f f \ ^ i *- - V ;- * / f - ** i \^ *f\ = " -.* / ;i ..r } - -" - , -;^-;^ r " v- ; ^v- SlviSi ^^i Vs <: ; *./ *. % l->^,v^^A ;; r ^ >t 1 ^ */ :t t>i*^ <-ti.< SKM@ ^^ k KS & &* Ill II II A It OF THE of Name of Book and Volume, AN ELEMENTARY AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON BRIDGE BUILDING, AK 4 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED EDITION OF THE AUTHOR S ORIGINAL WORK, S. WHIPPLE, C.E. ALBANY, N. Y., IHYENTOR OF THE WHIPPLE BRIDGES, M*. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. NEW YORK: 1). VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 Murray St., and 27 Warren St. 18T3. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, bj S. WHIPPLE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. INTRODUCTION. It is about thirty years since the An thor s attention was especially directed to the subject of BRIDGE CONSTRUCTOR; and, Lis Original Essays published in 1847, are believed to have aided considerably toward establishing the foundation upon which a knowledge of the principles involved, and the con ditions required in the proper construction of TRUSS BRIDGES, has been built up, and carried to a high state of advancement. However that may be, the flattering terms in which his former labors in the premises have often been referred to, as well as the frequent applications for copies of his former publication, since the supply became exhausted, have prompted the issue of the present volume. This work inculcates the same development of GENERAL PRINCIPLES, and treats of essentially the same General Plans, Combinations, and proportions for bridge work, as were discussed and recom mended in its humble predecessor; with such iv INTRODUCTION. additions and improvements as subsequent experi ence and observation have enabled the Author to introduce. The design has been to develop from Funda mental Principles, a system easy of comprehension, and such as to enable the attentive reader and student to judge understandingly for himself, as to the relative merits of different plans and combi nations, and to adopt for use, such as may be most suitable for the cases he may have to deal with. It is hoped the work may prove an appropriate Text Book upon the subject treated of, for the Engineering Student, and a useful manual for the Practicing Engineer, and Bridge Builder. But as to this, the decision must be left to those into whose hands it may fall; and to that arbitrement, with out further remark or explanation, it is respect fully submitted. CONTENTS. Page. Preliminary remarks, &c. --..-- 1 Two Panel Trusses ....... 9 Three Panel Trusses - 16 Five Panel Trusses - ... 20 Seven Panel Trusses. The Arch Truss - - 31 Trapezoid Trusses with Verticals .... 4G Trapezoid Trusses without Verticals .... 54 Decussation of forces, &c. ..... 64 The Warren Uirder 69 The Finck Truss - .... 73 Characteristics of the Arch 74 Weight of Structure - 77 Double Cancelated Trusses with Verticals 80 Double Cancelated Trusses without Verticals fcG Decussation in Trusses with Verticals - - 92 Deck Bridges - 97 Katio of length to depth of Truss - ... 100 Inclination of Diagonals - - - - - 104 Width of Panel ... .... 109 Arch Bridges - 112 Construction of equilibrated Arches - - - - 114 Webbed Arches - - - 117 Ordinates of equilibrated curves determined by calculation 119 Action of the web in webbed Arches - - 125 Effects of heat upon Arches without Chords - - - 126 Bridge Materials, Wood and Iron compared - - 132 IRON BRIDGES. Strength of Iron - - 142 Experiments on Cast Iron, &c. .... 146 Safe practical strain of Iron ..... 151 Note giving examples of stress of Wrought Iron in several structures in use - - 153 to 155 Table of Negative Strength of Iron in pieces of various lengths and sections 159 vi CONTESTS. Pa<jc. TRANSVERSE strength of Iron . 161 to 171 ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES 17_> Iron Beams for Bridges 182 Modes of Insertion of Iron Beams .... 184 The Link Chord - - - - 188 The Eve-bar Chord ]^2 Size of connecting Pins - - - - 193 Riveted Plate Chord - 19(j Trapezoidal Truss Bridges, details ... 200 Double Cancelated Bridges, details .... 205 Wrought Iron thrust members .... 214 Double Chord, a suggestion ..... 224 Rivet-work Bridges 227 Sway-bracing ...... 236 Comparison of Bridge Plans 241 Bullman Truss - 241 Finck Truss - - 244 Post Truss 246 W hippie Trapezoid - 251 The Isometric (without verticals) ..... 253 The Arch Truss 256 Synopsis of results of analyses 257 (General Remarks - 258 COUNTER BRACING, value of 263 WOODEN BRIDGES Strength of timber - - 274 Table of Negative resistance of timber - ... 276 Transverse strength of Wood 277 Resistance to cleavage 278 Connections of Tension pieces ..... 279 Connecting pins of Wood and Iron .... 281 Splicing . 285 Construction of Wooden Trusses 288 Two panel Wooden Truss Bridge .... 288 Three panel Wooden Truss Bridge .... 294 Four and Six panel Wooden Truss Bridge - - 296 The Howe Bridge 302 Wooden Trapezoid without verticals ... 30$ MODULUS of strength of Trusses .... 314 BRIDGE BUILDING. PRELIMINARIES. I. A bridge is a structure for sustaining the weight of carriages, animals, &c., during their transit over a stream, gulf or valley. Bridges are constructed of various plans and dimen sions, according to the circumstances and objects re quiring their erection ; and it is the purpose of this work, after a few remarks upon the general nature and principles of bridges, to attempt some analyses and comparisons of the respective qualities and merits of various general plans, with a view of deducing practi cal results, as to a judicious and economical choice and application of materials in the construction of these useful and important structures. II. The force of gravity, on which the weight of bodies depends, acts in vertical lines, and consequently, a heavy body can only be prevented from falling to the earth, by a force equal and opposite to that with which gravity impels the body downward. This resisting force must not only act vertically upward, but the line of its action must pass through the centre of gravity of the body it sustains. All the forces in the world, act ing parallel with, or perpendicular to, the vertical pass ing through its centre of gravity, could not prevent a 1 2 BRIDGE BUILDING. musket ball (concentrated to the point of its centre of gravity) from falling to the centre of the earth, unless it were a horizontal force capable of giving the ball a projection, such that the centrifugal tendency should equal or exceed gravity a kind of force which could never be made available toward preventing people from falling into the water in crossing rivers ; consequently, having no application in bridge building. In fact, nothing but a continuous series of unyielding material particles, extending from an elevated body downward to the earth, can hold or sustain that body above the earth, by vertical and horizontal action alone, either separately, or in combination. * III. Suppose a body, no matter how great or small, placed above the earth, with a deep void, or an inac cessible space benea th it. Attach as many cords to it as you please, strain them much or little only hori zontally the body will fall, nevertheless. Thrust any number of rods, with whatever force you may, hori zontally against it; still the body will fall. This is obvious from the fact that horizontal forces, acting at right angles with the direction of the force of gravity, have no more tendency to prevent, than to promote the fall of the body. Moreover, the space beneath being inaccessible, there is no foundation, or foot hold, upon which to rest a post or stud that may directly resist the action of gravity, while the lines of all other vertical forces or resistances, pass by the body without touching it. In the case here supposed, the body can only be pre vented from falling by oblique forces; that is, by forces whose lines of action are neither exactly horizontal, nor exactly perpendicular. Attach two cords to the PRELIMINARIES. 3 body, draw upon them obliquely upward and outward, in opposite directions, or from opposite sides of the void, with a certain stress, and the body will be sus tained in its position. Apply two rods to it obliquely upward, of a proper degree of stiffness, in the same vertical plane, and on opposite sides of the perpendicu lar, a certain thrust exerted upon those rods, will pre vent the descent of the body. IV. Sere, then, we have the elementary idea the grand fundamental principle in bridge building. What ever be the form of structure adopted, the elementary object to be accomplished is, to sustain a given weight in a given position, by a system of oblique forces, whose resultant shall pass through the centre of gravity of the body in a vertically upward direction, in circumstances where the weight can not be conveniently met by a sim ple force, in the same line with, and opposite to, that of gravity. For a more clear illustration of this elementary idea, let us suppose a a , Fig. 1, to represent the banks of a river, or the abutments of a bridge ; and gg r , the line of transit for carriages, &c. ; and, let us further suppose a load of a certain weight, w, to have arrived at a point centrally between a a r . The simplest method of sus taining the weight is, perhaps, either to erect two ob lique braces aw. . a w, or suspend two oblique chains or ties pw, p w, from fixed supporting points a a , orpp f . It is not necessary that the weight be at the angular point w, of the braces or chains, but it may be sustained by simple suspension at w f below, or simple, support at w" above, and such obliquity may be given to the braces or chains as maybe most economical ; a consideration which will be taken into account hereafter. 4 BRIDGE BUILDING. V. Thus we see how a weight may be sustained cen trally between the banks of a river, or the extremities of a bridge. But the structure must not only provide for the support of weight at this point, but also at every other point between a a , orgy ; and it is obvious that the same plan and arrangement will apply as well at any other point as at the centre, with only the variation of making the braces or chains of unequal length. This, however, would require as many pairs of braces or chains as there were points between g g f , a thing, of course, impracticable, since the oblique members would interfere with one another, and be confounded into a solid mass. We therefore resort to the transverse strength and stiffness of beams, phenomena with which all have more or less acquaintance, and without digressing in this place to investigate their principles and causes, it will be assumed as a fact sustained by all experience, that, for sustaining weight between two supporting points upon nearly the same level, a simple beam affords the most convenient and economical means, until those points exceed a certain distance asunder, which distance will vary with circumstances ; PRELIMINARIES. 5 but in bridge building, will seldom be less than 10 to 14 feet, where timber beams are employed. Hence, for bridges of a length of 12 to 14 feet, usually, nothing better can be employed than a structure supported by longitudinal beams, with their ends resting upon abut ments or supports upon the sides of the stream. Of course, no reference is here had to stone or brick arches. For, though these are advantageously used for short spans, and in deep valleys, where the ex pense of constructing high abutments for supporting a lighter superstructure, would exceed or approximate to that of constructing the arch, it is the purpose of this work to speak only of those lighter structures, com posed mostly of wood and iron, and supported by abut ments and piers of stone, or by piles, or frames of wood. Having then adopted the use of beams for supporting weight upon short spaces, it is only necessary upon longer stretches, to provide support for a point once in 10 or 14 feet, by braces, &c., from the extremities; and for intermediate points, to depend on beams or joists extending from one to another of the principal points provided for as above.* VI. For a span of 20 or 30 feet, it would seem that no better plan could be devised, than to support a transverse beam midway between abutments, by two pairs of braces or suspension chains, proceeding from points at or over the abutments, one pair upon each side of the road- way ; this transverse beam affording support for longitudinal beams or joists extending * It is susceptible of easy demonstration that the power of beams to sustain weight by lateral stiffness, forms no exception to the principle that oblique forces alone can sustain heavy bodies over inaccessible epaces. But this matter is deferred for the present. 6 BRIDGE BUILDING. therefrom to the abutments. When suspension chains are used, it may properly be called a suspension bridge. If braces be employed, it is usually termed a truss-bridge. HORIZONTAL ACTION OF OBLIQUE MEMBERS. VII. Before advancing further, it will be proper to refer to an important principle or fact which has not yet been taken into account, though a fact by no means of secondary interest. The sustaining of weight by oblique forces, gives rise to horizontal forces, for which it is necessary to provide counteraction and support, as well as for the weight of the structure and its load. The two equal and equally inclined braces, ac and 6c, Fig. 2, in supporting the weight w at c, act in the directions of their respective lengths, each with a certain force, which is -. -- equivalent to the combined ^ action of a vertical and a hori zontal force, [Elementary Mechanics Statics^] which may be called the vertical and horizontal constituents of the oblique force. These two constituent forces bear certain determinate relations to one another, and to the oblique force, depending upon the angle at which the oblique is inclined. Now, we know that the vertical constituent alone contributes to the sustaining of the weight, and conse quently, must be just equal to the weight sustained, in this case equal to -J?.#. We know moreover, from the principles of statics, that three forces in equilibrio, must have their lines of action in the same plane, and PRELIMINARIES. 7 meeting at one point ; and must be respectively pro portional to the sides of a triangle formed by lines drawn parallel with the directions of the three forces; and that each of the three forces is equal and opposite to the resultant of the combined action of the other two. We have, then, at c, the weight J w, the oblique force in the line ac, and a third force, equal and oppo site to the horizontal constituent of the oblique force in the line ac. Then, letting fall the vertical dc 9 and drawing the horizontal ad, the sides of the triangle acd, are respectively parallel with the three forces in equili- brio at the point c. Hence, representing the vertical cd 9 by v, the horizontal ad, by h 9 and the oblique by o ; and calling the horizontal force x, and the oblique force, y 9 we have the following proportions : (1). Jw : x : : v : A, whence, x = J w (2). JMJ : y : : v : o, whence, y = %w But \w equals the weight sustained by the oblique ac. Therefore, from the two equations above deduced, we may enunciate the following important rule : The horizontal thrust of an oblique brace, equals the weight sustained, multiplied by the horizontal and divided by the vertical reach of the brace ; and the direct thrust (in the direction of its length), equals the weight sustained multiplied by the length, and divided by the vertical reach of the brace. VIII. Now, it is obvious that the brace exerts the same action, both vertically and horizontally, at the lower, as at the upper end, though in the opposite directions; the brace being simply a medium for trans mitting the action of weight from the upper to the 8 BRIDGE BUILDING. lower end of the brace. Hence, the weight sustained by the brace ac, exerts the same vertical pressure at the point a, as it would do if resting at that point, while the brace requires a horizontal resistance to pre vent its sliding to the left, as would be the case if its foot simply rested upon a smooth level surface. This horizontal resistance may be provided by abutments of such form, weight, and anchorage in the earth, as to enable them to resist horizontally as well as vertically, or by a horizontal tie, in the line a6, connecting the feet of opposite braces. These two methods are both feasible to a certain ex tent, and in certain cases ; and, both involve expense. Under particular circumstances, it may be a question whether the former should not be resorted to, wholly or partially. But for general practice, in the construc tion of bridges for heavy burthens, such as rail road bridges, and especially iron truss bridges, where expan sion and contraction of materials produce considerable changes, it is undoubtedly best to provide means for withstanding the horizontal action of obliques, within the superstructure itself; and this principle will be ad hered to in the discussions following. The preceding remarks and illustrations as to the ac tion of braces, or thrust obliques, obviously apply in like manner to obliques acting by tension, with only the distinction, that in the latter case, the weight is applied at the lower, and its action transmitted to the tipper end of the oblique, and the horizontal action (at the remote end), is inward, and toward the vertical through the weight, instead of outward ; and conse quently, must be counteracted by outward thrust, as by a rigid body between the points p p , Fig. 1, or by heavy towers, and anchorage capable of withstanding Two PANEL TRUSSES. 9 the inward tendency. Hence, in applying the rule be fore given, to tension obliques, and their vertical and horizontal constituents, the word pull should be sub stituted for the word thrust, wherever the latter occurs in said rule. TWO PANEL TRUSSES. IX. There are three forms of truss adaptable to bridges with a single central beam or cross bearer (which may be called two panel trusses), the general JT characteristics of which, are respectively repre-- sented by Figures 3, 4 and 5. Fig. 3 represents a pair of rafter braces, with feet connected by a horizontal tie, and with a vertical tie by which the beam is suspended at or near the horizontal tie, or the chord, as usually designated. For convenience of comparison, let bd = v 9 =l,= ver tical reach of oblique members in each figure. Also, let each chord equal 4i?, = 4, and the half chord = 2 = h = horizontal reach of obliques in Figs. 3 and 4. Then ad, Fig. 3, equals \/h*+v* = \/5, and if the truss be loaded with a weight w, at the point 6, bd will have a tension equal to w, and abc, [see rule at end of Sec. VII], a tension equal to J?0, ( = weight sustained by ad), multiplied by the horizontal, and divided by the ver tical reach of ad ; that is, equal to \ w^, = JM? $, = w; while ad suffers compression from end to end, equal to w. But ad=N/5 and i?-l. Whence ia = 12 BRIDGE BUILDINQ. making for the four pieces, 2n for tension, and 2M for compression. The tie or chord In, suffers tension equal to the hori zontal constituent of the thrust of ql, manifestly equal to the weight sustained by ql, or equal to J w. There fore, the length being equal to 4, the material required in its construction, equals 2M. The remaining mem ber pq (= 2) sustains compression equal to the com bined horizontal constituents of the tension of mq, and the compression of ql, each of said constituents equal to %w, making compression of pq, equal to w, and length being 2, material = 2M We have therefore, for this plan of truss, 4M, for thrust material, and 4M for tension material, which is J less than in case of Figs. 3 and 4. Consequently, this plan is decidedly more economical than either of the others, unless the compression material acts with better advantage in the latter than the former ; that is, unless the thrust members in 3 and 4, have a greater power of resistance to the square inch of cross-section, than those in Fig. 5. XIIT. As to this, both theory and experiment prove, as will be shown in a subsequent part of this work, that the long thrust members in bridge trusses, are liable to be broken by deflection, rather than by a crushing of the material ; that in pieces with similar cross-sections, with the same ratio of length to diameter, the power of resistance to the square inch is the same. That, since the cross-section is as the square of the di ameter, and the diameters (in similar pieces), as the lengths, the absolute powers of resistance (being as the cross sections), arenas the squares of the lengths. v Two PANEL TRUSSES. 13 Hence, if the corapressive forces acting upon two pieces of different lengths, be to one another as the squares of the lengths of pieces respectively, and the diameters be as the lengths, the forces are as the cross- sections, and proportional to the power of resistance in each case, and the material in the two pieces, acts with equal advantage, as far as regards cross-section, so that the products of stress into length of pieces, are the true exponents of amount of material required in the two pieces respectively. It follows, that, if on dividing the forces acting upon the pieces in question respectively, by the squares of the lengths, the quotient be the same in both cases, the two pieces have the same power of resistance to the square inch, and in general, the greater the value of such quotient, the greater the power per inch, and the greater the economy, though not neces sarily in the same precise ratio. XIV. Applying this rule to thrust members in plan Fig. 3, being the braces, the compressive force equals Jitf\/5, and square of length = 5. Hence the quotient ^w 5/5 = 0.2236^. The piece Id Fig. 4, has length = 4 and compression= w, whence, force divided by square of length gives ^w = 0.0625w. This shows the material to be capable of sustaining much more to the square inch in the former, than in the latter case, though it does not give the true ratio. On the other hand, ek and gi, with length 1, and stress = J?0, give quotient = %w = 0.5w. Hence, with similar cross-sections, these parts have greater power to the inch than either of the former, but not enough to balance the inferiority of / , as compared with ad and do, in Fig. 3. 12 BRIDGE BUILDING. making for the four pieces, 2M for tension, and 2M for compression. The tie or chord In, suffers tension equal to the hori zontal constituent of the thrust of ql, manifestly equal to the weight sustained by ql, or equal to J w. There fore, the length being equal to 4, the material required in its construction, equals 2M. The remaining mem ber pq (= 2) sustains compression equal to the com bined horizontal constituents of the tension of mq, and the compression of ql, each of said constituents equal to %w, making compression of pq, equal to w, and length being 2, material = 2M We have therefore, for this plan of truss, 4n, for thrust material, and 4M for tension material, which is J less than in case of Figs. 3 and 4. Consequently, this plan is decidedly more economical than either of the others, unless the compression material acts with better advantage in the latter than the former ; that is, unless the thrust members in 3 and 4, have a greater power of resistance to the square inch of cross-section, than those in Fig. 5. XIIT. As to this, both theory and experiment prove, as will be shown in a subsequent part of this work, that the long thrust members in bridge trusses, are liable to be broken by deflection, rather than by a crushing of the material ; that in pieces with similar cross-sections, with the same ratio of length to diameter, the power of resistance to the square inch is the same. That, since the cross-section is as the square of the di ameter, and the diameters (in similar pieces), as the lengths, the absolute powers of resistance (being as the cross sections), are.as the squares of the lengths. s WW-dU- Two PANEL TRUSSES. 13 Hence, if the compressive forces acting upon two pieces of different lengths, be to one another as the squares of the lengths of pieces respectively, and the diameters be as the lengths, the forces are as the cross- sections, and proportional to the power of resistance in each case, and the material in the two pieces, acts with equal advantage, as far as regards cross-section, so that the products of stress into length of pieces, are the true exponents of amount of material required in the two pieces respectively. It follows, that, if on dividing the forces acting upon the pieces in question respectively, by the squares of the lengths, the quotient be the same in both cases, the two pieces have the same power of resistance to the square inch, and in general, the greater the value of such quotient, the greater the power per inch, and the greater the economy, though not neces sarily in the same precise ratio. XIV. Applying this rule to thrust members in plan Fig. 3, being the braces, the compressive force equals Jitf\/5, and square of length = 5. Hence the quotient j\w 5/5 = 0.2236^. The piece Id Fig. 4, has length =4 and compression = w, whence, force divided by square of length gives ^w = 0.0625w. This shows the material to be capable of sustaining much more to the square inch in the former, than in the latter case, though it does not give the true ratio. On the other hand, ek and gi, with length *= 1, and stress = J?#, give quotient = \w = 0.5w. Hence, with similar cross-sections, these parts have greater power to the inch than either of the former, but not enough to balance the inferiority of /, as compared with ad and dc, in Fig. 3. 14 BRIDGE BUILDING. "With regard to truss Fig. 5, ql and pn, suffer each compression equal to Jz0%/2, with square of length = 2, giving quotient = Ji#\/2, = 0.371w, while pq, has com pression = 10, and square of length = 4, arid quotient = J|0 = 0.25z0. Hence it appears that this plan not only possesses a decided advantage in the less amount of action* upon materials, but also, a considerable ad vantage as to ability of compression, or thrust members, to withstand the forces to which they are exposed. XV. Still another modification for a truss to support a single beam, is formed by reversing Fig. 3, thus con verting tension members into thrust members, and vice Versa; the oblique members falling below, instead of rising above the grade, or road-way of the bridge. In this case, the long horizontal thrust member c, is di vided and supported in the centre, and its economy of action becomes the same as that of pq, in Fig. 5 ; and the truss gives the same exponents for both thrust and tension material as when in the position of Fig. 3. This arrangement affords no side protection, and is not always admissible, on account of interference with the necessary open space beneath. DEDUCTIONS. XVI. We seem to learn from what precedes, that : (1). Since all heavy bodies not in motion toward, or not approaching the centre of the earth (or receding from it under the influence of previous impulse), exert a pressure equal to their respective weights [vm], * By the expression, amount of action, is meant, the sum of products of stresses into lengths of parts, or members. Two PANEL TRUSSES. 15 either directly or indirectly upon the earth; and, since, a body crossing abridge, having (as bridges are always supposed to have), avoid space underneath, preventing a direct pressure, it follows, that every such body exerts an indirect pressure at some point or points at greater or less horizontal distance from the body. (2). That the pressure of a body at a point or points not directly below it, can only take place through one gr more intermediate bodies, or members, capable of exerting (by tension or thrust), one or more oblique forces upon the first named body, and it is the office of a bridge to furnish the medium of such horizontal transfer of pressure [iv], (3. That a single oblique force can not alone prevent a heavy body from falling toward the earth (since two forces can only be in equilibrio when acting oppositely in the same line), and that each oblique force is equal to the combined action of a vertical and a horizontal constituent, of which the first alone is equal to the weight sustained and transferred by the oblique member, while the horizontal constituent, acting at both extremities of the oblique medium, must be coun teracted by means outside of the oblique and the weight sustained by it ; which means are usually to be sup plied by other members of the structure [vni]. (4). The direct force exerted by an oblique member (in the direction of its length), is equal to the weight sustained, multiplied by the length, and divided by the vertical reach of the oblique, while the horizonta. constituent equals the weight sustained multiplied by the horizontal, and divided by the vertical reach of the oblique [vn]. (5). The amount of material required in a tension member, is as the stress multiplied by the length ot i6 BRIDGE BUILDING. the member [ix] (disregarding extras in connections) and the same is true of thrust members of similar formed cross-sections, sustaining stress proportional to the square of the length of pieces respectively. (6). The respective stresses of two thrust members, divided by the squares of respective lengths, give quo tients indicative of, though not proportional to, the re lative efficiency of material in the two members, the greater quotient showing the greater efficiency, or greater power of resistance to the square inch of cross- section [xni]. With these rules or principles in view, we may pro ceed advantageously with general analyses and com parisons of different plans, or systems of bridge trussing, adapted to different lengths of span. THREE PAKEL TRUSSES. XVII. In structures exceeding 25 or 30 feet in length, the length of joists from the centre to the ends, would require cross-sections so great, to give them the requi site stiffness, that their weight and cost would become objectionable. It becomes expedient, then, in such cases, to provide support for more than one principal point, or transverse beam, or bearer. A superstruct ure from 30 to 40 feet long, may be constructed with two cross beams, supported by two trusses with two pairs of braces each, with the feet connected by a hori zontal tie or chord, as seen in Fig. 6. The cross beams, may be at b b f , or suspended at c and d, at equal horizontal distances from a a f , and from one another; which latter position they will be re- THREE PANEL TRUSSES. 17 garded as occupying in this instance. Or, the figure may be inverted, thus reversing the action of the several thrust and tension members. XVIII. Another, and a more common form of truss for two beams, is shown in Fig. 7. These may be called three panel trusses. PIG. 6. Pig. 7. To compare these two trusses, suppose the two to have the same length and depth, and to be loaded with uniform weights, w, at the two points c and d in each. Then, since we know from the principle of the lever, that each weight produces upon each abutment, a pressure inversely as its horizontal distance from them respec tively, and that the pressure upon the two abutments is equal to the weight producing it, it follows that 6, Fig. 6, sustains f w, and compression = J &o. Hence making ab = D,... bc v, and ac = h, ... f^w, becomes J w, and multiplying this stress by length, = D, and 18 BRIDGE BUILDING. changingz#toM*,wehaveforniateria]ina6,... M. But D *=/t + v>, whence ^M - J ( 7 | + *) M = (|-f |)M. Again, ab r sustains Jw, with length = \/4lt 2 ~+u*, and by multiplying and changing as in case of 6, \ve obtain material in ab 1 , = (-^- 4- ~) M, which added to amount for ab, gives (-^ -f i j M for- the two braces, and (ii + 2v)M for the four. The horizontal thrust of ab = f?r while that of ab = i lt - 2 ^ = f wi Hence the horizontal thrust of ab and d D a6 w = tension of a , and material for chord aa , equals 3 x | M M. Tension of ic and 6W, each, equals w, and material for the two = 2 v M, which added to amount in aa f , makes the whole tension material equal to( -f2i ) M, being the same co-efficient of M as was obtained for compression. In truss Fig. 7, ... ab and a b (= D = v/A 2 -f v*), evi dently sustain each a weight equal to ?^,-and a stress = ^A 2 -|- r 2 w. Whence, material = (- + v) M for each, V and ( 2 - -f 2r) M for both, while 66 , equal to A, sustains compression equal to the horizontal thrust of a6, equal to Wj and requires material equal to M, making, with amount in braces ab o b , ( 4- 2r) M. Now we have just seen that the horizontal thrust of a6, equal to the tension of chord aa , equals w, and the * When is used in the co-efficient of M, then M represents the pr<* duct of the stress, in terms of w, by length according to any assumed unit, which may be equal to v or not. THREE PANEL TRUSSES. 19 length being 3A, the material consequently equals M, to which add 2rM for verticals, and we have V (JE*! + 2 V)M. = whole amount of tension material in truss 7, which is less by n M, than in the case of truss Fig. 6. XIX. "With regard to thrust material, it is clear that while in truss 6, the weight on either pair of braces, is transferred in due proportion to both abutments, inde pendently of the other braces, whether one or both pair be loaded ; on the contrary, truss 7, when c only is loaded, must transfer $w to a , which can only be done through a!b , the only oblique member acting at the point a . Moreover, the weight must be communicated to a b , at the point 6 , through the thrust of bd, and the tension ofdb , assuming bd and cb to be thrust members. Now, as either c, or d, is liable to be loaded with weight equal to w, while the other is unloaded, it follows that both bd and cb are liable to sustain weight equal to $w, and require thrust material equal to j( -f v) M for each, A or ( 2 n h * -f ^-)M for the two. The whole amount of x do o thrust material for truss 7, then, equals( -f 2 T)M, (the amount found above) + (?~ -f }t?)]C, equal to (W + 2 v) M, against ( -f SI?)M for truss 6; the difference being pffl jry M. If this be a positive quantity, the balance is in favor of truss 7, and if nega tive, in favor of tress 6, as regards amount of action on thrust material; while, if i^- : \ v = zero, the amount of thrust action is the same in both trusses. 20 BRIDGE BUILDING. Either of these suppositions may be true, according to the relative values of A and v. If h = tV2, If h, be greater than iV2 J- - fv is positive, and if A be less than v\/2, the value is nega tive. But the amount is trifling in any probable rela tion of A and i , and may be disregarded in this general comparison. Calling then, the amount of action upon thrust mate rial in the two plans equal, there is a probable advan tage in favor of truss 7, as to efficiency of thrust material, while the latter truss, shows a positive advan tage over truss 6 in amount of tension material, equal to ( + 2i?) f-^- 2 + 2i?) M = * M. This is equal to x 1) x -0 V 4M, when h = 2v 2 ; which is in tolerable proportion for the trusses under discussion, and, substituting these values of h and v in the expressions of tension material in the trusses respectively, we have (16 -f 2)M for truss 6, and (12 -f 2)M for truss 7, being about 28J per cent more for 6 than for 7. The same difference would appear with Fig. 6 in verted, the thrust and tension action being the same in amount of each, only sustained by different mem bers, thrust members in one case becoming tension members in the other. FIVE PAKEL TRUSSES. XX. Truss Fig. 7, may be increased in length and number of panels, by introducing additional panels between the end triangular panels, and the rectangular centre one either of an oblique form, as in Fig. 8, which represents an arch-truss, or of a rectangular form as in FIVE PANEL- TRUSSES. 21 Fig. 10. The truss on the plan of Fig. 6, may be lengthened by introducing additional pairs of inde pendent braces, as seen in Fig. 9. For the analysis of these trusses, using the same no tation as before, as far as applicable, that is, making v = verticals ck, in 8 and 10, and equal to nn , pm f , etc., in Fig. 9 ; h = ab, width of panel in each figure, = J whole chord ; w~ uniform weights at the four bearing points in each, and M = weight of material required to sustain a stress equal to w, with length equal to 1 ; then, making Ib = v in truss 8, it is obvious that the two abutments at a and /together sustain 4iv, with the common centre of gravity of all the weights midway between abutments, whence each abutment sustains 2w, equal to weight sustained by al. The compression of al therefore equals %w. But al = </h 2 + %v \ which substituted in last preceding expression, gives | v /i 2 4- J v z Wj= compression of al. Whence, multiply- V ing by length, \/A 2 -f jy 2 , and changing w to M, we have ( H-lJv) M = material for al. The horizontal thrust of al, [xvi (4)] equals 2 10 = w, = tension of chord af. |D v The oblique member Ik, sustains weight=w (through the vertical cA-* and has a vertical reach = Jv, 22 BRIDGE BUILDING. whence it suffers compression equal to^j w, =*^iw, = 3 ^A 2 4- jv 2 w, and requires material equal to ( + 9 ! I )M, while its horizontal thrust equals --w, *l*t0,i compression of ki, by which it is contracted. The ma- O7 9 terial required for ki, therefore, = M. Material lor ig and gf, is the same as above found for al and Ik, and, doubling those quantities, and adding amount just found for ki, we obtain( . -f 3|v) M, -= material in the whole arch. The tension of the chord af (Fig. 8), has been seen to be equal to 3 w y whence, multiplying by the length, 5h, and changing w to M, we have !5?M,*= material for chord. The 4 verticals sustain each, weight = w, and the aggregate length being 3Ji>,... material = 3 JVM. This, added to amount in chord, gives ( 4- 3Jv)M, ten sion material required to support a full uniform load, as above assumed. But since any number of the points t), c, dj e, are liable to be loaded while the others are unloaded, it is obvious that in such case, the arch will not be in equilibria, the loaded points tending to be depressed, while the unloaded, tend to be thrust up ward. Hence the arch requires the action of the ob liques, or diagonals, in the three quadrangular panels, to counteract such tendency ; and, as will appear further on, these members will require material equal to about one-third of the amount required in the chord, thus in creasing the amount of tension material for the truss to FIVE PANEL TRUSSES. 23 XXI. In truss Fig. 9, each brace obviously sustains a portion, x, of the weight w, which is to ?.0, as the horizontal reach of its antagonist, as to horizontal action, or its fellow and assistant vertically, is to the whole length of chord ; that is, the weight x, bearing at m, through mn f , is to w, as ns to ms ; or, x : w : : 4 : 5. Hence x = $w. This, multiplied by the horizontal reach, equal to A, and divided by v, gives the horizontal thrust of the brace, equal to %-w. FIG 9. 71 n In like manner, mm f sustains a weight x , which is to w, asps to ms, i. e., x : w : : 3 : 5, whence x 1 = |M>, and the horizontal thrust = -| 2 w =* ->; and in general, the horizontal thrust of a brace in this kind of truss, equals w, multiplied by the product of the number of sections of chord at the right and the left of the point of application (of the weight), and divided by the whole number of chord-sections, and, by the vertical reach (v) of the brace. But the horizontal thrust of mn equals that of n s, = that of mt ,and the horizontal thrust of mm , equals that of m s that of mu, whence, horizontal thrust of the 4 braces bearing at m, equals twice that of mn and mm together, = 2(4^ + 1-)^ = ^w = 4*w. This /O / \ O m O n / .R j. m 24 BRIDGE BUILDING. being equal to the tension of the chord, multiplying by length 5A, and changing w to M, gives material for chord = V Adding to this, 4fM, for 4 verticals with stress = w, and length = v, each, makes whole amount of tension material equal to ( +4vJM, being very nearly the same as for truss, Fig. 8. XXII. As for braces in truss 9, we have already seen that each brace sustains weight equal to w, multi- tiplied by the number of panels crossed by its fellow, and divided by the number of panels in the whole truss. Hence mn f sustains |i#, with length equal to \/A 2 -fy 2 . Therefore, stress = f \/ A 2 +v 2 iv, which mul- c tiplied by length, and w changed to M, gives material for mn = j(-+0) M = (4 + -$-)M. mm sustains f ?0 with length = V4/i 2 + v 2 , whence material = I (4^1+0 } Mj =(^. 9 -f.^L) M . mu sustains M? with length -%/9/iHv 2 , and material equals (^+~-)M, while mt, sustains Jw, with length = \/16A 2 +y 2 requiring material = (^ + |-)M. Then, adding and doubling these amounts, we obtain( +40)lf, against ( 2 -j- 3Ju)M, for truss 8 ; a difference of about 30.6 per cent when h = v, and about 32.6 per cent when h =* 2v. Thus, truss Fig. 8 has over 30 per cent advantage over truss Fig. 9, in the economy of amount of action upon thrust material, with the advantage as to efficiency of action of this material, undoubtedly, also on the side of truss 8. Tension material is nearly the same in both. FIVE PANEL TRUSSES. 25 XXIII. If truss Fig. 9 be inverted, dropping the ob lique members below the road-way of the bridge, thus reversing the action of thrust and tension members, the thrust material would act with nearly equal advantage in both plans, and with about the same amount of action. But the 30 per cent advantage as to amount of action upon tension material, would still be in favor truss 8. Besides, it is only in exceptional cases that this arrangement can be adopted, on account of interfer ence with the necessary space below the bridge. XXIV. In truss Fig. 10, suppose the points 6, c, d, e, to be loaded successively from left to right, with uni form weights equal to w each, and suppose the truss to be without weight, as we have hitherto done. When b alone is loaded, \w must bear at /, [xvm] which may be effected, either by tension of bl, thrust of Ic, tension of ck, thrust of kd, &c., by tension vertical and thrust diagonal alternately, till it reaches /; acting in its course upon 4 verticals, and 4 obliques, with a weight upon each, equal to ^w. Or, the weight maybe trans ferred by tension of bk, ci and dg, and thrust of kc, id and gf. These alternatives are subject to the control of the builder, and he will form and connect the parts accordingly. Let it be assumed that the truss has ten sion diagonals, and thrust uprights at c and d, while M 26 BRIDGE BUILDING. and eg are necessarily tension members in all cases, in practice. Again a weight, w, at c, must cause pressure equal to f w at/, through tension of ci and dg, and thrust of id and gf. This, with the ^w, from the weight at b, makes $w, acting on ci. But the weight at c, causes pressure equal to f?0 at a, necessarily through tension of cl; and since c and bk are antagonistic, the action upon one tending to produce relaxation of the other, it fol lows that only one can act at the same time, unless unduly strained in the adjustment of the truss. Hence, the ^w, which acts upon bk, when b alone is loaded, is overbalanced by the f w, tending to act upon cl, on account of the load at c ; and the result is, that bk is relaxed, the whole weight at b, is necessarily sustained by bl and la, and the {10, which must by a statical necessity, bear at/, in consequence of the loads at b and c, is all made up from the weight at c, leaving only f (jo of this weight to bear at a, through cl. Now, since it is obvious that all load at c, d, or e, must contribute to the pressure at , which can only occur through action upon c?, it follows that bk can only sustain the whole weight of \w, when the point b alone is loaded ; and consequently, that ^w is the greatest weight that bk can ever be subjected to. Then, applying another weight, w, at d, it must add f 10 to the pressure at/, through tension of dg and thrust of gf; which last amount, added to f 10, communicated to dg through ci and id, makes f w, as the weight sus tained by dg. But the weight at d, also causes pres sure at a, equal to 10, which can only be done through action, or tendency to action upon dk, and since dk and ci are antagonists, only one can act at once, and that, only with a force equal to the excess of tendency to FIVE PANEL TRUSSES. 27 action of the one, over that of the other. Now we have seen that weights at b and c, tend to throw \w upon ci, while the weight at d, tends to throw f ?0 upon dk. Hence, in these circumstances, ci only sustains JMJ, which is transferred to dg through thrust of id, while dk is relaxed, and the whole weight at d, is sus tained by dg; making, with the \w from ci, just above mentioned, $w, equal to the pressure due upon the abutment at/, on account of weights at b, c and d. Lastly, a weight, w, at e, tends to give pressure equal to \w at/, through eg Sindgf, and a pressure equal to w at a, through ei, dk, etc. This latter tendency has the effect to diminish by ^w, the tendency of previously imposed weights, to throw f 10 upon dg, reducing it to f 10, and to neutralize the balance of w acting upon ci, after the imposition of the weight at d, leaving c\ and dk both inactive, while eg sustains the whole weight applied at c, equal to w. Now, as we have seen, any weight at d or e, tends to throw action upon dk, thereby diminishing action upon ci, and since weight at b and c, both contribute to the stress of ci, it follows that the maximum action upon ci, occurs when b and c are loaded, and d and e, unloaded. For similar reasons, the maximum action upon dg, oc curs when e alone is unloaded. The maximum weight sustained by Ib, and eg, is the weight applied directly at each of the points b and e, equal to w, and the maximum weights sustained by ei, dk, and cl, are the same as those sustained by bk, ci and dg, each respectively, as just above determined ; while al and gf, both receiving action from weight on any part of the trass, obviously sustain their maximum weight, equal to Zw, under the full load of the truss. 28 BRIDGE BUILDING. The section ab, of the lower chord, suffers a stress equal to the horizontal thrust of al, which of course, is greatest vtkenal sustains the greatest weight. This has just been seen to be equal to 2w, and occurs under a full load of the truss. Hence the greatest stress upon ab equals 2w , and is communicated without change to be, bk being inactive when the truss is fully loaded. The section cd, suffers stress equal to the combined horizontal action of al and Ic, which must be greatest when this combined action is greatest. That is also under the full load of the truss. For, though Ic sus tains J?0 more weight when b is unloaded, the same cause relieves al of the amount of %w. Consequently, the weight borne by the two, is Ji0 less in this case, than when the truss is fully loaded. The greatest com bined weights, then sustained by al and Ic 9 being equal to 3w, the greatest stress of cd equals 3w . This is also the greatest compression suffered by the upper chord Ig, since the latter is also equal to the combined horizontal thrust and pull of al and Ic. The stress of this chord is the same throughout, because the obliques meeting at k and i, are inactive when the truss is loaded throughout. The maximum compression upon ck and id, equals the greatest weight sustained by d and die, already found to be equal to f w. XXV. Having thus ascertained the greatest weights sustained by the several oblique members, and the greatest stresses of the horizontals and verticals, we may deduce the required amount of material, or, per haps more properly, the amount of action upon the ma terial required for the truss, as compared with like FIVE PANEL TRUSSES. 29 amount of action in trusses 8 and 9, thus : Max. weight on end braces, 2w x length v/ A 2 -f- v* - stress = Hence, action upon material for the , A75 tvvo= ................................... (+ Max. weight on 2 verticals = f 10 x length of the two (=* 20), gives ...... I Max. stress of upper chord = 810- X length ( = 3A), gives amount ^ of action = .............................. ^ 9 Making total amount of action on thrust material = ..................... -5- s l v M Aggregate max. weight on 6 tension diagonals = 2 w=4w. This by the length ( = v/A 2 -f y 2 ), gives stress = 4 w \/h? + g a ; whence amount of action on material, equals ...... t"f~ "^ 4v / M - 2 tension verticals sustain each, lw, with length = u, giving amount of action for the two = ................. 2v M. Stress of middle section, lower chord = 3w-, X length ( = A), gives Q ^ w action .................................... d 4 remaining sections, with stress = 2u?4 X length ( = 4A), give .......... 8 7 ^M. Making whole amount of action on , ^ tension material = . > u ~*~ so BRIDGE BUILDING. SYNOPTICAL STATEMENT IN REGARD TO TRUSSES (Figs. 8, 9 and 10. B to fc H M M AMOUNT OF ACTION UPON MATERIALS B ^0 H "*~ Tension. Compression. TfcoT Q XX ( 207* _L4i t ,) M ( w? + 3^ r ) M /35^ a , rr v \ M 9 XXI XXII , 20 A + 1,) M ( 207, , 4 ) M (J^l + 8v ) ii ^ v \ -x i/ y AI 10 ( ~{~ Qv ) M V v / 28/ a i 1 1 j \ _. V I/ Making A = y * 1, the above table will be as follows : 8 24JM 18JM 42fM 9 24M 24M 48M 10 2lM 18JM 39JM XXVI. This shows very nearly the relative amount of tension material required in the several plans; while, as previously stated, the amount of compression material is not so nearly indicated by the figures and expressions giving the amount of action (sum of stresses into lengths of pieces), as in case of tension members. The compression material in No. 8 (the arch truss), is undoubtedly more efficient in action than in either of the others, while that in No. 9, is unquestionably the least so. In fact, this truss will be hardly considered as possessing advantages of any kind, sufficient to induce THE ARCH TRUSS. 31 its adoption ; and it will not be considered in the dis cussions and comparisons in regard to trusses of greater span, to which we may now proceed. TRUSSES WITH SEVEN PANELS. THE ARCH TRUSS. XXTII. In Fig. 11, let md - i>, and h- ab =-. If each of the points 6, c, d, etc., be loaded with a weight equal to w, then, in order that the arch may be in equi- librio under the effects of these weights, without any action of the diagonals, it is necessary that each section of the arch have the same horizontal thrust, since, if one section have a greater horizontal thrust than the one opposed to it at either end, the diagonals alone can sustain the surplus. And, that the sections may have the same horizontal thrust each must have a vertical reach (the horizontal reach being the same for all), proportional to;the weight (W) sustained by each. For illustration, horizontal thrust being equal to W , in order that this expression may represent a constant quantity, h remaining constant, v must be as W. Now, ml being horizontal, can sustain none of the weight acting at the point w, through the vertical md; hence mn must sustain a weight equal to w. This is transferred to no [vm], and in addition to the weight at c, makes 2w sustained by no. The latter weight is in turn transferred to <xz, and, in addition to the weight at 6, makes 8w, to be sustained by ao. The vertical reaches, therefore, beginning with ao t should be as 3, 2 and 1 ; whence, ob should equal Jy, and no should equal ft . 32 BRIDGE BUILDING. The thrust of ao, then, equals 3i0-2, = 610-??., 6w \/^!V ; whence, amount of action on material* = .............................. (?. -f IJvJxM. Thrust of on, = 2i<; = 6^-^-, = _ f 6w? %/4!i*!, and material = ........ . ...... (?^ + t?}xM. i) v Thrust of wm =u;S = 610^ = _ i 6u? ^^^!, and material == ...... ,..( + IV}XM. V ^ V b Thrust of ml (= horizontal thrust of nm), =- ^-4-= 6^|, and material = .............. 6-XM. Adding these amounts, and repeating the first three, we have (i^L -f 4fv)xM, equal to amount of action upon the arch when fully loaded. / y The stress of the chord obviously equals the horizon tal thrust of ao. equal to 3^. = 6w ; and is the same 1 t throughout, when the truss is fully loaded throughout. Hence, for the whole chord, we have, stress = 6w multiplied by length (= 7A), and w changed to M, = 42 XM, representing the material required for the chord. The above are assumed, for the present, to be the greatest stresses that any part of the chord or arch can * By amount of action upon material, is meant the stress of a member multiplied by its length. SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 33 be subjected to, in any condition of the lond ; ?0, being the maximum weight for any one of the sustaining points, b, e, d, &c. This is a point we shall be better enabled to verify after considering the STRESSES OF VERTICALS AND DIAGONALS. XXVIII. As the diagonals do not act under a full load of the truss, the verticals must each sustain a ten sion equal to 10, when the weights are applied at the chord ; and, the diagonals acting by tension, serve, when in action, to diminish the tension of verticals, or to subject them to compression, but can never increase their action of tension. Hence, the maximum tension; stress of each vertical equals w. In order to bring the diagonals into action, the truss must obviously be unequally loaded ; and, to determine the maximum stresses of the several diagonals respec tively, we may begin by removing the Weight at# ; (see Fig. 11 A), and, to facilitate the process, let 10" represent ic divided by the number of panels in the truss (= 7 in this case), i. e., ID" = }w. Then, the full load of the truss bearing with a weight of 810, =21i0", at i, ... with load removed from g, the bearing at z, equals 2J.10" 6*0", = ~L5w" ; and produces a thrust upon ij equal to / ^!i!i. Then, taking^ by any convenient scale, on ij produced, to represent the thrust of ij (reduced to w n with a numerical coefficient, according to the pro portions of the truss), and drawing qr parallel with fj, and meeting jk produced in r, it is obvious that the three forces acting alj, namely, the thrust of ij and J/c, and the tension of fj, will be represented respectively by the sides of the triangle jqr y parallel respectively with the directions of those forces; and may be mea- 5 34 BRIDGE BUILDING. sured by scale and di viders, or calculated tri- gonometrically. Now, it will be seen taatthegreaterthe pres sure at i, the greater the thrust of ij, repre sented by j<?, and conse quently, the greater the line qr, representing the tension of fj. But the pressure at i, is mani festly the greatest pos sible in the case here supposed, except when the weight at g is wholly or partially restored, in which case the tension of fj would be wholly or partially relieved. Hence, it follows that the maximum stress of jO i occurs when all the supporting points ex cept #, have their full load, and the point g is without load. Taking, then, fs qr, and drawing si par allel with #/, st will re present the horizontal, and// , the vertical effect (equal to 3wr") of the action of fj ; the former SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 35 effect being, in addition to the tension of / 1, resisted by the tension of ef, while the latter is counteracted by the weight at /, and the tension of fk is thereby diminished, but not exhausted*. But if the weights were applied at the arch instead of the chord, then /&, in this condition, would suffer compression represented by/<- XXIX. If the points g and/ be unloaded, the pres sure at i is reduced to lOw", and the thrust of ij = Ww" v/^-H^ Then, taking jq by the scale, to represent this quantity, and drawing q r parallel withjf), # r/ compared with the same scale, will give the stress of fj; from which, as in the preceding case, we. obtain. ft ( = 2*0"t), to represent the vertical effect of the ac tion of fj ; and, there being no weight at /, this force * Since the vertical reach of jk is that of ij, and their vertical ac tions (horizontal thrust, and horizontal reach being the same), as their respective vertical reaches,^ must react downward at,;, with of the lifting force exerted by ij. Then, if a weight be suspended at g, by the vertical jg, equal to of the weight bearing at i, the forces acting at j, through ij, jk, and jg, are in equilibrio. But if the weight at g be less than ^ of the pressure at i, the tendency of the pointj is upward, and exerts a lifting force upon fj,. But the action of fj, brings into play horizontal reaction injk, equal to that of fj, which gives jk a de pressing action at j, equal to f o! the lift ot jy. This depressing power of jk, depends on forces acting directly or indirectly at k, and which go to make up part of the pressure at i. Hence, jk supports at the upper end, at k, first, f of the weight bearing at i, in virtue of the horizontal thrust received through ij, and second, f of the other (when there is no weight at g), in virtue of the horizontal thrust com municated through^) . Now, g being alone unloaded, the bearing at i is I5w", of which, K\w H is received through jk, in virtue of horizontal thrust counteracted by ij. and \ of the other 5w", in virtue of horizontal thrust counteracted by fj, in cons -quence of the latter sustaining fof said 5w". Hence, fj sustains T \ or |, while jk sustains |f, or | of all the weight bearing at i, when g alone is unloaded ; and 3w", therefore, is the maximum weight sustained byfj. f Since jq represents the action of ij, due to a pressure of 15?" at i, and jq , tlie action of ij, due to a pressure of Ww", it follows that jq = iU<7 ; whence q r obviously equals qr, and/s =-&/* Consequently, ft = ){/. But ft represents the lift of fj, = 3*0", whence ft repre sents 2w". 36 BRIDGE BUILDING. is expended in causing compression upon fk ; and is the measure of the greatest compression that member can receive through fj. But fk is also liable to com pression, or a tendency thereto, from the tension offl when / and g, are loaded, or g alone, and the other parts unloaded. This, however, in the former case, will never equal the weight at /", and in the latter, the compression will not exceed that just found, resulting from action of fj ; as will be better understood here after. Now, asjr represents the thrust ofj&, if we take kv, on jk produced, equal tojr f , raise the vertical vx ft , and join kx 9 the line kx represents the resultant of the forces kv and ft (representing thrust of jk and/A:) ; and xy, drawn parallel with ke, represents the tension of ke ;* This is the maximum stress of the diagonal ke. XXX. For, when the left half of the truss has more load than the left hand abutment is required by the statical law to sustain, it is clear that a part of the weight on the left, is transferred from left to right past the centre through dl; that being the only member capable of effecting the transfer. It is also clear, that such transferred weight, together with the weight at e, if any, is sustained by Ik and ek, and causes pressure at i, equal to the weight sustained by Ik and ek. Also, that this pressure at i 9 causes a horizontal thrust in ij, which is all transferred to Ik (except when kg is in ac tion), and gives a lifting power to Ik, equal to J of that exerted by ij (the vertical reach of the former being J that of the latter), that is, equal to J of the weight * The sides of the triangle kxy, being parallel with the directions of the thrust of Ik, the tension of ek, and the resultant kx, of the thrust ofjk and fk, which 4 forces are in equilibrio at the point k. SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 37 transferred by Ik and ek together. But the lifting power of Ik is further increased by J of the weight sus tained byjf) , which increases the horizontal thrust of Ik, the same as a like amount sustained by ij ; also, by J the weight sustained by ek ; this member having 5 times the vertical reach of Ik. Now, as each one of these items results from the weight transferred through Ik and ek, and is greater or less in proportion as the last named weight is greater or less (/and g being un loaded), since all the conditions are the same, except as to amount of weight, it must follow that the greatest stress of ek, is when/ and g are unloaded, and all the other points b, c, &c., are fully loaded unless it be when / and g, or one of them, be wholly or partially loaded. But any weight at/, increases the thrust and lifting power of Ik, through increased action of ij and fj both, while it diminishes the amount sustained by ek and Ik, whence the action of ek, is diminished, inas- Vnuch as it transfers to k, a less proportion of a less weight. Again, weight applied &t g, while/ is unloaded, re lieves the tension of fj, and diminishes its lifting power represented by/C and vx, and if of sufficient amount, relaxes fj, and brings tension upon gk; so that, when the weight at g equals w, or 7w", Ik has a lifting power = J pressure at i, less what is due to the horizontal pull of gk, plus, amount due to horizontal pull of ek; while the weight bearing at k, equals 9w" (being weight at e (= 1w") -f 2i0" through dl). Now if ek lifts as much as kg, Ik must have as great a horizontal thrust as ij, and be capable of lifting J 16w" (= weight bearing at i) 9 =5ji0" ; which taken from 9w" bearing at k, leaves 3fz0" sustained by ek. Then it remains to be seen 88 BRIDGE BUILDING. whether gk sustains more than 3w/ , so as to reduce the horizontal thrust of Ik below that of ij. "With the truss fully loaded except at the point/, ij sustains verticalljjlGi^, whence^, having the same hori zontal thrust exerts a depressive force=f 16w",=10f w", atj, leaving a balance of 5Ji#", exerted by ij toward lifting the 7w" at g. Hence, only If w" remains as the weight sustained by gk. Therefore, the horizontal pull of e/c, is not less than that of^A;, the horizontal thrust of Ik, is not less than that of ij , and its lifting power, not less than 5 \w", and ek does not lift more than 3f w"y nor as much as when/ and g are without load, as de termined by the process above explained. XXXI. To determine the greatest stress to which dl is liable, let the weights at e,/and g be removed. Then the pressure at z, due to the weights at 6, c and d, equals 6w", that is, Iw" for weight at 6, 2w" for that at Cj and 3w" for that at d. We therefore takejg" on ij produced, to represent the thrust of ?J, produced by 610"- draw q"r" parallel with fj, and from q"r" find /I" (of course less than// ), and having taken kv on jk produced, equal to jr", raise the perpendicular vV = ft", and draw x y parallel with ek. Then, x y repre sents the tension of ek, from which we find ea", repre senting the vertical thrust of el at its maximum. Also ky f represents the thrust of kl\ and, having taken Id on kl produced, equal to ky , raise the vertical d e , equal to ea" from e , draw e f, parallel with dl, and meeting Im (produced, if necessary), in/, and e f represents the tension of dL We have a short way of verifying the correctness or otherwise of the last result, since we know that, in the state of the load here assumed, 6w", is transferred from SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 39 the left to the right of the centre, necessarily through the tension of de, the only member capable of perform ing that office. Hence the tension of dl in this case, can be neither more nor less than what is due to a lift ing power equal to 6w". Then, taking dc on dm, to represent 610", and drawing the horizontal c b , we have do to represent the tension of dl, and, if e f=*db f , the result is probably correct. We know, moreover, that 6*0" is the greatest weight ever transferred past the centre of the trass, the left hand side having the great est possible load, and the right hand side, the least possible. Therefore, di represents the maximum stress for dl, which is equal to w"^ tl * + v * V XXXII. If the points 6 and c alone be loaded, we know that 8tf/ is transferred through dl, and there being no weight at d 9 this lifting force of dl, must be sustained by the thrust of dm. Having then, found If representing thrust of ml, by a process similar to that by which we obtained // in the preceding case, that is, commencing with jq" f , representing the thrust of ij under a weight equal to 3*0", we take mg = If* on lin produced, raise the vertical g i equal to a line repre senting 3w", and draw i i parallel with cm, when we have i f to represent the tension of cm. XXXIII. Or, we may take ok on ao produced, to re present the thrust of ao, due to the vertical pressure (= Ht0") at a, resulting from the weights at 6 and c, draw the vertical k l , representing lw", = weight at 6, and cutting on produced in m f , and I m represents the lifting force exerted by bn ; as is made obvious by forming the parallelogram I n , upon the diagonal om . * g f i andy shown in Diagram B, to avoid complication 40 BRIDGE BUILDING. Take bo = I m , and draw the horizontal o //, then bp represents the tension of bn, and ow 7 , the thrust of on. Take na r = om , on on produced, draw a b / = bp , paral lel with bn, and, from b n let fall b t c t representing the weight ( =7 w") at c, and the part below nm, represents the lift of cm, whence we derive the tension of cm. The result should he the same as that obtained by the former operation. XXXIV. If the point b only, be loaded, we may take ok" to represents the thrust of ao resulting from a pressure of 6?0" at a, let fall k"l" cutting on in m", to represent the Iw" at 6, and m"l" represents the vertical lift of bn. Make bo" = m"i", and draw the horizontal o 77 /) 77 , and we have bp" representing the tension of bn. This is the maximum stress of 6?z, since 6/?, can only sustain the weight at b, less the excess of lifting power of ao over the depressing power of on, both having the same horizontal thrust; which excess is represented by k m and k"m", and is least when the weight bearing at a is least. But the bearing at a (and the lift of ao), can never be less than f of the weight at b, and k"m" etc., can never represent less than f weight at 6, or J of the lift of ao; whence m"l" etc., can never represent more than f weight at b ; consequently bn can never sustain a weight greater than 5w" which is the amount represented by m"V when b is fully loaded, and the re mainder of the truss without load. XXXV. With regard to cm, no simple and conclu sive reason presents itself, why the result above ob tained for the stress of that member when b and c alone are loaded, is the actual maximum. But, as the assumed condition is precisely analogous, as far as the SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 41 case permits, to the conditions under which all the other diagonals have been shown to suffer their maxi mum stresses, it is reasonable to conclude from analogy, and the general nature of the case, that w r e have ob tained the true maximum stress for cm. Should there be doubt whether some supposable distribution of load upon the truss, would not produce greater stress than that above shown for the member in question, it is presumed that such doubt would readily be set aside by an analysis similar to what has already been gone through with. UPRIGHTS, OR VERTICAL MEMBERS. XXXVI. It has already been seen [xxvm], that the maximum tension of verticals equal w, throughout. We have also seen [xxxiv], that the lift of bn, is always less than the weight at b ; consequently ob is never ex posed to compression, unless the load be applied at the arch, which will seldom be found advisable. When cm exerts its maximum lift, the point c is loaded, and the lifting force of cm is all expended upon the weight at c. But when the point b alone is loaded, cm exerts a lift, which is the measure of the maximum compression of en, resulting from tension of cm, since any weight at the right hand of c, would bring more or less downward action at the point m, thereby reliev ing some of the tension of cm, and consequently, diminishing its compressive action upon bn. The com pression exerted upon en by the tension of cm, is found to be about equal to 2w", and very nearly the same as that exerted by^) , and represented on the diagram by ft [xxix], 2w", then, may be regarded as the maximum compression of en. 6 42 BRIDGE BUILDING. The vertical dm, can never suffer compression to ex ceed 3 w", = greatest weight sustained by dl when d is without load ; and if d be loaded, so as to add to the lift of dl, any weight at d, relieves dm of 4 pounds of compression, to every three pounds added to the lift of dl, so that lw" at d, while it increases the lift of dl from Sw " to 6w", changes the action of dm, from com pression of 3w", to tension of ~Lw". XXXVII. Having determined the maximum weights sustained by the several diagonals and verticals, we proceed to ascertain their respective stresses, and re quired amounts of material ; as depending upon the length of each member, multiplied by its maximum stress. The greatest weight sustained byjf) , as measured on the diagram, and verified by calculation, is equal to 810", or f w ; and the length being equal to \X/i 2 -f-ji; 2 , the stress equals f x/A J -Hp 3 w, and the required material V equals (- + 2 3 g V)M. The 4 diagonals gk, ek, bn and nd, sustain, each, a maximum weight of 5w", [xxxiv], with length = v /r+le^ Hence, stress equ als |%/AM- lf- a w, 10 and, material for each, = (^+ \\ f V)M. The four remaining diagonals sustain each a maxi mum weight of 6w", = f w, with length = >//^ _j_ v * 9 giving stress equal to j y/A a + <& w, whence material 10 equals (5^! -f $v) M. Then, multiplying the last two coefficients of M by four, and the preceding one by two for the number of pieces in each class ; adding the products, and annexing the common factor M, we SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 43 obtain for the ten diagonals, an amount of material equal to (7.14^+5.6260)M. The aggregate length of verticals, equals 4-| y, and their greatest tension stress equals w. Hence, 4.666#,M represents the amount of tension material they re quire. The two longest verticals sustain a maximum com pression of 3tf?" [xxxvi], or %w, with length =- v. Hence material = 0.857vM. The two next in length O sustain compression = |tt;, with aggregate length = li?, and require compression material = 0.476t>M, mak ing the whole amount of required material, as repre sented by the amount of action by compression on verticals= 1.333M. We have, then, material for the whole truss, as re presented by the amount of action, as follows : Under Compression. Arch, [xxvn] Verticals, Total, ............................................. (42- + 6u)M Under Tension. Chord, [xxvn] ........................... (42^ .............. M) Diagonals, ......................... . ....... (7.14^ -f 5.626v)M Verticals, ................................... _ 4.666?;M Total, ..................... ................ 49.14| -f 10.292^M Making h = v 1, these amounts become : Under Compression, 48M. Under Tension, 59.432M.* * The difference between this result, and that given in the synopsis on page 20 of my original work, arises from the fact that one was based on a circular arch, and the stresses takuu from the diagram, and 44 BRIDGE BUILDING. XXXTII. The preceding results are based on the assumption [xxvn] that the maximum tension of the chord, and the maximum horizontal thrust of the arch in all parts, are equal to the horizontal thrust of the end sections of the arch when the truss is fully and uniformly loaded. Although this may seem self- evident, it may not be amiss to make particular men tion of some of the conditions affecting the case, which may lead to a better understanding of the subject, if it fails to amount to an absolute demonstration. The arch and chord obviously act and react upon one another horizontally from end to end, and, as weight removed from any part of the length, diminishes the amount of bearing at both ends, which bearing go verns the stress at the ends, it follows that the ends, at least, of both arch and chord, have their greatest stresses under a full load of the truss. It is obvious, also, that no part of arch or chord can have greater stress than the ends, unless it be commu nicated by the tension of diagonals. When the acting diagonals all incline one way, their united horizontal action only equals the difference between the horizon tal thrust of the two end sections of the arch, and the action of chord and arch can no where be greater than at the end from which the acting diagonals incline. When acting diagonals incline inward from the ends, the intermediate portions of chord and arch are under less stress than the end portions, and consequently, less than they sustain under a full load of the truss. But when acting diagonals incline outward, toward the the other, on a parabolic arch, and stresses mostly calculated numeri cally ; and, from the further fact that in one case, the weight was as sumed to be applied at the arch, and in the other, at the chord ; the former producing more compression, and the latter, more tension upon the uprights. SEVEN PANEL TRUSSES. 45 ends of the truss, the intermediate portions of arch and chord are under horizontal stress greater than that of the end portions, by an amount equal to the aggregate horizontal action of all the acting diagonals inclining toward the respective ends. Now, as no more than two diagonals inclining toward the end bearing the greatest weight, can be in action at the same time, in a seven panel truss, the question re solves itself into whether two diagonals acting in one direction, can ever exert force enough to over balance the loss of action of the end section, resulting from di minished bearing at the abutment, consequent upon the removal of load, on which removal, the action of diagonals depends ? As to that question, the removal of weight from the central portion of the truss, must bring into action in wardly inclined diagonals, while removing weight from one end only, can bring into action no diagonals in clined toward the full loaded end, whence the weight bearing at that end indicates the greatest stress of any part of chord and arch which, of course, is less than under the full load of the truss. There remains then, only the case of removal of load from both ends of the truss, which can produce any considerable action upon diagonals inclined outward, so as to give greater stress to the middle, than the end portions of the arch and chord. If the weights at 6 and g be removed, the pressure at each abutment is diminished by J of the maximum, or, by 7i0"; and jf;, sustaining only Bw ff at the maximum, and having the same inclination as ij 9 its horizontal action could only balance the effect of %w" removed from ij ; while ek, even if it sustained its greatest weight of 5?0", as it evidently does not, in this case, would only exert the 46 BRIDGE BUILDING. same horizontal action as ij would do under 8*0". Hence these two diagonals, under their maximum stresses, which neither suffers, in the present case, would only compensate f of the loss on stress, of arch and chord, due to removal of weight from the truss. It may, therefore, he regarded as a matter of extreme probability, if not a rigidly demonstrated fact, that the arch and chord of an arch truss, undergo their maxi mum stress in all parts, under the full uniform load of the truss. It is hoped and believed that the foregoing illustra tious of the manner of determining the strains of. the several parts and members of an arch truss of seven panels, will be sufficient to enable the same to be done in the case of trusses of any desired number of panels. THE TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. So designated from the figure of its outline. XXXIX. This truss may be constructed with dia gonals and verticals, as in Fig. 12, or without verticals, except at b and #, as seen in Fig. 13. To explain the operation of these trusses, and determine the maximum, stresses of their various parts, we may use the same no tation, generally, as heretofore ; that is, let h represent the horizontal, and v, the vertical reach of the diagonal or oblique members, and D, the length of diagonals. Also, let w represent the greatest movable load for a panel length, supposed to be concentrated at the nodes 6, <?, d etc., of the lower chord ; and, let w" be equal to w, divided by the number of panels in the truss (7, in this case), i.e., let w = lw". Then, supposing the diagonals (Fig. 12), not includ ing the king braces, ao and ij at the ends ; the verticals TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. 47 ob andjgr, and the lower chord, to act by tension ; and the upper chord, or boom, the king braces, and the four intermediate verticals, to act by thrust, or com pression if a weight (w) be applied at 6, it will ob viously cause a downward action equal to w" at i 9 and one equal to 6w" at a. FIG. 12. 