.^ Tgfc*V *" *i - GIFT OF 7. HOME JOHN T. JUDKINS 4O36 RICHMOND STREET SAN DIEGO, CAL. grt .* MEMOIR RECENT SURVEYS, OBSERVATIONS, AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. IN THE UNITED STATES, WITH BRIEF NOTICES OF THE NEW COUNTIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, CANALS, AND RAIL ROADS, NEVER BEFORE DELINEATED. BY H. S. TANNER. INTENDED TO ACCOMPANY HIS NEW MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. Mifllin & Parry, Printers. 1829. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit : BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the tenth day of July, in the fifty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1829, Hen ry S. Tanner, of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Author, in the words following, to wit : "Memoir on the Recent Surveys, Observations, and Internal Improvements, in the United States, with brief Notices of the New Counties, Towns, Villages, Canals, and Rail Roads, never before delineated. By H. S. Tanner. Intend ed to accompany his New Map of the United States." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intituled. An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and also to the Act entitled, " An Act, supplemen tary to an Act, entitled, " an Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by se curing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," and extending the bene fits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. MEMOIR, &c. IN presenting to the American public a Map of the United States, differing essentially from those hither to published, both in its general aspect and local fea tures, it will naturally be expected that some account will be given, of the sources whence I have drawn my information. This I shall do with as much bre vity as a satisfactory review of the materials will per mit. Before proceeding with the proposed detail, some remarks on the projection and basis meridian adopted for the map, are deemed necessary to a clear illustra tion of the subject, In examining the infinite variety of projections which an investigation of the subject presented, it was an object of importance to select such a one for the present map, as should exhibit the superficial and linear measures in their truest proportion, and pre serve an equal length for the diagonals of the rhombs. In order to effect these objects as nearly as possible, recourse was had to the following method. The number of geographical miles contained in a degree of longitude, on each parallel of latitude, was set off 1 269800 MEMOIR. by a diagonal scale, constructed with the greatest pre cision; through the points of division curved lines were drawn representing the meridians; when the parallels of latitude were drawn in sections of con centric circles, by radii obtained by extending the lines of longitude, until, by the laws of their de crease, they intersected each other at or beyond the north pole, and thus formed a common centre, from which circular arcs representing the parallels of lati tude were described as above-mentioned. This mode of delineating sections of the globe on a plane is supposed to be, though simple in its nature, a very near approximation to the truth; all the me ridians and parallels intersect each other at right an gles; the successive quadrilaterals between any two meridians are nearly equal in area, and similar to those on the globe ; every parallel of latitude is equally divided by the meridians; and every parallel, as terminated by two meridians on the map, is ex ceedingly near the same length as the corresponding part on the globe itself: hence it is obvious, that this method preserves the outline and relative position of sections of a sphere as nearly as the reduction of a globular to a plane surface will admit. This projec tion is said to be much used in France, and we know that Delile and D Anville have employed it in the construction of their most approved maps. It ad mits of the application of the simple scale for the ad measurement of distances, to every part of the map, and thus obviates the necessity for that multiplicity MEMOIR. of scales which the globular, stereographic and many other projections require. When a considerable portion of the earth s surface is projected on a plane, by that nondescript method of representing the parallels of latitude by straight lines, the real dimensions, and often the figure and position of countries, are much distorted and misre presented, especially towards the eastern and western extremities of the map, where the meridians and pa rallels intersect each other obliquely, so that a quad- rilateral space shall often be represented by an oblique- angled rhomboid figure, whose diagonals are very far from equal ; and yet we see a simple scale of distan ces inserted in such a map ! It will be observed that the degrees of longitude are computed east and west of the Capitol at Wash ington. To the adoption of that point as a first me ridian for my map, some persons have objected, as augmenting the number of such meridians, already too numerous, they say. If, by selecting the meridi an most generally used for foreign maps, I could have in any measure checked the practice complained of, or have added any thing towards the establishment of a universal meridian, as proposed by La Place,* one of the first geometricians of his age, I should most certainly have contributed my humble efforts in fa vour of the design. But, until that national feeling, which is inherent in every independent community, * This universal meridian is 113 51 18" west of Washington, 4- MEMOIR. shall have been entirely eradicated, there is no reason- ble ground to hope for the accomplishment of such an object, notwithstanding the facilities it might afford to navigation, or however desirable in other points of view. The longitude of Washington from Greenwich has been, in conformity with an act of Congress, recent ly ascertained by William Lambert, a gentleman well known for his scientific acquirements, whose report on the subject is entitled to the highest confidence. By Mr. Lambert s calculations, the Capitol at Wash ington was found to be 76 55 30" to the west of the Observatory at Greenwich. The exact position of our Capital having been thus determined, with a view, on the part of government, to the establish ment of a first Meridian for the United States ; and as this object will probably ere long be completely effected, by the erection of an observatory, furnished with suitable instruments and apparatus, by which to lessen our dependence on foreign nations for the ele ments necessary to be used in astronomical calcula tions ; I felt it incumbent on me to contribute my humble aid towards the introduction into use of the proposed meridian, and therefore selected it as the one best suited to an American map, intended for the use of Americans. The adoption of a meridian not yet in general use, even in our own country, is the less important as ap plied in the present instance, as such maps are seldom or never used for the purposes of navigation. In the MEMOIR. 5 construction of hydrographical charts, an adherence to points generally known and recognized by nauti cal men is, perhaps, both proper and necessary, and should not be wholly abandoned until the new meri dian be completely established ; which should and would of necessity be effected by slow degrees. In any view of the subject, it must be admitted that the adoption of first meridians in the construction of maps is quite arbitrary. We see that every country, and indeed almost every province, has its first meridian. Spain has no less than eight, if we include that of To ledo: Cadiz, the most in use among navigators; Car- thagena; the observatory of the Isle of Leon; the for mer College of Nobles, at Madrid; the Island of Tri nidad ; Teneriffe; and the Island of Ferro, the last having been in many instances adopted by D Anville. For a long time it was customary to reckon the lon gitude, in most countries, from the Isle of Ferro; but it is now usual to compute it from the metropolis of the country. Thus in France, Paris is the first meridian; and in Great Britain, the Royal Observa tory at Greenwich. Our own country furnishes additional testimony to the correctness of the above remark. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, have each had their advocates in the persons of their resident geo graphers, who appear to have selected a first meridian for their maps, according as their convenience or fan cy dictated. This practice, it is hoped, will be en tirely abandoned, since the position of our capital 6 MEMOIR. has been determined with sufficient exactness for all geographical purposes. Many circumstances induce the belief that those places will eventually give way to the City of Washington, as the only legitimate point for a national first meridian ; its local situation, being nearly in the centre of population, and approximat ing nearer to that of territory than either of the pla ces above-mentioned, and being also the seat of the general government, are considerations which tend to confirm this impression. It may not be improper to remark here, that the Observatory at Greenwich lies, as we have seen, 76 55 30" to the east of Washington ; hence it is very easy to reduce the longitude of Greenwich to that of Washington : for, if the longitude required be west, we have only to subtract 76 55 <30" from the Ion- gitude of Greenwich, and the remainder is the longi tude west from Washington : on the other hand, if the place be east of Greenwich, we obtain the longi tude east from Washington, by adding to that of Greenwich 76 55 30". If the place lies between Greenwich and Washington, its longitude from the latter place will be obtained by subtracting its longi tude west from Greenwich from 76 55 30". The new map of the United States is founded on, and embraces generally, the valuable and original in formation, contained in my American Atlas. The maps of the Western States and Territories which form a part of that work, were drawn principally from the government surveys, which now extend al- MEMOIR. 7 most entirely over the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illi nois, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and partially over the territories of Michigan, Ar kansas, and Florida. These surveys are made in half-mile sections, which give to them a degree of correctness seldom attained by any other mode, and, when carefully combined., exhibit a very exact representation of the country. As the public surveys are frequently noticed, a few observations here on the system upon which they are made will perhaps be useful. All the lines are run by the true meridian, in most instances with compasses of Rittenhouse s construc tion, with nonius divisions and moveable sights. The variation of the compass is determined every ten or twelve miles on the east and west lines, and every twenty or twenty-five on the north and south lines, by celestial observations, which give the courses of the lines as great a degree of accuracy as can well be obtained by the compass. The chains used by the surveyors are all similar, and adjusted by standards kept in the offices. In surveying uneven or hilly ground the chain is carried horizontally, so as to ob tain the true horizontal measure. In this manner the surveys are made in townships, whose sides (limited by true meridians, and parallels to the equator) are each six miles in length; area 36 square miles or sec tions, each containing 640 acres ; each township con tains 23,040 acres; a quarter section is a square whose sides are each half a mile, and contains 1GO acres. 8 MEMOIR. The corners of each section are distinctly marked by the United States deputy surveyors. The sections are numbered from 1 to 36, beginning at the north-east corner of the township, and going from right to left to the north-west corner, and then returning from left to right to the eastern boundary of the township, and so on, terminating at the south-east corner. The townships are also numbered, commencing at the principal meridians east and west, and on the base line north or south. This mode is uniformly pursu ed in the survey of all lands belonging to the United States; therefore, whenever mention is made of Unit ed States or public surveys, it will be understood to mean those which have been made according to the mode here described. It will be readily perceived, that from the caution used in those surveys, there is no likelihood of any other interference in the lines, than what the necessary convergence of the meridi" ans will produce. In addition to the great mass of original informa tion embodied in the New American Atlas, import ant accessions to the stock of knowledge on the geo graphy of the United States have recently been made, by the publication of excellent local and state maps. These having been used in perfecting the corres ponding parts of the present map, give to them an appearance very different from all preceding repre sentations. With a view of acquiring as much additional in formation as possible, various methods of obtaining MEMOIR. 9 the most recent and authentic surveys, and observa tions for latitude and longitude, were adopted. One of these resulted in the acquisition of many important facts connected with the subject, and documents re garding the geography of remote sections of our coun try were communicated by individuals resident in them. A circular letter, of which the following is a copy, inviting fresh information, was extensively dis tributed among the most intelligent part of the com munity, and subsequently published in many of the respectable journals throughout the country. SIB, Philadelphia, June 1st, 1828. Having nearly completed a large Map of the United States, on a scale of 30 miles to the inch, for which I have, since the publication of my New American Atlas, been col lecting and arranging materials ; and being ardently desirous of rendering it as perfect as the nature of such a work will admit ; I take the liberty of submitting to you the annexed inquiries, to which I would most respectfully and earnestly solicit your early attention. Under a well-founded belief that much additional information, regarding the geography of local districts of our country, might be acquired by a re sort to means which have, on former occasions, been adopt ed by me with signal advantage ; I again avail myself of the same mode of inviting the co-operation of intelligent indi viduals throughout the United States, by whose aid and a firm determination on my part to use my best exertions for the attainment of the object, I trust I shall be enabled to collect and combine many original documents, which now lie comparatively useless in various and remote parts of the country. With a view of accomplishing this desirable object in its 10 MEMOIR. fullest extent, I engage to grant, to persons requiring it, pe cuniary or other compensation for the use of Maps whose delineations are strictly original and of undoubted accuracy. Any maps of this description that may be forwarded, shall be returned to their owners respectively, free of expense and in good order, together with any reasonable compensa tion for their use that may be agreed on. The following are the subjects to which I would respect fully call your attention : 1. Climate, Soil, Productions, and Population of your County. 2. Latitude and Longitude of important points not hitherto ascertained or made known, particularly in the West ern and South- Western States and Territories. 3. Recent and contemplated changes in State or County boundaries. 4. Newly organized Counties, with names, position, 6cc. of their respective seats of justice. 5. Location of new Towns generally, with the population of each. 6. Errors in existing Maps, with suggestions for their cor rection. 7. Mineral Springs. 8. Minerals, especially such as may be applied to the use ful Arts. 9. Projected Canals, Rail and Turnpike roads, and other internal improvements,* 10. Distances from place to place along the leading roads, with the most noted public houses. 11. Steam-boat and Stage routes, recently established or contemplated, and generally to whatever else may in your judgment be deemed important in reference to the object in view, As it is particularly desirable that the Map be published as early in the ensuing season as its proper execution will MEMOIR. 11 permit, I beg leave to request a prompt answer to the above queries, or to such portion of them as you may find it conve nient to communicate. 1 am very respectfully yours, &c. HENRY S. TANNER. This circular elicited valuable communications, ac companied, in many instances, by manuscript maps of districts, never before or very imperfectly repre sented on the existing maps. Among these is one of the northern part of Maine, illustrative of the inter esting question of boundaries between the United States and British possessions ; together with a dia gram, representing in profile the altitudes of the most elevated points along the Grand Portage, from the St. Lawrence to Lake Temiscouata. The latter is an important document, as it exhibits in three several places the points of intersection of the Highlands with the boundary between Maine and Lower Canada. This profile and its accompanying map were con structed by order, and for the use, of tbe commis sioners under the Ghent treaty, and add greatly to the information regarding the interesting section em braced by them. In the following account of the materials used in the construction of the present map, I shall confine my self to such as were deemed strictly original in refer ence to a general map of the United States, and such as have now for the first time been incorporated into any published map. All other information, it will be recollected, was drawn from the American Atlas, to 12 MEMOIR. which the fresh materials enumerated below, were added in the formation of the new map. EASTERN STATES. This section of my map is greatly improved by the insertion of the original matter contained in the map of the boundary line and the profile of the Grand Portage, mentioned above. The profile of the Grand Portage is inserted in the map, with a view of exposing the unfounded state ments of the British regarding the topography of the region traversed by the boundary between Canada and the United States. One of the arguments used to enforce the claims of the British government to the north part of Maine, is founded on the assump tion that no highlands sufficiently distinct, to exhibit with precision the line claimed by the United States, exist between " the rivers that empty themselves into the St. Lawrence, and those which fall into the At lantic Ocean. "# By this profile it will be seen that highlands or rather mountains do exist along the en tire course of the line, from the sources of Connec ticut river to those of Ristigouche. Some of these mountains attain an elevation of 2000 feet above the level of the St. Lawrence. The map in question together with the profile af ford a view of the physical geography of this part of our country, essentially different from its former de- * Treaty of peace in 1783. MEMOIU. 