-NRLF THE ROBERT E. COY/AN COLLECTION I RICSKXTKT) TO Till-: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA C. P. HUNTINGTON JUNE, 1897. ssion No JO 3 /2> ;- THE HEATHEN CHINEE. BY ^1 3/2 BRET HARTE. BOSTON : JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. Charles Eeade s New Story EVERY SATURDAY By special arrangement with MR. CHARLES READE, his New Serial Novel, "& terrible temptation," is now appearing in EVERY SATURDAY simultaneously with its publication in London. It began the first of March, and will be continued, without interruption, in successive numbers of EVERY SATURDAY until completed. The unquestioned position of MR. READE as the most popular of living novelists gives a special interest to this announcement. The editorial staff employed on EVERY SATURDAY embraces many of the ablest writers in the country. In its two editorial departments are dis cussed the leading Political, Social, Literary, and Dramatic topics of the day. From " The JVew York Evening Post." "The literary contents of EVERY SATURDAY are uniformly delightful, and show the careful industry and unerring taste of the editor. New features of interest and attraction are announced for forthcoming numbers, though it may admit of a doubt whether the proprietors can make the paper any more valuable or brilliant, in letter press or illustrations, than it is now." TERMS OF EVERY SATURDAY. Single Weekly Number, 10 cents ; Monthly Parts, 50 cents ; Yearly Subscription, $ 5.00 in advance, $ 4 00 a year to subscribers for any other Periodical issued by JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO, Publishers, LATE TICKNOR & FIELDS, AND FIELDS, OSGOOD, & Co., 124 Tremont Street, Boston. BRET HARTE S POEMS, 1 vol. IGnio. $1.50. TWENTIETH EDITION. " Some of Mr. Harte s Poems are known to every reader of Amer ican newspapers, fur there is hardly a journal in the country which has not reproduced his quaint ballads. Probably not one of those written in the Pacific slope dialect has not circulated backwards and forwards from San Francisco to New York, and those written in the ordinary language of Eastern men, b lt with all the characters of the West, have been quite as popular. His verses are quoted everywhere, and snatches of them frequently illustrate leading articles and eluci date political discussions." New York \Vuild. * # * For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, pott paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, JAMES R OSGOOD & CO., Boston. LATE TICKXOR & FIELDS, AND FIELDS, OSGOOD, & Co. VS OF THB TNIVERSITY AH SIN WAS HIS NAME. "THE HEATHEN CHINEE. BY BRET HARTE. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY S. EYTINGE, JR. BOSTON: JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY, LATE TICKNOR & FIELDS, AND FIELDS, OSGOOD, Co. 1871. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, BY JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co., CAMBRIDGE. \VHICH I \VIalI 10 KI MARK. PUBLISHERS NOTE. MR. EYTINGE S illustrations to "The Heathen Chinee" have been submitted to the author, and have received his approval. The present is the only illustrated edition of the poem published with the author s sanction. PLAIN LANGUAGE FROM TRUTHFUL JAMES TABLE MOUNTAIN, 1870. The HcatJien Chinee. \* 7 HIGH I wish to remark, - And my language is plain, That for ways that are dark And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar. Which the same I would rise to explain. Ah Sin was his name ; And I shall not deny In regard to the* same What that name might imply, But his smile it was pensive and childlike, As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye. 9 \V11ICH WE HAD A SMALL GAME. The Heathen Chinee. It was August the third : And quite soft was the skies ; Which it might be inferred That Ah Sin was likewise ; Yet he played it that day upon William And me in a way I despise. Which we had a small game, And Ah Sin took a hand : It was Euchre. The same He did not understand ; But he smiled as he sat by the table, With the smile that was childlike and bland, ii .L AT LAST HE TUT DOWN A RIGHT 1!O\VER. 77/6 Heathen Chinee. Yet the cards they were stocked In a way that I grieve, And my feelings were shocked At the state of Nye s sleeve : Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers, And the same with intent to deceive. But the hands that were played By that heathen Chinee, And the points that he made, Were quite frightful to see, Till at last he put down a right bower, Which the same Nye had dealt unto me. 13 AND HE WENT FOR THAT HEATHEN CHINEF-. TJic Heathen C/iinee. Then I looked up at Nye, And he gazed upon me ; And he rose with a sigh, And said, " Can this be ? We are ruined by Chinese cheap labor," And he went for that heathen Chinee. In the scene that ensued I did not take a hand, But the floor it was strewed Like the leaves on the strand With the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding", In the game " he did not understand." THE SCENE THAT EXSU1 D. 77/6 Heathen Chinee. In his sleeves, which were long, He had twenty-four packs, Which was coming it strong, Yet I state but the facts ; And we found on his nails, which were taper, \Vhat is frequent in tapers, that s wax. Which is why I remark, And my language is plain, That for ways that are dark, And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar, Which the same I am free to maintain. IN HIS SLEEVES HE HAD TWENTY-FOUR PACKS. WHICH IS WHY I K1MAKK. OF THE UNIVERSITY BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP. SIXTEENTH EDITION. " Mr. Bret Harte has already won a reputation as one of the most original of American writers. The charm of his sketches is not only in his style. That has an undeniable grace and ease, a sub-flavor of gentle and spontaneous humor, hinting at possibilities of fun rather than bursting into uproar, and an adaptability to true pathetic feeling ; but there aro, many other writers who display the same qualities in quite as high a degree. His peculiar merit is that ho has reproduced familiar forms of life in plnses which we have all seen, but which no one has ever before painted; that he has caught the gleam of poetic light which irradiates at moments common and vulgar scenes, and detected elements of beauty which lurk beneath the coarser features of American life, beauty which we have felt a hundred times, but never learned to express in words." Xeir York Tribune, In one volume. IGmo. Price, $ 1.50. JAMES R 03GOOD & CO., Publishers, Boston. LATE TICKNOR & FIELDS, AND FIELDS, OSGOOD, & Co. For sale by a l Booksellers, or sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. 21 CHARLES READE S NOVELS. HOUSEHOLD EDITION COMPLETE. UNIFORM, COMPACT, LEGIBLE, HANDSOME, CHEAP. The popular Household Edition of Mr. Eeade s Complete Novels is com prised in nine volumes, as follows : Foul Play, i vol. Hard Cash, i vol. White Lies, i vol. Griffith Gaunt. 1 vol. Love Me Little, Love Me Long, i vol. Never too Late to Mend, i vol. The Cloister and the Hearth, i vol. Peg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, and other Stories. 1 vol. Put Yourself in His Place, i vol. Price, 8 l.OO a volume, The set, in a neat box, $ 9.00 ; half calf, $ 20.00. " A very pretty edition of Charles Reade s Novels, just such a one as has long been desired by his numerous admirers in this country. It can hardly help meeting the success it deserves, from its taste and elegance, no less than from the conspicuous merits of its author." Liberal Christian. %* For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. LATE TICKNOR & FIELDS, AND FIELDS, OSGOOD, Co. By the Author of "The Heathen Chinee." BRET HA.RTE S CONDENSED NOVELS, ILLUSTRATED. Price, $1.50. A NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION Of this popular book is nearly ready. It contains, in addition to the matter of the previous issues, Condensed Novels in the style of Charles Reade and Mr. Disraeli. These, like the other parodies, are done with so remarkable skill, that the reader accepts unhesitatingly the assertion of the Hartford Courant that Mr. Harte s " power of imitation is a sixth sense." THIS VOLUME WILL BE Uniform in appearance with his "Luck of Roaring Camp" and "Poems," and will be issued in handsome style on tinted paper, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY S. EYTINGE, JR. V For sale *>y a11 Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Pub lishers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO, Boston. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. 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