1 23 ra 4 10 I 5 15 k 6 21 j a b c d e f g i Now, from what has already been seen, in the discus sion in relation to Fig. 10, the weight acting at i, can only do so by acting successively, or simultaneously, upon 6tt, and each diagonal parallel with bn on the right, by tension, and upon each compression upright and the king brace ?) , by thrust ; causing upon each of these 10 members, a stress equal to w" upon verticals, and equal to w" upon obliques ; D representing the length of obliques, or diagonals. A weight (w) at c, in like manner, causes a pressure of 2w" at i, through cm, and other diagonals inclining to the right, on the right hand of c. Also, a pressure of 610" at a. But co being the only member that can transfer weight from c to the left, and, co and bn be ing antagonistic stress upon the one tending to relax the other, the result must be, that both can not act at the same time, from the effects of weight at b and c, and only that one can act, to which the greater weight is applied ; and that, only with the excess of weight acting upon it, over what is acting, or tending to act upon the other. Now, as the load at c, tends to throw 48 BRIDGE BUILDING. a weight of 5w" upon co, while the load at b tends to throw It0" on bn, the former tendency must prepon derate c.o must sustain 4*0", while bti is relaxed, and the whole weight at 6, is sustained by the tension of oh. In reality then, cm sustains f of the weight at c, and none of that at b. Still, the result is the same, as to pressure at a and i, the former point supporting lw" ,= the whole of the load at 6, plus 4?0" of that at <. , making 11 10", = pres sure due at a, from the weights at 6 and e, while the point i supports oio", all out of the weight ate. Thus, cm, dl etc., sustain the same proportion of the aggre gate weights at 6 and c, as if each weight acted sepa rately, and independently of the other. Again, applying a weight (w\ at rf, 8i0" tends to bear at i, and 4?0" at a, through dn and co. But as we have 3*0" tending to act on CM, as already seen, this is neu tralized by the tendency to action upon rfw, and only a surplus of 1*0", really acts upon dn in this case, while the 610", = pressure due at , from the weights at 6, c and </, is all made up out of the single weight at d, and the whole of the weights at 6 and c, together with IMJ" from that at </, comes to bear at , giving a pressure of 15?r", at that point ; still the same as if each weight acted independently of the others. And, in general, each diagonal, at all times, sustains the preponderance of weight tending to act upon it, over that which tends to act at the same time upon its antagonist. Hence the greatest weight sustained by any diagonal, is when all the weight tending to act upon it, is upon the truss, and none of the weight tending to produce action upon its antagonist, or counter. Thus, when 6 alone is loaded, \ic" is sustained by bn, but when any point on the right of 6 is loaded, there is TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. 49 tendency to action by co, and the action of bn is de stroyed or diminished. Therefore \w" is the maximum weight sustained by bn. When b and c alone are loaded with the weight (w) at each, cm sustains 810", as already seen, with no tendency to action in dn. But if <-/, or any point on the right of c, be loaded, there is tendency to action in dn^ which must diminish or destroy the action of cm. Hence, cm sustain* its max imum weight (= 3tf/ ), when the points 6 and c alone are under their full load. And, it must be obvious that the maximum weight is sustained by each d&gonai inclining to the right, when the point at its lower end, and all the nodes at the left are fully loaded, and all those at the right are without load. Hence we esta blish the following easy and expeditious practical method of determining the maximum weights and stresses- upon this class of members, in trusses with any number of panels. XL. Having made a rough diagram of the truss, as Fig. 12, for instance, place over the nodes o, n, ra, &c., the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c., high enough to admit of a sec ond series under the first, formed by repeating the 1 under itself, adding the 1 and 2 together and placing the sum (3), under the 2 in the upper series.. Then add 1, 2 and 3, and place the sum (6) under 3, and so on, plac ing under each figure of the upper series, the sum of that figure, and all those at the left, in said upper series. Then, it will be seen that each figure in the upper line, prefixed to w", shows the pressure caused at the right hand abutment, by the weight (w) directly under the figure, e. g., the upper figure 3 over d, indicates that %w" is the bearing at i, produced by the weight (w) at d, and so of the other figures in the upper line. 7 60 BRIDGE BUILDING. In the mean time, the figures in the lower line, show the accumulation of the effects of the different weights O upon successive diagonals from left to right. Thus, the figure 6 over the point d, shows that dl sustains 6w", = pressure due at z, from weights (w) at b, c and d, when those points only are loaded ; in which case, dl sustains its maximum weight, as before seen. In like manner, the figures 10 & 15 over eand /, indi cate that 10w" and 15w", are respectively the maxi mum weights sustained by ek and fg, while 2lw" ( = 3w), equals the maximum weight sustained by ?J, (by compression, of course), when the whole truss is loaded. XLI. Having thus ascertained the greatest weights the several oblique members are liable to sustain (those inclining to the left being obviously exposed to the same stresses as those inclining to the right), we find their maximum stresses by rule 4, [xvi]; i. e., multiply the weight by the length, and divide by the vertical reach of the member. Thus, the maximum compres sion of ?J, equals 3w-, = SM; \//< + r, and the repre- v eentative of. required material, is ( -f- 3f) M. The maximum stress of ek equals 10^"- = Ifw v^ + ^ and its representative for material is V (1 3^! 4. l|f)jf. Or, the lengths and inclinations being the same, we may take the aggregate maximum weights sustained by tension diagonals, reduced to terms of ?/;, multiply by the square of the common length, divide by v, and change w to M. The ten tension diagonals sustain maximum weights equal to w" multiplied by twice the sum of all the figures in the lower line over TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. 51 the diagram, except the last, making 70w",=10i0, and require material = (lO- + lOi?) M. The tension verticals 06 and jg, sustain the weights (w) acting at b aud# when the truss is fully loaded, which is their maximum stress, and they require material for the two, = 2nn. The thrust uprights el and //:, receive and sustain the maximum sustained by dl and ek respectively, which are the measures of their respective stresses of compression, being w" for el, and 10w" for /fc, and the same for dm and eft, making an aggregate weight of 4$w, whence, their representative for material is XLII. With regard to stress of the lower chord, the tension of ac equals the horizontal thrust of o, and of course is greatest when ao sustains the greatest weight ; which is manifestly under the full load of the truss. The tension of cd equals the horizontal thrust of ao (through flc), and the horizontal pull of oc ; and must be greatest when the combined action of ao and oc is greatest. Now, although the weight borne by oc is greater by w" when the point b is unloaded, than under the full load, on the other hand, the weight on ao is less by 6w", so that the combined action of the two members, must be greatest when the truss is fully loaded; since no other change can increase the action of either. Again, de sustains the horizontal action of ao, oc and nd, when the truss is under a full load ; dl and em being inactive in that case, since the tendency to action is the same in each, whence neither can act. Therefore nd sustains simply the weight (w) at d\ oc sustains the two weights at c and a 1 , = 2t0, while ao sustains the same, with the addition of the weight at 6, making 6w 52 BRIDGE BUILDING. sustained by the three members contributing to the tension of de. Now while the maximum weights sus tained by oc and nd, exceed by only 4w/ what they sustain under a full load, neither can be brought under its maximum stress, without removal of load from 6 in one case, and from both b and c in the other, thereby diminishing the weight on ao, by 6w" in one case, and by llw" in the other. Hence the stress of de is greatest under a full load of the truss, and as already seen, equals the horizontal action of weight equal to 6w upon oblique members of vertical reach equal to v, and hori zontal reach equal to h. The maximum stress of de, then, equals 6t0-, and that of cd equals the same, less the horizontal pull of dn, due to the weight (20) at d, and is therefore equal to 5tt*-. "We have for the lower chord, then, one section, de (with length equal to h), exposed to stress = Qw Two sections, cd and cf, with stress = 610 ^ Four do., ac and^, = 810- ; whence, adding, multiplying by h, and changing w to M, we have to represent required material, 28 M. XLIII. It is scarcely necessary to state that the ob lique members ao, and oc, exert at o in the direction from o to n, the same force that they exert in the oppo site direction upon cd. In fact, the thrust of on, and the tension of cd, simply act and react upon one ano ther through the media of ao, oc and ac, whence the compression of on, must be just equal to the tension of cd; and furthermore, the thrust of nm is the indirect counteraction of the tension of de; and, as the two forces are in opposite and parallel directions, they must be equal, being in equilibrio. Also, mlk must sustain TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. 53 the same compression as ww, throughout, since the diagonals meeting the chord at m and /, are inactive under the fall load of the truss. Of course, kj is liable to the same maximum action as on. From what precedes, it cannot fail to be obvious that the maximum action of all parts of the upper chord occurs at the same time with that of the lower chord, namely, under the full load of the truss. We have then, two sections liable to a compression of 5^., and three, liable to 6w-; whence the representative of required material, is 28 M. We may now sum up the material for the truss, required to support the as sumed movable load through all the changes liable to take place, as follows : Material under Compression. Chord, (28^ XM King Braces, [XLI] Posts, [XLI] Total, (34- + 10|v)M Under Tension. Chord,[xLii] (28-*- x M Diagonals, [XLI] (10 Verticals, [XLI] 2m Total, , (38 + 12i?)M Making h v = 1, we have : Compression material, Tension material, = 50M For Arch Truss, Comp. Mat., [xxvn] = 48M " " Tension do., = 59n 54 BRIDGE BUILDING. XLIY. A trapezoidal truss without verticals (ex cept at one panel width from the ends), is represented in Fig. 13. The members ob and oc, as alsoj*/ and fj, are supposed to be so formed and connected as to act by tension only, and the other diagonals, so as to be capable of acting either by thrust or tension. FIG. 13. If a weight (?(?), be applied at 6, it will cause a bear ing of \w" at i, and w" at a, the same as in the case of Fig. 12. Now, this weight at 6, might (if bn were removed, and oc were capable of withstanding com pression), be suspended entirely by 06, and supported by ao and oc, in proportion to the bearing produced by it at a and i respectively. But as bn is able to act by tension, and oc unable to act by thrust, the 6w" bearing at a, acts through bo and oa, while the IM/ bearing at i, must first act by tension upon bn ; secondly, by thrust upon nd, since that is the only member meet ing bn at 7?, capable of sustaining weight. Hence, the action of the weight is transferred to d, and through dl to I, thence to/, and so on through fj, andjV, to the abutment at ; acting alternately by tension and thrust, upon six oblique members, producing the same amount of action (= w"-\ upon each. TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. 55 Another weight (w) at c, must cause pressure at z, equal to 2w" , and at a, equal to 5w". The action there fore, must be divided between cm and oc, in the pro portion of 2 to 5, producing alternately tension and thrust, through the points w, e, k, gj to i ; on the right, and through co and oa, to a, on the left. Thus far, the weights have acted upon independent systems of oblique members (except as to king braces), neither weight acting upon any member acted on by the other. But when a weight (w) is imposed at d, it must act upon the same members acted on by the weight at b. The 3w" to be transferred to z, must act by tension upon dl, in concert with the 1/0" of the weight at 6. But the pressure at a, must be increased by 4w/ , which can be transferred from </, only through tension of dn, and dn being previously occupied in carrying \w" from 6, by compression, it follows, since the same member can not be under compression and extension at the same time, that the greater force must preponderate, dn being brought under tension clue to the difference of 4 10" tending to act by tension, and lw" 9 tending to act by thrust, the action of dn, being changed from thrust under Iz0", to tension under 3w". All the weight at 6, then, is sustained by 60, together with Zw" from weight at d, making lOw", which, with bw" from weight at c, makes 15w" = pressure due at , from weights at 6, c and d. In the mean time, the weight at d, having obstructed the passage of \w" from b to the right hand abutment, has been obliged to make compensation, by sending 4w" of its own gravitating force, nstead of 3w" owed by it to the bearing at i. Similar changes of action take place when another weight (w) is applied at e ; which tends to throw 3w" 66 BRIDGE BUILDING. by tension upon em, while the weight ate tends to throw 2i0" upon it by thrust, as seen above. The result is, that em sustains \w" by tension, and cm, \w" by thrust, while co sustains the whole weight at c, in addition to lw" from e. Again, a weight (iv) at /, tends to throw 2w" upon fl, to act by tension ; but as// is already occupied by 4w" acting by thrust, / is obliged to depend entirely upon//; at the same time turning back 2w", and re ducing the weight previously on If, by that amount, or, to 2w>". In like manner, a weight applied at g, finds gk sus taining Qw" by thrust, whereby it is prevented from pending \w ff (due from it at a), to the left, through tension afgk. Hence, the whole weight at ^ris sustained by jg, and the weight acting on kg is reduced to 610". XLV. Thus we see that each diagonal (except oc and fj, excluded by hypothesis), is liable to compression from weights at certain points, and tension from weights at other points ; and, it is manifest that the greater stress of either kind, on each diagonal, is when all the weights are on the truss, which tend to produce upon it one kind of stress, and none of those which tend to produce the opposite stress. Hence, if we place the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c., over the diagram, as in case of Fig. 12. [xxxix], it is clear that only alternate weights act upon the same system of diagonals; that only weights under the odd numbers 1, 3 and 5 act upon diagonals meeting the lower chord at points under those numbers; and so of the weights under the even numbers 2, 4 and 6. We therefore form a second series of figures under the first, by placing under each odd number, the sum of that number and TRAPEZOID WITHOUT VERTICALS. 57 all the preceding odd numbers, and under eacli even number, the sum of that and all preceding even num bers. Then, the number in the second line, is the co efficient ofw f/ , to express the maximum weight acting by tension upon the diagonal inclining to the right, from the point under that number, and by thrust, upon the diagonal meeting the former at the upper chord. For instance, the figure 4 in the second line, over d, shows that dl and If, sustains 4i0", the former by ten- gion, and the latter by thrust. This is the weight which must bear at z, in consequence of the weights at 6 and d, the only weights that can produce those specific actions upon those members. On the contrary, this action upon dl and If, is only liable to diminution from weight at /, which tends to throw 2w" upon the left abutment through tension of ft and thrust of dl 9 and consequently diminishes the action upon those members, due to weights at b and d. Therefore, 4w" is the greatest weight sustained by dl and If, and 2?0", the weight sustained by them when the points b, d, and /are loaded, whether the other nodes are loaded or not. There is, however, an alternative in this case, which will be noticed hereafter. The figure 1 over 6, indicates that bn sustains \w" by tension, and nd the same by thrust, which action is reversed by weights at d and /, which tend to throw 6*0" upon these members, namely, 4*0", from d, and 2w" from/. Hence, bn is liable to \w" by tension, and 610" by thrust, the latter, when d and / are loaded, and b unloaded ; and to 5w f/ (acting by thrust), when all the three points are loaded. Then, if we form a third series of numbers under the second, by reversing the order of the second, the one series shows the tension, and the other the thrust 8 58 BRIDGE BUILDING. to which a member is liable. But as thrust action is not received by any diagonal directly from the weight producing it, but from a tension diagonal meeting it at the upper chord, we do not learn the thrust of a dia gonal from the figure over it, at either end, but from the figure over the foot of the diagonal by which the compression is communicated. Having arranged the diagram as above explained, we form from it a table of greatest weights sustained by the several diagonals, and stresses produced thereby, both of tension and thrust, remembering that tension weights are shown by one series of figures and thrust weights, by the reversed series. Diagonals. Compression. Weights. Stresses. Tension. Weights. Stresses. Under full load. Weights. THK. TEN. bn and kg, Qw" j) ow/ ~~ 7) Iw" Iw"- V SM;" cm and If, dl and me, 4 a 2 " 4u>"? V T} 7) 2" 2>"? fl T-V 4 " 4w/ - 2u?" ek and dn, 1 y\ 6 " 6w"- 5 " fj and co, 9 " 9w"? 9 13 22 Adding and doubling the several weights, we deduce the representatives of material. Under Compression, (3|- -f 3f.r)M Under Tension, (6f-** + 6fr)M The 2 verticals sustain each I2w", giving 3|i?M The king braces ao and ij, sustairl 3w? each, requiring material for the two = (6 4- 6i jM XLYL The stress of chords is, as in case of Fig. 12, due to action of obliques, and may be fairly assumed TRAPEZOID WITHOUT VERTICALS. 59 to be greatest under a full uniform load of the truss. The brace ao has a horizontal thrust = 21V -, = ten sion of ab. The thrust of bn (under the full load), adds bw"- at 6, making 26^"- = tension of be. This is in- V V creased by 9i0" for tension of oc, and by Zw"~ for thrust of cm, making S7w" for tension ofcd; and, add ing 5w" for tension of dn, and subtracting 2w" for tension of dl in the opposite direction, we have 40z0 = tension of de. We have then, 1 section sustaining 40M?"-=40w"- 2 " " 37 " 74 " 2 " " 26 " 52 " 2 " " 21 " 42 " Making a total stress=208i0" =29f 10 actingupon sec tions of a common length equal to A, and therefore, requiring material represented by 29f M. Upon the upper chord, we have the horizontal action ij andjgf, producing compression equal to 30z0"^ upon jk. Add for horizontal action of ek and kg, IQw" making 40w"- =stress of kl. Again, add 4w" for horizontal action of If and Id, and we have 44i0 7/ - = J thrust of Im. Thus, we have for the whofe upper chord, 184v;"^ = aggregate stress upon sections of the common length equal to h. Hence, representative- for material = 60 BRIDGE BUILDING. Aggregate for whole Truss. Material under Compression. Chord, (2 Diagonals, ... (3?- + 3f I?)M End braces,... (6--+6y)M Total, Under Tension. Chord Diagonals,... (6f^ + 6?0)ai Verticals, ..... Total, (36 7 |-f 94My Making A = v = 1, Comp. 45.714M. Ten. = 45.714M. Grand total, 91.428M. "We have here a little over 3 per cent less actiow upon material, than in case of truss Fig. 12, with verticals. The difference is a little less than was shown in my original analysis, that heing based on trusses loaded at the upper, and this, at the lower chord ; the former giving a trifle more action for the truss with verticals, and a trifle less for the other. Moreover, the difference was made to show greater still, by assuming that deductions might be made on account of certain diagonals being liable to two kinds of action. For instance, it was supposed that a mem ber formed to sustain a considerable tension stress, might also sustain a small compressive force without additional material (not at the same time, of course), which is undoubtedly the case, on certain occasions ; especially in the use of wooden trusses. This would give still greater apparent advantage to truss 13, with regard to economy of material. XL VII. There is, however, another view as to the action of load upon truss Fig. 13, which may modify the results above shown to a small extent. TRAPEZOID WITHOUT VERTICALS. Gl If we strike out the diagonals cm and me, and also dl and (/", all the determinate forces necessary to sustain uniform weights at the nodes of the lower chord, would be exerted by remaining members, although we have assigned to those members, each, the sustaining of weight equal to 2w" under the full load, and twice that weight under certain conditions of partial load ; and it is quite certain that they are necessary to the stability of the truss when partially loaded. But with both halves loaded uniformly, the weight upon each half could be transferred to the nearest abutment, pro ducing equal thrust in both directions upon the central portion of the^ upper, and equal tension in opposite di rections upon the lower chord ; whereas, with one-half loaded, there is no means by which the pressure due at the farther abutment could be transferred past the centre, without oblique members in the centre panel. Still, which mode of action takes place under the uni form load, when the diagonals are in place, is a matter involved in a degree of uncertainty. If the centre dia gonals do not act, under the uniform load, then ek and fj must sustain each 7w", instead of 6z0" for the former, and 9w" for the latter, as above estimated. Also, kg would sustain lw" by thrust, and different results would be produced as to stresses of various parts of upper and lower chords. The maximum stress for ek andefo, and for nb kg, would be 7*0"^ instead of 610 -, as found above, and would V V occur under the full, instead of the partial load. The tension of gj arid 06, also, would be increased to 14w/ . The weight sustained by fj, would be only Iw" under the full load, though liable to the same maximum weight of W, under a partial load. 62 BRIDGE BUILDING. For the lower chord, we should have the same co efficient, (21) ofw"- to express the tension of ab and ig, 28 for be, 35 (a decrease), for cd, and 42 for de. For upper chord, the co-efficients of w"- would be 28 for on and kj, and 42 for the three middle sections; no action being imparted by diagonals at m and I. XLVIII. This uncertainty of action has no place in trusses of an even number of panels, as in such cases, no transfer of the action of weight can be supposed to take place past the centre, under a uniform load, with out involving the absurdity of supposing the same member to carry weight by tension aiid compression at the same time; except, however, that in case of diagonals crossing two panels, or having a horizontal reach equal to twice the space between nodes of the chords, there will be diagonals filling the same condi tion of crossing in the centre of the truss, both vertically and longitudinally, as in Fig. 13. We may obviate mostly, any mischief liable to result in cases of the kind under consideration, by estimating the stresses upon the several parts under both hypo theses, and taking for each member the highest estimate, which will mostly meet all contingencies. Estimating action upon truss 13 in this manner, we obtain the following representative expressions for material : Compression. Chord, 26^- XM Diagonals, (4-- -f 4vM End braces,.... 6 v i\h Total, (86^- + 10w)M Tension. Chord, SO^X M Diagonals,... (6= Verticals, 4i/M Total, (37 10|v)M TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. DECUSSATION. 63 Making h = v = 1. These expressions give, Compres sion material = 46.855M + Tension do, 47.714M = total 94,57iM. This shows an aggregate amount of compression and tension action, identical with that of truss Fig. 12, [XLIII.] DECUSSATION AND NON-DECUSSATION. XLIX. The elasticity of materials affords a means of answering the question as to decussation of forces through diagonals crossing in the centre of the truss, vertically and longitudinally (as in Fig. 13), in specific cases. But the results will vary in trusses of different numbers of panels, and different inclinations of diago nals. Suppose the truss Fig. 13 to be so proportioned that the maximum stresses of the several parts and members, will produce change of length equal to E, multiplied by the lengths of parts respectively ; the vertical ob, = i , being the unit of length. Then, the truss being uniformly and fully loaded, and the chords being under their maximum stress, the upper chord is contracted, and the lower one extended at a uniform degree ; and, if the diagonals be unchanged in length, their vertical and horizontal reaches have not been changed by the change in length of chords. Hence, the distance be tween chords is not altered by change in their length. But the diagonals being under stress, by which some are extended and others contracted, according to the stress they are under, as compared with their maximum stresses respectively, the nodes of the chords are al lowed to settle to positions below what they are brought to by the mere change in lengths of chords. 64 BRIDGE BUILDING. Hence, the panels are (generally) thrown into more or less obliquity of form, in consequence of inequality in length of diagonals in the same panel. But the centre panel can not assume obliquity, because any tendency of forces to change the length of one dia gonal, is attended by a like tendency of equal forces to produce exactly the same change in the other ; so that the vertical reaches of both must suffer the same change, if any, and both must be under tension or compression, according as the acting forces tend to bring the chords at the centre, nigher together or farther apart. Now, the forces produced by the load being all con centrated at the points o and j (Fig. 13), the point d is depressed with respect to 0, by the extension of ob and ?i6?, and by the compression of bn. Hence, assuming decussation to have place, giving tension to the diagonals dl and me, equal to what is due to a weight of 1w", ob is under maximum tension and gives depression equal to E, to the point 6, bn and nd are under maximum stress, and give depression, each equal to f E XD 2 * = (1.666/i 2 4- 1.666) E, for the two (D representing length of diagonals, =v/F+I). Then, adding IE for effect of ob, we obtain (1.666A 2 + 2.666) E, = depression of point d. The point m is depressed by extension of oc under a maximum stress, giving an amount equal to D 2 E = (A 2 -f 1)E. Also, by compression of cm under one-half maximum stress, to the extent of (JA 2 -f J)E. Hence, depression of point m = (1 J/i 2 + 1 J) E. This shows the point d to be depressed more than w, by (1.666 A 2 4- 2.666) E (1.5/t 2 + 1.5)E -(0.166A 2 + *Let the diagonals bd and Bd, of two rectangular panels ac and Ac, Fig. 14 (c and d, being fixed points), be exposed to tension in propor tion to their respective cross-sections, receiving each thereby, extension TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. DECUSSATION. 65 1.166) E, and the spaces md and le to be increased to that extent; of course producing tension upon c/land me. Now, by hypothesis, these diagonals are under the weight of 2w" y giving half maximum stress, and requir ing an increase of vertical reach, equal to (%h 2 -f J) E. If then, we give such a value to A, as will make the last co-efficient of E equal to the one above, it will show that the chords have receded just enough to give the assumed tension to dl and me, and the decussation is a demonstrated fact. To find the value of A, pro- ducingthis result, make,.5A 2 -f .5 = .166A 2 + l,166,and we deduce ,333A 2 =* .666 ; whence h = v"2. But this requires too great an inclination of diagonals, and a less value of A, gives a space from d to m too great for the supposed tension of dl and me. Making h = 1 = v, we have increase of distance from d to m 1.333E, requiring a weight of 2.666*0", to stretch dl down to the point d. But as no weight or stress can be added to the 2io" assigned to dl and me, without af- equal to b e and B E, respectively. This will cause the points b and B to drop to b and B , in ab and AB produced. Join b e and BE. Then, the infinitesimal triangles bb e and BB E, right-angled at e and E, are essentially ^ I( 3- 14. similar, respectively to the triangles db a dBA. Hence, the following relations : (1). bb : b e : : bd : ab, and (2). BB : B E : : Bd : ab. whence, bb X ab = b e X bd, and From these two equations we derive . (3). bb X ab : BB X ab : : b e X bd : B E X Bd. But, by the law of elasticity (4). b e : B E : : bd : Bd ; whence, (5). b e X bd : B E X Bd : : bd 2 : Bd 2 . Hence dividing the first ratio of proportion (3) by ab, and substitu ting for the last ratio of (3), its equivalent found in (5), we have (). bb : BB : : bd* : Bd 2 . Hence the depression due to the extension of a diagonal retainincr the same vertical reach, is as the stress (per square inch), sustained*, multiplied by the square of the length of diagonal. 9 66 BRIDGE BUILDING. fecting all the 5 members contributing to the depression of the points d and m, and in all cases, so as to dimin ish the elongation of distance between d and m, it is reasonable to conclude that by assigning some J, or thereabouts, of the extra weight of .666?0" required on dl alone, it would, by affecting the whole 5 members, be sufficient to correct the error. Let us, then, assume that dl and me sustain 2.15i0", instead of 2*0" as by pre vious supposition. This change requires reduction of weight upon dn, nb and bo, from 5*0" to 4.85*0" for the two former, and from 12*0" to 11.85*#" for bo. Also an increase of weight on we and co, to 2.1 Sic" on me, and to 9.15i0" on co. Then bo sustains of the maximum, and gives depression -~-E = .9875E bn and nd, sustaining -~ of the maximum, give de pression for the two, equal to 3.233E, making 4.2205E = whole depression of point d. With regard to the point m, we have the maximum 2 15 stress on oc, giving depression equal to 2E, and V- O f the maximum on me, giving depression = 1.0T5E, making a total of 3.075E for the point m. Hence, the elongation of the space dm, equals (4.2205 3.075) E, = 1.145E, whereas 2.15*0" upon dl, increases its vertical reach by only 1.075E. This shows that dl sustains still a little more than 2.1 5*0". On the other hand if we assume a weight of 2.2*0" on dl, we obtain the opposite result, showing that dl sustains less than 2.2*0", and hence the actual amount must be between 2.15*0" and We conclude then, that dl and me are mot inactive under the full load of the truss, but on the contrary, they sustain, in this case, even more than the decussa- tion theory assigns to them. We learn, moreover, that TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. DECUSSATION. 67 the question is affected by the horizontal reach of the diagonal, or the value of h. And, since in this case, the point d being depressed by action upon 3 members, and the point m by action upon only 2, we have an elon gation of space between dandm requiring more than the theoretical stress upon centre diagonals, it is natural to conclude, that, in case of a greater number of panels, nine, for instance, where 4 members contribute to the depression of the upper, and only three to that of the lower chord at the centre, the increase of distance between chords, would be less than that required to give the theo retical stress upon diagonals in the centre panel ; and, such is found to be the case. In a nine panel truss on the plan of Fig. 13, the increase of distance between chords, due to the stresses assigned by the decussation theory, is only about one-third of what would be required to give the centre diagonals the stress assigned them. Hence in this case there is less decussation than the theory requires ; and, one or two trials, by ^assigning different weights as sustained by centre diagonals, in the manner pointed out above, would enable a near approxination to the actual amount of decussation to be arrived at, in the case of the nine panel truss, or any other. Let us take one more view of this matter, by assum ing no action by centre diagonals, under the full load. Then cm (Fig. 13), is also out of action, and oc alone, under J maximum stress, contributes to the depression of point m, giving depression equal to 2x^E, = 1.55E, (assuming h = v). The point d is depressed by the maximum change of two obliques, and one vertical, giving depression = 5E. Therefore the distance md, is increased by (5 1.55) E, =* 3.45E. Hence dl and me must be elongated by 1.725 68 BRIDGE BUILDING. times the amount due to the maximum stress, in order to escape action. Suppose the member to be of wrought iron, proportioned to a maximum stress of 10,000ft) to the square inch. Then, the extension due to 17250ft) to the inch, is about seVVoVVo x l en gth "* .00069 X length, and if length 15 feet, tne extension is equal to .00069x15, = .01035 ft. or, say J inch. Hence, in a 7 panel truss, as represented in Fig. 13, with h = v 9 if the diagonals in the middle panel be slack, by J inch in 15 feet of length, no decussation will take place, and the centre diagonals will be inactive, under the full load of the truss. If those members have less than that degree of slackness, they will be in action in such circumstances. It would be a very badly adjusted piece of work in which such a degree of slackness should occur, and we may fairly conclude, that the centre diagonals, in this class of trusses, are never entirely inactive. But the quantity E, is so very small, with any kind of material, and with any co-efficient that may affect it, in practice, that a slight inaccuracy of adjust ment, may so change the practical form the theoretical results deduced by calculation, as to decussation, as to render the latter of no great practical reliability. Hence, after all, perhaps the most unexceptionable course, in this regard is, to follow the rule given before [XLVIII], of estimating stresses on both hypotheses, and taking the highest estimate for each part. Now, perhaps, this subject has been discussed at greater length than its practical importance demanded, considering the small percentage of error liable to oc cur in any case ; but with regard to this, as well as to other matters, it is well to know, what may be known TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. WARREN GIRDER. 69 without inconvenient or unreasonable effort at investi gation. THE WARREN GIRDER. L. There is another form of truss operating upon the same principle as truss Fig. 13, in which one set of oblique members is left out, so that only one diago nal remains to each panel. The diagonals meet and connect with one another and with the chords, forming alternate nodes at the upper and lower chords. This truss, represented in Fig. 15, requires an even number of panels that the two half-trusses may be symmetrical. This is an extension of truss Fig. 5, with tension verticals for suspending floor beams from the upper nodes, when the travel-way is along the lower chord, and thrust verticals ascending from the lower nodes, in the case of what are technically called deck-bridges.* We compute the stresses of the members of this truss, by placing the figures 1, 2, 3, etc., over the diagram as in preceding cases, #nd from a second line or series of figures, by adding all those in the first series, as in case of truss Fig. 12, because each weight tends to act upon every diagonal. Each figure in the second line, fs the co-efficient of w" in the expression of the greatest weight transferred to the right hand abutment, through the diagonal crossing the panel next on the right hand of the figure ; and the action is tension or thrust, according as the diagonal ascends or descends toward the right. Thus, the Fig. 6 over o, indicates that 6w" is the greatest weight acting by thrust upon oe, while 10 over the point e, indicates 10w as the maximum weight acting by tension upon em. These *The author built several small bridges upon this plan, to carry a rail road track over common highways, in 1849 or 1850, believed to have been the first application of this form of truss. 70 BRIDGE BUILDING. figures only indicate weight transferred from left to right, and it is evident that the same weights in a re versed order, are transferred from right to left, through the same diagonals. Hence, a third series of figures under the second, composed of the same figures in a reversed o*rder, shows the weights carried by the seve ral diagonals from right to left. The figures in the third line, show the weights acting on diagonals next on the left of respective figures. It will be seen also, that the figures under odd numbers of the upper line, FIG. 15. c d e f g i j indicate weights acting by thrust, and those under even numbers, by tension. The figures 6 and 15 over o, in dicate 6w" acting on oe, and 15?fl", on oc, both by thrust. Again 3 and 21 under 2, indicate 3w" acting on co, and 2lw" upon cq, both by tension? The figure 28 at the right and left, under 1 and 7, indicate 2Sw" acting by thrust upon aq and jk. Now if we add all the figures in the second and third lines standing under odd numbers of the upper line, we obtain the co-efficient of w" for the aggregate maxi mum weights acting by thrust upon oblique members, while the sum of all the figures in like manner, under even numbers, forms the co-efficient of w" for the ag gregate maximum weights acting by tension upon ob liques. The former gives 100w",=12.5w for compres sion, and the latter, 68u?",=8.5i0, for tension. Hence, TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. WARREN GIRDER. 71 making A=r=l, we have as expressions for amount of thrust and tension action upon material in oblique mem bers, 25M for thrust and 17M for tension. One half of the lower chord obviously sustains a stress of 28 w", equal to horizontal thrust of the end braces, and the other half, 60w",= horizontal action of aq, qc and co (under full uniform load), at one end, and of corresponding diagonals at the other end, giving re quired material for chord equal to 44M. The compression of the upper chord, equals the hori zontal thrust and pull of aq and qe,= 48w", for f of its length, with the addition of ~L2w" for horizontal thrust of co, and 4w" for pull of oe, making Qw" for the two middle panels. Hence expression for material is 40M. The verticals obviously require tension material equal to 4M, and the aggregate for the truss, is, For Compression. For Tension. Chord, 40M Chord, 44M Obliques, 25M Diagonals, 17tf Verticals, 4M Total, 65M Total, 65M A corresponding truss with 2 diagonals in each panel, on the plan of Fig. 13, shows the same expres sions for materials, or amount of action of both kinds, item for item, and any advantage possessed by either plan, must depend essentially upon the more advan tageous action of compression material. Truss Fig. 15, has fewer intermediate thrust diagonals, and greater concentration of weight upon them ; which is favorable; while in the other, the diagonals crossing one another, are enabled to afford mutual support laterally, in certain modes of construction. 72 BRIDGE BUILDING. The upper chord in Fig. 15, acts at a decided disad vantage, in having no vertical support for a length of 2 panel widths, unless it be especially provided at ad ditional expense. As a deck bridge, with struts, or posts atp, n, I, and lateral tying and bracing, the truss may answer an excellent purpose. But even in that case, it can scarcely be considered as preferable to the truss with a double system of diagonals. The Ohio river bridge at Louisville, Ky., has its long spans (about 400 ft), constructed upon the plan of Fig. 15, and no plan which we have considered, shows a less amount of action upon material. These are believed to be the longest spans of Truss Bridging in the country. An eight-panel truss upon the plan of Fig. 12, gives the following expressions for amount of material. Compression. Tension. Chord, 43M Chord, 4lM Ends, .14M Diagonals, 28M Verticals, TM Verticals, 2M 64M 7lM This indicates a difference of nearly 4 per cent, as to amount of action upon material, in favor of the truss without vertical members, generally speaking; i. e. in which there is no regular transfer of action from one to another, between diagonal and vertical members, as in truss Fig. 12. This advantage is made still larger in certain modes of construction, by the circumstance that the same members, in trusses 13 and 15, may sometimes act by tension and thrust, on diiferent occasions, without any more material than would be required to act in one direction only. FINCK TRUSS. 73 LI. It may be proper in this place, to refer to still another form of trussing, which has enjoyed a degree of popular favor, and which differs somewhat from any we have hitherto considered. The plan is seen in outline, in Fig. 16. Each weight is sustained primarily by a pair of equally inclined tension members, and thereby transferred either to the king posts standing upon the abutments, or, to posts sustained by other pairs of equally inclined suspension rods of greater horizontal reach; which in turn, transfer a part to king posts, and another part to a post sustained by obliques of still greater reach, until finally, the whole remaining weight is brought to bear upon the abut ments by a single pair of obliques, reaching from the centre to each abutment. FIG. 16. THE FINCK TRUSS. In Fig. 16, are represented three different lengths of obliques, in number, inversely as the respective hori zontal reaches. The first set contains 8 pieces reaching horizontally across one panel, and sustaining each \w. The next longer set, of four pieces, reach across two panels, and sustain eachlw;; one-half applied directly, and the other, through posts and short diagonals. The third and longest set, contains but two pieces, reach across four panels, and sustain together w\ of which Iw is applied directly, Iw through two short diagonals? and 2w through two intermediates. Now, as each set sustains the same aggregate weight, namely 4w 9 the material in each set, will 10 74 BRIDGE BUILDING. be represented by this weight multiplied by the square of the lengths respectively, and divided by v : and, making k = v = 1, the squares of respective lengths are 2, 5 and 17, which added together and mul tiplied by 4w?, and w changed to M, gives 96M=amount of material in tension obliques, the only tension mem bers in the truss. The upper chord sustains compression equal to the horizontal pull of one oblique member of each class, obviously equal to lOJw, with length = 8. Hence, re quired material equals 84M. End posts sustain to gether, *7w, centre post 810, and the two at the quarters, one w each, in all 12ic, and the representative for mate rial is 12M ; whence the total for thrust material is 96M, making a grand total of thrust and tension material= 192M. The 8 panels trapezoid with verticals, requires,... 135M Do " " without verticals, 130M This comparison exhibits an amount of action in case of the first (Fig. 16), which, considering that it possesses no apparent advantage as to the efficient working of compression material, would seem to ex clude it, practically, from the list of available plans of construction. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ARCH. LIT. We have seen that all heavy bodies near the earth s surface (except when falling by gravity or ascending by previous impulse), exert a pressure upon the earth equal to their respective weights. We have also seen that the object of a bridge, in general, is, to sustain bodies over void spaces, by transferring the pressure exerted by them upon the earth, from the THE ARCH TRUSS. 75 points immediately beneath them, to points at greater or less horizontal distances therefrom. We have, moreover, seen that this horizontal trans fer of pressure can only be effected by oblique forces (neither exactly horizontal nor exactly vertical), and have discussed and compared, in a general way, various combinations of members, capable of effecting this horizontal transfer of pressure. But, without going into unnecessary recapitulation, we find two or three styles of trussing, possessing more or less distinctive features, which promise decidedly more economical and satisfactory results than any others ; and, to make the properties and principles of action of the best and most promising plans as tho roughly understood as may be within the proposed limits of this work, will form a prominent object in the discus sions of succeeding pages. The distinctive feature of the arch, as a sustaining structure, consists in the fact that all the oblique action required to sustain a uniformly distributed load, is ex erted by a single member of constantly varying ob liquity from centre to ends ; each section sustaining all the weight between itself and the centre, or crown of the arch, and none of the weight from the section to the end ; so that the weight sustained at any point, is as the horizontal distance of that point from the centre. Consequently (the arch being supposed in equilibrio under a uniform horizontal load), the hori zontal thrust at all points must be the same, and the inclination of the tangent at any point should be such that the square of the sine, divided by the cosine of in clination (from the vertical), may give a constant quo tient. For, regarding each indefinitely short section of the arch as a brace coinciding with the tangent at 76 BRIDGE BUILDING. / the point of contact, its horizontal thrust equals the weight sustained, multiplied by the horizontal, and di vided by the vertical reach of the brace. But the horizontal and vertical reaches are respectively as the sine and cosine of the angle made by the tangent with the vertical ; that is, as ab and bd, Fig. 17, while the weight is also as the sine 6, FIG. 17. of the angle adb. Hence, the weight by the horizontal reach, is as ab 2 , or as the square of the sine of adb ; and the constant horizontal thrust of \ the arch at all points, is as afc a a& 2 M* r > ^ Now this condition is answered by the parabola, in which bc = cd = -J bd, and |~ = J constant C, whence ab 2 = cb x constant 2(7, which is the equation of the parabola. This quality of the arch truss, allowing nearly all of the compressive action to be concentrated upon almost the least possible length, and consequently, enabling the thrust material to work at better advantage than in plans where this action is more distributed, and acts upon a greater number and length of thrust members, enables it to maintain a more successful competition with other plans than we might be led to expect, in view of the greater amount of action upon materials in the arch truss, than what is shown in trusses with parallel chords. Hence, we should not too hastily come to a conclusion unfavorable to the arch truss, on account of the apparent disadvantage it labors under, as to amount of action upon material. These apparent disadvantages are frequently overbalanced by advan- WEIGHT OF STRUCTURE. 77 tages of a practical character, which can not readily be reduced to measurement and calculation. The preceding general comparisons are tobe regarded only as approximations, and should not be taken as conclusive evidence of the superiority or otherwise, of any plan, except in case of very considerable difference in amount of action, with little or no probable advan tage in regard to efficient action of material. EFFECTS OF WEIGHT OF STRUCTURE. LIII. In preceding analyses, and estimates of stresses upon the various members in bridge trusses, regard has only been had to the effects of movable load, which may be placed upon, or removed from the struct ure, producing more or less varying strains upon its several parts. But the materials composing the structure, evidently act in a similar manner with the movable load, in pro ducing stress upon its members ; the only difference being, that the weight of structure is constant, always exerting or tending to exert the same influence upon the members, instead of a varying action, such as that produced by the movable load. In order, therefore, to know the absolute stress to which any member is liable, and thereby to be able to give it the required strength and proportions, we have to add the stresses due to constant and occasional loads together. The weight of structure evidently acts upon the truss in the same manner as if it were concentrated at the nodes along the upper and lower chords, and of the arch, in case of the arch truss. And, since much the larger proportion of it acts at the points where the 78 BRIDGE BUILDING. movable load is applied, if we regard the whole as acting at those points, the results obtained as to stresses produced by it, will be sufficiently accurate for ordi nary practice. Still, more closely approximating results may be obtained by assigning to both upper and lower nodes, their appropriate shares cf weight sustained, as may easily be done when deemed expedient. If we divide the whole weight of superstructure sup ported by a single truss, by the number of panels, the quotient, which we may represent by w/, will show the weight to be assumed for each supporting point, on account of structure ; and the stresses produced by such weights, added to the maximum stresses of the several members, due to the movable load, will represent the true absolute stresses the respective members are liable to bear. Now, as far as relates to parts suffering their maxi mum stresses under the full load, such as chords, arches, king braces, and verticals in the arch truss, as to their tension strain, we have only to substitute TV, (=w;-f w f ), in place of w, in expressions obtained for stresses due to movable load. In other cases, w and w r will have each its peculiar and appropriate co-effi cient. The diagonals of the arch truss, are obviously not affected by weight of structure, as they are not so under full and uniform movable load. Moreover, the weight of structure acts in constant opposition to the compressive action of movable load upon verticals. Hence, in truss Fig. 11, where we find the varying movable load gives a maximum compression upon the longest, equal to %w", and upon the next shorter, equal to 2w/ , the weight of structure diminishes those quan tities to 3w" w , and typ" w f respectively. Or, if we WEIGHT OF STRUCTURE. 79 would be more exact, we may add in both cases, the weight of a segment of the arch, which has no tendency to produce tension upon the verticals ; or we may sub tract only f or of w ; thus, 3w/ fz//, and 2?tf" fw , may be taken to represent the compressive action upon the verticals in Fig. 11. LIY. In the case of truss Fig. 12, the only diagonals acting under uniform load, are oc 9 fj, nd and ek\ the two latter sustaining, of weight of structure, Ii0 , and the two former, 2i0 . And, the maximum movable weight borne by those members, being [XL] IQw" and 15i0", the absolute maximum will be 10z0"+z0 for nd and ek, and I5w"+2w f for oc andjf) . Now, if we place the figure 1 under d and e, (Fig. 12 A), and the figure 2 under c and/, and so on, in case of a greater number of panels, to the foot of the last diagonal each way, inclining outward from the lower nodes, these figures are obviously, the co-efficients of w to express the weights contributed by the material of the stru - ture, to the stresses of diagonals extending upward and outward from the points to which the figures respect ively refer. FIG. 12 A. 1 2 1 3 o n 8 6 ra 4 10 I 5 15 k 6 21 j f Again, we have seen [XL], that a certain condition of the movable load, tends to throw \w" upon bn, and another condition of such load, tends to throw &w" upon 80 BRIDGE BUILDING. cm. But, since, as we now see, the weight of structure tends to throw a constant weight of 2w up6n oc, which is antagonistic to bn, the actual maximum weight upon 6n, is lw" 2w/, which will always be a negative quan tity, in practice ; whence bn must always be inactive, and may be dispensed with. The maximum weight upon cm, as modified by weight of structure, is in like manner reduced to 3w" w f , which will in practice, be either negative, or of quite small amount. Hence, we have the following rule : For the absolute maximum stresses of diagonals (in case of parallel-chord trusses with verticals), we add the effects of weight of structure to the maximum effects due to variable load, where both fall upon the same, and subtract the former, in cases where the two forces fall upon counter, or antagonistic diagonals. In case of parallel-chord trusses without verticals, we add the effects of constant and variable load upon each diagonal, when alike, i. e., when both tensile or both compressive, and subtract the former when the effects are alike. DOUBLE CANCELLATED TRUSSES. LY. The use of chords in a truss being to sustain the horizontal action (whether of thrust or tension) of the oblique members, it follows that the aggregate stress of chords, is equal to the aggregate horizontal action of all the diagonals acting in either direction e And, the horizontal action being obviously as the number and horizontal reach directly, and as the ver tical reach inversely ; also, the length of truss being as DOUBLE CANCELATED TRUSSES. 81 the number and horizontal reach of diagonals, while the vertical reach is as the depth of truss, it follows that the stress of chords is directly as the length and inversely as the depth of truss, other conditions being the same. Hence, if the depth of truss be so reduced as to make the ratio of length to depth indefinitely large, the stress and required material of chords, become indefinitely large. On the contrary, if the depth be indefinitely great, al!hough the stress of chords be ever so small the length and required material for diagonals and ver ticals must be indefinitely large. It is manifest, then,, that between these two extremes there is a practical, optimum, a certain ratio of length to depth of truss y which , though it may vary somew r hat with circum stances, will give the best possible results as to economy of material in the trass. This matter will be taken into consideration hereafter, and is referred to here, to show the expediency of generally increasing the depth, with increase of lengths in the truss. Now, in trusses of considerable length, and, conse quently, depth, it becomes expedient, in order to avoid too great a width of panel (horizontally), or an inclina tion of diagonals too steep for economy of material in those members, to extend them horizontally across two or more panels, or spaces between consecutive nodes of the chords. In such cases, the truss may be called double or treble cancelated, according as the diagonals cross two or three panels. i LVL To estimate the stresses of the members of double cancelated trusses with vertical members, a slight modification of the process already described, [XL, &c.], is required, as follows : 11 82 BRIDGE BUILDING. Having placed the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c., over the nodes of the upper chord, as seen in Fig. 18, place under each odd number, the sum of all the odd num bers iu the first series, up to and including the one under which the sum is placed ; and the same with respect to the even numbers. Then, the second series of figures may be used in precisely the same manner as that explained with reference to Fig. 12, to deter mine the weight sustained by, and the maximum stress produced upon, each diagonal and vertical, by equal weights upon all or any of the nodes of either chord. For example; supposing the truss to have tension diagonals and thrust verticals; take the diagonal hav- its lower end under 5 (upper series), and its upper end under 7. This diagonal may be represented by 5/7, while 5\7 may indicate its antagonist, and so of other diagonals. Then, as we see 9 (the sum of 1 + 3 + 5), in the second series, over the lower end of 5/7, and, as the diagram represents a truss of 16 panels, we know that the diagonal in question is liable to a maximum weight of T V#, = 9w". This amount is to be dimin ished, of course, by the weight due from weight of structure to the counter diagonal. Again, the diagonal 9/11 sustains as amaximnm from variable load, 25w"; which will require to be increased on account of weight of structure, since the latter, in this case, acts upon the main, and not upon the counter diagonal, as in case of 5/7. Now, to obtain the effects of weight of structure and uniform load, the truss having even panels, we place J under the centre node of the lower chord, because half of the weight w , which is supposed to be concen trated at that point, tends to act on each of the dia gonals rising from that point. DOUBLE CANCELATED TRUSSES. 83 oo At the next node from the centre, each way, the figure 1 is set, because, of the weights (M/), concentrated at those points, each bears upon its nearest abut ment (the truss being uniformly loaded), through the diagonals running upward and outward from those points. If this be not so, each must transmit a part of its amount past the centre, through the antagonistic dia gonals 7/9 and 7\9, which is contrary to statical law. Then we put 1J, 2J, 3J, etc., under alternate nodes from the centre, and 1, 2, 8, etc., under alternates beginning at the first on each side of the centre ; as shown in diagram Fig. 18. These figures form the co efficients of w , to indicate the weights acting, or tending to act, upon the diagonals running upward and outward from these numbers respectively, arising from weight of structure, and also, the co-efficients for (iv+w f ), to express the load tending to act on diagonals, arising from both superstructure and mova ble weight, when the truss is fully loaded. For illustration ; 34 BRIDGE BUILDIXG. the diagonal 5/7 we have seen to be liable to a maximum stress of w" from variable load, and, as we have the figure 1 at the foot of 5\7, it shows that the weight due to the latter on account of structure is IM? , which must be subtracted from w" to obtain the actual maximum to which 5/7 is liable ; which is Qu)". w . If w be equal to or greater than 9w", then 5/7 ia subject to no action, and may be dispensed with. As to the advantage of introducing counter diagonals, merely for the purpose of stiffening the truss, the results of my investigations will be given in a subsequent part of this work. The maximum weight sustained by any thrust up right, is manifestly equal to the greatest weight borne by either diagonal connected with it at the upper end, since any weight borne by 3/5, for instance, being transferred to the antagonist of 5\7, thereby dimin ishes by a like amount, the maximum action of the latter. Whence the upright at 5, can receive no more load from the two diagonals, than the maximum load of one, and this relation holds in general. The reason of adding alternate figures to form the second series over the diagram, will be obvious, when it is observed that there are two independent systems of uprights and diagonals ; one of which includes the uprights under even numbers in the upper series, and the diagonals connecting therewith, and the other, the remaining uprights and diagonals. Now weight applied at the nodes of either of these systems, can only act upon members of that same system ; that is, weight applied at nodes indicated by even numbers in the upper series can only act upon the first above named system of up rights and diagonals, and vice versa. DOUBLE CANCELATED TRUSSES. 85 The main end braces are acted upon by both sys tems; so that to obtain the weight sustained by them, we must add the numbers 56 and 64 (and correspond ing numbers in other cases), making in this case 12(W equal to 7Jw. The uprights under 1 and 15, sustain each a tension equal to w, for variable load, and to w+w , for weight of variable load and superstructure together ; which obviously gives their greatest strain. Having thus determined the greatest weights to which the several verticals and diagonal members are liable, we proceed as in former cases, to multiply those weights by lengths of diagonals, and divide the pro ducts by lengths of verticals, to obtain the stresses of diagonals ; remembering to take into account the dif ference in length between those having a horizontal reach of only one panel, at and near the ends of the truss, and those that reach across two panels. The mode of estimating the stresses upon the differ ent portions of the chords, depending upon the hori zontal action of diagonals, has been sufficiently ex plained. It is only necessary to observe that the end braces produce compression upon the upper, and ten sion upon the lower chord, through their whole lengths, equal to (io+w \ multiplied by the number of nodes of the lower chord, and that product multiplied by - . and that each pair of intermediate diagonals analo gously situated with respect to the ends of the truss, whether acting by thrust or tension, produce tension and thrust in like manner, upon the portions of the lower and upper chords, between their points of con nection with the chords. Thus is generated a progres sive and determinate increase of action upon succeeding 86 BRIDGE BUILDING. portions of the chords from the ends to. the centre of the truss. In the case of a deck bridge, the weights sustained by thrust uprights, are respectively indicated by the figures over the diagram on the right hand half of the truss, prefixed to w", for movable load, and the figures under the diagram prefixed to w , for weight of struc ture, being the same weight which gives the maximum stress to the diagonal running upward and outward from the foot of the upright. Tension verticals at the ends sustain no weight. TRUSSES WITHOUT VERTICALS. It will be seen upon a general view of the action of the different parts of a truss with parallel chords, that the diagonals (and verticals when used), form media through which weight acting upon the truss, is reflected back and forth between the upper and lower chords, until it comes finally to bear upon the abutment. A weight applied at one of the nodes of the lower chord, of course, cannot be sustained by the tension of that chord, which acts only in horizontal directions ; but is suspended by a tension piece, whether oblique or vertical, from a node in the upper chord. But the upper chord acting also horizontally, cannot sustain the weight. Consequently, a thrust member, either oblique or vertical, must meet the force at that point, to prevent the weight from pulling down the upper chord, and destroying the structure. Hence, we see, that in all the cases we have consid ered, of trusses with parallel chords, the weight, whe ther applied at the upper or lower chord, acts alter- TRUSSES WITHOUT VERTICALS. 87 nately upon thrust and tension pieces, extending directly or obliquely from chord to chord. With reference to Fig. 18, we have regarded the weight as transferred from tension diagonals to thrust verticals, and the contrary. But if we conceive the verticals to be removed, except the endmost, we have only to insert a thrust brace from the abutment to the second node (or the first from the angle), of the upper chord, and to so form and connect the other diagonals as to enable them to act by either tension of thrust, and we have a truss capable of sustaining weights applied at all, or any of the nodes of the upper and lower chords, in the same manner as the truss with verticals, represented in Fig. 18. In this condition, the truss will act upon the principles discussed with reference to Fig. 18. For this modification of the truss, see Fig. 19. To estimate the strains upon the several parts of such a truss, due to weights w, w, etc., at the nodes of the lower chord ; we may place the figures 1, 2, 3, etc., over the nodes of the upper chord, as was done in the case of Fig. 18. But, instead of adding alternate fig ures to form the second series, to be used as co-eili- cients of w" , for expressing the weights sustained by diagonals, we add every fourth figure; because it is only the weights at every fourth node, that act upon the same set of diagonals. For instance ; the weights at 1, 5, 9 and 13, act upon their peculiar set of 8 pieces (excluding the end braces, but including the tension vertical at 1), and none of the weights at the other nodes have any action upon those pieces ; as is made obvious by an inspection of Fig. 19. Again, the weight at 2, 6, 10 and 14, have their pe culiar and independent set ; and so of those at 3, 7, 11 and 15, and those at 4, 8 and 12. Therefore, in form- 88 BRIDGE BUILDING. 00 00 11 1 I C510O *> o - ing our second series of num bers, we place under each figure of the first series, the sum of that figure, added to every 4th figure preceding; that is, under 12, place the sum of 12, 8 and 4 = 24. % Under 5, the sum of 5-f 1 =6. The four first figures, having no 4th preceding figures, are simply transferred, without addition or alteration. These numbers in the second series, are the co-efficients of w" (w divided by the number of panels in the truss, being 16 in this case), to express the greatest weights acting by tension on each diagonal having its lower o o end under the number used, and the upper end under a higher number. Also the weight act ing by thrust upon the diagonal meeting the former at the upper chord. The last, or highest number, determines the weight sustained by the tension vertical under the number, the vertical being a member of one of the four sets ot alternate thrust and tension pieces connecting the two chords. A third series of figures formed by reversing the order of the second placing the low- TRUSSES WITHOUT VERTICALS. 89 est number of the third under the highest of the se cond series, and vice versa, prefixed as before to w" , will show the weights sustained by thrust and tension of diagonals in the reversed order; i. e., whereas one series shows the amount of tension a particular diago nal is liable to, the reversed series shows the thrust the same piece must exert in a different condition of the load. Thus we ascertain, as in the case of truss Fig. 13 [XLV], that nearly all of the diagonals are exposed to two kinds of action, thrust and tension ; and it is only the preponderance of the larger over the smaller of these forces, which has place when the truss is fully loaded, and it is only this preponderance which is to be used as co-efficient to (w + w 1 ) in estimating the stresses upon the different portions of the chords, and as co-efficient to ?/; , in modifying the effects of the variable load upon diagonals, as aftected by weight of structure. But it is to be remembered that the numbers over the diagram are to be divided by the number of panels, before being used before w and w , in the expression of stresses of members. Thus, we have, as the effect of variable load upon the diagonal 2/4 ..., 2w" (=^w), as the 1 Q greatest weight acting by tension, and ~^w 9 the great est acting by thrust. Hence the weight upon this -| Q f) piece, due to weight of structure, is (-- -~-)w f 9 w 9 and it produces thrust or compression, because the thrust tendency is the greater. This weight (w }, added to - 8 w, the greatest effect of variable load shows the maxi mum weight which can act by thrust upon that diago- "1 ft nal, to be -^w+w . We have, also, for the greatest weight acting by tension as modified by weight of struc- 12 90 BRIDGE BUILDING. ture, pit 1 iv j which is a negative quantity when w is less than 8w , as will usually be the case in practice ; consequently that diagonal can seldom or never be ex posed to the force of tension. Again .(w+w )-, (h and v representing horizontal and vertical reaches of the diagonal, as in previous discussions), is the amount contributed toward the maximum tension of the lower chord by the diagonal in question, not affecting, of course, that portion of the chord outside of the connection therewith, or a like portion at the opposite end. LYIII. It is to be remembered that the tension or thrust of a diagonal, is always equal to the weight sus tained, multiplied by the length, and divided by the vertical reach of the diagonal. The method here under discussion for estimating stresses, seems to need no further illustration. But the question as to decussation, affects the case of Fig. 19, as well as that of Fig. 13. The two sets of dia gonals which meet the upper and lower chords in the centre, have symmetrical halves on each side of the centre, and no action can pass the centre upon either, when they are uniformly loaded ; whereas, the two seta to which 7/9 and 7\9 belong, have the half of one on either side of the centre, a counter part to the half of the other set on the opposite side ; and the diagonals 7/9 and 7\9, will act or not, according as their op posite points of connection with upper and lower chords, are carried farther apart, or the contrary. JSTow, as the points 9 and 7, upper chord, are depressed by the change in one vertical and 3 diagonals, while the op posite points at the lower chord are depressed by the TRUSSES WITHOUT VERTICALS. 91 change in 3 diagonals only, we might naturally expect to find greater depression iu the upper than the lower points; though this does not follow as a matter of .ne cessity, since the less number of members, by being more nearly under a maximum stress, might give greater depression than the greater number, under less stress, as compared with their maximum. Now, the vertical at 1, being under maximum weight, gives de pression = E ; (adopting the notation used with refer ence to Fig. 13 [XLIX.]). The two diagonals 1/3 and 3\5 being under f J maximum, give depression equal toff x4E(making/i=*;=l), = 3.81E; while the diagonal 5/7, under T 4 ^ maximum, gives depression = 0.4 x2E, = 0.8E, making a total depression of point 7, upper chord, = 5.6 IE. Again, the diagonal 1\3, under maxi mum stress, gives depression = 2E, while 3/5 and 5\7, under j f rnaxm u m stress, give depression = -J X 4E, = 3.2E, making a total for the point 7, lower chord, equal to 5.2E, which is less by 0.41E, than the depression of the opposite point in the upper chord, whereas it should be greater by 0.8E, in order to give to 7\9 and 7/9, the tension assigned to them by the decussation theory. But we must not conclude from this fact, that there is no decussation in this case. For, if we assume that 7\9 is inactive under the full load, it follows that 5/7 is also inactive, and that l/3-|-3\5 sustain only Jf maximum stress, producing f }E, = 3.05 E, which added to IE for the vertical at 1, makes 4.05 E, = depression at point 7, upper chord ; while the 3 diagonals contribut ing to depression of the opposite point in lower chord, are under maximum stress, producing depression = 6 E. Hence, we see, that upon this hypothesis, the distance between these two points, measuring the vertical reach 92 BRIDGE BUILDING. of the diagonal, is increased by (6 4.05)E = 1.95E. This can not be, without producing tension upon dia gonals 7\9 and 7/9. Since then these members can not be entirely without action, and as previously shown, they can not have as much action as the decussation theory assigns to them, it follows, in this case, that they must act, but with less intensity than the theory as signs them. In this case, as well as in that of Fig. 13, the result would be changed somewhat, by taking into the cal culation the weight of structure, which would change to a small extent, the relation between the maximum stresses of diagonals, and the stresses they sustain un der a full load. .For the stress due to weight of struct ure, is constant, and that due to variable load, is greater, upon most of the diagonals, under certain conditions of a partial, than under a full load. Hence, while 5\7 sustains (under full load), only { maximum upon that part of the material provided for variable load, it sustains a full maximum upon the part provided to sustain weight of structure. It is easy enough to take these things all into account, in estimating the amount of decussation in special cases. Still, it is doubtful whether any better practical rule can be adopted, than the one previously given, [XLVIII] ; namely, to estimate stresses upon both hypotheses, and take the highest estimate for each part. DECUSSATION IN TRUSSES WITH VERTICALS. LIX. In trusses of this class with odd panels, and diagonals crossing two panels, as in Fig. 20, it will be seen, on subjecting them to analysis, such as was ex plained with reference to Fig. 18 [xvi], that, while in trusses of even panels, the figures in the second line DECUSSATION, ETC. 93 over the diagram, indicate the maximum stresses of diagonals, and those under the diagram, the stresses under uniform load (which are generally less than the maximum under partial loads), in case of the truss with odd panels, the bottom figures show, for certain dia gonals, greater stresses for the full, than the upper figures give as the maximum for partial loads. Thus, in Fig. 20, the number 16 over m, indicates 16*0" (=ijj 6 z0), as the maximum weight for #, while the fig ure 2 under the point z, indicates that il sustains 2i0 ( = 18i0"), under the full load. It should be remarked here, that the figure 1 under the first two nodes on either side of the centre, and the figure 2 under the next, are thus 2 2 FIG. 20. 45678 6 9 12 16 20 q p XKXxx xxRx abcdefgijk 211112 placed upon the assumption that all the weight on either side of the centre, is made to act on its nearest abutment. This would necessarily be so, if en andfq were removed or relaxed. But, with those members in place, and properly adjusted, there may be a decus- sation of forces through them, whereby a portion of the weights at e and/, may be made to bear upon the more remote abutments. Now, as the maximum on en is 6w" and that of its antagonist only 4w", the latter is not sufficient to neutralize the former entirely, but leaves a balance of 2w ff which may be transmitted through en to gl, as an offset for a like amount trans- 94 BRIDGE BUILDING. mitted through/^ to ds. If this be so, then fm and er do not sustain the full weight of liv, but only W 9 which, being transmitted to U 9 makes, with the weight w (=9w;"), applied directly at i, 16w", as indicated by the figures over the diagram, instead of 2w (= ISic"), as the figure 2 under the point i would indicate. Now, whether the two diagonals en and/<?, being ap parently, in a state of partial antagonism, do in whole or in part neutralize the tendency of each other to transmit weight past the centre each way under a uni form load of the truss, is not quite obvious, and it may be proper to estimate stresses under both hypotheses, and take the highest estimate for each part of the truss. It will be seen that it and cs are the only diagonals in Fig. 20, which show greater stress with a full than a partial load, upon the non-decussation hypothesis. But all the diagonals undergo different stresses, with the uniform load, as viewed under the different theo- riSs, and consequently, their effects upon the chords are different. The end brace as, sustains 4 (w+w ) = 4W substituting W for w-rw f ), under either theory, and the tension of ac equals 4w (making A = #6, and v = bs). cs sustains 2~VV, or y TV", whence cd sustains either 6W^ or 5JW*. Again, ds sustains W, or IfW, the former without, and the latter with decussation. This diagonal having a horizontal reach of 2A, adds 2W- or 2JW- to tension of chord, making 8W*, or 8f W , as the tension of de. For er, we have W with out decussation, making a tension of 10W- for ef; while with decussation, er sustains J W, from which we subtract f W", for opposite action of en, leaving |W DECUSSATION, ETC. 95 giving horizontal pull =1J W to be added to S making 9jW- = tension of ef. Upon the non-decussation hypothesis, 5 r and m l> of the upper chord sustain thrust equal to 8W^, and the remainder of the chord, 10W-. By the other hypothe sis, sr and ml sustain 8f W -, rq and nm sustain 9J W *, and the other 3 sections, lOf W^ LX. "We may derive some more light upon this sub ject, by considering the conditions resulting from the elasticity of materials. Supposing the upper and lower chords to be so proportioned as to be uniformly con tracted or extended under a uniform load of the truss, this does % not require or imply any appreciable differ ence in lengths of diagonals. But the stress upon chords being produced by the action of diagonals, the latter, when, as here supposed, acting by tension, neces sarily undergo extension, by which means, the panels (except the centre one), are changed from their original form of rectangles, to that of oblique trapezoids. For instance, the figure gj.ln becomes longer diagonally from g to , than from n toj, whence the point g falls lower than it would do, if the diagonal suffered no change. Suppose then the truss to be fully loaded, and the diagonals il, gl and/m, to be each exposed to the same stress to the square inch of cross-section. In that case, il and gl suffer extension proportionally to their respec tive lengths, thereby causing depression of the points i and g respectively as the squares of those lengths. [See note in section XLIX.] Hence, the point g is de- 96 BRIDGE BUILDING. pressed more than the point j, by the extension of dia gonals, by as much as the square of gl exceeds the square of il, or as 8 to 5 ; assuming diagonals to incline at 45. The panel gm, must therefore be oblique, and the distance gm, greater than ni. Again, the point/ suffering the same depression from the extension of/w, as the pointy suffers from that of^, and a still further depression from the compression of mi, and the exten sion of il, it fo.llows that the panel fn must also be ob lique, and the distance /ft, greater than the distance og. Now, the obliquity of both of the panels gm and//i, manifestly contributes to the excess of distance fm, over 01. On the contrary, the centre panel eo has no obliquity due to extension of diagonals, or compression of uprights; since there is no cause for obliquity in one direction, more than the other. It seems to follow that en, crossing one oblique panel, must undergo ex tension; but not so much as //n, which crosses two. Now, ///i and en being equal in length, the weight sustained by each, is manifestly as the cross-section and extension combined ; and as the former,///?., should be the larger in the ratio of 9 to 6, or as their maxi mum stresses ; if we allow their extensions to be as 2 to 1, the greater for/w, the relative weights sustained would be as 18 to 6, or as 6 to 2. Our decussation theory gave their relative stresses as Iw" to 2w /f . This is not a wide discrepancy, seeing that the above com putation is based in part upon a mere approximate data. -w We may conclude then, that in cases like the one under consideration, decussation does actually take place. Still it obviously depends upon conditions which are not of the most determinate character. For, if en and/?, be relaxed or removed, under a full load of the DECK BRIDGES. 97 truss, dccussation can not take place, for the same ob liquity of the two panels next to the centre one, which produces the tendency toward tension of en and/*?, O11 the contrary, tends to relax do and gp, through which latter alone decussation could take place, in the absence of the former. On the other hand, if en audfq be sufficiently strong, they may be strained to such a pitch as to bear all the weights ate and/, andleave/m and er entirely inactive. Hence, there is an uncertainty as to the action of these diagonals, which may be best obviated by estimating stresses upon both theories, and taking the highest es timates ; as recommended with reference to trusses without verticals, and as previously suggested with reference to the case in hand. In view of preceding facts and principles, it may be advisable to avoid the odd panel in trusses with verti cals, when practicable without incurring more import ant disadvantages in other respects. DECK BRIDGES. LXL Are those having the movable load applied at the nodes of the upper, instead of the lower chord, as generally assumed in preceding analyses. It will readily be seen, on a brief contemplation of Figures 12 and 13, for instance, that weights applied at the upper chord, act directly upon compression members, either erect or oblique, as the case may be ; and are thence transferred to tension members at the lower chord ; according to the general principle, that weight applied at the upper end of a member, always acts by compression, and that which is applied at the lower end, by tension. 13 98 BRIDGE BUILDING. In the case of truss Fig. 12, the action of tension di agonals is precisely the same, whether the weight be applied at the upper or lower chord. But the compres sion verticals, in the deck bridge, sustain as their maxi mum, the weights indicated by the figures immediately above them respectively, from the centre toward the right hand ; and these weights, of course, are equal to those acting upon the diagonals respectively meeting the verticals at the lower chord; and consequently, greater than when the weight is applied at the lower chord. For illustration, in Fig. 12, as the truss of a deck bridge, the vertical fk sustains 15w;", the same as jjf, whereas, in the case of a " Through bridge" (with load applied at the lower chord), fk sustains only IQiv" communicated to it through ek. In the deck bridge also, the tension verticals bo and jg are essentially inactive, merely sustaining a small portion of the lower chord. The chords suffers the same stress in both through, and deck bridges. LXII. Load applied at the upper chord of truss Fig. 13, acts by thrust directly upon the diagonals meeting at the upper chord, and the maximum weight (from movable load), sustained by diagonals meeting at one of the upper nodes, are indicated by the two figures immediately over the node ; the larger figure referring to the diagonal running toward the nearer abutment ; e. g., the numbers 4 and 6 over the point m, signify ftw" = greatest weight borne by me, and 4w" the greatest borne by me. It is obvious also, that the maximum thrust of any diagonal, equals the maximum tension of the diagonal meeting the former at the lower chord ; that is, maxi mum thrust of me, is equal to 6w" , = maximum ten- DECK BRIDGES. 99 sion of co. The maximum thrust of bn being equal to 9i0"--, the maximum tension of bo, equals w" . Tins is an extra weight thrown upon the point o, in consequence of the vertical bo, being turned out of its regular direction of a diagonal in the position of bp* in order to throw its load upon oa, whereby op and pa are rendered un necessary. The weight borne by oa, therefore, instead of being 12^;", as indicated by the figure 12 at o, is The figure 1 over o, denotes the tendency of \w" to act upon oc, by thrust, by which tendency the tension of oc, under a full load of the truss, is reduced to 5tf". LXIII. If Fig. 12 be assumed to represent a truss with tension verticals and thrust diagonals, the figures over the upper nodes, prefixed to w n indicate the weights tending to act by compression upon the dia gonals descending toward the right from the nodes respectively ; which weight is transferred to the verti cal meeting the diagonal at the lower chord. This constitutes the maximum load of the vertical, in case of a deck bridge. Otherwise, the maximum stress of verticals is shown by the figures immediately over FIG. 13A. v o n m I k j a b c d e f // i * The point p, not seen in Fig. 13, is assumed to be at the intersec tion of a vertical line through the point a, with the upper chord- produced. The arrangement above alluded to, gives the truss a reclan- gular, instead of a trapezoidal form of outline, which involves no more action upon material, though it increases the number of members in the truss. [See Fig. 13A.] 100 JLJRIDGE BLILDING. them, prefixed to 10", provided, that in this case, the maximum stress of a vertical can never be less than w. = the weight applied immediately at its lower end. RATIO OF LENGTH TO DEPTH OF TRUSS. LXIV. Having explained and illustrated, it is hoped intelligibly, methods by which may be computed the stresses of the various parts composing most of the combinations of members capable of being used in bridge trusses, with a view to giving to each part its due proportions, it may be proper to give attention to the general proportions of trusses, and such other con siderations as may affect the efiicient, and economical application of materials in bridge construction. The ratio of length to depth of truss is susceptible very great range, and it is obvious that some certain medium, in this respect, will generally give more ad vantageous results, than any considerable deviation toward either extreme. For, it will be observed, that in the expressions we have derived for the amount of action open chords, - appears as a factor ; v represent ing the depth of truss, between centres of chords. Hence, the smaller the value of v, the greater the stresses of chords, so that when v=0, these stresses become infinite, and the chords require an infinite amount of material ; in other words, the case is im possible. On the other hand, if v be infinitely great, though the stress of chords be reduced to nothing, the verticals and diagonals being infinitely long, and sus taining a definite weight, also require an infinite amount of material. Now, between these two impracticable extremes where shall we look for the most advantageous ratio ! LENGTH TO DEPTH OP TRUSS. 101 It can not be the arithmetical mean, for there is no such mean between v = 0, and v infinity. Un doubtedly, we shall be unable to do more than answer this question approximately; and that, only with refer ence to specific cases; for the ratio suitable for one length of span, and in one set of circumstances, will often be found quite unsuitable under different circum stances. WQ have seen that the material required in chords, is in general, inversely as the depth of truss, or as -. Also, that the material for verticals and diagonals, in creases with increase in the value of v ; though not h a determinate ratio. But assuming the latter classes of members, including the main end braces of the Trape zoidal truss, to increase in the ratio at which v in creases, while the chords diminish at the same rate, we might reasonably assume, that the minimum amount of action upon materials would occur when the amount of action upon chords were* just equal to that upon all other parts of the truss. By recurrence to the analysis of truss Fig. 12, [XLIII], we find amount of action upon chords, re presented by 56-M, and that upon all other parts, by 22.570) M. Here, h is equal to J part of the length of truss, while v is variable ; and, by making these two co-efficients of M equal, and deducing thence the value of v, we have the depth of a 7 panel truss in which the amount of action upon chords, equals that of all other parts. Thus, putting 56- = 16-- 4- 22.57i , substracting 16-, and multiplying by v, we have 40A 2 = 22.57^ ; whence v = </(^L], =1.34A nearly. This gives length to depth of truss, as 5.2 to 1. 102 BRIDGE BUILDING. Again, referring to analysis of truss Fig. 10, we find action upon chords represented by 20--M, and action upon other parts, by ( 8- -f 11.2y) M. To make these quantities equal, requires that?; = 1.03A, and that the length of truss be equal to ^ times its depth, or nearly 5 to 1. From this last case, we may infer as a probability > that a ratio of length to depth as 5 to 1, is the most economical for a truss of 5 panels, other things the same. We know, moreover* that by making v = J^ in the same truss, we double the amount of action upon chords making it equal to the aggregate upon all parts with the ratio of 5 to 1, while the action, and consequently, the material of the other parts is probably seduced one-half. Hence, a ratio of length to depth as 10 to 1, probably increases the aggregate amount of action by some 25 per cent, over what takes place with a ratio of 5 to 1. We may therefore unhesitatingly conclude, that whether the ratio of 5 to 1 be too small or not, the ratio of 10 to 1 is much too large. Referring again to the 7 panel truss, it appears above, that a ratio of 5.2 to 1 indicates the same amount of action upon chords, as on all other parts. But we can not with certainty infer that the absolute amount of action upon the truss, is less with v=1.34/*, than with v=h ; in which case length is to depth a,s 7 to 1. In fact, if we estimate the absolute amount of action, assuming these two values off successively, we shall find no es sential difference in the results. Hence, if other con ditions were the same in both cases, it would follow that the ratios of 5.2 to 1 and 7 to 1 were equally favorable to economy, and that there is a better ratio still, between the two ; probably, about 6 to 1. LENGTH TO DEPTH OF TRUSS. 103 But the conditions arc not the same in the two cases, aside from the different values of v. For, while with v=/i, the diagonals incline at 45, in the other case, their inclination from the vertical is considerably less, being only about 37. This, we shall see hereafter, is a less favorable inclination for diagonals acting by ten sion, than 45; and, since the ratio of 5.2 to 1 shows an equality as to economy, with the ratio of 7 to 1, with the more favorable conditions on the side of the latter, it would seem at least, highly probable that the ratio of 5.2 to 1 is the more near approximation to the desired optimum. No\v, after much thought and investigation, with some considerable experience in planning and con structing truss bridges, I can give no better pra ticai rule as to the proper depth of a truss of a given length, than to adopt that ratio between 7 to 1 and 5 to 1, which will best accommodate the desired length of O panel (or value of A), and afford the best, and most economical inclination of diagonals; matters to which attention will shortly be directed. It is not supposed, however, that these limits of ratio will not frequently be exceeded, particularly in the adoption of a greater ratio than 7 to 1. In case of the very long spans dared and achieved in this age of rail roads and locomotion, engineers may recoil from the towering altitudes of 50 or 60 feet depth of truss which some of the long spans now occasionally con structed would require, perhaps more in deference to" European precedent, and from an instinct of conserva tism, than from regard to economy, and a true appre ciation of the real merits of the question. But for important bridges for heavy burthens, a ratio greatei 104 , BRIDGE BUILDING. than 8 to 1 can not be regarded as commendable, ex cept in rare and peculiar circumstances. INCLINATION OF DIAGONALS. LXV. We have seen the absolute importance of ob lique members in bridge trusses, and we have also seen the excellence, in point of theoretical economy, of the trapezoidal truss, with parallel chords con nected by diagonal members, with or without verticals. Now, since there is an endless variety in the positions which a diagonal member may assume, it becomes an important question, what degree of inclination these members should have, to give the most economical and satisfactory results. The inclination may be increased till it reaches a horizontal position, or diminished till it becomes a ver tical ; when, in either case, the member ceases to be a diagonal, and becomes incapable of performing the office of effecting a horizontal transfer of vertical pres sure. The greatest efficiency of material used in diagonals, is manifestly, when the weight sustained by a given quantity of material, multiplied by the horizontal reach, gives the largest product ; and, w r hen the mem ber acts by tension, the weight capable of being sus tained by a given amount of material, is as the cross- section directly, and as the rate of strain inversely. But the rate of strain, or stress produced by a given weight, is as the weight multiplied by the length of diagonal (D), and divided by the vertical (y), or as while the cross-section is inversely as D, or as Hence, the weight is as - -s- D , = V 3 . INCLINATION OF DIAGONALS. 105 Now, representing the horizontal reach by h, the efficiency of the material must be as -| equal to ~5"X- Then, making v, constant, and dividing by v, the expression becomes, - a ~, still being proportional to the efficiency of material. Consequently, that value of h, which gives the largest value to the expression w iH indicate the inclination at which the diago nal will act with the greatest efficiency. This value of A, is found by differentiating the func tion -rrr a (h being the variable), and putting the dif ferential equal to : by which process we obtain : <* (?*) = ( -^5r^= whenee ca " celil s the denominator, v 2 d h + h 2 dh = 2/i 2 d/>, and h 2 dh = v 2 dh* Then, dividing by dA, and extracting the square root, we have h=u ; thus showing that an inclination of 45 is the most advantageous for tension diagonals as far as relates to those members alone. THRUST DIAGONALS. LXYI. The efficiency of material in a thrust brace, is directly as the useful effect produced by the member, and inversely as the amount of material required in it. Now, the useful effect, as in the previous case, is as the weight sustained and the horizontal reach, while the amount of material, depends not only upon the stress and length, but also upon the ratio of length to diameter, which affects the power of resistance. Theoretically, the power of resistance is as the cube of the diameter (d), divided by the square of the length (=i; 2 xA 2 ), a rule which is not sustained by experience, * d(Roman), before a variable, or the function of a variable, denotes the differential of such variable or function. 14 106 BRIDGE BUILDING. except in case of long slim pieces which break by lateral deflection, under a comparatively small com- pressive force. We will, however, use the rule for the present occasion. The efficiency of the material then, will be as the power of resistance and the horizontal reach directly, and as the stress produced by a given weight, in versely ; which stress is as^li^L. "Whence we have V _^_^_v/^+P ( ^ ) proportional to the efficiency of material in a thrust brace. Making 6^=1, the last ex pression becomes A , and the value of A which gives the greatest value to this function, will indicate the inclination at which a thrust brace will act with the greatest efficiency, as it regards the brace alone. Differentiating, and putting the result equal to 0, we have : d ( h } = dh l pa + h * ] *-* h (g +^ * X2ftdA_ Q whence V+^)r (tfH-/**) 1 multiplying by the denominator (i^+A 2 ) 8 , we obtain dh (v z +h 2 )* = A (v 2 + A 2 )J X 2MA, and, dividing by x/(v 2 + A 2 )dA, we have v 2 + h 2 = f Ax2A = 3A 2 whence, v 2 = 3A2_/j2 ^ ^h^ and by evolution, v = A>/2, and h =-^ = 0.7072y. If we deduce the value of the expression *. | ? (which is equal to the horizontal reach divided by the cube of the length of brace), putting hv and A=Jy successively, we find the degree of efficiency less than the maximum, as above determined, by about 9 per cent in the former, and 8 per cent in the latter case ; showing that considerable deviations may be made in the inclinations of thrust braces without much detri ment to efficiency of material in braces, when required INCLINATION OF DIAGONALS. 107 by other considerations ; which will often be the case, as will be seen hereafter. EFFECTS OF INCLINATION OF DIAGONALS UPON STRESS OF CHORDS AND VERTICALS. LXVII. The comparative effects of different posi- sitions of diagonals upon the chords, may be illustrated with reference to Fig. 21. It is manifest that a given weight w on the centre of this truss, will produce a vertical pressure equal to %w at each of the points a and 6, and that each oblique member between a and iv, will sustain a weight equal to Jw; and will exert each a horizontal action upon the upper and lower chords, equal to JM/. Hence, the stress of chords in the centre, will equal %w xn, in which n represents the number of oblique members between a and w, or between ac a and c. But n equals ^whence \w l n = ^w- a * 9 z V The term h having been eliminated from the last ex pression, it shows that the inclination of diagonals has no effect upon the stress of chords in the centre, pro duced by weight in the centre of the truss ; and by similar reasoning it is shown that the same is true in re lation to other parts of the chords, or to weight at any other points in the length of the truss ; the only differ ence being that the shorter the panels, or the smaller 108 BRIDGE BUILDING. the value of A, the shorter the intervals at which the increments in the stress of chords are added, and the less the magnitude of such increments, in the same proportion. Hence, in general, there is no difference in the stresses of chords, whether the diagonals have one inclination or another. With regard to the effect upon verticals, that part of their stress which they receive through diagonals, is equal to the weight sustained by those diagonals, and is the same for a given weight, whatever be their inclination. On the vertical we, the pressure is re ceived directly from the weight. But on the next ad jacent vertical, on either side, one-half of the same pressure is received through to the intervening diago nal, and transmitted to the next, and so on to the end. Consequently the aggregate action of verticals, pro duced by the weight w, is equal to w -f \wn, taking n for the number of verticals receiving their stress through the medium of diagonals, and which is equal to the whole number less 3, when the number is odd, and the verticals act by thrust, as assumed in the case of Fig. 21. If the weight be applied at the lower chord, the whole action of verticals is communicated through diagonals, the latter acting by tension. Hence the aggregate action of verticals increases and diminishes with their number, and economy as regards those members, would require the diagonals to incline at a greater angle with the vertical than that which is most favorable as to the diagonals themselves. We have seen, however [LXVI] that by placing the diagonals at 45 when they act by thrust, we lose about 9 per cent in economy of those members, and we now learn that such an arrangement increases the economy in verticals to a considerable extent by diminishing WIDTH OF PANEL. 109 their number ; the actual amount depending somewhat upon the number, and not deducible by a general rule. We shall not, however, err greatly in assuming, that with an inclination of 45, for thrust diagonals in con junction with tension verticals, the loss upon the former is quite made up by saving in the latter, and that a less inclination in this case, should be regarded as very questionable practice. In case of tension diagonals and vertical struts, a saving in material may undoubtedly be made by mak ing the horizontal greater than the vertical reach of the diagonal, whenever such a course is found consist ent with a proper regard to just proportions of the truss in other respects ; such as width of panel, depth of truss, etc. THE WIDTH OP PANEL. LXVIII. Which we have represented in our formu lae by A, has only been hitherto considered as to its relations to v, representing the depth of truss. With regard to the best absolute value of A, .the ques tion is affected by the relative expense of floor joists, and the extra amount of material and labor in forming connections at the nodes of the chords ; as well as, in some cases, the lengths of sections in the upper chord. The latter requires support laterally and vertically at intervals of moderate length, depending upon the ab solute stress, which, other things the same, governs the cross-section. The upper chord usually, of whatever material, has a cross-section so large as to exclude all danger of breaking by lateral deflection, in sections of 10 to 14 feet ; and, as there will seldom be occasion for exceed ing these lengths in cancelated trusses, the increased 110 BRIDGE BUILDING. expense of joists for wide panels, and the expense of extra connections in narrow ones, are the principal considerations affecting the absolute value of A, as an element of economy. The transverse beams, supposed to be located at the nodes between adjacent panels, may, of course, be pro portioned to the width of panel, so as to require essen tially the same material in all cases. But the joists, or track stringers of rail road bridges, the depth being proportional to the length between supports, have a supporting power as their cross sections; and since the load, at a given weight to the lineal foot, is directly as the length, it follows, that to support the same load per foot, as bridge joists are required to do, the cross-sec tion should b as the length. The expense of joists and stringers, therefore, is directly as the width of panel.* On the contrary, the expense of connections will be as the number of panels, nearly, and conse quently, inversely as their width, or inversely as the *The thickness of joist most economical for a short reach would be liable to buckle with greater length and depth. Hence joists require increase of thickness with increase of length and depth. The thick ness should be as the depth, and the cross-section, as the square of the depth (d). Upon this basis, the required material for joists, increases at a greater ratio than the increase in width of panels. The supporting power of a joist or beam of a given form of section, or a given ratio of depth to thickness, is as the cube of the depth directly, and the length (I) in versely ; or, as -y. If there be two joists of depths respectively as d and x, and lengths as I and nl, their supporting powers P, P 7 , for load simi larly applied, will be as-j- to ~. But the power should be as the load ; in other words, as the length of joists. Hence we have the proportion, -.- : . : : I : nl, whence, nd* and x = dn$ . Now n is as the length of joists, and the depth, therefore, is as the f power of the length, and the cross-section, and consequently the required material, .as the ^ power of the length. Hence, if m represent the material for joists with panels of a given width, the material for panels twice as wide, will be represented by m X x j /2*=m^ r 16 = m2.52. But this is rather anticipating the subject of lateral, or transverse strength of beams. WIDTH OF PANEL. Ill length of joists. Hence, if we could find the point where the cost of connections (consisting of extra material in the lappings of parts, connecting pins, screws and nuts, and enlarged sections at the ends of members, together with the extra labor in forming the connections), becomes equal to the whole cost of ma terial in joists or stringers ; that would seem to indi cate the proper width of panel, or value of A, as far as depends upon these elements. But aside from the fact that our data upon this question are so few and so imperfect, that it would be mere charlatanism to attempt to reduce the matter to a mathematical formula, the occasions would be so rare which would admit of the application of such formula, without incurring disadvantages in other re spects, such as improper inclination of diagonals, un suitable ratio of length to depth of truss, &c., that no attempt will be here made to give any thing more definite upon thfl point, than to refer to the best pre cedents and practice of the times; which seem to con fine the range of width of panel mostly within the limits of 8 and 15 feet. Within these limits, and seldom reaching either ex treme, plans may be adapted to any of the ordinary lengths of span, by adopting the single or double can- celated trusses, Figs. 12 and 13, or 18 and 19, or the arch truss Fig. 11, (which unquestionably contain the essential principles and combinations of the best trusses in use), according to length of span, the purposes of the bridges respectively, or the taste and judgment of engineers and builders. 112 BRIDGE BUILDING. ARCH BRIDGES. LXIX. An arch bridge may be distinguished from an Arch Truss Bridge, by the fact that in the former, the bridge and its load are sustained by one or more arches without chords ; and, consequently, requiring external means to withstand the horizontal thrust or action of the arches at either end ; which means are afforded by heavy abutments and piers, in case of erect arches, and by towers and anchorage in the earth, in case of in verted, or suspension arches. It is not the purpose of this work to treat elaborately of either of these forms of bridging, as the author s experience and investigations have been mostly con fined to truss bridge construction. But as some of the largest bridge enterprises and achievements of the age are designed upon the principles hiMje referred to, a brief notice of the subject, and some of the conditions affecting the use of these classes of bridges, may be regarded as desirable in a work of this kind. Suspension, or inverted arch bridges of very great spans, have long been in use, both in this and foreign countries ; and the capabilities of that system have been pretty thoroughly tested experimentally and practically. But bridges supported by erect metallic arches, have hitherto been confined to structures of moderate span. Within a few years, however, the magnificent enter prise of spanning the Mississippi at St. Louis by three noble stretches of about 500 feet each, supported each by four arched ribs of cast steel, has been undertaken and is understood to be in rapid process of execution. The interest naturally felt in the progress and final result of this grand enterprise, by students and practi- ARCH BRIDGES. 113 tioners in the engineering profession, will perhaps aid in rendering the following brief, and somewhat super ficial discussion acceptable. LXX. An erect arch subjected to the action of weight, or vertical pressure, is in a condition of unsta ble equilibrium ; and can only stand while the weight is so distributed that all the forces acting at each point of its length, are in equilibrio. To illustrate this, we may assume the arch to be composed of short straight segments meeting and forming certain angles with one another, and the weights applied at the angular points. A weight at <?, Fig. 22, for instance, acts vertically, and, if dc be produced till it meet the vertical drawn FIG. 22. L through b in w, then the triangle bcm has its sides respectively parallel with the directions of three forces acting at the point <?; namely, the weight at the point c, the thrust of the segment 6c, and that of dc. Hence, if these three forces be to one another as the sides of said triangle, that is, if the weight (w) : thrust of be : thrust of dc : : bm : be : cm, then they are in equilibrio. If w be greater than is indicated by this proportion, the point c will be depressed, bed approaching nearer and nearer to a straight line, and becoming less and 15 114 BRIDGE BUILDING. less able to support the weight, and a collapse must result. If w be less than the above proportion indicates, it will be unable to withstand the upward tendency of the point c, due to the thrust of be and dc (or, to the preponderance of the vertical thrust of 6c, over that of dc), the point c will rise, the upward tendency becom ing greater and greater, and the result will be a col lapse, as before. The same reasoning, and the same inference, apply to any other angular point, as at c. It is, therefore, only in theory that such a thing as an equilibrated erect arch, can exist. The arch is here considered as a geometrical line without breadth or thickness. It is this property of instability, in the Erect Arch, that the diagonals in the Arch Truss, [Figs. 5 and 11] are designed to obviate, and to enable the arch to re tain its form and stability under a variable load. LXXI. Still, in theory, an arch maybe in equilibrio with any given distribution of load, whenever the points a, 6, c, etc., are so situated that the sides of the trian gle bcm, for instance, formed by a vertical with lines respectively coinciding or parallel with the two seg ments meeting at c, are proportional to the 3 forces acting at c, as above stated, and so at the other angu lar points of the figure. To construct an equilibrated arch adapted to a given distribution of load, consisting of determinate weights at given horizontal intervals between the extremities of the arch, we may proceed as follows : Draw a horizontal line representing the chord ak, and upon the vertical Cft, erected from its centre, take . Cf equal to the required versed sine, or depth of the I ARCH BRIDGES. 115 arch at the centre. Also, take//=Qr, and erect verti cals upon the chord, at all the points at which the load is applied, and join a and t. Then, if the load be uniformly distributed (horizon tally) upon the arch, we have seen, [LII], the arch should be a parabola, to which of course, at is tangent at the extremity, a. But, regarding ab as tangent to the curve at r, half way between a and b (horizontally), we seek the abscissa /$, which is to Cf: : rs 2 : aC 2 . Then, taking the distance of/w=/s, au is tangent to the curve at r, and coincides with the first segment (ab) of the arch. (These segments are supposed to be so short, that the tangent and curve may be regarded as essentially coinciding, for the length of a single segment) . Now, the thrust of ab, is to the whole weight bear ing at a, as ru to us ; and, erecting the vertical al, such that al : ab: : weight at b : thrust of a, and drawing the straight line Ibc, cutting the second vertical in c, we have be for the second segment of the arch, being in the line of 6, which represents the resultant of the two forces acting at b ; namely the weight at b, and the thrust of ab. In like manner, take 6m, representing the weight at c, and the straight line mcd, meeting the third vertical in dj gives cd as the third segment of the arch. Kepeat the same operation for each of the succeed ing segments de, ef, &c., till the arch is completed, and it is obvious that the forces acting at each of the several angular points 6, c, d, &c., are in equilibrio ; and that the arch throughout is, theoretically, in a state of equilibrium. We may vary this process so as to secure greater accuracy of construction, in the following manner : 116 BRIDGE BUILDING. Producing Ibc till it meets Ct in y, we see that abl and ubv are similar triangles, and al : uv : : horizontal dis tance of I : horizontal distance of v, from the point b. Hence, we may take the point v instead of the point I, by which to establish the position of the line be, and thereby secure greater relative accuracy of measure ment. So may we also take m , or IV instead of bm, to de termine the line cd. By this means we multiply the small spaces al, bm, &c., and diminish the amount of error in measurement, and if the angular points, or nodes be at uniform horizontal distances, the process is very simple. LXXII. We have assumed, in describing the arch a, 6, c, <Y, &c., a uniform distribution of load, horizon tally. But the general process is obviously the same for an unequal distribution, after locating the first seg ment ob ; which we may do by first ascertaining the amount of bearing at <2, due to the load of the arch. This will be to the whole load, as the distance of the centre of gravity of load from &, horizontally, to the whole chord ak. For instance, if the centre of gravity be halfway between C and A , one quarter of the load bears at a. The weight bearing at #, whatever it be, may be represented by A; and supposing it to exert the same horizontal thrust at a as half the load (W), would do when uniformly distributed, we take u in ft, so that J W : A : : uC: u C* Then au f gives the direction of & , and we proceed in the same manner * We may assume any amount of horizontal thrust, and the greater the assumed thrust, with a given load, the less will be the depth of the arch, and vice versa. It is proposed here to construct an equili brated arch a , b, c , dj&c,, of about the same rise at the crown, as the jiormal curve, a, b c, d, &c., has. ARCH BRIDGES. 117 as before using the weights given for the several nodes of the arch, to determine the points c , d f , &c. These being connected by straight lines, we have an equili brated arch adapted to the given distribution of load. LXXIII. But of course, this arch will not stand under any other disposition of the load. To obviate this difficulty, and to construct an arch which will stand under a variable load, without the chord am? counter-bracing of the arch truss, the device has been adopted, of constructing the arch of such vertical width that all the equilibrated arches or curves, required by all possible distributions of load; may be embraced within the width of the arched rib. Then, if there be sufficient material to oppose and withstand tjie forces liable to act in the lines of said several equilibrated curves, complete vertical stability must result. The proper width, or depth of the arched rib, will depend upon the length and versed sine of the arch, as well as the amount and distribution of load ; and the material will act most efficiently, when mostly dis posed in the outer and inner edges, or members of the rib, and connected, either by a full, or an open web, to distribute the action between the outer and inner mem bers, according as the resultant line of action approaches the one or the other of those members. The normal form of" the arch should be such as to be in equilibrio under a uniform load,* and hence it will be parabolic, as to the movable load, and the weight of road-way, and catenarian, as to the weight * The method above explained, for describing an equilibrated arch, is applicable to all cases where the load, both constant and variable acting on the several parts of the arch, is known, whether it be the normal curve, adapted to a full load, or a distorted curve, suited to an irregular distribution of load. 118 BRIDGE BUILDING. of arches (as far as they are uniform in section), and should approach the one or the other form, according to the weight of arches, as compared with the other weight to be supported thereby. The distance between outer and inner members, or the width of web, reckoned from centre to centre of those members, should be such that no condition of unequal and partial load, could throw greater action at any point of either member, than the extreme uni form load would throw upon both. Let us suppose that the curve a, 5, <?, d, etc., be cen trally between the two members and that dd f , and hh f be the greatest vertical departures, in ward and outward, of any equilibrated curve, from the normal curve a, 6, c, etc. Let us further suppose that the thrust of the arch at the points d and A, be } as great under the load act ing in the curve of greatest departure from the normal as the extreme uniform load produces at those points. Then, if the outer and inner members of the rib, be placed at a distance of six times the greatest departure of the distorted from the primary, or central curve, one member will be twice as far from the line of action (at the point of greatest departure), as the other, and the latter will sustain two-thirds of the action, equal to one-half the action of the full load, and the same aa in the latter case. If the width of web be less than six times the great est aberration of the distorted curve, the action, under the suppositions above, will be greater upon one mem ber than that due to a full uniform load ; a condition altogether to be avoided. A few trials at constructing curves adapted to as sumed possible distributions of load, may determine ARCH BRIDGES. 119 satisfactorily what condition gives the curve of great est distortion and the greatest departure from the nor mal ; and the amount of action under that condition, can be readily calculated with sufficient nearness, whence the proper width of web may be deduced. LXXIV. The points of the equilibrated curve may be located by calculation, and perhaps with as much ease, and greater accuracy than by construction. Suppose Fig. 22 to have a vertical depth, Cf, equal to one of ten equal sections of the chord ak. Having found the length of/tf, in the manner already explained [LXXI], it is known that for a uniform loud at each angle, the vertical reaches of the several segments, begining at the centre, are as the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 ; and, if we conceive Cf to be divided into 25 equal parts (25 being* the sum of these numbers), each of these parts will be equal to 0.04G/, or .04^; and this factor, multiplied by the numbers 1, 3, 5, &c., give the vertical reaches of the respective straight segments, which vertical reaches being substracted successively from v, and successive remainders, show the several verticals to be as follows: At the centre,/, vertical = Cf=v. At e, vertical v .04y = .96y. At d, verti cal = (.96 .12)i? = .84y; at c, vertical = (.84 .2)y = .64*?, and at 6, vertical = (.64 .28)u, = .36v. This es tablishes the normal curve for uniform load. Now, supposing the weight of structure to be equal to Iw at each of the angles of the arch, and also, that a movable load of a like weight, w, be acting at each of the five points/, g, h, i,j ; the permanent weight of structure gives a bearing of 4.5w; at a, and the movable weights at /, #, A, &c., give respectively .5w, Aw, .3w, 120 BRIDGE BUILDING. .2i#, and ,1?0, together, equal to 1.5w ; making the whole bearing at , equal to 6w;, which is th less than if the same weight were distributed uniformly. Then taking Cu f f Cu, and drawing the line au r , (not shown in the diagram), we have the inclination of ab f , the first segment of the required curve, which gives the same horizontal thrust at <z, as the normal curve would exert under the same load uniformly distributed. We find/^ (=/s), by the proportion. Cfifs:: 6V (= 6?) : sr 2 (= 4^?~ : : 25*; 2 : 20.25-i; 2 : : v : .81v; and, reducing I.Slv (=Cu), by one-seventh, we obtain GV = 1.5514v. This length is to aC : : A (=610), : horizontal thrust of ab ; that is (making ^=1), 1.5514 : 5 : : Gw : , 8 ?! , = 19.33i0, = horizontal thrust ab. I.ool4 K ow, if this thrust be represented by J-a(7, = r=l, then w will be represented by a space equal to Trqo> = .05173, which is equal to the vertical departure (D), of b c from ab uf. Knowing the value of this departure which, of course, is directly as v, and inversely as a (7), we can locate the points e , d! , e f and/ 7 , by their verti cal distances from au , as follows : The vertical at 6 , is evidently equal to Jxl.5514, = .31026; consequently, the vertical ate = 2x. 31026 .05173 = .56879. Ver tical at d = 3x. 31026 3X.05173 = .77559. Vertical e = 4x. 31026 6X.05173 = .93068, and the vertical at /*, equals 5X.31026 10x.05173 = 1.034, showing that the new curve crosses the normal, between e and/, and / is above/, but not shown. Then, if each of the segments 6V, c f d f , &c., be pro duced to meet the indefinite vertical drawn through a, they will evidently cut that line at intervals of D, 2D, 3D and 4D together, equal to 10 D, = .5173. Then, ARCH BRIDGES. 121 the weight at/ being 1 equal to 2i0, it follows that f g f makes twice the deflection from e f that the latter makes from d e\ that is, equal to 2D in the horizontal distance of It 1 , or 1, or 10D (== .5173), in the distance a (7, or 5. Hence, fg produced, cuts the vertical at , twice as high as e f cuts it, or, at a point 1.0346 above a; being just as high as the point/ ; except a small difference resulting probably from omitted fractions. This shows that f g 1 is horizontal, and tangent to the curve at its vertex. It follows that all the weight at/, and at the left of that point, is brought to bear at , and all that at y , and on the ri^ht thereof, bears at k. This affords a O * check upon our work thus far, as we already knew that the bearing at a was equal to Qw, and we now see that this is made up of ~Lw at each of the four points /, c , d , e , and 2w at / . If/ ^ were not horizontal the arch could not be in equilibrio under the assumed condition of load. Now, as we manifestly have for the 4 remaining segments, a vertical reach for each, as the weights they respectively sustain; i. e., equal respectively to 2D,4D,6D,and8D; making 20D (=00; altogether, we have only to subtract these quantities successively from Cf (=1.0346), to obtain the lengths of verticals at /* , i y , / ; as follows : 1.0346 2 x .05173 = .93114 = vert, at li .93114^-4 x. 05173 = .72422= " " i f .72422 6 x. 05173 = .41384= " "/ .41384 8 X .05173 = " " k The differences between these lengths of verticals, and those of the normal curve at the same points, show 16 122 BRIDGE BUILDING. the aberrations vertically, of the distorted, from the nor mal curve, as below. Nor. Dist. Below. Above. &6 -.86 .81026.04974 " CC =.64 .56879=.07121 " cM =.84 .77559=. 06441 eef = .96 .93068=.02952 " Dist. Nor. ff =1.034 1.00= .034 #/ =1.034 .96= .07446 hh = .93114-.84= .09114 = ,72422 .64= .08422 j/ = .41384 .36= .05384 LXXV. From this exhibit, we perceive that the great est vertical aberration externally for the condition of load here assumed, is at M , and equals .091?;, and the great est internally, at cc (or a little to the right of these points in both cases), equal to .071v, traversing a zone equal in width to .162y. nearly J of the versed sine of the normal curve. Now, we have seen that the horizontal thrust of the arch for a gross load of 14w, equals 19.23w, with the assumed proportion of versed sine to span, as 1 to 10, . whether upon the normal or the distorted curve ; and, the thrust being evidently as the gross load, other things the same, it follows that, with the full gross load of 18w, or 2w at each angle, the thrust would be to 19.33w? as 9 to 7. Hence the load, as above assumed, produces J, or 77^ per cent of the maximum thrust under the full uniform load. The uniform load being supposed to act equally upon the outer and inner members of the rib, the action of 50 per cent is due to each; and, in order that neither ARCH BRIDGES. 123 member, at tbe nearest approach to the equilibrated curve, may be subjected to greater stress than under the greatest uniform load, the web. should be so wide that (assuming the outward and inward aberrations to be each equal to the mean of .081v, and putting x = width of web), x: Jo:+.081v : : 77.7 : 50. Whence 50z =38.88z+77.7x.081w; and z=.557tf. But this value of a: being equal to the distance verti cally across the web between c and d, or between h and f, is greater than the distance square across, about in the ratio of distance from a to/, to the line aG, in this case as-v/26 : 5. The actual width of web, therefore, is only .545^, still considerably more than half the versed sine Of. The condition of load here supposed, may or may not be the one requiring the greatest distortion of the equilibrated curve. The case has been assumed to illustrate this discussion, as it seemed likely to be near the condition requiring the greatest width of web ; and I leave this part of the subject, without attempt ing a more general and determinate solution of the question. LXXVI. The movable load has been taken as only equal to the weight of superstructure, upon the suppo sition that this style of bridging would seldom be adopted, except for very considerable lengths of span, where the weight of superstructure is relatively greater than in case of short spans. This double arch, as here under consideration, con sisting of an outer and an inner curved member, con nected by a web, in order to act most efficiently should be so adjusted that the outer and inner members may be subjected to equal action under a full maximum, 124 BRIDGE BUILDING. uniform load. Hence, the normal and equilibrated curves, representing the line of the resultant of forecs acting upon the arch, have been assumed as terminat ing at each end, at points centrally between the ex tremities of the outer and inner curved members. It might seem possible that the distorted curve adapted to the above assumed condition of load, might so fall as to recross the normal between the points tff greatest departure and the ends, and thus diminish the extent of aberration, and the necessary width of web. If the curve a, 6 , <? , etc., be turned upon its centre, by raising the end at a, by f rc/s of the greatest departure, that is, by -f x.081v,=.054?;, the aberration half way between a and/, where it is at or near its maximum point, would be reduced by .027?;, and become .054y just the same as at the end. The other end would drop to the same extent, and would reduce the outward aberration in the same degree. This, of course, would be the least possible extent of aberration ; and if we could rely upon the resultant stress following this curve in such a position, it would enable us to diminish the width of web to .364y. But there seems to be no obvious reason why we should assume the equilibrated curve to take the posi tion just described, rather than one with the left end below a, and the other above &, thus increasing instead of diminishing the aberration. Hence, in the case of an arch ribbed bridge, liable to a movable load equal to the weight of structure, foot for foot, upon the whole or any part of its length, if the web of the ribs be less than 36-100th, of the versed sine (Cf Fig 22), certainly, and if less than 54-100ths probably, the material in the principal members is liable to greater strain in some parts, under a partial, than under the extreme load ; ARCH BRIDGES. 125 which would be decidedly an unfavorable condition, with regard to economy. LXXVII. The operation of the web in distributing the action upon the outer and inner curved members of the rib, and transferring it from one to the other, may be understood by the diagram Fig. 23, exhibiting said curved members, connected by a web consisting of a simple system of diagonals, capable of acting by thrust or tension as may be required. The normal curve is represented parallel with, and midway between the curved members ; and the equili- FIG. 23 brated curve is represented as crossing the normal near/, meeting it again at a and A:, at the ends; and having its greatest aberrations at c and A. It is mani fest that the action of the outer member at ?, is to that of the inner one atj, asJA to ih (inversely as their dis tances from the distorted curve), and that the action upon the outer diminishes, while that of the inner one increases each way from i andj, until the action upon the two becomes equal at the meeting of the curves at k, and at the crossing point near/. Hence the dia gonals leaning toward the point i must act by thrust, while those leaning fromj, act by tension. On the contrary at d, where the greatest compression is upon the inner member, and diminishes each way, the dia gonals leaning from c, act by thrust, while those lean- 126 BRIDGE BUILDING. ing toward c, act by tension. The tension diagonals are represented by single, and the thrust diagonals, by double lines. But the action changes more or less with every change in the position of the load, and if the load were reversed upon the two halves of the arch, each dia gonal here represented as acting by thrust, would then act by tension, and vice versa. Now, assuming that dc = Jce, and that the action upon the inner member at this point equals twice that of the outer one, it follows, since the action should be come equal upon the two at , that of the whole thrust of the rib must be transferred from the inner to the outer member between c and a, by the thrust and pull of diagonals, exerted in the direction of the normal curve ; the action accumulating and increasing upon successive diagonals each way from c, and in like manner from k. The action of diagonals is still further affected by the transfer of the action of load, from the outer to the inner member ; the load being first applied directly to the outer curved member. Hence it becomes a somewhat com plicated problem to determine the maximum action of diagonals ; especially as the complication becomes increased by taking into account the EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE. LXXVIIT. The expansion and contraction of metallic arches without chords, the ends remaining fixed as to position and distance asunder, must obviously cause the intermediate portions to rise and fall with -the increase and decrease of temperature. The outer and inner members, if parallel, being similar concentric arcs, will rise and fall, by the same EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE. 127 changes of temperature, proportionally to their respec tive radii ;* the outer one undergoing the greater ver tical change, whence, it must follow that in warm weather the outer, and in cold weather the inner member sustains the greater relative compression , a result for which there appears to be no obvious remedy, except by balancing the end bearings upon pivots at a and k ; which would allow the two curved members to adjust themselves to an equal action upon the two. Or, if the curves be formed upon the same radius, and of equal length, they would rise and fall alike, and the distance across the web vertically, would be the same at all parts of the arch. In this case, as in all others, of the arched rib, the depression of the arch, whether from reduction of tem perature, or the action of load, would be attended by increased thrust action, or diminished tension action upon diagonals less inclined from the vertical position, and the reverse of action, upon those more inclined. The absolute rise or fall of an arch, resulting from a given change of temperature, may, without essential error, be regarded as proportional to the change in the length of a circular arch of the same span and depth (from chord to vertex), within the limits of change produced by temperature ; and, may be found by the following process : Divide the square of the half chord by the depth of arch (i?), add the divisor to the quotient, and half the sum equals the radius. Divide the half-chord by the radius, to get the natural sine of half the arc ; find in the table of giatural sines, the angle corresponding * The curves not being supposed to be circular arcs, it is not strictly correct to speak of their radii, but the meaning will be comprehended. 128 BRIDGE BUILDING. with the sine thus found, and double that angle, for the number of degrees in the arc. Multiply the num ber of degrees (reducing minutes and seconds to the decimal of a degree), by .01745329 (= length of a de gree, radius being equal to 1), for the length of the arc. Then, in the same manner, find the length of an arc upon the same chord, and with a depth (v r ) one or two per cent greater or less than v ; and, the difference in length of arcs thus found, is to the difference between v and v , as the change in length of arch due to the given change of temperature, to the rise or fall of the arch, resulting from such change. By applying this rule to a specific case, we can the better appreciate the importance of the effects of change of temperature upon this species of arched ribs. If we assume an arch of 500 feet chord and 50 feet depth, =r, we find the length of arc to be 513.25 //. The length of an arc of the same span, and a depth (v f ) = 51 /., is 513.715//., the difference being 0.465/if. The expan sion of steel for a change of 110 Fahrenheit, is .0007271 x length (513.25), = .37318. We have, there fore, .465 : 1ft. : : .37318 : .8025ft. = rise or fall of the arch in the centre, resulting from a change of 110. Regarding this rise in the centre as the abscissa of a parabola, and the half chord as the corresponding ordinate, the rise at any other point of the curve is equal to the difference between .8025, and the abscissa answering to the ordinate of the given point Suppose the point be 10 feet from the end, and the ordinate, of course, 240/2., we have, 250 2 : 240 2 : : .8025 : .7395 = abscissa for the given point , whence, the rise at that point, equals .8025 .7395 = .063/if. EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE. 129 Fio. 24. Let Fig. 24 represent the end portion of the arch, abe the upper, and gc the lower member, ag and be the width of web, =12 . 6, with a horizontal reach of 10 , equals 10.75 . Then, bg being re garded as a rectangle, the diagonal ac= 16.1ft and the temperature being raisedllO , the points b and c rise to 6 and c , 66 being equal to the ver tical rise multiplied by the cosine of the angle abd, i. e., equal to .062 X cosine abd. This angle is a little over 22, and its cosine about .93 whence bb **. 058ft, =<?c . Joining a with c , and draw ing c f at right angles with ac, and ac r (as these lines are essentially parallel), we have c/,=cc x sin. acb=cc x =. 038ft, = the contraction required to take place in the length of the diagonal ac, to accommodate a shange of 110 in temperature. In the mean time the point e rises to e , the distance ee being equal to .1147, so that c e f is extended about the same as ac is contracted ; a change equal to what would be produced by a force of 70,000 Bbs to the square inch of cross section. If the normal length of the diagonals be adjusted for a medium temperature, the change would be half the above amount each way, or equal to that produced by 35,000 ft)s to the inch. Succeeding diagonals toward the centre would be affected in a similar manner, though in a less degree ; and the consequence must be an accumulation of thrust or compression upon the inner member toward the centre, and the outer one toward the ends, upon a rise 17 130 BRIDGE BUILDING. of temperature, and the reverse on a fall below the normal point. THE WIDTH OF WEB. LXXXIX. For an arch of 500 ft. chord, and 50 foot depth. We have seen that, with a load as assumed [LXXIV], with reference to Fig. 22, the aggregate aber ration outward and inward, traverses a zone of .162i ? , equal in this case, to .162 x 50 = 8.1 ft. If the web, therefore, be 8.1 feet wide between centres of curved members, the equilibrated curve will reach the centre of said members at the points ot greatest aberration, both ways, and the whole thrust at these points, will fall upon a single member, producing as we have already seen, 77 fa per cent of the amount of thrust due to a maximum uniform load ; being over 55 per cent more stress under a partial than under a full load. Again, suppose the web to be 12 feet wide. The distorted curve would approach within two feet of the outer and inner curved members, throwing upon one member at one point, and upon the opposite member at another point, almost 30 per cent more action than what is produced by the full maximum load. It was shown moreover [LXXV] that nothing short of .545r= .545x50=27.25 feet width of web, could be relied on to give as small a stress upon the curved members in this particular case of a partial, as that produced by a full maximum load. This would be an inconvenient, and an expensive width of web, and probably a less width would be pre ferable, even with a greater occasional stress upon the curved members which might be enlarged in section in parts liable to the greater stress. But I shall not undertake at this time, to determine the exact optimum. BRIDGE MATERIALS. 131 Finally, considering the difficulty of securing the most efficient thrust action of the curved members of the arch, the serious disturbances as to the action of the diagonals composing the web system, occasioned by changes of the temperature, together with the extra weight and strength of piers and abutments to with stand the horizontal thrust of the arches, it seems rea sonable to conclude that the erect metallic arch bridge will only be adopted under rare and peculiar circum stances ; and that in such cases, the plans should be subjected to especial examination and investigation. Truss bridges possess the advantage of having all the forces in operation, except the vertical action of weight, and the opposite resistance of the end supports resisted by means of members contained within the structures themselves, and composed of materials of so nearly uniform expansibility by heat, that no important disturbance in the relations of the different members, can be produced by changes of temperature. Plans, also, may be so arranged as to secure a near approxi mation to uniform maximum stress upon all the parts ; at least, to a much greater degree than seems practica ble in the case of the arch without chords. 132 BRIDGE BUILDING. BRIDGE MATERIALS. LXXX. Having discussed the general principles and relative characters and merits of different plans and forms of bridge trusses, and their proper propor tions, particular and general, the question as to the best materials for the purposes of bridge construction may properly be considered. We have seen that the materials of a bridge truss are principally subjected to two kinds of action, that of tension, and that of compression. Lateral, or trans verse action should be avoided in the principal parts and members of the truss. It is obvious then, that those materials best calcu lated to resist these kinds of force respectively, should, when practicable without sacrifice of economy, be em ployed in the situations where those forces are respect ively exerted. For instance, when the diagonals act by tension, the upper chord (or the arch, in case of the arch truss), and the verticals, should be composed of the material best adapted to the sustaining of a com- pressive force, while the lower chord and the diagonals, should be of the.best material for sustaining tension. "Wood and iron are the only materials that have been employed in the construction of bridge superstructures to an extent worthy of notice ; and it seems reasonable to conclude that on these we must place our dependence. Cast iron resists a greater compressive force than any other substance whose cost will admit of its being used as a building material. Steel has a greater power of resistance, but its cost precludes its employment as BRIDGE MATERIALS. 133 a material for building purposes.* Wrought iron re sists compression nearly equally with cast iron. But its cost is twice as great, which gives the cast iron a decided advantage. On the other hand, wrought iron resists a tensile force nearly four times as well as cast iron, and 12 or 15 times as well as wood, bulk for bulk. Not only are these the strongest materials, but they are also the most durable. In fact, with proper pre cautions, they may be regarded as almost imperishable. It would seem then, that wrought iron for tension, and cast iron for compression, were the best materials that could be employed in building bridges. But wood, though greatly inferior in strength and dura bility, is much cheaper and lighter, so that, making up with quantity for want of strength, and by frequent re newals, its want of durability, it has hitherto been almost universally used in this country for bridge building; and, in the scarcity of mezns, and the un settled state of things in anew country, where improve ments are necessarily, to a great extent, of a temporary character, this is undoubtedly the most economical material for the purpose. But it is believed that the state of things has now assumed that degree of settled permanency in many parts of this country, and available means have accu mulated to that extent which renders it consistent with true economy to give a character of greater permanence to our improvements ; and, in the erection of import ant works, to have more reference to durability, even at the cost of a greater present outlay. In this view * This remark, made originally some twenty-five years ago, may re quire some modification at the present time, when steel is being em ployed extensively for rail way track, and in some important arch and suspension bridges ; but not in truss bridges, to the writer s knowledge. 134 BRIDGE BUILDING. of the subject, it seems highly probable that one of the channels in which this tendency of things will develop itself, will be in the extensive employment of iron in the construction of important bridges. With this im pression, I proceed to some general comparisons as to the relative cost and economy of wood and iron as materials for bridges. LXXXI. The power of cast iron to resist compres sion, equals some twenty times that of wood ; conse quently, it will only require one twentieth as much of the former to withstand a given force, provided it can be put into a form in which its liability to flexure, and yielding laterally, is not greater than that of wood. This may be accomplished in part, by giving the iron a hollow form, so as to make the diameter of the pieces approximate to an equality with twenty times the same amount of wood, which must generally be used in a simple rectangular, or cylindrical form of section. Assuming, then, that a cubic foot of cast iron will do the same work as 15 cubic feet of wood (after mak ing allowance for the necessarily smaller diameter of the iron), we can institute a comparison which would seem, upon the surface, to show the relative economy of the two materials. A cubic foot of cast iron, manufactured for the work will cost about $13.00. 15 cubic feet of wood in abridge will cost, say $6.00. Whence it appears that the cast iron is more than twice as expensive, in the first outlay, for sustaining a compressive force, as wood. Again a cubic foot of wrought iron in the work, say 450 ft> at 7 Jets. =$34.00. Wood is about ^ as strong as iron. But about one- half of its fibres must be separated in order that the BRIDGE MATERIALS. 135 other half may be so connected in the structure, as to be available to their full strength, acting by tension. Hence, it will take some 30 feet to equal one of iron ; for which it will cost, say $12; showing a difference of a little less than three to one ; making the average for both kinds of iron, reckoning equal quantities of each, about 2.6 to 1. To offset against this, we have the superior durability of the iron, which, as before observed, may be regarded as imperishable ; whereas, wood requires frequent re newals, at a cost each time, equal to the iirst outlay. Now, the first cost of the iron is sufficient to provide for the first cost of the wood, and nearly two renewals. Besides this, money, though an inanimate substance, is, nevertheless, in these usurious times, made t<> 1 e exceedingly prolific ; insomuch, that with good man agement, it is found to double itself once in ten or twelve years, according to the hardness of face in the lender, or of fortune in the borrower. Assuming 5 per cent per annum as the net income of money invested, the term of time in which the 1 ffc dollars saved in the wooden structure, will require to produce,one dollar for renewal, will show the time that wood ought to last, to be equal with iron in economy, One dollar and sixty cents at compound interest will yield, at 5 per cent, one dollar in a little less than ten years. Therefore, if an imperishable iron structure cost 2.6 times as much as one of wood, and the latter last but ten years, and money will net 5 per cent, com pound interest, the two materials are nearly upon a par as to economy. Experience has shown that wooden bridges, unpro tected by roofing and siding, seldom last with safety over eight years, or thereabouts ; and, the more there 136 BRIDGE BUILDING. be expended to increase the durability, the less surplus capital will be left to be invested toward renewals. LXXXII. But the above comparison is too super ficial and general to be entitled to a great deal of con fidence, except, perhaps, as it regards the sustaining of a given weight by a simple post, or suspending it by a bar or rod of iron or wood. In the complicated as semblage of pieces forming the superstructure of a bridge, there are numerous other facts and considera tions which materially vary the results. First, there is a difficulty in connecting pieces of timber in such a manner that every part may be proportioned to the strength required of it, to the same extent as can be done with iron. Second, it is frequently necessary to use considerable quantities of iron in bolts and fastenings for putting together a structure of wood requiring great stability. Third, wood soon loses a portion of its strength by partial decay, and consequently, requires additional strength in the beginning, that it may be safe for a time after decay has commenced. Hence, but little can be predicated upon the simple general comparison of wood and iron as to strength and cost, relative to the comparative economy of the two materials for bridge building. It is only by comparing the results of actual experi ence, or, where this has not been had, by comparing the results of detailed estimates, upon well matured plans, founded on well established principles, that a satisfactory conclusion can be arrived at. With regard to wooden bridges, much experience has been had, and the reasonable presumption is, that a good degree of economy has been attained in their construc tion. But the idea of building iron bridges in this BRIDGE MATERIALS. 137 country, is of recent date, and but little has been experi mentally proved in relation, to their cost and qualities. LXXXIII. This much, however, my own experience has demonstrated. Having received Letters Patent for an " Iron Truss Bridge," upon the arch truss plan, and constructed two bridges thereon, over the Enlarged Erie Canal (of 72 and 80 feet spans), one of which has been in use for six years, it may be regarded as a de monstrated fact, that bridges may be sustained by iron trusses. It has also been shown that the cost of the above class of bridges, is only about 25 per cent more than the same class of bridges of wood, as hereto fore built, under the most favorable circumstances, upon the Erie Canal. That the iron portion, constituting some three-fourths of the whole, as regards expense, in the iron bridge, gives fair promise of enduring for ages, while the wooden structure can only be relied on to last eight or ten years. Upon these facts, experimentally established, I found the following comparison : A common road bridge of 72/. span (the usual length for the enlarged Erie Canal), will cost, with iron trusses : For 7,000 ibs. of cast iron at Sets., $210. " 6,000 " " wrought iron, manufactured for the work, at 7cts., 420. " Timber, labor and painting, 230. " Superintendence and profit, 80. "Whole first cost, $940. $175 will renew the perishable part once in 9 years, to produce which, at 5 per cent compound interest will require capital of, 320. Total for a perpetual maintenance, $1,260. 18 138 BRIDGE BUILDING. "With wooden trusses, fastened with iron for timber, labor, paint and profit, $550 " 2,000 Sbs. of iron fastenings, 150. Whole first cost, 700. (Some have cost 1000, or 12,000, and taken 3 to 4 thousand pounds of iron) To renew $550 worth of perishable material once in 9 years, will require, at 5 per cent, compound interest, 1,000. Total for perpetual maintenance, 1,700. The reason of the apparent difference between this result, and that arrived at from the general comparison of the cost, &c., of wood and iron, is, that the bridges here referred to, have been constructed with a very large amount of iron fastenings, and with large quanti ties of casing and painting for protection and appear ance. Were the comparison confined strictly to the expense of timber work, in the sustaining parts of the trusses, the result would be found not to differ so es sentially from that of the general comparison. The above estimate of 700, for the first cost of a 72 foot wooden bridge, though considerably below the average cost of canal bridges of that description, is nevertheless believed to be greatly above the minimum for which bridges may be built, dispensing with the parts which are not essential to strength. It is probable that bridges may be built for 500, as about the minimum, of equal strength and convenience, and nearly the same durability, as those hitherto built upon the Erie Canal Enlargement at a cost of from 800 to 1,000 dollars. Upon this supposition, which may be regarded as an extreme case in favor of wood, the comparison will stand thus : BRIDGE MATERIALS. 139 First cost of wooden, structure, $500 Capital invested at 5 per cent to produce $500 once in 9 years for renewal, 909 Total for perpetual maintenance, $1409 The same for iron structure, as above, 1260 Balance in favor of the iron bridge, $149 Finally, since theoretical calculation and general comparison show a probable advantage, for a long term of time, and experience, as far as it has gone, shows a decided advantage in favor of iron, it would seem very unwise to discard the latter, without at least a fair trial of its merits. If in the first essays at iron bridge building, the iron bridge has competed so successfully with wooden bridges, improved by the experience of ages, may not the most satisfactory results be antici pated from an equal degree of experience in the con struction and use of iron bridges ? LXXXIV. Presuming the affirmative to be the only rational answer to the above question, I have ar ranged the details of plans for carrying into practice the preceding principles and suggestions in the con struction of rail road bridges of iron. I have also made careful detailed estimates of the expense of bridges of different dimensions and in dif ferent circumstances, some of the more general results of which I will here state. In proportioning the parts of a rail road bridge, 1 have assumed that it may be exposed to a load of 2,000ft>s. per foot run, for the whole, or any part of its length, in addition to its own weight; and in case of tension, have allowed one square inch cross section of wrought iron for every 10,000 ft>s. of the maximum strain produced 140 BRIDGE BUILDING. upon every part by such weights, acting by dead pres sure. In case of thrust, or crushing force, I have al lowed one square inch cross section of cast iron, for every 12,OOOSbs. acting on pieces (mostly in the form oi hollow cylinders), of a length equal to 18 diameters, and a greater amount of material, where the ratio of length to diameter is greater; always having regard to practicability, as well as theoretical proportions, in adjusting the dimensions of the part. My estimates, made upon these bases, have fully sa tisfied me that a bridge of 100 feet span, with track upon the top (with wooden cross-beams), will cost about $2,000, or $20 per foot, assuming the present prices of iron (1846), in ordinary circumstances. If the track pass near the bottom of the trusses, the expense will be increased by two or three dollars a foot. For a span of 140 feet, by a liberal detailed estimate I make, in round numbers, a cost of 4,000. For 70 feet, I estimate a cost of 9 to 10 hundred dollars, ac cording to circumstances. Thus it will be seen that actual estimate makes the cost of a single stretch of any length, very nearly as the square of the length, as should be expected from the nature of the case. Hence, knowing the cost of a span of any given length, we readily deduce that of a span of any other length, in similar circumstances, with reliable certainty. Now, although my investigations have forced the conviction upon me, that where strong and durable bridges are required, iron should be preferred in their construction, still there is a multitude of cases where wooden structures should be preferred ; especially in sections of country comparatively new, where timber is PRACTICAL DETAILS. 141 plenty and capital scarce ; and where improvements must necessarily be of a more temporary character. With this view of the subject, I have given consi derable attention to the details of wooden bridges ; and, with a good deal of invest.gation and experiment, have arranged plans which are confidently believed to pos sess important advantages over the plans generally in use. The preceding few pages have been transcribed from the author s original and first essay upon bridge build ing; and are introduced here, not on account of any practical value they may possess in the present state of progress in the science of bridge construction. But they may possess some little interest as marking about the starting point of the construction and use of Iron Truss Bridges. If the estimates above exhibited, of the cost of iron bridges, appear small and inadequate, under the lights furnished by the experience of a quarter of a century, much allowance may be claimed on account of the change of times and circumstances within the period in question. And, when it is borne in mind that the author actually contracted for, and built iron railroad bridges of 40 and 50 feet span, for $10, and of 146 feet for $30 per foot, the estimates above given may not seem entirely preposterous, although much higher prices are obtained for bridges of like dimensions at the present day. PRACTICAL DETAILS. LXXXY. In preceding pages I have endeavored to give a short and comprehensive general view of the 142 BRIDGE BUILDING. subject, and to ascertain and point out the best general plans and proportions, for the main longitudinal trusses, or side frames of bridges, and the relative stresses ol their several parts. The side trusses may be regarded as vastly the most important parts of the structure, and the strength and sufficiency of these being secured, there is much less difficulty in arranging the remaining parts, the forces to which they are exposed being much less than those acting upon the trusses. I propose now to enter more into details, and give such practical explanations and specifications as to the strength of materials, the methods of connecting the several parts or pieces, both in the main trusses, and other parts of the structure, illustrated by the necessary plans and diagrams, as, it is hoped, will enable the young engineer and practi cal builder to proceed with judgment and confidence in this important branch of the profession. IRON BRIDGES. STRENGTH OF IRON. LXXXVI. Iron has the power of resisting mechani cal forces in several different ways. It may resist forces that tend to stretch it asunder, or forces which tend to compress and crush it; the former producing what is sometimes called a positive, and the latter, a negative strain. It may also be exposed to, and resist forces tending to produce rupture by extending one side of the piece, and compressing the opposite side ; as where a bar of iron supported at the ends, is made to sustain a weight in the middle, which tends to stretch the IRON BRIDGES. 143 lower, and compress the upper part. This is called a lateral, or transverse strain. Iron may likewise be acted upon by forces tending to force it asunder laterally, in the manner of the ac tion of a pair of shears. This is called a shear strain ; and though less important than either of the preced ing cases, it will frequently have place in bridge work, partially at least, in the action of rivets, and connect ing pins. With regard to the simple positive and negative strength of iron it is only necessary for me to state in this place, as the result of a multitude of experiments, that a bar of good wrought iron one inch square, will sustain a positive strain of about 60,0001fos. on the average ; and a negative strain, in pieces not exceeding about twice the least diameter, of 70 or 80 thousand pounds. But in both cases, the metal yields perma nently with much less stress than the amounts here indicated ; and hence, as well as for other considera tions, it can never be safely exposed in practice, to more than a small proportion of these stresses, say from | to J. Cast iron resists apositive strain of 15,000 to 30,000fbs. to the square inch, but usually, not over 18,000. But it is seldom relied on to sustain this kind of action es pecially in bridge work, wrought iron being much bet ter adapted to the purpose. On rare occasions, it may perhaps safely be exposed to a strain of 3,000 to4,000ft>s. to the square inch, but should not be used under ten sion strain, when wrought iron can be conveniently substituted. Cast iron, however, is capable of resisting a much greater negative strain than wrought iron ; its power of resistance in this respect, being from 80,000 to 144 BRIDGE BUILDING. 140,000ft>s. ; seldom less than 100.000 to the square inch, in pieces not exceeding in length, twice the least diameter. But in pieces of such dimensions as must frequently be employed in bridge work, fracture would take place by lateral deflection, under a much smaller force than what would crush the material. It is therefore neces sary to take into account the length and diameter, as well as the cross-section, in order to determine the amount of compression which a piece of cast iron, or any other material may be relied on to sustain. LXXXVII. The cause of lateral deflection resulting from forces applied at the ends, and tending to crush a long piece in the direction of its length, is supposed to be a want of uniformity in the material, and a want of such an adjust of the forces that the line joining the centres of pressure at the two ends, may pass through the centre of resistance in all parts of the piece. These elements are liable to considerable variation, and can not be very closely estimated in any case. Therefore the absolute power of resistance for a piece of considerable length, can not be deduced by calcula tion from the simple positive and negative strength of the material, but resort must be had to direct experi ment upon the subject ; and, even wide discrepancies should naturally be expected in the results of experi ment, unless the lengths of pieces experimented upon, be very considerable. In respect to pieces, however, having their lengths equal to twenty or more times their diameters, a some, what remarkable degree of uniformity is found in their powers of negative resistance, and the following for mula, deduced theoretically, though not fully sustained IRON BRIDGES. 145 by experiment, may be useful in determining approxi mately the relative powers for pieces of similar cross- Bections, but different dimensions. The power of resistance (R), is as the cube of the diameter (d) 9 directly and as the square of the length (I), inversely, that is, R is as -^. The reason of this formula may be illustrated with reference to Fig. 25, in which adb represents a post loaded at a, so as to bend it into a curve, of the half of which cd is the versed sine. It is obvious that in this condition, the convex side of the post is exposed to tension (or at least, to less compression YIG. 25. than the other side), and the concave side to compression ; also, that the effect of the load at a, toward breaking the post at d, is as the versed sine cd, which is as the square of ab. But the power of the post to resist rupture transversely, is manifestly ^ as the cross-section of the post (i. e., as .the square of the diameter), multiplied by the diameter. Hence, the power is as the cube of the diameter. Now, the ability of the post to sustain the load at a, is directly as the power to resist rupture, just determined, and inversely as the mechanical advantage with which the load acts, above seen to be as the square of the length of the post. Hence, the formula. We shall see as we progress, the relation which this formula seems to bear to the results of experiment. The following list of experiments made by the author some 25 years ago, though few in number, and upon a somewhat diminutive scale, nevertheless, may afford some light as to the law governing the resisting power of cast iron in pieces of different lengths, as compared 19 146 BRIDGE BUILDING. with their diameters. It may at least enable us the better to appreciate the better lights since shed upon the subject. LXXXYIII. EXPERIMENTS UPON THE STRENGTH OP CAST IRON, IN LONG PIECES. Ends, flat cones or pyramids. NEGATIVE JL Form Inches. 02 G g of rZ .S 9, a Remarks. c section. a J~ ^ gj 5 si s ^ ^ 1 1 Cylinder is 9. 016 990 1002 Broke T Vn. from centre. 2 " M " 978 990 Broke ^ in. from centre. 8 Square i 4< 0.15 803 854 Deflected cornerwise, and flew out without breaking. 4 " " " 914 938 Broke in half a minute not cornerwise, inch from centre. 5 Cylinder A 7.1 0.126 1417 1437 Broke in 3 seconds, ^ in. from centre. 6 M < u 1377 1397 Broke || in. from centre. " " " " Piece flattened by flask not shutting true, and had been straightened with the hammer where it broke. 7 < 4.5 2580 2580 Broke in 1 minute into 4 pieces of nearly equal lengths. Piece of same as last experiment. 8 " " 4.5 3218 3218 Broke in \ minute into 3 pieces in centre, and 1 in. from centre. 9 Square 4.5 2813 2838 Broke in minute, y^ in. from centre, deflected parallel with sides. From experiments 7 and 8, in the above table, it appears that cast iron will sustain at the extreme, in cylindrical pieces whose lengths equal about 14J dia meters, a negative strain of 41,000 to 51,000fbs to the square inch, say an average of 46,000. Square bars, according to experiment 9, length equal to 18 diame ters (or widths of side), will sustain about 45,000ft>s to the square inch. IRON BRIDGES. 147 Now, a hollow cylinder of a thickness not exceeding about Jy of the diameter, according to calculation, has a stiffness transversely, about 50 per cent greater to the square inch than a solid square bar whose side equals in width the diameter of the cylinder. Hence, a hollow cylinder of a length equal to 18 times its diameter, should sustain a negative strain of 67,500 fts. to the square inch. But it should be observed, however, that direct experiments upon the transverse strength of the pieces used in the experiments leading to the results and conclusions above stated, as to negative strength, showed themto possess uncommon strength transversely, even to from 30 to 50 per cent greater than the fair average transverse strength of cast iron ; as will be seen hereafter. It is therefore not considered proper to es timate the strength of hollow cylinders of the propor tions above stated at more than 45,000 or 46,OOOIbs. to the square inch. The hollow cylinder is undoubtedly the form best adapted to the sustaining of a negative strain, having equal stiffness in all directions. It is therefore highly desirable that the power of that form of pieces to resist compression, with different lengths, should be ascer tained by a careful and extensive series of experiments. But until that shall have been done, and the results made known, I shall assume the above estimate upon the subject, as probably not very far from the truth ; subject, however, to correction, whenever the facts and evidences shall be obtained, upon which the correction can be founded.* In the mean time, since we know* not the exact ratio between the greatest safe practical stress, and the ab- * Since the original writing of this paragraph (25 years ago), exten- tensive experiments and investigations have been made, in the direction 148 BRIDGE BUILDING. solute strength of iron, and therefore should in practice keep considerably within the limits of probable safety, it becomes a matter of less importance to know the exact absolute strength; though this, of course, is de- sirable. LXXXIX. Having decided upon a measure of strength for pieces of a given length, we may properly endeavor to ascertain the rate of variation for different lengths as compared with the diameters. It is seen in the table, [LXXXVIII] that two cylindri cal pieces of 9 inches in length, bore the one 990, and the other 9781bs., giving a mean of 984 pounds. Now, by the formula -^, the same cylinders reduced to 4.5 inches, should sustain four times as much, or 3936ft>s. But, by experiments 7 and 8, we find that they bore only 2,580, and 3,218, a mean of 2,899 pounds. Whence it appears that, the diameter being the same, the strength diminishes faster than the length increases, but not so fast as the square of the length increases ; being about half way between the two. In fact, if we examine the results of these experiments throughout, we find that the weights borne by pieces of like cross-sections, whether round or square, were very nearly the arithmetical mean between the results obtained by considering them to be inversely as the simple length, and as the square of the length, succes sively. For illustration ; take experiments 1 and 5. If the piece 9 inches long bore 990 ft>s., taking the strength here indicated, and ingenious and convenient formulae deduced upon the subject involved, which might perhaps, be profitably substituted for the writer s own crude deductions in this behalf. But, as previously remarked on other occasions, the latter may possess interest as affording a monument upon the line of the march of progress. IRON BRIDGES. 149 to be inversely as the length, we have this proportion i : ~ : : 990 : 1,255. Then, taking the strength to be inversely as the square of the length, we have : 1- : ^i_ : : 990 : 1,591. Taking the mean of these results, we find (1,255 + 1,591), + 2 = 1423. This is the weight which, according to the rule, the piece in experiment 5 should have borne, and it varies only Gibs, (less than J of one per cent), from what it actually did bear. Again, take experiments 1 and 8 ; in which the lengths were as 2 to 1. Supposing the weights to be inversely as the lengths, and as the squares of the lengths successively, and taking the mean of the re- sults,wehave (1,980 + 8,960) -^-2=2,970, which is 248ft>s. less than the weight borne in experiment 8. But it is also 390Sbs. greater than that borne in experiment 7, by a piece of similar form and dimensions, but an inferior specimen. It does not seem, therefore, that the rule is widely at fault. The same rule applied to experiments 4 and 9, lengths being also as 2 tol, gives 2,784 Jfos. as the bear ing weight, and 2,814 as breaking weight for No. 9 ; the former varying 71ibs. and the latter 24ft>s. from the weights shown in the table. IsTow, if we observe that the one broke in a quarter of a minute, and the other endured half a minute, it is no extravagance to assume that if No. 9 had been loaded with 24Sbs. less, it would have stood J of a minute longer, giving a result in pre cise accordance with the rule. From what precedes, it is believed that the following may be adopted as a safe practical rule for deter mining the power of resistance to compression, for pieces of similar cross-sections, after knowing from experiment, the power of a piece of given dimensions, and similar cross section. 150 BRIDGE BUILDING. Rule : Make the power of resistance as ~, and as sue- L li cessively, and take the mean of the results thus obtained, as the true result ; D representing the diameter (or width of side, in square pieces), and L, the length of the piece. This rule will be probably apply without material error, to pieces of lengths from 15 to 40 times as great as their diameters, and perhaps for greater lengths ; although, in bridge building, greater lengths will sel dom be employed.* But, as the length is reduced to 8 or 10 diameters, or less, it is manifest that the power of resistance increases at a less rate than that given in the rule. For, we see by the table of experiments, that a square piece of a length equal to 18 diameters (experiment 9), bore at the rate of 45,0001bs. to the. square inch, which is nearly one-half of the average crushing weight of cast iron, and one-third that of the strongest iron. But according to the rule, a piece of half that length, or equal to 9 diameters, should sustain 135,000ibs. which is about the maximum for cast iron ; whereas, experiment shows that the power of resist ance increases with reduction of length, down to about 2 diameters. It may, therefore, be recommended to apply the rule above given, to hollow cylindrical, and square pieces above 15, and to solid cylinders, above 12 diameters. From those lengths down to 2 diame ters, it cannot lead to material error to estimate an increase of power proportionate to diminution of length, according to the differences between the weights, or resisting powers determined as above, for square pieces and hollow cylinders of 15, and solid cylinders . of 12 diameters in length, and the absolute crushing * It is probable that for greater lengths than 40 diameters, the for mula -j alone, would be more nearly sustained than in case of smaller lengths. IRON BRIDGES. 151 weight of the iron ; that is, if a square piece whose length equals 15 diameters bear m pounds, and the crushing weight for pieces of 2 diameters be n pounds to obtain the resistance (R), of a piece of (15 a), dia meters in length, take m + ~ (n ?n)=R. XC. It has already been remarked that in practice, materials should be exposed to much less strain than their absolute strength is capable of sustaining for a short time. This fact is universally recognized, and the reasons for it, are perhaps, sufficiently obvious ; still it may be proper to mention a few of them in this place. First, there is a great want of uniformity in the quality and strength of materials of the same kind, and no degree of precaution can always guard against the employment of those containing defective portions possessing less than the average strength. Again, when materials are exposed to a strain, al though it be but a small part of What they can ultimately bear, a change is produced in the arrangement of their particles, from which they are frequently unable fully to recover ; and whence they generally become weak ened, especially if they be repeatedly exposed to such process. Hence, it often happens that a piece is broken with a smaller strain, than it has previously borne without apparent injury. Xow, there is no means of estimating exactly the allowance necessary to be made on account either of these facts, as well as, probably, many others. Con sequently, we can not determine with certainty, how much of a given material may be relied on to sustain with safety a given force. We should therefore, incline toward the side of safety, the more strongly, in pro- 152 BRIDGE BUILDING. portion as the consequences of a failure would be the more disastrous. The breaking of a bridge is liable, in most cases, to be a serious affair, involving hazard to life and limb, as well as destruction of property. Hence, they should be constructed of such strength asto render failure quite out of the range of probability, if not absolutely impossible. XCI. Good wrought iron bars, will not undergo permanent change of form under a tensile strain of less than from 20,000 to 30,000 pounds to the square inch ; and though they will not actually be torn asunder with a stress below 50 or 60 thousand, and often more, to the inch, any elongation would certainly be deleterious to the work containing them, even if not dangerous from liability to fracture. Hence, it is certainly not advisable to expose the material to a stress beyond the lowest limit of complete elasticity. In the original predecessor of this work, the tra ditional allowance of 15,000ft>s. to the square inch, was adopted as the tensile stress to which wrought iron might safely be exposed, and beyond which it was deemed improper to rely upon it. No evidences or arguments since that time, have induced a change of opinion in this respect. But in the case of a bridge, there is variety and uncertainty as to the exact amount of load, as well as in relation to the limit of safe strain for the material ; and while it seemed probable that the load of a single track rail road bridge would never ex ceed 2, OOOIbs. to the lineal foot upon any part of its length, still, seeing that rail roads were comparatively a new institution, and iron bridges for rail roads almost unheard of, especially in this country, it was deemed wise, in recommending their introduction, to so adjust Iiios BRIDGES. 153 their proportions as to meet almost any possible con tingencies. This could be accomplished either by assuming a greater possible load for the bridge, or a lower limit to the stress of materials with the smaller load, with the same ultimate result. And, perhaps the former would have been the more consistent course, as avoid ing the seeming absurdity of the assumption that iron could safely stand a strain of 15,000ft)s. in a common bridge, but only 10,000ft) in a rail road bridge ; and the no less seeming absurdity of assuming that the same material could stand 50 per cent more strain in a bridge composed partly of wood, than in one entirely con structed of iron. Now, instances in great numbers could be pointed out, of rail road bridges of wood and iron, where 2,0001bs. to the lineal foot would produce a stress considerably exceeding 15,000 to the inch upon certain bolts of wrought iron.* * The author had occasion several years ago to refer to the following instances in corroboration of the statement above made, in this wise " The best evidence that exists as to the capacity of a material to bear a strain with safety, is derived from experience as to the strain it has been exposed to in works, and conditions similar to those in which it is proposed to employ it, and where it has by long usage, proved itself adequate to the labor required of it. If wrought iron, for example, has been used in railroad bridges for a great number of years, in numerous and repeated instances, where a given load, in addition to the weight of structure, would produce upon it a tension of 15,0001b -i. to the square inch, and has withstood such usage without cases of fail ure not caused by manifest defects in the quality of material, or by casualties which such structures are not expected to be proof against ; it may be fairly assumed to be reasonably safe and reliable in other railroad bridges where; a similar gross load can not produce a greater stress ; and much more so, where a like load can only produce a stress one-half, or two-thirds as great. Now, it is provided in the plan herewith presented, that a load of 2,00011)8. to the lineal toot upon each pair of rails, on the whole, or any part of the length of the bridge, can not produce upon any part of the wrought iron work in the trusses, a tension exceeding 10,0001bs. to the square inch ; and, to show that such provision is eminently safe and liberal, I proceed to give some examples of what the same mate rial is liable to with the same load in other structures, where long and severe usage has fully proved its sufficiency. 16 154 BRIDGE BUILDING. A ud yet, it was deemed expedient by the author of this work, in the outset of the introduction of iron rail road bridges, to provide that 2,000ft>s. to the foot upon each pair of tracks, should not give a stress exceeding 10,000ft) to the square inch upon any part of the wrought iron work, not from a conviction that the material was unsafe under a stress of 15,000ft)s. but to provide against the possible contingency of its being sometimes exposed to greater stress than that produced by a dead weight of 2,000ib. to the lineal foot. XCII. The use of cast iron to sustain a tensile strain, should undoubtedly be avoided, as a general To begin with an instance near at hand ; the bridge from the island to the main shore on the Hudson River rail road at East Albany, has, in one of its stretches, trusses 48 feet long, in 8 panels. It is a double track bridge with three trusses, of which the middle one sustains one- half of the two pairs of tracks, and of the loaas passing over them. The truss is composed of top and bottom chords, and thrust braces of timber, and vertical suspension bolts of wrought iron, in pairs ; and it is at once obvious that of the weight of the tracks and their loads (or, of the half bearing upon the centre truss), is concentrated on the two pairs of suspension rods located 6 feet from each end. [See diagram.] The weight of middle truss, and other parts of the structure sus tained by it, probably exceeds 16,000 Ibs., of which |, or 14,000 Ibs. bear FIG. 23 A. upon the endmost suspension bolts. Add 2,000 Ibs. per foot for | of one pair of tracks, or rails, and it makes 56,0001bs. upon the suspension bolts in question, with only one track loaded. These bolts are 4 in number, and If" in diameter; and, allowing -fa" to be cut away by screw thread, the aggregate net, available cross section of the four, is equal to 4.43 square inches ; whence the tension, with only one track loaded, is 12,641 Ibs. to the square inch, and 22,120 Ibs. to the inch with both tracks loaded. 2. The bridge leading into the freight house of the Boston rail road, at East Albany, is a " Howe bridge," and acts upon the same princi ple as the one just spoken of. It is a double track bridge with two trusses, having 8 panels of 10 8", and is a heavy covered bridge. Al lowing 04 tons for weight of superstructure, or 56,000 Ibs. for the por tion sustained by the endmost bolts of each truss, and 2,000 Ibs per foot upon one track, of which $ at least, bears on one truss, giving IRON BRIDGES. 155 rule; and, if on certain occasions it should be liable to that kind of action to a small extent, the stress should probably not be allowed to exceed 3,000 to 4, 000 pounds to the square inch. When exposed to compression, in pieces of such length as to break by lateral deflection, it is believed it may be safely loaded to one-third of its absolute ca pacity. If a long piece exposed to a negative strain have a defective part, it does not diminish its power of resistance to the same extent as when it acts by ten sion. The power of negative resistance being, in a measure, inversely as the deflection produced by a 100,000 Ibs. on the end bolts, we have 156,0001bs. sustained by 6 bolts of iy diameter, containing 8.1 square inches, besides screw thread. This" is a strain of 19,259 Ibs. to the square inch with one track, and 25,432 Ibs with both tracks loaded with 2,000 Ibs. to the lineal foot. 3. The East bridge over the creek in the sonth part of Troy, is a double track covered bridge with three trusses, having 8 panels of 12 8" each, or 88.60 ft sustained by the endmost suspension bolts. Say, of weight of structure bearing on end bolts of middle truss, 86,000 Ibs. and of load upon one track 88,666, making 123,666 Ibs. on 4 bolts of \ diameter and two of If" diameter, having a net cross-sec tion of about 7.65 square inches. Hence the stress must be 16,156 Ibs. to the inch, with one track loaded, and 27,750 Ibs., with 2,000 Ibs. to the foot upon each track. 4. The West bridge over the same stream, a few rods below the last mentioned, has three trusses containing 9 panels of 10 ft. each in. length. It is a high truss bridge with roof and siding. For weight of superstructure on endmost bolts of middle truss, say 28,000 Ibs. and for load on one track, 84,000, making 112,000 Ibs. on 4 bolts of \\" containing a net section ot 5.41 square inches, giving a tension of 20,702 Ibs. to the inch for one track, and 36,229 Ibs. for both tracks loaded with 2,000 Ibs. to the lineal foot. 5. The bridge across the Erie canal near Canastota, on the N Y. C. B. R., is a double tack bridge with 2 trusses, which have 9 panels of 10 feet. If the superstructure be estimated to weigh 40 tons, it gives a little over 35,000 Ibs. on the end bolts of each truss. Add f of 80 tons for 2,000 Ibs. per lineal foot upon one track, and it gives 141,666 Ibs. on 4 bolts of \\" diameter, and 5.41 square inches of net cross-section ; equal to 26,173 Ibs. to the inch, with one track, and 36,044 Ibs. with botk tracks loaded." All these cases are stated from personal examination by the author, except the last, which was reported to him from authority considered reliable. The cases were not selected, but taken as the most accessible, and convenient for the author s observation. And still, he can not help regarding them as remarkable, and somewhat exceptional cases 156 BRIDGE BUILDING. given weight, and the deflection depending on the stiff ness of the piece throughout its whole length, the power is manifestly only diminished as the amount of defect, multiplied by the ratio of length of the defective part, to the whole length ; that is, if the piece be de fective so as to lose one-fourth of its stiffness, for that part of its length to which is due one-tenth part of the deflection, the deflection will only be increased by Jx^ = J0-> au d the power of resistance is diminished in the same ratio ; whereas the power of positive re sistance would be diminished by J. The effect of negative strain, moreover, is believed not to be so deleterious to the strength of iron, as that of positive, or tension strain ; though I can refer to no particular facts or evidences in coroboration of the opinion. Upon the whole, I am inclined to estimate the power of cast iron to resist compression (as against the tension of wrought iron at 15,0001bs. to the inch), in pieces of lengths equal to 18 diameters, for hollow cylinders, at 15,000fts. for solid cylinders, at 8,000, and solid square pieces, at 10,000ibs. to the square inch of cross-section There are other forms of section for cast iron mem bers of bridges, which it will frequently be convenient and economical to employ where lateral stiffness, as well as longitudinal resistance is required, among which may be named, the cruciform +, the T, and the H form. The former of these, with equal leaves, probably possesses about the same resistance to the square inch, .as a solid square which will just contain the figure. For, though it is not so stiff to resist a simple lateral force diagonally of the including square, as parallel with its sides, and would be broken by tearing asunder the flange, or leaf upon the convex side, still when under NEGATIVE STRENGTH OF IRON. 157 longitudinal compression, the tension upon that leaf would be so.mewhat relieved. The T and H section will usually be employed where greater stiffness is required in particular directions, and if proportioned with judgment, will usually possess about the same power to the inch, as the including a olid square, or parallelepiped. XCIII. Having determined (approximately, at least)^ the safe strain for pieces of a certain length, and the ratio of variation in power, depending upon change of length, we readily deduce the safe strain for pieces of similar action, with any given dimensions. The following table, exhibiting the negative power of resistance to the square inch of cross-section, for hollow and solid cast iron cylinders, and solid square pieces (under which class may be included the -f T and H formed sections, under proper conditions), calculated for length of from 2 to 60 diameters, is intended to show the safe practical rate of strain for the material, being about one-third of its absolute strength, in col umns headed J, and one-fourth of the absolute, in those headed J ; the former to be used against wrought iron at 15,000, and the latter, where wrought iron is esti mated to sustain 10,OOOIbs. to the square inch. This is the author s original table, slightly modified 5 with the addition of two columns showing corresponding weights at J and J of the absolute strength, as calculated by "Gordon s formula," deduced from Hodgkinson s, experiments upon cast iron hollow pillars; which is regarded as the best authority upon the subject at the present day. Also, two corresponding columns for wrought iron hollow pillars, according to the same au thority. 158 BRIDGE BUILDIXQ. The Gordon formulae are : for cast iron, S = 80,000ft). -r- (1+ .0025^), for wrought iron, S = 36,000ibs. -4- (1 -f .00033|). S representing absolute strength per square inch of section, , the length, and d, the diameter of column, both referring to the same unit of length. Or making d = 1, we have = I 2 . The table of negative resistances, presents a scale of numbers so adjusted as to touch at certain points esta blished by experiment, and running in consistent gra dations from one to another of such points. The columns for cast iron hollow cylinders, are the only ones referring to the same class of pieces, and ex. hibiting the difference in results, arising from differ ence in the mode of calculation. The Gordon formula is supposed to give results agreeing with those of ex periment, for lengths included within the range em braced by the experiments from which the formula was deduced. "Within that range, those results may be presumed to be more reliable (being founded on trials of the same kind of pieces as those to which they refer), than those in the author s original table, based upon trials of solid cylinders and parallelepipeds. Taking the 4th and 6th columns, it will be seen that the numbers agree at some point between the lengths of 18 and 20 diameters; the numbers above that point, being the larger in column 6, while, below that point, they are larger in column 4, down to about 50 diame ters, where they come together and cross again, and those in 6, are thenceforward the larger. But the differences are small, for the range of lengths princi pally employed in bridge work. 2* L d NEGATIVE STRENGTH OF IRON. 159 +1 - - ^> ^ * . > 5, *s "^ ^ . ^ JO C7 O 00 O CO rH OO > O lo" Tji" rjT cc" SO JO CO O?" of O?" O?" Hw :>< GO, CO O, t-, ^ <N, CO * T Ci 2^ o coS t-coojot-o 3 co o p co f> o Tt^ 65 S co co, 10 cs^ ^ c:, 10 ?J s? o i- t~ -^ CO (?> C? i-i 1-1 O O O O >O O -^ ?> 1-1 O <M C5 1C -f CO O C? {> JO co co co co co TO co TO o CQ i.t -f ac o} o c; < - c? co r: o i~ o c 1 ? CO^ TH^ Ci t^_ O CC_ i-^ Oi O^ 00^ i-^ OC t-^ CS^ C ^ ^ C^ O C^ OO^ C3 O_ O^ OS cc"i-i 70 o"^C3 o v t- iC~C>iT-r CO CO W GQ Ci O7 O* T-I 1-1 T-I r-i O TH 00 TH O O CO JO O O O ITS IO t^ -rH CO ^ t- CO O CO CJ O O CO C? CO^ tt O P -^ i-^ O O O_ i-^ "^f t>, i^ JO ^ t-^ CO, O, O\ l\ CO O O^OOOCOpOSOCOCO^O i -H so to * <?j T-T cs > o" -^ co" of o" cs" cs 01 0^ W 05 CQ x> co cs J.^ T-H 0*0 ^f co co o? to Hw CO 00 < O O * OC O O7 T-I O t>- CO T-H CO ^ CS CO Lt> f- CO CO 1C IT T" t o ^ cc co to --r 90 o o? 10 8>f~ x S o" o" o" o" cs cs" cs oo" co GO" GO t-" >" o so 10" . cc I c IdWC^CiOJCCOOCOCOCO^^iOiOCO 160 BRIDGE BUILDING. One obvious reason of the more rapid increase of numbers in the 6th column, for lengths under 15 or 16 diameters, is, that in the latter, the crushing weight for the iron is assumed at 100,OOOIbs. to the square inch, whereas, by the Gordon formula it is limited at 80,OOOIbs, and that formula can give no result greater than that limit, even when Z=0. Now, if 80,0001bs. was less than the actual crushing load for the kind of iron used in Hodgkinson s experiments (from which the Gordon formula is understood to have been de rived), it must follow that Gordon s formula gives results smaller than the true ones, for short pieces. This is probably the case, and, although Mr. Gordon s formula is very simple and ingenious, sliding smoothly and plausibly from one extreme in length to the other, it unquestionably gives closer approximations to correct results for the ordinary range of lengths, than when applied to the very short pieces. The numbers in the table are deduced upon the sup position that the thrust members in a bridge, will not act with less advantage than when bearing upon a pivot at each end of the axis of the pieces respectively ; and it is not deemed proper to assume that, in consequence of having flat end bearings, the piece in any case can sustain a greater stress than is indicated by the num bers in the table. It will be observed that, in order to obtain the ab solute strength of a piece, we should multiply its cor responding number in the table, by the denominator of the fraction (J or J) at the head of the column. LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 161 . 26. LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. XCIV. The transverse strength of bars or. beams, would seem to be deducible from the positive strength of the material, in the following manner : Let ab, Fig. 26, represent a portion of a rectangular beam or bar, projecting from a wall in which it is firmly fixed. If a weight be applied at w, the upper part of the beam will be extended, and the lower, compressed ; and, where these portions meet, is what is called the neutral plane. Experiment shows that this plane, in rectangular beams, is central between the upper and lower surfaces ; or at least, very nearly so, for all elastic substances, until they approach rupture. The tendency of the weight at w, then, is to produce rotation about the point c (or, the line of intersection of neutral plane and face of wall) and the cohesion of the upper portion cd, and the repulsion of the lower part, cb, tend to resist rotation. Now, to determine the amount of this resistance, which is the measure of transverse strength, we will first consider the upper portion ; and it is obvious that, at every part of the cross-section, the resistance to rotation is as the resistance to extension, multipled by the distance of the part above the- neutral plane. But the resistance to extension, by the law of elasticity, is as the degree, or amount of extension, which is determined by the distance from the neutral plane ; parts at 2 inches from this plane, or the centre of motion, being extended 21 162 BRIDGE BUILDING. twice as much as those at one inch, and resisting twice as much. Then, denoting the distance from this plane by the variable, quantity x, the resistance to extension by any part, equals x multiplied by a certain constant (s), and may be denoted by sx, while the resistance to rotation about c, equals sx 2 . Again, representing the horizontal breadth or thick ness of the beam by /, we have t.dx to represent the differential of the section (in its state of increase from c toward d), and s.t.x 2 dx, the differential of resistance. Then, integrating, aud making x = cd A, we have the whole resistance to rotation, of the part above the neu tral plane, equal to J s.t.h 3 = ^t.hxhxs.h. But s.h becomes equal to the positive strength of the material when x=cd = A, and t.h = the area of section above the neutral plane. Therefore the power of this part to resist rotation, is equal to J of the area, multiplied by half the depth of the beam, and by the positive strength of the material; in case the negative strength exceed the positive. Now, it is obvious that the part below the neutral plane exerts exactly the same amount of resistance to rotation, as the part above. Therefore the whole power of resistance to rotation about c, in other words, the resistance to rupture, is equal to J of the whole cross- section, multiplied by J the depth of beam, and by the positive, or cohesive strength of the material ; that is equal to J C.t.Dx^D, = C,t.D 2 ; in which expression, D represents the depth ((/6), and (7, frhe cohesive power of the material.* * Another mode of illustrating this case, is the following 1 : It being 1 ob vious that the resistance to rotation about c, by each lamina from the neu tral plane outward, is as the extension it undergoes, and the leverage upon which it acts, such resistance must increase outward in u duplicate LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 163 If we wish to determine the greatest weight (W), which the beam is capable of bearing when applied at any horizontal distance (L) from c or d, we institute the equation, W.L = J C.t.D 2 ; whence we have : 6L % This formula applies to all projecting rectangular beams, when the force (W), acts parallel with the sides, and L represents the nearest, or perpendicular distance of the fulcrum <?, from the line in which the force has its action : provided, that if the material have greater power to resist tension than compression, C is to be taken as representing the repulsive, instead of the cohesive power. XCY. This formula is deduced on the supposition that the material is perfectly elastic, so as to suffer no permanent change of form until the strain produces actual rupture. There are few substances if any, and certainly wood and iron are not such, that fulfill this condition so nearly but that considerable discrepan cies are found between the deductions of theory, and the results of experiment. Indeed in the case of cast ratio to the increase of distance from that plane, and decrease in a like ratio, inward. Hence, if we represent the resistance of the outer lamia by the base of a pyramid having its apex at the neutral plane, and its base coinciding with said outer lamina, the resistance of any other lamina will be represented by the section of the pryamid made by snch lamina, or a lamina of the pryamid at the point of intersection, of the same (indefinitely small) thickness as the lamina of the beam in question ; and the sum of resistances of all the laminae of the beam, will be represented by the Bum of laminae of the pyramid ; and will bear the same ratio to what the resistance of all those lamina? of the beam would be, if all were acting at the distance of the outermost lamina, as the solidity of the pyramid bears to a prism of like base aud attitude ; that is, in the ratio of 1 to 3. But the resistance of the outer lamina, equals the absolute strength of material (C), multiplied by half the depth of beam. Hence, the resistance of tlie half beam equals Cxi cross-section X depth of the half beam ; being the same result as above obtained by integration. , 164 BRIDGE BUILDING. iron, experiment shows the transverse strength to be fully twice as great as it is made to appear by the above formula. If in the expression 5!, we make L=D, it may be reduced to C.t.D\ showing that the power of a pro jecting rectangular beam to sustain weight at a dis tance from the fulcrum equal to the depth of the beam, is only one-sixth as great as the positive (or negative, in case that be the smaller), strength of the material. This is a convenient way of expressing transverse strength, viz : as equal to a force of so many pounds to the square inch of cross-section, the force being un derstood as acting upon a leverage equal to the breadth of the beam in the direction of the acting force. If we call 18,000ft>s. to the square inch, the positive strength of cast iron, we may call the transverse strength (according to the above deduction), \ 18,000 =3,0001bs. ; meaning that a bar one inch square will sustain upon its projecting end, 3,OOOIbs. at 1 inch from the fulcrum, and proportionally less, as the dis tance is greater. ^"ow, experiment shows that it will sustain twice this amount, and frequently more, so that we may in reality, reckon the transverse strength of cast iron at about 6,000ft>s. to the square inch. I know of nothing to which to attribute this great discrepancy between theory and experiment, except a want of complete elasticity in the material, and per haps, also to the assumption of too low an estimate (18,000) Bbs. for the co-hesive power of cast iron. Cast iron, when exposed to a transverse strain, suf fers extension on one side, and compression on the other ; and the power of resistance to both these effects, increases very nearly as the amount of extension or LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 165 compression, until a certain point or maximum is reached, and after passing this point, the power dim inishes. Now, it is reasonable to suppose, in fact we can hardly suppose the contrary, that for a certain in terval on each side of the maximum point, the power of resistance remains nearly stationary. But this sta tionary interval is reached on the positive, much sooner than on the negative side, and the inevitable conse quence must be, that the neutral plane is transferred further from the positive side, so as to preserve the equilibrium between the resistance to extension and the resistance to compression. Hence, the amount of resistance on the positive side is increased, both by the increased area of section exposed to tension, and in creased leverage, or distance from the neutral plane. Moreover, a greater portion of the fibres (so to speak), of extension, act with their full power; since, while the outside portion is passing through what we have called the stationary interval, successive portions toward the neutral plane, are reaching and approaching that interval. Hence, some considerable proportion of all the fibres of extension, may act with their maximum power ; whereas, if the material were perfectly elastic up to the point of actual rupture, only the outside fibres farthest from the neutral plane, could act with abso lute power, and all other parts, only in the ratio of their respective distances from said plane. To illus trate, suppose the extreme positive side, when ex tended one inch, reach the stationary interval, which is one inch more. It follows that when the outside has passed to the other limit of that interval, one-half of the positive portion of the bar, will be within the the range of that interval, and act with its maximum power, producing one third more resistance to exten- 166 BRIDGE BUILDING. sion than the same fibres could afford if the body were perfectly elastic, up to the point of rupture. I know of no more plausible manner of explaining the observed discrepancy between experiment and calculation upon the subject. But, having well authenticated direct experimental evidence as to the transverse strength of cast iron, we may safely be guided thereby; and, though it would be a satisfaction to find a complete agreement between the results of direct experiments, and the deductions from those that are indirect, still, where such agree ment is not found, the direct evidence should have the preference. We may, therefore, regard the transverse strength of cast iron in pieces with rectangular sec tions, as equal to 6,OOOIbs. to the square inch, upon a leverage equal to the width of the piece in the direction of the force. "Wrought iron has something over three times the positive strength- of cast iron, on the average; and if we consider its transverse strength to be in the same ratio to that of cast iron, its transverse strength would be about 20,000 pounds. That is, the projecting end of a bar of wrought iron one inch square, should sus tain, at one inch from the fulcrum, a weight of 20,000ft>s But it becomes permanently bent with about one-third of that weight, and therefore, in practice it should not be exposed to more than 4,000 to 5,OOOSbs. as we should manifestly keep within the elastic limit, as well in case of a transverse, as a direct tensile strain. It may, therefore, be recommended to estimate the transverse strength of wrought iron at 5,000fts. as against a ten sile strain of 15,OOOJbs. to the inch, upon the same ma terial, and 3,500 to 4,000 transverse, against 10,000, tensile strain. LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 167 Cast iron having an average absolute transverse strength of 6,000ft)3. should not in practice, be exposed to over from 1,000 to l,5001bs. to the square inch, ac cording to the circumstances in which it is used. XCVI. Representing by A the area by D the depth and by L the length (from fulcrum to weight) of a pro jecting rectangular beam, the safe load, according to the above assumptions, equals 5,000 for wrought, and 1,500 for cast iron. If the beam be supported at the ends and loaded in the middle, using the same symbols, the safe load is four times as much ; that is, 20,000 for wrought, LJ and 6,000 for cast iron. This follows from the fact that the lifting force at each end, equals only one-half of the load, and acts upon a leverage equal to -JL, hence it takes 4 times the weight to produce the same stress on the beam. If the load be equally distributed over the length of the beam, the safe load is twice as much as when it is concentrated at the end of the projecting beam, and in the middle of the beam supported at the ends. For, in the former case, each part of the weight produces stress at the fulcrum in proportion to its distance there from, and the average distance of the whole load, being only half as great, the stress is only half as much as when the whole load is at the end. In the latter case, the beam being regarded as fixed in the centre, the lifting force at the end, tends to pro duce a strain in the centre, measured by the force mul tiplied by its distance from the centre, in other words, by the moment of the force with respect to the centre. On the contrary, the load tends to produce a strain in 168 BRIDGE BUILDING. the opposite direction, according to the distance of each part of the load from the centre. This, as just seen in the case o the projecting beam, is equal to half of that produced by the lifting force at the end. Hence the effect of the weight neutralizes one-half of tendency of the lifting force at the end, to produce stress in the centre of the beam. Upon the same principle is based the following rule for determining the stress at any given-point in the length of a beam, however the load may be distributed. Take the moment with respect to the given point, of all the forces on either side of said point, tending to deflect the beam in one direction, at the given point, and all the forces on the same side, tending to deflect it in the opposite direction, and the difference in the sums of those opposite moments, is the measure of the stress at the point in question. As an illustration, if the cross-beam of a rail road bridge support tracks 5 apart, the beam being 15 be tween supports, and a weight W bear equally upon the two tracks, each end support lifts JW, and the moment with respect to the nearest track, is JWx5 = 2.5W. There being no force acting in the opposite direction between the end and the weight upon the rail, 2.5W (upon a leverage of 1 foot), is the measure of stress of the beam at the rail. If we seek the stress in the middle of the beam 7J from the end, and 2J from the rail, the upward force at the end is JW, the same as before, and the moment jWx7J = 3.75W; while the moment of the weight on the rail, is |Wx2J, = 1.25W. Hence, the stress in the centre = (3.75 1.25)W = 2.5W, the same as at the rail. LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 169 Taking the moment of the end lift with respect to the off rail, we have jWxlO, = 5W, while the moment of weight on the near track, with respect to the off track, is J Wx5, = 2JW, acting in the opposite direc tion. Hence, stress at the off track, is equal to (5 2. 5) W = 2JW. Again, assuming a point at 2 from the end, the mo ment of the lift at the farther end, is J W X 13 =6.5W. The sum of moments of weights upon the two jails is, J\Vx8-fJWx3 =5.5W in opposition to the effects of the end lift. The stress of the heam, therefore, at the given point, is (6.5 5.5) W, = W ; being the same result as if we had taken the moment at the near end, = JW X 2, = W, with no opposite force on the same side of the given point. Hence, we see that the stress is the same at all points between the rails, while it obviously diminishes from the rail to the end, in proportion as the distance of successive points from the end diminishes. Therefore, the beam having a uniform depth, in order that the strain be uniform on all parts, the thickness should taper uniformly from the rail, to an edge at the sup porting points. If the thickness be uniform (the cross- section being rectangular), the depth may diminish as the square root of distance from the support diminishes; that is, may have a parabolic form, This follows from the fact that the stress at different points in the length is as the distance from the support, and the power of resistance, as the area multiplied by the depth, in other words, as the square of the depth, the area being simply as the depth. XCVII. Iron beams of a rectangular section will seldom be used in bridge work, the material acting 22 170 BRIDGE BUILDING. n\ore effectually in a web and flange form, as in the I beam, with about half the material in the flanges. In this kind of beam, the web may be estimated as a rect angular beam say at 5,OOOIbs to the inch (on a lever age equal to the depth of the beam), while the flanges may be estimated at 15,000ft>s upon a leverage of half the depth of beam, less half the thickness of flange, thus : for a beam 12" deep, web \" thick, flanges 2" wide and f" in average thickness on each side of the web, we have 6 square inches of web section at 5,000 = 30,0001bs. plus, 6 inches of flange section at 15,000 X leverage of 5,625", equal to 42,187ft>s. on a leverage of the depth of beam, making a total of 72,187ft>. ==6,015ft>s. to the inch upon the whole section. Hence, it is deemed safe to estimate the working strength per square inch of wrought iron I beams, in the above proportions of web and flanges, at 6,000 Ibs. for projecting ends, and 24,000 -for beams sup ported at the ends, and loaded in the middle ; and double those amounts of distributed load. For instance ; a 12" I beam of 12 square inches in section, and 16 long, between bearings, is good for 24,000 X ] =F 18,000ft)s. in the middle, 36,000 distributed uniformly, and 26,1801bs. upon two rails 5 feet apart, or 5.5 feet from end supports. XCVIII. One of the cases in which wrought iron is frequently exposed to transverse strain, is in the use of cylindrical pins for connecting the other parts of bridge work. In such cases, the forces will act with a certain leverage which can be nearly determined. The power of a round pin to sustain a transverse force act ing on a leverage equal to the diameter, may be as sumed at about T ^ less to the square inch, than that of LATERAL, OR TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 171 a square bar upon a leverage equal to its width of side. Hence, A representing the area of section, D, the diame ter, and L, the length, the safe stress = 4,500 A ~ acting on a projecting end, and 18,000- acting in the middle between two outside bearings ; that is, a V pin with centres of outside bearings 6" apart, will bear in the middle, 18,000 X = 2,355ft>s. If the pin connect an eye V thick, between one of \" thick on each side, the length (L) between centres of outside pieces, will be 1"; whence, a V pin will bear 4 times as much as in the preceding case; or 2,355 x 4 = 9,420ft)3. The tensile strength of a 1" round rod, being ll,7751bs. being equal to the cross-section (0.785), X 15,OOOR)s. it $hows that the strength of the rod is greater than that of the pin, in the condition here assumed, in the pro portion of 11,775 to 9,420. Therefore, the stiffness of the pin being as the cube of the diameter, in order to find the diameter (#), of a pin for connecting V bars by eyes and connecting straps, we have this proportion 9,420 : 11,775 : : I 3 :x 3 , whence z = 1.077 = to about -1*3 larger than the diameter of the rods to be connected, and in this proportion for any size of round rods con nected by straps and pins or bolts. But if the eyes and straps be drilled, so as to fit the pin through the whole thickness, the action approaches the shear strain, and the pin should have about f the area of section of the bars to be connected. The author would recommend, however, for general practice, that connecting pins be considered as acting by transverse stiffness, upon the lever principle, as above discussed. 172 BRIDGE BUILDING. ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 173 ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. XCIX. The general form in outline of the Arch Truss, may be seen in Figs. 8 and 11. The forms of the different members, and the modes of connecting them to form the complete structure, are many, and a minute description of each possible variety, in this respect, even if such a thing can be regarded as practicable, will not be undertaken on this occasion. The arch may be of cast or wrought iron in various forms of section. The following form of cast iron arch has been extensively used in the state of New York, with uniform success and satisfaction. The arch is composed of cast iron sections, equal in number to the number of panels in the truss ; an odd number being deemed preferable. In Fig. 27, o. on m presents a top view of the arch, and D, a top view of the chord, from end to centre; and A and B, enlarged cross-sec tions at p and </, adjacent to the cross-bars to be de scribed below, and which also appear in the figure. Each piece consists of two side portions of an ~~| formed section, connected at the ends, and at 2 or 3 intermedi ate points, by cross-bars of a J formed section for the intermediates, and at the ends, with sections as seen at (7, where a view of the arch connection is shown, as it would appear if cut vertically and longitudinally through the centre, and the near half removed. The width of the side plates of arch castings (from the top), should be about ^ of the length of pieces, with an average thickness of from T ^ to J of the width. The top plate, about the same thickness (or a trifle less, to prevent a tendency in the piece to become hollow 174 BRIDGE BUILDING. backed in cooling), and a width, a little over one-half that of the side plate. The resisting power may be estimated as in the table of negative resistances under the head of square, &c., pieces, calling the width of side plates the diameter, and using the column under J, for trusses supporting 12 feet or more width of flooring, and the column headed J, in case of trasses supporting a width of 10 feet or less, to each truss. The intermediate cross bars should have about the same thickness of plate as the side portions, a depth, about f that of side plates, and top plate not less than f as wide as the top plate of side portions. End cross-bars should have a top width of about f the width of side plates, and cross-section sufficient to sustain a whole gross panel load for the truss, by trans verse resistance. If it have a depth equal to J of its length, and a form of section as strong as a rectangular bar, it will safely sustain 1,000 to l,2001bs. to the inch ; and it is recommended to allow one inch of section in each end cross-bar to every l,000ft>s, sustained at the joint. Then, there being two cross bars together, the point will be doubly secure. Semicircular notches in the ends of contiguous arch pieces, form a vertical circular hole at the joint, for the passage of the vertical member. When the side plates are thin, the thickness should be increased for a few inches from the end, to afford a FIG 28 suitable bearing surface at the joint; r-pirv and the ends of arch pieces should I I flllll Hj be fitted (usually by planing), to a I y proper bevel to form a fair joint. The joints, however, are sometimes formed by cutting taper key seats (as seen in Fig. 28), ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 175 in one of the contiguous ends, to admit wrought iron wedges about an inch wide, and in sufficient number to give a bearing upon wedges, equal to at least one- half the section of iron in the chord. This method has answered well in a large number of bridges, and is convenient for adjusting the arch in line; but the planed ends form much the more workmanlike joint. The centre arch piece has usually a full top plate over the whole width of the piece. The endmost section, or foot piece of the arch, con nects with the chord by means of horizontal holes in FlG 29 tf 16 ft et to receive the ends of an o^en end iink of the chord, which is secured by screws and nuts as shown in Fig. 29, representing an inside view of the foot of one branch of the arch. C. The chord is composed of two long links of round or square iron to each panel, connected by cast iivn connecting blocks at points vertically under the arch joints. The form of these blocks is represented in F?g. 30. They diminish in length from the endmost to the centremost, the former being long enough to re ceive the links running parallel from the connection with the arch, and the ne&t block, being shorter by twice the diameter of the link iron ; the ends of links toward the centre of the truss, going next the ends of FIG. 30. 176 BRIDGE BUILDING. connecting blocks, and outside of the ends pointing toward abutments ; and, the members of each pair of links being parallel with one another. [D, Fig. 27.] The connecting block has an oblong section where it receives the links, being rounded on the sides to tit the semicircular ends of links. Jbia. 30 A. mi , , , , I here should be an accurate fit between these parts, to effect which, perhaps, the best plan is to ream the ends of links, and turn the bearings of blocks to a uniform size. For this purpose, the block is cast with extra metal to be turned off at the bearings, and with the portion be tween bearings a little thinner vertically, than the turned portions, as shown in Fig. 30A, in which a is a section and bb are the bearing surfaces. The vertical thickness of the block where it receives the links, should be at least 1J times the diameter of the link iron, and the cross-section multiplied by the width of block, and divided by diameter of link iron, should give a quotient about 13 times as great as the cross-section of both sides of the link. The middle portion of the block is cast with the proper size and form for the upright and diagonal members to pass through in the required directions, and is provided with suitable facets for the bearings of nuts. The least cross-section through all or any of the holes, should be at least one-quarter greater than the section at the link bearings. In Fig. 30, , b and c re spectively represent a side, end and top view of the cast iron connecting block. The oblong section of the connecting block was adapted to obtain greater transverse strength in the ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 177 direction of the strain. But it has recently occurred to the author, that perhaps, after all, a circular section of block would have the advantage, inasmuch as it would not require so short a bend at the ends of links ; whence they could the better adapt thems Ives to the block, and would not require so great a disturb ance in the condition of fibres or particles of the iron in forming the bends. With a diameter of block equal to 3 times that of the link iron (in case of round iron), it is believed that good iron would suffer the bend without material deterioration, or greater liability to break the ends, than in other parts of the link, espe cially if welded in the straight part. The enlarged central portion of the connecting block has upon its upper side, a flat surface rising a little above the links, to afford a beam seat for the cross beams of the bridge to rest upon ; which, in case of wooden beams, should present a bearing surface of 30 to 40 square inches. CL The upright is made of round wrought iron, 1 j to 2 inches in diameter, for bridges from 60 to 100 feet in length, when designed for common road purposes. The upper end is furnished with a screw nut, and a ring or collar welded on at a sufficient distance below the nut to allow the arch castings, and eyes of dia gonals to come between nut and collar. The lower end is turned or swaged down to a dia meter J " or " less than the body of the rod, for a length sufficient to reach through the connecting block, and receive a nut on the end. This is to form a shoulder at the upper side of the block, to act in case of a thrust action of the tfpright. 178 BRIDGE BUILDING. The two longest uprights have usually been made double and divergent from the collar downward, the branches being of iron from J" to f " smaller in^ dia meter than the single uprights, and passing through the connecting block near the links, either inside or outside, as deemed most appropriate, with a thin nut above, and a common nut below the block ; also a cast iron washer above the upper nuts, for the beam to rest on, instead of resting upon the central part of the block. The object is to give lateral steadiness to the arch, and diminish its vibration. A better effect in the same direction is produced by connecting the upper ends of those uprights across from truss to truss, in case of long bridges. For this purpose, the upright may extend a little above the arch, when necessary to give head-way (or, perhaps better still, the arch itself might rise higher above the chord, thus diminishing the action upon both arch and chord), and a light cast or wrought iron strut intro duced, to counteract the tendency to vibration of the arches, arising from the spring of the beams. As the the two trusses naturally tend to vibrate in opposition to each other, it is suggested whether simple ties of f " iron, would not so break the regularities of the vibrations Cis to prevent their increase to an objection able extent. The rigid strut, however, would be more effective, being capable of acting in both directions ; and, if thrown into the form of a graceful arch, it would be ornamental withal. GIL The diagonals are round rods, with an eye at the upper, and a screw and nut at the lower end of each ; the screw portion being about J" larger in dia meter than the plain part of the rod. Tsvo eyes of ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 179 diagonals go upon each upright (except the endraost) ; that of the rod running downward toward the centre going above the other, the better to prevent interfer ence with the cross-bars of arch pieces, as will be un derstood by reference to C, Fig. 27. The eyes He in horizontal positions, the rod in each case being bent to the required pitch to meet the con necting block. The bend should be as near as may be to the eye, without preventing a fair bearing of the eye upon the collar, or the subjacent eye. Care should be taken to have fullness and strength in the neck of the eye, that it may withstand the indirect strain at that point. The proper sizes for diagonals and chords should be such, in common road and street bridges, as to afford at least one square inch of cross-section for each 15,0001bs. of stress produced by the greatest load to which such bridges are liable, which in the author s opinion, should be estimated at about lOOIbs. to each square foot of bridge flooring, exclusive of weight of structure ; a rule which he originally adopted, and has adhered to in practice with most satisfactory results. Many bridges have been constructed with lighter pro portions than this rule would require, some of which have endured, while others have failed. It is true that ordinary road bridges are seldom ex posed to lOOfbs. to the foot of floor surface, but it is nevertheless, deemed expedient to provide for such a contingency. The modes of estimating stresses of different parts of the truss, have been fully discussed in preceding pages, [xxvn &c.], and it seems unnecessary in this place, to specify more particularly the dimensions of the several members of the truss. 180 BRIDGE BUILDIXG. FIG. SOB. CIII. Another devise for the connections of diagonals at the arch, is to replace the bent .eye of the diagonal by a straight end with screw and nut, and to have oblique holes cast in the ends of arch pieces for diagonals to pass through, on each side of the upright. [See Fig. 30B]. The diagonals may be single, or in pairs. The latter plan is preferable, as giving a better balanced action ; es pecially in case of rail road bridges, which are subject to greater action upon diagonals. This plan obviates a degree of lateral strain upon uprights, resulting from the eye connection. In this case, the upright should have a shoulder bearing on the under side of arch O castings, to sustain the thrust action. CIV. It will be seen that these trusses, having a width of base equal to about one-fourth of the height, will support themselves laterally, without any assist ance from one another, or from other parts of the structure, wherefore the flooring, including cross beams, may be entirely of wood, and may be renewed at pleasure, without any disturbance of the iron work ; a property peculiar to this kind of truss. The original design, therefore, was to use wooden cross-beams, formed in two pieces, as by slitting an or dinary beam vertically, bolting the parts together, and boring at the ends for the uprights, so that they may be conveniently put in and removed whenever they re quire renewal. Diagonal braces of wood, or what is much better, tie rods of iron with an eye at each end, ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 181 and a swivel or turn buckle adjustment near one end, a pair between each two consecutive beams, to which they are bolted near the uprights, are required to pre vent a lateral swinging or swaying of the bridge ; whence these members are usually called sway braces, or sway rods. In the end panels the sway rods are attached to the feet of the arch. Upon the cross-beams, longitudinal joists are placed to support the floor plank, a thing so simple, and so generally understood as to require no further descrip tion or illustration in this place. More or less casings and finishings of wood work outside of the road way, are usually added, according to circumstances, or the taste of the builder. CV. The rise of the arch above the chord, will admit 3f a considerable degree of variation. A pitch of 24 to 26 degrees for the end arch pieces, it will seldom be advisable to exceed in either direction. That pitch divided by the whole number of joints in the arch (6, for a seven panel truss), gives the angle of deflection at the joint, equal, of course, to twice the angle of bevel for ends of arch pieces. This, however, does not produce an arch in equili- brio under a uniform load, which, as we have seen, [xxvn and LII] requires a parabolic curve, while equal deflections produce a curve between the parabola and the circular arc; not departing from the former, how ever, widely enough to be of material moment for or dinary spans. The effect is only the throwing of a trifle more action upon certain diagonals ; for which the convenience of uniform bevels, is, perhaps, an ade quate offset. 182 BRIDGE BUILDING. CYLINDRICAL ARCHES. CYI. Arch Truss bridges have been constructed with cylindrical arch castings, in connection with up rights, dividing and diverging downward from the arch to the beams, thus serving to give lateral support to the arch, and preserve it in line. This form of arch castings was supposed at one time, to possess sufficient advantage over that already before described, and which is commonly known as the In dependent Arch, to warrant its adoption, inasmuch as it is the stronger form to withstand compressive strain. But it is also more expensive in the manufacture, to an extent perhaps sufficient to balance any practicable saving in weight of metal. Hence, the Independent Arch has acquired decidedly the greater popularity, to which its just title can scarcely be questioned. Further detail, therefore, as to the mode of constructing the cylindrical arch bridge will not be here recited. IRON BEAMS FOR BRIDGES. CVII. It is now over thirty years since the writer s attention was first directed to the subject of Iron Truss Bridges ; a period which may be said to comprise the history of the use of iron as the sole or principal mate rial in the main supporting members of those useful structures. At that time, there was one Iron Truss Bridge in use in the state of New York, and only one, to the writer s knowledge, either in this state, or in the world, though the fact may be otherwise. That bridge, though possessing merit as the result of a first effort, did not prove a complete success, hav- ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 183 ing failed, and, being rebuilt, failed a second time, many years ago; so that, at the present time, a certain Iron Truss Bridge built by the author of this work in 1841 and 42, upon the Arch Truss plan, essentially as described in the last few preceding pages, is believed to be the oldest Iron Truss bridge in use in this country, if not in the world. At that time, it was not thought advisable to attempt more than the construction of Iron Trusses, to be used in connection with wooden, beams, joist, &c. ; which latter portions could be renewed as required, with comparatively little trouble, and at much less cost, than the interest upon the extra expense of iron beams would amount to within the lifetime of wooden beams. But as the public mind seems now to have become convinced, not only of the safety and expediency of the use of iron for the trusses, but also for the beams of bridges, it becomes a question of interest to deter mine the best manner of constructing and inserting such beams. CYIII. Four general plans of iron beams have been used successfully ; namely, the cast iron web and flange beam, the wrought iron skeleton, the composite (wrought and cast iron), and the solid wrougth iron rolled web and flange, or I beam. These may all be used with good results, in particular cases, and under modifications adapted to respective circumstances. For general use, however, I regard the solid -rolled I beam as entitled to a decided preference ; and, with out discussing relative merits in this place, I propose simply, at this time, to suggest plans for adapting the last named beam to the Whipple Arch Truss, thus making the plan about all that can be hoped to be at- 184 BRIDGE BUILDING. tairied, as a cheap, substantial and durable iron bridge for general use, for spans varying from 40 to, perhaps 125 feet. For bridges 16 to 18 feet wide in the clear, and panels ten or eleven feet long, a 9 inch beam, weighing 30Bbs. to the foot, is in good proportion ; and when side walks are not required, the beams may be cut with square ends, just long enough to go between the uprights of opposite trusses, and provided with a fixture at each end, formed of a plate of iron about f" thick, 7" wide, and about 2 long, bent in the form of a jews- harp bow. The loop, or bow (w, Fig. 31), is to encir- FIG. 31. cle the upright, and the straight sides, to receive the vertical web of the beam between them, and to be fastened thereto, by two bolts and nuts. One of these should be 1J" in diameter, and long enough to receive the eye of a lateral diagonal tie, or sway rod (to prevent swaying or swinging), under both head and nut, and placed about 5|" from end of beam, and 2J" above lower edge of plate. The other bolt may be 1J" or 1J", and placed with its centre 1J" from end of beam, arid from upper edge of plate. The thread of the screw ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 185 should not run into the plate, even if a washer be re quired in order to fetch the work together. A convenient modification of this fixture is to have it made in two pieces with two f" bolts outside of the upright, as seen at c, Fig. 32. This affords a con- Fia. 32. venient means of attaching a light bracket (6), to sus tain face plank and coping (a), over the chords, such as are commonly used in this kind of bridge. It also enables iron beams to be inserted in bridges originally built with wooden beams. The connecting block in this case, should have an elevated ring around the upright, for the eye of the fixture to bear upon, to keep the beam from bearing altogether upon the inside of the upright, and produc ing unequal strain. CIX. Another suggestion is, to form a stirrup in the upright just above the connecting block for the beam to pass through and rest in : as seen at 6, Fig. 31. This will admit of projecting beams to support side walks. The stirrup may be formed of iron 1" by 2" or 2J", according to the character of bridge. The iron should 24 186 BRIDGE BUILDING. be upset, so as to give sufficient width and strength at the bottom of the stirrup to allow a 1J" stem to be screwed in, to pass through and support the connecting block. This stem may extend above the bottom of the stirrup, about ", a hole being made in the under side of the beam to receive that projection. The thread of the projecting part of the screw, which enters the beam, should be turned or chipped off. This plan may be used in bridges either with or without side walks. Again, the upright may terminate in a flange at the top of the beam, and bolts screwed or cast in the top of the block, or running through the block with head or nut below, one on each side of the beam, and con necting with the flange of the upright, as shown at B, Fig. 32. In the case of double uprights, the beam being cut to go between the inner branches, the fixture plates should lap about 20" upon the beam, and extend so as to clasp both branches of the upright. CX. To introduce the solid wrought beam in bridges with sidewalks originally constructed for wooden beams, the following plan is suggested. Let the beam be cut, say 1" shorter than the space between opposite uprights. Then, take for each end FIG. 33. .p ! ni> ^ of the beam, two plates J" thick and 7J" wide, or, wide enough to fill the space between the flanges of ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 187 the beam at V from the centre, so that one being placed on each side, they will be kept far enough apart to admit the upright between them. The plates should be long enough to lap 20" upon the beam, and extend to outside of side walk. They may be bolted with two V bolts near the end of the lap, and one near the end of the beam by the upright; as seen under the letter u in Fig. 33. A 1 J" bolt in the centre of depth, and 7 or 8 inches from the upright, will serve both to aid in holding the plates in place, and to connect the sway rods I. These plates should not be cut by bolt or rivet holes in the upper part, except at considerable distance from the upright u. Small bolts or rivets, r r, etc., should be inserted at intervals of 9 or 10 inches, near the lower edge, with thimbles to stay the extension plates apart, leaving a space equal to the diameter of the upright. In Fig. 33, s-w is a part of the extension for supporting side walk ; s, a cast iron saddle weighing about 4Sbs. for joist bearings, and c, a cross-section through the splice. To afford a proper bearing upon the con necting block, it is proposed to use a wrought iron ring (R. Fig. 34), high ^> x l enough to throw the whole weight upon the extension plates ee, and f" to V in width, except on the side next the beam proper, where it is to be clipped or drawn down to J". This, how ever, is not an essential point. In case of bridges already erected, the ring will have to be left open as at R , and when used, heated and closed around the upright. 188 BRIDGE BUILDING. CXI. The Link Chord, composed of a set of links to each panel, connected by pins or connecting blocks (the latter affording also points of attachment for ver ticals, diagonals, &c.), both for Arch and Trapezoidal trusses, was originally adopted by the author, as the readiest means of putting the requisite amount of chord material in a manageable form, both as it regards manu facturing the parts, and erecting the structure. This form renders the whole section available for sustaining tension, avoiding any loss in rivet or bolt holes for forming connections. The experience of more than a quarter of a century, during which time many hundreds of bridges with link chords have been constructed, and used in almost all conceivable conditions, (in many cases, undoubtedly, the links having been but imperfectly manufactured and fitted to the connecting blocks), with a degree of success and satisfaction seldom exceeded, may reasona bly be regarded as fairly establishing the efficiency and safety of this mode of construction, when proper care is used in the performance of the work. Continued and successful usage in a multitude of instances, is regarded as a better criterion as to the reliability of a plan of construction, than a small num ber of isolated tests, however severe ; and such usage the link chord has been subjected to. CXII. The theoretical questions to be considered in this case, would seem to be, as to the possible deteriora tion of the cohesive strength of the iron, produced in forming the bends at the ends of links the indirect, or lateral strain in those parts, resulting from imper fection of the fitting to the connecting block or pin, and, the imperfection of the weldings, both as it re- ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 189 gards complete cohesion, and the tendency to crystalli zation under the welding heat, not being fully destroyed by subsequent hammering and working. The whole process of the manufacture and refinement of iron, is based upon the principle that disconnected pieces of iron brought in contact under intense heat, but without complete fusion, and subjected to violent compression, as by hammering or rolling, will unite, and become a single piece or mass. Every bar of refined iron found in the iron market, is composed of half a dozen or more parts, which were once separate and disconnected. Those having been " fagoted," or placed in juxtaposition, and submitted to a welding heat, and passed repeatedly between ponderous rollers, or subjected to the blows of heavy hammers, are united and drawn into bars of required sizes and forms for use. These masses, taken from the furnace and suffered to cool without hammering or rolling, would be found more or less crystaline and brittle. But the latter operations prevent such a result, and the iron becomes more or less soft and flexible, even in a cold state. Iron which has undergone the uniform process of rolling, is generally of uniform quality and strength throughout the whole piece ; and, as far as it can be used in that state, without re-heating and re-working, it may be regarded as somewhat more reliable than when it has been forged and welded into different and more complex forms. . The high temperature required in welding, demands experience and judgment in determining the proper time to " strike," that is, when the metal is hot enough to adhere firmly, but not overheated to burning. Moreover, though the hammering required to bring 190 BRIDGE BUILDING. the parts together and reduce them to proper form and size, may prevent crystalization immediately at the welded point, still on either side are portions which may have "been heated so as to change the arrange ment of particles, and not subjected to sufficient ham mering to counteract the deteriorating tendency. Hence, a break is more liable to take place a little on one side, than immediately through the welded part. To obviate this liability, the parts to be welded should be enlarged by upsetting several inches from the end, so as to admit of re-drawing under the hammer a little beyond where the intense heat has reached. But theory aside for the moment, although the avoidance of welding in work to be exposed to great stress is desirable, it is nevertheless a fact established by large experience, that welded parts will bear as great a strain as takes place in well proportioned bridge work, with as much certainty as ever has been realized in any department of the means of locomotion. Danger lurks everywhere at all times. In railroad travel, boilers burst, rails break, wheels and axles break, etc., etc., but the failure of a weld in bridge work is rare indeed, and very few authenticated cases can be referred to. I would, however, prefer a weld in the straight part rather than in the end of a link, unless made with an excess of section around the bend. "Whether a bend around a pin of 1J or 2 times the diameter of the link iron is more liable to break than the straight sides of the link, I can refer to no reliable authority to deter mine. The longitudinal strain is no greater in the bended, than in the straight parts, if well fitted to the pin. But of course, it can not be expected to have a fit so close as to ensure a firm pressure quite round the ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 191 semi-circle. Hence the bearing is mainly on the back Bide of the pin, until by a yielding to compression, and by a slight bending of the link end, a pressure is pro duced all around. This slight bending, good iron will undergo without having it? strength impaired, when in its normal con dition. But this condition is disturbed in the process of bending, the outside portion being extended, and the inside compressed, whereby the stiffness of the part is increased. In the outside portion the power of re sisting extension is increased, while that of the inside portion is possibly diminished ; and, whether the aggregate resistance to extension is increased or dimin ished, experiment alone can determine ; and, undoubt edly, the more soft and flexible the iron, the better can it adapt itself to a bearing upon the pin. Hence, it should be allowed to cool gradually from a full red heat, after the shaping is finished. Hence, also, the necessity of extra section in welded ends, which, being less flexible, must obtain bearing surface by compression and yielding of contiguous parts, rather than by bending, and consequently, must undergo greater transverse strain in the end of the link. CXIII. A link formed of wire J"in diameter, formed to a pin /j" in diameter at one end, and brazed with a long lap at the other, suffered a permanent stretch in the straight part, of one per 0. of its length, with no apparent injury at the ends. Other analogous experi ments have shown similar results, namely, that the straight portions will yield before the bended portions. Now the same degree of disturbance in the metal takes place in a small, as in a large rod, bent to a curve whose radius has the same ratio to the diameter 192 BRIDGE BUILDING. of the rod. Hence, it is difficult to avoid the conclu sion that rods of soft and flexible iron, such as ought to be used for tension members in bridge work, bent to a proper fit upon connecting pins of diameter about twice that of the rods, and formed into links by weld ing in the straight parts, are quite safe under any stress within the limits adopted in bridge work. But it seems to be more convenient to form the weld at one end of the link, if not both, and such has been the usual practice; and, as before remarked, if a sur plus of metal section quite around the bend be secured, and the work well performed, this plan can scarcely be regarded as faulty, especially, in view of the long, varied, and successful usage of such vast numbers of links made in this manner. Now, although the link chord is very simple, effi cient, and convenient to make and manage, there are available alternative devices, some of which will be here described. THE EYE-BAR CHORD. CXIY. This is composed of two or more single rods, of oblong, square, or round section to each panel ; connected by cylindrical pins passing through strong eyes at each end of the chord bars. This plan until recently, has involved quite as much welding as the link chord; the eyes having been formed in separate pieces, and welded to the body of the rod. But within a few years a process has been devised by the Phoenix Iron Co., of Pennsylvania, for upsetting and forming eyes upon rolled bars. A mold or die gives the desired form and size to the head, and aside from the fact that a violent disturbance of the normal condition of the iron is produced in the vicinity ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 193 of the bead, there can be no question as to the excel lence of the work produced ; and it is undoubtedly, perfectly reliable, under any stress to which it is ad missible to expose the material in bridge work. Figure SOB represents the joint of an eye-plate chord at Cj adapted to the arch truss. Upright and diagonals have each an eye to receive the connecting pin at the lower end. The upright has a washer above the eye to form a beam seat above the eyes of the chord plates. Perhaps the washer should be in the form of a saddle or stool, with downward projections bearing upon the pin outside of the diagonals ; or, perhaps inside, in case the diagonals be in pairs, as before suggested. [cm.] SIZE OF CONNECTING PIN. CXV. Considering the average bearing upon the pin, to be at the centre of thickness of the eye, or link end, as the case may be, the thickness of the eye indi cates the leverage upon which opposite links act, when side by side upon either end of the pin. Estimating the strength of the pin, then, at 4,500ft>s. to the square inch of section, with a leverage equal to the diameter of the pin [see xcvm,] we obtain the proper diameter of the pin as follows : Let a=area of section in link or chord bar. tf=thickness of eye=leverage of action. 2=*=diameter of pin, in inches. Then, .7854x 2 =area of pin section ; and this multi 3534.30 plied by 4,500 -|,= .^ e q ual to tbe res i gt j n g p 0wer of the pin ; while 15,000a=the power of the link ; and putting these two expressions equal to one another, and deducing the value of #, we have the required diameter of the pin, ^4.244a.* inches, =x. 25 194 BRIDGE BUILDING. CXYI. If #=4 square inches, and =1.5 inches, then a.t = 6, and x = ^6x4.244 = 2.94 inches. This diameter of pin is required to withstand the action of the chord alone, which is the only stress upon the pin when the chord is at maximum tension. But when the diagonals running in the same direction horizontally, with the inside links, are brought into action, they act in conjunction with the links in pro ducing stress on the pin. Now, the greatest stress upon bn, Fig. 11 [see xxxiv] occurs when the point b alone is loaded, and the links ab sustain f of their maximum stress from movable load, and bn. sustains 5w ff , giving a horizontal pull of about 6 5u>", the amount varying with depth of truss. Again, besides the 6w" bearing at the point , in virtue of the movable weight (10), at 6, we have 3w due to weight of structure, also bearing at a ; and assuming &w . to be equal to li, or 7w" the whole pressure at a, equals 13i0", when the horizontal pull of bn equals 6.5w". The tension of ab, in the usual proportion of arch trusses, equals about 2J times the bearing at a, whence the stress of ab with the point b alone under load, equals 13^"x2.25* = 29.25u>". Deducting from this, 6.610" for horizontal pull of bn, it leaves 22.75w" = stress of be. Then, assuming the diagonal to act in the centre of the pin, and the length of pin between centres of bearing of outside links to be 27", we find the stress at the centre of the pin, by taking the mo ments with respect to the centre, of the action of the two links at either end of the pin. The difference of these moments, the forces being opposite, is the mo ment of the force producing stress at the centre of the pin; in other words, it is the force acting transversely ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 195 upon the pin, at a leverage of 1 inch, the inch being our unit of length. "We found the pull of ab = 29.25io", or 14.625^" at each end of the pin, which multiplied by distance from centre (13.5") gives a moment = 197.4375*// , while for be, the moment is JX22.75X12" = 136.500" ; and the difference = 60.9375w" = stress in centre of pin, upon a leverage of I". Assigning such a value to w" as will give the as sumed stress of 15,0001fes. to the inch upon ab with the truss fully loaded, with a bearing at a, of 2lw" for mova ble, and lw" (= 3*0 ), of weight of structure, we find a stress of 28 x 2 J ( 63)z0" = 8 X 15,0000ft>s. = 120,000ft>s ; whence w" = l,905Ibs. which, being substituted in the above amount of 60.9375*0" gives the stress in pounds at the centre of the pin, on a leverage of 1", equal to 116,086Ibs. We have seen [xcvin] that the resisting power of a projecting pin equals 4,500, which in this case, equals 4,500AD (L being = 1), equal to 4,500 X.7854X 3 . Then, making this expression = 116,088ft>s. we have x = 3.2" ; being 0.26" larger than is required* to withstand the action of chord alone, at its maximum stress, as already shown [cxvi.]. By similar process we find very nearly the same re sults with respect to the shorter pins toward the centre of the truss. For, although the maximum action of diagonals takes place under greater stress upon chords, the difference is balanced by diminution in length of pins toward the centre of the truss. Should this mode of connection be adopted, the pre ceding illustrations and examples, it is hoped, will enable the proper proportions of connecting pins to be determined for trusses of whatever dimensions. 196 BRIDGE BUILDING. A RIVETED PLATE-CHORD. CXVII. May be formed of Hat plates as long as may be conveniently managed, connected by splicing plates of a little more than half the thickness of the chord plates, one upon each side, riveted or bolted with such a distribution of rivets, &c., as may not weaken the plates by more than the width of one rivet hole. The area of rivet section should be at least f to f as great as the net section of the chord plate, on each side of the joint; and, go, Fig. 34J denoting the splicing plate, the distance cd, from the joint to the centre of the first rivet hole, should be at least twice the diame ter of the rivet (depending somewhat upon the size of rivet and thickness of plate, as well as the soundness of grain in the iron). The succeeding rivets, a, ,/, &c., should be placed alternately on opposite sides of the centre, so that the oblique distance ac (== 0), may equal the transverse distance (= T), + the diameter of whole (= II ). Then, representing the longitu dinal distance be, by L, we have T+H = 0, and (T+H) 2 = O 2 , - T 2 +L 2 = T 2 4-2TH-fII 2 ; whence L = \/2T.H + II 2 . If the plates be 6" wide, and T = 3J" (which is re garded as in good proportion, the above formula gives L == 2J" very nearly, for a f " hole. Then, 5" being allowed for the space ce, and 2" each for cd and eg, the splice plates would have a length of 20J", and { of the whole section of chord plates would be available for tension; since an oblique section through two holes, would quite equal a direct transverse section through one hole. The amount of rivet section above given is estimated upon the assumption that each rivet must be sheared ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 197 off in two places; and that it will resist, those shear ings, each, with about f of the force required to pull the rivet asunder by direct longitudinal strain. It is obvious that the two rivets e and/, Fig. 34 J, sus taining a portion of the stress of the chord plate, relieve in the same degree the stress upon the portion between those rivets and the joint, or end of the plate ; whence it is not necessary to preserve the same section in the portion thus relieved, as in other portions of the plate. Therefore the rivets a and c, nearer to the joint, may be larger than e and/, when the section of plates re quires more rivet section ; provided always, that the least net section of splice plates, have as great an area as the chord plate has through only one of the smallest rivets. For instance, four f" rivets are sufficient for plates 6" x J". But plates 6" xf" require more rivet section say " for e and /, and -|" for a and c ; while, the same for the former and V rivets for the lat ter, give about the required section for plates 6" x f". This leaves in each case, the same proportion of net available section of plates. Moreover, if rivets a and c be placed opposite to each other, and /be removed to , the rivets being " and V respectively. Then, the smaller rivets sustaining over J of the stress, while the others sustain less than f, the latter may cut off J of the net section (which is, in this case f" less than the whole width of plate), and still leave enough to sustain more than their own legitimate share of the stress. This may be done by one rivet or two, placed op posite c ; and thus the length of splice plates may be shortened to 15 J inches, instead of 20 J, as represented in the diagram. But, as in this case, the long plate has a net width of 5J" and the splice plates, only 4" 193 BRIDGE BUILDING. the latter require 31J per C. more thickness than the former, so as to nearly or quite balance the saving in length. As to the proportions of parts, in this kind of work, I would suggest that the thickness of plates be from Jth to y^th of their width, and the diameter of rivets, from 1 to 1 J times the thickness of plates. If plates be very wide and thin, they may be liable to be strained un evenly, and if very narrow, an unnecessary proportion of section is lost in rivet holes. FIG. 34*. CXYIIL The end connections of plate chords of this kind, may be effected by riveting on side plates at the ends, as seen at E, Fig. 34J, so as to give a thickness that will allow about J of the width of plate to be cut away by a hole for the connecting pin P, either round or oblong with square ends for adjusting keys or wedges. Or, the side plates may be omitted, and two key holes made in the middle of the plate, one for a key having a thickness equal to the diameter of the smaller rivets, and far enough from the end to admit of another hole nigher to the end, with about 2" between the holes. This may, if necessary, have twice the width of the other hole, and should leave at least twice the width of hole, between hole and end. The width of the wider hole, -{-twice that of the other, should equal about half the width of the plate ; and the keys should be driven to an equal bearing before the work be subjected to use. ARCH TRUSS BRIDGES. 199 The connecting blocks used with this chord, sus taining only the horizontal action of diagonals, may be considerably lighter than those used with the links, especially in arch trusses. In order to transfer the horizontal action of diagonals to the chords, mortises may be made in the plates, as seen at m Fig. 34^, not wider than, the smallest rivets used in splicing, to re ceive tenons of wrought iron cast in the block. As to the merits of the riveted plate, as compared with the link chord, it may be assumed that two splices are sufficient for any truss not exceeding 100 long, and that the weight of splicing plates and rivets will equal 4 or 5 feet extra length of plates, say 6 per cent upon a chord 80 long. To this we have to add about 14 per cent for extra section to compensate for rivet holes, making 20 per cent of iron lost in forming connections. Links require about half -as much extra material, to be taken up in bends, lappings, and enlargement of section at the ends; showing about 10 per cent less iron for the link, than for the plate chord. This would amount to about 400ft>s. for two trusses of 80 , with links of 1J" round iron. But this may be nearly or quite balanced by 500 or 600ibs. of castings, which may be saved in weight of connecting blocks. The economy of material being so nearly equal in the two chords, their relative merits must depend mostly upon the comparative cost of manufacture, and the relative efficiency of the chords in use. It is deemed far from improbable that the riveted plate chord might be found, on fair and thorough trial, to be worthy of extensive use in arch trusses, in place of the link chord. The fact that in the plate chord, the iron is used in its original condition, as it comes from the rollers, is cer tainly favorable. 200 BRIDGE BUILDING. BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. CXIX. These may be constructed with or without vertical members, and inform, either rectangular, with vertical end posts, or trapezoidal, having inclined end members, or king braces, as exbibited in Figs. 12, 13, 18 and 19. TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS BRIDGE, WITH TENSION DIAGONALS AND COMPRESSION VERTICALS. For short spans, less than 70 or 80 feet long, the simple cancel, as in Fig. 12, will generally be used, with trusses too low to admit of connection between upper chords, except in case of deck bridges. The same plan of lower chords composed of links and cast iron connecting, blocks, may be used, as already described for the arch truss. The connecting blocks are shorter, and may be cast in connection with the upright, or the latter may be in a separate piece. In the latter case, the block should have a suitable seat to receive the upright, and keep it in place. As the upper chord depends upon the stiffness of the beam and upright for lateral support to keep it in line, the upright should be firmly attached to the beam, and at right angles therewith. There is no means of estimating exactly the trans verse force which the chord may exert upon the up right. But if the ends of chord segments be properly squared and fitted, the lateral tendency will be quite small. It is recommended, that each upright have a transverse strength sufficient to withstand a force of l,000fts. acting at the upper chord ; that it have a web and flange form of section, with a width of we!) at the BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 201 FIG. 35. connection with the beam, not less than ^ s of the dis tance of upper chord from the beam. Fig. 35 will serve to illustrate the modes of connec tion for most of the members of a bridge of the kind under consideration. That part of the upright between a arid 6, is contracted in length. Other wise, the parts are represented in nearly correct proportions. At c, is represented the connec tion of the upright with the end of the beam, by means of a double eye and bolt, as shown at h. This receives the web of the beam, to which it is secured by the transverse bolt, which should be long enough to receive the eye of a swaj r rod under both head and nut. The stem of this fixture extends through the upright at its widest part (whence it may taper in both directions), and is secured by a nut upon a screw of about 1J" in diame ter. The beam should rest with its lower flange upon a small projection cast upon the upright, and not hang upon the connecting fixture. If so preferred, the sway rods may be connected by a screw and nut cast in the end of the connecting block, as seen at d. This plan has been used, but the connection by the bolt at c is deemed preferable. The outer and inner flanges of the upright at the top, being increased to nearly an inch in thickness, ac cording to size of bridge, and extending 3 or 4 inches above the web, terminate in semicircular concaves to receive the pin connecting the diagonals with the upper chord. A full view of the flange at the top of 26 202 BRIDGE BUILDING. the upright, with the pin resting in the concave, is shown at e. A heavy cross-bar from flange to flange at a, and light cross-bars at intervals of 16 to 18 inches from a to 6, serve to support the flanges, and stiffen the piece. The diagonals are formed with eyes to receive the connecting pin at the upper end, and screws and nuts to connect with the block at the lower chord, in the same manner as in the arch truss. The main diagonals, those inclining outward from the centre of the truss, should be in pairs, and in size, proportioned to the stress they are liable to, as deter mined by the process fully described in sections xxxix, &c. The links acting in conjunction, horizontally, with the main diagonals, should go on next the end of the connecting block, as that arrangement obviouslypro- duces less stress upon the block. The upper chord, usually formed of hollow cylinders, has openings in the underside at the joints, for uprights and diagonals to enter, where they connect by means of the transverse pin already mentioned. The cylin ders should have an extra thickness for 3 or 4 inches from the ends, and a strong collar around the opening, to restore the loss of strength occasioned by the open ing; and the ends should be squared in a lathe, to secure a perfect joint and a straight chord. If it be required to give a cambre to the truss, the ends of cylinders should be slighly beveled at the ends, making the under side a trifle shorter. This is easily effected by throwing the end opposite the one being turned, out of centre more or less, according to the cambre required. An 8 panel truss requires an ex- centricity equal to ^ of the requiredr ise in the centre BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 203 of the truss. For any even number of panels, make a series of odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, &c., to a number of terms equal to half the number of panels; add the terms of the series, and divide the required cambre by the sum, and the quotient equals the required excentricity to give the proper bevel. For an odd number of panels, take as many even numbers 2, 4, 6, &c., as equal half the greatest even number of panels; add the terms and divide as before for the excentricity. For illustration, for 8 panels, the four odd numbers 1 + 3 + 54-7 = 16, whence the excen tricity should be Jg of the cambre, as above stated. Fora 7 panel truss the three even numbers 2+4+ 6 = 12. Hence the excentricity should be * 2 of the cambre. The reason for this ruje will be obvious without more particular demonstration. At the obtuse angles of the truss, a hollow elbow is inserted (#, Fig. 35), reaching about 10 inches each way from the angular point, at the centre of the con necting pin, with an opening in the under side for up right and diagonals to enter, where they are fastened by a pin or bolt, as at the intermediate joints ; the cylinders meeting the elbow, being shortened by as much as the elbow extends from the angle, either way. The vertical member connecting with the elbow, is exposed to tension only, sustaining a weight equal to the gross panel load of the truss. It may be composed of two wrought iron suspension rods, united in a single eye at the top, and diverging downward to a connection with the beam and connecting block; or, it may be of cast iron, like the intermediates, with wrought iron eye plates, in place of the cast iron flanges with concaves as seen at e. These should be fastened by efficient means to the cast iron part of the upright; which lat- 204 BRIDGE BUILDING. ter should have a cross-section nowhere less than one square inch to each 2,000ft)3. of the gross panel load. A complete wrought iron connection from beam to elbow, however, is to be preferred. The thickness of web and flanges of the uprights, should be from f to J inch, and the cross-section of upper chord cylinders should be about 20 per 0. greater than that of the portion of bottom chord forming the opposite side of the oblique parallelogram included be tween consecutive main diagonals and included sections of chords ; as d e k I, Fig. 12. The upright should be so formed as to bring the cen tres of upper and lower chords in the same vertical plane. Sway rods in this class of bridges, should be about y in diameter; with a turn buckle near one end for ad justment, and an eye at each end, for connection with the bolt at c. The screw working in the turn buckle is cut upon the short piece, which should be J" larger in diameter than the long piece which has no screw upon it. The lower chords, king braces, and sway rods of the endmost panels, connect with cast iron foot pieces upon the abutments, as represented in Fig. 36. The portion of lower chord in the end panels, usually consists of single rods, instead of links, with an oblong eye at one end to receive the connecting block, and a screw and nut for connection with the foot piece (Fig. 36), at the other end. This plan of construction will generally yield pre cedence to the Arch Truss plan, for short spans, except for deck bridges upon rail roads, in which case the BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 205 structure will be secured laterally, by x ties, or sway rods between beams, and between king braces at the ends ; no X bracing being required between lower chords. Low trusses constructed in the manner above de scribed, have been used satisfactorily for supporting the outside of wide side walks ; answering the pur poses of a protection railing at the same time. For this purpose, the uprights are only 5 or 6 feet long, so as to bring the upper chord about 4 feet above the flooring. The first instance of this kind was in the case of the canal bridge on Genesee street in Utica, built 18 or 20 years ago, and repeatedly copied since. CXX. Bridges from 80 to 100 feet for common roads may be constructed with single canceled trusses, 13 to 14 feet high ; in which case the panels will require to be wide (horizontally) in order to avoid an inclination of diagonals too steep for good economy. But for railroad purposes, the trusses require a depth of about 20 feet to afford sufficient head room under the top connections, unless the beams be suspended below the bottom chords. Hence, the Double Cancelated Truss should be adopted for " through bridges " of spans exceeding 70 or 80 feet. Figures 18 and 20 exhibit in outline, the general character of the double cancelated trapezoidal truss bridge ; and, it is only necessary in this place, to de. scribe feasible modes of forming and connecting the various members ; which may be done essentially as described in the preceding section, with such modifi cations as follow. 206 BRIDGE BUILDING. FIG. 37. Cast Iron Uprights are composed of two or more pieces. When of two pieces, they may be connected by flanges and bolts at the centre, where they should have a diameter of about $ *ij- of the length, and a cross-section determined by the maximum stress, and the power of resistance of the material, as indicated in the table [XGIII.] The upright may taper from the centre to either end to a diameter of 5 to 6 inches, internally. The lower end is to stand upon a properly formed seat (h Fig. 37), upon the connect ing block of the lower chord, and may have an open ing at the bottom, upon the inner side, where the beam may enter and rest upon a seat (e), inside of the upright, upon the con necting block. The strength destroyed by this cutting the post should be restored by additional metal in a band or collar (c, Fig. 37), around the opening, and, if necessary, by the wing flanges dd, extending 6 or 8 inches above the opening. To avoid too much cutting of the post, the flanges of the beams may be reduced to 3 or 3J inches in width. The post and beam seat upon the connecting block may be elevated 3 or 4 inches above the links, as may be required, so as to allow sway rods to pass through with simple screws and nuts for adjustment; thus dispensing with turn- buckles. BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 207 Holes should be cast in the central part of the post, for diagonals to pass obliquely through. Or, what is perhaps better, the connecting bolts may be length ened so as to permit the insertion of an open box, or frame, between the flanges, as seen at a, Fig. 37. This intermediate piece should be so constructed as to close the ends of the hollow pieces meeting it, and prevent the water from getting inside. The top end of the upright is forked, with concaves for the connecting pin to rest in, as described in the last section, and as seen at a, Fig. 38. The cap piece of the post may be cast separate, or in connection with the upper half of the column. Both plans have been satisfactorily used. All joints, when practicable, should be accurately fitted by turning or planing. This plan of a cast iron upright, composed of two principal parts, with or without the centre piece, is perhaps as good as any for general use ; the principal disadvantage being the difficulty of giving a sufficient diameter in the middle for stiffness, without two much reducing the thickness of metal, or increasing the amount of cross-section beyond the proper theoretical proportions. To obviate this difficulty, the device adopted in the original model of the Trapezoidal bridge, was that of using truss-rods, or stiffening rods, to secure the post against lateral deflection, after the mannner shown in Fig. 38. In the case of using stiffening rods for the uprights, it may be recommended to form each half of the column in two pieces, somewhat in the manner above described for the whole one, without stiffeners; making the piece forming the end portion about Jth shorter 208 BRIDGE BUILDING. than the other, with a strong flange at the larger end, to afford attachments for the stiffening rods. Fm. 38. In Fig. 38, a c d exhibits the upper half of the up right ; A, the stretcher at d ; /,-, the flange at c (enlarged), and , j, enlarged sections of the two ends forming the joint at c. The piece running toward the centre has no flange at <?, but has :m increase of thickness for a short distance from the joint, as shown atj, and a diameter about I" larger than the abutting piece, which latter has a small burr entering the former J" or J" to keep the ends in place. At tf, each of the pieces meeting at that point, has a bi-furcation, so as to form an open ing for diagonals to pass through, at the same time passing through the stretcher h. The lower half of the upright is the same as the upper, except the end, which is squared to fit a flat bearing upon the connecting block. An enlarged ver tical section of the lower end is shown at , Fig. 38. See also Fig. 37, where is shown the arrangement for the beam to enter the opening in the lower part of the upright, as described a few pages back. Floor beams of wood or iron may be suspended be low the chords by bolts passing down through the connecting blocks, or, wooden beams may be in two BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 209 parts, resting upon flanges cast upon the upright a^out 3" above the lower end ; the beam timbers being hol lowed out upon the insides, so as to embrace the up right, in part, leaving a space of 2 or 3 inches between, and secured in place by bolts and separating blocks. The mode of inserting iron beams by means of open ings in the uprights, has already been explained. Lateral x ties, or sway-rods may be inserted by bolting to the beams (Figs. 31 and 33), attaching to the inner end of connecting blocks, as at </, Fig. 35, or by passing through the block between the links and the post and beam seat, in the manner referred to two pages back. Diagonal tics of wrought iron, and transverse struts O O of wrought or cast iron, are also required between the upper chords, to keep them in line. Cast iron cross- struts may have the web and flange form of section, with shallow sockets at the ends, to admit the connect ing bolts at the upper chord to enter, after passing through eyes upon the upper sway-rods and nuts to hold them in place. These sway -rods require turn- buckles for adjustment, when they extend across one panel only. Bat if the bridge be wide between trusses, the rod may extend only from the end of one cross- strut to the centre of the next, where it may pass through the strut, and receive a nut on the end. Thus, four rods meeting at the centre of the strut, each having its appropriate hole to pass through, all as near to one another as practicable, with sufficient space for nuts to turn (see a and e, Fig. 39), it forms a conven ient arrangement for adjusting the rods to a proper tension, at the same time affording lateral steadiness to the cross -strut. The end-most struts, however, should have no rods connecting with them in the centre, as they can have 210 BRIDGE BUILDING. no antagonist rods on the opposite sides to prevent the springing of the struts. The end panels should have two. full diagonals with turn-buckles, and two half diagonals connecting with the centre of next strut. FIG. In Fig. 39, a shows the middle of the cross-strut, with the upper flange removed ; c, a joint of the upper chord, where the connecting bolt passes transversely, receiving eyes of sway-rods, and nut, and entering the end of the strut at d\ the upper part of the strut being removed, down to the socket. The bolt bears upon a slight swell in the bottom of the socket, to ensure a central thrust : (see also, 6, Fig. 38). At e is presented a side view of the centre of the strut, showing the ar rangement of the holes. A similar device has been used with good effect for giving lateral support to posts or thrust uprights, of the web and flange form, so proportioned as to have greater stiffness transversely than lengthwise of the truss. It has been demonstrated that the weight sustained by these posts, increases toward the ends of the truss, while the tension of counter diagonals runs out to nothing, a little way from the centre of the truss. For instance, 4/6 Fig. 18, sustains w" Ifw , which is a negative quantity whenever w is less than 4w/, that is, BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 211 when the greatest movable load is less than four times the weight of structure, as is usually the case. But instead of dispensing with that member, and other counters on the left, they may be made in two pieces each, off" or " iron, connecting with the upright at the crossing by screws and nuts, in the manner above described ; thus preventing the uprights from deflect ing lengthwise of the truss, where the greatest weights act upon them, and where otherwise, they would re quire to be heavier. GENERAL TRANSVERSE SUPPORT. CXXI. The system of cross-struts and diagonal ties serves to preserve the upper chords in line, but does not prevent the whole structure from swaying bodily to the right or left ; a result which would be fatal to the structure. In the arch truss Fig. 27, the width of base at tlie bearings upon abutments, resulting from the peculiar form of the arch, affords the required stability in this respect. In case of the trapezoidal truss, when high, various devices have been resorted to for producing the same results. For deck bridges, cross tying between king braces at the ends, is an easy and efficient means of accomplishing the object. For through bridges, guys from the connecting bolt at the elbow of the ob tuse angle, anchored in the abutment, may be em- ploj^ed. But this requires extra length of abutments and piers, and the effects of change of temperature, are, to tighten and slacken the guys, so as to impair their efficiency. To obviate the latter objection, double acting guys (acting by thrust and tension), applied at one side only 212 BRIDGE BUILDING. of the bridge, have been employed ; the effect of temperature being only to very slightly sway the bridge laterally, but not so as to be detrimental to sta bility. This also, requires 5 or 6 feet more length of pier, than what is necessary to bear the vertical pres sure. Again, the king braces have been made with two branches diverging from the elbow to a base of 2 or 3 feet in width, according to height of truss. This plan has been used in a large number of bridges, with sa tisfactory results. But it contracts to a small degree, the available width of bridge ; not, however, so as to produce material inconvenience. Another device is, the introduction of two or more long beams, extending 5 or 6 feet outside of the trusses, say at the first thrust uprights from the ends (as over Figs. 3J, 3J, Fig. 18), with guys extending from the connecting bolt at the upper chord, to the ends of said long beams (see g Fig. 38). Arches may also be introduced at the ends of the bridge, attached to the king braces, say a quarter of the way down from the top, and with the connectingbolt at the elbow. These may be made with a full, or an open-work web, and flanges of 2J or 2J inch angle iron upon both sides of the web, at the top, and around the arch, and either angle iron or plain flat bars, along the sides next the king braces. A web of jV plates placed edge to edge, and bat tened upon both sides with plates of the same about 4 /r wide, riveted alternately on each side of the seam, with angle iron, etc., as above, riveted once in 6", forms a stiff and substantial arch for the purpose under con sideration, such as have been used effectively in a bridge of 160ft. span. BRIDGES WITH PARALLEL CHORDS. 213 Moreover, simple arch braces extending from the king brace to a stiff and substantial cross beam from elbow to elbow (see Fig. 40), will effect nearly the same result as the arch. In both cases, a considera ble degree of lateral stress is liable to be thrown upon the king braces, which accordingly should be strong, or sup ported by truss rods, and struts opposite the feet of the arch or braces. Whether the truss rods be used or not, it is advisa ble that the connection with the king brace be made by means of a bolt running through the whole dia meter of the king brace, with nut or shoulder bearing externally and internally upon both sides, to counteract any tendency to collapse. Fig. 40 presents an end view of a bridge, showing arch braces, with truss rods to sustain the thrust of arch braces against king braces. The internal figure gives an enlarged view of the connection at the elbow. A strap a (about }"x5"), bent twice at right angles, is riveted or bolted to the flanges of an I beam (about 9" deep), leaving a space of about 4 inches from the end of the I beam, for eyes of two sway rods and a nut upon the large connecting bolt. This bolt in large bridges being from 3 to 4 inches in diameter through the elbow, is reduced to 2 or 2J inches in the part pro- 214 BRIDGE BUILDING. jecting through the strap above mentioned, and the eyes of sway rods. The truss rods may not be necessary (with substan tial king braces), for spans not exceeding 150 feet, But they will add to the security, in all cases of rail road bridges having cast iron king braces. These members being over twice the length of the cylinders in the upper chord, are usually cast in two pieces, and connected by bolts and flanges in the middle, where they have a diameter of about 2 ^ of the length of brace, and taper to the size of the upper chord at the ends. CXXII. WROUGHT IRON THRUST MEMBERS. The trapezoidal bridge, as described in detail in the preceding section, and as originally intended, is a wrought and cast iron bridge. But it will readily be seen that with slight modification of detail, it is easily adapted to the use of wrought iron upper chord, verti cal posts, and main end braces ; which latter, for con venience, have been designated in this work, as king braces. All of these members may be in the form of the patent wrought iron column of the Phoenix Iron Co. of Pennsylvania, formed of flanged segments, united by riveting ; or of rectangular wrought iron trunks, as well as various other forms of section. For the Phoenix column, a cast iron connecting piece may be inserted at the joints of the upper chord, with ends formed to enter the squared ends of the chord cylinders, and receive them against a shoulder of the connecting piece. This piece may have an opening in the under side to receive the diagonals and uprights, where they are secured by a transverse WROUGHT IRON THRUST MEMBERS. 215 connecting bolt, in the same manner as at the joint of the cast iron chord cylinders, as before described. In. this case the upright may have a cast iron top piece, formed as seen in Figs. 35 and 38 upon the top of cast iron uprights. A separate top piece has sometimes been used with cast iron verticals. FIG. 41. The connecting piece may also be formed as indi cated in Fig. 41, with a downward branch like pro cess to meet and receive the squared end of the vertical in the same manner as the horizontal part connects with chord cylinders. In this case the connecting piece must have openings as at b b Fig. 41, for the eyes diagonals to enter. Fig. 41, shows an inside view of the joint piecej as it would appear if cut vertically and longitudinally, and the near half removed. The horizontal part con sists of a cylindrical shell a little thicker than the wrought iron chord cylinder, with ribs upon the out side corresponding with those of the wrought cylinders, and as shown in end view c. Upon the inside, the ring and flanges a a, project inward, leaving usually a space of about 5 inches (according to dimensions of 216 BRIDGE BUILDING. bridge), for eyes of diagonals. These are to ease the lateral strain of the connecting bolt or pin. The process meeting the vertical, may be rectangu lar in horizontal section, composed of two parallel flat plates, in form as may suit the taste of the designer, united by two irregular plates formed to the profile of the parallel plates. The openings for diagonals, are, of course, through the irregular plates. These are drawn in at the bottom so as to form a square with the paral lel sides, large enough to cover the flanges of fhe 4 segment column selected for the upright. See Fig. 41. The inside of the square d, is filled in to form a hol low round, about an inch less in diameter than the hollow of the column, that it may have a ring or collar (represented by the inner white ring around d), project ing about 2 inches beyond the shoulder into the wrought iron column. On the top of the joint piece may be an arrangement of oblique holes for the attachment of lateral X ties, and on the inside, facing the opposite truss, an abutting seat for the cross-strut, which may be in the form of a 6" I beam, or such other form as may be preferred. The foot of the post may stand upon a properly formed seat upon the connecting block of the lower chord, with an opening to receive the beam, in the same manner as described for the cast iron post. See Fig. 37. It will be necessary ror diagonals to pass through the centres of uprights, and for that purpose 10 or 12 inches in length, as may be necessary, may be left out of two opposite segments, and the strength thus lost, restored by additional metal, in such form as may be found con venient and efficient. Or, a cast-iron middle piece may be inserted in the upright. WROUGHT IRON THRUST MEMBERS. 217 lu the case of an upper chord of rectangular trunks, and uprights of other than a cylindrical form, the joint piece will be correspondingly modified. The position of diagonals may be reversed, connect ing by an eye with a wrought cylindrical connecting pin at the lower chord, and by screw and nut with the joint piece of the upper chord. This involves merely a question of practical economy and convenience. Sometimes, also, the connection is made by an eye at both ends of the diagonal, depending upon accuracy, as to length, in the manufacture, for the proper ad justment of parts. It is also practicable to provide means of adjustment in the length of vertical members. CXXIII. But, to enumerate all the changes, and peculiarities of detail admissible in the construction of the Trapezoidal Truss Bridge, even if practicable, could hardly be regarded as expedient in this place. The essential requisities are, to provide material enough of good quality in all parts, to withstand the forces to which they are respectively liable, with efficient connections of parts, by the most direct and simple means, and with s ich an arrangement and adjustment as may produce the most uniform degree of strain upon all parts of each member. For instance, ecah section of the lower chord is usually composed of several bars, and it is im portant that each should sustain its proportionate share of the stress. In the link chord composed of two links to each panel, if the links be properly fitted, the two sides of each must act very nearly alike, while the connecting block acts as a sort of balance beam to equalize the tension of links acting upon its two ends ; and, if the two links of a pair vary slightly in length, the connect- 28 ....... ?% 218 BRIDGE BUILDING. ing block still secures equality of stress upon the two. The same is the case with regard to a chord composed of two eye bars instead of links, to each panel. But the serious mistake is .sometimes committed, of putting the two links or bars upon the same side of those in the succeeding panel, FlG - 42 - as in Fig 42 ; where it is ob- F vious that the inside links (a, * b y c), are exposed to more ac tion than d, e,f. For, if the inside links be 8", and the outside ones 4" from centre of pin, since a and b tend to turn the pin in one direction about its centre, and d and e in the opposite direction, the forces being in equilebirio the moments (with respect to the centre), of forces tending in one direction, must be equal to those of forces tending in the opposite direc tion. Hence, representing the stresses of the several links by the letters designating them respectively on the diagram, we have 3 X (a -f b) = 4 x (d -f e), whence, a + b = | (d -f e) ; showing J more stress upon the in side than upon the outside links. On the contrary, if the link e, be removed to e upon the inside of a, then d and e act in one direction, and a and b in the otjier; and, assuming as before, the inside links to be 3", and the outside ones 4" from centre of pin, we have 4a -f 36 = 4d + 3e . But a -f d = b + e , and if the force be communicated at the ends, equally upon the two , sides of the chord, giving equal stress upon a and o?, for instance, the tendency is to an even balanced action throughout the length of chord. Hence the two links of each panel should always act upon the connecting block or pin, at equal dis tances from centre of pin. MULTIPLEX CHORDS. 219 MULTIPLEX CHORDS. CXXIV. In very long or heavy bridges, the required amount of chord section in the middle portion of the truss, is so great, that k is deemed expedient to intro duce more than two links or eye hars to the panel. This is sometimes done by alternating them upon the connecting pin, increasing the number and sizes ac cording to the increase of stress from panel to panel toward the centre. This mode of construction, unless the bars be ar ranged and proportioned with almost impracticable care and nicety, is liable to be attended by an accumu lation of lateral strain upon the connecting pin, beyond what it can bear without bending, or springing so much as to materially disturb the equality of stress upon the links, or chord bars. FIG. 43. To illustrate this subject, let Fig. 43, represent one quarter of the chord of a 16 panel bridge. The line CC may denote the central axis of the chord running through the centres of connecting pins ; D, at a dis tance of, say 8" from C, the line in which the diago nals act upon pins, and the other parallel lines at intervals of 3" from D, and from one another (see Figs. 220 BRIDGE BUILDING. on right hand of diagram), the centres of thickness of links, at which points the action of respective links is supposed to be concentrated upon the pins. Also, let a, by c, etc., represent the panels of the chords. Now, if 15W, or 15, represent the stress upon the chord in the two first panels, a and 6, that of the suc ceeding panels to the centre, will be as 22, 34, 44, 52, 58 and 62 (see lower figures in diagram), and the dia gonals (producing increments of action upon chord), will have a horizontal action represented by 7 in panel b, by 12 in panel c, and so on by 10, 8, 6, 4. These being added successively to 15, produce the numbers just stated for the chord in the several panels. The first three panels, a,b and c, require only one link upon each side, as indicated by the oblique black lines. The 4th panel, d, may have 2 links on a side, and the most favorable position for them, as regards action upon connecting pins, will be as shown, diverging from the central axis, so as to bring the end toward the abutment, nearest to the main diagonal connecting with the same pin. The first pin, connecting a and 6, having two equal forces acting in opposition, but at different distances from the centre line (7, we take the moments of these forces with respect to that line , which are, for a, 15xl4=210,andfor6, 15x11=165. The difference (45) between these moments, equals the moment of the resultant, or the lateral stress of the pin, exerted on a leverage of 1". Assuming the value of W, our unit of stress (and always understood as annexed to the figures denoting stress), to represent 5,000ft>s. we have for stress of pin in this case, 45 X 5,000-*-L. The L, being V may be omitted in the expression. MULTIPLEX CHORDS. 21 Then,rnakingz=diameterofpin,itsresistingpower= A5.x4,500 (see [xcvm])= .785z 2 x x x 4,500 -r- 1"= 3,532. 5r 3 ; and putting this equal to 45x5,000 (the stress above found), we obtain =4" (very n early), = required diameter of pin. At the next pin we take the moments of one link 15xl4"=210, and one diagonal, 7 x8"=56, making 266 in one direction, against that of one link, 22x11"= 242. Hence the resultant moment = 24, and 24 X 5,000=3,532.5x 3 , gives the required diameter of pin in the centre, ==3J , nearly. But this is the general stress in the portion of pin between diagonals, and may be greater or less than at certain points where forces are applied. For instance, if the aggregate moments of forces in opposite directions be equal, the resultant moment is nothing, and the middle portion of the pin, between diagonals has no stress, and might be cut out and removed, as far as strength of chord is concerned. In the case in hand, the moment of link 6, with respect to link c, equals 15"x3= 45=stress of pin at centre of c. Hence the required diameter at this point is found by the equation 45x5,000=3,532.5 Xx 3 , whence =4", the same as pin ]STo. 1. At the next pin, if we add another link, making 2 links sustaining 34W, at an average of 14" from centre, giving a moment of 476, against one link, 22x14, + one diagonal 12x8=404, we obtain a resultant mo ment of 72 ; whence, 72x5,000 = 3,532.5x 3 , and x = 4.67 inches, = required central diameter of pin, and as will be readily seen on trial, the greatest required at any point. Again, assuming at the 4th pin 2 links and 1 dia gonal against two links, we have for the former, 34x17" + 10x8 = 658, and for the latter, 44x14 = 222 BRIDGE BUILDING. 616, whence the resultant moment is 42. Therefore the equation 42x5,000 = 3,532.5z 3 , gives;r = 3.9 inches, = required diameter in centre, while for the outside link on this pin, the stress, 17, multiplied by 3 shows a moment of 51. Hence, x = ^* = 4.16 inches O,Oo/a.O = required diameter at that point. At the 5th pin, there are 3 links, against 2 links and one diagonal, giving moments for the latter, 44x17 + 8x8 = 812, and for the former, 52x17 = 884 ; whence the resultant moment = 72, and x = & (? 2x j;-" uo ) = 4.67 , #,532.5 inches. The moments at pin No. 6, are, for 3 links, 52x20, -f (for diagonal) 6x8 ==1088, in one direction, and for 3 links, 58x17 = 986, giving a resultant of 102 ; whence, Lastly, adding another link at the 7th pin, the moments are 58x20 -f (for diagonal) 4x8, = 1,192, against 62x20 = 1240, whence the resultant is 48, and* -X^jgp- 4-08. In this case the eyes, or link-ends are supposed to be bored in the direction of the pin, a little obliquely to the direction of the link, so as to bear through the whole thickness, as long as the pins remain perfectly straight. But the pins having a degree of elasticity, and considerable length, must yield to the action of links, springing more or less in the direction of the greater sum of moments. It will be seen, moreover, that in each case, the consecutive ends entering the outside link, as 3 and 4, 5 and 6, &c., are always sprung toward one another ; the inevitable result of which must be, a relief or relaxation of the outside link, whence it must sustain a less degree of strain than its fellows located farther from the ends of the pins. MULTIPLEX CHORDS. 223 * Now, as a 12 foot link, under a stress of 10,000ft>s. to the inch is extended less than f - of a foot, a slight 1 jUUU springing of connecting pins would relax the outside links materially, especially when the pins tend to spring toward one another. Again, if the links run parallel with the centre of chord, and at right angles with the connecting pins, as indicated by the double black lines (Fig. 43), the moments of forces upon pin No. 5, for instance, will be for 3 links acting toward .the right hand, 44 x 17 -f (for diagonal) 8x8 = 812, against 3 links acting toward the left, with moments equal to 52 x20 = 1,040, showing a difference of 228 ; whence=^( 228 * 5>000 ) = 3,582 5 6.85 inches -= required diameter of pin at the centre. At pin No. 6, are 3 links with a combined moment of 52 x 20, -f (for diagonal), 6x8, = 1076, against 3 links with a combined moment of 58 X 17 = 986, show ing a difference of 90 ; consequently, x = ^/( 90 * 5 - OQO ) = o,532.5 5.03 inches = required diameter of pin. Such would be the result as to stress and required diameter of pin, provided the pin remain perfectly straight. It is true that the spring of the pin in the direction of the greater moment, or sum of moments, will, in practice, produce an obliquity in its direction through the eyes, which will throw the centres of bear ing upon the pin, nigher to the adjacent sides of the eyes, and thus reduce the difference of opposite mo ments, and consequently, the stress upon the pin. But such relief to the pin must be attended with a disturb ance of the central and uniform strain of the chord bar ; the strain being brought near one side of the bar. Moreover, as this can only result from actual springing of the pin, there must inevitably be a degree of relaxa- 224 BRIDGE BUILDING. tion of the outside link, whenever the pins at its two ends are deflected toward one another. On the con trary, an outside link or bar connecting with two pins springing from one another, is necessarily subjected to greater strain than those nighor the centres of pins, in the same panel. In this case, the forces tend to spring the pins toward one another at the ends, whence the outside link" must suffer more or less relaxation. It seems unnecessary to carry these examples further. The above results show a decided advantage in the ob lique position of links, diverging toward the centre of the span, so as to have the inside link opposed to the diagonal. The arrangement of links, or eye bars, here assumed, and the amount of stress assigned to them, are no ex aggeration upon what has been put in practice. But the preceding calculations must be sufficient to demon strate the exceptionable character of such practice. Two links upon a side (4 to the panel), after two or three panels next the end, so thin as not to occupy an unnecessary length of pin each taking hold of the pin outside of the succeeding one toward the cen tre of the truss, may be admissible. But a greater number, in the opinion of the author, for reasons al ready given, is not to be recommended. DOUBLE CHORD. CXXV. To obviate the difficulty attending the use of the multiplex chord, consisting of many links in a panel, we may make use of what may be distinguished as a Double Chord. We have seen [LVI], that in double cancelated trusses with vertical members, there are two independent sets DIFFERENT MODES OF CONSTRUCTION. 225 of diagonals and verticals, which have no interchange of action between one another. Now, each of these sets may have its own lower chord, also acting inde pendently, each of the other, but uniting at the same point at the foot of the king brace, which is common to both sets of web members. In such case, the two chords (which we may call sub- q/ior^s), may be one above the other, and composed of links or eye-bars, extending horizontally across two panels ; the links or bars of one sub-chord connecting opposite the centre of those in the other, and the up rights in one set, being as much longer than those in the other, as the distance, vertically, between the up per and lower sub-chords. By this means, about one-half of the extra material in chord connections would be saved; and a more uni form stress upon the chord bars secured, than would be practicable, even with 4 links acting upon one con necting pin. DETACHED, AND CONCRETE PLANS OF CONSTRUCTION. CXXVI. In the plan of Trapezoidal truss had under consideration in the last few preceding sections, the several members are formed in separate pieces, to be erected in place, and connected by screws, bolts, con necting pins, &c., as the parts of wooden bridges and building frames are erected, after being framed and prepared, each for its particular place. There is another mode of construction, in which members and parts of members are permanently riveted together in place; or, in case of small bridges, the whole structure is permanently put together at the manufactory, and transported by water or rail to the place of erection and use. The former of these may 29 226 BRIDGE BUILDING. be called the detached, and the latter, the concrete mode of construction. The detached plan is probably the best adapted to wrought and cast iron bridges, and also, at least, equally adapted to bridges entirely, or essentially constructed of wrought iron, when vertical thrust uprights are em ployed. But it can hardly be regarded as advisable to con struct iron bridges with independent members, without thrust verticals. For, although as we have seen, [XLVI,] the latter plan shows a trifle less action upon the ma terial than the plan with verticals, the oblique thrust members in the web, are 40 or 50 per cent longer (ac cording to inclination), as well as being in greater number, and sustaining less average action to the piece. The 7 panel truss, Fig. 12, has 4 compression verti cals, liable to an average action of 8w" ; while truss Fig. 13, has not less than 6 diagonals, liable to an average compression of -w" \/2 (when the inclination is 45), equal to 5.65i0". In the mean time, these members being- over 40 per cent longer, and sustain ing only about the same aggregate amount of action, can not be so economically proportioned to perform their required labor, when acting independently, as the fewer and shorter uprights. Still, the Trapezoid with individual members is practicable, probably with about the same economy of material without verticals as with them ; and, if it be deemed expedient to adopt the former, the modes of forming and connecting the various parts may be so nearly like those already described for the latter, that particular specifications will not be given in this place. The essential conditions to be observed, are, besides proportioning the parts to the kind and degree of strain DIFFERENT PLANS OF CONSTRUCTION. 227 to which they may be exposed, to see that the forms of diagonals liable to compresaive action, be made capable of withstanding such action, according to the table of negative resistances [xcin] ; and, that those liable to a change of action from tension to compres sion, and the contrary, be formed and connected in such manner as to enable them to act in both directions. CXXVII. In the concrete, or rivet work plan of construction, the Trapezoid without verticals may, it is thought, be generally adopted with advantage. Upon this branch of the subject, however, but little of detail will be attempted at this time, the author having had very little direct practical experience in the pre mises. The first point to be attended to, of course, as in all cases of bridge construction, is, to arrange the general outline and proportions of the truss ; that is, the num ber of panels, and depth of truss suitable for the par ticular case in hand. This being done, the amount and kind of force, whether thrust or tension, to which each part is liable, should be determined ; for which purpose, the value of w, and of w (the variable and constant panel load for the truss), must be assumed, or estimated according to the best data at command ; when the stresses of the several parts are readily ob tained by process already explained; [XLIV, &c.]. We are then prepared to assign the requisite cross- section to each part, and to adopt a suitable form of bar, or combination of bars and plates, for each mem ber. Thrust members will usually (if long), be formed of several parts, mostly flat plates, angle iron, T iron, and channel iron, united by riveting in such form of cross-section as may give the largest diameter practi- 2:23 BRIDGE BUILDING. cable without too much attenuation of the thickness of material, a point upon which no certain rules can be given. Flat plates, when connected by riveting at the edges, may be of a width of 30 to 40 times the thickness per haps, without liability to " buckle" under reasonable compression. When riveted along the centre, a width of 12 to 20 times the thickness, will be in better pro portion. UPPER CHORD. CXXYIII. A good upper chord may be made in rectangular, or box form, of flat plates and angle iron ; or, for small bridges, of channel iron, with flanges either inward or outward, upon the two vertical sides, with flat plates upon upper and under sides ; the upper riveted, and the lower one either riveted, or put on with screws, tapped into the lower flanges of the channel bars. The upper plate, when flanges turn inward, may project half an inch, or an inch, and the lower one, come even with the sides. The channel bars should meet at the nodes, or connecting points, and a splice plate covering the joint may project below the chord far enough to form a connection with diagonals by riveting. (Fig. 44). Diagonals acting by tension only, may be plain flat bars of width from 8 to 10 times the thickness. Those acting by thrust principally, may be of T iron with short diagonal bars riveted to the mid rib, (e Fig. 44), giving a width corresponding with that of the upper chord, or with the space between tension diagonals, so that the latter may be riveted to the cross-plate of the T iron at the crossings, to give lateral support to RIVET- WORK BRIDGES. 229 the thrust members. Angle iron may also be used in stead of T iron, in these members. FIG. 44. \ o 1 c o o o 1 O O o o o. J "6 o O 3 Diagonals acting by both thrust and tension, should be formed and connected with reference to the forces they are liable to. For small bridges, small plain I bars may be used for thrust diagonals with advantage. In all cases of tension, rivets should be so arranged when practicable, as to leave all the section available, except the diameter of a single rivet hole; that is, no section through two or more holes, including the one farthest from the end, should have less area than, a square section through one hole, [cxvii, Fig. 31.] In Fig. 44, a, a, &c., represent tension diagonals, of plain flat bars, with cross-section proportioned to the stress in each case; 6,6 thrust diagonals of T iron and short diagonal plates, as seen at e ; c, e, the upper, 230 BRIDGE BUILDING. and <f, the lower chord ; the dotted line J, shows the meeting of lower chord plates, about 4 inches toward the abutment from the point of meeting of the several centres of chord and diagonals. The side plates of up per chord may meet at the centre of the node, or con necting point. The upper splice plates are of irregular form (or, they may be cut on a regular slant from upper to lower angle), but such as to cut without waste of iron. They may be clipped out upon the under side, as by the curved line, or not, as may be preferred. The lower splice plates may be rectangular, and of such length and width as to admit of a sufficient num. ber of rivets, properly arranged, to be equal in strength to the net section of chord plate and diagonals. It is scarcely necessary to repeat, that rivet section connecting two thicknesses of plate only, should exceed the net section of plate by as much as the direct tensile strength exceeds the shear-strength of iron. LOWER CHORD. CXXIX. The following plan of a flat plate bottom chord adapted to a connection of diagonals by connect ing pins, is transcribed from the author s former work ; and, by widening the splice plates, as in Fig. 44, ia equally adapted to the concrete mode of construction ; i. e., by rivet work. The plan contemplates each half-chord as composed of two courses of plates (except near the ends), spliced alternately, one at each node so as to " break joints." The two half chords are to be placed at such distance apart as to accommodate the connections with dia gonals, and with uprights, when used in connection with uprights. RIVET- WORK BRIDGES. 231 For a 16 panel truss, as arranged in Figures 18 and 19. Suppose w = 12m (m representing l,0001bs.) ; w 4w, and W = 16w, = w -f w ; diagonals (except the steep ones), inclining 45. The end brace, then, sustaining 7JW = 120w, [LVI], produces tension equal to 60/n, upon the first and second section of chord, in Fig. 18, the proportions for which will be here considered. Allowing then, 10m to the square inch, each half chord requires a plate of about 8" by r V, up to the second node from the end. This plate may extend say within 8" of the centre of the connecting pin at the 2d node, where it may be connected with a |" plate, by two splice-plates about 27" long (see A. Fig. 45), with a net section equal to the y y plate, or, say J" thick. Fig. 45, exhibits a disposition of rivet and pin holes, at A, so arranged as to preserve the full section of plates, less the diameter of a single V rivet hole. Or, the splice-plates maybe 1" shorter, and J thicker, and the two rivets next the joint (j), on either side, opposite one another, as at BB, Fig. 45 ; thus giving the same section (of splice-plates), through two opposite rivets in the thicker, as through one rivet in thinner and longer splice plates. In this case, the joint should be 4|" from centre of connecting pin (p), and a little more, when the rivets exceed V in diameter. At the third node, an increase of section is required, and a f" plate may be added on the inside, lapping 9 or 10 inches back of the pin, with a J" splice plate of the B pattern to balance the extra inch in width re quired for opposite rivet holes, and a 2" pin hole. The inside plate continuing past the next, or 4th node, the f" outside plate may be met by, and spliced to a |" plate, in either of the modes indicated by A and BRIDGE BUILDING. B, Fig. 45. On plan B, the outside splice plate should be at least J" thick, and the inside one, T 5 g ". In this, as in other cases where a thinner plate meets a thicker one, the former is to be furred out to the thickness of the latter. At the 5th node, the outside plate may continue, while the inside one is succeeded by a f" plate, with a " splice-plate inside, and one of T V thickness upon the outside ; splice-plates in all cases being intended to be upon the outside, and not between the two courses of plates forming the half chord. The same general process being continued, each course being spliced at alternate nodes, and breaking joints with one another, we introduce in the outside course, a V plate from the 6th node to the centre of the chord, and a J" plate from the 7th node, past the centre to the 9th node, and so on, with a reversed order of succession to the other end of the chord. The two 1" plates in the outside course, should meet at the centre connecting pin, and all other joints should be a few inches from the pin, on the side toward the end of the chord, as in diagram, Fig. 45. FIG. 45. O I Each pair of splice plates should have a minimum net section, together with the net section of the con tinued plate, at least equal to the sections of the con tinued, and the thinner spliced plate, through one of the smaller rivets used in the splice ; and the relative thickness of the two splice plates should, as nearly RIVET- WORK BRIDGES. 233 as practicable, be inversely as the respective distances of their centres from the centre of the spliced plate. For illustration ; at the 6th node, the continuous plate is |", and the thinner spliced plate J", making in the two, a thickness of 1J", by T 1 for the net width ; giving a section of 10J square inches. This splice re quiring 1J" rivets next the joint, to give the necessary rivet section, the net width of splice plates and con tinuous plate through two opposite \\" rivets, is only 5J". Consequently, the aggregate thickness required to give 10J square inches, is about 1.91" ; and, deduct ing 0.625" for the continuous plate, we have 1.285" for thickness of the two splice-plates. Then, representing thickness of spliced plate by a (disregarding the furring plate, or including it in the quantity a), that of the continuous plate by 6, that of the two splice-plates by c, and that of the thicker one by x; we form the following equation, as will be ob vious on reference to Fig. 46, which is an edge view of splice at node 6. xx J (a+x) = (c x) X (b+ J (a+c x) ; whence, the formula x =* c x (a+2b+c) H- 2 (#+b + c). This formula applied to the case represented in Fig. 46, gives x = 0.7804", and c x = 0.5046". FIG. 40 , I ! ^ <, ^. , The letter a in the diagram shows the splicing of a 1" with a " plate, the thickness being equalized by a furring plate. Figure 46 gives also, a general idea of the splices pro posed for this kind of chord, in case of the adoption of 30 234 BRIDSE BUILDING. the short splice plates and opposite rivets, aa seen at BB, Fig. 45. p indicates the connecting pin (which, in the concrete plan of construction should be replaced by two opposite rivets, as seen in Fig. 44), having a cross-section in the parts passing through the chord plates, about equal to that of one of the two main dia gonals connecting with each pin respectively, at the several nodes. The body of the pin between chord plates, should have lateral stiffness enough to withstand the stress produced by diagonals horizontally, estimated upon the principles of the lever, which will be greater as the distance of diagonals from chord plates is greater, and the contrary. If the bearing of the upright upon the pin be between the diagonals and the chord plates, as by a bi-furcation like that at the upper chord (see a Fig. 38) the body of the pin will usually require a section about equal to that of the two main diagonals connected with it. But this is no certain rule. The ends of the connecting pin should extend through the chord plates so as to receive a thin nut upon each end, and also the eyes of sway rods upon the inside end, in case that mode of connection be adopted for those parts. In the case of trusses without verticals constructed in rivet work, the best balanced action will be secured by connecting diagonals between the splice plates, by means of rivets through both, thus bringing each dia gonal bar directly over each half chord, and producing uniform stress, as nearly as is practicable. When dia gonal bars do not fill the space between splice-plates, the deficiency may be made up by furring plates, or thimble rings. RIVET- WORK BRIDGES. 235 Tension diagonals will usually require from 25 to 33 per cent of extra section to make up the loss in rivet holes. In thrust diagonals, no allowance need gene rally be made for rivet holes, as rivets properly distri buted, will not impair the efficiency of the member in withstanding compression. With* regard to the relative merits of this kind of lower chord, k requires, in the proportions above as sumed, namely, 8" width of plates and 1" diameter of the smaller rivets, about 14 per cent of extra section on account of rivet holes, through the whole length. For splice plates and rivets, at least an equal amount should be allowed, making 28 per cent for waste ma terial, over and above the net available length and cross-section. The corresponding waste in the link chord, and in the eye-plate chord [cxiv], can scarcely exceed 10 per cent, when the connections are made with wrought iron pins. Hence, the advantage as to economy of material, seems decidedly in favor of the latter plans ; and the cost of manufacture can hardly be estimated in favor of the former. If the riveted chord, then, have any claim to favor and preference, it is mostly owing to the fact, that being manufactured cold, it escapes the deteriorating effects frequently resulting to iron in the process of forging and welding, and the risk of flaws, and imperfect cohesion of the welded surfaces. How far this consideration should be regarded as an offset, or an overbalance to 15 or 20 per cent, of ma terial lost in rivet holes and splices, further experience and observation alone can probably determine. 236 BRIDGE BUILDING. SWAY BRACING. CXXX. The primary and essential purpose of a bridge is, to withstand vertical forces which are certain, and, to a large extent, determinate in amount. ~W"e can estimate nearly the weight of a train of rail road cars, a drove of cattle, or a crowd of people ; and the amount of material required to sustain them. But the lateral, ar transverse forces to which a bridge superstructure is liable, are of a casual nature, depending upon conditions of which we have only a vague and general knowledge ; and, can not predeter mine, their effects with any considerable degree of certainty. We know full well from experience, that it is always expedient to provide every bridge superstructure with means of support against transverse horizontal forces ; and we introduce certain parts and members for that express purpose. These have been frequently alluded to heretofore in this work, under the designation of sway rods, lateral ties, or lateral braces. But no attempt has ever been made, to the author s knowledge, to point out the proper sizes and proportions of such members, upon any determinate principles or data. In this respect, reliance has mostly been placed upon "judgment," and general observation as to precedent and common practice ; as was the case in fact, with regard to bridge construction generally, until within the last twenty-five or thirty years. Within this period, and since the extensive use of iron in bridge construction has been introduced, more attention has been given to scientific principles, in adjusting the pro portions of the several parts and members designed to withstand the effects of vertical pressure. SWAY BRACING. 237 The modern bridge builder, if he has been properly educated for his business, having arranged the outline of his truss, makes his computations, and marks upon each line of his diagram, so many thousand pounds of tension upon this, so many tons of compression upon that, and so much shear strain, or lateral strain upon each rivet, connecting pin, or beam, and assigns to each place a member containing such an amount, and such a kind of material, as experience has proved to be sufficient to sustain the given stress with safety. Thus far, his course is scientific and sensible. But in arranging his system for securing lateral stability and steadiness, science can lend him but little assistance. He knows the wind will blow against the side of his structure ; but whether with a maximum force of one hundred pounds, or as many thousands, he has no means of knowing with any considerable degree of certainty, or probability. He knows, furthermore, that every deviation from a straight line by a body passing over and upon a bridge, even to changing the weight of a pedestrian from one foot to the other (unless his steps be directly in front of one another, and this could hardly form an excep tion), is attended by more or less tendency to lateral swaying of the structure. Every inequality in the line of a rail road track, laterally or vertically, unless both rails have precisely the same vertical deviation, produces a transverse mo tion in the centre of gravity of the load, and conse quently a, lateral sway in the structure. The passage of a carriage wheel over a stick or a pebble, raising one wheel above the opposite one, changes the centre of gravity of the load to the right or left, and impels the structure in the opposite direction. 288 BRIDGE BUILDING. These are some of the external causes generating transverse action, and motion of the structure. But in addition to these, the upper chord itself, acting by thrust, is, at best, in unstable equilibrio, and liable at all times to exert more or less transverse action, and, if not kept in line by an efficient system of transverse bracing or tying, will lose its equilibrium, and be de prived of the power of performing its appropriate functions in the structure. Now, these disturbing lateral forces are quite small, compared with the vertical action upon the trusses ; and, the vertical strength of the truss does not neces sarily imply any power of resistance transversely ; the tendency of the lower chord to preserve a straight line, being essentially balanced by that of upper chord or arch to buckle laterally;* provided the chords be so dependent upon one another that both must sway to the right or left at the same time. Hence, it is always expedient to provide some es pecial means for counteracting these lateral forces, which is usually done by the introduction of a system of horizontal diagonal ties or braces (small iron rods in iron, and the same, or timber braces, in wooden bridges), below the track or platform, in the horizon tal panels formed by consecutive beams, and the chords of opposite trusses. Also, when trusses are sufficiently high, diagonals and cross-struts are introduced between upper chords, to prevent lateral buckling. No attempt will here be made to assign specific stresses as liable to occur in sway rods or braces, based upon calculations from the uncertain and in determinate elements upon which the lateral action upon * The only truss known to the author, not liable to this lateral buck ling, is the W hippie Independent arch truss, shown in Fig. 27. SWAY BRACING. 239 bridges depends. Bat, judging from experience and observation, it may be recommended that iron sway- rods be made of iron not less than f inch in diameter, for bridges of five panels or under, f inch from six to ten panels, inclusive. For twelve and fourteen panels, f inch for ten middle panels, and { inch for the rest ; and, for sixteen the same as last above, with the ad dition of a pair of 1 inch rods in the end panels. These are the least dimensions recommended (in all cases exclusive of screw thread), for ordinary bridges with panels not much exceeding 10 feet. For panels approaching or exceeding 12 feet, J- inch may properly be added to the above specified diameters generally. If upper sway rods connect in the middle of cross- struts, with a longitudinal reach across two panels, [see cxx, and Figs. 38 and 39], they may safely be made smaller than when they cross one panel only. The action of wind is nearly a uniform pressure from end to end of the structure, and causes mu<jh the same progressive increase of stress upon sway-rods, as the weight of structure and uniform load produces upon diagonals in the trusses a fact which was recognized in assigning larger sway-rods at and near the ends of long bridges. But the casual impulses resulting from unevenuess in track or platform, giving slight lateral movement to passing loads, and acting at single points here and there, this way and that, do not produce an accumulation of effect toward the ends. Hence, as it regards withstanding the latter forces, no variation in sizes of sway-rods is required. CXXXI. Sway-rods acting by tension would ob viously draw the opposite chords toward one another, but for the resistance of transverse beams or struts, 240 BRIDGE BUILDING. while they also exert a longitudinal action npon the chords, thereby increasing or diminishing the stress npon chords, due to the action of structure and load. Chords, however, are usually proportioned without provision for increase of stress liable to accrue from action of sway-rods; and, from the small sizes of the latter, as compared with the former, and the obliquity of their action, seldom expending more than half their direct stress npon the chords longitudinally, this small action may be neglected, as forming one of the con tingencies for which a large surplus of material is al ways provided in chords, over what is actually required to withstand the effects of any probable vertical action. Certain modes of inserting and connecting sway-rods have been previously alluded to, sometimes with the beams by means of eyes and bolts [cviri, Figs. 31 and 33], and sometimes more directly with the chords [cxix, Fig. 35, d, and Fig. 39, d. ] The best connection is that which gives the nearest approximation to central and uniform action upon all parts of the chord, and also of the beam or strut. The plan described in section cxx, and seen in Fig. 37, when admissible, affords a good connection for bottom sway rods. Undoubtedly there may be better devices for the purpose under consideration, as well as for other de tails, than any that have occurred to the author. But such as are herein described have mostly been put in successful practice, and are thought not to be seriously faulty. COMPARISON or PLANS. 241 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT PLANS OF IRON TRUSS BRIDGES. CXXXIL It is the purpose of this chapter to can vass the relative merits of most of the several systems of IRON BRIDGE TRUSSING, which have claimed and re ceived more or less of public notice and approval during the last few years ; and of which the distinctive princi ples have already been discussed in preceding pages ; though not in the precise combinations here about to be presented. We may take the number, lengths and stresses (the latter governing principally the required cross-sections), of the several long pieces or members of the truss, in the manner employed in the fore part of this work, as affording a near criterion of the comparative cost and economy of the bridges respectively. Then, after re ference to such peculiarities as may seem advantageous or otherwise, leave the reader to his own conclusions in regard to the relative merits. TKE BOLLMAN TRUSS, Fia. 47, Is founded upon the general principle discussed in sections xxn and xxm, with oblique tension rods, and a thrust upper chord, in place of the thrust braces and tension lower chord as represented in Fig. 9. Let Fig. 47, represent a truss 15 high, and 100 long ; or, in the proportion of 1 to 6f . Also, let w represent the maximum variable load for each of the points c, d, e, etc., and w (say,= Jw), the permanent weight of one panel of superstructure, supposed to be constantly bearing at each of said points. Then making "W" = w X w , we have JW = weight sustained by ac. 31 242 BRIDGE BUILDING. How, we have seen [vn], that the stress upon an oblique in such case, equals the weight sustained, mul tiplied by the length, and divided by the vertical reach of the oblique ; and, assuming that the member requires a cross-section proportional to the stress, it follows that (making ab = 1), the amount of material required in ac, will be as the weight it sustains, multiplied by the square of its length. Hence, the material required in <?, must be as f W X a<: 2 . Then, diminishing be until ac coincides with ab, W X ab 2 becomes "W, which is still proportional to the material required in ac (which has now become = a&, = 1), and, being replaced by M, representing the actual material required to sustain the weight "W", with a length equal to ab (our unit of length), in a vertical position, we have only to substitute M X ac 2 for W x ac 2 r to know the actual material necessary to sustain the weight W (at a given stress per square inch of cross-section), with any length and position, retaining the same vertical reach, equal to unity. It must be obvious, therefore, that M, with the co efficient used before W, to express the weights respect ively sustained by the several oblique rods in truss 47, will, when multiplied by the squares of the respective lengths of those obliques, show the amount.of material required in their construction, under the conditions above expressed. Let m = JM, and A = be. Then, we manifestly have, for material in the 14 obliques of the truss in question 7m (#+!)+ 6m (4A 2 +1) + 5m (9A 2 +1) + 4m (16A 2 +1) + 3m (25/t a +l) + 2m (36A 2 +1) + 1m (49A 2 +1) = (336A 2 + 28)m, for those meeting at <7, and a like amount for those meeting nil; making a total of (672A 2 -f56)m. But A 2 = 0.694, which substituted in the last expression, gives 522.368m, = 65.296M. COMPARISON OF PLANS. 243 FIG. 47. BOLLMAN TRUSS. q p o n m I The thrust of the chord al, equals the horizonta. action of the 7 obliques connected with cither end. Making then x = JW, and h = 6c, == \bk, it is obvious that each oblique carries weight equal to x x the number of panels not crossed by it, while its horizontal reach equals h x the number of panels it does cross. -Hence, the horizontal action of each oblique, equals hx X the pro- duct of the numbers of panels at the right and loft respectively, of the lower end of the oblique. The compressive force acting from end to end, upon al, then, must be equal to Ax (7, -f 2x6, -f 3x5, + 4 2 -f 5x3, + 6x2, + 7), = 84Ax, = 10jWx0.833, = 8.75W. Multiplying stress by length, and substituting M, we have 8.75 X 6.66M 58 JM = material required in /, at a given stress per square inch of cross-section ; M being the amount required for a unit of length (a6), to sustain the unit of weight (W), at the same rate of stress. Add 7M for two end posts, with length equal to 1 and bearing weight equal to 7W, and we obtain 65 JM as a total for thrust material in long pieces, not includ ing 7 intermediate uprights, not properly to be class- fied with other parts, as their action is merely incidental, except that of supporting the weight of upper chord. The parts above considered, mainly determine the character of the truss as to economy of material. 244 BRIDGE BUILDING. Other parts, such as short bolts, nuts, connecting pins, &c., although just as essential, are comparatively, of small amount and cost, except the intermediate up rights, which will be referred to hereafter. If the truss be used in a deck bridge, and the end posts be replaced with masonry, the intermediates will sustain the same weight as the ends sustain in a through bridge, thus giving the same representative of material as above found. THE FINCK TRUSS, FIG. 48, CXXXIII. Possesses several of the characteristics which distinguish the Bollman plan. Both dispense with the bottom chord, which is common to most, if not all other plans of truss, for both iron and wooden bridges. Both also employ a pair of tension obliques acting in horizontal antagonism to each other, at each of the supporting points c, d, e, &c. But while in the one, the members of each pair of obliques are of equal length and tension, in the other, the pairs consist of unequal members (except at the centre), as the dia grams will sufficiently illustrate. It will readily be seen that Fig. 48 exhibits three classes of obliques, consisting respectively of 2, 4, and 8 members to the class. Supposing a truss of the same di mensions and proportions, and subjected to the same load, as in case of Fig. 47, and using the same notation, as far as applicable; it is manifest that each of the 8 short obliques, sustains J~W~. The 4 next longer sus tain upon each, a weight equal to W - one half directly, and the other, through the short obliques and uprights. The two long obliques. sustain 2W each, being the half of 1\V, received directly at/, and 1 and 2 respectively COMPARISON OF PLANS. 245 through the upright, from members of the other classes, meeting at the point p. The material required for all the obliques, then, (ab being = 1, and be = A), is 8 X J (A 2 + 1) -f 4 X 1 (4/t 2 -f 1) + 2 x 2 (Iti/i 2 -f 1)M, being the number of pieces in, each class multiplied by co-efficients of W in \veight s sustained, and by squares of length respectively, and the sum of products multiplied by M. Subsituting in the above expression the value of A 2 , (0.694), and, reducing and adding terms, we derive material in obliques = 70.296 M. FIG. 48. FINCK TRUSS. asrqponml k The compression upon the chord a I, is equal to the horizontal action of one member of each class of ob liques, communicated at each end ; that is, equal to (i h -f 2/i + 8/i) W, = 10J h W ; and, multiplying by length ( = 6.66), and substituting 0.833 for A, and M for W, we have (10.5 x .833 x 6.66)M = 58.J M, to re present the material required in al ; the same as in case of Fig. 47. The uprights of the Finck truss obviously sustain 12W, namely, 3| at each end, 3 in the middle, and 1 at each of the quarterings, r and n. But, in comparing this with the Boll man truss, it seems fair to offset 6 up rights, not including the end and centre ones, in the Finck, against 7 in the Bollman truss not estimated ; bus leaving 10M for uprights in the former, making 246 BRIDGE BUILDING. a total of 68 JM, for compression material, excepting the 6 intermediate uprights, excluded as above. Both of the above considered trusses exhibit a beau tiful simplicity, and facility of comprehension in prin ciple, and they will be left for the present, for a discussion of the POST TRUSS. CXXXIY. This, like the two preceding plans, is designated by the name of its distinguished designer and publisher, S. S. Post, Esqr., of Jersey City. Fig. 49 gives a general view of the only specimen of this truss which the author has had an opportunity of examining. It is a sort of compromise between the trusses represented by Figs. 18 and 19, of which the object sought appears to have been, to obtain a nearer approximation to the most economical angle of incli nation for both thrust and tension members (between chord and chord), by inclining the latter at an angle of 45, and the former at a less angle with the vertical. These are both favorable conditions, considered alone and by themselves, as we have already seen [LXV and LXVI] ; and it is proposed to compare the economy of this particular arrangement, with that of a truss having vertical posts, with oblique tension diagonals ; as well as with other plans, preceding and succeeding. Assuming the same length and depth of truss, and the same load, both constant aud variable, as in the preceding cases, acting at the points x, y, w, &c., let w represent the greatest variable load for the length of one panel, and w the weight of superstructure bearing upon one truss, for the same length, supposed to be concentrated at the nodes of the lower chord, and as sumed to be equal to %w. Also, let 1 equal the verti COMPARISON OF PLANS. 247 cal depth of truss (between centres of chords), and let tension diagonals incline 45, and posts lean 1 horizon tally to 3 vertically ; the space between posts being two-thirds of the depth of truss. FIG. 49. Mr. PosCs Truss a 5 e d e f g h i Tc I n m Then, omitting counter ties up to (/", from the left, as neutralized by weight of structure ; we see that the weight at z, being only j as great as at the other nodes, on account of the short space xy, 3w -r- 80 (or 3w", substituting for the occasion, w" for w -f- 80), represents the proportionate part of that weight, tending to ber.r upon the abutment at m ; and this, with VLw" for weight at v, and 20^tf" for weight at u, + "2$iv" lor weight at t, makes 63w" accumulated upon if, when #, v, u and t alone are loaded. Now, the action upon this truss is less certain and determinate than where the thrust pieces are vertical, or inclined equally with the tension pieces. But sup posing that the weight of superstructure at s, or at 5 and r together, neutralizes, or reflects back a part equal to w , or JSOtt/ , = 27w" nearly, of this 6Zw", we have a balance of36JV, as the maximum weight for if. Then, whether this 63w/ r * which must go to the *This full amount 63w" is used here; for, although it is assumed that only 5, part of it is transmitted through tf, the balance is restored from weight of structure which otherwise would pass to the abutment aty. 248 BRIDGE BUILDING. abutment #t m, in virtue of the loads at x, i?, u and /, is transferred through fs to s^, or through/? to rh ; or whether it is divided equally or unequally between the two, is not quite obvious. But assuming, as what might seem probable, that it is transferred in equal portions to s^and rh, in that case, sg sustains as a maxi mum, 3(3?0" for weight at s, + half of 63w", making say 67?" ; supposing that sg and re sustain none of the weight of structure ; which, though probably not strictly true, will not materially affect the result. Again, (we are now considering the nodes at the lower chord as being loaded successively from left to right), the weight at r gives 44 w" to rh, in addition to, say 32w" tending to be transmitted from tf, and w 9 or 27w" for structure, making 103*0". For maximum weight on iq, there is due to movable weight at q, 5 2>v", + Qlio" from sg, + 27w" on account of weight of structure, making 146*0"; while pk sus tains (60 + 103 + 27)M>", = 190a?", and ol sustains (68 + 146+27)w" = 241". The maximum weight upon nl, is made up of that of pk + f (10+10 ) at n, = 270i0". Having thus determined the maximum weights which these diagonals are respectively required to sus tain, disregarding some small matters of uncertainty, of little practical importance, we find the sum of these maxima, for the 6 pieces parallel with ue on the right, to be 783*0", = 9.7875*0. Then, multiplying by 2 (the square of the common length, ay being = 1), and sub stituting M for w ( as M was substituted for W in the preceding cases), w r e derive 19.575M = material re quired for the 6 pieces in question. Add to the last amount 3.7M for the steep diagonal nl (being the square of length by weight sustained, and w changed to M ); COMPARISON OF PLANS. 249 and we have the whole material for tension obliques in the half truss ; which doubled, exhibits for that class of. members in the whole truss, 46.55M ; omitting 6 counter ties, not required to sustain structure or load, and the value of which will be considered (in general) hereafter under the head of counter bracing. The short section mn of the lower chord, has no de terminate action. The section no has a tension equal to J of the weight acting on nl and kn, under a full load of the truss, equal to J the weights upon r, p and 7?, fur nl, and J of those at r and p for kn ; the whole equal to J x2J (w+w )+% x2 (?(;+</; ), = 2.11 w. To this, the diagonal ol adds at o, 2 (w + w r ), and 10 adds J(w-fw ), making 5.22z0 tension of op; while a like addition at p, for the action of pk and hp, shows 8.332(7 for /N/. Again, ^ adds at q, w+w , equal to 1.33u , while rh contributes a like amount at r ; mak ing for qr and rs respectively, a tension of 9.66*0, and ll//;, restoring neglected fractions. It is probable that a small decussation of forces through re and sg, under a full load of the truss, would modify these stresses slightly, but not so as to produce a material difference in the final results of the present discussion. Summing up the stresses thus determined for differ ent portion of the lower chord, counting like strains upon corresponding sections, and deducing the re quired material (as above done with regard to dia gonals), remembering that the length of sections equals of unit} , we obtain 41. IM = material required in lower chord. This added to 46.55M , the amount above determined for obliques, gives tension material for the whole truss, equals to 87.65M . 250 BRIDGE BUILDING. Now, it is manifest that the quantity here represented by M , has the same ratio to that denoted by M in the estimates of material for trusses Fig. 47 and Fig. 48, as the weight w in the former case has to the weight W in the latter. But W was used to express J of the gross load of the truss, while w represents only -fa of the variable, assumed to be equal to j of the gross load. Therefore w : W : : f x^ : \ ; whence, w = 0.6W ; and M = .6M. This equivalent substituted in the ex pression 87.65M , gives 52.59M = tension material for the post truss. The maximum weights sustained by the thrust braces, equal respectively those borne by the tension rods communicating such weights, and for the 5 pieces on either side of the centre, the amount is equal to w" X (36 + 67 -f 103 + 146+ 190) = 6.77w, which doubled, gives 13.54w; for the whole of that class of members. This aggregate weight, multiplied by the square of the common length of pieces (1.11), with w changed to M produces 15.02M , = 9.01M. The end section (kl) of the upper chord, sustains compression equal to the weight upon ol and J of that upon nl, under a full load of the truss, = 2 (10 -f i# ), + }x2f (w+w f ), = 3.88w. Add 2 (w+w f ) for weight on j9/c, and J of that amount for that on ATI, and it makes a compression of 7.44?# upon ki. Again, adding w+w f ( = 1.33itf) for action of qi, and J of the same for that of io, makes 9.22w for compres sion of ih, while a like addition for action of rh and hp, makes 10.99^ = compression of hg and gf. We may call the last stress llw, as some fractions have been neglected. The above amounts of stress upon the several sec tions of the half chord, added together and doubled to COMPARISON OF PLANS. 251 represent the whole chord, and multiplied by the length of section (f ), produce 56.72w?,= 34.03 W ; whence, material for top chord = 34M ; very nearly. The two end posts obviously sustain the gross load of the truss (deducting what comes upon one half of the short spaces mn and xy), which equals 9J (w -f w f ), = 12.66w; and, the length being 1, the material equals 12.66M = 7.6 M. Summing up the amounts thus determined, of mate rial for the several classes of thrust pieces, we have : For Braces, or inclined posts, 9.01M. " Upper Chord, 34.00M. " End Posts, 7.60M. Total, for Thrust, ; 50.61M. " " Tension, 52.58M. WHIPPLE S TRAPEZOIDAL TRUSS. CXXXV. The distinctive characteristics of this plan are, an Upper Chord made shorter than the Lower, by the width of one panel at each end, giving to the truss a Trapezoidal form dispensing with non- essential members, and proportioning the several parts in strict accordance with the maximum stresses to which they are respectively liable ; principles and de vices first promulgated in the original edition of this work, and applied by its author in the construction of trusses with parallel chords, with or without vertical members. Truss Fig. 50 has vertical posts and tension dia gonals; and, using w and w 1 to denote the same quan tities as in the last preceding case, and pursuing the method explained with reference to Fig. 18, [LVI], we have the maximum load for 3/5 equal to 4iv ff JM? 252 BRIDGE BUILDING. (malting w" w divided by the number of panels = O.litf), = Aw 10, since w = %w. For 4/6, we have .610, without increase or diminution on account of structure ; while, for the 3 next diagonals on the right, we have successively,. 9?0 + JM/, 1.2*0 -f w and 1.6i/; + Ijz0 , making altogether 3.7*0 + 3*0 , = 4.7z0 ; showing for the 5 pieces, 5.53w. This being doubled and mul tiplied by square of length (2.775), and w changed to M , gives material for 10 long diagonals = 30.69M 7 . The two steep diagonals togther, sustain 4 (w -f w ), = 5Jw, which, multiplied by square of length (1.44), produces material = 7.68M ; while the two ten sion uprights manifestly require 2f M . We have con sequently, material for the system of tension obliques and verticals = 41.03m . The end brace obviously sustains 4J (w + w ), and exerts a horizontal stress = 4?0 (two-thirds of the weight borne), upon the two first sections of the lower chord. The steep tension oblique adds of weight borne, mak ing 5.76^ for the next section, while the two succeed ing diagonals toward the centre, adding 1J times the weights borne successively (under a full load of the truss, of course), give 8.42*0 and 10.19*0, for tension of second and first sections from centre, respectively. Then, adding, doubling, and multiplying by length of section, we obtain, material for lower chord = 43.16M . COMPARISON OF PLANS. 253 Add to this the amount for diagonal system as above found, and we have the whole amount of tension ma terial for the truss = 84.18M = 50.5M. The maximum weights sustained by obliques, and by them transferred to 7 thrust verticals, being in the aggregate = 6.62*0, the length of members being unity, need only the substitution of M , to express the re quired material for said verticals ; which, reduced to terms of M, equals 3.97M. The first and second sections of the upper chord, ob viously sustain the same action respectively, as the fourth and fifth of the lower chord while the 4 middle sections of the former, receive the additional action of diagonals 3\5/7 (upper figures), under full load. Hence we cipher up, material for upper chord = 32.6M. The end braces, sustaining 9 (iv+ w f ) = 12io, with a length whose square is 1.44, obviously require material = (12xl.44)M = 10.37M. The truss, then, requires thrust material, for upper chord, 32. 6M, for end braces, 10.37M, and for up rights, 3.97M ; making a total for the truss, of 46.09M. Tension material as above, total 50.50M. TRUSS WITHOUT VERTICALS. CXXXVI. Assuming a truss (Fig. 51), of same length, depth, and number of panels, and same load, variable and constant, as in the two cases last consi dered, with diagonals crossing one panel only, we have nearly the Isometric Truss,* adopted by Messrs. Steele and McDonald. Arranging the numbers over the diagram, as in Fig. 51, and using the process explained [XLVII, Fig. 19], it * In the Isometric, the diagonals incline at 30, while in Fig. 51 they incline nearly o4. 254 BRIDGE BUILDING. will be seen that either end brace, and the obliques parallel therewith, are liable to maximum weights as follows, proceding from end to end. FIG. 51. End Brace 4.5 (w+ w r ) Oblique^o. 1 .................. 2.100" " " 2 .................. 1.533" " " 3 ................. . 1.066" " " 4 .................. 1.600" " 5 ..... . ............. 233" " " 6 ., Compression. Tension. 6.000 w. .233?0 .600 " 1.066" 1.533 " 2.100 " 2.666" Totals 11.533i0 Then, doubling for the two sets, multiplying by square of length (1.44), and changing w to M , we have, to represent material.... for compression 33.215M, ten sion 23.616M . The end brace, sustaining 4.5 (w -f- w }-, = 6?tf, exerts a tension of 4w upon the end section of the lower chord. The next brace sustains 1 (w -f w f ) = 2*0, making a tension of 5.333z# for the second section. The tension and thrust diagonals meeting the chord f The small thrust action which the movable load tends to throw upon 6, 7 and 8, and the small tension upon 1 and 2, are neutralized by weight of structure. COMPARISON OF PLANS. 255 at the next node, sustain together (under a full load of the truss). 3 (w -f w = 4*0, adding -f of which, gives Sw =H tension of the 3d section, while 2f?0 borne by the obliques meeting at the next node, makes a tension upon the 4th section equal to 9.777*0 ; and IJw; at the next node (the tension diagonal only, being in action, under a full load), gives for tension of the 5th section, 10.066*. Adding the stresses of the several sections of the half- chord, doubling, multiplying by the common length (f), and changing w to M shows material for lower chord = 50.37M,. The end section of the upper chord sustains thrust equal to f x (weight on end brace, (= 610), -f weight on tension oblique meeting said brace), = f 8.66610 = 5.77*0. The two obliques meeting at the first node from the end, sustain together 4i0, adding 2. 66610 to the above, and making a compression of 8.44 Iw upon the second section ; while succeeding diagonals make the stresses of the 3d and 4th sections, 10.222*0, and ll.lw; re spectively; whence, by process already employed and described, we derive : Material for upper chord 47.392M = 28.435M Add for end braces, 17.28 " = 10.368" " " other obliques, 15.935" = 9.561" Total for compression material, 80.607M = 48.364M Tension, chord, 50.37M* Obliques, 20.616 Verticals, 5 78.986M -47.391M. Grand Total, 95.755M. 256 BRIDGE BUILDING. THE ARCH TRUSS. CXXXVTI. A parabolic Arch Truss of the same length, depth and load as allowed in the five preceding cases, and having 9 panels, will compare, as to repre sentative of amount of material, as follows : Let w / represent the variable, and w tn = \w t , the per manent panel-lo*ad. Then, taking the greatest depth of truss (15/.), as the unit of length, as before, the length of chord will be 6.666, and the verticals respect ively 1, 0.9, 0.7, and 0.4. The length of panel (ll.lll/.), being divided by 15/. (the unit), gives .74074. Hence, tension of chord = 4 (w / + w /f ) x 74 t 074 , = 1J x 7.407410,, which, multiplied by length of chord (= 6.666), and w n changed to M,, gives representative of material = 9.8765 x 6JM, = 65.843M, ; in which M,is the unit of material, proportional to the unit of length (15 ,) X unit of stress, w r The maximum tension of diagonals, as determined instrumentally by process explained [xxvn, &c.,] va ries from 1.11 z^, to 1 J^ ; and, taking the highest, mul tiplying by the aggregate length (15.4), and changing w, to M,, we obtain material = 20.52M y . The verticals sustain tension, each, = lJw /5 with an aggregate length of 6, giving material = SM, ; making a total of tension material = 94.376M,. The horizontal thrust of the arch, must be in all parts the same as the tension of the chord (at the maxi mum under full load), and it is manifest that the ma terial for each segment, must be to that of the middle segment, as the squares of respective lengths to unity ; that is, equal to material in said middle segment, mul tiplied by squares of respective lengths. COMPARISON OF PLANS. 257 But the representative for the middle piece equals Jth that of the lower chord, = 7.31^,. Hence, this amount multiplied by the sum of squares of all the others, +1 for the middle segment, found to be 9.058 + 1, = 10.058? gives, to represent material for the whole arch, 73.584M / . Then, the vertical members are liable to be exposed to compressive action, represented by the small amount of 2.058M,, which added to the above^ gives a total of compression material, equal to 75. 642 M,. Now, the factor M y , here used, is to the factor M used in the preceding cases, manifestly, as fxj, to J, as -Jj : J, whence, 12M / = 8M ; and we reduce the co efficients of M,, by J, and change M, to M, to bring the last results to the same standard measure as in the preceding. Effecting these changes, we have, for tension material, Chord 43.895M, -f Diagonals 13.689M + Verticals 5. 333M, equal to a total ol 62.917M. For com pression, Arch, 49.056-r-Verticals, 1.372, = 50.428M. SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING DEDUCTIONS. The following tabulated statement may promote the convenience of comparison : Trusses. Material required expressed in Ms. Designated. Tension total. Compression. Comp. Total. Grand Total. Chord. Ends. Posts, &c. Bollman, . Finck, 05.296 70.206 52.590 50.500 47.391 62.917 58.333 58.333 34. 32.6 28.435 {49.056 7.000 7. 7.6 10.37 10.368 * 3.000 9.01 3.97 19.561 1.372 65.333 68.333 50.610 46.94 48.364 50.428 130.629 138.629 103.200 97.44 95.755 113.345 Post, Whipple, . Isometric, . Arch, {Arch. 33 258 BRIDGE BUILDING. CXXXVIII. The figures in this table are to be understood in all cases as prefixed to the quantity M, which, as far as relates to tension material, represents a determinate amount of wrought iron ; while, as it re lates to compression material, M represents an amount of cast or wr-.-uy -t iron, varying as the forms and pro portions of parts vary. But, in the present discussion M may be assumed to have a uniform value in ex pressions relating to material under the heading of chords; and of ends, whether oblique or vertical. The quantities under the head posts, require in general, probable twice as high a value for M, as tha.t required for the other classes of thrust members, as it regards all but the first named truss, while the first is not represented in that column at all, although the parts there referred to are as indispensiblc, practically, and require nearly as rrmch material as corresponding parts in the other plans. With regard to plan No 2 (the Finck), 6 posts ac tually required (two of which, at the quarterings, sus tain determinate weight equal to W each), are also omitted in the table, to place this plan upon an equal footing with the preceding one. There is also a consideration with regard to the ef fects of load upon these two trusses, especially the first, which render it partially necessary to use diagonal ties, or " panel rods" in the several panels ; and such have usually been introduced wherever such bridges have been constructed. As any one pair of suspension rods in the Boll man truss may be under full load, while the others are without load, the loaded node would, in such case, be depressed, while that on either side would retain nearly its normal position. Thus would result an obliquity COMPARISON OF PLANS. 259 in panels adjacent to the loaded point, and consequently, a tendency to kink in the upper chord, by opening the joint above the loaded point upon the under side, and the next joint either way, upon the upper side. Hence the compression of certain chord segments would be thrown upon the extreme upper side at one end, and the lower side at the other end. This would be decidedly an unfavorable condition, which the panel rods are used to obviate by distributing the load of loaded points over adjacent, and more remote parts of the truss. Otherwise, the bridge would act under a passing load, somewhat in the manner of a pontoon bridge. By estimating a reasonable amount of material for posts and panel ties, the figures in the table, opposite the first two trusses would be materially increased. Hence, it must be obvious that the necessary mate rial for the two above named trusses, is not so fully represented in the table, as in the case of the other four; with regard to which assigning proper values to M in the different columns of the table, and assum ing the members to adhere to one another as firmly as the different portions of each cohere among themselves, a complete truss would be formed in either case (of dimensions as above assumed), sufficient to be used in a bridge required to bear a gross load equal to 4 times the weight of superstructure ; provided the proper ratio of safe variable load to weight of structure be as 3 to 1 ; as is nearly the case with regard to a 100 foot bridge.* * M, in the preceding table, represents a piece of iron, 15 long sus- ficient to sustain with safety, a weight W, equal to ^ of the gross maximum load f>r one truss of a 100ft. bridge. Allowing l,0091bs. to the linea! foot for movable, and 3331bs. for permanent lo -d, W, repre sents -I X 133,3331bs.= 16,66Glbs. Then, reckoning the safe stress of 260 BRIDGE BUILDING. In such case, the results already obtained, would show the relative cost of the several trusses (excepting the first two), with almost absolute exactness. But, as the parts of a truss can not be so connected and welded into a single piece, without enlargements at the joinings, by any skill or process now in use, we have to include as an item of cost, in all plans, a con siderable amount of material above and beyond the net lengths and cross-sections, as here before deter mined with regard to the trusses under discussion, re quired for the lapping of parts, screws and nuts, eyes and pins, &c., to form the connections of the different members with one another. With regard to the trusses under comparison, no obvious reason presents itself, why any one should re quire a percentage of allowance for connections ma terially greater than another. Leaving out the two first, as perhaps already sufficiently discussed, the others consist of about the same number of necessary members, and with the exception of the arch truss, ad mit of nearly the same forms and connections of parts. The Isometric, or Trapezoid without verticals, presents the fewest lines in the diagram; but some six of those lines represent both tension and thrust members, either separate or combined, which probably complicates the iron (thrust or tension), at say 10,0001bs. to the inch of cross-section, it takes If square inches to sustain the weight W ; being about 5lbs. to the foot, or 84flbs. for 15 . This, increased by say, 20 per c. for extra material in connections, gives the practical value of M ; which, multiplied by the co-efficient of M in the table, produces approxi mately, the respective weights of trusses. Now, 1 X 84.37 == lOlilbs. which multiplied by 113.345, the co efficient for the Arch truss, gives for the weight of that truss, 11.4761bs. Add for 10 feet width of platform (with wooden beams), say 5,000ft. &. m. of timber and plank, equal to about 20,000 Ibs., and we have 31.47Glbs. to represent the permanent load of the truss. But we have assumed a truss proportioned to sustain with safety 133,3331b., which is a little more than 4 times the weight of structure here above esti mated as supported by the truss. COMPARISON OF PLANS. 261 details of connection, quite as much as the extra three members in truss No. 4. The Post truss presents the larger number of acting members, even omitting six counter ties seen in the diagram, with apparently no advantage as to modes of connection. Both the Post and the Isometric have 10 members represented in the 4th column of the table, whereas the Whipple truss has only 7, and these the shortest of all ; and, as the material in these parts manifestly acts at a disadvan tage, they being comparatively long and slim, and sus taining slight action, any excess in their number, would seem to be unfavorable to economy. It is believed, however, that the Post truss would be improved in economy by reducing it to a trapezoidal contour, as, for instance, by removing the parts outside of bx and kn (Fig. 49), and changing the tension pieces av and ol for others connecting 6 with y, and o with k ; thus converting the figure to a trapezoid very similar to that of Fig. 50 ; and, by striking out one panel from the latter, and arranging parts as in Fig. 20, except as to inclination, the relative merits of inclined and ver tical posts, as represented in these two plans may be fairly tested. Analysis of trusses modified as just indicated, show tension material slightly in preponderance with the vertical, and thrust material a little the greater with inclined posts ; the average being about one per cent greater in the case of vertical posts. This balance, though trifling in amount, is upon tho side where it was to be lookod for, in view of the re sult of investigations had with reference to Figures 12 and 13 [xxxix XLVI], as well as the case of the Iso metric. Both the Post truss and the Isometric, as to principle of action, may be classed with Fig. 13, where 262 BRIDGE BUILDING. weight is transferred from oblique to oblique, and not from oblique to vertical, and the contrary. The same may be said of truss Fig. 15, sometimes called the Triangular, in which verticals are used merely to trans fer the action of weight from the point of application to the connections of the obliques ; after which, the weight has no action upon verticals. Now finally, we see by table of results, that if the Post truss be changed to the trapezoidal form, as above suggested, it will occupy a position, as to amount of material, or more strictly speaking, the amount of ac. tion upon material, between Fig. 50 and Fig. 51 ; which latter differ from one another less than 2 per cent ; a difference, which would undoubtedly be increased somewhat, under different general proportions of trusses. For instance, while Fig. 50, shows an inclination of diagonals used in connection with verticals, probably nearly approaching the optimum, Fig. 51, though su perior to the true Isometric (with angles of 60), in the greater inclination of its obliques, would give still better results with an inclination of about 40. CXXXIX. On the whole, we must look to other quarters than the amount of action upon material, for plausible ground upon which to found a decided pre ference for either of the three plans in question. A difference of two or three per C., and even more, may easily result from greater or less facility of constructing and erecting the structure, while a regard for appear ance may also be worthy of consideration. Hence, Engineers and builders will adopt one or another plan, according to individual taste and judgment, and tho one who carries out the principles of either system with COUNTER BRACING. 263 the greatest skill, and the best materials and workman ship, will probably produce tbe best bridge. Judging from the preceding tabulated statement, the arch truss seems, prima facie, to labor under a somewhat formidable disadvantage in the fact that it shows an amount of action upon material 10 or 15 per cent, greater than the three preceding plans just es pecially referred to. But for the light of experience, we might be led to discard the plan without a trial. But, having chanced to be the first plan of iron Truss successfully put in use, and having had its ca pabilities fully tried and demonstrated, before any formidable competitor appeared in the field, it could not be dislodged from its position, until a rival plan could not only theoretically, but also practically demonstrate its superior claim to public favor. The result has been such as to show that even a very considerable excess of action upon material, may be overbalanced by more advantageous action of thrust material, and greater simplicity and facility of construct- tion ; insomuch that the Whipple Patent Arch Truss, with trifling modifications from the original pattern, has competed successfully with all other plans, for the class of structures it was originally designed and re commended for (common bridges of 50 to 100 feet), during more than a quarter of a century, which has been fruitful in efforts at improvement in iron bridge construction. COUNTER BRACING. The elasticity of solid materials, is manifested in bridge trusses, by their downward deflection under 264 BRIDGE BUILDING. load, and the recovery of their previous form and po sition on the removal of the load. Tins arises principally, from the temporary elonga tion of parts exposed to tension, and the contraction of those exposed to compression, according to laws and principles supposed to be understood. The deflection of trusses within the usual limits, when properly proportioned, is not essentially detri mental to their safety and durability ; but rather enables them the better to resist sudden impulses, except in case of a regular succession of impulses, at intervals corresponding with those of the natural vi brations of the structure, or with some multiple or even division thereof; a result frequently noticeable, and sometimes, to a degree somewhat unpleasant to the eye. as well as suggestive of danger. Hence, great emphasis is often employed, in expressing the sup posed advantages of " counter bracing," as a means of stiffening trusses, and preventing, or diminishing their vibration. What is technically called " counter-bracing," as ap plied to bridge trusses, is the introduction of a set of diagonal, or oblique pieces or members, to act in an tagonism to the main diagonals, whether acting by tension or thrust, which contribute toward sustaining the weight of structure and load; the object being, to re tain in the truss when unloaded, more or less of the deflection produced by the load, when the truss is loaded. My object at the present time is, to exhibit the pro cess and results of my investigations as to the theory and effects of this counter-bracing, as usually practiced in bridge building, and to state the conclusions arrived COUNTER BRACING. 265 at, as to the value of counter-braces, towards effecting the object proposed. FIG. 52. a b c d e f fj h . i I assume a truss (see Fig. 52) composed of horizon tal chords (of equal lengths), at top and bottom, vertical posts, and diagonal tension rods, inclined at 45, or at any other given inclination, the truss being uni formly loaded from end to end, and so proportioned that all of the above named parts, in that condition of the load, shall undergo an amount of extension or compression, proportional to the respective lengths of pans, multiplied by a constant factor (E), equal to the elastic change effected in a length equal to that of the uprights between centres of chords, which is assumed as the unit of length for the occasion. Then, let L repre sent the length of truss, P, the number of panels, ff, equal to L-r- P, the horizontal reach of diagonals, and D (equal to 2LE), the difference in length, occasioned by extension of lower, and compression of upper chord. Now, assuming no change in lengths of diagonals and verticals, it is manifest that the chords assume, in these circumstances, the forms of two similar and con centric arcs of circles, of which the difference in length is to the mean length, as the difference of radii is to the mean radius, R. But the difference of radii manifestly equals the distance between chords, equal to L Using, then, the representative signs before adopted, we have D : L : : 1 : E; whence R = L-D. 34 266 BRIDGE BUILDING. the depression at the centre of the truss, is evidently equal to the versed sine of half the arc made by the chords, and is found with sufficient nearness, by the equation . . Dep. =- (Lf -v- 2R, = JZ, 2 -r- R. Then, substituting L -s- D for R, we have dep.= \U -r- (Z, -s- D), = IDL. Hence, if the length of truss equal 8 times the depth, or 8, the deflection due to this cause, will equal the difference in length of the two chords, produced by their extension and compression. Again, if length equal 6, then, dep.= JD x 6, == 3D -T- 4, = 9E. The depression resulting from extension of diagonals, may be illustrated as follows. If the points a and b of a rectangular panel abed (Fig. 53), be fixed, and ac be extended by an addition FIG 53 equal to eh to its length, produced by d the action of weight at c, either di- g rectly, or through the upright dc ; the points d and c will fall to g and h, and the very small triangle ceh (eh representing only the elastic stretch of ac), will be essentially similar to abc ; whence, ch : ac : : eh : ab y and eh : ac : ab, : : V (1 + H 2 ) : 1 . . . Therefore, eh = (1 -f H 2 ). But ch : ^ (1 + H 2 } : : eh : 1, : : (1 -f H 2 ) : 1 ; consequently, . . ch = E + EH 2 . Now, if this represent one of the end panels of a truss, all parts of the truss between the end panels, must descend through a space equal to ch, in conse quence of the extension of diagonals in the two end panels ; and so for each succeeding pair of diagonals, to the centre of the truss. Therefore, the depression E COUNTER BRACING. 2G7 iu the centre, due to the stretching of diagonals, must be equal to JP x (1 + H 2 )E, = (JP + } PH 2 )E. The depression in the centre of the truss, due to compression of uprights, is simply equal to the aggre gate compression of all the uprights on either side of the centre one, and consequently, equal to %PE. This amount added to that produced by extension of diagonals, as above determined, makes, for up rights and diagonals together, a depression equal to The value of this last expression, length and depth of truss being the same, varies slightly with variation in number and width of panels, but not so as to be a matter of practical importance. Assuming L = 8w, = 8, we find that, P = 2, and P = 16, make (P + J PR 2 )E = ISE. P=4, andP = 8 " P=6, makes " 6 panels, therefore, seem to produce the least deflec tion. The deflection resulting from changes in leng hs of chords, has been shown to be equal to \LD ; and, substituting PHfor L, & ZPHEior D, we have. . J- LD JP J jfZ 2 j57, =deflectiou from change in chords. The term E, then, with the following co-efficients, expresses the depression at the centre of the truss, re sulting from all changes in length of parts, namely, for chords, JPJEP, for diagonals, ...... JP+JPl? 8 , and, for uprights, JP. Hence, the deflection of a truss, under the condi tions here assumed, depends upon three simple ele ments, represented by the letters, P, H, & E; and is expressed in the following general formula ; Deflection^ (iP 2 7P, + JP+ JPH 2 , + 268 BRIDGE BUILDING. The parts of this aggregate co-efficient of E, re ferring respectively to chords, diagonals, and uprights, are separated and distinguished by commas. The formula just given is equally applicable in case of thrust diagonals and tension verticals ; as will be made obvious by a moment s examination of the principles involved. Now, if the truss could be anchored down, by ties and anchorage absolutely unyielding, to the point of its utmost deflection under load ; the load might be removed, and replaced, without any rising or falling of the truss, the load and the anchors alternately re taining the deflection, and preserving a constant and uniform strain upon the truss. The same effect is partially produced by counter- bracing ; and the object of the present investigation is, to determine, approximately, at least, to what extent this may be done, and what is the real advantage of counter-braces, in trusses with parallel chords ; beyond where they are necessary, to counteract the effects of unequal variable load, upon the different parts of the truss. We have seen that deflection results from three causes, all, of course, depending upon elasticity ; namely ; difference effected in lengths of, first chords, second, diagonals, and third, uprights. The theory of counter-bracing is, that by the intro duction of antagonistic diagonals, the material is pre vented from regaining its normal state on removal of the load ; and consequently, that it yields to the re- imposition of load, to much less extent than it would do, in the absence of counters. As to the deflection due to the difference in lengths of chords, equal, as shown by the general formula one COUNTER BRACING. 269 page back, to one-half of the whole, for a truss in which L = 6/Z, and to more than half, when L is greater than 611; the counter-diagonals have no tendency to retain or diminish that difference, or the deflection produced by it. The diagonals and counters, simply contract or extend (according as they act by tension or thrust), the two chords equally, without affecting the difference between the two. On the contrary, the action of the counter diagonal tends to retain the tension (or thrust, in case of thrust diagonals), of the main in the same panel, and also, the compression (or tension), of uprights ; and, in as far as that is accomplished, the deflection due to the elasticity of those parts, is retained, on removal of load from the truss. Suppose, in a truss with tension diagonals, loaded and depressed as already explained, and all parts ex tended or contracted to the amount of E X respective lengths ; a counter-diagonal to be inserted in each panel, crossing the mains, as shown in the diagram (Fig. 52), and of half the size of the latter, such being the usual proportion for counters. Now, the counters being adjusted so as not to act while the load is on, but ready to act immediately, as the main diagonals begin to contract, then, the load being removed, the main will contract by its elasticity, opposed by the counter, until they come to an equili brium ; each sustaining the same amount of tension. Still, the aggregate extension of the two beyond the natural state, must be essentially the same as that of the one, under the load; the one gaining, just as fast as the other loses. But the main, having a cross-section twice as great as the counter (chords and uprights retaining the same 270 BRIDGE BUILDING. lengths), must lose two-thirds of its tension, while the latter is acquiring strain enough to withstand the re maining third. Hence, 2 thirds of the deflection due to extension of diagonals, is recovered, on removal of the load, while the counter-diagonal retains the other 1 third. But the posts (the greater portion of them), do not remain stationary as to length, as above assumed ; the main and counter diagonals together, exerting, ob viously, only f as much action upon them in the new condition, as the former exert under load, they are re lieved of J of their aggregate stress under load ; but do not recover in the same degree, their original ag gregate length ; for the relief falls mostly upon the larger uprights, where the relative effects are less than the average. To illustrate the case as to uprights if equal weights act at the nodes of the lower chord (Fig. 52), the compressive action upon the posts at p, q, r, and s, is obviously as 1, 3, 5, 7, respectively, or as 3ft, 9ft, 15??, 21rc. [See analysis of Fig. 12]. Then, Counter- bracing, and removing load ; sa is relieved of two-thirds of its stress, equal to 14??, while bs exerts a force of 7n upon br, making with 5?? retained by bq, a total of 12ft upon br, and showing a relief of 3ft. Again ; cq receives 5ft through cr, and 3ft through cp, = 8?i in all, being a relief of In. But dp, receiving 3ft through dq, and In retained by do, sustains 4n, being an increase of In. Now, as these uprights are assumed to undergo the same contraction under load, J of the deflection on ac count uprights, is due to each. Therefore, sa being relieved of 2-3ds of its action, restores . . 2-3ds of J, (= 16.6 per C.), of that deflection. In like manner, br restores l-5th of J, = 5 per C., and cq l-9th of J, or 2.8 COUNTER BRACING. 271 per C., making, for the pieces together, 24.4 per C., re stored. This is diminished by l-3d of J, or 8.3 per C. (on account of increased compression upon c/p), leaving a balance of 16.1 per C. only, of deflection from con traction of uprights, which is restored in spite of counter-diagonals, in the case under discussion. Moreover, the main and counter diagonals, produc ing more or less effect of contraction upon the chords, according to the degree of inclination of the former, and the cross-sections of the latter, it may, perhaps, be reasonably assumed, that the contraction thus effected in the horizontal, is a full offset to the 16 per C. of ex pansion in the vertical sides of panels, as above shown; BO that we may regard the whole deflection from up rights, as being retained by counter-diagonals. To state the full result of the foregoing investigation then, we tind in case of Fig. 52, which is a fair repre sentative of the average of trusses; that counter-brac ing, obviates all the deflection due to compression of uprights, together with J of that resulting from exten sion of diagonals ; and, making H = 1, in the formula for deflection (p. 267), we have deflection saved by counter-diagonals, = (J X 8 -f 4) -*- 28, = a little less than 24 per C. of the whole deflection. If //== 0.75 (truss 52), the result would be about 31J per C. saved. But even these results are based upon condition^ never occurring in practice. It has been assumed that all parts of the truss undergo equal degrees of change under a full load ; which may be nearly true with re spect to chords, but not to other parts. The maximum action upon od and dp (Fig. 52), requires those parts to be 2J times as great, as they need be under full load ; while pc and cq require more, and, qb and 6r, l-20th more 272 BRIDGE BUILDING. cross-section at the maximum, than under a full load of the truss. Now the deflection resulting from elasticity in these parts, being less in proportion as the parts are greater, the saving by counter-bracing, must be less in the same degree, as far as it relates to such parts. This at once reduces the above computations for deflection retained, from 31 J and 24, to 25 and 19 per C., for the two cases respectively ; and, considering the increase of section required for uprights (in iron trusses), on account of great length and small diameter, as heretofore alluded to, it is deemed to have been fully demonstrated, that the effects of counter-diagonals, of half the size of the mains, are, to retain in the truss when unloaded, from one-sixth or "less, to one-fourth of the deflection pro duced by a full movable load. But it has been seen in the progress of our investi gations as to the action of load upon the different parts of the truss, that counter-diagonals are required in one or two panels on either side of the centre, and there, they can not be safely omitted. But, beyond the point where the weight of structure acting on the mains, be gins to overbalance the effects of unequal and variable load upon the counters, I do not consider the advan tages of counter diagonals to be sufficient to warrant their use. In the case of rail road trains, gliding smoothly over bridges of ordinary spans, a quarter or a half of an inch more or less of deflection, is of slight importance, while, in bridges for ordinary carriage travel, the only objection to it is, that it slightly increases the degree of vibration produced by successive impulses, as of the trotting of animals, in time with the natural vibrations. Now, counter-bracing tends to shorten the intervals of COUNTER BRACING. 273 the natural vibrations by diminishing their extent; but can not destroy the liability to vibration ;.and the al teration of interval produced, may as often bring the vibrations nigher in tone with the gait of a trotting horse, as otherwise. "In certain cases the effect would be one way, and in others, the opposite; and in general, the only result would be, to diminish the ex tent of motion ; by one quarter, or less. Such is the result of the best reasoning and science that I have been able to bring to bear upon the subject of counter-bracing. To find the actual maximum deflection of a truss it is only necessary to know the value of P and //, and to assign to E a value determined by the character of material, and the stress upon the several parts under full load. In Fig. 52, if II = 1 = 12|ft., and the tension of wrought iron equal 15,0001bs. per square inch, the value of E for that material, will be about 0.0075 ft. ; and this will apply to the lower chord, and the obliques, ar and li. But the average value of E for diagonals of wrought iron, would be about 0.006ft. For cast iron, ll,0001bs. to the square inch, requires about the same value for E, as 15,000 upon wrought I. ; and, as that is a fair working rate of compression for cast iron in the upper chord, .0075ft. may be taken as Ae value of E for chords, in general. Uprights, for reasons heretofore explained, require a value for E , not greater than .005ft. The above values of E and H, substituted in the formula (J P*H\ + JP + JP# 2 , + JP,) x E, it becomes P*H*E+ (JP + PH*}E f + \PE, equal to J x 64 x .0075, + (4 + 4) .006, + 4 x .005, =, 0.188ft. = about 2J inches. Hence, a well proportioned wrought and 35 274 BRIDGE BUILDING. cast iron truss, one hundred feet long, by 12J feet deep, may be depressed 2J" in the centre by a distributed load (including structure), with tension not exceeding 15, and thrust, not exceeding 11 thousand pounds to the square inch in cross-section of iron. WOODED BRIDGES. STRENGTH OF TIMBER, &c. CXL. The qualities of wood as a building material, have been extensively treated of by authors whose works have long been before the public, with a degree of ability and research to which the present writer can make no pretensions. He will therefore at this timo f simply state the conclusions arrived at from reading and observation (coupled with some experimental re search) with respect to the average absolute strength, positive, negative, transverse, and to resist splitting, in certain cases ; of the timbers principally in use for building purposes; as also, the forces they will bear with safety under various circumstances ; leaving it, of course, for others to adopt his views for their own practice, or to modify and correct them, according as their greater experience or better judgment may dictate. At the same time, the author may be allowed to ex press his firm belief, that the views about to be pre sented, if fairly observed, will lead to the adoption or continuance of a safe and economical practice as to the proportioning of timber work in bridge construction. Pine timber in this country is perhaps to be ranked as among the most valuable timber in use for building purposes ; especially in bridge building. White oak, WOODEN BRIDGES. 275 and some other varieties, are preferred for certain pur poses, as being harder, stiffer, and especially better calculated to sustain a transverse action, whether tending to bend or crush it. But in what follows, reference will principally be had to the ordinary white pine of this country ; and the deductions here made, may readily be modified so as to apply to other mate rials of known strength, when so required. The absolute positive, or tensile strength of pine, may be stated at about 10,OOOJbs. to the square inch of cross-section. It might therefore seem to be safely reliable in practice, at 15 or 16 hundred pounds to the inch, upon that part of the section of which the fibres are not separated in forming connections with other parts of the structure. And so it probably would be, when new, sound, and straight grained. But timber in bridges, is usually more or less exposed to wetting and drying, and deterioration in strength, especially as it regards tension. Moreover, in forming connections of parts and pieces in a structure, it is difficult to se cure a uniform strain upon all the uncut fibres; one side of the piece being often exposed to much greater stress than the other. In view of such facts, it is deemed advisable to seldom allow less than one square inch section of unbroken fibre to each l,0001bs. of tensile strain. NEGATIVE STRENGTH OF TIMBER. CXLI. The ability of pine to resist compression in the direction of the length of piece, is from 4 to 5 thou sand pounds to the square inch of section, and this varies but little, whether the pieces be of length equal to once, or five or six times the diameter. It moreover 276 BRIDGE BUILDING. diminishes only about one-third with an increase of length up to 18 or 20 diameters. !N"ow, if we take about | of the absolute strength, say 800ft>s. to the inch for a length of 6 diameters, and 560 for 18 diameters, and substract 40ft>s. per inch for every increase of 2 diameters in length, between 6 and 18 diameters; and from 18 to 40 diameters, compute the quantities by the rule given [LXXXIX], in relation to negative resistance of cast iron, we shall form a table of negative resistances of timber, for a range of lengths which will cover the principal cases that will occur in bridge building, which the author feels confi dent in recommending for the adoption of engineers and practical bridge builders. If it be desired to ex tend the table to greater lengths than 40 diameters, the formula which makes the strength as the cube of the diameter divided by the square of the length, may properly be used. The following brief table of negative resistance of timber, has been constructed in the manner above in- Table of Negative Resistance of Timber. Diameters. Pounds. Diameters. Pounds. Diameters. Pounds. 6 800 24 368 42 166 8 760 26 328 44 151 10 720 28 296 46 138 12 C80 30 269 48 127 14 640 32 246 50 117 16 600 34 227 52 108 18 560 36 210 54 100 20 479 38 195 57 90 22 416 40 183 60 81 dicated, and exhibits at a single view, the number of pounds to the square inch of cross-section, which tim bers of different lengths will bear with safety, at inter- WOODEN BRIDGES. 277 vals of 2 diameters in length, for all lengths between 6 and 60 diameters. The first column gives lengths in diameters, and the second, the number of pounds to the square inch, borne, with safety. TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF WOOD. CXLII. Pine timber will bear a transverse strain of 1500 or 1600flbs. to the square inch of cross-section ; that is, the projecting end of a beam will bear 1500Sbs. for each square inch of its cross-section, applied at a distance from the fulcrum equal to the depth of the beam ; the force acting parallel with the sides. In other words, a beam 1 inch square upon supports 2 inches apart, will sustain 3,000ft>s. midway of supports, provided the timber be not split or crushed ; as would certainly be the case with so short a leverage. It will therefore be proper in practice, never to ex pose this material to a greater transverse strain than 250Ibs. (upon a leverage of 1 diameter), to the square inch ; and, to calculate the strength of a projecting beam, this quantity should be multiplied by the cross- section and the depth, and the product divided by the distance of the load from the fulcrum, [xciv.] For the safe load in the middle of a beam supported near the ends, take four times the above quantity (= l,000fbs.), multiply by cross-section and depth, and divide by length between supports. A beam will bear twice as much load uniformly dis tributed over its length, as when it is concentrated in the centre, in case the bea .n is supported at the ends, or at the end in the case of a projecting beam. But these are familiar principles and need not be dwelt upon in this place. 278 BRIDGE BUILDING. CLEAVAGE. CXLIII. In order that a piece of timber may act by tension, it is necessary that a portion of its fibres be separated, to form a heading for the stretching force to act against; and, that the strength of the piece may be made available for as great a part of its length as may be, without having the head split off, it becomes important to know the power of the material to resist such a result. Let ab Fig. 54 represent a heading by means of which the stick is made to act by tension. Now, as the timber is incapable of supporting upon the ends of its fibres with safety, for a great length of time, a force of more than 8 or 10 hundred pounds to the square inch, the area ab should contain at least one square inch-for each l,OOOIbs. to be applied to it. And, if the head ab be too nigh the end of the stick, the part abed will split off, and be thrust over the end of the timber. It is found by experiment that to produce this effect upon timber of sound and straight grain, requires a force of nearly GOOEbs. to the square inch of cleavage in the area efcb. It is therefore obviously necessary to safety, that the head ab, be at a distance from the end, equal to at least 10 times the depth (ae) of the head, that the area of cleavage may be sufficient to stand as great a force as the area of head can stand ; i. e., there should be 10 inches of cleavage surface to one inch of head surface. WOODEN BRIDGES. 279 If the heading be formed in the central part of the Btick, as by a mortice or pin hole, two cleavages must be made from the hole to the end in order that the part may be forced out. Hence, the hole need be only about five times the width of hole from the end ; that is, an inch hole should be five inches, and a two inch hole, 10 inches from the eud. TRANSVERSE CRUSHING. Timber is sometimes liable to be crushed by forces acting transversely to the direction of its fibres. If the pressure be applied to the whole sLle of the piece, it should not exceed 150, or at most 2001bs. to the square inch, in practice. If acting on one-half of the surface, it may perhaps, be SOOSbs. to the inch, without yielding very injuriously ; and, for a very small portion of surface, as under a bolt head or washer, a pressure of 500ft>9. to the inch may be admissible. These limits are taken with reference to pine timber. Hard timbers, will bear, probably, 25 to 50 per C. more with safety. CONNECTIONS OF TENSION PIECES, AND PROPORTIONATE AMOUNT OF AVAILABLE SECTION. CXLIY. From what has been already said, it fol lows that for a piece to act with the best advantage by tension, if the connection be made all at one point in the length, one-half of the fibres require to be cut off, so as to form an area of heading equal to the cross-sec tion of the remaining part of the stick ; since it has been assumed that the power to resist tensile strain with safety, is the same as the power to resist compres sion upon the ends of fibres. But if several headings, or shoulders be made at different points, or distances 280 BRIDGE BUILDING. from the end, a less portion of the fibres require to be separated. If, upon apiece 4 inches thick, instead of one shoulder 2 inches deep at 20 inches from the end, we make two of one inch deep, each, the one at 10, and the other at 20 inches from the end, we have the same area of shoulder, and 50 per C, more fibres to act by tension ; which may be made available by another shoulder at 30 inches from the end. Thus a greater proportion of the fibres, but a less proportion of the length is availa ble. In the same manner, if a piece be connected by pinning, requiring 2 pins of 2 inches in diameter, at 10 inches from the end, fourl inch pins, two at 5, and two at JO inches (if stiff enough), give the same shoulder surface, and require the cutting of only half as many fibres ; and, two more pins at 15 inches from the end will give jths of the whole area of section available for tension. In case the smaller pins be not stiff enough, they may be of an oblong section in the direction of the strain. A still further reduction of depth of shoulder or width of pin, will make a still larger proportion of the fibres available, but not so much length ; and, experi ence and judgment, with a little calculation, must dic tate as to the proper medium in this respect. The theoretical limit is, when the shoulders are infinitely small, in which case, the whole cross-section becomes available. But, as the resistance to cleavage must be equal to the force of tension, it follows that the loss in available length, is proportional to the amount of cross-section available for tension. In practice, it is usually not expedient to estimate more than one-half or two thirds of the whole section WOODEN BRIDGES CONNECTING PINS. 281 as available for tension. This reduces the safe practi cal strain for timbers sustaining tension, to from 500 to TOOlbs. to the square inch, for the whole cross-section ; and the proper point between these limits should be de termined by the mode of forming the connections in specific cases. PINS OF WOOD AND IRON, FOR CONNECTING TIMBERS IN BRIDGE WORK. CXLV. Perhaps no more suitable place will occur for making a few general remarks upon the merits and use of pins for connecting pieces of timber. While it is readily admitted that the plank lattice girder, put together exclusively with wooden pins, an swered an excellent purpose in affording cheap and serviceable bridges in this country when timber was abundant, and the iron manufacture in its infancy, it is nevertheless believed that the use of wooden pins in bridge construction, is not destined to a long continu ance. Where pins are required in wooden bridge work, it is thought that iron may be used with a de cided advantage over wood not in the lattice bridge of the usual form, composed of a great number of dia gonals, and a legion of connecting pins ; but in a modi- lied form (as in Figures 13 and 19), with a greatly reduced number of pieces, and points of connection. Wooden pins for the purpose under consideration, do not possess sufficient strength in proportion to the surface, unless made so large as to require too much cutting of the timber. Moreover, the action upon the pin tends to crush it laterally, in which direction the hardest timbers available for pins, scarcely offer as much resistance as the ends of fibres to which they are opposed. 36 282 BRIDGE BUILDING. Where pieces are connected with their fibres paral lel, wooden pins or keys with cross-sections elongated in the direction of the grain, to give them the necessary strength, may be employed without too much cutting of the timber. Bat, as just remarked, the key is liable to yield before the cut ends of the fibres are taxed to their full capacity. It is therefore poorly adapted to the purpose in any case where great strength is required. Moreover, when the pieces to be connected are placed across one another, the hole will not admit of elonga tion without too much cutting of at least one of the pieces. If it be required to connect a piece by a pin between two other pieces as seen in Fig, 55, upper diagram, the pin, as already seen, should be strong enough to bear as much strain as the opposed surface can sustain. Now, we have seen that this can scarcely be done by wooden pins. Still if sufficiently stiff, they may yield somewhat to compression, without material loss of strength. Taking the transverse strength of pin timber at SOOfts. to the inch, with leverage equal to diameter, the expression 4 x 3000rf -*- 1 (a representing the cross- section, d, the diameter, and /, the length of pin, be tween centres of outside bearings), gives the amount which the pin will bear in the middle. "Now, the two outside pieces, having each half the thickness of the centre one,* I must equal 1J times the thickness (0, of the middle piece ; while the effect * The outside hearings may be regarded as concentrated at the centres of thickness of the pieces, while the stress of the pin in the centre, is the same as if .T*;. . .. : .frjs-. . tne force exerted by the middle timber, <:<: wore concentrated half and half at the I - > >>- : ^> } centres of the two halves of the piece ; see L - - ; - ^* diagram. WOODEN BRIDGES CONNECTING PINS. 283 of the force exerted by said middle piece, is two-thirds of what the same force would produce, if concentrated in the middle of the pin, and consequently, the pin will hear 50 per C. more. Hence, we have 4xljx 30(W-r- lJ/,= 1200a</-5-<,= strength of the pin. But the opposed surface will hear 1,000&/ ; and put ting this expression equal to the former, and deducing the value of d, in terms of t, it will show the smallest diameter of a wooden pin, strong enough to hear as much as the opposed surface. This equation gives d = 1.03^;t whence, it appears that the wooden pin should he 3 per C. greater in diameter than the thick ness of the middle timber. In the same manner, the strength of an iron pin in the same circumstances, is respresented by 4xlJ X5,000ad -*- 1J*, = 20,000ad -r- t, which made equal to l,000fr/, gives d = 0.252, hence, the most economical diameter for an iron pin in fastening one piece between two others, is about Jth the thickness of the middle piece; i. e., taking the stiffness of a round pin at 5,000ft)s. But reducing it to 4,500Ibs. as proposed in another place [xcvm], it gives c? = 0.266^; whence, even upon this basis, it will be safe in practice to make d = |^, and the whole length of pin = 2, so that it may extend into the outside pieces to the extent of half the thickness of the middle piece. Since the outside pieces (Fig. 55), require half the thickness of the middle piece, and the pin requires a diameter equal to \t = J the thickness of outside pieces, it follows that in pinning or spiking a plank or timber to the outside of a thicker piece, the pin or spike should f Dividing tlie equation l2Q3ad--t =-1,000^, by lOOd and multiply ing by t, give 12a I0t\ But 12<z 12x.7854d a , =9.4248d a , = 10t a - whence, cf 1.06K 9 , and d v/TOGl?" = 1.03*. 284 BRIDGE BUILDING. have half the thickness of the piece attached, that it may not bend with less force than the ends of the severed fibres can bear ; and should extend into the thicker timber at least 6 times its diameter. For, as FIG. 55. 1 1 I \ I 1 j 1 B331 | \ ik 4K \ ffcEEtt ...^ the inner portion of the pin or spike, must act upon the wood in the same direction as the part through the attached piece, it requires the same amount of surface to act upon, while the intermediate portion requires a surface equal to that acting upon the two end portions. And, even in this condition, the pressure is not uniform upon all parts of the length of the pin, since there is a neutral point, as represented by the upper dotted line (lower diagram, Fig. 55), where the pressure changes from one side to the other, and, near this point, must be very light in both directions. Hence, for the most perfect results, in such cases, the pin should probably enter the thicker timber to a distance of 7 or 8 times the diameter of the pin. When the end bearings of the pin act transversely to the grain, they require at least 50 per C. more ex tent of bearing, or even twice as much, when practica ble. At 50 per C. I = If/ , and the effect of the pressure exerted by the middle piece, is ^ths that of the same force at the centre of the pin. The equation for the proper diameter of the pin, then, is 4x|x5,OOOfltfH-l} = 1,000/d ; whence, d = 0.283*, and length of pin =2H WOODEN BRIDGES SPLICING. 285 SPLICING. CXLYI. The term splicing, as applied to timber work, may be defined to be the uniting of two pieces of timber by their end portions, so as to form (in figure) a continuous timber upon a straight axis. The splicing of timber to withstand a thrust action, requires only the meeting of the squared ends of pieces ; or, a half lap, formed by removing the half of each for a foot or two, more or less, from the end, and lapping the remaining halves, so as to have the extreme end of each, meet the shoulder of the other. But the splicing of pieces to withstand tension, ob viously requires a more complicated process ; and, from what has already been said, [CXLIV,] it is clear that only a part of the absolute section can be made available to withstand a tensile strain. FIG. 56. In Fig. 56, we have the profile of a lock splice, by which one-third of the section is available for tension ; the depth of the locking being equal to one-third of the thickness of timber. Now, that the locking may not split off, we have seen that the lap should extend 10 times the depth of lock, each way, making a lap of 6 times the thickness of the timbers. By slanting the timber to a thickness at the end equal to that in the neck of the lock, we lose none of the cleavage required to split off the hook, while we gain in amount of section where it is required for bolt holes to secure the splicing. Otherwise, the bolt holes would 286 BRIDGE BUILDING. reduce the available section below one-third of the whole. It is proper to observe with regard to this splice, and also the succeeding one, that the power being ap plied upon the reversed shoulder, or hook, out of the line of the unbroken fibres which resist the power, the tendency is to throw tfye ends outward, and pro duce a degree of lateral action, which weakens the timber to a somewhat greater degree than in proportion to the amount of fibres severed. FIG. 57. With a double lock splice, as in Fig. 57, one-half of the section is available. This requires a lap of 10 times the thickness of the timber. By three lockings upon the same principle, f of the fibres may be utilized for tension, with a lap of 12 thicknesses (or 12.), and, by a lap 13J, we make two- thirds of the fibres available. Finally, by a lap of 20. and an infinite number of lockings the whole cross- section would be available. But this, of course, is a point not attainable in prac tice. From J to J say an average of J, is as much as can be reckoned on, and about as much as can usually be made available for tension, at the end connections of a single timber. Splicing may also be effected by a plain scarf, with bolting, pinning and spiking, as indicated in Fig. 58. With bolts, pins and spikes properly arranged and pro portioned, a strong splice may be formed in this WOODEN BRIDGES SPLICING. 287 manner, with a less lap than what is required in the lock splice. In this case the fastenings should pass FIG. 58. through at right angles with the plane of the joint, that they may not be slackened by a slight yielding of the timber to pressure, in the holes. This, however, is a device which will probably, seldom be resorted to in bridge construction. Timbers may also be shackled together end to end by iron bolts and straps, as shewn in Fig. 59. The ag gregate cross-section of straps should be about 1 square inch to each 10 to 15 thousand pounds of strain which the splice is intended to bear; and the diameter of bolts fastening the straps, about one-fifth of the thick ness of timber, to secure the greatest effect for the amount of section destroyed in cutting the bolt hole. FIG. 59 To connect two timbers 10x12 inches, so as make half of the fibres available for tension, we may take 6 straps 2 feet long from hole to hole, and containing a cross-section of about 1 square inch, each. Also 6 bolts of 2" in diameter, and arrange the straps and bolts as shown in the figure, the straps being placed upon the 12" sides. This will cost, say for ITOlbs. of iron at 7cts., $11.90. 288 BRIDGE BUILDING. The expense of a double lock splice (Fig. 57), will be about 7 cubic ft. of waste timber, $3.50 40Ibs. of iron bolts, washers and plates,... 2.80 Labor in fitting the timbers, say, 1. Total,,.... $7.30. showing the shackle connection to be from 4 to 5 dol lars the more expensive. CONSTRUCTION OF WOODEN TRUSSES. CLVII. With a thorough comprehension of the power of timber to resist the various kinds of strain to which it may be liable in bridges, and other timber structures, and of the general principles of forming connections in timber work, as attempted to be ex plained and get forth in the last few preceding pages ; and a knowledge of the general forms of arrangement for the several members in bridge trusses, or girders, and of the manner of computing the stresses to which the several parts are liable to be subjected, as treated of in the first 100 pages or so, of this work, the details of practical construction of wooden truss bridges may be intelligently entered upon. Nothing more elaborate will be here undertaken, than a reference to general forms of trussing suitable for wooden bridges of different spans, and a descrip tion of what seem to be the most feasible methods of forming connections at peculiar and specific points. The method pursued will be, to proceed from the shorter spans, and more simple combinations, to struct ures of greater length, and requiring a greater number and a more complex arrangements of parts. WOODEN BRIDGES. 289 Two PANEL TRUSSES. CLVIIT. The form presented in Fig. 3, with rafter braces ad and dc, and a tie or chord ac, together with an iron tension member db (in 1 or 2 pieces), is proba bly the best adapted to bridges from 20 to 25 feet in length. The braces should meet with a vertical joint at d (Fig. 3), and toe into the chord tie with two head ings, and one or two small bolts, as in Fig. 60. Fia. 60. Assuming the brace to be capable of sustaining a thrust of 500Ibs. to the inch of section, and the heading l,000ft)s, to the inch, the aggregate depth of heading, a/, and de, should be one-half the depth c6, of the brace ; and, the point /, should fall below the point d, by j\ ad, so as to give a length of cleavage /A, = lOaf or 10 dh. The shoulder de, then, should be, (1),... de =J cb T V ad,~$cb hab + T V db. We here speak of a d b as a straight horizontal line, not shown. This is regarding of as equal to the verti cal depth of cut at af; which will be sufficiently near the truth for our present purpose, provided the brace be not very steep. But (2),...de = db. sin. dbe, ~db. sin. cab. 37 290 BRIDGE BUILDING. and, putting this value of de equal to the one above, and changing vulgar to decimal fractions, we have, (3), ..db. sin. cab =* 0.5 cb 0.106 + O.lr/6. Then, transposing, and uniting co-efficients of db. (4.). ..(sin. cab 0.1) </6 ==0.5c-6 0.106, whence, ,-v ,, 0.5 cb 0.1 ab Now, from equation (2) we derive 0*6= sin ca() , which value of 0*6 being substituted in equation (5), we have //>N de 0.5 cb Q.lab \ ,,. <, . , u ( 6 ) - sh^Tb ~ sin.c^-o.1. whence, multiplying by sin. c06. we derive, (7),... de - - 5 ^~^/ 5 Then, substituting for 06, its 1 ^^_ * r __, sin. cab equal. sin cajb the last equation becomes, s Making the angle C06 = 2633J , which is regarded as a suitable inclination for the brace, being one, ver tical, and two, horizontal reach, sin. C06 = 0.447, which substituted in (8), gives de .356^6, and af=* .144c-6. This, it will be recollected, is deduced upon the supposition that the brace will sustain a compression of 500ft>s. to the inch, and no more ; which will depend upon the length as compared with the least diameter. If the brace be capable of bearing with safety, more or less than 500ft>s. to the inch, the heading, or butting surface should be more or less than half the area of cross-section, in like proportion. For, if unnecessarily large, it requires too much cutting of the chord, and if too small, the pressure upon abutting surfaces be comes too great. With the inclination of brace above assumed, the compression upon the brace obviously equals the weight WOODEN BRIDGES. 291 sustained multiplied by v/5 ; and, for a rail road bridge, at 1J tons to the lineal foot, the weight upon each brace, will be 6,250ft>s. = %w ; or say, J (w -f W*) = 7,500ibs. This by N/O, gives 16,770ft>s. = thrust of brace, while 15,000ft>s. = tension of chord. Now, at SOOIbs. to the square inch of gross section, the chord requires 30 square inches, and the brace 33J inches* being a little less than 6" square. But the length of brace being about lift, or 22 diameters of a 6" stick, we find by the table [CXLI], the brace is only capable of bearing 416ifes. to the inch. Hence, with a 6" least diameter, a section of 40.3 inches, or nearly 6" x 1", becomes necessary. Still the butting surface required is only 16.77 square inches a little less than 2|-" depth (at right angles with the brace), by 7" in width. This 2J inches in depth may be divided between the two shoulders at a and d, in any manner that will leave a length of cleavage from a to the end of the chord equal to 10 a/, or more strictly 10 afx cos. cab, which equals the vertical depth of cut at/. But the line df, should preserve a descent, equal to J^-th of its length. The depth of shoulder being thus reduced from Jc6 (= 3" in this case), to 2|", de is diminished in the same degree, and from .356c6, becomes |x.356c 6 = .2966c6 ; and, substituting 6" for c6, we have de = 1.78 inches. In the meantime af becomes |x.!44c6, = .72". The vertical depth of cut for de, = 1.78", is 1.78xcos. cab, =1.78x.894, = 1.59". Add to this the vertical cut at/, equal to .642" and it makes 2.233", = aggregate vertical depth of cut in the chord, whence the distance eg should be 22.33 inches, to afford the necessary re sistance to cleavage. Now, we require in the chord 15 square inches of unsevered fibre, to withstand the horizontal thrust of 292 BRIDGE BUILDING. the brace while we require, as seen above, 1.59X 7 = 11.13 inches to be cat away to form foothold for brace, making aggregate section of chord = 15+11.13 = 26.13 sqr. inches, equal to about 7" X 3", by strict computation. Timbers so small, however, although capable of sus taining, without excessive stress, any action to which a bridge is legitimately exposed, is not to be recom mended in practice, as the structures might be de stroyed by casualties which would but slightly affect the large timbers required in heavier and longer struct- tures. The centre of bearing of the truss upon the abut ment, should be directly under the point i, at the meeting of central axes of the brace, and the unsevered portion of the chord. Otherwise, an injurious lateral strain would result to the chord at its weakest point. The transverse beam at the centre of the truss, may be placed above the chord or below, as preferred, and sustained by 2 suspension bolts descend ing divergently from a saddle, or double washer at the vertex of the braces, pass ing through the beam, and secured by nuts and washers upon the under side of the beam, as shown in Fig. 61. The divergence of bolts should be from Jth to Jth their length, and the section of bolts, a trifle more than what is required simply to sustain the weight, as they may act unequally, in consequence of a small lateral tendency of the braces. A small bolt should pass vertically through chord and beam, to preserve them in place. Also, a small bolster, or corbel block FIG. 61. WOODEN BRIDGES. 293 (j. Fig. 60 and 61), under the chord at the end, affords some protection at the weak point in the chord. A pair of horizontal X braces in each panel, between beam and abutments, or plate timbers upon abutments, are required to produce lateral steadiness in the struc ture. The idea of constructing the trusses of a rail road bridge, even of 20 span, of 6" timbers, to persons in the habit of seeing such bridges constructed with tim bers 10 or 12 inches square, will undoubtedly suggest visions of catastrophe, courts and coroners ; and, in view of liability to casualty, fretting at joints, and per haps surface decay, it may be advisable to use in such structures, timbers somewhat larger than the above computations indicate as sufficient to withstand deter minate forces. But, as an instance of what strength may be obtained with very small timbers, properly proportioned and put together, it may be here stated that a model of a 20 feet truss, upon a scale of 1 to 12, constructed as above explained, of J" x T 6 2 " braces and chord, bore without material injury, 350ft>s. at the centre, equiva lent to 700ft)S. distributed, and representing 700x144 = 100,800ft>s. upon one truss, or over 100 net tons upon a 20 f^eet bridge; being some four times as much as a single track rail road bridge of that span is usually subjected to. With regard to the proper size of transverse beam, the formula (see rule [CXLII]), 1^5 == W, (a represent ing area of section, d, depth of beam, , length between supports, and W, the load in the centre), gives a = iOMd" Then, assuming I = 15 , W = 7,500ft>s, ( = 15,0001bs. distributed), and d = 14" ; we have a = 294 BRIDGE BUILDING. lowxi" = 96 4 square inches ; which divided bv de P th (d), in inches, gives thickness (f), = 7 inches nearly. Or the formula t = gives the required thickness directly. But in this case, I and dmust express length and depth in inches, since the co-efficient of d (1,000) refers to square inches of section. Otherwise, the co efficient must be multiplied by 144 to make it refer to the square foot of section ; in which latter case the value of t will be obtained in feet. In the case of beams to sustain rail road track, we may let V = length of beam exclusive of the portion between rails, and W = weight upon the 2 rails. If I = 120" and W = 25,000ft>s., and d =* 14" the above formula becomes, * = _ _ 15 . 3 in . THREE PANEL TRUSS. CLIX. A three panel truss bridge of wood may be constructed upon the plan shown in outline by Fig. 7. The main braces a6and a b may connect with the chord in the same manner as in the two panel truss described in the last section, and illustrated by Fig. 60; while the upper end may be square, and the whole bevel to form the angle abb , given to the member bb . Or, the bevel may be upon both members ; in which case the saddle plates at b and b e should extend over the joint, so as to throw a part of the weight directly upon the brace. In case the bevel be all upon bb , the saddle need not bear upon the brace. The counter braces in the middle panel may box into the chord and the horizontal W, in the manner shown in Fig. 62, either by the black or the dotted lines ; the upper end of the counter toeing against the WOODEN BRIDGES. 295 end of the main brace, when the form of connection shown by the black line is used. As the counter braces cross, or meet in the centre of the panel, one may be in two pieces thrusting into the other as at c Fig. 62 ; or one member may be in two full length pieces, and the other a single brace between the former, of such width vertically, as to possess the required cross-section ; say 2J" x 6" for the outside, and 4x8 for the middle one, and the whole connected by a small transverse bolt at the crossing. The stresses of the several parts of the truss may be determined in the manner explained in section xvni, and the timbers proportioned accordingly, and in con formity to rules in relation to strength of timber [CXL and CXLI]. For a truss of 30 feet to carry a gross load of 15,000ft)3. to the panel, with a horizontal reach of brace equal to twice the vertical chord and " strain ing beam," (66 , Fig. 7), should be 7" deep x 9" wide ; main braces 8" X 9". Counter-braces being subject to only one-third of the movable panel load, may properly be 4 X 8 or 5 X 6, if one be severed at the crossing, or as above specified, if one member be in 2 full length pieces. Two counter-braces might cross one another side by side, but this would not produce a well balanced action. 296 BRIDGE BUILDING. Bridges of this length of span are, moreover, often built with counter braces omitted, for common road purposes. But such practice is defective, unless extra depth of section be given to the lower chord, so that its stiffness may transfer a portion of weight over the quadrangular middle panel ; and in no case is it ad visable to dispense with counter braces in a rail road bridge of three panels. Beams may be suspended by divergent bolts as in Fig. 61, and bolted to the chord; while horizontal x ties or braces, as may be preferred, in each panel will prevent lateral swaying of the structure. The above is probably the simplest and best plan of wooden truss for bridges of 30 to 35 feet span. FOUR AND Six PANEL TRUSSES. CLX. The same general arrangement, with the same kind of connections, in trusses of 4 or 6 panels, accord ing to length of span, may be used with good effect for common road purposes, in any length up to 70 or 80 feet. In such cases, each panel should have one main brace, and counter braces may be entirely omitted; as the partial movable load is seldom so great as to neutralize the action of weight of structure upon the main braces. In the 6 panel truss, the movable must exceed the permanent panel load upon the two beams next either end, with no movable load upon the other beams, in order to neutralize the constant tendency to action upon the central pair of main braces. This is obvious from the fact that the greatest tendency to tension action upon the latter, is 3i0", = Jt0, while the permonent load gives a constant opposite tendency, equal to JM? . Should such cases occur, the transverse stiffness of WOODEN BRIDGES. 297 both upper and low chords must he overcome before a collapse could take place. In the case of iron trusses, the chords are supposed to have no lateral stiffness at the nodes; consequently, counterbraces, or ties, as the case may be, are al ways necessary in one or two panels each side of the centre. Fig. 63 represents a Six Panel truss, as arranged and recommended by the author 16 or 18 years ago, and adopted by the Canal depart ment of the State of ]$few York, for farm and country road crossings over the State canals, upon which several hundreds of them are in use. The arrangement of upper and lower chord timbers, and the diver gent suspension rods, to maintain the erect position of trusses, as well as the assignment of correct pro portions to all the parts throughout, are believed to have originated with O the author of this work. The lower and longer portion of the bottom chord, is usually in two pieces, spliced with double locking and bolting (see Fig. 57), over the centre beam. Transfer blocks are also inserted between upper and lower timbers, to transfer a part of the stress of the longer to the shorter portion, and thus dimmish the strain at the splicing. 298 BRIDGE BUILDING. The long portion of the upper chord may also be in two pieces meeting with squared ends, or with a plain half lap, of a foot or so. Transfer blocks or packing pieces and bolts should likewise be inserted as indicated in the figure. The dimensions of the several members, of course, will depend upon the length and depth of truss, and the load it is required to bear. It is seen by pro cesses explained heretofore [XL and LIII], that the portion of chord under the triangular end panels, and also the endniost sections of the upper chord, are liable to action equal to 2JW-, in which expression "W = w+w , h =the horizontal, and v = the vertical reach of braces. The next sections (top and bottom), are liable to 4W-, and the lower chord under the two V middle panels, to 4JW-. The end braces are liable to 2JW \/A 2 -f v 2 -i-v,thQ next braces, to (lOu/ +lJw ) v/A 2 -f v 2 -s- v, and the middle ones, to (6w"+%w f ) V h? -f v 2 -* V, while the verticals are exposed to 2JW for the endniost, 1W for the middle, and 10 w" -f- IJw for the intermediates. Now, we have only to assign specific values to w and w , and to A and v, in order to obtain the actual maxi mum stresses the several parts are liable to, from the general expressions just found. Let A = 12 , and v = 7 ; which, though not an eco nomical proportion, as we have seen [LXIV], may be admissible for bridges of light burthens, giving a better appearance, and the structure being less top heavy. The weight of a light superstructure of this descrip tion, is 18 or 20 tons say, w = 3,000fbs. Then, as suming w = 6,000ft)s. which will be sufficient for the WOODEN BRIDGES. 299 lighter class of private and country bridges. Then, - = V = 1,714, and x//7~+~^H- v = 1.984. Substituting these values in the above expressions for stresses, we have 2J X 9,000 X 1.714, = 38,565, = tension of end section of bottom chord. For the next section, 4 X 9,000 X 1,714 = 61,704ft>s. ; and, for the two middle sections, 69,417ft>s. ; while the compression of the two portions of the upper chord, is 38.565flbs., for the end, and 61,7041bs., for the middle sections. The maximum compression of the three sets of braces, is 44,653 for the ends, 14,880 for the middle ones, and 28,760 for the intermediates. The tension of suspension bolts, is, at the maximum, for the endmost 22,500, for the middle ones, 9,000 ( = W), and for the intermediates 14,500. The main portion of the lower chord, requires a lap at the splice, equal to 10 times its depth, [CXLVI.] Hence, the less depth, the less waste in splicing, and the more lateral stiffness of truss. But this also in volves greater required section in the lighter braces, which become too thin, vertically, to act with advantage under compression. There is no ready means of determining the exact optimum in the ratio of depth to width of timbers in this case ; and we shall not err greatly by assuming a ratio of width to depth as 3 to 2, or as 4 to 3 ; neither to be rigidly adhered to. The bottom chord may suffer tension in the second panel, equal to nearly 62,000ft>s., requiring 62 inches of net section ; while the second brace has a maximum horizontal thrust of nearly 25,000ft>s., requiring the severing of 25 inches, whence this part of the chord should have a gross section of 62 + 25, = 87 inches. 300 BRIDGE BUILDING. This amount may be furnished nearly, by a section of 8" x 10", 8 x 11, or 7 x 12. Assuming the second, the end braces should be 8-J X 11, the next 7 x 11, and the middle ones, 5J x 11. We have seen above, that 62,000ft>s. of tension, are communicated to the long timbers of the lower chord, while the splice at the middle is only good for 500ft>s., to the inch of gross section, being 44,000ft)3. ; thus leaving a deficiency of 18,000ft)3. to be sustained and made up by the upper timber. In the mean time, the middle braces exert about 8,OOOIbs. of horizontal action upon this piece, under a full load of the truss, and near 13,000ft>s. at the maximum action of those braces. Hence that timber should have a mini n urn net section of 26 inches, -f 18 inches to be severed for the insertion of transfer blocks. The timber should therefore be at least 4" deep. The transfer blocks should be If " thick, in this case, and 15 or 16 inches long, and be well fitted in position as indicated in Fig. 63. This mode is preferable to that of using blocks twice as thick, and letting one-half into each timber by a square boxing; because it leaves a larger section of timber opposite the middle of the block where bolt-holes are required. Otherwise it would be necessary to provide additional gross section on account of bolt holes. The same reason applies in the case of braces toeing into chords, &c. ; where the boxing, instead of being as deep at the heel as at the toe of the brace, should taper out to nothing at the heel. See black line at foot of counter brace c, Fig. 62. This case has been given in pretty full detail, since the plan seems to merit, as it certainly enjoys, a high degree of popularity, for small bridges for ordinary use. WOODEN BRIDGES. 301 By increasing the depth to at least Jth of the length of truss, inserting counter braces in the two middle panels, and proportioning members to the respective strains to which they are liable ; this plan is undoubt edly well adapted to rail road purposes in spans from 50 to 70 feet in length. For greater spans than 70 feet for rail roads and 80 for common roads, higher trusses, with top connections and lateral bracing or tying, should undoubtedly be adopted. CLXI. The bridge usually designated asBeardsley s Bridge, is identical with the one shown in Fig. 63, modified by the substitution of iron bottom chords, composed of two parallel rods (to each truss) in 5 pieces or parts corresponding in size with the stresses of chords under respective panels. The middle and largest part extending under the two middle panels, and the others, each under one panel only. These pieces or parts, being connected by turn-buck les, or screw couplings, pass through cast iron shoes, into and against which the several braces toe and thrust ; the shoes being prevented from sliding out ward upon the rods, by the couplings. The shoe should in all cases be so formed and located that the axes of action of chord, brace and vertical, meet at the same point, as it regards the intermediates, while as to those upon the abutments, the axes of chord and brace should meet over the centre of bearing upon abutments. This arrangement (understood to have been the sug gestion and device of Mr. Geo. Heath), gives very sat isfactory results, and the only practical question with regard to it, as compared with the one with wooden 302 BRIDGE BUILDING. chords, seems to be merely one of economy and con venience. If suitable timbers for chords can be readily and reasonably obtained, it is thought to be quite as advantageous to use wooden chords. THE HOWE BRIDGE. CLXII. A very popular plan of wooden bridges, which has, in fact, superseded most others in New York and New England for rail-road purposes from the time of the introduction of the rail road system, is known as the Howe Bridge. The trusses have upper and lower parallel chords, together w r ith main and counter braces, of wood, tied vertically by wrought iron tension rods from chord to chord, the principle of action being the same as in the plan shown in Fig. 63. The braces act upon the chords and verticals through the medium of cast iron shoes or skewbacks, with ribs or flanges let into the chords to a sufficient depth to sustain the horizontal thrust of braces, and with tubes, or hollow processes, square externally, and having round holes to receive the vertical bolts. These tubes project downward through the lower, and upward through upper chord, between the courses of timber composing the chord, being boxed into the timber on each side of the tube, so as to leave about an inch be tween adjacent courses for ventilation ; the tubes, ex tending through the chords, reach an iron plate upon the opposite side, which serves as a washer, or bearing for the nuts of the suspension bolts. By this means the vertical action of braces is brought directly upon the verticals, without a transverse crush ing action upon the chord timbers. WOODEN BRIDGES. 303 The chords are formed of 3 or 4 courses of timber side by side, with a depth equal to two or three times the thickness; the joints in the several courses being so distributed that no two courses may have a joint in the same panel when avoidable. Fig. 64, represents a side view in the upper, and a top view in the lower diagram, of a portion of the bot- FIG. 64. torn chord. At t is represented a view of the tube of the skewbackas it would appear with the outside chord timber removed ; at m m, the seats of the main braces, and c, the seat of the counter brace. Over a, is a clamp, or lock piece, and bb r are transfer blocks, or packing pieces, to secure the joint, and transfer the strain from one to another of the chord timbers. The transfer blocks may be placed obliquely as at 6, or straight, as at & . The latter is the more usual, but the former leaves the greater section of timber at the point where the bolt holes occur. The braces are usually placed with a horizontal about half as great as the vertical reach, and extending across one panel only. Counter braces used throughout, and the upper chord made of equal leugth with the lower, giving the truss a rectangular, instead of a Trape zoidal form. 304 BRIDGE BUILDING. Now, it is obvious that in a rectangular truss, as represented in Fig. 52, the end posts, and one panel- length of the upper chord at each end, as well as one counter-brace, are entirely useless, as it regards sus taining weight of structure and load. It will readily be seen, moreover, that no counter-braces except those of the two middle panels, in the 8 panel truss, Fig. 52, have any sustaining action, unless the variable exceed 4 times the permanent load of the truss. It is furthermore manifest that there is a large amount of surplus material in the portions of lower chord toward the ends ; the tension of that chord being in the several panels, preceding from the end (in the case of Fig. 52), as 3J, 6, 7J and 8. Hence, over one- fifth of the material in a chord of uniform section, is in excess. But the greatest sacrifice of economy in the Howe Bridge as usually constructed, results from the steep pitch of the braces. For, while, as was seen [LXVI], braces act with about the same economy at an inclination giving a horizontal reach equal to the vertical, as when the former equals only one-half of the latter, that is, with h = v and h =* Jy, it was shown in the succeeding section, that the action upon verticals was nearly twice as great in the latter, as in the former case. For in stance, suppose Fig. 18 to represent a 16 panel trnss, with thrust braces and tension verticals. Estimating O successively the action upon verticals with diagonals crossing two panels, as in Fig. 18, and the same with diagonals crossing but one panel, we find the action over 85 per cent more in the latter than in the t former case. "With regard to chords, the horizontal effect is essen tially the same in both cases, while the vertical thrust WOODEN BRIDGES. 305 of braces, being but little over half as great witb the long, as with the short horizontal reach, may be sus tained by the timber of the chord, thus obviating the necessity of tubes extending through the chord from the cast iron skewback; and furthermore, may enable the iron shoe to be dispensed with altogether, in many cases. Hence would result a still further saving in ex- o pense, as well as in weight of structure. Take, for example a brace 10" square, capable of resisting a tnrust of 50,0001bs. in the direction of its length, and a vertical pressure of 35,0001bs. when in clined at 45. "Whether the end be cut as at d, e, or/ (Fig. 64), it covers a horizontal area of 141 square inches, giving a square inch for every 250Ibs. of vertical pressure. This does not much, if any, exeeed the ca pacity of timber for resisting transverse crushing, as estimated in section CXLIII, when acting upon a portion of surface so limited with respect to the whole. Perhaps, however, the propriety of dispensing with the iron shoe, should not be too strenuously urged. But there seems to be little excuse for incurring the sacrifice of iron required in suspension bolts in case of the steep braces, over what is required with the greater inclination. The interference of bolts with braces, when the latter reach across two panels, is perhaps the greatest obstacle in the way of adopting the latter ar rangement ; and this may be managed by either pass ing the bolts through the intervening braces (which does not materially impair their strength, when sup ported at intervals by counter-braces), or between main and counter braces, as may seem most favorable in respective cases, In view of the above considerations, the author can not avoid regarding the usual practice in the construc tion of Howe Bridges, as decidedly faulty. 306 BRIDGE BUILDING. TRAPEZOID WITHOUT VERTICALS.* CLXIII. This form of truss, Figs. 13, 15 and 19, has been shown [XLIV, &c.], to be liable to a less amount of action upon materials, in sustaining a given load under like general conditions, than any of the other forms analyzed in this work; and this advantage may be made practically available in wooden bridge con struction, by a system of chords and diagonals con nected by transverse iron bolts and pins at the nodes of upper and lower chords. The lower chords should be proportioned in their several parts, nearly in accordance with the stresses to which such parts are liable. This may be accomplished by a pair of parallel courses of timber of uniform sec tion upon the outsides of the chord from end to end, placed at such distance asunder as to admit the ends of diagonals between them, and also, to admit of addi tional courses of chord timbers upon the inside of the former, to be introduced as required toward the centre, to give in each panel a section of chord, proportional to the computed strain for such part. The pieces composing the several courses, may be spliced with the double lock, Fig. 57, usually with the centre of the splice at the nodes, or connecting points of chords with diagonals ; no two splices in the same half-chord to occur at the same node. The upper chord should be increased in section by enlargement of the section rather than the number of courses. Or, in some cases, timbers may taper in thickness toward the ends of chords, either upper or * The characteristic of this truss, is not that strictly speaking 1 it lias no vertical members, but that there is no general alternate transfer of weight from diagonals to verticals, and the contrary. WOODEN BRIDGES. 307 lower. For instance, if 5" in thickness be sufficient in the end panel, and 7" be required in the next, a timber extending over the width of two panels, 6" at the smaller, and 8" at the larger end, will answer the requirement with perhaps less waste of timber and labor than would suffice under a different arrangement. But such matters must be left to the judgment of the designer. The upper chord acting by compression, the timbers may be connected by a half-lap of 1J or 2 feet at the nodes, where the main connecting bolts will secure the ends. The diagonals which act principally by compression (represented as the narrower ones in Figs. 65 and 66), may be in pairs, while those mostly exposed to tension (the wider ones), may be single, and placed between the former. Thus usually three pieces are united at each node. FIG. 65. .. V ?/ \ / w In some cases where the thickness of diagonals ex ceeds the space between half-chords, the thrust dia gonals may be shouldered to fit a boxing upon the in side of the chord ; as by either of the vertical dotted lines, Fig. 65. Sometimes also, the boxing may ex tend through the whole depth of the chord, so as to require no cutting of the diagonal ; and again, the thickness of the diagonals maybe reduced in the parts 308 BRIDGE BUILDING. between chords, and no cutting of chord timbers re quired.. "When cutting of timbers becomes necessary for pur poses as above, it should be in the parts where the greater surplus over the necessary net section occurs, whether in chord or diagonals. Every part should have a square inch of net available section for each l,0001bs. of tension, and a square inch of bearing upon bolt, pin, or shoulder, for each l,OOOSbs. of either ten sion or thrust to which the part is liable ; and the bearing upon bolts and pins should be estimated as equal to the diameter multiplied by the length of hole through the piece ; or, equal to the section of timber severed by the hole. CLXIY. Fig. 66 is a general representation of the half of an 8 panel truss, suitable for a 100 foot common road bridge. Let v 14 , = distance between centres of upper and lower chords, and h = 12 J , = horizontal width of panel. Then, assuming w 10,0001bs. (= movable panel load), and w f = 4,000ft>s. (= perma nent panel load), we have - = .893 (nearly), and D = 18.77 = length of diagonal; whence, D - = 1.34; and, computing the stresses of the several parts and mem bers by the process explained in sections [XLIV, &c.,], the maximum vertical pressure at a equals 49,000ft>s. giving a longitudinal compression upon ai 9 equal to 65,660Bbs., and a tension upon ab, equal to 43,750ft>s. For the double member ai, 8" X 9" timbers are suf ficient ; while 4" X 12" (in each half), would answer for ab. But to give greater transverse stiffness for supporting floor timbers, it is preferred to have the outside course of lower chord timbers 5x12 inches. WOODEN BRIDGES. 309 310 BRIDGE BUILDING. The piece bj having no office but to fill the space at b 9 and to give support to a i, may be of any convenient dimensions. The maximum tension of other portions of the lower chord is, for be, 56,250; for cd, 81,250, and for de, 93,750Ebs. For the upper chord, we have compression ofih, hg and gf, 62,509ft>s., 87,500ft>., and 100,OOOR>s. re spectively. The diagonals and verticals are liable to maximum tension and compression as shown in the following statement ; and may properly be of dimensions as marked opposite each in the right hand column below ; in case of double members, the figures indicate the width and thickness of each. Parts. Tension, Ibs. Compression, libs. Cross-Section, inches. bi 28,000 double 3 X 11 d 28,140 single 5 X 12 dh 20,435 " 4 x 12 e 9 12,730 ,670 " 3 x 11 fd 6,700 6,700 d. 3x 6 yc 670 12,730 " 3x6 hb 20,425 " 3} x 7 fa 65,660 " 8x9 The inside course of lower chord timbers may be a 4" x 12" piece extending from d across the two mid dle panels of the truss, spliced at each end to a taper ing piece 4 X 12 at d, and 2 X 12 at b ; and consequently, 3 X 12 at c. Then, leaving a space of 8" between half chords at d and e, we have 10" at c, and 12" at b. Each half of the upper chord should be 8" x 12", in the two middle panels, and placed 9" apart ; connect ing with a tapering piece each way, from 8 x 12 at g y WOODEN BHIDGES. 311 to 6 x 12 at i\ where the end should be beveled to a line bisecting the angle aih, and abut against a beveled shoulder upon the upper end of the king brace ai. The king brace is also cut away upon the inside, leav ing only 1" in thickness, to make up, with bi and z c, a thickness equal to the space (13") between the half- chords at i. The parts thus meeting at i are to be fastened by 2 transverse bolts of at least 2J" in diameter. These afford the requisite square inch of bearing surface for each IjOOOfos. of pressure, with an unimportant de ficiency for the member zc, which may be eked out with a V pin through bi and ic only, if thought advisable, thus giving 55 square inches for vertical and diagonal together. These members should extend at least 14" beyond the centres of holes. At h and <;, the three diagonal pieces just fill the space between chord timbers, and require at A, two bolts and one plain pin of If " in diameter, and at g, the same number &c., of If" diameter. The diagram shows only two bolts at each connection. At the point /", where two pairs of braces meet, one pair may be cut off at the meeting, and a 4 by 6 inch piece introduced, lapping 2 feet between the cut pieces (reduced each J inch in thickness, inside, to the extent of the lap), and secured by 2 bolts and 1 pin of V diameter; the upper end passing between the opposite braces, the latter being boxed J" inside, to afford room for the 4" piece ; and the whole secured by a single 1J" or 1 J" bolt through chord and braces. The connections at the lower chord are somewhat more complicated, but involve little difficulty. The best connection at a, is made by cutting a vertical 312 BRIDGE BUILDING. shoulder or heading J" deep, upon both sides of the half chord, as shown by the vertical dotted line in the diagram A, Fig. 66; the brace being forked with counter shoulders upon the inside. This affords 36 square inches of shoulder surface, which, assisted by 2 bolts of V diameter, give 50 square inches, to with stand less than 44,0001bs. The end of the brace is thus made to bear directly upon the abutment without any crushing action upon the chord. At 6, the space in the chord is 12", while the verti cals descending parallel, would occupy 11". But giv ing a divergence of 2J", and boxing f " upon the inside of chord timbers, leaves a space of 6J" between verti cals at b. Then, boxing bh J" upon the inside at the crossing with ic 9 there will be a 3" space between braces bh at 6, and a thickness of 4 J" (of the pieces bh) between the verticals bi; also, a shoulder of 1J" upon the outside, which may be made to act vertically in a boxing upon the inside of fo , thus securing the requi site bearing surface for the thrust of bh. Thus ar ranged, the point should be fastened with 2 bolts and 1 pin of If" diameter. The piece bj will have 3" in thickness at 6, and will be furred out, if necessary, to fill the space atj. The space at c is 10" ; and, eg being shouldered |" at the upper side of the chord at c, and boxed J" at the crossing with hd t the point c may be secured by 2 bolts and 1 pin of 1 J" or 2" diameter. A J" boxing of df at rf, upon the inside, leaves a thickness of 9", being 1" greater than the space in the chord, and the pieces (//"therefore require a further re duction in thickness upon the outside between chord timbers, of J" upon each. The point d, requires If" bolts and pin. WOODEN BRIDGES. The two single diagonals meeting at e, may be halved into one another at the crossing, and a 3x11 inch piece lapped and locked on to each, as shown Fid. 67. by a a in Fig.67 ; thus serving to fill the space in the chord, and to restore strength to the diagonals. The lap pieces are to be reduced 3* to 2J" in thickness below the lock at I. ra Two 1 J bolts are sufficient at the point e. Transverse joists, or floor beams may be placed upon, or suspended below either the lower or upper chords. Sway bracing may be locked and bolted upon the upper chords, and iron X tie rods used at the lower chords ; the beam timbers being shouldered against the inside of cords, so as to strut them apart against the action of the ties. Angle braces from the king brace ai 9 to a transverse beam from truss to truss at i, will aid in preserving the erect position of trusses. These braces should usually be lapped and bolted at the ends, so as to act by either tension or thrust The preceding specifications, it is hoped, will serve to make the peculiarities of detail in the kind of truss under consideration, properly understood. It may be deemed advisable to adopt the rectangular, instead of the Trapezoidal form of outline for the truss, by extend ing the upper, to the same length with the lower chord, inserting vertical posts at the ends, and exchanging the double vertical bi, to a single diagonal meeting the up per chord and end post at their point of junction ; thus simplifying the connections at b and i. This modification, unlike the case of the trapezoidw^A verticals, involves no increase in amount of action upon materials, though it increases the number of members, and changes the manner of distribution of the action. 314 BRIDGE BUILDING. MODULUS OF STRENGTH, FOR BRIDGE TRUSSES. It is shown in preceding pages of this work, that, knowing by experiment the strength of the materials to be employed, we may calculate the necessary cross- section of each part of a bridge truss, in order that it may sustain a given load, with a given stress upon the materials. It is sometimes, however, a satisfaction to have a confirmation of the correctness of our calculations, by direct experiment upon the same combination com plete, which we propose to employ for actual use. For this purpose, instead of applying the test to a full sized structure, which would involve a great deal of labor and expense, the test may be applied to a model, made in the true proportions, upon any scale. Now, it is obvious that with the same combination and arrangement of members, the stresses, whether positive, negative or transverse, produced upon the several parts by the acting forces, will be in proportion, throughout, to the weight sustained, whatever be the length of pieces ; such stresses being determined by the positions and angles, and not by the lengths of pieces. It is further manifest that the ability of parts to withstand the effects of the acting forces, must be as the cross-sections of parts respectively ; and in similar models, the parts, being similar solid figures, have their cross-sections as the squares of the magnitude of scale upon which they are respectively constructed, while the bulk and weight of each corresponding part, and of the combinations complete, are as the cubes of the magnitude of scale. MODULUS OF STRENGTH. 315 Then, assuming two similar models, the scale of one being m times as great as that of the other, the weights which they will respectively bear, under the same stress of material, will be as W to Wm 2 , while their re spective weights will be as 1 to m 3 . Now, dividing the sustaining power of each by its own weight,the quotients are as "W toW - 3 or as W to . But the lengths being as L to Lm, if we multiply the quotients just found by respective lengths, we have WL for the one, and Lm W -f- m, = WL for the other ; showing that the length of a model truss by the num ber of times its own weight which it can bear (with a given stress), is a constant quantity, whatever be the scale of such model. Again, the quotients W, and , multiplied by the lengths L and Lm, give the products WL, and -- X Lm, equal to WL. Hence, the product of a truss medal into the number of times its own weight which it is able to sustain, is also constant, whatever be the relative values of the two factors. It follows, that making these two factors variable, and representing them by Q and L, the one increases at the same rate at which the other is diminished ; and, when Q = 1, L must be equal to the greatest length at which a truss of the same plan and proportions, and under the same stress of materials, can sustain its own weight alone. This length, as we have seen, is determined for a model upon any plan,, constructed upon whatever scale, by multiplying the length of model by the number of times its own weight it is capable of sustaining. 316 BRIDGE BUILDING. This product may be called the MODULUS OF STRENGTH, and the plan of truss which gives the largest MODULUS, may fairly be regarded as the strongest plan. The Modulus may refer either to the actual break ing load, as found by experiment, or to the load pro ducing given rates of strain upon materials, as determined by calculation. EXAMPLES. (1). A bar of cast iron 1 inch square and 12" between supports, will bear (at 6,000rbs. to the inch of section, upon a leverage equal to depth of beam), a distributed load of 4,000116s. which divided by its weight, = say 3.12ft)s. gives Q = 1250 ; and L being 1 foot, the Modu lus = QL, = 1,250 feet. (2). A beam of pine timber 12 long and 6" square, at l,500flbs. to the inch upon a leverage equal to depth, as above, bears a distributed load of 18,0001bs. [CXLIL] For the weight, say 3 cubic feet at 36ft>s. = 108ft>s. ; 1ft 000 whence, Q = ^ = 166.6, which multiplied by L (= 12 ) gives Modulus equal to 2,000 ft. By reducing the length of the beam just considered, to 6 feet in length, retaining the same section, it would give a Modulus of 4,000 feet, instead of 5,000, as given in the Appendix to my former work ; the difference arising from the assumption of a smaller specific gravity for pine in the latter case. (3). The two panel model with chord and rafter braces, mentioned in the latter part of [CLVIII], 20" long, and weighing 0.18rb. supported a load equiva lent to 3,885 times its weight, while L = 1 feet ; whence, 3,885 xlf = 6,475 feet, = its Modulus. MODULUS OF STRENGTH. 317 (4). A model wooden truss 4 feet long, made many years ago by the author, on the plan of the truss Fig. 66, having 10 panels, and a depth equal to j\ of its length, weighed 0.9Ibs, and bore a distributed load of 6001bs. Hence, the modulus of the truss was X 4 = 2,664 feet, being more than half a mile. The model was somewhat strained but not broken ; and recovered its normal shape and condition on re moval of the load. It was subsequently sent to the U. S. Patent Office. These examples, however can not be taken as in dices to the relative merits for general use, of the different forms of truss to which they refer. Each possesses qualities suited to special occasions. (5). A model of a 6 feet Trapezoidal Iron Truss (the first ever constructed], weight a little less than three pounds, sustained TOOSbs. distributed, without any ap pearance of overstraining ; thus showing a modulus of 12? x 6 = 1,400 feet, with an estimated stress upon the chord, at the rate of about 16,OOOIbs. to the square inch. The model represents a truss of 144 feet, upon a scale of J inch to the foot. The sustaining power of a full sized truss in the same proportions, would be 700 x 24 2 , = 403,200ft)s, while the weight of truss would equal 3 X 24 3 = 41,472ft>s. Doubling this for two trusses, and adding, say 10,0001bs, for beams, &c., we have 92,944ft)s. for the weight of a 144 feet bridge, capable of sustaining, at a stress of 16,000ft>s. to the square inch upon the chords, over 356 net tons beside weight of structure. DRAWBRIDGES. CLXY. The present is undoubtedly distinguishable from all preceding periods of history, by the increased amount of locomotion, both of persons and property, which takes place both by land and water. Hence, the frequent crossing of one another by land and water lines of transit, as well as the crossing by the former of unnavigable waters, and of streets and ravines y creates a large demand for the construction of BRIDGES ; which forms the special subject of the present volume. Furthermore, as convenience often requires that these intersecting lines by land and water should oc cupy so nearly the same elevation that both can not be used at the same moment, a necessity arises for the frequent construction of DRAW BRIDGES, which may be temporarily withdrawn from over the water highway during the passage of water craft, and replaced for the transit of laud vehicles. Cases requiring the construction of draw bridges occur so frequently at the present day, that a treatise upon bridge construction may be considered somewhat incomplete, which does not embrace the construction of Draw Bridges, as well as stationary structures. The subject of Draw Bridges having been omitted m the preceding edition of this work, it has come to the knowledge of the author that such omission has occasioned disappointment to some who have made use of the book. In consideration of this, as well as the fact that the author has originated some plans and devices which he believes to be valuable and useful in 320 BRIDGE BUILDING. the construction of draw bridges, the current chapter is introduced in the present edition, in order to make the work as satisfactory and useful as may be to those who may have occasion to consult its pages. The present design is not a historical sketch of the construction of draw bridges, but to give the author s views, derived from experience, obserration and in vestigation, as to the most direct, feasible, and conven ient means of accomplishing the ends requiring the use -of such works. CLXVI. The indispensable requisites of a draw bridge are, first, strength to sustain with safety the weight of the land traffic, and second, mobility, ena bling it to be withdrawn, so as to afford sufficient width of unobstructed water way, and sufficient head room for the passage of the water traffic. Hence, strength combined with lightness is a desideratum. Draw bridges, as hitherto constructed and used, may be distinguished into three classes; Retractile, Swing (or pivot), and Lift Draw Bridges. The former FIG. 68. are withdrawn bodily, either in the direct line of the land traffic, or obliquely, so as not to come in conflict with the stationary portion of the way ; as represented DRAW BRIDGES. 321 in Fig. 68, where CO shows the water channel, DD, the draw closed, and D D , the draw open. In case of direct retraction, the draw must either oc cupy a higher position than the permanent way, so as to be drawn back over a portion of it, and the two planes connected by an inclined apron (a plan not feasible for rail roads), or a portion, a (Fig. 69), of the way at the heal of the draw proper, Z), withdrawn late rally, as to the position of # , to make room for the longitudinal withdrawal of the draw proper. FIG. 69. 1 a D a 1 These movements are effected by having the mova ble bodies mounted upon wheels or rollers, running upon hard level ways, so as to reduce the amount of friction, and consequently that of the required motive power, to a minimum. But retractile draws, though they may be still used in a few cases, and under peculiar circumstances, must be regarded as nearly obsolete, having been mostly superseded by the swing draw, which has important advantages in convenience of construction and opera tion. No practical details, therefore, as to the con struction of retractile draws, will be given at this time, as such details if given, would be almost certain never to be adopted in practice. CLXYII. The Swing or Pivot draw is either mounted upon a pivot P (Fig. 70), in the vertical line through 41 322 BRIDGE BUILDING. its centre of gravity, or upon wheels or rollers running upon a horizontal circular way or track tt, with its centre in said vertical line ; or what is more common, the weight is divided between a central pivot and the track and rollers. FIG. 70. ft It will be seen that by this arrangement, the draw has only to be gyrated through a quadrant, to bring it to a position parallel with the side of the navigable channel (7, and leave the latter unobstructed. It is also obvious that the draw having its centre of gravity at P, the moments (with respect to P), of the portions or arms on opposite sides of P, must be equal, whatever be the relative lengths of those portions; whence, in general, the length of arm spanning the water channel being given, the shorter the other arm, the greater must be its weight, though the exact proportion will depend upon the disposition of material, whether near or remote from P. It follows that it is usually little if any more expen- DRAW BRIDGES. 32S sivc to constructor work a draw with two equal arms, and covering two equal water channels (which is often highly advantageous), than one having one short arm, with extra weight as a counterpoise to the long arm. This is not the case as to the retractile draw, which shows one advantage in favor of the pivot draw. Equal arms also serve to balance the action of wind upon the pivot draw, which often effects a serious drawback to the convenient working of the swing bridge, and this would seem to give some advantage to the .retractile draw, over the swin<? draw with une- O qual arms. The portion extending over the water channel, in both the retractile and the swing draw, require the same weight of material, and the same counterpoise toward the opposite end. Consequently, the weight to be moved in working the draw, requires to be about the same in both. But the retractile is to be moved bodily, and if withdrawn obliquely at 45 with its longitudinal axis, must move through a space equal to the width of channel multiplied by \/2. If withdrawn in the direct line of its length, it moves over the width of channel, in addition to the movement required for the displacement of the section of road (a. a , F. 69), equal in length to said width of channel, making an amount of movement about equal to that required in ease of the oblique withdrawal. * The swing draw, gyrating about its centre of gravity, the amount of movement equals twice the weight of the long arm (the one spanning the water channel), moving through the quadrant of a circle with a radius equal to the distance of the centre of gravity of said long arm, from the centre of motion ; which distance is about 55 per cent, of the width of channel, allowing 324 BRIDGE BUILDING. for the distance of the centre of motion back from the water s edge. The length of the quadrant equals about 1.57 Rad., and, denoting the width of channel by C, and substituting 0.55C for Rad., we have 1.57 x .550 X 2vvt. of long half of draw, = quantity of move ment, == 0.8635C x wt. of draw ; assuming the weight of draw to be equal to twice the weight of the long half. If the short arm be heavier than the other, the space traversed by its centre of gravity is less in like proportion. Hence, the quantity of movement in working the retractile draw, is to .that of working the swing draw, about as CV2 to 0.8635C; being some 63 per cent, greater for the former than for the latter. The difference in the required power for working the draws respectively, may be assumed to be about the same, as the appliances for effecting the movement have about equal advantages, and the resistance to mo tion is about the same in the two cases. This decided advantage in favor of the swing draw, with no apparent offset in favor of the retractile, is sufficient to account for the prevalent discardment of the latter, and adoption of the former ; as well as for its being here referred to as an obsolete device. CLXVTH. The truss work of the swing draw when in motion, being entirely supported by the pivot at the centre of motion, and the wheels or rollers a few feet therefrom, obviously suffers a reversed action in the upper and lower members, from what they would suffer if supported at the ends. That is, in the former case, the upper members are exposed to tension, and the lower, to compression, instead of the reverse, which takes place in the latter case. SWING DRAW BRIDGES. 325 Two plans have been employed for meeting these conditions ; one of which is the use of parallel chord trusses, with the upper chord to sustain tension with occasional compression upon the end portions, and the lower chord to sustain compression, with occasional tension upon parts toward the ends. CLXIX. The other plan is, the construction of trusses (ab Fig. 71), from the turn table T, to either end, acting upon one another by compression at the lower chord through or over the turn table, and sustained at the outer ends by oblique suspension rods or cables, eb and/d, descending from tower frames erected over the turn table. FIG. 71. XX \\xxxx The trusses may be constructed upon any plan suita ble for a stationary bridge of like span. But the lower chord must be capable of sustaining compressive action in the direction of its length, equal to the excess of horizontal force of suspension rods eb and fd, over the tension of respective parts of said lower chord, due to weight of structure. The horizontal action of eb, equals half the weight of the long arm ab, multiplied by *&, and it is advisable that the chord gb be able to sustain that amount of 326 BRIDGE BUILDING. compression throughout, though some deduction may be made in the central portion in case economy can be promoted thereby, as perhaps may not be the case to any considerable extent. The lower chord gb, is relieved of tension through out its whole length by the action of eb, which must continue nearly or quite at its maximum while loads are in transit, as the end b will seldom be raised when unloaded, so as to relieve eb to any considerable extent ; while the tendency of load to elongate the lower chord, will also tend to increase the tension eb, and may in crease it considerably beyond what it endures from simply sustaining half the weight of the truss. But this point can not be precisely determined. These facts may properly be considered in propor tioning the lower chord ; but the matter should be handled with caution, and with a constant leaning to the side of safety, in case of any uncertainty in regard to the amount and kind of stress upon the various parts. In case of unequal arms, as represented in the Figure, the short arm will generally require a greater weight to be thrown upon the king post fh than upon eg, upon which two (regarding at present only one side of the bridge), the weight of superstructure is concentrated. It therefore becomes necessary, in order to a uniform distribution of weight upon the turn table, that a por tion of this excess be transferred from fh to eg, through the tension of ce and ha, or by equivalent means. But assuming that the reader is versed in the general modes of calculating strains, as explained and illustrated in this and other works treating of the subject, I shall not go much into detail in that branch of the matter in hand, at this time. SWING DRAW BRIDGES. 827 The trusses being constructed upon any approved plau from turn table to adjacent abutments or piers, and proportioned as for stationary bridge spans, with the exception of the rigid lower chord as above re ferred to, extending across the turn table; and the tower frame erected, the rod or cable eb must have sec tion sufficient to bear a tension equal at least to half the weight of the arm ab, multiplied by . The rod fd will have tension determined by the disposition and amount of ballast upon the arm cd, as well as the weight of the arm cd itself. The tension of fd will generally exert less horizontal action than eb, and the deficiency of horizontal action must be made up by the horizontal action of ec and ah, in order to brinsc O the centre of pressure over the centre of the table. The horizontal action of ef (equal to its full tension), must be equal to that of eb, less that of ec ; or, equal to the horizontal action of fd. But these several stresses are easy of calculation by modes, it is believed, clearly explained in the present work, and from such calculations the following results are readily obtained. CLXX. Representing the constant panel weight of the arm ab by w f , the maximum variable panel load by w, and w+w f by W, as usual in this work ; also, making r = ag, ae, and h = horizontal panel width, we have the horizontal action of eb equal to 5?//x -^-,=2510 ^ . The stress of gb due to a maximum gross load, in the two middle panels, equals 11W-. That in the next panel each way, = 9W-?, and in the next, 6JW-S while the stress of the two remaining panels on the right, equals 4JW-*, and on the left 2VW~, and zero, respect- 328 BRIDGE BUILDING. ively. Then, assuming W = 4iv , the stresses of res pective portions of lower chord due to a max. gross load, in terms of io f , equal w 7 ^ with the coefficients 44, 36, 26, 18, 10 and 0; showing that the tension of eb counteracts over J the tendency toward tension on lower chord, as to the two middle panels, over f as to the two next panels, and substantially the whole, as to the remaining parts of said chord, in a structure ar ranged as in Fig. 71, and with w = 3w . On the other hand, the minimum tendency to ten sion on the two middle panel lengths of lower chord, is HM; . Hence the compression of 25w/ upon those parts, due to the horizontal action of eb, is reduced (by such tendency to tension), to (25-ll)i0 r , = and, to (25-9) ?/; -,=16w/- upon succeeding panel- lengths, either way, while for succeeding panel-lengths toward 6, the coefficients of w -^ are 18 J, 20J and 20J, and for those toward g, 18J, 22J and 25. * The maximum thrust and tension for successive por tions of the lower chord, beginning at the turn table, are, for part over turn table, and first panel-length from O m Comp. 25?(/ Tension 2d panel, " 22 J- " " 3d and 8th " 18J " " lw -% 4th " 7th " 16J " " 11 " 5th " 6th " 14 " " 19 " 9th " 10th " 20J " " " The other members of the truss ab are subject to the same stresses as if it were a stationary bridge truss; and, if the structure have equal arms, the stresses upon members of the opposite arm, will of course be the same as upon corresponding members of the arm ab. SWING DRAW BRIDGES. CLXXI. If cd have half the length of ab, its weight will balance the half (gC), of ab next the turn table,. while the half Cb must be counterpoised by extra weight upon cd, having moment equal to that of Cb, with res pect to a transverse axis through the centre of motion ; and the stress of fd will be determined by its length, and the weight sustained by it. In case the extra weight be uniformly disposed upon the two outer pan els, J of it, together with J the weight of the arm cd, (= 2Jw/), must be sustained by c/f, and the weight of ballast will be 5w f x 7 ff + ffi, j of which, added to 4/4 -f fa 2J?*/, equals the weight sustained by fd, whence we obtain the tension of fd, its horizontal action, and the complementary horizontal action of ce, required to ba lance that of cb. In this case, the members meeting at the points e and/, should have unyielding connections by pins and eyes, or screws and nuts. But in case of equal arms, dfeb may be continuous cables (usually one on each side of each truss), attached at b and d, and acting by simple pressure at e and /, those points being strutted apart by a force equal to SM? (=* vertical pressure at e), x ^. The piece ac should have loose connections at the ends (so as to act by thrust only), or what is better, should be omitted entirely, and the single pair of diag onals inserted as indicated by the dotted lines fg and ch, instead of shorter ones, ce, etc., so as to give free and independent action to the trusses either way, by a slight springing of the long king posts, as the trusses are deflected by load. The tension of fd modifies that due to the chord hd r on the same principle explained with regard to eb and gb, and to an extent determined b} the length of dh y 42 330 BRIDGE BUILDING. and other conditions, and which can not be expressed in a general formula. CLXXII. Proceeding to the other case mentioned, and which may be illustrated with reference to Fig. 72, both upper and lower chords require to be so con structed as to be able to act both by tension and thrust, except as to the part across the turn-table, and one, two, or three panels either way therefrom, as circum stances may require. FIG. 72. When out of contact with the abutment at I, the diagonal In sustains (using the accustomed symbols), \w , and 7co, etc. to bx, sustain respectively and succes sively w r with the coefficients 1, 1}, 2, 2J, 3, 3J, 4, 4-J and 5. These weights determine the stresses of those members, due to weight of structure (and also show for xy, a tension of 50M? -^, including the horizontal action of xz, if any), and show for several of them toward the right, their maximum stresses. But when the end I touches the abutment, and is in position for the transit of loads, and weight is imposed upon any part between a and 6, the materials yielding more or less in consequence of elasticity, a portion of such weight bears at , and the remainder at a. If the upper chord were relaxed between x and ?/, the respective portions of weight bearing at a and I could be readily determined, being the same as in case SWING DRAW BRIDGES. 831 of an ordinary truss. But the portion of chord xy being under tension equal to 50w , as already stated (regarding the abutment as sustaining no weight of structure), the truss must act in the manner of abeam continuous over one support, and discontinuous at the next, so that, when loaded, there will be a neutral point where the action upon chords changes from ten sion to thrust and the contrary. Now the tension of :ry-|-hor. action of xz, equal to oOw/ , must be exhausted by the hor. ac. of bx, ex etc., before any compressive action can take place upon the upper chord. In other words, diagonals inclining to the left, with truss fully loaded from a to I, must exert a hor. action at the upper chord greater than those inclining to the right (including with the latter the- hor. thrust of /m), by 50w . Then, assuming all the weight at the points ,J, /:, and J of that at //, to bear at /, and all at the six points from g to b inclusive (except J W at y\ to bear at tf , the horizontal action toward the left upon the upper chord, equals IW- ; and that toward the left, the difference being 12JW ; and if W = 4w , then 12JW = 50i# , showing that the action toward the right, upon the upper chord, is just equal to that toward the left, including in the latter, the action of xy and xz Hence it will be seen that under the conditions here assumed, the horizontal action of m?, mj, mi and ng, is just equal to that of gr, fs and et in the opposite direc tion, and consequently, tm alone of the upper chord is subject to compression, and el alone of the lower chord,. subject to tension, while dc and ut are neutral ; ad al ways under compression, and wj always under tension ; since this condition of load obviously throws a greater 332 BRIDGE BUILDING. bearing at I than can occur when the opposite arm is wholly or partially loaded, so as to bring greater ten sion upon xy, and exert greater counterpoise action upon the arm al. Hence this condition gives the max imum compression upon the upper, and the maximum tension upon the lower chord. CLXXIIL What the difference in amount of bear ing at I may be with both arms fully loaded, can not easily be determined with precision. But as to Fig. 72, it is deemed entirely safe to assume that at least all the weight at j and k will bear at , in all cases of load sufficient to produce a maximum strain upon any part of the structure on the right from the point a ; and that all the weight from b to i, including those points, may bear at a. This will depend somewhat upon the firmness with which the ends are brought to bear upon abutments when in position for use, but without load. Under the above supposition as to bearing at l s the obliques ml and mj would exert horizontal action equal to 3W , and equal to that of ig, and half that of gr in the opposite direction ; whence gl alone of the lower chord is under tension, and rm of the upper chord, under compression ; but in neither case under maxi mum stress. On the contrary, ag is under compres sion, and rx under tension, being in each case a maxi mum stress upon a considerable portion of those parts, as will be determined by comparing the strains of respective parts in the present assumed conditions, with those obtained while the structure swings clear of abutments. Representing, as usual in this work, the long diag onal by D, and the short and steep ones by D , we have SWING DRAW BRIDGES. 333 ^- and |p factors in expressions of stresses of those classes of members respectively, and for convenience, we will substitute m for-? and n for^-. Then, stress of iq and gr, in case of full load upon both arms, equals AVm, for each; That of fs and et equals 2Wm, that ofrfw an ex equals 3Wm, and that of bx equals 4Wn. CLXXIV. As to the stress of chords, half the hori zontal action of gr, being taken by the excess of thrust of mr over hor. action of iq,* the other half, fW J, is opposed by tension of rs, and compression of gf. This added to 4Wp for hor. action of/sf (making ~ = p), makes 5AVp = tension of st,= comp. offe. Add 4Wp for action of et, and it makes 9Wp = tension of tu, comp. of ed. Adding again 6~Wp for hor. action of du, gives 15 Wp = tension of ux, = comp. of dc. Then, adding 6Wp for action of ex, gives 21Wp = comp. of be, and lastly, adding 4Wp for action of bx, we have 25TV~p = comp. of baza , = horizontal action of xy and xz. This all falls upon xy in case of equal arms. In one or other of the three cases above considered (namely : first, arm swung clear and without load ; second, arm xl fully loaded; third, both arms fully loaded), every part of the arm xl undergoes its great est strain, which may be determined by comparing the results obtained by computing the strains produced in * The 2W upon ml, and 1W upon jm, produce thrust equal to o W upon mq, which equals the horizontal action of iq, -j- half that of gr in the opposite direction, leaving W to be opposed by tension of rs. \fs sustaining 2W, its horizontal action = 4W . 334 BRIDGE BUILDING. the several cases ; except that ep and fo may snffer a nominal stress, not precisely determinable, under a load progressing from a to L Also gn may sustain some more weight with Lj and k unloaded, than with the truss fully loaded. It is deemed safe to provide that gn be able to sustain a weight of |W; /o, to sus tain JW, and ep, JW, a little more or less as the judg ment or calculations of the designer may dictate. The preceding explanations are thought to be suffi cient to guide as to the computation of stresses upon the other arm of the bridge, whether equal or unequal to the arm al. The superstructures of swing bridges should be thoroughly cross-tied and braced laterally, and the king posts (represented by ax and yz), well secured by arch braces or other efficient means transversely : and if the space az be too great for floor joists or rail string ers without intermediate support, an intermediate beam may be suspended from the crossing point of ay and xz, or stringers may be trussed. CLXXY. Whatever advantages either of these plans (Figs. 71 and 72), may have over the other, are pro bably not very great. I find a greater amount of ac tion (stress into length of parts), upon material in chords of the long arm, in plan Fig. 71, including the suspension rod eb, than in that of Fig. 72, by some 5 It will be seen that tu is under less tension strain (as 2Sw p to Mw p), and ts under greater strain (as 21 to 20), when the truss is on the swing, than when fully loaded on both arms (upon the above assumptions of w=s d-w f , and 2W bearing at I), and that tn has the max. tension with bridge on the swing, while tx has its maximum with bridge fully loaded, inn is always under compression. In the lower chord, e is the changing point, and parts at the left have their max. comp. with bridge fully loaded, and those on the right, when, on the swing. DRAW BRIDGES. 335 per cent. And while the action upon diagonals and verticals may be a little greater in case of the latter, the extra material in the tower frame of the former, is thought to be an overbalance for any such excess, even including the greater thrust and tension in the con tinuation of chords over the turn-table, which takes place in plan Fig. 72. In regard to convenience of construction and appear ance of structure, also, as well as economy of material, the latter plan is thought to possess some advantage. Still opinions and tastes may vary as to this, as well as- in regard to other matters. Regarding the ratio of length to depth of truss, the same rules should govern in plan 71, as in the case of stationary bridges of like span. In spanning channel* of 50 or 60 feet in width, on plan 72, the head room required for the traffic will govern, and depth from 15 to 18 feet, according to span, and the purposes of the bridge, whether for common or railroad travel, wilS probably be found expedient. In general, circum stances will probably dictate a variation of ratio (of depth of truss to length of span), ranging from J to J. TURN TABLE. CLXXVI. The same plan of turn table is applicable with equal advantage to either of the two above de scribed plans of swing bridge trussing. A common, perhaps the most common, form of turn table for draw bridges, is composed of rollers act, Fig. 73, arranged in circular form, and rolling between two metallic circular rails, of which one, 66, is fastened to the supporting pier />, and the other, cc, inverted, and attached to the under side of the bridge super structure. 336 UP.IDGE BUILDING. The rollers are in the form of conic frusta, or seg ments of cones having their vertices meeting at the axis of motion of the bridge ; and are retained in posi tion by arms radiating from a central hub, and serving as axles for the rollers; or secured by a circular frame, FIG. 73. B ff, formed of two concentric iron rings (shown com plete in the upper, but only in section in the lower diagram of Fig. 73), one inside, and the other outside TURN-TABLES. 337 of the circle of rollers. The rollers may either turn upon pins through their centres, and through said rings, or the pin or shaft may be fast in the roller, and turn with it upon journals running in gudgeon boxes attached to or formed in the circular frame /. The pins or axles may be quite small (say V to 1 J in dia meter), as they support but a nominal weight, and are only required to maintain the proper positions and directions of the axes of the rollers. The roller frame, as well as the upper circular rail running upon the rollers, must be connected with a central hub for each (as they do not turn together), turning upon a journal or pivot attached to the ma sonry of the supporting pier. The rails, or surfaces between which the rollers work, are beveled to fit the conical faces of the rollers, and, in order to work in the most perfect manner, they should be of cast iron, and turned off by a tool carried by the arm of a heavy revolving vertical shaft. The diameter of the circle should not probably be less than J to \ the span of the water channel, nor less than to ^ the width of superstructure, and the dia meter of the rollers, not greater than T V to J of the radius of the circle upon which they travel. Greater diameter would give so much obliquity of face as to produce too strong a centrifugal tendency. The face of the rail should have a width of 2J to 3 inches generally, and for some 30 opposite each king post (transversely of the bridge) when the draw is in position, a width about twice as great, and as great as the face of the rollers. This is to give sufficient bearing surface while loads are passing, when nearly the whole weight will be concentrated upon two or three rollers near each of those positions. 13 338 BRIDGE BUILDING. The lower rail should have a depth (if of cast iron), of 4 to 5 inches, according to size of bridge ; and the upper and inverted one, of one to two feet (the deeper the stiffer), and in both cases, they will generally be cast in segments, and those of the upper one, bolted together by flanges, so as to form a rigid hoop, over which one or more strong beams, BB, crossing at quad- ran tal points ee, etc. (or at the angular points of any rectangle inscribed in the circle), should form supports for the king posts (ag, and ch, Fig. 71), the space gh, being adjusted to an equality with the side of the inscribed square or rectangle of the rail circle. And, the nearer the transverse distance between king posts comes to the length of the other sides of the said inscribed square or rectangle, the less stiffness of beams, BB, is required ; that is, (7(7, F. 73 representing truss chords, and dd, the positions of king posts, the nearer the d points come to the e points, the less is the transverse action upon the beams BB. Hence it is desirable that the circle of rollers should pass directly under the points dd, etc. CLXXVHL An intermediate beam may be in serted between BB, and over the centre pivot, resting upon the circle cc, to support floor joists or rail stringers over the long stretch between BB. Or very stiff diagonal girders ee, and e e , firmly attached by the ends to the circle cc, meeting a common nucleus at II, and so arranged as to have an adjustable bearing upon the centre pivot (5 or 6 inches in diameter, as to size of draw), enabling any desired amount of the weight of structure which such girders can support, to be thrown upon said pivot, and thereby relieving the rollers, a, of a like amount of pressure. These girders should have the greatest practicable depth, so as to sus- TURN-TABLES. 339 tain as great a proportion of the weight of superstruc ture as may be. But the skill and judgment of engineers in charge of specific cases respectively, will dictate as to the minutiae of these devices, and more precise de tail will not be attempted in this place. CLXXIX. This plan of turn table, as well as the one hereafter to be described, is worked by a vertical shaft attached to the superstructure, and turned by one or more sweep levers, with a pinion at the lower end, taking into toothed segments attached to the circular track 6, or to the masonry of the pier p ; and, in case more power be required, a gear wheel takes place of the sweeps above mentioned, and these are transferred to a second shaft and pinion working into said gear wheel. The table above described, with slight modifications, is extensively in use, and, when well constructed, un doubtedly works as easily and satisfactorily as can be expected. Still, it is liable to some objections, among which may be named the great weight of the ring cc, constituting or carrying the inverted rail, and the great number of rollers, , so few of which can act with much effect at the same time. For, it is obvious that about two rollers under each king post, support essentially the whole weight. It is therefore proper that when the bridge is in place, each king post should stand cen trally between two consecutive rollers ; and, that the rollers be at equal distances apart. Then there will be at least 8 rollers under equal pressure at all times when loads are in transit, and when rollers receive their greatest pressure. But without discussing this plan further at present, I proceed to describe another swing bridge turn-table devised many years ago by myself, 340 BRIDGE BUILDING. and used in a considerable number of cases with most satisfactory results. FIG. 74. THE WHIPPLE TURN TABLE. CXXX. Is arranged with a two wheeled truck a, Fig. 74, directly under each king post, and the four connected in pairs diagonally by an inverted triangular truss to each pair. These trusses consist of a hollow TURN-TABLES. 341 cylindrical (or conic segmental) brace 6, running from each truck frame obliquely downward to an abutting block c, which is common to the two trusses, with chords or ties </, from truck to truck for each pair. The truck wheels are from 20 to 24 inches in dia meter, with 5 to 6 inches width of rim, and with short axles or shafts, 3 to 4 inches in diameter, according to dimensions of bridge. The axles run in journal boxes fitted to the truck-frame so as to bring the axles in the direction of radii to the circular track t, upon which the trucks are to run. The truck frame consists of two cast iron side plates (of which g and h present an outside and an inside view), of an I formed cross section, and contour as seen at g. These plates upon the insides, have projecting portions as shown by the dark surface of diagram A, meeting from opposite plates, in the centre of the frame at a common surface of contact, and forming continuous tubes or sockets through the frame, which serve as media through which the ties d, act upon the cylindri cal braces 6, thus forming a rigid truss, which should be so proportioned as to be able to support (upon the two trusses), the whole weight of superstructure, throw ing it upon the centre block c. The chord ties d, of the two trusses, crossing one another upon the same level, are kept from mutual in terference by cutting out the middle portion of one set, and replacing the removed part with two pieces to each tie bar, one passing above and the other below the single continuous rods of the other set, as shown at/. The block c has a cylindrical cavity in the under side, 10 to 12 inches in diameter, and about 7 inches deep, into which is fitted (loosely) a solid cylinder entering about 4 inches into the cavity, and leaving a space of 342 BRIDGE BUILDIXG. structure to be raised essentially free from bearing up- some 3 inches in thickness above, to be occupied by the nuts of a number of set screws s, intended to force clown said internal cylinder upon the bed plate i, and thus relieve the truck wheels from nearly all the weight of superstructure. The bed plate- z, has a socket or step f of an inch deep, or thereabouts, with a hardened steel plate in the bottom, to receive the lower part of the cylinder bear ing upon the plate i, where the diameter of cylinder and socket should be graduated to the proportion most favorable for reducing the amount of friction. A di ameter of 6 to 8 inches is thought to be suitable for draws of 60 to 100 feet opening, while the part of the pivot block within the block c should have a diameter of 10 or 12 inches, in order to afford sufficient surface for the set screws s to act upon. The bed plate i. should have a rim about the step to re tain oil, and the surfaces above and below the steel plate should have radial grooves to allow the penetration of oil; and these (grooves) should be so situated as to admit of their being probed, to prevent their getting clogged. The pivot block should have guides to prevent its turning in the cavity of the block c ; otherwise it might stick in the step, and the set screws slide upon its upper surface ; which has been the case in some instances. A groove should be formed in the under side of the block c, near the edge, to keep the water from the pivot ; and the screws- s, should be kept secluded from water by a tin, or galvanized iron cap shutting over a rim or ring cast upon the block c, outside of the screw hole?. Sufficient vertical movement (1J or 2 inches), should be allowed to the pivot cylinder, to enable the elasticity of the braces and ties, b and d, to be taken up, and the TURN-TABLES. 343 on the wheels e, as the bridge will move much more easily with the bearing upon the centre pivot, than up. on the truck wheels. The king posts should be placed over the centres of trucks, or, when this can not be done, they should bear upon transverse beams which bear upon centres of trucks. In all cases, the bearing upon trucks should be through the medium of bolster plates so formed up on the under side as to touch the truck frame only up on a space an inch wide or less, square across the centre, as indicated by the parallel lines across the. trucks in the large diagram of the Figure 74. Were the pressure applied in a line diagonally across the truck, it would act unequally upon the journals, and produce a tortion strain upon the truck frame, which the latter might not be able to bear. Particular care should be taken to provide convenient means for keeping the working parts thoroughly oiled. The superstructure being properly adjusted and balanced upon this turn-table, and the set screws s, forced down until all the truck wheels can be easily made to slide upon the rail by the use of a light crow bar, the structure will turn upon its centre pivot, steadied by contact of truck wheels upon the rail, with the least practicable resistance, and, during the transit of moving loads, the wheels, beincr in contact O O with the rail, are in readiness to sustain the additional weight without increase of pressure upon the pivot, or increased strain upon the diagonal trusses. The modes and means for the application of power in working this table, as well as the preceding one, have already been described, [CLXXIX], and the description need not be repeated. They need no illustration by dia gram, and are not shown in the drawings. 344 BRIDGE BUILDING. The plan, Fig. 74, requires the middle portion of the supporting pier to be depressed 1J to 2 feet, as shown at p, where a vertical section of the upper part of the pier is represented; and, under the bed plate z, should be a large and firmly bedded stone capable of sustain ing the whole weight of superstructure. This plan appears to answer all the requisites of a draw-bridge turn-table by the most direct and economi cal means. LIFT DRAW BRIDGES. CLXXXI. Under this designation may be included all movable bridges which are withdrawn from position by being raised, instead of moved horizontally out of place. Lift bridges, though not much in use at the present day, have been constructed to be raised bodily, being counterpoised by weights acting over pulleys or sheaves ; a plan scarcely feasible upon waters navigated by mast vessels, or steamers with high smoke stacks ; as must be obvious on a moment s reflection. The more common device for lift draws, is, to raise the platform from a horizontal to a vertical position, by lifting one end, while the other turns upon a hinge joint ; the operation being like the raising of a trap door. This plan is feasible over narrow channels, where vessels may be slowly warped through. But the pro cess requires so much time as to seriously impede the land traffic. A bridge may be so balanced as to turn upon a horizontal axis about as easily as a swing bridge turns upon a vertical one. But the means available LIFT DRAW BRIDGES. 345 for applying the counterpoise are far less convenient, being usually the action of weights over sheaves, and, the resistance constantly diminishing as the bridge rises, it requires a complicated arrangement to graduate the action of the counterpoise to an equality with the resistance at all stages of the movement. Still, the thing may be practicable, were the object of sufficient utility to warrant the undertaking. For instance, the counterpoise may be permanently attached to the draw in such position as to bring the common centre of gravity in the line of the axis of motion ; when the only resistance would be the friction of the journals at the hinge joint. Again, a counterpoise acting upon a windlass might raise the draw by chains winding upon a fusee, with radius increasing as resistance diminishes. Or, weight might be mounted upon wheels, and run down upon a curved incline, so adjusted as to diminish its action to an equality with the resistance at the dif ferent stages. But none of these devices are suitable for effecting more than very small openings, and are not likely to be often adopted. They will therefore be passed by with a mere allusion. Lift bridges have also been constructed to open in the middle and lift both ways. By this means wider openings may be effected. But, as the middle portion of the bridge and passing loads must be sustained by the lifting chains, this plan is not well adapted to any but light traffic. Such a structure over the Albany Basin broke down many years ago with fatal results. Perhaps, however, the catastrophe resulted rather from the imperfect condi tion or faulty construction of the bridge, than from in herent defects of the general plan. 44 346 BRIDGE BUILDING. Still, this can hardly be classed as among the availa ble plans of draw-bridge construction in the present state of advancement in civil engineering. Finally, unless some advantage can be derived from the use of the Whipple Patent Lift Drawbridge, which is now about to be described, we may fairly conclude that Lift Draw-bridges, like retractile ones, are to be regarded as practically obsolete. CLXXXII. In the case of artificial navigation by horse power, where only head room of 10 or 12 feet is required, and where convenience requires the grade upon which the land traffic is carried on to be but little above the water surface, it is only necessary to effect a vertical movement of a few feet, to afford the re quisite head room. And to meet such cases, a plan has lately been devised by myself, for which Letters Patent of the U. S. have been granted. WHIPPLE S PATENT LIFT DRAW BRIDGE. This plan is, to construct over the navigable channel, stationary trusses (with the necessary struts, stays and braces, at the ends and upper chords, to secure per- manance and steadiness laterally), upon corner posts or towers (a, Fig. 75) of stone, wood or iron, high enough to allow the required head room for navigation under the truss chords; the towers having sufficient width of base, or other provision to ensure stability. To the parts thus prepared, instead of a stationary travel- way, a movable way, cradle, or track, 6, (extending to the edge of the towing path J), is adapted by means of the suspension rods r, to the upper ends of which, 347 t ? 3 5" | 348 BRIDGE BUILDING. near the lower chords, are/connected the chains or ropes c, passing over the sheaves or pulleys e, and con necting with counterpoise weights iv, extending over the whole length of cradle, and so adjusted as to just balance the weight of cradle. The rods r, except those near the abutment, pass vertically through the connecting blocks of the truss chords, and screw into cap pieces which are imme diately above, and rest upon said blocks, when the cradle is down, and serve to prevent the cradle from descending below its proper level, and to sustain the weight of transient loads without additional stress upon the chains or pulleys. The cap-piece is furnished with a loop, or a socket, as may be required, for the connection of the chain or wire rope <?, passing up inside of the hollow truss post standing upon the connecting block; the post having a slot, or opening near the upper end upon the inner side, to receive a segment of the sheave reaching the centre of the post. The sheaves, except the endmost on the left (in the diagram), are about 3 feet in diameter, and made fast upon longitudinal line shafts I, one on each side of the bridge, hung in composition journal boxes, one upon each side of each sheave, suspended from cross beams h. The sheave next the end of truss, is about 6 inches less in diameter than the others, and thrown inward to avoid interference with the diagonal rods of the truss. Upon each line shaft near the centre, is a bevel gear wheel #, about 3 feet in diameter, into which works a pinion upon either end of the transverse shaft /, to which (shaft) the power is applied for raising and LIFT DRAW BRIDGES. 849 lowering the cradle 6; and, it will be seen that on such application of power sufficient to overcome the friction of the working parts, the cradle being exactly balanced by the weights w, the two line shafts, with the sheaves upon them respectively, must revolve uni formly, carrying the ropes along in the grooves of the sheaves, and raising or lowering all parts of the cradle uniformly, while the balance weights w, move in the opposite direction. It is therefore only necessary to reverse the motion of the shaft/, to move the cradle up and down alter nately as often as required. The sheaves not connected with the line shafts, move with the others, the cradle being stiff enough to over come the small resistance at those points, since the endmost sheaves sustain only half as much weight as the intermediates. Working loose upon the shaft/, is the large gear wheel n, attatched to the winding drum m, and carry ing a reversible spring catch (not shown) which plays into the teeth of the ratchet wheel o, made fast on the shaft/. Then, by applying power to the wheel 7?, with the catch in the proper position, a line is made to wind upon the drum m, (in either direction, as re quired) so as to raise a power weighty, capable by its descent, of raising or lowering the cradle through the required space in a few seconds of time. The line raising the weight p, is carried from the drum m, by means of sheaves s, to any convenient position. One movement of the cradle being effected, the catch is reversed, the weight p is immediately wound up in the opposite direction, and retained by a catch or bolt until the draw requires another movement. Then, the weight is disengaged, and the movement 350 BRIDGE BUILDING. effected in the least admissible time. Ten seconds, with a properly adjusted power weight, is estimated to be sufficient for a movement of the cradle through a space of 12 feet, while the winding up of the weight may require two or three minutes labor of a man. The operator is thus enabled to condense the labor of several minutes into only a few seconds. It is proposed to give the power weight twice the force necessary to overcome the friction, allowing one- half to overcome inertia, and act as an accelerating force ; the weight being made to run down and be arrested when half the movement has been effected, leaving the acquired momentum to be destroyed by the friction during the other half of the movement. Thus the motion will stop at the right time without concussive shock. The wheel n, to which the winding power is applied,, may be a bevel gear wheel driven by a pinion upon the vertical shaft of a tread-wheel or a sweep-lever, or a spur gear wheel impelled by a pinion upon a horizon tal counter-shaft ; and this also furnished with a large gear wheel to be driven by a pinion upon a third shaft furnished with a hand crank; thus reducing the power to be applied to tne crank to any required de gree. Further detail is not deemod necessary on this occasion. The plan is expected soon to be subjected to a practical test of its capabilities. The advantages promised by the adoption of this device, in the situations admitting of its use, are, first, it is more cheaply constructed than a swing bridge of like span. Second, it requires no more space for ita operation than a stationary bridge, while the swing draw requires several times as much. Third, its move ment is effected in a fraction of the time required by LIFT DRAW BRIDGES. 351 any other draw bridge, whence It occasions less inter ruption to the traffic over and beneath it. This last advantage results from the fact that there is not more than one-third as much weight to be put in motion, and that is required to move over little if any more than one quarter (say f ) of the space of the average movement of the material of a swing draw of the same spun. Hence, the inertia to be overcome in starting and stopping the latter, is much greater than in case of the former. For, the resistance of inertia being as the mass into the square of the velocity to be commu nicated in a given time, to give to thrice the mass, 3J times the velocity, as required to shift these draws re spectively in the same time, would give a resistance of inertia more than 36 times as great in one case as in the other, and require 36 times as much power to generate the velocity in the given time. But an ac celerating force equal to the friction, acting through half the time of the movement, generates a momentum in the lift draw, sufficient to overcome the friction for the other half; and, the friction of the swing draw being little if any greater for the whole movement than that of the lift draw, it would only destroy J 8 part of the momentum generated in the swing draw during the first half of the movement, by a force capable of producing that movement in the same time required by the lift draw. The other || of the acquired momentum must be destroyed without useful effect, in order to avoid severe concussion at the stopping point, while in the other case the whole acquired mo mentum may be utilized in overcoming necessary friction, so that no power need be wasted. Therefore, without extending this discussion, already, perhaps, carried too far, it may safely be pronounced practically 352 . 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Containing the most comprehensive information in re gard to the Resulting Strains for a permanent Load, as also for a combined (Permanent and Rolling) Load. In two sections adapted to the requirements of the present time. By JOHN Dim>- KICHS. Illustrated by numerous plates and diagrams. " The want of a compact, universal and popular treatise on the Construc tion of Roofs and Bridges especially one treating of the influence of a varia ble load and the unsatisfactory essays of different authors on the subject, induced me to prepare this work." D. VAN NOSTRAND. Whilden s Strength, of Materials, 12ra<x Cloth. $2,00, ON THE. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS used in Engineering Construction. By J. K. WHILDEN, C ampin on Iron Roofs. Large 8vo. Cloth. $2,00. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF IRON ROOFS. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise. By FEAXCIS CAMPIN. With wood-cuts and plates of Roofs lately executed. " The mathematical formulas are of an elementary kind, and the process admits of an easy extension so as to embrace the prominent varieties of iron, truss bridges. The treatise, though of a practical scientific character, may be easily mastered by any one familiar with elementary mechanics and plane trigonometry." Holley s Railway Practice. 1 voL folio. Cloth. $12.00. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN RAILWAY PRACTICE, in the Economical Generation of Steam, including the materials and construction of Coal-burning Boilers, Combustion, the Varia ble Blast, Vaporization, Circulation, Super-heating, Supplying and Heating Feed- water, &c., and the adaptation of Wood and Coke-burning Engines to Coal-burning ; and in Permanent Way, including Road-bed, Sleepers, Rails, Joint Fastenings, Street Railways, &c., &c. By ALEXANDER L. HOLLEY, B. P. With 77 lithographed plates. " This is an elaborate treatise by one of our ablest civil engineers, on the con struction and use of locomotives, with a few chapters on the building of Rail roads. * * * All these subjects are treated by the author, who is a first-class railroad engineer, in both an intelligent and intelligible manner. The facts and ideas are well arranged, and presented in a clear and simple style, accompanied by beautiful engravings, and we presume the work will be regard ed as indispensable by all who are interested in a knowledge of the construc tion of railroads and rolling stock, or the working of locomotives." Scientific American. 8 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Henrici s Skeleton Structures. 8vo. Cloth. $1.50. SKELETON STEUCTUEES, especially in their Application to the building of Steel and Iron Bridges. By OLAUS HEXRICI. With folding plates and diagrams. By presenting these general examinations on Skeleton Structures, with particular application for Suspended Bridges, to Engineers, I venture to ex press the hope that they will receive these theoretical results with some confi dence, even although an opportunity is wanting to compare them with practi cal results. 0. H. Useful Information for Railway Men. Pocket form. Morocco, gilt, $2.00. Compiled by W. Gr. HAMILTON, Engineer. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. 570 pages. " It embodies many valuable formulae and recipes useful for railway men, and, indeed, for almost every class of persons in the world. The informa tion comprises some valuable formulae and rules for the construction of boilers and engines, masonry, properties of steel and iron, and the strength of materials generally." Railroad Gazette, Chicago. Brooklyn Water Works. 1 vol. folio. Cloth. $25.00. A DESCEIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF THE CONSTEUCTION OF THE WOEKS, and also Eeports on the Brooklyn, Hartford, Belleville, and Cambridge Pumping Engines. Prepared and printed by order of the Board of Water Commissioners. With 59 illustrations. CONTENTS. Supply Ponds The Conduit -Ridgewood Engine House and Pump Well Ridgewood Engines Force Mains Ridgewood Reservoir Pipe Distribution Mount Prospect Reservoir Mount Prospect Engine House and Engine Drainage Grounds Sewerage "Works Appendix. D. VAN XOSTRAND. Kirkwood on Filtration. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. REPORT ON THE FILTRATION OF EIVER WATERS, for the Supply of Cities, as practised in Europe, made to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Louis. By JAMES P. KIRKWOOD. Illustrated by 30 double-plate engravings. CONTENTS. Report on Filtration London Works, General Chelsea Water Works and Filters Lambeth Water Works and Filters Southwark and Vauxhull Water Works and Filters Grand Junction Water Works and Filters West Middlesex Water Works and Filters New River Water Works and Filters East London Water Works and Filters Leicester Water Works and Filters York Water Works and Filters Liverpool Water Works and Filters Edinburgh Water Works and Filters Dublin Water Works and Filters Perth Water Works and Filtering- Gallery Berlin Water Works and Filters Hamburg Water Works and Reservoirs Altona Water Works and Filters Tours Water Works and Filtering Canal Angers Water Works and Filtering Galleries Nantes Water Works and Filters Lyons Water Works and Filtering Galleries Toulouse Water Works and Filtering Galleries Marseilles Water Works and Filters Genoa Water Works and Filtering Galleries Leghorn Water Works and Cisterns Wakefield Water Works and Filters Appendix. Tnnner on Roll-Turning. 1 vol. 8vo. and 1 vol. plates. $10.00. A TREATISE ON ROLL-TURNING FOR THE MANUFAC TURE OF IRON. By PETER TUNNER. Translated and adapted. By JOHN B. PEARSE, of the Pennsylvania Steel Works. With numerous wood-cuts, 8vo., together with a folio atlas of 10 litho graphed plates of Rolls, Measurements, &c. " We commend this book as a clear, elaborate, and practical treatise upon the department of iron manufacturing operations to which it is devoted. The writer states in his preface, that for twenty-five years he has felt the necessity of such a work, and has evidently brought to its preparation the fruits of experience, a painstaking regard for accuracy of statement, and a desire to furnish information in a style readily understood. The book should be in the hands of every one interested, either in the general practice of mechanical engineering, or the special branch of manufacturing operations to which the work relates. American Artisan. 10 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY G-lynn on the Power of Water. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. A TREATISE ON THE POWER OF WATER, as applied to drive Flour Mills, and to give motion to Turbines and other Hydrostatic Engines. By JOSEPH GLYNN, F.R. S. Third edition, revised and enlarged, with numerous illustrations. Hewson on Embankments. Svo. Cloth. $2.00. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF EMBANKING LANDS from River Floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi. By WILLIAM HEWSON, Civil Engineer. " This is a valuable treatise on the principles and practice of embanking lands from river floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi, by a highly intelligent and experienced engineer. The author says it is a first attempt to reduce to order and to rule the design, execution, and measurement of the Levees of the Mississippi. It is a most useful and needed contribution to scientific literature. Philadelphia Evening Journal. G-riiner on Steel. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. THE MANUFACTURE OF STEEL. By M. L. GRFNEII, trans lated from the French. By Lenox Smith, A. M., E. M., with an appendix on the Bessemer Process in the United States, by the translator. Illustrated by lithographed drawings and wood-cuts. " The purpose of the work is to present a careful, elaborate, and at the same time practical examination into the physical properties of steel, as well as a description of the new processes and mechanical appliances for its manufac ture. The information which it contains, gathered from many trustworthy sources, will be found of much value to the American steel manufacturer, who may thus acquaint himself with the results of careful and elaborate ex periments in other countries, and better prepare himself for successful com petition in this important industry with foreign makers. The fact that this volume i.s from the pen of one of the ablest metallurgists of the present day, cannot fail, we think, to secure for it a favorable consideration. Iron Age. D. VAN NOSTRAND. 11 Bauerman on Iron. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. TEEATISE ON THE METALLURGY OF IEON. Contain ing outlines of the History of Iron Manufacture, methods of Assay, and analysis of Iron Ores, processes of manufacture of Iron and Steel, etc., etc. By H. BATTEEMA.N. First American edition. Revised and enlarged, with an appendix on the Martin Process for making Steel, from the report of Abrani S. Hewitt. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. " This is an important addition to the stock of technical works published in this country. It embodies the latest facts, discoveries, and processes con nected with the manufacture of iron and steel, and should be in the hands of every person interested in the subject, as well as in all technical and scientific libraries." Scientific A merican. Link and Valve Motions, by W. S. Auchincloss. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. APPLICATION OF THE SLIDE VALVE and Link Motion to Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Marine Engines, with netv and simple methods for proportioning the parts. By WILLIAM S. AUCHINCLOSS, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. Designed as a hand-book for Mechanical Engineers, Master Mechanics, Draughtsmen and Students of Steam Engineering. All dimen sions of the valve are found with the greatest ease by means of a Printed Scale, and proportions of the link determined without the assistance of a model. Illustrated by 37 wood-cuts and 21 lithographic plates, together with a copperplate engraving of the Travel Soale. All the matters we have mentioned are treated with a clearness and absence of unnecessary verbiage which renders the work a peculiarly valuable one. The Travel Scale only requires. to be known to bo appreciated. Mr. A. writes so ably on his subject, we wish he had written more. London En gineering. We have never opened a work relating to steam which seemed to us better calculated to give an intelligent mind a clear understanding of the depart ment it discusses. Scientific American. 12 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Slide Valve by Eccentrics, by Prof. C, W. MacCord. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth, $4.00. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON TH SLIDE VALVE BY ECCENTRICS, examining by methods, the action of the Eccen tric upon the Slide Valve, and explaining the practical proces ses of laying out the movements, adapting the valve for its various duties in the steam-engine. For the use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, Machinists, and Students of valve motions in general. By C. "W. MACCORD, A. M., Professor of Mechanical Drawing, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N J. Stillman s Steam-Engine Indicator. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. THE STEAM-ENGINE INDICATOR, and the Improved Mano meter Steam arid Vacuum Gauges ; their utility and application By PAUL STILLMAN. New edition. Bacon s Steam-Engine Indicator. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. Mor. $1.50. A TREATISE ON THE RICHARDS STEAM-ENGINE IN DICATOR, with directions for its use. By CHARLES T. PORTER. Revised, with notes and large additions as developed by Amer ican Practice, with an Appendix containing useful formula) and rules for Engineers. By F. W. BACON, M. E., Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Illustrated. Second Edition In this work. Mr. Porter s book has been taken as the basis, but Mr. Bacon has adapted it to American Practice, and has conferred a great boon on American Engineers. Artisan. Bartol on Marine Boilers. 8vo. Cloth. $1.50. TREATISE ON THE MARINE BOILERS OF THE UNITED STATES. By H. B. BARTOL. Illustrated. D. VAN NOSTRAND. 13 Gillmore s Limes and Cements. Fourth Edition. Revised and Enlargd. 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. PRACTICAL TREATISE ON LIMES, HYDRAULIC CE MENTS, AND MORTARS. Papers on Practical Engineering, , U. S. Engineer Department, No. 9, containing Reports of numerous experiments conducted in New York City, during the years 1858 to 1861, inclusive. By Q. A. GILLMORE, Brig-General U. S. Volunteers, and Major U. S. Corps of Engineers. With numerous illustrations. " This work contains a record of certain experiments and researches made, under the authority of the Engineer Bureau of the "War Department from 1858 to 1861, upon the various hydraulic cements of the United States, and the materials for their manufacture. The experiments were carefully made, and are well reported and compiled. Journal Franklin Institute. Gillmore s Ooignet Beton. 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. COIGNET BETON AND OTHER ARTIFICIAL STONE. By Q. A. GILLMORE. 9 Plates, Views, etc. This work describes with considerable minuteness of detail the several kinds of artificial stone in most general use in Europe and now beginning to be introduced in the United States, discusses their properties, relative merits, and cost, and describes the materials of which they are composed. .... The subject is one of special and growing interest, and wo commend the work, embodying as it does the matured opinions of an experienced engineer and expert. Williamson s Practical Tables. : 4to. Flexible Cloth. $2.50. PRACTICAL TABLES IN METEOROLOGY AND HYPSO- METRY, in connection with the use of the Barometer. By Col. R. S. WILLIAMSOM, U. S. A. 14 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Williamson on the Barometer. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. ON THE USE OF THE BAROMETER ON SURVEYS AND RECONNAISSANCES. Part I. Meteorology in its Connec tion with Hypsometry. Part II.. Barometric Hypsometry. By R. S. WILLIAMSON, Bvt. Lieut-Col. U. S. A., Major Corps of Engineers. With Illustrative Tables and Engravings. Paper 1 No. 15, Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers. " SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Feb. 27, 1867. " Gen. A. A. HUMPHREYS, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army : " GENERAL, I nave the honor to submit to you, in the following pages, the results of my investigations in meteorology and hypsometry, made -with the view of ascertaining how far the barometer can be used as a reliable instru ment for determining altitudes on extended lines of survey and reconnais sances. These investigations have occupied the leisure permitted roe from my professional duties during the last ten years, and I hope the results will be deemed of sufficient value to have a place assigned them among the printed professional papers of the United States Corps of Engineers. " Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "R. S. WILLIAMSON, " Bvt. Lt.-Col. U. S. A., Major Corps of U. S. Engineers." Yon Cotta s Ore Deposits. 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. TREATISE ON OEE DEPOSITS. By BERNHARD Vox GOTTA, Professor of Geology in the Royal School of Mines, Freidberg, Saxony. Translated from the second German edition, by FREDERICK PRIME, Jr., Mining Engineer, and revised by the author, with numerous illustrations. " Prof. Von Cotta of the Freiberg School of Mines, is the author of the best modern treatise on ore deposits, and we are heartily glad that this ad mirable \vork has been translated and published in this country. The trans lator, Mr. Frederick Prime, Jr., a graduate of Freiberg, has had in his work the great advantage of a revision by the author himself, who declares in a prefatory note that this may be considered as a new edition (the third, of his own book. " It is a timely and welcome contribution to the literature of mining in this country, and we are grateful to the translator for his enterprise and good judgment in undertaking its preparation ; while we recognize with equal cor diality the liberality of the author in granting both permission and assist- aace." Extract from Review in Engineering and Mining Journal. 7>. VAN NO STRAND. 15 Plattner s Blow-Pipe Analysis. Second edition. Revised. 8vo. Cloth. $7.50. PLATTNER S MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE AND QUAN TITATIVE ANALYSIS WITH THE BLOW-PIPE. Prom the last German edition Revised and enlarged. By Prof. TH. RICHTER, of the Royal Saxon Mining Academy. Translated by Prof. II. B. CORNWALL, Assistant in the Columbia School of Mines, New York ; assisted by JOHN H. CASWELL. Illustrated with eighty-seven wood-cuts and one Lithographic Plate. 560 pages. " Plattner s celebrated work has long been recognized as the only complete book on Blow-Pipe Analysis. The fourth German edition, edited by Prof. Kichter, fully sustains the reputation which the earlier editions acquired dur ing the lifetime of the author, and it is a source of great satisfaction to us to know that Prof. Kichter has co-operated with the translator in issuing the American edition of the work, which is in fact a fifth edition of the original work, being far more complete than the last German edition." SillimarSs Journal. There is nothing so complete to be found in the English language. Platt ner s book is not a mere pocket edition ; it is ivitended as a comprehensive guide to all that is at present known on the blow-pipe, and as such is really indis pensable to teachers and advanced pupils. " Mr. Cornwall s edition is something more than a translation, as it contains many corrections, emendations and additions not to be found in the original. It is a decided improvement on the work in it* German dress." Journal of Applied Chemistry. Egleston s Mineralogy. 8rq. Illustrated with 34 Lithographic Plates. Cloth. $4.50. LECTUEES ON DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY, Delivered at the School of Mines, Columbia College. 13 r PIIOFESSOJJ T. EGLESTON. These lectures are what their title indicates, the lectures on Mineralogy delivered at the School of Minca of Columbia College. They have beea printed for the students, in order that more time might be given to the vari ous methods of examining and determining minerals. The second part has only been printed. The first part, comprising crystallography and physical mineralogy, will be printed at some future time. 16 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Pynchon s Chemical Physics. New Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo. Cloth. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Designed for the Use of Academies, Colleges, and High Schools. Illustrated with numerous engravings, and containing copious experiments with directions for preparing them. By THOMAS RUGGLES PYNCHON, M. A., Professor of Chemistry and the Natural Sciences, Trinity College, Hartford. Hitherto, no work suitable for general use, treating of all these subjects within the limits of a single volume, could be found ; consequently ths atten tion they have received has not been at all proportionate to their importance. It is believed that a book containing so much valuable information within so small a compass, cannot fail to meet with a ready sale among ail intelligent persons, while Professional men, Physicians, Medical Students, Photograph ers, Telegraphers, Engineers, and Artisans generally, will find it specially valuable, if not nearly indispensable, as a book of reference. " We strongly recommend this able treatise to our readers as the first work ever published on the subject free from perplexing technicalities. In style it is pure, in description graphic, and its typographical appearance is artistic. It is altogether a most excellent work." Eclectic Medical Journal. " It treats fully of Photography, Telegraphy, Steam Engines, and the various applications of Electricity. In short, it is a carefully prepared volume, abreast with the latest scientific discoveries and inventions. Hart ford Courant. Plympton s Blow-Pipe Analysis. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. THE BLOW-PIPE : A System of Instruction in its practical use being a graduated course of Analysis for the use of students, and all those engaged in the Examination of Metallic Combina tions. Second edition, with an appendix and a copious index. By GEORGE "W- PLYMPTON, of the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. " This mamial probably has no superior in the English language as a text book for beginners, or as a guide to the student working without a teacher. To the latter many illustrations of the utensils and apparatus required in using the blow-pipe, as well as the fully illustrated description of the blow pipe flame, will be especially serviceable." New York Teaclwr. . VAN JFOSTRAJSTD. lire s Dictionary. Sixth Edition. London, 1872. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, $25.00. Half Russia, $32.50. DICTTONAEY OF AETS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINES. By ANDREW URE, M.D. Sixth edition. Edited by BOBERT HUNT, F.E.S., greatly enlarged and rewritten. Brande and Cox s Dictionary. Neiv Edition. London, 1872. 3 rols. 8vo. Cloth, $20.00. Half Morocco, $27.50. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Edited by \V. T. BRANDE and Eev. GEO. W. Cox. New and enlarged edition. Watt s Dictionary of Chemistry. Supplementary Volume. 8vo. Cloth. $9.00. . This volume brings the Record of Chemical Discovery down to the end of the year 1869, including also several additions to, and corrections of, former results which have appeared in 1870 and 1871. * # * Complete Sets of the Work, New and Revised edition, including- above supplement C vols. 8vo. Cloth. $62.00. Rammelsberg s Chemical Analysis. 8vo. Cloth. $2.25. GUIDE TO A COUESE OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ESPECIALLY OF MINERALS AND FUR NACE PEODUCTS. Illustrated by Examples. By C. F. Translated by J. TOWLER, M.D. This work has been translated, and is now published expressly for those students in chemistry whose time and other studies in colleges do not permit them to enter "upon the more elaborate and expensive treatises of Fresenius and others. It is the condensed labor of a master in chemistry and of a prac tical analyst. 18 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Eliot and Storer s Qualitative Chemical Analysis. New Edition, Revised. 12mo. Illustrated. Cloth. $1.50. A COMPENDIOUS MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE CHEMI CAL ANALYSIS. By CHARLES W. ELIOT and FRA^K H. STORER. Revised with the Cooperation of the Authors, by WILLIAM RIP- LEY NICHOLS, Professor of Chemistry in the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology. " This Manual has great merits as a practical introduction to the science and the art of which it treats. It contains enough of the theory and practice of qualitative analysis, " in the wet way," to bring- out all the reasoning in volved in the science, and to present clearly to the student the most approved methods of the art. It is specially adapted for exercises and experiments in the laboratory; and yet its classifications and manner of treatment are so systematic and logical throughout, as to adapt it in a high degree to that higher class of students generally who desire an accurate knowledge of the practical methods of arriving at scientific facts." Lutfieran Observer. " We wish every academical class in the land could have the benefit of the fifty exercises of two hours each necessary to master this book. Chemistry would cease to be a mere matter of memory, and become a pleasant experi mental and intellectual recreation. We heartily commend this little volume to the notice of those teachers who believe in using the sciences as means of mental discipline." College Courant. Craig s Decimal System. Square 32mo. Limp. 50c. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. An Account of the Decimal System, with Tables of Conversion for Commercial and Scientific Uses. By B. F. CRAIG, M. D. " The most lucid, accurate, and useful of all the hand-books on this subject that we have yet seen. It gives forty-seven tables of comparison between the English and French denominations of length, area, capacity, weight, and the Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers, with clear instructions how to use them ; and to this practical portion, which helps to make the transition as easy as possible, is prefixed a scientific explanation of the errors in the metric system, and how they may be corrected in the laboratory." Nation. D. VAN NOSTRAND. 19 Nugent on Optics. 12mo. Cloth, $2:00 TREATISE ON OPTICS ; or, Light and Sight, theoretically and practically treated ; with the application to Fine Art and Indus trial Pursuits. By E. NUGENT. With one hundred and three illustrations. " This book is of a practical rather than a theoretical kind, and is de signed to afford accurate and complete information to all interested in appli cations of the science." Hound Table. Barnard s Metric System. 8vo. Brown cloth. $3.00. THE METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. An Address delivered before the .Convocation of the University of the State of New York, at Albany, August, 1871. By FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, President of Columbia College, New York City. Second edition from the Revised edition printed for the Trustees of Columbia College. Tinted paper. * It is the best summary of the arguments in favor of the metric weights and measures with which we are acquainted, not only because it contains in small space the leading facts of the case, but because it puts the advocacy of that system on the only tenable grounds, namely, the great convenience of a decimal notation of weight and measure as well as money, the value of inter national uniformity in the matter, and the fact that this metric system is adopted and hi general use by the majority of civilized nations." Tlie Nation* The Young Mechanic. Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth. $1.75. THE YOUNG MECHANIC. Containing directions for the use of all kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam engines and mechanical models, including the Art of Turning in Wood and Metal. By the author of "The Lathe and its Uses," etc From the English edition, with corrections. 20 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Harrison s Mechanic s Tool-Book. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50, MECHANIC S TOOL BOOK, with practical rules and suggestions, for the use of Machinists, Iron Workers, and others. By \V. B. HARRISON, Associate Editor of the " American Artisan." Illustra ted with 44 engravings. " This work is specially adapted to meet the wants of Machinists and work ers in iron generally. It is made up of the \rork-day experience of an intelli gent and ingenious mechanic, who had the faculty of adapting tools to various purposes. The practicability of his plans and suggestions are made apparent even to the unpractised eye by a series of well-executed wood engravings." Philadelphia Inquirer. Pope s Modern Practice of the Elec tric Telegraph. Eighth Edition. 8vo. Cloth $2.00. A Hand-book for Electricians and Operators. By FBANK L. POPS. Seventh edition. Revised and enlarged, and fully illustrated. Extract from Letter of Prof. Morse. " I have had time only cursorily to examine its contents, but this examina tion has resulted in great gratification, especially at the fairness and unpre judiced tone of your whole work. " Your illustrated diagrams are admirable and beautifully executed. " I think all your instructions in the use of the telegraph apparatus judi cious and correct, and I most cordially wish you success." Extract from Letter of Prof. O. W. Hough, of the Dudley Observatory. " There is no other work of this kind in the English language that con tains in so small a compass so much practical information in the application of galvanic electricity to telegraphy. It should be in the hands of every one interested in telegraphy, or the use of Batteries for other purposes." Morse s Telegraphic Apparatus. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. EXAMINATION OF THE TELEGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND THE PROCESSES IN TELEGAPHY. By SAMUEL F. B. MOBSE, LL.D., United States Commissioner Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. D, VAN tfOSTXAND. 21 Sabine s History of the Telegraph. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF THE ELECTRIC TELE- f GRAPH, with Descriptions of some of the Apparatus. By ROBEBT SAJBINE, C. E. Second edition, with additions. CONTENTS. I. Early Observations of Electrical Phenomena. II. Tele graphs by Fractional Electricity. III. Telegraphs by Voltaic Electricity. IV. Telegraphs by Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. V. Tele graphs now in use. VI. Overhead Lines. VII. Submarine Telegraph Lines. VIII. Underground Telegraphs. IX. Atmospheric Electricity. Haskins* Galvanometer, Pocket form. Illustrated. Morocco tucks. $2.00. THE GALVANOMETER, AND ITS USES; a Manual for Electricians and Students. By 0. H. HASKINS. " We hope this excellent little work will meet with the sale its merits entitle it to. To every telegrapher who owns, or uses a Galvanometer, or ever expects to, it will be quite indispensable." The Telegrapher. Culley s Hand-Book of Telegraphy. 8vo. Cloth. $6.00. A HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY. By R. S. CULLEY, Engineer to the Electric and International Telegraph Company. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. -Fuivdl 8 f ioJJ r r Q a iljLxbf i j ; i Foster s Submarine Blasting. 4to. Cloth. $3.50. SUBMARINE BLASTING in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts- Removal of Tower and Corwin Rocks. By JOHN G. FOSTEB, Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers, and Brevet Major- General, U. S. Army. Illustrated with seven plates. LIST OF PLATES. 1. Sketch of the Narrows, Boston Harbor. 2. Townsend s Submarine Drilling Machine, and Working Vessel attending. 3. Submarine Drilling Machine employed. 4. Details of Drilling Machine employed. 5. Cartridges and Tamping used. 6. Fuses and Insulated Wires used. 7. Portable Friction Battery used. 22 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY "X, Barnes Submarine Warfare. 8. Cloth. $5.00. SUBMARINE WARFARE, DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE. Comprising a full and complete History of the Invention of the Torpedo, its employment in War and results of its use. De scriptions of the yarious forms of Torpedoes, Submarine Batteries and Torpeclo Boats actually used in War. Methods of Ignition by Machinery, Contact Fuzes, and Electricity, and a full account of experiments made to determine the Explosive Force of Gun powder under Water. Also a discussion of the Offensive Torpedo system, its effect upon Iron-Clad Ship systems, and influence upon Future Naval Wars. By Lieut. -Commander Joux S. BAEXES, IT. S. N. With twenty lithographic plates and many wood-cuts. " A book important to military men, and especially so to engineers and ar tillerists. It consists of an examination of the various offensive and defensive engines that have been contrived for submarine hostilities, including a discus sion of the torpedo system, its effects upon iron-clad ship-systems, and its probable influence upon future naval wars. Plates of a valuable character accompany the treatise, which affords a useful history of the momentous sub ject it discusses. A great deal of useful information is collected in its pages, especially concerning the inventions of SCIIOI.L ad VEIIDU, and of JONES and HUNT S batteries, as well as of other similar machines, and the use in submarine operations of gun-cotton and nitro-glycerine." N* T. Times* Randall s Quartz Operator s Hand- Book. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. QUARTZ OPERATOR S HAND-BOOK. By P. M. RANDALL. New edition, revised and enlarged. Fully illustrated. The object of this work has been to present a clear and comprehensive ex position of mineral veins, ami the means and modes chiefly employed for the mining and working of their ores more especially those containing gold and silver. D. VAN NOSTRAND. 23 Mitchell s Manual of Assaying. 8vo. Cloth. $10.00, A MANUAL OF PEACTICAL ASSAYING. By JOHN MITCHELL. Third edition. Edited by WILLIAM CKOOKES, F.E.S. In this edition are incorporated all the late important discoveries in Assay ing made in this country and abroad, and special care is devoted to the very important Volumetric and Colorimetric Assays, as well as to the Blow-Pipe Benet s Chronoscope. Second Edition. Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. $3.00. ELECTEO-BALLISTIC MACHINES, and the Schultz Chrono- scope. By Lieutenant-Colonel S. V. BEN ET, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. Army. CONTENTS.1. Ballistic Pendulum. 2. Gun Pendulum. 3. Use of Elec tricity. 4. Navez Machine. 5. Vignotti s Machine, with Plates. 6. Benton s Electro-Ballistic Pendulum, with Plates. 7. Leur s Tro-Pendulum Machine 8. Schultz s Chronoscope, with two Plates. Michaelis Chronograph. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth. $3.00. THE LE BOULENGE CHEONOGEAPH. With three litho graphed folding plates of illustrations. By Brevet Captain E. MICHAELIS, First Lieutenant Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army. " The excellent monograph of Captain Michaelis enters minutely into the details of construction and management, and gives tables of the times of flight calculated upon a given fall of the chronometer for all distances. < Michaelis has done good service in presenting this work to his brother officers, describing, as it does, an instrument which bids fair to be in constant use in our future ballistic experiments. ^^ and Navy Journal. 24 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Silversmith s Hand-Book. Fourth Edition. Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth. $3,00. A PRACTICAL HAND-BOOK FOE MINERS, Metallurgists, and Assayers, comprising the most recent improvements in the disintegration, amalgamation, smelting, and parting of the Precious Ores, with a Comprehensive Digest of the Mining Laws. Greatly augmented, revised, and corrected. By JULIUS SILVERSMITH. Fourth edition. Profusely illustrated. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. One of the most important features of this work is that in which the metallurgy of the precious metals is treated of. In it the author has endeav ored to embody all the processes for the reduction and manipulation of the precious ores heretofore successfully employed in Grermany, England, Mexico, and the United States, together with such as have been more recently invented, and not yet fully tested all of which are profusely illustrated and easy of comprehension. Simms Levelling. 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. A TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LEVELLING, showing its application to purposes of Railway Engineering and the Construction of Roads, &c. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, C. E. From the fifth London edition, revised and corrected, with the addition of Mr. Law s Practical Examples for Setting Out Railway Curves. Illustrated with three lithographic plates and numerous wood-cuts. " One of the most important text-books for the general surveyor, and there is scarcely a question connected with levelling for which a solution would be sought, but that would be satisfactorily answered by consulting this volume." Mining Jvumal. " The text-book on levelling in most of our engineering schools and col leges." -Engineers. " The publishers have rendered a substantial service to the profession, especially to the younger members, by bringing out the present edition of MJ. Simms useful work." Engineering. D. VAN NO STRAND. 25 Stuart s Successful Engineer. 18mo. Boards. 50 cents. HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ENGINEER: Being Hints to Youths intending to adopt the Profession. By BERNARD STUART, Engineer. Sixth Edition. "A valuable little book of sound, sensible advice to young men who wish to rise in the most important of the professions." Scientific American. Stuart s Naval Dry Docks. Twenty-four engravings on steel. Fourth Edition. 4to. Cloth. $6.00. THE NAVAL DRY DOCKS OF THE UNITED STATES. By CHARLES B. STUAET. Engineer in Chief of the United IS tales Navy. List of Illustrations. Pumping Engine and Pumps Plan of Dry Dock and Pump- Well -Sec tions of Dry Dock Engine House Iron Flpating Gate Details of Floating Gate Iron Turning Gate Plan of Turning Gate Culvert Gate Filling Culvert Gates Engine Bed Plate, Pumps, and Culvert Engine House Roof Floating Sectional Dock Details of Section, and Plan of Turn-Tables Plan of Basin and Marine Railways Plan of Sliding Frame, and Elevation of Pumps Hydraulic Cylinder Plan of Gearing for Pumps and End Floats Perspective View of Dock, Basin, and Railway Plan of Basin of Ports mouth Dry Dock Floating Balance Dock Elevation of Trusses and the Ma chinery Perspective View of Balance Dry Dock Free Hand Drawing. Profusely Illustrated. 18mo. Boards. 50 centa. A GUIDE TO ORNAMENTAL, Figure, and Landscape Draw ing. By an Art Student. CONTENTS. Materials employed in Drawing, and how to use them On Lines and how to Draw them-^On Shading Concerning lines and shading, with applications of them to simple elementary subjects Sketches from Na ture. 26 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY \ \ Minifie s Mechanical Drawing. Eighth Edition. Royal 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. A TEXT-BOOK OF GEOMETRICAL DBAWING- for the use of Mechanics and Schools, in which the Definitions and Bales of Geometry are familiarly explained ; the Practical Problems are arranged, from the most simple to the more complex, and in their description technicalities are avoided as much as possible. With illustrations for Drawing Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Buildings and Machinery ; an Introduction to Isornetrical Draw ing, and an Essay on Linear Perspective and Shadows. Illus trated with over 2(K) diagrams engraved on steel. By WM. MINIFIE, Architect. Eighth Edition. With an Appendix on the Theory and Application of Colors. 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Enlarged. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. GEOMETEICAL DEAWING. Abridged from the octavo edition, for the use of Schools. Illustrated with 48 steel plates. New edition, enlarged. " It i well adapted as a text-book of drawing to be used in our High Schools and Academies where this useful branch of the fine arts has been hitherto too much neglected." Boston Journal. D. VAN NOSTRANJ). 27 Bell on Iron Smelting. 8vo. Cloth. $6.0J. CHEMICAL PHENOMENA OF IRON SMELTING. An ex perimental and practical examination of the circumstances which determine the capacity of the Blast Furnace, the Temperature of the Air, and the Proper Condition of the Materials to be operated upon. By I. LOWTHIAN BELL. " The reactions -which take place in every foot of the blast-furnace have been investigated, and the nature of every step in the process, from the intro duction of the raw material into the furnace to the production of the pig iron, has been carefully ascertained, and recorded so fully that any one in the trade can readily avail themselves of the knowledge acquired ; and we have no hes itation in saying that the judicious application of such knowledge will do much to facilitate the introduction of arrangements which will still further economize fuel, and at the same time permit of the quality of the resulting metal being maintained, if not improved. The volume is one which no prac tical pig iron manufacturer can afford to be without if he be desirous of en tering upon that competition which nowadays is essential to progress, and in issuing such a work Mr. Bell has entitled himself to the best thanks of every member of the trade." London Mining Journal. Zing s Notes on Steam. Thirteenth Edition. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. LESSONS AND PEACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, the Steam- Engine, Propellers, &c., &c., for Young Engineers, Students, and others. By the late W. R. KING, U. S. N. Revised by Chief- Engineer J. W. KIXG, U. S. Navy. " This is one of the best, because eminently plain and practical treatises on the Steam Engine ever published. Philadelphia Press. This is the thirteenth edition of a valuable work of the late W. H. King, U. S. N. It contains lessons and practical notes on Steam and the Steam En gine, Propellers, etc. It is calculated to be of great use to young marine en gineers, students, and others. The text is illustrated and explained by nu merous diagrams and representations of machinery . Boston Daily Adver tiser. Text-book at the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. 28 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Burgh s Modern Marine Engineering. One thick 4to vol. Cloth. $25.00. Half morocco. $30.00. MODEEN MARINE ENGINEERING, applied to Paddlo and Screw Propulsion. Consisting of 36 Colored Plates, 259 Practical Wood-cut Illustrations, and 403 pages of Descriptive Matter, the whole being an exposition of the present practice of the follow ing firms : Messrs. J. Penn & Sons ; Messrs. Maudslay, Sons & Field ; Messrs. James Watt & Co. ; Messrs. J. & Gr. Ronnie ; Messrs. R. Napier & Sons ; Messrs. J. & W. Dudgeon ; Messrs. Ravenhill & Hodgson ; Messrs. Humphreys & Tenant ; Mr. J. T. Spencer, and Messrs. Forrester & Co. By N. P. BURGH, Engineer. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. General Arrangements of Engines, 11 examples General Arrangement of Boilers, 14 examples General Arrangement of Superheaters, 11 examples Details of Oscillating Paddlo Engines, 04 ex amples Condensers for Screw Engines, both Injection and Surface, 20 ex amples Details of Screw Engines, 20 examples Cylinders and Details of Screw Engines, 21 examples Slide Valves and Detail?, 7 examples Slide Valve, Link Motion, 7 examples Expansion Valves and Gear, 10 exam ples Details in General, 30 exam pies --Screw Propeller and Fittings, 13 ex amples Engine and Boiler Fittings, 28 examples In relation to the Princi ples of the Marine Engine and Boiler, 33 examples. Notices of the Press. " Every conceivable detail of the Marine Engine, under all its various forms, is profusely, and we must add, admirably illustrated by a multitude of engravings, selected from the best and most modern practice of the first Marine Engineers of the day. The chapter on Condensers is peculiarly valu able. In one word, there is no other work in exist*, nee which will bear a moment s comparison with it as an exponent of the skill, talent and practical experience to which is duo the splendid reputation enjoyed by many British Marine Engineers." - Engineer. " This very comprehensive work, which was issued in Monthly parts, has just been completed. It contains large and full drawings and copious de scriptions of most of the best examples of Modern Marine .Engines, and it is a complete theoretical and practical treatise on the subject of Marine Engi neering." American Artisan. This is the only edition of th above work with the beautifully colored plates, and it is out of print in England. J). VAN NOSTRAND. 29 Bourne s Treatise on the Steam En gine. Ninth Edition. Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. TREATISE ON THE STEAM ENGINE in its various applica tions to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, Railways, and Agricul ture, with the theoretical investigations respecting the Motive Power of Heat and the proper Proportions of Steam Engines. Elaborate Tables of the right dimensions of every -part, and Practical Instructions for the Manufacture and Management of every species of Engine in actual use. By JOHN BOUKNE, being the ninth edition of " A Treatise on the Steam Engine," by the " Artisan Club." Illustrated by thirty-eight plates and five hundred and forty-six wood-cuts. As Mr. Bourne s work has the great merit of avoiding unsound and imma ture views, it may safely be consulted by all who are really desirous of ac quiring trustworthy information on the subject of which it treats. During the twenty-two years which have elapsed from the issue of the first edition, the improvements introduced in the construction of the steam engine have been both numerous and important, and of these Mr. Bourne has taken care to point out the more prominent, and to furnish the reader with such infor mation as shall enable him readily to judge of their relative value. This edi tion has been thoroughly modernized, and made to accord with the opinions and practice of the more successful engineers of the present day. All that the book professes to give is given with ability and evident care. The scien tific principles which are permanent are admirably explained, and reference is made to many of the more valuable of the recently introduced engines. To express an opinion of the value and utility of such a work as The Artisan Club s Treatise on the Steam Engine, which has passed through eight editions already, woxild bo superfluous ; but it may be safely staged that the work is worthy the attentive study of aM. either engaged in the manufacture of Bteam engines or interested in economizing the use of steam. Mining Journal. Islierwood s Engineering Precedents. Two Vols. in One. 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. ENGINEERING PRECEDENTS FOR STEAM MACHINERY. Arranged in the most practical and useful manner for Engineers. By B. F. ISHEKWOOD, Civil Engineer, U. S. Navy. With illus trations. 30 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Ward s Steam for the Million. New and Revised Edition. 8vo. Cloth. $1.00. STEAM FOE THE MILLION. A Popular Treatise on Steam and its Application to the Useful Arts, especially to Naviga tion. By J. H. WAED, Commander U. S. Navy. New and re vised edition. A most excellent work for the young engineer and general reader. Many facts relating to the management of the boiler and engine -are set forth with a simplicity of language and perfection of. detail that bring the subject home to the reader. American Engineer. Walker s Screw Propulsion. 8vo. Cloth. 75 cents. NOTES ON SCREW PROPULSION, its Rise and History. By Capt. W. H. WALKER, U. S. Navy. Commander Walker s book contains an immense amount of concise practi cal data, and every item of information recorded fully proves that the various points bearing upon it have been well considered previously to expressing an opinion. Tendon Mining Journal. Page s Earth s Crust. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents. THE EARTH S CRUST : a Handy Outline of Geology. By DAVID PAGE. " Such a work as this was much wanted a work giving in clear and intel ligible outline the leading facts of the science, without amplification or irk some details. It is admirable in arrangement, and clear and easy, and, at the same time, forcible in style. It will lead, wo hope, to the introduction of Geology into many schools that have neither time nor room for the study of large treatises." TJie Museum. D. VA N NOS TRA ND. 3 1 Rogers G-eology of Pennsylvania. 3 Vols. 4to, with Portfolio of Maps. Cloth. $30.00. THE GEOLOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Government Sur rey. With a general view of the Geology of the United States, Essays on the Coal Formation and its Fossils, and a description of the Coal Fields of North America and Great Britain. By HENRY DAHWIN ROGERS, Late State Geologist of Pennsylvania. Splendidly illustrated with Plates and Engravings in the Text. It certainly should be in every public library ^nroughout the country, and likewise in the possession of all students of Geology. After the final sale of these copies, the work will, of course, become more valuable. The work for the last five years has been entirely out of the market, but a few copies that remained in the hands of Prof. Rogers, in Scotland, at the time of his death, are now offered to the public, at a price which is even below what it was originally sold for when first published. Morfit on Pure Fertilizers. "With 28 Illustrative Plates. 8vo. Cloth. $20.00. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON PURE FERTILIZERS, and the Chemical Conversion of Rock Guanos, Marlstones, Coprolites, and the Crude Phosphates of Lime and Alumina Generally, into yarious Valuable Products. By CAMPBELL MORFIT, M.D., F.C.S. Sweet s Report on Coal. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. SPECIAL REPORT ON COAL ; showing its Distribution, Classi fication, and Cost delivered over different routes to various points in the State of New York, and the principal cities on the Atlantic Coast. By S. H. SWEET. With maps. Colburn s Gas Works of London. I2ino. Boards. 60 cents. GAS WORKS OF LONDON. By ZEBAH COLBUWT. 32 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY The Useful Metals and their Alloys ; Scoffren, Truran, and others. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Half calf. $3.75. THE USEFUL METALS AND THEIR ALLOYS, including MINING VENTILATION, MINING JURISPRUDENCE AND METALLURGIC CHEMISTRY employed in the conver sion of IRON, COPPER, TIN, ZINC, ANTIMONY, AND LEAD ORES, with their applications to THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS. By JOHN SCOFFKEN, WILLIAM TRTJRAN, WILLIAM CLAY, ROBERT OXLAND, WILLIAM FAIRBAIBN, W. C. AITKIN, and WIL LIAM VOSE PICKETT. Collins 1 Useful Alloys. 18mo. Flexible. 75 cents. THE PRIVATE BOOK OF USEFUL ALLOYS and Memo randa for Goldsmiths, Jewellers, etc. By JAMES E. COLLINS This little book is compiled from notes made by the Author from the papers of one of the largest and most eminent Manufacturing Goldsmiths and Jewellers in this country, and as the firm is now no longer in existence, and the Author is at present engaged in some other undertaking, he now offers to the public the benefit of his experience, and in so doing he begs to state that all the alloys, etc., given in these pages may be confidently relied on as being thoroughly practicable. The Memoranda and Receipts throughout this book are also compiled from practice, and will no doubt be found useful to the practical jeweller. Shirley, July, 1871. Joynsorfs Metals Used in Construction. 12mo. Cloth. 75 cents. THE METALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION : Iron, Steel, Bessemer Metal, etc., etc. By FRANCIS HERBERT JOYNSON. Il lustrated. " In the interests of practical science, we are bound to notice this work ; and to those who wish further information, we should say, buy it ; and the outlay, we honestly believe, will be considered well spent." Scientific Review. D. VAN NOSTRAND. 33 Holley s Ordnance and Armor. 493 Engravings, Half Roan, $10.00. Half Russia, $12.00. A TEEATISE ON ORDNANCE AND ARMOR Embracing Descriptions, Discussions, and Professional Opinions concerning the MATERIAL, FABRICATION, Requirements, Capabilities, and En durance of European and American Guns, for Naval, Sea Coast, and Iron-clad Warfare, and their RIFLING, PROJECTILES, and BREECH-LOADING; also, Results of Experiments against Armor, from Official Records, with an Appendix referring to Gun-Cotton, Hooped Guns, etc., etc. By ALEXANDER L. HOLLEY, B. P. 948 pages, 493 Engravings, and 147 Tables of Results, etc. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Standard Guns and their Fabrication Described: Section 1. Hooped Guns ; Section 2. Solid Wrought Iron Guns ; Section 3. Solid Steel Guns; Section 4. Cast-Iron Guns. CHAPTER II. The Requirements of Guns, Armor: Section 1. The Work to be done; Section 2. Heavy Shot at Low Ve locities; Sections. Small Shot at High Velocities; Section 4. The two Sys tems Combined ; Section 5. Breaching Masonry. CHAPTER III. The Strains and Structure of Guns: Section 1. Resistance to Elastic Pressure; Section 2. The Effects of Vibration; Section 3. The Effects of Heat. CHAPTER IV. Cannon Metals and Processes of Fabrication: Section 1. Elasticity and Ductil. ity; Section 2. Cast-Iron; Section 3. Wrought Iron; Section 4. Steel; Sec tion 5. Bronze ; Section 6. Other Alloys. CHAPTER V. Rifling and Projec tiles ; Standard Forms and Practice Described ; Early Experiments ; The Centring System ; The Compressing System ; The Expansion System ; Armor Punching Projectiles ; Shells for Molten Metal ; Competitive Trial of Rifled Guns, 1862; Duty of Rifled Guns: General Uses, Accuracy, Range, Velocity, Strain, Liability of Projectile to Injury ; Firing Spherical Shot from Rifled Guns ; Material for Armor-Punching Projectiles ; Shape of Armor-Punching Projectiles; Capacity and Destructiveness of Shells; Elongated Shot from Smooth Bores; Conclusions; Velocity of Projectiles (Tabled CHAPTER VI. Breech-Loading Advantages and Defects of the System ; Rapid Firing and Cooling Guns by Machinery ; Standard Breech-Loaders Described. Part Sec ond : Experiments against Armor ; Account of Experiments from Official Records in Chronological Order. APPENDIX. Report on the Application of Gun-Cotton to Warlike Purposes British Association, 1863; Manufacture and Experiments in England ; Guns Hooped with Initial Tension History; How Guns Burst, by Wiard, Lyman s Accelerating Gun ; Endurance of Parrott and Whitworth Guns at Charleston ; Hooping old United States Cast-Iron Guns; Endurance and Accuracy of the Armstrong 600-pounder; Competitive Trials with 7-inch Guns. 34 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Peirce s Analytic Mechanics. 4to. Cloth. $10.00. SYSTEM OF ANALYTIC MECHANICS. Physical and Celestial Mechanics. By BENJAMIN PEIRCK, Perkins Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics in Harvard University, and Consulting As tronomer of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Developed in four systems of Analytic Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Potential Physics, and Analytic Morphology. * I have re-examined the memoirs of the great geometers, and have striven to consolidate their latest researches and their most exalted forms of thought into a consistent and uniform treatise. If I have hereby succeeded in Open ing to the students of my country a readier access to these choice jewels of intellect ; if their brilliancy is not impaired in this attempt to reset them ; if, in their own constellation, they illustrate each other, and concentrate a stronger light upon the names of their discoverers , and, still more, if any gem which I may have presumed to add is not wholly lustreless in the collec- t\on, I shall feel that my work has not been in vain." Extract from the Pr& face. Bnrt s Key to Solar Compass. Second Edition. Pocket Book Form. Tuck. $2.50. <-; KEY TO THE SOLAR COMPASS, and Surveyor s Companion ; comprising all the Holes necessary for use in the field; also, Description of the Linear Surveys and Public Land System of the United States, Notes on the Barometer, Suggestions for an outfit for a Survey of four months, etc., etc., etc. By W. A. BUST, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. Second edition. Chauvenet s Lunar Distances. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. NEW METHOD OF COERECTING LUNAR DISTANCES, and Improved Method of Finding the Error and Rate of a Chro nometer, by equal altitudes. By WM. CHAUVENET, LL.D., Chan cellor of Washington University of St. Louis. Jefiers Nautical Surveying. Illustrated with 9 Copperplates and 31 Wood-cut Illustrations. 8vo Cloth. $5,00. NAUTICAL SURVEYING. By WII.LIA* N. JBFFEHS, Captain U. & Navy. Many books have been written on each of the subjects treated of in the sixteen chapters of this work; and, to obtain a complete knowledge of geodetic surveying requires a profound study of the whole range of mathe matical and physical sciences ; but a year of preparation should render any intelligent officer competent to conduct a nautical survey. CONTENTS. Chapter I. Formula? and Constants Useful in Surveying II. Distinctive Character of Surveys. III. Hydrographic Surveying under Sail ; or, Running Survey. IV. Hydrographic Surveying of Boats ; or, Har bor Survey. V. Tides Definition of Tidal Phenomena r -Tidal Observations. VI. Measurement of Bases Appropriate and Direct. VII. Measurement of the Angles of Triangles Azimuths Astronomical Bearing-s. VIII. Correc tions to be Applied to the Observed Angles. IX. Levelling Difference of Level. X. Computation of the Sides of the Triangulation The Three-point Problem. XI. Determination of the Geodetic Latitudes, Longitudes, and Azimuths, of Points of a Triangulation. XII. Summary of Subjects treated of in preceding Chapters Examples of Computation by various Formulae. XII 1. Projection of Charts and Plans. XIV. Astronomical Determination of Latitude and Longitude. XV. Magnetic Observations. XVI. Deep Sea Soundings. XVII. Tables for Ascertaining Distances at Sea, and a full Index. List of Plates. Plate I. Diagram Illustrative of the Triangulation. II. Specimen Page of Field Book. III. Running Survey of i Coast. IV. Example of a Running Survey from Belcher. V. Flying Survey of an Island. VI. Survey of a Shoal. VII. Boat Survey of a River. VIII. Three-Point Problem. IX. Triangulation. Coffin s Navigation. Fifth Edition. 12mo. Cloth. $3.50. NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY. Prepared for the Use of the U. S. Naval Academy. By J. H. C. COFFIN, Prof, of Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying, with 52 wood cut illustrations. 36 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Clark s Theoretical Navigation. 8vo. Cloth. $3,00. THEORETICAL NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRON OMY. By LEWIS CLARK, Lieut. -Commander, U. S. Navy. Il lustrated with 41 Wood-cuts, including the Vernier. Prepared for Use at the TJ. S. Naval Academy. The Plane Table. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. ITS USES IN TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING. From the Papers of the U. S. Coast Survey. This work gives a description of the Plane Table employed at the U. S. Coast Survey Office, and the manner of using it. Pook on Shipbuilding. 9 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. METHOD OF COMPARING THE LINES AND DRAUGHT ING VESSELS PROPELLED BY SAIL OR STEAM, in cluding a Chapter on Laying off on the Mould-Loft Floor. By SAMUEL M. POOK, Naval Constructor. 1 vol., 8vo. With illus trations. Cloth. $5.00. Brunnow s Spherical Astronomy. 8vo. Cloth. $6.50. SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY. By F. BRITNNOW, Ph. Dr. Trans lated by the Author from the Second German edition. D. VAST NOSTRAND. 37 Van Buren s Formulas. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. INVESTIGATIONS OF FORMULAS, for the Strength of the Iron Parts of Steam Machinery. By J. D. VAN BTJREN, Jr., C. E. Illustrated. This is an analytical discussion of the formulae employed by mechanical engineers in determining the rupturing or crippling pressure in the different parts of a machine. The formulae are founded upon the principle, that the different parts of a machine should be equally strong, and are developed in reference to the ultimate strength of the material in order to leave the choice of a factor of safety to the judgment of the designer. Sillimaris Journal, Joynson on Machine Gearing. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. THE MECHANIC S AND STUDENT S GUIDE in the Design ing and Construction of General Machine Gearing, as Eccentrics, Screws, Toothed Wheels, etc., and the Drawing of Rectilineal and Curved Surfaces ; with Practical Rules and Details. 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