13 lineations; and completely reverse the general aspect as given to it by the advocates of the British claims. They affirm that the route claimed by the Americans as the line contemplated by the framers of the treaty of 1783, is nearly destitute of highlands, and that mountains of considerable elevation extend westward from Mars Hill, dividing the waters of St. John s river from those of the Penobscot, &c. Such how ever is not the fact, for we find along the former route a continuous chain of high hills if not mountains, broken, it is true, occasionally by the action of the water; and the latter, with the exception of Mars Hill itself, presenting an undulating surface merely, but little elevated above the surrounding plain. This is the line assumed by Great Britain as the boundary at issue, which is carefully traced on my map. The St. Croix forms a part of the boundary between the United States and British possessions which has been definitely settled. The principal source of the St. Croix was ascertained in the year 1797 by the commissioners of the United States and Great Britain, under the treaty of 1794. In the year 1817 the sur veyors of the two governments again marked the point at which a line due north was to commence. As no other survey has yet been made with special reference to the disputed boundary, its course cannot be stated with precision : enough however is known, to justify the United States government in resisting the extravagant and unfounded claim of the British government. In submitting the disputed points to 14 MEMOIR. umpirage, the government of the United States never contemplated, I apprehend, granting the power to depart essentially from the boundary always claimed by it, and until lately acquiesced in by that of Great Britain. The power conferred on the King of the Netherlands, as umpire in this matter, is unquestion ably restricted to the simple adjustment of the boun dary in question ; nor does it admit of any material variation from the line as defined by the treaty of 17S3, and as then understood by all the parties con cerned. The treaty, on which alone the United States may rely with confidence, describes the boun dary with a precision, so nearly approaching to cer tainty, as to forbid any misunderstanding with regard to the line, in the mind of a disinterested observer. Other and ample evidence might be adduced in sup port of the American title to the disputed territory this can scarcely be deemed necessary, as the treaty is sufficiently explicit and conclusive. All the acts of the British government, from the proclamation of 1763 to the treaty of 1783, recognize the boundary claimed by the United States, as the one which sepa rated the provinces of Quebec and Nova Scotia from the then province of Maine, and declare that the line should "pass along the high lands which divide the rivers that empty themselves into the St. Lawrence, from those which fall into the sea," and that " the province of Quebec is bounded on the south by a line from the Bay of Chaleurs along the high lands, &c.," reciting the precise words that were subsequently MEMOIR. 15 transferred to the treaty of peace in 1783. The trea ty however, in letter as well as in spirit, is obviously and decidedly with the American government. On the side of the British, they rest altogether on their vague notions of an equitable division of the country, upon which their claim with regard to the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, is founded. This claim places the angle at the point in the line running due north from the source of the St. Croix, which meets the high lands at or near Mars Hill; and according to this view of the subject, the angle thus formed is the com mencement, on the east, of the north boundary of Maine, from that point to the westernmost head of Connecticut river. This line along the imaginary high lands, it will be perceived, divides the waters of the Androscoggin, Kennebec and Penobscot from the Aristook, Alaguash, and Wallostook branches of the St. Johns, and deprives the state of Maine of nearly one third of its area or about 12,000 square miles. The point in the due north line from the St. Croix, which the British affect to believe is the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, and upon which the whole mat ter rests, is about 40 miles from the source of the St. Croix, and about the same distance from the place where this line, in its prolongation, intersects the St. Johns. The manuscript map with which I commenced the preceding remarks, enabled me to correct the courses of all the streams and lakes in the northern part of Maine, and also to add several others of considerable 16 MEMOIR. importance, which have never before appeared on any published map : indeed the entire face of the country is so radically altered and improved, as scarcely to be recognized by those who have become familiar with its former imperfect representations. Several maps of this part of Maine, and the adjoining portions of Canada and New Brunswick, have been publish ed in Canada, intended to illustrate the matter in dispute between the governments of the United States and Great Britain; some of these maps have fallen in to my hands, and were found to contain the most re cent surveys, which so far as they represent the na tural features of the country, were deemed sufficient ly accurate for all the purposes of a general map. The remainder of the New England States have been entirely remodelled from the able map of Mr. Nathan Hale of Boston, who actuated by a spirit of liberality, promptly complied with my request for permission to make use of his excellent map. Mr. Male s map is constructed on Flamsteed s pro jection, on a scale of eight miles to an inch; it embo dies much original information, contains all the new towns which existed at the time of its publication, and is in every point of view the best map extant of those states collectively ; its execution generally does credit to the artist who engraved the map. To Mr. Hale I am also indebted for a communication and printed report on the Massachusetts rail-road, from which the profile of that work contained on the map, was constructed. The report just mentioned was ac- MEMOIR. 17 companied by a series of maps and diagrams giving a complete topographical view of the country traversed by that important work. Most of the towns in New England which the ex tension of manufacturing establishments has brought into notice, will be found on my map, as well as seve ral others now first located, including Lowel, Slater- ville, Pawtucket, Burrelville, &c. THE NEW COUNTIES of New England consist of Merrimac and Sullivan in New Hampshire, and Waldo in Maine. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The most important and extensive work connected with this subject, is the Farmington, Hampshire, and Hampden chain of canals, designed to connect, at some future period, Long Island Sound with Lake Memphremagog in Vermont and Lower Canada. A considerable portion of this work, between New Ha ven and the Falls of White river in Lebanon N. H. is either completed or in progress. It commences at New Haven, passes along the valleys of Mill Creek and Farmington river and intersects Connecticut river at Northampton ; thence it follows the valley of that river until it reaches the Falls of White river, where the levelling at present terminates. From this point it is proposed hereafter to continue the canal to Lake Memphremagog, along the ravine of Pasumsick river, a distance of 105 miles. 2* 18 MEMOIR. Length of the canals from New Haven to the Falls of White river 205 miles, 72 locks; rise 499 feet, fall 165 feet, total lockage 664 feet : elevation of the Con necticut at White river 334 feet. General course, a little east of north. The Blackstone canal from Pro vidence to Worcester is the next in importance; it leaves the former place and pursues nearly a due north course into the valley of Pawtucket river, which it follows to the town of Worcester, a distance of 45 miles. The Middlesex canal in Massachusetts, which was constructed many years since, completes the list of important works of this kind. It leaves the Har bour of Boston, pursues a north-west course, and joins the Merrimaca shortdistance above the flourishing vil lage of Lowel ; length 27 miles 30 feet wide at top, 20 feet at bottom, 3 feet deep rise 104 feet, fall 32 feet, total lockage 136 feet elevation of the Merri- mac at Lowel 72 feet. Other works of a similar na ture, but of minor importance, have been constructed to overcome the falls in the Connecticut and some other rivers. Among the contemplated works in New England, are, 1. A rail road from Boston to the Hudson river opposite Albany; 2. A rail road from Boston to Providence in Rhode Island; 3. A canal from Buz zard s Bay to Barnstable Bay. Some other works of a similar nature, but of less importance, are propos ed; a notice of them however is foreign to the object of this work, which is intended to exhibit such works only as are either completed, in progress, or likely MEMOIR. 19 soon to be commenced. The rail road from Bos ton to Albany, and that from Boston to Providence, are of the latter description; measures having been adopted by the legislature of Massachusetts, in con junction with some spirited individuals, to ensure their early completion. A profile of the Massachu setts rail road from Boston to Albany, will be found on the map. Starting from the former city, the road assumes a western direction, along the valley of Charles -river, through Watertown, Newton, Need- ham, and Natick, and passes along the ravines of Con cord river, by Sherburne, Holliston, Southboro and Grafton, to the town of Worcester; thence through the town of Leinster, and over Grant s summit, in Spen cer, into the valley of Chickapee river,which it pursues to Ludlovv factory, where the road crosses the Chicka pee and enters the town of Springfield. Continuing its western course along the bank of Westfield river, and passing through the towns of Westfield, Russel, Blandford, Chester, and Becket, it ascends Mount Washington, where the road attains its greatest alti tude, 1480 feet; thence it descends into the valley of the Housatonic, through Dalton, to Pittsfield. Rising again in the town of Canaan, and crossing the dividing ridge between the waters of the Housatonic and those of the Hudson, it descends the basin of the latter, through Chatham, Kinderhook, and Schoodak, and intersects the Hudson at Castleton landing; whence it pursues nearly a due north course along the left bank of the Hudson to Greenbush opposite Albany. 20 MEMOIR. Length of the road from Boston to the New York state line 160 miles, thence to Albany 40; total dis tance from Boston to Albany, 200 miles. Altitude at Grant s summit 918 feet; Connecticut, at Springfield, 38; and at Mount Washington 1480 feet above the Atlantic ocean. General course W. N. W. The road to Providence leaves Boston, passes through the towns of Roxbury, Dedham, Walpole, Foxboro, and across Sekonk plain and cove to India bridge in Providence; length 43 miles; ascent 381! feet; descent 378 feet; difference of level between Boston and Providence 3 feet. General course S.S.W. The improvement of the Connecticut river, requi red charters from four states interested in it; and it was only in the year 1828, that the necessary powers were granted, so that the actual commencement of the work has been much delayed. A part of it, at Enfield s falls, has been begun, a short canal 70 feet wide being now in a course of execution, and it is expected, that ere long, about 90 miles of the river will be improved. STATE OF NEW YORK Is reduced from the map of that state, contained in the American Atlas, to which is added the informa tion afforded by Duy s map of the northern part of the state; Col. Long s map of the projected national road from Washington to Buffalo; map of the boun dary made by the commissioners under the treaty of MEMOIR. 21 Ghent; and by a personal inspection of the country, between Albany and the Falls of Niagara, during a tour made for the purpose in IS27. Many improve ments will be perceived along the Erie canal, and nu merous towns located which have never before ap peared on any map. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Erie, Buffalo, Orleans, Albion, Monroe, Rochester, Wayne, Lyons, Livingston. Geneseo. NEW TOWNS. Glennville, S. Granville, Lake Pleasant village, Northampton, Cranberry, Remsen, Law3 ersville, Union, Eddyville, Sidney plains, Strasburg, Clarks- ville, Butternuts, Newark, Tioga Co., Smithsville, Elmira, formerly Newtown, Hornetsville, Orshun, Tanessassah (Friends settlement), Franldinville v Rushford, Sinclairsville, Westfield, Forestville, Springville, Aurora, Erie Co., Williamsville, Tonne- wanta, Pendleton, Ransom s grove, Cambria, Gaines ville, Albion, Clarkson, Perry, Gardous, Portage, Farmer, Oswego Falls, Holly, Amber, Sullivan, Ta- berg, Pulaski, Wardsville, Naples, Adams, Turin, MEMOIR. Oxbow, Port Madras, Fordsville, De Kalb, Louis ville, Moira, Salmon R. Keesville, Middleport, Wrightsville, Newark, Weedsport, Geddesburg, Lenox, Vernon. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Extensive and highly important works, connected with the internal improvement of this state, are com pleted and in active operation, and some others are proposed. The first, and by far the most important, is the Erie canal, extending from Albany, on the Hud son river, to Buffalo on Lake Erie. Its general course from Albany is a little north of west. Leav ing Albany it passes along the right banks of the Hudson and Mohawk, crossing the latter at Mid- dletown: following the left or north bank of the Mohawk about 12 miles, it re-crosses that river over what is termed the "upper aqueduct;" pursuing the south bank of the Mohawk through Schenectady, Schoharie, Canajoharie, and Little Falls village, it en ters the flourishing town of Utica, 108 miles, by the ca nal, from Albany. Continuing its course by Whites- boro, Rome, Lenox, Syracuse, Jordan, Montezuma, Lyons, Palmyra, Pittsford, to Rochester (distant 160 miles from Utica), where it crosses the Genesee by a splendid aqueduct, built of hewn stone, and sup ported by eleven arches. From Rochester the canal assumes a more western direction until it reaches Lockport, after passing the towns of Brockport, Al- MEMOIR. 23 bion, Middleport, and some other "ports" of lesser note; distance from Rochester to Lockport 63 miles. At Lockport, the canal ascends the mountain ridge, by five double combined locks, each 12.4 feet rise. Nine miles from Lockport, the canal enters Tonne- wanta creek, at the little village of Pendleton, from which to Tonnewanta village, situated at the mouth of the creek, and distant from the former about 10 miles, the canal is identified with the Tonnewanta. At a farther distance of 12 miles, this magnificent work terminates, at the town of Buffalo. Entire length of the Erie canal 362 miles; 60 feet wide at top, 40 at bottom, and 4 feet deep; S3 locks on the main canal; total lockage 6S8: declivity from Buffalo to Rochester 4 feet; rise 630 feet, fall 62 feet, total rise and fall 692 feet. A profile of the Erie canal is inserted on the map. Champlaine canal. From its junction with the Erie canal, eight miles from Albany, the Champlain canal pursues its course through Waterford, Still- water, and Bemus Heights, along the right bank of the Hudson, to within three miles of Fort Mil ler, where it takes the river for three miles. At Fort Miller Falls is a canal of half a mile in length, and then again it takes the river 8 miles to Fort Ed ward, from which place the canal pursues a north east course to Whitehall, after passing the villages of San dy Hill, and Fort Ann. Length of the Champlain ca nal from its junction with the Erie canal to Whitehall 63| miles; 60 feet wide at top, 40 feet at bottom, 4 24 MEMOIR. feet deep, 18 locks; rise 92, fall 54 feet, total lock age 146i feet: elevation of Lake Champlain above the Erie canal, at the junction, 3Si feet. The Hudson and Delaware Canal commences at Eddy ville on Hudson river, passes the towns of Kings ton, Marbletown, Mombacus, and Warwasing, in Ul ster county, along the valleys of the Rondout, Batten Kill and Nevisink river, to Carpenter s point on the Delaware: general course from Eddy ville and Kings ton to the Delaware, south-west. Length 64 miles; ascent 535, descent SO feet, total lockage 615 feet. The Lackawaxen canal is a prolongation of the Hud son and Delaware canal, 17 miles of which is in the state of New York, and 36 miles in Pennsylvania, making its entire length from Carpenter s point to Keen s mill, 53 miles. From Carpenter s point along the left bank of the Delaware to the mouth of the Lackawaxen, where the canal crosses the Delaware, rise 148 feet in 17 miles; from the mouth of Lack awaxen to Keen s mill, rise 668 feet in 36 miles; total rise, 816 feet in 53 miles. The Oswego canal com mencing on the Erie canal near Syracuse in Onondaga county, passes along the valley of, and nearly paral lel to. the Onondaga river into Lake Ontario, through the villages of Liverpool, Three River point, Oswego Falls and Oswego, on the right bank of the river; general course from Syracuse north-west: length 38 miles. The Seneca canal connects the Seneca and Cay- uira lakes with the Erie canal, which it leaves at O * MEMOIR. 25 Montezuma, passing through Waterloo, the seat of justice of Seneca county, and along Seneca outlet, to Geneva: course from Montezuma, south-west: length 20 miles. All the above canals are completed and in successful operation. The following summary exhi bits the aggregate length of canals now finished, in the state of New York: Erie canal 362 miles. Champlain canal 685 Hudson and Delaware canal 65 Lackawaxen canal 17 Oswego canal 3S Seneca canal 20 Total 5651 In addition to these, other canals and rail roads of considerable magnitude are projected: among the former is the Chemung canal, which is intended to connect Seneca lake with the Susquehanna, at El- mira, and ultimately with the Susquehanna divi sion of the Pennsylvania canal. A navigable feeder extending from the Painted Post along the Tioga river, is also proposed: length of main canal from Salubria to Elmira about 26 miles: length of feeder 25 miles. A rail road of about 16 miles in length is proposed from Albany to Schenectady, with a prospect of its speedy completion. It is also intended to connect the Erie canal with Black river of Lake Ontario. 3 26 MEMOIR. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. This portion of my map, as well as the adjoining parts of New York and Pennsylvania, is from the able and scientific map of Thomas Gordon, which is projected and drawn on a scale of three miles to an inch, and is exceedingly minute and particular. This admirable map, which must have cost its author much time and money, was compiled partly from surveys made by Mr. Gordon, combined with others collect ed by him during the progress of his work, and pub lished in 1828. This as well as every other good state map with which I am acquainted, has failed to reimburse the expenditure of its enterprising author; the spontaneous sales of the map, and the limited pa tronage bestowed on it by the Legislature of New Jersey, being, as I learn, entirely inadequate. The complete failure, and in some cases, utter ruin of those who have undertaken the construction of ori ginal state or more local maps, unaided by govern mental patronage, should admonish novices in such matters, to calculate well the cost before they attempt to bring forward large and expensive maps, which, if properly executed, cannot fail to involve them in ex penses of which few, who are not experimentally ac quainted with the subject, can form a just idea. State maps, or indeed local maps of any kind, whose sales must necessarily be limited, should be done by the public authorities. No individual, unless he is MEMO IK. 27 possessed of resources which place him above the drudgery and labour inseparable from the faithful exe cution of a good map, should, without mature consider ation, undertake the construction of a work of this sort; he will either injure himself in the attempt to do justice to his subject, or, impelled by the want of Adequate funds, send forth an imperfect work, at once injurious to himself and discreditable to his country. Fortunately for the map of New Jersey, its author s means, (if we may judge from the evi dence afforded by the map itself,) were more ample than those of most others engaged in similar pursuits. Several of the states have contributed either wholly or partially, their aid in bringing forward authentic maps, which, as they present examples worthy of imitation, I shall, although perhaps somewhat out of place, here briefly notice. About the year 1806, the Legislature of New Hampshire passed an act, grant ing to Philip Carrigain five thousand dollars, to en able him to collect and combine materials and publish a map of that state. To this sum was subsequently added another, the amount of which I have at present no means of stating, to relieve him from some em barrassments into which his zeal in the prosecution of his duty had led him. He was thus enabled to com plete, satisfactorily, a valuable map, which, without the liberal and well-timed interposition of the legisla ture, would probably have remained unfinished to the present hour. 28 MEMOIR. The map of the state of Maine with its accom panying description and Atlas, by Moses Greenleaf, a work that cannot fail to augment the reputation of its scientific author; the excellent map of Connecticut by Warren & Gillet, and that of the state of New York by Simeon Dewitt, were each patronized by special en actments of the Legislatures of those states respective ly, to what amount I cannot state with precision, but from the style of their execution I infer that each was liberally sustained by the proper authorities. The Le gislature of Pennsylvania in 1816 passed an act requir ing the Secretary of the Commonwealth and Survey or general, to contract with competent persons for the formation of a map of each county of the state, with a view to the construction of a general state map. Accordingly maps of the several counties were fur nished, mostly by the county surveyors ; and John Melish was appointed compiler and publisher of the contemplated map. The materials thus prepared and furnished by individuals, each of whom conduct ed his own surveys without regard to those of his neighbour, presented a mass of discordant and incon gruous elements, which set all the known rules of combination at complete defiance. Such conflicting materials could not fail to embarrass and perplex the most experienced draftsman. In uniting these heter ogeneous elements, it was necessary in some cases to curtail, in others to extend their dimensions ; and as it is not always possible, to determine on which to place the most reliance, the consequence will be that MEMOIR. 29 the relative position or form of counties will in some measure be distorted. From these fruitful sources of error, combined with the entire absence, in several of the county maps, of the necessary indication of the magnetic variation, have arisen those errors in some of the county boundaries, and important streams, which the recent surveys for canal purposes, have exr posed. Without unity of action on the part of the surveyors; without the establishment of general bases of any sort, and without those other scientific and ju dicious arrangements which should always precede and are indispensible in the commencement of works of such importance, a perfect map could scarcely be expected. Liberal appropriations were made from time to time by the Legislature, during the progress of this work, which including every expense attend ing its execution and publication, amounted to nearly $70,000. By a late resolution of the Legislature the agents for the sale of the map were directed to re duce its price from $12. to $5, at which it is now sold. This measure, while it displays a liberal policy on the part of the Legislature, is calculated to injure those who are engaged in the publication of similar works and dependent on their individual resources only, by fostering the idea that maps can be furnished at prices far below what are usually charged for them. Persons who argue thus forget that the entire ex penses of the state map were defrayed from the funds of the state, and perhaps are unaware that the com monwealth actually sustains a loss on every copy of 3* 30 MEMOIR. the map that is now sold, the costs of transportation, commission and other incidental expenses being paid out of the state treasury. It is therefore obvious that a general diffusion of geographical information, and not profit, was the object of those who promoted the publication of this costly map. A copy of the state map has been presented by order of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to each state of the Union, and a similar course has been adopted by the Legislature of New Jersey. The next work of importance is the splendid map of Virginia, projected on the most scientific princi ples, and drawn on a scale of five miles to an inch by Herman Boye. The surveys used in this map were made expressly for the purpose, in conformity to an act of the Legislature, under the direction, in the first instance, of John Wood, at whose decease the general superintendence of the map, was assumed by Mr. Boye, a gentleman every way qualified to do ample justice to the work; under whose direction the surveys were continued and completed. A second map projected on a scale of ten miles to an inch was also prepared by Mr. Boye, which together with the nine-sheet map just mentioned, was published in 1828. The entire expense to the state of these valu able and highly important works exceeds $80,000, a sum which no efforts on the part of the publisher can ever reimburse. Nor is it expected, the object like that of Pennsylvania, being to disseminate a correct knowledge of the state. MEMOIR. 31 The Legislature of South Carolina, in imitation of these laudable examples, has produced a map of the state, that must confer lasting honour on the promot ers of the work as well as the state at large. It is drawn on a scale of six miles to an inch, by John Wilson, late civil Engineer of South Carolina, and well known in Pennsylvania as the scientific and ac complished engineer of the Philadelphia and Colum bia Rail Road. Celestial observations were taken preparatory to the execution of this map, which, to gether with the surveys, engraving, &c. cost the state upwards of $90,000. These are the principal cases in which maps have been produced under legislative patronage. Others however, of a more humble cha racter, might be cited, but enough has been done to convince those who are unacquainted with the diffi culties and expenses incident to the construction of original maps, that good works of this description, cannot be produced without great expense of time and money. Warren is the only new county erected in New Jersey within the last few years. Belvedere is the seat of justice. NEW TOWNS. Augusta, Stilhvater, Alamuche, Newtown, War ren Co., Pittstovvn, Columbus, Pemberton, Crop- well, Absecum, Smithville, Washington, Burlington 32 MEMOIR. Co., Williamsville, Tom s river, Prospertown, N. Prospect, Boardville. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Many efforts have been made by the friends of in ternal improvement, to infuse into the legislature of this state some of the spirit of improvement which animates her sister states; hitherto, however, they may claim the rare merit of having manfully and suc cessfully resisted its approaches. Except in the sin gle instance of the Morris canal, which is the work of a joint stock company, no canal or other work of consequence is to be found in the state of New Jersey. Abortive attempts to construct a canal from the Delaware to the Raritan have been made from time to time, but from the operation of local interests or some other cause, the commencement of this im portant link in the great chain of inter-communication has been so often deferred, that all hope of its speedy execution has become nearly extinct. Even the route of this necessary work remains undecided up to the present moment. Surveys have been made, and the practicability of its execution fully and satisfactorily demonstrated. It only remains with the legislature to sanction the work, and ample funds can, no doubt, be procured. In deciding on" the route and dimensions of a canal which must form an important part of the exten sive system which will ultimately embrace within its MEMOIR. 33 lines, the entire region of the organized states, all consideration of individual interest should be entirely disregarded. It is emphatically a national work, and as such should be located and constructed, with spe cial reference to those national uses, from which its revenue must in a great measure be derived, and upon which its success will mainly depend. Viewed in this light, the shortest practicable route should be adopted for the canal, and its capacity rendered fully adequate to all the purposes of such a work. If the ca nal be thus completed, its advantages and consequent revenues, in the event of war more especially, must be incalculable. But if, like most other works of the kind, it is to yield to every local interest, or made subservi ent to views of individual aggrandizement, and its length thus unduly extended, its capacity circum scribed, and its usefulness limited to the mere wants of its immediate vicinity, by false notions of econo my, the proprietors will look in vain for such an ade quate interest on their investments, as under a more liberal and enlightened policy, they would have a just right to expect. Two routes for such a canal have been reported by engineers employed for the pur pose; the first is proposed to commence at Lamber- ton, and pursuing a line nearly parallel to and from 5 to li miles south of the direct turnpike road leading from Trenton to New Brunswick, terminates at the steamboat wharf below the latter city; length 2 9 miles, summit level (27 miles in length) 65 feet above the ordinary flood tide; surveyed by J, Randall, 54 MEMOIR. No. 2. commences on the Delaware below Lam- berton, and thence passes through Trenton, the Law rence meadows, and along the valleys of Stoney brook, and Millstone river, to a point near the junc tion of the latter with the Raritan, and thence along the valley of the Raritan river to New Brunswick: length 41 miles, summit level 48 feet; recommended by Messrs. Wright, White, and Beach. To these another is added: No. 3. commencing in the vicinity of Bordentown, and passing through or near the villages of Sand Hills, Centreville, Hightstown, Cranberry, and along the valleys of Manalapan and South river to Washing ton, where a canal of one mile connects the latter with the Raritan. This route, unless it should appear, af ter a careful examination of the ground, that the ne cessary lockage would greatly exceed that of the preceding route, is for national purposes decidedly the most elegible in every point of view: its actual length would not exceed that of No. 1.; it would be 12 miles less than No. 2., and would avoid the diffi cult navigation of the Delaware from Bordentown to Trenton, and also that from Brunswick to the point of union of the Washington canal with the Raritan. A single glance at this part of the map will elucidate more fully the proposed route. The advantage in regard to the distance from Philadelphia to New York, as well as the saving of time consumed in a circuitous navigation, will be rendered more apparent by the following comparative view: MEMOIR. 35 First Route. Miles. From Bordentown to Lamberton, 5 Brunswick, 29 Washington canal 6 40 Second or Millstone Route. Miles. Bordentown to Lamberton, 5 Brunswick, 41 Washington canal 6 52 Third Route. Miles. Bordentown to Washington Canal, 29 Thus we perceive that the first route is 11 miles, and the second, or Millstone route, is S3 miles longer than No. 3., or nearly double the length of the direct line from Bordentown to the Raritan. The time consumed in navigating No. 1. will be about 13 hours. No. 2. 17 No. 3. 9i From these elements we find that a person navi gating No. 3. will reach his place of destination 7| hours earlier than by No. 2., and that the entire transit from one of the assumed points to the other, may be accomplished, by that route, at all seasons, by day light. These considerations, taken in connexion with the disadvantages, which every where attend circuitous and tedious canal routes, and which will be encountered and perpetuated in the present instance, by an injudicious location of the proposed work, should induce those who may be entrusted with its execution, to select the shortest practicable route, as the one best calculated to accomplish all the objects of its construction. 36 MEMOIR. The Morris canal, above mentioned, is progressing slowly towards completion. It commences at Jersey city, opposite New York, pursues a circuitous route through the Bergen marshes, and crossing the Hack- ensack and Passaic rivers a short distance above their discharge into Newark bay, enters the flourishing town of Newark. Here the canal assumes a course nearly north, which it maintains to Paterson, passing the village of Bloomfield. After leaving Paterson, its course is nearly south-west to the Little Falls of Passaic, where it crosses that river, and thence pur sues a more western direction, through the little town of Powerville into Rockaway valley; still continuing its western course along the valley of the Rockaway, until it enters the township of Roxbury, it ascends the summit level two miles north-west from Drakes- vine. From the summit at Hopatcong pond, the canal is carried along the left bank of Musconetcong river, which it crosses one and a half miles south- west from Andover Forge; thence assuming a south west direction, it passes near the villages of Hackets- town, Beatystown, Anderson, Mansfield, Broadway, and New Village, and terminates on the Delaware at Philipsburg, opposite Easton. General course from New York to Easton, west: length 100 miles; ascent 915, descent 754 feet, total rise and fall 1669 feet, overcome by locks and inclined planes. Elevation of Easton 161, and summit level 915 feet above the At lantic. MEMOIR, 37 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. This section is compiled from the map of Pennsyl vania contained in the New American Atlas, which was drawn from the state map, by special permission of the Legislature, No changes of county lines nor any new counties have been recently made in this state. A few new towns have been inserted. The positions of Philadelphia and New York as deduced from the results of several observers, by Mr. Thomas Gordon, preparatory to the construc tion of his able map of New Jersey, were adopted by me in adjusting the corresponding points on my map. These observations being considered of prima ry importance in connecting the topographical detail, and as it is probable that no other document exists which combines so many results, I was induced to depart from my plan of excluding elementary and technical matter, by giving them in extenso, as fol lows : PHILADELPHIA. (Centre of the State-House Square.) Latitude. Longitude. o / // o / // 39 56 54 75 8 45 D.Rittenhouse,1769, Am. Phil. Tr. i. p. 21 39 56 55 D. Williamson, 1769, do. 52 75 8 30 O. Swing-, do, 75 845 do. 53 39 56 30 75 9 15 A. Ellicott, do. 67 75 9 15 Smith, 1770, do. 118 39 56 55 75 11 30 Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. 39 57 02 75 9 15 De Ferrer, 1806, Am. Phil. Tr. vi. 297 75 li do, 1808, do. 355 75 10 06 do. , 1808, do. 359 39 56 51 75 10 05 Mean. 33 MEMOIR. Latitude. Longitude. o / // o / // 39 56 55 75 9 00 assumed as correct, ,v , . 39 57 00 75 9 00 for the State-House 76 55 30 Lambert for Washington. 1 46 30 E. of Washington. NEW- YORK. 40 42 06 74 00 45 Batterv. Am. Phil. Trans, vol. vi. p. 158., 40 42 40 40 42 40 40 42 55 40 40 40 42 45 40 42 43 40 42 45 40 42 40 74,00 45 74 00 45 74 00 45 73 58 37 74 00 00 73 59 46 74 3 27 74 321 74 00 45 St. Pauls. De Ferrer, 1806. do. 269 by Solar Eclipse, 1806. Bowditch. De Ferrer, 1808. Phil. Trans, vol. vi. 360 City Hall, Survey or-Genl. 1809. Edin. Encyclopaedia. City Hall. Nash, 1817. Diary, 1820. do. J. Beach, 1817. Columbia College, Renwick 8c Sabine. do. Renwick, Sol. eclipse, 1823. Assumed for St. Paul s, 76 55 30 for Washing-ton Hence 2 54 45 St. Paul s E. of Washington, and 39 57 00 1 46 30 State-House, Philada. 45 40 1815 Difference, which by Sp. Trig, gives 79.71 miles. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. With respect to this subject our maps have under gone great changes within the last five years. During this period, most of the state works have been com menced and partially completed; they consist of: No. 1. The Transverse Division of the Pennsylvania MEMOIR. 39 Canal ; No. 2. Susquehanna or Middle Division; No. S. West Branch Division; No. 4. Delaware or East ern Division ; No. .5. Pittsburg and Erie or Western Division ; No. 6. Columbia Rail Road. The follow ing are the works belonging to joint stock companies; No. 7. Schuylkill Navigation; No. 8. Union Canal; No. 9. Lehigh Navigation and Mauch Chunk Rail Road ; No. 10. Lackawaxen Canal and Rail Road ; No. 11. Conestoga Canal. Besides these a consider able portion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is proposed to pass through the south-western part of this state. No. 1. Transv erse Division of the Pennsylvania Canal and Portage commences at Columbia, on the east bank of the Susquehanna; following that bank and passing through the villages of May town, Bain- bridge, and Falmouth, intersects the Union Canal at Middletown ; thence it continues along the east bank of the Susquehanna, through Highspiretown and Har- risburg to Duncan s Island, at the head of which the canal crosses the Susquehanna, and enters the valley of the Juniata, which it pursues mostly along its north or left bank, and passing Millerstown, Mexico, Mifflin, Lewistown, Huntingdon and Petersburg, ter minates at Frankstown, where it is probable the Rail Road across the Allegheny Mountain will com mence. In its course from Frankstown to Johnstown a distance of about 40 miles, the Rail Road attains an altitude of nearly 2300 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, At Johnstown the canal is resumed and fol- 40 MEMOIR. lows the valley of the Conemaugh or Kiskiminitas, through the towns of Blairsville, Saltzburg, &c. to the Allegheny, which is crossed a few miles above Free- port. From the mouth of the Kiskiminitas to the town of Allegheny opposite Pittsburg, the canal extends along the right or west bank of the Allegheny, crosses the latter at Washington street, and passing through the city of Pittsburg by the ravine of Suke s Run, en ters the Monongahela a short distance above its junc tion with the Allegheny : general course west-north west. Length from Columbia to Pittsburgh 322 miles. Ascent to Frankstown 910 feet j to summit of rail road, 1381 feet; total ascent 2291 feet: descent from sum mit to Johnstown 1137 feet; to Pittsburg 476 feet; total descent 1613 feet: entire ascent and descent 3904 feet. No. 2. Susquehanna or Middle Division, com mences at the head of Duncan s Island, passes along the west bank of Susquehanna, by Liverpool, Selin s Grove, &c. and unites with the West Branch canal at Northumberland. Distance from Duncan s Island to Northumberland 39 miles ; ascent 86 feet. From Northumberland by Danville, Bloomsbury, Berwick, Wilkesbarre, Tunkhannock and Towanda to the New York state line above Tioga point; distance 165 miles, ascent 337 feet. Entire length from Duncan s Island to Tioga point 204 miles; ascent 423 feet. No. 3. West Branch Division commences at Nor thumberland, passes along the left bank of the west branch of Susquehanna, through Milton, Pennsboro, MEMOIR. 