flotilla, consisting of launches and barges, ascended the river under Cockburn, keeping on the right flank of the army. The day following 1 , on approaching the flotilla of commodore Barney, it was set on fire by the sailors left for the purpose, the commo dore having already joined general Winder with his men, The object of the enemy was now evident, but the prospect of preventing its accomplishment was discouraging. General Winder s command did not exceed three thousand men, one half of which were inexperienced militia, hastily gathered, and the British were in force, within twenty miles of the capital. The city could make no defence, but that of repelling the assailants in the open field: the only hope was in taking advantageous po sitions in the broken ground, bordered with woods, along the road through which they had to pass ; but, as their numbers were such as to enable them to push out flanking parties, this won .not avail in the end. (5fi the twenty -second, the British army halted five miles in advance of Marlborough, after some skirmishing. General Winder took a position at Old Fields, which covered Bladens- burgli, the bridges on the Eastern Branch, and for Warburton. The general however, fearing a night attack, retired to the ci ty, intending to choose a place in which he might repel the en emy to the best advantage. The best arrangements the time would permit, were made. About five hundred yards from the bridge, the ariillery, consist ing of six six-pounders, under the command of captains Myers and Magruder, was posted behind a kind of breast work; major Pinkney s riflemen were placed in ambush to the right and left, so as to annoy the enemy in attempting to ford the stream, and at the same time to support the artillery. The fifth regiment was drawn up about fifty yards in the rear; and afterwards, per haps injudiciously, removed much further; the other parts of the brigade were so disposed, as to support the artillery, and an noy the enemy in his approach. Shortly after this order was formed, major Beall arrived with about five hundred men from Annapolis, and was posted higher up in a wood on the right of the road. General Winder, by this time, had brought up the main body, and formed it in a line to the right and left of the road, in the rear of Stansbury s brigade, and the detachment THE UNITED STATES. 359 under Beall, with the heavy artillery, under comtrodore Barney, posted on an eminence near the road. Tins line had scarcely been formed, \vhen the engagement commenced, and the presi dent r.nd heads of departments, who had until now been pre sent, withdrew; the president conceiving it proper to leave the direction of the combat to the military mer. At twelve o clock the enemy s column made its appearance on the hill which overhangs the stream, and moved down to wards the bridge, throwing rockets, and apparently determined to force the passage. He now made an attempt to throw a strong body of infantry across the stream, but a few well direct ed shot from the artillery cleared the bridge, and compelled the enemy precipitately to shelter himself behind some houses near it, and apparently having suffered considerably. The firo was briskly kept up, and after a considerable panse, a large cokimn rapidly advanced in the face of the battery, which, although managed with great spirit by officers of acknowledged skill and courage, was unable to repress them; they still continued to push forward their column, which was constantly reinforced, until they were able to form a considerable body on the Wash ington road. The enemy had not advanced far, when a part of the rifle corps discharged their pieces and fied, in spite of the efforts of their commander and major Pinkney, to rally them. The remainder began their fire too soon, but with some execu tion. The British were every moment drawing nearer the ar tillery, which could no longer be brought to bear upon them : and besides, there were no troops sufficiently near to afford a support; it then became unavoidably necessary for it to retire, and was followed by major Pinkney s riflemen. One piece of artillery was spiked and left behind. The whole foil back upon the fifth regiment, the nearest rallying point. A volunteer com pany of artillery now opened a cross fire upon the enemy, who were advancing through the orchard, but with not much effect; but, from. the shelter of the trees, they were enabled to open a galling fire upon the fifth regiment. Colonel Sierett was order ed to advance, which he did promptly, until again halted in con sequence of the other two regiments of S f .ansbury s brigade, ha ving been thrown into confusion by rockets, and having begun to give way. In a few moments they took to flight, in despite of the exertions of general Winder, of general Stansbury* and other officers, to rally them. Sterett s regiment, BurcVs ar tillery, and major Pinkney s riflemen, still maintained their ground with great firmness, and evinced a disposition to make a gallant resistance; but the enemy having by this time outflank ed them, they were ordered to retire; this was unfortunately effected in confusion and disorder, the unavoidable consequence with militia in its retreat. Thus tbe first line was com- 360 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF pletely routed. The Baltimore artillery had before this taken a psoition higher up on the hill. On the right, colonels Beall and Hood, commanding the Annapolis militia, had thrown forward a email detachment under colonel Kramar, which, after main taining- its ground some time with considerable injury to the enemy, retired upon the main body. Soon after the retreat of this detachment, the enemy s column, marching along the turn pike road, was suddenly exposed to the fire of commodore Barney, who opened an eighteen pounder upon them, and in stantly cleared the road ; in several attempts to rally, they were again repulsed with great loss. In consequence of this, they attempted to flank the American line to the right, by passing- through an open field; but this was frustrated by captain Mil ler, with three twelves and his marines. The enemy continu ing flanking to the right, and pressed upon the militia -of An napolis, who fled, after giving an ineffectual fire. The com mand of commodore Barney was left to maintain the contest alone; but the enemy no longer appeared in front; he continued to outflank, pushing forward a few scattering sharp-shooters by which the commodore was wounded, and his horse killed under him, while several of his officers and men fell near him. His corps was by this time outflanked on both sides, and in the confusion, the ammunition waggons were driven off. His men therefore, were ordered to retreat, the commodore himself was taken prisoner, and his pieces fell into the hands of the enemy. Under all these disheartening circumstances, the militia of the District, and the regulars continued firm, and general Win der still entertained hopes of rallying his troops, and meeting the enemy on the road to Washington. But he was disap pointed, for the troops had scattered in all directions, and the greater part fled towards Montgomery court house. After consultation with the secretaries of war and state, it was determined to abandon the city, and to make a stand on the heights of Georgetown, but the general soon found, that but few of the militia could be collected ; the greater part had strayed off in search of food or refreshment, after having suf fered much during the day; and others were almost exhausted, after the privations and fatigues which they had experienced. The next day he proceeded, with such as he could collect, to Montgomery. The loss of the British, in this expedition, was little short of a thousand men, in killed, wounded and missing; that of the Americans, ten or twelve killed, and thirty or forty wounded. General Ross, after halting his army for a short time for re freshments, pushed on to Washington, where he arrived that evening about eight o clock; and having stationed his main body about a mile and a half from the capital, he entered the deserted city, at the head ot about seven hundred men. THE UNITED STATES. 361 We have now to record the climax of that vandal barbarity, exhibited by Great Britain during this war. The American metropolis, or more properly its site, was entered by them with out opposition; they found about nine hundred houses, scatter ed in groups over a surface of three miles, and two splendid buildings, probably the finest specimens of architecture in the new world; the capitol, though still unfinished, presented a noble structure; and the president s house, in point of taste ri valling any building in Europe. By the admirer of the arts of every country, these splendid edifices could not be contempla ted without p easure, nor their destruction without the most indignant feelings;. Admiral Cockbnrn, already so unfavorably known in the United States for the species of devastating and plundering hostility which he had directed, now, conjointly with general Ross, who, on this occasion, withered every laurel he had gained in honourable war, issued orders for the conflagration of these noble edifices, with the valuable libraries of the capiJol, and all the furniture and articles of taste or value, which they contained. The great bridge across the Potomac was also wantonly burnt, together with an elegant hotel, and several other private dwellings. This base and savage destruction io detailed in the official letter of the British general, as a matter of perfect indifference. The blaze produced by the conflagra tion, was seen eren in Baltimore, giving a terrible warning to its inhabitants. All that was combustible about the cupitol and the president s house, was reduced to ashes; and the walls of these stately buildings, blackened and broken in mr-joncho- ly ruin, remained for a time, the monuments of British barbari ty. The American, who saw them long after, could s^rci.jy refrain from swearing in his heart eternal hatred to Britain. " I have seen the walls of Balclutha. but they were desolate: the fire had resounded in their halls."* The squadron under captain Gordon, consisting of eight sail, passed fort Warburton two days after the retreat of the British. The fort had been abandoned and blown up by captain Dyson, in a most extraordinary manner; probably under the influence of the dreadful panic which generally prevailed. His orders had been to abandon it only in case of an attack by the land forces; but on a mere rumour, and without waiting the ene my s approach, he thought proper to take this measure. * On pp. 299,300, the reader will perceive a very brief account of the capture of Washington, which slipped in rather unmanly. It was thought of too much consequence to pass with io slight a notice, and is now given more in detail. 31 362 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On the twenty ninth, the squadron reached Alexandria; and the inhabitants of that place being completely in the power of the captain, were compelled to offer terms for the preservation of the town from conflagration arid pillage- The insatiable nv- arice of the enemy imposed the hardest conditions : all the mer chandise, of every description, whether in town, or ren ovod since the nineteenth, was required to be put on board the ship ping, then at the wharf, at the expense of the inhabitants, and the whole delivered to the enemy ; that, ev>n such vessels as had been sunk, should be delivered up. These terms, some what modified, were complied with, and the captain descended with a fleet of prize vessels, and a rich booty. In the meantime, preparations had besn made in haste, by our naval heroes, captains Porter and Perry, to throw difficuf- ties in the way of his descent. The first, at the battery of the White House, was assisted by general Hungf rfbrdV brigade of Virginia militia, and captain Humphrey s rifle company ; and at the battery at Indian Head, captain Perry was supported by the brigade of general Stewart, and the volunteer companies of major Peter and captain Burch. From the third, until the sixth of September, the British vessels were generally annoyed in passing these batteries. Frequent attempts were also made by commodore Rodgers, by approaching the fleet with fire ves sels ; but owing to a change of wind, they proved ineffectual. These respective ftrces were afterwards crncertrated under commodore Rodgers, at Alexandria. He determined to defend the place, should the enemy, who was not jet out of sight of the battery, think proper to return. Sir Peter Parker, who ascended the Chesapeake, was not so fortunate as the other officers. He landed at night, in the neighbourhood of Moor s Fields, wiih the view of surprising a farty of militia, encamped under the command of colonel Reed, n this he was disappointed, for the militia, having hoard the approach of the barges, were prepared to receive him. Sir Peter Parker having landed, moved forward at the head of about two hundred and fifty men ; but on approaching within eventy yards of the Americans, they received a heavy fire ; he endeavoured to press forward on the centre of the line ; in this he was foiled, and threw himself on the flank, where he was also repulsed. Colonel Reed being informed, that the cart ridges were nearly expended, ordered his men to retire a small distance, until they could be supplied. In the meantime, the British, having suffered a severe loss, thought proper to retire, carrying with them the wounded, among whom was sir Peter Parker, who died soon after. THE UNITED STATES. 363 The capture of Washington was, at first, boasted of by the British ministry, as a most signal exploit; but it was viewed in a very different light on the continent. To say nothing of the prosecuting hostilities with augmented rigour, at a moment when there was a negotiation for peace, the wanton acts of barbarity roused the indignation of all the powers of Europe: and in the British parliament, so great a sensation was excited, as to cause its perpetrators to shelter themselves from public odium, by the basest falsehoods; the ministry were compelled to make a statement, that instructions had been sent to the coas- of America, to desist from further inflictions of vengeance. But if the effect was powerful abroad, it was unexampled throughout the United States. Party spirit, that political fiend, instantly fled, and with it fled the dissensions which almost paralyzed the efforts of the nation. But one voice was heard from one end of the continent to the otiier; a glorious union was brought about, and a nation of freemen was seen to rise in its strength. Those who had at first opposed the war, from an opinion of its impolicy, or who condemned the invasion of Canada, now saw only a powerful nation about to precipitate her armies on America, with the avowed intention of desolating our fair possessions. The poison of political dissensions was dead with the politi cal death of Napoleon ; and who could now say that Britain was not actuated by the mere thirst for revenge, or the less honor able thirst for plunder ? The war now came home to the in terests and feelings of every man, and the scenes of preparations which were exhibited over the continent, were the most ani mated that could be conceived. The whole country was in motion ; every town was a camp; and in the cities, the peace ful avocations of the citizens, which the war until now had scarcely interrupted, were laid aside. All the principal cities selected their committees of defence, and the whole of the pop ulation moved in bauds, to tiie sound of martial music, to the daily occupation of labouring ou the entrenchments and fortifi cations. The New England states, at first so much averse to the war, now exhibited their characteristic activity and energy, and gave at once a satisfactory proof that nothing was further from their intentions, than seceding from the confederation. The gover nor of Vermont, who hnd the year before made an attempt to recall the militia of the state from the service of the United States, and on which occasion the militia noblv refused to obey him, now endeavoured to atone for his conduct, by calling them forth in the most animated manner, to join the standard of their country. 364 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP The American ladies, always conspicuous in the history of America, for their patriotic conduct in times of difficulty and danger, never appeared so lovely in their zeal for their country. The first object of attack, it was rightly conjectured, would be Baltimore. The cities of Philadelphia and New York wait ed the result with as much anxiety, as if their fate depended upon its successful issue; in this they perhaps had reason ; for should Baltimore fall, during the panic which succeeded the capture of Washington, and before the other cities would have time to place themselves in an attitude of defence, they could make but a feeble resistance* After the first moment of despondency, occasioned by the capture of Washington had subsided in Baltimore, and it was discovered that the place would not be assailed immediately, the inhabitants set about making preparations for defence. Under the direction of general Smith, a ditch was opened, and a breastwork thrown up by the inhabitants, on the high ground to the north-east, ^to effect which every class of people united,) so as completely to protect the towi; in the only quarter in which it was accessible by land forces. In a few days, a considerable number of militia arrived from Pennsylvania and Virginia ; and the spirits of the inhabitants were greatly animated by the arrival of the naval veteran, com modore Rodgers, with his marines, who took possession of the heavy batteries on the hill. A brigade of Virginia volunteers, together with the regulars, was assigned to general Winder, and the city brigade to gene ral Strieker ; the whole under the command of major general Smith; the two latter, distinguished revolutionary officers. General Strieker had served from the commencement to the conclusion of that war, and siiared in many important battles. The approach to the city by water, was defended by fort M Henry, commanded by major Armistead, with about sixty artillerists, under captain Evans, and two companies of sea fencibles, under captains Bunbury and Addison; of these, thir ty-five were on the sick list. As this number was insufficient to man the batteries, major Arinistead was furnished with two companies of volunteer artillery, under captain Berry and lieu tenant Penaington, and a company under judge Nicholson, (chief justice of Baltimore county,) which had tendered its ser vices. Besides these, there was a detachment of commodore Barney s flotilla, under lieutenant colonel Stewart and major Lane, consisting of detachments from tiie twelfth, fourteenth, and thirty-sixth regiments of the United States troops, which were encamped under the walls of the fort. The total amount ed to about one thousand men. THE UNITED STATES. 365 Two batteries on the right of fort M Henrjr, upon the Patap- sco, to prevent (lie enemy from landing during the night, in the rear of the town were manned, the one by lieutenant Newcomb, with a detachment of sailors; the other, by lieutenant Webster, of the flotilla ; the former was called fort Covington, the latter, the City Battery. It was equally important to the safety of the city, that in the event of an attack by land and naval forces, both should be re pelled ; for in case fort M Henry was silenced by the shipping-, there would be nothing to prevent the destruction of the town; and if the land forces of the enemy were successful, the fort could no longer be of any avail, and would even be untenable. To the defence of fort M tlenry, and to the repulse of the Bri tish from the lines, the inhabitants looked for safety. Indepen dently of the devastating orders of Cocbrane, and the recent scenes at Washington and Alexandria, tin s city was a selected object of (he vengeance of the enemy, in consequence of her active and patriotic exertions during the war. No one can imagine to himself a just picture of the state of anxious feeling, among fifty thousand people of all ages and sexes, for the ap proaching crisis, which would determine the safety or destruc tion of their city. And even in case of successful resistance, the most painful incertitude hung uver the fate of those who were to risk their lives in its defence; not strangers or mercenaries, but their bosom friends, their brothers, their sons and husbands : every one, even old men and boys, who could wield a musket, were found in the ranks. The committee of safety, composed of those advanced in life, and the most influential citizens, (among whom was the respec table colonel Howard, a hero of the revolution , took a large share in the preparations to meet the approaching danger. The British army having re-embarked on board the fleet in the Patuxent, admiral Cochrane moved down the river, and proceeded up the Chesapeake; and on the morning of the eleventh of September, appeared at the mouth of the Patapsco, about fourteen miles from the city of Baltimore, with a fleet of ships of war and transports, amounting to fifty sail. On the next day the land forces, to the number of at least six thousand men, the veterans of Wellington, debarked at North Point, and under the command of general Ross, took up their march for the city. General Strieker claimed for the city brigade, under his com mand, the honor of being the first to meet ihe invader, and vras accordingly detached by general Smith, in anticipation of the landing of the British troops. On the eleventh, general Strieker proceeded on the road to 366 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF North Point, at the head of three thousand two hundred effec tive men; consisting- of the fifth regiment, under lieutenant colonel Sterett, five hundred and fifty strong ; six hundred and twenty of the sixth, under lieutenant colonel M Donald; five hundred of the twenty-seventh, under lieutenant colonel Long ; five hundred and fifi.y of the thirty-ninth, under lieutenant colo nel Fowler; seven hundred of the fifty-first, under lieutenant colonel Amey ; one hundred and fifty riflemen, under captain Dyer ; one hundred and fifty cavalry, under lieutenant colonel Biays ; and the Union Artillery, of seventy-five men, and six four pounders, under captain Montgomery (attorney general of the state). A light corps of riflemen and musketry, under ma jor Randal, taken from general Stansbury s brigade, and the Pennsylvania volunteers, were detached to the mouth of Bear creek, with orders to co-operate with general Strieker, and to check any landing which the enemy might effect in that quar ter. At six o clock, P. M. general Strieker readied the meeting house, near the head of Bear Creek, seven miles from the city, Here the brigade halted, with the exception of the cavalry, who were pushed forward to Gorsuch s farm, three miles ia advance, and the riflemen, who took post near the blacksmith * shop, two miles in advance of the encampment. The next morning (the twelfth) at seven o clock, information was received from the videttes, that the enemy were debarking troops undercover of their gun vessels, which lay off the bluff at North Point, within the mouth of the Patapsco river. The baggage was immediately ordered back under a strong guard, and general Strieker moved forward the fifth and twenty-seventh regiments, and the artillery, to the head of Long Log lane, resting the fifth with its right on the head of a branch of Bear creek, its left on the main road, while the twenty-seventh was posted on the opposite side of the road, in a line with the fifth. The artillery was posted at the head of the hine, in the interval between these two regiments. The thirty-ninth was drawn up three hundred yards in the rear of the twenty-seventh, and the fifty-first the same distance in the rear of the filth : the sixth regiment was drawn up as a reserve, within sight, half a mile in the rear of the second line. Thus judiciously posted, the general determined to wait an attack, having given orders, that the two regiments composing the front line, should receive the enemy, and if necessary, fall back through the fifty- first and thirty-ninth, and form on the right of the sixth, posted in reserve. The general now learned, that the British were moving ra pidly up the main road, and at the moment when he expected tbeir approach to be announced by the riflemen, stationed ia THE UNITED STATES. 367 the low thick pine and firs, in advance, greatly to his chagrin, he discovered this corps falling back upon the main position, having listened to a groundless rumour, that the enemy were landing on Back river, to cut them off. This part of the gene ral s plan having been frustrated, he placed the riflemen on the right of his front line, by this means better securing that flank. The videttessoon after bringing information that a party of the enemy were in a careless manner carousing at Gorsuch s farm, several of the officers offered their services to dislodge him. Captains Levering s and Howard s companies, from the fifth, about one hundred and fifty in number, under major Heath, of that regiment; captain Aisquith s, and a few other riflemen, in all tibout seventy ; a smill piece of artillery, under lieutenant Stiles, and the cavalry, were pushed forward, to chastise the insolence of the enemy s advance, and to evince a wish, on the part of the American army, to engage. The detachment had scarcely proceeded half a mile, when they came in contact with the main body of the enemy; a sharp skirmish ensued, in which major Heath s horse was shot under him, and several of the Americans killed and wounded, but not unrevenged, for in this affair the enemy lost their com mander in chief, general Ross. This officer had imprudently proceeded too far, for the pur pose of reconnoitering-, when he was killed by one of the com pany of captain Howard, who was in the advance. After the death of Rosa, the command devolved on colonel Brook, who continued to push forward, notwithstanding this occurrence. The American detachment, fell back, and th i general conceiving the two companies of Howard and Levering to be too much fatigued to share in the approaching conflict, they were ordered to form on the reserve, not without a request on their part, to be permitted to share in the perils of their townsmen. At half past two o clock, the enemy commenced throwing rockets, which did no injury, and immediately captain Mont gomery s artillery opened their fire upon them, which was re turned by a six pounder and howitzer upon the left and cen tre. The fire was brisk for some minutes, when the general ordered it to cease on his side, wifch a view of bringing the en emy into close cannister distance. " Perceiving that the efforts of the British were chiefly direct ed against the left flaflk, the general brought up the thirty-ninth into line on the left of the twenty-seventh, and detached two pieces of artillery on the left of the thirty-ninth ; and still more completely to protect this flank, which was all important, colo nel Amey, of the fifty-first, was ordered to form his regiment at right angles with the line, resting his right on the left of the 363 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF thirty-ninth. This movement was badly executed, and created some confusion in that quarter, but was soon rectified with the assistance of the general s aids and major Stevenson, and the brigade majors, Calhoun and Frailey. The enemy s right column now displayed, and advanced upon the tsventy-eeventh and thirty-ninth. Unfortunately, at this juncture, the fifty -first, from some sudden panic, after giving a random fire, broke and retreated in such confusion as rendered it impossible to rally it, and occasioned the same disorder in the second battalion of the thirty-ninth. The fire by this time became general, from right to left; the artillery poured an incessant and destructive stream upon the enemy s left column, which endeavoured to shelter itself behind a log house, but this was instantly iu a blaze ; captain Sadtler having taken the precaution to fire it, as soon as it was aban doned by him and his yagers. About ten minutes past three, the British line came on with a rapid discharge of musketry, which was well returned by the fifth, the twenty-seventh, and the first battalion of the thirty- ninth, who maintained their ground in spite of the example set by the intended support on the left. The whole of the general s force with this diminution, scarce ly amounted to fourteen hundred, to which was opposed the whole of the enemy. The fire was incessant, until about twenty-five minutes before four o clock, during 1 which time general Strieker gallantly contended against four times his numbers ; but finding that the unequal contest could be main tained no longer, and that the enemy was about to outflank him, in consequence of the flight of the fifty-first, he was compelled to retire upon his reserve, which he effected in good order. Here he formed his brigade, but the enemy not thinking it ad visable to pursue, he fell back, and t.ook post on the left of the line, half a mile in advance of the entrenchments, where he was joined by general Winder, who had been stationed on the west side of the city, but was now ordered, with the Virginia brigade, and captain Bird s United States dragoons, to take post on the left of general Strieker. The conduct of the Baltimore brigade, with the exception of the fifty-first, and the second battalion of the thirty-ninth, who were seized with the panic to which raw troops are so much subject, deserved the highest praise. Veterans could not have done more. Their loss, in killed and wounded, amounted to one hundred and sixty-three (amongst whom were some of the most respectable citizens of Baltimore), about an eighth of the force engaged. Adjutant James Lowry Donaldson, of the twenty-seventh (an eminent lawyer), was killed in the hottest of the fight. Major Heath and major Muoru, and a number of THE UNITED STATES. 369 other officers, were wounded. The loss of the British was nearly double that of the Americans, according to their own acknowledgment, arid probably mucii greater. This unexpect ed resistance had a happy effect upon the enemy ; in their offi cial statements, they computed the American force at six thou sand, a great proportion of regnlars, and estimated our loss at one thousand, from which we may infer their opinion of the manner in which they were received. In the mean time the naval attack had already commenced from five bomb vessels, At the distance of two miles; when find ing themselves sufficiently near, they anchored, and kept up au incessant bombardment, while they were at such a distance as to be out of the reach of the guns of the fort. The situa tion, although painfully inactive, was highly perilous; yet eve ry man stood lo his pjst without shrinking. One of the twen ty-four pouuders, on the south-west bastion, under captain Ni cholson, was dismounted, and killed his second lieutenant and wounded several of his men. The enemy now approached somewhat nearer, so as to be within striking distance. A tre mendous fire was instantly opened from the fort, which com pelled him precipitately to gain his former position. The bom bardment was kept up during the whole day and night. The city, thus assailed on bath sides, awaited the result with death like silence, and yet no eye was closed in sleep. Suddenly, about midnight, a tremendous cannonade was heard in the di rection of the fort, and the affrighted population believed that all was over. Their fears were soon quieted, by the informa tion that some barges of the enemy, the number not known, had attempted to land, but were compelled to draw off with all possible haste, after great slaughter, by lieutenants Newcomb and Webster, who commanded the city battery and fort Cov- ington. By the next morning the bombardment ceased, after upwards of fifteen hundred shells had been thrown; a large portion of which burst over the fort, and scattered their frag ments amongst its defenders ; a great number fell within the works, and materially injured two of the public buildings, and two slightly. The enemy, not willing to abide such rough handling, re treated under cover of a dark and stormy night, and in the morning general Winder was detached in pursuit, but the time which had elapsed was sufficient for embarkation, and (he rear could not be cut off. The next day the fle-it descended the bay, to the great joy of the inhabitants of Baltimore. We shall now return with our rea ders to the operations on the northern frontier. About the first of September, sir George Prevost led his army to Plattsburgh, while the fleet proceeded up the lake on his left, to make a simultaneous attack by land and water. Before this, little of consequence had transpired in this quarter. 370 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The peace in Europe permitted the English government to transpoit large bodies of troops, and they had already sent on a considerable army to Canada. Fourteen thousand of these were organized under sir George, and (he remainder were sent to oppose general Brown on the Niagara. To oppose this overwhelming force, general Macomb had but fifteen hundred regulars, including new recruits and inva lids. The works were in no state of defence, and the stores and ordnance were in great disorder. The British force took possession of Cham plain on the third of September, and from the proclamations and impressments of wagons and teams in this vicinity, it was soon discovered that their object was an attack on Plattsburgh. Not a minute was to be lost in placing the works in a state of defence; and in order to create aa emulation and zeal among the officers and men, they were di vided into detachments, and stationed in the several forts; the general declaring in orders that each detachment was the garri son of its own work, and bound to defend it to the last extremi ty. At the same time he called on general Mooers, of the New York militia, and arranged with him plans for calling out the rnilitia en rnasse. The inhabitants of Plattsburgh fled with their families and effects, excepting a few men and some boys who formed themselves into a company, received rifles, and were exceedingly useful. In this extremity general Mooers collected about seven hua dred militia, and small detachments were posted so as to watch and harass the enemy. Trees were felled, and every impedi ment put in the way of their march, and some skirmishes ensu ed. At day light on the sixth, it was ascertained that the ene my were advancing in two columns by each of these roads, di viding at Sampson s a little below Chazy village. The column on the Beckman road approached rapidly ; the militia skirmish ed a little with its advanced parties, but which, with the excep tion of a few brave men, soon broke, and tied in the greatest disorder. A detachment of two hundred and fifty men, under major Wool, had been marched to their support, and to show them an example of firmness ; but it was found unavailing. Finding that the enemy s columns had penetrated within a mile of Plattsburgh, orders were received for colonel Appling to return from his position at Dead Creek, and fall on the enemy s right flank. The colonel fortunately arrived just in time to save his retreat, and to fall in with the head ofa column debouching from the wooJs. lie poured a destructive fire from his riflemen, and continued to annoy the column until he form ed a junction with major Wool. Notwithstanding that conside rable execution was done by the field pieces, the enemy still continued to press forward in column ; considerable obstruc tions were, however, thrown iu their way by the removal of the THE UNITED STATES. 371 bridge, and by the fallen trees: a galling fire was also kept up from the galleys as they passed the creek. Pittsburgh is on the north east side of the Saranac, near its entrance into lake Champlain, directly opposite the American works. The town was of course abandoned, and occupied by the British. Attempts were made to take possession of the bridge, but it was resolutely guarded by the Americans. When our troops had passed the bridge, the planks were raised, and used for a breast work. The enemy, now masters of the village, instead of attempt ing to carry the American works, on the opposite side of the river, which their vast superiority of force might have enabled them to do, contented themselves with erecting works, whence they continued to annoy the Americans, and constantly skir mishing at the bridges and firds. By the eleventh, the fifth day of the siege, a considerable force of New York and Ver mont militia, which had been continually collecting, lined the Saranac, and repelled the attempts of the British to cross, while at the same time, a considerable body was sent to harass their rear. There was scarcely an intermission lo the skir mishes which took place between them and the militia, who act ed, after the first day, with great intrepidity. The American regulars, at the same time, laboured incessantly to extend and strengthen their works. During this time, a handsome affair was achieved by captain iM Glassin, who, crossing the river in the night, assailed the British regulars, more than three times his number, stationed at a masked battery, which had been for days preparing 1 , drove them from their posts, and demo lished their works. The principal cause of delay, which was fortunate for the Americana, was the momsntary expctation of the fleet, which was intended to co-operate. On the morning of the eleventh, at eight o clock, the look out boat of commodore M Donough, announced its approach. It consisted of the Confiance. carry ing thirty-nine guns, twenty seven of which were twenty- four pounders; the brig Linnet, of sixteen guns; the sloops Chub and Finch, each carrying eleven guns; thirieen gal leys, five of which carried two, and the remainder one gun. The commodore at this moment lay at anchor in Piatts- burg bay, and intended in that situation to receive the ene my. His fleet consisted of the Saratoga, carrying twenty- six guns, eight of which were long twenty-tour pounders; the Ea^lo, of twenty guns ; the Ticonderoga of seventeen, the Preble, seven : and ten galleys, six of which carried two, and the remainder one gun. Besides the advantage which the enemy possessed, in being able to choose their position, their force was much superior. The number of guns in the British 372 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP fleet amounted to ninety-five, and of men, to upwards of a thousand: while that of the Americans was eighty-six, and the number of men, less by two hundred. One of the American vessels had been built with despatch almost incredible. Eighteen days before the trees of which it was constructed, were actu ally growing on the shores of the lake- The American vessels were moored in line, with five gun boats and galleys on (ach flank. At nine o clock, captain Pownie,the British commander anchored in lino, abreast of the American squadron, at about three hundred yards distance, the Confiance opposed Jo the Saratoga, the Linnet to the Eagle ; the British galleys and one of the sloops to the Ticonderoga, Preble, and the left division of the American galleys; the oth er sloop to the right division. The importance of the contest which was now impending, will justify us in a particular description. In this situation the whole force on both sides became en gaged, and at the same moment, as if this had been the signal, the contest commenced between general M Comb and sir George Prevost. One of the British sloops was soon thrown out of the engagement, by running on a reef of rocks, whence she could not be extricated, while one division of the enemy s galleys was so roughly handled, as to be compelled to pull out of the way. But the fate of this interesting day, on which the two rivals for naval superiority, were for the second time match ed in squadron, depended chiefly on t he result of the engagement between the two largest ships. The American commodore maintained the unequal contest for two hours, but the greater weight of the enemy ? battery seemed to incline the scale of victory, although he suffered prodigiously. ( The chances against the Sartoga were accidentally increased by thecommanderofthe Eagle, who not being able to bring his guns to bear as he wish ed, cut his cable, and anchored between theTicouderoga and Sa ratoga, by which this vessel was exposed to a galling fire from the enemy s brig. The guns on the starboard side had, by this time, been either dismounted or become unmanageable : the situation of the enemy was but little better ; to both, the for tune of the day depended on the execution of one of the most difficult naval manoeuvres; to wind their vessel round, and bring a new broadside to bear. The Copfiarice assayed it in vain, but the efforts of the Saratoga were successful ; a stern anchor was let go, the bower cable cut, and the ship winded with a fresh broadside on the frigate, which soon after surrendered. A broadside was then sprung to b( ar on the brig, which surren dered in fifteen minutes after. The sloop opposed to the Ea gle had struck to captain Henley sometime before, and drifted down the line. Three of the galleys were sunk, the others es- THE UNITED STATES. 373 capeci ; all the rest of the fleet fell into the hands of commo dore M Donough. By the time this bloody contest was over, there was scarcely a mast in either squadron capable of bear ing a sail, and the greater part of the vessels in a sinking state. Thore wore fifty round shot in the hull of the Saratoga, nnd in the Confiance one hundred and five. The Saratoga was twice set on fire bv hot shot. The action lasted two hours and twenty n inufes. The commander of the Confiance was killed. with forty-nine of his men, and sixty wounded. On board the Saratoga there were twenty-fig h! killed, and twenM -m;:-^ wounded. Of llu: fi r st, was lieutenant Gamble ; and on b<nird the Ticonderoga, lieutenant Stansbury, (son of general Stanr- bury, of Maryland.) Among the wounded, were lieutenant Smith, acting lieutenant Spencer, ar,d midshipman Baldwin. The total loss in the American squadron amounted to fifty-r.vo killed, and fifty-eight wounded. The I ?s of the enemy was eighty-four killed, one hundred and ten wounded, and eight hundred and fifty six prisoners, which actually exceeded the number of their captors. This engagement, so deeply interesting to the two rival na tions, took place in sight of the hostile armies. But they were by no means quiet spectators of the scene; a hot engagement was kept up during the whole time; the air was fiiied with bombs, rockets, sbarpnels, and hot balls. Three desperate ef forts were made by the British to cross over, and storm the American works, in which they were as often repulsed, with considerable loss. An attempt to forco the bridge, was brave ly defeated by a detachment of regulars and captain Grosve- nor s riflemen. They attempted a ford about three miles above, but were so briskly assailed by a body of volunteers and mili tia posted in a wood, that the greater part of the detachment was cut to pieces. The efforts of the encrny naturally relaxed, after witnessing the painful sight, so little expected, cf the en tire capture of their fleet. The firing was, however, kept up until night; at night the enemy withdrew their artillery, and raised the seige. The plans of sir George Prevost were ccm- pletely frustrated, since the Americans had now the command of the lake ; even if he were to possess himself of the American works, it would not serve him any further design ; in the mean time he would be exposed to great, danger from the hourly aug mentation of the American force. Under the cover of the night, he therefore sent off all his baggage and artillery, for which he found means of transportation ; and befpre day tbr next morning, his whole force precipitately retreated, leaving behind their sick and wounded. Vast quantities of military stores and munitions of war, were abandoned by them, and still greater quantities were afterwards found hid in marshes, or 32 374 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF buried in the ground. They were hotly pursued, a riumher of stragglers were picked up, and upwards of five hundred desert ers came in. Those of the British army and nary who fell, were interred with the honours of war. The humane attention of the Ame ricans to the wounded, and the politeness and generous atten tion to the prisoners, were acknowledged in grateful terms hy captain Pryng, (who succeeded captain Downie,) in his official despatch to the admiralty. Thus was this portentous invasion most happily repelled, and another of our inland seas made glorious by the victories of free Americans. The k st.;>r spangled banner" waved in triumph on the waters of Charnplain, as it did on Erie and Ontario. These noble features in our great empire, will henceforth be viewed with a very different interest from what they heretofore excited. The effect of this victory tended to allay party sj irit, and produce unanimity in the national legislature. The gjeat cause of bitter complaint against t he administration, French influence, was at an end, and the recent conduct of Great Britain towards this country, rendered it impossible for any one to say that she was not wantonly pursuing hostilities, when these causes no longer existed. No one could now be the advocate of Britain. But in addition to other circumstances, the npglcct experi enced by our ministers in Europe, and the shrfflii:g policy of Great Britain, which procrastinated a final ndjustmcnt of dif ferences?, were well nmiersrood, and had their proper effect on our citizens. Our sincere desire for peace was met by the de mand for a surrender of a large portion of territory, and a total reiinquishment of the lake shores, a sine qua non. To these con ditions it is evident our government could not accede, and few were so weak as to believe that the proposition was made with any other view, than to prolong the negotiations, ai;d take ad- tantage of circumstances which might intervene. About this epoch, a convention composed of delegates frora several of the New EnglantPstates met at Hartford, the mem bers of which were opposed to the war. This step occasioned much excitement, and was the subject of many speculations. It was charged with the design of sundering the union of the states ; but, after a brief session, terminated in an address, and remonstrance, or petition to congress, enumerating several ob jections to the federal constitution. It was presented to seve ral states for approbation, but was uniformly rejected. As to the constitutional right of assembling for the purpos-os of dis cussing national subjects, we can havebut one voice, unless we abandon republican principles; but whether the motives, the , and the expected results of this convention were correct THE UNITED STATES. 375 and judicious, is problematical. In the legislature of Pennsyl vania, in which the memorial was discussed, the conduct of the memorialists was severely censured. Our finances now appeared to revive, under the indefatigable industry and great abilities of Mr. Dallas, whom the president selected at this critical moment to fill the office of secretary of the treasury. His plans were characterized by the greatest boldness, but were unfolded in so luminous a manner, as to carry conviction to every miud. He may be said to have plucked up the sinking credit of the nation, by the locks. The duties of the secretary at war were* at the same time, dischar ged by colonel Monroe, in addition to his other avocations ; in which undertaking he exhibited no small courage, for it had become a forlorn hope of popularity ; he was happily rewarded by the most fortunate success in all his measures, and by the universal applause of his country. While the American congress was thus occupied, the pub lick attention was awakened by a most alarming state of affair" to the southward. The*Creek war was renewed, and a powers ful invasion of Louisiana was threatened. General Jackson- after concluding a treaty with the Creeks, moved his head, quarters to Mobile. Here, about the latter end of August, he received certain information, that three British ships of war had arrived at Pensacola, and had landed a large quantity of ammunition and guny, for the purpose of arming 1 the Indians, and had besides marched into the fort with three hundred troops, He was also informed, that the fleet of admiral Cochrano had been reinforced at Bermuda, and that thirteen ships of the line, with transports, were daily expected with ten thousand troops, for the purpose of invading some of the southern states. On the receipt of this information, he immediately wrote to the gov ernor of Tennessee, calling for the whole quota of that state. On the fifteenth of September, three vessels of war from Pensacola, appeared before fort Boyer, which commands the entrance to Mobile bay. A proclamation was issued by colo nel Nichols, commanding his majesty s forces in Florida, ad dressed to tha inhabitants of Louisiana, Kentucky and Tennes see, inviting- them to aid the British. He likewise made a proposition to a nest of pirates which infested one of the lakes which cornmuuicates with the gulf, to assist in the operations against the Americans in that quarter. This nest oPdespera- does amounted to five or six hundred, and their commander, Lafitte, had beenout-lawed, by the American government. In the summer the establishment had been broken up by commo dore Patterson, but had again organized, and would be a dan gerous force, if employed by our enemies, for which service they had large offers. 376 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF But what was most humiliating to those who could stoop so low, this alliance was indignantly rejected. Lafittc at first dissembled, until he had drawn from the colonel important in formation, when he dismissed him \vilh disdain, and immediately despatched a messenger to governor Claiborne, who had some time before offered five hundred dollars for his apprehension, and laid before him incontestable proofs of the truth of his dec laration. The governor was agreeably surprised at this unex pected trait of generosity, but at first hesitated as to the course to be pursued : on the approach of danger, however, he issued his proclamation, in which he pledged himself, that those enga ged in this illicit course of Jife should be forgiven, provided they would come forward and aid in the defence of tiie country. This was joyfully accepted by the Barratariaris, as they were called, who tendertd their services, and were found eminently useful. General Jackson having in vain remonstrated with the gov ernor of Pensacolo for his unprecedented conduct, determined to march against that place. Having Veceived a reinforcement of two thousand Tennessee militia, which had marched through the Indian country, he advanced lo Pensacola, to demand re dress. On the sixth of November he reached the neighbour hood of that post, and immediately sent major Peire with a flag, to communicate the object of his visit, to the governor ; but he was forced to return, being fired on from the batteries. Jack son then reconnoitred the fort, and finding it defended both by British and Indians, he made arrangements for storming it the next day. The troops were put ia moliou at day light, and be ing encamped to the west of the town, the attack would be expected from that quarter; to keep up this idea, part of the mounted men were sent to show themselves on the we&t, whilst the remainder of the troops passed to the rear of the fort, undiscovered, to the east of the town. His whole force, consisting of a few regulars, a body of militia, and some Choc- taw Indians, appeared in vie\%when within a mile of the fort, and advanced firmly to the enemy s works, although there were seven British vessels on their left, and strong batteries of can non in front. On entering the town, a battery of two cannons, loaded with ball and grape, was opened on the centre column, composed of regulars, and a shower of musketry was poured from the houses and gardens. The battery was soon carried and the musketry silenced. The governor now mado bis appear ance with a flag, begged for mercy, and offered to surrender the town immediately. This was granted, and every protection afforded to the persons and property of the inhabitants. The commandant of the fort refused to surrender until midnight, when he evacuated it with his troops, just as the Americans THE UNITED STATES. 377 were preparing to make a furious assault. The British with drew their shipping, and Jackson, having accomplished his purpose, returned to Mobile. Notwithstanding the negotiations for peace, preparations were made for a formidable invasion of Louisiana, and governor Claiborne ordered the two divisions of militia to hold themselves in readiness to repel an attack. He also called on the inhabit ants to turn out en masse, for the defence of their liberties and homes. In New Orleans, the citizens, from the commencement of the war, as if sensible of the feeble help which they could ex pect from the general government, manifested the greatest alacrity in qualifying themselves for taking the field against an invader. Every man capable of bearing arms, had become a soldier, and perhaps in none was there such frequent and elegant displays of well disciplined volunteer companies dressed in uni form. The wonder Ail aptitude of the French for the profession of arms, was n^v^r more fully exhibited. There were inter mingled with them, a number of men who had served in the French armies. The free people of colour, a numerous class, were permitted, as a privilege of which they were proud, to form volunteer companies, and wear their uniform; some of these were natives, but the greater part had been refugees from St. Domingo. The American and French inhabitants, although sometimes at vari ance with each other, on this occasion united heartily in dis like to the English, and in a disposition to frustrate their de signs. Hearing 1 of the danger of New Orleans, general Jackson re paired thither for its defence, and arrived there on the second of December. lie put in requisition all the powers of his mind, an*i took the most active measures to prevent the effects of an w expesled invasion. Batteries were constructed in important situations, and every obstruction put in the way of the invaders. He called on the legislature for resources, which were promptly supplied. Col- onsl Monroe, acting secretary of war, had already forwarded military supplies, and called on the neighbouring 1 governors for a considerable force. About the fifth of December, certain intelligence was receiv ed, that the British fleet, consisting of at least sixty sail, was off the coast to the east of the Mississippi. Commodore Pat terson immediately despatched five gunboats, under the com mand of lieutenant Catesby Jones, to watch the motions of the enemy. They were discovered in euch force off Cat Island, as to induce the lieutenant to make sail for the passes into lake Penchartrain, in order to oppose the entrance of the British. 32* 378 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP The Sea Horse, sailing master Johnson, after a gallant resist ance, was captured in the bay of St. Louis. On the fourteenth, the gunboats, while becalmed, were at- tacked by nearly forty barges and twelve hundred men, and after a contest of an hour, with this overwhelming force, the flotilla surrendered. The loss of the Americans was forty killed and wounded ; among the latter, lieutenant Spidden, who lost an arm : lieutenants Jones and M Kecyer were also wounded. The loss of the enemy was estimated at three hundred men. This loss was severely felt, as the enemy was thereby enabled to choose his point of attack, and we were in a great measure prevented from watching his motions. But the exertions for defence were neither paralyzed nor abated. The legislature appropriated money, and offered bounties which induced num bers to serve on board the schooner Caroline, and the brig Louisiana. An embargo was laid for three days, and martial law was declared. Lafitte and his Barratnrians, about this time joined the Amer ican forces. The city now exhibited an interesting spectacle ; all clashes cheerfully preparing for the reception of the invader, and reposing the utmost confidence in Jackson. All was life and bustle, and tliQ female part of the society seemed err.ulous to share in this affecting scene. All the principal bayous which communicate with the lake> and the narrow strip of land on the borders of the Mississippi, through the swamps, had been obstructed. There was, how ever, a communication with lake Borgne, but little known, cal led the bayou Bienvenu, used by fishermen; iis head near the plantation of general Villere, seven miles bfloiv the city. Ma jor Villere had received orders from his father to guard this bayou, and he accordingly stationed a guard near its entrance into the lake, at the cabins of tome fishermen. It afterwards appeared, that these wretches had been in the employment of the British. On the twenty-second, guided by them, the enemy came suddenly upon the American guard, and took them prisoners. The division under general Keane, by four o clock in the morning reached the commencement of Vil- lere s canal, and having 1 disembarked and rested some hours, proceeded through the cane-brake, and by t.\vo o clock reached the bank of the river. General *Villore s house was suddenly surrounded, as also that of his neighbour, colonel La Ronde ; but this officer, as well as major Villere, was so fortunate as to effect his escape, and hastening to the head quarters, commu nicated the intelligence. The alarm gun was fired, and the commander in chief, with that promptitude and decision for which he is so remarkable, instantly resolved on the only course to be pursued, which was, THE UXITED STATES. 379 without the loss of a moment s lime, to attack the enemy. Coffee s riflemen, stationed above the city, in one hour s time were at the place of rendezvous ; the battalion of major Piaache had arrived from the bayou, and the regulars and city volun teers were ready to march. By six o clock the different corps were united on Rodrigne s canal, six miles below the city. The schooner Caroline, captain Henley, at the same time drop ped down the river. The command of genera! Coffee, togeth er with captain Bsalo s riflemen, were placed on the left, to wards the woods; ihe city volunteers and men of colour, under Plauche and Duquin; the whole under the command <ff colonel Ross, were stationed to the right of these; and next to them the two regiments of regulars, the seventh and forty-fourth; the artillery and marines, under colonel M-Rea, occupied the road. The whole scarcely exceeding two thousand men. The British force at this time amounted to three thousand, and instead of pushing directly towards tho city, had biouvack- ed, fully convinced that the most difficult part of the enterprise was already -achieved. Carroll s torce was posted on the Gentiliy road, to provida against an attack from that quarter. Coffee was directed to turn their right, which rested on the wood, at the distance of half a mile from th-j river, while til- 1 g .-nei al assailed their strongest position near it. Commodore Patterson, who had g-one on board the Caroline, dropped down at tho same time, and was to open his fire uporith-5 enemy as the signal of attack. The first intimation of the approach of the Americans was a raking broadside from the schooner ; their fire* extending from the river, enabled the assailants to take deliberate aim. Coffee s men, with their usual impetuosity, rushed upon the right, and entered their camp, while Jackson s troops in irout, advanced upon them with great ardor. The enemy, although taken by surprise, arvl having several hundreds suddenly killed and wounded, soon formed, and their fires being extinguished, came into action. A thick fog, which arose shortly after, producing some confusion in the different American corps, Jackson prudently called off his troops, lay on the field that night, and at four in the morning, took a position on the other side of the canal of Rodrigue, which had formerly b&en a mill-race. The American loss was twenty-four killed, one hundred and fifteen wounded, and seventy-four prisoners, among whom were many of the principal inhabitants of the city. Colonel Lau- derdale, of Tennessee, a brave soldier, fell much lamented. That of the British, was estimated at four hundred, in killed, woundod and missing. They had intended to proceed to New UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Orleans the next day, but were induced to be more cautious, having estimated Jackson s force at fifteen thousand men. The general set to work immediately to fortify his position. This was effected by a simple breastwork, from the- river to the swamp, with a ditch in front. To hasten the construction of these works, cotton bags were used, as the cheeks of the embrazures. As the enemy was still annoyed by the Caroline, they set to work in constructing batteries to attack her, and on the twenty-seventh, threw hot .shot, by which she was sel on fire and blown up, about an hour after she was abandoned by her crew. The Louisiana, which then took her station, gua- tained the fire of all the batteries, until in imminent danger. In losing her, the whole co-operative naval force would be lost. Her commander, lieutenant Thompson, afier encountering ma ny obstacles, finally succeeded in bringing her near Jackson s position. After the destruction of the Caroline, sir Edward Packenham, the British commander in chief, having landed the main body of his army, with a sufficient train of artillery, superintended in person, the arrangements for fortifying his position. On the twenty-eighth, the British general advanced up the levee in force, with the intention of driving Jackson from his iutrenchrnents ; and at the distance of half a mile, commenced attack with rockets, bombs, and a heavy cannonade, as he ap proached the American works, which were yet unfinished. The Louisiana, discharging her broadside upon the enemy s* column, caused great destruction; the fire from the American batteries was not less destructive ; and after a violent struggle of seven hours, the British general retired. The loss o f the Americans was seven killed and eight wound ed; among 1 the former colonel Henderson, of Tennessee. That of the British much more considerable. On the morning of the first of January, 1815, sir Edward Packenham was discovered to have constructed batteries near the American works, and at daylight commenced a heavy fire from them, which was well returned by Jackson. A bold at tempt wa?, at tbe same time, made to turn the left of the A- mericans; but in this the enemy was completely reputed. The British ret-red in the evening, from their batteries, having spiked their guns, and leaving behind a quantity of ammunition. The loss of the Americans, on this occasion, was eleven killed, and twenty-three wounded. On the fourth, general Jackson was joined by two thous-aad fire hundred Kentuckians, under general Adair; and on the sixth, the British were joined by g-enoral Lambert, at the head of four thousand men. The British force now amounted to little short of fifteen thousand of the finest troops; that of the THE UNITED STATES. 381 Americans to about six thousand, chiefly raw militia, a consid erable portion unarmed, aud from the haste of their departure, badly supplied with clothing. All the private arms which the inhabitants possessed were collected, and the ladies of New Orleans occupied themselves continually in making different articles of clothing. The mayor of the city, Mr. Girod, waa particularly active at this trying moment. The British general now prepared for a serious attempt O \ the American works. With great Jabour he had completed, by the seventh, a canal from the swamp to the Mississippi, by which he was enabled to transport a number of his boats to the river. It was his intention to make a simultaneous attack on the nnia force of general Jackson on the left bank, and crossing the river to attack the batteries on the right. Tiie works of the American general were by this time com pleted. His front was a straight line of one thousand yards, defended by upwards of tiiree thousand infantry and artillerists. Tiie dif.cli contained five feet water, and hi/froat from having been flooded by opening the levees and frequent rains, was rendered clipper,* and muddy. Eight distinct batteries were judiciously disposed, mounting in ail twelve guns, of different calibres. Oil the opposite side of the river there was a strong battery of fifteen guns, and the entrenchments were occupied by general Morgan, wilh the Louisiana militia, and of a strong detachmqnt of the Kentucky troops. To guard against an at tack from any other quarter, colonel Riubeu Kemper, with a few men, encountering infinite difficulties, had explored every pass and bayou, and on this subjejt hid placed at easatlu mind of the corn-Dander in chief. On the memorable morning of the eighth of January, general Puckenharn, having detached colonel Thornton with a consid erable force, to attack the works on the right bank of the river, moved with his whole force, exceeding twelve thousand men, in two divisions, under major generals Gibbs and Kean ; and a reserve under general Lambert. The first of these officers was to make the principal attack; the two columns were sup plied with scaling ladders and fascines. Thus prepared, the Americans patiently waited the attack, which would decide the fate of Ne,-/ Orleans, aad perhaps . f Louisiana. The British deliberately advanced in solid columns, over an even plain, in front of the American entrenchments ; the men carrying besides their muskets, fascines, and some of them lad ders. A dead silence prevailed, until they approached within reach of the b.uteries, A h>ch commenced an incessant and destructive cannonade ; they, notwithstanding, continued to advance in 332 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tolerable order, closing up their ranks, as fast as they were opened by the fire of the Americans. When they came within reach, however, of the musketry and rifles, these joined with the artillery, and produced such dreadful havoc, that they were instantly thrown into confusion. Never was there so tremendous a fire, as that kept up from the American lines; it was a continued stream; those behind loading; for the men in front, enabled them to fire with scarcely an intermission. The British columns were literally swept away; hundreds fell at every discharge. The British officers were now making an effort to rally their men, and in this at tempt, their commander, a gallant officer, general Packenham, was killed, The two generals, Gibbs and Kean, succeeded in pushing forward their columns a second time; but the second approach was more fatal than the first; the continued rolling fire of the Americans, resembled peals of thunder. It was such as no troops could withstand. The advancing columns broke, and no effort to rally them could avail; a fe\v platoons, only, ad vanced to the edge of the ditch, to meet a more certain destruc tion. An unavailing attempt was mad.e to rally them a third time, by their officers, whose gallantry, on this occasion, de served a better fate, in a better cause. Generals Gibbs and Kean were carried away, severely wounded, the former mor tally. The plain between the front of the British, and the Americun lines, was strewed with dead ; so dreadful a carnage, consider ing the length of time, and the numbers engaged, was perhaps never witnessed. Two thousand, at the lowest esiimate, pres sed the earth, besides a number of the wounded, who were not able to escape. The loss of the Americans did not exceed sev en killed and six wounded. General Lambert was the only general officer left upon the field; being unable to check the flight of the British columns, he retired to his encampment. In the meantime, the detachment under colonel Thornton succeeded in landing on the right bank, and immediately attack ed the entrenchment of general Morgan. The American right, believing itself outflanked, abandoned its position, while the left maintained its ground for some time; but finding itself de serted by those on the right, and being outnumbered by the enemy, they spiked their guns and retired. Colonel Thornton was severely wounded, and the command devolved on colonel Gobbins, who, seeing the fate of the assault on the left bank, and receiving orders from general Lambert, recrossed the river. On the return of general Lambert to his camp, it was resoly- ed, in consultation with admiral Cochrane, to retire to their THE UNITED STATES. 383 shipping. This was effected with great secresy ; and during the night of the eighteenth, their camp was entirely evacuated. From the nature of the country, it was found impossible to pursue them ; they left eight of their wounded, and fourteen pieces of artillery. Their loss in this fatal expedition was immense ; besides their generals, and a number of valuable officers, their force was diminished by at least five thousand men. It was in vain, as in other instances, to conceal the truth of this affair ; ,and the sensations which it produced in Great Bri- tsin, are not easily described : the conduct of the ministry was regarded as shamefully dishonorable, in thus stretching forth one hand to receive the olive, which was tendered by America, and at the same time secretly wielding a dagger with the other. Commodore Patterson despatched five boats, under Mr. Shields, purser on the New Orleans station, in order to annoy the retreat of the British. This active and spirited officer suc ceeded in capturing several of their boats, and in taking a number of prisoners. The glorious defence of New Orleans produced the most lively joy throughout the United States, mingled, however, with pity for a brave enemy, who had encountered so disas trous a defeat. The British fleet had, at the same time, ascended the Missis sippi, for the purpose of bombarding fort St. Philip, which was commanded by major Overlon ; but without being able lo make any impression. There is but little doubt, that the object of Great Britain was, to possess herself of Louisiana, and obtaining a cession from Spain, draw a cordon round the United States, aad by that means strangle this young Hercules, as it were in the cra dle. It is \veilk no wn^that on board the fleet, they had brought all the officers necessary for the establishment of a civil gov ernment even a collector of the port ! An American must trembls for his country, when he looks back at the danger we have escaped. That the British in- tcn led to deliver the city of Nexv Orleans to be sacked by their soldiery, is very doubtful ; aad f -om the high character of sir Edward Packenham. it is highly improbable that he would have given, as the watchword of the occasion, beauty and booty ; this was more probablv spoken by some of the inferior officers, with a view of producing an excitement among the soldiery. We have given the events of this battle in detail; because it may be considered as the most important in its consequences, of any which occurred during the war. As it will always oc- cspy a conspicuous place in the annals of our country, we were 384 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF unwilling to bring it into a compass so s mall as necessarily to omit many of its features. We turn now from this grand spectacle to the ravages of the contemptible Cockburn, who was pursuing a less dangerous, but more profitable occupation, in robbing the defenceless in habitants of the Carolinas and Georgia. The produce of the plantations, household furniture and negroes \vere the trophies of his prowess. Let a dark mantle shade his memory from the light of military nnd naval renown. The momentous intelligence of the defeat of tlfe British at New Orleans, had scarcely ceased to operate upon the feelings of the people of the United States, when they received the wel come news of pence. These two events were joyfully celebra- ted> by illuminations throughout this land of freedom and in dependence. To us the war is pregnant with important lessons. We have acquired a knowledge of our weakness arid of cur strength. Our confederation will rise like a pyramid, its base eternal. Our best policy is peace, if honourable; fair and honorable policy to all nations, preferring- justice to profit. One lesson we have been taught, which was worth the sum we have paid for the war : THAT WE ARE WEAK IN THE PURSUIT OF CON QUEST, BUT ALL POWERFUL IN DEFENCE. CHAPTER XVI. General View of the United Slates. Having now bro nght the history of our country down to the close of the war for l free trade and sailor s rights," we may be allowed to take a glance at the progress which we have made in the acquisition of territory by treaty and purchase, and of the prospects which open before us. We now number twenty-four states, one distiict, and six territories, the boun daries of which follow. The boundary on the side of the Spanish dominions, accord ing to the treaty wish Spain, ratified in 1821, begins on the gulf of Mexico, at ihn mouth of the river Sabine, and proceeds along the west bank of that river to the 33d degree of N. lat. ; thence! by a line due north, to Red river; thence up that river, to the meridian of 100 degrees W. Ion. ; thence due north aiong that meridian to the river Arkansas ; thence, along the south bank of the Arkansas to its source ; thence due north or south THE UNITED STATES. 335 as the case may be, to the parallel of 42 degrees N. lat. and thence, along that parallel, to the Pacific ocean. On the side of the British dominions, the boundary begins in the Atlantic ocean, at the mouth of the river St. Croix, and proceeds up that river to its source ; thence, due north, to the highlands which separate the waters falling into the St. Lawrence from those which fall into the Atlantic ; thence, alon^r those highlands, in a S. \V. direction, to the parallel of 45 degrses N. lat. ; thence along that parallel to the river St. Lawrence; and thence, up that river, and ihe jjreat lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Su perior, to the most northwestern point of the lake cf the Woods. By the treaty with Great Britain in 1819, the boun dary line proceeds from the last mentioned point due north or south, as the case may bo, tu the parallel of 49 degrees N. kit, and thence, due west* along that, parallel to the Rocky moun tains. The boundary between the Rocky mountains and iho Pacific ocean remains unsettled. The states are arranged according to their location, thus: Eastern Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, sir. Middle New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Jive. Southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, seven. Western Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Missouri, six. District of Columbia, the seat of the general government, a tract often miles square. Territories Michigan, Northwest, Arknns is, Missouri, Ore gon, Florida, six. States, District, and Territories, in all thir ty-one. The extent from south to north, is twenty- four de grees, comprehended between 35 and 4<J north latifjdo. and from east to west, fifty-eight degrees eleven minutes, west lon gitude, included between 66 49 and 135. The whole con taining two millions of square miles. By the census of 13-20, the whole population was nine millions, six hundred and forty-one thousand, seven hundred and eighty- four. The District of Columbia, being of small extent, and embracing three populous places, Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown, contains the most dense population, and aver ages three hundred and thirty on a square mile. Next in pop ulation i.s Massachusetts, which has serenty-two on the square mile. Connecticut fifty-eight, and Rhode Island fifty-three. Delaware thirty-four, New York thirty ; Maryland twenty- nine; New Hampshire twenty-six ; Vermont and Pennsylvania twenty-three; South Carolina twenty; Virginia seventeen: Ohio fifteen ; Kentucky and North Carolina thirteen ; Tenres- sce eleven ; Georgia six ; Louisiana and Alabama three; Mis sissippi two ; Illinois and Missouri one; Michigan contains one inhabitant to about five square miles; Northwest unknown: 33 386 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Arkansas, Missouri, and Oregon, contain a million of square miles ; and the first more than fourteen thousand inhabitants. Florida has about one inhabitant to three square miles. With a knowledge of the qualities of the soil, healthiness of the clime, water privileges and communications, those who wish to emigrate, can determine on the most eligible situation with a tolerable degree of accuracy, according to the business Tvhich they propose to pursue. Another consideration with those who wish to change their place of residence, may sometimes be taken into the account, and this is the prevalence of religious opinion. Taking the whole of the Union collectively, the principal religious denomi nations are Presbyterians and Congregationalists, who have together more than 2,500 congregations; the Baptists, who have more than 2000 congregations ; tfie Friends, who have more than 500 societies ; and the Episcopalians, who have about 300. The Methodists, also, are very mimerous. The Baptists and Methodists are found in all parts of the United States; the Congregationalists are almost wholly in New England; the Presbyterians are scattered ever the Middle and Southern states; the Friends are most numerous in Pennsylvania and the adjoining states, and the Episcopalians, in New York, Con necticut, Maryland, and Virginia. German Lutherans, German Calvinists, and Moravians are also numerous in the Middle states. But besides these, the Unitarians are a fast increasing sect, of which a majority of the Congregational i-ocieties in Boston, are knowu to be, and more or less, the doctrine is spreading through the United State, though the principal part of the so cieties are supposed to be in New England. The Universalists are also numerous in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont; and in the western counties of New York Ihey abound. In New York city and Philadelphia, are several churches, and in South Carolina, Ohio, Alabama and Georgia, they are fast increasing. Next to religious opinions, the sort of people among whom we purpose to fix a permanent abode, may very properly be considered. Of the United States the inhabitants consist of whites, negroes, and Indians. The negroes are generally slaves, and are principally con fined to the states south of Pennsylvania and the river Ohio. All the, whites are of European origin ; principallly English. The New-Englanders, Virginians, and Carolinians are almost purely English. Next to the English are the Germans, who are very numerous in the Middle states, particularly in Penn sylvania. Next to the Germans are the Dutch, who are most flumerousin New Yoik. The French constitute nearly half THE UNITED STATES. 387 the population of Louisiana. The Irish and Scotch are found in the Middle states, in the back parts of Virginia, and in all the principal cities of the Union. Very little is known about the Indians west of the Mississippi. The four principal tribes on the east of the Mississippi are the Creeks, Choctaws, Cher- okees, and Chickasawa. These tribes live vvithin the chartered limits of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. In a country of such great extent, the habits, manners, ant] general occupations of the people will of course ditfer material ly. The eastern, or New England States, in the interior pof- tions, have until lately, devoted their attention principally to agriculture, con6ried to such articles as are of prime necessity in sustaining life. The cities and towns on the seaboard, have attended to the fisheries and commerce generally. Lately they have been led to manufactures, particularly of cloths and col- ton, for which their various streams are well adapted. The restrictions on commerce, if continued, will probably direct most ofthe capital hitherto occupied in foreign commerce, into this channel. The imrnence forests in some of the states, will, however, occupy numbers in the lumber trade, for years to come. New England undoubtedly holds the first rank in literature, commerce, enterprise, and wealth, but in grandeur and sublimi ty, and the natural means of wealth, the western states are more than successful rivals. The plains and mountains, and rivers and forests ofthe newly settled parts of the new world, have no parallel in the eastern continent. The following de scription of the Prairies of Louisiana is extracted from Nilee Register, a work not exceeded in this country for the extent and value of its communications. The districts of Attakapas and Oppelousas which stretch along the Mexican gulph, from the Attchaffallaya to the Sa- bine, are scarcely known to geographers, though they form a most interesting portion of the republic. The fertility of tha eoil, the value of its products the- immense natural meadows which cover five eights of the country, and their peculiar fit ness for feeding cattle, are all worthy the attention of the shoals of emigrants who are seeking wealth or liberty, to the west and south. The accounts published by Brackenridge and Darby are most to be relied on ; but neither of those writers have been sufficiently explicit, though each enjoyed opportunities of acquiring better information. The following statement may, perhaps, be perused with some interest by such as are pleased to note the rapid march which our country is making to power, and give the reader some idea ofthe vast resources of Louisa- na. 388 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF About Ihe year 1755, a few French traders commenced s traffic for peltry with the Indians, who inhabited those prairies. They were soon followed by others, who remarking- the great profits to be realized from stock -raising, introduced horned cattle into the country. Their success encouraged others to adventure; and we find from the census of 1785, that Atta- kapaa and Oppelousas then contained 2408 inhabitants. In the year 1801, their population was rated at 7250, of which 3500 were slaves. Up to the last named epoc ha, stock raising- form ed the almost exclusive occupation of the inhabitants. They supplied New Orleans and the Mississippi const with beef, at the rate of one cent and a fourth per pound ; but even at this price many had amassed money enough to purchase slaves and commence farming establishments. The American gov ernment, which took placa early in 1804, gave new stimulus, and induced the inhabitants to turn their ntlenlion more to planting-. The soil and climate uniting- with their exertions and industry, have secured to the first planters of tbose dis tricts a most enviable independence. A few years ago they were a horde of shepherds, consequently a hardy and virtuous race. Of late their plan of life lias changed, and their means rapidly increased, without introducing the thousand fictitious wants, which usually travel in the train of wealth. Even now, it is no uncommon sight to see a planter of those countries, owning, perhaps, seventy or eighty slaves, clad in the product of his wife s loom, attending to his horses, oxen, or crop, with more assiduity and attention than characterises a Carolina overseer : yet, if a stranger visits him, lie will find his table crowded with the best wines of the world, and no lack of in telligence or any thing else which forms good cheer. Riches here, appear to add only to the comforts of their possessor, without forming- the invidious distinctions among men which exist in other parts of the world. The ease with which they are acquired, may be the reason of this but the detached situ ation of the country accounts for it more rationally. Besides, the population is as yet quite thinly scattered over an immense territory, and wherever this is the case, we do not usually fmd so many of those little presuming animals, wearing the shapes of men, which are such great nuisances in thickly inhabited countries. In 1810, Attakapas and Oppelousas, contained 13,774 souls. For two years after the census was taken there was a great emigration to the country. It was stopped early in 1813, by the pressure of the war, but since the peace has recommenced. At present (Sept. 1817 ) I feel confident the population would be estimated too low at 2p,000. THE UNITED STATES. 389 It is the custom for the rich and gay young people of Louisia na and Mississippi, to spand their carnival at New Orleans. The health enjoyed by the young ladies of the prairies, added to their active and industrious habits, gives them bloom and beau ty which cast the belles of other districts into the shade. It is a singular fact, that for thirteen winters past, the reigning toast in the Orleans ball rooms has been, almost, always from Attakapas, or Oppelousas. The topography of thosa counties are pretty accurately de lineated on Darby s mipof Louisiana. His book is a very in ferior production to his map, and not much to be relied on as useful information. I will here add a few words concerning the soil and its productions, but as these vary in an extent of coun try, containing about 300, 000 square miles, I will consider the districts separately. O;}pelou<:is, lying to the north-west of Attakapas, is well calculated for a grazing country. Its prairies are very exten sive, and the greater parts of the land second and third rate. The lands of the best quality in this country are in its south west corner, consisting of a strip about 26 miles long; and eight wide. In this tract are situated many large plantations which yield immense profits to their proprietors. The northern part of the country, bordering on Rapide district, is poor land, and the western section which skirts the Gulph and the River Sa- biue, is little better. Those lands, however, produce tolerable corn, and a coarse luxuriant grass which can feed cattle enough to supply the home and West India markets. Attakapas is divided into two parishes, St. Mary and St. Mar tin. The Vermilion river rises in Oppelousas, and on entering St. Martin s becomes a considerable stream. The lands on its banks are high and generally of the best quality. After a course of ninety miles in ttiis parish it falls into a bay of the same naui3 near the 30th degree of north lattitude. Between the Vermilllon aad the Minton (the western limit of Attakapas) lies a prairie country which in soil is nothing remarkable, but affords excellent pasairago. Ths Tesche, likewise, rises in Oppelousas near the source of the Vermillion. Its general course is to the south east, pier cing the western sections of St. Martin and St. Mary. It meets the Alchalfallaya at Berwick s bay, and is navigable for seventy miles from its mouth for the largest boats, and for smal ler craft almost to its source. From the line of Oppelousas to Berwick s bay, a distance of more than ninety miles, there is no soil on its banks which is not first rate. As it approaches the sea, however, the land is thought to improve, and the cli mate certainly becomes more favorable to the culture of sugar. Between the upper part of the Tesche and the Vermillion, in 33* 390 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP the Parish of St. Martin, lies a rich tract of country principal ly prairie- It is as yet very partially settled, owing to the scarcity of wood. This cannot form a permanent impediment, as trees, when planted in those meadows and shielded from the vernal burnings of the grass, thrives faster than any soil J have ever seen. Several persons have already tried the ex periment, and find four or five years sufficient to grow any supply of fire wood they may want. Besides, there is not any part of the rich meadows of Attakapas more than five miles distant from plenty of wood. The climate is, at the same time so mild that fuel is little wanted but for the kitchen. The good lands of Oppelousas and St Martin s are best adap ted to the culture of cotton. They sent to New Orleans last year about 6,000 bales of fine cotton, and if the whole of their rich soil was cultivated might produce annually more than six ty thousand bales. About five thousand steers are each year exported from those districts, which sell at home for 12 dol lars each. The parish of St. Mary s, being the southern part of the tract of country under consideration, is well adapted for the culture of sugar. This was doubted until some of. the enter- prizing American emigrants tested it, in the last two years, by the most successful experiments. It is found to succeed as well, if not better, than on the Mississippi, and the cane is cer tainly brought to maturity with less labor. Cotton also suc ceeds remarkably weli, but will soon give way to sugar. In the year 1816, this parish, with a population of about 3,000 souls, sent to market 2, 500 bales of cotton, 900 hogsheads of sugar, and 800 beef cattle, which sold for $350,000. Some sugar has been cultivated in Oppelousas and St. Mar tin s, but owing to mismanagement, or the climate, it has not succeeded well. The parish of St. Mary is in no place more than 10 miles wide, having the sea on one side and lake Platt and the Attchaffal- laya on the other, which may have an influence on the early frosts, and protect the cane crop till it reaches maturity. The Tesche lands lie mostly from ten to fifteen feet above the highest swells produced by the Mississippi floods. In tho year 1813 and 15, when there were very great freshes, the lakes between the prairies and the Mississippi, and with them the Tesche, rose about 8 feet above their common level. But a recurrence of this can scarcely be expected, as the levees on the Great River are rapidly extending, which will prevent ita waters from flowing into tho lakes. But even if the levees should be demolished, the prairies are too high ever to be in undated. THE UNITED STATES. 391 The Vermillion is never affected by the Mississippi. The lands on its banks (and indeed in every other part of the coun try except (he Tesche) are from 30 to 100 feet above the level of the sea. Sloops of 100 tons can ascend to the Tesche to Nova Iberia, 60 miles from its mouth, though the produce of the country is seldom carried direct to the ocean, the Tesch*, Atchaffallaya communicate with the Mississippi by the Lafourch and Plaqua- mine a voyage from any part of those rivers can be easily made to New Orleans in nine days. Along the coast of Attakapas are found four Islands, viz. Belle Isle, Cole Blanche, Grand Cote, and Petite Ance, which bear no resemblance to the main land, and appear to be rem nants of some ancient continent. They rise several hundred foot above the tides, and I would suppose originally belonged to a high diversified country. Be this 83 it may, they have a very fertile soil and produce the best sugar and cotton of Lou isiana. The four islands contain about 7000 superficial acres of good land. There are sugar establishments on all but Belle isle. There are other Islands lying in tho Attchaffallaya, or Berwick s bay, which have a very good sor 1 , but once in ten or fifteen vears have been liable to be overflowed by the heaviest swells .>f the Mississippi. In Opr>elousas about one third of the poru ation i? Ameri- icans. In St. Martin s one fifth, and in Si Mary s more than a mo e y. The rest are principally French. Lands throughout the whole country are to be had at a verv low rate ; though they are rising every day in value. Go* d tracts in the parish of St. Mary ?, with plenty of wood, may be had for two and three dollars the acre. With a salubrious climate, a rich soil and industrious popu lation, Attakapas and Oppelousas will soon nof only be called the richest counties of Louisiana, but outstrip in agriculture any section of the union. Such a country is worthy of observation, and with the hope that the remarks I have made may result to the advantage of emigrants, I submit them to my countrymen. As every thing relating to the grand events which gave birth to our national independence are, and ought to be interesting to present and future generations, we insert below, a letter from the late President Adams to Mr. Niles, editor of the week ly Register, published at Baltimore. The letter is preceded by remarks from the pen of that very able editor. Those who delight to trace the early dawnings of the Ameri can Revolution, in the emphatical meaning of the venerable writer of the following article, and to ascertain the feelings and character of some of those who first laboured to bring about an event, the effect of which has only just begun, with conse- 392 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF qucnces in its train which no man can estimate, will be grate ful for this tribute to the memory of the illustrious dead, from the pen of such -i distinguished co-adjutor arid co-patriot, as John Adams. Zealous to afford the pabulum animi to the re publican American, and convinced that in such things he will find new causes to love his country and those who emancipated it, we feel an honest pride in being made the medium for giving them to our fellow citizens ; who, if we do not greatly mistake the public feeling, indeed, will joyfully receive information that a sketch of the character of Samuel Adams may be expected from the pen of his distinguished cousin, counsellor, co-actor, and friend. Quincy, February 13, 1818. MR. NILES The American Revolution was not a common event. Its effects nnd consequences have already been awful over a great part of th.j ^ Jobe. And when and where are they to cease ? But what do we me.-;;! bj? the Ani"rican Revolution? Do \vc mean the American war? The Resolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people.. A change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations. While the king and all in authori ty under him, were believed to govern in justice and merey according to the laws and constitution derived to them from the God of nature, and transmitted to them by their ancestors they thought themselves bound to pray for the king and queen and all the royal family, and all in authority under them ; as ministers ordained of God for their good. But when they saw those powers renouncing ail the principles of authority, and bent upon the destruction of all the securities of their lives, liberties, and properties, they thought it their duty to pray for the continental congress, and all the thirteen etalo con gresses. There might be, and there were others, who thought less about religion und conscience, but had certain habitual senti ments of allegiance and loyalty derived from their education ; but believing allegiance and protection to be reciprocal, when protection was withdrawn, they thought allegiance was dis solved. Another alteration was common to all. The people of Ame rica had been educated in an habitual affection for England as their mother country ; and while they thought her a kind and tender parent, (erroneously enough however, for she never was such a mother,) no affcction could be more sincere. But when they found her a cruel beldam, willing, like lady Macbeth, to " dash their brains out," it is no wonder if their filial affections and were changed into indignation and hoiror. THE UNITED STATES. 393 This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolu tion. By what means, this irreat and important al er-ition in the religioii>!, moral, political, and social char-actor of the people of thirteen colonies, all distinct, unconnected, and independent of each other, was begun, pursued, and accomplished, it is surely interesting to humi-.uty to investigate, and perpetuate to posterity. To this end it is greatly to be desired that young gentlemen of letters, in ali the states, especially in the thirteen original stales. w.nKl under uke (he labjri-J is. but certainly interesting and amusing ta^k, of searching and collecting all the records, pamphlets, new-papers, and even hand-bills, which in any way contributed to c.uinge lue temper and views of the people, and compiso them into an independent nation. Tiie colonies had grown up under constitutions of government so different, there \\MS so great a variety of religions, they were ?ed of so m::ny -lirTerent nations, their customs, manners and habits had s Ihtie resemblance, and their intercourse had Leea so ra e. and their knowledge of each other so imperfect, that to unite them in the same principles in theory, and the same system of action, was certainly a very difficult enterprise. The complete accomplishment of it, in so short a time, and by such simple means, was perhaps, a singular example in the his tory of mankind. Thirteen clocks were made to strike to gether ; a perfection of mechanism which no artist had ever before effected. In this research, the g-lonoroles of individual gentlemen and of separate states is of little c msequence. The means and the measures are the proper objects of investigation. These may be of use to posterity, not only in this nation, but in South America, and all other outlines. They may teach mankind, that revolutions are no trifles ; they ougat never to be under taken rashly ; nor without deliberate consideration and sober reflection; nor without a solid, immutable, eternal foundation of justice and humanity; nor without a people possessed of in telligence, fortitude, and integrity, sufficient to carry them with steadiness, patience, and perseverance, through all the vici-^i- tudes of fortune, the fiery trials and melancholy disasters they may have to encounter. The town of Boston early instituted an annual oration on the fourth of July, in commemoration of the principles and feelings which contributed to produce the revolution. Many of those orations I have heard, and all that I could obtain I have read. Much ingenuity and eloquence appear upon every subject, ex cept those principles and feelings. That of my honest and 394 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP amiable neighbour, Josiah Quincy, appeared to me the most directly to the purpose of the institution. Those principles and feelings ought to be traced back for two hundred years, and sought in t.he history of the country from the first plantations in America. Nor should the principles and feelings of the Eng lish and Scotch towards the colonies, through that whole period, ever be forgotten. The perpetual discordance between British principles and feelings and those of America, the next year af ter the suppression of the French power in America, came to a crisis, and produced an explosion. It was not until after the annihilation of the French dominion in America, that any British ministry had dared to gratify their own wishes, and the desire of the nation, by projecting a formal plan for raising a national revenue from America, by parlia mentary taxation. The first great manifestation of this design was by the order to carry into strict execution those acts of parliament which were well known by the appellation of the acts of trade, which had lain a dead letter, unexecuted for half a century, and some of them I believe for nearly a whole one. This produced, in 1760 and 1761, an awakening and a revival of American principles and feelings, with an enthusiasm which went on increasing, till, in 1775, it burst out in open violence, hostility, and fury. The characters, the most conspicuous, the most ardent and influential, in this revival from 1760 to 1766, were first and foremost, before all and above all, James Otis; next to him was Oxenbridge Thatcher ; next to him Samuel Adams ; next to him John Hancock ; then Dr. Mayhew, then Dr. Cooper and his brother. Of Mr. Hancock s life, character, generous nature, great and disinterested sacrifices, and important servi ces, I should be glad to write a volume. But this I hope will be done by some younger and abler hand. Mr. Thatcher, be cause his name and merits are less known, must not be wholly omitted. This gentleman was an eminent barrister at law, in as large practice as any one in Boston. There was not a citi zen of that town more universally beloved for his learning, in genuity, every domestic and social virtue, and conscientious conduct in every relation of life. His patriotism was as ardent as his progenitors had been ancient and illustrious in this cifKin- try. Hutchinton often said, ik Thatcher was not born a plebeian, but ho was determined to die one." In May, 1763, I believe, he was chosen by the town of Boston one of their representa tives in the legislature, a colleague with Mr. Otis, who had been amemberlrom May 1761, and hecontinued to be re-elect ed annually till his death in 1765, when Mr. Samuel Adams was elected to fill his place, in the absence of Mr. Otis, then attending the congress at New York. Thatcher had long been THE UNITED STATES. 305 jealous of the unbounded ambition of Mr. Hutchinson, but when he found him not content with ihe officeof lieutenant governor, the command of the castle, and its emoluments, of judge of pro bate for the county of Suffolk, a seat in his majesty s council in the legislature, his brother-in-law secretary of state by the king s commision, a brother of that secretary of state a judge of the supreme court and a member of council, now in 1760 and 1761, soliciting and accepting the office of chief justice of the superior court of judicature, lie concluded, as Mr. Otis did, and a? every enlightened friend of his country did, that he sought that office with the determined purpose of determining all causes in favor of the ministry at St. James 1 and their servile parlia ment. Hia indignation against him henceforward, to 1765, when he died, knew no bounds but truth. I speak from personal know ledge For, from 1758 to 1765, I attended every superior and inferior court in Boston, and recollect not one in which he did not invite me home to spend evenings with him, when he made me converse with him as well ag I could, on all subjects of reli gion, moral?, law, politics, history, philosophy, belle-lettres, theology, rnytholog-y,co?mogony, melaphysicks, Locke, Clark, Leibnitz, Bolingbroke, Berkley, the pre-established harmony of the universe, the nature of matter and spirit, and the eternal establishment of coincidences between their operation ; fate, foreknowledge, absolute and we reasoned on such unfathom able subjects as high as Milton s gentry in pandemonium ; and we understood them as well as they did, and no better. To such mighty mysteries he added the news of the day, and the tittle tattle of the town. But his favorite subject was politics, and the impending threatening system of parliamentary taxation, and universal government over the colonies. On this subject he was so anxious and agitated that I have no doubt it occa sioned his premature death. From the time when he argued the question of writs of assistance to his death, he considered the king, ministry, parliament and nation of Great Britain, as determined to new model the colonies from the foundation; to annul all their charters, to constitute them all royal govern ments; to raise a revenue in America by parliamentary taxa tion; to apply that revenue to pay the salaries of governors, judges, and all other crown officers; and after all this, to raise as large a revenue as they pleased, to be applied to national purposes, at the exchequer in England ; and further, to estab lish bishops, and the whole system of the church of England, tythes and all, throughout nil Briusii America. This system, he said, if it was suffered to prevail, would extinguish the flame of liberty all over the world ; that America would he employed as an engine to batter down all the miserable remains cf liberty 396 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF in Great Britain and Ireland, where only any semblance of it was left in the world. To this system he considered Hutchin- son, the Olivers, and all their connexions, dependents, adher ents, shoelickers all entirely devoted. He asserted that they were all engaged with all the crown officers in America, and the understrappers of the ministry in England, in a deep and treasonable conspiracy to betray the liberties of their country, for their own private, personal, and family aggrandizement. His philippicks against the unprincipled ambition and avarice of all of them, but especially of Hutchinson, were unbridled; not only In private, confidential conversations, but in all com panies, and on all occasions, he gave Hutchinson the sobri quet of" Sum ma Potestatis," and rarely mentioned him but by the name of " Surnma." His liberties of speech were no secrets to his enemies. I have sometimes wondered that they did not throw him over the bar, as they did toon afterwards major Hawley. For they hated him worse than they did James Otis, or Samuel Adorns, and they feared him more, because they had no revenge for a father s disappointment of a seal on the supe rior bench, to impute to him, as they did to Otis ; and Thatch er s character through life had been so modest, decent, unas suming, hie morals so pure, and his religion so venerated, that they dared not attack him. In his office were educated to the bar, two eminent characters, the late judge Lowell, and Josiah Quincy, aptly called the Boston Cicero. Mr. Thatcher s frame was slender, his constitution delicate ; whether his physicians overstrained his vessels with mercury, when he had the sirnll pox by inoculation at the castle, or whether he was overlived bj public anxieties and exeitions, the small pox left him in a decline from which he never recovered. Not long 1 before his death, he sent for me to commit to my care sc me of his business at the bar. I asked him whether lie had seen the Virginia re solves : " Oh yes they are men ! They are noble spirit?! It kills me to think of the lethargy and stupidity that prevail here. I long to be out. I will go out. I will go out. I will go into court, and make a speech which shall be read after my death, as my dying testimony against this infernal tyranny they ure bringing upon u?." Seeing the violent ablation into which it threw him, I changed (be subject as soon as possible, and retir ed. He hf;d been ccr.firt d for seme time. Had he been abroad among the people, he wc.uld i.ot have complained so pathetical ly of the ie .hargy and rtupidity that prevailed," for town find country were all olive; Mid in August became active enough, and feme of the people j rccecded to unwarrantable excesses, which were more lamented by the patriots, than by their ene mies. Mr. Thatcher soon died, deeply lamented by all the friends of their country. THE UNITED STATES. 397 Another gentleman who had great influence in the com mencement of the revolution,, \vas doctor Jonathan Mayhew, a descendant of the ancient governor of Martha s Vineyard. This divine had raised a great reputation, both in Europe and America, by the publication of a volume of seven sermons in the reign of king George the second, 1749, and by many other writings; particularlv a sermon in 1750, on the thirtieth of January, on the subject of passive obedience and non-resistance, ia which the saints hip and martyrdom of king Charles the first a r e considered, seasoned with u it and satire superior to any in JSwift or Franklin. It was read by every body ; celebrated by friends, and abused by enemies. During the reigns of king George the first and king George the second, the reigns of the Stuarts, the two Jameses and the two Charleses were in gene ral disgrace in England. In America, t!ioy had always been held in abhorrence. The persecutions and cruelties Buffered by their ancestors under those reigns, had been transmitted by history and traditi ->n ; and Mayhew seemed to be raised up to revive all their airrnosity against tyrauni , in church and state, and at the same time to destroy their bigotry, fanaticism and inconsistency. David Hume s plausible, elegant, fascinating, and fallacious apology, in which he varnished over the crimes of the Stuarts, had not then appeared. To draw the character of Mayhew would be to transcribe a dozen volumes. This transcendant genius threw all the weight of his great fame into the scale of his country in 1761, agd maintained it there with zeal and ardor till his death in 1765. In 1763 appeared the controversy between him and Mr. Apthorp, Mr. Caner, Dr. Johnson and Archbishop Seeker, on the charter and conduct of the society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts. To form a judgment of this debate, I beg leave to refer to a review of the whole, printed at the time, and written by Samu 1 Adams though by some, very absurdly and erroneously, ascribed to Mr. Aplhorn. If I am not mistaken, it will be found a model of candor, sagacity, impartiality, and close, correct reasoning. If any gentleman supposes this controversy to be nothing to the present purpose, he is grossly mistaken. It spread an uni versal alarm against he authority ef parliament. It exctted a general and j.^t apprehension that bishops and dioceses, and churches, and priests and tythes, were to be imposed upon us by parliament. It was known that neither king nor ministry, nor archbishops, could appoint bishops in America without an act of parliament; and if parliament could tax us, thev could establish the church of England with all its creeds, articles, tests, ceremonies and tythes, and prohibit all other churcncs a* conventicles and schism shops. 34 398 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF WormustMr. Gushing be forgotten. His good sense and sound judgment, (he urbanity of his manners, his universal good character, his numerous friends and connexions, and his con tinual intercourse with fill sorts of people, added to his constant attachment to the liberties of his country, gave him a great and salutary influence from the beginning in 1760. Let me recommend these hints to the consideration of Mr. Wirt, whose life of Mr. Henry I have read with great delight. I think, t after mature investigation he will be convinced that Mr. Henry did not " give the first impulse to the ball cf independency" and that Otis, Thatcher, Samuel Adams, May- hew, Hancock, Gushing, and thousands of others were laboring for several years at the wheel, before the name of Mr. Hen;y was heard beyond the limits of Virginia. COMPARATIVE ESTIMATE OF THE Population of the United States. The northern and eastern sections of the Union are far less favoured by nature for the production of the fruits of the earth, than the southern and western. And hence emigrations are frequent, and the. drain of inhabitants great. And yet the fact is evident, that in New England the population is constantly and rapidly increasing. By comparing the census of 1810 with that of 18:20, we pereeive a very regular progression, and with very few exceptions, an increase equal to that which might be expected, even without the loss of emigrants. During the ten years mentioned, in Maine, the most barren state in New Eng land, the nett gain of inhabitants was near 70,000 being an ad dition of nearly one third of its former numbers. The increase was in all the counties. In the same time New Hampshire pained about 30,000, being an increase of more than one ninth of her former numbers, and no loss in eitber of her counties. In Vermont, the increase was about 18,000, and no loss in any section of the state. In Massachusetts, the gain was 51,000, being an increase of about one eighth. Berkshire county lost two hundred and seventeen, and Duke s county gained but two. In Rhode Island, the gain was much less than might be expect ed, considering the flourishing state of manufactures, and the encouragement held out to enterprise. The whole increase was hut aboui r< 6,000, being one twelfth of her former popula tion. In Newport county, the loss was about five hundred. In Connecticut, the gain was 14,000, being an increase of about one twentieth of its former numbers. Thus the nett increase in the New England states, during ten years, was 183,000. THE UNITED STATES. 399 \Ve come now (o*the great state of New York, which is di vided into four large district?, viz. South, Middle, Eastern, and Western. The gain of inhabitants in the South, during ten year;;, W as nearly 39.000, of which New York city and county received about 27.00Q. The gain in the Middle district was 37.000. In the Eastern, the increase was 23.000, in which is Washington county, which lost during this time, nearly six thousand. The greatest increment was in the Western dis trict, which nearly doubled in the aggregate, and some of the counties of which, more than tripled their former numbers. St. Lawrence, Courtland, Broome, and Ontario doubled; and Genesee increased more than fuur fold. The "hole gain in the state was 413,763, which is an addition to the census of 1810, of one half, wanting a fraction. The population of the state may now be fairly estimated at sixteen hundred thousand. New Jersey exhibiis a" regular progression, having ad-led to her pop ulation but thirty-two thousand, each of the counties uaving ccntribnted about a fair proportion. The addition is about on* seventh in ten years. Pennsylvania exhibits a considerable increase during this period, but the result in the different coun ties is verv unequal. Cleafiold, Erie, Jefferson. M Kean, Tiog?, and Warren, have about cl- . :::i some of them more than tripled their numbers, while Cumberland. Daupnin, and North ampton, have lost thousands, and Northumberland, alone, twen ty-one thousand, bein:* three thousand more thr.n half its former inhabitant*. The whole increment to the slate during ten years, was 239.307, of which Philadelphia city and county claim nearly twenty-six thousand. Delaware had gained but seven ty-five during this time, the whole population in 1820, amounting to less than 73,000. In Maryland, the following counties di minished about thirteen thousand in ten years, viz. Charles, Montgomery, Harford, Q,;;een Ann, and Dorchester. The whole gain in the state, however, was near twenty-seven thou sand, the whole population being more than four hundred and seven thousand. Having now come in course to the District of Columbia, a particular description may be desirable, at least so far as the principal city is worthy of note. Washington city, the metropolis of the United States, is pleasantly situated on the N. E. bank of the river Potomac, at the point of land formed by the junction of the Eastern branch, 200 miles from the mouth of the river, and 3 miles below the head of the tide. It is separated from Georgetown on the N. W. by Rock creek, and Tyber creek passes though the middle of the city. Washington is regularly laid out in streets running due north and south, intersected by others at risrht angle?. Be sides these streets, which are from SO to 110 feet wide, there 400 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF are avenues, from 130 to 160 feet broad,* which diverge from centres in various parts of the city, crossing the other streets transversely. At the points from which the avenues diverge are spacious squares. The ground embraced in the plan of the city is very exiensive, but only a small portion of it is yet occu pied with buildings. The principal public buildings and establishments aie, 1- The Capitol, which is finely situated on an eminence, commanding a view of every part of the city, and a considerable portion of the adjacent country. According to the original plan, it is to be composed of a central edifice and two wings. The two wings were in a state of considerab e forwardness io 1814, when the British arn y, under general Ross, gained possession of the city and destroyed (hem, together with the President s house end other public structures, and an extensive library, which had been purchased for the use of Congress. The \\ings of tt.e capitol are now rebuilt, and the centra] building has been com menced. The wings are each 100 feet square, and the whole building, when completed, will be a magnificent edifice, pre senting a front of 862 feet. 2. The President s house, situated about a mile and a half west of the capitol, on the avenue lead ing to Georgetown. It is 170 feet by 85, and two stories high. 3. Four spacious buildings erected in the vicinity of the Presi dent s house, for the accommodation of the heads of the great departments of government. 4. An extensive navy yard, situ ated on the Eastern branch, which forms a safe and commodi ous harbour. 5. A fort, which, from the extreme southern point of the land on which the city stands, commands the chan nel of the Potomac, and, 6. the general post-office, a brick edi fice, about a mile YV. N. YV. of the capitol. The style of the architecture of the capitol is Corinthian, and that of the preai- dent s house, Ionic; and both buildings are constructed of free clone. The capitol square is enclosed by a strong and handsome iron railing; and being planted with trees, and otherwise or namented, will afford a delightful walk for the inhabitants and visitors of the city. The amount expended by the United States on the public buildings, previously to their destruction by the British, in August, 1814, was $1,214,291, and there have been appropriated towards rebuilding the same, $1,207,783. Besides the buildings and establishments above enumerated, Washington contains a city hall, a theatre, a college, 4 hanks, several manufacturing establishments, and \2 houses for public worship, 3 for Presbyteiians, 2 for Episcopalians, 2 for Baptists, 2 for Methodists, 2 for Catholics, and 1 for Friends. There is a Hridge about one mile long over the Polornac, three over the Eastern Branch, and 2 over Rock creek. The population of Washington in 1800 was 3,210; in 1310, 8,208 ; and in 1820, 13,247, of wLurn 3,741 were blacks. THE UNITED STATBb. 40i The whole gain in the district, during ten years, was nine thousand. The southern states except Alabama, Mississippi, and Lou isiana, afford but small inducements for the settlement of emi grants. The two former have considerably increased, and the latter nearly doubled her numbers in ten years. Tennessee has increabed in the same ratio, and Kentucky has gained more than fifteen thousand annually, numbering at the last census nearly six hundred thousand. But in point of gain in num bers," Ohio takes the lead of all her sister states, having in creased from 1810 to 1820, 350,674, and, at the last census, was noted down at 581, 434. Having now digressed a little from the track of history, with out entirely losing our way, we shall return to the thread of our work, as connected more particularly with the doings of our government. CHAPTER XVII. President Monroe s Administration. Mr Monroe was sworn into office as President of the Uni ed Slates, on the fourth of March 1817, and entered on his duties, under favourable auspices. On his accession to the presidency, tlie country was in a prosperous state. War had ceased, and with it much of the asperity of political excitement, and party bickering. But to repair the losses of the war, and to regain the commercial prosperity which had been uearly annihilated, was not the work of a moment. Much of the commerce to which^our attention had been turned, had fallen into other hands, and ship building excepting for the navy, had been near ly forgotten. Our country was inundated by foreign fabrics, and the specie which had been borrowed at a great premium, was fast leaving the country. But still, the inaugural address of "the president was encouraging, and he anticipated a return of our former prosperity. During the summer and autumn of 1817, the president made a tour through the northern and eastern sections of the union, where his presence was welcomed with the greatest cordiality, and party feeling seemed merged in national patriotism. But, in this journey, the national interestg were a principal object. Large sums had been appropriated by the national legislature for the defence of the sea coast, the safety of our inland fron tier, the increase of the navy, and the establishments of nation- 34* 402 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF al docks; the superintendence of which was committed to the president. That he might discharge his duties with fidelity and judgment, he determined to obtain the necessary information by personal observation. From Washington, which he left on the first of June, he went by land to Boston, passing through the principal cities on his route, amidst the congratulations and benedictions of a happy people. From Boston where he spent several days, he passed through Salem, Nevvburyport, and Portsmouth, to Portland, whence his course was directed to Plattsburg, N. Y. This important post occcupied his atten tion several days. His course thence was directed to Detroit, through Ogdensburg and Sacketts Harbour. On the 17th of September, he arrived at Washington, having travelled three thousand miles in little more than three months. On the first of December, congress convened ; and themes- sage of the president stated that our national credit was rising, and that the defences of the country were in a state of forward ness ; that arrangements were made with Great Britain, to re duce the naval force of the two countries on the lakes; that each country was to retain possession of the islands aa before the late war ; and that our foreign relations were of a pacific character. He also specially recommended the officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army, to the notice of congress-, and pressingly advocated a repeal of the internal duties, as needless to be continued any longer. Mississippi was admitted into the union, as an independent state, on the eleventh, with the usual formalities. In the course of the same month, an expedition which had been set oh foot against Florida, by foreign adventurers, was checked by the troops of the United States. The actors claimed authority under the colonies of South America, and had formed an estab lishment at Amelia Island, a Spanish province. The Ameri can government therefore saw proper to take possession of the island, and break up the haunt of a lawless banditti. Another establishment similar in its profession and practices, was formed at Galvezton, an island on the Texas coast, be longing to the United States. Slaves in considerable numbers were thuaemuggled into the country, and importations of goods were made through the same channel, in a clandestine manner. A naval force, with troops was sent against them, and the island surrendered without loss of blood. During this session several important bills passed the ordeal of congress, particularly that for the relief of revolutionary of ficers and soldiers. In April 1818, Illinois adopted a state constitution, and in December following, was admitted into the union. THE UNITED STATES. 403 In May 1318, the president left Washington, to view the ex tensive shores of the Chesapeake bay, and embarking at An* napolis, examined the coast and wafers, with a view of ascer taining the propriety of establishing a naval depot in that vicin ity, and having accomplished the object of his visit, returned through Virginia, to the seat of government, which he reached on the 17th of June. He every where experienced the same welcome reception which he met in his tour through the northern states during the preceding year. On the 27th of May, the president and senate ratified the treaty, concluded between Mr. Russel and the Swedish govern ment, and the same was ratified by the king of Sweden, on the 24th of July following. The Seminofe Indians, urged on as is supposed by foreign emissaries who resided among them, and several murders were committed, but the Indians refused to give up the guilty, alle ging that the whites were the original aggressors. In conse quence of this refusal, general Gaines was ordered to remove, discretionaly, such Indians as were still on the lands ceded by the Creeks to the United States. In the execution of this order one man and woman were kil led, and two women made prisoners. Soon after this, the In dians fired on a second detachment who resisted them, anj a skirmish ensued, in which several were killed and wounded. Shortly after this event, Lieutenant Scott, with a detach ment of forty men, seven women, and some children, ascen ding the Appalachicula, with supplies for the garrison at Fort Scott, were attacked, and the whole party killed, excepting six men, who made their escape, anJ a woman who was taken prisoner. From this time, the war became serious. The Indians, in considerable numbers, were embodied, and an open attack was made on Fort Scott, to which general Gaines with about six hundred regular soldiers \rasfor a time confined. Information of tkis state of things being communicated to the department of war, general Jackson was ordered, Dec. 26, to take the iieKl, and directed if he should deera the force with general Gaines, amounting to one thousand and eight hundred men, insufficient to cope with the enemy, " to call on the executives of the adjacent states for such, an additional ruiliua force as he might deem requisite." Oa the receipt of this order, general Jackson prepared to complj ; but instead of calling on the exe cutives of the neighbouring states, especially on the governour of Tenaesse, who lived near his residence, he addressed a circu lar to the patriots of West Tennessee, inviting one thousand of them to join his standard. 4Q4 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF At the same time he wrote to the governour of Tennessee, M Minn, informing him of the apj.eal he had made to the men xvhom he had led to victory on the plains of Talledega, Emuck- fau, and Tohopeko, and added, " should the appeal prove inef ficacious, I will embrace the earliest opportunity of making the requisition on you for a like number of drafted militia." The call of general Jackson was promptly obeyed, and the thousand volunteers, officered by the general, or by the volunteers them selves, were ordered to Fort Scott. Before taking up his march, he wrote, Jan. 12th, to the sec retary of war, apprising him of the appeal he had made to the Tennt ssceans, assigning as his reason for such a step, that he deernod I he force with general Gaines, one thousand eight hundred, insufficient, and " that the greater portion of this number were drafted militia from Georgia, who might apply for their discharge at the expiraU >n of three months from the time they were mustered," aboul the dine he should probably reach Fort Scott. To this commutwcation the secretary re plied " I have the honour to acquaint you of the entire appro bation of the president, of all the measures which you have adopted to terminate the rupture with the Indians." Believing that the Seminoles could not be subdued, unless they were followed into Florida, general Jackson marched up on St. Marks, a weak garrison, where a portion of them had taken refuge. Possession of the fort was taken easily, and oc cupied by Jackson as an American post. The main army then marched to Stiwanoy river, where they consumed an lu dian village. At this time the court, martial was held, at which Alexander Arbuthnot, and Robert C. Ambrister were tried and condemned to death. Two Ind.aa chief s were hung without trial. The following is extracted from the doings of the court. " The court, on examination of evidence, and^on mature de liberation, find the prisoner, Robert C. Ambrister, guilty of the first and second charges, and do therefore sentence him to suf fer death by being 1 shot. The members requesting a reconsid eration of the vote on this sentence, and it being had, they sentence the prisoner to receive fifty siripes on his bare hack, and be confined with a ball and chain, to hard labour for twelve caltndar months. The commanding general approves the finding 1 and sentence of the .court, in the case of A. Ar buthnot, and approves the finding ami first sentence of the court, in the ease of Robert C. Aoibrister, and disapproves the reconsideration of the sentence of the honourable court in this case. " It appears from the evidence and pleading of the prisoner, that he did lead and command within the territory of Spain, (being a subject of Great Britain,) the Indians in war against THE UMTED STATES. 405 the United Slates, those nations beia^ at peace. It. is an es tablished principle of the laivs of nations, that any individual of a nation, making war against th ci izens of any other nation, they being" at peace, forfeits his allegiance, and becomes an out law and pirate. This is the case of Robert C. Ambrisler clear ly shown by the evidence adduced. * The commanding- genera! orders that brevet Major A. C. D. Fanning-, of the coips of artillery, will have betweea the hours of eig : it and nine o clock, A. M. A. Arbuthnot suspen ded by the neck with a rope, un il he is dead, and Robert O Ambrister to be shot to death., agreeably to the sentence of tho court." General Jick^on soon received information, that the gover nor of Pensacola favourtd the Indians, on the knowledge of which, he took up the line of march for the capital, where he arrived, at the end of twenty days. The place was taken with hardly a show of resistance. The governor having escaped to Barancas, a fort six miles d:sUuu, it was invested by the Amer ican troops, and taken, after a resistance of two days, the troops being transported to Havana. A military government was iu- siituted ot W:]icii information wa^ given to the secretary of wir. The president, however, soon restored the country to the Spaniards, giving 1 the reasons for its occupation, Tue singular ptevs taken by the commanding general in this affair excited considerable sensaiions in tne minds of Americans, and the subj /c s of complaint were brought before congress. A military committee censuied his conduct, but tiie iiouse d u not concur. Li January, 1019, a convention between the Uui .eJ States aud Great Britain, was sane ioned by the president, and ratified by the Prince Regent i;i November fjiijvving. Tiie first arti cle of this instrument, gave liberty to the citizens 01 the I States, to take fish on the northern, western, aod So,. banks ui Newfoundland. By the second, the northern bounda ries of the United States, from the Lake of the Woods to t:,e fctoney Mountains were established. Tne fourth extended the term of tiie convention of 1315, relative to Commerce, ten years longer In February f .llowin*. East and West Florida, with the ad jacent islands, were ceded to the United States by Spa u. This treaty settled the boundaiios between the two countri-a. Bui tne raMficatio.i of this treaty delayed by the king of Spain, under preience that an expedition against Texas had been fitted out by the United Slates. Tne necessary explaua- ti ns were mide by thte president, an 1 a bill was introduced in to Congress, to take pjs^e-sion of Florida, but the step was not takwn, and iu October, the t;eaty was ratified by the king of 406 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Spain. Formal possession was given to the United States in July following. In the Spring of 1819, Arkansas was admitted into the union as an independent state. During the summer, the president visited the southern section of the United States, with a view to the great interests of the nation. He passed through Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, Nashville, the Cherokee na tion, Louisville, Lexington, and thence returned to Washing ton. In December, Alabama was admitted into the union. This territory having long been a bone of contention, we add the following : After the peace of 1783, Georgia laid claim to this terrrito- ry, and exercised jurisdiction over it, until the beginning of the present century. In 1795, an act passed the legislature of Georgia, by which twenty five millions of acres, of its western territory, were sold to companies for five hundred thousand dollars, and the purchase money was paid into the treasury. The purchasers of these lands soon after sold them at advanced prices. The sale of the territory excited a warm opposition in Georgia, and at a subsequent meeiit.ig of the legislature, the transaction was impeached on the ground of bribery, corruption, and unconstitutionally. The records respecting the sale were ordered to be burnt, and the five hundred thousand dollars to be refunded to the purchasers. Those who had acquired titles of the original purchasers instituted suiis in the federal courts. In 1802, however, Georgia ceded to the United States all her western territory, for one million, two hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. On this event, the purchasers of the Ynzoo land petitioned congress for redress and compensation. After con siderable opposition, an act passed for reiaibursing them with funded stock, called the ML-sit-tippi stock. In the following year, Maine, which had formerly belonged to Massachusetts was erected into an independent state, and joined the federal Union. The separation from the parent state was on the most amicable terms. Mr. Monroe having been re-elected president, took the usunl oath of office on the 5th of March, 1821, and Mr. Tornpkins was again elected vice president. On the 10th of August, the proclamation of the president announced, that Missouri was ad mitted into the federal compact as an integral part. Upon the cession of Louisiana to the United States, the dis trict, which now loans the state of Louisiana, was separated from the territory and made a distinct government, by thejiame of the territory of Orleans. In 1811, the territory of Orleans became a state, by the name of Louisiana. The remaining part of the original of Louisiana, extending to the Pacific, was erected into a territorial government, and called THE UNITED STATES. 407 Missouri. In 1818-19, application was made to congress, by the people of this territory, to form a state constitution. A bill was accordingly introduced, for the purpose, a provision of which forbade slavery or involuntary servitude. The bill, with this provision, passed the house of representatives, but was re jected in the senate, and, in consequence of this disagreement, the measure, for the time, failed. In the session of 1819-20, the bill was revived: and, after lonir and animated debates, a compromise was effected, by which slavery was (o be tolerated in Missouri, and forbidden in all that part of Louisiana, as ce ded by Franco, lying north of 36 30 north latitude, excep*. so much as was included within the limits of the state. In the meantime, the people of Missouri had formed a state constitu tion. When this constitution was presented to congress, in lu-20-21, a provision in it, which required the legislature to pass laws, " to prevent free negroes and mulattoes from coming to, and settling in the state," was strenuously opposed, on the ground that it violated the rights of such persons of that descrip tion, as were citizens of any of the United States. The contest occupied a great part of the session, and it was finally deter mined, by a small majority, that Missouri should be admitted, upon the fundamental condition, that the contested clause should not be construed to authorise the passage of any laws, excluding citizens of other sta es from enjoying rhe privileges to which they are entitled, by the constitution of the United States. It was also provided, that if the legislature of Missouri should, by a solemn public act, previously to the 4ih Monday of November, 1821, declare the assent of the state to this funda mental condition, the president should issue his proclamation, declaring the admission complete. On the 24th of June, 1821, the legislature of Missouri assented to the fundamen al condi tion ; and on the 10th of August following, the president s pro clamation was issued, declaring the admission complete. During the first session of the seventeenth Congress, a terri torial government was established for Florida. At the opening of the second session, the president informed Congress, that, in June, a convention of navigation and commerce, resting essen tially on a basis of reciprocal and equal advantage to the tro countries, had b^en concluded betv een France and the United States ; that the prohibition, which had been imposed on com merce, between the United States and the British colonies, in the West Indies and on continent, had been removed, and that the ports of those colonies had been opened to the vessels of the United States, by an act of the British parliament. In a second message, a few days subsequently, the president introduced to the notice of congress the interesting subject of the " multiplied outrages and depredations, recently committed 408 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP on our seamen and commerce by pirates, in the West Indie and Gulf of Mexico," and recommended the immediate organi zation of an efficient force to suppress them. A. bill was ac cordingly inlroduced, authorizing the president to provide such a force, and to despatch it immediately to the protection of our persecuted seamen. Immediately after the passage of the above bill, commodore Porter w/as appointed to this service, and, soon afler, hoisting his broad pendant on board the Peacock, stretched his way, with a respectable force, to chastise those miscreants, that re gard no law, and that feel no mercy. This session closed on the 3d of March, 1823, in which little business of general importance had been transacted. At the opening of the first session of the eighteenth Congress in December, the president spoke in high terms of the pros perous state of the finances, and of our amicable relations with foreign nations. In relation to the efforts of the executive, to stop the depredations of pirates on the national commerce, the president stated, that in ihe West Indies, and the gulf of Mexi co, the naval force had been augmented, according to the pro visions of Congress. " This armament," said he, . has been eminently successful in the accomplishment of its object. The piracies by which our commerce in the neighbourhood of the island of Cuba had been afflicted, have been repressed, and the confidence of the merchants in a great measure restored." In allusion to the Greek revolution, the president has the following judicious remarks ; and though his half-prophetic wishes are not yet realised, the prospect that they will soun be is certainly a bright one. " A strong hope has been long en tertained, founded on the heroic struggle of the Greeks, that they would succeed in their contest, and resume their equal station among (he nations of the earth. It is believed that the whole civilized world takes a deep interest in their wel fare. Although no power has declared in their favour, yet none, according to our information, has taken part against them. Their cause and their name have protected ihem from dangers, which might, ere this, have overwhelmed any other people. The ordinary calculations of interest, and of acquisition, with a view to aggrandizement, which mingle so much in the trans-ac tions of nations, seem to have had no effect in regard to them. From the facts which have come to our knowledge, there is good cause to believe that their enemy has lost, forever, all do minion over them that Greece will again become an indepen dent nation. That she may obtain that rank, is the object of our most ardent wishes. Speaking of Spain and Portugal, in relation to the attempts of the * Holy Alliance" to extend their political system to South THE UNITED STATES. 409 America. But on this topic, the executive observed, " The cit izens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty and happiness of their fellow men on that side of the Atlantic. In the wars of the European powers, in matters relating to themselves, we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy so to do. It is only when our rights are invaded, or seriously menaced, that we resent injuries, or make preparation for our defence. With the movements in this hemi sphere, we are, of necessity, more immediately connected, and by causes which must be obvious to all enlightened and impartial ob servers. The political system of the allied powers is essentially different, in this respect, from that of America. This difference proceeds from that which exists in their respective governments. And to the defence of our own, which has been achieved by the loss of so much blood and treasure, and matured by the wisdom of their most enlightened citizens, and under which we have en joyed unexampled felicity, this whole nation is devoted. We owe it, therefore, to candour, and to the amicable relations ex isting between the United States and those powers, to declare, that we should consider any attempt, on their part, to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety. With existing colonies or dependencies of any European power, we have not interfered, and shall not interfere. But with the governments who fcave declared their independence and maintained it. and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledg ed, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of op-, pressing them, or controlling, in any other manner, their desti ny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the United States. In the war between those new governments and Spain, we declared our neutrality at the time of their recognition, and to this we have adhered, and shall continue to adhere, provided no change shall occur, which, in the judgment of the competent authority of this government, shall make a corresponding change on the part of the United States indispensable to their security." To this language, so temperate, just, and independent, ever} good citizen responded, amen. His remarks on the state of the country, in the same message, are too valuable to be omitted. "If we compare the piesent condition of our union with its actual state at the close of our revolution, the history of the world furnishes no example of a progress in improvement in all the important circumstances which constitute the happiness of a nation, which bears any resemblance to it. At the first epoch our population did not exceed three millions. By the last cen sus it amounted to about ten millions ; and, what is more ex- 35 410 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF traordinary, it is almost altogether native, for the emigration from other countries has been inconsiderable. At the first epoch, half the territory within our acknowledged limits, was uninhabited and a wilderness. Since then, new territory has been acquired, of vast extent, comprising within it many rivers, particularly the Mississippi, the navigation of which to the ocean, was of the highest importance to the original states. Over this territory our population has expanded in every direc tion, and new states have been established, almost equal, in number, to those which formed the first bond of our union, This expansion of our population, and accession of new states to our union, have had the happiest effect on all its higher in terests. That it has eminently augmented our resources, and added to our strength and respectability, as a power, is admitted by all. But it is not in these important circumstances only, that this happy effect is felt. It is manifest, that, by enlarging the basis of our system, and increasing the number of states, the system itself has been greatly strengthened in both its branch es. Consolidation and disunion have thereby been rendered equally impracticable. Each government, confiding in its own strength, has less to apprehend from the other; and, in conse quence, each enjoying a greater freedom of action, is rendered more efficient for all the purposes for which it was instituted. :v The sympathy expressed by the president for the sufferings of the Greeks, called forth a resolution from Mr. Webster, pro viding for the expenses of an agent to Greece, whenever the executive should drem the appointment proper, and expedient. In offering the resolution, Mr. Webster stated, it was far from being his wish, in any manner, to commit the House, in this or any of the political contests of Europe; but the president of the United Stases having, in his message to Congress, not only ex pressed a belief that the Greek nation in its present struggle with its opposers, had the good wishes of the whole civilized world, but also advanced the opinion that the Turkish dominion over that country was lost forever ; he thought that if such were the fact, it was important that Congress should act upon the subject. The main object in view was to obtain from the House an expression, responsive to the sentiment of the mes sage, in reference to the sacrifices and sufferings of that heroic people sacrifices and sufferings, which ought to excite the sympathy of every liberal minded man in Europe, as well as in this country. But whatever might be the case with other na tions, we certainly, ought not to be restrained from expressing, with freedom, what are our views in relation to the Greek cause, so far as may be done without committing ourselves in tbe contest. And he really did hope that we should shew to the world, that there is at least, one government which does THE UNITED STATES. 411 entertain a proper view of that barbarous despotism, which, jnder the eyes of Europe, has been permitted, by a system of the foulest atrocity, to attempt to crush an interesting Christian nation. In most of our large towns and literary institutions, meetings were held in reference to this subject, and resolutions adopted, expressive of sentiments alike honourable to our citiz- ns as members of a free community, and as friends of humanity. They spoke a language worthy of the cause which called them forth, and such a? the circumstances of the age require. They are a proof, too, of the existence, and the energy of that princi ple in the American people, which removes them farther from the supporters of legitimacy, than the breadth of the Atlantic, and is a safer bulwark than its billows. From that time to the present, large contributions have been made in the United States, and forwarded to the proper au thorities of thai oppressed and ill-fated country. At present, the armies of Russia threaten the capital of Turkey, and little doubt remains ofthe emancipation of the Greeks. The. session of congress closed in May, 1824 ; the most im- poitant bills which passed, being one to abolish imprisonment for debt, and the other establishing a tariff of duties on imports. The latter of these, occupied the time of congress during ten weeks, and at last passed by a majority of five only, two rnem- orily being absent. On th$ 16th of August, the marquis La Fayette, accompan ied by his son, and M L. Vasseur his secretary, landed in New York, where he was welcomed in a manner which evinced a sensf of national gratitude, never surpassed. k - From New York, La Fayette passed through the country to Boston, constantly receiving the most enthusiastic congrat ylations ofthe people. Not onl\ at every place where he stop ped, but as he passed along the road, thousands came to catch a glimpse of him, and bid " Welcome La Fayette." Having- visited most of the principal towns in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, RhoHe Island, and Connnecticut, he again returned to New York. During- his tour, it is impossible to convey in general terms an adequate idea of the excitement into which the country was thrown. Committees were constantly arri ving from distant, towns at the places where he stopped, to solicit the honour of receiving him, and to know on what day and at what hour his arrival might be expected. In some in stances, gentlemen residing at a distance from his route, di rected the news of his approach to be sent them by expresses. Meantime the General was so obliging as to allow himself to be transported with the utmost rapidity from place to place, iften travelling most ofthe night, so as not to disappoint the 412 - UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF anxious expectations of the people. From New York the General went to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, &c. constantly receiving from the people the same cordial wel come, and witnessing the same demonstrations of joy wherever he went. But the. feelings of the nation demanded that something more should be done for general La Fayette, than could be ex pressed by acclamation alone. This love of liberty had been the means of depriving him of a great proportion of his fortune. When, during our revolution, the country was so exhausted as to be unable to clothe or feed her little army, La Fayette not only gave all his pay to government, but advanced money which never was refunded : so that, in addition to the debt of gratitude, the nation owed him for advancements made during her necessities. It was the exercise of the same leading prin ciple, (the love ofliberty) which occasioned the confiscation of his estates in France, when the jacobin faction controlled the kingdom. Under every consideration, the nation was bound to shew La Fayette, and the world, that in the prosperity of IPS adop ted countr}, his former services were remembered with too much gratitude to be passed over without some permanent mark of national beneficence. The president of the United States, therefore, in his message (o Congress, at the opening of the last session, recommended in appropriate terms, the consideration of general La Fayette s eminent services to the country, and requested thai the legis lative body of the nation would devise some means of making him at least a partial remuneration. Agreeably to this recom mendation, Congress appointed i committee to deliberate on the subject, and on the 20th of December, lk Mr. Hayne, from the committe appointed on so much of the President s message as relates to making provision of the services of general La Fayette, reported the following bill : " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oj the United States in Congress assembled, That the sum of two hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby granted to major general La Fayette, in compensation for his important services and expenditures during the American Revolution ; and that for this purpose a stock to that amount be issued in his favour, dated the 4th of July, 1824, bearing an annual inter est of six percent, payable quarter yearly, and redeemable on the 31st of December, 1834,. " Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, that one complete Township of land be, and the same is hereby granted to the said major general La Fayette ; and that the president of the United States be authorised to cause the said township to be , THE UNITED STATES. 413 located on any of the public lands which remain unsold ; and that patents be issued to general La Fasette for the same." On the 21st this b:li was made the order of the day in the Senate, and the following debate on it, extracted from the journals of Congress, will tend to shew with how much reason the bill was passed : Senate, Tuesday, December 21 . " The Senate proceeded, as in committee of the whole to the consideration of the bill making provision for the services and expenditures of general La Fayette. Mr. Hayue, (of S. C.) in reply to Messrs. Macon and Brown who objected to the bill, remarked, that the observations made by the honourable gentlemen, rendered it his duty, though it was done with regret, as he had hoped the bill would pass with out opposition, as chairman of the committee, to submit the principle on which the committee had proceeded in presenting the present bill. He trusted that he should be able to satisfy the scruples of the Hon. gentlemen, and that there would be no necessity of recommitting the bill. With regard to the onjections made by his friend on his right, (Mr. M icon,; they affected the making any compensa tion, under any circumstances whatever, to individuals, either for services renderejl or sacrifices made. He understood he had said, i< was immaterial whether an individual should have spent his substance in the service of his country should have put his hand in his purse and paid the expenses of the war, still that for such services no compensation could be made. He could show that this was the fact that it was precisely the case with regard to general La Fayette. He had ex pended his fortune in our service, and he should contend it was right, it was necessary they were called on by duty to them selves, at least to -efund the expenses 10 which he had been subjected. Mr. Hayne proceeded to ay, that he held docu ments in his hand which it became his duty to submit to the Senate documents derived from the highest authority. The paper held in his hand contained accounts from the proper offi cers, showing the expenses of La Fayette, and pointing out the manner in which his estate had been dissipated in the ser vice of liberty. In the year 1777, he had an annual income of 146,000 francs, equal to 28,700 dollars. This had been almost entirely expended in the Cervices which he had rendered to li berty, in this and the other hemisphere. During a period of six years, from the v^ir 1777. to 1783, he had expended in the American service, 700000 francs, equal to 140,000 dollars. This document, said Mr. Hayne, is derived from the most au- hentic sources in France, and is come into my hands from a 35* 4 1 4 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF respectable member of this House, without the knowledge or consent of the General and his friends. The fact to which he called their attention, was, that during the six years the General had been engaged in the service, he- had expended 140,000 dollars of his fortune ; he was in a state of prosperity, and in the enjoyment of a plentiful fortune in his own country, when he resolved to come to this. He purchased a ship, raised, equipped, armed and clothed a regiment at his own expense, and when he landed on these coasts, he came freighted with the munitions of war, which he distributed gra tuitously lo our army. It is on record that he clothed and put shoes on the feet of the naked, suffering, soldiers of America, and that during six years he sacrificed 140,000 dollars. He fisked for no compensation he made out no account he re- cieved no pay he spent his fortune for this country, and not only gave his services, but hazarded his life in its defence, shed his blood in its service, and returned home broken in his for tune. What did Government do ? After the war, in 1794, they gave him the full pay of a Major General, to which he was entitled twelve or fourteen years before. If any Americaa citizen had done as much and had brought in an account stating he had expended 140.000 dollars, and make application for compensation, would it not have been granted ? Indeed, if we were to make out an account current of tbe expenses and sa crifices of the General, it would far exceed the sum now pro posed. But he never rendered a claim : he would have star ved ere he would have done it. I have other documents, said Mr. Hayne, to which I shall briefly refer. There is one fact which shows how alive he was to every honourable sentiment. He has made sacrifices that can never be repaid. Congress in their gratitude, made him a donation of 1 1,000 acres of land, which at the value of lands at this time, was not worth more than 11,000 dollars ; and by an act in 1804, they authorized him to locate this land on any spot in the United States, that might be vacant : and his agent ac cordingly located it in the neighbourhood of New Orleans. In 1807, Congress passed an act, confirming the title to the city council of New Orleans of all lands within six hundred yards of its limits. Part of the land belonging to general La Fayette was in- cludt- d in this grant, and on the fact being communicated to 4iim in France by his agent, accompanied by legal advice of the validity of his title, he replied, that it was not for him to in quire into the circumstances, but that he, receiving bounty from the government of the United States, could only receive it as they chose to give it ; and directed his agent to enter a relin- nuishment of the land in question. This land, according to THE UNITED STATES. 41 ^ the estimate of gentlemen from Louisiana is now worth 500,000 dollars. But there is another circumstance to be stated : hav ing located the land, he made a contract with an Irish Baronet for the sale of a portion of it, and he afterwards made it hie business to find him out he relinquished his own right, and, at his own expense, induced him to relinquish every legal claim that he could have upon the United States. This relinquish- ment was on file in the land office, and Mr. Hayne submitted the documents to the examination of the Senate. These claims appear- certainly in a very strong, and be might say, irresistible shape bef >re the Senate. His honoura ble friend, on the right, had said that we treat this gentleman better than we do our native s->ns, but it appeared that they barely did him justice. Did the gentleman doubt that this government were in the habit of making remuneration for sac rifices aod services he would refer to an act passed in 1790, granting compensation to Frederick William Baron Steuben, for sacrifices and services. Mr. Hayne proceeded to refer to many instances where the government had not only granted pecuniary assistance, but had granted a whole township of land for sacrifices and services. He was not one of those who were afraid of making precedents a good precedent can never do evil ; and when nations as well as individuals, gave way to the noblest feelings of our na ture, they best promoted the glory of the country a ,d the wel fare of the people ; but the case of La Fayette could form no precedent it stood alone. Could this country be born again? could it assume a second childhood, and be placed in circum stances similar to those in which it had formerly been? If this were possible, if it cnuld be reduced again to equal distress, be struggling for existence, about to perish, without funds, arms, clothing, or ammunition, and looking around for help if, under such circumstances, a foreign nobleman should step forth and devote his life and fortune to her service, sacrificing every thing, and shedding his blood in her behalf, and while the scale was depressed, throwing himself into the balance, and deciding its fate surely, such a man would be entitled to the warmest gra titude of the country. After some further debate the bill was passed, and a commit tee appointed to wait on La Fa* ette with a copy of the act. To an address of the committee on he occasion of presenting the act, the Marquis returned the following answer. Gentlemen of the Committee of both Houses of Congress : The immense and unexpected gift, which, in addition to former and considerable bounties, it has pleased Congress to confer upon me, calls for the warmest acknowledgments of an old 4 1C UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF American Soldier, an adopted son of the United States, two titles dearer to my heart than all the treasures in the world. However proud 1 am of every sort of obligation received from the people of the United States, and their Representatives in Congress, the large extent of this benefaction might have cre ated in my mind feelings of hesitation, not inconsistent, I hope, with those of the most grateful reverence. But the so verv kind resolutions uf both Houses, delivered by you, gentlemen, in terms of equal kindness, precl des all other sentiments except those of lively and profound gratitude, of which, in respect fully accepting the munificent favour, I have the honour to beg you will be the organs. Permit me also, gentlemen, to join a tender of my affectionate personal thanks to the expression of the highest respect, with which I have the honour to be your obedient servant, LA FAYETTE. At Washington, La Fayette was received by both houses of Congress with suitable honours. Thence passing to the South, he visited most of the cities in that section of the country. After visiting various places, in the autumn of 1825, the mar quis took passage in the fngate Brandy wine, for France, where he arrived it safety, and where fie still lives, in the enjoyment of a contented mind, and a dear conscience ; the friend of man, and the hero of freedom. The second session of the eighteenth Congress commenced in December, on which occasion we find in the presidential mes sage : " our relations with foreign powers are of a friendly character, although certain interesting differences remain un settled. Our revenue, under the mild system of impost and tonnage, continues to be adequate to all the purposes of gov ernment. Our agriculture, commerce, manufactures and navi gation flourish. Our fortifications are advancing, in the degree authoiized by existing appropriations, to maturity, and due- progress is made in the augmentation of the navy to the limit prescribed by law." He also siated, that the convention of navigation and com merce concluded between the United States and France in 1822 still continued; thatoir commercial intercourse with the British dominions in Europe atid the East Indies, resting on the basis of recip-oc ty, which had been arranged by a con vention, in 1815, was confirmed and continued for ten years, by treat v in 1818; hut that the trade with the British colonies in the West Indies, had not as \t-t been settled to the satisfac tion of the executive ; that our commerce with Sweden had been placed on a footing of perfect reciprocity, by treaty, and with Russia, the NetJierlands, Prussia, and the free Hanseatic cities, the dukedom of Oldenburg and Sardinia, by internal re THE UNITED STATES. 4* ^ ulations on each side, founded on mutual agreement between "he respective governments ; and that the great and extraordi nary changes which had happened in Spain and Portugal, with in the last two years, had not seriously affected the f iendly relations subsisting between them and the United States; d^ though they had presented obstacles to the adjustment of the particular subjects of discussion which have arisen with each. With the remaining powers of Europe, with those on the coast of Barbary, and with all the new South American S ates, our relations were moreover stated to be of a friendly character. The country has ministers plenipotentiary residing wi h the re publics of Colombia and C.iili, and have received ministers of the same rank, from Colombia, Guatimala, Bupnos Ayres and Mexico, and a charge d affaires from the independent govern ment of Brazil. From the view which he then took of our situation, it was manifest that we were in a highly prosperous situation, and that our duty and happiness would consist in handing these blessings down to posterity unimpaired. This session closed constitutionally on the third of March, 1825. The most interesting subjects which occupied its atten tion during the session, were the occupation of the Oregon on the Northwest coast, and the suppression of piracy. The bill respecting the former, however, was lost in the senate ; being indefinitely laid on the table ; while that respecting piracy pas sed ; which, however, does little more than to authorize the building of ten additional ships of war. T ie bill authorizing the occupation >f the Oregon, was passed bv the House of Re presentatives, but had previously been so amended as to provide only for a military occupation of the mouth of the nver. This amendment was adopted, for the purpose of avoiding a violation of the treaty with Great Britain, which provides that the boun- darv line on thit frontier, shall remain unsettled ten yeirs. The presidency of Mr. Monroe closed with the session, du- rinsr which the country enjoyed a state of peace and uniform prosperity. He retired from office, enjoying the respect, af fection, and gratitude, of all who are able duly to appreciate the blessings of having a wise ruler. The choice of president for the succeeding term of four years, not being settled by the e ect.oral vote, devolved on the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was chosen, and took the oath of office on the fourth of March, and John C. Calhoun was chosen vice president by the electors. Hardly had Mr. Monroe entered on his second term of office* when certain public journals became clamorous in favour of various candidates for the succession to that important post. N T or has the clamour yet ceased (September, 1828,) on the same 418 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF topic, in regard to the next presidency, which will be vacated on the third of March next. The only candidates for the chair, are the present incumbent, and general Jackson. How this contest, which has been prosecuted with unexampled industry, not to say virulence, will terminate, is still a problem with tue ablest calculators As to probability, we think it inclines in favour of the former. The address of Mr. Adams, on his induction into office, was such as might rationally be expected. Speaking of our politi cal creed, he says, it " is, without a dissenting voice that can be heard, that the will of the people is th.* s >ui-ce, and the hap piness of the people the end. of all legitimate government upon earth That the best security for the beneficence, and the best guarantee against the abuse of power, consists in the freedom, the purity, and the frequency of popular elections. That the general government of the Union, and the separate governments of these states, are all sovereignties of limited powers ; fellow servants of the same masters, uncontrolled within their respec tive spheres, unconirollable by encroachments upon each other. That the firmest security of peace, is the preparation, during peace, of the defences of war. That a rigorous economy, and accountability of public expenditures, should guard against the aggravation, and alleviate, when possible, the burden of taxa tion. That the military -should be kept in strict subordination to the civil power. That the freedom of the press and of reli gious opinion should be inviolate. That the policy of our coun try is peace, and the ark of our salvation, union, are articles of faith upon whicu we are all agreed." The following paragraphs we copy en ire, as too valuable to be omitted, even in a condensed history. " In the compass of thirty years, since this great national covenant was instituted, a body of laws enacted under its au thority, and in conformity with its provisions, has unfolded its- powers, and carried into practical operation its eff -ctive ener gies. Subordinate departments have distributed the executive functions in their various relations, to foreign affairs, to the re venue and expenditures, and to the military force of the union, by land and sea. A co-ordinate department of the judiciary has expounded the constitution and the laws; settling, in har monious coincidence with the legislative will, numerous weighty questions of construction which the imperfection of human lan guage had rendered unavoidable. The year of jubilee since the first formation of our union h^s just elapsed ; that of the declaration of our independence is at hand. The consumma tion of both was effected by this constitution. Since that period, a population of four millions has multiplied to twelve- A territory, bounded by the Mississippi, has been extended THE UNITED STATES. irom sea to sea. New states have been admitted to the union, ;n number nearly equal to those of the first confederation. Treaties of peace, amity, and commerce, have been concluded with the principal dominions of tbe earth. The people of other nations, inhabitants of regions acquired, not by conquest, but by compact, have been united with us in the participation of our rights and duties, of our burdens and blessings. The for est has fallen by the axe of our woodsmen the soil has been made to teem by the tillage of our farmers; our commerce has whitened every ocean. The dominion of man over physical na ture has been extended by the invention of our artists. Liberty and law have marched hand in hand. All the purposes of hu man association have been accomplished as effectively as under any other government on the globe; and at a cost, little ex ceeding, in a whole generation, the expenditures of other na tions in a single year. Such is the unexaggerated picture of our condition, under a constitution founded upon the republican principle of equal rights. To admit that this picture has its shades, is but to say that it is still the condition of men upon earth. From evil, physical, moral, and political, it is not our claim to be exempt. We have suffered, sometimes by the visitation of Heaven, through disease; often by the wrongs and injustice of other nations, even to the extremities of war ; and, lastly, by dissen- tions among ourselves dis-sensions, perhaps inseparable from the enjoyment of freedom, but which have more than ooce ap peared to threaten the dissolution of the union, and, with it, the overthrow of all the enjoyments of our present lot, and all oi.r earthly hopes of the future. The causes of these dissen sions have been various, founded upon differences of specula tion in the theory of republican government ; upon conflicting views of policy, in our relations with foreign nations ; upon jealousies of partial and sectional interests, aggravated by pre judices and prepossessions, which strangers ^to each other are ever apt to entertain. On the 31 st of May, a treaty of peece, amity, navigation, and commerce, between the United States and Colombia, was ratified by the president. The fi>st article establishes a firm and inviolable peace, and perpetual friendship. By the second, no partiality was to be shown to any other nation to which each of the contracting parties had not an equal right. By the sixth article, merchant vessels and ships of war, were to be protected in the bays and harbours of both parties, either in stress of weather, or to shield them from the pursuit of pirates or other enemies. The seventh grants a return of ships and merchan dise which may be taken in their respective jurisdictions. By the tenth, both the contracting parties engage, formally, to give 420 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF their special protection to the persons and property of the other, and to leave open and free to them the tribunals of justice for their judicial recourse, on the same terms as are usual with na tive citizens of either party. By the eleventh, liberty of con science is mutually guaranteed. By the fourteenth, liberty of commerce and navigation, except contraband of war, in times which would endanger the safety of either contracting party, is freely granted. The treaty was to remain in force twelve years after the exchange of ratifications. The 7th of September, was the day appointed for the depar ture of the nation s guest, general La Fayelte, from Washing ton. On Mr. Adams devolved the task of bidding him farewell, in the name of the nation to whom he had been a constant friend, and a noble benefactor. How well and with what dig nity and feeling, he executed this task, we need not attempt to discribe, and we regret that our plan does not permit us to copy the whole address. We can copy but a brief sketch, which will be found in the following selected paragraphs. When the contest of freedom, to which you had repaired as a voluntary champion, had closed, by the complete triumph of her cause in this country of your adoption, you returned to ful fil the duties of the philanthropist and patriot in the land of your nativity. There, in a consistent and undeviating career offorh years, you have maintained, through every vicissitude of alternate success and disappointment, the same glorious cause to which the first years of your active life had been devo ted, the improvement of the moral and political condition of man. Through that long succession of time, the people of the Uni ted States, for whom, and with whom you had fought the bat tles of liberty, have been living in full possession of its fruits ; one of the happiest among the family of nations. Spreading in population ; enlarging in territory ; acting and suffering according to the condition of their nature ; and laying the foun dations of the greatest, and, we humbly hope, the most be- beneficent power that ever regulated the concerns of man upon earth. In that lapse of forty years, the generation of men with whom you co-operated in the conflict of arms, has nearly passed away. Of the general officers of the American army in that war, you alone survive. Of the sages who guided our councils; of the warriors who met the foe in the field or upon the waves, with the exception of a few to whom unusual length of days has been allotted by Heaven, all now fleep with their fathers. A suc ceeding, and even a third generation, have arisen to take their places; and their children s children, while rising up to call them blessed, have been taught by them, as well as admonished THE UNITED STATES. 42) jy their own constant enjoyment of freedom, to include in overy bcnison upon their fathers, the name of him who came from afar, with them and in their cause, to conquer or to fall. You are now about to return to the country of your birth, of your ancestors, of your posterity. The executive government of the Union, stimulated by the same feeling which had prompt cd the congress to the designation of a national ship for your accommodation in coming hither, has destined the first service of a frigate, recently launched at this metropolis, to the less welcome, but equally distinguished trust, of conveying you home. The name of the shio has added one more memorial to distant regions and to future ages, of a stream already memo- rable, at once in the story of your sufferings and of our inde pendence. The ship is now prepared for your reception, and equipped for sea. From the moment of her departure, the prayers of millions will ascend to Heaven that her passage may be pros perous, and your return to the bosom of your family as propi tious to your happiness, as your visit to this scene of your youthful glory has been to that of the American people. Go, then, our beloved friend return to the land of brilliant genius, of generous sentiment, of heroic valour; to that beau tiful France, the nursing mother of the twelfth Louis, and the fourth Henry; to the native soil of Bayard and Coligm, of Tu- renne and Catinat, of Fenelon and D Aguesseau. In that il lustrious catalogue of names which she claims as of her chil dren, and with honest pride holds up to the admiration of other nations, the name of La Fayet e has already for centuries been enrolled. And it shall henceforth burnish into brighter fame , for if, in after days, a Frenchman shall be called to indicate the character of his nation by that of one individual, during the age in which we live, the blood of lofty patriotism shall mantie in his cheek, the fire of conscious virtue shall sparkle in his eye, and he shall pronounce the name of La Fayette. Yet we, too, and our children, in life and after death, shall claim you for our own. You are ours by that more than patriotic self-devotion with which you flew to the aid of our fathers at the crsis oi their fate. Ours by that long series of years in which you have cherished us in your regard. Ours by that unshaken sentiment of gratitude for your services, which is a precious portion of our inheritance. Ours by that tie of love stronger than death, which haa linked your name, for the endless ages of time, witb the name of Washington. To this the veteran general replied ; and, after mentioning his obligations to the American government and people, for their munificence and kind reception, he added, " Yet, gratifi cations still higher, awaited me; in the wonders of creation 36 422 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and improvement that have met my enchanted eye, in the un paralleled and self-felt happiness of the people, in their rapid prosperity and insured security, public and private, in a prac tice of good order, the appendage of true freedom, and a nation al good sense, the final arbiter or all difficulties, I have had proudly to recognise a result of the republican principles for which we have fought, and a glorious demonstration to the most timid and prejudiced minds, of the superiority, over degrading aristocracy or despotism, of popular institutions founded on the plain rights of man, and where the local rights of every sec tion are preserved under a constitutional bond of union. The cherishing of that union between the states, as it has been the farewell entreaty of our great paternal Washington, and will ever have the dying prayer of every American patriot, so it has become the sacred pledge of the emancipation of the world, an object in which I am happy to observe that the American peo ple, while they give the animating example of successful free institutions, in return for an evil entailed upon them by Eu rope, and of which a liberal and enlightened sense is every where more and more generally felt, show themselves every day more anxiously interested. God bless you, sir, and all who surround us. God bless the American people, each of their states, and the federal govern ment. Accept this patriotic farewell of an overflowing heart ; such will be its last throb when it ceases to beat. As the last sentence was pronounced, the general advanced, and, while the tears poured over his venerable cheek, agaiu took the president in his arms he retired a few paces, but, overcome by his feelings, again returned, and uttering, in bro ken accents^ " God bless you !" fell once more on the neck of Mr. Adams. It was a scene, at once, solemn and moving, as the sighs and stealing tears of many, who witnessed it, bore testimoriy. Having recovered his self-possession, the general stretched out his hands, and was, in a moment, surrounded by the greeting, of the whole assembly, who pressed upon him. each eager to seize, perhaps for the last time, that beloved hand which was opened so freely for our aid, when aid was so pre cious, and which grasped, with firm and undeviating hold, the steel which so bravely helped to achieve our deliverance. The general was attended to the Potomac, bv a large military escort, and thousands of citizens. The Mount Vernon steam boat, waited to convey him on board the Brandywine. When the mansion, the groves, and the tomb of Mount Vernon opened to view. The progress of the little fleet was arrested, it re mained motionless on the broad bosom of Potomac s wave that the last of the generals might pay his pious homage and filial duty to the tomb of the paternal chief. THE UNITED STATES. 423 Lafayette arose the wonders which he had performed for a -nan of his age, in successfully accomplishing labors enough to have tested his meridian vigor, whose animation rather resem bles the spring than the winter of life, now seemed unequal to the task he was about to perform : To take a last look at the <jrave of Washington ! He advanced to the effort a silence the most impressive reigned around, till the strains of sweet and plaintive music completed the grandeur and sacred solem nity of the scene. All hearts beat in unison with the throb- bings of the veteran s bosom as he looked, and that for the last time, on the sepulchre which contains the ashes of the first ot men. He spoke not, but appeared absorbed in the mighty re- -jollections which the place and the occasion inspired. Yet E voice seemed borne on the air. It appeared to say to the manes of the illustrious dead, " WASHINGTON, thou friend and father of my youth, under whose heroic banner 1 first gained renown in the fields of fame, when combatting for the rights and liberties of man io whose bosom I was cherished in the earliest, the happiest days of life whose affections descended with me from the palace to the dungeon whose arms were opened to receive my child, when forlorn and a wanderer from his native land, he sought in thee a friend and found a father- most truly great and glorious of men, while such a humble mound alone contains thy ashes, thy monument is based on an hemisphere, and thy fame will cenotaph thy memory in ages yet unborn. Accept the last duty which filial homage pays to the tomh of Washington in the tear of La Fayette." We make no apology for the insertion of these interesting particulars. But we regret, sincerely, that the whole of the address and reply cannot find room, and if our readers have feeling, they will regret it too. The first session of the nineteenth congress opened at Wash ington in December, 1825. The message of the executive, after adverting to the state of peace which had for several years blessed the world says During the same period, our in tercourse with all those nations has been pacific and friendly it so continues. Since the close of your last session, no mate rial variation has occurred in our relations with any one oi them. In the commercial and navigation system of Great Britain, important changes of municipal regulation have recent ly been sanctioned by acts of parliament, the effect of which, upon the interests of other nations, and particularly upon ours, lias not yet been fully developed. In the recent renewal of the diplomatic missions on both sides, between the two govern ments, assurances have been given, and received, of the contin uance and increase of that mutual confidence and cordiality by -vhich the adjustment of many points of difference had already 424 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF been effected, and which affords the surest pledge for the ulti mate satisfactory adjustment of those which still remain open> or may hereafter arise. He then notices the commission for settling the seventh arti cle of the treaty of Ghent, and that respecting the indemnity for slaves taken off b) the British during the late war, as in a train of amicable adjustment. He also adverts to the importance of establishing a national system of bankruptcy, and of improve ments in the militia system. In noticing the pecuniary con cerns of the nation, the message says Among the unequivo cal indications of our national prosperity, is the flourishing state of our finances. The revenues of the present year, from ail their principal sources, wll exceed the anticipations of the last- The balance in the treasury, on the 1st of January last, was a little short of two millions of dollars, exclusive of two millions and a half, being the moiety of the loan or five millions, author ized by the act of 26th May, 18^4. The receipts into the treas ury, from the first of January, to the thirtieth of September; exclusive of the other moiety of the same loan, are estimated at sixteen millions, five hundred thousand dollars ; and it is ex pected that those of the current quarter will exceed five mil- Jions of dollars ; forming an aggregate of receipts of neatly twenty-two millions, indepedent of the loan. The expen ditures of the year will not exceed that sun more than two millions. By those expenditures, nearly eight millions of the principal of the public debt have been discharged. More than a million and a half has been devoted to the debt of gratitude to the warriors of the revolution : a nearly equal sum to the construction of fortifications, and the acquisition of ord nance, and other permanent preparatives of national defence : half a million to the gradual increase of the navy : an equal 3urn for purchases of territory from the Indians, and payment of annuities to them : and upwards of a million for objects of in ternal improvement, authorized by special acts of the last con gress. If we add to these, four millions of dollars for payment of interest upon the public debt, there remains a sum of about seven millions which have defrayed the whole expense of the administration of government, in its legislative, executive and judiciary departments, including the support of the military and naval establishments, and all the occasional contingencies of a government co-extensive with the union. The Amount of duties secured on merchandise imported, from the commencement of the year, is about twenty-five mil lions and a half; and that which will accrue, during the cur rent quarter, is-estimated at five millions and a half: from ihese thirty-one millions, deducting the drawbacks, estimated njess than seven millions, a sum exceeding twenty four mi 1 THE UNITED STATES. 425 .JOBS will constitute the revenue of the year; and will exceed the whole expenditures of the year. The entire amount of public debt, remaining due on the first of January next, will be short of eighty-one millions of dollars. Speaking- of our situation as regards the Aborigines, he thus speaks : Our relations with the numerous tribes of aboriginal natives of this country, scattered over its extensive surface, and so dependent even for their existence, upon our power, have been, during the present year, highly interesting. An act of congress, of 25th May, 1824, made an appropriation to de fray the expenses of making treaties of trade and friendship with the Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi. An act of 3d March, 1825, authorized treaties to be made with the In- uians for their consent to tbe making of a road from the fron tier of Missouri to that of New Mexico. And, another act of the same date, provided for defraying- the expenses of holding treaties with the Sioux, Chippewas, Menomences, Sauks, Fox es, &c. for the purpose of establishing boundaries and promo ting peace between said tribes. The tirst and the last objects of these acts have been accomplished ; and the second is yet in a process of execution. The treaties, which, since the last ses sion of congress have been concluded with the several tribes, will be laid before the senate for their consideration, conforma bly to the constitution. They comprise large and valuable ac quisitions of territory : and they secure an adjustment of boun daries, and give pledges of permanent peace between several, tribes which had been long waging bloody wars against each other. On the 12th of February last, a treaty was signed at the In dian Springs, between commissioners appointed on the part of the United States, and certain chiefs and individuals of the Creek nation of Indians, which was received at the seat of go vernment only a few days before the close of the last session of congress, and of the late administration. The advice and con sent of the senate was given to it, on the 3d of March, too late for it to receive the ratification of the then president of the United States ; it was ratified on the 7th of March, under the unsus pecting impression that it had been negotiated in good faith, and in the confidence inspired by the recommendation of the senate. The subsequent transactions in relation to this treaty, will form the subject of a separate message. But our circumscribed limits prevent us from touching, with any thing like justice, on this able state paper- We can only say, that nothing seems to have escaped his capacious mind, of very general and national importance. By the report of the Treasurer this session, it appears be had a balance of more than five millions in his hands. 36* i2G UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF During this session, a question was agitated, relating to the holding of any office under the government of the United States, by a senator or representative to congress. Mr. Benton from the selected committee, reported, That, having had recourse to the history of the times, in which the constitution was formed, the committee find that the proposition now referred to them, had engaged the deliber ations of the federal convention which framed the constitu tion, and of several of the state conventions which ratified it. In an early stage of the session of the federal convention, it was resolved, as follows : ** Art 6, sec. 9. The members of each house, (of congress) ahall be ineligible to, and incapable of holding any office under the authority of the United States, during the time for which they shall respectively be elected ; and the members of the sen ate shall be inelligible to, and incapable of, holding any such of fice for one year afterwards." (Journal of the federal conven tion^ page 219.) It further appears from the journal, that this clause in the tlrst draft of the constitution, was adopted with great unanimi ty, and that afterwards, in the concluding days of the session, it was altered, and its intention defeated, by a majority of a sin gle vote, in the absence of one of the states by which it had been supported. Following the constitution into the state conventions which ratified it, the committee find, that, by the New York conven tion, it was recommended, as follows : " That no senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any office under the authority of the U. States." By the Virginia convention, as follows : " That the members of the senate and house of representa tives shall be ineligible to, and incapable of, holding any civil office under the authority of the U. States, during the term for which they shall respectively be elected." By the North Carolina convention, the same amendment was recommended, in the same words. In the first session of the first congress, which was held under the constitution, a menber of the house of representatives sub mitted a similar proposition of amendment ; and, in the third session of the eleventh congress, James Madison being presi dent, a like proposition was again submitted, and being refer red to a committee of the house, was reported by them in the following words : vv No senator or representative shall be appointed to any civil office, place or emolument, under the authority of the United Stares, until (he expiration of the presidential term in which such person ahall have served as a sena-or or representative." THE UNITED STATES. 42? Upon the question to adopt this resolution, the vote stood 71 yeas, 40 nays, wanting but ti.ree votes of the constitutional number for the referring it to the decision of the states. Having thus, shown by a reference to the venerable evidence of our early history, that the principle of ih^- amendment now under consideration, has had the support and approbation of the first iriends of the constitution, tne committee will now declare their own opinion in favor of its correctness, and exprses its belief that the ruling principle in the organization of the federal go vernment demand- its adoption. That ruling principle requires that the three great branches of the federal government, the executive, legislative and ju diciary, should be separate and distinct from each other, not only in contemplation of law, but in point of fact ; and, for this end, that each should not oniv have its independent organiza tion, but that the individuals administering each, should be wholly free from the control and influence of the individuals who administered the others To secure this independence on tho part of the president, and to prevent the executive from s arving him into a compliance with their will, by withholding his necessary support, or sedu cing him into an acquiesence in their views, by tempting his avarice with an augmented salary, (Fed. Ab. 77,} it is provi ded in the constituiion that he shall receive a fixed compensa tion for his services, whirh shall neither DP increased nor dimin ished during the term for which he was elected. To secure the independence of \ he legislative department, and to prevent the executive from influencing its deliberations, by retaining a set of dependants in the senate and house of repre sentatives, always ready, like the placemen in the British par liament, to support the measures of administration, it was pro vided, in the same constitution, that persons holding offices un der the authority of the United Stales, should be wholly exclu ded from the floor of congress. The committee believe that this provision for the indepen dence of the senate and house of representatives, though wise and proper as far as it goes, does ^ot go far enough to accom plish the object it had in view. They admit that the presence of office holders in the legislative department would be the bane of honest and independent legislation ; and they believe that the presence of office- hunters would be equally fatal. The danger to be apprehended from each, is, in effect, the same. The office holder would support he measures of administration for the purpose of saving the office which he had in possession : the office hunter would support the same measures, for the purpose of securing the office which he had in expectation, By 428- UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF either party, the interest of the country would be sacrificed to the views of the executive ; and the appropriate means for pre venting this mischief, was first to exclude office holders from seats in congress, and this the constitution has done ; and, secondly, to prevent senators and representatives from taking appointments from the president under whose administration they had served, and this it has omitted to do. The omission was too material to escape the observation of those who were not blind to the defects of the constitution ; and their animad versions were too loud and vehement to pass unnoticed by the great advocates for the ratification of that instrument. The authors of the Federalist, in their JVb. 55, felt it to be their du ty to meet the objection which grew out of this omission. But even these great men, with their superior abilities, and ardent, zeal in the best of causes, could attempt no more than to dimin ish the quantum of a danger which could not be denied to exist, and to cover, with a brilliant declamation, a part of their be- loved constitution which could not be defended. They said : " Sometimes we are told, that this fund of corruption,(executivc appointments,) is to be exhausted by the president in subduing the virtue of the senate. Now, the fidelity of the other house is to be the victim. The improbability of such a mercenary and perfidious combination of the several members of the govern ment, standing on as different foundations as its republican prin ciples will well admit, and at the same time accountable to the society over which they ate placed, oujjht alone to quiet this apprehension. But, fortunately, the constitution has provided a still further safeguard. The members of the congress are rendered ineligible to any civil offices that may be created, or of which the emoluments may be increased, during the term of their election. No offices, therefore, can be dealt out to the existing members but such as maj become vacant by ordinary casualties ; and to suppose that these would be sufficient tc purchase the guardians of the people, selected by the people themselves, is to renounce every rule by wnich events ought tc be calculated, and to substitute an indiscriminate and unboun ded jealousy, with which all reasoning must be vain." They doubted the validity of these arguments, and concluded the report as follows: Considering all which, the committee have come to the unanimous resolution to submit to the senate a proposition of amendment to the constitution of the United States, embracing the principle of this report. Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, two thirds oT both houses concurring, That the following- amendment to the constitution of the United States be proposed to the legislatures of the several states ; which, when ratified by three-fourths of THE UNITED STATES. 429 said legislatures, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of said constitution : No senator or representative shall be appointed to any civil office, place or emolument, under the authority of th United States, until the expiration of the presidential term in which such person shall have served as a senator or a representative. During the session and on the fourth of July, just half a cen tury from the time when Adams and Jefferson, signed the Dec laration of ludepenence, they doth departed this life, within a few hours of each other. They had both been presidents of the United States, and both vice presidents. This is certain ly an extraordinary coincidence, and worthy to be perpetuated in the archives of the nation. Nor is it a little remarkable, that on this day, after its observance by the national legislatute, certain members of congress addressed the legislature on the pecuniary embarrassments of Mr. Jefferson with a view to his relief. The following extracts we believe will be acceptable. If I am asrked why Jefferson is singled out amid his compat* riots my answer is, he stands pre-eminent alike for his servi ces and his misfortunes. Gud forbid tha F should diminish the just claims of the illustrious band, who, guided by the polarity of their superior genius, and bv a courage that was above cir cumstances, to whotn the blessing of Providence became a pil lar of light by which we were conducted through the wilder- nessofthe land of promise. But asene stardiffereth from an other star in glory, so also is the lot of man. It was his good fortune to occupy the front rank among the illustrious. He is one of three survivors, signers of the Declaration of Indepen dence. His associates are comfortable, and need no aid. Ifit be inquired how it has happened that h<; has become im poverished ? I answer, the delicacy of the subject forbids the inquiry. I may ask, however, what public institution is there in the United States that has not profited of his bounty ? What son or daughter of affliction, who has asked for aid, that has not received his charity? >v hat nation, tongue or kindred, that has not shared his hospitality ? His> fame had gone abroad in the oarth. He as justly esteemed a distinguished benefactor of mankind. He was resorted to as an oracle, that they might hear with their own ears, from his own lips, the sublime and the eternal truths of religious liberty. His doors were open te all. His responses were wthheld from none. The sequel was inevitable a loss of his property. He disinterestedly sac* rificed his independence on the altar of all the virtues. The character of his country was ennobled by the sacrifice. It will be still further ennobled by its being replaced by the generosity sf his countrymen. 430 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP The second session of the nineteenth congress commenced on the fourth day of December, 1826. The President s message, after noticing the unfinished and untouched subjects of his former message, notices the decease of Alexander, of Rus sia, our commerce with France, and a ratified treaty with Den mark, says: " With Prussia, Spain, Portugal, and in genera! all the European Powers, between whom and the United States relations of friendly intercourse have existed, their condition has not materially varied since the last session of congress. I re gret not to be able to say the same of our commercial intercourse with the colonial possessions of Great Britian, in America. Ne gotiations of the highest importance to our common interests have been for several years in discussion between the two gov ernments, and on the part of the United States have been inva riably pursued in the spirit of candor and conciliation. Interests of great magnitude and delicacy had been adjusted by the con ventions of 1815 and 1818, while that of 1822, mediated by the late emperor Alexander, had promised a satisfactory compromise of claims which the government of the United States, in justice to the rights of a numerous class of their citizens, was bound to sustain. But, with regard to the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British colonies in America, it has been hitherto found impracticable to bring the parties to an understanding satisfactory to both. The relative geographi cal position, aud the respective products of nature cultivated by human industry, had constituted the elements of a commercial intercourse between the United States and British America, in sular and continental, important to the inhabitants of both coun tries. But it had been interdicted by Great Britian, upon a prin ciple heretofore practised by the colonizing nations of Europe, of holding the trade of their colonies, each in exclusive monopo ly to herself. After the termination of the late war, this inter diction had been revived, and the British government declined including this portion of our intercourse with her possessions in the negotiation of the convention of 1815. The trade was then carried on exclusively in British vessels, till the act of congress concerning navigation, of 1818, and the supplemental act of 1820 met the interdict by a corresponding measure on the part of the United States. These measures, not of retaliation, but necessa ry self-defence, were soon succeeded by an act of parliament, opening certain colonial ports to the vessels of the United States, coming directly from them, and to the importation from them oi certain articles of our produce, burdened with heavy duties, and excluding some of the most valuable articles of our exports. The United States opened their ports to British vessels from the colo nies, upon terms as exactly corresponding with those of the act of parliament, as in the relative position of the parties, could br THE UNITED STATES, 431 And a negotiation was commenced by mutual consent, with the hope, on our part, that a reciprocal spirit of accommo dation and a common sentiment of the importance of the trade to the interests of the inhabitants of the two countries, between whom it must be carried on, would ultimately bring the parties to a compromise, with which both might be satisfied. With this view, the government of the United States had determined to sa> crifice something of that entire reciprocity which in all commer cial arrangements with foreign powers they are entitled to de mand, and to acquiesce in some inequalities disadvantageous to ourselves, rather than to forego the benefit of a final and perma nent adjustment of this interest, to the satisfaction of Great Brit ain herself. The negotiation, repeatedly suspended by accidental circumstances, was, however, by mutual agreement and express assent, considered as pending, and to be speedily resumed. In the mean time, another act of parliament, so doubtful and ambi guous in its import as to have been misunderstood by the officers in the colonies who were to carry it into execution, opens again certain colonial ports, upon new conditions and terms, with a threat to close them against any nation which may not accept those terms, as prescribed by the British government. This act passed in July, 1825, not communicated to the government of the United States, not understood by the British officers of the cus toms in the colonies where it was to be enforced, was neverthe less submitted to the consideration of congress, at their last session. With the knowledge that a negotiation upon the sub ject had long been in progress, and pledges given of its resump tion at an early day, it was deemed expedient to await the re sult of that negociation, rather than to subscribe implicitly to terms, the import of which was not clear, and which the Brit ish authorities themselves, in this hemisphere, were not pre pared to explain. He closes the subject of British difficulties, by trusting that the misunderstanding noticed would not have an impropitious effect on other subjects connected with our mutual relations. He then alludes to the Panama mission, and presses the opin ion that we ought to be there represented. Of our fiscal concerns, and the contemplated reduction of the public debt, he speaks in favourable terms. Of the military and naval departments he speaks in a favourable manner, and extols the management of the post office department. The conclusion is as follows : In closing this communication, I trust it will not be deemed inappropriate to the occasion and purposes upon which we are here assembled, to indulge a momentary retrospect, combining, in a single glance, the period of our origin as a national confe deration with that of our present existence, at the precise in- 432 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF terval of half a century from each other. Since your last meet< ing at this place, the fiftieth anniversary of the day when our indeoendence was declared, has been celebrated throughou our land, and on that day, when every heart was bounding with joy and every voice was tuned to gratulation, amid the blessings of freedom and independence, which the sires of a former age had handed down to their children, two of ihe principal actors in that solemn scene, the hand that penned the ever-memorable declaration, and the voice that sustained it in debate, were, by the summons, at the distance of seven hundred miles from each other, called before the Judge of all, to account for their deeds done upon earth. They departed, cheered by the benedictions of their country, to whom they left the inheritance of their fame, and the memory of their bright example. If we turn our thoughts to the condition of their country, in the contrast of the first and last day of that century, how resplendent and sublime is the transition from gloom to glory ! Then glancing through the same lapse of time, in the condition of the individuals, we see the first day marked with the fulness and vigor of youth in the pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, to the cause of freedom and of mankind. And on the last, ex tended on the bed of death with but sense and sensibility left to breathe a last aspiration to Heaven of blessing upon their coun try ; may we not humbly hope that to them too, it was a pledge of transition from gloom to glory ; and that while their mortal vestments were sinking into the clod of the valley, their emancipated spirits were ascending to the bosom of their God ! During the session, a number of interesting reports were made from the different departments and a number of valua ble documests presented. The famous treaty with M Intosh and other Creek chiefs was put under examination and condem ned. This treaty it may be recollected, was made by M Intosh, in a clandestine manner, for which he subsequently suffered death. Circumstances, and clear testimony were adduced to show that this was the state of the treaty, and it was no longer consider ed obligatory on either the United States, or the Creek nation. To show the spirit of hostility manifested by the executive of Georgia, nothing more is necessary, than to copy the two fol lowing orders. It is only necessary to state, that Georgia had long coveted the Creek lands, and by collusion with some chiefs, determined to possess them even at the point of the bayonet, and the destruction of the aborigines. We rejoice that the general government stopped the torrent of usurpation, and ex hibited the features of firmness, justice, and generosity. THE UNITED STATES. xecutive department, Geo. Milledgeville, \~th Feb. 1827. Ordered, That the attorney and solicitors general of this state, in every instance of complaint made of the arrest of any .surveyor, engaged in the survey of the late acquired territory, .>y any civil process, under the authority of the government ot" the United States, do take all necessary and legal measures to effect the liberation of the person so arrested, and to bring to justice either by indictment or otherwise, the officers or par- iies concerned in such an arrest, as offenders against the laws and violaters of the peace and personal security of tho public officers and citizens of this state. That they give pro fessional advice and assistance in their defence against any prosecution or action which may be instituted against them as officers in the service of the state, and that they promptly make known to this department their acts and doings in the premises. It is moreover enjoined on the civil magistrates of this state, having competent jurisdiction of the same, to be acting and as sisting in enquiring into the cause of every such arrest or deten tion as aforesaid, that the person may be discharged forthwith, if illegally or unjustly detained, and in affording such redress to the aggrieved or injured party as by law he may be entitled to receive. By the governor, E. H. PIERCE, Sec. Head quarters, Milledgeville, 11 th Feb. 1827. ORDERS. The major generals commanding the 6th and 7th divisions will immediately issue orders to hold in readiness the several regiments and battalions within their respective commands to repel any hostile invasion of the territory of this state. Depots of arms a id ammunition central to each division will be estab lished in due time. By the commander-in-chief, JOHN VV. A. SANFORD, Aid-de-camp. This cororress closed its session on the third of March, and the twentieth congress opened its sittings on the third of De cember, 1827. On the fourth, the message of the president was received and read in both houses. After giving a general, but concise and elevating view of our situation as a people, he thus speaks of our foreign concerns: " Our relations of friendship with the other natior s of the earth, political and commercial, have beea preserved unimpaired : and the opportunities to improve them have been cultivated with anxious and unremitting attention. A negotiation upon subjects of high and delicate interest, with he government of Great Britain, has terminated in the adiust- 37 434 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ment of some of the questions at issue upon satisfactory termtf s and the postponement of others for future discussion and agree ment. The purposes of the convention concluded at St. Pe tersburg, on the 12th day of July, 1822, under the mediation oi the late emperor Alexander, have been carried into effect by a subsequent convention, concluded at London on the 13th of" November, 1826, the ratifications of which were exchanged at that place on the 6th day of February last. A copy of the proclamation issued on the nineteenth day of March last, pub lishing this convention, is herewith communicaied to congress. The sum of twelve hundred and four thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars, therein stipulated to be paid to the claimants of indemnity under the first article of the treaty of Ghent, has been duly received, and the commission instituted, conformably to the act of congress of the second of March last, for the distri bution of the indemnity to the persons entitled to receive it. are now in session, and approaching the consummation of their labors. This final disposal of one of the most painful topics of collision between the United States and Great Britain, not only affords an occasion of gratulation to ourselves, but has had the happiest effect in promoting a friendly disposition, and in sof tening asperities upon other objects of discussion. Nor ought it to pass without the tribute of a frank and cordial acknowledg ment of the magnanimity with which an honorable nation, by the reparation of their own wrongs, achieves a triumph more glorious than any field of blood can ever bestow. " The conventions of 3d July, 1815, and of 20th October, 1818, will expire, by their own limitation, on the 20th October, 1828. These have regulated the direct commercial intercoure between the United States and Great Britain, upon terms of the most perfect reciprocity ; and they effected a temporary compromise of the respective rights and claims to territory westward of the Rocky mountains. These arrangements have been cootinuecE for an indefinite period of time, after the expiration of the above mentioned conventions ; leaving each party the liberty of ter minating them, by giving twelve months notice to the other. The radical principle of all commercial intercourse between in dependent nations, is the mutual interest of both parties. It is the vital spirit of trade itself; nor can it be reconciled to the nature of man, or to the primary laws of human society, that any traffic should long be willingly pursued, of which all the ad vantages are on one side, and all the burdens on the other. Treaties of commerce have been found, by experience, to be . among the most effective instruments for promoting peace and harmony between nations whose interests, exclusively consid ered on either side are brought into frequent collisions by com petition. In framing such treaties, it is the duty of each partj THE UNITED STATES. 435 -sot simply to urge with unyielding pertinacity that which suits its own interest, but to concede liberally to that which is adap ted to the interest of the other. To accomplish this, little more ?s generally required than a simple observance of the rule of reciprocity ; and were it possible for the statesmen of one na tion, by stratagem and management, to obtain from the weak ness or ignorance of another, an over-reaching treaty, such a compact would prove an incentive to war rather than a bond of peace. Our conventions with Great Britain are founded upon the principles of reciprocity. The commercial intercourse be tween the two countries is greater in magnitude and amount than bet ween any two other nations on the globe. It is, lor all purposes of benfit or advantage to both, as precious, and, in all probability, far more extensive, than if the parties were still constituent parts of one and the same nation. Treaties be tween such states, regulating the intercourse of peace between them, and adjusting interests of such transcendent importance to both, which have been found, in a long experience of years, mutually advantageous, should not be lightly cancelled or dis continued. Two conventions, for continuing in force those above mentioned, have been concluded between the plenipo tentiaries of the two governments, on the 6th of August last, and will be forthwith laid before the senate for the exercise of their constitutional authority concerning them." He then alludes to the execution of the treaties of 1782, and 83, respecting the boundary line of the Union, showing that difficulties had arisen respecting their adjustment. Commis sioners had been appointed by both parties, to settle these questions, but the object had not been fully accomplished, and a convention of September 1826, was intended for reference to the senate. He then notices a communication from the gover nor of Maine, touching the difficulties respecting territorial jurisdiction, which had occurred in the vicinity of that state, and concludes the subject by stating that he had taken mea sures to obtain the best information of facts in the case, which should be communicated when received. He also reverts to the difficulties and embarrassments arising from the Britishco- ionial regulations, which he states as not yet approximating to a friendly understanding. In speaking of France, he states that our commerce with that people is increasing, while it is a source of regret, that v;ur demands on that government for spoliations, remain un settled. With the Kingdom of Sweden, a new treaty had been concluded, and a minister plenipotentiary from the Hanseatic towns received. With Russia we are at peace, and the good understanding which subsisted with Alexander, has not been 436 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF interrupted by the succession of his brother Nicholas, to the empire. Of the Creeks, he speaks most feelingly, and notices the let ter of thanks from the president of that country, which was to be translated, and placed before congress. Alluding to our southern neighbours, he says : IC In tho Amer ican hemisphere, the cause of freedom and has continued to prevail ; and if signalized by none of thesf splen did triumphs which had crowned with glory some of th ; prece ding years, it has only been from the banishment of all exter nal force against which the struggle had been maintained. The shout of victory has been superseded by the expulsion of the enemy over whom it could have been achieved. Our friendly wishes and cordial good will, which have constantly followed the southern nations of America in oil the vicissitudes of their war of independence, are succeeded by a solicitude, equally ar dent and cordial, that by the wisdom arid purity of their insti tutions, they may secure to themselves the choicest blessings of social order, and the best rewards of virtuous liberty." The message then alludes to our remaining difficulties with Brazil, which he had t.aken measures to settle, and finally re turns to the more grateful subjects of our internal concerns, thus : " Turning from the momentous concerns of our union, in its intercourse with foreign nations, to those of the deepest inter est in the administration of our internal affairs, we find the revenues of the present year corresponding as nearly as might be expected to the anticipations of the last, and presenting an aspect still more favourable in the promise of i he next. The balance in the treasury, on the first of January last, was six millions three hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty six-dollars and eighteen cents. The receipts from that day to the 30th of {September last, as near as the returns of them yet received can show, amount to sixteen millions eight hun dred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-one dol lars and thirty two cents. The receipts of the present quarter, estimated at four millions five hundred and fifteen thousand, ad ded to the above, form an aggregate of twenty- one millions four hundred thousand dollars of receipts. The expenditures of the year may perhaps amount to twenty-two millions three hundred thousand dollars, presenting a small excess over the receipts. But, of these twenty-two millions, upwards of six have been applied to the discharge of the principal of the public debt ; the whole amount of which, approaching seventy-four millions on the first of January last, will, on the first day of next year, fall short of sixty-seven millions and a half. The balance in the treasury, on the first of January next, it is expected will THE UNITED STATES. 437 exceed five millions four hundred and fifty thousand dollars, a sum exceeding that of the first of January, 1825, though falling ^short of that exhibited on the first of January last. " It was foreseen that the revenue of the present year would not equal that of the last, which had itself been lees than that of the next preceding year. But the hope has been realized which wus entertained, that these deficiences, would in nowise interrupt the steady operation of the discharge of the public debt by the annual ten millions devoted to that object by the act of 3d March, 1817. " The amount of duties secured on merchandise imported from the commencement of the year until the 30th of Sep ember last, is twenty-one millions two hundred and twenty-six thousand, and the probable amount of that wh ch will be secured during the remainder of the year, is five millions seven hundred and seventy four thousand dollars ; forming a sum total of twenty seven millions. With the allowances for drawbacks and contin gent deficiences which "iay occur, though not specifically fore seen, we may safely estimate the receipis of the ensuing year at twenty-two millions three hundred thousand dollars; a revenue for the next, equal to the expenditure of the present year. "The deep solicitude felt by our citizens of all classes through out the union for the total discharge of the public debt, will apologize for the earnestness with which i deem it my duty to urge this topic upon the consideration of congress of recom mending to them again the observance of the strictest economy in the application of -the public funds. The depression upon the receipts of the revenue which had commenced with the year 1826, continued with increased severity during the two first quarters of the present year. The returning side began to flow with the third quarter, and, so far as we can judge from experience, may be expected to continue through the course of the ensuing year. Inihemean time, an alleviation from the burden of the public debt will, in the three years, have been effected, to the amount of nearly sixteen millions, and the charge of annual interest will have been reduced upwards of one million. But among the maxims of political economy which the stewards of the public moneys should never suffer with out urgent necessity to be transcended, is tfiat of keeping the expenditures of the yar within the limits of its receipts. The appropriations of the two last yeare, including the yearly ten millions of the sinkmg fund, have each equalled the promised revenue of the ensuing year. While we foresee with confi dence that the public coffers will be replenished from the re ceipts, as fast as they will be drained by the expenditures, equal :n amount to those of the current year, it should not be forgot- 37* 438 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ten that they could ill suffer the exhaustion of larger disburse ments." After noticing the measures taken with a view to internal improvements, he mentions the report from the post office de partment, as very satisfactory and encouraging, and closes by recommending the subject of pensions to our remaining revolu tionary officers and soldiers, as a debt of justice, rather than one of gratitude. The report of the treasurer states, that more than FIX millions and a quarter, by estimation, would be in his hands, on the first of January, and recommends an addition to the tariff of 1824. The article of domestic manufactures, are estimated at more than seven millions, exported. Other exports at about eighty millions. He states that many on ides of home manufacture had become cheaper, more abundant, and of superior quality, since the adoption of the tariff, than before, and pr^ssrs on the country the importance of increasing the tariff, particularly on wool and woolen goods, fine cotton goods, bar iron and hemp. It is not possible, however, in this condensed sketch, to give an outline of this valuable report. Early in the session, steps were taken to ascertain the impor tance of revising thoroughly, the tariff system of 1824. A com- mitte vvas appointed, clothed with ample powers to investigate the subject. This report was made in February, from which we shall give a few extracts. After stating the many obsiacks necessary tobe overcome, and the labours to which i hey were subject, the cnmrnine proceeds : " This labor being performed, the committee at once h. gan their examinations of such witnesses, members of the house and others, as were wilhin their reach, and believed to be possessed of valuable and practical information upon any of the su jects before them. The examination of these witnesses was not com pleted, when the arrival of some attending under summonses, was announced. An application was then immediately made to the house tor leave to sit during the hours of session of tho house ; and nearly every day since that leave was granted, has fceen entirely occupied, to tlie almost total neglect of other pub lic and private duties, in the laborious examination of witnesses, pursuant to the resolution under which the committee were act ing. It is but. justice here to remark, that the original expec tation of the committee, under the re.-olution offered by them, to the house, was to have made an expeditious inquiry into the situation of* one or two manufacturing interests, rather to enable them to determine what further protection these interests really required, than with the expectation, within the limited time which they had allowed to themselves for the purpose of being a%Ie to collect and report to the house, a body of evidence upon THE UNITED STATES. 43y several important branches of our domestic manufactures, so digested and arranged as to be of any essential service to t.he house or to the public, as a source of correct information upon these complicated subjects. The amendment, however, which \vas made to the resolution by the house, s-> as to give the com mittee the authority "to send for, and exan, ne persons upon jath t in relation to the present condition of our manufactures, and to report the min-nes of such examination to this house," it will readily be seen, added greatly to the labor wiich the com mittee had proposed tor ihe-iise!ves ; as. by tha f . amendment, it was made the duty of the commute, should they think proper 10 examine witnesses, to suite their te.sti.nony in detail, and in such order as to render it ar ieasi passablv intelligible to the house. This additional lab >r was in no other way exceptiona ble to the committee than as it rendered spmewhatdoubtful their ability to ,<rive their report to rhe douse within the time which they had si^niQ^d that it w->uid be received. But, even under this apprehension, so desirous were the committee of a full de- velopement of the facts, that the amended resolution met their approbation : and thev emered uuon their duties, determined, if possible, to realize <IK- expectation- of tile h.use, so far at least as regarded a report within the time they had ind cated. " They have examined a little short of thirty witnesses, and the testimony of each, has.ily written out bv way of question and answer, and annexed to tins report, w II show what facts have been collected by the examination, as well as the extent of the labor which the commit/ ee nave performed. The testi mony of each witness after it was taken, had been carefully read over with him, and so corrected as to meet the full asseni of the witness to its accuracy. 41 The leading subjects presented to tho committee for addi tional protection, are iron and several manufactures of it, wool and its fabrics, he: up and some of the manufactures from it, flax and its manufactures, and domestic distilled spirits from gr-iiii, particular descriptions of glass, and fine and printed cottons. Upon all these subjects, witnesses have been examined, and their testimony, herewith reported, comprises the evidence, upon each subject, which the committee have taken under the reso lution of the house, and embodies nr.ost of the information upon which they have acted in determining the features of the bill which they have agreed upon. " The first subject which will be found in the bill, is that of iron, and considering the imnortance of the article, as one of both national and individual necessity, the changes in the pre sent rates of duty are comparatively very light. " The next subject in order is that of wo >l and woollens. To these subjects the greater part of the testimony of the witnes- 440 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ses has been directed, and the committee have used every effort in their power to obtain precise information as to the facts as they do actually exist in relation to the interests both of the wool grower and the manufacturer of wool. The real impor tance of these subjects to those sections of the country where wool is grown, and in which the manufactories are located, the feeling which has for some time agitated the public mind through out the whole country, in relation, on the one side, to the ne cessity of further protection to them, and on the other side, to the injurious effects which such a measure would have upon the purchasers of woollen fabrics, have-all conspired to induce this exertion on the part of the committee. They have there fore made the examinations of the witnesses, upon ihose sub jects, as minute as possible, and, perhaps, in some instances, they may appear tediously so. Indeed, many of the questions put to the witnesses will afford abundant evidence that the com mittee had not sufficient practical knowledge upon the subjects before them to enable them to make a series of interrogations. the answers to which would place the testimony taken, in the clearest light. And when the members of the house shall have examined the evidence relating to the manufacture of woollen goods, the committee cannot doubt they will be entirely convin ced that none but a person intimately acquainted with the vari ous operations, could have drawn out a series of questions upon the subject, susceptible of clear and intelligible answers. The time of the committee did not authorize even an attempt to do this, and, therefore, the examinations, and particularly of some of the witnesses first examined, will appear, as they were really taken the one answer, in many, -if not in most instances, sug gesting the subsequent question. It will also be found upon an examination of the testimony, that the manufacture of wool lens is hardly susceptible of being reduced within the limits of exact mathematical calculation, so as to enable the committee to arrive with this kind of certainty, at the amount of duty which will furnish full protection, and at the same time, will not go beyond that point. Certain positions, however, they believe to be proved by the evidence they have taken, which furnish great assistance in approaching to correct conclusions." From all which the committee could gather on the subject, they think the following positions may be fairly stated. 1st. That the manufacture of woollen goods in this country, is, at this time, a business laboring under severe depressions, and attended with loss more severe upon the finer qualities. 2d. That these depressions are owing, in a yery groat degree, to the excessive and irregular importations of foreign woollen iroods into our markets : thus causing a fluctuation in, and au THE UNITED STATES. 441 uncertainty of price for those goods, more injurious to the American manufacturer than even the depression of price which these importations produce. 3d. That the difference between the prices of wool, of the same quality, in this country and in England, is at the present time about fifty per cent, in favor of the latte* country. 4th. That the c^st of raw wool in this country is about one half of the cost of the fabric, when prepared for the market, as a general rule applying to most kinds of cloths. 5th. That if the cost of .the wool and the cost of the foreign materials used for dying, were the same in both countries, the process of manufacturing the wool into cloth, fitted for the mar ket, can be performed as cheap in this country as it can in England. 6th. That the present duty on woollen goods does not furnish the desired protectiou, and that no reasonable duty can bt ef fectual, unless it be a specific square yard, instead of ad valorem duty. Taking, then these positions as granted, the committee pro posed to lay the following duties : 1st. Upon all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which at the place whence imported, shall not exceed fifty cents per square yard, a specific duty of sixteen cents upon every square yard. 2d. Upon all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed fifty cents per square yard, and shall not exceed $1 00 per square yard, a specific duty of 40 cents upon every square yard. 3d. Upon manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which at the place whence imported, shall exceed $1 00 per square yard, and shall not exceed $2 50 per square yard, a specific duty of $1 00 upon every square yard. 4th. Upon all manufactures of wool or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which at the place whence imported shall exceed gj 50 per square yard, and shall not exceed $4 00 per square yard, shall be deemed to have cost $400 per square yard, and at s.ich valuation, shall be charged with, and pay a duty of, 40 per centum advaiorem. 5th. Upon all manufactures of wool, &o. the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed $4 00 per square yard, shall be charged with, and pay a duty of, 45 per centum ad valorem. The attention of the committee was next turned to hemp ami flax, and certain manufactures from them. After showing that our country can raise and manufacture from these articles to 442 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF advantage, and that in some points they form an important item in the products of this country, they propose to lay a duty of $10 the ton, on raw hemp, and $9 the Ion on flax, and would make the rate of duty progressive, until it should arrive at $60 the ton on each. On foreign distilled spirits the committee proposed an addi tional duty of ten cents, and on foreign molasses, an increase of five cents the gallon. The great, importance of a National System, is so evident, that few doubt the propriety of a tariff for the protection of do mestic manufactures. This was the all absorbing business of the last session, and the measure has been effected. Wheth er all the details are unexceptionable, is left for practice to de- termint. If faults should be discovered, they can be remedied by the legislature. If it should have an unequal bearing on different sections of the Union, the difficulty may be obviated; or, if not, the only evils which will remain, are those which are inseparable from all general systems. All that can be required, is the greatest good of the whole as a nation. That opposition should be manifested to any great national change is not surprising ; it would rather surprise if this were not the case. No such change can be made, without effecting 1 individual interest. But, where the great, the permanent in terests, and permanent prosperity of the country are at stake, both wisdom and duty diqtate, that the minor interests should give way. The balance of trade has been long enough against us. Commercial difficulties and scarcity of money, substantiate the fact conclusively. To retrace our steps, and take an inde pendent stand, was our only safe alternative, and we rejoice that this course has been pursued, because we are fully persuaded that the step will ultimately result in good. Remarks upon Part Third, The Mississippi, the Missouri, the Ohio, no longer flows through a wilderness ; large three masted ships sail up them, and more than two hundred steam boats enliven their banks. Thus the United States cherish within their bosom, under the protection of liberty, an image and a memorial of most of the celebrated places of ancient and modern Europe like that gar den iii the Campagna of Rome, in which Adrian had models of the different monuments of his empire erected. It should be observed that there is scarcely a county but has a town, village, or hamlet, called Washington: touching una nimity of the gratitude of a nation ! Thirty high roads meet at Washington, as tho Roman roads met at ancient Rome, and diverging from that point, run to the THE UNITED STATES. 443 circumference of the United States. The whole forming an in terior circulation of roads of 25,747 miles. From the points to which these roads tend it is obvious (hat traverse tracts formerly wild, but now cultivated and inha bited. On a great number of these roads you may travel, post, or public stage coaches carry you from place to place a f a mo derate price. You may now "take the diligence for the Ohio, or the Falls of Niagara, as in former time you engaged an Indian guide or interpreter. Cross roads branch off from the principal roads, and are equally provided with the means of conveyance. These means are almost always of two kinds, for as there are ev ery where lakes and rivers, you may travel either in row boats, sailing boats, or steam vessels. Vessels of the latter class make regular trips from Boston and New- York to New-Orleans; the> arc likewise established on the lakes of Canada, the Ontario, the Erie, the Michigan, the Champlain ; on those lakes where thirty years ago scarcely the canoes of savages were to be seeu, find where ships of the line now engage one another. The steam vessels of the United States are not only subser vient to the wants of commerce, and of travellers, but are also employed for the defence of the country ; some of them, of im mense size, placed at the mouth of rivers, armed with cannon and boiling water, resemble at once and the same time modern citadels and fortresses of the middle ages. To the twehty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-seven miles of general roads must be added the extent of four hun dred and nineteen district roads, and of fifty-eight thousand one hundred and thirty-seven miles of water-ways. The canals in crease the number of the latter : the Middlesex canal joins the harbour at Boston with the river Merricnack ; the Champlain canal forms a communication between that lake and the Cana dian seas ; the famous Erie or New-York canal, now unites Lake Erie and the Atlantic ; the Santee, Chesapeake and Al- bemarle canals were constructed by the States of Carolina and Virginia; and as broad rivers running in different direc tions approach to wards their sources, nothing was easier than to connect them together. Five roads to the Pacific Ocean are already known ; one only of these roads passes through the Spanish territory. A law of Congress, passed in the session of 1824-5, directs the establishment of a military post at Oregon. The Ameri cans, who have a settlement on the Columbia, c*>n thue pene trate to the great ocean by a zone of land nearly six degree* in breadth, between English, Russian, and Spanish America. There are, nevertheless, natural limits to colonization. The forests to the north and west of the Missouri are bounded by 444 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF immense steppes, where not a tree is to be seen, and which seem to be unsusceptible of culture, though grass grows abundantly upon them. This verdant Arabia affords a passage to the colo nists who repair in caravans to the Rocky Mountains and New- Mexico ; it separates the United States of the Atlantic from the United States of the South Sea, like those deserts which, in the Old YVorfd, are interposed between fertile regions. An A- merican has offered to construct, at his own expense, a solid high road from St. Louis on the Missisippi to the mouth of the Columbia, if Congress will grant him a tract ten miles in depth, on either side of the road. This gigantic proposal has not been accepted. In the year 1789, there were c nly seventy-five post-offices in the United States: there are now upwards of seven thousand. From 1790 to 1795, these offices increased from seventy-five to four hun-lred and fifty-three; in 1800 their number was nine hundred and three; in 1805 they amounted to fifteen hundred and fifty eight ; in 1810 to two thousand three hundred ; in 1817 to three thousand three hundred and fifty-nine; in 1820 to four thousand and thirty ; in 1828 to nearly eight thousand. Letters and packets are conveyed by mail coaches, which tra vel about one hundred and fifty thousand miles a day, and by couriers, on horseback and un foot. Offices for the sale of public lands are opened in the States of Ohio and Indiana, in the territory of Michigan, Missouri, and Arkansas, and in the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ala bama. It is computed that one hundred and fifty millions of acres of land fit for cultivation, exclusively of the soil of vast forests, yet remain to be disposed of. These hundred and fifty millions of acres are estimated to be worth fifteen hundred mil lions of dollars, at ihe average rate of ten dollars per acre, and reckoning the dollar at no more than three francs a very low calculation in every respect. We find twenty five military posts in the Northern States and twenty two in the Southern. In 1790, the population of the United States was 3,929,326 souls; in 1800, it was 5,305,666 ; in 1810, 7,239,300; in 1820, 9,609,827, This last number included 1,581,436 slaves. The population of the United States has increased every ten years, from 1790 to 1820, at the rate of thirty five per cent. Eight years liave already elapsed of the ten, which will be com- pJeted in 1830, when, it is presumed the population of the Uni ted States will be little short of 12,875,000 souls ; and the state of Ohio will have 850,000 inhabitants, and that of Kentucky 750,000. If the population were to go on doubling every twenty-five years, the United States would have in 1855, a population of THE UNITED STATES, 446 25,750,000 souls ; and in twenty-five years more, that is to ay: in 1880, that population would exceed fifty millions. In 1821, the value of native and foreign productions exported from the United States amounted to the sum of 64,974,382 dol lars. In the same year the public revenue was 14,264,000 doJ- lars : the excess of the receipts beyond the expenditure was 3,334,826 dollars. In the same year, also, the national deb 4 , was reduced to 89,204,235 dollars. The army has sometimes been raised to one hundred thou sand men :* and the Navy of the United States is composed of eleven sail of the line, nine frigates, and fifty other ships of va rious sizes. It is superfluous to sav any thing concerning the constitu tions of the different states : it is sufficient to know that they are all free. There is no predominant religion, but every citizen is expec ted to conform to some mode of Christian worship. The Catholic religion is making considerable progress in the West ern States. Supposing, which I believe to be the case, that the statistical summaries published by the United States are exaggerated by the national vanity, slill there will be left a total of prosperity well worthy of our highest admiration. To complete this astonishing picture, we must figure to our selves cities like Boston, New -York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Savannah, New Orleans, lighted at night, filled with horses and carriages, offering all the gratifications of luxury, brought to their ports by thousands of ships ; we must figure to ourselves the lakes of Canada, formerly so solitary, now covered with frigates, brigs, cutters, boats, steam-vessels, intermixed with the canoes of the Indians, as the large ships- and galleys art with pinks, sloops, and caiques, in the waters of the Bosphorus. Churches and houses, embellished with columns ot Grecian urchitecture, rise from amidst these forests, and on the banks oi* these rivers, the ancient ornaments of the wilderness. Add to these, spacious colleges, observatories, erected for science in the abode of savage ignorance ; all religions, all opinions, dwelling together -in peace, laboring in concert for the meliora tion of the human race, and the developement of the human un derstanding. Such are the prodigies of liberty. The Abbe Raynal offered a prize for a solution of the ques tion : 4 * What influence will the discovery of the New World have upon tlie Old World." Writers lost themselves in calculations relative to the expor tation and importation of the precious metals, the depopulation of Spain, the increase of commerce, the improvement of the aavy : nobody, as far as I know, sought the influence of the 38 440 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF discovery of America upon Europe, in the establishment of the American Republics, They figured to themselves the old mon archies continuing in much the same state as they then were, society stationary, the human mind neither advancing nor retrograding; they had not the least idea of the. revolution which in the space of twenty years has taken place in opin ions. The most valuable of the treasures which America contains within her bosom is liberty ; every nation is called to work this inexhaustible mine. The discovery of the representative re public by the United States is one of the greatest political events that ever occurred. This event proves, as I have else where observed, that there are two practicable kinds of liberty ; the one belonging to the infancy of nations, the offspring of manners and virtue, the liberty of the first Greeks and of the first Romans, and the liberty of the savages of America ; the other born in the old age of nations, the offspring of knowledge and reason, the liberty of the United States, which has super seded the liberty of the Indian. Happy country, which in less trhan three centuries has passed from one liberty to the other, almost without effort, and by means of a contest which lasted Only eight years ! Will America preserve its last kind of liberty? Will there not be a division of the United States ? May we not already per ceive the germs of these divisions ? Has not a representative of Virginia already supported the thesis of the ancient Greek and Roman liberty with the systems of slavery against a deputy of Massachusetts, who advocated the cause of modern liberty without, slaves, such as Christianity has made it ? Will not the Western States, extending themselves farther and farther, and being too remote from the Atlantic States, be desirous of a government to themselves ? Lastly, are the Americans a perfect people ? have they not their vices like other men ? are they moraly superior to the English, from whom they derive their origin ? Will not the tide of foreign emigration, incessantly pouring upon them from all parts of Europe, eventually destroy the homogeneousness of their race? Will not the mercantile spirit gain ascendency? I? not >elf interest beginning to be a predominant national defect among thetn ? V r y are also obliged to confess with pain, that the estab ish- ment of the Republics of. Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chili and 1 Buenos Ayres, is pregnant with danger to the United States. While the. latter had about them nothing but the colonies of a Transatlantic kingdom, war was not probable. May not rivalships now spring up between the old republics of North America and the New republics of Spanish America r THE UNITED STATES. 447 Will not the latter interdict alliance with European powers ? If both sides should have recourse to arms ; if the military spirit should take possession of the United States ; a great captain might arise ; glory loves crowns ; soldiers are but brilliant for gers of chains, and liberty is not sure of preserving its patrimo ny under the guardianship of victory. Let what will happen, liberty will never be entirely banished from America : and here it is right to specify one of the great advantages possessed by liberty, the offspring of manners. Liberty, the offspring of manners, perishes when its princi ple deteriorates, and it is in the nature of manners to deteriorate with time. Liberty, the offspring of manners, begins before despotism in the days of poverty and obscurity .- it is lost in despotism ; and in ages of glory and luxury. Liberty, the offspring- of knowledge, shines after ages of op pression and corruption : it advances with the principle which preserves and renews it, the knowledge of which it is the ef fect, instead of becoming feeble with time, like the manners which gave birth to the first liberty knowledge, I say grows stronger on the contrary with time ; thus it forsakes not the liberty which it has produced ; constantly about that liberty, it is at once its generative virtue and its inexhaustible source. To conclude ; the United States have one safeguard more : their population does not occupy an eighteenth part of their ter- litcfry. America still dwells in the wilderness : for a long time to come her deserts will be her manners, and knowledge her liberty. RELIGION. The consequences resulting from the enjoyment of religious liberty have been highly favorable. Free d iscus- sion has enlightened the ignorant, disarmed superstition of its Jreadful powers, and consigned to oblivion many erroneous and fantastic creeds. Religious oppression, and" the vindicitive feelings it arouses, are hardly known. Catholics and Protes tants live together in harmony ; and protestants who disagree, employ, in defending their own doctrines, and in assailing (hose of their antagonists, tne weapons only of reason and elo quence. In th New-England states, the independents or congregation- alists constitute the most numerous denomination ; in the mid dle states, the presbyterians ; and in the southern, the metho- dists. Bapti=ts, episcopalians, and Roman catholics, are found in all the states ; but in Maryland and Louisiana, the catholics are more numerous than elsewhere. Each of these sects has }fie or more seminaries of learning, in which its peculiar doc ; nes are taught, and young men are educated for the minis- 448 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF try. Many other sects exist, but reason, less tolerant than the iaws, is gradually diminishing the number. AGRICULTURE IN 1820. The number of persons engaged in agriculture was 2,870,646. The value of all its products ex ported during the year ending the 30th of Septemper, 1823, was 37,646,000 dollars. The principal articles were, cotton to the value of20,445,000 dollars ; flour to the value of 4,962,- 000 dollars ; tobacco to the value of 4,852,000 dollars ; and rice to the value of 1,821,000 dollars. The value of provisions of all kinds exported wag 13,460,000 dollars, and it has, in ma ny years, been greater. A people able to spare such an amount of the necessaries of life can never be in danger of suf fering from want. COMMERCE. .The state of the world, for several years sub sequent to the commencement of the French revolution, offered great encouragement to the commercial enterprise of the couo- try. While almost every other power was engaged in war, the United States were neutral ; their vessels navigated the ocean *o safety, and were employed 10 carry from port to port, the commodities of the belligerent nations. In fifteen vears, beginning with 1793, these favorable circumstances increased the amount of American tonnage from 49 1,000 to 1,242,000 Ions, and the revenue arising from commerce, from 4,399,000 to 16,363,000 dollars. In 1820, the number of persons engaged in commerce was 72,493. In 1823, the whole amount of exports was 74,799,000 dollars ; the amount of imports was 77,579,009 dollars, the bal ance, in favor of the United States, being about three millions of dollars. As the imports, however, are always undervalued at the custom-house, the additional wealth; which, in that year, accru ed to the nation from commerce, was undoubtedly greater. In other years, the commerce of the country has flourished more. In 1807, the exports amounted to 108,343,000 dollars, and the imports to 138,574,000 dollars. The principal causes of the decline which has taken place, have been, the restora tion of peace in Europe, and the increase of the product of do mestic manufactures. The former has permitted all other na tions to become our competitors; the latter has rendered it un necessary to resort to Europe for most of the conveniences and many of the luxuries of life. The depression will not long- continue. The independence of the South American republics has opened a wide field for the enterprise of our merchants, and given a brighter hue to their future prospects. DEBT, REVENUE, AND EXPENDITURES. When, in 1790, the public debt was first funded, it amounted to about 75,000,000 of dollars. In 1803, by the purchase of Louisana, it was aug mented to about 85,500,000. In the eight years which folloy;- THE UNITED STATES. ed, a large amount was paid, leaving due, in 181 2, but little more than 45,000,000. To defray the expenses of the war, which was declared in that year, more than 80,000,000 of new debt was contracted. A large portion has since been paid, and, on the first day of Janury, 1823, the amount of it was 90,865,877 dollars. The present revenue of the republic is derived principally from commerce, and from the sale of public lands. In 1822, there accrued from the former source, the sum of 20,500,775 dollars, from the latter source, 1,803,581 ; and from other sources, 839,084. The amount, however, which was actually received, during the year, was but 20,232,427. The expenditures, during the same year, were as follows ; .Civil, diplomatic, and miscellaneous, 1,967, 996 ; for the pay and support of the army, the construction efforts, the supply of arms, the payment of pensions, and the various expenses of the Indian department, 5,635,188; for the support and increase of the navy, 2,224,458 ; for the payment of the interest, and for the redemption of that portion of the principal of the debt which became due within the year, 7,848,949 ; amounting in the whol e to 17,676,591, and leaving an excess of revenue over expendi ture of 2,555,836 dollars. Great Britain may be taken as a favorable example of the European governments. The people of that kingdom pay, an nually, for the support of their sovereign and his relatives, near ly two and a half millions of dollars, while the compensation of the president of the United States is but twenty-five thousand. In the salaries of the subordinate officers of government, the disproportion is not so great, but is generally nevertheless, at four or five to one. The military peace establishment of Great Britain costs an nually thirty-four millions of dollars ; that of the United States but little more than five millions. The naval establishment of the former costs twenty-two millions ; that of the latter less than two and a half millions. British subjects pay in taxes, raised exclusively for national purposes, at the rate of fifteen dollars yearly for each individual ; the citizens of the United States pay, in national and state axes, at the rate of but two dollars. And as the whole population of Great Britain and Ireland is included in the estimate, the individual wealth of the subjects of the united kingdom, and of the citizens of the Amer ican republic, may on an, average, be considered nearly equal TABLE OF CONTENTS Discoveries by Columbus, and others, . . page o From the settlement of Jamestown to the embarkation of the Plymouth Company. Voyage of Capt. Newport, . . 13 Attack of the Natives, . . 14 Gapt. Smith tried and acquitted, . ib. Return ofCapt. Newport to England, ib. Distresses of the Colonists, . . .15 Their dissentions, . .. . ib. Capt. Smith made President, . ib. Fortifications erected at Jamestown, . 16 A conspiracy detected in the Colony, . . ib. The indians capture Capt. Smith, . ib. Smith liberated by Pocahontas, 17 More settlers and provisions arrive . . ib. Delusion respecting gold dust, . . 18 First remittance to England, . . ib. Exploring party visits the Susquehannah, . ib. First females arrive in the country, 19 New charter, and increase of settlers, . . ib. Disputes respecting precedency, . 20 Distresses by famine relieved. . . .21 Sir T. Dale arrives with men and provisions, . 22 Another new charter issued, . ib. Lotteries first granted in England for the benefit of the Settlements, . . . ib. Mr. Rolfe marries Pocahontas, . ib. Land allotted to individuals, ... 23 Edicts against raising i obacco, . . . ib. Martial law declared, . . . ib. Tyranny of the deputy governor, . . . ib. Sabbath laws, and penalty for breach thereof, slavery, 24 First colonial assembly convened, . . ib. Females transported and sold for wives., their price, . ib First convicts transported, . . ib- From (he embarkation of the Plymouth Company, to the close of the Pequot War. King s Letters patent boundaries, . 25 Settlers embark at Southampton, . ib. Colonists land at Cape Corl, 26 ib. 23 27 Evils threatened by Indians and famine, . ib. Public Fast and Thanksgiving appointed, . . 29 r-3*TiQir8 and death of Rev. J. Robinson., -. ib. Sabbath first observed in New-England, Great mortality in Plymouth Colony, Governor Carver dies, Mr. Bradford succeeds, CONTENTS. 451 Mr. Robinson s address to the Cojonists. . , page 33 IwifeofGov Carver, . . .37 Notice of Dr. Ames JVbte, . ib. Political compact signed, . . .39 Treaty with Massasoit, . . . ib. LifeofGov. Bradford, . .40 The Narragansetts threaten the Colony, . 44 Edward Winslow chosen Governor, . . ib. Virginia Company form a Constitution, . . 47 Massacre in Virginia, . . . .42 Great drought in Plymouth, . . ib. Charlestown settled , , . . .49 Fifteen hundred people arrive at Salem, . . ib. John Winthrop made Governor, . . ib. Churches established. . . .50 Arrival of Messrs. Ha\ ries. Stone, and Hooker, . ib. Religious conformity exacted. . . ib. Mrs. Hutchins >n banished, Rhode Island settled, . 51 Connecticut River discovered. . . ib. Difficulty with the Dutch at Hartford, . 52 Ravagescf the -rmall-pov . . . ib. Connecticut settled sufferings, . . .53 FirstCourt holden in Connecticut, . . ib. Charter of Conn ~ticut "blamed, . ; .54 Springfield settle Indian mur ; ers, . . ib. Capt. Stone, and John Oldham murdered, . . ib. Reprisals on thf Indians, . . .55 Indian ambuscade at Saybrook, . . .56 Hostilities and Murders frequent, . . ib. Mr. Hooker s address to the soldiers, . . ib. Enterprise under Capt Mason, . . .57 Attack on a Pequut Fort, . . .62 The Fort and Wigwams burnt, . . 65 The Dutch restore two captive maids taken by the Pequots and saved by means of a squaw, ." . 66 Battle with the Indians at Fairfield, . , 67 The triple alliance at Hartford, . . .69 Thannsgiving on account of Peace, . . 70 New-Haven discovered, . . . ib. Earthquake in New-England, . . . ib. Increase of Settlements in Connecticut, . . ib. Portsmouth and Exeter settled. . .74 New Hampshire separated from Massachusetts, . 72 Rhode-Island purchased of the Indians, . . 74 First permanent settlement in Maine, . . 76 Vermont declared an independent State, . . 7t> Remarks on the Religion of Vermont, . . 77 Quakers first appear in Massachusetts banished and penal Statutes framed to prevent their entrance into the Col ony, ... 80 Catholics first come to America, . . ifc. fr 452 CONTENTS. First Baptist church in America, . page 80 Manners and Customs, . . ib. A prohibiting the use of Tobacco, ib- Agriculture and Commerce, . ib. Arts and Manufactures, . . ib. Printing first introduced, 81 Education and Population, . . ib. Discovery and progress of the Middle and Southern States. Hudson s voyage and discoveries, . . .82 Sir Thomas Dale and the Dutch, . . ib. Grant of Dutch West India Company, . ib. Settlement of New-Jersey by the Danes, Emigration of Swedes and Finns, . . ib. Delaware settled by Swedes and Finns, . . ib. Maryland settled by Roman Catholics, ib. .William Clayborne excites rebellion, . 84 Grant of New Orleans to Sir W. Heath, . ib. Indigent subjects transported to Georgia, . ib. First house built in Savannah, . . 85 History of all the Colon r-s combined, . . ib. Judges Whalley andGoffe retire to New-Haven, ib. Charter of Connecticut ivad to the freemen, ib. Orders given to arrest them, . . . ib. Difficulty in collecting taxes, . ib. New -York submits to Col. Nichols, . . 86 Surrendered back to a small Dutch Fleet, . . ib. Demand of Sir Edmund Andross, ib. Determined resistance of ( apt T. Bull. . 87 Commencement of Philip s War, . ib. Defence of a house in Brookfield, . . .88 Attacks of Indians on several towns, . 89 Indian Fort taken and destroyed with many of the men, wo men and children, . . .90 Death of Kng Philip, . .91 Peace concluded with the Indians, . . 2 Form of government by William Penn, . . ib. J. E. Andross demands the Connecticut charter, which is hidden, . . * . 93 Tyrannical proceedings of Andross, . . 94 Writ of habass corpus suspended, . . 95 War between F ranee and England, . . 9$ Massacre al Schenectady, . . . ib, Casco in Maine destroyed, . . . 97 An expedition fitted out against Canada, . . ib. Narrative of Sir William Phipps, . . ib. Henry Sloughter appointed Governor ofNew-York, . 1Q2 Jjeisler and Melhorne executed, . . ib. Colonel Fletcher succeeds Gov. Sloughter, . ib. Governor Fletcher demands the submission of the Connecti cut Ktilitia to his command . ih CONTENTS. 453 A Treaty between Great Britain and France, 103 The surprise of Dover, ... ib. Heroic act of Mr. Dustan, . . . 104 Distressing- sit lation of VIrs. Dustan and other captives, 105 First suspicion of Witchcraft, . . . ib. The Earl of Bellaoiont appointed Governor, . 107 War with the French, Indians, and Spaniards, . ib. Durfield surprised, and the people killed and made prisoners, ib. Mr. Williams u^. other prisoners redeemed, . 108 Expedition aga ; ;st Canada, . . t ib. Nine Transpo^ - lost . . . . ib. Samuel Street t pointed Governor, . . 109 Indian Wa in South - arolina, . ib. Pence between France and England, . ib. William Barne* appointed Governor. . 1 10 Forts and fading houses built on Lake Ontario, . ib Indian War Peace soon restored. . . ib. Settlement -f Georgia continue!, . . ib. Disturbance among the Negroes in South Carolina, . Ill Wa .tgain brok-5 out between England and France, . ib. Lou sburg takea by the English, . . 113 Peace restored in 1748, . . . 114 French and Indian War. Causes which led to this war, . . 115 Was ington s expedition, . . . ib. Brao lock s defeat, . . . . 118 Lord joudon arrives as Commander-in-chief, - 120 Los uf Oswego, . . . . 121 Gen ral Arrherst arrives in America, . . 128 Gen t ~al Arr ,erst and Wolfe, capture St. Johns and Louis- burg, ..... 129 An attack uoon Ticonderoga, but failed, . . 131 Fort Frontf iac taken, ... 133 Fort Deque- e taken by General Forbes, . . 134 Expedition _;ainst Caunda, . . , 135 Quebec taken by General Wolfe, . . 138 Close of the French and Indian War, . . 141 Causes which led to the American Revolution. Several Cargoes of Tea destroyed in Boston harbor, . 160 Batt e of Lexington. ... 164 Ticonderoga ^ken by the Americans, 166 > Batt e of B-mker s Hill, . . .168 Washington :,.-, pointed commander-in-chiefof the American forces .... 169 almonth in lassachusetts burnt by the Eno-lish, 171 An attempt -o storm Quebec. . 1 73 Boston evacuated bv the British, . 175 Admiral Parker attempts the siege of Charleston, 176 454 CONTENTS. Declaration of Independence, . 177 Preamble, . . . . -179 New- York taken by the British, 183 Danbury destroyed, K . . . 136 Carleton s Battle . . . 187 Battle at Bennington, ., . . 189 Battle of Saratoga, . ptti;Fe of Burgoyne, . . 191 Battle of Brandy wiD< , v . . . 192 Capture of Philadelphia, . . .193 Philadelphia eva cuared by the English, 194 Battle at Monmouth. . ib. Cruelties of Wyomi?,>r, . . . 198 Expedition of Capt. Ferguson, . 200 Expedition ofColont- Campbell, . . .201 Georgia occupied by the English, . . 202 General movement^ at the South, . . 203 Storm >ng of Stony Point, . . . 204 Naval excursion of John Paul Jones, . . 205 Proceedings at the South, . . . 206 British government organized at South Carolina, . 209 Count de Rocharobpan arrives in America, . 210 Movements of General Gates, . . .211 Treason of Arnold, . . . 214 Major Andre taken, . . . 215 ( ount de Grass * arrival with 3,300 troops, . 217 Baitle at Yorktown, fall of Cornwallis, . . 220 Address .delivered by vions. de Bandole, . 222 Cessation of hostilities, . . . 224 Washington s farewell orders, . . . 226 Evacuation of New York, . . 227 Parting scene be- ween Washington and his officers, . ib. Washington resigns his commission to Congress, 228 General view of the United States, . 230 Events and anecdotes of the Revolution, . 230 Capt. Asgill, . ib. Letter from Ladv Asa-ill to Count Vergenns, 2 .4 Armstrong ons;-iracv, 236 Escape of Gen. Wadswor.fh, . . 237 Adventures of Sergeant Major Champ, , 239 Col. John White s Adventure, . . 244 Gen. Putnam s Adventures, . . 245 Adventures of Tol. John Crane, . . 246 Major General Thomas Conway, duel with General Cal- walbler, . . . .247 Frederick William Augustus de Steuben, . 24G Captain Handin, or Udang, . 250 Mr. BushnelPs Torpedo, . . v ib. Anecdote of General Prescott, . 251 Anecdote ofa Biackmore, . . 255 Heroic Enterprise of Sergeant Jasper, 25SJ CONTENTS. 455 Adventures of the Baroness de Reidesel and Lady Harriet Ackland, . .254 Burgoyne s Letter, . .263 Of the Confederation, Format ion, and adoption of the present Constitution of the United States, . . 264 General George Washington elected first President, ib. Washington s journey from Mount Vernon to New- York, An abstract of the Constitution, . . 26G President s tour through New-England, . . 269 The first Census completed in 1791, 271 A Treaty with the Creek Indians, . . ib. War with the North- Western Indians, . ib. General St. Clair s military operations, . . 27 General Washington re elected President, i 792, 272 Declaration of War by France against Engbnd and Hol land, ..... ib. Proceedings of Congress, . . . 273 John Adams elected President, 1797, . . ib. Difficulties with France, . . . 274 Death of General Washington, doings of the nation, Mr. Jefferson chosen President, and Mr. Burr Vice Pres ident, . ... 276 Ohio admitted into the Union in 1803, . . 277 Tripolitan War, . . . . ib. Peace with Tripoli, . . . 27S Mr. Jefferson re-elected President, Mr. Clinton Vice Pres- dent, . . ib. Mr Burr s proceedings, and trial, . ib. Difficulties on the Ooean, . . . 279 James Madison elected President, Mr. Clinton re-elected Vice President, 1809, . . . 280 War declared against Great Britain, . . 281 Detroit taken, . . . . ib. Naval proceedings, .... 284 Mr. Madison re-elected President, and George Clinton Vice President. 1813. .... 288 Frontier War continued, . . . 288 Skirmishes on the Sea coast, . . . 291 Commodore Porter s cruise . . . 295 A short sketch of the capture of Washington, , 299 Success at the West, . .300 Perrv .s Victory, .... 305 Western War continued, . . . 306 Commodore Chauncey s cruise, . . 316 Fort Mims taken and the garrison murdered, . 321^ War with the InHians at the West, . . 323 Saybrook attacked, and the shipping destroyed, . 337 The British attempt landing at Stonington, . 339 Naval incidents. . . . 340 Operations of the Army on the Frontier, . 349 Destruction uf the capital, . . .361 456 CONTENTS. The British attack Baltimore, death of Gen. Ross, Macdonough s Victory, Hartford Convention, The Creek War renewed, Gen. Jackson takes Pensacola, Preparation for the defence of JXew-Orleaas, Jackson s Victory, Peace with Great Britain, General view of the United States, View of the Western States, Mr. Adams Letter, Estimate of the population, President Monroe s Administration, Mississippi admitted into the Union, War with the Seminole Indians, Arkansas admitted into the Union, Monroe re-elected President, Lafayette s landing at New-York his tour, Lafayett s departure for France, , John Quincy Adams elected President, The parting scene of La Fayette, Doings in Congress, Death of Adams and Jefferson, Treaty with Me Intosh, Doings of Congress, . . , Remarks upon Part ThireL . JU7 372 374 375 376 377 381 384 ib. 387 392 398 401 402 403 - 406 ib. 411 416 417 420 426 429 430 438 442 JJeamoi .-u.n ~ Treaty with Mclntosh, Dbings of Congress, Remarks upon Part Third. 04032 541 160 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY