LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIKT OK Accession _85095 Class vu . CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS IN THE 0f the 0f OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, July 1st, 1815. FOR, THE TKTJ8TEES. JOHN W. AMERMAN, PRINTER, No. 47 CEDAR STBEBT. 1875. PREFACE. IN undertaking this catalogue the compiler has not been actuated by any ambitious motives. He began this work immediately upon his appointment to office, and has only to regret now the unavoidable delay which has attended its publication. He fully realizes the many imperfections of the work due in part to the manner of publication, but in a larger degree to inexperience but still ventures to hope that he has, in some measure, at least, accomplished his desire to produce a work which shall be of great assistance to persons consulting this library. It will be seen that the work is divided into two parts : Part I. SYNTHETICAL : A., Catalogue of the Systematic Works ; B., Catalogue of the Periodical Publications, wherein these works are arranged in alphabetical order, according to their author or title, and without reference to subjects ; and Part II., ANALYTICAL : wherein the Systematic Works and Periodical Publications are classified with reference to subjects. Part I. B. will be found to include a copious Index, in which have been in serted many abbreviated titles, under which some of the more prominent periodicals are at times quoted. Part II. will be found to include a copious Index, the typographical arrangement of which will indicate clearly whether the reference be to a general heading, a sub-heading, or other wise. This characteristic applies also, and in a larger degree, to the Index in Part I., B. JOHN F. MEYER, Librarian. _85095 CONTENTS. PART I. SYNTHETICAL : WHEREIN THE SYSTEMATIC WORKS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS ARE ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, WITHOUT REFERENCE TO SUB JECTS, 1190 A. SYSTEMATIC WORKS, 1 144 B. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, 146182 INDEX- TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, 183 190 PART II. ANALYTICAL : WHEREIN THE SYSTEMATIC WORKS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS ARE CLASSIFIED WITH REFERENCE TO SUBJECTS, 195394 SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION, 193194 INDEX,.. . 395399 if 1 PARTI. SYNTHETICAL: WHEREIN THE SYSTEMATIC WORKS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICA TIONS ARE ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, WITHOUT REFERENCE TO SUBJECTS. A. SYSTEMATIC WORKS. B. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, A. ABBOTT, John. Exposition of the Principles of Abbott s Hydraulic Engine. 8vo. 132 pp. Boston, 1835. ABEL, F. A. and Bloxam. Handbook of Chemistry. Second edition. 8vo. 785 pp. London, 1858. ABERT, J. J. Report in reference to the Canal to connect the Chesapeake and the Ohio Canal with the City of Baltimore. 4to. 40 pp., I. diagram. Washington, 1838. S. T. Is a Ship Canal Practicable ? Notes, Historical and Statistical, upon the Projected Routes for an Interoceanic Ship Canal, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; in which is included a Short Account of the Character and InfTu- ence of the Canal of Suez, and the Probable Effects upon the Commerce of the World of the Two Canals, regarded either as Rivals, or as parts of one system of Interocejinic Navi gation. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series, 8vo. 88 pp., V. Maps. Cincinnati, 1872. ABIIANDLUNGEN der Kaiserlichen Koniglichen Geologischen Reich- sanstalt. See under Journals. der Koniglichen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. See under Journals. ABRIDGMENTS of Specifications for Patents. See under British Patent Office. ACCUM, Frederick. A Manual of Analytical Mineralogy. Second edition. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. London, 1808. A Manual of Analytical Mineralogy. Vol. I. 12mo. 3GO pp. London, 1808. A Practical Treatise on Gas Light. Fourth edition. 8vo. 190 pp. London, 1818. A System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. ABSTRACT of the Returns of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Massachusetts. See under Journals. ACADEMY of Sciences of St. Louis. See, under Journals, Transac tions of the. 1 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ACQUEDUCT in Washington, D. C. Portfolio of XVII. plates to illustrate. ADAMS, C. B. First, Second, Third and Fourth Annual Reports of the Geology of Vermont. 4 Pamphlets in one vol. 8vo. Burlington, 1845. John Quincy. Report of the Secretary of State upon "Weights and Measures. 8vo. 245pp. Washington, 1821. ADELBERG and Raymond. Report of an Examination of the Lands known as the Great Kanawha Property of West Virginia. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. New-York, 1864. ADHEMAR, J. Traite de Charpente. Troisieme edition. 8vo. 512 pp. text, atlas folio, LXVII. plates. Paris, 1861. Traite de la Coupe des Pierres. Sixieme edition. 8vo. 540 pp. text, atlas folio, LXXXVI. plates. Paris, 1 859. Traite de Perspective. 2 vols. text and atlas. Paris, 1859. AGASSIZ, Louis. Anatomie des Echinoderrnes. Premiere Mono graphic. Anatomic du Genre Echinus, par G. Valentin. 125 pp. text, atlas folio, IX. plates. 4to. Neuchatel, 1841-42. Contemplations of God in the Kosmos. 8vo. 17 pp. 1851. Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalepha3 of North America : Part I. On the Naked-eyed Medusa of the Shores of Massachusetts in their Perfect State of Developement, 96 pp., VIII. plates. Part II. On the Beroid Medusa3 of the Shores of Massa chusetts in their Perfect State of Developement. 62 pp., VIII. plates. 4to. 1849. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. On the Origin of the Species. 8vo. 15 pp. New-Haven, 1860. fitudes Critiques sur les Mollusques Fossiles. Les Myes du Jura et de la Craie Suisse. 4to. 287 pp., XCIV. plates. Neuchatel, 1842. fitudes Critiques sur les Mollusques Fossiles du Jura et de la Craie Suisse. Les Trigones. 4to. 58 pp., XL plates. Neuchatel, 1842. Etudes sur les Glaciers. 8vo. 346pp. Atlas, XVIII. plates. Neuchatel, 1840. Geological Sketches. 12mo. 311 pp. Boston, 1867. Iconographie des Coquilles Tertiaires. 4to. 64 pp., XVI. plates. Neuchatel, 1845. Memoire sur les Monies de Mollusques vivans et fossiles. Premiere Partie. Monies D Acephales Vivans. 4to. 48 pp., IX. plates. Neuchatel, 1839. Methods of Study in Natural History. 8vo. 319pp. Boston,^ 1866. Monographies D Echinodermes vivans et fossiles. Echini- tes. Famille des Cidarides. Premiere Monographic Des Salenies. 32 pp., V. plates. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 3 AGASSIZ, Louis. Famille des Clypeastroides. Seconde Monogra phic Des Scutelles. 151 pp., XXVII. plates. Troiseme Monographic Des Galerites, par Ed. Desor. 94 pp., XIII. plates. Quatrierae Monographic Des Dysasters, par Ed. Desor. 29 pp., IV. plates. Monographic des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gres Rouge ou Systeme Devonien (Old Red Sandstone) des lies Britan- riiques et de Russie. Text, troisieme livraison. 171 pp. 4 to. Atlas, liv- raisons 1, 2, 3, XLIII. plates. Neuchatel, 1844-1845. Nomenclator Zoglogicus continens Nomina Systematica Generum Animalium tam Viventium quara Fossilium. 3 vols. 4to. Soloduri, 1842-1847. Notice of a Collection of Fishes from the Southern Bend of the Tennessee River, Alabama. 8vo. 31 pp. New-Haven, 1854. On the Ichthyological Fauna of the Pacific Slope of North America. 8vo. 46pp. New-Haven, 1855. On the Principles of Classification in the Animal Kingdom. On the Structure of the Halcyonoid Polypi ; On the Mor phology of the Medusae. 8vo. 19 pp. Charleston, S. C., 1850. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. 5 vols. 4to. text; 5 vols. plates. Neuchatel, 1833-1843. The Primitive Diversity and Number of Animals in Geo logical Times. 8vo. 16pp. New-Haven, 1854. et Vogt, C. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons D Eau Douce de L Europe Centrale. 8vo ;> 326 pp. ; Atlas, LV. plates. Neuchatel, 1842. AGRICOL.E, fcJeorgii. De ortu et causis subterraneorum ; De natura eprum qua? effluunt ex terra ; De natura fossilium ; De uete- ribus et novis metallis. Berraannus, sive De re metallica Dialogus. Interpretatio Germanica nova rei metallic^, ad- dito Indice foecuridissimo. 4to. 827 pp., III. plates. Basilea), 1546. De Re Metallica Libri XII. With an Appendix, Rei Me- tallicae. Nomina Latina Grsecaque Germanice Reddita et ex Ordiue, quo quodq. primo occurrit collocata. 2to. 502 pp. Basils, 1561. AGRICULTURAL Societies of the States of Massachusetts, New- York and Wisconsin. See, under Journals, Transactions of the. ATCIIHORN, Sigmund. Anleitung zur Flachenzeichnung einfacher Krystallgestalten. 8vo. 56pp. Vienna, 1865. - Geographische Yertheilung des Schiefer, Schicht-und Was- ser-Gebirges in Steiermark. Vol. L, Pamphlets. ^Duodecimo series. 12mo. 14 pp. Gratz, 1856. AIM and Object of Scientific Education, as Provided in the Shef field Scientific School of Yale College. 8vo. 24 pp. New-Haven, 1869. 4 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. AINSWORTH. Latin anil English Dictionary, with numerous Addi tions, Emendations and Improvements, by Kev. B. W. Beat- son. Revised and corrected by William Ellis. 8vo. 1,332 p]). London, 1847. AKERMAN, Richard. Ueber den Standpunkt der Eisenfabrikation in Schweden zu anfangdes Jahres, 1873. Pamphlet, 8vo. 1873. ALEXANDER, J. H. Report on the Manufacture of Iron, addressed to the Governor ol Maryland. 8vo. 269 pp. Annapolis, 1840. Stephen. Observation of the Annular Eclipse of May 26, in the suburbs of Ogdensburg, New- York. Vol. IV., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4 to. 11 pp., I. plate. Ne\V-York. ALLAN, 11. A Manual of Mineralogy. 8vo. 351pp. Edinburgh, 1 834. T. Mineralogical Nomenclature, with Synoptic Tables of the Chemical Analysis of Minerals. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. ALLEN, II, Monograph of North America Bats. Smith. Mis. Coll. 8vo. 85 pp. Washington, 1864. ALMY, Lieut. See Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. AMAIL, Victor. Manuel des Alliages d Or et d Argent. 8vo. 136 pp. Paris, 1860. AMALIO Mining Company of Clear Creek County, Colorado. Pros pectus, Act of Incorporation, &C. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo , eries . 8vo. 32 pp. New-York, 1866. AMATEUR Mechanic s Workshop, (The.) 8vo. 148 pp. Lonaon, 1870. AMELUNG, J. A. Abhandlung iiber der Wasserbau an den Schiff- baren Fliissen des Groszherzogthums Hessen als Beitrage zur Wasserbaukunde. 8vo. 222 pp. Darmstadt, 1845. AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of Science, See, under Journals, Proceedings of the. Bureau of Mines Publications. A Geological and Agri cultural Survey of 100 miles West of Omaha. Vol. xv., Pam phlets, octavo series, 8vo. 44pp. New- York, 1866. Memoirs: 1. Our Mineral Interests. 2. Guide for the Puddling of Iron and Steel, by Ed. Urbin. Trans, by T. Egleston, Jr. 3. On Bessemer Steel, by Adolph Schmidt. Vot III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 30pp. New-York, 1 866. On the Rock-Salt Deposit of Petit Anse,La. Vol. m., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 5pp. New-York, 1867. Statement of the objects of the American Bureau of Mines, with list of officers, &c. 8vo. 14 pp. New-York. Chemist. See under Journals. Exchange and Review. See under Journals. Gas Light Journal ; and American Gas Light Journal and Chemical Repertory. See under Journals. Institute ; and American Institute of Mining Engineers. See, under Journals, Transactions of the. Iron and Steel Association. See under Journals. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 5 AMERICAN Joiirnjfl of Mining, Milling, Oil Boring, &c. See under Journals. Journal of Science; and American Journal of Science and Art; See under Journals. Mechanic s Workshop, (The.) 8vo. 148pp. London. 1870. Medical and Philosophical Register. See under Journals. Mining Idex. See under Journals. Museum of Natural History. See under Journals. Ozone Co. Articles of Incorporation ; with some Remarks OI1 Ozone. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Public Health Association. See, under Journals, Reports of the. Rail -Road Journal. See under Journals. Repertory. See under Journals. Year Book and National Register. See under Journals. ANDERSON, F. Bestamming af Planeten (92) Undenas bana, ^run- dad pa observationer under trenne oppositioner. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 22 pp. 1870. T. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 8vo. 299 pp. Edinburgh, I860. AN HISTORICAL Notice of the Essex Institute, with the Act of In corporation, Constitution and By-Lnws. Pamphlet, 8vo. Salem, 1866. ANLEITUNG zur Anfertigung der Yermo^ens und Ertrags Be- rechnungen bei der Bergwerks llutten und Salinen Yer- waltung. 8vo. 66pp. Berlin, 1866. zur Ausstellung der Etats nnd Oekonomie plane der Berg werks Huetten und Salinen Yerwaltung von 15 Decem ber, 1866. 8\o. 40pp. Berlin, 1866. ANNALEN der Chemie und Pharmacie. See, under Journals, Anna- len der Pharmacie. der Physik ; and Annalen der Physik und Chemie. See, under Journals, Annalen der Physik und Chemie. ANNALES de Chimie et Physique. See under Journals. des Mines. See under Journals. des Travaux Publics de Belgique. See wider Journals. des Universites de Belgique . See under Journals. - du Conservatoire Imperiale des Arts et Metiers. See under Journals. du Genie Civile. See under Journals. ANNALS of Philosophy. See, tinder Journals, under London, Dub lin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New- York. See under Journals. of the Dudley Observatory. See under Journals. ANNEE Scientifique fet Industrielle. See under Journals. ANNUAL of Scientific Discovery. See under Journals. - Reports of Departments of Government, of Public Officers, of Societies, &c. See, under proper title, under Journals. ANTHON, Charles. A Classical Dictionary. 4to. 1449 pp. New-York, 1855. 6 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANTISELL, T, Address, introductory to the CotTrse of Lectures in the Chemical Department of Vermont Medical College, de livered before the Class of Session of 1854. Vol. xxvm., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8VO. Woodstock, 1854. A Hand-Book of the Useful Arts. 12mo. 692 pp. New-York, 1852. ANSIAUX, L., and Maison, L. Traite pratique de la fabrication du fer et de 1 acier puddle. 8vo. 282 pp., XXVIII. plates. Paris, 1865. APPLETON, D. & Co. s Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine Work and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1852. ARAGO, Francois. Oeuvres Completes de. Notices Biographiques. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-1855. Notices Seientifiques. Vol. 1. Svo. Paris, 1854. Astronomic Populaire. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1854. Popular Lectures on Astronomy. With Additions by Dio- nysillS Lardner. Vol. VI., Pamphlets, OcUvo series. Svo. 95 pp. New-York, 1848. ARCIIIV fur Bergbau und ITuettenwesen. See under Journals. fiir Mikroskopische Anatomic. See under Journals. ARGELANDER, Fr. Neue Uranometrie. 8vo. 119 pp. ; Atlas, XVII. plates. Berlin, 1843. ARMENGAUD, Sr. The Practical Draughtman s Book of Industrial Design, and Machinist s and Engineer s Course of Mechani cal Engineering and Architectural Drawing. 4to. 200 pp. ; LV. plates. Philadelphia, 1870. Traite des Moteurs Hydrauliques. 2 vols. 4 to. text; Atlas, XXI. plates. Paris, 1858. ASCHERRON, Fred. Deutscher Universitats Kalender fiir das Sorn- mer Semestre, 1873. II. Thiel-Die Universitaten im deuts- chen Reich Oestterreich, in der Schweiz und den russischen CEstseeprovinzen. 12mo. 173 pp. Berlin, 1873. A SERIES of Charts of the Freiburg Mining District, showing the location of Mines, the direction of lodes, &c. 5 charts. ASHLAND Copper Mining Company of Wisconsin. Act of Incor poration and Articles of Association. Vol. xxxn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 23 pp. ASSOCIATION of American Naturalists and Geologists. See under Journals. ASTRONOMICAL and Meteorological Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. See under Journals. A SUMMARY of Statistics relating to Mining for 1867. (In Russian. ) 8vo. 363 pp. St. Petersburg, 1867. ATKINSON, E. See Ganot. ATOMGEWICHTS Tabellen. Besonderer Abdrnck aus Berzelius, Lehr- blicll der Chemie. Vol. XXVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 31 pp. 1845. ATTFIELD, J. Chemistry. General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, including the Chemistry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. From the English edition. 12mo. 552 pp. Philadelphia, 1871. >"v B ; f ( Xr . , V^V r CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 7 AUBEL, C. Das Raschettesche System der Patent, Normal und Universal Schachtofen. 8vo. 62 pp. Leipsig, 1863. AUBINEAU. Traite Complet et Pratique de la Construction des Escaliers. Atlas, xxx. plates. 12mo. 90pp. Paris. AUERBACH, G. Das Anthracene und Seine Derivate. 8vo. 164 pp. Berlin, 1873. AUSKUNSTERTHEILUNG liber Neu-Zeeland. Zum Gebrauch fur Aus- wanderer. Pamphlet. 12mo. London, 1873. B. BACH, H. Die Theorie der Bergzeiohnung in verbindung rait Geog- nosie, oder. Anleitung zur Bearbeitung und zurn Richtigen Verstandnisse Topographisch-Geognostischer Karten. 4to. 72 pp., XXIII. plates. Stuttgart, 1853. BACHE, A. D. Abstract of Results of a Magnetic Survey of Penn sylvania and parts of adjacent States, in 1840 and 1841, with some additional results of 1843 and 1862. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 19pp., 1 map. 1863. A Portfolio of VIII. Maps and Charts, illustrating the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. New- York, 1852. Discussion of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observa tions made at the Girard College Observatory, Philadelphia. In two sections. Smithsonian Contrib. Section I., com prising parts 1, 2, 3. Pamphlet. 4to. Experiments Relating to the Alleged Influence of Color on the Radiation of Non-Luminous Heat. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 13 pp. Notes and Diagrams illustrative of the Directions of the Forces acting at and near the surface of the Earth, in differ ent parts of the Brunswick Tornado of June 19th, 1835. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 12 pp., II. diagrams. 1835. On the Diurnal Variation of the Horizontal Needle. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 21 pp., III. plates. Philadelphia, 1833. See, also, United States Coast Survey Reports. and Courtenay, E. H. On the Relative Horizontal Intensities.of Terrestrial Magnetism at several places in the United States; with the Investigation of Corrections for Temperature, and Comparisons of the Methods of Oscillation in Full and ill Rai ified Air. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4 to. 31 pp. 1836. See, also, finder U. S. Coast Survey Reports. F. See Wood, G. B., and Bache, F. BACH ELDER, Samuel. See Hayes, John L. BACKLUND, A. V. Nagro satser orn plana algebraiska Kurvors Normnler. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Qiarto series. 4tO. 38 pp. BACOX, F. W. A Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indi cator. 12mo. 155 pp. New-York, 1869. 8 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. BEAR, W. DasEisen Seine Gescliiclite, Gewinimng und Bearbei- 1 11112% I2mo. 300 pp. Leipsig. BAILEY, J. W. Chemical Notes on Gunpowder and its materials. Selected for the use of the U. S. Cadets. Vol. in., Pamphlets. Quarto series". 4tO. 14 pp. 1838. BAILY, F., and Filipowski, II. The Doctrine of Interest Annuities and Assurances. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1804 to 1806. BAIRD, Spencer F. Catalogue of JiTorth American Birds. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 32pp. Washington, 1859. Review of American Birds in the Museum of the Smith sonian Institution. Part I. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 478 pp. Washington, 1804-1872. tfee, also, United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Parts II., III. ; also undtr Whitney, J. D. S. F., and Girard, C. Catalogue of North American Rep tiles. Part L, Serpents. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 172 pp. Washington, 1853. BALDWIN Locomotive Works. Illustrated Catalogue of. 4to. 134 pp. Philadelphia, 1872*. BALLING, C. A. M. Die Eisenindustrie Bohmens. 8vo. 108 pp. Vienna, 1868. Die Probirkunde des Eisens nnd der Brennmaterialien. 8vo. 64 pp. Prag, 1868. Z-wei Abhnndlungen liber ciuige der wichtigsten Tlieile des Eisen-IIiitten \vesens. 4to. 40 pp. Pnig, 1829. BANKS, N. P. See Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1867. BANNAN, B. See Daddow, S. II., and Batman, B. BARKKR, George F. A Text book of Elementary Chemistry, Theo retical and Inorganic. 12mo. 342 pp. New-Haven, 1870. Thi*Forces of Nature. An Address delivered before the Chemical Society of Union College, July 22, 1863. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 45pp. Albany, 1863. BARLET, C. II. Tenue des Lines appliquee & la compatabilite des Mines de Ilouille, des Hants Fourneaux et des Usines a Fer. 8vo. 217 pp. Paris, 1861. BARLOW, Peter. A Treatise on the Strength of Materials. With several appendices. The whole arranged by William Ilum- ber. 8vo. 396 pp., XVI. plates. London, 1867. BARNARD, F. A. P. Address delivered before the American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science, at the Chicago Meeting, August, 1868. Pamphlet, Svo. Salem, Mass. 1869. - Modern Industrial Progress, and the Influences Accelerating its March. An Address delivered before the Am. List, of N. Y., at its forty-first annual exhibition. Voi xvm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 40 pp. New-York, 1872. Report on Machinery and Processes of the Industrial Arts .and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences. Paris Universal Ex position, 1867. Svo. 669 pp., VII. plates. New-York, 1869. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 9 BARNALP, F. A. P. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. From the Proceed inr/s of the University Convocation held at Albany, N. Y., August, 1871. 8vo. 106 pp. The Me.tiic System of Weights and Measures. Svo. 194pp. New-York, 1872. Report on the Principles which should govern the Tolerance of Deviations from Standard Weight of Coin Weighed in Parcels ; made to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, at the request of the Commission ot 1672, ior the Scrutiny of the Coinage. Pamphlets. Svo. Washington, 1872. J. G. Report on the Fabrication of Iron ior Defensive Purposes. Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army, No. 21. 4to. 230 pp. Washington, 1870. - Supplement, to above. 4to. 51 pp. Washington, 1872. BARNES, J. K. General Meteorological Instructions. Vol. vi., Pamph lets, octavo series. 8vo. Washington, 1868. BARRANDE, Joachim. Cephalopodes Siluriens de la Boheme. In troduction. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 48 pp. Paris, 1867. Crustaces Divers et Poissons des Depots Siluriens de la Bolieme. Svo. 127 pp. Paris, 1872. Pi eropodes Siluriens de la Boheme. Introduction. Vol. xxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 16pp. Paris, 1867. I. Rapparition du Genre Arethusina Barr. II. Faune Silu rian des Environs de Ilof, en Baviere. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. BARRAULT. /See Flachat, E. BARTHOLOMEW, John. A Descriptive Hand Atlas of the World. 4to. 27o pp., LVII. plates. Philadelphia, 1873. BARTLETT, W. II. C. On Rifled Guns. 4to. 31 pp. BARY, E. Nouveaux Problemes de Physique. Svo. 368 pp. Paris, 1838. BAUER, Alexander, and Hinterberger, F. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Technik. 8vo. 574 pp. Vienna, 1859. II. Kurze Anleitung zur Eisenhuttenkunde. 24mo. 186pp. Sonderhatisen, 1819. BAUERMAX, Henry. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Models in the Museum of Practical Geology^. 12mo. 199pp. London, 1865. A Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron. A "l2mo. 399pp. London, 1868. BAUERNFRIND, C. M. Elemente der Yermessungskunde. Svo. 878 pp. Stuttgart, 1869. Elemente der Vermessungskunde. 2 vols. Svo. Stuttgart, 1873. BAY-ERTSCIIEN Akademie der Wissenschaften. See, under Journals, Abhandlungen der Koniglichen. BEALE, Lionel S. How to Work with the Microscope. Third edition. 12rno. 272 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. 10 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BEARD, George M. Stimulants and Narcotics, Medically, Philoso phically and Morally Considered. Pamphlet, 12mo. New-York, 1871. BECK, Lewis C. See Natural History of the State of New-York, part III., Mineralogy. R. and J. Illustrated Catalogue of Scientific Instruments. Presentation copy. 8vo. 141 pp. London, 1865. BECKWITU, S. F. and A. Reports on Beton Coignet, Asphalt and Bitumen. Svo.. 52 pp. Washington, 1868. BECQUEREL, A. C. and E. Traite d Electricite et de Magnetisme. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1856. BEECHER, Prof. See Washington Astronomical and Meteorologi- 9 cal Observations for 1871. BEEKMAX, James W. Centenary Address delivered before the Society of the New- York Hospital, Monday, July 24, 1871. 8vo. 44 pp. New- York, 1871. Appendix to above, containing some Short Hints on the Structure and Economy of Hospitals, particularly applied to Military Ones; with the General Means of Preserving Health in the Army. 20 pp. The Founders of New-York. An Address delivered before the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, Satur day, December 4, 1809. Svo. 36pp. New-York, 1869. BEER, A. II. Einleitung in die Hohre Optik. Svo. 480 pp. Braunschweig, 1853. Erdbohrkunde. Ein Abschnitt aus dern Aufschluss und Ausrichtungs Arbeiten der allgemeinen Bergbaukunde von August Hefnrich Beer. ^Svo. 399pp. Prag, 185S. - Lehrbuch der Markscheide-Kiinst, fur Bergscliulen und Selbstunterricht, Svo. 335 pp. Prag, 1856. BEIIRENS, H. Mikroscopische Untersuchungen tiber die Opale. Svo. 38 pp., II. plates. 1871. BEHSE, W. H. Sammel Mappe fur Ban Entwurfe. (Imperfect.) Folio. 1806-1869. BEIL, J. A. Technologisches Worterbuch der Deutschen, Frozo- sischen, und Englischen Sprache. 8vo. 678pp. Wcisbaden, 1853. BEINERT and Gorppert. Abhandlungen ilber die Beschallenheit und Yerhaltnisse der ibssilien Flora. 4to. 72 pp. Leiden, 1S49. BEITRAGE zur Geognosticheri Kenntniss des Erzgebirges. Herausgegeben durch die. Hierzu Bestellten Commission. Hefts. I, 1865 ; II, 1867 ; III., 1869. * Svo. Freiberg. BELANGER, J. B. Resume des Lemons de Geometric Analytique et de Calcul Infinitesimal. 12mo. 295pp. Paris, 1459. BELIDOR, B. F. de. La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification et d Architecture Civile. 4to. 6 vols. bound in one. Paris, 1729. BELL, J. Lowthian. Chemical Phenomena of Iron Smelting. Svo. 435 pp. London, 1S72. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. H BELL, J. Lowthian. Ueber die Entwicklung und Verwendnng der Wartne. Frei einiger Beimerkungen begleitet von P. Tanner. 8vo. Ill pp. Leipsiir, 1870. BELVILLE, J. H. Manual of the Mercurial and Aneroid Barome- etei S. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 53 pp. London, 1849. BELLY, Felix. See Gam on d and Belly. BENET, S. V. Electro-Ballistic Machines, and the Schultz Chro- noscope. 4to. 47 pp. New-York, 1866. BENTHAM, G. An Address read at the Annual Meeting of the Liunaean Society, May 24, 1867. Vol. xxvi., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp. London, 1867. BENTZ, L. Elements of Agriculture. Pamphlet. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1852. BEOBACHTUNGEN. Yersuche und Einfuhrungen den K. K. Kunst- Bau-Berg-und Hiittenwesens-Beamten im Gebiethe des Berg und Huttenmannischen Maschinen und Banwesens. 3 vols. text; 3 vols. plates. 1851-1853. BERG, C. F. v. . Anleitung zum Verkohlen des Holzes. ]2rno. 278pp. Darmstadt, 1860. BERGBANKUNDE. 2 vols. 4to. Leipsig, 1789, 1790. BEEGH, C. A. lakttagelser ofver Djnrlifet i Kattegat och Skage- rack, gjorda under Kanobaten " Ingegerds" Expedition som- maren, 1870. Vol. VII,, Pajnphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 37pp. 1870. BERGIIAUS, IT. Physikalischer Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. Gotha, 1852. BERG MAX, Torbern". Manuel du Mineralogiste on Sciagraphie du llegne Mineral. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1784. Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Dijon, 1780, 1785. BERG und Huettenmannisch Jahrbuch. und Huettenmanniscji Zeitung. t See under BERGWERKS Betrieb. f Journals. BERICIITE der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. liber die Allgemeine Ausstellung zu Paris, &c. See Expo sition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. tiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten Teclmik. ) e a , , ,. ,,. , ., -,, ,, f . f bee under tiber die Mittneilungen von Jbreunden der Vvis- > j ourna i s senschaften. ) iiber die Thatigkeit der Allgemeinen sektion der Schlesi- chen Gesellschaft, im Jahre, 1869. 4to. 16pp. 1869. iiber die Z \veite Allgemeine Versammlung von Berg-und lluttenmannern zu Wien. (21 bis 28 September, 1861.) 8vo. 123 pp. Vienna, 1862. BEKNSTEIX, H. A. Beitrage zur "Nahren Kentniss der Gattung Collocalia Gr. (Cypselus Esculentus et Niditicus.) Vol. VL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 1856. BERTUIER, P. Handbuch der metallurgisch Analytische Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1835-1836. Traite des essais par la voie seche. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 12 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. BERTHOLLET, C. L. Elements de FArt de la Teinture. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1791. Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. Trans lated from the French by M. Farrell. 12mo. 212pp. Baltimore, 1809. BERTRAND, Joseph. Traite d Arithmetique. 12mo. 254pp. Paris, 1849. Traite Elementaire d Algebre. 12mo. 500 pp. Paris, 1851. BERZELTUS, J. J. An Attempt to Establish a System of Mineralogy. Translated from the Swedish, by John Black. 8vo. 144pp. London, 1814. Dcr Anwendung des Lothrohr. 8vo. 284pp. Hamburg, 1 8*4. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 184;j, 1848. Neues System der Mineralogie. "8vo. 14pp. Nurnberg, 1816. Nouveau Systeme de Mineralogie. 12 mo. 314pp. Paris, 1849. The use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis. 8vo. 343 pp. London, 1822. Traito de Chimie. Tradnit par A. J. L. Jonrdan. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-1833. Traite de Chimie Minerale, yegetale et Aniinale. Seconde edition. Traduit par MM. Esslinger et Hoefer. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-1850. Jahresbericht. See, under Journals, Jahresberichte liber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. BESCHERELLE aine. Dictiojmaire Universe! de laLangue Francaise. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1846-1847. BESCIIRETBUNG der industriellen Unternehmnngen der K. K. priv. oesterr. Staats-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft. 4to. 112pp. Vienna, 1873. der Kolonie Victoria, ihre Geographic, Politik, Land u. Hirternvirthschaft und ihren Bergban betreffend. Pamphlet. 12 mo. 1873. BESSEMER, Henry. On a New System of Manufacturing Sugar from the Cane. 8vo. 61pp. 1852. BENDANT, F. S. Traite Elementaire de Mineralogie. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. BEUST, F. C. F. Die Eisenerzlagerstatten des obern Erzgebriges, &c. 8vo. 36 pp. Freiberg, 1856. BEUTE, E. iSt.udes sur le Peloponnese. 8vo. 481pp. Paris, 1855. BIBLIOTHECA llistonco Naturalis. See under Journals. Mechanica Technologia. See under Journals. reruin metallicarum. Verzeichniss der bis mitte 1856 in Deutschland tiber Bergbau, Hiitten-und Salinenkunde und verwaudte zweige erscheinen Biicher, Karten nnd Ansichten. 16mo. 110pp. Eisleben, 1857. BIBRA, E. F. v. Die Bronzen und Kupferlegirungen der Alten und Altesten Volker. 8vo. 210pp. Erlangen, 1869. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 13 till Svriges Officiela Statistik. Bergshauteringen. Com merce Collegii. Underdaniga Berattelse for r 1873. 4to. 32 pp. Stockholm, 1874. BIGELOW, Eristus B. An Address upon the Wool Industry of the United States, delivered at the Exhibition of the American Institute in the City of New- York, October 5, 18tf9. 8vo. 22 pp. New- York, 1869. BILLINGS, E. Palaeozoic Fossils. Vol. II., Parti. Gtol. Survey of Canada. 8vo. 144 pp., X. plates. Montreal, 1874. BINKHOKST, J. T. B. van den. Esquisse Geologique et Paleontolo- gique dcs Couches Cretacees du Limbourg et plus speciale- ment de la Craie Tuffeau. 8vo. i 68 pp., VI. plates. Maastricht, 1859. BINNEY, W. G. Bibliography of North American Conchology. previous to I860. Smith. Misc. Coll. Part 1. American Authors. 650pp. 1863. Part 2. Foreign Authors. 306pp. l 8i)4. 8vo. Washington. BINNEY, W. G., and Bland, T. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. Smith. Misc. Coll. Tart I. Pulmonata Geophila, 316pp., 1869. Part. II. Pulmonata Limnophila, 120pp., 1865. ^8vo. Washington. BIOT, J. B. Precis Elementaire de Physique Experimentale. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817. BIRD, Golding. Urinary Deposits. Their Diagnosis, Pathology and Therapeutical Indications. Edited by"E. L. Birkett. 8vo. 382 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. BISCIIOF, Gustav. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. Translated from the Manuscript of the Author, by B. II. Paul and J. Drumrnond. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1854, 18o5, 1859. Lehrbuch der Chemischen und Physikalischen Geologic. 3 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1847, 1854. Lehrbuch der Chemischen und Physikalischen Geologic. 3 vols. 8vo. With Supplemental Volume. Bonn, 1864-1870. Magdesprunger Hohofenprodukter. 8vo. 16 pp. Quedlinburg, 1853. II. Die indirecte, aber hochste Nutzung der rohen Brenn- materialien. 8vo, 68 pp. Quedliuburg, 1856. BISCHOFF, Gottlieb Wilhelm. Lehrbuch der Botanik. "lleidel- beigei Naturgeschichte." 5 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1834-1840. BISHOP, J. L. A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 18 tfO- 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. BLACK, Joseph. Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, delivered in the University of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806-1807. BLACK HAWK Gold Mining Company. Prospectus, &c. Vol. xxxn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 15 pp., I. map. New- York. 14 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BLAKE, Eli TV., Jr. On a Method of Producing, by the Electric Spark,Figures Similar to those of Lichtenberg. Vol. v., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 1 870. John. See Berzelius, J. J. BLALNVILLE, H. D. de. Me moire sur les Belemnites. 4to. 135 pp., V. plates. Paris, 1827. BLAKE, William P. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1807. BLANCIIET, A. Elements de Geometric, par A. M. Legend re. 8vo. 280 pp. Paris, 1859. BLAND, T. Remarks on the Distribution of the Inoperculated Land Shells which inhabit the continent of America and the West Indies. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. Remarks on the Origin and Distribution of the Opercu- lated Land Shells which inhabit the Continent of America and the West Indies, with a Catalogue of the American species. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 20 pp. 18G6. /See Binney, W. G. BLENKARN, J. Practical Architectural and Engineering Specifica tions. 8vo. 416 pp. London, 1865. BLOMSTRAND, C. W. Den nyare Atomthcoiien Iran electro kem- isk Standpunkt. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. Die Chemie der Jetztzeit. 4to. 417 pp. Heidelberg, 1869. Om Tantalmetallerna och deras nativa foreningar. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. BLOXAM. See Abel and Bloxarn. BLUM, J. R. Die Mineralien nach Krystallsystemen geordnet. 8vo. 32 pp. Heidelberg, 1866. Die Pseudomorphosen des Mineralreiches rnit Erste u Zweite Nachtragen. 12mo. 378.213. 140pp. Stuttgart, 1843. Dritte Nachtrage zu Den Pseudomorphosen des Mineral- reichs. 12rno. 294 pp. Erlangen, 1863. Handbuch der Lithologie oder Gesteinlehre. 8vo. 356 pp. Erlangen, 1860. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. (Oryktognosie.) Erste Abthei- lung. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1873. Lehrbuch der Oryktognosie. 8vo. 509 pp. Stuttgart, 1833. Lithurgik oder Mineralien und Felsarten. 8vo. 501 pp. Stuttgart, 1840. BLTJMHOF, J. G. L. Encyclopedic des Eisenhuttenkunde. 4 vols. 12mo. Giessen, 1816-1821. BOBERT, C. W. Der geschwinde und richtig rechnende Marks- cheider. 4to. 93 pp. Quedlinburg, 1858. BOOKER, Dr. Untesuchungen tiber Die Wirkung des Wassers. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 100pp. 1853. The same as above. 2 Pamphlets. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 15 BODEAFAN, Th., and Kcrl, Bruno. Anleitung ztir Berg-und Heutten- mannischen Probirkund. 8vo. 580 pp. Claustbal, 1857. A Treatise on the Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold and Mercury. Translated by W. Goodyear. 8vo. 214pp. New-York, 1865. BOEDECKER, C. Die Zusammensetznng der Naturlichen Silicate. 8vo. 156 pp. Gottingen, 1857. BOLLEY, P. A. Handbuch der Chemischen Technologic. Band VII. Die metallurgie. Parts 1, 2, 3. 8vo. 608 pp. Braunschweig, 1868. Band VIII. Bearbeitung der Metalle. Part 2. 8vo. 81 pp., I. plate. Braunschweig, 1874. See, also, Paul, Benjamin II. BOLLEY, P., et Kopp, E. Traite des Matieres Colorantcs Artifici- elles derivees dn Goudron de Houille, Traduit de L Alle- mand et Augmente des travaux les plus recents par le Dr. L. Gautier. 8vo. 444 pp. Paris, 1874. A Manual of Technical Analyses. 12mo. 426pp. London, 1857. BOLTOX, II. C. Index to the Literature of Uranium. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. New- York, 1870. On the Fluorine Compounds of Uranium. Inaugural Dis sertation. Vol. XXVII.. Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. Outlines of a Bibliography of the History of Chemistry. Vol. XXXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1874. BOMAN, L. E. Das Bessemern in Schweden. 8vo. 47 pp. Leipsig, 1864. BONE, J. II. A. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells. What Petro leum is, Where it is found, and What it is used for. Where to Sink Petroleum Wells, and how to sink them. With a Complete Guide Book of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ken tucky and Ohio. 12mo. 153pp. Philadelphia, 1865. BONPLAND, A. See Humboldt, Alexander. Voyage aux Regions Equinoxials. BOOTH, J. C., and C. Morfit. On Recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts. 8vo. 216 pp. Washington, 1852. J. C. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Delaware. 8vo. 188 pp. Dover, 1841. BOUCHERS, E. Anwendung eines Kraftigen Magnets zur Errnitte- lung der Durchslagrichtung zweier Gegenorter. Pamphlet. 8vo. Clausthal, 1846. Die Practische Markscheidekunst. Svo. 308pp. Hanover, 1870. BORN, J. E. von. Ueber das Anquicken der Gold-und Silberhalti<ren El> ze, &c. 4to. 227 pp. Vienna, 1786. BORN, Jr., and Frebra, F. W. H. v. Begbaukunde. 2 vols. 4 to. Leipsig, 1789, 1790. Bosc, Ernest. Traite complet de la Tourbe. Svo. 242 pp. Paris, 1870. 16 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. BOSSUKT, F. Traite de Perspective Lineaire. Vol.1. 8yo. 160 pp. text; Atlas, XXVIII. plates. Brussels. BOSTON Journal of Chemistry. See under Journals. Milling and Manufacturing Co. Report of the Consulting Engineer for 1866. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 26 pp. Boston, 1866. BON&, A. Essai Geologique sur L Ecosse. 8vo. 520 pp. Paris, 1820. BOUIIY, V. De La Honille et en particulier des Diverges Especes de Ilonilles Exploitees au Couchant de Mons, en Hainaut, (Belgique.) 8vo. 309 pp. Mons, 1855. BOURNE, John. A Treatise on the Steam Engine. 4to. 258 pp., XXXIII. plates. London, 1853. BOWDITCII, W. R. The Analysis, Technical Valuation, Purification and Use ot Coal Gas. 8vo. 300pp. London, 1867. BOWMAN, J. E. An Introduction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis. Third American edition. 12mo. 333pp. Philadelphia, 1864. Practical Handbook of Medical Chemistry. Edited by C. L. Bloxam. 8vo. 351 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. Box, Thomas. A Practical Treatise on Mill-Gearing, Wheels, Shafts, Riggers, &c., for the use of students. 8vo. 84 pp. London, 1869. BRANDE, W. T. Lectures on the Arts connected .with Organic Chemistry. 16mo. 382 pp. London, 1854. and A. S. Taylor. Chemistry. 8vo. 696 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. BRAND, C. P. Elements pratiques d Exploitation. 8vo. 592 pp., XXXII. plates. Paris, 1829. Mineralogie Appliquee aux Arts. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1821. BREED, D. Bismaethyl ; a new Organic Radical containing Bis muth. Vol. XXIX, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 1852. BREISLAK, De IScipion. Atlas geologiques ou Vues d Amas de Colonnes Basaltiques. 4to. LV. plates. BREITIIAUPT, A. Die Paragenesis der Mineralien. 8vo. 276pp. Freiberg, 1849. Vollstilndiges Handbuch der Mineralogie. 3 vols. 8vo. Dresden, 1836, 1841, 1847. BRETON, De Champ P. Traite du Nivellement Comprennant la Theoretique et la Pratique du Nivellement Ordinaire et dcs Nivellements Expeditifs, 8vo. 299 pp. Paris, 1848. BREWER, C. E. Katechismus der Naturlehre. 12mo. 208 pp. Leipsig, 1866. BREWSTER, David. A Treatise on Optics, with an Appendix by A. D. Bache. 8vo. 417 pp. Philadelphia, 1847. and Gladstone. On the Lines of the Solar Spectrum. 4to. London, 1860. BRISSON, J. The Physical Principles of Chemistry. Translated from the French. 8vo. 424 pp. London, 1801. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 17 BRISTOW, H. W. A Glossary of Mineralogy. 12mo. 420 pp. London, 1861. BRITISH Almanac and Companion. ) Se under Association for the Advancement of Science. \ Journals. Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents relating to - Bleaching-, Dyeing and Calico Printing. 161 7-1 85 7. 770 pp. 1859. Drain Tiles and Pipes. 50 pp. 1857. Gas, the Production and Applications of. 584 pp. 1860. India Rubber and Gutta Percha, including Air, Fire and Waterproofing. 704pp. 1859. Iron and Steel. 1621-1857, 271 pp. 1857-1865, 239 pp. 2 vols. 1857-1858. Manure. 55 pp. 1857. Metals and Alloys. ]623-1859. 480pp. 1860. Oils, Vegetable and Mineral, including Lubricants, Candles and Soap. 668 pp. 1865. - Paper, Paste-Board and Papier Mache. 1665-1857. Parts I. and II. 184, 166 pp. 1858. Photography. Parts I. and II. 1861-1867. Plating or Coating of Metals with Metals. Parti. 1657-1860. 198pp. 18U2. Part II. 1861-1865. 74 pp. 1867. Pottery. 1626-1815. 179 pp. 1863. Preparation and Combustion of Fuel. Vol. 1, 1620-1856. 1857. Vol. 2, 1857-1 865. 1857. Preservation of Food. 46 pp. 1857. Production and Applications of Gas. 1681-1858. 584pp. 1860. 21 vols. 16mo. London. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to Air Furnaces. Robert Gardner, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1856. Blast Furnaces, &c. Archibald State, Patentee. 4 pp., II. plates. 1859. Blast Furnaces. James Yates, Patentee. 10 pp, III. plates. 1855. Collecting the Inflammable Gases generated in Blast Fur naces. C. E. Darby, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1857. Drain Tiles and Pipes. 50 pp. 1857. Furnaces for Smelting Iron. C. C. Alger, Patentee. 8 pp., IV. plates. 1858. Furnaces. Daniel Dalton, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1855. Furnaces or Fire Places. J. A. Detmold, Patentee. 9 pp., I. plate. 1854. Furnaces. A. L. Gibon and A. Frolich, Patentees. 7 pp., II. plates. 1856. Furnaces for the Manufacture of Cast Steel. J. H. Johnson, Patentee. 10 p., II. plates. 1854. Furnaces used in the Manufacture of Iron. J. Jones, Pat entee. 5 pp., VI. plates. 1857. 2 18 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAEY. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to Furnaces for Smelting Iron Stones and Ores. J. Strong, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1854. Hot Blast Stove. F. Levick, Jr., and John James, Patentees. 5 pp., II. plates. 1857. Hydraulic Crane. W. G. Sanderson, Patentee. 7 pp., II. plates. 1856. Hydraulic Hoisting Machines. W. G. Armstrong, Patentee. 6 pp., II. plates. 1856. Machinery for the Manufacture of Sheet Tin. J. H. John son, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1859. , Making Wrought Iron Directly from the Ore, and Collect ing and Condensing Oxides or other substances while Deoxo- dising Iron or other Ores. A. E. L. Belford, Patentee. 32 pp., IV. plates. 1854. Manufacture of Iron. S. M. Banks, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. Manufacture of Iron. T. Bottfield, Patentee. 4pp. 1858. Manufacture of Iron. A. M. Crane, Patentee. 6 pp., H. plates. 1857. Manufacture of Iron and other Metals. II. Houldsworth, Patentee. V pp., II. plates. 1857. Manufacture of Iron and Steel. Robert McCall, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1855. Manufacture of Iron. L. N. De Meekenheiny, Patentee. 12 pp., I. plate. 1856. Manufacture of Iron. John Onions, Patentee, 4 pp., I. plate. 1857. Manufacture of Iron ; Improvements in Steam Boilers, &c. Joseph Stenson, Patentee. 8 pp., I. plate. 1855. Manufacture of Iron. Philip Taylor, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1856. Manufacture of Iron. F. H. Thompson, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1857. Manufacture of Iron. B. Thompson, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1857. Manufacture of Iron. Arthur Warner and Win. II. Tooth, Patentees. 3 PP- 1859 - Manufacture of Iron. John Wilkinson, Patentee. 2 pp., I. plate. 1856. Manufacture of Steel, &c. J. Spence, Patentee. 7 pp., I. plate. 1859. Obtaining Nickel and Cobalt. H. H. Vivian, Patentee. pp. 1857. Power Hammers. W. Naylor, Patentee. 10 pp., II. plates. 1854. Power Hammers and Riveting Machines. W. Naylor, Pa tentee. 11 pp., III. plates. 1856. Puddlino- Furnaces. Daniel Horton and George Horton, Patentees! 6 pp., Ill plates. 1 806. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 19 BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to- Revolving Fire- Arms. W. W. Richards, Patentee. T> ir T 4 PP- I- plate. 1855. Rolling Iron and other Metals, &c. W. Clay/Patentee. . . V pp., II. plates. 1857. Smelting Iron. Charles C. Alger, Patentee. 8 pp. 1865. - Smelting- Iron and other Ores. A. Barclay, Patentee. c 1A . T 9 pp., III. plates. 1856. Smelting Iron Ores. C. Sanderson, Patentee. - Smelting Zinc Ores. M. Schaffner, Patentee. P 6 pp. II. plates. 1859. - Steam Windlass, &c. R. A. Brooman, Patentee. Treating and Manufacturing Iron and Steei! T W*Dodds Patentee 10 pp., II. plates. 1853. 43 Pamphlets. 4to. London. -&ee, also, under Journals, the Commissioner of Patents Journal. BBK, P. W. Untersuchungen fiber die Heiskraft der wichtiger . Report of the of Missouri, including Field work of 1873-1874 with illus trations and an Atlas. 2 vols. Jefferson City, 1874 Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri 1 | ) o5 " 18 . n - Svo. 323 pp. Jefferson City, 1873. the Iron Ores and Coal Fields > from _ t 8vo - 441 PP- ; atlas, XIII. plates. New-York, 1873. - See, also, Pumpelly, Raphael. BBOCHANT, J. M. Traite ^lementaire de Mineralogie. BKOCKMAN, C. II. Die Metallurgischen Kmnkheiten BKOGXIAE,T,A. Introduction a la Mineralogie . ^ PP TV T , . 8v( >. 159pp. Paris, 1825. Memoire sur les Terrains de Sediment Superieur du Yicentin. rp v--n^ 4to - 84 pp. Paris, 1823 Traite Elementairede Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807 iableau des Terrains qui Composent L Ecorce du Globe ou JLssai sur la Structure de la Partie Connue de la Terre B EOJIE :s, Theodo... Die Neuesten MetSn i^ T ^ V lf T 8VO * text> Wlth 4to - atlas - Stuttgart, 1841-1843 Index Paleontologicus " Bronn s Naturgeschichte." T ,, 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1848 Letha3a Geognostica oder Abbildung und Beschreibuno- der ir die GebirgsFormationen Bezeichnendsten Yersteiner- ungen. Dntte Auflage bearbeitet von II. G. Bronn und F Koemer. Atlas. 1 2 Liefertings, CXIX. plates. Stuttgart, 1850-1856. 20 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BRONNE, M. J. Comparison entre les Terrains Primaires de la Bre- tao-ne et Ceux de la Belgique. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 47 pp. BROOKLYN Water Works and Sewers, (The.) A Descriptive Me moir. 2to. 160 pp., LIX. plates. New-York, 1867. BROOKS, H. S. A Report on the property of the Triunib Silver Mining and Commercial Co. of Lower California, 4to. 80 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. Henry J. A Familiar Introduction to Crystallography. 12mo. 505 pp. London, 1823. J. Speech on the Tariff. Svo. 30pp. Washington, ]870. T. B. Reports of the Geological Survey of Michigan for the years 1869-1 873. The Upper Peninsula. Text, 2 vols., imp. Svo. Atlas, XXIII. plates. New-York, 1873. BROWNE, J. Ross. See Reports of the Special Commissioners on the Mineral Resources of the United States west ol the Rocky Mountains. BRUCKNER, William II. See Chynoweth, J. B. BRUHUS C. Bestimmuno; der LanejendifFerenz zwischen Berlin nnd Lund auf teleo-raphischen Wege ausgeiiihrt von clem Central bureau der Kuropiiischen Gradmessung und der Sternwarte in Lund im Jahre, 1868. Vol. IV. Quarto series. 4to. 51 pp. Lunds, 1870. BRUNNOW, F. Tables of Victoria, computed with regard to the per turbations of Jupiter and Saturn. 4to. 17 tables. New-York, 1859. BRUSH, George J. Appendix to the Filth Edition -of Dana s Min eralogy. 8vo. 19pp. New-York, 1872. Eighth Supplement to Dana s Mineralogy. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8 1860 Ninth Supplement to Dana s Mineralogy. Voi.xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo - 1861 Tenth Supplement to Dana s Mineralogy. Vol. xn , Pamphlets- Octavo series. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, with an Introduction on Blow-Pipe Analysis. Svo. 104 pp. New-York, 1875. Mineraloo-ical Notes. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 18o8. On Amblyo-onite from Hebron, Maine. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. J Svo. 2 pp. 1862. Octavo series. On a Variety of Galena from Lebanon County, 1 a. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octivo series. 8v . l863 On the Crystalline Form of the Hydrate of Magnesia from Texas in Pennsylvania. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 18G1. BRUSSE. Cours de Mecanique-Appliquee, professe a L ficole des Ponts et Chaussees. Premiere Partie Resistance des Materiaux et fetabilite Constructions. Deuxieme Partie-Hydraulique. t 2 vols. Svo. Pans, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 21 BRUSSE. Recherches Analytiques sur la Flexion et la Resistance des Pieces Courbes. 4to. 269 pp. Paris, 1854. BUCH, Leopold von. Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln. 4to. 407 pp. Berlin, 1825. BULLETIN de 1 Academie Imperiale des Sciences and various other Associations. See under Journals under the appropriate heads. * BUFF, H., Kopp, H., and Zamminer, F. Lehrbuch der Physikal- ischen und Theoretischen Chemie. 8vo. 860 pp. Braunschweig, 1857. BUNSEN, R. Gasometrische Methoden. 24mo. 305 pp. Braunschweig, 1857. Gasometry. 8vo. 298 pp. London, 1857. Ueber Eine Volumetrische Methode von sehr Allgemeiner Ariwendbarkeit. Vol. II., Pamphlets, Duodecimo series. 12mo. 48 pp., 1 plate. Heidelberg, 1854. BUNSEN and Roscoe. Photo-Chemical Researches. 4to. London, 1857. BURAT, Amedee. De la Houille, Trait e Theoretique et Pratique des Combustibles Mineraux. 8vo. 482 pp. Paris, 1851. Geologic Appliquee Traite du Gisement et de 1 Exploitation des Utiles Mineraux. Premiere Partie. Geologie Pratique. Deuxierne Partie. Exploitation des Mines. Quatrieme edition. 2vols. 8vo. 550, 540 pp., XXIX., XXXIIL, plates. Paris, Geologie Appliquee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Le Materiel des Houillieres en France et en Belgique. 8vo. 519 pp. text, fol. XXXIIL plates. Paris, 1865. Memoire sur le Gisement de la Houille dans la Bassin de Suone-et-Loire. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 77 pp., IV. plates. Paris, 1812. Mmeralogie Appliquee. Description des Mineraux Em ployes dans les Industries Metallurgiques et Manufacturiers. 8vo. 476 pp. Paris, 1864. /See, also, under Journals, Les Houillieres. BURGH, N. P. The Indicator Diagram practically Considered. 8vo. 199pp. London, 1869. The Slide Valve Practically Considered. 8vo. 121 pp. London, 1868. BURKART, Joseph. Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico in der Jahren, 1825 bis 1834. 2 vols. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1836. BURLETGH Drill. Two Photographic Views of the. 4to. BURMEISTER, Hermann. Geschichte der Schopfung Eine Darstellung des Entwickelungsganges der Erde und Hirer Bewohner. 8vo. 60S pp. Leipsig, 1851. Geschichte der Schopfung. 8vo. 664pp. Leipsig. 1867. Reise nach Brazilien. 8vo. 608pp. Berlin , 1853. BUKN, R. S. The New Guide to Carpentery. General Framing, and Joinery, Theoretical and Practical. 4to. 364 pp., CLI. plates. Edinburgh, 1870. 22 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BUSCH, Adolph. Die Organization nnd Buchftlhrung des Eisengie- serei und Maschinenbau-Betriebes. 8vo. 182 pp. Leipsig, 1863. BURY, Aug. Trait 6 de la Legislation des Mines, des Mineres, des Usines et de Carrieres en Belgique et en France on Com- mentaire Theoretique et Pratique de la Loi de 21 Avril, 18] 0, et des Lois et Kegiements qui s y Rattachent. 2 A T O!S. 8vo. Liege, 1859. BYRNE, Oliver. The Practical Metal-Worker s Assistant. 8vo. C52 pp. Philadelphia, 18G4. J. N. L. The Complete Practical Brewer. 12mo. 1U9 pp. Philadelphia, 1869. BYRNE and Spon. A Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military and Naval ; with Technical Terms in French, Ger man, Italian and Spanish. Division L, A. to Bo. Division V., Fo. to Hyde. Division II., Bo. to Br. Division VI., Hyd. to Lo. Division III., Br. to Da. Division VII., Lo. to Pump. Division IV., Da. to F. Division VIII., Pump, to Zinc. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1869-1874. c. CAHOURS, Auguste. Lemons de Chimie Elementaire. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1855, 1856. CALDWELL, G. C. Agricultural Qualitative and Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Svo. 307 pp. New-York, 1869. CALLET, F. Tables Portraitives de Logarithmes, revue s et corri- gees, par M. Saigey. 8vo. 680 pp. Paris, 1795. GALLON, J. Cours professes a L Ecole des Mines de Pa^ris. Pre miere Partie. Cours de Machines. Tome I., Text and Atlas. Deuxieme Partie. Cours D Exploitation des Mines. Tomes L, II., Text and Atlas. 3 vols. 8vo. text; 3 Atlases. Paris, 1873. CALVOR, Hemming/ Historische Nachrichte von der Unter-und gesamten Ober-Harzischen Bergwerke. 4to. 254 pp. Braunschweig, 1765. CAMBESSY, Alph. Dictionnaire Minier et Metallurgique Allemand- Francaise. 16mo. 203 pp. Paris, 1868. CAPRON, Felicien. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Fabricant de Bleus et Carmins d Indigo. 24mo. 76 pp. Paris, 1858. CANADIAN Naturalist and Geologist. See under Journals. CARNALL, R. von. Bergrnannisches Taschen-Buch i tir alle Freunde der Bergwerke-Industrie, im Besondern derjenigen Ober- schlesiens. ]2mo. 257 pp. Breslau, 1844. CARNALL S Zeitschrift. See under Journals. % CARNEGIE, Kloman & Co. A Series of Cuts of Iron Beams, Bars, T Angles, &c. 4to. 1873. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 23 CARNOT, L. N. M. Memoire sur la Relation qui existe entre les distances de cinq points qnelconques pris dans 1 espace, suivi d un essai sur la Theorie des Transversales. 4to. lllpp. Paris, 1866. CARPENTER, Philip B. The Mollusks of Western North America. Embracing the Second Report made to the British Associa tion on this subject, with other papers ; reprinted by permis sion, with a general index. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. Washington, 1872. William B. Principles of Comparative Physiology. From the Fourth London edition. 8vo. 752 pp. Philadelphia, 1854. The Microscope and its Revelations. 12mo. 778 pp. London. 1856. The Microscope and its Revelations. 12mo. 796 pp. London, 1868. CARTE ilber die Production, Consiim und die Circulation des Mineral- Brennstoffes in Preussen wiihrend das Jahre, 1871. A chart. CARUS, Carl Gustav. Ueber altgriechische Schodel aus Grabern der Verschwundenen Alten Stadt Cuma in Unter-Italien. 4to. 11 pp. 1856. CATALOGUE of Scientific Papers. See Royal Society s (The) Cata logue of Scientific Papers. of the Library of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washing ton, D. C. 4to. 24 pp. Washington, 18(38. CENSUS of the State of New- York, for 1865. 4to. 869pp. Albany, 1867. See, also, Hough, Frankly n B. of the United States. See Walker, Francis B. CENTENNIAL Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Kelley, William D. Speech on the Pecuniary and Political Value of the Proposed International Exhibition, delivered in the House of Repre sentatives, May 5, 1874. ^ Pamphlet. 8vo. Washington, 1874. CENTENNIAL of Chemistry, held August 1, 1874, at Northumber land, Pa. Proceedings of the. Reprinted from the August September and December numbers of the American Chemist. 4to. 209 pp. Philadelphia, 1875. CHAMPAGNE, of What, How, and Where it is made. Pamphlet. 8vo. Buffalo, 1856. CHANDLER, Charles F. A Lecture on Water. Mineral Waters. From the American Chemist, Vol. II., 1871. 4to. 6 pp. Philadelphia, 1871. A Scheme for the Analysis of Iron Ore, for the use of the Students of the School of Mines. Dangerous Kerosene. A Report to the Metropolitan Board of Health. 8vo. 8pp. New-York, 1868. Lecture on Water, delivered before the American Institute of the City of New- York, in the Academy of Music, January 20, 1871. Pamphlet. 8vo. Albany, 1871 24 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. CHANDLER, Charles F. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. An Inaugural Dissertation to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Gottingen. Vol. XXVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 52 pp. Albany, 1857. Report on Water for Locomotives and Boiler Incrustations, Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35 pp. New-York, 1865. Report upon the Sanitary Chemistry of Water, and Sugges- tions with Regard to the Selection of the Water Supply of Towns and Cities. Pamphlet. Svo. Cambridge, 1875. Report on Petroleum as an Illuminator. From Report of Met. Hoard of Health, 1870. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 110pp. New-York, 1871. Report on the Waters of the Hudson River, together with an Analysis of the same, made to the Water Commissioners of the City of Albany. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 25 pp. Albany, 1872. See, also, Elderhorst, William. CHAPMAN, E. J. Practical Mineralogy, or a Compendium of the Distinguishing Characteristics of Minerals. 8vo. 192 pp. London, 1843. CHAPTAL, I. A. Elements of Chemistry. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1791. - Chemistry Applied to Agriculture. Translated from the Second French edition. 12mo. 365 pp. Boston, 1836. Chemie Appliquee Aux Arts. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. CHATONEY et Rivot. Consideration sur les Materiaux employes dans les Constructions a la mer. 8vo. 193 pp. Paris, 1856. CHEMICAL Gazette. ) ^ unde) . JournalSt News. ) Society. See, under Journals, Journal of the. CHEMISCIIES Central Blatt. See, under Journals, Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. CuEMiscii-Technisch Mittheilungen. ) ^ und&f Journals . CHEMIST, Ihe. j CIIENU, Dr. Encyclopedic D Histoire Naturelle. Premiere Partie. Botaniqtie. Tomes I., II. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. CHEVALIER, Michel. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. CHRISTISON, Robert. A Treatise on Poisons. 8vo. 985 pp. Edinburgh, 1845. CHURCH, A. R. The Laboratory Guide. 8vo. 174 pp. London, 1870. John A. Notes of a Metallurgical Journey in Europe. Svo. 100 pp. New-York, 1873. CHYNOWETH, J. B., and Bruckner, W. II. American Manures and Farmers and Planters Guide. 12mo. 260pp. Philadelphia, 1871. CIZANEOURT, M. de. Etudes sur Pacier. Svo. 85 pp. Paris, 1863. CLARK, F. W. The Constants of Nature. Part 1. Specific Gravities ; Boiling and Melting Points ; and Chemical For mula}. Smith. Misc. Coll, Svo. 263pp. Washington, 1873. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. CLAEK, Latimer. An Elementary Treatise on Electrical Measure ment. 12mo. 175 pp. London, 1868. T. E. Ficbtelit. A fossil Carbo-IIydrogen, found in the Fichtelgebirge of North-Bavaria. Inaugural Dissertation. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 32 pp. Heidelberg, 1857. CLAEKE, Reeves & Co. Second Illustrated Album of Designs of the Phcenixville Bridge Works. 4to. 25 pp., XV. plates. Philadelphia, 1873. GLAUS, C. Methodische Reactions Tabellen behuf s Chemischer Qualitativ Analytischer Untersuchungen, ziim gebrauch fur Mediciner mid Pharmaceuten. 16 pp. Dorpat, 1862. CLEAVELAND, Parker. An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology.. 8vo. 668pp. Boston, 1816. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1816. GLEGG, Samuel, Jr. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas. Fifth edition. 4 to. 411 pp. London, 1868. COAL and Coal Pits of Great Britain. 12mo. 243 pp. London, 1855. Mines. Reports of Inspectors of. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1859. COCKBUEN, William. A New System of Geology. 12 mo. 16 pp. London, 1849. COCKEEILL, J. Portefeuille de, ou Descriptions des Machines con- struites dans les etablisseinents de Seraing, depuis sa fonda- tion jusqu a ce jour. 2 vols. 4 to., text; 2 vols. 2to. plates. Paris, 1859-1866. COFFIN, James H. Psychometrical Tables for Determining the Forces of Aqueous Vapor, and the relative Humidity of the Atmosphere from Indications of the Wet and the Dry Bulb Thermometer, Fahrenheit. Smith Misc. Coll. 8vo. 20 pp. Washington, 1856. See, also, under Washington Astronomical and Meteorologi cal Observations, 1869. App. 2. COLBUEN, Zerah. The Gas Works of London. 8vo. 86 pp. New York, 1868. COLLEGE Directory, (The.) vol. xvni., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp. Boston, 1872. COLLIER, P. On the Indirect Determination of Potash and Soda. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1864. COLLIERY Guardian. See under Journals. COLMAN, Henry. Agriculture of the United States. An Address delivered 14th April, 1841, before the American Institute in New-York. Pamphlet. Svo. New-York, 1841. COLVIN, Verplanck. Report on a Topographical Survey of the Adi rondack Wilderness of New- York. 8vo. 43 pp., with a map. Albany, 1873. COLWELL Lead Co. Tin-Lined Lead Pipe. Descriptive Pamphlet. 12mo. New-York, 1873. 26 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. COMBES, Ch. Handbuch der Bergbauknnst bearbeitet von C. Hart- mann. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Weimar, 1844. Traite de 1 Exploitation des Mines. 3 vols. 8vo. text. 1 vol. 4to. plates. Leige, 1846. COMET, The Great, of 1861. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. New-Haven, 1861. COMMISSIONER of Patents Journal. See under Journals. COMPTES Rendus des Seances de L Academic des Sciences. See under Journals. CONGERS International de Statistique. Compte rendn general des travaux dans ses seances tenues a Bruxelles, 1853 ; Paris, 1855 ; Vienne, 1857, et Londres, 1860. Publiee sons la direc tion de M. le Dr. Engel. 4to. 473 pp. Berlin, 1863. CONRAD, T. A. See United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, Part I. T. A., and Meek, F. B. Check Lists of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 112pp. Washington, 1866. COOK, G. H. Geological Survey of the State of New-Jersey. An nual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1869. 8vo. 57pp. Trenton, 1870. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1870. 8vo. 67 pp" New-Brunswick, 1871. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1874. 8vo. 115 pp. Trenton, 1874. Report on the Geology of New-Jersey. 4to. 900pp. Newark, 1868. COOKE, J. R., Jr. Chemical Problems and Reactions. 12 mo. 128 pp. Cambridge, 1857. Crystalline Form not necessarily an Indication of^Definite Chemical Composition. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 12 pp. 1860. First Principles of Chemical Philosophy. 12mo. 533pp. Boston, 1873. On the Dimorphism of Arsenic, Antimony and Zinc. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 7pp. 1861. On Two New Compounds of Zinc and Antimony, and on the Cause of the Variation of Composition Observed in their Crystals. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 57 pp., I. plate. Cambridge, 1855. Religion and Chemistry. Second edition. Svo. 348pp. New-York, 1865. The Elements of Chemical Physics. Svo. 738pp. Boston, 1860. - The New Chemistry. 8vo. 326 pp. New-York, 1874. COOLIDGE, Richard II. Statistical Reports on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the United States. Compiled from the Records of the Surgeon-General s Office, embracing a period of five years, from January, 1855, to January, 1860. 4to. Washington, 1860. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 27 COPE, E. D. Synopsis of New Yertebrata from the Tertiary of Colo rado, during the Summer of 1873. Vol. xxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp. Washington, 1873. $ee, also, under Geographical and Geological Explorations West of the One Hundredth Meridian. COQITAND, H. Traite des Roches. 8vo. 423 pp. Paris, 1857. COSMOS, Revue Encyclopedique, &c. See under Journals. COSTE, Leon, and Perdonnet, Auguste. Memoires Metallurgiques sur le Traitement des Minerals de Fer, d Etain et de Plomb en Angleterre. 2 vols., text and plates. Paris, 1830. COTTA, Bernhard von. Die Gesteinlehre. 8vo. 255 pp. Freiberg, 1855. The same. 8vo. 333 pp. Freiberg, 1862. Die Lehre von der Erzlagerstatten. 8vo. 742 pp. Freiberg, 1859. Erzgangbildung in der Sohle eines FJaramofens. 8vo. 18pp. Freiberg, 1851. Erzlagerstatten im Banat und in Serbien. 8vo. 108 pp., I. chart. Wicn, 1864. - Katechismus/ler Geologic. 12mo. 124pp. Leipsig, 1861. COTTEAN, Gustav. Etudes singles Mollusques Fossiles de Lyonne. 3 livraisons, (as far as published.) 8vo. 141 pp. Paris, 1853-1857. COUCHE, Ch. Voie, Materiel Roulant et Exploitation Technique des Chemins de Fer. Tome. I. Voie. Vol. II. Materiel de Transport et Traction. 2 vols. 8vo., text; 2 atlases. Paris, 1867-1873. COULOMB, C. A. Theorie des Machines Simples. 4 to. 368 pp., X. plates. Paris, 1821. COUPER, N. Investigations of a Naturalist between Mingan and Watchiconti, Labrador. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo scries. 8vo. 14pp. Quebec, 1868. Cox, E. T. First Annual Report of the Geological Survey of In diana. 8vo. 240 pp., with vol. of Maps. Indianapolis, 1869. Second Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the year 1870. 8vo. 303 pp. Indianapolis, 1871. COZZENS, Isacchar. The Geological History of Manhattan Island. 8vo. 114 pp. New-York, 1843. CRAIG, II. K. Report of the Officers of the Ordnance Department, on some experiments to determine the Strength and other properties of Metals for Cannon. 4to. 427 pp. Washington, 1856. CRAMER, J. A. Anfangsgrunde der Metal lurgie. 12mo. Quedlinburg, 1874. - Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals, with notes and observations by Cromwell Mortimer. 12mo. 462 pp. London, 1764. CREDNER, Hermann. Die Kreide von New-Jersey. Vol. XIIL, Pam phlets. Octavo series. Svo. 6 pp., I. plate. Leipsig, 1870. 28 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. CREDNER, Hermann. Geognosticher Aphorismen aus Nord-Amerika. Vol. XIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 13 pp., I. plate. Leipzig. 1870. Versuch einer Bildungsgeschichte der geognostichen Ver- haltnisse des Thuringer Waldes. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 2 vols., text and plates. Gotha, 1855. CRELLE, A. L. Rechentafeln welche alles Multipliciren und Divi- cliren mit Zahlen unter Tausend. Mit einen vorworte von Dr. C. Bremiker. 4to. 1000 pp. Berlin, 1869. CBESCY, Edward. Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering, Historical, Theoretical and Practical. 8vo. 1752 pp. London, 1856. CRESSON, J. C. American Anti-Incrustator. 8vo. 37 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. CROKISE, Titus Fey. The Agricultural and Other Resources of California. Pamphlet. Svo. San Francisco, 1870. CROOKES, William. On the Manufacture of Beet Root Sugar in England and Ireland. 12mo. 290 pp. London, 1870. William, and Rohrig, Ernst. A Practical Treatise on Metal lurgy. Adapted from the last German edition of Professor KeiTs Metallurgy. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1868. CBOTON Aqueduct Department. See, under Journals, Annual Re port of the. CUTBUSII, James. A System of Pyrotechny, designed for Exhibi tion and for War. Svo. 612pp. Philadelphia, 1825. CIJVIER, G. Le Regne Animal. 5 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1829. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. Fourth edition. 10 vols. 8vo. text. 2 vols. plates. Paris, 1834-1836. Recueii des loges Historiques. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1819-1827. CZERNY, A. Die Bergbau Bohmens. Svo. 26 pp. Prag, 1868. D. DADDOW, S. II., and Bannan, B. Coal, Iron and Oil ; or, the Ameri can Practical Miner. Svo. 78U pp. Pottsville, Pa., 1866. DAELEX, R., Ilollenberg, A., and Diekman, von. Die Kalibrirung der Eisenwalsen. Drei Gekronte Preisschriften eingerricht dem Vereiii zur Beiorderung des Ge \verbfleises in Preussen. 4to. 140 pp. Berlin, 1869. DAGUIX, P. A. Traite Elementaire de Physique. 4vol. Svo. Toulouse, 1867, 1868. D ALIGXY, II. F. Q. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. DALL, W. II. On a New Subfamily of Fluviatile Mollusca, Vol. XXVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 pp. 1 866. Note 011 Octopus plinctatUS, Gabb. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Oc tavo series. 3 pp. 1866. DALMAN, J. L T eber Stromcorrectioner im Fluthgebiet. 4to. 104 pp. Hamburg, 1856. DALTOX, John. Meteorological Observations and Essays. Second edition. , Svo. 244 pp. Manchester, 1834. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 29 DAMMERT, E. A. Das Deich und Strombau-Recht. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Hannover, 1816. DANA, J. D. A System of Mineralogy, including an extended Treatise on Crystallography; with an Appendix, containing the Application of Mathematics to Crystallographic Investi gation, and a Mineralogical Bibliography. 8vo. 452 pp., 119 pp. New-Haven, 1837. Same as above. Second edition. 8vo. New- York, 1844. Same as above. Third edition. 8vo. 711 pp. New-York, 1850. Same as above. Fourth edition. 8vo. 533 pp. New-York, 1858. Same as above. Fifth edition. 8vo. 846 pp. New-York, 1868. A Text Book of Geology. Y2mo. 354 pp. Philadelphia, 1864. Manual of Geology. Treating of the Principles of the Science with special reference to American Geological His tory. 8vo. 800 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. Manual of Mineralogy, including Observations on Mines, Kocks, Reduction of Ores, and the Applications of the Science to the Arts. 8vo. 430pp. New-Haven, 1848. Mineralogical Contributions. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 11 pp. 1854. Notes on Some of the Phenomena of the Glacial Era and their Origin; in Book Notices. 8vo. 7 pp. 1875. Notice of the Chemical and Geological Essays of T. S. Hant. Pamphlet. 8vo. 1874. Notice of Dr. Blum s Treatise on Pseudomorphous Minerals, and observations on Pseudomorphism. Vol. ix., Pamphlets, oc- tavo series. 8vo. 28 pp. 1845. On Certain Laws of Cohesive Attraction. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 21pp. 1847. On Dr. Koch s evidence with regard to the Contempo raneity of Man and the Mastodon in Missouri. 8vo. 13 pp. 1875. On the Glacial and Champlain Eras in New-England. Vol. XV., Pamphlets, Octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. 1873. On the Homeomorphism of Mineral Species of the Trimet- ric System. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 28pp. 1854. Appendix tO above. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp. 1854. On the Isomorphism and Atomic Volume of some Minerals, with a table Of Atomic Weights. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 29 pp. 1850. Whitney s Geology of California. 8vo. 18 pp. See-, also, Brush, G. J. S. L. Manures. A Prize Essay. Pamphlet. 12mo. Lowell, 1844. DANIEL, J. F. An Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philoso phy. 8vo. 764 pp. London, 1843. 30 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. D AECHIAC, Le Vicomte. Rapport sur les Fossiles du Tourtia. 4to. 60 pp. 1846. DAS Staatsbudget und das Bediirfnisee fur Kunst und Wissenschaft im Konichreich Hannover. 4to. 92pp. Hannover, 1866. DAUBENY, Charles. An Introduction to the Atomic Theory. 8vo. 147 pp. Oxford, 1831. DAUBER, H. Erraittelung Krystallographischer Constanten nnd des Grades Hirer Zuverlassigkeit. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Octavo series.. 8vo. 26 pp., XII. plates. Wien, I860. Svangit und Beudanit. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 2 pp. Untersuchungen an Mineralien der Sammlung des Hrn. Dr. KrantZ in Bonn No. 2. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 27 pp. Same as above. No. 3. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo., 15 pp., I. plate. Same as above. "No. 6. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 27 pp. DAVIES, Charles. Elements of Algebra, on the Basis of M. Bour don, embracing Sturm s and Homer s Theorems ; and prac tical examples. 8vo. 400 pp. New- York, 1S72. Elements of Analytical Geometry, and of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 8vo. 204pp. New-York, 1859. Elements of Analytical Geometry. 8vo. 204 pp. New-York, 1872. Reports of the Committee of the Convocation of the Uni versity of the State of New-York on the Metric System. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 76 pp. New-York, 1873. Report to the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the Various Proposed Lines for Interoceanic Canals and Rail- Roads between the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8vo. 28 pp., 13 Maps. Washington, 1866. The Elements of Surveying and Leveling. 8vo. 431 pp. New-York, 1870. The Metric System, explained and adapted .to the Systems of Instruction in the United States. Vol. i., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 20 pp. New-York, 1867. University Arithmetic. 12mo. 466 pp. New-York, 1873. - Charles, and Peck, Wm. G. Mathematical Dictionary and Cyclopedia of Mathematical Science. 8vo. 592 pp. New- York, 1872. DAVIS, John E. On Potentials and their Application to Physical Science. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 10pp. DAVY, Edmund. On a New Gaseous Compound of Carbon and Hydrogen. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp. Dublin, 1838. On a Simple Electro-Chemical method of ascertaining the Presence Of Different Metals. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 17 pp. London, 1831. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 31 DAVY, /Sir Humphrey. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, with a Treatise on Soils and Manures. 8vo. 396 pp. Philadelphia, 1821. On the Safety Lamp. 8vo. 148 pp. London, 1818. The Collected Works of. Edited by his brother, John Davy. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Vol. I. The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy. 475 pp. Vol. II. Early Miscellaneous Papers, from 1799-1805. Vol. III. Researches on Nitrous Oxide, &c. 342 pp. Vol. IV. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 370 pp. Vol. V. Bakerian Lectures and Miscellaneous Papers, from 1806-1815. 527 pp. Vol. VI. Researches on the Safety Lanrp, &c. 264 pp. Vols. VII., VIII. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and other lectures. 391, 365 pp. DAWSON, J. W. Acadian Geology. 8vo. 384pp. London, 1855. Acadian Geology. The Geological Structure, Organic Re mains and Mineral Resources of Nova-Scotia, New-Bruns wick and Prince Edward s Island. 8vo. 694pp. London, 1868. On the Structure of certain Organic Remains in the Lauren- . tian Limestones of Canada, with an additional note by W. B. Carpenter. Vol. XXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 14 pp., II. plates. 1864. See Geological Survey of Canada. Wrn. McD. Memorandum in relation to the Gold Mines of the Chaudiere in Lower Canada. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 16 pp. New- York, 1865. DAXHELET, A. Les Perforatrices a Air Comprime Appliquees aux Travaux de Mines systeme de Dubois et Francois. Pamphlet. 8vo. Paris, 1873. DAY, E. C. H. On an Ancient Beach and Submerged Forest near Wissant. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. llpp. 1866. On the Middle and Upper Lias of the Dorsetshire Coast. Vol. XIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 19pp. 1863. II. H. Statement relative to experiments made at Bloom- ingdale, N. J., in Compressing Air and in the Transmitting and use of it through Two Miles of Pipe, in the Summer and Fall of 1870. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. New-York, 1870. DEANE, James. Ichnographs from the Sandstone of Connecticut River. 4to. 61 pp., XLVI. plates. Boston, 1861. DEARBORN, W. L. Experiments for Making Brick Masonry Im pervious to Water. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6 pp. 1870. DE BOURNON, The Count. A Descriptive Catalogue of Diamonds in the Cabinet of Sir A. Hume. 4to. 52 pp., V. plates. London, 1815. 32 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DE BOURNON, The Count. Cours de Mineralogie. 3 vols. 4to. text, Atlas 4to., LXXII. plates. London, 1808. DECRET portant Organization de PEcole des Fonts et Chaussees. 8vo. 18pp. 1867. DE CUYPER, Ch, See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. DEGOUSSEE, J. Guide du Sondeur ou Traite Theoretique et Pra tique des Bondages. 2 vols. 8vo. text and Atlas. Pans, 1847. and Laurent. Guide du Sondeur. 2;vols. 8vo. text and Atlas. Paris, 1861. DEJARDIN. Routine de I fitablissement des Voutes. 8vo. 304 pp., V. plates. Paris, 1860. DE KAY, James 1^ See Natural History of the State of New-York. Part I., Zoology. DE LA BECHE, II. T. Researches in Theoretical Geology. ICmo. 408 pp. London, 1834. Same as above. With notes by Prof. Edward Hitchcock. 16mo. 342 pp. New-York, 1837. DELAFIELP, Major R. The Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855, 1856. 4to. 287 pp., CLXXXVI. plates. Washington, 1860. DE LA FOSSE, G. Rapport sur les Progres de la Mineralogie. Bvo. 97pp. Paris, 1867. DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. H. Traite de Mecanismes. 8vo. 483 pp., Paris, 1864. DELAISTRE, J. R. La Science de ITngenieur, divisee en Trois Parties ou Ton traite des Chemins, des Ponts, des Canaux et des Aqueducs. 2 vols. 4to. text, LXI. plates. Lyons, 1825. DELAMBRE. See Mechain et Delambre. DELAMETIIERIE, J. 0, Lemons de Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1872. DELAUNAY, Ch. Traite de Mecanique Rationelle. 8vo. 619 pp. Paris, 1856. DELESSE, A. Procede Mecanique pour Determiner la Composition des Roches, et Eludes sur les Metamorplusms des Koches, 8vo. "/2,95pp. Paris, 1866, 1869. Les Oscillations des Cotes de France. Vol. xm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 12pp. Paris, 1872. DEMPSKY, G. D. A Rudimentary Treatise on the Locomotive Engine, in all its phases. Second edition. 2 vols., text and plates. London, 1867. DENAYROUZE, A. and L. Des Aerophores et de leur application au travail dans les mines. 8vo. 67pp. Paris 1872. DENKSCHRIFT zur Erinnerung an die Yerdienste des in Dresden am 30 Juni 1817, verstorbenen K. S. Bergraths Werner und an die Fortschritte bei der Bergakademie zu Freiberg. 4to. 174 pp. Freiberg, 1848. DE PAMBOUR C. G. See Renwick, James DEPARTMENT of Agriculture. See, under Journals, Annual Report of the Commission of the ; also, Monthly Reports ot the. DER BERG GEIST ZEITUNG. See under Journals. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 33 DER BERGWERKS BETRIEB. D EK B KBOWEUKSFiaUND. DER GRUBENBRAND und die bosen Wetter. 12 mo. 24pp. Clansthal, 1849. DE RIBANCOURT, P. Elemens de Chimie Docimastique. 8vo. 317 pp. Paris, 1786. DER ZINK. 4to. 52 pp., XV. plates. Breslau, 1857. DESCHANEL, A. Privat. Elementary Treatise on Natural Philoso phy. Translated and edited, with extensive additions, by J. D. Everett. Part I., Mechanics, Hydrostatics and Pneu matics. Part II., Heat. Part III., Electricity and Magne tism. Part IV., Sound and Light. 4 vols. 8vo. London and New- York, 1871-1874. Manuel de Mineralogie. Tome Second. Premier fascicule. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Memoire sur PEmploi du Microscope Polarisant. 8vo. 40 pp. Notices MineralogiqiieS. Yol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., I. Plate. Paris, 1856. Observations sur les Modifications permanentes et tempo- raires que Faction dela chaleur apporte a quelques proprietes optiques de plusieurs corps Crystallises ; and a note, " Sur la forme cristalline et les proprietes optiques de la Tephroite. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 16 pp. 1862. DESCRIPTION Geologique de la Partie du Sud des Montagues de PUral. St. Petersburg, 1858. DE SELLK, A. Comparaison et Transformation des Notations Cris- tallographiques de Levy, Miller, Weiss, Nauraann, Dana. 4to. 86 pp. Paris, 1874. DESSOYE, J. B. J. Guide de PEmploi de L Acier. Ses Proprietes. 12 mo. 304 pp. Paris, 1863. DEWALQUE, G. Atlas de Crystallographie. 8vo. 16 pp., XVIII. plates. Paris, 1862. Description du Lias de la Province de Luxembourg. Inau gural Dissertation. VoL XV., Pamphlets. Octavo Series. 8vo. 64pp. Liege, 1857. Rapport sur les Observations sur le terrain silurien de FArdenne par MM. Gosselet et C. Malaise. 8vo. 6 pp. 1868. Rapport sur un memoire envoye au concours de la classe des sciences de 1874, en reponse a la question suivante : Faire connaitre, notarnment au point de vue de leur com position, les roches plutoniennes, ou considerees comme telles de la Belgique et de PArdenne franchise. 8vo. 26 pp. Paris, 1874. s Sur la Correlation des Formations Cambriennes de la Belgique et du Pays des Galles. 8vo. 4 pp. 1874. DEWEY, Chester, and others. Reports on the Zoology and Botany of Massachusetts. Vol. I. Report on the Herbaceous Flower ing Plants, by Chester Dewey. 276 pp. 3 34 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DEWEY, Chester, and others. Report on the Quadrupeds, by EbenezerEmmons. 86 pp. Report on the Insects, by T. W. Harris. 495 pp. Vol. II. Report on the Invertebrata, by Augustus A. Gould. 373 pp. Report on the Fishes, Reptiles and Birds, by D. H. Storer. 426 pp. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1839-1841. D HALLOY, J. J. D O. Coup D CEeil surla Geologic de la Belgique. 8vo. 132 pp. Brussels, 1842. Elements de Geologic ou Seconde Partie des Elements D Histoire Naturelle Inorganique. Second edition. 8vo. 740 pp., I. Chart. Paris, 1 835. Memoires pour servir a la Description Geologique des Pays- Bas, de La France et de Quelques Centres Yoisines. 12mo. 308 pp., II. Maps.- Namur, 1828. Precis filementaire de Geologic. Eighth edition. 8vo. 638 pp. Brussels, 1868. DICK MANN. See Kalibrirung. DIE Baulichen Anlngen, &c. See under Journals. DIE Chursachsiche Bergwerksverfasung. 8vo. 146 pp. Leipsig, 1787. DIE Fortschritte derberg-und htittenmannischen Wissenschaften in den letzen hundert Jahren. Als zweiter Theil der Festchrift zum hunderjahrigen Jabilaum der Konligl, Sachs, Bergaka- demic zu Freiberg. 8vo. 146pp. Freiberg, 1867. DIE Gruben und Anla<?en der Vereinigungs Gesellschaft fur Steinkohlenbau iirWurm Revier zu Kohlschied bei Aachen. 12mo. 8 pp. DIE Lao-e der Berf?bau-und Hutten Industrie in Ober Schlesien. 8vo. 92 pp. Berlin, 1861. DIE Organisation des Staatsbauwesens im Konigreiche Hanover. Folio. 55 pp. Hanover, 1861. DIEST, P. H. von. See, under Journals, Jahboeck van het mijn- wezen in nederlandsch Oost-Indie. DIMOND, E. W. The Chemistry of Combustion, Applied to the Economy of Fuel, with special reference to the Construction of Fire Chambers for Steam Boilers. 8vo. 162 pp. Worcester, "1867. DIRECTIONS for Collecting Specimens of Natural History. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 103 pp. Washington, 1863. DIVING Bell, (the Improved,) of the Pacific Submarine Exploring Company. 12mo. 12pp. New-York, 1869. DALOMIEN, D. de. Memoire sur les lies Ponces. 8vo. 525 pp. Paris, 1788. DINGLER S Polytechnisches Journal. See, under Journals, Poly- technisches Journal. DONNEGAN, James. Greek and English Lexicon. 8vo. 1413 pp. Philadelphia, 1844. D ORBIGNY, Alcide. Cours iSlementaire de Paleontologie et de Ge ologic Strati^raphique. 3 vols. 12^1110. text ; 1 vol. 4to. plates. Pans, 1849-1852. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 35 D ORBIGSTY, Alcide. Prodrome de Paleontologie. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1 850-1 852. - Charles. Description des Roches coraposant L Ecorce Ter- restre, et des Terrains Cristallins constituant le Sol Primitif. Redige d apres la classification, les manuscripts inedis, et les legons publiques de P. L. A. Cordier. 8vo. 553 pp. Paris, 1868. DORR, Eben P. A Brief Sketch of the First Monitor and its In ventor. A Paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society, January 5, 1874. Pamphlet. 8vo. Buffalo, 1874. DOUGLAS, James, Jr. See Hunt, T. Sterry. DRAPER, Henry. On the Changes of Blood-Cells in the Spleen. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. New- York, 1858. DREW, W. H. A Treatise on Conic Sections. 12mo. 138 pp. London, 1864. DUBIEF, L. F. Sur le Manufacture de Cidre et de Poire. Redige par F. Malepeyre. 12mo. 275 pp. Paris, 1859. DUBOIS and Francois. Notice snr installation des Appareils a Comprimer L Air et de Perforation aux Charbonnages de la Societe de Marihaye. 8vo. 16 pp. Liege, 1873. DUCIIANOY. See Rivot et Duchanoy. DUDLEY, Dud. Metallum Martis ; or, Iron made with Pit-Coale, Sea-Coale, &c. 8vo. 119pp. London, 1665. DUFREXOY, A. Cours de Mineralogie. 4to. 336 pp. Paris, 1847. Traite de Mineralogie. Seconde edition. 5 vols. -8vo. Paris, 1856-1859. E. Elie de Beaumont, Coste, Leone, and Perdonnet, Au- guste. Voyage Metallurgique en Angleterre. Second edi tion. 2 vols. 8vo. text ; Atlas, XXXVIII. plates. Paris, 1837. DUHAMEL, J. M. C. Siemens de Calcul Infinitesimal. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. DUMARTRAY and Rouhard. Coup D CEil sur la Republique de 1 Amerique Centrale. Pamphlet. 4to. Paris, 1832. DUMAS, Jean B. Traite de Chimie appliquee aux Arts. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-1844. J., and Boussingault, J. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature. 16mo. 156pp. London, 1844. DUMMONT, Andre. Carte Geologique de la Belgique indiquant les Terrains qui se Trouve au-dessous du Limon Hesbayen et du Sable Campinien. Atlas, IX. plates. DUMONT, A. II. Memoire sur les Terrains Triassiques et Jarassiques de Luxembourg. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 36pp. 1841. lableaux Analytiques des Mineraux. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Quarto series - 4to. 95 pp. Brussels. DUMREJCIIER, A. Gesammtiiberblick iiber die Wasserwertschaft des Nordwestlichen Oberharzes. 8vo. 87 pp. Clausthal, 1868. DUNKER, W. See Koch, C. L., and Dunker, W. 36 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DUNKER, Wilh. von Meyer, Herman and Zittel, Iv. A. Pala?on- tographica : Beitrage zur Naturgesehichte der Vorwelt. Vols. I. to XVIIL, and Vols.^XX., XXL and XXII., and Supplemental volume, text and plates, as far as published. 22 vols. 4to. Cassel, 1851-1874. DURRE, E. F. Handbuch des gesammten Eisengiesserei betriebes hand I. 8vo. 760 pp. Leipsig, 1870. DURIE, E. F. Tiber die Constitution des Roheisens. 8vo. 186 pp. Leipsig, 1868. DUSSAUCE, H. A General Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap. 8vo. 807 pp. Philadelphia, 1869. A Practical Treatise on the Fabrication of Matches, Gun Cotton, Colored Fires and Fulminating Powders. 12mo. 336 pp. Philadelphia, 1864. A Treatise on Coloring Matters derived from Coal Tar. Du TEMPLE, L. Cours de Machines a Vapeur. 8vo. 607 pp. 4to. Atlas, XXVII. plates. Paris, 1865. DYER and Color Maker s Companion. 12mo. 104 pp. Philadelphia, 1850. and Calico Printing. A Practical Treatise on, including the Latest Inventions and Improvements, with an appendix. Comprising definitions of chemical names, with tables of weights, measures, thermometers, hydrometers, &c., by An Experienced Dyer. With a Supplement, containing Recent Discoveries in Color Chemistry, by Robert Macfarlane. 8vo. 729 pp., X. plates. New-York, 1860. E. EATON, Amos. Index to the Geology of the Northern States ; to which is prefixed a Geological Grammar. Second edition. A 12 mo. 286 pp. Troy, 182&. EBELMEN. See Salvetat. EBERMAYER, Edward. Ueber die Nickelgewinnung auf der Aurora- hutte bei Gladenbach. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. 33 pp. Gottingen, 1855. COLE Imperiale des Ponts et Chaussees. Paris. Catalogue des Galeries de L Ecole des Ponts e.t Chaussees. 8vo. 557 pp. Paris, 1873. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de. Svo. 625 pp. Paris, 1872. Decret portant Organization de L l^oole des Pouts et ChauseeS. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8.vo. 18pp. Paris, 1867. Collection des Dessins distribute aux eleves. Text, Vol. L, 5 livraisons ; vol. II., 7 livs., CLY. plates, des Arts et Manufactures et des Mines annexee a Funiver- site de Liege. Programmes genereaux et programmes de- tailles, &c. 8vo. Brussells, 1864. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 37 EDE, George. The Management of Steel, including Forcing, Hard ening, Tempering, Annealing, Shrinking and Expansion ; also the case Hardening of Iron. 12mo. 41 pp. New- York, 1864. EDINBURGH Geological Society. See, under Journals, Transactions of the. - Philosophical Magazine. See, under Journals, London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. EDMONDS, J. M. The Manufactures of the United States in 1860. Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth Census, under direction of the Secretary of the Interior. 4to. 742 pp. Washington, 1865. EDUCATION and Status of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom and in Foreign Countries. Compiled from Documents sup plied to the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 18U8 to 1870. 8vo. 213 pp. London, 1870. EDWARDS, A. M. A Series of Chemical Tables. New- York, 1870. M. Milne. Manual of Zoology. Translated from the French by R. Knox. Second edition. 12mo. 564 pp. London, 1863. EGLESTOX, T. A Catalogue of Minerals, vol. XL, Pamphlets, octavo eerie *- Svo. 42 pp. Washington, 1863. A Check List of the Silicates, with their formula) and crys talline systems. Prepared for the use of the students of the School of Mines of Columbia College. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Oc- tavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. New-York, 1866. Diagrams to Illustrate the Lectures on Crystallography de livered at the School of Mines, Columbia College. 8vo. 10 pp., XXXVIII. plates. Ne^v-York, 1866. Lectures on Mineralogy. Delivered at the School of Mines of Columbia College. Part 2, Descriptive Mineralogy. Svo. 187pp. New-York, 1871. Metallurgical Tables used at the School of Mines, Columbia College, New- York. 8vo. 16 pp., XII. plates. New- York, 1868. Tables for the Determination of Minerals. Arranged for the use of the students of the School of Mines, Columbia College, New- York. Second edition. 8vo. 42 pp. New-York, 1868. Tables of Weights, Measures and Coins. 32mo. 36 pp. New-York, 1868. Tables to Illustrate the Metallurgical Lectures delivered at the School of Mines, Columbia College, New-York. Copper. Svo. 91 pp., IV. plates. New- York, 1869. Tables to Illustrate the Metallurgical Lectures delivered at the School of Mines, Columbia College, New- York. Iron. 8vo. 92 pp., II. plates. New-York, 1869. EISENLOHR, W. Lehrbuch der Physik. Svo. 808 pp. Stuttgart, 1870. 38 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ELDERHORST, William. Manual of Qualitative Blowpipe Analysis and Determinative Mineralogy. Sixth edition. Edited by Henry B. Nason and Charles F. Chandler. 1 6 mo. 312 pp. Philadelphia, 1S74. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC Telegraph. Proceedings of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in relation to the. 8vo. 70 pp. Washington, 1859. ELIOT, C. W., and Storer, E. H. A Compendious Manual of Quali tative Chemical Analysis. 8vo. 191 pp. New-York, 1869. and Storer, Frank H. On the Impurities of Commer cial Zinc, with Special Reference to the Residue Insolu ble in Dilute Acids, to Sulphur and to Arsenic, vol. VIIL, Pamphlets! Quarto series. 4tO. 39pp. 1860. ELLIOTT, E. B. A Letter on the Credit of the U. S. Government, with Comparative Tables. Addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. 8vo. 29 pp. Washington, 1871. The United States Customs Tariff under the Acts of May 1 and June 6, 1872. 8vo. 40 pp. Washington, 1872. George II. Report of a Tour of Inspection of European Light-House Establishments, made in 1873, under the au thority of Hon. William A. Richardson, Secretary of the Treasury. 8vo. 288pp. Washington, 1 874. ELLIS, Daniel. An Inquiry into the Changes Induced on Atmos pheric Air, by the Germination of Seeds, the Vegetation of Plants, and the Respiration of Animals. 12mo. 246 pp. Edinburgh, 1807. ELSCHING, A. Knrzgefasste Anleitung zu barometrischen Nivellir- ungen mit barometeren. 8vo. 72 pp. Salisburg, 1809. EMANUEL, H. Diamonds and Precious Stones. 8vo. 266 pp. Loncfon, 1867. EMMONS, Ebenezer. The Geology of the Eastern Counties of North Carolina. 8vo. 314 pp. Raleigh, 1858. The Geology of the Midland Counties of North Carolina. 8vo. 351 pp. New- York, 1856. See Dewey, Chester; see, also. Natural History of the State of New-York, Part IV., Vols. 2, 4. EMORY, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leaven worth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, in cluding parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers. 8vo. 416 pp. Washington, 1848. See, also, under United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. EMPORIUM of Arts and Sciences. See under Journals. ENDEMANN, Herman. Die neutralen und die sauren Aether der schwefligen Saure Inaugural}} Dissertation zurErlangung der Doctorword. 12mo. 16 pp. Marburg, 1866. ENGEL, Dr. Rechenschafts-Bericht fiber die Ftinfte Shzungs periode des Internationalen Statistischen Congresses in Ber- lin. Band I. Berichte tlber die Vorbpreitungen des Con gresses. Band II. Berichte liber die Verhandlungen des Congresses. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1865. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 39 ENGEL, Dr. Compte-Rendu General des Travaux du Congres Interna tional de Statistique dans ses seances tenues a Bruxelles, 1853 ; Paris, 1855; Vienne, 1857, et Londres, 1860. Publie par les orders de S. E. M. C. Compte D Eulenburg. 4to. 273 pp. Berlin, 1863. ENGELBREIT, K. . Die Instruraente der hoheren uiid niederen Geo- dasie und der Hydrometrie. 2 vols., text and plates. Nurnberg, 1852. ENGINEERING London. _ ) s under J<yU rnal8. and Mining Journal. New-York.) ENGLEHARDT, Moritz von. Geognostischer Urnriss von Finland. Folio. 44 pp. Berlin, 1820. ENTELWEIN, J. A. Beschreilmng der Erbauung und Einrichtung einer Vereinigten Brauerei und Branntwein-brennerei auf dem Land. 4to. 68 pp. Berlin, 1802. ERDMAN S Journal. See, under Journals, Journal fur practische Cheraie. ERFAHRUNGEN im berg-und huttenmannischen Maschinen-Bau und Aut bereitungswesen. See under Journals. ERKLARENDES Worterbuch der im Bergbau, in der Hiittenkunde und in Salinwerken vorkommenden-technicken Kunstaus- driicke und Freradwbrter. 8vo. 176 pp. Burgsteinfurt, 1809. ERLAUTERUNGEN zu der Karte liber die Production, Consumtion und Circulation der mineralischen Brennstoffe in Preussen. Pamphlets. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. ESCIIWEGE, W. L. v. Beitrage zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens. 2 vols., text and plates. Berlin, 1832. Pluto Braziliensis. 2 vols., text and plates. Berlin, 1833. ESSEX Institute. SeCj under Journals^ Bulletin of the. EULER, Leonard. Elemens D Algebre. Traduit de L Allemand, revue et augment 6e de notes. 2 vols. ]2mo. Paris, 1807. EVANS, Thomas W. Essais D Hygiene et d^e Therapeutique Mili- taires presentes a la Commission des Etats-Unis. 8vo. 385 pp. Paris, 1865. EVANS, W. J. The Sugar Planter s Manual. 8vo. 264 pp. Philadelphia, 1848. EVERSMAN, F. A. A. Ubersichte der Eisen-und Stahl-Erzeugungj in zo fern auf Wasserwerken vorgeht in den Landern zwischeil Lahll und Lippe. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4 to. 104 pp. Dortmund, 1804. EWING, Alexander. A Synopsis of Practical Mathematics. 12 mo. 232 pp. Edinburgh, 1791. EXHIBITION of the Works of Industry of all Nations. London, 1851. Reports of the Juries on the subjects in the Thirty Classes into which the Exhibition was divided. 8vo. London, 1853. Travaux de la Commissions Francaise sur L Industrie des Nations. Tome L, parts 1, 2, 3, 5 ; Tome III., parts 1, 2; Tomes IV. to VIII. 12 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 40 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. EXNER, Franz. Untersuchungen tiber diellarte an Krystallflachen. Prize Essay. 8vo. 165 pp., LXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1873. EXPEDITION of an American Squadron lo the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the com mand of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States. Narrative of the Expedition. Vol. II. 4to. 414 pp., XVII. charts. Washington, 1856. EXPLORATIONS an.d Surveys for a Rail-Road Route from the Missis sippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War, during the years 1853 to 1855. Vols. I. to XI. ; Vol. XII., parts 1, 2. 13 vols. 4to. Washington, 1855-1 SCO. EXPOSITION du Havre. Ribeyre Felix. Les Annales de L Exposition du Havre. 8vo. Paris, 1868. EXPOSITION Universelle de Paris, en 1867. Banks, N. P. A Speech upon the Representation of the United States at the Exhibition of the World s Industry, Paris, 18(57. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1866. 8vo. 24 pp. Washington, 1866. Belgique. Catalogue des Produits Industriels et des (Euvres d Art. 12mo. 365 pp. Brussels, 1867. Belgique. Documents et Rapports. 3 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1P68. Berichte tiber die Allgemeine Ausstellung zu Paris ira Jahre, 1867, erstattet von den i tir Preussen und die Norddeutschen Staaten ernannten mitgliedern der internationalen Jury. 8vo. 621 pp. Berlin, 1868. Berichte tiber die Welt-Ausstellung zu Paris, im Jahre, 1867. Band I. Einleitung 1. Die Kunst werke und die Histoire der Travail. 2. Instrument fur Kunst und Wissenschaft. Band II. Text and plates. 1. Werkzeuge und Machinen. 2. Verkehrsmittel. Band III. 1. Chemisch-Metallurgie, 2. Nahrungsmittel und Getranke. Band IV. 1. Game, Gewebe, Bekleidungs-Gegenstande und Papier. 2. Kunst Gewebe, Mobel, und Einricht- ungsstticke. Band V. Land und Forstwissenschaft. Band VI. Social-Oekonomische Abtheiling. 6 vols., text ; 1 vol. plates. 8vo. Vienna, 1869. Blake, William P. Report on Civil Engineering and Public Works of the Paris Exposition. 8vo. 49pp. Washington, 1870. Blake, William P. Reports of the United States Commis sioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. 6 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1870. Catalogue Descriptive des Collections exposees par la Com mission Geologique du Canada. 8vo. 72pp. Paris, 1867. Catalogue Officiel des Exposants Recompenses par le Jury International. 8vo. 455 pp. Paris. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 41 EXPOSITION Universelle de Paris, en 1867. Catalogue of the British Section, containing a list of the Exhibitors of the United Kingdom and its Colonies, and objects which they exhibit. Iij English, French, German and Italian. With Statistical Introductions and an Ap pendix. " 8vo. 1150pp. London, 1867. Chevalier, Michel. Rapports du Jury International. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Complete Official Catalogue of the Paris Universal Exhibi tion, 186*7. English version, translated from the French Catalogue, published by the Imperial Commission. Second edition. 8vo. 1008 pp. London. D Aligny, H. F. O. Minerals of the United States in the Paris Exposition, 1867. 8vo. J O pp. Paris, 1867. D Aligny, H. F. O. U. S. Commissioner, Huet, A., Geyler, F., and Lepainteur, C. Report on Mining arid the Mechanical Preparation of Ores. 8vo. 104 pp., III. plates. Washington, 1870. De Cuyper, Ch. Revue de L Exposition de 1867. Mines, Metallurgie, Chimie, Mecanique, Navigation, Chemins de Fer, Constructions, Sciences et Arts Appliques a L lndus- trie. Tomes I. to IV. Text and plates. 6 vols. 8vo. Hewitt, Abram S. The Production of Iron and Steel in its Economic and Social Relations. 8vo. 104 pp. Washington, 1868. Itzenplitz, Grafen von. Katalog fur die Sammlung der Berg- werks-und Steinbruchs-Produkte Preussens aul der Indus trie undKunstausstellung zu Paris im Jahre, 1867. Johnson, Preset., Andrew. A Message to the House of Rep resentatives, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State concerning the Universal Exposition to be held at Paris, 111 the year 1867. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 110pp. Washington, 1865. Johnson, Preset. , Andrew. A Message to the House of Rep resentatives, transmitting the report of Efliot C. Cowdin, Esq., Commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1867, on Silk and Silk Manufactures. Vol. XVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 38 pp. Washington, 1868. Lacroix, Eugene. Etudes sur L Exposition de 18t>7, ou Les Archives "de L Industrie aux XIX. Siecle. Description Generale, Encyclopedique, Methodique et Raisonnee de L Etat Actuel des Arts, des Sciences, de L Industrie et de 1 Agriculture, chez tons les Nations. 10 vols. 8vo., text and plates. Paris, 1867-1869. Le Roux, Jules. L Industrie Moderne au Champ de Mars. Coup D CEil sur L Exposition de 1867. 8vo. 310 pp. Paris. Mudge, E. R., United States Commissioner. Assisted by John L. Hayes. Report upon Wool and Manufactures of Wool. 8vo. 143 pp. Washington, 1868. 42 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. EXPOSITION Universelle de Paris, en 1867. Notices sur les Collections, Cartes et Dessins. Relatifs au Service du Corps Imperial des Mines. Svo. 315 pp. Paris, 1867. Notices sus los Modeles, Cartes et Dessins. Relatits aux Travaux Publics. Svo. 548pp. Paris, 1867. Opperman, C. A. Visites D Un Ingenieur a L Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. 2 vols. Svo. text and plates. Paris, 1867. Rapports du Comite des Poids et Mesures et de Monnaies de L Exposition de 1867. 12mo. 153pp. Paris, 1867. Reports on the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867, Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. Vols. II. to V., and Index Volume. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1869. Rittenger, G. von. Kurze Mittheilungen tiber Berg-und- Huttenwesens -Maschinen und Baugegenstande auf der Allgemeinen Industrie Ausstellung zu Paris, 1867. Svo. 71 pp. Vienna, 1867. Second Edition of Official Correspondence of the subject, pub lished by the Department of State for the Information of the Citizens of the United States, containing General Regulations, Classification of Articles, &c. 4to. 43 pp. Washington, 1865. Smith, J. L. The Progress and Condition of several De partments of Industrial Chemistry. Svo. 146 pp. Washington, 1869. EXTRACTS from the Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in relation to the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. Svo. 39 pp. Washington, 1857. EYEREL, Josephus. Xaverii Wulf en de Plumbo Spatoso Carin- thiaco. 4to. 108 pp. Vindobona?, 1791. EYTELWEIN, J. A. Beschreibung der Erbauung und Einrichtung einer vereinigten Brauerei und Brannt \vein-brennerei auf dera Lande. 4to. 68 pp., IV. plates. Berlin, 1802. R FAIRBAIRN, William. Iron, its History, Properties, and Processes of Manufacture. 8vo. 293 pp. Edinburgh, 1865. On the Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. Third edition. 8vo. 314 pp. London, 1864. FAIRBANKS, Lorenzo. A Complete System of Practical Bookkeep ing, by Double Entry. 8vo. 189 pp. Boston, 1851. FALLER, Gustav. Geschichten der K. Berg-und Forstakadernie im Schemnitz. 8vo. 106 pp. Schenmitz, 1868. Beschreibung einiger wichtigerer Metal Ibergbau in Oberun- garn. ^8vo. 82 pp. Schemnitz, 1868. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 43 FALLER, Gustav. Die Scheranitzer Metall-Bergbau in zeinem jetzigen Zustande. 8vo. 89 pp. Schemnitz, 1885. FARADAY, Michael. The Chemical History of a Candle. Edited by Win. Crookes. 8vo. 226 pp. London, 1874. Experimental Researches in Electricity. (Third series.) Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 32 pp., I. diagram. London, 1833. On a Peculiar Class of Acoustical^ Figures ; and on the Forms of Fluids Vibrating on Elastic Surfaces. Vol. I., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 42 pp. London, 1831. Chemical Manipulation. 8vo. 56 pp. London, 1827. On the Existence of a. Limit to Vaporization. Vol. I., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 9pp. London, 1826. The Various Forces of Matter. 12mo. 198 pp. New- York, 1860. FARBER Zeitung. See under Journals. FAREY, John. Treatise on the Steam Engine, historical, practical and descriptive. 4to. 728 pp., XXV. plates. London, 1827. FAVRE, Ernest. Etude sur la Geologic des Alpes. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 48 pp., II. plates. Geneva, 1870. FAYE, H. A. E. Sur la situation actuelle du Bureau des Longitudes. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 8pp. 1872. FEHLING, Hermann v. Nenes Handworterbuch der Cheinie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausgegebenen Ilandworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Vol. I., 1247 pp. Vol. II., parts 1, 2, 3. Braunschweig, 1871-187.4. Ste Kolbe. FERBER, Johann Jacob. Nachricht von dem Auquicken der gold und silberhaltigen Erze, Kupfersteine und Speisen in Ungarn und Bohmen. 24mo. 200 pp. Berlin, 1787. FESTSCHRIFT zum hundertjahrigen Jubilaum der Koniglichen Sachs ischen Bergakademie zu Freiberg am 30 Juli, 1866. 8vo. 336 pp. Dresden, 1866. FEUCIITWAXGER, Levvis. Report on Frye s Island, (also called L Etang Island,) N. W. shore of the Bay of Fundy. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 14pp. New- York, 1866. PICHEL, J. E. von. Mineralogische Aufsatz. 8vo. 374 pp. Vienna, 1794. FIGUIER, Louis. The World before the Deluge. 8vo. 448pp. New-York, 1866. See, also, tinder Journals, Annee Scientifique et Industrielle. FISCHER, H. Chronologischer Ueberblick tiber die Allmalige Ein- fiihrung der Mikroskopie, in das Studium der Mineralogie, Petographie u. Paleontologie. 8vo. 80pp. Freiberg, 1868. - Einfuhrung der Mikroscopie in der Mineralogie, &c. 8vo. 80 pp. Freiberg, 1868. Kritische mikroscopisch-mineralogische Studien. 8vo. 64 pp. Freiberg, 1871. The same. 8vo. 96 pp., II. plates. Freiberg, 1873. 44 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. FITTON, W. H. A Geological Sketch of the Vicinity of Hastings. 16mo. 94 pp. London, 1833. An Account of some Geological Specimens from the Coast of Australia. 8vo. 64pp. London, 1826. Observations on some of the Strata below the Chalk, between the Chalk and Oxford Oolite, in the Southeast of England. 4 to. 400 pp. London, 1836. FLACHAT, E., Petiet, J., and Barrault, A. Traite de la Fabrication de la Fonte et du Fer. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1842-1844. FLAGG, Melzer. Remarks on the Culture of the Grape, and the Manufacture of Wine in the Western States, comprised in a report made by direction of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society. 8vo. 32 pp. Cincinnati, 1846. FLANDRIX, Ch. Traite des Poisons, ou Toxicologie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846-1853. FLECK, IT., and Hurtig, H. Geschichte Statistik und Technik der Steinkohlen. 4to. 423 pp. Munchen, 1865. FLOETZ-KARTE des Niederrheinisch-Westi aehlischen Steinkohlen- beckens. 2to. XXI. plates. FLUGEL, J. G. Vollstandiges English-Deutsclies und Deutsch- Englishches WOrterbuch enthaltend alle in den beiden Sprachen allgemein gebrauchliche Worter. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1847. FOETTERLE, Franz. Das Yorkommen die Production und Circula tion des Mineralischen Brennstoffes. Vol. xv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp., and chart 4to. Weimar, 1870. FOLSCII, A. Die Stadt Wasserkunst in Hamburg. 8vo. 83 pp. Hamburg, 1851. FONTENELLE, J. Nouvean Manuel Complet du Blanchissement. 2 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1855. Theoretisch-practisches Handbuch der Oel fabrication und Oelreinigung. Auf den Standpunct des Jahres, 1852, gebracht von Emanuel Schreiber. 16mo. 267 pp., XIV. plates. Weimar, 1853. FORBES, James D. Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers. 8vo. 278 pp. Edinburgh, 1859. FORD, A. B. & Co. The Machinist. An Index to Various Manu facturing Industries throughout the Country. 4to. 135 pp. New-York, 1873. FoRTscriRiTTE der Physik. See, under Journals, Jahresbericht tiber die. FOSTER, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Reports on the Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District. Part I. The Copper Lands. 8vo. 224 pp., IV. Maps. 1850. Part II. The Iron Region and General Geology. 406 pp., XXXI V % plates. 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. ^Washington. FOURCROY, A. F. Elemens d Histoire Naturelle et de Chemie. 5 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1793. FOWNES, George. A Manual of Elementary Chemistry. Seventh edition. 16mo. 726 pp. London, 1858. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 45 FOWNES, George. A Manual of Elementary Chemistry. Eleventh edition. Revised by Henry Watts. 12mo. 1026pp. London, 1873. Chemistry as Exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God. Actonian Prize Essay. First edition. 12mo. 158 pp. New- York, 1844. FRANCIS, G. W. Chemical Experiments. 8vo. 250 pp. London, 1858. FRANCIS, James B. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments. 4to. 251 pp., XXIII. plates. New- York, 1868. FRANCOIS, J. Recherches sur le Gisement et la Traitement Direct des Minerals de Fer. 4to. 404 pp. Paris, 1843. FRANKE, Dr. Technological Dictionary. English, German, French. 8vo. 616pp. New- York, 1855, FRANKENHEIM, M. L. Zur Krystallkunde. 8vo. 214pp. Leipsig, 1869. FRANKLAND, E. Lecture Notes for Chemical Students. Vol. I. 12rno.. 220pp. London, 1870. FRANKLYN, Benjamin. Essays and Letters on Philosophical Sub jects. 8vo. 477 pp. Philadelphia, 1808. Journal. See under Journals. FREEDEN, W. v. Die Praxis der Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate fur die Bedlirfuisse der Anlanger. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 114 pp. Braunschweig, 1863. FREMONT, J. C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to theT Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North Cali fornia in the years 1843-1844. 8vo. 693 pp. Washington, 1845. FRENCH, B. F. History of the Rise and Progress of the Iron Trade in the United States. 8vo. 179pp. New-York, 1859. FRESENIUS, C. Remegius. A System of Instruction in Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Fourth edition. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. 8vo. 310 pp. London, 1855. The same. Edited by Samuel W. Johnson. 8vo. 434 pp. New-York, 1872. A System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. Second edition. 8vo. 624 pp. London, 1854. The same. Fifth English, from the Fifth German edition. Translated by A. Vacher. 8vo. 377pp. London, 1870. The same. Translated from the Fifth German edition, -by A. Vacher. 8vo. 791 pp. London, 1873. The same. Edited by Samuel W. Johnson. 8vo. 631 pp. New- York, 1871. Elementary Instruction in Chemical Analysis. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. 8vo. 284pp. New-York, 1844. Geschichte des Chemischen Laboratoriums zu Wiesbaden, Zur Feier des 25 Jalnigen Bestehens der Anstalt. 8vo. 32 pp. Wiesbaden, 1873. FRESENILTS Zeitschrift. See, under Journals, Zeitschrift iiir Ana- lytische Cheinie. 46 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. FISCHBACH, H. Katehismus der Forst Botanik. 12mo. 232pp. Leipsicr, 1P62. FRYATT, H. N. Agriculture, its Essentials and Non-Essentials. Including an Examination of the Properties of Guano and other manures. 8vo. 48 pp. New- York, 1854. FUCHS, C. W. C. Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Miueralieri. 8vo. 144pp. Heidelberg, 1868. Die Kunstlich Dargestellten Mineralien, nach G." Rose s Krystallo-chemischen Mineral System geordnet. 4to. 174pp. Haarlem, 1872. G. GABB, W. M. See under Whitney, J. D. GAETSCUMAN, Moritz F. Anleitung zur Grubenmauerung. 4to. 188 pp., XXXV. plates. Schemnitz, 1831. Die Aufbereitung. 2 vols., text and plates. Leipsig, 1872. Die Auf und Untersuchung von Lagerstatten Nutzbarer Mineralien. 8vo. 480pp. Freiberg, 1856. Die Grubenzimmerung. Erste Abtheilung, 8vo. "125pp., VI. plates. Freiberg, 1872. Zweite Abtheilung, 8vo. 134 pp., XV. plates. Freiberg, 1873. Die Lehre von den bergmanniscben Gewinnungsarbeiten. 8vo. 788 pp. Freiberg, 1846. Sammlung Bergmannischer Ausdrucker. ]2mo. 90 pp. Freiberg, 1859. GALLEOTTE, H. Memoire sur la Constitution Geognostiqiie de la Province de Brabant. 4to. 167 pp. GALLOWAY, R, A Manual of Qualitative Analysis. 12mo. 443 pp. London, 1870. The First Step in Chemistry. . Fourth edition. 12mo. 477 pp. London, 1868. The Second Step in Chemistry. 12mo. 774 pp. London, 1864. GALTON, Capt. D. Report relating to Railways, ibr year 1 858. 2to. 150pp. London, 1859. GAMBRESY, A. Dictionnaire Minier et Metallurgique. 12 mo. 203 pp. Paris, 1868. GAMOND, Thome de, and Belly, Felix. Carte d Etude pour le Trace et le Profil du Canal de Niagara precede de Documents publie sur cette question. 4to. 90 pp., with a map. Paris, 1858. GANNET, Henry. See under United States Geological Survey of the Territories. GANOT. An Introductory Course of Natural Philosophy. Edited by William G. Peck. 12mo, 480pp. New-York, 1860. An Elementary Treatise on Physics. Translated by E. At kinson. 8vo. 780pp. London, 1863. The same as above. 8vo. 859 pp. New-York, 1873. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 47 GARDNER, D. P. An Introductory Lecture on the Relations of Chemistry to the Vital Forces, delivered in the Philadelphia College of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1847. Vol. xxvm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. llpp. Philadelphia, 1848. GASSE, L. Katechismus der Electrischen Telegraphic. 12rao. 372pp. Leipsig, 1870. GAUSS, F. G. Funsfstellige vollstiindige Logarithmische und Tri- gonometrische Tat eln. Third edition. Svo. 141, 43 pp. Berlin, 1873. Vierstellige Logarithmisch-Trigonometrische Handtafel. 5 Tables. Berlin, 1870, GEDDES, George. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the OllOIldaga Salt Springs. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 35 pp. Albany, 1866. GEDENKBUCM zur Hundertjahrigen Grilndung der K. ung. Berg-u. Forstakademie in Schemnitz, 1770-1870. Svo. 389 pp. Schemnitz, 1871 GEIGER S Journal filr Pharmacie. /See, under Journals, Journal fur Pharmacie. GEINITZ, II. B. Darstellung der Flora des Hainischer-Ebersdorfer und des Floeher Kohlenbassins. Svo, 80pp., text; Atlas, XIV. plates. Leipsig, 1854. Das Konichliche Mineralogische Museum in Dresden. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 110 pp., II. plates. Dresden, 1858. . Die Leitpflanzen des Rotliegenden und des Zechsteingebirges oder der permischen Formation in Zachsen. Vol. vii., Pamphlets. Quarto aeries. 4tO. 27 pp., II. plates. Leipsig, 1S58. Geognostisch Darstellung der Steinkohlen Formation in Sachsen. 2 vols. 2to., text and plates. Leipsig, 1856. GENERAL Meteorological Instructions issued by the War Depart ment, Washington, D. C. Svo. 12pp. Washington, 1868. GENIEYS, R. Recueil de Tables a L Usage des Ingenieurs. Svo. 269 pp. Paris, 1835. GENTELE, J. G. Lehrbuch der Farbeufabrikation. Svo. 351 pp. Braunschweig, 1860. GENTII, F. A. Contributions to Metallurgy. No. 1, Analysis of Chinese Coins. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 6 pp. Contributions to Mineralogy Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. *8vo. 13 pp. 1857 The same as above. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series, Svo. 10 pp. 1859. The Same as above. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 17pp. 1868. The Same as above. Vol. XII. Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. IS pp. Philadelphia, 1862. On Tetradymite. Reply to Dr. C. T. Johnson, of Boston. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 3pp. 1861. Re-exarnination of the Tetradymite, (Bornite-Jackson,) from Field s Gold Mine, Georgia. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 4pp. 1860. 48 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GEOGRAPHICAL and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. First Lieut. George M. Wheeler, in charge. Cope, E. D. Systematic Catalogue of Vertebrata of the Eocene of New-Mexico, collected in 1874. 8vo. 37 pp. Washington, 1875. Kampf, F., and Clark, J. H. Report upon the Determination of the Astronomical Co-Ordinates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872 and 1873. 4 to. 82 pp. Washington, 1874. Watson, S., and Rothrock, J. T. Catalogue of Plants col lected in the years 1871, 1872 and 1873, with Descriptions of New Species. 8vo. 62pp. Washington, 1874. White, C. A. Preliminary Report upon Invertebrate Fossils collected by the expeditions of 1871, 1872 and 1873, with Descriptions of New Species. 8vo. 27 pp. Washington, 1874. Yarrow, H. C., and Henshaw, H. W. Report Upon and List of Birds collected in 1872. 8vo. 148 pp. Washington, 1874. Report of Progress in 1872. 4to. 56 pp. Washington, 1874. GEOLOGICAL Magazine. .See under Journals. Survey ot the State of California. See under Whitney, J. D. of Canada. Logan, W. E., Director. Annual Report of Progress for the years 1844, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. 6 Pamphlets. 8vo. Montreal, 1845-1853. Report of Progress for the year 1857. 8vo. 240pp. Toronto, 1858. Report of Progress for the year 1858. 8vo. 263 pp. Montreal, 1859. Report of Progress from its Commencement to 1863. 8vo. 983pp. 4to., maps and sections. Montreal, 1863. Report of Progress from 1863 to 1366. 8vo. 321 pp. Ottawa, 18G6. Selwyn, A. R. C., Director. A List of the Publications of the Survey. 8vo. 7 pp. Montreal, 1873. Billings, E. Palaeozoic Fossils. Vol. II., plates. Part 1. 8vo. 144 pp., IX. plates. Montreal, 1873. Dawson, J. W. Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. 8vo. 47 pp., X. plates. Montreal, 1873. Report of Progress from 1866 to 1869. 8vo. 475 pp., V. maps. Montreal, 1870. Report of Progress for 1870-1871. 8vo. 351 pp. Ottawa, 1872. Report of Progress for 1871-1872. 8vo. 154 pp. Montreal, 1872. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 49 GEOLOGICAL Survey of Canada. Dawson, J. W. Report of Progress for 1872-1873. 8vo. 300 pp. Montreal, 1873. of Great Britain. The Iron Ores of Great Britain. Part I. The Iron Ores of the North and North Midland Counties of England, 8vo. 97pp. London, 1856. Part II. The Iron Ores of South Staffordshire. 8vo. 164 pp. London, 1858. of Victoria. 45 sheets of Maps. Melbourne. GEOLOGISCHE Karte von dem Niederschlesischen Gebirge Breslau, Glatz, Hirschberg, Liegnitz, Lowenberg, Reinerz, Strehlen, Waldenberg. 9 Charts. Karte von Preussen und den Thtiringischen Staaten. Charts IV. and V., and 10 descriptive pamphlets. Berlin, 1873. GEOLOGISCHEN Specialkarte von Preussen, &c. Abhandlungen zur Geologischen specialkarte von Preussen und den Thuringischen Staaten. Band I. heft 2. 8vo. 75 pp., I. plate. Berlin, 1874. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thuringischen Staaten. Blatter Colleda, Erfurt, Neumark, Petersburg, Grobzig, Sommerda, Stotternheim, Weimar, Zorbig. 9 Pamphlets. Berlin, 1874. GEOLOGIST, (The.) See under Journals. GEOLOGY and Geologists; or, Visions of Philosophers in the Nine teenth Century. 8vo. 33pp. London, 1843. GEOEGE, R. A. Description of his Method of Expelling Sulphur from Ores. 8vo. 9 pp. GEEHAEDT, C. K. F. Precis d Analyse Chimique Qualitative. Second edition. 8vo. 699 pp. Paris, 1867. and Chancel, G. Precis d Analyse Chimique Quantitative. Second edition. 8vo. 692 pp. Paris, 1864. GEELING, C. L. Die Ausgleichungs-Rechnungen der practischen Geometric oder die Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate. 4to. 404 pp. Hamburg, 1843. GEENAET, J., and Witmeur, H. Les Travaux de Percement du Tunnel sous les Alpes entre Bardonneche et Modane. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 76 pp., VIL, plates. Brussels, 1869. GEEOLT, F. v. Cartes Geognostiques de Mexique. 4to. 16 pp., VII. plates. Dusseldorf, 1827. F. von, and Berghes, Carl de. Geognostische Karte der Vorztichlischsten Bergwerkes-Districte des States von Mex ico. 4to. 16 pp., VI. charts. Dusseldorf, 1827. GESNEE, Abraham. A Treatise on Coal, Petroleum and Distilled Oils. Svo. 181 pp. New- York, 1865. The Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. Vol. xiv., Pamphlets. Octavo serie s- 8vo. 12 pp, New- York, 1862. GEWEEBEHALLE, Die. See under Journals. GEYLEE, F. See under Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. GIBBS, G. A Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. Smith. Misc. Coll 8vo. 51 pp. Washington, 1863. 4 50 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GIBBS, Wolcott. Contributions to Analytical Chemistry. No. 1. 6pp. 1852. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. The same as above. No. 2. 9 pp. 1865. - Contributions to Chemistry from the Laboratory of the Lawrence Scientific School. Vol. XXXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 Pamphlets. 8vo. 14,11,19pp. 1864,1865,1867. On Certain Points in the Theory of Atomicities. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 8pp. 1867. On the Atomic Weights of the Elements. 8vo. 6 pp. 1861. On the Construction of a Normal Map of the Solar Spec trum. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SvO. 10pp. 1867. On the Rational Constitution of Certain Organic Com pounds. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlet?. Octavo series. 8vo. 20 pp. 1858, On the Theory of the Polyacid Bases. Vol. xxvm., Pamphlets. Octavo Beries. 8VO. 11 pp. Remarks on the Atomic Weights of the Elements. Vol. XXXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6pp. 1861. Remarks on the Theory of Compound Salt Radicals. 8vo. 4pp. New-York, 1843. Report on the Recent Progress of Organic Chemistry, made to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, August, 1855. Vol. XXVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Researches on the Platinum Metals. Vol. xxxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 Pamphlets. 3, 8, 20 pp. 1860, 1861, 1862. , and Genth, F. A. Researches on the Ammonia-Cobalt Bases. 4to. 67 pp. Washington, 1856. GIBSON, R, The Theory and Practice of Surveying. 8vo. 408 pp. New- York, 1834. GILBERT. Essai sur L Art de la Navigation par la Vapeur. 4to. 58 pp. Paris, 1820. GILL, Theodore. Arrangement of the Families of Fishes, or Classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, and Leptocardii. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 48 pp. Washington, 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Mammals, with Analytical Tables. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. , Smith. Misc. Coll 8vo. 98 pp. Washington, 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Mollusks. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. Pamphlets. 8vo. 49 pp. Washington, 1871. Th. Handbuch i tir Eisen-und Stahlarbeiter. 12mo. 88 pp. Quedlinburg, 1834. GILLESPIE, W. M. A Treatise on Land Surveying. 8vo. 424 pp. New-York, 1870. A Treatise on Levelling Topography and Higher Surveying. Edited by Cad y Staley. 8vo. 171pp. New-York, 1870. Subjects and Methods of Instruction in Mathematics as Pre scribed for Admission to the Polytechnic School of Paris. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 48pp. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 51 GILLTSS, J. M. See, under Washington Astronomical and Meteoro logical Observations, Appendices to Observations for 1868. See under United States Naval and Astronomical Expedi tion to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849, 1850, 1851 and 1852 ; also under Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, 1868. GILLIES, John R. "Tunnels of the Pacific Rail-Road. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., I. map. 1870. GILLIMAN, A. M. Travels over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico. 8vo. 455 pp. Philadelphia, 1846. GILLINDER, W. T. Treatise on the Art of Glass Making, contain ing 272 Practical Receipts for Flint, Colored, Crown, German, Sheet, Plate and Bottle Glass, to which is added a Treatise on the Alkalis, Oxides, Silex, &c., used in the Mixing and Coloring of Glass ; also, General Instructions for the Planning and Managing of the Flint and Colored Glass Manufacture. Pamphlet. 8vo. Birmingham, 1874. GILLMOKE, Q. A. A Practical Treatise on Limes, Hydraulic Ce ments and Mortars. 8vo. 316pp. New- York, 1870. A Report on the Compressive Strength, Specific Gravity and Ratio of Absorption of various kinds of Building-Stone from Different Sections of the United States, tested at Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, N. Y. 8vo. 15 pp., 1 diagram. Washington, 1874. GILLON, A. Cours de Metallurgie Generale. 8vo. 262 pp. ; Atlas, XII. plates. Liege, 1869. GIRARD, C. See Baird, S., and Girard, C. ; see, also, under United States Geological Survey of the Territories. GLADSTONE. See Brewster and Gladstone. GLEPIN, G. De L Etablissement des Puits des Mines. 3 vols. 8vo. Liege, 1846. GLOCKER, E. F. Ueber die Nordischen Geschiebe Oderebene um Breslau. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 82pp. 1853. Ueber den Sulphatischen Eisensinter. Vol. n., Pamphlets. Quarto Beries - 4to. 28 pp., III. plates. 1856. Ueber einige Erscheinungen an Kalkspathformen. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24 pp., II. plates. 1851. GMELIN, Leopold. Hand Book of Chemistry. Translated by Henry Watts. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 to 1866. Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. Fifth edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1852-1853. The same as above. Sechste umgearbeite Auflage. Erste Band-Erste Abtheilung. Allgemeine Theil. Edited by Dr. Alexander Naumann. Lieferungs, 1 to 5. Zweite Abthei lung. Die Metalloide. Edited by Prof. H. Ritter. Liefe rungs, 1 to 8. Zweite Band. Metalle. Edited by Karl Kraut. Lieferungs, 1 to 4. Dritte Band. Die Metalle, Edited by Dr. S. M. Jorgensen. Lieferungs, 1 to 17. 8vo. Leipsig, 1874. Handbuch der Organischen Chemie. Vierte Auflage. 2 vols. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1852. 52 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GOEPPERT, H. R. Der Paleontologie in Schlesien, sowie iiber fos- gile leycadeen. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 16 pp., IV. plates. GOESSMANN, C. A. Contributions to the Chemistry of Common Salt : with particular reference to our Home Resources. Vol. XVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 12pp. 1870. Contributions to the Chemistry of the Mineral Springs of Onondaga, N. Y. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 22 pp. Syracuse, 1866. Report on the Brines of Onondaga. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duode cimo series. 12mo. llpp. Syracuse, 1862. Report on the Salt Resources of Goderich, Province of Ontario, (Canada West.) Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 18 pp. 1868. Salt and its Uses in Agriculture. Vol. xvi., Pamphlets, octavo series. 24 pp. 1869. GOMANOWSKI, G. A Geognostical pamphlet, in Russian. Vol. xxi., Pamphlets, Octavo series. 8vo. 18 pp., IV. maps. St. Petersburg, 1863. GOODYEAR, W. A. See Bodeman, Th., and Kerl, Bruno ; also, Kerl, Bruno. GOPPERT, H. R. Beitrage zur fossilen und leblenden Flora. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20pp. Breslau, 1860. and Romer, F. Bericht tiber die Thatigkeit der allgemeinen naturwissenschaftlichen Sektion der schlesischen Gesellschaft im Jahre, 1859. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 16pp. GORANSSON, B. Om Kroppars verkliga varmkapacitet. Vol. I., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 22 pp. 1870. GORUP-BESANEZ, E. von. Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantit tiven. Zoochemischen-Analyse. 8vo. 420 pp. Nuremberg, 1854. The same as above. Third edition. Svo. 497 pp. Heidelberg, 1871. Chemische Untersuchung des Mineralwassers zu Steben, im Baierischen Voigtlande. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 30 pp. 1851. Lehrbuck der Physiologische Chemie. Svo. 819 pp. Brunswick, 1862. GOSSELET et Malaise, C. Observations sur le terrain silurien de 1 Ardenne. 8vo. 17pp. 1868. GOTH, Georg. Vordernberg in der neusten zeit oder geschichthche Darstellung der Vereinigung der Radgewerker. 8vo. 252 pp. Vienna, 1839. GOTTSCHALK, C. G. Die Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens. Svo. 465 pp. Leipsig, 1865. GOULD, Augustus A. See Dewey, Chester. B. A. Reduction of the Observations of the lixed Stars, made by Joseph Le Paute d Agelet at Paris during the years 1783-1785, with a Catalogue of the Corresponding Mean Places referred to the Equinox of 1800. 0. 4to. 261 pp. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 53 GOULD and Curry Silver Mining Company vs. North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Company. Opinion of Referee. 8vo. 12 pp. Virginia, N. T., 1864* GRAHAM, Thomas. Researches on the Arseniates, Phosphates and Modifications of Phosphoric Acid. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series 4to. 22 pp. London, 1833. GRAY, Asa. Introduction to Structural and Systematic Botany. Fifth edition. 8vo. 555 pp. New-York, 1869. Manual of Botany of the Northern United States. Fifth edition. Svo. 703 pp. New- York, 1870. Sequoia and its History. An Address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, delivered at a meeting held at Dubuque, Iowa, August, 1872. Svo. 20 pp. Salem, 1872. GREAT Comet, (The,) of 1861. Svo. 9 pp. Washington, 1861. GREEN, Jacob. Chemical Diagrams ; or, Concise Views of many In teresting Changes produced by Chemical Affinity. 16mo. 90 pp. Philadelphia, 1837. GREENWELL, G. C. A Practical Treatise on Mining Engineering. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. text ; Atlas, LXIV. plates. London, 1 870. GREENWOOD, George. Rain and Rivers ; or, Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all comers. Second edition. Svo. 237 pp. London, 1866. GREGG, R. P., and Lettson, W. G. Manual of Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. 483 pp. London, 1858. GREGORY, W. Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Svo. 627 pp. London, 1856. GREN S Journal der Physik; tmcZGren s Neues Journal der Physik. See under Journals. GRETSCHEL, Heinrich. Katechismus der Meteorologie. 24rno. 168 pp, Leipsig, 1867. Katechismus der Physik. 24mo. 244pp. Leipsig, 1865. GRIFFIN, J. J. A System of Crystallography, with its Applications to Mineralogy. Part 1 Principles of Crystallography. Part II. Crystallography applied to Mineralogy. Svo. 346, 143 pp. Glasgow, 1841. The Radical Theory in Chemistry. 12mo. 575 pp. London, 1858. GRIGLIETTA, C. Electro-Magnetism. A Brief Essay or Informal Lecture on Electro-Magnetism, with a full description of Models of Davenport s Machines, &c. Svo. 12 pp. Philadelphia, 183S. GRIMIN, Johann. Die Lagerstatten der Nutzbaren Mineralien. Svo. 233 pp. Prag, 1869. Grundztige der Geognosie fur Bergmanner. 8vo. 360 pp. Prag, 1856. GRISEBACH, A. Grundriss der Systematischen Botanik. Svo. 180 pp. Gottingen, 1S54. GROSSMAN, M. A Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the De tached Lever Escapement. Svo. 178 pp., text ; Atlas, 4to. XX. plates. Leipsig, 1866. 54 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GROTH, P. Tabellirische TJbersicht der einfachen Mineralien nach ihren Krystallographischen-Chernischen Beziehungen. 8vo. 120pp. Brunswick, 1874. GROTHE, Hermann. Die Brennmaterialien und die Feurunganlagen fiir Fabrik, Gewerbe und Haus. Svo. 412 pp., LXXI. plates. Weimar, 1870. Katechismus der Bleicherei, Farberei und des Zeugdruckes. 12 mo. 234 pp. Leipsig, 1862. Katechismus der Spinnerei, Weberei und Appretur. 24mo. 144 pp. Leipsig, 1861. GRUETZNER, A. Die Augustinische Silber-Extraction in ihrer Anwendung auf Hiittenproducte und Erze. 12mo. 174 pp., IV. plates. Brunswick, 1851. GRUNER, L. Etude des Bassins Houilliers de la Creuse. 4to. 204 pp. Paris, 1868. and Lan. iStat present de la Metallurgie du Fer en Angleterre. Svo. 850 pp., IX. plates. Paris, 1862. Memoire sur le Dedoublement de L Oxide de Carbone sous Faction combinee du Fer Metallique et des Oxydes de ce Metal. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 66 pp. Paris, 1872. GRUTZNER, August. Die Augustinscbe Silber-Extraction in ihrer anwendung anf Hiittenproducte und Erze. Svo. 174 pp., IV. plates. Brunswick, 1851. GUARINI, Palmieri and Scacchi. Memoria sullo incendio Vesu- viaiio. 4to. 207 pp. Naples, 1855. GUILLEMIN, Amedee. The Heavens. An Illustrated Hand-book of Popular Astronomy. Edited by Norman Lockyer. Fourth edition, revised by R. A. Proctor. American reprint. 8vo. 432 pp. New- York, 1871. GUINOTTK, Lucien. fitude Generale sur la Detente Variable et specialement sur son application aux Machines a Vapeur. Svo. 12 pp. Liege, 1872. GUMBEL, W. Theodor. Die Fiinf Wtirfelschnitte. Ein Versuch die verschiedenen Krystallgestallten in einen einigen Zu- sammenhang zu bringen. Vol. n., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 19 pp., II. plates. Landau, 1852. The Laurentian Rocks of Bavaria. Vol. xm., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp., I. plate. 1866. GUNTHER, J. R. Theorie neuer Erz-Separations-Methoden. 8vo. 61 pp. Prag, 1841. GURLT, A. Bemerkungen liber die neueren Fortschritte des Kup- ferhtittenprozesses. 8vo. 42 pp. Freiberg, 185 2. De la Fabrication de la Fonte et du Fer au Moyen des Gaz. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 31 pp., I. plate. Liege, 1857. Die Deutsche Steinkohle. 12mo. 51 pp. ^ Bremen, 1868. Ubersicht der pyrogenneteu Ktinstlichen Mineralien. Svo. 100 pp. Freiberg, 1857. Q. Die Roheisenerzeugung mit Gas oder die Verhtittung der Eisenerze mit indirecter^Benutzung des Brennmateriales Svo. 30 pp., I. plate. Freiberg, 1857. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 55 GUTBIER, A. von. Ueber einen fossilen Farrenstam Caulopteris Freieslebeni aus dera Zwickauer Schwartzkohlen-gebirge. Vol. XXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 16 pp. Zwickau, 1872. GUYOT, Arnold. Directions for Meteorological Observations and the Registry of Periodical Phenomena. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 70pp. Washington, 1869. On the Appalachian Mountain System. 8vo. 31 pp., with a map. New-Haven, 1861. Tables, Meteorological and Physical, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Second edition. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 634 pp. Washington, 1 870. GYSSEK, R. Per Torf. 8vo. 46 pp. Weimar, 1864. H. HABEL, M. A. Voyages dans la partie tropicale des deux Ameriques. Vol. X., Pamphets. Quarto series. 4tO. 4pp. 1869. HAGEN, G. Grundziige der Wahrscheinlichkeits-Rechnung. 12mo. 198 pp. Berlin, 1837. : Hermann. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North American Species. Smith, Misc. Coll. 8vo. 347pp. Washington, 1861. HAGER, Albert ~D. See Hitchcock, Edward. HAGGE, R. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen tiber Gabbro und verwandte Gesteine. 8vo. 62 pp. Kiel, 1871. HAIDINGER, Wilhelm. Die Krystalle des Essigsauren Manganoxy- duls. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10 pp. 1855. Handbuch der Bestimmenden Mineralogie. 8vo. 630 pp. Vienna, 1845. Herapathit-Zangen. Vol. XH., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6 pp. 1855. Mineralogical Account of the Ores of Manganese. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to, 24 pp., I. plate. Edinburgh, 1827. Oberflachen-und Korperfarben von Wohlers Jod-Tellur- Methyl. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. On Isopyre, a new Mineral Species. Vol. xn., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8VO. 2 pp. 1827. On Polyhalite. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 16pp. See, under Journals, Berichte tiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissenschaft ; also, Naturwissenschaft- licher Abhandlungen. HAINDL, S. Die Maschinenkunde und Maschinenzeichnung. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Munich, 1843. HALL, A. See under Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. James. Catalogue of the Historical and Antiquarian Collec tion in the State Cabinet, N. Y. 8vo. 20 pp. Contributions to Paleontology, 1858 and 1859. Vol. XXIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 73 pp. 1859. 56 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HALL, James. See Natural History of the State of New-York. Part IV., Vols. 4, 6 ; also, United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Part I. and Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa, embracing the Results of Investigations made during portions of the years 1855, 1856 and 1857. Vol. I., Part 1. Geology. Part 2. Pala3ontology. 2 vols. 4to. 1858. Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Wisconsin. 2 vols. 4to. 1862. HALLIWELL, J. O. A few Notes on the History of the Discovery of the Composition of Water. Vol. XXXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. London, 1840. HALLOY, J. J. d Omalius d . Elements de Geologie. 8vo. 742 pp. Paris, 1835. Memoires pour servir a la Description Geologique des Pays- Bas de la France et de Quelques Contrees Voisines. 12mo. 387 pp., II maps. Namur, 1828. Precis elementaire de Geologie. 8vo. 836 pp. Brussels, 1868. Sur les ^chantillons de Phosphate de Chaux. 8vo. 4 pp. HAMM, Wilhelm. Katechismus der Ackerbau-Chemie der Boden- kunde und Dttngeiiehre. 24mo. 116pp. Leipsig, 1871. Katechismus der Drainirung. 24rno. 88 pp. Leipsig, 1858. HAMPE, W. Tafeln zur qualitativen chemischen Analyse. 8vo. XI. Tables. Clausthal, 1868. HANDBOOK (The) of Turning. 12mo. 144pp. London, 1859. HANDBUCH fur Auswanderer nach Queensland, (Australien.) Pamphlet. 12 mo. 1873. HANDL, Alois, and Weiss, Adolph. Untersuchungen tiber den Zu- sammenhang in den Anderungen der dichten und brechung- sexponenten in gemengen von Fltissigkeiten und Verbindun- gen von Gasen. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 55 pp., I. plate. Vienna, 1858. HANLE S Magazin ftir Pharmacie. See, under Journals, Magazin fiir Pharmacie. HANNAH, Richard. A Succinct Account of the Lime Rocks of Plymouth. 8vo. 71 pp., XL plates. Plymouth. HANSARD, Thomas C., Tomlinson, Charles, and others. History of the Processes of Manufacture and uses of Printing, Gas-Lights, Pottery, Glass and Iron. From the Encyclopedia Britannica. 12mo. 392 pp. New-York, 1864. HANTKEN, Maxm. v. Der Ofner Merge!. 8vo. 24 pp. Prest, 1873. HARDER, P. E. Das Molekerlargesetz mit besonder Anwendung auf das Wasser, den Wasserdampf und die Luft. 8vo. 168 pp. Hamburg, 1866. HARDWICK, T. F. Manual of Photographic Chemistry. Seventh edition. 8vo. 593 pp. London, 1864. HARDWICKE S Science Gossip. See under Journals. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 57 HAKE, Robert. An Effort to Refute the Arguments Advanced in the Amphide Salts, of Radicals, consisting, like Cyanogen, of More Than One Element. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 23 pp. Philadelphia, 1842. Objections to the Nomenclature of the celebrated Berzelius, with Suggestions respecting a Substitute. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. " 8vo. 24pp. Philadelphia, 1840. HAEKNESS, W. R. See tinder Washington Astronomical and Me teorological Observations, 1870. HARKORT, Edward. Die Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre. Heft 1. Die Silberproben. 12mo. 107 pp., III. plates. Freiberg, 1827. HARRIS, T. W. See Dewey, Chester. HARRISON, A. M. A Treatise on the Plane Table and its Use in Topographical Survey. From the Coast Survey Report for 1865. 4to. 29 pp., II. plates. Washington, 1865. HARTMANN, Carl. Berg-und Huttenmannischer Atlas. 4to. text; Atlas, XLII. plates. Weimar, 1860. - Das Kupfer und das Zirik. Svo. 328 pp. Weimar, 1863. Der practische Puddel-und Walzmeister. 12mo. 427 pp. Weimar, 1861. Der heutige Standpunkt des deutschen Eisenhiittengewerbes. 8vo. 263 pp. Leipsig, 1861. Der innern Gebirgswelt. Svo. 312pp. Stuttgart, 1838. Der treue Fiihrer beim Schiirfen und bei Bohrarbeit. 12mo. 232 pp. Weimar, 1856. Der wohlunterrichtete Hohofen-und Hammemeister. 12mo. 881 pp., XIV. plates. Weimar, 1852. Die Mineralischen Brennstoffe Steinkohlen, Braunkohlen und Torf. Svo. 122 pp. Halle, 1856. Die Probirkunst. 12mo. 365 pp. Weimar, 1862. Die treue Fiihrer beim Schiirfen und bei der Bohrarbeit. 12mo. 232 pp., VI. plates. Weimar, 1856. Grundriss der Eisenhiittenkunde. Svo. 603 pp. Berlin, 1852. Handbuch der Bergbau-und Hiittenkunde. 4to. 1313 pp. text; Atlas, XLV. plates. Weimar, 1S58. Handbuch der Eisengiesserei. 12mo. 603 pp. text ; Atlas, XXVII. plates. Weimar, 1863. Handbuch der Eisenhiittengewerbskunde. 8vo. 614 pp., XVII. plates. Leipsig, 1860. Handbuch der Metallgieserei. 12mo. 367 pp. text ; Atlas, XL plates. Weimar, 1863. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 2 vols. Svo. Weimar, 1843. - Handbuch der praktische Metallurgie. 2 vols. 12mo. text ; Atlas, XVIL plates. Weimar, 1863. Handbuch des Steinkohlen-Bergbaues. Incomplete. 4to. 120 pp. text ; Atlas, X. plates. Weimar, 1855. Practische Eisenhtittenkunde. 3 vols. 4to. Weimar, 1852. 58 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HARTHANN, Carl. Practisches Handbuch der Rohr-und Stabeisen- Fabrikation in leichtfaszlichen Vortrage. Svo. 464 pp., I. plate. Leipsig, 1857. Practisches Handbuch der Stahlfabrikation. 12 mo. 505 pp. Weimar, 1861. Ueber die Eisen Kupfer Zinc und Bleihtitten Betrieb. Drittes heft. Svo. 188 pp., IV. plates. Leipsig, 1850. Ueber die mechanische Aufbereitung der silberhaltigen Bleierze. 8vo. 335 pp. Weimar, 1858. Vade mecum fur den Practischen Hiittenmann. 12mo. 342 pp. Hamm, 1863. Vade mecum fur den practischen Eisenhtittenmanu. 12mo. 415 pp., V. plates. Hamm, 1863. Vollstandiges Handbuch der Eisengiesserei. Svo. 298 pp., XL plates. Erganzungsheft. 72 pp., II. plates. Freiberg, 1847. - See, a/so, Henvaux, D. ; De Play, F. ; Ponson, A. T. ; Rivot, E. L., and Valerius, B. Hugo. Untersuchungen mit dem Lothrohr. 4to. 39 pp.,XLII. plates. Leipsig, 1862. HARTNER, Friedrich. Handbuch der niederen Geodasie, nebst einem Anhange tiber die Elemente der Markscheidekunst. Svo. 693 pp. Vienna, 1864. HARTT, Ch. Fred. Contributions to the Geology and Physical Geography of the Lower Amazons. The Erere-Monte-Alegro District and the Table-Topped Hills. Svo. 8 pp. Buffalo, 1874. HARTUNG, George. Die Azoren in ihrer Ausseren Erscheinung und nach ihrer Geognostisohen Natur. Mit Beschreibung der Fossilen Reste von H. G. Brown. Svo. 350 pp. text ; Atlas, XIX. plates, I. map. Leipsig, 1 860. HARVE, A. Alliages Metalliques. 12mo. 458 pp. Paris, 1839. HARVEY, George. A Treatise on Ship Building. 4to. 112 pp., XIII. plates. Edinburgh, 1828. HASEMANN, Theodor and A. Handbuch der Toxicologie. 8vo. 978 pp. Berlin, 1862. HASKOLL, W. D. The Engineers , Mining Surveyors and Con tractors Field-Book. Svo. 189 pp. London, 1866. HASSALL, A. H. Food and its Adulterations. Svo. 659 pp. London, 1855. HASSENFRATZ, J. H. La Siderotechnie, ou L Art de Traiter Les Minerais de Fer pour en obtenir de la Foute, du Fer, et de L Acier. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812. Traite Theoretique et Pratique de Part de Calciner la Pierre Calcaire. 4 to. 425 pp. Paris, 1825. HAUER, Julius Ritter von. Die Fordermaschinen der Bergwerke. Svo. text, 438 pp. ; Atlas, XXX. plates. Leipsig, 187]. Die Huttenwesens-maschinen. Svo. 286 pp., XXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1867. Die wichtigen Eisenerz-vorkommen in der Oesterreichischen Monarchic und ihr Metallgehalt. Svo. 187 pp. Vienna, 1863. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 59 HAUER, Julius Hitter von. Notizen tiber die Krystallisation und Dar- stelluno- einierer Verbindunejen. VOLIX., Pamphlets, octavo series. Svo. 12 pp. Vienna, 1860. Untersuchungen liber den Brennwerth der Braun-und Steinkohleu. 8vo. 272 pp. Vienna, 1862. HAUPT, Hermann. . Military Bridges, with Suggestions of New Ex pedients and Constructions for Crossing Streams and Chasms. Including, also, Designs for Tressle and Truss Bridges for Military Rail-Roads. 8vo. 310 pp., LXIX. plates. New-York, 1864. The General Theory of Bridge Construction. Svo. 268 pp. New- York, 1868. Theodor. Bausteine zur Philosophic der geschichte der Bergbaues. 8vo. 101 pp. Leipsig, 1865. HAUSHOFER, K. Die Constitution der Nattirlicher Silicate auf Grundlage ihrer Geologischen Beziehungen. Svo. 153 pp. Brunswick, 1874. HAYDEN, F. V. See United States Geological Survey of the Ter ritories. HAYES, A. A. On the Native Iron of Liberia. Svo. 7 pp. Washington, 1855. John L. Notes on Indigo. Svo. 79 pp. Boston, 1873. Protection as a Boon to Consumers. An Address delivered before the National Association of Knit Goods Manufactu rers, at the Second Annual Meeting in New-York City, May 1, ]867. With a Letter from Mr. Samuel Bachelder to Mr. John L. Hayes. 8vo. 50 pp. Boston, 1867. Statement of Facts relative to Canada Wools, and the Manufactures of Worsted. Svo. 21pp. Boston, 1866. The Angora Goat : its Origin, Culture and Products. Svo. 38 pp. Boston, 1868. The Fleece and The Loom. An Address before the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, at the First Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1865. Svo. 80 pp. Boston, 1866. The Protective Question Abroad, and Remarks at the In dianapolis Exposition. Svo. 66pp. Cambridge, 1 870. The Solidarity of the Industries, as illustrated by the Rela tions of the Woolen Manufacture. An Address delivered before the Fair of the American Institute, New-York City, October 13, 1870. Svo. 28pp. Cambridge, 1870. The Wools of the United States. Svo. 47 pp. Boston, 1872. See Morrell, D. J. ; also, Mudge, E. R. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 3 vols. 12mo. Gottingen, 1828. Neue Beitrage zur metallurgischen Krystallkunde. 4to. 14 pp. Gottingen, 1852. Norddeutsche Beitrage zur Berg-und Huttenkunde. Svo. 121 pp. Brunswick, 1806. 60 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Reise durch Scandinavien. 5 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1811-1818. Ueber den gegenwartigen Zustand und die Wichtigkeit des Hannoverschen Harzes. 8vo. 411 pp. Gottingen, 1832. Untersuchen fiber die Formen der leblosen Natur. 8vo. 677 pp. Gottingen, 1834. HAUY. C. Traite de Cristallographie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1822. Tableau Comparatif des Resultats de la Cristallographie et de L Analyse Chimique Relatifment a la Classification des Mineraux. 12mo. 312 pp., plates. Paris, 1809. Traite de Mineralogie. 4 vols. 4to. text; Atlas of plates. Paris, 1801. A Letter to Rev. Win. McLain on the Native Iron of Li beria ; transmitting a Chemical Analysis. Vol. VIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp. Washington, 1855. HEDLEY, J. The Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines. 8vo. 128 pp. London, 1851. Traite pratique de L Exploitation des Mines de Houille. Traduit par Lambert et Modesse. 8vo. 100pp. Liege, 1853. HEDGES, Isaac A. Sorgo, or the Northern Sugar Plant, with an introduction by William Clough. 12mo. 204 pp. Cincinnati, 1863. HEER, Oswald. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. 8vo. 622 pp. Zurich, 1865. HENKELS, J. F. Pyritologia oder Kieshistorie als des vornemsten Minerals. Mit einem Vorrede von Nutzen des Bergwerks. Svo. 904 pp. Leipsig, 1754. HELLMAN, A. Die Petrefacten Thuringens nach dem Materiel des Herzogl Naturalien-Kabinets in Gotha. 4to. 48 pp., XXIV. plates. Cassel, 1866. HENCHLER, E. Die Berg Knappen. Folio. 12 pp., LXXIV. plates. Dresden, 1857. HENRY, Joseph. Contributions to Electricity and Galvanism. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 15 pp., I. plate. Philadelphia, 1855. Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 51 pp. Philadelphia, 1839. The Same as above. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 35 pp. Philadelphia, 1841. William. The Elements of Experimental Chemistry. Tenth edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1826. HENSHAW, H. W. See under Geographical and Geological Explo rations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. HENVAUX, D. Construction der Walzwerke. Bearbeitet von Dr. Carl Hartmann. 8vo. 73 pp. Leipsig, 1859. HENWOOD, W. J. Address before the Royal Institution of Corn wall. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 65 pp. Truro, 1871. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 61 HENWOOD, "W. J. Observations on Metalliferous Deposits and on Subterranean Temperature. 8vo. Text, 916 pp. 1 vol. plates and tables. Penzance, 1871. HEPPE, Gustav. Die Chemische Reactionen der wichtigsten anor- ganischen und organischen Stoife. Tabellen alphabetischer Anordunng. 8vo. 392 pp. Leipsig, 1815. HEKBICH, Franz. Zur Yerbreitung der Eruptivgesteine Siebenbur- gens. 16mo. 20pp. Klausenburg, 1873. HEEDEE, v. Erlauterung der vorziiglishsten apparate zur Erwar- mung der Geblaselaft. 8vo. 118 pp. Atlas folio, XXXV. plates. Freiberg, 1840. HEEEMANN, Friederick. Katecbismus der Feldmess Kunst mit Kette, Winkelspiegel und Messtisch. 12mo. 109pp. Leipsig, 1871. Katechismus der Uhrmacherkunst. 12mo. 92 pp. Leipsig, 1863. HEESCHEL and Maise. A Manual of Scientific Discovery. 8vo. 429 pp. London, 1859. HEEZOG, Edmund. Praktische Anleitung zum Hohenmessen mit- telst Dosenbarometer, (Barometre aneroide u. Barometre holosterique,) nebst Beinerkungen iiber generale Tracirung. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12lllO. 30pp. Leipsig, 1873. HESSENBEEG, F. Mineralogische Notizen. 4to. Frankford, 1861. HEULAND, H. Description d une collection cles Mineraux. 3 vols. 8vo. text ; 1 vol. 4to. LXXXIII. plates. London. HEUSSIE, Jacob. Lehrbuch der Geodasie. 8vo. 583 pp. London, 1861. HEUZE, Eleonore. Katechismus der Kochkunst. 8vo. 135 pp. Leipsig, 1853. HEWITT, Abram S. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. HILGAED, E. W. The Geology and Agriculture of the State of Mississippi. 8vo. 388 pp. Jackson, Miss., 1860, HILDEBEANDT, F. Anfangsgriinde der Metallurgie. 8vo. 595 pp. Erlangen, 1806. HILL, C. J. Afhandlungen om tals visare tite Sainenansatta delare. 4to. 18 pp. London. Sur une forme generale de developpement et sur les Integ- rales definies. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 36pp. HILPEET, J. L. Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch Englisches Wor- terbuch. 4 vols. 4to. Karlsruhe, 1857. HINEICHS, Gustavus. The Method of Quantitative Induction in Physical Sciences. A Guide for Students in the Laboratory and Lecture Room. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 45 pp. Davenport, Iowa, 1867. HINTEEBEEGEE, F. See Bauer, A., and Hinterberger, F. HISTOIEE Naturelle de Jura et des Departments Voisins. Tome I. Premiere Fascicule. Ogerien, Le Frere. Geographic, Physique, Meteorologie, Agriculture, Minerale, Mineralogie, Petrologie et Paleontologie. Deuxicme Fascicule. Geologic 62 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Proprement Dite Appliquee aux Arts, a L Industrie et surtout a L Agriculture. Tome II. Michalet, E. Botanique. Tome III. Ogerien, Le Frere. Zoologie Yivante. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863, 1867. HISTORY (The) and Description of Fossil Fuel. &c. See Taylor J. E. H. HITCHCOCK, C. H. First Annual Report upon the Geology and Mineralogy of New-Hampshire. Vol. xm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 36 pp. Manchester, 1869. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of New-Hamp shire in 1870. Vol. XIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 82 pp. Nashua, 1871. Report on the Geological Survey of New-Hampshire. Show ing its progress during the year 1871. Vol. xm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 56 pp., I. map. Nashua, 1872. See Holmes, E. ; also, Hitchcock, Edward. Edward. Elementary Geology. Thirteenth edition. 12mo. 424 pp. New- York, 1856. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Massachusetts. Part I. Economical Geology. Part II. Topographical Geology. Part III. Scientific Geology. Part IV. Catalogue of Animals and Plants. Svo. 679 pp. Amherst, 1832, 1833. Geology of Massachusetts. Vol. I. Economical and Scenographical Survey. Vol. II. Scientific and Elementary Geology. 2 vols. 4to. Amherst and Northampton, 1841. Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. 4to. 299 pp., XIV. plates. Amherst, 1841. Plates Illustrating the Geology and Scenery of Massa chusetts. 4to. XIX. plates. 1833. Ichnology of New-England. A Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, especially its Fossil Footmarks. 4to. 220 pp., LX. plates. Boston, 1858. Outline of the Geology of the Globe, and of the United States in Particular. Third edition. 12mo. 136 pp. Boston, 1856. assisted by Hitchcock, Edward, Jr., and Charles H. ; and Hager, Albert D. Report on the Geology of Vermont, Descriptive, Theoretical, Economical and Scenographical. Vol. I. Hitchcock, Edward. Preliminary Report, General Principles of Geology, Metaphorphism of Rocks, Classi- sification of Rocks. Part 1. Alluvial and Tertiary Rocks. Part 2. Hitchcock, Edward. Hypozoic and Palaeozoic Rocks. Part 3. Hitchcock, C. H. Azoic Rocks. Vol. II. Part 4. Hitchcock, Edward. Unstratified Rocks. Part 5. Hitchcock, C. H. Notes on the Geological Sections, Part 6. Hitchcock, E., Jr. Localities of Minerals in Vermont. Catalogue of Minerals in the State Cabinet. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 63 Part 7. Hitchcock, C. H. Chemical Analysis. Lesquereux Leo. Appendix to the Descriptive and Theoretical Geology. Part 8. Hall, S. R. Report relating to the Geology of Northern Vermont. Hager, A. D. A Brief Report on the Geology of Plymouth. Part 9. Hager, A. D. Economical Geology of Vermont. Part 10. Physical Geography and Scenery. 2 vols. 4to. Claremont, N. H., 1861. HITINGER, Peter. Das Quecksilber-Bergwerk Indrie, von seinern Beginne bis zur Gegenwart. 12mo. 86pp. Larbach, 1860. HOEFEE, Ferdinand. Histoire de la Chimie. 8vo. 2 vols. Paris, 1842-1843. HOFF, K. E. A. Geschichte der durch iiberlieferung nachgewissenen Nattirlichen Veranderungen der Erdoberflache. 4 vols. 8vo. Gotha, 1822-1824. HOFMANN, Friedrich. Geschichte der Geognosie, und verenderung der Vulkanischen Erscheinungen. 8vo. 596 pp. Berlin, 1838. Geognostische Beobachtungen. 8vo. 725 pp. Berlin, 1839. HOFFMAN, A. W. Lectures on Chemistry. 8vo. 233 pp. London, 1866. Johanes Georgius, and J. B. Bsehmer. De Matricibus Metal- lorum Amphisium Philosophorum Ordinis. 8vo. 96 pp. Leipsig, 1738. HOLLENBERG, A. See Daelen, H. HOLLMAN, P. J. Memoire sur L Equivalent Calorifique de L Ozone. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 78pp. Utrecht, 1868. HOLLUNDER, C. F. Besuch einer Anleitung zur mineralogischen Probirkunst. 3 vols. 12mo. Nuremberg, 1826-1827. Tagebuch einer metallurgisch-technologischen Reise. 8vo. 487 pp. Nuremburg, 1824. HOLMES, F. S. The Phosphate Rocks of South Carolina and the Great Carolina Marl Bed. 8vo. 87 pp. Charleston, 1870. The Post-Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina. 4to. 122 pp., XXVIII. plates. Charleston, S. C., 1860. E., and Hitchcock, C. H. Second Annual Report upon the Natural History and Geology of the State of Maine. Svo. 447 pp. 1862. HOLMSTROM, L. P. lakttagelser ofver istiden i sodra Sverige. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto aeries. 4tO. 43 pp., I. Map. HOLTSCHL, Josef. Das Hohenmessen mit Metall-Barometern. Svo. 74 pp. Vienna, 1870. HOMANS, J. Smith, Jr. A Cyclopedia of Commerce and Commer cial Navigation. 2to. 2007 pp. New- York, 1858. HONIG, J. Anleitung zuru Studium der Darstellende Geometric. 2 vols. text and plates. Vienna, 1845. HORMANN, A. Die Neuen Wasserhaltungs-Maschinen auf den De- chenschachter bei Saarbriicken, der Tiefbau anlage zu Rti- dersdorf und der Ferdinandsgrube bei Kattowitz. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Berlin, 1874. 64 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HORSFORD, E. N. Report on an Investigation of the Sources of the Offensive Odors which are ascribed, in a petition by John M. Tayler and others, before the State Board of Health, to the Hog-Slaughtering Establishment of John P. Squire & Co., of East Cambridge. 8vo. 40pp. Cambridge, Mass., 1873. Scientific Researches. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 36 pp. Albany, 1852. The Permeability of Metals to Mercury. Vol. xxvra., Pam phlets. Octaro series. 8vo. 14 pp. HOSKOLD, H. D. A Practical Treatise on Mining, Land and Rail way Surveying, Engineering, <fcc. 8vo. 249 pp. London, 1863. HOUGH, Franklyn B. Census of the State of New- York for 1865. Prepared from the Original Returns under the Direction of Francis D. Barbour, Secretary of State. 4to. 473 pp. Albany, 1867. How, Henry. The Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 217 pp. Halifax, 1869. How You Waste Your Fuel and How to Prevent It. A Few Facts On Combustion. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 12 pp. Worcester, 1866. HUBBA.RD, Prof. See under Washington Astronomical and Meteo rological Observations. HUBBE, H. Reisebemerkungen, hydrotechnischen Inhalts. 4to. 64 pp., XIII. plates. Hamburg, 1844. HUBERT, Alois von. Anleitung durch Coiorimetrie den Kupper- halt, von Erzen-und Hiitten Producten. Svo. 58 pp. Vienna, 1852. HUET, A. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. HUGHES, G. W. Report relative to the working of Copper ore. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 58pp. Washington, 1844. Samuel. A Treatise on Gas Works. Svo. 336 pp. London, 1866. HUGO, Leopold. Essai sur le Geometric des Cristalloides. Svo. 16 pp. Paris, 1873. Introduction a la Geometric Descriptive. Des Cristalloides, Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., III. plates. Paris, 1874. Les Cristalloides a Directrice Circulaire. Svo. 40 pp., I. plate. Paris, 1867. Les Cristalloides Complexes a Summit Etoile. Vol. I., Pam phlets, octavo series. Svo. 24 pp., III. plates. Paris, 1872. Thebrie des Cristalloides Elementaires. Svo. 58 pp., I V. plates. Paris, 1867. HUMBER, William. A Handy Book for the Calculation of Strains in Girders. 12mo. 71 pp. London, 1868. See Barlow, Peter. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Atlas Geographique et Physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Folio. XX. plates and maps. Paris, 1812. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 65 HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Essai Geognostique sur le Gissement des Roches dans les Deux Hemispheres. 8vo. 379pp. Paris, 1823. Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espa^ne. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-1827. Fragmens de Geologic et de Climatologie Asiatique. 8vo. 2 vols. in 1. 640 ppf Paris, 1831. Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. 4 vols. 24mo. Stuttgart and Augsburg, 1845, 1847,^1850, 1858. Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804, par Al. de Hum- bold t et A. Bonpland avec line Atlas, Geographiquc et Phy- si( l ue - 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-1831. HUMPHREYS, A. A. See under Geographical and Geological Ex plorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. See, also, under Journals, Report of the Chief of Engineers. and Abbot, H. L. Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. 4to. 602 pp., XX. plates. Philadelphia, 1861. HUNKICHS, J. W. A. Practische Anleitung zurn Deich-Siel-und Schlengen-Bau. 2 vols. J2mo. Bremen, 1770. HUNT, Robert A. A Descriptive Guide to the Museum of Practical Geology, with notices of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, the Government School of Mines, and the Mining Record Office. 12mo. 298pp. London, 1859^ Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1858. Part I. 8vo. 190 pp. London, 1859. - T. Sterry. Bitumens and Pyroschists. 8vo. 15 pp. Chemical Geology. Replies to the Criticisms of Mr. David Forbes. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 31 pp. Montreal, 1867. " Contributions to Lithology. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 51 pp. Montreal, 164. Contributions to the Chemical and Geological History of Bitumens and of Pyroschists or Bituminous Shales. Vol. xxv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8 VO. 15pp. 1863. Contributions to the Chemistry of Natural Waters. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. $VO. 54pp. Montreal, 1 865. Contributions to the History of Lime and Magnesia Salts. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 19pp. 1866. Esquisse Geologique du Canada suivie d un Catalogue De- scnptif de la Collection de Cartes et Coupes geologiques, Livres imprimes, Roches, Fossiles et Mineraux economiques en voyee a PExposition de 1867. Vol. xni., Pamphlets. Octavo series. XT 8 vo. 72 pp. Paris, 1867. - JNote sur Les Sources Acides et les Gypses du Haut Canada. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 4pp. 1855. On some Points in Chemical Geology. Vol. xx., Pamphlets . Octavo series. 8yo> 15 pp< 5 66 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HUNT, T. Sterry. On the Chemical and Mineralogical Relations of Metamorphic Rocks. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16 pp. Montreal, 1863. On the Chemistry of the Primeval Earth. Voi.xx., Pamphlets. Octavo Beries. 8VO. 8pp. 1867. On the Theory of Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 8pp. Montreal, 1858. On the Theory of Types in Chemistry. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8pp. 1863. Recherches sur les Eaux Minerales du Canada, Vol. VIIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 5 pp. 1841. Report on the Gold Region of the County of Hastings. Geol. Survey Of Canada. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 11 pp. Montreal, 1867. Report on the Gold Region of Nova Scotia. Geol Survey of Canada. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 48 pp. Ottawa, 1868. Researches on Gypsums and Magnesian Rocks. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 37 pp. Sur les Volumes AtomiqueS. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 5 pp. 1855. See Michel, A. and Douglas, Jas., Jr. A New Process for the Extraction of Copper from its ores, with notes on the treatment of Gold and Silver Ores. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. Montreal, 1870. HUXLEY, Thomas H., and Etheridge, Robert. A Catalogue of the Collection of Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology, with an explanatory introduction. 12mo. 381 pp. London, 1860. HUYSSEN, A. Eirichtung einer htittenraannischer Lehranstalt in Oberschlesien. 8vo. 31 pp. Breslau, 1863. HYNE, J. C. Report on the Coal Beds of the Pacific Coast Petro leum Company. 8vo. 8 pp. New-York, 1865. INDUSTRIAL Monthly. ) ^ under j ournaUm INDUSTRIE Blatter. j INSTITUTION of Civil Engineers, London. See, under Journals, Transactions of the. INSTRUCTION Abregee sur les Mesures. Deduites de la grandeur de la Terre uniformes pour toute la Republique, et sur Jes Calculs relatif a leur division decimale. Par la Commission temporaire des Poides et Mesures republicaines. 8vo, 173 pp. Paris, 1794. INSTRUCTIONS for Observing the Transit of Venus. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 28pp. Washington, 1874. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AfiTD PAMPHLETS. 67 INTERNATIONAL Exhibition, London, 1862. Documents Officiels completants les rapports du Jury International sur Pensernble de L Exposition de Londres de 1862. Vols. I., II., III., V. to VII. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Report of the Juries on the Subjects in the Thirty-Six Classes into which the Exhibition was divided. Imp. 8vo. London, 1863. Tunner, P. Berichte tiber jene Gegenstande der Londoner Weltindustrie Ausstellung von 1862"die den rnetallurgischen Progressen Angehoren. 8vo. 136pp. Vienna, 1863. IRON. ) c .. ._. j^ . e r See under Journals. IRVING, Poland. The Age of the Quartzites, Schists and Conglom erates of Sauk Co., Wis. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp., 1 map. 1872. ITZENPLITZ, Grafen von. See under Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. IVES, Lieut. J. C. Report upon the Colorado River of the West. 4to. 364 pp. Washington, 1861. J. JAARBOEK van het Mijnwesen in Nederlandisch Oost-Indie. See under Journals. JACKSON, C. T. Atlas Illustrating the First Report upon the Geology of the State of Maine. XXIV plates. 4to. Second Annual Report on the Geology of the Public Lands belonging to the two States of Maine and Massachusetts. 8vo. 137pp. Augusta, Me., 1838. Third Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. 8vo. 330 pp. Augusta, Me., 1339. Final Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of Rhode Island, 1839. 8vo. 312pp. Providence, 1840. JAEGER, George. Osteologische Bemerkungen. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 44 pp., III. plates. 1855. JAHRBUCH der Chemie und Physik. "] fur der Berg und Huttenmann. I See under der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. ( Journals. fur Mineralogie, Geologic, &c. j JAHRESBERICHTE tiber die Beobachtungen, Versuche, &c., des Berg. u. Hiittenmannischen Maschinen- und Bauwesens. tiber die Fortschritte der Agricultur-Chemie. tiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und ver- wandten Theile anderer Wissenschaften. tiber die Fortschritte der Reinen Chemie. tiber die Fortschritte der Physik. tiber die Leistungen der Chemischen Tech nologic. See under Journals. 68 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. JAHN, G. A. Katechismus der Astronomie. 16mo. 191 pp. Leipsig, 1869. JAMES, Clark II. Spongise Ciliatse, as Infusoria Flagellata. Vol. x., Pamphlets, Quarto series. 4tO. 38pp. Cambridge, 1867. JAMESON, K. A System of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1804. JANIN, Jules Celestin. Cours de Physique de L ficole Poly- technique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863. - J. Petit. TraitS de Physique. 8vo. 682pp. Paris, 1870. JAQUET, A. Trace General des Courbes. 8vo. 250 pp. Paris, 1858. JAVAL et Gamier. Machines a Percer les Roches. 2 vols. 8vo. Machines a Percer, Couper, et Abattre les Roches. 8vo. 91 pp. JEFFRIES, D. A Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls. Fourth edition. 8vo. 116 pp. London. JENZSCH, Gustav. Ueber eine Mikroskopische Flora und Fauna. Krystallinischer Massengesteine. 8vo. 29pp. Leipsig, 1868. JICINSKY, Wilhelm. Das Mahrisch-Schlessiche-Steinkohlen Revier bei Mahrisch-Ostrau. 8vo. 132 pp. ; Atlas, V. plates. Vienna, 1865. JOCHAMS. Notice sur L Incendie d une Couche de Houille. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 42 pp., II. plates. 1852. JOHNSON, Pres. Andrew. A Message Concerning the International Monetary Conference held at Paris in June, 1867. 8vo. 110 pp. Washington, 1867. See, also, under Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. George W. Muck for the Many ; or, the Economy of House Sewage : Showing that the Sewage of every Household is Manure Sufficient for the Production of all Its Vegetable Food. 32mo. 24 pp. London. James F. W. Chemical Tables, exhibiting the Present State of our Knowledge in regard to the Chemical and Physical Properties of Simple and Compound Bodies. Part I. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24pp. Edinburgh, 1836. Description and Analysis of Hatchetine, found in Urpeth Colliery, near Newcastle. Vol. IX., Pamphlete. Quarto series. 4to. 7 pp. 1837. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. Seventh edition. 12mo. 410 pp. Edinburgh, 1856. Instructions for the Analysis of Soils, Limestones and Manures. Third edition. 12mo. 101pp. Cleveland, 1856. Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture. Fifth edition, with Appendix. 8vo. 708 pp. New- York, 1849. The Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols. 12mo. New- York, 1855. S. W. How Crops Feed. 12mo. 375pp. New-York, 1870= How Crops Grow. 12mo. 394 pp. New-York, 1868. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 69 JOHNSON, S. W. Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Vol. XVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19pp. 1870. Report on Peat, Muck and Commercial Manures. 12 mo. 174 pp. Hartford, 1858, William. The Practical Draughtsman s Book of Industrial Design, and Machinist s and Engineer s Drawing Companion. 4to. 200 pp., LV. plates. Philadelphia, 1871. W. R. Notes of the Use of Anthracite in the Manufacture of Iron. I2mo. 155pp. Boston, 1841. JOHNSTKUP, F. Cm Ha3vningsfa3nomenerne, i Moens Klint. 12 mo. 45 pp., I. plate. Copenhagen, 1874. Om Kulhgene paa Foeroerne samt Analyser af de i Dan- mark og de nordlige Bilaude forkommende Kul. 12mo. 44pp. Copenhagen, 1873. Oversigt over de palaeozoiske Dannelser paa Bornholm, 12 mo. 10 pp. Copenhagen, 1874. Sur les Couches Carboniferes des iles Foeroe et les analyses des charbons du Danemark et des possessions danoises dans le Nord. 12mo. 4 pp., I. plate. Copenhagen, 1873. JONES, J. Abstract of Experiments upon the Physical Influences exerted by Living, Organic and Inorganic Membranes, upon Chemical Substances passing through them by endosmose. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8pp. Philadelphia, 1855. William A. Report upon the Reconnoissance of North western Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in the summer of 1873. With appendix. 8vo. 326 pp., L. maps and charts. Washington, 1875. JOURNALS. See, at the end of this alphabet, Catalogue of Journals and Periodical Publications. JOUVE, C. J. Compositions de Mathematique et de Physique. 8vo. 295 pp. Paris, 1855. JOY, Charles A. Analysis of Meteorite from Chili. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6pp. New- York, 1864. Chemistry. An Inaugural Address. Vol. XVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. ^ 8VO. 25pp. New- York, 1858. Examination of a Few American Minerals. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. ^ 8vo. 6 pp. New-York, 1865. Examination of American Blendes for Thallium and Indium. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8v<>. 4pp. 1866. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. Inaugural Disserta tion. Vol. XXVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 49 pp. Gottingen, 1853. On Glucinum and Its Compounds. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets, octavo series - 8vo. 11 pp. 1863. On the Chimenti Pictures. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. JUKES, J. B. Report upon the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 8vo. 241 pp. London, 1859. JULIEN, Alexis A. On^ Metabrushite, Zeugite, Ornithite and other minerals of the Itey of Sanbrero. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 13 pp. 1865. 70 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. JULIAN, Alexis A. On Two Varieties of Sponge Spicnles. Vol. xxvi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. 1865. JULLIEN, C. E. Trnite theoretiqne et pratique de la Construction des Machines a Vapeur. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Paris, 1862. P. M. Problemes de Mecanique Rationelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. K KALENDER fur den Oberschlesischen Bergmann. ) See under KALENDER fiir Schlesischen Berg und Huttenmann. \ Journals. KARSTEN, E. J. B. Grundriss der Metallurgie und der metallur- gischen Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 535 pp. Breslau, 1818. Handbuch der Eisenhtittenkunde. 5 vols. 8vo., text; Atlas, 2to. Berlin, 1841. Lehrbuch der Salinkunde. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1846. System der Metallurgie. 5 vols. 8vo.,"text ; Atlas, LI. plates. Berlin, 1832. Herman. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 8vo. 169 pp. Leipsig, 1861. KEATING, W. H. Account of the Jeffersonite, a New Mineral. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. Philadelphia, 1822. The Art of Mining. 8vo. 87pp. Philadelphia, 1821. KEFERSTETN, Christian. Geognostische Bemerkungen tiber die basaltischen Gebilde des westlichen Deutschlands. 8vo. 207 pp. Halle, 1820. KEITH, . See under Washington Astronomical and Meteoro logical Observations; Appendices to Report for 1871. KELLY, P. The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821. KENBAUER and Vogel. Analyse des Harnes. 8vo. 294 pp. Weisbaden, 1856. KENNEDY, Alfred L. Practical Chemistry, a branch of Medical Education. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 11 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. Jos. C. G. Preliminary Report of the Superintendent of the Census, on the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. 8vo. 294 pp. Washington, 1860. KENNGOTT, Adolf. Die Minerale der Schweitz. 12mo. 460pp. London, 1866. Mineralogische Notizen. 15 Pamphlets under this title. 1853-1854. Vol. XXXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Synonymik der Krystallographie. 8vo. 175 pp. Vienna, 1855. Uebersicht der Resultate Mineralogischer Forshungen. 6 vols. 4to. Leipsig, 1844-1865. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 71 KENT, E. N. Description of his Patent Gold Separator and Amal gamator. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12 mo. 24 pp. New- York, 1863. KERL, Bruno. Abriss der Thonwarrenkunde. 8vo. 232 pp. Brunswick, 1868. Anleitung z-um Studium der Harzer lliitten-Prozesse insbe- sondere sowie der Htitten-Prozesse iiberhaupt. 16 mo. 84pp. Clausthal, 1857. ~ Die Oberharzer Hiltten-Prozesse. 8vo. 196 pp., 54 pp. Clausthal, 1861. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 284 pp. Leipsig, 1872. Grundriss der Metallhtittenkunde. 8vo. 445 pp. Leipsig, 1873. Grundriss der Salinenkunde. 8vo. 232 pp. Brunswick, 1868. Handbuch der Metallurgischen Hiittenkunde. 3 vols. 8vo. Freiberg, 1855. The same as above. 4 vols. 12 mo. Freiberg, 1861-1865. Leitfaden bei qualitative!! und quantitativen Lothrohr-Unter- suchungen. 12mo. 158 pp. Clausthal, 1862. Metallurgische Probirkunst. 8vo. 512pp. Leipsig, 1866. See, also, Bodeman, Theodor, and Kerl, Bruno; and ^Reper- torium der Technischen Literatur. KERPELY, Anton. Die Anlage und Einrichtung der Eisenhiitten. first number. 8vo. Leipsig, 1873. See, also, under Journals, Berichte tiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten Technik ; and under Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. KERR, W. C. Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of North Carolina, 1 866. Vol. XIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 56 pp. Raleigh, 1867. KEYSERLING, A. G. Geognostische Beobachtungen. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. St. Petersburg, 1846. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer reise in das PetSchora Land, im Jahre, 1843. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Quartoseries. 4 to. 148 pp. St. Petersburg, 1846. KEYSTONE Bridge Company s Illustrated Album, embracing Iron Bridges, Roof s, Columns, Chord Links and Shapes, with De scription of Long-Span Bridges, Quality of Materials and Principles of Construction. 4to. 42 pp., II. plates. St. Louis, 1874. KIDD, John. Outlines of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1809. KILBOURN, John. A Compilation of Public Documents concerning the Ohio Canals, which are to connect the Lake Erie with the Ohio River ; comprising a complete Official History of these Great Works of Internal Improvement. 8vo. 452 pp. Columbus, 1832. KIMBALL, J. P. Flora from the Apalachian Coal Field. Inaugu ral Dissertation. Vol. XXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp., III. plates. Gottingen, 1857. f* SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. KIMBALL, J. P. Notes on the Iron Ores of Marquette, Michigan. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8v*O. 15 pp. 1^64. The same as above. 8vo. 15 pp. 1865. On Sodalite and Ela3olite. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4pp. 3870. On the Silver Mines of Santa Eulalia, State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 15 pp. 1870. Our Mineral Interest. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Am. ^Bureau of Mines Publications. Svo. 42 pp. Report on the Coal of the Broad Top Steam Coal Company of Pennsylvania. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 8pp. New-York, 1867. Report on the Extension of the Vermont Copper Company s Copper Ore, (Gifford Tract,) Vershire, Orange Co., Vermont. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 7 pp., I. map. New- York, 1869. Report upon the Estate of the New- Jersey Coal Company of Wilkesbarre, Pa. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 15pp. New- York, 1865. KIND, E. G. Anleitung zum Abteufen der Bohrlocher. Svo. 188pp. Luxemburg, 1842. KING, C. W. The Handbook of Engraved Gems. Svo. 396pp. London, 1866. The Natural History of Precious Stones and Gems, and of the Precious Metals. Svo. 442 pp. London, 1865. The Natural History of the Precious Stones, and of the Precious Metals. 12mo. 364pp. London, 1870. KINGAND, Hague. Report on Mining Industrie. 4to. 647 pp., text ; Atlas, XIV. plates. KIRCHOFF, G. Untersuchungen liber das Sonnenspectrum und die Spectren der Chemischen Elemente. Parts first and second. 43, 16 pp. Berlin, 1863, 1866. KIRKWOOD, J. P. Report Descriptive of the Construction of the Brooklyn Water Works and Sewers. 4to. 160 pp. New- York, 1867. KIRPALDY, David. Results of an Experimental Inquiry into the Tensile Strength and other Properties of various kinds of Wrought Iron and Steel. 8vo. 227pp. London, 1866. KIRSTEN, G. Katechismus der Bienenkunde und Bienenzucht. 16mo. 156 pp. Leipsig, 1852. KIRWAN, Richard. Elements of Mineralogy. Vol. I. Earths and Stones. Vol. II. Salts. Inflammables and Metallic Sub stances. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1794, 1796. KITCHELL, William. Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of New-Jersey for 1855. Svo. 248 pp. Trenton, 1856. KLAPROTH, Martin H. Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Knowledge of Mineral Substances. 2 vols, 12mo. London, 1801. KLEMANN, L. Die Zinkgewinnung in Obeschlesien. 12mo. 43 pp. Breslau, 1860. . CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 73 KLENCKE, Hermann. Die Nahrungsmittelfrage in Deutschland. 12mo. 173 pp. Leipsig, 1855. Die Verfalschung der Nahrungemittel und Getranke der Kolonial warren. Drognen und Manufacte der gewerblichen und landvvirtschaftlichen Producte. Nach Arthur Hill, Hassall und- A. Chevalier. 12mo. 1099pp. Leipsig, 1858. KLETZINSKY, Yicenz. Compendium der Biochemie. 8vo. 84 pp. Vienna, 1858. KLIPSTEIN, Auguste von. Gemeintitzige Blatter zur Belbrderung des Bergbaues und Hiittenbetriebes. 4to. Heft I. 110pp. Frankfort, 1849. Heft II. 124 pp., I. plate. Giessen, 1859. KLUGE, K. E. Handbuch der Edelsteinkunde ftir Mineralogen, Steinschneider und Juweliere. 8vo. 561pp. Leipsig, 1860. KNAPP, F. Chemical Technology. Edited by E. Ronalds and T. Richardson. First American edition, with notes and addi tions by W. R. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848, 1849. See Ronalds, Richardson and Watts. KNIGHT, J., and Latrobe, B. H. Report upon the Locomotive En gines, and the Police and Management of several of the Principal Rail-Roads in the Northern and Middle States. 8vo. 24 pp. Baltimore, 1836. KNOP, W. Handbuch der Chemischen Methoden. 8vo. 506 pp. Leipsig, 1859. KOBELL, Franz von. Grundziige der Mineralogie. 8vo. 348 pp. Nuremburg, 1838. Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Mineralien. 8vo. 110pp. Munich, 1869. The same as above. 8vo. 108 pp. Munich, 1873. KOCH, C. L., and Dunker, W. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der nord- deutschen Oolithgebirges und dessen Versteinerung. 4to. 64 pp. Brunswick, 1837. Friedrich. Beitrage zur Kentniss Krystallinischer Hiit ten- producte. 12 mo. 88 pp. Gottingen, 1822. KODITEK, J. See Wathner. KOHL, J. G. Der Yerkehr und die Ansiedelungen der Menschen. 8vo. 602 pp. Leipsig, 1850. KOHN, Ferdinand. Iron and Steel Manufacture. 4to. 270 pp., LXII. plates. London, 1869. KOKSCHAROW, N. v. Materialicn zur Mineralogie Russlands. 4 vols. 8vo. text ; Atlas, LVIII. plates. St. Petersburg, 1853-1861. Yorlesungen tlber Mineralogie. Erster Band. 4to. 344 pp. St. Petersburgh, 1865. KOLBE, Hermann. Ausftthrliches Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1854, 1860. The same as above. Vol. III., part 2. Edited by H. von Fehling. 8vo. 160pp. Brunswick, 1868. Das Chemische Laboratorium der Universitat Leip und die Seit 1866 darin ausgefiihrten Chemischen Untersuchungen. 8vo. 667 pp. Brunswick, 1872. 4 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. KOLBE, Hermann. Ueber die Chemische Constitution der Orga- uischen KohlenwasSei Stoffe. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 40 pp. Brunswick, 1869. KONINCK, L. De. Memoire sur les Crustaces Fossiles de Belgique. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp., I. plate. 1861. Monographic des Productus. (Plates.) 4to. XVII. plates. Liege, 1847. Notice sur Deux Especes de Brachiopodes. Vol. XX., PampWeti. Octavo series. 8VO. 10 pp., I. plate. KOPP, Hermann. Einleitung in die Krystallographie. 8vo. 346 pp. text ; Atlas, XXI. plates. Brunswick, 1869. Sechs Tafeln mit Netzen zu Krystallmodellen zu der Einlei tung in die Krystallographie. Third edition. 4to. VI. plates. Brunswick, 1869. KOSTLEIN, U. Die Metal waaren Industrie. 2 vols. 12 mo. Weimar, 1863. KRAFT, J. Roue Hydraulic a Aubes Courbes. 4to. 47 pp., III. plates. Paris, 1859. KRAUT, Karl. See Gmelin-Kraut. KRENNER, J. A. Krystallographische Studien tiber den Antimonit. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 46 pp., XL plates. 1864. KREPP, F. C. The Sewage Question. 8vo. 208pp. London, 1867. KROK, J. M. Nagra Koboltiaksalter. Vol. in., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 26 pp. 1870. KROM, S. R. Description of Krom s System, and Machinery for Crushing Ores. 8vo. 75pp. New-York, 1872. KROMAYKK, Augusta. Die Bitterstoffe und Krazendschmeckenden Substanzen des Pilanzenreichs. 8vo. 146 pp. Erlangen, 1861. KRUPP, Friederich. A Descriptive pamphlet of the Cast Steel Works of Friederich Krupp, Essen, Germany. Vol. vin., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp. Essen, 1873. KUPELWEISER, F. See under Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. KURR, J. G. v. Das Mineralreich in Bildern. 4to. XXII. plates. Stuttgart, 1858. KURZER Abriss der Geographischen, Geognostischen und Bergbau- betriebes der Siebenbiirgischen Salinen. 16 mo. 18 pp. Klausenberg, 1873. KUSTEL, Guido. A Treatise on the Concentration of all Kinds of Ores ; Including the Chlorination Process. 8vo. 259 pp., VII. plates. San Francisco, 1868. Nevada and California processes of Silver and Gold extrac tion. 8vo. 327 pp. San Francisco, 1863. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 75 L. LABORATORY (The.) See under Journals. LACKOIX, Eugene; Bibliographic des Ingenieurs, des Architectes des Chefs D Usines Industrielles des fileves des ficoles Polytechniques et Professionnelles et des Agriculteurs. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1857-1865. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. LAGRANGE, E. J. Manuel d un Cours de Chimie. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1812. J. B. B. A Manual of a Course of Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. LALANNE, Leon. Su-r les terrains d une partie de la vallee du Donetz. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 17 pp., I. plate. 1839. LAMBORN, "Robert H. A Rudimentary Treatise on the Metallurgy of Copper. 12mo. 232pp. London, 1860. LAM, G. Lehrbuch der Physik fur hohere polytechnische Lehranstalten. 3 vols. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1838-1841. LAMPADIUS, W. A. Grundriss einer allgemeinen Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 531 pp. Gottingen, 1827. Die neuren Fortschritte im Gebiete der Gesammten Hiitten kunde in Nachtragen zur Grundiiss einer allgemeinen Hutten- kunde. 8vo. 290 pp. Freiberg, 1839. Handbuch der allgemeinen Huttenkunde. 2 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1817. Neue Erfahrungen in Gebeite der Chemie und Huttenkunde. 8vo. 188 pp., IV. plates. Weimar, 1817. LAX. See Gruner and Lan. LAND Office Reports. See under Journals. LANDGREBE, G. Mineralogie der Yulcane. 8vo. 396 pp. Leipsig, 1870. Naturgeschichte der Yulcane und der damit in Verbindung stehenden Erscheinungen. 8vo. 2 vols. in 1. Gotha, 1855. Uber die Pseudomorphism im Mineral reich. 8vo. 343 pp. Cassel, 1831. LANDRIN, II. C., Jr. A Treatise on Steel. Translated from the French by A. A. Fesquet. 12mo. 352 pp. Philadelphia, 1868. Trait6 de la Fonte et du Fer. 8vo. 304 pp. Paris, 1864. LANG, Viktor von. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 12mo. 358 pp.,* VII. plates. Vienna, 1866. Versuch einer Monographic des Bleivitriols. Vol. xxvm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 54 pp., XXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1859. LANKESTER, E. Good Food. ]6mo. 64 pp. London, 1867. LARDNER, D. Handbook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 12mo. 451 pp. Philadelphia, 1857. 76 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LARIVIERE, A. E. Description Geognostique du Grand Duche de Luxembourg. 4to. 157pp. Brussels, 1828. LAUR, J. A. Vereinfachte und vervollkommende practische Geo- dasie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1857. M. P. De la Production des Metaux Precieux en Californie. 8vo. 132 pp. Paris, 1862. LAURE, G. C. Die Echinoiden der Oesterreichische Ungarischen Oberen Tertiarablagerungen. 4to. 75 pp. Vienna, 1871. LAURENT, Auguste. Precis de Cristallograpbie. 12nio. 104pp. Paris, 1847. Metbode de Chimie. 8vo. 464 pp. Paris, 1854. LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent. Elements of Cbemistry in a New Systematic Order, &c. Translated from the French by Rob ert Karr % 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. New-York, 1806. Traite filementaire de Chemie. Second edition. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1793. LAW, Henry. The Elements of Euclid, with many additional pro positions and explanatory notes; to which is prefixed an Introductory Essay on Logic. 12mo. 348 pp. London, 1870. A Treatise on Logarithms and Trigonometrical and other Mathematical Tables. 16mo. 327pp. London, 1867. LAW Relating to the Regulation of Mines in Nova Scotia. Vol. in., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 27pp. Halifax, 1873. LEA, Carpenter, Stimpson, Binney and Prime. Check Lists of the Shells of North America. /Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. Washington, 1860. LEAVITT, T. H. Facts About Peat, as an Article of Fuel. 8vo. 168 pp. Boston, 1866. LE BEUF. L Amelioration des Liquides. 24mo. 261pp. Paris, 1862. LE BLANC. Nouveau Systeme complet de Filature de Coton usite en Angleterre. 4to. 156 pp. Paris, 1828. LECOUTE, John L. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. /Smith. Misc. Coll. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. 348 pp. Washington, 1861-1873. New Species of North America Coleoptera. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. 240 pp. Washington, 1863-1873. LEDEBUR, A. Das Roheisen in bezug auf seine Verwendung zur EisengieSSerei. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 81 pp., II. plates. Leipsig, 1872. LEE, Thomas, J. Tables and Formulae, useful in Surveying, Geo desy and Practical Astronomy, including Elements for the Projection of Maps, and Instruction for Field Magnetic Sur veying. Third edition. Prof. Pop. Corp. ofEny. U. 8. A., No. 12. 8vo. 310 pp. Washington, 1873. LEEDS, Albert R. See Wurtz, Henry, and Leeds, Albert. JJEGENDRE, Adrien Marie. Elements de Geometrie, avec additions et modifications par A. Blanchet. 8vo. 280pp. Paris, 1859. LE GENIE Industrielle. See under Journals. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 77 LEHMANN, C. G. Physiological Chemistry. Translated by George E. Day, and Edited by R. E. Rogers. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1855. LE Hox, H. L Homme Fossile en Europe. Son Industrie, ses Moeurs, et ses QEuvres D Art. Svo. 360 pp. Brussels, 1867. LEHRFELDT, L. Bijouterie fabrikant nnd Goldarbeiter. Svo. 56 pp. Pforzheim, 1862. LEIDY, Joseph. See under United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Quarto series. LEJUSTE, L. Guide des Architectes, Verificateurs, Entrepreneurs et de Toutes les Personnes qui font Batir, ou Traite Complet de L Evaluation des Ouvrages de Construction. 4to. 439 pp. Paris, 1848. LE NATURALISTE Canadien. See under Journals. LEXG, Heinrich. Vollstandiges Handbuch der Glasfabrication nach alien ihren Haupt, und Uebenzvveigen bearbeitet von Dr. T. H.Schmidt. 12mo. 740pp. Weimar, 1854. LENOIR. Gas Engine. Svo. 19pp. 1866. LEO, E. I. Die Aussuchung, Gewinnung und Forderung der Braunkohlen. 8vo. 176 pp., XII. plates. Quedlinburg^ 1854. : Theoretische-practische Anleitung zura Tunnelbau. Svo. 113 pp. Leipsig, 1853. W. Der Grubenhanshalt. Svo. 220pp. Quedlinburg, 1859. Die Brennmaterialien-Lehre. Svo. 296pp. Quedlinburg, 1860. Die gesammten Torfwesen. 12mo. 144 pp. Quedlinburg, 1860. Lehrbuch der Bergbaukunde. Svo. 525 pp. Quedlinburg, 1861. Theoretische-practische Anleitung zum Nivelliren. 4to. 136 pp. Weimar, 1846. LEONHARD, Gustav von. Katechismus der Mineralogie. 12mo. 110 pp. Leipsig, 1862. Grundziige der Mineralogie. Svo. 404 pp. Heidelberg, 1860. Karl Casar von. Charakteristik der Felsarten. Svo. 772 pp. Heidelberg, 1823. Geologic oder Naturgeschichte der Erde. 5 vols. text; 1 vol. plates. Svo. Stuttgart, 1836-1844. Htitten-Erzeugnisse. Svo. 399 pp. Stuttgart, 1858. Lehrbuch der Geognosie und Geologic. Svo. 869 pp. Stuttgart, 1835. Yulkanen Atlas zur Natugeschichte der Erde. XV. plates. Geologischer Atlas zur Naturgeschichte der Erde. 33 pp., XL plates. 4 to. Stuttgart, 1841. LEPAINTEUR, C. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. LE PLAY, F. Beschreibung der Hiitten-Prozesse. Edited by Carl Hartmann. Svo. 260pp. Quedlinburg, 1851. Grundsatze der Eisenhtittenwerken und Holtz Betriebe. Translated by Carl Hartmann. Svo. 247 pp. Freiberg, 1858. 78 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LE ROY, Alphonse. L Universite de Liege depuis sa Fondation. 8vo. 1179pp. Liege, 1869. LEROY, C. F. A. Geometric Descriptive. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Paris, 1855. - Traite de Stereotomy. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Paris, 1844. LESCHNER, C. F. Tafeln zu Aufsuchung der Seigerteufen und Sohlen der Flachenschnure bei dem Markscheiden. 4to. 30 pp. Freiberg, 1842. LESLEY, J. P. A Manual of Coal and its Topography. 8vo. 224pp. Philadelphia, 1856. - The Iron Manufacturer s Guide to the Furnaces, Forges and Rolling Mills of the United States. 8vo. 772 pp. New-York, 1859. LES MINES D Or de la Nouvelle Ecosse, 1862-1866. 8vo. 8 pp. Halifax, 1867. LESOINNE, A. Vortrage iiber allgemeine Htittenkunde. Vol. I. Part 1. Die Mechanische auf bereitung der Erze, &c. 8vo. 185pp. Leipsig, 1860. LESQUEREUX, Leo. See Hitchcock, Edward. LE TECHNOLOGISTS. See under Journals. LETHEBY, H. Lectures on Food. 8vo. 277 pp. London, 1870. LETTSON, W. G. See Gregg, R. P., and Lettson, W. G. LEUCHS, Erhard F. Das Geblaze mit heitzer Luft. 12mo. 100 pp. Nuremburg, 1834. LEUCKART, F. S. Allgemeine Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche. 12mo. 130pp. Stuttgart, 1832. LIEBENOW, W. Eisenbahnkarte von Deutschland, Nordliche Haltte und Siidliche Ilalfte. 2 large Charts. Berlin. LIEBENTRAU, L. Grundliche Anweisung zur Bearbeitung des Kupfers, Zinksund Bleies. 12mo. 43pp. Quedlinburg, 1841. LIEBER, O. M. Geological Survey of South Carolina. First and Second Annual Reports for 1856 and 1857. 8vo. 133, 45 pp., XIII. plates. Charleston, S. C., 1 858. LIEBIG, Justus von. Animal Chemistry. Edited by G. W. Gregory. 12mo. 356 pp. New-York, 1842. - Anleitung zur Analyse Organischen Korper. 8vo. 130 pp. Brunswick, 1853. - Chemische Briefe. 8vo. 668 pp. Heidelberg, 185L - Chimie Organique appliquee a la Physiologic Vegetale et a L Agriculture, suivie d un Essai de Toxicologie par C. Gerhard t. 8vo. 392 pp. Paris, 1841. - Die Chemie in ihren anwendung auf Agricultur und Physi ologic. 8vo. 468 pp. Brunswick, 1846. _ Die Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physiologic. Vol. I. Der Chemischen Process der Ernahrung der Vegetabilien. Vol. II. Die Naturgezetze des Feldbaues. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1862. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 79 LIEBIG, Justus von. Traite de Chemie Organique. Publiee par C. Gerhard t. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-1844. Ueber Giihrung uber Quelle der Muskelkraft. 8vo. 138 pp. Leipsig, 1870. Poggendorff, J. C., and Wohler, J. S. L. Handworterbuch der Reinen und Angewandten Chemie. 9 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1857-1864. LiNDAUEPv, G. Compendium der Htitten-Chemie. 8vo. 488 pp. Prag, 1861. LINNJSUS, Carl von. Systema Vegetabilium. Edited by Curtis Sprengel. Sixteenth edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1825-1868. LITTLE, George. Report of Progress of the Mineralogical, Geo logical and Physical Survey of the State of Georgia, for the period from September 1st to December 31st, 1874. 8vo. 36 pp. Milledgeville, 1875. LOEW, H. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Pre pared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. Parts 2 and 3. 8vo. 360 pp., XIII. plates. Washington, 1864-1873. LOGAN, W. E. Notes on Fossils recently obtained from the Lau- rentian Rocks of Canada, and on Objections to the Organic Nature of Eozoon ; with notes by W. B. Carpenter. Vol. XXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 9 pp., II. plates. 1867. On New Specimens of Eozoon. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 5 pp. 1867. The same as above. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo eerie*. 12mo. 12 pp., II. plates. 1867. and others. On the History of Eozoon Canadense. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. February, 1865. 8vo. 39 pp. See Geological Survey of Canada. LONDON and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. See under Journals. Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. See under Journals. Exhibitions, 1851, 1862. See Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. London, 1851. Also, International Exhibition, London, 1862. LOOMIS, Elias. The Aurora Borealis, or Polar Lights ; its phe nomena and laws. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 41pp. and Newton, H. A. On the Mean Temperature, and on the Fluctuations of Temperature, at New-Haven Conn Lat. 41 18 N. Long., 75 55 W, of Greenwich. Vol. vi.. Pamphlets. Octavo series. S.VO. 54 pp., III. plates. LORENZ, Wilhelm. Stammbaum zu dem Prozessen auf den Frei- berger Hiitten. A Chart. Freiberg. LOTH, J. Lehrbuch der Chemie und Mineralogie. 12mo. 388pp. Leipsig, 1872. LOTTNER, F. H. Geognostiche Skizze des Westfahlischen Stein- kohleri Gebirges. Svo. 162 pp. Iserlohn, 1868. 80 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LOTTNEK, F. H. Leitfaden zur Bergbaukunde. Edited by A. Serlo. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. Erganzunsband zum Leitfaden der Bergbaukunde. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. H. Leitfaden zur Bergbaukunde. Edited by Dr. A. Serlo. 8vo. 444 pp. Berlin, 1873. Low. On the Chemical Equivalents of Certain Bodies, and on the Relations between Oxygen and Azote. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets Octavo series. 8vo. 20pp. 1854. LUBBOCK, John. The Origin of Civilization, and the Primitive Condition of Man. 12mo. 380pp. New- York, 1874. LTJBSEN, H. B. Ausfuhrliches Lerhbuch der Analysis. 8vo. 178pp. "Hamburg, 1853. Ausfuhrliches Lerhbuch der Hohre Geometric. 8vo. 214 pp. Leipsig, 1855. Ausfuhrliches Lerhbuch der Arithmetik und Algebra. 8vo. 254 pp. Hamburg, 1853. Einleitung in die Infinitessimal Rechnung. 8vo. 183 pp. Hamburg, 1855. LUCAS, Newton Ivory. Deutsch-Englisches Worterbuch mit besonderer Rucksicht auf den gegenwartigen Standpunkt der Literatur und Wissensehaft. 2 vols. 8vo. Bremen, 1868. English-Deutsches Worterbuch mit besonderer Rucksicht auf den gegenwartigen Standpunkt der Literatur und Wissen- chaft. 2 vols., 8vo. Bremen, 1854-1856. LUDWIG, Rudolph A. B. S. Ueber das rheinische Schiefergebirge. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 12lHO. 40 pp., I. map. 1853. LUNDGREN, B. Pala3ontologiska lakttagelser otber Faxekalken pa Limphamm. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 31 pp., I. plate. LUNGE, George. Die Destination des Steinkohlentheers und der Verarbeitung der damit zusammenhangenden Nebenpro- ducte. * 8vo. 197 pp. Brunswick, 1867. LYELL, Sir Charles. Elements of Geology. " 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1841. Principles of Geology. 3 vols. 12rno. Boston, 1842. The same as above. 8vo. 834 pp. New- York, 1865. The same as above. Vol. I. 8vo. 671pp. New- York, 1872. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with an Outline of Glacial and Post-Tertiary Geology, and Remarks on the Origin of Species. Fourth edition. 8vo. 573 pp. London, 1873. LTMAN, B. S. A Report on the Bourinot Coal Claims and Land, Cape Breton. 8vo. 17 pp. New-York, 1865. Scientific Education in its Relations to Industry. An Ad dress delivered at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Col lege. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 30 pp. New-Haven, 1867. The Topography of the Punjaub Oil Regions. 4to. 14 pp. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 81 M. MACADAM, Stevenson. Practical Chemistry. 8vo. 147 pp. London and Edinburgh, 1866. The Chemistry of Common Things. 8vo. 184pp. London, 1867. MACEDO, Joaquim Manoel de. Notions de Chorographie du Brezil. Traduction de J. F. Holbout. 8vo. 504pp. Leipsig, 1874. MACFARLANE, Robert. /See Dyeing and Calico Printing. MACLEAN, G. M. Elements of Sornatology, a Treatise on the Gen eral Properties of Matter. 12mo. ISO pp. New- York, 1859. MACQUER, Pierre Joseph. A Dictionary of Chemistry. S.vols. 8vo. London, 1777. MAGAZIN itir Oryktoo;nosie. ) c j T MAGAZIN fur Pharmacia. [ See under > r > ls - MAHAX, D. H. An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering. 8vo. 428 pp. New- York, 1869. A Treatise on Civil Engineering. Revised and Edited, with additions and new plates, by De Volson Wood. 8vo. 513 pp. New-York, 1873. Descriptive Geometry, as applied to the Drawing of Forti fications and Stereotomy. For the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. 8vo. 60 pp., IX. plates. New- York, 1873. MAHLER, Julius. Die moderne Sprengtechnic dargestellt durch Bohrmaschinen, Luftkompressoren, Dynamit und verschie- denen Zundungen filr die Gesteingewinnung im Steinbruche, dem Berg-und Eisenbahnbane, <fcc. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. MAISIOX, L. See Ansiaux, L. MAKINS, George H. A Manual of Metallurgy. 8vo. 442 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. A Manual of Metallurgy. Second edition. 8vo. 592pp. 1873. MALLET, J. "VV. On Osmious Acid, and the position of Osmium in the list of Elements. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 14 pp. 1860. On Nitride of Zirconium. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. 1859. MANN, W. W. A New System of Weights, Measures and Money, entitled the Linn-Base Decimal System ; and designed for the Adoption of all Nations as the One Common System. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12 mo. 22 pp. New-York, 1871. MANUFACTURER and Builder. See tinder Journals. MANUFACTURES of the United States in 1860. Compiled from the original returns of the Eighth Census, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. 4to. 745 pp. Washington, 1865. MAP of Yeddo, Capital of Japan. 6 82 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MARCET, W. On the Immediate Principles of the Human Excre ments in the Healthy State. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4 to. 11 pp., I. plate. 1857. MARCOU, Jules. Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces, N. A. 8vo. 92 pp., VIII. plates. Boston, 1853. MARCY, R. B. Explorations of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1852. 8vo. 320 pp., with II. maps. Washington, 1853. MARLETTE, S. H. Report of the Surveyor-General of the State of Nevada for the years 1865 and 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. 83, 95 pp. Carson City, 1866-1867. MARRAT, W. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Mechan ics. 8vo. 455 pp. Boston, 1810. MARSH, O. C. Ancient jSepulchral Mound near Newark, Ohio. 8vo. 11 pp. Catalogue of Mineral Localities in New-Brunswick, Nova Scotia arid Newfoundland. Vol. XII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8pp. 1863. Catalogue of Official Reports upon Geological Surveys of the United States and British Provinces. Vol. XXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 14 pp. 1867. Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp. 1867. Notice of a Genus of Fossil Sponges from the Lower Silu rian. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 1 p. 1867. Notice of some Fossil Birds from the Cretaceous and Ter tiary Formations of the United States. Vol. xxn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. 1870. Description of the Remains of a new Enaliosaurian, (Eosau- - rus Acadianus,) from the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia. Vol. XXXIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series, 8vo. 16 pp., II. plates. London, 1862. The Gold of Nova Scotia. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. New-Haven, 1861 MARTENS, J. H. Beschreibung der Hemmungen der hoheren Uhr- macherkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. text;- Atlas, XXIV. plates. Leipsig, 1858. MARVIN, D., Jr. Lavoisier. An Essay read before the Chemical Society of Columbia College, April 8, 1863. Vol. xxvn., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. Brooklyn, 1863. MARX, E. M. Geschichte der Crystallkunde. 8vo. 313 pp. Carlsruhe, 1825. MASKELYNE Nevil Story. See Story Maskelyne Nevil. MASON, E. D. Report of a Preliminary Survey of the Missouri River in the vicinity of St. Joseph. First Annual Report of the Chief Engineer of the St. Joseph Bridge. On the Physical Characteristics of the Missouri River and the Means used for Directing and Controlling its Channel at St. Joseph, Mo. 3 Pamphlets. 10, 12 and 25 pp. St. Joseph, 1872. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 83 MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology, &c. An Account of the Preliminary Proceedings. Vol. xix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 23 pp. Boston, 1861. Agricultural Societies. See, under Journals, Abstracts of the Returns of the. Institute of Technology. Outline" of Studies in the Depart ment of Practical Geology, Mining and Metallurgy of the School of Industrial Science. Vol. XVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10pp. Boston, 1864. Scope and Plan of the School of Industrial Science of, as reported by the Committee of Instruction of the Institute and adopted by the Government. Vol. xvm., Pamphlets. Octavo seriei. 8vo. 28 pp. Boston, 1864. MATHER, W. W. Notes on Surface Geology. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 47 pp. West Point, N. Y., 1835. Second Annual Report of the State Geological Survey of Ohio. 12mo. 386 pp. Columbus, 1838. See, also, Natural History of the State of New- York. Part IV., Vol. 1. MATTHAEY, C. Der Ofenbaumeister. 12mo. 234 pp. Weimar, 1847. MATZDORFF, J. Martins. Die Elemente der Krystallographie mit Stereoscopischer Darstellung der Krystallformen. 8vo. 105 pp. Brunswick, 1870. Katechismus der Galvanoplastik. 12 mo. 104 pp. Leipsig, 1868. MAURER, E. Die Formen der Walz Kunst und das Faconeisen. 8vo. 286 pp. text ; Atlas, LXVIII. plates. Stuttgart, 1865. Roh-und Zwichen Producte. 8vo. 22 pp. Stuttgart, 1868. MA WE, JOHN. A Descriptive Catalogue of Minerals. 8vo. 94 pp. London, 1816. A Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones. 8vo. 166 pp., III. plates. London, 1815. Travels in the Interior of Brazil ; with a Particular Ac count of the Gold and Diamond Districts. 8vo. 493 pp. London, 1821. MAXIMILIAN, Prince. Reise nach Brazilien in der Jahren 1815 bis 1817. 2 vols. 4to. Frankfort, 1820, 1821. MAYER, Alfred M. On a New Form of Lantern Galvanometer. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. &VO. 6pp. 1872. On a Precise Method of Tracing the Progress and of De termining the Boundary of a Wave of Conducted Heat. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 4 pp. 1872. J. B. Anleitung zur Grubenzimmerung. 8vo. 126 pp. Mainz, 1843. Karl. Systematisches Verzeichniss der Versteinerungen des Helvetien der Schweiz und Schwabens. Vol. vn., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 35 pp. Zurich, 1842. 84 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MAYER, Karl. Zur Anatomic des Rhinoceros Indians. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 1 4 pp., IV. plates. 1852. MAYNARD, G. W. The Iron Ores of Lake Champlain, United States of America. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp., wjth a Map. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1874. McCLELLAX, George B., and others. Report of the Board of Engi neers on the Subject of Rapid Transit through New-York. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp., II. Plans. New-York, ] 870. McCuLLocH, H. Letters of the Secretary of the Treasury, enclosing Report of James W. Taylor, Special Commissioner for the Collection of Statistics upon Gold and Silver Mining east of the Rocky Mountains. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp. Washington, 1867. M CuLLOCH, J. R. A Universal Gazetteer. 4 vols. 4to. New-York, 1843. MECHATN, P. F. A., and Delambre, J. B. J. Base du Systeme Metrique Decimal on Mesure de L Arc du Meridien compris entre les paralelles de Dunkerque et Barcelone, executee en 1792 etanneesstiivantes. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806, 1807-1810. MEDICAL and Surgical History of the British Army which served in Turkey and the Crimea. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1858. MEEKS, F. B. A Reply to Prof. Swallow on Certain Disputed Points in the Geology of Kansas and other North Western Localities. 8vo. 9 pp. Springfield, 1869. See, also, Conrad, F. A., Pumpelly, Raphael, Whitney, J. D. and Gabb, W. M. Geological Survey of California. Palaeontology. Vol. I. Carboniferous and Jurassic Fossils, by F. B. Meeks. Triassic and Cretaceous Fossils, by W. M. Gabb. Vol. II. Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, by W. M. Gabb. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864, 1869. MEGLITZKI and Antipoff. Second Geognostical Description of the Southern portion of the Ural Chain, as explored in 1854 and 1855. (In Russian.) 8vo. 435 pp. text ; and a volume of Maps. St. Peters- burgh, 1858. MEIER, L. Lehrbuch der hoheren Mechanik. 8vo. 459pp. Hanover, 1858. MELANGES Physiques et Chimiques. See under Journals. MELSIIKIMER, Friederich Ernest. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States. Revised by S. S. Halde- man and J. L. Leconte. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 174 pp. Washington, 1853. M^MOIRE sur les ressorts en acier employes dans le materiel des Cherains du fer. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. 142, 64 pp. Paris. MEMOIRS and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of] London. I See under - of the National Academy of Sciences, Wash- | Journals. ington, D. C. J MERBACH, F. M. Die Anwendung der erwiirmten geblaseluft. 8vo. 365 pp. Leipsig, 1840. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 85 MERRETT, IT. S. A Practical Treatise on the Science of Land and Engineering Surveying, Levelling, Estimating Quantities, &c. With a General Description of the Several Instruments Required for Surveying, Levelling, Plotting, &c. 8vo. 317 pp., XLI. plates. London, 1863. METROPOLITAN Board of Health. /See, undtr Journals, Annual Reports of the. MEYER, A. J. See, under Journals, U. S. Signal Office, Washing ton. MICHALKT, E. See Histoire Naturelle du Jura et des Departments Voisins. MICHEL, A., and Hunt, T. S terry. Report on the Gold Region of Canada. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 72 pp. Montreal, 1866. See, also, Hunt, T. S. Levy. Note sur les Roches Porphyriques du Terrain An- thracifere. 8vo. 4 pp. Paris. Note sur une class de roches eruptives intermediares entre les granites porphyroides et les porphyres. Groupe des 1 Granulites. 8vo. 20 pp. Paris, 1874. Notes sur quelques roches analogues aux porphyies grani- toi/les de la Loire. 8vo. 8pp. Paris, 1873. Structure Microscopiqne des Roches Acides Anciennes. 8vo. 37 pp., II. plates. Paris, 1875. MICHELL, John. Conjectures concerning the Cause, and Observa tions upon the Phenomena of Earthquakes. 4to. 36 pp. 1756. MICIILER, N. Report on Public Buildings, Grounds and Works in the City of Washington, D. C. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 38 pp. Washington, 1869. MIGOUT und Bergery. Berechnung der gebrauchlichsten Maschinen. Deutsch lierausgegeben von C. II. Schnufe und W. Kornhardt. 8vo. 434 pp. Brunswick, 1845. MILLER, Hugh. The Testimony of the Rocks. 12mo. 454 pp. Edinburgh, 1869. William Allen. Elements of Chemistry. Theoretical and Practical. Part II. Inorganic Chemistry. 805pp. 1866. Part III. Organic Chemistry. 854pp. 1857. 2 vols. Svo. London. William Hallows. A Treatise on Crystallography. 8vo. 139 pp. London, 1839. Lehrbnch der Krystallographie. Uebersetzt und erweitert durch Dr. J. Grailich. ^ 12mo. 328 pp., XIX. plates. Vienna, 1856. Traite de Cristallographie. Traduction Franchise par H. de Senarmont. 12mo. 208 pp. Paris, 1842. Huaenfels A. von. Hohre Markscheidekunst. 8vo. 291 pp. Vienna, 1868. MILLIN, Aubin Lewis. Mineralogie Homerique. 8vo. 118pp. Paris, 1790. 86 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MILLING and Manufacturing Co., of Boston. Report of the Consult ing Engineer. 8vo. 15 pp. Boston, 1866. MILLS, H. F. "The Swain Turbine Water- Wheel. 8vo. 51 pp. Lowell, 1871. MINERALOGISCHE Mittheilungen. ^j MINING and Scientifique Press. -, 7- 7 jo i.- T\r > See under Journals. and Smelting Magazine. ( Magazine. J Law (The) of the Territory of Arizona. 8vo. 12 pp. Prescott, 1864. MINNESOTA : Its Resources and Progress. 8vo. 80 pp. St. Paul, 1871. MISCELLANEOUS Pamphlets. Quarto series, 9 vols. Octavo series, 37 vols. Duodecimo series, 2 vols. Also, about one hundred pamphlets, not bound. All of which w.ill be found under their respective authors or titles. In addition to the above, there are about one hundred pamphlets, not catalogued, being chiefly reports and prospectuses of mining companies, descriptions of lands and works, &c. MISCHLER, P. Das Deutsche Eisenhiittengewerbe von standpunkt des Staatswirtschaften. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1854. MITCHEL, J. A Treatise on the Falsification of Food. 12mo. 334 pp. London, 1848. /See Ten n ant, MITCHELL, Elisha, Elements of Geology, with an Outline of the Geology of North Carolina. 8vo. 141pp. 1842. JohiiT A Manual of Practical Assaying. Edited by Wil liam Crookes. 8vo. 902 pp. New- York, 1872. Manual of Assaying. Third edition. 8vo. 697pp. London, 1868. MOESTA, Federico. Plann de las -pertenencias del mineral de Cha- narcillo. 1862. MOIIR, Friedrich. Lehrbuch der .Chemischen Analytischen Titrir Methode. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1855, 1856. Redwood and Proctor. Practical Pharmacy. 8vo. 576pp. Philadelphia, 1849. MOHS, Friederich. Die Charactere der Klassen, Ordnungen, Ges- chlechter und Arten, oder die Characteristik des Mineral- Systems. 8vo. 226 pp. Dresden, 1826. MOINET, M. L. Nouveau Traite General d Horlogerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. MOLESCHOTT, Jac. Der Kiieslauf des Lebens. Physiologische Ant- worten auf Liebig s Chemische Briefe. 12mo. 485 pp. Main, 1852. MOLLER, Axel. Planet och Komet-Observationer, anstallda ar 1 869, pa Luilds ObservatOrium. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 100 pp. Lunds, 1869. Planet och Komet-Observationer, anstallda ar 1870, pa Lllllds ObservatOrium. Yol. IV., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 74 pp. London, 1871. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 87 MONITEUR Scientifique. MONTHLY Microscopical Journal. ^*r Journals. Report of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, Washington, D. C. MONTICELLI, T., and Covelli, N. Der Vesuv. 8vo. 234 pp. Elberfeld, 1824. - Prodrome della Mineralogia Vesuviana. 8vo. 483 pp. Napoli, 1825. MONTPEREUX, Frederick D. de. Voyage Autour du Caucase, chez les Tcherkesses et les Abkhases, en Colchide, en Georgie, en Armenie et en Crimee. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1859. MOORE, N. F. Ancient Mineralogy. Second edition. 12mo. 250 pp. New- York, 1859. MORDECAI, A. Report of Experiments on Gunpowder. 8vo. 328 pp. Washington, 1845. - See Reports of the Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856. MORFIT, Campbell, and Morfit, Clarence. Chemical and Pharma ceutical Manipulations. 8vo. 620pp. Philadelphia, 1857. - - Chemical Examination of the Commercial Varieties of Com mon Salt. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 9pp. 1858. - The Arts of Tanning, Currying and Leather Dressing. 8vo. 537pp. Philadelphia, 1852. MORIN, Arthur. Aide-Memoire de Mecanique Pratique. Sixth edition. 8vo. 702pp. Paris, 1871. - Hilfsbuch fiir praktische Mechanik Ubersetst von Holtz- mann. 8vo. 233 pp. Karlsruhe, 1838. - Mecanique Pratique. Hydraulique. 8vo. 638 pp., VII. plates. Paris, 1 865. - Nouvelles Experiences sur le Frottement faites a Metz. Vole. 1, 2, 3. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1832-1835. MORRELL, D. J. The Protective Policy and the Warehousing Sys tem. A Report submitted to the House of Representatives, June, 1868, by Mr. Morrell, of Pennsylvania, from the Com mittee on Manufactures. Prepared by John L. Hayes. 8vo. 45 pp. Washington, 1868. - - The Protective Question at Home : being the Substance of a Report of the Committee on Manufactures, submitted to the Fortieth Congress by Hon. D. J. Morrell, of Pennsyl vania. With Supplementary Notes by John L. Hayes. MORRISS, J. G. Catalogue and Synopsis of the Lepidoptera of North America. Part 1. /Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 453 pp. Washington, 1860-1862. - - Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America. Part 1. Diurnal and Crepuscular, timith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 354 pp. Washington, 1 860. MOSELY, IT. Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architect ure, with additions by D. H. Mahan, LL. D. 8vo. 699pp. New-York, 1806. SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MOTIIES, O. Technological Dictionary. English, German, French. 8vo." 661 pp Wiesbaden, 1870. MOTT, IT. A., Jr. Potassium ; its Salts and Combinations. Vol. xxxi., Pan.phlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 16pp. New-York, 1 872. MOWBRAY, George M. Tri-Nitro-Glycerine as applied in the lloosic Tunnel, Sub-Marine Blasting, &c. 8vo. lOO^pp. North Adams, Mass., 1872. MUDGE, E. R. See wider Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. MULDER, G. J. Die Cliemie, der Ackerkiiime. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1862. - Die Silber Probir Methode. 8vo. 3?8 pp. Leipsig, 1859. MULLAN, John. Report on the Construction of a Military Road from Walla- Walla to Fort Benton. 8vo. 363 pp. Washington, 1863. MULLER, E. Katechismus der land wertschafl lichen Botanik. 12mo. 174pp. Leipsig, 1856. Hermann. Die Eisenerzlagerstatten des obern Erzgebirges und des Voigtlandes als grundiagen zur Erdbebung des Sa- chischen Eisenhtittenwesens. 8vo. 36pp. Freiberg, 1856. Johann. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Seventh edition, re vised and enlarged. Vol.1. 8vo. 956pp. Brunswick, 1868. Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. 573 pp. London, 1847. The Principles of Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. 565 pp. London, 1847. See Pouillet. MULLER, J. W. Fra^men& sche Mittheilungen uber die in Afrika Gemachten Reisen. 4to. 38 pp. 1849. and A. Leucanchez. Nouvelle Methode de Traitement au Hautes Fourneaux a Cuivre. 8vo. 28 pp. Liege, 1861. MUNICHSDORFER, Fried rich. Geschichtliche Entwk-klung der Ro- heisen-Produktionin Karnten. 8vo. 28 pp. Klagenf urt, 1873. MUNROE, Henry S. Geological Survey of Hokkaido, Japan. The Gold Fields of Yesso. 12mo. 80 pp. Tokei, 1875. Yesso Coals. 12mo. 39pp. Tokei, 1874. MUNSELL, J. A Chronology of Paper and Paper Making. Third edition. 8vo. 174pp. Albany, 1864. MURCHISON, R. J. Siluria, 8vo. 568 pp.. XLI. plates. London, 1869. Verneuil, E. de, and von Keyserling, Alexander. The Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. Vol. I. Geology. 700 pp., VII. plates. Vol. II., (in French.) Pa- teontolocjie. 512 pp., L. plates. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1845. MURRAY Andrew. The Geographical Distribution of Mammals. 4to. 420pp. London, 1866. John. Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. MUSEUM of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Annual Re port of the Trustees, together with the Report of the Director. 8vo. 22 pp. Boston, 1868. MUSHET, David. Papers on Iron and Steel. Practical and Experi mental. 8vo. 925 pp. London, 1840. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 89 MUSPRATT, Sheridan. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Ana lytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1860. Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Technischen Chemie. Vol. I. Aether-Cyan. Edited by D. F. Stohman, 1865. Vol. II. Dextrin-Gummi. " " D. F. Stohman, 1866. Vol. III. Harze-Mangan. " " Bruno Kerl, 186s. Vol. IV. Natrium-Strontium. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1869. Vol. V. Textilindustrie-Zirkoniurn. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1870. Vol. VI. Ziicker-Nachtrage. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1870. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. (Illustrated.) Brunswick. Outlines of Qualitative Analysis. 7 tables. London, 1850. Theoretische, practische und analytische Chemie in Anwend- ung auf Kunst und Gewerbe. Dritte Auflage. Frei bear- beitet von Bruno Kerl and F. Stohman. Vol. I. Aether to Butter und Milch. Vol. II. Cadmium to Firnis. Vol. III. Lieferungs, l, 2, 3. 2 vols. 4to. (Illustrated.) Brunswick, 1874. = J. S., and Hof mann, A. W. Ueber iieue Bildungsweisen des Anilins. 12mo. II. plates. Giessen, 1844. N. NAPIEK, James. A Manual of Electro-Metallurgy. 8vo. 356 pp. Philadelphia, 1853. A Manual of the Art of Dyeing. 8vo. 405 pp. Glasgow, 1853. NAQUET, A. Principles of Chemistry. Translated from the Second edition by W. Cortis. Revised by Thomas Stevenson. Svo. 848 pp. London, 1868. NASON, Henry B. See Elderhorst, William. NATIONAL Academy of Sciences, Washington. See, under Journals, Memoirs of the ; also, Report of the. Association of Wool Manufacturers : Objects and Plan of the ; its Organization and Articles of Association and By- La ws. 8vo. 20 pp. Boston, 1866. NATURAL History of the State of New-York. Reports on the. Introduction. 188 pp. Part I. Zoology. De Kay, James E. Div. 1. Mammalia. (Vol.1.) 146 pp., XXXIII. plates. 1842. Div. 2. Birds. (Vol.2.) 380 pp., CLXI. plates. 1844. Div. 3. Reptiles ) f 98 pp., XXIII. plates. 1842. and Amphibia. \ (Vol. 3.) \ Div. 4. Fishes. ) ( 415 pp., LXXIV. plates. 1842. Div. 5. Mollusca. ) / v -, . N j 271 pp., XL. plates. 1843. Div. 6. Crustacea, p j 70 pp., XIII. plates. 1843. Part II. Botany. Torrey, John. Vok. 1, 2. 484, 572 pp., LVIII., CLXI. plates. 1843. 90 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NATURAL History of the State of New- York. Part III. Mineralogy. Beck, Lewis C. 586 pp., XLI. plates, 1842. Part IV. Geology. Vol. 1. Mather, W. W. Survey of the First Geological District, embracing twenty-one Counties, extending from the north end of Washington County, between Lakes Champlain and George, south west wardly to the Susque- hanna River, and including all east and south of this Dis trict that lies within the limits of the State. 653 pp., XLVI. plates, 2 charts. 1842. Vol. 2. Emmons, Ebenezer. Survey of the Second Geolo gical District, comprising the Counties of Warren, Essex, Clinton, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Jefferson and Hamilton. 427 pp., XVIL plates. 1842. Vol. 3. Vanuxen, Lardner. Survey of the Third Geological District, comprising the Counties of Montgomery, Fulton, Otsego, Herkimer, Oneida, Lewis, Oswego, Madison, Onondaga, Cayuga, Cortlandt, Chenango, Broome, Tioga, and the eastern half of Tompkins. 306pp. 1842. Vol. 4. Hall, James. Survey of the Fourth Geological District, comprising the Counties of Wayne, Monroe, Or leans, Niagara, Seneca, Ontario, Yates, Livingston, Gene- see, Erie, the western part of Tompkins, Chemung, Steuben, Alleghany, Cattaraugus and Chatauque. 683 pp., XIX. plates, 2 charts. 1843. Part V. Agriculture. Emmons, Ebenezer. Vols. 1, 2, 3, (text and plates,) 4, 5. 1643. Part VI. Paleontology. Hall, James. Vol. 1. Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New-York System. 338 pp., LXXXV. plates. Vol. 2. Organic Remains of the Lower Middle Division of the New- York System. 362 pp., LXXXIV. plates. 1859. Vol. 3. Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. Text, 532 pp. ; Atlas, CXX. plates. Vol. 4. Part I. Fossil Brachiapoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, and Chemung Groups. 428 pp., LXIII. plates. 1852. 22 vols. 4to. Albany, 1842-1867. NATURE. London. iSee under Journals. NATURKUNDIGE Verhandelingen van den Hollandisch Maatschappy der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Tweed Verzameling Vijfde Deel. 4to. 75 pp., V. charts. Haarlem, 1849. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE Abhandlungen. See under Journals. NAVIER, Louis. Lehrbuch der hoheren Mechanik. ]2mo. 459pp. Hanover, 1858. L Application de la Mecanique a L Etablissement des Con structions et des Machines. 8vo. 448 pp. Paris, 1833. Resume des Lemons d Analyse. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 91 NEILSOX, W. G. A Statistical Chart, Illustrating the Growth of the Trade, the Development of the Internal Resources, and the Fluctuations in the Prices of the various Staple Products of the United States, from 1799 to 1869. Published by the Iron and Steel Association, Philadelphia. NEUBAUER, C., and Vogel, J. Anleitung zur Qualitative!! und Quantitativen Analyse des Harnes zum gebrauche fur Mede- ciner und Pharmaceuten. 8vo. 294 pp. Weisbaden, 1856. NEUBERT, E. W. Stammbaum tiber die Auf bereitung der Erzmas- sen von den Gangen der Kiesigen Bleiformation. 1 sheet, folio. Freiberg. NEUES Journal der Physik. See under Journals. NEUMAN, Casper. The Chemical Works of, with large additions containing the later Discoveries and Improvements in Chemistry and the Arts depending thereon, by William Lewis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1773. and Baretti. A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 8vo. 1335 pp. Boston, is52. NEUMANN, C. F. Anfangsgrunde der Krystallographie. 8vo. 292 pp. Leipsig, 1854. : Elemente der Mineralogie. Third edition. 8vo. 448 pp. Leipsig, 1852. The same as above. Sixth edition. 8vo. 500 pp. Leipsig, 1864. The same as above. Seventh edition. 8vo. 566 pp. Leipsig, 1868. The same as above. Eighth edition. 8vo. 606 pp. Leipsig, 1871. Lehrbuch der Geognosie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1858. NEVADA. Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. See under Journals. NEWBERUY, J. S. A Chart of Geological History, prepared for the Students in the School of Mines, Columbia College. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. - Description of Fossil Fishes from the Carboniferous Strata of Ohio. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 5pp. 1856. Description of Fossil Plants, from the Chinese Coal-Bearing Rocks. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 4to. 5 pp., I. plate. Philadelphia, 1865. Description of Fossil Plants collected by Mr. George Gibbs, Geologist of the United States Northwest Boundary Com mission. Vol. XXIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp. Cambridge, 1863. Geological Report on the Lands of the Indian Creek and Jack s Knob Coal, Salt, Lead, Lumber, Oil and Manu facturing Company. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 20 pp. Cincinnati, 1866. Modern Scientific Investigation ; its Methods and Tenden cies. 8vo. 23 pp. Salem, 1867. Notes on American Fossil Fishes. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets, octavo series - 8vo. 6 pp. 1862. 92 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NEWEERRY, J. S. Notes on the Surface Geology of the Basin of the Great Lakes. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7pp. Boston, 1862. Report on the Economical Geology of the Route of the Ash tabula and New-Lisbon RaiMload. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 47 pp., I. Map. Cleveland, Ohio. Report on the Geology of California and Oregon, for Pacific Rail-Road Survey. 4to. 85 pp. Washington, 1856. Report on the Oil Lands of Crocus Creek, Cumberland County, Ky. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. Cleveland, Ohio, 1865. Report on the State House Well, Columbus, Ohio. Yol XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ T O. 11 pp. 1860. The Geological Survey of Ohio. Part 1. Report of Progress in 1869, by J. S. Newberry. Part 2. Report of Progress in the Second District, by E. B. Andrews. Part 3. Report on the Geology of Montgomery County. 8vo. 164 pp. Columbus, 1870. Report of Progress in 1870. 8vo. 568 pp. Columbus, 1871. Final Report. Yol. I. Geology and Palaeontology. Part 1. Geology. 680 pp. Part 2. Palaeontology. 399 pp., XLVIII. plates. 2 vols. 8vo., and a portfolio of Maps. Columbus, 1873. The Iron Resources of the United States. Reprinted from the International Review. 8vo. New-York, 1874. The Rock Oils of Ohio. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16 pp. 1859. The Surface Geology of Ohio. Reprinted from Geological Survey of Ohio. Yol. II. 8vo. Columbus, 1874. NBWCOMB, S. See under Washington Astronomical and Meteoro logical Observations, 1870. App. 3. NEWTON, II. A. On Shooting Stars. 4to. 22 pp. NEW-YORK and Eldorado Gold Mining Company. Report of the American Bureau of Mines. 4to. 15 pp. New-York, 1867. State Agricultural Society. iSee, under Journals, Transac tions of the. State Library. Annual Reports and General Catalogues. A series of Annual Reports, comprising the additions made to the Library during the years 1848 to 1872. 17 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1848-1873. Complete Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. 294 pp. Albany, 1846. The same as above. Yol. I. General Library. 8vo. 987 pp. Albany, 1856. The same as above. Yol. II. Law Library. 8vo. 402 pp. Albany, 1856. The same as above. Yol. III. Maps, Manuscripts, Medals, &c. 8vo. 274 pp. Albany, 1857. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 93 - YORK State Library. The same as above. General Library. First Supplement. 8vo. 1084 pp. Albany, 1861. The same as above. Law Library. First Supplement. Svo. 180 pp. Albany, 1865. NICOL, J. Manual of Mineralogy ; or, the Natural History of the Mineral -Kingdom. Svo. 596 pp. Edinburgh, 1849. NIEDERIST, J. Grundziige der Bergbaukunde. Svo. 284 pp. Prag, 1863. NOGGERATH, J. Das Erdbebcn vom Juli 29, 1846. 4to. 60 pp. Bonn, 1847. NORMANDY, A. A Handbook of Commercial Analysis. Second edition. 8vo. 64 pp. London, 1865. The Farmer s Manual of Agricultural Chemistry, with In structions respecting the Diseases of Cereals, and the Destruc tion of the Insects which are Injurious to those Plants. 12 mo. 218 pp. London, 1853. NORTON, W. A. On Molecular Physics. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 95 pp. 1864. NOTIZEN zur Zammelung von Zeichnungen fiir die Hiitte. See under Journals. NYLANDER, C. W. G. Bidrag till Kannedomen otn Zirkonjord. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 25 pp. NYST, H., Jr. Kecherches sur les Coquilles Fossiles de Housselt et de Kleyn-Spauwen. Vol. XXIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 40 pp., IV. plates. Gand, 1836. o. OBERSCHLESISCHEN Taschenbuch und Kalender. See under Jour nals. ODERHEIMKR, F. Das Berg-und Hiittenwesen im Herzogthum Nassau. Svo. Weisbaden, 1865. ODLING, William. A Course of Practical Chemistry. 12mo. 241 pp. London, 1865. OESTEX SAOKEN, R. Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institute. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 221 pp. Washington, 1838. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institute. Part IV. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 344 pp. Washington, 1869. OESTERREICHISCHES Montan Handbuch. ) , Zeitschrift fur Berg-mid Huettenmann. [ bee under OFFICIAL Gazette of the United States Patent Office, ) ^tials. OGEUIEN, Le Frere. See Histoire Naturelle du Jura et des Depart ments Voisins. OLCOTT, H. S. Outlines of the First Course of Yale Agricultural Lectures, with an Introduction by John A. Porter. 12 mo. 186 pp. New- York, 1860. OLIVIER, Theodore. Complements de Geometrie Descriptive. Svo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1848. 94 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. OLIVIER, Theodore. Cours de Geometric Descriptive. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Paris, 1847-1852. Develloppements de Geometric Descriptive. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1843. Thomas. Applications de la Geometric Descriptive aux ombres, a la Perspective, a la Gnomique et aux Engrenages. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1847. Memoires de Geometric. Descriptive, Theoretiqne et Ap- pliquee. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1852. OLSSON, P. Nova genera parasitantia Copepodorum et Platyel- millthium. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 6 pp., I. plate. ONONDAGA Salt Company of Syracuse, New- York. Prospectus of the. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 50pp. Syracuse. 1867. OPPERMANN, C. A. See Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. ORFILA, M. J. B. Elements de Chimie appliquee a la Medicine et aux Arts. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. OTT, Adolph. The Art of Manufacturing Soap and Candles. 12mo. 193 pp. Philadelphia, 1867. OTTO, Friederich Julius. Anleitung zur Ausmittelung der Gift. Third edition. 8vo. lllpp. Brunswick, 1856. Ausfuhrlisches Lehrbuch der Chemie. Mit Benutzung des Allgemeinen Theiles von Dr. Thomas Graham s Elements of Chemistry. Dritte Auflage. Anorganischen Chemie. Vol. II. Parts 1, 2, 3. 3 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1852, 1853, 1854. OVERMAN, Frederick. A Treatise on Metallurgy, comprising Min ing, and General and Particular Metallurgical operations. Sixth edition. 8vo. 723 pp. New- York, 1865. Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining. 8vo. ^230 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. Ueber das frischen des Roheisens, nebst Anweisung. 8vo. 112 pp. Brunn, 1838. OWEN, David Dale. Geological Reconnoissance of Middle and Southern Arkansas, made in 1859 and 1860. 8vo. 433 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Indi ana, made in 1837. 8vo. 69 pp. Indianapolis, 1869. Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Philadelphia, 1852. Third Report on the Geological Survey of Kentucky, 1856, 1857. 4to. 589pp. Frankfort, Ky., 1857. Robert, Peter, and Sydney, S. Lyon, and others. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Kentucky, made dur ing the years 1854 to 1859. 4 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1856-1861. W., Elderhorst, and E. T. Cox. First and Second Reports of a Geological Reconnoissance of Northern Arkansas, during 1857 and 1858. 8vo. 256, 433 pp. Little Rock, 1858-1860. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 95 OWEN, Richard. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of Indiana. 8vo. 368 pp. Indianapolis, 1862. R. The Principal Forms of the Skeleton and the Teeth. 12mo. 329pp. Philadelphia, 1854. OXLAND, Robert. See Scoffern and Oxland. P. PACIFIC Rail-Road Reports. See Explorations and Surveys for a Rail-Road Route from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean. PACKARD, A. S., Jr. Directions for Collecting and Preserving In sects. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institute. Smith. Misc. 8vo. 54 pp. Washington, 1873. PAGE, David. Hand-Book of Geological Terms and Geology. 12mo. 416pp. London, 1859. - .Lieut. See Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. PAGET, F. A. Ueber eine Internationale Assimilirung der Patent- gesetze. 8vo. 33 pp. Berlin, 1873. PAINE, H. See Protean x, A. -- J. A., Jr. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County, N. Y., and Vicinity. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 140pp. 1865. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA. See Danker, Wilh. PALMIERI and Secchi. Delia regione vulcanica del monte Vulture. 4to. 160 pp. PANDER, C. H. Beitrage zur Geognosie des Russichen Reiches. 4to. 165 pp. St. Petersburg, 1830. -- Ueber die Placodermen des Devonischen Systems. ^ 4to. 106 pp., XII. plates. St. Petersburg, 1867. - Ueber die Saurodipterinen, Dendrodonten, Glyptolepiden und Cheirolepiden des Devonischen Systems. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 89 pp., XVII. plates. St. Petersburg, 1860. PARIS Exposition, 1867. See Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1867. PARKER, Lieut. See under Washington Astronomical and Meteo rological Observations. PARKES, Samuel. The Chemical Catechism. 12mo. 576pp. New-York, 1821. PARKINSON, James. An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Or- ganic Remains. 8vo. 350pp. London, 1830. PARKMAN, T. On the Carbonates of Alumina, Glucina and the Sesquioxyds of Iron, Chromium and Uranium. Vol. xxxi., Pamphlets. Octavo Series. 8vo. 10pp. 1862. PARMELLE, Abbe. Quellenkunde. 16mo. 341 pp. Leipsia- 1856 PARROT, Frederick. Account of a Journey to Ararat. Illustrated Translated by W. D. Cooley. 12mo. 379 pp. New- York, 1846. 96 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. PARRY, C. C. See under United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. PARTSCH, Paul. Katalog der Bibliotehek des K. K. Hof Minera- lien Cabinets in Wien. 4to. 232 pp. Vienna, 1851. Uebersicht der ira K. K. Hof Mineralien-Kabinet zu Wien zu Schaugestellten acht Sammlung. 12mo. 144 pp. Vienna, 1855. PASLEY, C. W. Observations on Lime, Calcareous Cements, Mor tars, Stuccos and Concrete. 12mo. 208 pp. London, 1847. PATENT OFFICE, Reports, &c. See British Patent Office ; sue, also, under Journals, Commissioner (The) of Patents Journal ; Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office ; also, United States Patent Office Gazette. Reports. Abridgments of Specifications, &c. See under British Patent Office ; also, United States Patent Office. See, also, under Journals, &c. PATERA, Adolph. Ueber Flammeschutzmittel. Vol. vn., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 34 pp. Vienna, 1871. PAUL, Benjamin H. A Manual of Technical Analysis. Founded upon the Handbuch der Technisch-Chemischen Untersuch- ungen. 12mo. 426pp. London, 1857. PAYEN, A. Precis de Chimie Industrielle. Fifth edition. Vol. I. 8vo. 704 pp. Paris, 1867. PEASE, J. B. See Tunner, P. PECK, W. G. A Practical Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, with some of its applications to Mechanics and As tronomy. 12mo. 208 pp. New-York, 1873. A Treatise on Analytical Geometry. 12mo. 212pp. New-York, 1874. Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. 8vo. 296pp. New-York, 1872. PECKHAM, S. F. On Asphalt. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 22 pp. Providence, 1868. PECLET, E. Traite de la Chaleur, Consideree dans ses Applica tions. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860, 1861. PELZ, E. Compass fur Aus wanderer. 16mo. 142 pp. Leipsig, 1869. PEPPER, John H. The Playbook of Metals. 8vo. 504 pp. London, 1862. PERARD, L. Traite du Chauifage et de la Conduite des Machines a Vapeur, Fixe et Locomotives. 8vo. 230 pp. Paris, 1864. PERCY, John. Die Metallurgie. Vol. I. Translated and Edited by Dr. F. Knapp. 594 pp. 1862. Vol. II. Translated and Edited by Dr. H. Wedding. Part I. 609 pp. 1864. Part II. 864 pp. 1873. Part III. Lieferungs, 1, 2. Vol. III. Translated and Edited by Dr. H. Wedding and Dr. C. Rammelsberg. 371 pp. 4 vols. 8vo. Brunswick. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 97 PERCY, John. Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufac ture. Vol. I. Fuel, Fireclays, Copper, Zinc, Brass, &c. 634 pp. 1861. Vol. II. Iron and Steel. 934 pp. 1 864. Vol. III. Lead, including Desilverization and Cupellation. 567 pp. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Traite Complet de Metallurgie. Translated under the auspices of the Author, with an Introduction and Appendix by Messrs. Petitgaud and A. Ronna. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864-1867, PERDONNET, Auguste. See Coste, Leon. PERRAULT, J. Revue Agricole, Manufacture, Commerciale et de Colonisation. 8vo. 384 pp. Montreal, 1863, 1864. PERRY, M. C. See Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan. PERUTZ, H. Warme-und Brennmaterialien, ihre Anwendung fur industrielle Zwecke. 8vo. 202 pp. Berlin, 1864. PETERS, C. F. Mineralogische Notizen, No. 3. Miscellaneen. Yol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 12pp. Theodore C. A Report on the Agricultural and other Re sources of the State of New- York. 8vo. 152 pp. Albany, 1864. PETERSEN, Theodor. Die Chemische Analyse. Vol. I. Die Qualitative Analyse. 270 pp. Vol. II. Die Quantitative Analyse. 270 pp. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Berlin, 1863, 1864. PETIET, J. See Flachat, E. PEYRITSCIIE, J. Uber einige Pilze aus der Familie der Laboul- benien. 8vo. 12pp. Vienna, 1871. PFAFF, Friedrich. Allgemeine Geologic als exacte wissenschatte mit einen anhange Geologische Versuche. 8vo. 318pp. Leipsig, 1873. PFANNENSCIIMIDT, L. Die Fabrikation des Zinkes. 16mo. 26 pp. Quedlinburg, 1837. PHARMACEUTISCHES Central-Blatt. See under Journals. PHILIP, A. P. W. The Laws of the Vital Functions. 8vo. 335pp. Philadelphia, 1818. PHILLIP. Memoire sur les E-essorts en Acier employes dans le Ma teriel des Chemins de Fer. 142 pp., I. plate. Manuel Pratique pour L Etude et la Calcul des Ressorts en Acier employes dans le Materiel des Chemins de Fer. 68 pp., I. plate. Calcul de la Resistance des Poutres Droites. 40 pp. Theorie de la Coulisse servant a produire la Detente Variable dans les Machines a Vapeur et particulierement dans les Machines Locomotives. 64 pp., I. plate. 8vo. Paris, 1852, 1853. PHILLIPS, J. Arthur. A Manual of Metallurgy. Svo. 619 pp. London, 1859. 7 98 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. PHILLIPS, J. Arthur. The Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver. 8vo. 532 pp. London, 1667. John. Geology of Yorkshire. Part I. The Yorkshire Coast. 184 pp., XXIV. plates. Part II. The Mountain Limestone District. 253 pp., XXV. plates. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1835, 1836. William. An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Mineralogy. 8vo. 406pp. London, 1823. The same as above. Fifth edition, by F. Alger. 8vo. 662 pp. Boston, 1844. The same as above. Sixth edition. Edited by H. J. Brooke and W. H. Miller. 8vo. 700 pp. London, 1852. and Darlington. Records of Mining and Metallurgy. 8vo. "304pp. London, 1857. PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine; also Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. See, under Journals, London, Dublin and Edin burgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. PHOTOGRAPHS of the Burleigh Drill, made by the Putnam Machine Co., Fitchburg, Mass. 2 views. ofthelloosic Tunnel. 2 views. PIERCE, Benjamin. On the Saturnian System. 4to. 31 pp. - See under United States Coast Survey. C. H. Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. 12 mo. 264 pp. Philadelphia, 1853. PIGGOT, A. S. The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper. 12mo. 388pp. Philadelphia, 1858. PIKE, John Robert. Britain s Metal Mines. A Complete Guide to their Laws, Usages, Localities and Statistics. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 66 pp. London, 1871. Z. M. An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansas, Kansas, La Platte and Pierre Jaun Rivers; and a Tour through the Interior Parts of New Spain, in 1807. 8vo. 277 pp., and 3 appendices. Philadelphia, 1810. PITT, John. How to Brew Good Beer. Second edition. 8vo. 148 pp. London, 1864. PLANE Table, (The,) and its Use in Topographical Surveying. Yol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 8vo. 79 pp., V. plates. New- York, 1869. PLATTNER, Carl Freidrich. Beitrage zur Erweitung der Probir- kunst. 12 mo. 106 pp. Freiberg, 1849. Die Probirkunst mit dem Lo throb re oder Anleitung Mineralien, Erze, Huttenproducte und Vershiedene Metall- verbindungen zu untersuchen. 8vo. 652pp. Leipsig, 1847. The same as above. Fourth edition. 8vo. 680 pp. Leipsig, 1865. Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Blowpipe Analysis. Translated by H. B. Cornwall. 8vo. 548 pp. New- York, 1872. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 99 PLATTNER, Carl Freidrich. Vorlesungen tiber Allgemeine Hiitten- kunde. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Freiberg, 1860-1863. POGGENDORFF, Johann Christian. Biographisch "Literarisches Handworterbuch zu Geschichte der Exacten Wissenschaften. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1858-1863. POGGEXDORFF S Annalen. See under Journals. POISSON, S. D. Traite de Mecanique. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. POLAIN, L. L Histoire de L Ancien Pays de Liege. 2 vols. 8vo. Liege, 1844. Recits Historiques sur L Ancien Pays de Liege. 12mo. 461 pp. .Brussels, 1866. POLE, W. A Treatise on the Cornish Pumping Engine. 4to. 236 pp. London, 1844. POLYTECHNIC College of Pennsylvania. A Statement of the Objects, Course of Instruction, &c., of the School of Mines, organized and opened in Philadelphia, under an Act of the Legislature incorporating the Polytechnic College of the State of Penn sylvania. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4pp. Philadelphia, 1853. POLYTECHNISCHES Central Blatt. ) Journal. v See under Journals. Notizblatt. ) PONCELET, J. V. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee aux Machines. 8vo. 520 pp., II. plates. Paris, 1874. and Lesbros. Experiences Hydrauliques sur les Lois de L Ecoulement de L Eau. 4to. 262 pp., VIII. plates. Paris, 1832. PONSON, A. T. Handbuch des Steinkohlen-Bergbaues. 2 vols. 4to. Weimar, 1855. Traite de L Exploitation des Mines de Houille. 2 vols. 8vo. text ; 2 vols. 4to. plates. Supplement to above. 2 vols. 8vo. text; 2 vols. 4to. plates. Paris, 1867, 1868. PORTER, J. A. Principles of Chemistry. 8vo. 474 pp. New-York, 1857. POUILLET, Claude S. M. Elemens de Physique Experimentale et de Meteorologie. Second Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Same as above. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. text; 8vo. LXIX. plates. Paris, 1856. Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie. Fourth edition, edited by Dr. J. Muller. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1852. Same as above. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1858. Same as above. Seventh edition, edited by Dr. J. Muller. Vol. I. 8vo. 961pp. Brunswick, 1868. POWELL, B. A Treatise on Optics. 8vo. 183 pp. Oxford, 1833. PRATT, N. A. Ashley River Phosphates. History of the Marls of South Carolina, and of tlfe Discovery and Development of the Native Bone Phosphates of the Charleston Basins. 8vo. 28 pp. Philadelphia, 1868. 100 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. PRIME, Frederick, Jr. Desilverization of Lead by Zinc., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 18 pp., II. plates. 1870. Temple. Monograph of American Corbiculadce. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 80pp. Washington, 1865. PROCEEDINGS and Transactions of the Nova Scotia ^ Institute of Natural Science. I See under of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadel- | Journals. phia. at the Centennial of Chemistry, held August 1, 1874, at Northumberland, Pa. Hep. from Am. Chemist. 4to. 209 pp. Philadelphia, 1875. of the American Iron and Steel Association, and of the Con vention of Iron arid Steel Makers, held in Philadelphia. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 22pp. Philadelphia, 1874. of the Annual Meetings of the Board of Super- ~ vising Inspectors of Steam Vessels. I Q 7 of the Chemical Society of London. - of the Essex Institute. of the Lyceum of Natural History. PROCESSES of Manufacture and Uses of Printing, Gas-light, Pottery, Glass and Iron. From the Encyclopedia Britannica. 8vo. 392 pp. New-York, 1864. PROCTOR, Richard A. Transits of Venus. A Popular Account of Past and Coming Transits, from the first observed by Horrocks, A. D. 1839, to the transit of A. D. 2012. 8vo. 232pp. New-York, 1875. PROFESSIONAL Papers of the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army. See Barnard, J. G. ; also, Lee, Thomas. Papers of the Corps of Koyal Engineers. Vols. I. to X. 4to. London, 1837-1849. PROFIL-ZEICHNUNGEN der Actien Gesellschaft fur Eisen-Industrie zum Styrum. 17 Lithographed charts, folio. des Eisen-und Stahlwerkes Reschitza Banat. 39 charts. Folio. PROSTRATION of American Industry. Repeal of the Ten Per Cent. Reduction of Duties. Verbatim Report of an Interview be tween a Delegation of Manufacturers and the Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Representatives at Wash ington, April 28, 1874. 8vo. 12pp. Philadelphia, 1874. PROTEAUX, A. A Practical Guide for the Manufacturing of Paper and Boards. Translated by H. Paine; to which is added, a chapter on the Manufacture of Paper from Wood in the United States, by Henry T. Brown. 8vo. 292 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. PRUD HoMME, L. Cours Pratique de Construction. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. PUGH, E. A Report upon a Plan for the Organization of Colleges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, with special reference to the Organization of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania. Vol. XVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35 pp. Harrisburgh, 1864. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 101 PUISSANT, L. Traite de Geodesie, ou Exposition des Methodes As- tronoraiques et Trigonometriquef, Appliquees a la mesure de la Terre, soit a la confection du canevas des Cartes et des Plans. 4to. 318 pp., XVI. tables, X. pint PS. Paris, 1865. Traite de Topographic, D Arpentage et de Nivellement. 4to. 429 pp. Paris, 1807. PUJOULX, J. B. Mineralogie a L Usage des Gens du Monde. 12mo. 5:r3 pp. Paris, 1813. PUMPELLY, Raphael. See Reports on the Geological Survey of the State ot Missouri. Q. QUARTERLY Journal of Science. \ Journal of the Chemical Society. ( See under Weather Report of the Meteorological Office, f Journals. London. J QUENSTEDT, Friedrich Auguste. Atlas des Petrefactenkunde. Svo. 86 pp. Tubingen, 1867. * Der Jura. 2 vols. 8vo. text, and atlas of plates. Tubingen, 1858. Die Mastonsaurien. Folio. 34 pp. Tubingen, 1850. Grundriss der bestimmenden und rechnenden Krystallo- graphie nebst einer historischen anleitung. Svo. 443 pp. Tubingen, 1873. Handbuch der Mineralogie. Svo. 728pp. Tubingen, 1855. The same as above. Svo. 816 pp. Tubingen, 1863. Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde. 8vo. 982pp. Tubingen, 1867. Klar und Wahr. Neue Reihe popularer Vortrage tlber Geologic. 8vo. 322 pp. Tubingen, 1872. Methode der Krystallographie. Svo. 412 pp. Tubingen, 1840. Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands mit Besonderer Riiksicht auf Wurtemburg. 12mo. 580 pp. Tubingen, 1846. Petrefactenkunde. Die Celphalopoden. Svo. 580 pp. text ; Atlas, 4to. XXXVI. plates. Sonst und Jetzt. Populare Vortrage uber Geologic. Svo. -288 pp. Tubingen, 1856. QUICKSILVER Mining Co. Annual Report of the President. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 54 pp. 1867. 102 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. R RACHETTE, Waldemar. Description of his Patent Universal Blast and Smelting Furnace. Vol. Vn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. New-York, 1864. RACKEBRANDT, A. Der Metallarbeiter. 16mo. 52 pp. Leipsig, 1838. RAILWAY World. See under Journals. RAMBOSSON, J. Astronomy. Translated by C. B. Pitman. 8vo. 385 pp. New-York, 1874. RA.MMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Die Chemische Natur der Me- teoriten. 4to. 160 pp. Berlin, 1870. Handbuch der Krystallographischen Chemie. 8vo. 410, 227 pp. Berlin, 1855. Handbuch der Mineralchemie. 8vo. 1038 pp. Leipsig, 1860. Handworterbuch des Chemischen Theils der Mineralogie. 8vo. 778 pp. Berlin, 1841. First Supplement to above. 160 pp. 1843. Second Supplement to above. 180 pp. 1845. Third Supplement to above. 150 pp. 1847. Fourth Supplement to above. 272pp. 1849. 4 Supplements in 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin. Fifth Supplement to above. 8vo. 270pp. Berlin, 1853. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Metallurgie. Second edition. 8vo. 480 pp. Berlin, 1865. Lehrbuch der Krystallkunde. 8vo. 236pp. Berlin, 1852. Lehrbuch der Stoichiometrie und der Allgemeinen Theo- retischen Chemie. 8vo. 386 pp. Berlin, 1842. Leitfaden fiir die qualitative chemische Analyse mit beson- derer rucksicht auf Heinrich Rose s ausftihrliches Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Fifth edition. 12mo. 151 pp. Berlin, 1867. Leitfaden fur die quantitative chemische Analyse. Second edition. 8vo. 322 pp. Berlin, 1863. Ueber der Mittel, Lichte und Warme. Sammlung gem,ein- schaftllcher Wissenschaftlicher Vortrdge. Vol. i., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 1 2 mo. Ueber die Isomorphie der Sulphate von Kadmium, Didyum und Titrium. Vol. XII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. 1861. Ueber einigen nordamerikanischen Meteoriten. 8vo. 5 pp. 1861. Ueber die Verbindung des jodsauren Natrons mit dem Chlornatrium. 8vo. 2 pp. 1861. Vergleichende Bemerkungen iiber die Krystallform organi- scher Verbindungen vom Typtis des Antimoniaks. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Octavo Beries. 8VO. 11 pp. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 103 RAMSAY, Andrew C. ; Bristow, H. W. ; Geikel, A., and Bauermann, H. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology, with Explanatory Notices of their Nature and Mode of Occurrence in Place. Third edi tion, revised and partly re-written. 12mo. 291 pp. London, 1862. RAMSDEN, Jesse. Description of an Engine for Dividing Mathema tical Instruments. 4to. 30 pp., VII. plates. London, 1777. RANKEN, Francis A. The Strains in Trusses computed by means of diagrams, with Twenty Examples, drawn to scale. 8vo. 63 pp. New- York, 1872. RANKINE, William J. M. A Manual of Civil Engineering. 8vo. 784 pp. London, 1867. RASPAIL, F. V. Nouveau Systeme de Chemie Organique. 8vo. 576 pp. Paris, 1833. RATH, G. von. Krystallographische Beitrage. Vol. n., Pamphlets. Duo decimo series. 12mo. 28 pp., I. plate. I860. Mineralogische Mittheilungen, No. 3. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 37 pp., I. plate. 1863. RATHBUN, Richard. On the Devonian Brachiopoda ot Erere, Pro vince of Pera, Brazil. 8vo. 3pp. Buffalo, 1874. RAUCH, John H. Public Parks : their effects upon the Moral, Phy sical and Sanitary Condition of the Inhabitants of Large Cities ; with special reference to the City of Chicago. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 101 pp.. Chicago, 1869. RAVON et Malpeyre. Petit Manuel der Negociant d Eau-de Vie, Li- quoriste, Marchand-de-Vin et Distillateur. 32 mo. 70 pp. Paris. RAYMOND, Rossiter W. See Reports of the Special Commissioners on the Mineral Resources of the United States West of the Rocky Mountains. REBHANN, Georg. Theorie der Holz-und Eisen-Construction mit besonderer Riiksicht auf das Bauwesen. 8vo. 6t)2 pp. Vienna, 1856. REDFIELD, J. F. Catalogue of the Known Species, Recent and Fossil, of the Family Marginellida3. Vol. xxm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 54 pp. REDTENBACHER, Jacob Ferdinand. Principien der Mechanik und des Maschinen-baues. 8vo. 317pp. Manheim, 1859. Theorie und Bau der Turbinen. 4to. 183 pp., XXI. plates. Manheim, 1860. Theorie und Bau der Wasser-Rader. 4to. 264 pp. Manheim, 1858. REED, William. The History of Sugar and Sugar Yielding Plants. 12mo. 206^pp. London, 1866. REGENTS Report of the University of the State of New-York. See under Journals. REGNAULT, J. Manuel des Aspirants au grade d Ingenieur des Ponts et Chausses. 2vols.ini. 8vo. 491 pp., LVI. plates. Paris, 1856. Henri Victor. An Elementary Treatise on Crystallo graphy. 8vo. 70 pp. London, 1848. 104 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. REGNAULT, Henri Victor. Cours lementaire de Chcmie. Third edition. 4 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1851. See, also, Strecker, Adolph. and Strecker, Adolph. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 12mo. 432 pp. Brunswick, 1866. REICH, Edward, Medicinische Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen, 1858. REICHARDT, Edward. Die Chemischen Verbindungen der anorgan- ischen Chemie. 8vo. 325 pp. Erlangen, 1858. REICHENECKER, Albert. Aufbereitung der geschwetelten Golderze in den Rocky-Mountains im Colorado Territorium der Verei- nigten Slaateil. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 80 pp., II. plates. Prag, 1871. REID, D. B. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. Third edition. 8vo. 905 pp. Edinburgh, 1839. Henry. A Practical Treatise on Concrete. 8vo. 108pp. London, 1869. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Portland Cement, with a translation of M. A. Zipowitz s work on Portland Cement, by W. F. Reid. 8vo. 188 pp. London, 1868. W. F. See Reid, Henry. REIMANN, M. Aniline and its Derivatives. 8vo. 164pp. London, 1868. REIKWALD, Ch. Catalogue Annuel de la Librairie Fran^aise, for the years 1858 to"l867 and 1869. 11 vols. 12rno. Paris. Ueber die Steinsalzablagerung bei Stassfurtund die dortige Kali-Industrie. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 43 pp. Dresden, 1871. RENWICK, James. Outlines of Natural Philosophy; being the Heads of a Course of Lectures delivered in Columbia College, New-York. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. New-York, 1822. Treatise on the Steam Engine, with a New Theory of the Steam Enginery C. G. De Pambour. 8vo. 327 pp. New-York, 1848. REPERTORIUM Commentationum. See I. D. Reuss. der Technischen Literatur. Vol. I. Embracing to years 1823 to 1853. Edited by Dr. Schubarth, Berlin. 1049 pp. 1856. Vol. II. Embracing to years 1854 to 1868. Part 2. Edited by Bruno Kerl. " 656 pp. Leipsig, 1873. d er technischen, Mathematischen und naturwissenschaftli- chen Journal Literatur. See under Journals. REPORT of Commissioners relative to Encroachments and Preserva tion of the Harbor of New- York. Transmitted to the Legis lature January 8, 1856. 8vo. 316 pp., VII. diagrams. New- York, 1864. of the Analysis of the Waters of Chechunk Spring, in the Town of Goslien. Vol. XXVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo aeries. 8vo. 24 pp. Goshen, 1820. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 105 REPORT of the Board of Commissioners of the Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tulare and Sacramento Valley of the State of Cali fornia. Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander, Major George H. Men- dell and Prof. George Davison, Commissioners. 8vo. Six maps. Washington, 1874. of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. See under Journals. of the Chief of Engineers, Washington. See, wider Jour nals, Annual Reports. of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Wash- | ington. I $ ee under of the Commissioner of Education, Washington. )> j ourna i St of the Commissioners of the Land Office, Wash- | ington. J ot the Legislative Committee of the Commonwealth of Mas sachusetts on Pleuro-Pneumonia. 8vo. Boston. of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington. See under Journals. of the Sanitary Commission dispatched to the Seat of Avar in the East in 1855, 1856. 8vo. 301 pp. London, 3857. on Inter-Oceanic Canals and Rail-Roads between the Wa ters of the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo. 28 pp. Washington, 1866. REPORTS of the Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856. Mordecai, Major Alfred. General Report. 176 pp., XXL plates. Schon, J. A Brief Description of the Modern System^ of Small Arms, as adopted in the various European Armies. Translated from the German by J. Gorgas. 56 pp., XIII. plates. 4to. Washington, 1861. ot the Inspectors of Coal Mines to Her Majesty s Secretary of State, 1856, 1858. 2 vols. 4to. London. of the Special Commissioners on the Mineral Resources of the United States West of the Rocky Mountains. Browne, J. Ross. Special Commissioner, 1867, 1868. Introductory and Preliminary Reports. Appendix to above. Taylor, James W. Report on the Gold Mines of the United States East of the Rocky Moun tains. 8vo. 360 pp. Washington, 1867. on California, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Washington Terri tory, Oregon and Alaska. 8vo. 674 pp. Washington, 1869. Appendix to above. Report on the States and Territories East of the Rocky Mountains. 71 pp. Raymond, Rossiter W. Special Commissioner, 1889 . Notes on California, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, &c. 8vo. 256 pp. Washington, 1869. for 1870. Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. 8vo. 805 pp. Washington, 1870. SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. REPORTS on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri. Raphael Pumpelly, Director. Vol. I. Unpublished Material of Previous Surveys, 1855- 1871. Collected by G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meeka and B. F. Shumard. 8vo. 323 pp. Jefferson City, 1873. Vol. II. Survey of 1872. Report on the Iron Ores and Coal Fields by R. Pumpelly, Adolph Schmidt and others. ^ 8vo. 441 pp. ; Atlas, IX. plates. New- York, 1873. of Societies, &c. REUSS, I. D. Repertorium Commentationum. REVUE de Geologic. des Cours Scientifiques. Hebdomadaire de Chimie. Scientifique. (Revue des Cours Scientifiques.) Universelle des Mines, de la Metallur<*ie. O See under Journals. RIBEYRE, Felix. See Exposition du Havre. RICHARDSON, Thomas. See Ronalds, Richardson and Watts. W. The Chemical Principles of the Metallic Arts. 8vo. 303 pp. Birmingham, 1790. RICHTER, R. Beitrag sur Paleontologie des Thuringer Waldes. 4to. Dresden, 1849. RIEDEL, Jakob. Grundztige der Mineralogie. 8vo. 194 pp. Heidelberg, 1871. RITT, G. Problemes D Algebre. Fourth edition. 8vo. 396 pp. Paris, 1856. Problemes D Application de L Algebre a la Geometrie. Fourth edition. 8vo. Paris, 1857. Problemes de Geometrie. Fourth edition. 8vo. 332 pp. Paris, 1857. RITTEXGER, P. Ritter von. Erfahrungen im berg-und hiittenmann- ischen maschinen, bau-und aufbereitungsvvesen. Gratisbei- lage Zuni Oestterreichische Zeitschrift Itlr Berg und Hiit- teuwesen auf 1872. 4to. 31pp., XVI. plates. Vienna, 1872. Taschenbuch der Aufbereitungskunde. 12mo. 95 pp. Berlin, 1867. See, also, under Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. p. Ui Paris, RITTER, August. Lehrbuch der technischen Mechanik. 8vo. 7 21. pp. Hanover, 1865. Ferdinand. Anleitung machtige Kohlenflotze. " 8vo. 95 pp. Brunn, 1868. RIVANCOURT, de. Siemens de Chimie Docimastique. 8vo. 317 pp. Paris, 1786. RIVIERE, A. Precis de Mineralogie. Svo. 408pp. Paris, 1864. RIVOT, E. L. Handbuch der theoretisch-practischen Hiittenkund. Translated by Carl Hartmann. Vol. 1. Die Kupperhiltten- kunde. 12mo. 459 pp. Leipsig, 1860. Docimasie. Traite d Analyse des Substances Minerales. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1864-1866. Principes generaux du traitement des Minerals Metalliques. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1869. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 107 ROBIN, Ch. Trait e du Microscope. 8vo. 1028pp. Paris, 1871. ROBINSON, S. A Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Lo calities. 8vo. 316 pp. Boston, 1825. ROCKWELL, J. A. Report on Rail-Road and Canal Routes. 8vo. 678 pp. Washington, 1850. RODMAN. T. J. Reports of Experiments on the Properties of Metals for Cannon, and the Qualities of Cannon Powder; with an Account of the Fabrication and Trial of a 15 inch Gun. 4to. 308 pp., XXI. plates. Boston, 1861. ROD WELL, G. F. A Dictionary of Science. 8vo. 580pp. London, 1871. ROEHL, E. von. Fossile Flora der Steinkohlen-Formation West- phaliens. 4to. 191 pp., XXXII. plates. Cassel, 1868. ROEMEK, Ferd. Geognostiche Karte von Obef-Schlesien und den Augrenzenden Gebieten. Sectionen Brieg, Creutzberg, Glei- witz, Guttentag, Konigshiitte, Leobschutz, Loslau, Namslau, Pless-Troppan, Woischnick. 12 Charts. ROGERS, H. D. Description of the Geology of the State of New- Jersey, being a Final Report. 8vo. 301 pp. Philadelphia, 1840. Second, Third, Fourth, Filth and Sixth Annual Reports of the State Geologist of the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1838-1842. The Geology of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 4to. 586, 1045 pp. Philadelphia, 1858. S. B. An Elementary Treatise on Iron Metallurgy. 8vo. 528 pp., XX. plates. London, 1857. ROGUET, Ch. LeQons de Geometrie Analytique. 12mo. 479 pp. Paris, 1854. ROMANOWSKY. Un Apercu des travaux geognostiques i aites dans le bassin moyen des couches Carboniferes de Russie. 8vo. 18 pp. St. Petersburg, 1863. RONALDS, Edmund; Richardson, Thomas; and Watts, "Henry. Chemical Technology ; or, Chemistry in its Applications to the Arts and Manufactures ; with which is incorporated a revision of Dr. F. Knnpp s " Technology." Second edition. Vol. I. Part 2. Fuel, Destructive Distillation and Artificial Illumination. 836 pp. 1855. Part 3. Acids, Alkalies, Salt, Soaps, &c. 771 pp. 1863. Part 4. Aluminum, Sodium, Soda, Phosphorus, Matches, Borax, Artificial Mineral Waters, Gunpowder, Gun Cotton, Fireworks, &c. 611 pp. 1865. Part 5. Prussiate of Potash, Oxalic, Tartaric and Citric Acids. Appendix. Patents, &c. 894pp. 1867. Vol. II. Glass, Alum, Potteries, Cements, Gypsum, &c. 491 pp. 1848. Vol. III. Food. 458 pp. 1851. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. RONGE, O. De la Fabrication de la Tole en Belgique. 8vo. 88 pp., Ill/ plates, Paris, 1863. ROOD, Ogrden N. An Abstract of Prof. KobelPs Stnuroscopic Observations. Vol. V., Pamphlets. .Octavo series. 8vo. 8pp. 1859. 108 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ROOD, Ogden N. On Certain Adaptations of the Compound Micro scope. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 3 pp. 1 856. On the Action of Very Weak Electric Light on the Iodized plate. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 3pp. 1864. On the Green Tint from mixing Blue and Yellow Powders. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 2pp. 1866. On the Nature and Duration of the Discharge of a Leyden Jar connected with an Induction Coil. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10pp. 1867. On the Production of Thermo-Electric Currents by Percus sion. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 8pp. 1866. On the Study of the Electric Spark by the Aid of Photo graphy. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 8pp. 1862. "Photometric Experiments. Part Second. On the amount of Light transmitted by Plates of Polished Crown Glass at a Perpendicular Incidence. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10 pp. 1870. Upon Some Experiments connected with Dove s Theory of Lustre. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7 pp. 1861. ROOT, P. H. and F. M. Illustrated Catalogue of Force Blast Blowers, Portable Forges, Cupolas and Gas Exhausters. 4to. 32 pp. Connorsville, Ind., 1874. ROSCOE, Henry E. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry. 12 mo. 458 pp. London, 1869. The same as above. New American edition. 16mo. 383 pp. New-York, 1870. Spectrum Analysis. Six Lectures delivered in 1868, before the Society of Apothecaries of London. 8vo. 348 pp. London, 1869. Gustav. Beschreibung einig iieuen Mineralien vom Urals. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 22pp. Das Krystallo-Chemisohe Mineralsystem. 8vo. 156pp. Leipsig, 1852. Die Heteromorphen Zustaride der Kohlensauren Kalkerde. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 14pp. Bel lill, 1860. Die Edentitat des Edwardsit u. Monagit. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7 pp., I. plate.- Elemente der Krystallographie. Second edition. 8vo. 173 pp., X. plates. Berlin, 1838. The same as above. Third edition. Edited by Sadebeck, Alexander. 8vo. 181 pp. Berlin, 1873. MineralogisclvGeognostische Reise nach dem Ural, dem Altai und dem Kierpathische Meere. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1837-1842. Ueber Schaumkalk als Pseudomorphose von Aragonit. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp., I. plate. 1855. lieinrich. Austuhrliches Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie Qualitative und Quantitative. 4 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1851. Handbuch der Analytischen Clremie. Sixth edition. Vol. I. Qualitative Analyse. Vol. II. Quantitative Analyse. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1867. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 109 ROSE, Ileinrich. Traite Complet de Chimie Analytique Qunlitativ et Quantitativ. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859, 1862. Traite Pratique d Analyse Chimique. Traduit de 1 Alle- niand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843. ROSENBEKG, J. O. Om Vitrovafveljern ioreningarne. 4to. 28pp. Ross, Andrew. .The Article " Microscope." (From the Penny Cyclopedia.) Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 12pp. ROSSMASSLEK, E. A. Das Wasser. Eine Darstellung fur gebildete Leser und Leserinnen. 8vo. 528 pp. Leipsig, 1858. ROST, G. II. A. Bohrhauiser der Saline Circhocinek in Polen. 8vo. 192 pp., VIII. plates. Thorn. 1843. ROTH, Justus. Beitrage zur Petrographie der plutonischen Ges- teine. 4to. 144 pp. Berlin, 1869. Die Gestein Analysen in Tabellirischen Ubersicht und mit Kritischen ErlaUterungen. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Quarto series. g 4to. 68pp. Berlin, 1861. Ueber die Lehre vom Metaraorphismus und die Entstehung der Krystallinischen Schiefer. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 84 pp. Berlin, 1871. ROTHROCK, J. T. See under Geographical and Geological Explora tions and Surveys West of "the One Hundredth Meridian. ROWLAND, Thomas F. Improvement in Machinery for Elevating and Transporting Coal, Coke or other Material, and for the Charging and Discharging of Gas Retorts, as applied to the Manufacture of Illuminating Gas. 4to. 7 pp., VIII. plates. Brooklyn, 1873. ROYAL Irish Academy. /See, under Journals, Transactions of the. Society s Catalogue (The) of Scientific Papers. ( 1 800-1 863.) Vol. I. A. Clu. Vol. II. Coa. Gra. Vol. III. Gre. Lez. Vol. IV. Lhe. Poez. Vol. V. Pra. Tiz. Vol. VI. Tka. Zyl. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1867-1872. RUDOLPH, A. Die Edlen Metalle und Schmucksteine. 8vo. 175 pp. Breslau, 1859. RUMPF, von J. Tiber Hartit aus der Kohle von Oberdorf und den Angrenzenden Gebieten von Voitsberg und Koflachin Steier- mark. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10 pp., II. plates. 1869. RUSSKGGER, Joseph. Der Auf bereitung-Prozess. 8vo. 181 pp. text; Atlas, XXIX. plates. Stuttgart, 1841. RYCIIHALT, Le J3aron P. Melanges Paleontologiques. Part I. 176 pp., X. plates. RZHIA, Franz. Lehrbucb der Gesammten Tunnelbunkunst. Vol. I. 723 pp. 1867. Vol. II. Parts 1, 2, 4. 4to. Berlin, 1872. 110 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. S. SACHSISCHE Ber^werks Zeitung. See under Journals. SACKEN, E. F. v. Katechismus der Baustyle. 12mo. 168 pp. Leipsig, 1867. SACHS, C. Ueber Gesteinbohrmascliinen. 8vo. 40 pp. Aix la Chapelle, 1865. Julius. Lehrbuch der Botanik. 8vo. 632 pp. Leipsig, 1868. SADEBECK, Alexander. Gustav Rose s Elemente der Kry stall ogra- phie. Third edition. 8vo. 181 pp. Berlin, 1873. SAFFORD, James M. First and Second Biennial Reports on the Geology of the State of Tennessee, made to the Thirty-first and Thirty-second General Assemblies. 8vo. 164, 11 pp. Nashville, 1856, 1857. Geology of Tennessee. 8vo. 550pp. Nashville, 1869. SAGE. Clemens de Mineralogie Docimastique. 12mo. 275pp. Paris, 1772. SALNEUVE, J. F. Cours de Topographic et de Geodasie. 8vo. 663 pp. Paris, 1857. SALT Company of Onondaga. Prospectus. 8vo. 50 pp. Syracuse, N. Y. SALV&TAT, Louis Alphonse. Recueil des Travaux Scientifiques de M. Ebelmen. Precede d une notice sur M. Ebelmen par E. Chevreuil. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1:^55. SAN Buenaventura Pacific Petroleum Co. of New-York. A Brief Account of One Hundred Thousand Acres of Oil Lands in California. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp. New- York, 1865. SANDBERGER, Fridolin. Die Land-und Siissvvasser-Conchylien der \ 7 orwelt. Lieferungs I. to X., text and plates. 4to. Wiesbaden, 1870-1873. Untersuchungen iiber das Mainzer Tertiiirbecken und dessen Stellung im Geologischer systeme. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 91 pp. Wiesbaden, 1853. Guido. Einige Beobachtungen liber Clymenien ; mil beson- derer Rticksicht. auf die Westphalischen Arten. Vol. xxin., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 45pp., III. plates. 1853. SARTOKIUS, v. Waltershaussen, W. Ueber die Vulkanischen Ges- teine in Sicilien und Island und ihre submarine Anbildung. 1 , 8vo. 532 pp. Gottingen, 1S53. SAUNDERS. System of Instruction in the Practical use of the Blowpipe. * 12mo. 269 pp. New- York, 1858. SAWKINS, J. G. Reports on the Geological Survey of Jamaica. 8vo. 339 pp. London, 1869. SAY, Thomas. A Description of the Insects of North America. Edited by J. L. Le Conte, with a Memoir of the Author by George Ord. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1869. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Ill SCHAEF, F. liber den Gypspath. 4to. 39 pp. Frankfort on the Main, 1871. SCHEELE, C. W. Chemical Essays. 8vo. 406pp. London, 1786. SCHEEREH, Theodor. Lehrbuch der Metallurgie. Vol. I. and part of Vol. II. bound in one vol. 594, 194 pp. Brunswick, 1857. - Lothrohrbuch. 12mo. 293 pp. Brunswick, 1857. SCHEFFLER, Hermann. Theorie der Gewolbe, Futtermanern und Eisernen Brucken. 8vo. 138pp. Brunswick, 1857. SCHELLEN, H. Die Spectralanalyse in ihrer Anwendung auf die Stoffe der Erde und die Natur der Himmelskorper. 8vo. 452 pp. Brunswick, 1870. - Spectrum Analysis in its applications to Terrestrial Sub stances, and the physical constitution of the Heavenly Bodies. Translated by Jane and Caroline Lassell. 8vo. 455 pp. New-York, 1872. bcmcK, E. Katechismus der Waarenkunde. 12mo. 360 pp. Leipsig, 1871. bcmcKH, Melchior E. v. Anleitung zur zweckmassigsten 13erei- sung der Semring-Eisenbahn von Gloggnitz bis Miirzzuschlag. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 12mo. 14 pp., I. plate. Vienna, 1851. SCHILLING, N. H. Statistische Mittheilungen tiber die Gas-Aristal- ten Deutschlands, &c. 8vo. 372pp. Munich, 1868. SCHINZ, C. Die Warrne Messkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Stuttgart, 1859. - - Dokumente Betreffend den Hohofen. 8vo. 131pp. Berlin, 1868. - Documents concernants le Haute-Fourneau. Traduits par E - Fievet. 8vo. 128 pp. Paris, 1868. M. J. Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. 8vo. 378 pp. Leipsig, 1855. SCHLICKEYSEN, S. Mittheilungen tiber die Fabrication von Press- Torf - 8vo. 20 pp. Berlin, 1864. bcHLOMiLCH, Oskar. Grundziige einer Wissenschaftlichen Darstel- lung der Geometric des Maasses. 8vo. 256 pp. Eisenach, 1854. SCHMEKLING, P. C. Recherchcs sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 2 vols. 4to. text; 2 vols. 2to. plates. Liege, 1833-1836. SCHMIDT, Adolph. ^ See Pumpelly, Raphael. - Carl Heinrich. Die neuesten wichtigsten Fortschritte, Er- findungen und Verbesserungen in der Farbenfabrikation. 16mo. 240 pp., IV. plates. Weimar, 1869. - Technologisches bkizzenbuch. 4to. LIV. plates. Stuttgart, 1865. - J. C. E. ^ Lehrbuch der mathematischen und physikalischen Geographic. 2 vols. 12mo. Gottingen, 1829, 1830. SCHNAUS, J. Katechismus der Photographic. 12mo. 148 pp. Leipsior, 1864. YV. Taschenbuch, ftir practische Bergwerke und Bero-- werks unternehmer. I2mo. 206 pp. Neuweid 1857 112 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. SCHNEITLER, C. F. Die Instrumente und Werkzeuge der hoheren und niederen Messkunst. 8vo. 393pp. Leipsig, 1861. Lehrbuch der gesammten Messkunst. 8vo. 374 pp. Leipsig, 1851. SCHODEL, II. Hiilfstafel zur barometrischen Hohenbestimmung nebst Anleituug zur Untersuchung und zum Gebrauch der Federbarometer. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1874. SCHODL, Franz. Handbuch ausfiihrliche metrischen Tabeilen. 8vo. 108 pp. Vienna, 1870. SCHOEDLER Friedcrich. Das Buch der Natur, die Lehren der Physik, Astronomic, Chemie, Miiieralogie, Geologic, Botanik, Zoologie und Physiologic. 8vo. 614 pp. Brunswick, 1874. Die Chemie der Gegenwart. 8vo. 452 pp. Leipsig, 1859. SCHOEN, J. G. Der Tunnel-Ban. 4to. 48 pp., XIV. plates. Vienna, 1866. SCROLL, E. F. Ftthrer des Machinisten. 8vo. 656 pp. Brunswick, 1873. SCHOMBURGK, O. A. R. H. Schomburgk s Keisen in Guiana und am Orinoco. 8vo. 510 pp. Leipsig, 1841. SCHON, J. See Reports of the Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856. SCHONFELDER. See, under Journals, Die JBaulichen Anlage auf dun Berg-Hutten und Sallnenwesens in Preussen. SCHOOLCHAFT, H. It. The Lead Mines of Missouri, including Obser vations on the Geology, &c., of Missouri and Arkansaw. 8vo. 299 pp. New-York, 1819. SCHOTT, Arthur. See United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Part I. : C. A. See United States Coast Survey Reports. SCHOTTE, F. See Repertorium der technischen, Mathematischen und naturiwessenschaftlichen Journal-Literatur. SCHOTTER, Hermann. Uber die Rationelle Benutzung der Wasser- kralte vermittelst eines neuen apparates zur transmission der- Selbeil. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp., I. plate. Gera, 1873. SCHRAUF, Albrecht. Handbuch der Edelsteinkunde. 8vo. 252 pp. Vienna, 1869. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie und Mineral-Morphologic und Lehrbuch der Angewandten Physik der Krystalle. 2 vols. in J. 8vo. Vienna, 1866-1868. Monographic des Coluillbit. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., VII. plates. Vienna, 1861. Studien an derMineralspecies: Labradorit. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 58 pp., V. plates, 1869. SCHRON, Ludwig. Seven figure Logarithms. Filth edition, with a description of the tables added by A. De Morgan. 8vo. 550 pp. London, 1865. SCHUBARTII, . See Repertorium der Technischen Literatur. SCHULLER, Siegmund. Die Schule des Feuerlochwesens. 24mo. 221 pp. Leipsig, 1865. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 113 SCHULTZ, Fleeth T. Der rationelle Ackerbau in seiner Begrundung durch Ergebnisse der neueren Nattirforschung. 8vo. 455 pp. Berlin, 1856. Carl. Mineral Spring Waters. 8vo. 70pp. New- York, 1865. SCHULZE, E. H. C. Sammlung des Waeserbaugeaetze i ttr das Koe- nigreiob Hanover vom Jahre 162 bis Ende 1858. 12rao. 355 pp., IV. plates. Esslin^en, 1857. SCHUMARD, B. F. See Pumpelly, Raphael. SCHUTZENBERGER, P. Die Farbestoffe mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung ihre An wen dung in der Farberei und Druckerei. Auto- risirte deutscbe Uebertragung bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Schroeder. 2 vo l s . 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Vol. I. 543 pp., XII. wood cuts., I. plate and X. pattern plates. 1868. - Vol. II. 623 pp., XXXVIII. pattern plates. SCHWEIGEE S Journal iiir Cheniie und Physik. See, under Journals Journal fur Physik. SCHWEITZER, Paul. Contributions from the Laboratory of the State University of the State of Missouri ; A. On the True Composition of Coal, and on the Methods of Arriving at it; with Deductions and Remarks on Coal in General; illustrated on a Sample of Coal from the Lower Coal Series of Missouri. B. The Water Supply of Columbia, Boone County, Missouri ; being an Exposition of the Origin of the Springs and Sub terranean Water Courses of the Town and Neighborhood, with some Analyses of Cistern Water. 8vo. 38 pp. Jefferson City, 1875. On Tribasic Phosphoric Acid. 8vo. 41 pp. New- York, 1869. bciENTiFic American. See under Journals. SCILLA, A. E. De Corporibus Marlins. 4to. 84 pp. Rome, 1752. bcoFFERx, J., Oxland, Robert, and others. The Useful Metals and their Alloys. 8vo. 654 pp. London, 1857. NOR, Henry. History of the Iron Trade Irom the Earliest Records to the Present Period. Svo. 327pp. London, 1854. bcuDDER, b. H. Catalogue of North American Ortkoptera, de scribed previous to 1867. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 89pp. Washington, 1868. bEBiLLOTTE, L. A. Bassins de Radoub de Marseille. Notice sur L Execution des Travaux. 4to. 204 pp.; Atlas, 2 to., XL. plates. Marseilles, 1873. SECKENDOBFF, W. Uber die beim Gebirgsbohren angewendets Meissel. 8vo. 46pp. Berlin, 1862. bELLERs, George Escol. Improvement in Locomotive Engines and Rail-Roads. 4to . Cincinnati, 1849 John. The Color Mixer. 12mo. 155 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. 8 114 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. SELLA, O. Quadro-delle Forme Cristalline delFArgento Rosso, del Quarzo e del Calcare. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12nio. 74 pp. Torino, 1856. SELWYN, A. R. C. /See Geological Survey of Canada. SENAMON, H. de. See Miller, W. A. SENFT, Ferdinand. Die Krystallinischen Felsmengentheile nach ihren Mineralischen Eigenschaften, chemischen Bestand- theilen, Abarten, Umwandlungen, Associationen und Felsbild- ungsweisen. 8vo. 749pp. Berlin, 1868. SERLO, A., and Stolzel, C. Bergbau und Htittenwesen. 8vo. 104 pp. Brunswick, 1874. See Lottner, A. SERRET,J. A. Traite D Arithmetique. 8vo. 408 pp. Paris, 1852. Traite de Trigonometric. 8vo. 116 pp. Paris, 1852. SlIARPE D. Fossiles du Portugal. Vol. XXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo., X. plates, 1850. The Secondary Rocks and Fossils of Portugal. Vol. XXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 100 pp., VI. plates. London, 1849, 1850. SHARPLES, S. P. Chemical Tables. 12mo. 192 pp. Cambridge, 1866. SHEFFIELD Scientific School of Yale College Aim and Objects of Scientific Education as provided in the. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duo decimo series. 12mo. 24pp. New Haven, 1869. Scientific School (The) of Yale College, briefly described. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 12 pp. New-Haven, 1870. SHERMAN, W. II. Vermilion by a New Process Its Photographic Properties. * PP- 1872. /See under Tech. SHREVE, Samuel II. A Treatise on the Strength of Bridges and Roofs, with practical applications for the use of Engineers and Students. 8vo. 346pp. New- York, ] 873. SIEMENS, C. W. A Lecture On Fuel. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 31 pp. London, 1873. Description of his Patent Continuous Glass Melting Furnace. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4 pp., I. plate. London, 1873. Description of his Patent Regenerative Gas Furnaces. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., IV. plates. London, 1868. On Puddling Iron. A Paper read before the British Asso ciation at Norwich, 1868. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 29 pp. London, 1873. tfber Brennstoff Ueber Gewinnung von Eisen und StahL, durch direktes Verfahren. 8vo. 70 pp., II. plates. Berlin, 1874. SILLIMAN, Benjamin. American Contributions to Chemistry. An Address delivered on the occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, Pa., August 1 1874 Svo. 173pp. Philadelphia, 1874. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 115 SILLIMAX, Benjamin. Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. Svo. Ne^w-Haven, 1830, 1831. - Benjamin, Jr. Description and Analysis of Several Minerals. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 18pp. 1849. - First Principles oi Physics, or Natural Philosophy. 12mo. 720 pp. Philadelphia, 1859. Report upon the Oil Property of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Company. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 24pp. New- York, 1865. - Report upon the Oil Property of the Philadelphia and Cali fornia Petroleum Company, situated in Santa Barbara and Los Angelos Counties, California. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo serie s. 8vo. 36pp. Philadelphia, 1865. - See White, J. H. SILLIMAN S Journal. /See, under Journals, American Journal of Science and Art.. SILVER Mjpes (The) of Nevada. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 76 pp., I. map. New- York, 1864. SILVERSMITH, J. A Practical Hand-Book for Miners, Metallurgists and Assayers. Svo. 271 pp. New-York, 1866. SIMOXIN, L. Les Pierres Esquisses Mineralogiques. Svo. 516 pp. Paris, 1869. SITZUXGSBERICHTE der Kaiserliclien Akademie der^j Wissenschaften. | der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der V 7 ee Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wis- | Journals - senschaften. J SKALKOOSKY, C. Tableaux Statistiques de L Industrie des Mines en Russie en 1871. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1373. SLATER, J, W. Handbook of Chemical Analysis for Practical Men. Second edition. 12mo. 384pp. London, 1861. - The Manual of Colors and Dye Wares. 12rno. 217pp. London,,1870. &MITH, H. L. On the Preparation of Diatomca3. Svo. 4pp. 1874. - J. C. The Effect of the Nitrous Vapor, in Preventing and Destroying Contagion. Svo. 174 pp. Philadelphia/! 799. : - J. Lawrence. A Description of Five New Meteoric Irons, with some Theoretical Considerations based on their Physical and Chemical Characters. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 33 pp. New-Haven, 1855. - On some of the Thermal Waters of Asia Minor. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 20pp. 1851. - On the Minerals of the Wheatly Mine, in Pennsylvania! Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 14pp. New-Haven, 1855. - Re-examination of American Minerals. Part 4. vol. xii.i Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. llpp. 1854! - Report on the Minerals and Mineral Waters of Chili! Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 4to. 25 pp - Scientific Researches. Svo. 401pp. Louisville, Ky. 1873 -- $ ee under Exposition Universelle de Paris, en 1867. 116 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. SMITH, J. Lawrence, and Brush, George J. Re-examination of American Min erals. Part 1. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. 1853. Robert Angus. Air and Rain. 8vo. 600pp. London, 1872. SMITHSONIAN Institute Publications. Annual Reports of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institu tion. /See under Journals. Catalogue of the Publications of Societies and of Periodical Works in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution, July 1, 1858. Foreign Works. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 259 pp. Washington, 1859. Catalogue of the Publications of Societies arid of Periodical Works in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution, Jan uary 1, 1866. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 591 pp. Washington, 1866. The same as above. Corrected to January 1, 1866. Catalogue of the Publications of the Smithsonian^nstitution corrected to June, 1862. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 44pp. Washington, 1862. Check List of the Publications of the Smithsonian Institu tion corrected to July, 1872. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 20pp. Washington, 1872. Circular Relative to Heights. 8vo. Washington, 1874. Directions for Constructing Lightning Rods. 8vb. 4 pp. Washington, 1874. Directions for Meteorological Observations and the Registry of Periodical Phenomena. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 70 pp. Washington, 1860. Instructions for Observations of Thunder Storms. A circular. Washington, 1874. List of the Foreign Correspondents of the Smithsonian Insti tution corrected to January, 1862. Smith. Misc. Collec. 8vo. 20 pp. Washington, 1862. The same as above. Corrected to January, 1872. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 36 pp. Washington, 1372. List of the Institutions, Libraries, Colleges and other estab lishments in the United States in Correspondence with the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 250 pp. Washington, 1872. Queries Relative to the Food of Fishes of the United States. A circular. Svo. Washington. Queries Relative to Tornadoes. A circular. Svo. Washington. Smithsonian Miscellanea. A circular. 8vo. Washington, 1862. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. See wider the re spective, Authors. Telegraphic Announcement of Astronomical Discoveries. Smith, Misc. Coll Circular. 8vo, Washington, 1873. SMYTH It. B. The Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria. 8vo. 644 pp. Melbourne, 1869. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 117 SMYTH, W. W. Catalogue of the Mineral Collections in the Mu seum of Practical Geology. Svo. 190pp. London, 1864. On the Mines of Wicklow and Wexfbrd. Svo. 64 pp., II. maps. London, 1853. SNELUS, G. J., Lester, John, and Messrs. Taskin et Tahon. Rap ports sur Le Puddlage Mecanique par le Precede Danks. Svo. 147 pp., I. plate. Brussels, 1873. SOCHLING, E. Die Einschliisse von Mineralien. Svo. 357 pp. Freiberg, 1860. SONDHAUS, C. F. J. De Vi Quam Color Habet in Fluidorum Ca- pillaritatem. 8vo. 41 pp., I. plate. Vratislaviensis. SONORA, and the Value of its Mines. Report of the Sonora Explor ing and Mining Co. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. bvo. 42 pp. Cincinnati, 1856. SOUBEIRAX, J. Leon. Nouveau Dictionnaire des Falsifications et des Alterations des Alimens, des Medicamens et de Quelques Produits Employes dans les Arts, L Industrie et L Economie Domestique. 8vo. 634pp. Paiis, 1874. SOUTH Staffordshire Coal Field, (The.) Mem. Geol. Surv. G. E. Svo. 241 pp. London, 1859. SPARGO, Thomas. The Mines of Cornwall and Devon. Statistics and Observations. Svo. 188 pp. London, 1865. SPARRE, Julius von. Zur Theorie der Separation oder Kritische Bernerkungen zu Von Rittenger s Lehrbuch der Aufbereit- ungskunde. Svo. 48 pp. Oberhansen, 1869. SPECIFICATIONS for Patents. See under British Patent Office. SPENCER, W. II. Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 4to. 94 pp. London, 1866. SPIER and Surenne. French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Revised by G. P. Quackenbos. Svo. 1315 pp. New- York, 1858. SPON S Dictionary of Engineering. See Byrne and Spon. SPOTTISWOODE, William, Polarization of Light. 24mo. 129 pp. London, 1874. SPRINGER, A. H. Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte. Svo. 386 pp. Stuttgart, 1855. bTAATSBUDGET, (Das,) und das Bediirfniss fur Kunst und Wissen- schaft im Konigreich Hannover. 4to. Hanover, 1866. STAHL, Leopold. Allgemeiner Gang der Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse. 12mo. 93 pp. Berlin, 1862. bTAHLSCHMiDT, J. H. Darstellung des Eisen-hochofen-prozesses in zahl und bild. 8vo. 85 pp. Ferndorf, 1854. STAMMER, Karl. Chemisches Laboratorium. Anleitung zum Selb- stunterricht in der Chemie. Svo. 609 pp. Giessen, 1856. STANLEY, J. M. Portraits of North American Indians. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 76 pp. Washington, 1852. STANSBURY, Howard. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. Svo. 487 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. 118 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. STAPFF, F. M. Ueber Gesteinbohr Machinen. 4to. 260 pp. text; Atlas, 2to. plates. Stockholm, 1869. STATISTICAL Annual. See under Journals. Sanitary and Medical Reports of the Array for 1859. 8vo. 488 pp. London, 1861. STEEDMAN, Lieut. See Washington Astronomical and Meteoro logical Observations. STEELE, J. D. A Fourteen Weeks Course in Chemistry. Svo. 266 pp. New-York, 1869. STEGMAYER, Carl. Handbuch der Bergbaukunst fur Jedermann. 8vo. 325 pp. Prag, 1862. STEINBECK, Georg Victor Albert. Chemisch-Analytische Unter- suchungen tiber die Veranderung, welche der Mansfelder Kupfersteinbei seiner Rostung Behufs Entsilberung durch die Ziervogelsche Extractiousmethode. An Inaugu al Disser tation. 12mo. 56pp. Halle, 1862. STEININGER, Johann. Die erloschenen Vulkane in der Eifel und am Niederrhein. Svo. 223 pp. Mainz, 1820. STEINMAN, Ferdinand. Erganzungs heft zu dem Compendium der Gasfeurung. 8vo. 100pp. Freiberg, 1868. The same as above. 8vo. 24pp. Freiberg, 1869. STEPHENS, H. Katechismus des practisches Ackerbaues. Translated by . Hamm. 12mo. 110 pp. Leipsig, 1857. STEPIIKNSON, R. Report on Atmospheric Pressure. 4to. 44 pp., XXV. plates. London, 1844. STEVENS, John. Documents tending to Prove the Superior Advan tages of Rail- Ways and Steam Carriages over Canal Naviga tion with Preface by Dr. Chas. King. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 46 pp. New- York, 1812. (Rep. 1852.) STEWART, F. L. Sorghum and Its Products. 12mo. 240 pp. Philadelphia, 1867. William M. Speech on the Bill to Establish a National School of Mines ; delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 16, 1868. Vol. in., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16 pp. Washington, 1868. STIFFT, C. E. Versuch einer Anleitung zu der Aufbereitung der Erze. 8vo. 231 pp. Cassell, 1818. STILLMAN, Paul The Steam Engine Indicator and the Improved Manometer Steam and Vacuum Gauges. Svo. 90 pp. New-York, 1 864. STIMPSON, Wm. Researches upon Ilydrobiinw. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 59pp. Washington, 1865. ST JOHN James. A Method of Chemical Nomenclature. Svo. London, 1788. STOLZEL, C. See Serlo, A., and Stolzel, C. E. Die Metallurgie im Bolley s Chemischen Technologic. 3 parts. 8vo. Brunswick, 1868. STOKER, D. H. See Dewey, Chester. F\ ii. First Outlines of a Dictionary of Solubilities or Chemical Substances. Svo. 713 pp. Cambridge, 1864. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 119 STOKER, F. II. See Eliot and Storer. and Eliot, C. W. On the Chromate of Chromium, and Analogous Chromates. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 35 pp. 1861. STORY Maskelyne, N"evil. A Guide to the Collection of Minerals in the British Museum. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16 pp. London, 1873. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteorites exhibited in the Mineral Department of the British Museum. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8pp. London, 1872. STOUT, Peter F. Report upon the Lands of the St. Domingo .Min ing and Commercial Co. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 23 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. STRECKER, Adolph. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Anorganischeii Chemie theihveise nach Victor Regnault. Seventh edition. 16rno. 432 pp. Brunswick, 1866. The same as above. Eighth edition. ^L2mo. 770pp. Brunswick, 1869. Theorien und Experimente zur Bestimmung der Atom ge- wichte der Elemente. Svo. 146pp. Brunswick, 1859. STUART, Robert. A Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. 8vo. 228 pp. London, 1828. STUDER, B. Geologie der Schweiz. 2 vols. 12mo. Bern, 1853. Geologie der Westlichen Schweizer-Alpen. 8vo. 420 pp. text; 4to. IV. plates. Leipsig, 1834. Lehrbuch der physikalischen Geographic und Geologie. Svo. 526 pp. Bern, 1844. STUR, Dionys. Geologie der Steiermark. Svo. 650pp. Graz, 1871. STYFFE, Knut. Berichte tiber die neuesten Fortschritte im Eisen- hiittenwesen. 8vo. 79 pp., IV. plates. Leipsig, 1868. Die Festigkeits Eigenschaften von Eissen und stahl. Svo. 176pp. Weimar, 1870. STURM J. K. F. Cours d Analyse de L Ecole Polytechnique. 2 vols. in 1. Svo. 206pp. Paris, 1852. SUE, P. Histoire du Galvanisme ; et Analyse des ditierens ouvrages publies sur cette decouverte, depuis son origine jusqu a ce jour. 3 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1802. SULLIVANT, W., and Wormley, T. On Nobert s Test Plate and the Stl ia3 of Diatoms. Vol. XXVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. 1861. SUMMARY of Statistics relating to Mining for 1867. (In Russian.) Published by the Scientific Committee of the Corps of Mining Engineers. 8vo. 363pp. St. Petersburg!), 1867. SUMNER, Charles. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. A Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 17,1866. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 7 pp. Boston, 1866. SUTTOX, Francis. A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. Svo. 377 pp. London, 1871. 120 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAEY. * SvANBEPtG, Jons. Exposition des operations faites en Lapponie pour la Determination d un Arc du Meridien, en 1801, 1802 et 1803, par Messieurs Ofverbom, Svanberg, Holmquist et Pa- lander. Redigee par Jons Svanberg. 8vo. 198 pp. Stockholm, 1805. SVENSSON, N. Svafelsyrlioja salter med Kopparoxidul och eilver- Oxid. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24pp. 1870. SWALLOW, G. C. First and Second Annual Reports of the Geologi cal Survey of Missouri. 8vo. 440 pp. Jefferson City, 1855. SWAIN Turbine Water-Wheel, (The.) An Illustrated Description of the Apparatus; Tables of Data and Results of Tests made at Lowell, Mass., in 1869, 1870. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 51 pp. Lowell, 1871. SWEET, S. IT. Report on Coal to the New-York State Senate, 1865, 8vo. 88 pp. Albany. SYNOPSIS of Organic Chemistry. Printed for the Junior Classes of Union College. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. Troy, 1864. SYSTEM of Instruction (A) for the Practical Use of the Blowpipe. 12mo. 269 pp. New- York, 1858. T. TASHE, Hans. Kurzer Ueberblick liber das Berg-IIiitten-und Sali- nen-Wesen ira Grossherzogthurn Hessen. 8vo. 92 pp. Darmstadt, 1858. TAYLOR, A. S. Poisons in Relation to Medical Jurisprudence. Second American from Second London edition. 8vo. 755 pp. Philadelphia, 1859. J. E. H. The History and Description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries and Coal Trade of Great Britain. Second edition. 8vo. 485 pp. London, 1841. James W. See under Reports of the Special Commission ers on the Mineral Resources of the United States West of the Rocky Mountains. II. C. Statistics of Coal. Second edition. Revised by S. S. Haldeman. 8vo. 640 pp. Philadelphia, 1855. W. B-. A Communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor, transmitting a report on Coal. 8vo. 94 pp. Albany, 1865. W. J. Manufacture of the Oxide of Zinc near Lancaster, Pa. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 3pp. Mineralogical Notes. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4 pp. 1858. The same as above. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp. 1859. TECHNOLOGIST, (The.) 8ee, under Journals, Industrial Monthly. TENNANT, and Mitchell, Walter. Mineralogy and Crystallo graphy. 12 mo. 587 pp. London, 1860. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 121 TEXNER, J. Handbuch der Metale. Legirungen. 12rno. 134pp. Quedlinbnrg, 1860. TEEHUNE, R. H. Steel Rail Manufacture. Containing a Theo retical and Practical Description of the Bessemer Process. 8vo. Joliet, 111., 1874. THALEN, R. Le Spectre d Absorption de la Yapeur d lode. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 12 pp., IV. plates. Upsal, 1869. THENARD, L. J. Traite de Chimie elementaire. 2 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1829. THOMAS, Cyrus. See under United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Quarto series. THOMPSON, Thomas. An Attempt to Establish the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiments. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. An Outline of the Sciences of Heat and Electricity. 8vo. 583 pp. London, 1830. A System of Chemistry, from the Fifth London edition, with notes by Thomas Cooper. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. A System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. On a New Combustible Gas. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 8 pp. Edinburgh, 1827. On Some of the Compounds of Chromium. 4to. 73 pp. London, 1827. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology and Mineral Analysis. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Some Experiments On Gold. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp. Edinburgh, 1827. TV. Magnetische Induction in Crystallinische Mitteln. 8vo. 14 pp. THOMPSON S Annals of Philosophy. See under Journals. THURSTON, R. II. Experimental Steam Boiler Explosions, vol. iv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12pp. Philadelphia, 1872. On the Molecular Changes Produced in Iron by Variations of Temperature. Reprinted from the Iron Age. Svo. Philadelphia, 1873. TILLOCH S Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. See under Journals, London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosoph ical Magazine and Journal of Science. TILMAIST, E. Der Bergbau und das Amalgations Verfahren in dem Bergwerks-Districkte von Guannjuato in Mexico. 4to. 73 pp. Munster, 1866. TODD, R. B. The Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1836-1852. TODHUNTE-R, J. Algebra for the Use of Colleges and Schools, with numerous examples. Sixth edition. Revised. 12rno. 608 pp. London, 1873. TOMLTNSON, Charles. See Hansard, Thomas. TOPHAM, J. Chemistry made Easy, tor the Use of Farmers. 12mo. 44 pp. New-York, 1852. 122 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. TORNQVIST, (Sv. Leonh.) Om Fagelsangstraktens Undersiluriska. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4t<5. 24 pp., II. plates. Om lager folj den i Dalarnes undersiluriska biMningar. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp., I. plate. TORELL, Otto. Bidrag till Sparagmitetagens geognosi och paleon- tologi. 4to. 40 pp., III. plates. Om de Geoliska forskningarne i Norge. Vol. vn., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp. TORRKY, John. See Natural History of the State of New-York. Part II. Botany ; also, United States and Mexican Boun dary Survey. Part II. ; also, United States Exploring Expe dition during the years 1838-1842. TRAILL, G. W. An Elementary Treatise on Quartz and Opal. 12mo. 73 pp. Edinburgh, 1870. TRALL, R. T. Tobacco ; its History, Nature and Effects, with Facts and Figures for Tobacco Users. 12mo. New-York, 1854. TRANSACTIONS of Societies and Institutions. See under appro priate title wider Journals. TREADWELL, Daniel. On the Construction of Hooped Cannon. Sequel to a Memoir " On the Practicability of Constructing Cannon of Great Calibre," &C. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo eeries. 8vo. 40pp. Boston, 1864. On the Measure of the Forces of Bodies Moving with Differ ent Velocities. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 20 pp. Cambridge, 1861. TREATISE on the Manufacture, Imitation und Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rum, &c., and all kinds of Domestic Liquors. Based upon the French System. By a Practical Chemist. 12mo. 208pp. Philadelphia, 1860. TRKDGOLD, Thomas. Elementary Principles of Carpentery. Sec ond edition. 4to. 208 pp., XXII. plates. London, 1828. The same as above. Fifth edition. Corrected and enlarged, with an Appendix, by Peter Barlow. 4to. 336 pp., LXIV. plates. London, 1870. The Steam Engine. 4 to. 370 pp., XX. plates. London, 1827. TRIPON, J. B. Etudes de Projections D Ombres et de Lavis a Pusage de toutes les coles des Architectes et de Mecani- ciens. 2 vols. Svo. text and plates. Paris, 1848. TROOST, Gerard. Fifth, Eighth and Ninth Geological Reports to the Twenty-third, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Gene ral Assemblies of Tennessee. Svo. 76, 20, 39 pp. Nashville, 1840. TROSKA, Richard. Die Hoehofen-Dimensionen auf Grundlage des Plochofen-Prozesses. Svo. 46 pp. Weimar, 1868. TROWBKIDGE, W. P. Proposed Plan for Building a Bridge across the East River, at BlackwelPs Island. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp., II. diagrams. New- York, 1868. TROY and Greenfield Rail-Road and Hoosac Tunnel. Vol. xvin., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 3 Pamphlets. 38, 54, 56 pp. Boston, 1865, 1866. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 123 TRURAN, TV. The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain. Second edi tion. 8vo. 306 pp., LXXXIV. plates. New-York, 1863. TSCIIELNITZ, S. Farben Chemie ins besonderer. Oe! und Wasser- larben. 8vo. 302 pp. Vienna, 1857. TSCIIERMAK, G. Grundriss der Mineralogie fur Schulen. 8vo. 218pp. Vienna, 1863. Mineralvorkomnisse von Joachimsthal und Kremnitz. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. 1867. TUFFEAU, De la Craie. Esquisses Geologiques et Paleontologiques des Coucbes Cretacees de Limbourg. 8vo. 265 pp. Brussels, 1859. TUOMEY, M. Reports on the Geology of South Carolina. 4to. 293 pp. Columbus, S. C., 1848. Second Biennial Report on the Geology of Alabama. 8vo. 292 pp. Montgomery, Ala., 1858. M., and Holmes, F. S. The Pleiocene Fossils of Soutb Carolina. 52 pp., XXX. plates. The Post Pleiocene Fos sils. 64 pp., X. plates. 4to. Charleston, S. C., 1857. TURNBULL, Win. Reports on the Construction of the Piers of tbe Aqueduct of tbe Alexandria Canal. 4to. 49 pp. Washington, 1873. TURNER, Edward. Chemical Examination of the Oxydes of Man ganese. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 32 pp. Edinburgh, 1828. P. A. Treatise on Roll Turning for the Manufacture of Iron. Translated and Adapted by J. B. Pease. 2 vols. text and plates. New- York, 1869. Die Eisenhtittenwesen in Schweden. 8vo. 86 pp. Freiberg, 1858. Die Stabeisen und Stahlbereitung. 2 vols. 8vo. 297, 312 pp. Freiberg, 1858. Die Walzenkaliber fiir die Eisenfabrikation. 8vo. 94 pp., X. plates. Leipsig, 1867. Russlands Montan-Industrie. 8vo. 206 pp., V. plates. Leipsig, 1871. See, also, Bell, J.. L. ; also, under Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, London, 1851 ; also, under Inter national Exhibition, London, 1862. TWINING, Thomas. Technical Training. Being a Suggestive Sketcb of a National System of Industrial Instruction, founded on a General Diffusion of Practical Science among the People. 8vo. 458 pp. London, 1874. TYNDALL, Jobn. Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light. 8vo. 74pp. London, 1870. TYSON, P. T. First Report to the House of Delegates of Maryland, with Appendix on the Mineral resources of Maryland. 8vo. 145, 20 pp. Annapolis, 1860. 124 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBKAEY. u. UBER die Chursachsische Bergwerksverfassung. Ein Beytrag zur Statistik von Sachsen. 8vo. 146 pp. Leipsig, 1787. UBEKSiCfiT fiber die Production der Bergwerke, Salinen uud Hiitten in dem Preussischen Staate im Jahre, 1871. 4to. Berlin, 1872. ULKICII, G. H. F. Notes and Observations on the Ntijjetty Reef, Maldon. (Quarter sheet, 14 N. W.) Geological Survey of Victoria. Vol. XIII., Pamphlets, Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp., I. plate. Melbourne. ULTZMANN, Robert, and Hoffman, Karl Berthold. Anleitung zur Untersnchung des Harnes. 12mo. 133pp. Vienna, 1871. Atlas der Physiologischen und Pathologischen Harnsedi- mente. 8vo. 44 tables. Vienna, 1872. UNION Stone Co. The Union Emery Wheel, Solid and with Stone Centre. 12mo. New-York, 1872. UNITED STATES and Mexico Boundary Survey, under Major W. H. Emory, Commissioner. 2?x. Doc.* 1st /Session. 34th Cone/. Vol. XLV. Part I., Subdivision 1. General Description of the Country, &c., by W. H. Emory. Subdivision 2. Geological Reports by Dr. IT. C. Parry and Arthur Schott. Notes by W. H. Emory. Palaeontology and Geology of the Boundary by James Hall. Description of Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils by T. A. Conrad. Part II., Subdivision 1. Introduction by C.C. Parry. Gene ral Botany by John Torrey. Cretacce by George Engel- man. Subdivision 2. Zoology. Mammals by S. F. Baird. Birds by S. F. Baird. Reptiles by S. F. Baird. Fishes by C. Girard. Part III. Mammals of the Boundary by S. F. Baird. 3 vols. 4to. Washington, 1859. UNITED STATES Coast Survey. A. I). Bache, LL. D., Superintendent. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the Progress of the Survey during the years 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856 to 1863 and 1865. 12 vols. 4to. Washington, 1853-1867. Appendices to above. Appendix IX. Schott, C. A. Deter mination of Time, by means of the Transit Instrument. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. 4to. 17 pp., I. plate. Washington. Appendix X. Schott, C. A.. Determination of the Astro nomical Latitude of a Station, by means of the Zenith Telescope. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. 4to. 14 pp., I. plate. Washington. Appendix XI. Schott, C. A. Determination of the Astro nomical Azimuth of a Direction. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. ] 25 UNITED STATES Coast Survey. A. D. Bache, LL. D., Superintendent. Addenda to Appendices X. and XI. 4to. 12 pp. Washington. Appendix XVI. Pierce, Prof. Benjamin. Report on the Determination of the Longitude of America and Europe, from the Solar Eclipse of July 28, 1851. 4to. 79 pp. Washington. Appendix XXI. Results of the Primary Triangulation of the Coast of New-England. 4to. 17pp. 2 Sketches. Appendix to Report for 1872. Schott, C. A. Notes on Measurements of Terrestrial Magnetism. 4to. 22pp. Also, A Complete set of the Blanks used in the U. S. Coast Survey. UNITED STATES Geological Survey of the Territories. Hayden, F. V., Director. Preliminary Reports. Octavo series. Preliminary Field Report of the Survey of Colorado and New-Mexico. 8vo. 155 pp. Washington, 1869. Preliminary Report of the Survey of Montana and portions of Adjacent Territories. Svo. 538pp. Washington, 1872. Preliminary Report of the Survey of Wyoming and portions of Contiguous Territories. 8vo. 511 pp. Washington, 1872. First, Second and Third Annual Reports, for the years 1^67, ^1868 and 1869. Svo. 261 pp. Washington, 1873. Final Report on Nebraska and portions of the Adjacent Ter ritories. Svo. 264 pp., XL plates. Washington, 1872. Sixth Annual Report, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah ; being a Report of Progress of the Explorations for the year l72. 8vo. 844pp. Washington, 1873. Final Reports. Quarto series. Vol. I. Leidy, Joseph. Fossil Vertebrates. Part I. Con tributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. 4to. 358 pp., XXXVII. plates. Washington, 1873. Vol. V. Thomas, Cyrus. Zoology and Botany. Part I. Synopsis of the Acridadse of North America. Svo. 258 pp., I. plate. Washington, 1873. Miscellaneous Publications. No. 1. Gannett, Henry. List of Elevations in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Pamphlet. Svo. Washington, 1873. No. 2. Gannett, Henry. Meteorological Observations during the year 1872 in Utah, Idaho and Montana, Svo. 120 pp. Washington, 1873. Light House Board. A Series of thirty pamphlets, Svo. and 4to., and ninety plates, 2to., descriptive and illustrative of the U. S. Light House System ; including Plan of Organi zation, Description of Apparatus, List and Location of Licrht Houses, Instructions to Keepers, &c. Washington, 1871. 126 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. UNITED STATES Signal Office, Washington, D. C. A Complete Set of the Blanks used with the, Recording Instruments of the U. S. Signal Office at Washington, D. C. Naval and Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hem isphere during the years 1849, 1850, 1851 and 1852. Gilliss, Lieut. J. M., Superintendent. Natural History. Vol. I. Chili. Vol. II. The Andes and the Pampas. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1855. Naval Observatory. A Set of the Blanks used forltecording and Reducing Observations in the U. S. Naval Observatory. See, also, under Washington Meteorological and Astronom ical Observations. Patent Office, Reports, &c. ^ Rail-Road and Mining Register. I See under Signal Office, Washington. ( Journals. UNIVERSITY of the State of New-York. J UHBIN, Ed. Guide for the Puddling of Iron and Steel. Vol. VIL, Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 25 pp. URE, Andrew. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1863. Supplement. 8vo. New-York, 1864. v. VALERIUS, B. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbnch der Stabeisen Fabrikation. Durch bearbeitet von Carl Hartmann. 8vo. 606 pp. Freiberg, 1845. Supplement to above. 8vo. 143 pp. Freiberg, 1848. Second Supplement to above. 8vo. 150pp. Freiberg, 1851. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Roheisen-Fabrika- tion. Durch bearbeitet von Carl Hartmann. 8vo. 734 pp., XXVIII. plates. Freiberg, 1851-1853. Supplement to above. 8vo. 241 pp., V. plates. Freiberg, 1851-1853. VALICOURT, E. de. Nouveau Manuel Cumplet du Tournenr. Vol. I. 24mo. 336 pp. Paris, 1848. VAN BENDEN, P. J. Un Palaedaphus Nouveau du Terrain Devo- nieil. Vol. XXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 16 pp., I. plate. VAN PEN BINKHORST, J. T. B. Couches cretacees du Lirnbourg. Premiere partie. 8vo. 276 pp. Maastrich, 1859. VAN HASSELT, A. W. M. Handbuch der Giftlehre. In Zwei Theilen. Erste Theil. Allgemeine Giftlehre und Die Gift des Pflanzenreichs. Zweite Theil. Die Thiergifte und die Mineralgifte. Ausdem Hollandischen frei bearbeitet mit Zusatzen Versehen von J. B. Ilenkel. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1862. VAN NOSTRAND S Eclectic Engineering Magazine. See under Journals. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 127 VAN RENSSELAER, Jeremiah. Lectures on Geology. 8vo. 358 pp. "New-York, 1825. VANUXEN-, Lardner. An Essay on the Ultimate Principles of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and Physiology. Part I. 8vo. 91 pp. Philadelphia, 1827. See Natural History of the State ot New-York. Part IV. Vol. 3. VATTHAIRE, A. de. tudes sur les hautes Fourneaux. 8vo. 236 pp. Paris, 1887. VAUQUELIN", L. N. Manuel de L Essayeur. 4to. 80pp. Paris, 1834. VEJIGNAUD, A. D. Chimie Amusante. 24mo. 383 pp. Paris, 1854. VERHANDLUNGEN der K. K. Geologisch Keichsanstalt. jSee under Journals. VERSAMMLUNG von Berg-und Hiittemmannern zu Wien, 1861. VERZEICIINISS sammtlicher von der Kais. Akademie der Wissen- schafteri seit ihrer griindung bis letzten October 1868. Veroffentlichten Druckschritten. 12mo. 300 pp. Vienna, 1869. VIENNA Exposition, 1873. See Wiener Weltaustellung, 1873. VILLEFOSSE, Heron de. La Kichesse Minerale. 3 vols. 4to. text; 2to. plates. Paris, 1869. Mineral-Reichthum. Edited by Carl Hartinann. 5 vols. text ; Atlas, LXXVI. plates. Sondershaussen, 1872. VILLERS, B. de, Dufrenoy, P. A., and Beaumont, filie de. Carte Geologique de la France avec Explication. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1841. VINTON, Francis L. Lectures on Machines Theory of Construction and Calculation of their Etfect, delivered at the School of Mines. Lithographed from notes taken by August Van Cleef. 4to. 94 pp. New- York, 1869. Theory of the Strength of Materials, illustrated by Applica tions to Machines and Buildings. 8vo. 182 pp. New- York, 1874. VIOLETTE, II. Guide Pratique de la Fabrication des Mines. 12 mo. 407 pp. Paris. VISQUESNEL, A. Journal d un Voyage dans la Turquie d Europe. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp. VIVENOT, Franz v. Bergbau und Hfittenwesen. (Gruppe I. Sec tion I.) Montanproducte mit Ausnahme der Fossilen Brenn- stoffe. Officieler JBerichte, Wiener Weltausstellung. Vol. xxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 9pp. Vienna, 1873. VOGEL, August. Der Torf seine Natur und Bedentung. 12 mo. 170 pp. Brunswick, 1859. VOGELSANG, H. Philosophie der Geologic und Mikroskopische Gesteinstudien. 8vo. 229 pp., X. plates. Bonn, 1867. M. Lehrbuch der Eisen-Smailirkunst. 8vo. 86 pp., II. plates. Brunswick, 1851. Ueber die Systematik der Gesteinlehre und die Eintheilung der gemengten Silikatgesteine. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 37 pp. Bonn, 1873 128 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. VOIGT, F. S. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. " Heidelberger Naturges- chichte." 6 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1835. VOLGER, G. H. O. Versuch einer Monographie des Borasites. 8vo. 244 pp. Hannover, 1855. YON BREMEN, L. & Co. Tauclier-Apparate. 12mo. Kiel, 1873. Vox BUCH, L. Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln. 4to. 407 pp., text ; Atlas, XIII. plates. Berlin, 1825. VON COTTA, Bernhard. A Treatise on Ore Deposits. Translated by Frederick Prime, Jr. 8vo. 511 pp. New- York, 1870. Die Gesteinlehre. 8vo. 233pp. Freiberg, 1862. Die Lehre von den Erzlagerstatten. 8vo. 534 pp. Freiberg, 1855. Erzlagerstatten im Banat und im Serbien. 8vo. 108 pp. Vienna, 1865. See, also. Prime F., and Von Cotta, B. VON HUMBOLDT, A. Essai Geognostique sur le Gissement des Ro ches dans les deux Hemispheres. 8vo. 379pp. Paris, 1823. VON KRUSENSTEIN, Paul. Geographische Bestimmungen. 4to. 148 pp. St. Petersburg, 1846. VON LANG, Victor. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 8vo. 358 pp. Vienna, 1866. VON MULLER, J. W. Fragmentarische Mittheilungen fiber die in Afrika Gemachten Reisen. 4to. 18 pp. 1849. VON RITTENGER, P. Ritter. Lehrbuch der Aut bereitungskunde in ihren neuesten entwicklung und ausbildung systematisch dargestetellt. 8vo. 595 pp. text; Atlas, XXXIV. plates. Berlin, 1867. VON WIED, Prinz Max. Ueber die Selbststandigkeit der Species des (Jrsus Ferox Desm mit Anatomischen Bemerkungen von Dr. C. Mayer. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 51pp., III. plates. 1856. w. WACHLER, L. Die Eisen-Erzeugung Oberschlesiens. 8vo. Oppeln, 1847-1851. Betraehtungen tiber die jetzige Lage des Hochofenbetriebes in Oberschlesien. 8vo. 52 pp. Oppeln, 1857. Geschichte der Eisenhtitten werke zu Malapane. 8vo. 120 pp. Glogaa, 1856. WAGNER, Andreas. Monographie der fossileii Fische aus den lithographischen Schiefern-Bayeres. 2 parts. 4to. 138, 136 pp., IV., VI. plates. Munich, 1861-1863. Rudolph. A Handbook of Chemical Technology. Trans lated and edited from the Eighth German edition, with exten sive additions, by William Crookes. 8vo. 745 pp. New- York, 1872. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 129 WAGNER S Jabresbericht. See Catalogue of Periodical Publications. WAILES, B. L. C. Report on tbe Agriculture and Geology of Mississippi. 8vo. 371 pp. 1854. WALDEGG, E. H. von. Handbuch ftir Specielle Eiseubahntechnik. 2 vols. 8vo. text and plates. Leipsig, 1869. WALKER, Francis A. Report of tbe Superintendent of the Ninth Census of tire United States. Compiled from the Original Returns, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Vol. I. P&pulation and Social Statistics of the United States. Vol. II. Industry and Wealth of the United States. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1870. WALKHOFF, Louis. Der Practisehe Riibenzuckerfabricant und Raffinadeur. Ein Lehr-und Hiilfsbuch. 8vo. 900 pp. Brunswick, 1867. WALLACE, William. The Laws which regulate the Deposition of Lead Ore in Veins, illustrated by an examination of the Geo logical Structure of the Mining Districts of Alston Moor. 8vo. 258pp. London, 1861. WALTERSHAUSEN, W. Sartorius v. Ueber die submarinen vulkan- ischen Ausbriiche in der Terfiar-Formation des Val di Noto im Vergleich mit vervvandten Erscheinungen Aetna. 12mo. 142 pp. Gottingen, 1846. WANGENHEIM, E. Der Bessemerprocess. 12mo. 148 pp. Weimar, 1863. WANKLYN, Chapman. Water Analysis. A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water. 16mo. 103pp. London, 1868. WARD Cabinets of Mineralogy and Geology in the University of Rochester Notice of the. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 44 pp. Rochester, 1863. H. A. Notice of the Megatherium Cuvieri, the Giant Fos sil Ground-Sloth of South America. 4to. 34 pp., I. plate. Rochester, 1864. WARE, W. R. An Outline of a Course of Architectural Instruc tion. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 36 pp. Boston, 1866. WARREN, C. M. On a Process of Fractional Condensation. 4to. 13 pp. Researches on the Volatile Hydrocarbons. Two Me moirs. I. On the Volatile Hydrocarbons from Coal Tar, Naphtha, Oil of Cumin and Curninic Acid. II. On the Influence of C. II. upon the Boiling Points in Homologous Series of Hydrocarbons and in some series of their Derivatives; with Critical Observations on Methods of Taking Boiling Points. 8vo. 42pp. Cambridge, 1865. and Storer, F. H. Researches on the Volatile Hydro carbons. Two Memoirs. I. Naphtha from Lime Soap. II. Naphtha from Rangoon Petroleum. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 41 pp. Cambridge, 1866 9 130 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. WARREN, G. K. Report and Plan for tho Reclamation of the Basin of the Mississippi River Subject to Inundation, by the Board of Commissioners appointed under Act of Congress, approved June 22, 1874. 8vo. 160 pp., IV. plans. Washjngton, 1873. J. C. The Mastodon Giganteus of North America. 4to. 219 pp., XXVIII. plates. Boston, 1862. S. Edward. Notes on Polytechnic Schools in the United States; their Nature, Position, Aims and Wants. Vol. xix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 58pp. New-York, 1866. WASHINGTON Aqueduct. Plans and Specifications for. Svo. Washington, 1871. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. See Cata logue of Periodical Publications, under C. United States Naval Observatory, p. 179. WARZEE, Andre. Expose Historique de L Industrie du Fer dans la Province de Liege. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 94 pp. Liege, 1861. Expose Historique et Statistique de L Industrie Metallur- gique dans Le Hainaut. Svo. 148 pp. Mons, 1861. WATER-GAS Process History and Value of the. Vol. xvi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 42pp. New- York, 1864. WATERIIOUSE, S. The Resources of Missouri. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 64pp. St. Louis, 1 867. WAIHNEK, J. Practischen Eisen tind Eisenwarrenkennen von J. Koditek. 8vo. 230 pp. text; Atlas, XXXI. plates. Gratz, 1860, WATSON, R. Chemical Essays. Seventh edition. 5 vols. 16ino. London, 1800. S., and Rothrock, J. T. See under Geographical and Geo logical Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Winslow C. A Supplement to the Report on the Survey of Essex County, N. Y. Svo. 39pp. Albany, 1853. WATTS, Henry. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of other Sciences. 5 vols. and two Supplements. 8vo. London. Vol. I. Abichite Conglomerate. 1137 pp. 1863. Vol. II. Conhydrine Gytge. 985 pp. 1864. Vol. III. Hrcmaphein Mysorin. 1096pp. 1865. Vol. IV. Nacrite Pyruvic Acid. 1115 pp. 1866. Vol. V. Quadrantoxide Zymurgy. 1188pp. 1868. First Supplement. Acetic Acid Sulphur. 1194pp. 1872. Second Supplement, 1215 pp. 1875. W. Marshall. Index of Spectra. Svo. 74 pp.,X. plates. London, 1872. WEBER, R. Atomgewichts-Tabellen. 8vo. 125pp. Brunswick, 1852. WEDDING, H. Grundriss der Eisenhuttenkunde. Svo. 308 pp. Berlin, 1871. WEIIRLE, A. Lehrbuch der Probir und Htittenkunde. 2 vols. Svo. text; Atlas, XXVII. plates. Vienna, 1841. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 131 WEIXGTCHEIMNISSE. 8vo. 48 pp. Nuremburg, 1858. WEINGEIIEIMXISSE. Zosammenstellung alle bisher oft sehr geheim gehaltener Mittel zurnattirlichen und kiinstlichen Weinbereit- img jeder Gattntig. 12mo. 123pp. Nuremburg, 1858. WEISBACH, Albin. Tabellen zur Bestimmung der Mineralieii. 12 mo. 113 pp. Leipsig, 1869. Julius. A Manual of the Mechanics of Engineering. Translated from the Fourth German Edition by Eckley B. Coxe. Vol. I. Theoretical Mechanics. 8vo. 1112pp. New-York, 1872. Die Experimental-Hydraulik. 8vo. 281pp. Freiberg, 1855. Lehrbuch der Ingenieur-und Machinen-Mechanik. "Fiinfte verbesserte und vervollstendigte Auflage. Vol. I. 8vo. 1301 pp. Brunswick, 1870-1875. Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Mechanik. 3 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1855, 1863, 1865. Appendix. 8vo. 43pp. Brunswick, I860. Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847, 1848. WELLS. Principles and Applications of Chemistry. Sixth edition. 8vo. 515 pp. New- York, 1863. David A. Reports of the Special Commissioner of Revenue. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1866, 1867. WELTAUSSTELLUNG zu Wien, 1873. See Wiener Weltausstelluns 1 Qton I O / f>. WENIGER, K. A. Der Praktische Schmelzmeister. Svo. 138pp. Prai?, 1864. WEKNKR, A. G. A Treatise on the External Character of Fossils. Translated by Thomas Weaver. 12mo. 312 pp. Dublin, 1805. Gotthilf. Leitfaden zum studiurn der Krystallographie. 12mo. 145 pp. Hanover, 1867. WEST, Gratien. Statistique des Volumes des Equivalents Chimiques et d autres donnes relatives a leurs proprietes physiques suivie d un Memoire sur quelques questions moleculaires. 4to. 304pp. Paris, 1875. VVESTENDORF, Karl. Die Bestimmung fiir Annahme eine Normal- musse und eine Normalstantsche. 4to. Vienna, 1873. WBTHERILL, C. M. A Brief Sketch of the Modern Theory of Chemical Types. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 15pp. Chemical Examination of Two Minerals from the Neighbor hood of Reading, Pennsylvania ; and On the Occurrence of Gold in Pennsylvania. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 7 pp. Philadelphia. Chemical Notices On the Occurrence of Gold near Read ing; and, Apparatus for the Analysis of Carbonates. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 4pp. 1854. Examination of Fusil-Oil from Indian Corn and Rye! Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7pp. Experiments on Itacolumite, (Articulite.) Vol. xn., Pamphlets! Octavo series. 8vo. 7pp. 1867. 132 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. WETHERILL, C. M. On Adipocere and its Formation., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 25pp. Philadelphia, 1855. On a New Variety of Asphalt, (Melan-Asphalt.) Vol. m., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 6pp. Philadelphia, 1852. On the Crystallization of Sulphur, and upon the Reaction between Sulphur of Hydrogen, Ammonia and Alcohol. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 8pp. 1865. On the Neutral Sulphate of the Oxide of Ethyle, and the Re sults of its Decomposition by Water. Vol. m., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 5 pp. Philadelphia, 1848. WHEELER, George M. See under Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Me ridian. assisted by Dr. F. Kampf and J. II. Clark. Report upon the Determination of the Astronomical Co-ordinates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Co lorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872 and 1873. 4to. 82. pp. Washington, 1874. WHELPLEY and Storer. Description of their New Method of Sepa rating Metals from Sulphurets and other Ores. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 12 pp., III. plates. Boston, 1866. WHITE, C. A. See under Geographical and Geological Explora tions and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. First and Second Annual Reports of the State Geologist of Iowa. 8vo. 279pp. Des Moines, 1868. J. H. and B. Silliman, Jr. Petroleum in California. A Brief Account of One Hundred Thousand Acres of Oil Lands in California. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 21 pp. New-York, 1865. WHITNEY, A. R, Sections of Iron Beams, &c., with tables of weights, co-efficients, dimensions, &c. 2 to. 65 pp. New- York. J. D. The Geological Survey of the State of California, J. D. Whitney, Director. An Address to the Legislature of California, concerning the Geological Survey of the State, delivered March 12th, 1861. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 47 pp. San Francisco, 1861. An Address on the Propriety of Continuing the State Geolo gical Survey of California ; to which are appended, Two Letters, relative to the Progress of the Survey during the years 1864-1865, and 1865-1866 ; also, the Report ot the Commissioners To Manage The Yosemite Valley and The Mariposa Big Tree Grove, for the years 1867-] Vol XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series, 8vo. 23, 14, 15, 14 pp. San Francisco, 1868. Letter of the State Geologist relative to the Progress of the State Geological Survey of California during the years 1866-1867. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 15 pp. Sacramento, 1867. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 133 WHITNEY, J. D. The Geological Survey of the State of California. Reports of the Survey. Geology. Vol.1. Report of Progress and Synopsis of Field Work, from 186 1) to 1864. 4to. 498pp. 1865. Ornithology. Vol. I. Land Birds. Edited by S. F. Baird, from the -manuscript and notes of J. G. Cooper. 8vo. 592pp. Cambridge, 1870. Palaeontology. Vol. I. Carboniferous and Jurassic Fossils by F. B. Meeks. Triassic and Cretaceous Fossils by W. M. Gabb. 2 vols. 4to. 1869. The Yosemite Guide Book. 4to. 155 pp., II. maps.^ 1870. Miscellaneous Publications of the Survey. Contributions to Barometric Hypsometry ; with tables for use in California. 4to. 88 pp. 1874. The Metallic Wealth of the United States. 8vo. 510pp. Philadelphia, 1854. See, also, Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. ; Hall, James ; and Worthen, A. II. J. P. The Silver Mining Regions of Colorado. 8vo. 107 pp. New- York, 1865. WIBEL, Ferd. Das Gediegene Kupfer und das Rothkupfererz. (Kupferoxydul.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre den Erzlagerstatten. ^8vo. 182 pp. Hamburg, 1864. WICKE, Wilh. Anleitung zur Chemischen Analyse. 8vo. 467 pp. Brunswick, 1857. WICKSTEED, Thomas. Explanation of the Plates of the Cornish, and Boulton and Watt Engines, erected at the London Water Works, Old Ford. 4to. 24 pp., VIII. plates. London, 1842. WIECK, F. G. Das Buch der Efindungen Gewerbe und Industrien. 5 vols. 12mo. Leipsig, 1861-1863. WIENER Akademie der Wissenschaften. See Catalogue of Periodi cal Publications, p. 152. WIENER Weltausstellung, 1873. Atti Ufficiali della Esposizione Universale di Vienna del 1873. Catalog Generale degli Espositori Italiani. 8vo. 296 pp. Rome, 1873. Amtlicher Katalog der Ausstellung desDeutschen Reiches. 16mo. 672 pp. Berlin, 1873. Belfjique. Catalogue des Produits Industrials et des (Euvres D Art. 16mo. 373 pp. Brussels, 1873. Brewer, Eben. Official Catalogue of the American Depart ment. 4to. 148 pp. London, 1873. Catalogue of the Exhibition. Printed for the Use of the British Jurors. 8vo. 174 pp. London, 1873. Catalogue Speciale de la Section Russe a L Exposition Universelle de Vienna en 1873, publiee par la Commis sion Imperiale de Russie. 12mo. 218 pp. St. Petersburg, 1873. 134 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. WIENER Weltausstellung. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Report of the Com missioners to the Exposition at Vienna. 8vo. 91 pp. Boston, 1874. Descriptive Catalogue of the Exhibits in the New-Zealand Courts of the Vienna Exhibition, 1873. 4to. 47 pp. Die Ausstellung der Geologisehen Lands-Untersuchung Schroedens auf der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. Die Ausstellungs-Objecte der Koniglichen Ungarischen Geo logischen Anstalt auf der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. 8vo. 1873. Die Bergbaue und Eisenwerke der Steierischen Eisenindus- trie-Gesellschaft. Eine Beilage zu den Ausstellungsgegen- standen dieser Gesellschaft auf der Welt-Ausstellung 1873 in Wien. 8vo % Vienna, 1873. France. Produits Industriels. Premiere Edition, 12mo. 600 pp. Vienna, 1873. General Katalog. Hefts, I. to XIX. 8vo. 832pp. Vienna, 1873. Kaiserlichen Koniglichen Geologischen Keichsanstalt. Cat alogue ihrer Ausstellungsgegenstande bei der Wiener Weltausstellung, 8vo. 200pp. Vienna, 1873. K. K. priv. osterr. Staats-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft. Maschinen- fabrik in Wien. Typen-Skizzen und Dimensionen der bei der Wiener Weltausstellung im Jab re, 1873, exponirten 5 Lokomotiven. V. plates. Small folio. Katalog fur die Sammlung der Bergwerks-Hutten,-Salinen,- und Steinbruchs-Producte von Elsass-Lothringeu auf der Wiener Weltausstellung von 1873, 8vo. 98 pp. Strasburg, 1873. Kerpely, Anton. Das Eisen auf der Wiener Weltausstel lung, 1873. 8vo. 229 pp., IV. plates. Schemnitz, 1873. Kupelweiser, F. Officieler Ausstellungs-Bericht. Part I. Bergbau und Huttenwesen. 8vo. 19 pp. Part II. Das Hiittenwesen. 8vo. 110pp. 2 Pamphlets. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. L Empire du Bresil a L Exposition Universelle de Vienna en 1873. 8vo. 364 pp. Ilio Janeiro, 1873. Liste der Mitgleider der internationalen Jury. 4to. 73pp. Vienna, 1873, Matkovie, Peter. Kroatien-Slavonien nach seinen Physischen und Geistigen Verhaltnissen. Denkschrift zur Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. 12mo. 112 pp. Agram, 1873. Norwegischer Special Katalog der Weltausstellung, 1873, in Wien. Kunst-Industrie. 8vo. 77 pp. 1873. Notice sur les Objets Exposes par la Societe des Charbon- nages de Mariemont ; L Olive Chaud-Bisson & Carnieres et par la Societe des Charbonnages de Bascoup. 8vo. Mons, 1873. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 135 WIENER Wei tansstel lung. Officieler Austellungs-Berichte herausgegeben durch die General-Direction der Weltausstellung, unter redaction von Dr. Karl Theodor Richter. Parts I. to LXXXVII. Vienna, 1873-1875. Preliminary Explanatory Circulars. 90 Circulars. 4to. Washington, 1873. Resume du Catalogue de la Section Bresilienne 4 L Exposi- tion Internationale a Vienne en 1873. 12mo. 32pp. Vienna, 1873. bchott, E. Kurzer Bericht iiber die bei der Wiener Welt ausstellung, 1873, zur Anschauung gebrachten Eisen-HiU- ten-Producte, Eisen-und Stahlarbeiten. Vol. vni., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 34pp. Leipsig, 1873. Special Catalog der Ausstellung des Persischen Reiches. 8vo. 151 pp. Vienna, 1873. Special Catalog der Ausstellung des Konlgreichs der Nieder- lande nebst einen uebersichtsplan dieser Ausstellung. 12mo. 166 pp. Vienna, 1873. Y\ lenerberger Ziegelfabriks-und Bau-Gesellschaft zur zeit der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1875. 8vo. 92 pp. Vienna, 1873. Zusammenstellung der Catalogs Nummern die Einzelnen Lander nach Gruppen und Sectionen Geordnet. Svo. 38 pp. Vienna, 1873. WIESNER, Julius. Untersuchungen tiber die herbstliche Entlau- bung der Holzgewachse. 8vo. Vienna, 1871 Gummiarten. Harze und Balsame. Die technischen ver- wendeten. 8vo. 205pp. Erlano- e n, 1869. WIGAND, A. Frjschhlittenbetrieb. 8vo. 144pp. Berlin, 1837. WIGIIAM, J. R. A New Method of Illuminating Lighthouses. 8vo. 8pp. Dublin, 1865. WiLCOCKS, A. Thoughts on the Influence of Ether in the Solar TX7 System. 4ta 104 pp 1860> WILL, Hemrieh. Anleitung zur Chemischen Analyse zur gebrauch mi Chemischen Laboratorium zu Giessen. 12mo. 314 pp. Leipsig, 1857. lafeln zur Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse. Fourth edition 12nio. 22pp. Leipsig, 1857. WILLARD and Shaw s Patent Tin Lined Lead Pipe. A Circular. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 21 pp. New-York, 1865. Improvements in the Construction of Lead Pipe. , xr 8vo. 23 pp. New- York, 1865. WILLIAMS, C. G. A. Hand-book of Chemical Manipulations. n , 12mo. 580pp. London, 1857. 1: lates Illustrative of the Combustion of the Gaseous Portion of Coal, and of the Modes by Which It May Be Ettected in Furnaces. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. XIV. diagrams. Liverpool, 1841. 1-36 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBKAKY. WILLIAMS, J. J. The Isthmus of Tehuantcpec : being the Results of a Survey for a Rail-Road to Connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the Direc tion of Major J. G. Barnard. 8vo. 295 pp. New-York, 1852. WILLIAMSON, A. W. Chemistry for Students. 12mo. 479pp. Oxford, 1868. WILLIS, Robert. Principles of Mechanism, designed for the use of Students in the Universities, and for Engineering Students generally. 8vo. 446 pp. London, 1841. WILSON, George. Inorganic Chemistry, Revised and enlarged by H. G. Madan. 12mo. 528 pp. London. 1871. Jeremiah M., (Chairman.) Report of the Select Committee (No. 2) of the House of Representatives, appointed under the Resolution of January 6, 1873, to make inquiry in relation to the Affairs of the Union Pacific Rail-Road Company, the Credit Mobilier of America, and other matters specified in said Resolution, and in other Resolutions referred to said Committee. 8vo. 786 pp. Washington, 1873. WINCIIELL, A. First Biennial Report of the Geological Survey of Michigan. 8vo. 339pp. Lansing, 1861. N. H. Geological and Natural History Survey of Min nesota. Appendix to Regents Report of University of Minnesota, 8vo. 148 pp. St. Paul, 1873. WINDOM, lion. Wm. The Northern Pacific Railway : its Eifect upon the Public Credit, the Public Revenues and the Public Debt. A Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, January 5th, 1869. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 60 pp. Washington, 1869. WINES A Treatise on Foreign Wines, &c. 12mo. 208pp. Philadelphia, 1860. WING, C. H. On Certain Double Sulphates of the Cerium Group. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 10pp. 1870. WINKLEE, C. A. Untersuchungen tiber die Chemischen Yorgange in der Gay-Lussacschen Condensationsapparaten der Schwe- felsaurefabriken. 12mo. 36 pp. Freiberg, 1867. G. G. Die Schichten der Avicula Contorta inner-und aus- Serhalb der Alpen. Vol. XXIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 51 pp., II. plates. Munich, 1859. Kurt Alexander. Erfahrungsgesatze tiber die Bildung der Schlacken. 16mo. 56pp. Freiberg, J 82 7. I3i e europaische Amalgamazion der Silbererze und silber- haltigen Htittenprodukte. . 8vo. 210pp. Freiberg, 1848. WITTSTEING. C. Wiederlegung der Chemischen Typenlehre. 8vo. 96 pp. Munich, 1862. WOIILEE F. Practische Ubungen in der Chemischen Analyse. 12mo. 218 pp. Gottingen, 1853. Grundriss der Chemie (Anorganischen und Organisehen.) 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1848-1851. WOLFF A. F. Die Verzinkung des Eisens. 12 mo. 30 pp. Dresden, 1857. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 137 WOLTEES, A. Das Territorium Idaho und Seine Mineralschatze. 8vo. 8 pp. Vienna, 1873. WOLTMAN, R. Breitrage zur Hydraulischen Architectur. 4 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1791. Beytrage zur Schiffbahrmachnng der Flusse. 4to. 334 pp., VII. plates. Hamburg, 1826. WOOD, G. B., and Bache, F. The Dispensatory of the U. S. of America. Twelfth edition. 8vo. 1704 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. De Volson. A Treatise on the Resistance of Materials, and an Appendix on the Preservation of Timber. 8vo. 245 pp. New-York, 1871. A Treatise on the Theory and Construction of Bridges and Roofs. 8vo. 249 pp. New- York, 1873. WOODMAN, John S. An Address on the Inauguration of the Wor cester County Institute of Industrial Science. Vol. XVIIL, Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 13pp. Worcester, 1868. WOODWABD, S. P. A Rudimentary Treatise on Recent and Fossil Shells. 12mo. 486pp. London, 1851-1856. WORCESTER, Joseph E. A Dictionary of the English Language. 4to. 1786 pp. Boston, "i860. WOEMLEY, Theodore G. A Treatise on the Micro-Chemistry of Poisons. 8vo. 702 pp., XIV. plates. New-York, 1869. WOETHEN, A. IT., assisted by J. D. Whitney, Leo Lesquereux and Henry Engelmann. The Geological Survey of Illinois. Vol. I. Geology. Vol. II. Pala3ontology. Vol. III. Geology and Pala3ontology. 3 vols. 4to. Chicago, 1866-1868. WEIGHT, O. A. On the Mineral Well at Waterloo, Wis. 8vo. 2 pp. WUETZ Amalgamation Co. of New-York, Statement of the, with a* letter from Henry Wurtz to Prof. B. Silliman, on So dium Amalgamation. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Henry. Contributions to Analytical Chemistry. 3 Pam phlets. 38,14,9pp. 1858. Vol. XVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Occurrence of Cobalt and Nickel in Gaston Co., N". C. Vol. XII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7 pp. 1859. On the Preparation of some Pure Sulphates, and particularly of Sulphate of Copper. 8vo. 3pp. 1858. Report upon Grahamite. 8vo. 25 pp. New-York, 1865. Report upon a Mineral Formation in West Virginia to the Ritchie Mineral Resin and Oil Co. Vol. xv., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 25 pp. New- York, 1865. and Leeds, Albert R. Reports to the Board of Public Works of Jersey City on Analyses of the Water of the Passaic River. Pamphlet. 8vo. Jersey City, 1873. Karl Adolph. "Dictionnaire de Chimie, Pure et Appliquee. Vol. I. Part 1. A.-B. 8vo. 686 pp. 1869. Part 2. C.-G. 8vo. 973pp. 1873. Vol. II. Part 1. H.-Phe. 8vo. 920pp. 1873. Part 2. Phe.-Rue, 1874. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. 138 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Y. YAENALL. See Catalogue of Periodical Publications, page 179, wider United States Naval Observatory. Observations for 1871. YARROW, II. C. See under Geographical and Geological Explora tions and Surveys West ot the One Hundredth Meridian. YEAR Book of Facts in Science and Art. /See Catalogue of Period ical Publications, page 176. YEBMOLOW, A). S. Recherches sur les Gissements de Phosphate de Chaux Fossile en Russie avec Tableaux analytiques et Cartes. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1873. YOUHANS, E. L. The Correlation and Conservation of Forces. 8vo. 438 pp. New-York, 1865. YOUNG, Edward. Special Report on the Customs Tariff Legislation of the United States, with Appendices. 8vo. 137 pp. Washington, 1872. J. R. The Elements of Integral Calculus, with its Applica tions to Geometry, and to the Summation of Infinite Series. Revised and Corrected by Michael O Shannessy, A. M. 8vo. 292 pp. Philadelphia, 1833. z. ZAENGERLE, Max. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. 8vo. 1GO pp. Brunswick, 1873. ZEIPEL, Victor von. Otn Mononiial-och Fakultetskoefficienter. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 57pp. ZEITSCII RIFT der Deutschen Geologischen GesellO e n , , f schaft. See Catalogue of ^ der Vereins des Deutschen Ingenieure. V Pe " odical p "bli- fur Analytische Chemie. f Uons > PP 156 liir das Berg Huetten und Salinen Wesen. J " ZEPHAROVICH, Yon. Krystallographjsches Wand Tafeln. 4to. XI. plates. Prag, 1865. ZERJSTIKOW. Die Theorie der Dampfmaschinen. 8vo. 233pp. Brunswick, 1359. ZERRENNER, C. Anleitung zum Gold Platin-und Diamanteu Waschen. 4to. 141 pp. Leipsig, 1851. Der Metallurgischen Gasfeuerung im Oesterreich. 8vo. 278 pp. Vienna, 1856. ZEUNER, Gustav. A Treatise on Valve Gears, with Special Refer ence to the Link Motions of Locomotive Engines. Translated from the German by Moritz Muller. 8vo. 244 pp. London, 1869. Die Schiebersteinerungen. 8vo. 181 pp. Freiberg, 1858. ZIEMSSENT, H. v. Handbuch der Speciellen Pathologie und Tlierapie. Erster Band. 8vo. 552pp. Leipsig, 1874. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 139 ZIGNO, A. de. Flora fossilis Formationis Oolithica. Vol. I. 4to. 223pp., XXV. plates. Padova, 1856-1868. ZIGISMONDY, W. Mitthciluiigen tlber die Bohrthermen zu Harkann auf der Margaretheninzel nachst Ofen, und zu Lippik und den Bohrbrunnen zu Alesuth. 12mo. 10 pp. Pest, 1873. ZINCKEN, C. F. Die Physiographic der Braunkohle. 8vo. 818 pp., II. plates. Hanover, 1867. ZIPPE, F. X. M. Geschichte der Metalle. 8vo. 364 pp. Vienna, 1857. ZIRKEL, Ferdinand. Die Mikroscopische Beschaffenheit der Miner- alien und Gesteine. 8vo. 502pp. Leipsig, 1873. Lehrbuch der Petrographie. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1866. Untersuchungen fiber die mikroscopische Zusammenset- zung und Struktur Basaltgesteine. 8vo. 208 pp., III. plates. Bonn, 1870. ZUCHOLD, E. A. Bibliothecha Chemica, 1840-1858. 8vo. 342pp. Gottingen, 1859. (The following monographs constitute Vbls. I. to XX., XXII., XXIV. and XXV. of the publications of the Palmontographical Society, London. Those marked with an asterisk have been com pleted?) BELL, T., Prof. A Monograph of The Fossil Malacostracous Crus tacea of Great Britain. Part I. Crustacea of the London Clay. 44 pp., XL plates. London, 1857. Part II. Crustacea of the Gault and Greensand. 40 pp., XL plates. London, 1860. See, also, Owen, Prof., and Bell, Prof. BINNEY, E. W. Observations on The Structure of Fossil Plants found in the Carboniferous Strata. Part II. Lepidostrobus and Some Allied Cones. 20 pp., VI. plates. London, 1871. Part III. Lepidodendron. 24 pp., VI. plates. London, 1872. BRADY, H. B. See Jones, T. Rupert ; Parker, W. K., and Brady, H. B. BUSK, George. *A Monograph of The Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. 136 pp., XXII. plates. London, 1857. DARWIN, Charles. A Monograph on The Fossil Balanida3 and Ver- rucidte of Great Britain. 180 pp., XXIII. plates. London, 1854. *A Monogram on The Fossil Lepadidse, or Pedunculated Cir- ripedes of Great Britain. 88 pp., V. plates. London, 1851. DAVIDSOX, T. A Monograph of British Carboniferous Brachiopoda. *Vol. I. The Tertiary, Cretaceous Oolitic and Liassic Bra chiopoda. 409 pp., XLII. plates. London, 1851-1855. *Vol. II. The Permian and Carboniferous Brachiopoda. 331 pp., LIX. plates. London, 1858-1863. Vol. III. The Devonian and Silurian. 528 pp., LXX. plates. London, 1864-1871. DAWKINS, W. Boyd, and Sanford, W. Ayshford, The British Pleis tocene Mammalia. Part I. Introduction. Felis spelaB. Part III. Felis spelaB concluded with F. lynx. VI. plates. 1868. Part IV. Felis pardus, &c. II. plates. 1871. Part V. Ovihos moschatus. V. plates. 1871. 218 pp. London. 142 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DAWKINS, W. Boyd, and Sanford, W. Ayshford. The British Pleis tocene OvidaB. 30 pp., V. plates. London, 1864-1872. DUNCAN, Dr. Supplement to The Fossil Corals. Part I. Tertiary. X. plates. 1865. Part II. Nos. 1, 2. Cretaceous. XV. plates. 1868. Part IV. No. 1. Liassic. XI. plates. 1866. 190 pp. London. EDWARDS, F. E. A Monograph on The Eocene Mollusca, or De scriptions of Shells from the Older Tertiaries of England. Part I. Cephalopoda. IX plates. 1848. Part II. Pulmonata. VI. plates. 1852. . Part III. Nos. 2, 3. Prosobranchiata. XVIII. plates. 1854-1858. 332 pp. London. FORBES, Prof. E. *A Monograph on The Radiaria of the Crag, London Clay, &c. 39 pp., IV. plates. London, 1852. HARDER, F. W. See Wood, S. V. HAIME, Julius. See Milne-Edwards and Haime, Julius. JONES, T. Rupert. *A Monograph on The Crag Foraminifera of Great Britain. 78 pp;, IV. plates. London, 1866. *A Monograph on The Tertiary Entomostraca of Great Britain. 74 pp., VI. plates. London, 1857. *A Monograph on The Entomostraca of the Cretaceous For mation of England. 41 pp., VII. plates. London, 1850. *A Monograph on The Fossil EstheriaB of Great Britain. 137 pp., 5 plates. London, 1863. KING, Prof. W. *A Monograph on The Fossils of the Permian Formation of England. 287 pp., XXIX. plates. London, 1850-1855. LANKESTER, E. R. See Powrie, J., and Lankester, E. R. LYCETT, Dr. See Morris, Prof., and Lycett, Dr. MILNE, Edwards, and Haine, J. A Monograph on The British Fossil Corals. *Part I. Crag, London Clay, Cretaceous. XI. plates. 1849. *Part II. Oolitic. XIX. plates. 1851. *Part III. Peruvian Mountain-limestone. XVI. plates. 1852. *Part IV. Devonian. X, plates. 1853. *Part V. Silurian. XVI. plates. 1 854. 406 pp. London. MORRIS, J., and Lycett, John. A Monograph of The Mollusca from the Great Oolite, chiefly from Minchinhampton and the Coast of Yorkshire. 282 pp., XXX. plates. London, 1850-1863. Supplement to above, by Lycett, John. 12 ( J pp., XV. plates. London, 1863. ADDENDA. 143 OWEN, Prof. Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous Formations. *Part I. Chelonia, (Lacertilia, &c.) 118 pp., XXXIX. plates. London, 1851. *Supplement 1. Pterosauria, (Pterodactylus.) 19 pp., IV. plates. London, 1857. "Supplement 2. Dinosauria, (Iguanodon.) 4 pp., I. plate. London, 1858. Supplement 3. Pterosauria, (Pterodactylus,) and Saurop- terygia, (Polyptychodon.) 25 pp., VI. plates. London, 1858. ^Supplement 4. Sauropterygia, (Plesiosaurus.) 18 pp., IX. plates. London, 1862. Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Pur- beck Formations. *Part I. Chelonia, (Pleurosternon, &c.) [Purbeck.] 12 pp., IX. plates. London, 1853. ,*Part II. Dinosauria, (Iguanodon.) [Wealden.] 54 pp., XX. plates. London, 1855. *Part III. Dinosauria, (Megalosaurus.) [Wealden.] 26 pp., XII. plates. London, 1857. *Part IV. Dinosauria, (LIyla3osaurus.) [Wealden.] 19 ]>p., VIII. plates. London, 1858. *Part V. Lacertilia, (Nuthetes, &c.) [Purbeck.] 9 pp., I. plate. London, 1861. *Supplement 1. Dinosauria, (Iguanodon.) [Wealden.] 7 pp., III. plates. London, 1858. ^Supplement 2. Crocodilia, (Streptospondylus, &c.) [Weal- . den -J 25 pp., VIII. plates. London, 1859. ^Supplement 3. Dinosauria, (Iguanodon.) [Wealden.] 3 pp., I. plate. London, 1864. A Monograph on The Reptilia of the Kimmeride Clay For mation of Great Britain. 16 pp., VI. plates. London, 1861-1869. - A Monograph on The Reptilia of the Liassic Formations. 121 pp., XXXVII. plates. London, 1861-1870. - A Monograph on The Cetacea of Great Britain. 40 pp., V. plates. London, 1870. *A Monograph on The Fossil Mammalia of the Mesozoic Formations of Great Britain. 115 pp., IV. plates. London, 1871. and Bell, Prof. Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the London Clay, and of the Bracklesham and other Tertiary Beds. *Part I. Chelonia, (Chelone, <fcc.) 76 pp., XXXVIII. plates. London, 1849. ^Supplement 1. Chelonia, (Ernys.) 3 pp., II. plates. London, 1849. 144 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAE Y. OWEN, Prof., and Bell, Prof. *Part II. Crocodilia, (Crocodilus, &c.) 46 pp., XIII. plates. London, 1849. *Supplement 1. Chelonia, (Platemys.) 4 pp., I. plate. London, 1849. *Part III. Ophidia, (Palseophis, &c.) 18 pp., IV. plates. London, 1849. PARKER, W. K. See Jones, T. R. ; Parker, W. K, and Brady, H. B. PHILLIPS, Prof. A Monograph on The Belemnites of Great Britain. Part I. Introduction. Parts II., III. Liassic Belemnites. Part IV. The Oxford Clay, &c, Belemnites. 128 pp., XXXVI. plates. London, 1805-1870. POWRIE, J., and Lankester, E. Ray. A Monograph on The Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone. 62 pp., XIX. plates. London, 1868-1870. SALTER, J. W. A Monograph on The Trilobites of the Mountain limestone, Devonian, Silurian, and other Formations of Great Britain. 216 pp., XXXI. plates, London, 1864-1867. SIIARPE, D. *A Monograph on The Upper Cretaceous Cephalo poda. 67 pp., XXVII. plates. London, 1853-1857. SANFORD, W. A. See Dawkins, W. B. WOOD, Searles V. A Monograph of The Mollusca of the Crag, or Description of Shells from the Middle and Upper Tertiaries of the East of England. *Vol. I. Univalves. 216 pp., XXI. plates. London, 1848-1857. *Vol. II. Bivalves. 344 pp., XXXI. plates. London, 1857-1872. Supplement to The Crag Mollusca, with an Introduction on the Crag District by S. V. Wood, Jr., and F. W. Harraer. 130 pp., VII. plates. London, 1872. S. V., Jr. See above. WOODWARD, II. A Monograph on The Fossil Merostomata of Great Britain. 120 pp., XV. plates. London, 1866-1872. Parts I., II. Pterogotus. Part III. Pterogotus and Slimonia. WRIGHT, Thomas. A Monograph on The British Fossil Echinoder- mata from the Oolitic Formations. Vol. I. 474 pp., XLIII. plates. London, 1857-1861. Voh II. 154 pp., XIX plates. London, 1863-1866. The Cretaceous Echinodermata, Vol. I. 160 pp., XLV. plates. London, 1864-1871. OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. A. Transactions of Societies and Institutions. B. Private Journals. C. Reports of Public Officers and Departments of Government. 10 Where figures or numerals, or the names of months are used in this Catalogue, they are to be considered, in all cases, inclusive. The compiler of this Catalogue has inserted in the Index, in a few instances, the abbreviated titles, under which, by license, some of the more prominent Peri odical Publications are at times quoted. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE PARIS. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE. ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES DE ST. PETERS- BOURG. BULLETIN DE L ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. 4to. Published irregularly. St. Petersburg, 1860 to date. Tomes XVIII. and XIX., (Parts 1, 2, 3.) MELANGES PHYSIQUES ET CHIMIQUES TIRES DU BULLETIN DE L Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Vols. I., 1849 to 1854 ; II., 1854 to 1856 ; III., 1856 to 1859 ; IV., 1860 to 1861 ; V., 1861 to 1864; VI., 1864 to 1866; VIL, 1867 to 3868; VIII., 1868 to 1873. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. PHILADELPHIA. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILA- delphia. Second Series. Vols. IV., 4to., (Parts 2, 3, 4,) V., VI, (Part 1.) Philadelphia, 1862 to 1866. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF Philadelphia. Vols. I. to XVIIL, 1841 to 1866. 18 vols. 8vo. Phila delphia. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. ST. LOUIS. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ST. Louis. Vol. L, 1856 to 1860 ; Vol. II., 1861 to 1868. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATE OF MASSA CHUSETTS. ABSTRACT OF THE RETURNS OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES of the State of Massachusetts, for the years 1846, 1856, 1857, 1858. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATE of Massachusetts, for the years 1847, 1848, 1849, 1851. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1848 to 1852. SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF WISCON SIN. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE of Wisconsin, for the years 1854,1855,1856,1857. 4 vols. 8vo. Minneapolis. ALBANY INSTITUTE. ALBANY, N. Y. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ALBANY INSTITUTE. Vol. I, 1830 ; Vol. II., 1833 to 1852 ; Vol. III., 1 855 ; Vol. IV., 1858 to 1803. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. UNITED STATES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE AD- vancement of Science. First Meeting at Philadelphia, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. Second Cambridge, 1849. Boston, 1850. Third Charleston, 1850. Charleston, 1850. Fourth New-Haven, 1850. Washington, 1851. Fifth Cincinnati, 1851. " 1851. Sixth Albany, 1851. 1852. Seventh Cleveland, 1853. Cambridge, 1856. Eighteenth " Salem, 1869. " 1870. Twentieth " Indianapolis, 1871. " 1871. Twenty-First" Dubuque, 1872. " 1872. Twenty-Third Hartford, 1874. Salem, 1875. See, also, Association of American Naturalists and Geolo gists. AMERICAN INSTITUTE. NEW-YORK. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR THE YEARS 1863 to 1871. 9 vols. 8vo. New-York, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. UNITED STATES. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING Engineers. Vol. I., May, 1871, to February, 1873; Vol. II., 1873, to February, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION. PHILA DELPHIA. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AMERICAN IRON and Steel Association, for the year 1874. 8vo. pp. Philadelphia. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION. Weekly. Philadelphia, 1866 to date. Vol. I. to VIIL, 1866 to 1874; Vol. IX., 1875, January to June. 9 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. TRANSACTIONS OP SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 149 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. NEW- YORK. FIRST ANNUAL REPORT for the year 1870. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 29 pp. 1870. AMERICAN" PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. UNITED STATES. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS AND PAPERS presented at the Meet- ings of the American Public Health Association. Vol. I., !873. 8vo. New-York, 1875. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN NATURALISTS AND GE OLOGISTS. UNITED STATES. REPORTS, EMBRACING PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS of the First and Second Meetings of the Association of American Naturalists and Geologists, held at Philadelphia, in 1840 and 1841 ; and of the Third Meeting, held at Boston in 1842 - 8vo. Boston, 1843. (These Reports have been continued under the title : Proceedings of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, which see.) BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. REPORT of the First Meeting held at Cambridge in 1831. ) Second edition. Second Oxford, 1832. \London, 1835. Thir <* Cambridge, 1833. London, 1834. Fourth " Edinburgh, 1834. " 1835 Fifth Dublin, 1835. 1836. Sixth " Bristol, 1836. " 1837. Seventh " Liverpool, 1837. " 1838. Eighth Newcastle, 1838. " 1839. Ninth " Birmingham, 1839. 1840 Tenth " Glasgow, 1840. " 1841. Eleventh " " Plymouth, 1841. " 1842*. Twelfth " Manchester, 1842. 1843 Thirteenth Cork, 1843. " 1844* Fourteenth " York, 1844. 1845* Fifteenth Cambridge, 1845. " 184e! Sixteenth " Southampton, 1846. " 1847* Seventeenth " Oxford, 1847. " 1848 Eighteenth " Swansea, 1848. " 1849*. Nineteenth " Birmingham, 1849. " 1850* Twentieth Edinburgh, 1850. 185L Twenty-first " Ipswich, 1851. " 1852* Twenty-second " Belfast, 1852. 1853* Twenty-third " Hull, 1853. " 1854* Twenty-fourth Liverpool, 1854. " 1855* Twenty-fifth Glasgow, 1855. 1 8 56* 150 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Cheltenham, 1856. London, 1857. it Dublin, 1857. n 1858. u Leeds, 1858. 1859. u Aberdeen, 1859. u 1860. u Oxford, 1860. 1861. a Manchester, 1861. u 1862. a Cambridge, 1862. 1863. a Newcastle, 1863. (( 1864. Bath, 1864. ({ 1865. Birmingham, 1865. u 1866. u Nottingham, 1866. u 1867. u Dundee, 1867. u 1868. (( Norwich, 1868. (( 1S69. a Exeter, 1869. cc 1870. cc Liverpool, 1870. u 1871. a Edinburgh, 1871. (( 1872. 40 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 to 1872. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. REPORT of the Twenty-sixth Meeting held at Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Thirty-third Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth Thirty-sixth Thirty-seventh Thirty-eighth Thirty-ninth Fortieth Forty-first CHEMICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. MEMOIRS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF London. Vols. I, II., Ill, 1841 to 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841 to 1848. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF London. Yols. I. to VI, 1848 to 1862, New Series, (Monthly,) under the title : THE JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Vols. II, IV., VI, VII, VIII, XI, XII, 1863 to 1874. Vol. XIII, 1875, January to June. General Index (subjects and authors) to the First Twenty- Five Volumes of the Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848 to 1872 ; and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841 to 1847. Compiled by Henry Watts. 8vo. 268 pp. London, 1874. CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET METIERS. PARIS. ANNALES DU CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET ME- tiers. Vol. VIL, 1866 to 1867. VIII, 1870. DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. BERLIN. BERICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT zu Berlin. Vols. I. to VII, 1868 to 1874 ; Vol. VIII, 1875, Nos. 1 to 9, January 5 to May 24. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 151 DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. BERLIN. ZEITSCHRIFT DER DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT zu Berlin. Vols. II., IX. to XXIIL, and XXVI., 1849 to 1874. DUDLEY OBSERVATORY. ALBANY. ANNALS OF THE DUDLEY OBSERVATORY. Vol. L, 1866. EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TRANSACTIONS OF THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vol. II., Part 3. ESSEX INSTITUTE. SALEM, MASS. BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vol. I., Nos. 1, 2, 3, January, February, March, 1869. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vols. II, Part 1, 1856-1857: IV., 1864-1865; V., 1866- 1867; VI, 1868. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. PHILADELPHIA. JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. First Series, under the title : THE FRANKLIN JOURNAL AND AMERICAN MECHANICS MAGA ZINE. Devoted to the Useful Arts, Internal Improvements, General Science, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Under the Patronage of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Edited by THOMAS P. ONES. Svo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1826, 1827. Second Series, under the title : JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, and Mechanics Register. Devoted to Me chanical and Physical Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording^of American and other Patented Inventions. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES. Svo. Two vols.ayear. Philadelphia, 1828 to 1840 Vols. XV. to XVIII. ; XX., XXI., XXII. ; XXIV. 1835 to 1840. Third Series, under the title : JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Science, Civil Engi neering, the Arts and Manufactures. 1841 to date. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES and JOHN F. FKAZER. Vols. L, II., in., VI., VIII. ; and LIII. to LXIX. 1841 to 1875. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. QUARTERLY JOURNAL of the Geological Society of London Yo ^S IL XXIV - xxv - 1867 1868 > 18 ^ 9 ; xxvii.; XXVIII., XXIX., 1871, 1872, 1873 ; XXX., 1875, parts 1 and 2. 152 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBEAEY. INSTITUT DE FRANCE. PARIS. ACADEHIE DES SCIENCES. CoMPTES-EENDus hebdomadaires des seances de P Academic des Sciences, publics, confer- mement a une decision de 1 Academic en date du 13 Juillet, 1835, par MM. les Secretaires perpetuels. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1835 to date. Tomes XYI. to LXXX., 1843 to 1875. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. LONDON. TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEEES. Vols. L, II., III., 1837 to 1842. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1842. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. LONDON. JOUENAL OF THE lEON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 1871, Vols. 1, 2 ; 1872, Vols. 1, 2 ; 1873, Vol. 1, No. 2 ; 1874, Vol. l,No. 2. KAISERLICH AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. WlEN. SlTZUNGSBEEICHT DEE MATHEMATISCH NATUEWISSENSCHAFT- lichen Classe der Koniglich Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Erste Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Mechanik, Meteorolo- gie und Astronomie. Vols. LXV. to LXVIIL, 1872, 1873 ; Vol. LXIX., (part 5,) 1874 ; Vol. LXX., (parts 3, 4, 5,) 1875. Zweite Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mineralogie, Botanik, Zoologie, Geologic und Palseontologie. Vols LXV. to LXVIIL, 1872, 1873. Verzeichniss sammtlicher von der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften seit ihrer grtindung bis letzten October, 1868. Veroffentlichen Druckschriften. 12mo. 300pp. Vienna, 1869. KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN BERGAKADEMIE. JAHEBUCII DEE K. K. BEEGAKADEMIEN LEOBEN UND SCHEM- nitz und der K. K. Montan-Lehranstalt Pribram. Vol. XV., 1865. Edited by P. Ritter von Tunner. 8vo. Vienna, 1865. KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICH- SANSTALT. WlEN. ABHANDLUNGEN DEE KAISEELICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLO- gischen Reichsanstalt. Vols. I. to VI. ; VII., hefts 1, 2, 1852 to 1873. 4to. Vi enna. JAHEBUCH DEE KAISEELICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN Reichsanstalt. Vols. I.; III.; IX. to XXIV.; 1850 to 1874. 18 vols. Royal 8vo. TEANS ACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 153 KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICH- SANSTALT. WlEN. JAHEBUCH DER KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN Reichsanstalt. General Index. Vol. I. for Vols. I. to X., 1850 to 1859; Vol. II. for Vols. XL to XX., 1860 to 1870. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. KATALOG DER BIBLIOTHEK DES K. K. HOF.-MINERALIEN- Cabinetes in Wien. Zusammengestellt von Paul Partsch. 4to. Vienna, 1851. MINERALOGISCHE MiTTHEiLUNGEN. Gesammelt von Gustav Tschermak und herausgegeben als beilage zu der Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 1871, 1872. 2 vols. 4to. Vienna, 1872, 1873. VERHANDLUNGEN DER KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLO- gischen Reichsanstalt. 1867, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874. General Index (subjects, authors, places and names of palse- ontological species) for Vols. I. to XX, 1850 to 1859. KONIGLICHEN BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WIS- SENSCHAFTEN. MUNCHEN. ABHANDLUNGEN DER KONIGLICHEN BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften. Mathernatisch-Physikalischen Classe. Vols. VI. ; VII., Parts 2, 3 ; VIIL, IX., X., XL, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 1852 to 1873. 4to. Munich. SlTZUNGSBERICHTE DER MATHEMATISCH PHYSIKALISCHEN Classe der Wissenschaften. Vols. L, II. ; III., parts 1, 2, 3., 1871, 1872, 1873. 3 vols. 8vo. LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. NEW-YORK. ANNALS OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE City of New- York. Vols. L, 1823 to 1825 ; II., 1826 to 1827 ; III., 1828 to 1836 ; IV., 1836 to 1848 ; V., 1848 to 1852; VL, 1853 to 1858 ; VIL, 1858 to 1862; VIIL, 1863 to 1867; IX., 1868 to 1870; X., Nos. 1 to 3, February to March; 4, 5, July to November, 1871; 10, 11, March to June, 1873; XL, Nos. 1, 2, July, 1874. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE City of New- York. Second Series. No. 1. January 3 to March 3, 1873. No. 2, January 5 to June 1, 1874. 2 Pamphlets. 8vo. CHARTER, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE LYCEUM OF Natural History in the City of New- York. 8vo. 28 pp. New- York, 1837. MUSilE DE L INDUSTRIE DE BELGIQUE. BRUXELLES. BULLETIN DU MUSEE DE L INDUSTRIE DE BELGIQUE. Vols. I. to LXVL, 1841 to 1874; Vol. LXVIL, 1875, January to June. 154 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND ZOOLOGY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE MUSEUM OF Comparative Anatomy of Harvard College in Cambridge ; together with the Report of the Director, for the year 1867. 8vo. 22 pp. Boston, 1867. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. UNITED STATES. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Yol. L, 1866. 4to. Washington. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES for the year 1863. 8vo. Washington, 1874. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUFACTURERS. BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANU- facturers, Boston. Yol. I. to IV., 1869 to 1874. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. OBJECTS AND PLAN OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Wool Manufacturers ; its Organization and Articles of As sociation and By-Laws. 8vo. 20 pp. Boston, 1866. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. MONTREAL. THE CANADIAN NATURALIST AND GEOLOGIST AND PROCEED- ings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. First Series. Vols. IV. to VIII., 1856 to 1863. Second Series. Vols. III. to VI, 1864 to 1874; Vol. VII., parts 1 to 6; and 8, May, 1872, to July, 1875. NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ALBANY. THE JOURNAL OF THE NEW- YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL Society. Vols. XV., XVI., XVII. to XXIII., 1865 to 1873. TRANSACTIONS OF THE NEW- YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL So ciety for the years 1845 to 1868, (lacking 1846, 1847 and 1851.) NOVA SCOTIA INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCE. HALIFAX. PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF NA- tural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Vol. III., (part 4,) 1874. 8vo. Halifax. PAL^ONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. THE WORKS OF THE PALJEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. LON- don. Vols. I. to XX., 1847 to 1866 ; XXIL, 1868 ; XXIV., XXV., 1870, 1871. 23 vols. 4to. London, 1848 to 1871. (The several monographs constituting this series will be found in Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, v,nder their respec tive authors.) Addenda, p. 141. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 155 REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE E BELLES LET- TERES. NAPOL T . RENDICONTO DELLE ADUNANZE E DE LAVORI DELLA REALE Academia Delle Scienze. Vols. I., 1842, (two parts;) V., 1846, (one part;) VIIL, 1849 ; IX.,. 1850, (one part.) ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. DUBLIN. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY FOR THE YEAR 1787. 4to. Dublin. ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Microscopical Society of London, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by HENRY LAWTON. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1874; Vol. XIIL, 1875, January, to June. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Expenditures and Condition of the Institution for the years 1853 to 1872. 20 vols. 8vo. Washington. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION. Vols. I. to XII., 1862 to 1874. ( The several papers constituting this series will be found in Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, under their respective authors, pp. 1-139.) SOClfiTfi CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. BULLETIN MENSUEL DE LA SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS con- cernant le Proces Verbal des Seances, les Memoires pre- sentes a la Societe, L Analyse des Travaux de Chimie Pure et Appliquee publics en France et a L Etranger, La Revue des Brevets, &c. Second Series. Vols. VII. to XXV., 1864 to 1875. SOClfiTE DE PHARMACIE DE PARIS. JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE ET DE CHIMIE CONTENANT LES TRA- vaux de la Societe de Pharrnacie, une Revue Medicale et une Revue des Travaux Chimiques publics a PEtranger. Third Series. Vol. XXVI., July to December, 1854. Fourth Series. Vols. XV. to XVIII., XX., XXL, January, 1872, to June, 1875. SOCIETY DE L INDUSTRIE MINERALS. PARIS. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE DE L !NDUSTRIE MINERALS. First Series. Vols. I. to IV. ; VIIL to XV., 1855 to 1870. Second Series. Vols. I. to IV., 1870 to 1874. 156 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. PARIS. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Tomes I. to XXIV., 1843 to 1866. INDUSTRIELLE DE MULHOUSE. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETY INDUSTRIELLE DE MULHOUSE. Vols. XLIIL, XLIV., 1873, 1874. Vol. XLV., 1875, Jan- nary to June. SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOW LEDGE. LONDON. THE BRITISH ALMANAC AND COMPANION OF THE SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1828 to 1868. 41 vols. 12mo. London. UNIVERSITES DE BELGIQUE. BRUXELLES. ANNALES DES UNIVERSITES DE BELGIQUE ou Recueil Con- tenant les Lois, Arretes et Reglements relatifs a L Enseigne- ment superieur, les Memoires couronees aux Concours uni- versitaires, et d autres Documents academiques. First Series. Vols. I. to XVI, 1842 to 1857. Second Series. Vols. I., II., 1858 to 1861. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF the State of New- York on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History for the years 1847 to 1873. Appendices D. and E. to the Sixteenth Annual Report for the year 1863. 29 vols. 8vo. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to Investigate the Matters in Connection with the Publication of the State Work on Natural History. 8vo. 178 pp. Albany, 1850. VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. BERLIN. ZEITSCHRIFT DES VEREINS DEUTSCHEN INGENIEURE, Redigirt von Dr. F. Grashof, Dr. R. Weber, R. R. Werner, und H. Ludewig. Vols. XL to XVIIL, 1867 to 1874; Vol. XIX., 1875, Janu ary to June. PRIVATE JOURNALS. THE AMERICAN ARTIZAN AND PATENT RECORD. A Weekly Journal of Arts, Mechanics, Manufactures, Mining, Engineering and Repertory of Patents. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York, 1864 to 1874. Second Series, (1865 to 1872.) Vols. I, VI, XVI, XVII., XVIIL, 18651872. Third Series, (1872 to 1874.) Vol. 1, 1872. THE AMERICAN CHEMIST. A Monthly Journal of Theoretical and Technical Chemistry. Edited by C. F. anyl W. H. CHANDLER. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New- York, 1870, to date. Vols. I. to V., July, 1870, to June, 1875. AMERICAN EXCHANGE AND REVIEW. A Miscellany of Useful Know ledge and General Literature. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1862 to date. Vols. VI, VIL, X., XIL, XIII, XIV. to XIX., XXL, 1864 to 1872. THE AMERICAN GAS LIGHT JOURNAL AND CHEMICAL REPERTORY. Quarto. Semi-monthly. One vol. a year. New- York, 1859, to date. Vols. VIII., XL, XIL ; XVI. to XXL, July, 1866, to June, 1875. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MINING, MILLING, OIL-BORING, GEOLOGY, Mineralogy, Metallurgy, &c. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New- York. Vols. I. ; IV. to VIL, 1866 to 1869. 158 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New-Haven, 1818 to date. First Series, under the title : AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman, Jr. 1818 to 1845. Vols. I. to L., 1818 to 1845. Lacking vols. III.; XL to XIV., and XXIII. Vol. L. is a General Index (subjects and authors) to the series. Second Series. Conducted by B. Silliman, B. Silliman, Jr., and James M. Dana. 1846 to 1870. Vols. I. to L., 1846 to 1870. Vols. X., XX., XXX., XL. and L. contain a General Index (subjects and authors) to each ten volumes of the series. Third Series. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to IX., January, 1870, to June, 1875. AMERICAN MEDICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL REGISTER ; or, Annals of Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Conducted by DAVID HOSACK, M. D., and JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. New-York. Vol. L, 1814. AMERICAN MINING INDEX. Devoted to the Mineral and Metallic Resources of the United States. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New- York.* Vols. I. to V., 1865 to 1867. AMERICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL, AND ADVOCATE OF INTERNAL IM- provements. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. New- York, 1851 to 1840. Second Series, under the title : AMERICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL. Devoted to the Interests of Steam Navigation, Banking, Mining and Manufac tures. Edited by JOHN H. Scnui/rzE. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1841 to date. Vols. XXIV., XXV., XXVI., 1868, 1869, 1870. THE AMERICAN REPERTORY OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND MANUFACTURES. 8vo. Two vols. a year. New- York. Vols. II., III., IV., 1840 to 1842. AMERICAN YEAR BOOK AND NATIONAL REGISTER. Astronomical, Historical, ^Political, Financial, Commercial, Agricultural, Educational and Religious. A General Review of the United States, including every Department of the National Govern ment and State Governments, together with a Brief Account of Foreign States. Vol. L, 1869. Edited by David N. Camp. 8vo. 824 pp. Hartford, 1869. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 159 ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE. See below. ANNALEN DER PHARMACIE. Edited by J. LiEBia, F. WOHLER, H. KOPP, E. ERLENMAYER and J. VOLHAED. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Heidelberg and Leipsig, 1832 to date. Vols. I. to XXXIL, 1832 to 1839. From 1840, title changed to ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE. Vols. XXXIII. to CXXXVI. ; CXLI. to CLVI. ; and CLIX. to CLXXVIL, 1840 to 1875. Supplemental Volumes, I., II., 1861 to 1863 ; III, (hefts, 1, 2,) 1864 ; V., VI., 1867 to 1868 ; VIII., 1872. Index Volumes, (subjects and authors.) Vol. 1 for Vols. I. to C., 1832 to 1856 ; Vol. 2, for Vols. CXVII. to CLXIV., and Supplemental Volumes I. to VIII. 1863 to 1874. ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Founded by D. FRIEDEBICH ALBERT GREN, under the title : JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (Halle and Leipsig, 1790 to 1794.) .Vols. I. to VIII. , 1790 to 1794. Continued under the title : NEUES JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (1795 to 1797.) Vols. I. to IV., 1795 to 1797. Continued under the title : ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Edited by D. F. A. GREN and LUDWIG WILHELM GILBERT. Vols. I. to LXXVL, 1799 to 1824. General Index to Vols. to LXXVL Title changed to : ANNALEN DER PHYSIK UND CHEMIE. Edited by JOHANN CHRISTIAN POGGENDORF. 8vo. Nine Parts 3 vols. a year. Leipeig, 1824 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to XXX., (LXXVII. to CVI. of the whole series.) 1824 to 1833. General Index. Second Series. Vols. XXXI. to LX., (CVII. to CXXXVI., of the whole series.) 1834 to 1843. General Index. Third Series. Vols. LXI. to XC., (CXXXVII. to CLXVI. of the whole series.) 1844 to 1853. General Index. Fourth Series. Vols. XCI. to CXX. (CLXVII. to CXCVI. of the whole series.) 1854 to 1863. General Index. Fifth Series. Vols. CXXI. to CL., (CXCVII. to CCXXVI. of the whole series.) 1864 to 1873. General Index. Sixth Series. Vols. CLI. to CLV., (CCXXVII. to CCXXXI. of the whole series.) 1874 to 1875. General Index. Supplemental Volumes. I., 1842 ; V., 1871 ; VI., 1873. "Jubelband." 8vo. 685 pp., VI. plates. Leipsig, 1874. ANNALES DE CHIMIE, ou recueil de Memoires cbncernant la Chimie et les arts qui en dependent. Edited by L. B. GUYTON DE MORVEAIT, A. L. LAVOISIER, G. MONGE, J. H. HASSENFRATZ, D. F._J. ABAGO and others. 8vo. Four vols. a year. Paris, 1789 to 1815. 160 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBKAEY. ANNALES DE CHIMIE: First Series. Vols. I. t$> XCVL, 1789 to 1815. General Index in three volumes. Vol. 1, for Vols. I. -XXX. ; Vol. 2, for XXXI.-LX. ; Vol. 3, for LXI.-XCVI. Paris, 1801, 1807, 1821. Continued with change of title and editors, as follows: f . ANN ALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. Edited by GAT LUSSAC and D. J. F. ABAGO, 1816 to date. Second Series. Vols. I. to LXXV., 1816 to 1840. General Index in three vols. Vol. 1 for Vols. I to XXX. ; Vol. 2 for Vols. XXXI. to LX. ; Vol. 3 for Vols. LXI. to XC. Paris, 1831, 1840, 1841. Third Series. Vols. I. to LXIX., 1841 to 1863. General Index to Vols. I. to XXX. Fourth Series. Vois. I. to XXX., 1864 to 1873. General Index. Fifth Series. Vols. I. to VI., 1874, 1875. ANNALES DES MINES. Founded under the title : JOURNAL DES MINES, ou Recueil des Me moires sur L Exploi- tation des Mines et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s y rap- portent. Published under the direction of the Minister of Public Works. 8vo. Paris. Two vols. a year. 1794-1815. Vols. I. to XXXVIIL, 1794 to 1815. Continued under the title : ANNALES DES MINES, ou Recueil des Memoires sur L Exploitation des Mines. Redigees par les Ingenieurs des Mines et publiees sous Fautourisation du ministre des travaux publics. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1816 to date. First Series. Vol. II., 1817. Second Series. Vols. I. to VIII., 1827 to 1832. General Index. Third Series. Vols. I. to XX., 1833 to 1841. General Index. Fourth Series. Vols. I. to XX., 1842 to 1851. General Index. Fifth Series. Memoirs. Vols. I. to XX., 1852 to 1861. Gen eral Index. Administration. Vols. I. to X., 1852 to 1861. Sixth Series. Memoirs. Vols. I. to XX., 1862 to 1871. Administration. Vols. I. to X., 1862 to 1871. Seventh Series. Memoirs. Vols. I to VII., 1872 to 1875. ANNALES DU GENIE CIVIL, et Recueil de Memoires sur les Ponts et Chaussees, les Routes et Chemins de Fer, les Construc tions et la Navigation Maritime et Fluviale, 1 Architecture, PEIVATE JOURNALS. 161 les Mines, la Metallurgie, la Chimie, la Physique, les Arts Mecaniques, Fficonomie Industrielle, le Genie Rural. Pub- liees par E. Lacroix et des autres. 8vo, Monthly. One vol., text and plates, a year. Paris, 1862 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to VII., (text and plates,) 1862 to 1868. Second Series. Vols. XVI., (text and plates,) 1867 ; XVIL, 1870 to 1871. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. 8vo. Two vols. a year. London, 1813 to 1826. First Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1813 to 1818. Second Series. Vols. VI. to X., 1823 to 1825. This work was afterwards merged in The London, Edin burgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, which see. L ANNE SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE, ou Expose annuel des Travaux Scientifiques, des Inventions et des principales ap plications de la Science a 1 Industrie et ajix Arts, qui ont attire 1 attention publique en France et a PEtranger. Edited by Louis FIGOTER. 16mo. Annually. Paris, 1856 to date. Vols. I. to XVII., 1856 to 1874. General Index to Vols. I. to IX. ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY ; or, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the Most Important Discoveries in Mechanics, the Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Ge ography and Antiquities, <fec., for the years 1850 to 1864. Edited by David A. Wells. 1865, 1866, (one vol.) Edited by Samuel Kneeland. 1870, 1871. Edited by John Trowbridge. 18 vols. 12mo. Boston. ARCHIV FUR BERGBAU UND HUTTENWESEN. Edited by C. J. B. KARSTEN. 8vo. Breslau and. Berlin, 1820 to 1831. Vols. I. to XX., 1820 to 1831. ARCHIV FUR MIKROSCOPISCH ANATOMIE* Edited by MAX SCHTTLTZE. Imp. 8vo. One vol. a year. Bonn, 1865 to date. Vols. I. to X, 1865 to 1874. Vol. XL, 1875, hefts 1 and 2, and Supplemental heft. General Index to Vols. I. to VIII. BERG UND HUTTENMANNISCHES ZEITUNG. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Nordhausen and Leipsig. 1842 to date. Vols. I. to XXXIV., 1842 to 1874. (Lacking Vols. XVIII. and XXIII.) Vol. XXXV., 1875. No. 1, January 1, to No. 27, July 2. 11 162 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BERICHTE UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER EISENHTJTTEN TECHNIK. Edited by A. K. KERPELT. 8vo. One vol. a year. Leipsig, 1864 to date. Yols. I. to VIL, 1864 to 1870. (Pub. 1866 to 1873.) BERICHTE UBER DIE MITTHEILUNGEN vox FREUNDEN DER Wis- senschaften in Wien. Edited and published by WILLIAM HAIDINGER. Vienna. Vols. I. to VIL, 1846 to 1850. (Pub. 1847 to 1851.) BERZELIUS JAIIRESBERICHT. See Jahresbericht tiber die Forts- chritte der physischen wissenschaften. BlBLIOTHECA HlSTORICO NATURALIS, PHYSICO-ClIEMICA ET MATHE- matica. A Classified Catalogue of all Books on Natural History, Chemistry and Mathematics published in Germany, England, France, Netherlands, etc. Edited by Dr. A. METZGER. 12mo. Two NOB. annually, January and July. Gottingen, 1851 to date. 1857 to 1874. BlBLIOTHKCA MECHANICO-TECHNOLOGICA ODER SYSTEMATISCH GEORD- nete tlbersichte alle der auf dem Gebiete der Mechanik und Technik wie der Gesammten Bau-und Ingenieur Wissenschaf- ten in Deutschland und dem Auslande neuerschienen Biicher. Edited by Dr. MULDENER. 12mo. Two Nos. annually, January and July. Got tingen, 1862 to date. 1862; 1867 to 1875. THE BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ; devoted to the Science of Home Life, the Arts, Agriculture and Medicine. Edited by JAMES R. NICHOLS and W. J. ROLPB. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1867 to date. Vols. IV., V., VL, VIL, 1870 to 1873. BULLETIN DES SCIENCES NATURELLES ET DE GEOLOGIE. Deuxieme section du Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de 1 In due trie publie sous la direction de M. LE BARON DE FERUSSAC. 8vo. Four vols. a year. Vols. I. to IX. ; XIIL, XIV. ; XVI. XVIL, 1824 to 1829. THE CANADIAN NATURALIST AND GEOLOGIST AND PROCEEDINGS OF the Natural History Society of Montreal. 8vo. Montreal, 1856 to date. First Series. Vols. IV. to VIIL, 1859 to 1863. Second Series. Vols. III. to VL, 1864 to 1874; Vol. VIL, parts 1 to 6 and 8. May, 1872, to July, 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 163 CARNALL S ZEITSCHRIFT. See Zeitschrift fur das Berg-Htitten-und Salinen Wesen in dem Preussischen Staate. CATALOGUE ANNUEL DE LA LJBRAIRIE FRANCAISE. Published by CH. REINWALD. 16mo. Paris, 1858 to date. 1858 to 1867; 1869. THE CHEMICAL GAZETTE. Edited by WILLIAM FRANCIS and HENRY CROFT. 8vo. Monthly. London, 1842 to 1859. Vols. I. to XVIL, 1842 to 1859. This Journal was, in 1859, merged in the Chemical News. THE CHEMICAL NEWS. Edited by WILLIAM CROOKES. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1860 to date. Vols. I. to XL, 1860 to 1865. Yols. XV. to XX., (American Reprint,) 1867 to 1870. Vols. XXV. to XXXI., 1872 to 1875. CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHEN MITTHEILUNGEN. Edited by Dr. L. ELSNER. 8vo. Annually, 1846 to date. Vols. XV. to XXIIL, 1865 to 1873. Index (subjects) for Vols. I. to XX., 1846 to 1871. CHEMISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. See Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. THE CHEMIST. 8vo. London. First Series. Vols. II. ; and IV. to VIII, 1841 to 1847. Second Series. Vols. I., II., III., 1849, 1850, 1851. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Folio. Weekly. Two vola. a year. London. Vols. XII. to XV., 1866 to 1868. COSMOS, Revue Encyclopedique Hebdomadaire des Progres des sciences et leurs applications. 8vo. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1852 to date. Third Series. Vols. VI., VII. * DERBERG-GEIST ZEITUNG FUR BERG-HUTTENWESEN UND INDUSTRIE. Folio. Semi- Weekly. One vol. a year. Cologne, 1857 to date. Vols. XVIII., XIX., 1873,1874; Vol. XX., 1875, No 1 January 1, to No. 53, July 2. DER BERGWERKSFREUND. Svo. One vol. a year. Eisleben. Vols. I. to XIX., 1839 to 1856. 164 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DEE BERGWERKS-BETRIEB IN DEN REICHSRATHE VERTRETENEN Konigreichen und Landern der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchic, 1870. 8vo. 299 pp. Vienna, 1871. DIE BAULINCHEN ANLAGEN AUF DER BERG-HUTTEN-UND SALINEN- wesen in Preussen. Edited by SCHOENFELDER. 4to. One vol. a year. Berlin. Vols. I, II, III., 1861, 1862, 1863. DlE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK. 8vo. Berlin, 1845 to date. , Vol. XXL, 1865, (part 1,) edited by H. Kiessling and Dr. A. Kundt. Vol. XXIIL, 1867, edited by D. B. Schwalbe and Dr. G. Quincke. Vol. XXIV., 1869, " Vol. XXV., 1869, General Index (authors and subjects) to Vols. I. to XX. Edited by W. Barrentin. DIE GEWERBEHALLE. Organ fur den Fortschritt in Allen Zweigen der Kunstindustrie. Edited by JULITJS SCHNORR. 4to. Monthly. Stuttgart, 1863 to date. Jahrgang XL, 1873. DINGLER S POLYTECHNISCHES JOURNAL. See Polytechnisches Jour nal. THE EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History, Practical Mechanics, Geography, Statis tics, and the fine and useful Arts. Edited by Dr. BREWSTER and Prof. JAMESON. 8ro. One yol. a year. Edinburgh, 1819 to date. Vols. IX. to XIIL, 1823 to 1825. ELSNER S MITTHEILUNGEN. See Chemisch-Technischen Mittheilun- gen. THE EMPORIUM OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Conducted by JOHN REDMAN COXE, M. D. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Philadel phia. First Series. Vols. I., II., 1812. Second Series. Vols. I., II., III., 1813, 1814. Publication discontinued. ENGINEERING : An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Conducted by ZERAH COLBURN, 1866-1869 ; by W. H. MAW and JAMES DREDGE, 1870 to date. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1866 to date. Vols. V. to XIX., January, 1868, to June, 1875. PEIVATE JOURNALS. 165 THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. Edited by ROSSITER W. RAYMOND and RICHAKD P. ROTHWELL. 4to. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1869 to date. Vols. VIII. to XIX., January, 1869, to June, 1875. ERDMAN S JOURNAL. See Journal fur Practische Chemie. ERFAHRUNGEN IM BERG-UND HUTTENMANNISCHEN MASCHINEN, BAU- und Aufbereitungswesen. Edited by P. RITTENGEB. 4to. One vol., text and plates, a year. Vienna. 1854, text and plates. 1855, plates. 1856 to 1866, text and plates. 1867, plates. 1868 to 1870, text and plates. 1872, text and plates. 1873, plates. FARBER-ZEITUNG. Organ fur Farberei, Druckerei, Bleicherei, Appretur, Farbwaaren-und Buntpapierfabrikation, Drognen- handel, Spinnerei und Weberei. Edited and Published by M, REIMAN. 4to. Weekly. Berlin. 1875, January 1, to June 26. FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIC See Die Fortschritte der Physik ; also, Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte, &c. FRESENIUS ZEITSCHRIFT. See Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie. GEIGER S MAGAZINE FUR PHARMACIE. See Magazin fur Pharraacie. THE GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Founded under the title : THE GEOLOGIST ; a Popular Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Geology. Edited by S. J. MACKIE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1858 to 1864. 1862, 1863, 1864. Continued under the title : THE GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Edited by HENRY WOODWARD, Prof. JOHN MORRIS, and ROBERT ETHERIDGE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1864 to date. First Series. Vols. IV. ; VI. to X., 1864 to 1873. Second Series. Vol. I, 1874. Vol. II., 1875, January to June. HARDWICKE S SCIENCE GOSSIP. A Monthly Medium of Interchange and Gossip, for Students and Lovers of Nature. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1865 to date. Vols. I. to X., 1865 to 1875. 166 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. THE INDUSTRIAL MONTHLY. See The Technologist or Industrial Monthly. INDUSTRIE-BLATTER. Wochenschrift fur Fortschritt und Aufklar- ung in Gewerbe, Hauswirtschaft, Gesundheitspflege. Published by H. HAGER and T. JACOBSEN. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year . Berlin, 1863, to date. Yols. X., XL, 1873, 1874. Vol. XIL, 1875, January 1, to June 26. IRON. The Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures. With which is incorporated the Mechanics Magazine, established 1823. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1873 to date. Yols. I. toIY., 1873, 1874. Yol. V., 1875, January 2, to June 26. THE IRON AGE. A Review of the Hardware and Metal Trades. Bdited by JAMES C. BAYLES. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1863 to date. Yols. IY. to IX. ; XI. to XIY., 1867 to 1874. Yol. XV., 1875, January 2, to June 26. JAARBOEK VAN HET MIJNVESEN IN NEDERLANDSCH OOST-!NDIE. 1872, Parts 1, 2, 1873, Part 1. 8vo. Amsterdam. JAHRBUCH DER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. See Journal fur Chemie und Physik. JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTENMANN ; also, JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG UND HUTTENWESEN IM KONIGREICHE Sachsen. See Kalender fur der Sachsische Berg-und Hut- tenmann. JAHRBUCH FUR MINERALOGIE, Geologic and Pala3ontologie. Edited by LEONHARD and GEINITZ. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1830 to 1857 ; 1867 to 1871. General Index, (subjects, au thors and places,) for the years 1860 to 1869. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE BEOBACIITUNGEN, Versuche, und neuen Einfuhrungen der K. K. Montan-Beamten auf dem Gebiethe des Berg-und Huttenmannischen-Maschinen-und bauwesens. 1851, text ; 1852, text and plates. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE AUF DEM GESAMMTGEBIETE der Agricultur-Chemie. Edited, at different times, by ROBERT HOFFMAK, E. PETERS, TH. DIETRICH, J. FITTBOGEN, J. KONIG. 8vo. Annually. Berlin, 185S to date. Vols. I. to XV., 1858 to 1874. Yols. XIII. to XV., 1870 to 1872, collectively, in three vols. : PRIVATE JOURNALS. 167 4 JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE, &c. : Vol. 1 . Die Chemie des Bodens, der Luft und des Dtingers. Edited by Th. Dietrich. Vol. 2. Die Chemie der Pflanze. Edited by J. Fittbogen. Vol. 3. Die Chemie der Thiernahrung. Chernisches Tecbnol- ogie der landwirtschaftlichen Nebengewerbe. Edited by Josef. Konig. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE AUF DEM GEBIETE DER Reinen Chemie. Published by WILH. STAEDEL. 8vo. Vol. I., 1873. JAHRESBERICHT TIBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER CHEMIE UND VER- wandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Published by ALEXANDER NAUMANN and Auo. LAUBENHEIMER. 8vo. Giessen, 1847, to date. 1847 to 1872 ; 1873, part 1. Index Volumes. L, for the years 1847 to 1856. II., for the years 1857 to 1866. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK. Edited by FRIEDRICK ZAMMINER. Svo. Giessen. 1857, 1858. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSISCHEN WISSEN- schaften. Edited by JACOB BERZELIUS. Translated from the Swedish into German by C. G. GMELIN. Tubingen, 1822. Vols. L to XXX., 1822 to 1846. General Index for Vols. I. to XXV., 1822 to 1846. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE LEISTUISTGEN DER CHEMISCHEN TECHNO- logie mit besonderer Beriiksichtigung der Gewerb-statistik. Edited by JOHANNES RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1855 to 1869. RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1870 to date. Svo. Leipsig, 1855 to date. Vols. I. to XX., 1855 to 1874. JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQU^ES. Published by JOSEPH LIOUVILLE, 1836 to 1874 ; by H. RESAL, 1875. 4to. Monthly. Paris. Deuxieme Serie. (1856 to 1874.) Tomes XIV. to XIX., 1869 to 1874. Troisieme Serie. Tome L, January to July, 1875. JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE ET DE CHIMIE CONTENANT LES TRAVAUX de la Societe de Pharmacie de Paris, une Revue Medicale et une Revue des Travaux Chimiques publics a FEtranger. 8vo. Semi-Monthly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1841 to date. 168 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE, &c. : Third Series. Vol. XXVI, July to Dec., 1854. Fourth Series. Vols. XV. to XVIII. ; XX., XXI., January, 1872, to June, 1875. JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. See under Annalen der Physik. JOURNAL DES MINES. See under Annales des Mines. JOURNAL FUR CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Founded by FB. W. SCHWBIQBK. 8vo. Three vols. a year. Nurembuifc, 1811 to 1833. First Series. Vols. I. to XXX., 1811 to 1824. Second Series, under the title : JAHRBUCH DER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Vols. XXI. to L., 1821 to 1830. This journal was incorpora ted with " Journal fur Praktische Chemie," which see. JOURNAL FUR PRACTISCHE CHEMIE. Founded by OTTO LINNE ERDMANN. Two vols. a year. Leipsic, 1830 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to CVIIL, 1834 to 1869. Second Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1870 to 1875. Index volumes, (authors and subjects.) 1, for Vols. I. to LX. 2, for Vols. XCI. to CVin. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1866 to May, 1875. Vols. IV. to IX., 1869 to 1874. Vol. X., Jan., to May, 1875. Publication discontinued. THE JOURNAL OF GAS LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY Improvement. 4to. Semi-Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1849 to date. Vols. XVII. to XXV., 1868 to 1875. KALENDER FUR DEN OBERSCHLESSISCHEN BERGMANN. Edited by R. C. VON CABNALL. 8vo. Tarnowitz, 1845. Vols. I, II., 1845. KALENDER FUR DEN SACHSISCHEN BERG-UND HUTTENMANN. 8vo. Annually. Freiberg. 1827 to 1851. Index for the years 1827 to 1840. Continued JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTEN-MANN. 1852 to 1869. Continued under the title : JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTENWESEN IM Koi reiche Sachsen. 1870 to 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. THE LABORATORY. A Weekly Record of Scientific Research. 8vo. Two vols. a year. London. 1867. Publication discontinued. LE GENIE INDUSTRIES Revue des Inventions Francises et geres. Annales des Progres de I lndustrie Agricole et JVlanu- facturiere, Biographic des Inventions, &c., par Armengaud Freres. Svo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1851 to date. Vols. XXIII. to XXXIV., 1862 to 1867. LE NATURALISTE CANADIEN. Edited by L Abbe PROVANCHEB. 8vo. Monthly. One voL a year. Quebec, 1869 to date. Vols. IV., V., VI., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. VII., 1875, Janu ary to June. LES HOUILLIERES. Edited by AMEDEE BITRAT. Svo. text ; 4to. plates. Paris. 1867, 1868, 1869, 1872. LES MONDES. Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux Arts et a L Industrie. Edited by M. L ABBE MOIGKO. Svo. Monthly. Three vols. a year. Paris. Vols. XXII. to XXXVL, 1860 to 1875. LE TECHNOLOGISTE, ou Archives des Progres de L Industrie Fran- gaise et fitrangere, ouvrage utile aux Manufactures, aux Fab- ricants, aux Chefs D Atelier, &c., &c. Published under the direction of M. F. MALPEYRE. Svo. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris. Vols. XXX. to XXXIV., 1868 to 1874. Vol. XXXV., 1875, January to June. LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL of Science. See below. LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND Journal of Science. The Complete Series of what is now called " The London, Edinburgh and Dub lin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science," embraces : 1. Nicholson s Journal of Natural Philosophy. 1797 to 1813. First and Second Series. 2. The Philosophical Magazine, edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. In 1813, Nich olson s Journal of Science and Tilloch s Philosophical Magazine were merged in one, under the title : " The Philosophical Magazine and Journal." 3. The Philosophical Magazine and Journal. 4. The Annals of Philosophy, edited by THOMAS THOMPSON. This was, in 1827, merged into the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, forming its " Second Series." 170 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAHY. LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE : 5. The Edinburgh Journal of Science. 1824 to 1832. First and Second Series. This was, in 1832, merged with the Second Series of the Philosophical Maga zine and Journal, under the title : The Third Series of the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. This was con tinued as 6. The Fourth Series of the London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Maga zine and Journal of Science. First Series : The Philosophical Magazine : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. 1789 to 1813. Vols. I. to XLIL, 1789 to 1813. Second Series : The Philosophical Magazine and Journal : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by RICHARD TAYLOR. 1814 to 1826. Vols. XLIIL to XLVII. ; Yols. LXIL, LXIIL, LXIV., LXVL, 1814 to 1825. Third Series : The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Maga zine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir DAVID BREWSTER, RICHARD TAYLOR, RICHARD PHILIPS, Sir ROBERT KANE and EDWARD WILLIAM BRAYLEY. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII., XIX., XXL, and XXIV. to XXXVIL, 1834 to 1850. Fourth Series : The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philoso phical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir ROBERT KANE, Sir WILLIAM THOMPSON and WILLIAM FRANCIS. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. 1851 to date. Vols. I. to XLLX., 1851 to 1875. Supplemental volume to Vols. XXII. to XXVI., 1861 to 1863. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. See Annals of Philosophy. MAGAZIN FUR DIE ORYKTOGRAPHIE VON SACHSEN. EinBeytrag zur Mineralogischen Kenntniss dieses landes und zur Geschichte seiner Mineralien. Edited by JOHANN CARI^ FREIESLEBEN. 8vo. Published irregularly. Frei berg, 1828-. Hefts I. to XV, 1828 to 1848. Supplemental Hefts I. to IV, 1843 to 1848. MAGAZIN FUR PHARMACIE UND DIE DAHIN EINSCHLAGENDEN Wis- senschaften. Edited by G. F. HANLE, 1823; L. GEIGER, 1824-1831. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, 1823 to 1831. Vols. I. to XXXVI., 1823 to 1831. This journal was suc ceeded by the Annalen der Cheinie und Pharinacie, which see. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 171 THE MANUFACTURER AND BUILDER. Edited by P. H. VAN DER WETDE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New- York, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1869 to 1874. Vol % VI., 1875, January to June. THE MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. See The Monthly Microscopical Journal. THE MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS. An Illustrated Journal of Science and Industrial Progress, Mining, Mechanic Arts and Inventions. Published by DEWEY & Co. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. San Fran cisco, I860 to date. Vols. XL, XII., XIII. ; XVI. to XIX. ; XXI., XXIII., XXV., XXVI, XXVII, XXIX., 1865 to 1874. Vol. XXX., 1875, January 1, to June 26. THE MINING AND SMELTING MAGAZINE. Svo. Monthly. London, 1862 to 1865. Vols. I. to VI, 1862 to 1864. Vol. VII, 1865, January, February and March Nos. THE MINING MAGAZINE : devoted to Mines, Mining Operations, Metallurgy, &c., &c. Edited and conducted by WILLIAM J. TENNY, 1853 to 1857; THOMAS MCELRATH, 1858. Svo. Monthly. New- York, 1853 to 1858.* Vols. I. to X., 1853 to 1858. Publication discontinued. LE MONITEUR SCIENTIFIQUE. Journal des Sciences Pures et Appli- quees. Travaux publies a 1 ^Etranger. Compte-Reudu des Academies et Societes Savantes. Edited by Dr. DUQUESNEVILLE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1856 to date. Second Series. Vol. VII, 1870. Third Series. Vols. I. to IV, 1871 to 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January to June. THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by HENRY LAW-TON. Svo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII, 1869 to 1874. Vol. XIII, 1875, January to June. NATURE. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 4to. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I to VII; Vol. X., 1869 to 1874. Vol. XI, 1875, January 2, to June 26. * 172 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Collated and published by WILLIAM HAIDINGER. Vienna. Vols. II., III., IV., 1848, 1849, 1850. 4to. Vienna. NEUES JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. See JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. NOTIZEN ZUR SAMMELUNG VON ZEICHNUNGEN FUR DIE HUTTE. Quarto. Published annually. Berlin. 1857; 1860 to 1868. OBERSCHLESISCHEN TASCHENBUCH UND KALENDER. 1844, 1845. 2 vols. 12mo. Tarnowitz. OESTERREICHISCHES MONTAN-HANDBUCH. Published by the Minister of Agriculture. 8vo. 8vo. 258 pp. Vienna, 1875. OESTERREICHISCHES ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BERG UND HUETTENWESEN. Edited by OTTO FREIHERR VON HINGENATT. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Vienna, 1853 to date. Jahrgang I. to XXIL, 1853 to L874 ; XXIIL, 1875, January 2, to June 26. PHARMACEUTISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. 8vo. Leipsig, 1830 to 1855. Vols. I. to X^., 1830 to 1849. Vols. XXI. to XLL, 1850 to 1855, under title Chemisch-Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. Zvveite Folge : CHEMISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. Repertprium fur reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1856 to 1869. Vols. I. to XIV., 1856 to 1869. Dritte Folge : Chemisches Central Blatt. Repertorium fur reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1870 to 1874. Vol. VI, 1875, January 2, to June 26. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE ; also, PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND Journal of Science. See London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. POGGENDORFF S ANNALEN. See ANNALEN DER PHYSIK UND Chemie. POLYTECHNISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. One vol. a year. Leipsig. Octavot Series, 1835 to 1845. Quarto Series, 1857 to 1874 ; 1875, January to June. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 173 POLYTECHNISCHES JOURNAL. Edited by E. M. DINGLER. Three vols. a year. Augsburg, 1820 to date. Vols. I. to CCXVL, 1820 to 1875. Index Volumes, (subjects.) Vol. 1. Embracing Vols. I. to LXXVIIL-, 1820 to 1840. Vol. 2. Embracing Vols. LXXIX. to CLVIIL, 1842 to 1860. Vol. 3. Embracing Vols. CLIX. to CXCVIIL, 1861 to 1870. POLYTECHNISCHES NOTIZBLATT FUR GEWERBTREIBENDE, FABRI- Kanten und Kiinstler. Edited by RUD. BOTTGER. 8vo. Semi-Monthly. Mainz, 1845 to date. Vols. XXVIL, XXVIIL, XXIX., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. XXX., 1875, January to June. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by E. L. YOUMANS. Imp. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1872 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1872 to 1874. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Edited by WILLIAM CROOKES. 8vo. Quarterly. One vol. a year. London, 1864 to date. Vols. IV., VI. to XL, 1867 to 1874. Vol. XII., 1875, parts 1 and 2. THE RAILWAY WORLD. In which is incorporated the United States Rail-Road and Mining Register. 4to. Weekly. Philadelphia, 1875. Vol. L, 1875, No. 21. REPERTORIUM COMMENTATIONUM A SOCIETATIBUS LITTERARIIS EDIT- arum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinein digessit I. D. Reuss. (A valuable collection of the transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vol. I. Scientia Naturalis. Historia Naturalis Generalis et Zoologica. Vol. II. Botanica et Mineralogia. Vol. Ill, IV. Chemia ; Res Metallica et Physica. Vol. V. Astronomia. Vol. VI. Oeconomia. Vol. VII. Mathesis ; Mechanica ; Hydrostatica ; Hydraulica ; Hydrotechnia ; Aerostatica ; Pneumatica ; Technologia ; Architectura Civilis; Scientia Naturalis; Scientia Mili- taris. Vols. VIIL, IX. Historia; Historia Subsidia ; Hist. Univer- salis ; Hist. Generalis ; Hist. Humani; Hist. Mythica ; Hist. Specialis ; Hist. Ecclesiastica ; Hist. Litteraria. Vols. X.-XIII. Scientia et Ars Medica et Chirurgica. Vols. XIV.-XVI. Therapia Generalis et Specialis. 174 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. REPERTORIUM DEE TECHNISCHEN, MATHEMATISCHEN UND NATUR- wissenschaftlichen Journal-Literatur. Published by F. SCHOTTE. 8vo. Monthly. One .vol. a year. Leipsig, 1869 to date. 1869, 1870, 1871. Index to vol. for 1870. REVUE DE GEOLOGIE. Edited by MM. DELESSE, DE LAPPARENT and LAUOEL. 8vo. Annually. Paris, 18GO to date. Vols. I, V., VII., VIII., 1860 to 1868. REVUE DES COURS SCIENTIFIQUES DE LA FRANCE ET DE L TRAN- ger. Physique, Zoologie, Botanique, Anatomie, Physiologie, Geologic, Palseontologie, Medecin. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1863 to date. First Series, (1863 to 1870.) Vols. I. to V., 1864 to 1868. Second Series : Revue Scientifique de la France et de L Etranger. Two vols. (two parts each) a year. 1871 to date. Vols. I. to VII., 1871 to 1874. Vol. VIII., 1875, January to June. REVUE HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHIMIE SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE. Published under the direction of M. CH. MENE. Svo. Weekly. One Vol. a year. 1869 to date. Vols. III., IV., V., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. VI, 1875, Janu ary to June. REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE. See Revue des Cours Scientifique. REVUE UNIVERSELLE DES MINES, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Publiques, des Sciences et des Arts Appliques 1 Industrie. Under the direction of M. CH. DK CUTPER. Svo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1857 to date. Vols. I. to XXXVIL, 1857 to 1875. SACHSISCHE BERGWERKS-ZEITUNG. Edited by TH. BUSCHICK. Svo. Freiberg. 1852, 1853, 1854. SCHWEIGER S JOURNAL FUR CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. See Journal fur Chemie und Physik. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Arts, Science, Chemistry and Manufactures. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. 1815 to date. First Series. Vols. II. to XIV., 1816 to 1858. Second Series. Vols. I. to XVIII. ; XXI. to XXXIL, 1859 to 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 175 SILLIMAN S JOURNAL. See American Journal of Science and Arts. THE STATISTICAL ANNUAL. Containing Full Tabulated Reports on the Leading Branches of Commerce and Finance in the United States. Published by the New-York Daily Bulletin Association. 4to. New- York. Report for 1872. 4to. 110pp. New-York, 1873. THE TECHNOLOGIST, or Industrial Monthly, especially devoted to Engineering, Manufacturing and Building. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New- York, 1870 to date. Vols. I, II., 1870, 1871. Continued under the title : THE INDUSTRIAL MONTHLY : A Practical Journal for Manu facturers, Mechanics, Builders, Inventors, Engineers, Archi tects. With a Record of Railway Progress. Vols. III., IV., 1872, 1873. THOMPSON S ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. See Annals of Philosophy. TILLOCH S PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. See London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. UNITED STATES RAIL-ROAD AND MINING REGISTER. Weekly. One vol. a year. Philadelphia, 1856 to 1874. Vols. XVI. to XIX., 1871 to 1874. In January, 1875, this Journal was incorporated in the Railway World, which see. VAN NOSTRAND S ECLECTIC ENGINEERING MAGAZINE. 4to. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1875. WAGNER S JAHRESBERICHT. See Jahresbericht tiber die Leistun^ en der Chemischen Technologic, &c. O / THE YEAR BOOK OF FACTS IN SCIENCE AND ART : exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements of the past Year in Mechanics and the Useful Arts ; Natural Philoso phy ; Electricity ; Chemistry ; Zoology and Botany. Edited by JOHN TIMES. I2mo. Published annually. London. 1839 to 1863 ; 1871. Supplemental Volumes : Vol. 1, for the year 1851. The Great ^Exhibition, London, 1851. Vol. 2, for the year 1862. The International Exhibition London, 1862. 176 SCHOOL or MINES LIBRARY. ZEITSCHEIFT FUR ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE. Published by C. E. FBESENIUS. 8vo. Quarterly. Wiesbaden, 1862 to date. Vols. I. to XIL, 1862 to 1874. Vol. XIIL, 1875, January to June. General Index for Vols. I. to X. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DAS BERG-HUTTEN u. SALINEN-WESEN IN DEM Preussischen Staate, herausgegeben in dem Ministerium fur Handel, Gewerbe und Offentliche Arbeiten. 4to. One vol. per year, published in six parts. Berlin, 1854 to date. Vols. I. to XXIL, 1854 to 1874. Vol. XXIII., 1875, Janu ary to June. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. THE UNITED STATES. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS. WASHINGTON, D. C. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETINGS of the Board of Su pervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels. PROCEEDINGS of the 18th Annual Meeting, January, 1870. 8vo. 268pp. Washington, 1870. THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS. WASHINGTON, D. C. MONTHLY REPORT of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, July, 1867, to June, 1875. 8 vols. 4to. Washington. THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANNUAL REPORTS of the Chief of Engineers for the years 1873, 1874, (Vols. 1, 2.) Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. Appendix R. to Report for 1874. Reports upon Fort Saint Philip Canal and Construction of Jetties for the Mouths of the Mississippi. 8vo. THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. WASHINGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION for the year 1873. 8vo. Washington. THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. WASH INGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER of Internal Revenue on the Operations of the Internal Revenue System for the years 1863 to 1867. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. THE COMMISSIONER OF THE LAND OFFICE. WASH- INGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER of the Land Office for the years 1866, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 12 178 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANNUAL REPORT of the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture for the years 1861 to 1865. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. Continued under the title : Monthly Reports of the Department of Agriculture. 1866 to 1874 ; 1875, January to July. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington. THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D.C. ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS. MECHANICAL REPORTS. For the years 1845. 1855, Vols. 1 2, 1864, Vols. 1, 2. 1847. 1856, 1 1848. 1857, " 1 1849. 1859, " 1 1850. 1860, " 1 1852. 1861, " 1 1853. 1862, " 1 1854. Vols. 1,2. 1863, " 1 2, 3. 1865, " 1, 2. 2, 3. 1866, " 1, 2, 3. 2. 1867, " 1,2,3. 2,4. 1868, " 1,2,3,4. 2. 1869, " 1, 2, 3. 2. 2. AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. For the years 1850 to 1861. 12 vols. ^ After 1861 the information contained in these reports was published by the De partment of Agriculture under the title : Annual Reports of the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture. OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the United States Patent Office. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Washington, 1872 to date. Vols. III. to VII., January, 1873, to June, 1875. Index Volume. 1873 ; for Vols. III. and IV. of the Official Gazette, and Monthly Volumes, Jan. to Dec., 1873. THE UNITED STATES SIGNAL OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D.C. REPORT OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER of the United States Signal Office for the year 1872. 8vo. 292 pp. Washington, 1872. THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY. WASH INGTON, D. C. ASTRONOMICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the United States Naval Observatory. Published by au thority of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy. Admiral B. F. Sands, Superintendent. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1867. 4to, 487pp. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 1. Harkness, William. Report on the Differ ence of Longitude between Washington and Havana, Cuba. 4to. 39 pp. Washington, 1868. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. 179 THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY. WASH INGTON, D. C. : PUJAZON, CECILLIO. Observations to Determine the Error of Chronometer Frodsham, No. 2,816, made at Havana, Cuba. . 4to. 14 pp. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 2. Reports of Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869. 4to. v 218 pp., XII. plates. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 3. Newcomb, Simeon. Positions of Fundamental Stars deduced from Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory, between the years 1862 and 1867. 4to. 38pp. Washington, 1868. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1868. APPENDIX 1. Gilliss, J. M. A Catalogue of 1,963 Stars Reduced to the Beginning of the Year 1850, together with a Catalogue of 290 Double Stars. 4to. 73 pp. Washington, 1870. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1869. APPENDIX 2. Coffin, Prof., and Lieuts. Page and Steedman. . Zones of Stars observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory, in the years 1846, 1847, 1848 and 1849. 4to. 331 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1870. APPENDIX 1. Harkness, W. R. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis. 4to. 39 pp. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 2. Hall, A., and Harkness, W. R. Reports on Observations of Encke s Comet during its Return in 1871. 4to. 49 pp/ Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 3. Newcomb, Simeon. On the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars and the Corrections Necessary to Reduce the Right Ascensions of Different Catalogues to a Mean Homogeneous System. 4to. 73 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1871. APPENDIX 2. Yarnal, Prof. Results of Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Transit Instru ment and Mural Circle, in the years 1853 to 1860, inclusive. 8vo. 144 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1872. 4to. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 1. Eastman, John R. Tables of Instrumental Constants and Corrections for the reduction of Transit Observations. 45 pp APPENDIX 2. Report on the Difference of Longitude be tween Washington and Detroit, Mich. ; Carlin, Nevada and Austin, Nevada. 180 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. CONNECTICUT. t THE CONNECTICUT BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. HART- FORD. ANNUAL REPORT of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture for the year 1868. Svo. Hartford, 1868. MASSACHUSETTS. THE MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. BOS TON. ANNUAL REPORT of the State Board of Agriculture. Fourth to the Eighth Annual Reports, for the years 1856 to 1860. 5 vols. Svo. Boston, 1857 to 1861. NEVADA. THE STATE MINERALOGIST. CARSON CITY. ANNUAL REPORT of the State Mineralogist for the year 1867. 8vo. 151 pp. Carson City, 1867. THE SURVEYOR-GENERAL. CARSON CITY. ANNUAL REPORT of the Surveyor-General for the years 1865, 1866. 2 vols. Svo. Carson City, 1866, 1867. NEW-YORK. THE STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. ALBANY. ANNUAL REPORT of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the Rail-Road Statistics of the State of New- York for the years 1853, 1863. 2 vols. Svo. Albany. NEW-YORK CITY. THE CROTON AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT of the Croton Aqueduct Department, made to the Common Council of the City of New-York. Twentieth and Twenty-First Reports for the years 1867, and 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1868, 1869. THE METROPOLITAN BOARD OF HEALTH. ANNUAL REPORT of the Metropolitan Board of Health of the State of New-York. 1866 to 1872. 7 vols. Svo. New-York. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS OP GOVERNMENT. 181 OHIO. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE BOARD OF Agriculture, to the General Assembly of Ohio, with an Ab stract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural So cieties. Reports for the years 1855,1856, 1858 to 1866 ; 1868, 1869. 13 vols. 8vo. Columbus. BELG-IUM. ANNALES DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE B&LGIQUE. Vols. XI. to XXVIL, (atlas to accompany Vol. XV.,) 1852 to 1869. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. BRITISH PATENT OFFICE. LONDON. ABRIDGMENTS of Specifications of Patents. Seep. 17. SPECIFICATIONS of Patents. See p. 1 7. THE COMMISSIONER of Patents Journal. 1872, 1873, 1874. 3 vols. 4to. London. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. LONDON. QUARTERLY WEATHER REPORT of the Meteorological Office, London. 1872, part 4. 4to. London. INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. PAGE Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Koniglichen Geologischen Reicbsanstalt,. . 152 Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 153 Abstract of the Returns of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Mas sachusetts, - 4 147 Academie des Sciences de Paris. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE, 147 ACADEMIE IMPERIAL^ DES SCIENCES DE ST. PETERSBOURG, 147 ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA, 147 ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS, 147 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATE OF MASSACHU SETTS, 147 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, 148 ALBANY INSTITUTE, 148 American Artizan (The) and Patent Record 147 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, 148 American Chemist 157 American Exchange and Review, 157 American Gas Light Journal, 157 AMERICAN INSTITUTE, NEW-YORK 148 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS, 148 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION, 148 American Journal of Mining, Milling, Oil Boring, &c., 157 American Journal of Science, 158 American Journal of Science and Arts, 158 American Medical and Philosophical Register, 158 American Mining Index, 158 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 149 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, 149 American Rail-Road Journal, 158 American Repertory, 158 American Year Book and National Register, 158 Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, (Annalen der Pharmacie,) 159 Annalen der Pharmacie, 159 Annalen der Physik ; and Annalen der Physik und Chemie, (Annalen der Physik und Chemie,) 159 Annales de Chimie et Physique, 160 Annales des Mines, 160 Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique, 181 184 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Annales des Universit6s de Belgique, 156 Annales du Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers, 150 Annales du Genie Civil, 160 Annals of Philosophy, 161 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New-York, 153 Annals of the Dudley Observatory, 151 Annee Scientifique et Industrielle, 161 Annual of Scientific Discovery, 161 Annual Keport of the Regents of the University of the State of New-York, 156 Annual Report of the American Institute of Natural History, 149 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C., ... 177 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C., 177 Annual Report of the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, . . . 178 Annual Report of the Commissioner of the Land Office, Washington, D. C., 177 Annual Report of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture, 180 Annual Report of the"Croton Aqueduct, New- York, 180 Annual Report of the Metropolitan Board of Health, Annual Report of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, 155 Annual Report of the Secretary of the Iron and Steel Association, 148 Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture of Massachusetts, 180 Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor of the State of New- York, 180 Annual Report of the State Mineralogist of the State of Nevada, 180 Annual Report of the Surveyor General of the State of Nevada, 180 Annual Report of the Trustees of the Museum of Comparative Anatomy,. 180 Archiv fur Bergbau und Huttenwesen, 161 Archiv fur Mikroskopische Anatomie, 161 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN NATURALISTS AND GEOLOGISTS, 149 Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, (UNITED STATES NA VAL OBSERVATORY,) 179 Baulichen Anlagen, (Die Baulichen Anlagen,) 164 Berg und Huettenmannisch Zeitung, Berg Geist Zeitung, (Der Berg Geist Zeitung,) 163 Bergwerks Betrieb, (Der Bergwerks Betrieb,) 164 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 150 Berichte iiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhutten Technik, 162 Berichte iiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Wissenschaften, 162 Berzelius Jahresbericht, (Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte, &c.,) 162 Bibliotheca Historico Naturalis, 162 Bibliotheca Mechanico Technologica, 162 BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS, ... 177 Boston Journal of Chemistry, (The,) 162 British Almanac and Companion, (SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE,) 156 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, : BRITISH PATENT OFFICE, 18 * Bulletin de L Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Bulletin de la Societe de L Industrie Minerale, 155 Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, . 156 INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 185 Bulletin de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse, 156 Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Geologic, 162 Bulletin du Musee de L Industrie de Belgique, 153 Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Cliiinique de Paris, 155 Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association, 148 Bulletin of the Essex Institute, 151 Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, 154 Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, (The,) 162 Carnall s Zeitschrift, 163 Catalogue Annuel de la Librairie Francaise, 163 Chemical Gazette, (The,) 163 Chemical News, (The,) 163 CHEMICAL SOCIETY, LONDON, 150 Chemisch-Technischen Mittheilungen, 163 Chemisch Central Blatt,. 163 CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, (THE,) 177 Colliery Guardian, (The,) 163 COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, (THE,) 177 COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, (THE,) 177 COMMISSIONER OF THE LAND OFFICE, (THE,) 177 Commissioner of Patents Journal. See BRITISH PATENT OFFICE,. . . 181 Comptes Rendus des Seances de L Academie des Sciences. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE, 152 CONNECTICUT BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, HARTFORD, 180 CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET METIERS, PARIS,.. 150 Cosmos, Revue Encyclopedique, &c., * 163 CROTON AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT, (THE,) 180 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, (THE,) 178 Der Berg Geist Zeitung, 163 Der Bergwerks Betrieb, 164 Der Bergwerksfreund, 163 DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, BERLIN, 150 DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, BERLIN, 151 Die Baulichen Anlagen, &c, 164 Die Fortschritte der Physik, 164 Die Gewerbehalle, 164 Dingler s Polyteclmisches Journal. See Polytechnisches Journal, 173 DUDLEY OBSERVATORY, ALBANY, (THE,) 151 EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, (THE,) 151 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, (The,) 164 Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine. See London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 170 Eisner s Mittheilungen, (Chemisch-Technischen Mittheilungen,) 163 Emporium of Arts and Sciences, (The,) 164 Engineering, London, 164 Engineering and Mining Journal, (The,) New- York, 165 Erdman s Journal, (Journal fur Praktische Chemie,) 168 Erfahrungen im berg und huttenmannischen Maschinen-bau, &c., 165 ESSEX INSTITUTE, SALEM, MASS., 151 Farber Zeitung, 165 186 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. Fortschritte der Physik. See Die Fortschritte der Physik, 164 ; idso, Jab- resbericlite iiber die Fortscliritte der Physik, 167 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA, 151 Franklin Journal, (FRANKLIN INSTITUTE,) 151 Fresenius Zeitschrift, (Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie,) 164 Geological Magazine, (The,) 165 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, LONDON, 151 Geologist, (The,) (The Geological Magazine,) 165 Gewerbehalle, (Die Gewerbehalle,) 164 Hard wicke s Science Gossip, 165 Industrial Monthly, 166 Industrie Blatter, 166 INSTITUT DE FRANCE, 152 INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCES, HALIFAX, (Nova Scotia In stitute of Natural Sciences,) 154 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, LONDON, 152 Iron Age, New- York, 166 Iron, London, 166 IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, LONDON, 152 KAISERLICH AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. WIEN, 152 KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN BERG AKADEMIE, SCHEMNITZ,. 152 KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSAN- STALT, WIEN, 152 KONIGLICHEN BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAF TEN, MUNCHEN, 153 Jaarboeck van het Mijnwesen in Nederlandisch Oost- Indie, 166 Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik, (Journal fiir Chemie und Physik,) 168 Jahrbuch der K. K. Bergakademien, Leoben u. Schemnitz, 152 Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 152 Jahrbuch fiir den Berg und Hiittenmann, 168 Jahrbuch fur den Berg und Hiittenwesen im Konigreich Sachsen, 166 Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, &c., 166 Jahresberichte iiber die Beobachtungen, Versuche, &c., des Berg u. Hiitten- mannischen Maschinen-und Bauwesens, 166 Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Chemie,. . 167 Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Agricultur-Chemie, 166 Jahresberichte iiber die Fortscliritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften, 167 Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Physik, ,.. 167 Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Physischen Wissenschaften, 167 Jahresberichte iiber die Leistungen der Chemischen Teclmologie, 167 Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, 167 Journal des Mines, 168 Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, &c. , 167 Journal der Physik, (Annalen der Physik,) 159 Journal fiir Practische Chemie, 168 Journal of Applied Chemistry, 168 Journal (The) of Gas Lighting and Water Supply 168 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 147 Journal of the Chemical Society, London, 150 INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 187 Journal of the Franklin Institute, 151 Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 152 Journal of the New- York State Agricultural Society, 154 Kalender fiir den Oberschlesischen Bergmann, 168 Kalender fiir den Sachsischen Berg und Hiittenmann, 168 L Annee Scientifique et Industrielle, 161 Laboratory, (The,) 169 LAND OFFICE REPORTS, 177 Le Genie Industriel, 169 Le Naturaliste Canadien, 169 Les Houillerres, 169 Les Mondes, 169 Le Technologiste, 169 London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, and London, Dublin and^ Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science,*. 169 LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, NEW- YORK, 153 Magazin fiir Oryktographie, 170 Magazin fiir Pharmacie, 170 Manufacturer and Builder, (The,) 171 Melanges Physiques et Chimiques, (ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCI ENCES DE ST. PETERSBOURG,) 147 Massachusetts Agricultural Societies, 180 Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London, 150 Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., 154 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF HEALTH, 180 Microscopical Journal, (The Monthly Microscopical Journal,) 171 Mineralogische Mittheilungen, 153 Mining and Scientific Press, (The,) 171 Mining and Smelting Magazine, (The,) 171 Mining Magazine, 171 Moniteur Scientifique, 171 Monthly Microscopical Journal, (The,) 171 Monthly Report of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., 178 Monthly Report of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, Washington, 177 MUSEE DE L INDUSTRIE DE BELGIQUE, BRUXELLES, 153 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND ZOOLOGY OF HAR VARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS, 154 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, 154 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUFACTURERS, 154 NATIONAL BOARD (THE) OF STEAM NAVIGATION, (THE BOARD t)F SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS,) 177 NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, MONTREAL,. . .^ 154 Nature. London, 171 Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 172 Neues Journal der Physik, (Annalen der Physik,) 159 NEW- YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, ALBANY, 154 Notizen zur Zammelung von Zeichnungen fiir die Hiitte, 172 NOVA SCOTIA INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCE, HALIFAX,... 154 Oberschlesischen Taschenbuch und Kalender, 172 188 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBKAEY. Oesterreicliisclies Montan Handbucli, 172 Oesterreicliisclies Zeitsclirift fiir Berg-und Huettenwesen, 172 Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, 178 OHIO STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, 181 PAL^ONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, LONDON, 141, 154 Patent Office Reports, &c. See BRITISH PATENT OFFICE, 181 ; also, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, 178 Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt, 172 Philosophical Magazine ; also, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Sci ence. See London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 169 Poggendorff s Annalen, (Annalen der Physik und Chemie,) 159 Polytechnisches Central-Blatt, 172 Poly technisches Journal, 173 Polytechnisches Notiz-Blatt, 173 Popular Science Monthly t 173 Proceedings and Transactions Institute of Natural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 154 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, 147 Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Board of Supervising Inspect ors of Steam Vessels, 177 Proceedings of the Essex Institute, 151 Proceedings of the Lyceum of Natural History, 153 Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 148 Public Health Report and Papers, (AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION,) 149 Quarterly Journal of Science, (The,) 173 Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, (The,) 150 Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London, (The,) 151 Quarterly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office, London, (The,) 181 Railway World, (The,) I 73 REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE E BELLES LETTERES, NAPOLI, 155 Regents Report of the University of the State of New- York. See UNI VERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW- YORK, 156 Rendiconto delle Adunanze e De Lavori della Reale Academia delle Scienze 155 Repertorium Commentationum, 173 Repertorium der technischen, Mathematischen und naturwissenschaftli- 1 ^4. chen Journal Literatur, Revue de Geologic, 17^ Revue des Cours- Scientifiques * 174 Revue Hebdomadaire de Chimie, 174 Revue Scientifique, (Revue des Cours Scientifiques,) 174 Revue Qniverselle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, &c., 174 Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 149 Report of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, 177 Report of the Chief Signal Officer of the U. S. Signal Office, 178 Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C.,. .... 177 Report of tjie Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C., 177 INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 189 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office, Washington, D. C., 177 Report of the National Academy of Sciences, 154 ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, DUBLIN,. 155 ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, LONDON, 155 Sachsische Bergwerks Zeitung, . 174 Schweiger s Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, (Journal fur Chemie imd Physik,) 168 Scientific American, 174 Silliman s Journal, (American Journal of Science and Art,) 158 Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. See KAISERLICHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, 153 Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (KONIGLICH BAYERIS- CHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN,) 153 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D. C., 155 SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS, ..... 155 SOCIETE DE PHARMACIE DE PARIS, 155 SOCIETY DE L INDUSTRIE MINERALE, PARIS, 155 SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE, PARIS, i 56 SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE MULHOUSE, 156 SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE LON- D0 *> . ...... 156 Statistical Annual, (The,) 175 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR (THE) OF NEW- YORK, .. . . . . 180 STATE MINERALOGIST (THE) OF NEVADA, . . . i 80 SURVEYOR GENERAL, (THE) OF NEVADA, . 180 Technologist, (The,) (Industrial Monthly,) 175 Thompson s Annals of Philosophy, (Annals of Philosophy.) 1G1 Tilloch s Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, (London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science,) 169 Transactions of the Academy of Science, St. Louis, (ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS,) 147 Transactions of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Massachusetts,. . 147 Transactions of the Agricultural Society of the State of Wisconsin, 148 Transactions of the Albany Institute, 148 Transactions of the American Institute, 148 Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 148 Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 151 Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 152 Transactions of the New- York State Agricultural Society, 154 Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 155 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, 178 United States Rail-Road and Mining Register, 175 UNITED STATES SIGNAL OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C.,......! 178 UN1VERSITES DE BELGIQUE, BRUXELLES, 156 UN IVERSIT Y OF THE STATE OF NEW- YORK, 156 Van Nostrand s Eclectic Engineering Magazine, 175 Verhandlungen der K. K. Geologisch Reichsanstalt, 153 VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE, BERLIN, 156 Wagner s Jahresbericht. See Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen, &c.,. . 167 190 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBKAEY. Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, (UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY,) 178 Year Book (The) of Facts in Science and Art, 175 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologisclien Gesellscliaft, 150 Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutschen Ingenieure, 156 Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie, 176 Zeitschrift fur das Berg Hutten und Salinen Wesen, 176 PART II. ANALYTICAL: WHEREIN THE SYSTEMATIC WORKS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS ARE CLASSIFIED WITH REFERENCE TO SUBJECTS. SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION MATHEMATICAL, SCIENCES. ARITHMETIC- WEIGHTS, MEASURES AND COINS. ANALYSIS. GEOMETRY. APPLIED GEOMETRY. RATIONAL MECHANICS. ASTRONOMY. NATURAL SCIENCES. PHYSICS- SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. MICROSCOPY. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. METALLURGY- GENERALITIES. FURNACES AND FUELS. IRON. STEEL. GOLD AND SILVER. COPPER, LEAD, TIN, NICKEL AND COBALT ASSAYING. NATURAL HISTORY- AGRICULTURE. BOTANY AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL AND POLITICAL. GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 194 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY EUROPE, ASIA AND AUSTRALIA. BRITISH AMERICA, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. PALEONTOLOGY. MINERALOGY- DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY. DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY AND BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. METEOROLOGY AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. ZOOLOGY AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. THE SCIENCES APPLIED TO ENGINEERING-. CIVIL ENGINEERING. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING AND MARITIME WORKS. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. THE STEAM ENGINE. MILITARY ENGINEERING. MINES AND MINING ENGINEERING. RAILROAD ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS- CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT PHILADELPHIA, 1876. EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, LONDON, 1851. EXPOSITION DU HAVRE, 18G8. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE PARIS, 1867. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862. WIENER WELTAUSSTELLUNG, 1873. STATISTICS. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE. MISCELLANEOUS. PURE MATHEMATICS. ARITHMETIC. BAILY, F., and Filipowski, H. The Doctrine of Interest Annuities and Assurances. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1864, 1866. BERTRAXD, Joseph. Traite d Arithmetique. 12mot 254pp. Paris, 1849. CKELLE, A. L. Rechentafeln welche alles Multipliciren und Divi- diren mit Zahlen unter Tausend. Mit einen vorworte von Dr. C. Hremiker. 4to. 1000pp. Berlin, 1869. DAVIES, Charles. University Arithmetic. 12 mo. 466 pp. New- York, 1873. and Peck, Wm. G. Mathematical Dictionary and Cyclo pedia of Mathematical Science. 8vo. 592 pp. New- York, 1872. FAIRBANKS, Lorenzo. A Complete System of Practical Bookkeep ing, by Double Entry. 8vo. 189 pp. Boston, 1851. GOTTSCHALK, C. G. Die Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens. 8vo. 465 pp. Leipsig, 1865. JOUVE, C. J. Compositions de Mathematique et de Physique. 8vo. 295 pp. Paris, 1855. LTTBSEX, H. B. Ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der Arithmetik und Al gebra. 8vo. 254 pp. Hamburg, 1853. SERRET, J. A. Traite d Arithmetique. Svo. 408pp. Paris, 1852. WEIGHTS, MEASURES AND COINS. ADAMS, John Quincy. Report of the Secretary of State upon Weights and Measures. Svo. 245 pp. Washington, 1821. BARNARD, F. A. P. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. From the Proceedings of the University Convocation held at Albany, N. Y., August, 1871. Svo. 106 pp. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. Svo. 194 pp. New- York, 1872. 106 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BAENARD, F. A. P. Report on the Principles which should Govern the Tolerance of Deviations from {Standard Weight of Coin Weighed in Parcels; made to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, at the request of the Commission of 1872, for the Scrutiny of the Coinage. "8vo. Washington, 1872. DAVIES, Charles. Reports of the Committee of the Convocation of the University of the State of New- York on the Metric Sys tem. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12 mo. 76 pp. New- York, 1873. The Metric System, explained and adapted to the Systems of Instruction in the United States. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 20 pp. New-York, 1867. EGLESTON, T. Tables of Weights, Measures and Coins. 32mo. 36 pp. New- York, 1868. EXPOSITION Universelle de Paris, 1867. Rapports du Comite des Poids et Mesures et de Monnaies de L Exposition de 1867. 12mo. 153 pp. Paris, 1867. INSTRUCTION Abregee sur les Mesures. Deduites de la grandeur de la Terre uniforme pour toute la Republique, et sur les Calculs relatif a leur division decimale. Par la Commission temporaire des Poids et Mesures republicaines. 8vo. 173 pp. Paris, 1704. JOHNSON, Pres. Andrew. A Message Concerning the International Monetary Conference held at Paris in June, 1867. 8vo. 110pp. Washington, 1867. KELLY, P. The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821. MANN, W. W. A New System of Weights, Measures and Money, entitled the Linn-Base Decimal System; and designed for the Adoption of all Nations as the One Common System. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12 mo. 22 pp. New- York, 1871. MficiiAiN, P. F. A., and Delambre, J. B. J. Base du Systeme Metrique Decimal ou Mesure de L Arc du Meridien compris entre les paralelles de Dunkerque et Barcelone, executee en 1792 et annees suivantes. 3 vols. 4to, Paris, 1806, 1807-1810. SCIIODL, Franz. Handbuch ausfilhrliche metrischen Tabellen. 8vo. 108 pp. Vienna, 1870. SUMNER, Charles. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. A Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 17,1 866. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. Boston, 1866. WESTENDORF, Karl. Die Bestimmung fur Annahme eine Normal- musse und eine Normalstantsche. 4to. Vienna, 1873. MATHEMATICS. 197 PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. JOURNAL de Mathematiques pures et Appliquees. Published by JOSEPH LIOUVILLE, 1836 to 3874 ; by H. RESAL, 1875. 4to. Monthly. Paris. Deuxieme Serie. (1856 to 1874.) Tomes XIV. to XIX., 1869 to 1874. Troisieme Serie. Tome I., January to July, 1875. ANALYSIS. BACKLUXD, A. V. Nagro satser om pi ana algebraiska Kurvors Normaler. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 38pp. BELANGER, J. B. Resume des Legons de Geometrie Analytique et de Calcul Infinitesimal. 12mo. 295 pp. Paris, 1859. BERTRAND, Joseph. Traite Elementaire d Algebre. 12rao. 560pp. Paris, 1851. DAVIES, Charles. Elements of Algebra, on the Basis of M. Bour don, embracing Sturm s and Homer s Theorems ; and prac tical examples. 8vo. 400 pp. New- York, 1872. Elements of Analytical Geometry, and of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 8vo. 204 pp. New-York, 1859. Elements of Analytical Geometry. 8vo. 204 pp. New- York, 1872. DAVIS, John E. On Potentials and their Application to Physical Science. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo eeries. 8VO. 10pp. DUHAMEL, J. M. C. Eleinens de Calcul Infinitesimal. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. EULER, Leonard. Siemens D Algebre. Traduit de L Allemand, revue et augmentee de notes. 2 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1807. HAGEX, G. Grundzlige der Wahrscheinlichkeits-Rechnung. 12mo. 198pp. Berlin, 1837. HILL, C. J. Sur une forme generale de developpement et sur les Integrates definies. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 36pp. Lit. SEX, H. B. Ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der Arithmetik und Alge- bra - 8vo. 254 pp. Hamburg, 1853. Einleitung in die Infinitessimal Rechnung. 8vo. 183 pp? Hamburg, 1855. NAVIER, Louis. Resume des LCQOIIS d Analyse. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. PECK, W. G. ^Practical Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, With some of its applications to Mechanics andAs- tronomy._ 12mo. 208pp. New- York, 1873. A Treatise on Analytical Geometry. 12mo. 212 pp. New-York, 1874. RITT, G. Problemes D Algebre. Fourth edition. 8vo. 396 pp. Paris, 1856. Problemes D Application de L Algebre a la Geometrie. Fourth edition. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 198 SCHOOL or MIXES LIBRARY, ROGUET, Ch. Lemons de Geometrie Analytique. 12mo. 479 pp. Paris, 1854. TODHUNTER, J. Algebra for the Use of Colleges and Schools, with numerous examples. Sixth edition. Revised. 12mo. 608 pp. London, 1873. YOUNG, J. R. The Elements of Integral Calculus, witMts Applica tions to Geometry, and to the "Summation of Infinite Series. Revised and Corrected by Michael O Shannessy, A. M. 8vo. 292 pp. Philadelphia, 1833. ZEIPEL, Victor von. Om Monomial-och Fakultetskoefficienter. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 57pp. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. JOURNAL de Mathematiques pures et Appliquees. Published by JOSEPH LIOUVILLE, 1836 to 1874 ; by H. RESAI,, 1875. 4to. Monthly. Paris. Deuxieme Serie. (1856 to 1874.) Tomes XIV. to XIX., 1869 to 1874. Troisieme Serie. Tome I., January to July, 1875. GEOMETRY. BLANCHET, A. Elements de Geometrie, par A. M. Legendre. 8vo. 280 pp. Paris, 1859. HONIG, J. Anleitung zum Studium der Darstellende Geometrie. 2 vols., text and plates. Vienna, 1845. LAW, Henry. The Elements of Euclid, with many additional pro positions and explanatory notes ; to which is prefixed an Introductory Essay on Logic. 12mo. 348 pp. London, 1870. LEGENDEE, Adrien Marie, fileraents de Geometrie, avec additions et modifications par A. Blanche!. 8vo. 280pp. Paris, Itr59. LUBSEN, H. B. Lehrbuch der Hohre Geometrie. 8vo. 214pp. Leipsig, 1845. RITT, G. Problemes de Geometrie. Fourth edition. 8vo. 332 pp. Paris, 1857. SCHKON, Ludwig. Seven figure Logarithms. Fifth edition, with a description of the tables added by A. De Morgan. 8vo. 550 pp. London, 1865. GENERAL REFERENCE AND TABLES. CALLET, F. Tables Portraitives de Logarithmes, revues et corri- gees, par M. Saigey. 8vo. 680pp. Paris, 1795. DAVIES, Charles, and Peck, Wm. G. Mathematical Dictionary and Cvclopedia of Mathematical Science. 8vo. 592pp. New- York, 1872. I MATHEMATICS. 199 GAUSS, F. G. Fiinsfstellige vollstandige Logarithmische und Tri- gonometrische Tafeln. Third edition. 8vo. 141, 43 pp. Berlin, 1873. Yierstellige Logarithmisch-Trigonometrische Handtafel. 5 Tables. Berlin, 1870. A Treatise on Logarithms and Trigonometrical and other Mathematical Tables. IGrno. 327 pp. London, 1867. APPLIED GEOMETRY. ADHEMAK, J. Traite de la Coupe des Pierres. Sixieme edition. 8vo. 540 pp. text; Atlas folio, LXXXYI. plates. Paris, 1859. Traite de Perspective. 2 vols. text and atlas. Paris, 1859. BAUERXFEIND, C. M. Elemente der Yermessungskunde. 8vo. 878 pp. Stuttgart, 1869. Elemente der Vermessungskunde. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1873. BOBERT, C. W. Der geschwinde und richtig rechnende Marks- cheider. 4to. 93 pp. Quedlinburg, 1858. BORCHERS, E. Die Practische Markscheidekunst. 8vo. 308 pp. Hanover, 1870. BOSSUET, F. Traite de Perspective Lineaire. Vol. I. 8vo. 360 pp. text; Atlas, XXVIII. plates. Brussels. BRETOX, De Champ P. Traite du Nivellement Comprennant la Theoretique et la Pratique du Nivellement Ordinaire et des Nivellernents Expeditifs. 8vo. 299 pp. Paris, 1848. CALLET, F. Tables Portraitives de Logarithmes, revues et corri- gees, par M. Saigey. 8vo. 680 pp. Paris, 1795. CARROT, L. N. M. Memoire sur la Relation qui existe entre les distances de cinq points quelconques pris dans 1 espace, suivi d un essai sur la Theorie des Transversales. 4to. Ill pp. Paris, 1866. COLVIX, Yerplanck. Report on a Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness of New- York. 8vo. 43 pp., with a map. Albany, 1873. DAVIES, Charles. Report to the Secretary of the Treasury in rela tion to the Yarious Proposed Lines for Interoceanic Canals and Rail-Roads between the Waters of the Atlantic and Pa cific Oceans. 8vo. 28 pp., XIII. maps. Washington, 1866. The Elements of Surveying and Leveling. 8vo. 431 pp. New-York, 1870. and Peck, Wm. G. Mathematical Dictionary and Cyclo pedia of Mathematical Science. Svo. 592 pp. New- York, 1872. DREW, W. H. A Treatise on Conic Sections. 12mo. 138pp. London, 1864. ELSCHING, A. Kurzgefasste Anleitung zu barometrischen Nivellir- ungen mit barometeren. 8vo. 72pp. Salsburg, 1809. ENGELBREIT, K. Die Instrumente der hoheren und niederen Geo- dasie und der Hydrometrie. 2 vols., text and plates. Nuremberg, 1852. 200 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. EWING, Alexander. A Synopsis of Practical Mathematics. 12mo. 232 pp. Edinburgh, 1791. FATE, IT. A. E. Sur la situation actuelle du Bureau des Longitudes. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series, 4tO. 8 pp. 1872. FREEDEN, W. v. Die Praxis der Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate liir die Bedlirfuisse der Anfanger. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 114 pp. 1863. GAUSS, F. G. Fiinsfstellige vollsUindige Logarithmische und Tri- gonometrische Tafeln. Third edition. 8vo. 141,43pp. Berlin, 1873. Vierstelli^e Lo^arithmisch-Trigonometrische Handtafel. 5 Tables. Berlin, 1870. GERLING, C. L. Die Ausgleichungs-Rechnungen der practischen Geometric oder Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate. 4to. 404 pp. Hamburg, 1843. GIBSON, R. The Theory and Practice of Surveying. 8vo. 408 pp. New- York, 1834. GILBERT. Essai sur L Art de la Navigation par la Yapeur. 4to. 58 pp. Paris, 1820. GILLESPIE, TV. M. A Treatise on Land Surveying. 8vo. 424 pp. New-York, 1870. A Treatise on Levelling Topography and Higher Surveying. Edited by Cady Staley. 8vo. 171 pp. New- York, 1870. HARRISON, A. M. A Treatise on the Plane Table and its Lse m Topographical Survey. From the Coast Survey Report for 1865. 4to. 29 pp., II. plates. Washington, 1865. HARTNER, Friederich. Handbuch der niederen Geodasie, nebst einem Anhano-e liber die Elemente der Markscheidekunst. 8vo. 693 pp. Vienna, 1864. HERRMANN, Friederich. Katechismus der Feldmess Kunst mit Kette. Winkelspiegel und Messtisch. 12mo. 109 pp. Leipsig, 1871. HERZOG, Edmund. Praktische Anleitung zum Hohenmessen mit- telst Dosenbarometer, (Barometre aneroide u. Barometre holosterique,) nebst Bemerkungen fiber generale Tracirung. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12I11O. 30pp. Leipsig, 1873. HEUSSIE, Jacob. Lehrbuch der Geodasie. 8vo. 583 pp. London, 1861. HOLTSCHL Josef. Das Hohenmesssen mit Metall-Barometern. 8vo. 74pp. Vienna, 1870. HUGO Leopold. Essai sur le Geometric des Oistalloides. 8vo. 16 pp. Paris, 1873. Introduction a la Geometric Descriptive. Des Cristalloides. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., HI. plates. Pans, 18/4. Les Cristalloides a Directrice Circulaire. 8vo. 40 pp., I. plate. Paris, 1867. Les Cristalloides Complexes a Summit Etoile. Voi.i.,Pam- phiets. octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp., III. plates. Pans, 1872. Theorie des Cristalloides Elementaires. 8vo. 58 pp., IV. plates. Paris, 1867. MATHEMATICS. 201 JAQUET, A. Trace General des Courbea. 8vo. 250 pp. Paris, 1858. LAUR, J. A. Vereinfachte und vervollkommende practische Geo- dasie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1857. LEE, Thomas J. Tables and .Formulae useful in Surveying, Geo desy and Practical Astronomy, including Elements for the Projection of Maps, and Instruction for Field Magnetic Sur veying. Third edition. Prof. Pap. Corp. of Eny. U. S.A., &0.12. 8vo. 310pp. Washington, 1873. LEO, E. J. Theoretische-practische Anleitung zuni Nivelliren. 4to. 136 pp. Weimar, 1846. LEROY, C. F. A. Geometric Descriptive. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Paris, 1855. - Traite de Stereotomy. 2 vols. 4 to. text and plates, Paris, 1844. LESCHXER, C. F. Tafeln zu Aufsuchung der Seigerteufen und Sohlen der Flachenschniire bei dem Markscheiden. 4to. 30 pp. Freiberg, 1842. MARLETTE, S. H. Report of the Surveyor-General of the State of Nevada for the years 1865 and 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. 83,95pp. Carson City, 1 866, 1 867. MERRETT, H. S. A Practical Treatise on the Science of Land and Engineering Surveying, Levelling, Estimating Quantities, &c. With a General Description of the Several Instruments Required for Surveying, Levelling, Plotting, &c. 8vo. ^"317 pp., XLI. plates. London, 1863. MILLER, Iluaenfels A. von. Hohre Markscheidekunst. 8vo. 291 pp. Vienna, 1868. OLIVIER, Theodore. Complements de Geometric Descriptive. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1848. - Cours de Geometric Descriptive. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Paris, 1847-1852. - Develloppements de Geometric Descriptive. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1843. - Applications de la Geometric Descriptive aux ombres, a la Perspective, a la Gnomique et aux Engrenages. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1847. Memoires de Geometric. Descriptive, Theoretique et Ap- . , - pliquee. 8vo. text, 4to. plates. Paris, 1852. PLANE Table, (The,) and its Use in Topographical Surveying. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 8vo. 79 pp., V. plates. New-York, 1869. PUISSANT, L. Traite de Geodesic, ou Exposition des Methodes As- tronorniques et Trigonometriques, Appliquees a la mesure de la Terre, soit a la confection du canevas des Cartes et des Plans. 4to^ 318 pp., XVI. tables, X. plates. Paris, 1865. - Traite de Topographic, D Arpentage et de Nivellement. 4to. 429pp. Paris, 1807. SALNEUVE, J. F. Cours de Topographic et de Geodesic. 8vo. 663 pp. Paris, 1857. 202 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. SCHLOMTLCH, Oskar. Grundztige einer Wissenschaftlichen Darstel- lung der Geometrie des Maasses. 8vo. 256 pp. Eisenach, 1854. SCHNEITLER, C. F. Die Instruments und Werkzeuge der hoheren imd niederen Messkunst. 8vo. 393 pp. Leipsig, 1861. Lehrbuch der gesammten Messkunst. 8vo. 374 pp. Leipsig, 1851. SCHODEL, H. Htilfstafel zur barometrischen Hohenbestimmung nebst Anleitnug zur Untersuchung und zum Gebrauch der Federbarometer. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1874. SERRET, J. A. Traite de Trigonometrie. 8vo. 116 pp. Paris, 1852. SMITHSONIAN Institution Publications : Circular Relative to Heights. 8vo. Washington, 1874. TRIPON, J. B. tudes de Projections D Ombres et de Lavis a 1 usage de toutes les Ecoles des Architectes et de Mecani- ciens. 2 vols. 8vo. text and plates. Paris, 1848. UNITED STATES Coast Survey. A.D. Bache, LL. D., Superintendent. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the Progress of the Survey during the years 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856 to 1863 and 1865. 12 vols. 4to. Washington, 1853-1867. Appendices to above. Appendix IX. Sqhott, C. A. Deter mination of Time, by means of the Transit Instrument. IT. 8. Coast Survey Manual. 4to. 17 pp., I. plate. Washington. Appendix X. Schott, C. A. Determination of the Astro nomical Latitude of a Station, by means of the Zenith Telescope. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. 4to. 14 pp., I. plate. Washington. Appendix XI. Schott, C. A. Determination of the Astro nomical Azimuth of a Direction. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. Addenda to Appendices X. and XI. 4to. 12 pp. Washington. Appendix XVI. Pierce, Prof. Benjamin. Report on the Determination of the Longitude of America and Europe, from the Solar Eclipse of July 28, 1851. 4to. 79 pp. Washington. Appendix XXI. Results of the Primary Triangulation of the Coast of New-England. 4to. 17pp. 2 Sketches. Appendix to Report for 1872. Schott, C. A. Notes on Measurements of Terrestrial Magnetism. 4to. 22 pp. .Also, A Complete set of the Blanks used in the U. S. Coast Survey. MATHEMATICS. 203 UNITED STATES Geological Survey of the Territories. Hayden, F. V., Director. Miscellaneous Publications. No. 1. Gannett, Henry. List of Elevations in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Pamphlet. 8vo. Washington, 1873. WATSOX, Winslow C. A Supplement to the Report on the Survey of Essex County, N. Y. 8vo. 39pp. Albany, 1853. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. JOURNAL de Mathematiques pures et Appliquees. Published by JOSEPH LIOUVILLH, 1836 to 1874 ; by H. EBSAL, 1875. 4to. Monthly. Paris. Deuxieme Serie. (1856 to 1874.) Tomes XIV. to XIX., 1869 to 1874. Troisieme Serie. Tome I, January to July, 1875. 204 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. RATIONAL MECHANICS. APPLETON, D. & Co. s Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine Work and Engineering. ^2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1852. CALLOW, J. Cours professes a L Ecole des Mines de Paris. Pre miere Partie. Cours de Machines. Tome L, Text and Atlas. 8vo. text ; 4to. Atlas. Paris, 1873. DANA, J. D. On Certain Laws of Cohesive Attraction. 8vo. 21 pp. 1847. DELAUNAY, Ch. Traite de Mecanique Rationelle. 8vo. 619 pp. Paris, 1856. )ESCHANEL, A. Privat. Elementary Treatise on Natural Philoso phy. Translated and edited, with extensive additions, by J. D. Everett. Part L, Mechanics, Hydrostatics and Pneu matics. 8vo. London and New-York, 1871. FARADAY, Michael. On the Existence of a Limit to Vaporization. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 9pp. London, 1827. HANDL, Alois, and Weiss, Adolph. Untersuchungen tiber den Zu- samrnenhang in den Anderungen der dichten und brechung- sexponenten in gemengen von Fliissigkeiten und Verbindun- geil VOn Gasen. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp., I. plate. Vienna, 1858. HARDER, P. E. Das Molekerlargesetz mit besonder Anwendung auf das Wasser, den Wasserdarnpf und die Luft. 8vo. 168pp. Hamburg, 1866. HATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. Traite de Mecanismes. 8vo. 483 pp. Paris, 1834. JULLIEN, P. M. Problemes de Mecanique Rationelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. MARRAT, W. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Mechan ics. 8vo. 455 pp. Boston, 1810. MEIER, L. Lehrbuch der hoheren Mechanik. 8vo. 459 pp. Hanover, 1858. MOSELY, H. Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architec ture, with additions by D. II. Mahan, LL. D. 8vo. 699 pp. "New-York, 1806. PECK Wm. G. Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. 8vo. 296 pp. New- York, 1872. POISSON, S. D. Traite de Mecanique. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. REDTENBACIIER, Jacob Ferdinand. Principien der Mechanik und des Maschinen-baues. 8vo. 317 pp. Manheim, 1859. SCHOTTER, Hermann. Uber die Rationelle Benutzung der Wasser- krafte vermittelst eines neuen apparates zur transmission der- selben. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 28 pp., I. plate. Gera, 1873. STEPHENSON, R. Report on Atmospheric Pressure. 4to. 44 pp., XXV. plates. London, 1844. EATIONAL MECHANICS. 205 THE/ DWELL, Daniel. On the Measure of the Forces of Bodies Mov ing with Different Velocities. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 20 pp. Cambridge, 1861. N, Francis L. Lectures on Machines Theory of Construc tion and Calculation of their Effect, delivered at the School of Mines. Lithographed from notes taken by August Van .deef. 4to. 94pp. New- York, 1869. WEISBACH, Julius. A Manual of the Mechanics of Engineering. Translated from the Fourth German Edition by Eckley B. Coxe. Vol. I. Theoretical Mechanics. 8vo. 1112pp. New-York, 1872. Lehrbuch der Ingenieur-und Machinen-Mechanik. Fiinfte verbesserte und vervollstendigte Auflage. Vol. I. 8vo. 1301 pp. Brunswick, 1870-1875. Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Mechanik. 3 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1855, 1863, 1865. Appendix. 8vo, 43 pp. Brunswick, 1860. WILLIS, Robert. Principles of Mechanism, designed for the Use of Students in the Universities, and for Engineering Students generally. 8vo. 446 pp. London, 1841. 206 SCHOOL or MINES LIBRARY. ASTRONOMY. ALEXANDER, Stephen. Observation of the Annular Eclipse of May 26, in the suburbs of Ogdensburg, New- York. Vol. IV., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp., I. plate. New-York. ANDERSON, F. Bestamming af Planeten (92) Undenas bana, grim- dad pa observationer under trenne oppositioner. Vol. iy., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 22 pp. 1870. ARAGO, Francois. Astronomic Populaire. 2vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854. ; Popular Lectures on Astronomy. With Additions by Dio- nysius Lardner. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 95 pp. New- York, 1848. ARGELANDER, Fr. Neue Uranometrie. 8vo. 119 pp. ; Atlas, XVII. plates. Berlin, 1 BRUHNS, B. Bestimmung der LangendiiFerenz zwischen Berlin und Lund auf telegraphischen Wege ausgeftihrt von dem Central bureau der Europaiscben Gradmessung und der Sternwarte in Lund im Jahre, 1868. Voi.iv. Quarto series. 4to. 51 pp. Lunds, 1870. BRUNNOW, F. Tables of Victoria, computed with regard to the perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn. 4to. 17 tables. New-York, 1859. CATALOGUE of the Library of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Wash ington, D. C. 4to. 24 pp. Washington, 1868. COMET, The Great, of 1861. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. New-Haven, 1861. GOULD, Augustus A. See Dewey, Chester. B A. Reduction of the Observations of, the Fixed Stars, made by Joseph Le Paute d Agelet at Paris during the years 1783-1785, with a Catalogue of the Corresponding Mean Places referred to the Equinox of 1800. 0. 4to. 261 pp. GUILLEMIN, Amedee. The Heavens. An Illustrated Hand-book of Popular Astronomy. Edited by Norman Lockyer. Fourth edition revised by R. A. Proctor. American reprint. 8vo. 432 pp. New- York, 1871. INSTRUCTIONS for Observing the Transit of Venus. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 28pp. Washington, 1874. JAHN, G. A. Katechismus der Astronomic. . 16mo. 191 pp. Leipsig, 1869. KAMPF, F., and Clark, J. H. Report upon the Determination of the Astronomical Co-Ordinates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872 and ] 4to. 82 pp. Washington, 1874. LARDNER, D. Handbook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 12mo. 451 pp. Philadelphia, 1857. ASTRONOMY. 207 LEE, Thomas J. Tables and Formula useful in Surveying, Geo desy and Practical Astronomy, including Elements for the Projection of Maps, and Instruction for Field Magnetic Sur veying. Third edition. Prof. Pap. Corp. ofEncj. U. S. A., No. 12. 8vo. 310 pp. Washington, 1873. LOOMIS, Elias. The Aurora Borealis, or Polar Lights ; its phe nomena and laws. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 41pp. MOLLER, Axel. Planet och Kornet-Observationer, anstallda ar 1869, pa Lunds Observatorium. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 100 pp. Lunds, 1869. Planet och Komet-Observationer, anstallda ar 1870, pa Lunds Observatorium. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 74 pp. London, 1871. NEWTON, H. A. On Shooting Stars. 4to. 22 pp. PIERCE, Benjamin. On the Saturnian System. 4to. 31 pp. PROCTOR, Richard A. Transits of Venus. A Popular Account of Past and Coming Transits, from the first observed by Horrocks, A. D. 1839, to the transit of A. D. 2012. 8vo. 232 pp. New- York, 1875. RAMBOSSON, J. Astronomy. Translated by C. B. Pitman. 8vo. 385 pp. New- York, 1874. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Ueber einigen nordamerikanischen Meteoriten. 8vo. 5 pp. 1861. SCHOEDLER Friederich. Das Buch der Natur, die Lehren der Physik, Astronomie, Cheniie, Mineralogie, Geologic, Botanik, Zoologie und Physiologic. 8vo. 614 pp. Brunswick, 1874. SMITH, J. Lawrence. A Description of Five New Meteoric Irons, with some Theoretical Considerations based on their Physical and Chemical Characters. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 33 pp. New-Haven, 1855. SMITHSONIAN Institution Publications : Telegraphic Announcement of Astronomical Discoveries. Smith. Misc. Coll. Circular. Svo. Washington, 1873. STORY Maskelyne, Nevil. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteorites exhibited in the Mineral Department of the British Museum. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 8pp. London, 1872. SVANBERG, Jons. Exposition des operations faites en Lapponie pour la Determination d un Arc du Meridien, en 1801, 1802 et 1803, par Messieurs Ofverborn, Svanberg, Holmquist et Pa- lander. Redigee par Jons Svanberg. 8vo. 198 pp. Stockholm, 1805. UNITED STATES Coast Survey. A. D. Bache, LL. D., Superintendent. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the Progress of the Survey during the years 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856 to 1863 and 1865. 4to. Washington, 1853-1867. Appendices to above. Appendix IX. Schott, C. A. De termination of Time, by means of the Transit Instrument. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. 4to. 17 pp., I. plate. Washington. 208 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. UNITED STATES Coast Survey. A. D. Bache, LL. D., Superintendent. Appendix X. Schott, C. A. Determination of the Astro nomical Latitude of a Station, by means of the Zenith Telescope. U. S. Coast /Survey Manual. 4to. 14 pp., I. plate. Washington. Appendix XI. Schott, C. A, Determination of the Astro nomical Azimuth of a Direction. U. S. Coast Survey Manual. Addenda to Appendices X. and XI. 4to. 12 pp. Washington. Appendix XVI. Pierce, Prof. Benjamin. Report on the Determination of the Longitude of America and Europe, from the Solar Eclipse of July 28, 1851. 4to. 79 pp. Washington. Appendix XXI. Results of the Primary Triangulation of *the Coast of New-England. 4to. 17pp. 2 Sketches. Naval and Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hem isphere during the years 1849, 1850, 1851 and 1852. Gilliss, Lieut. J. M., Superintendent. Natural History. Vol. I. Chili. Vol. II. The Andes and the Pampas. 2 vols. 4to. Washington. Naval Observatory. A Set of the Blanks used for Recording and Reducing Observations in the U. S. Naval Observatory. See, also, wider Washington Meteorological and Astronom ical Observations. WHEELER, George M., assisted by Dr. F. Kampf and J. II. Clark. Report upon the Determination of the Astronomical Co-ordi nates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Terri tory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872, and 1873. 4to. 82 pp. Washington, 1*74. WILCOCKS, A. Thoughts on the Influence of Ether in the Solar Spectrum. 4to. 104 pp. 1860. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. ANNALS of the Dudley Observatory. Vol. I., 1 866. ASTRONOMICAL and Meteorological Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. Published by authority of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy. Admiral B* F. Sands, Super intendent. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1867. 4to. 487 pp. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 1. Harkness, William. Report on the Differ ence of Longitude between Washington and Havana, Cuba, 4to. 39 pp. Washington, 1868. PUJAZON, CECILLTO. Observations to Determine the Error of Chronometer Frodsham, No. 2,816, made at Havana, Cuba. 4to - 14 IT- Washington," 1868. APPENDIX 2. Reports of Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869. 4 to. 218 pp., XII. plates. Washington, 1 58. ASTRONOMY. 209 ASTRONOMICAL and Meteorological Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. APPENDIX 3. Newcomb, Simeon. Positions of Fundamental Stars deduced from Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory, between the years 1862 and 1867. 4to. 38 pp. Washington, 1868. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1868. APPENDIX 1. Gilliss, J. M. A Catalogue of 1,963 Stars Reduced to the Beginning of the Year 1850,. together with a Catalogue of 290^Double Stars. 4to. 73 pp. Washington, 1870. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1869. APPENDIX 2. Coffin, Prof., and Lieuts. Page and Steedman. Zones of Stars observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory, in the years 1846, 1847, 1848 and 1849. 4to. 331pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1870. APPENDIX 1. Harkness, W. R. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis. 4to. 39 pp. Washington, 1872. .APPENDIX 2. Hall, A., and Harkness, W. R. Reports on Observations of Encke s Comet during its Return in 1871. 4to. 49 pp. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 3. Newcomb, Simeon. On the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars and the Corrections Necessary to Reduce the Right Ascensions of Different Catalogues to a Mean Homogeneous System. 4to. 73 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1871. APPENDIX 2. Yarnal, Prof. Results of Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Transit Instru ment and Mural Circle, in the years 1853 to 1860, inclusive. Svo. . 144pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1872. 4to. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 1. Eastman, John R. Tables of Instrumental Constants and Corrections for the Reduction of Transit Observations. 45 pp. APPENDIX 2. Report on the Difference of Longitude be tween Washington and Detroit, Mich. ; Carlin, Nevada, and Austin, Nevada. 14 210 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. PHYSICS. BACHE, A. D. Experiments Relating to the Alleged Influence of Color on the Radiation of Non-Luminous Heat. Vol. y., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 13 pp. BARKER, George F. The Forces of Nature. An Address delivered before the Chemical Society of Union College, July 22, 1863. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 45pp. Albany, 1863. BARY, E. Nouveaux Problems de Physique. 8vo. 368 pp. Paris, 1838. BECQFEREL, A. C. and E. Trait 6 d Electricite et de Magnetisme. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. BEER, A. H. Einleitung in die Hohre Optik. 8vo. 480 pp. Brunswick, 1853. BELVILLE, J. H. Manual of the Mercurial and Aneroid Barome ters. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 53pp. London, 1849. BENET, S. V. Electro-Ballistic Machines, and the Schultz Chro- noscope. 4to - 4 ^ PP- New-York, 1866. BERGMAN, Torbern. Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques. 2 vols. Svo. Dijon, 1780, 1785. BIOT J B Precis Elementaire de Physique Experimentale. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1817. BLAKE Eli W., Jr. On a Method of Producing, by the Electric Spark, Figures Similar to those of Lichtenberg. Vol. v., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1870. BOUCHERS, E. Anwendung eines Kraftigen Magnets zur Errmtte- luno- der Durchslagrichtung zweier Gegenurter. Pamphlet. Svo. Clausthal, 1846. BREAVSTEE, David. A Treatise on Optics, with an Appendix by A. D. Bache. Svo. 417 pp. Philadelphia, 1847. and Gladstone. On the Lines of the Solar Spectrum. 4to. London, 1860. CLARK Latimer. A Elementary Treatise on Electrical Measure ment. 12mo. 175 pp, London, 1868. DAGUIX P. A. Traite Elementaire de Physique. 4 vols. Svo. Toulouse, 1867, 1868. DESCIIANEL, A. Privat. Elementary Treatise on Natural Philoso phy Translated and Edited, with extensive additions, by J D. Everett. Part II., Heat. Part III, Electricity and Magnetism. Part IV., Sound and Light. 3 vols Svo. London and New- York, 1871-18/4. EISE*LOHR,W. LehrbuchderPhysik. Stnttgart> mo . ELECTRO-MAGNETIC Telegraph. Proceedings of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in relation to the. 8vo. 70 pp. Washington, 1859. PHYSICS. 211 EXTRACTS from the Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in relation to the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. 8vo. 39 pp. Washington,^! 857. FARADAY, Michael. Experimental Researches in Electricity. (Third Series.) Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 32 pp., I. diagram. London, 1 s.r}. On a Peculiar Class of Acoustical Figure s; and on the Forms of Fluids Vibrating on Elastic Surfaces. Vol. i., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 42pp. London, 1 .S3 1. The Various Forces of Matter. 12mo. 198 pp. New-York, I860. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Essays and Letters on Philosophical Sub jects. 8vo. 477 pp. Philadelphia, 108. GANOT. An Introductory Course of Natural Philosophy. Edited by William G. Peck. ]2mo. 480 pp. New-York, 1860. An Elementary Treatise on Physics. Translated by E. At kinson. 8vo. 780pp. London, J 863. The same as above. 8vo. 859pp. New-York, 1873. Q-ASSE, L. Katechismus der Electrischen Telegraphic 1 . 12mo. 372pp. Leipsig, 1870. GRETSCHEL, Heinrich. Katechismus der Physik. 24mo. 244 pp. Leipsisj, 1865. GRIGLIETTA, C. Electro-Magnetism. A Brief Essay or Informal Lecture on Electro-Magnetism, with a Full Description of Models of Davenport s Machines, <fcc. 8vo. 12pp. Philadelphia, 1838. HENRY, Joseph. Contributions to Electricity and Galvanism. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 15 pp., I. plate. Philadelphia, 1855. Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 51 pp. Philadelphia, 1839. The same as above. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 35 pp. Philadelphia, 1841. JANIN, Jules Celestin. Cours de Physique de L Ecole Polytech- nique. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1863. - J. Petit Traite de Physique. 8vo. 682pp. Paris, 1870. JOUVE, C. J. Compositions de Mathemaiique et de Physique. bvo. 295 pp. Paris, 1855. RIRCHOFF, G. Untersuchungen iiber das sonnenspectrum und die Spectren der Chemischen Element e. Parts first and second. 43, 16 pp. Berlin, 1863, 1866. LAME, G. Lehrbuch der Physik fur hohere polytechnische Lehranstalten. 3 vols. Svo. Darmstadt, 1838-1841. LARDNER, D. Handbook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 12mo. 451 pp. Philadelphia, 1857. MACLEAN, G. M. Elements of Somatology, a Treatise on the Gen eral Properties of Matter. 12mo. 120pp. New-York, 1859. MAYER, Alfred M. On a New Form of Lantern Galvanometer. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 6pp. 187L*. On a Precise Method of Tracing the Progress and of De termining the Boundary of a Wave of Conducted Heat. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 4pp. 1872. 212 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MULLER, .Tohann. Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. 573 pp. London, 1847. The Principles of Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. 565 pp. London, 1847. NORTON, W. A. On Molecular Physics. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 95 pp. 1864. PARMELLE, Abbe. Quellenkunde. IGmo. 341pp. Leipsig, 1856. PECLET, E. Traite de la Chaleur, Consideree dans ses Applica tions. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860, 1861. POUILLET, Claude S. M. See Addenda, p. 218. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Ueber der Mittel, Lichte und Warme. Sammlung gememschaftlicher Wissenschajthcher Vbrtrage. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. RENWICK, James. Outlines of Natural Philosophy; being the Heads of a Course of Lectures delivered in Columbia College, New-York. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. New-York, 1822. ROOD, Ogden N. An Abstract of Prof. KobelPs Stauroscopic Observations. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 8pp. 1859. See Addenda, p. 218. ROSCOE, Henry E. Spectrum Analysis. Six Lectures delivered in 1868, before the Society of Apothecaries of London. 8vo. 348 pp. London, 1869. SCHELLEN, H. Die Spectralanalyse in ihrer Anwendung auf die Stoffe der Erde und die Natur der Himmelskorper. 8vo. 452pp. Brunswick, 1870. Spectrum Analysis in its Applications to Terrestrial Sub- stances, and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies. Translated by Jane and Caroline Lassell. 8vo. 455 pp. New-York, 1872. SCHINZ, C. Die Warme Messkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. text, 4 to. plates. Stuttgart, 1859. SCHOBDLER, Friederich. Das Buch der Natur, die Lehren der Physik, Astronomic, Chemie,Mineralogie, Geologic, Botamk, Zoologie und Physiologic. 8vo. 614 pp. Brunswick 1874 SILLIMAN, Benjamin. First Principles of Fhysics or ^atural Philosophy. 12mo. 720 pp. Philadelphia, 1859. SMITH, Robert Angus. Air and Rain. 8vo. 600 pp. London, 1872. SMITHSONIAN Institution Publications : Directions for Constructing Lightning Rods. 8vo. 4 pp. Washington, 1874. Extracts from the Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in relation to the JUecti Magnetic Telegraph. 8vo. 39pp. Washington. 185 /. SPOTTISWOODE, William. Polarization of Light. 24mo. 129 pp. London, 1874. STEPHENSOX, R. Report on Atmospheric Pressure. 4to. 44 pp., XXV. plates. London, 1 SUE P Histoire du Galvanisme ; et Analyse des different ouvrages publies sur cette decouverte, depuis son origme jusqu a ce j our> 3 vols. 12 mo. Pans, 1802* PHYSICS. 213 THALEN, R. Le Spectre d Absorption de la Vapeur d lode. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 12 pp., IV. plates. Upsal, 1809. THOMPSON, Thomas. An Outline of the Sciences of Heat and Electricity. 8vo. 583 pp. London, 1830. TYNDALL, John. Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light. Svo. 74 pp. London, 1870. WARREN, C. M. On a Process of Fractional Condensation. 4to. 13 pp. WIGHAM, J. R. A New Method of Illuminating Lighthouses. Svo. 8 pp. Dublin, 1865. WILCOCKS, A. Thoughts on the Influence of Ether in the Solar System. 4to. 104 pp. 1860. YOUMANS, E. L. The Correlation and Conservation of Forces. 8vo. 438 pp. New- York, 1865. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS : Brewster and Gladstone ; Kirchoff, G. ; Ros coe, Henry E. ; Scbellen, H. ; Spottiswoode, William ; Thai en, R. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. ABHANDLUNGEN der Koniglichen Bayerischen Akadernie der Wis- senschaften. Mathematisch-Physikalischen Classe. Vols. VI.; VII., Parts 2, 3 ; VIII., IX., X., XL, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 1852 to 1873. 4to. Munich. AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New-Haven, 1818 to date. First Series, under the title : AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman, Jr. 1818 to 1845. Vols. I. to L., 1818 to. 1845. Lacking Vols. III.; XI. to XIV., and XXIII. Vol. L. is a General Index (subjects and authors) to the series. Second Series. Conducted by B. Silliman, B. Silliman, Jr., and James M. Dana. 1846 to 1870. Vols. I. to L., 1846 to 1870. Vols. X.,XX., XXX., XL. and L. contain a General Index (subjects and authors) to each ten volumes of the series. Third Series. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to IX., January, 1870, to June, 1875. ANNALEN der Physik. Founded by D. FRIEDERICH ALBERT GREN, under the title : JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (Halle and Leipsig, 1790 to 1794.) Vols. I. to VIII., 1790 to 1794. Continued under the title : NEUES JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (1795 to 1797.) Vols. I. to IV., 1795 to 1797. Continued under the title : ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Edited by D. F. A. GREN and LUDWIG WILHELM GILBERT. Vols. I. to LXXVI., 1799 to 1824. General Index to Vols. L to LXXVI. Title changed to : 214 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANNALEN der Physik und Cliemie. Edited by JOHANK CHRISTIAN POGGENDOKF. 8vo. Nine Parts 3 vols. a year. Leipeig, 1824 to date. First Series. Yols. I. to XXX., (LXXVII. to CVI. of the whole series.) 1824 to 1833. General Index. Second Series. Yols. XXXI. to ,LX., (CVII. to CXXXYI. of the whole series.) 1834 to 1843. General Index. Third Series. Yols. LXI. to XC., (CXXXYII. to CLXYI. of the whole series.) 1844 to 1853. General Index. Fourth Series. Yols. XCI. to CXX., (CLXYII. to CXCYI. of the whole series.) 1854 to 1863. General Index. Fifth Series. Yols. CXXI. to CL., (CXCYII. to CCXXYI. of the whole series.) 1864 to 1873. General Index. Sixth Series. Yols. CLI. to CLY., (CCXXYII. to CCXXXI. of the whole series.) 1874 to 1875. General Index. Supplemental Volumes. I., 1842 ; V., 1871 ; VI., 1873. " Jubelband." 8vo. 685 pp., VI. plates. Leipsig, 1874. ANNALES de Chimie et de Physique. 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ANNALS of Philosophy ; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. 8vo. Two vols. a year. London, 1813 to 1826. First Series. Vols. I. to XIL, 1813 to 1818. Second Series. Vols. VI. to X., 1 823 to 1825. This work was afterwards merged in The London, Edin burgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, which see. THE BRITISH Almanac and Companion of the Society for the Ditti sion of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1828 to 1868. 41 vols. 12mo. London. PHYSICS. 215 BULLETIN de L Academic Imperiale des Sciences. 4to. Published irregularly. St. Petersburg, 1860 to date. Tomes XVIII. and XIX., (Parts 1, 2, 3.) *COMPTES-RENDUS hebdomadaires des seances de 1 Academic des Sciences, Paris, publics, conformement a une decision de F Academic en date du 13 Juillet, 1835, par MM. les Secretaires per petuels. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1835 to date. Tomes XVI. to LXXX., 1843 to 1875. DIE Fortsehritte der Physik. 8vo. Berlin, 1845 to date. Vol. XXL, 1865, (part 1,) edited by H. Kiessling and Dr. A. Kundt. Vol. XXIII., 1867, edited by D. B. Schwalbe and Dr. G. Quincke. Vol. XXIV., 1869, " " " Vol. XXV., 1869, " " " General Index (authors and subjects) to Vols. I. to XX. Edited by W. Barren tin. THE EDINBURGH Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History, Practical Mechanics, Geography, Statis tics, and the fine and useful Arts. Edited by Dr. BREWSTER and Prof. JAMESON. 8vo. One vol. a year. Edinburgh, 1819 to date. Vols. IX. to XIII., 1823 to 1825. THE Emporium of Arts and Sciences. Conducted by JOHN REDMAN COXE, M. D. Svo. Two vols. a year. Philadel phia. First Series. Vols. L, II., 181 2. Second Series. Vols. I, II., III., 1813, 1814. Publication discontin ued. JOURNAL fiir Chemie und Physik. Founded by FR. W. SCHWEIGER. Svo. Three vols. a year. Nuremburg, 1811 to 1833. First Series. Vols. I. to XXX., 1811 to 1824. Second Series, under the title : JAHRBUCH DER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Vols. XXI. to L., 1821 to 1830. This journal was incorpora ted with " Journal fiir Praktische Chemie," which see. LONDON, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine : First Series : The Philosophical Magazine : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. 1789 to 1813. Vols. I. to XLII., 1789 to 1813. Second Series: The Philosophical Magazine and Journal: comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by RICHARD TAYLOR. 1814 to 1826.; 2 It) SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LONDON, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine : Vols. XLIII. to XLVII. ; Vols. LXIL, LXIIL, LXIV., LXVI, 1814 to 1825. Third Series : The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Maga- zine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir DAVID BREWSTER, RICHARD TAYLOR, RICHARD PHILIPS, Sir ROBERT KANE and EDWARD WILLIAM BRAYLEY. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII, XIX., XXL, and XXIV. to XXXVII., 1834 to 1850. Fourth Series: The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philoso phical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir ROBERT KANE, Sir WILLIAM THOMPSON and WILLIAM FRANCIS. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. 1851 to date. Vols. I. to XLIX., 1851 to 1875. Supplemental volume to Vols. XXII. to XXVI., 1861 to 1863. MELANGES Physiques et Chimiques tires du Bulletin de L Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Vols. L, 1849 to 1854 ; II., 1854 to 1856 ; III., 1856 to 1859 ; IV., 1860 to 1861 ; V., 1861 to 1864 ; VI., 1864 to 1866 ; VII., 1867 to 1868; VIII., 1868 to 1873. MEMOIRS of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. I., 1866. 4to. Washington. NATURE. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 4to. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to VII.; Vol. X., 1869 to 1874. Vol. XL, 1875, January 2, to June 26. PROCEEDINGS of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. First Meeting at Philadelphia, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. Second " Cambridge, 1849. Boston, 1850. Third " Charleston, 1850. Charleston, 1850. Fourth " New-Haven, 1850. Washington, 1851. Fifth " Cincinnati, 1851. " 1851. Sixth Albany, 1851. 1852. Seventh " Cleveland, 1853. Cambridge, 1856. Eighteenth " Salem, 1869. 1870. Twentieth " Indianapolis, 1871. 1871. Twenty-First" Dubuque, 1872. 1872. Twenty-Third Hartford, 1374. Salem, 1875. REPERTORIUM Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Editarum. Secundum Disciplinarian Ordinem digessit I. D. Reuss. (A valuable collection of the Transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vol. III., IV. Chemia ; Res Metallica et Physica. REPORT of the National Academic of Sciences for the year 1863. 8vo. Washington, 1874. PHYSICS. 217 REPORT of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. First Meeting held at Cambridge in 1831. ) Second edition. Second " Third Fourth " Filth Sixth Seventh " Eighth " Ninth " Tenth Eleventh Twelfth " Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Thirty-third Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth Thirty-sixth Thirty-seventh Thirty-eighth Thirty-ninth Fortieth Forty-first 40 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 to 1872. SITZUNGSBERICHT der Matematisch Naturwissenchaftlichen Classe der^Koniglieh Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Erste Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Meehanik, Meteorologie und Astronomie. Yols. LXV. to LXVIIL, 1872, 1873 ; Vol. LXIX., (part 5,) 1874 ; Vol. LXX., (parts 3, 4, 5,) 1875. Oxford, 1832. ) \ London, 1835. Cambridge, 1833. London, 1834. Edinburgh, 1834. 1835. Dublin, 1835. 1836. Bristol, 1836. cc 1837. Liverpool, 1837. it 1838. Newcastle, 1838. It 1839. Birmingham, 1839. It 1840. Glasgow, 1840. u 1841. Plymouth, 1841. u 1842. Manchester, 1842. It 1843. Cork, 1843. 11 1844. York, 1844. u 1845. Cambridge, 1 845. K 1846. Southampton, 1 846. cc 1847. Oxford, 1847. cc 1848. Swansea, 1848. cc 1849. Birmingham, 1849. cc 1850. Edinburgh, 1850. cc 1851. Ipswich, 1851. cc 1852. Belfast, 1852. cc 1853. Hull, 1853. fcC 1854. Liverpool, 1854. cc 1855. Glasgow, 1855. cc 1856. Cheltenham, 1856. cc 1857. Dublin, 1857. cc 1858. Leeds, 1858. cc 1859. Aberdeen, 1859. cc 1860. Oxford, 1860. cc 1861. Manchester, 1861. cc 1862. Cambridge, 1862. cc 1863. Newcastle, 1863. cc 1864. Bath, 1864. cc 1865. Birmingham, 1865. cc 1866. Nottingham, 1866. cc 1867. Dundee, 1867. cc 1868. Norwich, 1868. cc 1869. Exeter, 1869. cc 1870. Liverpool, 1870. cc 1871. Edinburgh, 1871. cc 1872. 218 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. REVUE des Cours Scientifiques de la France et de 1 Etranger. Physique, Zoologie, Botanique, Anatomie, Physiologie, Geo logic, Pakeontologie, Medecin. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1863 to date. First Series, (1863 to 1870.) Vols. I. to V., 1864 to 1868. Second Series : Revue Scientifique de la France et de L Etranger. Two vols. (two parts each) a year. 1871 to date. Vols. I. to VIL, 1871 to 1874. Vol. VIII, 1875, January to June. TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Irish Academy for the year 1787. 4 to. Dublin. THE Year Book of Facts in Science and Art : exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements of the past Year in Mechanics and the Useful Arts ; Natural Philosophy ; Elec tricity ; Chemistry ; Zoology and Botany. Edited by JOHN TIMES. 12mo. Published annually. London. 1839 to 1863; 1871. Supplemental Volumes : Vol. 1, for the year 1851. The Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Vol. 2, for the year 1862. The International Exhibition, London, 1862. ADDENDA TO PHYSICS. POUILLET, Claude S. M. Siemens de Physique Experimental et de Meteorologie. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Same as above. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. text; 8vo. LXIX. plates. Paris, 1856. Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie. Fourth edition, edited by Dr. J. Muller. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1852. Same as above. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1858. Same as above. Seventh edition, edited by Dr. J. Muller. Vol. I. 8vo. 961 pp. Brunswick, 1868. POWELL, B. A Treatise on Optics. 8vo. 183pp. Oxford, 1833. ROOD, Ogden N. On the Action of Very Weak Electric Light on the Iodized plate. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 3 pp. 1864. On the Green Tint from mixing Blue and Yellow Powders. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 2 pp. 1866. On the Nature and Duration of the Discharge of a Leyden Jar connected with an Induction Coil. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10pp. 1867. On the Production of Thermo-Electric Currents by Percus sion. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ T O. 8pp. 1866. On the Study of the Electric Spark by the Aid of Photo graphy. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 8pp. 1862. MICKOSCOPY. 219 ROOD, Ogden N. Photometric Experiments. Part* Second. On the amount of Light transmitted by Plates of Polished Crown Glass at a Perpendicular Incidence. Vol. v., Pamphlets, octavo series. gvo. 10 pp. 1870. Upon Some Experiments connected with Dove s Theory of Lustre. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7pp. 1861. MICROSCOPY. BBALE, Lionel S. How to Work with the Microscope. Third edition. 12mo. 272 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. CARPENTER, William B. The Microscope and its Revelations. 12mo. 778 pp. London, 1856. The Microscope and its Revelations. 12mo. 796pp. London, 1868. DESCLOISEAUX, A. Memoire sur 1 Emploi du Microscope Polari- sant. 8vo. 40 pp. JAMES, Clark H. Spongirc Ciliata?, as Infusoria Flagellata, Vol. x., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 88 pp, Cambridge, 1867. JENZSCII, Gustav. Ueber eine Mikroskopische Flora und Fauna. Krystallinischer Massengesteine, 8vo. 29 pp. Leipsig, 1868. ROBTN, Ch. Traite du Microscope. 8vo. 1028pp. Paris, 1871. ROOD, Ogden N. On Certain Adaptations of the Compound Mi croscope. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 3pp. 1856. Ross, Andrew. The Article " Microscope." (From the Penny Cyclopedia.) Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 12pp. SMITH, H. L. On the Preparation of Diatomcae. 8vo. 4pp. 1874. SULLIVANT, W., and Wormley, T. On Robert s Test Plate and the Stria3 of Diatoms. Vol. XXVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. 1861. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. AECHIV ftir Mikroscopisch Anatomie. Edited by MAX SCIIULTZE. Imp. 8vo. One vol. a year. Bonn, 1865 to date. Vols. I. to X., 1865 to 1874. Vol. XL, 1875, hefts 1 and 2, and Supplemental heft. G eneral Index to Vols. I. to VIII. THE MONTHLY Microscopical Journal. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by HENRY LAWTON. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1874. Vol. XIIL, 1875, January to June. 220 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ABEL, F. A., and Bloxara. Handbook of Chemistry. Second edition. Svo. 785 pp. London, 1858. ACCTJM, Frederick. A System of Theoretical and Practical Chem istry. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1807. ATOMGEWICHTS Tabellen. Besonderer Abdruck aus Berzelius-Lehr- bucll der Chemie. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 31 pp. 1845. ATI-FIELD, J. Chemistry. General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, including the Chemistry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. From the English edition. 12mo. 552pp. Philadelphia, 1871. BARKER, George F. A Text Book of Elementary Chemistry, Theo retical and Inorganic. 12mo. 342 pp. New-Haven, 1870. BERGMAN, Torbern. Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques. 2 vols. Svo. Dijon, 1780, 1785. BERTIIOLLET. C. L. Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. Translated from the French by M. Farrell. 12mo. 212 pp. Baltimore, 1809. BERZELIUS, J. J. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 5 vols. Svo. Leipsig, 1843, 1848. Traite de Chirnie. Traduit par A. J. L. Jourdan. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-1833. BLACK, Joseph. Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, delivered in the University of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1SOG-1807. BLOMSTRAXD, C. W. Den nyare Atomtheorien Iran electro kem- isk Stand punkt. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. Die Chemie der Jetztzeit. 4to. 417 pp. Heidelberg, 1869. BOLTON, IT. C. Index to the Literature of Uranium. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. New-York, 1870. On the Fluorine Compounds of Uranium. Inaugural Dis sertation. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. Outlines of a Bibliography of the History of Chemistry. Vol. XXXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1874. BRAXDE, W. T., and A. S. Taylor. Chemistry. Svo. 696 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. BRISSOX, J. The Physical Principles of Chemistry. Translated from the French. 8vo. 424pp. London, 1801. BUFF, H , Kopp, II., and Zamminer, F. Lehrbuch der Physikal- ischen und Theoretischen Chemie. Svo. 860 pp. Brunswick, 1857. GENEEAL AND INOEGANIC CHEMISTEY. 221 BUNSEN and Roscoe. Photo-Chemical Researches. 4to. London, 1857. CAHOUES, Auguste. LeQons de Chimie filementaire. 2 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 3855, 1856. CENTENNIAL of Chemistry, held August 1, 1874, at Northumber land, Pa. Proceedings of the. Reprinted from the August September and December numbers of the American Chemist. 4to. 209 pp. Philadelphia, 1875. CHANDLEE, Charles F. Lecture on Water, delivered before the American Institute of the City of New-York, in the Academy of Music, January 20, 1871. Pamphlet. 8vo. Albany, 1871. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. An Inaugural Dis sertation to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Gottingen. Vol. XXVIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 52 pp. Albany, 1857. CHAPTAL, I. A. Elements of Chemistry. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1791. .CLAEK, F. W. The Constants of Nature. Part I. Specific Gravities ; Boiling and Melting Points ; and Chemical For mulae. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 263 pp. Washington, 1873. COOKE, J. P., Jr. Chemical Problems and Reactions. 12mo. 128pp. Cambridge, 1857. Crystalline Form Not Necessarily an Indication of "Definite Chemical Composition. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 12 pp. 1860. First Principles of Chemical Philosophy. 12mo. 533 pp. Boston, 1873. On the Dimorphism of Arsenic, Antimony and Zinc. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7 pp. 1861. Religion and Chemistry. Second edition. Svo. 348 pp. New-York, 1865. The Elements of Chemical Physics. 8vo. 738 pp. Boston, 1860. The New Chemistry. 8vo. 326 pp. New- York, 1874. DANIEL, J. F. An Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philoso phy- 8vo. 764 pp. London, 1843. DAUBENY, Charles. An Introduction to the Atomic Theory. Svo. 147 pp. Oxford, 1831. DAVY, Edmund. On a New Gaseous Compound of Carboy and Hydrogen. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp. Dublin, 1838. Sir Humphrey. The Collected Works of. Edited by his brother, John Davy. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. - Vol. IV. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 376 pp. Vol. V. Bakerian Lectures and Miscellaneous Papers from 1806-1815. 527 pp. DUMAS, J., and Boussingault, J. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature. 16mo. 156pp. London 1844 EDWARDS, A. M. A Series of Chemical Tables. New-York 1870* 222 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. FARADAY, Michael. Chemical Manipulation. 8vo. 56 pp. London, 1827. On the Existence of a Limit to Vaporization. Vol. I., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 9pp. London, 1826. The Chemical History of a Candle. Edited by Wm. Crookes. 8vo. 226 pp. London, 1874. FEIILING, Hermann v. Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausgegebenen Handworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Vol. I., 1247 pp. Vol. II., parts 1, 2, 3. Brunswick, 1871-1874. FOTJRCEOY, A. F. Siemens d Histoire Naturelle et de Chimie. 5 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1793. FOWNES, George. A Manual of Elementary Chemistry. Seventh edition. 16mo. 726 pp. London, 1858. A Manual of Elementary Chemistry. Eleventh edition. Revised by Henry Watts. 12mo. 1026pp. London, 1873. Chemistry as Exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God. Actonian Prize Essay. First edition. 12mo. 158pp. New-York, 1844. FRANCIS, G. W. Chemical Experiments. 8vo. 250pp. London, 1858. FEANKLAND, E. Lecture Notes for Chemical Students. Vol. I. 12rno. 220 pp. London, 1870. GIBBS, Wolcott. On the Rational Constitution of Certain Organic O Compounds. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 20pp. 1858. On the Theory of the Polyacid Bases. Vol. XXVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ O. 11 pp. Remarks on the Atomic Weights of the Elements. Voi.xxxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 6 pp. 1861. Remarks on the Theory of Compound Salt Radicals. 8vo. 4 pp. New-York, 1843. . Researches on the Platinum Metals. Vol. xxxi., Pamphlets, oc tavo series. 3 Pamphlets. 3,8,20pp. 1800,1801,1862. and Genth, F. A. Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases. 4to. 67 pp. Washington, 1856. GMELIN, Leopold. Hand Book of Chemistry. Translated by Henry Watts. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 to 1866. Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. Fifth edition. ^5 vols. 8vo. lleidelburg, 1852, 1853. The same as above. Sechste umgearbeite Auflage. Erste Band-Erste Abtheilung. Allgemeine Theil. Edited by Dr. Alexander Naumann. Lieferungs, 1 to 5. Zweite Abthei lung. Die Metalloide. Edited by Prof. H. Ritter. Liefe rungs, 1 to 8. Zweite Band. Metalle. Edited by Karl Kraut, Lieferungs, 1 to 4. Dritte Band. Die Metalle. Edited by Dr. S. M. Jorgensen. Lieferungs, 1 to 17. 8vo. Leipsig, 1874. GEEEX, Jacob. Chemical Diagrams ; or, Concise Views ol many Interesting Changes produced by Chemical Affinity. 16mo. 90 pp. Philadelphia, 1837. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 223 GRIFFIN, J. J. The Radical Theory in Chemistry. 12mo. 575 pp. London, 1858. GRUNER, L. Mfemoire sur le Dedoublement de L Oxide de Carbone sous 1 ^ction combinee du Fer Metallique et des Oxydes de CC Metal. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 45 pp. Davenport, Iowa, 1867. HALLIWELL, J. O. A Few Notes on the History of the Discovery Of the Composition of Water. Vol. XXXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. London, 1840. HALLOCK, E. J. The World We Live In, and What It Is Made Of. 3 2 mo. 72 pp. Peekskill, 1873. Index to the Literature of Titanium. Svo. 20 pp. New- York, 1875, HARE, Robert. An Effort to Refute the Arguments Advanced in. the Amphide Salts, of Radicals, consisting, like Cyanogen, of More Than One Element. Vol. xxix,, Pamphlets, octavo series. Svo. 23 pp. Philadelphia, 1842. Objections to the Nomenclature of the celebrated Berzelius, with Suggestions respecting a Substitute. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. octavo series. 8vo. 24pp. Philadelphia, 1840. HENRY, William. The Elements of Experimental Chemistry. Tenth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. HEPPE, Gustav. Die Chemische Reactionen der wiehtigsten anor- ganischen und organischen Stoffe. Tabellen alphabetischer Anordunng. Svo. 392 pp. Leipsig, 1815. HOEFER, Ferdinand. Histoire de la Chimie. 8vo. . 2 vols. Paris, 1842, 1843. HOFFMAN, A. W. Lectures on Chemistry. Svo. 233 pp. London, 1866. HOLLMAN, P. J. Memoire sur L fiquivalent Calorifique de L Ozone. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 78 pp. Utrecht, 1868. HUNT, T. Sterry. Sur les Volumes Atomiques. Vol. in., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 5pp. 1855. JOHNSON, James F. W. Chemical Tables, exhibiting the Present State of Our Knowledge in regard to the Chemical and Physical Properties of Simple and Compound Bodies. Part I. Vol, V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24pp. Edinburgh, 1 836. JOY, Charles A. Chemistry. An Inaugural Address. Vol. xvii., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 25pp. New-York, 1858. On Glucinum and Its Compounds. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SvO. 11 pp. 1863. LAGRANGE, E. J. Manuel d un Cours de Chimie. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1812. . J. B. B. A Manual of a Course of Chemistry. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1800. LANG, Viktor von. Versuch einer Monographic des Bleivitriols. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 54 pp., XXVIII. plates. Vienna, ]859. LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent. Elements of Chemistry in a New Systematic Order, &c. Translated from the French by Robert Karr. 2 vols. in 1. Svo. New- York, 1806. 224 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent, Traite filementaire cle Chimie. Second edition. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1793. LIEBIG, Justus von. Poggendorff, J. C., and Wohler, J. S. L. Handworterbuch der Reinen und Angewandten Chemie. 9 vols. 8vo. "Brunswick, 1857-1864. LOTH, J. Lehrbuch der Chemie und Mineralogie. 12 mo. 388 pp. Leipsig, 1872. Low. On the Chemical Equivalents of Certain Bodies, and on the Relations between Oxygen and Azote. Vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 20pp. 1854. MACADAM, Stevenson. Practical Chemistry. 8vo. 147 pp. London and Edinburgh, 1866. MACQUER, Pierre Joseph. A Dictionary of Chemistry. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1777. MALLET, J. W. On Osmious Acid, and the Position of Osmium in the list of Elements. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 14 pp. 1860. On Nitride of Zirconium. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp. 1859. MARVIN, D., Jr. Lavoisier. An Essay read before the Chemical Society of Columbia College, April 8, 1863. Vol. xxvn. Pam phlets, octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. Brooklyn, 1863. MILLER, William Allen. Elements of Chemistry. Theoretical and Practical. Part II. Inorganic Chemistry. 805pp. 1866. MOLKSCHOTT, Jac. Der Krieslauf des Lebens. Physiologische Ant- worten auf Liebig s Chemische Briefe. 12 mo. 485 pp. Main, 1852. MOTT, H. A., Jr. Potassium; its Salts and Combinations. Vol. XXXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 16pp. New-York, 1872. MURRAY, John. Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. MUSPRATT, Sheridan. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Ana lytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1860. Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Technischen Chemie. Vol. I. Aether-Cyan. Edited by D. F. Stohman, 1865. Vol. II. Dextrin-Gummi. " " D. F. Stohman, 1866. Vol. III. Harze-Mangan. " " Bruno Kerl, ] 868. Vol. IV. Natrium-Strontium. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1J369. Vol . V. Textilindustrie-Zirkonium. Edited by Bruno Kerl, Vol VI. Zlicker-Nachtrage. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1870. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. (Illustrated.) Brunswick. Theoretische, practische und analytische Chemie in Anwend- ung auf Kunst und Gewerbe. Dritte Auflage. Frei bear- beitet von Bruno Kerl and F. Stohman. Vol. I. Aether to Butter und Milch. Vol. II. Cadmium to Firnis. Vol. I . Lieferungs, 1, 2, 3. 2 vols. 4to. Illustrated. Brunswick, 1874. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 225 NAQUET, A. Principles of Chemistry. Translated from the Second edition by W. Cortis. Revised by Thomas Stevenson. 8vo. 848pp. London, 1868. NEUMAN, Casper. The Chemical Works of, with large additions, containing the later Discoveries and Improvements in Chemistry and the Arts depending thereon, by William Lewis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1773. OTTO, Friederich Julius. Ausfiihrlisches Lehrbuch der Chemie. Mit Benutzung des Allgemeinen Theiles von Dr. Thomas Graham s Elements of Chemistry. Dritte Auflage. Anor- ganischen Chemie. Vol. II. Parts 1, 2, 3. 3 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1852, 1853, 1854. PARKES, Samuel. The Chemical Catechism. 12 mo. 576 pp. New- York, 1821. PARKMAN, T. On the Carbonates of Alumina, Glucina and the Sesquioxyds of Iron, Chromium and Uranium. Vol. xxxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 10pp. 1862. PORTER, J. A. Principles of Chemistry. 8vo. 474pp. New- York, 1857. PROCEEDINGS at the Centennial of Chemistry, held August 1, 1874, at Northumberland, Pa. Rep. from Am. Chemist. 4to. 209 pp. Philadelphia, 1875. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Lehrbuch der Stoichiornetrie und der Allgemeinen Theoretischen Chemie. 8vo. 386 pp. Berlin, 1842. TJeber die Isomorphie der Sulphate von Kadmium, Didy- und Yttrium. Vol. XII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. 1861. - Ueber die Verbindung des jodsauren Natrons mit dem Chlornatrium. ^ 8vo. 2 pp. 1861. REGNAULT, Henri Victor. Cours Elementaire de Chirnie. Third edition. 4 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1851. - and Strecker, Adolph. Lehrbuch der Chemie. ]2mo. 432pp. Brunswick, 1866. REICH ARDT, Edward. Die Chemischen Verbindungen der anorgan- ischen Chemie. 8vo. 325 pp. Erlangen, 1858. REID, D. B. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. Third edition. Svo. 905 pp. Edinburgh, 1839. ROSCOE, Henry E. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry. 12mo. 458 pp. London, 1869. - I he same as above. New American edition. 16mo. 383 pp. New-York, 1870. bCHEELE, G. W. Chemical Essays. 8vo. 406 pp. London, 1786. SILLIMAN, Benjamin. American Contributions to Chemistry. An Address delivered on the occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, Pa., August 1, 18/74 - 8vo. 173 pp. Philadelphia, 1874. - Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. Svo. New-Haven, 1830, 1831. SONDIIAUS, C. F. J. De Vi Quain Color Habet in Fluidorum Ca- pillaritatem. 8vo. 41 pp., I. plate. Paris. 15 226 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. STAMMER, Karl. Chemisches Laboratorium. Anleitung zum Selb- Btunterricht in der Cberaie. 8vo. 609pp. Giessen, 1856. STEELE, J. D. A Fourteen Weeks Course in Chemistry. 8vo. 266 pp. New- York, 1869. ST. JOHN, James. A Method of Chemical Nomenclature. 8vo. London, 1788. STORER, F. H. First Outlines of a Dictionary of Solubilities of Chemical Substances. 8vo. 713pp. Cambridge, 1864. and Eliot, C. W. On the Chromate of Chromium, and Analogous Chromates. Vol. XXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35 pp. 1861. STRECKER, Adolph. Knrzes Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chenaie theilweise nacb Victor Kegnault. Seventh edition. 16mo. 432 pp. Brunswick, 1869. The same as above. Eighth edition. 12mo. 770 pp. Brunswick, 1869. Theorien und Experimente zur Bestimmung der Atom gewichte der Elemente. 8vo. 146pp. Brunswick, 1859. SVBNSSON, N. Svafelsyrliga salter med Kopparoxidul och silver- oxid. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24pp. 1870. THENARD, L. J. Traite de Chimie, Theoretique et Pratique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. THOMPSON, Thomas. An Attempt to Establish the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiments. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. A System of Chemistry, from the Fifth London edition, with notes by Thomas Cooper. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. A System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. On Some of the Compounds of Chromium. 4to. 73 pp. London, 1827. Some Experiments On Gold. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp. Edinburgh, 1827. YANUXEN, Lardner. An Essny on the Ultimate Principles of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and Physiology. Part I. 8vo. 91pp. Philadelphia, 1827. VERGXAUD, A. D. Chimie Amusante. 24mo. 383 pp. Paris, 1854. WATSON R. Chemical Essays. Seventh edition. 5 vols. 16mo. London, 1800. WATTS, Henry. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of other Sciences. 5 vols. and two Supplements. 8vo. London. Vol. I. Abichite Conglomerate. 1137pp. 1863. Vol. II. Conhydrine Gytge. 985 pp. Vol. III. Hsemaphein Mysorin. 1096 pp. Vol. IV. Nacrite Pyruvic Acid. 1115 pp. Vol. V. Quadrantoxide Zymurgy. 1188pp. First Supplement. Acetic Acid Sulphur. 1194pp. Second Supplement. 1215 pp. 1875. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 227 WEBER, R. Atomgewichts-Tabellen. 8vo. 125 pp. Brunswick, 1852. WELLS. Principles and Applications of Chemistry. Sixth edition. 8vo. 515 pp. New- York, 1863. WETHERELL, C. M. On the Crystallization of Sulphur, and upon the Reaction between Sulphide of Hydrogen, Ammonia and Alcohol. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. 1865. WEST, Gratien. Statistique des Volumes des Equivalents Chimiques et d autres donnes relatives a leurs proprietes physiques suivie d un Memoire sur quelques questions moleculaires. 4to. 304 pp. Paris, 1875. WILLIAMSON, A. W. Chemistry for Students. 12mo. 479 pp. Oxford, 1868. WILSON, George. Inorganic Chemistry, Revised and Enlarged by H. G. Madan. 12mo. 528 pp. London, 1871. WING, C. H. On Certain Double Sulphates of the Cerium Group. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 10pp. 1870. WINKLER, C. A. Untersuchungen fiber die Chemischen Vorgange in der Gay-Lussacschen Condensationsapparaten der Schwe- felsaurefabriken. 12 mo. 36 pp. Freiberg, 1867. WITTSTEIN, G. C. Wiederlegung der Chemischen Typenlehre. 8vo. 96 pp. Munich, 1862. WOHLER. Grundriss der Chemie (Anorganischen und Organischen.) 2 vols. 12 mo. Berlin, 1848-1851. WURTZ, Henry. On the Preparation of Some Pure Sulphates, and Particularly of Sulphate of Copper. 8vo. 3pp. 1858. Karl Adolph. Dictionnaire de Chimie, Pure et Appliquee. Vol. I. Part 1. A.-B. 8vo. 686 pp. 1869. Part 2. C.-G. 8vo. 973 pp. 1873. Vol. II. Part 1. H.-Phe. 8vo. 920 pp. 1873. Part 2. Phe.-Rue. 1874. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. ZUCHOLD, E. A. Bibliotheca Chemica, 1840-1858. 8vo. 342 pp. Gottingen, 1859. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. THE AMERICAN Chemist. A Monthly Journal of Theoretical and Technical Chemistry. Edited by C. F. and W. H. CHANDLER. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New-York, 170 to date. Vols. I. to V., July, 1870, to June, 1875. THE AMERICAN Gas Light Journal and Chemical Repertory. Quarto. Semi-monthly. One vol. a year. New- York, 1859 to date. Vols. VIII., XL, XII. ; XVI. to XXL, July, 1866, to June, 1875. AMERICAN Journal of Science and. Arts. Svo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New-Haven, 1818 to date. First Series, under the title : AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman, Jr., 1818 to 1845. 228 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts : Vols. I. to L., 1818 to 1845. Lacking -Vols. III.; XI. to XIV., and XXIII. Vol. L. is a General Index (subjects and authors) to the series. Second Series. Conducted by B. Silliman, B. Silliman, Jr., and James M. Dana. 1846 to 1870. Vols. I. to L., 1846 to 1870. Vols. X., XX, XXX, XL. and L. contain a General Index (subjects and authors) to each ten volumes of the series. Third Series. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to IX., January, 1870, to June, 1875. ANNALS of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. 8vo. Two vols. a year. London, 1813 to 1826. First Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1813 to 1818. Second Series. Vols. VI. to X., 1823 to 1 825. ANNALS of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New- York. Vols. I, 1823 to 1825; II., 1826 to 1827; III., 1828 to 1836; IV., 1836 to 1848 ; V., 1848 to 1852 ; VI., 1853 to 1858 ; VII., 1858 to 1862; VIII., 1863 to 1867; IX., 1868 to 1870; X., Nos. 1 to 3, February to March; 4, 5, July to November, 1871; 10, 11, March to June, 1873; XL, Nos. 1, 2, July, 1874. ANNALEN der Chemie und Pharmacie. See below. ANNALEN der Pharmacie. Edited by J. LIEBIG, F. WOHLER, H. KOPP, E. ERLENMAYER and J. VOLHARD. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Heidelberg and Leipsig, 1832 to date. Vols. I. to XXXIL, 1832 to 1839. From 1840, title changed to ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE. Vols. XXXIII. to CXXXVI. ; CXLI. to CLVI. ; and CLIX. to CLXXVIL, 1840 to 1875. Supplemental Volumes, I., II., 1861 to 1863 ; III., (hefts, 1, 2,) 1864 ; V., VI., 1867 to 1868 ; VIII., 1872. Index Volumes, (subjects and authors.) Vol. 1 for Vols. I. to C., 1832 to 1856 ; Vol. 2, for Vols. CXVII. to CLXIV., and Supplemental Volumes I. to VIII. 1863 to 1874. ANNALEN der Physik. Founded by D. FRIEDERICH ALBERT GREN, under the title : JOURNAL DER PHTSIK. (Halle and Leipsig, 1790 to 1794.) Vols. I. to VIIL, 1790 to 1794. Continued under the title : NEUES JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (1795 to 1797.) Vols. I. to IV., 1795 to 1797. Continued under the title : ANNALEN DER PHTSIK. Edited by D. F. A. GREN and LUDWIO WILHELM GILBERT. Vols. I. to LXXVL, 1799 to 1824. General Index to Vols. I. to LXXVL Title changed to : GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 229 ANNALEN der Physik und Chemie. Edited by JOHANN CHRISTIAN POGGBNDORF. 8vo. Nine Parts 3 vols. a year. Leipsig, 1824 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to XXX., (LXXYII. to CVI. of the whole series.) 1824 to 1833. General Index. Second Series. Vols. XXXI. to LX., (CVII. to CXXXVI. of the whole series.) 1834 to 1843. General Index. Third Series. Vols. LXI. to XC., (CXXXVII. to CLXVJ of the whole series.) 1844 to 1853. General Index Fourth Series. Vols. XCI to CXX., (CLXVII. to CXCVL of the whole series.) 1854 to 1863. General Index. Fifth Series. Vols. CXXI. to CL., (CXCVII. to CCXXVI. of the whole series.) 1864 to 1873. General Index. Sixth Series. Vols. CLI. to CLV., (CCXXVIL to CCXXXI. of the whole series.) 1874 to 1875. General Index. Supplemental Volumes. I, 1842; V, 1871 ; VI., 1873. "Jubelband." 8vo. 685 pp., VI. plates. Leipsig, 1874. ANNALES de Chimie, ou recueil de Memoires concernant la Chimie et les arts qui en dependent. Edited by L. B. GUYTON DE MORVEAU, A. L. LAVOISIER, G. MONGE, J. H. HASSENFRATZ, D. F.^J. ARAGO and others. 8vo. Four vols. a year. Paris, 1789 to 1815. First Series. Vols. L to XCVI., 1789 to 1815. General Index in three volumes. Vol. 1, for Vols. I. -XXX. ; Vol. 2, for XXXI.-LX. ; Vol. 3, for LXI.-XCVI. Paris, 1801, 1807, 1821. Continued with change of title and editors, as follows: ANNALES de Chimie efde Physique. Edited by GAY LUSSAC and D. J. F. ARAGO, 1816 to date. Second Series. Vols. L to LXXV., 1816 to 1840. General Index in three vols. Vol. 1 for Vols. I. to XXX. ; Vol. 2 for Vols. XXXI. to LX. ; Vol. 3 for Vols. LXI. to XC. Paris, 1831, 1840, 1841. Third Series. Vols. I. to LXIX., 1841 to 1843. General Index to Vols. I. to XXX. Fourth Series. Vols. I. to XXX., 1864 to 1873. General Index. Fifth Series. Vols. I. to VI., 1874, 1875. ANNALES des Universites de Belgique on Recueil Contenant les Lois, Arretes et Reglements relatifs a L Enseignement su- perieur, les Memoires couronees aux Concours universi- taires, et d autres Documents academiques. First Series. Vols. I. to XVI., 1842 to 1857. Second Series. Vols. I., II., 1858 to 1861. ANNALES du Genie Civil, et Recueil de Memoires sur les Ponts et Chaussees, les Routes et Chemins de Fer, les Constructions et la Navigation Maritime et Fluviale, PArchitecture, les Mines, la Metallurgie, la Chimie, la Physique, les Arts Me- 230 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. caniques, I ficonomie Industrielle, le Genie Rural. Publiees par E. Lacroix et des autres. 8vo. Monthly. One vol., text and plates, a year. Paris, 1862 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to VII., (text and plates,) 1 862 to 1 868. Second Series. Yols. XVl, (text and plates,) 1867 ; XVII., 1870 to 1871. ANNUAL of Scientific Discovery; or, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the Most Important Discoveries in Me chanics, the Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Ge ography and Antiquities, &c., for the years "i860 to 1864. Edited by David A. Wells. 1865, 1866, (one vol.) Edited by Samuel Kneeland. 1870, 1871. Edited by John Trowbridge. 18 vols. 12mo. Boston. BERICHTE der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Vols. I. to VIL, 1863 to 1874 ; Vol. VIII., 1875, Nos. 1 to 9, January 5, to May 24. THE BOSTON Journal of Chemistry ; devoted to the Science of Home Life, the Arts, Agriculture and Medicine. Edited by JAMES R. NICHOLS and W. J. ROLFE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1867 to date. Vols. IV., V., VI., VIL, 1870 to 1873. THE BRITISH Almanac and Companion of the Society for the Diffu sion of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1828 to 1868. 41 vols. 12mo. London. BULLETIN de L Academie Imperiale des Sciences. 4to. Published irregularly. St. Petersburg^ I860 to date. Tomes XVIII. and XIX., (Parts, 1, 2, 3.) BULLETIN Mensnel de la Societe Chimique de Paris concernant le Proces Verbal des Seances, les Memoires presentes a la Societe, L Analyse des Travaux de Chimie Pure et Ap- pliquee publics en France et a L Etfanger, La Revue des Brevets, &c. Second Series. Vols. VII. to XXV., 1864 to 1875. THE CHEMICAL Gazette. Edited by WILLIAM FRANCIS and HENRY CROFT. 8vo. Monthly. London, 1842 to 1859. .Vols. I. to XVIL, 1842 to 1859. This Journal was, in 1859, merged in the Chemical News. THE CHEMICAL News. Edited by WILLIAM CROOKES. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, I860 to date. Vols. I. to XL, 1860 to 1865. Vols. XV. to XX., (American Reprint,) 1867 to 1870. Vols. XXV. to XXXI., 1872 to 1875. CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHEN Mittheilungen. Edited by Dr. L. ELSNER. 8vo. Annually, 1846 to date. Vols. XV. to XXIII., 1865 to 1873. Index (subjects) for Vols. I. to XX., 1846 to 1871. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 231 CriEMiscHES Central Blatt. See Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. THE CHEMIST. 8vo. London. First Series. Vols. II. ; and IV. to VIII., 1841 to 1847. Second Series. Vols. L, II., III., 1849, 1850, 1851. COMPTES-RENDUS hebdomadaires des seances de 1 Academie des Sciences, publics, conforrneinent a une decision de 1 Acade mic en date du 13 Juillet, 1835, par MM. les Secretaires per- petuels. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year, Paris, 1835 to date. Tomes XVI. to LXXX., 1843 to 1875. COSMOS, Revue Encyclopedique Hebdomadaire des Progres des sciences et leurs applications. 8vo. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1852 to date. Third Series. Vols. VI., VII. THE EDINBURGH Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History, Practical Mechanics, Geography, Statistics, and the fine and useful Arts. Edited by Dr. BKEWSTER and Prof. JAMESON. 8vo. One vol. a year. Edinburgh, 1819 to date. Vols. IX. to XIII., 1823 to 1825. JAHRESBERICHT tiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Chemie. Published by WILH. STAEDEL. 8vo. Vol. L, 1873. JAHRESBERICHT tiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Published by ALEXANDER NAUMANN and AUG. LAUBENHEIMER. 8vo. Gieeeen, 1847 to date. 1847 to 1872; 18 73, part 1. Index Volumes. L, for the years 1847 to 1856. II., for the years 1857 to 1866. JAHRESBERICHT tiber die Fortschritte der Physischen Wissen schaften. Edited by JACOB BERZELIUS. Translated from the Swedish into German by C. G. GMELIN. Tubingen, 1822. Vols. L to XXX., 1822 to 1846. General Index for Vols. L to XXV., 1822 to 1846. JOURNAL fur Chemie und Physik. Founded by Fr. W. SCHWEIGER. 8vo. Three vols. a year. Nuremburg, 1811 to 1833. First Series. Vols. I to XXX., 1811 to 1824. Second Series, under the title : JAHRBUCH DER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Vols. XXI. to L., 1821 to 1 830. This Journal was incorpora ted with " Journal fur Praktische Chemie," which see. JOURNAL of the Chemical Society of London. See Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. JOURNAL of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Second Series. Vols. IV., 4to., (Parts 2, 3, 4;) V., VL, (Part 1.) Philadelphia, 1862 to 1866. JOURNAL of the Franklin Institute. First Series, under the title : THE FRANKLIN JOURNAL AND AMERICAN MECHANICS MAGA ZINE. Devoted to the Useful Arts, Internal Improvements, General Science, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Under the Patronage of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES. Svo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1826, 1827. Second Series, under the title : JOURNAL OP THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, and Mechanics Register. Devoted to Me chanical and Physical Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES. Svo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1828 to 1840. Vols. XV. to XVIII. ; XX., XXL, XXII. ; XXIV. 1835 to 1840. Third Series, under the title : JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Science, Civil Engi neering, the Arts and Manufactures. 1841 to date. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES and JOHN F. FRAZER. Vols. I., II., III., VL, VIII. ; and LIII. to LXIX. 1841 to 1875. THE LABORATORY. A Weekly Record of Scientific Research. 8vo. Two vols. a year. London. 1867. Publication discontinued. L ANNEE Scientifique et Industrielle, ou Expose annuel des Travaux Scientifiques, des Inventions et des principales applications de la Science a 1 Industrie et aux Arts, qui ont attire Patten- tion publique en France et a 1 Etranger. Edited by Louis FIGUIER. 16mo. Annually. Paris, 1856 to date. Vols. I. to XVIL, 1856 to 1874. General Index to Vols. I. to IX. LE MONITKUR Scientifique. Journal des Sciences Pures et Appli- quees. Travaux publics a 1 Etranger. Compte-Rendu des Academies et Societes Savantes. Edited by Dr. DUQUESNEVILLE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1856 to date. Second Series. Vol. VII. , 1870. Third Series. Vols. I. to IV., 1871 to 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January to June. LES MONDES. Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux Arts et a L Industrie. Edited by M. L ABBE MOIGNO. 8vo. Monthly. Three vols. a year. Paris. Vols. XXII. to XXXVL, 1860 to 1875. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 233 LONDON, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. First Series : The Philosophical Magazine : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. 1789 to 1813. Yols. I. to XLIL, 1789 to 1813. Second Series : The Philosophical Magazine and Journal : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by RICHABB TAYLOR. 1814 to 1826. Vols. XL1IL to XLVIL; Vols. LXIL, LXIIL, LXIV., LXVL, 1814 to 1825. Third Series : The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir DAVID BREWPTER, RICHARD TAYLOR, RICHARD PHILIPS, Sir ROBERT KANE and EDWARD WILLIAM BRAYLEY. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII, XIX., XXL, and XXIV. to XXXVII., 1834 to 1850. Fourth Series : The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philoso phical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir ROBERT KANE, Sir WILLIAM THOMPSON and WILLIAM FRANCIS. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. 1851 to date. Vols. I. to XLIX., 1851 to 1875. Supplemental volume to Vols. XXII. to XXVL, 1861 to 1863. MELANGES Physiques et Chimiques tires du Bulletin de L Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Vols. I, 1849 to 1854; II., 1854 to 1856; III., 1856 to 1859; IV., 1860 to 1861 ; V, 1861 to 1864 ; VI., 1864 to 1866 ; VII. , 1867 to 1868; VIII., 1868 to 1873. MEMOIRS and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London. Vols. I., II., III., 1841 to 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841 to 1848. MEMOIRS of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. L, 1866.. 4to. Washington. PHARMACEUTISCHES Central Blatt. 8vo. Leipsig, 1830 to 1855. Vols. I. to XX., 1830 to 1849. Vols. XXI. to XLL, 1850 to 1855, under title Chemisch-Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. Zweite Folge: CHEMISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. Repertorium fiir reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1856 to 1869. Vols. I. to XIV., 1856 to 1869. Dritte Folge : CHEMISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. Repertorium. fur reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technische Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to V, 1870 to 1874. Vol. VI., 1875, January 2, to June 26. 234 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. POLYTECHNISCHES Central Blatt. One vol. a year. Leipsig. Octavo Series, 1835 to 1845. Quarto Series, 1857 to 1874 ; 1875, January to June. POLYTECHNISCIIES Journal. Edited by E. M. DINGLEB. Three vols. a year. Augsburg, 1820 to date. Vols. I. to CCXVL, 1820 to 1875. Index Volumes, (subjects.) Yol. 1. Embracing Vols. I. to LXXVIII., 1820 to 1840. Vol. 2. Embracing Vols. LXXIX. to CLVIIT., 1842 to 1860. Vol. 3. Embracing Vols. CLIX. to CXCVIIL, 1861 to 1870. PROCEEDINGS of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vols. I. to XVIIL, 1841 to 1866. 18 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. PROCEEDINGS of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. First Meeting at Philadelphia, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. Second Cambridge, 1849. Jioston, 1850. Third Charleston, 1850. Charleston, 1850. Fourth New-Haven, 1850. Washington, 1851. Fifth Cincinnati, 1851. " 1851. Sixth Albany, 1851. " 1852. Seventh Cleveland, 1853. Cambridge, 1856. Eighteenth " Salem, 1869. " 1870. Twentieth " Indianapolis, 1871. " 1871. Twenty-first " Dubuque, 1872. ". 1872. Twenty-third" Hartford, 1874. Salem, 1875. THE QUARTERLY Journal of the Chemical Society of London. Vols. I. to VI, 1848 to 1862. New Series, (Monthly,) under the title : THE JOURNAL of the Chemical Society of London. Vols. II., IV., VI., VII., VIII., XL,. XII, 1863 to 1874. Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. General Index (subjects and authors) to the First Twenty- Five Volumes of the Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848 to 1872 ; and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841 to 1847. Compiled by Henry Watts. 8vo. 268 pp. London, 1874. REPERTORIUM Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Editarum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinera digessit I. D. Reuss. (A valuable collection of the Transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vols. III., IV. Chemia ; Res Metallica et Physica. REPORT of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1863. 8vo. Washington, 1874. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 235 REPORT of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. First Meeting held at Cambridge in 1831. | Second edition. Second " ^ Oxford, 1832. ) London, 1835. Third " ii Cambridge, 1833. London, 1834. Fourth " ti Edinburgh, 1834. it 1835. Fifth " a Dublin, 1835. C( 1836. Sixth " it Bristol, 1836. tt 1837. Seventh " n Liverpool, 1837. ii 1838. Eighth " a Newcastle, 1838. It 1839. Ninth a Birmingham, 1839. 11 1840. Tenth ii Glasgow, 1840. It 1841. Eleventh " Plymouth, 1841. tl 1842. Twelfth " n Manchester, 1842. tt 1843. Thirteenth . (( Cork, 1843. It 1844. Fourteenth ii York, 1844. It 1845. Fifteenth a Cambridge, 1845. tt 1846. Sixteenth Southampton, 1846. tl 1847. Seventeenth Oxford, 1847. tl 1848. Eighteenth Swansea, 1848. ll 1849. Nineteenth (( Birmingham, 1849. If 1850. Twentieth tt Edinburgh, 1850. ll 1851. Twenty-first (( Ipswich, 1851. ll 1852. Twenty-second n Belfast, 1852. ll 1853. Twenty-third ci Hull, 1853. ll 1854. Twenty-fourth (( Liverpool, 1854. ll 1855. Twenty-fifth U Glasgow, 1855. ll 1856. Twenty-sixth a Cheltenham, 1856. ll 1857. Twenty-seventh it Dublin, 1857. ll 1858. Twenty-eighth tl Leeds, 1858. ll 1859. Twenty-ninth a Aberdeen, 1859. ll 1860. Thirtieth, a Oxford, 1860. ll 1861. Thirty-first {< Manchester, 1861. ll 1862. Thirty-second ti Cambridge, 1862. 11 1863. Thirty-third a Newcastle, 1863. ll 1864. Thirty-fourth a Bath, 1864. ll 1865. Thirty-fifth a Birmingham, 1865. 11 1866. Thirty-sixth a Nottingham, 1866. ll 1867. Thirty-seventh Dundee, 1867. ll 1868. Thirty-eighth a Norwich, 1868. tl 1869. Thirty-ninth a Exeter, 1869. ll 1870. Fortieth U Liverpool, 1870. ll 1871. Forty-first a Edinburgh, 1871. ll 1872. 40 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 to 1872. REVUE Hebdomadaire de Chimie Sclentifique et Industrielle. Published under the direction of M. CH. MENE. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1869 to date. Yols. III., IV., V., 1872, 1873, 1874. ary to June. Vol. VI., 1875, Janu- 236 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. SCIENTIFIC American. A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Arts, Science, Chemistry and Manufactures. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. 1815 to date. First Series. Vols. II. to XIV., 1816 to 1858. Second Series. Vols. I. to XVIII. ; XXI. to XXXIL, 1859 to 1875. SITZUNGSBERICIIT der Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Koniglichen Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Erste Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Mechanik, Meteorologie und Astronomie. Vols. LXV. to LXVIIL, 1872, 1873 ; Vol. LXIX., (part 5,) 1874; Vol. LXX., (parts 3, 4, 5,) 1875. THE YEAR Book of Facts in Science and Art : exhibiting the most Important Discoveries and Improvements of the past Year in Mechanics and the Useful Arts ; Natural Philosophy; Elec tricity ; Chemistry ; Zoology and Botany. Edited by JOHN TIMES. 12mo. Published annually. London. 1839 to 1863; 1871. Supplemental Volumes : Vol. 1, for the year 1851. The Great Exhibition, London, 1851.- Vol. 2, for the year 1862. The International Exhibition, London, 1862. ZEITSCHRIFT fur Analytische Chemie. Published by C. R. FRESENIUS. 8vo. Quarterly. Wiesbaden, 1862 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1862 to 1874. Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. General Index for Vols. I. to X. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 237 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. BRANDE, W. T. Lectures on the Arts connected with Organic Chemistry. 16mo. 382 pp. London, 1854. BREED, D. Bismgethyl; a new Organic Radical containing Bis muth. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 1852. DUMAS, J., and Boussingault, J. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature. 16mo. 156pp. London, 1844. GIBBS, Wolcott. Report on the Recent Progress of Organic Chem istry made to the American Association for the Advance ment of Science, August, 1855. Vol. xxvm., Pamphlets. Octavo series - 8vo. 1855. GLOCKER, E. F. Handbuch der Organischen Chemie. Vierte Auflage. 2 vols. Heidelberg, 1852. GREGORY, W. Handbook of Organic Chemistry. 8vo^ 627 pp. London, 1856. HALLOY, J. J. d Omalius d . Sur les Echantillons de Phosphate de Chaux. Svo. 4 pp. JOHNSON, James F. The Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols. 12mo. New- York, 1855. KOLBE, Hermann. Ausftihrliches Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie. 2 vols. Svo. Bruiiswick, 1854, 1860. The same as above. Vol. III., part II. Edited by H. von Fehl ing- 8vo. 160 pp. Brunswick, 1868. Ueber die Chemische Constitution der Organischen Kohlen- WaSSerstoffe. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 40 pp. Brunswick, 1869. KROMAYER, Augusta. Die Bitterstoffe und Krazenschmeckenden Substanzen des Pflanzenreichs. Svo. 146 pp. Erlangen, 1861. LAURENT, Auguste. Methode de Chirnie. Svo. 464 pp. Paris, 1854. LIEBIG, Justus von. Anleitung zur Analyse Organischen Korper. Svo. 130pp. Brunswick, 1853.. Chemische Briefe. Dritte Auflage. Svo. 668 pp. Heidelberg, 1851. Chimie Organique appliquee a la Physiologic Yegetale et a L Agriculture, suivie d un Essai de Toxicologie par C. Gerhardt. 8vo. 392 pp. Paris, 184l! Traite de Chimie Organique. Publiee par C. Gerhardt. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1841-1844. MILLER, William Allen. Elements of Chemistry. Theoretical and Practical. Part III. Organic Chemistry. 854 pp. 1857. Svo. London. KAMMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Vergleichende Bemerkungen fiber die Krystallform organischer Yerbindungen vom Typus des Ammoniaks. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. llpp. 238 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. RASPAIL, F. V. ISTouveau Systeme de Chiraie Organiqne. 8vo. 576 pp. Paris, 1833. SILLIMAN, Benjamin. American Contributions to Chemistry. An Address delivered on the occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, Pa., August ! 18 74 8vo. 173 pp. Philadelphia, 1874. SYNOPSIS of Organic Chemistry. Printed for the Junior Classes of Ullioil College. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. Troy, 1864. THOMSON, Thomas. On a New Combustible Gas. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 8pp. Edinburgh, 1827. WARREN C. M. On a Process of Fractional Condensation. 4to. 13 pp. Researches on the Volatile Hydrocarbons. Two Me- I. On the Volatile Hydrocarbons from Coal Tar, Naphtha, Oil of Cumin and Cuminic Acid. II On the Influence of C. H. upon the Boiling Points in Homologous Series of Hydrocarbons and in some series of their Derivatives ; with Critical Observations on Methods of Taking Boiling Points. 8vo. 42pp. Cambridge 1865. n d Storer, F. H. Researches on the \ olatile Hydro carbons. Two Memoirs. I. Naphtha from Lime Soap. II. Naphtha from Rangoon Petroleum. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 41pp. Cambridge,!! WETHERILL, C. M. On Apidocere and its Formation Voi m Pamphlet* Quarto series. 4tO 25 pp. Phllade pbia, 855. On a New Variety of Asphalt, (Melan-Asphalt \oi. m, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 6 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. On the Crystallization of Sulphur, and upon the Reaction between Sulphur of Hydrogen, Ammonia and Alcohol. Vol. XXVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. On the Neutral Sulphate of the Oxide of Ethyle, and the lie- suits of its Decomposition by Water. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto geries 4to. 5 pp. Philadelphia, 1848. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. See Periodical Publications, under General and Inorganic Chemistry, p. 227. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 239 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. BERTHIEK, P. Handbuch der metallurgist Analytische Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1835, 1836. BERZELIUS, J. J. The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis. 8vo. 343 pp. London, 1822. Traite de Chiraie Mine" rale, Vegetale et Animale. Seconde edition. Traduit par MM. Esslinger et Hoefer. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-1850. BOLLEY, P.- A., and Paul, Benjamin II. A Manual of Technical Analysis. 12mo. 426 pp. London, 1857. BOWMAN, J. E. An Introduction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis. Third American edition. 12 mo. 333 pp. Philadelphia, 1864. BUNSEN, R. Gasometrische Methoden. 24mo. 305 pp. Brunswick, 1857. Ueber Eine Volumetrische Methode von sehr Allgemeiner Anwendbarkeit. Vol. II M Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 48 pp., I. plate. Heidelberg, 1854. and Roscoe. Gasometry. 8vo. 298 pp. London, 1857. CALDWKLL, G. C. Agricultural Qualitative and Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Svo. 307 pp. New- York, 1869. CHANDLER, Charles F. A Scheme for the Analysis of Iron Ore, for the Use of the Students of the School of Mines. Lecture on Water, delivered before the American Institute of the City of New-York, in the Academy of Music, January 20, 1871. Pamphlet. Svo. Albany, 1871. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. An Inaugural .Disser tation to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Go t- tingen. Vol. XXVIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 8vo. 52 pp. Albany, 1857. Report on the Waters of the Hudson River, together with an Analysis of the same, made to the Water Commissioners Of the City of Albany. Vol. Xyil., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 25 pp. Albany, 1872. CHURCH, A. R. The Laboratory Guide. Svo. 174 pp. London, 1870. CLAFS, C. Methodische Reactions Tabellen behufs Chemischer Qualitativ Analytischer Untersuchungen, zum gebrauch fur Mediciner and Pharmaceuten. 16 pp. Dorpat, 1862. COLLIER, P. On the Indirect Determination of Potash and Soda. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1864. DAVY, Edmund. On a Simple Electro-Chemical Method of Ascer taining the Presence of Different Metals. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO.* 1 7 pp. London, 1831. 240 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DAVY, Sir Humphrey. The Collected Works of, edited by his brother, John Davy. Vol. III. Researches on Nitrous Oxide, &c. 342 pp. London, 1839. EDWARDS, A. M. A Series of Chemical Tables. Svo. New-York, 1870. ELIOT, C. "W., and Storer, F. H. A Compendious Manual of Quali tative Chemical Analysis. Svo. 191pp. New-York, 1869. FRESENIUS, C. Remegius. A System of Instruction in Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Fourth edition. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. Svo. 310 pp. London, 1855. The same. Edited by Samuel W. Johnson. Svo. 434 pp. New-York, 1872. A System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. Second edition. Svo. 624 pp. London, 1854. The same. Fifth English, from the Fifth German edition. Translated by A. Vacher. Svo. 377pp. London, 1870. The same. Translated from the Fifth German edition, by A. Vacher. Svo. 791 pp. London, 1873. The same. Edited by Samuel W. Johnson. Svo. 631pp. New-York, 1871. - Elementary Instruction in Chemical Analysis. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. Svo. 284 pp. New-York, 1844. Geschichte des Chemischen Laboratoriums zu Wiesbaden, Zur Feier des 25 Jahrigen Bestehens der Anstalt. Svo. 32 pp. Wiesbaden, 1873. GALLOWAY, R. A Manual of Qualitative Analysis. 12mo. 443 pp. London, 1870. GERHARDT, C. K. F. Precis d Analyse Chimique Qualitative. Second edition. 8vo. 699 pp. Paris, 1867. and Chancel, G. Precis d Analyse Chimique Quantitative Second edition. Svo. 692 pp. Paris, 1864. GIBBS, Wolcott. Contributions to Analytical Chemistry. No. 1. 6pp. 1852. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. The same as above. No. 2. 9 pp. 1865. Contributions to Chemistry from the Laboratory of the Lawrence Scientific School. Vol. XXXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 Pamphlets. 8vo. 14,11,19pp. 1864,1865,1867. GROXER, L. Memoire sur le Dedoublement de L Oxide de Carbone sous Faction combinee du Fer Metallique et des Oxydes de Ce Metal. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 66 pp. Paris, 1872. HAMPE, W. Tafeln zur qualitativen chemischen Analyse. Svo. XI. tables. Clausthal, 1868. HLXRICHS, Gustavus. The Method of Quantitative Induction in Physical Sciences. A Guide for Students in the Laboratory and Lecture Room. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 45pp. Davenport, Iowa, 1860. HUNT, T. Sterry. Contributions to the Chemistry of Natural Waters. Vol. XVII.f Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 54 pp. Montreal, 1865. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 241 HUNT, T. Sterry. Contributions to the History of Lime and Mao-- nesia Salts. 8vo. 19 pp. 1866. JOT, Charles A. Analysis of Meteorite from Chili, vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 6pp. New- York, 1864. Chemistry. An Inaugural Address. Vol. xvn., Pamphlets. Octavo series 8vo. 25pp. New- York, 1858. Examination of a Few American Minerals. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6pp. New-York, 1865. Examination of American Blendes for Thallium and Indium. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4pp. 1866. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. Inaugural Dissertation. Svo. 49 pp. Gottingen, 1853. On Glucinum and Its Compounds, vol. xxix., Pamphlets. Octavo s * ries - ", Svo. llpp. 1863. Oil the Cllimenti Pictures. Vol. V., Pamphlets. Octavo series. KNOP, W. Handbuch der Chemischen Methoden. Svo. 506 pp. Leipsig, 1859. KOLBE, Hermann. Das Chemische Laboratorium der Universitat Leipsig und die Seit 1866 darin ausgeiuhrten Chemischen Untersuchungen. 8vo. 667 pp. Brunswick, 1872. LANG, Viktor von. Versuch einer Monographic des Blei vitriols. Vol. XXVIII. , Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 54 pp., XXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1859. LAURENT, Auguste. Methode de Chimie. 8vo. 464pp. Paris 1854 LtiBSEN, II. B. Ausftthrliches Lehrbuch der Analyse! 8vo. 178 pp. Hamburg, 1853. MATZDORF, J. Martins. Katechismus der Galvanoplastik. 12 mo. 104 pp. Leipsig, 1868. MOHR, Jmedrich. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Analytischen Titrir Methode. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1855, 1856. MUSPRATT, Sheridan. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Ana lytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1860. Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Technischen Chemie. Vol. I. Aether-Cyan. Edited by D. F. Stohman, 1865. V ol. II. Dextrin-Gummi, " " D. F. Stohman, ] 860. Vol. III. Harze-Mangan. " " Bruno Kerl, ] 868. Vol. IV. Natrium-Strontium. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1869. Vol. V. Textilindustrie-Zirkonium. " Bruno Kerl, 1870. Vol. VI. Ziicker-Nachtrage. " Bruno Kerl, 1870. 6 Y I S - Imp. Svo. (Illustrated.) Brunswick. - Outlines of Qualitative Analysis. 7 tables. London, lt<50. Iheoretische, practische und analytische Chemie in Anweud- ung auf Kunst und Gewerbe. Dritte Auflage. Frei bear- beitet von Bruno Kerl and F. Stohman. Vol. I. Aether to Butter und Milch. Vol. II. Cadmium to Firnis. Vol. III. Lieferungs, 1, 2, 3. 2 vols. 4to. (Illustrated.) Brunswick 1874 16 242 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NEUBAUER, C., and Vogel, J. Anleitung zur Qualitativen und Quantitativen Analyse des Harnes zum. Gebranche fur Medi- cinen und Pharmaceuten. 8vo. 294pp. Weisbaden, 1856. NORMANDY, A. A Handbook of Commercial Analysis. Second edition. 8vo. 64 pp. London, 1865. PETERSEN, Theodor. Die Chemische Analyse. Vol. I. Die Qualitative Analyse. 270 pp. Vol. II. Die Quantitative Analyse. 270 pp. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Berlin, 1863, 1864. PIGGOT, A. S. The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper. 12mo. 388 pp. Philadelphia, 1858. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Leitfaden ftir die qualitative che- mische Analyse mit besonderer rucksicht auf Heinrich Rose s ausfiihrliches Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Fifth edition. 12mo. 151 pp. Berlin, 1867. Leitfaden ftir die quantitative chemische Analyse. Second edition. 8vo. 322pp. Berlin, 1863. REPORT of the Analysis of the Waters of Chechunk Springs, in the Town of Goshen. Vol. XXVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp. Goshen, 1820. ROSE, H -inrich. Ausftihrliches Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie Qualitative und Quantitative. 4 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1851. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Sixth edition. Vol. I. Qualitative Analyse. Vol. II. Quantitative Analyse. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1867. Traite Complet de Chimie Analytique Qualitativ et Quanti- tativ. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859, 1862. Traite Pratique d Analyse Chimique. Traduit de PAlle- mand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843. SCHWEITZER, Paul. Contributions from the Laboratory of the State University of the State of Missouri : A. On the True Composition of Coal, and on the Methods of Arriving at it ; with Deductions and Remarks on Coal in General ; illustrated on a Sample of Coal from the Lower Coal Series of Missouri. 8vo. 19 pp. Jefferson City, 1875. SHARPLES, S. P. Chemical Tables. 12mo. 192 pp. Cambridge, 1866. SILLIMAN, Benjamin. American Contributions to Chemistry. An Address delivered on the occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, Pa., August 1 ? 1874. 8vo. 173pp. Philadelphia, 1874. Benjamin, Jr. Description and Analysis of Several Mine rals. Vol. XII, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 18 pp. 1849. SLATER, J. W. Handbook of Chemical Analysis for Practical Men. Second edition. 12mo. 384 pp. London, 1861. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 243 SMITH, J. Lawrence. Scientific Researches. 8vo. 401 pp. Louisville, Ky., 187-3. SPENCER, W. H. Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 4to. 94pp. London, 1866. STAHL, Leopold. Allgemeiner Gang der Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse. 12mo. 93 pp. Berlin, 1862. STEINBECK, Georg Victor Albert. Chemisch-Analytische Unter- suchungen tiber die Veranderung, welche der Mansfelder Kupferstein bei seiner Rostung behufs Entsilberung dufch die Ziervogelsche Extractionsmethode leidet. An Inaugu ral Dissertation. 12mo. 56pp. Halle, 1862. STURM, J. K. F. Cours d Analyse de L Ecole Polytechnique. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. 206 pp. Paris, 1852. SUTTON, Francis. A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. 8vo. 377 pp. London, 1871. THOMPSON, Thomas. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology and Mineral Analysis. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836, TURNER, Edward. Chemical Examination of the Oxydes of Man ganese. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 32 pp. Edinburgh, 1828. WANKLYN, Chapman. Water Analysis. A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water. 16mo. 103 pp. London, 1868. WATTS, Henry. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of other Sciences. 5 vols. and two Supplements. 8vo. London. Vol. I. Abichite Conglomerate. 1137pp. 1863. Vol. II. Conhydrine Gytge. 985pp. 1864. Vol. III. Hseraaphein Mysorin. 1096pp. 1865. Vol. IV. Nacrite Pyruvic Acid. 1115pp. 1866. Vol. V. Quadrantoxide Zymurgy. 1188 pp. 1868. First Supplement. Acetic Acid Sulphur. 1194pp. 1872. Second Supplement. 1215 pp. 1875. WICKE, Wilh. Anleitung zur Chemischen Analyse. 8vo. 467 pp. Brunswick, 1857. WILL, Heinrich. Anleitung zur Chemischen Analyse zur gebrauch ira Chemischen Laboratoriurn zu Giessen. 12 mo. 314 pp. Leipsig, 1857. Tafeln zur Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse. Fourth edition. 12mo. 22 pp. Leipsig, 1857. WILLIAMS, C. G. A. Handbook of Chemical Manipulations. 12mo. 580 pp. London, 1857. WOHLER, F. Practische tlbungen in der Chemischen Analyse. 12mo. 218 pp. Gottingen, 1853. Grundriss der Chemie (Anorganischen und Organischen.) 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1848-1851. WURTZ, Henry. Contributions to Analytical Chemistry, 3 Pam phlets. 38, 14, 9 pp. 1858, Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 244 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. WURTZ, Henry, and Leeds, Albert R. Reports to the Board of Public Works of Jersey City on Analyses of the Water of the Passaic River. 8vo. Jersey City, 1873. Karl Adolph. Dictionnaire de Chimie, Pure et Apphquee. Vol. I. Part 1. A.-B. 8vo. 686 pp. 1869. Part 2. C.-G. 8vo. 973 pp. 1873. Vol. II. Part 1. H.-Phe. 8vo. 920 pp. 1873. Part 2. Phe.-Rue. 1874. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. See, also, Assaying; and Determinative Mineralogy and Blow Pipe Analysis. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. See under General and Inorganic Chemistry, page 220. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. 245 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. ANDERSON, T. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 8vo. 299 pp. Edinburgh, 1860. .BRITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents relating to Manure. 12 mo. 55 pp. London, 1857. CALDWELL, G. C. Agricultural Qualitative and Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 8vo. 307 pp. New-York, 1869. CHAPTAL, I. A. Chemistry Applied to Agriculture. Translated from the Second French edition. 12mo. 365 pp. Boston, 1836. JJAVY, && Humphrey. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, with a Treatise on Soils and Manures. 8vo. 396 pp. Philadelphia, 1821. On the Safety Lamp. 8vo. 148 pp. London, 1818. .The Collected Works of. Edited by his brother, John y. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Vols. VII., VIII. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and other lectures. 391, 365 pp. FLAGG, Melzer. Remarks on the Culture of the Grape, and the Manufacture of Wine in the Western States, comprised in a report made by direction of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society. 8vo. 32 pp. Cincinnati, 1846. HAMM, Wilhelm. Katechismus der Ackerbau-Chemie der Boden- kunde und Dflngerlehre. 24mo. 116pp. Leipsio- 1871 HEDGES, Isaac A. Sorgo, or the Northern Sugar Plant, with an introduction by William Clough. 12mo. 204 pp. Cincinnati, 1863. JOHNSON, James F. W. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. Seventh edition. 12mo. 410 pp. Edinburgh, 1856. Instructions for the Analysis of Soils, Limestones and Manures. Third edition. 12mo. 101pp. Cleveland, 1856. - Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geolooy to Agriculture. Fifth edition, with Appendix. 8vo. 708 pp. New- York, 1849. Ine Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols. 12 mo. New- York, 1855. - b. W. How Crops Feed. 12mo. 375pp. New-York, 1870. How Crops Grow. I2mo. 394pp. New- York, 1868. - Report on Commercial Fertilizers. Vol. XVL, Pamphlets, octavo series - 8vo. 19 pp. 1870. Report on Peat, Muck and Commercial Manures. 12 mo. 174 pp. Hartford, 1858. LIEBIG, Justus von. Chimie Organique appliquee a la Physioloo-ie V6getale et a L Agriculture, suivie d un Essai sur Toxico- logie par C. Gerhardt. 8vo. 392 pp. Paris, 1841. 246 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. LIEBIG, Justus von. Die Chemie in ibren anwendung auf Agricul- tur und Physiologie. 8vo. 468pp. Brunswick, 1846. Die Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agncultur und ioloo-ie Vol. II. Naturgezetze des Feldbaues. 8vo. Brunswick, 1862. MULDER, G. J. Die Chemie der Ackerkrlime. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1862. NORMANDY, A. The Farmer s Manual of Agricultural Chemistry, with Instructions respecting the Diseases of Cereals, and the Destruction of the Insects which are Injurious to thos Plants 12mo. 218 pp. London, 1853. OLCOTT, II. S. Outlines of the First Course of Yale Agricultural Lectures, with an Introduction by John A. Porter. 12mo. 186 pp. New-York, 18 STEPHENS, H. Katechismus des practisches Ackerbaues.^ Trans lated by Wilhelm Hamm. 12mo. 110pp. Leipsig, 1857. TOPHAM, J. Chemistry made Easy, for the Use ot Farmers. 12mo. 44 pp. New-York, 1852. WIESNER, Julius. Untersuchungen iiber die herbstliche Entlau- bung der Holzgewachse. 8vo. Vienna, 18/1. See, also, Agriculture. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. THE BOSTON Journal of Chemistry ; devoted to the Science of Home Life, the Arts, Agriculture and Medicine. Edited by JAMES R. NICHOLS and W. J. ROUTE. 4to. Monthly. One TOl. year. 1867 to date. Vols IV., V., VI., VIL, 1870 to 1873. JAHRESBERICIIT iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiei der Agricultur-Chemie. Edited, at different times, by ROBEBT HOFFMAN, E. PETEBS, TH. DIETBICH, J. FITTBOGEN, J. K6NI0. 8vo. Annually. Berlin, 1S5S to date^ Vols. I. to XV, 1858 to 1874. Vols. XIII. to XV, 1870 to 1872, collectively, in three vols. : Vol. 1 . Die Chemie des Bodens, der Luft und des Dtingers. Edited by Th. Dietrich. Vol 2 Die Chemie der Pflanze. Edited by J. Fittbogen. Vol 3* Die Chemie der Thiernahrung. Chernisches rechnol ogie der landwirtschaftlichen Nebengewerbe. Edr LB GENIE IndustTiel. Ee^ue des Inventions Francises et fitran- eeres. Annales des Progres de 1 Industrie Agncole et ttanu- facturiere, Biographic des Inventions, &c, par Armengau F re res. 8vo Two vols. a year. Paris, 1851 to date.. Vols. XXIII. to XXXIV, 1862 to 1867. See, also, Periodical Publications under General and Inor ganic Chemistry, p. 220. ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. 247 ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. ANTISELL, T. Address, introductory to the Course of Lectures in the Chemical Department of Vermont Medical College, de livered before the Class of Session of 1854. Vol. xxvin., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8VO. Woodstock, 1854. ATTFIELD, J. Chemistry. General, Medical and Pharmaceutical, including the Chemistry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. From the English edition. 12mo. 552pp. Philadelphia, 1871. BEAED, George M.. Stimulants and Narcotics, Medically, Philoso phically and Morally Considered. 12mo. New-York, 1871. BIRD, Golding. Urinary Deposits. Their Diagnosis, Pathology and Therapeutical Indications. Edited by E. L. Birkett. 8vo. 382 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. BOWMAN, J. E. Practical Handbook of Medical Chemistry. Ed ited by C. L. Bloxam. 8vo. 351 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. CHANDLER, C. F. Report upon the Sanitary Chemistry of Water, and Suggestions with Regard to the Selection of the Water Supply of Towns and Cities. 8vo. Cambridge, 1875. CHRISTISON, Robert. A Treatise on Poisons. 8vo. 985 pp. Edinburgh, 1845. DRAPER, Henry. On the Changes of Blood-Cells in the Spleen. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9pp. New-York, 1858. ELLIS, Daniel. An Inquiry into the Changes Induced on Atmos pheric Air, by the Germination of Seeds, the Vegetation of Plants, and the Respiration of Animals. 12mo. 246 pp. Edinburgh, 1807. FLANDRIN, Ch. Traite des Poisons, ou Toxicologie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846-1853. GARDNER, D. P. An Introductory Lecture on the Relations of Chemistry to the Vital Forces, delivered in the Philadelphia College of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1847. Vol. xxvni., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 11 pp. Philadelphia, 1848. GORUP-BESANEZ, E. von. Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantita- tiven Zoochemischen-Analyse. 8vo. 420pp. Nuremberg, 1854. The same as above. Third edition. 8vo. 497 pp. Heidelberg, 1871. Chemische Untersuchung des Mineral wassers zu Steben, im Baierischen Voigtlande. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 30 pp. 1851. Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie. 8vo. 819 pp. Brunswick, 1862. HASEMANN, Theodor and A. Handbuch der Toxicologie. 8vo. 978 pp. "Berlin, 1862. 248 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HASSELT, A. W. M. von, and Henkel, J. B. Handbuch der Gift- lehre. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1862. HUNT, T. Sterry. Recherches sur les Eaux Minerales du Canada. Vol. VIIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 5pp. 1841. JONES, J. Abstract of Experiments upon the Physical Influences exerted by Living, Organic and Inorganic Membranes, upon Chemical Substances passing through them by Endosmose. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. Philadelphia, 1 855. KENNEDY, Alfred L. Practical Chemistry, a branch of Medical Education. Vol. XXVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 11 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. KLETZINSKY, Yicenz. Compendium der Biochemie. 8vo. 84 pp. Vienna, 1858. KROMAYER, Augusta, Die Bitterstoffe und Krazendschmeckenden Substanzeri des Pflanzenreichs. 8vo. 146 pp. Erlangen, 1861. LEHMANN, C. G. Physiological Chemistry. Translated by George E. Day, and Edited by R. E. Rogers. 2 Vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. LIEBIG, Justus von. Animal Chemistry. Edited by G. W. Gregory. 12mo. 356 pp. New-York, 1842. - Chemische Briefe. 8vo. 668 pp. Heidelberg, 1851. - Chimie Organique appliquee a la Physiologic Vegetale et a L Agriculture, suivie d un Essai de Toxicologie par C. Gerhardt. _ 8vo. 392 pp. Paris, 1841. Die Chemie in ihren anwendung auf Agricultur und Physi ologic. 8vo. 468 pp. Brunswick, 1846. - Die Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physi ologic. Vol. I. Der Chemischen Process der Erniihrung der Vegetabilien. 8vo. Brunswick, 1862. Ueber Gahrung iiber Quelle der Muskelkraft. 8vo. 138 pp. Leipsig, 1870. MARCET, W. On the Immediate Principles of the Human Excre ments in the Healthy State. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 11 pp., I. plate. 1857. MOHR, Redwood and Proctor. Practical Pharmacy. 8vo. 576 pp. Philadelphia, 1849. MORFIT, Campbell, and Morfit, Clarence. Chemical and Pharma ceutical Manipulations. 8vo. 620 pp. Philadelphia, 1857. NEUBAUER, C., and Vogel, J. Anleitung zur Qualitative!! und Quantitative!! Analyse des Harnes zum gebrauche fur Mede- ciner und Pharmaceuten. 8vo. 294 pp. Weisbaden, 1856. ODLIXG, William. A Course of Practical Chemistry. 12mo. 241 pp. London, 1865. OLSSOX, P. Nova genera parasitantia Copepodorum et Platel- millthium. Vol. X., Ptmphiets. Quarto series. 4tO. 6 pp., I. plate. ORFILA, M. J. B. Elements de Chimie appliquee a la Medicine et aux Arts. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. OTTO, Friederich Julius. Anleitzung zur Ausmittelung der Gift. Third edition. 8vo. Ill pp. Brunswick, 1856. ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. 249 PHILIP, A. P. W. The Laws of the Vital Functions. 8vo. 335 pp. Philadelphia, 1818. PIEECE, C. H. Examination of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. 12mo. 264 pp. Philadelphia, 1853. REICH, Edward. Medicinische Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen, 1858. SOUBEEAIN, J. Leon. Nouveau Dictionnaire des Falsifications et des Alterations des Aliments, des Medicaments et de Quel- ques Produits Employes dans les Arts, L Industrie et L Econ- omie Domestique. 8vo. 634 pp. Paris, 1874. SMITH, J. C. The Effect of the Nitrous Vapor, in Preventing and Destroying Contagion. 8vo. 174 pp. Philadelphia, 1799. TAYLOK, A. S. Poisons in Relation to Medical Jurisprudence. Second American from Second London edition. 8vo. 755 pp. Philadelphia, 1859. TEALL, R. T. Tobacco ; its History, Nature and Effects, with Facts and Figures for Tobacco Users. 12mo. New-York, 1854. ULTZMANN, Robert, and Hoffman, Karl Berthold. Anleitung zur Untersuchung des Harnes. 12mo. 133 pp. Vienna, 1871. Atlas der Physiologischen und Pathologischen Harnsedi- mente. 8vo. 44 tables. Vienna, 1872. VAN HASSELT, A. W. M. Handbuch der Gif tlehre. In Zwei Theilen. Erste Theil. Allgemeine Giftlehre und Die Gift des Pflanzenreichs. Zweite Theil. Die Thiergifte und die Mineralgifte. Aus dem Hollandischen frei bearbeitet mit Zusatzen versehen von J. B. Henkel. . 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1862. WOOD, G. B., and Bache, F. The Dispensatory of the U. S. of America. Twelfth edition. 8vo. 1704pp. Philadelphia, 1865. WOEMLEY, Theodore G. A Treatise on the Micro-Chemistry of Poisons. Svo. 702 pp., XIV. plates. New-York, 1869. ZIEMSSEN, H. v. Handbuch der Specielleri Pathologic und Therapie. Erster Band. 8vo. 552 pp. Leipsig, 1874. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Attfield, J. ; Bowman, J. E. ; Gorup-Be- sanez, E. ; Hunt, T. Sterry ; Kromayer, Augusta ; Pierce, C. H. ; Reich, Edward ; Souberain, J. Leon ; Wiesmer, Julius ; Ziemssen, H. v. POISONS. Christison, Robert ; Haseman, Theodore and A. ; Hasselt and Henkel ; Liebig, Justus von ; Otto, F. J. ; Taylor, A. S. ; Wormley, Theodore ; Van Hasselt, A. W. M. URINE. Bird, Golding ; Flandrin, Ch. ; Kenbauer, C., and Vogel, J. ; Ultzmann, Robert, and Hoffmann, Karl Berthold. WINES AND LIQUORS. See under Chemical Technology. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. AMERICAN Medical and Philosophical Register ; or, Annals of Medi cine, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Vol. I., 1814. 250 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANNALEN der Pharraacie. Edited by J. LIEBIG, F. WOHLER, H. KOPP, E. ERLENMAYER and J. VOLHARD. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Heidelberg and Leipsig, 1832 to date. Vols. I. to XXXIL, 1832 to 1839. From 1840, title changed to ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE. Vols. XXXIII. to CXXXVL ; CXLL to CLVL ; and CLIX. to CLXXVIL, 1840 to 1875. Supplemental Volumes, L, II, 1861 to 1863 ; III., (hefts, 1, 2,) 1864 ; V., VI., 1867 to 1868 ; VIII., 1872. Index Volumes, (subjects and authors.) Vol. 1 for Vols. I. to 0., 1832 to 1856 ; Vol. 2, for Vols. CXVII. to CLXIV., and Supplemental Volumes I. to VIII. 1863 to 1874. JOURNAL de Pharmacie et de Chimie contenant les Travaux de la Societe de Pharmacie, une Revue Medicale et une Revue des Travaux Chiraiqiies publies a 1 Etranger. Third Series. Vol. XX VI., July to December, 1854. Fourth Series. Vols. XV. to XVIIL, XX., XXL, January, 1872, to June, 1875. MAGAZIN fur Pharmacie und die darin einschlagenden Wissen- Bchaften. Edited by G. F. HANLE, 1823; L. GEIGER, 1824-1831. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, 1823 to 1831. Vols. I. to XXXVI., 1823 to 1831. This journal was suc ceeded by the Annalen der Pharmacie, which see. PFIARMACEUTISCIIES Central Blatt. 8vo. Leipsig, 1830 to 1855*. Vols. I. to XX., 1830 to 1849. Vols. XXL to XLL, 1850 to 1 855, under title Chemigch-Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. Zweite Folge : Chemisches Central Blatt. Repertorium fur reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1856 to 1869. Vols. L to XIV., 1856 to 1869. Dritte Folge : Chemisches Central Blatt. Repertorium fiir reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1870 to date. Vols. L to V., 1870 to 1874. Vol. VI. , 1875, January 2, to June 26. REVUE des Cours Scientifiques de la France et de L Etranger. Physique, Zoologie, Botanique, Anatomic, Physiologic, Ge ologic, Palaeontologie, Medecin. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1863 to date. First Series, (1863 to 1870.) Vols. I. to V., 1864 to 1868. Second Series : Revue Scientitique de la France et de L Etranger. Two vols. (two parts each) a year. 1871 to date. Vols. I. to VII., 1871 to 1874. Vol. VIIL, 1875, Jan. to June. See, also, Periodical Publications, wider General and Inor ganic Chemistry, p. 220. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 251 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. ACCUM, Frederick. A Practical Treatise on Gas Light. Fourth edition. 8vo. 190 pp. London, 1818. AMERICAN Ozone Co. Articles of Incorporation; with some Re marks On Ozone. Yol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. AUEEBACH, G. Das Anthracene und Seine Derivate. 8vo. 164pp. Berlin, 1873. BAILEY, J. W. Chemical Notes on Gunpowder and its Materials. Selected for the Use of the U. S. Cadets. 4to. 14 pp. 1838. BAUEE, Alexander, and Hinterberger, F. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Technik. 8vo. 574 pp. Vienna, 1859. BEETHOLLET, C. L. Elements de FArt de la Teinture. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1791. BESSEMEE, Henry. On a New System of Manufacturing Sugar from the Cane. 8vo. 61pp. 3852. BISHOP, J. L. A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to I860. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. BOLLEY, P., et Kopp, E. A Manual of Technical Analysis. 12mo. 426 pp. London, 1857. Traite des Matieres Colorantes Artificielles derivees du Goudron de Houille, Traduit de L Allemand et Augmente des travaux les plus recents par le Dr. L. Gautier. 8vo. 444 pp. Paris, 1874. BOOTH, J. C., and Morfit, C. On Recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts. 8vo. 216 pp. Washington, 1852. BOWDITCH, W. R, The Analysis, Technical Valuation, Purification and Use of Coal Gas. " 8vo. 300pp. London, 1867. BEANDE, W. T. Lectures on the Arts connected with Organic Chemistry. 16mo. 382 pp. London, 1854. BEITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents relating to Bleaching, Dyeing and Calico Printing. 1617-1857. 770 pp. 1859. Gas, the Production and Applications of. 584 pp. 1860. India Rubber and Gutta Percha, including Air, Fire and Water Proofing. 704 pp. 1859. Oils, Vegetable and Mineral, including Lubricants, Candles and Soap. 668 pp. 1865. Photography. Parts I. and II. 1861-1867. -Pottery. 1626-1^15. 179 pp. 1863. Preservation of Food. 46pp. 1857. Production and Applications of Gas. 1681-1858. 584 pp. 1860. 16mo. London. 252 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. BUNSEN, R. Gasoinetrische Methoden. 24mo. 305 pp. Brunswick, 1857. Gasometry. 8vo. 298 pp. London, 1857. and Roscoe. Photo-Chemical Researches. 4to. London, 1857. BYRNE, J. N. L. The Complete Practical Brewer. 12rno. 199 pp. Philadelphia, 1869. CAPKON, Felicien. Nouveau Manuel Coraplet du Fabricant de Bleus et Carmins d Indigo. 24mo. 76 pp. Paris, 1858. CHAMPAGNE, of What, How, and Where it is made. 8vo. Buffalo, 1856. CHANDLER, Charles F. Dangerous Kerosene. A Report to the Metropolitan Board of Health. 8vo. 8 pp. New-York, 1868. Report on Water for Locomotives and Boiler Incrustations. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 35pp. New-York, 1865. Report upon the Sanitary Chemistry of Water, and Sugges tions with Regard to the Selection of the Water Supply of Towns and Cities. Svo. Cambridge, 1875. Report on Petroleum as an Illuminator. From Report of Met. Board Of Health, 1870. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 110pp. New-York, 1871. Report on the Waters of the Hudson River, together with an Analysis of the same, made to the Water Commissioners of the City of Albany. Vol. XVII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 25 pp. Albany, 1872. CHAPTAL, J. A. Chimie Appliquee Aux Arts. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1807. CLEGG, Samuel, Jr. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas. Fifth edition. 4to. 411 pp. London, 186S. COLBURN, Zerah. The Gas Works of London. Svo. 86 pp. New-York, 1868. CROOKES, William. On the Manufacture of Beet Root Sugar in England and Ireland. 12mo. 290 pp. London, 1870. CUTBUSH, James. A System of Pyrotechny, designed for Exhibi tion and for War. Svo. 612 pp. Philadelphia, 1825. DIMOND, E. AY. The Chemistry of Combustion, Applied to the Economy of Fuel, with Special Reference to the Construction of Fire Chambers for Steam Boilers. Svo. 162 pp. Worcester, 1867. DUBIEF, L. F. Stir le Manufacture de Cidre et de Poire. Redige par F. Malepeyre. 12mo. 275pp. Paris, 1859. DUMAS, Jean B. Traite de Chimie appliquee aux Arts. 7 vols. Svo. Paris, 1828-1844. DUSSAUCE, H. A General Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap. Svo. 807*pp. Philadelphia, 1869. A Practical Treatise on the Fabrication of Matches, Gun Cotton, Colored Fires and Fulminating Powders. 12mo. 336 pp. Philadelphia, 1864. * A Treatise on Coloring Matters derived from Coal Tar. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 253 DYER and Color Maker s Companion. 12mo. 104pp. Philadelphia, 1850. DYEING and Calico Printing A Practical Treatise on, including the Latest Inventions and Improvements ; with an appendix comprising definitions of chemical names, with tables of weights, measures, thermometers, hydrometers, <fcc., by An Experienced Dyer. With a Supplement, containing Recent Discoveries in Color Chemistry, by Robert Macfarlane. 8vo. 729 pp., X. plates. New-York, 1860. ENTELWEIN, J. A. Beschreibung der Erbauung und Einrichtung einer Vereinigten Brauerei und Branntwein-brennerei auf dem Land. 4to. 68pp. Berlin, 1802. EXPOSITION Universelle de Paris, 1867. Berichte tiber die Weltausstellung zu Paris im Jahre, 1867. Band III. 2. Nahrungsmittel und Getranke. FONTENELLE, J. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Blanchissement. 2 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1855. Theoretisch-practisches Handbuch der Oelfabrication und Oelreinigung. Auf den Standpunct des Jahres, 1852, ge- bracht von Emanuel Schreiber. 16mo. 267 pp., XIV. plates. Weimar, 1853. GENTELE, J. G. Lehrbuch der Farbenfabrikation. 8vo. 351 pp. Brunswick, 1860. GILLINDER, W. T. Treatise on the Art of Glass Making, containing 272 Practical Receipts for Flint, Colored, Crown, German, Sheet, Plate and Bottle Glass, to which is added a Treatise on the Alkalies, Oxides, Silex, &c., used in the Mixing and Coloring of Glass ; also, General Instructions for the Planning and Managing of the Flint and Colored Glass Manufacture. 8vo. Birmingham, 1874. GOESSMANN, C. A. Contributions to the Chemistry of Common Salt : with particular reference to our Home Resources. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. .12pp. 1870. GORUP-BESANEZ, E. von. Chemische Untersuchung des Mineral- wassers zu Steben, im Baierischen Yoigtlande. Vol. x., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 30 pp. 1851. GROTHE, Hermann. Katechismus der Bleicherei, Farberei und des Zeugdruckes. 12mo. 234 pp. Leipsig, 1862. Katechismus der Spinnerei, Weberei und Appretur. 24mo. 144 pp. Leipsig, 1861. HANSARD, Thomas C., Tomlinson, Charles, and others. History of the Processes of Manufacture and Uses of Printing, Gas- Lights, Pottery, Glass and Iron. From the Encyclopedia, Britannica. 12mo. 392 pp. New- York, 1864. HARDWICK, T. F. Manual of Photographic Chemistry. Seventh edition. 8vo. 593 pp. London, 1864. HASSALL, A. H. Food and its Adulterations. 8vo. 659 pp. London, 1855. HAYES, John L. Notes on Indigo. 8vo. 79 pp. Boston, 1873. Scientific Researches. 8vo. 36pp. Albany, 1852. The Permeability of Metals to Mercury. 8 vo. 14 pp. 254 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HUGHES, Samuel. A Treatise on Gas Works. 8vo. 336 pp. London, 1866. JOHNSON, James F. W. The Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols. 12mo. New- York, 1855. KNAPP, F. Chemical Technology. Edited by E. Ronalds and T. Richardson. First American edition, with notes and addi tions by W. R. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848, 1849. LANG, Viktor von. Versuch eine Monographic des Bleivitriols. Vol. XXVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 54pp. Vienna, 1859. LANKESTER, E. Good Food. 16mo. 64 pp. London, 1867. LE BEUF. L Amelioration des Liquides. 24mo. 261 pp. Paris, 1862. LENG, Heinrich. Vollstandiges Handbuch der Glasfabrication nach alien ihren Haupt, und Nebenzweigen. Bearbeitet von Dr. T. A. Schmidt. 12mo. V 740 pp. Weimar, 185.4. LETHEBY, H. Lectures on Food. 8vo. 277 pp. London, 1870. MACADAM, Stevenson. The Chemistry bf Common Things. 8vo. 184 pp. London, 1867. MARTIUS, J. Matzdorff. Katechismus der Galvauoplastik. 12 mo. 104 pp. Leipsig, 1868. MITCH EL, J. A Treatise on the Falsification of Food. 12mo. 334 pp. London, 1848. MORDECAI, A. Reports of Experiments on Gunpowder. 8vo. 328 pp. Washington, 1845. MORFIT, Campbell, and Morfit, Clarence. Chemical Examination of the Commercial Varieties of Common Salt. 8vo. i) pp. 1858. The Arts of Tanning, Currying and Leather Dressing. 8vo. 537 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. MUNSELL, J. A Chronology of Paper and Paper Making. Third edition. Bvo. 174 pp. Albany, 1864. MUSPRATT, Sheridan. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Ana lytical, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1860. Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Technischen Cliemie. Vol. I. Aether-Cyan.. Edited by D. F. Stohman, 1865. Vol II. Dextrin-Gummi. " " D. F. Stohman, 1866. Vol. III. Harze-Mangan. " " Bruno Kerl, 1868. Vol. IV. Natrium-Strontium. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1869. Vol. V. Textilindustrie.Zirkonium. Edited by Bruno Kerl, Vol VL Ziicker-Nachtrage. Edited by Bruno Kerl, 1870. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. (Illustrated.) Brunswick. Theoretische, practische und analytische Chemie in An wend- ung auf Kunst und Gewerbe. Dritte Auflage. Frei bear- beitet von Bruno Kerl and F. Stohman. Vol. I. Aether to Butter und Milch. Vol. II. Cadmium to Firnis. Vol. III. Lieferungs, 1, 2, 3. 2 vols. 4to. (Illustrated.) Brunswick, 1874. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 255 MUSPRATT, J. S., and Hoffmann, A. W. Ueber neue Bildungs- " weisen des Anilins. 12mo. II. plates. Giessen, 1844. NAPIER, James. A Manual of the Art of Dyeing. 8vo. 405 pp. Glascow, 1853. NEUMAN, Casper. The Chemical Works of, with large additions containing the Later Discoveries and Improvements in Chemistry and the Arts depending thereon, by William Lewis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1773. NORMANDY, A. A Handbook of Commercial Analysis. Second edition. Svo. 64 pp. London, 1865. ORFILA, M. J. B. Elements de Chimie appliquee a la Medicine et aux Arts. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. OTT, Adolph. The Art of Manufacturing Soap and Candles. 12mo. 193 pp. Philadelphia, 1867. PAUL, Benjamin H. A Manual of Technical Analysis. Founded upon the Handbuch der Technisch-Chemischen Untersuch- ungen. 12mo. 426 pp. London, 1857. PA YEN, A. Precis de Chimie Induslrielle. Fifth edition. Vol. I. 8vo. 704 pp. Paris, 1867. PITT, John. How to Brew Good Beer. Second edition. Svo. 148 pp. London, 1864. PROCEEDINGS at the Centennial of Chemistry, held August 1, 1874, at Northumberland, Pa. 4to. 209 pp. Philadelphia, 1875. PROTEAUX, A. A Practical Guide for the Manufacturing of Paper and Boards. Translated by II. Paine; to which is added a chapter on the Manufacture of Paper from Wood in the United States, by Henry T. Brown. 8vo. 292 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. RAVON et Malpeyre. Petit Manuel du Negociant d Eau-de-Vie, Li- quoriste, Marchand-de-Vin et Distillateur. 32mo. Paris. REED, William. The History of Sugar and Sugar Yielding Plants. 12mo. 206"pp. London, 1866. REIMANN, M. Aniline and its Derivatives. Svo. 164 pp. London, 1868. RENWICK, Prof. The Applications of Chemistry to the Arts. Lecture Notes, Printed at the Cost and For the L T se of the Junior Class of Columbia College, New- York, 1851 and 1852. Svo. 79 pp. New-York, 1851. RONALDS, Edmund ; Richardson, Thomas ; and Watts, Henry. Chemical Technology ; or, Chemistry in its Applications to the Arts and Manufactures ; with which is incorporated a revision of Dr. F. Knapp s "Technology." Second edition. Vol. I. Part 2. Fuel, Destructive Distillation and Artificial Illumination. 836 pp. 1855. Part 3. Acids, Alkalies, Salt, Soaps, <fcc. 771 pp. 1863. Part 4. Aluminum, Sodium, Soda, Phosphorus, Matches, Borax, Artificial Mineral Waters, Gunpowder, Gun Cotton, Fireworks, &c. 611pp. 1865. Part 5. Prussiate of Potash, Oxalic, Tartaric and Citric Acids. Appendix. Patents, &c. 894pp. 1867. 256 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. RONALDS, Edmund, and others. Chemical Technology, &c. : Vol. II. Glass, Alum, Potteries, Cements, Gypsum, &c. 491 pp. 1848. Vol. III. Food. 458 pp. 1851. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. SCHILLING, 1ST. H. Statistische Mittheilungen iiber die Gas-Anstal- ten Deutschlands, &c. 8vo. 372 pp. Munich, 1868. SCHMIDT, Carl Heinrich. Die neuesten wichtigsten Fortschritte, Erfindungen und Verbesserungen in der Farbenfabrikation. 16 mo. 240 pp., IV. plates. Weimar, 1869. SCHNAUS, J. Katechisrnus der Photographic. l 2mo. 148pp. Leipsig, 1864. SCHUTZENBERGER, P. Die Farbestoffe mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung ihre Anwendung in der Farberei und Druckerei. Auto- risirte deutsche Uebertragung bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann, Schroeder. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Vol. I. 543 pp., XII. wood cuts, I. plate and X. pattern plates. 1868, Vol. II. 623 pp., XXX VIII. pattern plates. SELLERS, John. The Color Mixer. 12mo. 155 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. SHERMAN, W. H. Vermilion by a New Process Its Photographic Properties. 2 pp. 1872. SLATER, J. W. The Manual of Colors and Dye Wares. 12mo. 217 pp. London, 1870. SMITH, J. L. The Progress and Condition oi Several Departments of Industrial Chemistry. 8vo. 146 pp. Washington, 1869. SOUBEIRAN, J. Leon. Nouveau Dictionnaire des Falsifications et des Alterations des Aliments, des Medicaments et de Quelques Produits Employes dans les Arts, L Industrie et L Economie Domestique. 8vo. 634 pp. Paris, 1874. STEWART, F. L. Sorghum and Its Products. 12mo. 240pp. Philadelphia, 1867. TREATISE on the Manufacture, Imitation and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rum, &c., and all kinds of Domestic Liquors. Based upon the French System. By a Practical Chemist. 12mo. 208 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. TSCHELNITZ, S. Farben Chemie ; ins besonderer Oel und Wasser- farben. 8vo. 302 pp. Vienna, 1857. URE, Andrew. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1863. Supplement. 8vo. New-York, 1864. WAGNER, Rudolph. A Handbook of Chemical Technology. Trans lated and edited from the Eighth German edition, with ex tensive additions, by William Crookes. 8vo. 745 pp. New- York, 1872. WALKHOFF, Louis. Der Practische Riibenzuckerfabricant und Raffinadeur. Ein Lehr-und Hiilfsbuch. 8vo. 900 pp. Brunswick, 1867. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 257 WARREX, C. M. Researches on the Volatile Hydrocarbons. Two Memoirs. I. On the Volatile Hydrocarbons from Coal Tar, Naphtha, Oil of Cumin and Cuminic Acid. II. On the Influence of C. H. upon the Boiling Points in Ho mologous Series of Hydrocarbons and in some series of their Derivatives ; with Critical Observations on Methods of Taking Boiling Points. Svo. 42pp. Cambridge, 1865. and Storer, F. H. Researches on the Volatile Hydro carbons. Two Memoirs. I. Naphtha from Lime Soap. II. Naphtha from Rangoon Petroleum. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 41 pp. Cambridge, 1866. WATER-GAS Process. History and Value of the. Vol. xvi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 42 pp. New- York, 1864. WEINGEHEIMNISSE. Svo. 48pp. Nuremburg, 1858. WEINGEHEIMNISSE. Zusammenstellung alle bisher oft sehr geheirn gehaltener Mittel zur natiirlichen und ktinstlichen Weinber- eitung jeder Gattung. 12mo. 123pp. Nuremburg, 1858. WELLS. Principles and Applications of Chemistry. Sixth edition. Svo. 515 pp. New- York, 1863. WETHERILL, C. M. Examination of Fusil-Oil from Indian Corn and Rye. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 7 pp. WIESNER, Julius. Gummiarten. Harze und Balsame. Die tech- nischen verwendeten. Svo. 205 pp. Erlangen, 1869. WINES. A Treatise on Foreign Wines, &c. 12mo. 208pp. Philadelphia, 1860. WURTZ, Karl Adolph. Dictionnaire de Chimie, Pure et Appliquee. Vol. I. Part 1. A.-B. 8vo. 686 pp. 1869. Part 2. C.-G. Svo. 973 pp. 1873. Vol. II. Part 1. H.-Phe. Svo. 920 pp. 1873. Part 2. Phe.-Rue. 1874. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. ZUCHOLD, E. A. Bibliotheca Chemica, 1840-1 85 8. Svo. 342 pp. Gottingeri, 1859. See, also, International Expositions. THE ARTS OF BLEACHING AND DYEING. Auerbach, G., and Hin- terberger, F. ; Berthollet, C. L. ; Bolley, P., and Kopp, E. : British Patent Office ; Capron, Felicien ; Dussauce ; Dyer and Color Makers Companion ; Dyeing and Calico Printing ; Fontenelle, J. ; Gentele, J. G. ; Grotlie, Hermann ; Hayes, John L. ; Muspratt, J. S. ; Muspratt, J. S., and Hofmann, A. W. ; Napier, James ; Reimann, M. ; Schmidt, Carl Heinrich; Schutzenberger, P. ; Sellers, John; Slater, J. W. ; Tschelnitz, S. PERIODICALS. Farber Zeitung. FOOD. British Patent Office ; Exposition Universelle de Paris ; Hassall, A. H. ; Lankester, E. ; Letheby, H. ; Mitchell, J. ; Ronalds, Richard son, &c., Vol. III. ; Souberain, J. Leon. FUEL. See under Metallurgy, p. 262. GLASS MAKING. Gillinder, W. T. ; Hansard, Tomlinson, and others; Hughes, Samuel ; Leng, Heinrich ; Ronalds, Richardson, &c. Vol II. 17 258 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ILLUMINATING GAS. Accum, Frederick ; Bowditcli, W. R. ; British Patent Office ; Bunsen, R. ; Cleggr, Samuel, Jr. ; Colburn, Zerali ; Han sard, Tomlinson, and others; Hughes, Samuel; Ronalds, Richard son, &c. Vol. I., Part 2 ; Schilling, N. H. ; Water-Gas Process. PERIODICALS. The American Gas Light Journal ; The Journal of Gas Lighting and Water Supply. INDIA RUBBER. British Patent Office ; Wiesner, Julius. OILS. British Patent Office ; Chandler, C. F. ; Fontenelle, J. PAPER. Munsell, J. ; Proteaux, A. PHOTOGRAPHY. British Patent Office ; Bunsen and Roscoe ; Hard- wick, T. F. ; Schnauss, J. ; Sherman, W. H. POISONS. See under Animal and Medical Chemistry, p. 247. SOAP AND CANDLES. British Patent Office; Dussauce, H. ; Ott, Adolph ; Warren, C. M. SUGAR. Bessemer, Henry ; British Patent Office ; Crookes, William ; Evans, W. J. ; Gentele, J. G. ; Reed, William ; Stewart, F. L. ; Walk- off, Louis. URINE. See under Animal and Medical Chemistry, p. 247. WINES AND LIQUORS. Byrne, Oliver ; Champagne ; Entelwein, J. A. Le Beuf ; Pitt, John ; Ravon et Malpeyre ; Treatise on the Manu facture, Reduction, &c. ; Weingeheimnisse ; Wetherill, C. M. ; Wines. GENERAL REFERENCE. Bauer, Alexander, and Hinterberger, F. ; Brande, W. T. ; Bishop, J. L. ; Chaptal, I. A. ; Knapp, F. ; Mus- pratt, Sheridan; Neumann, Casper; Normandy, A.; Orfila, M. J. B Paul Benjamin H. ; Payen, A.; Precis de Chimie; Indnstnelle ; lire, Andrew ; Ronalds, Richardson and Watts ; Wagner, Rudolph ; Wells ; Wurtz, Adolph. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. THE AMERICAN Artizan and Patent Record. A Weekly Journal of Arts, Mechanics, Manufactures, Mining, Engineering and Repertory of Patents. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1864 to 1874. Second Series, (1865 to 1872.) Vols. L, VI, XVI., XVII., XVIII., 18651872. Third Series, (1872 to 1874.) Vol. I, 1872. THE AMERICAN Chemist. A Monthly Journal of Theoretical and Technical Chemistry. Edited by C. F. & W. H. CHANDLEU. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New-York, 1870 to date. Vols. I. to V., July, 1870, to June, 1875. THE AMERICAN Repertory of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures. 8vo. Two vole, a year. New-York. Vols. II., Ill, IV., 1840 to 1842. ANNALES du Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. Vol. VII, 1866 to 1867. Vol. VIII., 1870. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 259 ANNUAL of Scientific Discovery ; or, Year Book of Facts in Sci ence and Art, exhibiting the Most Important Discoveries in Mechanics, the Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy^ Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Ge ography and Antiquities, &c., for the years 1850 to 1864. Edited by David A. Wells. 1865, 1866, (one vol.) Edited by Samuel Kneeland. 1870, 1871. Edited by John Trowbridge. 18 vols. 12mo. Boston. ANTHONY S Photographic Bulletin. Vols. IV., V., 1873, 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January to June. THE BOSTON Journal of Chemistry ; devoted to the Science of Home Life, the Arts, Agriculture and Medicine. Edited fcy JAMEC, R. NICHOLS and W. J. ROLFE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1867 to date. Vols, IV., V., VI., VII., 1870 to 1873. THE BRITISH Journal of Photography : The Organ for the follow ing Six Societies: Liverpool, Manchester, (2,) Edinburgh, Glasgow and Sheffield. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1854 to date. Vol. XXII., January to June, 1875. BULLETIN de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse. Vols. XLIII., XLIV., 1873, 1874. Vol. XLV., 1875, Jan- nary to June. BULLETIN du Musee de L lndustrie de Belgique. Vols. I. to LXVL, 1841 to 1874; Vol. LXVIL, 1875, January to June. FARBER-ZEITUNG. Organ fur Farberei, Druckerei, Bleicherei, Appretur, Farbwaaren und Buntpapierfabrikation, Droguen- handel, Spinnerei und Weberei. Edited and Published by M. REIMAN. 4to. Weekly. Berlin. 1875, January 1, to June 26. INDUSTRIE-BLATTER, Wochenschrift fur Fortschritt und Aufklar- ung in Gewerbe, Hauswirtschaft, Gesundheitspflege. Published by H. HAGER and T. JACOBSEN. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Berlin, 1863 to date. Vols. X., XL, 1873, 1874. Vol. XII., 1875, January 1, to June 26, JAHRESBERICHT liber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologic mit besonderer Beritksichtigung der Gewerb-statistik. Edited by JOHANNES RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1855 to 1869. RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1870 to date. 8vo. Leipsig, 1855 to date. Vols. I. to XX., 1855 to 1874. JOURNAL fur Practische Chemie. Founded by OTTO LINNE ERDMANN. Two vols. a year. Leipsic, 1830 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to CVIIL, 1834 to 1869. Second Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1870 to 1875. Index volumes, (authors and subjects.) 1, for Vols. I. to LX. 2, for Vols. XCI. to CVIII. 260 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. JOURNAL of Applied Chemistry. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1866 to May, 1875. Vols. IV. to IX,, 1869 to 1874. Vol. X., Jan., to May, 1875. Publication discontinued. THE JOURNAL of Gas Lighting and Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement. 4to. Semi-Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1849 to date. Vols. XVII. to XXV., 1868 to 1875. LE MONITEUR Scientifique. Journal des Sciences Pares et Appli- quees. Travaux publies a 1 ^tranger. Compte-Rendu des Academies et Societes Savantes. Edited hy Dr. DUQUESNEVILLE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1856 to date. Second Series. Vol. VII, 1870. Third Series. Vols. I. to IV., 1871 to 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January to June. LES MONDES. Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux: Arts et a L Industrie. Edited by M. L ABBE MOIGNO. 8vo. Monthly. Three vols. a year. Paris. Vols. XXII. to XXXVL, 1860 to 1875. LE TECHNOLOGISTE, ou Archives des Progres de L Industrie Fran- gaise et Etrangere, ouvrage utile aux Manufactures, aux Fab- ricants, aux Chefs D Atelier, &c., &c. Published under the direction of M. F. MALPEYRE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris. Vols. XXX. to XXXIV., 1868 to 1874. Vol. XXXV., 1875, January to June. PHOTOGRAPHISCIIE Mittheilungen. Zeitschrift des Vereines zur Be- forderung der Photographic. 8vo. Monthly. 1863. Vols. IX. to XL, 1872 to 1874. Vol. XII., 1875, January to June. POLYTECHNISCHES Central Blatt. One vol. a year. Leipsig. Quarto Series, 1835 to 1845. Quarto Series, 1857 to 1874 ; 1875, January to June. POLYTECHNISCHES Journal. Edited by E. M. DINGLER. Three vole, a year. Augsburg, 1820 to date. Vols. I. to CCXVL, 1820 to 1875. Index Volumes, (subjects.) Vol. I. Embracing Vols. I. to LXXVIIL, 1820 to 1840. Vol. 2. Embracing Vols. LXXIX. to CLVIIL, 1842 to 1860. Vol. 3. Embracing Vols. CLIX. to CXCVIIL, 1861 to 1870. POLYTECHNISCHES Notizblatt fur Gewerbtreibende, Fabrikanten und Ktinstler. Edited by RUD. BOTTGER. 8vo. Semi-Monthly. Mainz, 1845 to date. Vols. XXVIL, XXVIIL, XXIX., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. XXX., 1875, January to June. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 261 REPERTORIUM der Technischen, Mathematischen und Naturwissen- schaftlichen Journal-Literatur. Published by F. SCHOTTE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. Leipsig, 1869 to date. 1869, 1870, 1871. Index to vol. for 1870. REPERTORIUM Cominentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Edita- rum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinem digessit I. D. Reuss. (A valuable collection of the Transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vols. III., IV. Chemia. Res Metallica et Physica. REVUE Hebdomadaire de Ghimie Scientifique et Industrielle. Published under the direction of M. CH. MENB. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1869 to date. Vols. III., IV., V, 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. VI., 1875, Janu ary to June. SCIENTIFIC American. A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Arts, Science, Chemistry and Manufactures. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a j ear. 1815 to date. First Series. Vols. II. to XIV., 1816 to 1858. Second Series. Vols. I. to XVIII. ; XXI. to XXXII. 1859 to 1875. See, also, Periodical Publications, under General and Inor ganic Chemistry, page 227. 262 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. METALLURGY. GENERALITIES. AGRICOL.E, Georgii. De ortu et causis subterraneorum ; De natura eorum qua3 effluunt ex terra ; De natura fossilium ; De vete- ribus et novis metallis. Bermannus, sive De re metallica Dialogus. Interpretatio Germanica Dova rei metallica3, ad- dito Indice foecundissimo. 4to. 827 pp., III. plates. Basilerc, 1546. De Re Metaliica Libri XII. With an Appendix, Rei Me- tallica3. Nomina Latina Gnecaque Germanice Reddita et ex Ordine, quo quodq. primo occunit collocata. 2to. 502 pp. Basilae, 1561. ANLEITUNG zur Anfertigung der Vermogens und Ertrags Be- rechnungen bei der Bergwerks Hiltten und Salinen Ver- waltung. 8vo. 56 pp. Berlin, 1866. zur Ausstellung der Etats und Oekonomie plane der Berg werks Huetten und Salinen Verwaltung von 15 Decem ber, 1866. 8vo. 40pp. Berlin, 1866. BAUERMAN, Henry. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Models in the Museum of Practical Geology. 12mo. 199pp. London, J865. BEOBACHTUNGEN. Versuche und Einfiihrungen den K. K. Kunst- Bau-Berg-und Htittenwesens-Beamten im Gebiete des Berg und Htittenmannischen Maschinen und Bauwesens. 2 vols. text; 3 vols. plates. 1851-1853. BERTHIER, P. Handbuch der metal lurgischen analytischen Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1835, 1836. BERICHTE iiber die Weltausstellung zu Paris im Jahre, 1867. Band III. 1. Chemisch-Metallurgie. 2. Nahrungsmittel und Getranke. 8vo. Vienna, 1869. iiber die Zweite Allgemeine Versammlung von Berg-und Htittenmannern zu Wien. (21 bis 28 September, 1861.) 8vo. 123 pp. Vienna, 1862. BIBLIOTHECA rerum metallicarum. Verzeichniss der bis mitte 1856 in Deutschland iiber Bergbau, Hiitten-und Salinenkunde und verwandte zweige erscheinen Biicher, Karten und Ansichten. 16mo. 110 pp. Eisleben, 1857. BLOMSTRAND, C. W. Om Tantalmetallerna och deras nativa fore- ningar. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. BOLLEY, P. A. Handbuch der Chemischen Technologic. Band VII. Die Metallurgie. Parts 1, 2, 3. 8vo. 608 pp. Braunschweig, 1868. Band VIII. Bearbeitung der Metalle. Part 2. 8vo. 81 pp., I. plate. Brunswick, 1874. METALLUKGY. 263 BRITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents for Metals and Alloys. 1623-1859. 480pp. 1860. Plating or Coating of Metals with Metals. Part I. 1657-1860. 198 pp. 1862. Part II. 1861-1865. 74pp. 1867. BROCKMAN, C. H. Die Metallurgischen Krankheiten des Oberharzes. 8vo. 375 pp. Osterode. BURAT, Amedee. Mineralogie Appliquee. Description des Miner- aux Employes dans les Industries Metallurgiques et Manu- facturiers. 8vo. 476 pp. Paris, 1864. BYRNE, Oliver. The Practical Metal-Worker s Assistant. 8vo. 652 pp. Philadelphia, 1864. CAMBESSY, Alph. Dictionnaire Minier et Metallurgique Allemand- Franc,aise. 16mo. 203 pp. Paris, 1868. CHURCH, John A. Notes of a Metallurgical Journey in Europe. 8vo. 100 pp. New-York, 1873. CRAMER, J. A. Anfangsgrunde der Metallurgie. 12mo. Quedlinburg, 1874. GROOKES, William, and Rohrig, Ernst. A Practical Treatise on Metallurgy. Adapted from the last German edition of Pro fessor KerPs Metallurgy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. DE CUYPER, Ch. Revue de L Exposition de 1867. Mines, Metal lurgie, Chimie, Mecanique, Navigation, Chemins de Fer, Constructions, Sciences et Arts Appliques a L lndustrie. Tomes I. to IV. Text and plates. 6 vols. Svo. DUFRENOY, E. Elie de Beaumont, Coste, Leone, and Perdonnet, Auguste. Voyage Metallurgique en Angleterre. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. text; Atlas, XXXVIII. plates. Paris, 1837. ERKLARENDES Worterbuch der ini Bergbau, in der Hiittenkunde und in Salinwerken vorkomraenden-technicken Kunstaus- driicke und Fremdworter. Svo. 176 pp. Burgsteinfurt, 1869. FALLER, Gustav. Geschichten der K. Berg-und Forstakademie im Schemnitz. Svo. 106 pp. Schemnitz, 1868. Beschreibung einiger wichtigerer Metallbergbau in Oberun- garn. Svo. 82 pp. Schemnitz, 1868. GAMBRESY, A. Dictionnaire Minier et Metallurgique. 12 mo. 203 pp. Paris, 1868. GEORGE, R. A. Description of his Method of Expelling Sulphur from Ores. Svo. 9 pp. GILLOX, A. Cours de Metallurgie Generale. Svo. 262 pp. ; Atlas, XII. plates. Liege, 1869. GRUTZXER, August. Die Angustinsche Silber-Ex traction in ihrer anwendung auf Hilttenproducte und Erze. Svo. 174 pp., IV. plates. Brunswick, 1851. HARTMAN^, Carl. Berg-und Huttennmnnischer Atlas. 4to. text; Atlas, XLII. plates. Weimar, 1860. Handbuch der Bergbau-und Hiittenkunde. 4 to. 1313 pp. text. ; Atlas, XLV. plates. Weimar, 1858. 264 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HARTMANN, Carl. .Handbuch der Metallgiesserei. 12mo. 367 pp. text; Atlas, XI. plates. Weimar, 1863. Handbuch der praktische Metallurgie. 2 vols. 12mo. text; Atlas, XVII. plates. Weimar, 1863. Vade mecum fur den practischen Hiittenmann. 12mo. 342 pp. Hamm, 1863. The same as above. 12mo. 415 pp., V. plates. Hamm, 1863. HARVE, A. Alliages Metalliques. 12mo. 458 pp. Paris, 1839. HAUER, Julius Ritter von. Die Fordermaschinen der Bergwerke. 8vo. text, 438 pp. ; Atlas, XXX. plates. Leipsig, 187]. Die Hiittenwesens-maschinen. 8vo. 286 pp., XX VIII. plates. Vienna, 1867. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Neue Beitrage zur metallurgischen Krystall- kunde. 4to. 14 pp. "Gottingen, 1852. Norddeutsche Beitrage zur Berg-und Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 121pp. Brunswick, 1806. HILDERBRANDT, F. Anfangsgrunde der Metallurgie. 8vo. 595 pp. Erlangen, 1806. HOFFMANN, Johannes Georgius, and J. B. Bajhrner. De Matrici- bus Metallorum Amphisium Philosophorum Ordinis. 8vo. 96 pp. Leipsig, 1738. HOLLUNDER, C. F. Tagebuch einer metallurgisch-technologischen Reise. 8vo. 487 pp. Nuremburg, 1824. HUYSSEN, A. Einrichtung einer htittenmannischer Lehranstalt in Oberschlesien. 8vo. 31 pp. Breslau, 1863. KARSTEN, E. J. B. Grundriss der Metallurgie und der metallur gischen Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 535 pp. Breslau, 1818. System der Metallurgie. 5 vols. 8vo., text; Atlas, LI. plates. Berlin, 1832. KATALOG ftir die Sammlung der Bergwerks-Hiitten,-Salinen,-und Steinbruchs Producte von Elsass-Lothringen aufder Wiener Weltausstellung von 1873. 8vo. 98 pp. Strassburg, 1873. KERL, Bruno. Anleitung zum Stadium der Harzer Hiitten-Prozesse insbesondere sowie der Htitten-Prozesse iiberhaupt. 16mo. 84 pp. Clausthal, 1857. Die Oberharzer Hiitten-Prozesse. 8vo. 196 pp., 54 pp. Clausthal, 1861. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 284 pp. Leipsig, 1872. Grundriss der Metallhiittenkunde. 8vo. 445 pp. Leipsig, 1873. Handbuch der Metallurgischen Hiittenkunde. 3 vols. 8vo. Freiberg, 1855. The same as above. 4 vols. 12rno. Freiberg, 1861-1865. KLIPSTEIN, Auguste von. Gemeiniitzige Bliitter zur Beforderung des Bergbaues und Hiittenbetriebes. 4to. Heft I. 110pp. Frankfort, 1849. Heft II. 124 pp., I. plate. Giessen, 1859. METALLTJKGY. 265 KUPELWELSER, F. Officieler Ausstellungs-Bericht der Wiener Aus- stellung, 1873. Part I. Bergbau und Hiittenwesen. 8vo. 19 pp. Part IL Das Htittenwesen. 8vo. 110pp. 2 Pamphlets. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. KirsTEL, Guido. A Treatise on the Concentration of all Kinds of Ores ; Including the Chlorination Process. 8vo. 259 pp., VII. plates. San Francisco, 1868. LAMPADIUS, W. A. Grundriss einer allgemeinen Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 531 pp. Gottingen, 1827. Die neueren Fortschritte im Gebiete der Gesammten Hiitten- kunde in Nachtragen zur Grundriss einer allgemeinen Iliit- tenkunde. . 8vo. 290 pp. Freiberg, 1839. - Handbuch der allgemeinen Hiittenkunde. 2 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1817. Neue Erfahrungen in Gebeite der Chemie und Hiittenkunde. 8vo. 188 pp., IV. plates. Weimar, 1817. LE PLAY, F. Beschreibung der Hiitten-Prozesse. Edited by Carl Hartmann. 8vo. 260pp. Quedlinburg, 1851. LINDATJER, G. Compendium der Hiitten-Chemie. 8vo. 488 pp. Prag, 1861. LOKENZ, Wilhelm. Stammbaum zu dem Prozessen auf den Frei- berger Htitten. A Chart. Freiberg. MAKINS, George H. A Manual of Metallurgy. 8vo. 442 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. The same as above. Second edition. * 8vo. 592pp. 1873. MATZDORFF, J. Martins. Katechismus der Galvanoplastik. 12mo. 104 pp. Leipsig, 1868. NAPIER, James. A Manual of Electro-Metallurgy. 8vo. 356 pp. Philadelphia, 1853. ODERHEIMER, F. Das Berg-und Hiittenwesen im Herzogthum Nassau. 8vo. Weisbaden, 1865. OVERMAN, Frederick. A Treatise on Metallurgy, comprising Min ing, and General and Particular Metallurgical operations. Sixth edition. 8vo. 723 pp. New-York, 1865. PEPPER, John H. The Playbook of Metals. 8vo. 504pp. London, 1862. PERCY, John. Die Metallurgie. Vol. I. Die Lehre von den metallurgischen Processen im All gemeinen und der Schlacken, &c. Translated and Edited by Dr. F. Knapp. 594 pp. 1862. TraitS Complet de Metallurgie. Translated under the auspices of the Author, with an Introduction and Appendix by Messrs. Petitgaud and A. Ronna. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864-1867. Vol. I. Introduction. Notions, Generales, &c. Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufacture. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1861-1870. Vol. I. Introduction, Fuel, Fireclays, Copper, Zinc, Brass, &c - 634pp. 1861. 266 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAHY. PHILLIPS, J. Arthur. A Manual of Metallurgy. 8vo. 619 pp. London, L859. PLATTNER, Carl Freiderich. Vorlesungen liber Allgemeine Hiitten- kunde. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Freiberg, 1860-1863. RACKEBBRANDT, A. Der Metallarbeiter. 16mo. 52 pp. Leipsig, 1838. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Freiderich. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Metal- lurgie. 8vo. 480pp. Berlin, 1865. RICHARDSON, W. The Chemical Principles of the Metallic Arts. 8vo. 303 pp. Birmingham, 1790. RITTEXGER, G. von. Kurze Mittheilungen iiber Berg-und-Hutten- wesens-Maschinen und Baugegenstande auf der Allgerneinen Industrie Ausstellung zu Paris, 1867. 8vo. 71 pp. Vienna, 1867. P. Ritter von. Eiiahrungenimberg-und huttenmaimischen maschinen, bau-und auf bereitungswesen. Gratisbeilage Zum Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg und Hlittenwe- sen auf 1872. 4to. 31 pp., XVI. plates. Vienna, 1872. Taschenbuch der Aufbereitungskunde. 12mo. 95 pp. Berlin, 1867. RIVOT, E. L. Handbuch der theoretisch-practisclien Huttenkund. Translated by Carl Hartmann. Vol. 1. Die Kupperhiitten- kunde. 12mo. 459pp. Leipsig, 1860. Principes ^eneraux du traitement des Minerals Metalliques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1869. RONALDS, Edmund ; Richardson, Thomas, and Watts, Henry. Chemical Technology ; or, Chemistry in its Applications .to the Arts and Manufactures ; with which is incorporated a revision of Dr. F. Knapp s " Technology." Second edition. Vol. I. Part 2. Fuel, Destructive Distillation and Artificial Illumination. 836 pp. 1855. SCHEERER, Theodor. Lehrbuch der Metallnrgie. Vol. I. and part of Vol. II. bound in one vol. 594, 194 pp. Brunswick, 1857. SCOFFERN, J., Oxland, Robert, and others. The Useful Metals and their Alloys. 8vo. 654pp. London, 1857. SILVERSMITH, J. A Practical Hand-Book for Miners, Metallurgists and Assayers. 8vo. 271pp. New-York, 1866. SNELUS, G. J., Lester, John, and Messrs. Taskin et Tahon. Rap ports sur le Puddlage Mecanique par le Precede Danks. 8vo. 147 pp., I. plate. Brussels, 1873. SPARRE, Julius von. Zur Theorie der Separation oder Kritische Bemerkungen zu Von Rittenger s Lehrbuch der Aufbereit ungskunde! 8vo. 48pp. Oberhausen, 1869. STOLZEL, E. Die Metallurgie im Bolley s Chernischen Technologic. 3 parts. 8vo. Brunswick, 1868. TASHE, Hans. Kurzer TJeberblick liber das Berg-Hiitten-und Sali- nen-Wesen im Grossherzogthum Hessen. 8vo. 92 pp. Darmstadt, 1858. METALLURGY. 267 TENNER, J. Handbucb der Metale Legirangen. 12 mo. 134 pp. Quedlinburg, 1860. TILMAN, E. Der Bergbau und das Amalgations Verfahren in dem Bergwerks-Districkte von Guanajuato in Mexico. 4to. 73 pp. Munster, 1866. VIVENOT, Franz v. Bergbau und Hiittenwesen. (Gruppe I. Sec tion I.) Montanproducte mit Ausnahme der Fossilen Brerin- stoffe. Officieler Berichte, Wiener Weltausstellung. Vol. XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 9pp. Vienna, 1873. WARZEE, Andree. Expose Historique et Statisque de L Industrie Metallurgique dans Le Hainaut. 8vo. 148 pp. Mons, 1861. WEHRLE, A. Lebrbuch der Probir und Htittenkunde. 2 vols. 8vo. text ; Atlas, XXVII. plates. Vienna, 1841. WIG AND, A. Friscbhiittenbetrieb. 8vo. 144 pp. Berlin, 1837. WURTZ Amalgamation Co. of New- York. Statement of the, with a letter from Henry Wurtz to Prof. B. Silliman, on So dium Amalgamation. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Octavo scries. ZIPPE, F. X. M. Geschichte der Metalle. 8vo. 364 pp. Vienna, 1857. See, also, International Expositions. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. AMERICAN Journal of Mining, Milling, Oil-Boring, Geology, Miner alogy, Metallurgy, &c. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New- York. Vols. I. ; IV. to VIL, 1866 to 1869. AMERICAN Mining Index. Devoted to the Mineral and Metallic Resources of the United States. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York. Vols. I. to V., 1865 to 1867. ANNALES des Mines. Founded under the title : JOURNAL DES MINES, ou Recueil des Memoires sur L Exploi- tation des Mines et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s y rap- portent. Published under the direction of the Minister of Public Works. 8vo. Paris. Two vols. a year. 1794-1815. Vols. I. to XXXVIII, 1794 to 1815. Continued under the title : ANNALES des Mines, ou Recueil des Memoires sur L Exploitation des Mines. Redigees par les Ingenieurs des Mines et publiees sous 1 autourisation du ministre des travaux publics. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1816 to date. 268 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANN ALES des Mines: First Series. Vol. II., 1817. Second Series. Yols. I. to VIII., 1827 to 1832. General Index. Third Series. Yols. I. to XX., 1833 to 1841. General Index. Fourth Series. Yols. I. to XX., 1842 to 1851. General Index. Fifth Series. Memoirs. Yols. I. to XX., 1852 to 1861. Gen eral Index. Administration. Yols. I. to X., 1852 to 1861. Sixth Series. Memoirs. Yols. I. to XX., 1862 to 1871. Administration. Yols. I. toX., 1862 to 1871. Seventh Series. Memoirs. Yols. I. to VII., 1872 to 1875. ANNALES du Genie Civil, et Recueil de Mernoires sur les Fonts et Chaussees les Routes et Chemins de Fer, les Constructions et la Navigation Maritime et Fluviale, 1 Architect are, les Mines, la Metallurgie, la Chimie, la Physique, les Arts Mecaniques, 1 Economie Industrielle, le Genie Rural. Pub- liees par E. Lacroix et des autres. Svo. Monthly. One vol., text and plates, a year. Paris, 1862 to date. First Series. Yols. I. to VII., (text and plates,) 1862 to 1868. Second Series. Vols. XYL, (text and plates,) 1867 ; XVII., 1870 to 1871. ANNUAL Report of the Secretary of the American Iron and Steel Association, for the year 1874. Svo. Philadelphia. ARCHIV fur Bergbau und Htittenwesen. Edited by C. J. B. KAKSTEN. Svo. Breslau and Berlin, 1820 to 1831. Vols. I. to XX., 1820 to 1831. BERG und Huttenmannisches Zeitung. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Nordhausen and Leipsig. 1842 to date. Vols. I. to XXXIV., 1842 to 1874. (Lacking Vols. XVIII. and XXIII.) Vol. XXXV., 1875. No. 1, January 1, to No. 27, July 2. BULLETIN de la Societe de L Industrie Minerale. First Series. Vols. I. to IV. ; VIII. to XV., 1855 to 1870. Second Series. Yols. I. to IV., 1870 to 1874. BULLETIN de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse. Vols. XLIIL, XLIV., 1873, 1874. Vol. XLY, 1875, Jan ; uary to June. BULLETIN of the American Iron and Steel Association. Weekly. Philadelphia, 1866 to date. Vol. I. to VIIL, 1866 to 1874; Vol. IX., 1875, January to June. 9 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. DER BERG-GEIST Zeitung fur Berg-Hiittenwesen und Industrie. Folio. Semi-Weekly. One vol. a year. Cologne, 1857 to date. Vols. XYIIL, XIX., 1873,1874; Vol. XX., 1875, No. 1. January 1, to No. 53, July 2. METALLURGY. 269 DER Bergwerks-Betrieb in den Reichsrathe Vertretenen Konig- reichen und Landern der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Mon- archie, 1870. 8vo. 299 pp. Vienna, 1871. DER BERGWERKSFREUND. 8vo. One vol. a year. Eisleben. Vols. I. to XIX., 1839 to 1856. DIE BAULINCHEN Anlagen auf der Berg-Htitten-und Salinenwesen in Preussen. Edited by SCHOENFELDEB. 4to. One vol. a year. Berlin. Vols. I., II., Ill, 1861, 1862, 1863. THE ENGINEERING and Mining Journal. Edited by ROSSITEK W. RAYMOND and RICHARD P. ROTHWELL. 4to. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1869 to date. Vols. VIII. to XIX., January, 1869, to June, 1875. ERFAHRUNGEN im berg-und hiittenmannischen Maschinen, Bau-und Auf bereitungswesen. Edited by P. RITTENGER. 4to. One vol., text and plates, a year. Vienna. 1854, text and plates. 1855, plates. 1856 to 1866, text and plates. 1867, plates. 1868 to 1870, text and plates. 1872, text and plates. 1873, plates. IRON. The Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures. With which is incorporated the Mechanics Magazine, established 1823. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1873 to date. Vols. I. to IV., 1873, 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January 2, to June 26. THE IRON Age. A Review of the Hardware and Metal Trades. Edited by JAMES C. BAYLES. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1863 to dutti. Vols. IV. to IX.; XL to XIV., 1867 to 1874. Vol. XV., 1875, January 2, to June 26. JAHRBUCH der K. K. Bergakademien Leoben und Schemnitz und der K. K. Montan-Lehranstalt Pribrara. Vol. XV., 1865. Edited by P. Ritter von Tunner. Svo. Vienna, 1865. JAHRESBERICHT tiber die Beobachtungen, Versuche, und neuen Ein- ftihrungen der K. K. Montan-Beamten auf dem Gebiete des Berg-und Huttenmannischen-Maschinen-und bauwesens. 1851, text; 1852, text and plates. JAHRESBERICHT tiber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologic mit besonderer Bertiksichtigung der Gewerb statistik. Edited by JOHANNES RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1855 to 1869. RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1870 to date. Svo. Leipsig, 1855 to date. Vols. I. to XX., 1855 to 1874. 270 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. JOURNAL of the Iron and Steel Institute, London. 1871, Vols. 1,2; 1872, Vols. 1, 2 ; 1873, Vol. 1, No. 2 ; 1874, Vol. l,No. 2. KALENDER fur den Oberschlesischen Bergmann. Edited by R. C. VON CAKNALL. 8vo. Tarnowitz, 1845. Vols. I., IL, 1845. KALENDER fur den Sachsischen Berg-und Htittenmann. 8vo. Annually. Freiberg. 1827 to 1851. Index for the years 1827 to 1840. Continued under the title : JAIIRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTEN-MANN. 1852 to 1869. Continued under the title : JAIIRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTENWESEN IM KONIG- reiche Sachsen. 1870 to 1875. THE MINING and Scientific Press. An Illustrated Journal of Science and Industrial Progress, Mining, Mechanic Arts and Inven tions. Published by DEWET Co. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. San Fran cisco, 1860 to date. Vols. XI, XII, XIII. ; XVI. to XIX. ; XXI, XXIII., XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXIX, 1865 to 1874. Vol. XXX, 1875, January 1, to June 26. THE MINING and Smelting Magazine. Svo. Monthly. London, 1862 to 1865. Vols. I. to VI, 1862 to 1864. Vol. VII, 1865, January, February and March Nos. THE MINING Magazine: devoted to Mines, Mining Operations, Metallurgy, &c, &c. Edited and conducted by WILLIAM J. TENNT, 1853 to 1857 ; THOMAS MCELRATH, 1858. 8vo. Monthly. New-York, 1853 to 1858. Vols. I. to X, 1853 to 1858. Publication discontinued. NOTIZEN zur Sammelung von Zeichnungen fur die Iliitte. Quarto. Published annually. Berlin. 1857 ; 1860 to 1868. OBERSCHLESISCHEN Taschenbuch und Kalender. 1844, 1845. 2 vols. 12mo. Tarnowitz. OESTERREICHISCHES Montan-Handbuch. Published by the Minister of Agriculture. 8vo. 258 pp. Vienna, 1875. OESTERREICHISCHES Zeitschrift fur Berg und Huettenwesen. Edited by OTTO FREIHERR VON HINGENAU. 4to. Weekly. One vol. Jahrgang rrXXII, 1853 to 1874; XXIII, 1875, January 2, to June 26. THE QUARTERLY Journal of Science. Edited by WILLIAM CROOKES. 8vo. Quarterly. One vol. a year. London, 18 Vols! ^ VI. to XI, 1867 to 1874. Vol. XII., 1875, parts 1 and 2. METALLURGY. 271 THE RAILWAY World. In which is incorporated the United States Kail-Road and Mining Register. 4to. Weekly. Philadelphia, 1875. Vol. I, 1875, No. 21. REPERTORIUM Commentationnm a Societatibus Litterariis Edit- aruin. Secundum Displinarura Ordinem digessit I. D. Reuss. 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vol. III., IV. Chemia; Res Metallica et Physica. REVUE ITniverselle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Pub- liques, des Sciences et des Arts Appliques PIndustrie. Under the direction of M. CH. DE CUYPEK. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1857 to date. . Vols. I. toXXXVIL, 1857 to 1875. SACHSISCHE Bergwerks-Zeitung. Edited by Tn. BUSCHICK. 8vo. Freiberg. 1852, 1853, 1854. TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. I., May, 1871, to February, 1873; Vol. II., 1873, to February, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. UNITED STATES Rail-Road and Mining Register. Weekly. One vol. a year. Philadelphia, 1856 to 1874. Vols. XVI. to XIX., 1871 to 1874. In January, 1875, this Journal was incorporated in the Railway World, which see. ZEITSCHRIFT fiir das Berg-Htitten u. Salinen-VVesen in dem Preus- sischen Staate, herausgegeben in dem Ministerium fur Han del, Gewerbe und Offentliche Arbeiten. 4to. One vol. per year, published in six parts. Berlin, 1854 to date. Vols. I. to XXIL, 1854 to 1874. Vol. XXIIL, 1875, Janu ary to June. See, also, Periodical Publications, under General and Inor ganic Chemistry, p. 227. FUELS AND FURNACES. AUBEL, C. Das Raschettsche System der Patent, Normal und Universal Schachtofen. 8vo. 62 pp. Leipsig, 1863. BARLET, C. H. Tenue des Lines appliquee a la compatabilite des Mines de Houille, des Hauts Fourneaux et des Usines a Fer. 8vo. 217 pp. Paris, 1861. BELL, J. Lowthian. Ueber die Entwicklung und Verwendung der Warme. Frei tibersetzt mit einiger Beimerkungen begleitet von P. Tunner. 8vo. Ill pp. Leipsig, 1870. BERG, C. F. v. Anleitung zum Verkohlen des Holzes. 12mo. 278 pp. Darmstadt, 1860. BISCHOF, H. Die indirecte, aber hochste Ntitzung der rohen Brenn- materialien. 8vo. 68 pp. Quedlinburg, 1856. 272 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to Air Furnaces. Robert Gardner, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1856. Blast Furnaces, &c. Archibald State, Patentee. 4 pp., II. plates. 1859. Blast Furnaces. James Yates, Patentee. 10pp. III. plates. 1855. Collecting the Inflammable Gases Generated in Blast Fur naces. C. E. Darby, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1857. Furnaces for Smelting Iron. C. C. Alger, Patentee. 8 pp., IV. plates. 1858. Furnaces. Daniel Dalton, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1S55. Furnaces or Fire Places. J. A. Detmoid, Patentee. 9 pp., I. plate. 1854. - Furnaces for the Manufacture of Cast Steel. J. H. Johnson, Patentee. 10 pp., II. plates. 1854. Furnaces. A. L. Gibon and A. Frolich, Patentees. 7 pp., II. plates. 1856. Furnaces for Smelting Iron Stones and Ores. J. Strong, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1854. Hot Blast Stove. F. Levick, Jr., and John James, Patentees. 5 pp., II. plates. 1857. Furnaces Used in the Manufacture of Iron. J. Jones, Pat entee. 5 pp., VI. plates. 1857. Preparation and Combustion of Fuel. Vol. I., 1620-1856. 1857. Vol. 2, 1857-1865. 1857. Puddling Furnaces. Daniel Horton and George Horton, Patentees. 6 pp., III. plates. 1806. BRIX, P. W. Untersuchungen liber die Heiskraft der wichtiger Breimstoffe. 4to. 381 pp. Berlin, 1853. BROMEIS, Theodor. Die Neuesten Methoden der Aufbereitung und Verdichtung des Torfs. 8vo. 53 pp. Berlin, 1859. COTTA, Bernhard von. Erzgangbildung in der Sohle eines Flam- mofens. 8vo. 18pp. Freiberg, 1851. DIMOXD, E. W. The Chemistry of Combustion, Applied to the Economy of Fuel, with Special Reference to the Construc tion of Fire Chambers for Steam Boilers. 8vo. 162 pp. Worcester, 1867. GROTHE, Hermann. Die Brennmaterialien und die Feurungaulagen iiir Fabrik, Gewerbe und Haus. 8vo. 412 pp., LXXI. plates. Weimar, 1870. GURLT, A. Die deutsche Steinkohle. 12mo. 51 pp. Bremen, 1868. Q. Die Roheisenerzeugung mit Gas oder die Verhlittung der Eisenerze mit indirecter Benutzung des Brennmateriales. 8vo. 30 pp., I. plate. Freiberg, 1857. HAUER, Julius Ritter von. Untersuchungen liber den Brennwerth der Braun-und Steinkohlen. 8vo. 272 pp. Vienna, 1862. HERDER, v, Erlauterung der verziiglichsten apparate zur Erwar- mung der Geblaseluft. 8vo. 118pp, Atlas folio, XXXV. plates. Freiberg, 1840. METALLUEGY. 273 How You Waste Your Fuel and How to Prevent It. A Few Facts on Combustion. 8vo. 12 pp. Worcester, 1866. JOHNSON, W. R. Notes of the Use of Anthracite in the Manu facture of- Iron. 12mo. 15.5pp. Boston, 1841. LEAYITT, T. H. Facts about Peat, as an Article of Fuel. 8vo. 168pp. Boston, 1866. LESLEY, J. P. The Iron Manufacturer s Guide to the Furnaces, Forges and Rolling Mills of the United States. 8vo. 772 pp. New- York. 1859. LEUCHS, Erhard F. Das Gebliize rait heitzer Luft. 12mo. 100 pp. Nuremburg, 1834. MATTHAEY, C. Der Ofenbaumeister. 12 mo. 234 pp. Weimar, 1847. MERBACH, F. M. Die Anwendung der erwarmten geblaseluft, 8vo. 365 pp. Leipsig, 1840. LULLER, J. W., and Leucanchez, A. Nouvelle Methode deTraite- ment au Hautes Fourneaux a Cuivre. 8vo. 28 pp. Liege, 1861. PATERA, Adolph. Ueber Flammeschutzmittel. Vol. vn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 34pp. Vienna, 1871. PERCY, John. Die Metallurgie. Vol. I. Translated and Edited by Dr. F. Knapp. Svo. 504 pp. Leipsig, 1862. Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufac ture. Vol. I. Fuel, Fireclays, Copper, Zinc, Brass, &c. 634 pp. 1861. - Iraite Complet de Metallurgie. Translated under the aus pices of the Author, with an Introduction and Appendix by Messrs. Pettigaud and Ronna. Tome I. Svo. Paris, 1864. PERUTZ, H. Warme-und Brennmaterialien, ihre Anwendung fur industrielle Zwecke. Svo. 202 pp. Berlin, ?864. RACHETTE, Waldemar. Description of his Patent Universal Blast and Smelting Furnace. 8vo. 9 pp. New- York, 1864. RONALDS, Edmund ; Richardson, Thomas ; and Watts, Henry. Chemical Technology; or, Chemistry in its Applications to the Arts and Manufactures ; with which is incorporated a revision of Dr. F. Knapp s " Technology." Second edition. Vol. I. Part 2. Fuel, Destructive Distillation and Artificial Illumination. 836 pp. 1855. ROOT, P. H. and F. M. Illustrated Catalogue of Force Blast Blowers, Portable Forges, Cupolas and Gas Exhausters. 4to. 32 pp. Connorsville, Lid., 1874. SCHINZ, C. Die Warme Messkunst. 2 vols. Svo. text ; 4to. plates. Stuttgart, 1859. Dokumente Betreffend den Hochofen. Svo. 131 pp. Berlin, 1868. Documents concernants le Haute-Fourneau. Trad nits par E. Fievet. Svo. 128 pp. Paris, 1868. bcHLicKEYSEN-, S. Mittheilungen iiber die Fabrication von Press- To )L f - Svo. 20pp. Berlin, 1864. SIEMENS, C. W. A Lecture on Fuel. Svo. 31pp. London, 1873. 18 274 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. SIEMENS, C. W. Description of his Patent Continuous Glass Melting Furnace. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4 pp., I. plate. London, 1873. Description of his Patent Regenerative Gas Furnaces. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., IV. plates. London, 1868. Plates Illustrative of the Combustion of the Gaseous Por tion of Coal, and of the Modes by Which It May Be Effected in Furnaces. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. XIV. diagrams. Liverpool, 1841. STAHLSCHMIDT, J. H. Darstellung des Eisen-hochofen prozesses in zahl und bild. 8vo. 85pp. Ferndorf, 1855. STEINMAN, Ferdinand. Erganzungs heft zu dern Compendium der Gasfeurung. 8vo. 100 pp. Freiberg, 1868. The same as above. Svo. 24 pp. Freiberg, 1869. TROSKA, *Richard. Die Hochofen-Dimensionen auf Grundlage des Hochofen-Prozesses. 8vo. 46pp. Weimar, 1868. VATTHAIRE, A. de. Etudes sur les hautes Fourneaux. Svo. 236 pp. Paris, 1867. VOGEL, August. Der Torf, seine Natur und Bedeutung. 12mo. 170 pp. Brunswick, 1859. WACIILER, L. Betrachtungen liber die jetzige Lage des Hochofen- betriebes in Oberschlesien. Svo. 52pp. Oppeln, 1857. WIENER Weltausstellung, 1873. Notice sur les Objets Exposes par la Societe des Charbon- nages de Mariemont ; L Olive Chaud Bisson & Carnieres et par la Societe de Charbonnage de Bascoup. Svo. Mons, 1873. WILLIAMS, C. W. Plates Illustrative of the Combustion of the Gaseous Portion of Coal, and of the Modes by Which it May Be Effected in Furnaces. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. XIV. diagrams. Liverpool, 1841. WINKLER, Kurt Alexander. Erfahrungsgesatze liber die Bildung der Schlacken. 16mo. 56pp. Freiberg, 1827. ZERRENER, C. Der Metallurgischen Gasfeuerung im Oesterreich. Svo. 278 pp. Vienna, 1856. See, also, International Expositions. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. See under Metallurgy Generalities, p. 262, IRON. AKERMAN, Richard. Ueber den Standpunkt der Eisenfabrikation in Schweden zu anfang des Jahres, 1873. 8vo. 1873. ALEXANDER, J. H. Report on the Manufacture of Iron, addressed to the Governor of Maryland. Svo. 269 pp. Annapolis, 1840. METALLURGY IRON. 275 AMERICAN Bureau of Mines Publications : Memoirs : 2. Guide for the Puddling of Iron and Steel, by Ed. Urbin. Trans, by T. Egleston, Jr. Vol. in., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 30pp. New-York, 1866. ANSIAUX, L., and Maison, L. Traite pratique de la fabrication du fer et de 1 acier puddle. 8vo. 282 pp., XXVIII. plates. Paris, 1865. BALLING, C. A. M. Die Eisenmdustrie Bohmens. 8vo. 108 pp. Vienna, 1868. Die Probirkunde des Eisens und der Brennmaterialien. 8vo. 64 pp. Prag, 1868. Zwei Abhandlungen tiber einige der wichtigsten Theile des Eisen-Hiittenwesens. 4to. 40 pp. Prag, 1829. BARLET, C. H. Tenue des Lines appliquee a la compatabitite des Mines de Houille, des Hauts Fourneaux et des Usines a Fer. 8vo. 217 pp. Paris, 1861. BAUERMAN, Henry. A Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron. 12mo. 399 pp. London, 1868. BAUER, H. Kurze Anleitung zur Eisenhtittenkunde. 24mo. 186 pp. Sonderhausen, 1819. BEAR, W . Das Eisen Seine Geschichte, Gewinnung und Bearbei- tu ?g- 12mo. 360pp. Leipsig. BELL, I. Lowthian. Chemical Phenomena of Iron Smelting. 8vo. 435 pp. London, 1872. BEUST, v . u Jb . Die Eisenerzlagerstiitten des obern Erzgebriges, &c. 8vo. 36 pp. Freiberg, 1856. BLUMHOF, J. G. L. Encyclopadie des Eisenhiittenkunde. 4 vols. 12mo. Giessen, 1816-1821. BOMAN, L. E. Das Bessemern in Schweden. 8vo. 47 pp. Leipsig, 1864. BRITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents for Iron and Steel. 1621-1857, 271 pp. 1857-1865^239 pp 2 vols. 1857-1858. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents for Making Wrought Iron Directly from the Ore, and Collecting and Condensing Oxides or other substances while Deoxodf- sing Iron or other Ores. A. E. L. Belford, Patentee. 32 pp., IV. plates. 1854. Manufacture of Iron. S. M. Banks, Patentee. 3 pp., I. plate. 1857. - Manufacture of Iron. T. Bottfield, Patentee. 4pp. 1858 Manufacture of Iron. A. M. Crane, Patentee. 6pp., II. plates. 1857. Manufacture of Iron and other Metals. H. Houldsworth Patentee. ? pp., II. plates. 1857! Manufacture of Iron and Steel. Robert McCall, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1855. - Manufacture of Iron. L. N. De Meekenheiny, Patentee. 12 pp., L plate. 1856. 276 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents for Manufacture of Iron. John Onions, Patentee. 4pp., I. pfate. 1857. Manufacture of Iron ; Improvements in Steam Boilers, &c, Joseph Stenson, Patentee. 8 pp., I. plate. 1855. Manufacture of Iron. Philip Taylor, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1856. Manufacture of Iron. F. H. Thompson, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1857. Manufacture of Iron. B. Thompson, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1857. - Manufacture of Iron. Arthur Warner and Wm. H. Tooth, Patentees. 3pp. 1859. Manufacture of Iron. John Wilkinson, Patentee. 2 pp., I. plate. 1856. Power Hammers. W. Naylor, Patentee. 10 pp., II. plates. 1854. - Power Hammers and Riveting Machines. W. Naylor, Pa tentee. 11 pp., III. plates. 1856. Rolling Iron and other Metals, &c. W. Clay, Patentee. 7 pp., II. plates. 1857. Smelting Iron. Charles C. Alger, Patentee. 8pp. 1865. Smelting Iron and other Ores. A. Barclay, Patentee. 9 pp., III. plates. 1856. Smelting Iron Ores. C. Sanderson, Patentee. 8 pp., I. plate. 1857. Treating and Manufacturing Iron and Steel. T. W. Dodds, Patentee. 10pp., II. plates. 1853. Buscn, Adolph. Die Organization und Buchftlhrung des Eisengie- serei und Maschinenbau-Betriebes. 8vo. 182 pp. Leipsig, 1863. CAKNEGIE, Klornan & Co. A Series of Cuts of Iron Beams, Bars, T Angles, <fec. 4to. 1873. CHURCH, John A. Notes of a Metallurgical Journey in Europe. 8vo. 100 pp. New-York, 1873. COSTE, Leon, and Perdonnet, Auguste. Memoires Metallurgiques sur le Traitement des Minerals de Fer, d Etain et de Plomb en Angleterre. 2 vols., text and plates. Paris, 1830. DADDOW, S. H., and Bannan, B. Coal, Iron and Oil ; or, the Ameri can Practical Miner. 8vo. 786 pp. Pottsville, Pa., 1866. DAELEN, R., Hollenberg, A., and Diekman, von. Die Kalibrirung der Eisenwalzen. Drei Gekronte Preisschriften eingerricht dem Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerbfleises in Preussen. 4to. 140 pp. Berlin, 1869. DIE BERGBAUE und Eisenwerke der Steierischen Eisenindustrie- Gesellschaft. Eine Beilage zu den Ausstellungsgegenstanden dieser Gesellschaft auf der Welt-Ausstellung 1875 in Wein. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. METALLURGY IRON. 277 DUDLEY, Dud. Metallum Martis; or, Iron made with Pit-Coale, Sea-Coale, &c. 8vo. 119pp. London, 1665. DURRE, E. F. Handbuch des gesammten Eisengiesserei betriebes. B ? nd ! 8vo. 760 pp. Leipsig, 1870. - IJber die Constitution des Roheisens. 8vo. 186 pp. Leipsig, 1868. EDE, George. The Management of Steel, including Forging, Hard ening, Tempering, Annealing, Shrinking and Expansion; also the Case Hardening of Iron. 12mo. 41 pp. New- York, 1864. EGLESTON, T. Tables to Illustrate the Metallurgical Lectures de livered at the School of Mines, Columbia College, New-York. Iron - .8vo. 92 pp., II. plates. New- York, 1869*. EVEESMAN, F. A. A. Ubersichte der Eisen-und Stahl-Erzeugung, in zo fern auf Wasserwerken vorgeht in den Landern ZWlSchen Lahn und Lippe. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 104pp. Dortmund, 1804. FAIRBAIRN, William. Iron, its History, Properties, and Processes of Manufacture. 8vo. 293pp. Edinburgh, 1865. On the Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. Third edition. 8vo. 314pp. London, 1864. FLACHAT, E., ^Petiet, J., and Barrault, A. Traite de la Fabrication de la Fonte et du Fer. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1842-1844. FRANCOIS, J. Recherches sur le Gisement et la Traitement Direct des Mmerais de Fer. 4to. 404 pp. Paris, 1843. FRENCH, B. F. History of the Rise and Progress of the Iron Trade in the United States. 8vo. 1 79 pp. New- York, 1859. GILL, Theodore, Handbuch far Eisen-und Stahlarbeiter. 12 mo. 88pp. Qtiedlinburg, 1834. GLOCKER, E. F. Ueber den Sulphatischen Eisensinter. vol. n. Pamphlets. Quarto series. ~4to. 28 pp., III. plates. 1856. GRUNER, L., and Lan. Etat present de la Metallurgie du Fer en Angleterre. 8vo. 850 pp., IX. plates. Paris, 1862.. GURLT, A. De la Fabrication de la Fonte et du Fer au Moyen des Gaz. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. n TV 8vo - 31 PP., I- P^te. Liege, 1857. ~"^i -IT- Senerzeugun mit Gas oder die Verhiittuno- der Jiisenerze mit indirecter Benutzung des Brennmateriales? 8vo. 30 pp., I. plate. Freiberg, 1857! HARTMANN, Carl. Der practische Puddel-und Walzmeister ~ , 12mo. 427 pp. Weimar, 1861. JJer heutige Standpunkt des deutschen Eisenhtittengewerbes. 8vo. 263 pp. Leipsig, 1861. Grundnss der Eisenhtittenkunde. 8vo. 603 pp. Berlin, 1852. Handbuch der Eisengiesserei. 12mo. 603 pp. text; Atlas, XXVII. plates. Weimar, 1863. 278 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HARTMAJSTST, Carl. Handbuch der Eisenhtitteiigewerbskunde. 8vo. 614 pp., XVII. plates. Leipsig, 1860. Practische Eisenhiittenkunde. 3 vols. 4to. Weimar, 1852. Practisches Handbuch der Rohr-und Stabeisen-Fabrikation in leichtfasslichen Vortrage. 8vo. 464 pp., I. plate. Leipsig, 1857. Vollstandiges Handbuch der Eisengiesserei. 8vo. 298 pp., XL plates. Erganzungsheft. 72 pp., II. plates. Freiberg, 1847. Ueber die Eisen, Kupfer, Zinc und Bleihutten-Betrieb. Drit- tes heft. 8vo. 188 pp., IV. plates. Leipsig, 1850. HASSEXFRATZ, J. II. La Siderotechnie, ou L Art de Traiter Les Minerais de Fer pour en obtenir de la Fonte, du Fer, et de L Acier. 4 vols. 4 to. Paris, 1812. HAUER, Julius R. von. Die wichtigen Eisenerz-vorkommen in der Oesterreichischen Monarchie und ihr Metallgehalt. 8vo. 187 pp. Vienna, 1863. HEWITT, Abram S. The Production of Iron and Steel in its Econo mic and Social Relations. 8vo. 104 pp. Washington, 1868. JOHNSON, W. R. Notes on the Use of Anthracite in the Manufac ture of Iron. ]2rno. 155pp. Boston, 1841. KARSTEN, E. J. B. Grundriss der Metallurgie und der metallur- gischen Htittenkunde. 8vo. 535 pp. Breslau, 1818. Handbuch der Eisenhilttenkunde. 5 vols. 8vo., text; Atlas, 2to. Berlin, 1841. KERPELY, Anton. Das Eiseri auf der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. 8vo. 229 pp., IV. plates. Schemnitz, 1873. Die Anlage und Einrichtung der Eisenhutten. First num ber. 8vo. Leipsig, 1873. KOHN, Ferdinand. Iron and Steel Manufacture. 4to. 270 pp., LXII. plates. London, 1869. LANDRIN, H. C., Jr. Traite de la Fonte et du Fer. 8vo. 304pp. Paris, 1864. LEDEBUR, A. Das Roheisen in bezug auf seine Verwendung zur Eisengiesserei. Vol. VIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 81 pp., II. plates. Leipsig, 1872. LE PLAY, F. Grundsatze der Eisenhiittenwerken und Holtz Be- triebe. Translated by Carl Hartmann. 8vo. 247 pp. Freiberg, 1858. LESLEY, J. P. The Iron Manufacturer s Guide to the Furnaces, Forges and Rolling Mills of the United States. 8vo. 772 pp. New-York, 1859. MATJRER, E. Die Formen der Walz Kunst und clas Fagoneisen. 8vo. 286 pp. text; Atlas, LXVIII. plates. Stuttgart, 1865. Roh-und Zwichen Producte. 8vo. 22pp. Stuttgart, 1868. MISCIILER, P. Das Deutsche Eisenhtittengewerbe von standpunkt des Staatswirtschaften. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1854. METALLURGY IRON. 279 MULLER, Hermann. Die Eisenerzlagerstatten des obern Harzge- birges und des Voigtlandes als grundlagen zur Erhebung des Sachischen Eisenhtittenwesens. 8vo. 36 pp. Freiberg, 1856. MUNICHSDORFER, Friedrich. Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Ro- heisen-Produktion in Karnten. 8vo. 28 pp. Klagenfurt, 1873. MUSHET, David. Papers on Iron and Steel. Practical and Experi mental. 8vo. 925 pp. London, 1840. OVERMAN, Frederick. Ueber das frischen des Roheisens, nebst An- weisung. 8vo. 112 pp. Brunn, 1838. PERCY, John. Die Metallurgie. Vol. II. Translated and Edited by Dr. H. Wedding. Part I. 609 pp. 1864. Part II. 864 pp. 1873. Part III. Lieferungs, 1, 2. 8vo. Brunswick. Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufacture. Vol. II. Iron and Steel. 934 pp. 1864. Svo. London, 1870. Traite Complet de Metallurgie. Translated under the auspices of the Author, with an Introduction and Appendix by Messrs. Pettigaud and A. Ronna. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. PROFIL-ZEICHNUNGEN der Actien Gesellschaft fur Eisen-Industrie zum Styrum. 1 7 lithographed charts, folio. des Eisen-und Stahlwerkes Reschitza Banat. 39 charts, folio. ROGERS, S. B. An Elementary Treatise on Iron Metallurgy. Svo. 528 pp., XX. plates. London, 1857. RONGE, O. De la Fabrication de la T&le en Belgique. Svo. 88 pp., III. plates. Paris, 1863. SCHOTT, E. Kurzer Bericht tiber die bei der Wiener Weltausstel- lung, 1873, zur Anschauung gebrachten Eisen-Hlltten-Pro- ducte, Eisen-und Stahlarbeiten. Vol. vin., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 34 pp. Leipsig, 1873. SCRIVENOR, Henry. History of the Iron Trade from the Earliest Records to the Present Period. 8vo. 327pp. London, 1854. SIEMENS, C. W. On Puddling Iron. A Paper read before the British Association at Norwich, 1868. Vol. vii., Pamphlets. Octavo Beries. 8vo. 29 pp. London, 1871. liber Brennstoff Uber Gewinnung von Eisen und Stahl durch direktes Verfahren. Svo. 70 pp., II. plates. Berlin, 1874. STAHLSCHMIDT, J. H. Darstellung des Eisen-hochofen-prozesses in zahl und bild. 8vo. 85 pp. Ferndorf, 1854. STYFFE, Knut. Berichte liber die neuesten Fortschritte im Eisen- hiittenwesen. Svo. 79 pp., IV. plates. Leipsig, 1868. Die Festigkeits Eigenschaften von Eisen nnd Stahl. Svo. 176 pp. Weimar, 1870. TRURAN, W. The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain. Second edition. Svo. 306 pp., LXXXIV. plates. New- York, 1863. 280 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. TUNNER, P. A. Treatise on Roll Turning for the Manufacture of Iron. Translated and Adapted by J. B. Pease. 2 vjols. text and plates. New-York, 1869. Die Eisenhtittenwesen in Schweden. 8vo. 86 pp. Freiberg, 1858. Die Stabeisen und Stahlbereitung. 2 vols. Svo. 297, 312 pp. Freiberg, 1858. Die Walzenkaliber fur die Eisenfabrikation. 8vo. 94 pp., X. plates. Leipsig, 1867. URBIN, Ed. Guide for the Puddling of Iron and Steel. Vol. vn., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 25 pp. VALERIUS, B. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Stabeisen Fabrikation. Durch bearbeitet von Oarl Hartmann. 8vo. 606 pp. Freiberg, 1845. Supplement to above. Svo. 143 pp. Freiberg, 1848. Second Supplement to above. Svo. ]50pp. Freiberg, 1851. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Roheisen-Fabrika- tion. Durch bearbeitet von Carl Hartmann. Svo. 734 pp., XXVIII. plates. Freiberg, 1851-1853. Supplement to above. Svo. 241 pp., V. plates. Freiberg, 1851-1853. VORGELSANG, H. M. Lchrbuch der Eisen-emailirkunst. Svo. 86 pp., II. plates. Brunswick, 1851. WACHEER, L. Die Eisen-Erzeugung Oberschlesiens. Svo. Oppeln, 1847-1851. WANGENHEIM, E. Der Bessemerprocess. 12mo. 148 pp. Weimar, 1863. Geschichte der Eisenhtitten werke zu Malapane. 8vo. 120 pp. Glogaa, 1856. WARZEE, Andre. Expose Historique de L Industrie du Fer dans la Province de Liege. Vol. VIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 94 pp. Liege, 1861. WATHNER, J. Practischen Eisen und Eisenwarrenkennen von J. Koditek. 8vo. 230 pp. text; Atlas, XXI. plates. Gratz, 1860. WEDDING, II. Grundriss der Eisenhiittenkunde. Svo. 308 pp. Berlin, 1871. WENIGER, K. A. Der Praktische Schmelzmeister. Svo. 138 pp. Prag, 1864. WHITNEY, A. R. Sections of Iron Beams, &c., with Tables of weights, co-efficients, dimensions, &c. 2 to. 65 pp. New- York. WOLFF, A. F. Die Verzinkung des Eisens. 12mo. 30pp. Dresden, 1857. See, also, under Metallurgy, Generalities, page 262. Periodical Publications. See under Metallurgy, page 267. METALLURGY STEEL. 281 STEEL. AMERICAN Bureau of Mines Publications : . Memoirs : 1. Our Mineral Interests. 2. Guide for the Puddling of Iron and Steel, by Ed. Urbin. Trans, by T. Egleston, Jr. 3. On Bessemer Steel, by Adolph Schmidt. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 30pp. New- York, 1 866. ANSIATJX, L., and Maison, L. Traite pratique de la fabrication du fer et de 1 acier pud.dle. 8vo. 282 pp., XXYIII. plates. Paris, 1865. BRITISH Patent Office, Abridgments of Specifications of Patents for - Iron and Steel. 1021-1857, 271pp. 1857-1865, 239pp. 2 vols. 1857-1858. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents for . Manufacture of Iron and Steel. Robert McCall, Patentee. 5 pp., I. plate. 1855. : Manufacture of Steel, &c. J. Spence, Patentee. 7 pp., I. plate. 1859. Treating and Manufacturing Iron and Steel. T. W. Dodds, Patentee. 10 pp., II. plates. 1853. COMAN, L. E. Das Bessemern in Schweden. 8vo. 47 pp. Leipsig, 1864. CHURCH, John A. Notes of a Metallurgical Journey in Europe. 8vo. 100 pp. New-York, 1873. CIZANCOURT, M. de. Etudes sur 1 acier. 8vo. 85pp. Paris, 1863. DESSOYE, J. B. J. Guide de PEmploi de L Acier. Ses Proprietes. 12mo. 304 pp. Paris, 1863. EDE, George. ^The Management of Steel, including Forging, Har dening, Tempering, Annealing, Shrinking and Expansion ; also, the Case Hardening of Iron. 12 mo. 41 pp. New- York, 1864. EVERSMAN, F. A. A. Ubersichte der Eisen-und Stahl-Erzeugung, in ^zo fern auf Wasserwerken vorgeht in den Landern zwischen Lahn und Lippe. VoL II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 104pp. Dortmund, 1804. GILL, Theodore. Handbuch fiir Eisen-und Stahlarbeiter. 12mo. 88 pp. Quedlinburg, 1834. HARTMANN, Carl. Die Practische Puddel-und Walzmeister. 12mo. 427 pp. Weimar, 1861. Practisches Handbuch der Stahlfabrikation. 12mo. 505 pp. Weimar, 1861. HASSENFRATZ, J. H. La Siderotechnie, ou L Art de Traiter les Minerais de Fer pour en obtenir de la Fonte, du Fer, et de L Acier. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812. HEWITT, Abram S. The Production of Iron and Steel in its Economic and Social Relations. 8vo. 104 pp, Washington, 1868. 282 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. KOHN, Ferdinand. Iron and Steel Manufacture. 4to. 270pp., LXII. plates. London, 1869. KRUPP, Friederich. A descriptive pamphlet of the Cast Steel Works of Friederich Krupp, Essen, Germany. Vol. vra., Pam phlets. Octavo series. . SVO. 24pp. Essen, 1873. LANDRIN, H. C., Jr. A Treatise on Steel. Translated from the French by A. A. Fesquet. 12mo. 352 pp. Philadelphia, 1868. MUSIIET, David. Papers on Iron and Steel. Practical and Experi mental. 8vo. 925 pp. London, 1840. PERCY, John. Die Metallurgie. Vol. II. Translated and Edited by Dr. H. Wedding. Part I. 609 pp. 1864. Part II. 864 pp. 1873. Part III. Lieferungs, 1,2. Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufacture. Vol. II. Iron and Steel. Svo. 934 pp. London, 1864. Traite Complet de Metallurgie. Translated under the auspices of the Author, with an Introduction and Appendix by Messrs. Pettigaud and A. Ronna. Svo. London. PROFIL-ZEICHNUNGEN der Actien Gesellschaft fur Eisen-Industrie zum Styrium. 17 lithographed charts, folio. Das Eisen-und Stahlwerks Reschitza Banat. 39 charts, folio. STYFFE, Knut. Die Festigkeits Eigenschaften von Eissen und stahl. Svo. 176pp. Weimar, 1870. TERHUNE, R. H. Steel Rail Manufacture. Containing a Theo retical and Practical Description of the Bessemer Process. 8vo. Joliet, 111., 1874. TUNNER, P. A. Die Stabeisen und Stahlbereitung. 2 vols. 8vo. Freiberg, 1858. URBIN, Ed. Guide for the Puddling of Iron and Steel. Svo. 25 pp. WANGENHEIM, E. Der Bessemerprocess. 12mo. 148 pp. Weimar, 1863. See under International Expositions. Periodical Publications. See under Metallurgy Generali ties, p. 262. GOLD AND SILVER. AMAIL, Victor. Manuel des Alliages d Or et d Argent. Svo. 136 pp. Paris, 1860. BORN, J. E. von. ITeber das Anquicken der Gold-und Silberhaltigen Erze, &c. 4to. 227 pp. Vienna, 1786. FERBER, Johann Jagob. Nachricht von dem Anquicken der gold und silberhaltigen Erze, Kupersteine und Speisen in Ungarn und Bohmen. 24mo. 200pp. Berlin, 1787. HUNT, T. Sterry, and Douglas, Jas., Jr. A New Process for the Extraction of Copper from its ores, with notes on the treat ment of Gold and Silver ores. Svo. 16 pp. Montreal, 1870. KENT, E. N. Description of his Patent Gold Separator and Amal- Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 24 pp. New- York, 1863. METALLURGY. 283 KUSTEL, Guido. Nevada and California processes of Silver and Gold extraction. 8vo. 327 pp. San Francisco, 1863. LAUR, M. P. De la Production des Metaux Precieux en California. 8vo. 132 pp. Paris, 1862. PHILLIPS, J. Arthur. The Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver. 8vo. 532 pp. London, 1867. PRIME, Frederick, Jr. Desilverization of Lead by Zinc. Vol. vn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1 8 pp., II. plates. 1870. RUDOLPH, A. Die edlen Metalle und Schmucksteine. 8vo. 175 pp. Breslau, 1859. WINKLER. Die europaische Amalgamazion der Silbererze und sil- berhaltigen Hiittenprodukte. 8vo. 210pp. Freiberg, 1848. See, also, Metallurgy Generalities, p. 262. COPPER, LEAD, TIN, ZINC, NICKEL AND COBALT. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents for Machinery for the Manufacture of Sheet Tin. J. H. John son, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1859. Obtaining Nickel and Cobalt. H. H. Vivian, Patentee. 6 pp. 1857. Smelting Zinc Ores. M. SchafFner, Patentee. 6 pp., II. plates. 1859. COSTE, Leon, and Perdonnet, Auguste. Memoires Metallurgiques sur le Traitement des Minerals de Fer, d Etain et de Plomb en Angleterre. 2 vols., text and plates. Paris, 1830. DER ZINK. 4to. 52 pp., XV. plates. Breslau, 1857. EBERMAYER, Edward. Ueber die Nickelgewinnung auf der Auro- rahtitte bei Gladenbach. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. 33 pp. Gottingen, 1855. EGLESTON, Thomas. Tables to Illustrate the Metallurgical Lectures delivered at the School of Mines, Columbia College, New- York. Copper. 8vo. 91 pp., IV. plates. New-York, 1869. GENTH, F. A. Contributions to Metallurgy. No. 1, Analysis of Chinese Coins. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 6pp. GURLT, A. Bemerkungen tiber die neueren Fortschritte des Kup- ferhiittenprozesses. 8vo. 42 pp. Freiberg, 1852. HARTMANN, Carl. Das Kupfer und das Zink. 8vo. 328 pp. Weimar, 1863. Ueber die Eisen Kupfer Zinc und Bleihutten Betrieb. Drittes heft. 8vo. 188 pp., IV. plates. Leipsig, ]850. HUBERT, Alois von. Anleitung durch Colorimetrie den Kupper- halt von Erzen-und Htitten Producten. 8vo. 58 pp. Vienna, 1852. HUGHES, G. W. Report relative to the Working of Copper Ore. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 58 pp. Washington, 1844. HUXT, T. Sterry, and Douglass, Jas., Jr. A New Process for the Extraction of Copper from its ores, with notes on the treat ment of Gold and Silver ores. 8vo. 16pp. Montreal, 1870. 284 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. KLEMANN, L. Die Zinkgewinnung in Obeschlesien. 12mo. 43 pp. Breslau, 1860. LAMBORN, Robert H. A Rudimentary Treatise on the Metallurgy of Copper. 12ino. 232 pp. London, 1860. LIEBENTRAU, L. Grundliche Anweisung zur Bearbeitung des Kupfers, Zinks und Bleies. 12mo. 43 pp. Quedlinburg, 1841. MULLER, J. "W., and Leucanchez, A. Nouvelle Methode de Traite- ment au Hautes Fourneaux a Cuivre. 8vo. 28 pp. Leige, 1861. PERCY, John. Die Metallurgie. Vol. III. Translated and Edited by Dr. H. Wedding and Dr. C. Rammelsberg. 371 pp. 4 vols. 8vo. Brunswick. Metallurgy. The Art of Exracting Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufacture. Copper, Zinc, Brass, <fcc. 634 pp. 1861. Vol. III. Lead, including Desilverization and Cupellation. 567 pp. 8vo. London, 1870. Traite Complet de Metallurgie. Translated under the aus pices of the Author, with an Introduction and Appendix by Messrs. Pettigaud and A. Ronna. Tome III. 8vo. Paris, 1867. PFANNENSCHMIDT, L. Die Fabrikation des Zinkes. 16mo. 26 pp. Quedlinburg, 1837. PIGGOT, A. S. The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper. 12mo. 388 pp. Philadelphia, 1858. Lead by . " Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 18 pp., II. plates. 1870. PRIME, Frederick, Jr. Desilverization of Lead by Zinc. Vol. VIL, STEINBECK, Georg Victor Albert. Chemisch-Analytische Unter- suchungen tiber die Veranderung, welche der Mansfelder Kupferstein bei seiner Rustung Behufs Entsilberung durch die Ziervogelsche Extractionsmethode leidet. An Inaugural Dissertation. 12 mo. 56 pp. Halle, 1862. TAYLOR, W. J. Manufacture of the Oxide of Zinc near Lancaster, Pa. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 3 pp. WIBEL, Ferd. Das Gediegene Kupfer und das Rothkupfererz. (Kupferoxydul.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre den Erzlagerstatten. 8vo. 182 pp. Hamburg, 1864. See, also, Metallurgy Generalities, p. 262. ASSAYING. 285 ASSAYING. BAILING, C. A. M. Die Probirkunde des Eisens und der Brennma- terialien. 8vo. 64 pp. Prag, 1868. BERTHIEE, P. Handbuch der metallurgist Analytische Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1835, 1836. - Traite des essais par la voie seche. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. BODEMAN, Th., and Kerl, Bruno. Anleitung zur Ber^-und Huetten- mannischen Probirkunde. 8vo. 580 pp. Clausthal, 1857. A Treatise on the Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold and Mercury. Translated by W. Goodyear. 8vo. 214 pp. New-York, 1865. CRAMER, J. A. Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals, with notes and observations by Cromwell Mortimer. 12mo. 462 pp. London, 1764, DE RIVANCOURT, P. Siemens de Chimie Docimastique. 8vo. 317 pp. Paris, 1786. GOPPERT, H. R., and Romer, F. Bericht liber die Thati^keit der allgemeinen naturwissenschaftlichen Sektion der schlesischen Gesellschaft im Jahre, 1859. 4to. 16 pp. HARKORT, Edward. Die Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre. Heft 1. Die Silberproben. 12mo. 107 pp., III. plates. Freiberg, 1827. HARTMANN, Carl. Die Probirkunst. 12mo. 365pp. Weimar, 1862. HOLLUNDER, C. F. Besuch einer Anleitung zur mineralogischen Probirkunst. 3 vols. 12mo. Nuremburg, 1826, 1827. KERL, Bruno. Metallurgische Probirkunst. 8vo. 512 pp. Leipsig, 1866. MITCHELL, John. A Manual of Practical Assaying. Edited by William Crookes. 8vo. 902 pp. New- York, 1872. Manual of Assaying. Third edition. 8vo. 697 pp. London, 1868. MULDER, G. J. Die Silber Probir-Methode. 8vo. 328 pp. Leipsig, 1828. OVERMAN, Frederick. Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining. 8vo. 230 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. PLATTNER, Carl Friederich. Beitrage zur Erweiterung der Probir kunst. i2mo. 106 pp. Freiberg, 1849. KIVOT, E. L. Docimasie. Traite d Analyse des Substances Mine- r *! e S 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864-1866. SAGE. Elemens de Mineralogie" Docimastique. 12mo. 275 pp. Paris, 1772. SILVERSMITH, J. A Practical Hand-Book for Miners, Metallurgists and Assayers. 8vo. 271 pp. New- York, 1866. V AUQUELIN, L. N. Manuel deL Essayeur. 4to. 80 pp. Paris 1834 WEIIRLE, A. Lehrbuch der Probir und Hiittenkunde. 2 vols. 8vo. text; Atlas, XXVII. plates. Vienna, 1841. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. See under Metallurgy Generalities, p. 262. 286 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NATURAL HISTORY. GENERALITIES. AGASSIZ, Louis. Methods of Study in Natural History. Svo. 319 pp. Boston, 1866. BRONN, H, G. Handbuch einiger Geschichte der Natur. 5 vols. Svo. text, with 4to. atlas. Stuttgart, 1841-1843. COUPER, N. Investigations of a Naturalist between Mingan and Watclliconti, Labrador. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 14 pp. Quebec, 1868. FOURCROY, A. F. filemens d Histoire Naturelle et de Chimie. 5 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1793. HISTOIRE Naturelle de Jura et des Departments Yoisins. Tome I. Premiere Fascicule. Ogerien, Le Frere. Geographie, Physique, Meteorologie, Agriculture, Minerale, Mineralogie, Petrologie et Palseontologie. 8vo. Paris, 1863. LEUCKART, F. S. Allgemeine Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche. 12mo. 130pp. Stuttgart, 1832. SCHOEDLER, Friederich. Das Buch der Natur, die Lehren der Physik, Astronomic, Chemie, Mineralogie, Geologic, Botanik, Zoologie und Physiologic. 8vo. 614 pp. Brunswick, 1874. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. [Referred to under Botany and Vegetable Physiology ; Geology and Geog nosy, Local Geology and Geognosy, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Economic Geol ogy, and Zoology and Animal Physiology.] ABHANDLUNGEN der Kaiserlichen Koniglichen Geologischen Reich- sanstalt. Vols. I. to VI. ; VII., hefts 1, 2, 1852 to 1873. 4to. Vienna. AMERICAN Journal of Mining, Milling, Oil-Boring, Geology, Mine ralogy, Metallurgy, &c. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York. Vols. I. ; IV. to VII., 1866 to 1869. AMERICAN Museum of Natural History. First Annual Report for the year 1870. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 29pp. New- York, 1870. ANNALS of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Svo. Two vols. a year. London, 1813 to 1826. First Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1813 to 1818. Second Series. Vols. VI. to X., 1823 to 1825. NATURAL HISTORY. 287 ANNUAL Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New- York on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Nat ural History for the years 1847 to 1873. Appendices D. and E. to the Sixteenth Annual Report for the year" 1863. 29 vols. 8vo. ANNUAL Report of the State Mineralogist of the State of Nevada, for the year 1867. 8vo. 151 pp. Carson City, 1867. ANNUAL Report of the Trustees of the Museum of Comparative Anatomy of Harvard College in Cambridge ; together with the Report of the Director for the year 1867. 8vo. 22 pp. Boston, 1867. BIBLIOTHECA Historico Naturalis, Physico-Chemica et Mathema- tica. A Classified Catalogue of all Books on Natural History, Chemistry and Mathematics published in Germany, England, France, Netherlands, etc. Edited by Dr. A. METZGER. 12mo. Two NOB. annually, January and July. Gottingen, 1851 to date. . 1857 to 1874. 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A Monthly Medium of Interchange and Gossip, for Students and Lovers of Nature. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1865 to date. Vols. I. to X., 1865 to 1875. JAHRBUCH der Kaiserlichen Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Vols. I. ; III. ; IX. to XXIV. ; 1850 to 1874. 18 vols. Royal 8vo. Vienna. JAHRBUCH fur Mineralogie, Geologic und Pala3ontologie. Edited by LEONHARD and GEINITZ. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1830 to 1857; 1867 to 1871. General Index, (subjects, au thors and places,) for the years I860 to 1869. JOURNAL of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Second Series. Vols. IV, 4to., (Parts 2, 3, 4,) V, VI, (Part 1.) Philadelphia, 1862 to 1866. JOURNAL of the Franklin Institute. First Series, under the title : THE FRANKLIN JOURNAL AND AMERICAN MECHANICS MAGA ZINE. Devoted to the Useful Arts, Internal Improvements, General Science, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Under the Patronage of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES. Svo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1826, 1827. Second Series, under the title : JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, and Mechanics Register. Devoted to Me chanical and Physical Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES. Svo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1828 to 1840. Vols. XV. to XVIII. ; XX., XXL, XXII. ; XXIV. 1835 to 1840. Third Series, under the title : JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Science, Civil Engi neering, the Arts and Manufactures. 1841 to date. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES and JOHN F. FRAZER. Vols. L, II., III., VI., VIII. ; and LIII. to LXIX. 1841 to 1875. NATURAL HISTORY. 289 LONDOX, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. First Series : The Philosophical Magazine : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. 1789 to 1813. Vols. I to XLIL, 1789 to 1813. Second Series : The Philosophical Magazine and Journal : comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by RICHARD TAYLOR. 1814 to 1826. Yols. XLIII. to XLVIL; Vols. LXIL, LXIIL, LXIV., LXVL, 1814 to 1825. Third Series : The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir DAVID BREWSTER, RICHA-RD TAYLOR, RICHARD PHILIPS, Sir ROBERT KANE and EDWARD WILLIAM BRAYLEY. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII., XIX., XXL, and XXIV. to XXXVIL, 1834 to 1850. Fourth Series : The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philoso phical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir ROBERT KANE, Sir WILLIAM THOMPSON and WILLIAM FRANCIS. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. 1851 to date. Vols. I. to XLIX., 1851 to 1875. Supplemental volume to Vols. XXII. to XXVI., 1861 to 1863. MAGAZIN fiir die Oryktographie von Sachsen. Ein Beytrag zur Mineralogischen Kenntniss dieses landes und zur Geschichte seiner Mineralien. Edited by JOHANN CARL FREIESLEBEN. 8vo. Published irregularly. Frei berg, 1828. Hefts I. to XV, 1828 to 1848. Supplemental Hefts I. to IV., 1843 to 1848. MEMOIRS of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. I., 1866. 4to. Washington. THE MONTHLY Microscopical Journal. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society of London, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by HENRY LAWTON. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1874; Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. NATURE. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 4to. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to VII.; Vol. X., 1869 to 1874. Vol. XL, 1875, January 2, to June 26. NATURKUNDIGE Verhandelingen van den Hollandisch Maatschappy der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Tweed Verzameling Vijfde Deel. 4to. 75 pp., V. charts. Haarlem, 1849. 19 290 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NATURWJSSENSCHAFTLICHE Abhandlungen. Collated and published by WILLIAM HAIDINGER. Vienna. Vols. II., III., IV., 1848, 1849, 1850. 4to. Vienna. POPULAR Science Monthly. Conducted by E. L. YOTJMANS. Imp. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New- York, 1872 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1872 to 1874. PROCEEDINGS and Transactions of the Institute of Natural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Vol. III., (part 4,) 1874. 8vo. Halifax. PROCEEDINGS of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vols. I. to XVIII., 1841 to 1866. 18 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. PROCEEDINGS of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. First Meeting at Philadelphia, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. Second Cambridge, 1849. Boston, 1850. Third Charleston, 1850. Charleston, 1850. Fourth " New-Haven, 1850. Washington, 1851. Fifth Cincinnati, 1851. " 1851. Sixth " Albany, 1851. " 1852. Seventh " Cleveland, 1853. Cambridge, 1856. Eighteenth " Salem, 1869. 1870. Twentieth " Indianapolis, 1871. " 1871. Twenty-first " Dubuque, 1872. " 1872. Twenty-third" Hartford, 1874. Salem, 1875. PROCEEDINGS of the Essex Institute. Vols. II, Part 1, 1856-1857; IV., 1864-1865; V, 1866- 1867 ; VI., 1868. Svo. Essex, Mass. THE QUARTERLY Journal of Science. Edited by WILLIAM CKOOKES. Svo. Quarterly. One vol. a year. London, 1864 to date. Vols. IV., VI. to XL, 1867 to 1874. Vol. XII, 1875, parts 1 and 2. QUARTERLY Journal of the Geological Society of London. Vols. XXIIL, XXIV., XXV., 1867, 1868,1869; XXVIL, XXVIIL, XXIX., 1871, 1872, 1873 ; XXX., 1875, parts 1 and 2. REPERTORIUM Commentationum a SocietatibusLitterariis Editarum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinem digessit I. D. Reuss. (A valuable collection of the Transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vol. I. Scientia Naturalis. Historia Naturalis Generalis et Zoologica. Vol. II. Botanica et Mineralogia. NATURAL HISTORY. 291 REPERTORIUM der Technischen, Mathematischen und Naturwissen- schaftlichen Journal-Literatur. Published by F. SCHOTTE. Svo. Monthly, One vol. a year. Leipsig, 1869 to date. 1869, 1870, 1871. Index to vol. for 1870. REPORT of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of the First to Forty-first Meeting. 40 vols. Svo. London, 1832 to 1872. REPORT of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1863. Svo. Washington, 1874. REPORTS embracing Proceedings and Transactions of the First and Second Meetings of the Association of American Naturalists and Geologists, held at Philadelphia, in 1840 arid 1841 ; and of the Third Meeting, held at Boston in 1842. 8vo. Boston. 1843. REVUE de Geologic. Edited by MM. DELESSE, DE LAPPARENT and LAUGEL. Svo. Annually. Paris, 1860 to date. Vols. I., V., VII., VIII, 1860 to 1868. REVUE des Cours Scientifiques de la France et de L lStranger. Physique, Zoologie, Botanique, Anatomic, Physiologic, ^Ge ologic, Palseontologie, Medecin. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1863 to date. First Series, (1863 to 1870.) Vols. I. to V., 1864 to 1868. Second Series : Revue Scientifique de la France et de L Etranger. Two vols. (two parts each) a year. 1871 to date. Vols. I. to VII., 1871 to 1874. Vol. VIII., 1875, Jan. to June. SCIENTIFIC American. A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Arts, Science, Chemistry and Manufactures. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. 1815 to date. First Series. Vols. II. to XIV., 1816 to 1858. Second Series. Vols. I. to XVIII. ; XXI. to XXXII., 1859 to 1875. SITZUNGSBERICHT der Matliematisch Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zweite Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mineralogie, Botanik, Zoologie, Geologic und Palseon- tologie. Vols. LXV. to LXVIIL, 1872, 1873. Svo. Vienna. TRANSACTIONS of the Academy of Science, St. Louis. Vol. I., 1856 to 1860; Vol. II., 1861 to 1868. TRANSACTIONS of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Vol. II., Part 3. THE WORKS of the Pala3ontographical Society, London. Vols. I. to XX., 1847 to 1866 ; XXII., 1868 ; XXIV., XXV., 1870, 1871. 23 vols. 4to. London, 1848 to 1871. 292 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. THE YEAR Book of Facts in Science and Art : exhibiting the most Important Discoveries and Improvements of the past Year in Mechanics and the Useful Arts ; Natural Philosophy; Elec tricity ; Chemistry ; Zoology and Botany. Edited by JOHN TIMES. 12mo. Published annually. London. 1839 to 1863; 1871. Supplemental Volumes: Vol. l,fortheyear 1851. The Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Vol. 2, for the year 1862. The International Exhibition, London, 1862. ZEITSCHRIFT der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Vols. II., IX. to XXIIL, and XXVI., 1849 to 1874. AGRICULTURE. BENTZ, L. Elements of Agriculture. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1852. BERICHTE tiber die Welt-Ausstellung zu Paris, im Jahre, 1867. Band V. Land und Forstwissenschaft. 8vo. Vienna, 1869. BRITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents for Manure. 55pp. 1857. COLMAN, Henry. Agriculture of the United States. An Address delivered 14th April, 1841, before the American Institute in New-York. 8vo. New-York, 1841. CHYNOWETH, J. B., and Bruckner, W. A. American Manures and Farmers and Planters Guide. 12mo. 260 pp. Philadelphia, 1871. CRONISE, Titus Fey. The Agricultural and Other Resources of California. 8vo. San Francisco, 1870. DANA, S. L. Manures. A Prize Essay. 12mo. Lowell, 1844. DAVY, Sir Humphrey. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, with a Treatise on Soils and Manures. 8vo. 396 pp. Philadelphia, 1821. FLAGG, Melzer. Remarks on the Culture of the Grape, and the Manufacture of Wine in the Western States, comprised in a report made by direction of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society. 8vo. 32 pp. Cincinnati, 1846. FRYATT, N. H. Agriculture, its Essentials and Non-Essentials. Including an Examination of the Properties of Guano and other Manures. 8vo. 48 pp. New-York, 1854. GOESSMAN, C. A. Salt and its Uses in Agriculture. Vol. xvi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 24pp. 1869. JOHNSON, George W. Muck for the Many ; or, the Economy of House Sewage : Showing that the Sewage of every Household is Manure Sufficient for the Production of all its Vegetable F OO( J. 32mo. 24 pp. London. KIRSTEN, G. Katechismus der Binenkunde und Bienenzucht. 16mo. 156 pp. Leipsig, 1852. NATURAL HISTORY AGRICULTURE. 293 LACROIX, Eugene. Etudes sur L Exposition de 1867, ou Les Archives de I/Industrie aux XIX. Siecle. Description Generale, Encyclopedique, Methodique et Raisonnee de L lStal; Actuel des Arts, des Sciences, de 1 Industrie et de 1 Agriculture, chez tous les Nations. 10 vols. 8vo., text and plates. Paris, 1867-1869. NATURAL History of the State of New-York Reports on the. Part V., Agriculture. Emraons, Ebenezer. Parts 1 ; 2 ; 3 (text and plates) ; 4 ; 5. 6 vols. 4to. 1843. PERRAULT, J. Revue Agricole, Manufacture, Comrnerciale et de Colonisation. 8vo. 384pp. Montreal, 1863, 1864. PETERS, Theodore C. A Report on the Agricultural and other Re sources of the State of New-York. Svo. 152 pp. Albany, 1864. PRATT, N. A. Ashley River Phosphates. History of the Marls of South Carolina, and of the Discovery and Development of the Native Bone Phosphates of the Charleston Basins. 8vo. 28 pp. Philadelphia, 1868. PUGH, E. A Report upon a Plan for the Organization of Colleges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, with special reference to the Organization of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania. Vol. XVIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35 pp. Harrisburgh, 1864. REED, William. The History of Sugar and Sugar Yielding Plants. 12mo. 206 pp. London, 1866. SCHULTZ, Fleeth T. Der rationelle Ackerbau in seiner Begrundung durch Ergebnisse der neueren Naturforschung. Svo. 455 pp. Berlin, 1856. STEPHENS, H. Katechismus des practisches Ackerbaues. Trans lated by Hamm. 12rno. 110pp. Leipsig, 1857. TOPHAM, J. Chemistry made Easy, for the Use of Farmers. 12mo. 44 pp. New-York, 1852. TRALL, R. T. Tobacco ; its History, Nature and Effects, with Facts and Figures for Tobacco Users. 12mo. New- York, 1854. WAILES, B. L. C. Report on the Agriculture and Geology of Mississippi. Svo. 371 pp. 1854. WATERHOUSE, S. The Resources of Missouri. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 64 pp. St. Louis, 1867. WEIXGEHEIMNISSE. Svo. 48 pp. Nuremburg, 1858. WEINGEHEIMNISSE. Zusamraenstellung alle bisher oft sehr geheim gehaltener Mittel zur nattirlichen und kilnstlichen Weinbe- reitung jeder Gattung. 12mo. 123pp. Nuremburg, 1858. See, also, Agricultural Chemistry, p. 245. International Exhibitions. 294 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. ABSTRACT of the Returns of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Massachusetts, for the years 1846, 1856, 1857, 1858. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. AMERICAN Year Book and National Register. Astronomical, His torical, Political, Financial, Commercial, Agricultural, Edu cational and Religious. A General Review of the United States, including every Department of the National Govern ment and State^Governments, together with a Brief Account of Foreign States. Vol. I., 1869. Edited by David N. Camp. 8vo. 824 pp. Hartford, 1869. ANNALES du Genie Civil, et Recueil de Me moires stir les Fonts et Chaussees, les Routes et Chemins de Fer, les Constructions et la Navigation Maritime et Fluviale, ^Architecture, les Mines, la Metallurgie, la Chimie, la Physique, les Arts Me- caniques, I Economie Industrielle, le Genie Rural. Publiees par E. Lacroix et des autres. 8vo. Monthly. One vol., text and plates, a year. Paris, 1862 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to VII., (text and plates,) 1862 to 1868. Second Series. Vols. XVI, (text and plates,) 1867 ; XVII., 1870 to 1871. ANNUAL Report of the Commissioner of the Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C., for the years 1861 to 1865. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington, D. C. Continued under the title : Monthly Reports of the "Department of Agriculture. 1866 to 1874 ; 1875, January to July. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington, D. C. ANNUAL Report of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture for the year 1868. 8vo. Hartford, 1868. ANNUAL Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, to the Gene ral Assembly of Ohio, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies. Reports for the years 1855, 1856, 1858 to 1866 ; 1868, 1869. 13 vols. 8vo. Columbus. ANNUAL Report of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Massachusetts. Fourth to the Eighth Annual Reports, for the years 1856 to 1860. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857 to 1861. LE GENIE Industriel. Revue des Inventions Franchises et fitran- creres. Annalesdes Progres de Hndustrie Agricole et Manu- factiiriere, Biographic des Inventions, &c., par Armengaud Freres. Svo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1851 to date. Vols. XXIII. to XXXIV., 1862 to 1867. THE JOURNAL of the New- York State Agricultural Society. Vols. XV., XVI., XVII. to XXIIL, 1865 to 1873. NATURAL HISTORY BOTANY. 295 TRANSACTIONS of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Massachu setts, for the years 1847, 1848, 1849, 1851. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1848 to 1852. TRANSACTIONS of the Agricultural Society of the State of Wiscon sin, for the years 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857. 4 vols. 8vo. Minneapolis. TRANSACTIONS of the New-York State Agricultural Society for the years 1845 to 1868, (lacking 1846, 1847 and 1851. BOTANY. BENTHAM, G. An Address read at the Annual Meeting of the Lin- na3an Society, May 24, 1867. Vol. XXVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp. London, 1867. BISCHOFF, Gottlieb Wilhelra. Lehrbuch der Botanik. " Ileidel- berger Naturgesehichte." 5 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1834-1840. CHENU, Dr. Encyclopedic D Histoire Naturelle. Premiere Partie. Botanique. Tomes L, II. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. CREDNER, Hermann. Die Kreide von New- Jersey. Vol. xin., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6 pp., I. plate. Leipsig, 1870. DEWEY, Chester, and others. Reports on the Zoology and Botany of Massachusetts. Vol. I. Report on the Herbaceous Flower ing Plants, by Chester Dewey. 276 pp. DIRECTIONS for Collecting Specimens of Natural History. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 103 pp. Washington, 1863. FISCHBACH, H. Katechismus der Forst Botanik. 12 mo. 232 pp. Leipsig, 1862. GEINITZ, H. B. Darstellung der Flora des Hainischer-Ebersdorfer und des Floeher Kohlenbassins. Svo. 80 pp., text; Atlas, XIV. plates. Leipsig, 1854. GRAY, Asa, Introduction to Structural and Systematic Botany. Fifth edition. Svo. 555 pp. New- York, 1869. Manual of Botany of the Northern LTnited States. Fifth edition. Svo. 703pp. New- York, 1870. GRISEBACH, A. Grundriss der Systematischen Botanik. Svo. ISO pp. Gottingen, 1854. HISTOIRE Naturelle de Jura et des Departments Voisins. Tome II. Botanique. Michalet, E. Svo. Paris, 1863. HITCHCOCK, Edward. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Massachusetts. Part IV. Catalogue of Animals and Plants. Svo. Amherst, 1833. LINNAEUS, Carl von. Systema Vegetabilium. Edited by Curtis Sprengel. Sixteenth edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1825-1868. MULLER, E. Katechismus der landwertschaftlichen Botanik. 12mo. 174 pp. Leipsig, 1856. NATURAL History of the State of New- York Reports on the. Part II. Botany. Torrey, John. Vols. 1, 2. 484, 572 pp., LVIIL, CLXI. plates. 1843. 296 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. PAINE, J. A., Jr. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County, N. Y., and Vicinity. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 140 pp. 1865. PEYRITSCHE, J. Uber einige Pilze aus der Familie der Laboul- benien. 8vo. 12 pp. 1871. SACHS, Julius. Lehrbuch der Botanik. 8vo. 632 pp. Leipsig, 1868. SCHLEIDEN, M. J. Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. 8vo. 378 pp. Leipsig, 1855. UNITED STATES and Mexican Boundary Survey. Part II., Subdivision 1. Introduction by C. C. Parry. General Botany by John Torrey. Cretacce by George Engelman. . 4to. Washington, 1859. WATSON, S., and Rothrock, J. T. Catalogue of Plants collected in the years 1871, 1872 and 1873, with Descriptions of New Species. 8vo. 62 pp. Washington, 1874. WIESNER, Julius. Untersuchungen iiber die herbstliche Entlau- bung der Holzgewachse. 8vo. Vienna, 1871. See, also, Periodical Publications, p. 286. GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL AND POLITICAL. AICHHORN, Sigmund. Geographische Vertheilung des Schiefer, Schicht-und Wasser-Gebirges in Steiermark. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mO. 14 pp. Gratz, 1856. ATJSKUNSTERTHEILUNG liber Neu-Zeeland. Zum Gebrauch filr Aus- wanderer. 12mo. London, 1873. BACHE, A. D. A Portfolio of VIII. Maps and Charts, illustrating the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. New- York, 1852. BARTHOLOMEW, John. A Descriptive Hand Atlas of the World. 4to. 275 pp., LVII plates. Philadelphia, 1873. BERGHAUS, H. Physikalischer Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. Gotha, 1852. BEUTE, E. Etudes sur le Peloponnese. 8vo. 481pp. Paris, 1855. BUCH, Leopold von. Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln. 4to. 407pp. Berlin, 1825. CASE, O. D. Map of the United States and the British Provinces, Mexico and Part of the West Indies. Compiled from the latest Government Maps and other Official Sources. 5 by 6 feet. Hartford, 1874. DALOMIEN, D. de. Memoire sur les lies Ponces. 8vo. 525 pp. Paris, 1788. DER Kolonie Victoria, ihre Geographic, Politik, Land u. Hirten- wirthschaft und ihren Bergbau betreffend. 12mo. 1873. DUMARTRAY and Rouhard. Coup D CEil sur la Republique de I Amerique Centrale. 4to. Paris, 1832. GEOGRAPHICAL and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler in charge. Report of Progress in 1872. 4to. 56 pp. Washington, 1874. NATURAL HISTORY. 297 GUYOT, Arnold. On the Appalachian Mountain System. 8vo. 31 pp., with a map. New-Haven, 1861. HITCHCOCK, Edward. Report on the Geology of Vermont, Descrip tive, Theoretical, Economical and Scenographical. Vol. II. Part 10. Physical Geography and Scenery. Claremont, N. H., 1861. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Atlas Geographique et Physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Folio. XX. plates and maps. Paris, 1812. MACEDO, Joaquim Manoel de. Notions de Chorographie du Brezil. Traduction de J. P. Holbout. 8vo. 504 pp. Leipsig, 1874. MAP of Yeddo, Capital of Japan. 20 by 30 inches. MATKOVIE, Peter. Kroatien-Slavonien nach seinen Physischen und Geistigen Verhaltnissen. Denkschrift zur Wiener Weltaus- stellung, 1873. 12mo. 112 pp. Agram, 1873. SCHICKH, Melchior E. v. Anleitung zur zweckmassigsten Berei- sung der Semring-Eisenbahn von Gloggnitz bis Miirzzuschlag. Vol. VL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 12mo. 14 pp., I. plate. Vienna, 1861. SCHMIDT, J. C. E. Lehrbuch der mathematischen und physikalischen Geographic. 2 vols. 12mo. Gottingen, 1829, 1830. STUDER, B. Lehrbuch der physikalischen Geographic und Geologic. 8vo. 526 pp. Bern, 1844. VON BUCH, L. Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln. 4to. 407 pp., text; Atlas, XIII. plates. Berlin, 1825. VON KRUSENSTEIN, Paul. Geographische Bestimmungen. 4to. 148 pp. St. Petersburg, 1846. See, also, International Exhibitions. Periodical Publications, p. 286. 298 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. GENERALITIES. AGASSIZ, Louis. Contemplations of God in the Kosmos. 8vo. 17 pp. 1851. - Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. On the Origin of the Species. 8vo. 15 pp. New-Haven, 1860. Etudes sur les Glaciers. 8vo. 346 pp. ; Atlas, XVIII. plates. Neuchatel, 1840. Geological Sketches. 12mo. 311pp. Boston, 1867. The Primitive Diversity and Number of Animals in Geo logical Times. 8vo. 16pp. New-Haven, 1854. AGRICOL^E, Georgii. De ortu et causis subterraneorum ; De natura eorum quse effluunt ex terra ; De natura fossilium ; De uete- ribus et novis metallis. Bermannus, sive De re metallica Dialogus. Interpretatio Germanica nova rei metallica?, ad- dito Indice foecundissimo. 4to. 827 pp., III. plates. Basiled, 1546. BACH, II. Die Theorie der Bergzeichnung in verbindung mit Geog- nosie, oder Anleitung zur Bearbeitung und zum Richtigen Yerstandnisse Topographisch-Geognostischer Karten. 4 to. . 72 pp., XXIIL plates. Stuttgart, 1853. BEITRAGE zur Geognostichen Kenntniss des Harzgebirges. Herausgegeben durch die Hierzu Bestellten Commission. Hefts L, 1865 ; II., 1867 ; HI, 1869. 8vo. Freiberg. BIBRA, E. F. v. Die Bronzen und Kupferlegirungen der Alten und Altesten-Yolker. 8vo. 2 10 pp. Erlangen, 1869. BOOKER, Dr. Untesuchungen liber Die Wirkung des Wassers. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 100pp. 1853. The same as above. 2 Pamphlets. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. BROGMART, A. Tableau des Terrains qui Composent L Ecorce du Globe, ou Essai sur la Structure de la Partie Connue de la Terre. 8vo. 435pp. Paris, 1829. BRONX, H. G. Handbuch einiger Geschichte der Natur. 5 vols. 8vo. text, with 4to. atlas. Stuttgart, 1841-1843. Lethrca Geognostica oder Abbildung und Beschreibun^ der Ftir die Gebirgs Formationen Bezeichnendsten Yersteiner- ungen. Dritte Auflage bearbeitet von H. G. Bronn und F. Roemer. Atlas. 1 2 Lieferungs, CXIX. plates. Stuttgart, 1 850-1 856. BURMEISTER, Hermann. Geschichte der Schopfung Eine Darstellung des Entwickelungsganges der Erde und Ihrer Bewohner. 8vo. 608 pp. Leipsig, 1851. Geschichte der Schopfung. 8vo. 664 pp. Leipsig, 1867. GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 299 CLEAVELAND, Parker. An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 8vo. 668 pp. Boston, 1816. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1816. COCKBITRN, William. A New System of Geology. 12mo. 61 pp. London, 1849. COTTA, Bernhard von. Die Lehre von der Erzlagerstatten. 8vo. 742 pp. Freiberg, 1859. Katechismus der Geologic. 12mo. 124pp. Leipsig, 1861. DANA, J. D. A Text Book of Geology. 12mo. 354 pp. Philadelphia, 1864. Manual of Geology. Treating of the Principles of the Science, with special reference to American Geological His tory. 8vo. 800 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. Notes on Some of the Phenomena of the Glacial Era and their Origin; in Book Notices. 8vo. 7pp. 1875. On Dr. Koch s Evidence with regard to the Contempo raneity of Man and the Mastodon in Missouri. 8vo. 13pp. 1875. : On the Glacial and Champlain Eras in New-England. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 16pp. 1873. DE LA BECHE, H. T. Researches in Theoretical Geology. 16mo. 408 pp. London, 1834. Same as above. With notes by Prof. Edward Hitchcock. 16mo. 342pp. New- York, 1837. D HALLOY, J. J. D O. Elements de Geologic ou Seconde Partie des Elements D Histoire Naturelle Inorganique. Second edition. ^ 8vo. 740 pp., I. chart. Paris, 1835. Precis Elementaire de Geologic. Eighth edition. 8vo. 638 pp. Brussels, 1868. D ORBTGNY, Alcide. Cours Elementaire de Paleontologie et de Geologie Stratigraphique. 3 vols. 12 mo. text ; 1 vol. 4to. plates. Paris, 1849-1852. FIGUIER, Louis. The World before the Deluge. 8vo. 448 pp. New-York, 1866. FORBES, James D. Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers. 8vo. 278 pp. Edinburgh, 1859. GEOLOGY and Geologists ; or, Visions of Philosophers in the Nine teenth Century. 8vo. 33 pp. London, 1843. GLOCKER, E. F. Ueber die Nordischen Geschiebe Oderebene urn Breslau. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 82pp. 1853. Ueber einige Erscheinungen an Kalkspathformen. Vol. VIL, Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24 pp., II. plates. 1851. GOMANOWSKI, G. A Geognostical pamphlet, in Russian. 8vo. 18 pp., IV. maps. St. Petersburg, 1863. GREENWOOD, George. Rain and Rivers ; or, Hutton and Play fair against Lyell and all comers. 8vo. 237pp. London, 1866. GUARINI, Palmieri, and Scacchi. Memoria sullo incendio Vesuviano. 4to. 207 pp. Naples, 1855. HENWOOD, W. J. Observations on Metalliferous Deposits and on Subterranean Temperature. 8vo. Text, 916 pp. 1 vol. plates and tables. Penzance, 1871. 300 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Essai Geognostique sur le Gissement des Roches dans les Deux Hemispheres. 8vo. 379 pp. Paris, 1823. Fragmens de Geologic et de Climatologie Asiatique. 8vo. 2 vols. in one. 640 pp. Paris, 1831. Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. 4 vols. 24mo. Stuttgart and Augsburg, 1845, 1847, 1850, 1858. HUNT, Robert A. A Descriptive Guide to the Museum of Practical Geology, with notices of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, the Government School of Mines, and the Mining Record Office. 12mo. 298 pp. London, 1859. IRVING, Roland. The Age of the Quartzites, Schists and Conglom erates of Sauk Co., Wis. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 9 pp., I. map. 1872. JOHNSON, James F. W. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. Seventh edition. 12mo. 410 pp. Edinburgh, 1856. JOHNSTRIJP, F. Om Haevningsfsenomenerne, i Moens Klint. ]2mo. 45 pp., I. plate. Copenhagen, 1874. KAISERLICHEN Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt Catalogue ihrer Ausstellungsgegenstande bei der Wiener Weltausstel- lung. Svo. 200 pp. Vienna, 1873. KEYSERLING, A. G. Geognostische Beobachtungen. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. St. Petersburg, 1846. KOHL, J. G. Der Yerkehr und die Ansiedelungen der Menschen. 8vo. 602 pp. Leipsig, 1850. LANDGREBE, G. Mineralogie der Vulcane. Svo. 396pp. Leipsig, 1870. Naturgeschichte der Vulcane und der damit in Verbindung stehenden Erscheinungen. 8vo. 2 vols. in one. Gotha, 1855. LEONHARD, Karl Casar von. Geologie, oder Naturgeschichte der Erde. 5 vols. text ; 1 vol. plates. Svo. Stuttgart, 1836-1844. Vulkanen Atlas zur Naturgeschichte der Erde. XV. plates. Geologische Atlas zur Naturgeschichte der Erde. 32 pp., XI. plates. 4to. Stuttgart, 1841. LUBBOCK, John. The Origin of Civilization, and the Primitive Condition of Man. 12mo. 380 pp. New-York, 1874. LYELL, Sir Charles. Elements of Geology. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1841. Principles of Geology. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1842. The same as above. Svo. 834 pp. New- York, 1865. The same as above. Vol. I. Svo. 671pp. New-York, 1872. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with an Outline of Glacial and Post-Tertiary Geology, and Remarks on the Origin of Species. Fourth edition. Svo. 573 pp. London, 1873. GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 301 MARSH, O. C. Ancient Sepulchral Mound near Newark, Ohio. 8vo. 11 pp. MATHER, W. W. Notes on Surface Geology. Vol. vn., Pamphlets. Quarto series." 4tO. 47 pp. West Point, N. Y., 1835. MICHELL, John. Conjectures concerning the Cause, and Observa tions upon the Phenomena of Earthquakes. 4to. 36 pp. 1756. MILLER. Hugh. The Testimony of the Rocks. 12 mo. 454 pp. Edinburgh, 1869. MITCHELL, Elisha. Elements of Geology, with an Outline of the Geology of North Carolina. 8vo. 141pp. 1842. MONTICELLI, T., and Covelli N. Der Yesuv. 8vo. 234 pp. Elberfeld, 1824. Prodromo della Mineralogia Vesuviana. 8vo. 483 pp. Napoli, 1825. MURCHISON, R. J. Siluria. 8vo. 566 pp., XLI. plates. London, 1869. NEWBERRY, J. S. A Chart of Geological History, prepared for the Students in the School of Mines, Columbia College. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. NOGGERATH, J. Das Erdleben vom Juli 29, 1846, 4to. 60 pp. Bonn, 1847. PAGE, David. Hand-Book of Geological Terms and Geology. 12mo. 416 pp. London, 1859. PARMELLE, Abbe. Quellenkunde. 16mo. 341 pp. Leipsig, 1856. PFAFF, Friederich. Allgemeine Geologic als exacte wissenschafte mit einen anhange Geologische Versuche. 8vo. 318 pp. Leipsig, 1873. QUEN.STEDT, Friederich Auguste. Klar und Wahr. Neue Reihe popularer Vortrage iiber Geologic. 8vo. 322 pp. Tubingen, 1872. Sonst und Jetzt. Populare Vortrage uber Geologic. 8vo. 288 pp. Tubingen, 1856. ROSSMASSLER, E. A. Das Wasser. Eine Darstellung fur gebildete Leser und Leserinnen. 8vo. 528 pp. Leipsig, 1858. SCILLA, A. E. De Corporibus Marinis. 4to. 84 pp. Rome, 1752. STEININGER, Johann. Die erloschenen Vulkane in der Eifel und am Niederrhein. 8vo. 223pp. Mainz, 1820. THOMPSON, Thomas. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology and Mineral Analysis. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. VAN RENSSELAER, Jeremiah. Lectures on Geology. 12mo. 358 pp. New-York, 1825. VON COTTA, Bernhard. Die Lehre von den Erzlagerstiitten. 8vo. 534 pp. Freiberg, 1855. \VALTERSHATJSEN, W. Sartorius v. Ueber die submarinen vulkan- ischen Ausbrtiche in der Tertiar-Formation des Val di Noto im Vergleich mit verwandten Erscheinungen Aetna. 12mo. 142 pp. Gottingen, 1846. 302 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ZIGISMONDY, W. Mittheilungen liber die Bohrthermen za Harkann auf der Margaretheninzel nachst Ofen, und zu Lippik und den Bohrbrunnen zu Alesuth. 12rno. 10 pp. Pest, 1873. /See, also. Generalities, p. 298. Periodical Publications, p. 286. PETROGRAPHY. BISCHOF, Gustav. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. Translated from the Manuscript of the Author, by B. H. Paul and J. Drummond. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1854, 1855, 1859. Lehrbuch der Chemischen und Physikalischen Geologie. 3 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1847, 1854. - Lehrbuch der Chemischen und Physikalischen Geologie. 3 vols. 8vo. With Supplemental Volume. Bonn, 1864-1870. BLUM, J. R. Handbuch der Lithologie oder Gesteinlehre. 8vo. 356 pp. Erlangen, 1860. BROGNIART, A. Tableaux des Terrains qui Composent L Ecorce du Globe, on Essai sur la Structure de la Partie Connue de la Terre. 8vo. 435 pp. Paris, 1829. COQUAND, H. TraitS des Roches. 8vo. 423 pp. Paris, 1857. COTTA, Bernhard von. Die Gesteinlehre. 8vo. 255 pp. Freiberg, 1855. The same. 8vo. 333pp. Freiberg, 1862. DANA, J. D. Manual of Geology. Treating of the Principles of the Science with special reference to American Geological History. 8vo. 800pp. Philadelphia, I860. Notice of the Chemical and Geological Essays of T. S. Hunt. 8vo. 1874. DELESSE, M. A. Precede Mecanique pour determiner la Compo sition des Roches. 12mo. 95pp. Paris, 1866. D ORBIGNY, Charles. Description des Roches composant L Ecorce Terrestre, et des Terrains Cristallins constituant le Sol Primitif. Redige d apres la classification, les manuscripts inedis, et les lesons publiques de P. L. A, Cordier. 8vo. 553 pp. Paris, 1868. FISCHER, H. Chronologischer Ueberblick iiber die Allvvalige Ein- fuhrung der Mikroskopie, in das studium der Mineralogie, Petrographie u. Palaeontologie. 8vo. 80pp. Freiberg, 1868. GUMBEL, W. Theodor. The Laurentian Rocks of Bavaria. Vol. XIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 24 pp., I. plate, 1866. HUNT, T. Sterry. Chemical Geology. Replies to the Criticisms of Mr. David Forbes. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 31 pp. Montreal, 1867. Contributions to Lithology. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 51 pp. Montreal, 18t>4. On Some Points in Chemical Geology. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo - 15pp. GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 303 HUNT, T. Steny. On the Chemical and Mineralogical Relations of MetamorphlC Rocks. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. __ 8vo. 16pp. Montreal, 1863. On the Chemistry of the Primeval Earth. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. m Octavo series 8vo< Q pp< 186V> Un the Iheory of Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 8pp. Montreal, 1858. Researches on Gypsums and Magnesian Rocks, vol. xv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 VO> 37 , JENZSCH, Gustav.^ tfber eine Mikroskopische Flora und Fauna Krystallimscher Maasengesteine. (Eruptivgesteine.) 12mo. Leipsig, 1868. .LEONHAKD, Karl Casar von. Charakteristik der Felsarten. 8vo. 772 pp. Heidelberg, 1823. - Lenrbuch der Geognosie und Geologic. 8vo. 869 pp. Stuttgart, 1835. .LEVY. JNote sur une class de roches eruptives intermediares entre les granites porphyroides et les porphyres. Groupe des Granuhtes. 8vo. 20pp. Paris, 1874. JSTotes sur quelques roches analogues aux porphyres grani- toides de la Loire. 8vo. 8pp. Paris, 1873. - Structure Microscopique des Roches Acides Anciennes. XT fi vo. 37 pp., II. plates. Paris, 1875. -N AUMANN, C. F. Lehrbuch der Geognosie. 2 vols. Svo. Leipsior, 1858. * ALMIERI and kecchi. Delia regione vulcanica del monte Vulture. 4to. 160 pp. ROSE, Gustav. Mmeralogisch Geognostische Reise nach dem Ural dem Altai und dem Kierpathische Meere. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1837-1842. -KOTH, Justus, tfeitrage zur Petrographie der plutonischen Ges- teine - 4to. Berlin, 1869. Die Gestein Analysen in Tabellirischen Ubersicht und mit Kntischen Erlauterungen. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 68 pp. Berlin, 1861. VOGELSANG^ H. Philosophic der Geologic und Mikroskopische Gesteinstudien Svo. 229 pp., X. plates. Bonn, 1867. VON GOTTA, 1>. Die Gestemlehre. 8vo. 233pp. Freiberg 1862 ZIRKEL, Ferdinand. Die Mikroscopische Beschaifenheit der Mine- rahen und Gesteine. S vo. 502pp. Leipsig, 1873. Lehrbuch der Petrographie. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn 1S66 Untersuchungen tiber die Mikroskopische Zusammenset- zung und Struktur der Basaltgesteine. 12mo. 208 pp., III. plates. Bonn, 1870. /See, also, Generalities, p. 298. 304 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. EUROPE, ASIA AND AUSTRALIA. AICHHORX, Sigmund. Geographische Yertheilung des Schiefer, Schicht-und Wasser-Gebirges in Steiermark. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mO. 14pp. GratZ, 1856. BROGNIART, A. Memoire sur les Terrains de Sediment Superieur da Vincentin. 4to. 84 pp. _ Paris, 1823. BRONNE, M. J. Comparaison entre les Terrains Pnmaires de la Bre- tagne et Ceux de la Belgique. Vol. xiv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 47 pp. CREDNER, Hermann. Yersuch einer Bildungsgeschichte der geog- nostischen Verhaltnisse des Thuringer Waldes. Vol. xx., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 2 vols., text and plates. Gotha, 1855. DELESSE, A. Les Oscillations des Cotes de France. Vol. XIIL, Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12pp. Pans, 1872. , DESCRIPTION Geolodque de la Partie du Sud des Montagnes de 1 Ural. St. Petersburg, 1858. DEWALQUE, G. Description du Lias de la Province de Luxembourg. Inaugural Dissertation. Vol. XV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 64 pp. Liege, 1857. Rapport sur les Observations sur le terrain silurien de 1 Ardenne par MM. Gosselet et C. Malaise. 8vo. 6 pp. 1868. Rapport sur un memoire envoye au concours de la classe des sciences de 1874, en reponse a la question suivante : Faire connaitre, notament au point de vue de leur com position, les roches plutoniennes, ou considerees comme telles de la Belgique et de 1 Ardenne francaise. 8vo. 26 pp. Pans, 1874. Sur la Correlation des Formations Cambriennes de la Belgique et du Pays des Galles. 8vo. 4 pp. 1874. D HALLoyt J. J. D O. Coup D CEil sur la Geologic de la Belgique. 8vo. 132pp. Brussels, 1 842. Memoires pour servir a la Description Geologique des Pays- Bas, de la France et de Quelques Centres Vois.ines. 12mo. 308 pp., II. Maps. Namur, 1828. DUMMONT, Andre. Carte Geologique de la Belgique indiquant les Terrains qui se Trouve au-dessous du Limon Hesbayen et du Sable Campinien. Atlas, IX. plates. DUMONT, A. H. Memoire sur les Terrains Triassiques et Jarassiques de Luxembourg. Vol. Vn., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 36 pp. 1841. ENGLEHARDT, Moritz von. Geognostischer Umriss von Finland Folio. 44 pp. Berlin, 1820. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 305 FAVEE, Ernest. tude sur la Geologic des Alpes. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 48 pp., II. plates. Geneva, 1870. FITTON, W. H. A Geological Sketch of the Vicinity of Hastings. 16rao. 94 pp. London, 1833. An Account of some Geological Specimens from the Coast of Australia. 8vo. 64pp. London, 1826. Observations on some of the Strata below the Chalk, between the Chalk and Oxford Oolite, in the Southeast of England. 4to. 400 pp. London, 1836. GALLEOTTE, H. Memoire sur la Constitution Geognostique de la Province de Brabant. 4to. 167 pp. GEOLOGISCHE Karte von dem Niederschlesischen Gebirge Breslau, Glatz, Hirschberg, Liegnitz, Lowenberg, Reinerz, Strehlen, Waldenberg. 9 Charts. Karte von Preussen und den Thtiringischen Staaten. Charts IV. and V., and 10 descriptive pamphlets. Berlin, 1873. GEOLOGISCHEN Specialkarte von Preussen, &c. < Abhandlungen zur Geologischen specialkarte von Preussen und den Thuringischen Staaten. Band I. heft 2. 8vo. 75 pp., I. plate. Berlin, 1874. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thuringischen Staaten. Blatter Colleda, Erfurt, Neumark, Petersburg, Grobzig, Sommerda, Stotternheim, Weimar, Zorbig. 9 Pamphlets. Berlin, 1874. GOSSELET et Malaise. Observations sur le terrain silurien de 1 Ar- denne. 8vo. 17 pp. 1868. GUMBEL, W. Theodor. The Laurentian Rocks of Bavaria. Vol. xm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 24 pp., I. plate. 1866. HANNAH, Richard. A Succinct Account of the Lime Rocks of Plymouth. 8vo. 71 pp., XL plates. Plymouth. HAETTJNG, George. Die Azoren in ihrer Ausseren Erscheinung und nach ihrer Geognostischen Natur. Mit Beschreibung der Fossilen Reste von H. G. Brown. 8vo. 350 pp. text ; Atlas, XIX. plates, I. map. Leipsig, 1860. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Ueber den gegenwartigen Zustand und die Wichtigkeit des Hannoverschen Harzes. 8vo. 411 pp. Gottingen, 1832. HEEE, Oswald. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. Svo. 622 pp. Zurich, 1865. HEEBICH, Franz. Zur Verbreitung der Eruptivgesteine Siebenbur- gens. 16mo. 20 pp. Klausenburg, 1873. HISTOIRE Naturelle de Jura et des Departments Voisins. Tome I. Ogerien, Le Frere. Deuxieme Fascicule. Geologic Pro- prement Dite Appliquee aux Arts, a L Industrie et surtout a L Agriculture. 8vo. Paris, 1864. JOHNSTEUP, F. Om Kullagene paa Fo3roerne samt Analyser af de i Danmark og de nordlige Bilande forkommende Kul. 12mo. 44 pp. Copenhagen, 1873. 20 306 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. JOHNSTRUP, F. Sur les Couches Carboniferes des lies Foeroe et^les analyses des charbons du Danemark et des possessions danoises dans le Nord. 12mo. 4 pp., I. plate. Copenhagen, 1873. JUKES, J. B. Report upon the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 8vo. 241 pp. London, 1859. KEFERSTEIN, Christian. Geognostiche Bemerkungen liber die basal- tischen Gebilde des westlichen Deutschlanls. 8vo. 207 pp. Halle, 1820. KOCH, C. L., and Bunker, W. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der nord- deutschen Oolithgebirges und dessen Versteinerung. 8vo. 64 pp. Brunswick, 1837. LALAKNE, Leon. Sur les terrains d une partie de la vallee du DonetZ. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 17 pp., I. plate. 1839. LARIVIERR, A. E. Description Geognostique du Grand Duche de Luxembourg. 4to. 157 pp. Brussels, 1828. LOTTNER, F. H. Geognostiche Skizze des Westphalischen Stein- kohlen Gebir^es. 8vo. 162 pp. Iserlohn, 1868. LUDWIG, Rudolph A. B. S. Ueber das rheinische Schiefergebirge. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 12mO. 40 pp., I. map. 1853. MAYER, Karl. Systematisches Verzeichniss der Versteinerungen des Helvetien der Schweiz und Schwabens. Vol. vn., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 35pp. Zurich, 1842. MEGLITZKI and Antipoff. Second Geognostical Description of the Southern portion of the Ural Chain, as explored in 1854 and 1855. (In Russian.) 8vo. 435 pp., text ; and a volume of Maps. St. Peters- burgh, 1858. MUNROE, Henry S. Geological Survey of Hokkaido, Japan. The Gold Fields of Yesso. 12mo. 80 pp. Tokei, 1875. Yesso Coals. 12mo. 39 pp. Tokei, 1874. MURCHISON, R, J. ; Yerneuil, E. de, and von Keyserling, Alex ander. The Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. Vol. I. Geology. 700 pp., VII. plates. 4to. London, 1845. PHILLIPS, John. Geology of Yorkshire. Part I. The Yorkshire Coast. 184 pp., XXIV. plates. Part II. The Mountain Limestone District. 253 pp., XXV. plates. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1835, 1836. RAMSAY, Andrew C. ; Bristow, H. W. ; Geikel, A., and Bauermann, H. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology, with Explanatory Notices of their Nature and Mode of Occurrence in Place. Third edi- tion, revised and partly re-written. 12mo. 291 pp. London, 1862. ROEMER, Ferd. Geognostiche Karte von Ober-Schlesien und den Augrenzenden Gebieten. Sectionen Brieg, Kreutzberg, Glei- wwitz, Guttentas, Konigshtitte, Leobschutz, Loslau, Namslau, Piess-Troppan, Woischnick. 12 Charts. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 307 ROMANOWSKY. Un AperQii des travaux geognostiques faites dans le bassin moyen des couches Carboniferes de Russie. 8vo. 18 pp. St. Petersburg, 1863. SANDBERGER, Fridolin. Untersuchungen iiber das Mainzer Ter- tiarbecken und dessen Stellung iin Geblogischer systerue. Vol. XXI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 91pp. Wiesbaden, 1&5 3. SARTORIUS, y. Waltershausen, W. Ueber die Vulkanischen Ges- teine in Sicilien und Island und ihre submarine Anbildung. 8vo. 532 pp. Gottingen, 1853. SlIARPE, D. Fossiles du Portugal. Vol. XXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo., X. plates. 1850. SMITH, J. Lawrence. On Some of the Thermal Waters of Asia Minor. Vol. XXIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 20pp. 1851. SMYTH, R. B. The Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria. 8vo. 644 pp. Melbourne, 1869. STUDER, B. Geologic der Schweiz. 2 vols. 12mo. Bern, 1853. Geologic der Westlichen Schweizer-Alpen. 8vo. 420 pp., text; 4to. IV. plates. Leipsig, 1834. SiriRj Dionys. Geologic der Steiermark. 8vo. 650pp. Graz, 1871. TORELL, Otto. Om de Geoliska forskningarne i Norge. Vol. vii , Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 20 pp. ULRICH, G. H. F. Notes and Observations on the Nugetty Reef, Maldon. (Quarter sheet, 14 N. W.) Geological Survey of Victoria. Vol. XXIII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 9 pp., I. plate. Melbourne. VAN DEN BINKHORST, J. T. B. Conches cretacees du Limbourg. Premiere Partie. 8vo. 276pp. Maastrich, 1859. VILLERS, B. de, Dufrenoy, P. A., and Beaumont, Elie de. Carte Geologique de la France avec Explication. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1841. VON COTTA, Bernhard. Erzlagerstatten im Banat und im Serbien. 8vo. 108 pp. Vienna, 1865. VON HUMBOLDT, A. Essai Geognostique sur les Gissement des Roches dans les deux Hemispheres. 8vo. 379pp. Paris, 1823. WALLACE, William. The Laws which regulate the Deposition of Lead Ore in Veins, illustrated by an examination of the Geological Structure of the Mining Districts of the Alston Moor. 8vo. 258 pp. London, 1861. WALTERSHAUSEN, W. Sartorius v. Ueber die submarinen vulkan- ischen Ausbrtiche in der Tertiar-Formation des Val di Noto im Vergleich mit verwandten Erscheinungen Aetna. I2mo. 142 pp. Gottingen, 1846. YERMOLOW, Al. S. Recherches sur les Gissements de Phosphate de Chaux Fossile en Russie avec Tableaux analytiques et Car tes. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1873. 308 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BRITISH AMERICA, MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA AND SOUTH AMERICA. CATALOGUE Descriptive des Collections exposees par la Commission Geologique du Canada. 8vo. 72 pp. Paris, 1867. Officiel des Exposants Recompenses par le Jury Interna tional. 8vo. 455 pp. Paris. ESCHWEGE, W. L. v. Beitrage zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens. 2 vols., text and plates. Berlin, 1832. Pluto Braziliensis. 2 vols., text and plates. Berlin, 1833. FEUCHTWANGER, Lewis. Report on Frye s Island, (also called L Etang Island,) N. W. shore of the Bay of Fundy. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 14pp. New-York, 1866. GEOLOGICAL Survey of Canada. Logan, W. E., Director. Annual Report of Progress for the years 1844, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. 6 Pamphlets. 8vo. Montreal, 1845-1853. Report of Progress for the year 1857. 8vo. 240 pp. Toronto, 1858. Report of Progress for the year 1858. 8vo. 263 pp. Montreal, 1859. Report of Progress from its Commencement to 1863. t 8vo. 983 pp. 4to., maps and sections. Montreal, 1863. Report of Progress from 1863 to 1866. 8vo. 321 pp. Ottawa, 1866. Selwyn, A. R. C., Director. A List of the Publications of the Survey. 8vo. 7 pp. Montreal, 1873. Report of Progress from 1866 to 18Q9. 8vo. 475 pp., Y. maps. Montreal, 1870. Report of Progress for 1870-1871. 8vo. 351 pp. Ottawa, 1872. Report of Progress for 1871-1872. 8vo. 154 pp. Montreal, 1872. Report of Progress for 1872-1873. 8vo. 300 pp. Montreal, 1873. Report of Progress for 1873-1874. 8vo. 268 pp., I. plate. Montreal, 1874. of Great Britain. The Iron Ores of Great Britain. Part I. The Iron Ores of the North and North Midland Counties of England. 8vo. 97pp. London, 1856. Part II. The Iron Ores of South Staffordshire. 8vo. 164 pp. London, 1858. of Victoria. 45 sheets of Maps. Melbourne. GEROLT, F. v. Cartes Geognostiques de Mexique. 4to. 16 pp., VII. plates. Dusseldorf, 1827. V. von, and Berghes, Carl de. Geognostische Karte der Vorziichlischsten Bergwerkes-Districte des States von Mex ico. 4to. 16 pp., VI. charts. Dusseldorf, 1872. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 309 HARTT, Ch.F. Contributions to the Geology and Physical Geogra phy of the Lower Amazons. The Erere-Monte-Alegro Dis trict of the Table-Topped Hills. Svo. 8 pp. Buffalo, 1874. HUNT, T. Sterry. .Esquisse Geologique du Canada suivie d un Cat alogue Descriptif de la Collection de Cartes et Coupes geo- logiques, Livres imprimes-, Roches, Fossiles et Mineraux economiques envoyee a 1 Exposition de 1867. Svo. 72 pp. Paris, 1867. Note sur Les Sources Acides et les Gypses du Haut Canada. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 4pp. 1855. Report on the Gold Region of the County of Hastings. Geol. Survey Of Canada. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 11 pp. Montreal, 1867. Report on the Gold Region of Nova Scotia. Geol. Survey Of Canada. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 48 pp. Ottawa, 1868. MAKCOIT, Jules. Geological Map of the United States and British Provinces, N. A. Svo. 92 pp., VIII. plates. Boston, 1853. MARSH, O. C. Catalogue of Official Reports upon Geological Sur veys of the United States and British Provinces. Svo. 14 pp. 1867. Catalogue of the Mineral Localities in New-Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 8vo. 8 pp. 1863. The Gold of Nova Scotia. Svo. 7 pp. New-Haven, 1861. SAWKINS, J. G. Reports on the Geological Survey of Jamaica. Svo. 339 pp. London, 1869. See, also, Periodical Publications, p. 286. THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. ADAMS, C. B. First, Second, Third and Fourth Annual Reports of the Geology of Vermont. 4 Pamphlets in one vol. Svo. Burlington, 1845. BOOTH, J. C. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Delaware. Svo. 188 pp. Dover, 1841. BROADHEAD, G. C. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, including Field work of 1873-1874, with illus trations and an Atlas. 2 vols. Jefferson City, 1874. Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, 1855-1871. 8vo. 323pp. Jefferson City, 1873. Preliminary Report on the Iron Ores and Coal Fields, from the Field work of 1872. Text, Svo., 441 pp. ; Atlas, XIII. plates. New- York, 1873. BKOOKS, T. B. Reports of the Geological Survey of Michigan for the years 1869-1873. The Upper Peninsula. Text, 2 vols. imp. Svo. ; Atlas, XXIII. plates. New- York, 1873. 310 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. COLVIN, Yerplanck. Report on a Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness of New-York. 8vo. 43 pp., with a map. Albany, 1873. COOK, G. H. Geological Survey of the State of New-Jersey. An nual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1869. 8vo. 57 pp. Trenton. 1870. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1 870. , 8vo. 67 pp. New-Brunswick, 1871. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1874, 8vo. 115pp. Trenton, 1874. Report on the Geology of New-Jersey. 4to. 900 pp. Newark, 1868. Cox, E. T. First Annual Report of the Geological Survey of In diana. 8vo. 240 pp., with vol. of Maps. Indianapolis, 1869. Second Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the year 1870. 8vo. 303 pp. Indianapolis, 1871. COZZENS, Isacchar. The Geological History of Manhattan Island. 8vo. 114pp. New- York, 1843. CREDNER, Hermann. Geognosticher Aphorismen aus Nord-Amerika. 8vo. 13 pp., I. plate. Leipsig, 1870. DANA, J. D. Manual of Geology. Treating of the Principles of Science, with special reference to American Geological His tory. 8vo. 800 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. Whitney s Geology of California. 8vo. 18pp. DAWSON, J. W. Acadian Geology. 8vo. 384pp. London, 1855. : Acadian Geology. The Geological Structure, Organic Re mains and Mineral Resources of Nova-Scotia, New-Bruns wick and Prince Edward s Island. 8vo. 694 pp. London, 1868. EATON, Amos. Index to the Geology of the Northern States ; to which is prefixed a Geological Grammar. Second edition. 12mo. 286pp. Troy, 1820. EMMONS, Ebenezer. The Geology of the Eastern Counties of North Carolina. 8vo. 314 pp. Raleigh, 1858. The Geology of the Midland Counties of North Carolina. 8vo. 351 pp. New-York, 1856. FOSTER, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Reports on the Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District. Part J. The Copper Lands. 8vo. 224pp., IV. Maps. 1850. Part II. The Iron Regions and General Geology. 406 pp., XXXIV. plates. 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. FREMONT, J. C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to,. Oregon and Nc-rth Cali fornia in the years 1843-1844. 8vo. 693 pp. Washington, 1845. HALL, James, and Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geological Sur vey of the State of Iowa, embracing the Results of Investiga tions made during portions of the years 1855, 1856 and 1857. Vol. I., Part 1. ^Geology. 4to. 1858. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 311 HALL, James, and Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geological Sur vey of the State of Wisconsin. 2 vols. 4to. 1862. HILGARD, E. W. The Geology and Agriculture of the State of Mississippi; ^8vo. 388pp. Jackson, Miss., 1860. HITCHCOCK, C. H. First Annual Report upon the Geology and Mineralogy of New-Hampshire. 8vo. 36 pp. Manchester, 1869. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of New-Hamp shire in 1870. 8vo. %2 pp. Nashua, 1871. Report on the Geological Survey of New-Hampshire. Showing its progress during the year 1871. Vol. XIIL, Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 56 pp., I. map. Nashua, 1872. HITCHCOCK, Edward. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Bot any and Zoology of Massachusetts. Part II. Topographical Geology. Part III. Scientific Geology. 8vo. Amherst, 1832. Geology of Massachusetts. Vol. II. Scientific and Elementary Geology. 4to. Amherst and Northampton, 1841. Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. 4to. 299 pp., XIV. plates. Amherst, 1841. Plates Illustrating the Geology and* Scenery of Massa chusetts. 4to. XIX. plates. 1833. Outline of the Geology of the Globe, and of the United States in Particular. 12mo. 136pp. Boston, 1856. HITCHCOCK, Edward, assisted by Hitchcock, Edward, Jr., and Charles H. ; and Hager, Albert D. Report on the Geology of Vermont, Descriptive, Theoretical, Economical and Sce- nographical. Vol. I. Hitchcock, Edward. Preliminary Report, General Principles of Geology, Metamorphism of Rocks, Classifica tion of Rocks. Part 1. Alluvial and Tertiary Rocks. Part 2. Hitchcock, Edward. Hypozoic and PalaBOzoic Rocks. Part 3. Hitchcock, C. H. Azoic Rocks. Vol. II. Part 4. Hitchcock, Edward. Unstratified Rocks. Part 5. Hitchcock, C. H. Notes^n the Geological Sections. Part 6. Hitchcock, E., Jr. Localities of Minerals in Vermont. Catalogue of Minerals in the State Cabinet. Part 7. Hitchcock, C. H. Chemical Analysis. Lesquereux Leo. Appendix to the Descriptive and Theoretical Geology. Part 8. Hall, S. R. Report relating to the Geology of Northern Vermont, Hager, A. D. A Brief Report on the Geology of Plymouth. 2 vols. 4to. Claremont, N. H., 1861. HOLMES, E., and Hitchcock, C. H. Second Annual Report upon the Natural History and Geology of the State of Maine. 8vo. 447 pp. 1862, 312 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HOLMES, F. S. The Phosphate Rocks of South Carolina and the Great Carolina Marl Bed. 8vo. 87 pp. Charleston, S. C., 1860. JACKSOX, C. T. Atlas Illustrating the First Report upon the Geology of the State of Maine. XXIV. plates. 4to. Second Annual Report on the Geology of the Public Lands belonging to the two States of Maine and Massachusetts. 8vo. 137 pp. Augusta, Me., 1838. Third Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. 8vo. 330 pp. Augusta, Me., 1839. Final Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of Rhode Island, 1839. 8vo. 312 pp. Providence, 1840. KERR, W. C. Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of North Carolina, 1866. 8vo. 56 pp. Raleigh, 1867. KITCHELL, William. Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of New-Jersey for 1855. 8vo. 248 pp. Trenton, 1856. LIEBER, O. M. Geological Survey of South Carolina. First and Second Annual Reports for 1856 and 1857. 8vo. 133, 45 pp., XIII. plates. Charleston, S. C., 1858. LITTLE, George. Report of Progress of the Mineralogical, Geo logical and Physical Survey of the State of Georgia, for the period from September 1st to December 31st, 1874. 8vo. 36 pp. Milledgeville, 1875. MARCOU, Jules. Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces, N. A. 8vo. 92 pp., VIII. plates. Boston, 1853. MARCY, R. B. Explorations of the Red River of Louisiana in the year 1852. 8vo. 320 pp., II. maps. Washington, 1853. MARSH, O. C. Catalogue of Official Reports upon Geological Sur veys of the United States and British Provinces. 8vo. 8 pp. 1863. MATHER, W. W. Second Annual Report of the State Geological Survey of Ohio. 12mo. 386pp. Columbus, 1838. MEEK, F. B. A Reply to Prof. Swallow on Certain Disputed Points in the Geology of Kansas and other North Western Localities. 8vo. 9 pp. Springfield, 1869. MITCHELL, Elisha. Elements of Geology, with an Outline of the Geology of North Carolina. 8vo. 14pp. 1842. NATURAL History of the State of New- York. Part IV. Geology. Vol. 1. Mather, W. W. Survey of the First Geological District, embracing twenty-one Counties, extending from the north end of Washington County, between Lakes Champlain and George, south westwardly to the Susque- hanna River, and including all east and south of this Dis trict that lies within the limits of the State. 653 pp., XLVI. plates, 2 charts. 1842. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 313 NATURAL History of the State of New-York. Vol. 2. Emmons, Ebenezer. Survey of the Second Geolo gical District, comprising the Counties of Warren, Essex, Clinton, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Jefferson and Hamilton. 427 pp., XVII. plates. 1842. Vol. 3. Vanuxen, Lardner. Survey of the Third Geological District, comprising the Counties of Montgomery, Fulton, Otsego, Herkiraer, Oneida, Lewis, Oswego, Madison, Onondaga, Cayuga, Cortland, Chenango, Broome, Tioga, and the eastern half of Tompkins. 306pp. 1842. Vol. 4. Hall, James. Survey of the Fourth Geological District, comprising the Counties of Wayne, Monroe, Or leans, Niagara, Seneca, Ontario, Yates, Livingston, Gene- see, Erie, the western part of Tompkins, Chemung, Steuben, Alleghany, Cattaraugus and Chatauque. 683 pp., XIX. plates, 2 charts. 1843. 4 vols. 4to. 1842, 1843. NEWBERRY, J. S. Notes on the Surface Geology of the Basin of the Great Lakes. 8vo. 7 pp. Boston, 1862. The Geological Survey of Ohio. Part 1. Report of Progress in 1869, by J. S. Newberry. Part 2. Report of Progress in the Second District, by E. B. Andrews. Part 3. Report on the Geology of Montgomery County. 8vo. 164 pp. Columbus, 1870. Report of Progress in 1870. 8vo. 568pp. Columbus, 1871. Final Report. Vol. I. Geology and Paleontology. Part 1. Geology. 680 pp. The Surface Geology of Ohio. Reprinted from Geological Survey of Ohio. Vol. II. 8vo. Columbus, 1874. OWEX, David Dale. Geological Reconnoissance of Middle and Southern Arkansas, made in 1859 and in 1860. 8vo. 433 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Indi ana, made in 1837. 8vo. 69 pp. Indianapolis, 1869. Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Min nesota. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Philadelphia, 1852. Third Report on the Geological Survey of Kentucky, 1856, 1857. 4to. 589 pp. Frankfort, Ky., 1857. Robert, Peter, and Sydney, Lyon S., and others. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Kentucky, made during the years 1854 to 1859. 4 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1856-1861. W. Elderhorst, and Cox, E. T. First and Second Reports of a Geological Reconnoissance of Northern Arkansas, during 1857 and 1858. 8vo. 256, 433 pp. Little Rock, 1858-1860. Richard. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of Indi ana. 8vo. 368 pp. Indianapolis, 1862. REPORTS on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri. Ra phael Pumpelly, Director. Vol. I. Unpublished Material of Previous Surveys, 1855- 1871. Collected by G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meeks and B. F. Shumard. 8vo. 323 pp. Jefferson City, 1873. 314 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ROGERS, II. D. Description of the Geology of the State of New- Jersey, being a Final Report. 8vo. 301 pp. Philadelphia, 1840. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Annual Reports of the State Geologist of the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1838-1842. The Geology of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 4to. 586, 1045 pp. Philadelphia, 1858. SAFFORD, James M. First and Second Biennial Reports on the Geology of the State of Tennessee, made to the Thirty-first and Thirty-second General Assemblies. Svo. 164, 11 pp. Nashville, 1856, 1857. Geology of Tennessee. Svo. 550pp. Nashville, 1869. SWALLOW, G. C. First and Second Annual Reports of the Geologi cal Survey of Missouri. 8vo. 446 pp. Jefferson City, 1855. TROOST, Gerard. Fifth, Eighth and Ninth Geological Reports to the Twenty-third, TwQnty-sixth and Twenty-seventh General Assemblies of Tennessee. Svo. 76,20,39pp. Nashville, 1840. TUOMEY, M. Reports on the Geology of South Carolina. 4to. 293 pp. Columbus, S. C., 1848. Second Biennial Report on the Geology of Alabama. 8vo. 292 pp. Montgomery, Ala., 1858. TYSON, P. T. First Report to the House of Delegates of Maryland, with Appendix on the Mineral Resources of Maryland. Svo. 145, 20 pp. Annapolis, 1860. UNITED STATES and Mexico Boundary Survey, under Major W. H, Emory, Commissioner. Part I., Subdivision 1. General Description of the Country, &c., by W. H. Emory. Subdivision 2. Geological Reports by Dr. H. C. Parry and Arthur Schott. Notes by W. H. Emory. Palaeontology and Geology of the Boundary by James Hall. Descrip tion of Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils by T. A. Conrad. 4to. Washington, 1859. UNITED STATES Geological Survey of the Territories. Hayden, F. V., Director. Preliminary Reports. Octavo series. Preliminary Field Report of the Survey of Colorado and New-Mexico. Svo. 155pp. Washington, 1869. . Preliminary Report of the Survey of Montana and portions of Adjacent Territories. Svo. ;538 pp. Washington, 1872. Preliminary Report of the Survey of Wyoming and portions of Contiguous Territories. Svo. 511 pp. Washington, 1872. First, Second and Third Annual Reports, for the years 1867, 1868 and 1869. Svo. 261^pp. Washington, 1873. Final Report on Nebraska and portions of the Adjacent Ter ritories. Svo. 264 pp., XI. plates. Washington, 1872. Sixth Annual Report, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah ; being a Report of .Progress of the Explorations for the year 1872. Svo. 844 pp. Washington, 1873. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY. 315 WHITE, C. First and Second Annual Reports of the State Geolo gist of Iowa. 8vo. 279pp. Des Moinea, 1868. WHITNEY, J. D. The Geological Survey of the State of California. J. D. Whitney, Director. An Address to the Legislature of California, concerning the Geological Survey of the State, de livered March 12th, 1861. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 47pp. San Francisco, 1861. An Address on the Propriety of Continuing the State Geolo gical Survey of California ; to which are appended, Two Let ters, relative to the Progress of the Survey during the years ] 864-1 865, and 1865-1866 ; also, the Report of the Commis sioners to Manage the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, for the years 1867-1868. 8vo. 23, 14, 15, 14 pp. San Frahcisco, 1868. Letter of the State Geologist relative to the Progress of the State Geological Survey of California during the years 1866- 1867. 8vo. 15pp. Sacramento, 1867. The Geological Survey of the State of California. Reports of the Survey. Geology. Vol. I. Report of Progress and Synopsis of Field Work, from 1860 to 1864. 4to. 498 pp. 1865. WINCHELL, A. First Biennial Report of the Geological Survey of Michigan. 8vo. 339 pp. Lansing, 1861. N. H. Geological and Natural History Survey of Min nesota. Appendix to Regents Report of University of Min nesota. Svo. 148 pp. St. Paul, 1873. WOLTEKS, A. Das.Territoriurn Idaho und Seine Mineralschatze. Svo. 8 pp. Vienna, 1873. WORTHEN, A. H., assisted by J. D. Whitney, Leo Lesquereux and Henry Engelmann. The Geological Survey of Illinois. Vol. I. Geology. Vol. III. Geology and Paleontology. 2 vols. 4to. Chicago, 1866-1868. ALABAMA. Tuomey, M. ARKANSAS. Owen, D. D. ; Owen, W. CALIFORNIA. Dana, J. D. ; Fremont, J. C. ; Whitney, J. D. COLORADO. United States Geological Survey. DELAWARE. Booth, J. C. GEORGIA. Little, G. IDAHO. United States Geological Survey, &c.; Wolters, A. ILLINOIS. Worthen, A., &c. INDIANA. Cox, E. T. ; Owen, D. D. IOWA. Hall, J. ; Owen, D. D. ; White, C. KANSAS. Meeks, F. B. KENTUCKY. Owen, D. D.; Owen, Robert, &c. LOUISIANA. Marcy, R. B. MAINE. Holmes, E. and Hitchcock, C. H. ; Jackson, C. T. 316 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. MARYLAND. Tyson, P. T. MASSACHUSETTS. Day, E. C. H. ; Hitchcock, Edward ; Jackson, 0. T. MICHIGAN. Brooks, T. B. ; Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. ; Swal low, G. C. ; Winchell, A. MINNESOTA. Owen, D. D. ; Winchell, N. H. MISSISSIPPI. Hilgard, E. W. MISSOURI Broadhead, G. C. ; Pumpelly, R, ; Swallow, G. C. MONTANA. United States Geological Survey, &c. NEBRASKA. United States Geological Survey, &c. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Hitchcock, C. H. NE W-JERSEY. Cook, G. H. ; Kitchell, W. ; Rogers, H. D. NE W- YORK. Col vin, V. ; Cozzens, I. ; Natural History of the State of, &c. NORTH CAROLINA. Amos, E. ; Kerr, W. C. ; Mitchell, E. OHIO. Mather, W. W. ; Newberry, J. S. OREGON. Fremont, J. C. PENNSYLVANIA. Rogers, H. D. RHODE ISLAND. Jackson, C. T. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION. Fremont, J. C. SOUTH CAROLINA. Fremont, J. C. ; Holmes, F. S. ; Lieber, O. : Tuo- mey, M. TENNESSEE. Safford, J. M. ; Troost, G. UTAH. United States Geological Survey. VERMONT. Adams, C. B. ; Hitchcock, Edward, assisted by Hitchcock, Edward, Jr., &c. * WISCONSIN. Owen, D. D. GENERALITIES. Credner, H. ; Dana, J. D. ; Eaton, A. . Marcon, Jules ; Marsh, 0. C. PALAEONTOLOGY. 317 PALAEONTOLOGY. AGASSIZ, Louis. Etudes Critiques sur les Mollusques Fossiles. Les Myes du Jura et de la Oraie Suisse. 4to. 287 pp., XCIV. plates. Neuchatel, 1842. Etudes Critiques sur les Mollusques Fossiles du Jura et de la Craie Suisse. Les Trigones. 4to. 58 pp., XI. plates. Neuchatel, 1842. Iconographie des Coquilles Tertiaires. 4to. 64 pp., XVI. plates. Neuchatel, 1845. Memoire sur les Moules de Mollusques vivans et fossiles. Acephales Vivans. 4to. 48 pp., IX. plates. Neuchatel, 1839. Monographic D Echinodermes vivans et fossiles. Echinites. Famille des Cidarides. Premiere Monographic Des Salenies. 32 pp., V. plates. Famille des Clypeastroides. Seconde Monographic Des Scutelles. 161 pp., XXVII. plates. Troisieme Monographic Des Galerites, par Ed. Desor. 94 pp., XIII. plates. Quatrieme Monographic Des Dysasters, par Ed. Desor. 29 pp., IV. plates. Monographic des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gres Rouge ou Systeme Devonien (Old Red Sandstone) des lies Britan- niques et de Russie. Text, troisieme livraison. 171 pp. 4to. Atlas, liv- raisons 1, 2, 3, XLIII. plates. Neuchatel, 1844-1845. Nornenclator Zoologicus continens Nomina Systematica Generum Animalium tarn Viventium quam Fossilium. 3 vols. 4to. Soloduri, 1842-1847. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. 5 vols. 4to. text; 5 vols. plates. Neuchatel, 1833-1843. The Primitive Diversity and Number of Animals in Geo logical Times. 8vo. 16pp. New-Haven, 1854. BARRANDE, Joachim. Cephalopodes Siluriens de la Boheme. In troduction. 8vo. 48 pp. Paris, 1867. Crustaces Divers et Poissons des Depots Siluriens de la Boheme. 8vo. 127 pp. Paris, 1872. Pteropodes Siluriens de la Boheme. Introduction. 16 pp. Paris, 1867. I. Rapparition du Genre Arethusina Barr. II. Faune Silu- rien des Environs de Hoff, en Baviere. BEINERT and Goppert. Abhandlungen iiber die BeschafFenheit und Verhaltnisse der fossilien Flora. 4to. 72pp. 1849. BELL, T., Prof. A Monograph of the Fossil Malacostracous Crus tacea of Great Britain. 4to. 84 pp., XXII. plates. London, 1857-1858. 318 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BINKHORST, J. T. B. van den. Esquisse Geologique et Paleontolo- ^ique des Couches Cretacees du Limbourg et plus speciale- inent de la Craie Tuffeau. 8vo. 268 pp., VI. plates. 1859. BINNEY, E. W. Observations on the Structure of Fossil Plants found in the Carboniferous Strata. 4to. 44 pp., XII. plates. London, 1872. BLAINVILLE, H. D. de. Memoire sur les Belemnites. 4to. 135 pp., Y. plates. Paris, 1827. BRONN, H. G. Index Paleontologicus. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1848. BUSK, George. A Monograph of The Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. 136 pp., XXII. plates. London, 1857. CLARK, T. E. Fichtelit. A fossil Carbo-Hydrogen, found in the Fichtelgebirge of North-Bavaria. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. 32 pp. Heidelberg, 1857. CONRAD, T. A., and Meek, F. B. Check Lists of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America. 8vo. 112pp. Washington, 1866. COPE, E. D. Synopsis of New Vertebrata from the Tertiary of Colorado, during the Summer of 1873. 8vo. 19 pp. Washington, 1873. COTTEAN, Gustav. Etudes sur les Mollusques Fossiles de Lyonne. 3 livraisons, (as far as pub.) 8vo. 141pp. Paris, 1853-1857. CUVIER, G. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. Fourth edition. 10 vols. 8vo. text. 2 vols. plates. Paris, 1834-1836. D ARCIIIAC, Le Vicomte. Rapport sur les Fossiles du Tourtia. 4to. 60pp. 1846. DARWIN, Charles. A Monograph on the Fossil Balanida? and Yer- rucidaB of Great Britain. 180 pp., XXIII. plates. 1854. - A Monogram on The Fossil Lepadida3, or Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain. 88 pp., Y. plates. 1851. DAVIDSON, T. A Monograph of British Carboniferous Brachiopoda. 3 vols. 4to. 1851-1871. DAWKINS, W. Boyd, and Sanford, W. Ayshford. The British Pleistocene Mammalia. Parts I., III., IY., Y. 218 pp., XIII. plates. London, 1868-1871. The British Pleistocene Ovidse. 30 pp., Y. plates. London, 1864-1872. DAWSON, J. W. On the Structure of certain Organic Remains in the Laurentian Limestones of Canada, with an additional note by W. B. Carpenter. 8vo. 14 pp., II. plates. 1864. D ORBIGNY, Alcide. Cours iSlementaire de Paleontologie et de Geologic Stratigraphique. 3 vols. ]2mo. text; 1 vol. 4to. plates. Paris, 1849-1852. - Prodrome de Paleontologie. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1850-1852. DEANE, James. Ichnographs from the Sandstone of Connecticut River. 4to. 61 pp., XLYI. plates. Boston, 1861. DUNCAN, Dr. Supplement to the Fossil Corals. Parts L, II., IY. 1 90 pp., XXXYI. plates. London, 1865-1868. 9V ?** PALEONTOLOGY. DUNKER, Wilh. von Meyer, Herman and Zittel, K. A. Palseonto- graphica : Beitnige zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt. Vols. I to XVIIL, and Vols. XX., XXL and XXII., and Supplemental volume, text and plates, as far as published. 22 vols. 4to. Cassel, 1851-1874. EDWARDS, F. E. A Monograph on The Eocene Mollusca, or De scriptions of Shells from the Older Tertiaries of England Parts L, II., III. 332 pp., XXXIII. plates. London, 1848-1858 - ORBES, Prof. E. A Monograph on The Radiaria of the Cra- London Clay, &c. 39 pp., IV. plates. London, 1852. siNiTz, H. B. Die Leitpflanzen des Rotliegenden und des Zechsteingebirges oder der permischen Formation in Sachsen. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 27 pp., II. plates. Leipsif?, 1858. GEOGRAPHICAL and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Reports. - Cope, E. D. Systematic Catalogue of Vertebrata of the Eocene of New-Mexico, collected in 1874. _ w ... n 8vo - 3fpp. Washington, 1875. - Wnite, O. A. Preliminary Report upon Invertebrate Fos sils collected by the expeditions of 1871, 1872 and 1873 with Descriptions of New Species. GEOLOGICAL Survey of Canada. Publications. - Billings, E. Pala3ozoic Fossils. Vol. II., plates. Part 1. f 8vo. 144 pp., IX. plates. Montreal, 1873. - Dawson, J. W. Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. n * 8vo - 4/7 PP-, X. plates. Montreal, 1873. GEOLOGICAL Survey of the State of California. Final Reports - i^ a i!f ?> nt ? logY * VoL L Carb oniferous and Jurassic F ; ssilg by Jj. 13. Meeks. Tnassic and Cretaceous Fossils by W. M. Gabb. 3 vo i s> 4 to }869* GOPPERT, II. R. Beitrage zur fossilen und leblenden Flora. Voi x* Pamphlets Quarto series. 4tO. 20pp. Breslau, I860. - Der Paleontologie in Schlesien, sowie iiber fossile Leycadeen. GUMBEL, W. Theodor. Die fiinf Wtirfelschnitte. PP Ein Vereuch die verschiedenen Krystallgestallten in einen eimVen Zu- sammenhang zu bringen. 4to. 19 pp., II. plates. Landau, 1852. GUTBIER, A von. Ueber einen fossilen Farrenstam Caulopteris .breieslebeni aus dem Zwickauer Schwartzkohlen-o- e biro- e Vol. XXII Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8 VO. 16pp. Zwickall, 1872*. HALL, A. Contributions to Palaeontology, 1858 and 1859. Vol. XXIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 73 pp 1859* - James and Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geological Sur vey of the State of Iowa, embracing the Results of Investi gations made during portions of the years 1855, 1856 and 1857. Vol. I., Part 2. Palaeontology. 4 to 1858 320 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HARTUNG, George. Die Azoren in ihrer ausseren Erscheinung und nach ihrer Geognostischen Natur. Mit beschreibung der Fossilen reste von H. G. Bronn. 2 vols. text and plates. Leipsig, 1860. HELLMAN, A. Die Petrefacten Thuringens nach dem Materiel des Herzogl. Naturalien-Kabinets in Gotha. 4to. 48 pp., XXIV. plates. Cassel, 1866. HISTOIRE Naturelle de Jura et des Departments Voisins. Tome I. Premiere Fascicule. Ogerien, Le Frere. Geographic, Physique, Meteorologie, Agriculture, Minerale, Mineralogie, Petrologie et Paleontologie. 8vo. Paris, 1 863. HITCHCOCK, Edward. Ichnology of New-England. A Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, especially its Fos sil Footmarks. 4to. 220 pp., LX. plates. Boston, 1858. HOLMES, F. S. The Post-Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina. 4to. 122 pp., XXVIII. plates. Charleston, S. C,, 1860. HUXLEY, Thomas H., and Etheridge, Robert. A Catalogue of the Collection of Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology, with an explanatory introduction. 381 pp. London, 1860. JOHNSTRUP, F. Oversigt over de palaeozoiske Dannelser paa Bornholm. 12mo. 10 pp. Copenhagen, 1874. JONES, T. Rupert. A Monograph on The Crag Foraminifera of Great Britain. 78pp., IV. plates. London, 1866. A Monograph on The Tertiary Entomostraca of Great Britain. 74 pp., VI. plates. London, 1857. A Monograph on The Entomostraca of the Cretaceous For mation of England. 41 pp., VII. plates. London, 1850. A Monograph on The Fossil Estheria? of Great Britain. 137 pp., V. plates. London, 1863. KIMBALL, J. P. Flora from the Apalachian Coal Field. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. 28 pp., III. plates. Gottingen, 1 857. KING, Prof. W. A Monograph on The Fossils of the Permian Formation of England. 287 pp., XXIX. plates. 1850-1855. KONINCK, L. De. Memoire sur les Crustaces Fossiles de Belgique. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp., I. plate. 1861. Monographic des Productus. 4to. XVII. plates. Liege, 1847. Notice sur Deux Especes de Brachiopodes. 10 pp., L plate. LAURE, G. C. Die Echinoiden der Oesterreichischen Ungarischen Oberen Tertiarablagerungen. 4to. 75pp. Vienna, 1871. LOGAN, W. E. Notes on Fossils recently obtained from the Lau- rentian Rocks of Canada, and on Objections to the Organic Nature of Eozoon ; with notes by W. B. Carpenter. Vol. XXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 9 pp., II. plates. 1867. On New Specimens of Eozoon. 12mo. 5pp. 1867. The same as above. 12mo. 12 pp., II. plates. 1867. and others. On the History of Eozoon Canadense. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. February, 1865. 8vO. 39 pp. LUNDGREN, B. Pala3ontologiska lakttagelser ofoer Faxekalken pa Limphamm. 4to. 31 pp., I. plate. PALAEONTOLOGY. 321 MARSH, O. C. Notice of some Fossil Birds from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Formations of the United States. 8vo. 16pp. 1870. Description of the Remains of a new Enaliosaurian, (Eosau- rus Acadianus,) from the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 16 pp., II. plates. London, 1862. MEEK, F. B. Notice of a Genus of Fossil Sponges from the Lower Silurian. Vol. XXVL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1 p. 1867. and Gabb, W. M. Geological Survey of California. Pa laeontology. Vol. I. Carboniferous and Jurassic Fossils, by F. B. Meek. Triassic and Cretaceous Fossils, by W. M. Gabb. Vol. II. Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, by W. M. Gabb. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864, 1869. MILNE, Edwards, and Haime, J. A Monograph of The British Fossil Corals. Parts I. to V. 406 pp., LXXII. plates. London, 1849-1854. MORRIS, J., and Lycett, John. A Monograph of the Mollusca from the Great Oolite, chiefly from Mincbinhampton and the Coast of Yorkshire. 282 pp., XXX. plates. London, 1850-1863. Supplement to above, by Lycett, John. 129 pp., XV. plates. London, 1863. MUKCHISON, R. J. Siluria. 8vo. 566 pp., XL. plates. London, 1869. Verneuil, E. de, and von Keyserling, Alexander. The Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. Vol. II., (in French.) Paleontologie. 512 pp., L. plates. 4to. London, 1845. NATURAL History of the State of New- York. Part VI. Palaeontology. Hall, James. Vol. 1. Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New- York System. 838 pp., LXXXV. plates. Vol. 2. Organic Remains of the Lower Middle Division of the New- York System. 362 pp., LXXXIV. plates. 1859. Vol. 3. Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. Text, 532 pp. ; Atlas, CXX. plates. Vol. 4. Part I. Fossil Brachiapoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, and Chemung Groups. 428 pp., LXIII. plates. 1852. 4 vols. 4to. Albany, 1842-1867. NEWBERKY, J. S. Description of Fossil Fishes from the Carbonifer ous Strata of Ohio. \ 7 ol, XXL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp. 1856. Description of Fossil Plants, from the Chinese Coal-Bearing Rocks. 4to. 5 pp., I. plate. Philadelphia, 18(55. Description of Fossil Plants collected by Mr. George Gibbs, Geologist of the United States Northwest Boundary Com mission. 8vo. 19 pp. Cambridge, 1863. Notes on American Fossil Fishes. 8vo. 6 pp. 1862. The Geological Survey of the State of Ohio. Final Report. Vol. I. Part 2. Palaeontology. Vol. II. Part 2. Palaeonto logy. 2 vols. 8vo. Columbus, 1873, 1875. NYST, H., Jr. Recherches sur les Coquilles Fossiles de Housselt et de Kleyn-Spauwen. 8vo. 40 pp., IV. plates. Gand, 1836. 21 322 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. OWEN, Prof. Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous Formation. Part I., and Supplements 1 to 4. 4to. 184pp., LIX. plates. London, 1851-1862. Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Pur- beck Formations. Parts I. to V., and Supplements 1 to 3. 4to. 153 pp., LXII. plates. London, 1853-1864. A Monograph on The Reptilia of the Kimmeridge Clay For mation of Great Britain. 16 pp., VI. plates. 1861-1869. A Monograph on The Reptilia of the Liassic Formation. 121 pp., XXXVII. plates. 1861-1870. A Monograph on The Cetacea of Great Britain. 40 pp., V. plates. 1870. A Monograph on The Fossil Mammalia of the Mesozoic Formations of Great Britain. 115 pp., IV. plates. 1871. and Bell, Prof. Monograph on the Fossil Reptilia of the London Clay, atfd of the Bracklesham and other Tertiary Beds. Part I. ; and Part I, Supplement 1. Chelomia. 79 pp., XL. plates. 1849. Parts IL, III., and Part II., Supplement 1. Crocodilia. 68 pp., XVIII. plates. 1849. PANDER C H. Ueber die Placodermen des Devonisehen Systems. 4to. 106 pp., XII. plates. St. Petersburg, 1867. Ueber die Saurodipterinen, Dendrodonten, Glyptolepiden und Cheirolepiden des Devonischen Systems. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 89 pp., XVII. plates. St. Petersburg, 1860. PARKINSON, James. An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Or ganic Remains. 8vo. 350pp. 1830. PHILLIPS, Prof. A Monograph on The Belemnites of Great Britain. Parts I. to IV. 128 pp., XXXVI. plates. 1856-1870. POWRIE, J., and Lankester, E. Ray. A Monograph on The Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone. 62 pp., XIV. plates. 1868-1870. QUENSTEDT, Friederich Auguste. Atlas des Petrefactenkunde. 8vo. 86 pp. Tubingen, 1867. Die Mastodonsaurien. Folio. 34 pp. Tubingen, 1850. Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde. 8vo. 982 pp. 1867. Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands mit Besonderer Riiksicht auf Wurtemburg. 12mo. 580pp. Tubingen, 1846. Petrefactenkunde. Die Celphalopoden. 8vo. 580 pp. text; Atlas, 4to. XXXVI. plates. RATHBUN Richard. On the Devonian Brachiopoda of Erere, Pro vince of Pera, Brazil. 8vo. 3pp. Buffalo, 1874. REDFIELD, J. F. Catalogue of the Known Species, Recent and Fossil, of the Family MargineUidae. 8vo. 54 pp. RICHTER R. Beitrag sur Paleontologie des Thuringer "\Valdes. 4to. Dresden, 1849. ROEHL E. von. Fossile Flora der Steinkohlen-Formation West- phaliens. 4to. 191 pp., XXXII. plates. Cassel, 1868. RYCHALT, Le Baron P. Melanges Paleontologiques. Part I. 176 pp., X. plates. PALAEONTOLOGY. 323 SALTER J. W. A Monograph of The Trilobites of the Mountain limestone, Devonian, Silurian, and other Formations of Great Britain. 216 pp., XXXI. plates. London, 1864-1867. &ANDBERGER, Fridolin. Die Land-und Siisswasser-Conchylien der Vorwelt. 4to. text and plates. Wiesbaden, 1870-1873. kcHMERLiNG, P. C. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 2 vols. 4to. text; 2 vols. 2to. plates. Liege, 1833-1836. - Jbossiles du Portugal. 8vo., X. plates. 1850. rhe Secondary Rocks and Fossils of Portugal. 8vo. 100 pp., VI. plates. London, 1849, 1850. )HARPE, L>. A Monograph on The Upper Cretaceous Cephalo- poda. 67 pp., XXVII. plates. London, 1853-1857. ELL, Otta. Bidrag till Sparagmitetagens geognosi och paleon- 4tO. 40 pp., III. plates. IORNQVIST, (Sv. Leonh.) Om Fagelsangstraktens Undersiluriska. Vol. VII Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24 pp., II. plates. Om lagerfoljden i Dalarnes undersiluriska bildnino-ar. . Vol. VII, Pamphlets Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp., I. plate. TUOHEY, M., and Holmes, F. S. The Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina, 52 pp., XXX. plates. The Post Pleiocene Fossils. 64 pp., X. plates. 4to. Charleston, S. C., 1857. UNITED STATES and Mexican Boundary Survey. Part I. Subdivision 2. Geological Reports by Dr II C 1 any and Arthur Schott. Notes by W. II. Emory. Pale ontology and Geology of the Boundary by James Hall. Description of .Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils by T. A. Conrad 4ta Washington, 1859. UNITED STATES Geological Survey of the Territories. Final Report Vol. I. ^Leidy, Joseph. Fossil Vertebrates. Parti. Con tributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories 4to. 358 pp., XXXVII. plates. 1873. VAN BENDEN, P. J. TJn Palaedaphus Nouveau du Terrain Devo- men. Vol. XXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 16 pp., I. plate. WAGNER, Andreas. Monographie der fossilen Fische aus den hthographischen Schiefern-Bayeres. w TT 4 A* 138 136 PP IV - VL P lates - Munich, 1861-1863. WARD, H. A. Notice of the Megatherium Cuvieri, the Giant Fos sil Ground Sloth of South America. TX7 4to. 34 pp., I. plate. Rochester, 1864. WARREN, J. C. The Mastodon Giganteus of North America. 4to. 219 pp., XXVIII. plates. Boston, 1862. WERNER, A. G. A Treatise on the External Character of Fossils I ranslated by Thomas Weaver. 12mo. 312pp. Dublin, 1865 WINKLER, G. G. Die Schichten de* Avicula Contorta inner-und ausserhalbderAlpen. 8vo. 51 pp., II. plates. Munich, 1859. WOOD, Searles V. A Monograph of The Mollusca of the Crao- O r Description of Shells from the Middle and Upper Tertiaries of the East of England. Vols. I., II. and Supplement. London, 1848-1872 WOODWARD, H. A Monograph on The Fossil Merostornata of Great Britain. 120 pp., XV. plates. London, 1866-1872. 324 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. WOODWARD, S. P. A Rudimentary Treatise on Recent and Fossil Shells. 12mo. 486 pp. London, 1851-1856. WORTHEN, A. H., Whitney, J. D., &c. The Geological Survey of the State of Illinois. Vol. II. Palaeontology. Vol. III. Ge ology and Palaeontology. 2vols. 4to. Chicago, 1866-1868. WRIGHT, Thomas. A Monograph on The British Fossil Echinoder- mata from the Oolitic Formations. Vols. I., II. London, 1857-1866. The Cretaceous Echinodermata. Vol. I. 160 pp., XLV. plates. London, 1864-1865. ZIGNO, A. de. Flora fossilis Formationis Oolithica. Vol. I. 4to. 223pp., XXV. plates. Padova, 1856-1868. fSee, also. Geology and Geognosy, p. 298. MINERALOGY. 325 DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY. ALLAN, R. A Manual of Mineralogy. 8vo. 351 pp. Edinburgh, 1834. 1T. Mineralogical Nomenclature, with Synoptic Tables of the Chemical Analysis of Minerals. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. BEHRENS, H. Mikroscopische Untersuchungen liber die Opale. 8vo. 38 pp., II. plates. 1871. BERGMAN, Torbern. Manuel de Mineralogiste ou Sciagraphie du Regne Mineral. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1784. BERZELIUS, J. J. An Attempt to Establish a System of Mineralogy. Translated from the Swedish by John Black. 8vo. 144 pp. London, 1814. Neues System der Mineralogie. 8vo. 14 pp. Nurnberg, 1816. Nouveau Systeme de Mineralogie. 12mo. 314 pp. Paris, 1849. BEUDANT, F. S. Traite Elementaire de Mineralogie. Second edi tion. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. BLUM, J. R. Die Pseudomorphosen des Mineralreiches mit Erste u Zweite Nachtragen. 12mo. 378, 213, 140 pp. Stuttgart, 1843. Dritte Nachtrage zu Den Pseudomorphosen des Mineral- reichs. 12mo. 294pp. Erlangen, 1 863. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. (Oryktognosie.] Erste Abthei- lung. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1873. Lehrbuch der Oryktognosie. 8vo. 509pp. Stuttgart, 1833. Lithurgik oder Mineralien und Felsarten. 8vo. 501 pp. Stuttgart, 1840. BOEDECKER, C. Die Zusammensetzung der Natiirlichen Silicate. 8vo. 156 pp. Gottingen, 1857. BREITHAUPT, A. Die Paragenesis der Mineralien. 8vo. 276 pp. Freiberg, 1849. Vollstandiges Handbuch der Mineralogie. 3 vols. 8vo. Dresden, 1836, 1841, 1847. BRISTOW, H. W. A Glossary of Mineralogy. ^ 12mo. 420 pp. London, 1861. BROCHANT, J. M. Traite Elementaire de Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. BROGNIART, A. Introduction a la Mineralogie. 8vo. 159 pp. Paris, 1825. Traite Elementaire de Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. BRUSH, George J. Appendix to the Fifth Edition of Dana s Min eralogy. 8vo. 19 pp. New-York, 1872. Eighth Supplement to Dana s Mineralogy. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 1860. 326 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BRUSH, George J. Ninth Supplement to Dana s Mineralogy. Vol. XII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 1861. Tenth Supplement to Dana s Mineralogy. Vol. xii., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 1862. Mineralogical Notes. 8vo. 1858. On Amblygonite from Hebron, Maine. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. VO. 2pp. 1862. On a Variety of Galena from Lebanon County, Pa. Svo. 1863. CLEAVELAND, Parker. An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 8vo. 668pp. Boston, 1816. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1816. DANA, J. D. A System of Mineralogy, including an extended Treatise on Crystallography ; with an Appendix, containing the Application of Mathematics to Crystallographic Investi gation, and a Mineralogical Bibliography. 8vo. 452 pp., 119 pp. New-Haven, 1837. Same as above. Second edition. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Same as above. Third edition. 8vo. 711 pp. New- York, 1850. Same as above. Fourth edition. 8vo. 533 pp. New-York, 1858. Same as above. Fifth edition. 8vo. 846 pp. New-York, 1868. Manual of Mineralogy, including Observations on Mines, Rocks, Reduction of Ores, and the Applications of the Science to the Arts. 8vo. 430pp. New-Haven, 1848. - Mineralogical Contributions. 8vo. llpp. 1854. - Notice of Dr. Blum s Treatise on Pseudomorphous Minerals and Observations on Pseudomorphism. Svo. 28pp. 1845. - On the Homeomorphism of Mineral Species of the Trimetric System. Svo. 28 pp. 1854. On the Isomorphism and Atomic Volume of some minerals, with a table of Atomic Weights. Svo. 29 pp. 1850. DAUBER, H. Svangit und Beildanit. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12 mo. 2 pp. Untersuchungen an Mineralien der Sammlung des Urn. Dr. KrantZ in Bonn No. 2. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 27 pp. Same as above. No. 3. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 15 pp., I. plate. Same as above. No. 6. Vol. X. Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 27 pp. DE BOURNON, The Count. Cours de Mineralogie. 3 vols. 4to. text, Atlas 4to., LXXII. plates. London, 1808. DE LA FOSSE, G. Rapport sur les Progres de la Mineralogie. Svo. 97 pp. Paris, 1867. DELAMETHRIE, J. C. Legons de Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1872. DUFRENOY, A. Cours de Mineralogie. 4to. 336pp. Paris, 1847. MINERALOGY. 327 DUFRENOY, A. Traite de Mineralogie. Seconde edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856-1859. EGLESTOX, T. A Catalogue of Minerals. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 42 pp. Washington, 1803. A Check List of the Silicates, with their formulae and crys talline Systems. Prepared for the use of the students of the School of Mines of Columbia College. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. New-York, 1866. Lectures on Mineralogy. Delivered at the School of Mines of Columbia College. Part 2. Descriptive Mineralogy. , 8vo. 187 pp. New-York, 1871. EXNER, Franz. Untersuchungen tiber die Harte au Krystallflachen. Prize Essay. 8vo. 165 pp., LXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1873. EYEREL, Josephus. Xaverii Wulfen de Plurnbo Spatoso Carin- thiaco. 4to. 108 pp. Vindobonse, 1791. FISCHER, H. Chronologischer Ueberblick tiber die Allmalige Ein- fiihrung der Mikroskopie, in das Stadium der Mineralogie, Petrographie u. Paleontologie. 8vo. 80 pp. Freiberg, 1868. Einfuhrung der Mikroscopie in der Mineralogie, &c. Svo. 80 pp. Freiberg, 1868. Kritische mikroscopisch-mineralogische Studien. 8vo. 64 pp. Freiberg, 1871. The same. Svo. 96 pp., II. plates. Freiberg, 1873. FUCHS, C. W. C. Die Kunstlich Dargestellten Mineralien nach G. Rose s Krystallo-Chemisch System geodnet. 4to/ 174pp. Harlem, 1872. GELNTTZ, H. B. Das Konichliche Mineralogische Museum in Dresden. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12rno. 110 pp., II. plates. Dresden, 1858. GENTH, F. A. Contributions to Mineralogy. 8vo. 13 pp. 1857. The same as above. Svo. 10 pp. 1859. The same as above. 8vo. 17 pp. 1868. The same as above. Svo. 18 pp. Philadelphia, 1862. On Tetrad y mite. Reply to Dr. C. T. Johnson, of Boston. Vol. XI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. pp. 1861. Re-examination of the Tetradymite, (Bornite-Jackson,) from Field s Gold Mine, Georgia. Svo. 4 pp. 1860. GREGG, R. P., and Lettson, W. G. Manual of Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 483 pp. London, 1858. HAIDINGER, Wilhelm. Herapathit-Zangen. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 6 pp. 1855. Mineralogical Account of the Ores of Manganese. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 24 pp., I. plate. Edinburgh, 1 827. On Isopyre, a new Mineral Species. Vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 2 pp. 1827. On Polyhalite. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 16pp. HARTMANN, Carl. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 2 vols. Svo. Weimar, 1843. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 3 vols. 12mo. Gottingen, 1828. 328 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. HAUY, C. Trait e de Mineralogie. 4 vols. 4to. text; Atlas of plates. Paris, 1801. HKSSENBERG, F. Mineralogische Notizen. 4to. Frankfort, 1861. HBULAND, H. Description d une collection des Mineraux. 3 vols. 8vo. text ; 1 vol. 4to. LXXXIII. plates. London. How, Henry. The Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 217 pp. Halifax, 1869. JAMESON, R. A System of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1804. JOHNSOX, James F. W. Description and Analysis of Hatchetine, found in Urpeth Colliery, near Newcastle. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to*. 7pp. 1837. JULIEN, Alexis A. On Metabrushite, Zeugite, Ornithite and other minerals of the Key of Sombrero. Vol. XIL. Pamphlets. Octavo series, 8vo. 13 pp. 1865. KEATING, W. H. Account of the Jeffersonite, a New Mineral. 8vo. 12 pp. Philadelphia, 1822. KENNGOTT, Adolf. Die Minerale der Schweitz. 12mo. 460 pp. London, 1866. - Mineralogische Notizen. 15 Pamphlets under this title. 1853-1854. Vol. XXXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Uebersicht der Resultate Mineralogischer Forschungen. 6 vols. 4to. Leipsig, 1844-1865. KIDD, John. Outlines of Mineralogy. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1809. KIMBALL, J. P. On Sodalite and Elaeolite. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4 pp. 1870. KIEWAN, Richard. Elements of Mineralogy. Vol. I. Earths and Stones. Vol. II. Salts. Inflammables and Metallic Sub stances. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1794, 1796. KLAPROTII, Martin H. Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Knowledge of Mineral Substances. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1801. KOBELL, Franz von. Grundziige der Mineralogie. 8vo. 348 pp. Nuremburg, 1838. KOCH, Friederich. Beitrage ^zur Kenntniss Krystallinischen Hiit- tenproducte. 12mo. 88 pp. Gottingen, 1822. KOKSCHAROW, N. v. M.itei ialien zur Mineralogie Russlands. 4 vols. Svo. text.; Atlas, LVIII. plates. St. Petersburg, 1853-1861. Vorlesungen tiber Mineralogie. Erster Band. 4to. " 344 pp. St. Petersburg, 1865. KURE, J. G. v. Das Mineralreich in Bildern. 4to. XXII. plates. Stuttgart, 1858. LANDGREBE, G. Tiber die Pseudomorphism im Mineralreich. Svo. 343 pp. Cassel, 1831. LEONHARD, Gustav von. Katechismus der Mineralogie. 12mo. 110pp. Leipsig, 1862. Grundztige der Mineralogie. ^ Svo. 404pp. Heidelberg, 1860. LOTH, J. Lehrbuch der Chemie und Mineralogie. 12mo. 388pp. Leipsig, 187 2. MINERALOGY. 329 MARSH, O. C. Catalogue of Mineral Localities in New-Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 8 pp. 1863. Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 5pp. 1867. The Gold of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 7pp. New-Haven, 1861. MILLIN, Aubin Lewis. Mineralogie Homerique. 8vo. 118 pp. Paris, 1790. MOESTA, Federico. Plann de las pertenencias del mineral de Cha- narcillo. 1862. Moos, Friederich. Die Charactere der Klassen, Ordnungen, Ges- chlechter und Arten, oder die Characteristik des Mineral- Systems. 8vo. 226 pp. Dresden, 1826. MOORE, N. F. Ancient Mineralogy. Second edition. 12 mo. 250 pp. New- York, 1859. NATURAL History of the State of New-York. Part III. Mineralogy. Beck, Lewis C. 586 pp., XLI. plates, 1842. NAUMANX, C. F. Elemente der Mineralogie. Third edition. 8vo. 448 pp. Leipsig, 1852. The same as above. Sixth edition. 8vo. 500 pp. Leipsig, 1864. The same as above. Seventh edition. 8vo. 566 pp. Leipsig, 1868. The same as above. Eighth edition. 8vo. 606pp. Leipsig, 1871. NICOL, J. Manual of Mineralogy; or, the Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom. 8vo. 596 pp. Edinburgh, 1849. PARTSCH, Paul. Katalog der Bibliotehek des K. K. Hof Minera- lien Cabinets in Wien. 4to. 232 pp. Vienna, 1851. Uebersicht der im K. K. Hof Mineralien-Kabinet zu Wien zu Schaugestellten acht Sammlung. 12mo. 144 pp. Vienna, 1855. PETERS, C. F. Mineralo^ische Notizen, No. 3. 8vo. 12 pp. PHILLIPS, William. An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Mineralogy. 8vo. 406 pp. London, 1823. The same as above. Fifth edition, by F. Alger. 8vo. 662 pp. Boston, 1844. The same as above. Sixth edition. Edited by H. J. Brooke and W. H. Miller. 8vo. 700 pp. London, 1852. PICHEL, J. E. von. Mineralogische Aufsatz. 8vo. 374 pp. Vienna, 1794. PUJOULX, J. B. Mineralogie a L Usage des Gens du Monde. 12mo. 533 pp. Paris, 1813. QUENSTEDT, Friederich Auguste. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 8vo. 728 pp. Tubingen, 1855. The same as above. 8vo. 816 pp. Tubingen, 1863. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Friederich. Ueber die Isomorphie der Sul phate von Kadmium, Didymium und Atrium. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 8pp. 1861. 330 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. RATH, G. von. Mineralogische Mittheilungen, No. 3. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. ^ 37 pp., I. plate. 1863. RIEDEL, Jakob. Grundziige der Mineralogie. 8vo. 194 pp. Heidelberg, 1871. RIVIERE, A. Precis de Mineralogie. Svo. 408 pp. Paris, 1864. ROBINSON", S. A Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Lo calities. Svo. 316 pp. Boston, 1825. ROSE, Gustav. Beschreibung einig neuen Mineralien voni Urals. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 22 pp. Die Heteromorphen Zustande der Kohlensauren Kalkerde. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 14pp. Berlin, 1860. Die Edentitat des Edwardsit u. Monagit. Vol. x., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7 pp., I. plate. Mineralogisch Geognostische Rcise nach dem Ural, dem Altai und dera Kierpathische Meere. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1837-1842. Ueber Schaumkalk als Pseudomorphose von Aragonit. Svo. 12 pp., I. plate. 1855. RUMPF, J. von. tiber Hartit aus der Kohle von Oberdorf und den Angrenzenden Gebieten von Voitsberg und Koflach in Steier- mark. Vol. XI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 10 pp., II. plates. 1869. SCHARF, F. tiber den Gypspath. 4to. 39 pp. Frankfort on the Main, 1871. SCHRAUF, Albrecht. Monographic des Columbit. Vol. xv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., VII. plates. Vienna, 1861. Studien an der Mineralspecies : Labradorit. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 58 pp., V. plates, 1869. SILLIMAN, Benjamin, Jr. Description and Analysis of Several Minerals. 8vo. 18 pp. 1848. SIMONIN, L. Les Pierres Esquisses Mineralogiques. Svo. 516 pp. Paris, 1869. SMITH, J. Lawrence. On the Minerals of the Wheatly Mine, in Pennsylvania. Svo. 14pp. New-Haven, 1855. Re-examination of American Minerals. Part 4. Svo. 11 pp. 1854. Report on the Minerals and Mineral Waters of Chili. 4to. 25 pp. - Scientific Researches. 8vo. 401pp. Louisville, Ky., 1873. and Brush, George J. Re-examination of American Minerals. Part 1. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 9 pp. 1853. SMYTH, W. W. Catalogue of the Mineral Collections in the Mu seum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 190pp. London, 1864. SOCHLING, E. Die Einschliisse von Mineralien. Svo. 357 pp. Freiberg, 1860. STORY Maskelyne, Nevil. A Guide to the Collection of Minerals in the British Museum. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 16 pp. London, 1873. MINERALOGY. 331 STORY Maskelyne, ISTevil. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteorites exhibited in the Mineral Department of the British Museum. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8pp. London, 1872. TAYLOR, W. J. Mineralogical Notes. Vol. xn,, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4pp. 1858. 1 he same as above. 8vo. 5pp. 1859. TENANT, and Mitchell, Walter. Mineralogy and Crystallo graphy. 12 mo. 587pp. London, 1860. THOMPSON, Thomas. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology and Mineral Analysis. Seventh edition. 2 vofs. 8 vo. London, 1836. TSCHERMAK, G. Grundriss der Mineralogie ftir Schulen. 8vo. 218 pp. Vienna, 1863. Mineralvorkomnisse von Joachimsthal und Kremnitz. Vol. XL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. 1867. VOLGER, G. H. O. Versuch einer Monographic des Borasites. 8vo. 244 pp. Hanover, 1855. ZAENGERLE, Max. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. 8vo. 160pp. Brunswick, 1873. ZIRKEL, Ferdinand. Die Mikroscopische Beschaffenheit der Miner- alien und Gesteine. 8vo. 504 pp. Leipsig, 1873. See, also, Periodical Publications, p. 351. International Exhibitions. DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY AND BLOW PIPE ANALYSIS. ACCUM, Frederick. A Manual of Analytical Mineralogy. Second edition. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. London, 1808. A Manual of Analytical Mineralogy. Vol. I. 12mo. 360pp. London, 1808. 5ERZELius, J. J. Die Anwendung des Lothrohres. 8vo. 284 pp. Hamburg 1844. J50DEMAN, lh., and Kerl, Bruno. Anleitung zur Berg-und Hiitten- mannischen Probirkund. 8vo. 580 pp. Clausthal, 1857. BRUSH, George J. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, w ith an introduction on Blowpipe Analysis. Svo. 104 pp. New- York, 1875. CHAPMAN, B. J. Practical Mineralogy, or a Compendium of the Distinguishing Characteristics of Minerals. Svo. 192 pp. London, 1843. EGLESTON, Thomas. Tables for the Determination of Minerals. Arranged for the use of the students of the School of Mines Columbia College, New- York. Second edition. Svo. 42 pp. New-York, 1868. ELDERHORST, William. Manual of Qualitative Blowpipe Analysis and Determinative Mineralogy. Sixth edition. Edited bv Henry B. Nason and Charles F. Chandler. 16mo. 312pp. Philadelphia, 1874. , O. VV. C. Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Mineralien. 8vo. 144 pp. Heidelberg, 1868. 332 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HABTMANN, Hugo. Untersuclmngen mit dem Lothrohr,. 4to. 39 pp., XLII. plates. Leipsig, 1862. HOLLUNDER, C. F. Besuch einer Anleitung zur mineralogischen Probirkunst. 3 vols. 12mo. Nuremberg, 182(5-1827. KEEL, Bruno. Leitfaden bei qualitativen und quantitative!! Loth- rohr-Untersuchungen. 12 mo. 158 pp. ClauBthal, 1862. KOBELL, Franz von. Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Mineralieu. 8vo. HO pp. Munich, 1869. The same as above. 8vo. 108 pp. Munich, 1873. PLATTNER, Carl Freiderich. Beitrage zur Erweitung der Probir kunst. 12 mo. 106 pp. Freiberg, 1849. Die Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohre oder Anleitung Min- eralien, Erze, Htittenproducte und Vershiedene Metallver- bindungeu zu untersuchen. 8vo. 652 pp. Leipsig, 1847. - The same as above. Fourth edition. Svo. 680 pp. Leipsig, 1865. - Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Blowpipe Analysis. Translated by H. B. Cornwall. 8vo. 548 pp. New-York, 1872. SAUNDERS. System of Instruction in the Practical use of the Blow pipe. 12 mo. 269 pp. New-York, 1858. SCHEERER, Theodor. Lothrohrbuch. 12mo. 293pp. Brunswick, 1 857. SYSTEM of Instruction (A) for the Practical Use of the Blowpipe. 12rno. 269 pp. New-York, 1858. TABLEAUX Analytiques des Mineraux. 4to. f*5 pp. Brussels.- WEISBACH, Albiii. Tabellen zur Bestimmung der Mineralien. 12mo. 113 pp. Leipsig, 1869. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. AICHBORN, Sigmund. Anleitung zur Flachenzeichnung einfacher Krystallgestalten. 8vo. 56 pp. Vienna, 1865. BLUM, J. R. Die Mineralien nach Krystallsystemen georduet. Svo. 32 pp. Heidelberg, 1866. BROOKS, Henry J. A Familiar Introduction to Crystallography. 12mo. 505 pp. London, 1823. COOKE, J. P., Jr. Crystalline Form not necessarily an indication of Definite Chemical Composition. Svo. 12 pp. 1860. DANA, J. D. See p. 326. DAUBER, H. Ermittelung Krystallographischer Constanten und des Grades Hirer Zuverlassigkeit. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 26 pp., XII. plates. Vienna, 1860. DE SELLE, A. Comparaison et Transformation des Notations Cris- tallographiques de Levy, Miller, Weiss, Naumann, Dana. 4to. 86 pp. Paris, 1874. DEWALQUE, G. Atlas de Crystallographie. Svo. 16 pp., XVIII. plates. Paris, 1862. EGLESTON, T. Diagrams to Illustrate the Lectures on Crystallo graphy delivered at the School of Mines, Columbia College. Svo. 10 pp., XXXVIII. plates. New-York, 1866. MINERALOGY. 333 EGLESTON, T. The same as above. Second edition. 8vo. 46 pp., XL. plates. New-York, 1874. EXNER, Franz. Untersuchungen itber die Harte an Krystallflachen. Prize Essay. 8vo. 165 pp., LXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1873. FRANKENHEIM, M. L. Zur Krystallkunde. 8vo. 214 pp. Leipsig, 1869. GRIFFIN, J. J. A System of Crystallography, with its Applications to Mineralogy. Part I. Principles of Crystallography. Part II. Crystallography applied to Mineralogy. 8vo. 346, 143 pp. Glasgow, 1841. GROTH, P. Tabellirische Ubersieht der einfachen Mineralien nach ihren Krystallographischen-Chemischen Beziehungen. 8vo. 120pp. Brunswick, 1874. GUMBEL, W. Theodor. Die Fiinf Wiirfelschnitte. Ein Versuch die verschiedenen Krystallgestallten in einen einigen Zusam- meilhang ZU bringen. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 19 pp., II. plates. Landau, 1852. HAIDINGER, Wilhelm. Die Krystalle des Essigsauren Manganoxy- duls. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 10 pp". 1855. HAUER, Julius Ritter von. Notizen uber die Krystallisation und Dar- stellung, eiuiger Verbindungen. Vol. ix., Pamphlets, octavo series. Svo. 12 pp. Vienna, 1860. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Neue Beitrage zur metallurgischen Krystall kunde. 4to. 14pp. Gottingen, 1852. HAUY, C. Traite de Cristallographie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1822. Tableau Comparatif des Resultats de la Cristallographie et de L Analyse Chimique Relatifment a la Classification des Mineraux. 12 mo. 312 pp., plates. Paris, 1809. KARSTEN, Herman. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. Svo. 169 pp. Leipsig, 1861. KENNGOTT, Adolph. Synonymik der Krystallographie. Svo. 175 pp. Vienna, 1855. KOPP, Hermann. Einleitung in die Krystallographie. Svo. 346 pp. text; Atlas, XXI. plates. Brunswick, 1869. Sechs Tafeln mit Netzen zii Krystallmodellen zu der Einlei tung in die Krystallographie. Third edition. 4to. VI. plates. Brunswick, 1869. KRENNER, J. A. Krystallographische Studien tiber den Antimonit. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 46 pp., XL plates. 1864. LANG, Viktor von. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 12mo. 358 pp., VII. plates. Vienna, 1866. LAURENT, Auguste. Precis de Cristallographie. 12mo. 104pp. Paris, 1847. MARX, E. M. Geschichte der Crystallkunde. 8vo. 313pp. Carlsruhe, 1825. MATZDORFF, J. Martius. Die Elemente der Krystallographie mit Stereoscopischer Darstellung der Krystalllormen. Svo. 105 pp. Brunswick, 1870. MILLER, William Hallows. A Treatise on Crystallography. Svo. 139pp. London, 1839. 334 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MILLER, William Hallows. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. Ueber- setzt und erweitert durch Dr. J. Grailich. 12rao. 328 pp., XIX. plates. Vienna, 1856. - Traite de Cristallographie. Traduction Franaise par H. de Senarmont. 12mo. 208 pp. Paris, 1842. NEUMANN, C. F. Anfangsgrunde der Krystallograpbie. 8vo. 292 pp. Leipsig, 1854. QUENSTEDT, Friedericli Auguste. Grundriss der bestimmenden und rechnenden Krystallograpbie nebst einer historiscben an- leitung. Svo. 443 pp. Tubingen, 1873. Metbode der Krystallograpbie. Svo. 412 pp; Tubingen, 1840. RAMMELSBERG, Karl Friedericb. Lehrbuch der Krystallkunde. Svo. 236 pp. Berlin, 1852. Yergleichende Bemerkungen tiber die Krystallform orgarii- scher Verbindungen vom Typus des Antimoniaks. Vol. ix., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 11 pp. RATH, G. von. Krystallograpbische Beitrage. Vol. ii., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12niO. 28pp., I. plate. I860. REGNAULT, Henri Victor- An Elementary Treatise on Crystallo graphy. Svo. 70 pp. London, 1848. ROSE, Gustav. Das Krystallo-Chemiscbe Mineralsystem. Svo. 156 pp. Leipsig, 1852. SADEBECK, Alexander. Gustav Rose s Elemente der Krystallogra pbie. Third edition. 8vo. 181 pp. Berlin, 1873. SCHRAUF, Albrecbt. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie und Mineral- Morphologic und Lehrbuch der Angewandten Physik der Krystalle. 2 vols. in 1. Svo. Vienna, 1866-1868. SELLA, O. Quadro-delle Forme Cristalline dell Argento Rosso, del Quai ZO e del Calcare. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. > 12mo. 74pp. Torino, 1856. SENFT, Ferdinand. Die Krystallinischen Felsmengentheile nach ihren Mineralischen Eigenscbaften, chemischen Bestand- theilen, Abarten, Umwandlungen Associationen und Felsbild- ungsweisen. 8vo. 749 pp. Berlin, 1868. TENNANT, and Mitchell, Walter. Mineralogy and Crystallo graphy. 12mo. 587 pp. London, 1860. VON LANG, Victor. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 8vo. 358 pp. Vienna, 1866. WERNER, Gotthilf. Leitfaden zum studium der Krystallograpbie. 12mo. 145 pp. Hanover, 1867. ZEPHAROVICH, Von. Krystallograpbisches Wand Tafeln. 4to. XI. plates. Prag, 1865. MINERALOGY. 335 PRECIOUS STONES. BEHRENS, II. Mikroscopische Untersuchungen liber die Opale. 8vo. 38 pp., II. plates. 1871. DE BOURNON, The Count. A Descriptive Catalogue of Diamonds in the Cabinet of Sir A. Hume. 4to. 52 pp., V. plates. London, 1815. EMANUEL, II. Diamonds and Precious Stones. 8vo. 266 pp. London, 1867. GURLT, A. Ubersicht der pyrogenneten Kiinstlichen Mineralien. 8vo. 100 pp. Freiberg, 1857. JEFFRIES, D. A Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls. Fourth edition. 8vo. 116 pp. London. KING, C. W. The Handbook of Engraved Gems. 8vo. 396 pp. London, 1866. The Natural History of Precious Stones and Gems, and of the Precious Metals. 8vo. 442pp. London, 1865. The Natural History of the Precious Stones, and of the Precious Metals. 12mo. 364pp. London, 1870. KLUGE, K. E. Handbuch der Edelsteinkunde fur Mineralogen, Steinschneider und Juweliere. 8vo. 561pp. Leipsig, 1860. MAWE, John. A Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones. 8vo. 166 pp., III. plates. London, 1815. Travels in the Interior of Brazil ; with a Particular Account of the Gold and Diamond Districts. 8vo. 493 pp. London, 1821. SCHRAUF, Albrecht. Handbuch der Edelsteinkunde. 8vo. 252 pp. Vienna, 1869. TRAILL, G. W. An Elementary Treatise on Quartz and Opal. 12mo. 73 pp. Edinburgh, 1870. 336 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. AMERICAN Bureau of Mines Publications : - On the Rock- Salt Deposit of Petit Anse, La. Vol. m., Pam phlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 5pp. New- York, 1867. BONE, J. H. A. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells. What Petro leum is, Where it is found, and What it is used for. Where to Sink Petroleum Wells, and how to sink them, With a Complete Guide Book of Pennsylvania, West Virginin, Ken tucky and Ohio. 12mo. 153pp. Philadelphia, 1865. BOUHY, V. De La Houille et en particulier des Diverses Especes de Houilles Exploitees au Couchant de Mons, en Hainaut, (Belsrique.) 8vo. 399 pp. Mons, 1855. BRAND, C. P. Mineralogie Appliquee aux Arts. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1821. BURAT, Amedee. De la Houille, Traite Theoretique et Pratique des Combustibles Mineraux. 8vo. 482pp. Paris, 1851. Le Materiel des Houillieres en France et en Belgique. 8vo. 519pp. text, fol. XXXIII. plates. Paris, 1865. - Memoire sur le Gisement de la Houille dans la Bassin de Saone-et-Loire. 8vo. 77 pp., IV. plates. Paris, 1812. Geologic Appliquee Traite du Gisement et de 1 Exploitation des Utiles Mineraux. Premiere Parlie. Geologic Pratique. DeuxiemePartie. Exploitation des Mines. Quatrieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 550, 540 pp., XXIX., XXXHI. plates. Paris, 1858, 1859. Geologic Appliquee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. - Mineralogie Appliquee. Description des Mineraux Employes dans les Industries Metallurgiques et Manufacturiers. 8vo. 476 pp. Paris, 1864. CARTE tiber die Production, Consum und die Circulation des Mineral- Brennstoffes in Preussen wahrend das Jahre, 1871. A chart. DIE GRUBEN und Anlagen der Vereinigungs Gesellschaft fiir Stein- kohlenbau in Wurm Revier zu Kohlschied bei Aachen. 12mo. 18 pp. ERLAUTERUNGEN zu der Karte fiber die Production, Consumtion und Circulation der mineralischen Brennstoffe in Preussen. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. FLECK, H., and Hurtig, H. Geschichte Statistik und Technik der Steinkohlen. 4to. 423 pp. Munchen, 1865. FLOETZ-KARTE des Niederrheinisch-Westfaehlischen Steinkohlen- beckens. 2to. XXI. plates. FOEITERLE, Franz. Das Vorkommen die Production und Circulation des Mineralischen Brennstoffes. Vol. xv., Pamphlets. Octavo series- 8vo. 28 pp., and chart 4to. Weimar, 1870. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. 337 GEDDES, George. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35pp. Albany, 1866. GEIXITZ, H. B. . Geognostisch Darstellung der Steinkohlen Forma tion in Sachsen. 2 vols. 4to., text and plates. Leipsig, 1856. GESNER, Abraham. A Treatise on Coal, Petroleum and Distilled Oils. 8vo. 181 pp. New-York, 1865. The Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. New-York, 1862. GOESSMANN, C. A. Contributions to the Chemistry of Common Salt : with particular reference to our Home Resources. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. 1870. Contributions to the Chemistry of the Mineral Springs of Onondaga, N. Y. 8vo. 22 pp. Syracuse, 1866. Report on the Brines of Onondaga. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. llpp. Syracuse, 1862. Report on the Salt Resources of Goderich, Province of On tario, (Canada West.) 8vo. 18 pp. 1868. GRIMM, Johaun. Die Lagerstatten der Nutzbaren Mineralien. 8vo. 233 pp. Prag, 1869. GURLT, A. Die Deutsche Steinkohle. 12mo. 51pp. Bremen, 1868. GYSSER, R. Der Torf. 8vo. 46 pp. Weimar, 1864. HANTKEN, Maxm. v. Der Ofner Mergel. Svo. 24pp. Prest, 1873. HARTMANN, Carl. Die Mineralischen Brennstoffe Steinkohlen, Braunkohlen und Torf. Svo. 122 pp. Halle, 1856. HAUY, C. A Letter to Rev. Wm. McLain on the Native Iron of Li beria; transmitting a Chemical Analysis. Svo. 5pp. 1855. HAYES, A. A. On the Native Iron of Liberia. Svo. 7 pp. Washington, 1855. HITCHCOCK, Edward. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Massachusetts. Part I. Economical Geology. Svo. Amherst, 1823. Geology of Massachusetts. Vol. I. Economical and Scenographical Survey. 4 to. Amherst, 1841. and others. Report upon the Geology of Vermont. Vol. II. Part 9. Economic Geology of Vermont. 4to. Claremont, N. H., 1861. HOLMES, F. S. The Phosphate Rocks of South Carolina and the Great Carolina Marl Bed. Svo. 87 pp. Charleston, 1870. HUNT, T. Sterry. Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1S58. Part I. Svo. 190 pp. London, 1859. Bitumens and Pyroschists. Svo. 15 pp. Contributions to the Chemical and Geological History of Bitumens and of Pyroschists or Bituminous Shales. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 15pp. 1863. Recherches sur les Eaux Minerales du Canada. Vol. vm., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 5 pp. 1841. 22 338 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HYNE, J. C. Report on the Coal Beds of the Pacific Coast Petro leum Company. 8vo. 8pp. New- York, 1865. JICINSKY, Wilhelm. Das Mahrisch-Schlessiche-Steinkohlen-Revier bei Mahrisch-Ostrau. 8vo. 132 pp. ; Atlas, V. plates. Vienna, 1865. JOHNSTRUP, F. Om Kullngene paa Foeroerne saint Analyser af de i Danmark og de nordlige Bilande forkommende Kul. 12mo. 44 pp. Copenhagen, 1873. Sur les Coaches Carboniferes des iles Foeroe et les analyses des charbons du Danemark et des possessions danoises dans le Nord. 12mo. 4pp., I., plate. Copenhagen, 1873. KIMBALL, J. P. Notes on the Iron Ores of Marquette, Michigan. 8vo. 15 pp. 1864. Our Mineral Interest. 8vo. 42 pp. Report on the Coal of the Broad Top Steam Coal Company of Pennsylvania, 8vo. 8 pp. New- York, 1867. Report on the Extension of the Vermont Copper Company s Copper Ore, (Giiford Tract,) Vershire, Orange Co., Vermont. 8vo. 7 pp., I. map. New- York, 1869. Report upon the Estate of the New-Jersey Coal Company of Wilkesbarre, Pa, 8vo. 15 pp. New- York, 1865. LESLEY, J. P. A Manual of Coal and its Topography. 8vo. 224 pp. Philadelphia, 1856. LOTTNER, F. H. Geognostiche Skizze des Westi ahlischen Stein- kohlen Gebirges. 8vo. 162 pp. Iserlohn, 1868. LYMAN, B. S. A Report on the Bourinot Coal Claims and Land, Cape Breton. 8vo. 17 pp. New-York, 1865. The Topography of the Punjaub Oil Regions. 4to. 14 pp. MARSH, O. C. The Gold of Nova Scotia. 8vo. 7 pp. New-Haven, 1861. MAYNARD, G. W. The Iron Ores of Lake Champlain, United States of America. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp., with a Map. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1874. MICHEL, A., and Hunt, T. Sterry. Report on the Gold Region of Canada. 8vo. 72 pp. Montreal, 1866. MINNESOTA : Its Resources and Progress. 8vo. 80 pp. St. Paul, 1871. MUNROE, Henry S. Geological Survey of Hokkaido. The Yesso Coals. 8vo. 20pp. Tokio, 1875. NEWBERRY, J. S. Geological Report on the Lands of the Indian Creek and Jack s l^nob Coal, Salt, Lead, Lumber, Oil and Manufacturing Company. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 20 pp. Cincinnati, 1866. Report on the Economical Geology of the Route of the Ashtabula and New-Lisbon Rail-Road. Vol. xxiv., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 47 pp., I. Map. Cleveland, Ohio. Report on the Oil Lands of Crocus Creek, Cumberland County, Ky. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12 pp. Cleveland, Ohio, 1865 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. 339 NEWBERRY, J. S. The Iron Resources of the United States. Re printed from the International Review. 8vo. New-York, 1874. The Rock Oils of Ohio. 8vo. 16pp. 1859. Report on the State House Well, Columbus, Ohio. 8vo. 11 pp. I860. PONSON, A. T. Handbuch des Steinkohlen-Bergbaues. 2 vols. 4to. Weimar, 1855. REPORTS on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri. Ra phael Purnpelly, Director. Vol. I. Unpublished Material of Previous Surveys, 1855- 1871. Collected by G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meek and B. F. Shumard. 8vo. 323 pp. Jefferson City, 1873. Vol. II. Survey of 1872. Report on the Iron Ores and Coal Fields by R. Pumpelly, Adolph Schmidt and others. 8vo. 441 pp.; Atlas, IX. plates. New-York, 1873. RITTER, Ferdinand. Anleitung machtige Kohlenflotze. 8vo. 95 pp. Brtinn, 1868. SCHOOLCRAFT, II. R. The Lead Mines of Missouri, including Obser vations on the Geology, &c., of Missouri and Arkansaw. 8vo. 299 pp, New-York, 1819. SCHULTZ, Carl. Mineral Spring Waters. 8vo. 70 pp. New- York, 1865. SILVER Mines (The) of Nevada. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 76 pp., I. map. New- York, 1864. SMITH, J. Lawrence. Report on the Minerals and Mineral Waters Of Chili. Vol. IX., Pamphlets. Octavo seriep. 4tO. 25pp. SMYTH, R. B. The Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria, 8vo. 614 pp. Melbourne, 1869. W. W. Catalogue of the Mineral Collections in the Mu seum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 190 pp. London, 1864. On the Mines of Wicklow and Wexford. 8vo. 64 pp., II. maps. London, 1853. SONORA, and the Value of its Mines. Report of the Sonora Explor ing and Mining Co. Vol. IL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 42 pp. Cincinnati, 1856. SOUTH Staffordshire Coal Field, (The.) Mem. Geol. Surv. G. L. 8vo. 241 pp. London, 1859. SWEET, S. H. Report on Coal to the New- York State Senate, 1865. 8vo. 88 pp. Albany. TAYLOR, J. E. H. The History and Description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries and Coal Trade of Great Britain. Second edition. 8vo. 485 pp. London, 1841. R. C. Statistics of Coal. Second edition. Revised by S. S. Haldeman. 8vo. 640 pp. Philadelphia, 1855. W. B. A Communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor, transmitting a report on Coal. 8vo. 94 pp. Albany, 1865. VOGEL, August. Der Torf seine Natur und Bedeutung. 12nio. 170pp. Brunswick, 1859. 340 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. YON COTTA, Bernhard. A Treatise on Ore Deposits. Translated by Frederick Prime, Jr. 8vo. 511 pp. New-York, 1870. WHITE, J. H., and Silliman, B., Jr. Petroleum in California. A Brief Account of One Hundred Thousand Acres of Oil Lands in California. 8vo. 21 pp. New-York, 1865. WHITNEY J D The Metallic Wealth of the United States. 8vo. 510 pp. Philadelphia, 1854. j p. The Silver Mining Regions of Colorado. 8vo. 107 pp. New- York, 1865. WIBEL Ferd. Das Gediegene Kupfer und das Rothkupfererz. (KuDferoxvdul.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre den Erzlagerstatten. 8vo. 182pp. Hamburg, 1864. WOLTERS A. Das Territorium Idaho und Seine Mineralschatze. 8vo. 8 pp. Vienna, 1873. WRIGHT, O. A. On the Mineral Well at Waterloo, Wis. WURTS, Henry. Occurrence of Cobalt and Nickel in Gaston Co., N C Vol. XII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 7 pp. Report upon Grahamite. 8vo. 25 pp. New-York, 1865. _ Report upon a Mineral Formation in West Virginia to the Ritchie Mineral Resin and Oil Co. Vol. xv Pamphlets, octavo 8eries 8vo. 25 pp. New-York, 1865. ZINCKEN, C. F. Die Physiographie der Braunkohle. 8vo. 818 pp., II. plates. Hanover, 1837. See also. International Exhibitions. Local Geology and Geognosy, p. 304. METEOROLOGY AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 341 METEOROLOGY AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. BACIIE, A. D. Abstract of Results of a Magnetic Survey of Penn sylvania and parts of adjacent States, in 1840 and. 1841, with some additional results of 1843 and 1862. Vol. v., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 19 pp., I. map. 1863. Discussion of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observa tions made at the Girard College Observatory, Philadelphia. In two sections. /Smithsonian Contrib. Section I., com prising parts 1, 2, 3. 4to. On the Diurnal Variation of the Horizontal Needle. 4to. 21 pp., III. plates. Philadelphia, 1832. and Courtenay, E. II. On the Relative Horizontal Intensi ties of Terrestrial Magnetism at several places in the United States ; with the Investigation of Corrections for Tempera ture, and Comparisons of the Methods of Oscillation in Full and in Rarified Air. 4to. 31 pp. 1836. Notes and Diagrams illustrative of the Directions of the Forces acting at and near the surface of the Earth, in differ ent parts of the Brunswick Tornado of June 19th, 1835. 4 to. 12 pp., II. diagrams. 1835. BARNES, J. K. General Meteorological Instructions. Vol. VI., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. Washington, 1868. COFFIN, James H. Psychometrical Tables for Determining the Forces of Aqueous Vapor, and the relative Humidity of the Atmosphere from Indications of the Wet and the Dry Bulb Thermometer, Fahrenheit. 8vo. 20 pp. Washington, 1856. DALTON, John. Meteorological Observations and Essays. Second edition. 8vo. 244 pp. Manchester, 1834. GENERAL Meteorological Instructions issued by the War Depart ment, Washington, D. C. 8vo. 12 pp. Washington, 1868. GRETSCHEL, Heinrich. Katechismus der Meteorologie. 24mo. 168 pp. Leipsig, 1867. GUYOT, Arnold. Directions for Meteorological Observations and the Registry of Periodical Phenomena. Smith. Mise Coll. 8vo. 70pp. Washington, 1869. Tables, Meteorological and Physical, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Second edition. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 634 pp. Washington, 1870. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Fragmens de Geologic et de Clima- tologie Asiatique. 8vo. 2 vols. in 1. 640 pp. Paris, 1831. LOOMIS, Elias. The Aurora Borealis, or Polar Lights; its phe nomena and laws. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 41pp. 342 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBKAKY. LOOMIS, Elias, and Newton, H. A. On the Mean Temperature, and on the Fluctuations of Temperature, at New-Haven, Conn., Lat. 41 18 N. Long., 75 55 W. of Greenwich. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 54 pp., III. plates. MULLER, Jobann. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. Vol. I. 8vo. 956 pp. Brunswick, 1868. Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. 573pp. London, 1847. The Principles of Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. 565 pp. London, 1847. POUILLET, Claude S. M. Elemens de Physique Experimental et de Meteorologie. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Same as above. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. text; Svo. LXIX. plates. Paris, 1856. Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie. Fourth edition, edited by Dr. J. Muller. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1852. Same as above. Fifth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Brunswick, 1858. Same as above. Seventh edition, edited by Dr. J. Muller. Vol. I. Svo. 961 pp. Brunswick, 1868. SMITHSONIAN Institution Publications : Directions for Constructing Lightning Rods. Svo. 4pp. Washington, 1874. Directions for Meteorological Observations and the Registry of Periodical Phenomena. Smith Misc. Coll. 8vo. 70 pp. Washington, 1860. Instructions for Observations of Thunder Storms. A cir cular. Washington, 1874. Telegraphic Announcement of Astronomical Discoveries. Smith. Misc. Coll. Circular. 8vo. Washington, 1873. Queries Relative to Tornadoes. A circular. Svo. Washington. UNITED STATES Coast Survey. Appendix to Report for 1872. Schott, C. A. Notes on Measurements of Terrestrial Mag netism. 4to. 22 pp. Geological Survey of the Territories. Miscellaneous Publi cations. No. 2. Gannett, Henry. Meteorological Observa tions during the year 1872 in Utah, Idaho and Montana. 8vo. 120 pp. Washington, 1873. Signal Office, Washington, D. C. A Complete" Set of the Blanks used with the "Recording Instruments of the U. S. Signal Office at Washington, D. C. WHITNEY, J. D. The Geological Survey of the State of California. Miscellaneous Publications of the Survey. Contributions to Barometric Hypsometry ; with tables for use in California. 4to. 88 pp. 1874. ZOOLOGY AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. 343 ZOOLOGY AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. AGASSIZ, Louis. Anatomie des Echinodermes. Premiere Mono graphic. Anatomic du Genre Echinus, par G. Valentin. 125 pp. text ; Atlas folio, IX. plates. 4to. Neuchatel, 1841-42. Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephse of North America : Part I. On the Naked-eyed Medusae of the Shores of Massachusetts in their Perfect State of Development. 96 pp., VIII. plates. Part II. On the Beroid Medusae of the Shores of Massa chusetts in their Perfect State of Development. 62 pp., VIII. plates. 4to. 1849. Memoire sur les Monies de Mollusqffes vivans et fossiles. Premiere Partie. Moules D Acephales Vivans. 4to. 48 pp., IV. plates. Neuchatel, 1849. Methods of Study in Natural History. 8vo. 319 pp. Boston, 1866. Monographies D Echinodermes vivans et fossiles. Echini- tes. Famille des Cidarides. Premiere Monographic Des Salenies. 32 pp., V. plates. Famille des Clypeastroides. Seconde Monographic Des Scutelles. 151 pp., XXVII. plates. Troiseme Monographic Des Galerites, par Ed. Desor. 94 pp., XIII. plates. Quatrierae Monographic Des Dysasters, par Ed. Desor. 29 pp., IV. plates. Nomenclator Zoologicus continens Nomina Systematica Generum Animalium tarn Viventium quam Fossiliura. 3 vols. 4to. Soloduri, 1842-1847. Notice of a Collection of Fishes fijorn the Southern Bend of the Tennessee River, Alabama. 8vo. 31pp. 1854. On the Ichthyological Fauna of the Pacific Slope of North America. 8vo. 46 pp. New-Haven, 1855. On the Principles of Classification in the Animal Kingdom. On the Structure of the Haley on old Polypi; On the Mor phology of the Medusae. 8vo. 19 pp. Charleston, S. C., 1850. The Primitive Diversity and Number of Animals in Geo logical Times. 8vo. 10pp. New-Haven, 1854. et Vogt, C. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons D Eau Douce de L Europe Centrale. 8vo. 326 pp. ; Atlas, LV. plates. Neuchatel, 1842. ALLEX, H. Monograph of North American Bats. 8vo. 85 pp. BAIKD, Spencer F. Catalogue of North American Birds. 8vo. 32pp. Washington, 1859. 344 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBEARY. BAIRD, Spencer F. Review of American Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part I. Svo. 478 pp. 1864-1872. S. F., and Girard, C. Catalogue of North American Rep tiles. Part I., Serpents. Svo. 172pp. Washington, 1853. BERNSTEIN, H. A. Beitrage znr Nahren Kentniss der Gattung CollocaliaGr. (Cypselus Esculentus e-t Nidifieus.) 4to. 1856. BINNEY, W. G. Bibliography of North American Conchology previous to 1860. Smith. Misc. Coll. Part 1. American- Authors. 650pp. 1863. Part 2. Foreign Authors. 306pp. 1864. Svo. Washington. and Bland, T. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. Part I. Pulmonata Geophila. 316pp., 1869. Part II. Pulmonata Limnophila. 120 pp., 1865. Svo. Washington. BLAND, T. Remarks on the Distribution of the Inoperculated Land Shells which inhabit the continent of America and the West Indies. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. Remarks on the Origin and Distribution of the Opercu- lated Land Shetls which inhabit the Continent of America and the West Indies, with a Catalogue of the American species. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8\ T O. 20pp. 1866. CARPENTER, Philip B. The Mollusks of Western North America. Embracing the Second Report made to the British Associa tion on tins subject, with other papers ; reprinted by permis sion, with a general index. Svo. Washington, 1872. William B. Principles of Comparative Physiology. From the Fourth London edition. Svo. 752pp. Philadelphia, 1 854. CUVIER, G. Le Regne Animal. 5 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1829. DALL, W. II. On a New Subfamily of Fluviatile Mollnsca. Vol. XXVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 pp. 1S66. Note on Octopus punctatus, Gabb. 3 pp. 1866. DEWEY, Chester, and others. Report on the Zoology and Botany of Massachusetts. Report on the Quadrupeds, by Ebenezer Emmons. 86 pp, Report on the Insects, by T. W. Harris. 495 pp. Vol. II. Report on the Invertebrata, by Augustus A. Gould. 373 pp. Report on the Fishes, Reptiles and Birds, by D. H. Storer. 426 pp. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1839-1841. GEOGRAPHICAL and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Yarrow, II. C-, and Henshaw, II. W. Report upon and List of Birds collected in 1872. Svo. 148 pp. 1874. GILL, Theodore. Arrangement of the Families of Fishes, or Classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, and Leptocardii. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Svo. 48pp. Washington, 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Mammals, with Analytical Tables. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 98 pp. Washington, 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Mollusks. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Svo. 49 pp. Washington, 1871. ZOOLOGY AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. 345 HISTOIRE Naturelle de Jura et des Departments Voisins. Tome III. Ogerien, Le Frere. Zoologie Yivante.. 8vo. Paris, 1867. JAEGER, George. Osteologische Bemerkungerj. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 44 pp., III. plates. 1855. JULIEN, Alexis A. On two Varieties of Sponge Spicules. Vol. xxvi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 7pp. 1865. LEA, Carpenter, Stimpson, Binney and Prime. Check Lists of the Shells of North America. 8vo. Washington, 1860. LECONTE, John L. Classification of the Coleoptera of Norfh America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. 348pp. 1861-1873. New Species of North America Coleoptera. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. 240pp. Washington, 1863-1873. LEUCKART, F. S. Allgemeine Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche. 12 mo. 130pp. Stuttgart, 1832. LOE-W, II. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Pre pared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll. Parts 2 and 3. 8vo. 360 pp., XIII. plates. Washington, 1864-1873. LOGAN, W. E. On New Specimens of Eozoon. 12mo. 5pp. 1867. - The same as above. 12mo. 12 pp., II. plates. 1867. and others. On the History of Eozoon Cauadense. Vol. XX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 39 pp. MAY KB, Karl. Zur Anatomie des Rhinoceros Indicus. Vol. vi., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 14 pp., IV. plates, 1852. MELSHEIMER, Friederich Ernest. Catalogue of the described Cole- * optera of the United States. Revised by S. S. Haldeman and J. L. Leconte. 8vo. 174 pp. * Washington, 1853. MILNE, Edwards M. Manual of Zoology. Translated from the French by R. Knox. Second edition. 12mo. 564 pp. London, 1863. MORRISS, J. G. Catalogue and Synopsis of the Lepidoptera of North America. Part 1. 8vo. 453 pp. 1860-1862. Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America. Part 1. Diurnal and Crepuscular. 8vo. 354 pp. 1860. MURRAY, Andrew. The Geographical Distribution of Mammals. 4to. 420 pp. London, 1866. MUSEUM of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Annual Report of the Trustees, together with the Report of the Di rector. 8vo. 22 pp. Boston, 1868. NATURAL History of the State of New-York. Reports on the. Introduction. 188 pp, Part I. Zoology. De Kay, James E. Div. 1. Mammalia. (Vol.1.) 140 pp., XXXIII. plates. 1842. Div. 2. Birds. (Vol.2.) 380 pp., CLXI. plates. 1844. Div. 3. Reptiles ( } 98 pp., XXIII. plates. 1842. and Amphibia, -j (Vol. 3. > Div. 4. Fishes. ( j 415 pp., LXXIV. plates. 1842. Div. 5. Mollusca. ) , v , , j 271 pp., XL. plates. 1843. Div. 6. Crustacea, f * * \ 70 pp., XIII. plates. 1843. 346 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. OESTEN SACKEN, R. Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America, Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smith. Misc. Coll Svo. 221pp. Washington, 1838. - Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institute. Part IV. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 344 pp. Washington, 1869. OWEN, Richard. The Principal Forms of the Skeleton and the Teeth. 12mo. 329 pp. Philadelphia, 1854. PACKARD, A. S., Jr. Directions for Collecting and Preserving In sects. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institute. Smith. Misc. Coll Svo. 54pp. Washington, 1873. PRIME, Temple. Monograph of American CorbiculadcB. Smith. Misc. Coll. Svo. 80 pp. Washington, 1865. SANDBERGER, Fridolin. Die Land-mid Siisswasser-Conchylien der Vorvvelt. Lieferungs I. to X., text and plates. 4to. Wiesbaden, 1870-1873. SAY, Thomas. A Description of the Insects of North America. Edited by J. L. Le Conte, with a Memoir of the Author by George Ord. 2 vols. Svo. New-York, 1869. SCUDDER, S. IT. Catalogue of North American Orthoptera, de scribed previous to 1867. 8vo. 89 pp. Washington, 1868. SMITHSONIAN Institution Publications : Queries Relative to the Food Fishes of the United States. A circular. 8vo. Washington. STIMPSON, Wm. Researches upon Hydrobiince. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 59 pp. Washington, 1865. UNITED STATES and Mexican Boundary Survey. Reports. Part II. Subdivision 2, Zoology. Mammals by S. F. Baird. Birds by S. F. Baird. Reptiles by S. F. Baird. Fishes by C. Girflrd. Part III. Mammals of the Boundary by S. F. Baird. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1859. UNITED STATES Geological Survey of the Territories. Final Reports. Quarto series. Vol. V. Thomas, Cyrus. Zoology an d Botany. Part I. Synopsis of the Acridada) of North America. Svo. 258 pp., I. plate. Washington, 1873. YOIGT, F. S. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. " Heidelberger Naturges- chichte." 6 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1835. VON WIED, Prinz Max. Ueber die Selbststiindigkeit der Species des Ursus Ferox,Desm,mit Anatomischen Bemerkungen von Dr. C. Mayer. 4to. 51 pp., III. plates. 1856. WHITNEY, J. D. The Geological Survey of the State of California. Reports of the Survey. Ornithology. Vol. I. Land Birds. Edited by S. F. Baird, from the manuscript aiid notes of J. G. Cooper. Svo. 592 pp. Cambridge, 1870. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 347 CIVIL ENGINEERING. ABERT, J. J. Report in reference to the Canal to connect the Chesapeake and the Ohio Canal with the City of Baltimore. 4to. 40 pp., I. diagram. Washington, 1838. S. T. Is a Ship Canal Practicable ? Notes, Historical and Statistical, upon the Projected Routes for an Interoceanic Ship Canal, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; in which is included a Short Account of the Character and Influence of the Canal of Suez, and the Probable Effects upon the Commerce of the World of the Two Canals, regarded either as Rivals, or as parts of one System of Interoceanic Navigation. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 88 pp., Y. maps. Cincinnati, 1872. ADH&MAB, J. Traite de Charpente. Troisieme edition. 8vo. 512 pp. text ; Atlas folio, LXVIL plates. Paris, 1861. AUBINEAU. ^ Traite Complet et Pratique de la Construction des Escaliers. Atlas, xxx. plates. 12mo. 90pp. Paris. BARLOW, Peter. A Treatise on the Strength of Materials. With several appendices. The whole arranged by William Hum- her. 8vo. 396 pp., XVI. plates. London, 1867. BECKWITH, S. F. and A. Reports on Bet on Coignet, Asphalt and Bitumen. 8vo. 52 pp. Washington, 1868. BELIDOR, B. F. de. La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification et d Architecture Civile. 4to. 6 vols. bound in one. Paris, 1729. BLAKE, William P. Report on Civil Engineering and Public Works of the Paris Exposition. 8vo. 49 pp. Washington, 1870. BLE^KARN, J. Practical Architectural and Engineering Specifica tions. 8vo. 416pp. London, 1865. BRUSSE, M. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee professe a 1 Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. Premiere Partie Resistance des Materiaux et Stabilite des Constructions. 8vo. Paris, 1859. Recherches Analytiques sur la Flexion et la Resistance des Pieces Courbes. 4to. 269 pp. Paris, 1854. BURN, R, S. The New Guide to Carpentery. General Framing, and Joinery, Theoretical and Practical 4to. 364 pp., CLI. plates. Edinburgh, 1870. CLARKE, Reeves^ & Co. Second Illustrated Album of Designs of the Phcenixville Bridge Works. 4to. 25 pp., XV. plates. Philadelphia, 1873. CRESCY, Edward. Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering, Historical, Theoretical and Practical. 8vo. 1752pp. London, 1856. 348 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DAT, H. H. Statement relative to experiments made at Blooming- dale, 1ST. J., in Compressing Air and in the Transmitting and use of it through Two Miles of Pipe, in the Summer and Fall of 1870. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 8 pp. New-York, 1870. DEARBORN, W. L. Experiments for Making Brick Masonry Imper vious to Water. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 6 pp. 1870. DEJARDIX. Routine de PlStablissement des Voutes. 8vo. 304 pp., V. plates, Paris, 1860. DELAISTRE, J. R. La Science de 1 Ingenieur, divisee en Trois Par ties ou 1 on traite des Chemins, des Ponts, des Canaux et des Aqueducs. 2 vols. 4to. text, LXI. plates. Lyons, 1835. ICOLE Imperiale des Ponts et Chaussees. Paris. Catalogue des Galeries de L Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. 8vo. 557 pp. Paris, 1873. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de 1 . 8vo. 625 pp. Paris, 1872. Decret portant Organization de L Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 18 pp. Paris, 1867. Collection des Dessins distribues aux eleves. Text, Vol. L, 5 livraisons ; Vol. II., 7 live., CLV. plates. EDUCATION and Status of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom and in Foreign Countries. Compiled from Documents sup plied to the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1808 to 1870. 8vo. 213 pp. London, 1870. GEXIEYS, R. Recueil de Tables a L Usage des Ingenieurs. 8vo. 269 pp. Paris, 1835. GERNART, J., and Witmeur, H. Les Travaux de Percement du Tunnel sous les Alpes entre Bardonneche et Modane. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo scries. Svo. 76 pp., VII. plates. Brussels, 1869. GILLMORE, Q. A. A Practical Treatise on Limes, Hydraulic Ce ments and Mortars. Svo. 316 pp. New-York, 1870. A Report on the Compressive Strength, Specific Gravity and Ratio of Absorption of various kinds of Building-Stone from Different Sections of the United States, tested at Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, N. Y. 8vo. 15 pp., I. diagram. Washington, 1874. HARVEY, Georo-e. A Treatise on Ship Building. 4to. 112 pp., XIII. plates. Edinburgh, 1828. HASKOLL, W. D. The Engineers , Mining Surveyors and Contrac tor s Field Book. Svo. 189 pp. London, 1866. HASSEXTRATZ, T. IT. Traite Theoretique et Pratique de Part de Calciner la Pierre Calcaire. 4to. 425 pp. Paris, 1825. HAUPT, Hermann. The General Theory of Bridge Construction. 8vo. 268 pp. New-York, 1868. Hoosic Tunnel Photographs of the. 2 views. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 349 HOSKOLD, H. D. A Practical Treatise on Mining, Land and Rail way Surveying, Engineering, &c. 8vo. 249 pp. London, 1863. HUMBER, William. A Handy Book for the Calculation of Strains in Girders. 12mo. 71 pp. London, 1868. JOHNSON, William. The Practical Draughtsman s Book of Indus trial Design, and Machinists and Engineers Drawing Com panion. 4to. 200 pp., LY. plates. Philadelphia, 1871. KEYSTONE Bridge Company s Illustrated Album, embracing Iron Bridges, Hoofs, Columns, Chord Links and Shapes, with De scription of Long-Span Bridges, Quality of Materials and Principles of Construction. 4to. 42 pp., II. plates. St. Louis, 1874. KIRKALDY, David. Results of an Experimental Inquiry into the Tensile Strength and other Properties of various kinds of Wrought Iron and Steel. 8vo. 227 pp. London, 1866. LACROIX, Eugene. Bibliographic des Ingenieurs, des ^Architectes des Chefs D Usines Industrielles des Eleves des iEcoles Poly- techniques et Professionnelles et de Agriculteurs. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1857-1865. LEJUSTE, L. Guide des Architectes, Veriticateurs, Entrepreneurs et de Toutes les Personnes qui font Batir, on Traite Complet de L Evaluation des Ouvrages de Construction. 4to. 439 pp. Paris, 1848. MAHAN, D. II. An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering. 8vo. 428 pp. New-York, 1869. A Treatise on Civil Engineering. Revised and Edited, with additions and new plates, by De Yolson Wood. 8vo. 513 pp. New- York, 1873. Descriptive Geometry, as applied to the Drawing of Forti fications and Stereotomy. For the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. 8vo. 60 pp., IX. plates. New- York, 1873. MCCLELLAN, George B., and others. Report of the Board of En gineers on the Subject of Rapid Transit through New-York. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 5 pp., II. plans. New-York, ] 8 70. MICHLER, N. Report on Public Buildings, Grounds and Works in the City of Washington, D. C. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 38 pp. Washington, 1869. OPPERMAN, C. A. Visites D Un Ingenieur a L Exposition Univer- selle de Paris, en 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. text and plates. Paris, 1867. PASLEY, C. W. Observations on Lime, Calcareous Cements, Mor tars, Stuccosaud Concrete. 12 mo. 208 pp. London, 1847. PECKHAM, S. F. On Asphalt. Vol. XXIV, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 22 pp. Providence, 1868. PROFESSIONAL Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Vols. I. to X. 4to. London, 1837-1849. PRUD HOMME, L. Cours Pratique de Construction. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 350 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. RANKEN T , Francis A. The Strains in Trusses computed by means of diagrams, with Twenty Examples, drawn to scale. 8vo. 63 pp. New-York, 1873. RANKINE, William J. M. A Manual of Civil Engineering. 8vo. 784 pp. London, 1867. REBHANX, Georg. Theorie der Holz-und Eisen-Construction mit besonderer Riiksicht auf das Bauwesen. 8vo. 602 pp. Vienna, 1856. REGNAULT, J. Manuel des Aspirants an grade d Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. 491 pp., LVI. plates. Paris, 1856. REID, Heqry. A Practical Treatise on Concrete. 8vo. 108 pp. London, 1869. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Portland Cement, with a Translation of A. M. Zipowitz s work on Portland Cement, by W. F. Reid. 8vo. 188pp. London, 1868. REPORT of the Board of Commissioners of the Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tulare and Sacramento Valley of the State of Cali fornia. Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander, Major George II. Men- dell and Prof. George Davison, Commissioners. 8vo. Six maps. Washington, 1847. SACKED, E. F. v. Katechismus der Baustyle. 12mo. 168pp. Leipsig, 1867. SCHEFFLER, Hermann. Theorie der Gewolbe, Futtermauern und Eisernen Brucken. 8vo. 138 pp. Brunswick, 1857. SHREVE, Samuel H. A Treatise on the Strength of Bridges and Roofs, with practical applications for the use of Engineers and Students. 8vo. 346pp. New- York, 1873. THUKSTON, R. H. On the Molecular Changes Produced in Iron by Variations of Temperature. Reprinted from the Iron Age. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. TREDGOLD, Thomas. Elementary Principles of Carpentery. Second edition. 4to. 208 pp., XXII. plates. London, 1828. The same as above. Fifth edition. Corrected and enlarged, with an Appendix, by Peter Barlow. 4to. 336 pp., LXIV. plates. London, 1870. TROWBRIDGE, W. P. Proposed Plan for Building a Bridge across the East River, at Blackweli s Island. VOL x., Pamphlets. Quarto scries. 4to. 11 pp., II. diagrams. New-York, 1868. Theory of the Strength of Materials, illustrated by Applica tions to Machines and Buildings. 8vo. 182pp. New-York. 1874. WARE, W. R. An Outline of a Course of Architectural Instruction. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 36pp. Boston, 1 866. WETHERILL, C. M. On a New Variety of Asphalt, (Melau-As- phalt.) Vol. III., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 6 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. WOOD, De Volson. A Treatise on the Resistance of Materials, and an Appendix on the Preservation of Timber. 8vo. 245 pp. New- York, 1871. CIYIL ENGINEERING. 351 WOOD, De Volson. A Treatise on the Theory and Construction of Bridges and Roofs. 8vo. 249 pp. New-York, 1873. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. [Referred to under Hydraulic, Mechanical, Military and Mining Engineering.] THE AMERICAN Artizan and Patent Record. A Weekly Journal of Arts, Mechanics, Manufactures, Mining En^ineerino- and ^ Repertory of Patents. Second Series, (1865 to 1872.) Vote. L, VI., XVI., XVIL, XVIIL, 1865-1872. Third Series, (1872 to 1874.) Vol. I, 1872. New-York. AMERICAN Exchange and Review. A Miscellany of Useful Know ledge and General Literature. Vols. VI., VII, X, XII, XIII, XIV. to XIX, XXI, 1864 to W2 Philadelphia. AMERICAN Journal of Mining, Milling, Oil-Boring, Geology, Mine ralogy, Metallurgy, & c . Vols. L; IV. to VII, 1866 to 1869. New-York. AMERICAN Mining Index. Devoted to the Mineral and Metallic Resources of the United States. Vols. I. to V, 1865 to 1867. New- York. AMERICAN Rail-Road Journal, and Advocate of Internal Improve ments. 1868, 1869, ANNALES des Mines, ou Recueil des Memoires sur L Exploitation dee Mines. Redigees par les Ingenieurs des Mines et pub- hees sous 1 autorisation du ministre des travaux publics First Series. Vol. II., 1817. Second Series. Vols. I. to VIII, 1827 to 1 832. General Index. I bird Series. Vols. I. to XX, 1833 to 1841. General Index. ?,?i o - Si Vols L to XX " 1842 to 1851. General Index ifth Series. Memoirs. Vols. I. to XX, 1852 to 1861. Gen eral Index. Q- i a Administration. Vols. L to X, 1852 to 1861. benes. Memoirs. Vols. L to XX, 1862 to 1871. Administration. Vols. I. to X, 1862 to 1871 seventh Series. Memoirs. Vols. I. to VII, 1872 to 1875. ES du Genie Civil, et Recueil de Memoires sur les Fonts et Uiaussees, les Routes et Chemins de Fer, les Constructions et la Navigation Maritime et Fluviale, PArchitecture les Mines, la Metallurgie, la Chimie, la Physique, les Arts Mecaniques, 1 Economie Industrielle, le Genie Rural. Pub- liees par E. Lacroix et des autres. First Series. Vols. I. to VII., (text and plates,) 1862 to 1868 Second Series. Vols. XVI, (text and plates,) 1867 ; XVII. 352 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANNALES des Travaux Publics de Belgique. Vols. XL to XX VII., (atlas to accompany Vol. XV.,) 1852 to 1869. ANNUAL Report of the Chief of Engineers for the years 1873, 1874, (Vols. 1, 2.) Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. Appendix R. to Report for 18 74. Reports upon Fort Saint Philip Canal and Construction of Jetties for the Mouths of the Mississippi. 8vo. ANNUAL Report of the Croton Aqueduct Department, made to the Common Council of the City of New-York. Twentieth and Twenty-First Reports for the years 1867 and 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1868, 1869. ANNUAL Report of the Secretary of the American Iron and Steel Association, for the year 1874. 8vo. Philadelphia. ANNUAL Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the Rail- Road Statistics of the State of New-York for the years 1853, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany. ANNUAL Report of the Surveyor-General of the State of Nevada for the years 1865, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. Carson City, 1866, 1867. ARCHIV fur Bergbau und Huttenwesen. Vols. I. to XX., 1820 to 1831. BERG und Iluttenmannisches Zeitung. Vols. I. to XXXIV., 1842 to 1874. (Lacking Vols. XVIII. and XXIII.) Vol. XXXV., 1875. No. 1, January 1, to No. 27, July 2. BULLETIN de la Societe de PIndustrie Minerale. First Series. Vols. I. to IV. ; VIII. to XV., 1855 to 1870. Second Series. Vols. I. to IV., 1870 to 1874. BULLETIN du Musee de L Industrie de Belgique. Vols. I. to LXVI, 1841 to 1874; Vol. LXVIL, 1875, Janu ary to June. BULLETIN of the American Iron and Steel Association. Vols. I. to VIII., 1866 to 1874 ; Vol. IX, 1875, January to June. 9 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. DER BERG-GEIST Zeitung fur Berg-Hiittenwesen und Industrie. Vols. XVIII., XIX., 1873, 1874; Vol. XX., 1875, No. 1, January 1, to No. 53, July 2. DER BERGWERKS-BETRIEB in den Reichsrathe Vertretenen Konig- reichen und Landern der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Mo narchic, 1870. 8vo. 299 pp. Vienna, 1871. DIE BAULICHEN Anlagen auf der Berg-Hiitten-und Salinenwesen in Preussen. Vols. I., II., III., 1861, 1862, 1863. Berlin. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 353 DER BERGWERKSFREUND. Vols. I. to XIX., 1839 to 1856. Eisleben. ENGINEERING : An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vols. V. to XIX., January, 1868, to June, 1875. London. THE ENGINEERING and Mining Journal. Vols. VIII. to XIX., January, 1869, to June, 1875. ERFAHRUNGEN im Berg-und Hiittenmannischen Maschinen, Bau-und Aufbereitungswesen. Edited by P. RITTENGER. 4to. One vol., text and plates, a year. Vienna. 1854, text and plates. 1855, plates. 1856 to 1866, text and plates. 1867, plates. 1868 to 1870, text and plates. 1872, text and plates. 1873, plates. IRON. The Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures. With which is incorporated the Mechanics Magazine, established 1853. Vols. I. to IV., 1873, 1874. Vol. V., 1875, Jan. 2, to June 26. THE IRON AJTO. A Review of the Hardware and Metal Trades. Vols. IV. to IX.; XI. to XIV., 1867 to 1874. Vol. XV., 1875, January 2, to June 26. JAHRBUCII der K. K. Bergakademien Leoben und Schemmtz und der K. K. Montan-Lehranstalt Pribram. Vol. XV., 1865. Edited by P. Kilter von Tunner. 8vo. Vienna. JAHRESBERICHT liber die Beobachtungen, Versuche, und neuen Einfuhrungen der K. K. Montan-Beamten auf deiu Ge- biethe des Berg-und Huttenmannischen-Maschinen-und bauwesens. 1851, text ; 1852, text and plates. JOURNAL* des Mines. Vols. I. to XXXVIIL, 1794 to 1815. JOURNAL of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, and Mechanics Register. Second Series : Vols.^XV. to XVIII. ; XX., XXL, XXII. - XXIV 1835 to 1840. Third Series : Vols. I., II., Ill,, VI, VIII. ; and LIIL to LXIX. 1841 to 1875. KALENDER fur den Oberschlessischen Bergmann. Vols. I., II., 1845. Tarnowitz. KALENDER fur den Sachsischen Berg-und Hiittenmann. 1827 to 1851. Index for the years 1827 to 1840. Continued under the title : JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTEN-MANN. 1852 to 1869. Continued under the title : JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTENWESEN IM KONIG reiche Sachsen. 1870 to 1875. LE GENIE Industriel. Vols. XXIII. to XXIV., 1862 to 1867. 23 354 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. LES HOUILLIERES. 1867, 1868, 1869, 1872, text and plates. 4to. Paris. THE MANUFACTURER and Builder. Yols. I. to V., 1869 to 1874. Vol. VI, 1875, January to June. THE MINING and Scientific Press. Vols. XL, XII., XIII. ; XVI. to XIX. ; XXL, XXIII., XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXIX, 1865 to 1874. Vol. XXX., 1875, January 1, to June 26. THE MINING and Smelting Magazine. Vols. I. to VI., 1862 to 1864. Vol. VII., 1865, January, February and March JN"os. THE MINING Magazine : Devoted to Mines, Mining Operations, Metallurgy, &c., &c. Vols. I. to X., 1853 to 1858. Publication discontinued. MONTHLY Report of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, July, 1867, to June, 1875. 8 vols. 4to. Washington. NOTIZEN zur Samraelung von Zeichnungen fur die Hutte. 1857; I860 to 1868. Berlin. OBERSCHLESISCHEN Taschenbuch mid Kalender. 1844, 1845. 2 vols. 12mo. Tarnowitz. OESTERREICHISCHES Montan-Handbuch. 8vo. 258 pp. Vienna, 1875. OESTERREICHISCHES Zeitschrift fiir Berg-und Huettemvesen. Jahrgang I. to XXII., 1853 to 1874 ; XXIIL, X875, January 2, to June 26. PROCEEDINGS of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervis ing Inspectors of Steam Vessels, January, 1870. 8vo. 268 pp. Washington, 1870. THE RAILWAY World. Vol. I., 1875, No. 21. Philadelphia. REPERTORIUM Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Editarum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinem digessit I. D. Reuss. (A collection of the Transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vol. VII. Mathesis; Mechanica; Hydrostatica; Hydraulica; Hydrotechnia ; Aerostatica ; Pneumatica; Technologia ; Architectura Civilis ; Scientia Naturalis ; Scientia Mili- taris. REVUE Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Pub- liques, des Sciences et des Arts Appliques PIndustrie. Vols. I. to XXXVII., 1857 to 1875. Paris. SACHSISCHE Bergwerks-Zeitung. 1852,1853,1854. Freiberg. THE TECHNOLOGIST, or Industrial Monthly, especially devoted to Engineering, Manufacturing and Building. Vols. I., II., 1870, 1871. Continued under the title : THE INDUSTRIAL MONTHLY. Vols. III., IV., 1872, 1873. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 355 TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute for the years 1863 to 1871. 9 vols. Svo. New- York. TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. I, May, 1871, to February, 1873; Vol. II., 1873, to February, 1874. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. TRANSACTIONS of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vols. I., II., III., 1837 to 1842. London. UNITED States Rail-Road and Mining Register. Vols. XVI. to XIX., 1871 to 1874. VAN NOSTRAND S Eclectic Engineering Magazine. Vols. I to XII., 1869 to 1875. ZEITSCHRIFT des Vereins Deutschen Ingenieure. Vols. XI. to XVIIL, 1867 to 1874; Vol. XIX., 1875, Janu ary to June. ZEITSCHRIFT fur das Berg-Htitten u. Salinen-Wesen in dein Preuss- ischen Staate, herausgegeben in dem Ministerium fur Handel, Gewerbe und Offentliche Arbeiten. Vols. I. to XXIL, 1854 to 1874. Vol. XXIIL, 1875, Janu ary to June. 356 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING AND MARITIME WORKS. ABBOTT, John. Exposition of the Principles of Abbott s Hydraulic Engine. 8vo. 132 pp. Boston, 1835. AMELUNG, J. A. Abhandlung ilber der Wasserbau an den Schift- baren Fliissen des Groszherzogthums Hessen als Beitrage zur Wasserbaukunde, 8vo. 222 pp. Darmstadt, 1845. ARMENGAUD, Sr. Traite des Motcurs Hydrauliques. 2 vols. 4 to. text ; Atlas, XXI. plates. Paris, 1858. BENET, S. V. Electro-Ballistic Machines, and the Schultz Cliro- noscope. 4to. 47 pp. New- York, 1866. Box, Thomas. A Practical Treatise on Mill-Gearing, Wheels, Shafts, Riggers, &c., for the use of students. 8vo. 84 pp. London, 1869. BRITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents relating to - Drain Tiles and Pipes. 50 pp. 1857. Hydrulic Crane. W. G> Sanderson, Patentee. 7pp., II. plates. 1856. Hydraulic Hoisting Machines. W. G. Armstrong, Patentee. 6 pp., II. plates. 1856. BROOKLYN Water Works and Sewers, (The.) A Descriptive Memoir. 2to. 160pp., LIX. plates. New- York, 1867. BRUSSE. Cours de Mecanique-Appliquee, professe a L Ecole des Fonts et Chaussees. Deuxieme Partie Hydraulique. 8vo. Paris, 1860. CHATONEY et Rivot. Consideration sur les Materiaux employes dans les Constructions a la mer. 8vo. 193pp. Paris, 1856. DALMAN, J. Ueber Stromcorrectioner im Fluthgebiet. 4to. 104 pp. Hamburg, 1856. DAMMEBT, E. A. Das Deich und Strombau-Recht. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Hannover, 1816. DIVING Bell (The Improved) of the Pacific Submarine Exploring Company. 12mo. 12pp. New-York, 1869. DUMRETCIIER, A. Gesammtuberblick tiber die Wasserwertschaft des Nordwestlichen Oberharzes. 8vo. 87pp. Clausthal, 1868. ELLIOT, George H. Report of a Tour of Inspection of European Li^ht-House Establishments, made in 1873, under the au thority of Hon. William A. Richardson, Secretary of the Treasury. 8vo. 288 pp. Washington, 1874. EXGELBKEIT, K. Die Instrumente der hoheren und niederen Geo- dasie und der Hydrometrie. 2 vols., text and plates. Nurnberg, 1852. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING AND MARITIME WORKS. 357 FOLSCII, A. Die Stadt Wasserkunst in Hamburg. p, 8vo. 83 pp? Hamburg, 1851. FRANCIS, James B. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments. PTT 4to - 251 PP., XXIII. plates. Ne w-York, 1868. GILLIES, John R. Tunnels of the Pacific Rail Road. Vol. iv., Pamphlets Octavo series 8va ig j jm GOTH, Georg Vordernberg in der neusten zeit oder geschichtliche Darstellung der Vereinigung der Radge werker. GITINOTTE, Lncien. Etude Generale lur if ^eTnte^Variablf e^ specialement sur son application aux Machines a Vapeur. HAMM, Wilhelm. Katechismus der Drai Jruno- & HORMANN A. Die Neuen JJechenschachter bei Saarbriicken, der Tiefbau anlacre zu Ruders^dorf und der Ferdinandsgrube bei Kattowitz. TT Tn TT ~ . . Zvols. 4to. text and plates. Berlin, 1874. BBE, H. Reisebemerkungen, hydrotechnischen Inhalts. TT Tr ^ . 4 to- 64 pp., XIII. plates. Hamburg, 1844. HUMPHREY^ A. A and Abbot, H. L. Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. TT T ^ A 4ta ^ 602 PP-, XX. plates. Philadelphia, 1861. HUNRICHS J. W A. Praotische Anleitung zum Deich-Siel-und Schlengen-Baii. 2 vols. 12mo. Bremen, 1770. KIRKWOOD J. P Report Descriptive of the Construction of the -brooklyn Water Works and Sewers. Tr7 ,, 4 to. 160pp. New- York, 1867. KRAFT, J. Roue Hydraulic ^ Aubes Courbes. KRFPP P P TK 4 to^ 47 pp., III. plates. Paris, 1859. MA ^ i^ The Sewage Question. 8vo. 208pp. London 1867. MASON, E. D Cliaractenstics of the Missouri River, and the Means seh M Cting aud Controllin g its Channel at St. Jo- Report of a Preliminary Survey of the Missouri River in the vicinity of St. Joseph. Mrr TT T^ rnu 2 Pamphlets. 10,25pp. St. Joseph, 1872. MILLS, H. F. The Swam Turbine Water-Wheel. MORIN, Arthur. Mecanique Pratique. 7 T , 8v - 688 pp., VII. plates. Paris, 1865. dences _ T , . , 4ta _ 183 PP., XXI. plates. 3Iannheim, 1860. Theone und Ban der Wasser-Rader. Q c ^ 4to - 264 pp. Mannheim, 1858. REPORT of Commissioners relative to Encroachments and Pre- serva ion of the Harbor of New-York. Transmitted to the Legislature January 8, 1856. 8vo. 316 pp., VII. diagrams. New- York, 1864. 358 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. SCHOTTER, Hermann. Uber die Rationelle Benutzung der Wasser- Krafte vermittelst eines neuen apparates zur transmission der selben. 8vo. 28 pp., I. plate. Gera, 1873. SEBILLOTTE, L. A. Bassins de Radoub de Marseille. Notice sur L Execution des Travaux. 4to. 204pp. ; Atlas, 2to., XL. plates. Marseilles, 1873. SWAIN Turbine Water- Wheel, (The.) An Illustrated Description of the Apparatus ; Tables of Data and Results of Tests made at Lowell, MaSS., in 1869, 1870. Vol. XXX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 51 pp. Lowell, 1871. UNION Stone Co. The Union Emery Wheel, Solid and with Stone Centre. 12mo. New-York, 1872. UNITED STATES Light House Board. A Series of thirty pamphlets, 8vo. and 4to., and ninety plates, 2to., descriptive and illus trative of the U. S, Light House System ; including Plan of Organization, Description of Apparatus, List and Location of Light Houses, Instructions to Keepers, &c. Washington, 1871. VON BREMEN, L. & Co. Taucher-Apparate. 12mo. Kiel, 1873. WAKREN, G. K. Report and Plan for the Reclamation of the Basin of the Mississippi River Subject to Inundation, by the Board of Commissioners appointed under Act of Congress, approved June 22, 1874. 8vo, 160 pp., IV. plan s.^ Washington, 1873. WASHINGTON Aqueduct. Plans and Specifications for. 8vo. Washington, 1871. Portfolio of XVII, plates to illustrate. WEISBACH, Julius. Die Experimental Hydraulik. 8vo. 281 pp. Freiberg, 1855. WIGHAM, J. R. A New Method of Illuminating Light Houses. 8vo. 8 pp. Dublin, 1865. WOLTMAN, R. Breitrage zur Hydraulischen Architectur. 4 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1791. Beytrage zur Schiffbahrmachung der Flusse. 4to. 334 pp., VII. plates. Hamburg, 1826. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, p. 351. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 359 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. AMATEUR Mechanic s Workshop, (The.) 8vo. 148 pp. London, 1870. APPLETON, D. & Co. s Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine Work and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1852. ARMENGAUD, Sr. The Practical Draughtsman s Book of Industrial Design, and Machinist s and Engineer s Course of Mechanical Engineering and Architectural "Drawing. 4to. 200 pp., LV. plates. Philadelphia, 1870. BARNARD, F. A. P. Report on Machinery and Processes of the Industrial Arts and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. 8vo. 669 pp., VII. plates. New- York, 1869. Box, Thomas. A Practical Treatise on Mill-Gearing, Wheels, Shafts, Riggers, &c., for the use of students. 8vo. 84 pp. London, 1869. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to Power Hammers. W. Naylor, Patentee. ]0 pp., II. plates. 1854. Power Hammers and Riveting Machines. W. Naylor, Patentee. 11 pp., III. plates. 1856. Steam Windlass, &c. R. A. Brooman, Patentee. 6 pp., I. plate. 1857. BRUSSE. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee, professe a L Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. 8yo. Paris, 1860. BUSCH, Adolph. Die Organization und Buchfilhrung des Eisengie- serei und Maschinenbau-Betriebes, 8vo. 182 pp. Leipsig, 1863. BYRNE and Spon. A Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military and Naval;; with Technical Terms in French, Ger man, Italian and Spanish. Division I., A. to Bor. Division V., Fo. to Hyde. Division II., Bo. to Ba. Division VI., Hyd. to Lo. Division III., Br. to Da. Division VII., Lo. to Pump. Division IV., Da. to F. Division VIIL, Pump, to Zinc. Sjvols. 8vo. London, 1869-1874. GALLON, J. Cours professes a L Ecole des Mines de Paris. Pre miere Partie. Cours de Machines. Tome I. Text and Atlas. 2 vols. Paris, 1873. COCKERILL, J. Portefeuille de, ou Descriptions des Machines con- struites dans les etablissements de Seraing, depuis sa fonda- tion jusqu a ce jour. 2 vols. 4to. text; 2 vols. 2to. plates. Paris, 1859-1866. COULOMB, C. A. Theorie des Machines Simples. 4to. 368pp., X. plates. Paris, 1821. 360 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DE LA GOUPILLI&RE, J. N. H. Traite de Mecanismes. 8vo. 483 pp. Paris, 1864. DENAYROTJZE, A. and L. Des Aerophores et de leur application au travail dans les mines. 8vo. 67 pp. Paris, 1872. DUBOIS and Frangois. Notice sur L Installation des Appareils a Comprimer L Air et de Perforation aux Charbonnages de la Societe de Marihaye. 8vo. 16 pp. Liege, 1873. FOED, A. B. & Co. The Machinist. An Index to Various Manu facturing Industries throughout the Country. 4to. 135 pp. f New- York, 1873. GAMOND, Thome de, and Belly, Felix. Carte d Etude pour le Trac et le Profil du Canal de Niagara precede de Documents publie sur cette question. 4to. 90 pp., with a map. Paris;! 852. GROSSMAN, M. A Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the De tached Lever Escapement. 8vo. 1 78 pp. text ; Atlas, 4to. XX. plates. Leipsig, 1 866. HAINDL, S. Die Maschinenkunde und Maschinenzeichnung. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Munich, 1843. HAUER, Julius Ritter von. Die Hiittenwesens-maschinen. 8vo. 286pp., XXVIII. plates. Vienna, 1867. HERMANN, Frederick. Katechismus der Uhrmacherkunst. 12mo. 92pp. Leipsig, 1863. HORMANN, A. Die Neuen Wasserhaltungs-Maschinen auf den De- chenschachter bei Saarbrticken, der Tief bau anlage zu Rii- dersdorf und der Ferdinandsgrube bei Kattowitz. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Berlin, 1874. JOHNSON, William. The Practical Draughtsman s Book of Indus trial Design and Machinist s and Engineer s Drawing Com panion. 4to. 200 pp., LV. plates. Philadelphia, 1871. KILBOURN, John. A Compilation of Public Documents concerning the Ohio Canals, which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River ; comprising a complete Official History of these Great Works of Internal Improvement. 8vo. 452 pp. Columbus, 1832. LENOIR. Gas Engine. 8vo. 19 pp. 1866. MARTENS, J. H. Beschreibung der Hemmungen der hoheren Uhrmacherkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. text ; Atlas, XXIV. plates. Leipsig, 1858. MIGOUT und Bergery. Berechnung der gebrauchlichsten Maschinen. Deutsch herausgegeben von C. H. Schnufe und W. Kornhardt. 8vo. 434 pp. Brunswick, 1845. MOINET, M. L. Nouveau Traite General Horlogerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. MORIX, Arthur. Aide-Memoire de Mecanique Pratique. Sixth edition. 8vo. 702 pp. Paris, 1871. Hilfsbuch ftir praktische Mechanik Ubersetst von Holtz- maun. 8vo. 233 pp. Karlsruhe, 1838. MOSELY, H. Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architec ture, with additions by D. H. Mahan, LL. D. 8vo. 699 pp. New- York, 1806. NAVIER, Louis. Lehrbuch der hoheren Mechanik. 12mo. 459 pp. Hanover, 1858. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 361 NAVIER, Louis. L Application de la Mecanique a L ^Etablissement des Constructions etdes Machines. 8vo. 448pp. Paris, 1833. PAGET, F. A. Ueber eine Internationale Assimilirung der Patent- gesetze. 8vo. 33 pp. Berlin, 1873. PHILLIP. Manuel Pratique pour L Etude et la Calcul des Ressorts en Acier employes dans le Materiel des Chemins de Fer. 68 pp.,. I. plate. Calcul de la Resistance des Poutres Droites. 40 pp. PONCELET, J. V. Cours de Mecanique Appliquee aux Machines. 8vo. 520 pp., II. plates. Paris, 1874. REDTENBACHER, Jacob Ferdinand. Principien der Mechanik und des Maschinen-baues. 8vo. 317pp. Mannheim, 1859. Theorie und Bau der Turbinen. 4to. 183 pp., XXI. plates. Mannheim, 1860. Theorie und Bau der Wasser-Rader. 4to. 264 pp. Mannheim, 1858. REPORT on Inter-Oceanic Canals and Rail-Roads between the Wa ters of the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo. 28 pp. Washington, 1866. RITTER, August. Lehrbuch der technischen Mechanik. 8vo. 721 pp. Hanover, 1865. ROWLAND, Thomas F. Improvement in Machinery for Elevating and Transporting Coal, Coke or other Material, and for the Charging and Discharging of Gas Retorts, as applied to the Manufacture of Illuminating Gas. 4to. 7 pp., VIII. plates. Brooklyn, 1873. SCIIOLL, E. F. Fiihrer des Machinisten. 8vo. 656 pp. Brunswick, 1873. THURSTON, R. H. On the Molecular Changes Produced in Iron by Variations of Temperature, fleprinted from the Iron Age. Svo. Philadelphia, 1873. VINTON, Francis L. Lectures on Machines Theory of Construction and Calculation of their Effect, delivered at the School of Mines. Lithographed from notes taken by August Van Cleef. 4to. 94pp. New-York, 1869. Theory of the Strength of Materials, illustrated by Applica tions to Machines and Buildings. Svo. 182pp. New- York, 1874. WEISBACH, Julius. A Manual of the Mechanics of Engineering. Translated from the Fourth German Edition by Eckley B. Coxe. Vol. I. Theoretical Mechanics. Svo. 1112 pp. New- York, 1872. Lehrbuch der Theoretisch Mechanik. 3 vols. Svo. Brunswick, 1855, 1863, 1865. Appendix. 8vo. 48 pp. Brunswick, 1860f Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1847, 1848. ZEUNER, Gustav. Die Schiebersteinerungen. Svo. 181 pp. Freiberg, 1858. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, p. 351. 362 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. THE STEAM ENGINE. BACON, F. W. A Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indi cator. 12mo. 155 pp. New-York, 18(59. BOURNE, John. A Treatise on the Steam Engine. 4to. 248 pp., XXXIII. plates. London, 1853. BURGH, N. P. The Indicator Diagram Practically considered. 8vo. 199 pp. London, 1869. The Slide Yalve Practically Considered. 8vo. 121 pp. London, 1868. CHANDLER, C. F. Report on "Water for Locomotives and Boiler Incrustations. Vol. IV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35 pp. New-York, 1865. CRESSON, J. C. American Anti-Incrustator. 8vo. 37 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. Du TEMPLE, L. Cours de Machines a Yapeur. 8vo. 607 pp. 4to. Atlas, XXVII. plates. Paris, 1865. FAREY, John. Treatise on the Steam Engine, historical, practical and descriptive. 4to. 728 pp., XXV. plates. London, 1827. GUINOTTE, Lucien. tude Generale sur la Detente Variable et specialement sur son application aux Machines a Vapeur. 8vo. 12 pp. Liege, 1872. JULLIEN, C. E. Traite theoretique et pratique de la Construction des Machines a Vapeur. 2 vols., text and plates. Paris, 1 862. PERARD, L. Traite du Chauffage et de la Conduite des Machines a Vapeur, Fixe et Locomotives. 8vo. 230 pp. Paris, 1864. RENWICK, James. Treatise on the Steam Engine, with a New Theory of the Steam Engine by C. G. De Pambour. 8vo. 327 pp. New-York, 1848. STILLMAX, Paul. The Steam Engine Indicator and the Improved Manometer Steam and Vacuum Gauges. 8vo. 90 pp. New- York, 1864. STUART, Robert. A Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. 8vo. 228 pp. London, 1828. THURSTON, R. H. Experimental Steam Boiler Explosions. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 12pp. Philadelphia, 1872. TREDGOLD, Thomas. The Steam Engine. 4to. 370 pp., XX. plates. London, 1827. WICKSTEED, Thomas. Explanation of the Plates of the Cornish, and Boulton and Watt Engines, erected at the London Water Works, Old Ford. 4to. 24 pp., VIII. plates. London, 1842. ZERNIKOW. Die Theorie der Damp! maschinen. 8vo. 233 pp. Brunswick, 1859. ZEUNER, Gustav. A Treatise on Valve Gears, with Special Refer ence to the Link Motions of Locomotive Engines. Translated from the German by Moritz Muller. 8vo. 244 pp. London, 1869. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, p. 351. MILITARY ENGINEERING. 363 MILITAEY ENGINEERING. BAILEY, J. TV. Chemical Notes on Gunpowder and its Materials. Selected for the use of the U. S. Cadets. Vol. in., Pamphlets- Quarto series. 4tO. 14pp. 1838. BARNARD, J. G. Report on the Fabrication of Iron for Defensive Purposes. Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army. No. 21. 4to. 230 pp. Washington, 1870. Supplement to above. 4to. 51 pp. Washington, 1872 BARTLET, W. H. C. On Rifled Guns. 4 to. 31 pp. BEEKMAN, James W. Centenary Address, delivered before the Society of the New- York Hospital, Monday, July 24, 1871. Appendix Containing some Short Hints on the Structure and Economy of Hospitals, particularly applied to Military Ones ; with the General Means of Preserving Health in the Al<m y- 8vo. 20 pp. New-York, 1871. BELIDOR, B. F. de. La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification et d Architecture Civile. 4to. 6 vols. bound in one. Paris, 1729. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to Revolving Fire Arms. W. W. Richards, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1855. CRAIG, H. K. Report of the Officers of the Ordnance Department on some experiments to determine the Strength and other properties of Metals for Cannon. 4to. 427 pp. Washington, 1856. CUTBUSH, James. A System of Pyrotechny, designed for Exhibi tion and for War. 8vo. 612 pp. Philadelphia, 1825. DELAFIELD, Major R. The Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855, 1856. 4to. 287 pp., CLXXXVI. plates. Washington, 1860. DORR, Eben P. A Brief Sketch of the First Monitor and its In ventor. A Paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society, January 5, 1874. 8vo. Buffalo, 1874. HAUPT, Hermann. Military Bridges, with Suggestions of New Ex pedients and Constructions for Crossing Streams and Chasms. Including, also, Designs for Tressle and Truss Bridges for Military Rail-Roads. 8vo. 310 pp., LXIX. plates. New- York, 1864. MAHAN, D. H. Descriptive Geometry, as applied to the Drawing of Fortifications and Stereotomy. For the use of the Cadet s of the U. S. Military Academy. 8vo. 60 pp., IX. plates. New- York, 1873. MORDECAI, A. Report of Experiments on Gunpowder. 8vo. 328 pp. Washington, 1845. 364 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MULLAN, John. Report on the Construction of a Military Road from Walla- Walla to Fort Benton. 8vo. 363 pp. Washington, 18G3. REPORTS of the Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856. Mordecai, Major Alfred. General Report. 176 pp., XXL plates. Schon, J. A Brief Description of the Modern System of Small Arms, as adopted in the various European Armies. Translated from the German by J. Gorgas. 56 pp., XIII. plates. 4to. Washington, 1861. REPORT of the Sanitary Commission dispatched to the Seat of War in the East in 1855, 1856. 8vo. 301 pp. London, 1857. RODMAN, T. J. Reports of Experiments on the Properties of Metals for Cannon, and the Qualities of Cannon Powder; with an Account of the Fabrication and Trial of a 15 inch Gun. 4to. 308 pp., XXI. plates. Boston, 1861. TREADWELL, Daniel. On the Construction of Hooped Cannon. Sequel to a Memoir " On the Practicability of Constructing Cannon of Great Calibre," &c. Vol. xx., Pamphlets, octavo series. 8vo. 40 pp. Boston, 1864. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, p. 351. MINING ENGINEERING. 365 MINING ENGINEERING. ADELBERG and Raymond. Report of an Examination of the Lands known as the Great Kanawha Property of West Virginia. 8vo. 16 pp. New-York, 1864. AGRICOL^E, Georgii. De ortu et causis subterraneorum ; De natura eorum qusc effluunt ex terra ; De natura fossilium ; De uete- ribus et novis metallis. Bermannus, sive De re metallica Dialogus. Interpretatio Germanica nova rei metallica?, ad- ditio Indice ibecundissimo. 4to. 827 pp., III. plates. Basilea?, 1546. AMALIO Mining Company of Clear Creek County, Colorado. Pros pectus, Act of Incorporation, &C. Vol. XXXIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 32 pp. New-York, 1866. AMERICAN Bureau of Mines Publications. A Geological and Agri cultural Survey of 100 miles West of Omaha. Vol. xv., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 44 pp. New-York, 1866. Statement of the objects of the American Bureau of Mines, with list of officers, &c. 8vo. 14pp. New-York. ANLEITUNG zur Anfertigung der Vermogens und Ertrags Be- rechnungen bei der Bergwerks Hilt ten und Salinen Yer- waltung. 8vo. 56 pp. Berlin, 1866. zur Ausstellung der Etats und Oekonomie plane der Berg werks Huetten und Salinen Verwaltung von 15 December, 1866. 8vo. 40 pp. Berlin, 1866. A SERIES of Charts of the Freiburg Mining District, showing the location of Mines, the direction of Lodes, &c. 5 charts. ASHLAND Copper Mining Company of Wisconsin. Act of Incor poration and Articles of Association. 8vo. 23 pp. A SUMMARY of Statistics relating to Mining for 1867. (In Russian.) 8vo. 363 pp. St. Petersburg, 1867. BARLET, C. H. Tenue des Lines appliquee a la cornpatabilite des Mines de Houille, des Hauts Fourneaux et des Usines a Fer. 8vo. 217 pp. Paris, 1861. BATJERMAN, Henry. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Models in the Museum of Practical Geology. 12mo. 199 pp. London, 1865. BEER, A. H. Erdbohrkunde. Ein Abschnitt aus dern Aufschluss und Ausrichtungs Arbeiten der allgemeinen Bergbaukunde von August Heinrich Beer. 8vo. 399 pp. Prag, 1858. Lehrbuch der Markscheide-Kunst, fur Bergschulen und Selbstunterricht. 8vo. 335 pp. Prag, 1856. BEHSE, W. H. Sammel Mappe fiir Bau Entwiirfe. (Imperfect.) Folio. 1866-1869. 366 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBEAET. BEOBACHTUNGEN. Versnche und Einftihmngen den K. K. Kunst- Bau-Berg-und Htittenwesens-Beamten im Gebiethe des Berg und Iluttenmaimischen Maschinen und Bauwesens. 3 vols. text ; 3 vols. plates. 1851-1853. BEEGBAUKUNDE. 2 vols. 4to. Leipsig, 1789, 1790. BEEICHTE liber die Zweite Allgemeine Versammlung von Berg-und Huttenrnannern zu Wien. (21 bis 28 September, 1861.) 8vo. 123 pp. Vienna, 1862. BIDEAG till Svriges Officiela Statistik. Bergshauteringen. Com merce Cellegii. Underdaniga Berattelse for ar 1873. 4to. 32 pp. Stockholm, 1874. BLACK HAWK Gold Mining Company. Prospectus, &c. Vol. xxxn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 15 pp., I. map. New- York. BORN, Jr., and Frebra, F. W. H. v. Bergbaukunde. 2 vols. 4to. Leipsig, 1789, 1790. BEAXD, C. P. Elements pratiques d Exploitation. 8vo. 592 pp., XXXII. plates. Paris, 1829. BKOOKS, H. S. A Report on the Property of the Triunfo Silver Mining and Commercial Co. of Lower California, 4 to. 80 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. BUEAT, Amedee. Geologic Appliquee Traite du Gisement et de 1 Ex- ploitation des Utiles Mineraux. Premiere Partie. Geologic Pratique. Deuxieme Partie. Exploitation des Mines. Qua- trieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858, 1859. BUELEIGH Drill. Two Photographic Views of the. 4to. BUEY, Aug. Traite de la Legislation des Mines, des Mineres, des Usines et de Carrieres en Belgique et en France ou Com- mentaire Theoretique et Pratique de la Loi de 21 Avril, 1810, et des Lois et Reglements qui s y Rattachent. 2 vols. 8vo. Liege, 1859. CALLOX, J. Cours professes a L Ecole des Mines de Paris. Per- miere Partie. Cours de Machines. Tome I., Text and Atlas. Deuxieme Partie. Cours D Exploitation des Mines. Tomes I, II., Text and Atlas. 3 vols. 8vo. text ; 3 vols. plates. Paris, 1873. CALVOE, Hemming. Historische Nachrichte von der Unter-und gesamten Ober-Harzischen Bergwerke. 4to. 254 pp. Brunswick, 1765. CAENALL, R. von. Bergmannisches Taschen-Buch fur alle Freunde der Bergwerke-Industrie, im Besondern derjenigen Ober- schlesiens. 12mo. 257 pp. Breslau, 1844. COAL and Coal Pits of Great Britain. ,12mo. 243 pp. London, 1855. Mines. Reports of Inspectors of. 2 vols. 2to. London, 1859. COMBES, Ch. Handbuch der Bergbaukunst bearbeitet von C. Hart- mann. 2 vols. 4to. text and plates. Weimar, 1844. Traite de 1 Exploitation des Mines. 3 vols. 8vo. text; 4to. plates. Liege, 1846. COTTA, Bernhard von. Erzlagerstatten im Banat und in Serbien. 8vo. 108 pp., I. chart. Vienna, 1864. MINING ENGINEERING. 367 CZEENY, A. Die Bergbau Btfhmens. 8vo. 26 pp. Prag, 1868. DADOTV, S. H., and Bannan, B. Coal, Iron and Oil ; or, the Ameri can Practical Miner. 8vo. 786 pp. Pottsville, Pa., 1866. D ALIGNT, H. F. O., U. S. Commissioner, Huet, A., Geyler, F., and Lepainteur, C. Report on Mining and the Mechanical Pre paration of Ores. Paris Exposition, 1867. 8vo. 104 pp., III. plates. Washington, 1870. DAVY, Sir Humphrey. On the Safety Lamp. 8vo. 148pp. London, 1818. The Complete Works of, edited by his brother, John Davy. Vol. VI. Researches on the Safety Lamp, &c. 8vo. 264 pp. London. DAWSON, Wm. McD. Memorandum in relation to the Gold Mines of the Chaudiere in Lower Canada. 8vo. 16 pp. 1865. DAXHELET, A. Les Perforatrices a Air Comprime Appliquees aux Travaux de Mines systeme de Dubois et Francois. Svo. Paris, 1873. DE CTJYPER, Ch. Revue de L Exposition de 1867. Mines, Metal- lurgie, Chimie, Mecanique, Navigation, Chemins de Fer, Con structions, Sciences et Arts Appliques a L Industrie. Tomes I. to IV. Text and plates. 6 vols. 8vo. DEGOUSSEE, J. Guide du Soudeur ou Traite Theoretique et Pra tique des Sondages. 2 vols. Svo. text and plates. Paris, 1847. and Laurent. Guide du Sondeur. 2 vols. Svo. text and plates. Paris, 1861. DELESSE, A. Procede^Mecanique pour Determiner la Composition des Roches, et fitudes sur les Metamorphisms des Roches. Svo. 72, 95 pp. Paris, 1866, 1869. DENAYROUZE, A. and L. Des Aerophores et de leur application au travail dans les mines. Svo. 67 pp. Paris, 1872. DENKSCHRIFT zur Erinnerung an die Verdienste des in Dresden am 30 Juni, 1817, verstorbenen K. S. Bergraths Werner und an die Fortschritte bei der Bergakademie zu Freiberg. 4to. 174 pp. Freiberg, 1848. DER GRUBENBRAND und die bosen Wetter. 12mo. 24 pp. Clausthal, 1849. DIE Chursachsiche Bergwerksverfasung. Svo. 146 pp. Leipsig, 1787. DIE Fortschritte der berg-und huttenmannischen Wissenschaften in den letzen hundert Jahren. Als zweiter Theil der Festchrift zum hunderjahrigen Jabilaum der Konligl, Sachs, Bergaka demie zu Freiberg. Svo. 146pp. Freiberg, 1867. DIE Gruben und Anlagen der Vereinigungs Gesellschaft fur Steinkohlenbau in Wurrn Revier zu Kohlschied bei Aachen. 12 mo. 8 pp. E Lage der Bergbau-und Hutten Industrie in Ober Schlesien. 8vo. 92 pp. Berlin, 1861. 368 SCHOOL OP MINES LIBRARY. DUBOIS and Frangois. Notice sur L Installation des Appareils & Comprimer L Air et de Perforation aux Charbonnages de la Societe de Marihaye. 8v. 16 pp. Liege, 1873. ECOLES des Arts et Manufactures et des Mines annexee a 1 Univer- site de Liege. Programmes genereaux et programmes de- tailles, &c. 8vo. Brussels, 1864. ERKLARENDES Worterbuch der im Bergbau, in der Hiittenkunde und in Salinwerken vorkommenden-technicken Kunstaus- drticke und Fremdworter. 8vo. 176pp. Burgsteinfurt, 1869. FALLER, Gustav. Die Schemnitzer Metall-Bergbau in zeinem jetzi- gen Zustande. 8vo. 89 pp. Schemnitz, 1865. FERBEK, J. J. Nachricht von dem Anquicken der gold und silber- haltigen Erze, Kupfersteine und Speisen in Ungarn und Bohmen. 24mo. 200 pp. Berlin, 1787. FESTSCHRIFT zum hundertjahrigen Jubilaum der Koniglichen Sach- siscben Bergakademie zu Freiberg am 30 Juli, 1866. 8vo. 336 pp. Dresden, 1866. GAETSCHMAN, Moritz F. Anleitung zur Grubenmauerung. 4to. 188 pp., XXXV. plates. Schemnitz, 1831. - Die Aufbereitung. 2 vols., text and plates. Leipsig, 1872. Die Auf und Untersucbung von Lagerstatten Nutzbarer Mineralien. 8vo. 480 pp. Freiberg, 1856. Die Grubenzimmerung. Erste Abtbeilung, 8vo. 125 pp., VI. plates. Freiberg, 1872. Zweite Abtheilung, 8vo. 134 pp., XV. plates. Freiberg, 1873. Die Lehre von den bergmannischen Gewinnungsarbeiten. 8vo. 788 pp. Freiberg, 1846. Sammlung Bergmannischer Ausdrucker. 12 mo. 90 pp. Freiberg, 1859. GAMBRESY, A. Dictionnaire Minier et Metallurgique. 12mo. 20~3 pp. Paris, 1868. GEDENKBUCH zur Hundertjahrigen Griindung der K. ung. Berg-u. Forstakadernie in Schemnitz, 1770-1870. 8vo. 389 pp. Scbemm tz, 1871. GLEPIN, G. De L Etablissement des Puits des Mines. 3 vols. 8vo. Liege, 1846. GOULD and Curry Silver Mining Company vs. North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Company. Opinion of Referee. 8vo. 12 pp. Virginia, N. T., 1864. GREENWELL, G. C. A Practical Treatise on Mining Engineering. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. text; Atlas, plates. London, 1870. GRIMM, Johann. Grundziige der Geognosie fur Bergmanner. 8vo. 360 pp. Prag, 1856. GRUNER, L. tude des Bassins Houilliers de la Creuse. 4to. 204 pp. Paris, 1868. GUNTIIER, J. R. Theorie neuer Erz-Separations-Methoden. ; 8vo. 61 pp. Prag, 1841. HARTMANN, Carl. Berg-und Huttenmannischer Atlas. 4to. text; Atlas, XLII. plates. Weimar, 1860. MINING ENGINEERING. 369 HARTMANN, Carl. Der inn era Gebirgswelt. 8vo. 312 pp. Stuttgart, 1838. Der treue Ftihrer beim Schiirfen und bei Bohrarbeit. 12mo. 232 pp. Weimar, 1856. Die Mineralischen Brenustoffe, Steinkohlen, Braunkohlen und Torf. 8vo. 122 pp. Halle, 1856. Handbucb der Bergbau-und Hiittenkunde. 4to. 1313 pp. text; Atlas, XLY. plates. Weimar, 1858. Handbuch des Steinkohlen-Bergbaues. Incomplete. 4to. 120pp. text; Atlas, X. plates. Weimar, 1855. Ueber die mechanische Aufbereitung der silberhaltigen Bleierze. 8vo. 335 pp. Weimar, 1858. HASKOLL, W. D. The Engineers , Mining Surveyors and Con tractors Field-Book. 8vo. 189 pp. London, 1866. HAUER, Julius Ritter von. Die Fordermaschinen der Bergwerke. 8vo. text, 438 pp. ; Atlas, XXX. plates. Leipsig, 1871. HAUPT, Theodor. Bausteine zur Philosophic der geschichte der Bergbaues. 8vo. 101 pp. ^Leipsig, 1865. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Norddeutsche Beitrage zur Berg-und Hiitten kunde. 8vo. 121 pp. Brunswick, 1806. Tiber den Gegenwartigen Zustand und die Wichtigkeit des Hannoverschen Harzes. 8vo. 411pp. Gottingen, 1832. HEDLEY, J. The Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines. 8vo. 128 pp. London, 1851. Traite pratique de 1 Exploitation des Mines de Houille. Traduit par Lambert et Modesse. 8vo. 100pp. Liege, 1853. HENCHLER, E. Die Berg Knappen. Folio. 12 pp., LXXIV. plates. Dresden, 1857. HENKELS, J. F. Pyritologia oder Kieshistorie als des vornemsten Minerals. Mit einen vorrede von ISTutzen des Bergwerks. 8vo. 904 pp. Leipsig, 1754. HENVAUX, D. Construction der Walzwerke. Bearbeitet von Dr. Carl Hartmann. 8vo. 73pp. Leipsig, 1859. HITINGER, Peter. Das Quecksilber-Bergwerk Industrie, von seinern Beginne bis zur Gegen wart. 12mo. 86pp. Larbach, I860. HOSKOLD, H. D. A Practical Treatise on Mining, Land and Railway Surveying, Engineering, &c. Svo. 249 pp. London, 1863. ITZENPLITZ, Grafen von. Katalog fur die Sarnmlung der Berg- werks-und Steinbruchs-Produkte Preussens auf der Indus trie und Kunstausstellung zu Paris im Jahre, 1867. JAVAL et Gamier. Machines a^Percer les Roches. 2 vols. Svo. Machines a Percer, Couper, et Abattre les Roches. 8vo. 91 pp. JOCHAMS. Notice sur 1 Incendie d une Couche de Houille. Vol. III., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 42 pp., II. plates. 1852. KARSTEN, E. J. B. Lehrbuch der Salinkunde. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1846. KEATING, W. H, The Art of Mining. Svo. 87 pp. Philadelphia, 1821. KERL, Bruno. Grundriss der Salinkunde. 8vo. 232 pp. Brunswick, 1868. 24 370 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAEY. KIMBALL, J. P. Notes on the Iron Ores of Marquette, Michigan. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 15pp. 1864. On the Silver Mines of Santa Eulalia, State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Vol. XIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. SVO. 15pp. 1870. Our Mineral Interest. 8vo. 42 pp. Report on the Coal of the Broad Top Steam Coal Company of Pennsylvania. 8vo. 8pp. New- York, 1867. Report on the Extension of the Vermont Copper Company s Copper Ore, (Gifford Tract,) Vershire, Orange Co., Vermont. 8vo. 7 pp., I. map. New-York, 1869. Report upon the Estate of the New-Jersey Coal Company of Wilkesbarre, Pa. 8vo. 15pp. New-York, 1865. KIND, E. G. Anleitung zum Abteufen der Bohrlocher. 8vo. 188 pp. Luxemburg, 1842. KINGAND, Hague. Report on Mining Industrie. 4to. 647 pp., text ; Atlas, XIV. plates. KLIPSTEIN, Auguste von. Gemeiniitzige Blatter zur Beforderung des Bergbaues und Htittenbetriebes. Heft I. 110pp. 4to. Frankfort, 1849. Heft II. 1 24 pp., I. plate. 4to. Giessen, 1859. KROM, S. R. Description of Krorn s System and Machinery for Crushing Ores. 8vo. 75 pp. New- York, 1872. KUPELWEISER, F. Officieler Ausstellungs Bericht der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. Heft I. Bergbau und Htittenwesen. 8vo. 19pp. 1873. KURZER Abriss der Geographischen, Geognostischen und Bergbau- betriebes der Siebenbiirgischen Salinen. 16mo. 18pp. Klausenberg, 1873. LAW Relating to the Regulation of Mines in Nova Scotia. Vol. IIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vO. 27pp. Halifax, 1873. LEO, E. I. Die Aussuchung, Gewinnung und Forderung der Braunkohlen. 8vo. 176 pp., XII. plates. Quedlinburg, 1854. Theoretische-practische Anleitung zum Tunnelbau. 8vo. 113 pp. Leipsig, 1853. - W. Der Grubenhaushalt. 8vo. 220pp. Quedlinburg, 1859. Lehrbuch der Bergbaukunde. 8vo. 525 pp. Quedlinburg, 1861. LES MINES D Or de la Nouvelle Ecosse, 1862-1866. 8vo. 8pp. Halifax, 1867. LESOINNE, A. Vortrage iiber allgemeine Hiittenkunde. Vol. I. Part 1. Die Mechanische aufbereitung der Erze, &c. 8vo. 185 pp. Leipsig, 1860. LOTTNER, F. H. Leitfaden zur Bergbaukunde. Edited by A. Serlo. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. Erganzunsband zum Leitfaden der Bergbaukunde. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. H. Leitfaden zur Bergbaukunde. Edited by Dr. A. Serlo. 8vo. 444pp. Berlin, 1873. LYMAN, B. S. A Report on the Bourinot Coal Claims and Land, Cape Breton. 8vo. 17 pp. New-York, 1865. MINING ENGINEERING. 371 MAHLER, Julius. ^ Die moderne Sprengtechnic dargestellt durch Bohrmaschinen, Luftkorapressoren, Dynamit und verschie- denen Ztindungen fur die Gesteingewinnung im Steinbruche, dem Berg-und Eisenbabnbane, &c. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. MAYER, J. B. Anleitung zur Grubenzimmerung. 8vo. 126pp. Mainz, 1843. McCuLLOdi, H. Letters of the Secretary of tbe Treasury, enclosing Report^of James W. Taylor, Special Commissioner for tbe Collection of Statistics upon Gold and Silver Mining east of the Rocky Mountains. 8vo. 28pp. Washington, 1867. MINING, Law (The) of the Territory of Arizona. , T 8vo. 12pp. Prescott, 1864. MOWBRAY, George M. Tri-Nitro-Glycerine as applied in the Hoosic lunnel, Submarine Blasting, &c. 8vo. 100pp. North Adams, Mass., 1872. NEUBERT, E. W. Stamrabaum tiber die Auf bereitung der Erzmas- sen von den Gangen der Kiesigen Bleiformation. XT - __ 1 sheet, folio. Freiberg. NEW- YORK and Eldorado Gold Mining Company. Report of the American Bureau of Mines. 4to. 15pp. New- York, 1867. NIEDERIST, J. Grundzuge der Bergbaukunde. 8vo. 284 pp. Prajr, 1863. NOTICES sur les Collections, Cartes et Dessins. Relatifs au Service du Corps Imperial des Mines, a PExposition Universelle de Paris, 1867. 8vo. 315 pp. Paris, 1867. ODEHHEIMER, F. Das Berg-und Hiittenwesen im Herzogthum Nassau. 8vo. Weisbaden, 1865. ONONDAGA Salt Company of Syracuse, New- York. Prospectus of ~ tlle - 8vo. 50 pp. Syracuse, 1867. OVERMAN, Frederick. Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining. 8vo. 230 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. 1 HILLIPS, J. Arthur. The Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver. 8vo. 532 pp. London, 1867. - and Darlington. Records of Mining and Metallurgy. 8vo. 304pp. London, 1857. PHOTOGRAPHS of the Burleigh Drill, made by the Putnam Machine Co., Fitch burg, Mass. 2 views. PIKE, John Robert. Britain s Metal Mines. A Complete Guide to their Laws, Usages, Localities and Statistics. Vol. n., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 66 pp. London, 1871. roLE, W. A Treatise on the Cornish Pumping Engine. 4to. 236 pp. _ London, 1844. ONSON, A. T. Handbuch des Steinkohlen-Bergbaues. 2 vols. 4to. Weimar, 1855. Iraite de PExploitation des Mines de Houille. 2 vols. 8vo. text; 2 vols. 4to. plates. Supplement to above. 2 vols. 8vo. text; 2 vols. 4to. plates. Paris, 1867 1868 QUICKSILVER Mining Company. Annual Report of the President. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 54pp. 1867. 372 ^ SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. REICHENECKER, Albert. Aufbereitung der geschwefelten Golderze in den Rocky-Mountains im Colorado Territoriura der Verei- nigten Staaten. 12rno. 80 pp., II. plates. Prag, 1871. REINWALD, Ch. Ueber die Steinsalzablagerung bei Stassf urt imd die dortige Kali-Industrie. Vol. XXIV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 43 pp. Dresden, 1871. REPORTS of the Inspectors of Coal Mines to Her Majesty s Secretary of State, 1856, 1858. 2 vols. 4to. London. of the Special Commissioners on the Mineral Resources of the United States West of the Rocky Mountains. Browne, J. Ross. Special Commissioner, 1867, 1868. Introductory and Preliminary Reports. Appendix to above. Taylor, James W. Report on the Gold Mines of the United States East of the Rocky Moun tains. 8vo. 360 pp. Washington, 1867. : On California, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Washington Terri tory, Oregon and Alaska. 8vo. 674pp. Washington, 1869. Appendix to above. Report on the States and Territories East of the Rocky Mountains. 71 pp. Raymond, Rossiter W. Special Commissioner, 1869 . Notes on California, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, &c. 8Vo. 256 pp. Washington, 1869. for 1870. Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. 8vo. 805 pp. Washington, 1870. RITTENGER, G. von. Kurze Mittheilungen liber Berg-und-Hiitten- wesens-Maschinen und Baugegenstande auf der Allgeineinen Industrie Ausstellung zu Paris, 1867. P. Ritter von. Erfahrungen im berg-und huttenmann- ischen maschinen, bau-und auf bereitungswesen. Gratisbei- lage Zum Oestterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg und Hiit- tenwesen auf 1872. 4 to. 31 pp., XVI. plates. Vienna, 1872. Taschenbuch der Auf bereitungskunde. 12mo. 95 pp. Berlin, 1867. ROST, G. H. A. Bohrhatiser der Saline Circhocinek in Polen. 8vo. 192 pp., VIII. plates. Thorn, 1843. ROWLAND, Thomas F. Improvement in Machinery for Elevating and Transporting Coal, Coke or other Material, and for the Charging and Discharging of Gas Retorts, as applied to the Manufacture of Illuminating Gas. 4to. 7 pp., VIII. plates. Brooklyn, 1873. RZHIA, Franz. Lehrbuch der Gesammten Tunnelbunkunst. Vol. I. 723pp. 1867. Vol. II. Parts 1, 2, 4. 4to. Berlin, 1872. SACHS, C. Ueber Gesteiubohrmaschinen. 8vo. 40 pp. Aix la Chapelle, 1865. SALT Company of Onondaga. Prospectus. 8vo. 50 pp. Syracuse, N. Y. SAN Buenaventura Pacific Petroleum Co. of New- York. A Brief Account of One Hundred Thousand Acres of Oil Lands in California. 8vo. 24 pp. New- York, 1865. MINING ENGINEERING. 373 SCHNEIDER, W. Taschenbuch, ftlr practische Bergwerke und Berg- werks unternehraer. 12 mo. 206 pp. Neuweid, 1857. SCHOEN, J. G. Der Tunnel-Bau. 4to. 48 pp., XIV. plates. Vienna, 1866. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. The Lead Mines of Missouri, including Obser vations on the Geology, &c., of Missouri and Arkansaw. 8vo. 299 pp. New-York, 1819. SECKENDORFF, W, Uber die beim Gebirgsbohren angewendets Meissel. 8vo. 46 pp. Berlin, 1862. SERLO, A., and Stolzel, C. Bergbau und Hiittenwesen. 8vo. 104 pp. Brunswick, 1874. SILLIMAN, Benjamin, Jr. Report upon the Oil Property of the Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company, situated in Santa Barbara and Los Angelos Counties, California. Vol. XXXII., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 36pp. Philadelphia, 1865. Report upon the Oil Property of the Pacific Coast Petro leum Company. 8vo. 24 pp. New- York, 1865. SILVER Mines (The) of Nevada. Vol. II., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 76 pp., I. map. New- York, 1864. SILVERSMITH, J. A Practical Hand-Book for Miners, Metallurgists and Assayers. 8vo. 271 pp. New- York, 1866. SKALKOOSKY, C. Tableaux Statistiques de 1 Industrie des Mines en Russie en 1871. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1873. SMITH, J. Lawrence. On the Minerals of the Wheatly Mine, in Pennsylvania. Vol. XIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 14 pp. New-Haven, 1855. Re-examination of American Minerals. Part 4. vol. xn., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 11 pp. 1854. SMYTH, W. W. On the Mines of Wicklow and Wexford. 8vo. 64 pp., II. maps. London, 1853. SONORA, and the Value of its Mines. Report of the Sonora Explor ing and Mining Company. 8vo. 42 pp. Cincinnati, 1856. SPARGO, Thomas. The Mines of Cornwall and Devon. Statistics and Observations. 8vo. 18S pp.* London, 1865. STAPFF, F. M. Ueber Gesteinbohr Machinen. 4to. 260 pp. text ; Atlas, 2to. plates. Stockholm, 1869. STEGMAYER, Carl. Handbuch der Bergbaukunst fiir Jedermann. 8vo. 325 pp. Prag, 1862. STEWART, "William M. Speech on the Bill to Establish a National School of Mines; delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 16, 1868. 8vo. 16pp. Washington, 1868. STIFFT, C. E. Versuch einer Anleitung zu der Aufbereitung der Erze. 8vo. 231 pp. Cassell, 1818. STOUT, ^Peter F. Report upon the Lands of the St. Domingo Min ing and Commercial Co. 8vo. 23pp. Philadelphia, 1866. TASHE, Hans. Kurser Ueberblick iiber das Berg-Hiitten-und Sali- nen-Wesen im Grossherzogthum Hessen. 8vo. 92 pp. Darmstadt, 1858. 374 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. TURNER, P. A. Russlands Montan-Industrie. 8vo. 206 pp., Y. plates. Leipsig, 1871. UBER die Chursachsische Bergwerksverfassung. Ein Beytrag zur Statistik von Sachsen. 8vo. 146 pp. Leipsig, 1787. UBERSICHT tiber die Production der Bergwerke, Salinen und Hutten in dem Preussischen Staate irn Jahre, 1871. 4to. Berlin, 1872. URE, Andrew. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 2 vols. 8vo. New- York, 1863. Supplement. 8vo. New-York, 1864. YERZEICHNISS sammtlicher von der Kais. Akademie der Wissen- schaften seit ihrer grundung bis letzten October, 1868. Yeroffentlichen Druckschriften. 12mo. 300pp. Yienna, 1869. YILLEFOSSE, Heron de. La Richesse Minerale. 3 vols. text; 1 vol. plates. Paris, 1869. Mineral Reichthum. Edited by Carl Hartmann. 5 vols. text; Atlas of plates. Sondershaussen, 1872. YIOLETTE, H. Guide Pratique de la Fabrication des Mines. 12mo. 407 pp. Paris. YIVENOT, Franz v. Bergbau und Hiittenwesen. (Gruppe I. Sec tion I.) Montanproducte mit Ausnahme der Fossilen Brenn- stoffe. Officielerlterichte, Wiener Weltausstellung . Voi,xxi., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 9pp. Yienna, 1873. WHELPLEY and Storer. Description of their New Method of Sepa rating Metals from Sulphurets and other Ores. Vol. IL, Pam- phlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 12 pp., III. plates. Boston, 1866. ZERRENNER, C. Anleitung zum Gold-Platin-und Diamanten Waschen. 4 to. 141 pp. Leipsig, 1851. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, p. 351. RAIL-ROAD ENGINEERING. 375 RAIL-ROAD ENGINEERING. BALDWIN Locomotive Works. Illustrated Catalogue of. 4vo. 134 pp. Philadelphia, 1872. BESCHREIBUNG der industriellen Unternehmungen der K. K. priv. oesterr. Staats-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft. Wiener Weltaus- stellung, 1873. 4to. 112pp. Vienna, 1873. COUCHE, Ch. Voie, Materiel Roulant et Exploitation Technique des Chemins de Fer. Tome I. Voie. Vol. II. Materiel de Transport et Traction. 2 vols. 8vo. text ; 2 atlases. Paris, 1867-1873. DEMPSEY, G. D. A Rudimentary Treatise on the Locomotive . Engine, in all its phases. Second edition. 2 vols., text and plates. London, 1867. EXPLORATIONS and Surveys for a Rail-Road Route from the Missis sippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War, during the years 1853 to 1855. Vols. I. to XL ; Vol. XII., parts 1, 2. 13 vols. 4to. Washington, 1855-1860. GALTON, Capt. D. Report relating to Railways for the year 1858. 2to. 150 pp. London, 1859. HOSKOLD, H. D. A Practical Treatise on Mining, Land and Rail way Surveying, Engineering, &c. 8vo. 249 pp. London, 1863. KNIGHT, J., and Latrobe, B. H. Report upon the Locomotive Engines, and the Police and Management of several of the Principal Rail-Roads in the Northern and Middle States. 8vo. 24 pp. Baltimore, 1836. LIEBENOW, W. Eisenbahnkarte von Deutschland, Nordliche Halfte und Siidliche Halite. 2 large Charts. Berlin. M^MOIRE sur les ressorts en acier employes dans le materiel des Chemins du fer. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. ]42, 64 pp. Paris. PHILLIP. Memoire sur les Ressorts en Acier employes dans le Ma teriel des Chemins de Fer. 142 pp., I. plate. Theorie de la Coulisse servant a produire la Detente Variable dans les Machines a Vapeur et particulierement dans les Machines Locomotives. 64 pp., I. plate. 8vo. Paris, 1852, 1853. REPORT on Inter-Oceanic Canals and Rail-Roads between the Waters of the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo. 28 pp. Washington, 1866. ROCKWELL, J. A. Report on Rail-Road and Canal Routes. 8vo. 678 pp. Washington, 1850. SELLERS, George Escol. Improvement in Locomotive Engines and Rail-Roads. 4to. Cincinnati, 1849. 376 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. STEVENS, John. Documents tending to prove the Superior Advan tages of Rail- Ways and Steam Carriages over Canal Naviga tion ; with Preface by Dr. Chas. King. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Octavo Beries. 8vo. 4G pp. New- York, 1812, (Rep. 1852.) TROY and Greenfield Rail-Road and Hoosac Tunnel. Vol. xvm., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 3 Pamphlets. 38, 54, 56 pp.. Boston, 1865, 1866. TURNBULL, Wm. Reports on the Construction of the Piers of the Aqueduct of the Alexandria Canal. 4to. 49 pp. Washington, 1873. WIENER Weltausstellung. K. K. priv. osterr. Staats-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft. Maschinen fabrik in Wien. Typen-Skizzen und Dimensionen der bei der Wiener Weltausstellung im Jahre, 1873, exponirten 5 Lokomotiven. V. plates. Small folio. WILLIAMS, J. J. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec: being the Results of a Survey for a Rail-Road to Connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the Direc tion of Major J. G. Barnard. 8vo. 295pp. New- York, 185 2. WLNDOM, Hon. Wm. The Northern Pacific Railway ; its Effect upon the Public Credit, the Public Revenues and the Public Debt. A Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, January 5th, 1869. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 60 pp. Washington, 1869. ZEUNER, Gustav. A Treatise on Valve Gears, with Special Refer ence to the Link Motions of Locomotive Engines. Translated from the German by Moritz Mailer. 8vo. 244pp. London, 1869. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, p. 351. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 377 INDUSTRIAL ARTS. AMATEUR Mechanic s Workshop, (The.) 8vo. 148 pp. London, 1870. AMERICAN Association of Wool Manufacturers: Objects and Plan of the; its Organization and Articles of Association and By- Laws. 8vo. 20 pp. Boston, 1866. ANTISELL, T. Hand-Book of the Useful Arts. 12mo. 692 pp. New-York, 1852. BANKS, N. P. A Speech upon the Representation of the United States at the Exhibition of the World s Industry, Paris. 1867. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1866. 8vo. 24 pp. Washington, 1866. BARNARD, F. A. P. Modern Industrial Progress, and the Influ ences Accelerating its March. An Address delivered before the Am. Inst. of N. Y., at its forty-first annual exhibition. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 40 pp. New-York, 1872. Report on Machinery and Processes of the Industrial Arts and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences. Paris Universal Ex position, 1867. 8vo. 669 pp., VII. plates. New-York, 1869. BERICHTE tiber die Welt-Austellung zti Paris, im Jahre, 1867. Band I. Einleitung 1. ^Die Kunstwerke und die Histoire der Travail. 2. Instrument fur Kunst und Wissenschaft. Band II. Text and plates. 1. Werkzeuge und Machinen. 2. Verkehrsmittel. Band IV. 1. Game, Gewebe, Bekleidungs-Gegenstande und Papier. 2. Kunst Gewebe, Mobel, und Einricht- ungsstiicke. Band VI. Social-Oekonomische Abtheilung. 6 vols., text; 1 vol. plates. Svo. Vienna, 1869. BIGELOW, Erastus B. An Address upon the Wool Industry of the United States, delivered at the Exhibition of the American Institute in the City of New- York, October 5, 1869. 8vo. 22 pp. New-York, 1869. BISHOP, J. L. A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to I860. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. BRITISH Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents relating to Paper, Paste-Board and Papier Mache. 1665-1867. Parts I. and II. 184, 166 pp. 1858. BRITISH Patent Office. Specifications of Patents relating to Machinery for the Manufacture of Sheet Tin. J. H. John son, Patentee. 4 pp., I. plate. 1859. 378 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. CATALOGUE des Produits Industrials et des GEuvres d Art de Bel- gique exposes a L Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1867. 12mo. 365 pp. Brussels, 1867. COLWELL Lead Co. Tin-Lined Lead Pipe. Descriptive Pamphlet. 12mo. New-York, 1873. DE CUYPER, Ch. Revue de L Exposition de 1867. Mines, Metal- lurgie, Chimie, Mecaniqne, Navigation, Chemins de Fer, Con structions, Sciences et Arts Appliques a L lndustrie. Tomes I. to IV. Text and plates. 6 vols. 8vo. ECOLES des Arts et Manufactures et des Mines annexee a 1 univer- site de Liege. Programmes generaux et programmes de- tailles, &c. 8vo. Brussels, 1864. GROTHE, Hermann. Katecliismus der Bleicherei, Fiirberei und des Zeugdruckes. 12mo. 234 pp. Leipsig, 1862. Katechismus der Spinnerei, Weberei und Appretur. 24mo. 144 pp. Leipsig, 1861. HANDBOOK (The) of Turning. 12 mo. 144pp. London, 1859. HAYES, John L. Statement of Facts relative to Canada Wools, and the Manufactures of Worsted. 8vo. 21 pp. Boston, 1866. The Angora Goat: its Origin, Culture and Products. Svo. 38 pp. Boston, 1868. The Fleece and the Loom. An Address before the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, at the First Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1865. Svo. 80 pp. Boston, 1866. The Solidarity of the Industries, as illustrated by the Rela tions of the Woolen Manufacture. An Address delivered before the Fair of the American Institute, New-York City, October 13, 1870. 8vo. 28 pp. Cambridge, 1870. The Wools of the United States. Svo. 47 pp. Boston, 1872. HEUZE, Eleonore. Katechismus der Kochkunst. Svo. 135 pp. Leipsig, 1853. HORSFORD, E. N. Report on an Investigation of the Sources of the Offensive Odors which are ascribed, in a petition by John M. Tayler and others, before the State Board of Health, to the Hog-Slaughtering Establishment of John P. Squire & Co., of East Cambridge. 8vo. 40 pp. Cambridge, Mass., 1873. JOHNSON, Preset., Andrew. A Message to the House of Represen tatives, transmitting the report of Elliot C. Cowdin, Esq., Commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1867, on Silk and Silk Manufactures. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 38 pp. Washington, 1868. LACROIX, Eugene, fitudes sur L Exposition de 1867, ou Les Ar chives de L lndustrie aux XIX. Siecle. Description Gen6- rale, Encyclopedique, Methodique et Raisonnee de L Etat Actuel des Arts, des Sciences, de L lndustrie et de L Agricul ture, chez tous les Nations. 10 vols. Svo., text and plates. Paris, 1867-1869. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 379 LE BLANC. Nouveau System? coraplet de Filature de Coton usite en Anccleterre. 4to. 156 pp. Paris, 1828. LEHRFELDT, L. Bijouterie fabrikant und Goldarbeiter. 8vo. 56 pp. Pforzheim, 1862. LE Roux, Jules". L Industrie Moderne au Champ de Mars. Coup D GEil sur L Exposition de 1867. 8vo. 310 pp. Paris. LYMAN, B. S. Scientific Education in its Relations to Industry. An Address delivered at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 30pp. New-Haven, 1867. MILLING and Manufacturing Co., of Boston. Report of the Con sulting Engineer. 8vo. 15 pp. Boston, 1866. MORFIT, Campbell, and Morfit, Clarence. The Arts of Tanning, Currying and Leather Dressing. 8vo. 537 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. MTJDGE, E. R., United States Commissioner. Assisted by John L. Hayes. Report upon Wool and Manufactures of Wool. 8vo. 143 pp. Washington, 1868. PERRAULT, J. Revue Agricole, Manufacture, Commerciale et de Colonisation, 8vo. 384pp. Montreal, 1863, 1864. PERUTZ, H. Warme-und Brennmaterialien, ihre Anwendung fur industrielle Zwecke. 8vo. 202 pp. Berlin, 1864. PROTEAUX, A. A Practical Guide for the Manufacturing of Paper and Boards. 8vo. 292pp. Philadelphia, 1866. PUGH, E. A Report upon a Plan for the Organization of Colleges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, with special reference to the Organization of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 35 pp. Harrisburgh, 1864. SCHICK, E. Katechismus der Warrenkunde. 12mo. 360pp. Leipsig, 1871. SCHMIDT, Carl H. Technologisches Skizzenbuch. 4to. LIV. plates. Stuttgart, 1865. SCHULLER, Siegmund. Die Schule des Fguerlochwesens. 24mo. 221 pp. Leipsig, 1865. SOUBEIRAN, J. Leon. Nouveau Dictionnaire des Falsifications et des Alterations des Alimens, des Medicamens et de Quelques Produits Employes dans les Arts, LTndustrie et L Economie Domestique. 8vo. 634pp. Paris, 1874. SPRINGER, A. H. Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte. 8vo. 386 pp. Stuttgart, 1855. STAATSBUDGET, (Das,) und das Bedtirfniss ftlr Kunst vmd Wissen- schaft im Konigreich Hannover. 4to. Hanover, 1866. TWINING, Thomas. Technical Training. Being a Suggestive Sketch of a National System of Industrial Instruction, founded on a General Diffusion of Practical Science among the People. 8vo. 458 pp. London, 1874. URE, Andrew. Dictionary of Manufactures and Mines. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1863. Supplement. 8vo. 745 pp. New- York, 1872. 380 SCHOOL OF MIXES LIBRARY. VALICOURT, E. de. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Tourneur. Vol. I. 24mo. 336 pp. Paris, 1848. WIECK F. G. Das Buch der Efindungen Gewerbe und Industrien. 5 vols. 12mo. Leipsig, 1861-1863. WIESNER, Julius. Gummiarten. Harze und Balzame. Die tech- nischen verwendeten. 8vo. 205 pp. Erlangen, 1869. WILLARD and Shaw s Patent Tin Lined Lead Pipe. A Circular. Vol. XVI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 21pp. New- York, 1865. . Improvements in the Construction of Lead Pipe. 8vo. 23 pp. New- York, 1865. WOODMAN, John S. An Address on the Inauguration of the Wor cester County Institute of Industrial Science. Vol. xvni., Pam phlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 13 pp. Worcester, 1868. See, also, International Exhibitions, p. 381. Periodical Publications, under Chemical Tech nology, p. 257. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS. 381 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876. KBLLET, William D. Speech on the Pecuniary and Political Value of the Proposed International Exhibition, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 5, 1874. Svo. Washington, 1874. EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, LONDON, 1851. REPORTS of the Juries on the subjects in the Thirty Classes into which the Exhibition was divided. Svo. London, 1853. IRAVAUX de la Commissions Frangaise sur L lndustrie des Nations T^T partS lj 2j 3} 5; Tome IIL > P arts ] 2 ; Toraes Iy - to VI11 - 12 vols. Svo. Paris, 1858. EXPOSITION DU HAVRE. RIBEYEE, Felix. Les Annales de L Exposition du Havre, 1868. Svo. Paris, 1868. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE PARIS, EN 1867. BANKS N. P. A Speech upon the Representation of the United btates at the Exhibition of the World s Industry, Paris 14 1866 ^ ln ^^ H USe f Re P resenta ? ives > March BARNARD F. A P. Report on Machinery and Processefof^he 8 In dustrial Arts and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences. Paris Universal Exposition, 186 7. - 8 669 pp., VII. plates. New- York, 1 869. ELGIQUE. Catalogue des Produits Industrials et des (Euvres d Art. 12mo. 365 pp. Brussels, 1867. ELGIQUE. Documents et Rapports. 3 vols. Svo. Brussels. BEBIOHTB uber die Allgemeine Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre, 186 7 erstattet von den fiir Preussen und die Norddeutschen C5taaten ernannten mitgliedern der internationalen Jury B EE :CHTK flber die Welt-Ausstellung 6 vols., text ; 1 vol., plates. Svo. Vienna, 1869. 382 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BLAKE, William P. Report on Civil Engineering and Public Works of the Paris Exposition. 8vo. 49 pp. Washington, 1870. BLAKE, William P. Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. 6 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1870. CATALOGUE Descriptive des Collections exposees par la Commission Geologique du Canada. 8vo. 72pp. Paris, 1867. CATALOGUE Officiel des Exposants Recompenses par le Jury Inter national. 8vo. 455 pp. Paris. CATALOGUE of the British Section, containing a list of the Exhibit ors of the United Kingdom and its Colonies, and objects which they exhibit. In English, French, German and Italian. With Statistical Introductions and an Appendix. 8vo. 1150pp. London, 1867. CHEVALIER, Michel. Rapports du Jury International. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1868. COMPLETE Official Catalogue of the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. English version, translated from the French Cata logue, published by the Imperial Commission. Second edi tion. . 8vo. 1008 pp. London. D ALIGNY, H. F. O. Minerals of the United States in the Paris Exposition, 1867. 8vo. 90pp. Paris, 1857. D ALIGNY, H. F. O., U. S. Commissioner, Huet, A., Geyler, F., and Lepainteur, C. Report on Mining and the Mechanical Pre paration of Ores. 8vo. 104 pp., III. plates. Washington, 1870. DE CUYPER, Ch. Revue de L Exposition de 1867. Mines, Me- tallurgie, Chimie, Mecanique, Navigation, Chemins de Fer, Constructions, Sciences et Arts Appliques a L Industrie. Tomes I. to IV. Text and plates. 6 vols. 8vo. HEWITT, Abrarn S. The Production of Iron and Steel in its Eco nomic and Social Relations. 8vo. 104 pp. Washington, 1868. ITZENPLITZ, Grafen von. Katalog fur die Sammlung der Berg- werks-und Steinbruchs-Produkte Preussens auf der Industrie und Kunstausstellung zu Paris im Jahre, 1867. JOHNSON, Preset. , Andrew. A Message to the House of Represen tatives, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State concerning the Universal Exposition to be held at Paris, in the year 1857. 8vo. 110pp. Washington, 1865. JOHNSON, Preset. , Andrew. A Message to the House of Represen tatives, transmitting the report of Elliot C. Cowdin, Esq., Commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1867, on Silk and Silk Manufactures. 8vo. 38 pp. Washington, 1868. LACROIX, Eugene. Etudes sur L Exposition de 1867, ou Les Ar chives de L Industrie aux XIX. Siecle. Description Gen- erale, Encyclopedique, Methodique et Raisonnee de L fitat Actuel des Arts, des Sciences, de L Industrie et de L Agricul ture, chez tons les Nations. 10 vols. 8vo., text and plates. Paris, 1867-1869. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS. 383 LE Roux, Jules. L Industrie Moderne au Champ de Mars. Coup D CEil sur L Exposition de 1867. 8vo. 310pp. Paris. MUDGE, E. R., United States Commissioner. Assisted by John L. Hayes. Report upon Wool and Manufactures of Wool. 8vo. 143 pp. Washington, 1868. NOTICES sur les Collections, Cartes et Dessins. Relatifs au Service du Corps Imperial des Mines. 8vo. 315 pp. Paris. NOTICES sus les Modeles, Cartes et Dessins. Relatifs aux Travaux Publics. 8vo. 548 pp. Paris, 1867. OPPERMAN, C. A. Visites D Un Ingenieur a L Exposition Univer- selle de Paris, en 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. text and plates. Paris, 1867. RAPPORTS du Cornite des Poids et Mesures et de Monnaies de L Ex position de 1867. 12 mo. 153 pp. Paris, 1867. REPORTS on the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867, Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. Vols. II. to V., and Index Volume. 8vo. London, 1869. RITTENGER, G. von. Kurze Mittheilungen iiber Berg-nnd-Hiitten- wesens-Maschinen und Baugegenstande auf der Allgemeinen Industrie Ausstellung zu Paris, 1867. 8vo. 71 pp. Vienna, 1867. SECOND Edition of Official Correspondence of the subject, published by the Department of State for the Information of the Citi zens of the United States, containing General Regulations, Classification of Articles, &c. 4to. 43 pp. Washington, 1865. SMITH, J. L. The Progress and Condition of several Depart ments of Industrial Chemistry. 8vo. 146 pp. Washington, 1869. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862. DOCUMENTS Officiels completants les rapports du Jury International sur Pensemble de L Exp osition de Londres de 1862. Vols. L, II., III., V. to VII. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. REPORT of the Juries on the Subjects in the Thirty-Six Classes into which the Exhibition was divided. Imp. 8vo. London, 1863. TUNNER, P. Berichte tiber jene Gegenstande der Londoner Welt- industrie Ausstellung von 1862 die den metallurgischen Pro- gressen Angehoren. Svo. 136 pp. Vienna, 1863. WIENER WELTAUSSTELLUNG-, 1873. ATTI Ufficiali della Esposizione Universale di Vienna del 1873. Catalog Generale degli Espositori Italian!. 8vo. 296 pp. Rome, 1873. AMTLICHER Katalog der Ausstellung des Deutscheri Reiches. 16mo. 672 pp. Berlin, 1873. 384 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BELGIQUE. Catalogue des Produits Industriels et des CEuvres D Art. 16mo. 373 pp. Brussels, 1873. BREWER, Eben. Official Catalogue of the American Department. 4to. 148 pp. London, 1873. CATALOGUE of the Exhibition. Printed for the Use of the British Jurors. 8vo. 174 pp. London, 1873. CATALOGUE Speciale de la Section Russe a L Exposition Universelle de Vienna en 1*673, publiee par la Commission Imperiale de Russie. 218pp. St. Petersburg, 1873. COMMONWEALTH of Massachusetts. Report of the Commissioners to the Exposition at Vienna. 8vo. 91pp. 1874. DESCRIPTIVE Catalogue of the Exhibits in the New-Zealand Courts of the Vienna Exhibition, 1873. 4to. 47 pp. DIE AUSSTELLUNG der Geologischen Lands-Untersuchung Schroe- dens auf der Wiener Weltausstellung, 8vo. Vienna, 1873. DIE AUSSTELLUNGS-OBJECTE der Koniglichen Ungarischen Geolo gischen Anstalt auf der Wiener Weltausstellung. 8vo. 1873. DIE BERGBAUE und Eisenwerke der Steierischen Eisenindustrie- Gesellschaft. Eine Beilage zu den Ausstellungsgegenstanden dieser Gesellschaft auf der Welt-Ausstellung 1873 en Wien. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. FRANCE. Produits Industriels. 12mo. 600 pp. Vienna, 1873. GENERAL Katalog. Hefts, I. to XIX. 8vo. 832 pp. Vienna. KAISERLICIIEN Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Catalogue ihrer Ausstellungsgegenstande bei der Wiener Weltausstel lung. 8vo. 200 pp. Vienna, 1873. K. K. PRIY. osterr. Staats-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft. Maschinenfabrik in Wien. Typen-Skizzen und Dimensionen der bei der Wiener Weltausstellung ini Jahre, 1873, exponirten 5 Lokomotiven. V. plates. Small folio. KATALOG fur die Sammlung der Bergwerks-Hiitten,-Salinen,-und Steinbruchs-Producte von Elsass-Lothringen auf der Wiener Weltausstellung von 1873. 8vo. 98 pp. Strasburg. KERPELY, Anton. Das Eisen auf der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. 8vo. 229 pp. , IV. plates. Schemni z, 1873. L EMPIRE du Bresil a L Exposition Universelle de Vienna en 1873. 8vo. 364 pp. Rio Janeiro, 1873. LISTE der Mitgleider der internationalen Jury. 4 to. 73 pp. MATKOVIE, Peter. Kroatien-Slavonien nach seinen Physischen und Geistigen Verhaltnissen. Denkschrift zur Wiener Weltaus stellung, 1873. 12mo. 112 pp. Agram, 1873. NORWEGISCIIER Special Katalog der Weltausstellung, 1873, in Wien. Kunst-Industrie. 8vo. 77 pp. 1873. NOTICE sur les Objets Exposes par la Societe des Charbonnages de Mariemont ; L Olive Chaud-Bisson & Carnieres et par la So ciete des Charbonnages de Bascoup. 8vo. Mons. OFFICIELER Austellungs-Berichte herausgegeben durch die General- Direction der Weltausstellung, unter redaction von Dr. Karl Theodor Richter. Parts I. to LXXXVIL Vienna, 1873-1875. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS. 385 PRELIMINARY Explanatory Circulars. 90 Circulars. 4to. Washington, 1873. RESUME du Catalogue de la Section Bresilienne a L Exposition In ternationale a Vienne en 1873. 12mo. 32 pp. SCHOTT, E. Kurzer Bericht tiber die bei der Wiener Weltausstel- lung, 1873, zur Anschauung gebrachten Eisen-Hiitten-Pro- ducte, Eisen-und Stahlarbeiten. 8vo. 34 pp. Leipsig. SPECIAL Catalog der Ausstellung des Persischen Reiches. 8vo. 151 pp. Vienna, 1873. SPECIAL Catalog der Ausstellung des Konigreichs der Niederlande nebst einen uebersichtsplan dieser Ausstellung. 12mo. 166 pp. Vienna, 1873. WIENERBERGER Ziegelfabriks-und Bau-Gesellschaft zur zeit der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1875. 8vo. 92 pp. ZUSAMMENSTELLTJNG der Catalogs Nummern die Einzelnen Lander nach Gruppen und Sectionen Geordnet. 8vo. 38 pp. 25 386 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRAE STATISTICS. AIM and Object of Scientific Education, as Provided in the Shef field Scientific School of Yale College. Svo. 24 pp. New-Haven, 1869. ASCHERSON, Fred. Deutscher Universitats Kalender fur das Sora- iner Semestre, 1873. II. Thiel Die Universitaten im deuts- chen Reich Oestterreich, in der Schweiz und den russischen QEstseeprovinzen. 12rao. 173 pp. Berlin, 1873. BISHOP, J. L. A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. BROOKS, J. Speech on the Tariff. Svo. 30pp. Washington, 1870. CENSUS of the State of New-York for 1865. 4to. 869 pp. Albany, 1S67. COLLEGE Directory, (The.) Voi.iXvm., Pamphlets, octavo series. Svo. 24 pp. Boston, 1872. CONGERS International de Statistique. Compte rendu general des travaux dans ses seances tenues a Bruxelles, 1853; Paris, 1855 ; Vienne, 1857, et Londres, 1860. Publiee sous la direc tion de M. le Dr. Engel. 4to. 473pp. Berlin, 1863. COOLIDGE, Richard H. Statistical Reports on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the United States. Compiled from the Records of the Surgeon-General s Office, embracing a period of five years, from January, 1855, to January, 1860. 4to. Washington, 1860. DAS Staatsbudget und das Bedilrfnisse fur Kunst und Wissenschaft im Konichreich Hannover. 4to. 92pp. Hanover, 1866. DIE Organisation des Staatsbauwesens im Konigreiche Hanover. Folio. 55pp. Hanover, 1861. EDMONDS, J. M. The Manufactures of the United States in 1860. Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth Census, under direction of the Secretary of the Interior. 4to. 742pp. Washington, 1865. ELLIOTT, E. B. A Letter on the Credit of the U. S. Government, with Comparative Tables. Addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. Svo. 29pp. Washington, 1871. The United States Customs Tariff under the Acts of May 1 and June 6, 1872. Svo. 40pp. Washington, 1872. ENGEL, Dr. Cornpte-Rendu General des Travaux du Congres Interna tional de Statistique dans ses seances tenues a Bruxelles, 1 853 ; Paris, 1855 ; Vienne, 1857, et Londres, 1860. Public par les orders de S. E. M. C. Compte D Eulenburg. 4to. 273pp. Berlin, 1863. Rechenschafts-Bericht tiber die Fiinfte Sitzungs periode des Internationaien Statistischen Congresses in Berlin. Band I. Berichte tiber die Vorbereitungen des Congresses. Band II. Berichte tiber die Verhandlungen des Congresses. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1865. 1** STATISTICS. 387 GILLESPTE, W. M. Subjects and Methods of Instruction in Mathe matics as prescribed for Admission to the Polytechnic School of Paris. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 48 pp. GRAY, Asa. Sequoia and its History. An Address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, de livered at a meeting held at Dubu.que, Iowa, August, 1872. 8vo. 20pp. Salem, 1872. HAYES, JOHN L. Protection as a Boon to Consumers. An Address delivered before the National Association of Knit Goods Manufacturers, at the Second Annual Meeting in New-York City, May 1, 1867. With a Letter from Mr. Samuel Baehel- der to Mr. John L. Hayes. 8vo. 50pp. Boston, 1867. The Protective Question Abroad, and Remarks at the In dianapolis Exposition. 8vo. 66pp. Cambridge, 1870. HEWITT, Abram S. The Production of Iron and Steel iiTits Eco nomic and Social Relations. 8vo. 104pp. Washington, 1867. HOUGH, Frankly n B. Census of the State of New-York for 1865. Prepared from the Original Returns under the Direction of Francis D. Barbour, Secretary of State. 4to. 473 pp. Albany, 1867. JOHNSON, PresV., Andrew. A Message to the House of Repre sentatives, transmitting the report of Elliot C. Cowdin, Esq., Commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1867, on Silk and Silk Manufactures. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 38 pp. Washington, 1868. KENNEDY, Jos. C. G. Preliminary Report of the Superintendent of the Census, on the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. 8vo. 294 pp. Washington, 1860. LE ROY, Alphonse. L Universite de Liege depuis sa Fondation. 8vo. 1179pp. Liege, 1869. LYMAN, B. S. Scientific Education in its Relations to Industry. An Address delivered at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. 8vo. 30pp. New-Haven, 1867. MACEDO, Joaquim Manoel de. Notions de Chorographie du Brezil. Traduction de J. F. Holbout. 8vo. 504 pp. Leipsig, 1874. MANUFACTURES of the United States in 1860. Compiled from the original returns of the Eighth Census, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. 4to. 745 pp. Washington, 1865. MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology, &c. An Account of the Preliminary Proceedings. Vol. xix., Pamphlets, octavo series, 8vo. 23 pp. Boston, 1861. Institute of Technology. Outline of Studies in the Depart ment of Practical Geology, Mining and Metallurgy of the School of Industrial Science. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series- 8vo. 10 pp. Boston, 1864. Scope and Plan of the School of Industrial Science of, as re ported by the Committee of Instruction of the Institute and adopted by the Government. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 28 pp. Boston, 1864. SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MEDICAL and Surgical History of the British Army which served in Turkey and the Crimea. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1858. MORRELL, D. J. The Protective Policy and the Warehousing Sys tem. A Report submitted to the House of Representatives, June, 1868, by Mr. Morrell, of Pennsylvania, from the Com mittee on Manufactures. Prepared by John L. Hayes. 8vo. 45pp. Washington, 1868. The Protective Question at Home ; being the Substance of a Report of the Committee on Manufactures, submitted to the Fortieth Congress by Hon. D. J. Morrell, of Pennsylvania. With Supplementary Notes by John L. Hayes. NEILSON, W. G. A Statistical Chart, Illustrating the Growth of the Trade, the Development of the Internal Resources, and the Fluctuations in the Prices of the various Staple Products of the United States, from 1799 to 1869. Published by the Iron and Steel Association, Philadelphia. PERRAULT, J. Revue Agricole, Manufacture, Commerciale et de Colonisation. 8vo. 384pp. Montreal, 1863, 1864. POLYTECHNIC College of Pennsylvania. A Statement of the Objects, Course of Instruction, &c., of the School of Mines, organized and opened in Philadelphia, under an Act of the Legislature incorporating the Polytechnic College of the State of Penn sylvania. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 4 pp. Philadelphia, 1853. PROSTRATION of American Industry. Repeal of the Ten Per Cent. Reduction of Duties. Verbatim Report of an Interview be tween a Delegation of Manufacturers and the Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Representatives at Wash ington, April 28, 1874. 8vo. 12pp. Philadelphia, 1874. REPORT of the Legislative Committee of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on Pleuro-Pneumonia. 8vo. Boston. of the Sanitary Commission dispatched to the Seat of War in the East in 1855, 1856. 8vo. 301 pp. London, 1857. SCHOMBURGK, O. A. R. H. Schomburgk s Reisen in Guiana und am Orinoco. 8vo. 510 pp. Leipsig, 1841. SHEFFIELD Scientific School of Yale College Aim and Objects of Scientific Education as provided in the. Vol. I., Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 24 pp. New-Haven, 1869. Scientific School (The) of Yale College, briefly described. Vol. L, Pamphlets. Duodecimo series. 12mo. 12 pp. New-Haven, 1870. STATISTICAL Annual, (The.) Containing Full Tabulated Reports on the Leading Branches of Commerce and Finance in the United States. Published by the New-York Daily Bulletin Association. 4to. New-York. Report for 1872. 4to. 110pp. New-York, 1873. STATISTICAL Sanitary and Medical Reports of the Army for 1859. 8vo. 438 pp. London, 1861. STATISTICS. 389 STEWAKT, William M. Speech on the Bill to Establish a National School of Mines ; delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 16, 1868. Vol. HI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 16pp. Washington, 1868. WALKER, Francis A. Report of the Superintendent of the Ninth Census of the United States. Compiled from the Original Returns, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Vol. I. Population and Social Statistics of the United States. Vol. II. Industry and Wealth of the United States. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1870. WAKREN, S. Edward. Notes on Polytechnic Schools in the United States; their Nature, Position, Aims and Wants. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 58pp. New- York, 1866. WELLS, David A. Reports of the Special Commissioner of Revenue. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1866, 1867. WILSON, Jeremiah M., (Chairman.) Report of the Select Com mittee (No. 2) of the House of Representatives, appointed under the Resolution of January 6, 1873, to make inquiry in relation to the Affairs of the Union Pacific Rail Road Com pany, the Credit Mobilier of America, and other matters specified in said Resolution, and in other Resolutions referred to said Committee. 8vo. 786pp. Washington, 1873. WINDOM, Hon. Wm. The Northern Pacific Railway : its Effect upon the Public Credit, the Public Revenues and the Public Debt. A Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, January 5th, 1869. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 60 pp. Washington, 1869. WOODMAN, John S. An Address on the Inauguration of the Wor cester County Institute of Industrial Science. Vol. XVIIL, Pamphlets. Octavo series. Svo. 13pp. Worcester, 1 868. YOUNG, Edward. Special Report on the Customs Tariff Legislation of the United States, with Appendices. Svo. 137 pp. Washington, 1872. 390 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. VOYAGES AND TKAYELS. BERGH, 0. A. lakttagelser ofver Djurlifet i Kattegat och Skage- rack, gjorda under Kanobaten " Ingegerds" Expedition som- maren, 1870. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 37 pp. 1870. BTJRKART, Joseph. Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico in der Jahren, 1825 bis 1834. 2 vols. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1836. BURMEISTER, Hermann. Reise nach Brazilien. 8vo. 608pp. Berlin, 1853- DUFRENOY, A. Elie de Beaumont, Coste, Leone, and Perdonnet, Auguste. Voyage Metallurgique en Angleterre. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. text ; Atlas, XXXVIII plates. Paris, 1837. EMORY, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, in cluding parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers. Svo. 416 pp. Washington, 1848. EXPEDITION of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the com mand of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States. Narrative of the Expedition. Vol. II. 4to. 414 pp., XVII. charts. Washington, 1856. GILLIMAN, A. M. Travels over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico. Svo. 455 pp. Philadelphia, 1846. HABEL, M. A. Voyages dans la parlie tropicale des deux Ameriques. Vol. X., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 4pp. 1869. HAUSMANN, J. F. L. Reise durch Scandinavien. 5 vols. Svo. Gottingen, 1811-1818. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804, par Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland avec une Atlas, Geographique et Physique. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-1831. IVES, Lieut. J. C. Report upon the Colorado River of the West. 4to. 364pp. Washington, 1861. JONES, William A. Report upon the Reconnoissance of North western Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in the summer of 1873. With appendix. Svo. 826 pp, L. maps and charts. Washington, 1875. KEYSERLING, A. G. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer reise in das Petschora Land, im Jahre, 1 843. Vol. iv., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4to. 148pp. St. Petersburg, 1846. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 391 MARCY, R. B. Explorations of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1852. 8vo. 320 pp., with II. maps. Washington, 1853. MA WE, John. Travels in the Interior of Brazil ; with a^Particular Account of the Gold and Diamond Districts. Svo. 49- i pp. London, 1821. MAXIMILIAN, Prince. Reise nach Brazilien in der Jahren 1815 bis 1817. 2 vols. 4to. Frankfort, 1820, 1821. MONTPEKEUX, Frederick D. de. Voyage Autour du Caucase, chez les Tcherkesses et les Abkhases,"en Colchide, en Georgie, en Armenie et en Crimee. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1859. MULLER, J. W. Fragrnentarische Mittheilungen uber die in Afrika Gemachten Reisen. 4to. 38 pp. 1849. PARROT, Frederick. Account of a Journey to Ararat. Translated by W. D. Cooley. Illustrated. 12mo. 379pp. ISTew- York, 1846. PELZ, E. Compass fur Aus wanderer. 16mo. 142 pp. Leipsig, 1869. PIKE, Z. M. An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansas, Kansas, La Platte and Pierre Jaun Rivers; and a Tour through the Interior Parts of New Spain, in 1807. 8vo. 277 pp., and 3 appendices. Philadelphia, 1810. SCHICKH, Melchior E. v. Anleitung zur zweckmassigsten Berei- sung der Semring-Eisenbahn von Gloggnitzbis Mtirzzuschlag. Vol. VI., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 12mo. 14 pp., I. plate. Vienna, 1851. SCHOMBURGK, O. A. R. H. Schomburgk s Reisen in Guiana und am Orinoco. 8vo. 510 pp. Leipsig, 1841. STANSBURY, Howard. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. Svo. 487 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. UNITED STATES Naval and Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849, 1850, 1851 and 1852. Gilliss, Lieut. J. M., Superintendent. Natural History. Vol. I. Chili. Vol. II. The Andes and the Pampas. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1855. VISQUESNEL, A. Journal d nn Voyage dans la Turquie d Europe. Vol. VII., Pamphlets. Quarto series. 4tO. 20 pp. VON MULLER, J. W. Fragmentarische Mittheilungen liber die in Afrika Gemachten Reisen. 4to. 18 pp. 1849. WHITNEY, J. D. The Yosemite Guide Book. 4to. 155 pp., 11 maps, 1870. 392 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE. AINSWORTH. Latin and English Dictionary, with numerous Addi tions, Emendations and Improvements, by Rev. B. W. Beat- son. Revised and corrected by William Ellis. 8vo. 1332 pp. London, 1847. ANTHON, Charles. A Classical Dictionary. 4to. New-York, 1855. ANTISELL, T. A Hand-Book of the Useful Arts. 12 mo. New- York, 1852. ARAGO, Frangois. Notices Biographiques. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854, 1855. Notices Scientifiques. Vol. I. 8vo. Paris, 1854. BARNARD, F. A. P. Address delivered before the American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science, at the Chicago Meet ing, August, 1868. 8vo. Salem, Mass., 1869. BEIL, J. A. Technologisches Worterbuch der Deutschen, Frozo- sischen, und Englischen Sprache. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1853. BESCHERELLE aine. Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Franchise. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1846-1847. DONNEGAN, James. Greek and English Lexicon. Svo. 1413 pp. Philadelphia, 1844. ERKLARENDES Worterbuch der im Bergbau in der Hiittenkunde und in Salinwerken vorkommenden-technicken Kunstausdrticke und Fremdworter. Svo. Burgsteinfurt, 1809. FLOGER, J. G. Vollstandiges English-Deutsches und Deutsch-Eng- lisches Worterbuch enthaltend alle in den beiden Sprachen allgemein gebrauchliche Worter. 2 vols. Svo. Leipsig, 1847. FRANKE. Technological Dictionary. English, German, French. Svo. 6i6 pp. New-York, 1855. GIBBS, G. A Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. Svo. 51pp. 1863. HENWOOD, W. J. Address before the Royal Institution of Corn wall. Svo. 65 pp. Truro, 1871. HERSCHEL and Maise. A Manual of Scientific Discovery. Svo. 429 pp. London, 1859. HILPERT, J. L. Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Englisches Wor terbuch. 4 vols. 4to. Karlsruhe, 1857. HOMANS, J. Smith, Jr. A Cyclopedia of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. 2to. 2007 pp. New-York, 1858. LUCAS, Newton Ivory. Deutsch-Englisches Worterbuch mit be- sonderer Rucksicht auf den gegenwartigen Standpunkt der Literatur und Wissenschaft. 2 vols. 8vo. Bremen, 1868. English-Deutsches Worterbuch mit besonderer Rucksicht auf den gegenwartigen Standpunkt der Literatur und Wis- senchaft. 2 vols. 8vo. Bremen, 1854-1856. WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE. 393 M CuLLOCH, J. R. A Universal Gazetteer. 4 vols. 4to. New- York, 1843. MOTHES, O. Technological Dictionary. English, German, French. 8vo. 661 pp. Wiesbaden, 1870. NEUMANN and Baretti. A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 8vo. 1335 pp. Boston, 1852. NEWBERRY, J. S. Modern Scientific Investigation; its Methods and Tendencies. 8vo. 23 pp. Salem, 1867. NEW-YORK State Library. Annual Reports and General Cata logues. A Series of Annual Reports, comprising the addi tions made to the Library during the years 1848 to 1872. 17 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1848-1873. Complete Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. 294pp. 1846. The same as above. Vol. I. General Library. 8vo. 987 pp. Albany, 1856. The same as above. Vol. II. Law Library. 8vo. 402 pp. Albanjr, 1856. The same as above. Vol. III. Maps, Manuscripts, Medals, &c. 8vo. 274 pp. Albany, 1857. General Library. First Supplement. 8vo. 1084pp. 1861. Law Library. First Supplement. 8vo. 180 pp. Albany, 1865. POGGENDORFF, Johann Christian. Biographisch Literarisches Hand- worterbuch zu Geschichte der Exacten Wissenschaften. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1858-1863. REINWALD, Ch. Catalogue Annuel de la Librairie Franchise, pour les anne"es 1858 to 1867 and 1869. 11 vols. 12mo. Paris. REPERTORIUM Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Edita- rum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinem digessit I. D. Reuss. 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. der Technischen Literatur. Vol.1. Embracing the years 1823 to 1853. Edited by Dr. Schubarth, Berlin. 1049 pp. 1856. Vol. II. Embracing the years 1854 to 1868. Part 2. Edited by Bruno Kerl. 656 pp. Leipsig, 1873. RODWELL, G. F. A Dictionary of Science. 8vo. London, 1871. ROYAL Society s Catalogue (The) of Scientific Papers. (1800-1863.) 6 vols. 4to. London, 1867-1872. SMITHSONIAN Institution Publications : Catalogue of the Publications of Societies and of Periodical Works in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution, July 1, 1858. Foreign Works. 8vo. 259 pp. 1859. The same as above. Corrected to January 1, 1866. 8vo. 591 pp. Washington, 1866. Catalogue of the Publications of the Smithsonian Institution corrected to June, 1862. 8vo. 44 pp. Washington, 1862. Publications of the Smithsonian Institution corrected to July, 1872. 8vo. 20 pp. 1872. SPIER and Surenne. French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Revised by G. P. Quackenbos. 8vo. New-York, 1858. WORCESTER, Joseph E. A Dictionary of the English Language. 4to. 1786 pp. Boston, 1860. 394 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MISCELLANEOUS. AN HISTORICAL Notice of the Essex Institute, with the Act of In corporation, Constitution and By-Laws. 8vo. Salem, 1806. BECK, R. and J. Illustrated Catalogue of Scientific Instruments. Presentation copy. 8vo. 141 pp. London, 1865. BEEKMAN, James W. Centenary Address delivered before the Society of the New- York Hospital, Monday, July 24, 1871. With an Appendix. 8vo. 44 pp. New-York, 1871. The Founders of New- York. An Address delivered before the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New- York, Satur day, December 4, 1869. 8vo. 36pp. New-York, 1869. BERICHTE tiber die Thatigkeit der Allgemeinen sektion der Schlesi- chen Gesellschaft, irn Jahre, 18c>9. 4to. 16pp. 1860. CUVIER, J. Recueil des Eloges Historiques des membres de 1 Aca demic Royale des Sciences, 1800 a 1810 les dans les seances publiques de L Institute Royale de France. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1819-1827. DAVY, Sir Humphrey. The Collected Works of. Edited by his bro ther, John Davy. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Vol. I. The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy. 475 pp. EVANS, Thomas W. Essais D Hygiene et de Therapeutique Mili- taires presentes a la Commission des Etats-Unis. 8vo. 385 pp. Paris, 1865. HALL, A. Catalogue of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection in the State" Cabinet, N. Y. 8vo. 20 pp. HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-1827. POLAI;*, L. L Histoire de L Ancien Pays de Liege. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844. Recits Historiques sur L Ancien Pays de Liege. 12 mo. 461 pp. Brussels, 1866. RAMSDEN, Jesse. .Description of an Engine for Dividing Mathema tical Instruments. 4to. 30 pp.^VII. plates. London, 1777. RAUCII, John II. Public Parks : their effects upon the Moral, Physical and Sanitary Condition of the Inhabitants of Large Cities ; with special reference to the City of Chicago. Vol. XIX., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8VO. 101pp. Chicago, 1 869. SALVETAT, Louis Alphonse. Recueil des Travaux Scientifiques de M. l^belmen. Precede d une notice sur M. iSbelmen par E. Chevreuil. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. STANLEY, J. M. Portraits of North American Indians. Smith. Misc. Coll. 8vo. 76 pp. Washington, 1852. INDEX, PAGE AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, 245 Periodical Publications, 249 AGRICULTURE 293 Periodical Publications, 294 Algebra. See ANALYSIS, 197 ANALYSIS, 197 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 239 Periodical Publications, 220 Analytical Geometry. See ANALYSIS, 197 ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY, 247 Applied Chemistry. See CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, 251 APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Architecture. See CIVIL ENGINEERING, 347 ARITHMETIC, 195 ASSAYING, 285 ASTRONOMY, 206 Periodical Publications, 208 Barometric Measurement. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Blast Furnace. See FUELS AND FURNACES, 271 Bleaching and Dyeing the Arts of,. 257 Blowpipe Analysis. See DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY AND BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS, 331 BOTANY, 295 Periodical Publications, 286 Calculus. See ANALYSIS, 197 Candles Soap and 258 Carpentery. See CIVIL ENGINEERING, 347 Cements. See CIVIL ENGINEERING, 347 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT PHILADELPHIA, 1876, 381 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, 251 General Reference, 258 Periodical Publications, 258 CHEMISTRY GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 220 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 237 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 239 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, 245 396 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY, 247 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, 251 CIVIL ENGINEERING, , 347 Periodical Publications, 351 CLASSIFICATION OF WORKS SYNOPSIS OF, 193 Coal. See ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 336 FUELS AND FURNACES, 271 COBALT, (Metallurgy of,) 283 Conic Sections. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 COPPER, (Metallurgy of,) 283 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 332 DETERMINATION OF MINERALS, 331 Drugs and Medicines, 249 Dyeing The Arts of Bleaching and 257 ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING, 347 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING AND MARITIME WORKS 356 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, * 359 MILITARY ENGINEERING 363 MINES AND MINING ENGINEERING 365 RAIL-ROAD ENGINEERING, 375 Periodical Publications, 351 EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, LONDON, 1851, 381 EXPOSITION DU HAVRE, 1868, 381 EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE PARIS, 1867, 381 Food, 257 Fossil Fuel. See ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 336 FUELS AND FURNACES, 271 GEN ERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 220 Periodical Publications, 227 Geodesy. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 GEOGRAPHY, 296 Periodical Publications, 286 GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY Generalities, 298 Periodical Publications, 286 LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY, 317 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 336 GEOMETRY 198 GOLD AND SILVER, (Metallurgy of,) 283 Glass Making 257 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING AND MARITIME WORKS, 356 Periodical Publications, 351 Hydrometry. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Illuminating Gas, 258 India Rubber, 258 INDUSTRIAL ARTS 377 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS Centennial Celebration at Philadelphia, 1876 381 Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, London, 1851, 381 INDEX. 397 Exposition du Havre, 1868, 381 Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1867, 381 International Exhibition, London, 1862, 383 Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873, 383 IRON, (Metallurgy- of,) 274 LEAD, (Metallurgy of,) 283 Leveling, See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Lithology. See PETROGRAPHY, 302 LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGNOSY Europe, Asia and Australia, , . 304 British America, Mexico, Central America and South America, 308 The United States, 309, 315 Logarithmic Tables. See General Reference and Tables 199 Machines. See RATIONAL MECHANICS, 204 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 359 Manures. See AGRICULTURE, 292 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, 245 Materials of Construction and Strength of Materials. See CIVIL ENGI NEERING, 347 MATHEMATICS Arithmetic, 195 Analysis, 197 Geometry, 198 Applied Geometry, 199 Rational Mechanics, 204 Astronomy, 206 Medical Chemistry. See ANIMAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY, 247 Mechanics. See RATIONAL MECHANICS, , . . . 204 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 359 Periodical Publications, 351 METALLURGY Generalities, 262 Furnaces and Fuels, 271 Iron, 274 Steel, 281 Gold and Silver 282 Copper, Lead, Tin, Nickel, Zinc and Cobalt 283 Assaying, 285 Periodical Publications, 267 METEOROLOGY AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM, 341 Metric System. See Weights, Measures and Coins, 195 MICROSCOPY, 219 Periodical Publications, 219 MILITARY ENGINEERING, 363 Periodical Publications, 351 MINERALOGY Descriptive Mineralogy, 325 Determinative Mineralogy and Blowpipe Analysis, 331 Crystallography, 333 398 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Diamonds and Precious Stones 335 MINES AND MINING ENGINEERING, 365 MINING ENGINEERING 367 MISCELLANEOUS, 394 NATURAL HISTORY Agriculture, c 292 Botany and Vegetable Physiology, 295 Geography, Physical and Political, 296 Geology and Geognosy, 293 Local Geology and Geognosy, 304 Palaeontology, 317 Mineralogy, 325 Economic Geology, 336 Meteorology and Terrestrial Magnetism 341 Zoology and Animal Physiology, 343 Periodical Publications, 286 Navigation, the Art of. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 NICKEL, (Metallurgy of,). 283 Oils, 258 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 237 Periodical Publications, 220 PALAEONTOLOGY 317 Periodical Publications, 286 Paper Making 288 Peat. See ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 336 Perspective. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 PETROGRAPHY, 302 Photography, 258 PHYSICS, 210 ADDENDA TO PHYSICS, 218 Periodical Publications. 213 Plane Table, The. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Poisons, 249 Practical Geometry. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 PRECIOUS STONES, 335 RAIL-ROAD ENGINEERING, 375 Periodical Publications, , 351 RATIONAL MECHANICS, 204 Reference WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE 392 Shades, Shadow and Perspective. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 SILVER, (Metallurgy of,) 282 Soap and Candles, 258 Spectrum Analysis, 21 3 STATISTICS, 386 STEAM ENGINE, 362 Periodical Publications, 351 STEEL, (Metallurgy of,) 281 Stone Cutting. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Strength of Materials. See CIVIL ENGINEERING, 347 Sugar, 258 INDEX. 399 Surveying. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION, 19 g Technology. See CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, 251 INDUSTRIAL ARTS 377 Terrestrial Magnetism. See METEOROLOGY AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNET- ISM 341 TIN, (Metallurgy of,) 283 Topography. See APPLIED GEOMETRY, 199 Trigonometrical Tables. See General Reference and Tables, 198 Urine, 247 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, 390 Weight*, Measures and Coins 195 WIENER WELTAUSSTELLUNG, 1873 383 WINES AND LIQUORS ggg WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE, 300 ZINC, (Metallurgy of,) ggg ZOOLOGY AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, 340 trie- school ol TC 74 .A LIBRARY >* *