41 Williamsport,and Jersey Shore to Dunnstown, beyond which its location has not been extended. Length from Northumberland to Dunnstown, 70 miles ; as* cent 109 feet. No. 4. Delaware, or Eastern Division com mences at Bristol on the Delaware, 18 miles above Philadelphia ; crosses by a pretty direct route, the neck formed by the great bend of the Delaware, to Morris ville; thence it follows the west bank of Dela ware river, through Yardley ville, Brownsburg, New Hope, Lumberville, and Monroe, and unites with the Lehigh Company s works at Easton. Length from Bristol to Easton 60 miles ; ascent 170 feet, general course north-north-west. No. 5. Pittsburg and Erie or Western Division is intended to unite the Ohio river at Pittsburg with Lake Erie at the town of Erie: very little progress has as yet been made in this work, about 8 miles of the main trunk, and a feeder of 10 or 12 miles in length being all that is completed. The route of the remaining part is not yet determined. Distance from Pittsburg to Erie 168 miles ; ascent and descent 85,2 feet; general course nearly due north. No. 6. Columbia Rail Road commences at Phila delphia, crosses the Schuylkill above the village of Mantua, passes Paoli, Downingstown, Coatsville, Lan caster, and Mount Pleasant to Columbia on the Sus- quehanna, where it joins the Pennsylvania canal : length from Philadelphia to Columbia S3 miles, great est altitude 599 feet ; elevation of Columbia above the 4.2 MEMOIR. Atlantic Ocean 226 feet ; general course nearly west. Twenty miles at each end of this work are under con tract and now in course of execution. All the preceding works are the property of the state, and with the exception of the western division,, are either completed, in progress, or under contract. Entire length of the above. Transverse or Columbia and Pitts- burg division, 322 miles. Susquehanna or Middle division, 204 West Branch division, 70 Delaware or Eastern division, 60 Western division, as far as com pleted, 20 Columbia rail road,. S3i Total, 759i miles. No. 7. Schuylkill Navigation, consisting of pools and canals, commencing at Philadelphia, passes through Manayunk, Norristown, Pottstown, Read ing, Hamburg, and Pottsville, and extends to Port Carbon, at the junction of Mill creek with the Schuylkill; length from Philadelphia to Port Carbon 114 miles; 125 locks, each lift locks, 17 by 80 feet; ascent 620 feet; canal 36 feet wide at top, 24 at bottom, 3 feet deep. General course north-west^ average ascent 5.64 feet per mile. No. 8. Union Canal, extends from the Schuylkill to the Susquehanna; it leaves the former at a point two MEMOIR. 43 or three miles below Reading, passes along the val leys of the Tulpehocken and Swatara, and through Bernville, Womelsdorf, Myerstown, Lebanon, and Hummelstown, to Middletown, on the Susquehanna: length from Reading to Middletown 80 miles, 36 feet wide at top, 24 at bottom, 4 feet deep; ascent 311 feet descent 192 feet, 95 locks, each 8| feet wide and 75 feet long; entire lockage 480 feet. A naviga ble feeder has been constructed, which leaves the Union canal at its junction with the Swatara, and follows the valley of that stream to Pine Grove, a dis tance of about 23 miles in a north north-east direction. No. 9. Lehigh Navigation, consisting of 37 miles of canals, and 10 miles of slack water pools: com mences at Easton at the mouth of the Lehigh, passes along its valley, and through Bethlehem, Allentown, Lehigh Water Gap, and Lehighton, to Mauch Chunk, and there unites with the rail road leading to the coal mines: length of canals and pools 47, rail road 9 miles, total 56 miles: width of canals at top 60, at bottom 45 feet, depth of water 5 feet; ascent from Easton to Mauch Chunk 364 feet; 57 locks including lift and guard locks, 8 dams, locks each 22 feet wide and 100 feet long: general course north-west. The improvements in the Lehigh river, above Mauch Chunk, are for a descending navigation only. No. 10. Lackawaxtn Canal and Rail Road. That portion of the Lackawaxen canal, which is in Penn sylvania, commences on the Delaware at the mouth of Lackawaxen creek, passes up its valley to a point 44 MEMOIR. about 2i miles south of Bethany, where it unites with the rail road, leading to the coal mines, at Lacka- wannock mountains: length from the Delaware to its junction with the rail road, about 24 miles, length of rail road 9 niles, total 33 miles; general course west north-west. (See New York canals.) No. 11. Conestoga Canal opens a navigable chan nel from the city of Lancaster to the Susquehanna: length 18 miles; general course from Lancaster, south west. No. 12. is that portion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which traverses the south- west section of Penn sylvania, commencing on the state line at its inter section with Wills creek: the canal is intended to pass along the valley and to the head water of that creek; thence passing the Alleghany mountain by a tunnel of rather more than four miles in length, it enters the valley of Casselmans river, which it pur sues to its junction with the Youghiogeny. At this point the canal assumes a course towards the north-west, along the valley of the latter river, whicl, is maintained until it intersects the Mononga- hela valley, about 20 miles above Pittsburg, where the canal ** to terminate: length of the Pennsylvania section from the state line at Wills creek to Pitts- burg, 151 miles. (For the entire length, ascent, de scent, &c. of this canal, see Internal Improvements, under article Maryland, &c.J MEMOIR. 45 Aggregate length of canals and rail roads in Penn sylvania, either completed or in progress. State works as above, 759| miles. Schuylkill navigation, 114 Union canal, 80 Pine Grove canal, 23 Lehigh navigation, and Mauch Chunk rail road, 56 Pennsylvania section of the Lackawax- en canal and rail road, 33 Conestoga canal, 18 Chesapeake and Ohio canal, (Pa. sec tion,) 151 Total, 1234i miles, CONTEMPLATED WORKS, A canal from Pittsburg along the Ohio, Beaver y Mahoning and Cuyahoga rivers, to intersect with the Portage summit of the Ohio canal. A canal from the coal mines of Tioga county along the Tioga, to intersect with western feeder of the Chemung canal, at Painted Post. A canal from Easton along the west bank of the Delaware to Carpenters Point, where the Hudson and Delaware canal enters with the Lacka- waxen canal. These works, it is probable, will be constructed at some convenient season, especially that first mentioned, the importance of which cannot be too often pressed upon the people of Pennsylvania, 46 MEMOIR. Other works are in contemplation, but the prospect of their speedy execution is exceedingly slender."* STATES OF MARYLAND AND DELAWARE. The Maryland section of my map was reduced from the American Atlas, with the addition of a few new towns, &c. The state of Delaware is entirely from new materials, which were collected and very liberally communicated by Mr. Gordon, the author of the map of New Jersey noticed above. Great changes will be observed in the configuration of Dela ware Bay, which assumes an appearance widely dif ferent from its representation in all other maps or charts. It is drawn from actual surveys made both in Delaware and New Jersey and therefore deserves the utmost confidence. The site of the Breakwater now constructing near Cape Henlopen, will be found in the map. There are no new counties in these states, and but few new towns INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Extensive and highly important w r orks connected * The attention of the public has lately been invited by an inge nious writer of New York, to a Great Rail Road by which he pro poses to connect the canals and navigable waters of the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, &c. and in direct reference to which he suggests the propriety of construct ing all future improvements of this nature, coming within the range of this stupendous work. The proposition is new, and deserves the favourable consider ation of the community. MEMOIR. 47 with this subject are now in active progress ; they consist of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, designed to connect the Potomac at Georgetown with the Ohio at Pittsburg. After leaving Georgetown, the canal pursues the valley of the Potomac, along its eastern or left bank, and passes through the towns of Harpers Ferry, Will iamsport, Hancock and Old Town, to Cum berland ; thence it follows the valleys of Wills Creek, Casselmans, Youghiogeny, and Monongahela rivers, through Connelsville and M Keesport, to Pittsburg in Pennsylvania. Distance from Georgetown to the Pennsylvania state line at its intersection with Wills Creek, 189 miles. From that point to Pittsburg 151 miles. Entire length of the canal from Georgetown to Pittsburg 340 miles 48 feet wide at top, 33 at bottom, 5 feet deep : 240 locks between Georgetown and Tunnel, 158 between Tunnel and Pittsburg; total number of locks, 398. Ascent 1898, descent 1255 feet, entire lockage 3153 feet ; 1 tunnel of 4 miles SO yards in length; elevation of Pittsburg 678 feet; gene ral course, north-west. A profile of this work is in serted in the map ; a part of the eastern section is now in progress. No. 2. Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road commences at Baltimore, passes along the valley of the Patapsco by Parr s spring to the point of rocks, beyond which its course is not yet traced. As the location of this work is not yet decided, beyond the point of rocks (about 65 miles from Baltimore), its course cannot be defined. It is probable that the road will pursue MEMOIR. the route of the Ohio and Chesapeake canal, as far as Cumberland, but as to its course beyond this, and re garding its point of intersection with the Ohio, I am entirely in the dark. It was my intention to con struct a diagram, representing in profile, this interest ing and important work in its entire course; but the failure of those upon whom I depended for the requi site data, to comply with my requests, has prevented that full view of it which I was desirous of giving. No. 3. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, com mences at Delaware city, on the Delaware river, about six miles below Newcastle, passes through St. George s meadows and mill pond, and along the ravine of Broad creek, into Bush creek, a tributary of Elk river, which empties itself into Chesapeake bay: length of the canal from Delaware city to its inter section with Bush creek, 14 miles; 60 feet wide at top, 36 at bottom, 8 feet deep, 2 lift and 2 tide locks. No. 4. is a canal of nine miles in length, designed to overcome the rapids of the Susquehanna, near Port Deposit. CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENTS. A rail road from Newcastle to Frenchtown; a rail road from Baltimore to the Susquehanna; and a rail road from Baltimore to Washington city. STATE OF VIRGINIA. That portion of my map which comprehends the entire state of Virginia and the adjoining parts of Ma- MEMOIR. 49 ryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and the two Carolinas, was taken from the large map of Virginia, by Mr. H. Boye, recently published, in conformity to an act of the legislature of Virginia. The whole of this space will be found very different from former representations. I deemed myself par ticularly fortunate in having the means of rectifying those glaring errors which the new map has exposed, and which have hitherto disfigured all our maps of this important state. Great attention has evidently been given, by the author of this excellent map, to the geographical land marks. No less than forty-seven points for latitude, and eighteen for longitude, have been fixed in the state of Virginia; and the positions of several conspi cuous places have been newly rectified or verified by celestial observations, which give to the state a form and extent essentially different from the old maps. It will be perceived, that the southern boundary of the state is much farther north than was generally supposed, and of course its superficies greatly dimi nished, and those of North Carolina and Tennessee proportionately augmented. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Allegany, Covington. Logan, Morgan, Pocahontas, Huntersville 50 MEMOIR. In 1634 Virginia was divided into the eight fol lowing counties or shires: Accomack, Charles city, Charles river, Elizabeth city,. Henrico, James city, Warwick river, and Warrosquoyoke. NEW TOWNS. Elizabethtown, Statlerstown, Middletown, Wes- ton, Stebbinsville, Milford, Leedsville, Canaan, Mount Carmel, Middletown, Sandy Settlement, Mount Vernon, Preston Co. Petersburg, Hardy Co. Burlington, Frankfort, Strasburg, Buckletown, Barbus, Bath, Morgan Co. Deep creek, London Bridge, Brandon, Ligon, Planterstown, Buchannan, Newcastle, Covington, Greehway, Lovingston, Scottsville, New Kent cross roads, Negrofoot, Pot- tiesville, Newtown, Newmarket, Scuffletown, Loyd, Wolftown, Georgetown, Culpeper Co. Flint Hill, New Baltimore, Fayetteville, Elkton, Heathsville, Boyds H., Belleplain, Occoquan, Milford, Luray, Mount Sydney, Mount Crawford, Magaugheytovvn, Turleytown, Brocks Gap Sett. Mount Pleasant, Georgetown, Shenandoah Co. Bulltown, Summers- yille, Huntersville, Mount Airy, Neeltown, Barbour- ville, Lebanon, Dickinsonville, Cape Henry, Mar seilles, Competition, Bentleyville, Hairstonville, Monroe, Pittsylvania Co. Lawrencetown, Big Lick, Marysville, Campbell Co. Chickentown, Abbey- ville, Clarksville, Haskinton, Tazewell, Whitby, Greensboro, Lawrenceville, Monroe, Southampton Co, MEMOIR. 51 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The mixed system of internal improvement, which has been pursued in this state, and the great number of works connected with the subject, actually begun, appear to have had the effect, by dividing the ener gies that should be united in support of an efficient scheme, of preventing the completion of every work of a public nature. The canal system, although speci ally patronized by the legislature of Virginia, has not advanced in a degree, bearing a just proportion to the amount expended on it; whilst most other improve ments have either languished or been deferred in con sequence of this expenditure. Thus are the ample re sources of this important state, like those of Pennsyl vania, rendered of little avail in the fruitless attempt to do everything at once. In accordance with the plan hitherto pursued, I shall confine my remarks to the former description of works. No. 1. James River Canal. This highly impor tant improvement has for a long time remained sta tionary, notwithstanding the interests of the country through which it is to pass, would seem to require its early completion-. Efforts are however now making to re-commence the work, under circumstances which justify the expectation that it will be prosecuted to a successful termination. The lower section, or that part of the James river canal which commences at Richmond, passes along the left bank of James river, and terminates just above Venture Falls: length 26 52 MEMOIR. miles; course west north-west. The mountain sec tion leaves James river opposite Piney island, pur sues the right bank to Curshaw Falls, where the canal crosses James river, and continues its course along the left or north bank, through the Gap of the Blue Ridge, to its junction with the James river, about one mile above Balcony Falls: length 6 miles; general course north-west. No. 2. Dismal Swamp Canal. This long pro tracted work is at length nearly completed, and is sufficiently capacious to permit coasting vessels to pass through it, having no where less than six and a half feet of water in depth, and forty feet in width. Two lateral canals, one from Lake Drummond, which, in addition to its uses for purposes of naviga tion, serves as a feeder to the main trunk, and the other opens a communication between the main canal and the head waters of North-west river. The main canal commences at Deep creek, where a flourishing town of the same name has sprung into existence, pursues nearly a south course through Dismal Swamp to Joyce s creek, a branch of the Pasquotank of Al- bemarle sound: length 23 miles, 62 feet deep, 40 feet wide, 6 locks, summit level 16J feet above the At lantic at mid-tide. Length of Lake Drummond feed er 5 miles, 16 feet wide, 4 3 deep, with a guard gate near the lake. Length of " the North- West .canal" 6 miles. No. 3. Roanoke Navigation, is completed from the town of Weldon, in Halifax county, N. C. to MEMOIR. 53 Salem, in- Botetourt county, Virginia. This work consists of canal and sluice navigation for batteaux of considerable burthen. It commences at the town of Weldon, situated at the foot of the Great Falls of Roanoke, passes up that river by the towns of Whitby, Haskinton, and Clarksville, to Staunton river; and along the latter, by the towns of Abbey- ville, Bentleyville, Hairstonville, Monroe, Law- rencetown, and Big Lick, to Salem: length from Weldon to Salem, 244 miles. No. 4. Slate River Navigation. Some advance has been made in the execution of this work, but in consequence of recent decisions in the court of ap peals, affecting the corporate rights of the company, all further proceedings are suspended until those de cisions are reversed. No. 5. is a proposed improvement of the naviga tion of Rappahannoc river, consisting of canals and slack-water pools; commencing at Lee s mill-dam, and terminating at tide water, one mile below Fredericks- burg, distance of 43 miles, and descent 271 feet. No. 6. is a proposed connection of New river and Roanoke, by the valleys of Little river, a branch of the former, and Meadow creek, a branch of the Roanoke. It is proposed to cross the Alleghany mountain at an elevation of 2078 feet above tide water. Two other routes have been surveyed, and levels as certained; one by James and Kanawha rivers, and the other by way of Pattonsburg, Roanoke, and New ri- 54 MEMOIR. ver; but the route No. 6. is considered by far supe rior to both. No. 7. Junction Canal, unites Staunton or Roan- oke river with the Appomattox. It leaves the former at the mouth of the Little Roanoke, passes along its valley to Buckler s branch, where it intersects with a portage of 2| miles. At the north end of the portage the canal is re-commenced, and assumes a north-east course along the valley of Buffalo river, which it en ters about one mile above the junction of the Buffalo with Appomattox river: length from Staunton river to the Appomattox, including the portage, 44 miles. General course north-east. The navigation of the Potomac, Monongahela, and Kanawha rivers, has been improved, from which a small revenue is derived. Other improvements are contemplated, but as nothing more than the surveys will be done for some time, a mere enumeration of them is deemed sufficient: viz. Meherrin river from Murfreesboro upwards; Nottoway river from its mouth to the highest point to which navigation may be extended; Roanoke river from Parmill s ferry to the highest point susceptible of navigation, and an ex amination of the country between that and James river, with a view to connection by canal or rail road; Acquia creek, Occoquan river, Opecon river, and Sleepy creek. MEMOIR. 55 Elevations above tide tvater of important points in Virginia, deduced from various recent surveys. feet. Columbia, on James river, 178 Scottsville, do. 255 Lynchburg, do. 500 Pattonsburg, do. 806 Covington, do. 1222 Kanawha, below the Great Falls, 641 do at its junction with Ohio river, 535 Salem on Roanoke river, 1002 Alleghany mountain at Second creek, 2596 do near Fork run, 2315 do ^?, near Howard s creek, 2758 do near Anthony s creek, 2996 Peaks of Otter, 4250 Thunder Hill (Blue Ridge,) 3348 Warm Spring Rock, 2647 Warm Springs, 1782 Rockfish Gap, 1247 Staunton, 1152 Lexington, 902 Wheeling, 634 56 MEMOIR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Except some corrections for longitude in the east ern part of the state, North Carolina is delineated from the map of North and South Carolina, contain ed in my American Atlas. Macon is the only coun ty created in this state for several years. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS Have not yet been effected to any extent in North Carolina. The only works existing in this state of which I have any knowledge, are a portion of the Dismal Swamp canal, and Roanoke. river improve ments, both described under the article Virginia; and some other works of a limited kind and mostly be longing to private individuals. Surveys have been made with a view to a navigable communication be- tween the head waters of Tennessee river, and those of the Savannah ; and rail roads from Fayetteville to the Pedee, and from the same to the Neuse, and some other similar works are proposed. The gold region is marked on the map. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Is also drawn from the map above mentioned, the South Carolina portion of which was reduced from the excellent state map constructed by Major Wilson, in compliance with an act of the Legislature. Major MEMOIR. 57 Wilson s map is decidedly one of our best and most scientific maps, and was used in correcting the adjoin ing parts of Georgia and North Carolina. The posi tion of Charleston and some points near the Blue Ridge, are deduced from careful observations for lati tude and longitude, taken expressly for the purpose of connecting the district surveys. Two new dis tricts have been created out of Pendleton district, Pickens and Anderson, in the north-west part of the state. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Some important works have been executed and are now in successful operation in this state. They con sist of : No. 1. Santee Canal connecting the harbour of Charleston with Santee river; it commences at the west branch of Cooper river, and passing along Big gin Swamp, intersects the Santee, at Black Oak Island. Length from west branch to Santee river, 21 miles general course north-north-west. No. 2. Winy aw Canal from Winyaw Bay to Kin- lock creek, a branch of Santee river. Length 6 miles, course south-west. . , No. 3. consists of several small canals constructed to overcome the impediments in Saluda and Broad rivers, above the town of Columbia. The South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company have in contemplation the construction of a Rail Road 58 MEMOIR. from Charleston by Orangeburg to Hamburg on the Savannah, opposite the town of Augusta: a part of this work near Charleston is now in course of execu tion. Another Rail Road to intersect the above at or near Orangeburg, to extend to Columbia, is also proposed. The exact routes of these works, cannot be stated; additional surveys are now in progress with a view to their final location. STATE OF GEORGIA. Through the polite attention of Governor Forsyth, to whom I addressed a letter requesting information, I was furnished, by the surveyor general of Georgia, with copies of all the recent surveys in that state, in cluding those of the Creek lands; and the boundaries of all the counties organized within the last five years. For the boundary line between Georgia and Alabama, lately run, I am indebted to the friendly attention of Mr. Camak of Milledgeville, one of the commis sioners employed in its survey. The entire state, with the exception of the Cherokee lands, is now de lineated for the first time on a general map, from ac tual and accurate surveys, which render this part of my map very complete and satisfactory. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of justice* Talliafaro, Crawfordsvilte. Campbell, MEMOIR, 59 Counties. Seats of justice. Coweta, Newman. Carrol, Carrolton. Merri wether. Troup, La Grange. Talbot. Harris, Hamilton. Marion. Muscogee. - ; /? Lee. Randolph. Baker, Byron. Thomas, Thomasville. Lowndes. . . ..; . . . M Upson, Thomastown. Ware, Wareboro. Appling, Applingville. Irwin. Decatur, Bainbridge. Early, Blakeley. Dooley, Berrien, Houston, Perry. Crawford, Knoxville. AT Pike, Macon. Zebulon. Monroe, Forsyth. Henry, M Donough. Lafayette, Fayetteville. De Kalb, Decatur. Gwinnett, Lawrenceville 60 MEMOIR. Counties. Seats of justice. Hall, Gainsville. Habersham, Clarksville. Rabun, Claytonsville. A few new towns, in addition to the county seats enumerated above, have been inserted in the map, together with the situation of New Echota, the capi tal of the Cherokee nation, on the Oostenahla. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. A Canal extending from Savannah nearly due west to the Oconee, and several others in various parts of the state, are projected; but little, however, is yet done towards their execution. Several new and im portant roads will be found in the map. TERRITORY OF FLORIDA. Much original matter will be perceived in this por tion of the new map; all the government surveys, ex tending, with but few exceptions, from the Perdido on the west to Suwanee river on the east, and from the 31 of north lat. to the Gulf coast, and upwards of one hundred townships between the Atlantic coast and the Suwanee, being the result of surveys made during the past winter, have been incorporated into the map. To these very important accessions to our geographical knowledge on Florida, with which, se ven years since, we were almost entirely unacquainted, MEMOIR. 61 was added a considerable mass of information ex tracted from the map prepared by Gen. Bernard and others, to illustrate the projected route of the Florida Canal. No section of our country affords an instance of such a rapid development of its physical geogra phy as is presented by Florida. A few years ago all was doubt and conjecture, in regard to this interest ing region. Since Florida became an integral part of the United States in 1821, more information on its geography has been elicited, and generally diffused, than had been done for a century before. Except the mere coast and a portion of West Florida, formerly so called, nothing was known with certainty: hence the great discrepancy between the maps published before the cession, and those of a later date. The extension of the government surveys over near ly all the northern part of the territory, and the ad dition of other information, give to the natural fea tures of this section of my map, a permanency, which the settlement of the country cannot materially affect. Additions only will be required where a map is found ed on accurate data. To Major Glassell, Indian Agent for the Seminoles, I am indebted for a manu script map of the country comprehended in his Agen cy; this map enabled me to improve the course of the Ocklawaha and its tributaries, and to insert many other items of information regarding that section of country. It will be observed that I have placed the southern 6 62 MEMOIR. part of Florida in a supplement at the south-east cor ner of the map. By adopting this arrangement I was enabled to preserve an extensive scale for the map without enlarging its dimensions very greatly. If the point of Florida had not been thus detached, I should have been compelled to increase the size of the map to an unwieldy extent, or to have diminished its scale and of course its usefulness, far below what was de sirable. Under every view of the subject, I considered it advisable to detach the part in question, which is unimportant, under a firm persuasion, that its inser tion at the expense of so much space, or utility, per haps both combined, would justly be deemed injudi cious. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seals of justice. Hamilton, Miccotown. Madison. Jefferson, Monticello. Walton, Alaqua. Washington, Holmes Valley. Gadsden, Quincy. Leon, Tallahassee. Alachua, Mosquito, Tomoka. Monroe, Key West. NEW TOWNS. Quincy, Rock Haven, Magnolia, Monticello, Mic cotown, Mount Vernon, Apalachicola, Aspalaga, Webbville, Moriana, Alaqua and some others. MEMOIR. 63 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS In this territory are merely prospective. Surveys have been made and routes traced, for the proposed canal across the Peninsula, from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico; these routes are exhibited on my map by dotted lines, the usual mode of representing proposed works. By the profile of the route from St. Mary s to Apalachicola bay, inserted in the map, a very satisfactory view of the surface of the coun try, is presented. No. 1. Apalachicola Route. The greatest ele vation which this line attains, is 217 feet, and was found between the Oclockonne and Oscilla rivers. It leaves St. Mary s river about 3 miles above the town of that name, and pursuing a western course along the valley of the St. Mary s, which it crosses a few miles south-west of Ellicott s mound, enters the marsh es of Okefinoke swamp along the ravine of Alligator creek. On leaving the swamp, the canal assumes a S. W. direction and passes through Hamilton county into the valley of Alapaha river, which it follows to the mouth of the Withlacuchee. From this point the ca nal passes westward parallel with and near to, the great road leading from St. Augustine to Tallahassee, crosses the Oscilla at Evans ferry, through Jefferson county, and intersects St. Marks river at the new town of Rock Haven. Thence along the valley of St. Marks river, by the towns of Magnolia and St. Marks (old fort), and with James Island Sound, terminates in Apala chicola bay, opposite the town of Apalachicola. 64 MEMOIR. Length from St. Mary s to Apalachicola bay, 250 miles. Greatest altitude 217 feet: general course south-west nearly. No. 2. Snwanee Route-, commences at the point of intersection of No. 1. with the Suwanee, pursues the valley of, and unites with that river at the Indian Cow pens, so called, ahout ten miles above its dis charge into the Gulf of Mexico. Length from its intersection with No. 1. to the Cow pens, 75 miles. General course nearly south. Entire length from St. Mary s 185 miles. No. 3. Santa Fe Route. Leaves the St. Mary s at the same point as No. 1 .; crosses, in a south-west direc tion, the Nassau ridge, and passing a few miles west of Jacksonville, enters the ravine of Black creek; thence by Santa Fe pond (which is proposed as a feeder), into the valley of Santa Fe river, which it pursues by the Natural bridge until it unites with No. 2, 17 miles above the Indian Cow pens : length 1 20 miles. General course from St. Mary s south, west. No. 4. St. Johns * roule, commences on the St. Johns, at the mouth of Pablo river, crosses by a direct course the 12 mile swamp, and intersects the St. Johns, opposite the mouth of Black creek; thence along its valley and with the road to Tampa bay, it enters Orange lake, which with Ocldawaha river to the Indian pond, is proposed to be used as a part of the intended communication. From the Indian pond the canal passes, parallel with and near to the road from Tampa bay to St. Augustine, to its inter- MEMOIR. 65 section with Hillsboro river, and thence into Tampa bay, near the United States cantonment: length from the mouth of St. John s river to Tampa bay 225 miles. General course south south-west. The improvement of the navigation of St. John s river is also contemplated. STATE OF ALABAMA. The representation of Alabama was taken from my map of that state, contained in the American At las, which was carefully compiled from materials of the most authentic character, consisting chiefly of the public surveys, found in the General Land Office at Washington. These surveys embrace the whole state, with the exception of the Indian lands; its geography may therefore be deemed as permanently fixed, at least so far as its natural features are concerned. The new counties of Dale and Lafayette, together with the altered boundaries of Monroe, Mobile, and some other counties, are inserted. In tracing the subdivi sions of Alabama, I have omitted the lines which di vide and attach the Creek lands to the several conti guous counties, as contemplated by a recent act of the Legislature, as doubts of the constitutionality of the measure have been suggested. Presuming that some notice of these boundaries may prove acceptable in a work like the present, I subjoin an abstract of the law in relation to this novel proceeding. The act declares, " that all the territory within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning on the bank 6* 66 MEMOIR. of Coosa river, at the mouth of Kiamulgee creek, and thence with Mclntosh s road to the Georgia line; thence with said line northwardly, to the boundary line between the Creek and Cherokee nations; thence westwardly with the said line to the mouth of Will s creek on Coosa; thence down Coosa to the beginning; shall be added to, and form a part of St. Clair county. < < That from the mouth of Kiamulgee creek, down Coosa river to Fort Williams; thence on a direct line to Miller s bend on the Chattahochee; thence with the boundary line of Alabama and Georgia, to the point where it crosses Mclntosh s road; thence with said road to the beginning; shall be added to Shelby county. "That from Fort William down Coosa river to Wetumpkee Falls; thence along the Indian boundary line to the road leading from Pensacola to Lewis old stand on the Federal road; thence along said road to the Chattahochee river, and all territories north of said line, and not attached to any other county, shall form a part of Montgomery county;" and "That all Indian territories south of said line, shall belong to, and form a part of Pike county." Thus we perceive a fixed de termination on the part of the government of Alaba ma, to extend their laws over the " Creek nation," as the act in question still denominates this unfortu nate people. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Some works connected with the internal naviga tion of the state are contemplated, but as their loca- MEMOIR. 67 tion respectively is not yet definitely fixed, I did not deem it proper to attempt a representation of them on the map. Routes for canals have been surveyed to connect the Tennessee with the Coosa branch of Ala bama river; the Tennessee with the Tuscaloosa, and the same with the head waters of Tombeckbe river. These works are justly considered important, inas much as they would throw a considerable portion of the trade, which now descends the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers, into the counties below, and open an active intercourse between the northern and south ern portions of the state, which the natural barriers of the country have hitherto prevented. The effects of these works are, however, likely to be counteract ed, in some measure, by the proposed improvement of the navigation of Tennessee river. Surveys prepara tory to the execution of this great work are now in progress. It is designed to overcome by a canal the difficult navigation of the river, at the Muscle Shoals, and is denominated, The Muscle Shoal Canal: it is to commence at Brown s ferry, and extend a distance of 37 miles, to Florence ferry. Farther improvements are contem plated below Florence, but the plan is not yet esta blished. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. This state is also much improved by the addition of all the recent government surveys, including those of the last Chocktaw purchase, and several items of in formation distributed in the state, among which is the 68 MEMOIR. road from Columbus to Natchez, with the distances corrected and communicated by Mr. Williams, late member of the Senate of the United States from Mississippi, to whom I am indebted for the means of correcting the map of this state, from which I reduc ed the corresponding part of the present map. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Copiah, Gallatin, Simpson, Westville, Hinds, Mount Salus, Rankin, Poindexter, Madison, Yazoo, Washington. New Mexico. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS Have made but little progress in this state; some canals are spoken of as practicable and useful; one is to connect Bayou Pierre with Pearl river, &c. STATE OF LOUISIANA. This interesting section of my map is generally from the American Atlas, but with important addi tions and corrections. In most of the existing maps of Louisiana, the new parishes are not only omitted altogether, but some of those erected before its ad mission into the Union are represented in a very con fused manner; for example, the parish of St. John is MEMOIR. 69 contained within the proper limits of St. James, St. Charles occupies the place of St. John Baptist, and the German coast that of St. Charles. Jefferson is exhibited as being altogether on the right or south west bank of the Mississippi, and St. Bernard is made to encroach very greatly on the Parish of Plaque- mines. This " labyrinth" as Pinkerton would call it, as well as other glaring errors, was first pointed out to me by Mr. Thomas Seghers, of New Orleans, from whom I received a most valuable communica tion, regarding the parish boundaries generally, which enabled me to apply the necessary corrections. NEW PARISHES. Parishes. Principal Towns, Claiborne, Lafayette, Moutenville. Terre Bonne, Jefferson, West Feliciana, Jackson. By the constitution of Louisiana, that state is per manently divided into thirteen counties; these divi sions are nearlyobsolete, as all legal proceedings, &c., are made with direct reference to the parish bounda ries, which at the formation of the constitution, had become so familiar to the inhabitants, that the new ar rangement of counties has almost entirely fallen into disuse, so much so, that many persons who are es teemed intelligent, scarcely know of its existence. The following is a list of those counties, with the parishes into which they are subdivided; 70 MEM01K. Counties. Parishes. f Orleans, Orleans, j St. Bernard, | Plaquemines, |^ Jefferson. German coast, CSr. Charles, I St. John Baptist. Acadia, C St. James, ^ Ascension. Point Coupee, Point Coupee. C St. Mary, Attakapas, ? St. Martin, ( Lafayette. Opelousas, St. Landre. C La Fourche, Interior, La Fourche, < Assumption, f Terre Bonne. Iberville, C Iberville, W T est Baton Rouge, Natchitoches, C Natchitoches, Claiborne. Ouachita, Ouachita, Concordia, Concordia. Rapides, Feliciana, C Rapides, < Catahoola. ^ Avoyelles. f West Feliciana, I East Feliciana, J East Baton Rouge, ] St. Helena, | St. Tammany, L Washington, MEMOIR. 71 NEW TOWNS. Franklinton, Jacksonville, Jackson, seat of justice of West Feliciana, Moutenville, Thibadeauxville, Marksville, Cheneyville, Harrisonburg. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. With the exception of some private canals in the vicinity of New Orleans, there are no canals or works of internal improvement of any magnitude, existing in this state. Extensive improvements are however contemplated. Surveys have been made with a view to the construction of a capacious canal from New Orleans to Lake Pontchartrain, a distance of rather more than four miles. The improvement of water courses, and where necessary, the construction of canals, for a navigable communication between New Orleans and Barataria bay; and the magnificent design of draining the public lands bordering on the Mississippi, are spoken of as entirely practicable. ARKANSAS TERRITORY. Greater changes, if possible, have taken place in this section of our country, than any yet noticed. By the act of Congress which provided for the organi zation of this territory, its limits were defined and extended to 23 04 30" of West longitude from Washington, which by the treaty of 1819 with Spain 72 MEMOIR. was made the line of demarkation between the United States and the then Spanish possessions. Exten sive grants of land having been made to portions of the Chocktaw, Chickasaw, and some other tribes of Indi ans, it was thought expedient to curtail the territory as defined by the act of Congress just mentioned, so as to exclude the Indian population from within the bounds of the territory. A new boundary was ac cordingly traced, commencing at a point 40 miles due west of the south west angle of the state of Missouri, and running due south to Red river. This line how ever, still left a considerable portion of the Indian lands within the territory, and in consequence, another line was run in 1828, which forms the present west ern boundary of the territory. This line commences at the south-west angle of Missouri, and passes in a direct course to Fort Smith on the Arkansas, and thence due south to Red river. The Indian, title to lands in the territory, has, with some unimportant exceptions, been entirely extinguished. In delineating this portion of my map, I availed myself of all the government surveys, which now ex tend over 15,000 square miles. To these I have ad ded the result of Mr. NuttaPs examination of Arkan sas river from its mouth to Fort Smith. The Ozark range of mountains is laid down from Col. Long s map, and from information regarding it derived from other sources; some important roads and the location of several new towns, villages, &c. were inserted in the map, from a valuable communication made by the MEMOIR, 73 late Mr. Conway, delegate in Congress from the ter ritory of Arkansas, altogether presenting a view of this remote quarter infinitely more complete than my scanty materials, at the outset of my work, allowed me to hope for. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Counties. Lafayette, Washington, Sevier, Con way, Crittenden, Izard. St. Francis, NEW TOWNS. Helena, seat of justice of Philips Co. Davidson- ville, Batesville, Mount Prairie, Villemont, Marion, Biscoeville, Crittenden, Clark Co., Washington, and some other small settlements. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The following new roads from Little Rock, the capital of the .territory, are traced on the map. To Davidsonville. To Washington and thence to Can tonment Towson. To Monroe and Fort Miro in Lou isiana. To Arkansas (or the Post). To Memphis in Tennessee. To Cantonment Gibson by Piattown, Cadron, Point Remu and Crawford Court House. To the Hot Springs of Ouachita, &c. 7 74 MEMOIR. STATE OF TENNESSEE. The map of Tennessee in common with those of the other states, has been subjected to a thorough re vision. The boundary between this state and Ken tucky has been carefully adjusted so as to corres pond with Walker s survey and with the corrected position of Cumberland Gap, which by a series of ob servations for latitude and longitude, was found to be more than twelve miles farther north than it has been usually represented. The line between Tennessee and North Carolina has also been altered so as to conform to the survey of that line by Mr. Stokes and others. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Fentress, Weakly, Dresden, Obion, Troy, Gibson, Gibsonport, Dyer, Dyersburg, Haywood, Harrisburg, Tipton, Covington, McNairy, Purdy, Hardiman, Bolivar, Lafayette, Summersville. In addition to the above seats of justice, which are MEMOIR. 75 mostly new towns, the following have been inserted in the map. NEW TOWNS. Brownstown, Metcalfboro, Centreville, Hillsboro, Crab Orchard, Oresville, Great Bend Village, Telli- co, Athens, Nolensville, Mt. Pleasant, Harpeth, Gi- deonville, Farmington, Middleburg, Pocahontas, Li onel, Warnerville. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Surveys have been made under a late appropriation of Congress, with a view to the improvement of the navigation of Tennessee river. Others have been made to ascertain the practicability of effecting a na vigable communication between the head waters of Hiwassee and Savannah rivers; and also between the Tennessee and Coosa, by the valleys of Lookout and Will s creeks, and by those of the Chickamauga and Little rivers. STATE OF KENTUCKY, Is reduced from the map of that state contained in the American Atlas, to which the new counties, &c. were added previous to its reduction. The counties of Callaway, Hickman, Graves, and Me. Cracken, are all erroneously represented on every map with which I am acquainted, both in extent and relative position. The error originated with myself, owing to a mistake 76 MEMOIR. of the gentleman from whose information I located them originally. For the means of correcting their lines, and adjusting them satisfactorily, I am indebted to Chittenden Lyon, a representative in Congress from Kentucky. The lines of those counties, as well as their relative situation, having been materially al tered, I feel justified in classing them under the head of new counties. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Callaway, Wadesboro, Hickman, Columbus, Graves, Mayfield, McCracken, Wilmington, Hancock, Oldham, Westport, Spencer, Taylorsville, Meade, Philadelphia, Anderson, Edmondson, Russell, Laurel, ."*, Pike, Pikeville, INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The only work of consequence now in progress in this state, is the canal at the Falls of Ohio, near Louis ville. It is designed to overcome the only serious MEMOIR. 77 impediment to the free navigation of that great river. The canal does not exceed three miles in length, but its utility when completed will be incalculable, and cannot fail to reward its enlightened projectors. STATE OF MISSOURI. A section of about 30,000 square miles of this state, is delineated from the government surveys. The southern and western boundary lines are also from actual and very accurate surveys, executed by order of the government of the United States. Data for the other parts of the state were sedulously sought for, but except a few items of information regarding local points, extracted from Col. Long s map, I have not been able to procure sufficient materials to afford even, a tolerable view of those parts. It must therefore be admitted that the representation of the north-western and south-western quarters of the state is far from be ing satisfactory. The superior accuracy of the inter vening space, and nearly the whole of its eastern side, will, however, compensate in some degree for this deficiency. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Stoddard, Randolph, Jackson, Marion,. Palmyra. 78 MEMOIR. NEW TOWNS. Farmington, Caledonia, Lavvrenceton, Manchester^ Point Look-off, Frankfort, Bartonville, Lewiston ? Bowlinggreen, Fulton, Lafayette, Liberty, Lexington- INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. In common with every other part of our country, the subject of internal improvement has received a full share of attention from the people of this remote but important state. Several works are under consi deration. The Sioux Portage is proposed to be open ed so as to admit the passage of the Mississippi into the Missouri. The distance being scarcely a mile, it is probable that the silent but sure operation of the current of both rivers combined, will ere long render the aid of art unnecessary. All who are familiar with the ground concur in stating that the two rivers are ra pidly verging towards each other. Instances of this kind are almost every where found along the Missis sippi, where great bends have been deserted by the river and new channels formed by the action of its current. Thus it will be at the point in question, and a new "cutoff" present itself perhaps before the project of an artificial cut shall have been fully discussed. Another canal of about 40 miles in length, and one which must affect in some degree injuriously, the commerce of St. Louis, is contemplated to ex- MEMOIR. 79 tend from the Missouri to Maramec river. It is pro posed to leave the former about 50 miles above its mouth, pass through the French settlement into and along the valley of the Maramec, to its discharge into the Mississippi. This work when completed will lessen the distance by water, from its point of de parture on the Missouri, to the mouth of Maramec river, nearly 70 miles. STATE OF ILLINOIS. The changes which the map exhibits in regard to both the geographical and topographical features of this state, are as extensive and important as most oth ers similarly situated. Since the publication of the map of this state included in the American Atlas, the government surveys have been so far completed as to enable me to delineate the streams in a very satis factory manner. Great additions and alterations will also be observed in the northern part of the state, more particularly in the vicinity of the lead mines in the county absurdly called " Joe Davis. " This por tion of the state has hitherto presented little more than a blank on nearly all the published maps of that region. By the friendly attention of Mr. S. D. King of Washington city, I was supplied with the necessa ry materials for this part of the state, consisting of a manuscript map compiled by C. Burdine, Lieut. U. S. Artillery. The Indian country to the north is repre sented rather differently from other maps. It is gen- MEMOIR. erally from a map in manuscript of the region be tween Lake Michigan and the Mississippi, drawn and loaned to me by Col. Long. Counties. Mercer. Henry. Putnam, Peoria, Knox. Warren. Hancock. M Donough, Adams, Schuyler, Calhoun, Tazewell, Macon, Vermillion, Shelby, Macoupin. Marion, Wabash, Perry, NEW COUNTIES. Seats of Justice. Alexandria. Peoria. Quincy. Rushville. Gilead. Mackinaw. Decatur. Danville. Shelbyville. Salem. Palmyra. Pinckneyville. NEW TOWNS. Gilead, Atlas, Quincy, Rushville, Lewistown, Alexandria, Naples, Jacksonville, Sangamon, Deca- MEMOIR. 81 tur, Mackinaw, Hillsboro, Shelbyville, Danville, Waterloo, Covington, Pinckneyville, Equality, Maysville. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. A canal about 100 miles in length, is proposed to connect Illinois river with Lake Michigan; to extend from the mouth of Vermillion river, along the valleys of Illinois and Plain rivers, and Chicago creek, to the town of Chicago on Lake Michigan. Some other works of a like description are projected, but the pros pect of their execution being remote, a notice of them here is deemed unnecessary. STATE OF INDIANA. With the exception of the Indian lands, this state is drawn entirely from the government surveys. The north boundary of the state is now for the first time located according to the results of celestial observa tions made by order of the government. This boundary has always been represented nearly six miles too far south. A similar error existed with respect to the head of Lake Michigan, and, of course, in the north line of Ohio; the parallel of which coin cides with the southern part of that Lake. These discrepancies have all been adjusted in my new map, and the outlines of Indiana and Ohio, rendered as per manent as the delineation of their physical geogra phy. MEMOIR. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice Pike, Columbia, Allen, Wayne, Vermillion, Newport, Warren, Carrol, Delphi, Cass, Logansport, Wabash, Thorntown, Tippecanoe, Lafayette, Montgomery, Crawford sville, Hancock, Greenfield, Hamilton, Noblesville, Madison, Andersonton, Delaware, Munseytown, Hendricks, Danville, Johnson, Franklin, Bartholomew, Columbus, Clay, Bowlinggreen. NEW TOWNS. Clinton, Newport, Eugene, Perrysville, Logans- port, Wayne, Delphi, Lafayette, Attica, Covington, Thorntown, Cr-awfordsville, Rockville, Bloomfield, Bowlinggreen, Greencastle, Martinsville, Danville, Strawtown, Winchester, Jacksonville, Noblesville, Greenfield, Port Royal (at the Bluffs on White river), Franklin, Burlington, Columbus, Edinburgh, New castle, Shelbyville, Versailles, Greensburg, Rush- MEMOIR. 83 ville, Bedford, Hindoostan, Portersville, Blackford, Rome. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The work of ^internal improvement, except in the formation of common roads, which have greatly in creased, has not yet made much, if any progress in this state; although provision is made for the con struction of a canal along the valleys of Wabash and Maumee rivers, designed to intersect the proposed continuation of the Miami canal, at or near the town of Defiance. The length of this work will be 110 miles. Another canal is also projected, to connect the Wabash with the Miami canal, by the ravine of White river. No efficient measures have yet been adopted in regard to the latter canal. STATE OF OHIO. No changes of any importance have been made in regard to the natural features of this important state. My former delineations of it were made almost exclu sively from the government surveys, which, with but very limited exceptions, embrace the entire state. Whilst we find its physical geography thus perma nent, no other state in the union, nor perhaps any dis trict of equal extent in the known world, affords an instance of such rapid increase of population and ex tension of settlements as this interesting state pre- 84 MEMOIR. sents. As a necessary consequence of this increase of population, towns innumerable have sprung into existence as if by magic. The work of internal im provement is in successful progress. Turnpike and common roads intersect the state in every direction. Seminaries of learning are generally distributed through the country, and every other indication of a prosperous people, is every where conspicuous. Holmes is the only county erected in this state for several years past. Millersburg is the seat of justice. NEW TOWNS. Venice, Butler co./Trenton, Newcomb, Alexander, Newbury, Westville, Lisbon, Moscow, Winchester, Jackson, Lucasville, Concord, Yellow Springs, Bel- brook, Waynesville, Princeton, Salem, Martinsville, Willis, Hardin, Claridon, Cardington, Bennington, Sunbury, Hebron, Lythopolis, Chester, county seat of Meigs, Coolville, Milville, Mitford, W. Carlisle. Utica, Gambier, Perry sville, Richland Co., Trux- ville, Greenton, Franklin, Richland Co., Jackson, Fredericksburg, Berlin, Shanesville, Dover, Bolivar, Bethlehem, Dalton, Massillon, Clinton, Stark Co., New Portage, Akron, Union., Greene, Paris, New Garden, Calcutta, Zoar, Dresden, Norwich, Malaga, Jacobstovvn, New Athens, New Hagerstown, Anna polis, Wellsville, Shalersville,Bloomfield, Williams- field, Stow, Burton, Tallmadge, Middleburg, Frank lin, Portage Co., Boston, Brunswick, Independence, MEMOIR. 85 Strongville, Florence, Milan, Tiffin (county seat of Seneca), Caroline, Melmore, Tyemochte, Bucyrus, Oakler, Seneca, Port Clinton on Portage bay, Defi ance, Napoleon, Port Damascus, Amanda, Willshire, and several other places of minor importance. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The " Ohio Canal," extending from Portsmouth, at the intersection of the Scioto with Ohio river, to Cleveland on Lake Erie, is nearly completed. After leaving Portsmouth, the canal crosses the Scioto, and pursues a course nearly due north, along the right bank of that river; passes Chillicothe and enters Cir- cleville, where it re-crosses the Scioto, and continues its route along the valley of the Scioto, to its inter section with the Columbus feeder. Here the canal suddenly turns and pursues an eastern direction, through the towns of Hebron, Newark, Irville, and Coshocton into the valley of Tuscarawas river, which it follows to the summit, after passing through New- comerstown, Salem, Schoenbrun, New Philadel phia, Bolivar, Massillon, Clinton, &c. On leaving Akron, at the Portage summit, the canal descends the valley of the Cuyahoga, which it follows and terminates at Cleveland : length from Portsmouth to Cleveland, 307 miles; summit level 4.Q9 feet above the Ohio at Portsmouth; 305 feet above Lake Erie, and 973 feet above the Atlantic ocean. General course north-east. A profile of this work is inserted in the map. 8 MEMOIR. The Miami Canal, now in operation, extends from Cincinnati, on the Ohio river, along the ravines of Mill creek and the Great Miami, to Dayton; pass ing in its course the towns of Springfield, Hamilton, Middletown, Franklin, and Miamishurg: length from Cincinnati to Dayton, 68 miles. General course north north-east; summit level at Dayton, 175 feet above the Ohio at Cincinnati, and 606 above the Atlantic; as deduced from a continued series of levelling ope rations from tide water on the Hudson to Lake Erie, and thence to the several points just mentioned. The Miami canal, it is probable, will be continued ere long, and extended along the valleys of St. Mary s, Au Glaize, and Maumee rivers, to Lake Erie. These great works are the property of the state. Other ca nals of an important character are projected. Among them is one from the Portage summit of the Ohio canal, along the valleys of Mahoning and Beaver ri vers, to intersect the Western division of the Penn sylvania canal. Works for the improvement of the navigation of the Miiskingum have been commenced, and are now probably completed. The importance of the former to the commerce of Pennsylvania, must be apparent on an inspection of the map. Much of the produce of the interior which now passes into Lake Erie, and thence into the Erie canal, would find its way into the Pennsylvania canal, and thus at once augment the revenue of the state, and the commerce of its capital. MEMOIR. MICHIGAN TERRITORY. Nearly one half of this flourishing territory is de lineated from the public surveys, which extend from Detroit to Lake Michigan, and from the north boun daries of Ohio and Indiana to Grand river and Sagi- naw bay. By the aid of Mr. Farmer s excellent map, sent me by Mr. Trowbridge of Detroit, I was ena bled to complete my representation of the southern portion of the territory and to trace the county lines with great exactness. Many new towns and villages have been inserted. Dr. Bixby s map of the region about Lake Iroqupis, &c. served me for the northern part> including the Islands of Lakes Michigan and Huron. The eastern shore of Lake Michigan, north of Grand river, is drawn from a manuscript map found in the general land-office at Washington. It includes the recent purchase from the Indians, together with the present boundary line, &c. Great changes will be perceived in the country bordering on the north line of Indiana. By consult ing the recent surveys in Michigan, in connection with the newly ascertained boundary between that territory and the state of Indiana, many improvements were suggested. Alterations in the geography of this part of the country were therefore found ne cessary. The St. Joseph s of Lake Michigan, being traced from actual survey, assumes an appearance 88 MEMOIR. widely different from all former representations. The head of Lake Michigan, and indeed its configuration generally, presents a new aspect. It is worthy of re mark, that the present form of Lake Michigan, so far as it is delineated from the public surveys, corres ponds very nearly with the representation of it found in the old French maps, published in the time of Hen- nepin, Charlevoix, c. There is, perhaps, no part of our geography which has undergone such vicissitudes in the lapse of time as that under consideration. In some of the early maps we find Lake Michigan represented as flowing towards the north, in others east-north-east and north-east. In process of time it assumes its proper form and for a short period main tains its position. In the maps, published between 1790 and 1810, this ill-fated lake appears again dis torted in a remarkable degree, but in an opposite di rection. In some of the most recent maps published at a time when access to more correct information could be had without difficulty, we find this region still greatly misrepresented. The actual surveys and astronomical observations upon which my representation of this region is found ed, must give to it a permanent character, at least -so far as the southern portion of the Lake and contigu ous country are embraced. NEW COUNTIES. Counties. Seats of Justice. Sanillac. Soginaw, Snginaw. MEMOIR. 89 Counties. Seats of justice. Shiawassee, Byron. Washtenaw, Ann Arbour. Lenawee, Tecumseh. Lapeer. NEW TOWNS. Port Lawrence, Bay Settlement, Tecumseh, Ann Arbour, Dexter, Schwarzeburg, Mt. Clemens, Power- ville, Cottrellville, Palmer, Millton, Bunceville, Byron, Saginaw, &c. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Although some canals have been proposed, nothing in this branch of improvement has yet been effected. Several new common roads have been made and old ones improved; among the former are the following roads; from Detroit to Chicago, to Saginaw, to Per- rysburg, Indiana, to Fort Gratiot, &c. WESTERN DISTRICTS. In the entire absence of legislative enactments, re garding the denomination of the western parts of the United States, I have ventured to divide them into districts, assigning to each such an appellation as the Indian tribes found in them respectively suggested. It may be said, that any arrangement of this nature, is the business of the public authorities j this I admit, 8* 90 MEMOIR. but the utility, if not absolute necessity, for something like order in this respect, which the increasing im portance of this section of our country demands, and the failure on the part of government, to adjust the the matter, impelled me to adopt an arrangement which I think is calculated to assist the geographer, and to afford definite land marks to the traveller. In every case where it was practicable, natural bounda ries were selected, and such as will, most probably, be adopted in the future organization of Territories and States. In order to distinguish the sections em braced in this arrangement, and to avoid the confu sion which results from the indiscriminate use of the adjective " territory," as often applied to parts of the unappropriated lands of the United States, a new term was deemed indispensable, and that of u DISTRICT" was selected as most appropriate to those subdivisions, being under the immediate juris diction of the United States government. Although many attempts have been made in Congress, within a few years, to organize new territories in the west ern region, nothing in this way has yet been effect ed. During the session of 1828-29, an act erecting the Territory of Huron, was passed in the representative branch of Congress, but from some cause, probably the unusual extent which the advocates of the measure desired to give the proposed territory, it failed in the senate. The rapid increase of population in the mid dle section of the contemplated territory, and its re- MEMOIR. 91 mote situation in reference to the seat of government of Michigan, to which it is attached, will soon render necessary the establishment of a separate territorial government, which, with less extensive views on the part of those who are interested in its accomplishment, will, doubtless, be soon effected. In tracing the Dis trict of Huron on my map, I have excluded a consi derable portion of the territory as contemplated by the act of Congress just mentioned, which comprehend ed not only that part which I have called "Huron District," but also that of Sioux, both together em bracing an area of nearly 285,000 square miles. In locating the District of Huron, I have conformed to the boundaries which are likely to be adopted in the erection of the proposed territory. Some abortive efforts have also been made to organize a territorial government west of the Oregon Mountains, but with the exception of the mere change of the name of Columbia river to that of Oregon, no legal measures whatever have been adopted respecting the nomencla ture of the regions under consideration: nor is it pro bable that any movement in regard to the subject will be made by the proper authorities, until its necessi ty be actually felt by those who have the power to apply the remedy. Thus it is, and thus it ever has been in our country : cities, counties, and states, are suffered to reach an advanced stage of maturity, before they receive those definite appellations, which are in dispensable in their verbal description. 92 MEMOIR. Our country itself, as a nation, is still DESTITUTE OP A NAME, by which to distinguish it from similar con federacies abroad. We now find "United States" in almost every quarter of the globe in Europe we see the "United States" of the Ionian Isles in South America the "United States" of La Plata in North America the "United States" of Mexico and lastly our own "United States." Such a multiplicity of "United States," while it exposes the absurdity of the term, as applied in lieu of a proper name, will, it is hoped, induce our government to devise and confer on the country some appropriate appellation by which she may be distinguished, in the rank of nations, from the multitude of "United States" which now per plexes the geographical enquirer, and by which she may cease to be what she now is, emphatically, a NAMELESS COUNTRY. In addition to the materials I had previously con sulted, during the progress of my American Atlas, an account of which is contained in the memoir append ed to that work, I have availed myself of all the fresh information regarding the Western Districts ge nerally. Much additional matter relative to Missouri river and the adjacent lands, will be found on my map. This was extracted with great care, from Lew is & Clark s Journal, and does not appear on the map which accompanies that work, nor in any other map that I have consulted. In the northern parts of Man- dan and Oregon Districts, numerous improvements will be observed, especially in Clark river and its MEMOIR, 93 branches. Caledonia and Thompson s rivers, discov ered by the English traveller, Harmon, are inserted, as well as a reduction of a large manuscript chart of the outlet of Oregon river, exhibiting its bars, banks, soundings, &c. The supplemental map of the coun try between the Missouri and Pacific Ocean, embrac ing the Districts of Oregon, Mandan and a part of Osage, although drawn on a reduced scale, exhibits alZthQ information now existing on the region brought into view, and accomplishes the primary object of its insertion by affording, in connection with the princi pal map, A COMPLETE VIEW OF THE ENTIRE TERRI TORY or THE UNITED STATES, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Every work which promised any additional infor mation on the country exhibited in this part of my map, has been used. The names of the various In dian tribes, who inhabit this extensive region, with the number of souls attached to each, it will be per ceived are distinctly marked, and their relative situa tions preserved as nearly as possible. The location of. several tribes never before given on any map with which I am acquainted, will also be found. Each tribe can be readily distinguished from the others, by the large and conspicuous letters which I have used. Notwithstanding the difficulties which necessarily attend the construction of maps of a new country, and unpromising as were the data at its commence ment for the faithful delineation of the Western Dis tricts, I cannot but indulge the hope that my repre- 94 MEMOIR. sentation of them will be found more perfect, in regard to their general appearance, than any hitherto given to the public. The following counties have been organized in Huron District. Counties. Seats of justice. Chippeway, Sault St. Mary. Browne, Fort Howard. Crawford, Prairie Du Chien. CANADA. In connecting the materials which I have brought together for this portion of my map, I made use of the survey made by the boundary commissioners un der the treaty of Ghent. Their map served as a base, to which the other materials were made to conform. The maps mentioned above, designed to elucidate the boundary question, contain all the recent sur veys in Lower Canada. About fifty townships in that province, including those bordering on Chaudiere and Echemin rivers, have been transferred to my map. These surveys, in connexion with Bouchette s improved map and description of Lower Canada, en abled me to present a more perfect and detailed view of the province than has yet been given on a similar scale. The distances from Montreal to Quebec and thence to St. John s in New Brunswick, by the Grand Portage, were extracted with much care from MEMOIR. 95 the tables of Bouchette, which embrace a complete itinerary of that important route. In addition to many new towns and villages never before located on a general map of the United States, it will be observed that I have inserted, not only the Districts into which Lower Canada is divided, but also its subdivisions into counties, as they now exist. The districts and counties of Upper Canada are also introduced into the map. Great changes will be ob served in the geographical delineation of Johnstown, Eastern and the new Districts of Ottawa and Bathurst, which were taken from a recent map of those parts of Canada, shewing the route of the Rideau Canal. This map having been constructed by order, and un der the immediate inspection, of the commissioners of Internal Navigation, is esteemed a very accurate work, and as such was adopted by me for so much of my map as is embraced within its limits. The Ri deau Canal is intended to unite the waters of Lake Ontario with Ottawa river. It commences at Kings ton on Lake Ontario, pursues a north-eastern direc tion, through a chain of lakes, with most of which it becomes identified in its course, until it intersects Ri deau river. Continuing its route along the banks, and sometimes in the bed of that river, it enters the Ottawa at Bytown, a short distance above the mouth of the former, in north lat. 45 23 . This highly important work, the existence of which is scarcely kno\vn in the United States, is now in active pro gress, under the direction of a board of commission- 96 MEMOIR. ers, assisted by a corps of the Royal Engineers. Length from Kingston to Bytown on the Ottawa, including the natural navigable courses, 129s miles; 53 locks, each 33 feet wide and 134 long. Ascent from Kingston to the summit pond, by 19 locks, 165 feet; descent from the summit pond to the Ottawa, by 34 locks 290 feet; total lockage 355 feet. Depres sion of the Ottawa below Lake Ontario at Kingston, 125 feet ; general course north-north-east. The remainder of Upper Canada, bordering on the Lakes and including the Welland Canal, was taken from Purdy s Map of "Cabotia," so called. Nearly all the surveys that were completed at the time of its construction were incorporated into the map, which with some corrections for latitude and longitude ren dered necessary by late observations, was used exclu sively for the corresponding parts on my map. The Welland Canal just mentioned, is designed to open a navigable communication between Lakes Erie and Ontario. It leaves the former at Port Mait- land, near the mouth of Grand river, crosses the Wainfleet marshes to Chippewa river, and passes along its valley about 10 miles. On leaving the Chippewa, the canal assumes a northern direction, traverses a deep cut, of nearly two miles in extent, and of the mean depth of 45 feet, and after a further course of 8 or 10 miles, enters Lake Ontario at Port Dalhousie, about 9 miles west of Niagara village. This splendid work, equalled in depth by the Chesapeake and Delaware canal only, is rapidly verg- MEMOIR. 97 ing towards its completion. It admits the passage of the largest vessels that navigate the lakes; the dimen sions of the locks north of the mountain ridge, being 22 feet wide, 100 long, and 8 feet deep; those on the south of the ridge, 45 feet in width and 120 in length. Length from Port Maitland to Port Dalhousie 36 miles 34 locks, all descending. Descent 334 feet; general course north-east. A striking change in the general appearance of the region of Lakes Huron and Iroquois, must be observed in the map. While en gaged on this part of it, I obtained, through the friendly attention of Dr. Bixby, who was attached to the commission under the Ghent treaty, a copy in manuscript of the map prepared by him for the use of the commissioners in marking the northern boundary line. Dr. Bixby s map afforded the means, not only of correcting and adjusting several important points, which the astronomers, attached to the party, had es tablished; but also to delineate with great exactness the islands, ba} r s, and lakes, of a region comprehend ing nearly five degrees of longitude and three of lati tude: thus, for example, in all the old maps, Cabot s head, which is a conspicuous land mark to persons navigating the lakes, is represented as bearing north 35 east from Fort Gratiot, making a difference of longitude of nearly two degrees, when in fact it was found to be very near the meridian of that fort. The error in the position of this point, affects, of course, much of the contiguous country towards the east, which in consequence was greatly circumscribed in 9 98 MEMOIR. its casl and west direction, and lake Iroquois unduly extended and distorted. The east end of lake Iro quois, Matchadash river, and the north part of lake Simcoe, were taken from actual surveys, copies of which were also communicated by Dr. Bixby, to whom I feel greatly indebted for the interest he has thus manifested towards my work. For the purpose of augmenting, as much as possi ble, the utility of the new Map of the United States, I have, although not required by the terms of my prospectus, filled the spaces, which would otherwise have been left blank, with a series of plans, topogra phical views and diagrams, which will be exceeding ly useful in illustrating the topography of interesting local sections. The addition of these involved an expense of money, time and labour, of which none but those who are experimentally acquainted with the difficulty of collecting, combining, and engraving, such minute delineations, can form a just idea. To their insertion, combined with numerous delays in the reception of materials which were deemed essen tial to the faithful execution of the map, is to be at tributed the delay in the publication of the work. It could not have been issued earlier, consistently with a determination on my part, to render the map as perfect as the existing data, and my slender abili ties would admit; a consummation most earnestly and sincerely aimed at in every stage of its execu tion. That I have arrived at complete perfection, I do not pretend; errors will, no doubt, be found: for the future correction of these, I respectfully solicit MEMOIR. 99 communications. . Anxious to make the map, in all respects, satisfactory to myself and acceptable to the public, I have permitted no consideration of economy, either of time or money, to interfere in the slightest degree with its execution; nor have I omit ted to employ any means which promised to add to rny stock of information, requisite for such a work. That I have embodied much original information re garding the United States generally, will, I trust, be admitted by all who shall have directed their atten tion to the ample materials noticed in this work. In the execution of the map I have endeavoured to select from the great mass of documents collected for the purpose, such only as were founded upon actual sur veys and astronomical observations; and in the ab sence of these the relations of travellers, and other me moranda, which appeared to be of an authentic cha racter, were resorted to. Information regarding the internal improvements of the country, I have endea voured to collect from every source, and the multi tude of works on subjects connected with it, have been freely used; some with great advantage, while others presented little else than masses of crude ma terials, calculated to perplex and embarrass rather than enlighten the reader. The names of the latter au thors are purposely omitted as unworthy of notice, as nothing could with justice be said of them to interest the public, or redouna to their own advantage. I cheerfully avail myself of the present occasion to ex press my deep sense of obligation to the following gentlemen, from whom valuable communications 100 MEMOIR. were received during the progress of this laborious map. Nathan Hale, of Boston, for permission to use his excellent map of the Eastern States, and for his com munication, and report on the Massachusetts rail roads. N. A. Ware, for his communication regarding the new counties in Maine and New Hampshire and seve ral other states. S. Davidson King, of the General Land Office at Washington, for copies in manuscript of the map of the boundary line between the United States and Bri tish possessions, as fixed by the commissioners, under the 7th article of the treaty of Ghent. This map is drawn on a very extensive scale and occupies no less than 27 large sheets; it forms the base of my repre sentation of the St. Lawrence, Straits of Niagara, and Detroit river. To the friendly and disinterested aid of Mr. King, I am also indebted for copies of all the government surveys in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alaba ma, and in the territories of Florida, Arkansas and Michigan, made and transmitted by him immediately on their arrival at his office. Simeon Dewitt, surveyor general of New York, for the locations of the new counties and correction of er rors in some of the older ones. Thomas Gordon, of Trenton, N. J. for permission to use his new map of New Jersey, and for his inter esting and scientific communication regarding the po sitions of Philadelphia and New York. 101 E. Blunt, of N. Y., for his manuscript chart of the coast of Delaware and Maryland. John Wilson, of Pennsylvania, for his communi cation regarding the Columbia rail road. J. M llvaine, for his communication relative to the Pennsylvania canals, &c. George Armroyd, for his communication regard* ing the Pennsylvania canals. H. Boye, author of the new map of Virginia, for his table of altitudes of places in Virginia. J. P. Stabler, of Sandy Springs, Md., for his sketch of the Dismal Swamp Canal. E. Stabler, for a cor rected map of part of Maryland. Governor Forsyth, of Georgia, for copies of the re cent surveys, county lines, and new towns in that state. James Camak, of Milledgeville, Ga., for his manu script map of the boundary between Georgia and Ala bama, and a communication regarding the geographi cal position of several important places in Georgia. Adiel Sherwood, of Georgia, for his communica tion regarding some of the new counties in that state. John Lee Williams, of Pensacola, for his commu nication regarding the county lines and new towns in Florida. Hector McMill, of Florida, for his communication regarding the physical geography of that territory. T. M. Glassell, of Florida, for his manuscript map and communication regarding the Seminole lands. J. McCoy, for his communication regarding the 102 A3EMOIR, recent changes of county lines, and the location of some new towns in Alabama. James Magoffin, of Alabama, for his communica tion, and manuscript map of a part of that state. T. W. Mathews, of Alabama, for his manuscript map of a part of that state. Thos. H. Williams, for his communication regard ing some of the roads, &c. of Mississippi. George Dougherty, for a corrected map and com munication regarding the new counties and towns in the state of Mississippi. Th. Seghers, of New Orleans, for his communica tion regarding the new parishes in Louisiana. W. Conway, of Arkansas Territory, for his com munication regarding the new counties and towns in that territory. Newton Cannon, of Harpeth, for his communica tion regarding the new towns and county lines in Tennessee. John H. Bills, for his manuscript map of a part of Tennessee. James W. Palmer, of Lexington, Kentucky, for a corrected map of Kentucky, including all the new counties and towns in that state. Chittenden Lyon, of Kentucky, for his communi cation and manuscript map of the western part of Kentucky, with corrections of county lines, new towns, &c. Richard H. M Gill, of St. Louis, for a corrected map of Illinois and Missouri, containing the new counties and towns in those states. MEMOIR. 103 J. Farrington, for his communication and correct ed map of the bounty lands in Illinois. John Tipton, of Indiana, for his communication and manuscript map regarding the north part of In diana. T. M. Ray, of Indianapoils, for his manuscript map of the new counties and towns in Indiana. Austin W. Morris, for his communication and cor rected map of the state of Indiana, including the new counties, and many new towns, roads, &c. J. Bush of Indiana, for his communication regard ing the new roads in that state. John Brown, for his communication on the new roads and towns of Indiana. A. Bourne, of Chillicothe, Ohio, for a corrected map of Ohio, and communication on the Ohio ca nals, &c. Mr. Trowbridge, of Detroit, for a map of that ter ritory, with the new counties, towns, &c. Dr. Bixby, of England, for several manuscript maps of the region of the Lakes, &c. Other persons, deserving of special notice in this place, and perhaps entitled to my warmest thanks, may have been omitted, not through the want of respect, but of recollection. This I fear may be the case in a few instances, as my account of some of the documents used in the commencement of the work, was drawn up from memory. To all who have contributed their aid, I offer my sincere thanks. 10-1 MEMOIR. SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL MATTER. From the foregoing remarks and a careful exami nation of the map, it will be perceived that the New Map of the United States comprehends one hundred and fifty-six New Counties ; five hundred and forty New Towns, and upwards of fifteen hun dred names of Rivers, Lakes, Bays, &c. not to be found in any similar map; more than 22,000 miles of New Roads, with the distances from place to place distinctly indicated; about 36,000 square miles of ter ritory delineated from recent government surveys, some of them executed within a few months ; and 4057 miles of Canals and Rail Roads, the greater part of which has never been traced on a map of the United States. It exhibits the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecti cut, and Rhode Island, as recently compiled from ac tual surveys; and those of New Jersey and Virginia entirely remodelled from actual and recent surveys, which have never been incorporated into any other general map; the altitude of nearly 600 important points distributed throughout the United States; and it embodies all the government surveys up to the present time, made in the western states and ter ritories, comprising an aggregate area of more than 310,000 square miles of actual and accurate sur veys. In addition to these important accessions to our stock of knowledge on the general geography MEMOIR. 105 of the United States, the map contains the follow ing supplementary Maps, Plans, &c. 1 Plan of the City of Boston. 2 New York. Philadelphia. 4 Baltimore. 5 Washington. 6 Charleston. 7 New Orleans. S Map of the Environs of Boston. 9 Albany, Saratoga, &e. 10 New York and New Brunswick. 1 1 Philadelphia and Tren ton. 12 Baltimore and Wash ington. 13 Savannah, Georgia. 14 Pittsburg, Pa. 15 General Map of Oregon and Mandan Districts. 16 Chart of the Outlet of Oregon river. 17 South Part of Florida. IS Profile of the Grand Portage, Maine. 19 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 20 Dismal Swamp Canal. 21 Florida Canal. 22 Krie Canal. 23 Ohio Canal. 24 Morris Canal. 25 Union Canal. 26 Schuylkill Navigation. 27 Pennsylvania Canal. 28 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. 29 Massachusetts Rail Road. 30 Columbia Rail Road. 31 Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. 32 Statistical Table of the Western Districts, 106 MEMOIR. 33 Statistical Table of the United States, exhibit ing the Area; Capital; Metropolis, with its latitude, longitude, and population; date of constitution; time of stated meeting of the Legislature; day of general election; population of 1820 divided into classes, and the estimated population of 1829, of each state and territory of the union. The plans of cities, will be found exceedingly mi nute in every particular; they contain, with but few exceptions, all the information found in larger plans: all the names of streets, lanes, public buildings, and every other object of interest usually inserted in such representations, are given. The topographical maps or views of the environs of the principal cities, are drawn on such scales as to admit the introduction of every town, village and im portant road, embraced within their respective bor ders. They contain much information which may with strictness be denominated original, and will be found useful, when viewed in connection with their corresponding parts on the principal map. The distances from place to place, are noted in every part of the map, and the important leading roads are distinguished from state or more local roads, by ap propriate characters. The profiles or vertical sections constitute one of the most valuable and interesting features of the map. Those numbered from 22 to 31 both inclusive are pro jected on similar scales ; the horizontal scale being the same as that of the principal map, 30 miles to an inch, and the vertical scale 1000 feet to an inch. By this arrangement a just and accurate view is obtained of MEMOIR. 107 the relative extent and altitude of the several parts of those highly important works. They afford a species of information, which is almost indispensable to a clear understanding of matters connected with the great work of internal improvement of our coun try, which is every where in active progress. In embodying these sections, I have in no instance made use of documents that were not founded on act- ual measurements and deduced from levelling opera tions. In this way I have with considerable labour brought together upwards of six hundred points in various parts of the United States, whose elevations above the Atlantic Ocean are distinctly noted, which as matters of reference cannot fail to prove eminently useful, and will be duly appreciated by all who are aware of the difficulties which attend the acquisition of the necessary data for such diagrams. When we reflect on the immense labour, which, in the aggregate, must have attended the surveys, up on which our present stock of this sort of informa tion is founded, and the great expense to the state governments and individuals involved in them ; it will, I think, be readily admitted, that the space de voted to the physical sections, on the map, is well appropriated. Much advantage will result from the general diffu sion of this kind of information ; while it affords the very best means of developing the general aspect of the country, it will serve to check those impractica ble and frivolous projects which interested specula tors are constantly urging on the unwary; it acquaints 108 MEMOIR. us not only with the relative extent and elevations at tained by our leading works, but it affords a compre hensive view of the physical structure of the region occupied by the United States, thus leading to a cor rect knowlege of the great features of our continent, its elevations, depressions, mountain ranges and its valleys. Another important improvement, which if we re gard its extent, is peculiar, not only to the principal map but also to the topographical views, is the indi cation of the distances from town to town. This is done on all the leading roads and most of the com mon state or cross roads. The labour which attend ed this part of my work, can scarcely be conceived by persons unacquainted with such matters. Some idea of it may be formed, when I affirm that the en tire map could and would have been completed in less than half the time which tvas employed in its execution, if the distances had been omitted. Such an omission, however, would have greatly circum scribed the utility of the map; and as I had determin ed in the outset to render the work every way deserv ing the liberal patronage, which early indications led me to expect, I have adhered strictly to that deter mination to the end. THE END. A LIST OF MAPS, CHARTS, AND GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS, Recently published, and for sale by H. S. TANNER, GEOGRAPHER AND MAP PUBLISHER, Corner of Seventh fy Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Where most other Publications, connected with American Geography, &c. may be had. 10 LIST OF MAPS, &c. No. 1. A new American Atlas, containing Maps of the several States of the North American Union, projected and drawn on a uniform scale of fifteen miles to the inch, from do cuments found in the public offices of the United States, and state governments : to which are added, Maps of the World and Quarters; one of North America on four sheets, and one of South America on two sheets, together with a Geographical Me moir, giving a detailed account of the ma terials used in the construction of the va rious Maps. The whole exhibiting a full and complete geographical view of the two continents of North and South Ame rica, in connexion with the other parts of the known world. This work has already passed through two editions, within the pe riod of two years, and has received the ap probation and patronage of many of the most distinguished, scientific, and literary characters both in this country and in Europe ; special resolutions of Congress and other public bodies in its favour have been passed, and as the author is constantly engaged in the improvement of the plates, by inserting all new information, he trusts that it will continue to be what it has been since its publication, the standard as an American Atlas. Price of the work in half binding, - - $30 00 No. 2. The same, with the Maps mounted on rol lers and varnished, " - 40 00 No. 3. The same, omitting the Maps of the World and Quarters, and reserving all those re lating to North and South America, the States, &c. Price in half binding, - 25 00 No, 4. The same as the preceding, omitting the Map of South America, and the Geogra phical Memoir, and reserving all the Maps relating to the continent of North America, including the State Maps. Price - $20 00 No. 5. Atlas of the United States, comprehended in eleven large sheet Maps, drawn on a uni form scale of fifteen geographical miles to an inch. Price half bound, - 15 00 No. 6. The same pasted on pasteboards, bound and varnished, suitable for the use of schools. Price, - 20 00 No. 7. A new General Atlas, consisting of imperial sheet Maps of the World on the Globular projection, 2 sheets ; World on Mercator s projection, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, North America, South America, 2 sheets ; United States, Mexico, and British posses sions. Price half bound, 10 00 No. 8. A new College Atlas, consisting of a series of General Maps of the various grand divi sions of the known world, adapted to the course of geographical instruction, pur sued in the colleges and high schools of the United States, imperial folio. Price half bound, 5 00 No. 9, The same as the preceding, with the Maps pasted on thick pasteboards and varnished, for the use of schools. Price, - 7 50 No. 10. Atlas of Ancient Geography, designed to illustrate the works of the ancient writers, both sacred and profane, sixteen select Maps in imperial quarto. Price, half bound, -: .. - 3 00 No. 11. A new map of North America on four sheets, embracing all the recent discove ries of Ross, Parry, Franklin, Long, &c. &c. Price, mounted on rollers, or in a portable form, - S 00 No. 12. A four sheet Map of Europe, improved to 1828. Price, - 8 00 No. 13. Do. Asia, do. do. do. .- 8 00 No. 14. Do. Africa, do. do. do. . 8 00 No. 15. A new Map of South America, in two sheets, do. do. - - 4 CO The Maps numbered 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, are usu ally sold together; they form a set on which is delineated the entire surface oi the earth, and present as complete a body of geographical information on the known world, as the existing state of knowledge will admit. Price of the set, mounted on rollers and varnished, - - $35 00 No. 16. Map of the World on the Globular projec tion, two sheets. This Map, although de signed for the library and counting house, will be found highly useful for schools, for which it is well adapted ; its grand di visions are distinctly marked, and the va rious governments readily distinguished. Price on rollers and varnished, - 3 00 No. 17. A new Map of the United States of Mexi co, on one imperial sheet, drawn from the latest and best authorities, and exhibiting their subdivisions as they now exist ; with numerous tables, &c. Price, in pocket case, - 2 00 No. 18. Map of the Roads, Canals, and Steam-boat routes of the United States, with the dis tances from place to place, and a series of tables showing the principal Steam-boat routes throughout the country. Price, in pocket case, - 1 oo No. 19. Map of the existing and contemplated Ca nals of the state of Pennsylvania, coloured so as to distinguish between such as are finished or in progress, and those merely proposed. Price, 1 50 No. 20. Map of the New England States, for travel lers, in pocket case, - j 25 No. 21. Map of the state of New York, do. do. - 1 25 No. 22. Map of the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, for travellers, do. do. - 1 25 No. 23. Map of the states of Ohio and Indiana, do. do. 1 25 No. 24. Map of the states of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, do. do. 1 25 No. 25. Map of the states of Kentucky and Ten nessee, do do. - 1 25 No. 26. Map of the states of North and South Ca rolina, do. do. - - .. - s i 25 No. 27. Map of the states of Georgia and Alaba ma, do. do. - - $1 25 No. 28. Map of the states of Louisiana and Missis sippi, do. do. - 1 25 No. 29. Map of the states of Illinois and Missouri, do. do. - 1 25 No. 30. Map of the territory of Florida, do. do. 1 25 The state maps numbered from 20 to 30 inclusive, are from the American Atlas, projected and drawn on a uniform scale of fifteen miles to the inch ; they embrace in addi tion to former surveys, those made by order of the United States government; copies of these surveys, as they progress, are regu larly forwarded to the author, by whom they are immediately inserted on the plates. By these means, and the facilities of procu ring other information, afforded by an ex tensive correspondence, the maps are made to keep pace with the improvement of the country, and to exhibit at all times, the existing state of geographical infor mation regarding the United States, and. contiguous countries. The set, consisting of eleven Maps, printed on silk paper, is put up in a portable case for the conveni ence of travellers. Price, $12 and 15 00 The same maps are put up separately on muslin, in a portable case. Price, each, 2 00 No. 31. Chart of the World on Mercator s projec- jection, one large sheet, 1 00 No. 32. Map of Europe, one large sheet, 1 00 No. 33. Map of Asia, one large sheet, 1 00 No. 34. Map of Africa, do. 1 00 No. 35. Map of America, do. 1 00 No. 36. The four preceding Maps pasted together on one sheet of canvas, and roller, suitable for schools. Price, - 5 50 No. 37. Map of North America, one large sheet, l 00 No. 38. Map of the United States, Medium sheet, 50 No. 39, Map of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, &c, 1 00 No. 40. Chart of Delaware Bay, two sheets, - 1 00 No. 41. Dissected Map of the World, one large sheet, - 2 50 No. 42. Do. Europe, do. - $2 50 No. 43. Do. Asia, do. - 2 50 No. 44. Do. Africa, do. .. - 2 50 No. 45. Do. United States, do. - 2 00 No. 46. The Mariner s Atmospherical Register or Weather Book, 2 50 No. 47. A general Outline of the United States, -with plates, 2 50 No. 48. Atlas of Outline Maps of the World, and Quarters, the set, 50 No. 49. School Atlas, consisting of the World, Quarters, and United States, - 50 No. 50. A Geological Survey of the Environs of Philadelphia, with a Map coloured geolo gically. Price, 63 No. 51. Map of the country 15 miles around Phila delphia, with the roads, public houses, Sec. in a pocket case, 50 No. 52. Maps of the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, mounted on rollers and var nished, suitable for counting houses, schools, See. Price each, $1 50, or for the set, - ... 7 00 These Maps will be found highly useful in mercantile establishments, as they present a complete general view of the whole world, with the most important commercial pla ces distinctly marked. For school purposes they are also peculiarly adapted, as they supercede in a great measure those large and costly maps which have hitherto been used in public seminaries; the entire set being furnished at a price considerably less than is paid for a single four sheet Map. No. 53. Map of Schuylkill county, Pa., on a scale of 2 miles to the inch. Price, - 1 00 No. 54. The Stranger s Guide to the public build ings, places of. amusement, streets, lanes, alleys, wharves, principal hotels, steam boat landings, stage offices, &c. in the City of Philadelphia and adjoining Districts, with references for ascertaining their posi tion on the accompanying plan of the City; the whole alphabetically arranged and forming a complete Guide to every object of interest in the city and suburbs of Phila delphia : to which are added a Map of the environs of Philadelphia and a view of Fair Mount Water Works. Price, - $1 00 No. 54. A new and authentic Map of Colombia, with its departments and provinces, con structed principally from the manuscript maps drawn at Bogota by order of the Co lombian government, with the main roads distinctly marked, and a table of the popu lation, capitals, and area in square miles of the departments; the population and capi tals of the provinces, and the population, al titude, latitude, and longitude, of the capi tals of each province : the whole present ing an accurate view of the geography of Colombia brought up to the present time. Price, on rollers or in a portable form, $5 00 The same printed on bank note paper, in pocket case, - 3 50 No. 55. A View of the United States historical, geographical, and statistical, exhibiting, in a convenient form, the natural and arti ficial features of the several states, and em bracing those leading branches of history and statistics, best adapted to develope the present condition of the North American Union; illustrated with Maps, 8cc. By Wil liam Darby, forming an 18mo. book of 600 pages, with 14 maps. Price, 2 50 No. 56. A new pocket Atlas of the United States, the Maps drawn on a uniform scale, with the distances from place to place. Price, No. 57. Map of the state of Pennsylvania, No. 58. Drawing Book. No. 1. Human figure. 1 25 38 Price, 38 No. 59. Do. No. 2. Landscapes. 25 No. 60. Do. No. 3. Shipping 38 No. 61. Do. No. 4. Landscapes, 38 No. 62. Do, No. 5. the same, col d 50 No, 63. Do. No. 6. Flowers, 38 No. 64. Do. No. 7. Flowers, 38 No. 65. Do. No. 8. Flowers, 38 No. 66. Do. No. 9. Flawers, 38 No. 67. Do. No. 10. Roses, 38 No. 68. Do. i containing 8 she-ets of Flowers coloured. Price, - I GO No. 69. A New and elegant Map of the United States on a scale of 30 miles to the inch 5 feet 4 * s inches long, and 4 feet 2 inches high. Price of the map with the accompanying Memoir on the materials used in its construction, $10 00 No, 70. Memoir on the recent Surveys, Observa tions, and Internal Improvements in the United States, with brief notices of the new counties, towns, villages, canals, and rail roads, never before delineated. By H. S. Tanner. Intended to accompany his New Map of the United States. Price, - 1 00 No. 71. Map of the United States, including the Western Districts. Price, - - - 75 No. 72. Print. View of Mount Vernon, 50 No. 73. Do. do the same coloured, 75 No. 74. Atlas of the state of South Carolina, con taining maps of the several districts drawn on a uniform scale of two miles to the inch, - . ... 12 00 No. 75, The same maps put up in a portable form, at prices from $3 50 to 1 50 each. No. 76. Map of the state of South Carolina on four sheets, drawn and published in conformity to a law of the state, - 5 00 No. 77. A View of West Florida, embracing its geography, topography, 8cc. with an ap pendix treating of its antiquities, land titles, and proposed canals, with Maps, by J. L. Williams. Price, 2 00 No. 78. Map of the western part of Florida, ex tending from Mobile bay to the Suwanee river both inclusive, in pocket case, - 1 25 No. 79. A Map of the state of New Jersey, with parts of the adjoining states, engraved on three sheets ; by Thomas Gordon. Price, mounted on rollers, or in a portable form, 8 00 No. 80. Plan of the city of Pittsburg and adjacent country. Price in pocket case, 1 00 * # * In preparation, a four sheet Map of the World on the globular projection, and a Classical Atlas, consisting of 57 Maps of Ancient Geography, in imperial quarto. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 19Jan 648C IHTL i !** t r*v i s""\ REC D LD in il n J. .,, m T TV* TAU6- LD 2lA-40m-ll, 6J (E1602slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley 04500 269800 UNIVERSJTY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY