THE ANNALS OF AMERICA, THE DISCOVERY BY COLUMBUS IN THE YEAR 1492, THE YEAR 1826. By ABIEL HOLMES, d.d. MINISTER OF THE FIRST CHURCH IJV CAMBRIDGE J CORRESPONDING SECRETARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. suum quaeque in annum referre. Tacitus. SECOND EDITION. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. FC CAMBRIDGE: PUBLISHED BY HILLIARD AND BROWN, 1829. .£$ M DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, to wit : District Clerk's Office. Be it remembered, that on the second day of January, A D. 1829, and in the fifty- third year of the Independence of the United States of America, Abiel Holmes, of the said district, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, viz. "The Annals of America, from the discovery by Columbus in the year 1492, to the year 1826. By Abiel, Holmes, d.d. Minister of the First Church in Cambridge ; Corresponding Secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society. suum quaeque in annum referre. Tacitus." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors cf such copies, during the times therein mentioned : " and also to an Act, entitled, " An Act supplementary to an Act entitled, « An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ; * and ex- tending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." JNO. W. DAVIS. Clerk of the District of Massachusetts. CAMBRIDGE ! HILLIA.RD, METCA.LF, AND COMriNT. Be it reme third year of 1 the said distii claims as aut "The Aii- year 1326. Correspond! in annum re' In confon the encoura< the authors also to an encouragem authors and tending the and otr-'-T mj « — > ifc^hr^® <^r^^/ £ t <-£ I ^ ^ &H&U DIVISION OF THE ANNALS. VOL. I. p ART I.— EUROPEAN DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. period i. From the Discovery of America, in 1492, to the Conquest of Mexico, in 1521. period ii. From the Conquest of Mexico, in 1521, to the First permanent Settlement of Virginia, in 1607. Part II. — British American colonies. period i. From the First permanent Settlement of Virginia, in 1607, to the Settlement of Plymouth, in 1620. period ii. From the Settlement of Plymouth, in 1620, to the Union of the New England Colonies, in 1643. period in. From the Union of the New England Colonies, in 1643, to the Revolution of William and Mary, in 1689. period iv. From the Revolution of William and Mary, in 1689, to the Set- tlement of Georgia, in 1732. VOL. II. period v. From the Settlement of Georgia, in 1732, to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. period vi. From the Peace of Paris, in 1763, to the Declaration of Inde- pendence, in J 776. Part III. — the united states of America. period i. From the Declaration of Independence, in 1776, to the Federal Government, in 1789. period ii. From the Commencement of the Federal Government, in 1789, to the Completion of the Fiftieth Year of the Independence of the United States, in 1826. PREFACE. A new world has been discovered, which has been receiving inhabi- tants from the old, more than three hundred years. A new empire has arisen, which has been a theatre of great actions and stupendous events. That remarkable discovery, those events and actions, can now be ac- curately ascertained, without recourse to such legends, as have darkened and disfigured the early annals of most nations. But, while local histories of particular portions of America have been written, no attempt has been made to give even the outline of its entire history. To obtain a general knowledge of that history, the scattered materials, which com- pose it, must be collected, and arranged in the natural and lucid order of time. Without such arrangement, effects would often be placed before causes ; contemporary characters and events disjoined ; actions, having no relation to each other, confounded ; and much of the pleasure and benefit, which History ought to impart, would be lost. If history, however, without chronology, is dark and confused ; chronology, without history, is dry and insipid. In the projection, therefore, of this work, preference was given to that species of historical composition, which unites the essential advantages of both. It has been uniformly my aim to trace facts, as much as possible, to their source. Original authorities, therefore, when they could be ob- tained, have always had preference. Some authors, of this character, wrote in foreign languages ; and this circumstance may be an apology for the occasional introduction of passages, that will not be generally understood. While originals possess a spirit which cannot be infused into a translation, they recite facts with peculiar clearness and force. IV PREFACE. Quotations, however, in foreign languages are always inserted in the marginal notes. There also are placed those passages in English, which are obsolete, either in their orthography, or their style. To some persons they may, even there, be offensive ; but they may gratify the historian and the antiquary. The one may be pleased with such marks of authen- tic documents ; the other, with such vestiges of antiquity. The numerous references may have the appearance of superfluity, perhaps of ostentation. The reason for inserting so many author/ties was, that the reader, when desirous of obtaining more particular infor- mation than it was consistent with the plan of these Annals to give, might have the advantage of consulting the more copious histories for himself. Should these volumes serve as an Index to the principal sources of American history, they may render a useful though humble service to the student, who wishes to obtain a thorough knowledge of the history of his country. Professions of impartiality are of little significance. Although not conscious of having recorded one fact, without such evidence as was satisfactory to my own mind, or of having suppressed one, which ap- peared to come within the limits of my design ; yet I do not flatter myself with the hope of exemption from error. It is but just, however, to observe, that, had I possessed the requisite intelligence, more names of eminence would have been introduced ; more ancient settlements noticed ; and the States in the Federal Union more proportionally re- spected. For any omissions, or other faults, which have not this apology, the extent of the undertaking may obtain some indulgence. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 10 October, 1805. The favourable reception of this work in the United States, and its republication in London, encouraged me to extend my researches in order to render it more [full and exact. Opportunely for my purpose, the additions that have been made to the Libraries in Cambridge PREFACE. V and Boston, within the last twenty years, have furnished me with new sources of historical information, and with facilities for making use of them. In the Ebeling Library and the Warden Collection, presented to the University in Cambridge, and in the Prince Collection, deposited in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, there have been found many scarce and valuable books and manuscripts, illustrative of American history. Durmg the convulsions of Europe, our libraries becoming enriched with books of rare importation, I obtained several Spanish American historians, and among them Herrera, whom I was no longer obliged to cite from a very exceptionable translation. To literary gentlemen and correspondents I have been indebted for answers to historical inquiries, and for the use of rare books. My par- ticular acknowledgments are due to the late president Jefferson, who, approving the plan of the work, sent me from his own library several books, of which I have never seen any other copies. Among these were Memoires de VAmerique — an invaluable collection of official Papers and Documents, which, though received too late for the first, are used in the present edition. The period of ..Spanish and French discoveries and settlements was closed before the permanent settlement of Virginia. Occurrences, there- fore, in the colonies of those nations, after this epoch, which commences the era of the British American colonies, are not inserted in this edition, excepting such as, either from local circumstances, or wars, commercial or other connexions or interests, were thought pertinent to the design. The advantages gained, by preserving the unity of the subject and giving it a fuller illustration, will compensate for the omission of the few foreign articles which, in the first edition, were inserted at a later period of our history. The First Part, which is little more than an Introduction to the suc- ceeding Periods, has a new claim to our notice, on account of the late additions to the territory and jurisdiction of the United States from what had previously belonged to France and Spain ; the proximity of Louisiana VI PREFACE. and Florida to Mexico; and the revolutions in the Spanish American colonies. It will be remembered, however, that it is still my principal design to give a chronological history of the British American Colonies, and of the United States. It is delightful to perceive an increasing liberality of sentiment and feeling between the literati of Great Britain and America. There ought, assuredly, to be no party in the Republic of Letters. The concluding remarks of the English Quarterly Review of the American edition of this work, prefixed by the Editor to the London edition, are cordially adopted : — " There is a sacred bond between us of blood and of lan- guage, which no circumstances can break. Our literature must always continue to be theirs ; and though their laws are no longer the same as ours, we have the same Bible, and we address our common Father in the same prayer. Nations are too ready to admit that they have natural enemies; why should they be less willing to believe that they have natural friends?" Cambridge, 24 December, 1828. CATALOGUE THE AUTHORS USED IN THIS WORK. Acrelius (Israel) Nya Swerige. 4to. Stockholm, 1759. Adair (James) History of the American Indians. 4to. London, 1775. Adams (John) History of Disputes with America, from their origin in 1754. Bos- ton Gazette. Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal law, with other political tracts. 8vo. London, 1768. Defence of the Constitu- tions of Government of the United States. Svo. 3 vols. London, 1787. Twenty six Letters on Important Subjects. 12mo. New York, 1789. (Hannah) History of New Eng- land. 8vo. Dedham, 1799. Alcedo (D. Antonio de) Diccionario Geographico-Historico de las Indias Occi- dentals 6 America. 4to. Madrid, 1786. Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Thompson's edition. 4to. 5 vols. Lond. 1812. (y Herrera, D. Dionysio de) A- viso Historico &c. 4to. Madrid, 1740. Allen (William) American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. 8vo. Cambridge, America, True Sentiments of, in a Col- lection of Letters sent from the house of Representatives of the Province of Massa- chusetts to several persons of high rank in Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1768. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs of. 4to. 4 vols. Boston. VOL. 1. h American and British Chronicle of War and Politicks from A. r>. 1773 to A. d. 1783. 8vo. Lond. Colonies, the Grievances of, candidly examined. Printed by Authori- ty, at Providence, in Rhode Island. 8vo. Lond. (reprinted) 1766. Continental Congress, Journ- als of, 1775 et seq. Secret Journal of. Gazette : A Collection of all the authentic Addresses, Memorials, Let- ters, &c. which relate to the present Dis- putes between Great Britain and her Colo- nies — with many Original Papers. 8vo. Second edit. Lond. 1768. Museum, from 1787 to 1792. Svo. 12 vols. Philadelphia. Philosophical Society, Trans- actions of. Philadelphia. State Papers, Wait's edit. 8vo. 12 vols. Boston. [The first 8 volumes are quoted from the 1st edition.'] Anderson (Adam) Historical and Chro- nological Deduction of the Origin of Com- merce. 4to. 4 vols. Lond. 1801. Annual Register, from 1776 to 1782. Lond. Archdale (John) A new Description of Carolina, with a brief Account of its Dis- covery, Settling, and Government to this time ; with several remarkable passages of Divine Providence during my Time. 4to. Lond. 1707. Atlas Geogr. Americ. 4to. Austin (James T.) Life of Elbridge Ger- ry. 8vo. Boston, 1828. CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. B Backus (Isaac) History of New England, with particular reference to Baptists. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1777. Bancroft's History of Guiana. 8vo. Lond. 1769. Belknap (Jeremy) History of N. Hamp- shire. 8vo. 3 vols. Boston, 1792. Discourse on the Dis- covery of America. Boston, 1792. American Biography. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1794 and 1798. Beverly's History of Virginia from 1585 to 1700. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1707. Bibliotheca Americana. 4to. Lond. 1789. Historica, (Struvius, B. G.) digesta et amplificata a J. G. Meuselio. 8vo. 3 vols. Lipsioe, 1788. Blair (John) Chronological Tables, fol. Lond. 1779. Bollan (William) Colonics Anglicans Il- lustrate . Or, The Acquest of Dominion and the Plantation of Colonies made by the English in America, with the Right of the Colonists, examined, stated, and illustrated. 4to. Lond. 1762. Ancient Right of the English nation to the American Fishery, examined and stated. 4to. Lond. 1764. Petition presented to the two houses of Parliament, with a brief In- troduction, relating to the authority of hu- man rulers, and the subjects' common right of defence, &c. to which is subjoined, The Council's Defence against the charge of certain misdemeanours. 4to. Lond. 1774. Botta (Charles) History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Translated from the Italian by G. A. Otis. 8vo. 3 vols. Philad. 1820. Bozman (John L.) Sketch of the His- tory of Maryland during the three first years. 8vo. Baltimore, 1811. Brackenridge (H. M.) History of the late War between the United States and G.Britain. 7th edit. 12mo. Bait. 1818. Bradford (Alden) History of Massachu- setts, from 1764 to 1789. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1822, 1825. British Empire in America. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1741. 3 vols. Lond. 1756. Dominions in North America, History of, from the first discovery of that continent by S. Cabot in 1497 to the peace of 1763. 4to. London, 1773. Bry (Theodore de) Collectiones Pere- grinantium in Indiam orientalem et occi- dentalem. America, partes 13. Frankfort, 1590—1599. Calef (Robert) Wonders of the Invisible World. 4to. Lond. 1700. Callender (John) Historical Discourse on the affairs of Rhode Island, from 1638 to the end of the first Century. Boston, 1739. Camden (Gul.) Annales Rerum Anglica- rum et Hibernicarum, regnante Elizabetha. fol. 2 vols. Lond. 1615, 1627.. Cardenas z Cano (Gabriel) Ensayo Chronologico para la HistoriaGeneral de la Florida. Desde el ano de 1512, que discubrio la Florida Juan Ponce de Leon, hasta el de 1722. fol. Madrid, 1723. Carolina ; Or a Description of the pres- ent state of that country. By T. A. Gent. Clerk on board his majesty's ship the Rich- mond, sent in 1680 to enquire into the state of that country, and returned in 1682. Lond. 1682. (North) Collections of the Statutes of the Parliament of England in force in the State of, by F. X. Martin. 4to. Newbern, 1792. Carver (J.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, for more than 5000 miles. 8vo. Philad. 1784. Castillo (Bernal Diaz del) Historia Ver- dadera de la Conquista de la Nueva-Espa- na. fol. Madrid, 1692. True History of Mexico. 8vo. 2 vols. Salem, 1803. Century Sermons, and Periodical Jour- nals. Chalmers (George) Political Annals of the Present United Colonies. 4to. Lond. 1780. Champlain (Sieur de) Voyages de la Nouvelle France Occid. 4to. Paris, 1630. Voyages de la Canada. 4to. Paris, 1632. Charlevoix (Pere de) Histoire de la France Nouvelle. 4to. 3 vols. Paris, 1744. Histoiy of Paraguay. 8vo. 2 vols. Dublin, 1769. Travels in North A- merica. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1763. Church (Thomas) History of king Phil- ip's War. 8vo. Newport, 1772. Churchill (A. and J.) Collection of Voy- ages and Travels. See Voyages. Clap (Thomas) Histoiy of Yale College from a. d. 1700 to 1766. 8vo. New Ha- ven, 1766. Clavigero (Abbe) History of Mexico. 4to. 2 vols. London, 1787. Colden (Cadwallader) History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Collections of the Massachusetts Histo- CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. \l rical Society. From 1792 to 1825. See Historical. Columbus ( Christopher) Life of, by his son Ferdinand. In Churchill's Collection of Voyages. Memorials of, from original Manuscripts. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Conduite des Francois, par rapport a la Nouvelle Ecosse. Traduit de PAnglois, avec des Notes d'un Francois &c. 12mo. Londres, 1755. Congress, American, Journals of. Cortesii (Ferdinandi) de Insulis noviter Inventis Narratio, ad Carolum Quintum Imperatorem. In Grynaeo. De Nova Maris Oceani Hispania Narratio Secunda et Tertia. Ibid. Coxe (Daniel) Description of the Eng- lish Province of Carolana. By the Span- iards called Florida, and by the French, La Louisane. 8vo. Lond. 1741. (Tench) View of the United States. 8vo. Philad. 1794. D Dalrymple (Alexander) Historical Col- lection of the several Voyages and Dis- coveries in the South Pacific Ocean. 4to. 2 vols. Lond. 1770. Day (T.) Historical Account of the Ju- diciary of Connecticut. Hartford, 1817. Denys' Description Geographique et Historique des Costes de l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 12mo. 2 vols. Paris, 1672. Dobbs (Arthur) Account of the coun- tries adjoining Hudson's Bay &c. 4to. Lond. 1744. Douglass (William) Summary, Histori- cal and Political, of the British Settlements in North America. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1749. Drayton (John) View of South Carolina. 8vo. Charleston, 1802. Dummer (Jeremiah) Defence of the New England Charters. 8vo. Lond. first printed in 1721. Edwards (Bryant) History of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 8vo. 2 vols. Dublin, 1793. Eliot (John) Biographical Dictionary of New England. 8vo. Boston, 1809. Emerson (William) Historical Sketch of the First Church in Boston. 8vo. Boston, 1812. Encyclopedic Methodique [the volumes of, upon History, Commerce, Geography, and Chronology]. 4to. 17 vols. Paris, 1782—1787. English Statutes. Escarbot(L') Nova Francia, or the De- scription of that part of New France, which is one continent with Virginia, described in the three late Voyages and Plantation made by M. de Ponts, M. du Pont-Grave, and M. de Poutrincourt into the countries called by the Frenchmen La Cadie. 4to. Lond. 1654. From the French. — Also in Purchas and Churchill. European Settlements in America, Ac- count of. [Burke] 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1760. Farmer (John) Historical Memoir of Billerica. Amherst, 1816. Farmer and Moore, Historical and Mis- cellaneous Collections. 8vo. 3 vols. Con- cord, 1822—1824. Gazetteer of New Hampshire. 12mo. Concord, 1823. Findley (William) History of the Insur- rection in the four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in 1794. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796. Foster (J. Reinhold) History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. 8vo. Dublin, 1786. Franklin (Benjamin) Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Lond. 1759. Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colo- nies. 8vo. Lond. 1760. Works of. 8vo. 6 vols. Philad. 1818. G Gage (T.) New Relation of the West Indies, fol. Lond. 1655. Gilbert (Humphrey) Voyage to New- foundland in 1583. In Hajskryt. Gookin (Daniel) Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. In Col- lections of Mass. Historical Society, from the original Manuscript. 1792. Gordon (William) History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America : Including an Account of the late War; and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their Origin to that Period. 8vo. 4 vols. Lond. 1788. Gorges, Description of New England. 4to. Lond. 1659. Griffith (William) Annual Law Register of the United States. 8vo. 4 vols. Grimke (J. F.) Public Laws of South Carolina. 4to. Philad. 1790. Grynaeus (Simon) Novus Orbis Regio- num ac Insularum veteribus incognitarum, fol. Basil, 1555. Xll CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. H Hakluyt (Richard) Voyages, Naviga- tions, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, fol. 3 vols. Lond. 1589 —1600. Harris (John) Collections of Voyages and Travels, fol. 2 vols. Lond. 1705. (Thacldeus Mason) Journal of a Tour and Account of the State of Ohio. 8vo. Boston, 1805. Hazard (Ebenezer) Historical Collec- tions. 4to. 2 vols. Philad. 1792, 1794. Heckewelder (John) Historical Account of the Indian Nations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. Hennepin's Discovery of a vast country in America. 8vo. Lond. 1698. Herrera (Anton, de) Historia General de las Indias Occidentales, 1492 — 1554. fol. 4 vols. Amberes, 1728. Geneial History of A- merica. 8vo. 6 vols. Lond. 1740. Hewatt (Alexander) Historical Account of South Carolina and Georgia. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1779. Historical Society, Collections, Massa- chusetts. 8vo. 21 vols. Boston, 1792— 1825. New York. 8vo. 4 vols. 1811—1826. Pennsylva- N. Hamp- Concord, 1826-7. R. Island. nia. 8vo. Philad. 1826. shire. 8vo. 2 vols. 8vo. Providence, 1827. Holm (Thomas Campanius) Provincien Nya Swerige uti America. 4to. Stock- holm, 1702. Hopkins (Samuel) Memoirs of Housa- tunnuck Indians. 4to. Boston, 1753. Hore, Voyage to Newfoundland and Cape Breton in 1536. In Hakluyt. Hoyt (E.) Antiquarian Researches: A History of the Indian Wars in the country bordering on Connecticut river &c. 8vo. Greenfield, 1824. Hubbard (William) History of New England. Boston, 1815. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from 1607 to 1677. 12mo. Humboldt (Alexander de) Political Es- say on the kingdom of New Spain. [From the French.] 8vo. 2 vols. New York, 1811. Humphreys (David) Historical Account of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 8vo. Lond. 1730. Miscellaneous Works. 8vo. N. York, 1804. Hutchinson (Thomas) History of Mas- sachusetts, from 1628 to 1750. 8vo. 2 vols. Salem, 1795. Additional volume of, from 1750 to 1774. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Collection of Pa- pers. 8vo. Boston, 1769. James (Thomas) Strange and dangerous Voyage in his intended discovery of the Northwest passage into the South Sea. 4to. Lond. 1633. Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on Virginia. 8vo. Philad. 1794. Jefferys (Thomas) History of the French Dominions in North and South America, fol. Lond. 1760. Jesuites, Histoire Impartiale des. 12mo. 1768. Johnson (Edward) History of N. Eng- land from the English planting in the yeere 1628 until the yeere 1652 : Also entitled, " Wonderworking Providence of Sion's Saviour in New England." 4to. Lond. 1654. Jones (Hugh) Chaplain to the Honour- able Assembly, and late Minister of James- Town : " The Present State of Virginia." 8vo. Lond. 1724. Josselyn (John) New England Rarities. 12mo. Lond. 1672. Account of Two Voy- ages to New England. 12mo. London, 1647. K Keith (William) History of Virginia. 4to. Lond. 1738. Kennet (White) Bibliothecae America- ns Primordia. 4to. Lond. 1713. Knox (John) Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, 1757 — 1760. 4to. 2 vols.. Lond. 1769. Laet (Joan, de) Novus Orbis, seu De- scriptio Indise Occidentalis. fol. Lug. Bat. 1633. Historie ofte Jaerlijck Verhael van de Derrichtinghen der Geoc- troyeerde West-Indische Compagnie. fol. Leyden, 1644. La Hontan (baron) New Voyages to North America. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1735. Laudonniere (M. Rene) Voyages into Florida. In Hakluyt. Lapat (R. P.) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de PAraerique. 12mo. 8 vols. Paris, 1711. Lavoisne (M.) Atlas. Cary's American edition, fol. Philad. 1820. CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. Xlll Laws, General, of Massachusetts, fol. Boston, 1672. of Plymouth, fol. Boston, 1685. of several Colonies. of the United States. 6 vols. Lawson(John) History of Carolina. 4to. Lond. 1717. Lee (Charles) Life and Memoirs of. 12mo. N. York, 1813. (Henry) Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. 8vo. 2 vols. Philad. 1812. (Richard Henry) Life and Corres- pondence. 8vo. 2 vols. Philad. 1825. Lempriere's Universal Biography. Lord's American edition, with additional American Biography. 8vo. 2 vols. N.York, 1825. Lescajbot, Hist, de la Nouvelle France. 12mo. 2 vols. Paris, 1612. Loskiel (George H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. 8vo. Lond. 1794. M M'Call (Hugh) History of Georgia. 8vo. 2 vols. 1816. Maire (Jacob le) Spieghel der Austra- lische Navigatie. fol. Amst. 1622. Mante (Thomas) History of the late War in North America and the Islands of the West Indies, including the campaigns of 1763 and 1764 against his majesty's In- dian enemies. 4to. Lond. 1772. Marshall (John) Life of George Wash- ington. 8vo. 5 vols. 1804-7. Martyr (Petrus) De Novo Orbe. 12mo. Parisiis, 1587. De Insulis nuper reper- tis, et de moribus incolarum eorundem. In Grynaeo. Massachusetts Bay, Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province. 8vo. Boston, 1814. Mather (Cotton) Magnalia Christi A- mericana, or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England from 1620 to 1698. fol. Lond. 1702. (Increase) Indian Troubles in New England, and Historical Discourse. 4to. Boston, 1677. (Samuel) Life of Cotton Mather. 8vo. Boston, 1729. Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the War from 1744 to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. 8vo. Boston, 1758. Memoires de l'Amerique. 4to. 4 vols. Paris. Miller (Samuel) Retrospect of the eigh- teenth Century. 8vo. 2 vols. N. York, 1803. Minot (George Richards) Continuation of the History of Massachusetts. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1789. History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1786. 8vo. Worcester, 1788. Morse (Jedidiah) American Universal Geography. 8vo. Boston, 1805. and Richard C. Uni- versal Gazetteer, or Geographical Diction- ary. 8vo. N. Haven, 1821. Morton (Nathaniel) New England's Me- morial. 5th edit. With large additions by John Davis. 8vo. Boston, 1826. Moultrie (William) Memoirs of the A- merican Revolution, so far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina, and Georgia. 12mo. 2 vols. New York, 1802.^ Muiioz (Don J. B.) History of the New World. From the Spanish, with Notes by the Translator. 8vo. Lond. 1797. N Navarrete (Don Martin Fernandez de) Colleccion de losViages y Descubrimientos, que hicieron por mar los Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV. Madrid, 1825. Neal (Daniel) History of New England. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1742. History of the Puritans. 8vo. ■ 5 vols. Bath, 1795. Nieuwe Werelt, anders ghenaempt West- Indien. fol. Amst. 1622. Niles(H.) Weekly Register. Royal 8vo. Bait. 1811—1827. Nova Scotia, Memorials of the English and French Commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. 4to. Lond. 1755. O Ogilby's America, fol. 1671. Oldys' Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. Pre- fixed to Ralegh's History of the World, fol. Lond. 1736. Otis (James) Rights of the British Col- onies asserted and proved. [Boston, 1764.} Lond. reprinted. See Tudor. Parliamentary Register, 1775 to 1782. Pemberton (Thomas) Historical Journal of the American War. In vol. ii. of Coll. Mass. Historical Society. Penhallow (Samuel) History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians from 1703 to 1713, and from 1722 to their submission, which was ratified 5 August, 1726. 12mo. Boston, 1726. XIV CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. Pert (T.) and S. Cabot, Voyage to Bra- sil &c. 1526. In Hakluyt, vol. iii. Philadelphia in 1824. Pitkin (Timothy) Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States. 8vo. Hartford, 1816. Plymouth Laws. fol. Boston, 1685. Pownall (Thomas) Administration of the Colonies. 8vo. 2d edit. Lond. 1765. Topographical De- scription of parts of the Middle British Colonies : with a map. fol. Lond. 1776. Pratz (M. le Page du) Histoire de Lou- isiane. 12mo. 3 vols. Paris, 1758. Prince (Thomas) Chronological History of New England. 8vo. Boston, 1826. Proud (Robert) History of Pennsylva- nia, from 1681 till after the year 1742. 8vo. 2 vols. Philad. 1798. Purchas (Samuel) his Pilgrimage, fol. 4 vols. Lond. 1641 et seq. Q Quincy (Josiah) Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy jun. 8vo. Boston, 1825. R Ramsay (David) History of the Revo- lution of South Carolina. 8vo. 2 vols. Trenton, 1785. History of the American Revolution. 8vo. 2 vols. Philad. 1789. History of South Caro- lina from 1670 to 1708. 8vo. 2 vols. Charleston, 1809. Chronological Table of Principal Events &c. from 1607 to 1816. Remembrancer (Almon) 8vo. 17 vols. Lond. Reports of Heads of Departments to Congress. Robertson (William) History of Ameri- ca. 8vo. 3 vols. Basil, 1790. Books IX and X. in continuation. Roberts (Robert) Journals of his Ex- cursions during the war in North America. 8vo. Lond. 1765. (William) Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida, with Jeffreys' Map and Plans. 4to. Lond. 1763. Robinson (John) Apologia. See i. 573. Rymer (Thomas) Foedera. fol. 20 vols. Londini, 1727 et seq. Sanson (Nicholas) Amerique en plu- sieurs Traittes de Geographie, et d' His- toire. 4to. Paris, 1657. Seybert (Adam) Statistical Annals of the United States, founded on authentic documents. 4to. Philad. 1818. Smith (John) Description of New Eng- land : Or, The Observations and Discove- ries of Capt. John Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 1614. 4to. Lond. 1616. General History of Vir- ginia, New England, and the Summer Isles. fol. Lond. 1632. Continuation of, with their state from 1624 to 1629. In Church- ill, vol. iii. The True Travels, Ad- ventures, and Observations of, into Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. lb. (Samuel) Account of the designs of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, annexed to a Sermon ,rjreached at their first yearly meeting 25 Feb. 1730- 31. Lond. 1733. History of New Jer- sey, from its settlement to 1721. 8vo. Burlington, 1765. (William) History of the Prov- ince of New York to a. d. 1732. 4to. Lond. 1757. Continuation of, from 1732 to 1762. 8vo. N.York, 1826. Snow (Caleb H.) Histoiy of Boston. 8vo. Boston, 1825. Solis (D. Antonio de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, fol. Brussels, 1704. Histoiy of the Conquest of Mexico. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1753. Sommer Islands : Petition from the Gov- ernor and Company of, with annexed Pa- pers, presented to the Right Honorable the Council of State &c. 19 July 1651 ; with a short Collection of the most remarkable passages from the original to the dissolu- tion of the Virginia Company. Southey (Robert) History of Brazil. 4to. 3 vols. Lond. 1823. Sparks (Jared) Life of John Ledyard. 8vo. Cambridge, 1828. Spotorno (D. Gio Batista) Historical Memoir of Christopher Columbus and his Discoveries. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Stedman (C.) History of the American War. 4to. 2 vols. Lond. 1794. Stith (William) History of Virginia. 8vo. Lond. 1753. Stokes' Constitution of the British Colo- nies. Stork (William) Description of East Florida, with a Journal of John Bartram of Philadelphia, Botanist to his Majesty for the Floridas. With a Map and Plans. 4to. Lond. 1774. Sullivan (James) History of the District of Maine. 8vo. Boston, 1795. CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. XV T. Tarleton (Lieut, colonel) Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. 4to. Lond. 1787. Thacher (James) Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783. 8vo. Boston, 1823. Medical Biography. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1828. Thevet (F. Andre) Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique, autrement nominee Amreique, et de plusieurs Terres et Isles decouvertes de nostre temps. 12mo. An- vers, 1558. Thomas (Isaiah) History of Printing in America. 8vo. 2 vols. Worcester, 1810. Trott (Nicholas) Laws of the British Plantations in America, relating to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning, fol. Lond. 1721. Trumbull (Benjamin) History of Con- necUcut, from 1630 to 1764 ; and to the close of the Indian War. 8vo. 2 vols. New Haven, 1818. General History of the United States of America ; from the discovery to 1765. 8vo. Boston, 1810. Tudor (William) Life of James Otis. 8vo. Boston, 1823. Vega (Garcilasode la) Historia General, & Comment, del Peru. fol. 2 vols. Ma- drid, 1722-3. Royal Commen- taries of Peru, fol. Lond. 1688. Venegas (Miguel) History of California. 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1759. Vermont State Papers, compiled by W. Slade, Secretary of State. 8vo. Middle- bury, 1823. Vesputii (Americi) Navigationes IIII. Prima, Secunda, Tertia, Quarta. In Gry- naeo. Virginia: A short Collection of the most remarkable passages from the original to the dissolution of the Virginia Company. Lond. 1651. in generall, but particularly Carolana, which comprehends Roanoak, and the Southern parts of Virginia richly valued. 2d Edit. With additions of the discovery of Silkworms, and implanting of Mulberry Trees ; also the dressing" of Vines &c. By E. W. [Edw. Williams] Gent. 4to. Lond. 1650. A true Declaration of the estate of the Colonie &c. Published by advise and direction of the Councell of Virginia. 4to. Lond. 1610. Newes from Virginia : A true Relation of such occurrences and accidents of note, as hath hapned in Virginia, since the first planting of that Colony &c. [Black letter. Title page wanting.] Acts of Assembly, passed in the Colony from the year 1662. fol. Lond. 1728. See Jones. Voyages and Travels, Collection of. Printed for A. & J. Churchill, fol. 8 vols. Lond. 1704. W Walker (Hovenden) Journal of Expedi- tion to Canada. 8vo. Lond. 1720. Walsh (Robert) Appeal from the judg- ments of Great Britain respecting the U- nited States of America. 8vo. Philad. 1819. Warren (Mercy) History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution. 8vo. 3 vols. Boston, 1805. Washington (George) Official Letters. 12mo. 2 vols. Boston, 1796. See Mar- shall. Welde (Thomas) Relation of the rise, reign, and ruin of the Antinomians, Famil- ists, and Libertines of New England. 2d edit. 4to. Lond. 1644. West Indies, Present State of. 4to. Lond. 1778. Whitbourne's Discourse and Discovery of Newfoundland. 4to. Lond. 1620. Whitney (Peter) History of the County of Worcester. 8vo. Worcester, 1793. Williams (John) Redeemed Captive. 12mo. Greenfield, 1793. (Samuel) Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 8vo. 2 vols. Bur- lington, 1809. Williamson (Hugh) History of North Carolina. 8vo. 2 vols. Philad. 1812. Winthrop (John) first governor of Mas- sachusetts Bay [Journal] History of New England from 1630 to 1649. J. Savage's edition. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1825. Wirt (William) Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. 8vo. Philad. 1818. Wood (William) New England's Pros- pect. 8vo. Boston, 1764. Worcester (J. E.) Geographical Dic- tionary, or Universal Gazetteer. 2d edit. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston, 1823. Yates and Moulton, History of the State of New York, including its Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. 8vo. N. York, 1825. XVI CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. English Historians. Hume (David) History of England. 8vo. 7 vols. Boston, 1810. Smollett (T.) History of England. 8vo. 4 vols. Boston, 1810. Bissett (Robert) History of G. Britain. 4 vols. N.York, 1811. Russell (William) Histoiy of Modern Europe, with continuations. 8vo. 6 vols. Philad. Manuscripts. Dana (Francis) Letter Book and Jour- nal. In Spain, France, and Russia. Hinckley (governor of Plymouth colony) Collection, deposited in the Library of Massachusetts Hist. Society, fol. 3 vols. Holmes (capt. David) Orderly book in the French war. 4to. 4 vols. 1758 — 1760. Mather Collection, deposited in the Li- brary of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, fol. 6 vols. • Pemberton (Thomas) Massachusetts Chronology for the XVHIth Century. 4to. 6 vols. Sewall (Samuel) Diary. 4to. 3 vols. Stiles (Ezra) Literary Diary, from 1769 to 1795. 4to. 15 vols. Itinerary and other MSS. Trumbull (governor) Account of the State and Origin of Connecticut. Collection, de- posited in the Library of Mass. Historical Society, fol. 25 vols. AMERICAN ANNALS. PART I. EUROPEAN DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. i Vi- PERIOD I. FROM THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, IN 1492, TO THE CON- QUEST OF MEXICO, IN 1521. Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, having formed a just idea of the figure of the earth, had several years enter- tained the design of finding a passage to India by the western ocean. 1 He made his first proposal of attempting this discovery to the republic of Genoa, which treated it as visionary. H^next proposed his plan to John II. king of Portugal, who, at that time, was deeply engaged in prosecuting discoveries on the African coast, for the purpose of finding a way to India. In this enter- prise the Portuguese king had been at so vast an expense, with but small success, that he had no inclination to listen to the proposal. By the advice, however, of a favourite courtier, he privately gave orders to a ship, bound to the island of Cape de Verd, to attempt a discovery in the west ; but the navigators, through ignorance and irresolution, failing in the design, turned the project of Columbus into ridicule. Indignant at this dishonourable artifice, Columbus left Portugal ; and, having previously sent his brother Bartholomew into Eng- land to solicit the patronage of Henry VII, repaired to Ferdi- nand and Isabella, king and queen of Spain. It was not till he had surmounted numerous obstacles, and spent seven years in painful solicitation, that he obtained what he sought. To the * See Note I. at the end of the volume. VOL I. 1 ; AMERICAN ANNALS. 1492. honour of Isabella, and of her sex, the scheme of Columbus was **-v~w first countenanced by the queen. Through the influence of Juan Perez, a Spanish priest, and Lewis Santangel, an officer of the king's household, she was persuaded to listen to his request ; and, after he had been twice repulsed, to recall him to court. She now offered to pledge her jewels, to defray the expense of the proposed equipment, amounting to no more than two thousand five hundred crowns ; but this sum was advanced by Santangel, and the queen saved from so mortifying an expedient. 1 On the 17th day of April, 1492, an agreement was made by Columbus with their Catholic majesties : That, if he should make any discoveries, he should sustain the office of viceroy by land, and admiral by sea, with the advantage of the tenth part of the profits, accruing from the productions and commerce of all the countries discovered ; and these dignities and privileges were not to be limited to his own person, but to be hereditary in his family. 2 On Friday, the 3d day of August, 1492, Columbus set sail from Palos in Spain, with three vessels and ninety men, on a voyage the most daring and grand in its design, and the most extensive and important in its result, of any that had ever been attempted. He, as admiral, commanded the largest ship, called Santa Maria ; Martin Alonzo Pinzon was captain of the Pinta ; and Vincent Yanez Pinzon, captain of the Nina. Arriving at the Canaries, he on the 12th of August sent his boat ashore at Gomera, one of the most westerly of those islands, in the hope of obtaining a vessel to take the place of the Pinta, which had been damaged in the passage from Palos. Not suc- ceeding in this design, he refitted his ships at the Grand Ca- nary ; and, having laid in provisions, he sailed from Gomera on the 6th of September, upon the voyage on the ocean. 3 When 1 See Note II. 2 Life of Columbus, c. 44. Hazard's Historical Collections, i. 1 — 3. Munoz, Hist. New World, b. 2. Memorials of Columbus, p. xlviii. and Documents II, III, by which it appears, that the Privileges and Prerogatives were " granted and expedited " by the king and queen " in the town of Santa Fe, in the plain of Granada, the 17th day of April, a. d. 1492," and completed at Granada on the 30th of the same month. Though the name of Ferdinand appears connect- ed with that of Isabella in this compact, he refused to take any part in the enterprise, as king of Arragon. The whole expense of the expedition was to be defrayed by the crown of Castile ; and Isabella reserved for her subjects of that kingdom an exclusive right to all the benefits that should accrue from its suc- cess. Throughout this transaction the conduct of Isabella was magnanimous ; and though she did not, like the Tyrian queen, conduct the great enterprise in person, yet she is entitled to similar honour: Dux f amino, facti. 3 This " may be accounted the first setting out" on the grand voyage. Life of Columbus, c. 18. One of the vessels had a deck ; the other two, called caravels, had none. They are thus described by Peter Martyr : " Ex regio fisco destinata sunt tria navigia ; unum onerarium caveatum, alia duo levia mercatoria sine caveis, qu« ab Hispanis caravela?. vocantur." De Orbe Novo. This con- temporary writer, and, since his time, Giustiniani and Munoz, say that the whole DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 3 about 200 leagues to the west of the Canary islands, Columbus 1492. observed that the magnetic needle in the compasses did not point ^*~^~+s exactly to the polar star, but varied toward the west. 1 This Variation discovery made an alarming impression on his pilots and mari- pass excites ners ; but his fertile genius helped him to assign a plausible alarm. reason for this strange appearance, and to dispel their fears. Expedients, however, at length lost their effect. The crew, with loud and insolent clamour, insisted on his return, and some of the most audacious proposed to throw him into the sea. When his invention was nearly exhausted, and his hope nearly aban- doned, the only event that could appease the mariners happily occurred. A light, seen by Columbus at ten in the night of the eleventh of October, was viewed as the harbinger of the wished for land ; and early the next morning, land was distinctly seen. \ The voyage from Gomera had been 35 days ; a longer time Oct. 12. than any man had ever been known to be out of sight of covered^ land. At sunrise, all the boats were manned and armed, and the adventurers rowed toward the shore with warlike music and other martial pomp. The coast, in the mean time, was covered with people, who were attracted by the novelty of the spectacle, and whose attitudes and gestures strongly expressed their aston- ishment. They appeared in primitive simplicity, entirely naked. 2 Columbus, richly dressed and holding a naked sword in his Columbus hand, went first on shore, and was followed by his men, who, a » (I his men kneeling down with him, kissed the ground with tears of joy, and & 00ns ore# returned thanks for the success of the voyage. The land was one of the islands of the New World, called by the natives, Guanahani. Columbus, assuming the title and authority of ad- number of persons in the three vessels was 120. Munoz mentions, * a physician, a surgeon, a few servants, and some other adventurers, in all 120 persons." D. Spotorno, in his Historical Memoir of Christopher Columbus, prefixed to the " Memorials," says, " it is probable that the smaller number [90] included only the persons aboard the royal caravels ; the third being Columbus's private pro- perty." 1 Journal of Columbus, in Navarrete's Colleccion. Stow erroneously as- cribes the discovery of the variation of the compass to Sebastian Cabot, five years after this voyage of Columbus. With the correction of name and date, the remark of the venerable antiquary is just : " Before his time, ever since the first finding of the magneticall needle, it was generallie supposed to lie pre- cisely in place of the meridian, and crosse the equator at right angels, respecting with the points dulie north and south." Stow's Chronicle, p. 811. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 1. c. 12. — " como gente que parecia de la primera simplici- dad, ivan desnudos, hombres y mugeres, como nacieron." Many of the Ameri- can natives thus appeared ; though some of them had cinctures of wrought cotton. Munoz, b. 3. c. 10, 18. In other instances, these girdles were com- posed of feathers. .... Such of late Columbus found th' American, so girt With feather'd cincture, naked else and wild, Among the trees on isles and woody shores. „ __ Milton, Paradise Lost, b. S, See Note HI. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1492. miral, called it San Salvador ; and, by setting up a cross, took ^-n^w/ possession of it for their Catholic majesties. 1 Many of the natives stood around, and gazed at the strange ceremony in silent admiration. Though shy at first through fear, they soon became familiar with the Spaniards. The admiral, perceiving that they were simple and inoffensive, gave them hawksbells, strings of glass beads, and red caps, which, though of small intrinsic worth, were by them highly valued. The reason assigned for their peculiar estimation of these baubles is, that, confidently believing these visitants had come down from heaven, they ardently desired to have something left them as a memorial. In return, they gave the Spaniards such provisions as they had, and some cotton yarn, which was the only valuable commodity they could produce. 2 ;t, 15. Columbus, after visiting the coasts of the island, proceeded to make farther discoveries, taking with him several of the natives of San Salvador. He saw several islands, and touched at three of the largest of them, which he named St. Mary of the Con- ception, Fernandina, and Isabella. On the 27th of October, he discovered the island of Cuba, which, in honour of the prince, the son of the Spanish king and queen, he called Juanna. En- tering the mouth of a large river with his squadron, he staid here to careen his ships, sending, in the mean time, some of his people with one of the natives of San Salvador, to view the interior parts of the country. Returning to him on the 5th of November, 1 Life of Columbus, c. 16 — 23. Peter Martyr, De Orbe Novo, 2. Herrera, Historia General de las Indias Ocidentales, decada, 1. lib. 1. cap. 11, 12. Pur- chas, Pilgrimage, i. 729, 730. Munoz, New World, b. 3. c 2. Robertson's History of America, b. 2. European Settlements in America, Part i. c. 1. Bel- knap's American Biography, Art. Columbus. Alcedo, Geographical and His- torical Dictionary of America, Art. Salvador. Memorials of Columbus, Introductory Historical Memoir. Guanahani is one of the West India islands called Lucayos, or Bahamas, lying in 25° north latitude, above 3000 miles to the west of Gomera ; but which of those islands, is questioned to this day. Munoz conjectured, that it was Watling's island ; and Navarrete infers from the Journal of Columbus, that it was Turk's island — del Gran Turco. " Sus circunstan- cias conforman con la descripcion que Colon hace de ella. Su situacion es por el paralelo de 21° 30', al Norte de la mediania de la isla de Santo Domingo." — Primer Viage de Colon, p. 20, N. 4. It has generally been supposed, that Guanahani is the island now called St. Salvador, or Cat island. The origin of the last name does not appear in our historians ; but it may be of the same derivation as Catwater, near Plymouth in England, which signifies a place for vessels to anchor ; a harbour for xxtoi, or ships. See Bryant's Ancient Mytho- logy, iii. 550. 2 Life of Columbus, c. 23, 24. Robertson, b. 2. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 1. c. 13. P. Martyr says, " gentem esse missam e coelo autumant." The natives long retained the belief, that these visitants descended from heaven. Columbus ob- served it after his return to Spain : " Veniunt modo mecum qui semper putant me desiluisse e coelo, quamvis diu nobiscum versati fuerint hodieque versentur. et hi erant primi qui id quocumque appellabamus nunciabant : alii deinceps aliis data voce dicentes, Venite, venite, et videbitis gentes ethereas." Letter of Columbus (Latin version) in his " Life " by Bossi. In the original it is, " Ve- nite, venite, e vedrete gli vomini scesi dal cielo." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 5 they reported, that they had travelled above sixty miles from the 1492. shore ; that the soil was richer and better than any they had v^v^/ hitherto discovered ; and that, beside many scattering cottages, they found one village of fifty houses, containing about a thou- sand inhabitants. 1 Sailing from Cuba on the 5th of December, Dec 6j he arrived the next day at an island, called by the natives Hayti, Hispanioia which, in honour of the kingdom by which he was employed, dlscovered - he named Hispanioia. 2 On the shoals of this island, through the carelessness of his — 24. sailors, he lost one of his ships. The Indian cazique, 3 or prince, SjL io S * e Guacanahari, receiving intelligence of this loss, expressed much grief, and sent all his people with their canoes, to save what they could from the wreck. " We lost not the value of a pin," says the admiral, " for he caused all our clothes to be laid to- gether near his palace, where he kept them till the houses, which he had appointed for us, were emptied. He placed armed men, to keep them, who stood there all day and all night ; and all the people lamented, as if our loss had concerned them much." The port, where this misfortune happened, Columbus called Navidad [the Nativity], because he entered it on Christmas day. Resolving to leave a colony here, he obtained liberty of the cazique to erect a fort, which he accordingly built with the tim- Columbus ber of the ship that was wrecked ; and, leaving it in the hands buildsafort * of three officers and thirty-eight men, prepared to return to Spain. 4 Columbus, having taken every precaution for the security of 1493, his colony, left Navidad on the 4th of January ; and, after dis- covering and naming most of the harbours on the northern coast Jan. 16< of Hispanioia, set sail, on the 16th, for Spain, taking with him S u u r n S b ^ six of the natives. On the 14th of February, he was overtaken Spain. by a violent tempest, and, in the extremity of danger, united with the mariners in imploring the aid of Almighty God, mingled with supplications to the Virgin Mary, and accompanied by 1 Herrera says, a whole generation lived in a house — " porque en una casa mora to do un linage." 2 " Ab Hispania . . . diminutive Hispanioia." P. Martyr. 3 This title, which signifies lord or prince, is rightly applied to the princes of Hayti ; for, according to Clavigero, « it is derived from the Haitin tongue, which was spoken in the island of Hispanioia." But it was afterwards inaccurately applied to the nobles of Mexico, who, though divided into several classes, with appropriate titles to each, « were confounded together by the Spaniards under the general name of caziques." Hist. Mexico, i. 346. 4 Life of Columbus, c. 27—36. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 1. Munoz,lib.3. § 32. Pur- chas, i. 730. Univ. Hist. xli. 487. Robertson, b. 2. In the Life of Columbus, the port is said to be named Navidad : but Herrera, and Robertson after him, say, that this name was given to the fort. This fortification was finished in ten days ; the poor natives unwarily helping it forward ; " that simple race of men," to use the words of Dr. Robertson, " labouring with inconsiderate assiduity in erecting this first monument of their own servitude." 6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1493. vows of pilgrimage. That his discoveries, in case of ship- v^- v ^w' wreck, might not be lost, he wrote an account of them on parchment, wrapped it in a piece of oiled cloth, and enclosed it in a cake of wax, which he put into a tight cask, and threw into the sea. Another parchment, secured in a similar manner, he placed on the stern, that, if the ship should sink, the cask might float, and one or the other might possibly be found. But his precaution, though prudent, was fruitless ; for he was provi- dentially saved from the expected destruction, and, on the 4th of March, arrived safely at Lisbon. On his arrival at Palos on the 15th, he was received with the highest tokens of honour by the king and queen, who now constituted him admiral of Spain. Two of the natives died on the voyage ; the other four were presented to his Catholic majesty by Columbus, together with a quantity of gold, which had been given to him by the cazique at Hispaniola. 1 Columbus adhering to his opinion, that the countries which he had discovered were a part of those vast regions of Asia com- prehended under the name of India, and this opinion being adopted in Europe, Ferdinand and Isabella gave them the name of Indies. 2 The Portu- The Portuguese, having previously explored the Azores and temTfor the otner islands, instantly claimed the newly discovered world, and newly dis- contended for the exclusion of the Spaniards from the navigation covered f foe western ocean. 3 Their competitors, however, were care- ful to obtain the highest confirmation possible of their own claim. While orders were given at Barcelona for the admiral's return to Hispaniola ; to strengthen the Spanish title to this island, and to other countries that were or should be discovered, their Catholic majesties, by the admiral's advice, applied to the pope, to obtain his sanction of their claims, and his consent for the conquest of the West Indies. 4 An ambassador was sent to Rome. The pope, 1 Herrera, dec. 1. lib. 2. c. 2, 3. Purchas, i. 730. Robertson, b. 2. Bel- knap, Biog. i. 102. Harris, Voy. i. 6. Univ. Hist. xli. 487. Peter Martyr thus describes the honour shown to Columbus by the king and queen : " Sedere ilium coram se publice, quod est maximum apud reges Hispanos amoris et grati- tudinis, supremique obsequii signum, fecerunt." 2 Life of Columbus, c. 6. As the eastern boundaries of India were not yet discovered, Columbus inferred, that those bounds must lie near to us westward, and therefore, that the lands which he should discover might properly be called Indies. He therefore, considering them as the eastern unknown lands of India, gave them the name of the nearest country, calling them West Indies. Names, however improperly applied, are apt to be permanent. " Even after the error, which gave rise to this opinion, was detected, and the true position of the New World was ascertained, the name has remained, and the appellation of West Indies is given by all the people of Europe to the country, and that of Indians to its inhabitants." Robertson, b. 1. 3 Chalmers, Political Annals, b. 1. c. 1. 4 The second commission to Columbus was given by the Spanish king and queen, in the city of Barcelona, on the 28th day of May, a. d. 1493. A copy DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 7 then in the chair, was Alexander VI, a Spaniard by birth, and a 1493. native of Valencia. Readily acceding to the proposal, he, on v^^w/ the third of May, adjudged the great process, and made the Adjudica- celebrated line of partition. He granted in full right to Ferdi- pop e °May nand and Isabella, all the countries, inhabited by infidels, which 3. they had discovered, or should discover, extending the assign- ment to their heirs and successors, the kings and queens of Cas- tile and Leon. To prevent the interference of this grant with one formerly made to the crown of Portugal, he directed that a line, supposed to be drawn from pole to pole, at the distance of one hundred leagues westward of the Azores, should serve as a boundary ; and bestowed all the countries to the east of this imaginary line, not actually, possessed by any Christian prince, on the Portuguese, and all to the west of it, on the Spaniards. 1 Not satisfied with supremacy in the church, the pope, at this period, aspired to be arbiter of the world. This sovereign pon- tiff, " in virtue of that power which he received from Jesus Christ, conferred on the crown of Castile vast regions, to the possession of which he himself was so far from having any title, that he was unacquainted with their situation, and ignorant even of their existence." 2 Although neither the Spaniards, nor the Portu- guese, now suspected the validity of the papal grant, yet the other nations of Europe would not suffer them quietly to enjoy their shares. 3 In the sequel, we shall find different nations planting colonies in the New World, without leave of the Catholic king, or even of his Holiness. It early became a law among the European nations, that the countries, which each should explore, should be deemed the absolute property of the discoverer, from of it is in the Memorials of Columbus, Document III, and in Hazard's His- torical Collections, i. 6 — 9. The Letter of their majesties' Instructions to cap- tains, sailors of vessels, &c. and to all their subjects to whom their " Letter" should be presented, requiring obedience to " Don Christopher Columbus, our Viceroy and Governor," was dated the same day as the commission, 28th of May, at Barcelona. It is preserved in the Memorials of Columbus, Document XXVII. 1 Life of Columbus, c. 42. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 2. c. 4. Robertson, b. 2. Chal- mers, b 1. 6. Belknap, Biog. i. 103 ; and the authorities at the close of this year. The Portuguese, it seems, were dissatisfied with the papal partition. The subject was therefore referred to six plenipotentiaries, three chosen from each nation, whose conferences issued in an agreement, That the line of partition, in the pope's bull, should be extended two hundred and seventy leagues farther to the west ; that all westward of that line should fall to the share of the Spaniards, and all eastward of it, to the Portuguese ; that there should be free sailing on both parts, but that neither should trade beyond the appointed bounds. This agreement was made 7 June, 1493. It was sealed by the king of Spain 2 July that year, and by the king of Portugal 27 February, 1494. Herrera, d. 1 lib. 2. c. 10. Harris' Voyages, i. 8. Munoz, b. 4. c. 29. The map upon which this famous line of demarcation was drawn, was in the Museum of cardinal Borgia at Veletri, in the year 1797. Southey's Brazil, iii. c. 31. from N. de la Cruz, v. 4. See Note IV. 2 Robertson, b. 2. 3 Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws, b. 1. c. 17. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1493. Second voy- age of Co- lumbus. He discov- ers Domini- ca, Mariga- lante, and other isl- ands. Nov. 27. Arrives at Navidad, and finds; the fort in which all others should be entirely excluded. Above a century after this papal grant, the parliament of England insisted, That occupancy confers a good title by the law of nations and na- ture. 1 On the 25th of September, Columbus sailed from Cadiz, on his second voyage to the New World. The equipment made for him proves in what an advantageous light his past discoveries and present enterprise were viewed. He was furnished with a fleet of three ships of war and fourteen caravels, with all neces- saries for settlement or conquest, and fifteen hundred persons, some of whom were of the best families of Spain. 2 On the Lord's day, the 3d of November, he discovered one of the Caribbee islands, which, because it was discovered on that day, he call Dominica. Going on shore at an adjacent island, he called it by his ship's name, Marigalante, and took solemn pos- session before a notary and witnesses. On the 5th he discovered Guadaloupe ; on the 10th, Montserrat and Antigua. 3 After dis- covering, to the northwest, fifty more islands, he came into the port of Navidad. Not a Spaniard, however, was to be seen ; and the fort, which he had built here, was entirely demolished. The tattered garments, broken arms, and utensils, scattered about its ruins, and eleven dead bodies in their clothes, stretched at a little distance apart, too clearly indicated the miserable fate of the garrison. While the Spaniards were weeping over these relics of their countrymen, a brother of the friendly cazique Guacanahari arrived, and confirmed all their dismal apprehen- He informed Columbus, that, on his departure, the men, sions. whom he left behind, threw off all regard to their commanding officer ; that, by familiar intercourse with the Indians, they les- sened that veneration for themselves, which was first entertained, and, by indiscretion and ill conduct, effaced every favourable impression, that had first been made ; that the gold, the women, 1 Chalmers, b. 1.45. 1. a. d. 1621, from Pari. Debates, 1620—1. 2 Life of Columbus, c. 60. Hakluyt, iii. 3, 4. Harris, Voyages, i. 269. Univ. Hist. xli. 345, 487. Two of the brothers of Columbus were among the passen- gers. P. Martyr says : " Ultra ducentos et mille armatos pedites — inter quos omnium mechanicarum artium fabros et opifices innumeros — equites quosdam ceteris armatis immixtos." This author is of primary authority on this article ; for he received and recorded his information of the facts, relating to this voyage, soon after the departure of Columbus. " H«c nobis intra paucos dies ab ejus discessu renunciata fuerunt." Decad. i. dated, 1493. See Note V. 3 The island Guadaloupe was thus named from its resemblance to a chain of mountains of that name in Spain. It was the principal residence of the Carib- bees, who called it Carucueria. To these wild and savage people, the Spaniards could obtain no access. " Hi, nostris visis, vel terrore, vel scelerum conscientia permoti, inter sese exorto murmure, alter in alteram oculos flectentes, cuneo facto ex insperato, celerrime, ut multitudo avium, concitati, ad nemorosas valles pedem referunt." P. Martyr, p. 13, 266. Univ. Hist. xli. 237. Munoz, b. 4. c. 34. Montserrat was thus named, for its lofty mountains : " quoniam altis montibus instructa esset, Montem Serratum iljam vocant." P. Martyr, p. 15. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. S and the provisions of the natives, were indiscriminately their 1493. prey ; that, under these provocations and abuses, the cazique of v^^-^ Cibao surprised and cut off several of them as they straggled about, heedless of danger ; that then, assembling his subjects, he surrounded the fort, and set fire to it ; that some of the Spaniards were killed in defending it; and that the rest perished, in at- tempting to escape by crossing an arm of the sea. Leaving D ec . g< Navidad, he sailed eastward ; and, at the same island, anchored Lands at before a town of Indians, where he resolved to plant a colony, panonhe He accordingly landed all his men, provisions, and utensils, in a island; plain, near a rock on which a fort might be conveniently erected. Here he laid the foundation of a town, which, in honour of the founds the queen of Castile, he called Isabella. This was the first town first town, founded by Europeans in the New World. 1 Columbus, in the spring of this year, despatched twelve ves- 1494. sels for Spain ; and after a prosperous voyage they arrived safely in April at Cadiz. 2 Leaving Peter Margarite the command of three hundred and sixty foot and fourteen horse, to reduce Hisnaniola under obedi- ence to their Catholic majesties, he now sailed for Cuba, which he descried on the 29th of April. Sailing along its southern shore, he discovered on the 5th of May another island, called May 5. Jamaica. 3 Here, on landing, he met with much opposition from ^solvere the ferocious natives ; but, after repeated defeats, they became Jamaica, tractable, and even brought food to barter. 4 Although Colum- bus appears to have made no settlement at Jamaica ; yet, so favourable was the opinion that he entertained of the island, that he marked it out as an estate for his family. 5 1 Life of Columbus, c. 2, 45—51 Grynaeus, c. 93. Heirera, d. 1. lib. 2. c. 7 — 10. Purchas, i. 731. P. Martyr, 11—13. European Settlements, i. 19, 20. Uni- versal Hist xli. 258. Robertson, b. 2. " The public buildings," says Munoz, " were carried on with the utmost rapidity. They were composed of free stone. The private houses were formed of wood, and covered with grass or leaves, and raised with the same activity. At the same time several sorts of seed were sown, which shot up, as it were, spontaneously." Nuevo Mundo, 1. 4. c. 42. 2 P. Martyr, 10. Munoz, 1. 5. c. 3. " doce navios." 3 Jamaica is probably an Indian word, for Oviedo mentions a river in Hispa- niola, of that name. Univ. Hist. xli. 346. The early Spanish historians wrote the word Xaymaca. 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 346. « Pluribus in locis volenti Praefecto terram capere, armati ac minitantes occurrerunt, pugnasque saepius attentarunt : sed victi sem- per, amicitiam omnes cum Praefecto iniere." P. Martyr, 29. 5 The son and family of Columbus, considering Jamaica as their own property, built upon it St. Jago de la Vega, and several other towns, that were abandoned on account of the advantages attending the situation of St. Jago, which in- creased so greatly, as in a short time to contain, according to report, 1700 houses, 2 churches, 2 chapels, and an abbey. The court of Spain, notwithstanding its ingratitude to the father, granted both the property and government of Jamaica to his family ; and his son Diego Columbus was its first European governor. VOL. I. 2 10 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1494. Sept. 29. He finds his brother Bartholo- mew at Isa- bella. Man-has against the natives of Hispaniola. June. A hurri- cane. Bartholomew Columbus, after various disappointments and adverse occurrences, had now arrived at Hispaniola. In his voyage to England he fell into the hands of pirates, who detained him a prisoner several years. When he. had, at length, made his escape and arrived at London, so extreme was his indigence, that he was obliged to spend considerable time in drawing and selling maps, to procure money sufficient to purchase a decent dress, in which he might venture to appear at court. He then laid his brother's proposal before the king, Henry Vllth, but with little effect. When he had finished his negotiation in Eng- land, he set out for Spain by the way of France, and at Paris received information of his brother's extraordinary discoveries in his first voyage, and of his preparation for a second expedition. This intelligence hastened him on his journey, but before he reached Spain, the admiral had sailed for Hispaniola. He was received, however, with due respect by Ferdinand and the queen, who persuaded him to take the command of three ships, which they had appointed to carry provisions to the colony at Isabella. Here Christopher Columbus, on his return to Hispaniola, met him, to his inexpressible joy, after a separation of thirteen years. The brother's arrival could not have been at a more seasonable junc- ture. Columbus essentially needed his friendly counsels and aid ; for all things were in confusion, and the colony was in the utmost danger of being destroyed. Four of the principal sove- reigns of the islands, provoked at the disorderly and outrageous conduct of the Spaniards, had united with their subjects to drive out their invaders. Columbus, first marching against a cazique, who had killed sixteen Spaniards, easily subdued him ; and sent several of his subjects prisoners to Spain. 1 A hurricane, more violent than any within the remembrance of the natives, occurred at Hispaniola. Without any tempest, or fluctuation of the sea, it repeatedly whirled around three ships lying at anchor in port, and plunged them in the deep. The natives ascribed this disorder of the elements to the Spaniards. 2 But the descendants of Columbus degenerated from his virtues, and they, or their agents, murdered 60,000 of the natives. Univ. Hist. xli. 34S. 1 Life of Columbus, c. 54 — 61. Herrera, dec. 1. lib. 2. c. 15. Robertson, b. 2. Europ. Settlements, i. 24. P. Martyr's account of the enormities of the Spaniards sufficiently shows, why the poor natives were at once united and desperate : " Ea gens, quae Praefectum in ea navigatione secuta fuerat, majori ex parte in- domita, vaga, cui nihil pensi esset, libertatem sibi, quoque modo posset, quaeri- tans, ab injuriis minime se abstinere poterat, Insulaiium foeminas, ante parentum, ftatrum, et virorum oculos raptans, stupris rapinis que intenta, animos omnium incolarum perturbarat. Quamobrem pluribus in locis quotquot imparatos e nos- tris incolae reperiebant, rapide, et tanquam sacra offerentes Deo, trucidaverunt." Nov. Orb. 39. 2 P. Martyr, 45. " Gentem hanc perturbasse elementa, atque portenta haec tulisse, immurmurabant insulares." Grynaeus, c. 100. — " adeo mare inundavit, ut supra mensuram brachii totam irrigaverit insulam. Hujus igitur diluvii causam barbari rejiciebant in Christianos ob piancula et scelera, quae patraverant, qui que inturbaverant eorum quietem." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 1 1 The unsubdued caziques of Hispaniola still showing a deter- 1495. mination to destroy, if possible, the Spanish colony, Columbus v^-^^/. set out from Isabella, to carry on the war against them. His March 24. army consisted of no more than two hundred Christians, twenty War ^. ith i i i mi i t i« • i i *" e natives horses, and as many dogs; but the Indians are said to nave continued, raised already one hundred thousand men. The Spaniards soon routed the Indians, and obtained a complete victory. The ad- miral spent a year in ranging the island ; and, in this time, reduced it under such obedience, that all the natives from four- teen years of age and upward, inhabiting the province of Cibao, iniian sub- where are gold mines, promised to pay as a tribute to their mi e sicnand Catholic majesties, every three months, a hawk's bell full of gold dust ; and every other inhabitant of the island, twenty-five pounds of cotton. 1 While Columbus was successfully establishing the foundations 1496. of Spanish grandeur in the New World, his enemies were assid- uously labouring to deprive him of his merited honour and emoluments. The calamities, arising from a long voyage and an unhealthful climate, were represented as the effects of his ambition ; the discipline, maintained by his prudence, as excess of rigour ; the punishments, that he inflicted on the mutineers, as cruelty. Resolved to return to Spain, to vindicate himself from these false charges, already made against him to the Spanish court, he exerted the small remains of his authority in settling affairs for the prevention of such disorders as had taken place during his former absence. He built forts in the principal parts of the island ; established the civil government on a better foot- ing ; and redoubled his diligence for the discovery of mines. Having made these prudential arrangements, he set sail from Columbus Isabella on the 10th of March, with two hundred and twenty-five spaL. 01 Spaniards and thirty Indians ; leaving the supreme power in the government of the province to his brother Bartholomew, with the title of Adelantado ; and the administration of justice to Francis Roldan, with the title of Alcalde. 2 The natives of Hispaniola, by wars with the Spaniards, and a pestilential disease, occasioned by the damp places in which they 1 Life of Columbus, c. xli. Herrera, dec. 1. lib. 2. c. 17. The measure, said by Herrera to be " a small hawk's bell " [un cascabel pequeno], is wrought up, un- mercifully, by some historians, into " a large horse bell." It was a little bell, worn by the hawk in the sport of a falconer. Herrera says, that " only king Manicatex gave, every month, half a gourd full of gold, being worth 150 pesos or pieces of eight." Mufioz calls the tribute " en un cascabel — contribution durissima." 2 P. Martyr, 8, 46. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 2. c. 1. & lib. 3. c. 1. Columbus visit- ed several of the West India islands before his departure for Spain, which was not till the 20th of April. 12 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1496. S.Domingo. The discov- eries of Columbus excite at- tention in England. Commis- sion to the Cabots. concealed themselves to shun their enemy, were already extreme- ly reduced in numbers and in strength. Historians say, that one third of these wretched inhabitants had now perished. Three ships having arrived in July at Isabella with provisions from Cadiz, Bartholomew Columbus, on despatching them for their return to Spain, sent on board three hundred Indian slaves. This measure was in compliance with the royal mandate ; for their Catholic majesties, on receiving information that some caziques had killed the Spaniards, had ordered, that whoever should be found guilty of that crime should be sent to Spain. The country on the southern roast of Hispanlola, appearing very beautiful, was judged an eligible place for settlement. Bar- tholomew Columbus, having received written orders from his brother Christopher in Spain, to remove the colony from Isabella to the south part of the island, now began a settlement there, and in memory of his father, whose name was Dominick, called it Santo Domingo. 1 The tranquillity of England, at this period, being propitious to the increase of its commerce and manufactures, London now contained merchants from all parts of Europe. The Lombards and Venetians were remarkably numerous. Among these foreign- ers, John Cabot, a Venetian, and his three sons, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sanctus, were living in London. The father, perfectly skilled in all the sciences requisite to form an accomplished mariner, was led by his knowledge of the globe to suppose, that a shorter way from England to India might be found by the northwest. The famous discovery of the New World caused great astonishment and much conversation in the court of Henry VII, of England, and among the English merchants ; and the specimens of gold, carried home by Columbus, excited an ardent desire of prosecuting this discovery. The adventurous spirit of John Cabot was heightened by the ardour of his son Sebastian, who though young, was ambitious, and at the same time well versed in every science, subservient to a mathematical knowledge of the earth, and to navigation. With these incitements to the meditated enterprise, he com- municated to the king his project, which was favourably received. A commission was accordingly, on the 5th of March, granted to him and his three sons, giving them liberty to sail to all parts of the east, west, and north, under the royal banners and ensigns, to discover countries of the heathen, unknown to Christians ; to set up the king's banners there ; to occupy and possess, as his subjects, such places as they could subdue ; giving them the rule 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 3. c. 5. Life of Columbus, c. 73. P. Martyr, 66. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 13 and jurisdiction of the same, to be holden on condition of paying 1496. to the king one fifth part of all their gains. 1 \~*^~**/ John Cabot, in virtue of his commission from Henry VII, 1497. undertook a voyage of discovery, with the hope of finding a y oyage f northwest passage to India. Early in May, he and his son Se- the Cabots. bastian, and three hundred men, with two caravels, freighted by the merchants of London and Bristol, commenced the voyage. On the 24th of June, they were surprised by the sight of land, £ h ne ,^" g which, being the first they had seen, they called Prima Vista, cover land: This is generally supposed to be some part of the island of New- foundland. A few days afterward they discovered a smaller island, to which, on account probably of its being discovered on the day of John the Baptist, they gave the name of St. John. Continuing their course westwardly, they soon reached the conti- nent, and then sailed along the coast northwardly to the latitude Coast a i ong of 67 and a half degrees. Finding that the coast stretched the conti- toward the east, and despairing of making the desired discovery jJJ^New here, they turned back, and sailed along the coast toward the World, equator, " ever with intent to find the passage to India," till they came to the southernmost part of that tract of the continent, which has since been called Florida. Their provisions now failing, and a mutiny breaking out among the mariners, they re- turned to England, without attempting either settlement or con- Return to quest in any part of the New World. 2 En S land - Through a singular succession of causes, more than sixty years elapsed from the time of this discovery of the northern division 1 The style of the commission is, " Johanni Cabotto, Civi Venetiarum, ac Ludovico, Sebastiano, et Sancto, Filiis dicti Johannis " &c. It is dated the 5th of March in the eleventh year of the reign of Henry VII. Henry was crowned Oct. 30, 1485. The commission was given, therefore, in 1495, O. S. but 1496, N. S. where I accordingly place it. In Memoires de l'Amerique, iv. 472, the Letters patent, produced by the French commissioners a. d. 1751, have the date " du 5 mars 1495-6." Hakluyt, Robertson, and other historians, follow- ing the Old Style, have placed this commission in 1495 ; Rymer, Chalmers, and others, adjusting it, doubtless, to the New, have placed it in 1496. The Let- ters patent are in Hakluyt's Voyages, iii. 4 — 7 ; in Rymer's Foedera, xii. 595 ; and in Chalmers' Annals, b. 1. c. 1. Chalmers says, it is the oldest American State Paper in England. See Purchas, i. 718. Life of Columbus, c. 63. P. Martyr, 46. Belknap, Biog. Art. Cabot. Robertson's America, b. 9. Forster's Voyages, 266. Anderson, Hist, of Commerce, a. d. 1496. 2 P. Martyr, 232. Hakluyt, i. 513 ; iii. 6—9. Bacon's Hist. Henry VII. Smith, Hist. Virginia, 1. Purchas, i. 737, 738 : iv. 1603. Josselyn's Voyages, 230. Harris' Voyages, i. 860. Robertson's America, b. 9. Forster, Voy. 266, 431. Belknap, Biog. Art. Cabot. Mather, Magnalia, b. 1. c. 1. Prince, N. Eng. Introd. Biog. Britan. Art. Gilbert. Anderson, Hist. Commerce, a. d. 1496. See Note VI. Fabian says, that in the 13th year of Henry VII, a ship at Bristol was manned and victualled at the king's cost ; that divers merchants of London ventured in her small stocks ; and that in the company of the said ship sailed also out of Bristol three or four small ships, " fraught with sleight and grosse merchandizes." Hakl. i. 515. This voyage was " to search for an island," which J. Cabot had indicated. 14 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1497. of the Continent by the English, during which their monarchs ^-v^w/ gave but little attention to this country, which was destined to be annexed to their crown, and to be a chief source of British opu- lence and power, till, in process of time, it should become an independent empire. This remarkable neglect of navigating the coast, and of attempting colonization, is in some measure ac- counted for by the frugal maxims of Henry VII, and the un- propitious circumstances of the reign of Henry VIII, of Edward VI, and of the bigoted Mary ; reigns peculiarly adverse to the extension of industry, trade, and navigation. 1 1498. February. Supplies sent to the new colony. May. Third voy- age of Co- lumbus. He discov- ers the con- tinent of America. While the testimonies of fidelity and good conduct, carried by Columbus to Spain, silenced the personal calumnies of his enemies, the large specimens of gold and pearl which he pro- duced, proved the falsity of their representation of the poverty of the Indies. The court became fully convinced of the im- portance of the new colony, the merit of its governor, and the necessity of a speedy supply. Two ships were sent out in February with succours, under the command of Peter Fernandez Coronel. The admiral staid to negotiate for a fleet, adequate to his enlarged views and purposes. But his enemies, though silenced, were not idle. All the obstructions, which they could raise, were thrown in his way ; and it was not till after a thousand delays and disappointments, that he was enabled to set out again in prosecution of his discoveries. He at length received com- mission to carry, if he should think fit, five hundred men, pro- vided that all above three hundred and thirty should be paid otherwise than out of the king's revenue ; and was allowed for the expedition six millions of maravedies ; four, for the provisions to be put on board the fleet, and two, for the pay of the men. It was now also provided, that none of any nation but the Cas- tilian should go over to the West Indies. 2 On the 30th of May he sailed from Spain, on his third voyage, with six ships, loaded with provisions and other necessaries, for the relief and population of Hispaniola. 3 On the 31st of July, in the ninth degree of north latitude, he discovered an island, which he called Trinidad. On the 1st of August he discovered the continent at Terra Firma. Sailing along the coast westward, with the continent on the left, he discovered Margarita. The Spaniards, finding that the oysters, brought by the inhabitants of 1 Robertson, b. 9. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 235, 406. Brit. Emp. Introd. Robertson says, 61 years elapsed — referring, doubtless, to the accession of queen Elizabeth in 1558 ; but I find no enterprise, by her authority, before Frobisher's in 1576. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 3. c. 2. By advice of Columbus it was resolved, that 330 men should be kept always on the island of Hispaniola, in the royal pay. 3 P. Martyr, 58. Europ. Settlements, i. 38, 39. Harris' Voyages, i. 270. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 15 this island on board of the ship of Columbus, contained pearls, 1498. were inexpressibly delighted ; and, hastening to the shore, found ^*^s~+s all the natives decked in these rich ornaments, which they dis- posed of to the Spaniards for mere trifles. 1 Columbus, having discovered many other islands for two hun- dred leagues to Cape Vela, anchored on the 20th off Hispaniola. On the 30th he entered the harbour at that island, where the lieutenant, agreeably to his brother's advice, had appointed a new city to be built. Until this year, Isabella had been the chief place of the residence and government of the Spanish colony ; but the capital was now transferred to this new citv ; which was St P omm " i i • i i i -ri • tvt S° becomes long the most considerable European settlement in the New the capital. World. 2 In the absence of the admiral, Roldan, a man of obscure birth and of base character, though now high in office, had separated himself from Bartholomew Columbus, and formed a faction. He had virulently aspersed the characters, and mis- represented the designs, of the two brothers ; and had sent his scandalous charges in writing to the court of Spain, intending to prevent, if possible, the return of Christopher Columbus, and to destroy the authority of both. He had been chosen the Roidan's leader of a considerable number of the Spaniards, whom he mutiny, had excited to mutiny ; and, taking arms, had seized the king's magazine of provisions, and endeavoured to surprise the fort at St. Domingo. It required all the address and vigour of Colum- bus to subdue this faction. He at length succeeded ; and in November articles of agreement were made between him and Roldan, with his insurgents. 3 Columbus, accompanied by his brother the lieutenant, having 1499. set out in February to pass through the island of Hispaniola, came in March to Isabella, and in April to the Conception. It was his intention to go early the next year to St. Domingo, to 1 Univ. Hist. xli. 527. Munos, b. 6. 26. Columbus called this island Isla Santa. 2 Life of Columbus, c. 15—73. Purchas, i. 731, 823, 827. Robertson, b. 2. Alcedo y Aviso Historico, 5. Prince, Chron. Introd. 80. Europ. Settlements, i. 140. Though Isabella was chosen in 1493, as a situation more healthful and commodious than that of Navidad, yet its abandonment is ascribed to the un- healthiness of the air, and the badness of the soil : " Ce qui a fait abandonner cette ville, c'est que l'air en etoit malsain et les terres mauvaises." Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Isabelle. 3 P. Martyr, 56, 67. Purchas, i. 731. Robertson, b. 2. Life of Columbus, c. 81. By this agreement, the mutineers were to have two ships, with pro- visions, to carry them to Spain, and each of them might take a slave with him. Herrera, (d. 1. lib. 3. c. 15.) adds, " y las mancebas que tenian prenades y pari- das." Martyr thus describes Roldan : " Roldanum quendam— quern fossorum et calonum ductorem ex famulo suo, deinde justitiae proesidem, Praifectus erex- «rat." 16 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1499. make preparation for his return to Spain, to give their Catholic ^^-w' majesties an account of all transactions. 1 The spirit of discovery beginning to spread itself widely, pri- vate adventurers in Spain and Portugal, stimulated by the gold remitted to Europe by Columbus, made equipments at their own Ojeda's expense. Among the earliest of these adventurers was Alonso voyage. fo Qjeda, a gallant and active officer, who had accompanied Columbus in his first voyage. Aided by the patronage of the bishop of Badajos, he obtained the royal license for the enter- prise ; the bishop, at the same time, communicating to him the admiral's journal of his last voyage, and his charts of the coun- tries, which he had discovered. Such was Ojeda's credit with the merchants of Seville, that they equipped him with four ships, with which he sailed from St. Mary's in Spain on the 20th of He is ac- May. Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine gentleman, eminently eompanied skilful in all the sciences subservient to navigation, accompanied Vespucdf Ojeda in this voyage. Pursuing the course of the great navi- gator for the New World, they in 27 days discovered land in about five degrees north latitude, on the coast of Paria. Having traded here with the natives, they stood to the west, proceeded as far as Cape Vela, and ranged a considerable extent of coast beyond that on which Columbus had touched. After ascertain- ing the truth of the opinion of Columbus, that this country was part of the continent, they sailed to Hispaniola, where they ar- rived on the 5th of September, and soon after returned to Spain, who gives The country, of which Amerigo was erroneously supposed to be New World me discoverer, not long after unjustly obtained his name ; and, by universal consent, this new quarter of the globe has ever since been called America. 2 Voyage of Another voyage of discovery was undertaken by Alonso Nino, Alonso wno } iac j servec l under the admiral in his last voyage. Having Nino. . • i i • • • -i^i-ir-i fitted out a single ship, in conjunction with Christopher Uuerra, a merchant of Seville, they both sailed to the coast of Paria. Though their discoveries were unimportant ; yet they carried home such a quantity of gold and pearls, as inflamed their coun- trymen with desire of engaging in similar enterprises. The mutineers at Hispaniola not daring to go to Spain, a new 1 Life of Columbus, c. 84. 2 Robertson, b. 2. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 4. c. 2. Prince, Chron. Introd. European Settlements in America, i. c. 6. Belknap's Discourse on the Discovery of Amer- ica. This name is supposed to have been given to the New World by the pub- lication of Amerigo's account of his Voyage ; but at what time, is uncertain. The claim of Amerigo Vespucci to the honour of discovering the continent of the New World is discussed and rejected by Robertson, in Hist. America, v. i. Note xxii. Herrera and all the earliest and best Spanish historians uniformly ascribe this honour to Columbus. But English historians remember, and it ought not to be forgotten, that the Cabots were the first discoverers of the continent of America. See Note VII. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 17 contract was made with Roldan, by virtue of which he was rein- 1499. stated in his former office ; and his followers, amounting to one v^-v-^ hundred and two, were restored to whatever they had enjoyed before their revolt. In consequence of this agreement, lands were allotted to the mutineers in different parts of the island ; and the Indians, settled in each district, were appointed to culti- vate a prescribed portion of ground for their new masters. This service was substituted for the tribute, formerly imposed ; and it Repartimi . introduced among the Spaniards the Repartimientos, or distribu- entos imro- tions of Indians in all their settlements, which subjected that ^"f ^ida wretched people to the most grievous oppression. 1 Vincent Yanez Pinzon, having, in connexion with Ariez Pin- 1500. zon, built four caravels, sailed in December of the preceding year voyage of from Palos for America. Leaving the Cape Verd fclands on the the Pm- 13th of January, he stood boldly toward the south, and was the zons " first Spaniard who ventured to cross the equinoctial line. In February, he discovered a cape, in 8° north latitude, and called it Cabo de Consolacion ; but it has since been called Cape Au- gustine. Here his men landed, who cut the names of the ships, and the date of the year and day upon the trees and rocks, and took possession of the country for the crown of Castile. They saw no natives, but they perceived footsteps upon the shore. During the following night, they saw many fires. In the morning, they sent 40 armed men to treat with the natives, 32 of whom, armed with bows and arrows, advanced to meet them, followed by others, armed in the same manner. The Spaniards endeavoured to allure them by gifts, but in vain ; for, in the dead of night, they fled from the places which they had occupied. 2 Sailing northwestward, they discovered and named the river of the Amazons. At the mouth of this great river, they found many The rives islands, the inhabitants of which received them hospitably and unsuspiciously ; but Pinzon, with barbarian cruelty, seized about 30 of them, and carried them away to sell for slaves. At the mouth of one of the rivers, Pinzon and his squadron were en- dangered ; but, escaping thence, crossing the line, and continuing his course till he came to Orinoco and Trinidad, he then made for the islands, sailed homewards, and, losing two of his three ships by the way, returned to Spain. 3 1 Hen-era, d. 1. lib. 4. c. 5. Robertson, b. 2. 2 The vivid, yet condensed account of this occurrence by P. Martyr, is worthy of the pen of Sallust : " Omnem sermonem rejiciunt, parati semper ad pugnam. Nocte intempestiva confugiunt." 3 P. Martyr, 81—83. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 4. c. 5, 6. Purchas, i. 818. Robert- son, b. 2. Prince, Chron. apud a. d. 1500. Collection of Voyages, i. 298. Grynoeus, c. 112, 113. Southey's Brazil, c. 1. Vega (339) says, the Pinzons gave the great river the name of the Amazons, ** because they observed that the VOL. I. 3 18 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1500. April 23. Cabral dis- covers Bra- zil. Mayl. Takes pos- session. Before Pinzon reached Europe, the coast which lie had dis- covered, had been taken possession of by the nation to whom it was allotted. The fertile district of country, " on the confines of which Pinzon stopped short," was very soon more fully dis- covered. Pedro Alvarez Cabral, sent by Emanuel, king of Por- tugal, with 13 ships, on a voyage from Lisbon to the East Indies, in order to avoid the calms on the Guinea shore, fetched a com- pass so far westward, as, by accident, to discover land in the 10th degree south of the equinoctial line. Proceeding along the coast several days, he was led from its extent to believe, that it must be a part of some great continent ; and, on account of a cross which he erected there with much ceremony, he called it, The Land of the Holy Cross ; but it was afterward called Brasil. Having taken possession of it for the crown of Portugal, he despatched * ship to Lisbon with an account of this important discovery, and pursued his voyage. 1 The Portuguese king, on receiving the intelligence, sent ships, to discover the whole country, and found it to be the land of America. A controversy hence arose between him and the king of Spain ; but they being kinsmen and near friends, it was ultimately agreed, that the king of Portugal should hold all the country that lie had discovered, which was from the river of Maragnon, or Amazons, to the river of Plate. 2 The implacable enemies of Columbus renewing their com- women fought with as much courage in defence of those parts, as the men." Dr. Robertson, who says, that Pinzon " seems to have landed on no part of the coast beyond the mouth of the Amazons," meant, doubtless, to the north of that river. — The Pinzons were natives of Palos, excellent seamen, and among the first people of the place. Vincent Yanez supplied an eighth of the expenses of this expedition, in which two of the brothers embarked also, one as captain, the other as master of the Pinta. — A river in Guiana is still named after him, the Wiapoc of the French ; but Pinzon's name ought to be preserved. Southey. In RaynaPs Atlas, No. 20, I find a river, " F. d'eyapock," about 4° north of the equator, which seems to be the Pinzon of the Spaniards. The river, which was named after him, " was the original boundary between the Spanish and the Portuguese ; and Charles V. ordered a pillar to be erected beside it. After the French settled in Guiana, this pillar was known only by tradition ; but in 1723, an officer of the garrison of Para discovered it." Southey, c. 1. from Berredo. 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 4. c. 6. Purchas, i. 825. Robertson, b. 2. Forster, 263. Prince, a. d. 1500. Bibliotheca Americana, 50. Alcedo, Art. Porto Seguro. Forster says, " it was named Brasil from a certain wood which dyes red ; a name previously known to the Arabians." The trade to this coast for that valu- able wood became, soon after, so well known, " that in consequence the coast and the whole countiy obtained the name of Brazil." Southey, Hist. Brazil, c. 1. The port and territory, now first discovered by the Portuguese, the com- mander called Seguro ; where the Cross then erected, or its representative, " is still shown, and the inhabitants of that town pride themselves because it is the spot where Brazil was taken possession of for Portugal and Christianity." Southey, from Lindley's Narrative. It is said by this historian, " that name has been transferred to a place four leagues south, where the city has been built ; and the port in which Cabral anchored is now called Cabralia." 2 Purchas, v. 1437. Southey, Brazil, i. 8. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 19 plaints against him, the king and queen of Spain sent Bovadilla 1500. as a judge, with power to inquire into his conduct ; and with v^v^w/ authority, if he should find the accusations proved, to send him Aug. 23 into Spain, and to remain himself, as governor. Bovadilla, on er "oi W a?- OV ~ his arrival at Hispaniola, thoroughly executed his commission, rives at He assumed the government of the colony, and sent Columbus ^3^' home in chains. The captain of the vessel, in which Columbus home Co- sailed, touched with respect for his years and merit, offered to h h m j b n u g s in take off his irons ; but he did not allow it. " Since the king has commanded, that I should obey his governor, he shall find me as obedient to this, as I have been to all his other orders. Nothing, but his commands, shall release me. If twelve years' hardship and fatigue ; if continual dangers, and frequent famine ; if the ocean, first opened, and five times passed and repassed, to add a new world, abounding with wealth, to the Spanish monar- chy ; and if an infirm and premature old age, brought on by those services, deserve these chains as a reward ; it is very fit I should wear them to Spain, and keep them by me as memorials to the end of my life." He accordingly kept them until his death. " I always saw those irons in his room," says his son Ferdinand, " which he ordered to be buried with his body." 1 Portugal, at that time still in her glory, disregarding the dona- tion made by the pope, and the compromise for half the world, to which she had reluctantly agreed, viewed all the discoveries, made by Spain in the New World, as so many encroachments on her own rights and property. Under the influence of this Cortereal's national jealousy, Gaspar de Cortereal, a Portuguese, of respect- J?y a j? e to d able family, inspired with the resolution of discovering new coun- i an d . pr0 . tries, and a new route to India, sailed from Lisbon, with two ceeds to ships, at his own cost. 2 In the course of his navigation, he discovers arrived at Newfoundland, at a bay, which he named Conception Terra Bay ; explored the whole eastern coast of the island ; and pro- ^I^Ter- ceeded to the mouth of the great river of Canada. He after- ra de Cor- wards discovered a land, which he at first named Terra Verde, lereal ; but which, in remembrance of the discoverer, was afterwards called Terra de Cortereal. That part of it, which, being on the 1 Life of Columbus, c. 85, 86. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 4. c. 7—10. Europ. Settle- ments, i. 43- — 45. Belknap, on the Discovery of America. Columbus was peremptorily commanded by the royal authority to deliver up all the fortified places ; and he was required to submit himself to Bovadilla in this extraordinary letter of credence : " The King and the Queen : D. Christopher Columbus, our Admiral of the ocean : We have commanded the Commendador Francisco de Bobadilla, the bearer of this, to speak to you, on our part, of certain things which he will mention : we desire you to give him faith and credence, and to comply therewith. Madrid, May twentysixth, the year ninetynine. — I the King. — I the Queen. — By command. — Miguel Perez de Almazan." Translated from the original in Navarrete's Coleccion, ii. 240. North American Review, No. LV. 2 Herrera says, they were caravels — " con dos caravelas." 20 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1500. south side of the 50th degree of north latitude, he judged to be fit for cultivation, he named Terra de Labrador. Returning, and communicating the news of his discovery to his native coun- try, he hastened back, to visit the coast of Labrador, and to go to India through the Straits of Anian, which he imagined he had On his re- just discovered. Nothing, however, was afterwards heard of turn to this ] imn j t j s presumed that he was either murdered by the Esqui- country, he l • i j i • /~\ i • t is lost. maux savages, or perished among the ice. Un this disastrous event, a brother of Cortereal undertook the same voyage, with two ships ; but probably met with a similar fate, for he was heard of no more. 1 1501. The king of Portugal, on receiving intelligence of Cabral's Voyage of discovery, fitted out three ships to explore the country, and gave Amerigo the command to Amerigo Vespucci, whom he invited for that Brazil. 00 ' t0 pwpose from Seville. They sailed in May, and, after a very tempestuous voyage of three months, made land in 5° south latitude. Having coasted on northward till they advanced as far as 32°, they left the coast, and struck out to sea. Standing to the southward till they reached 52°, they found it expedient to return, and they reached Lisbon after a voyage of sixteen months. 2 1502. Rodigero de Bastidas, in partnership with John de la Cosa, Voyages of fated out two ships from Cadiz. Sailing toward the western Bastidas, continent, he arrived on the coast of Paria ; and, proceeding to the west, discovered all the coast of the province since known by the name of Terra Firma, from Cape de Vela to the Gulf of andOjeda. Darien. Ojeda, with his former associate Amerigo Vespucci, went on a second voyage. Unacquainted with the destination of Bastidas, he held the same course, touched at the same places, and proceeded to Hipaniola. These voyages tended to increase the ardour for discovery. 3 1 Forster, Voy. 460, 462. Harris, Voy. i. 270. Purchas, i. 915. Venegas, California, i. 118. Life of Columbus, c. 9. Anderson, a. d. 1500. The Straits of Anian, confounded by many geographers with Beering's Straits, meant, in the 16th century, Hudson's Straits. They took the name of Anian from one of the two brothers, embarked on board the vessel of Gaspar de Cortereal. Humboldt, New Spain, ii. 250 ; who refers to the learned researches of M. de Fleurieu, in the historical Introduction to the Voyage de Marchand, torn. i. p. v. 2 Southey's Brazil, c. 1. Neither Hakluyt, Purchas, Harris, nor Perrier, mentions any voyage of Amerigo. The Atlas Geographicus gives us two from Grynseus, the first in 1497, the second in 1500 ; but Herrera says, they were proved to be mere impositions of Amerigo, and that he only went twice with Ojedo. Prince, a. d. 1501. Grynaeus, c. 114 — 124. Collection of Voyages, Lond. 1789. Bibliotheca Americana has a book with this title : " Americi Ves- putii Navigatio tertia a Lisbonae portu cum tribus Conservantiae Navibus ad Novum Orbem ulterius detegendum, die Maii decima 1501." 3 Robertson, b. 2. Prince Chron. Jocelyn, Voy. 270. Harris (i. 270.), citing Galvano, places the voyage of Bastidas in 1502. After collating the accounts DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 21 Columbus exhibited so many charges at the court of Spain 1502. against Bovadilla, demanding justice at the same time for the -v^^-w/ injuries which he had done him, that their Catholic majesties resolved to send another governor to Hispaniola. Nicholas de Ovando, knight of the order of Alcantara, being appointed to this office, he sailed on the 13th of February for America, with Fcb 13 32 ships, in which 2500 persons embarked, with the intention A new of settling in the country. This was the most respectable arma- ^^nor ment, hitherto fitted out for the New World. On the arrival of embarks for this new governor, Bovadilla, whose imprudent administration ^JJjSq threatened the settlement with ruin, resigned his charge ; and persons, was commanded to return instantly to Spain, to answer for his conduct. Ovando was particularly charged by the queen, that the Indians of Hispaniola should be free from servitude, and protected, like the subjects of Spain ; and that they should be carefully instructed in the Christian faith. By command of their majesties, both Spaniards and Indians were to pay tithes ; none were to live in the Indies, but natives of Castile ; none to go on discoveries, without leave from their highnesses ; no Jews, Moors, nor new converts, to be tolerated in the Indies ; and all that had been taken from the admiral and his brothers, was to be restored to them. In the large fleet, that now arrived, came over ten Franciscan friars ; and these were the first ecclesiastics of that order, who came to settle in the Indies. 1 Columbus, acquitted at the court of §pain with the promise of restitution and reward, required but few incentives to engage once more in discoveries. His ambition was, to arrive at the M n East Indies, and thus to surround the globe. On this prospect, Fourth and he was fitted out in May on his fourth and last voyage, under the JjrJJHJ* 8 royal patronage, with a squadron of four vessels, having 150 per- bus. sons on board, among whom were his brother Bartholomew, and his son Ferdinand, the writer of his life 2 In 21 days after his departure from Cadiz he arrived at Dominica ; and in 26, at Hispaniola. Soon after his arrival at this island, apprehending June 29. an approaching storm, he advised a fleet, then ready for sea, not HispaniSa. to leave the port ; but his advice was disregarded. The fleet, consisting of 28 sail, within 40 hours after its departure was overtaken by a terrible tempest ; and of the whole number of vessels, four only were saved. Among those that were lost, Shipwreck was the ship in which was Bovadilla, the governor, who had ° a fBovadl1 - with Southey, who assigns a voyage of Amerigo Vespucci, in which Ojeda is not mentioned, to the year 1501, this appeared the most prohahle order of dates. 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 4. c. 12, 13 ; & lib. 5. c. 1. Robertson, b. 2. 2 Life of Columbus, c. 77, 78. P. Martyr (102, 206.) says, there were 170 men : " cum hominibus centum septuaginta." Herrera, d. 1. lib. 5. c. 1, 2. Bel- knap, Biog. i. 116, 117. Cuarto y ultimo Viage de Cristobal Colon. 22 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1502. Aug. 14. Discovers the Bay of Honduras, Porto Bello. Letters pa- tent from Henry VII. sent Columbus, in a tyrannical and scandalous manner, to Spain. 1 Roldan and the greater part of the enemies of Columbus were swallowed up at the same time, with the immense wealth, which they had unjustly acquired. The fate of the Indian king of Magua, now also lost, was less horrible than the outrage that preceded it. He had offered to till the ground, to the extent of fifty miles, for the Spaniards, if they would spare him and his people from the mines. A Spanish captain, in return for this generous proposal, ravished his wife; and the unhappy king, who secreted himself, was taken and sent on board the fleet, to be carried to Spain. 2 After the storm, Columbus sailed to the continent, and dis- covered the Bay of Honduras, where he landed ; then proceeded along the main shore to Cape Gracias a Dios ; and thence to the isthmus of Darien, where he hoped, but in vain, to find a passage to the South Sea. At the isthmus he found a harbour, which he entered on the second of November ; and, on account of its beauty and security, called it Porto Bello. 3 Porto de la Plata, or the Haven of Silver, 35 leagues north of St. Domingo, was built this year by Ovando. 4 Hugh Elliot and Thomas Ashurst, merchants of Bristol, with two other gentlemen, natives of Portugal, obtained letters patent from Henry VII. for the establishment of colonies in the countries newly discovered by Cabot. Whether they ever availed them- selves of this permission, and made any voyages to the New World, neither their contemporaries, nor subsequent writers, in- form us. On this charter of license, Anderson observes, that 1 Life of Columbus, c. 88. Europ. Settlements, i. c. 7. Belknap, Biog. i. 116. Herrera says, the fleet consisted of 31 ships ; Spotorno says 28, of which 24 were lost. I have followed Spotorno, and a Spanish copy of Ferdinand Co- lumbus. On board the ship, in which Bovadilla perished, was a mass of gold, estimated at 200,000 pesos, which was designed as a present to the Spanish king and queen. Herrera says ; " alii se hondieron los docientos mil pesos, con el monstruoso grano de oro." P. Martyr ascribes the loss of the ship partly to the weight of the gold : " prae nimio gentium et auri pondere, summersa interiit." De Nov. Orb. 101. Purchas remarks, this is " a fit emblem for Christians, who, when they will lade themselves with this thick clay, drown the soule in destruc- tion and perdition." Pilgrims, i. 723. 2 Purchas, i. 913. The name of the Indian king was Guarinoex : " alii acobo el Cazique Guarinoex." Herrera. Vega Real was built upon the very spot where he resided 3 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 5. c, 6, 7. Robertson, b. 2. Prince, Introd. Belknap's Biography, i. 118. Columbus called Honduras, Punta de Caxinas. The fol- lowing description of Porto Bello, by Ferdinand Columbus, was probably from personal observation : " The country about that harbour, higher up, is not very rough, but tilled, and full of houses, a stone's throw or a bow shot one from the other ; and it looks the finest landscape a man can imagine." — A water spout near Porto Bello, 13 December, excited great alarm among the Spaniards. " If they had not dissolved it," says the writer, " by saying the Gospel of St. John, it had certainly sunk whatsoever it fell upon." Life of Columbus, c. 92. 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 518. This haven was formerly reckoned the second place of consequence in Hispaniola ; but in 1763 it was a mere fishing village. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 23 king Henry pays no regard to the imaginary line of division made 1502. between Spain and Portugal by the pope's authority ; and that, v^^~w/ according to his genius and former practice, he does not pretend to give one penny toward the enterprise. " It therefore," he subjoins, " succeeded no better than Cabot's voyage ; for private adventurers rarely have abilities and patience sufficient to perfect such undertakings, unless supported by the public." 1 Columbus, leaving Porto Bello, entered the river Yebra on the 1503. 9th of January. The beauty and fertility of the adjacent country invited him to begin a plantation. Remaining at Yebra, he sent Columbus his brother Bartholomew with 68 men in boats to the river Vera- res o lves to SPltlC 3. guay, whence they proceeded to the river Duraba. Finding colony at abundance of gold here, it was concluded to establish a settle- Veraguay; ment. The Spaniards actually began to erect houses ; but their insolence and rapacity incensed the natives, who, falling upon b u 5 s ! e s d r b" them, killed several of their number, and obliged them to relin- the natives, quish the design. 2 These Indians were a more hardy race, than those of the islands ; and this was the first repulse sustained by the Spaniards. But for this adverse occurrence, Columbus would have had the honour of planting the first colony on the continent of America. Leaving this hostile region, he now sailed for Hispaniola ; but by the violence of a storm was obliged to Hq is ship- run his ships ashore at Jamaica. In his distress at this island, wrecked at he sent some of the hardiest of his men to Hispaniola, to repre- sent his calamitous situation to the governor, and to solicit vessels to carry him and his people away ; but he remained at Jamaica eight months, without the least intelligence from his messengers, or assistance from the governor. The natives becoming exas- perated at the delay of the Spaniards, the burden of whose support was intolerable, the inventive genius of Columbus had 1 Hume's Hist. England, c. 26. Anderson, Hist. Commerce, ii. 7. Forster's Voyages, 289, 431. Rymer's Foedera, xiii. 37, and Hazard's Hist. Collections, i. 11—19, where the commission is preserved. Its title is, " De Potestatibus ad Terras Incognitas Investigandum ; " its address, " Dilectis Subditis nostris, Hugoni Elyot et Thomee Ashehurste, Mercatoribus Villa; nostrae Bristollia;, ac, Dilectis nobis, Johanni Ghinsalus et Francisco Farnandus, Armigeris, in Insu- lis de Surrys, sub obedientia Regis Portugalice o; iundis " &c. It is dated at Westminster on the 9th of December. This was the first charter for a colony granted by the crown of England. See Bozman's History of Maryland, sect. 2. It gave the patentees license, not only to discover new countries, but to take out with them any English subjects, to inhabit and settle in them. " Volumus quod omnes et singula; tarn Viri quam Feminas hujus regni nostri, terras et insulas hujusmodi sic noviter inventas visitare et in eisdem inhabitare cupientes et desi- derantes, possint." Evans, in his Picture of Bristol, says, " Eliot was ranked among the most eminent navigators of his age, though it does not appear that he made any considerable additions to the discoveries of Cabot." 2 P. Martyr, 214, 215. " Figere ibi pedem fuit consilium : sed incolae futuram permciem olfacientes, vetuerunt. Facto agmine, cum honendo clamore ruunt in nostras, qui domus aedificare jam cajperant." 24 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1503. recourse to an admirable device, to regain his authority. As- v^v^*' sembling the principal Indians around him, he caused them to Foretells an understand, that the God, whom he served, provoked at their eclipse! 8 refusal to support the objects of his favourite regard, intended to inflict on them a speedy and severe judgment, of which they would soon see manifest tokens in the heavens ; for on that night the moon should withhold her light, and appear of a bloody hue, as an omen of their approaching destruction. His menacing prediction was ridiculed ; but its actual accomplishment, at the precise time foretold, struck the barbarians with terror. This eclipse of the moon, which he had happily foreseen by his skill in astronomy, established his character, as a prophet. The affrighted Indians brought him instantly a plenty of provisions ; they fell at his feet, and besought him in the most suppliant man- ner, to intercede with the great Spirit to avert the threatened calamity. Apparently moved by their entreaties, he consoled them ; but charged them to atone for their past transgression by their future generosity. The eclipse went off; and from that day the natives were superstitiously cautious of giving offence to the Spaniards. 1 1504. Columbus is taken off from Ja- maica. Sept. 2. He returns to Spain. Arrives there in December. When the fortitude and skill of Columbus had been tried to the utmost extent, in repressing the mutinies of his own people, and the violence of the Indians ; a ship, generously fitted out by a private person at Hispaniola, arrived at Jamaica, and carried him to St. Domingo. Convinced that a dispute with a governor, in his own jurisdiction, could bring him little advantage or honour, he hastened his preparation for returning to Spain. On the 2d of September he sailed from Hispaniola. Having encountered the most terrible storms in the voyage, and sailed after losing his mainmast 700 leagues, he with difficulty reached the port of St. Lucar. Here, to his inexpressible grief, he learnt that his friend and patroness, queen Isabella, was dead. She had steadily favoured and supported, while the Catholic king had opposed and injured him. The value of the Indies becoming daily more apparent, and also the largeness of the share that must fall to the admiral by virtue of the stipulated articles, it had been the selfish policy of Ferdinand to fix the absolute dominion in himself, and to dispose of all the employ- ments, which belonged to the admiral, according to his own pleasure. The conduct of Isabella was more just and generous, as became the greatness of her character. This illustrious woman, " was no less eminent for virtue, than for wisdom ; and whether we consider her behaviour as a queen, as a wife, or as a mother, 1 Life of Columbus, c. 95 — 103. Herrera, d. Robertson, b. 2. Belknap, Biog. i. 118, 119. 1. lib. 6. c. 5. Purchas, i. 731. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 25 she is justly entitled to the high encomiums bestowed on her by 1504. the Spanish historians." 1 v^-v-w' Bastidas, with the leave of king Ferdinand, went with two Terra ships, to discover that part of Terra Firma, where lay Cartha- irma! gena. Landing on the island Codego, he took 600 of the natives ; proceeded to the Gulf of Uraba ; and returned to St. Domingo, laden with slaves. 2 Some adventurous navigators from Biscay, Bretagne, and ^ f ns h- d " Normandy, in France, came this year in small vessels, to fish on ery. the banks of Newfoundland ; and these were the first French vessels that appeared on the coasts of North America. 3 The Indians of Hispaniola having made several attempts to 1505. recover their liberty, the Spaniards considered their conduct as War re- rebellious, and took arms, to reduce them to subjection. In " h e e w ^ ti ^ h violation of a treaty which they had made with the natives, fHis P ani- they made war with the cazique of Higuey, a province at the ola. eastern extremity of the island. The cazique, after signalizing himself in defence of his countrymen, was ignominiously hung. Xaraguay, a province extending from the fertile plain where Leogane is now situated to the western extremity of the island, experienced greater treachery and cruelty. It was subject to Anacoana, a female cazique, who was highly respected by the natives, and who had been uniformly friendly to the Spaniards, but was now accused of a design to exterminate them. Her accusers were some of the descendants of Roldan, who had settled in her country, and were exasperated against her for endeavouring to restrain their excesses. Ovando, the Spanish governor, under pretence of making her a respectful visit, march- ed toward Xaraguay with 300 foot and 70 horsemen. She re- 1 Life of Columbus, 94—118. Europ. Settlements, i. 55—60. Univ. Hist. xli. 347. Belknap, Disc, on Discovery of America, 115. Bacon's History of Henry VII. Robertson's History Charles V. ii. b. 1. Mezeray, referring to Isabella, says, " The Spaniards extol her above all other heroines." Hist. France, 542. 2 P. Martyr, 105. Harris' Voy. i. 270. Carthagena was a name that had been given to that port by Columbus, on account of its resemblance to a port of that name in Spain. Codego lay near the port ; and, Martyr says, that this was the Indian name : " Insulam vocant incolae Codego. 3 Anderson, Hist. Commerce, ii. 9. Brit. Emp. in America, Introd. xlvi. Encyc. Methodique, Georg. Art. Canada. This fishery appears to have been immediately productive. The French is : " Des 1504, les Basques, les Bretons et les Normands, utiles et audacieux navigateurs, se hasardoient avec de foibles barques sur le banc de Terreneuve, et nourissoient une partie de la France du fruit de leur peche." Ibid. These fishermen are said to have discovered at this time the Grand Bank of Newfoundland. Ibid. Commerce, Art. Communaute de Biens. The account in Champlain's Voyages is : " Ce furent les Bretons & les Normands, qui en 1' an 1504. descouvrirent les premiers des Chrestiens, le grand Banc des Moluques, & les Isles de Terre neufve, ainsi qu' il se remar- que es histoires de Nifiet, & d' Antoine Maginus." VOL I. 4 5 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1505. ceived him with every token of honour, and feasted him several .^v^/ days. Amidst this security, the Spaniards, at a preconcerted signal, drew their swords, and rushed on the defenceless and astonished Indians. Their princess was instantly secured. Her attendants were seized and bound, and left to perish in the flames of the house, where they were assembled, which was set on fire. Anacoana was carried in chains to St. Domingo, where, after the formality of a trial, she was condemned to be hanged. This atrocious conduct toward the Haytin princes completely humbled the natives, who, in all the provinces of Hispaniola, now submitted, without farther resistance, to the Spanish yoke. 1 1506. Columbus, exhausted by age, fatigues, and disappointments, >eath of died at Valladolid on the 20th of May, in the 59th year of his oiumbus. age. This great man departed this life with a composure, cor- responding to the magnanimity of his character, and with senti- ments of devotion, becoming his supreme and habitual respect for religion. His corpse was removed to Seville, and buried in the cathedral church of that city with great funeral pomp ; and by order of king Ferdinand, " whose jealousy his death had ex- tinguished," was honoured with a marble monument, upon which was engraven the following Epitaph : A CASTILLA Y A LEON NUEVO MONDO DIO COLON. In English : " To Castile and to Leon Columbus gave a New World." 2 1 Robertson, b. 3. B. de las Casas, in his Relation, says, that after this unjust war ended, with such a destruction and massacre, the Spaniards, having re- served few beside the women and children, divided these among themselves ; some keeping 30, others 40, others 100, some 200, according to the interest they had with the tyrant [governor] of the island. Oviedo says, that, in 1535, only 43 years after the discovery of Hispaniola, and when he himself was on the spot, there were not left alive in that island above 500 of the original natives, old and young. Edwards, W. Indies, i. c. 3. 2 Life of Columbus, by his son Ferdinand, c. 108. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 6. c. 15. Robertson, b. 2. Belknap, Biog. Art. Columbus. Memorials of Columbus, Hist. Memoir. Columbus was of good figure, rather of tall and large stature, of a long visage and majestic aspect. He had an aquiline nose, rather high cheek bones, grey eyes, and a clear and ruddy complexion He was a man of strong and active body, of a lofty mind, and sound judgment. He was witty and pleasant, agreeable in speech, moderately grave, mild, and affable. His conver- sation was discreet, and conciliated affection ; and his presence, having an air of authority and grandeur, attracted respect. He was uniformly temperate in his living, and modest in his dress. He was greatly skilled in navigation, under- stood Latin, and composed verses. He was a man of undaunted courage, and fond of great enterprises. Herrera supposes, that if, in ancient times, he had performed such an enterprise as the discovery of a new world, not only would temples and statues have been erected to his honour, but some star would have been dedicated to him, as there was to Hercules and to Bacchus :—" le dedica- ran alguna estrella en los signos celestes, como a Hercules, y a Baco." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 27 A regular form was given to ecclesiastical government in 1506. America, by the nomination of clergymen of all ranks, to take v-^^^/ charge of the Spaniards settled there, as well as of the natives Affairs of who should embrace Christianity. Pursuant to bulls of the pope, Father Garcia de Pad ilk; was nominated the first bishop of St. Domingo. Their catholic majesties ordered the cathedral church of that city to be magnificently built at their own ex- pense. 1 Jean Denys, a Frenchman, sailed with his pilot Camart, a Map of St. native of Rouen, from Honfleur to Newfoundland, and drew a L&wtence - map of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and of the coast of the adja- cent country. 2 Ferdinand, king of Spain, erected a court, entitled Casa de 1507. Contratacion, or Board of Trade, composed of persons eminent Spanish for rank and abilities, to which he committed the administration Tmde.° f of American affairs. 3 The inhabitants of Hispaniola, computed to have been, when Hispaniola.. Columbus discovered the island, at least one million, were now reduced to sixty thousand. 4 The natives of the Lucayo islands, Lucayo to the number of twelve hundred thousand, wasted in the mines of Hispaniola and Cuba, or by diseases and famine, had previous- ly become extinct. 5 Juan Diaz de Solis and Vincent Yanez Pinzon sailed from 1508. Seville, with two caravels, to the const of Brazil, and went to Voyage of the 35th degree, south latitude, where they found the great river and S pinzon. 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 6. c. 19, 20. 2 Forster, Voy. 431, 432. Conduite des Francois, Note 9. Anderson, ii. 9. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 406. Cabot's discovery of Canada, it is supposed, thus early attracted the attention of the French. 3 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 7. c. 1. Robertson, b. 3. 4 Robertson, b. 3. B. de las Casas, Relat. 23. Purchas, i. 914; where the writer says, that in three or four months, while he was in a certain town in one of the West India Islands, 6000 children died for the want of their parents, who were sent to the mines. 5 Purchas, i. 904. The Spaniards, understanding it to be the opinion of the Lucayans, that departed souls, after certain expiations on cold northern moun- tains, would pass to a southern region, persuaded them to believe that they had come from that place, where they might see their departed parents and chil- dren, acquaintance and friends, and enjoy eveiy delight. Thus seduced, they went with the Spaniards to Hispaniola and Cuba. But, when they discovered that they had been deceived ; that they had come to dark mines, instead of Elysian fields ; that they should not find any one of their parents or friends, but be com- pelled to submit to a severe government, and to unwonted and cruel labours ; abandoned to despair, they either killed themselves, or, obstinately rejecting food, they breathed out their languid spirits. P. Martyr, 481. " Quando vero se deceptos fuisse conspexerunt, nee parentibus aut optatorum cuiquam occur- rerent, sed gravia imperia et insuetos ac salvos labores subire cogerentur, in desperationem versi, aut seipsos necabant, aut electa inedia languidos emitte- bant spiritus, nulla ratione aut vi persuasi, ut cibum sumere vellent. Ita miseris Lucais est finis impositus." 28 . AMERICAN ANNALS. 1508. Paranaguazu, afterward called Rio de Plata, or River of Silver, s^^-w' Proceeding to the 40th degree, they erected crosses wherever RiodePia- they landed, took formal possession, and returned to Spain. In this voyage they discovered an extensive province, known after- Yutacan. ward by the name of Yucatan. 1 Cuba found Sebastian de Ocampo by command of Ovando sailed around island 3 " Cuba, and first discovered with certainty, that this country, which Columbus once supposed to be a part of the continent, is a large island. 2 Ovando re- Don Nicolas de Ovando was divested of the government of Spain! St. Domingo by king Ferdinand, and commanded to return to Spain. He is represented as a man of distinguished merit ; whose removal was occasioned by complaints raised against him for instability, and the known will of queen Isabella, who had sworn to chastise him for having put to death the cazique Anaco- ana, and had left her decree in charge to Ferdinand. 3 Commerce. The gold, carried from Hispaniola in one year, amounted to 460,000 pieces of eight. Cotton, sugar, and ginger, now also became considerable articles of exportation from the West Indies to Spain. Negroes The Spaniards, finding the miserable natives not so robust and imo°H?s- e( l ua l t0 the labour of the mines and fields, as negroes brought paniola. from Africa, began about the same time to import negroes into Hispaniola from the Portuguese settlements on the Guinea coast. 4 Hurricane. A hurricane demolished all the houses in St. Domingo, and destroyed upward of 20 vessels in the harbour. 5 The French Thomas Aubert, a shipmaster, made a voyage from Dieppe to fi *" st sa j* U P Newfoundland ; and, proceeding thence to the river of St. Law- rence. " rence, was the first who sailed up this great river to the country of Canada. On his return, he carried over to Paris some of the natives. 6 1509. -D° N Diego, son of Christopher Columbus, having for two years after the death of his father made incessant but fruitless 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 6. c. 17. Life of Columbus, c. 89. Robertson, b. 3. Southey, c. 2. See a. d. 1516. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 7. c 1. 3 Alcedo, Art, Domingo. Ovando came to America as governor in 1502. He was preceded in the government by Bartholomew Columbus and by Don Francisco Bovadilla, and succeeded by the admiral Don Diego Columbus. See a. d. 1509. Alcedo says, Diego succeeded Ovando as governor general, but not in character of viceroy, as his father was. 4 Anderson, Hist. Commerce, a. d. 1508. Herrera, d. 1. lib, 5. c. 12. 5 Purchas, i. 910. 6 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 406. Brit. Emp. Introd. 46. Anderson, ii. 15. Forster (402) says, he made this voyage in a ship called the Pensee, belonging to his father Jean Ango, viscount of Dieppe. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 29 application to king Ferdinand for the offices and rights to which 1509. he was legally entitled, at last commenced a suit against the king ^-v~^/ before the Council of the Indies, and obtained a decree in con- Don Diego firmation of his claim of the viceroyalty, with all the other privi- su ° c ^eds S leges, stipulated in the capitulation with his father. Succeeding Ovando as Ovando in the government of Hispaniola, he now repaired to S overnor - that island, accompanied by his wife, his brother, and uncles, and a numerous retinue of both sexes, of good parentage ; and the colony acquired new lustre by the accession of so many respect- able inhabitants. Agreeably to instructions from the king, he settled a colony in Cubagua, where large fortunes were soon acquired by the fishery of pearls. He also sent to Jamaica John de Esquibal with 70 men, who began a settlement on that island. 1 Alonso de Ojeda, having sailed from Hispaniola with a ship An attempt and two brigantines, carrying three hundred soldiers, to settle the to sett,e the continent, landed at Carthagena ; but was beaten off by the proves uri- natives. While he began a settlement at St. Sebastian, on the successful, east side of the Gulf of Darien, Diego Nicuessa with six vessels and 780 men began another at Nombre de Dios, on the west side. Both, however, were soon broken up by the natives. The early historians say, that the natives of these countries were fierce and warlike ; that their arrows were dipped in a poison so noxious, that every wound was followed with certain death ; that in one encounter they slew 70 of Ojeda's followers ; and that the Spaniards, for the first time, were taught to dread the inhabitants of the New World. This was the first attempt to take posses- sion of Terra Firma ; and it was by virtue of the pope's grant, made in a form prescribed by some of the most eminent divines and lawyers in Spain. 2 Henry VII, king of England, died on the 22d of April, aged Death of 52 ; and was succeeded by Henry VIII. 3 Henry VII. 1 Robertson, b. 3. Harris' Voy. i. 271. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 7. c. 11. Edwards, W. Indies, b. 2. c. 1. Alcedo, Art. Jamaica. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 8. c. 2. Harris' Voy. i. 271. Robertson, b. 3. Harris, from Galvano, calls St. Sebastian a fort, and says, it was the first built by the Spaniards in Terra Firma. The name Terra Firma was first given " because it was the first place where from the Islands the Castellares did inhabit." Purchas, iv. 912. Herrera says, that Nicuessa obliged all his men, whether sick or well, to work at his fort, and they died at their labour ; and that the 780 men, whom he brought from Hispaniola, were soon reduced to 100. — Nombre de Dios was named from the words of Nicuessa, " Let us stay here in the name of God."— en nombre de Dios. See Note VIII. 3 Of Henry VII. it has been justly remarked : " This prince was rather a prudent steward and manager of a kingdom than a great king, and one of those defensive geniuses who are the last in the world to relish a great but problematic design." Europ. Settlements in America. But, with all his caution and parsi- mony, he received the overtures of Columbus with more approbation than any monarch to whom they had been previously communicated. " Neither," says 30 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1510. 1 ,HE greater part of those who had engaged with Ojeda and •^^s^/ Nicuessa in the expedition for settling the continent, having A smnii coi- perished in less than a year, a few who survived now settled, as on) settled; a feeble colony, at Santa Maria on the Gulf of Darien, under the at the 'orulf , ,, vv 7 « t _ . n „ -, of Darien. command ot Vasco INunez de Balboa. 1 Juan Ponce de Leon, who had commanded in the eastern district of Hispaniola under Ovando, now effected a settlement, Puerto by his permission, on Puerto Rico. Within a few years this Rico - island was subjected to the Spanish government ; and the natives, treated with rigour and worn out with fatigue and sufferings, soon became extinct. 2 1511. D° N Diego Columbus proposing to conquer the island of Conquest of Cuba, and to establish a colony there, many persons of distinction Cuba. j n Hispaniola engaged in the enterprise. Three hundred men, destined for the service, were put under the command of Diego Velazquez, who had accompanied Christopher Columbus in his second voyage. With this inconsiderable number of troops, Velazquez conquered the island, without the loss of a man, and annexed it to the Spanish monarchy. 3 The conqueror was now appointed governor and captain-general of the island. 4 Hipaniola. Hispaniola was not completely subdued until this year. Two bishops were now constituted here, one at St. Domingo, and another at the Conception. Three bishopricks had been pre- viously erected in the island, but no bishops had been sent to them. 5 lord Bacon, " was it a refusal on the king's part, but a delay by accident, that put by so great an acquest" — referring to the " tender of that great empire of the West Indies." Hist. K. Henry VII ; in the conclusion of which, lord Bacon observes : " If this king did no great matters, it was long of himself ; for what he minded he compassed." 1 Robertson, b. 3. Prince, Chron. Introd. 83. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 7. c. 13. Robertson, b. 3. This island was discovered by Columbus in his second voyage. John Ponce passed over to it in 1508, and penetrated into the interior of the country. B. de las Casas (4.) says, that above 30 islands, near this, were in like manner entirely depopulated. 3 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 9. c. 3. Robertson, b. 3. Prince, 1511. The island is about 700 miles long, and at that time had two or three hundred houses, with several families in each, as was usual in Hispaniola. Hatuay, a rich and potent cazique, who, to avoid slavery or death, had fled from Hispaniola to Cuba, was taken in the interior part of this island, and carried to Velazquez, wno con- demned him to the flames. When he was fastened to the stake, a Franciscan friar, labouring to convert him, promised him immediate admittance to the joys of heaven, if he would embrace the Christian faith ; and threatened him with eternal torment, if he should continue obstinate in his unbelief. The cazique asked, if there were any Spaniards in that region of bliss, that he described. On being told, there were ; " I will not go," said he, " to a place where I may meet with one of that accursed race." B. de las Casas, 20, 21. 4 Alcedo, Art . Cuba. He governed with great applause until his death, in 1524 5 Univ. Hist. xli. 467. Herrera, d. 1. lib. 8. c. 10. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 31 Ferdinand established the Council of the Indies, in which was 1511. vested the supreme government of all the Spanish dominions in America. He now permitted the importation of negroes in greater numbers, than before, into his American colonies. 1 Juan Ponce de Leon, sailing northwardly from Puerto Rico 1512. with three ships, discovered the continent in 30 degrees 8 minutes April 2. north latitude, and called it Florida. Having gone ashore, and Jj»n Ppnce taken possession, he returned to Puerto Rico through the chan- Florida. nel, afterward known by the name of the Gulf of Florida. The discoverer went afterwards to Spain, and obtained of the king the government of Florida ; but he had scarcely reached the shore at his return, and begun to prepare for the erection of a town and fortress, when the natives assailed him and his company with their poisoned arrows, killed the greater part of them, and obliged the rest to re-embark, and abandon the country. The Spaniards claimed Florida from this discovery of Ponce ; and the English, from the prior discovery of Cabot. 2 Baracoa, the first town of Cuba, was built on the northeast Baracoa. part of the island by Diego Velazquez. Havana, the capital, Havana, was also built by Velazquez, while he was governor of Cuba. 3 Amerigo Vespucci died at the age of 61 years. 4 A. Vespuc- 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 8. c. 9. Robertson, b. 3, 8. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 9. c. 10, 11. Harris' Voy. i. 271. Univ. Hist. xl. 378. Brit. Emp. iii. 208. Roberts, Florida, 25. Encyclop. Methodique, Hist. Art. Cabot ; & Geog. Art. Floride. Cardenas, Hist. Florida, a. d. 1512. Thua- nus (1. 44.) says: " Floridam qui primus invenerit, inter scriptores ambigitur. Hispani . . . gloriam Joanni Pontico Legionensi deferunt . . . verum quod et certius est, plerique affirmant, jam ante Sebastianum Gabotum . . . primum in earn Indiarum provinciam venisse." See a. d. 1497. Purchas (i. 769.) says, it was called Florida, " because it was first discovered by the Spaniards on Palm Sunday, or on Easter day, which they call Pasqua Florida [de Flores, Herrera] ; and not, as Thevot writeth, for the flourishing verdure thereof." De Bry agrees with him ; also P. Martyr, who says " Floridam appellavit, quia resurrec- tianis festo repererit. Vocat Hispanus Pascha floridum resurrectionis diem." Herrera says, Juan Ponce had regard to both reasons : " se quiso conformar en el nombre, con estas razones." De Bry says, Ponce died of his wound at Cuba : " Pontius ipse in hoc tumultu jaculo infecto lethaliter vulneratus, unus e fugi- entibus fuit, et vento Cubam Insulam delatus ex vulnere istic expiravit." Car- denas has preserved his Epitaph. " Y en su sepulcro se puso este Epitafio : Mole sub hac fortis requiescunt ossa Leonis, Qui vicit factis Nomina magna suis." 3 Alcedo, Art. Cuba. Havana was at first called Puerto de Carenas. It afterwards became one of the most considerable cities of America, taking the name of San Christoval de la Havana. Id. Art. Havana. 4 Munoz, Introd. xix. He was born at Florence in 1451. In 1508, he was appointed chief pilot to the king of Spain, with a salary of 50,000 maravadis a year, at which time a bounty also of 25,000 was granted him. The same salary and bounty were granted to his successor Juan Diaz de Solis,who was appointed in 1512 ; but with a proviso of giving 10,000 maravadis annually to the widow of Vesputius, Maria Cerezo, during her life. Id. The house of Vesputius is shown at Florence, having over the door the following inscription : " America 32 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1513. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a Spaniard, employed in the con- quest of Darien and the Gulf of Uraba, having travelled across the isthmus of Darien with 290 men, from the top of a high mountain on the western side of the continent discovered an ocean, which, from the direction in which he saw it, took the name of the South Sea. Falling on his knees, and lifting up his hands to heaven, he gave thanks to God for being the first discoverer. Having proceeded with his followers to the shore, he advanced up to his middle in the water with his sword and buckler, and — ■ 29 - took possession of this ocean in the name of the king his master, session^ 08 * vowing to defend it, with those arms, against all his enemies. In token of possession, he erected piles of stones on the shore. 1 Friars go to Peter de Cordova, a Dominican friar, having obtained leave Cumana. f t j ie king, now went over from Spain to the continent of America, with other friars of his order, to preach to the Indians at Cumana ; but the treachery and abuse of the Spaniards con- cerned in the pearl fishery exciting the indignation of the natives, they soon after put these missionaries to death. 2 Decree con- Ferdinand issued a decree of his privy council, declaring, that dians? g In " tne serv i tu de of the Indians is warranted both by the laws of God and man ; and that, unless they were subjected to the do- minion of the Spaniards, and compelled to reside under their inspection, it would be impossible to reclaim them from idolatry, and to instruct them in the principles of the Christian faith. 3 •1514. Vasco Nunez having sent the king of Spain an account of his discovery of the South Sea, and of what he had heard of Peru, acquainting him at the same time, that it would require a thousand men to effect that conquest ; his majesty ordered Pe- drarias Davila to embark for America, as governor of Darien. He accordingly sailed from St. Lucar with 15 vessels and 1500 Vespuccio, Patricio Florentino, sui et Patriae Nominis Illustratori, Amplificatori Orbis Terrarum, in hac olim Vespuccia Domo a tanto Domino habitata Patres Sancti Johannis a Deo Cultores gratae Memoriae Causa, p. c. a. s. mdccxix." Lastri, Eloglo d' Am. Vespucci. 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 10. c. 1. P. Martyr, 178—182, 205. Venegas, California, i. 119. Harris' Voy. 271. Dalrymple, Voyages, i. 3, from " Conquista de las Islas Philipinas por Fr. Gaspar de San Augustin." Prince, Introd. Robertson, b. 3. Forster, Voy. 263. P. Martyr says, that the Indians opposed Balboa's passage over the mountains ; that they fled at the discharge of the Spanish guns ; that the Spaniards, pursuing them, cut them in pieces ; that 600 of them, together with their prince, were destroyed like brute beasts ; and that Vasco ordered about 50 to be torn to pieces by dogs. " Canum opera," adds the his- torian, " nostri utuntur in praeliis contra nudas eas gentes : ad quas rabidi insili- unt, haud secus ac in feros apros aut fugaces cervos." Vasco returned in February, 1514, to Darien, without the loss of one man in any of his numerous actions with the natives. 2 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 9, c. 14, 15. 3 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 9. c. 14. Robertson, b. 3. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 33 men ; and, by his tyranny and exactions after his arrival, all the 1514. country from the gulf of Darien to the lake of Nicaragua was ^*^~^/ desolated. Davila was the fourth governor of " Golden Castile," Daviia's as the countries of Darien, Carthagena, and Uraba were then *!***** called. John de Quevedo, a Franciscan friar, came over with him, as bishop of Darien, accompanied by several ecclesiastics of that order. A dissension not long after arose between Vasco Nunez and Davila. Nunez, charged with calumny against the government, was sent for by the governor, and put in chains, jy unez ; g and, after some formalities of a trial, was condemned, and be- beheaded. headed. 1 Puerto Rico, the chief town on the island of this name, p. Rico, was founded ; and Jojm Ponce de Leon appointed its gover- Gasper Morales, sent by Pedrarias Davila, marched across 1515. the land to the South Sea, and discovered the Pearl islands, p ea ri isi- in the bay of St. Michael, in 5° north latitude. 3 ands - John Arias began to people Panama on the South Sea, and Panama, discovered 250 leagues on the coast to 8°, 30 minutes, north latitude. 4 Juan Diaz de Solis, at that time reputed the ablest navigator 1516. in the world, was appointed by the king of Spain to command Voyage of two ships, fitted out to discover a passage to the Molucca or Spice De Solis - Islands by the west, and to open a communication with them. Having sailed the preceding October, he entered the Rio de Plata in January. In attempting a descent in the country about Jan. l. this river, De Solis and several of his crew were slain by the J^f* pf a _ natives, who, in sight of the ships, cut their bodies in pieces, ta; is slain roasted and devoured them. Discouraged by the loss of their b .y the na_ commander, and terrified by this shocking spectacle, the surviv- ing Spaniards sailed to Cape St. Augustin, where they loaded The enter- with Brazil wood, and set sail for Europe, without aiming at any P ris e aban- farther discovery. 5 doned ' 1 Herrera, d. 1. lib. 10. c. 7. Harris' Voy. i. 271. Robertson, b. 3. P. Mar- tyr, 320. B. de las Casas (23 — 26.) says, that this " merciless governor" ran through above 50 leagues of the finest country in the world, and carried desola- tion with him wherever he went ; that before his arrival there were many vil- lages, towns, and cities, which excelled those of all the neighbouring countries ; that this country abounded in gold, more than any that had yet been discovered ; that the Spaniards in a little time carried away above three millions out of this kingdom : and that here above 800,000 people were slaughtered. 2 Univ. Hist. xli. 520. Enryc. Meth. Geog. Art. Juan de Puerto Rico. 3 Harris' Voy. i. 271. Prince, a. d. 1515. Coll. of Voyages. 4 Prince, ib. from Galvanus. See a. d. 1518. 5 Herrera, d. 2. lib. 1. c. 7. Robertson, b. 8. Charlevoix, Paraguay, i. 22. This is generally considered as the discovery of the Plata, though it was ob- served by the same navigator, in passing by its mouth, in 1508. It was now VOL. I. 5 34 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1516. Sir Sebastian Cabot and Sir Thomas Pert with two ships, fitted out by some merchants of Bristol, 1 visited the coast of Bra- zil, and touched at the islands of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Although this voyage seems not to have been beneficial to the adventurers ; yet it extended the sphere of English navigation, and added to the stock of nautical knowledge. 2 Bartholomew de las Casas had undertaken to protect the American Indians. He was a native of Seville, and with other clergymen had accompanied Columbus in his second voyage to Hispaniola, in order to settle in that island. His design was, to obtain ascendency over the Indians without force, by the preaching of the Dominican and Franciscan friars ; and he pos- sessed all the courage and talents, zeal and activity, requisite for supporting so desperate a cause. In prosecution of his benevo- lent purpose, he went, this year, from St. Domingo to Spain, with a fixed resolution not to abandon the protection of a people, whom he regarded as cruelly oppressed. Upon his arrival at Seville, he was informed of the death of the Catholic king. The negociations of Las Casas were deferred until the arrival of the new king, Charles of Austria, who was daily expected from the Low Countries. Cardinal Ximenes, who, as regent, assumed the reins of government in Castile, resolved to send three persons to America, as superintendants of all the colonies there, with authority, after due examination, to make a final decision on the called The river of Solis, and afterwards, de La Plata — " entraron luego en un agua, que por ser tan espaciosa, y no salada, llamaron mar duke que parecio despues ser el rio, que oy llaman de la Plata: y entonces dixeron de Solis." Herrera. A Portuguese writer, whose account is published by Hakluyt and Purchas, allows, that " the first Spaniard who entered this river and inhabited the same, was called Solis." See " A Discourse of the West Indies and South Sea, written by Lopez Vaz a Portugal," in Hakluyt, iii. 786 — 788, and Purchas, iv. 869, & v. 1437. — The place where Solis attempted to make a descent was probably some part of Paraguay ; the discovery of which is ascribed to Solis in Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. Paraguay, though its full discovery is justly to be ascribed to S. Cabot io 1526. 1 Robertson, b. 9 ; but from one account in Hakluyt (iii. 499.) it is probable they " were set foorth by the king ; " and in another (ibid. 498.) it is affirmed, that the king furnished and sent them out. 2 Hakluyt, Voy. i. 515, 516 ; iii. 498, 499; where there are accounts of this voyage. Prince, Chron. a. d. 1516. Robertson, b. 9. Josselyn, New Eng. Rarities, 103, and Voyages, 231. Biblioth. Americana, 52. Hist, of Bristol, i. 317. Purchas, b. 9. c. 20. Some historians take no notice of this voyage, or confound it with a voyage made in the service of Spain in 1526. P. Martyr [De Orb. Nov. 233.] mentions Sebastian Cabot, as being with him in Spain in 1515, and expecting to go on a voyage of discovery the following year. " Fa- miliarem habeo domi Cabottum ipsum, et contubernalem interdum ; expectatque indies ut navigia sibi parentur. Martio mense anni futuri m. d. xvi. puto ad explorandum discessurum." But he does not determine, either from what port Cabot was to sail, or by whom he was to be employed. It is probable, that he refers to preparations, expected to be made for him in England, whence the accounts in Hakluyt prove him to have sailed. " The faint heart " of Sir Thomas Pert is affirmed to have been " the cause that the voyage took none effeGt." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 35 case in question. He, accordingly, selected three persons, to 15IG» whom he joined Zuazo, a private lawyer of distinguished probity, v^^-w/ with unlimited power to regulate all judicial proceedings in the colonies; and appointed Las Casas to accompany them, with the title of Protector of the Indians. They soon after sailed for St. Domingo ; and the first act of their authority was, to set at liberty all the Indians who had been granted to the Spanish courtiers, or to any person not residing in America. A general alarm was excited among the colonists; and, after mature con- sideration, the superintendants became convinced, that the state of the colony rendered the plan of Las Casas impracticable ; and found it necessary to tolerate the repartirnientos, and to suffer the Indians to remain in subjection to their Spanish masters. 1 The plantain, an excellent substitute for bread, was carried to Hispaniola from the Canary Islands by Thomas de Berlanga, a friar. 2 A Flemish favourite of Charles V, having obtained of this 1517, king a patent containing an exclusive right of importing 4000 p f negroes annually to the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, importing and Puerto Rico, sold it for 25,000 ducats to some Genoese slaves - merchants, who first brought into a regular form the commerce for slaves between Africa and America. 3 Francis Hernandez Cordova sailed from Havana on the 8th of Voyage of February, with three caravels and 110 men, on a voyage of Cordova, discovery. The first land that he saw was Cape Catoche, the eastern point of that large peninsula, on the confines of the Mex- ican coast, to which the Spaniards gave the name of Yucatan. 4 Discovers As he advanced toward the shore, he was visited by five canoes, Yu ^ atan - full of Indians, decently clad in cotton garments ; a spectacle astonishing to the Spaniards, who had found every other part of America possessed by naked savages. 5 He landed in various places ; but being assailed by the natives, armed with arrows, he left the coast. Continuing his course toward the west, he arrived 1 Herrera, d. 2. lib. 2. c. 3. Robertson, b. 3. Herrera places these events in 1516; Robertson, in 1516-17. There is some discordance here in the dates of Dr. Robertson, in his History of America, compared with his History of Charles V; but two years will include all these occurrences. Herrera and Robertson say, Ferdinand died on the 25th of January, 1516. By marrying Isabella, the sister of Henry IV, he annexed the crown of Castile, of which Isabella was heiress, to the throne of Ariagon. Encyclop. Methodique, His- toire, Art. Ferdinand. Muiioz says, the marriage was in 1469. 2 Edwards, West Indies, i. 187. 3 Herrera, d. 2. lib. 2. c. 20. Robertson, b. 3. Edwards, W. Indies, b. 4. c. 2. 4 De Solis had previously seen this coast. See a. d. 1508. 5 The women of this place were remarkably modest. " Foeminae a cingulo ad talum induuntur, velaminibusque diversis caput et pectora tegunt, et pudice cavent ne cms, aut pes illis visatur " P. Martyr, 290: 36 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1517. at Campeachy. 1 At the mouth of a river, some leagues to the \^^-^ northward of that place, having landed his troops, to protect his sailors while filling their water casks, the natives rushed on them Driven off with such fury, that 47 Spaniards were killed on the spot, and one by the na- man on |y escaped unhurt. Cordova, though wounded in twelve places, directed a retreat with great presence of mind, and his men, with much difficulty regaining the ships, hastened back to Cuba, where, ten days after their arrival, Cordova died of his wounds. 2 Newfound- The cod fishery on the banks of Newfoundland had already land fish- attracted the attention of several European nations ; for fifty Spanish, French, and Portuguese ships were employed in it this year. 3 1518. Voyage of Grijalva. Discovers the Mexi- can coast ; and calls the country New Spain. Don Diego Velazquez, governor of Cuba, encouraged by the account that he received from those who went on the expe- dition with Cordova, now fitted out a second armament. Juan de Grijalva, to whom he gave the principal command of the enterprise, sailed on the 5th of April from St. Jago de Cuba, with four ships and 200 Spanish soldiers, to Yucatan ; discovered the southern coast of the bay of Mexico to the province of Panuco toward Florida ; and first called the country New Spain. 4 In this voyage he discovered the island of Cozumel ; also an island, which he called the Island of Sacrifices ; and another, 1 The port, from which Cordova sailed, is called in the language of Cuba, Agaruco ; in that of Spain, La Havana. B. Diaz, i. 3. Purchas, v. 1415. — Bemal Diaz de Castillo, who was with Cordova in this expedition, gives this account of the origin of Catoche : An Indian chief, who came with 12 canoes to the Spanish vessels, made signals to the captain, that he would bring them to land, saying " Con-Escotoch, Con-Escotoch," which signifies, " Come to our town," whence the Spaniards named it Punta de Catoche. — Of Campeachy Hen-era gives this account : The Indians called the place Quimpech, whence the name of Campeachy — "y los Castellanos le llamaron Campeche." 2 Purchas, i. 783. P. Martyr, 289, 290. Herrera, d. 2. lib. 2. c. 17, 18. B. Diaz, i. c. 1. Robertson, b. 3. Univ. Hist. xli. 468. 3 Anderson, Hist. Commerce, ii. 34. That respectable author says, this is the first account we have of that fishery. But he allows, that French vessels came on the coast of Newfoundland as early as 1504 ; and the French writers are probably correct in affirming, that they came that year to fish. See A. d. 1504. — If Hakluyt's conjecture is right, we are indebted to Sir Thomas Pert and Sebastian Cabot for the above information respecting the Newfoundland fishery. He supposes that Oviedo, a Spanish historian, alludes to their voyage [see a. d. 1516.], when he says, "That in the year 1517, an English rover under the colour of travelling to discover, came with a great ship unto the partes of Brasill on the coast of the Firme Land, and from thence he crossed over unto this island of Hispaniola " &c. This English ship, according to An- derson, had been at Newfoundland, and reported at Hispaniola the above state- ment of its fishery. See Hakluyt, i. 516, and iii. 499. 4 Herrera, d. 2. lib. iii. c. 9. Purchas, i. 783, 812, 813. B. Diaz, i. c. 9—14. De Solis, lib. 1. c. 7, 8. Robertson, b. 3. Prince, 1518. Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. Mexique. Alcedo, Art. Ulua. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 37 which he called St. Juan de Ulua ; and heard of the rich and 1518. extensive empire of Montezuma. 1 v^-v-w/ Francis Garay, governor of Jamaica, having obtained from Garay's the bishop of Burgos the government of the country about v °y a § e - the river Panuco, sent an armament of three ships with 240 soldiers, under the command of Alvarez Pinedo, who sailed to Cape Florida, in 25° north latitude, and discovered 500 leagues westward on the northern coast of the bay of Mexico to the river Panuco, in 23° north latitude, at the bottom of the bay. 2 This armament, however, was defeated by the Indians of Panuco, and one ship only escaped. 3 A colony was planted at Panama, and the city of that name Panama, was founded by Pedrarias Davila. 4 Baron de Lery formed the first project in France for ob- taining a settlement in America. 5 Velazqjjez, anxious to prosecute the advantages presented to 1519. his view by the expedition of Grijalva, having provided ten ships Cortes' ex- at the port of St. Jago, appointed Ferdinand Cortes commander j^insT of the armament. 6 Cortes sailed from Cuba, with ] 1 ships and Mexico. 50 Spanish soldiers, and landed first at the island of Cozumel. }le s;i * ls On the 13th of March he arrived with the whole armament at the . river of Tabasco or Grijalva. Disembarking his troops about half a league from the town of Tabasco, he found the 1 De Solis, Hist, de la Conquista de Mexico, lib. i. c. 7. The Island of Sacri- fices — " Isla de Sacrificios " — was so called, " because, going in to view a house of lime and stone which overlooked the rest, they found several idols of a horri- ble figure, and a more horrible worship paid to them ; for near the steps where they were placed, were the carcases of six or seven men recently sacrificed, cut to pieces, and their entrails laid open." — " miserable expectaculo, que dixo a nuestra Gente suspensa, y atemorizada." — " San Juan de Ulua was a little island, of more sand than soil, which lay so low, that sometimes it was covered by the sea ; but from these humble beginnings, it became the most frequented and celebrated port of New Spain, on that side which is bounded by the North Sea." 2 Harris' Voyages, i. 271. Prince, a. d. 1518. 3 B. Diaz, c. 133. " This ship," says Diaz, "joined us at Villa Rica." 4 Herrera, d. 2. lib. 3. c. 3, 4. Alcedo, Art. Panama. Ulloa, Voy. i. 117. It was constituted a city, with the appropriate privileges, by Charles V, in 1521. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 158. 5 Memoires de L'Amerique, i. 31, concemant L'Acadie, from L'Escasbot. The French Annotator on an English work, entitled "The Conduct of the French with respect to Nova Scotia," says, " Des 1518, le Baron de Lery & de Saint Just avoit entrepris de former une habitation sur les cotes de l'Amerique Septentrionale." 6 Ferdinand Cortes was a native of Medellin in Estremadura. He possessed an estate in the island of Cuba, where he had been twice alcalde. B. Diaz, c. 19. The Authors of the Universal History [xli. 468.] say, that Grijalva, finding that the coast of New Spain furnished abundance of gold, and that the inland 'coun- try was immensely rich, formed a scheme for subduing this great monarchy, and imparted it to Cortes ; but all the best historians agree in ascribing the first movements of Cortes, in this celebrated expedition, to Velazquez. 38 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1519. Takes the town of Tabasco. April 22. Arrives at St. Juan de Ulua. Receives ambassa- dors from Mexico. » borders of the river filled with canoes of armed Indians. Per- ceiving them determined on hostilities, he prepared to attack the town, in which above 12,000 warriors had already assembled. The Indians, observing this preparation, assailed his troops in prodigious numbers ; but were driven back by the Spaniards, who, having effected a landing, entered the town ; and Cortes took formal possession of the country for the king of Spain. 1 The next day he marched out with his troops to a plain, where he was met by an immense body of Indians, who, falling furious- ly on the Spaniards, wounded above 70 by the first discharge of their weapons. The Spanish artillery did great execution ; but when the cavalry came to the charge, the Indians, imagining the horse and rider to be one, were extremely terrified, and fled to the adjacent woods and marshes, leaving the field to the Spaniards. 2 Cortes next sailed to St. Juan de Ulua, where he disembarked his troops, and constructed temporary barracks. At this place he received ambassadors from Montezuma, king of Mexico, with rich presents ; and a message, expressing the readiness of that sovereign to render the Spaniards any services, but his entire disinclination to receive any visits at his court. After repeated and mutual messages and gifts, Montezuma caused his ambassa- dors to declare, that he would not consent that foreign troops should appear nearer his capital, nor even allow them to con- tinue longer in his dominions. " Truly this is a great mon- arch and rich," said Cortes ; " with the permission of God, we must see him." The bell tolling for Ave Maria at this moment, and all the Spaniards falling on their knees before the cross, the Mexican noblemen were very inquisitive to know what was meant by this ceremony. Father Bartholome de Olmedo, on the suggestion of Cortes, explained to them the Christian doc- trines ; and they promised to relate all that they had seen and heard to their sovereign. He at the same time declared to them, that the principal design of the mission of the Spaniards 1 B. Diaz says, at a review of the troops at the island of Cozumel, they amount- ed to 508, the mariners (of whom there were 109) not included; and subjoins, " We had 16 cavalry, 11 ships, 13 musketeers, 10 brass field pieces, 4 falconets, and (as well as I recollect) 32 cross brows, with plenty of ammunition." Cortes, in taking possession, drawing his sword, gave three cuts with it into a great ceiba tree, which stood in the area of a large enclosed court, and said, that against any, who denied his majesty's claim, he was ready to defend and main- tain it with the sword and shield, which he then held. B. Diaz, i. c. 3. De Solis, b. 1. c. 19. 2 P. Martyr [308.] gives a veiy lively description of this action : " Miraculo perculsi miseri hsssitabant, neque exercendi tela locus dabatur. Idem animal arbitrabantur hominem equo annexum, uti de Centauris exorta est fabella." A town was afterward founded on the spot where this battle was fought, and named Santa Maria de La Vitoria. B. Diaz. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 39 was to abolish the practice of human sacrifices, injustice, and 1519. idolatrous worship. 1 v^^-w/ While at St. Juan de Ulua, the lord of Zempoalla sent five ambassadors to solicit the friendship of Cortes, who readily agreed to a friendly correspondence. Cortes now incorporated a town, and named it Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, designing, however, to settle it at another place. In the first council after this incorpo- ration, Cortes renounced the title of captain-general, which he had held from Diego Velazquez, and the town and people elected him to the same office. The council of Vera Cruz now wrote to the king of Spain, giving an account of their new town, and beseeching him, that he would grant Cortes a commission of captain-general, in confirmation of that which he now held from from the town and troops, without any dependence on Diego Velazquez. Cortes, having written at the same time to the king, giving him assurance of his hopes of bringing the Mexican o^JL empire to the obedience of his majesty, sent despatches by one patches"" of his ships to Spain, with a rich present to king Charles. 2 This s P ain * present partly consisted of articles of gold and silver, received from Montezuma ; and those were the first specimens of these metals sent to Spain, from Mexico. 3 Four Indian chiefs, with two female attendants, now went voluntarily to Spain. 4 Cortes had some time since received the ultimate order of Montezumo to depart instantly out of his dominions ; but that mandate, like the former messages, being preposterously accom- panied with a present, served merely to inflame desires, already kindled, and to renew the request of an audience. Intent on his design, he first marched through Zempoalla to Chiahuitzla, about 40 miles to the northward of St. Juan de Ulua, and there settled the town of Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, and put it in a settles Vera posture of defence. 5 Determined to conquer or to die, he now Cruz. 1 B. Diaz, c. 38. De Solis, lib. 2. c. 5. Robertson, b. 5. Fr. Bartholome was chaplain to the expedition, and not less respectable for wisdom than virtue. For an account of the Mexican worship and religious rites, see Herrera, d. 3. lib. 2. c. 15. Clavigero, b. 6 ; and Dissertation 8th in 3d volume. M. de Hum- boldt says, " M. Dupe, in the service of the king of Spain, has long employed himself in curious researches regarding the idols and architecture of the Mexi- cans. He possesses the bust in bisaltes of a Mexican priestess, which I em- ployed M. Massard to engrave, and which bears great resemblance to the Calanthica of the heads of Isis." N. Spain, ii. 172. 2 B. Diaz, i. 84—91. De Solis, b. 2. c. 5, 6, 7, 13. 3 Clavigero, i. 425, 426. 4 P. Martyr, 311. 5 Robertson, b. 5. De Solis, lib. 1. c. 10. Until this march, Villa Rica was moveable, but organized : " Till then it moved with the army, though observing its proper distinctions as a republic." It was now settled on the plain between the sea and Chiahuitzla, half a league from that town, and 200 miles southeast of the city of Mexico. It has since, says the author of European Settlements (i. 75.) become a city, remarkable for the great traffic carried on between the opulent countries of Spanish America and Old Spain." 40 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1519. Sept. 23. Enters the city of Tlascala. Arrives at Iztapala- pan. completely destroyed his fleet, and commenced his march toward Mexico. He took with him 500 men, 15 horse, and 6 field pieces ; and left the rest of his troops, as a garrison, in Villa Rica. The lord of Zempoalla supplied him with provisions, and 200 of those Indians called Tamemes, whose office was to carry burdens, and perform all servile labour. Having passed unmo- lested through several Indian towns, which, through the influence of Zempoalla and Chiahuitzla, were previously in the friendly confederacy, he with extreme difficulty passed an abrupt and craggy mountain, and entered the province of Zocothlan. Here he received information of Tlascala, and resolved to pass through that province on his way to Mexico. Approaching nigh to its confines, he sent four Zempoallans of great eminence, as envoys, to obtain a passage through the country. The messengers being detained, Cortes proceeded in his march, and first successfully engaged 5000 Tlascalan Indians, who were in ambush ; and afterward the whole power of their republic. The Tlascalans, after suffering great slaughter in repeated assaults on the Span- iards, concluded a treaty, in which they yielded themselves as vassals to the crown of Castile, and engaged to assist Cortes in all his future operations. He took the republic under his pro- tection, and promised to defend the persons and possessions of its inhabitants from injury or violence ; and now entered its capi- tal without molestation. 1 After remaining about twenty days in Tlascala, to receive the homage of the principal towns of the republic and of their con- federates, Cortes, taking with him several thousand of his new allies, renewed his march. 2 After having forced his way through the most formidable opposition, and eluded various stratagems, formed by Montezuma to obstruct his progress, he arrived at Iztapalopan, six miles distant from Mexico, and made a disposi- tion for an entrance into that great city. 3 Meanwhile Montezuma, 1 Robertson, b. 5. De Solis, b. 2. c. 13—21. B. Diaz, i. c. 6. " We entered the territory of Tlascala," says Diaz, " 24 days before our arrival at the chief city, which was on the 23d of September, 1519." 2 Authors differ in respect to the number of Tlascalans, that Cortes took with him. B. Diaz says 2000 : Herrera, 3000 ; Cortes himself says 6000. De Solis, Hb. 3. c. 4, 5. "All the inhabitants thereof [Tlascala] are free by the kings of Spain ; for these were the occasion that Mexico was woone in so short time, and with so little losse of men. Wherefore they are all gentlemen, and pay no tribute to the king." Hakluyt, iii. 462. Account of Nova Hispania, written by Henry Hawks, merchant, who lived five years in that country, " and drew the same at the request of M. Richard Hakluyt, 1572." 3 At Cholula, a large city, 5 leagues distant from Tlascala and 20 from Mexi- co, a plot for the destruction of the Spaniards being discovered, Cortes directed his troops and allies to fall on the inhabitants, 600 of whom were killed without the loss of a single Spaniard. Robertson, b. 5. Clavigero, ii. 52. — Iztapalapan was a large and beautiful city, which contained at that time more than 12,000 houses, and was situated towards the point of a peninsula, from which a paved causeway, 8 yards wide, extended, without varying the least from a right line, DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 41 baffled in all his schemes for keeping the Spaniards at a distance, 1519. found Cortes almost at the gates of his capital, before he was v^-^-w/ resolved whether to receive him as a friend, or to oppose him as an enemy. The next day Cortes marched his army, consisting of about 450 Spaniards and 6000 confederate Indians, along the grand causeway, which extended in a straight line to the city of Mexico. It was crowded with people, as were also all the tow- ers, temples, and causeways in every part of the lake, attracted to behold such men and animals as they had never before seen. To the Spaniards every thing appeared wonderful. The objects, great in themselves, were probably magnified in their view by contrast with their own weakness, and by perpetual apprehension ol meeting a desperate enemy in a monarch, the extent of whose power was incalculable. As the Spaniards advanced, beside numerous towns seen at a distance on the lake, they discovered the great city of Mexico, " elevated to a vast degree above alt the rest, and carrying an air of dominion in the pride of her buildings." 1 When they drew near the city, a great number of the lords of the court came forth to meet them, adorned with plumes, and clad in mantles of fine cotton ; and announced the approach of Montezuma. Soon after appeared 200 persons, in a uniform dress, marching two and two, in deep silence, bare- footed, with their eyes fixed on the ground. Next followed a company of higher rank, in showy apparel, in the midst of whom i s mct by was Montezuma, in a most magnificent litter, borne by his prin- Montezu- cipal nobility. When Cortes was told, that the great Montezuma ma ' approached, he dismounted, and respectfully advanced toward him. Montezuma at the same time alighted, and, supported by some of his chief princes, approached with a slow and stately pace, in a superb dress, his attendants covering the streets with cotton cloths, that he might not touch the ground. After mutual Nov . 8. salutations, Montezuma conducted Cortes to the quarters which Enters he had prepared in the city for his reception, and immediately Mexic0: took leave of him, with the most courtly expressions of hospi- tality and respect. Cortes took instant precaution for security. He planted the artillery so as to command the different avenues to the southern gate of the great temple in Mexico. Clavigero, ii. 62, 65. B. Diaz, i. 188. Clavigero says, this causeway extended more than 7 miles ; but the temple, to which it led, was about a mile and a half within the city of Mexico. 1 De Solis, lib. 3. c. 10. Robertson, b. 5. B. Diaz, c. 88,—" se did vista desde mas cerca (y no sin admiracion) a la gran Ciudad de Mexico, que se levantava con excesso entre les demas, y al parecerse le conocia el predominio hasta en la sobervia de sus Edificios." De Solis. The name Mexico is of Indian origin. It signifies the place of Mexitli, or Huitzilopochtli, the Mars of the Mexicans, on account of the sanctuary there erected to him. Clavigero, b. 1. c. 1. It ap- pears, however, that before the year 1530, the city was more commonly called Tenochtitlan. Humboldt, b. 1. c. 1. Alcedo, Art. Mexico. VOL I. 6 42 AMERICAN ANNALS. Cortes re- solves to seize Mon- tezuma* 1519. that led to the place ; appointed a large division of his troops to -*-v-^ be always on guard ; and posted sentinels at proper stations, with injunctions to observe the same vigilant discipline as if they were in sight of an enemy's camp. 1 Cortes, knowing that his safety depended on the will of a monarch in whom he had no right to confide, determined, with unexampled temerity, to seize Montezuma in his own palace, and bring him as a prisoner to the Spanish quarters. Having properly posted his troops, he took five of his prime officers and as many soldiers, thirty chosen men following at a distance, as if without any other object but curiosity, and, at the usual hour of visiting Montezuma, went directly to the palace, where they were admitted without suspicion. 2 An assault lately made on the garrison at Vera Cruz, and a treacherous attempt against the Spaniards at Cholula on their march toward Mexico, were made the pretext for a charge against Montezuma. Satisfaction was demanded of the astonished sovereign, who endeavoured to ex- plain and exculpate. Nothing satisfied. It was expected that he would go to the Spanish quarters, as an evidence of his con- fidence and attachment. On his resenting this indignity, an altercation of three hours succeeded, when an impetuous young Spaniard proposing instantly to seize him, or stab him to the heart, the intimidated monarch abandoned himself to his destiny. Consenting to accompany the Spaniards, he called his officers Montezuma an( j communicated to them his resolution. Though astonished and afflicted, they presumed not to dispute his will, but carried him " in silent pomp, all bathed in tears," to the Spanish quarters. The principal persons concerned in the assault at Vera Cruz, who had been sent for by Montezuma himself, having been tried by a Spanish court martial, were burnt alive. Cortes, convinced that they would not have ventured to make the attack without orders from their master, put Montezuma in fetters during their execution ; a monitory sign, that the measure of his humiliation and of his woes was nearly full. During six months, in which the Spaniards remained in Mexico, he continued in their quar- ters, attended by his officers, with the external appearance and the ancient forms of government, but in personal subjection to a foreign and intrusive power. By the persuasion of Cortes, Spanish quarters 1 Robertson, b. 5. B. Diaz, i. c. 8. De Solis, lib. 3. c. 10. Clavigero, ii. 63— 66. Clavigero says of " the quarters " prepared for Cortes, they were a palace, built by king Axajatl, the father of Montezuma ; which was so large, as to ac- commodate both the Spaniards and their allies, who, together with their attend- ant women and servants, exceeded 7000. 2 This was eight days after the arrival of the Spaniards at Mexico. B. Diaz. Among the favourite soldiers, who now accompanied Cortes, was Diaz himself, who had already begun to make observations in order to compile a history. De Solis. L DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 43 Montezuma acknowledged himself a vassal of the king of Cas- 1519. tile, to hold his crown of him, as superior, and to subject his v^~^^/ dominions to the payment of an annual tribute. He now firmly Owns him- expressed his desires and expectations, that Cortes, having ofCaltUe? finished his embassy, would take his departure. 1 At this juncture, a fleet and army, sent against Cortes by 1520. Velazquez under the command of Pamphilo de Narvaez, made Cortes a fruitless attempt to reduce the Spaniards of Vera Cruz. Cortes, marches having made overtures of peace, that were rejected by Narvaez, N § arvaez< departed from Mexico, leaving a part of his forces in that city under Alvarado, and marched to Zempoalla, where he attacked Conquers Narvaez in his quarters, obtained the victory, and obliged his lim * troops to serve under his banner. Receiving intelligence that , 24 the Mexicans had taken up arms against the Spaniards, whom Returns to he left with Montezuma, he now marched back, strongly rein- Mexico, forced, to Mexico. 2 Alvarado, it appears, in the apprehension of danger from the Mexicans, who were enraged at the detention of their sovereign, had fallen on them while they were dancing at a festival in honour of their gods, and mutual hostilities had succeeded. Cortes, on his arrival at Mexico, assumed a haughty air and indignant tone, both toward the captive king and his people. Irritated afresh, the Mexicans fell furiously on a party of Span- iards in the streets, and attacked their quarters at the same moment. Early the next morning, the Spaniards, sallying out with their whole force, were met by the whole force of the Mexicans ; and, after an action fought with mutual desperation, were compelled to retreat to their quarters. Having spent one day in making preparations, 100 Spaniards at day break sallied out again, and, amidst showers of arrows, made their way to the great temple, in the upper area of which 500 nobles had fortified m entiuhe themselves, and were doing essential injury with stones and ar- temple. rows. 3 After making three attempts to ascend the temple, and 1 De Solis, lib. 4. c. 14. Robertson, b. 5. Montezuma accompanied this pro- fession of fealty and homage with a magnificent present to his new sovereign ; and his subjects followed the example. The Spaniards now collected all the treasure, which they had acquired by gift or violence ; and having melted the gold and silver, the value of these, without including jewels and various orna- ments of curious workmanship, amounted to 600,000 pesos. B. Diaz says, " seiscientos mil pesos, como adelante dire, sin la plata, e otras muchas rique- zas." c. 104. 2 Robertson, b. 5. Clavigero says, that 140 soldiers, with all their allies, had "been left in Mexico ; that Cortes now returned to that city with an army of 1300 Spanish infantry, 96 horses, and 2000 Tlascalans ; and that his combined forces amounted to 9000 men. Hist. Mex. ii. 96, 101, 102. 3 Their station was " so very high and neighbouring," that it entirely com- manded the Spanish quarters. Clavigero. Robertson represents this action, at the temple, as after the death of Montezuma ; but I follow Clavigero, who fol- owed Cortes. 44 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1520. Proposals of peace re- jected by the Mexi- cans. Death of Montezu- as often receiving a vigorous repulse, Cortes, though suffering from a severe wound in his left hand, joined the assailants in person, and, tying his shield to his arm, began to ascend the stairs with a great part of his men. Their passage was obsti- nately disputed ; but they at last gained the upper area, where a terrible engagement of three hours ensued. " Every man of us," says Bernal Diaz, " was covered with blood ;" and 46 Spaniards were left dead on the spot. 1 Cortes, ordering the temple to be set on fire, returned in good order to his quarters. The violence of hostilities still continuing, and the situation of the Spaniards soon becoming absolutely desperate, Cortes ap- plied to Montezuma by a message, to address his subjects from a terrace, and request them to desist from their attacks, with an offer from the Spaniards to evacuate Mexico. The captive monarch, standing at the railing of the terraced roof, attended by many of the Spanish soldiers, affectionately addressed the people below him, to that purpose. The chiefs and nobility, when they saw their sovereign coming forward, called to their troops to stop, and be silent. Four of them, approaching still nearer to him, addressed him with great sympathy and respect; but told him, that they had promised their gods never to desist, but with the total destruction of the Spaniards. A shower of arrows and stones now fell about the spot where Montezuma stood ; but he was protected by the Spaniards, who interposed their shields. At the instant of removing their shields, that Mon- tezuma might resume his address, three stones and an arrow struck him to the ground. He was carried to his apartment ; where he died, in a few days, " less of his wound, which was but inconsiderable, than of sorrow and indignation." 2 1 B. Diaz, i. 310, 311. Not one of the poor Mexicans, engaged in the action, survived it. Inflamed by the exhortations of their priests, and fighting in de- fence of their temples and families, under the eye of their gods, and in view of their wives and children, they contemned death. Part of them died by the point of the sword, and part threw themselves down to the lower floors of the temple, where they continued to fight until they were all killed. Robertson, b. 5. Clavigero, ii. 108. B. Diaz says, while the Spaniards were setting fire to the temple, above 3000 noble Mexicans with their priests attacked them with great violence, which caused them to retreat. 2 Grynams, 583. B. Diaz, i. 257—314. Clavigero, ii. 103—112. Robertson, b. 5. De Solis, lib. 4. c. 14, 15. Europ. Settlements, i. c. 11. Clavigero thinks it probable, that Montezuma died on the 30th of June. He was in the 54th year of his age. His body was honourably borne out, and delivered to the Mexicans, who received it with strong expressions of sorrow. B. Diaz. Of its treatment the accounts are various. P. Martyr [366] stops here. " Corpus humandum .civibus tradiderunt nostri. Quid ultra nesciunt." Cortes himself says, " Quid fuerit actum ignoro." Montezuma was a prince of majestic and graceful presence ; of vigorous understanding ; of martial genius, and distin- guished bravery. He was just, magnificent, and liberal ; but his justice often degenerated into cruelty, and his magnificence and liberality were supported by heavy burdens on his subjects. In every thing pertaining to religion, he was exact and punctual, and was jealous of the worship of his gods and the obserr- DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 45 The Mexicans now most violently attacked the Spaniards, 1520. who making another sally in return, had 20 soldiers slain. Death v^-v^/ heing before their eyes in every direction, the Spaniards deter- mined to leave the city during the night. On the 1st of July, a July 1. little before midnight, they silently commenced their march, but trittet . were soon discovered by the Mexicans, who assailed them on all Retreat sides ; and it was with great loss, and the utmost hazard of entire [™™ Mex " destruction, that they effected their retreat. On the Gth day, this maimed and wretched army, pursued by hosts of enraged enemies, was compelled to give them battle near Otompan, Battle of toward the confines of the Tlascalan territories. This battle 0tom P an was extremely bloody, and lasted upwards of four hours ; but the Spaniards, with their Indian auxiliaries, obtained a decisive victory over the whole power of Mexico ; and, proceeding in iJ^T«f an . their march, reached the province of Tlascala, w T here, in the iardsentcr bosom of their faithful ally, they found entire security. 1 Tlascala. Cortes, having subjugated the districts in the vicinity of Tlas- ance of rites. Though often zealously urged hy Cortes to renounce his false gods, and embrace the Christian faiih, he had always rejected the proposal with horror ; and to this rejection he inflexibly adhered in the prospect of death. See Clavigero, De Solis, and Robertson. Why did he admit Cortes into his capital, and subject himself to the grossest indignities, when he might unques- tionably have expelled, if not annihilated, his army ? Antonio De Solis, the Spanish historiographer, is at no loss for a reason : — " sirviendose de su manse- aumbre para la primera introduccion de los Espanoles : principio, de que resulto despues la conversion de aquella Gentilidad." " The very effects of it have since discovered, that God took the reins into his own hand on purpose to tame that monster ; making his unusual gentleness instrumental to the first introduc- tion of the Spaniards, a beginning from whence afterward resulted the con- version of those heathen nations." Conquest of Mexico, lib. 4. c. 15. We ought to adore that Providence, which we cannot comprehend ; but it is impious presumption to assign such reasons for its measures, as are contradicted by facts. The natural causes of the abject submission of Montezuma may, perhaps, be traced to a long and traditionary expectation of the subjection of the Mexican empire to a foreign power ; to the predictions of soothsayers, with their expo- sitions of recent and present omens ; to the forebodings of a superstitious mind ■ to the astonishment- excited by the view of a new race of men with unknown and surprising implements of war ; and to the extraordinary success of the Span- ish arms from the first moment of the arrival of Cortes on the Mexican coast. 1 B. Diaz, c. 128. Clavigero, ii. 113—120. De Solis, ii. 178—189. Herrera, d. 2. lib. 9, 10. F. Cortesii Narratio Secunda, in Grynaeo. Robertson, b. 5. The disastrous night was called by the Spaniards, JVoche triste ; and by this name, Clavigero says, it is still distinguished in New Spain. In the subsequent dates, authors disagree. I follow Clavigero, who thus adjusted them after a careful comparison. — Dr. Robertson, after examining the various accounts of the Spanish historians, gives it as his opinion, that the loss of the Spaniards, in this retreat from Mexico, cannot well be estimated at less than 600 men. Clavigero, follow- ing the computation of Gomara, inclines to the opinion, that there fell, on the sad night, " beside 450 Spaniards, more than 4000 auxiliaries, and among them, as Cortes says, all the Cholulans ; almost all the prisoners, the men and women who were in the service of the Spaniards, were killed, also 40 horses : and all the riches they had amassed, all their artillery, and all the manuscripts belonging to Cortes, containing an account of every thing which had happened to the Spaniards until that period, were lost." Many of the Spanish prisoners were sacrificed in the great temple of Mexico. 40 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1520. Enters Tezcuco. Voyage of Magellan. Discovery of Straits. Pacific ocean. cala, was encouraged by the reception of a fresh supply of men and ammunition, to resume his enterprise. A merchantman from the Canaries, with fire arms, powder, and warlike provisions, coming to trade at Vera Cruz, the captain, master, and thirteen Spanish soldiers of fortune, went with Cortes' commissary to the camp, and joined the army. Cortes, unexpectedly receiving these and some other reinforcements, marched back toward the coast of Mexico, six months after his disastrous retreat, and on the last day of the year made an entry into Tezcuco. This city, though somewhat inferior to Mexico in splendour and mag- nificence, was the largest and most populous city of the country of Anahuac. Cortes entered it, accompanied by two princes and meny of the Acolhuan nobility, amidst an immense concourse of people, and was lodged with all his army in the principal palace of the king. 1 This is the first city in the Mexican empire, in which the Spanish government was established. 2 Reports in Europe of the discovery of the South Sea excited in many persons an ardent desire to navigate it ; but the question was, whether or not it communicated with the North Sea. While the subject engaged the attention of the curious in cosmography, hydrography, and navigation, none had hitherto offered them- selves for the enterprise. At length Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese in the service of Spain, undertook a voyage for the discovery of the South Sea, with an intention of proceeding in that direction to the Molucca or Spice Islands* Approaching to the fifty second degree of south latitude, on the 7th of November, he entered the famous Straits which bear his name. He found them to be, in some places, 110 leagues in length, in some parts very broad, in others little more than half a league. On the 28th of November, he entered the great Southern ocean, which he called, The Pacific. 3 1 Clavigero, ii. 138, 139. Robertson, b. 5. De Solis, b. 5. c. 9. Grynseus, 607. 2 Alcedo, Art. Tezcoco, or Tezcuco. " After the establishment of the Mexican empire, it was the court of the princes of the race of Moctezuma, and was, consequently, a place of great magnificence." Tezcuco was situated on the banks of the Mexican lake, about 20 miles from Mexico, and was the second city in the empire. y Herrera, d. 2. lib. 9. c. 14. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Magellan and Pacifique. Harris' Voy. b. 1. c. 3. Robertson, b. 5. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 215. Bibliotheca Americana, 52. Charlevoix, Paraguay, i. 30. Venegas, Cali- fornia, i. 120. Dalrymple's Voyages, i. 3 — 34, from Fr. Gaspar's Conquista de las Islas Philipinas. Collection of Voyages and Discoveries made by the Portu- guese and Spaniards during the 15th and 16th centuries, from Ramusio. In this Collection there is the original account of this voyage by Pigafetta, an Italian, one of the adventurers. " On both sides of this strait," says Pigafetta, " are great and high mountains, covered with snow, beyond which is the entrance into the South Sea. This entrance the captain named Mare Pacificum." After Magellan entered the Pacific ocean, he sailed northwesterly 3000 leagues, and on the 13th of March, 1521, discovered the Philippine islands, in one of which DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 47 Luke Velazquez, of Aylon, a licentiate, wanting hands to work 1520. the Spanish mines, having entered into an agreement with some v^-^^^ associates, to steal a number of the Indiaus from the neighbour- L, Veiaz- ing islands to be employed in that business, equipped two ships, Sins 6315 and sailed from the harbour of La Plata. Steering, by chance from Fiori- or design, a northwesterly course, he came to the most distant da - of the Lucayos islands ; and thence to that part of Florida, in 32°, since called St. Helena. Having here decoyed a large number of the natives on board his ships, he sailed away with them toward Hispaniola. Most of these wretched captives pined to death, or were wrecked in one of the ships which foundered at sea. A few suffered a worse fate in Spanish slavery. 1 Cortes, having fixed his quarters at Tezcuco, resolved to make 1521 . an assault upon the city of Iztapalapan. This resolution was Expedition taken in revenge for the offences he had received from its ancient ag ainst lord Cuitlahuatzin, whom he knew to be the author of the meraor- P an. Pa able defeat of the 1st of July. Leaving a garrison of more than 300 Spaniards and many allies, under the command of Gonzales de Sandoval, he marched with upwards of 200 Spaniards, and more than 3000 Tlascalans, with many of the Tezcucan nobility, who were met by some troops of the enemy, that fought them, but retreated. The assailing army, on entering Iztapalapan, and finding it almost entirely evacuated, began in the night to sack the city ; and the Tlascalans set fire to the houses. The light of this conflagration discovering to them the water overflowing he was killed by the natives. John Sebastian del Cano, afterward chosen cap- tain, conducted the remainder of the voyage, which was finished 7th September. 1522. The ship, called the Victory, was the only one of Magellan's squadron that returned to Spain. This was the first circumnavigation of the earth. 1 P. Martyr, 470, 471. Herrera, Descrip. des las Islas &c. iv. c. 8. Purchase iv. 869. Roberts' Florida, 27, 28. Univ. Hist. xli. 379. Cardenas' Hist. Floride, a. d. 1520. Cardenas says, that Vazquez (so he and some others write the name) took off one hundred and thirty Indians : " Lucas Vazquez, por algun mal consejo, dejo entrar en los navios hasta 130. Indios &c." P. Mar- tyr's account of this nefarious expedition is neat and pathetic : " Hospitii fidem violarunt Hispani tandem. Astu namque artibusque variis, post cuncta diligenter vestigata, operam dederunt ut una dierum ad naves visendi causa multi concurrerent, implentur naves inspectantibus : ubi refertas viris ac foeminis habuere, anchoris evulsis, velis protentis, lugentes abduxerunt in servitutem. Ita regiones eas universas ex amicis reliquerunt inimicas, et ex pacatis pcrturbatas. filiis a parentibus, ab uxoribus maritis." The latitude of the place where Velaz- quez landed, with P. Martyr's description and opinion, fixes it in South Carolina, probably the island now called St. Helena : — " vel Bacchalaos anno abhinc vigesimo sexto ex Anglia per Cabotum repertos, aut Bacchalais contiguas, arbi- tror esse illas terras." Charlevoix [Hist. Nouv. France, i. p. xvii.] says, that Vazques disscovered the Cape of St. Helena, at the mouth of a great river, which has since been called The Jourdain. In his Map of the Coasts of French Florida, he makes the Jourdain the same as the Congaree, or Santee, of South Carolina, and near its mouth puts these words : " Ici devoit etre le Cap St. Helene." I conjecture that he should have said, The Combahee, which empties itself into St. Helena, Sound, near the island of St. Helena. See a. d. 1562. 48 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1521. the canals, and beginning to inundate the city, a retreat was s-^-v-w/ sounded ; but so far had the inundation risen, that the Spaniards made their passage back with difficulty ; some of the Tlascalans were drowned ; and the greatest part of the booty was lost. This disaster was soon compensated by new confederacies, formed with several neighbouring cities by means of their am- bassadors. 1 Brigantines Cortes, who never relinquished the thought of the conquest of transported Mexico, had taken care to have 13 brigantines built, while he ' was at Tlascala, in aid of the great enterprise. 2 These vessels he now caused to be transported by land to Tezcuco. The command of the convoy, consisting of 200 foot soldiers, 15 horse- men, and two field pieces, he gave to Sandoval. Orders were given him to proceed by a place called by the Spaniards Puebla Moresca, to inflict an exemplary punishment on the inhabitants, who had robbed and put to death 40 Spanish soldiers, who were on their march from Vera Cruz to Mexico, for the relief of Al- varado. 3 Eight thousand Tlascalans carried on their backs the beams, sails, and other materials, necessary for their construction ; 2000 were loaded with provisions ; and 30,000 were armed for defence, under the command of three Indian chiefs. 4 After several expeditions into the neighbouring country ; a fruitless attempt at a negotiation with Mexico ; and the suppression of a conspiracy against his own life ; Cortes made his final preparation April 28. for the siege of Mexico. On the 28th of April, the brigantines * ec. were i aur j Cne( j i n t the Mexican lake. Notice of the grand movements was given to the allies, who now poured into Tezcuco, 1 Clavigero, ii. 142, 143. B. Diaz, ii. 34, 35. The citizens, in order to drown all their enemies, broke the mole of the lake, and entirely deluged the city. Two Spaniards only and one horse were lost ; but upwards of 6000 of the hostile natives were slain. B. Diaz says, that he received a wound in his throat, " the marks of which," he adds, " I carry to this day." 2 He had obtained of the Senate 100 men of burden, for the transportation of the sails, cordage, iron, and other materials of the vessels, which he had un- rigged the preceding year, with a view to this veiy use ; and for tar had ex- tracted turpentine from the pines of a neighbouring mountain. The materials were so prepared, that they might be carried in pieces ready to be put together. The first brigantine was built by Martino Lopez, a Spanish soldier, who was an engineer in the army of Cortes. After that model the other 12 were built by the Tlascalans. Clavigero, ii. 135, 146. Robertson, b. 5. 3 In the temples at that place were found many traces of their blood upon the walls ; their idols were besmeared with it; " and we found," says B. Diaz, " the skins of two of their faces with their beards, dressed like leather, and hung upon the altars, as were also the shoes of four horses, together with their skins, very well dressed." 4 Clavigero, ii. 146. B. Diaz, il. c. 2. Robertson, b. 5. But these authors differ from each other in their account of the number of armed Indians, that guarded this convoy. I have followed Clavigero. The line of march, according to B. Diaz, extended in some places, above 6 miles ; and the entire materials for 13 brigantines were thus carried over land, through a mountainous country, GO miles. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 49 in great numbers, to the aid of the Spaniards. On the 20th of 1521. May, Cortes collected his people in the great market place of ^*^-^/ Tezcuco, and made a disposition of them for the siege. The May 20. whole army, destined for this service, consisted of 917 Spaniards, foi^e* 110 " and more than 75,000 auxiliary troops, which number was soon siege of after increased to more than 200,000. Cortes, resolved to possess MexlC0 - himself of the three causeways of Tlacopan, Iztapalapan, and Cojohuacan, divided his army into three bodies, and committed the expedition of Tlacopan to Pedro de Alvarado ; that of Cojo- huacan, to Christopher de Olid ; and that of Iztapalapan, to Gonzalo de Sandoval. Cortes himself took the command of the bngantines. 1 The siege was begun on the 30th of May. 30. After several days, spent in various acts of hostility, Cortes, with o f e F nn J" g e much difficulty, effected an entrance into the great square of the city ; but was so violently assailed by the citizens, that he found it expedient to retreat. Twenty days having passed, during which the Spaniards had made continual entrance into the city, Cortes determined on a general assault. On the appointed day, Jul 3 he marched with 25 horses, all his infantry, and more than Attempt to 100,000 allies ; his brigantines, with more than 3000 canoes, ^ t ke ! he forming the two wings of his army on each side of the causeway, storm. Having entered the city with little opposition, and commenced a most vigorous action, the Mexicans made some resistance, and then feigned a retreat. The Spaniards, pushing forward with emulation to enter the great square of the market, unwarily left behind them a broad gap in the causeway, badly filled up ; and the priests at this instant blew the horn of the god Painalton, which was reserved for times of extreme danger, to excite the people to arms, when a multitude of Mexicans assembled, and, pouring with fury upon their assailants, threw them into R epu i se . confusion, and compelled them to retreat precipitately. In at- tempting to pass the gap, apparently filled up with faggots and other light materials, it sunk with the weight and violence of the multitude, when Spaniards, Tlascalans, horsemen, and infantry, plunged in promiscuously, the Mexicans at the same moment rushing upon them fiercely on every side. A tre- mendous conflict ensued. Cortes, who had come to the ditch in aid of his defeated troops, was at length bringing them off, when he was seized by six chiefs, who had cautiously taken him alive, " to honour their gods with the sacrifice of so illus- trious a victim," and were already leading him away for this 1 To Alvarado, Cortes assigned 30 horses, 168 foot soldiers, 20,000 Tlascalans, and 2 pieces of artillery ; to Olid, 33 horses, 168 foot soldiers, 2 pieces of artil- lery, and more than 25,000 allies ; to Sandoval, 24 horses, 163 Spanish infantry, 2 cannons, and more than 30,000 allies. Among the hrigantines he distributed 325 Spaniards, and 13 falconets ; assigning to each brigantine a captain, 12 soldiers, and as many rowers. VOL. I. 7 50 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1521. purpose. His men, apprized of his capture, flew to his aid; v^-v~w and Christoval de Olea, cutting off with one stroke of his sword the arm of a Mexican who held him, and killing four of the enemy, liberated his general, at the expense of his own life. Other soldiers arriving to the assistance of Cortes, they took him out of the water in their arms, and, placing him on a horse, hurried him off from the crowd of his enemies. The loss sus- tained by the besiegers, on that day, was seven horses, a number of arms and boats, a piece of artillery, upwards of a thousand allies, and more than sixty Spaniards. Some of the Spaniards were killed in battle ; but forty were taken alive, and immediately sacrificed in the great temple of Mexico. The Mexicans cele- brated their victory during eight successive days, with illumina- tions and music in their temples. 1 Various acts of mutual and bloody hostility succeeded by land and on the Mexican lake. Quauhtemotzin, the king of Mexico, though reduced to the greatest distress, still obstinately refused to surrender, on repeated proposals of terms more honourable and indulgent, than in such an extremity he might perhaps have pos- sibly expected. In addition to the daily loss of incredible num- bers in action, famine began to consume the Mexicans within the city. The brigantines, having the entire command of the lake, rendered it almost impossible to convey to the besieged any provisions by water. By means of the vast number of Indian auxiliaries, Cortes had shut up the avenues to the city by land. The stores, laid up by Quauhtemotzin, were exhausted. The complicated sufferings of this devoted people brought on in- fectious and mortal distempers, " the last calamity that visits besieged cities, and which filled up the measure of their woes. 2 Cortes, now determining upon an assault, began with most of his forces to attack some ditches and intrenchments ; and Sandoval with another division attacked the city in the quarter of the north. Terrible was the havoc made this day among the Mexicans, more than 40,000 of whom, it is affirmed, were 1 B. Diaz, c. 152. Clavigero, ii. 160—176. Grynaeus, 656, Narrat. F. Cor- tesii. Robertson, b. 5. This celebration appears to have commenced at the instant of victory. " Before we arrived at our quarters," says B. Diaz, " and while the enemy were pursuing us, we heard their shrill timbals, and the dismal sound of the great drum, from the top of the principal temple of the god of war, which overlooked the whole city. Its mournful noise was such as may be imagined the music of the infernal gods, and it might be heard at the distance of almost three leagues. They were then sacrificing the hearts of ten of our companions to their idols." " Every quarter of the city," says the descriptive Robertson, " was illuminated ; the great temple shone with such peculiar splen- dor, that the Spaniards could plainly see the people in motion, and the priests busy in hastening the preparations for the death of the prisoners. Through the gloom they fancied that they discerned their companions by the whiteness of their skins, as they were stript naked, and compelled to dance before the image of the god, to whom they were to be offered." 3 Robertson, b. 5. P. Martyr, de Orb. Nov. 408. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 51 slain. 1 The stench of the unburied carcases obliged the besiegers 1521. to withdraw from the city, three fourths of which were already ^^-^/ laid in ruins ; but the next day they returned, to make the last assault on that district of it which was yet in possession of the Mexicans. All the three divisions of the troops, having pene- L ast as . trated into the great square in the centre of the city, made the sauit. attack at once, and pressed so hard on the feeble, exhausted citizens, that, finding no place of refuge, many threw themselves into the water, and some surrendered themselves to the conquer- ors. The Mexicans having previously prepared vessels, to save themselves by flight from the fury of the enemy, one of them, carrying the royal personages, escaped ; but it was soon over- taken by a Spanish brigantine, and surrendered. " I am your prisoner," said Quauhtemotzin, the Mexican king, to the Spanish captain ; " I have no favour to ask, but that you will show the queen my wife, and her attendants, the respect due to their sex and rank." When conducted to Cortes, he appeared neither with the sullen fierceness of a barbarian, nor with the dejection of a suppliant. " I have done what became a monarch. I have defended my people to the last extremity. Nothing now re- mains but to die. Take this dagger," continued he, laying his hand on one which Cortes wore at his side, " plant it in my breast, and put an end to a life which can no longer be of use." 2 1 Clavigero, ii. 187, 188. On no day was so much Mexican blood spilt. " The wretched citizens having now neither arms to repel the multitude and fury of their enemies, strength to defend themselves, nor space to fight upon ; the ground of the city was covered with dead bodies, and the water of every ditch and canal purpled with blood." 2 Robertson, b. 5. B. Diaz, c. 156, 177. Clavigero, b. 10. Herrera, d. 3. lib. 2. c. 7. Cortes, Narralio Tertia. P. Martyr, 409. " En ferrum quo me potes et debes jugulare, exosum et molestum mihi jam erit vivere." But he was re- served for a more cruel destiny. Quauhtemotzin was the eleventh and last king of Mexico. He succeeded Cuitlahuazin, a brother of Montezuma, formerly prince of Iztapalapan, who was elected king on the death of Montezuma ; but, after a reign of three or four months, died of the small pox. This disease, totally unknown before in the New World, was brought to the Mexican country by a Moorish slave, belonging to Narvaez. He infected the Chempoallese, and thence the infection spread through all the Mexican empire, where many thou- sands perished, and some places were entirely depopulated. [Clavigero, i. 445 ; ii. 133.] No brother of the two last kings surviving, the Mexicans chose Quauh- temotzin, a nephew of those kings, then about 23 years of age. His name is commonly written Guatimozin, or Guatimotzin. But in the article of language, and in some other particulars, I give preference to the authority of the Abbe Clavigero, who was a native of Vera Cruz ; resided nearly 40 years in the prov- inces of New Spain ; and acquired the language of the Mexicans. Quahtemot- zin was in a few days put ignominiously to the torture, by the burning of his feet slowly after they were anointed with oil, that he might declare where the im- mense riches of the court and temple were deposited ; and about three years after [1525] was hanged, together with the kings of Tezcuco and Tlacopan, on account of some suspicious circumstances in their conduct. This most unjust and cruel act was blamed by all, and " occasioned some watchings and melan- choly to Cortes." Baron Humboldt says, '*. These three princes were hung on the same tree ; and, as I saw in a hieroglyphical picture possessed by Father 52 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1521. Cortes now ordered that all the Mexicans should leave the city without arms or baggage ; and for three days and three nights all the three roads, leading from the city, were seen " full of men, women, and children, feeble, emaciated, and dirty, who went to recover in other parts" of the Mexican territory. 1 The fate of the capital decided the fate of the empire, which was soon after entirely reduced under the dominion of Spain. 2 LasCasas Bartholomew de las Casas, having obtained a commission Srm° Cu " from the king of Spain to make a peaceable religious settlement at Cumana, with orders that ships and seamen be provided for him at the royal charge, now arrived there with 300 artificers, " all wearing crosses." Gonzalo de Ocampo not allowing him to execute his commission without directions from the governor of Hispaniola, Las Casas went to that island, to obtain the gov- ernor's sanction. Gonzalo going there also from New Toledo, followed by many of the inhabitants, and some of the new colon- ists incautiously trading along the coast, contrary to the express orders of Las Casas ; the natives, seizing this opportunity, de- break up molished the houses at Cumana; burned the monastery; and killed all the golden knights, and others remaining there, except- ing a few, who escaped in a small vessel. Not one Spaniard was now left alive, from the gulf of Paria to the borders of Darien. 3 Richardo (in the convent of San Felipe Neri), they were hung by the feet to lengthen their torments." N. Spain, ii. 38. 1 Mexico contained at this time 60,000 houses. Clavigero. There were at this city, during the siege, 200,000 confederate Indians, 900 Spanish foot, 80 horse, 17 pieces of small cannon, 13 brigantines, and 6000 canoes : Herrera, Purchas. The siege lasted 75 days, during which time there were 60 dangerous battles ; some thousands of allies perished ; more than 100 Spaniards were killed and sacrificed ; and, according to the best computation, more than 100,000 Mexicans were slain, beside upward of 50,000, who died by famine or sickness. " The city appeared one complete ruin." Herrera, d. 3. lib. 2. c. 8. F. Cortesii Narrat. Tert. in Grynaeo. B. Diaz, c. 156. Clavigero, b. 10. Robertson, b. 5. Harris' Voy. i. 772. 2 Clavigero, b. 10. B. Diaz, c. 156- Robertson, b. 5. Nothing was wanted but a good cause, to render this conquest one of the most illustrious achievements re- corded in ancient or modem history. But, while we admire the action, as great, we condemn it, as criminal. The sanguinary customs of the Mexicans were indeed abolished by the introduction of European principles and manners ; but at what expense ? The victors, in one year of merciless massacre, sacrificed more human victims to avarice and ambition, than the Indians, during the exist- ence of their empire, devoted to their gods. The forms of justice were estab- lished ; but by what means ? The Indian princes were despoiled of their territory and tributes, tortured for gold, and their posterity enslaved. The Christian Religion was introduced ; but in what manner, and with what effect ? " Her mild parental voice," to use the words of Clavigero, " was suborned to terrify confounded savages ; and her gentle arm in violence lifted up to raze their tem- ples and hospitable habitations, to ruin every fond relic and revered monument of their ancestry and origin, and divorce them in anguish from the bosom of their country." See Note IX. 3 Herrera, d. 3. lib. 2. c. 5. Vega, 662, 663. Robertson, b. 3. PART I. EUROPEAN DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. PERIOD II. FROM THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO, IN 1521, TO THE FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA, IN 1607. The emperor of Spain appointed Cortes captain-general and 1522. governor of New Spain ; and certain commissioners to receive Cortes ap- and administer the royal revenue there, with independent juris- P ointed ,. . -J,-. J r , -11 governor of diction. Viceroys were afterward appointed. New Spain. Villa del Spiritu Santo, in the province of Guascaca in New s. Santo. Spain, was built by Gonzalo de Sandoval. Newfoundland, settled by different nations, is said to have Newfound- contained at this period fifty houses. 2 land * The islands of Bermudas were discovered by Juan Bermu- Bermudas. dez. 3 Cortes, with 300 foot and 150 horse, conquered Panuco. 1523. On the river Chila he built a town, called Santo Stephano del Conquests Puerto, and left in it 100 foot and 30 horse. He now rebuilt and f "*?" i • *• t»t i ii/*it^ T-i mentsottne the city ol Mexico, on the model ol the European towns, rhvid- Spaniards, ing the ground among the conquerors. The Spanish Quarter 1 Herrera, d. 3. lib. 4. c. 3. Robertson, b. 5. Humboldt, ii. 66. 2 Alcedo, Art. Espiritu-Santo. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Villa del Spiritu Santo ; and Art. Terre Neuve. 3 Herrera, d. 4. lib. 2. c. 6. Alcedo, Art. Bermudas. Prince, on the au- thority of Purchas, ascribes this discovery to Gonsales Ferduaandus Oviedas in 1515. On examining the passage in Purchas, I am convinced there is an error ; some facts incidentally mentioned there by Oviedas, relating to Charles V, not being reconcileable to that date. An extract from Oviedas, in the margin of Purchas, seems to imply, that Bermudez had made the voyage before him, and that the principal island was already called by his name. Herrera says, Bermu- dez was a native of Palos. " Llamaron a. esta Isla la Bermuda, y por otro nom- bre la Garqa, porque el Capitan que la descubrio se llamara Juan Bermudez, natural de la villa de Palos, y la nao que Uevava, la Gaiga." See a. d. 1572. 54 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1523. was begun with 1200 inhabitants. 1 Pedro de Alvarado, sent v^-v^^/ from Mexico with 300 foot, 70 horse, and 4 field pieces, to dis- cover and conquer Quauthemallan, Xochuuxo, and other towns toward the South Sea, discovered and subdued all that country ; Guatemala, and, the next year, founded the city of St. Jago de Guatemala. Gonzales d'Avila discovered and peopled a place in the bottom of Ascension bay, in 14° north latitude, and called the town Gil de Buena Vista. 2 1524. Voyage of Verrazzano in the ser- vice of France. John de Verrazzano, a Florentine, having been sent out the preceding year by Francis I. of France, with four ships, to pro- secute discoveries in the northern parts of America, now coasted from the 28th to the 50th degree north latitude. In this voyage he discovered, with a considerable degree of accuracy, the coast of Florida. The whole extent of his discovery was upwards of 700 leagues of the North American coast, which he named New France. 3 He made another voyage the next year ; but he and his crew were lost by some unknown disaster; and, 1 Herrera, d. 3. lib. 5. c. 3. Robertson, b. 5. Harris' Voy. i. 172. Venegas, California, i. 133. The city was ultimately built with 100,000 houses, " fairer and stronger than before." Purchas, i. 788. 2 Harris' Voy. i. 272. Alcedo, Art. Guatemala ; " a name derived from that of Quauhthemallan, which is the name given to this kingdom by the Indians." 3 Hakluyt, iii. 295 — 300, where is Verrazzano's own account of his voyage, sent to Francis I, " written in Diepe the eight of July, 1524." Univ. Hist, xxxix. 406. Forster, Voy. 432—436. Prince, a. d. 1524. Belknap, Biog. i. 33. Harris' Voy. i. 810. Brit. Emp. Introd. xlvi, and i. 163. Purchas, i. 769. Chalmers, i. 512. Some historians place these discoveries in the years 1523, 1524, 1525. It appears, that Verrazzano was sent out by the French king in 1523 ; that he at first cruized with success against the Spaniards ; that he at length sailed with one of his four ships on a voyage of discovery ; that he " departed from the dis- habited rocke by the isle of Madeira the 17th of January the yeere 1524 ; " and that he made another voyage in 1525, with the design of settling a colony, but was heard of no more. Forster supposes, that in his voyage of 1524 he first arrived off that part of the American coast, where the town of Savannah now stands ; " a new land," says Verrazzano, " never before seene of any man either ancient or moderne." Having sailed thence to the southward as far as to the 30th deg. north lat. it appears that he then sailed northward to the 34th deg. and thence still northward until he found the coast " trend toward the east ; " that here he attempted to send his boat ashore, but was prevented by the rough- ness of the sea ; that proceeding to the eastward, he found a well cultivated island, and a little beyond it a good harbour, in which were more than 20 canoes, belonging to the natives ; that he proceeded still northwardly to 50° along the coast of the country ; and that then, on account of the failure of his provisions, he sailed directly for France. Forster supposes the place where Verrazzano attempted to send his boat ashore was " somewhere about New Jersey or Staten Island." In lat. 40° he entered a harbour, which, by his description, Dr. Bel- knap supposed, must be that of New York. The well cultivated island was supposed by Forster to be Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard. Verrazzano says, " sailing northeast . . we approached to the land that in times past was dis- covered by the Britons, which is in fifty degrees." Purchas says, Verrazzano rather sought to discover all along the coast, than to search or settle within land. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 55 for several succeeding years, neither the king, nor the nation, 1524. thought any more of America. 1 ^*-v-^/ Historians remark, to the great honour of Italy, that the three Italians Powers, which at this day possess almost all America, owe their made the first discoveries to the Italians : Spain, to Columbus, a Genoese ; e ries ; England, to the Cabots, Venetians ; and France, to Verrazzano, a Florentine ; a circumstance which is thought sufficient to prove, that in those times no nation was equal to the Italians in point of maritime knowledge and extensive experience in navigation. It is remarkable, that the Italians, with all their knowledge and experience, have not been able to acquire one inch of ground but no set- for themselves in America. This singular failure has been as- tlement * cribed to the penurious mercantile spirit of the Italian republics ; to their mutual animosities and petty wars ; and to their con- tracted selfish policy. 2 Luke Velazquez, the Spaniard of Aylon, who, four years Voyages to before, had perfidiously carried off a number of the natives from Florida. St. Helena, having for that vile action obtained the reward of a discoverer of new lands instead of merited punishment, now sent over several ships to Florida. The year following, he came over in person with three more ships ; but, as if in judicial punishment of his cruel perfidy, he lost 200 of his men, who were cut off by the natives, and one of his ships was wrecked near Cape St. Helena. These losses, with his disappointments in the expected advantages of his discoveries, induced him to return to Hispaniola, where he died of a broken heart. 3 The tribunal of the Indies, which had hitherto been but an Tribunal of assembly of the counsellors of other tribunals, was now estab- the Indies * lished as a particular one, with a president and counsellors. 4 Papantzin, a Mexican princess, sister of Montezuma, was Mexican baptized ; and she was the first person, who received Christian ba P tisra - baptism in Tlatelolco. 5 Charles V, emperor of Spain, having sent Stephen Gomez 1525. from Corunna to find a passage to the Molucca Islands by the 1 Some authors say, they were massacred and eaten by the savages. Charle- voix thinks the story is without foundation. " Peu de tems apres son arrivee en France, il fit un nouvel armement a. dessein d' etablir une Colonie dans l'Ame- rique. Tout ce qu'on s^ait de cette enterprise, c'est que s' etant embarque il n'a point paru depuis, et qu'on n'a jamais bien sgu ce qu'il etroit deveau. — II y perit : On ignore par quel accident. Ce qu' il y a deplus certain, c'est que le malheureux sort de Verazani fut cause que pendant plusieurs annees, ni le Roi, ni la Nation ne songerent plus a PAmerique." Nouv. France, i. 4, 7, 8, and Fastes Chron. Lescarbot, liv. i. c. 4. 2 Charlevoix, ut supra. Forster, Voy. 437. Purchas, i. 735. Roscoe's Life of Leo X. iv. c. 20. 3 Univ. xl. 379, 380. See a. d. 1520. 4 Munoz, Introd. xxiv. Note. 5 Clavigero, i. 231. 56 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1525. Voyage of S. Gomez. Enterprise against Peru. 1526. Voyage of Sebastian Cabot. April 1. way of America ; this skilful navigator sailed to Cuba and Flori- da, and thence northwardly to Cape Razo, in the 46th degree north latitude, and returned without making the discovery. He was the first Spaniard who sailed along this northern coast. 1 Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro, who had already distinguished themselves among the Spanish conquerors of Ameri- ca, not satisfied with the glory of the past, resolved to perform still greater achievements. Pizarro, having marched under Balboa across the isthmus of Darien at the time of his discovery of the South Sea, had received various hints from the natives concerning the opulent country of Peru. 2 He and Almagro associating with them Hernando de Luque, a schoolmaster and an ecclesiastic in Panama, who had amassed considerable wealth, these three solemnly swore in public, and entered into articles un- der hand and seal, never to forsake each other in any dangers or discouragements whatever, until they should have made an entire conquest of that country. Pizarro, by license of Pedrarias d'Avila the Spanish governor, sailed from Panama to Peru on this daring enterprise, with 1 12 Spaniards and some Indians, and Almagro soon followed him ; but both were repulsed, and com- pelled to leave the country, which they had invaded. 3 Sebastian Cabot, not finding public patronage in England, had passed over into Spain ; and was now employed by Charles V, in a voyage for the discovery of the Molucca Islands. He entered into a treaty with the emperor, the principal articles of which were, That Cabot should have the command of a squadron of four ships, in quality of captain-general, and that Martin Men- doz, who had been treasurer to Magellan's squadron, should 1 Prince, a. d. 1525. Forster, Voy. 447. P. Martyr [460, 461.] takes notice of this voyage : " Decretum est, ut Stephanus Gomez alia via tendat, qua se inquit reperturum inter Baccalaos et Floridas, jam diu nostras terras, iter ad Cataium ; neque aliud habebit in mandatis, quam ut inquirat, an exitus ad mag- num vulgo Canem ex Oceani hujus nostri variis inflexibus, et vastis ambagibus reperiatur. Is, nee freto neque a se promisso Cataio repertis, regressus est intra mensem decimum a discessu." Venegas [Hist. Californ. i. 124.] affirms, that he was sent out in 1524, " and not in 1525, as Gomara says ; " and that he re- turned to Spain in 1525, carrying with him some Indians. Gomez accompanied Magellan in his great voyage a few years before. Purchas, i. 738. 2 Robertson, b. 6. Pizarro was also with Ojeda, in his disastrous expedition for settling the continent. See a. d. 1510, and 1513. All the people on the coast of the South Sea concurred in informing Balboa, that there was a mighty and opulent kingdom, situated at a considerable distance toward the south- east. 3 Vega, del Peru, p. 2. lib. 1. c. 1. and lib. 2. c. 17. Herrera, d. 3. lib. 6. c. 13. Purchas, v. 1491—1497. Robertson, b. 6. H. de Luque celebrated mass ; " llorando la gente de ver tal acto, teniendolos por locos, porque tal negocio em- prendian." Dividing a consecrated host into three parts, he reserved one part for himself, and gave to his associates the other two, of which they partook ; " and thus, in the name of the Prince of Peace, ratified a contract, of which plunder and bloodshed were the objects." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 57 serve under him, as lieutenant; that he should sail through the 1526. newly discovered Straits, then cross the South Sea to the Mo- v^v^^/ lucca Islands, and thence proceed on the discovery of Tharsis, Ophir, and Cipango, which were then thought to be the islands of Japan ; and that he should there load his ships with gold, silver, and the other precious commodities, which the country afforded. It was Cabot himself who proposed this expedition. Sailing from Seville with five vessels, one of which was freighted by a private adventurer, he first made the island of Patos, near Cape St. Augustine, in Brazil. The loss of his principal ship in the bay of Patos, a mutiny among his mariners, and the want of provisions sufficient to carry him through the Straits of Ma- gellan, induced him to resolve not to proceed farther on the projected voyage. Making a pinnace here, to pass up the Rio de la Plata, he ascended that river 60 leagues, and came to some islands, which he called, The Islands of St. Gabriel. Here he left his ships, and rowed up the Uraguay in boats three leagues to a river on the right, which he called Rio de San Salvador ; built a small fort on its banks ; and detached some soldiers up the river, under the command of Alvarez Ramon. This officer and some of his people were killed by the natives. Cabot next sailed about 30 leagues up the Paraguay, and built a fort at the mouth of a river, issuing from the mountains of Tucuman, and called it, The Fort Santi Spiritus ; but it is generally called by historians, Cabot's Fort. Sending despatches to the emperor, Fort built, with the silver that he had collected, he remained at Paraguay two years ; discovered about 200 leagues on that river ; and, leaving Nuno de Lara the command of the fort Santi Spiritus Returns to with 120 men, returned to Spain. 1 Spain - Before this time, Thomas Tison, an Englishman, had found English the way to the West Indies, and was resident there ; whence it ^ d j jg the is conjectured, tltat the English merchants already carried on a clandestine trade with those parts of America. 2 1 Herrera, d. 3. lib. 9. c. 3. De Bry, America, p. 2. Alcedo, Art . Paraguay. Purchas, lib. 7. c. 11. Harris' Voy. i. 272. Southey's Brazil, p. 1. c. 3. Charle- voix, Paraguay, i. 31 — 39. Charlevoix tells an affecting story of the fate of the garrison, which, though it has the air of romance, is not incredible. See Note X. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 500. This fact was discovered by Hakluyt in " a certaine note or letter of remembrance, written 1526, by master Nicholas Thorne, a principall marchant of Bristol, unto his friend and factour Thomas Midnall," then at St. Lucar in Andalusia. It appears, that to the Tison above mentioned Thorne sent armour and other commodities, specified in that letter. " This Thomas Tison," says Hakluyt, " (so farre as I can conjecture) may seeme to have bene some secret factour for M. Thorne and other English marchants in those remote partes ; whereby it is probable that some of our marchants had a kinde of trade to the West Indies even in those ancient times and before also." In the His- tory of Bristol, lately published [i. 325.], it is affirmed, that "in a ledger of Mr. N. Thorn, under the date 1526, there is an invoice of armour and other merchan- VOL I. 8 58 1526. 1527. English voyage. May 20, to New- foundland, and No rum- bega. Curatjoa. AMERICAN ANNALS. Peter Martyr, historiographer to the king of Spain, died at Rome, at the age of 69 years. 1 The scheme for discovering a passage to the East Indies by the northwest being resumed in England, a voyage was made by the advice of Robert Thorne of Bristol, with two ships, furnished out by king Henry VIII ; but it proved disastrous. One of the ships was lost in a dangerous gulf 2 between the northern parts of Newfoundland and the country, afterward called by queen Elizabeth, Meta Incognita. The second ship, after the loss of the first, shaped its course toward Cape Breton and the coast of Arambec or Norumbega. The navigators went frequently on shore, and explored those regions, and returned in October to England. 3 Curagoa was settled by the emperor Charles V. as a property, upon the house of Juan de Ampues. 4 1528. Pamphilo de Narvaez, having obtained from Charles V. the Expedition indefinite grant of " all the lands lying from the river of Palms of P. de to the Cape of Florida," with a commission to conquer and govern Florida. tne provinces within these limits, sailed in March from Cuba, with five ships, on board of which were 400 foot and 20 horse, for April 12. the conquest of that country. Landing at Florida, he marched to Apalache, a village consisting of 40 cottages, where he arrived on the 5th of June. Having lost many of his men by the dise sent by him to T. Tison, an Englishman, who had settled in the West Indies. This," it is remarked, " is the first record of a trade from this city to that quarter of the globe." Bisset [Hist. Eng. i. 25.] says, " Mr. Thorn of Bristol, one of the greatest merchants and boldest adventurers of the age, es- tablished a factory at Cuba ; and was the first Englishman who set the example of a commercial settlement in the new world." 1 Munoz, Introd. Pietro Martir, as his name was originally written, was a native of Anghiera, in Milan, which he called in Latin Angleria. He was naturalized in Spain, where he spent the greatest part of his life in the service of the Crown. His principal work is " Novus Orbis," in eight decads. The letters, narratives, and charts, which related to the conduct and adventures of the Spaniards in the New World, were in his possession ; and he had many opportunities of conversing with the principal men, who assisted, by their swords or their councils, in the subjugation or government of Spanish America. He himself was at length ap- pointed one of the counsellors of the Tribunal of the Indies. Munoz. 2 Gulf of St. Lawrence. Brit. Emp. Introd. p. vii. 3 Hakluyt, i. 517; iii. 129. Robertson, b. 9. Forster, 289,431. Biblioth. Americ. Anno 1527. Hakluyt informs us, that Master Robert Thorne, " a notable member and ornament of his country," exhorted the king with " veiy weightie and substantiall reasons, to set forth a discoverie even to the North pole ; " that " this his motion took present effect ; " and that " a Canon of S. Paul in Lon- don, which was a great mathematician, and a man indued with wealth, did much advance the action, and went therein himself in person." The imperfection of the account of that voyage Hakluyt ascribes to " the negligence of the writers of those times, who should have used more care in preserving the memories of the worthie acts of our nation." 4 Alcedo, Art. Curacoa. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 59 natives, who harassed the troops on their march, and with whom 1528. they had one sharp engagement, he was obliged to direct his \**^~^/ course toward the sea. Sailing to the westward, he was lost with many others in a violent storm, about the middle of Novem- ber ; and the enterprise was frustrated. The bay of Pensacola Bay of Pen- is said by the Spaniards to have been discovered in this expedi- sana- tion by Narvaez, who landed there. 1 Francisco Pizarro, having made very extensive discoveries in F. Pizarro Peru, went to Spain, by agreement of the joint adventurers, to ask jJJJJjStf a commission from Charles V. for the conquest and government Peru, of that country ; and, on giving information to the emperor of his discoveries and purposes, and presenting his request, was appointed governor, captain-general, and adelantado of all the country which he had discovered, with supreme authority. 2 Cortes, having gone to Spain the preceding year, now signed 1529. an instrument, which had also the signature of the empress of Spain, by which he obliged himself to send ships at his own South Sea. expense, for the discovery of countries and lands in the South Sea. 3 Santa Ana de Coro was founded by Juan de Ampues. 4 Coro. 1 Purchas, i. 769, 774 ; v. 1499 — 1528. By an account in Purchas, it appears, that the cottages at Apalache were " small low cottages, so built by reason of continual tempests." Harris' Voy. i. 799 — 805. Rogers, Florida, 28. Universal Hist. xl. 381 ; xli. 469. Herrera, d. 4. lib. 4. c. 4—7. and lib. 5. c. 5. Charle- voix, Nouv. France, i. p. xix. Venegas, California, i. 142. Prince, 1528. Narvaez sailed from St. Lucar, in Spain, to Cuba, 16th June, 1527, with 600 men, but he left more than 140 at St. Domingo. It is computed, that (on the expedition to Florida) from the bay of Santa Cruz, where they landed, to the place of their embarkation on the 22d of September, they marched above 800 miles. Narvaez is supposed to have been lost near the mouth of the Mississippi. His people, with great difficulty, provided a kind of boats to cross the rivers in their way, making their ropes of horse hair, and their sails of the soldiers' shirts. In conclusion, 15 only were left alive, 4 of whom, after suffer- ing almost incredible miseries, arrived 8 years afterward at Mexico. 2 See a. d. 1525. He was absent three years on these discoveries, and re- turned to Panama about the end of 1527. Herrera, d. 4. lib. 2. c. 7,8. Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. p. xix.] says, he discovered about 200 leagues of the Peruvian coast, even to the port of Santo beyond the district of Quito. The sickliness of those regions, and the hardships of the adventurers, may be inferred from the extraordinary mortality that prevailed among them. Pizarro carried out 112 men, Almagro 70. In less than nine months 130 of these died. Few fell by the sword ; most of them perished by diseases. Robertson, iii. Note II. Vega, 435. 3 Cortes went to Castile in great pomp, carrying 250,000 marks of gold and silver, and was honourably received by the emperor, who conferred on him the vale of Atrisco in New Spain, with new titles, and extended powers. Herrera, d. 4. lib. 4—6. Harris' Voy. i. 272. Venegas, California, i. 133. Cortes had, in 1527, sent Saavedra with three ships from New Spain, to find a passage that way to the Moluccas. One of the ships arrived safely at these islands, and returned the same way back to Panama this year (1529), laden with spices. This voyage prepared the Spaniards to possess themselves of the Philippine Islands, in the Indian seas, which they hold to this day. Anderson, Hist. Com- merce, ii. 51. Harris' Voy. i. 272. 4 Alcedo, Art. Coro. It was plundered by the English in 1567. 60 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1530. William Hawkins of Plymouth having commenced a friend- V _^ N ^ W , ly intercourse with the natives of Brazil, one of the kings of that English in- country voluntarily accompanied him to England, where he was tercourse introduced to Henry VIII. at Whitehall. 1 with Brazil. J 1531. Pizarro, returning from Spain, landed at Nombre de Dios, Pizarro re- marched across the isthmus of Panama ; and joining Almagro turns from an rJ Luque, these three enterprising associates, by the utmost pa " efforts of their combined interests, fitted out three small vessels, February. w ^ tn 180 soldiers. With this contemptible armament, Pizarro S*i] foi ere sailed to invade a great empire. Landing at the bay of St. anon oi j\] att hew, ne ar J V anced toward the south along the sea coast ; and, after various disasters, reached the province of Coaque, and surprised and plundered the principal settlement. Continuing his march along the coast, he attacked the natives with such violence, as compelled them either to retire into the interior country, or to submit to the conqueror ; and met with little resist- ance, until he attacked the island of Puna, in the bay of Guay- aquil, whose inhabitants defended themselves with such obstinate valour, that he spent six months in their reduction. He next proceeded to Tumbez, where he remained several months. 2 in Peru 1532. Pizarro, passing forward to the river Piuro, established near Founds the its mouth the first Spanish colony in Peru, and named it St. first colony Michael. 3 Leaving a garrison at this new town, he began his march, with a very slender and ill accoutred train of followers, 4 1 Hakluyt, i. 520. Purchas, v. 1179. " — at the sight of whome," says Hak- luyt, " the king and all the nobilitie did not a little marveile, and not without cause : for in his cheekes were holes made according to their savage maner, and therein small bones were planted, standing an inche out from the said holes, which in his owne countrey was reputed for a great braverie. He had also another hole in his nether lippe, wherein was set a precious stone about the bignesse of a pease. All his apparell, behaviour, and gesture, were very strange to the beholders." The change of air and diet so affected him, that on his re- turn with Hawkins, he died at sea.-*-" I have bene informed," says Hakluyt, " by M. Anthony Garrard, an ancient and worshipful marchant of London, that this voyage to Brasil was frequented by Robert Reniger, Thomas Borey, and divers other wealthie marchants of Southampton, about 50 yeeres past, to wit, in the yeere 1540." 2 Herrera, d. 4. lib. 7. c. 10. & lib. 9. c. 1. Robertson, b. 6. 3 Herrera, d. 4. lib. 9. c. 3. & d. 5. lib. 1 c. 1. Robertson, b. 5. 4 It consisted of 62 horse, and 106 foot, among whom were 20 cross-bow men. Herrera. In this dangerous enterprise, Pizarro incited his men to go forward by the singular argument, " that his main design was the propagating of the Catholic faith, without injuring any person." Had he been but ingenuous enough for the Arabian impostor, he" would have made an admirable propagator of the Mahometan faith. The sequel will show the justness of Hoornbeck's re- mark, that the invaders of Atahualpa were more intent upon his treasures, than his conversion ; the body, rather than the soul : " Atahualpa incredibilem auri vim secum habebat; cujus magis opibus inhiabant avari et crudeles, quam con- versioni ; corpori, quam animse." De Conversione Indorum. lib. 1. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. &l toward Caxamalca, where Atahualpa, the Inca of Peru, was en- 1532. camped with a considerable body of troops, and soon met an ^^^-w/ officer, despatched by the Inca with a valuable present, and an Sept. 4. offer of his alliance, with assurances of a friendly reception at towMdtM Caxamalca. Pizarro, advancing with pretensions of coming as quarters of the ambassador of a very powerful monarch united with profes- the lnca * sions of friendship, entered the town, and having posted his troops in an advantageous station, despatched Hernando Soto and Sends an his brother Ferdinand to the camp of Atahualpa, which was j^nca* about a league distant. He instructed them to renew his assur- ances of a pacific disposition, and to desire an interview with the Inca, that he might more fully explain the intention of the Span- iards in visiting his country. They were treated with the respect- ful hospitality, characteristic of the Peruvians ; and Atahualpa promised to»visit the commander the next day in his quarters. Pizarro now resolved, with equal temerity and perfidy, to seize Resolves to the person of the Inca, in the interview to which he had invited seize him * him. For the execution of his scheme, he divided his cavalry into three small squadrons, under the command of his brother Ferdi- nand, Soto, and Belcanazar ; his infantry were formed in one body, excepting twenty, of most tried courage, whom he kept near his own person, to support him in the dangerous service, which he reserved for himself; and the artillery, consisting of two field pieces, and the cross-bow men, were placed opposite to the avenue by which Atahualpa was to approach. Early in the morning, the Peruvian camp was all in motion ; and late in the day, the procession, which had been arranged with care to give an impression of splendour and magnificence, began to move. The Inca at length approached. First of all A PP 10ach appeared 400 men, in a uniform dress, as harbingers, to clear his way. The Inca himself, sitting on a throne or couch, adorned with plumes, and almost covered with plates of gold and silver, enriched with precious stones, was carried on the shoulders of his principal attendants. Behind him came some chief officers of his court, borne in the same manner. This cavalcade was accompanied by several bands of singers and dancers ; and the whole plain was covered with troops, amount- ing to more than 30,000 men. As the Inca drew near the Spanish quarters, Father Vincent Valverde, chaplain to the ex- Address of pedition, advanced with a crucifix in one hand, and a breviary in priest™" the other, and in a long discourse proposed to him the doctrines mm. of the Christian faith ; informed him of the donation made to the king of Castile by pope Alexander, of all the regions in the New World ; and required him to embrace Christianity ; to acknowl- edge the supreme jurisdiction of the pope ; and to submit to the king of Castile, as his lawful sovereign. to 62 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1532. Most of his harangue, mysterious in its nature, and translated ^-v-w by an unskilful interpreter, was altogether incomprehensible to Atahualpa ; and some parts of it, of more obvious meaning, filled His reply, him with astonishment and indignation. His reply, however, was temperate. He asserted his right to his dominions by hereditary succession ; and added, that he could not conceive, how a foreign priest should pretend to dispose of territories which did not be- long to him ; that if such a preposterous grant had been made, he, who was rightful possessor, refused to confirm it ; that he had no inclination to renounce the religious institutions of his ancestors ; and that, with respect to other matters contained in the discourse, as he did not understand their meaning, he desired to know where the priest had learned things so extraordinary. 1 " In this book," answered Valverde, reaching out to him his breviary. The Inca opened it eagerly, and, turning over the leaves, lifted it to his ear : " This is silent, it tells me nothing," said he, and disdainfully threw it to the ground. The enraged monk, running toward his countrymen, cried out, " To arms, Christians, to arms ; the Word of God is insulted ; avenge this profanation on these impious dogs." Pizarro instantly gave the General as- signal for a general assault. The martial music sounded ; the Peruvians, cannon and muskets began to fire ; the horse sallied out fiercely to the charge ; the infantry rushed on, sword in hand. The astonished Peruvians fled, without attempting resistance. Pizarro, at the head of his chosen band, advanced directly toward the Inca through crowds of his nobles, who fell in numbers at his feet in attempting to cover his person ; and seizing the Inca by taken a " me arm ' dragged mm to tne ground, and carried him as a prison- er to his quarters. The wretched fugitives were pursued and slaughtered with deliberate and unrelenting barbarity, until the close of the day. Above 4000 Peruvians were killed, but not a single Spaniard fell. 2 The Inca, soon discovering the ruling passion of the Spaniards, offered, as his ransom, to fill the apartment in which he was con- fined, which was 22 feet long and 17 wide, with vessels of gold, 1 Vega, p. 2. lib. 1. c. 22 — 24, where is the answer of Atahualpa entire. To us it appears noble ; but it was insufferable to the soldiers of Pizarro, who, " growing weary of this long and tedious discourse, began to quit their places, and come up close to the Indians, to fight with them and rob them of their jew- els of gold and silver and precious stones," with which they had that day decked themselves, that they might solemnly receive the embassy which was sent to them from the monarch of the world — " la Embajada del Monarcha del Uni- verso." 2 Robertson, b. 6. Vega says, that 5000 Indians were killed that day, 3500 of whom were slain by the sword ; and that the rest were old and infirm men, women, and children, who were trampled under foot ; for an innumerable multi- tude of all ages and sexes were collected, to see the solemnity of this strange and unheard of embassy. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 63 as high as he could reach. The proposal was eagerly agreed 1532. to, and a red line was drawn on the walls of the chamber, to ^-^^/ mark the height to which the treasure was to rise. Atahualpa immediately sent messengers to Cuzco, Quito, and other places, where there was most gold amassed ; and his orders for the col- lection were promptly executed. 1 The ransom of Atahualpa was now brought in; and it ex- 1533. ceeded 1,500,000 pounds sterling. 2 After the division of this Ransom o( immense treasure among the Spaniards, the lnca demanded his the Inca - liberty ; but it was denied. Pizarro, resolved on his death, easily found pretexts for procuring it. The charge consisted of various articles : That Atahualpa, though a bastard, had dispos- sessed the rightful owner of the throne, and usurped the regal power ; that he had put his brother and lawful sovereign to death; that he was an idolater, and had not only permitted, but commanded the offering of human sacrifices ; that he had a great number of concubines; that since his imprisonment he had wasted and embezzled the royal treasures, which now belonged of right to the conquerors; and that he had incited his subjects to take arms against the Spaniards. After all the formalities of a trial, observed in the criminal courts of Spain, Atahualpa was pronounced guilty, and condemned to be burnt alive. Astonished Yet he is at his fate, he endeavoured to avert it by tears, by promises, and conderaned ' by intreaties that he might be sent to Spain, where a monarch would be his judge. But Pizarro, unmoved, ordered him to be led instantly to execution. Valverde, at this critical moment attempting his conversion, promised mitigation of his punishment, on his embracing the Christian faith. The horror of a torment- ing death extorted from him the desire of baptism. " The cere- mony was performed ; and Atahualpa, instead of being burnt, and t to was strangled at the stake." Pizarro, to complete the scene of death. 1 Vega, p. 2. lib. 1. c. 28. Robertson, b. 6. 2 Europ. Settlements, i. 141. Vega says, that the sum total of the ransom amounted to 4,605,670 ducats ; and that there were 40 or 50,000 pieces of eight to a man. Dr. Robertson says, that after setting apart the fifth due to the crown, and 100,000 pesos as a donative to the soldiers which arrived with Almagro, there remained 1,528,500 pesos to Pizarro and his followers, and that 8000 pesos, " at that time not inferior in effective value to as many pounds sterling in the present century," fell to the share of each horseman, and half that sum to each foot soldier. Pizarro and his officers received dividends proportioned to the dignity of their rank. It is an astonishing fact, that when there was a dissatis- faction at the delay of completing the ransom within the limited time, which, however, was excused by the Inca on account of the distance of Cuzco, three Spaniards only were sent to that capital, with directions to take possession both of the city and treasures, though Cuzco was guarded by an army of 30,000 of the natives. Two hundred men's loads of gold were brought . away, without the least opposition, in massy plates from the temple of the Sun. Harris' Voy, i. 792. 64 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1533. shameless guilt, gave him a magnificent funeral, and went into v^^^^ mourning. 1 Quito sub- Sebastian de Belalcazar, governor of St. Michael, marched dued. w ith some Spanish soldiers through a mountainous country, and, though frequently and fiercely attacked by the natives, surmount- ed every obstacle by his valour and perseverance, and entered Quito with his victorious troops. 2 About the same time, Alva- Expedition rado, a distinguished officer in the conquest of Mexico, who had of Alvara- obtained the government of Guatemala, made an expedition into the same kingdom. He embarked with 500 men, above 200 of whom served on horseback, and, landing at Puerto Viego, commenced his march toward Quito ; but, in passing the snowy ridge of the Andes and the deserts, 60 of his men were frozen to death, and before he reached the plain of Quito, a fifth part 1 Vega, p. 2. lib. 1. c. 34, 36. Herrera, d. 5. lib. 3. c. 4. Purchas, lib. 7. c. 12. Robertson, b. 6. Europ. Settlements, i. 143, 144. Vega gives this descrip- tion of the obsequies : " Enterraronle a. nuestra usanc^a, entre los Christianos, con pompa, puso Luto, Pi^arro. y hiqole honradas Obsequias." — Montesquieu, having established the principle, " That we should not decide by political laws things which belong to"the law of nations," adduces this historical example as an instance of its cruel violation by the Spaniards. " The Ynca Athualpa could only be tried by the law of nations ; they tried him by political and civil laws ; and, to fill up the measure of their stupidity, they condemned him, not by the political and civil laws of his own country, but by the political and civil laws of theirs." Spirit of Laws, b. xxvi. c. 21, 22. Had the Spanish historians of South America been contemporary with the Spanish conquerors, we might have suspected them of a confederacy to varnish over the entire actions of the Con- quest with the gloss of religion. The extorted consent of the wretched Inca to an ablution, whose meaning he neither understood, nor regarded, is ascribed by Garcilasso de la Vega to the infinite mercy of God. The Catholic historian believed, doubtless, that by means of this rite the murdered Inca received as great a recompense for the loss of his life, as his subjects for the loss of their country ; which, Acosta assures us, " was recompensed to them by the gain which heaven was to their souls." — " But now," says Vega, " to consider that an idolater, who had been guilty of such horrid cruelties, as Atahualpa had been, -should receive baptism at the hour of his death, can be esteemed no otherwise than an effect of the infinite mercy of God toward so great a sinner as he was, and I am ; " " Atahuallpa, muriesse bautic^do, devemos dar Gracias a Dios Nuestro Senor, que no desecha de su infinita Misericordia, los Pecadores tan grandes, com el, y como Yo." Atahualpa, who ever since the arrival of the Spaniards had been impressed with a persuasion, that the end of his empire was approach- ing, was greatly depressed at the sight of a comet ; and said to Pizano, who asked the cause of his depression : " When I saw myself first in chains, I thought there would be little distance between my imprisonment and my grave, of which I am now fully certified by this comet." Alsted, a German author [Thesaurus Chronologiae, p. 492.], takes notice of this comet, and relates sev- eral calamitous events which followed it. " 1533. Arsit cometa xiphias seu ensiformis. Sequuti sunt terraemotus in Germania, mutationes in Anglia, et contentio inter Carolum V. cum Gallo super ducatu Mediolanensi." This ex- positor of omens ought to have added, The termination of the empire of the Incas. 2 Herrera, d. 5. lib. 3. c 5. & lib. 7. c. 14. Herrera represents Belalcazar as the founder of Quito. Alcedo says, it was founded by the Indians and the court of their kings, and rebuilt by Sebastian de Belalcazar in 1534 ; and, in 1541, endowed by the emperor Charles V. with the title of very noble and very loyal city. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 65 of the men and half of their horses died. No expedition in the 1533. New World appears to have been conducted with more perse- \^^~^s vering courage ; and none with the endurance of greater hard- ships. Among those who were frozen to death in passing the Andes, was the first woman, says Vega, who ever came to Peru. 1 Carthagena, the capital of Terra Firma, was founded by Pedro de Heredia. 2 Pizarro forced his way into Cuzco, and took possession of it, 1534. in the most solemn manner, for the king of Spain. This was the imperial city of the Incas, situated in a corner of the Peru- vian empire, about 400 miles from the sea. The spoil of it was immense. 3 Although the misfortune of Verrazzano had suspended the First voy- enterprises of the French for discoveries in the New World ; a .§ e of Car- yet, on a representation made by Philip Chabot, admiral of a^. 10 Can " France, of the advantages that would result from establishing a colony in a country from which Spain derived her greatest wealth, these enterprises were renewed. James Cartier of St. Malo, by commission from the king, sailed in April from that port, with April 20. two small ships and 122 men ; and on the 10th of May came to Newfoundland, and entered the bay of Bona Vista. The earth being covered with snow, and the shores with ice, he was con- strained to enter a haven, about five leagues toward the south- east, which he called St. Catherine's. Returning to the north- ward, he sailed almost round Newfoundland. In 48° 30' north latitude, he discovered and named the Baye des Chaleurs, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Having sailed to the 51st degree of latitude, in the fruitless hope of passing to China, he returned, in April, to France, without making a settlement. 4 Cartier, by royal commission, sailed a second time from J 535 France with three ships, accompanied by a number of young men carter's " of distinction, who were desirous of making their fortunes under second voy- ___ age. 1 Vega, Peru, p. 2. lib. 1. c. 36. Robertson, b. 6. 2 Alcedo, Art. Cartagena. 3 Herrera, d. 5. lib. 6. c. 3. Alcedo, Art. Cuzco. Robertson, b. 6. 4 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. p. xx. Introd. & 8, 9. Hakluyt, iii. 186, 201— 212. Purchas, i. 749 ; v. 1605. Thevet, c. 74, 75. This author, who was " the French king's^ cosmographer," says of Canada, " decouverte de nostre temps par un nomme Jacques Quartier, Breton-homme expert &. entendu a la marine." Lescarbot, liv. 3. Champlain, liv. 1. c. 2. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 407. Belknap, Biog. 1. 34. Prince, 1534. Forster, Voy. 437, 438. Brit. Empire, Introd. 47. Cartier, in his account of this voyage, describes many capes and islands, as seen and named by him before he reached the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; but their names are principally changed, or lost. The haven, which he called St. Catherine s, is, in some maps, called Catalina. The Baye des Chaleurs, or Heats, was so named on account of the sultry weather ; the Gulf of St. Law- rence, from his entering it on the day of that festival. VOL. J. 9 G6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1535. He sails up the St. Law- rence ; takes pos- session of the coun- try ; and calls it New France. Montreal. First at- tempt for a settlement. Mendoza's expedition to La Plata. Buenos Ayres built. Asuncion. his guidance. Discovering now the river of Canada, which gradually obtained the name of St. Lawrence, he sailed up this noble stream 300 leagues to a great and swift fall ; formed alliances with the natives ; took possession of the territory ; built a fort ; and wintered in the country, which he called New France. In sailing up the St. Lawrence, he discovered Hazle or Filbert island, Bacchus island, since called the Isle of Orleans, and a river which he called St. Croix, since called Jacques Cartier's river, where he laid up his ships. From this river, before his final departure, partly by stratagem and partly by force, he carried off Donnacona, the Indian king of the country. He at this time visited Hochelaga, which he called Montreal. This was a large Indian settlement, where the French were well re- ceived ; but they were soon infected with the scurvy, of which 25 of their number died. The next spring, Cartier, taking with him Donnacona and several of the natives, returned with the remains of his crew to France. This was the first attempt of the French to make a settlement in America. 1 Cartier expatiated to the king on the advantages that would probably result from a settlement in this country, principally by means of the fur trade ; but the fallacious opinion, then prevalent among all the nations of Europe, that such countries only as produced gold and silver were worth the possession, had such influence on the French, that they slighted the salutary advice of Cartier, and would hear no more of the establishment of a colony in Canada. 9 Don Pedro de Mendoza, with 12 ships and 2000 men, made an expedition up the river de la Plata, to discover, conquer, and inhabit the circumjacent regions ; and died on his return home. The people whom he left built a large town, called Nuestra Sennora de Buenos Ayres, the capital of the government ; and, with the aid of the natives, discovered and conquered the coun- try, until they came to the mines of Potosi, and to the town of la Plata. They soon after built the town of Asuncion, on the east shore of the river Paraguay, where they intermarried with the natives. 3 1 Thevet, c. 74, 75. Charlevoix, Hist. Nouv. France, i. 9 — 13. Hakluyt, iii. 187, 212 — 232. Forster, Voy. 438 — 441. The adventurers, who accompanied Cartier, are thus descrihed hy Charlevoix : " Jeunes Gentilshommes, qui voulu- rent le suivre en qualite de Voluntaires." — In a specimen of " the language of the country," in Cartier's second voyage in Hakluyt, Canada signifies " a town." 2 Thevet, and the ahove authorities. Cardenas, Hist. Florida. Alcedo, Art. Canada. See a. d. 1540. At St. Croix they built a fort, and set up a cross in it, " upon Holyrood day." 3 Herrera, d 5. lib. 9. c. 10. Hakluyt, iii. 787, 788. Purchas, i. 849, 850. De Bry, p. vii. Harris' Voy. i. 273. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 203. Encyc. Methodi- que, Geog. and Alcedo, Art. Buenos Ayres and Asuncion del Paraguay. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 67 A Spanish settlement had heen begun in the interior part of ] 535* Peru. For the better accommodation of trade and commerce, v^^^/ Pizarro now transplanted this colony to a place near the sea, Lima found- selected for a new settlement, over against the valley of Rimac ; ec * and here he founded a city, which he designed for the capital of his government, to which he gave the name of Civdad de los Reyes. It has since been known and celebrated under the name of Lima. 1 Diegro Amagro invaded Chili. At the close of the year, he Aimagro began his march for that territory, with an army composed of c^ es 500 Spaniards and 15,000 Peruvians under the command of Paulu, a brother of Inca Manco, the nominal emperor of Peru, who had succeeded the unhappy Atahualpa ; but he met with formidable opposition from the natives, and was at length re- called from his expedition by an unexpected revolution in Peru. 2 A voyage was made from England to Newfoundland by 120 1536. persons, 30 of whom were gentlemen of education and character. April. The first land that they made was Cape Breton, whence they Jjj£j? to sailed northeastward to the island of Penguin, and then to New- Newfoand- foundland ; but, after suffering the extremity of famine, in which lantl - many perished, and the survivors were constrained to support life by feeding on the bodies of their dead companions, they returned to England. 3 Charlevoix, Paraguay, i. 42. Mendoza sailed from Cadiz in August 1535. By a storm in the river La Plata he lost eight of his ships, and saiied with the rest for Spain ; leaving behind the greatest part of his men. In a short time not 500 of them remained alive, and at length but 200, who went in the ship boats far up the Paraguay, leaving their mares and horses at Buenos Ayres. " It is a wonder," says Lopez Vaz, " to see that of 30 mares and 7 horses, which the Spaniards left there, the increase in 40 years was so great, that the countrev is 20 leagues up full of horses." Buenos Ayres received its name from its salubrious air. The Islands of St Gabriel were a little above this place. See A. v. 1526. " The Asuncion Indians bestowed their daughters in marriage upon them, and so they dwelt all together in one towne." They were here 20 years before any intelligence of them reached Spain ; " but waxing olde, and fearing that when they were dead, their sons, which they had begotten in this countrey, being very many, should live without the knowledge of any other Christians"," they built a ship, and sent it into Spain with letters to the king, giving an ac- count of all that had occurred ; and the king sent three ships with a bishop and several priests and friars, " and more men and women to inhabite, with all kind of cattell." 1 Herrera, d. 5. lib. 6. c. 12. & lib. 7. c. 6. Alcedo, Art. Lima. Herrera, under a. d. 1534, says Pizarro was then resolved to build a city in the valley of Lima ; but he fixes the date of its foundation 6th January, 1535 — " fue el dia de la Epifania del ano siguente, 1535." Vega [p. 2. lib. 2. c. 17.] places this article in 1534, but it was probably Old Style. He also says, the first settlement was in the valley of Saussa, 30 leagues from Rimac within land. Lima is a corruption of the ancient appellation of the valley in which it is situated. Her- rera calls it « el valle de Lima." 2 Alcedo, Art. Chile. Robertson, b. 6. 3 Hakluyt, i. 517—519 ; hi. 129—131, where there is an entire account of the voyage. Forster, Voy. 290. 291 . Hakluvt says. « One Master Hore of London. 68 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1536. A French ship entered the port of Havana, and the French- ^^v~*^ men on board took possession of the city. The Spaniards ran- Havana. somed it from being burnt, for 700 ducats. 1 Arequipa. The city Arequipa, in the valley of Quilca in Peru, 20 leagues distant from the South Sea, was founded by the Spaniards, by order of Francisco Pizarro. 2 1537. The Supreme Council of the Indies in Spain made some or- Ordinances dinances for the provinces in New Spain ; among which were theSians. me following : That the Prelates should see the children of the mixed race between Spaniards and Indians instructed in the Christian doctrine, and good manners ; that the Viceroy should not permit the Indian youth to live idly, but require that they learn some trades ; that the College, founded by the Franciscan Friars at Mexico, for teaching Indian boys the Latin Grammar, should be finished ; and that the Indians, who understood not Spanish, appearing before any Court, should be allowed a Christian friend of their own to assist them, and save them from injustice. 3 California. Cortes, with three ships, discovered the large peninsula of California. 4 a man of goodly stature and of great courage, and given to the studie of Cos- mographie, encouraged divers gentlemen and others, being assisted by the king's favour and good countenance, to accompany him " in this voyage of discovery ; and that " his perswasions tooke such effect, that within short space many gen- tlemen of the Innes of court, and of the Chancerie, and divers others of good worship, desirous to see the strange things of the world, very willingly entered into action with him." This indefatigable author wrote most of his relation from the mouth of Master Thomas Butts, one of the gentlemen adventurers " to whom," says Hakluyt, " I rode 200 miles onely to learn the whole trueth of this voyage from his own mouth, as being the onely man now alive that was in this discoverie." When these adventurers were reduced to such extremities, as to be ready to cast lots, whose turn it should be to be devoured next, there arrived a French ship, of which they made themselves masters, and left theirs to the French, after distributing among them a sufficient quantity of provisions. Some months after their arrival in England, a complaint was brought against them by the French for the forcible seizure of their vessel ; but the king, learning the direful necessity, which had induced them to this act of violence, indemnified them out of his own purse, and allowed them to pass with impunity. These adventurers appear to have been ignorant of the immense store of fish on all the banks about Newfoundland ; whence it is concluded, that this fishery must have been in use 32 years at least, without the knowledge of the English. 1 T. de Bry, p. 5. Table 6. Alcedo, Art. Havana. 2 Alcedo, Art. Arequipa. This city has been destroyed at several times by earthquakes: in 1582, 1600, 1604, 1687, 1725, 1732, and 1738. 3 Herrera, d. 6. lib. 3. c. 20. 4 Hams' Voy. i. 273. Venegas, California, i. 1—4. This name was given to the peninsula at its first discovery, and is supposed to have had its origin in some accident; for its etymology cannot be traced. The Spaniards, in honour of Cortes, afterwards called the Gulf of California, Mar de Cortes. In the Map, inserted in Venegas' History of California, it is called, " The Gulph of Califor- nia, or Cortes's Red Sea." Robertson, ii. 394 ; but he puts this discovery i» 1536. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. California. is behead- ed. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 69 Buena Esperanza, a city in Paraguay, was founded by Pedro 1537. de Mendoza, on the south shore of the river La Plata. 1 s^-v-^/ Esperanza. v Almagro, abandoning the Chili expedition, returned with his 153g. army to Peru. Having previously received royal letters patent Almagro appointing him governor of 200 leagues of territory, situated to appointed the south of the government granted to Pizarro, and his friends & assuring him that Cuzco was within the limits of his jurisdiction, he now took possession of that ancient capital. After several ineffectual negotiations, he fought a battle with the brother of Pizarro, by whom he was taken, tried, and beheaded, as a dis- turber of the public peace. 2 The city Santa Fe de Bagota, the capital of Nuevo Reyno de Bagota. Granada, was founded by Gonzalo Ximenes de Quesada, con- queror of the kingdom. 3 Pizarro sent Valdivia, with a large number of Spaniards, to Expedition discover and conquer the country of Chili ; and they discovered t0 Cmh ' considerable territory, principally on the sea coast towards the southeast, to upward of 40° south latitude. 4 Ferdinand de Soto, governor of Cuba, had projected the 1539. conquest of Florida, and had already received the title of Mar- Expedition quis of Florida from Charles V. Nearly a thousand men had ^ridl* been raised in Spain for the expedition, among whom were many gentlemen of quality. Ten ships were fitted out to carry them with all necessary stores ; and they sailed from San Lucar for Cuba in April, the preceding year. On the 18th of May, this year, Soto sailed from Havana, on the Florida expedition, with 9 vessels, 900 men beside sailors, 213 horses, and a herd of swine. Arriving on the 30th of May at the bay of Espiritu Santo on die western coast of Florida, he landed 300 men, and pitched his camp ; but, about break of day the next morning, they were attacked by a numerous body of natives, and obliged to retire. 5 The Apalaches, a nation of ^w*la Indians in Florida, were now first discovered by Soto. 6 Francisco de Ulloa, in an expedition undertaken at the ex- Gulf of pense of Cortes, explored the Gulf of California to the mouth of California - the Rio Colorado. 7 1 Alcedo, Art. Buena Esperanza. 2 Alcedo, t. Art. Chile. Hen-era, d. 6. lib. 5. c. 1. See a. d. 1535. 3 Alcedo, Art. Fe, Santa. 4 Harris' Voy. i. 273 ; where the enterprise of Valdivia is placed in this and the following year. 5 Herrera, d. 6. lib. 7. c. 9. Univ. Hist. xl. 382. Belknap, Bio*. Art. Soto. Prince, 1539. Bibliotheca Americ. 37. Purchas, v. 1528—1556. See a. d. 1542, 1543. 6 Alcedo, Art. Apalaches. 7 Humboldt's Essay on N. Spain, i. p. xlvii. Humboldt says, that Cortes 70 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1540. Enterprise to explore the coast. Carrier's voyage to Canada. Aug. 23. Arrives at St. Croix. The viceroy Mendoza sent out a number of men by land under the command of Francisco Vasquez Coronado, as also a number by sea under the command of Francisco Alarcon, for the purpose of finding out the straits known by the name of Arian, and of exploring the coast to 50° north latitude. Alarcon went no farther than to the 36th degree, when, his ships being in bad condition, and his crew sickly, and the coast trending to the northward or north westward, which course would carry him still farther from his troops, then at the distance of ten days' march from him, he returned. 1 Cartier, on his return from Canada, advised to make a settle- ment in that country. 2 Although his advice had been generally slighted, yet individuals entertained just sentiments of its im- portance. Among the most zealous for prosecuting discoveries and attempting a settlement there, was John Francois de la Roche, lord of Roberval, a nobleman of Picardy. King Francis the First, convinced at length of the expediency of the measure, resolved to send Cartier his pilot again, with Roberval, to that country. 3 He, accordingly, furnished Cartier with five ships for the service, appointing him. captain-general and leader of the ships, and Roberval his lieutenant and governor in the countries of Canada and Hochelaga. When the ships were ready to sail, Roberval was not prepared with his artillery, powder, and mu- nitions ; but Cartier, having received letters from the king, re- quiring him to set sail immediately, he sailed with the 5 ships on the 23d of May, and, after a very long and boisterous passage, arrived at Newfoundland. Having waited here awhile in vain for Roberval, he proceeded to Canada ; and on the 23d of Au- gust arrived at the haven of St. Croix. . spent more than 200,000 ducats (i. e. upwards of 43,000L sterling) in his Cali- fornian expedition ; and that formal possession of the peninsula was taken by Sebastian Viscain«j| who deserves to be placed in the first rank of the navigators of his age. ii. 226. 1 Forster, Voy. 448. Herrera, d. 6. lib. 10. c. 11—15. 2 See a. d. 1535. 3 It appears, that ten of the natives were carried to France by Cartier, in his voyage of 1535 ; and that all of them, excepting one girl, were now dead. " And albeit his Majestie [king Francis I.] was advertized by the sayd Cartier of the death and decease of all the people which were brought over by him, (which were tenne in number) saving one little girle about tenne yeeres old, yet he resolved to send the sayd Cartier his Pilot thither againe, with John Francis de la Roche, Knight, Lord of Roberval, whome hee appointed his Lieutenant and Governour in the Countreys of Canada and Hochelaga, and the sayd Cartier Captain generall and leader of the shippes, that they might discover more than was done before in the former voyages, and attaine (if it were possi- ble) unto the knowledge of the Countrey of Saguenay, whereof the people brought by Cartier made mention unto the King, that there were great riches, and very good countreys." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 71 After an interview with the natives, Cartier sailed up the river, 1540. and pitched on a place about four leagues above St. Croix, to ^- N ^ - * lay up three of his ships for the winter ; the other two he sent to France, to inform the king of what they had done, and of his disappointment in the expected arrival of Roberval. At the new harbour there was a small river, and on the east side of its entrance, a high and steep cliff. On the top of this cliff he built Bulld8 a a fort, and called it Charlesbourg. 1 Below, the ships were fort at drawn up and fortified. After the fort was begun, Cartier went b h u a r g es " up the river with two boats furnished with men and provisions, with the intention of proceeding to Hochelaga ; leaving the viscount of Beaupre to govern at the fort. 2 Camelos, a large province of the kingdom of Quito, was dis- Cameios. covered by Gonzalo Pizarro, who gave it this name on account of the cinnamon trees found in it. Campeche, in Yucatan, was Campeche. founded by Francisco de Montejo. 3 This year is remarkable for an extensive discovery in South 1541. America. In the preceding year, an arduous enterprise had Enterprise been undertaken by Gonzalo Pizarro. He had been appointed ofG.Pizar- governor of Quito by his brother Francisco, who instructed him r0, to attempt the discovery and conquest of the country east of the Andes, abounding, as the Indians said, with cinnamon and other valuable spices. He set out from Quito with 200 Spaniards, and 300 Indians to carry their provisions. After struggling with many difficulties, and sustaining severe hardships, they at length reached the banks of the Napo, a large river that empties into the Maragnon, or Amazon. Here they built a bark, and manned it with 50 soldiers ; and Pizarro, leaving the bark with the sick men and treasure under the command of Francisco Orellana, went with a company by land along the river's side 200 leagues. The company in the boat, borne rapidly down the stream, were soon far before their countrymen, who followed slowly by land. Orellana, availing himself of his separation and distance from Orellana's Pizarro, formed the bold scheme of becoming an independent aion°7he eS discoverer, by following the course of the great river to the Amazon? 1 This fort was made " to keepe the nether fort, and the ships, and all things that might passe as well by the great as by this small river." Chalmers says, Cartier built this fort with the design rather to explore the great river of St. Law- rence, than to take formal possession of the country. The first settlement appears to have been made at no great distance from Quebec and the little river of Charles. The translator of Forster says, " there is still a place called Charles- bourg about this spot." It is inserted in Sanson's Map of Canada, in L'Ame- rique en Cartes." 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 21. Hakluyt, iii. 232—236. Hazard's Collec- tions, i. 19—21. Memoires de l'Amerique, i. 30; ii. 416—419. Belknap, Biog\ Art. Cartier. Forster, Voy. 441, 442. Chalmers, b. 1. «> Alcedo, Art. Camelos, and Campeche, , 72 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1541 Aug. 6. Arrives at the ocean. Pizarro. Chili. Volcano at Guatemala Pizarro as- sassinated. ocean, and surveying the vast regions through which it flowed. Committing himself fearlessly to the Napo, he at length reached the great channel of the Amazon. Having made frequent descents on both sides of the river, and passed with invincible fortitude through a long series of dangers and sufferings, he reached the ocean on the 6th of August, after a voyage of nearly seven months. This voyage, while remarkable as one of the most adventurous of that age, is worthy of being recorded, as the first, which led to any certain knowledge of the immense regions that stretch eastward from the Andes to the ocean. Pizarro, not finding Orellana on his return, was reduced to great extremity for want of provisions ; and of the 200 Spaniards who left Quito, not more than ten returned to that city. 1 The reduction of Chili was completed. With the addition of this conquest, seven great kingdoms, inhabited by a vast number of wealthy and warlike nations, had now, since the discovery of America, been compelled to submit to the Spanish yoke. St. Jago de la Neuva Estremadura, the capital of Chili, was founded by Pedro de Valdivia. 2 St. Jago de Guatemala was principally destroyed by the erup- tion of a volcano, attended with a terrible storm, and succeeded by an inundation. It was the capital of the audience of Guate- mala, and one of the noblest cities of New Spain. Six hundred Indians and a great number of Spaniards perished. 3 The city, for greater security, was now removed, together with the episco- pal see and king's council, to the distance of two miles. 4 Dissensions between Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro, on account of the disproportionate division of their labours and expenses, had given rise to two parties, which excited great disturbances and tumults, and caused the death of Pizarro. Thirteen conspirators in Chili went with drawn swords, and assassinated him at his own palace, at noon day, at the age of 63 years. 5 1 Herrera, d. 6. lib. 9. c. 2—6. Harris, Voy. i. 272, 273. Robertson, b. 6. The two first of these authors pronounce the great river, which Orellana des- cended, to be the Amazon. Herrera says, Orellana sailed 1800 leagues down this river, including all the windings — " navegaron por el mil y ocho cientas leguas, contando las bueltas que haze." 2 Herrera, d. 7. lib. 1. c. 4. Europ. Settlements, i. 67. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 208. See a. d. 1551. 3 Herrera, d. 7. lib. 1. c. 4. Univ. Hist, [xxxix. 147.] says, beside the hurri- cane and volcano, there was one of the most dreadful earthquakes ever felt in any part of the globe. 4 Purchas, i. 814. 5 Herrera, d. 6. lib. 10. c. 4—6. Vega, 612—615. Robertson, b. 6. Alcedo, Art. Peru. John de Rada was at the head of the conspirators, 19 of whom went to the house of Pizarro. The veteran, with no other arms than his sword and buckler, made a desperate resistance, until, scarcely able to lift his sword, and incapable of parrying the numerous weapons of his assailants, he received a deadly thrust full in his throat, sunk to the ground, and expired. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 73 Don Pedro de Alvarado, in assisting to suppress an insurrec- 1541. tion of Indians, was thrown down a precipice by a horse, which ^-v~^/ fell from a high rock against him ; and he died soon after of his Death of , . -i ° ° Alvarado. bruises. 1 Cartier, having explored the St. Lawrence, viewed the falls 1542. on that river, and had interviews with the natives, returned to Cartier re- the fort. Finding, on his return, that the Indians had discon- p™^ tinued their visits and traffic at the fort, and shown signs of hos- tility ; that his provisions were spent ; and that Roberval had not arrived ; he prepared to return to France. Meanwhile Rober- val had been engaged in the prosecution of his design of rein- forcing Cartier, and carrying forward the projected settlement of Canada. Whatever had retarded his embarkation, he at length ^,°J"g a t J, furnished three ships, chiefly at the king's cost, and, having sailed Canada. from Rochelle with three ships and 200 persons, had arrived at St. John's harbour in Newfoundland. While there, Cartier and his company arrived at the same harbour from the St. Lawrence. He informed Roberval of his intended return to France ; yet commended the country of Canada, as very rich and fruitful. Though the viceroy had brought a sufficient supply of men, mili- tary stores, and provisions, to dispel the fearful apprehensions of the adventurers, and had commanded Cartier to return with him ; yet Cartier, persisting in his purpose, eluded him in the night, and sailed for Bretagne. Roberval proceeded up the St. Law- rence, four leagues above the island of Orleans, where, finding a convenient harbour, he built a fort, and remained through the winter. In the following spring, he went higher up the river, and explored the country ; but he appears soon after to have Abandons abandoned the enterprise. The colony was broken up ; and for J)}^®" 161 " half a century the French made no farther attempt to establish themselves in Canada. 2 Soto, on his Florida expedition, had marched several hundred Soto's miles, and passed through the Indian towns of Alibama, Talisee, j?^^ 8 m and Tescalusa, to Mavila, a village enclosed with wooden walls, standing near the mouth of the Mobile. The inhabitants, disgusted with the strangers, and provoked by an outrage committed on one of their chiefs, brought on a severe conflict, in which 2000 of the Battle with natives and 48 Spaniards were slain. A considerable number of the natlves * Spaniards died afterwards of their wounds, making their entire loss 83. They also lost 45 horses. The village was burnt in 1 Herrera, d. 7. lib. 2. c. 11. Vega, lib. 2. c. 16. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 232—236, 240. Purchas, i. 750 ; v. 1605. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 21. Lescarbot. Memoires de L'Amerique. Hazard, Hist. Coll. Prince, Introd. Chalmers, b. 1. 82. Belknap, Biog. Art. Cartier. Forster, Voy. 441. See Note XI. VOL I. 10 74 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1542. Death of Soto. Cabrillo discovers Cabo Men- docino. the action. After this engagement, Soto retreated to Chicaza, an Indian village of two houses, where he remained until April of this year. His army, now resuming its march through the Indian territory, was reduced to about 300 men and 40 horses. Soto, having appointed Lewis de Moscoso his successor in com- mand, died at the confluence of Guacoya and Mississippi. To prevent the Indians from obtaining a knowledge of his death, his body was put into an oak, hollowed for that purpose, and sunk in the river. Soto was 42 years of age, and had expended 100,000 ducats in this expedition. 1 On the news of Alar^on's failure in his voyage for the dis- covery of the Straits of Anian, orders were given in Spain for another expedition to search for those Straits, and to explore the western coasts of America. The command of this expedition was given to Rodriguez de Cabrillo, a Portuguese in the service of Spain. Cabrillo discovered land in 42° north latitude, on the American coast ; and, in honour of the viceroy who had em- ployed him, called it Cabo Mendocino. Having proceeded to the 44th degree, he was compelled by the sickness of his crew, the want of provisions, and the turbulence of the sea, to return. 2 1543. End of Soto's ex- pedition. Calota. The small remains of Soto's army, consisting of 311 men, arrived at Panuco on the 1 0th of September ; and the great expedition to Florida terminated in the poverty and ruin of all who were concerned in it. Not a Spaniard was now left in Florida. 3 Calota, a city of the province and government of Popayan, was founded on the shore of the river Magdalena, near its source, by Juan Moreno. 4 1544. Orellana, having contracted with the king of Spain for the Oreiiana's government of as much territory as he could conquer in the last voyage provinces about the river Amazon, by the name of New Ande- May 11. luzia, sailed from San Lucar with four ships and 400 men, and arrived at the mouth of a river, which he supposed to be the 1 Herrera, d. 7. lib. 7. c. 1 — 3. Cardenas, La Florida, Introd. Vega, La Florida, lib. 1. Hist, de la Conqueste de la Florida. Purchas, v. 1552. Belknap, Biog. Art. Soto. Univ. Hist. xli. 391, 392. Alcedo, Art. Florida. 2 Venegas, California, i. 162. Forster, Voy. 448. Humboldt, ii. 249. Ca- brillo died 3d June, 1543, at the island of San Bernardo. They found, that from Cabo Mendocino to the harbour de la Nadividad, " the whole was one con- tinued land, without the intervention of a strait, or any other separation." See A. d. 1540. 3 Herrera, d. 7. lib. 7. c. 1—4, where there is an entire account of Soto's ex- pedition; also in Purchas, v. 1528 — 1556 ; and in Hams' Voyages, lib. 8. c. 16, an account of it, written by a Portuguese who went on the expedition ; also, Belknap, Biog. Art. Soto, and Roberts' Florida, 33—78. 4 Alcedo, Art. Calota. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 75 Napo, that he had formerly descended. Ascending this river 1544. about 100 leagues, he built a brigantine, and staid here about v^-v^^ three months, during which time 55 of his men died. Proceed- ing higher up, he met with various disasters ; and, after much fruitless research for the main branch of the river, he fell sick, His death and, relinquishing his design, died of his temper and of grief. 1 Don Lewis, the eldest son of Diego Columbus, acceded to a 1545. compromise with the emperor of Spain, by which he transferred L. Coium- all his hereditary rights, for a grant of the province of Veragua bus * and the island of Jamaica. 2 The silver mines of Potosi were first registered in the king of Potosi. Spain's books. They had been accidentally discovered a short time before, by an Indian, named Hualpa. Coming to a steep place, while pursuing some wild goats up the mountain, he laid hold of a shrub, which, yielding to his weight, came up by the roots, and discovered a large mass of silver. On the disclosure of this discovery, the mines were wrought to immense advantage. 3 The town of Potosi was founded this year. 4 A pestilence prevailed through the entire kingdom of Peru. 1546. It began at Cuzco ; and, spreading over the country, swept off Pestilence, an immense number of people. 5 A battle was fought between Blasco Nunes Vela, the first Viceroy viceroy of Peru, and Gonzalo Pizarro. The viceroy lost his life, kllled- and was buried in a chapel on the north side of the valley or entrance to the city of Quito, where the battle was fought. 6 Civll dissensions among the Spaniards in Peru induced the 1547. Emperor Charles V. to send to that country Pedro de Gasca, a 1 Vega, p. 2. lib. 3. c. 4. Herrera, d. 4. lib. 6. c. 3 ; & d. 7. lib. 10. c. 8, 9. One of the ships, carrying 70 men and 11 horses, turned back on account of contrary winds, and was heard of no more. See a. d. 1541. 2 Edwards' W. Indies, b. 2. c. 1. Alcedo, Art. Domijvgo. He was vice- admiral of the Indies in 1540, when, pleading his rights at court, he was declared captain-general of Hispaniola. About a centuiy afterwards, the rights that were now conveyed to the family of Columbus, reverted to the crown of Spain. 3 Herrera, d. 8. lib. 2. c. 14. Vega, p. 2. lib. 4. c. 38. Alcedo, Art. Potosi. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 193. Anderson, 1545. Raynal, lib. 7. c. 30. Beside the mass of silver, Hualpa observed large lumps of the metal in the earth, adhering to the roots of the plant. Hastening to his house at Porco, he washed the sil- ver, and used it ; and when it was exhausted, repaired to his treasury. A confi- dential friend of Hualpa disclosed the secret to a Spaniard, living at Porco, and the mine was immediately wrought. The first register of the mines of Potosi was in April, 1545 ; and Hualpa's mine was called The Discoverer, because it marked the channel to other mines in that mountain. 4 Alcedo. The population of Potosi, formed by the people who had collected for the working of the mine, amounted, in 1802, to 30,000 souls. 5 Herrera, d. 8. lib. 2. c. 15. 6 Alcedo, Art. Anaquito. 76 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1547. very respectable ecclesiastic, with the commission of President, ^-v-^ On his arrival, he restored harmony, and established the royal authority. The next year, he divided the lands in Peru. He is celebrated for his wisdom and prudence, and good conduct, by which a new empire, containing 1300 leagues in length, was recovered and restored to the emperor Charles V. 1 Paraguay. The bishoprick of Paraguay was erected. The numerous tribes of Indians in this region seem to have been dispersed and destroyed, immediately after the discovery by the Spaniards ; and the Jesuits soon transplanted many thousands to their settle- ments on the Uraguay and Parana. 2 Ferdinand Cortes died in Spain, aged 62 years. 3 1548. T HE English fishery on the American coast had now become Newfound- an object of national importance, and legislative encouragement, land fishery: The parliament of England passed an act prohibiting the exaction First act of °^ monev > ^ sn ) or other rewards, by any officer of the Admiralty, parliament under any pretext whatever, from the English fishermen and respecting mariners, going on the service of the fishery at Newfoundland. This was the first act of parliament, relating to America. 4 Plat'ma. Platina was discovered by the Spaniards between Mexico and the isthmus of Darien ; and the first specimen of it was carried to England, the following year. 5 1549. The civil war in France had exceedingly retarded the pro- gress of colonization, from the time of RobervaPs first enterprise for the settlement of Canada. The same nobleman at length, 1 Vega, p. 2. lib. 5. c. 1, 2 ; & 6. c. 13. Herrera, d. 8. lib. 2, 3. Robertson, b. 6. Vega gives him this high encomium : — " digno de eterna Memoria, que con su buena Fortuna, Mafia, Prudencia, y Consejo, y las demas sus buenas partes, conquistd, y gan6 de nuevo un Imperio de mil y trecientas leguas de largo ; y restituio al Emperador Carlos Quinto, con todo el Tesoro, que del traia." 2 Alcedo, Art. Paraguay. See Note XII. 3 Robertson, b. 5. Rees, Cyclopaedia, Art. Cortes. 4 Hakluyt, i. 521 ; iii. 131, 132, where the Act "made in An. 2. Edwardi sexti" is inserted entire. "By this acte," says Hakluyt, " it appeareth, that the trade out of England to Newfoundland was common and frequented about the beginning of the raigne of Edward the 6. namely in the yeere 1548, and it is much to be marveiled, that by the negligence of our men, the countrey in all this time hath bene no better searched." The preamble of the act begins : f* Forasmuch as within these few yeeres now last past, there have bene levied, perceived and taken by certaine of the officers of the Admiraltie, of such Marchants, and fishermen as have used and practised the adventures and journeys into Ise- land, Newfoundland, Ireland, and other places commodious for fishing, and the getting of fish, in and upon the Seas or otherwise, by way of Marchants in those parties, divers great exactions, as summes of money, doles or shares of fish, and such other like things, to the great discouragement and hinderance of the same marchants and fishermen, and to no little dammage of the whole commonwealth, and thereof also great complaints have bene made, and informations also yerely to the kings Majesties most honourable councell : for reformation whereof* &fl See Chalmers, i. 9. Anderson, ii. 83. Forster, Voy. 292- 5 Chronological View of Hist, of Chemistiy. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 77 accompanied by his brother and a numerous train of adventurers, 1548. embarked again for the river St. Lawrence ; but they were never s^^/ heard of afterward. This disastrous event discouraged the people ^J™ 1 and the government of France to such a degree, that for 50 years Canada, no measures were taken for supplying the few French settlers, and is lost. who still remained in Canada. 1 The city of St. Salvador, the first European settlement in St. Saiva- Brazil, was founded by Thome de Sonsa, a Portuguese, who ^uS, was appointed governor general of Brazil. An expedition was fitted out, consisting of 3 ships, 2 caravels, and 1 brigantine, on board of which were 320 persons in the king's pay, 400 degre- dados, or banished men, and colonists who made up the whole number 1000. In this expedition six Jesuits embarked, the first who ever set foot in the New World ; and by them Christianity was now introduced into the Brazilian country. 2 The controversy, that gave rise to the Separation from the 1550. Church of England, began about this time ; and now commenced Era of the the era of the English Puritans. 3 The city Concepcion was founded by Pedro de Valdivia at Concep- the bay of Penco. It was afterwards repeatedly destroyed by C10n * the natives, and rebuilt. 4 The plough was introduced into Peru. 5 A royal and pontifical university was erected in Mexico by 1551. the emperor Charles V, with the same privileges as that of Sala- university. manca. 6 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 22. " Avex eux tomberent toutes les esper- ances, qu'on avoit concjues de faire un Etablissement en Amerique." Univ. Hist, xxxix. 408. Forster, Voy. 443.. See a. d. 1540, 1542. 2 Histoire Impartiale des Jesuites, i. 385 — 387. Southey, Brazil, c. 8. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 217 — 223. St. Salvador afterward became populous, magnificent, and incomparably the most gay and opulent city in all Brazil. 3 Neal, History of the Puritans, i, c. 2. Burnet, Hist. Reformation, iii. b. 4. See Note XIII. 4 Alcedo, Art. Con-cepcioiy, and Chile. It was destroyed by earthquakes in 1730 and 1751 ; and in 1764, the inhabitants established themselves in the valley of Mocha, three leagues south of Pencho, where they founded New Con- cepcion. 5 Vega, p. 2. b. 2. The historian of Peru was carried that year, to see oxen at plough in the valley of Cuzco ; and great numbers of Indians flocked from all parts with astonishment, to behold " this prodigious novelty." 6 Alcedo, Art. Mexico. That author, who published his work in 1787, says, of this university, " its cloisters are composed of more than 225 doctors and masters, with 22 professors of all the sciences, with a grand library." To these he subjoins, as in the same connexion, a most ancient royal college of San II- defonson — " a superb edifice, containing within it two other colleges, having above 300 students ; " a college also for the natives of Valladolid and Havana ; another for the Indians of rank, founded by Charles V ; another for the Indians and the Seminary of Los Infantes, with various other colleges ; and, beside the university, public professorships, amounting altogether to the number of 43. There were, besides, several free schools and academies, and charitable institu- tions, and 13 hospitals. 78 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1551. Valdivia, a city and capital of the province and government of this name, in the kingdom of Chili, and Rica Villa, a city in the same kingdom, were founded by Pedro de Valdivia. This founder of the first cities of Chili was made prisoner, and killed by the Indians. 1 Bartholomew de las Casas, having zealously laboured 50 years for the liberty, comfort, and salvation of the Natives of America, returned discouraged to Spain, at the age of 77 years. 2 B. de las Casas. 1552. Bishop of Brazil. Isle of Sa- ble. 1553. 1555. Project of Coligny to settle pro- testants at .Brazil. The rich mines of New Spain were discovered. 3 D. Pedro Fernandez Sardinha arrived at Brazil, as bishop, bringing with him priests, and dignitaries, and church ornaments of every kind for his cathedral. 4 The Portuguese, about this time, put cattle and swine for breed on the Isle of Sable. 5 Brazil was erected into a Jesuit province. 6 The city of Mexico suffered a great inundation. 7 The French renewed their attempts to make settlements in America. The illustrious statesman admiral Coligny thus early formed a project of sending over a colony of Protestants, to se- cure for them an asylum, and to promote the interests of his nation. 8 Two ships, furnished by Henry II. of France, were sent out under the command of the chevalier de Villagagnon, who 1 Hen-era, d. 8. lib. 7. c. 4. Alcedo, Art. Chile & Tr. and Art. Villa Rica. Pedro de Valdivia was despatched by an old ulman, while pleading for his life in an assembly of ulmens. The title of ulmen is equivalent to that of cazique. 2 Encyclop. Methodique, Art. Casas. He wrote his Narrative of the Des- truction of the Indians by the Spaniards, in the year 1542, at which time he asserted, " that of three millions of people that were in Hispaniola of the natural inhabitants, there scarce remain 300 ; " and now," adds Purchas, " as Alexandro Ursino reporteth, none at all : only two and twenty thousand negroes and some Spanish reside there." Pilg. v. 1567 — 1603; lib. 8. c. 5. where is an English translation of the Narrative. 3 Robertson, ii. 388. 4 Alcedo, Art. Brazil. 5 Hakluyt, iii. 155. Report of Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage in 1583, writ- ten by M. Edward Haies, a gentleman who accompanied Gilbert. Haies says, " Sablon lieth to the seaward of Cape Breton about 25 leagues, whither we were determined to goe upon intelligence we had of a Portugal, during our abode in S. John's, who was himselfe present, when the Portugals (above thirty yeeres past) did put into the same Island both Neat and Swine to breede, which were since exceedingly multiplied." 6 Southey, Brazil, i. c. 9. 7 Humboldt, ii. 72. It has since had four great inundations — in the years 1580, 1604, 1607, 1629. S The admiral is sometimes called Chatillon. " La maison de Coligny pos- sedoit Chatillon-sur Loing, et en a quelque fois pris le nom de Chatillon." En- cyclop. Methodique, Hist. Art. Chatillon. " One of the admiral's principal cares was to increase the navigation and the trade of France, chiefly in those countries of the other hemisphere, as well for the credit of his office, as fce plant colonies there of his own religion." Mezeray, Hist. France, 700. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS, 79 sailed from Franciscople [Havre de Grace] in May, and arrived 1555. on the South American coast in September. Landing within a n^v-w- bay, called by the natives Ganabara, he attempted to make a fortification ; but it was soon demolished by the sea. 1 In the expectation of a successful establishment in Brazil, the Ministers admiral took care to provide ministers for the French Protestant provided, colony, as soon as it should be settled there ; and for that pur- pose had invited some from Geneva. In a synod, convened this year, of which the celebrated Calvin was president, the Church of Geneva determined to send two ministers to Brazil. 2 The culture of grapes had already succeeded in Chili. They were first planted in Cuzco by Bartholomew de Terr^as, one of the first conquerors of Peru. This year, from a vineyard in the country, he sent 30 Indians, loaded with excellent grapes, to his friend Garcilaso de la Vega, father of the historian. 3 1 Ganabara is the Janeiro — " la riviere de Ganabara, autrement de Janaire." Thevet. For Ganabara, Alcedo refers to Janeiro ; and there observes : " With- in the bay, and opposite the mouth of the bar, in the island of Villagagnon, thus called by Nicolas Villagagnon, a Frenchman, is another fort of the same name [Janeiro], with the dedicatory title of San Sebastian, founded by the governor, general Mendo de Sa, after the second time that the French were routed from that bay, in 1561." Villagagnon was a knight of Malta : " Nicolaum Durantium, equitem Melitensem, cui cognomen additum erat VMagno." Biblioth. Hist. " Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon, chevalier de Malta." Fleury, Hist. Eccles. xxi. 38. Thevet, c. 1. Lery, referring to Villagagnon's attempted fortification at Janeiro, says — " vi tamen undarum inde pulsus est." The fortification was named for Coligny : " quam Villagagno nuncupavit Collignium in Gallia erectum Antarctica. Id autem ab eo factum est, ut Gaspari Collignio Galliae Thelessiar- ehae gratuletur. Nunquam enim sine illius favore, ac ope, cum iter illud agere, turn ullam in Brasilia munitionem exaedificare potuisset." — Navigatio in Brasiliam Americae, a Joanne Lerio Bergundo, in Theod. de Bry, p. 3. c. 1 — 21. Ogilby says, " Fort Coligni was built on the Rock Island, in the Haven Januario." America, 104. Southey says, the island which Villagagnon fortified, lies near the entrance of the harbour ; that in the centre of the island he fixed his own residence upon a rock about 50 feet high, in which he excavated a magazine ; and that he named this strong hold Fort Coligny, in honour of his patron. Hist. Brazil, i. c. 9. 2 Lescarbot, liv. 2. c. 2. Thevet, Les Singularitez de la France Antarct c. 1. 25. Cardenas, Introd. Hist. Florida. Thuanus, lib. 16. 500, 501. Fleury, Eccles. Hist. lib. 151. § 44 — 48. Thuanus says, the two persons chosen out of the elders were Petrus Richerius, of 50, and Gulielmus Quadrigarius, of 30 years of age, who, at the request of Villagagnon and Coligny, undertook the voyage. Fleury writes the names in French, " Pierre Richer, and Guillaume Chartier." An old English writer, whose object was to have a similar provision for Virginia, refers to this example. In reply to an objection, he says : " The Church of Geneva in the yeere 1555, determined in a Synode, whereof Calvin was presi- dent, to send Peter Richier and William Quadrigarius, under a French captain to Brasilia, who although they were supplanted, by the comming of the Cardinal) of Loraine, and the treacherie of their double hearted leader, yet would not the Church of Geneva (after a Synodicall consultation) have sent their ministers to such an adventure, had not all scruple (in their judgment) been cleared by the light of Scripture." A True Declaration of Virginia 1610 — a rare tract in the Ebeling Library at Cambridge. 3 Vega, p. 1. lib. 9. c. 25. " For my part," says Vega, " I partook of those grapes ; for my father having made me the messenger to carry them, attended by two pages, I delivered to every principal house two large bunches of them." — lleve a cada Casa principal dos fuentes delles. 80 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1556. The Church of Geneva, prosecuting its design of forwarding missionaries to the French Protestant colony that was expected to be established at Brazil, sent 14 missionaries " to plant the Christian faith in the lately discovered regions of America." * 1557. Three ships, w T hich had been fitted out from France, at the Failure of royal expense, in December the preceding year, arrived in March t^BrT S 'i 10n on the Brazilian coast ; but the design of the expedition was frustrated by the oppression and abuse received by the adven- turers from their leader. Villagagnon was regarded as a man of merit ; and, having embraced the Reformed religion, he had no objections to be employed in an undertaking, which had for its object the acquisition of a part of Brazil to the crown of France, as well as to secure a place of refuge to the Protestants. He had now abandoned the Reformed religion, and returned to the bosom of the Catholic church ; and his defection occasioned the ruin of the whole colony. The adventurers, abusively treated by him, and suffering great hardships, generally returned, the following year, to France. 2 Ghiquitos. The country of the Chiquitos, a numerous and warlike nation of Indians of Peru, was first entered by Nuflo de Chaves ; and, upon an attempt to reduce it to the dominion of Spain, the in- inhabitants maintained a long and bloody conflict against the Spaniards. 3 Civdad Real, in Paraguay, was founded by Rui Diaz Milga- rego, on the bank of the river Piquiri, three leagues from Pa- rana. 4 1 Lescarbot, Nouv. France, lib. 2. c. 2. Pictetus, Oratio de Trophaeis Christi ; Fabricius, Lux Salutaris Evangelii toti orbi exoriens ; Mosheim, Eccles. Hist. Cent. 16. § 2. Brown's History of the Propagation of Christianity, i. c. 3. Charlevoix, Hist. Nouv. France, i. 22. The names of these first Protestant missionaries to America deserve to be recorded. They were (though variously written) Philip Corguiller, Peter Richer, William Charters, Peter Bordoune, Matthew Verneville, John Bordele, Andrew Font, Nicolas Dionysius, John Gardienne, Martin David, Nicolas Ravequet, James Rufus, Nicolas Carmille, and John James Lerius. 2 De Bry, p. 3. John Lery, one of the adventurers, wrote an account of this voyage, first in French, and afterwards in Latin. He calls the commander of the three ships, " Boisius Villagagnonis nepos." Biblioth. Hist. Lips. 1788, iii. p. 2. c. 53. Mezeray, Hist. France, 100. Purchas, v. lib. 7. c. 3. On board of the three ships were embarked 290 men, 6 boys who were to learn the language of the natives, and 5 young women under a matron's orders. Bois le Conte, the nephew of Villagagnon, commanded the expedition. Southey, i. c. 9. This late historian of Brazil says, " it is impossible to peruse Jean de Lery's book without feeling great respect for the writer." 3 Alcedo, Art. Chiquitos. The conflict lasted until 1690, when, by the preaching of the Jesuits, they embraced the Catholic faith. Their country ex- tended from 16° to 20° south. 4 Alcedo, Art. Civdad Real. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 81 A few Frenchmen remained in Brazil, to keep possession. 1558. The Portuguese who were already settled there, alarmed at v^-^^/ the preference shown by the natives for the French, took ad- French at vantage of the division which the return of the vice admiral to Brazil mur " the Romish faith produced among the colonists, and cruelly mur- dered most of them who continued in the country. Such was the disastrous termination of the attempted French settlement in Brazil. 1 The last expedition of the Spaniards to that part of Florida Expedition called Carolana, which borders upon the Gulf of Mexico, was l0 Florida - made this year by order of Don Luys de Velasco, viceroy of Mexico ; but the Spaniards, after their arrival, falling into great feuds, returned without making any settlement. 2 The Inca of Peru and his wife were baptized at Cuzco. The inca bap.- inhabitants of the city honoured the day of the baptism with the tized * sport of bulls, and throwing darts, and other signals of joy. 3 The town of Durango was founded under the administration 1559. of the second viceroy of Spain, Velasco el Primero. It was, at Durango.' this time, a military post against the incursions of the Chichimec Indians. 4 Rica Villa, in Chili, was taken and sacked by the Araucanos Indians. 5 The Portuguese permitted the French colony to remain at 1560. Brazil four years unmolested ; and, but for the treachery of Villagagnon, it might have been permanently settled there. Jt was now entirely broken up. The Portuguese government sent an expedition against the few that remained, and obliged them 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 35. Lescarbot, lib. 2. Alcedo, Art. Janeiro. Brown, Hist. Propagat. Christianity, i. 3. Some historians say, all were mur- dered ; but it appears, there were some still left. See a. d. 1560. This, however, was the fatal blow to the colony. The French made repeated attempts after- wards to effect a settlement on the Brazilian coast, but without success. In 1584, they established themselves in Parayba, the Rio Grande, and Canabata; whence they were driven out by the Portuguese in 1600. In 1612, they re- turned, and constructed a fortress in the island of Maranon, with the name of San Luis, which was taken by the Dutch, and afterwards by the Portuguese in 1646. From that time the kingdom of Brazil has belonged to the crown of Portugal, and has given title to the heir apparent, who is called Prince of Brazil. Alcedo, Art. Brazil. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 221. Encyclop. Methodique, Art. Maragnon. Southey, i. c. 9. 2 Coxe's Carolana, 115. 3 Vega, p. 2. lib. 8. c. 11. The historian of Peru, who was present at this Christian exhibition, says, they appeared " in rich attire and costly liveries." 4 Humboldt, New Spain. In 1808, the population of this town was 12.000. lb. Alcedo, Art. Mexico, Neuvo. 5 Alcedo, Art. Rica Villa. VOL. I. 1 I 82 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1560. to abandon their posts, destroyed all their works, and carried off ^-v^w/ all their artillery and stores. 1 Don Antonio de Ribera carried from Seville several olive plants, and planted them in los Reyes, whence one of them was conveyed by stealth to Chili ; and from this time the olive flourished in Chili and Peru. 2 1561. Coligny's petition for the French Protestants. Janeiro. 1562. Voyage of Ribault to Florida. The king of France had, the last year, called an assembly at Fontainbleau ; when admiral Coligny, in the name of the Calvin- ists in Normandy, presented to his majesty a petition for the free exercise of their religion. This year, the king published an edict, purporting, that ecclesiastics should be judges of heresy ; that whoever were convicted of it should be delivered over to the secular arm ; but that they should be condemned to no higher penalty than banishment until such time as the General or National council should determine. 3 This edict must have se- riously affected the Protestants, who were soon after compelled to seek an asylum in America. The French made a second, but unsuccessful attempt for the conquest of Janeiro. 4 A civil war having been recently kindled between the Pro- testant and Catholic parties in France, the project for settling a colony of Protestants in America was revived. Admiral Coligny, with the permission of Charles JX, who was anxious to get rid of his Huguenots, fitted out two ships ; and, giving the command of them to John Ribault, sent him with a colony of Protestants to Florida. Ribault sailed from France in February, and the first land that he discovered on the coast of Florida was in the 30th degree, north latitude, which he called Cape Fran- cois. 5 Coasting thence toward the north, he discovered a large and beautiful river, which, from the month of the year, he called 1 Southey, Brazil, i. c. 9. Had not Villagagnon been faithless and treacherous, Rio de Janeiro would probably have been at this day the capital of a French colony. A body of Flemish adventurers were ready to embark for Brazil, wait- ing only for the report of the ship-captain who carried Lery home ; and 10,000 Frenchmen would have emigrated, if the object of Coligny had not thus wicked- ly been betrayed. Id. ibid. 2 Vega, p. 1. lib. 9. c. 27. 3 Fleury, Hist. Eccles. xxi. lib. 154. § 89, 90. Du Pin, Eccles. Hist. (Abr.) iv. 94. 4 Alcedo, Art. Janeiro. 5 Mezeray, referring to the admiral's failure by Villagagnon, says, " he after- wards, in the year 1562, despatched John Ribaud thither with two ships, who, sailing a quite different course from that which the Spaniards had been wont to take, most happily landed in Florida." Thuanus says, Ribault was of Dieppe — " eique [classi] praefecit Jo. Ribaldum Dieppensem, strenuum ducem et rei maritimae apprime peritum, ac Protestantium partibus, quod caput erat, addic- tum." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 83 the river of May. Here he was welcomed by a great number 1562. of the natives ; and here he erected a pillar of hard stone, on v^-v^w' which were engraved the arms of France. Proceeding north- May 1. ward, he discovered nine other rivers, one of which, in the JjJJJfJiJL. latitude of 32°, " because of its largeness and excellent faireness," he called Port Royal. 1 Sailing many leagues up this river, he Port Royal; erected on an island in the river a pillar of stone, similar to that previously erected on the river of May ; built a fort, which he builds a called Charles Fort ; and here left a company, promising to return fort « and mi vi • r .1 • • mi leaves a as soon as possible with reinforcements and provisions. Ihe com pany, men, whom he left behind, soon after mutinied, and killed Albert, their captain, for. his severity. Reduced at length to insupportable extremity, they, by extraordinary efforts, built and whicn rigged out a vessel, and " embarking their artillery, their forge, and abandon other munitions of war, and as much mill, as they could gather," the place * they put to sea. 2 When they had been out several weeks, and spent all their provisions, they butchered one of their number, who consented to be made a victim, to save his comrades. They were soon after taken up by an English ship, which set them ashore on the coast of England, whence they were conducted to the court of queen Elizabeth. It has been thought probable, that their narrative first led this British queen to turn her thoughts toward Florida. 3 The English began to import negroes into the West Indies. 1563. Their first slave trade was opened the preceding year, on the First slave coast of Guinea. John Hawkins, in the prospect of great gain, £ n d f is ( jj the resolving to make trial of this nefarious and inhuman traffic, communicated the design to several gentlemen in London, who became liberal contributors and adventurers. Three good ships were immediately provided, and with these and 100 men, Haw- 1 " The haven," says Laudonniere, " is one of the fairest of the West Indies. — We strooke our sailes, and cast anker at ten fathom of water ; for the depth is such, namely when the sea beginneth to flowe, that the greatest shippes of France, yea, the Arguzes of Venice may enter there." 2 They procured turpentine from the pine trees ; and " gathered a kind of mosse, which groweth on the trees of this country," to calk their vessel ; and made sails of their own shirts and sheets. The moss, mentioned by Laudon- niere, was doubtless the long moss, Tillandsia usneoides. It grows several feet in length on the trees along the Southern sea coast ; and is a great curiosity to a person born in New England. I never saw so perfect natural arbours, as those on the islands of St. Helena and Port Royal, formed by trees of the forest, covered with this species of moss. The trees have a venerable appear- ance ; and, impervious to the rays of the sun, form a most grateful shade in that burning climate. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 303—324. Purchas, i. 769, 770 ; v. 1603. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 24—35, and Fastes, Chron. 24. Mezeray, Hist. France, 700. Hewatt, S. Car. & Georgia, i. 18. Prince, a. d. 1562. Harris' Voy. i. 810. Anderson, Hist. Com. ii. 117. Lescarbot, lib. 1. c. 5—7. Thuanus, lib. 44. Roberts' Florida, 79, 80. The original account of these voyagers is translated by Hak- luyt. There is a delineation of Charles Fort in De Bry, p. n. See Note XIV. 84 1563. AMERICAN ANNALS. kins sailed to the coast of Guinea, where, by money, treachery, and force, he procured at least 300 negroes, and now sold them at Hispaniola. 1 1564. Voyage of Laudon- niere to Florida. April'22, Sails/ Builds fort Caroline. The civil wars in France, among other causes, had prevented the conveyance of the promised succour to the*French colony at Port Royal. Peace being now concluded, and admiral Coligny informing the king, that he had received no intelligence of the men whom Ribault had left in Florida, expressing concern at the same time, that they should be left there to perish ; the king consented, that he should cause three ships to be furnished and sent out to their relief. M. Rene Laudonniere, appointed by the king, on the recommendation of the admiral, to the com- mand of the ships, sailed in April for Florida, and arrived on the 25th of June at the river of May. After sailing northward about ten leagues, and holding intercourse with the natives, stopping short of Port Royal where Ribault's company had been left, he sailed back to the river of May, where he built a fort, which, in honour of Charles, the French king, he called Caroline. In July, his ships returned to France. 2 1565. French at Fort Caro- line reliev- ed. The French at Fort Caroline, when in great want of pro- visions, were opportunely relieved by John Hawkins, the English slave merchant. He had made a second voyage to the coast of 1 Hakluyt, i. 521, 522; iii. 500. Hawkins had made several voyages to the Canary Islands, " and there by his good and upright dealing being growen in love and favour with the people, informed himselfe amongst them by diligent inquisition of the state of West India, whereof he had received some knowledge by the instructions of his father, but increased the same by the advertisements and reports of that people. And being amongst other particulars assured that Negroes were very good merchandise in Hispaniola, and that store of negroes might easily be had upon the coast of Guinea, resolved with himself to make trial thereof." He sailed from England in October, 1562 ; touched at Teneriffe, and proceeded to Sierra Leona, " where he stayed some good time, and got his possession partly by the sworde, and partly by other means, to the number of 300 negros at the least, besides other merchandises which that country yeeldeth." Hawkins sold his negroes at three places in Hispaniola ; the port of Isabella ; port de Plata ; and Monte Christi ; and " received by way of exchange, such quantity of Merchandise, that he did not only lade his owne 3 shippes with hides, ginger, sugers, and some quantity of pearles, but he fraighted also 2 other hulkes with hides, and other like commodities, which he sent into Spaine. . . . And so with prosperous successe and much gaine to himselfe and the adventur- ers, he came home, and arrived in the moneth of September 1563." Anderson says, " this seems to have been the very first attempt from England for any negro trade." Purchas, v. 1179, Biog. Britann. Art. Hawkins. Joselyn, Voy. 233. Keith, Virginia, 31. Anderson, ii. 117.— See a. d. 1508 and 1517. Stow [Chron. 807.] informs us, that Hawkins in his youth had studied the mathemat- ics ; and that " he went to Guinea and Hispaniola, which then was most strange and wonderfull, by reason he was the first Englishman that discovered and taught the way into those parts." 2 Laudonniere's Voyages (in Hakluyt), Purchas, T. dc Bry, Lescarbot. Charlevoix, Cardenas, &c. See the authorities in 1565. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 85 Guinea ; and, having sold his slaves in the West Indies, stopped ] 5(55. at the river of May in August, on his return home, to water his ^*^~^ ships. 1 Laudonniere had been at war with the natives, and had not more than 40 soldiers " left unhurt," nor above 10 days' pro- visions. The soldiers had been obliged to live on acorns and roots ; and some of them, for mill and other food, had served an aboriginal Floridian king against his enemies. Hawkins spared them 20 barrels of meal and other necessaries, to aid them homewards, and a bark of 50 tons ; it being their determi- nation to return to France. An unexpected relief horn the parent country induced them to alter their purpose ; and they staid for a short time, to be massacred. Before the close of the month, John Ribault, having been Aug. 28. appointed governor to supersede Laudonniere, arrived with 7 sail Ril f aul t of vessels at Florida. Scarcely eight days had passed after his amv arrival, when 8 Spanish ships were seen in the same river, where 4 of the largest French ships were lying at anchor. As the Spanish fleet made towards them, the French cut their cables, and put out to sea. Although they were fired upon and pursued by the Spaniards, they escaped ; but, finding that their pursuers had put into the mouth of the river Dolphin, about 8 leagues distant, and gone ashore, they returned to the river May. Ribault now called a council at Fort Caroline, which was decidedly of opinion, that they ought to strengthen that fort with all possible diligence, and be prepared for the enemy. Ribault was of a different opinion. Apprehensive of the defection of the friendly and auxiliary natives, if they should discover that at the first approach of the Spaniards they should confine themselves to their camp and fortifications, he judged it best to proceed against the enemy at once, before they should collect their forces and construct a fortification in their vicinity. To strengthen his opinion, he produced a letter from admiral Coligny, containing these words : " While I was sealing this letter I received certain advice, that Don Pedro Melendes is departing from Spain to go to the coast of New France. See that you suffer him not to encroach upon you, and that you do not encroach upon him." Fixed in his purpose, Ribault instantly took all the best of the men at Fort Caroline for a pursuit of the Spanish fleet, leaving Laudonniere with the charge of the fort, without the means of its defence. 2 1 Hego al Fuerte [Caroline] Juan Havekins, Ingles, a. 3 de Agosto de 1565, con 4 naves. Cardenas. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 354. On mustering his men, this is the account he gives of them : « I found nine or ten of them whereof not past two or three had ever drawen sword out of a scabbard, as I thinke. Of the nine there were foure but young striplings, which served captaine Ribault and kept his dogs. The fifte was a cooke. Among those that were without the fort, and which were of the 86 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1565. Sept. 12. Assaults Fort Caro- line. 25. Ribault sails lor France. He and his company are mas- sacred. It was the fleet of Melendes, which had just arrived on the coast, and given the alarm. The Spaniards alleged, that those territories belonged to them, affirming that they were the first discoverers ; and Philip II. of Spain had given Melendes com- mand of a fleet and army, with full power to drive the Hugue- nots out of Florida, and settle it with good Catholics. Just after Ribault had sailed from the river of May, his ships were wrecked upon the rocks by a tremendous storm, the men only escaping. The Spanish ships were also wrecked ; but the men getting on shore, and bribing Francois Jean, a Frenchman, to guide them, proceeded with Melendes at their head against the French at the river of May. After passing with incredible speed through thickets, and over lakes and rivers, they arrived a little before sunrise at Fort Caroline. An alarm was instantly given, and the French seized their arms ; but, too weak to make effectual re- sistance, they fell a sacrifice to the impetuous assault of the Spaniards. Laudonniere, though worn down with* sickness, escaped from the fort with about 20 others, who concealed them- selves^in the woods. In this extremity, six of them ventured to throw themselves on the mercy of the Spaniards ; but they were cruelly massacred in sight of their companions. Laudonniere, seeing no way of escape but by getting over the marshes to the ships at the mouth of the river, led the way, and several of his men followed him through the reeds into the water. Unable to proceed, he sent two of them, who could swim well, to the ships for help. After standing in the water up to his shoulders all night, he was carried on board a French shallop, which was in search of them, and. having picked up 18 or 20 of the fugi- tives, who were concealed among the reeds, carried them to the ships. Ribault soon after set sail with Laudonniere for France, but was still reserved for the last catastrophe. The day after he sailed, he was separated from Laudonniere, and immediately overtaken by a tempest, which wrecked his ships upon the coast. With great difficulty and peril he escaped the rage of the sea, but could not escape the fury of men. Falling into the hands of the Spaniards, he and all his company were cruelly and per- fidiously massacred. 1 foresaid company of captaine Ribault there was a Carpenter of three score yeeres olde, one a Beere-brewer, one olde Crosse-bowe maker, two Shoomakers, and four or five men that had their wives, a player on the Virginals, two servants of Monsieur du Lys, one of Monsieur de Beauhaire, one of Monsieur de la Grange, and about foure score and five or sixe in all, counting as wel Lackeys as women and children. Those that were left of mine owne company were aboute sixteene or seventeene that could beare armes, and all of them poore and leane : the rest were sicke and maymed." 1 At the first assault of Fort Caroline, Ribault was not far distant, and is said DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. S7 Laudonniere arrived safely at a port in England; went on 1565. foot through Bristol to London ; and, passing over to France, v^^^/ paid his respects to the king at Moulins, but was unfavourably Nov: 10. received. He ascribes the disasters and ruin of the colony to J^re^" the long delay of Ribault in embarking, and the 15 days that he rives in spent in roving along the coast of Florida, before he came to E n e s s la t ° ri ; Fort Caroline. More blame, however, is thought due to those France, courtiers in France, who treacherously gave the Spaniards such sure advices of the proceedings of the French government, that Melendes appears to have had a certain knowledge of the ex- pedition of Ribault, and to have followed closely after him to Florida. 1 In a Supplicatory Epistle to the king of France it is affirmed, Petition of that upwards of 900 men, women, and children were slain in the * he French horrible massacre at Florida. 2 The Petition, which was in be- Frotestant5 half of the widows and orphans and other relations and friends of the deceased, while supplicating for their relief, solicited a restoration of the territory to the French. The petitioners prayed, that the king of Spain should yield and restore to his majesty, Charles IX, the possession and all the right of the Province of Florida, " since," say they, " that region was very lately discovered with great expense of your majesty, and found at the hazard of the lives of your majesty's subjects, and an- nexed to your dominion." Whatever was done for the relief of the poor Huguenots, there was no public demand of restitution ; and the injustice and barbarity of the Spaniards were afterwards retaliated by personal revenge. 3 Melendes now built three forts on the river of May, and to have " parted with the Spaniards." How many of the French were killed after Ribault's shipwreck, we are not informed ; but of Laudonniere's company about 60 appear to have been previously massacred. There were, he says, 85 or 86 in all. The whole number exceeded 900. Thuanus says : « Plus ioc ex clade perierunt, quorum cadavera, excitata ingenti pyra, Melandes cremari jus- sit."— Laudonniere had " fortified and inhabited " in Florida, " two summers and one whole winter, a year and a quarter, as the king's lieutenant." Hakluyt. 1 " Re cognita, parumbenigno vultus exceptus est . . . Sed culpa potius in eos rejicienda est, qui nefanda perfidia ac proditione, cum primarium locum in regis consistorio tenerent, tain certa indicia de rebus nostris ad Hispanos detulerunt. ut, Melendem de Ribaldi expeditione ac tempore ejus certo cognovisse, et prope vestigiis ejus inhaerentem in Floridam cursum tenuisse, appareat." Thuanus. 2 Ceciderunt ex illorum, in provincia Florida, plures quam noneginti, tarn vm, quam faeminae, cum infantibus simul innocentibus immerentibusque, qui omnes a Petro Melendesio & militibus ejus Hispanis crudeliter, et more plane barbaro trucidati sunt." T. de Bry, p. n. ifiA^Hl 1 ^' ! * 301 ' 319 ' 539 ' 540 ' iiL 347 ' 348 ' 355 - Purchas, i. 770; v. Ib04. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 18. Hewatt, S. Carolina and Georgia, i. 19. Prince, a. d. 1655. Lescarbot, lib. i. c. 8—18. Bibliotheca Americana. Mezeray, Hist. b ranee, 700. Melendes, for this act of cruelty, became infamous even among his own countrymen. Disappointed in a naval project ten years afterward, he killed himself. See Note XV. 38 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1565. strongly garrisoned them with Spanish soldiers. 1 One of these v^^-w' forts, well known by the name of the " Castle of St. Augustine," Augustine, has ever since been celebrated as an impregnable fortress. It is memorable in American history, from the earliest settlement of Georgia to the late cession of Florida to the United States. 1566. St. Jago. Death of Las Casas. 1567. Solomon Islands dis- covered. Sir J. Haw- kins. 1568. Saint Jago de Leon de Caracas, a capital city of the prov- ince of Venezuela, was founded by Diego Losada. 2 Bartholomew de las Casas, a prelate eminently distinguished by his indefatigable labours in behalf of the natives in the Spanish settlements in America, died at the age of 92 years. 3 Solomon Islands were discovered by Alvaro de Mendana. The viceroy of Peru sent out a fleet for the discovery of islands in the South Sea on the Peruvian coast. Mendana, who was chief in the expedition, sailed from Lima 800 leagues westward of the coast, and found a cluster of islands, to which the viceroy gave the name of Solomon Islands. This appears to be the first voyage, expressly on discovery, to the westward of Peru. 4 Sir John Hawkins, having procured negroes in Guinea, and sold them in the Spanish West Indies, put in with his fleet at St. John de Ulloa. While there, he was attacked by the vicer roy, who arrived at that time with a Spanish fleet ; and of six vessels, composing the English fleet, two only escaped. 5 The chevalier Dominique de Gourges, a soldier of fortune, of a good family in Gascony, hearing of the massacre of his coun- 1 Encyclopedic Methodique [Geog. Art. Floride] says, Melendes now made settlements (forma des etablissemens) at St. Augustine and Pensacola. Henry Hawks, in his Relation of Nova Hispania in 1572, says, " The Spaniards have two forts there [Florida], chiefly to keepe out the Frenchmen from planting there." Hakluyt, iii. 469. See Alcedo, Art. Agustijv . 2 Alcedo, Art. Caracas. 3 Encycloped. Methodique, Art. Casas. Rees, Cyclopaedia. See a.d. 1516, and 1551. He first came to America in 1493, accompanying his father, with Columbus. 4 Alcedo, Art. Salomon. Dalrymple's Voyages, i. 43, 51, 96. Herrera, Descripcion de las Ind. Occident, c. 28. Hakluyt, iii. 467. Purchas, v. 1447. This name was given, that the Spaniards, supposing them to be those islands from which Solomon fetched gold to adorn the temple at Jerusalem, might be the more desirous to go and and inhabit them. The Spanish authorities place this discovery in 1567. The voyage appears to have been begun, at least, that year. Lopez Vaz says, " They were discovering these islands about fourteen monthes." In 1595, Alvaro de Mendana de Neyra, a Spanish governor in South America, sailed from Callao with 4 ships and 400 persons with the design of making a settlement in Solomon Islands. In this enterprise he discovered four islands in the South Pacific ocean, which, in honour of the marquis of Can- nete, viceroy of Peru, were called Las Marquesas de Mendoca, and were taken possession of in the name of the king of Spain. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 238. In Dalrymple (Voy. i.), the number of persons that went with Mendana is stated to be 368, " the greater part married ; 208 were able to bear arms." 5 Purchas, b. 9. c. 20. May. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. SO trymen in Florida, determined to revenge their death, and repair 1568. the honour of his nation, by driving their murderers out of that ^-v^/ country. On this vindictive enterprise he sailed from France, Expedition at his own expense, and without orders, with 3 frigates and 1 50 ° m £H£* soldiers and volunteers, and 80 chosen mariners, to Florida. 1 The Spaniards, to the number of 400, were well fortified on the river of May, principally at the great fort, begun by the French, and afterward repaired by themselves. Two leagues lower toward the river's mouth, they had made two smaller forts, which were defended by 120 soldiers, well supplied with artillery and ammunition. 2 Gourgues, though informed of their strength, proceeded resolutely forward, and with the assistance of the April, natives, made a vigorous and desperate assault. Of 60 Spaniards A "niiV* 16 in the first fort, there escaped but 15 ; and all in the second fort forts at the were slain. After 60 Spaniards, sallying out from the third fort, j^ v a e J of had been intercepted, and killed on the spot, this last fortress was easily taken. All the surviving Spaniards were led away prisoners, with the 15 who escaped the massacre at the first fort ; and, after having been shown the injury that they had done to the French nation, were hung on the boughs of the same trees, on which the Frenchmen had been previously hung. Over those devoted Frenchmen, Melendez had suspended a Spanish label, signifying, " I do not this as to Frenchmen, but as to Lutherans." Gourgues, in retaliation, caused to be im- printed with a searing iron in a tablet of fir wood, " I do not this as to Spaniards, nor as to Mariners, but as to Traitors, Robbers, and Murderers." Having razed the three forts, he hastened his preparation to return ; and on the 3d of May embarked for French France. His sovereign not avowing the enterprise, his country- -M " men now bade Florida a final adieu. 3 If the settlement of Ribault ° n * 1 Mezeray says, that he had 200 soldiers and 100 seamen ; and that his equip- ment was made with part of his own estate, which he sold, and with what his brother, President of the Generality of Guyenne, lent him. Gourgues had re- cently returned from Africa. Losing no time, he sailed from France in August, 1567, to the West Indies, whence, after delays by storms, he proceeded to Florida in the spring of 1568. 2 One of these lower forts must have been on one side of the river, and the other on the other side ; for " the river passed between them." 3 Hakluyt, iii. 356 — 360 ; and Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 95 — 106 ; where there are entire accounts of this voyage. Mezeray, Hist. France, 701. Chal- mers, i. 513. Purchas, v. 1604, 1605. "Univ. Hist. xl. 413—417. Anderson, ii. 127. Gourgues arrived at Rochelle 6 June, with the loss but of a small pinnace and 8 men in it, with a few gentlemen and others, who were slain in assaulting the forts. When he went to Paris to present himself to the king, to inform him of the success of his voyage, and to offer him " his life and all his goods " towards subduing this whole country to his obedience, he met with an ill re- ception, and was constrained to hide himself a long time in the court of Roan, " about the year 1570." He died in 1582, " to the great grief of such as knew him." VOL. I. 12 90 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1568. at Port Royal, or that of Laudonniere at the river of May, had v^-v^/ been supported by the parent State ; long possession might have furnished a stronger claim to the country, than prior discovery, and France might have had an empire in America, before Britain had sent a single colony into this New World. 1569. A license was given for printing at Mexico a dictionary in Priming the Castalian and Mexican languages. 1 license. 1570. Sebastian, king of Portugal, prohibited any Brazilian king Portuguese from being subjected to slavery, excepting those who were taken regulation. ^ a j ug( . war> This wise and just regulation was long evaded by the Portuguese ; and, in some of the poorer districts, that remnant of barbarism continued to prevail for nearly two cen- turies. 2 inquisition. Philip II, king of Spain, established the Inquisition in America J but the Indians were exempted from the jurisdiction of this tri- bunal. 3 1572. Francis Drake, the celebrated English navigator, made his Drake's first voyage to South America. Entering the port of Nombre ^America ^ e ® l0S w * tn 4 pi nnaces ? ne landed about 150 men, 70 of whom he left in a fort that was there, and with the remaining 80 sur- prised the town, but was soon repelled by the Spaniards. He next sailed into Darien harbour, where he landed, and intercept- ed two companies of mules, laden with gold and silver, on the way from Panama to Nombre de Dios ; took off the gold ; and soon after re-embarked. 4 English at- The English attempted to establish themselves in Brazil, tempt at Choosing a better position than the French had chosen, though not with more success, they fixed themselves in considerable numbers at Paraiba do Sul, where they connected themselves with the native women ; but the governor of St. Sebastian's, in the 5th year of their abode, attacked and exterminated them. 5 1 Thomas, Hist. Printing, ii. 510 ; " an indubitahle evidence, that a press was then operant in Mexico." The Dictionary was printed, in folio, in 1571. 2 Alcedo, Tr. Art. Brazil. In 1755, the Indians without exception were declared citizens. 3 Adams, View of Religions. Art. Peru. The Indians still continue under the inspection of their diocesans. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 525, 526, 778, 779. He took away the gold only, " for they were not able to carrie the silver through the mountaines." Two days after this spoliation, he came to the house of Crosses, and burnt above 200,000 ducats in merchandize. Purchas, v. 1180. 5 Southey, Brazil, i. c. 9. " They who escaped, fled into the interior, and either they were eaten by the savages, as was believed, or lived and died among them, becoming savages themselves." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 91 The king of Spain gave the islands of Bermudas to one of his 1572. subjects; but the Spaniards never took possession of them. 1 ^*^-w> Juan Fernandez discovered the islands which bear his name. 2 Fernandez. The Portuguese early acquired Oriental customs. Ginger 1573. had been brought from their island of St. Thomas to Brazil ; Ginger. and it throve so well, that 4000 arrobas were cured, this year. 3 John Oxenham, an Englishman, hearing what spoil captain 1575. Drake had brought from South America, made a voyage, ac- Voyage of companied by 70 persons, in a ship of 120 tons. Landing his Oxenham, " tv • i i i i ii • i • i i j an Lnghsh- men at Darien, where he hauled his ship to tne shore, and man , to s. covered it with boughs of trees, he travelled 12 leagues into the America, main land, and built a pinnace on a river, by which he passed into the South Sea. After taking some Spanish prizes, he and his company were made prisoners by the Spaniards, and exe- cuted. 4 All attempts to find a North East passage to India having 1576. been unsuccessful, queen Elizabeth sent out Martin Frobisher First voy- with three small ships, for the discovery of a North West pas- p^obisher. sage. Arriving at the northerly coast of America, he discovered a cape, which he called Elizabeth's Foreland ; and the Strait, Discovers which still bears his name. This strait being impassable, on J^^iand S account of fixed ice, he entered a bay in north latitude 63° ; and Fro- sailed 60 leagues ; landed, and took one of the natives ; but ^ h ^ s the ice obliged him to relinquish his enterprise, and return to England. 5 1 Univ. Hist. xli. 339. 2 Daliymple's Voyages, i. 53. Others say, some years before. These islands are in the Pacific ocean, 110 leagues west of Chili. 3 Southey, Brazil, i. c. 10. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 526—528; 779—781. Purchas, v. 1180, 1446. The Justice asked the English captain, Whether he had the Queen's license, or the license of any Prince or Lord. He answered, That he had none, but that he came of his own proper motion. On this acknowledgment, the captain and his company were condemned, and were all put to death at Panama, excepting the Captain, the Master, and the Pilot, and five boys, who were carried to Lima, and there the three men were executed, but the boys were spared. 5 Hakluyt, iii. 29—32, 57—60. Purchas, i. 739. Prince, Introd. 1576. Smith, Gen. Hist, of Virginia, 1. Stow, Chron. 680. Belknap, Biog. i. 37. Europ. Settlements in America, ii. 286. Univ. Hist. xli. 100. Harris' Voy. i. 575. Foster, Voy. 274. Naval Hist, of G. Britain, i. c. 2. Anderson, ii. 126, 127, 143. Frobisher, having made presents to the inhabitants (supposed northward of Labrador), they came on board his ship. Five sailors, sent to take ashore one of these visitants, went, contrary to orders, to the natives, and neither they nor the boat were ever seen afterward. This was therefore called, The five xnen's Sound. The English, upon this, enticed one of the natives to the ship's side, with a bell, and in giving it to him, took him and his boat. Finding him- self now in captivity, " for very choler and disdaine he bit his tongue in twaine within his mouth." He died soon after his arrival in England. Anderson places this voyage in 1567 ; but the accounts in Hakluyt prove it to have been made 92 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1570. The discussion of the subject, at this time, may have had an v^^-*^ influence favourable to the enterprise of Frobisher* Sir Hum- Publication phrey Gilbert, solicitous for the advancement of maritime dis- Gilbert. covery, ant! the improvement and extension of trade and com- merce, published " A Discourse, to prove a passage by the Northwest to Cathaia and the East Indies." 1 1577. Second voyage of Frobisher. State of Newfound- land fish- ery. The discovery of supposed gold ore by Frobisher in his voy- age the last year, encouraged the Society of adventurers to send him out with three other ships, to explore farther the coast of Labrador and Greenland, with an ultimate view to the discovery of a passage to India ; but he again returned without success. 2 On the Newfoundland fishery there were, this year, 100 ships from Spain, 50 from Portugal, 150 from France, and 50 from England. The English had the best ships, and therefore gave law to the rest, being in the bays the protectors of others. The fishery of the English at Iceland is assigned as the reason, why they had not a greater number of ships at Newfoundland. There were now at that island 20 or 30 ships, from Biscay, to kill whales for train oil. 3 in 1576. After several attempts to land with the boat, which were baffled by the ice, Frobisher commanded his people, if they could possibly get ashore, " to bring him whatsoever thing they could first find, whether it were living or dead, stocke or stone, in token of Christian possession." Some of his company brought flowers ; some, green grass ; and one brought a piece of black stone, " much like to a sea cole in colour, which by the waight seemed to be some kinde of metall or minerall." This stone was tried by the London gold- smiths ; and was pronounced to be richly impregnated with gold ; but while it incited adventurers to new enterprises, it totally baffled their hopes. 1 Hakluyt, hi. 11 — 24. Encycloped. Art. Gilbert. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 32—39 ; 60—73. Harris' Voy. i. 575—577. Forster, Voy. 274. Univ. Hist. xli. 101. He sailed 30 May from Harwich with one ship of 200 tons, belonging to the queen, two small barks, and 120 men. With the professed object of the voyage in our view, we are struck with the style of the voyager : " Aboard the Ayde we received all the Communion by the minister of Gravesend, and prepared us as good Christians towards God, and resolute men for all fortunes." Near Frobisher's Strait Frobisher found abundance of glittering stones and sand, that he had seen in the last voyage, and put nearly 200 tons of them on board his vessels. With the ore, he carried to England a man, a woman, and child of the natives ; " but neither the man, woman, nor childe lived long ; nor his gold proved ore, but diosse." Stow, Chronicle. In this voyage he searched for the five men, left behind the last year, and promised rewards for their restoration ; but he received no intelligence concerning them. 3 Hakluyt, i. 674 ; iii. 132. Anderson, ii. 144. The English, it appears, received an " acknowledgment " for the protection which they gave to foreign ships. " For which it was then, and had been of old, a custom to make some sort of acknowledgment as admirals ; such as, a boat load of salt for guarding them from pirates, and other violent intruders, who often drive them from a good harbour." Anderson says incorrectly, the English had but 15 sail in this fishery. Parkhurst (in Hakluyt), from whom Anderson's account is derived, says, the English " since my first travell, being but 4 yeeres, are increased from 30 sayl to 50." Hakluyt. Parkhurst expresses a wish to Hakluyt, his corres- pondent, that the island in the mouth of the river of Canada might be in- habited, and the river searched ; " for that there are many things that may arise thereof." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 93 Frobisher, with 15 sail of ships, made another voyage to 1578. the northernmost parts of the continent of America, with the Third voy- design of forming a settlement in the country. Tiie adventurers j*? e of Fr0 ' carried with them the frame of a strong house, to be set up there ; but, on their arrival, they found it necessary to relinquish the design. Leaving that inhospitable region, their fleet was Aucr 3J separated by a furious storm on the very night after their embarka- tion ; but every ship at length arrived in England. Forty per- sons died on the voyage. 1 Francis Drake, on an enterprising voyage, 2 having gone through Drake's the Straits of Magellan, rifled the town of St. Jago in Chili, and ^unfthc other places on the western coast of South America. 3 In some world., of the harbours of this coast, he seized on ships which had not a single person on board, so unsuspicious were the Spaniards of an enemy there. Having at length taken an immensely rich Plunder at prize, and all his treasure being embarked in one vessel ; to avoid s * Ainenca « the danger of being intercepted by the Spaniards in an attempt to return by the Magellanic Straits, he determined to sail to the Moluccas, and return home by the Cape of Good hope. Sailing first to the north to obtain a good wind, he discovered a har- bour, which he called Drake's Port. He also took possession of p™ t ke s the circumjacent country, between 38 and 42° north latitude, and called it New Albion. 4 " This possession was taken with N. Albion 1 Hakluyt, iii. 39—44 ; 74—93. Harris' Voy. i. 578, 579. Anderson, ii. 143. It was the plan of the voyage, that all the ships should return at the close of the summer, laden with gold ore, excepting three, the three captains of which, with 40 mariners, 30 miners, and 30 soldiers were to " tarry in the country." " They fraught their shippes with the like pretended gold ore out of the mines," as on the last voyage, " but after great charges, it proved worse than good stone, whereby many men were deceived, to their utter undoings." Stow, Chroni- cle, 685. 2 He sailed from Plymouth, in England, 13 December 1577, with a fleet of 5 ships and barks, and 164 men, " gentlemen and sailers ; " and completed his voyage round the world 3 November 1580. This was the second circumnaviga- tion of the globe. Purchas [v. 1180.] a. d. 1625, says, " The reliques of the shippe," in which this voyage was made, " or some bones at least of that glori- ous carkasse, yet remayne at Deptford consecrated to Fame and Posteritie." At a feast on board this ship, queen Elizabeth knighted " this noble mariner," after his arrival in England. 3 Harris' Voy. i. 20. Hakluyt, iii. 735. The inhabitants of St. Jago, con- sisting of not more than nine households, abandoned the town on the approach of the English. Spanish plunder was, according to Anderson, the principal object of the voyage. On the complaint of the Spanish ambassador, queen Elizabeth caused this spoil, or at least a great part of it, to be sequestered for the use of the king of Spain ; but, at the same time, asserted the absolute free- dom of her subjects to navigate the Indian seas, equally with the subjects of that king. Anderson, ii. 150. The conduct of Drake still gave umbrage, and had influence toward a rupture between England and Spain. "Nee minora belli semina tentatus Anglis novus orbis, et in patriam perlatae quas eripuerant Hispanis opes." Gvotii Annale3, p. 99. See Camden, Eliz. 254. 4 Harris' Voy. i. 19—23. Hakluyt, iii. 440—442, 730—742. Purchas, i. 779, 94 AMERICAN ANNALS. June 11. Q Eliza- beth's pa- tent to Sir H. Gilbert 1578. the best right in the world, the principal king formally investing ^-v-w/ him with his principality." 1 Queen Elizabeth granted letters patent to Sir Humphrey Gil- bert, authorizing him to discover and take possession of all remote and barbarous lands, unoccupied by any Christian prince or people. She vested in him, his heirs, and assigns for ever, the full right of property in the soil of those countries, of which he should take possession, to hold of the crown of England by homage, on payment of the fifth part of the gold or silver ore found there ; conferred complete jurisdiction within the said lands, and seas adjoining them ; declared that all who should settle there should enjoy all the privileges of free citizens and natives of England, any law, custom, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding ; and prohibited all persons from attempting to settle within 200 leagues of any place which Sir Humphrey Gilbert, or his associates, should have occupied during the space of six years. Gilbert soon after prepared to put to sea with a considerable fleet ; but, upon some dissension among the gentle- men adventurers, he was deserted by his associates, and left with but a few of his firm and faithful friends. With these he adven- tured to sea, but, losing one of his ships in a violent storm, he returned without effecting his object. 2 His adven ture is un- successful. 1579. Mr. Cotton, a merchant of Southampton in England, em- English ployed captain Whitburn in a ship of 300 tnns, to fish for cods fishing yoy- n the great bank at Newfoundland ; but the excess of cold foundiandT obliged him to put into Trinity harbour, at that island, where by Belknap, Biog. i. 37. Forster, Voy. 452. Biblioth. Americ. 53. Two reasons are assigned for his giving it this name ; one, on account of the white banks and cliffs which lie toward the sea ; the other, that it might have some affinity, in name, with England, " which sometime was so called." 1 European Settlements, i. 244. " At our departure hence our Generall set up a monument of our being there, as also of her Majesties right and title to the same, namely a plate, nailed upon a faire greate poste, whereupon was in- graven her Majesties name, the day and yeere of our arrival there, with the free giving up of the province and people into her Majesties hands, together with her highnesse picture and armes, in a peice of sixe pence of current Eng- lish money under the plate, whereunder was also written the name of our Generall." Hakluyt. 2 Hakluyt, i. 677—682 ; iii. 135—137 ; Hazard's Collections, i. 24—28 ; British Empire, Introd. viii — xiv ; where this patent is inserted entire. Smith's Virginia, 4. Belknap, Biog. i. 198. Forster, Voy. 289. Biog. Britann. Art. Gilbert. Robertson, b. 9. Haies, in Hakluyt, having mentioned the adverse occurrences that impeded the enterprise of Gilbert while on shore, and his " adventuring with few of his assured friends to sea," subjoins, " where, having tasted of no iesse misfortune, he was shortly driven to retire home with the losse of a tall ship, and (more to his griefe) of a valiant gentleman Miles Morgan." Oldys thought he had not only reason to believe, that this misfortune " was by a sharp encounter they had with the Spaniards, however tenderly touched at that time by this author, perhaps to avoid their triumph, but that Ralegh was in this very engagement, and his life in great danger thereby." Life of Ralegh, p. xiii. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 95 fish and other commodities he cleared the expense of the voy~ 1579. age. 1 i ^v^/ Two towns were founded in the Straits of Magellan by order p or t of of Philip II ; but the colonists and founders perished through Hunger, want, and the place has from that time been called Port of Hunger. 2 New Mexico, between 28 and 29° north latitude, was dis- 1580. covered by Augustin Ruys, a Spanish Franciscan missionary. 3 n. Mexico discovered. The French trade to Canada was renewed, after an interrup- 1581. tion of near fifty years. The outrage of Carder and his company, French in carrying off an Indian king, was the cause of its interruption, trade to Two years after the present renewal of it, the French had three ana a * ships, one of 180 tons, one of 100, and one of 80, employed in the Canada trade. 4 Edward Fenton, an Englishman, with a fleet of four sail, 1582. embarked for the East Indies and China by the west ; but he English proceeded no farther than to the coast of Brazil, to 33° south voyage to latitude. 5 Francisco Gali, in a voyage from Macao to Acapulco, dis- Discovery covered the northwest coast of America under 57° 30' north w/coast latitude. He coasted part of what was afterwards called, The Archipelago of the Prince of Wales, or that of King George. 6 By virtue of the patent, granted by queen Elizabeth five years 1583 before, Sir Humphrey Gilbert again undertook a voyage to 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 248. Whitburn repeated the voyage, and was at New- foundland when Sir Humphrey Gilbert arrived there in 1583. 2 Alcedo, Art. Magellanes. 3 Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. Mexique (noveau). Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. p. xxv. Fastes, Chron. Charlevoix says, that in 1582 Antoine de Espejo, a Spaniard, made discoveries to the north of New Spain, additional to those of Ruys, and gave to all that grand country the name of New Mexico. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 187, 292. See a. d. 1535. Carlisle says, « This outrage and and injurious dealing [of Cartier] did put the whole countrey people into such dislike with the French, as never since they would admit any conversation or familiaritie with them, untill of late yeeres the olde matter beginning to grow out of minde, and being the rather drawen on by gifts of many trifling things, which were of great value with them, they are within these two or three yeeres content againe to admit a traffique, which two yeeres since was begunne with a small barke of thirtie tunnes, whose returne was found so profitable, as the next yeere following by those Merchants who meant to have kept the trade secret unto themselves from any others of their owne countrey men, there was hired a shippe of fourscore tunnes out of the Isle of Jersey, but not any one mariner of that place, saving a shipboy. This shippe made her return in such sorte, as that this yeere they have multiplyed three shippes, to wit, one of ninescore tunnes, another of an hundreth tunnes, and a third of fourscore tunnes." 5 Hakluyt, iii. 757—768. 6 Humboldt, N. Spain, ii. 249. " Sir Francis Drake only went as far as 48°," 96 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1583. Voyage of Sir H. Gil- bert to New- foundland. June 11, Discovers land. Arrives at Newfound- land. Takes pos- session. America. His misfortune in the first voyage involved him in debt, and he could only meet the demands of his creditors by grants of land in the New World. There being no prospect that the country would be thus set- tled, or that the conditions of his patent would be fulfilled, he was obliged to sell his estate before he could make another attempt. Resuming the enterprise at length, with his characteris- tic resolution and perseverance, he sailed from Plymouth on the 11th of June, with two ships and three barks, carrying about 260 men, for Newfoundland. 1 One of the barks, of 200 tons, was built, victualled, and manned, by his brother-in-law Sir Walter Raleigh ; but, on account of a contagious sickness which infected the whole ship's company, this bark soon returned to Plymouth. 2 On the 30th of July, Sir Humphrey discovered land in about 51° north latitude ; but, finding nothing but bare rocks, he shaped his course to the southward, and on the 3d of August arrived at St. John's harbour, at Newfoundland. There were then in the harbour 36 vessels, belonging to various nations, which refused him entrance ; but, on sending his boat with intelligence, that he had no ill design, and that he had a commission for his voyage from queen Elizabeth, they submitted, and he sailed into the port. On the 5th of August, he took possession of the island and of the parts adjacent. Having pitched his tent on shore in sight of all the shipping, and being attended by his own people, he summoned the merchants and masters of vessels to be present at the ceremony. When assembled, his commission was read and interpreted to the foreigners. A turf and twig were then delivered to him ; and proclamation was immediately made, that, by virtue of his commission from the queen, he took possession of the harbour of St. John, and 200 leagues every way around it, for the crown of England. It was proclaimed, that, from that time forward, they should take this land as a territory appertain- ing to the queen of England, and that he himself was authorized, under her majesty, to possess and enjoy it, and to ordain Itws for its government, agreeable, as nearly as might be convenient, to the laws of England ; under which all people coming thither hereafter, either to inhabit, or for the purpose of traffic, should 1 " Among whom," says Haies, " we had of every faculty good choice, as shipwrights, masons, carpenters, smithes, and such like, requisit to such an action : also minerall men and refiners. Besides, for solace of our people, and allurement of the Savages, we were provided of Musike in good varietie : not omitting the least toyes, as Morris dancers, hobby horse, and Maylike conceits to delight the Savage people, whom we intended to winne by all faire meanes possible. And to that end we were indifferently furnished of all pettie haber- dasherie wares to barter with those simple people." 2 Oldys says, Sir Walter Ralegh had set out in this bark to accompany his brother Gilbert, in the quality of vice admiral. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 97 be subjected and governed. He then proposed and delivered 1583. three laws, to be in force immediately. By the first law, public \^-^^j worship was established according to the church of England ; by Delivers the second, the attempting of any thing prejudicial to her majesty's laws ' title was declared treason ; by the third, if any person should utter words to the dishonour of her majesty, he should lose his ears, and have his ship and goods confiscated. When the procla- mation was finished, obedience was promised by the general voice, both of Englishmen and strangers. Not far from the place of meeting, a pillar was afterwards erected, upon which were " infixed the armes of England," engraved in lead. For the farther establishment of this possession, several parcels of land were granted by Sir Humphrey, on fee farm, by which the occupants were assured of grounds convenient to dress and dry their fish, of which privilege they had often been debarred, by the preoccupancy of those who came first into the harbour. For these grounds they covenanted to pay a certain rent and service to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, his heirs or assigns for ever, and yearly to maintain possession of them, by themselves or their assignees. A tax, on provision, was next levied on all the ships, and was readily paid ; the admiral receiving, besides, presents of wine, fruit, and other refreshments, chiefly from the Portuguese. This formal possession, in consequence of the discovery by the Cabots, is considered by the English as the foundation of the right and title of the Crown of England to the territory of New- foundland, and to the fishery on its banks. 1 Gilbert, intending to bring the southern parts of the country within the compass of his patent, the date of which had now nearly expired, hastened his preparations to return to England. Purposing, before his departure, to make farther discoveries on the coast toward the south, he embarked from St. John's har- bour with his little fleet, and sailed for the Isle of Sable by the Aug. 20. way of Cape Breton. Alter spending eight days in the naviga- f*f* *°f tion from Cape Race toward Cape Breton, the distance between bi e e ° *" the capes being 87 leagues, the ship Admiral was cast away on some shoals before any discovery of land, and nearly 100 souls 29. perished. Of this number was Stephen Parmenius Budeius, a Hi . s chief learned Hungarian, who had accompanied the adventurers, to plost 1 Camden, the contemporary historian, recorded the enterprise of Gilbert, with a just reflection upon the difficulty of conducting colonies into distant regions at private expense : " Verum postquam regionem illam [Newfoundland] Anghci juris esse voce praeconis publicasset (Sebastianus enim Cabota auspiciis Henna VII. anno mccccxcvii. primus aperuerat) et terras sociis viritim as- signasset ; naufragiis et rerum defectu afflictus, incospto desistere coactus, sero didicit, et alios doceat, majoris esse difficultatis, Colonias privatorum opibus in disjunctas regiones deducere, quarn ipse, et alii credulo errore, et suo damno sibi persuaserunt." Annales, a. d. 1583. VOL. I. 13 > 98 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1583. record their discoveries and exploits. Two days after this dis- s^^v-w' aster, no land yet appearing, the waters being shallow, the coast unknown, the navigation dangerous, and the provisions scanty, it was concluded by the general and the company to return to Aug. 31/ England. Changing their course accordingly, they passed in Sails for s jgi ]t f Cape Race on the 2d of September, and on the 9th, when they had sailed more than 300 leagues on their way home, Sept. 9. tne frigate, on board of which was Sir Humphrey Gilbert, foun- is lost at dered in a violent storm at midnight, and all the souls on board sea. perished. 1 Pit^nt of Sir Adrian Gilbert obtained from queen Elizabeth a patent for Sir A. Gil- the discovery of a Northwest passage to China, to remain in force five years, by the title of, The Colleagues of the Fellow- ship for the Discovery of the Northwest passage. 2 1584. Sir Walter Raleigh, observing that the Spaniards had Q. Eliza- only settled on the middle and southern parts of America, and tent 1 S P VT,1 DISC01BRIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 10g furnished with a month's provisions, to stay and make farther 1586. discovery of the country and coasts, and so much additional pro- s^-v-^ vision, as would be sufficient to carry them all into England ; or, to give them a passage home in his fleet. The first proposal was gratefully accepted. A ship was accordingly selected by Drake, and delivered to the colonists ; but before the provisions were entirely received on board, there arose a great storm, that a great continued three days, and endangered the whole fleet. Many storm: cables were broken, and many anchors lost ; and some of the ships, of which number was the ship destined for the use of the colonists, were compelled to put to sea. Drake now generously making the colony an offer of another ship with provisions, or of a passage home ; governor Lane and the principal persons with him, having considered what was expedient, requested the gen- eral, under their hands, that they might have a passage to Eng- land. The rest of their company were now sent for ; the whole colony, consisting of 103 persons, was taken on board ; and the fleet, sailing from the coast of Virginia on the 18th of June, June 18. arrived on the 28th of July at the English harbour of Portsmouth. Ti j kes tn * " Thus terminated the first English colony planted in America. England? The only acquisition made by this expensive experiment, was a better knowledge of the country and its inhabitants." * The Virginia colonists had been in great danger from the Occurren- machinations of the Indians, who at first intended to starve them pes during by abandoning them, and leaving the island unsown. The sub- ^cein mission of Okisko, king of Weopomeok, (in March) by which Virginia, he and his people became tributaries to the queen of England, had great influence in defeating that design ; for Pemisapan, who projected it, was, on that occasion, persuaded by his aged father Ensenore, an Indian king, to plant a large quantity of ground on the island and main land. Ensenore dying on the 20th of April, Pemisapan, who succeeded him in the government, next formed a conspiracy for the general massacre of the colonists. This, 1 Hakluyt, iii. 263, 264, 528, 534—548, 781. Purchas, i. 755, 757. Smith, Virginia, 5 — 9. Beverly, 9. Stith, 47. Theodore de Bry, p. 1. Prince, Introd. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 127. Brit. Empire, Introd. i. 21. Marshall, Life of Wash- ington, i. 16. It appears, that the colony, from 17 August 1585 to 18 June 1586, " made Roanoack their habitation ; " that the extent of their discovery to the southward was Secotan, supposed to be 80 leagues from Roanoack ; and that, to the northward, the extent of it " was to town of the Chesapeacks, from Roanoack 130 myles," — More might have been known respecting this colony, during its residence in Virginia, but for the loss of its papers. The narrator in Hakluyt says, when Drake sent his vessels to a Roanoke, to fetch away a few persons who were left there with the baggage, " the weather was so boisterous, and the pinnesses so often on ground, that the most of all we had, with all our Cards, Books, and writings were by the Sailors cast overboord." The health of the adventurers was remarkable. " In the regiment [government] of Sir Ralph Lane, in the space of one whole yeare, not two of one hundred perished." Estate of Virginia, printed at London, 1610. 104 AMERICAN ANNA urn 1586. Supplies too late for the colony. Fifteen men left at Roanoke. Tobacco carried into England i 1587. however, was frustrated by the vigilance of the English governor, who contrived a counterplot ; in execution of which Pemisapan was slain on the 1st of June, ten days only before the arrival of Sir Francis Drake. The fears of the colonists appear now to have subsided. But the hope of finding a rich mine in the in- terior part of the country, which they had already made one attempt to discover, seems to have greatly influenced their wishes to continue longer in Virginia. 1 Little did they know the true sources of wealth. They never imagined, that, at a future period, a despicable plant would enrich the inhabitants of this very territory, which they were ready to pronounce unfit to be inhabited, unless it were found to contain latent treasures of the precious metals. Had the Virginia adventurers remained but a little time longer at their plantation, they would have received supplies from home; for, a few days after their departure, a ship, sent by Sir Walter Raleigh to their relief, arrived at Hatteras, and made diligent search for them, but, not finding them, returned to England. Within 14 or 15 days after this ship had left the coast, Sir Richard Grenville arrived at Virginia with three ships with pro- visions ; but searched in vain for the colony that he had planted. Unwilling to lose possession of the country, so long holden by Englishmen, he left 15 of his crew to keep possession of the island of Roanoke, and returned to England. 2 Tobacco was now carried into England by Mr. Lane ; and Sir Walter Raleigh, a man of gaiety and fashion, adopting the Indian usage of smoking it, and by his interest and example in- troducing it at court, the pipe soon became fashionable. 3 Sin Walter Raleigh, intent on planting the territory within his patent, equipped three vessels, and sent another company of 150 adventurers to Virginia. He incorporated them by the 1 Hakluyt, iii. 255 — 263. The mine is said to be " notorious " among the Indians, and to lie up the river of Maratoc. The narrator in Hakluyt calls it " a marveilous and most strange minerall ; " and adds, " there wanted no great good will from the most to the least amongst us, to have perfitted this dis- coverie of the Mine : for that the discovery of a good Mine by the goodnesse of God, or a passage to the South Sea, or some way to it, and nothing else can brinjj this Countrey in request to be inhabited by our nation." See Note XVI. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 265. Purchas, i. 755. Smith, Virg. 13. Beverly, 11. Belknap, Art. RiLEiGH. Robertson's America, b. 9. 3 Mr. Thomas Hariot, a man of science and observation, who was with Lane in Virginia, after describing the tobacco plant, says, " the Indians use to take the fume or smoke thereof by sucking it through pipes made of clay. We our- selves, during the time we were there, used to sucke it after their maner, as also since our return." Camden [Eliz. 1585.] says, that these colonists were the first that he knows of, who brought tobacco into England ; and adds : " Certainly from that time forward it began to grow into great request, and to be sold at an high rate." See Note XVII. >wk DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 105 name of, The Borough of Raleigh in Virginia ; and constituted 1587. John White governor, in whom, with a council of 12 persons, ^^^1/ the legislative power was vested ; and they were directed to April 26. plant at the Bay of Chesapeak, and to erect a fort there. They f? ] f gh sailed from Plymouth on the 8th of May, and about the 16th of second July, fell in with the Virginia coast. The master supposing it to be °° lon y. t0 the island of Croatoan, they came to anchor, and rode there two with 7 &?. or three days. Sailing afterward along the coast, they were in erno ' an(l , imminent danger of being cast away upon Cape Fear. 1 Arriving counciL at Hatteras on the 22d of July, the governor with 40 of his best men went on board the pinnace, intending to pass up to Roanoke, in the hope of finding the 15 Englishmen, whom Sir Richard Grenville had left there the year before ; and, after a conference with them concerning the state of the country and of the Indians, to return to the fleet, and proceed along the coast to the Bay of Chesapeak, according to the orders of Raleigh. But no sooner had the pinnace left the ship, than a gentleman, instructed by Fer- nando the principal naval commander, who was destined to return soon to England, called to the sailors on board the pinnace, and charged them not to bring back any of the planters, excepting the governor and two or three others, whom he approved, but to leave them in the island ; for the summer, he observed, was far spent, and therefore he would land all the planters in no other place. The sailors on board the pinnace, as well as those on board the ship, having been persuaded by the master to this measure, the governor, judging it best not to contend with them, Jul 22 proceeded to Roanoke. At sunset he landed with his men at r.and at that place in the island where the 1 5 men were left ; but dis- Roanoke * covered no signs of them, excepting the bones of one man, who had been slain by the savages. The next day the governor and several of his company went to the north end of the island, where governor Lane had erected his fort, and his men had built several decent dwelling houses, the preceding year ; hoping to find here some signs, if not the certain knowledge, of the 15 men. But, on coming to the place, and finding the fort razed, Find Lane's and all the houses, though standing unhurt, overgrown with weeds a^dST* 5 and vines, and deer feeding within them; they returned, in place deso- despair of ever seeing their looked for countrymen alive. 2 Orders Iate ' *v/ " F , indin g himself deceived, he weyed, and bare along the coast, where in the night, had not Captaine Stafford bene more carefull in looking out then our birnon Ferdinando, we had bene all cast away upon the breach, called the Cape of feare, for we were come within two cables length upon it : such was the carelessness and ignorance of our Master." Hakluyt, iii. 247, 282. 4 u H' a T week afterward, some of the English people going to Croatoan were told by the Indians, that the 15 Englishmen, left by Grenville, were surprised oy du Indians, who, having treacherously slain one of them, compelled the rest to repair to the house, containing their provisions and weapons, which the Indians instantly set on fire ; that the English, leaving the house, skirmished VOL I. 14 106 AMERICAN ANNAti i 1587. Aug. 13. First Indian baptism in Virginia. 18: First Eng- lish child born in America. 27. Governor White re- turns to England. J. Davis' 3d voyage. May 19. Lat. 72" 12' Discovers London Coast, Cumber- land Isl-' ands, and Lumley's Inlet, were given the same day for the repair of the houses, and for the erection of new cottages. All the colony, consisting of 117 persons, soon after landed, and commenced a second plantation. On the 13th of August, Manteo, a friendly Indian, who had been to England, was baptized in Roanoke, according to a previous order of Sir Walter Raleigh ; and, in reward of his faithful ser- vice to the English, was called lord of Roanoke, and of Dasa- monguepeuk. On the 18th, Mrs. Dare, a daughter of the governor, and wife of one of the assistants, was delivered of a daughter in Roanoke, who was baptized the next Lord's day by the name of Virginia ; because she was the first English child born in the country. On the 27th of August, at the urgent solicitation of the whole colony, the governor sailed for England to procure supplies : but of his countrymen, whom he left be- hind, nothing was ever afterward known. Thus terminated the exertions of Raleigh for colonizing Virginia, which proved un- successful, says Chalmers, " because the enterprise had been undertaken without sufficient information, because the project was new, and the means employed were not equal to the end." 1 John Davis, having sailed the last year to Labrador, in search of a Northwest passage, now made a third and very important voyage. Sailing from Dartmouth with three vessels, 2 one only of which was designed for discovery, the other two, for fishing, he proceeded again to that northern region ; and on the 30th of June was in 72° 12' north latitude, where the sun was 5° above the horizon at midnight, and the needle varied 28° toward the west. The whole of that coast he called London Coast. Sailing 60 leagues up Cumberland Straits, he discovered a cluster of islands, which he called Cumberland Islands. Having, on his passage back from the northern seas, discovered and named Lumley's Inlet, he returned in September to England. The Spanish fleet, and the untimely death of secretary Walsingham, hindered the prosecution of these discoveries. 3 with them above an hour ; that in this skirmish, another of their number was shot into the mouth with an arrow, and died : that they retired fighting to the water side, where lay their boat, with which they fled toward Hatteras ; that they landed on a little island on the right hand of the entrance into the harbour of Hatteras, where they remained awhile, and afterward departed, whither they knew not. Hakluyt, iii. 283, 284. 1 Hakluyt, iii. 280 — 287, where there is an entire account of this voyage, with the names of all the 117 settlers ; of whom 91 were men, 17 women, and 9 children. Smith, Virginia, 13, 14. Beverly, 13, 15. Stith, 47—50. Purchas, i. 755. Prince, 1587. Anderson, 1587. Belknap, Biog. i. 39. Stow, Chronicle, 1018. Brit. Emp. iii. 38. Harris' Voy. i. 815. Hazard, i. 40, 41. Chalmers, Political Annals, b. 1. 515. Two natives, Manteo and Towaye, who had visited England, returned with this colony to Virginia. See Note XVIII. 2 " Two Barkes and a Clincher." Davis, in Hakluyt. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 108—120. Forster, Voy. 302—310. Purchas, i. 742, 743* )Wk DISCOWRIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 107 Thomas Cavendish, an Englishman, completed the naviga- 1583. tion of the earth. On this voyage he passed through the Straits Voyage of of Magellan ; and pillaged and burned several of the Spanish Cavendish settlements in Chili, Peru, and New Spain. This was the 2S£ second English voyage round the world. These warlike circum- navigations were from this time discontinued by the English nation until the reign of queen Anne. 1 Governor White, though detained in England, so importunately Supplies solicited Raleigh and Grenville for the relief of the Virginia designed for colony, as to obtain two small pinnaces, in which 15 planters, fcnf*™ with suitable supplies of provision, sailed for Virginia. More intent, however, on a profitable voyage, than on the relief of the colony, they went in chase of prizes ; until at length two men of war from Rochelle, falling in with them, disabled and rifled them, and obliged them to put back for England. 2 Univ. Hist. xli. 86, 101. Brit. Emp. i. 2. Camden, Eliz. apud 1585. Belknap, Biog. i. 38. Accounts of Davis's three voyages are preserved in Hakluyt. Forster considered the second voyage highly important ; but " the great fault of it is, that in consequence of his not having named the countries he saw, it is very unintelligible." This writer, referring to the third voyage, says, that Davis went farther to the north than any of his predecessors ; and that, if the ice had not prevented him, he would certainly then have made the discovery which was afterward happily effected in 1616, by Baffin. Prince says, Davis proceeded to 83 degrees, and quotes Camden, who, I find, has it, " ad lxxxiii. Gradum ; " but I apprehend there is a typographical error. " In a Traverse-Booke made by M.John Davis in his third voyage for the discoverie of the Northwest passage, Anno 1587," preserved in Hakluyt, the highest latitude is 72° 12' : " June. Noone the 30, Course, N. Elevation of the pole, 72 Deg. 12 Mill." In the last column of his Traverse Book, entitled < J The Discourse," is the following entry : " The true course, &c. Since the 21 of this moneth I have continually coasted the shore of Gronland having the sea all open towards the West, and the land on ye starboord side East from me. For these last 4 dayes the weather hath bene extreame hot and very calme, the Sun being 5 degrees above the horizon at midnight. The compasse in this place varieth 28 degrees toward ye West." The account of this voyage by M. John James corresponds exactly with the traverse book. — In Purchas, " Master Secretaiy Walsingham " is styled " the epitome and summarie of human worthinesse." 1 Hakluyt, iii. 803—837, where this eminent navigator is called Candish. Churchill, Voy. iii. 401. Anderson, ii. 164. Camden, Eliz. 1587. The voyage was begun at his own expense, with three ships, 21 July, 1586, and effected in two years and two months. Two of his ships were lost in the voyage. Camden says, he took and plundered 19 Spanish loaded ships, and that he returned home with great glory, as the third from Magellan (inclusive) who circumnavigated the earth. See a. d. 1520, 1578. For the particulars of this voyage Camden refers his reader to Hakluyt, of whose three volumes of Voyages, to which we are so greatly indebted, he says : " Si particularia desires, adeas Anglorum navi- gationes tribus voluminibus a Richardo Hacluito diligentissime descriptas." Anderson says, " neither this nor Drake's circumnavigations were intended for making any useful settlements in those remote parts for the benefit of our com- merce, as most certainly they might easily have done ; but their principal aim was privateering against and pillaging the Spaniards, together with some transient commerce." 2 Oldys, Life of Raleigh, p. 41. Naval Hist. G. Brit. i. 240. Belknap, Biog. 1 108 AMERICAN ANNA 1589. Sir Walter Raleigh, having expended £40,000 in attempt- March 7. ing the colonization of Virginia, without realizing the expected Raleigh gain, made an assignment of his patent to Thomas Smith, and patent. ' other merchants and adventurers, with a donation of £100 for the propagation of the Christian religion among the natives, and for the general benefit of the Virginia colony. 1 1590. The English nation, at the time of governor White's arrival in Gov. White England, being still at war with Spain, and apprehending an inva- Vir^nia*. s * on ky me Invincible Armada ; the governor, who was one of the queen's Council of war, was obliged to remain there until the March 20. spring of this year. Finding himself at liberty to return to his colony, he sailed from Plymouth with three ships, and, having passed through the West Indies in quest of Spanish prizes, ar- rived on the 15th of August at Hatteras. In attempting to go on shore on the 17th, one of the boats was overset, and seven men were drowned. This disaster discouraged the other sailors to such a degree, that they all seemed resolved to abandon the research ; but, by the persuasion and authority of the governor and one of their captains, they resumed it. The governor ac- Searches cordingly, taking with him 19 men in two boats, went toward the for the col- place where he had left the English colony, and found on a tree had htff he at the t0 P °*" lne k an k' CRO : carved in fair Roman letters, there. This he knew to be intended to mark the place where the plant- ers might be found ; for they had secretly agreed with him at his departure for England, to write or carve on the trees or posts of the doors the name of the place where they should be seated, because they were at that time preparing to remove 50 miles from Roanoke into the main land. It had also been agreed, that, in case of their distress, they should carve over the letters a cross ; but, to the great comfort and encouragement of their English friends, they found not this sign. Coming to the spot where the colouy had been left, they found the houses taken down, and the place very strongly inclosed with a high palisado of trees, in the form of a fort. At the right side of the entrance, on one of the chief trees or posts, the bark of which had been taken off five feet from the ground, was carved, in fair capital letters, CROATOAN, without the sign of distress. 2 Concluding that 1 Hakluyt, i. 815 — 817 ; Hazard, Coll. i. 425 ; where are entire copies of this assignment. Birch, Life Ral. 21. Stith, 25. Belknap, Biog. i. 220. Robertson, b. 9. where the date is erroneous. Oldys, Life Ral. p. 49. Raleigh was a generous benefactor to the colony, of which he was the parent. Mr. Hariot assures us, the least that he had granted had been 500 acres of land to a man only for the adventure of his person. Hakluyt, iii. 280. 2 Within the palisado they found many bars of iron, 2 pigs of lead, 4 iron fowl- ers, iron sack shot, and " such like heavy things throwen here and there almost A DISCO^PlES AND SETTLEMENTS. 100 the colony was safe at the place thus designated, they determined 1590. the next morning to sail for Croatoan. The ship, however, part- s^^^ ing her cables, the weather being tempestuous, their provisions and fresh water scanty, they concluded to sail to the West Indies for supplies, remain there through the winter, and, on their re- Returns turn, visit their countrymen in Virginia ; but the violence of the without dis- storm obliged them to relinquish that design, and return to Eng- covenn s ll - land. 1 A fleet of ships sailed from St. Malo in France for Canada ; 1591. the French, at that time, being accustomed to fish at the islands French fleet about the bay of St. Lawrence for morses, whose teeth were Canada then sold much dearer than ivory. 2 Thomas Cavendish, distinguished by his circumnavigation of Cavendish the earth, undertook a voyage with five ships to the Straits of f ttem s ^ h Magellan ; but, unable to pass them on account of bad weather straits of and contrary winds, he was driven back to the coast of Brazil, Magellan. where he died. The squadron, on their way out, annoyed the Dies. Portuguese on the coast of Brazil, and took Santos ; and, on their return from the Straits, burnt St. Vincente, and were re- pulsed at Espirito Santo. 3 Sir Richard Grenville, who had conducted the expedition for sir R. settling Virginia, was mortally wounded in an engagement with Grenvllle ' s overgrowen with grasse and weedes." In the end of an old trench they found five chests, that had been carefully hidden by the planters, three of which Gov- ernor White says were his own ; and adds, " about the place we found many of my things spoyled and broken, and my bookes torn from the covers, the frames of some of my pictures and mappes rotten and spoiled with rayne, and my armour almost eaten through with rust." Hakluyt. " Part of the works are seen to this day." Williamson, N. Car. a. d. 1812. 1 Hakluyt, iii. 287—295. Smith, Virginia, 15, 16. Beverly, 14. Croatoan was an Indian town on the north side of Cape Lookout [Marshall, Life of Wash- ington, i. 20.], southward of Hatteras. Belknap, Biog. i. 221. Here Mantco was born, and the natives of the island were the friends of the English. By the account in Hakluyt, it was near Ocrecock Inlet. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 189, 191. Anderson, ii. 180, 184. They also made much oil from these animals, which the English call Sea horses, the Dutch and French, Sea cows. They are called in Latin, Boves Marini, or Vaccce Marina, and in the Russian tongue, Morsses. Hakluyt says, " I have seene the hide of one as big as any oxe hide, and being dressed I have yet a piece of one thicker than any two oxe or buls hides in England. The leatherdressers take them to be excellent good to make light targets against the arrowes of the Savages ; and I hold them farre better then the light leather targets, which the Moores use in Barbarie against arrowes and lances. The teeth of the sayd fishes, whereof I have seene a dry fat full at once, are a foote and sometimes more in length ; and have been sold in England to the combe and knife makers, at 8 groats and 3 shillings the pound weight, whereas the best Ivory is sold for halfe the money." An English Voyager [ibid. 192.] says, there were 1500 killed this year (1591) by one small bark at Ramea. 3 Southey, Hist. Brazil, i. c. 12. Camden, Eliz. apud a. d. 1591. Cavendish died an untimely death — " ad Brazilian littora rejectus ibi immature periit crimi- natus supremo testamento Joannem Davidem quasi perfide deseruerat." Southey says, he died on his way home, as much of a broken heart as of disease. The close of the expedition, and the death of Cavendish, were in 1592. 1 110 AMERICAN ANNA* 1591. a Spanish fleet, and died on board the admiral's ship, where v^v^w/ he was a prisoner, highly admired by the enemy for his courage and fortitude. 1 1592. Christopher Newport, with three ships and a small bark, Expedition conducted an expedition against the Spaniards in the West In- against the jj eSj anc j t00 k several prizes. On the coast of Hispaniola, in in w. a in- the Bay of Honduras, and other places, he plundered and burnt dies. several towns, and obtained considerable booty. 2 Juan de Juan de Fuca, a Greek, in the service of Spain, sent by the Fuca. viceroy of Mexico to discover a Northwest passage by ex- ploring the western side of the American continent, discovered a strait, which bears his name, in the 48th degree of north lati- tude. 3 1593. George Drake, an Englishman, made a voyage up the gulf Voyage of of St. Lawrence to the isle of Ramea, 4 and carried home intelli- G. brake to 5 Dec. 17. Henry May, a worthy mariner, returning from the East Indies H. May an ; n a French ship, was wrecked on one of the islands of Bermu- wrlcke^on das, and was the first Englishman who set foot on this island. Bermudas. The company, having saved the carpenter's tools, built of cedar a bark of about 18 tons ; caulked it, and payed the seams with 1 Stith's Hist, of Virginia, 49. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 567 — 569, where there is an entire account of this voyage. Stith, 42. Joselyn, Voy. 240. 3 Belknap, Biog. i. 39, 224—230, from Purchas. Fuca supposed it to be the long sought pasage. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 193. Ramea, according to Hakluyt, lies within the Straits of St. Peter, back of Newfoundland, to the southwert, in 47 deg. N. lat. This diligent author notices three voyages " of our owne men, the first of Mr. George Drake, the second of M. Silvester Wyet, the third of M. Charles Leigh ; be- cause (he says) they are the first, for ought that has hitherto come to my "•knowledge, of our owne Nation, that have conducted English ships so farre within this gulfe of S. Laurence, and have brought us true relation of the mani- fold gaine which the French, Britaynes, Baskes and Biskaines do yerely return from the sayd partes ; while wee this long time have stood still and have bene idle lookers on, making courtisie who should give the first adventure, or once being given, who should continue or prosecute the same." 5 Anderson, ii. 184. How ladies' stays were previously made, does not ap- pear ; but Anderson thinks it probable that slit pieces of cane, or of some tough and pliant wood, might have been used. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. Ill lime, mixed with turtles' fat ; procured the shrouds from the ship 1 593. for rigging; put in 13 live turtles for provisions; and, after re- v-^^/ maining on the island nearly five months, sailed to Newfoundland, whence they procured a passage for England. 1 George Weymouth with two ships, fitted out from England at Voyage of the joint expense of the two companies of Russia and Turkey J^JJ^ merchants for the discovery of a Northwest passage, visited the Labrador. coast of Labrador. In 61° 40' north latitude, he saw the en- trance of an inlet 40 leagues broad, up which he sailed nearly 100 leagues and returned. The variation of the compass here Variation was 35° to the west. Sailing along the coast of America, he °^J f e com " entered an inlet in the 56th degree of latitude, and had great but delusive hope of finding a passage. After a voyage of three months he arrived in England. 2 Silvester Wyet of Bristol, in a bark of 35 tons, made a 1594. voyage up the bay of St. Lawrence as far as the isle of Assump- April 4. tion, for the barbs or fins of whales, and train oil. Ten leagues Vov ^ sj; °£ up the bay of Placentia, he found the fishermen of St. John de s*t. Law- Luz, Sibibero, and Biscay, to be upwards of 60 sail ; of which rence - eight ships only were Spanish. At Farrillon, 14 leagues to the northward of Cape Brace, he found 20 sail of Englishmen ; and, having in this harbour satisfactorily made up his fishing voyage, August 24. he returned to England. 3 James Lancaster, sent out from London with three ships and Voyage of a galley frigate, and 275 men and boys, took 29 Spanish ships. agaj^the* Associating with him Vernier an Englishman, and some Holland- Spaniards. ers and Frenchmen who were roving in the South American seas for booty, he surprised Pernambuco, the port town of Olinda, in Brazil. After keeping possession of it 30 days, he carried off the freight of a rich East Indian carrack, with which, and sugars, Brazil*wood, and cotton, procured there, he loaded 15 sail of vessels, and returned home. 4 1 Hakluyt, iii. 573, 574, where is Henry May's account of this voyage entire. The company did not leave the island until 11 May, 1594, and on the 20th fell in with the land near Cape Breton, where they took in water and provision, and then proceeded to Newfoundland. Ibid. Gorges, New Eng. 3. Smith, Virg. 173. Harris' Voy. 848. Belknap, Biog. i. 39. Sir William Monson says, he knew of this shipwreck, and of the preservation of Henry May, who belonged to one of the French ships that " captain Ryman had, when he was drowned re- turning from the Indies." Naval Tracts in Churchill, Collect, iii. 440. He also says, that above 50 years before the time when he was writing [i. e. about 1585], he " knew one captain Russell, a Frenchman, shipwrecked upon that island [Bermudas] ; and with great industry of his people, for few of his men were lost, they patched up a boat out of the materials of the perished ship, that carried x them to Newfoundland, where they found relief and passage into their own country." 2 Forster, Voyages, 312—317. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 194, 195. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 708—715. Camden, Eliz. a. d. 1594. Anderson, a. d, 1594. 112 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1595. Sir Walter Raleigh, having the preceding year sent to Voyage of Guiana captain Whiddon, an old and experienced officer, from Raleigh to whom he received flattering accounts of the opulence and gran- deur of that country, resolved now to visit it in person. Fitting out a fleet at a great expense, he sailed on the 6th of February March 22. from Plymouth. Arriving at Trinidad, he spent a month in Arrives at coasting the island, waiting at the same time for the arrival of captain Preston. During this period learning the state of St. Joseph, a small city lately built by the Spaniards on that island, and knowing that the search for Guiana must be made in small boats, and that his ships must be left several hundred miles be- hind, he perceived it would not be safe to leave at his back a garrison of enemies, interested in the same enterprise, and in daily expectation of reinforcement from Spain. Determined in his purpose, in the dusk of the evening he boldly assailed the Corps du Garde ; and, having put them to the sword, advanced Takes the with 100 men, and by break of day took the city, which, at the Xph S and entreaty of the Indians, he set on fire. He took Antonio de bums it. Berreo, the Spanish governor prisoner, and carried him, and a companion who was with him, on board his ships ; but the other Spaniards he dismissed. Berreo provoked Raleigh to this measure, by treacherously capturing eight of captain Whiddon's men the year before, after giving his word that they should take wood and water safely. It appears too, that he and his Spaniards had treated the Indians with extreme cruelty ; which accounts for the attachment these oppressed natives formed for Raleigh and the English people, whom they considered as their deliverers. Raleigh, leaving his ships at Trinidad, proceeded with 100 men in boats 400 miles up the Oronoque ; but the river beginning dangerously to swell, he returned, without effecting the great dis- covery. 1 Several petty kings of the country, however, resigned Southey, Brazil, c. 12. Southcy says, Lancaster engaged three Dutch ships in his service, and was joined by a squadron of French, and took the town of Recife. Recife is another name for Pernambuco, or Fernambuck. Alcedo calls the place the city Arrecife. The last of these exploits of Lancaster were early in 1595 ; after which, he sailed for England. 1 Purchas, i. 828, 833 ; v. 1269. Hakluyt, iii. 627—662. Guiana lies eastward of Peru, under the equinoctial, between the Oronoque and the river of Amazons. Raleigh says, the Oronoque is navigable for ships little less than 1000 miles, and for smaller vessels near 2000 ; later writers say 1800. The country where he was led to expect to find immense treasures, lay on this river, 600 miles from the sea. This descent was hazardous. " The fury of Orenoque," says Raleigh, " began daily to threaten us with dangers in our returne ; for no halfe day passed, but the river began to rage and overflowe very fearefully, and the raines came downe in terrible showers, and gustes in great abundance." Bancroft, so lately as 1766, says, The Charibbees of Guiana retain a tradition of an English Chief, who many years since landed among them, and encouraged them to persevere in enmity to the Spaniards ; promising to return and settle among DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 113 their sovereignties into his hands, for the use of queen Elizabeth. 1595. It was his intention to seek for his colony in Virginia on his re- •^^ s ^^ turn to England ; but extremity of weather forced him from the Virginia coast. Captain Amias Preston, arriving after Raleigh on the coast of Voyage of South America, landed at the isle of Coche, near Margarita, A - Prestoni where he took a (ew Spaniards with their negro slaves, and a May 19. small quantity of pearls. Proceeding to Cumana, the Spanish inhabitants, after a parley, agreed to pay him a ransom, to save their town from conflagration and plunder. He next took the June 3. city St. Jago de Leon, which was sacked and burnt. Having Aug 20 afterward burnt the town of Coro, he sailed to Hispaniola, Returns to thence to Newfoundland, and thence to England. 1 England. Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins sailed from England 28. with six of the queen's ships, and 21 private ships and barks, on JJ-j^f ^°J an expedition to the West Indies. On the way from Guadaloupe Hawkins to to Porto Rico, Sir John Hawkins died; 2 and was succeeded in W.Indies. command by Sir Thomas Baskerville. The next day, Drake made a desperate attack on the shipping in the harbour of Porto Rico ; but, obtaining little advantage, he proceeded to the main, and took the towns of Rio de la Hache, Rancheria, Tapia, December. Saint Martha, and Nombre de Dios. Baskerville now marched with 750 men for the reduction of Panama ; but the Spaniards, having knowledge of the design, were strongly fortified, and he was obliged to abandon the enterprise. 3 them, and afford them assistance. It is said, that they still fondly cherish the tradition of his alliance, and to this day preserve the English colours which he left with them at parting above 200 years since, that they might distinguish his countrymen. This, adds Bancroft, was undoubtedly Sir Walter Raleigh, who in 1595 made a descent on the coast of Guiana, in search of the fabulous golden city of Manoa del Dorado. Hist. Guiana, 258, 259. Alcedo, Art. Gtjayana. Sir W. Raleigh's account of the voyage is in Hakluyt. He seemed to believe, that what he had written of Guiana would be sufficient to incite the " lady of ladies " [Elizabeth] to possess it ; " if not," he adds, " I will judge those men worthy to be kings thereof, that by her grace and leave will undertake it of them- selves." 1 Hakluyt, iii. 578 — 583. " Captain George Sommers " was with Preston. 2 Camden, Eliz. a. d. 1595. Stow [Chron. 807.] says, " as it was supposed of melancholy." His arms, " emblazoned in memory of his noble atchieve- ments," preserve his appropriate honours : " Upon his helm a wreath, Argent and Azure, a Demy Moore in his proper colour, bound and captive, with amu- lets in his arms and ears." Biog. Britan. Art. Hawkins. See a. d. 1563. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 583—590. Purchas, v. 1183. The pearls, brought by the Spaniards for the ransom of the Rancheria (their fishing tow T n for pearl), were so highly rated, to make up the offered sum of 24,000 ducats, that the general sent them back, and burned that town, and R. de la Hache, " the churches and a ladies house onely excepted." The other towns shared the same fate. The people of Nombre de Dios fled on the approach of the English, excepting about 100 Spaniards who kept the fort ; but after a few discharges they also fled, leaving nothing of value. On the last of December the general burned half of the town, and 1 January the remainder, " with all the frigates, barks and galiots, which were in the harbour and on the beach on shore, having houses built over VOL. I. 15 114 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1596. Death of Sir Francis Drake Jan. 28. Second voyage to Guiana. Sir Francis Drake, proceeding with the English ileet from Nombre de Dios, died on his passage between the island of Escudo and Porto Bello. His body, according to naval custom, was sunk in the sea, very near the place where he first laid the foundation of his fame and fortune. The fleet anchored at Porto Bello on the same day ; but the inhabitants fled at the approach of the English, carrying away their goods. 1 Sir Walter Raleigh, at his own expense, fitted out two vessels under Lawrence Keymis, who made farther discoveries relating to Guiana. 2 1597. Third voy- age to Guiana. Voyage of Sir A.Shir- ley. Takes Ja- maica. Expedition of Earl of Cumber- land to W. Indies. Leonard Berrie, fitted out with a pinnace by Sir Walter Raleigh, arriving in March on the coast of Guiana, entered into a friendly correspondence with the natives, and returned to England. 3 Sir Anthony Shirley, commanding an English squadron, land- ed at Jamaica on the 29th of January, and marched six miles into the island to the principal town. The inhabitants of the town and island submitting to his mercy, he resided here about five weeks, and then sailed to Honduras ; took Puerto de Caval- los ; searched in vain for a passage to the South Sea ; and re- turned by Newfoundland to England. 4 The earl of Cumberland, having received a commission from queen Elizabeth, to attack and destroy the territories of her ene- mies, took the island of Porto Rico in the West Indies, and carried off nearly 80 cast pieces of cannon, eight ships, and much wealth ; 5 them to keepe the pitch from melting." Hakluyt. Naval Hist. G. Britain, i. 103 ; where it is observed " grasping at too many things spoiled all." 1 Hakluyt, iii. 588, 593. Naval Hist. G. Brit. i. 104. Stow, Chron. 808. Rees, Cyclopsed. Art. Drake. Sir Francis Drake was in the 51st year of his age. Fuller says, " He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it." — " In Puerto Bello were but 8 or 10 houses, beside a great new house which they building for the Governour that should have bene for that place : there was also a very strong fort all to the water side. There they ment to have builded a great towne." This place was taken " before the town and fortifica- tions thereunto belonging were one quarter finished." Churchill, Voy. viii. 762. See a. d. 1601. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 672—692. Oldys, Life of Ralegh, 89—93. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 692—697. Oldys, Life Ral. 108. This voyage was begun 27 December 1596, and finished 28 June 1597. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 598—602. This voyage was begun 23 April 1596. Shirley arrived at Dominica 17 October ; staid there till 25 November ; landed at St. Martha on the Spanish main December 12 ; remained there over Christmas ; and on New Year's day sailed for Jamaica. At the principal town on the island, " the people all on horseback made shew of great matters, but did nothing." Puerto de Cavillos was " the most poore and miserable place of all India." 5 Purchas, i. 903. Joselyn, Voy. 242. At Puerto Rico, the capital, which gives name to the island, there was a bishop's see, and cathedral church, with a friery, 400 soldiers in pay, beside, 300 others. " It was accounted the maiden DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 115 but the expedition was disastrous, for 700 men were lost before 1597. its completion. 1 v-^v-w/ Charles Leigh, merchant of London, made a voyage with two Voyage of vessels to the Isle of Ramea and Cape Breton. Having given c. kejgh to umbrage to the French at Ramea, 200 Frenchmen and Bretons from all the ships in two harbours on the island assembled, and planted three pieces of ordnance on the shore against the Eng- lish, and discharged on them 100 small shot from the woods. There were also in readiness to assault them about 300 Indians. On a parley, however, the contest subsided. In this voyage, Leigh obtained a considerable quantity of codfish and train oil, and had some little traffic with the natives. 2 France, after fifty years of internal commotion, having re- 1598. recovered her former tranquillity, was enabled to renew her en- Jan. 12. terprises for colonization. 3 The marquis de la Roche, receiving ^°™JJ?j[ from Henry IV. a commission to conquer Canada, and other Roche to countries, not possessed by any Christian prince, sailed from conquer France, in quality of lord lieutenant of those countries, with Chetodel of Normandy for his pilot, carrying a colony of convicts from the prisons. Having landed 40 of them on the Isle of Leaves 40 Sable, he sailed for Acadie ; made researches in that region ; ™m j 1 ^ 8 ° f n and returned to France, without attempting a settlement, or sable. having it in his power to carry back those miserable outcasts, whom he had set on shore. He was prevented by various misfortunes from returning to America, and died of vexa- His death. towne and invincible, and is the Spanish key, and their first towne in the Indies." 1 Univ. Hist. xli. 522. About 60 men were slain in fight at Porto Rico ; 600 died of the bloody flux ; and about 40 were cast away in their return. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 195 — 201. Leigh gave umbrage by taking the powder and ammunition from a vessel (in one of the harbours) supposed to belong to Spain ; but which proved to belong to the subjects of the French king. Both vessels, employed in this voyage, were of London, the Hopewell of 120 tons, and the Chancewell of 70, and were " set to sea at the sole and proper charge of Charles Leigh and Abraham Van Herwick of London, merchants." They left Falmouth 28 April, and 18 May were on the bank of Newfoundland. On the 23d the Chancewell was cast away " upon the maine of Cape Breton, within a great bay 18 leagues within the Cape, and upon a rocke within a mile of the shore." The Hopewell, having fished successfully at the isle of Menego to the north of Cape Breton, and at Brian's island, arrived 18 June at Ramea. 3 See a. d. 1540, and 1549. 4 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 107—110. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 408, 409. Fors- ter, Voy. 444. The French king, hearing at length of these convicts, sent Chetodel to take them away ; and after seven years the survivors of that forlorn company, twelve in number, were taken off, and carried home. On their arrivai in France, king Henry having at his own desire seen them, just as they were when they left the place, in their seal skin clothes and long beards, gave each of them 50 crowns, as a recompense for their sufferings, and remitted the punish- ment of their crimes. 116 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1599. Derck Gherritz, a Dutchman, in a voyage to the East In- Dutch voy- dies, attempting to pass the Straits of Magellan, was driven in a a s e * south direction from Cape Horn, as far as the 64th degree of south latitude, where he saw a high country, covered with snow, which he coasted nearly 100 leagues. His pilot was William Adams, an Englishman. 1 1600. On the death of La Roche, his patent was renewed in favour Chauvin of M. de Chauvin, who now made a voyage up the river St. French Lawrence to Tadoussac, where he left some of his people ; and people at returned, freighted with furs. 2 Tadoussac. Sebald de Weert, a Dutchman, having passed through the S.deWeert Straits of Magellan into the South Sea, discovered without the d ' sc °^ rs Straits three islands, which the company, in honour of their dine isl- " captain, called the Sebaldine islands. 3 He was one of the com- ands. pany of Oliver Van Noort, sent out by the Hollanders with four ships, one of which, after the passage through the Straits, pro- ceeded to the East Indies ; and, having traded there for pepper, returned home by the Cape of Good Hope. 4 This was the fourth general navigation of the globe ; but the first that was ever performed by the Dutch. 5 1 Banney's History of Discoveries. Adams was chief pilot of a Dutch squad- , ron of four or five ships, of the company of Oliver Van Noort, which appears to have been sent out the preceding year by the Hollanders. Gherritz was of this squadron. See a. d. 1600. 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 110, 111. Tadoussac is 90 leagues from the mouth of the St. Lawrence. The French people, left there, would have perish- ed by hunger or disease, during the following winter, but for the compassion of the natives. Ibid. Chauvin the next year made a second voyage, with the same good fortune as the first, and sailed up the St. Lawrence as high as Trois Rivieres ; but while preparing for a third voyage he died. Ibid. Brit. Emp. i. Introd. p. 47. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 409. 3 Harris' Voy. i. 33. They are laid down in a map (ibid.), and lie in 53 deg. 40 min. S. lat. about 60 miles from the land. 4 Monson [Naval Tracts, p. 402.] says, there were five ships that went from Holland on this voyage ; that several Englishmen went in them ; that Mr. Adams of Lymehouse was on board that ship, which returned by the East Indies ; and that, while he was at Japan, he sent intelligence to England of his being there, informing the English merchants of the state of that country, and expressing a desire that they would undertake the trade of Japan. Charlevoix mentions the same Adams, as commander of the entire Dutch squadron : " Guillaume Adams, Anglois, en qualite de premier Pilote de PEscadre." 5 Anderson, ii. 194. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, [Fastes Chron.] i. 28. This voyage was begun in 1598 ; but was impeded by adverse winds. Historians do not perfectly agree in the names of the Dutch navigators ; but I apprehend that several, who differ in this respect, refer to the same memorable voyage. Grotius expressly mentions it, with his accustomed neatness : " Longinquas ad naviga- tions crescebat Batavis audacia, quippe et fretum, quod Magellanicum a reper- tore dicitur, Draconi et Cavendisso Anglis emensum postea, quartus eorum, quos fama excepit, Oliverius Nortius Roterodamensis penetraverat." Annales, a. d. 1601. In Spicghel der Australische Navigatic there is a short account of this voyage, entitled, " Voyagie van Olivier van Noort: ghedaen Anno 1598. met 4. Schepen door twee hondert 48. Mannen." It mentions " Sebalt de Weert." DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 117 William Parker sailed from Plymouth in England with two 1601. ships, one pinnace, and two shallops, to Cubagua ; and, having Voyage of taken the pearl fishery in that island, with the governor of Cu- w - Parker, mana, who was there with a company of soldiers, he received Takes the 500 pounds in pearl for the ransom of the whole. Proceeding pearl fish- to Porto Bello, he made himself master of that rich town ; re- J^Jna! CU mained in it one day ; plundered it without molestation from its pi un ders inhabitants; and left it without injuring its buildings. 1 Porto Bello. Although the disastrous issue of Raleigh's attempts to effect 1602. a settlement in America, together with the war with Spain, checked the spirit of colonization in England, it was now revived. Bartholomew Gosnold sailed in a small bark from Falmouth with March 26. 32 persons, 2 for the northern parts of Virginia, with the design of g ^^ beginning a plantation. Instead of making the unnecessary circuit to the north- by the Canaries and West Indies, he steered, as near as the ^ rn P** 8 o( winds would permit, due west, and was the first Englishman who came in a direct course to this part of America. 3 After a passage May 14. of seven weeks, he discovered land on the American coast ; and land^ 6 !^. soon after met with a shallop with sails and oars, having on board eight Indians, with whom the English had friendly intercourse. 4 Ji t hThe W Sailing along the shore, they the next day discovered a head land natives. in the latitude of 42°, where they came to anchor ; and, taking M 15 a great number of cod at this place, they called it Cape Cod. Anchor at On the day following they coasted the land southerly; and, in ^apeCod. 1 Purchas, i. 901 ; v. 1243. Harris, Voy. i. 747. Porto Bello was now entire- ly finished ; but Parker obtained there no more than 10,000 dollars ; for within a few days before 120,000 dollars were conveyed thence to Carthagena. Churchill, Voy. viii. 762. Parker, in his description of" the stately and new builded town of Porto Bello" [in Purchas], says, it "had two goodly churches in it fully finished, and six or seven faire streets, whereof two were full of all necessarie artificers, and of merchants, with three small forts on the townes sides, besides the great fort of Saint Philip on the other." See a. d. 1596. 2 Of this number eight were " mariners and saylers ; " 12 purposed, after the discovery of a proper place for a plantation, to return with the ship to England ; the rest were to " remayne there for population." Purchas. At whose expense the voyage was made, does not appear ; but it was with the consent of Sir W. Raleigh and his associates. Belknap. 3 Belknap, Biog. i. 231 ; ii. 100. Robertson, b. 9. 51. Biog. Britan. Art. Greenville, Note F. Smith [Hist. Virg. 16.] says, this course was " shorter than heretofore by 500 leagues." Anderson, a. d. 1602. 4 These natives first hailed the English ; who answered them. After signs of peace, and a long speech made by one of the Indians, they went boldly on hoard the English vessel, " all naked," saving loose deer skins about their shoul- ders, " and neere their wastes seale-skinnes tyed fast like to Irish Dimmie Trouses." One of them, who seemed to be their Chief, wore a waistcoat, breeches, cloth stockings, shoes, and a hat ; one or two others had a few things of European fabric ; and " these with a piece of chalke described the coast thereabouts, and could name Placentia of the Newfoundland ; they spake di- vers Christian words." Purchas. Their vessel is supposed to have belonged to come unfortunate fishermen of Biscay, wrecked on the coast. IIS AMERICAN ANNALS. Gilbert's Point. Martha's Vineyard. Dover Cliff. Gosnold's Hope. Elizabeth Island in 42? 20'. Here they build a fort and house. June 18. All return to England. attempting to double a point, came suddenly into shoal water, and called the place Point Care. While at anchor here, they were visited by the natives. In surveying the coast, they dis- covered breakers off a point of land, which they named Gilbert's Point ; and, passing it on the 19th of May, anchored about a league to the westward of it. On the 21st they discovered an island, which they called Martha's Vineyard. Coming to anchor, two days afterward, at the northwest part of this island, they were visited the next morning by 13 of the natives, with whom they had a friendly traffic. On the 24th they discovered another island, which they called Dover Cliff; and the next day came to anchor, a quarter of a mile from the shore, in a large bay, which they called Gosnold's Hope. On the northern side of it was the main ; and on the southern, four leagues distant, was a large island, which, in honour of the queen, they called Eliza- beth. A little to the northward of this island was a small one, which they called Hill's Hap ; and on the opposite northern shore a similar elevation, which they called Hap's Hill. On the 28th they consulted together upon a fit place for a plantation ; and concluded to settle on the western part of Elizabeth Island. In this island there is a pond of fresh water, two miles in circum- ference, in the centre of which is a small rocky islet ; and here they began to erect a fort and store house. While the men were occupied in this work, Gosnold crossed the bay in his ves- sel ; went on shore ; trafficked amicably with the natives ; and, having discovered the mouths of two rivers, returned in five days to the island. 1 In 19 days the fort and store house were finished; but, discontents arising among those who were to have remained in the country, it was concluded, after deliberate consultation, to relinquish the design of a settlement ; and the whole company returned to England. 2 1 Point Care is supposed by Dr. Belknap to be Malebarre, or Sandy Point, forming the southeastern extremity of the county of Barnstable in Massachusetts. Martha's Vineyard was not the island which now bears that name ; but a small island, now called No-Man's Land. Dover's Cliff was Gay Head. Gosnold's Hope was Buzzard's Bay. The narrator in Purchas says, it is " one of the stateliest sounds that ever I was in." Elizabeth island was the westernmost of the islands, which now bear the name of Elizabeth Islands. Itslndian name is Cuttyhunk. Belknap, Biog. Art. Gosnold. One of the two rivers, discovered by Gosnold, was that near which lay Hap's Hill ; and the other, that on the banks of which the town of New Bedford is now built. Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 234. The two harbours of Apooneganset and Pascamanset. Belknap. a Purchas, i. 755 ; v. 1646—1653. Hubbard, MS. N. Eng. c. 2. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. p. 3. Belknap, Biog. ii. 100 — 122, where the errors in his own first account of Gosnold [in Amer. Biog. i. 231 — 239.] are corrected. Harris' Voy. i. 816. Smith, Vira;. 16—18. Joselyn, Voy. 152, 157, 243. Prince, Chron. Introd. 1602. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 269, 270. Brit. Emp. i. 254. " The 13th be- ganne some of our companie that before vowed to stay, to make revolt ; where- upon the planters diminishing, all was given over." Purchas. In 1797, Dr. Belknap with several other gentlemen went to the spot which was selected by DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 119 Sir Walter Raleigh, not abandoning all hope of the Virginia 1602. colony, made one effort more for its discovery and relief. Having \^^-^/ purchased and fitted out a bark, he sent, on that benevolent Raleigh enterprise, Samuel Mace, an able mariner of Weymouth, who sail- JJ^JSf 1 " ed from Weymouth in March ; fell on the American coast in about for the Vir- the 34th degree of north latitude ; spent a month there ; pro- s inia co1 ' ceeded along the coast ; but returned home without any thorough attempt to effect the purpose of this voyage. 1 The discovery, made by Gosnold, was an incitement to farther 1603. adventures. By the persuasion of Mr. Richard Hakluyt, and voyage of with the leave of Sir Walter Raleigh, the mayor and aldermen, M. Pring. and some of the most considerable merchants of Bristol, raised a stock of £1000, and fitted out a ship of about 50 tons, called the Speedwell, and a bark of 26 tons, called the Discoverer, under the command of Martin Pring, for the fuller discovery of the northern parts of Virginia. The ship, carrying 30 men and boys, the bark 13 men and a boy, both victualled for eight April 10. months, sailed on the 10th of April from Milford Haven. In Sails - the beginning of June, they fell in with the American coast be- tween the 43d and 44th degrees of north latitude, among a multi- tude of islands, in the mouth of Penobscot Bay. Ranging the coast to the southwest, and passing the Saco, Kennebunk, York, and Piscataqua rivers, they proceeded into the Bay of Massa- chusetts. Going on shore, but not finding any sassafras, the col- lection of which was the chief object of their voyage, they sailed into a large sound, and coasted along the north side of it ; but, not satisfied in their expectation, they sailed over it, and came to Gosnold's company on Elizabeth Island, and " had the supreme satisfaction to find the cellar of Gosnold's store house ; the stones of which were evidently taken from the neighbouring beach ; the rocks of the islet being less moveable, and lying in ledges." Belknap, Biog. ii. 115. In a map, entitled, " The South part of New England, as it is planted this yearee, 1634," inserted in the first edition of Wood's New England Prospect, I find a place near Narraganset Bay, named Old Plymouth ; and in the same map the Plymouth, settled in 1620, is denominated JVew Plymouth. It hence appears, that Gosnold's ephemeral settlement (though not correctly placed in this map) was kept some time in remembrance in New England. Hutchinson [Hist. Mass. i. 1.], speaking of Gosnold's settlement, observes : " This I suppose is what Joselyn, and no other author, calls the first colony of New Plymouth, for he says it was begun in 1602, and near Narraganset Bay." Joselyn's account [Toy. 157.] is: "At the further end of Narraganset Bay by the mouth of the river on the south side thereof, was old Plymouth plantation anno 1602." l Purchas, v. 1653. This was the fifth time that Raleigh sent, at his own charges, to the succour of the colony left in Virginia in 1587. " At this last time, to avoid all excuse, bee bought a barke, and hired all the companie for wages by the moneth ; " but they " fell fortie leagues to the southwestward of Hataraske, in 34 degrees or thereabout ; and having there spent a moneth, when they came along the coast to seeke the people, they did it not, pretending that the extremitie of weather, and losse of some principal ground-tackle, forced and teared them from searching the Poit of Hataraske, to which they were sent." 120 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1603. Lands his men at Whitson Bay; where they erect and fortify a hut. May 10. B. Gilbert sails for Virginia. Nov. 8. Patent of De Monts from 40 to 46° N. lati Dec 18. anchor on the north side. Here they landed at an excellent harbour in a bay, which, in honour of the mayor of Bristol, they called Whitson Bay. Having built a hut, and enclosed it with a barricade, some of them kept constant guard in it, while others were employed in collecting sassafras in the woods. They were visited by the natives, whom they treated with kindness. After remaining here seven weeks, the bark was despatched, well freighted with sassafras, for England. Some alarming appear- ances of hostility on the part of the Indians, soon after the de- parture of the bark, accelerated the lading and departure of the ship, which sailed from the coast on the 9th of August. 1 While Pring was employed in this voyage, Bartholomew Gil- bert went on a farther discovery to the southern part of Virginia ; intending also to search for the lost English colony. Sailing from Plymouth on the 1 Oth of May, in a bark of 50 tons, by the way of the West Indies, he on the 23d of July saw land in about the 40th degree of latitude. Adverse winds preventing him from reaching Chesapeak Bay, at which he aimed, he came to anchor on the 29th about a mile from the shore, and landed with four of his principal men ; but every one of them was killed by the natives. The rest of the crew, intimidated by this dis- aster, weighed anchor, and returned to England. 2 Henry IV. of France granted to Pierre du Gast, Sieur de Monts, a gentleman of his bed chamber, a patent of the American territory from the 40th to the 46th degree of north latitude, con- stituting him lieutenant general of that portion of the country, with power to colonize and to rule it, and to subdue and Christ- ianize its native inhabitants. The king soon after granted him and his associates an exclusive right to the commerce of peltry, in Acadie and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 3 1 Purchas, v. 1654—1656. Belknap, Biog. ii. 123—133. Smith, Virg. 18. Beverly, 17. Stith, 32. Prince, 1603. Brit. Emp. i. Introd. 21. The place in Massachusetts Bay, where they landed, was named the year before by Gosnold's men, Savage Rock. The large sound into which they next sailed is called in Purchas a " great gulf," which, according to Belknap, was the Vineyard Sound. The harbour at which they landed, as described in the Journal in Purchas, " must have been that of Edgar-Town, generally called Old-Town.'" Note of Peleg Coffin, Esq. in Belknap, Biog. ii. 128. The place where the voyagers cast anchor, is said in Purchas to be " in the latitude of 41 degrees and odd minutes." One of the birch canoes of the natives who visited them was carried home to Bristol, as a curious specimen of their ingenuity. 2 Purchas, v. 1656—1658. Prince, 1603. Stith, 33. 3 Lescarbot, Nouv. France, liv. 1 c. 1. & liv. 4. c. 1. Memoires de L'Ame- rique, ii. 446, 447. Chalmers, b. 1. 82. Hazard, Coll. i. 45—48, where the patent, in the original French, is inserted entire. An English translation is inserted in Purchas, v. 619, 1620; in Harris' Voy. i. 813; and in Churchill, Voy. viii. 796 — 798. In Churchill, it is introductory to L'Escarbot's Description of New France. De Monts was a Calvinist ; but the king allowed him and his people the exercise of his religion in America. On his part, he engaged to people the country, and to establish the Catholic religion among the natives. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 121 Samuel Cham plain of Brouage in France sailed up the St. 1603. Lawrence ; anchored at Tadoussac ; and made discoveries in v^v^/ the neighbouring territory. 1 Two hundred ships were at this period annually engaged in Newfotmd- the Newfoundland fishery, and employed at least 10,000 men. 2 land fish * Elizabeth, queen of England, died, aged 70 years ; and was ^ ath of succeeded by James I. . Elizabeth. The Sieur de Monts, taking Champlain as his pilot, and 1604. attended by M. Poutrincourt with a number of volunteer adven- Voyage of turers, embarked with two vessels for America ; the one convey- **e ~£*£ M ' ing those designed for settlement, the other intended principally for the fur trade. 3 Arriving at Acadie, he confiscated an inter- ^f^^ates loping vessel in one of its harbours, which was now called Port a vessel at Rossignol. Coasting thence he arrived at another port, which p . ort ^ os " his people named Port Mutton. From this port they coasted lgn the peninsula to the southwest ; doubled Cape Sable ; and came t0 ° n rt ut " to anchor in the bay of St. Mary. After 16 days, they pro- ceeded to examine an extensive bay on the west of the peninsula, to which they gave the name of La Baye Franchise. On the Bay Fran- eastern side of this bay they discovered a narrow strait, into < ? oise - which they entered, and soon found themselves in a spacious bason, environed with hills, and bordered with fertile meadows. Poutrincourt was so delighted with this place, that he determined to take his residence here ; and, having received a grant of it from De Monts, he called it Port Royal. From Port Royal Port Royal, De Monts sailed farther into the great bay, to visit a copper mine. Champlain in the mean time, in examining this bay pur- suant to the instructions of De Monts, came to a great river, Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. Ill, 112. The country described in the patent of De Monts, is there called Jlcadie — c'est le premier titre ou Ton trouve le mot d' Jlcadie. Mem. de PAmerique. But this name was afterward restricted to what is now called Nova Scotia. " Cadia, pars Continents, triangularis est formae . . . qui duo sinus exiguo terra; spatio disjuncti, hanc Provinciam pene Insulam efficiunt." Laet. "Acadie, depuis le Cap le Sable, jusqu' a Camceaux, & c'est ce que les Anglois ont d'abord nomine Nouvelle Ecosse." Charlevoix. 1 Charlevoix-, i. 111. Harris' Voy. i. 811. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 410. Belknap, Biog. Art. De Monts. Anderson, a. d. 1603. 2 Biog. Britan. Art. Gilbert, from Josiah Child's Discourse on Trade. This estimate includes seamen, fishermen, and shoremen. They were accustomed to sail in March, and to return in September; and to spend every winter at home what they acquired in their summer fishery, that is upwards of £100,000. 3 Mem. de l'Amerique — " l'un destine a former un etablissement dans les lieux de sa concession . . . l'autre destine principalement pour la traite des Pel- leteries." Some of the adventurers were Protestants, and some, Catholics. " II assembla nombre de Gentils-hommes, et de toutes sortes d'artisans, soldats et autres, tant d'une que d'autre religion, Prestres et Ministres." Champlain, Voy. 43—60. Champlain says, they were one month only in the voyage to Cap de la Heve, which lies several leagues to the eastward of Port Rossignol, in 44 deg. 5 min. After they left this cape, it appears that Champlain parted from De Monts, and went by his order in quest of a place for settlement, VOL. I, 16 12J AMERICAN ANNALS. 1604. 1605. Voyage of* G. Wey- mouth. which he called St. John. From this river he coasted the bay southwesterly 20 leagues, and came to an island in the middle of a river. De Monts, on his arrival, built a fort, and passed the winter on this island, which he called St. Croix. This situation proving very inconvenient, he, the ensuing spring, removed his settlement over the Baye Franchise to Port Royal. 1 This was the first settlement in Acadie [Nova Scotia] ; and was begun four years before the first settlement was made in Canada. 2 King James having recently made peace with Spain, and the passion for the discovery of a Northwest passage being now in its full vigour, a ship was sent out with a view to this discovery, 1 Lescarbot, liv. 4. c. 2—8. Churchill, Voy. iii. 798—815. Purchas, i. 751, 752 ; v. 1620—1626. Champlain, 42—44. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 115, & Fastes Chron. 28. Memoires de l'Amerique, i. 33, 34 ; Mem. concernant 1'Acadie, where the removal to Port Royal is " en 1605." Harris' Voy. 813 — 815. Belknap, Biog. Art. De Monts. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 411. Minot, Mass. i. 127. Port Rossignol was named from a Frenchman, who was trading there with the Indians without license ; for which reason his ship and cargo were seized. Charlevoix. The harbour is on the southest side of Nova Scotia, and is now called Liverpool. Belknap. Port Mutton was so called, because a sheep leaped overboard there, and was drowned. Lescarbot. La Baye Franqoise is now called, The Bay of Fundy. Port Royal is now called Annapolis. The copper mine was a high rock, on a promontory, between two bays [Menis]. Belknap. The coasting of Champlain, S. W. was along the coast of the Eteche- mins. " The people that be from St. John's river to Kinnibeki (wherein are comprised the rivers of St. Croix and Norombega) are called Etechemins." Lescarbot. The river St. John was called by the natives Oaygondy. Champlain. The French did not now sail 50 leagues up this river, as Dr. Belknap seems to have supposed, but in 1608. Purchas, v. 1622. The river, named by the na- tives Scoodick, in which the island St. Croix lies, is also called St. Croix ; and. being part of the boundary between the territory of the United States and the British Province of New Brunswick, it has become a stream of great importance. After tbe treaty of 1783, by which the river St. Croix was made a boundary, it became a question, which was the real St. Croix ; whether the river, known by the name of Scoodick, or that known by the name of Magaguatlavick. It has r however, been satisfactorily determined, by Commissioners appointed for that purpose, that the Scoodick is the river, originally named St. Croix ; and the line lxas been settled accordingly. Professor (afterwards President) Webber, who accompanied the Commissioners in 1798, informed me, that they found an island in this river, corresponding to the French descriptions of the island St. Croix, and, near the upper end of it, the remains of a very ancient fortification, over- grown with large trees ; that the foundation stones were traced to a considerable extent ; and that bricks (a specimen of which he showed me) were found there. These remains were, undoubtedly, the reliques of De Monts' fortification. — It is a confirmatory circumstance, that clay is known to have been found and used there, at the first settlement. Lescarbot says, M. de Poutrincourt, when at Port Royal in 1606, caused great quantities of bricks to be made, with which he made an open furnace. 2 « Ce fut en 1604 que les Francois s'^tablirent en Acadie, quatre ans avant d'avoir eleve la plus petite cabane dans le Canada." Precis sur l'Amerique, 56. — De Monts returned to France in September 1605. Champlain stayed at St. Croix and Port Royal four years. Lescarbot says : " In this port [Port Royal] we dwelt three years after this voyage." In 1607, Henry IV. confirmed to Poutrincourt the gift which De Monts had made to him of Port Royal : — " en Fan 1607 le feu Roy Henry le grand luy ratifica et confirma ce don." Champlain See Note XIX. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 123 by the earl of Southampton and lord Arundel, under the com- 1605. mand of George Weymouth. He sailed from the Downs with v^^^/ 28 persons on the last of March ; and on the 14th of May dis- March 31. covered land in about 41° 30' north latitude. Being entangled bails ' here among shoals, he quitted this land, and about 50 leagues May 18. distant discovered several islands, on one of which he landed, ^"Jan? and called it St. George. Within three leagues of this island he which he' came into a harbour, which he called Pentecost harbour ; then J; alls St - sailed Up a great river 40 miles ; set up crosses in several places \ p orge and had some traffic with the natives. In July, he returned to harbour. England, carrying with him five Indians ; one a Sagamore, and three others of them persons of distinction. 1 Although 109 years had elapsed since the discovery of the 1606. continent of America by the Cabots, in the service of Henry VII. of England ; yet the English had made no effectual settlement in any part of the New World. 2 Twenty years had passed since the first attempt of Sir Walter Raleigh to establish a colony in Virginia ; but not an Englishman was now to be found in all the Virginia territory. The period, however, of English colonization at length arrived. The grant made to Raleigh being void by his attainder, 15 several gentlemen, by the incitement of Mr. Richard Hakluyt, petitioned king James, to grant them a patent for the settling of two plantations on the main coasts of America. 4 The king ac- 1 Rosier's account of this voyage is in Purchas, v. 1659 — 1676 ; and in Smith, Virg. 18—20 ; entitled, " Relation of Discovery Northward of Virginia, by George Weymouth : Written by James Rosier." See also Harris' Voy. i. 817, 818. Keith, 52. Prince, 14. Stith, 34. " The discovery of which they seem to be proudest was that of a river, which they do upon many accounts prefer to any known American river." Dr. Belknap, in his first volume of American Biography, says, this great river is supposed to be either Penobscot, or Kenebeck ; but, before the publication of his second volume, he had satisfied himself, after care- ful examination and inquiry, that it was the Penobscot. Americ. Biog. i. 41 ; ii. 149. Purchas [i. 755.] says, Weymouth " discovered three score miles up a most excellent river." 2 Three years before, at the time of queen Elizabeth's death (1603), which was 110 years after the discovery of America by Columbus, neither the French, Dutch, nor English, nor any other nation, excepting the Spanish, had made any permanent settlement in this New World. In North America, to the north of Mexico, not a single European family could be found. The French had now (1606) just begun to make settlements in Canada and Acadie ; and these, with the Spanish soldiers, maintained at two or three posts in Florida, appear to have been all the Europeans in North America. 3 He had been arraigned for high treason, and declared guilty ; but was re- prieved, and committed to the Tower of London. Oldys, Life of Ralegh, 152 4 Mr. Hakluyt, at that time prebendary of Westminster, was " the most active and efficacious promoter " of the English settlements in America ; and to him " England is more indebted for its American possessions than to any man of that age." Robertson, b. 9, where there is a sketch of his character. He published his first volume of Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation in 1589, and the third, in 1600 ; a work, which will perpetuate the praise due to his learning, diligence, and fidelity ; and which will always furnish some of the best materials for American history. See also Belknap, Biog. i. 408. 124 AMERICAN ANNALS. The First is allotted to the London Company ; the Second, to the Plymouth Company. Colonial govern- 1606. cordingly, by a patent, dated the 10th of April, divided that portion of North America, which stretches from the 34th to the 45th degree of latitude, into two districts, nearly equal. The Southern, called the First Colony, he granted to the Lon- don Company ; the Northern, called the Second Colony, he granted to the Plymouth Company. He authorized Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hakluyt, Edward Maria Wingfield, and their associates, chiefly resident in London, to settle any part that they should choose, of the Southern district ; and vested in them a right of property to the land, extending along the coast fihy miles on each side of the place of their first habitation, and reaching into the interior country 100 milen. The Northern district he allotted, as a place of settlement, to several knights, gentlemen, and merchants of Bristol, Plymouth, and other parts of the west of England, with a similar grant of territory. 1 The supreme government of the colonies that were to be set- tled, was vested in a Council, resident in England, to be named by the king, according to such laws and ordinances as should be given under his sign manual ; and the subordinate jurisdiction was committed to a council, resident in America, which was also to be nominated by the king, and to act conformably to his in- Priviieges. structions. The charter, while it thus restricted the emigrants in the important article of internal regulation, secured to them and their descendants all the rights of denizens, in the same manner as if they had remained or had been born in England ; and granted them the privilege of holding their lands in America by the freest and least burdensome tenure. The king permitted whatever was necessary for the sustenance or commerce of the new colonies to be exported from England, during the space of seven years, without paying any duty ; and, as a farther incite- ment to industry, he granted them liberty of trade with other nations ; and appropriated the duty, to be levied on foreign com- modities, for 21 years, as a fund for the benefit of the colonies. He also granted them liberty of coining for their own use ; of repelling enemies ; and of staying ships that should trade there without leave. 2 1 " That vast country, being found upon experience and tryal too large to be moulded upon one entire government, it was thought meet should be divided into a first and second colony." Hubbard, MS. N. Eng. 29. The Southern Colony was desirous of " beginning their Plantation and Habitation in some fit and convenient place " between 34 and 41 degrees north latitude, along the coasts of Virginia ; the Northern Colony was desirous of planting between 38 and 45 degrees ; and the Charter gave liberty accordingly : " Provided that the Plantation and Habitation of such of the said Colonies, as shall last plant them- selves shall not be made within one hundred English miles of the other of them, that first began to make their Plantation." Charter. 2 Stith, Virg. Appendix, No. 1, and Hazard, Coll. i. 50 — 58, contain entire DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 125 King James, on the 20th of November, issued "orders and 1606. instructions for the colonies," under the privy seal of England. v^~v~^ He invested the general superintendence of the colonies in a Royal or- council in England, composed of a few persons of consideration fo^the^"^- and talents, who were empowered to make laws, and to constitute onies. officers for their government, with a proviso, that such ordinancss should not touch any man's life or member ; should only continue in force until made void by the king, or his council ; and should be, in substance, consonant to the laws of England. 1 Lord Chief Justice Popham, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and Aug. 12. some others of the Plymouth Company, sent Henry Challons, in ^ChaUons. a ship of 50 tons, to make farther discovery of the coasts of North Virginia ; and, if it should appear expedient, to leave as many men as he could spare in the country. On his passage Nov 12- from the West India islands toward the American coast, he and is taken his crew, consisting of about 30 persons, were taken by a Spanish ^^"jn. 1 fleet, and carried into Spain, where his vessel was confiscated. 2 Although this misfortune damped the courage of the first ad- venturers ; yet the lord chief justice Popham having immediately after the departure of Challons sent out another ship, under the command of Thomas Hanam, whose business was not so much to plant, as to make discovery in order to planting ; the account given of the country, on the return of this ship, was so favourable, that the people of England were encouraged, and the year after came more boldly forward as' adventurers. 3 copies of this Patent. Purchas, b. 9. c. 1. Harris' Voy. i. 818. Smith, Virg. 203. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 15. Brit. Emp. Introd. i. 22. Robertson, b. 9. Memoires de PAmerique, ii. 185 — 192. 1 Chalmers, b. I.e. 2. Burke's Hist. Virginia, i. 85 — 92. 2 Purchas, b. 10. c. 1, 2, where there is an entire account of this voyage. See also Prince, 1606. Chalmers, i, 79. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 270. Joselyn, Voy. 244. Harris' Voy. i. 851. Brit. Emp. i. 255. 3 Purchas, v. 1827. Harris' Voy. i. 851. Prince says, that Martin Prinn was in this voyage with Hanam ; that they had supplies for Challons, but, not find- ing him, returned to England ; and that Sir F. Gorges said, Prinn brought the most exact account of the Virginia coast, that ever came to his hand. He is generally named Pring. See a. d. 1603. PART II, BRITISH AMERICAN COLONIES. PERIOD I. FROM THE FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT IN VIRGINIA, IN 1607, TO THE SETTLEMENT OF PLYMOUTH, IN 1620. First per- manent colony in Virginia. April 26, Newport enters Chesapeak Bay with the first colonists. 1607. This is the remarkable epoch of the arrival of the first per- manent colony on the Virginia coast. On the reception of the patent from king James, several persons of consequence in the English nation undertook the arduous task of planting the South- ern Colony. Having chosen a treasurer, and appointed other officers, they provided a fleet of three ships, to transport the emigrants, 100 in number, to Virginia. The charge of this em- barkation was committed to Christopher Newport, already famous for his skill in the western navigation, who sailed from the Thames on the 20th of December the preceding year, carrying with him the royal instructions, and the names of the intended colonial council, carefully concealed in a box. " To this singular policy," says Chalmers, " may be attributed the dissensions which soon commenced among the leaders, and which continued to distract them during a voyage long and disastrous." 1 It was the intention of captain Newport to land at Roanoke ; but, being driven by a violent storm to the northward of that place, he stood directly into the spacious Bay of Chesapeak, which seemed to invite his entrance. The promontory on the south of the bay he named Cape Henry, in honour of the Prince of l Smith, Hist, of Virginia, b. 2, 3. Purchas, Pilgrimage, i. 756 ; v. 1685. Chalmers, Political Annals, b. 1. c. 2. Newport followed the old course by the West Indies ; which accounts for the interval of four months from his embarka- tion to his arrival off the American coast. Robertson, b. 9. BRITISH COLONIES. 12 7 Wales ; and that on the north, Cape Charles, in honour of the ] GOT. Duke of York, afterward king Charles First of England. Thirty ^^^ men, going on shore at Cape Henry for recreation, were sudden- ly assaulted by five Indians, who wounded two of them very dangerously. At night the box was opened, and the orders were Royal in . read, in which Bartholomew Gosnold, John Smith, Edward Wing- strucdoos field, Christopher Newport, John Ratcliffe, John Martin, and opem!i - George Kendall, were named to be of the council, and to choose from their number a president for a year, who, with the council, should govern the colony. The adventurers were employed in seeking a place for settlement until the L3th of May, when they M 13 took possession of a peninsula on the north side of the river Take pos- Powhatan, called by the English James River, about 40 miles session ^ ™ d from its mouth. To make room for their projected town, they build" 6 here began to cut down the trees of the forest, which had for town - centuries afforded shelter and food to the natives. The code of laws, hitherto cautiously concealed, was at length promulgated. Affairs of moment were to be examined by a jury, but deter- Laws pro- mined by the major part of the council, in which the president mm g ated - was to have two voices. The council was sworn ; Wingfield was chosen president ; and " now commenced the rule of the Wingfieid most ancient administration of Virginia, consisting of seven per- prSent. sons, and forming a pure aristocracy." The members of the council, while they adhered to their orders in the choice of their president, on the most frivolous pretences excluded from a seat among them, Smith, famous in colonial annals, though nominated by the same instrument, from which they derived their authority. Animosities arose. Appeased in a degree at length by the pru- dent exhortations of Mr. Hunt, their chaplain, Smith was ad- mitted into the council ; and, receiving the communion the next day, they all turned their undivided attention to the government of a colony, " feeble in numbers and enterprise, which was thus planted in discord, and grew up in misery." 1 In honour of king James, they called the town fr which they now built, James Town. This was the first permanent habitation of the English in America. Town. Newport and Smith, sent with 20 men to discover the head of the river Powhatan, arrived in six days at a town of the same name, consisting of about 12 houses, the principal and hereditary seat of Powhatan, emperor of the country. 2 Although they received kind treatment throughout this excursion ; yet, on their return to James Town, they found 17 men hurt, and a boy slain, by the Indians. To guard against frequent and sudden assaults 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 17—19. Newes from Virginia. 2 It was pleasantly situated on a hill, a little below the spot where Richmond is now built. Belknap, Biog. i. 256, Town na- med Jamef 128 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1607. June 15. Indians sue for peace. March. Ordinance about com- missioners for the colonies. Virginia colony in- creased. First remit- tance to England. James town burnt. Great mor- tality. B. Gosnold. Ratcliffe chosen president. and ambuscades, the fort was now palisaded ; the ordnance was mounted ; and the men were armed and exercised. On the 15th of June the Indians voluntarily sued for peace ; and New- port set sail for England, leaving 100 men, with provisions, arms, ammunition, and other necessaries for a settlement. 1 On the prayer of the colonists, king James issued an ordi- nance for enlarging the number and authority of his commission- ers for directing the affairs of the colonies. Encouraged by favourable reports, and invigorated by this increase of power, the Virginia treasurer and council in England exerted themselves with laudable diligence, to transmit proper supplies to the planta- tion. Captain Nelson was sent to James Town with an additional supply of men ; and, before the close of the year, Newport arrived with 70 more, making 200 in all in the colony. These accessions consisted of many gentlemen, a few labourers, several refiners, goldsmiths, and jewellers. " The various denomina- tions of these men," says Chalmers, " evince the views of the whole." The ships were at length sent back ; the one, loaded by the miners with a glittering earth, which, they vainly hoped, contained golden metal ; the other, loaded with cedar. These are recorded as the first Virginia products, as constituting the first remittance, and as indicating the earliest pursuits of an infant people. 2 In the course of the year, the colony met with various calami- ties. The store house at James Town accidentally taking fire, the town, thatched with reeds, burned with such violence, that the fortifications, arms, apparel, bedding, and a great quantity of private goods and provision, were consumed. From May to September, 50 persons died, of which number was Bartholomew Gosnold, a member of the council. The extreme heat of the summer, and the extreme cold of the succeeding winter, were alike fatal to the colonists. Captain Wingfield, becoming ob- noxious to the company, was deposed from the presidency ; and captain Ratcliffe was elected in his place. 3 1 Stith, 46, 47. Other authorities for this and the preceding articles are, Purchas, i. 756,757; v. 1706,1707; Smith, Virg. 43—45; Keith, 59 ; Neal, N. Eng. i. 18. Most of the names of these first colonists are preserved in Smith's Virginia. 2 Smith, Virg. 54. Purchas, v. 1709. Chalmers, i. 21. Prince, 1607. 3 Smith, Virg. 44. Purchas, v. 1690, 1706, 1707. Newes from Virginia. Belknap, Biog. Art. Gosjyold. B. Gosnold died 22 August, and, being one of the council, was honourably buried, " having all the ordnance in the fort shot off, with many volleys of small shot." It was this honoured man, who made the memorable voyage to the northern parts of Virginia (now New England) five years before. See a. d. 1602. — The mortality, in the first instance, was ascribed to excessive toil " in the extremity of the heat," wretched lodgings, and scanty, unwholesome food. " Had we been as free from all sinnes as gluttony and drunkennesse," says Smith, " we might have been canonized for saints." The subsequent mortality was ascribed to the severity of the winter : " By the bitter- BRITISH COLONIES. 129 In November, captain Smith went in a barge with a party of 1607. 15 men for the discovery of the Chickahominy. He made sev- v^^^^ eral excursions, and returned to the fort with corn which he had Smith taken purchased of the Indians. In further prosecuting his discoveries, P nsoner - he hired a boat, and two Indians for his guides. Leaving seven of the men with the care of the barge, he proceeded still higher up the river with his Indian guides and two of his own company. At length, leaving one Indian with his two men, he took the other Indian with him ; and, while exploring the head of the river, he heard the cry of Indians, which was succeeded by an arrow that struck him in the thigh. Indians soon appeared. After firing his pistol at them, and binding the Indian to his arm with his garters and using him as a buckler, he was encompassed by 200 of them, and taken prisoner. On his asking for their cap- tain, they showed him Opechancanough (a brother of Powhatan), king of Pamaunkee, to whom he gave a round ivory double compass dial, which excited their admiration. This procured him a respite ; but, within half an hour afterward, they tied him to a tree with the intention of shooting him. When they were assembled around him with their deadly weapons, Opechanca- nough holding up the compass, they all instantly laid down their bows and arrows. Having conducted their prisoner in triumph to numerous Indian tribes, they at last brought him to Werowo- comoco, where Powhatan resided in state, with a strong guard of forTpow- 6 Indians around him. 1 When the prisoner entered the apart- hatan. ness of that great frost, above half the Virginia colony took their deaths." This frost " was recompensed with as mild a winter with them the next year." Purchas, i. 757, 760. The winters of this and the following year were extreme- ly severe in the more northerly parts of America. Lescarbot, who was in Canada about this time, remarks, that " these last winters of 1607, 1608, have been the hardest that ever was seene. Many savages died through the rigour of the weather ; in these our parts many poore people and travellers have bene killed through the same hardnesse of winter weather." Purchas, v. 1637. 1 In the triumphal march, " their order was this : Drawing themselves all in file, the King in the midst had all their peeces and swords borne before him : Captaine Smith was led after him by three great lubbers, holding him fast ; on each side went six in file, with their arrows nocked." On their arrival at the residence of the Indian emperor, above 200 of " his courtiers stood wondering" at the prisoner, " until Powhatan and his train had put themselves in their great- est bravery. Before a fire he sat on a seate like a bedsted, covered with a great robe of Rarowcun [racoon] skinnes, all the tailes hanging by : on each hand did set a young wench of sixteene or eighteene yeeres of age ; along on each side the house two rowes of men, and behind them as many women, with all their heads and shoulders painted red, many of their heads bedecked with the white downe of birds, every one adorned with something ; a great chaine also of white beades about their neckes." Powhatan was ordinarily attended by a guard of 40 or 50 of the tallest men in his country. " Every night upon the ioure quarters of his house (says Smith) are four sentinels, each standing from other a flight shoot, and at every halfe houre one from the corps du guard doth hollow, shaking his lips with his finger betweene them, unto whom every senti- nel doth answer round from his stand : if any faile, they presently send forth an officer that beateth him extreamely." Smith, Virginia, 37, 47. Purchas, v. 1708, VOL I. 17 130 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1607. His life sa- ved by Po- cahontas. He is sent to James Town . Number of Indians. Settlement of an Eng- lish colony at Sagada- hock. ment of the sovereign, all the people gave a shout. The queen of Appamatuck was appointed to bring him water, to wash his hands ; and another person brought a bunch of feathers, in- stead of a towel, to dry them. Having feasted him in their best manner, they held a long consultation, at the conclusion of which, two great stones were brought before Powhatan. As many of the Indians as could, laying hands on the devoted prisoner, dragged him to the stones, and placed his head on them, with the intention of beating out his brains with clubs. At this moment Pocahontas, the king's favourite daughter, her entreaties and tears not availing to rescue the captive from execution, rush- ed in between him and the executioner, took his head into her arms, and laid her own upon it, to ward off the blow. The father was subdued; and the victim was spared. Two days afterward Powhatan sent Smith, accompanied by 12 guides, to James Town. 1 The number of Indians, at this time, within 60 miles of James Town, was supposed to be about 7000 ; nearly 2000 of whom were warriors. 2 On the recent encouragement for settling North Virginia, Sir John Popham and others sent out two ships under the command of George Popham and Raleigh Gilbert, 3 with 100 men, with ordnance and all provisions necessary until they might receive farther supplies. They sailed from Plymouth the last of May ; and, falling in with the island of Monahigon on the 11th of Au- gust, landed on a peninsula, at the mouth of Sagadahock, or Kennebeck river. 4 Here, after a sermon was delivered, and their patent and laws were read, they built a store house, and fortified it, and gave it the name of Fort St. George. 5 On the 5th of 1 Smith, Virginia, 46—49, 52. Stith, 50, 56, 59. Purchas, i. 757. Smith had been a prisoner with the Indians seven weeks. He " thought they intended to fat him to eat him." — At the fire of James Town, Smith says, that Mr. Hunt, the preacher, lost all his library, and all that he had, yet none ever saw him repine. 2 Smith, in Purchas, v. 1697. The most, seen together by the English, were 700 or 800. 3 He was a nephew of Sir Walter Raleigh. Biog. Britan. [Art. Gilbert.] says, he made a voyage to Virginia this year in behalf of his uncle. 4 Purchas, i. 756. Smith describes it as " a faire navigable river, but the coast all thereabouts most extreme stony and rocky." Hist. Virginia, and New England, b. 6. Joselyn, Voy. 244. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 2. It was " northward of 43°." 5 Belknap, Biog. i. 350. What Dr. Belknap calls a peninsula, is called in the Collections of Mass. Historical Society [i. 252.] Parker's island ; and is there said to be formed by the waters of Kennebeck on the west, by the sea on the south, by the waters called Jeremysquam Bay on the east, and by a small strait of waters, which divides it from Arrowsick Island, on the north. " The island is now called Parker's Island, because it was purchased of the natives in the year 1650, by one John Parker, who was the first occupant after the year 1608." BRITISH COLONIES. 131 » December the two ships sailed for England, leaving a little colony 1607. of 45 persons ; Popham being president, and Gilbert admiral. 1 v^-v^w/ 1608. The summer of this year is remarkable, in the Virginia an- Voyage of nals, for the first voyage toward the source of the Chesapeak. ^"jj} 1 ^" Captain John Smith in an open barge, with 14 persons and a SO urceof very scanty stock of provisions, explored the whole of that great theChesa- extent of water from Cape Henry, where it meets with the pea ' ocean, to the river Susquehannah ; trading with some tribes of Indians, and fighting with others. He discovered and named many small islands, creeks, and inlets ; sailed up many of the great rivers ; and explored the inland parts of the country. During this enterprise, 60 Susquehannah Indians visited him, is visited by and made him presents. At this early period they had hatchets, ^^mJ!" and utensils of iron and brass, which, by their own account, dians, originally came from the French of Canada. The Susquehannah nation, at this time, could raise about 600 fighting men. Smith, after sailing about 3000 miles, returned to James Town. Having made careful observations during this excursion of discovery, he drew a map of Chesapeak Bay and of the rivers, annexing to it a description of the countries, and of the nations inhabiting them, and sent it to the council in England ; and this map was made with such admirable exactness, that it is the original from which all subsequent maps and descriptions of Virginia have been chiefly copied. 2 His superior abilities obtained the ascendency over envy and faction. Although he had lately been refused a seat at the council board, he was now, by the election of the council and the request of the settlers, invested with the government ; and received letters patent to be president of the colony. The Sept 10 wisdom of his administration infused confidence ; its vigour com- Made presi- manded obedience. The military exercises, which he obliged l^"^ 1116 all to perform, struck the Indians with astonishment, and inspired them with awe. 3 1 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 2. Purchas, i. 756 ; v. 1828. Brit. Emp. Introd. i. 24. Harris, Voy. i. 851. I. Mather, N. Eng. Brit. Emp. ii. 10. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 251, 252. " All the fruit of this their expedition, during the long winter, and the after time of their abode there, was building a bark, which afforded them some advantage in their return." Hubbard, c. 8. See a. d. 1608. 2 Smith, Virg. b. 2. c. 21, 25; b.3. c. 5, 6. Purchas, i. 767; v. 1690, 1715. Stith, 83, 84. Keith, 78, 79. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. Robertson, b. 9. In Purchas, and in some copies of Smith's History of Virginia, his own original map is still to be found ; but it is very rare. President Monroe, when at Cambridge on his presidential tour, having never seen or not possessing it, I had the pleasure of presenting him a copy, which I had taken from an original in the first edition. — On comparing that map with later maps of Virginia, it appeared, that the river since named York, was called Pamaunk ; Rappahannock, Toppehanock ; Po- tomac, Patowmek ; and Susquehannah, Sasquesahanoiigh. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. He quotes Smith's Voyages, c. 5—7. 132 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1608. Newport arrived at Virginia with a second supply for the col- v^^-w' ony, bringing over 70 passengers, many of whom were persons Newport of distinction. Eight Dutchmen and Poles came over at this SppUesT ^ me ' t0 introduce the making of tar, glass, and potashes. John First mar- Laydon was soon after married to Ann Burras ; and tins was the riage in first marriage in Virginia. 1 •rgima. Fresh instructions, now transmitted, expressly required the State of the president and council of the colony to explore the western coun- coiony. try, in order to procure certain intelligence of the South Sea ; to transmit, as a token of success, a lump of gold ; and to find one of the lost company, sent out by Raleigh. " These orders demonstrate," says Chalmers, " that the chief object of the most active projectors was, at this time, rather discovery, than colon- ization." The punishment, threatened in case of disobedience, struck the colonists with horror : " They shall be allowed to re- main, as banished men, in Virginia." 2 On the return of New- port to England, he left about 200 persons in the colony. 3 The colony Ships, now arriving with supplies for the colony at Sagada- at Sagada- noc k 5 brought intelligence of the death of Sir John Popham, and turns to Sir John Gilbert. These misfortunes, with the death of captain England. George Popham, in whom very great confidence was reposed, together with the loss of the stores the preceding winter by fire, so dispirited the whole plantation, that the colony unanimously resolved to return in these ships to England. 4 The patrons of the colony, offended at this unexpected return, desisted several years from any farther attempt toward effecting a settlement. The French Meanwhile, the English thus seeming to relinquish their preten- piant colo- s ions to this country, the French availed themselves of the occa- thTEngiish s i° n > an( l planted colonies in various places within the English limits. limits. 5 1 Smith, Virg. 72, 73. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. Keith, Virg. 80. The principal names of the passengers are preserved in Smith's History. Mrs. Forrest and Ann Bunas, her maid, who were among these passengers, are said by some historians to have been the first English women, ever in this country. They were, with the exception of the devoted colony of 1587, which contained 19 women. The marriage, just mentioned, as the first in Virginia, must be under- stood with the same exception ; though no mention is made by the early writers of any marriage in that first colony 20 years before. Stith, if we may rely on Smith's authority, errs, in omitting the name of Mrs. Forrest, and putting Ann Burras into the rank of a lady, in her place, attended by a maid. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. 3 Smith, Virginia, 70. 4 Smith says, that the country was esteemed as a cold, barren, mountainous, rocky desert ; and that this colony " found nothing but extreme extremities." Smith, Virg. New England, b. 6. See a. d. 1607. 5 Gorges, N. Eng. 19. Purchas, v. 1828. Harris' Voy. i. 851. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 8. Prince, 1608, and authorities at the close of 1607. From the construction put by the French upon the Virginia patent of 1606, it appears, that they considered their own occupation of Acadie from 1604 as rendering that patent null and void. At a treaty, in 1750, for settling the limits of Acadie, *he French commissaries say, that in the Letters patent for Virginia in 1606, BRITISH COLONIES. 133 Poutrincourt having returned from Canada to France the last IG08. year, and presented to the king the fruits of the country ; the y^^~^ king now confirmed to M. de Monts the privilege for the trade of beavers with the natives, for the purpose of enabling him to establish his colonies in New France. De Monts accordingly sent over three ships with families, to commence a permanent settlement. Champlain, who took the charge of conducting this colony, after examining all the most eligible places for settlement in Acadie, and on the river St. Lawrence, selected a spot at the confluence of this river and St. Charles, about 320 miles from the sea. Here he erected barracks ; cleared the ground ; sowed Foundatiou wheat and rye ; and on this spot laid the foundation of Quebec, of Quebec, the capital of Canada. 1 1609. The company of South Virginia, not realizing the expected May 23( profit from its colony, obtained from king James a new charter, Second with more ample privileges. 2 This measure served to increase Virginia^ the number of proprietors, among whom we find the most re- spectable names in the nation. With this augmented wealth and reputation, they pressed forward with bolder steps. The coun- cil of the Virginia company now appointed Thomas West, lord Delaware, governor of Virginia for life ; Sir Thomas Gates, his lieutenant ; Sir George Somers, admiral ; and Christopher New- jvine ves- port, vice admiral ; and fitted out seven ships, attended by two seis with small vessels, with 500 people for that colony. Lord Delaware ^u forvfr- remained in England. The ship, in which the three other ginia. there was the clause, autant que le pays seroit vacant ou habite par des Pay- ens. Cette clause, dans le fait, annulloit la Charte qu'il accordoit ; ce pays ayant ete occupe par les Franqois des 1604, & depuis constamment habite." Mem. de l'Amerique, i. Mem. des Commiss. du Roi sur les limites de l'Acadie. 1 Champlain, liv. 3. c. 2. Lescarbot, liv. 5. c. 2; who says the design of De Monts was, " there to begin Christian and French Commonwealths." Purchas, v. 1640 — 2. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 121, and Fastes Chron. Chalmers, b. 1. 82. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 412. Brit. Empire, Introd. i. 47. Minot, Mass. i. 127. Quebec was the Indian name of the place. " Trouvant un lieu le plus estroit de riviere, que les habitans du pays appellent Quebec, j' y bastir et editier une habitation, et defricher des terres, et faire quelques jardinages." Champlain. It was " some fortie leagues above the river of Saguenay." Purchas. 2 Copies of this second charter, containing the names of the proprietors, are preserved in Stith, Virg. Appendix, No. ii ; and in Hazard, Coll. i. 58 — 72. By this charter the company was made " one Body or Commonalty perpetual," and incorporated by the name of The Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London, for the First Colony in Virginia. Charter. To them were now granted in absolute property, what seem formerly to have been conveyed only in trust, the lands extending from Cape Comfort along the sea coast Southward 200 miles ; from the same promontory 200 miles North- ward ; and from the Atlantic Westward to the South Sea ; and also all the islands lying within 100 miles along the coast of both seas of the aforesaid precinct. Chalmers. 134 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1609. July 24. One ship wrecked on Bermudas. Nansa- mond. Plot of the Indians against the English, disclosed hy Poca- hontas. officers l sailed, becoming separated from the rest of the fleet in a violent storm, was wrecked on the island of Bermudas, where all the company, consisting of 150 persons, were providentially saved. One small ketch was lost in the storm ; the other ships, much damaged and distressed, arrived about the middle of Au- gust at James river. 2 The infant colony was still destined to calamity ; and the very accession to its numbers, which should have added to its security, heightened its danger, 3 President Smith having sent about 200 of these newly arrived adventurers to the falls of James River, and to Nansamond, with a design to plant there, they imprudently offended the neighbouring Indians, who cut off many of them. The few, who escaped, returned in despair, to beg the protection of that authority, which they had lately contemned. A systematic design was now meditated against the whole colony by the sovereign of the country ; but it was providentially discovered and frustrated. Pocahontas, the tutelary friend of Virginia, though but a child of 12 or 13 years of age, went in a very dark and dreary night to James Town, and, at the hazard of her life, disclosed to the president a plot of her father to kill 1 Each of these gentlemen had a commission ; and he who should first arrive, was authorized to recall the commission, that had been previously given for the government of the colony ; but " because they could not agree for place, it was concluded they should go all in one ship." Smith, Virg. 89. The ship in which were " all their three commissions," was called the Sea- Venture. 8 Smith, Virg. 89, 164, 174. Keith, 115, 116. Purchas, i. 758; v. 1729—1733. Chalmers, i. 27, 28. Stow, Chron. 1019, 1020. Belknap, Biog. ii. 23—25. This storm came from the north east, and began on Monday 24 July. After it had blown twenty four hours with extreme violence, the ship sprung aleak ; and three days and four nights the whole company (about 140, exclusive of women) laboured incessantly at the pump. On Friday the fourth morning, " it wanted but little " says the narrator of the voyage, " but that there had bin a general determination to have shut up hatches, and commending our sinfull souls to God, committed the shippe to the mercy of the sea ; " but, in this desperate extremi- ty, Sir George Somers, who during the whole time had not once left the quarter deck, discovered land. Not expecting to save the ship by coming to anchor, they ran her aground within three quarters of a mile of the shore, whence all the company (about 150 in number) by the help of their boats arrived safely at the island. Purchas, v. 1735 — 1737. This perilous and distressing scene appears to have occurred in the Gulf Stream, the course of which, off the coast of the Southern States, is from southwest to northeast. A gale from the northeast, in direct opposition to the current, makes a great sea in that stream ; a fact, which I have had repeated opportunities to observe. 3 Smith [Virg 90.] calls the people, who last arrived, " a lewd company," containing " many unruly gallants, packed hither by their friends, to escape ill destinies." To them he ascribes the anarchy and confusion that soon pervaded the colony. See also Stith, 103. Chalmers, 518. Nansamond was the most southern settlement in Virginia, under the 36th degree of north latitude. The president sent " Mr. West, with 120 of the best he could chuse, to the Falles ; Martin with neare as many to Nansamond." Estate of Virginia, 1610. "The ground of all those miseries was the permissive providence of God, who, in the forementioned violent storme, separated the head from the bodie, all the vital powers of regiment being exiled with Sir Thomas Gates in those infortunate (yet fortunate) Hands." lb. BRITISH COLONIES. 135 him and the English people. This timely notice put the colony 1609. on its guard ; and some accidents soon after contributed still v^^-^/ farther toward its preservation. An Indian, apparently dead through the effect of a charcoal fire in a close room, was, on the application of vinegar and aqua vitae by the president, reanimated. This supposed miracle, with an explosion of powder, which killed two or three Indians and scorched and wounded others, excited such astonishment, mingled with such admiration of the power and art of the English, that Powhatan and his people Peace with came to them with presents of peace ; and the whole country, the Indians - during the remainder of Smith's administration, was entirely open to the unmolested use of the English. The colony now pursued p rog ress of its business with success. It made tar and pitch, and an experi- the colony, ment of glass ; dug a well of excellent water in the fort ; built about 20 houses ; new covered the church ; provided nets and weirs for fishing ; built a block house, to receive the trade of the Indians ; and broke up and planted 30 or 40 acres of ground. 1 President Smith, enfeebled by an accident to his person from an Smith re- explosion of powder, and disgusted with distractions in his colony, £ rn . s to , returned to England toward the close of the year ; leaving three ships, seven boats, upwards of 490 persons, 24 pieces of ordnance, State ofthe 300 muskets, with other arms and ammunition, 100 well trained colony. and expert soldiers, a competent supply of working tools, live stock, and ten weeks' provisions. James Town was strongly palisaded, and contained 50 or 60 houses. There were five or six other forts and plantations in Virginia. 2 Henry Hudson, an Englishman, in the service of the Dutch, voyage of left the Texel in the beginning of this year, with with a design Hudson. of penetrating to the East Indies by sailing a northwestward course. Having attempted in vain to accomplish this purpose, he followed the track which the Cabots had marked for him above a century before. He coasted along the foggy shores of Newfoundland ; shaped his course for Cape Cod ; looked into the Chesapeak, where the English were settled ; anchored off the Delaware ; sailed into the river Manhattan ; and departed in October for England. Hudson can hardly be called the first discoverer of a coast, which had been often explored before, 1 Smith, Virg. 77, 85, 121, 122. Stith, 97. It appears, that 30 or 40 houses were huilt before. 2 Smith, Virg. 93, 94, 164. Stith, 106, 107. Purchas, i. 758. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. Smith's description of the Virginia colonists, at that time, is too curious to he omitted. There was " hut one carpenter in the country ; two blacksmiths ; two saylers." Those, described as " labourers," were for the most part footmen, and the adventurers' attendants, " who never did know what a dayes work was." Excepting the Dutchmen and Poles, and about a dozen others, " all the rest were poore gentlemen, tradesmen, serving-men, libertines, and such like, ten times more fit to spoyle a commonwealth, than either to begin one or but help to maintain one." 136 AMERICAN ANNALS. New at- tempt to settle Gui- ana. 1609. from the days of the Cabots to the present. At Manhattan ^^-^/ Hudson skirmished with the natives, who received him unkindly ; but he did not land without opposition ; nor did he, like Cabot, Manhattan ta ^ e f° nna l possession. 1 The Dutch sent ships the next year to river. Manhattan, to open a trade with the natives. 2 After several attempts of Englishmen to discover the country of Guiana, and about the river of the Amazons, Robert Harcourt undertook to settle a plantation in this region. He took posses- sion by turf and twig of all between the Orellana and Orinoco, for England, in the name of James I. with an exception of such parts as might at that time be actually possessed by any other Christian prince or state. James, in return, made him a grant of the whole territory from the Orellana to the Essequibo. 3 The projected settlement, however, did not succeed, for want of due support from home. Harcourt, before his return to England, left his brother, Michael Harcourt, with 60 persons, at the river Wiapoco, where captain Ley had settled with some Englishmen four years before, but who, through the miscarriage of supplies, had been forced to abandon the settlement. 4 1610. Nothing could have been more inauspicious to the colony, than the departure of Smith. The Indians, finding that the 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 143. Chalmers, b. i. c. 19. Forster, Voy. 332, 333, 421, 422. Harris' Voy. i. 566. Europ. Settlements, ii. 286. Prince, 1609. Brit. Emp. i. 2. Smith, N. York, 2. " Third Voyage of Henry Hudson towards Nova Zembla, and, at his return, to Newfoundland and Cape Cod," in Biblioth. Americ. under a. d. 1609. Some historians say, that Hudson sold to the Dutch whatever right he may have acquired to the country by his discovery ; but it satisfactorily appears, that he was fitted out by the Dutch East India Com- pany, which furnished him with a fly boat, equipped with all necessaries, and with 20 men, English and Dutch. Histoire de la Republique des Provinces- Unies, iii. 22. Biog. Britan. Art. Hudson. Chalmers remarks, that as Hudson had never occupied the land, he could not transfer what he never possessed. The sovereign of France in 1603, and the king of England in 1606, had formally declared their intention to appropriate the same region, which their subjects im- mediately planted. The journals of the four successive voyages of Hudson, during the years 1607-8-9-10, are preserved in the 5th volume of Purchas ; and the three first, with an abstract of the fourth, are inserted in the 1st volume of the Collections of the New York Historical Society. The third voyage is that in which we are peculiarly interested. 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 142. " Des l'annee suivante quelques Mar- chands d'Amsterdam envoyerent des Navires dans cette Riviere [Manhattan], poure y faire la traitte." 3 Southey, Hist. Brazil, p. 3. c. 31. 4 Purchas, v. lib. 6. c. 16 ; "A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana performed by Robert Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt in the countie of Oxford Esquire. To Prince Charles." Anderson, 1601, 1609, from Smith's Voyages. Harris' Voy. lib. 5. c. 6, 7. Smith, Virg. continued, c. 24. Unexpected difficulties occurring, Harcourt merely sent over a few passengers, " with certain Dutchmen," and the country lay neglected several years. See a. d. 1617. Henry, prince of Wales, by whose favour Harcourt obtained his patent, died in 1612, JEt. 19. BRITISH COLONIES. 137 person whose vigour they had often felt, no longer ruled the 1610. English people, generally revolted, and destroyed them wherever \^^^s they were found. Captain Martin from Nansamond, and captain Indians ia West from the Falls, having lost their boats and nearly half their becom? men, had returned to James Town. Captain Ratcliff, in a small hostile. ship with 30 men, going to trade, and trusting himself indiscreet- ly to Powhatan, he and all his people, excepting two, were slain. 1 One boy was saved by the benevolent Pocahontas. The pro- visions of the colony being imprudently wasted, a dreadful famine ensued, and prevailed to such extremity, that this period was many years distinguished by the name of The starving time. Extreme Of nearly 500 persons, left in the colony by the late president, famine - 60 only remained, at the expiration of six months. 2 In this ex- tremity, they received unexpected relief. Sir Thomas Gates The Eng- and the company wrecked, the last year, at Bermudas, were lish, wreck- able at length to get off from that island. Having built two small m U JJ" s Ber * vessels, and paid the seams with lime and tortoise oil, they put arrive at to sea on the 10th of May, and on the 23d arrived at Virginia. Vir s inia - Finding the small remains of the colony in a famishing con- dition, Sir Thomas Gates consulted with Sir George Soiners, captain Newport, and the gentlemen and council of the former government ; and the conclusion was, that they would abandon the country. It was their intention to sail for Newfoundland, where they expected to meet with many English ships, into which, it was hoped, they might disperse most of the company, and thus get back to England. On the 7th of June they all embarked in four small vessels, and, about noon, fell down the river with the tide. " None dropped a tear, because none had enjoyed one day of happiness." The next morning, they dis- covered a boat making toward them. It proved to be the long Lord Deia- boat of lord Delaware, who had just arrived at the mouth of the J[" e ", '. river, with three ships and 150 men. Hearing at the fort of the supplies, company's intention to return to England, he had despatched this boat with letters to Sir Thomas Gates, informing him of his arrival. Gates instantly changed his purpose, and, that night, with a favourable wind, relanded all his men at James Town. On the 10th, lord Delaware came up with his ships, bringing plentiful supplies to the colony, which he proceeded to resettle. 3 1 Estate of Virginia, 1610. Smith, Virg. 105, 106 ;— « all slaifte, only Jeffrey Shortridge escaped ; and Pokahontas, the king's daughter, saved a boy called Henry Spilman, that lived many yeares alter, by her meanes, amongst the Pa- towomekes." Keith, 120. Stith, 116. 2 Smith, Virg. 105, 106. Stith, 110. Beverly, 34. Chalmers, b. 1. 30. 3 Smith, Virg. 106. Estate of Virginia, 1610. Stith, 115. Beverly, 34, 35. Purchas, v. 1748. Prince, 1610. Chalmers, b. 1. 30. Belknap, Biog. Art. Dela- W mf E ' ^ e naira tor, in Purchas, gives this vivid description of the scene : • The three and twentieth day ol*May we cast anchor before James Towns where we landed, and our much grieved Governour first visiting the Church caused the VOL. J. 18 138 AMERICAN ANNALS, Change in the govern- ment. 1610. Having published his commission, which invested him with the sole command, he appointed a council of six persons, to assist him in the administration. An essential change now took place in the form of the ancient Virginia constitution ; for the original aristocracy was converted into a rule of one, over whose deliber- ations the people had no controul. Under the auspices of this intelligent and distinguished nobleman, the affairs of the colony were soon re-established. He allotted to every one his particu- lar business. The French, who had been imported for the pur- pose, he commanded to plant the vine ; the English, to labour in the woodlands ; and he appointed officers to see his orders obeyed. All patiently submitted to an authority, which expe- rience had taught them to be wise and necessary ; and peace, industry, and order now succeeded tumult, idleness, and anarchy. Lord Delaware proceeded to build two forts at Kecoughtan, and called the one Fort Henry, the other Fort Charles. 1 On the report of his deputy governors of the plenty they had found in Bermudas, he despatched Sir George Somers to that island for provisions, accompanied by captain Samuel Argal in another vessel. They sailed together until by contrary winds they were driven toward Cape Cod ; whence Argal, after at- tempting, pursuant to instructions, to reach Sagadahock, found his way back to Virginia. 2 He was next sent for provisions to the Potomac, where he found Henry Spelman, an English youth, who had been preserved from the fury of Powhatan by Poca- hontas ; and by his assistance procured a supply of corn. Somers, after struggling long with contrary winds, was driven to the north- eastern shore of America, 3 where he refreshed his men, and at length he arrived safely at Bermudas. Here he began to exe- cute the purpose of his voyage ; but, exhausted with fatigues, to His death, which his advanced age was inadequate, he soon after expired. June 19i Sir George Somers goes to Ber- mudas for provisionsi bell to be rung, at which all such as were able to come forth of their houses repayred to Church where our Minister Master Bucke made a zealous and sor- rowfull prayer, finding all things so contrary to our expectations, so full of misery and misgovernment. After service our Governour caused mee to reade his Commission, and captaine Percie (then President) delivered up unto him his Commission, the old Patent, and the Councell Seale." See also Stow, Chron. 1020. " If God had not sent Sir Thomas Gates from the Bermudas, within foure daies they had almost been famished." Smith, Virg. 107. Estate of Virginia, 1610. 1 Smith, Vir£ 107—110. Stith, 120. Chalmers, i. 30, 31. The forts were built near Southampton river. 2 Smith, Virg. 108. Somers went in the Patience, the same vessel that had brought him from Bermudas to Virginia. It had not one ounce of iron about it, excepting one bolt in its keel. Univ. Hist. xli. 340. Argal, before he left the coast of what is now New England, landed at an island " halfe a mile about, and nothing but a rocke, which seemed to be very rich marble stone." It lay in 43° 40' N. lat. ; and, on account of numerous seals taken there, was called Seal Rock. Purchas. 3 Sagadahock, the place to which Somers had instructed Argal to repair. BRITISH COLONIES. 139 Previous to his death, he had charged his nephew, Matthew 1610. Sotners, who commanded under him, to return with the provisions v^^-w' to Virginia ; but, instead of obeying the charge, he returned to England, carrying the body of his deceased uncle for interment in his native country. A town, built in the very place where this worthy knight died, was named, in honour of him, St. George. 1 It is not unworthy of notice, that Somers, when coming to Virginia America, being a member of parliament, the commons declared {j rst ^ced his seat vacant, because, by accepting a colonial office, he was men" " rendered incapable of executing his trust. This appears to be the first time that Virginia was noticed by the English parlia- ment. 2 The spirit of adventure was, at this time, so prevalent in England, that even the barren and inhospitable island of New- foundland was represented as proper for plantation. This repre- sentation induced the earl of Northampton, the lord chief baron Tanfield, Sir Francis Bacon, then solicitor general, and other gentlemen of distinction, to join with a number of Bristol mer- chants, for obtaining from king James a grant of Dart of New- foundland. A patent was accordingly granted to the earl of April 27. Northampton and 44 other persons, by the name of the Treasurer * ne f foi d and Company of Ail venturers and Planters of the cities of Lon- land.™ don and Bristol, for the Colony or Plantation in Newfoundland, from north latitude 46° to 52° together with the seas and islands lying within ten leagues of the coast. The proprietors soon after sent Mr. John Guy of Bristol, as conductor and governor June. of a colony of 39 persons, who accompanied him to Newfound- ^loto land, and began a settlement at Conception Bay, where they island. wintered. 3 1 Smith, Tag. 176, 193. Stith, 119. Purchas, v. 1733. Prince, 1610. Bel- knap, Biog. ii. 35. Stow, Chron. 1018. Univ. Hist. xli. 340. Sir George Somers was above 60 years of age, at the time of his death. His body was buried at Whitchurch in Dorsetshire, but his heart and entrails were buried at Bermudas. It appears by his epitaph, that his death did not take place until 1611. In 1620, Nathaniel Butler, Esq. then governor of Bermudas, caused a large marble stone, handsomly wrought, to be laid over the place where his remains were partially interred ; and inclosed the spot with a square wall of hewn stone. The epitaph, composed by the governor, and inscribed on the marble, begins, in the style of that age ; " In the yeere 1611, " Noble Sir George Summers went to heaven;" and, after four encomiastic lines, thus concludes : " At last his soule and body being to part, " He here bequeath'd his entrails and his heart." See a. d. 1612. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. 3 Anderson, ii. 242, 243. Prince, 1610. The patent states, that " divers " of the kings " subjects were desirous to plant in the southern and eastern parts of Newfoundland, whither the subjects of this realm have for upwards of 50 years been used annually, in no small numbers, to resort to fish." Harris' Voy. lib. 5. c. 32, where the patent is entire. 140 AMERICAN ANNALS. March. Lord Dela- ware re- turns to England. May 10. Arrival of Sir Thomas Dale; and of Sir T. Gates, pre- sident. Henrico built. New Ber- mudas. Last voyage of Hudson. Hudson's Straits and Bay. 1611. . The health of lord Delaware not permitting him to remain in his office of captain general of the Virginia colony, he departed for England ; leaving above 200 people in health and tranquillity. Not long after his departure, Sir Thomas Dale arrived at Virginia with three ships, 300 people, 12 cows, 20 goats, and all things needful for the colony. In August, Sir Thomas Gates arrived with 6 ships, 280 men, and 20 women, 100 cattle, 200 hogs, military stores, and other necessaries ; and assumed the govern- ment. 1 Finding the people occupied by mere amusements, and verging to their former state of penury, he took care to employ them in necessary works. 2 The colony now began to extend itself up James river, and several new settlements were made. 3 Virginia, at this time, contained 700 men, of various arts and professions. 4 Sir Thomas Dale, furnished by Sir Thomas Gates with 350 chosen men, built a town on James river ; inclosed it with a palisade ; and*, in honour of prince Henry, called it Henrico. 5 To revenge some injuries of the Appamatuck Indians, Sir Thomas Dale assaulted and took their town, at the mouth of the river of their name about five miles from Henrico ; kept pos- session of it ; called it New Bermudas ; and annexed to its corporation many miles of champaign and woodland ground, in several hundreds. In the nether hundred he began to plant, and with a pale of two miles secured eight English miles in compass. On this circuit there were soon built nearly 50 hand- some houses. 6 Henry Hudson, having sailed from the Thames in the begin- ning of the preceding year, on discoveries in behalf of private adventurers, is supposed now to have perished in the icy seas of Greenland. Having entered the straits, which bear his name, he penetrated to 80° 23' into the heart of the frozen zone, 100 1 Smith, Virg. 109—111. Purchas, i. 258, 759 ; v. 1762—1764, where is lord Delaware's own relation. Keith, 124. Stith, 110, 123. Beverly, 36. Prince, 1611. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 245. Brit. Emp. hi. 61. Bel- knap, Biog. Art. Delaware. Lord Delaware had left the government in the hands of captain George Piercy until Dale should arrive. The earl of Southamp- ton procured Sir Thomas Dale, " a worthy and experienced souldier in the Low Countreys, to be sent there as Governour." Williams' Virginia. 2 Smith says, most of the company at James Town " were at their daily and usual works, bowling in the streets." 3 Marshall, Life of Washington, i. 51. 4 Purchas, i. 759. 5 Purchas, v. 1767. Smith, Virg. 111. Beverly, 37. " The ruins of this town," says President Stith in 1746, " are still plainly to be traced." 6 Smith, Virg. 111. Purchas, v. 1768. The pale of two miles is said by the historian to be " cut over from river to river." BRITISH COLONIES. 141 leagues farther in this direction than any one had previously 1611. sailed. While preparing to push forward his discoveries, his v^* v ~**' crew mutinied ; and, seizing on him, and seven of those who were most faithful to him, committed them to the fury of the seas in an open boat. Most of the mutineers soon came to a miserable end. Going on shore at Digges Island, Henry Green, their ringleader, was shot through the heart, and several of his companions were mortally wounded. The remnant of the wretch- ed company hastily embarked for England. 1 Champlain, when commencing the settlement of Canada, Champlam found the Adirondacks engaged in an implacable war with the ^^ Iroquois or Five Nations ; 2 and being now settled on the lands dacks. of the Adirondacks, he espoused their cause, and accompanied them in an expedition against their enemies. He now first pene- trated into the country of the Iroquois by the river of their name ; LakTcham- and discovered a lake, which he called Lake Champlain ; 3 a plain. name which it retains to this day. 1612. For the encouragement of the adventurers to Virginia, the March 12. king issued a new charter, by which he not only confirmed all ^rof Vi"" their former privileges, and prolonged their term of exemption ginia. from payment of duties on the commodities exported by them, but granted them more extensive property, and more ample juris- diction. 4 By this charter, all the islands, lying within 300 leagues of the coast, were annexed to the Province of Virginia. The 1 Purchas, i. 744, 745. Harris, Voy. i. 567—572, 634. Univ. Hist. xli. 86. Europ. Settlements, ii. 286. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 19. Biog. Britan. and Belknap, Art. Hudson. Naval Tracts in Churchill, iii. 430, 433. The best sustenance left to these wretches, while on their voyage, was seaweeds, fried with candles' ends, and the skins of fowls, which they had eaten. Some of them were starved ; the rest were so weak, that one only could lay on the helm, and steer. Meeting at length (6 September) a fisherman of Foy, they with his aid reached England. See Note XX. 2 The five nations of aborigines, under the names of Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas, had been confederated from ancient times. They had already been driven from their possessions around Montreal, and had found an asylum on the south eastern borders of lake Ontario. The Adirondacks had, in their turn, been constrained to abandon their lands situated above the Three Rivers, and to look for safety behind the strait of Quebec. The alliance of the French turned the tide of success. The Five Nations were defeated in several battles, and reduced to extreme distress ; but at length procuring fire arms from a Dutch ship, that arrived high up the Manhattan river, they became formidable to their enemies, and the Adirondacks were soon annihilated. Chal- mers, b. 1. 586. Colden, Hist. v. Nations, with a map of their country, p. 1. c. 1. 3 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 144 — 146, and Fastes Chron. Champlain, Voy. 152. A battle was fought here, and a victory gained over the Iroquois. " Ce lieu ou se fit ceste charge est paries 43 degrez & quelques minutes de latitude, & le nommay le lac de Champlain." 4 A copy of this third charter is preserved in Stith's Hist. Virg. Appendix, No. iii ; and in Hazard's Collections, i. 72—81. It is dated March 12, 1611-12. 142 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1612. A colony- sent to them under R. Moore. Voyage of T. Button: Winters at Port Nel- son. Button's Bay. New N. and New S. Wales. Bermudas, lying within these limits, were sold by the company to 120 of its own members, who, in honour of Sir George Somers, named them the Somer Islands. To these islands they now sent the first colony of 60 persons, with Mr. Richard Moor, as their governor. These colonists, having landed in June on the principal island, in August subscribed six articles of govern- ment ; and in the course of the year received an accession of 30 persons. The Virginia company, at the same time, took possession of other small islands discovered by Gates and Somers; and prepared to send out a considerable reinforcement to James Town. The expense of these extraordinary efforts was defrayed by the profits of a lottery, authorized by the new charter, which amounted nearly to XSOjOOO. 1 Early in the year, two ships, with a supply of provisions and 80 men, arrived at Virginia. 2 Henry, prince of Wales, sent out captain Thomas Button, a very experienced navigator, with two ships, partly to ascertain whether there were a passage to the western ocean through Hudson's Bay ; and partly to rescue Hudson and his companions, if they might be found alive, from the extreme misery to which they must be subjected. He wintered at a river, which, after the name of the captain of one of the ships, who died there, he called Nelson's River. A small creek on the north side of the river he named Port Nelson. He and his mariners wintered on board the ships ; and though they constantly kept three fires, and took the utmost care, many of them died. In June, he explored the whole western coast of the bay, which, after his own name, was called Button's Bay. To the south and west of that bay he discovered a great continent, to which he gave the names of New North Wales, and New South Wales ; and here he erected a cross with the arms of England. The highest land, to which his researches extended, was about 60 degrees. Between Cape Chidley and the coast of Labrador, he discovered a strait, 1 Purchas, v. 1795, 1801, where are the articles of government. Smith, Virg. 177. Joselyn, Voy. 246. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Bermudes. Robert- son, b. 9. Prince, 1612. Harris' Voy. i. 848 — 850. Alcedo, Art. Bermudas. Considerations upon the first Constitution of the Sommer Islands Company and Plantation, 1651. Collection of the most remarkable passages from the original to the dissolution of the Virginia company. 1651. Robertson and other historians remark, that this is the first instance in the English history of any public coun- tenance given to this pernicious mode of levying money. A great lottery, how- ever, for some purpose, was " holden at London in Paules Church Yard," in 1569, which " was begun to be drawne the 11 of January, and continued day and night till the 6th of May." Stow, Chron. 663. Stow gives this account of the Virginia lottery : " The King's Majesty, in speciall favour for the present plantation of English collonies in Virginia, graunted a liberal lottery, in which was contained 5000 pound in prizes certaine, besides rewards of casualty, and began to be drawne in a new built house at the west end of Paul's, the 29 of June 1612." Ibid. 1002. 2 Stith, 127. Beverly, 37. Brit. Emp. iii. 61. BRITISH COLONIES. 143 through which he sailed ; and sixteen days afterward arrived in 1612. England. 1 ^^v^/ Peter Easton, a noted pirate, went to Newfoundland with Newfound- several ships, and took 100 men out of the fishing vessels in land. Conception Bay. 2 The English colony at that island now con- sisted of 54 men, 6 women, and 2 children. 3 1613. This year is memorable for the first hostilities between the Destruc- English and French colonists in America. Madame de Guerche- pj"^ 1 ^. ville, a pious lady in France, who was zealous for the conversion tiements in of the American natives, having procured from De Monts a sur- Acadie. render of his patent, and obtained a charter from the reigning king for all the lands of New France from the St. Lawrence to Florida, with the exception of Port Royal, sent out Saussaye with two Jesuits, father Quentin, and father Gilbert de Thet, as missionaries. Saussaye sailed from Honfleur on the 12th of March, in a vessel of 100 tons, and on the 16th of May arrived at le Heve in Acadie, where he set up the arms of Madame de Guerche ville, in token of possession. Proceeding thence to Port Royal, he found there five persons only, two of whom were Jesuit missionaries, who had been previously sent over, but who had fallen under the displeasure of M. Biencourt, at that time governor of Port Royal. 4 On producing the credentials, by which he was authorized to take these fathers into the service of the new mission, as well as to take possession of the Acadian territory, the two Jesuits were permitted to go where they pleas- ed. They accordingly left Port Royal, and went with Saussaye to Monts Deserts, an island, that had been thus named by Cham- plain, lying at the entrance of the river Pentagoet. The pilot conducted the vessel to the east end of the island, where the Jesuits fixed their settlement ; and, setting up a cross, celebrated mass, and called the place St. Saviour. 5 1 Forster, Voy. 344—347. Dobbs' Hudson's Bay, 79. Anderson puts the voyage in 1611. Button was afterward created a knight ; Nelson was his mate in this voyage. 2 Prince, a. d. 1612. 3 Purchas, i. 748. 4 It appears by Champlain [Voy. 101.], with whom agrees Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 123.], that these two Jesuits, Biart and Masse, arrived at Port Royal on the 12th of June, 1611. Had Dr. Belknap seen Champlain, he would not have placed their arrival in 1604. 5 This island, now called Mount Desert, Champlain says, is in 44° 20' lat. The legislature of Massachusetts granted it to governor Bernard, in the early part of his administration. It was afterwards reclaimed by Madame Gregoire, in right of her ancestors ; but as governor Bernard's property in America had never been confiscated, the general assembly of Massachusetts afterwards grant- ed to his son, Sir John Bernard, two townships of land near the river Kennebeck, in lieu of the valuable island recovered bv Madame Gregoire. Warren's Hist. Amer. Revolution, i. 76, 77. 144^ AMERICAN ANNALS. 1613. Scarcely had they begun to provide themselves with accom- v^-v-^j modations in this retreat, before they were surprised by an enemy. Argai cap- Captain Samuel Argal of Virginia, arriving at this juncture off French at tne island of Monts Deserts for the purpose of fishing, was cast St. Saviour, ashore in a storm at Pentagoet, where he received notice from the natives, that the French were at St. Saviour. Such was the account of their number and state, that he resolved to attack them without hesitation or delay. The French made some re- sistance ; but were soon obliged to yield to the superior force of the English. 1 In this action Gilbert de Thet, one of the Jesuit fathers, was killed by a musket shot ; some others were wounded ; and the rest, excepting four or five, were taken prisoners. The English seized the French vessel which lay there, and pillaged it. The French people, being furnished with a fishing vessel by the English, principally returned to France; but Argal took 15 of them, beside the Jesuits, to Virginia. Completes The Virginia governor, after advising with his council, resolved theirTeuk- to despatch an armed force to the coast of Acadie, and to raze all ments in the settlements and forts to the 46th degree of latitude. No Acadie. t j me was ] ost# ^n armament of three vessels was immediately committed to Argal, who sailed to St. Saviour, where, on his arrival, he broke in pieces the cross which the Jesuits had erect- ed, and set up another, inscribed with the name of the king of Great Britain, for whom possession was now taken. He next sailed to St. Croix, and destroyed all the remains of De Monts' settlement. He then sailed to Port Royal, where he found not a single person, and in two hours he reduced that entire settle- ment to ashes. Having thus effectually executed the business of Nov. 9. his commission, he returned to Virginia. 2 The only pretext for the hostile expedition of Argal, in a time of profound peace, was an encroachment of the French on the 1 The French had a small entrenchment, but no cannon. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 131. Argal had 60 soldiers, and 14 pieces of cannon ; the number of his vessels was 11. Champlain, 106. The equipment of these fishing vessels might give occasion to the belief, that they were " sent ostensibly on a trading and fishing voyage, but with orders to seek for and dispossess intruders." See Belknap, Biog. ii. 52. It is certain, however, that this very respectable writer, in common with Prince and other English historians, has confounded the two voyages of Argal, made to Acadie this year. 2 Champlain, les Voyages de la Nouv. Fiance, 103 — 109. Memoires de l'Amerique, i. Art. Memoire des Commissaires du Roi sur les limites de l'Acadie. English authorities are, Purchas, v. 1764—1768, 1808; Smith, Virg. 115; Beverly, 51— 55 ; Stith, 133; Hubbard, Ind. War, 201; Prince, 1613; Univ. Hist, xxxix. 255 ; Stow, Chron. 1018 ; Chalmers, b. 1. c. 4 ; Brit. Emp. i. 165, 166 ; ii. 10 ; Belknap, Biog. ii. Art. Argal. The settlement of Port Royal had cost the French more than 100,000 crowns. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 137. It has been said that father Biart, to be revenged on Biencourt, offered to pilot the vessel to Port Royal ; but Champlain says, the French re- fused that service, and that the English obliged an Indian to pilot them : " Con- duit d'un Sauvage qu'U print par force, les Francois ne le voulant enseigner." BRITISH COLONIES. 145 rights of the English, founded on the discovery by the Cabots. 1613. The Virginia charter of 1606, unless considered as founded on v^^^/ that discovery, was not trespassed by the French settlements in English & Acadie. That charter granted, indeed, to the Plymouth com- cl ^ s pany so far north, as to the 45th degree of north latitude ; but De Monts had previously received a patent of the territory from the 40th to the 46th degree of latitude, by virtue of which the French had actually commenced settlements below the 45th de- gree, in the year 1604. Neither England, nor any European nation, appears so early to have asserted or allowed a right, derived from occupancy. Had that right been settled by the law of nations, the act of Argal would have furnished just ground of war. It does not appear, that this transaction was either approved by the court of England, or resented by the crown of France ; it prepared the way, however, for a patent of the territory of Acadie, which was granted eight years afterward by king James. 1 Argal, on his return to Virginia, visited the Dutch settlement at Dutch sub- Hudson's river ; and, alleging that Hudson, an English subject, gjj g j? *® could not alienate from the English crown what was properly a part of Virginia, demanded possession. The Dutch governor, Hendrick Christiaens, incapable of resistance, peaceably sub- mitted himself and his colony to the king of England ; and, under him, to the governor of Virginia. 2 These conquests abroad were succeeded by proportionate sue- J. Roife cesses at home. John Rolfe, an Englishman, married Pocahon- J^oluaf " tas, the celebrated daughter of Powhatan ; and this alliance secured peace to Virginia many years. Having been carefully instructed in the Christian religion, she not long after openly re- nounced the idolatry of her country, made profession of Christianity, and was baptized by the name of Rebecca. 3 Sir Thomas Dale, accompanied by captain Argal and fifty Treaty with men, went to Chickahominy, and held a treaty with an Indian * he Chicka- tribe of that name, a bold and free people, who now voluntarily Indians, relinquished their name, for that of Tassantessus, or Englishmen ; and solemnly engaged to be faithful subjects to king James. 4 1 Purchas, v. 182S. Brit. Dominions in North America, b. 14. p. 246. Bel- knap, Biog. ii. 55. Stith, 133. Yates' & Moulton's Hist. N. York, p. 1. § 55. 2 Smith, Hist. New Jersey, 26. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 19. Stith, 133. Dr. Bel- knap [Biog. ii. 55.] says, the settlement which Argal then visited, was " near the spot where Albany is now built ; " and it appears to have been the princi- pal establishment of the Dutch on Hudson's river, at that time. They had, however, taken possession of the mouth of the river, and it seems to have been here, where New York now stands, that their governor resided. Smith says, that Argal " found at Manhattas isle, 4 houses built, and a pretended Dutch governor ; " but, according to Chalmers, there was nothing more than " a trading house," which the Hollanders had built near the confluence of the river Man- hattan. The fort was wisely built here the next year. 3 Smith, Virg. 113, 122. Stith, 136. Beverly, *39. Brit. Emp. iii. 61, 62. 4 Stith, 130. They had no werowance, or single ruler, but were governed in VOL. I. 19 140 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1613. To prevent idleness, and other evils, resulting from the pro- v^^-w' hibition of private property, and from the subsistence of the Policy to Virginia people on a public store, Dale now allotted to each man Industry, three acres of cleared ground, in the nature of farms ; requiring him to work eleven months for the store, out of which he was to have two bushels of corn ; and allowing him one month to make the rest of his provisions. 1 Bermudas. Jn the course of the year, 540 persons arrived from England at Bermudas ; and the island now became settled. 2 Newfound- Sixty two persons from England, having received a grant of land. lands in Newfoundland, wintered on that island ; but, soon be- coming weary of their attempts for settlement, they transferred their grant to other adventurers. 3 1614. tan Virtinia Early in this year Sir Thomas Gates returned to England, leaving in Virginia scarcely 400 men. 4 The administration oi the government of the colony again devolved on Sir Thomas Dale, who, " by war upon enemies and kindness to friends, brought the affairs of the settlement into good order." 5 Dutch claim A new governor from Amsterdam, arriving at the settlement Hudson's on Hudson's river with a reinforcement, asserted the right oi river. Holland to the country ; refused the tribute and acknowledgment, stipulated with the English by his predecessor ; and put himself Build a fort mt0 a posture of defence. 6 He built a fort on the south end of at Manhat- the island Manhattan, where the city of New York now stands ; and held the country many years, under a grant from the States General, by the name of the New Netherlands. A fort and trading house were erected near the place where Albany now stands and called Fort Orange. 7 a republican form by their elders, consisting of their priests, and some of the wisest of their old men, as assistants. Smith [Virg. 114.] says, that they sub- mitted to the English, " for feare," lest Powhatan and the English united would bring them again to his subjection. " They did rather chuse to be protected by us, than tormented by him, whom they held a tyrant." Keith [127.] puts this submission in 1612. 1 Stith, 132. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. 2 Smith, Virg. Bermudas, b. 5. Prince, 1613. See a. d. 1612. 3 Anderson, 1613. See A. d. 1615. 4 Stow, Chron. 1018. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Virginia. 5 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 36. Smith, Virg. 1614. 6 Stith, 133. 7 Josselyn, Voy. 153. Smith, N. York, 2. Smith, N. Jersey, 19. Belknap, Biog. ii. 56. It is affirmed [Univ. Hist, xxxix. 346.], that the Dutch now ap- plied to king James for a confirmation of Hudson's conveyance ; but that all they could obtain, was leave to build some cottages for the convenience of their ships, touching for water on their way to Brazil. A writer in 1656 [Hazard, Coll. i. 604, 605, from Thurloe.] says, that the plantations, then by the Dutch called the Netherlands, were " until of very late years better known and com- monly called by them the New Virginia, as a place dependent upon or a relative to the Old Virginia ; " and that this appellation renders still more credible the BRITISH COLONIES. 147 John Smith, distinguished in Virginia history, was now sent 1614. out with two ships from England to North Virginia, at the charge v^-v^^ of four Englishmen, with instructions to remain in the country, First yoy- and to keep possession. Leaving the Downs on the 3d of March, g^ it ° h t „ he arrived on the last of April at the island of Monahigon, in N.Virginia; latitude 43° 4'. After building seven boats, he in one of them, with eight men, ranged the coast east and west from Penobscot to Cape Cod, and bartered with the natives for beaver and other furs. By this voyage he made a profit of nearly £1500. From the observations which he now made on shores, islands, har- bours, and headlands, he, on his return home, formed a map, which is and presented it to prince Charles, who, in the warmth of ad- ^eJJ* 1 miration, declared, that the country should be called New Eng- i an( i. land. 1 Smith, in his late voyage to this country, made several dis- Discoveries coveries, and distinguished them by peculiar names. The ^ # En"iand. northern promontory of Massachusetts Bay, forming the eastern entrance into the bay, he named Tragabigzanda, in honour of a Turkish lady, to whom he had been formerly a slave at Constan- tinople. Prince Charles, however, in filial respect to his mother, called it Cape Ann ; a name which it still retains. The three Ca P e Ann ' small islands, lying at the head of the promontory, Smith called the Three Turks' Heads, in memory of his victory over three Three Turkish champions ; but this name was also changed. 9 Another J"J*j*' cluster of islands, to which the discoverer gave his own name, Smith's Isles, were afterward denominated the Isles of Shoals, I. of Shoals, and still retain that name. The base and perfidious action of one man subjected English Hunt car- adventurers to present inconvenience, and to future dangers. " f e t s h ° n J Smith had left behind him one of his ships to complete her tives. common report, that " by the permission of king James they had granted from him to their States, only a certain island, called therefore by them States Island [Staten Island], at a watery place for their West India fleets ; although as they have incroached upon, so they have given it a new Dutch name, .... wiping out the old English names in those parts in America in their old Sea Charts, and have new Dutchified them." — The name Manhattan appears to have been the name of the Indian tribe that was settled in that region. " They deeply mis- take themselves who interprett the General name of Manhattans unto the par- ticular towne built upon a little Island, because it signified the whole countrey and Province." " The Dutch Plantations-then [time of king James] called by the generall name of Manhattans, after the name of the Indians they were first settled by." Declaration delivered to the Governor and Council of Maryland by the agents of the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant, 1659, in the Collections of N. York Hist. Society, iii. 375. See a. d. 1623. 1 Smith, Virg. New England, b. 6. Purchas, v. 1838. I. Mather, N. Eng. 1. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 2. Mather, Magnal, b. 1. c. 1. Harris' Voy. i. 850. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 4. Belknap, Biog. Art. Smith, i. 305. Robertson, b. 10. I. Mather says, this country had been known several years before, by the name of the Northern Plantations. " I was to have staid there," says Smith, " with but sixteen men." This whole company consisted of 45 men and boys ; " 37 of the company fished." 2 Hubbard, c. 18. " Neither of them glorying in these Mahometan titles." 148 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1614. Indians dis- posed to re- venge the injury. Hobson's voyage; frustrated by the In- dians. lading, with orders to Thomas Hunt, the master, to sail with the fish that he should procure on the coast, directly for Malaga. Hunt, however, under pretence of trade, having enticed 27 of the natives on board his ship, put them under hatches, and carried them to Malaga, where he sold them to the Spaniards. This flagrant outrage disposed the natives in that part of the country where it was committed, to revenge the injury on the countrymen of the offender ; and the English were hence con- strained to suspend their trade, and their projected settlement in New England. 1 An opportunity was soon offered to the Indians, to show resent- ment, if not to inflict revenge. In the course of the year the English adventured to despatch to the same coast another vessel, commanded by captain Hobson, for the purpose of erecting a plantation, and establishing a trade with the natives ; but it was found next to impracticable to settle any where within their terri- tories. 2 Two Indians, Epenow and Manowet, who had been carried by Hunt to England, were brought back in Hobson's vessel, to be serviceable toward the design of a plantation ; but they united with their countrymen, in contriving means by which they might be revenged on the English. Manowet died soon after their arrival. Epenow, not allowed to go on shore, en- gaged his old friends who visited the vessel, to come again, under pretext of trade. On their approach at the appointed time with 20 canoes, he leaped overboard, and instantly a shower of arrows was sent into the ship, The Indians, with desperate courage, drew nigh, and, in spite of the English muskets, carried off their countrymen. Several Indians were killed in the skirmish. The master of the ship and several of the company were wounded. Discouraged by this occurrence, they returned to England. 3 1 Smith's Description of New England, 47. Virg. & N. England, b. 6. Purchas, v. 1849. b. 10. c. 4. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 227. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 8. I. Mather, N. Eng. 2. Belknap, Biog. i. 306. Brit. Emp. i, 256. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 271. Harris' Voy. lib. 5. c. 28. Hunt took 20 Indians from Patuxet [now Plymouth], and 7 from Nauset [Eastham]. "Like a wicked varlet," says Hubbard, he decoyed them. Mourt, in Purchas (ut supra), says, he " sold them for slaves like a wretched man (for twentie pound a man) that care not what mischiefe he doth for his profit." I. Mather says, he sold as many of them as he could, until it was known from whence they came ; " for then the friars in those parts took away the rest of them, that so they might nurture them in the Christian religion." Smith's own account is this : " Not- withstanding after my departure, hee [Hunt] abused the salvages where hee came, and betrayed twenty seaven of these poore innocent soules which he sould in Spaine for slaves, to moove their hate against our nation, as well as to cause my proceedings to be so much the more difficult." " This barbarous fact," says I. Mather, " was the unhappy occasion of the loss of many a man's estate, and life, which the barbarians did from thence seek to destroy." 2 I. Mather [N. Eng. 2, 3.] expressly says, it was because Hunt's scandalous conduct had excited " such a mortal hatred of all men of the English nation." 3 I. Mather, N. Eng. 3. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 8. Brit. Emp. i. 257. Belknap, Art. Gorges. BRITISH COLONIES. 149 The treasurer and company of Virginia, having expended im- 1614. raense sums of money in attempting the settlement of a colony, \^^~^/ without any adequate profit, applied to the commons of England Application for assistance in the prosecution of that enterprise. The attention compSly'to to their petition is said to have been " solemn and unusual," but parliament nothing appears to have been resolved on. Thus early were foraid - the affairs of the colonies brought before the parliament ; and it is observed by an English historian, as " extremely remarkable, that before the colonists had acquired property, or a participation in a provincial legislature, the commons exercised jurisdiction." 1 1615. Landed property was now introduced into Virginia ; and for Introduc- this important privilege the colony was indebted to governor "^"roierfv Dale. Not only the lands generally, that had been granted by into Vir- tue Virginia company for the encouragement of adventurers, but § inia - the farms, that had been allotted to the settlers, were hold en by an unstable claim. The farmers did not possess them by a tenure of common soccage ; but enjoyed them as tenants at will. To every adventurer into the colony, and to his heirs, were now granted 50 acres of land ; and the same quantity for every per- son, imported by others. 2 An humiliating tenure, unworthy of freemen, was thus changed into that of common soccage ; and " with this advantageous alteration, freedom first rooted in colonial soil." 3 Smith, since his last voyage, had become intent on settling a plantation in New England. 4 The Plymouth company, though 1 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. It was objected in parliament, that, were this enter- prise undertaken by the house and king, it might prove the cause of a war. Lord Delaware answered, that this were no just ground of offence : for, said his lordship, the country was named by the queen : the Spaniards defend the West Indies ; the Portuguese, the East ; the French, the river St. Lawrence ; the Hollanders, the Moluccas. 2 Stith (139) says, a greater number of acres had been previously given to each adventurer ; but this reduction was made on account of the prosperous condtion of the colony. 3 Chalmers, b. 1 . 34, 36. Anderson, ii. 286. The author of a Tract, entitled, The Trade's Increase, published in 1615, remarks : " As for the Bermudas, we know not yet what they will do ; and for Virginia, we know not what to do with it : The present profit of those two colonies not employing any store of shipping. The great expense that the nobility and gentry have been at in planting Virginia is no way recompensed by the poor returns from thence." 4 Hist. Virg. N. England, b. 6. 209, 210, 215. Smith says : " Of all the foure parts of the world I have yet seen, not inhabited, could I have but means to transport a colony, I would rather live here than any where, and if it did not maintaine itselfe, were we but once indifferently well fitted, let us starve." This very intelligent and penetrating observer thus early formed a just estimate of the healthfulness and fertility of this portion of the country. He had the highest expectations from the fishery of this coast; and time" has proved the exactness of his judgment. Before settlements were formed here, he made this remarkable discrimination : " The country of the Massachusits is the paradice of all those parts." 150 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1615. much discouraged by the ill success of Hobson's voyage, the last v^^v-w' year, was incited by Smith's account of the country, and by the spirit of emulation with the London company, to attempt a set- March, tlement. Sir Ferdinando Gorges, in concert with Dr. Sutliffe, ? m i h ^ ails dean of Exeter, and several others, equipped two vessels, one of land; tmSs 200 tons, the other of 50, on board of which, beside seamen, obliged to were 16 men, who were to begin a colony in New England. The command was given to Smith ; but, before he had sailed 120 leagues, he lost the masts of his largest ship, and was obliged to. return under jury masts to Plymouth. He soon after sailed Sails a^ain- a g a i n m a Dar k of 60 tons with 30 men, 16 of whom were the but is cap- same who had accompanied him in the last voyage as settlers ; Fnmch 3 ^ 1116 ^ ut ne was ta ^ en by f° ur French men of war, and carried into Rochelle. The vessel of 50 tons, that had been separated from him in the first of these voyages, was commanded by Thomas Dermer, who pursued his voyage, and returned with a good freight in August ; but the main design of the enterprise was frustrated. 1 Newfound- Captain Richard Whitbourn, who with other Englishmen had land. made several voyages to Newfoundland, now arrived at that island, with a commission from the admiralty to empannel juries, and correct abuses and disorders, committed among the fisher- men on the coast. On his arrival, he immediately held a court of admiralty, and received complaints from 170 masters of English vessels, of injuries done in trade and navigation ; a fact, which shows the flourishing state of the English cod fishery at that early period. Many thousands of English, French, Portu- guese, and others, were on the coast of Newfoundland. 2 October. Sir Richard Hawkins, by commission from the Plymouth Voyage of company, of which he was this year the president, made a voy- kiL R HaW " a S e to New England, to search the country and its commodities ; but, finding the natives at war among themselves, he passed along to Virginia, and returned home, without making any new ob- servations. 3 The French erected a chapel at Quebec. 4 1 Smith, Virg. N. England, b. 6. 223. Purchas, v. 1838. Harris' Voy. i. 851. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 271. Belknap, Biog. i. 311, 312, 359, 360. The London company, in January, sent out four ships for New England. The voyagers, arriving off the coast in March, fished until the middle of June, and then freighted a ship of 300 tons for Spain. That ship was taken by the Turks ; '• one went to Virginia to relieve that colonie, and two came for England with the greene fish, traine oyle and furres, within six moneths." Purchas. 2 Whitbourn's Newfoundland, p. 1. 2, 11 ; & p. 2. 19. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 249. Prince, 1615. Anderson, 1615. An English author, quoted by Anderson, says, " our Newfoundland fishery [1615.] employs 150 small ships. Whitbourn, who was at Newfoundland that year, says, " there were then on that coast, of your majesties subjects, 250 saile of ships great and small." 3 Gorges, N. Eng. 22. Prince, 1615. Belknap, Biog. i. 360. 4 Thuanus, Hist. Temp. (Contin.) iv. 878. BRITISH COLONIES. 151 1616. Sir Thomas Dale, returning to England this year, took with Pocahontas him Mr. Rolie and his wife Pocahontas. Captain Smith was at ia En § land - this time in London, expecting to embark immediately for New England. Hearing of the arrival of Pocahontas at Portsmouth, and fearing he might sail before she should reach London, he addressed a petition to the queen in her behalf, in which he ascribes the preservation of the colony of Virginia, under God, to her. 1 Sir George Yeardley, to* whom the government of the Virginia Virginia, colony was now committed, having sent to the Chickahominies for the tribute corn, and received an insolent answer, proceeded with 100 men to their principal town, where he was received with contempt and scorn. Perceiving the Indians to be in a hostile and menacing posture, he ordered his men to fire on them 5 and 12 were killed on the spot. Twelve also were taken prisoners, two of whom were senators, or elders ; but they paid 100 bushels of corn for their ransom, and, as the price of peace, loaded three English boats with corn.- O i Tobacco was about this time first cultivated by the English in Tobacco. Virginia. 3 Four ships sailed from London, and four from Plymouth, to Eight ship: New England, whence they carried great quantities of fish and oil, which were sold advantageously in Spain and the Canary islands. 4 A description of New England, published this year at Lon- P"^ ^ don, shows the progressive attention of the English to the north ern parts of this country. 5 The Edwin, a vessel sent by the governor of Bermudas to the Bermudas West Indies to trade with the natives for cattle, corn, plants, and other commodities, returned to that island with figs, pines, sent to N. England. on N. Eng- land. 1 Smith, Beverly. " During the time of two or three years, she next, under God, was still the instrument to preserve this colony from death, famine, and utter confusion, which if, in these times, had once been dissolved, Virginia might have lain, as it was at our first arrival, till this day She was the first Christian ever of that nation ; the first Virginian ever spake English, or had a child in marriage by an Englishman." 2 Stith, 141. Governor Dale sailed for England early this year. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. p. 36. .Robertson, b. 9. 4 Smith, Virg. N. England, b. 6. 228. Purchas, v. 1839. Harris' Voy. i. 851, Anderson, ii. 269. 5 Its title, taken from the original copy, is: " A Description of New England: Or the Observations, and Discoveries, of Captaia John Smith (Admirall of that Countrey) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 1614: with the successe of sixe ships, that went the next yeare 1615, and the accidents befell him among the French men of wane : With the proofe of the present benefit this Countrey affoords : whither this present vcare, 1616, eight voluntary Ships are gone to make further try all." 152 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1616. Voyages of Byiot and Baffin. Discoveries of islands and sounds. Baffin's Bay. Voyage of Schouten. Jan. 25. Discovers Le Mai re's Strait. sugar canes, plantanes, papanes, and various other plants, which were immediately replanted there, and cultivated with success. 1 Sir Thomas Smith and other gentlemen in England sent out the ship Discovery the fifth time, on a voyage for the discovery of a northwest passage to China. Robert Bylot, whom they chose for the captain, and William Baffin, whom they chose for the pilot, sailed from Gravesend on the 26th of March. After passing Davis's straits, they came to some islands, in 72° 45', where they found women only, whom they treated with kindness, making them presents of iron. These islands Bylot called Womens Isles. Proceeding one degree farther north, he put into a harbour, where he was visited by the inhabitants, who brought him seal skins and horns, in exchange for iron ; and he named it Horn Sound. On this voyage he discovered and named Cape Dudley Digges, Wolstenholme's Sound, Whale Sound, Hakluyt's Island, Gary's Islands, Alderman Jones's Sound, and James Lancaster's Sound. In the 78th degree, the voyagers discovered a bay which the pilot called by his own name, Baffin's Bay ; but they returned without finding the desired passage. 2 The States General of Holland having, in favour of their East India company, prohibited all others from going to India, either by the Cape of Good Hope eastward, or through the Straits of Magellan westward : the discovery of a new western passage into the South Sea, southward of those straits, was pro- jected. Jacob le Maire, a merchant of Amsterdam, the first projector of the design, and William Cornelitz Schouten, a merchant of Hoorn, fitted out two ships, on this enterprise, of which Schouten took the command. Having sailed from the Texel in June the preceding year, he in January, three degrees to the southward of the Magellanic Straits, discovered land, the east part of which he named States Land, and the west, Maurice Land, between which he found a new strait, which he named after his partner, Le Maire. Passing through this strait, he 1 Smith, Virg. Bermudas, b. 5. The governor (Tuckar) sent the Edwin " by directions from England." 2 Forster, Voy. 352—357. Brit. Emp. i. 3. Anderson, 1616. Rees, Cyclopsed. Art. Baffin's Bay. Baffin, in a letter to J. Wolstenholme, Esq. writes : " In Sir Thomas Smith's Sound in 78 deg. by divers good observations I found the compass varied above 5 points, or 56 degrees to the westward ; so that a N. E. by E. is true north, a thing incredible, and matchless in all the world besides." Harris' Voy. i. 593, 634. After this voyage, the English made no attempts to discover the Northwest passage until the year 1631. Baffin is pronounced " the ablest and most scientific navigator of his day ; " and " the first on record who practically deduced the longitude from observations compared with the moon's place in the heavens at a given time and place." It is hence inferred, that he was not onlv a good mariner, but a good mathematician ; u and it ap- pears from ' a briefe discourse of Master Brigges,' that he died in the practice of his favourite pursuit, at the siege of Ormuz, being ' slaine in fight with a shot, as he was trying his mathematical! projects and conclusions.' " Quarterly Review (Eng.) 1821. BRITISH COLONIES. 153 doubled a cape, which he called Cape Hoorn. Crossing the 1616. Southern ocean, he proceeded to the East Indies, and thence to ^*^^/ Holland. This was the sixth circumnavigation of the globe. 1 Cape In this voyage Sehouten took formal possession of several islands oorn ' in the southern hemisphere, in the name of the States General. 2 Richard Hakluyt, compiler of Voyages and Discoveries of the R.Hakiuyt. English Nation, died, aged 61. 3 1617. v Captain Argal, arriving at Virginia as governor, found all State of the public works and buildings in James Town fallen to decay ; ir s inia - five or six private houses only, fit to be inhabited ; the store house used for a church ; the market place, streets, and all other spare places, planted with tobacco ; the people of the colony dispersed, according to every man's convenience for planting ; and their entire number reduced nearly to 400, not more than 200 of whom were fit for husbandry and tillage. Pocahontas, having accompanied her English husband, Mr. Death of Rolfe, to England, was taken sick at Gravesend, while waiting to P° callon - embark for Virginia, and died at the age of about 22 years. 4 1 Spieghel der Australische Navigatie, Door Jacob le Maire. Alcedo, Art. Maira, Strait of, and Horn, Cape. Rees, Cyclopaed. Art. Maire. Monson, Naval Tracts, Churchill, Voy. iii. 403. Harris' Voy. i. 37 — 45. Anderson, ii. 268. One of the two ships was lost by fire. The other, on its arrival at Jacatra (now Batavia), was seized, together with the goods on board, by the president of the Dutch East India company ; and Sehouten and his men took passage home in one of that company's ships, completing their navigation in two years and eighteen days. In Bibliotheca Americ. [81] there is this title of a book : " Diarium vel Descriptio laboriosissimi et molestissimi Itineris facti, a Gulielmo Cornelii Schoutenio Hornano annis 1615, 1616, et 1617. Cum Fig. Quarto. Amst. 1619." Purchas [v. 1391.] says, " the Hollanders challenge the dis- covery of new straits by Mayre and Sehouten before twice sailed about by Sir F. Drake ; " but I have found no satisfactoiy evidence to set aside the Dutch claim, the justness of which is conceded by the best English historians. Rees says, Le Maire and Sehouten were the first who ever entered the Pacific Ocean by the way of Cape Horn. To the Dutch account, in the first cited authority, printed in 1622, is prefixed a print of Jacob Le Maire, with this line on the top : " Obyt in reditu 14 Decembris Anni 1616. aetatis suae 31 ; " and these lines at the bottom : " Qui freta lustravit Batavis incognita Nautis, Et non visa prius per Gallos, atque Britannos, Ac Lusitanos Indorum nomine cla^os, Christicolasve alios, sulcantes aequora velis, Sic sua Jacobus Lemarius ora ferebat." 2 Chalmers, i. 595. See Harris' Voy. ii. 805. 3 Lempriere, Univ. Biog. Diet. Art. Hakluyt. He was a native of Eyton, Herefordshire, and educated at Oxford. He had the living of Wetheringset, in Suffolk, and a prebend in Bristol cathedral, and afterwards at Westminster. A promontory on the coast of Greenland was called by his name by Hudson in 1608 ; and he deserves an honourable memorial in our own country, whose early history he has greatly illustrated. See a. d. 1606. 4 Smith, Virg. 123. Stith, 146. Beverly, 50. Keith, 129. Stith says of Pocahontas, that conformably to her life, she died " a most sincere and pious vol i. 20 154 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1617. Unsuccessful as repeated attempts had been, for settling New ^^v^w' England, the hope of success was not abandoned. Captain John N. England. Smith was provided at Plymouth with three ships for a voyage to this country, where he was to remain with 15 men ; but he was wind bound for three months ; and lost the season. The ships went to Newfoundland ; and the projected voyage was frus- trated. 1 Last voyage Sir Walter Raleigh, having been liberated from the tow- of Sir w. er? obtained a royal commission to settle Guiana. Several Guiana. ° knights and gentlemen of quality furnished a number of ships, and accompanied him in the enterprise. They left Plymouth about the last of June, with a fleet of 1 4 sail, but were obliged, through stress of weather, to put in at Cork in Ireland. Arriving at Guiana on the 12th of November, they assaulted the New Spanish city of St. Thome, which they sacked, plundered, and burned. Having staid at the river Caliana until the 4th of De- cember, Raleigh deputed captain Keymis to the service of the discovery of the mines, with five vessels, on board of which were five companies of 50 men each, who, after repeated skirmishes with the Spaniards, returned in February without success. Dis- appointed again in his sanguine expectations, he abandoned the enterprise, and sailed back to England. The hostile assault made on St. Thome, having given umbrage, king James had issued a proclamation against Raleigh, who, on his arrival, was again committed to the tower ; and not long after was beheaded. 2 Christian." Smith says : " Lady Rebecca, alias Pocahontas, daughter to Pow- hatan, by the diligent care of Master John Rolfe her husband and his friends, was well instructed in Christianity ; — shee had also by him a childe which she loved most dearely, and the Treasurer and Company tooke order both for the maintenance of her and it." She left this son only, Thomas Rolfe ; whose posterity is still numerous and respectable in Virginia, and inherit lands there by descent from her, though every other branch of the aboriginal imperial family has long been extinct. The marquis de Chastellux mentions madam Bowling, a lady in Virginia with whom he was acquainted in 1782, as, by a female descent, having the blood of the amiable Pocahontas then running in her veins. The governor and council, in their letters to the Company in England, observe : " Powhatan laments his daughter's death, but is glad her child is living ; so doth Opechancanough : Both want to see him, but desire he may be stronger before he returns." Burke, Virg. i. 193. 1 Purchas, v. 1839. 2 Birch, Life of Raleigh, 67, 79. Oldys, 195—232. Stow, Chron. 1030, 1039. Josselyn, Voy. 247. Heylin, Cosmog. 1086. Anderson, ii. 272. Prince, 1617. St. Thome is said to have been the only town in Guiana, then possessed by the Spaniards [Josselyn, Voy. 247.] ; though the English adventurers found many fortifications there, " which were not formerly." St. Thome consisted of 140 houses, though lightly built, with a chapel, a convent of Franciscan friars, and a garrison, erected on the main channel of the Oiinoco, about 20 miles distant From the place where Antonio Berreo, the governor, taken by Raleigh in his first discovery and conquest here, attempted to plant. See a. d. 1595, 1597. Ac- cording to Camden, it was burnt on the 2d of January, 1618. Just before, in a sudden assault upon the English by the Spaniards at night, captain Walter Raleigh, a son of Sir Walter, was slain. He was " a brave and sprightly young BRITISH COLONIES. 155 He was one of the greatest and most accomplished persons of 1617. the age in which he lived. He was the first Englishman who s^-v~w projected settlements in America; and is justly considered as His death & the Founder of Virginia. To him and Sir Humphrey Gilbert is character - ascribed the honour of laying the foundation of the trade and naval power of Great Britain. 1 1618. On the solicitation of the Virginia colonists for a supply of Lord Deia- husbandmen and implements of agriculture, the treasurer and ware sails council sent out lord Delaware, the captain general, with abundant or irgim ' supplies. He sailed from England in a ship of 250 tons, with 200 people ; but died on the voyage, in or near the bay, which His.death. bears his name. His ship safely arrived at Virginia ; and, soon after, another ship arrived with 40 passengers. 2 On the death of lord Delaware, the administration of Argal, Tyranny of deputy governor of Virginia, became severe. Martial law, which 6°v. Argal. had been proclaimed and executed during the turbulence of former times, was now, in a season of peace, made the common law of the land. By this law a gentleman was tried for con- temptuous words that he had spoken of the governor, found man, but fonder of glory than of safety." Not waiting for the musketteers, he rushed foremost at the head of a company of pikes, and having killed one of the Spanish captains, was himself shot by another ; but, pressing still forward, he was killed by the Spaniard, at whom he was aiming a thrust of his own sword. — Raleigh's commission to settle Guiana is in Hazard's Collections, i. 82 — 85. He had been confined in the tower above 12 years. See a. d. 1606. The proclama- tion against him was dated 11 June 1618, and entitled " Proclamatio concernens Walterum Rawleigh Militem & Viagium suum ad Guianam." It is in Rymer's Foedera, xvii. 92 ; and Hazard's Coll. i. 85, 86. Gondomar, the Spanish ambas- sador at the court of king James, having gained the earliest intelligence of the transaction at Guiana, complained of it to that king, " as what tended not only to the infringement of his majesty's promise, but of that happy union " from the projected match between young Charles, prince of Wales, and the Infanta of Spain, " now in a hopeful degree of maturity." Oldys. Raleigh returned from Guiana in July 1618 ; was committed to the tower 10 August ; brought to trial at king's bench 28 October, and condemned to suffer death on his sentence of 1603 ; and beheaded the next morning at the age of 66 years. The sentence of 1603 was on a charge of conspiracy for dethroning king James, in favour of the king's cousin, Lady Arabella Stuart. Burnet [Hist. Own Time, i. 12.] says, the execution of Raleigh " was counted a barbarous sacrificing him to the Spaniards." See Hume, Hist. England, c. 48. 1 Biog. Britan. Art. Gilbert. Slith, 125. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 52. 2 Purchas, v. 1774. Beverly, 51. Stith, 148. Belknap, Biog. ii. 20. Prince, 1618. Chalmers, b. 1. 37. Brit. Emp. iii. 65. Stow [Chron. 1029.] says, that lord Delaware " could not recover his perfect health " after his return about six years since from Virginia, " until the last yeare, in which he builded a very faire ship, and went now in it himselfe with about eight score persons, to make good the plantation." He was a person of a noble and generous disposition, and expended much in promoting the colonization of Virginia. " His memory is, to this day, held in the highest estimation, as one of their first and most dis- tinguished benefactors." 156 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1618. First appeal from Ame- rica to Eng- land. Edict? of Argal. State of Virginia. Somer islands. guilty, and condemned ; but his sentence was respited, and be appealed to the treasurer and council, who reversed the judgment of the court martial. This is the first instance of an appeal, carried from an American colony to England. 1 Argal published several edicts, which " mark the severity of his rule, but some of them evince an attention to the public safety." 2 He ordered that all goods should be sold at an advance of twenty live per centum, and tobacco taken in payment at three shillings per pound, and not more nor less, on the penalty of three years' servitude to the colony ; that there should be no private trade or familiarity with the Indians ; that no Indian should be taught to shoot with guns, on pain of death to the teacher and learner; that no man should shoot, excepting in his own necessary defence agninst an enemy, until a new supply of ammunition were received, on pain of a year's servitude ; and that every person should go to church on Sundays and holidays, or be kept confined the night succeeding the offence, and be a slave to the colony the following week ; for the second offence, a slave for a month ; and for the third, a year and a day. Twelve years had elapsed since the settlement of the colony ; yet, after an expense of more than £S0,000 of the public stock, beside other sums of private planters and adventurers, there were remaining in the colony about 600 persons only, men, women, and children, and about 300 cattle ; and the Virginia company was left in debt nearly £5000. The only commodities, now exported from Vir- ginia, were tobacco and sassafras ; but the labour of the planter was diminished, and the agricultural interest advanced, by the introduction of the plough. 3 Powhatan, the great Virginia king, died this year. 4 The Somer Isles, by direction of the council and company of Virginia, were divided by lot into tribes ; and a share was as- signed to every adventurer. This measure essentially promoted the interests of the infant colony settled in those islands. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 38. " It is equally remarkable, that it was made to the com- pany, and not to the king in council ; to whom appeals were not probably trans- mitted till, by the dissolution of the corporation, the reins of government were grasped by royal hands : Nor were they commonly prosecuted till a period sub- sequent to the Restoration." 2 Marshall, Life of Washington, i. 60. 3 Stith, 147, 149, 159, 281. Chalmers, i. 37. 4 Smith, Virg. 125. He was a prince of eminent sense and abilities, and deeply versed in all the savage arts of government and policy. Penetrating, crafty, insidious, it was as difficult to deceive him, as to elude his own strata- gems. But he was cruel in his temper, and showed little regard to truth or integrity. Beverly, 51. Keith, 132. Stith, 154. Belknap, Biog. ii. 63. 5 Smith's Virg. Bermudas, b. 5. 187 — 189, where are the names of the adven- turers and the number of the several shares ; also in Ogilvie's map of Bermudas. Smith says, the colony had previously been " but as an unsettled and confused chaos ; now it begins to receive a disposition, form, and order, and becomes BRITISH COLONIES. 157 1619. This is the memorable epoch, in the history of Virginia, of the introduction of a provincial legislature, in which the colonists were represented. Sir George Yeardley, appointed governor general of the colony, arriving in April with instructions favour- able to freedom, convoked a colonial assembly, which met at June 19. James Town on the 19th of June. The people were now so JJj 1 ^. increased in their numbers, and so dispersed in their settlements, biy inVir- that eleven corporations appeared by their representatives in s ,ma - this convention, where they exercised the noblest function of freemen, the power of legislation. They sat in the same house with the governor and council, in the manner of the Scotch parliament. 1 The king of England having formerly issued his letters to the College at several bishops of the kingdom for collecting money, to erect a college in Virginia for the education of Indian children, nearly £1500 had been already paid toward this benevolent and pious design, and Henrico had been selected as a suitable place for the seminary. The Virginia company, on the recommendation of Sir Edwin Sandys, its treasurer, now granted 10,000 acres of land, to be laid off for the university at Henrico. This donation, while it embraced the original object, was intended also for the foundation of a seminary of learning for the English. 2 King James, by proclamation, prohibited the sale of tobacco in Tobacco, gross or retail, either in England or Ireland, until the custom should be paid, and the royal seal affixed. Twenty thousand indeed a plantation." In 1618, governor Moor was succeeded by captain Butler, who, in 1619, brought over " four good ships with at least 500 people along with him," and there were " 500 there before." Harris' Voy. i. c. 27. In 1619, 1620, 1621, there were sent to Bermudas 9 ships, employing 240 mariners, and carrying about 500 people for settlement. Purchas, v. 1785. In 1622, the English had 10 forts at Bermudas, 3000 people, and 50 pieces of ordnance. Josselyn, Voy. 250. 1 Smith, Virg. 126. Stith, 160, 161. Of the 11 corporations, 4 had been re- cently set off. " The governours have bounded foure Corporations ; which is the Companies, the University, the Governour's, and Gleabe land." Smith, 127. The next year was held another assembly, " which has through mistake and the indolence and negligence of our historians in searching such ancient records as are still extant in thecountry, been commonly reputed the first General As- sembly of Virginia." Stith. See a.d. 1621. " The colonists had been hitherto ruled rather as soldiers in garrison, by martial law, or as the slaves of a despot, than as English subjects who settled in a desert territory of the crown, and who were justly entitled to possess former privileges, as fully as so distant a situation admitted. Yet it will be somewhat difficult to discover, in this most ancient portion of colonial annals, peculiar immunities, or provincial authority, exclusive of parliamentary jurisdiction." Chalmers, b. 1. c. 2. 2 Stith, 162, 163. Anderson, a. d. 1618. The first design was, " to erect and build a college in Virginia, for the training up and educating infidel children in the true knowledge of God." 15S AMERICAN ANNALS. 1619. Voyage of T. Dermer to N. Eng- land. May 20. Passes through L. Island Sound. Retrospect of Mr. Robinson's church. pounds of tobacco were exported this year from Virginia to England, the whole crop of the preceding year. 1 A great mortality prevailed among the people of Virginia, not less than 300 of whom died. 2 Thomas Dermer, employed by Sir Ferdinando Gorges on a fishing voyage to New England, loaded a ship of 200 tons with fish and furs at Monahigan, and despatched it for England. 3 Proceeding in a small bark for Virginia, he sailed between the main land and Long Island ; and was the first person who ascer- tained this to be an island. 4 The origin of the English Puritans has already been observed. The first half century of their history has been passed over ; but it is resumed where it becomes necessary to the illustration of the annals of New England. In 1606, the Puritan, or Reformed church in the north of England, had, on account of its dispersed state, become divided into two distinct churches, to one of which belonged Mr. John Robinson, afterward its minis- ter, and Mr. William Brewster, afterward its ruling elder. This church, in common with other dissenting churches throughout England, being extremely harassed for its nonconformity, sought at length an asylum in Holland, where religious toleration was sanctioned by the laws. Mr. Robinson and as many of his congregation, as found it in their power, left England in the years 1607 and 1608, and settled in Amsterdam; whence in 1609 they removed to Leyden. 5 After residing several years in that city, various causes influenced them to entertain serious thoughts of a removal to America. These causes were, the unhealthi- ness of the low country where they lived ; the hard labours to which they were subjected ; the dissipated manners of the Hol- landers, especially their lax observance of the Lord's day ; the 1 Chalmers, i. 47. The reason assigned for the king's proclamation, is that " divers conceal and utter tobacco without paying any impost." 2 Belknap, Biog. ii. 65. 3 Smith says, every sailor had £16. 10 for his seven month's work ; and Har- ris, that every sailor had, beside his charges, £17 clear money in his pocket. 4 Smith, Virg. 127, 129. Prince, 1619. Purchas, b. 9. c. 2, 3, 13. Harris' Voy. i. 852. Morton's Memorial, under a. d. 1620. Dermer, in his account of this pas- sage through Long Island Sound [in Purchas] , says, " Wee found a most dan- gerous catwract amongst small rocky islands, occasioned by two unequall tydes, the one ebbing and flowing two houres before the other." This was doubtless what is now well known by the name of Hell Gate, an appellation derived from the Dutch : " quern nostri inferni os, vulgo het Hellegat, appellant." Laet, 72. A place of this name is mentioned in Grimston's History of the Netherlands. One of the articles of a treaty in 1583, between the duke of Anjou and the States, is : " The armie shall passe into Hellegat, where it shall be furnished with victuals " &c. In England a similar name is found in Camden's Britannia : " In hujus agro tres sunt mirae profundi tatis putei, Hell Kettles vocat vulgus id est, Inferni caldaria quia per antiperistasin calescat in illis aqua." 5 See a. d. 1550. Morton, Records of the First Church at Plymouth in Haz. Coll. i. 349—354. Prince, 1606—1609, from governor Bradford's MS. History; by which " it seems as if they began to remove to Leydon at the end of 1608." BRITISH COLONIES. 159 apprehension of war at the conclusion of the truce between Spain 1619. and Holland, which was then near its close ; the fear, lest their \^s^^/ young men would enter into the military and naval service ; the tendency of their little community to become absorbed and lost in a foreign nation ; the natural and pious desire of perpetuating a church, which they believed to be constituted after the simple and pure model of the primitive church of Christ ; and a com- mendable zeal to pros agate the gospel in the regions of the New World. 1 In 1617, having concluded to go to Virginia, and settle in a distinct body under the general government of that colony, they sent Mr. Robert Cushman and Mr. John Carver to England, to treat with the Virginia company, and to ascertain whether the king would grant them liberty of conscience in that distant coun- try. Though these agents found the Virginia company very desirous of the projected settlement in their American territory, and willing to grant them a patent with as ample privileges, as they had power to convey ; yet they could prevail with the king no farther, than to engage that he would connive at them, and not molest them, provided they should conduct peaceably. Toleration in religious liberty by his public authority, under his seal, was denied. The agents returned to Leyden the year following to the great discouragement of the congregation. Resolved to make another trial, they sent two other ascents to A „ aatBaant Ei i • T-i i r i • A ^ ^\ • i i Agents sent ngland, in * ebruary of this year (1619), to agree with the from Hoi- Virginia company ; but, dissensions then arising in that body, the ^n^aad 5 business was necessarily procrastinated. After long attendance, ng an( the agents obtained a patent, granted and confirmed under the Pateat ob . seal of the Virginia company ; but, though procured with much tained, expense and labour, it was never used, because the gentleman, in whose name it was taken out, was prevented from executing his purpose of accompanying the Leyden congregation. This patent, however, being carried to Leyden for the consideration of the people, with several proposals from English merchants and Prepara- friends for their transportation, they were requested to prepare Amoving to immediately for the voyage. The success of their enterprise America. designates a new Period ; for " the settlement of New England forms an epoch in the history of colonization." 2 1 See Note XXI. The truce, mentioned in the text, was concluded between Spain and the United Netherlands in 1609. After a war of above 30 years, this truce, principally through the mediation of the kings of England and France, was concluded for 12 years. Histoire de la Republique des Provinces-Unies, 1609. And nson, 1609. The Hollanders had, in a few preceding years, taken and destroyed more than 30 of the great galeons of Spain. 2 Plymouth Church Records, in Haz. Col!, i. 354—370, and p. 87. Hubbard, c. 9. Prince, 1616 — 19. Verplanck's Discourse before the New York Historical Society. The person, in whose name the patent was taken out, but who was prevented from coming to New England, was Mr. John Wincob, "a religious gentleman, belonging to the countess of Lincoln." PART II. BRITISH AMERICAN COLONIES. PERIOD II. FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF PLYMOUTH, IN 1620, TO THE UNION OF THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES, IN 1643. 1620. This year is memorable for the first settlement of New Eng- land. It was agreed by the English Congregation at Leyden, that some of their number should go to America, to make preparation for the rest. Mr. Robinson, their minister, was prevailed on to stay with the greater part at Leyden ; Mr. Brewster, their elder, was to accompany the first adventurers; but these, and their brethren remaining in Holland, were to continue to be one church, and to receive each other to Christian communion, without a formal dismission, or testimonial. Several of the congregation sold their estates, and made a common bank, which, together with money received from other adventurers, enabled them to purchase the Speedwell, a ship of GO tons, and to hire in Eng- land the Mayflower, a ship of 180 tons, for the intended enter- prise. English Pu- Preparation being thus made, the adventurers, having left Ley- ritans leave den for England in July, sailed on the 5th of August from South- Leyden; ampton for America; but, on account of the leakiness of the small ship, they were twice obliged to return. Dismissing this ship, as unfit for the service, they sailed from Plymouth on the 6th Sept. 6. °f September in the Mayflower. After a boisterous passage, Sail for they at break of day on the 9th of November discovered the America. j an j Q f Q a p e q 0( j. Perceiving that they had been carried to the northward of the place of their destination, they stood to the southward, intending to find some place near Hudson's river, for BRITISH COLONIES. 161 settlement ; but falling among shoals, 1 they were induced by this 1620. perilous incident, the advanced season of the year, and the weak- v^^-^ ness of their condition, to relinquish that part of their original design. The master of the ship, availing himself of the fears of the passengers, and of their extreme solicitude to be set on shore, gladly shifted his course to the northward ; for he had been clandestinely promised a reward in Holland, if he would not carry the English to Hudson's river. 2 Steering again therefore Nov ]0 for the cape, the ship was clear of the danger before night ; and Anchor at the next day, a storm coming on, they dropped anchor in Cape Cape CotL harbour, where they were secure from winds and shoals. Finding the harbour to be in the 42d degree of north latitude, and therefore beyond the territory of the South Virginia com- pany, they perceived that their charter, received from that com- pany, had become useless. Symptoms of faction at the same time appearing among the servants on board, who imagined, that, when on shore, they should be under no government ; it was judged expedient, that, before disembarkation, they should combine themselves into a body politic, to be governed by the majority. After solemn prayer and thanksgiving, a written in- strument, drawn for that purpose, was accordingly subscribed on board the ship, on the 1 1th day of November. This contract Nov. 11. was signed by 41 of their number ; and they, with their families, tract for° n " amounted to 101 persons. 3 Mr. John Carver was now unani- civil gov- mously chosen their governor for one year. Thus did these in- ernment - telligent colonists find means to erect themselves into a republic, even though they had commenced their enterprise under the sanction of a royal charter ; " a case that is rare in history, and can be effected only by that perseverance, which the true spirit of liberty inspires." 4 Government being thus established, 16 men, well armed, with Various oc- a few others, were sent on shore the same day, to fetch wood and make discoveries ; but they returned at night, without having found any person or habitation. The company, having rested on the Lord's day, disembarked on Monday, the 13th of November ; and soon after proceeded to make farther discovery of the coun- try. On Wednesday the 15th, Miles Standish and 16 armed 1 The same, which Gosnold called Point Care and Tucker's Terror ; but which the French and Dutch call Malebar. Prince, 1620. See a. d. 1602. 2 Some historians represent this bribery of Jones, the master of the ship, as what was suspected merely ; but Morton [N. Eng. Memorial, 34.] says, " Of this plot, betwixt the Dutch and Mr. Jones, I have had late and certain intelli- gence." 3 This contract, with the names of its subscribers, is in Morton's N. England's Memorial, 37—39; Purchas, v. 1843 ; Prince, p. 2. § 1 ; Hazard, Coll. i. 119; and Belknap, Biog. Art. Carver. 4 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 275. VOL. I. 21 currences. 162 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1620. First Euro- pean child born in N. England. The adven- turers seek a place for settlement. men, in searching for a convenient place for settlement, saw live or six Indians, whom they followed several miles, until night ; but, not overtaking them, were constrained to lodge in the woods. The next day they discovered heaps of earth, one of which they dug open, but, finding within implements of war, they concluded these were Indian graves ; and therefore, replacing what they had taken out, they left them inviolate. In different heaps of sand they also found baskets of corn, a large quantity of which they carried away in a great kettle, found at the ruins of an Indian house. 1 This providential discovery gave them seed for a future harvest, and preserved the infant colony from famine. Before the close of the month, Mrs. Susanna White was deliver- ed of a son, who was called Peregrine ; and this was the first child of European extraction, born in New England. On the 6th of December, the shallop was sent out with several of the principal men, Carver, Bradford, Winslow, Standish and others, and 8 or 10 seamen, to sail around the bay in search of a place for settlement. The next day, this company was divided ; and, while some travelled on shore, others coasted in the shallop. Early in the morning of the Sth, those on the shore were sur- prised by a flight of arrows from a party of Indians ; but, on the discharge of the English muskets, the Indians instantly disap- peared. 2 The shallop, after imminent hazard from the loss of its rudder and mast in a storm, and from shoals, which it nar- rowly escaped, reached a small island on the night of the 8th ; and here the company the next day, which was the last day of the week, reposed themselves, with pious gratitude for their preservation. On this island they kept the Christian sabbath. 3 1 This " had been some ship's kettle, and brought out of Europe." Mourt's Relation in Purchas, v. 1844, 1845. In a second excursion a few days after, they discovered near the same place more corn, which, in addition to what they had taken away before, made about ten bushels ; the whole of which was after- ward paid for, to the entire satisfaction of the natives. This place they called Cornhill ; a name, which the inhabitants of Truro (in whose township it lies) have lately consented to revive. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 214. But for the first excursion, this very interesting discovery of the corn would probably not have been made ; for, in the second instance, " the ground," says Mourt's Re- lation, " was now covered with snow, and so hard frosen, that we were faine with our cutlaxes and short swords, to hew and carve the ground a foote deepe, and then wrest it up with leavers." It was a custom of the country to preserve the corn in these subterrranean granaries. " The natives commonly thresh it as they gather it, dry it well on mats in the sun, and then bestow it in holes in the ground (which are their barns) well lined with withered grass and mats, and then covered with the like, and over all with earth ; and so it is kept very well, till they use it." Mr. Winthrop's account of " The Culture of Maize " in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Abridg.), ii. 635. 2 These were the Nauset Indians. Purchas, v. 1849. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 161, 267. 3 The shoals, " in a cove full of breakers," were between the Gurnet's Nose and Saquish. For the correction of Morton's mistake about the name of the last place, I was long since indebted to Judge Davis, who has corrected it himself BRITISH COLONIES. 163 The day following they sounded die harbour, and found it fit for 1620. shipping ; went on shore, and explored the adjacent land, where \*r«v-w they saw various cornfields and brooks ; and, judging the situa- i>c. 11. don to be convenient for a settlement, they returned with the ^Tltpjf- welcome intelligence to the ship 1 mouth. On the 15th they weighed anchor, and proceeded with the gh . gai]g ship for this newly discovered port, where they arrived on the f or this following day. On the 18th and 19th they went on shore for re- discovery, but returned at night to the ship. On the morning of the 20th, after imploring divine guidance, they went on shore again, to fix on some place for immediate settlement. After viewing the country, they concluded to settle on a high ground, facing the bay, where the land was cleared, and the water was excellent. On Saturday the 23d, as many of the company as could, with — 23. convenience, went on shore, and felled and carried timber to the Company spot, designated for the erection of a building for common use. goon On Lord's day the 24th, the people on shore were alarmed by the cry of Indians, and expected an assault ; but they continued unmolested. On Monday the 25th they began to build the first house. A platform for their ordnance demanding the earliest attention, they on the 28th began one upon a hill, which com- Build tiic manded an extensive prospect of the plain beneath, of the ex- first house. panding bay, and of the distant ocean. 2 In the afternoon they divided their whole company into 19 families ; measured out the ground ; and assigned to every person by lot half a pole in breadth, and three poles in length, for houses and gardens. Though most of the company were on board the ship on the Lord's day, December 31st; yet some of them kept sabbath for Epoch of the first time in their new house. Here therefore is fixed the settlement- in his edition of the Memorial. — The island on which the first sabbath was kept, was afterwards called Clark's Island, " because Mr. Clark, the master's mate, first stepped ashore thereon" [Morton]; and it still retains that name. It is " by the mouth of Plymouth harbour," and in full view of the town. 1 " The place of this first landing at Plymouth is satisfactorily ascertained. Unquestionable tradition had declared, that it was on a large rock, at the foot of a cliff near the termination of the north street leading to the water. In the year 1774 an attempt was made to remove this rock (over which a wharf had been built) to a more central situation. The rock was split in the operation. The upper portion of it was removed and placed near the Court House ; and is regarded by the Inhabitants and by Visitors as a precious memorial of that in- teresting event, the arrival of the first planters of New England to their place of settlement." The 22d day of December, New Style, corresponding to the 11th Old Style, has long been observed at Plymouth, and occasionally at Boston, in commemoration of the Landing of the Fathers. " The New England Society, in the city of New York, annually celebrate this day by an appropriate festival. At Plymouth, it has universally and familiarly the appellation of Forefather- Day." Note of Judge Davis, p. 48, in his recent edition of New England's Memorial. 2 This fortification was made on the summit of the hill, on which Plymouth burying ground now lies; and the reliques of it are still visible. 164 AMERICAN ANNALS. ' 1620. epoch of their settlement, which, in grateful remembrance of the v^-^~*-/ Christian friends whom they found at the last town they left in called Ply- their native country, they called Plymouth. This was the found- ation of the first English town, built in New England. 1 New patent After the departure of the adventurers from the coast of Eng- company" th * anc *> a new .patent, dated the 3d day of November, was granted by king James to the duke of Lenox, the marquisses of Buck- ingham and Hamilton, the earls of Arundel and Warwick, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, with 34 associates, and their successors, styling them, " The Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering, and govern- ing of New England, in America." By this patent that part of the American territory, which lies between the 40th and the 48th degree of north latitude in breadth, and " in length by all the breadth aforesaid throughout the main land from sea to sea," was given to them in absolute property ; the same authority and privileges, which had previously been given to the treasurer and company of Virginia, were now conferred on them ; and they were equally empowered to exclude all from trading within the boundaries of their jurisdiction, and from fishing in the neigh- bouring seas. This patent was the only civil basis of all the subsequent patents and plantations, which divided this country. 2 Virginia. While the foundation of a new settlement was laid in the north, the Virginia colony was making rapid progress in the south. Eleven ships, which had sailed the preceding year from England, arrived at Virginia, with 1260 persons for settlement. Nearly 1000 colonists were settled there, previous to this acces- sion. 3 One of the methods adopted for the increase of their number, if not the most delicate, was perhaps the most politic. The enterprising colonists being generally destitute of families, 1 Purchas, v. 1842—1849. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 203—222. Morton, 1—25. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 9. Prince, 1620. Smith, Virg. 230—233. Josse- lyn, Voy. 248. I. Mather, N. Eng. 5. " A Relation or Journal of a Plantation settled at Plymouth in New England, and Proceedings thereof," quoted by his- torians as " Mourt's Relation," and E. Winslow's " Good News from New England," are reprinted, with explanatory Notes by the Editor, in the VHIth. volume of the first Series of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Those Notes and the valuable papers in that volume by the same hand, with the obscure signature of r. s. were by the Rev. Dr. Freeman, late Recording Secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 2 Mather, Magnal. i. 4. Prince, 1620. Chalmers, b. 1. 81. This patent is in Hazard's Collections, i. 103 — 118, and in Trumbull's History of Connecticut (2d edit.), i. Appendix, No. xxvi. " The warrantable Grounds and Proceedings of the first Associates of New Plimouth, in their laying the first Foundation of this Government in their making of Laws, and disposing of the Lands within the same ; " are printed in a Preface to the Laws of New Plimouth, collected from the Records of the General Court by Secretary Morton, 1685. 3 Harris' Voy. i. lib. 5. c. 25. p. 840, where it is said, there were sent out " at least 1260 persons ; " and Smith [126.] says, 650 were destined for the public use, and 611 for private plantations. See A. d. 1622. BRITISH COLONIES. 165 Sir Edwin Sandys, the treasurer, proposed to the Virginia com- 1620. pany to send over a freight of young women, to become wives ^s^*^ for the planters. The proposal was applauded ; and 90 girls, " young and uncorrupt," were sent over in the ships that arrived this year; and, the year following, 60 more, handsome and well recommended to the company for their virtuous education and demeanor. The price of a wife, at the first, was 100 pounds of tobacco ; but, as the number became scarce, the price was in- creased to 150 pounds, the value of which, in money, was three shillings per pound. This debt for wives, it was ordered, should have the precedency of all other debts, and be first recoverable. Beside the transportation of reputable people, the king com- manded the treasurer and council of the Virginia company to send to Virginia 100 dissolute persons, to be delivered to them by the knight marshal; and they were accordingly sent over as servants. The early custom of transporting vicious and profli- gate people to that colony, as a place of punishment and dis- grace, though designed for its benefit, yet became ultimately prejudicial to its growth and prosperity. 1 - The Virginia company, disliking the almost exclusive applica- tion of their colony to the culture of tobacco, encouraged various projects for raising articles of more immediate necessity and be- nefit, and particularly the culture of silk. In conformity to this new policy, 150 persons in the colony were sent to set up three iron works ; directions were given for making cordage ; it was recommended to the people to make pitch, tar, and potashes ; and men, with materials, were sent over for the purpose of erect- ing several saw mills. 2 A special commission was issued in April, by king James, for the inspection of tobacco ; and a proclamation in June for re- straining the disorderly trading in this obnoxious article. 3 This year is remarkable, in Virginian history, for the introduc- tion of freedom into colonial commerce. The monopoly of the treasurer and company, which had depressed the settlement, was relinquished, and the trade laid open to all without restriction. 4 There were at this time but five ministers in Virginia ; and 1 1 boroughs erected into 11 parishes. 5 This year is memorable for the introduction of negro slaves 1 Stith, 166—197. Belknap, Biog. ii. 68, 70. Chalmers, b. 1. 46. Smith [Hist. Virg. 127.] says, that 50 servants were, this year, sent for public service ; 50, whose labours were to bring up 30 of the Infidel's children; and that others were sent to private planters. 2 Stith's Virginia, 177. 3 Rymer's Foed. xvii. 190, 233. Hazard, Coll. i. 89—96, where the commis- sion and proclamation are inserted entire. The title of the first is, " Commissio Specialis concernens le Garbling Herbse Nicotian*. " 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 49. 5 Stith, 173. 166 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1620. Negroes imported. Captain Dernier killed. Guiana; into Virginia. A Dutch man of war landed 20 negroes for sale ; and these were the first that were brought into the country. 1 Captain Dermer sailed again to New England, and arriving at Capewack [Martha's Vineyard], he was suddenly assaulted by Epenow and other Indians, and received fourteen wounds, which compelled him to go again to Virginia, where he died. 2 About a year after the death of Sir Walter Raleigh, king James granted Roger North a commission to inhabit and settle a colony near the river of Amazons in Guiana ; so great, how- ever, was the influence of Gondomar, the Spanish ambassador, that the king in May issued a proclamation to recall him, and another, for regulating the trade with that country. 3 Plymouth. March 16. First Indian visit. 1621. The Plymouth colonists on the 9th of January proceeded to the erection of their projected town ; which they built in two rows of houses for greater security. On the 14th their Com- mon house, which had been built in December, took fire from a spark that fell on its thatched roof, and was entirely consumed. On the 17th of February they met for settling military orders, and having chosen Miles Standish for their captain, conferred on him the power pertaining to that office. 4 On the 16th of March an Indian came boldly, alone, into the street of Plymouth, and surprised the inhabitants by calling out, " Welcome, Englishmen ! Welcome, Englishmen ! " He was their first visitant ; his name was Samoset, a sagamore of the country lying at the distance of about five days' journey. Hav- ing conversed with the English fishermen who had come to this coast, and learned of them to speak broken English, he informed the Plymouth people, that the place where they were seated was called by the Indians Patuxet ; that all the inhabitants died of an extraordinary plague, about four years since ; and that there was neither man, woman, nor child, remaining. 5 No natives therefore 1 Beverly, b. 1. c. 3. Stith, 182. Burk, 211. Smith, Virg. 126, where the Dutch ship is called a man of war. Univ. Hist. xli. 528. Chalmers, b. 1. 49 ; who says, " This is the sad epoch of the introduction of African slavery into the colonies." 2 Harris, Voyages. Purchas, v. 1830. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 8. Belknap, Biog. Art. Gorges. Prince, 1620. Morton, 59, and Edit. Note. 3 Oldys, Life Ral. 223. Rymer's Foedera, xvii. 215. See A. D. 1617. 4 Mourt's Relation, in Purchas, b. 10, c. 4 ; and Coll. Mass. Historical Socie- ty, viii. 223 — 225. The first houses in Plymouth were on each side of the same street, which leads from the old church in Plymouth to the water side. On the place where it is supposed the common house stood, in digging a cellar, in 1801, there were discovered several tools and a plate of iron, seven feet be- low the surface of the ground. 5 « As indeed," adds Mourt, " we have found none, so as there is none to hinder our possession, or to lay claim unto it." BJUTISH COLONIES. 167 were dispossessed of this territory to make room for the English, 1621. excepting by the providence of God previous to their arrival. 1 s^^-w Samoset, treated with hospitality by these strangers, was dis- posed to preserve an intercourse with them ; and, on his third visit, was accompanied by Squanto, one of the natives, who had been carried off by Hunt in 1614, and afterwards lived in Eng- land. They informed the English, that Masassoit, the greatest Masassoit, king of the neighbouring Indians, was near, with his brother and an Indian a number of his people ; and within an hour he appeared on the his first ap- top of a hill over against the English town, with a train of 60 pearance. men. 2 Mutual distrust prevented for sometime any advances from either side. Squanto at length, being sent to Masassoit, brought back word, that the English should send one of their number to parley with him. Mr. Edward Winslow was accordingly sent. Two knives, and a copper chain, with a jewel in it, were sent to Massasoit at the same time ; and to his brother a knife, and a jewel, " with a pot of strong water," a quantity of biscuit, and some butter, all which articles were gladly accepted. Mr. Wins- low, the messenger, in a speech to Masassoit, signified, that king James saluted him with words of love and peace, and that the English governor desired to see him, and to truck with him, and to confirm a peace with him, as his next neighbour. The Indian king heard his speech with attention, and approbation. After partaking of the provision, which made part of the English present, and imparting the rest to his company, he looked on Mr. Winslow's sword and armour, with an intimation of his desire to buy it ; but found him unwilling to part with it. At the close of the interview, Masassoit, leaving Mr. Winslow in the custody of his brother, went over the brook, which separated him from the English, with a train of 20 men, whose bows and arrows were left behind. He was met at the brook by captain Standish and Mr. Williamson, with six musketeers, who conduct- ed him to a house then in building, where were placed a green rug and three or four cushions. The governor now advanced, attended with a drum and trumpet, and a few musketeers. After 1 The desolating effects of this plague were known in England before the charter of 3d November, 1620 ; for in the charter itself, king James expressly assigns that desolation as a reason for granting it : " Also, for that we have been further given certainly to knowe, that within these late yeares there hath by God's visitation raigned a wonderfull Plague, together with many horrible slaughters, and murthers, committed amoungst the Savages and bruitish people there, heertofore inhabiting, in a manner to the utter destruction, devastation, and depopulacion of that whole territorye, so that there is not left for many leagues together in a manner, any that doe claime or challenge any kind of interests therein." Charter, Hazard, Coll. i. 105. See Davis's Morton's Mem. and his Notes, p. 51, 52, and Note B. See Note XXJI. 2 This was Watson's hill on the south side of Town brook. Dr. Freeman. 16S AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621 Gov. Car- ver dies. W. Brad- ford chosen governor. First mar- riage at Plymouth. Duel, mutual salutations, the governor called for refreshments, of which the Indian king partook himself, and imparted to his fol- lowers. A league of friendship was then agreed on ; and it was inviolably observed above 50 years. 1 On the following day, the English concluded their military or- ders, with some laws adapted to their present state. They also confirmed Mr. Carver as their governor the succeeding year; but he died soon after, to the great regret of the colony. He was a man of singular piety, humility and condescension ; and possess- ed a considerable estate, the greatest part of which he expended in promoting the interests of the infant colony, over which he presided. Soon after his death, Mr. William Bradford was cho- sen governor, and Mr. Isaac Allerton his assistant ; and, by re- newed elections, they were continued in office several years. 2 A great mortality, that commenced among the people soon after their arrival at Plymouth, swept off half of their number within the first three months, leaving scarcely 50 persons remain- ing. 3 The first marriage in the colony was solemnized on the 12th of May, between Mr. Edward Winslow, and Mrs. Susanna White. The first duel in New England was fought on the 18th of 1 Mourt's Relation, Purchas, v. lib. x. c. 4. p. 1850, and Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 230. Morton, 1621 ; Prince, 1621 ; Hazard, Coll. i. 146 ; Neal, N. Eng. i. c. 3 ; in all which places the articles of this league are preserved. This league was kept inviolate until king Philip's war, 1675. Masassoit gave them all the adjacent lands. The New Plymouth Associates, " by the favour of the Almighty, began the colony in New England ( there being then no other within the said continent), at a place called by the Natives Apaum, alias Patuxet; but by the English, New Plimouth. All which lands being void of inhabitants, we the said John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton, and the rest of our Associates entering into a League of Peace with Massasoit, since called Woosamequin, Prince or Sachem of those parts : He the said Massasoit freely gave them all the lands adjacent, to them and their heirs forever." Preface to Plymouth Laws, " declaring the warrantable grounds and proceedings of the Government of New Plimouth." 2 Morton and Prince, 1621. The broad sword of governor Carver is preserv- ed in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 3 Morton, 50. Prince, 189. Hubbard. Tradition gives an affecting picture of the infant colony, during this critical and distressing period. The dead were buried on the bank, at a little distance from the rock where the fathers landed ; and, lest the Indians should take advantage of the weak and wretched state of the English, the graves were levelled, and sown for the purpose of concealment. This information I received at Plymouth from the late Hon. Ephraim Spooner, a respectable inhabitant of that town, and deacon of the church, who accompanied me to the spot where those first interments were made. Human bones have been washed out of the bank, within the memory of the present generation. Deacon Spooner, then upwards of seventy years of age, had his information from Mr. Thomas Faunce, who was, a ruling elder in the first church in Ply- mouth, and was well acquainted with several of the first settlers. Elder Faunce knew the rock, on which they first landed ; and, hearing that it was covered in the erection of a Avharf, was so affected, that he wept. His tears perhaps saved it from oblivion. He died 27th of Feb. 1746, aged 99 years. BRITISH COLONIES. 169 June, on a challenge at single combat with sword and dagger, 1621. between two servants ; both of whom were wounded. For this \^^^^/ outrage they were sentenced by the whole company to the igno- minious punishment of having the head and feet tied together, and of lying thus 24 hours, without meat or drink. After suf- fering, however, in that painful posture one hour, at their master's intercession and their own humble request, with the promise of amendment, they were released by the governor. 1 Governor Bradford, by advice of the company, sent Edward j u]y 2 . Winslow and Stephen Hopkins, with Squanto for their guide, to E.Winslow Masassoit, to explore the country ; to confirm the league ; to ™ n d s S vi "° p learn the situation and strength of their new friend ; to carry Masassoit. some presents ; to apologize for some supposed injuries ; to regulate the intercourse between the English and the Indians ; and to procure seed corn for the next planting season. They lodged the first night at Namasket. 2 In some places, they found the country almost depopulated by the plague, which had deso- lated the neighbourhood of Patuxet. They passed through fine old corn fields, and pasture grounds, that were destitute of cattle and of inhabitants. Skulls and bones appeared in many places where the Indians had dwelt. On their arrival at Pokanoket, 3 the place of Masassoit's residence, 40 miles from Plymouth, they were kindly welcomed by that Indian sovereign, who renewed his assurances of continuing the peace and friendship. 4 1 Prince, 1621, from governor Bradford's Register. 2 Namasket was a town under Masassoit. It was that part of Middleborough which the English afterward first planted. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 148. 3 Pokanoket was a general name for the northern shore of Narraganset Bay, between Providence and Taunton rivers, comprehending the present townships of Bristol, Warren, and Barrington, in the State of Rhode Island, and Swanzey in Massachusetts. The principal seats of Masassoit were at Sowams and Kike- muit. The former is a neck of land formed by the confluence of Barrington and Palmer's rivers ; the latter is Mount Hope. Belknap, Biog. ii. 221. Calen- der, Cent. Disc. 30, 31. 4 Purchas, b. 10. c. 4, Mourt's Relation. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 232— 237. Hubbard, New Eng. c. 12. Morton, 69. Prince, 1621. Belknap, Biog. u. Art. Bradford. The manner of reception and treatment of the envoys at the court of Masassoit is worthy of notice. When the king had taken them into his house, and seated them, he heard their message, and received their presents. He then put on a horseman's red coat, and a chain about his neck, these having been among the presents, and " was not a little proud to behold' himself, and his men also to see their king so bravely attired." Having given a friendly answer to the message, his men gathered around him ; and, turning himself to them, he addressed them in a speech : « Am not I, Masassoit, com- mander of the countiy around you ? Is not such a town mine, and the people ol it ( Will you not bring your skins to the English ? " After this manner he named at least thirty places, to every one of which they gave an answer of con- sent and applause. At the close of his speech he lighted tobacco for the envoys, and proceeded to discourse about England, and the English king, wondering that he would live without a wife. He talked also of the Frenchmen, bidding the English not to suffer them to come to Narraganset, for it was king James' country, and he was king James' man. It now grew late, " but victuals lie vol. i. 22 170 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621. Expedition of M- Stan- dish to Na- masket. Aug. 14. Sept. 13. Submission of nine sa- chems. After the league with Masassoit, Corbitant, one of his petty sachems, becoming discontented, meditated to join the Narragan- sets, who were inimical to the English; and he was now at Namasket, attempting to alienate the subjects of Masassoit from their king. Squanto and Hobomack, two faithful friends of the English, going at this time to Namasket to make observation, were threatened with death by Corbitant, who seized and de- tained Squanto, but Hobomack made his escape. To counteract the hostile machinations of Corbitant, and to liberate Squanto, the governor, with the advice of the company, sent Miles Stand- ish and 14 men, with Hobomack for their guide, to Namasket. On their arrival, the Indians of Corbitant's faction fled. The design of the English expedition was explained to the natives of the place, with menaces of revenge, in case of insurrection against Masassoit, or of violence to any of his subjects. 1 This resolute enterprise struck such terror into the neighbour- ing Indians, that their chiefs came in, and solicited the friendship of the English. On the 13th of September, nine Sachems voluntarily came to Plymouth, and subscribed an instrument of submission to king James. 2 It was peculiarly happy for the colony, that it had secured the friendship of Masassoit ; for his influence was very extensive. He was reverenced and regarded by all the natives from the bay of Narraganset to that of Massa- chusetts. The submission of the nine sachems is ascribed to their mutual connexion with this sovereign, as its primary cause. Other princes under him made also a similar submission, among offered none ; for indeed he had not any," having but just returned home. The envoys, therefore, finding no prospect of refreshment, but from sleep, desired to go to rest ; yet they were disappointed even of repose. " Hee laid us," says the narrator, " on the bed with himselfe and his wife, they at the one end and wee at the other, it being onely plankes laid a foot from the ground, and a thinne mat upon them. Two more of his chiefe men for want of roome pressed by and upon us ; so that wee were worse wearie of our lodging then of our journey." 1 Morton, and Prince, a. d. 1621. 2 Hubbard, c. 9. Prince, 1621 ; Belknap, Biog. ii. 223 ; Hazard, Coll. i. 147; where are their names : " Ohquamehud, Cawnacome, Obbatinnua, Nattawahunt, Caunbatant, Chikkatabak, Quadaquina, Huttamoiden, and Apannow." Indian names are variously written. Obbatinnua, or Obbatinowat, was one of the Massachusetts sachems, whose residence was on or near the peninsula of Shaw- mut [Boston]. Chikkatabok, or Chicketawbut, or Chickatabot, was the saga- more of Naponset, whose name will repeatedly occur in the annals of Massa- chusetts. These Massachusetts sachems were not entirely independent, but acknowledged a degree of subjection to Masassoit. Caunbatant, or Corbitant, was the petty sachem of Masassoit, who had recently been plotting against the English. His residence was at Mattapayst, a neck of land in the township of Swanzey. Mr. Winslow, who had frequent conferences with him at his wig- wam and elsewhere, represents him as a hollow-hearted friend to the Plymouth planters, " a notable politician, yet full of merry jests and squibs, and never better pleased than when the like are returned again upon him." Quadaquina was the brother of Masassoit. Morton, 67 ; Note of Judge Davis. BRITISH COLONIES. m whom are mentioned those of Pamet, Nauset, Cummaquid, and 1621. Namasket, with several others about the bays of Patuxet and ^-v^/ Massachusetts. 1 The colonists judging it expedient to send to the Massachu- The Bay of setts, to discover the Bay, see the country, make peace, and Massachu- trade with the natives ; the governor chose ten men, who, ac- piored*" companied by Squanto and two other Indians, sailed in the shal- lop, upon that enterprise, on the 1 8th of September. Arriving the next day at the bottom of the bay, they landed under a cliff, Sept> 19> and were kindly received by Obbatinua, the sachem, who had subscribed the submission at Plymouth a few days before. He renewed his submission, on receiving their promise of assistance against the Tarratines, and the squaw sachem of Massachusetts, who were his enemies. Having explored the bay, and collected some beaver, they returned to Plymouth. 2 On the 11th of November, Robert Cushman arrived at Ply- Nov. 11. mouth in a ship from England, with 35 persons, destined to Arrival of remain in the colony. By this arrival the Plymouth colonists wilhachar- received a charter, procured for them by the adventurers in ter - London, who had been originally concerned with them in the enterprise ; and they now acknowledged the extraordinary bless- ing of heaven, in directing their course into this part of the country, where they had happily obtained permission to possess and enjoy the territory under the authority of the president and council for the affairs of New England. The ship, with a freight of beaver skins, clapboards, and other articles, collectively esti- mated at nearly £500, sailed on the 13th of December ; but, drawing near the English coast, was seized by the French, Ship taken carried to France, and robbed of all that was valuable. The on its re " people at length obtained a release for themselves and their ship, French and in February arrived at London. On the departure of this ship from Plymouth, the governor and his assistant disposed the people, who had come over for residence, into several families ; and restricted the settlers to half allowance of provisions, which were estimated to be scarcely sufficient, at that reduced rate, for six months. 3 The treasurer and company of Virginia at length adopted a Virginia, measure, which had a favourable influence towards the settlement of their colony. They offered territory to those who should either emigrate to it themselves, or engage the transportation of others. Upon such conditions, fifty patents were granted during 1 Prince, 1621. Hubbard, c. 9. Belknap, Art. Bradford. 2 Morton, and Prince, 1621. Belknap, ii. 224. The "cliff" under which they landed, is supposed to be Copp's Hill in Boston. v Q?f e ' t 621 ' fr0m Mourt ' Biadford ' s MS - History, and Purchas. Smith, Virg. ^4.—Judge Davis, from gov. Bradford's Register, has made additions from 1 Jan. to 25 March, Morton, 63—66. 172 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621. the year; before the close of which, 21 ships, employing more \^s^-^ than 400 sailors, bringing over 1300 men, women, and children, arrived at Virginia. 1 Virginia Sir Francis Wyat, appointed governor of Virginia, arrived constitution t j iere j n October, with nine sail of ships, and nearly 700 people. 2 ioracoun- , T ' „ , r ' . . J , I r cii and gen- He now brought an ordinance and constitution of the treasurer, erai assem- cduncil, and company in England, for settling the government of that colony in a governor, a council of state, as his assistants, and a general assembly. This ordinance " is no less remarkable for the wisdom of its provisions, than for being the principal step in the progress of freedom." It ordained, that two burgesses should be chosen for the assembly, by every town, hundred, or particu- lar plantation. All matters were to be decided by the majority of voices in the assembly, reserving to the governor a negative on the whole ; but no law or ordinance, though approved by the three branches of the legislature, was to be of force, until ratified by the general court of the company in England, and returned under its seal ; no order of the general court, on the other hand, was to bind the colony, until assented to by the assembly. 3 Thus, at the expiration of 14 years from the settlement of the colony, its constitution became fixed ; and the colonists are from this time to be considered, not merely as servants of a commercial company, dependent on the will and orders of their superior, but as freemen and citizens. 4 Instructions With the Virginian constitution Wyat brought a body of in- to the gov- structions to the governor for the time being, and the council of council" 1 state, recommending primarily to them, " to take into their special regard the service of Almighty God, and the observance of his divine laws ; and that the people should be trained up in true religion and virtue ; " commanding them, in the next place, to keep the people in due obedience to the king ; to provide for the equal administration of justice according to the forms and constitution of England ; to prevent all corruption, tending to the 1 Smith, Virginia, 140, 141. " This yeere also there was much suing for patents for plantations, who promised to transport such great multitudes of people. There was much disputing concerning those divisions, as though the whole land beene too little for them : six and twentie obtained their desires, but as yet [1626] not past six hath sent thither a man." lb. In the number of 50 patents, in the text, I follow Chalmers, who was, when he wrote his Po- litical Annals, and so late as 1824, in the Plantation Office in London. 2 Purchas, v. 1783. They sailed from England in July. Chalmers, b. 1. 56. 3 Stith, Virginia, Appendix, No. xv ; and Hazard, Coll. i. 131 — 133 ; where the ordinance for settling the government is inserted. Beverly, b. 1. c. 3. Purchas, v. 1783. Stith, 194— 196. Chalmers, b. 1. c. 3. Jefferson, Virginia, Qu. 23. The governor is always inserted in the old commissions, as a part and the head of the Council of State. The two branches of the government {coun- cil and assembly) are called in the Ordinance, " two supreme councils in Vir- ginia." 4 Kobertson, Hist. America, b. 9. BRITISH COLONIES. 173 perversion or delay of justice ; to protect the natives from injury 1621. and oppression ; and to cultivate peace and friendship with them, v^v-^ as far as it should be consistent with the honour of the nation, and safety of the people. 1 Captain William Newce offered to transport and settle a thou- w, Newce sand persons in Virginia ; desiring to be appointed their general, marshal of and to have a patent, with the usual proportion of land, and other lx ^ miA ' privileges. The title and command of general were refused, because they implied a power peculiar to the governor ; but a patent, in the most ample form, was readily granted him. By his farther request, he was constituted marshal of Virginia, to take into his charge the fortifications, arms, and forces of the colony, as well as to cause the people to be duly trained up in military discipline. To the office were annexed 1 500 acres of land, and 50 tenants. 2 Toward the close of the year, Mr. Daniel Gookin arrived at Virginia from Ireland, with 50 men of D. Gookia. his own, and 30 passengers, and planted at Newport News. 3 A free school was founded in Virginia. An East India ship A free having returned from India to England, the ship's company, in- s f cho f A ■ cited by the example and persuasions of Mr. Copeland their Virginia. chaplain, contributed £70 toward building a church, or a free school, in that colony. Thirty pounds more were given by one unknown person, and £25 were afterwards added by another. An unknown person also gave 40 shillings yearly, for a sermon before the Society. Many excellent religious books, of the value of £10, and a very valuable map of all that coast of America, were also sent by a person unknown for the college at Henrico. Mr. Thomas Bargave, a preacher at that place, gave a library, valued at 100 marks ; and the inhabitants made a contribution of £1500, to build a house for the entertainment of strangers. It was determined to build a free school in Charles city, which was thought to be most convenient to all parts of the colony ; and it was named The East hidia School. The company al- lotted, for the maintenance of the master and usher, 1000 acres of land, with five servants and an overseer. This school was to be collegiate, and to have dependence on the college at Henrico ; into which, as soon as the college should be sufficiently endowed, and capable of receiving students, pupils were to be admitted, and advanced according to their deserts and proficiency in learn- ing. 4 1 Smith, Virginia, 139, 140. Stith, 194. 2 Stith, 189. Newce died soon after his arrival. 3 Smith (140) calls it " Master Gookin's Plantation." 4 An account in Purchas [v. 1783.] says, that seven persons were sent " for the planting the thousand acres." Stith (204) says, that carpenters were sent over to erect the house for this school, early the next year. Mr. Bargave died before Smith wrote his History ; for he mentions him as « their preacher there, deceased." Virg. 141. 174 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621. Glebe lands. Minister's stipend. Parliamen- tary acts respecting tobacco. HI effects of them. The Virginia company having ordered a hundred acres of land in each of the boroughs to be laid off for a glebe, and £200 sterling to be raised, as a standing and certain revenue, out of the profits out of each parish, to make a living ; this sti- pend was thus settled : That the minister shall receive yearly J 500 hundred pounds of tobacco, and 16 barrels of corn ; which were collectively estimated at £200 sterling. 1 There were at this time five ministers only in the colony. 2 The English parliament resolved, " that all foreign tobacco shall be barred ; but that of Virginia, or any of the king's do- minions, shall not be held foreign." A bill, for the restraint of the inordinate use of tobacco, was soon after brought in, which, after various amendments, passed in May. Its requisitions are very remarkable. No tobacco was to be imported after the first of October, 1621, but from Virginia and the Somer isles ; and, after that day, none was to be planted in England. There was to be paid to the king, for custom, six pence a pound, in consid- eration of the loss, which he might sustain in his revenue. None was to be sold by the merchant for more than eight shillings, and by the retailer none for more than ten shillings, the pound ; but they, who should sell tobacco by the pipe, might make the most they could. This is the first instance, which occurs, of the modern policy of promoting the importation of the colonies, in preference to the productions of foreign nations. 3 The measures of king James embarrassed not the company only, but the plantation. Individuals who had suffered extreme- ly from the irregularity of his conduct, and from these exclusive regulations, applied to parliament for redress. During the debate on the subject, two planters of Virginia complained of the irregu- larities of the farmers of the revenue. A committee was appoint- ed, " to examine this business, and to consider in what manner to relieve them, with power to send for the patentees, and to see the patents ; " yet no relief was obtained. The treasurer and com- pany of Virginia addressed another petition to king James; but, obtaining nothing, they sought a more effectual remedy of their evils. They procured warehouses, and appointed factors, at Middleburgh and Flushing, and compounded with the magis- trates of those towns at the rate of a penny a pound on the im- port, and the same on the export of their only merchandize. King James soon felt the ill effects of his own mistaken policy. No Virginian products were exported to England this year ; all were sent to Holland. The defalcation of the revenue, which was the immediate effect, occasioned an order in October, that i Stith, 173. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 50. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 51, 70—74, 111. See Note XXIII. BRITISH COLONIES. 175 no tobacco, or other productions of the colonies, should thence- 1621. forth be carried into foreign parts, until they were first landed in s^^^, England, and the custom paid. This order, however, was either disregarded or eluded ; for tobacco was still sent from Virginia, and even from the Somer Isles to Holland. 1 Sir Ferdinando Gorges, intrusted with the principal direction of the affairs of the Plymouth company, reflecting on the prodi- gious extent of the region to be planted, and on the little pro- gress of colonization, conceived the design of persuading the Scotch nation to form a settlement within the limits of New England. Easily procuring the consent of the company, and the approbation of Sir William Alexander of Menstry, a person of considerable influence, he prosecuted that enterprise ; and Se P t 10 - king James gave Alexander a patent of the whole territory of NovaSco- Acadie, by the name of Nova Scotia. 2 It was erected into a tiatoSir palatinate, to be holden as a fief of the crown of Scotland ; and J^. Alexan " the proprietary was invested with the accustomed regal power, belonging to a count palatine. An unsuccessful attempt was soon after made to effect a settlement of the territory ; and the French continued their occupancy. 3 John Mason procured from the council of Plymouth a grant Grant to of all the land from the river of Naumkeag round Cape Ann to John Ma- the river Merrimack ; and up each of those rivers to the farthest son * head of them ; then to cross over from the head of the one to the head of the other ; with all the islands lying within three miles of the coast. This district was called Mariana. 4 The West India Company of Holland was now established by a charter from the States General, investing it with an exclusive 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 51, 52. Robertson,, book 9. 2 It was bounded on the north, east, and south, by the river St. Lawrence and the ocean ; and on the west by the river St. Croix. See the charter, in Latin, in Hazard, i. 134—145, from Mem. de l'Amerique. Chalmers, b. 1. 91, 92. It was given under the great seal of Scotland ; yet, as Chalmers remarks, " it would probably have embarrassed the wisest civilian of that kingdom to discover by what right the king of Scotland conveyed that extensive dominion." 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 91. Belknap, Biog. ii. 55. Purchas, v. 1871, 1873. Sir Wil- liam the next year sent a ship with a colony " of purpose to plant ; " but the season was so late, that they were obliged to stay through the winter at New- foundland. Another ship with provisions was sent the next year (1623) ; yet, " by reason of some unexpected occasions," they resolved not to plant then, but merely to discover and take possession. Sailing from Newfoundland, they coasted along the shore of Nova Scotia, and on Port Joli river found a fit place for a plantation. Returning to Newfoundland in July, they left their ship there, and took passage for England, with the intention of resuming the enterprise of planting a colony the next year. Purchas, ibid. Laet, 62. Both these writers stop here, in their accounts of Nova Scotia, excepting Laet's mention of the change oi the old names of places by the Scotch patentee : " Quid post ilia in illis par- w-n! ? estum sit ' mini non constat ; nisi quod nomina harum provinciarum a. Wilhelmo Alexandro mutata inveni, in tabula Geographica nuper in Anglia excu- sa....Cadia JYova Caledonia, septent. pars.^Vbua Alexandria nominatur...." &c. 4 Belknap, N. Hampshire, i. c. 1. Naumkeag is often written JYaumkeak. 176 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1622. Holland W. India Company. N. Nether- lands. Part of Newfound- land grant- ed to lord Baltimore. trade to the western coast of Africa, and to the eastern shores of America from Newfoundland to the straits of Magellan. 1 Historians have affirmed, that the States General, this year, made a grant of the country of New Netherlands to the West India company ; but the English deny, that they had power to grant what had been given to the Plymouth company two years before, by the king of England. 2 Sir George Calvert, a Roman Catholic, having obtained from the king of England a grant of part of Newfoundland, that he might enjoy, in this retreat, that freedom of conscience which was denied him in his own country, sent Edward Wynne with a small colony to that island, to make preparation for his reception. The proprietor, now created lord Baltimore, was so delighted with the account which he received of the flourishing state of the colony, that he afterward removed to it with his family ; built a house, and a strong fort, at Ferryland ; and resided on the island many years. 3 The Narra- gansets threaten 1622. The Narraganset Indians, conscious of their power, 4 aspired at an extension of empire on the ruins of their neighbours, who 1 De Laet, Jaerlyck Verhaal. Hazard, Coll. i. 120 — 131., where there is a translation of this charter. It is dated " at the Hague on the third day of the month of June, in the year sixteen hundred and twenty one."* Chalmers [b. 1. 569.] says, " The month of June, 1620, is the epoch of the famous West India company of Holland," and refers, for his authorities, to Corps Diplomatique and Leonard ; but I follow these original authorities which I have examined. The company was empowered to form colonies, erect " forts, and make alliances, both on the continent and islands of America." Anderson, having said that the com- pany was erected at the expiration of the truce between Spain and Holland, this year [1621], observes, that it "began with two towering projects, both which miscarried in the end, viz. 1. To drive the Portuguese out of Brazil. And, 2. To attack Peru." * — " Graven- Haghe, op den derden dagh der Maendt van Junio, in 't Jaer sesthien-hondert een-en-tvvintich." 2 Smith, N. York, i. 3. Chalmers, b. 1. 569, 570, says, this charter of New Netherlands, given by the States General, though often mentioned by writers, and relied on by governors, has neither been given by them to the world ; nor have they informed us where it may be found. Laet asserts the fact, but without adducing any authority. Having mentioned the administration of H. Christiaens, and a subsequent one of J. Elkens, under the auspices of the States General, he adds, that the Hollanders thus held North River several years, until it began to be settled by the West India company under a new and most ample patent from those States : — " atque ita nostri ab anno clciocxiv ad aliquot suc- cedentes tenuerunt : Donee a societate Indiae Occidentalis, novo et amplissimo eorundam praepotentum Dominorum diplomate ipsis concesso, porro ab ipsis hoc flumen adiri et coloniis deductis amplius habitari coepit." Nov. Orb. 73. See 1614. 3 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 250. Chalmers [b. 1. 201.] says that Calvert established the settlement at Ferryland the next year [1622], and governed it by his depu- ty ; and that he visited it in person in the beginning of the reign of Charles I. The original English appellation of the territory, ceded to him, was Avalon. 4 Prince [1622] says, they could raise above 5000 fighting men. Gookin, who was his authority, received his information from " ancient Indians ;" and says, " all do agree they were a great people, and oftentimes waged war with the Pawkunnawkutts and Massachusetts, as well as with the Pequots." Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 148. BRITISH COLONIES. 177 had been wasted by mortal diseases. The English, they foresaw, 1622. might be an obstacle to their ambition ; for Masassoit, their own \^-^^^/ most potent rival, had already taken shelter under their wings. No sooner therefore did Canonicus, the chief sachem of the Narragansets, understand that the people of Plymouth were dis- tressed by the burden of additional settlers, without proportion- ate means for their support, than he bade defiance to their power. Regardless of the peace, recently concluded, his tribe first offered them repeated menaces ; and he next sent to them, as a signal of challenge, a bundle of arrows, tied together with a snake skin. The governor, having taken advice, sent an answer, that if they chose war rather than peace, they might begin when they would ; that the English had done them no wrong ; nor did they fear them, nor should they find them unprovided. By a different messenger, and in more direct acceptance of the challenge, the snakeskin was sent back, charged with powder and bullets. The Indians, however, refused to receive it. They were even afraid to let it continue in their houses ; and it was at length brought back to Plymouth. 1 Although policy dictated this resolute measure, on the part of the English ; yet prudence required them to use the means of farther security. They accordingly impaled February, the town and. fortified it, and erected in four bulwarks or jetties three Plymouth gates, which were guarded every day, and locked every night. In ^ a fo r d ti . the succeeding summer, they built a strong and handsome fort, with fied. a flat roof and battlement, on which cannon were mounted, and a watch kept ; it was also used as a place of public worship. 2 Thomas Weston, a merchant of good reputation in London, Weston's having procured for himself a patent for a tract of land in Mas- «e^ men J sachusetts Bay, sent two ships with 50 or 60 men, at his own gusset. SSa * charge, to settle a plantation. Many of these adventurers being sick on their arrival at Plymouth, most of the company remained there during the greater part of the summer, and were treated with hospitality and kindness by the inhabitants. Some of their number, in the meantime, finding a place in the Bay of Massa- chusetts, named Wessagusset, which they judged convenient for 1 Prince, 1622, from Bradford's History and Winslow's Relation. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 12. Morton, an. 1621. There is a remarkable coincidence, in the form of this challenge, with that of the challenge given by the Scythian prince to Darius. Five arrows made a part of the present, sent by his herald to the Per- sian king. Rollin, Anc. Hist. b. 6. s. 4. The manner of declaring war by the Ara- caunian Indians of South America was, by sending from town to town an arrow clenched in a dead man's hand : " el modo de declarar guerra es enviar de Pue- blo en Pueblo la mano de un disunto empuiiada una flecha, que llaman de la con- vocatoria." Alcedo, Art. Chile. 2 Prince, 1622, from Bradford and Winslow. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 12. Matt- er, Magnal. b. 1. p. 10. Gov. Bradford, referring to the impaling of the town, says, " taking in the top of the hill under which our town is seated." In- telligence of the massacre in Virginia reached Plymouth in May, and was the- immediate incitement to the erection of this fort. vol. i. 23 178 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1622. March 22, Massacre in Virginia; settlement, the whole company removed to it, and began a plan- tation. 1 What had been merely dreaded at Plymouth, was experienced in all its horrors in her sister colony. By a preconcerted con- spiracy, the Indians in the neighbourhood of Virginia, on the 22d of March, fell on the English, 347 of whom, unresisting and defenceless, were cruelly massacred. The massacre was con- ducted with indiscriminate barbarity. No regard was shown to dignity ; no gratitude, for benefits. Six of the council were slain, one of whom, Mr. George Thorpe, a very respectable and pious man, who had the principal management of the lands and affairs of the college, had been a distinguished friend and bene- factor of the Indians. 2 An exterminating war between the Eng- lish and the Indians immediately succeeded this massacre. The people, concerned in the care and culture of the college lands, experiencing a great slaughter, those lands were now abandoned ; and no public institution was again attempted for the benefit of the natives of Virginia, until benefactions were made by the Honourable Robert Boyle. 3 To the horrors of massacre were soon superadded the miseries of famine. Of eighty plantations, which were advancing fast toward completion, eight only remained ; and of the numerous settlers, who had been transported to Virginia at a great expense, 1800 only survived these disasters. 4 1 Morton, 44. Mather, Magnal. h. 1. 11. Prince, 1619—1622. See a. d. 1624. Weston was one of the merchant adventurers, who, in 1619, sent pro- posals to Leyden for transporting the English Congregation to America. He appears to have been active in promoting the Plymouth settlement from that time until this year. Why he now withdrew his patronage we are not informed ; but by a letter from him, received at this time, addressed to governor Carver, " we find," says governor Bradford, " he has quite deserted us, and is going to settle a Plantation of his own." See Prince, 65, 70, 114, 118. 2 Smith, Virg. 144 — 149, where are the numbers slain at the several plan- tations. Purchas, v. 1788—1790. Beverly, 61, 62. Keith, 138. Stith, 211. Nemattanow, a famous Indian warrior, believed by the natives to be invulnera- ble, was killed by the English in 1621 ; and Keith [137.] says, it was in revenge of his death, that Opechancanough plotted this massacre. Chalmers [b. 1. 58.] says, " it ought to be observed, that the emigrants, notwithstanding the humane instructions of their sovereign and the prudent orders of the company, had never been solicitous to cultivate the good will of the aborigines ; and had neither asked permission when their country was occupied, nor had given a price for invaluable property, which was taken without authority." 3 Stith, 217, 295. Mr. Boyle's donation was annexed to the professorships of William and Mary college, as a sixth professorship, for the instruction of the Indians and their conversion to Christianity. Jefferson, Virg. Query xv. 4 Purchas, b. 9. c. 15. Chalmers, b. 1. 59. In the year 1620 there were about 2260 inhabitants in Virginia. [See that year.] In 1621, governor Wyat brought over nearly 700, which addition makes 2960. Deduct from this number 347 for the loss in the massacre, and the remainder is 2613. If, as Purchas leads us to believe, there were but 1800 left after the massacre and famine, up- wards of 800 are still unaccounted for. The natural deaths in the colony since 1620 may partly account for this deficiency ; but some accessions to it have probably been omitted, which might counterbalance that loss. It is indeed expressly said ia Purchas, that "in the yeeres 1619, 1620, and 1621, there hath BRITISH COLONIES. 179 Much as the colony lost of its inhabitants and possessions by 1622. the recent calamities, its losses were considerably counterbalanced ^^^^ by supplies from the parent country. From May 1621 to May Supplies 1622, 20 ships transported 1300 persons, and 80 cattle, from f^ Ens ' England to Virginia. King James made the colonists a present of arms out of the tower, and lent them 20 barrels of powder ; lord St. John, of Basing, gave them 60 coats of mail ; the city of London, and many private persons, made them generous con- tributions. 1 Such had now become the extent of the settlements inferior and the number of the inhabitants, in the Virginia colony, that it courts ap- was found very inconvenient to bring all causes to James Town. p01flte ' Inferior courts were therefore appointed in convenient places, to relieve the governor and council from the heavy burden of business, and to render justice less expensive, and more accessible, to the people. This is the origin of county courts in Virginia. 2 The tobacco, exported from Virginia to England, on an aver- Tobacco, age for the last seven years, was 142,085 pounds a year. Pre- vious to the massacre, a successful experiment of wine had been made in that colony ; and a specimen of it was now sent to Wine. England. 3 The English had now ten forts at Bermudas ; 3000 people ; Bermudas. and 50 pieces of ordnance. 4 Thirty five ships sailed this year from the west of England, Fishery, and two from London, to fish on the New England coasts ; and made profitable voyages. 5 The Plymouth company having complained to king James of Restraint the encroachments and injuries of interlopers on their American ^j^Ent- 6 commerce and possessions, and applied to him for relief; the land, king issued a proclamation, commanding that none should fre- quent the coasts of New England, but the adventurers and plant- beene provided and sent for Virginia two and fortie saile of ships, three thousand five hundred and seventie men and women for plantation, with requisite pro- visions." I am inclined, therefore, to ascribe some part of this extraordinary reduction to an emigration from the colony, seldom noticed by historians. It is affirmed, that several English families, to shun the massacre in Virginia, fled to the Carolinian coasts, and settled at a place called Mallica, near the river May. It is also affirmed, that they converted the inhabitants of the neighbouring Apala- ches. Atlas Geographus Americ. v. 688. Univ. Hist. xl. 420. Brit. Emp. hi. 210. This last history says, they were driven on the coasts of Carolina ; which seems to imply, that they made their escape by water. 1 Purchas, ut supra. Smith, Virg. 147. Stith, 233. Univ. Hist. xli. 529. 2 Beverly, 60. Stith, 207. Brit. Emp. iii. 68. 3 Stith, 218, 246. Robertson, b. 9. French vinedressers, brought over to Virginia in 1621, wrote to the English company, that the Virginia climate and soil surpass the province of Languedoc. Beverly, 191. 4 Josselyn, Voy. 250. In the years 1619, 1620, 1621, there were sent to Bermudas 9 ships, employing 240 mariners, and carrying about 900 people for settlement. Purchas, v. 1785. 5 Smith's N. Eng. tryals, in Purchas, v. 1840—1842. " Where in Newfound- land they shared sixe or seven pounds for a common man, in New England they shared fourteene pounds ; besides six Dutch and French ships made wonderfull returnes in. furres." Grant to Gorges. State of Quebec. AMERICAN ANNALS. ers ; or traffic with the Indians otherwise than by the license of the council of Plymouth, or according to the orders of the privy council. " This remarkable edict, far from proving beneficial to the company, really brought on its dissolution." 1 A grant was made by the council of Plymouth to Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges and John Mason, jointly, of all the lands between the rivers Merrimack and Sagadahock, extending back to the great lakes and river of Canada. This district was called La- conia. 2 All the colony of Quebec, at this period of Canadian annals, consisted of no more than 50 persons, men, women, and chil- dren. An establishment, however, had been formed at Trois Rivieres ; and a brisk trade continued to be carried on at Ta- doussac. 3 Visit to Masassoit. Indian con- spiracy. 1623. Intelligence being received at Plymouth, that Masassoit was likely to die, and that a Dutch ship was driven ashore near his house, the governor sent Edward Winslow and John Hambden with Hobomack, to visit and assist him, and to speak with the Dutch. 4 They found Masassoit extremely ill ; but, by cordials administered by Mr. Winslow, he revived. After their departure, Hobomack informed them that Masassoit had privately charged him to tell Mr. Winslow, that there was a plot of the Massachu- setts against Weston's people at Wessagusset ; that, lest the English of Plymouth should avenge their countrymen, they also were to be destroyed ; and that the Indians of Paomet, Nauset, Mattachiest, Succonet, the Isle of Capawick, Manomet, and Agawaywom, had joined with the Massachusetts in this con- spiracy ; and that he advised them to kill the conspirators, as the only means of security. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 91. This Proclmation, dated 6 November, is in Hazard's Coll. i. 151, 152; and in Rymer's Foedera, xvii. 416 ; and is entitled, " A Pro- clamation, prohibiting interloping and disorderly trading to New England in America." 2 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. c. 1. 3 Champlain, Voy. 2 partie, 49. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 158. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 419. \ 4 Mr. Hambden is said to have been a gentleman of London, who then win- tered with the Plymouth colonists, and " desired much to see the country " ; and is supposed by Dr. Belknap to be the same person, who afterward distin- guished himself by his opposition to the arbitrary demands of Charles I. Winslow, Relat. Belknap, Biog. ii. 229. 5 Mattachiest seems to be the country between Barnstable and Yarmouth harbours. Manomet is the name of a creek or river, which runs through the town of Sandwich into the upper part of Buzzard's Bay, formerly called Mano- met Bay. Between this and Scusset Creek is the place, which, for more than a century, has been thought of as proper to be cut through, to form a communi- cation by a navigable canal, from Barnstable Bay to Buzzard's Bay. Prince, 1623. Belknap, Biog. ii. 314. BRITISH COLONIES. 181 The governor, on receiving this intelligence, which was con- 1623. firmed by other evidences, ordered Standish to take with him as ^^^ many men as he should judge sufficient, and, if a plot should be Expedition discovered, to fall on the conspirators. Standish, with eight men, JjJ Jjjjjjjj sailed to the Massachusetts, where the natives, suspecting his it. design, insulted and threatened him. Watching his opportunity, when four of them, Witluwamet, Pecksuot, another Indian, and a youth of 18, brother of Wittuwamet, and about as many of his own men, were in the same room, he gave a signal to his men ; the door was instantly shut ; and, snatching the knife of Peck- suot from his neck, he killed him with it, after a violent struggle ; his party killed Wittuwamet, and the other Indian ; and hung the youth. Proceeding to another place, Standish killed an Indian ; and afterward had a skirmish with a party of Indians, which he put to flight. Weston's men also killed two Indians. Standish, with that generosity which characterizes true bravery, released the Indian women, without taking their beaver coats, or allowing the least incivility to be offered them. The English Wessagus- settlers now abandoned Wessagusset ; and their plantation was ^oned^T" thus broken up, within a year after its commencement. Standish, the English, having supplied them with corn, and conducted them safely out of Massachusetts Bay in a small ship of their own, returned to Plymouth, bringing the head of Wittuwamet, which he set up on the fort. This sudden and unexpected execution so terrified the other natives, who had intended to join the Massachusetts in the conspiracy, that they forsook their houses, and fled to swamps and desert places, where they contracted diseases which proved mortal to many of them ; among whom were Canacum, sachem of Manomet ; Aspinet, sachem of Nauset ; and Ianough, sachem of Mattachiest. 1 A severe drought prevailing at this time in Plymouth, the Drought, government set apart a solemn day of humiliation and prayer ; and soon after, in grateful and pious acknowledgment of the blessing of copious showers, and supplies of provisions, a day of public thanksgiving. 2 1 Winslow's " Good Newes from New England : Or, a Relation of things re- markable in that Plantation," abridged in Purchas, b. 10. c. 5. Coll. Mass. Hist. Society, viii, 257—263. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. c. 3. Morton & Prince, 1623. I. Mather, N. Eng. 14 — 16. Belknap, Biog. ii. Art. Standish. Wittuwamet was a chief of the Massachusetts, said to be " a notable insulting Indian." Pecksuot was " a notable Pinese, i. e. Counsellor and Warrior." Prince, 1623. Winslow says, Pecksuot had made the point of his knife as sharp as a needle, and ground the back also to an edge. The natives were in the habit of wearing knives, suspended at the breast, in sheaths tied about tfee neck. One of these Indian sheaths, a part of the spoils in the old wars with the French and Indians, is in my possession. It is seven inches long, and terminates in a point. It is made of leather, curiously wrought with some hard but pliant substance of va- rious colours, and trimmed at the upper edge with a fringe with little pendant rolls of brass or some other metal. 2 Purchas, b„ 10. c. 5. 1866. Prince, 1623, from Bradford and Winslow. 182 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1623. The first patent of Plymouth had been taken out in the name \**^s-*s of John Pierce, in trust for the company of adventurers ; but when he saw the promising state of their settlement, and the favour which their success had obtained for them with the coun- cil for New England, he, without their knowledge, but in their name, procured another patent of larger extent, intending to keep it for his own benefit, and hold the adventurers as his tenants, to sue and be sued at his courts. In pursuance of this design, he, in the autumn of the lust year, and beginning of this, made re- peated attempts to send a ship to New England ; but it was forced back by storms. In the last attempt, the mariners, about the middle of February, were obliged, in a terrible storm, to cut away their main mast, and return to Portsmouth. Pierce was Pierce's then on board, with ] 09 souls. After these successive losses, patent as- } ie was prevailed on by the company of adventurers, to assign the n piy- to them, for £500, the patent which had cost him but £50. The mouth ad- goods, with the charge of passengers in this ship, cost the corn- venturers. p an y £640. Another ship was hired, to transport the passengers and goods ; and it arrived at Plymouth in July. Soon after arrived a new vessel of 44 tons, which the company had built, to remain in the country ; both brought supplies for the planta- tion, and about 60 passengers. 1 Settlements John Mason, Sir Ferdinando Gorges and others, having ob- pXcataqua tame d patents of the New England council for several portions river. of territory, sent over, in the spring of this year, David Tomson, Edward and William Hilton, and a few other persons, to begin a settlement. Tomson and some of his company began one ac- cordingly, 25 leagues north east from Plymouth, near Smith's Isles, at a place called Pascatoquack. The place first seized Little Har- was called Little Harbour, on the west side of Pascataqua river, and near its mouth ; where was built the first house, called Ma- son Hall. The Hiltons, proceeding higher up the river, settled Dover; at Cochecho, afterward called Dover. Scattered settlements were also begun this year, by different adventurers, at Monahi- gan, and at other places. 2 1 Morton, 1623. Prince, 1623, from Bradford and Winslow. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. c. 3. Neal, N. Eng. i. 113, 115. Belknap, Biog. ii. 234, 235. 2 Winslow's Relation, Purchas, v. lib. 10. c. 5. 1867. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 18, 31. Prince, 1623. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. c. 1. Farmer's MS. The chim- ney and some part of the stone wall of this house were standing when Hubbard wrote his history. Tomson, from dislike either of the place, or of his employers, removed within a year after into Massachusetts, where he possessed himself of a fertile island, and a valuable neck of land, which was afterward confirmed to him, or his heirs, by the Massachusetts court, on the surrender of all his other interest in New England. Tomson (so Winslow writes the name) was a Scotchman ; the Hiltons were from London. The neck of land possessed by Tomson was Squantum neck. Bradford's Letter Book, Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. Hi. 63 ; Belknap, Biog. ii. 334.— But few buildings were erected about Pascata- bour; BRITISH COLONIES. 183 Francis West arrived at Plymouth in June, with a commission 1623. to be admiral of New England, with power to restrain such ships, ^^^, as came either to fish or trade on the coast without license from F. West the New England council ; but, finding the fishermen too stub- ^aS of born and strong for him, he sailed for Virginia. The owners of N. England the fishing vessels, complaining to the parliament of this attempt- ed restraint, procured an order, that fishing should be free. 1 Robert Gorges, son of Ferdinando, sent by the Plymouth September. council as general governor of New England, arrived at Massa- ^.'rWesf as chusetts Bay with several passengers and families ; and purposed general to begin a plantation at Wessagusset ; but he returned home, with- g* g™^ 1 ^ out scarcely saluting the country within his government. Gorges brought with him William Morrell, an episcopal minister, who had a commission from the ecclesiastical courts in England to exercise a kind of superintendence over the churches, which were, or might be, established in New England ; but he found no opportunity to execute his commission. This was the first essay for the establishment of a general government in New England ; but, like every succeeding attempt, it was totally un- successful. 2 Notwithstanding the late disasters in Virginia, there were now state of in that colony above 2500 persons, sent over at the expense of Virginia. £30,000 of the public stock, beside the charges of particular societies and planters. 3 The cattle were increased to above 1000 head. The debt of the company was wholly discharged. During the four last years, great sums were expended and much care was bestowed, by the officers and company, for promoting useful arts and manufactures ; particularly iron works, wine, silk, sawing mills, and saltpans. Numerous Indians, of various tribes, qua river until after 1631 ; in that year there were but three houses there. Hub. Edward Hilton died about the year 1671. Of William, Mr. Farmer writes: " We trace the name at Plymouth in 1621, at Dover 1623, at Newbury about 1648, at Charlestown, Mass. in 1665, and here, I suppose, he died in 1675, as there is the Inventory of William Hilton taken that year in your Probate Re- cords." Letter to me, with MS. Hist. Sketches, 1827. 1 Morton, 1623. Prince, 218, from Bradford. 2 Morton, 1623. Prince, 221, 222, from Bradford, Sir F. Gorges, and MS. Letter. Belknap, Biog. i. Art. Gorges. The grant of the council for the af- fairs of New England to Robert Gorges is in Hazard's Collections, i. 152 — 155, from Gorges' Hist, of America. Gorges soon returned to England. Morrell staid behind, and resided at Plymouth about a year, making inquiries and ob- servations respecting the country; the result of which he wrought into an elegant and descriptive Latin poem, which, with his own English translation, is published in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, i. 125—139. 3 Smith [Virg. 236.] says, since he left the colony, the Virginia company had been "humble suiters to his majesty, to get vagabonds and condemned men to goe thither ; nay, so the business hath been abused, that so much scorned was the name of Virginia, some did chuse to be hanged ere they would gee thither, and were." Not long after the massacre, however, he remarks, " there is more honest men now suiters to goe, than ever hath beene constrained knaves." 184 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1623. Literary production. New Ne- therlands. St. Christo- pher plant- ed by the English ; and French. contiguous to the Virginia colony, were killed this year by the English ; among the slain, were some of their kings, and several of their greatest warriors. 1 One of the earliest literary productions of the English colon- ists in America, of which we have any notice, is a translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, made this year by George Sandys, trea- surer of the Virginia company. 2 The Dutch at New Netherlands, in defence of their colony, built several forts ; one, on the east side of Delaware Bay, which they named Fort Nassau ; and one, 150 miles up Hudson's river, which they named Fort Aurania, afterward called Fort Orange. At the mouth of the Hudson, they built a town, which they called New Amsterdam. 3 Ralph Merifield, having, in connexion with captain Warner, obtained letters from king James to plant and possess the island of St. Christopher, arrived there in January with 15 Englishmen, and commenced a plantation at one end of the island, where he built a fort and a house. 4 The French not long after planted themselves on the other end of the island ; and this was their first settlement in the West Indies. 5 Settlement at Cape Ann. 1624. The fame of the plantation at Plymouth being spread in the west of England, Mr. White, a celebrated minister of Dorches- ter, excited some merchants and other gentlemen, to attempt another settlement in New England. They accordingly, on a i Stith, 303. 2 Stith, 304. This historian calls it " a very laudable performance for the times." Sandys, in his dedication of it to king Charles, informs him, that " it was limned by that imperfect light, which was snatched from the hours of night and repose ; and that it is doubly a stranger, being sprung from an ancient Roman stock, and bred up in the New World, of the rudeness of which it could not but participate ; especially as it was produced among wars and tumults, instead of" under the kindly and peaceful influences of the muses." About this time Dr. William Vaughan, educated at Oxford, wrote at Newfoundland his Poem, entitled The Golden Fleece, which was printed in quarto in 1626. Vaughan was the author of several publications in verse and prose. In 1615 he purchased a grant of the patentees of Newfoundland for part of the island, and resided there several years. Brit. Emp. [0] i. 7 — 9. Ancient Right Eng. Nation to American Fishery, 20. 3 Smith, N. York, 2. Brit. Emp. [O] i. 237. Smith, N. Jersey, 20. Governor Bradford says, that the Dutch had traded in those southern parts several years before he and the other English adventurers came to Plymouth, but that they began no plantation there until after this time. See Prince, under the year 1627; also a. d. 1614, of this volume. 4 Churchill, Voy. ii. c. 25. Univ. Hist. xli. 267. These English adventurers planted various seeds, and raised a crop of tobacco ; but a hurricane " drove away " this crop in September. Until that time they lived on cassada bread, potatoes, plantanes, pine apples, turtles, guanas, and fish. Many historians place this settlement in 1625. 5 Churchill, Voy. u. c. 25. Europ. Settlements, ii. 6. See Note XXIV. BRITISH COLONIES. 185 common stock, sent over several persons, who began a plantation 1624. at Cape Ann, and held this place of the Plymouth settlers, for ^-v~^ whom they set up here a fishing stage. 1 The Plymouth colonists, who had hitherto appointed but one Five assist- assistant to the governor, on the motion of governor Bradford, ^ chosen added four others; but, instead of acceding to a motion, which C oiony!° Un he made at the same time, for the change of their governor, they reelected him ; and gave this officer a double voice. On making request to the governor, that they might have some land for per- Land given manent use, instead of the accustomed assignment by annual t0 settlers ' lot, he gave every person an acre for himself and his family, as near, as it was convenient, to the town. Plymouth at this time contained 32 dwelling houses, and about 180 persons. The inhabitants had erected a salt work ; and this year they freighted a ship of 180 tons. In the last three years, notwithstanding the great want of necessaries, not one of the first planters died. Edward Winslow, having been sent to England the last year as an agent for the colony, on his return home, brought the first breed of neat cattle to Plymouth. 2 The few inhabitants of Wessagusset receiving an accession to wey mouth • their number from Weymouth in England, the town is supposed to have hence been called Weymouth. About 50 English ships Fishing. came in the spring of this year, to fish on the coasts of New England. 3 The calamities which had befallen the Virginia colony, and Spirit of the the dissensions which had agitated the company, having been semi\y^ ™~ represented to the king and his privy council as subjects of com- plaint; a commission was issued under the great seal to Sir William Jones and six others, or any four of them, to inquire into all matters respecting Virginia, from the beginning of its settlement. The king also appointed commissioners, to go to Virginia, and inquire into the state of the colony. After their departure a writ of quo warranto was issued by the court of king's bench against the company. Early this year, the com- missioners arrived in Virginia, and a general assembly was called, not at their request ; for they kept all their designs as secret as possible. The colony, however, had received information of the whole proceedings in England, and had already in its possession copies of several papers, which had been exhibited against it. The assembly, meeting on the 14th of February, drew up an- swers to the charges, in a spirited and masterly style; and appointed an agent to go to England to solicit its cause. The laws, enacted by this assembly, are the oldest to be found in the 1 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 18. Prince, 1624. 2 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 16. Prince, 1624. Chalmers, b. 1. 87. 3 Smith, lib. 6. 247. Prince, 1624. VOL. I. 24 186 1624. Charter of Virginia vacated. Aug. 26. New com- mission. Sept, 29. Proclama- tion res- pecting to- bacco. AMERICAN ANNALS. colony records. One of them is equivalent to a bill of rights ; for it defines the power of the governor, the council, and the assembly ; and declares the privileges of the people in regard to taxes, burdens, and personal services. The quo warranto being brought to trial in the court of king's bench, judgment was given against the Virginia company ; and the charter was vacated. The company, which w T as now dissolved, had consisted of gen- tlemen of noble and disinterested views, who expended more than £100,000 of their own fortunes, in this first attempt to plant an English colony in America ; and more than 9000 per- sons were sent out from the mother country, to people this new settlement. The annual exportation of commodities from Vir- ginia to England did not exceed £20,000 in value ; and, at this dissolution of the company, scarcely 2000 persons survived. So fluctuating was their system of government, that in the course of 18 years, ten different persons presided as governors over the province. 1 The colonial historians have deeply deplored the dissolution of the Virginia charter, as if the fate of the colony had depended on it. " Nevertheless," says Chalmers, " the length of its infancy, the miseries of its youth, the disasters of its riper years, may all be attributed to the monstrous government under which it suffered. " 2 King James now issued a new commission for the government of Virginia, continuing Sir Francis Wyat governor, with 1 1 as- sistants or counsellors. The governor and council were appoint- ed during the king's pleasure. No assembly was mentioned, or allowed. Though the commons of England were submissive to the dictates of the crown, yet they showed their regard to the interest of the Virginia complainants, as well as to the interest of the nation, by petitioning the king, that no tobacco should be imported, but of the growth of the colonies ; and his majesty 1 Stith, b. 5. 305—330. Univ. Hist. xli. 530. Belknap, Biog. ii. 91, 93, 97. Robertson, America, b. 9. The quo warranto was dated 10 November 1623. Chalmers [b. 1. 69.] says, the transportation of the Virginia settlers was "at the enormous expense of £150,000. Smith [Virg. continued, c. 21.] says, " After 20 years spent in complement, and trying new conclusions, were remain- ing scarce 1500, some say rather 2000." Chalmers says, " but about 1800 ; " and takes in New England, to make up the number of 2000 colonists. " If to this number we add about 200, who had nestled on the coast of North Virginia, the amount of the English colonists, settled on the American continent at the accession of Charles I, will be 2000." The prices of provisions in Virginia, at this period, were enormous. They are thus stated in Purchas : a hogshead of meal, £10 sterling ; a gallon of alligant, 16 shillings ; a hen and chickens, £3 ; 1 pound of butter, 3 shillings ; 1 pint of milk, 6 pence, ready money ; a day's work (carpenter's), beside meat and lodging, 10 or 12 shillings. The colonists, however, under all their disadvantages, appear to have possessed a public and generous spirit ; for they about this time made a contribution " for the building of a house of entertainment for new commers at James Citie, amounting to the value of fifteene hundred pounds." Purchas, v. 1785, 1806. 2 Political Annals, b. 1. 63. BRITISH COLONIES. 187 condescended to issue a new proclamation concerning tobacco, 1624. by which he restrained the culture of it to Virginia and the Somer \^^^/ Islands. 1 The returns from New Netherlands this year were 4000 n. Nether- beavers, and 700 otters, estimated at 27,125 guilders. 2 lands - 1625. James I. king of England, died on the 8th of April. The Charles I. demise of the crown having annulled all former appointments jSjJjje?'" for Virginia, Charles I, who now succeeded to the throne of pendent on England, reduced that colony under the immediate direction of thecrown - the crown; appointing a governor and council, and ordering all patents and processes to issue in his own name. His procla- mation "for settling the plantation of Virginia" is dated the 13th of May. 3 The commission to the new governor and council was accompanied with arbitrary instructions. " The commerce of the Virginians," says Chalmers, " was restrained, at the same time that their persons were enslaved." 4 Captain Wollaston, and a (ew persons of some eminence, with Settlement 30 servants, came from England to Massachusetts Bay, and on ^ jV J, ount the southern side of the bay, at the head of a creek, began a 1 Rymer's Foedera, xvii. 618. Belknap, Biog. ii. 85 — 98. The proclamation is entire in Rymer's Foedera, xvii. 621, and in Hazard, Coll. i. 193 — 198. The king, steady in his aversion to this noxious weed, loses no opportunity of testi- fying his royal disapprobation of its use. On this occasion, he proclaimed, that he considered England and Wales " as utterly unfyt in respect of the climate to cherish the same for any medicinall use, which is the only good to be approved in yt." Another proclamation to the same purpose was issued 2 March 1625. It is in Rymer's Foedera, xvii. 66S. 2 Hazard, Coll. i. 397. 3 This Proclamation is entire in Hazard, Coll. ii. 203 — 205, and in Chalmers, b. 1. 126 — 128. It shows how high the king set the royal prerogative at the commencement of his reign, and prepares us to expect the miseries which en- sued. " Our full resolution is, that there may be one uniforme course of govern- ment in and through our whole monarchic, that the government of the colony of Virginia shall ymmediately depend upon ourselfe, and not be commytted to anie company or corporation ; to whom itt maie be proper to trust matters of trade and commerce, but cannot be fitt or safe to communicate the ordering of state affairs, be they of never soe mean consequence." This resolution of the king excited serious alarm amo»g the Puritans at Leyden, one of whom wrote to governor Bradford of Plymouth, that some hence conceive " he will have both the same civil and ecclesiastical government that is in England, which occasioneth their fear." Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 43. King James had set the example, thus early and thoroughly followed by his son. He had aimed to make the superiority of the colonies to be only of the king, and not of the crown of England ; with a view, it is supposed, to make them a source of revenue to himself and his successors, that they might not depend on parliament ; " but the commons did not give up the matter, as appears by their Journals of 1624 and 1625." Stokes, Constitutions of British Colonies, p. 4. 4 Political Annals, b. 1. Ill — 113 ; where is a summary of the royal instruc- tions. Governor Yardlev's commission, from Rymer, is in Hazard, Coll. i. 230—234. 188 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1625. R. Conant removes from Nan- taskel to Cape Anns Discovers Naumkeak. Ship from Plymouth taken by the Turks. Miles Stan- dish goes to England. plantation, which they called Mount Wollaston. 1 Among these settlers was Thomas Morton, who was afterward the cause of much trouble to the sober inhabitants of the country. 2 The Dorchester adventurers in England chose Mr. Roger Conant, to manage their affairs at Cape Ann. He was then at Nantasket, to which place he had lately removed from Plymouth ; but, upon this appointment, he removed to Cape Ann, accom- panied by Mr. Lyford, a preacher, who had been invited at the same time by the adventurers to be minister to the plantation. In the autumn, Lyford's people at Nantasket removed to Cape Ann. 3 Mr. Conant, finding a better place for a plantation a little to the westward, called Naumkeak, and conceiving that it. might be a convenient place for the reception of such English people as might be desirous of a settlement in America, gave notice of it to his friends in England. This information gave rise to a project for procuring of the council of Plymouth a grant for settling a colony in Massachusetts Bay. 4 The merchant adventurers at London having sent two ships on a trading voyage to New England, one of them was sent back by Plymouth colony, laden with codfish, with beaver and other furs, to make payment for goods already received ; but, after it had shot far into the English channel, was surprised by a Turkish man of war, and carried into Sallee, where the master and his men were made slaves. 5 Miles Standish went to England, as agent, to conclude some matters of difference, yet depending between the colony of Ply- mouth and the merchant adventurers at London, and to transact some business with the council of New England ; but the troubles in the kingdom, and the plague in London, prevented him from completely effecting the objects of his commission. 6 Sir William Alexander obtained from Charles I. a confirmation of his title to Nova Scotia, under the great seal of Scotland. 7 1 Morton, 135. Prince, 1625. Belknap, Biog. ii. 333. It fell into the town- ship of Braintree. Dr. Belknap says, " they called an adjoining hill," not the settlement itself, " Mount Wollaston." Since the division of Braintree into two towns, this hill is in Quincy, not far distant from the seat of the late President Adams. 2 Morton's Memorial, 136. Prince, 1625, frofh Bradford, and MS. 3 The reason assigned for their removal to this place, is, that it was more convenient for the fishery. They had resided at Nantasket " a year and some few months." Hubbard. Prince. 4 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 18. Smith, Virg. 247. Brit. Emp. i. 264. Douglas, i. 407. 5 Hubbard, c. 16. Morton, 1625. Prince, 1625. 6 Morton, 125. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 16. Yet they " were happily accom- plished by him so far, as he left things in a hopeful way of composition with the one [the London merchants], and a promise of all helpfulness and favour from the other" [the council of New England]. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 38. Prince, 234. Belknap, Biog. ii. 332. 7 Chalmers, b. 1. 92. This confirmatory charter is in Hazard, Coll. i. 206 — BRITISH COLONIES. 189 1626. A bill for the maintenance and increase of shipping and Freedom of navigation, and for the freer liberty of fishing voyages on the f sh i n § £ on " coasts of Newfoundland, Virginia, and New England, was passed by the com- in February by the English house of commons ; but it was never ™°" s °* returned from the house of lords. 1 The spirit of the commons was not repressed by the loss of this bill. In a strong repre- sentation of grievances, which they presented to king Charles in the following May, they insisted, " that the restraint of the sub- ject from the liberty of a free fishing, with all the necessary incidents, was a great national grievance." The spirit displayed by this animated assembly, as well as its refusal to grant the sovereign a second subsidy, brought on its dissolution. 2 The coast of Newfoundland, for most of the late years, was Newfound- frequented by 250 sail of English vessels, estimated at 15000 ^ dfish " tons, employing 5000 persons, and an annual profit of about £135,000 sterling. 3 Wollaston, after much time, labour, and cost had been ex- Disorders pended in planting Mount Wollaston, transported a great part of wJn 011 ?^ the servants to Virginia. In his absence, Morton advised the remainder of the company to depose Filcher, who had been left behind as lieutenant, and to keep possession for themselves. The counsel was followed ; and dissipation ensued. Having traded with the Indians awhile, with what goods they had in possession, they spent the avails of their traffic merrily about a May pole, and called the place Merry Mount. 4 224 ; and is nearly in the same words as the original charter given by king James. See a. d. 1621, & 1630. 1 This must have been the revival of the bill, brought forward by the house of commons in 1621, if an anonymous Essay among Colonial Tracts in Harvard. Library may be relied on. The author of that Essay observes, that on the occa- sion of the original measure, the secretary of state made the following declaration to the house from the king [James] : "America is not annexed to the realm, nor within the jurisdiction of parliament ; you have therefore no right to inter- fere." 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 114. Now commenced the quarrels between Charles I. and the Parliament of England ; the latter perceiving that the king was desirous of extending the royal prerogative, and of rendering himself independent. Henault's Hist. France, ii. 50. " No one was, at that time, sufficiently sensible of the great weight, which the commons bore in the balance of the constitution. The history of England had never hitherto afforded an instance, where any great movement or revolution had proceeded from the lower house." Hume, Hist. Eng. Charles I. c. 1. See Rapin's Hist. England, ii. b. 19. 3 Smith, Virg. 244. 4 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 18. Morton, under the year 1628. Prince [1626-7.] places the last transaction in 1627. Morton himself confirms the principal state- ments of the New England historians on this subject, but complains of abuse in this name of the hill ; affirming, that he called it Mare-Mount. P. 93 of a work, entitled " New English Canaan, or New Canaan, by Thomas Morton of 190 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1627. Plymouth The Plymouth colony had, the preceding year, sent Isaac colony pur- Allerton to England, to make a composition with the adventur- the proper- er s ; to take up more money ; and to purchase more goods. tyofthe Allerton returned in the spring of this year, after a successful adSur- execution of his commission. He had procured a loan of £200, ers. at 30 per cent, interest, 1 and laid it out in suitable goods, which he now brought over to the plantation. He had agreed with the adventurers, in behalf of the colony, to purchase all their shares, stocks, merchandizes, lands, and chattels, for £1800; £200 to be paid at the Royal exchange every Michaelmas for nine years ; the first payment to be made in 1628. 2 The colonists, obliged as they were to take up monies, or goods, at exorbitant interest, were at a loss how they should raise the payment, in addition to the discharge of their other engagements, and the supply of their yearly wants ; but they undertook to effect it ; and seven or eight of the principal men became jointly bound in behalf of the rest. A partnership was now formed, into which were admitted every head of a family, and every young man of age and prudence. It was agreed that the trade should be managed, as before, to pay the debts ; every single freeman should have a single share, and every father of a family leave to purchase one share for himself, one for his w T ife, and one for every child, living with him ; and that every one should pay his part toward the debts, according to iands! 0n ° f ^ e numDer °f his shares. To every share 20 acres of arable of Clifford's Inn, Gent." Printed at Amsterdam, 1637. It is hardly to be found in this country. The copy which I used belonged to the present President of the United States, who told me that he found it at Berlin, in Prussia. The author was the same Morton who was at Mount Wollaston. Secretary Morton [Mem. 136.] says, that he had been " a petty fogger at Furnivals-Inn ; " and that he had " more craft than honesty." See Editor's Note, 141. 1 Hard as these terms were, they were less hard than those on which they had their goods the preceding year, those having been at 45 per cent. Gov. Bradford's Letter Book, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 46. The pious governor, after mentioning these " straits," might well add: " so that it was God's mar- vellous providence, that we were ever able to wade through things." Enormous as was this rate of interest, it was increased the next year. Mr. Shirley writes from London to governor Bradford (1628) : " It is true, as you write, your en- gagements are great, not only the purchase, but you are yet necessitated to take up the stock you work upon, and that not at 6 or 8 per cent, as it is here let out, but at 30, 40, yea and some 50 per cent, which, were not your gains great, and God's blessing on your honest endeavours more than ordinary, it could not be that you should long subsist, in the maintaining of and upholding of your worldly affairs." lb. 58. 2 The heads of this agreement are in governor Bradford's Letter Book, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 47, 48. It was subscribed by Allerton and 42 adven- turers 15 November 1626, BRITISH COLONIES. 191 land were assigned by lot; to every 6 shares, one cow and two 1627. goats ; and swine in the same proportion. 1 ^-v-w/ Messengers now arrived at Plymouth from the governor of the March. Dutch plantation at Hudson's river, with amicable letters, written Messengers in Dutch and French. 2 In these letters, the Dutch congratulated N.^ethe?- the English on their prosperous and commendable enterprise ; lands to tendered them their good will, and friendly services ; and offered P1 y m0uth - to open and maintain with them a commercial intercourse. The governor apd council of Plymouth sent an obliging answer to the Dutch, expressing a thankful sense of the kindness which they had received in their native country ; and a grateful acceptance of the offered friendship. 3 For greater convenience of trade, the Plymouth colonists this Trade es- summer built a small pinnace at Monamet, to which place they tablished at transported their goods. Having taken them by water within four or five miles, they carried them over land to the vessel, and thus avoided the dangerous navigation around Cape Cod, and made their voyage to the southward in far less time, and with much less hazard. For the safety of their vessel and goods, they also built a house, and kept some servants there, who plant- ed corn, raised hogs, and were always ready to go out with the bark. 4 The Puritans, left at Leyden, deprived of their revered and beloved pastor, were desirous to come to New England, and join their brethren at Plymouth. 5 In correspondence with their 1 Morton, 129, 130. Prince, 1627. The previous allotments of a garden plot, and of a single acre to each individual were not affected by this new division. The manner, in which the first lots were located, is distinctly shown in an extract from Plymouth Colony Records, in Hazard, Coll. i. 100 — 103, entitled " The Meersteads and Garden Peottes of those, which came first, laid out." The agreement, for the division of 20 acres to a share, was made " in full court" 3 January 1627, according to the reckoning then in use [Hazard, Coll. i. 180.], but it was truly 3 January 1628. The year was then computed from the 25th of March. See Morton, 93, and Editor's note. 2 Morton, 1627. The letters were dated at the Manhattas, in the Fort Am- sterdam, March 9, 1627, and signed by Isaac de Razier, secretary. Governor Bradford says, that Razier was their upper commis, or chief merchant, and second to the governor ; and a man of a fair and genteel behaviour. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 54. 3 Prince, 1627. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 51, 52 ; where this letter is entire. 4 Prince, 1627, from Bradford. Monamet was a place on the sea, 20 miles to the south of Plymouth, now called Sandwich. See a.d. 1623. Note. 5 The Rev. John Robinson died Feb. 19, 1625-6, O. S. in the 50th year of his age. Until his death, the congregation at Plymouth had not abandoned the hope of his coming to America, with their brethren who remained in Holland. The difficulties, which then attended a voyage across the Atlantic ; the expense of an equipment for a new colony ; the hardships, incident to a plantation in a distant wilderness ; the debts, already contracted by the Plymouth colonists ; and the poverty of the congregation at Leyden, prevented his removal. Belknap, Biog. ii. 175. Hutchinson [ii. 454.] says, that " he was prevented by disap- pointments from those in England, who undertook to provide for the passage of him and his congregation." See Belknap, ut supra ; and Morton, 1626. The death of Robinson caused the dissolution of his congregation at Leyden ; some 192 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1627. wishes, the people of Plymouth were solicitous to aid their v^-v^w' removal from Holland ; but were unable, without extraordinary efforts. On this occasion, the governor and seven other persons no^and^ made a hazardous adventure. They hired the trade of the others hire colony for six years ; and for this privilege, together with the Plymouth shallop, and the pinnace, lately built at Monamet, and the stock colony. in the store house, undertook to pay the £1800, and all other debts of the planters ; to bring over for them £50 a year in hoes and shoes, and sell them for corn at six shillings a bushel ; and, at the end of the term, to return the trade to the colony. 1 Bargain On the return of the ships, Allerton was again sent to England with the to conclude the bargain with the company, and deliver the bonds ^Venturers f° r tne stipulated payment ; to carry beaver, and pay some of ratified. the recent debts ; to procure a patent for a convenient trading place on Kennebeck river ; and to make interest with the friends of the colony in London, to join with the eight undertakers for the discharge of the debts of the colony, and for helping their friends from Leyden. He closed the bargain with the company of adventurers at London, on the 6th of November. 2 Swedes and William Usselin, an eminent Swedish merchant, having greatly Fins settle ex t lled the country in the neighbourhood of New Netherlands, Delaware. Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, had issued a proclamation, exhorting his subjects to contribute to a company, associated for the settlement of a colony in that territory. Considerable sums were raised by contribution ; and a number of Swedes and Fins came over, this year, to America. They first landed at Cape Hin- lopen, the sight of which gave them such pleasure that they called it Paradise Point. Some time after, they bought of the natives the land from that cape to the Falls of Delaware, and obtained peaceable possession. 3 New project The colony of Quebec, by direction of cardinal Richelieu, for settling so j e m i n i s t e r of France, was taken out of the hands of the Canada. of whom removed to Amsterdam, and others, among whom were Ins widow and children, to New England. Belknap, Biog. ii. 168. See Note XXV. 1 Prince, 245, from governor Bradford. The seven persons, associated with the governor, were Edward Winslow, Thomas Prince, Miles Standish, William Brewster, John Alden, John Howland, and Isaac Allerton. 2 Governor Bradford's Letter Book, in Collections of Mass. Hist. Society, iii. 48. Prince, 245, 246. The reason assigned by governor Bradford for paying recent debts, is, u for our excessive interest still keeps us low ; " a reason he assigns for procuring a patent for a trading place on the Kennebeck, is, that " the planters at Pascatoway and other places eastward of them, as also the fishing ships envy our trading there, and threaten to get a patent to exclude us ; though we first discovered and began the same, and brought it to so good an issue." In reference to the bargain with the commissioners at London, he says, " The thing was fully concluded, and the bargain fairly engrossed in parchment, under their hands and seals." 3 Smith, N. Jersey, 22. Smith says, it is uncertain whether they bought the land of those natives who could properly convey it. The river Delaware they called New Swedeland stream. See a. p. 1629. BRITISH COLONIES. 193 French Protestants, and, together with its trade, put into the 1G27. hands of 100 persons, called the Company of a hundred Associ- s - ^ N/ ~^/ ates, at the head of which was the cardinal himself, with the mareschal Defiat, and other persons of eminence. 1 1628. This year was laid the foundation of the colony of Massachu- March lft setts. The council for New England, on the 19th of March, Patenter sold to Sir Henry Roswell, Sir John Youne, and four other ^""okTt'o associates in the vicinity of Dorchester in England, a patent for SirHiRog- all that part of New England lying hetvvoen three miles to the JJe^ northward of Merrimack river and three miles to the southward of Charles river, and in length within the described hreadth from the Atlantic ocean to the South Sea. Mr. White, minister in Dorchester, being engaged at that juncture in projecting an asy- lum for silenced Nonconformist ministers, the grantees, by his means, became acquainted with several religious persons in Lon- Theirri hts don and its vicinity, who at first associated with them, and after- purchased ' ward bought rights in their patent.* They next projected a by others; settlement for the express purpose of providing for Nonconformists a safe retreat, where they might enjoy religious liberty in mutters of worship and discipline. The company soon after chose Matthew Cradock governor, and Thomas Gotfe, deputy gover- nor, with 18 assistants; and sent over a few people under the w hosend government of John Endicot, to carry on the plantation at Naum- Ei Zndicot keak, and prepare for settling a colony. Endicot, on his arrival, J^ii to" laid the foundation of Salem, the first permanent town in Massa- Naumkeak, chusetts. 3 Several servants were soon sent over from England, Jjjjj tne y on the joint stock of the company ; but upon their arrival at found a town. 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 422. Charlevoix, Nouv. Franco, i. 161—165 ; where is an account of this project for the settlement of Canada. Charlevoix (ibid.) thinks nothing could have been better imagined ; and that Fiance would have been the most powerful colony in America, had the execution been answerable to the design. The full number of the Associates was 107. 2 Prince, 249. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 18. The Associates were John Winthrop, Isaac Johnson, Matthew Cradock, Thomas Con", and Sir Richard S;dtonstall They are said to be persons "of like quality," as the first purchasers of the patent. Hubbard says, they bought of them all their right and interest in New England; but Prince [247.] from the Massachusetts colony Charter and Records concluded, that three only of the six original grantees wholly sold their rights ; and that the other three retained theirs in equal partnership with the new as- sociates. " The Planters Plea," London, 1630, is ascribed to Mr. White. 3 Beside the 18 assistants, there were 20 or 30, who subscribed £1035, to be a common stock to carry on the plantation. The next year £745 more were roi° n - he 8ame acco,mt b y ^veral gentlemen. They generally ventured but £25 a piece; some, £50; a few, £75 ; and the governor, £100. Hubbard, C. 22. Johnson says, that Endicot, who came with the colonists " to govern," was " a nt instrument to begin this wilderness work; of courage bold, undaunted, yet sociable, and of a cheerful spirit, loving, or austere, as occasion served." Won- derworking Providence, 19. TOL I. 25 194 AMERICAN ANNALS. 162S. A few per- sons settle at Mish- Patent for Kennebeek. The Dutch trade with the people of Ply- mouth. Endicot vi- sits Mount Wollaston. Morton teaches the natives the use of fire arms. Naumkeak, an uncultivated desert, many of them, for want of wholesome diet and convenient lodgings, died of the scurvy and other distempers. 1 Six or seven persons, with the consent of governor Endicot, travelled from Naumkeak through the woods about 12 miles westward, and came to a neck of land, between Mystic and Charles rivers, called Mishawum. It was full of Indians, called Aberginians ; and, with the unconstrained consent of their chief, they settled there. 2 The Plymouth colonists obtained a patent for Kennebeek ; and up this river, in a place convenient for trade, erected a house, and furnished it with corn, and other commodities. While the trade of their infant colony was thus commencing toward the east, it was becoming gradually extended toward the west. A Dutch bark from Manhattan arriving at the trading house at Monamet, with sugar, linen, stuffs, and various other commodi- ties ; a boat was sent from Plymouth for Razier, who conducted this commercial enterprise ; and he, with most of his company, was entertained at Plymouth several days. On his return to the bark, some of the people of Plymouth accompanied him, and bought various goods. After this commencement of trade, the Dutch often sent goods to the same place ; and a traffic was continued several years. The Plymouth colonists sold much tobacco for linens, stuffs, and other articles ; and derived great advantage from this commerce, until the Virginians found out the Dutch colony. 3 Mr. Endicot, who had arrived at Naumkeak, as an agent to carry on the plantation there, and manage all the affairs of the Massachusetts patentees, visited the people at Merry Mount; caused their May pole to be cut down ; rebuked them for their profaneness ; and admonished them to reform. Morton, their principal, was incorrigible. Hearing what gain the French and the fishermen made by selling guns, powder and shot, to the natives, he began the same trade in his neighbourhood, and 1 Hubbard, New England, c. 18. Prince, 1628. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. 16. Chalmers, b. 1. 136. Bentley [Hist. Salem, Mass. Coll. Hist. Soc. vi. 230.] says, " The natives had forsaken this spot [Naumkeak] before the English had reached it. On the soil they found no natives, of whom we have any record. No natives ever claimed it, and the possession was uninterrupted." 2 Prince, 250. This chief was called by the English, John Sagamore. He was the oldest son of the old Aberginian chief, who was then dead. The few Englishmen, who now settled at Mishawum, found but one English house there, " thatched and palisadoed, possessed by Thomas Walford, a smith." 3 Prince, 246 — 248. The Dutch, on this visit, acquainting the people of Plymouth with the trade of wampum, they were induced to purchase that article of the Indians, to the value of about £50. For the two first years it was un- saleable ; but it became afterward a veiy important article of trade, especially with the inland Indians, who did not make it. See a. d. 1627. Letters then passed ; and messengers came to Plymouth ; but " this year the Dutch send to us again — their secretary Raster comes with them." Bradford, in Prince. BRfTISH COLONIES. 195 taught the natives the use of fire arms. The English, meeting 1628. them in the woods, armed in this manner, were greatly intirni- \^ s s-*~' dated. The chief persons, in the scattered plantations at Pas- cataqua, Naumkeak, Winisimet, Wessagusset, Nantasket, and other places, met, and agreed to solicit the people of Plymouth, who were stronger than all the other New England colonists combined, to unite with them in the suppression of the alarming evil. The Plymouth colonists, after repeatedly sending friendly messages to Morton, advising him to forbear his injurious courses, and receiving insolent replies, prevailed with the governor of their colony to send Standish, with some aid, to apprehend him. . . This gallant officer successfully performed the enterprise. Dis- and sent to persing the worst of the company, he brought Morton to Ply- England. mouth, whence he was soon after sent to England. 1 Sir Thomas Warner took possession of all the Caribbee islands, Caribbee in the name and for the proper use of the king and crown of lslands - England; 2 and again planted the island of Nevis, 3 1629. On the petition of the Massachusetts company, seconded by March 4. the solicitation of lord Dorchester, king Charles, by charter, Maswchu- confirmed the patent of Massachusetts colony. By this patent, setts con- the company was incoporated by the name of " The Governor f h r ™£j i n !j y and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England," to have perpetual succession ; empowered to elect forever, out of the freemen of said company, a governor, deputy governor, and 18 assistants, to be newly chosen on the last Wednesday in easter term yearly, by the greater part of the company ; and to make laws, not repugnant to the laws of England. Matthew Cradock was constituted the first governor ; and Thomas Goffe, the deputy governor. Sir Richard Saltonstall and 17 other persons were constituted assistants. 4 A court of the Massachusetts company was soon after holden April 30. at London, and settled a form of government for the new colony. g^nmeni It ordained, that 13 persons, such as should be reputed the most settled for 1 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 18. Prince, 251, 252. Josselyn, 251. Morton, 1628. 2 Memoires de l'Amerique, iii. 238. 3 Anderson, 1628. Nevis was settled with about 100 people, many of whom were old planters of St. Christopher's. 4 Mather, Magnalia, b. 1. 16. Prince, 180. Chalmers, b. 1, 136, from the N. England papers, bundle 5. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 277. This first charter of Massachusetts was first printed in Hutchinson's Collection of Papers, 1 — 23. It is in Hazard's Collection, i. 239 — 255, and in Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay. By some historians this patent is placed in 1628 ; but, beginning the year in January, according to New Style, it was in 1629. Chalmers, from the New England Entry in the Plantation office, has it correctly, « 1628-9." The king's attestation was : " Witnes ourself, at Westminster, the fourth day of Marche in the fourth yeare of our raigne." The accession of Charles was 27 March, 162-5. 196 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1629. Massachu- setts co- lony. Officers chosen. Encourage- ment to set- tlers. Aug. 26. Agreement at Cam- bridge in England. wise, honest, expert, and discreet, resident on the colonial planta- tion, should, from time to time, have the sole management of the government and affairs of the colony ; and they, to the best of their judgment, were to " endeavour to so settle the same," as might " make most to the glory of God, the furtherance and advancement of this hopeful plantation, the comfort, encourage- ment, and future benefit" of the company, and of others, con- cerned in the commencement or prosecution of the work. The persons, thus appointed, were to be entitled " The Governor and Council of London's Plantation in Massachusetts Bay, in New England." 1 The same court elected John Endicot to be governor of the colony ; and Francis Higginson with six others to be the council. These seven counsellors were empowered to choose three others; and such of the former planters, as were willing to live within the limits of the plantation, were empowered to choose two more, to make the council to consist of 12 ; one of whom was by the governor and council, or the major part of them, to be chosen deputy to the governor for the time being. These persons were to continue in office for a year, or until the court of the company in London should appoint others ; and the governor, or in his absence the deputy governor, might call courts at dis- cretion. At a court of the company holden at London in May, it was agreed, that every adventurer, who had advanced £50, should have 200 acres of land allowed him ; and that 50 acres a piece should be allowed them, who went over at their own charge. Several persons, of considerable importance in the English nation, were now enlisted among the adventurers, who, for the unmolest- ed enjoyment of their religion, were resolved to remove into Massachusetts. Foreseeing, however, and dreading the incon- venience of being governed by laws made for them without their own consent, they judged it more reasonable, that the colony should be ruled by men residing in the plantation, than by those dwelling at the distance of 3000 miles, and over whom they should have no controul. At the same time, therefore, that they proposed to transport themselves, their families, and estates to diis country, they insisted that the charter should be transmitted with them, and that the corporate powers, conferred by it, should be executed in future in New England. An agreement was accordingly made at Cambridge in England between Sir Richard Saltonstall, Thomas Dudley, Isaac Johnson, John Winthrop, and a few others, that, on those conditions, they would be ready the ensuing March, with their persons and families, to embark for l This act for settling the government is in Hazard, Coll. i. 268—271. BRITISH COLONIES. !97 New England, for the purpose of settling in the country. 1 The 1629. governor and company, entirely disposed to promote the measure, -^^^^/ called a general court ; at which the deputy governor stated, that several gentlemen, intending to go to New England, were desirous to know, whether the chief government with the patent would be settled in Old or New England. This question caused a serious debate. The court was adjourned to the next day, Aug# 2 9. when it was decreed, that the government and the patent of the Govem- plantation should be transferred from London to Massachusetts SJy f the Bay. An order was drawn up for that purpose, in pursuance transferred of which, a court was holden for a new election of officers, who }° n ^' Eng " would be willing to remove with their families ; and John Win- throp was chosen governor ; John Humfrey, deputy governor ; and Sir Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, Thomas Dudley and others, were chosen assistants. 2 The infant colony at Naumkeak had, in the mean time, been Progress of making progress. In the lord treasurer's warrant for the colonists Naumkeak. to go to New England, dated the 16th of April, liberty was given to 60 women and maids, 26 children, 300 men with victuals, arms, apparel, tools, 140 head of cattle, some horses, sheep, and goats ; which were transported in six ships in the summer of this year. Three of the ships sailed from the Isle of Wight in May, carrying about 200 persons, with an abundance of all things necessary to form a settlement ; and in June arrived at Naumkeak. This aboriginal name was exchanged by these settlers for one, expressive of the peaceful asylum which they found in the American wilderness. They called the place Salem. Now called It contained, at the time of their arrival, but six houses, beside Salein ' that of governor Endicot ; and there were in the whole colony but 100 planters. 3 1 " We will so really endeavour the execution of this worke, as hy God's assistance we will be ready in our persons, and with such of our severall fami- lyes as are to go with us— to embarke for the said plantation by the first of March next — to passe the seas (under God's protection) to inhabite and continue in New England. Provided always that before the last of September next the whole government together with the patent for the said plantation be first legally transferred," &c. Hutchinson, Coll. 25, 26, where is " The true coppie of the agreement at Cambridge, August 26, 1629." 2 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 22. Prince, 262—267. Chalmers, b. 1. 150, 151. 3 Chalmers [b. 1. 142, 143.] says, there were then at Salem eight miserable hovels. Mather, Magnalia, b. 1. 10. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 278. Prince, 257— 261. Higginson's MS. Journal says, they arrived at Naumkeak June 29. In Hazard's Coll. [i. 277—285.] there is a letter from the company to " Captain Jo. Endycott, and the Councell in New England," dated London 28 May, and Gravesend 3 June, 1629, giving notice of the establishment of Endicot as " pre- sent governor," and subjoining instructions for the management of the colony, The governor and council were desired to " appoint a carefull and dilligent Over- vSeer to each familie," to see that the servants, sent over for the company, were employed in their proper business. Blank books were sent, to be distributed • 198 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1629. Dissatisfied with the situation at Salem, Thomas Graves, with v^v-w^ some of the company's servants under his care, and others, to June. the number of 100 in all, removed to Mishawum, where they remov* to" * aid me f° u "d anon of a town, to which, with the consent of Mishawum; governor Endicot, they gave the name of Charlestown. Mr. Char? 1 *" 1 Graves ^^ out tne town m two acre l° ts ' one °^ which he as- town. signed to each inhabitant ; and afterward he built a great house for the accommodation of those who were soon to come over to New England. 1 Two hundred settled at Salem, and, by general consent of the old planters, were combined with them into one body politic, under the same governor. It being early resolved to settle in a church state, 30 persons, who commenced the church, judged it needful to enter solemnly into covenant, to walk together accord- Aug.6. ing to the Word of God. Inviting the church of Plymouth to Church the solemnity, that they might have its approbation and concur- nrinisters & rence > if not direction and assistance, they solemnly declared their ordainedat assent to a confession of faith, drawn up by one of their minis- Saiem. ters? anc [ en tered into a religious covenant. They then ordained their ministers, and a ruling elder, by the imposition of the hands of some of the brethren, appointed by the church ; and governor Bradford and others, messengers from the church of Plymouth, gave them the right hand of fellowship. 2 " They aimed," says Hubbard, " to settle a Reformed Church, accord- among the overseers, who were " to keep a perfect Register of the dayly worke done by each person in each familie," a copy of which was to be sent once every half year to England. The instructions say, " for the better governing and ordering of our people, especiallie such as shall be negligent and remiss in the performance of their dutyes, or otherwise exorbitant, our desire is, that a house of correccon be erected and set upp, both for the punishment of such offenders, and to deterr others by their example from such irregular courses." Caution was given against the culture of that vile weed, which was considered as the source of great evil to society : " And as in our former, soe now againe wee espetially desire you to take care that noe tobacco bee planted by any of the new Planters under your government ; unless it be some small quantitie for meere necessitie, and for phisick for preservacon of their healths, and that the same bee taken privately by auntient men and none other." An injunction was given, " to bee very circumspect in the infancie of the plantacon, to settle some good orders," to promote industry, " that noe idle drone be permitted to live amongst us ; which if you take care now at the first to establish, will be an undoubted meanes, through God's assistance, to prevent a world of disorders, and many grevious sinns and sinners." 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 123, 124. Chalmers, b. 1. 143. Prince, 261. 2 Prince, 273. One of the ministers was Mr. Francis Higginson, of Leices- tershire, who had been silenced for nonconformity ; the other was Mr. Skelton, of Lincolnshire, who had suffered persecution for the same cause. Both were eminent for learning and virtue, and came to New England by invitation of those who were engaged in prosecuting the settlement of Salem. " As they had been ministers ordained by bishops in the church of England, this ordination was only to the care of this particular flock, founded on their free election." The ruling elder was Mr, Houghton. BRITISH COLONIES. 199 ing to their apprehension of the rules of the gospel, and the pat- 1629. tern of the best Reformed Churches." * ^^-w' Captain John Mason procured a new patent under the com- Nov. 7. mon seal of the Council of Plymouth for the territory about Patent of Pascataqua. The patent conveyed the land from the middle 2S. Haa 7 part of Merrimack river, and from thence northward along the sea coast to Pascataqua river, and up the same to the farthest head thereof, and from thence northwestward until 60 miles from the first entrance of Pascataqua river, and also through Merri- mack river to the farthest head thereof, and so forward up into the land westward, until 60 miles were finished, and from thence to cross over land to the end of the 60 miles accounted from Pas- cataqua river, together with all islands and islets within five leagues distance of the premises. This tract of land was after- ward called New Hampshire. 2 A commission having been given by Charles I. to David Kertk 3 and his valiant kinsmen, to conquer the American do- minions of France, Kertk had attacked Canada in July 1628, and still carried on his military operations with vigour. Louis and Thomas Kertk, appearing again at this time off Point Levi, sent an officer on shore to Quebec, to summon the city to sur- render. Champlain, who had the chief command, knowing his 1 Higginson, New England's Plantation, in Collections of Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 123, 124. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 21. Chalmers, b. 1. 143. Josselyn, Voy. 251. Prince, 263, 264. The brief account of N. Eng. Plantation, first printed in London, is said in the title page to be " written in the year 1629 by Mr. Hig- geson, a Reverend Divine now there resident." It is " reprinted " in the Hist. Collections " from the third edition, London, 1630." The church Covenant is preserved in Bentley's History of Salem, Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 283, Ap- pendix, No. iv ; in Mather's Magnalia b. 1. 18, 19 ; and in the Appendix to Mr. Upham's Dedication Sermon, 1826. In an account of the first Century Lecture, held at Salem August 6, 1729, " in the meeting house of the first church here, in commemoration of the good hand of the Lord in founding that church, on August 6, 1629, just one hundred years ago," it is remarked, that this " was the first congregational church that was completely formed and organ- ized on the whole American continent." Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 219. 2 Hazard, Coll. i. 290—293, where there is a copy of the Grant from the File in the Secretary's Office of New Hampshire. Belknap, Hist. New Hampshire, i. c. 1. See a. d. 1623. An instrument, purporting to be a " Deed from four Indian sagamores to John Wheelwright and others, 1629," is pronounced a forgeiy. Dr. Belknap has inserted it in vol. i. Appendix, No. 1. of his History. That veiy intelligent and respectable historian believed it to be genuine ; and, until vety lately, it appears to have been doubted by none. The inquisitive and indefatigable Editor of Winthrop's Journal, James Savage, Esq. is acknowledged by competent judges to have proved the supposed Indian deed, a forgeiy. See Savage's Edition of Winthrop, i. 201, 290, and Note H in the Appendix. " Since the failure of the Wheelwright deed, the above grant [to captain John Mason] must be considered the basis of our history, so far as any grants are concerned." Mr. Farmer's Letter to me, from Concord, N. Hampshire. "J The English writers commonly write the name Kirk : I write it as he wrote rt himself. It is a French name. Charlevoix says, Kertk was a native of France, and a protestant refugee in England ; " David Kertk, Francois, natif de Dieppe, mais Calviniste et refugie en Angleterre." Nouv. France, i. 165. 200 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1629. means to be inadequate to a defence, surrendered the city by v^^-^ capitulation. 1 The terms of this capitulation were very favoura- Juiy 19. bje to the French colony ; and they were so punctually and teicenfrom honourably fulfilled by the English, that the greater part of the the French French chose to remain with their captors, instead of going, as {7 th k e had been stipulated, to France. Thus was the capital of New France subdued by the arms of England, just 130 years before its final conquest by the celebrated Wolfe. 2 Although the subjects of different nations now traded with the natives in the bay of Delaware ; no settlements appear to have Colon set- ) ret ^ een f° rmeal on either margin of it, by the Dutch or Swedes. 3 tied at Man- The Hollanders, resolved to establish a colony at Manhattan, hattan. appointed Van Twiller governor, who arrived at Fort Amsterdam in June, and began to grant lands the subsequent year ; at which time commenced the first permanent settlement of the Dutch. 4 New at- The project for settling Guiana was now revived. Four ships tieGuiana!" w * tn near ty 200 persons arrived there from England ; and pre- parations were made for another embarkation. One hundred English and Irish people went from Holland to the same country, conducted by the old planters. Roger North, who was a princi- pal person in effecting this settlement, seated his colony about 100 leagues in the main land. 5 1 Champlain, Voy. sec. part. 157—160 ; 214—220 ; where are the Letters of correspondence between the Kertks and Champlain, and the Articles of capitula- tion. See also Treaty about the limits of Acadie, 703. The spirited answer of Champlain at the first summons to surrender in 1628, and Kertk's ignorance of the real state of the French garrison, are the only apparent causes of the failure of the English in their first attempt on Quebec. Charlevoix [Nouv. Fiance, i. 166.] says, the French in Quebec were then reduced to seven ounces of bread each, a day ; and that they had but five pounds of powder in the magazine. Some time before the surrender, their provisions were entirely exhausted : " trois mois apres que les vivres eurent manque absolument." The capitulation was signed by the two younger brothers 19 July, and ratified by the elder 19 August. A copy of it is in Memoires de l'Amerique, ii. 490, with this subscription : " Les su3dits articles, accordes avec les sieurs de Champlain & du Pont, tant par les freres Louis & Thomas Kertk, je les accepte & ratifie &c. David Kertk. Fait a Tadoussac, ce 19 Aout. style neuf, 1629." A peace had already been concluded between France and England, though the news of it had not yet reached Canada. It is afterwards referred to, in articles of agreement between the English and French ministers, " pour restitu- tion des choses qui ont este prises depuis le Traite fait entres les deux Couron- nes," in Denys, 238—253. See a. d. 1632. 2 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 423. Brit. Emp. (Introd.) i. 47. Chalmers, b. 1. 93. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 227. See a. d. 1627. 4 Smith, N. York, 3. Chalmers [b. 1. 570.] supposes, that settlement " now probably acquired the name of New Netherlands, though this people, like the French and English, were never able to assign to them any specific boundaries." It has been found convenient to use the name of New Netherlands, and to style the Dutch there, a colony ; but neither of these terms appears to be strictly applicable until this time. See A. d. 1613, 1623. 5 Smith, in Churchill, Voy. ii. c. 24. A parry of men, sent out for discovery, found many towns well inhabited ; most of the people entirely naked ; but they BRITISH COLONIES. 201 In the Somer Isles there were, at this time, between 2000 and 1629. 3000 inhabitants. Charles Saltonstall, son of Sir Samuel Sal- v^^^^/ tonstall, sailed from England to Barbadoes, with nearly 200 W.India people, accompanied by Sir William Tufton, governor for Bar- lslands - badoes, and carrying what was necessary for a plantation. There were now on that island, and going to it, about 1500 or 1G00 people ; and in all the Caribbee islands, inclusive of those actually preparing to settle in them, there were nearly 3000. 1 About this time, the English are said to have begun to plant on the island of Providence, the chief of the Bahama islands. 2 1630. By the agency of the earl of Warwick and Sir Ferdinando Jan - 13; Gorges, Plymouth colony obtained from the council for New ^p^. nt England its last patent. This patent, dated the 13th of January, outh. conveyed a considerable territory around the original settlement. The limits of the grant are thus defined : " All that part of New England lying between Cohasset rivulet toward the north, and Narraganset river toward the south ; the great western ocean [the Atlantic] toward the east, and a strait line extending into the main land toward the west from the mouth of Narraganset river to the utmost bounds of a country in New England, called Pokenakut, alias Sowamset ; and another like strait line, extend- ing directly from the mouth of Cohasset river toward the west, so far into the main land westward as the utmost limits of Po- kenakut, alias Sowamset." It also conveyed a tract of land on the river Kennebeck, extending from the utmost limits of Cobbise- conte which adjoins that river toward the western ocean, and a place called the Falls at Nequamkike, and 15 miles each side of Kennebeck river, and all the river itself. By this char- ter the colonists were allowed to make orders, ordinances, and constitutions, for the ordering, disposing, and governing their persons, and distributing the lands within the limits of the patent. 3 saw " not any such giant women as the river's name [Amazons] importeth." Oldys does not expressly notice this settlement of 1629 ; but says, that " some other little attempts were made there " several years after 1620 ; and subjoins : " But how all this spacious and fruitful country has been since shamefully de- serted, by the English especially ; the quiet possession there by the Spaniards, to this day, is sufficient witness.' 5 ' Life of Ralegh, 223. 1 Smith, ut supra, c. 22, 25, 26. 2 Anderson, ii. 339 ; " till then quite uninhabited." 3 Plymouth Laws, Preface. Prince, 196— 19S. Hazard, Coll. i. 298—303 ; where is an entire copy of this Patent. It has been erroneously supposed, that the Plymouth colonists, previous to the reception of this charter, had no right to their lands, but what arose from occupancy. The truth is, that, as soon as they knew of the establishment of the Council of New England, they despatch- ed an agent to England to apply for a patent ; Sir F. Gorges interested himself in the affair ; and the application was successful. As early as 6 July 1621, the VOL. I. 26 202 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1630. May 30, Dorchester settled. The colony of Plymouth then contained nearly three hundred souls. 1 A fleet of 14 sail, with men, women, and children, and pro- visions, having been prepared early in the year to make a firm plantation in New England, 12 of the ships arrived early in July at Charlestown. 2 In this fleet came governor Winthrop, deputy governor Dudley, with several other gentlemen of wealth and quality. 3 In the same fleet came about 840 passengers, of various occupations, some of whom were from the west of Eng- land ; but the greatest part from the vicinity of London. The expense of this equipment and transportation was £21,200. Warham, Maverick, Rossiter, and Ludlow, arriving earlier than many of the company, were put on shore at Nautasket. Pro- ceeding in a boat to Charlestown, they found there several wigwams, a few English people, and one house with an old planter, who could speak the Indian language. Ascending Charles river, until it became narrow and shallow, they landed their goods at a well watered place ; 4 whence, a few days merchant adventurers in England wrote to governor Carver of Plymouth. " We have procured you a Charter" &c. This was taken in the name of John Pierce, in trust for the colony. In 1623, Pierce, who had obtained another patent, of larger extent, in his oWn name, sold it to the company of adventurers. See that year. In 1627, the Plymouth colonists bought of the adventurers in Eng- land all their shares, stocks, merchandizes, lands, and chattels. See that year. Prince, 198, 204, 217, 268. Belknap, Biog. i. 366 ; ii. 234. Chalmers [b. 1. 87.] says : " As they had freely placed themselves within the boundaries of the Plymouth company's patent, they necessarily consented to obey its ordinances ; though that body seems never to have exercised any authority over them." On this passage Dr. Belknap has remarked in the margin of Chalmers, with his pen : " That body granted them a Charter in 1622, and another in 1629, by virtue of which they had legal authority to govern themselves." 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 97. Neal, N. Eng. i. 128. Callender, R. Island, 10. 2 Prince says, they were ready in February, but staid at " Southampton and thereabouts" till May, to take 260 kine, with other live cattle &c. p. 271 . Chalmers [b. 1. 151.] says, 17 vessels sailed from Southampton; Prince says, that 17 were employed from February to August ; and he distinctly enumerates them in " A list of ships which arrived in New England this year," inserted in his Appendix to 1630, p. 329. It there appears, that 7, at least, sailed from Southampton, perhaps 4 more. About 1500 people had been waiting in different places, to sail. 3 Mr. Dudley was chosen in the place of Mr. Humfrey, who " being to stay- behind, is discharged of his deputyship, and in his place Mr. Dudley chosen deputy governor." Prince, 275 ; who says, " This is the last record of the Massachusetts Company in England." This election was at a meeting on board the Arbella, on the 23d of March. The four principal ships, the Arbella, the Ambrose, the Jewel, and the Talbot, were on the 29th of March, riding at Cowes, and ready to sail. Winthrop's History, i. 1, 2. Johnson says, the Arbella was the Eagle ; " for so they called the Eagle, which the company purchased, in honour of the lady Arrabclla, wife to that godly esquire, Izack Johnson." Wonderwork. Prov. c. 14. Among the colonists who were distinguished^ in civil life, beside Winthrop and Dudley, there now came over, Sir Richard Sal- tonstall, Ludlow, Rossiter, Nowel, T. Sharp, Pynchon, S. Bradstreet, Johnson, Coddington ; the eminent ministers were, John Wilson, George Phillips, John Maverick, and John Warham. Prince, 281. 4 Prince, 277. The " well watered place " was afterward called Watertown. They landed their goods with much labour, " the bank being steep." The steep BRITISH COLONIES. 203 after, they removed to Matapan ; and here began to build a 1630. town. 1 v^v-w' On the arrival of the principal ships of the fleet at Charles- town, the governor and several of the patentees, having viewed the bottom of the Bay of Massachusetts, and pitched down on the north side of Charles river, took lodgings in the great house, built there the preceding year, and the rest of the company erected cottages, booths, and tents, about the town hill. Their place of assembling for divine service was under a tree. The July 8. fleet having safely arrived, a day of thanksgiving was kept in all J^^ the plantations. 2 An early attention was paid to the great object of the enter- Friday, prise. On the 30th of July, a day of solemn prayer and fasting Jul y so. was kept at Charlestown ; when governor Winthrop, deputy governor Dudley, and Mr. Wilson, first entered into church covenant ; and now was laid the foundation of the church of c , , Charlestown, and of the first church in Boston. On the following founded. Lord's day, additional members were received to the church. On the 27th of August, the congregation kept a fast, and chose Mr. Wilson their teacher ; Mr. Nowell, an elder ; and Mr. Gager installation and Mr. Aspinwall, deacons. "We used imposition of hands," ofMr * VVil " says governor Winthrop, " but with this protestation by all, that SC it was only a sign of election and confirmation, not of any intent that Mr. Wilson should renounce the ministry he received in England." 3 On the 23d of August, the first court of assistants, since the Aug. 23, arrival of the colonists, was holden at Charlestown. The first *] rst ? ourt question proposed was, How the ministers should be maintained. Un"™" The court ordered, that houses be built and salaries raised for bank on Charles river where they first landed, tradition says, was near the place where the United States' arsenal now stands. At night, they had notice of 300 Indians "hard by;" but the old planter (who had accompanied them from Charlestown) going and requesting the Indians not to come near the English, they complied with his request. The whole number of the English did not exceed ten. The next morning some of the natives appeared at a distance ; and one of them at length holding out a bass, a man was sent with a biscuit, which the Indian received in exchange for it. After this introduction, the na- tives were very friendly, and furnished the English with fish ; " giving a bass for a biscuit." 1 Prince, 277, 288. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 98. They had " order " to come to Matapan [Dorchester] " because there was a neck fit to keep their cattle on." This neck of land included what is now called South Boston. Snow's Hist, of Boston, c. 5. The name of Dorchester was transferred to the land which the first settlers had occupied at Watertown. In walking over the grounds at the place of landing, several years ago, with major Winship, a respectable inhabi- tant then living near by it, he pointed to a pasture, and told me it was called Dorchester fields. The same name is still retained [1827]. 2 Winthrop's History of New England, i. 29. Hubbard, c. 24. Prince, 280. 3 Winthrop, N. Eng. i. 31—33. Prince, 311, from governor Bradford. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. 22. Prince puts the ordination on the day of the first fast, 30 July ; but he had not then seen governor Winthrop's Journal. 204 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1630. them, at the common charge. 1 At the same session the court v^-v-w/ ordered, that Morton, of Mount Wollaston, be presently sent for ; settled the price of the labour of mechanics; and chose Mr. Bradstrect secretary. 2 It was the general intention of the company to settle at Charles- town ; where the governor ordered his house to be framed ; but, the prevalence of a mortal sickness, ascribed to the badness of the water, induced several of the people to explore the neigh- bouring country, for more eligible situations. Some of them travelled up into the main land, until they came to the place recently visited by Mr. Warham and others ; and here Sir Watertown Richard Saltonstall, Mr. Phillips, and some others, settled a settled. plantation. On the south side of the mouth of the river Charles, on a peninsula, called by the natives Shawm ut, but by the English, Trimountain, there lived at that time, in a solitary cottage, Mr. William Blackstone, an episcopal minister. Coming over to Charlestown at this time, he informed the governor of an excel- lent spring of water at Shawmut, and invited him over to his side of the river. Mr. Johnson and the principal gentlemen of the company, induced by this invitation, crossed the river ; and, Boston set- finding the place as eligible as they had been led to expect, they tied. began a settlement there by the erection of small cottages. 3 Sept. 7. At the second court of assistants, holden at Charlestown, it was Court of as- ordered, that no person should plant in any place within the limits sistants. o f t ^ e p atentj w j t h out leave from the governor and assistants, or the major part of them ; that a warrant should presently be sent to Agawam, to command those who were planted there to come immediately away; and that Trimountain be called Bos- ton ; Matapan, Dorchester ; and the town on Charles river, na°med. Watertown. The governor with most of the assistants, about 1 Sir Richard Saltonstall undertook to sec this provision made at his plantation, for Mr. Phillips ; and the governor, at the other plantation, for Mr. Wilson. Mr. Phillips was to have £30 a year ; Mr. Wilson, until his wife should come over, £20. Matapan and Salem were excepted, in the order of the court. Prince, 813, 314, from Mass. colony Records. 2 Winthrop, N. Eng. i. 30, with the Editor's note. Morton was sent to Eng- land, with a messenger and letters of information against him to the New England council, in 1628 ; but the council did not even rebuke him, and he returned to Massachusetts the next year. Prince, 252. from gov. Bradford. The order, relating to the price of labour, was, that carpenters, joiners, brick- layers, sawyers, and thatchers, take no more than two shillings a day, on penalty of ten shillings to giver and taker. 3 Prince, 309—312. Pemberton's Description of Boston in Collections of Mass. Hist. Society, iii. 241, 212. Wood [N. Eng. Prospect, 128.] wrote the aboriginal name of Charlestown, Misham, and of Boston, Mishamut ; but Mr. Pemberton and others, Mishawum and Shawmut. Mr. Prince supposed the peninsula, "whose Indian name was Shawmut" [now Boston], was called at fust by the English Tihnountain " on the account of three contiguous Hills ap- pearing in a range to those of Charlestown." See Snow's Hist, of Boston, c. 6. BRITISH COLONIES. 205 this time, removed their families to Boston; having it in contem- 1630. plation to look for a convenient place for the erection of a fortified ^^^^^/ town. 1 Mr. Pynchon with some others chose a place for settle- Roxbury ment between Dorchester and Boston, and called it Roxbury. 2 settled. The first general court of the Massachusetts colony was holden Oct. 19. at Boston. At this court many of the first planters attended, First gene- and were made free of the colony. This was the first general Massachu- court which the freemen attended in person. It was now enact- s etts at ed, that the freemen should in future have power to choose assistants, when they are to be chosen ; and the assistants were empowered to choose out of their own number the governor and deputy governor, who, with the assistants, were to have the power of making laws, and choosing officers for the execution of them. This measure was now fully assented to by the general vote of the people ; but when the general court convened, early the next year, it rescinded this rule, and ordained, that the gover- nor, deputy governor, and assistants, should be chosen by the freemen alone. Upwards of 100 persons now expressed their desire to be made freemen. 3 In consideration of the inconveniences that had arisen in Eng- Custom of land from the custom of drinking healths, governor Winthrop ^ ll ^ g restrained the practice at his own table, and discountenanced it abolished. among the people ; whence it became gradually abolished. 4 The infant colony sustained a great loss in the death of Isaac Death f 1. Johnson ; who was the first magistrate that died in Massachu- Johnson, setts. He was distinguished for piety, wisdom, and public spirit ; was one of the five undertakers ; and a principal founder of the town of Boston. He was buried in his own lot ; and the first burying place in Boston was laid out around his grave. 5 1 Hubbard, c. 25. Johnson, Hist. N. Eng. or W. Prov. 39. Prince, 315, 316. Deputy governor Dudley, in his Letter to the countess of Lincoln, says, " they had before intended to call the place they first resolved on, Boston ; " and Hub- bard, that it was so called " on the account of Mr. Cotton" — the then famous Puritan minister of Boston in England (adds Mr. Prince), for whom they had the highest reverence, and of whose coming over they were doubtless in some hopeful prospect. See a. d. 1633. 2 Hubbard, c. 25. p. 135. Dudley's Letter to the countess of Lincoln in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 39. 3 Prince, 320, 321, from Mass. colony MS. Records, where he gives " the first list " of the principal applicants ; " but," he subjoins, " many of them seem not be made freemen till May 18, 1631. See that year. Johnson ( W. Prov. 39.) says, the number of freemen, this year, was 110 ; but we rely on the Record. See Chalmers, b. 1. 153. 4 Winthrop, i. 37, with the Editor's note, respecting a MS. paper of gov. Win- throp, containing reasons for a law against this custom. See Note XXVI. 5 Winthrop, i. 34. Prince, 318, 319, 333, 334. The five undertakers were governor Winthrop, deputy governor Dudley, Sir Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, Esq. and Mr. Revell. — Isaac Johnson died 30 September. " He was a holy man, and wise," says gov. Winthrop, " and died in sweet peace, leaving some part of his substance to the colony." Dudley says of him : " This gen- tleman was a prime man among us, having the best ©state of any ; zealous for 20Q AMERICAN ANNALS. 1630. The west country adventurers were not less attentive to their v^^^w* interest, than those who had just obtained a patent for New Hilton's Hampshire. In the spring of this year, they obtained from the patent. council of Plymouth a patent for Edward Hilton, for all that part of the river Pascataqua known by the name of Hilton's Point, with the south side of the river up to the falls of Squamscot, and three miles in breadth into the main land. The patent sets forth, that Hilton and his associates had, at their own proper cost and charges, transported servants, built houses, and planted corn at Hilton's Point, and intended the farther increase and advance- ment of the plantation. 1 Execution. John Billington, indicted for murder, was found guilty, and executed. This was the first execution in Plymouth colony. 2 Nova Scotia Sir William Alexander sold all his right in Nova Scotia, ex- soid to La cepting Port Royal, to St. Etienne, lord of La Tour, a French our - Huguenot; on condition, that the inhabitants of the territory should continue subjects of the Scottish crown. The French still retained possession. 3 religion, and the greatest furtherer of this plantation. He made a most godly end ; dying willingly ; professing his life better spent in promoting this planta- tion, than it could have been any other way." — The lot, that he had chosen, was the great square, lying between Cornhill on the southeast ; Tremont street on the northwest ; Queen street [now Court street] on the northeast ; and School street on the southwest ; a description, which precisely marks the pre- sent burying place near the Stone Chapel. His wife, lady Arbella, coming from " the family of a noble earldom into a wilderness of wants," was inadequate to the trials of so great a transition. She was taken sick soon after her arrival at Salem, where she first landed, and there died. Lady Arbella was the daughter of the earl of Lincoln. The ship in which governor Winthrop came over was named for her. There is no monument to designate her grave ; but, " celebrated " as she was " for her virtues," she will not be forgotten. Dr. Holyoke of Salem (^Et. 99.) informs me, that she was buried about half a mile distant from " the body of the town," near Bridge street leading to Beverly, about ten feet from the street. — Of the people, who came in the ships with gov. Winthrop, 200 at least died from April to December. About 100 persons, totally discouraged, returned in the same ships to England. Chalmers, b. 1. 152. 1 Belknap, N. Hamp. 1630. Hilton's Point is now called Dover. See a. d. 1623. 2 Hubbard, c. 17. Prince, 319, from gov. Bradford, who says : " He was one of the profanest among us. He was from London, and I know not by what friends shuffled into our company. We used all due means about his trial ; he was found guilty both by grand and petty jury ; and we took the advice of Mr. Winthrop, and others, the ablest gentlemen in the Massachusetts Bay, who all concurred with us, that he ought to die, and the land be purged from blood." He was guilty of the first offence in the colony in 1621, when he suffered an ignominious punishment. Gov. Bradford, writing to Mr. Cushman in 1625, says, " Billington still rails against you, and threatens to arrest you, I know not wherefore ; he is a knave, and so will live and die." Letter Book in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 37. Savage's Winthrop, i. 36, Note. It was a son of this man, who in 1621 discovered the lake that from him has the name of the Billington sea. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 93. Conduite de Francoise, 103. Brit. Emp. i. 170. This Grant is in Hazard, i. 307—309, and the style of it is, " My lord William Alex- ander, knight, lord of Menstrie, and chief Secretary of State for the Kingdome of Scotland, for his said Majesty of Great Bretany, Privy Counseller of State, and BRITISH COLONIES. 201 The Dutch continuing their pretensions to the land lately set- 1630. tied by the Swedes, one of the Swedes built a fort within the \^^^^j capes of Delaware, at a place called Hoarkill. 1 Staten Island was purchased of the Indians by Michael Paw, Staten a Dutch subject. 2 island - Sir Robert Heath, attorney general of Charles I, obtained a Grant of grant of the region, which stretches southward of the Virginia Carolana « coast from the 36th degree of north latitude, comprehending the Louisiana territory on the Mississippi, by the name of Carolana. He appears to have made no settlement, and at a future day his patent was declared to have become void because the conditions, on which it had been granted, had never been fulfilled. 3 Charles I. issued a proclamation, forbidding the disorderly 'Vov. 24. trading with the savages in New England, especially the fur- Proclaim- nishing of them with weapons and habiliments of war. 4 Francis Higginson, minister of Salem, died, aged 46 years. 5 Lieutenant unto his said Majestie in New Scotland in America, on the one part," and " Sir Claude de Sainct Estienne, Knight, Lord of La Tour and of Vuarre . . &c. on the other part." It refers to the grant of 10 Sept. 1621, and is dated 30 April 1630. — A publication respecting New England, by Sir William, ap- peared this year : " The Mapp and Description of New England, together with a Discourse of Plantations and Colonies. Also a Relation of the Nature of the Climate and how it agrees with our Country, England. How near it lies to Newfoundland, Virginia, Nova Francia, Canada, and other parts of the West Indies. Written by Sir William Alexander, Knight." 4to. Lond. 1630. Ken- nett's American Library, 76. 1 Smith, N. Jersey, 22. The place has since been called Lewis Town. 2 Coll. N. York Hist. Soc. iii. 323. It was purchased by Lovelace in 1670. 3 Coxe, Carolana. Univ. Hist. xl. 274—278. Chalmers, b. 1. 515—517. See a. d. 1663. Historians say, that Sir Robert Heath conveyed his right to the earl of Arundel ; that this earl was at the expense of planting several parts of the country, but that the civil wars, breaking out, put a stop to the design ; that, by different conveyances, the property of the whole country devolved at length on Dr. Cox, who, at great expense, discovered part of it, and, in a me- morial to king William, incontestibly proved his claim to it ; and that his son, Daniel Cox Esq. who resided fourteen years in the country, continued his father's claim, and published a very full account of it. The province of Carolana extended north and south from the river St. Matheo, lying, according to the patent, between 31° and 36° n. lat. and in longitude from the Atlantic ocean to New Mexico, " now in possession of the Spaniards, which is in a direct line above 1000 miles, and were not inhabited by them, unto the South Sea." It was distinct from Carolina, though they were " bordering provinces, the east of Carolana joyning to the west of Carolina. It comprehends within its bounds the greatest part of the province of Carolina, whose proprietors derive their claim and pretensions by charters from king Charles II. about 30 years after the grant to Sir Robert Heath." Coxe, c. 1. See a. d. 1663. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 168. This proclamation is in Hazard, Coll. i. 311, 312. 5 Mr. Higginson was educated at Emanuel college in Cambridge, and was the first minister of a church in Leicester in England. Becoming afterward a nonconformist, he was excluded from the parish pulpit ; but he was held in such high esteem by several conformist ministers, that his services were often re- quested by them ; and he also obtained leave to preach a lecture in Leicester. He was a zealous and useful preacher ; mild in his doctrine, but strict in his discipline. He was grave in his deportment, cautious in his decisions, firm to his purposes, and exemplary in his life. He died on the 6th of August, exactly 208 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1631. March 19. Original patent of Connecti- cut. Feb. 29. Pemaquid grant. Virginia. May. License to W. Clay- borne to trade. Isle of Kent in Mary- land plant- ed. Lord Balti- more visits Virginia. Robert, earl of Warwick, having the last year received a grant from the council of Plymouth of all that part of New England, which extends from Narraganset river 120 miles on a strait line near the shore toward the southeast, as the coast lies toward Virginia, and within that breadth from the Atlantic ocean to the South sea, now made it over to William, viscount Say and Seal, Robert, lord Brook, and their associates. This is the original patent for Connecticut. 1 The president and council for New England made a grant to Robert Aldworth and Giles Elbridge of 100 acres of land for every person, whom they should transport to the Province of Maine within seven years, who should continue there three years ; and an absolute grant of 12,000 acres of land, " as their proper inheritance forever," to be laid out near the river, commonly called Pemaquid. 2 King Charles gave a special commission to the earl of Dor- set and others, "for the better plantation of Virginia." The same king granted a license, under the sign manual, to William Clayborne, " to traffic in those parts of America, for which there was already no patent granted for sole trade." Clayborne, and his associates, with the intention of monopolizing the trade of Chesapeak, planted a small colony on the Isle of Kent, situated in the centre of the province, soon after granted to lord Balti- more. That province afterward found cause to regret, that a people had nestled within its limits, who paid unwilling obedience to its laws. Neither the soil, nor the climate, of the inhospitable island of Newfoundland answering the expectations of lord Baltimore ; that worthy nobleman, having heard much of the fertility and other advantages of Virginia, now visited that colony. Observing, that, though the Virginians had established trading houses in some of the islands toward the source of the bay of one year from the organization of his church ; but " he lived long enough to secure the foundation of his church, to deserve the esteem of the colony, and to perpetuate his venerated name among those of the worthies of New England." Mather, Magnal. b. 1. 18, 19. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 117—124. MS. from the Church Records penes me. Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. Art. Higguvson. Hist. Sketch of First Church in Salem, in Appendix to Dedication Sermon, 1826. 1 Trumbull, Hist. Connecticut, Lb. 1. c. 2. A copy of this Patent is in Hazard, Coll. i. 318 ; and in Trumbull, Conn. i. Appendix, No. I. The other patentees were Robert, lord Rich, Charles Fiennes, Esq. Sir Nathaniel Rich, Sir Richard Saltonstall, Richard Knightly, John Pym, John Hampden, John Humphreys, and Herbert Pelham, Esquires. The tract now conveyed had been confirmed to the earl of Warwick by Charles I. 2 Hazard, Coll. i. 315—317, where is an abstract of this grant, called " The Pemaquid Grant." It appears that " the people or servants " of Aldworth and Elbridge had been settled on this river three years. BRITISH COLONIES. 209 Chesapeak, they had formed no settlements to the northward of 1631. the river Potowmac, he determined to procure a' grant of terri- ^*^~*s tory in that happier climate. Charles I. readily complied with his solicitations ; but before the patent could be finally adjusted, and pass the seals, this eminent statesman died. 1 A grant was obtained by the London adventurers, from the Grant of president and counsel of New England, of a part of the patent Pascataqua. of Laconia, situated on both sides of the harbour and river of Pascataqua. Within this grant are comprehended the towns of Portsmouth, Newcastle, and Rye, with part of Newington and Greenland. The grantees were Sir Ferdinando Gorges, captain John Mason, John Cotton, Henry Gardner, George Griffith, Edwin Guy, Thomas Wannerton, Thomas Eyre, and Eleazer Eyre. The proprietors, for the defence of their plantations, sent over several cannon, directing their agents to mount them in the most convenient place for a fort. The agents placed them at the north east point of Great Island at the mouth of the harbour, and laid out the ground " about a bow-shot from the water side to a high rock, on which it was intended in time to build the principal fort," Portsmouth began to be settled this year. 2 The Massachusetts colonists early determined to build a forti- A fortified fled town. The governor, with the assistants and other principal *°™? 1S be " persons, having already agreed on a place for this purpose, on the northwest side of Charles river, about three miles from Charlestown ; they, in the spring of this year, commenced the execution of the design. The governor set up the frame of a house on the spot where he first pitched his tent, in the selected place. The deputy governor completed his house, and removed his family. The town was taken under the patronage of the government, and was called Newtown [afterward Cambridge], and is called It soon appearing, however, that Boston would be the principal place of commerce ; and Chickatabot, a sagamore of the neigh- bouring Indians at Naponset, now making voluntary professions of friendship ; governor Winthrop, in the autumn, removed the 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 201, 207. The commission to the earl of Dorset is in Hazard, i. 312—314. Lord Baltimore died 15 April 1632. 2 Hubbard, c. 31. Belknap, N. Hamp, i. c. 1. Humphrey Chadbourne built a house at Strawberry-bank which was called the great house. Walter Gib- bons had the care of a saw mill, and lived in a palisaded house at Newich- wannock, where he carried on a trade with the Indians. Newichwannock is Salmon Fall river. [Farmer and Moore, Gazetteer of N. Hampshire, Art. Pas- cataqua and Cocheco.] Gibbons was succeeded at Newichwannoch by Chadbourne, whose posterity have been distinguished there [Berwick] to our day. Great Island is now called Newcastle. " It was formerly the seat of business when the ancient Strawberry Bank was but the germ of Portsmouth." Farmer, MS. Letter. "Ambrose Gibbons" writes "from Newichwanicke " 24 June 1633. VOL. I. 27 Newtown, 210 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1631. May 18. Qualifica- tions of freemen. Winesemet ferry estab- lished. July 5, Public tax. Oct. 18. Corn made a legal ten- der. frame of his house into Boston ; and the scheme of a fortified town was gradaally relinquished. 1 At the first court of election in Massachusetts, " that the body of the commons might be preserved of good and honest men," it was ordered, that, from that time, no persons be admitted to the freedom of the body politic, but such as were members of some of the churches within its limits. 2 At this election, 116 took the oath of freemen. 3 Thomas Williams having undertaken to set up a ferry between Winesemet and Charlestown, the general court established the rate of the ferry between those two places, and between Wine- semet and Boston. 4 An order of the court of assistants at Boston, for levying £30 on the several plantations, for clearing a creek, and opening a passage from Charles river to the new town, shows that this town was yet designed for the benefit of the colony at large ; and marks jhe progress of the several towns in the colony. 5 The court of assistants ordered, that corn should pass for payment of all debts at the usual rate for which it was sold, unless money or beaver were expressly named. 6 1 Winthrop's Hist. 39. Prince, 325, 326. Hist, of Cambridge, in Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 6 — 8 ; & viii. 41. They first agreed (6 December 1630) " to build a town fortified upon the Neck" between Roxbury and Boston ; but that place was soon after given up ; 1. Because men would be forced to keep two families. 2. There was no running water ; and if there were any springs, they would not suffice the town. 3. Most of the people had built already, and would not be able to build again. After many consultations, the place, described in the text, having been agreed on by all to be " a fit place for a fortified town," was determinately fixed. On this spot a town was laid out in squares, the streets intersecting each other at right angles. All the streets were named ; and a square, reserved for a Market Place, though not used for that purpose, remains open to this day. 2 Hubbard, c. 26. Johnson, N. Eng. 39. Mass. Colony Laws. This law was repealed in 1665. 3 Prince, 1631. Johnson says, " about 83," and Hubbard, 107; but I follow Prince, who cites an original and the best authority, Mass. Colony Records. Hubbard says truly, " there were enough for a foundation." Mr. Prince gives a list of the names of many of the 116 who now took the oath of freemen, 19 of whom were of those who had desired freedom 19 Oct. 1630. 4 Prince, 324, 354. The court enacted, that he should have 3d. a person from Winnisimmet to Charlestown, and 4d. from Winnisimmet to Boston. 5 Ibid. 357. The order was, that there be levied from Winesemet . . . . £0 15s. Boston . . . . £5. Wessagusset ... 2. Dorchester . 4 10 Saugus [Lynn] . . 1. Roxbury . . . 3. Nantasket .... 10 Salem . . . . 3. Watertown .... 5. Charlestown . . 4 10 (Medford omitted) £30 00 G Prince, 362, from Mass. Colony Records. Chalmers, b. 1. 154. In 1630, corn was 10 shillings " a strike ; " and beaver, 6 shillings a pound. " we made laws," says Dudley, " to restrain selling corn to the Indians ; and to leave the price of beaver at liberty, which was presently sold for 10s. and 20s. a pound." Prince. A milch cow, in' 1631, was valued from £25 to £30 sterl. Hutchin- son, i. 27. BRITISH COLONIES. 211 John Smith, father of the Virginia colony, died in London, in 1631. the 52d year of his age. 1 v^-v-w' The small pox, breaking out among the natives at Saugus, swept away the aboriginal inhabitants of whole towns. 2 The Swedes built a fort on the west of the Delaware, and called Swedes set- it Christiana. Peter Lindstrom, their engineer, having at this ^are. Dela " place laid out a small town, they here made their first settle- ment. 3 After a long relaxation of the spirit of enterprise, Lucas Fox Voyage of made a voyage to the northern parts of America, in search of a ' ox * northwest passage to India. Toward this enterprise Charles I. furnished one ship, completely fitted, and victualled for 18 months ; and, when Fox was presented to him, gave him a map, containing all the discoveries made by his predecessors, with in- structions, and a letter to the Japanese emperor, if he should reach Japan. Near the main land on the west side of Hudson's about Hud- Bay, Fox discovered an island, which he named Sir Thomas son ' s Ba y- Roe's Welcome ; and afterward discovered and named Brook Cobiiam Island (now called Marble Island), Dun Fox Island, and a cluster of islands, which he called Briggs's Mathematics. He also discovered king Charles's Promontory, Cape Maria, Trinity Islands, Cook's Isle, lord Weston's Portland, and the land stretch- ing to the southeast of this last promontory, which he called Fox's Farthest. On his return, he gave names to every point of land on that coast, and to every inlet, and adjacent island. 4 About the same time, Thomas James was sent out by some of Voyage of the company of merchant adventurers in Bristol for discovering T - James - a northwest passage to the South Sea, and to India. Furnished with a ship, called the Henrietta Maria, of 70 tons, victualled for 18 months, and 21 men, he sailed from Bristol on the 3d of May. On the 4th of- June, he made Greenland. After ex- treme danger from the ice, he went ashore on the 22d at the 1 Josselyn's Voyage. For the life and character of this great man, see " The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of captain John Smith, into Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, from a. d. 1593 to 1629 " in Churchill's Voyages, and lately reprinted in Virginia ; Belknap's Biog. i. 319 ; Allen's Biog. Art . Smith. 2 I. Mather, N. Eng. 23. When Dr. I. Mather wrote, there were living some old planters, who, on that occasion, helped to bury whole families of the natives at once. In one of the wigwams they found an infant sucking at the breast of its dead mother ; every Indian of the place being dead. Many, when seized with the disease, were deserted by their relations, and " died helpless," unless relieved by the English, who visited their wigwams, and contributed all in their power to their assistance. Johnson, N. Eng. 52. 3 Holm, Provincien Nya Swerige, uti America. Extracts from a Translation, in Coll. N. York Hist. Soc. ii. 354, 355. " Hopokahacking, that is, Christiana fort. This was the first that was built," by " the Sweeds, when they came in the country in the year 1631." See Smith, N. Jersey, 22. 4 Forster, Voy. 359—367. James' Voyage. Dobbs' Hudson's Bay, 79 Anderson, a. d. 1631. 212 AMERICAN ANNALS. 163L island of Resolution ; built a great beacon with stones upon the v«^v-*^/ highest place of the island ; set up a cross upon it ; and named the harbour, The Harbour of God's Providence. In latitude 57° he named the land, The New Principality of South Wales. On the 29th of August, he spoke with his majesty's ship, under com- mand of captain Fox, lying at anchor, from which he separated the next day. In very nearly the latitude of 55° he named a cape land Cape Henrietta Maria, but which Forster says, " is no other than fVolstenholme's Vltimum Vale." In latitude 53° 5' he saw an island, which he named Weston's Island ; and, soon after, another, which he named Earl of Bristol's Island ; and afterwards another, in latitude 52°, which he named Earl of Danby's Island. On another island, in latitude 52° 3', which he named Charleston Island, he landed, and here remained with his crew through the winter. Upon this island, just before his de- parture for England, he raised a cross, made of a very high tree, upon which he fastened pictures of the king and queen ; doubly wrapt in lead, with the royal title : " Charles the first king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland ; as also of New-found- land, and of these territories, and to the westward, as farre as Nova Albion, and to the northward to the latitude of 80 de- grees, . . ." Captain James made more considerable discoveries in Hudson's Bay than either Hudson, Button, or Baffin had previously made ; yet both he and his contemporary voyager, captain Fox, returned home, unsuccessful. 1 1632. March lit Charles I, by the treaty of St. Germain, resigned the right and Canada which he had claimed to New France, Acadie, and Canada, restored to as the property of England, to Lewis XIII. king of France. France. ' ' l James, Strange and Dangerous Voyage. Lond. 1633. By a Letter which captain James left at Charleston, fastened to the cross which he set up there, a copy of which is annexed to his " Voyage," it appears, that the king " having a desire to be certified, whether there were any passage, or not, by the Northwest or Northwestward, thorow these territories, into the South Sea," it was " to satisfie his Majestie therein," that the merchant adventurers of Bristol "did voluntarily offer to set forth a convenient ship for that purpose ; " and that " this free offer of their's was not only commended, but graciously accepted of by his majestie." James was a man of science, and related in his Journal " the rarities observed, both philosophical! and Mathematicall." I have given the latitudes, because he appears to have been very careful and exact in taking his observa* tions. On his return (1632), he erected a cross with " the King's armes and the armes of the City of Bristol," at Cape Henrietta Maria. In the last ex- tremity, the adventurers, for their shelter, made huts of pieces of wood, which they placed in an inclined position around a tree, and covered with boughs of trees and with their sails ; but they all became frozen in their limbs. The suffer- ings which they sustained during " the wintering," are detailed in a chapter with that title, which cannot be read without horror. — Other authorities for this article are, Forster's Voyages, 367 — 375 ; Harris's Voyages, i. 634 ; Universal History*, xli. 102; Anderson's Origin of Commerce, a. r. 1631. BRITISH COLONIES. 213 Chalmers says, the signal event of the capture of Quebec was 1632. unknown, when peace was reestablished in April, 1629 ; and v^-v-^/ assigns this as the reason why king Charles, at that treaty, abso- lutely restored to France those territories generally and without limits ; and particularly Port Royal, Quebec, and Cape Breton. From the restitution of these territories to France, may be dated the commencement of a long train of ills to the colonies and to England. To this transaction, in the judgment of the last named historian, may be fairly traced back the colonial disputes of later times, and the American revolution. 1 Soon after this restitution, the French king granted to De Razilly the lands around the bay R az iu y . and river of St. Croix. 2 The patent, designed for George Calvert, lord Baltimore, was, June 20. on his decease, filled up to his son Cecilius Calvert, lord Balti- ** tent °* more. When king Charles signed the patent, he gave to the new province the name of Maryland, in honour of his queen Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry the great, king of France. Lord Baltimore held it of the crown of England, paying yearly forever two Indian arrows. This province was originally in- cluded in the patent of the South Virginia company ; but, on the dissolution of that company, and of the charters of Virginia, the king made this grant. 3 The king of England, " informed of great distraction and dis- Jan* *?• order in the plantations in New England," referred the subject to f^u/of _ — L — __ ■ N.England 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 93. Anderson, A. d. 1632. Brit. Domin. in America, b. 14. Hazard, i. 319. Memoires de FAmerique, ii. 5 — 10, where the Treaty of St. Germain is inserted. Denys, 254 — 267. D'Avrigny, Memoires pour servir a PHistoire Universelle de l'Europe. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 112, 186. The grant [Concession] to Razilly is in Me- moires de l'Amerique, ii. 491, 492, in French, dated " du 19 mai 1632." Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 178.] erroneously places it in 1633. Hutchinson says, it gave " 12 leagues on the sea, and 20 leagues into the land ; " but he mistakes in saying, that the grant was made to La Tour, who, it appears, held a command under Razilly. " Les principaux chefs de ces pays etoient alors [1632] le Commandeur de Razilly, & sous loui les sieurs de Charnisay & de la Tour. Ces derniers, a. la mort du Commandeur de Razilly, parlagerent le com- mandement ; le sieur de la Tour eut le gouvernement de l'Acadie, & le sieur de Charnisay celui de la cote des Etchemins." Mem. de l'Amerique, vol. i. Mem. des Commiss. du Roi sur les limites de l'Acadie, Art. in. from " Depot de la marine." De la Tour was recalled in 1641. An order was sent by the king of France to sieur d'Aulnay Charnisay " arreter & repasser en France le sieur de la Tour." lb. ii. 496. 3 Univ. Hist. xl. 466. Bozman, Maryland, 258, 264. Hazard, i. 327—336, where the charter is inserted. The patentee is styled, " Baro de Baltimore . . . Filius et Haeres Georgii Calvert Militis, nuper Baronis de Baltimore . . . Pa- tris inherens vestigiis, laudabili quodam et pio Christianam Religionem pariter et imperii nostri territoria dilatandi studio fiagrans." The name of the province is given in these words : ..." dictam Regionem in Provinciam erigimus et in- corporamus earn que Terram Marije, Anglice Maryland nominamus et sic in futuro nominari volumus." The condition is : . . " reddendo inde nobis Haeredibus et Successoribus nostris duas Sagittas Indicas Partium illarum .... singulis annis tradendas &c. Ac etiam quintam partem omnis MetalJi Aurei et Argentei Anglice of Gold and Silver Ore " &c. 214 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1632. Feb. 3. Tax for fortifying Newtown : which now becomes settled. the consideration of his privy council. The council, after ex- amination, passed a resolution, that the appearances were so fair, and hopes so great, that the country would prove beneficial to the kingdom, and profitable to the settlers, as that the adventurers " had cause to go on cheerfully with their undertakings ; " with an assurance that, if things were conducted according to the de- sign of the patent, bis majesty would not only maintain the liber- ties and privileges heretofore granted, but supply any thing farther which might tend to the good government, prosperity, and com- fort of his people in those plantations. 1 The court of assistants in Massachusetts ordered, that £60 be levied out of the several plantations, toward making a palisade about Newtown [Cambridge]. 2 The first considerable accession of inhabitants to that town was made this year by a company which had recently arrived from England, and had begun to settle at Mount Wollaston ; but which in August, by order of court, removed to Newtown. 3 Here they built a church, this year. In some of the early years, the annual election of the governor and magistrates of the colony was holden in this town. On the day of election, the people assembled under an oak tree, 3 8. Boston . . 8 7 3 9. Roxbury . . 10. Dorchester . 7 7 6 11. Wessagusscus 12. Winesemet . 5 1. 10. 1 Hutchinson, Mass. i. 31, 32, and Coll. 52—54 ; Hazard, Coll. i. 324, 325 ; Morton, 1632, where is the order of council. The information of the king was derived from a Petition of Sir Christopher Gardiner, Sir Ferdiuando Gorges, capt. Mason, and others, exhibited against the colonies of Plymouth and Massa- chusetts. " The conclusion," says governor Winthrop, " was, against all men's expectation, an order for our incouragernent, and much blame and disgrace upon the adversaries." Gardiner was a high papist, who came to New England ; but for some miscarriages left the country. 2 Prince, 389, 390, from MS. Colony Records. Winthrop, i. 85. History of Cambridge, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 9. The proportion was as follows : 1. Watertown . . £8 7. Salem . . . £4. 10s. 2. The New-town . 3. Charlestown . . 4. Meadford . . . 5. Saugus and > 6. Marble Harbour ) The reason for renewing the design of a fortified town is not assigned. It was probably on account of new dangers. Hutchinson says : " They were frequently alarmed this year by the Indians." A palisade was made at Newtown. The deputy governor, Dudley, who lived here, " empaled above a thousand acres." The remains of a fosse are visible here to this day. 3 Winthrop, 87. Hist. Cambridge, 10. Gov. Winthrop calls it " the Brain- tree company." It is highly probable, that this company came from Braintree in Essex county (England) and its vicinity. Chelmsford, where Mr. Hooker was minister, is but 11 miles from Braintree, and Mr. Hooker " was so esteemed as a preacher, that not only his own people, but others from all parts of the county of Essex flocked to hear him." Of the same company governor Win- throp says, " These were Mr. Hooker's company." The names of this com- pany, constituting the first settlers of the town of Cambridge, are preserved in the Records of the Proprietors, from which they were copied into the History of Cambridge. Among them are the names of Simon Bradstreet, Thomas Dud- ley, and John Haynes— names eminently conspicuous in the early history of New England. In the first plan of the town, the street which passes in front of the first church by the ministry house, toward Boston, was called Braintree street. BRITISH COLONIES. 215 which long remained a monument of the freedom, the patriotism, 1632. and piety, of the fathers of New England. 1 wn^L/ The choice of magistrates in the colony of Massachusetts was, Freemen for the first time, made by the freemen, whose number was now choose ma- increased by the addition of about 53. 2 gistrates, A fortification on the Corn hill, in Boston, was begun; and May 24. men from Charlestown, Roxbury, and Dorchester, worked on it Sjjjfjjk,. in rotation. 3 ton . Conant's Island, in Boston harbour, demised to governor Win- Governor's throp, was called Governor's Garden ; but afterwards, Governor's Island - Island, by which name it is still known. 4 The first church at Boston was begun to be built by the con- August* gregation of Boston and Charlestown. The greater part of the 55? « un * members of the church having early removed from Charlestown Boston. to Boston, and the entire number of members being now 151, they amicably divided themselves into two distinct churches. 0ct - u - The church in Boston retained Mr. Wilson for its pastor ; the Lted*" church in Charlestown invited Mr. Thomas James to its pastoral 1 Prince, 412. Hist. Cambridge, 10, 11. The church stood about 30 rods south of the place where the first church in Cambridge now stands. It had a bell, which is the first mentioned by our early historians. " This year is built the first house for public worship at Newtown with a bell upon it." Prince, MS. Letter. 2 Johnson, Hist. New England, c. 26. 3 Winthrop, 77. Prince [395.] supposes this to be what is now called Fort Hill. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 245. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 299. In 1682, the island was owned by Adam Winthrop, who, that year, presented a petition to the General Court, that the " annual acknowledgment or rent of two bushels of apples to the General Court " might be " remitted, or a sum equivalent accepted and the sayd Island fully discharged from the incumbrance." The petition was granted, on condition of the payment of " five pounds money, forthwith." Adam Winthrop, Esq. was "one of the council at Boston." He was born 7 April 1620. In 1700, Adam, his son, conveyed the island to his son-in-law and daughter, to be transmitted to their descendants. The Indenture, handsomely written on parchment, is now before me. It covenants and grants the island to John Wainwright and to Ann his wife during the term of their natural lives, and afterward " to the use and behoof of the heires of their two bodys, begotten or to be begotten, forever.' 1 The island was next owned by their son, John Winthrop, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Harvard College ; and next, by his sons, James and William of Cambridge, lately deceased. James purchased of William his share, and, a few years since, sold to the United States about five acres, in two parcels, at the east and west end of the island, with a passage \4ky from the one to the other, for the purpose of fortifications. On the west end has been erected Fort Warren, which defends the entrance of the harbour ; and. a small fortifica- tion on the east end. The island was estimated at 75 acres, and the commis- sioners between the United States and Judge Winthrop appraised the whole at $45,000. Judge Winthrop died in 1821, JEt. 69; William Winthrop Esq. in 1825, JEt. 72. Since the last date, the descendants of the late John Winthrop Esq. are the heirs. MSS. of the Winthrop family, and minutes of Abraham Hilhard Esq. one of the executors of the Will of William Winthrop. 5 Winthrop, 87, 96. Johnson, c. 26. Hubbard, c. 25. Prince, 404, 405, 409. Emerson, Hist, of First Church, 16, 17. The " meeting house " now built at 216 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1632. Use of to- bacco re- strained. Penalty for refusing public offi- ces. Montserrat. Antigua. The court of assistants ordered that there be a house of cor- rection, and a house for the beadle, built at Boston with speed. It also ordered, that no person should take any tobacco publicly ; and that every one should pay a penny for every time of taking tobacco in any place. 1 In this early period of colonial history, the duties and the expenses of office were more formidable, than its honours were alluring. The general court of Plymouth colony passed an act, that whoever should refuse the office of governor should pay £20 sterling, unless he were chosen two years successively ; and that whoever should refuse the office of counsellor or magistrate should pay £10. 2 Sir Thomas Warner, governor of St. Christopher's, sent a small colony of English people to inhabit Montserrat. 3 A few English families took up lands in Antigua, and began the cultiva- tion of tobacco. 4 The grant of Mary- land gives offence to Virginia. 1633. The grant to lord Baltimore gave umbrage to the planters of Virginia. They therefore presented a petition to Charles I, re- monstrating against " some grants of a great portion of lands of that colony, so near their habitations, as will give a general dis- heartening to them, if they be divided into several governments, and a bar to their long accustomed trade." The privy council, to which the king referred the petition, having heard what was alleged on each side, thought fit to leave lord Baltimore to his patent, and the complainants to the course of law ; but gave orders for such an intercourse and conduct, as should prevent a war with the natives, and farther disagreement among themselves. William Clayborne continued to claim Kent Island, and refused submission to the jurisdiction of Maryland, because the govern- Boston had mud walls and a thatched roof ; and stood on the south side of State street, a little below the place where the old State house now stands. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 189. — The number of members who asked a dismission from the church at Boston, in order to form a new church at Charlestown, was 33. They were dismissed 14 October ; and embodied into a distinct congregational church 2 November, at which time Mr. James, who had recently arrived from England, was ordained tJleir pastor. Mr. Wilson, who had been previously their teacher, was chosen and ordained pastor at Boston 22 November. 1 Prince, 404. 2 Prince, 411. Such an example cannot perhaps be found in the annals of any other nation. The law alone proves, that no demagogues then aspired at the chief magistracy. An historical fact confirms the remark. Edward Winslow was the next year (1633) chosen governor, " Mr. Bradford having been gover- nor about ten years, and now by importunity gat off." Winthrop, Hist. 98. 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 318. Alcedo says, " they were Irish ; and that the common language of its present inhabitants is Irish, even amongst the Negroes," 4 Alcedo ( TV.), Art. Antigua. BRITISH COLONIES. 217 ment of Virginia, knowing no reason why the rights of that place 1633. should be surrendered, gave countenance to his opposition. This v^^-^/ transaction offers the first example, in colonial history, of the dismemberment of an ancient colony, by the formation of a new province with separate and equal rights. 1 The French, in taking possession of Acadie pursuant to the j aBl 17. treaty of St. Germain, had rifled the trading house, belonging to N. England Plymouth, at Penobscot. 2 Additional calamities were now ex- the'Fwnc^ pected. Intelligence was brought to the governor of Massachu- setts, that the French had bought the Scotch plantation near Cape Sable ; that the fort there with all the ammunition was delivered up to them 5 that the cardinal of France had sent over some companies already ; and that preparation was made to send more the next year, with a number of priests and Jesuits. Alarmed at this intelligence, the governor called the assistants, and princi- pal men in the colony, to Boston, to advise proper measures. It w T as agreed to finish, with all expedition, the fort begun at Bos- ton ; to erect another at Nantasket ; and to hasten the planting of Agawam — " the best place in the land for tillage and cattle" — lest an enemy should prevent them by taking possession of it. John Winthrop, a son of the governor, repaired, by order of the government, to Agawam, with 12 men, and began a plantation. The alarm, however, was groundless. The French, aiming at trade merely, did not molest the English plantations ; yet their spoliation of the Plymouth trading house gave just occasion for suspicion and vigilance. 3 The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act for settling the Laws pass- Indians' title to lands in this jurisdiction. It prohibited* the pur- ed in Mas- chase of lands from the Indians, without license from the General j n behalf of Court. It declared and ordered, that what lands any of the the Indians; Indians in this jurisdiction have possessed and improved, by subduing the same, they have a just right to : And, for the 1 Hazard, i. 337 ; Bozman's Maryland, 344, 345 & Note S. The order of coun- cil is in Chalmers, b. 1. 209. Beverly, Virg. 47, 48. Burk, Virg. ii. 39. Chalmers seems to doubt the right of the grant for two separate governments, and Beverly pronounces the separation injurious to both ; Bozjnan agrees with Burk, that the grant was legal, and the effect salutary. 2 Winthrop, 79, who enters it in his Journal 14 June, 1632. Prince, 396, 397. Chalmers, b. 1. 154. Hutchinson, Mass. i. 121, 122. The Plymouth people had set up a trading house on the Kennebeck in 1628 ; whether they had set up another, at Penobscot, or whether these neighbouring places were sometimes called by the same name, does not appear. Hutchinson says, " the people of New Plymouth had set up a trading house at Penobscot about the year 1627 ; " but secretary Morton, of Plymouth, does not mention it in that year. Penob- scot and all the country westward and southward were, at that time, in the pos- session of the English. The French, in 1632, carried from the Plymouth trading house " 300 weight of beaver, and other goods. They took also one Dixy Bull and his shallop and goods." Winthrop. 3 Winthrop, 99. Hubbard, c. 27. The men called in with the assistants for counsel were " the ministers, and captains, and some other chief men/' VOL. I. 28 218 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1633. against idle- ness and extortion. Sept, 4. Arrival of eminent ministers and others. Oct. 11. farther encouragement of the hopeful work amongst them for the civilizing and helping them forward to Christianity, if any of the Indians shall be brought to civility, and shall come among the English to inhabit in any of their plantations, and shall live civilly and orderly, that such Indians shall have allotments among the English according to the custom of the English in the like case. It farther ordered, that if, upon good experience, there shall be a competent number of Indians brought on to civility, so as to be capable of a township, upon their request to the general court, they shall have grants of lands undisposed of, for a plantation, as the English have ; and still farther ordered, that if any plantation or person of the English shall offer injuriously to put any of the Indians from their hunting grounds, or fishing places, upon their complaint and proof, they shall have relief in any of the courts amongst the English, as the English have. 1 Other regulations, respecting traffic with them, were made at this time, which have the appearance, not only of justice and moderation, but of a parental regard to their interest and pros- perity. 2 Care was also taken to prevent, or punish, idleness, luxury, and extortion. The government required constables to present unprofitable fowlers, and tobacco takers, to the next magistrate ; and ordered, that artificers, such as carpenters and masons, should not receive more than two shillings a day ; and labourers but eighteen pence, and proportionably ; and that no commodity should be sold at above four pence in the shilling above what their goods cost in England. 3 Three ministers of celebrity, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, and Samuel Stone, together with John Haynes, afterward gover- nor of Connecticut, and 200 emigrants from England, arrived at Boston. Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone proceeded to Newtown, where the one was ordained pastor, and the other, teacher. Mr. Cotton remained in Boston, and was an assistant in the ministry to the first church in that town. His example and counsels were patriarchal. It was he, principally, who delineated the ecclesias- tical polity of the New England churches, which, from this time, were styled Congregational. 4 The fame of the removal of these 1 Massachusetts Colony Laws. 2 Belknap, Biog. ii. 417. 3 Winthrop, 116. Hubbard, c. 26. "Those good orders," regulating the prices of labour, and the profits of trade, "were not," says Hubbard, " of long continuance, but did expire with the first golden age in this New World." 4 Hubbard, c. 28. Hutchinson, i. 419. Mr. Cotton had an early and intimate connexion with the Massachusetts colonists. At the embarkation for New England in 1630, he preached a sermon to governor Winthrop and his company, from 2 Sam. vii. 10. entitled " God's Promise to his Plantation." On his arrival at Massachusetts, he had very great influence in the affairs of church and of state. Hubbard says, " whatever he delivered in the pulpit was soon put into an order of court if of a civil, or set up as a practice in the church if of an eccle- siastical, concernment." See Note XXVII. BRITISH COLONIES. 219 eminen men invited over great numbers of Puritans, who could 1633. find no rest under archbishop Laud's merciless administration. 1 \^^~^s Wahquimacut, a sachem on the river Connecticut, having so- Colonists licited the governors of the New England colonies to send men [Jeeves to make settlements on the river, the Plymouth colonists had to settle on already made discoveries on that noble stream, and found a place ^TSw" where they judged a trading house might be advantageously erected. 2 Governor Winslow and Mr. Bradford now visited Boston, and proposed to governor Winthrop and his council to join with Plymouth in a trade to Connecticut for hemp and beaver, and in the erection of a house for the purposes of com- merce. It being reported, that the Dutch were about to build on Connecticut river, Winslow and Bradford represented it as necessary to prevent them from taking possession of that fine country ; but Winthrop objected to the making of a plantation there, because there were 3000 or 4000 warlike Indians on the river ; because the bar at the mouth was such, that small pin- naces only could enter it at high water; and because, seven months in the year, no vessels could go in, on account of the ice and the violence of the stream. This proposal being declined, the people of Plymouth determined to undertake the enterprise at their own risk. The materials for a house, entirely prepared, October, were put on board a vessel, and committed to a chosen company, f c ^^ y which sailed for Connecticut. The Dutch of New Netherlands, Plymouth, hearing of the design, had just taken a station on that river, at the place where Hartford now stands ; made a light fort ; and planted two pieces of cannon. 3 On the approach of the Plym- outh adventurers, the Dutch forbade them to proceed up the river, ordered them to strike their colours, and threatened to fire on them. But the commander of the enterprise, disregarding 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 13. Neal says, that for several years hardly a vessel came into these parts, but was crowded with passengers for New England. 2 Trumbull, Conn. i. b. 1. c. 2. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 167. The Pequots were conquering the river Indians, and drivfUg their sachems from that part of the country. Wahquimacut, in 1631, made a journey to Plymouth and Boston, hoping that, if he could persuade the English to settle there, they would be his protectors. Governor Winthrop treated him with generosity, but paid no atten- tion to his proposal. Governor Winslow seems to have gone soon after to Connecticut, and discovered the river and the adjacent parts, " when the Dutch had neither trading house, nor any pretence to a foot of land there." But whether the Dutch, or the English of Plymouth, were the first discoverers of the river, is uncertain. Trumbull. 3 Smith [N. York.] says, the Dutch built a fort on Connecticut river in 1623 ; but Dr. Trumbull says, Smith represents it " as built ten years before it was." In 1819, I went with Mr. Perkins of Hartford to see the remains of this Dutch fort, which were then distinctly visible, on the bank of Connecticut river — not far below the seat of the Wyllys family. There were some decayed pieces of timber, and bricks. In front of the mansion house we saw, still firmly stand- ing, the venerable Oak which preserved the Charter of Connecticut. See a. d. 1687. 220 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1633. erects the first house in Connect- icut. Trade and discoveries there. Rye pro* duced. Ship and mills built. Small pox among the natives. the prohibition and the menaces, went resolutely forward, and, landing on the west side of the river, set up his house at some distance above the Dutch fort, and soon after fortified it with pali- sadoes. This was the first house erected in Connecticut. 1 The river and country of Connecticut now began to attract much attention from the colonists. Several vessels went into this river, in the course of the year, to trade. John Oldham of Dor- chester, Samuel Hall, and two other persons, travelled westward into the country as far as this river, on which they discovered many eligible situations for settlement. 2 A specimen of rye was brought to the court of Massachusetts, as the first fruits of English grain. 3 A ship of 60 tons was built at Med ford. 4 The first watermill in the colony was erected, this year, in Dorchester; 5 another was also built, at Roxbury. 6 At the close of this year, and in the following winter, the small pox broke out among the natives of Massachusetts, and made great devastations among this unhappy race, apparently destined, by various means, to ultimate extermination. Of this disease died Chickatabot, sachem of Neponset. 7 John, Saga- more of Winesemet, and James, Sagamore of Saugus [Lynn], with almost all their people, also died of this disease. Above 1 Prince, 434 — 436, from Gov. Bradford. M'Clure, Settlement and Antiquities of Windsor, in Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 167. Trumbull, i. b. 1. c. 2. The place where this house was erected was a little below the mouth of Little River in Windsor. It was called by the natives Natawanute. The sachems, who were the original owners of the soil, having been driven from this part of the country by the Pequots ; William Holmes, who conducted the enterprise from Plymouth, took them with him to their home, and restored them to their rights. Of these sachems the Plymouth people purchased the land, where they erected their house. The conquering Indians were offended at the restoration of the original proprietors of the country ; and the proximity of two such neighbours, as the irritated Dutch, and the ferocious Pequots, rendered it difficult and hazardous for the English to retain their new purchase. 2 Hubbard, c. 27. Trumbull, Conn. i. b. 1. c. 2. 3 Johnson, N. Eng. 62. Hutchinson, i. 24. " This poor people," says Johnson, " greatly rejoiced to see the hmd would bear it." 4 Medford was begun to be settled very early ; but we have scarcely any account of its first settlement. Deputy governor Dudley, speaking of the first transactions of the colonists, who arrived in 1630, says, " some of us" planted ' by presents to the head men, he conciliated their friendship to Potowmac such a degree, that they offered to cede one part of their town for the set " to the settlers, and to live in the other until they couM gather their Maryland, harvest ; after which they were to resign the whole to the English. Calvert, thus amicably obtaining possession of the whole town, gave it the name of St. Mary's ; and applied himself, with great assiduity, to the cultivation of his new colony ; the settlement of which is said to have cost lord Baltimore above £40,000 sterl- ing. The settlements in Massachusetts were now extended more than 30 miles from the capital, and the number of freemen was • 1 Winthrop, 119, 120. " Divers of them, in their sickness, confessed that the Englishman's God was a good God ; and that, if they recovered, they would serve him. It wrought much with them, that when their own people forsook them, yet the English came daily and ministered to them ; and yet few took any infection by it." Among others, Mr. Maverick of Winesemet is honour- ably commemorated. " Himself, his wife and servants, went daily to them, ministered to their necessities, and buried their dead, and took home many of their children. So did other of their neighbours." 2 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 16. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 207. Belknap, Biog. ii. 376. Humphreys, Hist. Account, 28. Univ. Hist. xl. 468. Europ. Settlements, iii. 228. Bozman's Maryland, 270—274. They sailed from England 22 November 1633, and stopped at the West Indies ; they were chfefly gentlemen of good families. The names of the principal characters are mentioned in Bozman's Maryland, 268, 269. 222 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1634. greatly multiplied. So remote were some townships from the v^^-w/ seat of government, and so great the inconvenience of assembling all the freemen for the business of legislation ; that the constitu- tion was altered, by general consent of the towns. At a general May 14. court for elections at Newtown in May, 24 of the principal in- First repre- habitants of the colony appeared as the representatives of the [nftlassa- body of freemen. Before they proceeded to the choice of chusetts. magistrates, they asserted their right to a greater share in the government than they had hitherto been allowed, and passed several resolutions, defining the powers of the general court, and ^"y 1 by ordaining trial by jury. After the election of magistrates, they farther determined, that there should be four general courts every year ; that the whole body of freemen should be present at the court of election only ; and that the freemen of every town might choose deputies, to act in their names at the other general House of courts, which deputies should have the full power of all the free- representa- men. The legislative body thus became settled ; and, with but iishen eStab inconsiderable alterations, remained in this form during the con- tinuance of the charter. 1 This was the second house of repre- sentatives in the American colonies. 2 This innovation exciting an inquiry into the nature of the liberty and privileges of the people, which threatened disturbance to the colony ; the ministers, and the most prudent citizens, w r ere consulted, respecting a body of laws, adapted to the state of the colony, and a uniform order of discipline in the churches. 3 1 Winthrop, i. 128, 129. Colony Records, cited by Mr. Savage, who gives the names of the first representatives of Massachusetts. lb. Hazard, 320, 321, from Mass. Records. Hutchinson, i. c. 1. 1634, and c. 5. This first general court of delegates resolved, that none but the General Court has power to choose and admit freemen ; to make and establish laws ; to elect and appoint officers, as governor, deputy governor, assistants, treasurer, secretary, captain, lieuten- ants, ensigns, " or any of like moment," or to remove such upon misdemeanour, also to prescribe their duties and powers ; to raise money and taxes ; and to dispose of lands, " viz. to give and confirm proprieties." It was farther order- ed, that the constable of every plantation shall, upon precept received from the secretary, give timely notice to the freemen of the plantation where he dwells, to send so many of their said members, as the precept shall direct, to attend upon public service. It was also " agreed, that no trial shall pass upon any for life, or banishment, but by a Jury so summoned, or by the General Court." The representatives, at the same time, imposed a fine on the court of assistants for violating an order of the general court ; but it was " remitted again before the court broke up." They enacted, that " it shall be lawful for the freemen of every plantation to choose two or three of each town before every general court, to confer of, and prepare such publick business as by them shall be thought fit to consider of at the next general court, and such persons as shall be here- after so deputed by the freemen, shall have the full power and voices of all the said freemen derived to them for the making and establishing of lawes, granting of lands &c. and to deal in all other affairs of the commonwealth wherein the freemen have to do, the matter of election of magistrates and other officers only excepted, wherein every freeman is to give his own vote." The general courts were soon reduced to two in a year. • 2 The first was in Virginia. See a. d. 1619. 3 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 26. BRITISH COLONIES. 223 The inhabitants of Newtown, being straitened for want ofland, 1634. obtained leave of the council to look out either for enlargement \^~^~s or removal ; and for this purpose sent men to Agawam and May. Merrimack. Not satisfied with the places which they viewed on pSoSor the sea coast, six men of that town, in July, went passengers in a removal, vessel bound to the Dutch plantation, to discover Connecticut river ; and in September the inhabitants of Newtown petitioned the court, that they might have leave to remove to Connecticut. The subject was largely and warmly debated ; but, a vote for removal not being obtained, the inhabitants accepted an enlarge- ment that had been offered them by Boston and Watertown. 1 The colony of Massachusetts took early care to prevent the Mtu&chu* encroachments of the Dutch. Some persons, despatched in the setts aims bark Blessing, after making farther discovery of Long Island, t h e butch proceeded to the Dutch plantation at Hudson's river, where they fi '? m set- were kindly entertained by the Dutch governor Van Twilly, to nec ticut n " whom they showed their commission, purporting, that the king of England had granted the river and country of Connecticut to his own subjects ; and requesting him to forbear to build in that and the quarter. The Dutch governor w T rote a courteous and respect- Dutch aim ful letter to the governor of Massachusetts, signifying, that the ^iSachu- lords the States had granted the same territory to the West setts; India company ; and requesting that the colony of Massachu- setts would forbear to challenge it, until the matter should be decided between the king and the states. It was resolved, how- but in vailfc ever, by a number of people in this colony, to plant Connecticut ; and persons were deputed from the towns, to view the country. The account which they brought back, of the advantages of the place, and of the fertility of the soil, determined those who had concerted the measure, to begin several plantations there imme- diately. 2 Storms, in the mean time, were gathering, which threatened Dangers to desolate the country. An order of council was passed, at jjjjj,^^ London, requiring Mr. Cradock, a chief adventurer, then present abroad; before the board, " to cause the Letters-patents" for New Eng- 1 Winthrop, 132, 133, 136. Hubbard, c. 27. Gov. Winthrop says, « Six of Newtown went in the Blessing (being bound to the Dutch plantation) to discover Connecticut river, intending to remove their town thither." The general court sat at Newtown [Cambridge] a week in September, and adjourned eleven days. " Many things were there agitated and concluded, as fortifying in Castle Island, Dorchester, and Charlestown ; also against tobacco, and immodest fashions, and committees appointed for setting out the bounds of towns &c. But the main business, which spent the most time, and caused the adjourning of the court, was about the removal of Newtown." 2 Hubbard, c. 27, 41. The bark in which the persons went to the Dutch plantation was built at Mystic [Medford] in 1631, and called The Blessing of the Bay. The Newtown men took passage in this vessel for Connecticut 224 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1634. land " to be brought to the board." 1 A special commission was s^-v-^/ given to the archbishop of Canterbury and 11 other persons, for governing the American colonies. 2 An order was also sent by the king's commissioners to the lord warden of the cinque ports, and other haven towns, to stop the promiscuous and disorderly departure out of the realm to America. 3 and from The Indians in Connecticut began hostilities against the Eng- aUiome! eS ^ sn - Captains Stone and Norton of Massachusetts, going in a small bark into Connecticut river to trade, and casting anchor about two leagues from the entrance, were visited by several Indians. Stone, having occasion to visit the Dutch trading house nearly 20 leagues up the river, procured some of these Indians ton, and 8 to go to it, as pilots, with two of his men. These guides, putting others mur- ashore their skiff before their arrival at the place of destination, Indiansat 6 murdered the two Englishmen, while asleep. About 12 Indians, Connecti- of the same tribe, remaining with the bark, taking the opportu- cut river. b ' & ^ 1 Hubbard, Hist. N. Eng. 152, 153, where is preserved " The copy of an Order made at the Council Table, February 21, 1633, about the Plantation in New England." It is also (from Hubbard) in Hazard, 341. On a careful col- lation of facts and dates, I am convinced that the date was in Old Style, and should be, 1633-4, bringing it into this year, where I venture to place it. Under the date of July 1634, governor Winthrop writes in his Journal (137) : " Mr. Cradock wrote to the governor and assistants, and sent a copy of the council's order, whereby we were required to send over our patent. Upon long consultation whether we should return answer or not, we agreed, and returned answer to Mr. Cradock, excusing that it could not be done but by a general court, which was to be holden in September next." From 21 February to July, there was sufficient time for Mr. Cradock to send the Order of Council to gover- nor Winthrop. Thomas Morton, the inveterate adversary of New England, in a letter to Mr. Jeffries " dat. lm°. May, 1634," writes : " Although when I was first sent to England, to make complaint ... I effected the business but super- ficially ... I have at this time taken deliberation, and brought the matter to a better pass : And it is thus brought about, that the king hath taken the matter into his own hands. The Massachusetts Patent by an order of Council was brought into view &c. . . . The king hath reassumed the whole business into his owne hands, appointed a Committee of the Board, and given Order for a General! Governour of the whole Territory to be sent over : The Commission is past the Privy Scale ; I did see it, and the same was lmo of May sent to my lord Keeper to have it pass the Great Seale for Confirmation, and I nowe stay to returne with the Governour, by whom all complaints shall have relief." This Letter is inserted in Hazard's Collections, 342, 343, next to the Order in Council about the Plantation in New England. See Note XXVIII. 2 This commission, in Latin, is inserted in Pownal on the Colonies, Appendix, A. d. 1634, and in Hazard, i. 344 — 347 ; and, in English, in Hubbard, c. 36. 3 This order is in Hazard, i. 347. There also is inserted, " A Conclusion of the Lords Commissioners for the government of New England," in these words : " Sir Ferdinando Gorges is made Governor of the whole country. — They have divided the country in twelve Provinces. — And they disposed it into the hands of twelve men — out of which twelve men there is a governor con- tinually to be chosen." Gov. Winthrop, a. d. 1635, writes in his Journal : " It appeared fey a copy of a petition sent over to us, that they had divided all the country of New England, viz. between St. Croix in the east, and that of lord Baltimore called Maryland, into twelve provinces, disposed to twelve in England, who should send each ten men to attend the general Governor coming over, but this proved not effectual, the Lord frustrated their design." BRITISH COLONIES. 225 nity when some of the English were on shore, and the captain 1634. asleep in his cabin, murdered all on board, and then plundered \^-s v ^w' and sunk the bark. The Pequots, if they did not perpetrate the murder, partook Pequots. of the spoil. The council of Massachusetts, on this occasion, sent messengers to treat with them, but obtained no satisfaction. The Pequots, however, sent messengers afterward with gifts to Massachusetts colony ; and the governor and council, after a conference of several days, concluded with them a treaty of peace and friendship. 1 Roger Williams, minister of Salem, holding tenets which were Roger Wii- considered heretical and seditious, " tending equally to sap the Joshed foundation of the establishment in church and state," and being from Mas- found irreclaimable, was banished the jurisdiction. 2 sachusetts. Some people of Salem went to Agawam river, and began a i pS wich set- town, which was called Ipswich ; 3 where a church was now tletL gathered. 4 Mr. Humfrey, who had been chosen deputy governor at the Arrival of formation of the colony in England, came to Massachusetts with M e r - Hum " his noble consort, the lady Susan, sister of the earl of Lincoln, y * bringing a valuable present to the ministers in the colony. 5 The governor and council, with several ministers and others, Fort built met at Castle island, in Boston harbour, and agreed on the erec- j^J 8116 tion of two platforms and one small fortification to secure them both. These works were accordingly erected at the public ex- pense. 6 The general court, at the September session, ordered that Boston en- Boston shall have enlargement at Mount Wollaston and Rumney larged. Marsh. The settlement of Mount Wollaston was soon carried 1 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 23 ; Indian War, 14—16. Josselyn [N. Eng. Rar. 107.] says, the country during this time was " really placed in a posture of war." Some writers ascribe the murder and plunder at Connecticut river, to the Pe- quots. Dr. I. Mather [N. Eng. 24, 25.] says, that though they were not native Pequots, yet they had frequent intercourse with them ; and that they ten- dered them some of the spoliated goods, which were accepted by the chief sachem of the Pequots. He adds, that some of the goods were tendered to the chief sachem of Niantick, who also received them. See Winthrop, 147 — 149. Trumbull, Conn. i. c. 5. 69—71. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 156. Hutchinson, i. 37, 38. Callender, Rhode Island, 18. Hubbard [c. 30.] gives a minute account of the " disturbances both civil and ecclesistical in the Massachusetts, by Mr. R. Williams in the year 1634." 3 Winthrop, i. 137. It was thus named at the court 4 August, " in acknowledg- ment of the great honour and kindness done to our people which took shipping " at the place of that name in England. 4 Johnson, 66. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 233. 5 Winthrop, i. 134—136. Hubbard, c. 27. The present consisted of 16 heifers, valued at £20 each, sent by Mr. Richard Andrews, a private friend to the plantation. One was assigned to each of the ministers, and the remainder to, the poor. 6 Winthrop, i. 137. Johnson, 194—" at the expense of the country in general." VOL I. 29 22C AMERICAN ANNALS. 1G34. Progress of Boston. forward by settlers who were chiefly from Boston, and who had grants of land from that town for their encouragement. 1 In the infant capital we perceive indications of improvement and prosperity. The inhabitants of Boston chose seven men to divide and dispose of the town lands. A market place was erected. An house of common entertainment was set up. The first merchant's shop was opened. 2 Samuel Skelton, one of the first ministers of Salem, died. 3 Jan. 19. Opinion of the minis- ters in Mas- sachusetts about a general governor. May. Agreement to frame fundamen- tal laws. 1635. The colony of Massachusetts, apprized of the oppressive measure of a general government for New England, prepared to counteract it. The ministers, considered at that time as the fathers of the commonwealth, were consulted by the magistrates. At the request of the governor and assistants, all the ministers in the colony, excepting one, met at Boston, to consider two cases ; one of which was, What we ought to do, if a general governor should be sent out of England f They unanimously agreed, that if such a governor were sent, the colony ought not to accept him, but to defend its lawful possessions, if able ; " otherwise, to avoid or protract." The deputies of this colony apprehending great danger to the commonwealth from the discretionary power of the magistrates, in many cases, for want of positive laws ; it was agreed, that some men should be appointed " to frame a body of grounds of laws, in resemblance of a Magna Charta, which, being allowed by some of the ministers and the general court, should be re- ceived for fundamental laws." 4 1 Rev. Mr. Hancock's Century Sermon, 1739. " Mount Wollaston," gov- Winthrop says, " was laid to Boston for upholding the town and church there.'' 2 Winthrop, 124, 125, 152. Pemberton's Description of Boston, in Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 254. Mr. Pemberton conjectured, that by the market [mercate, in the original] was meant a market place, merely. See Snow's Hist, of Bos- ton, 54. The seven men were chosen " to divide and dispose of all such lands, belonging to the town, as are not yet in the lawful possession of any particular person, to the inhabitants of the town, according to the order of the court, leaving such portions in common, for the use of new comers, and the further benefit of the town, as, in their best discretion, they shall think fit. The islands hired by the town to be also included in this order." Note (152) by the Editor of Winthrop, from the Town Records. It is his belief, that men were chosen to manage town affairs from the beginning, although the name, Selectmen, was not given to them until some years afterward ; first in Boston Records in 1645. 3 Winthrop, i. 1634. Mr. Skelton had been a minister in Lincolnshire, where he was a sufferer for nonconformity. Dr. C. Mather says, " All the remem- brance that I can recover of this worthy man is, that he survived his Colleague, a good and faithful servant of our Lord, well doing, until Aug. 2. 1634." Johnson (22.) describes him, in his quaint manner, as " a man of a gracious speech, full of faith, and furnished by the Lord with gifts from above, to begin this great worke of his, that makes the whole earth to ring againe at this present day." See Magnalia, b. 1. c. 4 ; & b. 3. c. 1 ; Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet, also a. d. 1629, p. 198, where the reference should have been to Prince, 263. 4 Winthrop, i. 154, 160. BRITISH COLONIES. 227 When the English parliament began to inquire into the griev- 1635. ances of the nation, the patent, by which the council of Plymouth v^-v^ was established, was complained of as a monopoly ; and when June 7. those grievances were presented to the throne, the patent of pij moa th New England was the first. The counsel itself was in disrepute council is with the high church party for having encouraged the settlement JJtotbT of the Plymouth and Massachusetts colonists, who fled from crown, episcopal persecutions. Discouraged by the operation of these prejudices, that council resigned its charter to the king. 1 " The plantations, intrusted to the care of great corporate bodies, grew up stinted and unpromising, and seemed to wither away without hope of ultimate completion. The annihilation of these compa- nies infused a principle of a new life. Restraint was no sooner removed, and men were left free to manage their own affairs in the way most agreeable to themselves, than the colonists engaged in every laudable pursuit, and acquired an extent of population, of commerce, of wealth, and of power, unexampled in the an- nals of the world." 2 On the surrender of that charter, a quo warranto was imme- Quo war- diately brought by Sir John Banks, the attorney general, against ^"inst the governor, deputy governor, and assistants of the corporation Massachu- of Massachusetts, fourteen of whom appearing, and disclaiming setts * the charter, judgment was given for the king, that the liberties and franchises of that corporation should be seized into the king's hand. The arbitrary measures of the king and his minis- try might have been ruinous to the infant colonies, but for the controuling power of heaven. A great ship, built to bring over a general governor to New England, and command on the coast, fell asunder in the launching ; and the design was again frus- trated. 3 The colonists of Massachusetts, on account of the increase of Removal cattle, experiencing inconveniences from the nearness of their ^sTsettied settlements to each other, began to emigrate from the first settled towns, towns. Some of the principal inhabitants of Ipswich, obtaining leave of the general court to remove to Quascacunquen, began a town at that place, and called it Newbury. Mr. Parker, a Newbury learned minister, who had been an assistant of Mr. Ward in the settled * ministry at Ipswich, accompanied them. 4 Liberty of removal 1 Hubbard, c, 15. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 24. The council took previous care " to secure some portion of the expiring interest to such of themselves as were disposed to accept it." " The Act of surrender " is in Hazard, i. 393 ; and the " Reasons" for it, 390—392. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 96. 3 Winthrop, i. 161. Hubbard, c. 26, 27, 31. The quo warranto is in Hutchin- son, Coll. 101—104 ; Hazard, i. 423—425. 4 Winthrop, i. 160. Hubbard, c. 28. Mr. Parker, and the people with whom he now removed, came from Wiltshire in England. 228 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1635. was also granted to Watertown and Roxbury, on condition of v^-v~^ their continuance under the government of Massachusetts. 1 Musquetequid was purchased of the natives, by some of the Massachusetts colonists, who settled the place, and called it Con- Concord. cord. 2 Mr. Peter Hobart and his associates, from Hingham, in the county of Norfolk in England, began to settle a town at Bear Hingham. cove, which was afterward called Hingham. 3 Wessaguscus was made a plantation ; and Mr. Hull, who had been a minister in England, and 21 families, were allowed to sit down there. The Weymouth, place was afterward called Weymouth. 4 A settlement having Scituate. ^ een De g un at Scituate in Plymouth colony, the last year, a church was now gathered there, composed of members re- gularly dismissed from the church in Plymouth ; and Mr. John Lothrop was inducted its pastor. 5 Settlements were now begun to be made on Connecticut river. Some of the people of Dorchester had made preparations for a settlement at a place on the west side of the river, called by the Indians Mattaneaug. 6 On the 20th of October, about 60 men, women, and children, with their horses, cattle, and swine, commenced a removal from Massachusetts, through the wilder- ness, to Connecticut river ; and, after a very difficult and fatiguing journey of 14 days, arrived at the places of their destination. Mr. Warham, one of the ministers of Dorchester, accompanied by a great part of the church, settled at Mattaneaug, which was afterward called Windsor ; several people from Watertown took possession of a fine tract of meadow at Pauquiaug, lower down Oct. 20. Removals to Connect- icut. 1 Winthrop, i. 160. By the court at Newtown, in May. 2 Johnson, 79, 81. Hubbard, c. 27. It was called Concord, " on account of the peaceable manner, in which it was obtained." Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 240. The tract was six miles square. 3 Hingham Records, copied by President Stiles. The house lots of the set- tlers were drawn 18 September 1635. The Rev. Peter Hobart was there on that day, " and drew a lot with the twenty nine." Ibid. He arrived in New England 8 June with his family. Hobart's MS. Journal. 4 Winthrop, i. 163, and Editor's Note. 5 Rev. John Lothrop's MS. Records of the churches of Scituate and Barnsta- ble, copied by President Stiles, who found the MS. in 1769 in the hands of the Rev. Elijah Lothrop of Gilead in Connecticut, and remarked : " I account it the more valuable, as these churches of Scituate and Barnstable have no records till many years after their gathering." Mr. Lothrop arrived at Scituate 27 Septem- ber ; the dismission of the members fromTlymouth, " in case they joyned in a body att Situate," was 23 November, 1634. The church was formed by cove- nant 8 January, and Mr. Lothrop was installed 19 January, 1635. lb. 6 Winthrop, i. 166. Trumbull, i. 50. Hutchinson, i. 48. Hubbard [c. 41.] says, some of the Dorchester people went to Connecticut at the close of the last year; Dr. Trumbull says, they went this summer. The place, which they selected, was near the Plymouth trading house. Plymouth was dissatisfied with this supplantation by Massachusetts ; and there was danger of contention between the two colonies ; but the Dorchester settlers made such offers of satisfaction, that Plymouth accepted them. The Rev. Dr. M'Clure of Windsor [Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 167.] says, The right of settling here they purchased of the old Plymouth company in England ; and the soil, of the natives the year preceding their removal. See Note XXIX. BRITISH COLONIES. 229 the river, where they began a plantation, which they called 1635. Wethersfield ; others from Newtown began a plantation between v^^^^ those two settlements, at Suckiaug, which was afterward called Hartford. 1 John Winthrop, a son of the governor of Massachusetts, re- oct.8. turning from England, brought a commission from lord Say and ^^JJP Seal, lord Brook, and others, to begin a plantation at Connecti- f rom Eng- cut, and to be governor there ; with men, ordnance, ammunition, land with a and £2000 sterling for the erection of a fort. Soon after his ™™"* arrival at Boston, he sent a bark of 30 tons with 20 men, to take possession of the mouth of that river, and begin a fortification. A few days after their arrival at the place designated, a Dutch vessel appeared off the harbour, sent from New Netherlands, to take possession of the entrance of the same river, and to erect fortifications ; but the English, having two pieces of cannon al- ready mounted, prevented their landing. 2 The fort, new erected, was called Saybrook fort. 3 The commission of Mr. Winthrop Fort built at interfered with the settlements projected by the Massachusetts Saybrook. colonists ; three of which they had already begun ; but the agents of the lords in England, disposed to promote the general good, permitted them quietly to enjoy their possessions. 4 The general court of Massachusetts prohibited the currency Acts of of brass farthings ; and ordered, that musket bullets should pass ^ s r s e \ lesis " for farthings. It also established a commission for military affairs, with power of life and limb. 5 Henry Vane came to New England. During the year, 20 Accessions sail of vessels arrived, bringing nearly 3000 passengers, among ^ the co1 " whom were 11 ministers; and about 145 freemen were added to the colony. 6 An extremely violent storm of wind and rain from the south Great east, on the 15th of August, did great injury in New England. stornl - Immense numbers of forest trees were destroyed. Many houses were unroofed ; many blown down ; and the Indian corn was 1 Trumbull, i. 49, 50. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 166, 167 ; ix. 154. Hubbard, c. 41. These three towns were at first called by the names of the towns from which the settlers removed ; but the court afterwards gave them the names which they still retain. Hartford was the name of the town of Mr. Stone's nativity in England. 2 Winthrop, 170, 173. Trumbull, Conn. i. c. 9. The articles of agreement between the lord viscount Say and Seal and others, on the one part, and John Winthrop, esquire, on the other, dated 7 July, 1635, and Mr. Winthrop's com- mission, to be " governor of the river Connecticut, with the places adjoining thereunto during the space of one year," dated 18 July, are in Trumbull, ibid. Appendix, No. II ; Hazard, i. 395, 396. 3 Gov. Trumbull, MS. in the Library of Mass. Hist. Society. 4 Winthrop, i. 170. Trumbull, i. c. 4. Hutchinson, i. 47. 5 Winthrop, i. 156. 6 Winthrop, i. 1635. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 281. Johnson, c. 32, 38. Josselyn, Voy. 256. Henry Vane was son and heir of Sir Henry Vane, and afterward had the same title. 230 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1635. beaten to the earth. The tide rose 20 feet perpendicularly. At v^v-w' Narraganset, the natives were obliged to climb trees for safety ; yet, the tide of flood returning before the usual time, many of them were drowned. 1 The French The company of New France conveyed the territory on the take posses- banks of the river St. John to Saint Etienne, sieur de la Tour, SIOQ 01 \r 6 - nobscot. the general of that colony. 2 Rossillon, commander of a French fort at La Heve, on the Nova Scotia shore, sent a French man of war to Penobscot, and took possession of the Plymouth trading house, and all the goods. 3 The Plymouth colonists hired a large ship, and employed Girling, its master, attended by a bark of their own with 20 men, to displace the French, and recover possession. The French, amounting to about 18 men, having notice of the expedition, fortified the place ; and entrench- ed themselves so strongly, that Girling, after nearly expending all his ammunition, was ready to abandon the enterprise. The Plymouth bark coming to Massachusetts for consultation, the colonists agreed to aid the Plymouth neighbours with men and ammunition, at their charge ; but not as in the common cause of the country. Such, however, was the scarcity of provisions, caused by the late hurricane, that they could not suddenly victual out 100 men, the number requisite for the expedition. The subject was deferred for consideration ; Girling was forced to return ; and the Plymouth people never afterward recovered their interest at Penobscot. 4 1 Morton, 179, 180. Hubbard, 199, 200. " None now living in these parts, either English or Indian, had seen the like." The extremity of it continued live or six hours. " The marks of it will remain many years, in those parts where it was sorest." Morton. " In the same tempest a bark of Mr. Allerton's was cast away upon Cape Ann, and 21 persons drowned ; among the rest are Mr. [John] Avery a minister in Wiltshire, a godly man, with his wife and 6 small children, were drowned. None were saved but one Mr. [Anthony] Thacher and his wife, who were cast on shore and preserved." Winthrop, 165. A letter from Mr. Anthony Thacher to his brother Peter, a clergyman of the city of Salisbury, relating all the particulars of this most disastrous shipwreck, is insert- ed in Dr. I. Mather's Remarkable Providences. The vessel was returning from Ipswich to Marblehead. " Anthony's nephew, Thomas, first pastor of the Third Church in Boston, who avoided the peril of his uncle by coming round on land," is believed by the recent Editor of Winthrop to have been " the progeni- tor of all who have rendered this name in church and state, illustrious in Massa- chusetts." Note 2, p. 165 ; and Memoirs of Rev. Dr. Thacher, in Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 278. " The island on which Mr. Thacher was cast, took the name of Thacher's Island, which it still retains." Dr. C. Mather says, the storm drove the vessel upon a rock ; that it was quickly broken all to pieces ; that almost the whole company were drowned, by being successively washed from the rock ; that while Mr. Avery and Mr. Thacher were hanging upon the rock, Mr. Thacher holding his friend by the hand, " resolved to die together," Mr. Avery, having just finished a short and devout ejaculation, was by a wave swept off into the sea. " The next Island was therefore called Thacher's Woe, and that Rock, Avery's Fall." Magnalia, b. 3. c. 2. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 186. Mem. de l'Amerique, vol. i. & iv. 73. 3 Hubbard, c. 27. 4 Winthrop, i. 168. Hubbard, c. 27. BIUTISH COLONIES. 231 The returns from New Netherlands, this year, were 14,891 1635. beavers, and 1413 otters, estimated at 134,000 guilders. 1 v-*^^ Rene Rohault, having entered into the Society of Jesus, re- College sumed a project, which had been interrupted by the English funded at conquest of Quebec, of founding a college in that city. The institution succeeded, and was of essential service to the colony. Many of the French were now encouraged to embark with their families for Canada. 2 Samuel Champlain died at Quebec, Death of justly regretted by the colony of New France, of which he was Champlain, the parent. 3 1636. Preparation being made for a settlement at Suckiaug, Mr. j une . Hooker and Mr. Stone, the ministers of Newtown, with their The settlers whole church and congregation, travelled above 100 miles through r e m0 ve to a dreary and trackless wilderness, to Connecticut. They had Connecti- no guide, but their compass; no covering, but the heavens. cut ' They drove 160 cattle, and subsisted on the milk of the cows, during the journey. On their arrival at the place of their desti- nation, they began to build a town, which, the next year, received the name of Hartford. The land was purchased of Sunckquas- Hertford? son, the sachem and proprietor. 4 The government of Connecticut was organized under a com- Govem- mission from Massachusetts. The towns of Hartford, Windsor, n«nt organ- and Wether sfield, being without the territorial limits of Massachu- 1Z setts, and too remote to be under her immediate government, the general court of that colony granted a commission to Roger 5 Hazard, i. 397 ; where are the returns for almost every intermediate year from 1624 to 1635. In 1624, the returns were 4000 beavers, and 700 otters, estimated at 27,125 guilders. The Dutch W. India company failed in 1634. From a state of its accounts, it appears, that Guilders. Stuyvers. Fort Amsterdam in N. Netherlands cost the company 4172. 10 and that the Province of N. Netherlands cost . . 412,800. 11 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 196, 197. Rohault had projected this semi- nary ten years before, at the time when the Jesuits first went into Canada. 3 Charlevoix, ib. Belknap, Biog. i. 322, 344. Champlain, who was of a noble family, appears to have been a man of great penetration, courage, constancy, probity, and patriotism. In addition to these traits of his character, Charlevoix ascribes to him various and distinguished merit : " un historien fidele et sincere, un voyageur, qui observe tout avec attention, un ecrivain judiceux, un bon geometre, et un habile homme de mer." English writers describe him as en- thusiastic and credulous, " but very proper for executing what he undertook." Univ. Hist, xxxix. 426. 4 Winthrop, i. 187. Trumbull, Conn. i. b. 1. c. 4. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 15. The evidence of this purchase being imperfect, a new purchase was made of the Indians in 1670 ; the deed, which is still on record, counting upon the former purchase. Ibid. Hi. 6. The Indians of Suckiaugk [West Hartford], a distinct tribe, remained there until 1730, when they went to Farmington ; about 2 or 3 famiHes. Pres. Stiles' MSS. 232 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1636. Ludlow and seven others, late freemen and members of the v^-v-w/ towns under its jurisdiction, who, with their associates, had re- moved to the banks of Connecticut river, and there begun a plantation. The persons named in the commission were invested with all the powers of government. They were empowered to make such legislative regulations as the well ordering of the affairs of the plantation should require ; to hear and determine causes judicially by witnesses upon oath ; to take cognizance of misde- meanours, and punish the offenders by corporal chastisement, fine and imprisonment ; and to convene the inhabitants, if neces- sary, to exercise those powers in general court. The commission was limited to one year. Within this period the commissioners frequently assembled as a court, and alternately promulgated laws, and, with the aid of a jury, dispensed civil and criminal First court, justice. Their first court was on the 26th of April, at Newtown. 1 At this court it was ordered, that the inhabitants should not sell arms nor ammunition to the Indians ; and various other affairs were transacted relative to the good order, settlement, and de- fence of these infant towns. 2 Plymouth The body of laws adopted by the colony of Plymouth, styled Declaration « The general Fundamentals," was now established. The first article is, " That no act, imposition, law or ordinance be made or imposed upon us at present or to come, but such as has been or shall be enacted by the consent of the body of freemen or associates, or their representatives legally assembled ; which is according to the free liberties of the freeborn people of England." The second article is, " And for the well governing this colony, it is also ordered, that there be a free election annually, of governor, deputy governor, and assistants, by the vote of the freemen of this Corporation." 3 For the better government of the Indians, and for their im- provement in civility and Christianity, the assembly of Plymouth colony made several laws for preaching the gospel to them ; for admitting Indian preachers among them ; and, with the concur- rence of the principal Indians, for making orders and constituting courts, for appointing civil rulers and other officers, to punish misdemeanors, with the liberty of appeal to the county court, and court of assistants." 4 1 The settlements on Connecticut river bore at first the same names as the towns in Massachusetts from which the settlers came. Trumbull. 2 Hazard, i. 321. Hubbard, c. 41. Trumbull, Conn. i. c. 4. Day, Hist. Ju- diciary Conn, and Advertisement, prefixed to Public State Laws of Connecticut. 3 Plymouth Laws. The Fundamentals are dated " 1636, and revised 1671." The style ot enactment is : " We the Associates of the Colony of New Plimouth, coming hither as free born subjects of the kingdom of England, endowed with all and singular the privileges belonging to such : Being assembled, Do enact, ordain and constitute . . " &c. 4 Plymouth Laws. Laws BRITISH COLONIES. 233 Springfield was settled early in the year, by William Pynchon, J636. esquire, and others, from Roxbury ; and for about two years was ^*^^/ united in government with the towns in Connecticut. 1 Roger Williams, on his expulsion from Massachusetts, went to Roger Wii* Seconk [Rehoboth], where he procured a grant of the land from liams be - Osamaquin, the chief sachem of Pokanoket: Advised by gov- fie^rTat ernor Winslow to remove from that place, which was within the Mooshau- jurisdiction of Plymouth colony, he held several treaties with sick; Miantonomoh and Canonicus, the sachems of Narraganset, who assured him, that he should not want land for a settlement. With this assurance he, with five other persons, went over Seconk river, to seek a place for that p lrpose. Descending the stream, as they drew near the little cove, north of Tookwotten, now called India Point, they were saluted by the natives by the friendly term, " What cheer ? " Passing down to the mouth of the river, and round Fox Point, they proceeded a little way up the river on the other side to a place called by the Indians Mooshausick, where they landed, and were hospitably received. Not far from the place of landing, Roger Williams afterwards built his house. Here he, with his companions, began a plantation, which, in acknowledgment " of God's merciful providence to him in his calls Provi- distress," he called Providence. 2 dence. 1 Hutchinson, i. 98,99. Chalmers, b. 1. 287. Trumbull, i. 66. Johnson, 199, where the date is wrong. It seems there were only 8 men who came here at first, one of whom was William Pynchon Esq. a patentee of the colony. According to their covenant, they early supplied themselves with a worthy minister, Rev. George Moxon, who had, before he came to America, received ordination in the church of England. He was settled at Springfield in 1637. A church was fithered there in 1645, when he was chosen pastor. In 1652 he returned to ngland. Mr. Pynchon, the father of the town, went at the same time, and never returned ; but he left behind him a son, who was afterwards eminently useful in the town and province. He lived to an advanced age. Pies. Stiles' MS. account of Ministers. Breck's Century Sermon. Traditionary account from Rev. Dr. Williams and Mr. Breck, ministers of Springfield. The church and town Records were burnt in the Indian wars.— In 1638, Mr. Ludlow, in a letter to Massachusetts general court, writes, they had desired that Connecticut would forbear exercising jurisdiction at Agawam. Hutchinson. Agawam was the Indian name of Springfield, as well as of Ipswich. 2 Callender, Rhode Island, 18, 19. Hutchinson, i. 38. Adams, N. En«\ 56. Verbal information given me by the aged and respected Moses Brown of Provi- dence, in 1823 ; and the Rhode Island Register for that year, containing an account, written by him, of the original settlement of Providence. " Tradition has uniformly stated the place where they landed to be at the spring, S. W. of the Episcopal Church, at which a house has been recently built bv Mr. Nehemiah Dodge. On the 5 acre, since called 6 acre lot, Roger Williams afterwards built his house. This house was also held by his grandson, Roger J, 1 ™, son of Daniel, when Benefit's street, or Back street, was laid, in 1748. ™. firs t six white people who came to Providence, were Roger Williams, ™ !f m ™ris, John Smith (miller), Joshua Verin, Thomas Angell, and Francis Wickes. ' My antiquarian Friend Brown, speaking of the Indian salutation, which he pronounced Watcheer, observed to me, that the Indians had obtain- ed some knowledge of the English language by their intercourse with the Ply- mouth people. This was doubtless, then, the old English phrase, « What VOL. I. fJO 234 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1G3G. Various oc- currences in Massa- chusetts. Ministers restrained from going beyond sea. Henry Vane, who came to New England the preceding year, was now chosen governor of Massachusetts, Short, however, was his administration, and transient his popularity. 1 The general court of Massachusetts, about this time, enacted, that every particular township should have power of its own affairs, and to set mulcts upon any offender against public order, not exceeding twenty shillings ; and liberty to choose prudential men, not exceeding seven, to order the affairs of the town. For the public safety, the colony was divided in three regiments ; which were put under the command of three colonels with their lieutenants. There were already 20 towns built and peopled in Massachusetts. 2 A ship of 120 tons was built at Marblehead by the people of Salem ; and five mills were erected in the colony, in the course of the year. 3 The number of freemen added to the colony, this year, was about 125 ; the number of deputies was ordinarily between 30 and 40. 4 A new church having been gathered at Newtown, of which Mr. Thomas Shep- ard was the pastor, this society, on the removal of Mr. Hooker's congregation to Connecticut, purchased their dwelling houses and lands, and made a permanent settlement. 5 This place was still under legislative patronage ; for the general court now con- templated the erection of a public school here, and appropriated £400 for that purpose. A new church was also gathered at Dorchester, and Mr. Richard Mather was chosen its minister. 6 A warrant was issued to the lord admiral of England, to stop ministers, who did not conform to the discipline and ceremonies cheer ? " meaning, " How do ye do ? " TVatcheer, as it is written by Friend Brown, and in the deed of the land, does not express the purport of the saluta- tion. " In memory of the occurrence, the land there was named by the five disposers of the land in the town, by Watcheer in their deed to Benedict Auiold, the first governor of the State under the Charter of king Charles, as ap- pears by a charter deed now in my possession, dated the 14th day of the second month, in the Uh year of our situation or plantation at Moshasick or Provi- der ce, and in the nth year of King Charles fyc. 1641 " M. Brown. A few years since, at governor Fenner's I was shown where Mr. Williams landed, and walked on the ground which he first purchased. " The field which he planted composes Whatcheer, the present residence of his Excellency, James Fenner. Governor of Rhode Island." Coll. R. Island Hist. Soc. i. 10. 1827. 1 Winthrop, 187. Chalmers, b. 1. 160. Though he was not more than 24 or 25 years of age, his solemn deportment conciliated for him almost the whole colony. He appears to have been of a very enthusiastic temper ; and the early colonial writers remarked, that his election would remain a blemish on the judg- ment of the electors, " while New England remains a nation." Chalmers. He returned to England the next year. See a. d. 1662. 2 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 32; Ind. Wars, [13.]— « considerable towns." 3 Winthrop, 193, 196. Of these mills, 2 were windmills, built at Boston and Charlestown ; 3 were watermills, built at Salem, Ipswich, and Newbury. 4 Johnson, 106, 108. 5 Hist. Camb. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 15. Mr. Shepard and his people arrived at Boston from England in Oct. 1635. The church was organized, in the pre- sence of a great assembly, 1 February, 1636. Winthrop, 179. fi Massachusetts Laws. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 155. BRITISH COLONIES. # 235 of the church, from going beyond sea. By this order, no clergy- 1636. man was to be suffered to go the" Somer Islands, but such only v^v~/ as should have the approbation of the archbishop of Canterbury, and the bishop of London ; and all ministers, who had already gone thither without such approbation, the admiral was to cause to be immediately remanded to England. The severe censures and fines in Star chamber, and the rigorous impositions of cere- monies, with the suspending and silencing of numerous ministers, for not reading in the church the Book for Sports to be exercised on the Lord's day, caused many people of the English nation to sell their estates, and to embark for New England. 1 John Oldham was murdered in his bark by the Indians near Murderof Block Island. 2 The Indians, who perpetrated the murder, were Oldham. principally Block islanders, with a number of the Narragansets, to whom these Indians were then subject. Several of the mur- derers fled to the Pequots, and were protected by them ; and they were therefore considered as abettors of the murder. 3 Mas- sachusetts government judged it expedient to send 80 or 90 men, Endicot's under the command of John Endicot, of Salem, with commission ex P edltxon - to treat with the Pequots, and to offer terms of peace, on con- dition of their surrendering the murderers of the English, and forbearing farther acts of hostility ; or else war. 4 On their ar- 1 Rushworth's Collections, ii. part 2. 410. Hazard, i. 420. 2 An island about 20 miles S. S. West of Newport in Rhode Island. In Laet's ' map of Nova Anglia &c. (75.) it is called Ad. Block Eyland ; deriving its name from a Dutch navigator. " Extima insularum est quam Navarchus Jldri- anus Block de suo nomine appellavit." — According to Winthrop, 189, Mr. Oldham was " an old planter, and a member of Watertown congregation ; " Dr. Trumbull supposed him to be of Dorchester. Mr. Hubbard says, he was convicted of being concerned in sending letters to England of complaints against the colony and church of Plymouth, in 1624, and was sentenced to depart from the jurisdiction. He returned, without license, in 1625, and behaved in such a manner, that he was sent out of the colony with a passport ; and from this time he traded gener- ally with the Indians until his death. It is gratifying to learn from Trumbull [i. 71.], that when he " was murdered near Block Island," he " had been fairly trading at Connecticut." 3 Trumbull, i. 72. The Pequots were seated on a fair and navigable river, 12 miles eastward of the mouth of Connecticut river ; and were a more fierce, cruel, and warlike people, than the rest of the Indians. Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 14. Their principal sachem Sassacus lived at or near Pequot [New London] ; and his tribe could raise 4000 men, fit for war. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 147. 4 Winthrop, i. 192. Trumbull, Conn. i. 72, 73. Winthrop says, " captain John Underhill, captain Nathaniel Turner, ensign Jenyson, and ensign Daven- port ; and over them all, as general, John Endecott, Esq. one of the assistants, was sent." His instructions were, to proceed to Block island, and put the men to the sword, and take possession of the island, but to spare the women and children. He was next to sail to the Pequot country, and demand the murder- ers of Stone, Norton, and their company ; and additional satisfaction. When he arrived at Block island, 40 or 50 Indians appeared on the shore, and opposed his landing ; but it was effected. After a small skirmish the Indians fled to the woods, and could not be found. The English spent two days on the island, in which time they burnt their wigwams, destroyed their corn, and staved their canoes. They next sailed for the Pequot country. Block island contained, at 236 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1636. rival at the Pequot country, they, by an interpreter sent a \^*s,^s message to the Indians, who, on understanding the proposal, first concealed themselves behind a hill ; and soon after ran into the woods and swamps, where pursuit was impracticable. 1 Little was effected by this expedition. One Indian only was slain ; and some wigwams were burnt. 2 Treaty of To prevent the Narraganset Indians from joining the Pequots, peace with and to secure their friendship, Massachusetts sent a solemn em- Mnae" ra " bassy to Canonicus, their chief sachem, who, being old, had caused his nephew Miantonomoh to take upon him the govern- ment. 3 Miantonomoh, accompanied hy another sachem, two of the sons of Canonicus, and near 20 of his men, went to Boston, and entered into a treaty of peace ; the articles of which were : That there should be a firm peace between the Narragansets and the English, and their posterity ; that neither party should make peace with the Pequots, without the consent of the other ; that they should not harbour the Pequots ; and that they should re- turn all fugitive servants, and deliver over to the English, or put to death, all murderers. The English were to give them notice when they were going out against the Pequots ; and they were to furnish them with guides ; and a free trade was to be main- tained between the parties. Cushamakin, the sachem of the Massachusetts, subscribed these articles, with the English. 4 The I Narragansets were at this time estimated at 5000 fighting men. 5 that time, about 60 wigwams ; and the natives had there about 200 acres of corn. 1 Hubbard, fed. Wars, 21, 22. 2 I. Mather, N Eng. 25. Hubbard [c. 34.] says, the Narragansets afterward told the English, that 13 Pequots were killed, and 40 wounded ; and that but one of the Block Islanders was slain. 3 The young prince Miantonomoh was of great stature, stern, and cruel ; " causing all his nobility and attendants to tremble at his speech." The old king, hearing of the English embassy, collected his chief counsellors, and a great number of his people, resolving that the young king should, in his hear- ing, receive the message. The ambassadors, after being " entertained royally," were admitted to audience in a rouud state house, about 50 feet in diameter, made of long poles, stuck in the ground, and entirely covered with mats, ex- cepting a small aperture in the middle of the roof, to give light, and let out the smoke. Here sat the sachem, " with very great attendance ; " but, when the ambassadors began to deliver their message, he lay extended on a mat, and his nobility sat on the ground with their legs doubled up, their knees touching their chin. At the close of the interpreter's speech, which they heard with great gravity, Miantonomoh replied, that he willingly embraced peace with the Eng- lish ; but the nearness of the Pequots, to whose sudden incursions his people were exposed, rendered it expedient for him to " hold amity with both." The conclusion was an embassy to Boston, which terminated in the treaty of peace. Johnson, b. 2. c. 6. From the minuteness of this description of the Indian court, Mr. Savage [Note on Winthrop, i. 192.] thinks Johnson must have ac- companied these ambassadors. 4 Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 27 ; N. Eng. c. 34. Trumbull, Conn. i. 65. 5 Callender, R. Island, 70. Roger Williams, who was Calender's authority for this article, says, they were so populous, " that a traveller would meet with a dozen Indian towns in 20 miles." BRITISH COLONIES. 237 At the close of this year, there were about 250 men in the 1636. three towns on Connecticut river. The whole number of per- v^v-**/ sons is estimated to have been about 800, or 160 or 170 fami- lies. 1 John Maverick, minister of Dorchester, died, in the 60th year of his age. 2 1637. The Pequots were rather emboldened, than intimidated, by The Pe- Endicot's impotent expedition. In April, they killed six men JjJJJJjJJ^ and three women near Wethersfield, and took two young women tile, captive. They also killed 20 cows, and did other damage to the inhabitants. Alarmed by these atrocities, the Connecticut colonists took vigorous measures for their security. It was the crisis for asserting and exercising the unqualified rights of sove- reignty. The commission given to Roger Ludlow and others for governing Connecticut having expired, an independent gov- ernment was now established by the people of that colony. The commissioners' court was succeeded by the general court, which consisted of eight magistrates chosen by all the freemen, and jyf ay j three deputies from each town or plantation. This court was First ses- now summoned ; and the towns, for the first time, sent commit- ^ ° ou g r e t n " tees or deputies, to deliberate on a subject, in which the very at Hartford; existence of the colony was concerned. This first session of the general court was at Hartford, on the first day of May. 3 After mature deliberation, considering that the Pequots had killed nearly 30 of the English ; 4 that they had insulted and horribly tortured their captives ; that they were attempting to engage all the Indians to unite for the purpose of extirpating the English ; and that the whole colony was in imminent danger, unless some capital blow were immediately given to their enemies ; the court determines determined, that an offensive war should be carried on against JhePequots! them, by the three towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethers- field ; and voted, that 90 men should be immediately raised ; 42 from Hartford; 30 from Windsor ; and 18 from Wethers- 1 Trumbull, Conn. i. 68. 2 Winthrop, i. 181. " He was a man of a very hu%ble spirit, and faithful in furthering the work of the Lord here, both in the churches and civil state." He was ordained by a bishop, and was chosen and inducted into office at Dor- chester at the same time with Mr. Warham. P. Stiles' MS. It was his intention to follow that part of his church which removed to Windsor the preceding year. Eliot's Biog. Diet. Trumbull, i. 65. 3 Day's Hist. Account of the Judiciary of Connecticut. Trumbull, Conn. i. c. 5. Hazard, i. 321. " The commission of 1636 expired by its own limitation, and was never renewed; nor did Massachusetts assert any farther claim of juris- diction." 4 They were killed at Saybrook, Wethersfield, and elsewhere. Trumbull, i. c. 5. 238 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1637. field. The other New England colonies, roused by the appre- v^-v-w' hension of danger, as well as incited by the request of Connecticut, agreed to send all their forces against the common enemy. 1 May 10, On the 1 0th of May, the troops from Connecticut, consisting Troops em- f 90 Englishman and about 70 Moheasan and river Indians, fell h'irk at • Hartford; down the river, in a pink, a pinnace, and a shallop, for the fort at Saybrook. The Indians were commanded by Uncas, sachem of the Moheagans ; the entire army, by John Mason, who had been bred a soldier in Europe. Mr. Stone of Hartford went as chaplain. 2 At Saybrook, a council, called to settle a plan of the Nauagan? ex P e dition, agreed to proceed first to Narraganset ; to send back set. 20 men to strengthen the infant settlements on Connecticut river ; and to take, in their stead, captain Underhill, with 19 men from the garrison at Saybrook fort. In pursuance of this plan, Mason proceeded with his troops to Narraganset Bay, where he engaged a large body of Narraganset Indians, as auxiliaries. 24. The army, consisting of 77 Englishmen, 60 Moheagan and English and river Indians, and about 200 Narragansets, marched on the 24th commence °f May to Nihantick, a frontier to the Pequots, and the seat of their grand one of the Narraganset sachems. The next morning a consider- march. ^le numDer f Miantonomoh's men, and of the Nihanticks, joined the English, who renewed their march, with nearly 500 Indians. After marching 12 miles to a ford in Pawcatuck river, Mason halted, and refreshed his troops, fainting through heat and scanty provisions. Here many of the Narragansets, astonished to find it his intention to attack the Pequots in their forts, withdrew, and returned home. 3 Under the guidance of Wequash, a revolted Pequot, the army proceeded in its march toward Mistic river, where was one of the Pequot forts, and, when evening approach- ed, pitched their camp by two large rocks. 4 Two hours before day, the troops were roused to the eventful action, the issue of which was in fearful suspense. After a march of about two miles, 1 The first governor Trumbull of Connecticut, who was thoroughly acquainted with American history, remarked, that the Pequots were jealous of the new settlements of the English, and plotted their ruin ; that they murdered several persons, and committed many outrageous acts, which gave rise to a just and necessary war. MS. account of the state and origin of Connecticut, in the Library of Mass. Hist. Society. 2 Mr. Wilson of Boston was chosen to attend the Massachusetts troops, as chaplain. One of the early laws of N. England was : " Some minister is to be sent forth to go along with the army, for their instruction and encouragement." Abstract of the Laws of N. Eng. chap. x. art. 4. 3 The Pequots had two forts, one at Mistic river ; and another, several miles farther distant from the English army, which was the fort of Sassacus, their chief sachem. The very name of this chief filled the Indians with terror. " Sassacus," said the Narragansets, "is all one God; no man can kill him." Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 39. Trumbull, i. c. 5. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 84. 4 " Between or near " them. These rocks are in Groton, a town near New London, and are called Porter's rocks. Trumbull, i. 83. BRITISH COLONIES. 239 they came to the foot of the hill, on the summit of which stood the 1637. hostile fort. The day was nearly dawning, and no time was to ^^^^ be lost. Mason, throwing the troops into two divisions, pressed forward with one to the eastern, and Underhill with the other, to the western entrance. When Mason drew nigh the fort, a dog barked, and an Indian instantly called out, Owanux ! Owanux ! [Englishmen ! Englishmen !] The troops pressed on, and, hav- ing poured a full discharge of their muskets through the palisades upon the astonished enemy, entered the fort, sword in hand. 1 May 26. A severe conflict ensued. Many of the Indians were slain. Attack on Some of the English were killed, others wounded ; and the issue Mlstlc fort; of battle was yet dubious. At this critical moment, Mason cried out to his men, " We must burn them." Entering a wigwam at the same instant, he seized a fire brand, and put it into the mats with which the wigwams were covered ; and the combustible habitations were soon wrapped in flames. The English, retiring whicn is without the fort, formed a circle around it ; and Uncas with his burnt. Indians formed another circle in their rear. The devouring fire, and the English weapons, made rapid and awful devastation. In little more than the space of one hour, 70 wigwams were burnt ; and, either by the # sword or the flames, 500 or 600 Indians perished. 2 Of the English, 2 men were killed, and 16 wounded. Soon after the action, about 300 Indians advanced from the remaining fort ; but Mason, with a chosen band, met them with such warmth, as checked their onset, and encouraged him to order the army to march for Pequot harbour/ 5 When this movement began, the Indians advanced to the hill on which the fort had stood. The sight of its ruins threw them into a trans- port of rage. They stamped the ground, tore their hair, and, regardless of danger, descended the hill with precipitancy toward the English, whom they pursued nearly six miles, with desperate but impotent revenge. The English reached their vessels in safety ; and, in about three weeks from the time of their embark- ation at Hartford, they arrived at their habitations, where they R e tum of were received with every expression of exquisite joy, and pious the troops, gratitude. The body of the Pequots, returning from the pursuit of the The Pe- English army, repaired to Sassacus at the royal fortress ; where, JJoJ^their 11 " country. 1 The entrance was only barred with two great forked boughs, or branches, of trees — or " blocked up with bushes about breast high." Mason. 2 Mason says, 6 or 7 hundred ; Dr. Trumbull supposes, about 600. 3 Their vessels had been ordered to sail from Nanaganset bay, the night be- fore, for Pequot harbour. When the action at the fort was ended, there was no appearance of them in the Sound. About an hour after, while the officers were consulting, in deep perplexity, what course to take, the vessels, " as though guided by the band of Providence" to their relief, appeared fully in view; and, under a fair wind, were steering directly into the harbour. Trumbull, Conn, i. 86. Mason, Pequot War, 2 Coll. Hist. Soc. June. Pequots taken. Fugitives pursued. July 13. Great Swamp fight. AMERICAN ANNALS. on consultation, it was concluded, that they could not remain longer in the country with safety. Destroying therefore their wigwams and fort, they fled into various parts of the country. Sassacus and 70 or 80 of the chief counsellors and warriors took their route toward Hudson's river. The governor and council of Massachusetts, on receiving in- telligence of the success of the Connecticut troops, judged it needful to send forward but 120 men. 1 These troops, under the command of captain Stoughton, arriving at Pequot harbour in June, and receiving assistance from the Narras;anset Indians, surrounded a large body of Pequots in a swamp, and took 80 cap- tive. The men, 30 in number, were killed, but the women and children were saved. Forty men, raised by Connecticut, and put under the command of the heroic Mason, joined Stoughton's company at Pequot. While the vessels sailed along the shore, these allied troops pursued the fugitive Indians by land, to Quin- nipiack, and found some scattering Pequots on their march. Receiving information at Quinnipiack, that the enemy were at a considerable distance westward, in a great swamp, they march- ed in that direction, with all possible despatch, about 20 miles, and came to the swamp, 2 where were 80 or 100 warriors, and nearly 200 other Indians. Some of the English, rushing eagerly forward, were badly wounded ; and others, sinking into the mire, were rescued by a few of their brave companions, who sprang forward to their relief with drawn swords. Some Indians were slain ; others, finding the whole swamp surrounded, desired a parley ; and, on the offer of .life, about 200 old men, women, and children, among whom was the sachem of' the place, gradu- ally came out, and submitted to the English. The Pequot warriors, ^indignantly spurning submission, renewed the action, 1 Massachusetts colony had determined to send 200 men ; and had previously sent forward captain Patrick with 40 men, to form a seasonable junction with the Connecticut troops ; but, though these troops, while at Narraganset, had intelligence of Patrick's march, it was judged inexpedient to wait for his arrival. Trumbull, i. 79 — 82. The court of Plymouth agreed to send 50 men at the charge of the colony, with as much speed as possible, and provided a bark to carry their provisions, and to attend them on all occasions ; but when they were ready to march from Massachusetts, " they had word sent them to stay, for the enemy was as good as vanquished, and there would be no need." Morton, 188. The number raised by each town in Massachusetts gives us some idea of th# proportion which the several towns bore to each other [Hutchinson, i. 76.] : Boston 26 Newbuiy .... 8 Ipswich 17 Salem 18 Saugus [Lynn] . . 16 Watertown .... 14 Newtown .... 19 Marblehead. ... 3 Near where Fairfield or Stratford now stands. Hubbard. Charlestown . . 12 Roxbury . . . 10 Dorchester . . . 13 Weymouth . . . 5 Hingham . . . 6 Medford . . . . 3 BRITISH COLONIES. Mi which, as far as it was practicable, was kept up through the 1637. night. A thick fog, the next morning, favouring the escape of ^-^~s the enemy ; many of them, among whom were 60 or 70 war- riors, broke through the surrounding troops. About 20 were killed, and 180 taken prisoners. The captives were divided Captives between Connecticut and Massachusetts, which distributed them (llv,ded among the Moheagans and Narragansets. 1 Sassacus, the chief sachem, fled with about 20 of his best men to the Mohawks, who, at the request of the Narragansets, cut off his head ; and his country now became a province of the English. 2 A proclamation was issued, in April, by the king of England, Prociama- to restrain the disorderly transportation of his subjects to the jj^g° fthe American colonies. It commanded, that no license be given them, without a certificate, that they bad taken the oaths of supremacy and allegiance, and conformed to the discipline of the church of England. 3 On complaint of several disorders in New England, the king, in July, appointed Sir Ferdinando Gorges general governor; but the measure was never carried into effect. 4 The general court of Massachusetts passed an order, that none should be received to inhabit within this jurisdiction, without 1 It was judged, that, during the summer, 700 Pequots were destroyed, among whom were 13 sachems. About 200, beside women and children, survived the Swamp Fight. Of this number the English gave SO to Miantonomoh, and 20 to Ninnigret, two sachems ot Narraganset ; and the other 100 to Uncas, sachem of the Moheagans ; to be received and treated as their men. This division was made at Hartford in September 1638 ; at which time, among other articles, it was covenanted, That the Pequots should never again inhabit their native country, nor be called Pequots, but Narragansets and Moheagans. Trumbull, i. 92, 93. A number of the male children were sent to Bermudas. Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 54. Hutchinson, i. 80. Gov. Winthrop [i. 234.] says, " We had now slain and taken, in all, about 700. We sent 15 of the boys and two women to Bermuda, by Mr. Peirce ; but he, missing it, carried them to Provi- dcncc Is1g» 5 ' 2 Winthrop, a. d. 1637. Morton, 1637. Hubbard, Indian Wars, 36—54. I. Mather, Troubles with the Indians, 25, 26, 47, 48, 50. Trumbull, Conn. i. b. 1. c. 5. Hutchinson, i. 76 — 80. However just the occasion of this war, hu- manity demands a tear on the extinction of a valiant tribe, which preferred death to what it might naturally anticipate from the progress of the English settle- ments — dependence, or extirpation. " Indulge, my native land ! indulge the tear, That steals, impassion'd, o'er a nation's doom ; To me each twig, from Adam's stock, is near, ♦ And sorrows fall upon an Indian's tomb." Dwight's Greenfield Hill, Part IV, entitled, " The Destruction of the Pequods." [Some write it Pequods, others, Pequots.] 3 Hazard, i 421, where the proclamation is entire. Chalmers, b. 1. 161. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 162. Belknap, Biog. i. 385. This failure is thus accounted for. The troubles in England and Scotland checked the business for the present ; and, soon after, archbishop Laud and some other lords of council, who had been zealous for the measure, lost their authority. VOL. T. 31 242 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1637. liberty from one of the standing council, or two other assistants. 1 y^^s^^/ In this order we perceive the sentiments of the people of this colony concerning their chartered rights. They were of opinion, that their commonwealth was established by free consent ; that the place of their habitation was their own ; that no man had a right to enter into their society, without their permission ; that they had the full and absolute power of governing all people by men chosen from among themselves, and according to such laws as they should see fit to make, not repugnant to the laws of England, they paying only the fifth part of gold and silver that should be there found, for all duties, demands, exactions, and service whatever ; and that, of course, they held the keys of their territory, and had a right to prescribe the terms of natural- ization to all noviciates.^ Mr. Wheel- Complaint having been made to the general court of Massa- moveri from cnusetts against Mr. John Wheelwright for preaching a seditious thejurisdic- sermon, he was sent for to the court, and adjudged guilty of tion, sedition and contempt of authority. On his refusal to make the least retractation, the court ordered his removal out of the juris- diction. Some of his adherents removed by order of the same court, for their justification of his doctrine, and for their reflec- tions on the proceedings of the court 3 Ann Hutch- Ann Hutchinson, a woman of familistic principles in Boston, Jns °nca«M- holding lectures for the propagation of her peculiar tenets, at- dissensions. traded a numerous auditory, and gained many adherents. The whole colony became divided into two parties, which styled each other Antinomians and Legalists. Such was the warmth of the controversy, that a synod was judged expedient to settle it. A First synod synod was accordingly convened at Newtown, composed of all the teaching elders in the country, and messengers ot the several churches. After a session of three weeks, the synod condemned 82 erroneous opinions, which had become disseminated in New England. This was the first synod holden in America. 4 The 1 Hutchinson, i. c. 1. A Defence of this Order, an Answer, and Replication are printed in Hutchinson's Collection of Papers, 67 — 100. The first and last of these papers are ascribed to Mr. Winthrop ; the Answer was by Mr. Vane. 2 Minot, Hist. Mass. i. 42. Judge Minot, to account for the slow compliance of this colony with a requisition of the king at a later period, recurs to the idea of the colonists, as here indicated " concerning the nature and extent of their allegiance and obligations to the British crown." He refers us to the " Defence of the order of Court 1637, relative to the admission of inhabitants ; " and " their Ad- dress to the King 1664." 3 Winthrop, i. 215, 221 Mr. Wheelwright had been a silenced minister in England. In Hubbard [c. 38.] is an account of the " disturbance in Massa- chusetts, from 1636 to 1641, bv Mr. Wheelwright and Mrs. Hutchinson." 4 Winthrop, i. 237—240. Hubbard, c. 40. Hutchinson, i 66—69. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 16, 17. The magistrates were present at the synod, and were not hearers only, " but speakers also, as they thought fit." The church of Boston spon after, " with one consent," agreed to pass the sentence of excommunication in America. BRITISH COLONIES. 243 government of Massachusetts, apprehending a breach of peace 1637. from the Familists, caused 58 persons in Boston to be disarmed, ^^^/ and several in the towns of Salem, Newbury, Roxbury, Ipswich, Familists and Charlestown. 1 It also passed a law, that none should be lsarme ' received, to inhabit within the jurisdiction, but such as should be allowed by some of the magistrates. 2 The use of grand juries began in Massachusetts, at the Sep- First trial tember court, from which time the courts, in criminal cases, by jury. proceeded by the inquest of a grand jury, and by petit juries as to matters of fact. 3 Some of the magistrates and ministers of Connecticut being Confedera- at Boston, a day of meeting was appointed, to agree upon some po"ed. r °* articles of confederation. Notice was given to Plymouth, that they might join in it ; but it was too short to admit their attend- ance. 4 The isle of Kent appears to have been, in some degree, re- Maryland, duced to the obedience of lord Baltimore. Measures seem now IsleofKent * to have been taken, to put' in force the civil authority of the lord proprietor over that island, as a part of his province. Governor Calvert gave a commission to captain George Evelyn to be Dec. 30, governor of the isle of Kent, authorizing him to choose six of nia( ] e V gov" the inhabitants of the place for his council, and empowering him emor. to call courts, and to hold pleas in civil cases not exceeding £10 sterling, and jurisdiction in criminal cases over all offences which may be heard by justices of the peace in their sessions in Eng- land, not extending to life or member, and to appoint officers for the execution of justice and conservation of the peace, with allowance of such fees as usually belong to the same or similar offices in Virginia. 5 upon Mrs. Hutchinson, " for many evils in her conversation, as well as for her corrupt opinions." Hubbard, c 39. Mr Hutchinson, her husband, being one of the purchasers of Aquetneck, sold his estate in Massachusetts, and removed with his family to that island. On his death (about 1642), Mrs. Hutchinson, being dissatisfied with the people or place, removed to the Dutch country be- yond New Haven ; and, the year after, she and all her family, consisting of 16 persons, were killed by the Indians, with the exception of one daughter, whom they carried into captivity. Hutchinson, i. 72. 1 Johnson, 21. Hubbard, c. 38. 2 Minot, Mass. i. 29. 3 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 27. 4 Winthrop, i. 237. " This was concluded after." See a. d. 1643. 5 Bozman, Hist. Maryland, 293, from " Council Proceedings." It is not easy to determine, whether the isle of Kent was at this time considered as a county by itself, or a distinct territorial government within lord Baltimore's jurisdiction, subordinate to the general government of the province." From the circum- stance of the assignment of " a council of six persons " to Evelyn, " it would seem to be of the latter ; but subsequently, in the year 1650, it was considered as a distinct county, sending one delegate to the assembly." lb. 304, and refer- ence to Bacon's Laws. 244 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1637. Dedham. Concord. Arrival of J. Davenport and others ; wno pre- pare to set- Samuel Gorton, of the familistic sect, giving great disturbance id New England, was banished from the colonies of Plymouth, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. 1 The town of Dedham began to be built ; and here a church was soon gathered. 2 Mr. Jones w r as ordained pastor, and Mr. Bulkley teacher, of the church in Concord. 3 The town of Dux- borough was incorporated. Taunton and Sandwich began to be settled. 4 John Davenport, a celebrated minister of Coleman street in London, accompanied by Theophilus Eaton and Edward Hop- kins, merchants of London, with several other respectable per- sons from that city and its vicinity, arrived this summer at Boston. The unmolested enjoyment of civil and religious liberty was the object of their emigration. Not finding in Massachusetts suffi- cient room for themselves and the numerous friends whom they expected to follow them, and being informed of a large bay to the southwest of Connecticut river, commodious for trade, they applied to their friends in Connecticut to purchase for them, of the native proprietors, all the lands lying between the rivers Connecticut and Hudson ; and this purchase they, in part, ef- fected. In the autumn, Mr. Eaton and some others of the company made a journey to Connecticut, to explore the lands 1 Josselyn [259.] calls him "a blasphemous atheist;" Hubbard styles him " prodigious rainier of exorbitant novelties, even the very dregs of familism." The troubles in Massachusetts, occasioned by Gorton and his adherents, are related in Hubbard, c. 47. 2 Johnson, 195. Winthrop [i. 275.] says, the church at Dedham " was gathered," 8 November 1638, " with good approbation." 3 Hubbard, c. 37. 4 Winthrop, i. 251 — 253. At Duxborough several families had settled many years before. Mass. Hist. Soc. ii. 3. At Tecticut, the Indian name of the place afterward called Taunton, " a plantation was " now " begun by a gentle- woman, an ancient maid, one Mrs Poole. She went late thither, and endured much hardship, and lost much cattle." Mr. Savage [Note on Winthrop] re- marks, " she was probably encouraged in her perilous undertaking by the Rev. William Hooke, who was the spiritual guide of the n< w settlement until he removed to New Haven. This was no long time." In the Records of Taunton proprietors, which the very diligent and inquisitive Editor of Winthrop examined, " in setting out Mrs. Poole's lot, May, 1639, reference is made to Hooke's lot. In this most ancient town of Bristol county, the curious traveller may see a fair slab, formerly laid over the grave of this virgin mothc- of Taunton, now re- moved to the common burial ground." By the inscription, in Mr. Savage's Note, it appears, that " Mrs. Elizabeth Poole " was " a native of Old England, of good family, friends, and prospects, all which she left, in the prime of her life, to enjoy the religion of her conscience in this distant wilderness ; a great proprietor of the township of Taunton, a chief promoter of the settlement and its incorporation 1639-40, about which time she settled near this spot ; and, having employed the opportunity of her virgin state in piety, liberality, and sanctity of manners, died, May 21st, A. d. 1654, aged 65." This monument was erected by her next of kin, John Borland, Esquire, a. d. 1771. Sand- wich was begun " by many families which removed from Sagus, otherwise Lynn." Winthrop. BRITISH COLONIES. 245 and harbours on the sea coast; and pitched upon Quinnipiack 1637. for the place of their settlement. Here they erected a hut, in ^^^> which a few men remained through the winter. 1 tl f ?t Quin- ° nipiacki 1638. The way being prepared, Davenport, Eaton, and the rest of March 30. their company, sailed from Boston for Quinnipiack ; and, in ^"q^ 1 . 1 about a fortnight, arrived at the desired port. On the 18th piack. of April they kept their first sabbath in the place, under a large spreading oak ; where Mr. Davenport preached to them. Soon after, they entered into what they termed a plantation cove- nant. 2 Determined lo make an extensive settlement, these enterprising colonists paid early attention to the making of such purchases and treaties, as would give it stability. In November, they entered into an agreement with Momauguin, sachem of that Nov 24 part of the country, and his counsellors, for the lands of Quin- First pur- nipiack. Momauguin, in consideration of being protected by the Natives. * * English from the hostile Indians, yielded up all his right and title to all the land of Quinnipiack, of which he was the sole sachem, to Theophilus Eaton, John Davenport, and others, their heirs and assigns forever ; and they, in return, covenanted, that they would protect him and his Indians ; that they should always have a sufficient quantity of land to plant, on the east side of the harbour ; and, by way of free and grateful retribution, they gave him, his council and company, 12 coats of English cloth, 12 al- chymy spoons,12 hatchets, 12 hoes, 2 dozen of knives, 12 porrin- gers, and 4 cases of French knives and scissors. In December, they made another purchase of a large tract, lying principally north of the other, extending eight miles east of the river Quinnipiack, and five miles west of it toward Hudson's river. Near the bay of Quinnipiack they laid out their town in squares, on the plan of a spacious city; and called it New Haven. This town was the j^JJ HaveB foundation of a flourishing colony of the same name, of which it became also the capital. 3 1 Trumbull, Conn. i. 96. It is sometimes called Quillipiack, and Quinne- pioke. 2 By this covenant they solemnly engaged, that, in the gathering and order- ing of a church, and in all public offices relating to civil order, they woidd be guided by the rules of Scripture. Trumbull. 3 Winthrop, i. 259. Hubbard, c. 42. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. 25. Trumbull, i. c. 6. 95—100. Hutchinson, i. 83. Chalmers, b. 1. 290. The last mentioned tract, bought in December, was purchased of Montowese, son of the great sa- chem at Mattabeseck ; and was 10 miles in length, north and south, and 13 miles in breadth. It included all the lands within the ancient limits of the old towns of New Haven, Branford, and Wallingford ; and almost the whole within the limits of those towns, and of the more modern towns of East Haven, Woodbridge, Cheshire, Hamden, and North Haven. For this tract the English gave 13 coats, and allowed the natives ground to plant, and liberty to hunt with- in the hinds. P. Stiles' MSS. & Dr. Trumbull, from N. Haven Records. 246 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1638. Protest of the Dutch. Fort Good Hope. Judicial court estab- lished in Connecti- cu Purchase & settlement of Rhode Island. Deed of Providence April 4. Patent of Massacnu- «etls de- manded. William Kieft, the Dutch governor of New Netherlands, pro- tested against this plantation ; but his protest was disregarded, because unsupported. A prohibition was issued, this year, for- bidding the English trade at Fort Good Hope, on Connecticut river ; and shortly after, an order of council was made for send- ing'more forces there, to maintain the Dutch territories. 1 It was ordered by the general court of Connecticut, that a particular court should be held in Hartford, on the first Tuesday of May, for the trial of two persons for misdemeanours. A tri- bunal subordinate to the general court was thus established. It was composed of magistrates ; and was afterwards holden as occasion required. 2 The religious differences in Massachusetts were, in the mean time, giving rise to a distinct colony, in another direction. John Clark and some others, finding the decisions of the synod sup- ported by the general court, went to Providence, in search of a place, where they might have peace, and liberty of conscience. By the advice and aid of Roger Williams, they purchased Aquet- neck of the Indian sachems ; and the natives of that island soon after agreed, c5n receiving 1 coats and 20 hoes, to remove be- fore the next winter. The adventurers, to the number of 18, incorporated themselves into a body politic, and chose William Coddington to be their judge, or chief magistrate. 3 Small as the number of associates was, the fertility of the soil, and the pleasantness of the climate, soon attracted many people to their settlement ; and the island, in a few years, became so populous, as to send out colonists to the adjacent shores. The island was afterward named the Isle of Rhodes ; and, by an easy declen- sion, Rhode Island. 4 Canonicus and Miantonomoh gave Roger Williams a deed of Providence. 5 A quo warranto having been brought by the attorney general against the governor, deputy governor, and assistants of the cor- poration of Massachusetts, 6 and judgment being given, that the 1 Smith, N York, i. 3. Chalmers, b. 1. 571. 2 Day, Hist. Judiciary Conn, from Colony Record*. 3 Callender, 30 — 32, 42, where are the names of the 18 associates. Their association, according to Callender, preceded the completion of the purchase. They united in a body politic 7 March, the sachems signed the deed 24 March, 1638. Toward the close of the year, they chose three persons, as assistants to their chief magistrate. — Other islands in Narraganset bay were sold at this time ; Aquetneck was the largest. Canonicus, chief sachem of Narraganset and Nian- tick, and Miantonomo, sold them to William Coddington and his associates, in consideration of 50 fathom of white beads. Hubbard, c. 42. Hutchinson, i. 72. Chalmers, b. 1. 271. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 271. 5 Dated 24 March. Backus, N. Eng. i. 89. Brit. Emp. ii. 130. 6 Hazard, i. 423, where it is inserted. Hubbard [c. 36.] says, that the busi- ness of demanding the patent of Massachusetts had been on hand ever since the BRITISH COLONIES. 247 liberties an*l franchises should be seized into the king's hand; 1638. the counsel made an order, requiring the patent of JVlassachu- v^^~w/ setts to be sent buck by the next ship, to England. 1 Judgment not having been entered against the charter, there was a delay of compliance with the order of council. Meanwhile, the general court of Massachusetts addressed a petition on this subject to the lords commissioners for foreign plantations, vindicating the cause of the colony with firmness, and supplicating relief with tender- ness 2 # Arbitrary measures were still pursued in England, in reference to the American colonies. An order was given by the privy council in May to the lord treasurer to take speedy and effectual course for the stay of eight ships, then in the Thames, prepared to sail for New England. By this order, Oliver Cromwell, Sir Arthur Hazlerig, John Hambden, and other patriots, were pre- vented from coming to America. 3 How limited the foresight of man ; how inscrutable the counsels of God ! By this arbitrary- measure, Charles, " far from suspecting, that the future revolu- tions in his kingdoms were to be excited and directed by persons in such a humble sphere of life, forcibly detained the men destined to overturn his throne, and to terminate his days by a violent death. ' M Scarcely had the venerable founders of New England felled Harvard the trees of the forest, when they began to provide means to College ensure the stability of their colony. Learning and Religion they wisely judged to be the firmest pillars of the church and com- monwealth. The legislature of Massachusetts, having previously founded a public school or college, had, the last year, ordered that it be at Newtown ; and appointed a committee to carry the order into effect. 5 The liberality of an individual now essentially contributed to the completion of this wise and pious design. John Harvard, a worthy minister, dying this year at Charles- town, left a legacy of £779. 175. 2d. to the public school at Newtown. In honour of that earliest benefactor, this collegiate school was soon alter, by an order of court, named Harvard Newtowa College ; and Newtown, in compliment to the college, and in Cambridge. year 1634 ; but it had been overlooked, by the interposition possibly of matters of greater moment, until this year. 1 Hubbard, c. 36. Chalmers, b. 1. 161. Hutchinson, Col. 105. 2 Hubbard, c. 36; Hazard, i 435, 436; where the Petition is entire. 3 Hazard, i. 422, where is a copy of the Proclamation. Mather, Magnal. b. 1. 23. Chalmers, b 1. 160, 161. Belknap, Biog. ii. 229. Neal, N. Eng. i. 168. 4 Robertson, Hist, of America, b. 10. 6 The committee were, governor Winthrop, deputy governor Dudley, treasur- er Bellingham ; Mr. Humphrey, Mr. Harlackenden, and Mr. Stoughton, coun- sellors ; Mr. Cotton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Davenport, Mr. Wells, Mr. Shepard, and Mr. Peters, ministers. MS. Records of Massachusetts. 248 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1638. memory of the place where many of the first settlors of New ^-^^-w' England received their education, was called Cambridge. 1 Origin ofthe Several gentlemen in Boston and its vicinity, having formed Ancient and themselves into a military company, petitioned to be incorporated. Honourable rrii -i i • * u i c i ■ i * Artillery 1 he council, adverting to the examples ot the pretonan bands Company, among the Romans, and the templars in Europe, was cautious of erecting a standing authority of military men, who might ulti- mately controul the civil power. The patriotic associates, how- ever, were allovved#to be a company, but subordinate to the authority of the country. 2 This is the origin of the company, distinguished in the military annals of Massachusetts by the merited name of The Ancient and Honourable Artillery Com- pany. J. Wheel- John Wheelwright, whose removal out of the jurisdiction of toccata- 8 Massachusetts had been ordered by the court, went, this year, qua. accompanied by some persons from Braintree, to Pascataqua. He, with Augustus Storr and others, obtained of the Indians around Pascataqua a deed of the country, " lying and situate within turee miles on the northern side of the river Merrimack, extending 30 miles along by the river from the sea side, and from the said riverside to Pascataqua Patent 30 miles up. into the country North West, and so from the falls of Pascataqua to Oyster river, 30 miles square every way," and commenced the Exeter settlement of the town of Exeter. 3 The inhabitants of Pascata- oi>nded. g ua attempted, about this time, to gather themselves into a Disorder at church state ; but, through dissensions, they appear not to have Pascataqua. succeeded in the design. 4 John Josselyn made his first voy- age to New England this year. Boston, at this time, was 1 MS. Records of Massachusetts. Winthrop, i. 265. Hubbard, c. 32. There were several benefactors to this college, beside Mr. Harvard ; and " the other colonies sent some small help to the undertaking. 1 * Mather, Magnal. b. 4. 126. The primary object of this institution was, to furnish a succession of learned and able ministers. Ibid. By Massachusetts Records it appears, that the court gave it the name of Harvard in 1639 ; but the name of Newtown was altered by the court in May 1638. " There were probably, at that time, 40 or 50 sons of the University of Cambridge in Old England — one for every 200 or 250 in- habitants — dwelling in the few villages of Massachusetts and Connecticut. The sons of Oxford were not few." Savage, Note upon Winthrop. 2 Winthrop, i. 253. Hubbard, c. 33. Whitman, Hist. Sketch of the Ancient and Hon. Artillery Company. This is believed to be the first regularly organized company in America. lb. 3 Hutchinson, i. 106. Pres. Stiles' MSS. Belknap, N Hamp. i. c. 2. Mr. Farmer's Letter to me, 1827. " The original deeds conveying this tract of country, and which probably were the foundation of the famous deed to Wheel- wright and others in 1629, now proved to be a forgery, are in my possession, as also the testimony of Rev. Mr. Wheelwright and Edward Colcord, copied from the Records of the ancient county of Norfolk, stating that such a jpurchase, as is expressed above, was actually made from the Indian sachems. This testi- mony will be published in the next volume of the Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society." Farmer, MS. Letter. See a. d. 1639. 4 Hubbard [c. 31.] says, " they tell into factions, and strange confusions." BRITISH COLONIES. 249 " rather a village, than a town ;" consisting of no more than 20 1638. or 30 houses. 1 ^~v-^w> There was a great earthquake in New England on the first June l. day of June. The earth shook with such violence, that, in some ? ar N r h ^ u n a g k . e places, the people could not stand, without difficulty, in the land, streets ; and most moveable articles in their houses were thrown down. This phenomenon formed a memorable epoch in the annals of New England. 2 This summer, arrived at Massachusetts 20 ships, and at least Accession 3000 persons. So great was the accession to the number of to Massa- i r iti i - 1 , r i «* chusetts. settlers, as to oblige them to look out for new plantations. Uncas, sachem of the Moheagans, having given umbrage by Friendship entertaining some of the hostile Pequots, went to Boston in June, ° ncas " with 37 men ; tendered the governor a present of 20 fathom of wanipom ; and promised to submit to the order of the English respecting the Pequot prisoners in his hands, and the differences between him and the Narragansets. The present was accepted by the government ; and Uncas was ever afterward faithful to their interests. 4 In September, articles of agreement were made be- tween him and the colonists of Connecticut. 5 The government of Plymouth colony caused three Englishmen Murder of to be put to death, for the murder of an Indian near Providence. 6 a " '" s ^ ia £ 1 Josselyn, Voyages, 20, 173. Josselyn brought " from Francis Quarles the poet," the translation of several Psalms " into English metre," and delivered them to Mr. Cotton, minister of Boston, " for his approbation." He says, there were two licensed inns then in Boston, " An officer visits them " whenever a stranger goes into them ; and " if he calls for more drink than the officer thinks in his judgment he can soberly bear away," he countermands it, and " appoints the proportion, beyond which he cannot get one drop." 2 Winthrop, i. 265. Josselyn, N. Eng. Rarities, 109. Johnson, c. 12. Hutch- inson, i. 90. Trumbull, Conn. i. 08. Professor Winthrop, Lecture on Earth- quakes, 16. Memoirs of American Academy, i. 262. Brit. Emp. i. 276. The earthquake was between the hours of 3 and 4 p. m. The weather was clear and warm, and the wind westerly. " It came with a noise like a continued thunder, or the rattling of coaches in London, but was presently gone." It was felt at Massachusetts, Connecticut, Narraganset, Pascataqua, and all the circumjacent parts. It shook the ships, which rode in Boston harbour, and all the islands. " The noise and the shakings continued about four minutes. The earth was unquiet 20 days after, by times." Winthrop. A solemn entry of this occur- rence is made in the Town Records of Newbury. The inhabitants " being assembled to treat and consult about the well ordering of the affaires of the towne, the sunn shining faire, it pleased God to raise a vehement and terrible earthquake, with a still clap of thunder, which shook the earth and the founda- tions of the house in a very violent manner, to our great amazement and won- der ; wherefore taking notice of so great and strange an hand of God's provi- dence, we were desirous of leaving it on record to the view of after ages, to the intent that all might take notice of the power of Almighty God and feare his name." Farmer and Moore's Collections, ii. 101. 3 Winthrop, i. 268. 4 Winthrop, i. 265, 266. Hubbard, c. 34 ; Ind. Wars, 40, 41. In 1640, Uncas conveyed his lands to Connecticut. 5 Gov. TrumbuU, MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. 6 Hubbard, c. 76. Morton, 207. vol. i. 32 250 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1633. Laws of the legislature of Mary- land. A Swedish factory, conducted by Minuitz, having reared habi- tations for shelter on the eastern banks of the Delaware, near its confluence ; Kieft, the governor of New Netherlands, transmitted a remonstrance against the proceeding ; laying claim to the whole South river, as the property of the Dutch. Minuitz, however, retained possession. 1 The assembly of Maryland prepared a collection of regula- tions. The province was divided into baronies and manors, the privileges of which were carefully regulated. Bills were passed for settling the glebe ; for the liberties of the people ; for swear- ing allegiance to their sovereign ; and for securing titles to their estates. The law for civil causes and for crimes was ascertained. Laws were passed for the payment of tobacco, and for the planting of corn ; and various other regulations of domestic economy and of commerce were established. The acts of this assembly are the first, of which any record appears in the province. 9 Roger Harlakenden, one of the assistants in the government of Massachusetts, died at Cambridge. 3 1639. The inhabitants of the three towns on Connecticut river, Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, finding themselves without Jan. 14 Original of Connect- tne limits of the Massachusetts patent, conceived the plan of icut. forming themselves, by voluntary compact, into a distinct com- monwealth. All the free planters convened at Hartford on the 14th of January; and, after mature deliberation, adopted a constitution of government. The preamble states, that they, the 1 Chalmers, h. 1. 571, 572, 631. Kieft asserted, « that the whole South river of New Netherlands had been in the Dutch possession many years, above and below beset with forts, and sealed with their blood." Disputes arose. A blood- less war ensued. The Dutch dictated the terms of peace. At the treaty of Stockholm, in 1640, " Sweden and Holland prudently passed over in silence colonial squabbles, and American territory ; for the pretensions of neither party could have been supported by fair and accurate discussion." Chalmers. Smith, N. York, 3, 4. South river was the Dutch name of the Delaware; North liver, the name of the Hudson : In the Dutch language Zuyd rivier, and JYbordt rivier. See Laet, Nov. Orb. Map, 62. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 211, 232. It was from the Virginia Papers in England, that notice was obtained of the proceedings of an assembly holden at St. Mary's in 1635. Ibid. 3 Winthrop, i. 277. " He was a very godly man, and of good use both in the commonwealth and in the church. He was buried with military honour, be- cause he was lieutenant colonel. He died in great peace, and left a sweet memorial behind him of his piety and virtue." His death was caused by the small pox, " about 30 years of age." Mr. Savage says, he had an estate in England, called " Colne Park ; " and believes he was a cousin of lord Roper, and had probably been brought up under the ministry of Mr. Shepard in his native country ; to enjoy whose ministry, " he purchased Dudley's estate at Newtown" [Cambridge]. BRITISH COLONIES. 251 inhabitants and residents of those towns, well knowing, that, 1639. where a people are gathered together, the Word of God re- v^v'-^' quireth, that, to maintain the peace and union of such a people, there should be an orderly and decent government established according to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons, as occasion should require, do therefore associate and conjoin themselves to be as one public State or Commonwealth. The constitution provided, that there should be annually two general courts or assemblies ; one on the second Thursday of April, and the other, on the second Thursday of September ; that at the first, called the Court of Election, there should be annually chosen a governor and six magistrates, who, being sworn according to an oath recorded for that purpose, should have power to administer justice according to the laws here established, and, in defect of a law, according to the rule of the Word of God ; and that as many other officers and magis- trates might be chosen, as should be found requisite ; that all should have the right of election, who were admitted freemen, had taken the oath of fidelity, and lived within this jurisdiction, having been admitted inhabitants by the town where they live ; and that no person might be chosen governor more than once in two years. The towns of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield were severally authorized to send four of their freemen, as their deputies to every general court ; and it was provided, that such other towns, as should afterwards be formed and admitted into the body politic, should send as many as the court, upon the principle of apportioning the number of deputies to the number of freemen, should judge meet. In this body was vested the supreme power of the commonwealth, executive, legislative, and judicial. 1 This constitution has been thought to be one of the most free and happy constitutions of civil government, ever formed. Its formation, at a period when the light of liberty was extinguished in most parts of the earth, and the rights of men were, in others, so little understood, does great honour to the colonists by whom it was framed. It continued, with little alteration, to our own day ; and the liberty, peace, and prosperity, which it secured to the people of Connecticut for nearly two centuries, are seldom, if ever, found in the history of nations. 2 Agreeably to the constitution, the deputies chosen by the free- April, men convened at Hartford in April, and elected their officers for fJKtgene.- , . . t i tt i i ral election the ensuing year. John Haynes was chosen governor; and a t Hartford. 1 Trumbull, Conn. i. c. 6. and Appendix, No. in ; and Hazard, i. 437 — 441, where the Constitution is inserted. Day, Hist. Judiciary of Connecticut. Though dated 14 January 1638, it was, according to New Style, 163.9. 2 Trumbull. B 252 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1639. Roger Ludlow, deputy governor. 1 The general assembly pro- s^-v-w/ ceed gradually to enact a system of laws. The first statute in the code of Connecticut is a declaration or bill of rights. The assembly ordained, that all persons in the colony, whether inhabi- tants or not, should enjoy the same law and justice without partiality or delay. The general precepts breathe the same spirit of universal liberty aud safety, which is exhibited in the constitution. 2 At an adjourned session of the general court, in October, the several towns under its jurisdiction were vested with the principal powers and privileges, which they have since enjoyed as bodies corporate. 3 June 4. The planters of Quinnipiack had continued more than a year wsatQuin- w ^ tnout an y other constitution, than their plantation covenant, nipiack Having received a respectable accession to their number, by the form a con- arrival of the reverend Henry Whitfield, William Leet, esquire, stitution, lid, J , c '.^ , and others, 4 they were now prepared tor a more systematic com- bination. All the free planters in the settlement convened on the 4th of June, and proceeded to lay the foundations of their civil and religious polity. Among othe resolutions, they resolved, that they would all be governed by the rules of Scripture. Hav- ing bound themselves to settle civil government according to the divine word, they determined, that church members only should be free burgesses ; and that they only should choose magistrates, and have power to transact all the civil affairs of the plantation. They also resolved, that 12 men should be chosen, who should and a^ De empowered to choose seven, to begin the church. After a proper term of trial, seven men were chosen for the seven pil- lars. The court, consisting of those seven persons only, convened on the 25th of October ; and, after a solemn address to the Supreme Being, proceeded to form the body of freemen, and to elect civil officers. Theophilus Eaton was chosen governor ; and to him, at the close of the election, Mr. Davenport gave a charge in open court. The freemen now decreed, that there should be a general court annually in the plantation. 5 1 Roger Ludlow, George Wyllys, Edward Hopkins, Thomas Welles, John Webster, and William Phelps, were chosen magistrates ; and the first of the six was chosen deputy governor. 2 Trumbull, i. 103, where are the names of the first deputies to the general assembly. 3 Day, Hist. Judiciary of Connecticut. 4 They were a part of Mr. Davenport and Eaton's company ; and were prin- cipally from Kent and Surry, in the vicinity of London Trumbull. 5 N. Haven MS. Records in Pres. Stiles' Itinerary. Trumbull, Conn. i. 104 — 107. The persons, chosen for trial, from whom the 7 pillars were selected, were fTheophilus Eaton, fJohn Davenport, f Robert Newman, fMatthew Gil- bert, Richard Malbon, Nathaniel Turner, Ezekiel Cheevers, fThomas Fugill, fJohn Punderson, William Andrews, and fJeremiah Dixon. This fundamental agreement was signed by 63 persons 4 June ; and there were soon after added 50 other names. f designates the 7 pillars. church. BRITISH COLONIES. 25$ The reverend Peter Prudden, with a company from Wethers- 1639. field, purchased Wopowage of the natives, and there commenced ^^^/ a settlement, which was afterward called Milford. A church Milford set- was gathered there on the 22d of August. In the first town tled> meeting, the number of free planters, or church members, was 44. The Indians at this place were so numerous, that it was judged necessary to enclose and fortify the town. 1 Some of the first adventurers, who came to Quinnipiack, purchased Menun- katuck of the natives on the 29th of September ; and, in com- memoration of the place in Surry, from which they chiefly emigrated, called it Guilford. As soon as their purchase was Guilford, completed, they removed from New Haven, and settled there. Mr. Henry Whitfield led forth this little flock into the wilderness, and was its first pastor. William Leet, then a young man, after- ward governor of New Haven, accompanied the settlers to Guilford. 2 Cupheag and Pughquonnuck were purchased of the natives ; and a settlement was begun at Cupheag, since named Stratford. 3 A settlement was begun at Unquowa, and named Stratford, Fairfield. Mr. Ludlow, who went with the troops in pursuit of Fairfield, the Pequots to Sasco, the great swamp where the battle was fought, was so pleased with that fine tract of country, that he soon projected a settlement there. This year, he with a number of others began the plantation. At first there were but 8 or 10 families, which are supposed to have removed from Windsor with Mr. Ludlow ; very soon after, another company from 1 Trumbull, i. 107, 108, 285. Hubbard [c. 42.] says, the company of settlers was from Hartford and its vicinity. Mr. Prudden was installed their pastor 18 April 1640. Trumbull. 2 Rev. Thomas Ruggles, MS. Hist, of Guilford in Pres. Stiles' MS. Coll. Hubbard, c. 42. Trumbull, i. 103. It was " almost winter " when these reso- lute people removed. They now chose four of the principal planters for civil government, " whose power was to continue until the church was formed, or rather appeared in form, when their power was to end. So soon as their wilder- ness state would admit," in April 1643, " they formed themselves into a Congre- gational church ; " when " the purchasers of the lands, and those persons in whose hands the civil power had been intrusted, did actually in a formal manner in writing resign all their rights and authority unto the church." In imitation of Mr. Davenport's procedure, the church was formed by covenant on seven pillars. Ruggles, MS. Hist, ut supra. Mr. Whitfield was a well bred man, a good scholar, a great divine, and an excellent preacher ; and he was the father of the plantation. Previous to his departure from England, he enjoyed one of the best church livings at Okely, in the county of Surry, beside a large personal estate. After continuing 11 years in the ministry at Guilford, he returned in 1650, during the protectorate of Cromwell, to his native country. A large handsome stone house, built at Guilford at his own expense, and " which served as a fort for himself and many of the inhabitants," was seen standing by Presi- dent Stiles, who visited it in 1768. Trumbull, i. c. 6. See Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 182 — 188, where Mr. Ruggles' History of Guilford is preserved. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 217, 218. 3 Trumbull, i. 105. Pughquonnuck was the western part of the purchase, bordering on Fairfield. 254 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1639. Watertown joined them ; and a third company, from Concord. 1 v^-v*-^/ The settlers from Concord brought with them a minister, who came from England. 2 The first adventurers purchased a large tract of land of the natives ; and the township comprised Fair- field, Greensfarms, Greenfield, Reading, and a part of Stratfield. 8 Savbrook George Fenwick, a gentleman of great estate, and eminent for wisdom and piety, arriving from England with his lady and family, laid the foundation of the town of Saybrook at the mouth of Connecticut river. 4 Province of ^ir Ferdinando Gorges obtained of the crown a distinct char- Maine, ter in confirmation of his own grant, of all the land from Pas- cataqua to Sagadahock, styled The Province of Maine. Of this province he was made lord Palatine, with the same powers and privileges, as the bishop of Durham, in the county Palatine of Durham. In virtue of these powers, he constituted a govern- Agaroenti- nient within his province ; and incorporated the plantation at porated. r " Agamenticus into a city, by the name of Gorgeana, which, with a lofty name, was but an inconsiderable village. The province did not flourish. 5 Exeter civil The settlers of Exeter, judging themselves without the juris- combina- diction of Massachusetts, combined into a separate body politic, and chose rulers and assistants. These took the oaths of office, and the people an oath of obedience. The laws were made in a popular assembly, and formally consented to by the rulers. This combination subsisted three years. 6 1 Trumbull, Conn. i. b. 1. c. 6. 2 Pres. Stiles' Itinerary. Mr. Jones, their minister, was now at an advanced age, and died a few years afterward. lb. 3 Trumbull, i. 109. " The lands in this tract are excellent." 4 Hubbard, c. 37. His lady died soon after their arrival, and was buried near the margin of the river. Her monument is still standing. It was seen by Dr. Stiles in 1793. " At Saybrook [May 20, 1793.] I visited the original plot and fort, where Fenwick and the first planters settled down. It was regularly laid out for a city, being a peninsula near one mile long and § mile cross, laid out with three streets N. and S. Near the ruins of the fort at the eastern extremity stands the tombstone of lady Butler, consort of Mr. Fenwick. I examined the place of the old College Domicil, whose cellar remains. It is contiguous to the Burying yard, and near the centre of the peninsula." Literary Diary. — Thirty one years afterward [1824.] I visited the place, which exactly agreed to the above description. The tombstone of lady Butler is a thick slab, of a stone which occurs extensively on Connecticut river. The stone bases were decayed, but the slab was entire. The inscription was illegible. The stone was the " Red Sandstone, composed principally of quartz in grains cemented by clay (Argil- lite), and coloured red by iron. Mica enters into its composition, in white shining particles. It occurs stratified, and is very easily got into blocks and tables of any size, and forms a very substantial building stone." Description of Dr. Moses Robinson, to whom I showed a specimen. 5 Hubbard, c. 15, 31. Belknap, Biog. i. 385—388. Sullivan, 71. Brit. Emp. ii. 3. The confirmatory grant is* in Hazard, i. 442 — 456. The name of the Province was given in compliment to the queen of Charles I, who owned, as her private estate in France, the Province of Meyne. Sullivan, 307. 6 Hubbard, c. 31. Hutchinson, i. c. 1. Chalmers, b. 1. 475. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. c. 1. The reason assigned for their cornbination is : " Considering BRITISH COLONIES. 255 Rowley, in Massachusetts, was settled by about 60 industrious 1639. and pious families from Yorkshire, under the guidance of Ezekiel ^~v-^/ Rogers, an eminent minister. These settlers, many of whom Settlement had been clothiers in England, built a fulling mill ; employed ofRowlev « their children in spinning cotton wool ; and were the first who attempted to make cloth in North America. 1 A settlement was Salisbury, begnn on the north side of Merrimack, and called Salisbury ; Hampton, another at Winicowet, and called Hampton. Sudbury, in Mas- Yarmouth, sachusetts, and Yarmouth and Barnstable, in Plymouth colony, and Barn- were settled. The church at Scituate having been in a broken stable * condition several years, Mr. Lothrop, the pastor, with part of the church, removed to Cape Cod, and settled Barnstable. 2 A church was gathered at Braintree, of which Mr. Thomson, a church at pious and learned minister from Lancashire, soon after became Braintree. its pastor ; and Mr. Henry Flint, a man of similar character, its teacher. 3 There were now two regiments in Massachusetts ; which were mustered at Boston, to the number of 1000 soldiers. 4 About 83 freemen were added to the colony this year. 5 The first printing press in North America was set up this year, Printing by Stephen Day, at Cambridge. 6 press " with ourselves the holy will of God, and our own necessity that we should not live without wholsom Lawes an 1 Civil Government among us of which we are altogether destitute." The Combination, with the names of the signers [35] is in Hazard, i. 463, from the Exeter Records. The date is, " Mo. 8. d. 4. 1639." Their rulers were Isaac Grosse, Nicholas Needham, and Thomas Wilson ; each of whom continued in office one year, having two assistants. Exeter was plant- ed a few miles beyond the northeastern boundary of Massachusetts, amidst the forest which then skirted the shore of the great Bay of Pascataqua. 1 Winthrop, i 289, 294. Johnson, 130. Hubbard [c. 32.] says, in 1638, but Winthrop, 1639. 2 Lothrop, MS. Records, and Pres. Stiles' MSS. Date 11 October. 3 Winthrop, i. 313. Hubbard, c. 37. " Mount Wollaston [Braintree] had been formerly laid to Boston." It was given to that place " for upholding the town and church there." The inhabitants of Boston, who had taken their farms and lots at mount Wollaston, desired to gather a church there in 1636 ; but the measure was then opposed at Boston, lest, " by the removal of so many chief men as would go thither," the original design should be frus- trated. Winthrop. 4 Winthrop, i 293, " able men, and well armed and exercised." 5 Johnson, 134. 6 Winthrop, i 289. " A printing house was begun at Cambridge by one Daye, at the charge of Mr. Glover, who died on sea hitherward. The first thing which was printed was the freemen's oath ; the next was an almanack made for New England by Mr. William Peirce, mariner ; the next was the Psalms newly turned into metre." lb. Hist. Camb. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii 19. Thomas, His- tory of Printing in America, i. 227. Mr Glover was a worthy and wealthy nonconformist minister. He contributed liberally toward a sum sufficient to purchase printing materials ; and for this purpose solicited the aid of others in England and Holland. He gave to the College " a Font of Printing Letters, and some gentlemen of Amsterdam gave towards furnishing of a Printing Press with letters forty nine pounds and something more." Records of Harvard College. 256 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1639. Act to en- courage the fishery. June 4. First gene- ral assem- bly in Ply- mouth col- ony. Civil privi- leges re- stored to Virginia. House of assembly established in Mary- land. State of that colony. The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act to free from all duties and public taxes all estates, employed in catching, making, or transporting fish. All fishermen, during the season for business, and all ship builders were, by the same act, excused from trainiugs. Sumptuary laws were also made for restraining excess in apparel, and other expenses. 1 The towns in Plymouth colony, for the first time, sent depu- ties for legislation. Their first general assembly was on the 4th of June. Hitherto, the governor and his assistants, under the general name of the associates of the colony of New Plymouth, were virtually the representatives of the people. All laws were enacted, and all government managed by them for nearly 20 years. They had a few laws, which they termed general funda- mentals ; but, in general, they were governed by the common law and statutes of England. 2 The commission of governor Harvey was revoked in the be- ginning of this year ; and Sir William Berkeley was appointed governor of Virginia. The king's instructions to the new gover- nor evince a prodigious change in colonial policy. While pre- parations were making in England and Scotland for civil war, there were given to the wishes of the Virginians, a provincial legislature, a regular administration of justice, a government of laws. 3 The legislature of Maryland passed an act " for establishing the house of assembly." It enacted, that those, who should be elected pursuant to writs issued, should be called burgesses, and should supply the place of the freemen who chose them, in the same manner, and to the same intents, as the representatives in the parliament of England ; that the gentlemen, summoned by the special writ of the proprietary, and those freemen, who should not have voted at any of the elections, together with the governor and secretary, should be called, The House of Assem- bly ; and that all acts, assented to by that body, should be deem- ed of the same force, as if the proprietary and freemen had been personally present. The assembly, thus formed, passed what seems to have been intended for a code of laws, until a complete system of provincial jurisprudence could be established. Inconsiderable, at this early period, must have been the numbers, wealth, and power of Maryland ; for a general contribution was thought necessary, to erect a watermill for the use of the colony. Slavery seems to have rooted in Maryland with its original settle- ment ; for an act of the new assembly describes "the people" 1 Hutchinson, Mass. i. 192. 2 Trumbull, Hist. U. States, i. c. 2. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 119, 120. Gov. Harvey's Commission, given in 1636, is in Rymer's Foedera, xx. 3, and in Hazard, i. 400 — 403. BRITISH COLONIES. 257 as consisting of all Christian inhabitants, "slaves only except- 1639. ed." 1 ^^ A nunnery of French Ursulins was founded at Quebec. A nunnery Madame de la Peltrie, a pious Catholic lady, devoting her per- qU^. &t son and fortune to this religious design, went to Quebec with three Ursulins, attended by le Jeune, superior of the Jesuit mission in Canada. Entering the city under a general discharge of cannon, they proceeded in triumph, amidst the acclamations of the people, to the church, where Te Deum was solemnly sung for their arrival. 2 1640. An attempt was made in the English parliament to establish Virginia. once more over Virginia the government of the ancient corpora- tion, and thus to annul the charter of Maryland ; but it was vigorously opposed by the Virginia assembly, and the measure was relinquished. 3 Opechancanough, an Indian emperor in Virginia, being dead, governor Berkeley made a firm and lasting peace with the na- tives. 4 Among other useful laws, now passed by the assembly of Maryland. Maryland, was its inspection law, which established many salutary regulations for the improvement of the staple of the colony, and for the protection of purchasers from frauds. 3 Several of the inhabitants of Lynn, finding themselves straiten- inhabitants ed for land, went to Long Island in search of a new plantation; o( L J aa and agreed with lord Stirling's agent there for a tract of land Emd ' on near the west end of the island, and with the natives for their L - Island 5 right. The Dutch at New Netherlands, hearing of these con- tracts, sent men to take possession of the place, and to set up the arms of the prince of Orange. Ten or twelve of the English company, beginning soon after to erect buildings, took down the i 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 213—215. 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 206—209. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 428, 429. Le Jeune's Relation of the Jesuit mission in 1638 (penes me) was printed at Paris that year. Charlevoix says, that M. de la Peltrie had such zeal for the conver- sion and comfort of the Canadian natives, that she cultivated the earth with her own hands, to increase her power to promote their benefit. The hospital, called de 1' Hotel Dieu, was founded the preceding year at Sileri, by M. la Duchesse d' Aiguillon. Mrs. Ann Winslow, a respectable lady, who resided several years in Canada, informed me, that both these institutions were then in a flourishing state, especially the Hotel Dieu. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 215. The reason assigned for the opposition of Virginia is : This " ancient dominion had now learned from experience, that more liberty was enjoyed under any form, than beneath the rule of a commercial company." 4 Keith, Virg. 146. Opechancanough, while a prisoner in the hands of the governor, was shot by an English soldier. 5 Chalmers, b. 1. 216. vol i. 33 258 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1640. prince's arms ; in the place of which an Indian drew an ugly v^-v-w' face. Provoked by this indignity, the Dutch sent soldiers, who brought off the Englishmen, and imprisoned them ; but after a few days, having taken an oath of them, they set them at liberty. The adventurers now removed to the east end of the island ; where, to the number of 40 families, they settled the town of and settle Southampton. Inviting Mr. Pierson, a man of learning and ^ out amp- pi etv ^ t0 De tne i r minister, he and several of the company formed themselves into a church at Lynn before their departure ; and the whole company, with the advice of some of the magistrates of Massachusetts, erected themselves into a civil government. 1 July 7. The inhabitants of Providence, to the number of 40 persons, mentform- combined in civil government, according to their own model. 2 ed at Piovi- Some of the Providence people began a plantation at Patuxet, dence, comprehended in their grant. 3 and at Pas- The settlers on the north side of Pascataqua river, already cataqua. experiencing serious inconveniences and apprehensive of greater, for the want of civil government, formed a government of their own, independent of the proprietary lords. 4 The oldest record of New Hampshire is dated this ye u\ Maine. The first general court in the province of Maine was holden at Saco. 6 Various The general court of Massachusetts gave liberty for two new sachuse«s S P^ antau0ns J one °f which was called Haverhill, the other, legislature. Andover. 7 It also granted the income of the ferry between Boston and Charlestown as a perpetual revenue to Harvard college. 8 It made provision for a public registry. 9 It prohibited the use of tobacco. 10 President of The magistrates with the ministers of Massachusetts chose Harvard the reverend Henry Dunster, to be president of Harvard col- collese ' lege. 11 Emigration After a l° n g recess, the parliament assembled ; and persecu- from°Eng- tion was stopped. On the change of affairs in England, emigra- land ceases. t j on ceasea > # Several of the most considerable colonists, and many of the ministers in New England, returned to their native 1 Winthrop, ii. 3—6. Hubbard, c. 33. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 95. Neal, N, Eng. i. 208. 2 Callender, 43. Douglass, ii. 78. 3 Callender, 35. Adams, N. Eng. 63. 4 Hubbard, c. 31, where is a copy of the compact, 5 Chalmers, b. 1 498. 6 Sullivan, Hist. Maine, 308. 7 Hubbard, c. 32. The names were given " with reference to some of the planters, who belonged to those towns in England." 8 Massachusetts Laws. Douglas, i. 543. Adams, N, Eng. 73. 9 Hutchinson, i. 455. 10 Chalmers, b. 1. 42. 11 Johnson, 1640. Mather, Magnal. b. iv. 127, BRITISH COLONIES. 259 country. 1 The inhabitants of Strawberry Bank at the lower end 1640. of Pascataqua granted 50 acres of land for a glebe. A parson- \^^~*s age house and chapel were already erected upon the premises, Portsmouth and Mr. Richard Gibson had been chosen for their first minis- &lebe# ter. 2 Nathaniel Turner, in behalf of the town of New Haven, pur- Stamford chased of Ponus, sagamore of Toquamske, and of Wascussue, bought of a sagamore of Shippau, all the lands belonging to them, called Rippowance, excepting a small parcel reserved by them for planting. A part or the whole of this tract was soon after purchased of New Haven by some of the inhabitants of Wethers- amlsett i c ,] % field, who settled upon it the town of Stamford. 3 Connecticut made presents to Uncas, the Moheagan sachem, Indian land? to his satisfaction, obtained of him a clear and ample deed of all purchased; his lands in Connecticut, excepting what were then planted ; which he reserved for himself and the Moheagans. Governor Haynes, in behalf of Hartford, made a purchase of Tunxis. This tract included the towns of Farmington and Southington, Farming- and extended westward to the Mohawk country. The people Ington" 1 * of Connecticut, about this time, purchased Waranoke, since called Westfield, and soon began a plantation there. Governor westfield, Hopkins erected a trading house, and had a considerable interest in the plantation. A large tract of land was purchased, in be- half of Connecticut, of the Indians on Long Island ; and settle- L. Island, 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 165, 166. Hutchinson, i. c. 1. Neal [N. Eng. i. 218.] says, the New England colonies the next 20 years decreased, instead of receiving any accession. The immediate effect of this change was great and distressing. The price of a milch cow, which had been from 25 to £30, fell this year to 5 or £6. Hubbard, c. 32. There were estimated to be 12,000 neat cattle, and about 3000 sheep in the colony. Hutchinson. 2 Hubbard, c. 31. Alden, Account of Religious Societies in Portsmouth, in Mass. Hist. Soc. x. 37 — 72. The style of the donations would lead us to sup- pose this foundation to have been exclusively Episcopal; but Mr. Alden gives this account of it. " In the first beginnings of their government, they had no laws to render votes of town meetings valid, with respect to property ; nor any forms of conveyance, but such as were taken from the laws of England. There- fore, the inhabitants thought it necessary to confirm their vote of a parsonage by a legal deed, and no other forms existed, but such as were peculiarly accom- modated to the church of England." Mr. Richard Gibson, who was chosen for M their first parson," soon left the country. No person was ordained for the ministry at Portsmouth till almost 50 years from the time of its first settlement. Of all the temporaiy preachers during this period, Gibson was the only one, who followed the English ritual. " The building, which in 1640 was called a chapel, appears ever after to have been called a meeting house." 3 MS. Memoir of Rev. Noah Welles of Stamford, in Pres. Stiles' Itinerary. Turner gave the natives for the New Haven purchase 12 coats, 12 hoes, 12 hatchets, 12 glasses, 12 knives, 2 kettles, and 4 fathom of white wampum. The Wethersfield purchasers gave New Haven for the township of Stamford £33 ; and obliged themselves to join with the people of New Haven in the form of gov- ernment, lately agreed on there. Twenty men agreed to settle by the last of November 1641 ; and before the end of 1641, there were 30 or 40 families set- tled at Stamford. lb. 260 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1640. Delaware merits were immediately begun there. 1 Another large purchase was made by captain Turner, agent for New Haven, on both sides of Delaware bay or river. This purchase was made with a view to trade, and for the settlement of churches in gospel order and purity. The colony erected trading houses upon the lands, and sent nearly 50 families to make settlements upon them. These were made under the jurisdiction of New Haven. It also appears, that New Haven colony, or their confederates, pur- chased and settled Yennycock, on Long Island, afterward called Southhold. Mr. John Youngs, who had been a minister at Hingham in England, came over with a considerable part of his church, and, fixing his residence here, reorganized his church y and the planters united themselves with New Haven. Laws were made by Connecticut and New Haven, prohibiting all purchases of the Indians, by private persons or companies, without the consent of their respective general courts. 2 1641. The general court of Massachusetts established 100 laws, called The Body of Liberties. They had been composed by Mr. Nathaniel Ward, minister of Ipswich, who had formerly been a student and practitioner at law. Having already been revised and altered by the court, and sent into every town for consideration, they were now revised again, amended, and pre- sented, " and so established for three years, by that experience to have them fully amended, and established to be perpetual." It is in the laws of an infant people, an historian has justly re- marked, that we trace their principles, and discover their policy. A sketch of the most remarkable laws in the first New England code is therefore subjoined. It was enacted, that there never should be any bond slavery, villanage, or captivity among the inhabitants of the province, excepting lawful captives, taken in just wars ; or such as should willingly sell themselves, or be sold to them ; and such should have the liberties and Christian usage, which the Law of God, established in Israel concerning such persons, morally requires : That if any strangers, or people of other nations, professing the Christian religion, should fly to them from tyranny or oppression of their persecutors, or from famine, wars, " or the like necessary and compulsory cause," they should receive entertainment and succour : 3 That there should be no 1 This tract extended from the eastern part of Oyster bay to the western part of Howe's or Holmes's hay to the middle of the great plain. It lies on the northern part of the island, and extends southward ahout half its breadth. By the year 1642, the settlements had made considerable advancement. Trumbulh 9 Trumbull, Conn. i. b. 1. c. 7. 3 " According to that power and prudence God shall give us." BRFTISH COLONIES. 261 monopolies, but of such new inventions, as were profitable to the 1641. country, and those for a short time only : That all deeds of con- \^v~^/ veyance, whether absolute or conditional, should be recorded, that neither creditors might be defrauded, nor courts troubled with vexatious suits and endless contentions about sales and mortgages : That no injunction should be laid on any church, church officer, or member, in point of doctrine, worship, or dis- cipline, whether for substance or circumstance, " besides the Institution of the Lord ; " and that, in the defect of a law, in any case, the decision should be by the Word of God. 1 The exigencies of the Massachusetts colonists, arising from Exigencies t-he scarcity of all foreign commodities and the unsaleableness of ofthatcoi- their own, incited them to provide fish, clapboards, planks, and other ony ' articles ; to sow hemp and flax ; and to look to the West Indies for a trade for cotton. 2 The general court, in the mean time, made orders about payment of debts, setting corn at the usual price, and making it payable for all debts, which should arise after a time prefixed. It also sent some select persons into England, "to congratulate the happy success there;" to give creditors satisfactory reasons, why such punctual payment was not made 1 Massachusetts Laws. Winthrop, ii. 55. Hubbard [c. 32.] says, the people had prevailed to have the subject of a code of laws committed to two divines, each of whom formed a model ; that these models were presented to the general court in 1639 ; that the court committed them to the governor, deputy gover- nor, and some others, to be considered ; and that the body of laws was this year (1641) established. As governor Winthrop says expressly, that the body of liberties was composed by Mr. Ward, I presume the other divine, to whom the subject was committed, was Mr. Cotton; and that " An Abstract of the Laws of New England, printed in London in 1641," and reprinted in Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 173 — 187, was his model. It was found in manuscript in Mr. Cotton's study after his death. Mr. Aspinwall, who published it in 1655, as- cribes it to " that godly, grave, and judicious divine, Mr. John Cotton ; " says, that it was " commended to the general court " of Massachusetts ; that " being by him done, and with all sweetness and amiableness of spirit tendered, but not accepted, he surceased to press it any further at that season." Address to the Reader, ib. 187—192. See a. d. 1648. The adoption of the Divine Law, especially the Mosaic, in defect of any other, although with an express reference to what it " morally requires," has received the strictures of some, and the sneers of others. It is grateful to find an instance of liberal and independent sentiment on this subject, in an enlightened age. " The Mosaic Law recom- mended throughout as much benevolence as was consistent with that distinction [between Jews and Gentiles] which it was intended to promote. The princi- ples on which it is framed may be always adopted with advantage, since it breathes throughout a fine spirit of moral equity, of merciful regard to strangers, and even to the brute creation, and tends by its literal and figurative precepts to awaken benevolence and charitable dispositions." Gray's Key to the Old Testa- ment. 2 Hubbard [c. 32.] says, the general court, in 1640, made several orders for the manufacture of woollen and linen cloth, " which in a little time stopped this gap in part ; " and that, soon after, a traffic was begun to the West Indies, and Wine islands, by which, among other goods, much cotton wool was brought into the country from the West Indies ; and that the inhabitants, by learning to spin it, and by breeding sheep, and sowing hemp and flax, soon found out a way to supply themselves with many necessaries of cloth. 262 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1641. now, as had been made in former years ; to be ready to use any v^vw/ opportunity, that might providentially be offered, for the benefit of New England ; and to give advice, if required, for settling a Colonial form of church discipline. It hence appears to have been no policy. p art Q f t jj e tjj ect f me i r mission, to solicit parliamentary aid or patronage ; although the colony had been advised to this measure. The reason assigned for not following that advice, is very re- markable. It was the apprehension of subjection to the authority of parliament. The persons sent to England, on this occasion, were Hugh Peters, minister of Salem, Thomas Welde, minister of Roxbury, and William Hibbins, of Boston. They sailed from Boston on the 3d of August. 1 Cold win- A very cold winter closed this year. The harbour of Boston, ter * where ships ordinarily anchored, was so deeply frozen over, as to be passable for horses, carts and oxen, five weeks. 2 Dover and The lords and gentlemen, holding a patent for the lands south Portsmouth f Pascataqua, finding no means to govern the people there, nor Masl juris- to restrain them from spoiling their timber, agreed to assign all diction. me j r interest of jurisdiction to Massachusetts, reserving the land to themselves. The inhabitants at Dover and Strawberry Bank were accordingly declared to belong to the Massachusetts juris- diction. 3 1 Winthrop, ii. 25, 31. Hubbard, c. 45. Chalmers, b. 1. 172. Dr. Bentley [Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 253.] says, that Mr. Petirs was much engaged in trade, and knew all its embarrassments ; and that, as he had often done the business of the colony with success, he was thought a proper person to return to Eng- land, and to represent the sense of the colony upon the laws of excise and trade. The historian of Salem ascribes the rapid improvements in that town to the influence of Mr. Peters, during the five years of his ministry. " The arts were introduced. A watermill was erected ; a glass house ; salt works ; the planting of hemp was encouraged, and a regular market was established. An almanack was introduced to direct their affairs. Commerce had unexampled glory. He formed the plan of the fishery, of the coasting voyages, of the foreign voyages ; and among many other vessels, one of 300 tons was undertaken under his influ- ence." Id. Neither Welde nor Peters ever returned to New England. The first was ejected in the reign of Charles II ; the other came to a tragical end. Hutchinson, i. 98. Governor Winthrop gives the following account of this mission : " Upon the great liberty which the king had left the parliament to, in England, some of our friends there wrote to us advice to send over some to solicit for us in the parliament, giving us hope that we might obtain much &c. but consulting about it, we declined the motion for this consideration, that if we should put ourselves under the protection of the parliament, we must then be subject to all such laws as they should make, or at least such as they might impose upon us ; in which course though they should intend our good, yet it might prove very prejudicial to us." On this passage governor Trumbull, near- ly 140 years afterward, remarked : " Here observe, that as at this time, so it hath been ever since, that the colonies, so far from acknowledging the parliament to have a right to make laws binding on them in all cases whatsoever, they have ever denied it in any case." Letter to J. D. Vander Capellan, in Coll. Mass*. Hist. Soc. vi. 156. 2 Johnson, 170. 3 Winthrop, ii. 28. Hubbard, c. 45. BRITISH COLONIES. the continent of South America, called Surinam, in 9° north Surinam, latitude, from the mouth of the river Oronoque, southward to by the ne tne r * ver Maroni ; but that country being low, marshy, and un- French, healthful, they abandoned it this year. The English, the same IL S EngUs b h. y ear > at the expense of lord Willoughby, first settled there. 1 1642. Ministers The ministers of New England received letters from some invited to pious people in Virginia, earnestly soliciting a supply of faith- Virgima. f u j ministers. At a lecture in Boston, three ministers were agreed on for the solicited mission, and they went with letters of recommendation from the governor of Massachusetts to the governor and council of Virginia ; but their residence in that colony was short, and the benevolent design was unhappily frus- trated. 2 N. England The assembly of divines at Westminster being called by the ministers parliament, to consider and advise about the settling of church the assem- government ; several lords of the upper house, and about 30 biyatWest- members of the house of commons, with some ministers in England, who were for the independency of churches, sent let- ters to Mr. Cotton of Boston, Mr. Hooker of Hartford, and Mr. Davenport of New Haven, to ask their assistance in that synod ; but they declined the invitation. 3 ten days." The Annotator on Winthrop [i. 25.] says, "William Peirce (or Peirse) deserves honourable mention among the early navigators between Old England and New. He made many voyages, of which the earliest known," by the writer, " was in 1623 in the Ann, the sixth vessel, whose arrival in our bay, since the foundation of Plimouth is mentioned. He was the maker of the first American Almanack, viz. for 1639." 1 Anderson, ii. 389, 392. 2 Winthrop, ii. 95, 96. Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 48. The three ministers, sent to Virginia, were Mr. Thompson of Braintree, Mr. Knolles of Watertown, and Mr. James of New Haven. They went in 1642, and returned the next summer ; for the government of Virginia had made an order, that all such persons, as would not conformto the discipline of the church of England, should depart the country by a certain day. See a. d. 1643. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 119. " Though the state did silence the ministers because they would not conform to the order of England, yet the people resorted to them in private houses to hear them." Winthrop. 3 Winthrop, ii. 76, 77. Hubbard, c. 48. Hutchinson, i. c. 1. where is a copy of the invitation, with the names of the signers. " Mr. Hooker liked not the business. — Mr. Davenport thought otherwise of it. — Mr. Cotton apprehended strongly a call of God in it. — But soon after came other letters out of England, upon the breach between the king and parliament, from one of the former lords, and from Mr. Welde and Mr. Peter, to advise them to stay till they heard further; so this care came to an end." Winthrop. " Mr. Hooker was about that time preparing for the press a vindication of congregational churches, or rather framing a system or plan of church government, which he designed for the New England churches, let the determination at Westminster be what it would." Hutchinson. BRITISH COLONIES. 265 The first commencement at Harvard College was holden at 1642. Cambridge on the 9th of October ; when nine candidates took v^-v~^/ the degree of bachelor of arts. Most of the members of the Oct 9. general court were present ; and, for the encouragement of the JJjJ^JJJJJjJi students, dined at the " ordinary commons." 1 at Harvard Thomas Mayhew of Watertown, having recently obtained of Colle s e - lord Stirling's agent a grant of Martha's Vineyard with the adja- t. Mayhew cent islands, removed his family to the Vineyard, and began a settles Mar- settlement at Edgarton, of which he was the ruler, and his son **£ the minister. He appears to have been the first Englishman who settled on that island. 2 Darby Field, an Irishman, living near Pascataqua, went in Journey to June, accompanied by two Indians, to the White Hills in New fountain* Hampshire, nearly 100 miles west of Saco. About a month after, he went again to those mountains, with five or six persons ; and, by a report of strange stones, excited great expectation of precious metallic substances ; but they were never found. 3 The general court of Massachusetts made an order for the order about preparation of houses for saltpetre, with the intention of manu- saltpetre. factoring gunpowder ; but it was not carried into effect for several years. 4 A village having been begun the last year within the township wobum of Charlestown, a church was now gathered there, and the set- settled. tlement was called Woburn. 5 Richard Blinman, who had been 1 Winthrop, ii. 87. The bachelors, now graduated, " were young men of good hope, and performed their acts so as gave good proof of their proficiency in the tongues and arts." The Theses of this first class of graduates are pub- lished entire in Hutchinson, Mass. Appendix, No. vi. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 6. 53. Neal, N. Eng. i. 435. Hutchinson, i. 161. Mass. Hist. Soc. hi 155. Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket were not included in either of the four New England governments. The earl of Stirling laid claim to all the islands between Cape Cod and Hudson's river. Together with the conveyance of territory to Mayhew, he granted, according to the opinion and usage of his day, the same powers of government, which the Massachusetts people enjoyed by their charter. Hence it was, that Mayhew was called gover- nor of the islands. Hutchinson. 3 Winthrop, ii. 67, 68, 89. Dr. Belknap [N. Hamp. i. 19—21.] has placed this discovery in 1632 ; but he had not seen Winthrop's Journal. This is be- lieved to be the first visit of any European to the White Mountains. For the most satisfactory account of these mountains, see the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery, v. 321 — 331. The name of " Darby Field " is among the settlers of Exeter, 1639. 4 Johnson, 181. 5 Winthrop, ii. 91. Johnson, 175. Chickering's Dedication Sermon. Woburn was previously called " Charlestown Village." Mr. Carter was ordained pastor of the church. In the first settlement of New England, Johnson observes, when the people judped their number competent to maintain a minister, " they then surely seated themselves, and not before ; it being as unnatural for a right New England man to live without an able ministry, as for a smith to work his iron without fire." b. 2. c.}22. Mr. Carter came from England to this country in 1638, being then a student in divinity. He died 1 Dec. 1 684. Mt. 74. Chickering. VOL. T. ?A 266 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1642. Gloucester. Topsfield. Warwick. Progress of N. England. Massachu- setts. Ehglish on L. Island impeded by the Dutch. Fort Hope seized. a minister in Wales, went with a few people from Green's Har- bour, near Plymouth, where he had been seated a short time, and settled at Cape Ann, which, at a general court this year, was established to be a plantation, and called Gloucester. 1 A village was granted at Ipswich river ; which afterward was called Topsfield. 2 Gorton, the familist exile, and 11 other persons purchased of Miantonomoh, the Narraganset sachem, a tract of land at Mishawomet, where he built a town, which was afterward called Warwick. 3 This year 127 freemen were admitted to Massachusetts. 4 There had now been settled in New England 77 ministers, who were driven from the parent country, besides 16 students, who afterward became ministers; 5 50 towns and villages had been planted ; 30 or 40 churches, and a greater number of ministers' houses had been erected ; a castle, several prisons, and forts. Ships had been built from 100 to 400 tons ; and five of them were already at sea. 6 The expense of settling the single province of Massachusetts was above £200,000. In making this plantation, 192 ships were employed, " and 12 years were spent before it was brought into any tolerable degree of perfec- tion." 7 Emigrant colonists from Connecticut had already overspread the eastern end of Long Island. Encouraged by a title, given by earl Stirling in 1639, they now advanced westward to Oyster Bay ; but were driven back by Kieft, the Dutch governor at New Netherlands, because they appeared within sight of his residence. The inhabitants of Connecticut instantly seized the garrison of Fort Hope on the river Connecticut, in the vicinity of Hartford, and obliged the Dutch to recede within 10 miles of the Hudson. 8 J Winthrop, fi. 64. Johnson, 169. a Hubbard, c. 45. 3 Callender, 36, 37. It was built about 14 miles northward of Smith's trading house. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 217. The purchasers paid for the land 144 fathomi of wampum. Hutchinson, i. 118. See a.d. 1646. 4 Savage, Note on Winthrop, ii. 74. Mr. Savage has given us their names in the Appendix ; and to him we are indebted for the correction of a material error in Johnson. 5 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 289. 6 N. Eng. First Fruits, in Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 247, 248. 7 Dummer, Defence of the New England Charters, 5. " The account stands thus : The freight of the passengers cost £95,000 ; the transportation of their first stock of cattle came to £12,000 ; the provisions laid in for subsistence, till by tillage more could be raised, cost £45,000 ; the materials for building their first little cottages came to £18,000 ; their arms and ammunition cost £22,000. These several articles amount to £192,000, not taking into the account the very great sums which were expended in things of private use, that people could not be without, who were going to possess an uninhabited land." 8 Chalmers, b. 1. 571. See a. d. 1633, 1634. BRITISH COLONIES. 267 A town was granted by the general court of Massachusetts to 1642. the inhabitants of Cambridge. It was called Shawshin, from ^-^^ the river on which it is situated ; but it was afterwards incorpo- Biiierica. rated by the name of Biiierica. 1 The people of New Haven, intending to make a plantation at Colonists of Delaware, sent agents, who duly purchased of the natives several f e ' t ^p V a en tracts of land, on both sides of Delaware bay or river, to which trading neither the Dutch nor the Swedes had any just title ; 2 and erect- ^Xware. 16 ed a trading house. It did not, however, remain long unmolested. Kieft, the Dutch governor at New Netherlands, without any legal protest or warning, sent armed men to the Delaware, who burned the trading house, and seized the goods. 3 Emigrants from Maryland having taken possession of the Colonies of Dutch Schuylkill, the governor of New Netherlands, hearing of J^^ 1 ™^. what he deemed an intrusion, sent Alpendam from Manhattan sionofthe with two sloops, and easily dispossessed these English colonists, Schuylkill-, unprepared for resistance. The weakness of Maryland, yet in but are dis- ks infancy, and the civil distractions of the parent country, in- possessed. volved in civil war, prevented expressions of provincial and of national resentment. 4 Intrigues of Clayborne, in Maryland, infused jealousy into the Indian war natives. The rapid increase of the English, threatening their }£ n J? ary " own annihilation as a people, gave them much uneasiness. In- dividuals procured their lands, without the authority of govern- ment, for considerations totally inadequate, with which therefore, in review, they were greatly dissatisfied. These combined causes, .in the beginning of this year, brought on an Indian war, which, with its accustomed evils, continued several years. 5 The Iroquois had already entered into a considerable com- Iroquois merce with the Dutch at New Netherlands, to whom they dis- t j rad i wi J posed of their peltry, and who, in return, furnished them with 1 Farmer and Moore's Hist. Coll. i. 65. It was incorporated in 1655. 2 Hazard, ii. 164. The occasion of the success of the New Haven agents is remarkable. A Pequot sachem, in the time of the Pequot war, had fled from his country, and settled on Delaware river. He, at this juncture, gave an honourable testimony in behalf of the English people, by whom his nation had been exterminated. He told the Delaware sachem, that, although they had killed his countrymen, and driven him out ; yet they were honest men, and had just cause to do what thev did ; for the Pequots, he acknowledged, had done them wrong, and refused, when demanded, to give them reasonable satisfaction. Hubbard, c. 46. 3 Hazard, ii. 164, 213. Winthrop, ii. 76. " A plantation was begun the last year at Delaware Bay by those of New Haven, and some 20 families were trans- ported thither, but this summer there fell such sickness and mortality among them as dissolved the plantation. The same sickness and mortality befell the Swedes also, who were planted upon the same river." 4 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 21. 632. 5 Chalmers, b. 1. 216. See a. d. 1631, 1633, 1634, and 1644. Proposi- tion^ for confedera- tion. AMERICAN ANNALS. fire arms, by which means they obtained a decisive superiority over the Hurons. 1 Maisonneuve, a gentleman of Champaigne, who, the preceding year, brought over several French families to Montreal, now entered with them into possession of their new habitation and chapel of this island, with many religious solemnities. 2 At the Massachusetts general court, in September, the propo- sitions sent from Connecticut, about a combination, were read and referred to a committee. The committee met, and, after deliberation, having added a few cautions and new articles, and proposing the taking in of Plymouth, " who were now willing," and Sir Ferdinando Gorges' province, returned the propositions to Connecticut, to be considered until the spring. 3 1 Wynne, i. 308. See a. d. 1611. 2 Wynne, i. 307. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 227, 228. In 1640, the French king had vested the property of the island in 35 associates, of whom Maison- neuve was one; and 15 Oct. 1641 he was declared governor of the island. Ibid. Cardenas, 208. 3 Winthrop, ii. 85. " Winter was now approaching, and there could he no meeting before." The Editor of Winthrop supposes " an unreasonable jealousy next year prevented us from permitting the junction of Maine in this admirable alliance." Hubbard [c. 52.] says, " those of Sir Ferdinando Gorges' province were not received nor called into this confederation, because they ran a differ- ing course from the rest, both in their ministry and their civil administrations ; nor indeed were they at that time furnished with inhabitants fit for such a purpose ; for they had lately made Agamenticus (a poor village) a corporation ; " and chosen an unsuitable person for its mayor, and had entertained a person " under offence," for their minister. See a. d. 1639. In Plymouth colony, beside the town of Plymouth, there were now settled Duxborough, Scituate, Taunton, Rehoboth, Sandwich, Barnstable, and Yarmouth. Hutchinson, i. 207. PART II. BRITISH AMERICAN COLONIES. PERIOD HI. FROM THE UNION OF THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES, IN 1643, TO THE REVOLUTION OF WILLIAM AND MARY, IN 1689. 1643. This is the memorable epoch of the first Union of the New Union tf England colonies. A confederacy had been in agitation several co i on j eg . ng ' years. As early as the year 1637, the subject was discussed ; and, the following year, articles of union, for amity, offence and defence, mutual advice and assistance upon all necessary occa- sions, were drawn, and referred to the next year for farther consideration. Difficulties, however, occurred, which retarded the execution of the design until the present year. The colonies of Connecticut, New Haven, and Plymouth, despatched commis- sioners to Boston in May, at the time of the session of the Massa- chusetts general court. This court appointed commissioners to meet those of the other colonies. A spirit of harmony and mutual condescension was auspicious to the great object; and on the May 19. 19th of May, the articles were completed and signed at Boston, signed? The reasons assigned for this union were : the dispersed state of the colonies ; the vicinity of the Dutch, Swiss, and French, who Reasons for were inclined to encroachments ; the hostile disposition of the tne umon * neighbouring Indians ; the appearance of a general combination of these savage tribes, to extirpate the English colonies ; the commencement of civil contests in the parent country ; the im- possibility of obtaining aid from England in any emergence ; and, in fine, the alliance, already formed between these colonies by the sacred ties of religion. The commissioners declared, that, as in nation and religion, so in other respects they be and continue 270 AMERICAN ANNALS. Advanta- ges of the union. 1643. one ; and henceforth be called by the name of The United ^-v~w Colonies of New England. 1 The members of this league were deemed by all their neigh- bours as one body, with regard to their public transactions, though the peculiar affairs of each continued to be managed by its own courts and magistrates. On the completion of the colonial confederacy, several In- dian sachems came in, and submitted to the English govern- ment ; among whom were Miantonomoh, the Narraganset, and Uncas, the Moheagan chief. 2 The union rendered the colonies formidable to the Dutch, as well as Indians, and respectable in the view of the French ; maintained general harmony among them- selves, and secured the peace and rights of the country ; preserved the colonies during the civil wars and unsettled state of England ; was the grand instrument of their defence in Philip's war ; and was essentially serviceable in civilizing and Christianizing the Indians. 3 The proportion of men, assigned to the colonies by this alliance, was 100 to Massachusetts, and 45 to each of the other three colonies, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven. 4 Massachusetts was divided this year into four counties, or shires ; Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. 5 The first legislative provision was made for the attendance of grand juries, at the particular or judicial court of Connecticut. The act required a grand jury to make presentment of the breaches of any laws or orders, or other misdemeanours that should come to their knowledge, within the territorial jurisdiction of the government. 6 Division of Mass. into 4 counties. 1 Records of the United Colonies of New England, in Hazard, ii. 1 — 6. Winthrop, i. 237, 284 ; ii. 101—106. Morton, 229. Trumbull, Conn. i. 126, 127. Hutchinson, i. 124, 126. Hubbard, c. 52. Brit. Emp. i. 281—287. Neal, N. Eng. i. 223. The articles of Union are in Winthrop, Hubbard, Brit. Emp. and Neal. They are entitled, " The Articles of Confederation between the plantations under the government of the Massachusetts, the plantations under the government of New Plimouth, the plantations under the government of Connecticut and the government of New Haven, with the plantations in com- bination therewith." The articles were signed at this time by all the commission- ers, excepting those from Plymouth, " who, for want of commission from their general court, deferred their subscription till the next meeting ; " and ihen (Sept. 7.) they also subscribed them. These articles were " allowed by the general courts of the several jurisdictions," and their agreement to them certified at the next meeting held at Boston in September. This union sub- sisted, with some alterations, until the year 1686, when all the charters were in effect vacated by a commission from king James II. This confederacy was acknowledged and countenanced by the authority in England, from its beginning until the Restoration; and in letters from king Charles II. notice is taken of it, without any exception to the establishment. Hutchinson. 2 Johnson, 183. 3 Trumbull, i. 129. 4 Brit. Emp. i. 84. r > Hutchinson, i. 117. 6 Day's Hist, of the Judiciary of Connecticut. BRITISH COLONIES. 2li Several persons, arriving at Boston, attempted to establish 1643. presbyterian government under the authority of the assembly of \^^~*s divines at Westminster, which met this year ; but they were Presbyte- baffled by the general court. 1 rians - The Massachusetts general court ordered, that, in the yearly M anner of choice of assistants, the freemen should use Indian corn and balloting beans ; the Indian corn, to manifest elections ; the beans, the f D n 1 ts assist " contrary ; with a penalty of £10 for putting in more than one Indian corn or bean, for the choice or refusal of any public officer. The same court ordered, that Wampampeag should Wampam- pass current in the payment of debts to the amount of 40 shillings ; J 6 ^™^. the white, at 8 a penny, the black at 4, excepting in payment of der. country rates. 2 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for the preservation of ActofVir- purity and unity of doctrine and discipline in the church, and the g inia < re- right administration of the sacraments. By this act, no minister Ssters to might be admitted to officiate in this country, but such as should conform. produce to the governor a testimonial that he had received his ordination from some bishop in England, and should then sub- scribe to be conformable to the orders and constitutions of the church of England, and the laws there established. Upon the compliance of a minister with these conditions, the governor was requested to induct him into any parish that should make presen- tation of him ; and if any other person, pretending himself a minister, should, contrary to this act, presume to teach or preach publicly or privately, the governor and council were desired and empowered to suspend and silence him, and, upon his obstinate persistence, to compel him to depart the country. 3 Mr. Rigbee, a wealthy gentleman in England, a counsellor at plough Pa- law, and a member of the long parliament, having purchased tent at Sa - the Plough Patent, at Sagadahock, called Ligonia, sent over s adahock - Mr. Cleaves with a commission to govern the people there, as his deputy. A legal controversy respecting the right to this territory ensued. Rigbee, or his agent, and assignees, at length relinquished their title to any part of it. 4 The township of Wells, in the province of Maine, was granted Township by Thomas Gorges, deputy governor, as agent to Sir Ferdinando of Welis - Gorges, lord proprietor of that province, and was confirmed by a court holden at Saco the following year. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 165. Massachusetts Laws. Hutchinson, i. 117. 2 Massachusetts Laws. 3 Trott's Laws of Brit. Plantations, Art. Virginia. The act was passed 2 March 1642 ; but it appears to have been O. S. which brings it to 1643, N. S. See a. d. 1642. If the unwelcome visit made by the ministers from Massachu- setts to Virginia, the last year, were not the cause of this act ; it was, unques- tionably, this act which caused their return home " this summer." 4 Hubbard, c. 44. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 138. 272 AMERICAN ANNALS. Suspicions against Mi- antonomoh. War be- tween Mi- antonomoh and Uncas. Miantono- moh killed. On complaints against Gorton and his adherents, for injuries done to the natives, and other crimes, they were sent for, to appear at the general court at Boston. On their refusal to acknowledge the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, Gorton and sev- eral of his adherents were taken, carried to Boston, and im- prisoned ; and the next year were banished from the jurisdiction and from the lands purchased of the Indians, on pain of death. 1 It was strongly suspected, that Miantonomoh had, the last year, contrived to draw all the Indians throughout the country into a general conspiracy against the English. On being sent for by the Massachusetts government, he readily appeared, and declared his innocence with respect to a conspiracy ; and the English were satisfied. 2 This year Miantonomoh made war on Uncas, the Pequot sa- chem, who had been uniformly friendly to the English, and was still their ally. With 1000 Narragansets, Miantonomoh gave Uncas battle ; but Uncas, with less than half that number of Moheagans, obtained the victory, and took Miantonomoh prisoner. Uncas applied to the commissioners of the United Colonies for advice how to proceed against him. From historical Records it appears, that Miantonomoh, in coming suddenly upon Uncas, without denouncing war or complaining to the English, had violated an agreement previously made between them at Hart- ford ; that he had murdered one of Uncas's men, whom he had promised to send to him ; and that he had plotted a conspiracy against the English. The Commissioners, having ascertained the facts, and deliberately considered them, gave it as their opinion, that Uncas could not be safe while Miantonomoh lived ; that he ought to be put to death, but in Uncas's jurisdiction ; and that, if Uncas should refuse to do it, then Miantonomoh should be sent in a pinnace to Boston, there to be kept until further consideration. Uncas, soon after, cut off his head. 3 1 Winthrop, ii. 137—140. Callender, 36. Hutchinson, i. 119—122. Adams, N. Eng. 66. Hubbard [c. 47.] says, Gorton encouraged the Narragansets to rise in rebellion against the United Colonies ; but I do not find this charge alleged at the trial. See a letter, written by him in his own defence, in Hutch- inson, i. Appendix, No. xx. See a. d. 1646. 2 Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 44. 3 Records of the United Colonies, in Hazard, ii. 7—9. Morton, 1643, & Note, p. 234. Winthrop, ii. 130—134. I. Mather, Ind. Troubles, 56. Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 42, 45; N. Eng. c. 51. Callender, 72. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 77, 84. Hubbard describes Miantonomoh as " a very goodly personage, of tall stature, subtil and cunning in his contrivements, as well as haughty in his designs." An historian may leave this case (if reviewed after the lapse of near two cen- turies )jto lawyers and judges ; but it is his duty to inform them, that, of the eight commissioners, governor Winthrop, of Connecticut, was president ; and that of their number were Edward W r inslow, of Plymouth, Edward Hopkins, governor of Connecticut, and Theophilus Eaton, governor of New Haven— all of them eminent for wisdom and integrity. The pleading of an advocate may be seen in a Note upon Winthrop, and the opinion of a judge, in a Note upon Morton. BRITISH COLONIES. 273 The house of commons passed a memorable resolve in favour 1643. of New England, exempting its imports and exports from custom, \^^~*^ subsidy, or taxation. 1 The English parliament passed an ordinance, appointing the E. of War- earl of Warwick governor in chief, and lord high admiral of the **<* made American colonies, with a council of five peers, and twelve com- and admiral moners. It empowered him, in conjunction with his associates, °f ,he col °- to examine the state of their affairs ; to send for papers and persons ; to remove governors and officers, and appoint others in their places ; and to assign over to these such part of the powers that were now granted, as he should think proper. 2 The English New Haven colonists, in all their attempts to Complaints settle a plantation at Delaware, found the Swedes open enemies, ofN ." ™, a i en , , Vw i i • ' r i • mi • against the and the Dutch secret underminers ot their interest. 1 Ins year Dutch and Mr. Lamberton, in their name, complained to the commissioners s * edes - for the United Colonies of many gross injuries, which they sus- tained from both ; of the Dutch, for burning down their trading house on the river ; and of the Swedes, for disturbing their agents. Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, president of the commis- sioners for the United Colonies, wrote in September to William Kieft, the Dutch governor of New Netherlands, and to John Prinz, the Swedish governor at Delaware, on the subject of these injuries ; and soon after received answers, " but without any satis- faction." 3 The commissioners, however, authorized Mr. Lam- berton to treat with the Swedish governor, and gave him a new commission to proceed with the trade and plantation at Delaware ; and harmony was restored. 4 The government of Harvard College had been committed by Governors the general court to all the magistrates and the ministers of the £ f |* arvard i ii -ii -i » i College ap- three nearest churches, with the president ; but the court now pointed* enacted, that all the magistrates and the teaching elders [minis- ters] of the six nearest towns, and the president for the time being, should be governors of the college forever. 5 Some of the inhabitants of Watertown began a plantation at Lancaster Nashaway, which was called Lancaster. 6 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 174. Hutchinson, i. 114, where the order is inserted. The introduction of it is remarkable : " Whereas the plantations in New England have, by the blessing of the Almighty, had good and prosperous success, without any public charge to this state "~&.c. The ordinance is also in Hazard, i. 114, dated, " Veneris Decimo Ma*tii 1642," which, N. Style, is 1643. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 176.. This ordinance is entire in Hazard, i. 533 — 535. 3 Hazard, Coll. ii. 320. 4 Hubbard, c. 50. 5 Winthrop, ii. 150. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 21. The "six nearest towns" were Cambridge, Watertown, Charlestown, Boston, Roxbury, and Dorchester. The " governors " or overseers of the college met the first time, by virtue of this act, 27 December 1643, " considered of the officers of the college, and chose a treasurer." 6 Winthrop, ii. 152. vol. i. 35 settled; 274 AMERICAN ANNALS. Patent for Providence Plantations. Branford settled. Massachu- setts gene- ral court divided into two houses. Castle on Castle Isl- and repair- ed. 1644. Roger Williams, having been sent to England as agent for Rhode Island and Providence, by the interest of Sir Henry Vane obtained of the earl of Warwick a patent for the incorpo- ration of the towns of Providence, Newport, and Portsmouth, with the power of governing themselves ; but agreeably to the laws of England. 1 The general court of New Haven made a grant of Totoket to Samuel Eaton, a brother of governor Eaton, on condition of his procuring a number of his friends from England to make a settle- ment there. Mr. Eaton not performing the conditions of the grant, New Haven, for the accommodation of a number of people at Wethersfield, made a sale of it to William Swain and others of that town at the cost of it ; stipulating with them, that they should unite with that colony in all the fundamental articles of government. A settlement immediately commenced. Mr. Abraham Pierson, with a part of his church and congregation from Southampton on Long Island, removed, and united with the people of Wethersfield in the settlement of the town. A church was soon formed, and Mr. Pierson was chosen pastor. Mr. Swain was the principal planter. The town was named Branford. 2 An interesting change took place in the government of Massa- chusetts. The deputies in the general court moved, that the two houses might set apart, the magistrates by themselves, and the deputies by themselves ; and that what the one should agree upou should be sent to the other, and, if both should agree, then the act to pass. The motion, after considerable controversy, and some delay, took effect; and, from this time, votes were sent, in a parliamentary way, from one house to the other. 3 The castle on Castle Island having fallen into decay, the six neighbouring towns undertook to rebuild it, at their own charges ; but, when completed, the other towns in the colony contributed toward the expense. A captain was now ordained, and put in possession of the castle, with a yearly stipend for himself and his soldiers, whom he was to keep in constant readiness on the island, 4 1 Callender, 43, 44. Chalmers, b. 1. 271, 272. Hutchinson, i. 39. Adams, N. Eng. 60, 67. The patent is in Hazard, i. 538—540. It is there dated 14 March 1643 ; but that was doubtless Old Style. Williams went to England in 1643. 2 Trumbull, b. 1. c. 8. The grant of Totoken to Eaton was in 1640. See a. d. 1685. 3 Winthrop, ii. 160. Mass. Laws. Hubbard, c. 46. Hutchinson, i. 143. Chal- mers, b. 1. 166. 4 Johnson, 194. The cause of the early decay of the castle was, " the coun- BRITISH COLONIES. 275 There were now 26 training bands in Massachusetts ; and the 1644. soldiers, composing them, were ordered to " be exercised and \^^^^/ drilled," eight days in a year. Their officers were chosen by a Military major vote of the militia. A horse troop was also enlisted. It Massachu- was ordained, that there be one general officer, in time of war, setts. under the name of major general. Thomas Dudley, esquire, was appointed to this office, at the general election in May ; and was the first major general in Massachusetts. 1 A treaty of peace was made at Boston between governor Oct. 8. Endicot and the assistants, on the one part, and M. Marie, the ^^Mas- deputy of M. D' Aulney, the French governor of Acadie, on the sachusetts other ; with a proviso, that it be ratified by the commissioners and the for the United Colonies at their next meeting. 2 The Anabaptists beginning to grow troublesome in Massachu- Law against setts, the legislature of that colony passed a law against them, ^ s n t g bap " with the penalty of banishment for adherence to their principles, and contempt of civil and ecclesiastical authority. 3 Nantasket, having now 20 houses, and a minister, was by Nantasket. the general court named Hull. 4 Eastham was built by the Eastham. people of Plymouth. 5 Mr. Samuel Newman with part of his church removed from Weymouth, and settled Rehoboth. 6 The Rehoboth. try afforded no lime, but what was burnt of oyster shells." Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 298. Hubbard [c. 45.] says, that the towns, which rebuilt the castle, were alarmed by the menaces of the Dutch, and apprehended, that, without some fortification at the entrance into Boston harbour, they lay " exposed to the in- vasion of a mean and contemptible enemy ; " that the assistance from other towns was in 1645 ; and that afterward the general court completed the estab- lishment. See Winthrop, ii. 243. 1 Johnson, b. 2. c. 26. Pemberton, MSS. Hubbard, c. 45. Jealousy of the military power is discernible in Johnson's account of this transaction. He represents the government, as " labouring to avoid high titles," yet as ordaining this office, and conferring this title, from a conviction of the necessity of order and subordination. See a. d. 1638. 2 Hubbard, c. 53, and Hazard, i. 536, 537, where this Treaty is inserted. See also Hazard, ii. 53, 54. Winthrop, ii. 197. The commissioners did ratify it in September 1645. 3 Hubbard, c. 14. Hazard, i. 538, where the law is inserted. Among the reasons assigned for the law, the preamble states, that " divers " of the Anabap- tists " have, since our coming into New England, appeared amongst ourselves, some whereof have (as others before them) denied the ordinance of Magistracy, and the lawfulness of making warr, and others the lawfulness of magistrates, which opinions, if they should be connived at by us are like to be increased amongst us, and so must necessarily bring guilt upon us, infection and trouble to the Churches, and hazard to the whole Commonwealth." 4 Winthrop, ii. 175. 5 Morton, 231. They purchased the place of the Indians, who called it JYauset. 6 Pres. Stiles, Lit. Diary. Here Mr. Newman completed his Concordance, using pine knots for his study light. lb. He spent a year and a half at Dorches- ter; 5 years at Weymouth; and 19 years at Rehoboth ; where he died in 1663. iEtat. LXIII. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 113—116. It is his work, " which passes under the name of The Cambridge Concordance." Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 191. One edition had been printed in England. — There had been a question, " whe- ther Seakunk, now Rehoboth, should belong to the jurisdiction " of Massachusetts, 276 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1644. towns of Reading and Wenham, in Massachusetts, were found- v^^-w/ eri. 1 By leave of the commissioners for the United Colonies, Martha's Martha's Vineyard was annexed to Massachusetts ; and South- SouSamp- am P lon ' on Long Island* was annexed to the jurisdiction of Con- ton necticut. 2 April 18. A terrible massacre was committed by the natives upon the Massacre in English in Virginia. All the Indians within 600 miles had con- lrgima. federated to exterminate all strangers from the country. The governor and council had appointed a fasi to be kept through the country upon good Friday, for the good success of the king. On the day before the intended fast, the massacre began in the out p:rts of the circumjacent country, and continued two days. The Indians fell suddenly upon the inhabitants, and killed all indiscriminately, to the number of 300. This massacre was accompanied with a great mortality. Upon the occurrence of these calamities, a number of persons came from Virginia to New England. 3 Death of William Brewster, ruling elder of the church in Plymouth, tVr', 23**" ^ ied m tne 84tn y ear °f nis a S e * 4 George Phillips, first minister G.Phillips, of Watertown, died. 5 "or to Plimouth by right of their patent. The question being revived, the court referred it to the judgment of the commissioners of the union, who decreed it for Plimouth." Winthrop, ii. 212. 1 Johnson, 188, 189. Hubbard, c. 48. A church was soon after gathered at Reading. Wenham was built between Salem and Ipswich ; and a church was now gathered there. 2 Pemberton, MSS. Hazard, ii. 18. Coll. New York Hist. Soc. Hi. 338. 3 Winthrop, ii. 164, 165, and Notes. Gov. Winthrop, who was " certified of the massacre by a ship coming from Virginia," says, " to the number of 300 at least; " Beverley and Keith say, near 500. " An Indian whom they had since taken confessed, that they did it because they saw the English took up all their lands from them, and would drive them out of the country, and they took this season for that they understood that they were at war in England, and began to go to war among themselves, for they had seen a fight in the river between a London ship which was for the parliament and a Bristol ship which was for the king." Winthrop. 4 Cotton, Account of Plymouth Church, in Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 108, 113; and Robbins, Ordination Sermon, Appendix, from the Church Records. Morton, 1643. Belknap, Biog. ii. Art. Brewster. Judge Davis [Note on Morton, 221.] gives a brief sketch of his character, and of his family and descendants; and, from the Church Records, a more extended account of his life and charac- ter. When a part of Harwich was incorporated, in 1805, " it received the name of Brewster, in honour iof the venerable Elder." — Mr. Brewster was educated at the university of Cambridge in England. He was a man of considerable abilities and learning, and of eminent piety. Though well qualified for the pastoral office, yet his diffidence would not allow him to undertake it. In the destitute state, however, of the Plymouth church, his public services were of the highest utility. In his discourses he was discriminating, yet pathetic ; in the government of the church, resolute, yet conciliatory. 5 Winthrop, ii. 171. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. p. 2. c. 4. Prince, 375. He was born at Raymond, county of Norfolk, in England ; educated at the University of Cambridge, where he acquired a high reputation for learning ; and was after, ward minister at Boxsted in Essex. He came to New England with governor BRITISH COLONIES. 277 1645. An extraordinary meeting of the Commissioners for the United Meeting of Colonies was called on the 28th of June. The occasion of this m i SS i ne"rs. meeting was, partly on account of some differences between the French and the government of Massachusetts about their aiding Monsieur Latour, and partly about the Indians, who had broken their former agreements respecting the peace concluded the year before. The commissioners sent messengers to the sachems of Narragansets, requiring their appearance at Boston, and, in the mean time, a suspension of the wars between the two nations. The Narragansets treated the messengers kindly at first, but soon changing their tone, declared their determination to have no peace, without the head of Uncas. Roger Williams of Provi- Troops dence giving notice to the commissioners, that the Narragansets ra ! sed a - would suddenly break out against the English, they drew up a Narragan- declaration, containing those facts which they considered suffi- sets, cient to justify them in making war against the Narragansets. 1 In prosecution of such a war, they determined immediately to raise 300 men. 2 The news of the preparation of this army intimidated the Narragansets, who now submitted to peace, on Winthrop in the Arbella, and united with Sir Richard Saltonstall and others in the settlement of Watertown. See a. d. 1630. He was pastor of the church in that town about 14 years. Gov. Winthrop says, " he was a godly man, specially gifted, and very peaceful in his place ; " and that he was buried 2 July, " much lamented of his own people and others." See Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. Tradition says, Mr. Phillips lived in the house now standing, opposite to the Old Watertown Burying ground. The present occupant, Mr. Sawin, up- wards of 70 (whose father lived there to an advanced age), lately showed me the apartments ; and remarked, that when the house was repaired some years since, the sills and timber were sound and good. — Most of the numerous families in New England, of the name of Phillips, it is believed, are derived from this first minister of Watertown. Mr. Savage, in a Note upon Winthrop, says, the late Hon. William Phillips of Boston, " whose name is mentioned whenever. Christian munificence is honoured," was his " great great great grandson." A valuable Memoir of the Phillips Family, beginning with " the Rev. George Phil- lips of Watertown," is annexed to Rev. Mr. Wisner's Sermon, occasioned by the death of Hon. William Phillips. 1827. 1 It is entitled, " A Declaration of former passages and proceedings betwixt the English and the Narrohiggansets, with their confederates, wherein the grounds and justice of the ensuing warr are opened and cleared." This Decla- ration was published by order of the Commissioners at Boston, on the 19th of August, 1645. A copy of it is preserved in Hazard, ii. 45 — 50, and in Hubbard, c. 51. In this Declaration it is affirmed, that the English Colonies, " both in their Treaties and converse with the barbarous natives of this wilderness, have had an awful respect to divine rules." The messengers sent by the commis- sioners were " Sergeant John Dawes, Benedict Arnold, and Francis Smyth." They were sent " to Pissecus, Canonnacus and other the Sachems of the Narrohiggansett and Neantick Indians, and to Uncus, Sagamore of the Mohea- gans." A copy of their Instructions is in Hazard, ii. 28, 29. 2 Massachusetts was to furnish 190 ; Plymouth, 40 ; Connecticut, 40 ; New Haven, 30. Hutchinson. Aug. 30. Treaty of peace. Impost. Iron work at Lynn. A negro de- manded of the purcha- ser by Mass. govern- ment. Manches- ter. AMERICAN ANNALS. terms proposed to them by the commissioners. These terms were, That, as their breach of covenant had been the cause of all the expense in preparing for war, and it was but reasonable that they should reimburse it, they should pay, at different periods, 2000 fathoms of wampum ; restore to Uncas all the captives and canoes, which they had taken from him, and make satisfaction for destroying his corn ; submit all matters of contro- versy between them and Uncas, to the commissioners, at their next meeting ; keep perpetual peace with the English and all their allies and subjects ; and give hostages for the performance of the treaty. This treaty was signed on the 30th of August ; and Indian hostages were left. The small English army, already prepared to march, was now disbanded ; and the 4th day of September, which had been appointed for a fast, was ordered to be observed as a day of thanksgiving. 1 The general court of Massachusetts laid an impost on wines and strong liquors, for the support of government, the mainte- nance of fortifications, and the protection of the harbours. 2 Most English manufactures having already begun to flourish in New England, liberty was granted this year, by the legislature of Massachusetts, to make iron. An iron work was accordingly set up at Lynn, with good patronage, and for a considerable time was carried on with spirit ; but at length, through some fault, it failed. 3 A remarkable instance of justice occurred in Massachusetts this year, in the execution of the law against buying and selling slaves. A negro, who had been " fraudulently and injuriously taken and brought from Guinea," and sold to Mr. Williams of Pascataqua, was demanded by the general court, that he might be sent home to his native country. 4 Manchester, in Massachusetts, was incorporated. 5 1 Hutchinson, i. 138—142. Trumbull, i. 152—156. The parties in this Treaty were, the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England, and Pessecus Mexanno, the eldest of the sons of Canonicus, and other Sagamores of the Narraganset and Niantic Indians. Hazard, ii. 40 — 43, where the Articles of this Treaty are inserted entire. The Commissioners, " considering that the colonies of Connecticut and New Haven have expended more than their proportions in the late expedition, and that they have been out of purse a good value a considerable tyme before the other colonies were at any charge about the same," ordered, that those two colonies should have the 500 fathoms of wampum, due on the first payment, deducting the first hundred fathoms ordered to be given to Uncas. Hazard, ii. 44. 2 Massachusetts Laws. Ten shillings were to be paid for every butt of Span- ish wine, landed in the colony. Hubbard, c. 56. 3 Hubbard, c. 45. " Instead of drawing out bars of iron for the country's use," says this historian, " there was hammered out nothing but contention and lawsuits. 4 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 75. The court was " resolved to send him back without delay." 5 Winthrop, ii. 220. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 233. BRITISH COLONIES. 279 A ship, built at Cambridge, sailing for the Canaries, carrying 1645. 14 pieces of ordnance and about 30 men, was attacked by an \^-v~^/ Irish man of war with 70 men and 20 pieces. A severe action N.Eng.ship ensued, which continued a whole day ; but a shot at length * a a r man of taking off the steerage of the man of war, the New England ship escaped. 1 There were in Providence and its vicinity, about this time, Providence. 101 men, fit to bear arms. 2 In the colony of Connecticut there were eight taxable towns ; Towns in Hartford, Windsor, Wethersfield, Stratford, Fairfield, Saybrook, £„" n £jd Southampton, and Farmington. In the colony of New Haven N. Haven, there were six ; New Haven, Milford, Guilford, Southold, Stam- ford, and Branford. 3 Charles de la Tour, for the sum of £2084, mortgaged fort Acadie La Tour, and all his lands and possessions in Acadie, to sergeant mortgaged, major Edward Gibbons, of Boston. 4 The, legislature of Virginia prohibited dealing by barter; and Virginia established the Spanish piece of eight at six shillings, as the currenc y- standard of currency for that colony. 5 A conspiracy of William Clayborne and Richard Ingle, aided Rebellion by the turbulent spirit of the times, raised a rebellion in Mary- j n n ^ ary " land. Calvert, the governor, unsupported by any real power, was constrained to flee into Virginia. Clayborne and Ingle instantly seized the administration, which they exercised with the accustomed violence of the rebellious. 6 The fort of the Swedes at Delaware was burnt, with all its Swedish buildings ; and all their powder and goods were blown up. 7 foil burnt. The Dutch governor at Santa Cruz surprised the English samaCruzi governor on that island, and murdered him. A war ensued on the island, in which the Dutch were defeated, and their governor was killed. 8 The town of Boston had the last year, granted to John Win- iron work throp, jun. and his partners, and to their heirs and assigns encoura s e(K forever, 3000 acres of the common land at Braintree, for the encouragement of an iron work to be set up about Monotocot river. 9 Mr. Winthrop had moved the court for encouragement 1 Winthrop, ii. 219. Hubbard, c. 57. The ship was " of about 260 tons." 2 Pres. Stiles' Literary Diary. 3 Trumbull, Conn. b. 1. c. 8. Southampton and Southold, on Long Island. Farmington received its name this year. See a. d. 1640. 4 Hazard, i. 541 — 544, where there is a copy of the mortgage. 5 Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 247. 6 Chalmers, b. 1. 217. This rebellion was suppressed in August 1646. 7 Hubbard, c. 49. 8 Univ. Hist. xli. 261.—" about this time." 9 Savage, on Winthrop, ii. 213, from Boston Records. - The date is 19th of 11 mo. 1643, which, N. S. is Jan. 1644. By Boston Records it appears, that " 31 of 11 mo. 1647 [N. S. Jan. 1648.] the 3000 acres of land given by the town towards the encouragement of the iron- works at Braintry " had been " laid out according to order." * 280 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1645. to the undertakers, and for the court to join in carrying on the ^-s^-w/ work. The business was well approved ; but the court, having no stock in the treasury to forward it, granted the adventurers a monopoly of it for 21 years, liberty to make use of any six places not already granted, and to have 3 miles square in every place to them and their heirs, and freedom from public charges. 1 At the Massachusetts general court in May, Passaconaway, Merrimack, the chief sachem of Merrimack, and his sons, came and submit- ted themselves and their people and lands to its jurisdiction. 2 Monopoly granted. Sachem of ActofMassi legislature for carrying the gospel to the In- dians. 2d synod in Massachu- setts. Impost on exports from Con- necticut river. 1646. The general court of Massachusetts passed the first act to encourage the carrying of the gospel to the Indians ; and recom- mended it to the ministers to consult on the best means of effecting the design. By their advice, it is probable, the first Indian mission was undertaken ; for on the 28th of October Mr. John Eliot, minister of Roxbury, commenced those pious and indefatigable labours among the natives, which procured for him the title of The Indian Apostle. His first visit was to the Indians at Nonantum, whom he had apprized of his intention. 3 By a motion of the general court of Massachusetts, a synod, called for the purpose of settling a uniform scheme of ecclesias- tical discipline, met at Cambridge. 4 In an agreement made in 1644, between George Fenwick and agents of the colony of Connecticut, it was stipulated, that a certain duty on corn, biscuit, beaver, and cattle, which should be exported from the river's mouth, should be paid to Fenwick for the space of ten years. This agreement was confirmed, the succeeding year, by the general court, which, at the same time, passed an act, imposing a duty of 2c?. per bushel on all grain ; 1 Winthrop, ii. 213. This grant was sent to them " under the puhlick seal this year." 1645. Mr. Savage, though not able to determine the question, whether the forge alluded to in the court's order, were at Biaintree, or Lynn, found " the interest was the same in both places." 2 Winthrop, ii. 214; " as Pumham and others had done before." 3 Hutchinson, i. 161—163. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 168; v. 256, 257; vii. 24; x. 11, 12. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 193. They were situated on the south side of Charles river, about 4 or 5 miles from his house at Roxbury. On his ap- proach to their village, accompanied by three other persons, Waban, a wise and grave Indian, attended by five or six others, met him, and welcomed him and his companions into a large wigwam, where a considerable number of his coun- trymen assembled, to hear the new doctrine. After a short prayer in English, Mr. Eliot delivered a sermon, of an hour's length, in the Indian language ; and was well understood by his new and attentive auditory. Many of the hearers listened to his discourse with tears. Waban received religious impressions, which were never afterward lost, and which happily qualified and disposed him to aid the pious design of converting his countrymen to the Christian faith. See a.d. 1647. 4 Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 25. See a, d. 1648. BRITISH COLONIES. 231 6d. on every hundred weight of biscuit; and a" small duty on 1646. all beaver, exported from the mouth of the river during the same v^^-^,/ period. The object of this duty was the maintenance of the fort at Saybrook. At a meeting of the commissioners for the United Colonies this year, the commissioners from Connecticut made complaint, that Mr. Pynchon and the inhabitants of Spring- Springfield field refused to pay the impost. The board of commissioners re uses ' judged the fort at Saybrook to be of great importance to the towns on the river ; but, the subject of an impost not having been laid before the general court of Massachusetts, and the commissioners of that colony having had no instructions respect- ing it, it was deferred to the next meeting. At that meeting (1647), the commissioners, on a full hearing, determined, that it was of weighty consideration to all the plantations on the river, that the mouth of it should be secured, and a safe passage for goods, up and down the river, maintained, though at some ex- pense ; and that, as Springfield enjoyed the benefit, the inhabitants of that town should pay the impost of two pence a bushel for bu J is re- corn, and a penny on the pound for beaver, or twenty shillings Jay^ 10 on every hogshead. 1 A kw persons of some influence in Massachusetts, opposed to Design to its civil and ecclesiastical institutions, and imagining that the g»troduce parliament of England would establish the presbyterian form of angovem- church government only, presented a petition 'to the general ment SU P* conrt, to establish that form in this colony. The court being iJressed> slow to censure them, they associated with themselves a few more persons, and framed a bill of complaint, containing gross charges against the government of the colony, with the intention of presenting it to parliament ; but the magistrates detected and suppressed the design. Edward Winslow, already chosen an agent for the colony to answer the complaint of Gorton and other Familists, was now instructed to make defence against these new adversaries, who had taken measures to render the colony ob- noxious in England. 2 Winslow, by his prudent management, aide. I by the estimation in which he was held by many members of parliament and the principal persons in power, successfully vindicated the colony. 3 1 Trumbull, i. 165, 166. Hazard, ii. 81, 82; where are the resolutions of the g?n:>ral court of Massachusetts respecting the impost, and governor Hopkins' reply in behalf of Connecticut. 2 Johnson, 202. The suppression of the complainants " was effected by a small fine laid on them." That measures had been taken against the colony, appears by a Petition to the earl of Warwick and the other commissioners for Foreign Plantations, found among the papers of the malcontents. The sub- stance of it is in Hutchinson, i. 148, 149. 3 Morton, 1646. — Gorton and his associates found more indulgence in Eng- land than these later malcontents. In 1644 he and his friends procured a solemn submission of the Narraganset sachems to king Charles ; and Gorton, Greeae. vol. i. 36 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1646. A Boston ship seized and confis- cated by the French. The inclination of ministers and others to return to the parent country exciting serious apprehension and concern in New Eng- land ; the commissioners for the United Colonies proposed, that measures be taken to detain in the country such scholars, as should receive contributions toward their education at Cambridge. The claim to their public services was founded on the charity which had been repeatedly bestowed by the colonies for the maintenance of poor scholars at Harvard college. 1 Ever since the confederation, the commissioners for the United Colonies had been chosen by the magistrates and deputies ; but the freemen of Massachusetts, viewing them as general officers, now chose their own commissioners for themselves. 2 Captain Dobson, in a ship of 80 tons, double manned, fitted out from Boston for trade with a testimonial for the Gulf of Canada, ran, in stress of weather, into a harbour at Cape Sable, where he discharged several pieces of ordnance. While the natives were trading with the people on board, D' Aulney the French governor sent 20 men from Port Royal, who captured the English, and carried them with their ship into that port, where the ship and cargo, valued at £1000, were kept as con- fiscated. The men were sent home. 3 By an ordinance of the lords and commons of England, all merchandise, goods, and necessaries for the American plantations, were exempted from duty for three years ; on condition, that no ship or vessel in any of the colonial ports be suffered to lade any and Holden went to England, and there made a representation of their own case. From the governor in chief, the lord high admiral, and commissioners appointed by the Parliament for the English Plantations in America, they ob- tained, this year, 1646, an order to be suffered peaceably to return to the tract of land they had purchased in Nanaganset Bay, and there to inhabit without interruption. Their tract being incorporated in the province of Providence Plantations, they returned, and carried on their improvements ; and then, in honour of the earl of Warwick, who had given them friendly patronage, they named the place Warwick. Callender, 36, 37. The Passport for Samuel Gor- ton, " dated at Westminster May 15, 1646," is in Hubbard, c. 55, and in Hazard, i. 546. The Remonstrance and Petition of the " Governor and Company of Massachusetts " is in Hazard, i 547—550. See Note XXX. 1 Hazard, ii. 74, 75. Trumbull, i. 147. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii 45. In 1644, the Rev. Mr. Shepard of Cambridge wrote to the commissioners, representing the necessity of farther assistance ; and desired them to encourage a general contribution in the colonies. The commissioners recommended it to the con- sideration of the several legislatures ; they adopted the recommendation ; and and an annual contribution was made through the United Colonies several sub- sequent years. In the present case, the commissioners for Massachusetts desired to advise with the general court and ministers of that colony, " for the ordering such a course, and how such schollars may be imployed and incouraged when they leave the Colledge, either in New Plantations, or as schoole Masters, or in ships, till they be called and fitted for other service." 2 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 54. They had previously been chosen, ever since the confederation, by the magistrates and deputies. 3 Hubbard, c. 56. The ground of this seizure and confiscation appears to have been an illicit trade with the natives. BRITISH COLONIES. 283 goods of the growth of the plantations, and carry them to foreign 1646. parts, excepting in English bottoms. This was the foundation of >^»~n^w those subsequent navigation acts, which may be termed the Com- mercial Palladium of Great Britain. 1 A great and general battle was fought near the confines of Battle be- Connecticut, between the Dutch and the Indians, with mutual g£££ * e d firmness and obstinacy. The Dutch ultimately kept the field. 2 the Indians. The Dutch governor (Kieft) and the senate of New Nether- lands protested to governor Eaton of New Haven against the English colonists, for entering within their limits. 3 1647. The first general assembly of Rhode Island, consisting of the May 19. collective freemen of the several plantations in the colony, met f^asfem- at Portsmouth on the 19th of May ; established a code of laws ; biy of R. and erected an institution of civil government. The legislative Island - power was invested in a court of commissioners, consisting of six persons, chosen by each of the four towns of Providence, Ports- mouth, Newport, and Warwick. Their acts were to be in force, unless repealed within a limited time by the vote of the major part of the freemen of the province, to be collected at their respective town meetings, appointed for that purpose. The whole executive power appears to have been invested in a presi- dent and four assistants, chosen from the freemen by their several towns, and constituting the supreme court for the administration of justice. Every township, forming within itself a corporation, elected a council of six, for the management of its peculiar affairs ; and the town court had the trial of small cases, but with an appeal to the court of the president and associates. 4 1 Anderson, ii. 404, 405. The preamble of the ordinance recites, " that whereas the several plantations of Virginia, Bermudas, Barbadoes, and other places of America, have been much beneficial to this kingdom, by the increase of navigation, and of the castoms arising from the commodities of the growth of those plantations imported into this kingdom &c." The ordinance enacts, " that all merchandizes, goods and necessaries, for the supportation, use, and expence of the said plantations, shall pay no custom nor duty for the same, the duty of excise only excepted, for three years to come, except to the plantations in Newfoundland : Provided &c." 2 Trumbull, i. 161. In that part of Horseneck, commonly known by the name of Strickland's Plain. " Great numbers were slain on both sides, and the graves of the dead, for a century or more, appeared like a number of small hills." 3 The words of the Protest are " for entering the limit of New Netherland." New Haven is called in that Protest " Red Hills ; " and elsewhere, by the Dutch, " Red Mounte ; " from the colour of the hills, which surround the town. The Protest and gov. Eaton's Answer are in Hazard, ii. 55, 56. For a farther correspondence between the English and Dutch governors on this subject, see Hazard, ii. 68—72. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 273. Backus, N. Eng. i. 198. Adams, N. Eng. 91. 284 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1647. The Massachusetts general court, having given land for a \^^~^/ town where the Indian converts of Nonantum assembled, took Indiingov- measures for bringing them into a more civilized state. Upon setXd'at information, that they were by the ministry of the word brought Nonantum; to some civility, and were desirous to have a court of ordinary judicature set up among them, an order was passed, that one or more of the magistrates shall, once every quarter, keep a court, where the Indians ordinarily assemble to hear the word of God, to hear and determine all causes both civil and criminal, not being capital, concerning the Indians only; and that the In- dian sachem shall have liberty to take orders, in the nature of summons and attachments, to bring any of their people to the said courts, and to keep a court of themselves every month, if they see occasion, to determine all causes of a civil nature, and such smaller criminal causes as the said magistrates shall refer to them : And the said sachems shall appoint officers to serve war- rants, and to execute the judgments or warrants of either of the said courts, which officers shall be allowed from time to time by the said magistrates in the quarter courts, or by the governor : And that all fines to be imposed upon any Indian in any of the said courts, shall go and be bestowed toward some meeting houses for the education of their poorer children in learning, or other public use, by the advice of the said magistrates, and of Mr. Eliot, or of such other elder as shall ordinarily instruct them in the true religion." The court also expressed its desire, that these magistrates and Mr. Eliot, or such other elders as shall attend the meeting of said courts, would carefully endeavour to make the Indians understand our most useful laws, and the prin- ciples of reason, justice, and equity upon which they are ground- ed ; and that some care might be taken of the Indians on the Lord's day. and at Con- While these measures were pursued to impart to the Natick cord. Indians the benefits of civilization and Christianity, the Indians near the place afterward called Concord, expressed a wish to be instructed in the Christian faith. Having heard what was passing among their countrymen, their sachem, with a few of his men, had attended the preaching at Nonantum. Early in the year, several sachems met near the place where Concord now stands, and begged the government to form a town, and bring them into a like religious community. They agreed to set aside their old ceremonies ; to pray in their wigwams ; and to say grace before and after meat. A similar code of laws was made for them, as for those of Nonantum. 1 1 Eliot's Eccless. Hist, in Mass. Hist. Soc. x. 13. Moore's Memoirs of Rev-. John Eliot. Nonantum is sometimes written Nonitomen. BRITISH COLONIES. 285 The French at Canada, in their trade with the neighbouring 1647. Indians, had several years been obstructed by the Mohawks, v^^^^/ Unable to subdue that ferocious people, they, about this time, The French sent M. Marie as an agent, to solicit aid of Massachusetts, with J^^k!*. offers of liberal compensation ; but the government of that colony sachusetts. agreed not to the alluring proposal. 1 A trade was opened between New England and Barbadoes, Trade with and other islands in the West Indies ; which was profitable to J he . West the colonists and helped them to discharge their engagements in England. This summer, there was a great drought in those Q roug h t# islands, which caused an extreme scarcity of provisions, and brought those of New England into great demand. To this scarcity there soon followed a great mortality, from an epidemic Great mor- disease, of which there died in Barbadoes 6000, and in St. taity * Christophers, of English and French, near as many, and in the other islands proportionably. The general court of Massachu- setts, on receiving the report of this disease, published an order, Order to that all vessels, which should come from the West Indies, should prevent W. stay at the castle, and not come on shore, nor put any goods on fr^com- shore, without license of three of the council, on penalty of £100. ing to shore. An intercourse with such vessels was prohibited on like penalty. A similar order was sent to Salem and other haven towns. 2 In June, an epidemic disease passed through the colonies on Epidemic the American continent. The Indians and English, French and ° m ent e con " Dutch, were affected by it ; but the mortality was not great. 3 The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act against Je- Actagainsr Suits. 4 Jesuits. The town bridge, at the entrance of Salem from Boston, was Salem, built. It was made of earth, secured with stone. The children of the poor in Salem were put under masters, and into good families, by the town. 5 1 Gookin's Historical Collections of the Indians, in Mass. Hist. Soc. i 161. Marie was a " person of orders, and most probably a Jesuit." " Great pay " was offered by the French " for such succour " against the Mohawks. " The Eng- lish," says Gookin, " were not willing to engage themselves in that affair, forasmuch as the Maquas [Mohawks] had never done any injury to the English, and in policy and reason were like to be a good bulwark between the English and French, in case a time should come of hostility between these two nations. For these and other reasons, M. Marie returned without succour." 2 Winthrop, ii. 310 — 312. " Divers London ships which rode there [W. I.] were so short of provisions as if our vessels had not supplied them, they could not have returned home ; which was an observable providence, that whereas many of the London seamen were wont to despise New England as a poor barren country should now be relieved by our plenty." — Whether the epidemic " were the plague, or pestilent fever, it killed in three days." 3 Winthrop. ii. 310. " Wherein a special providence of God appeared, for not a family, nor but few persons escaping it, our hay and corn had been lost for want of help ; but such was the mercy of God to his people, as few died, not above 40 or 50 in the Massachusetts, and near as many at Connecticut." 4 Hazard, i. 550, where the act is entire. 5 Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 229, 237, 28G AMERICAN ANNALS. 1647. Death of T. Hooker and Canonicus. Peter Stuyvesant, succeeding Kieft, as governor of New- Netherlands, laid claim to all the lands, rivers, and streams, from Cape Henlopen to Cape Cod. 1 Thomas Hooker, minister of Hartford, died, at the age of 61 years. 2 Canonicus, the great sachem of the Narragansets, died at a very advanced age. 3 Proposal of perpetual peace be- tween New England 1648. The New England colonists sent to the governor and council of Canada a proposal, that there should be perpetual peace be- tween the colonies, even though their mother countries were at war. The French governor D'Ailleboust and his council were 1 Hazard, ii. 113, 216. Kieft took passage for Holland, in a ship, laden to the supposed value of £20,000 ; but the mariners, mistaking the channel, were carried into Severn, and cast away on the coast of Wales near Swansey ; and Kieft and about 80 other persons were drowned. Hubbard, c. 50. 2 Winthrop, ii 310. Referring to the epidemic in Massachusetts and Con- necticut, gov. Winthrop subjoins : " But that which made the stroke more sensible and grievous, both to them and to all the country, was the death of that faithful servant of the Lord, Mr. Thomas Hooker, pastor of the church in Hart- ford, who, for piety, prudence, wisdom, zeal, learning, and what else might make him serviceable in the place and time he lived in, might be compared with men of greatest note ; and he shall need no other praise : the fruits of his labours in both Englands shall preserve an honourable and happy remembrance of him forever." Mr. Hooker was born at Marfield, Leicestershire, in 1586, educated at the University of Cambridge, and elected a fellow of Emanuel college. In 1626, he was a lecturer in Chelmsford, but, not conforming to the church of England, he was obliged to lay down his ministry. He afterward kept a school, and had for his usher, John Eliot, since styled in America the Indian apostle. Being still prosecuted by the spiritual court, he, in 1630, went to Holland. There he became intimately acquainted with the celebrated Dr. Ames ; who declared, that, although he had been acquainted with many scholars of divers nations, yet he never met with Mr. Hooker's equal for preaching, or for dis- puting. He came to New England in 1633. [See that year.] He was pre- eminent as a preacher and a writer, and as a Christian and a minister. His most celebrated work was " A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline," which was printed at London in 1648, under the inspection of Dr. Thomas Goodwin. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 58—68. Morton, 1647. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 38—41. Eliot and Allen's Biog. Diet. 3 Winthrop, ii. 308. Of this Indian chief Roger Williams makes repeated mention, in his " Key into the Language of the Indians in New England." He calls him " the old Sachim of the Narroganset bay, a wise and peaceable prince." " Their government is monarchical : yet at present the chiefest government in the country is divided between a younger Sachim, Miantunno- mu, and an elder Sachim, Caunounicus, of about fourscore years old, this young man's uncle ; and their agreement in the government is remarkable. The old Sachim will not be offended at what the young Sachim doth ; and the young Sachim will not do what he conceives will displease his uncle." In the early accounts of the Indians in New England, little is to be found of oblations or sacrifices. This Indian prince, in the presence of Roger Williams, gave a singular example of pagan idolatry : " Yea I saw with mine own eyes, that at my late coming forth of the country, the chief and most aged peaceable father of the country, Caunounicus, having buried his son, he burned his own palace, and all his goods in it, amongst them to a great value, in a solemn remembrance of his son, and in a kind of humble expiation to the gods, who, as they believe, had taken his son from him." Key, ia Mass. Hist. Soc. ill. 203—238. BRITISH COLONIES. 287 so well pleased with the proposal, that they appointed father 1648. Dreuillettes to go to Boston, and finish the negotiation, on con- v^^^/ dition that the English colonists would assist the French against and French the Iroquois. The same reasons, however, that had already colomes ' prevented them from acceding to a similar proposal, operated against their compliance with this condition ; and the negotiation was without effect. It was afterward renewed by the French, but in vain. 1 Rhode Island petitioned, this year, to be admitted into the r. island union ; but the commissioners for the united colonies, making it a . sks admis- a condition, that the colony should acknowledge itself within the tne union, jurisdiction of Plymouth, it preferred the flattering benefits of independence to all the advantages of dependent union. 2 It was ordered by the court of Plymouth colony, that no per- Plymouth, son, whether of this government or of any other, shall purchase, hire, or receive of gift of any Indian or Indians, any lands that J ndian lie within the line of this colony, without the order and allowance of this court, on pain of forfeiting for every acre, so bought, hired, or any ways obtained, £5 to the colony's use. 3 Since the consultation, in 1 634, respecting a body of laws, Massachu- adapted to the civil and religious state of Massachusetts, com- se f ts laws mittees, consisting of magistrates and elders, had been appointed pnnte ' almost every year until this time, to prepare a code for that colony. Meanwhile, laws of the greatest necessity had been successively enacted. This year, for the first time, the whole were collected, ratified by the court, and printed at Cambridge. 4 The first instance of capital punishment for witchcraft, in New June> England, occurring in colonial history, was in this year. Mar- cut i S n for witchcraft. 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 448. See a. d. 1647. 2 Hazard, ii. 98—100. Hutchinson, i. c. 1. 1643. Chalmers, b. 1. 178. Neal, N. Eng. i. c. 5. It is important to observe, that here, as in many other instances, Rhode Island is presumed to mean the Island only, without regard to the Providence plantations. I am indebted to the Hon. Samuel Eddy of Providence for this discrimination, which ought to be borne in mind through the history of Rhode Island, until the reception of its charter. It ought to have been remem- bered by me, under the year 1637, in the article of Gorton's banishment. " I presume by Rhode Island the Island of Rhode Island is meant, though that island was not settled till 1638. There is no evidence of Record of the banish- ment, so far as respects R. Island. In March 1642 Randall Harldon, Richard Carder and others, who, Backus erroneously says, followed Gorton to Newport, were disfranchised the Island. But there is no mention of Gorton. — Where R. Island is mentioned before the charter of 1663, it is probable the Island only is meant." Memorandum, given me in writing by Mr. Eddy. The request to the Commissioners in 1648, was presented in writing by " Mr. William Cottington and Capt. Partridg of Rhode Hand, in the behalfe of R. Island : that wee the Ilanders of Roode Hand may be rescaived into combination with all the united colonyes of New England in a firme and perpetuell League of friendship and amity &c." Records of the United Colonies of New England, in Hazard. 3 Plymouth Laws. 4 Hutchinson, i. 137. Josselvn, 263, 265. Thomas, Hist. Printing:, i. 234. 288 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1648. garet Jones of Charlestown was indicted for a witch, found guilty, v^-v-w' and executed. 1 Synod dis- The synod, which met at Cambridge in 1 646, protracted its solved. session, by adjournments, to this year, when it was dissolved. This synod composed and adopted the platform of church disci- CambriHge pline, called " The Cambridge Platform," and now recommended piatiorm, ^ t0 g elner w |th the Westminster Confession of Faith, to the general court, and to the churches. The churches of New Eng- land in general complied with the recommendation ; and the Cambridge platform, with the ecclesiastical laws, formed the religious constitution of the New England colonies. 2 Marble- Marblehead, hitherto a part of Salem, had the consent of the head. town for separate town privileges. 3 Maiden. The town of Maiden was built on the north side of Mystic river, by several persons from Charlestown, who gathered them- selves into a church. 4 Church The inhabitants of Boston being now too numerous to meet in gathered at one assembly, the people in the north east part of the town formed north end ... , r , r , , r , ,.- * of Boston, a distinct church ; and, the next year, erected an edince lor public worship. 5 New Lon- Several persons having begun a plantation at Pequot harbour, don settled. ]y| n Richard Blinman, minister at Gloucester, removed to this new settlement ; which, after his arrival, received considerable accession. 6 The inhabitants now consisting of more than 40 families, the general court granted them, for their encourage- ment, three years' exemption from colonial taxation. John Win- throp, esquire, was authorized to superintend the affairs of the plantation ; which was afterward called New London. 7 1 Winthrop, ii. 326. Hubbard, c. 57. Hutchinson, i. 150. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 5. 3 — 38, where the platform is inserted. Trumbull, Conn. i. 289—291. Neal, N. Eng. ii. 33. Adams, N. Eng. 89, 90. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 25. The ministers and churches of Connecticut and New Haven were present at the synod, and united in the form of discipline which it recom- mended. This platform, with the ecclesiastical laws, was the religious constitu- tion of Connecticut until the compilation of the Saybrook Platform. See a. d» 1708. 3 Bentley, Hist. Salem, in Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 233. 4 Johnson, 211. 5 Johnson [212 ] says, this was the 30th church in Massachusetts. That part of the town was separated f:om the rest by a narrow stream," which was " cut through a neck of land by industry." It is the stream which passes under Mill bridge. See Mass. Hist. Soc. hi. 257. 6 Mr. Blinman was the first minister of New London ; where he continued until 1658, when he went to New Haven. Returning afterward to England, he was settled at Bristol, where, having lived " to a good old age," he died. Dr. Mather says, " after a faithful discharge of his ministry, at Gloucester and at New London, he returned into England. One of the last things he did, was to defend in print the cause of Infant Baptism." Magnal. b. 3. 213. Pres. Stiles, MSS. Nonconformist's Memorial (Palmer's edit.), iii. 177. Trumbull, i. 169, 493. See a. d. 1642. 7 Trumbull, Coan. b. 1. c. 9, The Indian name of the land, where the first BRITISH COLONIES. 289 A church in Virginia, gathered by the ministers sent from New 1648. England in 1642, now contained 118 members; but its enlarge- ^^v^w rnent afforded it no security. Sir William Berkeley, governor Church in of the colony, had already banished Mr. Durand, its elder ; and Vn s inia ' Mr. Harrison, its pastor, now enjoined to depart from the coun- try, came to New England. 1 Of the Susquehannah Indians, not more than 110 were now Susquehan- left; these, with the Oneidas and Wicomeses, their " forced »»h Indians, auxiliaries," amounted to 250. 2 1649. Charles I. of England was beheaded at Whitehall, at the Jan. 30. age of 51 years. The house of lords was suppressed; the Sf rl Jfi oaths of allegiance and supremacy were abolished ; and the whole power fell into the hands of the people. Justice was no longer to be administered in the king's name ; a new great seal was made ; every thing bearing the marks of royalty was re- moved ; and the title of the realm was exchanged for that of The Commonwealth of England. Oliver Cromwell was de- clared captain general of the troops of the state ; and afterwards rose to the supreme power, with the title of Protector. 3 settlements were begun in 1646, was Nameaug, alias Towawog. Trumbull. In Pres. Stiles' Itinerary it appears by an extract from a deed, dated 1654, that the 'place was called Pequot, alias Nameeug and Tawawog, or Tawaw-wag. In 1654, the whole tract, now comprised in New London and Groton, was called Pequot ; and retained this name about four years ; but in 1658 (March 24) the assembly of Connecticut passed an act for its alteration. " This court, con- sidering that there hath yet no place, in any of the colonies, been named in memory of the city of London, there being a new plantation, settled upon that fair river Moheagan, in the Pequot country, being an excellent harbour and a fit and a convenient place for future trade, it being also the only place which the English in these parts have possessed by conquest, and that upon a veiy just war upon that great and warlike people, the Pequots, that therefore they might thereby leave to posterity the memory of that renowned city of London, from whence we had our transportation, have thought fit, in honour to that famous city, to call the said plantation New London." The name of the river was also changed, and called the Thames. Trumbull. 1 Hubbard, c. 56. The recurrence of the name of Berkeley reminds me of an error, concerning the succession of governors in Virginia. See a. d. 1639. It appears, that when the commission of governor Harvey was revoked, Sir Francis Wyatt was appointed governor ; and that the administration of Wyatt was from 1639, when Harvey was superseded, to 1641, when Berkeley was appointed. Savage, Note on Winthrop, ii. 159, 160. See Campbell, Virg. Allen, Biog. and Lempriere (Lord's edit.), Art. Wyatt. Mr. Harrison, after residing a year or two in New England, went to England, where he received the degree of doctor in divinity. He settled at last in Ireland. Hubbard. 2 Smith, New Jersey, 31. 3 Hume, Hist. England, v. c. 59. Henault, France, ii. 118. Rapin, ii. b. 21. The commons took the name ot parliament. On one side of the Great Seal was seen the parliament sitting, with this inscription, The Great- Seal of the Parlia- ment of the Commonwealth o/England ; on the other side, the arms of England and Ireland wth these words, The first year of Freedom by God's Blessing restored. vol. i. 37 290 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1649. On the publication of the accounts of the hopeful progress of v^-v^^z the Indians in New England in the knowledge of the gospel, the Society for attention of the English nation was excited to the subject. By fh^roSd" 5 tne solicitation of Edward Winslow, then in England as agent incorporat- for the United Colonies, an act of parliament was passed by ed - which the Society for propagating the Gospel in New England was incorporated. 1 Province of On the decease of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, his estate in the Maine. Province of Maine fell to his eldest son John ; who, through discouragement or incapacity, took no care of it. Most of the commissioners, appointed to govern this province, having deserted it, the remaining inhabitants were now obliged to combine for their own security. 2 July 23. A proposal was made to the commissioners for the United Proposal Colonies, from New Haven general court, What course might fngDdaT taken for the speedy planting of Delaware. After due delibera- ware. tion, the conclusion of the commissioners was, not to patronise the projected plantation. 3 Grant of During the extreme distress of the royal party in England, land be- this year, the immense territory, lying been the rivers Rappa- pahannock" hannock and Potowmac, was granted to lord Hopton, Berkeley, and Potow- Culpepper, and other cavaliers, who probably wished to make mac ' Virginia an asylum. 4 Conn, body The first body of laws for the commonwealth, compiled by of laws. -ty[ v R g er Ludlow at the request of the general court of Con- necticut, was established by that court in May. 5 1 Gookin, Hist. Coll. of the Indians in New England, c. 11. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 212. Neal, N. Eng. i. c. 6. Hutchinson, i. c. 1. 1649. This Society was to consist of 16 persons, namely, a president, treasurer, and 14 assistants ; who were authorized to purchase real estate not exceeding £2000 per annum, and to possess goods and money without restriction. The Commissioners for the United Colonies of New England, or such persons as they should appoint, were to have power to receive and dispose of the monies, received by the Society, " in such manner as should best and principally conduce to the preaching and propagating of the Gospel among the Natives, and for maintenance of schools, and nurseries of learning, for the education of the children of the natives. Hub- bard, c. 76. Bibliotheca Americ. 93. Hazard, i. 635. Morton, 245. Hoorn- beek [de Conversione Indorum, 261.] says, the English parliament began to take measures for the promotion of this pious design so early as 17 March 1647. 2 Belknap, Biog. i. 389, 390. Art. Gorges. 3 Hazard, n\ 127. It was in consideration of " the present state of the colonies, generally destitute of sufficient hands to carry on their necessary occupations," that the commissioners judged it expedient to take no part in this enterprise. They declared, however, that if any persons from any of the colonies should go to Delaware, and, without leave of the New Haven merchants, should seat themselves on any part of their land, or, in any respect, be injurious to them in their title and interest there, they would neither protect nor own them in such procedure. They, in fine, left the New Haven merchants to their just liberty, to dispose of the land, which they had purchased in those parts, or to improve or plant it, " as they should see cause." See a. d. 1643. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 330. See a. d. 1669 and 1673. 5 Pres. Stiles' MSS. from the Colony Recorde. Mr. Ludlow was requested BIUTISH COLONIES. 291 A body of 1000 Iroquois, in March, suddenly attacked the 1649. Huron village of St. Ignatius, containing 400 persons, all of v^^-^/ whom, excepting three, they massacred. 1 John Winthrop, governor of Massachusetts died, aged 63 ; 2 wfotbroj£ and Thomas Shepard, minister of Cambridge, aged 44 years. 3 # T. Shep- ard. in 1646 to make the compilation. It was a work of labour and difficulty. " It comprised," says Secretary Day, " besides a complete collection of our own laws then in force, many provisions borrowed from Massachusetts. It was divided, like the Justinian code, into titles and laws." It was copied the next year into the book of public records. Day's Hist. Judiciary of Connecticut. 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 448. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 2.8. Morton, 1649, and Judge Davis's Note. Belknap, Biog. ii. Art. Winthrop. The talents and virtues, the wealth and influence, of this eminent man, signally qualified him for the chief magistracy in an infant plantation, of which he was the father, as well as governor ; and the same rare assemblage of qualifications would have enabled him to shine in a larger sphere, and more elevated situation. Governor W r inthrop's first lot, called the green, was the corner of the street, part of which was afterwards taken for the Third, or Old South Church. Note on Winthrop, 318. Mr. Prince, pastor of that church, said, governor Winthrop " died in the very house I dwell in." The character of governor Winthrop appears from his acts in public and private life*- It may be inferred from his own Journal, which contains an accurate and faithful record of an infant colony — concerning which he might have truly said, " quo- rum pars magna fui " — from its foundation to near the close of his life ; a period of nearly 19 years. It begins 29 March 1630, and closes 11 January 1648-9. In all colonial histoiy, whether Egyptian, Phenician, Tyrian, Grecian, Roman* or any other, such an instance of the history of the foundation of a colony cannot be found. The original MS. Journal or History of governor W T inthrop was divided into three books. The two first books were procured of the elder branch of the Winthrop family by the first governor Trumbull, and were pub- lished at Hartford, in Connecticut, in 1790, in an 8vo. volume. The third book was procured by Mr. Prince, while compiling his invaluable Annals ; but he did not bring them down so far as to make use of it. Mr. Prince, who died in 1758. bequeathed his collection of books and manuscripts to the Church and Society of which he was pastor. The Massachusetts Historical Society, desirous to have this rich treasure accessible to its members, appointed a committee to make application to the Proprietors of the New England Library (so called by Mr. Prince), for its deposit in the Society's room. The application was success- ful ; and the committee was allowed to make a selection. In examining the books and MSS. for that purpose, the present writer, after a long and careful scrutiny, had the satisfaction to find the precious MS. of Winthrop, and to pro- duce it to the Historical Society. James Savage, Esq. consented to undertake the care of transcribing it ; and, in 1825-6, he published the entire work, with copious and illustrative Notes, in two volumes. Like an Egyptian pyramid, without the obscurity of its hieroglyphic characters, it will be an imperishable monument of its Author, and of a virtuous, free, and happy Republic. For an account of this MS. see 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 200 — 202 ; and for an account of the Books and MSS. deposited in its Library by the Old South Church and Society, vii. 179 — 185. 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 57—68. Morton, 244. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 42—47. Eliot, Biog. Diet. Art. Shepard. Mr. Shepard was an eminently pious man, an impressive preacher, and a very distinguished divine. As a writer on ex- perimental religion, he was one of the most judicious, discriminating, and useful, that has ever appeared in New England. He was esteemed by his contempo- raries as preeminent ; " and his works are now read with sacred delight by many serious people." His publications were both doctrinal and practical. His Treatise upon " the morality of the sabbath" is very learned and judicious. Eliot. Among his publications were one upon the matter of the visible church, and another, upon the church-membership of little children ; " New England's 292 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1650. Sept 19. Boundaries settled be- tween the Dutch and English. First char- ter of Har- vard Col- lege! Natives of Martha's "Vineyard are Christ- ianized. Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor of New Netherlands, ar- riving at Hartford, demanded of the commissioners for the United Colonies a full surrender of the lands on Connecticut. After a correspondence and an altercation of several river. days, the controversy was referred to arbitrators, who concluded on articles of agreement at Hartford. 1 The college at Cambridge was made a body corporate, by an act of the general court of Massachusetts ; and received a charter, under the seal of the colony, by the name of " The President and Fellows of Harvard college." 2 On the island of Martha's Vineyard there were about 40 fami- lies of Indians, who professed the Christian religion, and attended the religious instructions of Mr. Mayhew. The whole island gradually embraced Christianity, and adopted the English cus- toms and manners, in their husbandry and other concerns. 3 lamentations fo' - Old England's errors ; " a sermon on subjection to Christ ; and one on ineffectual heaving of the word. " The Sincere Convert " passed through several editions in London. " The Sound Believer" has been often printed in America. His Sermons on the Parable of the Ten Virgins were printed, in folio, after his death ; and of this work the great president Edwards made free use, in his Treatise on the Religious Affections. The discovery of a copy of this work, printed in two neat Svo. volumes at Falkirk, in Scotland, in 1797, was to me a striking proof of the high estimation in which it continued to be held in that enlightened country, down to our own day. 1 Gov" Trumbull's MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. Hubbard, c. 42. Hutchinson, i. 85, 159, 514. Hazard, ii. 170—173 ; 218—220, 252, 549—551. Trumbull, i. b. 1. 10. 191 — 193. The commissioners chose Mr. Bradstreet of Massachusetts, and Mr. Prince of Plymouth ; the Dutch governor chose Thomas Willet and George Baxter. In regard to limits, it was agreed : That on Long Island a strait and direct line, run from the westernmost part of Oyster Bay to the sea, shall be the bounds ; the easterly part to belong to the English, and the westernmost to the Dutch : and that the bounds on the main land begin at the west side of Greenwich bay, about four miles from Stamford, and run a northerly line 20 miles, and, beyond that distance, as it shall be agreed by the two govern- ments of the Dutch and New Haven, provided the said line come not within 10 miles of Hudson's river. It was also agreed, that the Dutch should not build any house within six miles of the said line ; the inhabitants of Greenwich to remain (till farther consideration) under the government of the Dutch. Another article of agreement was, that the Dutch should hold all the lands in Hartford, of which they were actually possessed ; and all the residue, on both sides of Connecticut river, was to remain to the English there. These limits were to be strictly and inviolably observed until a full and final determination in Europe, by the mutual consent of the two states of England and Holland. The articles of agreement are in Hutchinson, Hazard, and Trumbull. 2 Hutchinson, i. 171. Neal, N. Eng. i. 297. The college was governed under this charter until 16S5, when the colony charter was vacated. 3 Hubbard, c. 76. The families mentioned in the text, " did [in 1650.] at- tend upon the publick means appointed by the care of Mr. Mayhew, to instruct them further therein ; insomuch that now all the island, in a manner hath em- braced our religion and follow our customs and manners &c." But by now, Mr. Hubbard doubtless meant the time when he wrote, which might be 20 or BRITISH COLONIES. 29S The south part of the town of Barnstable in Massachusetts 1650. was, about this time, amicably purchased of Wianno and several -^^^ other sachems. 1 The constitution of Maryland was established. A law was Constim- passed for settling the provincial assembly. It enacted, that J io £ f M :* those members, called by special writ, should form the Upper tfej. House ; that those, chosen by the hundreds, should compose the Lower House ; and that all bills, which should be passed by the two houses, and assented to by the governor, should be deemed the laws of the province, and have the same effect, as if the freemen were personally present. The colony was now divided into three colony di- counties, which contained eight hundreds. Laws were enacted vkied into for peopling Maryland. An order was made for the relief of the poor. Punishments were provided for various crimes. The Salutary fees of office were regulated. The interests of agriculture and aws * commerce were encouraged. Public prosperity and private happiness were thus promoted by salutary laws, which were as prudently executed, as wisely planned. 2 Charles II. transmitted from Breda a new commission to Sir j une William Berkeley, as governor of Virginia, declaring his intention Commis- of ruling and ordering the colony according to the laws and j^nwof statutes of England, which were to be established there. Thus, Virginia, while that prince was not permitted to rule over England, he exercised the royal jurisdiction over Virginia. 3 The authority of Oct. 3. the crown continuing to be acknowledged in Virginia, and in of piriia- 6 several of the West India islands, the parliament issued an ordi- mem. nance for prohibiting trade with Barbadoes, Virginia, Bermuda, and Antego. 4 The Caribbee isle of Anguilla was now first settled by some Anguiiia English people. 5 settled - 30 years after this. His account of the same Indians, in the same chapter, is as follows. " But the greatest appearance of any saving work, and serious pro- fession of Christianity amongst any of them was at Martin's [Martha's] Vine- yard, which, beginning in the year 1645, hath gradually proceeded till this present time, wherein all the island is in a manner leavened with the profession of our religion, and hath taken up the practice of our manners in civil behaviour, and our manner of cultivating the earth. It is credibly reported that there are two hundred families of them that do so, and that there are about six or seven that are able to instruct the rest, by catechising or other ways of teaching." 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Society, iii. 15. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 220, 221. The constitution of Maryland continued above 120 years, until the revolutionary war. At the time of its adoption the most common and useful arts must have made but small progress in the colony ; for the preceding year (1649) an order was passed, " providing for the smith." lb. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 122. Robertson, b. 9. For the prevention of the rebellion of subjects, or the invasion of enemies, the commission empowered the governor and council " to build castles and fortifications, at the expense of the planters." 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 122, 123. Schobell's acts and ordinances, 1650. In conse- quence of this ordinance, Massachusetts, the next year, passed an act against trade with those places, until their " compliance with the Commonwealth of England," or farther order of the General Court. Hazard, i. 553. 5 Univ. Hist. xli. 230. Anderson, ii. 414 ; " whose posterity still hold it." 294 AMERICAN ANNALS. Navigation Act. Sumptuary- law. Indian gov- ernment at Natick. 1651. The parliament of England passed the famous Act of Navi- gation. It had been observed with concern, that the English merchants for several years past had usually freighted the Hol- landers' shipping for bringing home their own merchandise, because their freight was at a lower rate than that of the English ships. For the same reason the Dutch ships were made use of even for importing American products from the English colonies into England. The English ships meanwhile lay rotting in the harbours ; and the English mariners, for want of employment, went into the service of the Hollanders. The commonwealth now turned its attention towards the most effectual mode of re- taining the colonies in dependence on the parent state, and of securing to it the benefits of their increasing commerce. With these views, the parliament enacted, " That no merchandise, either of Asia, Africa, or America, including also the English plantations there, should be imported into England in any but English built ships, and belonging either to English or English plantation sub- jects, navigated also by an English commander, and three fourths of the sailors to be Englishmen ; excepting such merchandise, as should be imported directly from the original place of their growth or manufacture in Europe solely : and that no fish should thenceforward be imported into England or Ireland, nor exported thence to foreign parts, nor even from one of their ow T n home ports, but what should be caught by their own fishers only." 1 A sumptuary law was passed this year by the legislature of Massachusetts. 2 The general court of Massachusettss having at the motion of Mr. Eliot, minister of Roxbury, granted the land at Natick to the natives, a considerable body of them combined together, and built a town there, which they called Natick. As soon as they had fixed their settlement, they applied for a form of civil govern- ment to Mr. Eliot, who advised them to adopt that which Jethro proposed to Moses. About 100 of. them, accordingly, met together on the 6th of August, and chose one ruler of 100, two rulers of fifties, and ten rulers of tens. After tftis election, they entered into a solemn covenant. 3 1 Anderson, ii. 415, 416. Robertson, b. 9. p. 303, Jones' edit. This act was evaded at first, by New England, which still traded in all parts, and enjoyed a privilege peculiar to themselves, of importing their goods into England, free of all customs. Minot, Mass. i. 40. It was afterwards " a source of difficulty to the colony." 2 Massachusetts Laws. See Note XXXI. 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 197. Gookin, Hist. Coll. of Indians, in Mass. Hiit. Soc. i. 180, 181. Neal, N. Eng. i. c. 6. BRITISH COLONIES. 295 The assembly of Connecticut passed an act to encourage the 1651. discovery of mines. 1 Saybrook sent deputies to the general v^-v-^ assembly, and consented to be taxed for five years past. 2 About Mines. this time was begun the settlement of the towns of Norwalk and Norwaik. Middletown. 3 Medfield, in Massachusetts, was incorporated. Middle- The land was purchased, about this time, of an Indian sachem ; town - and, that there might be no possibility of injustice, it was after- Medfield. wards bought, a second time, of the natives. It was originally bought of Chickatabut, an Indian sachem in Stoughton ; and again bought of his grandson Charles Josias, alias Josias Wampa- tuck. 4 The settlement of Bridgewater was begun by a very Bridge religious people ; but, so small were their number and ability, water - and there were so few candidates for the ministry, they had no ordained minister for several years. 5 The Dutch erected a trading house, rather than a fortification, Dutch trad- on a low point of land, near where Newcastle now stands, which 1^°"^ commanded the Delaware. Hudde, left to rule and traffic there, purchased of the Minquaas the lands on the western shore of the Delaware, from Christina creek to the river of Bompthook ; which was the earliest Indian purchase made there by the Dutch. The Swedes, observing this conduct of their rivals, protested Taken by against it, with little effect. Rising, the Swedish governor, took the Swedes the place by force the subsequent year, and named it Fort ^j™™^ Casimir. 6 m ir. 1 Trumbull, Conn, i 195, where the act is inserted. This act was passed on the motion of John Winthrop, afterward governor of Connecticut, who judged there were mines and minerals in the colony, which might be improved to great advantage. The Winthrops were men of inquisitive minds, and of philosophical learning. John Winthrop (son of the abovenamed), who also was governor of Connecticut, sent a specimen of a non-descript mineral to Sir Hans Sloane. Dr. Ramsay of Edinburgh told me that he saw that specimen in the British Museum ; that it was denominated Coltjmbium, and attracted much notice. It was procured at a place formerly called by the natives Nant-neague, about three miles from New London. 2 Pies. Stiles, MSS. from Colony Records. 3 Trumbull, i. 195, 196. The Indian name of the place where Middletown was settled was Mattabeseck. The principal planters were from England, Hart- ford, and Wethersfield. There was a considerable accession afterwards from Rowley, Chelmsford, and Woburn, in Massachusetts. The legislature named the town in 1653 ; 20 years after, the number of housholders was 52. 4 Dr. Saunders' Sermon near the 166th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the town. The second purchase was in 1685. 5 Keith's Sermon at Bridgewater in 1717. Pref. 2d edit. 1768. Their first minister was Rev. James Keith, who was ordained in 1663, and died in 1719 ; " having been 56 years a faithful minister of the gospel." 6 Chalmeis, b. 1. 632. Acrelius. Having strengthened and enlarged that fort, he soon after, on the same river five miles higher, erected Fort Christina, in honour of his queen. 296 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1652. Submission Sir George Ayscue, who had been appointed commander of Virginia f t h e parliament's forces for the reduction of Barbadoes, sent well. captain Denis, 1 pursuant to instructions, with a small squadron of men of war, to Virginia, to reduce to obedience that colony ; which, last of all the king's dominions, submitted to the govern- ment of the Protector. 2 Nov. 22. The inhabitants of the Province of Maine were, by their own Submission request, taken under the protection of the colony of Massachu- Ma'ssaSfu- setts « 3 Commissioners, appointed by the general court of that setts. colony, repaired to Kittery and Agamenticus, summoned the in- habitants to appear before them, and received their submission. Fifty persons then took the oath of freemen. Agamenticus was now named York. 4 The province was made a county, by the name of Yorkshire ; and the towns, from this time, sent deputies to the general court at Boston. 5 Act in fa- While the commonwealth of England, by the act of Naviga- r " tion, prescribed the channel in which the trade of the American colonies was to be carried on, it took care to encourage the staple commodity of Virginia by an act of parliament, passed this year, which gave legal force to all the injunctions of James and Charles against planting tobacco in England. 6 ginia. 1 This expedition to Virginia was after the reduction of Barbadoes and the other Caribbee islands. Robertson, b. 9. 302. Brit. Emp. iii. 177. Univ. Hist, xli. 140 — 142. Ayscue arrived at Barbadoes with the fleet 16 October 1651, " and succeeded at length in bringing the island to capitulate." Edwards, W. Indies, i. 336. Hume, Hist. England, vi. c. 60. 2 Keith, 147. Beverly, 81. Univ. Hist. xli. 432. Governor Berkeley took arms to oppose the formidable armament on its entrance into the Chesapeak ; but the contest was short, and his bravery procured favourable terms to the colony. A general indemnity for all past offences was granted ; and the Virginia colonists were admitted to all the rights of citizens. Robertson, b. 9. 111. The Articles of agreement, and the Act of indemnity, both dated 12 March 1651, are in Jefferson, Vhg. under Query xm, and Hazard, i. 560 — 564. The true date, according to the present reckoning, is 1652. The Instructions to Denis and others, signed by President Bradshaw at Whitehall, are dated 26 Sept. 1651. Those Instructions are in Hazard, i. 556 — 558. 3 Hubbard, c. 59. Belknap, Biog. i. 390. Massachusetts claimed the juris- diction of that Province, as lying within the limits of its charter of 1628. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 8. Hutchinson, i. 177. 4 Hazard, i. 575, 576, where is the Return made by the Commissioners, taken from the Records of the county of York. The commissioners were Simon Brad- street, Samuel Symonds, Thomas Wiggin, and Brian Pendleton. The names of the freemen are in Hazard ; also the Privileges, granted to the town of York by the Commissioners. 5 Hutchinson, i. 177. The towns of Wells, Cape Porpus, and Saco, did not subscribe a declaration of their submission until the next year (5 July 1653). The villages, lying still farther eastward, appear not to have surrendered their independence until 1658. Chalmers, b. 1. 480, 499, 501. 6 Keith, 148. Robertson, b. 9. 303. BRITISH COLONIES. 297 The government of Maryland was taken out of the hands of 1652. lord Baltimore, for disloyalty to the ruling; powers in England, s^^^y and settled in the hands of the parliament. 1 By an order of the council of state for the commonwealth of r. island. England, the government of Rhode Island was suspended ; hut that colony, taking advantage of the distractions which soon after ensued in England, resumed its government, and enjoyed it, without farther interruption, until the Restoration. 2 The first mint was erected in New England for coining First mint. money. 3 A forge iron manufacture was set up at Raynham, a for 'y moutn colony, the preceding year, to settle a government at colony set- Kennebeck ; he now issued a warrant, directed to the marshal tie a govern- of New Plymouth, requiring the inhabitants on the river Kenne- Kennebeck. Dec ^ to m ake their personal appearance at Merry Meeting on the 23d of May. The people generally assembled ; and 16 took the oath of fidelity to the State of England, and to the 1 Hutchinson, i. 185—187. Trumbull, i. 221—223. Trumbull says, Ninnigret had left his country, corn, and wigwams, without defence, and they might have been laid waste, without loss or danger. The commissioners were entirely dissatisfied with the conduct of the commandei of the expedition; but historians ascribe the defeat of their design to the secret intrigue of Massachusetts. Hutchinson, the historian of that colony, says, " this was the second time of their preventing a general war, contrary to the minds of six of the commissioners of the other colonies." 2 Pres. Stiles, History of the Judges of king Charles I. p. 40. On a donation to this college of perhaps £400 or £500 sterling by governor Hopkins, who died at London in 1656, the general assembly erected the colony school into a col- lege for teaching " the three learned languages, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew," and for " the education of youth in good literature, to fit them for public service in church and commonwealth ; " and settled £40 a year out of the colony trea- siuyon the preceptor or rector, besides the salary fio in New Haven school, with £100 for a library. Mr. Davenport had the care of the colony school several years ; but 1660 the reverend Mr. Peck was established in it, according to the act of the assembly, and taught the learned languages and the sciences. Tha convulsions of the times, however, in 1664, and the want of adequate support, caused this college to terminate in a public grammar school ; which is still preserved, and holds the Hopkins' funds, and the other endowments of college estate, to this day. Yale College was not built on this foundation. lb. — The general court of Connecticut in 1653 ordered, that £20 be paid to the support of a fellowship in Harvard college. Trumbull, i. 215, from Records of New Haven. 3 Trumbull, i. 224. For the number and list in each town., see Note XXXIII. BRITISH COLONIES. 303 present government of Plymouth; and 15 laws were established 1654. lor their government. 1 ^-s^-^/ Mr. Eliot, having previously received encouragement from the Lands general court of Massachusetts to proceed in preaching the gospel granted for to the natives, nftw obtained several parcels of land for those Indi ms who should give any just hope of their embracing the Christian religion. 2 Colonel Wood, living at the falls of James river in Virginia, Discoveries sent suitable persons upon an enterprise of discovery. Having on d th ^P h . 10 passed the Alleghany mountains, they entered the country of the s i PP i! Ohio, and, in ten years, discovered several branches of that river, and of the Mississippi. 3 A commission was given to the Sieur Detrys, granting him a Nova Sco- fishery along the coast from Cape Hosiers to New England. 4 tia * The Iroquois about this time so effectually exterminated the Destruction Eries, that, without the great lake, on the borders of which they o f the Erics, were situated, and which still bears their name, we should have no evidence of their existence. 5 John Haynes, governor of Connecticut, died. 6 j^Haynes. 1655. Towards the close of the preceding year, Cromwell had English fitted out a fleet of 30 sail, under vice admiral Penn, with land outa^hfst forces commanded by general Venables, for the conquest of Hispanioia. Hispaniola. Arriving at that island on the '13th of April, they were repulsed by the Spaniards, with great loss. On the 2d of Is repulsed, May they landed on Jamaica, and laid siege to St. Jago, which at length capitulated. The whole island was soon reduced ; Reduction and has ever since remained in the hands of the English. The of JamaicJU whole number of inhabitants on the island, including women and children, did not exceed 1500. 7 1 Hazard, i. 583—586, from Plymouth Records. 2 Hubbard, c. 59. This historian mentions lands at Hasanameset, " a place in the woods heyond Medfield and Mendon," and at Puncapoag, beyond Dor- chester, beside Natick. 3 Brit. Emp. iii. 195. Adair, 308. Coxe's Carolana, 120. These discoveries were made from 1654 to 1664. 4 Memoires de l'Amerique, iv. 229. 5 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 322. This historian calls them " la nation des Eriez, ou du Chat." See Wynne, i. 334. 6 Trumbull, i. 216. He was distinguished for his abilities, prudence, and piety ; and in his death the colony sustained a great loss. He was chosen governor of Massachusetts in 1635, before his removal to Connecticut; and was con- sidered as "not inferior to governor Winthrop." On his removal (1636), he was chosen governor of Connecticut ; and he was continued in that office, when the constitution would permit, until his death. 7 Univ. Hist. xli. 349. Wynne, ii. 444, 445. Edwards, W. Indies, i. b. 2. c. 2. Cromwell's commission to general Venables is in Hazard, i. 592 — 594. Univ. N. Haven. 304 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1655. Governor Eaton had, by desire, compiled a code of laws for the colony of New Haven. These laws, having been examined and approved by the ministers of the jurisdiction, were presented to the general court, which ordered that 500 copies should be printed. 1 Spinning in The general court of Massachusetts, in consideration of the Massachu- stra j ts f t } ie co l on y in the article of clothing, passed an act of assessment on spinning. 2 Execution. This year Mrs. Ann Hibbins of Boston was tried and con- demned for witchcraft ; and the next year was executed. 3 Epidemic. An epidemic distemper, similar to that of 1647, prevailed through New England. 4 Virginia The Virginia legislature changed the Spanish piece of eight currency. f rom s j x shillings, and established it five shillings sterling, as the standard of its currency. 5 Dutch in- The Dutch West India company felt the blow struck by the vade 'the Swedes at the Delaware. Having applied for aid to the city of Delaware? Amsterdam, the Dutch fitted out seven ships and vessels from New Amsterdam, with 600 or 700 men under the command of their governor Stuyvesant, against the Swedes on that river, take their Stuyvesant, with this armament, went up the Delaware, and forts; compelled the Swedes to deliver up their forts, on articles of destroy N. capitulation. The invaders destroyed New Gottenburg, with Hist. [xli. 144, 349.] say<3, that the fleet, when it sailed from England, had at least 7000 land troops, a great part of which was composed of Cromwell's veterans ; and that Barbadoes afterward furnished 3500 soldiers. Salmon [Chron. Hist. i. 162.] says, the combined forces consisted of 9000 men. Venables was suspected of an attachment to the royal party ; and was afterward instrumental in restoring Charles II. He and Penn, on their return from the W. Indies, were sent to the tower by the Protector ; but their conquest was of greater im- portance than Cromwell then imagined. He gave orders, however, to support it ; and Jamaica was the chief acquisition, which the English owe to his enter- prising spirit. Allen, Hist. Eng. 259. Edwards says, although the Spaniards had possessed this island a century and a half, not one hundredth part of the plantable land was in cultivation when the English made themselves masters of it. Some historians censure Cromwell, others justify him, for commencing war against the Spaniards. It was the opinion of Edwards, the historian of the West Indies, that " the measures adopted by the protector on that occasion were not merely justifiable ; they were highly necessary, and even meritorious ; for the conduct of Spain, especially in America, was the declaration and exercise of war against the whole human race." 1 Trumbull, i. 226. They were printed in England. 2 Massachusetts Laws. The law required, " that all hands, not necessarily employed on other occasions, as women, boys, and girls," should " spin accord- ing to their skill and ability ; " and authorized the selectmen in every town, to " consider the condition and capacity of every family, and assess them " ac- cordingly, " at one or more spinners." 3 Hutchinson, i. 188. The second instance in New England Sec a. d. 1648. 4 Hubbard, c. 62. Hutchinson, i. 190. Of this disease died Nathaniel Rogers, a very respectable minister of Ipswich, a descendant of the celebrated John Rogers, who suffered martyrdom in queen Mary's reign. Ibid. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 104—109. 5 Jefferson, Virg. Query xxi. See a. d. 1645. , Towns. BRITISH COLONIES. 305 such houses as were without the fort. The officers and principal 1655. inhabitants were carried prisoners to New Amsterdam, and sent v^^-w/ to Holland, and thence to Gottenburg. The Dutch now became possessed of the west side of Delaware bay, afterward called The Three Lower Counties. Fort Casimir, commanded by sept is. Suen Schute, after a siege of 14 days, was obliged to surrender »ke fort for want of powder and ammunition. The Swedes marched out of the fort, with their arms, flying colours, drums and files, and burning matches ; and the Dutch took possession of it, tore down the Swedish flag, and put up the Dutch colours. The whole strength of the place consisted of 4 cannon, 5 swivels, and some small arms. Fort Christina, commanded by Rising, surrendered 25. to Stuyvesant on the 25th of September. Thirty Swedes took {^ Chrisi the oath of fidelity to the States General ; the rest, with a few exceptions, went to Sweden. The fortress of Casimir was now named by the Dutch, Niewer Amstel, by the English, Newcastle; and a village gradually arose under its walls. 1 The treaty of Westminster between France and England was Treaty of concluded on the 3d of November. 2 ZT"**' Billerica, Groton, and Chelmsford, in Massachusetts, were incorporated. 3 1 Acrelius, c. 3. § 9. Holm, Provincien Nya Swerige, uti America, c. 9. Coll. New York Hist. Society, ii. 357, 358. Smith, N York, i. 6. Chalmers, b. 1. 572, 633. Smith, N. Jersey, 43. Proud, Pennsylv. i. 119. Dr. Collin's MS. Letter to me, 1823. In the Swedish names I here follow the Swedish authorities. Schute and Rising thus signed their names at the capitulation. The settlement and the fort of the Swedes at Delaware, now called Christiana, were unquestionably named after their queen Christina. The Rev. Dr. Collin, an aged and highly respected minister of a Swedish church near Philadelphia, in answer to my inquiries concerning the history of his countrymen who first settled in America, writes : " The Swedes, on their first arrival, settled up the West of Delaware, near Wilmington, and built a fort in the small river that falls into it, naming both by the reigning queen Christina, which the said river still retains."— On the subject of the conquest this year by the Dutch, Dr. Collin writes : « The Hollanders, established on North river, claimed all the territory at Delaware and beyond it ; though they had a small and scattered settlement on the Eastern shore, but none on the Western. They protested against the Swedes ; and finally conquered the, as yet, weak population, in 1655, by a very superior force. Sweden, then engaged in war with six powers, could not re- lieve it; but did not make a cession." See A. d. 1664. 2 Memoires de PAmerique. In this treaty, Art. xxv, it is stated, that Pen- tagoet, St. John, and Port Royal, had been very lately taken ; that the French king's ambassadors demanded their restoration; but that, on the Protector's commissioners contending that they ought to be retained, the controversy was referred to commissioners. 3 Hist. Cambridge, in Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 28. Letter of John Farmer, Esq. to me, with an ancient copy of the Grant of Chelmsford, from the Records of the General Court ; and his Historical Memoir of Billerica, 1816. Billerica was planted at Shashin ; the river retains this aboriginal name. — The grant of Chelmsford was made to several of the inhabitants of Concord and Woburn, on their petition to the general court, in 1653. The words of the petition, as re- cited in the grant, are, " for the erecting of a new Plantation on Merrimack river near to Pawtuckett." A proviso is annexed: "That the petitioners shall vol. i. 39 $06 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1655. The Onoudagas sent deputies to Quebec, accompanied by a large number of their nation, to solicit missionaries of the French. Missionaries were accordingly sent to that tribe of natives ; and several of the heads of it became their proselytes. 1 May. 8. Edward Winslow, distinguished in the annals of Plymouth Death of E. colony, died on. board the English fleet in the West Indies, in the N.Rogers. 61st year of his age. 2 Nathaniel Rogers, minister of Ipswich, died/ 3 sufficiently break up full so much land for the Indians in such place as they shall appoint within such plantation as shall there be appointed them, as they have of planting ground about a hill called Robbing hill ; and that the Indians shall have use of their planting ground aforesaid free of all damages until tbe petitioners shall have broken up the land for the Indians as aforesaid." — From the same Records is extracted, in connexion with the preceding grant : " 2dly. For the Plantation petitioned for by Mr. Eliot, the court judgeth it meet to be granted them and for the stating of both, that capt. Willard and capt. Johnson be appointed to lay out the said Plantation or Township, &c." 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 457, 458. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 320. 2 Morton, 1655, and Edit. Note. Hutchinson, i. 187. Belknap, Biog ii. Art. Wijvslow. Cromwell appointed three commissioners to superintend and direct the operations of Penn and Venables in their expedition to the W. Indies, of whom Winslow, then in England, was chief, His reputation was so great, and he found so much employment, that he had never returned home after his de- parture as agent in 1646. The commanders disagreed in their tempers and views ; and the commissioners could not controul them. Winslow participated the chagrin of the defeat, but not the pleasure of the subsequent victory. In the passage between Hispaniola and Jamaica, the heat of the climate threw him into a fever, which, aggravated by his dejection, terminated his life. His actions form his best eulogium. " The New England's Memorial and our whole early history, bear testimony to the energy, activity, and well directed exertions of Edward AVinslow." His efforts in behalf of the Indians illustrate his benevo- lence and piety. The Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians, formed through his influence at London, continued, under the name of the London Society till the American Revolution. He published " Good News from New England, or a True Relation of things very remarkable at the Planta- tion of Plimouth in New England," with an Account of the religious and civil laws and customs of the Indians, at London, 1624. This work is abridged in Purchas's Pilgrims, b. 10. c. 5 ; and reprinted in Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 239 — 276; and (2d Series) ix. 74 — 104; and his Account of the Natives of New England in the Appendix to vol. 2. of Belknap's Biography. His " Glorious Progress of the Gospel among the Indians " was printed at London in 1649. Bibliotheca Americana. In New England his name will never be forgotten. His portrait, an excellent painting, was in the possession of the late Dr. Josiah Winslow, who inherited the old family estate at Marshfield, called Caresrull farm. He showed it to me, at his hospitable mansion. The eye is black and expressive, and the whole countenance very interesting. The portrait is taken with whiskers. Josiah Winslow, son of Edward (also governor of Plymouth colony), is drawn without them. " Beards were left off early in New England, and about the same time they were in Old. Leveret is the first governor, who is painted without a beard. He laid it aside in Cromwell's court." Hutchinson, i. 153. 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. c. 14. He was second son of Mr. John Rogers of Dedham in England, who was a grandson of John Rogers, the first martyr in queen Mary's reign. Alden, Religious Societies in Portsmouth. Mather says, Nathaniel was born while his father \vas minister of Haverhill, about the year 1598. At the time of his death, therefore, he would be about 57. He was educated at the Grammar school in Dedham, and, at the age of 14, admitted into Emanuel college, in Cambridge. He was ordained at Ipswich in 1638. He BRITISH COLONIES. 301 1656. The first quakers, who appeared in New England, arrived in Quakers July. The general court of Massachusetts, considering them banished. alike hostile to civil and to ecclesiastical order, passed sentence of banishment on 12 persons of that sect, the whole number then in the colony. 1 Oliver Cromwell, protector, made proposals to the colony of Proposal Massachusetts for the removal of some of its inhabitants to jJniaioii. Jamaica ; but the general court very respectfully declined com- pliance. 2 General Gookin, of Cambridge, was chosen to be ruler of the Ruler of praying Indians in Massachusetts. He was the first English Indian3 • «. ♦ • , , r ,, . o & chosen. magistrate appointed lor the natives. Cromwell granted, under the great seal of England, to Charles Acadie Saint Etienne, William Crown, and Thomas Temple forever, granted to the territory denominated Acadie, and part of the country com- and others 6 monly called Nova Scotia, extending along the coast to Penta- goet and to the river St. George. It was erected into a province, independent of New England and of his other dominions, and the three grantees were appointed its hereditary governors. 4 wrote a Vindication of the Congregational Church government. Dr. Mather had it in his hands, " a brief Manuscript, written in a neat Latin style whereof he was an incomparable master ; " and he has preserved a handsome specimen of it in his " Life " in the Magnalia. 1 Hutchinson, i. 197, 198. Neal, N. Eng. i. 311. Hazard, i. 630—632, where the act is entire. An act was passed, laying a penalty of £100 on the master of any vessel, who should bring a known quaker into any part of the colony ; and requiring him to give security to carry him back again, the quaker to be immediately sent to the "house of correction, receive 20 stripes, and be kept to hard labour until transportation. A penalty was enacted of £5 for importing, and the same for dispersing or concealing quakers' books ; and for defending the doctrines of their books 40 shillings for the first offence ; £4 for the second ; and for the next, commitment to the house of correction, " till there be convenient passage for them to be sent out of the land." Another law was passed the next year (1657) against bringing quakers into the jurisdiction, or harbouring them in it. Hutchinson, i. 198. This law is in Hazard, ii. 554. 2 The Letter of the general court to Cromwell is in Hutchinson, i. 192, and Hazard, i. 638. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Society, i. 177. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 187. Hazard, i. 616—619, from Memoires de l'Amerique. " Thus, for the first time, was introduced that confusion with regard to Acadie and Nova Scotia, which so perplexed statesmen in aftertimes, by considering those as two different countries, that were in truth the same ; the former con- taining the latter and more, and Acadie advancing westward till it met with the settlements of New England. For it ought always to be remembered, that the southern boundary of Acadie, as established by the grant of Henry IV, in 1603, was the 40th degree of north latitude ; that the southwestern limits of Nova Scotia, as appointed by the patent of James I. in 1621, was the river St. Croix, And thus was the stream of St. George now affixed as the outmost extent of both towards the south-west." Ibid. 188. AMERICAN ANNALS. New Amsterdam, afterward called New York, was laid out in several small streets. 1 Death of M. Miles Standish, the hero of New England, died at Duxbury, Standi*. at an advance( | age# 2 1657. Indian plot; The governor and council of Plymouth, about this time, hearing that Alexander, son and successor of Massasoit, was conspiring with the Narragansets against the English, sent for him to the court. Major Winslow, with 8 or 10 men, surprising him, and requiring his attendance, he was persuaded by one of his own chief counsellors to go to the governor's house ; but his indignation at the surprisal threw him into a fever. On his promise to come back to Plymouth, if he should recover, and, Death of m me mean time, to send his son as a hostage, he had leave to Alexander, return ; but he died before he reached home. 8 Lands riven ^ ne Indians at Ponkipog having sold all their land, the town to the in- of Dorchester, at the request of Mr. Eliot of Roxbury, empow- dians. ered four persons to lay out a plantation at Ponkipog, not exceed- ing 6,000 acres of land, and gave that tract for the exclusive use and benefit of the Indians. 4 License to Massachusetts legislature granted a license to certain persons, supply the to supply the eastern Indians with arms and ammunition for arms. * hunting, on paying an acknowledgment to the public treasury. 5 A ship, with many passengers, was lost in a voyage from Bos- Ship lost. tQn tQ England. Among the number of worthy and respectable T.Mayhew. persons lost, was Mr. Thomas Mayhew, who had been the principal instrument in the conversion of the natives on Martha's Vineyard. 6 1 Smith, N. York, i. 22. 2 Morton, 262, and Judge Davis's Note. Hubbard, c. 63. Belknap, Biog ii. Art. Standish. Mass. Hist. Soc. ii. 4. Hubbard says, Standish was allied to the noble house of Standish in Lancashhe, and inherited some of the virtues of that honourable family, as well as the name. In the military annals of Plymouth, he stands preeminently distinguished. Dr. Belknap says, after the encounter at Mount Wollaston in 1628, we have no particular account of him. We find, however, that, so late as 1653, he was placed at the head of the troops provision- ally raised by Plymouth colony ; and that he was chosen one of the assistants of that colony, as he long as he lived. A sword, supposed to be the sword of Standish, is preserved in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. In Ancient Vestiges, a MS. used by Judge Davis, there is this remark : " So late as 1707, I find that Sir Thomas Standish lived at Duxbury, the name of the family seat in Lancashire." The Editor of Morton, who, though living in Boston, is at home in Old Plymouth, subjoins : " The name of Standish con- tinues in the towns of Halifax, Plimpton, Middleborough, and Pembroke." 3 Hubbard, Indian War, 49, 50. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 100 ; ii. 9. Ponkipog (now Stoughton) was then within the limits of Dorchester. 5 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 160. 6 Morton, 274, 275, and Editor's Note. Mather. Magna!, b. 6. 54. Hubbard, BRITISH COLONIES. 309 Several gentlemen on Rhode Island and other associates made 1657. the Petaquamscut purchase of the chief sachems of the Narra- s^v^/ ganset country. The island of Canonicut was also purchased Canomcut* of the Indians by William Coddington, Benedict Arnold, and others. 1 A question about the subjects of baptism having been much council of agitated, and the magistrates of Connecticut having, the last year, ministers sent several of their number to Massachusetts for consultation, the magistrates of both jurisdictions now united in calling to- gether several of the ablest ministers of each colony. An assembly of 26 ministers met at Boston on the 4th ot June ; June 4. when several questions, concerning the subject of baptism, were Boston, proposed to them. The result of their discussions and delibera- tions was presented to the governments of each jurisdiction. 2 William Bradford, governor of Plymouth, 3 Edward Hopkins, Deathofw. formerly governor of Connecticut, 4 and Theophilus Eaton, ^H^kinf c. 63, and 75, p. 655. Mather says, the ship wherein he took passage was never heard of. He was the son of the first settler and governor of the island of Martha's Vineyard. See a. d. 1642. 1 Callender, 39. Brit. Emp. ii. 135, 148. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 217. The smaller islands had been purchased before. 2 Hubbard, c. 41, 64. Mather, Magnal. b. 5. 63. " The Letters of the Government," says Mather, " procured an Assembly of our principal ministers on June 4, 1657, who by the 19th of that month prepared and presented an elaborate Answer to twenty one questions, which was afterwards printed in London." See a. d. 1662. 3 Morton, 1657 and Notes. Hutchinson, i. 206. Gov Bradford died in the 69th year of his age. Piety, wisdom, and integrity, were prominent traits of his character. Though not of a liberal education, he was a laborious student, and of respectable attainments. He very assiduously studied the Hebrew language ; the French and Dutch languages were familiar to him ; and he had considera- ble knowledge of the Latin and Greek. From the time of his first election in 1621, he was annually chosen governor, as long as he lived, excepting three years. See Belknap, Biog. ii. 217 — 251. Art. Bradford Hubbard [c. 63.] says, " he was the very prop and glory of Plymouth colony during all the whole series of changes that passed over it." 4 Trumbull, i. 232 Mr. Hopkins was governor several years, and highly esteemed, as a wise and upright magistrate, and as a man of exemplary piety and extensive charity. Having occasion to go to England, he was there chosen first warden of the English fleet ; then commissioner of the admiralty and navy ; and finally a member of parliament. These unexpected preferments induced him to send to New England for his family, and to spend the remainder of his days in his native country, where he died, JEt&t. LvTII. He gave £500 out of his estate in England to trustees in New England, " for the upholding and pro- moting the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, in those parts of the earth ; " which donation was considered as made to Harvard college, and the grammar school in Cambridge, and, by virtue of a decree in chancery, was paid in 1710. The money has been laid out in real estate in a township in Massachusetts, named, in honour of the donor, Hopkinton. The legislature of Massachusetts has made such addition to the fund, that six bachelors may now reside at Har- vard College, and seven boys be instructed at the grammar school. Mr. Hopkins' whole estate in New England, estimated at about £1000 sterling [Hutchinson, i. 101, says, "at least £2000."], was appropropriated to the support of the grammar schools in New Ha.ven and Hartford. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 22. 310 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1657. governor of New Haven, died this year. 1 George Fenwick, ^-v-^ first settler of Saybrook, died in England. 2 1658. Southerton, This year, a considerable settlement was made at Pequot Stonington, between Mistic and Pawcatuck rivers, by several families from settled. Massachusetts. The settlers, finding thatthere was a controversy between Connecticut and Massachusetts about a title and juris- diction, entered into a voluntary contract to govern themselves, until it should be determined to which colony they should submit. The commissioners for the United Colonies, observing that the Pequot country would accommodate two plantations, determined, that Mistic river be the boundary between them ; and that those people, already settled by commission, from either of the two governments, be not molested. 3 Order about The general court of Massachusetts ordered, that no person public should publicly and constantly preach to any company of people, preacnng. w jj et | ier | n a cntirc h s t ate or not, or be ordained to the office of a teaching elder, where any two organic churches, council of state, or general court, should declare dissatisfaction at such public service, either in reference to doctrine or practice, the offence being declared to such people, church, or person, until the offence be orderly removed : and that, in case of the ordination of any teaching elder, timely notice be given to three or four of the neighbouring organic churches, for their approbation. 4 1 Hubbard, c. 42. Trumbull, Conn. i. 231. Gov. Eaton died 7 Jan. in his 67th year. He was born at Stony Stratford, in Oxfordshire. For several years he was agent for the king of England at the court of Denmark ; and afterward a very respectable merchant in London. He came to New England in 1637. [See that year.] He was one of the original patentees of Massachusetts, and soon after his arrival was chosen one of the magistrates of the colony. On the settlement of New Haven, he was chosen governor of that colony ; and was annually reelected until his death. In private life he was very amiable ; his public character was distinguished for integrity and dignity, wisdom and piety. 2 Hutchinson, i. c 1. Note Winthrop, i. 306, Edit. Note. Mr Fenwick came from England in 1639, with design to take possession of the lands upon Connecticut river for the lords Say and Brook, and founded the town of Say- brook. See A. d. 1635 and 1639. The Connecticut people purchased of him the title of the lords 5 December, 1644 ; and he then joined with the colony, and was chosen an assistant. Returning soon after to England, he was honour- ably noticed, and received promotions. In 1648, gov. Winthrop writes to his son : " Mr. Fenwick is made a colonel and governour of Tinmouth castle " ii. 357. By his last will, proved in Sussex in England 27 April, 1657, he gave £500 to the public use of the countiy of New England, if his loving friend Mr. Edward Hopkins should think fit, and to be employed as he should order and direct. 3 Trumbull, i. 233—235. Gov. Trumbull, MS. State and Origin of Connecti- cut. Backus, N. Eng. i. 343. See Note XXXIV. 4 Hazard, i. 490. The Ecclesiastical Constitution of Massachusetts, com- posed of laws made at different times by the legislature of that colony, is inserted ibid. 488—495. BRITISH COLONIES. 311 Orders were given to William Beckman, lieutenant governor 1658. at Newcastle under the command of the director general of New v^^-^ Netherlands, to purchase of the natives the lands around Cape cape Hen- Henlopen, in order to raise a fortification, and extend the settle- lo P en > ment. 1 An insurrection had been raised in Maryland by Josias Fendal, Inwmrec- which had greatly distressed the province, and added to the r y™nd. Ma * burden of its impositions. Its affairs continuing in a distressed state, the government was surrendered by the commissioners to Fendal, who had been appointed governor by the proprietary ; but his intrigues, instead of allowing the restoration of the public quiet, rather aggravated those mischiefs, which had long wasted the province. 2 There was a great earthquake in New England. 3 Ralph Partridge, minister of Duxbury, died. 4 Oliver Cromwell, protector, died on the 3d of September; De athof and was succeeded by his son Richard. 5 Cromwell. 1659. The Virginians seized the occasion of the death of the pro- :* anu . a, 7- tector's governor, to throw off the government of the protectorate, restore? They applied to Sir William Berkeley, living privately on his Berkeley to estate, to resume the government of the colony ; but he did not ^11?°™"*" consent to the proposal until they solemnly promised to adventure their lives and fortunes with him for their king. Berkeley was restored in January ; and the colonists proclaimed Charles II. ^^"n king of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Virginia, before his restoration to the crown of England. 6 1 Smith, N. York, i. 7. Chalmers, b. 1. 633. For want of goods, the pur- chase was not made until the next year. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 9. 224. 3 Morton, 276, and Note. Josselyn, Voy. 269. 4 Morton, ib. and Note. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 99. Morton says, he was of a sound and solid judgment in the main truths of Jesus Christ, and very able in disputation to defend them ; that his pious and blameless life became very advantageous to his doctrine ; and that he was much honoured and loved by all that conversed with him. C. Mather says, " when the Platform of Church Discipline was to be composed, the Synod at Cambridge appointed three persons to draw up, each of them, A Model of Church Government, according to the Word of God, that out of those the Synod might form what should be found most agreeable ; which three persons were Mr. Cotton, Mr. [Increase] Mather, and Mr. Partridge." 5 Life of O. Cromwell, 3d edit. 1731, p. 405. Noble's Memoirs of the Protec- torate-House of Cromwell, i. 145. Noble says, " he died peaceably in his bed at his palace of Whitehall, upon his auspicious September 3, 1658; and was buried with more than regal pomp, in the sepulchre of our monarchs." 6 Chalmers, b. 1. 125. The firmness which the Virginians expressed in the royal cause, drew from the king a particular mark of his favour ; for some part of his habit, at the time of his coronation, it is said, was composed of Virginia silk, sent to him from the colony. Univ. Hist. xli. 532. 312 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1659. At the meeting of the assembly of Maryland, the burgesses, v^-x^-w/ by the direction or connivance of Fendal, governor of the colony, Maryland, dissolved the upper house, and assumed every power in the state. 1 Grant to The general court of Massachusetts, in addition to the income Collet °f Charlestovvn ferry formerly granted to Harvard College, or- dered, that there should be annually levied £100, by addition to the country rate, for the maintenance of the president and fellows of the college. 2 Quakers William Robinson, Marmaduke Stephenson, and Mary Dyer, executed. q im kers, were brought to trial before the general court of Massachusetts, and sentenced to die. The two first were exe- cuted. 3 Lands pur- John Winthrop, Humphrey Atherton, and associates, purchased chased at f the Narraganset sachems two tracts of land, joining to Narra- set. rraSan ganset bay, and settled them with inhabitants. 4 Moheagan Uncas and Wawequay, sachems of Moheagan, granted all lands grant- their lands to major John Mason, agent for Connecticut, who, necticut )n " the next year, surrendered the lands to that colony. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 224, 225, 236. The form of the procedure was singular. No sooner was the assembly convened, than the burgesses sent the following paper to the upper house : " To the honourable the governor and council, That this assembly of burgesses, judging themselves to be a lawful assembly, without dependence upon any other power in the province now in being, is the highest court of judicature : and if any objection can be made, we desire to hear it." A conference ensued ; and the upper house, refusing to betray at once its trust and its own just authority, was dissolved by the burgesses. 2 Massachusetts Laws. It was to continue " during the pleasure of the country." 3 Hutchinson, i. 200. Magnal. b. 7. c. 4. Hubbard, c. 65. Hazard, ii. 567 — 572. They received this sentence " for their rebellion, sedition, and presump- tuous obtruding themselves after banishment upon pain of death." Mary Dyer was reprieved, on condition of her departure from the jurisdiction in forty eight hours, and, if she returned, to suffer the sentence. She* was carried, however, to the gallows, and stood with a rope about her neck until the others were executed. This infatuated woman returned, and was executed in 1660. A Declaration of the general court, in justification of these proceedings, was soon after printed, It is entire in Hubbard, c. 65 ; and Hazard. See a. d. 1661. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 217, 218, 240. " One lying to the southward of Mr. Smith's trading house, and the other to the northward of it." See a d. 1641. The next year (1660) the Narraganset sachems, "for valuable consideration, mortgaged to major Atherton and partners the remaining part of the whole Narraganset country, containing the Cowhesset and Niantick countries." Ather- ton had about 20 associates. The consideration, here mentioned, was a sum of money for the Indian sachems, to redeem their lands that they had mortgaged. A longer time was allowed for payment : but the sachems, failing also in this new enagement, surrendered their lands, in 1662, to those associates, " and gave them quiet and peaceable possession and seizin, by turf and twig." Ibid. Backus, N. Eng. i. 343. 5 Gov. Trumbull, MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 85. Trumbull, i. c. 17. 403. The planters of Connecticut made repeated purchases of their lands. " The colony not only bought the Moheagan country of Uncas, but afterwards all the particular towns were purchased again, either of him or his successors, when the settlements in them commenced. lb. 117. BRITISH COLONIES. 313 A dispute between the government of New Netherlands and 1659. the lord proprietary of Maryland, concerning the title of the s^-v-^ Dutch to the territories on the Dataware, assumed a menacing Dispute be- aspact. The instruction and command of his lordship were, government " to send to the Djtch in Delaware bay, seated within his lord- ofN. Netfa- ship's province, to command them to be gone." This order jjijiitand? 1 being taken in consideration by the council, it was ordered, that colonel Nathaniel Utie repair " to the pretended governor of a people seated in Delaware bay within his lordship's province, without notice given to his lord's lieutenant here, and to require him to depart the province." Colonel Utie was authorized, if he should find opportunity, and the people seated there should apply to his lordship's government, to " insinuate" to them, that they should find good conditions, such as were granted to all comers into this province, which should be faithfully performed ; and that they should have protection in their lives, liberty, and estates. 1 Massachusetts government made a grant of land opposite to ^ Tass - s vant fort Aurania [Albany] upon Hudson's river, and a number of the ri " er# principal merchants in the colony were intending a settlement there, and a trade with the Indians ; but the project is supposed to have been laid aside upon the change of affairs in England. 2 Thomas Macy removed his family from Salisbury, in Massa- Nantucket chusetts, to the west end of Nantucket, and began a settlement settIed - at Madakit harbour. There were, at that time, nearly 3000 Indians on the island. 3 Francis de Laval, who had been abbot of Montigny, now ap- First bishop pointed bishop of Canada, came over, bringing, for the first time, France. monks of other orders beside Jesuits. 4 / 1 Collections of New York Historical Society, vol. iii ; where is preserved a document concerning this dispute, " which illustrates the transactions of the government of New Netherlands, a subject of considerable obscurity in the annals of our early history." It was communicated to the Society by John Leeds Bozman, Esq. of Maryland. 2 Hutchinson, i. c. 1. In the settlement of the limits between the Dutch and English colonists, in 1650, the proviso, that the said line come not within 10 miles of Hudson's river, " must be understood so far as New Haven had jurisdiction." This was the opinion of governor Hutchinson, who hence ac- accounts for the grant made this year by Massachusetts upon the banks of the Hudson. The country itself a few years after was recovered from the Dutch and granted to the Duke of York— too powerful a proprietor to contend with about bounds." See a. d. 1674. 3 Macy's Journal of the first settlement of the island of Nantucket, in Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 155 — 160. The natives were willing to sell their lands ; and the English gradually purchased them, until they obtained the whole, excepting some small rights, which are still retained by the aboriginal proprietors. Peter Folger was the most distinguished man among the first English settlers of the island. His daughter was the mother of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, who, it is thought, " inherited a part of his noble publick spirit from his grandfather, Peter Folger." 4 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i.*339. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 466. Cardenas, who VOL. I. 40 314 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1659. Sir Christopher Minis took the Spanish town of Campeachy. 1 ^>^-w Henry Dunster, president of Harvard College, died. 2 Peter Deaths. Bulkley, minister of Concord, died, in the 77th year of his age. 3 1660. Restoration King Charles II. was restored to the British throne, and of Charles made his entrance j nt0 London on the 29th of May. 4 The general court of Massachusetts, in December, ordered addresses to be made to the king and to the parliament. 5 The parliament passed an act for the general encouragement and increase of shipping and navigation, by which the provisions, places the article in 1658, says — " y fue el primer obispo, que Heg6 a aquellas Provincias." 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 141. Harris, Voy. ii. 903. 2 Morton, 283. Mr. Dunster is considered as the first president of Harvard College ; and the commencement of his presidency was in 1640. But the first master of the college was Nathaniel Eaton, " who was chosen professor or master " of that seminary in 1637 ; " for not only the tuition of the scholars, but the care and management of all donations for erecting edifices &.c. were committed to him ." Pres. Stiles' MSS. He was a distinguished scholar ; but was removed from his office for his severities, and went to Virginia. See Win- throp, i. 308 — 313. Governor Winthrop says, Eaton " had been some time initiated among the Jesuits." Mr. Dunster was well esteemed for his learning, piety, and spirit of government ; but, imbibing at length the principles of anti- poedobaptism, he excited uneasiness among the overseers of the college, and was hence induced to resign the presidency 24 October, 1654. Mather, Magnal. b. 4. 128. He was a great master of the oriental languages ; and when a new version of the psalms had been made by some of the New England divines, and printed in 1640, that version, requiring " a little more art," was committed to him ; and, with some assistance, he revised and refined it, and brought it into that state, in which the churches of New England used it for many subsequent years. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 19, 20. Magnalia, b. 3. c. 12. 3 Neal, N. Eng. i. 321. [See a. d. 1637.] He was descended from an hon- ourable family in Bedfordshire, and educated at St. John's college in Cambridge, of which he was afterwards chosen fellow, and proceeded bachelor of divinity. He succeeded his father in the ministry, in the benefice of Woodhill in Bedford- shire, his native place. The bishop of Lincoln connived at his nonconformity, as he did at his father's ; but he was at length silenced by command of arch- bishop Laud. He came to N. England in 1635 ; lived awhile at Cambridge ; and " carried a good number of planters with him up farther into the woods, where they gathered the 12th church in the colony, and called the town Concord." Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 96 — 98. He was distinguished for theological knowledge, general literature, and piety. He was the author of several publications, the prin- cipal of which was entitled, " The Gospel Covenant, or the Covenant of Grace opened ; " the 2d edition of which was printed at London in 1651, and dedicated to Hon. Oliver St. John, ambassador from the Parliament of England to the States of Holland ; also to his Church at Concord. It was prefaced by the Rev. Mr. Shepard of Cambridge. Mr. Bulkley was one of the moderators of the synod in 1637, Mr. Hooker was the other. Stiles, MSS. and Election Sermon. 4 Hume, Hist. England, vi. c. 62. Blair, Chronology. He was proclaimed, with great solemnity, in Palace Yard, at Whitehall, and at Temple Bar, on the 9th of May. 5 Hazard, ii. 579 — 584, where are copies of both addresses, from the Massa- chusetts Records. Hubbard, c. 63. BRITISH COLONIES. 315 made in the celebrated Navigation Act of 1651, were continued, 1660. with additional improvements. It enacted, that no sugar, to- v^^^w/ bacco, ginger, indigo, cotton, fustic, dying woods, of the growth Navigation of the English territories in America, Asia, or Africa, shall be ^ confirm - transported thence to any other country, than those belonging to the crown of England, under the penalty of forleiture ; and all vessels sailing to the plantations were to give bonds to bring said commodities to England. The most submissive colonists con- sidered the act as grievous, and contrived various methods to evade it. While the parliament restrained the colonial trade to England, it conferred the privilege of the sole production of tobacco to the plantations. 1 The only English colonies on the American continent, after English co- the emigrations of half a century, were Virginia, New England, JjJJStai. and Maryland ; which are supposed to have contained, at this time, no more than 80,000 inhabitants. 2 At the commencement of the civil wars in England, the popu- Number of lation of Virginia had increased to about 20,000 souls. The cava- ^ ^ m ^ n liers resorting to that colony during the distresses of those times, Virginia contained, at this epoch of the Restoration, about 30,000 persons. The province of Maryland, notwithstanding its various distractions and revolutions, continued to increase in population, in industry, and in wealth ; and contained about 12,000 persons. Philip Calvert, having been appointed governor of Maryland by the proprietary in June, assumed the administration in December. Fendal, his predecessor, was now tried for high treason, and found guilty ; but a pardon was granted him, on paying a moderate fine. 3 The generals Whalley and Goffe, two of the judges of king j u i y . Charles I, arrived at Boston. Having left London before the Whalley^ king was proclaimed, they did not conceal their persons or a t°Bostoa7 characters. They immediately visited governor Endicot, who gave them a courteous reception ; but, choosing a situation less public than Boston, they went, on the day of their arrival, to 1 Anderson, ii. 453. Chalmers, b 1. c. 10. 241—243. [See a.d. 1651.] The second article of the act is, " None but natural born subjects, or naturalized, shall henceforth exercise the occupation of a merchant or factor in those places " [Asia, Africa, or America], " under forfeiture of goods and chattels." This is judged to have been a good improvement on the former act ; " it having been before common to have Dutch merchants to be factors and agents in our colo- nies." Ibid. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 239. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 9. 225, 226. Though justly rendered incapable of future trust, he, at a subsequent period, disturbed the public repose by other intrigues and treachery ; and his accomplices, upon a timely submission, were fully par- doned without prosecution. See a. d. 1681. With the commission of the proprietary was transmitted a letter from Charles II. commanding all officers and others his subjects in Maryland, to assist that gentleman in the re-establishraenl of lord Baltimore's just rights and jurisdictions. 3J6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1660. go to New Haven. Marlbo- rough in- corporated. Brookfield settled. Removals to Had ley, and North- ampton. Woolwich. Cambridge. By the act of indemnity, which was brought over the last of November, it appeared that Whalley and Goffe were not excepted with those to whom pardon was offered ; and they soon after went to New Haven, where they remained in conceal- ment. 1 A tract of land, six miles square, having been granted to some of the inhabitants of Sudbury ; it was now incorporated by the name of Marlborough. 2 Several of the inhabitants of Ipswich, on petition to the gene- ral court of Massachusetts, obtained a grant of land, near Qua- baug pond, six miles square; which w T as soon after settled, and named Brookfield. 3 Differences concerning baptism terminated in the removal of one part of the churches and towns of Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor, to plantations higher on Connecticut river. Some of the people who removed, settled Hadley ; others removed to Northampton. A new church was formed at Hadley, of which Mr. John Russell, who had been in the ministry at Wethers- field, but removed with the dissatisfied brethren, was the first pastor. 4 Woolwich, in the province of Maine, was settled. 5 1 Hutchinson, i. 215, 216. Chalmers, b. 1. 249. Stiles, Hist, of Three of the Judges of king Charles 1. 23 — 26. Some of the principal persons in the govern- ment of Massachusetts were now alarmed. The governor summoned a court of assistants 22 February 1661, to consult about securing the fugitives; but the court did not agree to it. Finding it unsafe to remain longer where they were, they left Cambridge 26 February, and. arrived at New Haven 7 March. A few days after their removal, a hue and ciy was brought by the way of Barbadoes ; and the governor and assistants issued a warrant 8 March to secure them. To avoid all suspicion of their sincerity, they sent Thomas Kellond and Thomas Kirk, zealous royalists, to go through the colonies, as far as Manhattan, in search of them ; but deputy governor Leet favouring their concealment, and Mr. Daven- port, minister of New Haven, and a few other confidential persons, actually aiding it, they effectually eluded discovery. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 46. Its Indian name was Okommakamesit ; and it appears to have begun to be settled by the English about the year 1654. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 258. The court required these conditions : " Pro- vided they have 20 families there resident within three years, and that they have an able minister settled there within the said term, such as the court shall approve ; and that they make due provision in some way or other for the future, either by setting apart of lands, or what else shall be thought mete for the con- tinuance of the ministry among them." The Indian proprietor, Shattoockquis, gave a deed of the land to the English 10 November 1665. See a copy of it, ibid. 4 Trumbull, b. 1. c. 13. Pres. Stiles' Literary Diary. Hubbard [c. 41.] says, the removal " was orderly and peaceably." Noah Webster Esq. who has obligingly furnished me with information on this and other articles of our history, writes : " The original agreement or association for removal is on record — dated at Hartford April 18, 1659. John Webster is the first signer, and about 30 names follow. Mr. Russell and his people signed another instrument, and his name at the head of the list is followed by about 30 of his congregation." John Webster (who was an ancestor of my correspondent) may be considered as the founder of Hadley. He was repeatedly chosen governor of Connecticut. 5 Sullivan, 169. Mills were now erected there. BRITISH COLONIES. 317 The township of Norwich, in Connecticut, having been pur- 1660. chased of the natives ; the reverend James Fitch, with the ^^^^ principal part of his church and congregation, removed from Norwich. Saybrook, and planted that town. 1 The town of Huntington, on Long Island, was received as a Hunting- member of the Connecticut jurisdiction. 2 ton * There were, at this time, in New England ten Indian towns, Towns of of such as were called Praying Indians. 3 The first Indian church praying in- in New England was now embodied at Natick. 4 About this time a few adventurers emigrated from Massachu- setts, and settled around Cape Fear. 5 Hugh Peters, formerly a minister in Salem, suffered death Death of with the king's judges in England. 6 1661. Charles II, in his instructions to Sir William Berkeley, gov- x nstruc tions ernor of Virginia, required him to call an assembly as soon as to the gov- might be, and to assure it of the royal intention to grant a gensral JjKu * pardon and oblivion of all persons, those only excepted, who were attainted by act of parliament, provided that body should repeal all acts made during the rebellion, derogatory from the obedience which the colonies owed to the king and government of England ; to transmit an account of all tobacco shipped from that colony, that every one might be punished, who should trans- gress the act of navigation ; and to transmit his opinion of the practicability of establishing an iron work. 7 The law T s of England, which seem to have been observed by consent of the settlers of 1 Trumbull, i. 236. The township is about nine miles square. In June 1659, Uncas and his two sons, by a formal deed, made it over to Thomas Leffing- well and 34 other proprietors ; who, at this time, gave Uncas and his sons about £70, as a farther compensation, in addition to a former benefit, on account of which Uncas had given Leffingwell a deed of a great part, if not of the whole town. 2 Trumbull, i. 237. 3 Hutchinson, i. 166. * 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 18L 5 Chalmers, b. 1. 515, 516. These emigrants, from the unpropitious soil and climate, and the want of a good fishery, for some years experienced the miseries of want. On their solicitation of aid from their countrymen, the general court ordered a universal contribution for their relief. Dr. Williamson says, the New England colony, which settled this year on Old town creek, were driven away by the Indians ; that they deserted their habitations before the autumn of 1663, leaving many hogs and neat cattle in the hands of the Indians. 6 Bentley, Hist. Salem, in Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 253. Hume, Hist. England, vi. c. 63. Hume says, " No more than six of the late king's judges, Harrison, Scot, Carew, Clement, Jones, and Scrope, were executed." See a. d. 1641, the year in which Mr. Peters went to England, after which he never returned. 7 Chalmers, b. 1. 245. The iron work " is proposed," say? the king, " to be undertaken bv ourself." 318 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1661. Society for propagating the gospel. May. Committee for New England. Complaints to the king against Massachu- setts. Aug. 8. Charles II. proclaimed. Mandamus from the king re- specting quakers. Virginia, were now expressly adopted by an act of the assembly of that colony ; excepting so far as a difference of condition ren- dered them inapplicable. 1 The corporation for propagating the gospel in New England, being dead in law, was revived by a new charter from Charles II. by the name of " The Society for the propagation of the Gospel among the heathen natives of New England, and the parts adja- cent. 2 The king appointed the great officers of state a committee " touching the settlement of New England." Complaints being made to the king against Massachusetts, he commanded the governor and council " to send persons to England, to answer these various accusations." Charles II. had not yet been pro- claimed by the colony. The governor, on receiving intelligence of the transactions that were taking place in England to die prejudice of the colony, judged it inexpedient longer to delay that solemnity. Calling the court together, a form of proclama- tion was agreed to ; and Charles was acknowledged to be their sovereign lord and king, and proclaimed " to be lawful king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and all other territories there- to belonging." An address to the king was also agreed to, and ordered to be sent to England. 3 The government of New England received a letter from the king, signifying his pleasure, that there should be no farther prosecution of the quakers who were condemned to suffer death or other corporal punishment, or who were imprisoned and ob- noxious to such condemnation ; but that they be forthwith sent over to England for trial. The Massachusetts general court, after a due consideration of the king's letter, proceeded to de- clare, that the necessity of preserving religion, order and peace, had induced the enactment of laws against quakers " in reference 1 Jefferson, Virg. Query xiv. 2 Humphreys, Hist. Soc. Propagat. Gospel in Foreign Parts, 6. Brown, Hist. Propagat. Gospel, i. 65. See a. d. 1649. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 10. 244, 253, 254. Hubbard, c.^6. Hutchinson, i. 216 —219. Minot, Mass. i. 40. Hazard, ii. 593—595. The order of the court for proclaiming the king was passed 7 August. " It is ordered that the king's majesty that now is shall be proclaimed here, in the form hereafter expressed, in Boston on the eighth day of this instant August presently after the Lecture." The Form is subjoined in Hazard. The court published an order the same day, " forbidding all disorderly behaviour on the occasion ; declaring, that no person might expect indulgence for the breach of any law ; " and " in a par- ticular manner, that no man should presume to drink his majesty's health," which, the order says, " he hath in an especial manner forbid." This last pro- hibition, whatever was its origin, was very prudential. Had what was forbidden been enjoined, it might have proved too severe a test of the loyalty of the colonists ; especially, if what Chalmers says were strictly true, that king Charles and New England " mutually hated, contemned, and feared eath other, during his reign ; because the one suspected its principles of attachment, the other dreaded an invasion of privileges." BRITISH COLONIES. 319 lo their restless intrusions and impetuous disturbances, and not 1661. any propensity or inclination in us to punish them in person or v^-v-^ estate, as is evident from our gradual proceedings with them, releasing some condemned, and others liable to condemnation, and all imprisoned were released and sent out of our borders ; " that " all this notwithstanding, their restless spirits have moved some of them to return, and others to fill the royal ear of our sovereign lord the King with complaints against us, and have by their unwearied solicitations, in our absence, so far prevailed as to obtain a Letter from his Majesty to forbear their corporal punishment or death ; although we hope and doubt not, but that if his Majesty were rightly informed, he would be far from giving them such favour or weakening his authority here, so long and orderly settled : Yet, that we may not in the least offend his Penal laws Majesty, This Court doth hereby order and declare, that the [jf*^^ execution of the laws in force against Quakers as such, so far pended. as they respect corporal punishment or death, be suspended until this Court take further order." Upon this order of the court, 28 Quakers were released from prison, and conducted out of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. 1 On receiving intelligence of farther complaints against the Mass. gen- colony of Massachusetts, and orders from the king that persons jends° UIt 1 Hubbard, c. 65. Neal, N. Eng. i. 334, 335. Hazard, ii. 593—596. The Mandamus, given at Whitehall 9 September 1661, had this superscription : " To our trusty and well beloved John Endicott Esq. and to all and every other the Governor, or Governors, of our plantations of New England, and of all the Colonies thereunto belonging, that now are, or hereafter shall bee ; and to all and eveiy the Ministers and officers of our said plantations and Colonies what- soever, within the Continent of New England." To vindicate the errors of our ancestors, were to make them our own. If it is allowed, that they were culpable ; it is not conceded, that, in the present instance, they stood alone, or that they merited all the censure, bestowed on them. Laws, similar to those of Massachusetts, were passed elsewher% against the quakers, and particularly in Virginia. ** If no execution took place here [Virginia], as it did in New England, it was not owing to the moderation of the church, or spirit of the legislature." Jefferson, Virg. Query xvu. The prevalent opinion among Christians, at that day, that toleration is sinful, ought to be remembered ; nor may it be forgotten, that the first quakers in New England, beside speaking and writing what was deemed blasphemous, reviled magistrates and ministers, and disturbed religious assemblies ; and that the tendency of their tenets and prac- tices was to the subversion of the commonwealth, in that period of its infancy. See a. d 1662. In reviewing the conduct of our revered ancestors, it is but just to make allowance for the times in which they lived, and the occasions of their measures. It is readily conceded, however, that severe treatment of secta-ies generally serves to increase their zeal, and their numbers ; and that it is therefore as repugnant to sound policy, as to the benevolent spirit of Christi- anity. The great and learned Grotius, in reference to the treatment of the sectaries in Holland, says, with equal candour and discrimination : " Nee illos plane damnaveris, qui prava et moribus noxia docentes exilio, aut honorum facultatumque ademtione mulctaverunt. Sed contra eventus fuit. Quin ipsa invitant pericula" &c. Annales, 16, 17. It is hardly needful to subjoin, that, whatever are the religious theories of the Quakers or Friends at this day, theiv deportment in society excites respect, and conciliates esteem. agents to England. Caribbee islands. Kennebeck. Death of E. Rogers. AMERICAN ANNALS. should be sent over to make answer, governor Endicot called together the court again, on the 31st of December. The court appointed Simon Bradstreet, one of the magistrates, and John Norton, one of the ministers of Boston, as agents for the colony ; gave them instructions; and sent an address by them to the king. 1 Charles II. made a grant of all the Caribbee islands to Francis lord Willoughby. 2 The tract of land at Kennebeck river, owned by Plymouth colony, was sold to Antipas Boies, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brattle, and John Winslow. 3 The Indian translation of the New Testament, by John Eliot, was finished this year, and printed. It was dedicated to Charles the Second. 4 Ezekiel Rogers, first minister of Rowley, died, in the 70th year of his age. 5 April 20. Charter of Connecti- cut granted. 1662. The charter of Connecticut was granted by king Charles II, with the most ample privileges, under the great seal of England. It ordained, among other provisions, that there should be annually two general assemblies, one holden on the second Thursday in May, and the other on the second Thursday in October ; and that the assembly should consist of the governor, deputy governor, and 12 assistants, with two deputies from every town or city. John Winthrop was appointed governor, and John Mason deputy governor, until a new election should be made. The governor and company were authorized to have a common seal, to appoint judicatories, make freemen, constitute officers, estab- lish laws, impose fines, assemble the inhabitants in marshal array for common defence, and to exercise martial law in all necessary cases. It was ordained by the charter, that all the king's subjects, 1 Hutchinson, i. c. 2. 1661. Hubbard, c, 66. 2 Mem. of French and Eng. Commisaries concerning St. Lucia, 492. 3 Sullivan, Maine, 117. See a. d. 1628. 4 Gookin, Hist. Coll. in Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 174—176. Thomas, Hist. Print- ing. It was printed at Cambridge by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 4to. with marginal notes. 5 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. c. 13. He was born in England, educated at Cam- bridge, became the chaplain of Sir Francis Banington, and atterward received the benefice of Rowley. His ministry there was attended with great success ; but his nonconformity obliged him to leave that field of labour, and come to New England. See a. d." 1639. He brought from England a good library, which was consumed by fire. The books with which he had afterwards " re- cruited his library," he gave to Harvard college. The time of his death, accord- ing to the Magnalia, was "Jan. 23. 1660;" but in New Style it was 1661. " The tardy justice of our age erected a monument to Rogers in 1805." Savage. Note on Winthrop, i. 278, a. d. 1638. BRITISH COLONIES. 321 in the colony, should enjoy all the privileges of free and natural 1G62. subjects within the realm of England ; and that the patent should v^^^/ always have the most favourable construction for the benefit of the governor and company. 1 The charter included the colony of New Haven ; but that n. Haven colony did not accept it, nor agree to be united under one gov- does not ernment with Connecticut. 2 X22 the mr ■»*• charter. ^ Ine agents, sent by Massachusetts to England, presented to king Charles the address and petition of the general court, which jJES^ - met with a gracious reception. The colony received a letter from the king, confirming and offering to renew its charter, ten- emment ' dering pardon to all his subjects, for all offences, excepting such as stood attainted ; but requiring the following conditions : That all laws made in the late troubles, derogatory to the royal authority and government, should be repealed ; that the rules of the charter for administering the oath of allegiance be ob- served ; that the administration of justice be in the king's name ; and charging the government, that freedom and liberty of con- science, in the use of the Book of Common Prayer be allowed ; and that all persons of good and honest lives and conversations be admitted to the sacrament of the Lord's supper according to it, with an exception to any indulgence to quakers. The letter also enjoined, that there should be impartiality in the election of the governor and of magistrates, without any regard to any fac- tion with respect to their opinion or profession ; that all freehold- ers of competent estates, not vicious in their lives, and orthodox in religion, though of different persuasions concerning church government, should be admitted to vote ; and that at the next general court their letter should be communicated and pub- lished. 3 1 Trumbull, i. 249. Chalmers, b. 1. 293, 294. Stokes, Brit. Colonies, 63— 67. Brit. Emp. ii. 169—171. Anderson, a. d. 1662. See the entire Charter, prefixed to the Acts and Laws of Connecticut. The general court of Connecti- cut, in 1661, prepared a Petition to the king for a charter ; and John Winthrop, then governor of the colony, went to England to procure it. An extraordinary ring, that Mr. Winthrop now presented to Charles II, which the king's father Charles I. had presented to Mr. Winthrop's grandfather, is thought to have been influential in procuring the royal favour. Governor Winthrop did not arrive with the charter until after the general election in May; and the freemen made no alteration in their officers until 9 October ; on which day Mr. Win- throp was chosen governor, and Mr. Mason, deputy governor; magistrates, or assistants, were also chosen ; and the charter was publicly read to the free- men. Trumbull. Mather [Magnal. b. 1. 24.] says, it was " as amply priviledged a charter, as was ever enjoyed perhaps by any people under the cope of heaven." lhe Petition for it is in Hazard, ii. 586—588, and Trumbull, i. Append. No. vii. It cost the colony about £1300 sterling. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 296. Trumbull, i. 260—277, where the objections to the union, with the arguments for it, and the negotiations to effect it, are recited at large. See a. d. 1665. 3 Hazard, ii. 605—607. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 52—55. Minot, Mass. VOL. I. 41 322 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1662. How re- ceived ; and acted upon by the general court; Answer to the king's letter. Act of par- liament against quakers The colonists had, from their first settlement, entertained such an opinion of the nature and extent of their allegiance and ohligations to the crown of England, as would not admit a prompt compliance with all these conditions. Believing they were sub- ject to the king, and dependent on his authority, only according to their charter, which some of the requisitions might be thought to infringe, their compliance was slow and occasional, as prudence would admit, or necessity impel them. At the next session of the general court, all processes were ordered to be carried on in his majesty's name ; the king's letter was committed for consid- eration until the subsequent session ; all the inhabitants were invited to give their opinions upon it ; and it was ordered to be published, but with an express injunction, that all acting upon it should be suspended until the next meeting of the court. 1 The answer of the general court to his majesty's letter is characteristic of the colony. After a respectful introduction, the court say : " For (he repealing of all laws here established since the late changes, contrary and derogatory to his majesty's au- thority and government, we having considered thereof, are not conscious to any of that tendency ; concerning the oath of allegiance, we are ready to attend to it as formerly, according to the charter; — concerning liberty to use the Common Prayer Book, none as yet among us have appeared to desire it ; touch- ing administration of the sacraments, this matter hath been under consideration of a synod, orderly called, the result whereof our last general court commended to the several congregations, and we hope will have a tendency to general satisfaction." 2 An act was passed by parliament for preventing the mischiefs and damages that may arise by certain persons called quakers, and others refusing to take lawful oaths. By this act it was provided, that every five of them, meeting for religious worship, should be fined for the first offence £5 ; for the second offence. £10; and for the third offence, abjure the realm, or be trans- ported by order of his majesty to any of his plantations. Many quakers refused to take the oath ; and they were accordingly transported. They were alike subject to vexation on both sides of the Atlantic. By an act of the Virginia legislature, every i. 41. The king's language, in his exception of the quakers, is remarkable : " We cannot be understood hereby to direct, or wish, that any indulgence should be granted to those persons commonly called Quakers, whose principles being inconsistent with any kind of government, w r e have found it necessary, by the advice of parliament here, to make a sharp law against them, and are well con- tented that you should do the like there." 1 Minot, i. 42, 43. 2 Danfoith Papers in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 48. The Court's Declara- tion of their Rights by Charter, in 1661, is in Hutchinson, i. Appendix, No. xm and in Hazard," ii. 591, 592. BRITISH COLONIES. 323 master of a vessel, who should import a quaker, unless such as 1662. had been shipped from England under the above act, was sub- v^-v-w/ jected to a fine of 5000 pounds of tobacco, for the first offence. Laws of Laws were made in the same colony against sectarians of every ^JJJ^ denomination ; and many of the most industrious inhabitants, quakers, constrained as they now were to leave the colony, fled 80 or 90 g" c d ta ° l £ e s r miles into the wilderness, to avoid the operation of these laws. To this cause it is ascribed, that the first settlers near Pasquetank and Perquimons were chiefly emigrants from Virginia, and dis- senters from the established church of England. Many of them were quakers. 1 The assembly of Virginia passed an act to make provision for Virginia a college. After premising the want of able and faithful minis- colle s ei ters, and the improbability of a constant supply from the parent country, the act declares, That for the advancement of learning, education of youth, supply of the ministry, and promotion of piety, there be land taken up or purchased for a College and Free School ; and that, with all convenient speed, there be buildings erected upon it for the entertainment of students and scholars. 2 The same assembly passed an act, That no Indian Laws of king, or other person shall, upon any pretence, alien or sell, and J^J^"'^" 1 that no English shall purchase or buy any tract or parcel of land Indians; now justly claimed, or actually possessed, by any Indian or Indians whatsoever ; and that the Indians' properties in their goods be 1 Trott's Laws of Virginia, No. 11, 29, 30. Williamson, N. Carolina, i. 81— 83. In March 1664, 60 quakers were exported from England in one ship, the Black Eagle, and the governors of the plantations were ordered to receive them. lb. — The preamble of a law, passed in 1662, or the following year, prohibiting the unlawful assembling of quakers, states, that, under that and other names of separation, persons have taken up and maintained sundry dangerous opinions and tenets, and, under pretence of religious worship, often assemble themselves in great numbers, in several parts of this colony, to the great endangering of its public peace and safety. Laws of Virginia. Beverly, Virg. 57. Jefferson [Virg. Qu. xvii.] says : "Several acts of the Virginia assembly of 1659, 1662, and 1693, had made it penal in parents to refuse to have their children baptized ; had prohibited the unlawful assembling of Quakers ; had made it penal for any master of a vessel to bring a Quaker into the state ; had ordered those already here, and such as should come thereafter, to be imprisoned till they should ab- jure the country ; provided a milder punishment for their first and second return, but death for the third ; had inhibited all persons from suffering their meetings in or near their houses, entertaining them individually, or disposing of books which supported their tenets." See a remark of Mr. Jefferson, made in refer- ence to these laws, under a. d. 1661. Beverly says, the restraints laid upon sectaries in Virginia, to prevent their increase, " made many of them fly to other colonies, and prevented abundance of others from going over to seat themselves among them. And as the former ill treatment of my lord Baltimore kept many people away, and drove others to Maryland ; so the present severities towards the nonconformists kept off many more, who went to the neighbouring colo- nies." 2 Trott, Laws of Virginia, No. 28. The preamble says : " The want of able and faithful ministers in this country deprives us of those great blessings and mercies that always attend upon the service of God &c." 324 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1662. hereby assured and confirmed to them; and their persons so v-#^-w> secured, that whoever shall defraud or take from them their goods, or do injury to their persons, shall make such satisfaction, and suffer such punishment, as the laws of England, or of this country, do inflict, if the same be done to an Englishman. 1 An for county act was also passed, appointing county courts, one in each county, to consist of eight of the most able, honest, and judicious persons in the county ; who were to be empowered to do whatever, by the laws of England, is to be done by justices of the peace forobserv- there. 2 Acts were passed by the same "assembly, that the 30th onanuarr of Januai T> the da y on which king Charles I. was beheaded, be and 29th of ^ e $ as a y ear ty ^ ast $ an( J tnat me 29m °f Ma yj me day °f his May. ' majesty's birth and happy restoration, be annually celebrated as a holiday. 3 Licensers of The general court of Massachusetts appointed two licensers of French 55 ^ e P ress * 4 The same court granted liberty to a few French refugees. protestant refugees to inhabit in the colony. 5 A synod of all the ministers in Massachusetts, with messengers SynodV 1 ^ rom me churches, was holden at Boston, by appointment of the Boston. general court, to deliberate and decide on certain subjects of eccle- siastical controversy. 6 The result of its deliberations was delivered to the general court, which ordered it to be printed, and recom- mended its observance to all the churches in its jurisdiction. 7 The three townships, settled on Connecticut river, in the 1 Laws of Virginia. The law was passed, in consideration of " the mutual discontents, complaints, jealousies, and fears of English and Indians, proceeding from the violent intrusions of divers English, made into their lands." 2 Laws of Virginia, What alterations were now made, it does not appear; but such courts had " of a long time been accustomed." 3 Trott's Laws of Virginia, Nos. 12 and 13. The reason assigned for the fast is, " that our sorrows may expiate our crime, and our tears wash away our guilt ; " for the holiday, " in testimony of our thankfulness and joy." 4 Hutchinson, i. 257. Daniel Gookin Esq. and Rev. Mr. Mitchel. 5 Hutchinson, i. c. 2. Chalmers, b. 1. 315. " John Touton, a French doctor and inhabitant of Rochelle, made application to the court in behalf of himself and other protestants expelled from their habitations on account of their religion, that they might have liberty to inhabit here, which was readily granted to them." See a. d. 1686. 6 Mather, Magnal. b. 5. 63, 64. Hutchinson, i. 223. Trumbull, i. 325. Two questions were referred to its decision: 1. Who are the subjects of baptism ? 2. Whether, according to the Word of God, there ought to be a consociation of churches ? In answer to the first, the synod declared, " That church members, who were admitted in minority, understanding the doctrine of faith, and pub- licly professing their assent thereunto, not scandalous in life, and solemnly owning the covenant belbre the church, wherein they give up themselves and children to the Lord, and subject themselves to the government of Christ in his church, their children are to be baptized." This answer " was substantially the same with that given by the council in 1657." The synod also gave their opinion in favour of the consociation of churches. See " The Answer of the Elders and other Messengers of the Churches," with Remarks, in Mather, Magnal. b. 5. 64—84. 7 Hubbard, N. Eng.c. 67. BRITISH COLONIES'. 325 colony of Massachusetts, were made a county, by the name of 1662. Hampshire. 1 ^*^~^ The town of Dorchester voted, that Unquety, since called Milton in- Milton, should be a township, if it have the consent of the general corporate^. court. 2 Philip, sachem of Pokanoket, made his appearance at the August 6. court of Plymouth, and solicited the continuance of the amity poJ^oket and friendship, which had subsisted between the governor of renews Plymouth and his father and brothe*. To that end "he desired p" 1 ^'^ 11 for himself and his successors, that they might forever remain subject to the king of England, his heirs and successors ; and promised, that he and his would truly and exactly observe and keep inviolable, such conditions as had formerly been made by his predecessors ; and particularly, that he would not at any time, needlessly or unjustly, provoke or raise war with any of the na- tives ; nor give, sell, or dispose of any lands to strangers, or to any others, without their privity or appointment ; but would in all things endeavour to behave peaceably and inoffensively towards the English. The court expressed their willingness to continue the friendship ; and promised to afford the Indians such friendly assistance, by advice and otherwise, as they justly might, and to require their own people at all times to maintain a friendly con- duct towards them. 3 The authority of lord Baltimore, the proprietary of Maryland, Govcm- being reestablished at the Restoration, he appointed Charles J^'iand Calvert, his eldest son, governor of the colony ; who now as- reverts to sumed the administration. 4 The assembly of Maryland besought lord Baiti- the proprietary " to take order for setting up a mint," and a law more ' was passed for that purpose. 5 The prosperity of this province J^ ti or a 1 Hutchinson, i. 226. Springfield, Northampton, and Hadley. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 100. It had the consent of court. 3 Morton, a. d. 1662. Neal, N. Eng. i. 352. Stiles, MSS. The original name of Philip was Metacom. I. Mather [Troubles with the Indians, 70.] says, it was at this time that he desired an English name, and that the court named him Philip. Judge Davis says : " After the death of Massasoit, about the year 1656, his two sons, Wamsutta and Metacomet came to the court, at Plymouth, and, professing great respect, requested English names might be given to them. Wamsutta, the eldest brother, was thereupon, named Alexander ; the younger, Metacomet, was called Philip." Note on Morton. — The Agree- ment in 1662 was soon after the death of Alexander. It is signed, " The mark P< of Philip alias Metacom ; " " Witness, John Sausamen, The mark W of Francis the Sachem of Nauset." 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 360. Univ. Hist. xl. 469. Europ. Settlements, ii. 229. 5 Chalmers, b. 1. 248. " The great hindrance to the colony in trade, for the want of money," is assigned as the reason for the measure. It was enacted, that the money coined shall be of as good silver as English sterling ; that every shilling, and so in proportion for other pieces, shall weigh above nine pence in such silver ; and that the proprietary shall accept of it in payment of his rents and other debts. This coin being afterward circulated, the present law was confirmed among the perpetual laws of Maryland in 1676. This is the only Saw for coining money, which occurs in colonial histo%, previous to the Ameri Revolution, excepting the ordinance of Massachusetts in 1652. Chalmers, 326 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1662. was considerably checked by the incursions of the Janadoa In- n^-v-^ dians ; but, by the aid of the Susquehannahs, they were repelled. probably annihilated. 1 Laws of The ancient constitution of Virginia being restored, the grand assembly of assem bly of that colony was convened in March, agreeably to the Virgimai J . . . rm 1 1 r -n \ 1 • 1 governor s instructions. JLne church ol England was now, with the approbation of the people, regularly established by the as- sembly ; churches were ordered to be built ; glebes were laid out, and vestries appointed^ ministers, who had received their ordinatio* from some bishop in England, were to be inducted by the governor ; and all others were prohibited from preaching, on pain of suspension, or banishment. 2 The same assembly enacted a law " against the divulgers of false news." 3 An edition of the laws of Virginia was prepared by a committee of revisors. 4 ActofUni- By an act of uniformity in religion, which took effect on the foimity 24th of August, about 2000 dissenting ministers were ejected passed m f rom their benefices, without any provision for themselves, or their families. Soon after, they were banished five miles distant from every corporation in England. Several ultimately died in prison, for exercising their ministry in private, contrary to law ; but a considerable number of them found an asylum in New- England. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 249. Their " name seems now extinct or forgotten." 2 Laws of Virginia. Chalmers, b. 1. 245. The law empowering the governor and council to " suspend and silence " a preacher so offending, and, upon his obstinate persistence, to compel him to depart the country, was " as formerly provided by an act made at James city, 1642." 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 246, 247. The assembly " considered how much of the late misery had arisen from the falsehood of rumour," and was hence influenced to make the taw. Various other beneficial regulations were now established, which long served as the code of provincial jurisprudence. No other notice was taken of the late " usurpation,' ' than a declaration of the assembly, " that, in order to avoid like inconveniences, it had reviewed the whole body of laws, expunging all the unnecessary acts, and chiefly such as might keep in memory the late forced deviation of the people from his majesty's obedience, and bring- ing into one volume those that are in force." The Virginians were now happy in the governor of their choice, and in the form of government that had formerly given them great satisfaction ; and, in the language of Chalmers, " as they . neither felt the pressures of grievance, nor experienced the fever of distrust, they continued, for some time, in that desirable but unimportant state of tran- quillity, which adds nothing to the stock of historical knowledge." 4 Griffith, iii. 312. In 1661 and 1662. 5 Calamy's " Nonconformist's Memorial; being an account of the lives, suf- ferings, and printed works of the Two Thousand Ministers ejected from the Church of England, chiefly by the Act of Uniformity, Aug. 24, 1662." Neal, N. Eng. i. 356. Peirce, Vindication of the Dissenters, 231, 232. Hume [c. 63.] says : " About 2000 of the clergy, in one day, relinquished their cures ; and, to the astonishment of the court, sacrificed their interest to their religious tenets." The learned and eminent John Owen, d. d. who, under the Protectorship, had been dean of Christ church, and vice chancellor of the university of Oxford, was invited to the pastoral charge of the first church in Boston, and shipped his effects for New England, but he was forbidden to leave the kingdom, by express orders from Charles II. Ibid. Hutchinson, i. 226. It was after the death of BRITISH COLONIES. 327 On the remonstrance of Calvert, governor of Maryland, the 1662. Dutch retired from the country around Cape Henlopen ; and s^-v^w/ Calvert immediately occupied it. 1 Sir Henry Vane was executed on the charge of high treason. 2 SirH.Vane executed. 1663. The immense territory lying southward of Virginia, although March 24. granted to Sir Robert Heath by Charles I. remained unsettled. 3 Grant of Edward earl of Clarendon and several associates, apprized of th/eari of the excellent soil of that country, formed a project for planting a Clarendon a colony there. On application for a charter, Charles II. granted andothers - them all the lands, lying between the 31st and 36th degrees of north latitude ; and constituted them absolute lords and pro- prietors of that tract of country, reserving to himself and his successors the sovereign dominion. He empowered them to Mr. Norton the next year, that the church sent this invitation. " A letter, ordered to be written from the general court of Massachusetts Bay to Dr. Owen, to second the Boston invitation to accept of their call," is inserted in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ii. 265, from the Public Records. It is signed by governor Endicot, " in the name and by appointment of the General Court, sitting at Boston, in New England. Dated the 20th of October, 1663." To the Letter is subjoined this Note : " In consequence of this pressing invitation, Dr. Owen was induced, in the year 1665, to prepare for a voyage to Boston ; but was prevented from his design, first, by the plague and fire of London, which took place the following year ; and next by the King's declaration of indulgence to the Dissenters, which opened to him a prospect of greater usefulness by remain- ing in Great Britain. In an interview also with the King himself, by his majes- ty's special request, at which they discoursed together about two hours, he received such assurances of royal favour and respect, as led him to lay aside all purposes of quitting the country. Besides his kind professions, the King gave him a thousand guineas to distribute among those who had suffered most by the late severities." Neal says, " He was once determined to settle in New Eng- land, but was stopt by express order from the council ; " but neither he, nor Hutchinson, designates the precise time of the order for his detention. Hist. of Puritans, ii. 739. 4to. edit. Calamy, Nonconformist's Memorial, Art. OwejV. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 634. 2 Hume, England, vi. c. 63. He was governor of Massachusetts in 1636. See that year, and Hutchinson, i. c. 1. under a. d. 1637. He returned to Eng- land in 1637. Whatever may have been his errors, it is allowed that his writings exhibit proofs of a strong mind, as well as of a vivid fancy ; and that his conduct was consistent, equally remarkable for integrity and zeal. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 172. The writer of the Note, ib. observing that " there was a great friendship between Mr. Cotton and him," and that they were " of the same political and religious principles," thought it highly probable that one assisted the other in preparing " An Abstract of the Laws of New England," found in manuscript in Mr. Cotton's study after his death. Although Hume considered Vane as an enthusiast, he has so described his execution as to make him an object of ad- miration. " His courage deserted him not. In all his behaviour, there appeared a firm and animated intrepidity ; and he considered death but as a passage to that eternal felicity, which he believed to be prepared for him." — The house in which governor Vane lived, while in Boston, is still standing, in Tremont street, near the house of the late Hon. William Phillips, who told me that governor Vane gave it to his minister, Mr. Cotton. 3 See a. d. 1630. Art. Caro^aiva. 328 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1663. May. First meet- ing of the proprietors. enact and publish any laws, which they should judge necessary, with the assent, advice, and approbation of the freemen of the colony ; to erect courts of judicature, and appoint civil judges, magistrates, and officers ; to erect forts, castles, cities, and towns ; to make war, and, in cases of necessity, to exercise martial law ; to build harbours, make ports, and enjoy customs and subsidies, imposed, with the consent of the freemen, on goods loaded and unloaded. One of the provisions of this charter deserves notice. The king authorized the proprietors to allow the inhabitants of the province such indulgences and dispensations in religious affairs, as they, in their discretion, should think proper and reasonable ; and no person, to whom such liberty should be granted, was to be molested, punished, or called in question, for any differences in speculative opinions with respect to religion, provided he disturb- ed not the civil order and peace of the community. The reason, assigned in the charter for such a dispensing power, is, " it might happen that several of the inhabitants could not in their private opinions conform to the exercise of religion according to the liturgy and ceremonies of the church of England." The province thus erected was called Carolina. 1 The privy council, considering the present condition of Caro- lina, decided, that all former grants were now void, because they had never been executed. Animated by this decision, the pro- prietors held their first meeting in May, to agree on measures for the transporting of colonists, and for the payment of various expenses ; and they now published proposals to all who would plant in Carolina. The proposals were made at the desire of the New England people settled around Cape Fear. Among other privileges, the proposals offered, that the emigrants may present to the proprietaries 13 persons, in order that they may l Hewatt, S. Car. i. 42—47. Chalmers, b. 1. 517. Drayton, S. Car. 5. An- derson, a. d. 1663. Kennet, American Library, 113. Mem. de TAmerique, iv. 554 — 585, where is a copy of the Charter, in English and French, dated 24 March 1662—4 April 1663. See a. d. 1630. Art. Carolajva. The Charter states, that the applicants, " excited by a laudable and pious zeal for the propa- gation of the gospel, beg a certain country in the parts of America not yet cultivated and planted, and only inhabited by some barbarous people, who have no knowledge of God." The applicants, beside the earl of Clarendon, were George duke of Albemarie, William lord Craven, John lord Berkeley, Antony lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Sir William Berkeley, and Sir John Colleton. The grant included the territories of what afterward constituted North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Ramsay, Rev. S. Carolina, i. 1, 12. See a. d. 1667. The claim of king Charles to this. territory was founded upon Cabot's discovery. " This country was first discovered by Sir Sebastian Cabot, by the order, and at the expense of king Henry VII. from which discovery our succes- sive princes have held their claim, in pursuance to which, it was granted" &c. T. B. Description of Carolina, 1682. It was within this territory that Ribault, the French protestant, built Charles Fort in 1562. See A. d. 1562—1565. Since the destruction of the French colony at Florida, " nor French nor Spaniard have made any attempt for its resettlement." lb. See a. d. 1665. BRITISH COLONIES. 329 appoint a governor and a council of six for three years ; that an 1663. assembly, composed of the governor, the council, and delegates ^^^^/ of the freemen, should be called, as soon as the circumstances of the colony would allow, with power to make laws, which should be neither contrary to the laws of England, nor of any validity after the publication of the dissent of the proprietaries ; that every one should enjoy the most perfect freedom in religion ; that, during five years, every freeman should be allowed 100 acres of land, and 50 for every servant, paying one half penny only an acre ; and that the same freedom from customs, which had been allowed by the royal charter, should be allowed to every one. 1 A small plantation, that had been several years settled from Albemarle* Virginia, on the north eastern banks of the river Chowan, falling within the boundaries of the Carolina patent, was now named Albemarle. 2 The assembly of Virginia, in consideration of 'Mate murders Law con- and mischiefs done upon the English," passed an act concerning f^anf. the Northern Indians. It enacted, that the king of Potomeck, and all the Werowances and Mengaies, that had given any cause of jealousy to the English, should deliver such hostages of their children or others, as should be required ; that the king of Poto- meck, and all the rest of the neighbouring Indians, should here- after use all their care and diligence in finding out the actors ; and that the king of Potomeck be enjoined not to go and hold Matchamoco with any strange nation without the knowledge of designated officers of the militia, until the hostages be delivered. The hostages were to be civilly treated by the English to whose care they should be committed, and brought up in the English Liturgy, so far as they were capable ; and, should there not be persons willing to take them otherwise and educate them, 1200 pounds of tobacco a year were to be allowed for each hostage, for such maintenance and education. " For the Indians' assur- ance under the government of the colony," it was enacted, " that they shall have equal justice with our own nation, as the laws already made have provided," 3 Charles II. conferred a charter on Rhode Island and Provi- R^^nd dence Plantations. By this charter the supreme or legislative charter. power was vested in an assembly, the constituent members of 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 517. See a. d. 1660. 2 Chalmers, b. 1 L 518, 519. The most southern settlement within the Vir- ginia patent was INansamond, nearly under the 36th degree of north latitude. Though an attempt to plant there in 1609 was unsuccessful, a plantation appears to have been early settled there. As the aborigines receded, and colonists in- creased, the planters extended their plantations still farther southwestward ; hence this " small plantation" was now called Albemarle. 3 Laws of Virginia. vol. i. 42 \60 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1663. Act of par- liament en- grossing the colonial trade. Towns on L. Island annexed to Connecti- cut. which were to consist of the governor and assistants, and such oi the freemen as should be chosen by the towns ; but die governor, or deputy governor, and six assistants, were to be always pre- sent. 1 An act of parliament was passed, to monopolize the colonial trade for England. It prohibited the importation, into any of the English colonies, in Asia, Africa, or America, of any com- modities of the growth, production, or manufacture of Europe, except they were laden or shipped in England, Wales, or the town of Berwick upon Tweed, and in English built shipping, and which were to be carried directly to the said colonies, with an exception of salt for the fisheries, wines from Madeira and Azores, and all sorts of victuals from Scotland and Ireland. By this act the British Colonies could obtain no European goods, but through the ports in England. A drawback of the duties, how- ever, was generally allowed on the exportation of those goods to the colonies. 2 On the petition of the towns upon the west end of Long Island to be under the government of Connecticut, the assembly of that colony, considering the lines of their patent as extending to the 1 Hazard, ii. 612 — 623, where is a copy of the charter. Chalmers, b. 1. 274. Stokes, Constitution of British Colonies, 60 — 62. Brinley's Account of the Settlements and Governments in and about the lands of Narraganset-Bay, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 218. Tbe inhabitants of Rhode Island &c. petitioned his majesty for a charter, and to include the Narraganset country. Upon a dis- pute that hence arose between the two agents in England, a reference " was accorded and issued — that property should not be destroyed, and that the inhabi- tants and proprietors of the lands about Mr. Smith's trading house should choose to which government they should belong ; and they chose Connecticut. Upon this agreement of the two agents, a patent was granted to the agent for Rhode Island, mentioning the agreement in the charter. All the lands in the Narra- ganset country, and islands in the bay, were purchased by several persons of one and the same sachems, and their successors, before any charter of incorpo- ration for government of those lands, so contested for, was granted ; and his majesty, in the charter granted to Rhode Island, allows and confirms all our purchases already made." Ibid. — There were, at that time, but 18 representa- tives in the colony ; 6 from Newport, 4 from Providence, 4 from Portsmouth, and 4 from Warwick. Douglass, ii. 87. Callender [46.] says, there were in his time [1738] 36 deputies, chosen half yea'ly by the several towns, also 10 as- sistants, chosen yearly. While his work was in the press, the town of Charles- town was " erected," after which time the number of deputies was 38. 2 Pitkin's Statistical View, c. 1. See a. d. 1660. The preamble to this act shows what was the policy of Europe respecting distant colonies. " In regard his majesty's plantations beyond the seas are inhabited and peopled by the subjects of this his kingdom of England, for the maintaining a greater correspondence and kindness between them, and keeping them in a firmer dependence upon it, and rendering them yet more beneficial and advantageous unto it, in the further employment and increase of English shipping and seamen, vent of English woolens, and other manufactures and commodities, rendering the naviga- tion to and from the same more safe and cheap, and making this kingdom a staple, not only of the commodities of these plantations, but also of the com- modities of other countries and places for the supplying of them, and it being the usage of other nations, to keep their plantation trade to themselves, Be it enacted" &c. BRITISH COLONIES. 331 adjoining islands, accepted those towns under their jurisdiction. 1663. The assembly also resolved, that Harnmonasset should be a town ; ^^^-^ and 12 planters, principally from Hartford, Windsor, and Guil- ford, fixed their residence there. It was afterwards named ^jJJ{Jf Killing worth. 1 John Eliot, minister of Roxbury, completed the translation of Indian the Bible into the Indian language ; and it was now printed at Blble * Cambridge. 2 A ship arrived from Holland at Delaware river, with new Dutch ac- planters, ammunition, and implements of husbandry. 3 Delaware. The island of St. Lucia was granted by the Indians to the English. 4 St ' Lucia ' On the 26th of January, there was a tremendous earthquake Jan 2C in the northern parts of America. It was felt throughout New Earth- England and New Netherlands, but with the greatest violence in quake - Canada. It began there about half an hour after five in the evening. While the heavens were serene, there was suddenly heard a roar like that of fire ; and the buildings were instantly 1 Trumbull, b. 2. c. 12. In 1703, the assembly gave a patent, confirming to the proprietors all the lands within the limits of the town. The original name was Kennelworth. 2 Josselyn, N. Eng. Rarities, 112. Douglass, i. 233. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 24, where the date should have been this year ; Mr. Eliot's Indian version of f he Lord's Prayer is inserted there. The title of the Indian Bible is : " Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe UP-BIBLUM GOD Naneeswe Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament." The first edition was printed in 4to. by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. It had marginal notes. Copies of the first edition are now rare. " It is a great typographical curiosity." Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 255, 262. Dr. Cotton Mather, in his life of Eliot, remarked, " It is the only Bible that ever was printed in all America, from the very foundation of all the world. The whole translation he writ with but one Pen" Magnal. b. 3. 170 — 211. A second edition was printed in 1685, by order of the Commissioners for the United Colonies. Mr. Eliot, in his Letters to the Hon. Robert Boyle, president of the Corporation for propagating the Gospel among the Indians in New England, makes frequent mention of the Indian Bible. In April, 1684, he writes : " We present your honours with our book, so far as we have gone in the work, and numbly beseech that it may be accept- able, until the whole be finished, and then the whole impression (which is two thousand) is at your honours command." In 1685, he acknowledges the re- ception of £900 sterling, in three payments, for carrying it through the press. In 1688, he expresses his desire to Mr. Boyle, that of the £30, which Mr. Boyle many years since committed into his hand, upon a design of promoting Christ's kingdom among the Indians, £10 might be given " to Mr. John Cotton, minis- ter of Plymouth, who helped me much in the second edition of the Bible. I must commit to him the care and labour of the revisal of two other small treatises, viz. Mr. Shepheard's [Shepard's] Sincere Convert, and Sound Be- liever, which I translated into the Indian language many years since." The second edition was printed at Cambridge by Samuel Green, with a short prefatory Epistle " To the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq. Governour, and to the Company for the Propagation of The Gospel to the Indians in New England, and Parts adjacent in America ; " signed by " William Stoughton, Joseph Dudley, Peter Bulkley, and Thomas Hinckley ; " and dated « Boston Octob. 23. 1685." 3 Smith, New York, i. 9. 4 Mem. de l'Amerique, hi. 261, where there is the instrument of Cession, 332 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1663. shaken with amazing violence. The first shock continued nearly v-^^w' half an hour, and several violent shocks succeeded it, the same evening and the next day. The concussions did not cease until the following J'lly. 1 Death of 3 John Norton, minister of Boston, died, aged fifty seven; 2 ministers. 1 Morton, 288, 289, and Judge Davis's Notes. Josselyn, Voy. 58. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 363 — 369. The effects of the first shock in Canada are thus described : " The doors opened and shut of themselves with a fearful clattering. The bells rang without being touched. The walls split asunder. The floors separated, and fell down. The fields put on the appearance of precipices; and the mountains seemed to be moving out of their places. — Many fountains and small rivers were dried up ; in others, the water became sulphureous ; and in some, the channel in which they ran before, was so altered, that it could not be distinguished. Many trees were torn up, and thrown to a considerable distance ; and some mountains appeared to be much broken and moved. Half way be- tween Tadoussac and Quebec, two mountains were shaken down : and the earth thus thrown down, formed a point of land, which extended half a quarter of a league into the river St. Lawrence. The island Aux Coudres became larger than it was before ; and the channel in the river became much altered." Memoirs Americ. Acad. Arts and Sciences, i. 263 — 265. This is a credible ac- count, because derived from original sources ; but, that this earthquake in Canada overwhelmed a chain of mountains of free stone more than 200 miles long, and changed that immense tract into a plain, though affirmed by Clavigero, seems in- credible, without more historical confirmation. See Hist. Mexico, ii. 221. 2 Morton, 1663. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 32—41. Hubbard, c. 75. Hutchinson, i. 220 — 223. Mr. Norton was born at Stafford, in Hertfordshire, and educated at the university of Cambridge. In October, 1635, he arrived at Plymouth ; early in 1636 removed to Boston ; and before the close of that year was settled in !he ministry at Ipswich. Upon the death of Mr. Cotton, in 1652, the church in Boston applied to him to become their minister, and he performed the duties of the ministry in that church with Mr. Wilson, during the remainder of his life. Mr. Norton was a distinguished scholar and theologian ; had " an eminent acumen in polemical divinity;" and was highly respected for his talents, his wisdom, and piety. In 1644, he was requested by the ministers of New England to draw up an answer in their names, to the Sylloge Questionum, con- cerning church government, sent over by Apollonius to the congregational ministers in London, and by them commended to those of New England. In 1645, he wrote an answer, in pure and elegant Latin, which was published at London in 164S, with this title : " Responsio ad totam quaestionum syllogen a clarissimo viro domino Gulielmo Apollonio, Ecclesiae Middleburgensis Pastore, propositam. Ad componendas Controversias quasdam circa Politiam JEcclesias- ticam in Anglia nunc temporis agitatas spectantem." It makes 170 pages, l8mo. and has a Latin Preface, of 22 pages, by Mr. Cotton, indicative of the same hand which wrote the " Power of the Keys." Of this work, Fuller in his Church History says : " Of all the authors I have perused concerning those opinions, none to me was more informative than John Norton, one of no less learning than modesty, in his answer to Apollonius, pastor of the church in Middleburgh." Dr. Cotton Mather supposes, this was the first Latin book that ever was writen in the country. Mr. Norton assisted in modelling the Cam- bridge Platform in 1647. He also wrote an Answer to the Letter of the famous Duraeus, who laboured for the pacification of the Reformed churches; and it was signed by 43 other ministers. He published also a Discussion of the suffer- ings of Christ ; the Orthodox Evangelist; the Election Sermon, 1657 and 1661 ; Life of Cotton ; and a treatise concerning the doctrine of the quakers. His greatest work was a Body of divinity, which was never printed. On the restoration of Charles II, Mr. Norton was sent with Mr. Bradstreet to England by Massachu- setts colony, with an address to the king. Though the agents endeavoured faithfully to perform the duty assigned them ; yet their embassy being less successful than the colonists, ever jealous of their liberties, had expected, they BRITISH COLONIES. 333 Samuel Stone, minister of Hartford, 61 ; l and Samuel Newman, 1663. minister of Rehoboth, 63 years. 2 v^v~w/ 1664. King Charles II. granted a patent to his brother, the duke March 12. of York and Albany, for several extensive tracts of land in Patent to America. 3 A part of this territory was soon after conveyed by York" e ° the duke to John Lord Berkeley, baron of Stratton, and Sir June2 3 George Carteret, of Saltrum in Devon, members of the king's Grant of council, by the name of Nova Caesarea, or New Jersey. 4 w - Jers ey- The same king issued a commission, empowering colonel Rich- Commis- ard Nicolls, Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, and Samuel sion t0 R - Maverick, esquires, " to hear and determine complaints and ap- others*; peals, in all causes, as well military, as criminal and civil," within New England ; and to proceed in all things for settling the peace and security of the country. 5 The commissioners, arriving at Boston, laid before the council their commission and instructions, met with a cold reception at their return. This, with severe reflections after- wards from some of the colonists, has been supposed to have hastened his end ; but to his Boston biographer, who was deeply versed in the history and charac- ter of those times, this suggestion appeared questionable. Eliot, Biog. Art. Norton. See a. d. 1661 and 1667. 1 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 116— 118. Morton, 1663. Trumbull, i. 311. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 41. Mr. Stone was educated at Emanuel college in Cambridge, and " was a star of the first magnitude in the firmament of New England." He was eminently pious and exemplary. His sermons were replete with senti- ment, concisely and closely applied. He was an accurate and acute disputant. He was celebrated for his wit and good humour, and his company was sought and esteemed by men of learning. He was a minister of the church of Hart- ford with Mr. Hooker 14 years, and after him 16 years. See a. d. 1636. 2 Morton, 1663. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 113—116. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 191. Mr. Newman was born at Banbury in England, and educated at Oxford. He was indefatigable in his study of the scriptures, zealous in his preaching, and exemplary for piety and charity. Dr. Stiles, in a MS. account of Ministers, says, " I have seen the house in which he lived at Rehoboth, standing, 1772." His Concordance of the Scriptures was reprinted at London, in folio, 1643. See a. d. 1644, and Allen and Eliot, Biog. Diet. He was come, says Mather, in 1663, to " The Grand Climacteric. Nor let it be forgotten, that in this memorable and miserable year, each of the Three Colonies of New England was beheaded ot the minister from whence they had most of their influences ; Nor- ton went from the Massachusetts colony, Stone went from Connecticut colony, and JYewman from Plymouth colony, within a few weeks of one another." 3 Smith, New York, i. 10 ; Trumbull, Conn. i. 266, where the boundaries are described. 4 Smith, N. York, i. 10, 11. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 348, 362. This name was given in compliment to Sir George Carteret, whose family came from the Isle of Jersey. Thus the New Netherlands became divided into New Jersey, and New York. 5 Hubbard, c. 66. This commission is in Hutchinson, i. Append. No. xv, and Hazard, ii. 638, 639. The earl of Clarendon, in the draught of his plan for sending over commissioners, observed, " They are already hardened into repub- lics." This remark of Clarendon is quoted by governor Pownal from a manu- script copy. Judge Davis's Discourse before the Massachusetts Historical Society. 334 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1664. requiring assistance for the reduction of New Netherlands. The v^-v^w/ council advised, that the entire subject be submitted to the general court, which was soon to meet. 1 who pro- Nicolls, who had been fitted out from England with four eainsfk frigates and 300 soldiers, 2 for the conquest of the Dutch, pro- Nether- ceeded directly to Manhattan, without waiting for auxiliaries, lands. j\j- Q sooner h a d the frigates entered the harbour, than Stuyvesant, the governor, sent a letter to the English commanders, to desire the reason of their approach, and of their continuance in the harbour without giving notice to the Dutch. Nicolls answered the letter, the next day, by a summons. Stuyvesant, determined on a defence, refused to surrender. Letters and messages were reciprocally exchanged. The English commissioners meanwhile published a proclamation, encouraging the inhabitants to submit ; sent officers to beat up for volunteers on Long Island ; and issued a warrant to Hugh Hide, who commanded the squadron, to prosecute the reduction of the fort. These preparations, with the refusal of Nicolls to treat about any thing but a surrender, induced the Dutch governor to agree to a treaty for that purpose ; Aug. ti. and on the 27th of August articles of capitulation were signed, Capkula- by which the fort and town of New Amsterdam were surrender- Amsterdam- ed to the English. The Dutch were to continue free denizens ; now named to possess their estates undiminished ; to enjoy their ancient New York. customs w j t h regard to inheritances, to their modes of worship, and church discipline ; and they were allowed a freedom of trade to Holland. 3 In honour of the duke of York, New Amster- dam now took the name of New York. 4 1 Chalmers, h. 1. 386, 387, 573. Morton, 1664. The general court, resolving " to bear true allegiance to his majesty and to adhere to a patent, so dearly ob- tained, and so long enjoyed by undoubted right," raised 200 men for the king's service ; though they did not join the expedition, because it had been crowned with success before they embodied. 2 The authors of the Universal History [xxxix. 348.] say, that Sir Robert Carr was sent with a strong squadron, and 3000 land troops, with orders to dis- possess the Dutch of the country, given by king Charles to his brother, and to put the duke of York in possession of it. What separate instructions may have been given to Carr, we know not ; but he sailed from England with Nicolls, and acted subordinately to him. In regard to the number of troops, I have fol- lowed Smith and Chalmers ; both say, there were 300. 3 Smith, N. York, i. 11—23. Chalmers, b. 1. 573, 574, 596, who says, The last privilege Nicolls had no power to confer ; because a king of England could not dispense with the laws, by permitting a commerce which they had prohibit- ed. Chalmers. There were XXIII Articles in the Capitulation. See them entire in Smith, N. York, i. 19—21, and Smith, N. Jersey, 43—47. The Eng- lish deputies, who signed the treaty, were Sir Robert Carr, George Carteret, John Winthrop, governor of Connecticut, Samuel W T yllys, one of the assistants of that colony, and Thomas Clarke and John Pynchon, commissioners from the general court of Massachusetts, who, Smith says, " but a little before brought an aid from that province." Gov. Winthrop and several of the principal men in Connecticut had previously joined the English. Trumbull, i. 279. 4 Smith, N. York, i. 11, 22. The town was laid out 8 years before. See a. d. 1656. BRITISH COLONIES, 335 On the 24th of September, the Dutch garrison at Fort Orange 1664. capitulated to the English; and, in honour of the duke, was wv** called Albany. 1 On the first of October articles of capitulation were made w.Nether- between Sir Robert Carr and the Dutch and Swedes on Dela- la J^ s sub * ware bay and river, which completed the subjection of New Netherlands to the English crown. 2 A tract of land in Jersey, called the Elizabethtown grant, was Elizabeth- bought of the natives. The purchasers were John Bailey, Daniel town grant. Denton, and Luke Watson, of Jamaica on Long Island, who made the purchase of some Indian chiefs, inhabitants of Staten Island. The title of lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret being then unknown, governor Nicolis granted a patent for this tract, dated at Fort James in New York 2 December. This patent accounts for some very early settlements in that part of New Jersey. It soon became a resort for reputable farmers. The English in- Elizabeth- habitants at the West end of Long Island principally removed town » New- thither ; and many families from New England. There were shrews- soon four towns in the province ; Elizabethtown, Newark, Mid- bur y set - dletown, and Shrewsbury. 3 The line between the colonies of Massachusetts and Plymouth was settled, by a committee from each colony. 4 A very large comet was seen by the people of New England. 5 Comet. Colbert, prime minister of France, erected on the ruins of the N ew F re nch old Canada and West India company a new exclusive West India W India company, for forty years. 6 company. 1 Ibid. Smith, N. Jersey, 60. While Carteret, who had been commission- ed to subdue Fort Orange, was at that place, he had an interview with the Indians of the Five Nations, and entered into a league of friendship with them ; "which," adds Smith, nearly a century afterward (1756), " remarkably con- tinues to this day." Hist. N. York, i. 22. Colden, Five Nat. 34. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 634. Jefferson, Virg. 275. Encyc. Brit. Art. Delaware. Smith, N. York, i. 23. Smith, N Jersey, a. d. 1664. The history of New Netherlands, Chalmers [572.] observes, " contains nothing, but their settlement, their constant turmoils, their extinction ; and it ought to teach a lesson to na- tions and to men, how they admit others to invade their rights, because con- tinued possession at length forms a title, specious if not just." 3 Smith, N. Jersey, 62. Most of the Long Island emigrants " fixed about Middletown, whence by degrees they extended their settlements to Freehold and thereabouts ; " those from New England settled at Shrewsbury. The name of the principal town is said to have been given for Elizabeth, the wife of Sir George Carteret. The four towns, with the adjacent country, were, in a few years, well inhabited by many settlers from Scotland, some from England, some of the Dutch who remained in the country, and some from the neighbouring colonies. " Whether Middletown and Shrewsbury had not Dutch and English inhabitants before," the historian of New Jersey could not determine. 4 Hutchinson, i. 229. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 100. Note of Judge Davis on Morton, 1664. 5 Josselyn, Voy. 50, 272. Morton, 1664. Hutchinson, i. 226. It was visible from 17 November to 4 February. I. Mather [Discourse on Comets, 113.] says, this famous comet was conspicuous to the whole world." 6 Memoires de PAmerique, ii. 527—541. Encyc. Methodique, Commerce, 336 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1664. The first meeting of the general assembly of Rhode Island v^~v~w> under the new charter, was on the 1 st of March, when the March l. government was organized. Among a great variety of ordinances sembiy S of which were enacted by the legislature of this colony, one was for R island declaring the privileges of his majesty's subjects. It enacted, newTchar- " ^ iat n0 n ' eeman shall he imprisoned, or deprived of his free- ter. hold, or condemned, but by the judgment of his peers, or the Ordinance ^ aw °f me colony 5 that no tax shall be imposed or required of declaring the colonists, but by the act of the general assembly } that all privileges men Q r- coni p e tent estates, and of civil conversation, [Roman t [Excepted Catholics only excepted,] t shall be admitted freemen, or may aftenwrd. choose or be chosen colonial officers." 1 See Note l.j Art. Compaignie. Anderson, ii. 481. Its limits were, " 1. That part of the continent of South America lying between the rivers of Amazons and Oronooko, with the adjacent islands. 2. In North America, all Canada, down to and be- hind Virginia and Florida. 3. All the coast of Africa from Cape Verde, south- ward, to the Cape of Good Hope." The old company had subsisted about 40 years. See Anderson, ii. 311. Before this new company was formed, France paid tribute for her luxuries to the Dutch. Voltaire, viii. 195. Lewis XIV. re- deemed Martinico from the proprietaries, and granted it to this new company. Mem. de PAmerique, i. p. xxxii. Univ. Hist. xli. 230, 244. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 11. 276, 279, from " Laws" of Rhode Island. The au- thority of Chalmers, for the charter of 1663, is " The Charter annexed to the laws of Rhode Island, and a copy, examined with the Record in the Crown- office, in the Entries, titled, Proprieties, a. p. 123 ; " his authority for the ordi- nance, is " Laws," ut supra. The authenticity of the clause, " Roman Catholics only excepted," has been disputed ; and strictures have been made upon Chal- mers, as maintaining " that the toleration of Roger Williams did not extend to Roman Catholics," and upon the author of American Annals, as having " repeated this charge." That clause was an integral part of the ordinance, as recited by Chalmers, and the omission of it would have been censurable. It has since been affirmed, on very respectable authority, that the act in question is not to be found in the records of Rhode Island. This negative evidence may not be deemed sufficient to destroy the crediblity of the positive testi- mony of Chalmers. It is presumed, that he found the ordinance at the Plan- tation Office in London, where the official papers of the colonies were deposited. If, at that Office, the ordinance be not found, let it be exploded ; if it be found without the excepting clause, let that clause be erased. Should the national government, in accordance with a motion in Congress at the last session, obtain copies of the most important of the colonial papers from the Plantation Office, this and many other questions, interesting to our government and history, may be settled at Washington. In the hope of obtaining an authentic copy of the ordinance, or a solution of the question pertaining to it, I wrote to Mr. Chal- mers, in 1823, while he was Chief Clerk in the Plantation Office ; but he being at that time aged and infirm, and dying soon afterward, no answer has been received. — The examination of the Records of Rhode Island, which has brought the ordinance into question, was made by the Hon. Samuel Eddy, formerly Secre- tary of that State, who says " there is not a word on record of the act referred to hy Chalmers ; " from which circumstance he infers, that the exception of Roman Catholics, found in the laws, was introduced at a later period. Mr. Eddy, in his " Statement," says: " There was no printing press in the colony till 1745, and no newspaper printed till 1758. The colony was frequently pressed by the government in England for copies of their laws and other proceedings, and, in 1699, they sent over a copy of the laws in manuscript. How, or from what originals they were made up, does not appear. As usual, it was done by a com- mittee. A list of the laws was ordered to be left in the secretary's office, but is not now to be found. I would also suggest, that it appears at all times to have been an important object with the colony to be on the best terms with the BRITISH COLONIES. 33? Laws established by the authority of his majesty's patents, 1664. granted to James duke of York and Albany, were digested into s.^-vw one volume " for the public use of the territories in America Laws to r under the government of his royal highness, collected out of the Nevv Yorkj several laws now in force in his majesty's American colonies and plantations." * The king, by his letter to the inhabitants of Maine, ordered Maine, that province to be restored to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, as the proprietor. 2 The general court of Massachusetts, for preventing irregulari- Printing ties and abuses of the authority of the country, ordered, that press> there shall be no printing press allowed in any town within this jurisdiction but in Cambridge. 3 The English to whom the Indians had, the preceding year, st. Lucia, granted St. Lucia, now took that island from the French. 4 It was taken by five ships of war, carrying about 1500 men, who were joined by 600 Caribbeans in 17 canoes. This English colony, two years afterward, reduced by epidemic diseases to 89 persons, abandoned the island, and burned their fort. 5 The English formed a treaty with the Five Indian Nations, by Treaty with which these natives gave their lands and submitted to the king of Nation*! England. 6 mother country." Mr. Walsh and Mr. Verplanck make the same inference. The subject is largely discussed in Walsh's " Appeal from the judgments of Great Britain," 427 — 435. See also Verplanck's " Anniversary Discourse before the New York Historical Society," 1818, published in that Society's Collections, ii. 105, 106. If the inference there made, in honour of an eminent individual, impli- cate either the government, or the colony, of Rhode Island ; the implication is made by friends, who were endeavouring to account for what appeared to them historical discrepances.— Among the authorities that agree with Chalmers in the date of the ordinance, and in its exception of Roman Catholics, are Douglass, i. 443, ii. 83, 104 ; British Dominions in America, b. 2. 252 ; British Empire, ii. 148. In copying the ordinance, the supposed implication of Mr. Williams was not adverted to ; it was merely a transcript of an article in our history. Whatever may have been the legislation of 1664, Roger Williams has a just claim to the honour of establishing, at the foundation of his colony, " a free, full, and absolute liberty of conscience." 1 Coll. New York Hist. Soc. i. 305—397, where these laws are inserted. This copy prefixed to it " East Hampton Book of Laws. June ye 24th 1665." These laws are there said to have been " published March the 1st Anno Domini 1664 at a General meeting at Hemsted upon Longe Island by virtue of a Com- mission from his Royall Highness James Duke of Yorke and Albany given to Colonell Richard Nicolls Deputy Governeur, bearing date the Second dav of Aprill 1664." J 2 Minot, Hist. Mass. i. 47. 3 Charter and General Laws of Massachusetts, Append, c. 4. The licensers now appointed were, the president of the college, Mr. Jonathan Mitchell, and Mr. Thomas Sheoard. 4 Memoires de l'Amerique, iii. 112, where is the " Capitulation" of the Fort, 23 June 1664. 5 Anderson, ii. 478. Univ. Hist. xli. 218. b Minot, Mass. i. 180. vol. I. 43 33S AMERICAN ANNALS. 1665. May. Union of ft HaVen and Con- necticut. October. Removal from Bran- ford to Newark. Commis- sioners re- turn to Mas- sachusetts. Conference with the general court* Firmness of the court. Connecticut and New Haven, hitherto independent com- munities, now became united as a colony of Great Britain, under the charter from Charles II. This event forms an important epoch in their colonial history. A proportionable number of the magistrates was of the former colony of New Haven ; all the towns sent their deputies ; and the assembly appears to have been harmonious. In October the court of assistants was estab- lished. It was to consist of at least seven assistants ; to have original cognizance of all crimes relating to life, limb, or banish- ment ; and, in other cases, to have appellate jurisdiction. New Haven and Connecticut, at this time, consisted of 19 towns. Branford was the only town, in New Haven jurisdiction, that dissented from the union of the two colonies. Mr. Pierson, minister of Branford, and almost his whole church and congrega- tion, were so dissatisfied with it, that they soon removed into Newark, in New Jersey. 1 The king's commissioners, returning to Massachusetts from the reduction of the Dutch colony, began in April to execute their important trust. The governor having communicated their com- mission and instructions to the general court, a conference be- tween the court and the commissioners soon descended into altercation. The commissioners at length peremptorily asked that body, " Do you acknowledge the royal commission to be of full force to all the purposes contained in it?" To this decisive and embarrassing question the general court excused itself from giving a direct answer, and chose rather to " plead his majesty's charter," and his special charge to the commission- ers not to disturb them in the enjoyment of it. The commis- sioners insisting on a direct answer to their question, the court declared, that it was enough for them to give their sense of the powers granted to them by charter, and that it was beyond their line to determine the power, intent, or purpose of his majesty's commission. The commissioners soon after informed the court, that they intended to sit the next day, by virtue of their com- mission, to hear and determine a cause against the governor and company, and that they expected they would appear by their attorney to answer to the complaint. The court drew up a declaration, and sent it to the commissioners ; but they not re- ceding from their purpose, when the time for their sitting arrived, " the general court, with characteristic vigour, published by sound 1 Trumbull, i c. 12. Hubbard, c. 41. Hazard, ii. 520. Day, Hist. Judiciary Conn. 10. Dr. Stiles [MS.] says, the Branford people removed " to After- kull, i. e. the Jersies." # BRITISH COLONIES. 339 of trumpet its disapprobation of this proceeding, and prohibited 1665. every one from abetting a conduct, so inconsistent with their duty wv-w/ to God and their allegiance to the king." Thus early appear- ed in the fathers the unyielding spirit of liberty, which, when put to the test a century afterwards, was found to be no less invincible in their descendants. The commissioners, determining to lose no more labour upon men, who misconstrued all their Commis- endeavours, and opposed the royal authority, soon after departed, sioners de- threatening their opponents " with the punishment which so many pai ' concerned in the late rebellion had met with in England." 1 Nicolls, who, on the conquest of New York, had instantly as- E ng ii sn sumed the government as deputy governor of the duke of York, government soon " put the whole government into one frame and policy." jj' yjjjfc . In imitation of what had been previously established by the Dutch, he erected a court of assizes, composed of the governor, the council, the justices of the peace, which was invested with every power in the colony, legislative, executive, and judicial. This court having collected into one code the ancient customs, with such additional improvements as the great change of things re- quired, regarding the laws of England as the supreme rule ; these ordinances were transmitted to England, and confirmed by the duke of York, the following year. A dispute having risen between the inhabitants of Jamaica on Long Island, respecting Indian. deeds ; it was ordained, that no purchase from the Indians, without the governor's license, executed in his presence, should be valid. The English methods of government were gradually introduced into the province. On the 12th of June, the inhabi- tants of New York were incorporated under the care of a mayor, City incoi r five aldermen, and a sheriff. Until this time the city was ruled P orated - by a scout, burgomasters, and schepens. 2 At the close of the year, Nicolls, governor of New York and Carteret New Jersey, reluctantly resigned the government of New Jersey governor of 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 388, 389. Hubbard, c. 66. Hutchinson, a. d 1665. Brad- ford, Mass. i. c 12. The Stamp Act, it will be found, was passed just a century after this essay of the Commissioners. See a. d. 1765. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 575, 577. Smith, N. York, i. 27. Thomas Willet, esquire, ■ an Englishman, who usually lived and finally died at Swanzey at the heatl of Narraganset bay, was the first mayor, after the conquest. He was a merchant, and had factories, or Indian trading houses, from Kennebeck to Delaware, par- ticularly at New Amsterdam and Fort Orange. Pres. Stiles, MS. Memorandum in Smith's Hist. N. York. Nicolls.found the town composed of a few miserable houses, occupied by men who were extremely poor, and the whole in " a mean condition ; " but he foretold its greatness, if it were encouraged with the immu- nities which he then recommended. He informed the duke of York, by a letter, dated in November, 1665, " such is the mean condition of this town [New York], that not one soldier to this day has lain in sheets, or upon any other bed than canvass and straw." Chalmers, b. 1. 575, 597. Some of the houses, how- ever, were handsomely built of brick and stone, and in part covered with red and black tiles, and " the land being high, it presented an agreeable prospect from the sea." Brit. Emp. ii. 208. 340 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1665. Military state of Massachu- setts. Shipping. June 13. Second cimrter of Carolina. Limits of Carolina. Governor of Clarendon county ap- pointed. to Carteret, its appointed governor, who took possession of Elizabethtown, the capital, now consisting of lour families, just settled in the wilderness. 1 The militia of Massachusetts consisted at this time of 4000 foot, and 400 horse. The colony maintained a fort at the entrance of Boston harbour, with five or six guns ; two batteries in the harbour, and one at Charlestown. The number of its ships and vessels was about 80, from 20 to 40 tons ; about 40, from 40 to 100 tons, and about 12 ships above 100 tons. 2 The second charter of Carolina was granted by Charles II. to the same proprietors. It recited and confirmed the former charter, with enlargements. Carolina was declared independent of any other province, but subject immediately to the crown of England ; and the inhabitants were never to be compelled to answer in other dominions of the crown, excepting within the realm. The limits of the territory, granted by this charter, are thus defined : " All that province, territory or tract of ground, situate within our dominions of America, extending north and eastward as far as the north end of Carahtuke river, or gulet upon a straight westerly line, to Wyanoake creek, which lies within or about the degrees of 36 and 30 minutes northern lati- tude, and so west, in a direct line as far as the South Seas ; and south and westward as far as the degrees of 29 inclusive north- ern latitude, and so west in a direct line as far as the South Seas, together with all and singular ports, harbours, bays, rivers, and islets, belonging to the Province or Territory aforesaid." 3 According to the limits fixed in this charter, St. Augustine, as well as the whole of what was afterwards Georgia, fell within the English dominions ; but the Spaniards alleged, that this grant was an invasion of their rights, and never admitted the limits of this charter, at any subsequent treaty. The English therefore had recourse to the claim, founded on prior discovery. 4 Several gentlemen of Barbadoes, dissatisfied with their con- dition on that island, having proposed to remove to the county of Clarendon, stretching from Cape Fear to the river St. Matheo, recently laid out by the proprietaries of Carolina ; John Yeamans, a respectable planter of Barbadoes, was now appointed com- mander in chief of that county. He was ordered to grant lands 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 615. 2 Hutchinson, i. 244. 3 Memoires de PAmerique, iv. 586 — 617 ; where this Charter, in English and French is inserted entire. It is dated 13 — 24 Juin 1665. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 521, 522, from Car. Ent. v. 1, where also is the charter, No. 2. 1—38. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. c. 2. Drayton, S. Car. 6. Jefferson, Virg. 276. Univ Hist, xxxix. 129. Lawson, Carolina, 255. Williamson, N. Car. i. 86, 230—254. Dr. Ramsay states " the present situation and limits of South Carolina " to be " between 32 and 35 degrees 8 minutes," n. lat * and 6 degrees 10 minutes west longitude from Washington." BRITISH COLONIES. 341 to every one, according to the conditions agreed on with the 1665. adventurers, reserving one half penny sterling for every acre, v^-v-^/ payable in March, 1670. King Charles, in aid of the laudable exertions of his courtiers, gave them 12 pieces of ordnance, which were now sent to Charles river, with a considerable quan- tity of warlike stores. 1 In the autumn, Yeamans conducted from settlement Barbadoes a body of emigrants, who landed on the southern bank b y w»ii- of Cape Fear. He cultivated the good will of the natives, and BarbadJes* ensured a seven years' peace. The planters, in opening the forest to make room for the operations of tillage, " necessarily prepared timber tor the uses of the cooper and builder ; which they transmitted to the island whence they had emigrated, as the first object of a feeble commerce, that kindled the spark of in- dustry, which soon gave animation to the whole." 2 The English inhabitants of Maryland now amounted to 16,000. 3 Maryland. This rapid progress in population is ascribed to the liberal policy of lord Baltimore at the first settlement of Maryland ; the liberty given by law to all denominations of Christians to settle in that province ; and the mild and impartial administration of governor Calvert. The government of Rhode Island passed an order to outlaw Order of quakers, and to seize their estates, because they would not bear R- !sla . nd i -i a • i • • ill arms ; but the people in general rose up against it, and would quakers; not suffer it to be carried into effect. 4 Misquamicut was purchased of the Indians ; and a number of Westerly baptists of the church in Newport removed to this new plantation, sett e ' which was afterward called Westerly. 5 A baptist church was gathered in Boston. The first prosecu- Anabap- tion of anabaptists, that occurs in the records of Massachusetts, was in this year. 6 There were in Massachusetts six towns of Indians, professing Praying the Christian religion. 7 Indians. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 520,521. Yeamans was directed "to make every thing easy to the people of New England, from which the greatest emigrations are expected, as the southern colonies are already drained." 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 523. The next year, an account of the " New Plantation, begun by the English at Cape Feare," was published at London. Bibliotheca Americana, 98. 3 Univ. Hist. xl. 469. Brit. Emp. iii. 4. 4 Brinley's Account of Settlements about Narraganset-Bay, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 219. 5 Callender, 39, 65. They afterward " generally embraced the seventh day sabbath." Their plantation was constituted a township by the name of Wester- ly, in 1669. Ibid. It formerly belonged to Stonington [Trumbull, i. 343.], but it is now in the State of Rhode Island 6 Hutchinson, i. 227. Antipoedobaptism had appeared in the colony about a. d. 1640, and a law had been made against it, with the penalty of banishment. See a. d. 1644. 7 Hutchinson, i. 242. 342 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1665. Canada. N. France granted to W . I. com- pany. Courcelles appointed governor. Settlers arrive. Forts built. St. Augus- tine sucked and plun- dered. Death of J. Endicot. The hundred Associates, to whom the colony of Quebec had been committed, soon grew weary of the expense of maintaining their colony; and, from the year 1644, abandoned the fur trade to the inhabitants, reserving to themselves, for their right of lord- ship, an annual homage of 1000 beavers. Reduced, at length, to the number of 45 associates, they, in 1662, made a total resignation of their rights to the French king, who soon after included New France in the grant, which he made of the French colony in America in favour of the West India company. A vigorous effort was now made to settle and defend the Canadian colony. M. de Courcelles, appointed governor of New France, transported the regiment of Carignon Salieres to Cananda. A great number of families, many mechanics, and hired servants, with horses, the first ever seen in Canada, cattle, and sheep, were transported at the same time. This was a more considerable colony than that which it came to supply. 1 To prevent the irruptions of the Five Nations by the way of Lake Champlain, Courcelles built three forts between that lake and the mouth of the river Richelieu. 2 John Davis, a bucanier, with a fleet of 7 or 8 vessels, made a descent on the coast of Florida, and sacked and plundered the town of St. Augustine. The Spaniards, with a garrison of 200 men in the fort, which was an octagon fortified and defended by round towers, made no resistance. 3 John Endicot, governor of Massachusetts, died in the 77th year of his age. 4 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 379, 380. Josselyn, Voy. 274 ; N. Eng. Rari- ties, 113. Josselyn says, the regiment consisted of " 1000 foot." See a. d. 1627. 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 381. Smith, N. York, i. 44. Jeffreys, Hist. Canada. The first fort was placed on the spot where that of Richelieu had formerly stood ; and has since been called, as also the river, by the name of Sorel, from a captain of the regiment of Carignon, who had the charge of building it. The second fort, built at the foot of a water fall on the river, was called Fort St. Lewis ; but M. de Chambly having afterward bought the land on which it was situated, the whole canton, together with the stone fort, since built on the ruins of the old fort, bears the name of Chambly. The third, built three leagues higher than the second, was called St. Theresa. 3 Roberts, Florida, p. 88. 4 Morton, 1665. Bentley, Hist. Salem, in Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 261 ; and Dan- forth Papers, ib. 2d series, viii. 52. Mr. Endicot was from Dorchester in England. In 1628 he came, at the head of a little colony, to Naumkeak. See a. d. 1628-9. He commanded the expedition against Block Island and the Pequots in 1636 ; and in 1645 was appointed major general. He was deputy governor 4 years, and gover- nor 16 years — a longer period than any governor of the colony was in office under the old patent, and exceeded one year only, under the new charter, by Shirley alone. He was governor the year of his death. See Johnson's character of En- dicot under a. d. 1628. See also Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. Davis, Note on Morton, and Savage, on Winthrop. Bentley says, " he was a sincere Puritan." He was rigid in his principles, and severe in the execution of the laws against sectaries. So great was his aversion to every thing savouring of popery, that, through the influence of Roger Williams, he cut the sign of the cross out of the BRITISH COLONIES. 343 1666. War was declared by France against Great Britain on the War be- 26th of January, and by Great Britain against France on the JJJJIce and 9th of February. 1 G. Britain. The king issued an order, requiring the general court of Mas- A n 10 sachusetts to send persons to be heard respecting complaints King's or- against the colony, and the report of the commissioners, and to derto J iass - receive his majesty's pleasure thereon. The court, however, court, declined compliance ; and resumed the jurisdiction of the prov- ince of Maine, which the commissioners had put under the government of the king, until his pleasure should be known. 2 At the May session oi the general assembly of Connecticut, Connecti- the colony was divided into the counties of Hartford, New Ha- cut - ven, New London, and Fairfield, and a county court was estab- lished in each county. It was to consist of three or more ^JJJ 1 " members, of whom one at least was to be an assistant, and the courts, others commissioners, afterwards called justices of the peace. To these courts, which superseded the particular court, were transferred the probate of wills, the granting of administration, and the prerogative powers generally, which appertained to the latter court. 3 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for setting up looms Virginia. in each county. 4 king's colours. He insisted, at Salem, that women should wear veils at church ; and, while governor, he united with the deputy governor and assistants in sign- ing a declaration against men's wearing long hair. See Hutchinson, i. 152. In 1644 he removed from Salem to Boston, which he had for some time made the place of his residence ; and there he died. His will, dated at Boston 2 May 1659, mentions the house he lived in, which was on the lot now occupied by Gardiner Greene, Esq. Snow, Hist. Boston, 1825. The farm, which he culti- vated at Salem, remains in possession of an honourable descendant ; and from a pear tree, which the governor planted upon it, we were presented with some fair and excellent fruit the last year. There is a good portrait of governor En- dicot in one of the apartments of the State House in Boston, with the portraits of governors Winthrop, Leverett, B:adstreet, and Rev. John Higginson. " The countenance of Winthrop is mild and thoughtful. Endicot appears eager and animated. We cannot doubt there is a faithful preservation of the likeness in both instances." Judge Davis, Note on Morton, 317. — The portrait of Win- throp is evidently an ancient painting. It closely resembles a portrait in my present keeping, for the American Antiquarian Society, which had been in the Winthrop family till the death of the late William Winthrop, Esq. of Cambridge, the cauvass and colours of which, though in good preservation, present it to the eye as the most ancient of the two. The executors, from whom it was received, suppose both may have been taken during the governor's life time, in England. 1 Memoires de PAmerique, iii. 127. Avrigny's Mem. a 1' Hist. Univ. de l'Europe, ii. 39, 40. 2 Minot, Mass. i. 47. The king, by his letter to the inhabitants of Maine, 11 June 1664, had ordered that province to be restored to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, as the proprietor. 3 Day, Hist. Judiciary of Connecticut. 4 Laws of Virginia. This act was repealed in 1684^ 344 AMERICAN ANNALS. Indian church r>s at Sandwich, 1666. The first act which occurs, of any colonial assembly, for the naturalization of aliens, was passed this year in Maryland. 1 The assembly of Carolina transmitted a petition to the pro- prietaries, praying, that the people of Albemarle might hold their possessions on the same terms, as those on which the Virginians held theirs. The proprietaries acceded to the request ; and commanded the governor to grant the lands in future on the terms prescribed by themselves. 2 The natives at Sandwich had made such proficiency in the knowledge and observance of the gospel, that the governor of Plymouth colony and several principal men took measures toward forming them into a church state Mr. Eliot, accompanied by the governor, and several magistrates and ministers of Plymouth colony, procured a great assembly at Mashippaug, where a con- siderable number of Indians gave satisfactory evidence of their knowledge and Christian principles and character. Their con- fessions were sent to all the churches in the colony, for their approbation ; and these churches afterwards, by their messengers, giving their presence and consent, an Indian church was organ- ized. The church chose Mr. Richard Bourne to be their pastor; and he was ordained to that office. Indian churches were soon after formed at Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. 3 The Mohawks, by incursions on the French in Canada, not merely prevented their commerce with the western Indians, but often endangered their colony. It was to repel or subdue this ferocious enemy, that a regiment had been lately sent over from France. M. de Tracy, viceroy of America, and M. Courcelles, the Canadian governor, with 28 companies of foot, and all the Sept. 14. militia of the colony, marched from Quebec above 700 miles into the Mohawk country, with the intention of destroying its inhabitants ; but, on their approach, the Mohawks retired into the woods with their women and children ; and the French did nothing more than burn several villages, and murder some sa- chems, who chose to die, rather than to desert their habitations.* at Martha's Vineyard, and Nan- tucket. French ex petition against the Mohawks. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 315. See a. d. 1662. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 520. 3 Morton, 322. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 199. Mashippaug, where the Indians assembled, is now called Mashpee. " From hence," says Mather, " Mr. Eliot and Mr. Cotton went over to an Island called Martha's Vineyard, where God had so succeeded the honest labours of some, and particularly of the Mayhews, as that a Church was gathered. This church, after fasting and prayer, chose one Hiacoomes to be their pastor, John Tockinosh, an able and a discreet Christian, to be their teacher ; Joshua Mummeech^e and John Nanaso to be ruling elders ; and these were then ordained by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Cotton thereunto." This church, by mutual agreement afterwards became two; "and at Nantucket, another adjacent island, was another church of Indians quickly gathered, who chose an Indian, John Gibbs, to be their minister." See a. d. 1687. 4 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 385, 386. Golden, 33. Smith, N. York, i. 43. Gookin (author of Hist. Collect, of the Indians), who conversed with some BRITISH COLONIES. 345 The bucaniers of America, about this time, began their depre- 1 666. dations. They consisted of various daring adventurers, who ^^•^ / ^w' originally combined for the spoliation of the Spaniards in the Bucaniers West Indies. Lewis Scot sacked the city of Campeachy ; and, j££? 1 i 6 E r *' c . . \ r ■ 1 • • » 1 nations in after exacting an excessive ransom, lett it nearly in ruins. John w. indies. Davis, with 80 men, surprised Nicaragua ; plundered the wealth- Nicaragua, iest houses and churches ; and carried off money and jewels, to the value of 50,000 pieces of eight. Not long after, he was chosen commodore; and with 7 or 8 vessels went to Florida, St. Augus- where he landed his men, and pillaged St. Augustine. 1 tine - Henry Morgan, a Welshman, having gone from Wales to Morgan Barbadoes, and commenced pirate, was now made vice admiral joins the by Mansvelt, an old pirate at Jamaica. Sailing together, with P irates - 15 ships and 500 men, chiefly Walloons and French, on a spoli- ating enterprise, they took possession of the island of St. Takes St. Catharine, and left 100 men for its defence ; but it was soon Catharine, after recovered by the Spaniards. Morgan afterward took the castle at Panama, and obliged the city to pay for its ransom Panama. 100,000 pieces of eight. 2 William Willoughby, having received from the king of England Grant of a grant of the island of Antigua, sent a numerous colony to Antl ^ ua - people it ; but it was, this same year, attacked and ravaged by the French. 3 1667. The Bahama islands were granted to the lords proprietors of Bahamas Carolina. William Sayle, who the preceding year had been £ ram< r (1 fo sent out in a ship by the proprietors to bring them some account ofCaroiiua, of the Carolina coast, was driven by a storm among those islands. Frenchmen, ** that were soldiers in this exploit," says, that the march of the French was in the dead of winter, when the rivers and lakes were covered with a firm ice, upon which they travelled the most direct way ; that they were obliged to dig into the snow on the edges of the rivers and lakes, to make their lodgings in the night ; and to carry their provisions, arms, and snow shoes, at their back. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 161. M. de Tracy, though upwards of 70 years old, chose to command the expedition in person. Charlevoix. 1 Hist. Bucaniers, i. 49, 50. Harris, Voy. 821. Scot was the first pirate, who attempted to land in the Spanish dominions. Davis was born at Jamaica. The castle of Augustine had a garrison of 200 men ; yet Davis did not lose a single man. 2 Hist. Bucan. i. 79—81, 98. Harris, Voy. 824—826. St. Catharine lies near Costa Rica, in 12° 30' N. lat— Maracaybo, a rich town, the capital of the province of Venezuela in South America, was pillaged by the French bucaniers ; who carried off' the images, pictures, and bells of the great church, and for the ransom and liberty of the inhabitants exacted 20,000 pieces of eight, and 500 cows. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Maracaybo. The pirates are there called Flibustiers. 3 Alcedo, T. Art. Antigua. It was retaken fom the French in 1690 by Christopher Coddington. The English had established themselves in this island as early as 1636. vol. i. 44 346 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1667. This accident he improved to the purpose of acquiring some v^v^^/ knowledge of them, particularly of the island of Providence, the chief of the Bahamas ; and he afterward explored the coast and mouths of the rivers in Carolina. On his return to England with a report of the condition of those isles, king Charles II. gave a patent of all those islands, lying between the 22d and 2?th degree of north latitude, to the proprietors of Carolina. 1 July 31. A treaty of peace was concluded at Breda between England Peace of and Holland. By this treaty New Netherlands were confirmed to the English ; and Surinam was confirmed to the Dutch. 2 T . , A treaty was also concluded, at the same place, between England France; and France. By this treaty, France yielded to England all her part of the island of St. Christopher, together with the islands of Antigua and Montserrat ; and England yielded Acadie to France. 3 with Spain. A general treaty of peace and alliance was concluded between England and Spain, comprehending the interests of both king- doms, in Europe and America. This was the first American treaty hetween those two powers. By this treaty a partial paci- fication was effected between the two nations, in the American seas, where both had continued in a hostile state even while they lived peaceably together in Europe. The pretensions of Spain, indeed, to an universal sovereignty in these seas had now become obsolete; yet both nations had been accustomed here to take 1 Hewatt, i. 48. Anderson, a. d. 1666, who says, " some English had settled on those isles long before." The island upon which Sayle was driven was St. Salvador ; and he is the first Englishman, mentioned in history, who landed on it. Columbus made no settlement on this or any other of the Bahama islands. Univ. Hist. xli. 331. See a. d. 1641, and 1668. 2 Memoires de l'Amerique, ii. 40 — 71, where this treaty is inserted entire. Encycloped. Britan. Art. Delaware. Chalmers, b. 1. 578. Brit. Emp. ii. 208, 400. Anderson, ii. 493. Acrelius, Nya Swerige, 109. Surinam had been recently taken by the Dutch ; and the uti possidetis was the basis of the treaty. The English planters at Surinam now principally retired to Jamaica. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 65. Their number, at the time of this evacuation, amounted to above 1500, beside their families. Univ. Hist. xli. 359. See A. d. 1674. 3 Memoires de l'Amerique, ii. 32 — 39, where the treaty is inserted entire. Anderson, ii. 492. Chalmers, b. 1. 393. Acadie was restored generally, without specification of limits, and particularly Pentagoet, St. John, Port Royal, La Have, and Cape Sable, lying within it. This article of the treaty was not con- cluded until February, 1668. Denys says, the English held Port Royal and the other places here mentioned from 1664 until this time : " depuis ce temps les Anglois sont toujours demeurez en possession des fortes de Pentagoiiet, de la riviere saint Jean, du Port royal, & de la Haive, jusques a present que le Roy les a retires." While England was at war with Holland, the French drove the English from St. Christopher's. By a letter of governor Willoughby it appears, that he had made an attempt upon that island just before the treaty. It is dated " July ye 4th 1667," and has this passage : " It nath pleased God the 8th of June past, to give us some repulse in the attaqueing of St. Christophers in which enterprise there have been taken and slain about 600 men." The letter is subscribed, "Will. Willoughby;" but the address is lost. It was found among the old colonial papers of Massachusetts, in the secretary's office, by Alden Bradford Esq. and sent to the Massachusetts Historical Society. BRITISH COLONIES. 347 advantages of each other. The declension of the power of 1667. Spain, and the improving spirit of the English, had gained them v^^-w' considerable ground in America. By the eighth article of this Article re- treaty, the only one relating to America, it was mutually agreed Amenca. to remain on the same footing in regard to their American com- merce, upon which the States General of the United Provinces were put by the sixth article of the treaty of Munster. This was, at least, a tacit agreement of the uti possidetis in America ; and was introductory of another more explicit treaty, three years after. 1 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for forts to be built in Virginia, each river. 2 Peace was established between the French in Canada and the Peace be- Five Nations, which continued several years. The sieur Perot, prench^ami a E>ench missionary, travelled above 1200 miles westward from Indians. Quebec, making proselytes of the Indians to the French in- terest. 3 Governor Nicolls of New York retired from his government. Goy.Nicoiis It is recorded to his honour, that he exercised his extraordinary retires * powers with moderation and integrity. He was succeeded by governor Lovelace ; the most memorable act of whose adminis- tration was the purchase of Staten Island from the natives. 4 Several persons of distinction in England fitted out captain Newat- Gillam, on a renewed attempt for a north west passage through ^Wes^ Hudson's Bay to China. Gillam passed through Hudson's Straits passage. to Baffin's Bay, as far as 75° north latitude ; and next sailed south to 51° some minutes, where, on the river, which he named after prince Rupert, he built Charles Fort, and laid the foundation bu ii t r . es ort of a fur trade with the natives. 5 Liberty was granted by the legislature of Massachusetts for Towns in- erecting a township 30 or 40 miles west of Roxbury ; and it was cor P orated : called Mendon. The like liberty was given to Brookfield ; and 1 Univ. Hist. xli. 358. Anderson, a. d. 1667. Hume, Hist. England, c 71. The sixth article of the treaty of Munster, between Spain and the States General, in 1648, was : " As to the West Indies ; the subjects and the inhabitants of the said Lords, the King and the States General, respectively, shall forbear sailing to, and trading in any of the harbours, places, &c. possessed by the one or the other party, viz. the subjects of the said Lord the King shall not sail to, or trade in, those held and possessed by the said Lords the States ; nor shall the subjects of the said Lords the States sail to, or trade in, those held and possessed by the said Lord the King of Spain." 2 Laws of Virginia. " Effected." 3 Smith, N. York, i. 43, 44. C^den's Five Indian Nations. They now cul- tivated a mutual trade. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 578, 599. 5 Anderson, ii. 492. Univ. Hist. xli. 87. This was the first fort that the English ever had in Hudson's Bay. We have no account of an attempt for this discovery, since the voyages of Fox and James, until this year. See a. d. 1631, and 1669. 348 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1667. to Westfield. 1 The town of Lyme, in Connecticut, was incor- v^-v-^/ porated 2 Contribu- ^he P eo P^ e at Cape Fear being in distress, a contribution, by tion for order of the general court of Massachusetts, was made through Cape Fear tne co l ony f or me j r relief 3 Death of John Wilson, minister of Boston, died, at the age of 79 years. 4 J. Wilson. 1668. Massachu- As soon as the royal commissioners had returned to England, setts re- j-} ie general court of Massachusetts appointed four commissioners government " to settle all affairs for the government of the people " in the of Maine. Province of Maine. In execution of their commission, they **' 1 Hubbard, c. 68. Mendon was settled by people from Roxbury. Liberty had been granted to Brookfield in 1660 ; but the grantees having forfeited the first grant, and six or seven families being now settled there, it was renewed, and the regulation of the settlement fell into the power of the general court. Westfield was then a village seven miles west of Springfield. 2 Trumbull, i. 317. About the year 1664, settlements commenced here, on a tract of land originally belonging to Saybrook. 3 Hutchinson, i. c. 2. Note from MS. " Although this was a colony subject to the proprietary government of lord Clarendon and others, yet the foundation was laid about the time of the Restoration, by adventurers from New England ; who supposed they had a right to the soil as first occupants and purchasers from the natives, and issuing from Massachusetts, entitled to the same civil privileges ; hut they were disappointed as to both." lb. See a. d. 1660. 4 Morton, 326— 334. Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 41— 51. Neal, N. Eng. c. 8. Hutchinson, i. 258. He was bom at Windsor in 1588. He was the son of Dr. William Wilson, prebendaiy of St. Paul's. After a grammatical course at Eton, he was admitted into King's college, in Cambridge, of which he was afterward chosen fellow. Becoming a nonconformist, he was forced by the bishop of Lincoln to resign his fellowship, and leave the college. He afterward went to London, and studied law in the inns of court three years ; but, being strongly inclined to the ministry, he returned to Cambridge, and got admission to Emanuel college, where he proceeded Master of Arts. After having been chaplain to several honourable families, he was chosen minister of Sudbury, in the county of Suffolk, " where he preached with universal acceptance and ap- plause for several years ; " till at length he was silenced. By the intercession of the earl of W T arwick, he again obtained the liberty of his ministry ; but being in continual danger, he embarked with the fleet that came to New England in 1630. He was the first minister of Boston, and was in the ministry in the first church in that town 37 years ; 3 years, before Mr. Cotton ; 20 years, with him. ; 10 years, with Mr. Norton ; and 4 years, after him. He is represented by hrs contemporaries, as one of the most humble, pious, and benevolent men of the age in which he lived. His portrait is in the possession of the Massachu- setts Historical Society. See Emerson, Hist. Eirst Church in Boston, sect. 1 — 5 ; and Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. — In the former edition, a donation of £1000 in 1644, for artillery, was erroneously ascribed to Mr. "Wilson of Boston. The name occasioned the mistake. Johnson [194.] says, " the reverend Doctor Wilson gave bountifully for the furthering this wilderness work, the which was expended upon great Artillery, bis gift beiwr* a thousand pound." This was a bequest from a brother of Mr. Wilson. " The will," says Dr. Mather, " because it bequeathed a thousand pounds to New England, gave satisfaction unto our Mr. Wilson, though it was otherwise injurious to himself." This correction is still honourable to the liberal spirit of " our Mr. Wilson ; " and it receives con- firmation from a remark of Mr. Emerson : " To designs and deeds of benefi- cence his heart and his purse were always open." BRITISH COLONIES. 349 entered the province, accompanied by a troop of horse, and 1668. easily reestablished the colonial authority on the ruins of a feeble ww proprietary government. 1 To promote a reformation of manners, the general court of Attempts a Massachusetts sent a printed letter to every minister in the colony, reformation . r . ii-9 •'of manners. requesting a particular attention to the object. A township of land, eight miles square, was granted by the Grant of legislature of Massnchusetts to Daniel Gookin and others, by the Worcester, name of Worcester 3 The first settlements on the Bass river side, near Salem, were Beverly in- incorporated by the name of Beverly 4 corporated, Haddam, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 5 Haddam. The governor and council of New York gave directions for a better settlement of the government on Delaware. Governor Lovelace of New York gave order for customs at the Hoarkills. 6 HoarTuis^ Lord Willoughby, governor of Barbadoes, sent forces to St. Vincent and Dominica, and obliged the natives of those islands su bdueSt. to submit to the English government. 7 The earliest settlement Vincen & of Europeans in the Bahama islands was at this time, under the Dom i mca - patent of Charles II. granted the preceding year to the lords Settlement proprietors of Carolina^ 8 ■ h**!***' Bridgetown, in Barbadoes, was destroyed by fire. 9 Bridgetown Abbagusset and Kennebez, two Indian sagamores, gave a burnt* deed of Swan Island, in Kennebeck river, to Christopher Law- 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 404. Hutchinson, i. 260 — 268. The province appears to have been in a confused state ; and some of the principal persons applied to the general court of Massachusetts to reassume the jurisdiction over them. The commissioners, appointed by the court, were major general Leveret, Mr. Edward Tyng, captain Richard Waldron, and captain Robert Pike. 2 Neal, N. Eng. i. 370. The influence appears to have been salutary. The pious zeal of the government, though highly commendable in its principle, was- not always discriminating in its jealousy. A license having been obtained this year for printing Thomas a. Kempis de Imitatione Christi, the general court was alarmed, and recommended to the licensers a more full revisal, and ordered the press, in the mean time, to stop ; giving for a reason, " that, being written by a popish minister, it contained some things less safe to be infused among the people." Hutchinson, i. 258. Chalmers, b. 1. 392. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 115. The Indian war, which commenced soon after, prevented the settlement of the town until a. d. 1685. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 233. They had a church built as early as 1657. 5 Trumbull, i. 317. There were 28 original proprietors. They began their settlements on the west side of the river ; and these were now incorporated. The extent of the town was six miles east and west of the river. 6 Jefferson, Virg. Query xxiii. Smith, N. Jersey, 51. 7 Univ. Hist. xli. 169. 8 Univ. Hist. xli. 169. Alcedo, Art. Bahamas. 9 Salmon, Chronological History, i. 193. 1° MS. copy of the deed penes me, attested by Edward Rawson, Secretary &c ; also a deed of conveyance of the island from Lawson to Mr. Humphry Davie of Boston, in 1683. From Papers of the late Thaddeus Mason, Esq. of Cam- bridge, who was a private secretary of governor Belcher. 350 1668. Deaths. AMERICAN ANNALS. Jonathan Mitchel, minister of Cambridge, died, at the age of 43 years. 1 Henry Flint, minister of Braintree, 2 Samuel Shep- ard, minister of Rowley, and John Eliot, minister of Newtown Village, died this year. 3 Stephen Day, the first printer in New England, died at Cambridge. 4 First assem- bly in Albe- marle. Act con- cerning marriage. 1669. A constitution had been given to the colony of Albemarle in Carolina. The governor was to act altogether by the advice of a council of twelve ; the one half of which he w T as empowered to appoint, the other six were to be chosen by the assembly. The assembly was to be composed of the governor, of the coun- cil, and of 12 delegates chosen annually by the freeholders. The first assembly was now constituted and convened in Albe- marle county. One of the laws of this assembly indicates the state of religion and society. It was entitled " an act concerning marriage ;" and it declared, that, as people might wish to marry, and there being yet no ministers, in order that none might be hindered from so necessary a work for the preservation of man- kind, any two persons, carrying before the governor and council 1 Mather, Magnal. b. 4. 158—185. Morton, 335—340. Hutchinson, i. 260. Hist. Camb. in Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 47 — 51 Mr. Mitchel possessed a capa- cious mind, and extraordinary talents ; and is always mentioned by the New England writers, as one of the most learned men and best preacheis in his day. He was also distinguished for the sweetness of his temper, for his meekness, humility, and piety. He was about 18 years in the ministry at Cambridge ; and " was most intense and faithful " in performing its sacred duties. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 122. Morton [234.] says, Mr. Flint was " a man of known piety, gravity, and integrity, and well accomplished with other qualifi- cations for the ministry," and Hubbard [607.] assigns him a place among the " eminent ministers of the gospel in New England, removed by death in this and the following years." 3 Morton, 341, 342, and Edit. Note, p. 248. Hubbard, c. 70. Mitchel, MS. Mr. Shepard was the second son of Rev. Mr. Shepard of Cambridge. He was educated at Harvard college ; ordained about 1662 ; and died in the 27th year of his age. Mr. Mitchel describes him as a very estimable, pious, " able, choice young man, most dearly beloved at Rowley." Eliot. Biog. — Mr. Eliot, who died in the 33d year of his age, was the son of the celebrated minister of Roxbury ; educated at Cambridge ; and settled at Newtown, on the spot where the first assembly of praying Indians met. A regular church was first gathered among the English settlers of Nonantum, or Cambridge Village [now Newton] 20 July, 1664, and Mr. Eliot was ordained the same day. Homer's Hist, of Newton, in Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 256; where is given a very interesting sketch of his charac- ter. He followed the example of his apostolic father, in endeavouring to Christianize the Indians. Gookin [Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 171.] says, he was not only pastor of an English church at Cambridge Village, and a very excellent preacher in the English tongue ; but that, beside preaching to his English church, he, for several years, preached the gospel to the Indians, once a fort- night constantly at Pakemit, and sometimes at Natick, and other places ; and that the most judicious Christian Indians (as he had often heard them say) esteemed him as a most excellent preacher in their language. 4 Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 231 ; " aged about 58 years." BRITISH COLONIES. 351 a few of their neighbours, and declaring their mutual assent, shall 1669. be declared husband and wife. 1 The proprietaries of Carolina, dissatisfied with every previous system of government framed for their province, signed a body of Fundamental Constitutions. The reason which they assigned Carolina. for the change, was, " that the government of this province may be made most agreeable to the monarchy under which we live, and of which this province is a part, and that we may avoid erecting a numerous democracy." These Constitutions were compiled by the celebrated John Locke. The first article pro- vided, that the eldest of the lords proprietors shall be palatine ; and, upon the decease of the palatine, the eldest of the seven surviving proprietors shall always succeed him. The palatine was empowered to act as president of the palatine court, com- posed of the whole. A body of hereditary nobility was erected, and denominated landgraves and caciques, because they were to be in name unlike those of England. The provincial legislature, dignified with the name of parliament, was to be biennial, and to consist of the proprietaries, or of the deputy of each ; of the nobility ; of the representatives of the freeholders of every dis- trict ; and, like the ancient Scottish parliament, all were to meet in one apartment, and every member to enjoy an equal vote ; no business, however, was to be proposed until it had been debated in the grand council, to be composed of the governor, the nobility, and deputies of proprietors. The church of England alone was to be allowed a maintenance by parliament ; but every congre- gation might tax its own members for the support of its own ministers ; and to every one was allowed perfect freedom in re- ligion. One article provided, that every freeman of Carolina shall have absolute power and authority over his negro slaves, of what opinion or religion soever." This government was intended to be a miniature of the Old Saxon constitution. 2 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 724, 725. The constitution was given in 1667. — " During almost 20 years we can trace nothing of clergymen in the history or laws of Carolina." 2 Hewatt, i. 48—52; Ramsay, Hist. S Carolina, i. c. 2. and Revol. S*Car. i. 3. Chalmers, b. 1. 526 — 529, 555, from Carolina Entries. Chalmers says, " there is a printed copy of the constitutions among the papers of Carolina" A copy is subjoined to the works of the author ; and a copy is inserted in Hewatt, i. 321—346. Univ. Hist. xl. 423. Bibliotheca Americana [99.] men- tions Fundamental Constitutions, printed at London, 4to. 1669. These Con- stitutions, consisting of 120 articles, though declared to be the sacred and unalterable rule of government in Carolina forever, were instantly discovered to be wholly inapplicable to the circumstances of an inconsiderable colony, and, in a variety of cases, to be altogether impracticable, and were therefore immediate- ly changed. Mr. Locke was not long after, in reward of his services, created a landgrave \ but, were it not for the writings, by which his name is immortalized, he, like the other Carolinian nobles, had been consigned to oblivion. The last article mentioned in the text [ex.], we should not have expected from the same pen which wrote the celebrated " Treatises of Government," It stands, in the 352 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1669. The inhabitants of Boston being now so numerous, that the v^-s^^ two houses of worship could not contain them, and some of the Old South brethren of the first church being dissatisfied with Mr. Davenport Boston m on account of ms leaving New Haven for a settlement there ; a gathered, third church was gathered in May, of which Mr. Thomas Thacher was, not long after, inducted the first pastor, and an edifice was built on the main street, for its use. 1 Expedition The friendly Indians in New England, having raised an army of the N. e. Q f goo or 700 men, marched into the country of the Mohawks, against the to take revenge for their injuries. After besieging one of their Mohawks. f orts several days, their provisions becoming spent, with nearly all their ammunition, and some of their number being taken sick, they abandoned the siege, and retreated toward home, but they were pursued and intercepted by the Mohawks ; and, though they fought with great valour, their commander and about 50 of their chief men were slain. This was the last and most fatal battle, fought between the Mohawks and the New England Indians. 2 Constitutions, next after the article securing religious freedom ; and this incon- gruity led Chalmers to observe : " Yet the most degrading slavery was intro- duced by investing in every freeman the property of his negro."— The xrvth article required a condition for the right of habitancy : " No man shall be permitted to be a freeman of Carolina, or to have any estate of habitation within it, that doth not acknowledge a God ; and that God is publicly and solemnly to be worshipped ; " the xcvith agreed with the English laws in establishing the Church of England It was this : " As the country comes to be sufficiently planted and distributed into fit divisions, it shall belong to the parliament to take care for the building of churches, to be employed in the exercise of religion according to the church of England ; which being the only true and orthodox, and the national religion of all the king's dominions, is so also of Carolina ; and therefore it alone shall be allowed to receive public maintenance, by grant of parliament." — " This article," Hewatt notes, " was not drawn up by Mr. Locke ; but inserted by some of the chief of the proprietors, against his judg- ment ; as Mr Locke himself informed some of his friends, to whom he presented a copy of these Constitutions." 1 Neal, N. Eng. i. 384. Hutchinson, i. 260, 270—274. Emerson, Hist. First Church, sect. 6, 7. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 258; iv. 211. On the death of Mr. Wilson, Rev. John Davenport, of New Haven, was invited to the pastoral care of the first church in Boston, and accepted the invitation. He was then 70 years old ; and, on account of his advanced age, it was thought expedient to unite Re% James Allen with him in the care of the church. Mr. Allen had been ejected by the Bartholomew act from his living in England, and, for some years, had been a member of the first church in Boston. Both these ministers were installed together, as co-pastors of the church, on the 9th of December, 1668. — The house for the third church was built of cedar ; but it was afterward rebuilt with brick, and is now standing. It has long been called " The Old South." 2 Gookin, Hist. Coll. of Indians, in Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 166—169. There had been a war between these Indians about six years. This enterprise of the New England Indians was contrived without the knowledge, and undertaken contrary to the advice, of their English friends. " Mr. Eliot and myself, in particular (says Mr. Gookin), dissuaded them, and gave them several reasons against it, but they would not hear us ; but the praying Indians were so caution- ed by our advice, that not above five of them went ; and all of them were killed, but one." — The commander of th* friendly Indians was Josiah, alias Chickata- bot, the principal sachem of the Massachusetts. Gookin says, he was a wise BRITISH COLONIES. 353 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for encouragement to 1669. make silk. 1 \-*^^/ Sir Thomas Temple having but partially executed the king's Acadie de- order for the surrender of Acadie to the French, agreeably to [ ! v ^ d up the treaty of Breda, a definitive order had been transmitted to French, him, to deliver up that territory, according to the letter of the agreement ; and it was now effectually obeyed. 2 Charles II. gave to prince Rupert, and several lords, knights, May2. ? and merchants, associated with him, a charter, under the title of ^ycom- " The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England, pany. trading into Hudson's Bay." 3 Richard Mather, minister of Dorchester, died, at the age of Death of R. mc* 4 Mather. 73 years. and stout man of middle age, but a very vicious person. He was a descendant of Chickatabot of Neponset. [See a. d. 1631.] For a time he seemed atten- tive to the Christian religion ; " for he was bred up by his uncle, Kuchamakin, who was the first sachem and his people to whomMv. Eliot preached." The late president Adams showed me a deed of Braintree, given hy Indian Josiah to the inhabitants of that town between the years 1660 and 1670. — It does not appear, what other tribes, be.4de the Massachusetts, were concerned in this expedition. Gookin says, Josiah was " the chiefest general ; but there were divers other sagamores and stout men that assisted." The march of the Indian army was about 200 miles. The Mohawks laid an ambush for the retreating enemy in a defile, with thick swamps on each side, and fought to the greatest advantage. The reason of the loss of such a number of chiefs was, that almost all the stout- est leaders and sagamores pursued the Mohawks into the thickets. 1 Laws of Virginia. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 393. Brit. Emp. i. 173, 174. He at first refused to give up the forts of Pentagoet, St. John, Port Royal, La Have, and Cape Sable, alleging that they did not belong to Acadie. 3 Dobson, Hudson's Bay, 171 — 187; Biitish Empire in America, i. 4 — 22; where the charter is entire. Univ. Hist. xli. 87. The charter ceded to the company the whole trade of the waters within the entrance of Hudson's Straits, and of the adjacent territories. The entire sum, which constitutes the original funds of the company, amounts te £10,500 sterling. The general opinion in Forster's time was, that the proprietors of this stock, who were then not 90 in number, gained about 2000 ner cent. No trade in the world is so profitable as this. Forster, Voy. 378—380. See a. d. 1667. 4 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 122—130. Hubbard, c. 70. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 99; ix. 170—172. Stiles, Lit. Diary. Hutchinson, i. 259. Mr. Mather was ordained by Dr. Morton, bishop of Chester, in 1618 ; and silenced by Dr. Neale, archbishop of York, in 1634. He came to New England in 1635, and arrived on the coast 15 August, when he, with all the passengers, very narrowly escaped shipwreck by the tremendous storm, which occurred that day. [See a. d. 1635 ] After the removal of Mr. Wavham, with the first church of Dorchester, to Wind- sor, a new church was gathered, and Mr Mather was installed the pastor. He was an exemplary man, a good scholar, and a solid, practical preacher. He wrote several treatises, which were well received ; and he was generally con- sulted in difficulties relating to church government. He wrote the Discourse about the Chivch Covenant, and the Answer to the xxxn questions concern- ing Church Government, in behalf of the ministers of New England, both published in 1639; and the Platform of Church Discipline, in 1648, was chiefly taken from his model. Attending a council at Boston 16 April, he was seized with the strangury, and died on the 22d of that month, " after he had been 50 years a minister in the church of God." VOL. I. 45 354 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1670. A colon r ^ HE P ro P r i etar i es °f Carolina having procured two ships for transported the transportation of adventurers to their projected settlement, to Carolina. William Sayle, appointed the first governor, embarked with a colony of settlers, with provisions, arms, and utensils for building and cultivation. On his arrival at Port Royal, he began to carry his instructions into execution. 1 He issued writs to the free- holders for the election of the complement of the grand coun- cil, and of 20 delegates, the two bodies composing the parliament, which was invested with legislative power. As an encouragement to settle at Port Royal, 150 acres of land were given to every emigrant, at an easy quit rent ; clothes and provisions were dis- tributed, from the store of the proprietaries, to those who could not provide for themselves ; and, to secure the good will of the neighbouring tribes, considerable presents were made to the Indian princes. 2 Settlement Dissatisfied with the situation at Port Royal, governor Sayle between removed to the northward, and took possession of a neck of land. Cooper riv- between Ashley and Cooper rivers. Deputies, authorized to ers. assist the governor, soon after arrived, bringing with them 23 articles of instruction, called Temporary Agrarian Laws, intend- ed for the equitable division of lands among the people ; and the plan of a magnificent town, to be laid out on the neck of land between the above named rivers, and to be called, in honour of the king, Charlestown. 3 Destruction A. bloody war between the Westoes and the Serrannas, two ofthena- Indian nations in Carolina, was carried on with such fury, as to abktoThe 1 * P rove ^tal to both. This event providentially opened the way to English set- the introduction and establishment of the English colony. 4 tlement. 1 Gov. Sayle's commission is dated 26 July 1669. He was constituted gover- nor of that part of the coast, lying southwestward of Cape Carteret The ex- pense of the equipment was £12,000 sterling. Sayle was accompanied by Joseph West, who was intrusted with the commercial affairs of the proprietaries. " These noblemen for some time were the only merchants in order to supply the wants of the colonists, rather than to acquire profit. And they employed vessels, to carry on a circuitous traffic, for the purpose of procuring colonists, cattle, and provisions, from Virginia, Bermudas, and Barbadoes ; of carrying off the inconsiderable products of the land. Before the year 1679 they had ex- pended £18,000 on a project which had then only yielded them vexation and poverty." Chalmers, b. 1. 529. Drayton, S. Carolina, 101. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 530. Drayton, S. Carolina, 101. 3 Hewatt, i. 49—52. Ramsay, Revol. S. Car. i. 3. Dalcho, Hist. Prot. Epis. Church in S. Car. The removal is placed in this year on the authority of Mr. Dalcho, who says, it is ascertained by a codicil to col. Sayle's Will, made in Charlestown 30 Sept. 1670. The name by which the town was " to be called," might be now assumed. See next year. 4 Hewatt, i. 64. The Westoes are said to have been a numerous and power- ful tribe. lb. The Catawba nation mustered, at that time, 15j)0 fighting men. Drayton, 92, 94 ; who " hazards an opinion," that the number of the natives in Carolina, at the same time, was " perhaps not less than 30 or 40 thousand souls.'* BRITISH COLONIES. 355 The court of Spain thinking the 8th article of the treaty with 1670. ^England was too general, the Spanish ministry applied to the s^^^+s English court for a more clear and explanatory treaty relating to Treaty of America. The proposal was assented to by king Charles, upon a n ' the king of Spain's agreeing to recognize his right to all the American dominions he was possessed of at this time ; and a treaty was concluded at Madrid between England and Spain for ascertaining the American territories of both kingdoms. By this treaty, the pirates and bucaniers, who for several years had greatly annoyed Spanish America, were cut off from all future protection from England in any hostile attempts upon the Spanish, dominions, and all commissions to them were called in and an- nulled. 1 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for the election of Virginiaact burgesses, designating by whom they should be elected. It or- J^nu^s- 11 dained, that none but freeholders and housekeepers, who only es. are answerable to the public for the levies, shall hereafter have a voice in the election of any burgess in this country ; and that the election be at the courthouse. 2 The election of governor, magistrates, and civil officers, in Mode of Connecticut, hitherto consummated by the body of the people, election in , , , (. i i • rrri Connecticut convened on the day ol general election at Hartford, was now altered. allowed by the legislature to be completed by proxy of the free- men in the general assembly ; and a law was made for regulating the freemen's meetings, and the mode of election. 3 A mortal disease broke out among the Indians in the north of Disease a- Canada, and swept off whole tribes, particularly the tribe of the mon § l }* e Attikamegues, who have never since been heard of under that Indians?" name. Tadoussac, the chief mart of the Indian fur trade with the French, began to be deserted, as also Trois Rivieres, where the small pox carried off 1 500 Indians at once. 4 A considerable number of the inhabitants of New Haven re- Waiiin°-- moved to Wallingford, about this time, and began the settlement ford settled. 1 Anderson, Hist. Commerce, a. d. 1670. See a. d. 1667. Chalmers, b. 1. 11. Univ. Hist. xli. 358. Hume, Hist. England, c. 71. This was called the American Treaty. From this time until a. d. 1702, a considerable trade was carried on by the English from Jamaica with the Spaniards ; by which the English, for goods, negroes, and flour, received, by computation, from 250 to £300,000 a year. Polit. Tracts, in Harv. Coll. Library. 2 Laws of Virginia. The usual way of choosing burgesses before was " by the votes of all persons, who, having served their time, are freemen of this country, who, having little interest in the country, do oftener make tumults at the elec- tions, to the great disturbance of his majesty's peace, than by their discretions in their votes, provide for the conservation thereof, by making choice of persons fitly qualified for the discharge of so great a trust." Preamble to the Act. 3 Trumbull, i. 318. The original choice of public officers was made then, as it is still, by the freemen of the colony in their respective towns. See Con- necticut Laws, p. 112. 4 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 428. Univ. Hist. xl. 5. 356 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1670. Death of ministers. of that town, which was at first called New Haven Village. 1 Massacoe was made a distinct town, by the name of Symsbury. 2 Deerfield, in Massachusetts, had begun to be settled. 3 John Davenport, minister at Boston, 4 and John Warham, minister of Windsor, died this year. 5 Old Charles- town. 1671. Governor Sayle falling a victim to " the damps of the cli- mate," the command of Sir John Yeamans, who had hitherto discreetly ruled the plantation around Cape Fear, was now ex- tended over that which lay southwestward of Cape Carteret. The shores, the streams, . and the country, having now been accurately surveyed, the planters, from Clarendon on the north, as well as Fort Royal on the south, resorted to the banks of Ashley river, as furnishing the most eligible situation for settle- 1 Trumbull, Century Sermon, 22. Dr. Trumbull [Hist. Conn. i. 318.] says, it was incorporated tbat year by the name of Wallingford ; tbat it was purchased by governor Eaton, Mr. Davenport, and other planters of New Haven, in 1638 ; that its settlement was projected in 1669; and that a committee was a;jpoint*jd by the town of New Haven, with powers to manage the whole affair of the settlement. 2 Trumbull, i. 317. The settlement of the town was made about this time. The lands lay on Tunxis river. In 1644, the general court of Connecticut gave leave to governors Hopkins and Haynes to dispose of them to such of tht in- habitants of Windsor, as they should judge expedient; and in 1647 resolved, that those lands should be purchased by the country. A purchase way made of the Indians, and settlements began under the town of Windsor, of which, at first, this plantation was considered an appendix, lb. 3 Williams, Vermont ; — " the English by 1670, had extended as far up the river as Deerfield." 4 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 51—57. Trumbull, i. 465. Mr. Davenport died of an apoplexy, in the 7 3d year of his age. He was the first minister of New Haven, whence he removed to Boston in 1677. He possessed an energetic mind, and is characterized as a hard student, an universal scholar, a laborious, prudent, exemplary minister, and a man of eminent piety. Hubbard [c. 70.] says, that Mr. Davenport was " a person beyond exception and compare for all ministerial abilities : and upon that account highly esteemed and accepted in both Englands." He was profound in counsel, and intrepid in action. When the pursuers of king Charles' judges were coming to New Haven, he preached publicly from this text (Isa. xvi. 3,4.): Take counsel, execute judgment, make thy shadow as the night in the midst of the noon day, hide the outcasts, bewray not him that wandereth. Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab, he thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler. " It was Davenport's intrepidity, that saved the judges." Stiles, Hist. Judges of Charles I. 32, 69- See a. d. 1660. There is a portrait of Mr. Davenport at Yale College. An ex- cellent letter of Mr. Davenport and governor Eaton, the fathers of New Haven colony, giving the reasons of their removal, is inserted in Savage's edition of Winthrop, i. Appendix. It is dated " The 12th day of the 1st month, 1638 " [N. S. March, 1639] ; and was copied by Mr. Savage from the original in the hand writing of Mr. Davenport. 5 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 121. Trumbull, i. 467. Mr. Warham was distinguish- ed for his piety ; but was subject to melancholy. He is supposed to have been the first minister in New England, who used notes in preaching ; " yet he was applauded by his hearers, as one of the most animated and energetic preachers of his day." He was one of the principal pillars of the churches of Con- necticut. BRITISH COLONIES. 357 ment ; and here was now laid the foundation of Old Charles Town. 1 1 67 1 . The province was now divided into four counties, called Berke- \^-v~^/ ley, Colleton, Craven, and Carteret counties ; and the people, who had hitherto lived under a kind of military government, began to form a legislature for establishing civil regulations. 2 The first body of emigrants that removed to Carolina, was a Accession small colony from Barbadoes, which arrived this year under the to Carolina, auspices of Sir John Yeamans, who had obtained a large grant of land from the proprietors. With these settlers were intro- si aves . duced the first slaves that were in Carolina. 3 The first act in Virginia for the naturalization of aliens was state of passed this year. All the freemen in that colony, supposed to Virginia, be nearly 8000, were bound to train every month. There were 5 forts in the colony ; but not more than 30 serviceable great guns. The Indian neighbours were absolutely subjected. There was no cavalry. There had been no privateers since the late Dutch war. There had been no commodities of the growth of the country, till of late, excepting tobacco, which was considera- ble, and yielded his majesty a great revenue ; but the colonists had lately begun to make silk. The colony contained about 40,000 persons, men, women, and children ; of whom 6000 were Christian servants for a short time, and 2000 black slaves. It was supposed there came in yearly about 1500 servants, of which most were English, few Scotch, and fewer Irish ; and not ahove two or three ships of negroes in seven years. Nearly 80 English ships came out of England and Ireland every year for tobacco, and a few New England ketches. 4 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 530. The situation was chosen "for the convenience of pasture and tillage." This town was built " on the first high land ; " and it was for some years the capital of the southern settlements. [See a. d. 1680.] " Its site i^ now known [1S02] as part of a plantation, called Old Town, belonging to Mr. Elias Lynch Horry. Several grants of land in its vicinity " bound on Old Charlestown, or Old Town Creek." No traces of a town, however, are now to be seen there, excepting a small hollow, running directly across the point of land on which the town stood, said by tradition to be a wide ditch, made for the purpose of defence against the Indians. Little of it can now be seen ; but it can be traced quite across the point of land where Old Charlestown stood. Drayton, S. Carolina, 200. In answer to some inquiries concerning the history and antiquities of Carolina, Dr. Ramsay wrote to me : " We have no early records of our first settlers. The records in our public offices about the year 1680, or even 1700, are scarcely legible. A durable ink, to stand our cli- mate, is a desideratum." 2 Hewatt, i. 60. Ten members were elected as representatives for Colleton county, and ten for Berkeley. A committee, appointed to fame some public regulations, proposed these three ; the first, to prevent persons from leaving the colony; the second, to prohibit all men from disponing of arms and ammunition to Indians ; and the third, for the regular building of Charlestown. 3 Hewatt, i. 53. Ramsay, Hist. S. Carolina, i~ 4. 4 Governor Berkeley, in Chalmers, b. 1. 315, 325—328, from Virginia papers, 75. b. This " account of the condition of Virginia in the sixty fourth year of its existence," is from the " Answers of the famous Sir William Berkeley to the 358 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1671. The assembly of Maryland passed acts for " encouraging the v.^v-w' importation of negroes and slaves ;" for making void and punish- Artsof ing fraudulent practices, tending to defraud real purchasers and ar ) an • creditors ; for quieting possessions ; for the advancement of foreign coins; and for the encouragement of the sowing and making of hemp and flax. 1 May 26. A board of commissioners of Trade and Plantations was estab- comuns- lished at London. The first thing done was, to settle the form of sioners of a circular letter to the governors of all his majesty's plantations plantations. anc * terr i tor i es m tne West Indies and islands belonging to them, giving them notice to whom they should apply themselves on all occasions, and to render to this Board an account of their present state and government. What the Board most insisted on was, to know the condition of New England, whose spirit of liberty, with her power and influence, seem already to have excited the jealousy of the parent country. 2 Inquiries of the lords of the committee of colonies." — The reason assigned for having " no horse " [cavalry] is, " because they would be too chargeable to the poor people." — " Of late we have begun to make silk ; and so many mulberry trees are planted, that, if we had skilful men from Naples or Sicily to teach us the art of making it, in less than half an age we should make as much silk, in a year, as England did yearly expend threescore years since. — For shipping, we have admirable masts, and very good oaks ; but, for iron ore, I dare not say there is sufficient to keep one iron-mill going for seven years. Salt petre we have none." After mentioning ships and ketches, the governor adds : " but of our own we never yet had more than two at a time, and those not more than 20 tons burden." To an act of parliament [See a. d. 1663.] Berkeley ascribes the impediments to the growth and prosperity of the colony. " Mighty and destructive have been the obstructions to our trade and navigation by that se- vere act of parliament which excludes us from having any commerce with any nation in Europe but our own ; so that we cannot add to our plantation any commodity that grows out of it ; as olive-trees, cotton, or vines : Besides this, we cannot procure any skilful men for our own now hopeful commodity of silk : And it is not lawful for us to carry a pipe-stave, or a bushel of corn, to any place in Europe out of the king's dominions." The answer to the 23d inquiry, which is the concluding one, is characteristic of the man, as well as descriptive of the colony. " The same course is taken here, for instructing the people, as there is in England : Out of towns every man instructs his own children, according to his ability. We have 48 parishes, and our ministers are well paid, and by my consent should be better, if they would pray oftener, and preach less : But, as of all other commodities, so of this, the worst are sent us, and we have few that we can boast of, since the persecution in Cromwell's tyranny drove divers wor- thy men hither. Yet, I thank God, there are no free-schools, nor printing ; and I hope we shall not have, these hundred years. For learning has brought dis- obedience, and heresy, and sects, into the world, and printing has divulged them and libels against the best government : God keep us from both ! " 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 362. 2 Memoirs of Evelyn, i. 438. Evelyn himself was one of the Board. " What we most insisted on," he writes in his Journal, " was to know the condition of New England, which appearing to be very independent as to their regard to England or his majesty, rich and strong as they now were, there were great debates in what style to write to them, for the condition of that Colony was such that they were able to contest with all other Plantations about them, and there was a feare of their breaking from all dependence on this Nation." BRITISH COLONIES. 359 Philip, chief sachem of Pokanoket, pretending that some 1671. trifling injuries were done to him in his planting land, was ready v^^-^ to break out into an open war with the inhabitants of Plymouth ; but, on a formal inquiry into the controversy, he acknowledged April 10. that his meditated hostilities were without provocation, and, to- Ph, ^P gether with his council, subscribed an instrument of submis- mission." sion. 1 Articles of agreement were made between the court of Plym- j u i y 24. outh colony and Awasuncks, the squaw sachem of Saconnet, Awam " colony, the Indians of Dartmouth and its vicinity, to the number of between 40 and 50, entered into an engagement of fidelity to the English. 2 The number of men from 16 to 60 years of age, in Con- Population necticut, was 2050. 3 The town of Derby in that colony, was ^ onnecti - settled. 4 The first church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, was organ- Church in ized, and Mr. Jobhua Moody was ordained its pastor. 5 Ports " A grand congress of the French and of many of the Canadian Indians was holden at St. Mary's Fall ; and the Indians professed FrTncTand submission to the king of France. 6 Indians. 3 Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 51, 52. Hutchinson, i. 279. I. Mather, 73. Philip appears to have been on very good terms with the English the next year, and to have maintained a princely credit among them. I have before me the copy of a letter which he then sent, by an Indian, " To the honoured capt Hope- stHl Foster att Dorchester," in which, after reminding him of a promise, that he had made him of £6 in goods, he adds : " My request is, that you would send 5 yards of white or light coloured serge to make me a Coat, and a good Hol- land Shirt ready made, and a pair of good Indian Breeches, all which I have present need of; therefore I pray Sir fail not to send them by my Indian, and with them the several prices of them, and silk and buttons and 7 yards of Gal- lown for trimming " The letter is dated " Mount Hope the 15th of May 1672 ; " and closed with " the subscription of king Philip. His majesty : p. P." For this letter, and some other rare historical morsels, I am indebted to my literary and worthy friend, Rev. Dr. Harris, of Dorchester, who obligingly sent me his " Memoranda relating to the Geography, History, and Antiquities of America." He obtained the letter from a copy on file in the town of Dorchester, attested by Noah Clap, town clerk. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 193, 194. The last named Indians signed a writ- ten agreement. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 209. 4 Trumbull, i. 321, 322. The Indian name of the place was Paugasset. At- tempts had been made to settle it, during 18 or 20 years. Governor Goodyear and several other gentlemen in New Haven purchased a considerable tract there about the year 1653, and " some few settlements " were made there soon after. In 1657 and 1659 a purchase was made of the lands of the chief saga- mores, Wetanamow and Raskenute. The planters applied for town privi- leges in 1671 ; but their number was so small, that they were not allowed to be incorporated until 1675. 5 Alden, Religious Societies in Portsmouth, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. * 40. Mr. Moody is supposed to have begun his labours there in 1658, « Charlevoix, i. 488, 489. Univ. Hist. xl. 8, 9. , 360 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1671. John Allen, the first minister of the church in Dedham, Mas- v^^w/ sachusetts, died in the 75th year of his age. 1 Zechariah Symmes, minister of Charlestown, died, in his 72d year. 2 Edward Hilton, one of the first settlers of New Hampshire, died at Exeter, at an advanced age. 3 Deaths. 1672. Duties laid The commerce of the American colonies had already been by parha- regu ] atec j an( j restrained by the parliament of England. The ment on the o . . J • o colonies. parliament, now considering the colonies as proper objects ot taxation, enacted : That if any vessel, which by law may trade in the plantations, shall take on board any enumerated commodi- ties, and a bond, with sufficient security, shall not have been given to unlade them in England, there shall be rendered to his majesty, for sugars, tobacco, ginger, cocoa nut, indigo, logwood, fustic, cotton, wool, the several duties mentioned in the law, to be paid in such places in the plantations, and to such officers as shall be appointed to collect them. For the better collection of those taxes, it was enacted : That the whole business shall be managed, and the impost shall be levied, by officers, who shall be appointed by commissioners of the customs in England, under the authority of the lords of the treasury. The duties of tonnage First act for and poundage had been imposed, and extended to every do- customs & minion of the crown, at the Restoration ; but this was the first revenue act which imposed customs on the colonies alone, to be regularly officers. collected by colonial revenue officers. 4 1 Mr. Allen had been several years a faithful preacher of the gospel in Eng- land, and left his native country during the persecutions for nonconformity. Soon after his arrival in New England, he was settled pastor of the church in Dedham, 1639. He published a Defence of the nine positions respecting church discipline, in which he was assisted by Mr. Shenard of Cambridge ; also a De- fence of the Synod of 1662, under the title of Animadversions upon the Anfisy- nodalia, 4to. 1664. He married the widow of governor Dudley. His epitaph is believed to be just : " Vir sincerus, amans pacis, patiensque laboris, Perspicuus, simplex, doctrinae purus amator." Magnal. b. 3. c. 22. Eliot and Allen, Biog. and Jennison, MS. Biog. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. c. 21. Stiles, MS. He was born at Canterbury in 1599 ; educated at the university of Cambridge ; chosen a lecturer at St. Atho- line's, London, in 1621 ; and settled in the ministry at Charlestown in 1635. Mather says, " we have not received very large informations concerning him," but subjoins, " here was one worthy of the name of a minister ; for he knew his Bible well, and he was a preacher of what he knew, and a sufferer for what he preached." See Eliot, Biog. Diet. 3 He was a man of enterprise and influence. He possessed the friendship of the elder governor Winthrop, and was his confidential correspondent. Mr. Hil- ton may be considered as the father of the settlement of New Hampshire. Farmer and Moore, Collections, i. 55. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 317 — 320. The commissioners of the customs did accord- ingly appoint collectors for Virginia, who were well received " in that loyal BRITISH COLONIES. 361 The Spanish garrison at Augustine receiving intelligence of a 1672. civil dissension in Carolina, a party advanced from that fortress, \-^-w/ under arms, as far as the island of St. Helena, to dislodge or Spaniards destroy the settlers ; but 50 volunteers, under the command of JJg™ colonel Godfrey, marching against them, they evacuated the Carolina, island, and retreated to Augustine. 1 The union between the three colonies of Massachusetts, Ply- Sept 5. mouth, and Connecticut, was renewed at Plymouth, by commis- JJ"£° ffl ° a f nd sioners duly authorized, who subscribed new articles of confede- renewed. ration. 2 An insurrection was made in New Jersey, to evade the insurrec- payment of quit rents. The insurgents expelled Carteret, and J™^ N ' appointed another governor. 3 The general court of Massachusetts having ordered a revised First copy edition of the laws to be printed, John Usher, an opulent book- J^ 11 b y seller, obtained leave to publish them on his account. This was the first instance in North America of the security of copy right by law. 4 The first code of Connecticut laws was printed ; and Conn, laws the assembly enacted, that every family should have a law book. 5 P nnted - There were now 24 towns in that colony. 6 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for the advancement Virginia. of the manufacture of flax and hemp. 7 A mission was attempted, about this time, from Massachusetts Indian mis- to the Massawomeks. Six or seven Indians, one of whom was S10n " dominion." lb. The reception of their collectors in New England was very- inhospitable. «' Massachusetts saw from the beginning, the true bearing of the acts of Navigation of 1651, and 1660, and of the custom house duties prescribed in 1672, upon her interests and natural rights, and she evaded or resisted them, until the whole weight of the mother country was turned to their enforcement." Walsh, Appeal, 59. See a. d. 1682, Art. Randolph. 1 Hewatt, S. Carolina and Georgia, i. 63. 2 Hazard, ii. 5221 — 526, where the Articles are inserted entire. The names of the commissioners, who subscribed them, were John Winthorpe, James Richards, Thomas Prince, Josias Winslow, Thomas Danforth, and William Haw- thorn. The proportion of men for any general service was settled, for 15 years to come, as follows : Massachusetts, 100 ; Plymouth, 30 ; Connecticut, 60 ; lb. Hutchinson, i. 283. A particular reason for the renewal of the confederation, with some alterations, was, that New Haven and Connecticut had now become one colony. It was now provided, that, whereas in the former articles of 1643 New Haven was mentioned, and was there owned as a distinct confederate, and is by these included as one with Connecticut, this union shall always be interpreted as by their own consent, and not otherwise. Charters and General Laws of Massachusetts, Appendix, c. 6. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 616. 4 Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 248. 5 Trumbull* i. 218, 322. It was printed at Cambridge, and consisted of be- tween 70 and 80 pages, in small folio. The colony had previously kept its laws in manuscript, and had promulgated them by sending copies to be publicly read in the respective towns. The compiler of this code was Roger Lud- low, esquire. 6 Stiles, Literary Diary, from the Statute Law Book of 1672. 7 Laws of Virginia. VOL. I. 46 362 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1672. New charter of Harvard College. Progress of N.England. May 28. War against the Dutch. N. Shore- ham. Newcastle incorpo- rated. Philip sells land. Scahcook Indians. a teacher, accompanied by other persons who could speak both the English and Indian languages, were employed in this pious design ; but, after proceeding to Connecticut river, they returned home, discouraged. 1 The general court of Massachusetts passed a new act, for confirming the charter of Harvard College, and for encouraging donations to that seminary. 2 From the settlement of the first church in Massachusetts at Salem to this time, 40 churches were gathered, and 120 towns built, in New England. 3 War having been recently declared in England against the Dutch, it was proclaimed at Boston in May. 4 Manisses was made a township by the name of New Shore- ham. 5 The town of Newcastle, on the Delaware, was incorporated by the government of New York. It was to be subject to the direction of a bailiff, who was constituted president of the cor- poration, and six assistants. 6 Philip, of Mount Hope, sold to the treasurer of Plymouth colony a tract of one mile by four, for government to sell or grant to individuals. 7 The Scahcook Indians, about this time, left their country, lying eastward of Massachusetts, and settled above Albany, on the branch of Hudson's river that runs toward Canada. 8 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i, 157, 158. This mission took its rise from Indian intelligence of such a people, " great and numerous," 3 or 400 miles southwest- erly from Boston, who spake, or at least understood, the language of the New England Indians. The missionaries were provided with Indian bibles, primers, catechisms, and other books, translated into the Indian language ; and with necessaries, to the expense of 30 or £40. Gookin, ib. 2 Neal, N. Eng. i. 391. The first college edifice being small and decayed, a collection was made this year for erecting a new building. It amounted to £1895. 2s. 9d. In Boston were collected £800, of which £100 were given by Sir Thomas Temple, " as true a gentleman," says C. Mather, " as ever sat foot on the American strand." Hutchinson, i. 284. The town of Portsmouth, " which was now become the richest " in New Hampshire, made a subscription of £60 per annum for seven years. Dover gave £32 ; and Exeter, £10. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 117. These donations in New Hampshire were made earlier (1669), but for the same purpose. Ibid. See a. d. 1677. 3 Josselyn, N. Eng. Rar. 105. See a. d. 1629. 4 Hutchinson, i. 283. This was the first instance of a public declaration of war in that colony. In the preceding Dutch wars with England, until forces came to reduce Manhattan, correspondence and commerce continued between the English and Dutch colonies. Ibid. 5 Callender, 39. Manisses is Block Island. 6 Smith, N. Jersey, 72. Encyc. Brit. v. 718. The inhabitants were now en- titled to a free trade, without being obliged, as formerly, to make entry at New York. 7 Old Colony Memorial (3 Jan. 1824.) from the Records. It was bounded and with warranty, and sold for £47. It was adjoining a tract which Philip sold the same year to Walker, Dearie, and Williams of Taunton, being 3 miles by 4, for £143. a Colden, Five Nations, 95. BRITISH COLONIES. 363 M. de Courcelles, governor of Canada, built a fort on the 1672. north side of the east entrance of Lake of Ontario. 1 v-^^-w/ Richard Bellinaham, governor of Massachusetts, died, aged Death of R. upward of 80 years. 2 John Mason, distinguished in the Pe- j^^ g h n am ' quot war, died in this or the following year, in the 73d year of £ Johnson, his age. 3 Edward Johnson, author of " Wonderworking Provi- JgJjL, dence of Sion's Saviour in New England," died. 4 Charles CLiauncy, president of Harvard College, died, in the 82d year of his age. 5 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 443. Minot, Mass. i. 181. Courcelles pro- jected this fort as a barrier against the Iroquois ; hut he persuaded those Indians, after caressing them and making them presents, that he intended it merely as a place of trade, for their mutual accommodation. " lis ne s'aperqurent pas d'abord que, sous pretexte de chercher leur utilite,le gouverneur n'avoit en vue, que de les tenir en bride, et de s'assurer un entrepot pour ses vivres et ses mu- nitions" &c. Charlevoix. a Mather, Magnal. b. 2. 18. Neal, N. Eng. i. 390. Hubbard, c. 71. Hutch- inson, i. 269. He lived to be the only surving patentee named in the charter. Educated a lawyer, he was respectable in his profession. As a man, he was benevolent and upright; as a Christian, devout and zealous; as a governor, attached to the liberties of the people, and firm in maintaining them. Hubbard describes him as a man " of larger comprehension than expression." Mather says, he " lived beyond eighty, well esteemed for his laudable qualities ; but among all his virtues, he was noted for none more, than for his notable and per- petual hatred of a bribe." For this virtue he would honour him with a Theban statue : " As the Thebans made the statues of their Magistrates without hands, importing that they must be no Takers ; in this fashion must be formed the Statue for this gentleman." By his will he left his large property at Rumney Marsh for pious and charitable uses ; but the instrument was drawn in such a manner, that the general court set it aside, and made a disposition of the estate. See Eliot and Allen, Biog. and Snow's Hist, of Boston, 159. 3 Trumbull, i. 322. He was the author of " A brief History of the Pequot War : Especially of the memorable taking of their Fort at Mistick in Connecti- cut in 1637. Written by Major John Mason, a principal actor therein, as then chief Captain and Commander of Connecticut Forces. With an Introduction and some Explanatory Notes by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Prince." It was printed at Boston in 1736 ; and has been reprinted in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 120—153. 4 Chickering's Sermon at the Dedication of the church in Woburn, 1800. " Many of his descendants now live in Woburn and Burlington." lb. The work with the above title, though published anonymously, is ascertained to have been written by Edward Johnson of Woburn. The above was the running title, and by this the book has been generally designated ; but the title on the first page is, " A History of New England. From the English planting in the Yeere 1628. untill the Yeere 1652." In the present edition of the Annals, both titles have been used, and must be understood as referring to the same work. This History had become veiy scarce ; but it has been reprinted in the Collections of Mass. Hist. Society, 2d series, vol. viii. 5 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. c. 23. Hubbard, c. 70. Hutchinson, i. 159. He was born in Hertfordshire, and educated at Trinity college in Cambridge, where he took the degree of bachelor of divinity. He was chosen Hebrew Professor at the university where he was educated ; but, by a subsequent arrangement, was inducted into the office of Greek Professor. He went from the university an eminent preacher of the gospel, and was settled in the ministry first at Marston, afterward at Ware. In 1635, when Laud was archbishop of Canterbury, he was brought before the High Commission Court, to which he submitted ; but he soon repented of that submission, and, before he came to New England, made a solemn " Retractation," which was afterward printed in London. He came to 364 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1673. A Dutch squadron arrives at Virginia. July 30. Takes the fort at N. York. Entire sub- mission of N: Nether- lands. Lease to lord Cul- peper. State of N. England. A second Dutch war having recently commenced, a small squadron was sent from Holland, under the conduct of Binkes and Evertzen, to destroy the commerce of the English colonies in America. This service they effectually performed on the Virginia coast ; and, procuring intelligence of the defenceless state of New York, they seized the opportunity to regain what had been formerly lost. On their arrival at Staten Island, the command- er of the fort at New York sent a messenger, and made his peace with the enemy. On that very day, the Dutch ship moored under the fort, landed their men, and entered the garri- son, without giving or receiving a single shot. The city instantly followed the example of the fort ; and, soon after, all New Netherlands consented to the same humiliating submission. All the magistrates and constables from East Jersey, Long Island, Esopus, and Albany were immediately summoned to New York ; and the greatest part of them swore allegiance to the States General, and the Prince of Orange. This conquest extended to the whole province of New Jersey. 1 Some towns on Long Island refused to submit to the Dutch, and applied to Connecti- cut for protection. 2 Lord Culpeper, having in 1669 purchased the shares of his associates in the Virginia grant, now obtained from king Charles a lease, for 31 years, of the quit rents, escheats, and other casual- ties of the whole. 3 New England is supposed to have contained, at this time, about 120,000 souls, of whom about 16,000 were able to bear New England in 1638, and was soon after settled in the ministry at Scituate. President Chauncy was an indefatigable student, and an eminently learned and worthy man. He was thoroughly conversant with the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin languages, especially with the Hebrew, and was well versed in the sciences. He presided over the college with dignity ; and some of the most distinguished men in the country were educated under his care. He was 16 years pastor of the church in Scituate, and 17 years president of Harvard college. He left six sons, all of whom were educated at this seminary. The epitaph, on his tomb- stone in Cambridge, dates his death 19 Feb. 1671, which, in New Style, would be 1672. Dr. I. Mather, in his Discourse on Comets, remarks : " There was a total eclipse of the sun in New England August 12, a. d. 1672, the day before the commencement, and that year the Colledge was eclipsed by the death of the learned President there, worthy Mr. Chauncy." See Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. 1 Smith, N. York, i. 29. Smith, N. Jersey, 110. Chalmers, b. 1. 579. 2 Coll. N. York. Hist. Society, iii. 335. " Probably," says the writer of the article, " all those [towns] originally settled by people from New England ; " and they " continued under the jurisdiction of that colony until the arrival of governor Andros, in 1674." 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 330. See A. d. 1649. The patent was surrendered in 1669. BRITISH COLONIES. 365 arms. The town of Boston contained 1500 families. 1 The 1673. militia of Connecticut amounted to 2070 men. 2 v^-v~w A number of religious people from Northampton, Hadley, Northfieid Hatfield, and that vicinity, planted the township of Northfieid, planted. on Connecticut river. 3 Count Frontenac completed the fort at Ontario, begun the FortFron- preceding year by Courcelles, and called it after his own tenacbuilt - name. 4 The French also built a fort, this year, at Michilimac- kinac. 5 Father Marquette, and Joliet a citizen of Quebec, employed Discovery by M. Talon for the discovery of the Mississippi, entered that $£gjj? a ' noble river on the 17th of June ; and, after descending it until they came within three days' journey of the gulf of Mexico, they returned toward Canada. 6 Thomas Allen, minister of Charlestown, died, aged 65 years. 7 Deaths. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 434, 435. " Observations made by the curious in New Eng- land, about the year 1673," given to Randolph for his direction, contain, in addition to what is inserted in the text, the following statements : " There be 5 iron works, which cast no guns. There are 15 merchants, worth about £50,000, or about £500,f one with another. 500 persons, worth £3000 each. No house in N. England has above 20 rooms. Not 20 in Boston hath 10 rooms each. The worst cottages in N. England are lofted. No beggars. Not three persons put to death for theft annually. There are no musicians by trade. A dancing school was set up ; but put down. A fencing school is allowed. All cordage, sail cloth and nets, come from England. No cloth made there worth 4s. a yard. No linen above 2s. 6d. No allum, nor copperas, nor salt, made by their sun." lb. From N. Eng. Ent. f Probably should be £5000. 2 Trumbull, i. 325. One quarter were mounted as dragoons. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ii. 30. The Indian name of the place was Squaw- keague. The English town was laid out on both sides of the river, 6 miles in breadth, and 12 in length. The planters built small huts, and covered them with thatch ; made a place for public worship ; and built a stockade and fort. The township was granted " to Messrs. Pinchion, Peirsons, and their associates, in 1672." 4 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 444. Smith, N. York, 44. Chalmers, b. 1. 587, 5 Minot, Maos. i. 181. 6 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 454 — 457. Univ. Hist. xl. 12. The French received information of this river from the natives. Charlevoix (ib.) says, Marquette and Joliet went toward the 33d deg. of latitude, " jusques aux Akansas." Encyc. Methodique [Geog. Art. Mississippi.] says, they descend- ed from 43 deg. 20 min. to 33 deg. 49 min. Ferdinand de Soto had discovered the country on the Mississippi, 130 years before ; but, dying toward the close of the expedition, the Spaniards did not see fit to settle it. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Lotjisiajve. See a. d. 1542. 7 Mather, Magnal. b.3. c. 2. Calamy's Nonconformist's Memorial (Palmer's edit.), iii. 11, 12. He was born at Norwich in England, educated at the univer- sity of Cambridge, and ordained minister of St. Edmond's in Norwich. About the year 1636, he was silenced by bishop Wren for refusing to read the Book of Sports, and to conform to other impositions in his diocese. In 1638, he came to New England, and was installed in Charlestown, where he faithfully per- formed the duties of the ministry till about 1651, when he returned to England. He continued the exercise of his ministry at Norwich till the Act of Uniformity in 1662 ; and preached afterward, occasionally, till his death. He was a pious, and estimable man, and " an able, practical preacher." See Eliot and Allen* Biog. Diet. 366 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1673. Thomas Prince, governor of Plymouth colony, died, in the 73d v^v-^/ year of his age. 1 1674. f All the freemen of Carolina, meeting by summons at Charles- Carolina town, elected representatives, to make laws for the government choose re- f the colony. There were now a colonial governor, an upper 8ves^ nta " & n ^ a l° wer house of assembly ; and these three branches took the name of parliament, according to the constitutions. This First par- was the first parliament that passed acts, which were ratified by liamenton the proprietaries, and preserved in the records of the colony. 2 The proprietaries transmitted to Carolina vines and other useful plants, and men skilled in the management of them. 3 Feb. 9. -A- treat y °f P ea ce between England and the States General of Treaty be- Holland was signed at Westminster. The sixth article of this ! we f" £ n S' treaty restored New Netherlands to the English, 4 and the English land & Hoi- , J . . ~ . it-v i k **\ • a • -n • 1 land re- territories in uuiana to the Dutch. Un this pacification, the stores N. duke of York, to remove all doubt and controversy respecting to^he Eng- S ms property m America, took out a new patent from the king, lish. This grant recited and confirmed the former. It empowered the duke to govern the inhabitants by such ordinances, as he or his assigns should establish ; and to administer justice according 1 Cotton, Supplement to Morton's Memorial, 345. Mather, Magna!, b. 2. 6. Mr. Prince arrived at Plymouth in 1621. In 1634 he was chosen governor, and again in 1638 ; and, on the death of governor Bradford, 1657, he was chosen to succeed him, and continued to be annually chosen as long as he lived. Gover- nor Prince was often employed in other important offices. He was of the coun- cil of war ; treasurer of the colony at one time ; and, for many years, one of the assistants, and a commissioner of the United Colonies. He appears to have been alike distinguished for piety and patriotism ; for usefulness in the church and in the community. He was a patron of learning, and procured revenues for the support of grammar schools in Plymouth colony. He was one of the first planters of Eastham, in 1644 ; but, when afterwards chosen governor, he removed back to Plymouth, where he died. " His integrity was proverbial, and his industry, energy, and sound judgment, rendered him a very useful in- strument in conducting the affairs of the rising colony." Davis. The Plymouth Church Records testify : " He was excellently qualified for the office of Gover- nour. He had a countenance full of majesty, and therein, as well as otherwise, was a terror to evil doers." A very valuable memoir of him and his family, by Judge Davis, is inserted in his edition of Morton, 421 — 425. See also Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. 2 Hewatt, i. 74, 75. Ramsay, Hist. S. Carolina, i. 35. Chalmers, b. 1. 540. Sir John Yeamans, reduced to a feeble and sickly condition by the warm climate and his indefatigable labours for the success of the settlement, returned to Bar- badoes, where he died. Joseph West, who is justly celebrated for his courage, wisdom, and moderation, succeeded him in the government. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 531. See a. d. 1680. 4 Smith, N. York, i. 31. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 349. 5 Bancroft, Guiana, 10. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. Surinam. Ban- croft says, " in exchange ; " but it was on the principle of uti possidetis ; for the treaty provided, " that whatsoever may have been taken, during the war„ shall be restored to the former possessor." Chalmers, b 1. 579. BRITISH COLONIES. 367 to the laws of England, allowing an appeal to the king in coun- 1674. cil. It prohibited trade thither without his permission. It allowed v^^-w/ the provincials to import merchandises, but required them " to pay customs according to the laws of the realm." Under the authority of this charter the duke ruled New York until his accession to the throne of England. The duke of York now commissioned major Edmund Andros to be governor of New e. Andros York and all his territories from the western bank of the Con- made gov- necticut to the farther shore of the Delaware. In October the York. Dutch resigned their authority to Andros, who immediately re- ceived the submission of the inhabitants. 1 After the English conquest of New Netherlands, many of the Dutch col- Dutch colonists determined to emigrate. They were offered onists emi- lands by proprietors of Carolina, who sent two ships for their trans- Carolina, portation, and brought a considerable number of them to Charles- town. The surveyor general of the colony had instructions to mark out lands for them on the southwest side of Ashley river. They drew lots for a division, and formed a town, which was called James Town. This was the first colony of Dutch settlers in Carolina. 2 It being now stipulated between the king of England and the English at States General of Holland, that the articles of the treaty of r"™*™ Breda pertaining to the surrender of the colony of Surinam to Jamaica, those States should be fully executed ; ships were sent, and, in this, and the following year, 1200 persons, including negroes, were transported from Surinam to Jamaica. 3 Petaquamscut and the adjacent parts, in the colony of Rhode Kingston Island, were incorporated by the name of Kingston. 4 incorpo- The only printing press in Massachusetts had hitherto been at .' Cambridge. This year liberty was granted by the general court pressTn for erecting one elsewhere ; and about this time John Foster set Boston. up a press in Boston. 5 Daniel Gookin, of Cambridge, completed his Historical Col- D.Gookin's lections of the Indians, in New England ; which furnish an f°indians! 1 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 19. This submission reached "as far westward as the Delaware," but could not be exacted " to the Connecticut." See a. d. 1675. Smith, N. York, i. 32. Smith, N. Jersey, 110. Trumbull, i. 326. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 362. Brit. Emp. ii. 210, 400, 401. 2 Hewatt, i. 73, 74. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. 4. Afterward finding their situ- ation too limited, they spread themselves over the country, and the town was deserted. Their industry surmounted incredible hardships, and their success induced many from ancient Belgia afterwards to follow them to the western world. Hewatt. 3 Anderson, a. d. 1674. See a. d. 1667. " Peace of Breda," Note 2. 4 Callender, 39. 5 Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 276. For the better regulation of the press, it was ordered and enacted, that the reverend Thomas Thacher and Increase Mather of Boston be added to the former licensers. 168 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1674. account of their numbers, customs, manners, religion, government, and condition. 1 Quebec was made a bishopric. 2 John Oxenbridge, minister of Boston, died. 3 Thomas Willet, first mayor of New York, died, in the 64th year of his age. 4 Waban, a Nonantum Indian, distinguished among the Christian- ized Naticks, died at Natick, aged 70 years. 5 Andros de- mands Con- necticut territory* 1675. Andros, governor of New York, made efforts to acquire the country lying westward of Connecticut river ; but he was ef- fectually frustrated by the spirited conduct of the colony of Connecticut. That country had been conferred on the duke of York, though it had been possessed by the Connecticut colon- ists since the year 1637, and confirmed to them by a royal charter in 1662. 6 On their receiving intelligence, that Andros was about to invade the colony, and to demand a surrender of its most important posts to the duke of York, detachments of the militia of Connecticut were sent to New London and Say- brook. In July, Andros arrived at Saybrook with an armed force, and demanded a surrender of the fortress and town ; but captain Bull, of Hartford, arriving at this juncture with a party of militia, raised the king's colours, and made an instant show of resistance, which prevented his farther procedure. The assem- 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 142. This work was dedicated to king Charles II> and seems to have heen prepared for publication ; hut it was not published until the year 1792, when it was printed in the Collections of the Massachusetts Hist. Society [i. 141 — 227.]. From this respectable authority we learn the numbers of the principal Indian nations in New England, in 1674. Within the jurisdic- tion of Massachusetts there were 7 old towns of " Praying Indians," containing 99 families and 495 souls, and 7 other towns of Praying Indians, called the New Praying towns in the Nipmuck country, containing 605 souls : In all, 14 towns and about 1100 souls, " yielding obedience to the gospel." In Plymouth colony there were 497 Praying Indians, of whom 142 read Indian, 72 wrote, 9 read English. Martha's Vineyard contained at least 300 families, and they were generally praying Indians ; and the island of Nantucket, about 300 families., many of whom were praying Indians. See Tables at the end. 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. Henault, ii. 174. 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 221. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 300 ; vi. 5 (Introd. ). He was educated at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England. In the persecution of Nonconformists, a. d. 1662, he went to Surinam ; thence he went to Barbadoes ; thence, in 1669, to New England, where he succeeded Mr. Davenport, as pastor of the first church in Boston. Magnal. He was one of " the most popular ministers" in New England. Chalmers, b. 1. 435. 4 He was of Swanzey, in Plymouth colony. " Mr. Willet was the first mayor of the city of New York after the Conquest. He lies buried in Swanzy, now Barrington in Rhode Island, 6 miles south of Providence on Narraganset Bay, where he died Aug. 4, 1674, ^Et. 64, as I copied from his Gravestone." Dr. Stiles, Memorandum, written in his copy of Smith's Histoiy of New York. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 263. See an " Exhortation of Waban," Neal, c. 6. 6 Chalmers, b. 1. 581. BRITISH COLONIES. 3C9 bly of the colony, then in session, immediately drew up a protest, 1675. and sent it by express to Saybrook, with instructions to captain \^-v~w/ Bull, to propose to major Andros a reference of the affair in controversy to commissioners. Andros, with his suite, was per- mitted to land. The proposal of a reference to commissioners was rejected. Andros, in his majesty's name, commanded that the duke's patent, and his own commission, should be read ; Bull, in his majesty's name, commanded him to forbear reading. The clerk still persisting in his attempt to read, Bull repeated his interdict with such energy of voice and decision of manner, as to silence him. He then read the assembly's protest; and Andros, despairing of success, abandoned his design, and return- ed to New York. 1 The memorable war between Philip, king of the Wampa- Commence- noags, and the New England colonists, now commenced. Sausa- j^ ei f p, f M man, a friendly Indian, having given notice to the English of a ip's^war." plot which he had discovered among Philip's Indians against the English, was soon after murdered. Three Indians, one of whom was a counsellor and particular friend of Philip, were convicted of the murder, at Plymouth court, and executed. 2 Philip, ap- prehensive of personal danger, used no farther means to excul- pate himself either from the charge of conspiracy, or of having concern in the death of Sausaman ; but had recourse to arms. Finding his strength daily increasing by the accession of neigh- bouring Indians, he prepared for war. The Indians, having sent their wives and children to the Narragansets for security, began to alarm the English at Swanzey. After offering them insolent menaces, they proceeded to kill their cattle, and rifle their houses. Provoked by these abuses, an Englishman discharged his gun at an Indian, and gave him a mortal wound. The Indians instant- June 2 4. ly fell on the English, and killed all in their power. Eight or First hos- nine were slain in Swanzey and its vicinity, on the 24th of June ; tlllties - and on that day, the alarm of war was given in Plymouth 2 colony. A company of foot under captain Daniel Henchman, Mass.forces another company of horse under captain Thomas Prentice, with arrive at 110 volunteers, marching from Boston, joined the Plymouth wanzejr * forces at Swanzey, on the 28th. Toward the evening of the same day, 12 men of the cavalry, passing over a bridge that led into Philip's lands for the purpose of discovery, were fired on by the Indians from the bushes ; one was killed, and another, 1 Trumbull, Cbnn. i. 330. Governor Wolcott, in a MS. Memoir written for president Clap of Yale college, observes : " Sir Edmund Andros came in a ves- sel under King's colours to Saybrook, and demanded the fort ; but captain Bull hoisted King's colours at the Fort, and refused to surrender it, and he went off." 2 This court was in June. Philip and several of the Indians had been pre- viously examined ; and, though they would own nothing, yet they " could not free themselves from just suspicion." Hubbard. vol. i. 47 who aban- 370 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1675. whose horse was shot down under him, was wounded. The v^v~^ next morning, the shout of war was heard at half a mile's dis- tance ; and 9 or 10 Indians showed themselves on the English side of the bridge. Their challenge was instantly accepted. June 29. AH the horse, with the entire body of volunteers under captain Thej' Mosely, chased them precipitately over the bridge, and pursued enemy ; 6 them a mile and a quarter beyond it. When the advanced soldiers were just retreating to the main guard, they discharged their guns on the Indians, who were running into a swamp, and killed 5 or 6 of them. This resolute charge of the English don' Mount made great impression on the enemy ; and Philip, with all his Hope. forces, left Mount Hope that very night, abandoning the country to the English. 1 The Indians, about this time, killed several of the English at Taunton ; and burned about half the town of Swanzey, and the principal part of the towns of Namasket and Dartmouth. 2 July 15; Captain Hutchinson arriving as commissioner from Massachu- theN tywi - h setts g° vernment J w i m orders to treat with the Narragansets, it gansets. was resolved, the next morning, to march all the forces into the Narraganset country, and to make the treaty, sword in hand. A treaty was accordingly concluded on the 1 5th of July. 3 A party During this negotiation for peace, captain Fuller and lieutenant despatched Church were despatched with 50 men to Pocasset, to conclude ' a peace with the Indians, if pacific and friendly, or to fight them, if hostile. They found the enemy on Pocasset Neck ; but, such were their numbers, that, after some skirmishing, in which the English expended their ammunition, they were taken off by water to Rhode Island. Church, hastening to the Massachusetts forces, borrowed three files of men of captain Henchman, with his lieutenant, and returned to Pocasset, where he had another skirmish with the enemy, in which 14 or 15 Indians were slain. This loss struck such a terror into Philip, that he betook himself to the swamps about Pocasset, where he lay secreted until the 1 Hubbard, N. Eng. c. 51 ; Ind. Wars, 78—87. Hutchinson, i. 286, 287. Church, Hist. Philip's War, 11—13. Callender, 73. 2 Mather, Indian War. Namasket was Middleborough. 3 Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 65—67 ; Hutchinson, i. 289—291 ; where the Articles are inserted. The date is " Petaquamscot, July 15, 1675." The commissioners for Massachusetts were major Thomas Savage, captain Edward Hutchinson, and Mr. Joseph Dudley ; those for Connecticut (who had been seasonably sent forward) were major Wait Winthrop, and Mr. Richard Smith. There were four Indians, who subscribed the treaty as counsellors and attornies to Canonicus, Ninnigret, Mattatoag, old queen Quiapen, Quananshit, and Pomham, " the six present sachems of the whole Narraganset country." The Narragansets were still very powerful. This tribe had promised Philip to rise, in the spring of 1676, with 4000 men ; but this number, it is supposed, was meant to contain all the Indians within the bounds of Rhode Island, who, being under the au- thority of the great Narraganset sachem, were often called by this general name. Callender, 75. Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 126. Hutchinson, i. 458. BRITISH COLONIES. 371 arrival of the other English forces from Narraganset. These 1675. forces arrived on the 18th of July, and resolutely charged the v^^-w/ enemy in their recesses ; but the Indians, taking advantage of July 18. the thick under wood, and firing at those who first entered, killed cl "° r g S e h the 5 on the spot, and wounded 4 ; and, deserting their wigwams, Indians in a retired deeper into the swamp. The English followed them in swam P- vain, until night approached, when the commander ordered a retreat. Most of the Massachusetts companies were now drawn off, and captain Henchman only, with 100 foot, together with the Plymouth forces, was left to watch the motions of the enemy. It being impossible for the English to fight in the swamp, but to the greatest disadvantage, they resolved to starve out the enemy ; but Philip, aware of the design, contrived means to escape, with Philip the greatest part of his company. Fleeing into the country of ™^pg his the Nipmucks, this ferocious and vindictive prince, kindled the flame of war in the western plantations of Massachusetts. The Nipmuck Indians had already committed hostilities against the English. On the 14th of July they had killed four or five j~~r 14 ' persons at Mendon in Massachusetts. 1 The governor and coun- several per- cil, in hopes of reclaiming the Nipmucks, sent captain Hutchin- s ° ns at son with 20 horsemen to Quabaog, near which place there was to be a great rendezvous of those Indians, who had promised to hold a treaty with the inhabitants of Brookfield. This village contained about 20 dwelling houses, and 70 inhabitants. Hutchin- son, with some of the principal men of that town, went to the place appointed ; but, not finding the Indians, they proceeded four or five miles toward their chief town, until they were ambuscaded ^fan'am- by 200 or 300 Indians, who shot down 8 of the company, and buscade mortally wounded 8 more. 2 The rest escaped through a by J? ea J Brook - path to Quabaog. The Indians, closely pursuing them, violently assaulted the town, killed several persons, and set fire to every Brookfield house, excepting one, into which all the inhabitants had gathered burnt< for security. This house they soon surrounded ; and, after re- peated attempts to set fire to it, they filled a cart with hemp, flax, and other combustible matter, which they kindled, and 4. thrust toward it with long poles. At this critical moment, major J 1 ^"^ 131 * Willard happily arrived with 48 dragoons, and dispersed them. 3 lieved. 1 Mather, Ind. War, 5. Hutchinson, i. 291. Mather says, " blood was never shed in Massachusetts, in a way of hostility, before this day." 2 Captain Hutchinson was one of the wounded. He was carried to Quabaog [Brookfield], and afterward to Marlborough, where he died 19 August. Hutch- inson. The ambuscade was laid at a place called Meminimisset, " a narrow pas- sage between a steep hill and a thick swamp, at the head of Wickaboug pond." Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 259. 3 Hubbard, Ind. Wars. Church, Hist, of King Philip's War. I. Mather, Ind. War. Neal, N. Eng. ii. 8. Magnalia, b. 7. c. 6. Hutchinson, Hist. Mass. i. c. 2. Benjamin Church, who here makes his first appearance as lieutenant, 372 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1675. Hostilities on the Con- necticut & Merrimack. Skirmish at Sugarloaf Hill. Sept. 1/ Deerfield burnt. Hadley as- saulted : Indians re- pulsed by- gen. Goffe. The next day Philip, with about 40 men, beside a much greater number of women and children, joined the Nipmuck Indians in a swamp, 10 or 12 miles from Brookfield ; about 30 of them were armed with guns, the rest had bows and arrows. The Indians on Connecticut river, near Hadley, Hatfield, and Deerfield, and those at Penicook and other places on Merrimack river, began their hostilities about this time ; and before the end of August the whole colony of Massachusetts was in the utmost terror. The Hadley Indians, by fleeing from their dwellings, betraying their conspiracy with the hostile Indians, 1 were pursued by captains Lothrop and Beers, and overtaken about ten miles above Hatfield, at a place called Sugarloaf Hill, where a skirmish was fought, in which 9 or 10 of the English were slain, and about 26 Indians. The Indians who escaped, joining with Philip and his company, were so emboldened, that about seven days after, they fell upon Deerfield, killed one man, and burned several houses. On the same day, Hadley was alarmed by the Indians in the time of public worship, and the people thrown into the utmost confusion ; but the enemy were repulsed by the valour and good conduct of an aged, venerable man, who, suddenly appearing in the midst of the affrighted inhabitants, put himself at their head, led them to the onset, and, after the dispersion of the enemy, instantly disappeared. This deliverer of Hadley, then imagined to be an angel, was general Goffe (one of the judges of Charles I.), who was, at tha.t time, concealed in the town. 2 was afterwards distinguished for his skill and bravery in the wars with the In- dians, as colonel Church. His name with this title, and a portrait of " King Philip of Mount Hope," are associated with our earliest recollections. — Pocasset is now Tiverton &c. 18 miles from Taunton. The swamp on Pocasset Neck is 7 miles long. The Indians had newly made wigwams here (about 100 in all) of green bark, which they left after the action of 18 July ; but the materials would not burn. The swamp being not far from an arm of the sea, extending up to Taunton, the Indians, either taking advantage of a low tide, waded over, or wafted themselves over on small rafts of timber, very early, 1 August, before break of day. About 100 women and children, left behind, soon after resigned themselves to the mercy of the English. — The country of the JSPipmucks lay about where the towns of Worcester, Oxford, Grafton, Dudley, &c. now are. 1 Philip and the Nipmuck Indians were harboured, at that time, in the adja- cent woods. Hubbard. 2 Stiles, Hist. Judges of Charles the First, 109. Hutchinson, i. 219. See a. d. 1660. From New Haven Whalley and Goffe went to West Rock, a mountain about 300 feet high, and about two miles and a half from the town, and were for some time concealed in a cave " on the very top of the rock, about half or three quarters of a mile from the southern extremity." Stiles, ib. 72, 76. Above 30 years since, I visited this celebrated Rock, in company with the Rev. Dr. Andrew Brown, afterward Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University of Edinburgh, and descended into the cave on its top, which cor- responded with this description. There was also shown to us an aperture in the side of the rock, the entrance to which was concealed by bushes, where, our guide told us, the judges lived, some part of the time, and where they received their daily meals from a person living at the foot of the rock, initiated into the secret, and faithful to his trust. — These refugees lived afterward in concealment BRITISH COLONIES. 373 The Indians soon after made an attack upon Northfield, and 1675. killed 9 or 10 of the inhabitants, the rest of them escaping into the garrisoned house. The next day, captain Beers with 36 men, going to Northfield to secure the garrison there, was waylaid by the enemy, and killed, with a great part of his men, and the sur- vivors were compelled to leave the ground. Of the 36, only 16 escaped back to Hadley, leaving the wounded in the hands of the enemy. Major Treat, with 100 men, pursuing his march to Northfield, found the garrison safe, and brought off the soldiers with the inhabitants. The Indians soon after destroyed the fort, the houses, and every thing valuable in the town. Head quarters were now at Hadley. The commanding officer there detached captain Lothrop and his company, consisting of 80 ^P 1 *^" men, to Deerfield, with a number of teams and drivers to trans- tached to port provisions and forage to head quarters. Lothrop, having Deerfield i proceeded to Deerfield and loaded his teams, began his march for Hadley on the 18th of September. After leaving Deerfield meadow, his march for about three miles lay through a very level country, thickly covered with trees. At the termination of this at Milford, at Derby, and at Branford; and, in 1664, removed from Milford to Hadley, where they were soon after joined by colonel Dixwell, another of the king's judges. Dixwell took the name of Davids, and some years after removed to New Haven, where he married, and left several children. His grave stone was in the old burying ground in New Haven, with this inscription : " J. D. Esq. deceased March 18th, in the 82d year of his age 1688." The last account of Goffe is from a letter of his, dated " Ebenezer," the name they gave to their several places of abode, " April 2d, 1679." Dr. Stiles says, " Though told with some variation in different parts of New England, the true story of the Angel is this : During their abode at Hadley, the famous and most memorable war in New England, called King Philip's War, took place, and was attended with exciting an universal rising of the various Indian tribes, not only of the Narra- ganset, and the Sachemdom of Philip, at Mount Hope, or Bristol, but of the Indians through New England, except the Sachemdom of Uncas at Mohegan, near New London. Accordingly the Nipmug, Quaubaug, and northern tribes were in agitation, and attacked the new frontier towns along through New England, and Hadley among the rest, then an exposed frontier. That pious congregation . . being at public worship in the meeting house there on a Fast day, September 1, 1675, were suddenly surrounded and surprised by a body of Indians. It was the usage in the frontier towns, in those Indian wars, for a select number of the congregation to go armed to public worship. . . The people immediately took to their arms, but were thrown into great consternation and confusion. . . Suddenly, and in the midst of the people, there appeared a man of a very venerable aspect, who took the command, arranged, and ordered them in the best military manner, and under his direction they repelled and routed the Indians, and the town was saved. He immediately vanished, and the inhabi- tants could not account for the phenomenon, but by considering that person as an angel, sent of God for their deliverance." Hist. Judges, 109. Hutchinson says, " I find Goffe takes notice in his Journal of Leveret's being at Hadley. The town was alarmed by the Indians in 1675 in the time of public worship — ." His subjoined acccount of the sudden appearance of " a grave elderly person in the midst of them, by whose means the enemy were repulsed," and of the equally sudden disappearance of " the deliverer of Hadley," accords with that of Dr. Stiles. — Hubbard's omission of this unsuccessful assault upon Hadley not appearing to justify a transfer of Goffe's exploit to another and later one, the date is retained. See Hoyt's Hist. Ind. Wars, 135, 136. 374 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1675. is surprised by the In- dians ; is killed, 8f most of his company. CaptMose- ly's march; major Treat's ; enemy di persed. Deerfield deserted 8f destroyed. Perfidy of Springfield Indians. distance, near the south point of Sugarloaf Hill, a body of upwards of 700 Indians had placed themselves in ambuscade. On his arrival at this spot, the Indians instantly poured a heavy and de- structive fire upon the column, and rushed furiously to close attack. The surprise produced confusion and dismay. The scattered troops were fiercely pursued by the Indians; but, screening themselves by trees, they maintained a severe and desperate action till resistance became feeble and unavailing. The unequal conflict terminated in the annihilation of nearly the whole company. Only 7 or 8 escaped ; the wounded were indiscriminately butchered. Captain Lothrop fell in the early part of the action. The whole loss, including teamsters, was 90. 1 Captain Moseley, at Deerfield, hearing the guns, made a rapid march for the relief of Lothrop, and at the close of the fight, rushed in, broke through the enemy, drove them from one swamp to another, and, after several hours of brave fighting, compelled them to seek safety in a distant forest. Major Treat arriving from Northfield with 100 men, consisting of English, Pequot and Moheagan Indians, joined in the final pursuit of the enemy. Moseley lost but two men in the various attacks, and 7 or 8 only were wounded. The loss of the enemy, in the con- flicts of the day, was estimated at 96. The next day, a con- siderable body of the same Indians threatened an attack on the fortified house at Deerfield, then containing a garrison of only 27 men ; but the commander, making a delusive show of a strong force, intimidated them, and they withdrew. The exposed gar- rison was now ordered to Hadley ; Deerfield was abandoned by the inhabitants ; and it was soon after wholly destroyed by the Indians. Hatfield, Hadley, and Northampton were now the frontier towns on the Connecticut. 2 Early in October, the Springfield Indians, who had been uni- formly friendly to the English, having perfidiously concerted with the enemy to burn the town of Springfield, received in the night into their fort, about a mile from the town, above 300 of Philip's Indians. The plot, however, being disclosed by a friendly Indian at Windsor, despatches were immediately sent to major Treat, then at Westfield with the Connecticut troops, who arrived at Springfield so opportunely as to save a considerable part of the 1 Hoyt, 105, 106. Lothrop's company was a choice corps of young men from the county of Essex. Huhbard says, " they were the flower of the county." Captain Lothrop was from Salem. This disastrous Fight was near the village now called Muddy Brook, in the southerly part of Deerfield. The village has its name from a small stream there, which was for some time known by the name of Bloody Brook. " On the spot where they [Lothrop's men] were killed, at a place called Muddy Brook, was erected a monument of stone, which now remains." Breck, Century Sermon. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 7. Hubbard, Ind. Wars. Trumbull, i. 333. Hoyt, Ind. Wars, 105—108. war a com- mon cause. BRITISH COLONIES. 375 town from the flames ; but 32 houses were already consumed. 1 1675. On the 19th of October, 700 or 800 Indians furiously assailed v^^^w/ the town of Hadley, on all sides ; but they were repulsed by the Oct. 19. Connecticut and Massachusetts forces. 2 Suited aS " At a meeting of the commissioners of the three United Colonies, on the 9th of September, the commissioners for Plymouth colony u. P Cok>nies presented a narrative, " showing the manner of the beginning of make the the present war with the Indians of Mount Hope and Pocasset;" and it was concluded, that the war was just and necessary, and that it ought to be jointly prosecuted by all the United Colonies ; and that there should be immediately raised 1000 soldiers out of the colonies, in such proportions as the articles of Confederation established: Massachusetts, 527; Plymouth, 158; Connecticut, 315. At an adjourned meeting, the commissioners declared N the Narragansets to be " deeply accessory in the present bloody ° V * outrages" of the Indians that were at open war, and determined that 1000 more soldiers be raised, for the Narraganset expedition, " in like proportions in each colony, as the former were." The last named troops were to march into the Narraganset country, to obtain satisfaction of those Indians, or to treat them as ene- mies. The troops were raised. Those of Massachusetts, con- sisting of six companies of foot and a troop of horse, were commanded by major Appleton ; those of Plymouth, consisting of two companies, by major Bradford ; those of Connecticut, consisting of 300, and 150 Moheagan and Pequot Indians, di- vided into five companies, by major Treat. Josiah Winslow, governor of Plymouth, was appointed commander in chief. 3 On the 8th of December, the Massachusetts forces marched Dec > 5 - from Boston, and were soon joined by those of Plymouth. S'expedi- The troops from Connecticut joined them on the 18th, at Peta- tion. quamscot. At break of day the next morning, they commenced jg. their march, through a deep snow, toward the enemy, who were Colonial about 15 miles distant in a swamp, at the edge of which they a™Pm™ eet arrived at one in the afternoon. The Indians, apprized of an quamscot. armament intended against them, had fortified themselves as strongly as possible within the swamp. The English, without waiting to draw up in order of battle, marched forward in quest of the enemy's camp. Some Indians, appearing at the edge of the swamp, were no sooner fired on by the English, than they 1 Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 129—131. Breck's Century Sermon. " The sad tidings of Springfield calamity " reached Boston 7 October, at the close of a day of Humiliation, appointed by the Council. Mather, Ind. War, 16. Trumbull, i. 335. The town was soon rebuilt. 2 Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 138. Hutchinson, i. 296. 3 See a. d. 1672, Art. Union. The Massachusetts troops, headed by cap- tains Mosely and Davenport, led the van ; general Winslow, with the Plymouth companies, formed in the centre ; and the troops of Connecticut formed in the rear of the whole, brought up by major Treat. 376 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1675. returned the fire, and fled. The whole army now entered the swamp, and followed the Indians to their fortress. It stood on a rising ground in the midst of the swamp, and was composed of palisades, which were encompassed by a hedge, nearly a rod thick. It had but one practicable entrance, which was over a log or tree, four or five feet from the ground ; and that aperture was guarded by a block-house. Falling providentially on this very part of the fort, the English captains entered it, at the head of their companies. The two first, Johnson and Davenport, with many of their men, were shot dead at the entrance. Four other captains, Gardner, Gallop, Siely, and Marshal, were also killed. When the troops had effected an entrance, they attacked the Indians, who fought desperately, and beat the English out of the fort. After a hard fought battle of three hours, the English Fort taken, became masters of the place, and set fire to the wigwams. The burnt? WamS number of them was 500 or 600, and in the conflagration many Indian women and children perished. The surviving Indian men fled into a cedar swamp, at a small distance ; and the Eng- lish retired to their quarters. Of the English there were killed and wounded about 230 ; of which number 85 were killed, or died of their wounds. Of the Indians 1000 are supposed to have perished. Close of the The Massachusetts and Plymouth troops kept the field several campaign. we eks ; but without any considerable achievement. The Con- necticut troops, who had suffered most in the action, were so disabled, that it was judged necessary for them to return home. The great body of the Narraganset warriors soon after repaired to the Nipmuck country. 1 1 Hazard, ii. 534, 535. Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 141—166. Mather, Ind. War, 19, 20 ; Magnal. b. 7. c. 6. Hutchinson, i. 297—301. Trumbull, Conn. b. 1. c. 14. Hoyt, c. 7. Potock, an Indian counsellor of Narraganset, afterward taken at R. Island, and executed at Boston, acknowledged, that the Indians lost 700 righting men that day [18th.], beside 300 who died of their- wounds. What number of old men, women, and children, perished by fire, or by hunger and cold, the Indians themselves could not tell. Hubbard. The Narraganset Fight was at a great pine and cedar swamp, now included in the farm of John Clarke, Esq. of Kingston, R. Island. Within the swamp there is a tract of elevated ground, called an island, containing 4 or 5 acres. Mr. Clarke, now upwards of 50 years of age, remembers that, when he was a boy, his father first ploughed it up, and found many bushels of chaired corn, the reliques of the conflagration. C. Mather says, the tradition is, That the Indians had 500 bushels of corn in stack. Mr. Baylies, missionary to the Narragansets from the Society for propa- gating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, lately showed me a sample of this corn, given to him by Mr. Clarke ; also a plan of the swamp, with the island and fort, drawn by the proprietor. The swamp is 3 or 4 miles to the west of the village in South Kingston, formerly called Little Rest, near the borders of Richmond, and north of Charlestown, R. I. At the place of the fort, an Indian pipe and various Indian utensils have been dug up. — Mr. Baylies informs me, that a mile and a half or 2 miles southeastward of the Indian meet- ing house in Charlestown, there is still to be seen the burying place of the royal family of the Narragansets. It is upwards of 90 feet long, and 18 feet wide, and is enclosed by a trench and a stone wall. BRITISH COLONIES. 377 Two insurrections, raised in Virginia this year, without grounds and without concert, were easily suppressed. 1 The public re- venue, arising from the customs on the productions of Virginia, amounted to £ 1 00,000 a year. That colony contained 50,000 inhabitants. 2 The first English ship that arrived at West Jersey, came this year. 3 The militia in the Province of Maine amounted to 700. 4 The colony of New York offered as an encouragement to settlers from Europe, GO acres for each freeman, 30 for his wife, 50 for each child, and 50 for each servant. 5 Leonard Hoar, president of Harvard college, died at Brain- tree, aged 45 years 6 William Blackstone died. 7 W. Jersey. Maine. New York encourages settlers. Death i f L. Hoar. &c W, Blackstone, 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 329; " by the prudent vigour of the governor." 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 330. 3 Smith, N. Jersey, 70. No other arrived for nearly two years. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 507. Kittery contained 180; Yo'k, 30; Wells and Cape Corpus, 80 ; Saco and Winter Harbour, 100 ; Black Point, 100 ; Casco-Bay, 80 ; Sagadahock, 80. 5 Council minutes of N. York, in Farmer and Moore's Collections, ii. 190. 6 Mither, Magnal. b. 4. 129. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1650, and in 1653 went to England, and took the degree of doctor of medicine at the University of Cambridge. He was afterwards settled as the minister of Wensted in Sussex, but was ejected for his nonconformity in 1662. Nonconformist's Memorial, ii. 222. In 1672, on an invitation from the Old South church in Boston, he returned to America, and, soon after his arrival, was chosen presi- dent of Harvard College, and in September was inducted into office. Though respectable as a scholar and a Christian, the situation becoming unpleasant to him, he resigned the office in March 1675, and died at B'aintree 23 November. Dr. Hoar, while in England, married a daughter of led Lisle, who accompanied him to New England, and long survived him. " His aged and pious relict, the late Madam Usher, was buried in the same tomb, May 30, 1723." Hancock's Century Sermon. G. Whitney's History of Quincy. 7 Memoirs of Mr. William Blackstone, in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. x. 171. Mr. Blackstone was the episcopal minister, who was seated on the peninsula of Shawmut, now Boston, in 1630. See that year. In 1634 " all the inhabitants of Boston purchased of him all his right and title to the peninsula of Shawmut, he having been the first European occupant, each of whom paid him six shil- lings, and some of them more." With the proceeds of this sale he purchased cattle, and removed to Pawtucket river, now known by his own name, a few miles northwa-d of Providence, R. I. « near the southern part of that which is now the town of Cumberland." lb. and [Account of Ptovidence] ix. 174. Dr. Parsons of Providence, who has visited the place, gives me this description of it. " Blackstone lived and died about 2 miles north of Pawtucket, on the east- ern bank of the Blackstone river and within a few rods of Whipple's bridge. A few yards west of his house is a small round eminence, called Study Hilly for its being his place of retirement for study and meditation — or, as the neigh- bours say, for writing his sermons. The ground wlice his house stood being at a bend of the river, he could see a long extent of the river from his door, in a south direction. The cellar and well are visible to this day. He was buied 2 or 3 rods north of his house in a ground 20 feet square, which contains also the grave of his wife, and of a stranger more recently interred. His own grave is marked by a large round white stone." — The " Memoirs " of him say: " His wife, Mrs. Sarah Blackstone, died in the middle of June, 1673. His death oc- curred May 26, 1675, having lived in New England about fifty years." See Snow's Hist. Boston, c. 10. VOju. I. 48 378 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. Jan. 27. Indian spo- liation at Warwick. February. Lancaster burnt. Medfield. Weymouth. March Grrton. Warwick. Marlbo- rough. The Narragansets, in retreating from their country, drove off from one of the inhabitants of Warwick 15 horses, 50 neat cattle, and 200 sheep. On the 10th of February, 1500 Indians fell upon Lancaster ; plundered and burned a great part of the town ; and killed or took 40 persons ; l on the 21st, 200 or 300 of the Narraganset and other Indians surprised Medfield, and burned nearly one half of the town ; 2 on the 25th, the Indians assaulted the town of Weymouth, and burned 7 or 8 houses and barns. On the 13th of March, they burned the whole town of Groton 3 to the ground, excepting 4 garrisoned houses ; on the 17th, they entirely burned Warwick, with the exception of one house ; and on the 26th, they laid most of the town of Marl- 1 Harrington, Century Sermon. Hubbard. Willard, History of Lancaster. Mr. Harrington says, it was confessed by the Indians themselves, after the peace, that their number was 1500. There were more than 50 families in Lancaster. The Indians, according to Hubbard, destroyed about one half of the buildings. After killing a number of persons in different parts of the town, the Indians directed their course to the house of Mr. Rowlandson, the minister of the place, situated on the brow of a small hill. It was filled with soldiers and inhabitants to the number of 42, and was defended with determined bravery upwards of two hours. The enemy at length succeeded in setting the house on fire ; and the inhabitants, finding farther resistance useless, were compelled to surrender, to avoid perishing in its ruins. No other garrison was destroyed. One man only escaped; the rest, 12 in number, were either put to death on the spot, or reserved for torture. The number of the slain and captives was at least 50. No less than 17 of the Rev. Mr. Rowlandson's family, and connexions, were put to death, or taken prisoners. Mrs. Rowlandson was taken by a Narraganset Indian, and sold to Quamopin, a Sagamore, who was connected with Philip by marriage ; their squaws being sisters. Mrs. Rowlandson wrote an interesting Narrative of her Captivity. Referring to the approach of the Indians to her husband's garrisoned house, she says — " and quickly it was the dolefullest day that ever mine eyes saw." An abridgement of her Narrative, by the writer of the History of the town, with a particular account of the destruction of Lancas- ter, is inserted in Farmer and Moore's Hist. Collections, 1824, and in the "Worcester Magazine, 1826. The writer of these valuable historical essays is a son of the late President Willard of Harvard College. — The sympathy of the capital, and the vigilance of the government, toward the frontier settlements, appear in the colonial papers of those times. Governor Prince, in a letter dated at Boston " 1675-6, 10 Feb. at night," writes : " The Indian Spye sent out as I heretofore wrote is last night returned to capt. Gookins, and informs that the Narrogansets are got to the Quebaug and the Indians intended the morn- ing of this day 300 of them to fall upon Lancaster, alias Nasheway." Hinckley, MSS. v. i. — The town of Lancaster remained desolate about four years. Sho- lan, who conveyed the land to the English, always behaved in a peaceable and friendly manner towards them ; and Matthew, his nephew, who succeeded him as sachem, was always on good terms with them ; but Sagamore Sam, a nephew and successor of Matthew, joined Philip in his rebellion, was taken by the English, and executed as a rebel. Harrington, Century Sermon. ^^Though there were 2 or 300 soldiers at Medfield, the Indians did that mis- chief, and killed about 18 persons, men, women, and children. I. Mather. 3 Groton contained about 40 dwelling houses. Its inhabitants now desert- ed it. BRITISH COLONIES. 379 'borough in ashes. 1 On the same day, captain Pierce of Scituate, 1676. who had been sent out by the governor and council of Plymouth ^^ v ^w' colony with about 50 English, and 20 friendly Indians of Cape Cod, Pierce and was cut off by the enemy with most of his party. Two days afterward the Indians fell upon Rehoboth, and burned 40 dwelling R ehobolu houses, and about 30 barns ; and, the day after, about 30 houses burnt. in Providence. 2 The inhabitants of Wrentham, apprehensive of Providence; danger, withdrew from the town ; and, after their departure, the Wrentham. enemy came upon it, and burned nearly all their houses. 3 Although there were several parties of Indians scattered over the country, yet the main body of them lurked in the woods between Brookfield, Marlborough, and Connecticut river. Early A n in April, they did some mischief at Chelmsford, 4 Andover, and Chelmsford. in the vicinity of those places. 5 Having, on the 17th of the same month, burned the few deserted houses at Marlborough, they, the next day, violently attacked Sudbury ; burned several Sudbury at- houses and barns ; and killed 10 or 12 of the English, who had tacked - come from Concord to the assistance of their neighbours. Cap- tain Wadsworth, sent at this juncture from Boston with about 50 men, to relieve Marlborough, after having marched 25 miles, learning that the enemy had gone through the w T oods toward Sudbury, turned immediately back in pursuit of them. When the troops were within a mile of the town, they espied, at no great distance, a party of Indians, apparently about 100, who, by retreating, as if through fear, drew the English above a mile into the woods ; when a large body of the enemy, supposed to be about 500, suddenly surrounded them, and precluded the possibility of their escape. The gallant leader and his brave Capt.Wads- soldiers fought with desperate valour ; but they fell a prey to the * orth and _ numbers, the artifice, and bravery of their enemy. The few nysS* who were taken alive, were destined to tortures unknown to 1 The inhabitants of Marlborough deserted the town ; and what few houses were left, were burnt by the Indians 19 April. I. Mather. 2 In one of these houses were the records of Providence, which included those of the plantations around it, and they were destroyed. On this occasion a num- ber of families removed from Providence to Newport ; and 100 years afterward, in the war of the Revolution, about 1000 persons removed from Newport to Providence. Verbal information from the respected antiquarian Friend, Moses Brown, of Providence. 3 Bean, Century Sermon, 1773. Wrentham was incorporated in 1673; and is said to have received that name because some of the first settlers came from Wrentham in England. At the time of its incorporation, it contained 16 families. After its destruction by the Indians, the inhabitants returned in 1680. lb. 4 Hubbard ascribes this mischief to the Indians of Wamesit, a place near Chelmsford, bordering on the Merrimack; but he does them the justice to say, that they " had been provoked by the rash, unadvised, and cruel acts of some of the English," toward the close of the preceding year. 5 Hubbard says, that on the 15th of April. 15 houses were burnt on the north side of the river, near Chelmsford. 380 1676. Scituate. May. Briiige- water. Plymouth. Midlle- borough. 19 Fall fight AMERICAN ANNALS. their companions, who had the happier lot to die in the field of battle. 1 About the same time, the Indians burned 19 houses and b mis at Scituate ; but they were bravely encountered and repulsed by the inhabitants. On the 8th of May, they burned and destroyed 17 houses and barns at Bridgewater. 2 On the 11th, they as- saulted the town of Plymouth, and burned 1 1 houses and 5 barns ; and, two days alter, they burned 7 houses and 2 barns in that town, and the rem lining houses in NamasKet. Several large bodies of Indians having assembled at Connecti- cut river, in the vicinity of Deerfield, the inhabitants of Hadley, Hatfield, and Northampton, on receiving the intelligence, com- bined for their extirpation. On the 18th of May 160 soldiers, destined for that enterprise, marched silently 20 miles in the dead of night, and, a little before break of day, surprised the enemy, whom they found asleep and without guards, at their principal quarters. The first notice of their approach was given by a discharge of their guns into the wigwams. Some of the Indians, in their consternation, ran directly into the river, and were drowned. Others betook themselves to their bark canoes ; and, having in their hurry forgotten their paddles, were carried down the falls, and dashed against the rocks. Many of them, endeavouring to secrete themselves under the banks of the river, were discovered and slain. In this action, distinguished by the name of the Fall Fight, the enemy lost 300 men, women, and children. The Indians, recovering from their surprise, and fall- ing on the rear of the English on their return, killed captain Turner, commander of the expedition, and 38 of his men. 3 1 Some historians say, that captain Wadswo-th's company was entirely cut off, others, that a few escaped ; some represent it as consisting of 50 ; some, of 70 men; all agree, that 50 at least were killed. Captain Bioclebank and some others " fell into his company as he marched along ; " and this accession may account for the difference in* the narratives. President Wadsworth of Harvard College, a son of captain Wad^wo'th, caused a decent monument to be after- ward eiected over the grave of these heroes, from which I copied the following Inscription : " Captain Samuel Wadsworth of Milton, his Lieut. Sharp of Brook- lin, Capt. Broclebank of Rowley, with about Twenty Six. other Souldiers, fight- ing for the defence of their country, were slain by the Indian enemy April ISth, 1676, and lye buried in this place." The monument stain's about 2 miles to the west of Sudbury Causeway, about one mile southward of the church in Old Sudbury, and about a quarter of a mile from the great road fom Boston to Worcester. It is an oblong pile of -ough stones, with a slate stone at the end. 2 While the inhabitants courageously sallied forth from their garrisons to fight the enemy, a storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, providentially contributed to save the town fom entire conflagration. It is remarkable, that Bridgewater, though by its local situation peculiarly exposed, never lost one of its inhabitants in this war. C. Mather. 3 See a particular account of this Fight, by Rev. Mr. Taylor of Deerfield, in the Appendix to his edition of Williams' Redeemed Captive. Of the 300 In- dian -i there were 170 fighting men. Mather, Ind. War, 31. But one of the English was killed in the engagement. Hubbard, Ind. W r ars, 225, note. The BRITISH COLONIES. 381 On the 30th of May, a great body of Indians, supposed to be 1 676. 600 or 700, appeared before Hatfield. Having burned 12 ^^^/ houses and barns without the fortification, they attacked the {^* d at " houses that were enclosed with palisades, in the centre of the town ; but 25 resolute young men of Hadley adventuring over the river, and boldly charging the enemy, they instantly fled from the town, with the loss of 25 of their men. Though Massachusetts was the chief theatre of the war, Con- Connecticut necticut, her sister colony, was active in the suppression of the Je war! '" common enemy. Volunteer companies had been formed early in the year, principally from New London, Norwich, and Stoning- ton, which associated with them a number of Moheagans, Pequots, and Narragansets. These companies ranged the Narraganset country, and greatly harassed the hostile Indians. In one of these excursions, in March, captain Denison, of Stonin^.ton, rendered signal service to the cause, by the capture of Nanunt- tenoo, the head sachem of all the Narragansets. 1 Between the spring and the succeeding autumn, the volunteer captains, with their flying parties, made ten or twelve expeditions, in which they killed and took 230 of the enemy ; took 50 muskets ; and brought in 160 bushels of their corn. They drove all the Nar- raganset Indians, excepting those of Ninnigret, out of their country. This sachem had formerly given the colonies much trouble ; but in this war he refused to join the other Narraganset sachems. The Narraganset Indians, who joined the Connecticut volunteers, were his men. 2 The assembly of Connecticut, at their session in May, voted Assembly 350 men, who were to be a standing army, to defend the conn- ™ ,s ® stand " try, and harass the enemy. Major John Talcot was appointed to the chief command. Early in June, Talcot marched from Norwich with about ?50 soldiers, and 200 Moheagan and Pequot Indians, into the Wabaquasset country ; but found the country entirely deserted, as well as the fort and wigwams at Wabaquas- loss of some of Turner's men is thus accounted for. Going out on horseback, they had alighted about a quarter of a mile from the Indian rendezvous, and tied their horses" to the trees. The Indians fell on the guards, left with the horses, and killed some of them. These are included in the 38. 1 He had ventured down from the northern wilderness toward Seaconck, near the seat of Philip, to procure seed corn, to plant the towns which the English had deserted on Connecticut river. This sachem was a son of Miantonomoh, and inherited the pride of his father. He would not accept his life, when offered on the condition, that he should make peace with the English. When he was informed, that it was determined to put him to death, he said, " I like it well ; I shall die before my heart is soft, or I shall have spoken any thing unworthy of myself." The Moheagan sachem, his counsellors, and the principal Pequots, shot him at Stonington. Trumbull. 2 Tumbull, i. 360, 362. It is very remarkable, that, in all these expeditions, fhe English had not one man killed or wounded. 382 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. set. 1 On the 5th of June, the army marched to Chanagongum, v-^-v-w/ in the Nipmuck country, where they killed 19 Indians, and took 33 captives ; and thence marched by Quabaog to Northampton. Indians On the 12th of June, four days after their arrival at Northamp- att.ckHad- ton? aD0U t 700 Indians made a furious attack upon Hadley ; but ey ' major Talcot, with these gallant soldiers, soon appeared for the are repu s- Jre jj e f f tne garrison, and drove off the enemy. On the 3d of July, the same troops, on their march toward Narraganset, sur- prised the main body of the enemy by the side of a large cedar swamp, and attacked them so suddenly, that a considerable Numbers number of them was killed and taken on the spot. Others taken/" escaped to the swamp, which was immediately surrounded by the English ; who, after an action of two or three hours, killed and took 171. Soon after, they killed and took 67, near Provi- dence and Warwick. About the 5th of July, the army returned to Connecticut ; and in their return took 60 more of the enemy. 2 Indians be- Thus pursued, and hunted from one lurking place to another, come dis- straitened for provisions, and debilitated by hunger and disease, courage . ^ Indians became divided, scattered, and disheartened ; and in July and August began to come in to the English, and to surren- der themselves to the mercy of their conquerors. Philip, who had fled to the Mohawks, having provoked instead of conciliating that warlike nation, had been obliged to abandon their country ; and he was now, with a large body of Indians lurking about Mount Hope. 3 The Massachusetts and Plymouth soldiers were Aug. 2. vigilant and intrepid, in pursuit of him ; and, on the 2d of Au- Phiiip is gust, captain Church, with about 30 of his own soldiers and 20 lopes'many* confederate Indians, surprised him in his quarters ; killed about of his men. 130 of his men, and took his wife and son prisoners. Philip himself but just escaped with his life. About ten days after, Church being then on Rhode Island with a handful of volunteers, an Indian deserter brought him information, that Philip was in Mount Hope neck ; and offered to guide him to the place and help to kill him. He told him, that, just before he came away, Philip killed his brother for pro- 1 This Indian town lay in the S. W. corner of Woodstock, which, to this day. is called there, as it is here written after Dr. Trumbull, Wtib-a-quds-set. It was probably never afterward inhabited by Indians. A township was granted there 10 years after this time, and settled by English colonists. See A. d. 1686. Tradition gives no account of Indians there since the English settlement. 2 From about the beginning of April to the 6th of July, the Connecticut volunteers, and the troops under major Talcot, killed and took about 420 In- dians. Trumbull. 3 It was commonly reported, that, with the design of drawing the Mohawks into the war, Philip had killed some of that nation in the woods, and imputed their death to the English ; but that one of the Indians, who was left for dead, revived, and informed his countrymen of the truth. Hutchinson. BRITISH COLONIES. 383 posing an expedient of peace with the English ; that he had fled 1676. for fear of the same fate ; and that he wanted to kill Philip, in ^*^-^ revenge of his brother's death. Church, who never allowed himself to lose a moment's time, instantly set out in pursuit of him, with a small company of English and Indians. On his arrival at the swamp, he made a disposition of his men at proper distances and stations, so as to form an ambuscade, putting an Englishman and an Indian together behind such coverts as were found ; and his company soon commenced a fire on the enemy's shelter, which was discovered on the margin of the swamp. It was open, in the Indian manner, on the side next to the swamp, to favour a sudden flight. Philip, at the instant of the fire from the English, seizing his gun, fled toward the thickets, but ran in a direction toward an English soldier and an Indian, who were at the station assigned them by captain Church. When he was within fair shot, the Englishman snapped his gun, but it missed p^jp 1 ^ fire. He then bade the Indian fire, and he instantly shot him killed, through the heart. The death of Philip, in retrospect, makes different impressions from what were made at the time of the event. It was then con- sidered as the extinction of a virulent and implacable enemy ; it is now viewed as the fall of a great warrior, a penetrating states- man, and a mighty prince. It then excited universal joy and congratulation, as a prelude to the close of a merciless war ; it now awakens sober reflections on the instability of empire, the peculiar destiny of the aboriginal race, and the inscrutable de- crees of Heaven. The patriotism of the man was then overlook- ed in the cruelty of the savage ; and little allowance was made for the natural jealousy of the sovereign, on account of the barbarities of the warrior. Philip, in the progress of the English settlements, foresaw the loss of his territory, and the extinction of his tribe ; and made one mighty effort to prevent those cala- 1 Our pity for the misfortunes of this great warrior and prince would be still heightened, if we could entirely rely on the tradition (mentioned by Callender, 73.), That Philip and his chief old men were at first averse to the war; that Philip wept with grief, at the news of the first English who were killed ; and that he was pressed into his measures by the irresistible importunity of his young war-iors. The assurance, on the other hand, of the equity of our ancestors, in giving the natives an equivalent for their lands, is highly consoling. The up- right and respected governor Winslow, in a letter dated at Marshfield 1 May 1676, observes : " I think I can clearly say, that before these present troubles broke out, the English did not possess one foot of land in this colony, but what was fairly obtained by honest purchase of the Indian proprietors. We first made a law, that none should purchase or receive of gift any land of the Indians, without the knowledge and allowance of our Court. And lest yet they should be streightened, we ordered that Mount Hope, Pocasset,and several other necks of the best land in the colony, because most suitable and convenient for them, should never be bought out of their hands." See Hubbard's Narrative (where this important letter is inserted entire) and Hazard, Coll. ii. 531 — 534. 384 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. The death of Philip was the signal of complete victory. The v^-v-w/ Indians, in all the neighbouring country, now generally submitted to the English, or fled, and incorporated themselves with distant Effects of and strange nations. In this short but tremendous war, about the war. gQO of the inhabitants of New England, composing its principal strength, were either killed in battle, or murdered by the enemy ; J2 or 13 towns were entirely destroyed ; and about 600 build- ings, chiefly dwelling houses, were burnt. In addition to these calamities, the colonies contracted an enormous debt ; while, by the loss of their substance through the ravages of the enemy, their resources were greatly diminished. 1 Complaints The New England colonies, in this impoverished and calamit- m England ous st a te, W ere destined to a new scene of trouble, which closed W.England at length very inauspiciously to their liberties. Complaints were colonies, brought against them, the preceding year, by the merchants and manufacturers of England, for their disregard to the acts of navigation. The complainants stated, " that the inhabitants of New England not only traded to most parts of Europe, but en- couraged foreigners to go and traffic with them ; that they sup- plied the other plantations with those foreign productions, which ought only to be sent to England ; that, having thus made New England the great staple of the colonies, the navigation of the kingdom was greatly prejudiced, the national revenues were im- paired, the people were extremely impoverished ; that such abuses, at the same time that they will entirely destroy the trade 1 Hubbard, Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England. Increase Mather, Brief History of the War with the Indians in New England. Church, History of King Philip's War. Mather, Magnal. b. 7. c. 6. Callender, Historical Dis- course, 73 — 81. Neal, History of New England. Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts, i. 285 — 308. Trumbull, History of Connecticut, i. 342 — 351. Adams, History of New England, 118 — 127. Morse and Parish, Compendious History of New England, 249—264. Hoyt, History of Indian Wars. On the losses, and the population, of the New England colonies at this period, see Judge Davis's Note a. a. in Appendix to Morton ; where also may be found many historical facts, from o iginal sources, illustrative of Philip's War. In Plymouth colony, " a tax of one thousand pounds was levied in March 1676. The highest tax in any former year was £260." — A sketch of the Indian war in another part of New England is subjoined. Within twenty days after Philip kindled the war at the southward, the flame broke out in the most northeasterly part of the countiy, at the distance of 200 miles ; and, in the years 1675 and 1676, most of the plantations in the Province of Maine, with those on the river Pascataqua, partook in the general calamity. After the death of Philip, the Massachusetts forces, which were then at liberty to turn their arms into that quarter, surprised about 400 of the Eastern Indians at Cochecho (Sept. 6, 1676) and took them prisoners. One half of them being found accessory to the late rebellion, 7 or 8, who were known to have killed any Englishmen, were con- demned and hanged ; the rest were sold in foreign parts, for slaves. These were called strange Indians, who had fled from the southward, and taken refuge among the Penacooks. This stroke humbled the Indians in the east, although the war with them continued until the spring of 1678. See the above cited authorities, and Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 133 — 163. BRITISH COLONIES. 385 of England, will leave no sort of dependence from that country 1676. to this." The governors of these colonies were now commanded, ^r^~s by royal authority, to enforce a strict obedience to the laws of trade. Commissions were transmitted, empowering proper per- sons to administer an oath, framed to secure a strict observance of those laws. To add weight to these measures, it was deter- mined, " that no Mediterranean passes should be granted to New England, to protect its vessels against the Turks, till it is seen what dependence it will acknowledge on his majesty, or whether his custom house officers are received as in other colo- nies." 1 A treaty of peace was made on the 6th of November between i nc n an trea - the governor and council of Massachusetts and Mogg, a Penob- »>'• scot Indian, in behalf of the sachems of Penobscot. This was the first treaty made with any of the Tarrateens, or eastern Indians. 2 The maleconients in Virginia, taking advantage of a war with Bacon's re- the Susquehannah Indians, excited the people to rebellion. !?r. H ;? n in Nathaniel Bacon, a bold, seditious, and eloquent young man, irsinia * who had been concerned in a recent insurrection, now offering himself as the leader of the insurgents, was chosen their general ; and soon after entered Jamestown with 600 armed followers. Having besieged the grand assembly, then convened in the capi- tal, he compelled it to grant whatever he demanded. On rinding himself denounced after his departure, as a rebel, by a proclama- tion of governor Berkeley, he returned indignantly to Jamestown. The aged governor, unsupported, and almost abandoned, fled precipitately to Accomack, on the eastern shore of the colony ; and, collecting those who were well affected toward his govern- ment, began to oppose the insurgents. Several skirmishes were fought, with various success. A party of the insurgents burned Jamestown. Those districts of the colony, which adhered to Jamestown the old administration, were laid waste. The estates of the bunit ' loyalists were confiscated. Women, whose fathers or husbands obeyed what they deemed the legal government, were carried forcibly along with the soldiers. The governor, in retaliation, seized the estates of many of the insurgents, and executed sev- eral of their leaders by martial law. In the midst of these calamities Bacon, the author of them, sickened and died ; and Bacon ° f the flames of war expired. This rebellion cost the colony £I00,000. 3 The principal causes of this rebellion are supposed 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 400—402. 2 Belknap, ut supra. Hutchinson, i. 347. Hubbard, Ind. Wars, 377—380, where the Treaty is inserted. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 332—335. Beverly, b. 1. c. 4. When Bacon « blocked up VOL. I. 49 380 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. Custom of tobacco Population of Mary- land. Death of C. Calvert. Division of IV. Jersey into E. and W. Jersey. Bernards- ton. to have been, the extremely low price of tobacco, and the ill treatment of the planters in the exchange of goods for it ; the splitting of the colony into proprietaries, contrary to the original charters, and the extravagant taxes to which they were subjected, to relieve themselves from those grants ; the heavy restraints and burdens laid upon their trade by act of parliament ; and the disturbance given by the Indians. 1 The whole custom of tobacco from Virginia, collected in Eng- land this year, was £135,000 sterling. 2 Maryland now contained about 16,000 inhabitants; of whom the Roman Catholics were to the number of Protestants in the proportion of one to a hundred. Cecilius Calvert, the father of the province, died, in the 44th year of his government, " covered with age and reputation." Charles Calvert, now succeeding his father, immediately called an assembly ; which, among other acts, passed a law " against the importation of convicted persons into the province." 3 The country of New Jersey was formed into East and West Jersey. East Jersey was released in July by the assignees of lord Berkeley to Carteret; and he, in return, conveyed to them West Jersey. The government of the last was retained by the duke of York as a dependency of New York ; the government of the first was resigned to Carteret : " And here commenced a confusion of jurisdiction, and an uncertainty of property, which long distracted the people, and at length ended in the annihila- tion of the rule of the proprietors." Carteret, who had returned to that province the preceding year, began now to clear out ves- sels from East Jersey ; but he was steadily opposed by Andros, governor of New York. 4 In reward of the signal service of the soldiers at the Fall the governor in James town," his own number of men did not exceed 150. He burned the whole town, " not so much as sparing the church, and the first that was ever built in Virginia." The town extended eaot and west about three quarters of a mile : in which were 16 or 18 houses, " most, as is the church, built of brick, fair and large, and in them about a dozen families, getting their livings by keeping of ordinaries at extraordinary rates." Account of Bacon and Ingram's Rebellion, published from an original MS. in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 27—80. 1 Beverly, b. 1. c. 4. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 354. Maryland was probably included. lb. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 363, 364. That province had been previously divided into ten counties. No parishes were yet laid out, nor churches erected, nor public maintenance granted for the support of a ministry ; and there were in the whole colony three clergymen only of the church of England. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 617, 618. See the instrument of the release of New Jersey in Smith, N. Jersey, 80 — 83 ; and " The Concessions and Agreements of the proprietors, freeholders and inhabitants of the province of West New Jersey," ib. 521 — 539. — Andros saw that Carteret's clearance " tended equally to ruin the commerce and to lessen the customs of New York." BRITISH COLONIES. 387 Fight, a township of land, where the action was fought, was if 76. granted to their posterity. It is now called Bernardston. 1 ^- v ~' A fire in Boston burned down about 45 dwelling houses, the Nov./27 north church, aid several ware houses. 2 toa . John VVinthrop, governor of Connecticut, died, in the 71st DeHth of j. year of his age. 3 Winthrop. 1 Breck, Century Sermon. 2 Hubbard, N. Eng. 75 ; Ind. Wars, 194. Hutchinson, i. 349. The church was rebuilt the next year. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. hi. 269. 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 2. 30—33. He was the eldest son of the first governor of Massachusetts. He was born at Groton,in Suffolk, England, and educated at the universities of Cambridge and Dublin. After completing his education, he travelled into France, Holland, Flanders, Italy, Germany, and Turkey; and united the accomplishments of a gentleman with the erudition of a scholar. In 1631, he came with his father's family to New England, and was chosen a magistrate of the colony, of which his father was governor. In 1633 he began the plantation of Ipswich. In 1634, he went to England, and the next year returned with powers from lords Say and Brooke, to settle a plantation at the mouth of Connecticut river. See those years. He was afterward chosen gov- ernor of the colony of Connecticut. At the restoration of Charles II. he went to England in behalf of the people of the colonies of New Haven and Connecti- cut, and obtained from the king a charter, incorporating both colonies into one, " with a grant of privileges and powers of government, superior to any plantation which had then been settled in America." From this time he was elected governor of Connecticut 14 years successively, until his death. He was one of the greatest philosophers of his age, and one of the most active and useful members of the republic of letters. His name appears among the founders of the Royal Society of London ; and several of his valuable essays are inserted in the Phi- losophical Transactions of that Society. He is mentioned with great honour by the Secretary ot the Royal Society, in the Dedication of the XLth volume of the Philosophical Transactions [a. d. 1741.] to his grandson John Winthrop, Esq. r. r. s.' " No sooner were the sciences revived at the beginning of the last century, and that Natural Knowledge began to be thought a study worthy a real philosopher, but the ingenious John Winthrop, Esq. your grandfather, distinguished himself in the highest rank of learned men, by the early acquaint- ance he contracted with the most eminent not only at home, but in his travels all over Europe, by the strict correspondence he afterwards cultivated with them, and by several learned pieces he composed in Natural Philosophy." The Secretary of the Society, " from the great treasure of curious letters, on various learned subjects," to governor Winthrop, mentions more than 80 from the most distinguished characters in Europe. Among them are the names of Robert Boyle, Tycho Brahe, lord Clarendon, king Charles II, O. Cromwell, Sir Kenelm Digby, G. Galileo, lord Herbert, Robert Hooke, John Kepler, John Milton, lord Napier, Isaac Newton, H. Oldenburg, John Ray, Prince Rupert, lord Say and Seal, bishop Sprat, Dr. Wilkins, Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Christopher Wren, &c. In concert with Mr. Boyle, Dr. Wilkins, and other learned friends, " he was one of those who first formed the plan of the Royal Society ; and had not the Civil Wars happily ended as they did," those two gentlemen, " with several other learned men, would have left England, and, out of esteem for the most excellent and valuable governor John Winthrop the younger, would have retired to his new-born colony, and there have established that Society for promoting Natural Knowledge which " they " had formed, as it were in em- bryo among themselves." lb. In the height of the Indian war, while governor Winthrop was attending to his official duty at Boston, as one of the commission- ers of the United Colonies, he fell sick of a fever, and died on the 5th of April, and was buried in the same tomb with his father. See Belknap, Biog. Art. John Winthrop, f. r. s. Trumbull, i. c. 12, 14. Eliot. Biog. 388 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1677 Controver- sy about the t u„ Province of l , Maine de- settled cided. Maine bought by Massachu- setts. Aug. 16. Arrival of passengers at W. Jer- sey. Burlington settled. The controversy between the colony of Massachusetts and heirs of John Mason and of Ferdinando Gorges was now in England. Edward Randolph, a kinsman of Mason, had been sent to New England the preceding year, with a letter to Massachusetts, requiring that colony to send over agents with- in six months, fully empowered to answer the complaints, which Mason and the heirs of Gorges had made, of its usurping juris- diction over the territories, claimed by them ; and the colony sent William Stoughton and Peter Bulkley. On their arrival, an hearing was ordered before the lords chief justices of the king's bench and common pleas ; and their judgment was con- firmed by the king in council. It was determined, that the boun- daries of Massachusetts could not be construed to extend farther northward, along the river Merrimack, than three English miles beyond it. Maine, both as to soil and government, was adjudged to the heirs of Gorges. Before the complaints were fully ad- justed, and while king Charles was in treaty with Gorges, grand- son of Ferdinando, to acquire his interest, an agent, employed by Massachusetts for the same end, purchased of that proprietor the whole territory ; and assigned it over to the governor and company. This territory, from that time, became a part of Massachusetts. It was at first formed into two counties, York and Cumberland, but afterward comprehended several other counties, extending from Pascataqua to St. Croix. 1 The second ship arrived from London at West Jersey, bring- ing 230 passengers, most of whom were quakers, some of good estates in England. They landed about Rackoon Creek, on Delaware, where the Swedes had some few habitations; but not sufficient for their reception. Commissioners, who came over in this ship, proceeded farther up the river, to a place called Chy- goe's Island, where they treated with the Indians, and began the regulation of their settlements. At that place the town of Bur- lington was now laid out by mutual agreement of the proprietors ; and it was soon settled by a considerable number of reputable families from Yorkshire, and other parts of England. 2 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 397. Hubbard, N Eng. c. 70. Hutchinson, i. 311—318. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 164 — 169; Amer. Biog. Art. Gorges. John Usher, Esq. was employed by Massachusetts to make the purchase ; and he gave to Mr. Gorges for his interest in the Province of Maine, £1250 sterling. See A. d. 1652. 2 Smith, N. Jersey, 93, 102. Proud, i. 142—149. Another ship arrived from London in November, with about 60 or 70 passengers, some of whom settled at Salem and others at Burlington. Another also arrived in the autumn with 114 passengers. BRITISH COLONIES. 389 King Charles II. was no sooner informed of the rebellion in 1677. Virginia, than he despatched Sir John Berry with a small fleet, \^^^^/ with a regiment of infantry, to the assistance of Sir William The king Berkeley, with orders to proceed against the rebels with all toVkamm. 9 speed. These were the first troops, ever sent to Virginia. 1 The king wrote letters to the several colonies, commanding them neither to aid nor conceal Bacon, whom he described as the sole promoter of the insurrection. He appointed Sir John Berry, colonel JefFerys, and colonel Moryson to inquire, and to report the causes of *' the late distractions." When these commission- April, ers arrived, they found the colony settled into its former repose. Commb- Colonel JefFereys, who had just been appointed lieutenant gover- r|°" ers ar " nor, immediately issued a proclamation, giving notice of his own appointment, and of the recall of Sir William Berkeley. Gov- SficiStedi ernor Berkeley, after an administration of 40 years in times of great difficulty and danger, returned to England, where he died soon after his arrival. 2 He was succeeded in the government of Virginia by Herbert JefFereys, whose administration was very short 3 Miller, a person of some consideration, arrived in Carolina in First col- July, as chief magistrate and collector of the royal customs, custum* in He lound the colony at Albemarle to consist of a few inconsider- Carolina, able plantations, dispersed over the northeastern bank of Albe- marle river, and divided into four districts. In attempting to reform some abuses, he rendered himself obnoxious ; and an insurrec- insurrection broke out at Albemarle in December. The insur- colony ^ gents, conducted chiefly by Culpeper, imprisoned the president and seven proprietary deputies ; seized the royal revenue ; es- tablished courts of justice ; appointed officers; called a parliament, and, for two years, exercised all the authority of an independent state. 4 1 They were the first regular troops, sent to any of the colonies, for the sup- pression of a revolt. They arrived " after the business was over," but were kept on foot there three or four years. It was determined, in November 1681, to disband them, " unless the assembly will pay them ; " and they were soon after paid off, and disbanded. The whole value of warlike stores, sent to Vir- ginia by this fleet, amounted to £11,178. 3s. Id. sterling. Chalmers, b. 1. 350. See Univ. Hist. xli. 538. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 336, 337. " From the time of his arrival, his sickness obliged him to keep his chamber till he died ; so that he had no opportunity of kissing the king's hand. But his majesty declared himself well satisfied with his conduct in Virginia, and was very kind to him during his sickness." Beverly. The assembly of Virginia, some time after, declared, " that he had been an excellent and well deserving governor," and recommended to the king the pay- ment to lady Berkeley of £300, " as not only a right, but as due "from that colony to his services and muits." Chalmers. 3 Beverly says, he died the year following. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 532—535, 558. Miller collected, from July to December (1677), 327,068 lbs. weight of tobacco, and £1242. 8s. Id. sterling, being the parliamentary duty of one penny a pound on tobacco exported to other colonies. 390 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1677. Commissioners were sent, about this time, from Massachusetts and Connecticut to the Mohawks, to secure their friendship. 1 Mutual promises were made at Albany between the Five Nations and colonel Coursey, an agent in behalf of Virginia and Mary- land. 2 The whole force of the Five Nations was then estimated at 2150 fighting men. 3 New law The general court of Massachusetts passed a new law for about qua- apprehending and punishing, by fine and correction, every per- son found at a quaker's meeting. 4 Harvard The contributions for rebuilding Harvard College had been so College liberal, that a fair and stately brick edifice was erected this year, and so far finished, that the public exercises of the commence- ment were performed there. 5 E.Green- East Greenwich, in Rhode Island, was incorporated. 6 wich. 1678. Magazines The assembly of Virginia caused magazines to be built at the ginia!" Vir " h eau " s of the four great rivers in that colony ; and filled them with arms, ammunition, and guards, to awe the Indians, and prevent their depredations. 7 State of the The province of New York contained, at this time, about 24 N?York. ° f towns > villages, or parishes, in six precincts, ridings, or courts of The annual parliamentary revenue, arising in that little colony, amounted to £3000 sterling. Culpeper had, in 1671, been appointed surveyor general of Carolina, and had raised commotions on Ashley river. The royal revenue, now seized, (£3000) was appropriated for supporting the revolt. The colonists at Albemarle were far from being numerous ; for the iithables, consisting of all the working hands, from 16 to 60 years of age, one third of which was composed of Indians, Negroes, and Women, amounted to 1400 only ; and, exclusive of the cattle and Indian corn, 800,000 pounds of tobacco were the annual productions of their labour. " These formed the basis of an inconsiderable commerce, which was almost entirely carried on by the people of New England, who sup- plied their little wants, who sent their commodities all over Europe, who, in a great measure, governed the colony, and directed the pursuits of the planters to their own advantage." Some men of New England are charged with co- operating with the conductors of the insurrection, that they " might get the trade of this country into their own hands." See papers, ib. 560 — 562, illustra- tive of the origin and progress of an insurrection, little noticed by historians, and which, until Chalmers published his Annals, had " remained in perfect ob- scurity." 1 Hubbard, c. 74. Hutchinson, i. 348. This treaty Hutchinson supposed to be the first between the Mohawks and Massachusetts. 2 Colden, Hist. Five Nations, 37. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 609. See Tables. 4 Hutchinson, i. 320. " This law lost the colony many friends. 5 Hubbaid, N. Eng. c. 71. See a. d. 1672. 6 Callender, 39. 1 Keith, 162. Univ. Hist. xli. 539. During the administration of lord Cul- peper, who succeeded iiovernor Jeffereys, those magazines were removed ; and a small party of light horse, called Rangers, was appointed to scour the woods. Ib. 166. BRITISH COLONIES. 391 sessions. All the militia of the province were about 2000. Its 1678. annual exports, beside pease, beef, pork, tobacco, and peltry, v-^^w/ were about 60,000 bushels of wheat. Its annual imports were City of to the value of about £50,000. There were now in the city of N.York. New York 343 houses. 1 Major Andros, governor of New York, having the preceding Fort built at year sent a sloop with some forces to tbe Province of Maine, Pemaquid. and built a fort at Pemaquid ; the eastern Indians, who, until that time, had been hostile from the commencement of Philip's war, discovered pacific dispositions. All the succeeding autumn and winter, they remained quiet, and lived in harmony with the new garrison. In these auspicious circumstances, a treaty was made ^?eaty^it at Casco between the chiefs of those Indians and authorized Casco. commissioners ; and an end put to a distressing war. 2 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 602. " There is one standing company of soldiers," says Andros, " with gunners and other officers, for the torts of Albany and New York. Fortresses are, James Fort, situated upon a point of New Yorktown, between Hudson's river and the Sound : It is a square, with stone walls, four bastions almost regular, and in it 46 guns, mounted. Albany is a small long stockadocd fort with 4 bastions in it, with 12 guns, which is sufficient against Indians. There are no privateers about our coasts. Our merchants are not many ; but, with inhabitants and planters, about 2000 able to bear arms, old inhabitants of the place or of England ; except in and nea>- New York, of Dutch extraction, and some of all nations : But few servants, who are much wanted, and but very few slaves. A merchant, worth £1000, or £500 is accounted a good substantial merchant; and a planter, worth half that in moveables, is accounted rich. All the estates may be valued £150,000. There may have lately traded to the colony, in a year, from .10 to 15 ships or vessels, upon an average, of 100 tons each, English, New England, and of our own, built. There are religions of all sorts ; one church of England ; several Presbyterians, and Independents, Quak- ers and Anabaptists, of several sects ; some Jews ; but the Presbyterians and Independents are the most numerous and substantial. There are about 20 churches or meeting places, of which above half are vacant. Few ministers till very lately." Answers of Sir Edmond Andros, dated in April 1678, to the In- quiries of the committee of colonies. See the Answers entire in Chalmers, b. 1. 600 — 604. — In the city, it was found that, instead of the common proportion ot inhabitants, there were 10 for each house ; but, thus computed, there were* then in the city no more than 3430 souls. lb. 597, 598. 2 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 157, 158. Andros sent his forces in August, 1677, " to take possession of the land, which had been granted to the duke of York." In the preceding July, after the Province had sustained various sufferings from the Indians, an affecting occurrence had heightened the terror and perplexity of the inhabitants. The government having ordered 200 Indians of Natick, with 40 English soldiers, under captain Benjamin Swett of Hampton, to the assist- ance of the eastern settlements, they anchored off Black Point ; and, being joined by some of the inhabitants, marched to seek the enemy, who showed themselves on a plain in three parties. By a feigned retreat, the Indians drew them two miles from the fo>t, and then, turning suddenly and violently upon them, threw them into confusion. Swett, with a few of the more resolute, fought bravely on the retreat, until he came near the fort, when he was killed; 60 more were left dead or wounded ; the rest got into the fort. The victorious savages then surprised and captured about 20 fishing vessels, which put into the eastern harbours by night. Mr. Bentley [Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 263.] says, " in 1677, 13 Salem ketches were taken by the Indians, and some of them re- turned, with 19 wounded men." These ketches were probably a part of the 20 vessels, mentioned by Dr. Belknap. 392 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1678. Fort Frou- tenac re- built. Salem. James Town. Deaths. Massachusetts received but small accessions of planters from Europe for several preceding years. The colony, at this time, imported no negroes. 1 M. de la Sale rebuilt fort Frontenac with stone. He also, this year, launched a bark of 10 tons into Lake Ontario ; and, the year following, another of 10 tons into Lake Erie; about which time he inclosed with palisades a little sp >t at Niagara. 2 The town of Salem contained 85 houses, and 300 polls. 3 Canonicut Island, in Rhode Island colony, was incorporated by the name of James Town. 4 William Coddington, governor of Rhode Island, died, in the 78th year of his age. 5 John Leverett, governor of Massachu- setts, died. 6 1 Chalmers, b. l. 436, 437; wnere are extracts Irom the Answers of the agents Stoughton and Bulkley to the Inquiries of the committee of colonies, delivered in Apil that year; some of which are subjoined. "Cases of admiralty are decided by the court of assistants. Foreign merchants we know of none. The number of English merchants is very small ; and of the other inhabitants, who are chiefly planters, we know of no calculation that hath been made. New planters have rarely come over for many years past ; much less Irish or Scotch, or any foreigners ; Nor are any blacks imported. A considerable number of small vessels are built in the country under a hundred tons burden ; but those that are larger belong to owners in England, or to other colonies." 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 457, 458. Smith, N. York, 44. See a. d. 1673. The foil, built that year, appears to have been merely, a stockade ; " n' etoit que de pieux." 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 223. 4 Callender, 39. 5 He came to New England with governor Winthrop, as an assistant, in 1630 ; and was a principal merchant in Boston, where he built the first brick house. In 1637, wheu the contentions ran high in Massachusetts, he was grieved at the proceedings of the court against Mr. Wheelwright and others ; but not availing in his opposition to those measures, he relinquished his advantageous situation at Boston, and " his large propriety and improvement at Braintree ;" accompanied the emigrant--, who, on that occasion, left the colony; and was " the great in- strument " in effecting the original settlement of Rhode Island. In 1647, he assisted in forming a body of laws for that colony, and was the next year chosen governor; but he declined the office. In 1651, he received a commission from England, to be governor ; but finding the people jealous, lest " the commission might affect their lands and liberties," he resigned it. He was afterwa d epeatedly prevailed on to accept the chief magistracy , and was in that office at the time of his death. He appears to have been prudent in his administration, and active in promoting the welfare of " the little commonwealth, which he had in a manner founded." See Dedication of Calender's Hist. Discourse. See also a. d. 1638. 6 Mather, Magnal. b 2. c. 9. He succeeded Mr. Bellingham as governor in 1673 ; and is described as a one whose courage had been as much recommended by martial actions abroad in his younger years, as his wisdom and justice were now at home in his elder." He seems to have long retained his military char- acter and habits. In 1653, he was one of the commissioners of Oliver Cromwell, to raise 500 soldiers to assist in the war against the Manhadoes. He was an active member of the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company more than 32 years ; and, beside other offices in the company, was commander in 1652, 1663, and 1670. At the period of the Restoration he was in England, and an advocate fo" the colony. In 1673 he was elected governor, and continued in that office till his death. Eliot, Biog. Diet. Whitman, Historical ^Sketch of the Ancient and Hon. Artillery Company. BRITISH COLONIES. 393 Thomas Thacher, minister in Boston, died, in the 58th year 1678. of his age. 1 Benedict Arnold, governor of Rhode Island, died. 2 v^-^-^/ 1679. While the agents of Massachusetts were in England, days Divine aid of fasting and prayer were repeatedly appointed by authority, to implored. implore the divine blessing on their endeavours for obtaining favour with the king, and the continuance of charter privileges. 3 By desire of the general court, a synod was holden at Boston, Reforming this year, to give counsel, adapted to the state of the colony, synod ' which was believed to be suffering judicial calamities from heaven. 4 Suitable measures, in the mean time, were taken, to avert the royal displeasure. The general court sent respectful addresses to the king ; enacted laws, to remove the causes of some of the complaints against the colony ; passed an ordinance, to punish high treason with death, and to require all persons to take the oath of allegiance ; and ordered the king's arms to be set up in the court house. The colony, however, neglected to The king's conform to the acts of trade, and to send new agents, as re- evaded! 10 * 8 1 Mather, Magna), b. 3. 148—153. Mr. Thacher was the first minister of the Old South church in Boston. See a. d. 1669. He was ordained pastor of the church in Weymouth 2 January, 1644 ; and was installed at Boston 16 February, 1670. He was well versed in oriental learning, particularly in the Hebrew language, a compendious Lexicon of which he composed. His prayers were distinguished for copiousness and fervency. He was a " popular preacher," an exemplary man, and a faithful minister. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 278. He was also " a physician, who is spoken of as the best scholar of his time." Eliot, Biog. Diet. The first medical publication in Massachusetts was an essay by Mr. Thacher, entitled, " A brief guide in the small pox and measles," pub- lished in 1677. Bartlett's Historical Sketch of Medical Science, in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 105. 2 He was governor several years ; and is often mentioned by governor Win- throp, in his History, " as a great friend of Massachusetts, especially in negotia- tion with the Indians.". See Winthrop, with Mr. Savage's Notes. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 217; vi. 142, 145; and Callender, Century Discourse. 3 Hutchinson, i. 324. It was the usage of our pious ancestors in New Eng- land to observe special days of fasting and of thanksgiving, beside an annua) observance of those two solemnities. 4 Hutchinson, i. 324. The general court appointed this synod at its session in May, 1679, and referred to its consideration two questions : " 1. What are the reasons that have provoked the Lord to bring his judgments upon New England ? 2. What is to be done, that so those evils may be removed ? " The synod convened at Boston 10 September 1679. Mr. John Sherman, and Mr. Urian Oakes were its moderators. After a day of prayer and fasting, the synod spent several days in discoursing on the two great questions. The Result, point- ing out the sins of the time, and recommending a reformation, was presented to the General Court; which, by an act of 15 October 1679, " commended it unto the serious consideration of all the churches and people in the jurisdiction." See Mather, Magnal. b. 5. 85—96. Dr. C. Mather says, " the admonitions of the Synod were not without very desirable effects." Governor Hutchinson [i. 324.] does " not censure the authority of the colony for their great anxiety on this occasion, or for using every proper measure to obtain the smiles of heaven, as well as the favour of their earthly sovereign ; " though, he thinks, " we have no evidence of any extraordinary degeneracy." VOL. T. 50 394 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1679. Colonial agents dis- missed. Province of Blaine de- manded. Randolph first r,ollec« tor of cus- toms in N. England. Fire in Bos- ton. Protestrnts sent to Ca- rolina. quired, to England. For the first neglect, the court alleged to her agents, " that the acts of navigation were an invasion of the rights and privileges of the subjects of his majesty in that colony, they being not represented in the parliament;* for the second, it apologized by saying, " that the country was poor ; that proper persons were afraid of the seas, as the Turkish pirates had lately taken their vessels ; and that his majesty was still employed in the most important affairs." 1 No apology availed at the English court. The colonial agents in England were dismissed with a letter from the king, requiring that agents should be sent over in six months, to answer what was undetermined ; and demanding that the colony should assign to his majesty the Province of Maine, which they had purchased of the heirs of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, upon their being repaid the purchase money, and recall all commissions for governing that part of New Hampshire which was granted to Mason. 2 Although a commission for the appointment of a customhouse officer for New England had been granted the last year, it was then judged expedient " to suspend the departure of such an officer for the present." Edward Randolph, who had at that time been recommended to the lord treasurer as the most suitable person for collector of Boston, now came over in that capacity ; but " he was considered as an enemy, and opposed with the steady zeal of men,, who deemed their chartered privileges in- vaded." 3 A terrible fire broke out near the dock in Boston about mid- night on the 8th of August, and continued until near noon the next day. Above 80 dwelling houses, 70 ware houses, with several vessels and their lading, were consumed. The entire loss was computed to be £200,000. 4 Charles II. ordered two small vessels to be provided at his own expense, to transport to Carolina several foreign protestants, who proposed to raise wine, oil, silk, and other productions of the south. 5 1 Chalmers, b. I. 407, 410. 2 Minot, Mass. i. 48. See a. d. 1677. The king's letter to Massachusetts colony was dated the 4th July. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 320, 406,' 409. 4 Hubhard, N. Eng. c. 75, who says, it was justly suspected to have been kindled by design. ^Hutchinson, i. 349. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 269. The houses and ware houses near the town dock, which were rebuilt after this great lire, were cither constructed with brick, or plastered on the outside with a strong- cement, intermixed with gravel and glass, and slated on the top. Several of these plastered houses are yet remaining in Ann Street, in their original form. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 189, 190. a. d. 1795. — " One of them is yet standing [a. d. 1825.]," and is represented in a plate in Snow's Hist. Boston, p. 166. The ancient Phillips house in Watertown is of the same construction. See Note, A. d. 1644. ^f 5 Chalmers, b. 1. 541. Many foreigners of various nat^rw / eroigrated to Caro- lina, from this time to the Revolution of William' and Mary. BRITISH COLONIES. 395 1680. New Hampshire was separated from Massachusetts. A com- N Hamp- mission for the separate government of that colony had passed shire scna- the great seal the preceding year ; and it was now brought to Sassachu- Portsmouth by Edward Randolph. By the form of government, setts. described in this commission, the people had a representation in a body chosen by themselves ; and the king was represented by a president and council of his own appointment, he retaining the prerogative of disannulling the acts of the whole, at his pleasure. The first assembly met at Portsmouth on the l<3th of March. 1 March 16. The separation was " much against the will of its inhabitants." First assem- A body of laws was enacted in the course of the first year ; but, when sent to England for the royal approbation, were disallowed. During the 40 years' union with Massachusetts, those legal cus- toms and usages which distinguished New England from the other colonies originated. 2 Plymouth colony petitioned for a new charter, with the same Plymouth privileges that had been granted to other colonies, but without colony asks success ; for king Charles was then meditating extensive plans JJ** of reformation for New England. 3 1 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. c 7. The commission, which passed the great seal 18 Sept. 1679, " inhibits and restrains the jurisdiction exercised by the colony of Massachusetts over the towns of Portsmouth, Dover, Exeter, and Hampton, and all other lands extending from three miles to the northward of the river Merrimack and of any and every part thereof, to the province of Maine ; con- stitutes a president and council to govern the province ; appoints John Cutts, esq. president," &c. See copy of a letter from king Charles II. to the Governor and Council of Massachusetts, on this subject, dated 24 July 1679 ; and another, dated 30 September 16S0, in Hutchinson's Collection of Papers, 519 — 525. — The number of qualified voters in all the towns was 209 ; viz. in Portsmouth 71, Dover 61, Hampton 57, Exeter 20. Portsmouth sent to the assembly 3 mem- bers, Dover 3, Hampton 3, and Exeter 2. John Cutts was the first president. He was " a principal merchant, of great probity and esteem at Portsmouth ; but then aged and infirm." lb. See Hutchinson, i. 319. The public expense of the province of New Hampshire during that year, exclusive of" the ministers' salaries and the town rates, including the charges of the assembly and council, the stipends of the marshal and jailers, and the bounty for the killing of wolves, amounted to £131. 13s. Ad. The province rate on estates, real and personal, of one penny in the pound of the value, was laid on the only four towns, as follows. Portsmouth, £29. 17s. 3d. ; Dover, £20 ; Hampton, £23. 17s. 3d. ; Exeter, £11. 9s. Ad. Chalmers, b. 1. 511. 2 Farmer and Moore, Coll. ii. 202, 203. The interval between the death of Charles II, 1685, and the Revolution in 1688, when Andros, Cranfield, and Barefoot governed in that province, is a blank in the history of its laws and jurisprudence. lb. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. c. 4. The agent died, and the papers were lost. The Pe- tition of the general court for a new charter is inserted ib. from New England Papers. It is dated " New- Plymouth 5 Septemb. 1680," and signed " Josiah Winslow, governor, for the general court." The petitioners say ..." through the good hand of God upon us, and the favour of your royal progenitors and of your majesty, we have had now near about sixty years lively experience of the 396 AMERICAN ANNALS. 16S0. Connecticut contained, at this time, 26 small towns, in which there were 21 churches; and in every one, excepting two newly- planted, there wns a settled minister. The value of its annual exports was judged to be £9000. It owned 24 small vessels. There were in the colony 20 merchants, some of whom traded to Boston ; and some to the West Indies and to other colonies. There were few servants, and not more than 30 slaves. The militia amounted to 250 State of Connecti- cut. State of R. Island. 7. 1 The militia of Rhode Island colony consisted principally of ten companies of foot. There were "nine towns or divisions" in the colony. The principal place of trade was Newport, where the buildings were generally of wood, and small. The principal exports were horses and provisions. The imports where chiefly the productions of Barbados. 9 good consistency of the order of these churches, with civil government and prder, together with loyalty to kingly government and authority, and the tran- quillity of this colony, with the propagating of religion among sundry of the poor native Indians" &c. — In 1683 they transmitted a new Address to king Charles, " praying for what it was already determined should never be granted." This address was signed by " Tho. Hinkley, governor ; in the name of the gene- ral court." lb. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 307 — 310, where are answers of the assembly to the In- quiries of the lords of the committee of colonies, which disclose a variety of curious particulars of the State of Connecticut at the end of 44 years. The date is 15 July, 1680. Some other articles are subjoined. " We have, for the present, only one troop, which consists of about 60 horse ; but we are upon raising three more. Our forces are train bands : In each county there is a major, who commands its militia, under the general. In Hartford county there are 835, New London 509, New Haven 623, Fairfield 540. The whole militia, 2507. The number of our planters is included in our trainbands, which consist of all from 16 to 60 years of age. We have one small fort at the mouth of Connecticut river. As for our Indian neighbours, we compute them to be about 500 fighting men. We are strangers to the French, and know nothing of their strength or commerce. There are but few servants, and fewer slaves ; not above 30 in the colony. There come sometimes three or four blacks from Barbadoes, which are sold for £22 each. The increase [of inhabitants] is as follows : The numbers of men, in the year 1671, were 2050 ; in 1676, were 2303 ; in 1677, were 2362 ; in 1678, were 2490; in 1679, were 2507. Our buildings are generally of wood; some are of stone and brick ; and some of them are of good strength, and come- ly, for a wilderness. The commodities of the country are provisions, lumber and horses. The property of the whole corporation doth not amount to £l 10,788 sterling. There are no duties on goods, exported or imported, except on wines and liquors; which, though inconsiderable, are appropriated to maintain free-schools. The people are strict congregationalists ; a few more large congregationalists ; and some moderate presbyterians. There are about 4 or 5 seven day men, and about as many quakers. Great care is taken of the instruction of the people in the Christian religion, by ministers catechizing and preaching twice every sab- bath, and sometimes on kcture-days ; and also by masters of families instructing their child'cn and servants, which the law commands them to do. Every town maintains its own poor : But there is seldom any want, because labour is dear ; being from 2j. to 2s. 6d. a day for a labourer ; because provisions are cheap ; wheat is 4.s. a bushel Winchester, pease 3s. Indian corn 2s. 6d. pork 3d. a pound, beef 2d.l-2 a pound, butter 6d. and so other matters in proportion. Beggars and vagabonds are not suffered ; but when discovered, they are bound out to service ; vagabonds, who pass up and down, are punished by law." 2 Chalmers, b. 1 . 282 — 284, where are answers of the governor and council of Rhode Island to the same inquiries, as those mentioned in the last note. BRITISH COLONIES. 397 Lord Culpeper, who, upon the decease of Sir William Berke- 1680. ley, had been appointed governor of Virginia, arrived there in ^*~^~+s May. He immediately convoked the assembly, and laid before New gover- it the several bills that had been framed in England, and trans- ^Vh-'irda, mitted under the great seal. The assembly passed an act of free and general pardon, indemnity, and oblivion, in reference to Acts of in- the late rebellion, with the exception of its principal authors and demnity, promoters. To promote the more speedy population of the colony, and to give all possible encouragement to persons of different nations to transport themselves, their families, and stock, nataraliza- to settle there, the assembly empowered the governor, by an in- 10n ' instrument under the great seal, to declare any alien, on taking the oath of allegiance, to be completely naturalized. Nothing in this act, however, was to be construed to give power to any foreigner to do, what he was laid under a disability of doing by acts made in England concerning his majesty's plantations. The same act, alleging that, during the licentiousness of late times ill disposed persons had taken upon them to asperse the govern- ment, and defame the governor and chief magistrates of the colony, subjected those, who should maliciously excite the people f i f l fun t -o d(> to a dislike of th^ governor, or who should, by words or writing, defame the administration of the colony, to fine and imprison- ment. 1 For the prevention of the frequent meetings of negro slaves, under pretence of feasts and burials, which were thought for prevent- to be of dangerous consequence, the assembly of Virginia passed |"f u ^ re | r ° an act " for preventing Negroes Insurrections." 2 The half arm- tions. A few more articles are here subjoined. " The French, seated at Canada, and upon the bay of Fundy, are a considerable number; as we judge, about 2000: But as for the Indians that were inhabitants of this colony, thiey are generally cut off by the late war. We have several men, who deal in buying and selling, though they cannot be properly called merchants ; and, for planters, we conceive there are above 500, and about 500 men besides. We have no shipping belonging to the colony, but only a few sloops. As for goods, exported or imported, there are very few; and there is no custom imposed. We have lately hnd few or no new-comers, either of English, Scotch, Irish, or foreigners ; only a few blacks imported. There may be, of whites and blacks, about 200 born in a year. We have 50 marriages a year. The burials for the last 7 years, according to compu- tation, amount to 455. Those people who go under the name of Baptists and Quakers are the most that congregate together; but there are others of divers persuasions and principles, all which, together with them, enjoy their liberty according to his majesty's gracious charter. We leave every man to walk as God shall persuade their hearts, and do actively or passively yield obedience to the civil magistrate. As for beggars and vagabonds, we have none among us." 1 Laws of Virginia. Beverly, b. 1. c. 4. Chalmers, b. 1. 316, 341, 353. Simi- lar laws against " the propagation of false news" occur among the early acts of assembly of all the colonies. See particularly, Ordinances of New England, and Laws of Pennsjdvania and Maryland. " Thou shalt not raise a false re- port," was a precept of Moses, acting under a divine commission. A law of Alfred, the admirable founder of the jurisprudence of England, declared, " who- soever spreads a false report among the vulgar shall have his tongue cut out." Chalmers. 2 Laws of Virginia. 398 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1G80. Charles- town, the capital of S. Carolina, founded. War with the Datives W.. Jersey restored to its rights. cd trainbands in Virginia, at this time, amounted to 8568 ; 1300 of which were horse. 1 " The Oyster point," delightfully formed by the confluence of the rivers Ashley and Cooper, being found a more eligible place for settlement, than that on the banks of the Ashley chosen by the first settlers of Carolina, the proprietaries encouraged the inclination of the inhabitants to remove to it. The preceding year a removal had commenced ; but it was in this year that the foundation of the new town was laid. It received the name of the old settlement, Charlestown ; and was immediately declared the port for the various purposes of traffic, and the capital for the general administration of government. In one year 30 houses were built. 2 Though the proprietaries had given early instruc- tions to cultivate the good will of the natives, and more recent orders to prohibit all trade with them for seven years ; yet a war commenced in the beginning of this year with the Westoes, a powerful tribe on the southern boundary of Carolina, and endan- gered the ruin of " that hopeful settlement." A peace, how r ever, was concluded the next year ; and, to prevent the return of simi- lar mischiefs, commissioners were appointed by the proprietaries, to decide all complaints between the contending parties. 3 The proprietors of West Jersey having importuned the duke of York to be restored to the rights which they derived from his grant of 1664, their pretensions were at length referred to Sir William Jones, in compliance with whose judgment the duke confirmed West Jersey to the proprietors. Thus that province, after being ruled for some time as a conquered country, was re- 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 357, "from actual returns, 7268 foot, 1300 horse. Virg. Pap." 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 541. Carolina, by T. A. 1682. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. 2. See A. d. 1671. Ashley and Cooper rivers were " so named in honour of the right honourable the earl of Shaftsbury, a great patron of the affairs of Carolina." Description of Carolina, 1682. The author of this "Description" says, that Charlestown was removed " by express order from the lord proprietors ; " and that " Old Charlestown lay about a league higher from Ashley river." Upon the removal of the town, the augmentation of the colony appears to have been rapid ; for the same writer says : " At our being there, was judged in the coun- try a 1000 or 2000 souls ; but the great number of families from England, Ire- land, Barbadoes, Jamaica, and the Caribees, which daily transport themselves thither, have more than doubled that number." 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 542. " The cause of hostilities may be found in injuries, which had been for some years mutually given and received." lb. and Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. 153. Whatever individual exceptions there may have been, a very honourable testimony is given by a contemporary writer to the conduct of the inhabitants and of the government of Carolina toward the Indians. " The Indians have hitherto lived in good correspondence and amity with the English, who by their just and equitable carriage have extreamly winned and obliged them ; justice, being exactly and impartially administered, prevents jealousies, and maintains between them a good understanding, that the neighbouring In- dians are very kind and serviceable, doing our nation such civilities and good turns as lie in their power." Carolina, 1682. BRITISH COLONIES. 399 instated in its former privileges. 1 The customs at the Hoarkills, 1680. which had been complained of as a hardship from the beginning, v^^-^/ were taken off this year. About this time, a watermill was built near Rankokas creek, and another at Trenton. The inhabitants of West Jersey had hitherto either pounded their corn, or ground it with hand mills. 2 A number of families removed from Windsor in Connecticut e. Windsor to the east side of the river, and began the settlement of East settled. Windsor. 3 M. de la Sale, having undertaken a farther discovery of the Fort Creve- Mississippi, had, the preceding year, built a fort on the river cceu1, Illinois, which, on account of trouble he met with there, he called Crevecoeur. He now sent out M. Dacan with father Hennepin, to trace the Mississippi, if possible, from its confluence with the Illinois up to its source. These two voyagers left fort Crevecoeur on the 28th of February, and ascended the Mississippi to the 46th degree of north latitude ; where they were stopped by a fall in the river, to which Hennepin gave the name of the Fall of Anthony! St. Anthony. 4 A remarkable comet was seen in New England, and excited Comet, terror on both sides of the Atlantic. 5 1 Chalmers, 618, 619. The various taxes, imposed by the governor and council of New York on that province in 1678, were at the same time extended to Jersey. Carteret endeavoured in vain to establish there a free port ; for the governor of New York seized and condemned the vessels trading thither ; " and, however unjust, this measure was decisive, because it was supported by superior power." Ibid. 2 Smith, N. Jersey, 114—124. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 169. Fifteen years they passed the river in boats, to attend public worship on the west side. 4 Hennepin, c. 34, 44. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 460 ; ib. Fastes, Chron. 35. Harris, Voy. ii. 900. Du Pratz, Louisiane, i. 5. 5 Mather on Comets, 123. Hutchinson, i. 348. It was seen in New England from 18 November to 10 February. It was also seen in Europe ; and Henault [ii. 192.] says, that it was the largest comet which had ever been seen ; and that this phenomenon struck a great terror into the minds of the people in France ; " but," he justly remarks, " we are too much astonished at uncommon events, and not enough at those which happen every day." It was by observations on this comet, that the great Sir Isaac Newton ascertained the parabolic form of the trajectory of comets ; and demonstrated their regular revolutions round the sun. This admirable discovery, while it made a new epoch in astronomy, contributed to the removal of those terrors, which the appearance of a comet had always excited. This phenomenon, in all aa;es, and among all nations, had been pre- viously viewed as a presage of some direful event. It has since been considered as a constituent part of an august system, which, whether examined by vulgar or by philosophic eyes, ought to lead man to " wonder and adore." The" learned professor Winthrop [On Comets, Lect. ii. p. 44.] says, " No comet has threatened the earth with a nearer approach than that of 1680 ; which, had it come down to the sun a monh later, would have passed as near the earth as the moon is.'* They, who are curious to know what opinions learned m< j n of ancient times. entertained concerning comets, are referred to Aristotle, MsnagoX cap. v, vi, vii ; Seueca, Natur. Qu«st. lib. vii; and Travels of Anacharsis, it. 1^5, 196. I can- not forbear to subjoin the following remark of Seneca on this subject : because; 400 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1680. Mount Hope territory, containing about 7000 acres, was grant- v^v^-^/ ed by the crown to the colony of Plymouth, for its services and sufferings in the war. 1 D^ath of j. Josiah Winslow, governor of Plymouth, died, in the 52d year R Conant °^ ms a S e - 2 Roger Conant, who had the early care of the set- & J. Wheel- dement of Cape Ann, died. 3 John Wheelwright, the founder of wright. t ] je town Q f Exeter, died, at an advanced age. 4 it has been so exactly verified, by the discovery of Newton : " Veniet tempus, quo ista quae nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat, et longioris asvi diligentia. Ad inquisitionem tantorum aetas una non sufficit, ut tota coelo vai et. Veniet tem- pus, quo posted nostri tarn aperta nos nescisse mirentur." 1 Morton, Edit. Note, p. 469. Callender, 79. Mount Hope Territory was sold soon afterward, by Plymouth, for £300. The colony, in 1679, received a letter from the king;, inquiring the value of Mount Hope Neck, " which was begged of the king" by John Crown "the poet." — The recess where Philip was surprised, is too strongly marked, to be ever mistaken, or forgotten. From minutes made on the spot, in 1810, is selected the following description. It is about a mile and a half east of Bristol, and very near Mount Hope bay. The rock where king Philip seated himself is nearly perpendicular for 30 or 40 feet from the base, above which height the ascent is gradual to the summit of the mount. The access to Philip's seat is by the north end of the hill. The seat itself is formed by a natural excavation in the rock 6 or 8 feet from the bottom. Though one seat was shown us, as designated for the monarch, the excavation would admit chief men to sit by him. When seated in Philip's place, you have an extensive view of Mount Hope bay, which lies full before you. Be- neath your feet is a spring of water, issuing from the foot of the rock, and running into the bay. The space of ground between the rock and the bay was formerly a swamp — the swamp into which Philip ran, when he was surprised in his quarters by captain Church ; and in the edge of this swamp he was shot down dead. The ground is now cleared up, and is covered with grass ; scatter- ing trees are standing upon it ; and many large stumps still remain. We drank the water of the spring, which is excellent. — Had this been a poefs residence, an epic poem might have been expected. To the contemplative visitant, as- sociating the sublime and beautiful with the last act of a deep tragedy, it will always present an interesting and impressive train of moral and religious re- flections. 2 Morton's Memorial and Supplement, 207. " He was a worthy and well accomplished gentleman, deservedly beloved by the people, being a true friend to their liberties, generous, affable, and sincere ; qualities incident to the family." Ibid. He was the son of governor Edward Winslow; and the first governor, born in New England. His discretion as a civil magistrate, and his bravery as a military commander, procured him much respect in both offices. Mather. Manual, b. 2. 7. 3 Hubbard, c. 18. See a. d. 1625. 4 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. c. 1. After the plantation of Exeter at Squamscot falls, upon the admission of that town under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, Mr. Wheelwright, who was still under sentence of banishment, with those of his church who resolved to adhere to him, removed into the Province of Maine, and settled Wells. See A.n. 1638 and 1643. Upon a slight acknowledgment, he waa soon after restored to the freedom of the colony, and removed to Hampton, and was minister of the church there for many years. Fie was in England in the time of Cromwell, with whom he was in favour; but, after the Restoration, he returned and settled in Salisbury, where he died. He left children who were highly respectable for their character and stations. His son, grandson, and great grandson, were counsellors of Massachusetts. Eliot, Biog. Diet. BRITISH COLONIES. 401 1681 Virginia contained about 14,000 " tithables, or working State of hands." The bouse of burgesses consisted of 41 members. 1 Virginia. The legislature of Maryland, in this and the subsequent year, Mar land made an attempt to introduce manufactures into that colony ; but without much success. It made laws for promoting tillage, and raising provisions for exportation ; for restraining the export of leather and hides ; for the support of tanners and shoemakers ; and for encouraging the making of linen and woollen cloth. 2 Fendal, who had formerly raised an insurrection in Maryland, and had been pardoned, was now tried for seditious practices, and found guilty. He was fined 40,000 lbs. of tobacco ; im- prisoned until payment ; and banished the province. 3 Edward Randolph came over, the second time, to Massachu- Randolph setts, as collector for Boston, and made a vigorous, but unsuc- Boston/ cessful attempt to execute his office. 4 Mason arrived at New Hampshire, and was admitted to a seat Mason in the council. Asserting, soon after, his right to the province, comes to N. assuming the title of lord proprietor, and proceeding to act ac- amps ire * cording to these pretensions, his conduct was deemed " an usur- pation of his majesty's authority here established," and a warrant was issued for apprehending him ; but he fled to England. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 355, 356, from the state of Virginia, as delivered to the com- mittee of colonies in December, 1681, by lord Culpeper. Other particulars are here subjoined. There were 20 counties, each of which sent two members to the house of burgesses ; Jamestown sent one. The charges of government were maintained, 1. By private levies, raised in each parish, for the minister, church, courts of justice, burgesses' wages, &c. 2. By public levies, raised by act of assembly. 3. By the 2s. a hogshead, with Is. 3d. a ton, paid for fort duties, which amount to £3000 a year. " The " ecclesiastical " livings are 76 or 77 ; but the poorness of the country and the low price of tobacco have made them of so much less value, scarcely the half. As to the military power: There is not one fort in the whole country, that is defensible against an European enemy. There may be 15,000 fighting men in the country ; and yet they used to count 300 an army n^al. In relation to the Indians : We are at peace with all, at. least in war with none. But that which bids fair to be the speedy and and certain undoing of this colony, is the low or rather no price of the only pro- duct of our lands, and our only commodity, tobacco : For the market is over- stocked, and every crop overstocks it more. Our thriving is our undoing ; and ou.- buying of blacks hath extremely contributed thereto, by making more tobac- co : We are too many for that, and too few for any thing else." 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 366, 367. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 237. See a. d. 1656, and 1659. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 410, 411. Hutchinson, ii. 75. By a letter to the governor, Randolph demanded the final resolution of the general court, whether it would admit his commission to be in force, er not; that he might know how to govern himself. The court remained silent ; " thus," says Chalmers, " showing equally its contempt for the man, and the embarrassment of its situation." 5 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 182, 183. VOL. I. 51 402 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1681. Entries at Portsmouth Amount of customs. March 4 Grant of Pennsylva- nia to W. Penn. July 11. Conditions and conces- sions. First colony comes to Pennsylva- nia. During the year ending with April, 1681, there were entered at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 49 vessels, from 1 to 1 50 tons burden. 1 The amount of the provincial customs, levied at that port during the same year, arising from taxes on wines and liquors, and one penny a pound of the value on the first cost of goods imported, was £61. 3s. Id. 2 William Penn, the son of Sir William Penn, having petitioned Charles II. for a tract of territory between the bay and river of Delaware and lord Baltimore's province of Maryland ; a charter making conveyance of that territory, was signed and sealed by the king, on the 4th of March. It constituted William Penn and his heirs true and absolute proprietaries of the province of Pennsylvania, saving to the crown their allegiance and the sovereignty. It gave him, his heirs, and their deputies, power to make laws, by advice of the freemen, and to erect courts of justice for the execution of those laws, provided they be not repugnant to the laws of England. 3 The charter being thus obtained, Penn, by a public advertisement, invited purchasers. Many single persons, and some families, chiefly of the denomi- nation of quakers, were induced to think of a removal ; and a number of merchants and others forming themselves into a com- pany, purchased 20,000 acres of this land, which was sold at the rate of £20 for every 1000 acres. On the 11th of July, Penn entered into certain articles with the purchasers and adven- turers, which were entitled " Conditions and Concessions." 4 These preliminaries being adjusted, a colony came over to Ameri- ca, this year, and commenced a settlement above the confluence of the Schuylkill with the Delaware. 5 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 510. " Many of the said ships were driven in by stress of weather, and made no stay." lb. Dr. Belknap, from the Council records, says, from 15 June 1680 to 12 April 1681, were entered 22 ships, 18 ketches, 2 barks, 3 pinks, 1 shallop, and one flyboat ; in all 47. N. Hamp. i. 187. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 511. This was money of the province, which was of less value than sterling 33 1-3 per cent. No parliamentary duties were then collect- ed at Portsmouth. Ibid. 3 See the Charter entire in Proud's Hist. Pennsylvania, i. 171 — 187, and in Colden's History of the Five Indian Nations ; and a summary of it in Chalmers, b. 1. 636, and in Franklin's Historical Review of the Constitution and Govern- ment of Pennsylvania. The preamble and the first section declare the reasons for the grant to be, the commendable desire of William Penn to enlarge the British empire, to promote commodities of trade, to reduce the savage natives, by just and gentle manners, to the love of civil society, and the Christian re- ligion ; together with a " regard to the memory and merits of his late father." His father was the admiral, who assisted in taking Jamaica. See a. d. 1655. Penn writes, " This day [5th of 1st Mo. 1681.] my country was confirmed to me under the great seal of England, with large powers and privileges, by the name of Pennsilvania, a name the king would give it in honour of my father. — I pro- posed Sylvania, and they added Penn to it." Letter to R. Turner, in Memoirs Pennsylv. Hist. Society, i. 201. 4 These are inserted in Proud, ii. Appendix, No. i. 5 Proud, i. 170—196. Belknap, Biog. ii. 395—402, 410. Chalmers, b. 1. 640. BRITISH COLONIES. 403 The general court of Massachusetts granted liberty to Mr. 1681. Samuel Sewali to undertake the mangement of the printing press ^^~*/ in Boston ; " and none," said the order, " may presume to set up any other press without the like liberty first granted." 1 By an act of the general assembly of Connecticut, the court Court of of assistants was invested with the powers of a court of ad- admiralty. miralty. 2 Thomas Mayhew, the first settler of Martha's Vineyard, died, Death of T. in the 93d year of his age. 3 Urian Oakes, president of Harvard ^ .oaS, college, died, in the 50th year of his age. 4 John Cutt, president & j. Cutt'. of the first council of New Hampshire, died. 5 1682. William Penn, the proprietary of Pennsylvania, published a p e nn pub- frame of government ; with a body of laws agreed on in Eng- lishes a land between himself and the purchasers. 6 To prevent all future g OV orn- pretence of claim to the province by the duke of York, or his m ent - Univ. Hist. xli. 2. Three ships sailed for Pennsylvania, that year ; two from London, and one from Bristol. The John and Sarah, from London, is said to have been the first that arrived there ; the Amity, from London, with passen- gers, was blown off to the W. Indies, and did not arrive at the province, until the ensuing spring ; the Bristol Factor arrived at the place, where Chester now stands, on the 11th of December. The passengers, seeing some houses, went on shore, near the lower side of Chester creek ; and, the river freezing up that night, they remained there all winter. Proud. 1 Charter and General Laws of Massachusetts, Appendix, c. 4. This press had been " late under the command of Mr. John Foster, deceased." Mr. Sew- all was u prevailed with to undertake the management of it at the instance of some friends, with respect to the accommodation of the publick." 2 Day, Hist. Judiciary of Connecticut, from Colony Records. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 202. See a. d. 1642. 4 Magnal. b. iv. 186—188. Mass. Hist. vii. 51—54. I. Mather, MS. Diary. He was educated at Harvard College. After taking his degrees, he went to Eng- land, where he was settled in the ministry at Tichfield. Such was his celebrity for ministerial qualifications, learning and piety, that, on the decease of Mr. Mitchel, the church and society at Cambridge sent a messenger to England to invite him to their pastoral charge ; and he commenced his ministry at Cambridge 8 No- vember 1671. On the death of president Hoar, he was invited to the presidency of Harvard College, and entered on that office in 1675. He was a man of ex- tensive erudition, and of distinguished usefulness. Dr. I. Mather says, ** he was one of the greatest lights, that ever shone in this part of the world." 5 He was one of three brothers, natives of Wales, who came over to this country before the year 1646. Farmer and Moore, Coll. ii. 84. 6 The frame of government was published in April ; and the chief intention of this famous charter was declared to be " for the support of power in reverence with the people, and to secure the people from the abuse of power : For liberty, without obedience, is confusion : and obedience, without liberty, is slavery." The body of laws, agreed on by the adventurers, and intended as a supplement to the frame, was published in May ; " and it does great honour to their wisdom as statesmen, to their morals as men, to their spirit as colonists." Chalmers, b. i. 641 — 643. The Frame of Government and the Laws are in Proud 's Hist. Pennsylvania, Appendix, No. n. 404 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1682. lieirs, he obtained of the duke his deed of release for it; and, as v^v~w/ an additional territory to the province, he procured of the duke his right and interest in that tract of land, which was at first tories*"" ca ^ e d me territories of Pennsylvania, afterward, " The three lower counties on Delaware." * In the month of August, Penn, accompanied by about 100 passengers, chiefly quakers, embarked for America ; and landed Oct. 24. at Newcastle on the 24th of October. The next day the people Newcastle were summoned to the court house, where, after possession of the country was legally given him, he made a speech to the old magistrates and the people, acquainting them with the design of his coining, the nature and end of government, particularly of that which he came to establish, assuring them of " liberty of conscience and civil freedoms," and recommending them to live in sobriety and peace. He also renewed the commissions of the magistrates. Proceeding afterward to Upland [Chester], he Dec. 4; there called an assembly on the 4th of December. 2 This assem- Caiis an as- bly passed an act of union, annexing the three lower counties to sem y ' the province ; 3 and an act of settlement, in reference to the " frame of government." The Dutch, Swedes, and other fo- reigners were then naturalized ; and all the laws, agreed on in England, were passed in form. 4 Treaty with Penn immediately entered into a treaty with the natives, from the natives. w hom ne purchased as much of the soil as the circumstances of 1 Proud, i. 196—202. Chalmers, b. 1. 641, 645. Belknap, Biog. ii. 403—408, Art. Penn. Anderson, under 1680. The duke of York gave two deeds of feoff- ment for the territories ; the first was for Newcastle and a district of 12 miles round it, as far as the river Delaware ; the second comprehended the tract fiom 12 miles south of Newcastle to the Hoarkills, " otherwise called Cape Hinlopen." The first tract formed the county of Newcastle : the second, the counties of Kent and Sussex. 2 This assembly consisted of 72 delegates from the six counties, into which Pennsylvania and Delaware had been already divided. The freemen, though allowed by the frame to come, for this time, in their own persons, yet declared, that the fewness of the people, their inability in estate, and unskilfulness in matters of government, would not permit them to act ; and desired therefore, that the deputies, now chosen, might serve both for the provincial council and general assembly ; three out of every county for the former, and nine for the latter. Chalmers, b. 1. 645. Franklin, Hist. Review, 15. 3 Until this union with Pennsylvania, these counties, from the year 1667, had been holden as an appendage to the government of New York. Encyclop. Brit, v. 719. The want of the royal authority for this act, with the operation of other causes, produced difficulties, which afterward rendered this union void ; and the three lower counties had a separate assembly, though under the same governor. Belknap, Biog. ii. 412. Franklin, 16. 4 Proud, i. 204 — 206. On the west side of the Delaware, on the lands granted to Penn, the Dutch had, at this time, one place fo<- religious worship at New- castle; the Swedes, 3, one at Christeen, one at Tenecum, and one at Wico^oa (now in the suburbs of Philadelphia). lb. Smith, N. Jersey, 22. Chalmers [643.] says, " when the proprietary arrived on the banks of the Delaware, he found them inhabited by 3000 persons, composed of Swedes, Dutch, Finlanders, and English." BRITISH COLONIES. 405 the colony required, and " settled a very kind correspondence " 1682. with them. 1 \-^- v ^^ / The proprietary next proceeded, with the assistance of his city of Phi- surveyor general, Thomas Holme, to lay out a place for the Jadeiphia projected city ; to which he had already assigned the name of Philadelphia. The city was immediately begun ; and, within less than a year, 80 houses and cottages were built. 2 The first and built, settlers were generally quakers, who had suffered persecution, on account of their religion ; and who, with other dissenters from the church of England, sought liberty of conscience in a country, which offered to the persecuted a peaceful asylum. 3 Governor Carteret of East Jersey, early in the year, trans- E. Jersey, ferred his rights in that province to William Penn and eleven associates ; who soon after conveyed one half of their interest to the earl of Perth and eleven others. 4 In the towns of East Jersey there were supposed to be settled about 700 families. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 644. Proud [ii. 212.] says, the friendship, now begun, was never interrupted for the space of more than 70 years. One part of Penn's agreement with the Indians was, that they should sell no lands to any person, but to himself or his agents ; another was, that his agents should not occupy nor grant any lands, but those which were fairly purchased of the Indians. These stipulations were confirmed by subsequent acts of Assembly ; and every bargain, made between private persons and the Indians without leave of the proprietors, was declared void. Belknap, Biog. ii. 416, Art. Peivn. " Tradition tells us, that the treaty of 1682 was held at Shackamaxon, under the wide spread branches of the great Elm tree, which grew near the margin of the Delaware, and which was prostrated during a storm in the year 1810. The trunk measured 24 feet in circumference, and its age was ascertained to be 283 years, having been 155 years old at the time of the treaty." This tree Mr. West has intro- duced into his celebrated picture, representing the Treaty. The first deed of the Indians is dated June 23, 1683. Memoirs of Pennsylvania Historical Society, i. 65, 82, 96, 97. 2 Proud, i. 233, 234. Belknap, Biog. ii. 419—421. Chalmers [i. 645.] says, " we are assured," that near 100 houses and cottages were built in that time. The ground chosen for the purpose of this city was claimed by some Swedes ; to whom Penn gave, in exchange for it, a larger quantity of land, at a small dis- tance. Coaquannock (the Indian name of the place, selected for the city) then exhibited an agreeable prospect. It had a high and dry bank next to the Dela- ware, and was finely ornamented with pine trees. Proud, i. 211, 233. Smith [N. Jersey, 108.] says, that, in 1678, a ship from Hull passed the first time so high up the Delaware, as Burlington ; that off against Coaquannock, where was a bold shore, she passed so near it, in tacking, that a part of the rigging struck the trees ; and that some of the passengers remarked, it was a fine spot for a town. 3 Proud, i. 216, 217. Chalmers, b. 1. 644. Chalmers says, Penn was " ac- companied " to Pennsylvania by about 2000 emigrants ; but he probably meant to include all the emigrations of this year. Penn, in a letter to the ministers of England, dated 14 August, 1683, writes that he had completed " the settlement of six and twenty sail of people within the space of one year." Proud says, " the settlers amounted to such a large number, that the parts near Delaware were peopled in a very rapid manner, even from about the falls of Trenton, down to Chester, near 50 miles on the river : besides the settlements in the lower counties." 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 620. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 363. The reason assigned by Chalmers for Carteret's transfer (in February) is, that he was " offended with a province, which he could neither please nor govern." The reason assigned for 406 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1682. Scotch col- ony settles on Port Royal isl- and. Carolina di vided into counties. King's let- ter of com- plaint to Massachu- setts; Newark was already a compact town, said to contain about 100 families. A ship arrived, this year, at West Jersey, and landed 360 passengers on the Jersey shore, between Philadelphia and Burlington. 1 Lord Cardross, a nobleman of Scotland, having formed a project for carrying over some of his countrymen to Carolina, embarked with a few families, and made an attempt to establish a colony on Port Royal island ; 2 but this colony claiming, from an agreement with the proprietaries, coordinate authority with the governor and grand council of Charlestown, was compelled, with circumstances of outrage, to acknowledge submission. 3 Carolina was now first divided into three counties ; Berkeley, Craven, and Clarendon. 4 Governor West, in autumn, held a parliament, which enacted laws for settling a militia ; for making high ways " through the boundless forest, which surrounded the capital;" for suppressing drunkenness and profane swearing; and for the observation of the Lord's day. 5 Randolph brought to Boston a letter from the king, complain- ing, " that the collector had not been able to execute his office to any effect ; that attachments had been brought against him and his officers for doing their duty ; that he had been obliged to deposit money before he could bring an action against offend- ers ; that appeals, in matters relating to the revenue, had been refused ; and that they had seized into their hands the money of forfeitures belonging to his majesty by law." It was therefore required, " that fit persons be sent over, without delay, to answer these complaints, with powers to submit to such regulations of government as his majesty should think fit ; that restitution be the conveyance made by Penn and his associates, is, that " they wished for aid in the arduous task of peopling and ruling a distant colony." Governor Car- teret died in November ; and Robert Barclay, the famous author of the Apology, was chosen governor of East Jersey, the next year. Smith, N. Jersey, 69, 166. Douglass [ii. 288.] says, Barclay " sometimes officiated by a deputy." During Carteret's administration, the general assemblies and supreme courts sat at Elizabethtown. Smith. 1 Smith, N. Jersey, 150, 159, 161. The estimated population of East Jersey was exclusive of the out plantations, which were supposed to contain half as many inhabitants as the towns. 2 Hewatt, i. 88. Cardross soon returned to Britain. 3 Chalmers, b. 1. 544. See a. d. 1686. •4 Ibid. Berkeley filled the space around the capital, as far as Stono creek on the north, and the Sewee on the south ; Craven occupied the district to the northward of it, toward Cape Fear, formerly denominated Clarendon ; and Colle- ton contained Port Royal and the lands in its vicinity, to the distance of 30 miles. The first of these counties was the only one, so populated, as to have a county court for the determination of its local affairs ; and the 20 members, which composed the lower house of parliament, were chosen at Charles- town. Ibid. 5 Univ. Hist. xl. 425. Chalmers, b. 1. 544. Ramsay says, " The first law which has been found on record of the secretary of the province, is dated May 26th, 1682 — eight years subsequent to the first meeting of the first parliament in Carolina." Hist. S. Carolina, i. 35. BRITISH COLONIES. 407 made of all monies levied from the officers; that they be en- 1682. couraged in putting the acts of trade in execution, without charge, ^^^ as in England ; that an account be given of forfeitures received ; and that appeals be allowed." The court denied the charge, and said, in their answer, that no suits had been countenanced against any officers, except where the subject had been unjustly vexed ; that they knew of no forfeitures, except a fine upon a master of a ship for abusing the government ; that they would encourage his officers, and require no deposit for the future ; but as to admitting appeals, they hoped it would be further con- sidered. At a general court of Massachusetts, called in February, the Mass. sends king's letter by Randolph was read, and the court determined to J^land come to the choice of agents. Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Dudley, who had once refused the agency, 1 were chosen ; the former refusing again, Mr. John Richards, a wealthy merchant, and one of the assistants, was chosen in his stead. It was required by the king, that the agents to be sent should be empowered to sub- mit to regulations of government, implying a power to surrender their charter. The general court, however, considering such a instructs surrender inconsistent with his majesty's repeated declarations, them n , ot t- ,. ii- i J i • i surrender directed their agents not to do, or consent to, any thing that tne charter, should violate or infringe the liberties and privileges granted by charter, or the government established by it. The agents sailed on the 3 1st of May. A public fast was Appoints a appointed to be observed on the 22d of June, through the colony, publ,c fast * to pray for the preservation of their charter, and success to the agency. Randolph, collector of the port of Boston, having writ- ten home, that he was in danger of being punished with death by virtue of an ancient law, as a subverter of the constitution, had been ordered to return to England, where he was, not long after the agents, ready to disclose every thing which they desired to conceal. The agents, upon presenting to the council the court's address, were commanded to show their powers and all their instructions to the secretary of state ; and it appearing, that they did not contain such powers as had been required, they were informed by lord Radnor, that the council had agreed to report to his majesty, that unless the agents should speedily obtain such powers as might enable them satisfy in all points, a Threatened quo warranto should proceed. The agents represented to the with a quo general court the case of the colony as desperate, and desired the court to determine, whether, since many cities in England, 1 On receiving a letter from the king the preceding year, requiring agents to be sent in three months after the receipt of it, the general court immediately chose these persons as agents, but both of them peremptorily refused the agency. 408 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1682. and some of the plantations, had submitted, it were better to v«^v-»w/ resign to his majesty's pleasure, or to suffer a quo warranto to issue. After considerable debate and consideration, it was con- Refuse to eluded by the court, and by the inhabitants generally, thai u it submit. wag k etter to (jjg by t } ie h an( ] s of others, than by their own." 1 Two par- From this period may be dated the origin of two parties, the ties * patriots, and prerogative men, " between whom controversy sel- dom intermitted, and was never ended until the separation of the two countries." 2 ActsofVir- The assembly of Virginia passed an act for disbanding the gima. present soldiers in garrison at the forts at the heads of the several rivers, and for the raising of forces in their stead. The same assembly passed an act for the encouragement of the manufac- tures of linen and woollen cloth ; and an act for the advance- ment of manufacture of the growth of this country. 3 Trade of The regulation and improvement of trade and commerce in Pennsyiva- p ennS yi van j a already engaged attention. A publication appeared this year, entitled, " The Articles of the Free Society of Traders in Pensilvania, agreed upon by divers merchants, for the better improvement and government of Trade in that Province." 4 State of N. Edward Cranfield, arriving at New Hampshire as lieutenant Hampshire. g 0vernor an( j commander in chief, found that the province con- tained four townships, with 4000 inhabitants, and mustered 450 militia. His administration was extremely arbitrary and oppres- sive. 5 Grant of The general court of Massachusetts granted to Joseph Dud- Oxford. j e y^ William Stoughton, Robert Thompson, and their associates, a tract of land 8 miles square, situated in the Nipmug country. 6 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 411, 413. Hubbard, c. 71. Hutchinson, i. c. 2. The minis- ters advised the people to this conclusion ; and, Hutchinson says, " Ihe clergy turned the scale for the last time." One of the agents, in a letter to Rev. In- crease Mather, observes : " Affairs here, as to the public, are very perplexed. Jealousies and animosities increasing. Dissenters suppressed — their meetings prevented by soldiers ; or they many times seized and proceeded against by fines &c. . . . The quo warranto of the city is to be proceeded against next term. Great stragglings here as to the choice of sheriffs. The king is resolved to regulate that election to prevent such juries as have been formerly chosen. . . . Our affairs [are] under great disadvantages. Whatever is objected or reported against us finds great credit, and is difficultly taken off. We are represented such a people as need great regulations. I fear, if mercy prevent not, the dissolution of our government is intended." Letter of John Richards, dated "London Aug. 21. 16S2," in the Prince Collection of MSS. deposited in the Library of Mass. Hist. Society ; Mather, iv. 1681—1682. 2 Minot, Mass. i. 51. 3 Laws of Virginia. 4 Title of a book in Biblioth. Harleiana, iii. 192. fol. 1682. 5 Chalmers, b. 1. 494. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. c. 8. Adams, N. Eng. 137. 6 Oxford Town Records. The Nipmug country was so called from a tribe of Indians of that name, in its vicinity. The plantation was afterward called Oxford. See a. d. 1686. BRITISH COLONIES. 409 M. de la Sale descended the Mississippi to the sea ; and, in 1682. the name of Louis XIV. king of France, taking possession of all \^v-^/ the country watered by that great river, named it, in honour of Louisiana, the king, Louisiana. 1 1633. The first assembly of Pennsylvania was holden at Philadel- First as- phia on the 12th day of March. On the request of the assembly p ™|| ly F £ f and of the freemen for a new charter, it was given them by the vania? " proprietary on the 2d of April, and accepted by the provincial council and assembly on the same day. By this charter the provincial council was to consist of 18 persons, three from each county ; and the assembly was to be composed of 36, six from each county. 2 Among the settlers of Pennsylvania, about 20 families from German- the Palatinate in Germany, of the denomination of quakers, set- ^unset- tled seven miles distant from Philadelphia, and called their settlement Germantown. A settlement was also made in that province by a large number of the ancient Britons, and called wales. North Wales. 3 The inhabitants of New York now first participated in the First legis- legislative power. The council, the court of assizes, and the l *£™ a !" corporation of New York, having concurred in soliciting the N/yark? duke of York to permit the people to have a share in the govern- ment, the duke had informed the deputy governor of the province, that he intended to establish the same form of government, as the other plantations enjoyed, " particularly in the choosing of an assembly." Thomas Dongan, " a man of integrity, modera- tion, and genteel manners, though a professed papist," had been 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 464 ; Fastes, Chron. 36. Du Pratz, i. 3. Univ. Hist. xl. 19, 20, 271. Wynne, i. 393. Some of these authors place this dis- covery in 16S3 ; I have followed Charlevoix. The chevalier de Tonti, who had been left at Fort Crevecceur, was obliged by the Illinois to abandon that fortress ; but the persevering Sale placed another garrison there in 1681 ; and built a second fort, which he called St. Lewis. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 464. See a. d. 1673, 1680, 1687. 2 Proud, i. 239, 240. The second charter entitled, " The Frame of the Gov- ernment of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto annexed, in America," is in Proud, ii. Appendix, No. in. The members of the assembly were to be " men of most note for their virtue, wisdom, and ability." The amendments introduced into this second charter had previously been agreed 3 Proud, i. 219, 220, 230. Several of these Britons were of the original or early stock of the society of Friends in Wales. They had early purchased of the proprietary, in England, 40,000 acres of land. In the three first years, there arrived at Pennsylvania, from London, Bristol, Ireland, Wales, Cheshire, Lanca- shire, Holland, Germany, &c. about 50 sail of ships, with passengers or set- tlers. Ibid. vol. i. 52 410 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1683. Gov. Don- gan arrives, Quo war- ranto a- gainst Mas- sachusetts. Fire in Bos- ton. appointed governor the preceding year, and instructed to call an assembly of the province. It was to consist of a council composed of 10 members, and a house of representatives chosen by the people, composed of 18 members ; but its laws were to be of no force, without the ratification of the proprietary. The new governor, having now arrived at his province, issued orders to the sheriffs, to summon the freeholders for choosing repre- sentatives to meet him in assembly on the 17th of October. A session of the assembly was holden, pursuant to the summons, and several important laws were passed. One of the acts of this assembly, passed on the 30th of October, is entitled, " The Charter of Liberties and Privileges granted by his royal highness to the Inhabitants of New York and its dependencies." Another session was holden the following year ; but is is believed, there was no other after that, until the Revolution of William and Mary. 1 Articles of high crimes and misdemeanor were presented to the committee of plantations, by Randolph, against the corpora- tion of Massachusetts in June ; and an order of council was passed on the 26th of July, for issuing a quo warranto against the charter of Massachusetts, with a declaration from the king, that if the colony, before prosecution, would make full submission and entire resignation to his pleasure, he would regulate their charter for his service and their good, and with no farther altera- tions than should be necessary for the support of his government there. Randolph, the evil genius of Massachusetts, arrived with the quo warranto in October. The proposition of the king di- vided the legislature. The governor and a majority of the assist- ants voted, not to contend in law, but to submit to the king's pleasure. The representatives, after a fortnight's consideration, refused their concurrence in this vote ; and a letter of attorney was sent to a suitable person, to appear and answer in behalf of the colony. The agents returned to Boston on the 23d of October. 2 The day after Randolph's arrival at Boston, a fire broke out in the richest part of the town, and consumed a great number of dwelling houses, ware houses, and vessels. 3 Lord Effingham, appointed governor of Virginia, was ex- 1 Collections of New York Historical Society, iii. 347, 352. It has been al- leged, and it is not improbable, that the duke, upon becoming king, refused to confirm the privileges he had before granted, and determined to govern the province by his absolute power. It is therefore reasonable to suppose, that in the new commission or orders to governor Dongan, the authority respecting the assembly was omitted, or revoked. lb. 2 Hutchinson, Mass. i. 338. Biblioth. Amer. 104. Chalmers, b. 1. 414, 462. Minot, Mass. i. 51, 52. 3 Hutchinson, i. 338. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 269. BRITISH COLONIES. 411 pressly ordered " to allow no person to use a printing press on 1683. any occasion whatsoever." 1 v^-v-^ To remedy the distress felt by the want of a common measure Acts of of commerce, the parliament of Carolina " raised the value of aro ma " foreign coins," and suspended all prosecution for foreign debts. 2 The French erected a fort between the lakes Erie and Hu- French fort. ron. 3 Roger Williams, the founder of Providence, died, in the 84th ^? ofR ' year ol his age. 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 345; " agreeably to the prayers of Sir W. Berkeley." See a.d. 1671. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 545. The first of these acts gave rise to the currency of Carolina, which afterward became extremely depreciated. The second, though at first confirmed by the proprietaries, was afterward dissented from, " because it was contrary to the king's honour, since it was in effect to stop the course of justice ; because the parliament had no power to enact a law, so contrary to those of England." They also issued orders, " that all officers should be dis- placed, who had promoted it." Ibid. 3 Minot, i. 181. " During the peace, from 1667 to 1683, the French, with a spirit of enterprise and perseverance which do them honour, formed a settle- ment at Detroit, established a fort still farther westward at Missilimakinack, and extended their commerce among the numerous tribes that hunt on the banks of the Mississippi. They were, however, steadily opposed by the Five Nations." Chalmers, b. I. 589. 4 Bentley, Hist. Salem, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 250. Adams, N. Eng. 57. He was born in Wales, and educated at the university of Oxford. He was a minister of the church of England, but, disliking the form and government of the episcopal church, he, in 1631, came to New England. After preaching a short time at Salem, he went to Plymouth, where he preached two years, and then returned to Salem, and succeeded Mr. Skelton in the ministry in 1634. Beside entertaining singular religious opinions, leading him to a separation from the churches of New England as antichristian, he asserted, that the Massachu- setts patent was invalid and unjust, because a fair purchase'had not been made from the Indians. Refusing to retract any of his opinions, affecting either the church or the state, he was excluded from the jurisdiction. In 1636 he laid the foundation of Providence. He honestly purchased the land of the Indians, and was uniformly their friend. He studied their language, and used his endeavours to impart to them the blessings of the gospel. In the Prince Collection of MSS. are heads of discourses; which he delivered to the Narraganset Indians. He had the entire confidence of the Indian Sachems. In 1637 he was employed by the government of Massachusetts as their agent in their transactions with the Indian tribes, and " his conduct was marked with fidelity, disinterestedness, and wisdom." He was author of a very valuable work, entitled, " A Key to the language of the Indians of New England." It was printed in 1643, in a 12mo. volume, and most of its contents have been reprinted in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. The original is in that Society's library. In 1644 Mr. Williams obtained a charter for Providence plantations. In 1651 he went to England as agent, and on his return, in 1654, he was chosen president of the government, and con- tinued in office till 1657. His sentiments on the rights of conscience were en- larged and liberal ; and he founded his colony on the basis of universal toleration. See A. d. 1634, 1636, 1644 ; Magnal. b. 7. c. 2. Eccles. Hist. Mass. in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. x. 14—23. Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. The " Key " is re- printed, from the London copy, in vol. i. of Coll. R. Island Hist. Society, with a Sketch of the Author's Life. Mr. Williams was buried under arms, in his family burying ground, near the present dwelling house of S. Dorr, Esq. The citizens of Providence, who venerate his name, are about to erect a monument to his memory. 412 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1684. June 18, The high court of Chancery in England, on the 18th of June, Massachu- gave judgment for the king against the governor and company of ved^fYts 1 " Massachusetts ; their charter was declared to be forfeited ; and charter. their liberties were seized into the king's hands. 1 Thus fell the old charter of this ancient colony, under which the colonists, during 55 years, had enjoyed liberty and prosperity ; not without encountering frequent aggressions to preserve the one, and in- cessant difficulties to attain the other. But, though the charter was gone, the spirit which it had cherished, and the habits which it had formed, were retained. The colony, at that period, re- sembled the infant Hercules in his cradle. Who would then have thought it credible, that, within a century, its independence would be acknowledged by the parent state ? Colonel Kirk, of opprobrious memory, was now appointed governor of the colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Plymouth ; but, before his commission and instruc- tions could be finally settled, the demise of king Charles annulled his appointment. 2 The Five Nations, since the peace of 1671, had turned their arms to the southward, and conquered* the country from the Mississippi to the borders of the plantations, as far as Carolina. Virginia and Maryland, often involved in the calamities of their Indian allies, whom they were unable to protect except by trea- ties, found it expedient to settle a peace with the ferocious con- querors. This was a favourable time to the colonists, and may have been gladly seized by the Five Nations, who found them- Aug. 2. selves hard pressed by the French and their Indians. A treaty Peace made was accordingly holden at a grand convention in Albany ; and, Five Na- on the 2d of August, a peace was concluded by lord Effingham tions, and governor Dongan in behalf of all the settlements. 3 By this treaty the Five Nations put the lands and castles of the Mohawks and Oneidas under the protection of the English government, and the English undertook to guarantee them to these Indians. As the external mark by which this act should be announced, the Indians desired that the arms of the duke of York might be affixed to their castles. 4 Penn goes Penn, the proprietary of Pennsylvania, went to England, leaving to England, his province under the administration of five commissioners, 1 Hutchinson, i. 340 ; ii. 5. Chalmers, b. 1. 415. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 417. 3 Colden, 44. Chalmers, b. 1. 587. Smith, N. York, 46. Pownal, Adminis- tration of the Colonies. 4 Pownal, Administration of the Colonies. BRITISH COLONIES. 413 chosen from the provincial council. 1 Philadelphia already con- 1684. tained nearly 300 houses, and 2000 inhabitants. 2 v^v~w/ In every town in East Jersey, there was a house for pub- e. Jersey, lie worship, where religious service was performed every week. 3 The line of partition was run between New York and Con- Line of par- necticut. 4 tition - All the land in the towns of Dorchester and Milton, in Massa- New grant chusetts, with the exception of 6000 acres previously reserved ofDo ^ e . s 1 " for the Indians, was granted and conveyed in a confirmatory ton^ deed from Charles Josiah, an Indian sachem, grandson of Chick- atabut. 5 M. de la Barre, with a large army from Canada, made an Expedition unsuccessful expedition into the country of the Five Nations. ofM - dela His army was composed of 700 Canadians, 130 soldiers, and arre * 200 Indians, principally Iroquois from the Fall of St. Anthony, and the Hurons of Lorette. After a delay of six weeks, at Fort Frontenac, during which time a great sickness broke out in the French army, M. de la Barre found it necessary to conclude the campaign with a treaty. Crossing the lake for that purpose, he was met, at a designated place, by the Oneidas, Onondagos, and Cayugas ; the Mohawks and Senecas refusing their attendance. Seated in a chair of state, the Indians and French officers form- ing a circle around him, he addressed himself to Garangula, an Onondago chief, in a haughty speech, which was concluded with a menace of burning the castles of the Five Nations, and des- troying the Indians, unless the satisfaction which he demanded, were given. Garangula made a cool, but bold and decisive speech, in reply ; and M. de la Barre, enraged at the hearing of it, retired to his tent, and prudently suspended his menaces. Two days after, at the conclusion of the peace, the Indian chief 1 Chalmers, b. 1. 650. Thomas Lloyd was at the head of them, as presi- dent. 2 Belknap, Biog. ii. 424. Twenty other settlements were begun, including those of the Dutch and Swedes. Ibid. Proud, i. 288. 3 Smith, N. Jersey, 186. The people " being mostly New England men, do mostly incline to their way. They have no public laws in the country for maintaining public teachers, but the towns that have them, make way within themselves to maintain them." Newark appears to have been the only town in the province, which had a settled preacher, who " followed no other employ- ment." Ibid. Letter from John Barclay and others to the proprietors. 4 Trumbull, i. 365, 366. It was confirmed by the governors of those colonies 24 February, 1685. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 100. For this deed he received a valuable sum of money from William Stoughton, esquire. The same land had been previously conveyed by Josiah the father, and Chickatabut the grandfather, of this sachem. Ibid. See a. d. 1657. The war with Philip greatly interrupted the progress of Christianity among the Indians. Many praying towns were broken up. Mr. Eliot says, that in the year 1684, they were reduced to four. lb. 195. 414 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1684. and his retinue returned to their country, and the French army ^~ v ~ w / embarked in their canoes for Montreal. 1 Assembly of The assembly of Virginia passed an act for the better preserva- Virginia. tion of the peace of that colony, and preventing unlawful and treasonable associations. The occasion of this law was, that many persons had tumultuously and mutinously assembled to cut up and destroy all tobacco plants, and for that purpose had with force and arms entered many plantations. 2 Fort The French built a fort at the Falls of Niagara. 3 John Rogers, president of Harvard college, died, in the 54th Rogers, and year of his age. 4 Benjamin Woodbridge died in England, aged B. Wood- 62 years. 5 bridge. 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 489 — 493. Baron la Hontan, in Harris, Voy. ii. 916. Colden, Hist. Five Nations, 59. Smith, N. York, i. 46—50. Discourse of Hon. De Witt Clinton before the New York Historical Society, in the So- ciety's Collections, ii. 50, and Appendix. The deportment and the speech of the Indian chief were of aboriginal character, and render him worthy of com- parison with Poms, the Eastern Indian king who addressed Alexander. Garan- gula, seated at some distance before his men, with his pipe in his mouth, and the great calumet of peace before him, did nothing but look at the end of his pipe, during this harangue. When it was finished, he walked five or six times round the circle, and then, standing upright, thus answered the French general, who was still seated in his elbow chair : " Onnuntio, I honour you, and all the warriors who are with me, honour you. Your interpreter has finished your speech ; I now begin mine. My words make haste to reach your ears ; hearken to them. Onnuntio, in setting out from Quebec, you must have imagined, that the scorching beams of the sun had burnt down the forests, which render our country inaccessible to the French ; or that the inundations of the lakes had had shut us up in our castles. But now you are undeceived ; for I and my warriors have come to assure you, that the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagos, Oneidas, and Mohawks, are yet alive." After ascribing the pacific overtures of the general to the impotence of the French, and repelling the charges brought against his countrymen, he added ; " We are born free ; we have no dependence either on the Onnuntio or the Corlar." [These were titles given by the Indians to the governors of Canada and of New York.] This eloquent speech has this admirable conclusion : " My voice is the voice of all the Five Nations. Hear what they say ; open your ears to what they speak. The Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagos, Oneidas, and Mohawks say, that when they buried the hatchet at Cataracuoy, in the presence of your predecessor, in the very centre of the fort, and planted the tree of peace in the same place, it was then agreed, that the fort should be used as a place of rendezvous for merchants, and not as a refuge for soldiers. Hear, Onnuntio, you ought to take care, that so great a number of soldiers, as appear there, do not choke the tree of peace, planted in so small a fort, and hinder it from shading both your country and ours with its branches. I do assure you, that our warriors shall dance to the calumet of peace under its leaves, and that we will never dig up the axe to cut it down, until the Onnuntio or the Corlar shall either jointly or separately endeavour to invade the country, which the great Spirit has given to our ancestors. This belt confirms my words ; and this other, the authority, which the Five Nations have given me." 2 Laws of Virginia. 3 Minot, Mass. i. 181. 4 Magnalia, b. 4. 130. He was a son of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich, and a descendant of John Rogers, the martyr. He was educated at Harvard college, and succeeded Mr. Oakes in the presidency of that seminary. He was distinguished for sweetness of temper, polite accomplishments, and unfeigned piety. Allen and Eliot, Biog. 5 He was the first graduate of Harvard college, in 16-12. On his return to BRITISH COLONIES. 415 1685. Charles II. died on the 16th of February. He was sue- Death of ceeded by his brother James II. who was proclaimed at Boston J?" 16 }^ on the 20th of April. 1 Connecticut, with the other colonies, proclaimed congratulated him on his accession to the throne, and begged the at Boston - protection of her chartered privileges ; but in July a quo war- ranto was issued against the governor and company of that JStoT"" colony. 2 A similar writ was issued in October against Rhode sued. Island. 3 Randolph was now appointed, by the lord treasurer Rochester, deputy post master of New England. 4 King James, on the 8th of October, issued a commission, in which Joseph J. Dudley Dudley a native of Massachusetts, was appointed president of P resident - New England. 5 The colony of Plymouth was divided into three counties ; Plymouth Plymouth, Barnstable, and Bristol. 6 In that colony there were, c ?J on y di ~ , ,!• • - ACtr . • t t 7 J vided into at this time, 1439 praying Indians. 7 counties: The commerce of Charlestown, the capital of Carolina, began First coi- to attract notice in England, and the first collector was estab- lect °r of lished for that port. 8 £ h w a n ries - The assembly of Carolina passed an act for clearing the lots Charles . and streets of Charlestown, and for settling and regulating a night- town, sic. ly watch in the town. 9 regulated. The town of Branford, in Connecticut, after a long period of Branford resettled. England, his native country, he succeeded Dr. Twiss at Newbury, " where he gained a high reputation as a scholar, a preacher, a casuist, and a Christian." He was ejected in 1622, but continued to preach privately, and upon the In- dulgence, in 1672, more publicly. After king Charles's return, he was made one of his chaplains in ordinary. Calamy gives him the title of " m. a. of Magd. Hall, Oxford; 1 ''' he also received the degree of s.t. d. Nonconform- ist's Memorial, iii. 290, Catal. Harv. 1 Sewall, MS. Diaiy. Hutchinson, i. 340. Chalmers [417,] says, " with sorrowful and affected pomp." * Chalmers, b. 1. 297. Trumbull, i. 386. The articles of high misdemeanor, which were exhibited against the governor and company, are in Chalmers, b. 1. 301—304. They are signed by Edward Randolph. 3 Callender, 47. Adams, N. Eng. 141. Hutchinson, Note under 1684. 4 Chalmers, b. 1. 463. This appears to be the first instance of such an ap- pointment in the English colonies. Ibid. 5 Hutchinson, i. 341—345 ; 350—353. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 230—232. Trumbull, i. 369. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 244. Chalmers, b. 1. 418. The royal grasp did not at first take in all the New England colonies. The jurisdic- tion of the president and council extended over Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, Maine, and the Narraganset or king's province. 6 Morton [Supplement], 207. 7 Hutchinson, i. 349. Beside boys and girls under 12 years old, who were supposed to be more than three times that number. See Tables. 8 Chalmers, b. 1. 548. Drayton, S. Carol. 160. 9 Drayton, S. Carol. 201. The " first known act " for that purpose. 416 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1685. Population of Canada! Bay of St. Bernard. Quit claim of Boston) desertion, having become resettled, was now invested with town privileges. 1 The inhabitants of Canada amounted to 17,000 ; 3000 of whom were supposed to be capable of bearing arms. 2 On the return of M. de la Sale to France, he received a com- mission and authority from Louis XIV, and a new expedition was fitted out for the purpose of forming a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. This expedition, consisting of 4 vessels and nearly 300 persons, sailed from Rochelle, and after many dis- asters, discovered the bay of St. Bernard, where they landed, and built a fort, which they called St. Louis. 3 Chickatabut, a grandson of the old sachem of Neponset, gave a quit claim of the peninsula of Boston'. 4 Port Royal broken up by the Spaniards. Scotch at Port Royal dislodged. 1686. The Spaniards at St. Augustine, suspecting that the English colonists inflamed the natives against them, invaded the southern- most frontiers of Carolina, and laid waste the feeble settlements of Port Royal. The Carolinians prepared to attack St. Augustine ; but were restrained by the remonstrance of the proprietaries, and relin- quished the project. The Scotch settlers, who had begun plantations on Port Royal island but a few years before, were now dislodged, and most of them returned to their native country. No attempt was made for many years afterwards, to establish a colony in that part of Carolina. 5 A writ of quo 1 Trumbull, Conn. i. 289, 290. See a. d. 1665. 2 Chalmers, b. 1. 609. " An accurate account taken by order of the gover- nor." 3 American State Papers, xii. 79, 81, 87. J. Q. Adams, Secretary of State, to the Minister from Spain. See a. d. 1682. The fort is now called Mata- gorda, lb. 4 Snow, Hist. Boston, 49. A copy of this " very curious document " is pre- served, ib. Appendix. This and similar instruments were drawn about this period, because the charter was likely to be vacated, and the people were told that in that case their title to their estates would be of no value. Randolph himself petitioned for half an acre of land " to be taken out of the common in Boston." Ib. Hutchinson, c. 3. has preserved an extract from a letter of Ran- dolph, 1687, expressive, doubtless, of his wishes and and expectations : " A little time will try what our new judges, Dudley and Stoughton, will say, when cither Indian purchases or grants from the general court are questioned before them." 5 Chalmers, 547, 54S. Hewatt, i. 89. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. 127. Arch- dale, in his Description of Carolina, printed in 1707, says, " I understand two new Rivers are about seating, one in the south, and the other in the north ; and if it please God that the Union succeed with Scotland, the principal place in Carolina, called Port Royal, may be seated with English and Scots in a con- siderable body, because 'tis a bold port, and also a frontier upon the Spaniard at Augustine, which is but a weak settlement, about two hundred miles to the South West of it. The Scots did, about 20 years since, begin a settlement BRITISH COLONIES. 417 warranto was issued, about this time, against the patent of 1686. Carolina. 1 v^-v-^/ Colonel Steede, governor of Barbadoes, expelled the French English from the islands of St. Lucia, St. Vincents, and Dominica, and ^S&tat destroyed their settlements ; and the English took immediate French w. possession of those islands. 2 L islands - John Magus and Lawrence Nassowanno, natives of New Land sold England, sold to Joshua Lamb and his associates belonging to by Indians. Roxbury, the tract of land which comprises the town of Hard- Hardwick. wick, in the county of Worcester, in Massachusetts. 3 The Praying Indians, about this time, amounted to 1439 ; Praying the whole number, including their children, was supposed to be lndians - upwards of 5000. 4 A considerable number of French protestants, compelled to French abandon their native country by the revocation of the edict of refl1 § ees Nantes, sought an asylum in New England. The proprietors of England; ' the township of Oxford, in Massachusetts, brought over 30 se ttie Ox- French protestant families, and settled them upon the eastern fo ^ d - part of it. 5 A treaty of peace and neutrality for America between France Nov. is. and England was concluded at London on the 16th of Novem- ^Sca 61 with about 10 families, but were dispossessed by the Spaniards." — Dr. Ramsay says : " The governmental, used for this [Scotch] settlement, was carried to Scotland ; but in the year 1793, it was politely returned by the earl of Buchan as an object of curiosity, and is now placed in the Musaeum of the Charleston 1 ibrary." See A. d. 1682, and 1712. 1 Chalmers, 549, 564 — 566. " The proprietaries, prudently bending before a storm, which it seemed in vain to resist, eluded the force of a blast, that had laid the charters and governments of New England in ruins." They offered a treaty of surrender. Carolina had as yet no commodity lit for the markets of Europe, but a few skins, and a little cedar; both of which did not amount yearly to £2000. 2 Memoires de PAmerique, iii. 273. The French were driven out in August ; and the English were in actual possession in November. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 180. The land was sold for £20, New England currency. 4 Hist. Brit. America,b. 1. p. 140. This number was stated by governor Hinckley, in' an account of these Indians sent by him to the Society in England for propagating the Gospel ; and was exclusive of boys and girls under 12 years of age, which were supposed to be above 4000. 5 Memoir of French Protestants in 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. 29,30. Upwards of 11,000 acres were " severed, granted, and set apart for a village called Oxford, for said Families." In September, Dr. Bentley says, £28 were contributed at Salem for the relief of the French refugees. Hist. Salem. Contiibutions were doubtless made at Boston and elsewhere. " Whole families associated in Bos- ton, the greater part went to the .southern states, particularly to South Caro- lina." lb. A small brick church was built in School street, in Boston, for the French protestants there ; but the time is not precisely ascertained. Mr. Daille, their minister, is first noticed ten years after their arrival. Mather [b. 1. c. 7.] in his account of " Christian congregations " in New England, * at this present year 1696," at the close of " The County of Suffolk ministers," adds, " And a French congregation of Refugees under the pastoral cares of Monsieur Daille." See Pemberton's Description of Boston, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 259, and Snow's Hist, of Boston, c. 35. vol. I. 53 418 AMERICAN ANNALS. 168G. French take the forts in Hudson's bay. Quo war- ranto a- griinst E. 6c W. Jersey. ber. By this treaty it was agreed, that there shall be between' them a firm peace, as well in South as North America, in both continents and islands, by sea and land; that no soldiers, or armed men, living either in the English or French American islands and colonies, shall commit any act of hostility or damage to either party, nor give any assistance or supplies of men or victuals " to the wild Indians," with whom either king shall have war ; that both kings shall retain and possess all the dominions and prerogatives they now enjoy in America ; and that the governors and officers of either nation shall be strictly enjoined to give no assistance nor protection to any pirates of whatever nation, and shall also punish, as pirates, all such as shall fit out any ship without lawful commission and authority. By this and former treaties of peace and neutrality for America the possessions of the Eu- ropean potentates in this country were ascertained, and the freedom of commerce in the American seas was more firmly established. 1 The French, though at peace with England in Europe, march- ed from Canada, and surprised four of the forts of the Hudson's Bay Company ; leaving only the fort at Port Nelson in possession of the English. This is the first time the French found the way, over land, from Canada to that bay. 2 The attorney general of England was ordered to prosecute writs of quo warranto against East and West Jersey with effect.* Several persons in East Jersey having received abuses, and been put in great fear by quarrels and challenges, a law was made to prevent the repetition of such injuries. 4 1 Memoires de l'Amerique, ii. 81 — 89, where the treaty is inserted entire, lb. iv. 24, and Corps diplomatique, torn. vii. p. 2. 141. Anderson, A. d. 1686. The English author thinks, that by this treaty the French king egregiously imposed on king James : because the American isles belonging to France were then much the most feeble, and as bucaniers from Jamaica might possibly have made very free with them, James gave them entirely up as pirates ; because the uti possidetis, hereby stipulated, secured to France the possession of some of her colonies to which England, till now, had strong pretensions ; and because by this pacification France had an advantageous respite for improving both her island and continent colonies in America — " of which," he adds, " she made a very good use to our cost." 2 Anderson, A. d. 16S6. The treaty makes no mention of these forts, the loss of which was not known in England when the treaty was concluded. 3 Chalmers, 622. The proprietaries now represented to king James, that they had paid for this province £12,000, and that they had already sent to it several hundreds of people from Scotland. 4 Smith, N. Jersey, 195. The law declared, that none, by word or message, shall make a challenge upon pain of six months imprisonment, without bail or mainpiize, and a £10 fine ; that whoever accepts or conceals the challenge, shall also forfeit £10 ; that no person shall wear any pocket pistols, skeins, stilladers, daggers or dirks, or other unusual weapons, upon pain of £5 forfeiture for the iirst offence, and for the second to be committed ; and, on conviction, imprisoned for 6 months and to pay a fine of £10. No planter might go armed with sword, pistol, or dagger, on penalty of £5. BRITISH COLONIES. 419 King James, determining to establish the same arbitrary rule 1686. in New York, as he designed for New England, deprived that v^^-w/ colony of its immunities. Dongan, whose commission was now State of the renewed, was instructed,, among other articles, " to allow no city V of C New printing press." Deprived, at the same time, of the assembly, Yori*. New York was reduced to the condition of a conquered prov- ince. There were now in that province 4000 foot, 300 horse, and one company of dragoons. The shipping belonging to the city of New York had increased to 9 or 10 three-mast vessels, of about 80 or 90 tons ; 200 or 300 ketches or barks, of about 40 tons ; and about 20 sloops, of 25 tons. 1 The city was now first regularly incorporated by a charter. Albany, on the Hud- Albany, son, was incorporated this year. 2 The royal commission to the president of New England was p r esidentof received on the 15th of May, and published on the 25th of that N.England. month ; at which time Dudley's administration commenced. It was short, but tolerable. The house of delegates was, indeed, laid aside ; but the ancient ordinances of the general court were declared to be in force, and the laws and customs of the colony were continued. Dudley was superseded by Sir Edmund An- Dudle /db" dros, who arrived at Boston on the 20th of December, with skE. An- 7 a commission from king James for the government of New dros. England. 3 He was instructed to appoint no one of the coun- Dec .20. cil, or any to other offices, but those of the best estates and Andros ar- characters, and to displace none without sufficient cause ; to B^tor? continue the former laws of the country, so far as they were not inconsistent with his commission or instructions, until other regu- lations were established by the governor and council ; to allow no printing press ; to give universal toleration in religion, but encouragement to the church of England ; to execute the laws of trade, and prevent frauds in customs. To support a gov- ernment that could not be submitted to from choice, a small military establishment, consisting of two companies of soldiers, was formed, and military stores were transported. 4 The tyran- nical conduct of James towards the colonies did not escape the notice and censure of the English historians. " At the same 1 Chalmers, 588, 601. 2 Smith, N. York, i. 195, 198. New York was put under the government of a mayor and aldermen in 1665 ; which Smith denominated an incorporation. See that year. 3 Sewall, MS. Diary. Chalmers, 419, 421. Andros was appointed captain general and vice admiral of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Plymouth, Pemaquid, and Narraganset, during pleasure. " He was received with a satis- faction in proportion only as he was less •dreaded than Kirk." Hume [Hist. Eng.] calls Kirk " a barbarian." 4 Chalmers, 420, 421. Judge Sewall, who lived in Boston, and was there when Andros arrived, writes in his Diary : " Dec. 24. About 60 red-coats are brought to town, landed at Mr. Pool's wharf, where drew up, and so marched to Mr. Gibbs's house at Fort Hill." 420 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1686. Printing press con- trolled. Andros as- sumes the government of R. Island. Grant of Woodstock. First epis- copal so- ciety in Boston. time that the boroughs of England were deprived of their privi- leges, a like attempt was made on the colonies. King James recalled the charters, by which their liberties were secured ; and he sent over governors invested with absolute power. The arbitrary principles of that monarch appear in every part of his administration." 1 Whatever Randolph's instructions were respecting the printing press, now prohibited, if he allowed one, he meant to controul it. Three weeks only before the arrival of Andros with the power of prohibition, Randolph forbade a printer in Boston to print any Almanack without his approbation. 2 Before the expiration of the month of December, Andros, agreeably to his orders, dissolved the government of Rhode Island ; broke its seal ; admitted five of its inhabitants into his legislative council ; and assumed the administration. 3 Many of the inhabitants of Roxbury, in Massachusetts, re- ceived from the government the grant of a tract of land, in the southern part of the colony, for a settlement, which was named Woodstock. This township was bounded by Woodward and Saffery's line ; and was afterward found to be within the limits of Connecticut. It was first called New Roxbury. 4 The first episcopal society was formed in Boston ; and the service of the Common Prayer book introduced. This was effected before the arrival of Andros. Randolph, who was ac- tive in forwarding the design, had suggested a contribution towards building a church for the society, but without effect. Andros, on the day of his arrival, applied for the use of one of the churches in Boston. The ministers, who were consulted on this occasion, agreed that they could not, with a good conscience, consent to such a use of their churches. In the following spring, what had been withhold en by right, was taken by power. The governor, after viewing the three churches in town, sent Ran- dolph for the keys of the Old South church, that he might have prayers read there ; and, without the consent and against the will of the proprietors, made use of that church for divine service. 5 1 Hume, Hist. England, Art. James ii. 2 The following laconic note was sent, by his order, to the printer : " Mr. Greene. I am commanded by Mr. Secretary Randolph to give you notice that you doe not proceed to print any Almanack whatever without having his appro- bation for the same. Yo'rs Ben : Bullivant." — From the original MS. in the Old South Collection. 3 Chalmers, 279. When Andros demanded the Charter of Clarke, the late governor of R. Island, he promised to deliver it " at a fitter season." lb. 421. 4 Hutchinson, ii. 204. Whitney, Ifist. County of Worcester. In Judge Sew- all's MS. Diary I find this entry : u 1690. March 18, I gave New Roxbury the name of Woodstock, because of its nearness to Oxford, for the sake of queen Elizabeth, and the notable meetings that have been held at the place bearing that name in England." 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 259. Sewall, MS. Diary. Judge Sewall was one BRITISH COLONIES. 421 1687. The attorney general received orders from king James, in Quo war- April, to issue a writ of quo warranto against the charter of the ra ! 110 *;, r • r i\ ~ i i i • i i-ii gainst Ma- propnclor ot [Maryland ; but no judgment was ever obtained. 1 ryiand. Sir Edmund Andros went, in October, with his suite and more Andros as- than GO regular troops, to Hartford, where the assembly of Con- sumes lhe necticut was then sitting ; demanded the charter ; and declared |° (jonnecJ the government to be dissolved. The assembly, extremely re- ticut. luctant and slow to surrender or to produce the charter, kept the subject in debate and suspense until evening ; when the charter was brought and laid on the table, where the assembly was con- vened. The lights were now instantly extinguished. There was no appearance, however, of disorder. The candles were relighted ; but the patent was gone. Sir Edmund assumed the government; and the records of the colony were closed. The charter, in due time, came to light. Captain Wadsworth of Hartford silently carried it off, and secreted it in a large hollow oak tree, which, to this day, is regarded with veneration, as the preserver of the constitution of the colony. 2 of the pillars of the Old South church at this very time. In his Diary are the following entries. [1686] " Aug. William Harrison, the boddice maker is buried, which is the first that I know of buried with the Common Prayer Book in Boston. He was formerly Mr. Randolph's landlord." " August 21. Mr. Randolph and Mr. Bullivant were here. Mr. Randolph mentioned a contri- bution toward building them a church, and seemed to goe away displeased because I spake not up to it." Judge Sewall, having mentioned that the governor and counsellors took the oaths at the Town House (remarking, that the " governour stood with his hat on when oaths given to counsellors"), writes : " It seems [he] speaks to the ministers in the Library about accom- modation as to a meeting house, that might so contrive the time, as one house might serve two assemblies." " Dec. 21. There is a meeting at Mr. Allen's of the Ministers and four of each Congregation, to consider what answer to give the Governour ; and it was agreed, that could not with a good conscience consent that our meeting houses should be made use for the Common Prayer worship." " March 22, 1686-7. This day his Excellency views the three meeting houses. 23. The Governour sends Mr. Randolph for the keys of our meeting house [Old South], that may say prayers there. Mr. Eliot, Frary, Oli- ver, Savage, Davis, and myself wait on his excellency, show that the land and house is ours, and that we can't consent to part with it to such use ; exhibit an extract of Mrs. Norton's deed, and how 'twas built by particular persons, as Hull, Oliver, £100 apiece &c." " Friday, March 25, 1687. The Governour has service in the South meetinghouse. Goodm. Needham, tho' had resolved to the contrary, was prevailed upon to ring the bell and open the door at the Governour's command, one Smith and Hill, joiner and shoemaker, being very busy about it." l Chalmers, 371. ^ 2 Chalmers, 298. Trumbull, Conn. i. 371, 372. Dummer, N. Eng. Charters, 2. Gov. Wolcott, MS. Memoir. In this Memoir the governor writes : " And now Sir Edmund being in town, and the Charters gone, the Secretary closed the Colony Records with the word Finis, and all departed." — The venerable Oak, in which the Charter was concealed, stood in front of the house of the honour- able Samuel Wyllys then one of the magistrates of the colony. It still remains Sale. 422 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1687. An order was transmitted from England to the governor of v^^-w' New York, to permit vessels to pass, without interruption, to East Jersey, on paying the same customs as at New York. 1 Indian There were in Massachusetts, at this time, beside the principal churches in c ] lurc h a t Natick, four Indian assemblies of religious worshippers. Plymouth. In Plymouth colony, beside the principal church at Mashpee, there were five assemblies in that vicinity, and a large congrega- tion at Saconet. Between Saconet and Cape Cod there were six societies, with an Indian teacher to each ; one church at Nantucket ; and three at. Martha's Vineyard. 2 Expedition James II. detached Sir Robert Holmes, with a small fleet, forsuppres- an( j an extraordinary commission, for suppressing pirates in the in n fheWest West Indies. The governor and council of Carolina received indies. orders to show an example of submission to his powers, and to afford every assistance to .his armament. This judicious project proved successful ; " till new causes not long after gave rise to piratical adventures, which required all the continued energy of William and Mary to suppress." 3 Death of La M. de la Sale, the discoverer of Louisiana, returning from an enterprise for the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi, was shot, in a mutiny, by one of his own men. 4 within the enclosure of the old family mansion ; and is in little danger of injury, except from time, while under the auspicious care of the Wyllys family. In reply to an inquiry concerning this tree before I had seen it, a daughter of the late Secretary Wyllys of Connecticut wrote to me, from Hartford : " That ven- erable Tree, which concealed the Charter of our rights, stands at the foot of Wyllys Hill. The first inhabitant of that name found it standing in the height of its glory. Age seems to have curtailed its branches, yet it is not exceeded in the height of its colouring or richness of its foliage. The trunk measures 21 feet in circumference, and near 7 in diameter. The cavity, which was the asylum of our Charter, was near the roots, and large' enough to admit a child. Within the space of eight years, that cavity has closed, as if it had fulfilled the divine purpose for which it had been reared." 1 Chalmers, 622. The Jerseys were, not long after, annexed to New England. 2 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 194, 195. Neal, N. Eng. i. c. 6. « There are 6 churches of baptized Indians, and 18 assemblies of catachumens, professing the name of Christ. Of the Indians there are 24, who are preachers of the Word of God ; and beside these there are four English ministers, who preach the gospel in the Indian tongue." Ibid. Letter of I. Mather to Professor Leusden of Utrecht. Referring to the 5 assemblies of Indians w not far distant from Mas- shippaug [Mashpee], which have Indian preachers," Dr. I. Mather says : " John Cotton, pastor of the church at Plymouth, son of my venerable father in law John Cotton the famous teacher of the church at Boston, has made very great progress in learning the Indian tongue, and is very skilful in it : he preaches in their own language to the five mentioned congregations every week." lb. 3 Chalmers, 546, 547. Univ. Hist. xli. 361, 362. Hume says of James II, that " his application to naval affairs was successful, his encouragement of trade judicious, his jealousy of national honour laudable." Hist. Eng. James II, c. ii. Henault says, the public are indebted to this prince, when only duke of York, for the contrivance of signals on board a fleet, by the means of flags and stream- ers. Hist. France, ii. 200. 4 Univ. Hist. xl. 260. After his discovery in 1682, he went to France, and obtained leave of the king to discover the mouth of the Mississippi, and to make Senecas. BRITISH COLONIES. 423 The French court aimed a blow, which threatened to destroy 1687. all the British interest in North America. 1 M. de Denonville, v^-s^w' succeeding M. de la Barre, took the field with 1500 French French hos- and 500 Indians. The Senecas had absolutely refused to meet tmties * M. de la Barre at the late treaty, and were known to be most firmly attached to the English ; it was therefore determined to extirpate or humble them, and to make them examples of French resentment to all the other Indians. M. Denonville commenced J une 23 ; his march from Cataracui fort on the 23d of June. When marches the army had reached the foot of a hill, about a quarter of a against the league from the chief village of the Senecas, the Indians, who lay in ambush, 2 suddenly raised the war shout, with a discharge of fire arms. This surprise threw the French into confusion, of which the Senecas took instant advantage, and fell on them with great fury ; but the French Indians rallied at length, and repulsed them. In this action, 100 Frenchmen, 10 French Indians, and about 80 Senecas were killed. The next day, Denonville marched forward with the intention of burning the village, but found it in ashes. The Senecas had burned it, and fled. 3 Nothing was left to employ the valour of the soldiers, but the corn in the fields, which they effectually destroyed. Before Denonville re- turned to Canada, he built a fort of four bastions at Niagara, and left in it 100 men, with provisions; but it was soon after aban- doned. 4 * a settlement there. He sailed in 1684 from Rochelle, with 4 vessels, 100 soldiers, and a number of people for settlement. Arriving at a large bay, he took it to be the right branch of the Mississippi, and called it St. Louis. This was the bay of St. Bernard, at the distance of 100 leagues westward of the Mississippi. Here he built a fort, and put 100 men in it. He made war on the natives ; and travelled along the coast, to find the true mouth of the great river, which at length he imagined he had discovered ; and built a second fort. Returning to his first fort, and finding that his frigate, and most of the men, goods, and pro- visions were lost; he took a few men with him, and travelled through the country, to find out the Illinois, purposing by that river to return to Canada. On this journey he was killed. The rest of the party proceeded by the way of the Illinois to Quebec. The Clamcoets, an Indian tribe, which had been ill treated by some of the new settlers, no sooner heard of Sale's death, thfh they surprised the inhabitants of St. Louis, and murdered them all, with the exception of four or five persons, whom they carried to their village. Univ. Hist. xl. 250 —269. Hennepin, in Harris' Voy, ii. 911—915. Du Pratz, i, 6. Encyclop. Methodique, Commerce, Art. Cojmpagnie du Mississippi, ou De laLou- isiane. Atlas Geog. America, v. 681. 1 " The war was undertaken, chiefly to put a stop to the English trade, which now began to extend itself far into the continent, and would in its consequence ruin theirs." Colden, 78. 2 The scouts had advanced before the army as far as the corn of the villages without seeing a single Indian ; though they passed within pistol shot of 500 Senecas, who lay on their bellies, and let them pass and repass, without disturb- ing them. lb. 3 Two old men only were found in the castle, who were cut into pieces and boiled, to make soup for the French allies. lb. 4 Colden, 77—79. Univ. Hist. xl. 37—39. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 516—518. 424 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1C87. A provisional treaty concerning America was made between vs^-v-w' the king of France and the king of England, at Whitehall on the 16th of December. 1 Printing at Printing was begun near Philadelphia by William Bradford. Phiiadei- Pennsylvania was the second colony in North America, in which p ia " a press was established. 2 Pubiica- A " Narrative of the Miseries of New England, by reason of tions. an arbitrary Government ; " and " New England vindicated from unjust Aspersions," were published, this year, at London. 3 An hmin P Penn- Almanack for this year was printed by William Bradford, the first syivania. printer who settled in Pennsylvania. This was the first thing printed in that province. 4 John Alden, who came from England with the first settlers of Deaths. Plymouth, died at Duxbury, in the 89th year of his age. 5 Daniel Gookin, of Cambridge, died, aged 75 years ; 6 and Elijah Corlet, of Cambridge, in the 77th year of his age. 7 1 Memoires de PAmerique, ii. 89 — 92 ; iii. 156. Depot des affaires etran- geres. 2 Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 149. 3 Bibliotheca Americ. 106. The first was in 4to. ; the last, 8vo. 4 Mem. Hist. Soc. Pennsyiv. i. 105. The Almanack* was " by Daniel Leeds, Student in Agriculture." 5 Prince, 172. He was one of the original signers of the compact in 1620. He was a very worthy, useful, and exemplary man ; and was an assistant in the administration of every governor of Plymouth colony for 67 years. Allen and Eliot, Biog. Diet. Alden, Epitaphs, iii. 620. Morton", Davis' edit. 100. 6 Major general Gookin was born in the county of Kent in England. In early life he came with his father to Virginia, and settled at Newport News. In 16 14 he removed with his family to New England, and settled at Cambridge. He had become so attached to the preaching of the ministers who visited Vir- ginia two years before, that he removed soon after their return, to enjoy the privilege of the ordinances of the gospel in their purity. In 1652 he was elected assistant, and four years after, was appointed by the general court superintend- antof all the Indians who had submitted to the government of Massachusetts ; — an office which he performed through the remainder of his life with great fidelity. In 1656 he visited England, and had an interview with Cromwell ; who com- missioned him to invite the people of Massachusetts to transport themselves to Jamaica, then recently conquered from the Spaniards. He wrote " Historical Collections of the Indians in New England," first published in the first volume of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society ; also, " The History of New England, especially of the Colony of Massachusetts, in Eight Books." This MS. History, which was in the hands of the Rev. Daniel Gookin of Sher- burn, was burnt with his house. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 228. Farmer and Moore, Coll. ii. 368. 7 Mr. Corlet was an eminent classical instructer, who began his labours at Cambridge not long after its first settlement, and was master of the Gram- mar school in that town between 40 and 50 years. Under his instruction, many of the most worthy men of the country were prepared for their entrance into college. He taught the Indian scholars who were designed for the col- lege, and was compensated for that service by the Society in England for propagating the gospel. He is recorded in the Magnalia as distinguished for his usefulness, and for learning and piety. lb. b. 3. 68. Coll. Mass. Hist. So'c. i. 242 ; vii. 22. A MS. book in the hand writing of Rev. Mr. Mitchel {penes me), found in the Prince Collection, has a "List of members in the Church of Christ in Cambridge," in which the name of Elijah Corlet appears BRITISH COLONIES. 425 1688. The governor of New England, Sir Edmund Andros, with Administra- his council, made laws, and levied taxes at their pleasure. With- * ion of An- out an assembly they raised a penny on the pound on all the w ithoppo- estates in the country, and another penny on all imported goods, sition. beside twenty pence per head as poll money, and an immoderate excise on wine, rum, and other liquors. 1 The inhabitants of several towns in the county of Essex, in Massachusetts, refused to levy the assessments, without which the taxes could not be collected. " The feeble but magnanimous efforts of expiring freedom " were considered as seditious ; and punishments were inflicted, proportioned to the aggravations of the supposed crime. The Selectmen of Ipswich having voted, " That inasmuch Selectmen as it is against the privilege of English subjects to have money of Ipswich raised without their own consent in an assembly or parliament, pass< therefore they will petition the king for liberty of an assembly, before they make any rates;" Sir Edmund caused them to be imprisoned and fined, some £20, some £30, and some £50, f ra e pr isoned. as the judges, by him instructed, should see fit to determine. 2 So great already were the oppressions of his government, that some of the principal colonists sent Mr. Increase Mather, one of An age p l the ministers of Boston, to England, as an agent to represent land. their grievances to the king. 3 King James was making daily advances toward despotism in Agency and England ; and there seems to have been but little ground to hope s ° llcltatlons e l r i i- F of no avail. tor success to the cause ot the colonies. A report was at first agreed upon by the committee of foreign plantations, in which an assembly was mentioned ; but lord Sunderland struck out that clause with his own hand, before the petition was presented. Mr. Hinckley, the late governor of Plymouth, petitioned in behalf of that colony, and the inhabitants of Cambridge made a particular among other names of distinction. Of these names are : Captain Daniel Gookin, Charles Chauncy, " president of the College," Edward Collins, deacon of the church [father of the eminent ministers John and Nathaniel Collins], Edmund Angier, and his wife Ruth, " the daughter of that famous light, Dr. Ames," Edward Oakes, who was father of Urian, " now [1658] minister of the word in England," Thomas Belcher [father of governor Belcher], whose children were " all baptized in this church," Stephen Day, admitted in 1661. * Dummer's Defence of N. Eng. Charters, 22. This able advocate for the colo- nies ascribes these arbitrary measures to " the governor of New England, with four or five strangers of his council, men of desperate fortunes, and bad if any principles." 2 Chalmers, 422. Hutchinson, i. 365. Mr. Appleton who had been an as- sistant, and Mr. Wise the minister of Ipswich, were imprisoned. 3 Hutchinson, i. 366. Randolph, having failed in one action of defamation against Mr. Mather, was bringing forward a new action against him. To avoid the service of the writ, he kept concealed ; and some of his church carried him aboard ship in the night, in disguise. lb. vol. i. 54 426 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1688. N. York & N Jersies added to the jurisdiction of N. Eng- land. Expedition of Andros against the eastern In- dians. Episcopal church. Population of New France. application ; but neither the applications made by the agents, nor any other solicitations, had the least influence upon measures in New England. 1 It being determined to superadd New York and the Jersies to the jurisdiction of the four colonies of New England ; a new commission was passed in March, appointing Andros captain general and vice admiral over the whole. Francis Nicholson was soon after named his lieutenant, with the accustomed au- thority. The constitution, established on this occasion, was a legislative and executive governor and council, who were ap- pointed by the king, without the consent of the people. 2 The king's order to governor Dongan, to deliver up the seal of the province to his Excellency Sir Edmund Andros, was read in the provincial council on the 28th of July, and ordered to be recorded among the records of the province of New York. 3 The eastern Indians having renewed hostilities, Andros march- ed against them at the head of 800 men. On his approach, they retired into their fastnesses ; but, by establishing garrisons, by detaching numerous parties to attack their settlements and destroy their scanty provisions, he reduced them to the greatest distress, and secured the country from their incursions. 4 The first episcopal church in Massachusetts was erected in Boston, in Tremont street, and called King's Chapel. 5 The French, settled in New France, now amounted to 11,249 persons. 1 Hutchinson, i. c. 3. Hinckley MSS. ii. 23. 2 Chalmers, 425. 3 Collections of N. York Historical Society, iii. 353. On the 24th of August, Sir Edmund Andros issued a proclamation, dated that day at New York, ordering a general thanksgiving for her majesty's safe delivery of a prince, to be observed in this city and its dependencies, on Sunday 2 September, and 14 days after, in all other parts of his dominions. lb. 4 Chalmers, 429. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 242—244. Hutchinson, i. 370. Dr. Belknap says, Andros had 700 men. The lands from Penobscot to Nova Scotia had been ceded to the French by the treaty of Breda. The baron de St. Castine had for many years resided on those lands, and carried on a large trade with the Indians, with whom he was intimately connected, having several of their women, beside a daughter of the sachem Madokawando, for his wives. In 1686, a ship, belonging to Pascataqua, landed some wines at Penobscot, supposing it to be within the French territory. The agents of the duke of York at Pemaquid went and seized the wines ; but, by the influence of the French ambassador in Eng- land, an order was obtained for the restoration of them. On this occasion, a new line was run, which took Castine's plantation into the duke's territory. In the spring of 1688, Andros went in the Rose frigate, and plundered Castine's house and fort. This base action provoked Castine to excite the Indians to a new war; they, on their part, not wanting pretences for its renewal. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 259. 6 Univ. Hist. xl. 47. PART II. BRITISH AMERICAN COLONIES. PERIOD IV. FROM THE REVOLUTION OF WILLIAM AND MARY, IN 1689, TO THE SETTLEMENT OF GEORGIA, IN 1732. 1689. King James having abdicated the throne, William, prince of William & Orange, and Mary, the daughter of James, were proclaimed on ^^edTa the 1 6th of February. 1 A report of the landing of the prince England. of Orange in England had reached America ; but before the news of the entire revolution arrived, a most daring one was effected in New England. The colonists had borne the imposi- tions of the new administration about three years. Their patience was now exhausted. A rumour, that a massacre was intended in Boston by the governor's guards, was sufficient to kindle their resentment into rage. On the morning of the 18th of April the town was in arms, and the people poured in from the country to the assistance of the capital. The governor, and such of the sir E. An- council as had been most active, with other obnoxious persons to dros seized the collective number of about fifty, were seized and confined ; oned" npr ' S " and the old magistrates were reinstated. 2 1 Blair's Chronol. James abdicated, and went to France 23 Dec. 1688. 2 The rumour of an intended massacre might have been the more easily credited, on account of the military orders given out on the reception of a copy of the Prince of Orange's Declaration. " A proclamation was issued, charging all officers and people to be in readiness to hinder the landing of any forces, which the Prince of Orange might send into those parts of the world."— — Cap- tain George, of the Rose frigate, was first seized and imprisoned ; and, some hours after, Sir Edmund Andros was taken in his fort. No less than 1500 men surrounded the fort on Fort Hill, which surrendered. The next day, the governor 428 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1689. Council of safety. Assembly- meets in Boston. Charter re- sumed. William & M;iry pro- claimed in Boston. Addresses to the king. R. Island resumes its govern- ment. The new council, inviting others to join with them, took the title of " A council for the safety of the people and conservation of the peace ;" and chose Mr. Bradstreet their president. On the 2d of May, the council recommended, that an assembly by a delegation from the several towns in the colony should meet on the 9th of that month. Sixty six persons met, and, having confirmed the new government, it was agreed, that on the 22d day of the same month there should be a meeting of the repre- sentatives of all the towns in the colony. On that day, the repre- sentatives of 54 towns met at Boston ; and, after various debates, it was determined " to resume the government according to charter rights." 1 On the 24th, the governor and magistrates, chosen in 1686, signed a paper, declaring their acceptance of the care and government of the people according to the rules of the charter, until by direction from England there be an orderly settlement of government. On the 29th, king William and queen Mary were proclaimed, with great ceremony, in Boston. Ad- dresses were sent to the king. These addresses were sent, for presentation, to Mr. Ashurst, Mr. Leveret, and Mr. Richard Hutchinson. Sir Henry Ashurst, a member of parliament, was more particularly engaged to act in behalf of the colony ; and Mr. Hampden, another member of parliament, showed great friendship for the colony. The house of commons voted the taking away of the charters of the plantations to be a grievance ; and a bill was passed for restoring charters, in which those of New England were expressly mentioned ; but whilst the bill was in the house of lords, the parliament was prorogued. After the loss of this chance in parliament, it was in vain to try for the restoration of the old charter. Application being made, in the mean time, for express authority to exercise government accord- ing to the old charter until a new one could be settled, this privi- lege was obtained. 2 , The freemen of Rhode Island, on hearing of the imprisonment of Andros, met at Newport, on the 1st of May, and voted to resume their charter. The assembly agreed, that since Sir Ed- mund Andros was seized and confined with others of his council, at Boston, and his authority silenced and deposed, it was their was confined in the fort under strong guards. On that day also, the castle on Castle Island was summoned, and surrendered. Chalmers, 469, 470. Captain George was obliged to give leave to go on board his ship, and bring the sails on shore. The troops, which collected around Fort Hill, pointed the guns of the South battery toward the fort on the summit, and thus brought the governor's garrison to submission. 1 Each town gave instructions to its delegates, whether to resume the charter or not ; and 40 of the 54 u were for reassumption." Hutchinson. 2 Hutchinson, Hist. Mass. a. d. 1689. Chalmers, 429—431. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 235, 236. There are no public records from the dissolution of the old charter government in 1686 until the restoration of it in 1689. Hutchinson, i. 354. BRITISH COLONIES. 429 duty to lay hold of their former charter privileges ; and, avowedly 1689. professing all allegiance to the crown of England, they replaced all ^*~^~^/ the general officers, who had been displaced three years before. 1 The government of Connecticut, which had been assumed by Connecti- Sir Edmund Andros, was reestablished by the freemen of that cut - colony in May ; and the laws which had been suspended, and the courts of justice which had been interrupted, were declared to have the same force, and to be invested with the same powers, as they had before. 2 Information of the accession of William and Mary to the Fffects of throne was received with joy at New York, and the lieutenant Joi^n New governor and council waited with anxiety for orders to proclaim York. them ; but while the principal officers and magistrates were assembled to consult for the public safety, Jacob Leisler, with 49 men, seized the garrison at New York, and held it for the prince of Orange. William and Mary were proclaimed there in June ; and the province was now ruled by a committee of safety, at the head of which was Leisler. 3 The inhabitants of Virginia and Maryland at once proclaimed y. irgir [ ia f William and Mary king and queen of England. 4 At the abdication of king James, all was done for the safety of Govem- the nation, that the critical and perilous emergency would admit, raent estab- By the advice of the lords spiritual and temporal, and the prin- EnSandi cipal persons of the commons, prince William caused letters to be written to the several counties, cities, universities, boroughs, and cinque ports, for the choosing of such persons to represent them, as were of right to be sent to parliament, to meet at West- minster on the 22d of January, in order that their religion, laws, and liberties, might not again be in danger of being subverted. The convention, when formed, proceeded to assert their rights and liberties, and to elect the Prince and Princess of Orange to be King and Queen of England, France, and Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging. This establishment of the British government was long after appealed to by the American colonists, ^bTthe in vindication of their rights. " It was," said they, " begun by colonists, the convention with a professed and real view, in all parts of the British empire, to put the liberties of the people out of the reach of arbitrary power in all time to come." 5 On the 27th of June, the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagos, and Indians re- Oneidas, renewed their covenant with the English. 6 nant. 1 Callender, 49. 2 Day, Hist. Judiciary of Connecticut. 3 Smith, N. York, 59. Chalmers, 591, 592. Hutchinson, a. d. 1689. 4 Chalmers, 431. 5 Otis, Rights of the British Colonies. 6 Colden, 99. This renewal of covenant was previous to the arrival of count Fr ntenac, who came over 2 October this year, as governor of Canada, at the age of 68 years. M. Denonville was recalled. lb. 96. 430 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1689. Loss at Dover. Descent of Indians on Montreal. Indians take PemaquiJ fort. Conference between the English and Five Na- tions. On the 27th of June, major Waldron was surprised in his garrison at Dover, New Hampshire, by the Pennicook Indians, and was killed with 20 others ; and 29 were taken prisoners. Five tor six houses, with the mills, were burnt. 1 On the 26th of July, 1200 Indians of the Five Nations, in- vading the island of Montreal, burned all the plantations, and made a terrible massacre of men, women, children. The whole French colony was thrown into consternation ; and Valrenes, the the commander at Catarocuay, by order of Denonville, aban- doned the fortress at that place. 2 On the 22d of August, the Indians besieged the fort at Pema- quid. This fort was so situated as to be overlooked from an adjacent rock, from which the Indians galled the garrison so severely, that the next day it capitulated. 3 A conference was holden at Albany, in September, between several commissioners from the colonies of Massachusetts, Plym- outh, and Connecticut, and the Five Nations. The commission- ers endeavoured to engage the Five Nations against the Eastern Indians, who were then at war with New England ; but, though they would not enter into that war, they ratified their friendship with the English colonies. " We promise," said they, " to pre- serve the chain inviolably, and wish that the sun may always shine in peace over all our heads, that are comprehended in this ch ain. 1690. French and Indian in- cursions. Feb. 8. Destroy Schenec- tady. Count Frontenac detached from Canada three parties of French and /Indians, who were to take three different routes into the English territories. One party, consisting of 150 French Indian traders and as many Indians, surprised and destroyed Schenectady. They entered the village on Saturday night, about 1 1 o'clock, when the inhabitants were in a> profound sleep and the gates unshut, and began to perpetrate the most inhuman barbarities. The whole village was instantly in a blaze. Sixty men, women, and children, were massacred, and 27 carried 1 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 201. Boston Chronological Table. 2 Smith, N. York, 56. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 549. Univ. Hist. xl. 49 — 51. Smith says, 1000 French were slain in this invasion, and 26 carried into captivity and burnt alive. Charlevoix' account of the barbarities of the Indians, in the massacre at Montreal, is too horrid to translate : " lis ouvirent le sein des femmes enceintes, pour en arracher le fruit, qu' elles portoient, ils mirent des enfans tout vivans a la broche, et contraignirent les meres de les tourner pour les faire rotir." 3 Hutchinson, i. $96. The terms of this capitulation, Hutchinson says, were kept with Indian faith, some of the men being butchered, and the others carried captive. 4 Smith, N. York, 63. Colden, 100—104. BRITISH COLONIES. 43! away prisoners ; the rest fled naked towards Albany. A deep 1 690. and terrible snow storm tailing that very night, 25 of these fugi- v^^-^ tives lost their limbs, through the severity of the frost. 1 Another March 18. party, consisting of 52 men, of whom 25 were Indians, surprised ^[ prise Salmon Falls, near Pascataqua, and killed about 30 of the Falls. bravest of the inhabitants ; the rest, to the number of 54, princi- pally women and children, surrendered at discretion. The whole settlement was pillaged and burnt. The Sieur Hertel, who commanded this expedition, met, on his way homeward, a third Ma y 17 - party, which had marched from Quebec ; and, joining his com- j^* atcS* pany to it, attacked and destroyed the fort and settlement at co. Casco. 2 The depredations filling the country with alarm, the most Application urgent application was made to Connecticut for immediate assist- l ? Connec- ance. A special assembly of that colony was called. Letters Sstonce;** from Massachusetts were laid before the assembly, soliciting, that soldiers might be sent from Connecticut to guard the upper towns upon Connecticut river ; and that there might be a general meet- ing of commissioners from the several colonies at Rhode Island, to consult the common defence. The last of these measures was, at this crisis, judged to be of peculiar importance. The general court of Massachusetts wrote to the governors of the neighbour- ing colonies, desiring them to appoint commissioners to meet, SetfoTad- advise, and consult upon suitable methods in assisting each other, vice. for the safety of the whole land. The governor of New York was requested to signify the desire to Maryland and the parts adjacent. The commissioners met on the 1st of May, at New York ; and this appears to be the first instance of a congress of A congress. the colonies. 3 The Indians having taken the iprt at Pemaquid, and the p or t Royal French privateers from Acadie still infesting the coasts of New taken by Si* England ; the general court of Massachusetts determined to w * Phips * make an attempt on Port Royal. A fleet of 8 small vessels, with 700 or 800 men under the command of Sir William Phips, sailed on that expedition on the 28th of April. The fort at Port Royal, being in no capacity to sustain a siege, surrendered, with little or no resistance ; and Sir William took possession of the whole sea coast, from Port Royal to the New England settle- ments. 4 1 Smith, N. York, 66, 67. Sewall, MS. Diary. Colden, Five Nations, 113—115. 2 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 257—259. Casco fort contained above 100 persons. It was taken " whilst the forces were gone to Port Royal." Hutchinson, i. 397. 3 Gordon, i. Lett. 2. Trumbull, Conn. i. c. 16. 4 Hutchinson, i. 396, 397. The fleet returned 30 May. The author of His- toire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises [65, 66.] says, that Sir William destroyed the French fort at the river St. John* that he cleared the country of 432 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1690. Expedition of Sir W. Phips against Canada. First paper money is- sued in the colonies. French re- fugees settle in Virginia, The people of New England, ascribing their troubles to Cana- da, formed a bold and hazardous design to reduce it to subjection to the crown of England. An armament was equipped for that service, and the command of it given to Sir William Phips. The fleet, retarded by unavoidable accidents, did not arrive before Quebec until the 5th of October. Phips, the next morn- ing, sent a summons on shore, but received an insolent answer from count Frontenac. The next day he attempted to land his troops, but was prevented by the violence of the wind. On the 8th, all the effective men, amounting to between 1200 and 1300, landed at the Isle of Orleans, four miles below the town, and were fired on from the woods by French and Indians. Having remained on shore until the 1 1th, and then learning by a deserter the strength of the place, they embarked with precipitation. A tempest soon after dispersed the fleet ; which made the best of its way back to Boston. 1 Success had been so confidently expected, that adequate pro- vision was not made at home for the payment of the troops. There was danger of a mutiny. In this extremity, the government of Massachusetts issued bills of credit, as a substitute for money ; and these were the first that were ever issued in the American colonies. 2 King William sent a large body of French refugees to Vir- ginia ; and lands were allotted to them on the banks of James all the French, who refused to take the oath of fidelity to the king of England ; and that he placed a governor there, to command those who consented to re- main. Brit. Emp. [i. 176.] says, that about a third part of the whole number remained ; and that most of these were protestants. 1 Hutchinson, i. 399—401. Smith, N. York, 68, 69. Colden, 126—131. Sir William arrived at Boston on the 16th of November. Some vessels of the fleet were blown off to the West Indies ; one was lost on Anticosta ; and two or three were wrecked, or never heard of. About 200 men were lost by the enemy and by sickness ; " not above 30 by the enemy." — A small vessel had been sent to England express, early in April, to solicit assistance for the reduction of Canada ; but the English government had too much on its hands, to pay any attention to the proposal. Massachusetts, however, determined to proceed ; and Connecticut and New York engaged to furnish a body of men. From these two colonies 2000 were expected to march by Lake Champlain, and attack Montreal, at the same time when the fo-ces by sea should be before Quebec. The fleet, which sailed 9 August from Nantaskct, contained between 30 and 40 vessels, the largest of 44 guns, and 200 men. The whole number of men was about 2000. Great dependence was placed on the expected division of the French force ; but the army, designed against Montreal, had unhappily retreated ; and the news of its retreat had reached Montreal before the fleet arrived at Que- bec. This occurrence must have dispirited the English forces, and proportionally have animated the French. Count Frontenac was now able to employ the whole strength of Canada against the little invading army. Some writers ascribe the return of the New York and Connecticut troops to a culpable cause. Charle- voix, with whose account Smith seems best satisfied, says, our army was disap- pointed in the intended diversion by the small pox, which seized the camp, killed 300 men, and terrified our Indian allies. ^ Hutchinson, i. 402. BelkflKp, N. Hamp. i. 26. Bollan's Petitions. BRITISH COLONIES. 433 river. Others of them, purchasing lands of the proprietors of 1690. Carolina, transported themselves and their families to that colony, v^-^-w/ and settled on the river Santee ; others, who were merchants and and Caro- mechanics, took up their residence in Charlestown, and followed ina; their different occupations. These new settlers were a great acquisition to Carolina. 1 Some of them planted vineyards, and made wine. 2 Those who settled in Virginia were afterwards naturalized by a law made for that purpose. 3 Seth Sothel, countenanced by a powerful faction, and pre- s. Sothei's suming on his powers as proprietary, arrived suddenly at Charles- usurpation, town, the capital of Carolina, and seized the reins of govern- ment. 4 The whale fishery at Nantucket commenced this year. 5 The English planters, under colonel Codrington, repossessed St* Christo- themselves of part of the island of St. Christopher, from which f a h ^ s b y e t " he they had been driven by the French ; and the male white in- English, habitants, amounting to about 1800, were sent, with their women and children, to Hispaniola and Martinico. 6 The island of New Providence had now become so populous, New Provi- that the proprietaries sent Cadwallader Jones to be its governor. 7 dence - 1 Hewatt, i. 108. It is highly to the honour of England, that, even in the reign of king James II, large collections had been made for the French refu- gees ; and that, after king William's accession to the throne, the parliament voted £15,000 sterling to be distributed among persons of quality, and all such as, through age or infirmity, were unable to support themselves or families. 2 Stork, East Florida, 29. This author, whose work was published in 1774, says, " I have drank a red wine of the growth of that province little inferior to Burgundy." Ten years afterward (1784) Mr. Nathaniel Barnwell of Beaufort, South Carolina, told me at his house, that he had drunk good wine, made in that province just as the revolutionary war commenced ; and that it was the war which broke off what was considered a very successful experiment. Whether the great staple commodities of Carolina have prevented farther prose- cution of the culture of the vine, or what has been the preventing cause, we are not informed. So early as 1682 it appears that there was a good beginning, and that this was expected to become a staple. The writer of a Description of Carolina, 1682, referring to the grape vines of Carolina, says, " some of the wine has been transported for England, which by the best palates was well approved of, and more is daily expected. It is not doubted, if the Planters as industrious- ly prosecute the propagation of vineyards as they have begun, but Carolina will in a little time prove a magazine and staple for wine to the whole West Indies." Some of the proprietors and planters had already sent them the best vines of Europe, " the Rhenish, Claret, Muscadel, Canary, &c. His majesty, to improve so hopeful a design, gave those French we carried over, their pas- sage free for themselves, wives, children, goods, and servants, they being most of them well experienced in the nature of the Vine." 3 Beverly, b. 3. See A. d. 1699. 4 Chalmers, 552. Hewatt, i. 102 — 104. His popularity and power were of short duration. The assembly compelled him to abjure the government and country forever. The proprietaries dissented from the laws passed under his government ; and, in 1692, appointed a new governor. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 157. 6 Univ. Hist. xl. 278. Smollett, Hist. Eng. A. d. 1690. 7 Univ. Hist. xli. 332. vol. i. 55 AMERICAN ANNALS. John Eliot, minister of Roxbury, died, in the 86th year of his age. 1 H. Slough- ter arrives at W. York as governor. Act of tol- eration. Charter of a college solicited in Virginia. 1691. Colonel Henry Sloughter arrived at New York, with a com- mission to be governor of that province. The first assembly, after the Revolution, was holden on the 9th of April. All laws, made in the province antecedent to this period, were disregarded both by the legislature and the courts of law. 2 The province was now, by an act of assembly, divided into ten counties. 3 The assembly passed an act, that no person, professing faith in God by Jesus Christ, shall be disturbed or questioned for different opinions in religion, if he do not disturb the public peace, with a proviso, that this act shall not extend to give liberty to any of the Romish religion, to exercise their worship. 4 The general assembly of Virginia solicited a charter from the crown, for establishing a college in that colony. During the 1 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 170—210. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 5—35. Mr. Eliot was educated at the university of Cambridge in England ; came to Boston in 1631 ; and was settled as the teacher of Roxbury 5 November, 1632. Mr. Welde was called to be the pastor there, the next year ; and under their harmo- nious and useful ministry the town grew and flourished. With his labours in that place Mr. Eliot united the more difficult and laborious services of a mission- ary among the natives. So assiduous, indefatigable, and successful was he, in this cause of Christian philanthropy, as to acquire the title of the " Apostle of the Indians." When he began his mission, there were about 20 tribes within the limits of the English planters, but they were not large, and were hardly to be distinguished ; for their language, manners, and religion were the same. His zealous and self-denying labours for their conversion to Christianity, and for their temporal interest and comfort, have rendered his name illustrious in Europe and America. The Society in England for propagating the Gospel encouraged and aided him in the Indian service. The excellent and truly honourable Robert Boyle, governor of that Society, contributed to his assistance ; and these kindred spirits departed nearly together. Evelyn, in his Memoirs, under the year 1691, writes : " Dr. Burnet, bishop of Salisbury, preached at the funeral of Mr. Boyle. He mentioned his exemplary charity on all occasions, that he gave £1000 yearly to the distressed refugees of France and Ireland ; was at the charge of translating the Scriptures into the Irish and Indian tongues," &c. ii. 29. Mr. Eliot's works, beside his Indian Bible, were, an Indian Grammar ; the logic Primer for the use of the Indians ; the Psalms translated into Indian metre, and a Cate- chism; a translation of the Practice of Piety, of Baxter's Call to the Unconvert- ed, and of several of Shepard's works ; Letters and Narratives, of the progress of the Gospel among the Indians ; the true Commonwealth ; Tears of repent- ance ; Harmony of the Gospels ; the Divine Management of gospel churches by Councils ; and the Jews in America. See Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet, and Moore's Memoirs of his Life and Character, 1822. 2 Smith, N. York, 71 — 73. In the Collection of the Acts of the province, made in 1752, the compilers were directed to begin at this Assembly. Leisler, having refused to deliver up the fort to the governor, was afterward condemned to death for high treason. Ibid. 3 Smith, N. York, 186. The division is there said to be into 12 counties ; yet 10 only are described ; and there were no more than 10, so late as A. d. 1755. See Smith, ib. 206. 4 Trott, Laws of Brit. Plantation, Art . New York. BRITISH COLONIES. 435 short presidency of colonel Bacon, the project for a college was 1691. first agreed upon, and approved by the president and council, v.^^*/ On the arrival of Francis Nicholson, as lieutenant governor under lord Effingham then in England, he was informed of the design, and promised it every encouragement. A subscription being proposed, he granted it ; and, he with the council setting a gen- erous example, the subscriptions, including those of several merchants of London, amounted to about £2500. An assembly, which was now called, espoused the cause of the projected college ; prepared an address to king William and queen Mary in its behalf, and sent the Rev. James Blair as their agent to England, to solicit a charter for it. 1 It had repeatedly been a subject of animated debate in New N.York act, * York, whether the people in this colony have a right to be repre- S2JJ2& sented in assembly, or whether it be a privilege enjoyed through privileges. the grace of the crown. A memorable act was passed this year by the legislature of the province, virtually declaring the right of representation, and several other of the principal and distinguish- ing liberties of Englishmen. It was entitled, " An act declaring what are the rights and privileges of their majesties' subjects within their Province of New York." 2 Major Schuyler, with a party of Mohawks, passed over lake Champlain, and made a bold irruption into the French settle- ments at the north end of the lake. 3 Samuel Lee, first minister of Bristol, Rhode Island, died, in Death of the 64th year of his age. 4 s * Lee * 1 Beverly, Hist. Virginia, b. 1. c. 4. The presidency of Bacon began in 1689 ; Nicholson arrived at lieutenant governor in 1690 ; and the assembly solicited the charter in 1691. 2 Smith, N. York, i. 76. Gordon, Lett. 2. The law enacted, that the su- preme legislative power and authority under their majesties, shall forever be and reside in a governor and council appointed by their majesties, their heirs and successors ; and the people by their representatives met and convened in general assembly. It farther enacted, that no aid, tax, tallage, &c. whatsoever, shall be laid, assessed, levied, or required, of or on any of their majesty's subjects within the province &c. or their estates, upon any manner or pretence whatsoever, but by the act and consent of the governor and council, and representatives of the people, In general assembly met and convened. — This act was repealed by king William, in 1697. 3 Smith, N. York, i. 78. Univ. Hist, says, Schuyler had 300 English and 300 Indians. Colden [129.] says, that, in his several attacks, the French lost 2 captains, 6 lieutenants, and 300 men. 4 Mather, Magnal. b. 3. 223. Calamy, Nonconf. Memorial, i. 104. Allen, Biog. Diet. He was educated at Oxford, and settled in a fellowship ; afterward preferred by Cromwell to a church near Bishopsgate in London, from which he was ejected ; and then was a lecturer of great St. Helen's church in London. After other removals, he in 1686 came to New England, and preached at Bristol, where, in the following year, a church was formed, and he was installed its first pastor. Bristol Church Records (copied by Dr. Stiles) say: "The fifth year of Mr. Lee his being at Bristoll, beginning the 12th Aprill 1691." That year, having embarked for his native country, he was taken by a French privateer, and* carried into St. Maloes in France. His family being sent thence into 43G AMERICAN ANNALS. 1692. New Char- The Revolution in England forms an epoch in American terofMas- history. The effects of it were the most sensibly felt in the sac usetts. co j on y f Massachusetts. When the colonists resumed their charter in 1689, they earnestly solicited its re-establishment, with the addition of some necessary powers ; but the king could not be prevailed on to consent to that measure, and a new charter M 14 was obtained. Sir William Phips arrived at Boston in May, Arrival of with this charter, and a commission, constituting him governor. 1 SirW.Phips He was soon after conducted from his house to the town house asgovemor. ^ ^ re gi nient f Boston, the militia companies ol Charlestown, the magistrates, ministers, and principal gentlemen of Boston and the adjacent towns. The charter was first published, and then the governor's commission. The venerable old charter governor Bradstreet next resigned the chair. After the lieutenant gover- ment organ- nor's commission was published, the oaths were administered; ized. an d the new government thus became organized. The province, designated by the new charter, contained the between the whole of the old Massachusetts colony, to which were added the new and the colony of Plymouth, the province of Maine, the province of Nova InrezanHo Scotia, and all the country between the province of Maine and the extent Nova Scotia, as far northward as the river St. Lawrence, also ince he Pr ° V ' Elizabeth islands, and the islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Under the old charter, all the magistrates and offi- cers of state were chosen annually by the general assembly ; by the new charter, the appointment of the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary, and all the officers of the admiralty, was the cover- vested in the crown. Under the old charter, the governor had nor; little more share in the administration than any one of the assist- ants. He had the power of calling the general court ; but he England without his knowledge, and he, by the king's order, detained, he fell into a fever, and died in a few days. He well understood the learned languages ; spoke Latin fluently and elegantly ; was well versed in all the liberal arts and sciences ; " was a great master in physic and alchymy, and no stranger to any part of polite or useful learning. He was also eminent for charity to the poor, and bountifully contributed to the Hungarian ministers when they took refuge in England." Calamy. Among his numerous publications, are, Account of Solomon's Temple, folio ; a Latin tract, De Excidio Antichristi ; three Sermons in Morning Exercises ; the Visibility of the true Church ; Israel Redux, in- cluding a piece by Dr. G. Fletcher, to show that the Tartars are the posterity of the ten Tribes of Israel. Among the MSS. preserved in the British Museum there is one of Samuel Lee, entitled, " Answer to many Queries relative to America, chiefly to the Natural Productions and Diseases. 1690." Biblioth. Americana, 30. 1 The king complimented the New England agents for the first time with the nomination of their governor ; and they agreed to nominate Sir William Phips. The commission constituted him captain general over the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island. In the last of these colonies the authority was attempted to be exercised ; but without effect. Hutchinson. BRITISH COLONIES. 437 could not adjourn, prorogue, or dissolve it. To such acts the 1692. vote of the major part of the whole court was necessary. The v^v-^/ governor gave commissions to civil and military officers ; but all such officers were elected by the court. Under the new charter, there was to be an annual meeting of the general court on the last Wednesday in May ; but the governor might discretionally call an assembly at any other times, and adjourn, prorogue, and dissolve it at pleasure. No act of government was to be valid without his consent. He had, with the consent of the council, the sole appointmeut of all military officers, and of all officers belonging to the courts of justice. Other civil officers were elected by the two houses ; but the governor had a negative on the choice. No money could issue out of the treasury, but by his warrant, with the advice and consent of the council. Under the assist - the old charter, the assistants or counsellors were elected by the votes of all the freemen in the colony ; and were not only, with the governor, one of the two branches of the legislature, but the supreme executive court in all civil and criminal causes, except- ing those cases where, by the laws, an appeal to the general court was allowed. The new charter provided, that, on the last Wednesday of May annually, 28 counsellors should be newly chosen by the genera] court or assembly. 1 The representatives, the repre- under the old charter, were elected by freemen only. Under sentatlves; the new charter, every freeholder, of forty shillings sterling a year, was a voter, and every other inhabitant who had £40 sterl- ing personal estate. The new charter contained nothing of an ecclesiastical constitution. With the exception of Papists, liberty the church. of- conscience, which was not mentioned in the first charter, was by the second expressly granted to all. Writs having been immediately issued on the governor's arrival, the general court First g er »er- met on the 8th of June. An act was then passed, declaring, that all the laws of the colony of Massachusetts bay and the colony of New Plymouth, not being repugnant to the laws of England, nor inconsistent with the charter, should be in force, in the respective colonies, until the 10th of November, 1692, except- ing where other provision should be made by act of assembly. 2 A strange infatuation had already begun to produce misery witchcraft. in private families, and disorder throughout the community. The imputation of withcraft was accompanied with a prevalent belief of its reality ; and the lives of a considerable number of inno- cent people were sacrificed to blind zeal, and superstitious cre- 1 The construction, given to the terms " general court or assembly," was, that it included the whole three branches. 2 Hutchinson, ii. 5—15. Adams, N. Eng. 156, 157. Dummer, N. Eng. Charters, 3. The Charter of William and Mary is printed with the Laws of Massachusetts (Col.) 1759; in Neal's Hist, of New England ; and in the Me- moires de PAmerique, ii. 593 — 641. 438 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1692. dulity. The mischief began at Salem in February ; but it soon v^^-w/ extended into various parts of the colony. The contagion, how- ever, was principally within the county of Essex. Before the close of September, 19 persons were executed, and one pressed to death, all of whom asserted their innocence. 1 This part of the history of our country furnishes an affecting proof of the imbecility of the human mind, and of the powerful influence of the passions. The culture of sound philosophy, and the dissemination of useful knowledge, have a happy tendency to repress chimerical theories, with their delusive and miserable effects. 2 The era of English learning had scarcely commenced. 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 76. Hutchinson, ii. 59. Calef, Part v. Giles Cory, refusing to plead, had judgment of peine fort et dure for standing mute, and was pressed to death ; the only instance of this barbarous punishment that ever has occurred in New England. More than a hundred women, many of them of fair characters and of the most reputable families, in the towns of Salem, Beverly, Andover, Billerica, and other towns, were apprehended, examined, and generally committed to prison. No person was safe. What Montesquieu says of the Greeks, in the time of the emperor Theodoras Lascaris, might be applied here : " A person ought to have been a magician to be able to clear himself of the imputation of magic. Such was the excess of their stupidity, that, to the most dubious crime in the world, they joined the most uncertain proofs." Spirit of Laws, b. 12. c. 5. A contemporary writer observes: "As to the method which the Salem Justices do take in their examinations, it is truly this : A warrant being issued out to apprehend the persons that are charged and complained of by the afflicted children, as they are called ; said persons are brought before the justices, the afflicted being present. The justices ask the apprehended why they afflict those poor children ; to which the apprehended answer, they do not afflict them. The justices order the apprehended to look upon the said children, which accordingly they do ; and at the time of that look (I dare not say by that look, as the Salem gentlemen do), the afflicted are cast into a fit. The apprehended are then blinded, and ordered to touch the afflicted ; and at that touch, though not by that touch (as above), the afflicted do ordina- rily come out of their fits. The afflicted persons then declare and affirm, that the apprehended have afflicted them ; upon which the apprehended persons, though of never so good repute, are forthwith committed to prison, on suspicion for witchcraft." Letter of Thomas Brattle, f.r.s. dated October 8, 1692, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 61 — 80 ; which gives an account of this delusion, that is worthy of a judicious man and a philosopher. 2 " Our forefathers looked upon nature with more reverence and horror, before the world was elightened by learning and philosophy ; and loved to astonish themselves with the apprehensions of withcraft, prodigies, charms, and enchant- ments. There was not a village in England that had not a ghost in it ; the church yards were all haunted ; every large common had a circle of fairies be- longing to it ; and there was scarcely a shepherd to be met with, who had not seen a spirit." Addison, Spectator, vi. No. 419. Sir William Temple, in his Essay on Poetry, remarks : " How much of this credulity remained, even to our own age, may be observed by any man that reflects so far as 30 or 40 years ; how often avouched, and how generally credited were the stories of Fairies, Sprites, witchcrafts, and enchantments ! In some part of France, and not longer ago, the common people believed certainly there were Longaroos, or men turned into wolves ; and I remember several Irish of the same mind. The remainders [of the Gothic Runes or Verses, to which all sorts of charms were attributed] are woven into our very language. Mara in old Runic was a Goblin that seized upon men asleep in their beds, and took from them all speech and motion. Old Nicka was a sprite who came to strangle people when they fell into the water. Bo was a fierce Gothic captain, son of Odin, whose name was used by the soldiers when they would fright or surprise their enemies." BRITISH COLONIES. 433 Laws then existed in England against witches ; and the authority 1692. of Sir Matthew Hale, who was revered in New England, not v^v^ only for his knowledge in the law, but for his gravity and piety, had doubtless great influence. The trial of the witches in Suffolk in England was published in 1684 ; and there was so exact a resemblance between the Old England demons and the New, that, it can hardly be doubted, the arts of the designing were borrowed, and the credulity of the populace augmented, from the parent country. The gloomy state of New England proba- bly facilitated the delusion ; for " superstition flourishes in times of danger and dismay." 1 The distress of the colonists, at this time, was great. The sea coast was infested with privateers. The inland frontiers east and west were continually harassed by the French and Indians. The abortive expedition to Canada had exposed the country to the resentment of France, the effects of which were perpetually dreaded, and at the same time had incurred a heavy debt. 2 The old charter was gone ; and what evils would be introduced by the new, which was very reluctant- ly received by many, time only could determine, but fear might forebode. How far these causes, operating in a wilderness that was scarcely cleared up, might have contributed toward the infatua- tion, it is difficult to determine. It were injurious, however, to consider New England as peculiar in this culpable credulity, with its sanguinary effects ; for more persons have been put to death for witchcraft in a single county in England in a short space of time, than have suffered, for the same cause, in all New England since its first settlement. 3 Although the trials on indictment for witchcraft were prose- cuted the subsequent year, yet no execution appears to have taken place. Time gradually detected the delusion. Persons in high stations, and of irreproachable characters, were at length accused. The spectral evidence was no longer admitted. The » * — ■ 1 Home's Sketches of the History of Man, iv. 255. " During the civil wars of France and England, superstition was carried to extravagance. Every one believed in magic, charms, spells, sorcery, and witchcraft." 2 Hutchinson, ii. 12. 3 Hutchinson, ii. 16. Blackstone [Comment, b. 4. c. 4.], having stated the evidence on both sides of the question concerning the reality of witchcraft, ob- serves, " it seems to be the most eligible way to conclude, that in general there has been such a thing as witchcraft, though one cannot give credit to any particular modem instance of it." He also observes, that " the acts against witchcraft and sorcery continued in force till lately, to the terror of all ancient females in the kingdom : And many poor wretches were sacrificed thereby to the prejudice of their neighbours, and their own illusions ; not a few having, by some means or other, confessed the fact at the gallows. But all executions for this dubious crime are now at an end." The statute 9 Geo. II. ch. 5, enacts, that no prosecution shall for the future be carried on against any person for conjuration, witchcraft, sorcery, or enchantment. Ibid. See Grahame, U. S. i. b. 2. c. 5. 440 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1692. voice of Reason was heard ; and all who had been imprisoned v^-v^^/ were set at liberty. 1 Rights as- The general court of Massachusetts, proceeding in its legisla- serted. tive duties, passed an act, which was a kind of Magna Charta. Among the general privileges which it asserted, it declared, " No aid, tax, tallage, assessment, custom, loan, benevolence or im- position whatsoever, shall be laid, assessed, imposed or levied on any of their majesties' subjects or their estates, on any pretence whatsoever, but by the act and consent of the governor, council and representatives of the people, assembled in general court." 2 1 Calef, More Wonders of the Invisible World ; particularly Part v, which gives " A short Historical Account of matters of fact in that affair." Hutchinson, ii. 15—62. Adams, N. Eng. 160—165. Morse and Parish, N. Eng. c. 23. At the court in January, the grand jury found bills against about 50 for witchcraft ; but, on trial, they were all acquitted, excepting three of the worst characters, and those the governor reprieved for the king's mercy. All who were not brought upon trial he ordered to be discharged. Hutchinson. " The conclusion of the whole, in the Massachusetts colony, was, Sir William Phips governor being called home, before he went he pardoned such as had been condemned, for which they gave about 30 shillings each to the king's attorney." Calef. It is but just to observe, that many of the ministers and principal men in the colony disbelieved the charges at the time, and discountenanced the judicial proceedings. Several persons, who had served as Jurors in the trials at Salem, afterward publicly confessed their error, and asked forgiveness. Judge Sewall, who was one of the court at those trials, and concurred in the sentences of con- demnation, made a public confession several years afterward. I find these entries in his MS. Diary. " April 11, 1692. Went to Salem, where in the meeting house the persons accused of witchcraft were examined ; was a very great assembly — 'twas awfull to see how the afflicted persons were agitated." But in the margin is written with a tremulous hand, probably on a subsequent review, the lamenting Latin interjection, Va, vce, vce ! " Deer. 24. [1696.] Sam. recites to me in Latin Mat. 12 from the 6th. to the end of the 12th v. The 7th. verse did awfully bring to my mind the Salem Trajedie." A procla- mation was issued by the government of Massachusetts 17 Decemb. 1696, appointing the 14th of January to be observed as a day of Prayer and Fasting throughout the Province. The Proclamation took particular notice of " the late tragedy, raised among us by Satan and his instruments, through the awful judgment of God ; " and inculcated humiliation and supplication for pardon. Historians mention a penitential paper, given on the day of the Fast by Judge Sewall to his minister (Mr. Willard), who read it in the congregation ; but they do not accurately state its purport. It is preserved in his Diary, where it nearly fills a quarto page. It expresses a deep sense of " guilt contracted upon the opening of the late Commission of Oyer and Terminer at Salem (to which the order for this day relates)," and asks pardon of God and man. 2 Hutchinson, ii. 64, 65. Bradford, Mass. i. 17, 269. The other parts of the act were copied from the English Magna Charta ; but this act, and an act for punishing capital offenders, with several other acts, were soon disallowed. Many acts, however, which were then passed, were approved, viz. one for prevention of frauds and perjuries ; others for punishing criminal offences, in many parts mitigating the penalties at common law ; for the observation of the Lord's day ; solemnizing marriages by a minister or a justice of peace ; settle- ment and support of ministers and schoolmasters ; regulating towns and coun- ties ; requiring the oaths appointed instead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, as also the oaths of officers ; establishing fees ; ascertaining the number and regulating the house of representatives ; settlement of the estates of persons dying intestate ; and divers other acts of immediate necessity and gen- eral utility. BRITISH COLONIES. 441 The same court passed an act, incorporating the college at Cam- 1692. bridge on a larger foundation than was laid by its former charter, k^^I/ Under that charter, no higher degrees had been given than those New incor- of bachelors and masters of arts r 1 among; its new privileges was P" mtior ] of r 11 f iii°. Harvard a power to conler such degrees, as are conferred by the umver- College, shies in Europe. The same legislature passed an act, that no buildings, exceeding certain dimensions, should be erected in the town of Boston, but of stone or brick, and covered with slate or tile. 2 It also passed an act, prohibiting any of the French Act respect- nation to reside or be in any of the seaports or frontier towns in s the within the province, without license from the governor and coun- trench * cil. 3 After the destruction of Casco in 1690, all the eastern settle- ments were deserted, and the people retired to the fort at Wells. Depredations were still** made. On the 25th of January, this year, the Indians, accompanied by some French, surprised the SSroyeS? 7 town of York ; killed about 75 of the inhabitants ; carried about the same number into captivity; and principally destroyed the town. 4 On the 10th of June, an army of French and Indians Attack on made a furious attack on the garrison at Wells, commanded by ^t^jf 00 captain Convers, who, after a brave and resolute defence, drove them off with great loss. 5 1 Hutchinson, i. 172. Brit. Emp. i. 324 ; ii. 42. Although, by a clause in the new province charter, it was provided, with a special view to the college, that no grants &c. to any towns, colleges, schools of learning, &c. should be preju- diced through defect of form, but should remain in force, as at the time of vacating the colony charter ; yet the president and many others were desirous of a new charter, with additional powers and privileges. This was the origin of the legislative act. The privilege of conferring the higher degrees was exercised in one instance only. The degree of Doctor of Divinity, under the college seal, was presented to Increase Mather, the president. Before the expiration of three years the act of incorporation was disallowed. Hutchinson. 2 Massachusetts Laws. The reason assigned for the law, is, that " treat desolations and ruins " had, at various times, been caused by means of the con- tiguity of the buildings, chiefly composed of wood. 3 Massachusetts Laws. The reason assigned for the law, is, that with the French Protestants, who had lately fled from persecution, and come into Massachusetts, " many of a contrary religion and interest " had obtruded them- selves. ^ 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 8. The numbers killed and taken are thus given (ib.) by Hon. David Sewall, who says, the French and Indians "came upon snow shoes," and that they " burned all the houses and property on the north east side of the river, where the principal settlements and improvements then were." The town of York had become so considerable, as to have, several years preceding, a settled minister, Mr. Shubael Dummer, who, on the morning of the disastrous day, was shot down, and found dead, near his door. Ibid. He is mentioned by C. Mather [Magnal. b. 7. 77.] as a very worthy and respectable minister. See Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 264. Adams, N. Eng. 153. 5 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 260, 264. Previous to this attack, the Indians had done considerable mischief in the settlements to the westward about Merrimac river ; and on the 9th of June, 1691, had attacked Storer's garrison at W r ells, but they were bravely repulsed. vol. i. 56 442 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1692. Stone fort built at Pe- maquid. R. Island & Connecti- cut. Affairs of N. York. Sir William Phips, having received instructions from White- hall to build a fort at Pemaquid, was incited to attend with greater promptitude and zeal to that object, by the recent in- juries of the French and Indians. Taking with him 450 men, he embarked early in August at Boston ; and, on his arrival at Pemaquid, proceeded to the erection of a fort. It was pro- jected on a large scale, and the execution of it was superior to that of any fortress which had been constructed by the English in America. It w T as called Fort William Henry ; and was garrisoned with 60 men. 1 No other obvious end being answered by it, than to keep possession of Pemaquid harbour, the measure was generally disliked ; but it is supposed, the Eng- lish ministry had in view the prevention of the French from claiming Acadie, as derelict country. 2 While Massachusetts had found it expedient to accept a new charter, which deprived her colonists of some of their ancient privileges ; 3 Rhode Island and Connecticut were allowed to re- sume their old charters. 4 On the death of governor Sloughter of New York, the council committed the chief command to Richard Ingolsby, a captain of an independent company. In June, captain Ingolsby met the Five Nations at Albany, and encouraged them to persevere in the war against the French. On the 29th of August, colonel Benjamin Fletcher arrived, with a commission to be governor. 1 Neal, N. Eng. ii. 118. Mather, Magnal. b. 7. p. 81. " It was built of stone in a quadrangular figure, being about 737 feet in compass, without the outer walls, and 108 feet square, within the inner ones. It had 28 ports, and 14 (if not 18) guns mounted, whereof 6 were eighteen pounders. The wall on the south line, fronting to the sea, was 22 feet high, and more than 6 feet thick at the ports, which were 8 feet from the ground. The greater flanker or round tower at the western end of this line was 29 feet high. The wall on the east line was 12 feet high ; on the north it was 10 ; on the west it was 18. It was computed that in the whole there were laid above 2000 cart loads of stone. It stood about a score of rods from high water mark." Ibid. The famous Benjamin Church, who had made two previous expeditions to the Province of Maine, accompanied governor Phips from Boston, with a body of volunteer militia and Indians, " for prosecuting, pursuing, killing, and destroying the common enemy." Stopping at Casco in their way, they buried the bones of the dead, and took off the great guns that were there. See A. d. 1690. On their arrival at Pemaquid, the governor asked major Church to go ashore, and give his judgment about erecting a fort; but he replied, " that his genius did not incline that way, for he had never any value for them, being only nests for destructions." The gover- nor said, he had a special order from king William and queen Mary, to erect a fort there. Both then went ashore ; and, after spending some time in project- ing it, the governor, retaining two companies with him, sent Church with the rest of the troops to Penobscot. Church, Hist. Ind. War, 89 — 133. 2 Hutchinson, ii. 68. The fort, built at Pemaquid by Sir E. Andros, was a mere stockade : " un Fort, qui n'etoit a la verite que de pieux, mais assez re- gulierement construit." Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 557. See a. d. 1678 and 1690. 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 2. 55, 56. 4 Adams, N. Eng. 155. Trumbull, i. 387. BRITISH COLONIES. 443 The number of men fit to bear arms in the entire government, 1692. did not at that time amount to 3000. 1 ^^^^/ The bishop of London having appointed Thomas Bray to be Maryland, his commissary in Maryland, he now came over to inspect the church affairs of that province. By an act of the provincial assembly, the counties were now divided into 30 parishes; 16 of which were supplied with ministers, and provided with livings. Through the care of Dr. Bray, the people were at the same time furnished with many protestant books of practical devotion ; and several chapels were erected. 2 The solicitation of the general assembly of Virginia for a Charter of charter for the projected seminary was successful. King William Mary^oi- and queen Mary granted a charter for the founding of a college lege. in that colony, to be called, " The College of William and Mary in Virginia." The preamble states, that, — " to the end that the church of Virginia may be furnished with a Seminary of ministers of the gospel, and that the Youth may be piously educated in good letters and manners, and that the Christian Faith may be propagated among the Western Indians, to the glory of Almighty God " — their trusty and well beloved subjects, constituting the general assembly of their colony of Virginia, have had it in their minds, and have proposed to themselves, to found and establish a certain place of universal study, or perpetual College of divinity, philosophy, languages, and other good arts and sciences, consist- ing of one president, six masters or professors, and an hundred scholars more or less, according to the ability of said college, and its statutes, to be made by certain Trustees nominated and elected by the general assembly of the colony. Francis Nicholson, lieutenant governor of Virginia and Mary- Trustees of land, and 17 other persons nominated and appointed by the lhe colle S e - assembly, were confirmed as trustees, and were impowered to hold and enjoy lands, possessions, and incomes, to the yearly value of £2000, and all donations, bestowed for their use. The Rev. James Blair, nominated and elected by the assembly, was made first president, and the bishop of London was appointed President - and confirmed by their majesties to be the first chancellor of the Chancellor, college. To defray the charges of building the college, and supporting the president and masters, the king and queen gave nearly £2000, and endowed the college with 20,000 acres ' of the best land, together with the perpetual revenue arising from the duty of one penny per pound on all tobacco transported from Virginia and Maryland to the other English plantations. By the charter, liberty was given to the president and masters or profes- Pnvile S e « 1 Smith, N. York, 79, 80. 2 Univ. Hist. p. 471, 472. Brit. Emp. hi. 6. 444 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1692. sors to elect one member of the house of burgesses of the general v-*~v-^w assembly. 1 In grateful acknowledgment of the royal patronage and benefaction, the college was called William and Mary. 2 Sir E. An- Lord Effingham being removed from the government of Vir- govlrnor of §&*!*» Si . r Edmund Andros, of obnoxious memory in New England, Virginia, arrived in that colony with a commission as governor of Virginia and of Maryland. 3 A patent was laid before the Virginia as- Post office sembly, for making Mr. Neal postmaster general of Virginia and projected. ot j ier p artg f America ; but, though the assembly passed an act in favour of this patent, it had no effect. The reason assigned is, that it was impossible to carry it into execution, on account of the dispersed situations of the inhabitants. 4 Small Pox The small pox, brought in bags of cotton from the West shire! laU1I> fogies, caused a great mortality in Portsmouth and Greenland, in New Hampshire. 5 N. England The New England version of the Psalms was introduced into version of the church of Plymouth, which until this time had used Ains- the Psalms. x1 , , i • n worth's translation. Windham. The town of Windham, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 7 Great Flood A- deluge, called The Great Flood, happened in the spring at at Delaware Delaware Falls. The first settlers of the Yorkshire tenth in West Jersey had built on the low lands near the Falls, and had been making improvements there nearly 16 years. This flood, caused by the melting of the snow above, almost entirely de- molished their settlement. The water rose to the upper stories of some of the houses, and many of the people were conveyed from them in canoes. Two persons, in a house swept away by the torrent, were lost. Many cattle were drowned. The in- 1 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art. Virginia, where the Charter is inserted. Keith, 469. Beverly, b. 1. c. 4. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 165. The exact sum, given by the king and queen, was £19S5. 14s. lOd. 2 Keith, 469. Beverly, b. 1. c. 4. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 165. 3 Beverly, 141. Univ. Hist. xli. 545. This new promotion of Andros excited the amazement of the public. The authors of the Universal History, to account for so extraordinary a measure, suppose, that the English ministry was at that time holden by toiies (as it often happened in king William's reign) ; and that Andros was possessed of abilities for a governor, which he had prostituted to the interests of his superiors. It is generaly allowed, that he was far from being a bad governor of Virginia. 4 Beverly, 142. Univ. Hist. xli. 546. Laws of Virginia. 5 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 241. 6 Belknap, Biog. ii. 261. All the other churches in New England had pre- viously adopted the New England version. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 10. The church in Salem did not [adopt that version till 1667. Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 467. See a. d. 1659, Art. Dtjnster. 7 Trumbull, i. 388. Joshua, sachem of the Moheagans, son of Uncas, by his last will, 29 February, 1675, gave to captain John Mason, James Fitch, and others, to the number of 14, the tract containing this town. It was, the next year, surveyed, and laid out into distinct lots. By Joshua's will, the lands in the town of Mansfield were also given. The settlements at both places com- menced about a. d. 16S6. Canterbury originally belonged to the town of Windham. BRITISH COLONIES. 445 habitants, taught by experience the evils of which the natives had 1692. forewarn »d them, fixed their habitations on higher ground. 1 v^-v^^z On the 7th of June, a tremendous earthquake shook Port P „ , -n 1 • t • c 1 • 1 • . • /-i Earthquake Koyal in Jamaica to its foundations ; buried nine temiib of the at Jamaica, city under water ; and made awful devastations over the whole island. Northward of the town, above 1000 acres were sunk. Two thousand souls perished. The subsequent effects of the earthquake were destructive. On the island, and principally of Kingstown, 3000 white inhabitants died of pestilential diseases, ascribed to the putrid effluvia issuing from the apertures. 2 1693. The Southern Indians were now at war among themselves; Southern and the Carolinians had already adopted the policy of setting ltuJians ' one tribe against another, as the means of their own security. Beside purchasing the friendship of some tribes,* which they em- ployed to carry on war with others, they encouraged them to bring captives to Charlestown, for the purpose of transportation to the West Indies. This year, 20 Cherokee chiefs waited on governor Smith, with presents and proposals of friendship ; so- liciting the protection of government against the Esaw and Con- geree Indians, who had destroyed several of their towns, and taken a number of their people prisoners. They complained at the same time of the outrages of the Savanna Indians for selling their countrymen, contrary to former regulations established among the different tribes • and begged the governor to restore their relations, and protect them against such insidious enemies. The governor declared his cordial desire of friendship and peace with them ; and promised to do every thing in his power for their defence. The prisoners, he informed them, were already gone, and could not be recalled ; but he engaged to take care for the future, that a stop should be put to the custom of sending them out of the country. 3 1 Smith, N. Jersey, 208. Brit. Dom. in N. America, b. 3. 2 Univ. Hist. xli. 364— 366. Philosophical Transactions (Abridg.), ii. 411— 419. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 223—230. Port Royal was the fairest town of all the English plantations, and the best emporium and mart of the West Indies. The houses on the wharf (which was entirely swallowed up by the sea) were built of brick ; and most of them were equal in beauty to those in Cheapside in London. In the space of three minutes, this beautiful town was shattered to pieces, and sunk. The earthquake took place about half an hour after 11, a. m. The minister of Port Royal, who was a witness of the tremendous scene, in an account of it which he wrote soon after on board a vessel in Port Royal harbour, observes : " It is a sad sight to see all this harbour, one of the fairest and goodliest I ever saw, covered with the dead bodies of people of all con- ditions, floating up and down without burial." Montserrat was almost destroyed, this year, by an earthquake. Univ. Hist. xli. 318. 3 Hewatt, i. 126—128. 446 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1693. Carolina was still, in regard to government, in a confused and ^>v^ turbulent state. The proprietaries now resolved : That, as the people have declared they would rather be governed by the Carolina, powers granted by the charter, without regard to the fundamental constitutions, it will be for their quiet, and the protection of the well disposed, to grant their request. 1 Episcopal Governor Fletcher projected a tax for building churches, and church es- supporting episcopal ministers in the province of New York ; and tabhshed in . lt .° . K r ,, , [ r ~ , • /• • N. York, the provincial assembly passed an act lor settling and maintaining a ministry. 2 This is considered as the time of the introduction of the episcopal church into that province. 3 Govern- The king and queen of England assumed the government of mentof Pennsylvania into their own hands ; and colonel Fletcher was nia'aSuned appointed governor of this province, as well as of New York. An by the king alteration was now made in the numbers of the assembly. In- an queen. gteac j f s j x memDers f or each of the six counties, those of Philadelphia and 'Newcastle were reduced to four each, and the rest to three; making a diminution of sixteen. 4 On the arrival of colonel Fletcher at Philadelphia, to assume the government of Pennsylvania, the persons in the administration appear to have surrendered the government to him, without any notice or order to them, either from the crown or the proprietary. The new Acts of the governor called an assembly in May. One of its acts was for egisaure. t [ ie support of government- 5 The assembly passed an act, re- quiring all parents and guardians to have the children instructed in reading and writing, and taught some useful trade. 6 1 Chalmers, 552, 556. " Thus," says Chalmers, " at the end of three and twenty years, perished the labours of Locke : Thus was abrogated upon the requisition of the Carolineans, wbo had scarcely known one day of real enjoy- ment, a system of laws, which had been originally intended to remain forever sacred ; which far from having answered their end introduced only dissatisfaction and disorders, that were cured at length by the final dissolution of the proprietary government. The Carolinean annals show all projectors the vanity of attempt- ing to make laws for a people, whose voice, proceeding from their principles, must be forever the supreme law." See A. d. 1671. 2 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 201. Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations. 3 Stiles, Lit. Diary. " However, it was near four years after the passing of this Act, before any thing was done in pursuance of it." Humphreys. 4 Franklin, Pennsylvania, 26, 33. 5 Proud, i. 381 — 393. By this act was granted the tax of one penny in the pound ; and from the sums, raised by this tax, a probable estimate may he made of the value of all the private estates and property, at that time, in the Province and Territories. The sums were as follow : # Counties. Sums. Philadelphia £314 11 11 Newcastle 143 15 Sussex , . 101 1 9 Kent . : 88 2 10 Chester 65 7 Bucks 48 4 1 Total £760 16 2 6 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art . Pennsylvania. BRITISH COLONIES. 447 The general assembly of Virginia passed an act, ascertaining l693. the place for erecting the college of William and Mary ; also an v^-v^^ act, laying an imposition upon skins and furs, for the better ActsofVir- support of the college. 1 The same assembly passed an act for §ima " encouraging the erecting of a post office in this country. 2 Repeated application having been made for a force to be sent Projected from England, sufficient, in conjunction with land forces to be agiw 10 " raised in New England and New York, for the reduction of Canada Canada ; it was at length concluded, that an expedition should frustrated « be undertaken for that purpose. A fleet was to be employed in the winter in the reduction of Martinico ; and, after the perform- ance of that service, was to sail to Boston, take on board a body of land forces under Sir William Phips, and proceed to Quebec. Neither part of this extensive project was effected. The attempt on Martinico was unsuccessful. 3 A malignant disease pervaded the fleet ; and so great was the mortality, that beforl*$ir Francis Wheeler, the commander in chief, arrived at Boston, he had buried 1300 out of 2100 sailors, and 1S00 of 2400 soldiers. The projected expedition against Canada was necessarily relin- quished. 4 No great injuries were sustained, this year, on the frontiers. Major Convers, with 400 or 500 men, marched to Taconick, on Kennebeck ; but saw no Indians, excepting one party, which he surprised, not far from Wells. On his return, he built a fort at Saco river ; and the Indians soon after sued for peace. 5 Coming Aug. n * into the fort at Pemaquid, appointed for the place of treaty, they pemaqukh 1 Laws of Virginia. Beverly [b. 1. c. 4.] having mentioned the arrival of Edward Nott, Esq. as governor in 1705, and his death in 1706, adds : " In the first year of his government, the College was burnt down to the ground." The building was first modelled by Sir Christopher Wren. After it was burnt, it " was rebuilt — by the ingenious direction of governor Spotswood ; and is not altogether unlike Chelsea Hospital." Jones. To the royal endowments were afterwards made " several additional benefactions." Among these was a " hand- some establishment of Mr. Boyle, for the education of Indians, with the many contributions of the country, especially (says Jones) a late one of £1000 to buy JYegioes for the College use and service." State of Virginia, 1724. 2 Laws of Virginia. 3 The English under Sir F. Wheeler made a descent on Martinico, with the loss of about 600 men killed, and 300 taken prisoners. Henault, ii. 221. Univ. Hist. xli. 159—161. 4 Hutchinson, ii. 71, 72. The fleet arrived at Boston 11 June. The distem- per spread from it into that town, " and was more malignant than ever the small pox had been, or any other epidemical sickness, which had been in the country before." Ibid. Baron La Hontan says, Sir F. Wheeler, after returning from his unsuccessful expedition against Martinico, anchored with his fleet offPlacentia; but, on discovering " a redoubt of stone lately built on the top of the mountain," he judged it more advisable to return quickly into Europe, than to make a fruit- less attempt. Harris, Voy. ii. 924. See Mather, Magnal. b. 2. 71. 5 The fort was built of stone, " an irregular pentagon with a tower," about two leagues up the river, on the western side, near the falls. This was in the heart of the Indian hunting ground, and was supposed to accelerate the treaty of peace. Hutchinson. 448 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1693. French ex- pedition against the Mohawks. Furs carried from Missi- limakinacto Montreal. State of ' Canada. entered into a solemn covenant, by which they acknowledged subjection to the crown of England ; engaged to abandon the French interest ; and promised to maintain perpetual peace, to forbear private revenge, to restore all captives, and to allow a free trade. As a security to their fidelity, they delivered hostages. 1 Count Frontenac, governor of Canada, unable to effect a peace with the Five Nations, meditated a blow on the Mohawks. Collecting an army of 600 or 700 French and Indians, he sup- plied them with every thing necessary for a winter campaign ; and on the 15th of January they set out from Montreal. After a march attended with extreme hardships, they passed by Schenec- tady on the 6th of February ; and, that night, took five men, and some women and children, at the first castle of the Mohawks. The second castle they took , also, with ease. At the third, they found abouL40 Indians in a war dance, designing to go out on some enterprise the next day. On their entering the castle, a conflict ensued, in which the French lost about 30 men. In this descent, 300 of the Indians, in the English interest, were made captives. Colonel Schuyler, with a party from Albany, pursued the enemy ; and several skirmishes ensued. When the French reached the north branch of Hudson's river, a cake of ice oppor- tunely served them to cross it ; and Schuyler, who had retaken about 50 Indian captives, desisted from the pursuit. The French, in this entreprise, lost 80 men, and had above 30 wounded. 2 The French, by their trade with the Indians, had accumulated a great quantity of furs and other peltry at Missilimakinac ; but the Five Nations had so effectually blocked up the passage be- tween that place and Canada, that they had remained there useless for several years. Count Frontenac, hoping that the Five Nations would now keep more at home in defence of their castles, sent a lieutenant, with 18 Canadians and 20 praying Indians, to open the Missilimakinac ; but this party was entirely routed. At length, however, 200 canoes, loaded with furs, arrived at Montreal. 3 Canada, about this time, contained, by computation 180,000 souls. In Quebec there were six churches. 4 1 Hutchinson, ii. 72, 73. Belknap, N. Hamp. ii. 265. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 320. Sullivan, 159. Brit. Emp. ii. 87. 2 Smith, N. York, 80—82. Colden, 142, 144. " Our Indians," at the time of Schuyler's return from the pursuit, " were so distressed for provisions, that they fed upon the dead hodies of the French ; and the enemy, in their turn, were reduced before they got home, to eat up their shoes." Smith. 3 Colden, 150. This arrival " gave as universal a joy to Canada, as the arrival of the Galeons give in Spain." Ibid. Univ. Hist. [xl. 87, 88,] says, that D' Argentuil and 18 Canadians undertook this dangerous enterprise in 1692, and returned safely with 200 loaded canoes, having on board the principal chiefs of the northern and western nations. 4 Harris, Voy. ii. 915, 924. BRITISH COLONIES. 449 There were, at this time, within the limits of Eastham 505 1693. adult Indians; at Mash pee and places adjacent, 214; and in w-^-^/ other parts of old Plymouth colony, 6S0 ; to whom the gospel was statedly preached. 1 Governor Fletcher of New York was vested with plenary powers Governor of commanding; the whole militia of Connecticut ; and insisted on J^^ r es the exercise of that command. The legislature of Connecticut, the cm- knowing that authority to be expressly given to the colony by ™ ni } of J he charter, would not submit to his requisition ; but the colony, desirous connecti- of maintaining a good understanding with governor Fletcher, sent cut, William Pitkin, esquire, to New York, to make terms with him respecting the militia, until his majesty's pleasure should be further known. No terms, however, could be made with the governor, short of an explicit submission of the militia to his command. On the 26th of October, he came to Hartford, Goes to while the assembly was sitting, and, in his majesty's name, de- Hartford, manded that submission. The assembly resolutely persisted in a refusal. After the requisition had been repeatedly made, with plausible explanations and serious menaces, Fletcher ordered his Attempts to commission and instructions to be read in audience of the train- commis- " brands of Hartford, which had been prudentially assembled, upon sion; but his order. Captain Wadsworth, the senior officer, who was at m vam * that moment exercising the soldiers, instantly called out, " Beat the drums," which, in a moment, overwhelmed every voice. Fletcher commanded silence. No sooner was a second attempt made to read, than Wadsworth vociferated, " Drum, drum, I say." The drummers instantly beat up again with the greatest possible spirit. " Silence, silence," exclaimed the governor. At the first moment of a pause, Wadsworth called out earnestly, " Drum, drum, I say ;" and, turning to his excellency, said, " If I am interrupted again, I will make the sun shine through you in a moment." This decision produced its proper effect ; and the governor and his suite soon returned to New York. 2 1 Mather, Magnal. b. 6. 60, 61. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 205, 207. To the Indians in Eastham, Mr. Samuel Treat, minister of that place, preached. " In Mashipau [Mashpee] , Sanctuit, and Cotuit, villages bordering on each other, and all belonging to the same assembly, there are no less than 214, besides several straglers, that have no settled place," To these Mr. Rowland Cotton, minister of Sandwich, preached. To 180, whose place of residence is not designated, " Mr. Thomas Tupper dispensed the word ; " to the remaining 500 (making collectively the 680 mentioned in the text) Mr. John Cotton, minister of Plymouth, and son of the minister of Boston, preached the gospel. Magnal. The number of Indians on Martha's Vineyard was much reduced between a. d. 1674 and the above year; but the year before [1692], the Indian church there consisted of more than 100 persons. In the following year [1694], the adult Indians on Nantucket were about 500 ; at which time there were on that Island five assemblies of praying Indians, and three churches ; two Congregational, and one of Baptists. 2 Trumbull, i. 390—393. vol. i. 57 450 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1693. The first printing press in the province of New York was v^^^w^ erected in the city of New York by William Bradford, who was First print- appointed printer to the government. The first book from his JJfyork. 1 " P ress was a small folio volume of the laws of the colony, bearing the date of this year. 1 Oct. 19. A violent storm in Virginia caused such uncommon changes Storm in j n that province and its vicinity, that " it seemed to reverse the lrs ' uia " course of nature." It stopped the ancient channels of some rivers, and opened new channels for others, that were even navi- gable. 2 1694. SirWPhips Sir Whilliam Phips had but a short administration. In the o??jthe ed exerc i se °f admiralty jurisdiction, he fell into a dispute with the king. collector of the customs. Receiving provocation from the col- lector and the captain of a man of war, he broke out into inde- cent sallies of passion, and treated both of them with rudeness and violence. Both complained to the king, who was solicited immediately to displace the governor. The king refused com- pliance with the solicitation, without hearing what he had to say- in his defence ; and he was ordered to leave his government, Embarks for an ^ ma ^ e answer in England. Sir William accordingly left Kiigiaud. Boston on the 17th of November. The governor's injudicious Ju York habitants. The shipping of New York consisted of 40 ships, 62 sloops, and 60 boats. 3 An episcopal church was built, this year, in the city of New York, and called Trinity church. The Reformed Protestant Dutch church of that city was incor- porated. 4 The first edifice for a congregational church in Newport, on church in Rhode Island, was erected ; and public worship was maintained Newport. in it by Mr. Nathaniel Clap. 5 There were in New England 30 Indian churches. 6 Indian King William erected a new and standing council for com- merce and plantations, commonly styled, the Lords Commission- New boarcl ers for Trade and Plantations. With this board the governors plantations. of the American colonies were obliged to hold a constant corres- pondence, for the improvement of their respective governments ; and to this board they transmitted the journals of their councils and assemblies, the accounts of the collectors of customs and naval officers, and similar articles of official intelligence. 7 The English parliament passed an act for preventing frauds Parliamen- and regulating abuses in the Plantation Trade. It enacted, taryacts " that all ships trading to or from our Asian, African, or plantations American Plantations or settlements, shall be English, Irish, or plantation built ; and that their cargoes shall be either English, Irish, or plantation property, and registered as such." The same act, in consideration, that the English North American colonies had of late become of much greater consequence than formerly, further enacted, " that no charter proprietor of lands on the continent of America shall sell or otherwise dispose of their lands to any but natural-born subjects, without the king's license in council for that purpose." To keep the proprietary gov- 1 Univ. Hist. xl. 110. See next year. Anderson [ii. 627.] says, king William sent out two ships of war and some land forces, by which all the English forts in Hudson's Bay were retaken. See Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii 202. 2 President Stiles, Christian Union, 111. 3 Chalmers, 598. The number of houses in the city increased in 18 years from 343 to 594 ; and the number of inhabitants from 3430 to 6000. Ibid. 4 Smith, N. York, 189. Trinity church was enlarged in 1737. Ibid. 5 Callender, Century Discourse. See a. d. 1720. 6 Stiles. Literary Diary. The statement of " Mr. Rawson, appointed to visit all New England." 7 Anderson, ii. 622, 623. From a. d. 1673, when the former standing council of commerce was dropped, until this time, all disputes and regulations relative to commerce and colonies, were usually referred to committees of the privy council. This new board consisted of a first lord commissioner, who was usually a peer of the realm, and seven other commissioners, with a yearly salary of £1000 each. Ibid. 460 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1696. Parliamen- tary tax re- commend- ed. Gov. Arch- dale is suc- ceeded by gov. Blake. Act in fa- vour of the French Pro- testants, & all aliens ; ernments in America the more under due subjection to the crown and kingdom of England, it also enacted, " that all governors nominated by such proprietors, shall be allowed and approved of by the crown, and shall take the like oaths as are taken by the governors of the regal colonies, before they shall enter on their respective governments." By another clause in the same statute it was enacted, " that on no pretence whatever any kind of goods from the English American plantations shall hereafter be put on shore either in the kingdoms of Ireland or Scotland, without being first landed in England, and having also paid the duties there ; under forfeiture of ship and cargo. 1 The parliament also passed an act, declaring that all by-laws, usages, and customs, which shall be in practice in any of the plantations, repugnant to any law made in the kingdom relative to the said plantations, shall be void and of no effect. Although no design, on the part of the ministry, of taxing any of the colonies at so early a period as this, can be ascertained ; yet, about this time, a pamphlet was published, recommending the laying of a parliamentary tax on one of them. This pamphlet was answered by two others, which totally denied the power of taxing the colonies, because they had no representation in parliament, to give consent. 2 Governor Archdale resided but one year in Carolina. On re- turning to England, he laid before the proprietors a statement of the situation of their concerns ; and, on his representation, they were induced to a modification of the government, adapting it more to their own interests, as well as to the condition of the colon- ists. He was succeeded in the government by Joseph Blake. 3 The French Protestant refugees in Carolina, having cleared land for raising the necessaries of life and successfully encountered the difficulties of the first state of colonization, petitioned the legis- lature to be incorporated with the freemen of the colony. An act was accordingly passed for making all aliens, then inhabitants, free ; for enabling them to hold lands, and to claim the same as heirs to their ancestors, provided they either had petitioned, or should, within three months, petition governor Blake for these 1 Anderson, ii. 625. The Union, in 1707, rendered void this last article, so far as it respected Scotland. 2 Gordon, i. 87, Lett. ii. The pamphlets against taxation were much read, and no answer was given to them, no censure passed upon them ; nor were men startled at the doctrine, as either new, or illegal, or derogatory to the rights of parliament. Ih. Lord Camden's speech in April, 1766. 3 Archdale's Carolina. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. 47 — 49. Jennison's MS. Biography. Governor Archdale was a friend to toleration and equal rights ; and when the assembly of Carolina passed laws, establishing the church of England, and prohibiting dissenters from holding a seat in the house, he warmly remon- strated against them. In his " Carolina " he remarks : " If the extraordinary fertility and pleasantness of the country had not been an alluring and binding obligation to most Dissenters thee settled, they had left the High Church to have been a prey to the wolves and bears, Indians and Foreign Enemies." BRITISH COLONIES. 461 privileges, and take the oath of allegiance to king William. The 1696. same law conferred liberty of conscience on all Christians, with \^^^^/ the excception of papists. With these conditions the refugees and for lib- complied ; and the French and English settlers, now made equal Science °° n " in rights, became united in interest and affection, and lived to- gether in peace and harmony. 1 The colony now received a small, but valuable accession from A N. Eng. Massy chusetts. The regular administration of the ordinances of j^eJ 1 ™" the gospel had not been introduced into Carolina until this year. Carolina; A knowledge of the religious exigencies of that colony, with applications for relief, exciting the attention and commisseration of New England, a church had been gathered at Dorchester the preceding year, with a design to remove to Carolina, " to en- courage the settlement of churches and the promotion of religion in the southern plantations." The church with its pastor, Mr. Joseph Lord, ordained on that occasion to its pastoral care, had embarked in December ; and at the close of the year arrived in Carolina. On the 2d of February (1696), the Lord's Supper was, for the first time, administered in that colony. The pious emigrants proceeded to form a settlement on the northeast bank of Ashley river, about 18 miles from Charlestown ; and, in Dorchester. honour of the place from which they emigrated, they named it Dorchester. 2 1 Ramsay, Hist. S. Carolina, i. 50, 51. Trott, Laws of Brit. Plantations, Art. Carolina. ; 2 Danforth's Valedictory Sermon, delivered on that occasion at Dorchester, Massachusetts, and printed in 1697. Memoirs of the Church and Society at Midway, annexed to Mr. Hart's Sermon at the Ordination of a pastor of that Church in 1785. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 156, 157. Mr. Guildersleeve's Centuiy Sermon at Midway, 1797. We regret that our worthy ancestors took no greater care to record their acts for the instruction and benefit of their posterity. The Sermon of Mr. Danforth has frequent allusions to the Southern Plantations, but does not inform us to which of those plantations the emigrants were about to remove. Their descendants know by tradition, that they removed from Dorchester in Massachusetts. Mr. Benjamin Baker, who, in 1785, was the oldest and a very highly respected member of the church, and the Society's clerk, and who was one of the first settlers that re- moved from Dorchester in Carolina to Midway in Georgia, gave me a verbal account of the original emigration from Massachusetts ; but, the early records having been lost by fire, he could not tell the exact time of it. That the removal was in 1696, and that Mr. Danforth's Sermon was delivered on that occasion, I learned several years since from the late venerable town clerk of Dorchester, near Boston, Mr. Noah Clap, whose testimony has been since confirmed, from the Town Records, by Rev. Dr. Harris, in his Chronological and Topographi- cal Account of Dorchester, printed in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. " You well know," says Mr. Danforth in his Valedictory Sermon, " what importunity was used with our Minister, by letters, and other- wise, that both a minister should be sent to those remote places, and that he should be here ordained also : sundry godly Christians there, being both prepared for, and longing after the enjoyment of all the edifying ordinances of God; there being withal in all that Country neither ordained Minister, nor any Church, in full gospel order, and so neither imposition of the hands of the Presbytery, nor donation of the Right hand of Fellowship to be expected there, or from any place, much nearer to them than ourselves." 462 AMERICAN ANNALS. 169G. Colonial laws. Swedes. Expedition of Fronte- rm against th^ i'ive JNations. Another emigration from the same colony was in contempla- tion. A considerable number of the inhabitants of Ipswich, in Massachusetts, purposed to remove to Carolina. A letter, sent to governor Arehdale on their behalf by one of their principal men, states the ground of their resolution. It was founded on their " having heard the lame of South Carolina, as it now stands circumstanced with the honour of a true English government, with virtuous and discreet ministers in it, who now design the promoting of the gospel for the increase of virtue among the inhabitants, as well as outward trade and business;" and that they had considered " that the well peopling of that Southern colony of the English government or monarchy may, with God's blessing, be a bulwark to all the Northern parts, and a means to gain ail the lands to Cape Florida, which are our's by the first discovery of Sir Sebastian Cabot, at the charges of king Henry VH. to the crown of England ;" and that they were " credibly informed of the soil and climate, promising that all adventurers, with the favour of God, shall reap recompense as to temporal blessings." 1 The design does not appear to have been carried into effect. Tiie general assembly of Virginia passed an act for the better support and maintenance of the clergy. 2 The general assembly of Maryland passed a petitionary act for Free Schools. 3 The government of the province of Pennsylvania enacted, that the governor and council shall erect and order all public schools, and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laud ible inventions in that province and its territories. 4 Upon the humble address oi the Swedes in Pennsylvania and the territories to king Charles XI. " of glorious memory," his majesty sent them ministers and books. 5 The count de Frontenac, having secured the fort at Cataro- cuuy, resolved to make the Five Nations feel his resentment for refusing his terms of peace. Having assembled at Montreal all 1 Letter, in Archdale's 1 Description of Carolina, " from a single person of note there [Ipswich], in behalf of a number of people, bearing date from Ipswich 26 June 1696." It concludes with this compliment to the governor : " And farther, Sir, your great character doth embolden us, for it is such as may be said, without flattery, as was said of Titus Vespasian, that noble Roman, Ad gratificandum assiduus natura fuit." 2 Laws of Virginia. 3 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Maryland, No. 14. By this act the assembly petitioned king William, that such provision might made, and repealed a supple- mentary act for Free Schools, made in 1694. 4 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations. Pennsylvania, No. 2. 5 Holm, Hist. New Sweed Land in America: "and also," adds the his- torian, " he was graciously pleased and caused to be printed several hundreds of catechisms which my grandfather Doctor John Campanius Holm, formerly minister, had translated into the American speech." Coll. N. York Historical Society, ii. 349. BRITISH COLONIES. 463 the regular troops of Canada, the militia, the Owenagungas, the 1696. Quatoghies of Loretto, jhe Adirondacks, Sokokies, Nepiciriniens, ^^^i/ the Praying Indians of the Five Nations, and a few Utawawas, he marched with them from that island on the 4th of July. After a march of 12 days, they arrived at Catarocuay Fort, 180 miles from Montreal. On their approach to Onondaga, the Indians, hearing by a Seneca deserter of the formidable power of the French army, thought it advisable to retire, leaving their poor fort and bark cottages in flames. When the French arrived at the ashes of Onondaga village, they merely destroyed the Indian corn, which thickly covered an extensive field. The chevalier de Vaudreuil was sent with a detachment of 600 or 700 men, to destroy the corn of the Oneidas, who lived but a small distance from Onondaga ; and that service was performed without resist- ance. Thirty five Oneida Indians staid in their castle, to make the French welcome ; but they were made prisoners, and carried to iMontreal. The difficulty of supporting so many men in the deserts rendered it necessary for the count de Frontenac to with- draw as speedily as possible ; and he returned to Montreal on the 10th of August. After this expedition, small parties of the Indians in the English interest continued to harass the inhabitants near Montreal, and similar parties in the French interest to harass those near Albany, until the peace of Ryswick. 1 Don Andre d'Arriola was named first governor of Pensacola ; First gover . took possession of that province ; and built in the bay a fort, with »or of Pen- four bastions, called Fort St. Charles, a church, and some sacola - houses. 2 The winter of this year was colder than had been known in Sev New England since the first arrival of the English. During a great part of it, sleighs and loaded sleds passed on the ice from Boston as far as Nantasket. So great a scarcity of food, after the first year, had not been known; nor had grain ever been at Scarcit r- a higher price. 3 1697. This last year of the French war was more alarming to New N. England England, than any of the preceding years. Notices, through alaftned l v various channels, excited an expectation that a French anna- FrSii- ment from Europe by sea, and land forces from Canada, would vasion - make a descent on the English colonies. An expedition was actually ordered from France. The king intrusted the command with the marquis of Nesmond, an officer of great reputation ; ere win- ter. 1 Colden, 188—194. 2 Univ. Hist. xl. 296. Raynal, iv. 330. Roberts' Florida, p. 9 3 Mather, Magnal. b. 7. 93. Hutchinson, ii. 101. 464 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1697. and appointed for the service ten men of war, a galliot, and two v^-v^w/ frigates. With the information that the English were resolved to reconquer what they had lately lost at Newfoundland, and in the expectation that Nesmond might find them engaged at the siege of Placentia, the instructions given to that commander were, to go first to Placentia, and secure the conquests recently made from the English at Newfoundland ; next to hasten the junction of 1500 men, to be furnished by count Frontenac, and to pro- ceed with the fleet to Boston ; and, having taken that town, to lay desolate all the settlements along the coast to Pascataqua. If, afier ravaging New England, there should be time for any other conquest, the fleet was ordered to proceed to New York ; and, having reduced that city to the obedience of the French king, to leave the Canadian troops, who, in returning to Canada, were to ravage New York colony. 1 The king had the expe- dition so much at heart, that he gave permission to Nesmond to strengthen his fleet with the addition of certain ships, destined for another expedition in Hudson's Bay, if he should meet them at Placentia. The plan was complex, and extensive ; and de Nesmond departed too late for its execution. He did not arrive at Placentia until the 24th of July ; and, when arrived, he heard no news of the English fleet. In a grand council of war, which he called to determine whether to proceed immediately to Bos- ton or not, all the voices were in the negative. 2 In the consternation excited in Massachusetts on that occasion, lieutenant governor Stoughton made the best preparations in his power. The militia, for several weeks, were held in readiness to march to the seaports. The castle at Boston was then but an inconsiderable fortress ; but such additions were made to it, as the time allowed. In the expectation that the French and In- dians from Canada would fall on the eastern frontiers, 500 men were raised, and sent under major March, for the defence of these parts. " It was indeed," says Hutchinson, " a very critical time, perhaps equal to that when the duke D'Anville was with a squadron at Chibucto." The peace The peace of Ryswick, which had been signed on the 20th of procSimed September, was proclaimed at Boston on the 10th of December; 1 Si apres la prise de Baston, et le ravage de la Nouvelle Angleterre, il restoit encore du tems pour faire quelqu' autre conquete, la flotte avoit ordre d'aller a Manhatte, et apres avoir reduit cette villa sous Pobeissance du Roy " &c. Charlevoix. Nothing conditional was admitted, until after the desolation of New England, and then simply the condition of time ; as though nothing else could be necessary to the accomplishment of the grand project. But such is the style of kings. How often do the counsels of Heaven teach the mighty their impotence ! 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 217, 218. Hutchinson, ii. 100—104. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 326 ; xl. 115, 116. See a. d. 1746. BRITISH COLONIES. 465 and the English colonies had repose from war. 1 By the seventh 1697. article it was agreed, that mutual restitution should be made of v^-v-w/ all the countries, forts, and coloniesntaken by each party during the war. 2 All the French in New France, exclusive of those in Acadie, N> France, amounted to no more than 8515 persons ; and the colony could not arm above 1000 men. 3 By an act of the Virginia assembly, a lieutenant and 12 troop- Virginia ers were maintained in constant pay at the head of each of the Rangers- four great rivers in the colony, under the title of Rangers. 4 Good paper was made at Germantown, Pennsylvania. 5 The third and last grand expedition against the Five Con- Last grand federate Indian nations was undertaken by count Frontenac. expedition Landing at Oswego, with a powerful force, and marching to Lake Jf ^"nV- C Onondaga, he found their principal village burnt and abandoned, tions. He sent 700 men to destroy the Oneida castle, who took a few prisoners. After the barbarous execution of an Onondaga chief, upwards of 100 years old, who was taken prisoner in the woods, and abandoned to the fury of the French savages, the count thought it prudent to retire with his army. 6 1 Blair, Chron. Smollet, Hist. Eng. § 1. c. 5. Hutchinson, ii. 109. The Indians did some mischief in the Province of Maine and on the western frontier, the year following ; but, finding themselves unsupported by the French, they took measures for a peace. 2 Memoires de l'Amerique, ii. 92 — 108. Restituet dominus Rex Christianis- simus domino Regi Magnae Britanniae omnes regiones, insulas, arces & colonias ubivis locorum sitas, quas possidebant Angli ante hujus prassentis belli declara- tionem, et vice versa &c. See Hutchinson, ii. c. 1 ; Ancient Right of English Nation to the American Fishery, 42 ; and " The Conduct of the French in respect to Nova Scotia." The annotator on the last work, Note 125, says, The treaties of Breda and Ryswick have embarrassed not only Acadie, but also all the French possessions in North America. Neither the one nor the other fixed their limits. That of Ryswick said only, that there should be commissioners appointed. — Fort Bourbon at Hudson's Bay was now restored to the French. Dobson, Hudson's Bay, 18. See a. d. 1713. 3 Univ. Hist. xl. 20, 23. Wynne, i. 394. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 161. The four rivers were James, York, Rappa- hannock, and Potowmack. 5 Memoirs of Pennsylv. Hist. Soc. i. 113. Dr. Barton, in his Memoirs of Rittenhouse, mentions the establishment of a paper mill at Germantown, about the year 1700, by William Rittenhouse and his son Nicholas, ancestors of the philosopher. lb. 6 Clinton, in Collections of N. York Historical Society, ii. 67. " After sus- taining the most horrid tortures, with more than stoical fortitude, the only complaint he was heard to utter was, when one of them, actuated by compassion, or probably by rage, stabbed him repeatedly with a knife, in order to put a speedy end to his existence." " Thou oughtest not," said he, " to abridge my life, that thou might have time to learn to die like a man. For my own part, I die contented, because I know no meanness with which to reproach myself." — Gov. Clinton pronounces count Frontenac " the ablest and bravest governor that the French ever had in Canada ; " and thinks " he probably would have fallen a victim to his temerity, if the Senecas had not been kept at home, from a false report, that they were to be attacked at the same time by the Ottawas," vol. I. 59 466 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 697. Simon Bradstreet, formerly governor of Massachusetts, died \^v~w/ at Salem, at the age of 94 years; 1 Nathaniel Mather, minister Deaths. in London, educated in Ne# England, at the age of 67 years ; 2 Giles Firmin, in England, aged upwards of 80 years; 3 and 1 Mather, Magnal. b. 2. 20. Hutchinson, ii. 105. He was the youngest of all the assistants who came over with the first charter of Massachusetts ; and was afterward secretary, agent, commissioner for the United Colonies, and at length governor. Though possessed of no vigorous or splendid talents, he ap- pears, by his integrity, prudence, moderation, and piety, to have molted and acquired the confidence of all classes of people. He married a daughter of governor Thomas Dudley, a woman of distinguished genius and learning ; and author of a volume of poems. The descendants of governor Bradstreet were respectable. His monumental inscription [Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi.288.] gives this summary of his public history and character-: " SIMON BRADSTREET, Armiger, ex ordine Scnatoiis, in colonia Massachusettensi ab anno 1620, usque ad annum 1673. Deinde ad annum 1679, Vice-Guberna Louis XIV. erected a new exclusive company for 50 years, Royal Com- named The Royal Company of St. Domingo ; not for the island Domingo. 1 ' of Hispaniola only, but for all the other West India islands, to which he laid claim. 4 1 Their provisions being spent, they were threatened with famine. Many of them, reduced to a wretched condition, settled at Jamaica. Univ. Hist. 2 Univ. Hist. xli. 376—379. Salmon, Mod. Hist. iii. 247, 248 ; and Chron. Hist. i. 296. Hist. K. William III, 472—474. The Scots called their American territory, Caledonia, and their settlement, New Edinburgh. On their arrival at Darien, " they found the natives in open war on all sides with the Spaniards, against whom they besought their assistance." Univ. Hist, [xxxix. 159.] says, " through the influence of faction and private interest the British nation was deprived of the benefit of one of the most useful establishments ever projected ; for while the isthmus remained in the possession of the colony, the Spanish treasures must be detained in America." On this occasion, king William recom- mended a union of the Scots with the English. The lords hereupon passed a bill for it, which the commons at that time rejected. Anderson, ii. 612. The Scots abandoned their colony 20 June, 1699. 3 Stiles, MS. Miscellanea. The visitors were Rev. Grindal Rawson of Men- don, and Rev. Samuel Danforth of Taunton. See Tables. 4 Anderson, ii. 640. This grant was confirmed in 1716. 472 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1G98. A fire broke out in Salem, and destroyed several houses, and v^-v^w/ considerable property. 1 Charles Morton, minister of Charlestown, died, in the 72d year of his age. 2 Count Frontenac died, at the age of 78 Death years. 3 1699. Iberville M. d' Iberville, having made considerable researches on takes pos- the Mississippi, returned to the bay of Biloxi, situated between theMUsis- me moutn of the Mississippi and the Mobile ; where he built a sippi. fort, which he committed to M. de Sauvole, and returned to France. 4 French re- About 300 French protestants, who left France on account of to g v e ir«ir? l< l ^ eir rea §i° n > a^ived at Virginia, and were soon after followed 4 by others. They settled about 20 miles above the Falls of James river, on the south side of it, on land formerly the seat of a great and warlike nation of Indians, called the Monacans. 5 1 Sewall, MS. Diary. It consumed 5 houses. Major Brown, who was the greatest sufferer, lost 3 or £4000. " This is the first considerable fire that ever was in Salem." 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 76. His epitaph (ib.), written by his successor, Rev. Simon Bradstreet, contains a sketch of his character. He was educated at Wadham College, Oxford, of which he was afterwards chosen fellow ; and he was an eminent scholar, of extensive erudition. He began his ministry in Blis- land ; was ejected in 1662; and afterward preached privately at a village near St. Ives, till the fire of London in 1666 ; and then set up an academy at Newing- ton Green, where, under his tuition, many young ministers were educated. After continuing in this highly useful employment about 20 years, he was so infested by processes from the bishop's court, that he was obliged to desist from it. In 1685 he came to New England, and the next year was installed pastor of the church in Charlestown, where he continued to his death. He was a fellow of Hatvard College, of which he was also chosen vice president. " He was of a sweet natural temper, and of a generous public spirit ; an indefatigable friend, a pious, learned, ingenious, useful man ; beloved and valued by all who knew him." Calamy. He wrote many treatises, the titles of which are in Calamy, who has preserved, in his Continuation, his " Advice to Candidates for the Ministry, under the present discouraging circumstances," written in the reign of Charles II. One of his manuscripts, entitled Compendium Physicae, is in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society ; and another, entitled " A complete system of Natural Philosophy," is in the Library of Bowdoin College. Calamy, Nonconform. Mem. (Palmer) i. 347; Contin. of Ejected Ministers, 177—197. Biog. Memoir, in 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 158—162. Allen, Siog. Diet. 3 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 237. He retained all the firmness, and all the vivacity, of his best years ; and died, as he had lived, beloved by most, esteemed by all, and with the glory of having, without scarcely any succours from France, sustained and augmented a colony, open and attacked on all sides, and which he had found on the point of ruin. Ibid. 4 Charlevoix. He says of the fort, " a trois lieues des Pascagouslas." See 1698, 1700. 5 Beverly, b. 3. c. 13 ; who says, " None of the Monacans are now left in those parts ; but the land still retains their name, and is called the Monacan town." — In the following year, 200 more French protestants arrived, and after- ward 100 more. " The French Refugees, sent in thither by the charitable exhibition of his late majestv king William, are naturalized by a particular law for that purpose." Ib. See 1690. BRITISH COLONIES. 473 The general assembly of Virginia passed an act for laying an 1699. imposition upon servants and slaves imported into this country, ^^-^^/ towards building the Capitol. 1 The assembly of Maryland, which had hitherto been holden Capita! of at St. Mary's, was removed to Annapolis, which, from this time, Maryland, was considered as the capital of that province. 2 The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act for suppress- Massachu- ing and punishing rogues, vagabonds, and common beggars, and setts act other lewd, idle, and disorderly persons, and for setting the poor gabonds! a " to work. By this act it was ordained, that a house of correction be provided in each county. 3 A treaty was holden at Penobscot with the eastern Indians. Treaty with It was by advice of count Frontenac, who informed the Indians the eastern that he could no longer support them in a war with the English, with whom his nation was then at peace. By this treaty, which was concluded on the 7th of January, the Indians ratified their former engagements ; acknowledged subjection to the crown of England ; and promised future peace and good behaviour. It was signed by Moxus, and many other sagamores, captains, and principal men of the Indians belonging to the rivers of Kenne- beck, Ammorescoggin, and Saco, and parts adjacent. 4 William Kidd, the noted pirate, was apprehended at Boston w. Kidd, by order of the government, committed to prison, and sent for the Pre- trial to England, where he was afterward condemned and exe- cuted. 5 Plainfield, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 6 Piainfieid. A new religious assembly being formed in Boston, the church Church in in Brattle street was built ; and, the year following, Mr. Benja- Brattle 1 Laws of Virginia. 2 Univ. Hist xl. 475. Brit. Emp. iii. 28, 30. Douglass, ii. 365. 3 Massachusetts Laws. 4 Mather, Magnal. b. 7. 94. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 281. 5 Hutchinson, ii. 120. Brit. Emp. i. 344. He had been employed by some noble persons in a laudable adventure ; but he addicted himself to piracy. Bradish and some others were executed with him. See Smith, N. York, i. 91. Under the year 1699, Evelyn writes : " The Parliament called some great per- sons in the higbest offices in question for setting the great seal to the pardon of the arch pirate, who had turned pirate again, and brought prizes into the West Indies, suspected to be connived at on sharing the prey." Memoirs of Evelyn. The Editor's Note is, " Captain Kidd : He was hanged about two years after- wards with some of his accomplices." 6 Trumbull, i. 400. In 1659, governor Winthrop obtained liberty of the as- sembly to purchase a large tract at Quinibaug, and soon after made a purchase of the native proprietors, All tips and Mashaushawit, of the lands comprised in the townships of Plainfield and Canterbury lying on both sides of Quinibaug river. There were some families on the lands at the time of the purchase, but the planters were few until 1689, when a number, chiefly from Massachusetts, made a purchase of the heirs of governor Winthrop, and began settlements in the northern part of the tract. VOL. I. 60 474 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1699. min Coleman, who had been ordained in London, took the pas- v^-v^^ toral care of the church and society. 1 Yellow William Penn returned from England to his Pennsylvania]! Fever. colony in December. A mortal disease, called the Yellow Fever, had swept off great numbers of people in Philadelphia, just be- fore his arrival. 2 Newfound- An act was passed by the English parliament, to encourage landfishery. ^ ^^ ^ Newfoundlan( ].3 English law Complaints being made in England, that the wool and woollen wooT-mami- riianu ^ aclures °f ^e North American plantations began to be factures of exported to foreign markets, formerly supplied by England ; a America. J aw W as made, by which no persons might export in ships, or carry by horses, into any other place or colony out of the king's dominions, any wool or woollen manufactures of the English plantations in America, under forfeiture of ships and cargoes, and also of £500 penalty. This is the first mention in the English statute book, of woollen manufactures in the American colonies. 4 French M. de Callieres, succeeding count Frontenac as governor of wkMhe^ 6 Canada, terminated existing disputes between the French and Five Na- the Five Nations, by agreeing to have an exchange of prison- tions. ers at Onondaga. 5 T.Danforth. Thomas Danforth died at Cambridge, aged 77 years. 6 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 260. 2 Proud, i. 420, 421. " This remarkable sickness had, for some time before,, been veiy fatal in some parts of the West India islands." 3 Salmon, Chron. Hist. i. 296. 4 Anderson, ii. 644. 5 Colden, 200 — 202. The inhabitants of Canada esteemed the peace the greatest blessing that could be procured for them from heaven ; " for nothing- could be more terrible than this last war with the Five Nations." When the French commissioners came to Onondoga, Decanesora met them without the gate, and complimented them with three strings of wampum. " By the first he wiped away their tears for the French, who had been slain in the war ; by the second he opened their mouths, that they might speak freely (that is, pro- mised them freedom of speech) ; by the third he cleaned the mat, on which they were to sit, from the blood that had been spilt on both sides." It is ob- servable, that the Indian Council refused to hear the French, or to give them an answer, but in presence of the commissioners from Albany. Bruyas, a Jesuit, one of the three French commissioners, offering a belt, in token of his readiness to stay with them, the Grand Council immediately rejected it, saying, " We have already accepted Corlear's belt, by which he offers pastors to instruct us." Ibid. See Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 238. 6 Sullivan, 383. Sewall, MS. Diary. He had been president of the province of Maine. He was a magistrate in Massachusetts 40 years. Judge Sewall describes him as " a very good husbandman, and a very good Christian, and a good counsellor." Fairfield [MS. Journal] says, he was " deputy governor by choice at the anniversary election 8 years together ; and three times he was chosen to the same office after the Revolution. He was chief justice of the court of oyer and terminer held at Charlestown ; and had a chief hand, under God, in putting an end to the troubles under which the country groaned anno 1692." BRITISH COLONIES. 475 1700. The coast of Carolina was now infested with pirates. Several Caroiinain- fested v : * v pirates. ships, belonging to Charlestown, were taken, and kept as prizes f but the crews were sent ashore. In a quarrel at length among those freebooters about the division of the spoil, nine Englishmen were turned adrift in a long boat. Landing at Sewee bay, and travelling thence to Charlestown, ihey were there recognized by three masters of ships, on whose testimony they were instantly taken up, tried, and condemned ; and seven out of nine suffered death. 1 During the autumn, a dreadful hurricane did great damage to Hurricane Charlestown, and threatened its total destruction. The sea, at Charles rushing in with amazing impetuosity, obliged the inhabitants to fly to the second stories of their nouses, where they generally were secure. A large vessel, belonging to Glasgow, which had come from Darien with a part of the unfortunate Scotch settlers, and was riding at anchor off the bar, was driven from her anchor, and dashed to pieces against the sand banks ; and every soul on board perished. Additional calamities befel the capital of Cam- J^" 1 ^. lina. A fire broke out, and laid most of it in ashes. The small ther deso- pox raged through the town, and proved fatal to multitudes. To lated - complete the distress, an infectious distemper swept off an in- credible number of people. 2 A provincial library was established in Charlestown, Carolina, S. Carolina by the munificence of the lords proprietors and of the Rev. llbrar y« Thomas Bray. 3 The assembly of New York passed an act against Jesuits and Act of New Popish priests. The preamble states, that divers of them have York ' aml come of late, and for some time have had their residence in the remote parts of this province, and other adjacent colonies, and had by wicked and subtil insinuations, industriously laboured to 1 Hewatt, i. 141. The crew, which had entered on a course of piracy, was composed of 45 persons from different nations, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Portu- guese, and Indians ; who manned a ship for the purpose at the Havana. The Englishmen, being the weakest party in the quarrel, were of course the suf- ferers. 2 Hewatt, i. 142. " Happily few lives were lost in town," by the hurricane. Among those who died of the disease, were chief justice Bohun, Samuel Mar- shall the episcopal clergyman, John Ely the receiver general, Edward Rawlins the provost marshal, and above half of the members of assembly. " Never had the colony been visited with such general distress and mortality. Discouragement and despair sat on every countenance." Many of the survivors thought of abandoning the country ; and having heard of the flourishing state of Pennsyl- vania, they, in the moment of despondency, determined to retire to that colony With the remainder of their families and effects. See Drayton, S. Car. 204. I follow Hewatt, who puts these disasters " in the last year of the 17th cen- tury." 3 Miller's Retrospect, ii. 362. 476 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1700. seduce the Indians from their due obedience to his majesty, and v^v^-w' excite them to sedition, rebellion, and open hostility against his majesty's government. The act required every ecclesiastical person, receiving his ordination from any authority derived from the Pope or See of Rome, now residing within this province, to depart out of it before the first day of November. 1 The legis- of Massa- lature of Mssachusetts passed an act against Jesuits and Popish chusetts priests; requiring them to depart, from the province by the 10th Jesuits. °f September. 2 This legislature also passed an act for the erection of prisons in each county town in the province. 3 Maryland The general assembly of Maryland passed an act for the church act. service of Almighty God, and establishment of religion in this province according to the church of England. 4 Population Boston, at this time, contained about 1000 houses, and above of Boston. 7000 SOUIS. 5 The white inhabitants of Carolina were 5500. 6 Settlement The French fort of Naxoat, on St. John's river in Acadie, removed, was abandoned by the French ; and the entire settlement trans- ferred to Port Royal. 7 Voluntown. A township that had been granted by the legislature of Con- necticut to petitioners, was confirmed to them by the name of Voluntown. 8 1 Trott, Laws of N. York, No. 12. Smith, N. York, 47. 2 Massachusetts Laws. The reason assigned for this law is similar to that for the like law in New York. Such Jesuits and Popish priests, " as have lately come, or for some time have had their residence in the remote parts of this province, and other adjacent territories, have endeavoured to seduce the Indians from their obedience to the king of England, and to excite them to hostilities against his government." 3 Ibid. 4 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art. Maryland. This act was confirmed in 1702. It is similar to the Church Act of South Carolina. 5 Mather, Magnal. b. 1. 31, 32. The language of Dr. Mather is: "The small pox has four times been a great plague upon us ... In one twelve month, about one thousand of our neighbours have one way or other been carried unto their long home ; and yet we ate, after all, many more than 7000 souls of us at this hour living on the spot. Ten times has the fire made notable ruins among us ; but the ruins have mostly and quickly been rebuilt. 1 sup- pose, that many more than a thousand houses are to be seen on this little piece of ground." 6 Drayton, S. Carolina, 103. 7 Charlevoix, Nouv. Fiance, ii. 254. Univ. Hist. xl. 135. The reasons as- signed by Charlevoix for this measure are, that the fort of Naxoat was inade- quate to the defence of the French settlements on St. John's river ; and those of Acadie could receive no other succours ; that the frequent overflowing of the river St. John did not permit any fixed settlements there ; that the mouth of that river was of very difficult access, on account of the variety of winds and the violence of currents ; and that the port was so small, that three ships could not conveniently anchor there. 8 Trumbull, i. 403, 404. On the petition of captain Thomas Leffingwell of Norwich, and Mr. John Frink of Stonington, in behalf of themselves and others, the general assembly had, in 1696, granted them a township of six miles square, to be taken up in the conquered lands. This township, having been surveyed, was now confirmed. BRITISH COLONIES. 477 Though the Swedes and Dutch, settled in Pennsylvania, had ] 700. some ministers settled among them, the English had none until \^-v~^ this year ; when the rev. Mr. Evans was sent from England to Episcopal Philadelphia by bishop Compton. This therefore is the epoch ^XcfecT" of the introduction of the episcopal service into that colony. intoPenn- After that service began to be performed, a numerous congre- s . vlvama - gation attended the public worship. It was composed chiefly of persons, who, a few years before, had separated from the Foxian Quakers, and who now joined entirely with the episcopal church. 1 Iberville, returning early this year, took possession anew of The French the Mississippi, and constructed upon the margin of the river a l ? ke P osses ' ii r • i-ii i i ^ • r i i r i s,on anew small tort, in which he placed 4 pieces oi cannon, and lelt about of the Mis- 40 men, and committed it to the care of M. Bienville, his sissippi. brother. The reasons assigned for renewing the act of posses- sion were, that M. d' Iberville learned, on his return from France, than an English corvette of 12 guns had entered the Mississippi in September of the preceding year, and that M. Bienville, in sounding the mouths of that river, had met this vessel 20 leagues from the sea, 2 and threatened the commander if he did not with- draw, to compel him ; that the menace produced the proper effect, but that the English, as they withdrew, said, they would return with stronger forces, that it was more than 50 years since they had discovered that country, and that they had a greater right to it than the French. Iberville was informed, at the same time, that other Englishmen had been among the Chickasaws, with whom they had had trade in peltry and slaves, and that, through their solicitation, those Indians had killed a French ec- clesiastic. 3 The principal design of the French, in this projected settle- Design of ment, is supposed to have been, to open a communication from fected P set- the mouth of the Mississippi to their colony in Canada, and thus tiement hem in the English colonies, so as to engross the whole Indian there * trade to themselves. 4 France being about this time engaged in 1 Humphrejrs, Hist. Account, 146. Stiles, Lit. Diary. In two years' time, above 500 persons frequented the Church. They petitioned king William for some stipend for their minister ; and his majesty allowed him £50 sterling, and £30 to a schoolmaster at Philadelphia. The schism among the Quakers was made by George Keith, one of their speakers, about 1691. See an account of it in Proud, i. c. xi. The people of Chester county built an episcopal church in 1702, " at the sole expence of private subscription of the church members." It was " a very good brick fabric, one of the neatest on the continent." Humph. 2 Hence called Detour aux Anglois. 3 Charlevoix, ii. 257—260. Coxe, Carolana, 31, 115. Coxe says, that Iber- ville afterwards returned to France for farther reinforcements, but on his third voyage back to Biloxi he died. 4 Anderson, a. d. 1698 ; who says, this was their " principal intention, as has since plainly appeared." Du Pratz [i. 8.] says, the first colony that settled there was almost entirely composed of Canadians. Univ. Hist. [xl. 282.] says, 478 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1700. a war with the English and their confederates in Europe, this s^-v^w/ and another small settlement in the same quarter, for want of seasonahle and necessary supplies, were deserted. 1 Quotas as- Apprehensions being entertained, that the province of New signed to York was still liable to incursions from the French and Indians, »ies. quotas of men were assigned to be furnished from the several colonies as far south as Virginia, in case of an attack. 2 The meeting house of the Friends, or quakers, was built at Newport. 3 The first church in Windham, and the first in Leba- non, Connecticut, were gathered. 4 1701. New char- William Penn, the proprietary of Pennsylvania, returned to terofPenn- England. The charter of Pennsylvania having been surrendered to him by the assembly the preceding year, he, just before his departure, presented to the province their last charter of privi- Phiiadei- ^ e & es > wmcn was accepted by the assembly. 5 He also gave a phia. charter of privileges to the inhabitants of Philadelphia. 6 all the buildings which the French had at this time in Canada consisted of a few straggling houses, belonging to some French Canadians, who had been settled among the Illinois ; the fort at the mouth of the Mississippi ; and another fort, which was their head quarters, on the Bay of Biloxi. The authors of the Encyclopedic Methodique represent the settlement at the mouth of the Missis- sippi as designed merely to insure possession : " Le Mississippi fut reconnu ; les premiers fondemcns d' une colonie jettes sur ses bords, et un fort bati pour en assurer la possession aux Francois." Encyc. Meth. Commerce, Art. Com- pagnie Du Mississippi otj de la Louisiane. In JefFerys' map of the Mississippi, " Ruins of Fort la Boylage, the First Settlement made in 1700," are placed on the river, below Detour Anglois. 1 Coxe, Carolana, 31. Univ. Hist. [xl. 283.] says, that Iberville returned for a third time to Louisiana in 1702, and began a settlement upon the Mobile, of which Bienville was commandant ; and that he abandoned the post at Biloxi, carrying to the new settlement all its inhabitants. 2 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 307. " There was, however, no opportunity for affording this assistance, as the New Yorkers took care to maintain a good understanding with the French and Indians, for the benefit of trade." Ibid. See Tables. 3 Adams, N. Eng. 1S3. Their yearly meeting, until governor Coddington's death, in 1678, was holden at his house ; and he died a member of that body. 4 Pr. Stiles' MS. Trumbull, Conn. ii. 136. 5 Proud, ii. 443 — 450 ; Colden, p. ii. 275 — 282 ; where this charter is inserted entire. See also Franklin's Pennsylvania. The charter was presented on the day of its date, 28 October, 1701 ; " the Council, the Assembly of the Province, and several of the principal inhabitants of Philadelphia, attending." Having been " distinctly read in Assembly, and the whole and every part thereof, ap- proved of, and agreed to," it was " thankfully " received the same day. It was rejected, however, by the territories. See a. d. 1703. By this charter " no person inhabiting this province or territories, who shall confess and acknowledge one Almighty God, the Creator, Upholder, and Ruler of the world ; and profess himself obliged to live quietly under civil government, shall be in any case mo- lested or prejudiced in his person or estate, because of his conscientious per- suasion or practice : And all persons, who profess to believe in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, shall be capable to serve this government in any capacity, promising, when lawfully required, allegiance to the king &c." 6 Proud, i. 451, 452. Belknap, Biog. ii. 443. By this charter Philadelphia BRITISH COLONIES. 479 The assembly of Virginia passed an act for better strengthen- 1701. ing the frontiers, and discovering the approaches of an enemy, v^^-o By this act encouragements were given to cohabitations upon the land frontiers within this government. The act provided, that ActofVir- there should be granted to every certain number of men, who §mia * should enter into societies and agree to undertake such cohabita- tions, any quantity of land, not under the quantity of 10,000 acres-, nor exceeding 30,000, upon any of the frontiers within this government, wherever it shall be found, not legally taken up or possessed by any of his majesty's subjects. 1 The assembly of Carolina imposed a duty of three farthings a ^ duty im- skin, exported by residents, but double, if sent out in English posed by vessels ; but the commissioners of plantations remonstrated to aro ina * the proprietaries of the province against it, as a great discourage- ment to the trade of England. 2 The churches in Connecticut having become numerous, and YaieCol- the calls for a learned ministry urgent, and great inconvenience founded- attending the education of youths at the distant college in Cam- bridge ; a number of ministers had, for some time, entertained the design of founding a college in their own colony. In pursu- ance of this design, ten of the principal ministers in Connecticut, having been nominated and agreed on to stand as trustees, to found, erect, and govern a college, had, the preceding year, formed themselves into a body, and founded the projected semi- nary. Doubts arising, whether the trustees were vested with a legal capacity for the holding of lands, and whether private donations and contributions would be adequate to the purpose, application was made to the general assembly for a charter of incorporation. The petition represented, " that from a sincere regard to, and zeal for, upholding the Protestant religion, by a succession of learned and orthodox men, they had proposed that a collegiate school should be erected in this colony, wherein youth should be instructed in all parts of learning, to qualify them for public employments in church and civil state." The assembly, at their session in October this year, prompt to en- courage the laudable and pious design, incorporated the trustees nominated, granting them a charter, and vesting them with all receives a the requisite powers and privileges ; and made them an annual c iai er ' grant of £120. Strengthened by the powers of their charter, and animated by the countenance of the legislature, the trustees was constituted a city, the government of which was committed to a Mayor and Recorder, 8 Aldermen, and 12 Common Council men ; and endowed with divers privileges and immunities, for its regulation and government. It is in- serted in Proud, Appendix, No. vi, and in Colden, p. ii. 262 — 274. Colden [ib. 199 — 283.] has preserved M A collection of Charters, and other Public Acts relating to the Province of Pennsylvania." 1 Laws of Virginia, 209—212. 2 Chalmers, 354. 480 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1701. niet at Saybrook in November ; and chose the Rev. Abraham s^-v~^ Pierson, of Killingvvorth, rector of the college ; made rules for to he at its general government and instruction ; and, for the present, Saybrook. appointed it to be at Saybrook. 1 Population The number of inhabitants in the English American colonies, otthecolo- aDout t [ ie commencement of this century, was estimated at ' ' 262,000. 2 The Five The Five Nations put all their hunting lands under the pro- lands under tection of the English. 3 The assembly of New York, premising, the protec- that it would be to the honour of God and the welfare of the English. ° P rov ' nce > mat tne Five Nations of Indians should be instructed in the Protestant Religion, passed an act, granting £60 a year to Bernardus Freeman, minister of the gospel at Schenectady, as his salary for instructing those Indians, and £15 a year for his charge and expense. 4 Ministers. The number of ministers in New England was about 120. 5 Newfound- The Newfoundland fishery employed, this year, 121 vessels, siery. co ]] ect i ve ]y amounting to nearly 8000 tons burden. 6 Congress at A provisional treaty having been signed the preceding year, a Montreal, congress of French and Indians was holden on the 4th of August at Montreal, and a treaty of peace was concluded. 7 1 President Clap, Hist. Yale College. Trumbull, i. b. 1. c. 19. The design of founding a college was first conceited in 1698, by Rev. Messrs. Pierpoint of New Haven, Andrew of Milford, and Russel of Branford. The ministers nomi- nated as trustees were, James Noyes of Stonington, Israel Chauncy of Stratford, Thomas Buckingham of Saybrook, Abraham Pierson of Killingworth, Samuel Mather of Windsor, Samuel Andrew of Milford, Timothy Woodbridge of Hart- ford, James Pierpoint of New Haven, Noadiah Russel of Middletown, and Joseph Webb of Fairfield. The form of laying the foundation was this : Each of the ten ministers gave a number of books, and, laying them on a table, pro- nounced words to this effect : " I give these books for the founding of a college in this colony." About 40 volumes in folio were thus given. Several other donations, both of books and money, were soon after made. Before the petition for a charter was heard by the assembly, the Hon. James Fitch of Norwich, one of the council, gave a tract of land in Killingly, of about 600 acres, and all the glass and nails that should be necessary to build a college house and hall. The annual grant of the assembly was equal to about £60 sterling. See 1717. 2 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 41 — 43. See Tables. 3 Pownall, Administration of the Colonies, 169. 4 Trott, Laws of N. York, No. 7. The preamble, referring to Mr. Freeman, states, that he had for some time made " and does still make it his great study to instruct them therein." 5 Trumbull, Century Sermon, 15. New Hampshire contained 4 ministers ; Province of Maine, 1 ; Massachusetts, 86 ; Connecticut, 28. 6 Brit. Emp. i. 158. The statement is, 121 ships and vessels of 7,991 tons burden ; 2,727 men on board ; 993 boats, belonging to the ships and to the in- habitants ; the returns, 216,320 quintals of fish, and 3798 hogsheads of train or liver oil. The number of fishing stages was 544 ; the number of men, women, children, and servants, employed in curing the fish, was 3581. 7 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 270—283. Univ. Hist. xl. 142, 143. Wynne, i. 480, 481. On a plain without the city there was erected, on this occasion, a theatre, 128 feet long and 72 broad, at the end of which was raised a large covered box [une sale couverte] for the ladies and all people of fashion in the city. De Callieres, attended by all his principal officers, and 1300 Indians, were BRITISH COLONIES. 481 The Assiento Company, or the Company of Guinea, for trans- 1701. porting negroes into the Spanish settlements in America, was v^^^w/ established. 1 A court of chancery was organized in the province of New Court of York, agreeable to the special direction of the lords of Trade. 2 Chancery. The legislature of Massachussetts passed an act to encourage Mass. act. the sowing and well manufacturing of hemp within the province. 3 Bostonaims The representatives of Boston were requested to promote the to supress encouraging of bringing into the colony white servants, and to "^° sla " put a period to negro slavery. 4 The Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts Soc.propag. was established in England. 5 Gospel. M. D' Iberville, navigating the Mississippi, discovered the nation Natches and country of the Natches Indians. 6 Indians. The earl of Bellomont, died at New York. 7 William Stough- Deaths, ton died at Dorchester, about 70 years of age. 8 seated in order within the rails of the theatre, which were surrounded by soldiers under arms. After an introductory speech by Callieres, on the benefits of peace, each Indian chief presented to him his prisoners, with a belt of wampum ; and the treaty of peace was signed by 38 deputies, from the Iroquois and various nations. The great pipe of peace was then smoked. Te JDeum was sung ; the great kettles in which three oxen had been boiled were produced [" ou Ton fait boullir trois bosufs"] ; and the meat was served up to each, with great order and decorum. The ceremony was concluded with discharges of artillery, bon- fires, and illuminations. 1 Encyclop. Methodique, Commerce, Art. Compagnie De L'Assieivte. The treaty for this company was signed at Madrid 27 August, 1701, and ratified by the king of France, September, 1702. It is entitled " Traite fait entre les deux rois tres-chretien et catholique, avec la compagnie royale de Guinee, etablie en France concernant l'introduction des Negres dans l'Amerique." See Alcedo y Herrera, Aviso Historico, 225. 2 Smith, N. York, i. 98 ; " to sit the first Thursday in every month." 3 Massachusetts Laws. 4 Boston Records, 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 184. 5 Humphreys, Hist. Account, to which is prefixed the Charter of the Society, given by Wiliiam III, on the application of archbishop Tenison. This arch- bishop was the first president of the society, to which he gave an annual bounty of £50 during his life, and at his death bequeathed it £1000 toward the mainte- nance of the first bishop, who should be settled in America. 6 Alcedo, Art. Natches. 7 Smith, N. York, i. 97. On his arrival at Massachusetts, as governor, in 1699, he was received with the greatest respect ; and he took every method to ingratiate himself with the people. He was condescending, affable and cour- teous, and rendered himself very popular in his government. Short as was his administration, he obtained a larger sum, as a salary and gratuity, than any of his predecessors. " He remained but 14 months in the province, and the grants made by the general court amounted to £2500 lawful money, or £1875 sterling." Soon after the session in May, 1700, he took leave of Massachusetts, and went to New York. Hutchinson, ii. c. 2 ; where there is an account of his adminis- tration in Massachusetts. An account of the administration in New York, from the time OT lord Bellomont's arrival there as governor, in 1697, including the time of his residence in Massachusetts, until his return to New York, is in Smith, i. 92 — 97. " His lordship had no occasion to meet the assembly after the sum- mer of the year 1700, and then indeed little else was done, than to pass a few laws." He died 5 March, 1701. 8 Hutchinson, ii. 128. He was a son of colonel Stoughton, who had the VOL. I. 61 482 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1702. King William III. died, in the 52d year of his age, and was succeeded by Anne princess of Denmark, daughter of James II. 1 June 11. Joseph Dudley arrived at Massachusetts, with a commission Arrival of f rom queen Anne to be captain general and governor in chief f e °/.' over that province. In his first speech to the council and assem- 16 bly, he informed the house of representatives, that he was corn- First speech manded by her majesty to observe to them, "that there is no dune!™"-" omer province or government, belonging to the crown of England, sembiy. except this, where there is not provided a fit and convenient house for the reception of the governor, and a settled, stated salary for the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary, judges, and all other officers ; which therefore is recommended to you. And since this province is so particularly favoured by the crown in more instances than one, their more ready obedience is justly expected in this and all other occasions." Answer of The house, in their answer the next day, observed : " As for the house. t } 10se p i n ts which, in obedience to her majesty's command, your Excellency has laid before this house, we shall proceed with all convenient speed to the consideration of them." Having re- solved, that the sum of £500 be, at this time, presented out of the public treasury to the governor, the house, in their answer to some parts of his speech, observed : " As to settling a salary for the governor, it is altogether new to us ; nor can we think it agreeable to our present Constitution, but we shall be ready to do according to our ability, what may be proper on our part for the support of the government." Shortly after, the governor chief command of the Massachusetts forces in the Pequod war. Mr. Stoughton was graduated at Harvard College in 1650. Having studied divinity, he became an eminent preacher, but was never settled in the ministry. His Election Sermon is pronounced to be " one of the best that was printed during this cen- tury." In 1671 he was chosen a magistrate, and in 1677 he was appointed an agent to the court of great Great Britain. [See that year.] Under the new charter of William and Mary, he was appointed lieutenant governor, and, when Sir William Phips left the government, was the commander in chief; and the affairs of the province were wisely conducted under his administration. When lord Bellomont died, he took the chair, and continued in it until his own death. He was also chief justice of the province. " He was nine years lieutenant governor, and six of them commander in chief. He experienced the two ex- tremes of popular and absolute government ; and not only himself approved of a mean between both, but was better qualified to recommend it, by a discreet administration, to the people of the province." The college which he built at Cambridge in 1698, stood almost a century ; a new one hasbeen built near the place where that stood, and bears his name. The epitaph on his monument in Dorchester, which is still fairly legible, is in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ii. 10. " He was interred at Dorchester with great honour and solemnity, and with him much of New England's glory." Fairfield, MS. Diary. Harris, Account of Dorches- ter, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. 180. Eliot, Biog. 1 Hist, of William III. Smollett, Eng. b. i. c. 7. BRITISH COLONIES. 483 directed that the Speaker and Representatives should be sent for 1702. up to the council chamber; and, after expressing his regret and v^^-w' disappointment at their procedure, and observing that there was a necessity of his seeing the other province and the frontiers, Governor dismissed them, "not doubting," to use his own words, "but you dismi»ei • i» * ' • the asscm- will think better, and proceed with all cheerfulness at our next bly# meeting, in every thing that imports her majesty's service, your own honour, and the preservation of the province." 1 Here commenced the dispute between the governor and the Beginning general assembly of Massachusetts, upon the claims of the one ofdls P ute - and the rights of the, other, which lasted more than 70 years. It was a Gordian knot, which could not be untied ; but which was severed at the Revolution. A rupture having taken place between England and Spain, Expedition governor Moore of Carolina proposed to the assembly an expe- M g o r e ernor dition against the Spanish settlement at St. Augustine. A great against St. majority declaring for the expedition, the sum of £2000 sterling Au s ustme - was voted for the service of the war. Six hundred Indians were engaged, 2 and 600 provincial militia were raised ; and schooners and merchant ships were impressed for transports. The forces, having assembled at Port Royal which was the place of general rendezvous, embarked there in September, with the governor at their head. The Spaniards, apprized of the design, had made preparation for their defence. .While the governor with the main body was proceeding by sea to block up the harbour, colonel Daniel, going by the inland passage with a party of militia and Indians, was to make a descent on the town from the land. This gallant officer lost no time ; but, advancing against the town, entered and plundered it before the governor came forward to his assistance. The Spaniards seasonably retired to the castle, with all their money and most valuable effects. The governor, on his arrival, finding it impossible to dislodge them, for the want of artillery, despatched colonel Daniel with a sloop to Jamaica, to bring cannon, bombs, and mortars for attacking the castle ; but, during his absence, two Spanish ships, appearing off the mouth of it proves the harbour, so intimidated the governor, that he instantly raised the abortive. 1 Collection of the Proceedings of the Great and General Court or Assembly of his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England ; Con- taining several Instructions from the Crown to the Council and Assembly of that Province, for fixing a Salary on the Governour, and their Determinations there- on. As also, The Methods taken by the Court for supporting the several Governours, since the arrival of the present Charier. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. Boston, 1729. In 1705, the Council and Repre- sentatives, in a Humble Address to the Queen, vindicated their right and privi- lege, " from time to time to raise and dispose such sum and sums "of money, as the present exigency of affairs calls for" — having reference here " to the settling of fixed salaries." 2 The Indians, " fond of warlike exploits, gladly accepted of arms and ammu- nition offered them for their aid." Hewatt. 484 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1702. First paper currency of Carolina. N.Carolina. E. and W. Jersey united. Episcopal churches. Grammar school. Mortality in N. York. Small pox in Boston. Towns in- corporated. siege, and made a precipitate retreat by land to Carolina. 1 This ill judged expedition entailed a debt of £6000 on the colony ; for the discharge of which a bill was passed by the provincial assembly for stamping bills of credit, which were to be sunk in three years by a duty laid upon liquors, skins, and furs. This was the first paper money issued in Carolina. 2 North Carolina contained, at this time, above 6000 souls. 3 The proprietary government of West Jersey was resigned to queen Anne, who united it with East Jersey under one government. Both countries now received the single name of New Jersey. Lord Cornbury, governor of New York, was appointed governor of the united colony, and received his commission and instruc- tions from the queen. 4 The episcopal church was introduced into that province this year. 5 The first episcopal church was built in Rhode Island. 6 The assembly of New York passed an act for the encouragement of a Grammar School in the city of New York. 7 An uncommon mortality prevailed in the city of New York, in the summer of this year ; which distinguished it as " the time of the great sickness." 8 The small pox, after an interval of 13 years, spread through the town of Boston ; and swept off 300 of the inhabitants. 9 Mansfield and Danbury, in Connecticut, were incorporated. 10 1 Hewatt, i. 152 — 155. Archdale, 23. By this inglorious retreat, the Spaniards in the garrison were not only relieved, but the Carolinian ships, provisions, and ammunition fell into their hands. Colonel Daniel, on his return, standingjn for the harbour of Augustine, made a narrow escape from the enemy. 2 Hewatt, i. 155, 156. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 127. For five or six years after the emission, it passed in the country at the same value and rate with the sterling money of England. 3 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 128 ; " chiefly English, besides slaves." 4 Smith, N. Jersey, 154, 211. The instruments of surrender and acceptance, and the instructions from queen Anne to lord Cornbury, are inserted ibid. 211 — 261. The Instructions make 103 articles. See also Humphreys, Hist. Ac- count, 180. 5 Stiles, MS. Literary Diary. A considerable congregation was gathered at Burlington ; where a church was begun to be erected the next year, and com- pleted in 1704, when " divine service was performed, and the sacrament ad- ministered in it to a large congregation." In 1708, queen Anne sent that church, and several others in New Jersey, communion cloths, silver chalices and salvers, and pulpit cloths. In 1704, an espiscopal church was built at Hopewell, in that province. Humphreys, 183 — 186. 6 Humphreys, 62. It was not four years " since they began to assemble them- selves together to worship God after the manner of the Church of England." 7 Trott, Laws of Brit. Plantations, Art. New York. 8 Smith, N. York, 104. The disease was a malignant fever, which proved mortal to almost every patient seized with it. Smith says, it was brought there in a vessel from St. Thomas in the W. Indies. 9 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 213 ; " exclusive of 13 blacks." 10 Trumbull, i. 404. Mansfield was originally a part of Windham. Its Indian name was Nawbesetuck. Settlements were made here soon after they com- menced at Windham. Danbury had been surveyed for a town in 1693, soon after a plantation was made upon the lands. BRITISH COLONIES. 485 Queen Anne declared war against France; and the American 1702. colonies became again involved in a French and Indian war. 1 \^-v~*-/ The French sent colonies into Louisiana. 2 Louisiana. James Fitch, first minister of Saybrook and of Norwich, in Connecticut, died, in the 80th year of his age ; 3 and Thomas Deaths * Weld, minister of Dunstable, Massachusetts, in his 60th year. 4 Samuel Green, one of the earliest printers in North America, died at Cambridge, aged 87 years. 5 1703. The representatives of the territories of Pennsylvania persist- Separation ing in an absolute refusal to join with those of the province in °f Pennsyl- legislation, it was now agreed and settled between them, that ince&terri- they should compose distinct assemblies, entirely independent on tories - each other, pursuant to the liberty allowed by a clause in the charter. 6 The A.palachian Indians, by their connexion with the Span- Expedition iards, becoming insolent and troublesome, governor Moore, at ^JSkin the head of a body of white men and Indian allies, marched into Indians. the heart of their settlements ; laid in ashes the towns of the tribes between the rivers Alatamaha and Savannah ; killed and took several hundreds of the enemy ; and compelled the province of Apalachia to submit to the English government. 7 He also transported to the territory, now denominated Georgia, 1 Trumbull, i. 405. War was declared 4 May.— See 1703 to 1713. 2 Du Fresnoy, Chron. ii. 175. 3 Alden, Account of Portsmouth. Allen, Biog. Diet. He was bom in Eng- land ; came to this country in 1638 ; was ordained in 1646 over a church gathered at that time in Saybrook ; and in 1660 removed, with part of his church to Norwich. " He was distinguished for the penetration of his mind, the energy of his preaching, and the sanctity of his life." He understood the Moheagan language, and preached to the Indians in the neighbourhood of Norwich." Mather says, " In Connecticut, the holy and acute Mr. Fitch has made noble essays towards the conversion of the Indians." Magnal. b. 3. 200. A letter of Mr. Fitch on this subject is in Gookin's Collections. Trumbull, i. 476 ; where a copy of his epitaph is preserved. Allen, Biog. 4 Farmer, MS. Letter. A church was gathered at Dunstable in 1685, and Mr. Thomas Weld, from Roxbury, was ordained. The town was settled many years before, having been incorporated in 1673. On the settlement of the divisional line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Dunstable became two separate townships ; that in New Hampshire included the ancient set- tlement, and by far tJfe largest portion of territory. It was incorporated in 1766. — Mr. Weld was not, as has been often erroneously stated, killed by the Indians. Id. 5 Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 251. He was "much esteemed as a pious and benevolent man." 6 Proud, i. 454, 455. They have acted in a separate capacity ever since. 7 Hewatt, i. 156. This author merely says, Moore " captivated many savages, and obliged others to submit to the English government." The authors of Univ. Hist. [xl. 431.] say, that he killed and captured 800, and that "the whole province of Apalachia " was compelled to submission. 486 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1703. State of Virginia. June 20. Gov. Dud- ley holds a conference with the E. Indians. about 1400 of the Apalachians, who put themselves under the protection of the English. 1 Sir Nathaniel Johnson, about this time, introduced the raising of silk into Carolina ; but the planters fixed on rice for their staple commodity. 2 Virginia contained, at this time, 60,606 souls ; of which num- ber 25,023 were subject to tithes, and 35,583 were women and children. The number of militia of that colony was 9522. The colony contained 25 counties ; and was divided into 49 parishes, 34 of which had incumbents, and 1 5 were vacant. 3 The commission of governor Dudley, formerly president of New England, extended to New Hampshire, and included the province of Maine as pertaining to Massachusetts. The exposed situation of Maine requiring attention, he had orders from Eng- land to rebuild the fort at Pemaquid, but could not prevail on the Massachusetts assembly to bear the expense of it. This year he held a conference with delegates from the tribes of Norridgwock, Penobscot, Pigwacket, Penacook, and Amariscoggin, who as- sured him, that they had not the most distant thought of breaking the peace ; that the union was " firm as a mountain, and should continue as long as the sun and moon." But while they made these assurances, they were strongly suspected of hostile inten- tions. Whether such suspicions were well foundecf, or not, in the space of about six weeks after, a body of 500 French and Indians, in various parties, attacked all the settlements from Casco to Wells, and killed and took 130 persons, burning and destroying all before them. 4 1 Univ. Hist. xl. 431. Hewatt does not mention this circumstance ; but he observes, that this expedition " filled the savages with terror of the British arms, and helped to pave the way for the English colony afterwards planted between these rivers " [ Alatamaha and Savannah] . 2 Hewatt, i. 157. Coxe, in his Carolana [90.], says : " Silk hath already been experimented, in South Carolina, by Sir Nathaniel Johnson and others, which would have return'd to great account, but that they wanted hands, labourers being not to be hired but at a vast charge." After mentioning " the plants which produce hemp and flax,'* as " very common in this country," he says [92.], " Besides we have a grass, as they call it Silk Grass, which makes very pretty stuffs, such as come from the East Indies, which they call Herba Stuffs, whereof a garment was made for Queen Elizabeth, whose ingredient came from Sir Walter Raleigh's colony, by him called Virginia, now North- Carolina, a part of this province, which, to encourage colonies and plantations, she was pleas'd to wear for divers weeks." 3 Beverly, 433. The militia were 7159 foot, 2363 horse =s 9522. Virginia contained 2,164,242 acres of land, beside the Northern Neck, lying between Potowmac and Rappahannock rivers. In the above estimate of the number of inhabitants the French refugees are not included. See Atlas Geog. Amer. v. 712, 713. 4 Penhallow, Ind. Wars. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 310, 330, 331. British Emp. ii. 87. Hutchinson [ii. c. 2.] has erroneously placed Dudley's conference at Casco in 1702 ; and has omitted this remarkable devastation, which is related by Penhallow, in his " Wars of New EnglaW." In six weeks after the confer- BRITISH COLONIES. 487 The assembly of New York passed an act to enable the min- 1703. ister and elders of the French Protestant church in the city of v^^-^/ New York to build a larger church for the worship of Almighty N. York, God. 1 A violent hurricane in Virginia did much damage to the ships Hurricane. and plantations of the colonists. 2 A duty of £4 was laid ou every negro imported into Massa- P utv on chusetts ; and both the vessel and master were made answerable n ™groes. for its payment. 3 Colchester, in Connecticut, was confirmed to the settlers by a Colchester, patent of the legislature. 4 Canterbury was incorporated. 5 The French founded the town of Kaskaskias. 6 Kaskaskias. 1704. In the night after the 28th of February, a body of 300 French Deerfieid and Indians, commanded by Hertel de Rouville, made a violent b^the 5 ^ assault on the town of Deerfieid, in Massachusetts. The sentinel French & was asleep ; and the snow of such depth as to admit an entrance Indmns - over the pickets of the fort, in the centre of the town. The assailants, availing themselves of these advantages, fell instantly on the unguarded inhabitants ; and, in a few hours, slew 47, and took 1 12 prisoners. 7 Setting fire to the town, they left it in a conflagration, and proceeded with the captives to Canada. 8 On ence, " the whole eastern country was in a conflagration, no house standing, nor garrison unattacked." Penhallow. 1 Trott, Laws of New York. 2 Atlas Geog. Americ. v. 708. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 196. 4 Trumbull, i. 400. The legislature, in 1698, enacted, that a plantation should be made at this place, then called Jeremy's farm. The settlement began about 1701. The Rev. John Bulkley, Samuel Gilbert, Michael Tainter, Samuel Northam, John Adams, Joseph Pomeroy, and John Loomis, were among the principal planters. 5 Ibid. 405. The settlement of this tract, divided from Plainfield, appears to have commenced about 1690. The principal settlers from Connecticut were major James Fitch and Solomon Tracy from Norwich, Tixhall Ellsworth and Samuel Ashley from Hartford ; " but much the greatest number was from New- town, Woburn, Dorchester, Barnstable, and Medfield, in Massachusetts." 6 American State Papers, xi. 35. 7 The slain were " 38 beside nine of the neighbouring towns." Williams. The door of the principal garrisoned house is still preserved entire, and may be seen in a dwelling house, near Deerfieid church, with several deep marks of the tomahawk, made at the time of entrance. In Hoyt's Indian Wars, printed in 1824, there is an engraved " View of the Old-House in Deerfieid which escaped the conflagration when that town was destroyed in 1704, now owned by Col. Hoyt." 8 Williams, Redeemed Captive. Hutchinson, ii. 137—139. Fairfield, MS. Journal. On information from colonel Schuyler of Albany of the designs of the enemy against Deerfieid, the government, on the application of Mr. Williams, minister of the town, had ordered 20 soldiers as a guard. On the night of the 488 AMERICAN ANNALS. Expedition of colonel Church. Tonnage duty. Regulation of coins. the 30th of July, the French and Indians furiously assailed the town of Lancaster ; killed a few, and ohliged the rest of the inhabitants to retreat into garrison ; burned the church and six other buildings ; and destroyed many cattle. 1 Colonel Benjamin Church having, by governor Dudley's order, planned an expedition to the eastern shore of New England, sailed from Boston in May, with 550 soldiers under him, to carry it into effect. In this expedition, which lasted through the sum- mer, Church destroyed the towns of Menis and Chignecto ; did considerable damage to the French and Indians at Penobscot, and Passamaquoddy ; and even insulted Port Royal. 2 The legislature of Rhode Island imposed a tonnage duty on all vessels, not wholly owned by the inhabitants of that colony. 3 The American colonies experiencing great inconveniences from the difference in the value of the same coin, queen Anne, to remedy the evil by a general medium, published a proclama- tion " for settling and ascertaining the current rates of foreign coins in her majesty's plantations in America." 4 The English 28 February, and until about two hours before day, the watch kept the streets, and then incautiously went to sleep. The enemy, who had been hovering about the town, perceiving all to be quiet, first surprised the garrison house. Another party broke into the house of Rev. Mr. Williams, who, rising from his bed, discovered near 20 entering. Instantly taking down his pistol from his bed tester, and cocking it, he put it to the breast of the first Indian who came up ; but it missed fire. Three Indians then seized him, and bound him as he was in his shirt. Having kept him nearly an hour, they suffered him to put on his clothes. Some of the party took two of his children to the door, and mur- dered them ; as also a negro woman. His wife, who had lain in but a few weeks before, and his surviving children, were carried off with him for Canada. In wading through a small river the second day, Mrs. Williams, unequal to the labour, fell down ; and soon after, at the foot of a mountain, the Indian who took her slew her with his hatchet at one stroke. About 20 more prisoners, giving out on their way, were also killed. The army, with the prisoners, was 25 days between Deerfield and Chambly, depending on hunting for support. The whole journey to Quebec was at least 300 miles. Most of the prisoners who arrived at Canada, were, at different periods, redeemed. In 1706, Mr. Williams and 57 others were redeemed, and returned home. One of his daugh- ters (Eunice) became assimilated to the Indians, to one of whom she was afterward married. No solicitations could prevail with her to leave her family ; or to renounce the Roman Catholic religion, which was, with much artifice, instilled into her mind, at an age and in circumstances favourable to the seduc- tion. She repeatedly visited her relations in New England ; but she uniformly persisted in wearing her blanket, and counting her beads. Two of her brothers were, after their return, worthy and respectable ministers j one at Waltham, the other at Long Meadow, in Springfield. 1 Harrington, Century Sermon. 2 Hutchinson, ii. 143—145. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 334. Church's History, '158 — 193. Church had 14 small transports, was provided with 36 whale boats, and was convoyed by the Jersey man of war, of 48, the Gosport, of 32, and the Province snow, of 14 guns. The inhumanities recently committed on the in- habitants of Deerfield rousing the spirit of this veteran warrior, he took his horse and rode 70 miles, to wait on governor Dudley, and offer his service in behalf of his country. 3 Chalmers, 354. 4 Smith, N. Jersey, 281—283 ; where the proclamation is entire. BRITISH COLONIES. 489 parliament passed an act for encouraging the importation of naval 1704. stores from the American plantations. 1 \-*-v^y The legislature of the province of Maryland, then under the Maryland immediate government of the crown, passed an act to oblige all act against persons, who then had, or who should afterwards have, any office popery * or place of trust within that province, to take the Oaths of Alle- giance and Abjuration. 2 The same legislature passed an act to prevent the growth of Popery within the province. 3 The church of England was established in South Carolina. The church An act was passed by the provincial legislature for the more of E . n .? l ? n( l effectual preservation of the government of that province, by j n $. caro- requiring all persons that shall hereafter be chosen members of hna. the commons house of assembly, and sit in the same, to take the oaths and subscribe the declaration appointed by this act, and to conform to the religious worship in the province according to the church of England ; and to receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to the rites and usages of the said church. Another act was passed by the same legislature for the establishment of religious worship in the province of Carolina, according to the church of England ; and for the erecting of churches for the public worship of God ; and also for the main- tenance of ministers, and the building convenient houses for them. Twenty lay commissioners were constituted a corporation for the exercise of ecclesiastial jurisdiction, with full power to deprive ministers of their living at pleasure. According to the act for erecting churches, the province was, Act exlen( j 8 not long after, divided into 10 parishes; 7 in Berkeley, 2 in to French Colleton, and 1 in Craven county. Money was provided for refu s ees « building churches ; lands were granted for glebes and church yards ; and salaries, payable from the provincial treasury, were fixed and appointed for the rectors. The French refugees were noticed in the act. The French settlement on Santee river, in Craven county, was erected into a parish ; and the church in James Town, in that settlement, declared to be the parish church. Another parish was erected in the Orange Quarter, for the use of the French settlement there, to be called The parish of St. Dennis. Eight churches were soon after built, and supplied 1 English Statutes, iv. 181. Salmon, Chron. Hist. i. 336. 2 Trott, Laws of Maryland, No. 4. In 1716 the general assembly renewed this act; and, judging the oaths required by the statute of the first year of George I. for the security of his majesty's person and government, and the succession of the crown, " equally necessary," required thiem to be taken. 3 Ibid. This act was repealed in 1718, on the ground that sufficient piovision was made to prevent the growth of popery " as well in this province as through all his majesty's dominions," by an act of parliament made in the 11th and 12th years of William III. Ibid. No. 27—31. vol. i. 62 490 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1704. with ministers by the Society for propagating the gospel ; and the v^^-w/ settled salaries were faithfully paid by the country. 1 First news* The Boston News-Letter, a weekly gazette, was first pub- Africa. J'shed this year by Bartholomew Green. This was the first newspaper published in America. 2 Deaths. Peregrine White, the first Englishman born in New England, died at Marshfield, in the 84th year of his age. 3 William Hub- bard, one of the ministers of Ipswich, died, at the age of 83 years. 4 1 Hewatt, i. 169—172. Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art. Carolina. Kennett, Biblioth. Americana, 192. Grimke Public Laws of S. Carolina. Hum- phreys, c. 6. The act for the preservation of the government was " ratified in open assembly " on the 6th of May ; the act for the establishment of religion, on the 4th of November. Upwards of 170 of the chief inhabitants of the colony, and several eminent merchants trading thither, signed a Petition against lay commissioners. Annals of Queen Anne's Reign. See 1705. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 208. Judge Sewall [MS. Diary] mentions, that he went to Cambridge, April 24, and that he u gave Mr Willard [president] the first News-Letter that ever was carried over the river." The News-Letter " was continued by Green and his successors, until the year 1776, when the British troops evacuated Boston." Thomas, Hist. Printing, i. 284. 3 Prince, Chron. 76. Ninety years afterward [1794] a gentleman sent presi- dent Stiles several large apples from an orchard in Marshfield, planted by Pere- grine White. Thirty years still later [1824], Mis. Hay ward, of Plymouth, a descendant of Peregrine White, sent me a fair apple from a tree planted by her ancestor. 4 Hutchinson, ii. 147. Mr. Hubbard was in the first class of graduates at Harvard College, 1642. He was an eminent minister and writer. His principal wok was a History of New England, which he left in manuscript. Falling into the Mather family, it doubtless contributed much to the Magnalia. Gover- nor Hutchinson, who was allied to that family, made great use of that MS. History, and acknowledges his obligations to it. The manuscript, fairly written in upwards of 300 folio pages, was kept in the archives of the Historical Society, and was used in the first edition of these Annals ; but it has since been printed. It was published by the Historical Society, encouraged by a very liberal sub- scription of the legislature to it for the use of the Commonwealth ; and it makes the Vth and Vlth volumes of the second series of the Society's Collec- tions. The writer did not give his authorities on the pages of his history ; but, had the MS. been published in his life time, he might have indicated the sources from which it was derived — especially Winthrop. The extracts from Winthrop are so transposed by Hubbard, to suit the subjects of his respective chapters, that it was not easy to collate them while his history was in manuscript. A collation has been made by the indefatigable Editor of Winthrop ; and it has been my aim, in this edition, to restore to the original author wht*t belonged to him as an authority. See Savage's Edit. Winthrop, i. 297, and Preface of the Editors of Hubbard. Dunton, in his Journal in Massachusetts, speaks of Mr. Hubbard as " a man of singular modesty ; learned without ostentation ; " and as having done " as much for the conversion of the Indians, as most men in New England." The late Dr. Eliot, who wrote the " Ecclesiastical History of Massachusetts and the old Colony of Plymouth," published in the Collec- tions of the Massachusetts Historical Society, says of Hubbard : " He was the best writer in New England while he lived ; learned, judicious, and capable of giving a proper arrangement to facts." lb. vii. 263. Governor Hutchinson gives him the character of " a man of learning, and of a candid and benevolent mind, accompanied with a good degree of Catholicism." See Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. Farmer and Moore, Coll. ii. 183— 185., BRITISH COLONIES. 491 1705. The corporation of lay commissioners with ecclesiastical juris- Petition of diction, in Carolina, was considered by the inhabitants as a high J' a a ™ 1 ™* av commission court, like that of James II. This, with other arbi- commis- trary and oppressive measures, induced the dissenters in that sionerSi province to prepare a petition to the house of lords for relief. The petition was sent by Joseph Boone, with instructions to him to represent the languishing and dangerous situation of the province to the lords proprietors. His application to them proving ineffectual, he presented the petition to the house of lords, " pray- ing that august body to commisserate their distress, and intercede with her majesty for their relief." Several merchants in London joined the petitioners. The house of lords resolved, That in Resolve o£ their opinion the act of assembly, entitled, An act for the Estab- [Jj e d g° a _ se of lishment of Religious Worship in the province according to the gainst the Church of England, so far as it relates to the establishing a act fo 5 a commission for the displacing of the rectors and ministers of the s j on . churches there, is not warranted by the charter granted to the proprietors, as not being consonant to reason, repugnant to the laws of the realm, and destructive to the constitution of the church of England : and that the act of assembly, entitled, An act for the more effectual preservation of the government of the province by requiring all persons that shall hereafter be chosen members of the commons house of assembly, and sit in the same, to take the oaths and subscribe the declaration appointed subscrip- by this act, and to conform to the religious worship in this prov- tion, and ince, according to the Church of England, and to receive the conlomut y' sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the rites and usages of the said church, is founded on falsity in matter of fact, is repugnant to the laws of England, contrary to the charter of the Proprietors, is an encouragement to atheism and irreligion, destructive to trade, and tends to the depopulation and ruin of the province. Some of the proprietors themselves refusing to approve of the Referred to acts, the case was farther referred to the lords of trade and plan- the lof ds of tations ; who found all the charges brought against the provincial p^mations . government and the proprietors were well grounded, and repre- sented farther to her majesty, that the making of such laws was an abuse of the powers granted to the proprietors by the charter, and will be a forfeiture of it. The queen approved of their representation ; declared the laws null and void ; and ordered Laws de- her attorney and solicitor general to inform themselves fully con- ci-Ared void cerning what may be most effectual for proceeding against the ^^ t charter by way of quo warranto, that she might take the govern- 492 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1705. merit of the colony into her own hands. Here, however, the v-*-v~w matter was dropt for the present. No effectual measures were taken for restoring dissenters to their equal rights. The religious estab- lishment, according to the Church of England, was maintained ; but it was mildly administered. A free toleration was enjoyed by all dissenters ; the law excluding them from a seat in the legislature being soon after repealed. This state of things, with but little variation, continued for 70 years, as long as the province remained subject to Great Britain. 1 Proportion When this legal establishment was obtained, the white popula- ofchurches. t j onn f g out h Carolina was between 5000 and 6000 ; the episcopalians had only one church in the province, the dissenters had three churches in Oharlestown, and one in the country. 2 Virginia act The assembly of Virginia passed an act, making the French the Vrench f re ^ u g ees > inhabiting the Manakin town and the par s adjacent, a refugees; distinct parish by themselves; exempting them from the payment of public and county levies ; and leaving them at their own liberty to agree with and pay their minister as their circumstances would admit. Their settlement was above the Falls of James river ; and their parish was to be called and known by the name for the sup- of " King William Parish in the county of Henrico." The same and M.coi- assembly passed an act, laying an imposition upon skins and furs, lege; for the better support of the college of William and Mary. 3 As an encouragement to the frontier plantations of the colony, the assembly passed an act, That no county on the land frontiers shall hereafter be divided, unless there shall be left in the upper county, after the division, at least 800 tythable persons, and un- to encour- less the whole country, as it stood before the division, be obliged frontie 3 equally to contribute to the building of a descent church, court house, and prison, in such frontier county, after the form and manner then generally used within this colony. The same as- 1 Hewatt, i. 169—179. Ramsay, Hist. S. Carolina, ii. 2—4. Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art. Carolina. Humphreys, c. 6. Annals of Queen Anne's Reign, 223 — 226 ; where it appears, that the Carolina Petition was read to the house of lords on the 2d of March, 1705-6. — It is to the honour of the Society for propagating the Gospel, that it disapproved of the acts of the provincial assembly, and resolved not to send any missionaries to Carolina, until the clause relating to lay commissioners was annulled. lb. 2 Ramsay, Hist. S. Carolina, ii. 2. Dr. Ramsay says, that most of the pro- prietors and public officers of the province, and particularly the governor, Sir N. Johnson, were zealously attached to the church of England ; that, believing an established church essential to the support of civil government, they con- certed measures for endowing the church in the mother countiy, and advancing it in South Carolina to a legal preeminence ; and that, preparatory thereto, they promoted the election of members of that church to a seat in the provincial legislature, and succeeded by surprise so far as to obtain a majoiity. Hewatt says, " In the lower house the bill passed by a majority of one vote." 3 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, and Laws of Virginia. An act similar to the first of these had been passed in 1700. The present act stated, that " a con- siderable number of French Protestant Refugees have been lately imported into" Virginia. BRITISH COLONIES. 493 sembly passed an act, directing the building of an house for the 1705. governor of this colony and dominion. 1 ^*ss^/ M. de Subercase, the last year succeeded M. de Brouillan in French rav- the government of Acadie. Resuming the design which Iber- f^jiand. ville and Brouillan had some years before in a great measure effected, he made an expedition to chase the English from New- foundland. His enterprise was so far successful, that the trade of the island, for this year, was almost ruined. 2 A recent misfortune of the Canadians, in the loss of a large Manufac- and richly laden ship, proved eventually a signal benefit. It p r r e es ° f . the compelled the French colonists to apply themselves to the raising Canada. of hemp and flax ; which, by permission of the French court, they manufactured into linens and stuffs, to the great advantage of the colony. 3 The harbour of New York was so entirely unfortified, that a N. York. French privateer entered it, and put the inhabitants of the city into great consternation. 4 Brookline, in Massachusetts, was incorporated. 5 Brookiine. The castle on Castle Island, in Boston harbour, was named Castle w;i- Castle William. 6 liam * The winter of this year was remarkable in Pennsylvania for a Great snow, great snow. 7 Michael Wigglesworth, minister of Maiden, died, at the age Death °f Mr of 74 years. 8 wont* 8 " 1 Laws of Virginia. 2 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 298, 299. Univ. Hist. xl. 155 ; but this English history places the event in 1704. I follow Charlevoix, who expressly says, " M. de Subercase partit le quinzieme de Janvier 1705." That was the time when he commenced his march from Placentia, where, according to agree- ment, he found auxiliary troops from Quebec. The entire number of troops under Subercase was 450 ; all of whom were equipped for a wintry march. " Subercase .... a la tete de quatre-cent cinquante hommes bien armes, soldats, Canadiens, fiibustiers, et sauvages, tous gens determines et accoutumes a marcher en raquettes. Chaque homme portoit des vivres pour vingt jours, ses armes, sa couverture, et une tente tour a tour par chambree." Rebou. Petit Havre, and St. John's were taken by the French ; and all the coast of Carbonierre and Bonavista was desolated. Charlevoix affirms too indefinitely, that this campaign entirely ruined [ruina entierement] the commerce of the English in Newfoundland. Humphreys [Hist. Acco. 40.] says, there was a handsome church built at St. John's " before the French, in 1705, burnt this town and the church." 3 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 300, 301. Univ. Hist. xl. 155—157. The ship lost was the Seine, which was taken, the preceding autumn, by the English ; who thus received some indemnification for their losses at Newfoundland. The Seine was bound to Quebec, having on board the bishop of that city, and a great number of ecclesiastics and laymen of large fortunes. The whole cargo was estimated at near a million of livres. 4 Smith, N. York, 110. 5 Sewall, MS. Diary. Dr. Pierce's Centuiy Sermon gives an account of its settlement. 6 Sewall, MS. Diary. 7 Proud, i. 466 ; " in general about one yard deep." 8 He was graduated at Harvard College in 1651, and was afterwards a mem- 494 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1706. Spaniards & The Spaniards, considering Carolina as a part of Florida, to Fr d"c lin " w hi°h they laid claim on the ground of prior discovery, deter- lina. " mined to assert their right by force of arms. Sir Nathaniel Johnson, at that time governor of Carolina, receiving advice of the project for invading the colony, with instructions to put the country in the best posture of defence, performed his trust with such skill and vigour, as were equally becoming a military com- mander and a civil magistrate. He set all hands to work on the fortifications ; appointed a number of gunners to each bastion ; and held frequent musters, to train the men to the use of arms. A storehouse with ammunition was prepared. A small fort, called Fort Johnson, with several great guns, was erected on James Island. Trenches were cast up at White Point and at other places. A guard was stationed on Sullivan's Island, with orders to kindle a number of fires opposite to the town, equal to the number of ships that might appear on the coast. When a few months had elapsed, the captain of a Dutch pri- vateer, formerly belonging to New York, that had been fitted out from Charlestown for cruising on the coast, returned with advice that he had engaged a French sloop off the bar of St. Augustine ; but that, on seeing four ships advancing to her assist- ance, he had made all possible sail for Charlestown. Scarcely had he delivered the news, when five separate smokes appeared on Sullivan's Island. The drums were instantly ordered to beat, and all the inhabitants to be put under arms. Letters were sent to all the captains of the militia in the country, to fire their alarm guns, raise their companies, and march, with all possible expe- dition, to the assistance of the town. The enemy's fleet, coming to Charlestown bar in the evening, did not venture to attempt a passage, intricate and dangerous to strangers, but hovered all night on the coast. Anchoring the next morning near James Island, they employed their boats all that day in sounding the south bar ; and this delay gave time for the militia of the country to march into the town. The governor, in the mean time, pro- claimed martial law at the head of the militia, and gave the necessary orders. He also sent to the Indian tribes that were in alliance with the colony, and procured a number of them to his assistance. The next morning, the whole force of the province was collected together, with the governor at its head. ber of the corporation. " He was the author of the Poem, entitled The Day of Doom, which has been so often printed ; and was very useful as a physician." Sewall, MS. Diaiy. The 5th edition of the poem, with a short discourse on Eternity, was printed in 1701. Allen, Biog. BRITISH COLONIES. 495 The day following, the enemy's four ships and a galley went 1706. over the bar, with all their boats out for landing their men ; and, v^-v^/ with a fair wind and strong tide, stood directly for the town. When they came in sight of the fortifications, they cast anchor a little above Sullivan's Island. The governor calling a council of war, it was agreed to put some great guns on board of such ships as were in the harbour, and employ the sailors in their own way. Lieutenant colonel William Rhett, a man of ability and spirit, received a commission to be vice admiral of this little fleet, and hoisted his flag on board the Crown galley. The enemy, at this juncture, sent up a flag of truce to the governor, to summon him to surrender. The messenger, on being demanded the purport of his message, told the governor, that he was sent by M. le Feboure, admiral of the French fleet, to demand a surrender of the town and country, and their persons prisouers of war ; and that his orders allowed him no more than one hour for an answer. Governor Johnson replied, that there was no occasion for one minute to answer that message ; and sent back the messenger with a declaration of his resolution to defend the country to the last drop of his blood. The next day, a party of the enemy burned some houses on James Island ; and another party burned two vessels in Dearsby's Creek. A party that landed on Wando Neck, having begun to kill hogs and cattle, captain Cantey, with 100 men, was ordered to pass the river privately in the night, and watch their motions. Coming up with them before break of day, and finding them in a state of security, he sur- rounded them, and surprised them with a sharp fire, which com- pletely routed them. A considerable part of the enemy was killed, wounded, and drowned ; the remainder surrendered prisoners of war. Animated by this success on land, the Caro- linians determined to try their fortune at sea. Rhett accordingly set sail with his fleet of six small ships, and proceeded down the river ; but the enemy, perceiving the fleet standing toward them, precipitately weighed anchor, and sailed over the bar. Some days after, on advice that a ship of force was seen in The invad- Sewee Bay, and that a number of armed men had landed from ^"JJJJjJjjj? her, with information also from some prisoners, that the French expected a ship of war with 200 men to their assistance, the governor ordered captain Fenwick to pass the river, and march against them by land, while Rhett, with the Dutch privateer and a Bermuda sloop armed, should sail round by sea, with orders to meet him at Sevvee Bay. Fenwick came up with the enemy, and briskly charged them ; and, though they were advantageously posted, they gave way after a few vollies, and retired to their ship. Rhett coming soon after to his assistance ; the French ship struck, without firing a shot ; and this gallant officer returned 496 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1706. Carolina issues bills of credit. N; Jersey. Act in fa- vour of the clergy. Act of par- liament. Hebron. Death of W.Jones. to Charlestown with his prize, and about 90 prisoners. Of 800 men, who had engaged in this expedition, nearly 300 were killed or taken. M. Arbuset, their commander in chief by land, with several sea officers who were among the prisoners, offered 10,000 pieces of eight for their ransom. The loss sustained by the pro- vincial militia was very inconsiderable. The expenses incurred by the invasion, fell heavily on the invaded colony. No taxes had yet been laid on real or personal estates. The sum of £8000 was now issued for defraying the newly incurred expenses ; and an act, laying an imposition on furs, skins, and liquors, was continued, for the purpose of cancel- ling these bills of credit. 1 The foundation of St. John's church was laid at Elizabeth Town, in New Jersey. 2 The legislature of Connecticut passed an act for the encourage- ment of the clergy ; by virtue of which the ministers of that colony were exempted from taxation. 3 By act of parliament a large bounty was given on the impor- tation of tar, pitch, rosin, turpentine, masts, yards, and bowsprits, from the British colonies. 4 Hebron, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 5 William Jones, deputy governor of Connecticut, died, aged 82 years. 6 1707. May 13. An unsuccessful expedition from New England was made fu?expedi- against Port Royal, in Nova Scotia. Two regiments, under the tion against command of colonel March, embarked at Nantasket in May, in Port Royal. 23 transports, furnished with whale boats, under convoy of the 1 Archdale, 10. Hewatt, i. 179—196. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. c. 2. From this time there was a gradual rise in exchange and produce ; and, soon after this emission, 50 per cent, advance was given by the merchants for what English money there was ; that is, £150 Carolina paper currency for £100 English coin. 2 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 189. 3 Trumbull, i. 428. The legislature had previously released their persons from taxation, but not their families and estates. The colony, at this period, was in very low circumstances. Its whole circulating cash amounted only to about £2000. 4 Pitkin, Statistical View. 5 Trumbull, i. 430. The settlement of the town began in 1704. The first settlers were from Windsor, Saybrook, Long Island, and Northampton. 6 Ibid. 399. He was a son in law of governor Eaton. He brought over a good estate from England, and made a settlement at New Haven. He was either magistrate or deputy governor of the colony of New Haven, or Connecti- cut, about 36 years. The general assembly sitting at New Haven at the time of his decease, voted, " that, in consideration of the many good services, for many years done by that honoured and religious gentleman, a sum .should be paid out of the treasury towards defraying the charges of his funeral." BRITISH COLONIES. 497 Deptford man of war, and the province galley. Arriving before 1707. Port Royal, they had some skirmishes with the enemy, and v^-v~w/ m?de some ineffectual attempts to bombard the fort ; but, from disagreement and a misapprehension of the state of the fort and garrison, they soon abandoned the enterprise. 1 Various provincial acts had been passed, since the Revolution Harvard of William and Mary, for enlarging the privileges of Harvard Colle S e « College ; but they were disallowed in England. All hope of a new foundation being now relinquished, the old charter was re- sorted to, and observed until the revolutionary war. 2 The assembly of Carolina passed an act to limit the bounds of Yamasees. the Yamasee settlement, to prevent persons from disturbing the Yamasees with their stocks of cattle, and to remove such as are settled within a certain limitation. 3 A small episcopal church was formed at Stratford, in Con- Connecti- necticut ; and this was the introduction of the church of England cut * into that colony. 4 The Quatoghes, lying to the south of lake Michigan, sold their Indian lands to the king of England. 5 lands - An act was passed by the British parliament for the encourage- Act of par- ment of the trade to America. 6 liament. 1 Hutchinson, ii. 165—171. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 342—344. Penhallow, 42. Adams, N. Eng. 176. Trumbull, i. 429, 430. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 318 — 321. This expedition was projected by governor Dudley. Fairfield writes in his Diary, under the date of March : " Our general court sat a considerable part of the month ; the most they did was to conclude about a descent on poor Port Royal. What it will come to time will evidence. People were generally dissatisfied at the discourse of it ; insomuch that the deputies of the General Court who were known to vote for it, were almost all left out the next choice ; from whence arose more inconvenience than is easy to be enumerated." Under the date of " Nov. 27," he writes : " The descent on Port Royal drained the inhabitants of this province of £22,000, and more of their money. We lost of lives in that expedition about 30." 2 Hutchinson, i. 171 — 174. One of the provincial acts was passed in 1697. The reason assigned for the several failures of the provincial acts in behalf of Harvard College, is, that Sir Henry Ashurst refused to allow a clause in the charter for a visitation by the king or his governor. 3 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations. The act reserved a right, if afterwards thought proper, to lay out a convenient parcel of land for a church and glebe lands, and also lands for the use of a schoolmaster to instruct the Indians in the Christian Religion. 4 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 315 — 315. Trumbull, Century Discourse, 28 ; Hist. Conn. i. 477. The first service was performed by Rev. Mr. Muirson, who was sent, a few years before, missionary to Rye, in New York, by the Society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts. Mr. Cutler, rector of Yale College, Mr. Johnson, minister of West Haven, and Mr. Wetmore, declared, about this time, for episcopacy. Mr. Cutler was soon after settled in an episcopal church at Boston ; and Mr. Johnson, in one at Stratford. These gentlemen, with one or two others, were the principal fathers of the episcopal church in New Eng - land. 5 Brit. Emp. Introd. p. xliii. 6 Salmon, Chion. Hfst. i. 354. vol. i. 63 498 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1707. Deaths. Fitz John Winthrop, governor of Connecticut, died, in the 69th year of his age. 1 Samuel Willard, minister in Boston, died, in the 68th year of his age. 2 Abraham Pierson, minister, of Killingworth, and rector of the college at Saybrook, died. 3 Samuel Torrey, minister of Weymouth, died, in the 76th year of his age. 4 French and Indians make a descent on N.England. Surprise Haverhill. 1708. A large army of French and Indians marched from Canada on the 16th of July, against the frontiers of New England. The Hurons and Mohawks soon found pretexts for returning home. The French officers, however, accompanied by the Algonquin and St. Francis Indians, making collectively a body of about 200, marched between 300 and 400 miles through the woods to Nikipisique, expecting to be joined there by the East- ern Indians. Though disappointed in that expectation, they went forward, and, on the 29th of August, about break of day, surprised the town of Haverhill, on Merrimack river ; burned several houses, and plundered the rest. Mr. Rolfe the minister, 1 Trumbull, i. 431. Hutchinson, ii. 171. He was a son of John Winthrop, the first governor of Connecticut under the charter, and was born at Ipswich, in Massachusetts, in 1638. In 1690, he was appointed major general of the land army designed against Canada. On the dispute relative ro the command of the militia, he was sent an agent for the colony of Connecticut to the British court in 1694. After his return, May 1698, he was chosen governor; and he was annually rechosen during his life. He appears to have been of popular estimation, and of unblemished character. 2 He was a son of major Simon Willard, who commanded the army sent against the Narragansets in 1654, and who was a member of the council. The son was educated at Harvard College, and first settled in the ministry at Groton ; but when that town was destroyed by the Indians, he was invited to the Old South church in Boston, " where he became a great blessing to the churches, and of eminent service to the college." After the resignation of president Mather in 1701, he presided over the seminaiy, as vice president, till his death. He was a man of strong intellectual powers, of considerable learning, and of exemplary piety and zeal. His publications were numerous ; Ins largest, which was one of the posthumous, is a folio volume, entitled " A Body of Divinity." Pemberton's Discourses. Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 300. 3 Trumbull, i. 488. He was a son of the minister of Branford, and was edu- cated at Harvard College, where he was graduated in 1668. " He was a hard student, a good scholar, and a great divine." He was installed the minister of Killingworth in 1694. In 1700, he was appointed a fellow of Yale College, and, on the establishment of the college at Saybrook in 1701, was chosen to preside over the seminaiy with the title of rector. He instructed and governed the infant college with general approbation. He composed a System of Natural Philosophy, which the students at college studied for many years. Pres. Clap, Hist. Yale College, 11—14. 4 He was settled at Weymouth in 1656, and continued there " a faithful, laborious, exemplary minister " 51 years. He was invited to preach the Election sermon three times (in 1674, 1683, and 1695), « and the discourses are excellent." Eliot, Biog. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 105. ' BRITISH COLONIES. 499 and Wainwright the captain of the town, with 30 or 40 other 1708. persons, were killed ; and many taken prisoners. 1 v^-v-^/ The legislature of Connecticut, at its session in May, passed Saybrook an act, requiring the ministers and churches of that colony to ^l° t ld. meet and form an ecclesiastical constitution. A synod was ac- cordingly holden at Saybrook on the 9th of September. This synod agreed, that the confession of faith, assented to by the synod in Boston in 1680, be recommended to the general as- sembly, at the next session, for their public testimony to it, as the Faith of the churches of that colony ; and that the heads of agreement, assented to by the united ministers, formerly called presbyterian and congregational, be observed throughout the colony. 2 It also agreed on articles for the better regulation of the administration of church discipline. The confession of faith, heads of agreement, and articles of discipline, were, in October, presented to the legislature ; which passed an act, adopting them as the ecclesiastical constitution of the colony. 3 Durham and Killingly, in Connecticut, were incorporated. 4 The English people, who had settled the Bahama islands Bahama under the auspices of the proprietors of Carolina, and built the islands - town of Nassau at New Providence, after having been repeat- 1 Hutchinson, ii. 172—174. Charlevoix, ii. 325, 326. This French author says, about 100 English were killed in the different attacks. The two daughters of Mr. Rolfe, 6 or 8 years old, were remarkably preserved. His maid, at the moment of the alarm, sprang out of bed, ran with the two children into the cellar, and covered them with two large tubs, which the Indians did not move. One of the preserved children was afterward the wife of colonel Hatch of Dorches- ter ; the other was the wife of the reverend Mr. Checkley of Boston. 2 « A most happy Union has been lately made between those two eminent parties in England, which have now changed the names of Presbyterians and Congregationalists for that of United Brethren." C. Mather, " Blessed Unions," printed 1692. 3 Trumbull, i. b. 1. c. 19 ; where the articles, relating to church discipline, are inserted entire. The " Heads of Agreement, assented to by the United Ministers, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational," are in the Magnalia, b. 5. 59—61, and in Neal, N. Eng. Appendix, No. 3. The Assembly, having recited the doings of the Synod, declared " their great approbation of such an happy agreement," and ordained, " that all the churches within this govern- ment, that are, or shall be, thus united in doctrine, worship, and discipline be, and for the future shall be owned and acknowledged established by law ; pro- vided always, that nothing herein shall be intended or construed to hinder or prevent any society or church, that is or shall be allowed by the laws of- this government, who soberly differ or dissent from the united churches hereby established, from exercising worship and discipline in their own way, according to their consciences." 4 Trumbull, i. 400. On the petition of the inhabitants of Guilford, a planta- tion was granted at Cogingohaug in 1698. The petitioners were 31, but few of them moved on to the lands. The two first planters were Caleb Seward and David Robinson from Guilford. The plantation received the name of Durham in 1704. In 1707, the number of families was but 15. After the incorporation, it rapidly increased. There was a great accession of inhabitants from North- ampton, Stratford, Milford, and other towns. 500 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1708. edly expelled by the French and Spaniards, were now entirely v^-v--w/ dislodged from their settlements. 1 Louisiana. The affairs of Louisiana having hitherto been in a very languid state, M. d' Artaguette was now sent to that settlement, in quality of regulating commissary ; by whose representations the French court was induced to the resolution of " carrying this settlement into a colony." 2 Deaths. John Higginson, minister of Salem, died, at the age of 93 years ; 3 Ezekiel Cheever, of Boston, in the 94th year of his age. 4 Projected expedition against Canada, 1709. An expedition was determined on for the reduction of the French in North America. The plan was extensive. The French were to be subdued, not only in Canada and Acadie, but in Newfound- land. A squadron of ships was to be at Boston by the middle of May. Five regiments of regular troops were to be sent from England, to be joined by 1200 men, to be raised in Massa- chusetts and Rhode Island ; and this force was to attack Quebec. Fifteen hundred men, proposed to be raised in the colonies south of Rhode Island, were, at the same time, to march by the way of the lakes, to attack Montreal. In America, every thing was prepared for the enterprise. In England, lord Sunderland, the secretary of state, had proceeded so far as to despatch orders to the queen's ships at Boston, to hold themselves in readiness ; and the British troops were on the point of embarkation. At this juncture, news arrived of the defeat of the Portuguese, which reducing the allies of England to great straits, the forces, intended for America, were ordered to their assistance, and the thoughts of the ministry were entirely diverted from the Canada 1 Wynne, ii. 527. Those islands had been granted to the proprietors of Caro- lina by Charles II. They remained depopulated from this year until 1718. 2 Univ. Hist. xl. 283, 284. Charlevoix [Nouv. France, ii. 330.] says, Louisi- ana was then in its infancy, and extremely weak. " La Colonie de la Louisiane etoit encore dans sa premiere enfance ; rien n'etoit plus foible, que les deux, ou trois etablissemens, que nous y avions." He also says, the English of Carolina took great umbrage at the French settlements in Louisiana. 3 Hutchinson, ii. 176. Rev. Mr. Noyes' Elegy on Mr. Higginson. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 264. He had been 72 years in the ministerial office ; 49 in the ministry at Salem. He was a son of Francis, the first minister. See 1630. Judge Sewall [MS. Diary] calls him " the aged and excellent divine." 4 Hutchinson, ii. 175. He was the preceptor " of most of the principal gen- tlemen in Boston, then on the stage." To many of us now on the stage, his Latin Accidence is familiar. Mr. Cheever was born in London, and came from England to Boston in 1637. In less than a year, he removed with the first settlers to New Haven, where he taught a school 12 years ; and then went to Ipswich, where he taught 11 years. Next he went to Charlestown, where he taught 9 years ; and at last to Boston, where he taught 38 years. He was a pious and learned divine, as well as preceptor. He was singular in wearing his beard to the day of his death. Stiles, MS. Literary Diary. BRITISH COLONIES. 501 expedition. To defray the expenses of this projected expedition, 1709. the colonies of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, first v^^^^ issued bills of credit. 1 The assembly of New York imposed two shillings a ton on N. York. every vessel, the one half of which did not belong to the inhabi- tants of the colony. 2 Captain Trondad, a Frenchman, sailed from China to A- Voy.from ■ ^ o ' ' China. menca. Thomas Short set up a printing press in New London. He First printer was the first printer in Connecticut. 4 in Conn ' Ridgefield, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 5 Ridgefieid. 1710. After the disappointment the last year in the projected expe- Expedition dition against the French, colonel Nicholson went to England, to j^ 1 "[ tPort solicit a force against Canada. A fleet was accordingly destined for that service ; but it being from some cause detained, Port Royal was afterward made the only object. Nicholson, having returned to New England in the spring of this year, and waited until autumn without receiving any auxiliary force from England, sailed on the 18th of September for Port Royal, with a fleet of 36 sail. 6 Arriving in six days at the place of destination, the troops were landed without any opposition. Subercase, the French governor, had but 260 men. The French threw shells and shot from the fort three or four days, while the English were making the necessary preparations ; and the bomb ship, in re- turn, plied the French with her shells. On a summons to sur- render, the 1st day of October, a cessation of arms was agreed capituia- on, and the terms of capitulation were soon settled. The articles tionof Port were signed the next day. Nicholson, leaving a sufficient garrison R °y aI - 1 Hutchinson, ii. c. 2. Trumbull, i. c. 18. Smith, N. York, i. 119, 121. Smith, N. Jersey, 360. Douglass, ii. 285. Bollan's Petitions. 2 Chalmers, 354. 3 Forster, Voy. 444. " This is the only ship that ever crossed the South Sea in so high a latitude." It reached California 24 July. 4 Trumbull, i. 454. In 1710, he printed the Saybrook Platform, and soon after died. In 1714, Timothy Green, a descendant of Samuel Green of Cam- bridge, the first printer in North America, went into Connecticut, and fixed his residence at New London. He went upon an application from the government of the colony, and was allowed £50 annually, as printer to the governor and company. His descendants performed the same office for many years. 5 Trumbull, i. 436. In 1708, the purchase was made of Catoonah, the chief sachem, and other Indians, who were the proprietors of that part of the country. 6 Nicholson brought from England 5 frigates and a bomb ketch. These, with 3 fourth rates, 2 fifth rates, the province galley, 14 transports in the pay of -_ Massachusetts, 2 of New Hampshire, 5 of Connecticut, and 3 of Rhode Island composed the fleet ; in which embarked a regiment of marines, and 4 regiments raised in New England. 502 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1710. under the command of colonel Vetch, returned with the fleet v^v~w> and army to Boston. In honour of the queen, the name of Port Royal was now exchanged for that of Annapolis. 1 Col. Schuy- In the mean time, colonel Schuyler of New York, im- EnSand* P resse d with a deep sense of the importance of some vigor- with 5 in- ous measures against the French, and discontented at the dian chiefs. f a ii ure f the last year's expedition, had made a voyage to England, to inculcate on the ministry the absolute necessity of reducing Canada to the crown of Great Britain. The more effectually to accomplish his object, he carried with him five Indian chiefs ; who gave assurances to the queen of their fidelity, and solicited her assistance against their common enemies, the French. 2 Palatines. Colonel Robert Hunter, appointed governor of New York, arrived at that province in June, bringing with him 2700 Pala- tines ; many of whom settled in the city of New York ; others, 1 Hutchinson, ii. 180 — 184, where the Articles of the Capitulation are inserted. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 257, 258; xl. 169—171. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 349, 350. Trumbull, i. 438. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 342 — 346. The garrison marched out with the honours of war. The inhabitants within three miles of the fort were to have the benefit of the fifth article of the capitulation, which allowed them to " remain upon their estates, with their corn, cattle, and furni- ture, during two years, in case they are not desirous to go before, they taking the oath of allegiance and fidelity to her sacred majesty of Great Britain." The male and female inhabitants, comprehended in said article, amounted to 481 persons ; and they were transported to Rochelle -in France, at the expense of Great Britain. The English, in this expedition, lost 14 or 15 men ; beside 26, who were drowned by the wreck of a transport, in the service of Connecticut, ' which ran aground, and was lost in the mouth of Port Royal river. Nov. 16. was a day of thanksgiving throughout the provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, " on account of the success at Port Royal." Fairfield, MS. 2 Smith, N. York, i. 121—123. Trumbull, i. 436, 437. The arrival of these Sachems in England occasioned great observation through the kingdom. Wherever they went the mob followed them ; and small prints of them were sold among the people. The court being at that time in mourning for the death of the prince of Denmark, these aboriginal princes were therefore dressed in black under clothes, after the English manner ; but, instead of a blanket, they had each a scarlet in-grain cloth mantle, edged with gold, thrown over all their other garments. The audience which they had of her majesty, was attended with unusual solemnity. Sir Charles Cotterel conducted them, in two coaches, to St. James's ; and the lord chamberlain introduced them into the royal pre- sence. One of them, after a brief and pertinent introduction to his Speech, proceeded to observe : " We were mightily rejoiced, when we heard our great Queen had resolved to send an army to reduce Canada, and immediately, in token of friendship, we hung up the Kettle, and took up the Hatchet, and, with one consent, assisted colonel Nicholson in making preparations on this side the lake ; but, at length, we were told our great Queen, by some important affairs, was prevented in her design, at present, which made us sorrowful. The reduc- tion of Canada is of great weight to our free hunting ; so that if our great Queen should not be mindful of us, we must, with our families, forsake our country, and seek other habitations, or stand neuter." At the close of their speech, they presented belts of wampum to the Queen, in the name, and in token of the sincerity, of the Five Nations. Some historians say, there were but four Chiefs. Bibliothcca Americana [117] mentions the speech of " Four Indian Princes at a Public Audience " as published this year at London. BRITISH COLONIES. 503 on a tract of several thousand acres in the manor of Livingston ; 1710. while others went into Pennsylvania. 1 v^-v^^/ The British parliament passed an act for the encouragement Acts of par- of the trade to America. 2 An act was also passed by parliament co^eminff for the preservation of white and other pine trees, growing in America. the colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Province of Maine, Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, the Narragan- set Country, or King's Province, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, in America, for the masting her majesty's navy. 3 The first post office in America was established by the same parliament. The act was entitled " An Act for establishing a General Post Office for all her majesty's Dominions, and for settling a weekly sum out of the Revenues thereof, for the ser- vice of the war, and other her majesty's occasions." It required, that one general Letter Office and Post Office should be erected in London, and other chief Letter Offices in Scotland, Ire- land, North America, and the West Indies. The Postmaster General was to be " at liberty to keep one chief Letter Office in New York, and other chief Offices at some convenient place or places in each of her majesty's Provinces or Colonies in America." 4 A meeting house of the Quakers, or Friends, was built in Quakci Boston.* Z:^ 1 Smith, N. York, i. 123, 124. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 352. Brit. Emp. ii. 217. They had left Germany the preceding year on account of persecution. Smith says, " the queen's liberality to these people was not more beneficial to them, than serviceable to the colony " [N. York] ; but it was the subject of complaint in England. The house of commons, in a representation to the queen, this year, among other strictures on the couduct of the late ministry, take notice of " the squandering away great sums upon the Palatines, who were a useless people, a mixture of all religions, and dangerous to the Constitution ; " and say, " they hold, that those, who advised the bringing them over were enemies to the queen and kingdom." Salmon, Chron. Hist. 2 English Statutes, iv. 507. By an act 6 Annas, c. 37, customs and duties had been laid on prize goods and merchandizes, taken in America during the war, " as if the same had been imported into any part of Great Britain, and from thence exported." This new act declares, that the subjecting them to such customs and duties had " been veiy prejudicial to her majesty's Plantations and Colonies, and, in a great measure, prevented the importation thereof into those Plantations and Colonies ; " and therefore repeals that part of the old act. 3 English Statutes, iv. 467. This Act was to take effect 24 September, 1711 ; after which time no person might destroy any pine tree, fit for masts, " not being the property of any private person," on the penalty of £100 sterling. " This law," says Anderson [iii. 39.], "the first of the kind for masts, has proved extremely useful for masting the royal navy, and has also saved much money formerly sent to Norway for that purpose." 4 Ibid. 434 — 445. The rate of all letters and packets from London to New York, and thence to London, was fixed thus : single, Is. ; double, 2s. ; treble, 3s. ; ounce, 4s. The rate of all letters and packets from New York to any place within 60 miles thereof, and thence back to New York, was : single, id. ; double, Sd. ; treble, Is.; ounce, Is. 4d. For the rates of other postage in the colonies, see the Act. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 260. 504 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1710. Sir Henry Ashurst, agent for Massachusetts at ths court of v - ^ v -w' Great Britain, died ; and was succeeded in that agency by Jeremy Deaths. Dummer. 1 Robert Treat died in the 89th year of his age. 2 James Allen, minister in Boston, died, in the 78th year of his age. 3 1711 Expedition After the reduction of Port Royal, colonel Nicholson went Canada again to England, to solicit an expedition against Canada. The ministry acceded to the proposal ; and an armament was ordered, proportional to the magnitude of the enterprise. Nicholson ar- rived at Boston on the 8th of June, with orders for the northern colonies to get ready their quotas of men and provisions, by the time of the arrival of the fleet and army from Europe. Sir Hovenden Walker, with a fleet of 15 ships of war and 40 trans- ports, carrying seven veteran regiments of the duke of Marl- borough's army, and a battalion of marines, under the command of brigadier general Hill, arrived' at Boston harbour on the 25th of June. 4 Sixteen days, the time which had elapsed since the reception of the orders, did not possibly admit the requisite preparations. Every thing, however, that was practicable, was done. In about five weeks, the colonies raised two considerable armies, and furnished them with provisions. Nicholson, having attended a congress of the governors of the colonies at New London to concert measures relating to the expedition, had pro- ceeded to Albany, where the forces of New York, Connecticut, 1 Hutchinson, i. c. 1. Sir Henry Ashurst was the son of Henry Ashurst, Esq. who had great influence in settling the corporation for propagating the gospel among the Indians in New England and parts adjacent, and who was a member of parliament, and a friend to New England. Sir Henry was agent for Massa- chusetts colony several years, and his services were acknowledged with grati- tude. Eliot, Biog. Art. Ashurst and Dummer. 2 He had retired from public life ; he had been 32 years governor, or deputy governor, of Connecticut. His administration was characterized by wisdom, firmness, and integrity. " Few men have sustained a fairer character, or ren- dered the public more important services." 3 Mr. Allen was silenced by the act of Uniformity, and came to Boston in 1662. After being an assistant to Mr. Davenport in the First Church 6 years, he was ordained as teacher, 1668. He was strongly attached to " the order of the churches," as defended by Dr. I. Mather, and opposed attempts at innovations. He built the stone house, which was lately standing, and a few years since oc- cupied by his great great grandson, the late sheriff of Suffolk, and thought to have been the oldest in Boston. He had a very handsome estate, and was hospitable and beneficent. His posterity have been very respectable. Calamy, Contin. Eliot. Biog. Emerson, First Church, sect. 11. 4 The soldiers disembarked the next day, and encamped on Noddle's Island. On the 10th of July, they were reviewed there by the general ; the governor and a great concourse of people attending the review ; " the troops," says ad- miral Walker, " making a very fine appearance, such as had never before been in these parts of the world." BRITISH COLONIES. 505 and New Jersey, about 1000 Palatines, and about as many 1711. Indians of the Five Nations, collected, to the number of about v^-v-w/ 4000 men. These forces, commanded by colonels Schuyler, Whiting, and Ingoldsby, under the general command of Nichol- son, commenced their march on the 28th of August toward Canada. Meanwhile the troops at Boston under general Hill, joined by two regiments of New England and New York men under colonels Walton and Vetch, had sailed for the river St. Lawrence. The fleet, consisting of 68 vessels, and having on board 6463 soldiers, sailed on the 30th of July, and arrived at the mouth of the St. Lawrence on the 14th of August. In proceeding up the river, the fleet, through the unskilfulness of the pilots, and by contrary winds, was in imminent danger of entire destruction. On the 22d, about midnight, the seamen discovered that they were driven on the north shore among rocks and islands. Eight or nine a pr0 ves of the British transports, on board of which were about 1700 offi- disastrous^ cers and soldiers, were there cast away, and nearly 1000 men lost. Upon this disaster, the admiral bore away for Spanish river bay, at Cape Breton, where a council of land and naval officers, in consideration that there was but ten weeks' provision for the fleet and army, and that a seasonable supply from New England could not be expected, judged it expedient to relinquish the design, and is re- The admiral sailed directly for England ; and the provincial llnf i m shed. troops returned home. General Nicholson, who had advanced to Lake George, hearing of the miscarriage of the expedition on the St. Lawrence, retreated with the land army, and aban- doned the enterprise. 1 A fire broke out in Boston, near the centre of the town, and Oct. 2. consumed all the houses on each side of the main street, from gJJoJJ School street to the foot of Cornhill. 2 1 Hutchinson, ii. 190—198. Trumbull, i. 462—467. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 355. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 333. Smith, N. York, 128—130. Smith, N. Jersey, 400, 401. Hevvatt, i. 197, 198. Walker's Journal. Adams, 177 Brit. Emp. i. 173 — 176. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 555 — 561. Anderson, iii. 42. One article of her majesty's instructions required the general to attack Placentia in Newfoundland ; but the council of war, when it concluded on the expediency of the return of the fleet and troops to Great B-itain, was unanimously of opinion, that the attempt for reducing Placentia was at that time altogether impracticable. 2 Hutchinson, ii. 200. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 250, 257, 269 ; iv. 189, 190. Snow, Hist. Boston, c. 37. From Williams' Court, to the Stone Shop in Market Square, which was lately standing. Beside the buildings in Cornhill, " all the upper part of what is now called State Street, on the north and south sides, together with the town house was burnt." A church, that stood where the Old Brick church lately stood, was burnt ; and that edifice was built there the follow- ing year ; also another town house was built on the same spot where the former stood. The houses built on the ruins of this fire, were of brick, three stories high, with a garret, a fiat roof and balustrade, and some of th-' m are yet stand- ing on each side of Cornhill. One, now numbered 38, Washington Street, bears the date of 1712 on the front, with a coat of arms and the letters S. L. vol. i. 64 50G . AMERICAN ANNALS. 1711. At the session of the assembly of Connecticut in May, it was enacted, that there should be one superior court of judicature over the whole colony ; and that it should be holden annually in the several counties. 1 This court was to consist of one chief judge, and four other judges, to be annually designated or ap- pointed by the general assembly. The chief judge, first desig- nated, was the governor, or in his absence, the deputy governor ; and the other judges first appointed, were four distinguished members of the council. This precedent was generally followed in future appointments, except that the deputy governor alone was constituted chief judge. The court of assistants was super- seded by this new tribunal. 2 Treaty with A treaty of peace was concluded between baron de Graffen- roraf USCa r * ec ^' g overnor of the Palatines in North Carolina, and the Tus- carora Indians, together with their neighbours in the town of Cor. 3 Towns in- « Newtown and Coventry, in Connecticut, 4 and Pembroke, in corporated. Massnchusetts, were incorporated. 5 S.SeaCo. The South Sea company was incorporated. 6 1712. Indian war The Corees, Tuscaroras, and other tribes of Indians in North inN.Caro- Carolina, formed a deep conspiracy for the extermination of the English settlers. Having, for the security of their own families, enclosed the chief town in the Tuscarora nation with a wooden breast work, the different tribes met here, to the number of 1200 bowmen, and laid the horrible plot, which was concerted and executed with extreme subtilty, and profound secrecy. From this place of rendezvous they sent out small parties, which, under the mask of friendship, entered the settlements by different roads. When the night agreed on had arrived, they entered the houses of 1 Trumbull, i. 452. William Pitkin, Esq. was chief judge. 2 Day, Hist. Judiciary Connecticut. 3 Williamson, N. Carolina, i. 287, where the treaty is inserted. 4 Trumbull, i. 443. The Indian name of the place, where Newtown is set- tled, was Pohatuck, " from a river of that name upon which part of it lies." The township of Coventry had been given, several years before, to certain honourable legatees in Hartford, by Joshua, sachem of the Moheagans. lb. It was settled by 12 families from Northampton, 5 from Hartford, and 8 from different places. Stiles, MSS. 5 Massachusetts Laws. 6 English Statutes, iv. 470. Anderson, hi. 43 — 46. This company was vested with the sole traffic to and from all the places in America, on the east side there- of, from the river of Aranoca to the southernmost part of Terra del Fuego ; and on the west side thereof, from the said southernmost part of Terra del Fuego through the South Seas to the northernmost part of America ; with the excep- tion of Brasil and other places, belonging to Portugal, and Surinam, belonging to Holland, which were left free to the trade of all her majesty's subjects. BRITISH COLONIES. 507 the planters, and demanded provisions; and, feigning displeasure, 1712. fell upon them, and murdered men, women, and children, with- v^^-w/ out distinction. About Roanoke 137 settlers perished in the massacre. 1 A few persons, hiding themselves in the woods, and escaping, gave the alarm to their neighbours the next morning, and prevented a total destruction of the colony. All the fami- lies, speedily assembling in one place, were guarded night and day by tne militia, until news of the disaster reached South Carolina. Governor Craven no sooner received the intelligence, than he Indians de- despatched colonel Barnwell, with 600 militia and 366 Indians, feated. to their relief. 2 After a very difficult and dangerous march through a hideous wilderness, Barnwell came up with the enemy, and attacked them with great effect. In the first batile he killed 300 Indians, and took about 100 prisoners. After this action, the Tuscaroras retreated to their fortified town, where Barnwell surrounded them, killed a considerable number, and obliged the rest to sue for peace. It was computed, that, in this expedition, near 1000 Tuscaroras were killed, wounded, and captured. Of Barnwell's men 5 were killed, and several wounded ; of his Indians 36 were killed, and between 60 and 70 wounded " Never had any expedition against the savages in Carolina been attended with such hazards and difficulties ; nor had the conquest of any tribe of them ever been more general and complete." 3 TheTusca- Most of the Tuscaroras, who survived this defeat, abandoned roras repair their country, and repaired to the Five Nations, which received JJ toe Five them into their confederacy, and made them the sixth nation. 4 To defray the expenses of this expedition, and accommodate Bank bills domestic trade, the legislature of South Carolina established a issued, public bank, and issued £48,000 in bills of credit, called bank bills, to be lent out at interest, on landed or personal security, 1 Among the massacred were " almost all the poor Palatines who had lately come into the country." These Palatines, harassed in Germany, had applied for lands in Carolina. The proprietors provided ships for their transporta- tion, and sent instructions to governor Tynte to allow 100 acres of land for every man, woman, and child, free of quitrents for the first ten years; but, at the expiration of that term, to pay one penny per acre annual rent forever, ac- cording to the usages and customs of the province. The governor granted them lands accordingly ; but scarcely had they taken quiet possession of their fancied asylum, when they fell a prey to savages. Hewatt. — Among the prison- ers were John Lawson, surveyor general of the province, and baron Graffenried, the leader of the Palatine emigrants. Lawson was murdered by the Indians, but Graffenried extricated himself from the same fate by declaring that he was the king ot a distinct tribe, lately arrived in the province, and totally uncon- nected with the English. Williamson, i. c. 6. Grahaine, ii. 177. » 2 218 Cherokees, 79 Creeks, 41 Catawbas, 28 Yamasees. 3 Hewatt, i. 198, 201—204. " The cause of the quarrel," says this author, " we have not been able clearly to find out ; probably they were offended a tthe encroachments made on their hunting lands." 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 31. Jefferson, Virg. 138. to Crozat. 50S AMERICAN ANNALS. 1712. and to be sunk gradually by £4000 a year. 1 By another art of k^-^^j the same legislature, this year, the Common Law of Great Britain was declared to be of force in that colony. 2 An act was also Free school, passed for founding and erecting a Free School in Charlestown, for the use of the inhabitants of the province ; and the governor with 15 other respectable persons, and their successors, were incorporated as commissioners for founding, erecting, ordering, and visiting the School. 3 Port Royal Governor Craven was ordered by the Proprietors of Carolina, to employ eight men to sound Port Royal river, for the benefit of navigation, and to fix on ihe most convenient spot for building a town, with a harbour in its vicinity. 4 Grant of The French king granted a patent to the Sieur Anthony Cro- Louisiana zat, his secretary, for 15 years, of the whole commerce of all the " king's lands in North America, lying between New France on the north, Carolina on the east, and New Mexico on the west, down to the gulf of Florida; by the name of Louisiana." 5 There were, at this time, in the whole province of Louisiana but 1 Hewatt, i. 204. Soon after the emission of these hank bills, the rate of exchange and the price of produce rose, and in the first year advanced to 150, in the second, to 200 per cent. lb. 2 Drayton, S. Carolina, 186. 3 Trott, Laws Brit. Plant. Art. S. Carolina. It appears by the preamble, that " several charitable and well disposed Christians, by their last wills and testaments, had given several sums of money for the foundation of a Free School." 4 Hewatt, i. 200, 201. I conjecture, that Beaufort, on Port Royal island, was built in pursuance of this order. " The town" on that island, mentioned A. d. 1715, shows, that a town was already built there. See A. d. 1686. 5 Encyclop. Methodique, Com. Art. Compagnie Du Mississippi ou De La Louisiana, where the principal ai tides are inserted. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 416. Du Pratz, i. 9. Anderson, iii. 48, 49, who refers to a quarto treatise, printed at Paris in 1720, entitled Recueil des Edits, Declarations, .Lettres- Patents, Arrets, et autres Pieces concernant la Compagnie des Indes> &c. Crozat was required to send two vessels a year, to sustain the colonies, and maintain the trade of Louisiana ; and to send by every ship of his, which should arrive at the mouth of the Mississippi, 6 girls or boys for the plantation. The bounds of the grant to Crozat were " from the mouth of the river Missis- sippi, in the bay of Mexico, to the lake Illinois northward; and from New Mexico on the west of the lands of the English of Carolina eastward ; with all rivers, ports, creeks, isles, &c. ; which province, however, shall depend on the general government of New France, and be deemed a part thereof." When Fiance began a settlement at the mouth of the Mississippi, in 1698, Anderson remarks, "it properly and solely belonged to Spain to oppose it, as being within the limits of Florida. But," he indignantly subjoins, " when, in the above grant to Crozat, Louis clearly proclaimed his plan of joining Louisiana to New France, and thereby hemming in the English continent colonies between the Mississippi river and the sea eastward ; what name shall we give to our English c^jnsellors at such a time, who supinely (if not treacherously) suffered such a grant to oass unopposed, when both the charters of our king Charles the Second, to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, granted to them all the lands directly west to the South Sear., which consequently included the country on both sides the river Mississippi." Hewatt [i. 198.] takes notice of this encroachment on South Carolina, BRITISH COLONIES. 509 28 French families, one half of which were traders or workmen, 1712. who paid no attention to clearing or cultivating the lands. 1 \^^^^/ The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act, prohibiting the Acts about importation of any Indian servants or slaves into the province, ^ve" and It also passed an act to prevent the oppression of debtors ; by bills of cre- which it made bills of that province a legal tender. 9 dlt * The negroes in New York, in execution of a plot to set fire Negro in- to the city, burned a house in the night, and killed several people, c ^ ndia I? es . who came to extinguish the fire. Nineteen of the incendiaries were afterward executed. 3 Albany contained near 4000 souls. 4 Albany. Virginia was laid out into 49 parishes, or townships ; and an . act of assembly was passed, fixing a salary on the minister of each parish. 5 A number of German Protestants having recently settled above German the Falls of the river Rappahannock, at a place named Ger- P r ° t ? st . aI ! ts . r _r" , r - c . in Virginia. manna, in the county ot bssex, to the great advantage ol the colony of Virginia, and the security of the frontiers from the incursions of the Indians ; the assembly passed an act to exempt them from the payment of levies for seven years, and for erect- ing Germanna into a distinct parish, by the name of St. George. 6 The reverend Mr. Andrews was sent by the Society for pro- Indian misr pagating the Gospel, a missionary to the Mohawks. 7 sionary. The merchants of Quebec raised 50,000 crowns, for com- Q ue bec. pleting the fortifications of that city. 8 Jonathan Danforth died at Billerica, aged 84 years. 9 j. Danforth. 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 427, 428 ; " des marchands, des cabaretiers et des ouvriers, qui ne se fixoient en aucun endroit." Crozat is considered as a second founder of the colony ; " comme un second fondateur." Encyc. Methodique. 2 Massachusetts Laws. The bills had, by common consent, obtained an uni- versal currency through the province ; the whole trade of which from A. d. 1705 had been generally managed and regulated by them. 3 Smilh^ N. York, i. 133. Emissaries from the French were daily seducing the Five Nations from the British interest ; and incursions on the settlements along the Hudson were generally apprehended. An invasion of the city of New York by sea was strongly suspected. " Our public affairs," says the historian of New York, "never wore a more melancholy aspect than at this juncture." 4 Humphreys, 214. Of which 450 were negroes or Indian slaves. 5 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 27. 6 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art. Virginia. 7 Huni[)h. c. 11. The Indians at first received him with joy; but they peremptorily refused to let their children learn English. After the missionary had taught them for a time, in their own language, the old Mohawks left off coming to his chapel, and the children left off coming to his school ; and, in 1718, he closed a fruitless mission. 8 Univ. Hist. xli. 176. 9 Hist. Billerica, in Farmer and Moore, Coll. i. 66. He settled at Shawshin [Billerica] in 1654, and was one of its most active and enterprising inhabitants. He was born at Framingham, in Suffolk, England, and in 1634 came to New England with his father, who settled at Cambridge and died there four years after his arrival. Deputy governor Danforth and Rev. Samuel Danforth, a learn- ed and eminent minister of Roxbury, were his brothers, 510 AMERICAN ANNALS. Treaty of Utrecht. Indian treaty. State of Connecti- cut. 1713. The treaty of Utrecht, between Great Britain and France, was signed on the 30th of March. By this treaty the French king yielded to the queen of Great Britain the Bay and Straits of Hudson, the island of St. Christopher, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. 1 When this treaty of peace was known in America, the eastern Indians prayed that there might also be peace between the English and them ; and proposed a treaty to be holden at Casco. Governor Dudley judging it more for his honour to oblige them to come to Portsmouth, a treaty was begun there on the 11th of July, and on the 13th they entered anew into articles of submis- sion and pacification. 2 Connecticut had now 45 towns settled under its own jurisdic- tion. 3 The grand list of the colony was £281,083. The num- of its inhabitants was about 17,000. Its militia consisted of a regiment in each county, and amounted to nearly 4000 effective men. Its shipping consisted of 2 brigantines, about 20 sloops, and some other small vessels. The number of its seamen did 1 Mem. de PAmerique, ii. 113 — 136, where the Treaty is inserted, dated " 31 mars-11 avril." Blair, Chronol. Puffendorf, Introd. Hist. Europe, i. 199. Anderson, iii. 51 . Smollett, Hist. England, 1713. Anderson remarks, " Although all Nova Scotia and Acadie, with its ancient boundaries, were yielded to queen Anne forever, as also the city of Port Royal (now called Annapolis Royal), and the subjects of France were thereby excluded from all kinds of fishing in the seas, bays, &c. on the coasts of Nova Scotia ; yet those ancient boundaries were never yet justly ascertained by France ; " and says, " the French still pretended, that only the isthmus called Acadie was intended to be yielded up, and not what we called Nova Scotia." He also remarks, that " the island of Cape Breton, which was always deemed a part of Nova Scotia, was basely yielded up to France, as also all the other isles both in the mouth of the bay and of the river of St. Lawrence." The words of the Treaty are : — " insula vero, Cap Breton dicta, ut et aliae qua^vis, tam in ostio fluvii sancti Laurentii quam in sinu ejusdem nominis sitae, Gallici juris in postemm erunt, ibique locum aliquem seu loca munienda facultatem omnimodam habebit Rex Christianissi- mus." The author of Precis sur L'Amerique [51, 52.] says, the French took possession of Cape Breton in August, and changed its name to Isle Royale ; and that they were its first inhabitants ; " furent proprement les premiers habitans." — Fort Bourbon, which the English call York Fort, upon the eastern branch of Nelson River [Hudson Bay], was in possession of the French from 1697 until it was given up to the English by this Treaty. Dobson, Hudson Bay, 18. 2 Hutchinson, ii. 201. Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 357. Brit. Emp. [ii. 89 ] says, the basis of their submission was the treaty of Penobscot [Pemaquid] in 1693. The articles are inserted in Penhallow's Indian Wars of New England. 3 There were three considerable towns in the colony, under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, viz. Suffield, Enfield, and Woodstock. By the new divisional line these towns fell within the territory of Connecticut ; but they were con- sidered as belonging to Massachusetts. They paid their taxes to this colony, and sent representatives to its general court until 1748, when they seceded, and sent their representatives to the General Assembly of Connecticut. Massachu- setts continued to claim these towns, but without effect, until the Revolution, when it ceased to claim them. Whitney, Hist. County of Worcester, 320. BRITISH COLONIES. 511 not exceed 120. From 1702, when the first commencement of 1713. the college was holden, to this year, 46 students had been gradu- v^-v-^> ated at Say brook ; 34 of whom became ministers cf the gospel. The number of ministers in the colony was 43. Its manufactures and trade were very inconsiderable. There was but one clothier in the colony. It had scarcely any foreign commerce. Its principal trade was with Boston, New York, and the West Indies. 1 A valuable addition was made to the college library at Say- Y. College brook. This year, Sir John Davie, of Groton, to whom an l rdry ' estate descended in England, with the title of baronet, gave a good collection ; and the next year, a much greater donation was made by the liberality and procurement of Jeremy Dummer, who sent over from London about 800 volumes. 2 Commissioners from Massachusetts and Connecticut came to Boundaries an agreement respecting the boundaries of the two colonies, between which was accepted by each court. On running the line, it Connecticut appeared that Massachusetts had encroached on Connecticut settled. 107,793 acres. Such a quantity of land Massachusetts accord- ingly granted to Connecticut ; and it was accepted as equivalent. This land was afterward sold, and the money applied to the use of the college in that colony. 3 Samuel Whiting died, aged about 80 years. 4 Thomas Brattle, Deaths, of Boston, died, in the 56th year of his age. 5 1 Trumbull, i. 450, 458, 491. Some of the towns, which had been already set- tled in Connecticut, have not been distinctly noticed. Those omitted are subjoined, with the times of their settlement or incorporation : Greenwich, in 1644 ; Slonington, 1658 ; Killingworth, 1663 ; Woodbury, 1674 ; Preston, 1686 ; Waterbury, 1686; Glastenbury, 1690; Danbury, 1693; Lebanon, 1697; Col- chester, 1699; Mansfield, 1703. East Haddam, Pomfret, and New Milford, in- coporated in 1713, are included in the 45 settled towns. Ashford, in 1714. 2 Clap, Y. Coll. 15, 94. Mr. Dummer was then in London, as agent for several of the New England colonies, Of the volumes he sent, about 120 were his own gift, the rest were, through his solicitation and influence, from gentlemen of distinction in England ; particularly, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Richard Blackmore, Sir Richard Steele, Drs. Burnet, Woodward, Halley, Bently, Kennet, Calamy, and Edwards, and Rev. Mr. Henry and Mr. Whiston. lb. Trumbull, i. 490. 3 Trumbull, i. 447. The line was run due west from Woodward's and Saffery's station. The commissioners agreed, as a preliminary, that the towns should remain to the governments by which they had been settled ; and that the property of as many acres, as should appear to be gained by one colony from the other, should be conveyed out of other unimproved land as an equivalent. The whole land, thus granted to Connecticut, was sold in 1716 for £683 New England currency. This was a little more than a farthing per acre ; and it shows of what small value lands were esteemed at that day. " It affords also," says Dr. Trumbull, " a striking demonstration, that considering the expense of purchasing them of the natives, and of defending them, they cost our ancestors five, if not ten times their value." 4 Farmer and Moore, Coll. i. 66. He was a son of Rev. Samuel Whiting of Lynn ; was educated at Harvard College ; and ordained the first minister of Billeiica in 1663 Dr. Mather, in the Magnalia, calls him " a reverend, holy, and faithful minister of the gospel." 5 Eliot, Biog. Thacher, Century Sermon. He was a principal founder of the 512 AMERICAN ANNALS. Country westward of Virginia discovered. Pegepscot purchase. Church in Boston. First schoo- ner built. Canada. 1714. After the peace of Utrecht, it was judged full time for the Virginia colonists to acquire, if possible, some knowledge of the countries lying westward of Virginia, toward the Mississippi. Colonel Alexander Spotswood, lieutenant governor of Virginia, resolving to prosecute that object, went in person ; and with in- defatigable labour, made the first certain discovery of a passage over the Apalachian mountains. 1 The tract of land in the province of Maine, called the Pegep- scot purchase, was sold for about £100 New England currency, to eight proprietors 2 The new north church in Boston was built. 3 The first schooner is said to have been built about this time, at Cape Ann, by captain Andrew Robinson. 4 Canada contained, at this time, but 4484 inhabitants, able to bear arms, from the age of 14 to 60 ; and 28 companies of marines, paid by the king, contained but 628 soldiers. 5 church in Brattle street, and that street was named for him. In i698 ; he conveyed to a number of associates a piece of land called Brattle's close, which makes part of the lot now in possession of the Church. Snow, Hist. Boston, 202. He was a munificent friend to Harvard College, and was its treasurer from 1693 to his death. He wrote an Account of the Delusion called Witchcraft, published in the Collections of Massachusetts Historical Society, v. 61 — 79, and noticed under the year 1692. Pemberton, in his " List of Writers who were citizens of Boston," ascribes to Mr. Brattle " Philosophical Essays." 1 Keith, 173. Univ. Hist. xli. 549. This knowledge was the more necessary, because the French had made it a capital maxim in their American policy, to conceal all the country between those mountains and the Mississippi from the English, who knew no more of it than what they had learned of a few strag- gling travellers and Indians. 2 Brit. Dom. i. 292. This tract, containing 500,000 acres, was bought of six sagamores, in 1683, by Mr Wharton, a merchant of Boston; who dying insol- vent, his administrators sold it, as above mentioned. Mr. Winthrop and Hutch- inson were among the purchasers. It was bounded five miles west fiom Pegepscot by a line running at five miles distance parallel with the river, to a certain fall in that river, and thence northeast about 44 miles in a straight line to Kennebeck river ; and included " the eastern divisions of Nahumken purchase, and of Plymouth purchase." Georgetown, Brunswick, and part of Topsham are in this grant. Ibid. Judge Sullivan informed me, that the grant of Wharton from the Indians was recognized by the government very early ; that in 1718 there was an order, that all persons, claiming under Indian deeds, or by royal grants, should bring in their claims, and have them recorded in a book (now in the secretary's office), called the Book of Claims ; and that Wharton's claim was recorded. In process of time, there arose a question, where the falls were, which made the uppermost boundary. After several trials of this question, the General Court, 29 June, 1798, passed a resolve, empowering the attorney general to submit the dispute to an arbitration. Arbitrators being appointed, they "re- ported in favour of the claim's extending to the upper, commonly called the twenty mile falls. The General Court, 21 June, 1803, appointed two persons to run the lines ; but it has never been done." Answer of Judge Sullivan to my inquiries in 1804. '3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 260. 4 Hutchinson, ii. 445. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 234. 5 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 402. Univ. Hist. xl. 182. BRITISH COLONIES. 513 Anne Stuart, queen of Great Britain, died on the 1st of Au- 1714. gust, in the 50th year of her age, and 13th of her reign ; and v^-v~^/ was succeeded in the throne by George I. 1 Sir Edmund Andros died, in London, at a very advanced Deaths. age. 2 1715. An Indian war, breaking out in South Carolina, threatened Indian war the total extirpation of the colony. The numerous and power- j? s * Car0 " ful tribe of the Yamasees, possessing a large territory back of Port Royal island, were the most active in this conspiracy. On the 15th of April, about break of day, the cries of war gave universal alarm ; and, in a few hours, above 90 persons were massacred in Pocataligo and the neighbouring plantations. A captain of the militia, escaping to Port Royal, alarmed the town ; and a vessel happening to be in the harbour, the inhabitants repaired precipitately on board, sailed for Charlestown, and thus providentially escaped a massacre. A few families of planters on the island, not having timely notice of the danger, fell into the hands of the savages. While some Indian tribes were thus advancing against the Vigorous southern frontiers, and spreading desolation through the province, "fg^v.Cra. formidable parties from the other tribes were penetrating into the ven. settlements on the northern borders ; for every tribe, from Florida to Cape Fear, was concerned in the conspiracy. The capital trembled for its own perilous situation. In this moment of uni- versal terror, although there were no more than 1200 men in the muster roll fit to bear arms, yet the governor resolved to march with this small force against the enemy. He proclaimed martial law ; laid an embargo on all ships, to prevent either men or provisions from leaving the country ; and obtained an act of assembly empowering him to impress men, and seize arms, ammunition, and stores, wherever they were to be found ; to arm trusty negroes ; and to prosecute the war with the utmost vigour. Agents were sent to Virginia and England, to solicit assistance ; and bills were stamped for the payment of the army, and other necessary expenses. The Indians on the northern quarter, about 50 miles from Charlestown, having murdered a family on a plantation ; captain Barker, receiving intelligence of their approach, collected a party of 90 horsemen, and advanced against them. Trusting to an 1 Annals of K. George, i. 37. His title when he came to the throne was " Prince George, Elector of Brunswick-Lunenburg." Historical Register. 1714, Introd. and 1—4. 2 Univ. Hist. xl. 471. Hutchinson, ii. c. 2. Allen, Biog. vol. i. 65 514 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1715. Yamasee Indians ex- pelled. N.Carolina. Maryland. Boston lighthouse. Indian guide, he was led into an ambuscade, and was slain with several of his men. The rest retreated in confusion. A party of 400 Indians came down as low as Goose Creek ; where 70 men and 40 negroes had surrounded themselves with a breast work, with the resolution of maintaining their post. Discouraged, however, almost as soon as attacked, they rashly agreed to terms of peace ; but, on admitting the enemy within their works, they were barbarously murdered. The Indians now advanced still nearer to Charlestown ; but were repulsed by the militia. In the mean time, the Yamasees, with their confederates, had spread destruction through the parish of St. Bartholomew, and and proceeded down to Stono. Governor Ciaven, advancing toward the wily enemy with cautious steps, dispersed their strag- gling parties, until he reached Saltcatchers, where they had pitched their great camp. Here was fought a severe and bloody battle, from behind trees and bushes ; the Indians with their terrible war whoops alternately retreating, and returning with double fury to the charge. The governor, undismayed, pressed closely on them with his provincials ; drove them from their territory ; pursued them over Savannah river ; and thus expelled them from the province. In this Indian war, nearly 400 of the inhabitants of Carolina were slain. The Yamasees, after their expulsion, went directly to the Spanish territories in Florida, where they were hospitably received. 1 North Carolina, by an act of the legislature, was divided into nine parishes ; vestries were appointed ; and salaries settled for the minister of each parish. 2 The legislature of Maryland declared the duties, payable on the importation of negroes, servants, and liquors, " not to extend to such as are imported in vessels, whose owners are all residents in the province." 3 The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act for erecting a lighthouse on Beacon Island, at the entrance of Boston har- bour. 4 1 Hewatt, i. c. 5. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. c. 5. The assembly of Carolina afterward passed two acts to appropriate the lands, gained by conquest from the Yamasees, for the use of such British subjects as should come over and settle upon them. On this encouragement, 500 men from Ireland transported them- selves to Carolina ; but not long after, in breach of the provincial faith, and to the entire ruin of the Irish emigrants, the Proprietors ordered the Indian lands to be surveyed for their own use, and run out in large baronies. The old set- tlers, thus losing the protection of the new comers, deserted their plantations, and again left the frontiers open to the enemy. Many of the unfortunate Irish emigrants, reduced to misery, perished ; and the remainder removed to the northern colonies. 2 Humphreys, 143. Brit. Emp. iii. 229, 230. Trott, Laws Brit. Plant. 3 Chalmers, 354. * Massachusetts Laws. BRITISH COLONIES. 515 Worcester, in Massachusetts, which had been broken up by 1715. the Indian wars, became resettled. 1 Hopkinton was incor- s^-v — ' porated. 2 A bill was brought into the English house of commons for the BjUto ^ better regulation of the charter and proprietary governments in L co \onL * America ; the chief design of which was to reduce them all into govern- . ' - ° merits. regal governments. About this time, pig and bar iron began to be made in Vir- Virginia. ginia. 4 The assembly of New York passed an act for naturalizing all ^of N. Protestants of foreign birth, then inhabiting within that colony. N> c a roHna. An act was passed by the assembly of North Carolina for estab- lishing the church, and appointing select vestries. 5 Thomas Bridge, minister of the first church in Boston, died, Deaths, aged 58 years. 6 Isaac Addington, secretary of Massachusetts, died at Boston, aged 71 years. 7 Elisha Cooke, a physician in Boston, and a distinguished patriot, died, aged 78 years. 8 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 115, 116. 2 Ibid. iv. 15. Its Indian name was Quansigomog. 3 Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. 59. See 1721. 4 Anderson, 1715 ; " of a very good staple or kind." 5 Trott, Laws British Plantations. 6 He was born at Hackney in England, and received a regular education. When he first came to America, he " laboriously preached in several of the West India islands, whence he came to Boston, and was installed a colleague pastor with Messrs. Allen and Wadsworth, in the first church, 1705. A sketch of his worthy character is given by Emerson, in Hist, of First Church in Boston, and by Eliot and Allen. The time of his arrival at Jamaica, with his testimo- . nials, is ascertained by a letter in the Prince Collection of MSS. deposited in the Library of Massachusetts Historical Society, marked " Mather, 1681-2."— The letter is from S. B to Increase Mather, and dated " Port Royal, August 26, 1682." It says, " Monday last, the 22d instant, arrived here Mr. Thomas Bridge, a member with Mr. Collings, to undertake the charge of the people, upon full experience of each other. He comes under an eminent character of 8 eminent pastors . . whereof Dr. Owen leads. . . The next day he was ac- companyed to wait upon the Governour &c." The ministers, who gave him the testimonial, were " John Owen, Matthew Mead, John Colleyns, Richard Lawrence, George GrirTyth, Matthew Barker, Obad. Hughes, Sam. Lee." 7 Hutchinson, ii. c. 2. He had been secretary before the arrival of the charter ; was opposed to the administration of Andros ; was appointed secretary by those who adhered to the old charter ; and received the same appointment from the crown under the new . He had all the qualifications for his office ; and was respectable for his wisdom and integrity. 8 He was a popular leader in the general court of Massachusetts more than 40 years ; and an agent of that province when the charter of William and Mary was obtained. When Dr. Mather and Mr. Oakes, agents at London, signed the petition for a new charter, Mr. Cooke refused, saying, " The old charter, or none." Hutchinson, 1689. Eliot, Biog. Diet. 516 AMERICAN ANNALS. Act of Caro- lina respect- ing elec- tions. Forts built. Exports from Mis- sissippi. Newfound- land. 1716. The elections of members of assembly in Carolina having hitherto been holden at Charlestown, and attended with great riots and tumults, the legislature passed an act for regulating elections. This act required, that every parish should send a number of representatives, in all not exceeding 36 ; and that they should be balloted for at the different parish churches, or some other convenient place on a fixed day. Three small forts were now erected at Congarees, Savannah, and Apalachicola, to protect the frontiers at Carolina against the incursions of the Yamasees from Florida. 1 Two French ships went to France richly laden, from the river Mississippi ; and these were the first which carried over any merchandize from the Louisianian colony since its settlement. 2 From the Newfoundland fishery thare were exported to Spain, Portugal, and Italy, 106,952 quintals of fish. 3 Daniel Takawombpait, an Indian minister of Natick, died, aged 64 years. 4 College removed from Say- brook to N. Haven. Beaufort, S. C. 1717. Inconveniences attending the situation of the colony at Say- brook, and the most liberal contributions being made for its location at New Haven, that seminary was now removed to this town. The first commencement at New Haven was holden on the 11th of September this year. A convenient edifice was soon completed ; which, at the ensuing commencement in 1718, in commemoration of the benefactions of governor Yale, was named Yale College. 5 The council of South Carolina having passed an order for the speedy settlement of Beaufort, for the strengthening of the frontiers of this province " against all manner of enemies," and for the advantage and security of the whole government ; it was now enacted by the assembly, that all persons who take up a lot 1 Hewatt, i. 232, 233. The act respecting elections was soon after repealed by the Proprietors. 2 Salmon, Chron. Hist. 3 Brit. Emp. i. 159. 4 Alden, Epitaphs, i. 44. Moore, Hist. Sermon. 5 Pres. Clap, Hist. Yale College, 16—26. About £700 had been subscribed for New Haven ; about £500, it is supposed, for Saybrook ; and a large sum, for Hartford or Wethersfield. Governor Yale, who in 1713 had sent 40 volumes for the library, now sent above 300 volumes; and, in 1718 and 1721, goods, which were sold for £400 sterling, and the avails added to the funds of the insti- tution. For a list of other benefactors, with their several donations, see Clap's Historv, 94—96. See 1713. BRITISH COLONIES. 517 in the town of Beaufort, shall build on it in three years after the 1717. passing of this act. 1 v^- v -~w' M. Crozat, disappointed in his expectations, relinquished his Louisiana privilege of the commerce of Louisiana to the king of France. fheMissis- The king now erected a commercial company, by the name of sippi com- the Company of the West, with the sole trade to Louisiana, and pany * also the trade of beaver to Canada for 20 years. 2 M. de l'Epinai, appointed governor of Louisiana, came over to his province with three ships, and provisions, ammunition and merchandizes of all kinds, which he principally lodged in the Isle of Dauphin, where he proceeded to raise fortifications. A hurricane, about the last of August, ehoaking up the entrance to the only harbour, and laying the whole island under water, l'Epinai chose, for a new anchoring place, the Isle of Surgere ; built a fort, to protect the shipping ; and transferred the settlement at the Isle of Dauphin to a place at the northward of Surgere, called Biloxi. In ex- pectation of great advantages from the trade of Louisiana, the n. Orleans French were zealous to support this new settlement ; and this founded. year accordingly the foundation of New Orleans was laid. 3 This year the French erected fort Crevecceur, about a mile to the Fort Creve " y CQ'Ul*. northward of the fresh water river ; but they abandoned it the next year, on the representations of the governor of Pensacola, that this bay belonged to his catholic majesty. The French Natchi- also established a military post at Natchitoches, on an island in toches - Red river. The Spaniards erected a fort on the west side of Spanish Apalachicola river. 4 fort * Samuel Bellamy, a noted pirate, was wrecked with his fleet pi rate s on Cape Cod ; and more than 100 dead bodies were found on wrecked. the shore. Six of the pirates, who survived the shipwreck, were tried by a special court of admiralty, pronounced guilty, and executed at Boston. 5 1 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations, Art. S. Carolina. In the act, the town is called Beauford — in honour, probably, of prince Henry, duke of Beauford, lord palatine. It is now written Beaufort. Its settlement appears to have been begun before ; but it may have been broken up in the Indian war. See 1712 and 1715. It is delightfully situated on Port Royal island ; and is gratefully remembered by the present writer, for the salubrity of its air, the profusion of its rich and fragrant shrubbery and flowers, and the politeness and hospitality of its inhabitants. 2 Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. Lotjisiane ; and Commerce, Art. Compagnie d' Occident. Du Pratz, i. 47 — 81, where the Articles (56 in number) establishing the Company of the West are inserted entire. Anderson, iii. 73, 74. The company is commonly called the Mississippi Company. 3 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 434. Univ. Hist. xl. 293, 294. Du Pratz, ii. 260. The capital of Louisiana was thus named in honour of the duke of Orleans, at that time regenl of France. 4 Roberts, Florida, 12. Alcedo. The French fort Crevecoeur, and the Span- ish fort at Apalachicola, are inserted in Jefferies' map. 5 Hutchinson, ii. 233. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 120. Hutchinson says, the Whidah, Bellamy's pirate ship, of 23 guns and 130 men, had taken several ves- sels on the New England coast, just before this disaster. 518 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1717. Governor Shute of Massachusetts held a conference with the v^-v-^ Eastern Indians at Arrowsick Island; at which the treaty of Portsmouth was renewed. 1 Trade of The trade of Massachusetts employed 3493 sailors, and 492 Mass * ships, making 25,406 tons. 2 Brookiine. A church was gathered at Brookline, in Massachusetts ; and the next year, Mr. James Allen was ordained its first minis- ter. 3 Great snow. In the month of February the snow fell in such great quanti- ties in New England, that it was denominated The Great Snow. 4 Deaths. Nicholas Noyes, minister in Salem, died, in the 70th year, 5 Ebenezer Pemberton, minister in Boston, in the 45th, and William Brattle, minister of Cambridge, in the 55th year of his age. 6 1 Hutchinson, ii. 218 — 221. A printed copy of the Treaty is in the Library of Mass. Hist. Society. The Conference is dated, " George Town on Arrow- sick Island, Aug. 9th, 1717." The Subscribers to the Treaty were " Sachems and Chief Men of the several, tribes of Indians belonging to Kennebeck, Penob- scot, Pegwackit, Saco, and other the Eastern Parts of his Majesty's Province aforesaid " — viz. Massachusetts Bay in New England. See 1713. 2 Hutchinson, ii. c. 111. This appears " by a medium taken from the naval officer's accounts for three years from the 24 June 1714, to 24 June 1717, for the ports of Boston and Salem only." 3 Letter from Rev. Mr. Pierce of Brookline ; by whose obliging communica- tion I am enabled to subjoin the following account of that town. " Previously to its incorporation in 1705, it formed a part of Boston ; and was denominated Muddy River from the stream, which is one of its eastern boundaries. It was assigned to the inhabitants of Boston on account of their narrow limits within the peninsula. The distance is but two miles across Charles river. They used to transport their cattle over the water to this place, while the corn was on the ground at Boston, and bring them to town in the winter. Finding it highly inconvenient to attend town business in Boston, and increasing in numbers and wealth, they were at length incorporated." 4 Boston News Letter, a. d. 1717. This gazette, Feb. 25, observes : " The snow lies in some parts of the streets about six foot high. The extremity of the weather has hindered all the three posts from coming in." Judge Sewall writes in his Diary : " Feb. 22. It was terribly surprising to me to see the extraordinary banks of snow on the side of the way over against us." Yet several snows fell after that date. The News Letter of March 4 observes : " February ended with snow and March begins with it." 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vi. 286. He is represented as distinguished for hi* learning and ministerial accomplishments. 6 Dr. Colman's Sermon, on occasion of their death. Mr. Pemberton was an eminent preacher. He wrote in a style strong and nervous, eloquent and argu- mentative. His sermons were practical and pathetic, illuminating and convinc- ing. His Election Sermon, preached in 1710, is justly celebrated. It is re- printed in a volume of his sermons, published in 1727. — Mr. Brattle was born in Boston, and educated at Harvard College; of which seminary he was many years a tutor and a fellow. He was a solid and useful preacher, an able divine, a distinguished seholar, and a generous patron of literature. He published a system of Logic, entitled " Compendium Logicae secundum Principia D. Renati Cartesii plerumque efformatum, et catechistice propositum ; " which was long recited at Harvard College. I have seen a copy of it, printed so late as the year 175S. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. His character was eminent for wisdom and goodness. By his last will he bequeathed to Harvard College £250, beside a much greater sum to other pious and charitable legacies. BRITISH COLONIES. 519 1718. Merchants and masters of ships had, in their trade to Pirates in America and the West Indies, suffered much from the barbarity w. indies and depredations of pirates. On their complaint to the king in council, the king issued a proclamation, promising a pardon to all pirates, who should surrender themselves in the space of twelve months ; and, at the same time, ordered to sea a force to sup- press them. The island of New Providence being their common place of residence, captain Woods Rogers sailed with a few ships of war against that island, and took possession of it for the crown of England. All the pirates, excepting Vane with about 90 others who made their escape in a sloop, took the benefit of the king's proclamation, and surrendered. Rogers, who was con- stituted governor of the island, formed a council ; appointed civil and military officers ; built forts ; and, from this time, the trade of the West Indies * was well protected against those lawless plunderers. 1 They were not yet, however, extirpated from the southern Extermi- shores. About 30 of them took possession of the mouth of " ated from Cape Fear river, and infested the coast of Carolina. Governor Johnson, resolving to check their insolence, sent out to sea a ship of force, under command of William Rhett, who took a piratical sloop, and brought Steed Bonnet, the commander, and about 30 men with him, to Charlestown. The governor soon after em- barked in person, and sailed in pursuit of another armed sloop, which, after a desperate engagement, was also taken. Two pi- rates, who alone survived the action, were instantly tried, con- demned, and executed. Bonnet and his crew were also tried ; and all, excepting one man, were hanged. 9 An impost bill was passed by the legislature of Massachusetts, Impost bill, which laid a duty not only on West India goods and wines, but also on English manufactures, and a duty of tonnage on English ships. 3 Great respect was shown him at his death. He was buried on the 20th of February ; a day memorable for the great snow, which detained for several days at Cambridge the magistrates and ministers of Boston and the vicinity who at- tended his funeral. Boston News Letter. Hist. Cambridge, Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 55 — 59. 1 The colony at New Providence throve so well after the arrival of governor Rogers, that the number of its white inhabitants soon amounted to about 1500. The town of Nassau soon contained 300 houses. Univ. Hist. xli. 336. 2 Hewatt, i. 234—236. Brit. Dom. [ii. 144.] says, 42 were executed. 3 Hutchinson, ii. 226. The duty on English goods was one per cent. Before the session in May, the next year, the governor received instruction from the king, to give all encouragement to the manufactures of Great Britain ; and after- ward received a reprimand from the lords justices, the king being absent, for consenting to the duty laid on English goods &c. The court, on receiving French colony. Towns in- corporated. Contribu- tion. Erookfield. Salem. Deaths. AMERICAN ANNALS. The assembly of Virginia passed an act, granting £1000 out of the public funds, for maintaining and educating scholars at the college of William and Mary." 1 The Mississippi company, building great hopes on the com- merce of Louisiana, sent out a colony of 800 persons, some of whom settled at New Orleans, and others at the Natches. 2 Georgetown and Falmouth, in the District of Maine, were incorporated. 3 The churches in Boston contributed £483 toward the pious charity for promoting the conversion of the Indians. 4 Brookfield, in Massachusetts, was incorporated. 5 The second church in Salem was formed ; and an edifice was built for its use in Essex street. 6 William Penn, the founder and first proprietary of the province of Pennsylvania, died at Rushcomb, in England, aged 74 years. 7 Benjamin Church, celebrated for his military talents, and heroic exploits in the Indian wars of New England, died, in the 78th year of his age. 8 official notice of this reprimand, " readily acknowledged the exceptions taken to that clause in the bill were just and reasonable." lb. 230. 1 Trott, Laws Brit. Plantations. 2 Du Pratz, i. 24, 25. This was the first colony sent out by that company. M. Le Page Du Pratz, the author of the History of Louisiana, accompanied that colony from France, which embarked in three vessels from Rochelle. 3 Sullivan, 169, 192. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. i. 213. These churches made annual collections ; and, beside the collection for this year, they had at that time a fund of 800 or £1000, the income of which was appropriated to that object. 5 Ibid. i. 262 — 265. The town had, at this time, nearly 50 families. Indian wars had retarded the settlement of this frontier town, after it was burnt in 1675 ; and it was not until 1716 that a church was built there, after that conflagration. The general court, by a committee, regulated all the affairs of the town until it was incorporated. 6 Ibid. vi. 226, 274, 276. The inhabitants of Salem until this time constituted but one religious society. By a MS. from the Records, " Two new houses of worship were now built by the town." 7 Proud, ii. 105, 106. " He had great natural abilities, and much acquired knowledge, which he ever rendered subservient to the interests of religion and virtue. He was chaste and circumspect, yet pleasant in covcrsation ; and of an engaging and obliging disposition and behaviour. He exhibited to the world a bright and amiable example, wherein the most excellent qualities of the accom- plished gentleman, and real Christian united ; and, in different countries, ranks, and conditions of men, appeared a shining instance, that piety and virtue are not incompatible with a fine understanding." lb. The province, instead of be- coming a source of wealth to him, was the occasion of his embarrassment ; and he was obliged to mortgage his estate. To extricate himself from debt, he was on the point of surrendering his province to the crown for a valuable considera- tion, in the year 1712. The instrument was preparing for his signature ; but an apoplectic disorder seizing him at that juncture, prevented him from executing it. lb. 57, 58. Belknap, Biog. ii. 381 — 450, where his life is entire. Dr. Frank- lin [Pennsylv. 74.] says, Mr. Penn left his province (encumbered, on the one hand, by a mortgage, and, on the other, by a transfer of it to the crown for £10,000, of which he had received £2000) in the hands of four trustees, of whom his widow was one. See Note XXXVII. 8 Life of colonel Church, annexed to the History of king Philip's war. He BRITISH COLONIES. 521 1719. This year is rendered memorable in Carolina by the revolu- The people tion from proprietary to royal government. The proprietors of ° f CaroV ^ Carolina had rendered themselves extremely obnoxious to the the proprie- colonists. They had lately repealed several important acts of tar y g° vern - the assembly ; and a commissioner, who had been sent to Eng- land on occasion of the grievance, had returned without success. An association was therefore formed in the colony for uniting the whole province in opposition to the proprietary government; and the people, with scarcely an exception, subscribed the instrument of union. Governor Johnson, after a contest with the assembly on the subject, issued a proclamation for dissolving the house, and retired to the country. The representatives ordered his proclamation to be torn from the marshal's hands, and proceeded to open usurpation. Meeting on their own authority, they chose James Moore governor ; and, on a fixed day, proclaimed him in the name of the king. They next chose 12 counsellors, of whom Sir Hovenden Walker was made president ; and thus formed a government of their own free choice. Governor John- son, having attempted to disconcert their measures, rnd created some embarrassment, at length made his last and boldest effort for subjecting the colonists to his authority. He brought up the ships of war in front of Charlestown, and threatened to destroy their capital, if they persisted in refusing obedience to legal au- thority. The people, however, having arms in their hands, and forts in their possession, bade defiance to his power ; and he relinquished his attempt to enforce submission to the proprietary government. During this contest, the Spaniards sailed from Havana, with a Spanish fleet of 14 ships, and a force consisting of 1200 men, against ] " vasion South Carolina, and the island of New Providence. Governor Johnson represented to the people the dangerous consequences of military operations under unlawful authority ; but they re- mained firm to their purpose, and the convention continued to transact business with the governor of their choice. Martial law was proclaimed ; and all the inhabitants of the province were was born in 1639, at Duxbury; and was the son of Joseph Church, who with two of his brethren came early into New England, as refugees from the religious oppression of the parent state." Colonel Church was a man of integrity and piety. " He was a member of the church of Bristol at its foundation, in the Rev. Mr. Lee's day ; " and was an exemplary Christian in public and private life. The rupture of a blood vessel, by a fall from his horse, was the cause of his death. " He was carried to the grave with great funeral pomp, and was buried under arms, and with military honours." vol. i. 66 522 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1719. but frus- trated. Pensacola taken by the French. Retaken by the Span- iards. Taken again by the French. Lotteries suppressed. London- derry set- tled. News- papers. ordered to Charlestown, to defend the capital. Happily for Carolina, the Spaniards, to acquire possession of the Gulf of Florida, and secure the navigation through this stream, had re- solved first to attack New Providence. At that island they were vigorously repulsed by governor Rogers ; and soon after lost the greatest part of their fleet in a storm. 1 War being declared in Europe between France and Spain, the French attacked Pensacola by surprise, before the Spaniards there received intelligence of the war. The Spanish governor of Pensacola, having but 160 men in garrison, and finding that the number of his besiegers by sea and land amounted to 1300, agreed to capitulate ; and he and his garrison were transported to Havana. The inhabitants of Cuba, learning by a Frenchman the true state of the garrison left at Pensacola by the French, which consisted of but 60 men, fitted out a fleet of 12 ships, 3 frigates, and 9 bylanders, with about 850 volunteers, and retook the place. It was soon wrested from them a second time. M. de Champmelin, the French commodore, with 5 ships of war and 2 frigates, belonging to the Mississippi company, retook Pensacola in September. Between 1200 and 1500 were made prisoners; 600 of whom were sent to Havana. The French destroyed the old town and fort, which were situated on the island of Pensacola. 2 The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act for the sup- pression of lotteries. 3 Londonderry, in New Hampshire, was settled by about ] 00 families from the province of Ulster, in Ireland. These set- tlers introduced the foot spinning wheel, and the culture of potatoes. 4 The first number of the Boston Gazette was printed at Boston ; and the American Weekly Mercury, at Philadelphia. 5 1 Hewatt, i. 243—248. Ramsay, Hist. S. Carolina, i. c. 3. Robert Johnson had succeeded Robert Daniel, as governor of South Carolina, in 1717. 2 Univ. Hist. xl. 296—303. Du Pratz, i. 95—101. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. liv. 21. Coxe, Carolana, 29. Roberts, Florida, 11. See 1722. The Spaniards afterwards erected the town on the island of Santa Rosa, as being more detached, and secure from the Indians. 3 Massachusetts Laws. 4 Belknap, N. Hamp. ii. 36—39. The settlement was at first called Nuffield ; but it was incorporated, in 1722, by the name of Londonderry. Mr. James Macgregore was their first minister. He " continued with them until his death ; and his memory is still precious among them. He was a wise, affectionate, and faithful guide to them, both in civil and religious concerns." He died 5 March, 1729, aged 52. 5 Eliot, Biog. Thomas, Hist. Printing, ii. 324, 325. The first number of the Gazette was printed on the 21st December, by J. Franklin ; the Mercury on the 22d, by Andrew Bradford. See 1704. " Before the year 1719, only one newspaper was printed in the British North American colonies." Thomas. BRITISH COLONIES. 523 . The first Presbyterian church in New York was founded this 1719. year. 1 v-^-v-w/ The Aurora Borealis was first seen in New England on the Aurora 17th of December. 2 Borealis * 1720. While the king was at Hanover, the agent for Carolina pro- Proprietary cured a hearing from the lords of the regency and council in government England ; who gave it as their opinion, that the proprietors of abolished"* that province had forfeited their charter. In conformity to this decision, they ordered the attorney general to take out a scire facias against it, and in September appointed general Francis Nicholson provisional governor of the province, with a com- mission from the king. Thus the colonists, after many violent struggles and convulsions, " by one bold and irregular effort," entirely shook off the yoke of the proprietary government ; and threw themselves under the immediate protection of the crown of Great Britain. 3 William Burnet arrived at New York in September, with the Governor king's commission as governor of that province and the Jersies. arrives at In his first speech to the assembly, he expressed his apprehen- N. York, sion of the dangerous neighbourhood of the French, who were making daily advances, getting possession of the main passes, and increasing the new settlements in Louisiana. The governor's aim was, to draw the Indian trade into our hands ; to obstruct the communication of the French with our allies, which gave them frequent opportunities of seducing them from their fidelity; and to regain the Caghnuagas, who were the carriers between Albany and Montreal. The trade between these two places had been very great since the conclusion of the peace of Utrecht ; and the chiefs of the Indian confederates, foreseeing its ill con- sequences, had complained of it to the commissioners of Indian affairs. The commissioners had written a letter to governor Hunter, acquainting him with the dissatisfaction of the Indians ; but, though it was laid before the house, no effectual measure had been adopted. An act was now passed, for prohibiting the J^FreTch sale of Indian goods to the French ; and the good effects of this prohibited, prohibitory act were sensibly felt in the province. 4 * Smith, N. York, i. 191. 2 Trumbull, Century Sermon, p. 5. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ii. 14—20. It began about 8 o'clock in the evening ; and filled the country with terrible alarm. It was viewed as a sign of the last judgment. Ibid. This phenomenon was first seen in England 6 March, 1715, from the evening to near 3 o'clock in the morning, to the great consternation of the people. Salmon, Chron. Hist. 3 Hewatt, i. 290—295. 4 Smith, N. York, i. 150—154. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 354 ; which says, the act Martha's Vineyard. Church in Newport. Mass. Hall. Tea. N: W. pas sage at- tempted. Publica- tions. AMERICAN ANNALS. The legislature of Massachusets passed an act to prevent idle- ness and immorality. 1 The same legislature granted two town- ships on Housatunnuck river to persons desirous of making a settlement there. The land was purchased of the river Indians, who had the native right to the land ; but they reserved to them- selves two small tracts. 2 The Eastern Indians committed hostilities at Canso. 3 There were, at this time, on Martha's Vineyard 6 small Indian villages, and about 800 souls. Each village was supplied with an Indian preacher. 4 The first congregational church in Newport, Rhode Island, was gathered ; and" Mr. Nathaniel Clap, who had previously officiated there, was ordained its pastor. 5 A college edifice was erected at Cambridge, by Massachusetts colony, and named Massachusetts Hall. 6 Tea began to be used in New England about this time. 7 The Hudson Bay company sent out captains Knight and Bar- low, with a ship and a sloop for the purpose of making discove- ries of a passage to China by the northwest parts of America ; but they were never heard of afterward. 8 George Crump, an American, published at Leyden a tract on the preparation of sugar. A Treatise on the manufacture of maple sugar, by Paul Dudley ; an Essay on the poison tree of Carolina, prohibited for three years all trade between New York and Canada. In 1727, the act was made perpetual by the assembly, and afterwards confirmed by the king. 1 Massachusetts Laws. The law empowers the Selectmen or Overseers of the Poor, with the assent of two Justices of the peace, " to set to work all such persons, married or unmarried, able of body, having no means to maintain them, that live idly, and use no ordinary and daily lawful trade or business to get their living by ; " and declares, that " no single person of either sex, under the age of 21 years, shall be suffered to live at their own hand, but under some orderly family government ; nor shall any woman of ill fame, married or unmarried, be suffered to receive or entertain lodgers in her house." 2 Hopkins, Memoirs of Housatunnuck Indians. One of these tracts was at Statehook, afterward in the first parish in Sheffield ; the other, 8 or 10 miles up the river at Wuahtookook, afterward in the bounds of Stockbridge. lb. 3 Minot, Mass. i. 72. See 1724. 4 Coll. Mass. Hbt. Soc. i. 206. 5 Callender, 66. In a book, now in my possession, once owned by lieut. governor Stoughton, there is in his hand writing the following memorandum : " Aug. 31, 1720. Mr. Clap's settlement. In 1695 the ministers took their turns to preach at Newport. Lately 2 or 3 that were then little children, born in Newport, desire to join with 8 or 9 more to be a church in Newport, viz. 1 or 2 that since came from England, 1 from Scotland, 1 from Ireland, 2 from Read- ing, 2 from Boston, 2 from Bristol. They brought their confession of faith . . . and manifested their satisfaction in one another." See 1696. 6 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. vii. 5. 7 Pies. Stiles. MS. " A little before the small pox of 1721." 8 Forster, Voy. 287. Brit. Emp. i. 27. Anderson [hi. 91.] from Ellis's Voy- age to Hudson's Bay in 1748, says, " part of the wreck of Barlow's ship was said to be found in that Bay, in lat. 63° north." Anderson places this voyage in 1719, and says, captain Barlow was sent out by private adventurers. Deaths. BRITISH COLONIES. 525 injuring both by contact and odour ; and a Tract on the summer 1720. fruits of New England, by Henry Cane, were published in the v-^-v-w' Philosophical Transactions. 1 Governor Dudley, of Massachusetts, died at his seat in Rox- bury, in the 73d year of his age. 2 Robert Calef, of Boston, author of an Essay and Letters on witchcraft and miracles, died. 3 1721. Governor Nicholson, arriving at South Carolina early in this Gov. Nich- year, issued writs for the election of a new assembly. The °. lson . ar_ assembly, when convened, recognized king George as their law- Carolina. ful sovereign ; and proceeded with cheerfulness and harmony to the regulation of the affairs of the province. Before governor Nicholson left England, a suspension of arms between Great Britain and Spain had been published ; and, by the treaty of peace which succeeded, it was agreed, that all subjects and Indians, living under their different jurisdictions, should cease from acts of hostility. Orders were sent out to the Spanish governor of Florida, to forbear molesting the Carolinians ; and the British governor had instructions to cultivate the friendship and good will of the Spanish subjects and Indians in Florida. In conformity to these instructions, the first object that engaged the attention of governor Nicholson was, to fix the limits of their territories ; and then to forbid encroachments on their hunting grounds. With these views, he sent a message to the Cherokees, Holds a proposing to hold a general congress with them, in order to treat treaty with of mutual friendship and commerce. Pleased with the proposal, ke e es C . hero " the chiefs of 37 different towns immediately set out to meet him. At this congress, the governor made them presents ; smoked with them the pipe of peace ; marked the boundaries of the lands between them and the English settlers ; regulated weights and measures ; and appointed an agent, to superintend their affairs. He then proceeded to conclude a treaty of commerce and peace with the Creeks ; appointed an agent to reside among and with them ; and fixed on Savannah river as the boundary of their the Creeks * hunting lands, beyond which no settlements were to extend. 4 After securing the province by these prudent and pacific measures, he directed his attention to internal regulations, par- 1 Dr. Mitchill, Hist. American Botany, in Coll. N. York Hist. Soc. The first of these tracts is a dissertation, entitled de Jlrundine Americana. 2 Belknap, N. Hamp. i. 362. See his character in Hutchinson, ii. c. 2. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 300. Eliot, Biog. Diet. 4 Hewatt, i. 297, 298. Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. i. c. 4. The Cherokees were computed to contain, at that time, not less than 6000 bowmen. The Creeks were a numerous and formidable nation. 526 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1721. Dummer's Defence of the N. Eng. Charters. Inoculation for the small pox introduced into New England. ticularly to the promotion of institutions for the education of youth, and for the encouragement of religion ; and, by his public influence and private liberality, greatly contributed to those im- portant objects. 1 A Defence of the New England Charters by Jeremiah Dum- mer, agent for the province of Massachusetts, was published at London. This very able Defence was written some time be- fore ; but it was now published, in the apprehension that a bill would be brought into the house of commons at their next session, to disfranchise the charter governments. Of what importance the charters were considered by the colonists, may be perceived by the language of their advocate, who was " sure they would reckon the loss of their privileges a greater calamity than if their houses were all in flame at once. Nor can they be justly blamed, the one being a reparable evil, but the other irreparable. Burnt houses may rise again out of their ashes, and even more beautiful than before, but 'tis to be feared that liberty once lost, is lost forever." 2 The small pox made great havoc in Boston and in some of the adjacent towns. Inoculation for that disease was now intro- duced into New England. Dr. Cotton Mather, one of the principal ministers of Boston, having seen in the Philosophical Transactions very favourable accounts of the operation, recom- mended a trial of it to the physicians of the town, when the disease first appeared. All, however, declined it, excepting Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, who, to show the confidence he had in its success, began with his own family, and afterward continued the practice amidst violent opposition. Many pious people were struck with horror, and were of opinion, that, if any of his patients should die, he ought to be treated as a murderer. The 1 Hewatt, 299. On his application, the Society for propagating the Gospel supplied the province with clergymen, giving each of them a yearly allowance, in addition to the provincial salary. Beside general contributions, several par- ticular legacies were left for founding free schools, and seminaries for religious education ; and, during governor Nicholson's administration public schools were built and endowed in Charlestown, and in several parishes in the country. 2 Dummer, Defence, 44. Hutchinson, i. c. 3. Mr. Dummer, in the Dedica- tion of " his Defence " to lord Carteret, one of his majesty's principal Secretaries of State, says : " Having lately had the honour of presenting the humble Ad- dress of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to his majesty for the continuance of their charter privileges, which they apprehend in some danger; it seemed agreeable at the same time, to explain the right which the charter governments have to those privileges." Of the " Defence " James Otis observes, " That piece is unanswerable, but by power and might, and other arguments of that kind ; " and he styles the writer, " the late very able and learned agent for the province of Massachusetts Bay." Rights of the British Colonies, 52. See 1715. Mr. Walsh (13) says, Mr. Dummer published his Defence against the project of the house of commons, noticed under that year ; but, though it may have been written then, it appears not to have been published till this year. BRITISH COLONIES. 527 populace was so enraged, that his family was hardly safe in his 1721. house ; and he was often insulted in the streets. 1 v^^-*^/ A brick church was built in Middle street, in Boston. 2 An Churches episcopal church was built at Perth Amboy, in New Jersey. 3 bu,ltf The publication of the New England Courant was begun this N.England year at Boston, by James Franklin. This was the fourth news- Courant. paper, published in North America. 4 Elihu Yale, the liberal benefactor of Yale College, died in Death of England, aged 73 years. 5 E - Yale - 1722. By the articles of peace, ratified this year between the crowns Pensacoia of France and Spain, Pensacoia was restored to his Catholic restored to majesty. The head quarters of the colony of Louisiana were pam ' now transferred from Biloxi to New Orleans. 6 The colony was, at this time, reduced to such straits, that great numbers went State ofN . over to the English colony of Carolina. 7 To complete the mis- Orleans, fortunes of the French colony, a terrible hurricane, which con- 1 Z. Boylston's Hist. Account of the Small Pox inoculated in New England. Lond. 1726. This Account states, that of 5759 who had the small pox the natural way 844 died. An article respecting inoculation in New England is in- serted in the Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. xxx. 1722. Hutchinson [ii. 273 — 276.] — who agrees with Boylston, excepting in the number that had the small pox in Boston, which he states to have been 5889 — says, about 300 were inoculated in Boston and the adjacent towns ; but " it is impossible to determine the number which died" by inoculation. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 291 ; iv. 213. Adams, N. Eng. 195. N. Eng. Courant. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 261. 3 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 197. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 209. Thomas, i. 308. The printer was a brother of Dr. Franklin. 5 Pres. Clap, Hist. Yale College, 29. He was born at New Haven in 1648 ; and was the son of Thomas Yale, Esq. who, for the sake of religion,^ame to America with the first settlers of New Haven, in 1638. At the age of about ten years, he went to England ; and, at about thirty, to the East Indies, where he acquired a very large estate ; was made governor of Fort St. George ; and married an Indian lady of fortune, the relict of governor Hinmers, his predeces- sor. After his return to London, he was chosen governor of the East India company ; and made those donations to the college, in his native town, which induced the trustees to bestow on it the name of" Yale. He descended from an ancient and wealthy family in Wales ; and, while on a visit to W T ales, he died S July, 1721, at or near the seat of his ancestors. lb. A full length por- trait of him, procured from England during Dr. Stiles's presidency, is preserved in Yale College. See 1717. 6 The accession to New Orleans, in consequence of this removal, seems to have given that capital its first significancy. " On eu jetta les fondemens en 1717, et ce ne fut qu'en 1722 qu'elle prit quelque consistence." Encyc. Me- thodique, Geog. Art. Orleans. 7 The numbers were so great, that the governor of Carolina was put to diffi- culty for their reception ; and advised M. de Bienville, the French governor of Louisiana, to take measures to prevent the farther desertion of his people. Charlevoix says, a company of Swiss, with their captain at their head, having embarked with a head wind, shifted their course, and sailed to Carolina. 528 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1722. Trading house e- rected at Oswego. tinued from 12 at night until noon the next day, was felt from Biloxi to the Natches. It overthrew the church, the hospital, and 30 of the houses and barracks of New Orleans, and beat in pieces a great number of boats, canoes, and other small craft, in the harbour. Three vessels were driven ashore on the banks, where the water rose 8 feet. All the houses above and below the town were overthrown. At Biloxi all the houses and magazines were beaten down ; a great part of the fortifications was inun- dated ; the transports, lying in the road, were run ashore on the neighbouring islands and banks ; many piragues loaded with provisions, on their way to New Orleans, were wrecked. All the ripened vegetables were destroyed ; and the continual rains which succeeded spoiled the greatest part of the younger growth. 1 The French succeeded in fixing some German families on the right bank of the Mississippi, opposite to the settlements which they already had above and below the city of New Orleans. 2 In proportion to the zeal with which the French settlement at Louisiana was prosecuted, the fears of the discerning part of the English colonists were alarmed. It was too apparent, that the French designed to confine the English colonies to narrow limits 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. Fiance, ii. 455 — 458. Charlevoix wrote from N. Orleans January, 1722 : " The 800 fine houses and the 5 parishes, which the news- papers gave it some two years ago, are reduced at present to 100 barracks, placed in no very great order ; to a great store house, built of wood ; to two or three houses, which would be no ornament to a village in France. The truest idea, that you can form of it, is to represent to yourself 200 persons, sent to build a city, who are encamped on the side of a great river, where they have thought of nothing but to shelter themselves from the injuries of the air, while they wait for a plan . . . M. de Pauger has just now showed me one of his drawing. It is very fine and very regular ; but it will not be so easy to execute it, as it was to trace it on paper." Travels in N. America, 324, 334 ; and N. France, ii. 430, 440, 441. The hurricane was in September. A plan of New Orleans may be seen in the last cited volume, in Jefferys' Hist. French Do- minions in America, and in Du Pratz. It is said that, about A. n. 1719, a party of Spaniards, supposed to have come from New Mexico, attempted to get into the country of the Illinois, with the intention of driving out the French from Louisi- ana ; but that all of them, one only excepted, were killed by the Indians of the Missouri. That account has not been introduced into the text, because the time and the circumstances of the action are vaguely and diversely stated ; and because Charlevoix, who received the account from an Otchagra Indian in 1721, seems to place little confidence in it himself. " It was not certainly known," he observes, " from what part of New Mexico these Spaniards came, nor what was their design ; for what I have already said of it is only founded on the reports [sur des bruits] of the savages, who perhaps intended to make their court to us, in publishing, that, by this defeat, they had done us a great service." Charlevoix, Nouv. France, iii. 293, 294, and Travels, Lett. xix. Yet this stoiy is gravely and unconditionally told by French and English historians, half a cen- tuiy afterward. 2 American State Papers, xii. 34. They afterwards settled some Acadians a little higher up, and finally some others at Point Coupee ; but the whole limits of these cottages or settlements did not extend to more than 15 or 20 acres of land upon the front of the river. lb. BRITISH COLONIES. 529 along the sea coast, by a chain of forts on the great passes from 1722. Canada to Louisiana. Governor Burnet of New York, well v^-v-^/ acquainted with the geography of the interior country, wisely concluded it to be of the utmost importance, to get command of lake Ontario, as well for the benefit of the trade, and the security of the friendship of the Six Nations, as to frustrate those designs of the French. This year, therefore, he began the erection of a trading house at Oswego, in the country of the Senecas. 1 A congress of several governors and commissioners was holden Congress at with the Six Nations at Albany ; and the ancient friendship was A ^a»y. renewed. 2 Four Indian nations sent deputies to make peace with the Indian na- English in Carolina. They were well received ; and, in re- tions - turn, owned themselves subjects of Great Britain. " The prov- ince being now under the protection of the crown, by the assist- ance received from England the Indians were expelled, and forced to accept equitable terms of peace." 3 The colony of Massachusetts contained upwards of 94,000 Massachu . inhabitants. Its militia consisted of 16 regiments of foot, and 15 setts. troops of horse. 4 A profesorship of divinity was founded at Harvard College, Harvard by Thomas Hollis, a merchant of London. Edward Wiggles- College, worth was elected the first professor, and inducted into office the same year. 5 Provision was now also made by Mr. Hollis for an annual bounty of £10 apiece to several " pious young students, devoted to the work of the ministry." 6 R. Judah Monis re- 1 Smith, N. York, 155. Colden, Hist. Five Nations, Papers, 26. 2 Smith, N. York, 155. Brit. Emp. [ii. 222.] says, the governors of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, attended this congress. 3 Wynne, ii. 265, 266. 4 Hutchinson, ii. c. 3. Brit. Domin. in N. America, i. 215. This statement was reported to the Board of Trade and Plantations by governor Shute, who returned to England in 1723. The alarm list of males was about one third more than the training list ; because many were excused from impresses and quarterly trainings. The militia, in 1718, amounted to 15,000 men. lb. 5 Records of Harvard College. Mr. Hollis, after consultation with several respectable dissenting ministers, some of whom were educated at the Universi- ties of Edinburgh and Leyden, established certain Rules relating to his Professor of Divinity ; which, among other requisitions, required, " that the Professor be a Master of Arts, and in communion with some Christian church of one of the three denominations, Congregational, Presbyterian, or Baptist; that his province be to instruct the students in the several parts of Theology by reading a system of positive, and a course of controversial divinity, beginning always with a short prayer ; that the professor read publicly once a week upon divinity, either posi- tive, or controversial, or casuistical ; and as often upon church historv, critical exposition of the Scripture, or Jewish antiquities, as the Corporation with the approbation of the Overseers shall judge fit ; and the person, chosen from time to time to be a Professor, be a man of solid learning in Divinity, of sound or orthodox principles, one who is well gifted to teach; of a sober and pious life, and of a grave conversation." Ibid. 6 Ibid. See a. d. 1731. VOL. I. 67 530 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1722. Rector Cut- ler & others adopt epis- copacy. Episcopal church. Townships incorpo- rated. nounced Judaism ; received Christian baptism ; and was made instructor of the Hebrew language in Harvard College. 1 The day after the commencement in Yale College, rector Cutler, five other ministers, and one of the tutors of the college, exhibited a written declaration, signifying, that some of them doubted the validity, and the rest were more fully persuaded of the invalidity of presbyterian ordination, in distinction from epis- copal. A public conference and disputation were holden soon after, by appointment, in the college library, at which governor Saltonstall presided; and three of the ministers retracted. 2 The trustees of the college excused Mr. Cutler from all farther ser- vice as rector ; and accepted the resignation of the tutor. This event surprised and affected the trustees and the body of the people ; for there was not, at that time, one episcopal minister in the colony of Connecticut, and very few of the laity were inclined to episcopacy. A fundamental principle of the college was en- dangered, if not violated. One of the first rules adopted by the trustees, in 1701, required the rector "studiously to endeavour to promote the power and purity of religion, and the best edifi- cation of these New England churches." As an additional security to the observance of this rule, that board, on this un- expected occurrence, voted, " That all such persons, as shall hereafter be elected to the office of Rector or Tutor in this college, shall, before they are accepted therein, declare their assent to the Confession of Faith owned and consented to by the elders and messengers of the churches in the colony of Con- necticut, assembled by delegation at Saybrook, September 9, 1708, and confirmed by the act of the General Assembly ; and shall particularly give satisfaction to them of the soundness of their faith, in opposition to Arminian and prelalical corruptions, or any other of dangerous consequence to the purity and peace of our churches." 3 An episcopal church was built at Providence, in Rhode Island. 4 The townships of Chester, Nottingham, Barrington, and Rochester, in New Hampshire, were granted and incorporated. 5 1 Colman's Sermon at his Baptism. Stiles, Literary Diary. 2 Stiles, MS. with a copy of the Declaration. See Note XXXVIII. 3 Pies. Clap, Hist. Yale College, 11, 31—34. " This vote is agreeable to the Constitution of all the Universities in Scotland, in which all the officers are ad- mitted and continued, upon condition that they explicitly give their consent to the Westminster Confession of Faith, received in the church of Scotland, as the Confession of their Faith, agreeable to the Word of God, and containing the sum and substance of the doctrines of the Reformed Churches." Thi3 requi- sition is " confirmed by sundry Acts of Parliament in Scotland." Ibid. 4 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 323. 5 Belknap, N. Hamp. ii. 41. Farmer and Moore, N. H. Gazetteer. BRITISH COLONIES. 531 King George I. granted to John duke of Montague his letters 1722. patent, constituting him captain general of St. Lucia and St. v^-^-^/ Vincent, with liberty to settle those islands with British subjects, islands of A squadron was accordingly fitted out, well furnished for prose- ||; vtacent! curing that design; but the settlement, being opposed by the French, miscarried. St. Lucia was, by agreement, evacuated by both French and English ; and, together with St. Vincent, re- mained a neutral island, until the treaty of 1763. 1 1723. The province of Pennsylvania made its first experiment of a Pennsylva- paper currency. It issued, in March, £15,000 on such terms nia g SS (Jj e j? as appeared likely to be effectual to keep up the credit of the bills. It made no bans, but on land security, or plate deposited in the loan office ; obliged the borrowers to pay five per cent, for the sums they took up ; made its bills a tender in all payments, on pain of confiscating the debt, or forfeiting the commodity ; imposed sufficient penalties on all persons, who presumed to make any bargain or sale on cheaper terms in case of being paid in gold or silver ; and provided for the gradual reduction of the bills by enacting, that one eighth of the principal, as well as the whole interest, should be annually paid. 2 The advantage soon experienced by this emission, together with the insufficiency of the sum, induced the government, in the latter end of the year, to emit £30,000 more, on the same terms. 3 A fort was built on Connecticut river, about this time, and FortDum- named Fort Dummer. 4 A settlement was made at this place the next year. 5 At a court of admiralty in Rhode Island in July, 25 pirates, Phatesexe- taken by captain Peter Solgard, commander of the Greyhound cuted< man of war, were found guilty, and ordered to be executed. 6 The number of white inhabitants in South Carolina was com- Population puted to amount to 14,000. The slaves in that province, con- j^' Caro " 1 Univ. Hist. xli. 219—225. Three years before [1719], M. d" Estrees ob- tained from the regent of France a grant of St. Lucia, and sent a colony to possess and settle it ; but, on the remonstrance of the British ambassador at Paris, he had orders from his court to discontinue his settlement, and to with- draw his people from that island. lb. 170. 2 Franklin, Pennsylv. 86. This province was one of the last, if not the very last, which emitted a paper currency. lb. 3 Proud, ii. 173. Dr. Franklin says, in 1729 there was a new emission of £30,000, to be reduced one sixteenth a year. Hist. Rev. 86. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 106. From lieut. governor Dummer, under whose direction it was built. 5 Trumbull, Cent. Sermon, 16. The first settlement in Vermont. 6 Salmon, Chron. Hist. Pres. Stiles [MSS.] says, " July 19, 1723, 26 pirates were executed at Newport, Rhode Island." 532 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1723. sisting chiefly of negroes and a few Indians, amounted to 18,000. v^-v-^ The total population was 32,000. x Beaufort. Beaufort, in North Carolina, was incorporated. 2 Episcopal An episcopal church was built at Stratford, in Connecticut, churches anc i na med Christ church. 3 The second episcopal church in Boston was built in Salem street, and named Christ church. It was opened in December by Rev. Timothy Cutler, who was ordained in England by the bishop of Norwich, and appointed missionary to this church by the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 4 The Nica- The Nicariagas of Michillimackinac were, by their own de- riagas. s j re? received by the Six Nations, to be the seventh nation. This transaction was at Albany, 80 men of that nation, beside women and children, being present. 5 Death of Increase Mather, minister of Boston, died, in the 85th year I. Mather. f his age. 6 1724. The East- 1 The inhabitants of the eastern parts of New England were offended^ 3 still harassed by Indian hostilities. The Abenaquis, or eastern Indians, were situated between the colonies of two European nations which were often at war ; and this local circumstance chiefly accounts for the frequency of their wars with New Eng- land. Other causes, however, affected them. They were ex- tremely offended with the English for making settlements on the 1 Hewatt, i. 308, 309. Drayton, S. Car. 103. In the estimate both of the free inhabitants and of the slaves, women and children are included. [See 1721.] The white inhabitants had not increased since 1721. 2 Laws of North Carolina. 3 Humphreys, 335. " The first people who strove to have the church wor- ship settled here, were about 15 families, most tradesmen, some husbandmen, who had been born and bred in England, and came and settled here." lb. Mr. Pigot was appointed by the Society for propagating the Gospel, missionary at Stratford in 1722 ; and he was the first missionary fixed in Connecticut. The church was not founded here until 1723, at which time the reverend Samuel Johnson succeeded Mr. Pigot. lb. Trumbull, i. 477. 4 Rev. Mr. Eaton's Historical Account of Christ Church. This church is furnished with a chime of bells cast in England, one of the mottos of which is, " We are the first ring of bells cast for the British empire in North America, 1744." In Coll. Mass. Hst. Soc. iii. 261, this article is placed in 1722 ; but I rely on the account of my respected friend,, the present Rector. In 1733, the church wardens of Christ Church received his majesty's present of plate, with bibles and other rich furniture, obtained by the interest of governor Belcher. Holyoke MSS. 5 Map prefixed to Colden, Hist. Five Nations. Smith, N. York, i. 155. 6 Hutchinson, ii. c. 3. Dr. Mather had been a preacher 66 years, and a minister of the same church in Boston 62 years. " He was president of Harvard College from 1694 to 1701 ; but rendered himself most conspicuous in the character of agent for the Province in England, where his labours and services for several years were very great, and his reward very small." Ibid. See 1688. BRITISH COLONIES. 533 lands at the eastward, after the peace of Utrecht; and for their 1724. building forts, block houses, and mills, by which their usual mode v^^-w/ of passing the rivers and carrying places was interrupted ; nor could they believe, though solemnly assured, that the fortifica- tions were erected for their defence against invasion. At the conference at Arrowsick, they had earnestly requested governor Shute to fix a boundary, beyond which the English should not extend their settlements ; but he did not see fit to accede to the proposal. Their jealousies and discontents were heightened by father Ralle, a French Jesuit, who resided at Norridgwock, and held a close correspondence with the governor of Canada. Such injuries had been done to the English settlers, that so early as 1720 many of them removed. The garrisons were then reinforced ; and scouting parties were ordered into the eastern quarter, under the command of colonel Walton. Though the Indians were thus restrained from open hostilities, they proceeded at length from insolences to menaces ; and refused to attend a conference, pro- posed by the government. In 1722, 230 men, under colonel Westbrooke, were sent to seize Ralle, who was regarded as the principal instigator of the Indians ; but he escaped into the woods, and they merely brought off his strong box of papers. The Indians, to revenge this attempt to seize their spiritual father, committed various acts of hostility, and at length destroyed the {J town of Berwick. This last act determined the government to Berwick, issue a declaration of war. 1 The Indians still continuing their devastations on the frontiers, Norridg- the government now resolved on an expedition to Norridgwock ; ^°oyed?" and entrusted its execution to captains Moulton and Harman of York. These officers, each at the head of 100 men, invested and surprised that village ; killed the obnoxious Jesuit with about Ralle killed. 80 of his Indians ; recovered 3 captives ; destroyed the chapel ; and brought away the plate and furniture of the altar, and a devotional flag, as trophies of their victory. 2 1 It was published at Boston and Portsmouth 25 July, 1722. See 1720. 2 Belknap, N. Ham p. ii. c. 14. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 376—385. Se- bastian Ralle died in the 67th year of his age, after a painful mission of 37 years ; 26 of which were spent at Norridgwock. Previous to his residence at this place, he spent six years in travelling among the Indian nations in the interior parts of America ; and learned most of their languages. " II scavoit presque toute les langues, qu'on parle dans ce vaste continent." He was a man of good sense, learning, and address ; and by a gentle, condescending deportment, and a compliance with the Indian mode of life, he obtained an entire ascendency over the natives ; and used his influence to promote the interests of the French among them. " He even made the offices of devotion serve as incentives to their ferocity ; and kept a flag, in which was depicted a cross, surrounded by bows and arrows, which he used to hoist on a pole at the door of his church, when he gave them absolution, previously to their engaging in any warlike enterprise." A dictionary of the Norridgwock language, composed by Father Ralle, was found among his papers ; and it was deposited in the Library of 534 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1724. Act respect- ing fune- rals. Episcopal church. Free school. Great tide. Missouri Indians. Newfound- land. There were imported into South Carolina 439 slaves ; also British goods and manufactures, to the amount of between £50,000 and £60,000 sterling. In exchange for these slaves and commodities, 18,000 barrels of rice, and about 52,000 bar- rels of pitch, tar, and turpentine, together with deer skins, furs, and raw silk, were exported to England. 1 Holliston and Walpole, in Massachusetts, were incorporated. 2 The legislature of Massachusetts passed an act to retrench the extraordinary expense at funerals, and prohibiting the giving of scarves on the penalty of £20. 3 A brick church was built in St. Helen's parish, in South Caro- lina. The assembly of that province passed an act to establish a free school in Dorchester. 4 A great storm, attended with a very uncommon tide, was experienced in New England. At Boston the tide rose two feet higher than it had ever been known to rise before. At Hamp- ton, the sea broke over its natural limits, and inundated the marshes for many miles. 5 The Padoucas being at war with the Indians in alliance with the French, and obstructing the French trade, M. de Borgmont, commandant at New Orleans, accompanied by some of the allied Indians, went to that nation to make a peace between it and all the nations bordering on the Missouri. 6 From the different harbours of Newfoundland there were exported, this year, in 59 vessels, 111,000 quintals offish. 7 Harvard College. There is this memorandum on it : " 1691. II y a un an que je suis parmi les sauveges je commence a mettre en ordre en forme de diction- aire les mots que j'apprens." It is a quarto volume, of above 500 pages. For a biographical notice of Ralle, see Farmer and Moore, Coll. i. 108 — 112 ; also 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. viii. 256, 257. 1 Hewatt, i. 310. This trade was carried on almost entirely in British ships. Carolina had also a trade to the West Indies, New England, New York, and Pennsylvania. lb. Drayton, S. Car. 164, 173. 2 Massachusetts Laws. Holliston began to be settled about the year 1710. It received its name at the time of its incorporation, as a mark of respect to Mr. Thomas Hollis of London, a liberal patron of Harvard College. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 19. 3 Massachusetts Laws. 4 Humphreys, Hist. Account, 103, 125. 5 Coll. Mass. Hist. ii. 12. Letter from C. Mather. " We could sail in boats from the Southern Battery to the rise of ground in King's street, and from thence to the rise of ground ascending towards the north meeting house. It filled all the cellars, and filled the floors of the lower rooms in the houses and ware houses in town. The damage inexpressible in the country. On the inside of Cape Cod, the tide rose four feet, and without, it rose ten or a dozen feet higher than was ever known. At Rhode Island and Piscataqua they fared as we did at Boston." Dr. Mather says, the storm was on February 24th, 1723 ; but his letter, giving an account of it, is dated in September, 1724. He probably used the old style, which protracted the year to the 25th of March ; I have therefore inserted the article under 1724. 6 Du Pratz, iii. 141. ~t Brit. Emp. i. 159. BRITISH COLONIES. 535 The sect of Dunkers took its rise in Pennsylvania. 1 1724. Gurdon Saltonstall, governor of Connecticut, died, in the 59th ^-v~^/ year of his age ; 2 John Leverett, president of Harvard College, Deaths, aged 62 years ; 3 and William Trent, chief justice of New Jer- sey. 4 1725. No final agreement having been yet concluded with respect Palmer's to the limits of Florida and Carolina, the Indians, who were in expedition alliance with Spain, particularly the Yamasees, continued to Florida, harass the British settlements. Colonel Palmer at length, to make reprisals, collected a party of militia and friendly Indians, to the number of about 300 ; and, entering Florida, appeared before the gates of St. Augustine, and compelled the inhabitants to take refnge in their castle. In this expedition, he destroyed their provisions in the fields, drove off their cattle, killed some Indians, and made others prisoners, and burned almost every house in the colony ; leaving the people of Florida but little 1 Adams, View of Religions, Art. Dunkers. It was founded, by a German at Ephrata, in Pennsylvania. 7 Eliot, Biog. He was the son of Nathaniel, who was one of the king's council, and great grandson of Sir Richard Saltonstall, first assistant of Massa- chusetts. He was born at Haverhill ; educated at Harvard College ; became a very accomplished preacher; and, in 1691, was ordained pastor of the church in New London. He was eminent for learning and wisdom, and his judgment was highly respected by literary men ot all professions. So great was the re- spect of the people for him, that the assembly of Connecticut repealed a law which required the governor to be chosen from among the magistrates in nomi- nation; and in 1707 he was elected governor of the colony, and was annually chosen afterward till his death. He is numbered among the benefactors of Harvard College. Governor Saltonstall left a widow, who was distinguished for intellectual talents and graceful accomplishments, and who, " above all, was adorned with exemplary piety." Madam Saltonstall, before the governor's death, gave £100 to each of the New England colleges, and by her will £1000 to be appropriated to two students of bright parts and sober lives, designed for the ministry. To the Old South church in Boston, " of which she had been a long while a great ornament," she gave a large silver bason ; £10 to each pastor ; and £100 to the poor of the town, beside many other great bequests and lega- cies ; u and her will was all written by her own hand." Dr. Eliot presents a full view of her character, which he supposed to have been drawn by Rev. Mr. Prince. 3 Eliot and Allen, Biog. President Leverett was a grandson of governor Leverett, born in Boston, and educated at the college over which he afterward presided. After filling various offices in civil life " with dignity, integrity, and applause," he, in 1707, was chosen president of Harvard College. In his care of this seminary he was indefatigable ; and it flourished much during his presidency. He was conspicuous for his learning ; and was an eminent theologian as well as statesman, and unaffectedly pious. His literary character was so respected abroad, that he was elected a member of the Royal Society. 4 Smith, N. Jersey, c. 22. He was several years a member, and sometimes the speaker of the assembly. He had also been speaker of the assembly of Pennsylvania. He was a large trader at Trenton (at first called Little-Worth) ; and when that place was laid out for a town, it took its name from him. 536 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1725. Synods in N. England abolished. Towns in- corporated. Feb. Lovewell marches against the Indians. property, excepting what was protected by the guns of the fort. 1 Under the first charter, synods, for suppressing errors in prin- ciples or immoralities in practice, or for establishing or reform- ing church government and order, had been frequent ; but under the new charter no synod had been convened. Several ancient members in both houses still retained their affection for the Cambridge platform ; and an application being made by the ministers for calling a synod, it was granted in council ; but the house did not concur. The subject was afterward referred to the next session by a vote of both houses, to which the lieu- tenant governor gave his consent. Opposition was made to the measure by the episcopal ministers, who applied to England for its prevention. In the absence of the king, the lords justices sent over instruction to surcease all proceedings ; and the lieutenant governor received a reprimand for " giving his consent to a vote of reference, and neglecting to transmit an account of so remark- able a transaction." 2 The proposal was therefore relinquished ; and no subsequent attempt has been made for a synod. 3 Kingston, Methuen, Easton, and Stoneham, in Massachusetts, were incorporated. 4 Captain John Lovewell, of Dunstable, with a party of men, by a silent march on an Indian track, discovered and killed 10 Indians from Canada, who were within two days' march of the frontiers of New England. These Indians were well furnished with new guns, and plenty of ammunition, and had spare blankets, 1 Hewatt, i. 314, 315. 2 Gov. Hutchinson supposes the application of the episcopal ministers was to the bishop of London. Mr. Dummer, agent of the province, writes from Eng- land 1 September, 1725, " The bishop of London has laid before the lords justices a written authentic copy of our ministers' memorial to the general court to empower them to meet and act in a synod, consented to by the lieutenant governor, and their excellencies are much displeased with his conduct herein. It is thought here that the clergy should not meet in so public and authoritative a manner without the king's consent as head of the church, and that it would be a bad precedent for Dissenters here to ask the same privilege, which, if granted, would be a sort of vying with the established church." 3 Hutchinson, ii. 323. The memorial for a synod was made by the Conven- tion of ministers, which annually meets at Boston. It is dated May 27, 1725, and is preserved in Hutchinson's history. The considerations assigned for the measure are, " the great and visible decay of piety in the country, and the growth of many miscarriages ; the laudable example of our predecessors to recover and establish the faith and order of the gospel in the churches ; " and the lapse of " 45 years since these churches have seen any such conventions." It was proposed, that the synod (to consist of the pastors and messengers of the several churches in the province) should " offer their advice upon that weighty case : What are the miscarriages whereof we have reason to think the judg- ments of Heaven upon us call us to be more generally sensible, and what may be the most evangelical and effectual expedients to put a stop unto those or the like miscarriages ? " The memorial was signed by " Cotton Mather, in the name of the ministers assembled in their general convention." 4 Massachusetts Laws. BRITISH COLONIES. 537 mockaseens, and snow shoes, for the accommodation of the 1725. prisoners whom they expected to take. They were found lying v^^^/ asleep around a fire, by the side of a frozen pond ; and 7 of them were killed by the first discharge of the English guns. En- couraged by this success, Lovewell marched with a company of 34 men, to attack the villages of Pigwacket, on the upper part of the river Saco ; but he and a great proportion of his company were ambuscaded and killed by the Indians. After this action the Indians resided no more at Pigwacket, until the peace. 1 The conduct of the marquis de Vaudreuil, governor of Canada, Mission to was so flagrant a breach of the treaty of peace between England Canada - and France, that a spirited remonstrance was judged to be ex- pedient. Massachusetts and New Hampshire accordingly sent commissioners to Canada on that errand ; and their mission was productive of good effects. 2 The first newspaper, printed in the colony of New York, was Newspaper, published this year in the city of New York, by William Brad- ford, under the title of " The New York Gazette." 3 John Wise, minister of Ipswich, Massachusetts, died, at an Death of advanced age. 4 J> Wlse " 1 Penhallow. Belknap, N. Hamp. ii. 62—79. Lovewell and his company received at Boston the bounty of £100 for each of the 10 scalps.— About half way between a remarkable Indian mound in Ossipee and the western shore of Ossipee lake, " are the remains of the fort built by the brave capt. Lovewell just before he fell in the celebrated battle near Lovewell's pond in Fryeburg." Farmer and Moore, Coll. i. 46. This battle was one of the most fierce and obstinate which had been fought with the Indians. The enemy, who had the advantage in situation and number, at length quitted their ground, leaving the bodies of Lovewell and his men unscalped. The shattered remnant of this brave company, collecting themselves together, found 3 of their number unable to move from the spot; 11 wounded, but able to march; and 9, who had re- ceived no hurt. A lieutenant, the chaplain, and one more person, perished in the woods, for want of dressing for their wounds. The others, after enduring the most severe hardships, came in, one after another ; and were recompensed for their valour and sufferings. A generous provision was also made for the widows and children of the slain. 2 Belknap, N. Hamp. ii. 70 — 79. Hutchinson, ii. c. 3. 3 Thomas, Hist. Printing, ii. 94. Miller, ii. 250. 4 Allen, Biog. Mr. Wise was educated at Harvard College, where he took his first degree in 1673. He was a distinguished friend to the liberties of the colonists in church and state ; and was imprisoned by Sir Edmund Andros for remonstrating, with others, against taxes without an assembly. See 1688. When a number of ministers, in 1705, signed proposals for establishing associa- tions, to be entrusted with ecclesiastical power, he exerted himself to preserve the threatened liberties of the congregational churches. On this occasion he wrote " The Church's quarrel espoused ; " a work, which, by its wit and satire, as well as argument, produced great effect. This work was published in 1710. A Vindication of the government of the New England churches, by the same author, was published about seven years afterwards. Mr. Wise was a learned man, and an eloquent preacher ; and was eminent for integrity and fortitude, for charity and piety. vol. i. 68 538 AMERICAN ANNALS. Explana- tory charter of Massa- chusetts. Treaty at Falmouth. Indian alli- ance with the English. 1726. Governor Shute of Massachusetts having carried to England several complaints against the house of representatives, for en- croaching on the royal prerogative, Mr. Cooke, who was sent as agent for the house, acknowledged the fault of his constituents in regard to some of these articles. The several acts or votes of the house, relative to the king's woods, and to the forts and forces which, it was alleged, the house had taken out of the hands of the lieutenant governor after the governor had left the province, were acknowledged indefensible. Two points more dubious, which respected the governor's power to negative a speaker, and the time for which the house might adjourn, were regulated by an explanatory charter ; in which the power of the governor to negative a speaker was expressly declared ; and the power of the house to adjourn was limited to two days. This charter, when presented to the general court, was, after some debate, accepted. 2 A cessation of arms having been agreed upon,, the last year, between the Eastern Indians and Massachusetts government, and four Indian delegates having then signed a treaty of peace at at Boston ; this treaty was now formally ratified at Falmouth, in Casco Bay. It was signed by lieutenant governor Dummer on the one part, and by Wenemovett, chief sachem, on the other ; and has been applauded as the most judicious treaty ever made with the Indians. A long peace succeeded it. The house of representatives voted £100 to be paid to him out of the public treasury, "with the sincere and heatry thanks of this court to his Honour, for his good service at the ratification of the Treaty of peace." 3 The Senecas, Cayougas, and Onondagas acceded to the same terms of alliance with the English, to which the Mohawks and Oneidas had previously agreed. The whole, therefore, of 2 Hutchinson, ii. c. 3. Douglass, i. 380. Brit. Emp. 352. The charter is dated 20 August, 12th of George I. It was acted upon in the general court of Massachusetts 15 January, 1726. Governor Hutchinson says, 1725 ; not ad- verting to the ancient mode of computing time. The house resolved, that the question of acceptance or non-acceptance should be put to each member present. The speaker put the question accordingly ; and there were 48 yeas, and 32 nays. Four members of the council voted against the charter, and the rest for it. Pres. Stiles, MSS. " This," says Hutchinson, "was the issue of the unfortu- nate controversy with governor Shute, unless we allow, that it was the occasion also of the controversy with his successor." 3 Conference with the Eastern Indians at the Ratification of the Treaty of Peace, held at Falmouth in Casco Bay in July and August, 1726. Beside Mr. Dummer, John Wentworth, lieutenant governor of New Hampshire, and Paul Mascarene, Esq. one of the council and a commissioner of the government of Nova Scotia, were parties to this treaty. Hutchinson, ii. c. 3. BRITISH COLONIES. 539 the dwelling and hunting lands of the Five Nation confederacy 1726. were now put under the protection of the English, and held by ^^^s them in trust, for the use of these Indians and their posterity. 1 A professorship of mathematics and natural philosophy was Harvard founded in Harvard College by Mr. Thomas Hollis of London ; College. and Isaac Greenwood commenced the duties of that office the following year. 2 The first printer introduced into Virginia was William Parks, ^"Jljlf £ who was settled there about this time. 3 The first printing press Maryland. in Maryland was set up in Annapolis ; the printing for this colony was previously done at Philadelphia, by William Bradford. 4 The erection of the new English trading house at the mouth Ontario, of Onondaga river naturally excited the jealousy of the French ; who, through fear of losing a profitable trade which they had almost entirely engrossed, and the command of lake Ontario, launched two vessels into the lake, and transported materials for building a large store house, and repairing the fort at Niagara. 5 Admiral Hosier sailed from England in April, with a squadron ^oSs of 7 ships of war, to intercept the Spanish galeons, and arrived at disastrous Porto Bello on the 3d of June. On his arrival, the galeons un- expedition. loaded their treasure. To prevent them from sailing, the fleet lay off that pestilential coast until both the ships and their crews were desolated. 6 A tract of land called Penacook, lying on Merrimack river, Rumford, about 7 miles square, having been appropriated the last year by JJ^ d> * set " the government of Massachusetts for a township, it was now laid 1 Pownall, Administration of the Colonies, 169 — 174 ; where there is a copy of the Agreement with the Sachems of the Five Nations, with their respective marks. 2 Records of Harvard College. Mr. Greenwood was elected Professor, and began his Lectures in 1727 ; but the government of the college waited for the confirmation of the election by the Founder of the professorship ; and he was not inducted until 13 February, 1728. Mr. Hollis sent over Rules and Orders, relating to this professor, as he had previously done in relation to the Professor of divinity. By these Rules it was required, " that the Professor be a Master of Arts, and well acquainted with the several parts of the Mathematics and Natural and Experimental Philosophy ; and that his province be to instruct the students in a system of Natural Philosophy and a course of Experimental, in which is to be comprehended Pneumaticks, Hydrostaticks, Mechanicks, Stat- icks, Opticks &c. in the elements of Geometry, together with the doctrine of Proportions, the principles of Algebra, Conic sections, plain and spherical Trigonometry, with the general principles of Mensuration, Plains and Solids, and the principles of Astronomy and Geography, viz. the doctrine of the Sphere, the use of the- Globes, the motions of the heavenly bodies according to the different hypotheses of Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, and Copernicus, with the general principles of Dialling, the division of the world into its various kingdoms, with use of the Maps, &c." 3 Miller, Retrospect, ii. 301. He printed the body of Laws, folio, in 1733. 4 Thomas, Hist. Printing, ii. 127. 5 Smith, N. York, i. 168. 6 Salmon, Chron. Hist. Univ. Hist. xli. 403 — 405. Admiral Hosier died on board his ship 23 August, 1727. Vice Admiral Hopson, who succeeded him in 540 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1726. out in lots, and a settlement was begun. A block bouse was v^-v-w/ erected, to serve as a place of worship and as a garrison of de- fence. 1 Death of s. Samuel Penhallow died at Portsmouth, in the 62d year of Penhallow. J-jj s Qo-e. 2 1727. Death of King George I. died on the 11th of June, in the 68th year George I. f j^g a g e? anc [ j n t } ]e j3 m f j-,^ re ig n j a nd vvas succeeded by George II. 3 May 20. Preliminary articles for a general pacification were signed European at Paris by the ministers of the emperor of Germany, the king extendi" °^ Great Britain, and the States General. On the signing of to America, these articles, all hostilities were to cease ; a safe return was to be granted to the Spanish galeons ; the English fleet was to depart from Porto Bello and all the ports of America, and re- turn to Europe ; commerce was to be exercised in America by the English, as heretofore, according to treaties. 4 Act res . The parliament of England passed an act for the importing of pectingsait. salt into Pennsylvania by British ships, navigated by the acts of navigation, for curing fish, in like manner as was practised in the command of the fleet on the coast of Spanish America, died on board his ship 8 May, 1728. That unhealthful climate carried off not only the two ad- mirals, but their whole ships' crews " almost twice over." The ships were so eaten with worms, that they with difficulty returned to Europe, where most of them were rebuilt, or broken up. Glover, author of " Leonidas," in a poem, entitled " Admiral Hosier's Ghost," represents the number of the dead to be three thousand : " O'er the glimmering wave he hied him, Where the Burford rear'd her sail, With three thousand ghosts beside him, And in groans did Vernon hail." 1 Moore, Annals of Concord; Coll. N. Hamp. Hist. Soc. i. 156—159; andN. Hamp. Gazetteer, Art. Concord. In 1733 it was incorporated by the name of Rumford, and in 1765, by the government of New Hampshire, by the name of Concord. 2 Collections of the N. Hamp. Hist. Society, i. 13. He was born at St. Malon, in the county of Cornwall, in England, where his ancestors had possessed a landed estate. In 1686 he came to New England with Mr. Charles Morton, afterwards minister of Charlestown, in whose school at Newington Green he had been receiving his education. He married a daughter of president Cutt ; became possessed of a large estate ; and was distinguished for his hospitality to strangers, and liberality to the poor. He was for some years one of his majesty's council, and in 1717 was appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, which office he held till his death. He " filled many of the most important offices in the government, and discharged the duties attached to them with great integrity." He Was the author of " The History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians." Adams, Memoir of the Hon. Samuel Penhallow, prefixed to his " Indian Wars," reprinted in vol. 1. of the N. Hamp. Hist. Society. 3 Smollett, Hist. England, ii. b. 2. c. 4, 5. 4 Salmon, Chron. Hist. a. d. 1727. BRITISH COLONIES. 541 New England and Newfoundland, by virtue of an act of the 1727. 1 5th of Charles II. 1 ^^ Governor Burnet of New York erected a fort for the protec- Fort built tion of the post and trade at Oswego. The French had already at0swe S°- completed their works at Niagara. 2 On the 29th of October, there was a tremendous earthquake Earth- in New England. Its duration is supposed to have been about . d. and f. r. s. Dr. Mather was emi- nently distinguished by his learning, piety, and zeal. Dr. Colman [ib.] says, " It was conversation and acquaintance with him, in his familiar and occasional discourses and private communications, that discovered the vast compass of his knowledge, and the projections of his piety. Here he excelled, being exceed- ingly communicative. Here it was seen how his wit and fancy, his invention, his quickness of thought and ready apprehension, were all consecrated to God, as well as his will and affections." No American author, perhaps, ever pub- lished so many books as Dr. Mather. His " Magnolia Christi Americana, Or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England," is his greatest work. It is a store house to which the historian and antiquary will often repair. But they should repair to it with caution ; for the author believed more, and discriminated less, than becomes a writer of history. A pedantic style would have exposed the Magnalia to oblivion, but for the rich and important matter it contains, that can be found no where else. The books and tracts which Dr. Mather published, amounted to 382. Among his MSS. was a work, which he prepared for publi- cation, entitled Biblia Americana, or, the Scriptures of the Old and New New Testament illustrated, " the writing of which," says his biographer, " is enough constantly to employ a man, unless he be a miracle of diligence, the half of the three 'score years and ten, allowed us." This MS. is in the Library of the Mass. Hist. Society. A catalogue of the 382 books, which he published, is subjoined to his Life. 2 English Statutes, v. 708—714. European Settlements, ii. 240. Hewatt, i. 318, 319. Univ. Hist. xl. 436, 437. Anderson, iii. 158. Seven eighth parts of that vast territory cost but £22,500. A clause in the act reserved to John Lord Carteret the remaining eighth share of the property, " which," says Hewatt, " continues to this day legally vested in that family ; only all his share in that government he surrendered to the crown." Hewatt and Wynne erroneously place this article in 1728. Salmon says, the house of commons, in 1728, re- solved on an address to the king to make a purchase of the province. 3 Hewatt, ii. 86. From 1720 to 1729, both years included. BRITISH COLONIES. 545 There arrived, this year, at Pennsylvania, from Europe, 6208 1729. persons, for the purpose of settling in that colony. 1 \-*~v~*-/ All the acts, which governor Burnet had procured for the Acts of N. prohibition of trade between Albany and Montreal, were repealed ^Jgd?" by the king. 2 The Natchez, an Indian nation on the Mississippi, formed a Massacre of general conspiracy to massacre the French colonists of Louisi- aJ e th ^ rench ana. M. de Chepar, who commanded at the post of the Natchez, Natchez, had been somewhat embroiled with the natives ; but they so far dissembled, as to excite the belief that the French had no allies more faithful than they. The plot having been deeply laid, they appeared in great numbers about the French houses, on the 28th of November, telling the people that they were going a hunting. They sung after the calumet in honour of the French command- ant and his company. Each having returned to his post, a signal was given, and instantly the general massacre began. Nearly 200 persons were killed. Of all the people at the Natchez, not more than 20 French, and 5 or 6 negroes, escaped ; 150 children, and 80 women, with nearly as many negroes, were made prisoners. 3 The legislature of Connecticut passed an act to exempt quakers Colonial and baptists from ministerial taxes. 4 The legislature of Carolina acts ' passed an act for the more quiet settling of the bounds of the Meherrin Indians. 5 1 Europ. Settlements, ii. 205. Univ. Hist. xli. 28. Douglass, ii. 326. The account is thus stated by Anderson [iii. 155] : English and Welsh passengers and servants . . 267 Scots servants ........ 43 Irish passengers and servants 1155 Palatine passengers 243 Arrived at New Castle government alone, passen- } 4 ~q gers and servants, chiefly from Ireland, about 5 Total 6208 Thomas Makin, who wrote his " Descriptio Pennsylvania} " that year, represents the farmer of that province as fed and clothed from his own products : " Esuriens dulces epulas depromit inemptas, v Et proprio vestis vellere texta placet." " Sweet to his taste his unbought dainties are, And his own homespun he delights to wear." Proud, ii. 272. 2 Smith, N. York, i. 174. Smith ascribes this repeal to some unknown in- trigues ; and says, " it was pregnant with the worst consequences. Nothing could more naturally tend to undermine the trade at Oswego ; to advance the French commerce at Niagara ; to alienate the Indians from their fidelity to Great Britain; and particularly to rivet the defection of the Caghnuagas." 3 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. 466—467. Du Pratz, iii. 230—261. Univ. Hist. xl. 315. 4 Backus, N. Eng. ii. 91. 5 Laws of North Carolina. vol. i. G9 546 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1729. Pembroke, in New Hampshire, having been granted by Mas- \^-^^s sachusetts to the brave men who belonged to the company of Pembroke, captain Lovewell, and to the heirs of those who fell in the memorable engagement of Pigwacket, the first settlement was made there this year, by some of the survivors of that engage- N. H. set tied ment. Deaths. Governor William Burnet died at Boston; 2 Solomon Stod- dard, minister of Northampton, Massachusetts, died, in the 86th year of his age ; 3 and John Williams, minister of Deerfield, aged 65 years. 4 1730. Population The colony of Rhode Island having been divided the last of R. island, year into three counties, an exact account was taken this year of the number of its inhabitants, by order of the king. By this enumeration it was found to contain 17,935 souls ; of which 15,302 were English; 985, Indians; and 1648, Negroes. The white inhabitants of Newport were 3843, and those of Provi- dence, 3707. 5 The town of Providence was now divided 1 Farmer and Moore, Coll. ii. 173. The name of the place originally was Suncook, and afterwards Lovewellstown. It was incorporated in 1759. 2 Governor Burnet was the son of Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Sarum. He was born at the Hague in March before the Revolution, and named William after the Prince of Orange, who was his godfather. In 1720 he exchanged the office of comptroller of the customs for the government of New York and New Jersey. He came to the government of Massachusetts in 1728. He was a man of su- perior talents and of literary attainments ; and published political and theological essays. His library was one of the richest private libraries in America. Eliot and Allen, Biog. Diet. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 300. Smith, in his History of New York, i. p. 5th, gives a history of his administration in that province ; and Hutchinson, ii. c. 3. of his administration in Massachusetts. 3 Mr. Stoddard has been reputed one of the greatest theologians in New England. He was born in Boston ; received his elementary education " under the famous master Corlet of Cambridge ; " was graduated at Harvard College in 1662, and was afterwards one of the fellows of the house. He was ordained at Northampton in 1672, and preached without interruption 56 years. He was an indefatigable student, an acute disputant, and an able, laborious, and success- ful minister. He married the widow of his predecessor, Rev. E. Mather. Mr. Mather died young, leaving an only daughter, who was married to Rev. Mr. Williams of Deerfield. [See next Note.] Mrs. Stoddard, who survived her husband, was a daughter of Rev. Mr. Warham, who came to New England in 1630. The mother of Mr. Stoddard was a sister of Sir George Downing ; the first president Edwards was Mr. Stoddard's grandson. Eliot and Allen, Biog. where there is an account of his publications. 4 Appendix to Williams' Redeemed Captive. He was born at Roxbury, and educated at Harvard College. His wife (who was murdered by the Indians in 1704) was the only daughter of Rev. Eleazer Mather, first minister of North- ampton, and granddaughter of Rev. Mr. Warham. Mr. Williams preached " a very moving sermon " to the ministers of the Convention at Boston in May, 1728, and died 12 June, 1729, " greatly beloved and lamented." 5 The whole number of inhabitants in Newport, including Indians and Ne- groes, was 4640. The white inhabitants on the island were 5458. BRITISH COLONIES. 547 into the four towns of Providence, Srailhfield, Gloucester, and 1730. Scituate. 1 v_*-v-^/ The negroes in South Carolina are estimated to have been Negroes in 28,000; of which number 10,000 are supposed to have been Carolhia - capable of bearing arms. Their superiority of numbers to the white people emboldened them to lay a plot for a general mas- sacre ; but it was seasonably discovered, and happily sup- pressed. 2 The whale fishery on the North American coasts must, at this whale fish- time, have been very considerable ; for there arrived in England er y* from those coasts, about the month of July, 154 tons of train and whale oil, and 9200 of whale bone. In the first 1 5 days of July, there arrived at London from the American sugar colonies upward of 10,000 hogsheads of sugar, and 15,000 gallons of rum ; and half as much more was computed to have been carried to Bristol, Liverpool, and Glasgow. 3 From Barbadoes there were exported to Great Britain, this year, 22,769 hogs- heads of sugar. 4 The policy of government respecting the Indian tribes, hither- Treatywith to chiefly directed to the purchase of their superfluous lands, and J^ s chero " the tranquillity of the English settlements, was now extended to the prevention of new dangers. It was about this time that the projects of the French for uniting Canada and Louisiana began to be developed. Already had they extended themselves north- wardly from the gulf of Mexico, and eastwardly from the upper parts of the river Mississippi, and had many friends among the Indians to the southward and westward of Carolina. To coun- teract their views, it was now the wish of Great Britain to convert the Indians on the frontiers into allies or subjects, and, to this end, to make with them treaties of union and alliance. In pur- suance of this policy, Sir Alexander dimming was sent out from England, to conclude a treaty of alliance with the Chero- kees. These Indians occupied the lands about the head of Savannah river, and backwards among the Apalachian mountains. They were computed to amount to more than 20,000 ; 6000 of whom were warriors. In the month of April Sir Alexander met the chief warriors of all the Cherokee towns, at Nequassee ; and, in a speech to them, informed them by whose authority he was sent, and demanded of them to acknowledge themselves the sub- jects of his sovereign king George, and to promise obedience to 1 Callender, Cent. Discourse, 39—41. Brit. Emp. ii. 146. 2 Univ. Hist. xl. 435, 436. Brit. Emp. ii. 146. 3 Salmon, Chron. Hist. In the last 15 days of June, there were carried into the port of London 8175 hogsheads of sugar, and 36,866 gallons of rum. 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 209. Each hogshead weighed 13 hundred weight. Nearly 18,000 hogsheads went into the port of London. The clear profit of the Bar- badians, on the whole article exported, was £340,391. 548 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1730. State of Massachu- setts. Exports from the colonies. his authority. The chiefs, falling on their knees, promised fidelity and obedience. Sir Alexander, by their unanimous con- sent, nominated Moytoy, one of their chiefs, to be commander and chief of the Cherokee nation ; and, after many useful pres- ents had been made to them, the congress ended to their mutual satisfaction. The crown was brought from Tenessee, their chief town, and with five eagle tails and four scalps of their enemies, was presented by Moytoy to Sir Alexander, with a request that, on his arrival at Britain, he would lay them at his majesty's feet. On Sir Alexander's proposal to Moytoy to depute some of the chiefs to accompany him to Great Britain, to do homage in person to the great king, six of them agreed, and, joined by another at Charlestown, embarked for England. Admitted into the presence of the king, they promised, in the name of their nation, to continue forever his majesty's faithful and obedient subjects. A treaty was drawn up, and signed by the secretary to the lords commissioners of trade and plantations, on the one side, and by the marks of the Indian chiefs, on the other. In consequence of this treaty, the Cherokees remained, for many years, in a state of entire friendship and peace with the colon- ists. 1 Governor Belcher arrived at Boston, and succeeded governor Burnet. The militia of Massachusetts amounted to 50,000 men. Nearly 500 ships and 4000 sailors were employed by that colony, in its foreign traffic. 2 The articles of iron and copper ore, bees wax, hemp, and raw silk, the products of Virginia, were first exported from that colony to Great Britain ; 50 hundred weight of hemp, raised in New England and Carolina, were exported to the same kingdom ; 72 bags of wool, the product of Jamaica, St. Christopher's, and other West India islands, were exported thither ; and great quan- tities of peltry, by the Hudson's Bay company. 3 1 Hewatt, ii. 3—11. Ramsay, Revol. S. Carolina, i. 99—104 ; Hist. S. Car. i. 66. Wynne, ii. 266. Smollet, Hist. Eng. a. d. 1730. Salmon, Mod. Hist, iii. c. 10. Univ. Hist. xl. 437, 438. The Indian chiefs were amazed at the riches and magnificence of the British court. " We are come hither," said they, " from a mountainous place, where nothing but darkness is to be found — but we are now in a place where there is light .... The crown of our nation is differ- ent from that which the great king George wears, but to us it is all one .... We came hither naked and poor, as the worms of the earth ; but you have eveiy thing ; and we that have nothing must love you, and will never break the chain of friendship which is between us." Robert Johnson, who had formerly been governor of Carolina for the lords proprietors, arrived at that province in 1731, with a commission from the king, investing him with the same office ; and brought back the Cherokee chiefs. 2 Salmon, Chi on. Hist. Salmon gives the above statement of the militia and trade of Massachusetts, as from gov. Belcher's speech to the general court in December. 3 Anderson, iii. 167. All these articles, excepting the last, "were entirely new and mostly unexpected productions in those colonies." The entries in BRITISH COLONIES. 549 The company of the Indies reconveyed Louisiana to the king 1730. of France ; and M. de Salmon, commissary general of the ma- v^-v-^ rine, and inspector of Louisiana, took possession of the colony Louisiana, in the name of the king. 1 M. Perier, governor of Louisiana, 9 resolved on an expedition Expedition against the Natchez to revenge their massacre of the French, 5f a l L l {f tt,w M. le Sueur, whom he had sent to the Chactaws, to engage their assistance, arrived in February near the Natchez, at the head of 1500 or 1600 Chactaw warriors; and was joined in March by a body of French troops under M. de Loubois, the king's lieutenant, who had the chief command of the expedition. The army en- camped near the ruins of the old French settlement ; and, after resting there five days, marched to the enemy's fort, which was a league distant. After opening the trenches, and firing several days on the fort without much effect, the French at last ap- proached so near, that the Natchez sent conditional proposals of releasing all the French women and children in their possession ; but, gaining time by negotiation, they silently evacuated the fort in the night, with all their baggage and the French plunder. 3 The French prisoners, however, were ransomed ; the stockade fort of the Natchez w r as demolished ; a terrace fort was built in its place ; and a garrison of 120 men left there with cannon and ammunition. M. Perier, learning afterward that the Natchez had retired to The Natch- the west of the Mississippi, near the Silver Creek, about 60 ez e * tir * leagues from the mouth of Red River, applied to the French pateu court for succours to reduce them. M. Perier de Salvert, brother of the governor, arriving from France with 150 soldiers of the marine ; the two brothers set out with their army, and arrived, without obstruction, near the retreat of the Natchez. The enemy, terrified at their approach, shut themselves up in a fort which they had built ; but were soon forced, by the fire from the French mortars, to make signals for capitulation. The England were in the month of October. Of the iron from Virginia there were 40 tons ; 30 hundred weight of copper ore ; 156 quintals of bees wax ; 300 weight of hemp ; and 300 weight of raw silk. Two tons of iron were exported from that part of the island of St. Christopher, formerly possessed by the French. The Hudson's Bay company exported, this year, 11,040 coat and parchment beaver skins; 4404 do. of cubs; 1648 martins; 380 otter skins; 890 cat skins; 410 black bear skins, &c. By this trade the English saved much money, which they had formerly sent to Russia for this kind of useful peltry, but which was now entirely purchased with their own coarse woollen and other manufactures and produce. 1 Charlevoix, Nohv. France, ii. 500, 501. Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. Louisiajve. Du Pratz, liv. i. c. 12. 2 He had been commandant general of Louisiana for the West India company ; but, on the cession of the colony to the king, he was made the king's governor. Du Pratz. 3 The spoils of the massacre in 1729. 550 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1730. French army carried the Natchez to New Orleans, where they ^-v^^/ were confined in separate prisons; and afterward were trans- ported, as slaves, to St. Domingo. Thus that nation, the most illustrious in Louisiana, and the most useful to the French, was destroyed. 1 The first press introduced into the Carolinas was established at Charlestown. A printing house was opened there by Eleazar Phillips, who executed printing for the colony. Thomas Whit- marsh arrived soon after, with a press, and began the publication Newspaper. Q f a news paper, the first printed in either of the Carolinas. 2 Printing begun in S, Carolina; State of S. Carolina. Pennsylva- nia. 1731. Robert Johnson arrived at South Carolina, with a commis- sion from the king to be governor of that province. The bills of credit were continued ; £70,000 were stamped and issued by an act of the legislature ; 70 pieces of cannon were sent out by the king ; and the governor was instructed to build one fort at Port Royal, and another on the river Alatamaha. An independ- ent company of foot was allowed for the defence of the colony by land ; and ships of war were stationed there for the protection of trade. Upwards of 200 ships sailed from Charlestown the last year ; above 40,000 3 barrels of rice were shipped from that port, beside deerskins, furs, naval stores, and provisions ; and above 1500 negroes were imported into the colony. The rate of exchange had now risen to 700 per cent. ; 4 at which it con- tinued, with little variation, upward of 40 years. Charlestown contained between 500 and 600 houses, chiefly built of wood ; but from this time artificers and tradesmen were encouraged ; brick buildings were erected ; trade flourished ; and the planters made rapid progress toward wealth and independence. 5 The colonists of Pennsylvania, at this period, built about 2000 tons of shipping a year for sale, above what they employed in 1 Du Pratz, liv. i. c. 12. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, ii. liv. 22. 2 Thomas, Hist. Printing, ii. 154. Phillips died of a prevailing sickness in 1731. A part of the inscription on his grave stone is : " He was the first Printer to his Majesty." 3 Hewatt says, above 39,000 ; the author of European Settlements in America [ii. 259], 41,957; Postlethwait, Diet. Trade and Commerce, Art. British America, 41,757. If all refer to the same year, this article may strictly belong to 1730. Postlethwait gives it in these words : " It appears from the Custom house entries, from March 1730, to 1731, that there sailed within that time, from Charlestown, 207 ships, most of them for England, which carried, among other goods, 41,757 barrels of rice, about 500 pounds weight per barrel; 10,750 barrels of pitch ; 2063 of tar, and 759 of turpentine ; of deerskins 300 casks, con- taining 8 and 900 skins each ; besides a vast quantity of Indian corn," &c. 4 That is, £700 Carolina money were given for a bill of £100 sterling on England. 5 Hewatt, ii. 11—15. BRITISH COLONIES. 551 their own trade, which is supposed to have been about 6000 1731 tons. They traded with England, Portugal, and Spain ; with v^^L, the Canaries, Madeira, and the Azores isles; with the West India islands ; with New England, Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina. 1 Philadelphia contained 2400 houses, and 12,000 souls. 2 The colony of Massachusetts now contained 120,000 English Commer- mhabitants. Its trade was computed to employ 600 sail of ships cial state of and sloops, making at least 3S,G00 tons ; one half of which ^IttT^' traded to Europe. Its fisheries employed from 5000 to 6000 men. 3 The disputed boundary between New York and Connecticut Boundary wascompletely settled this year. On the establishment of this ^YoA partition, a tract of land lying on the Connecticut side, consisting and Con- of above 60,000 acres, called from its figure The Oblong, was neclicut - ceded to New York, as an equivalent foHands near the Sound, surrendered to Connecticut. 4 The French advanced up Lake Champlain, erected a fort at French fort Crown Point, within the limits of the province of New York, and at Crown began a settlement on the east side of the lake. 5 Point * Several townships in Massachusetts were, by an act of the county of legislature, taken from the counties of Suffolk, Middlesex, and Worcester Hampshire, and formed into a distinct county, which was called formed * the County of Worcester. 6 There were now in New England 6 furnaces for hollow ware, Furnaces and 19 forges. 7 Catesby's Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Ba- Catesby's hama Islands, with figures coloured after the life, was published Nat Hist * at London. 8 1 Anderson, iii. 170. Proud, ii. 204, 205. 2 Political Tracts in Harvard College Library. Brit. Emp. [ii. 437.] says, the population of Philadelphia was now nearly equal to that of Exeter in England. There were m the city one church of England, two Quaker meeting houses, one Presbyterian, one Independent, and one Anabaptist church. 3 Polit. Tracts Harv. Coll. Library. Anderson, iii. 172. The fisheries on the Whole British American coast to the northward and eastward of New York pro- duced, at a medium for several years preceding, 230,000 quintals of dried fish which were sent to Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean, where they pro- duced on an average clear of all charges, 12 shillings per quintal, the whole amounting to £138,000 sterling. 4 Smith, N. York, 175-177. Trumbull, i. 422, 423; where there is a par- ticular account of the controversy respecting that boundary. This partition was agreed on, and partly executed, in 1725. 5 Williams, Vermont, ii. 11. " This part of America became, of course, the seat ot war, and was constantly exposed to the depredations of both nations and their Indian allies." 6 Brit. Emp. ii. 53. Whitney, Hist. County Worcester, 1—13 7 Douglass, i. 109. 8 Biblioth. Americ. 123. Mitchill, Hist. Amer. Botany, in Coll. N. York Hist, hoc. u. 180. It was completed in 1748, in 2 volumes, folio. 552 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1731. Thomas Hollis, the distinguished benefactor of Harvard Col- «^v^w/ lege, died, at the age of 72 years. 1 Settlement of Georgia projected. 1732. A great part of the chartered limits of Carolina still remained unsettled. The vacant lands lay between the rivers Alatamaha and Savannah, on the south side of the colony, next to Florida ; and it was, therefore, highly interesting to Great Britain to oc- cupy and plant this territory, lest either the Spaniards from Florida, or the French on the Mississippi, should seize and pos- sess it. Such a seizure by the French was the more to be apprehended, because they had no footing on the eastern shores of North America, from which they might more easily commu- nicate with their sugar islands, than from their Mississippi colony ; and for want of which those islands were still obliged to receive supplies from the British continental colonies. At this critical period, a number of persons, from combined motives of patriotism and humanity, projected [he settlement of this vacant territory. By this measure it was intended to obtain first possession of an extensive tract of country ; to strengthen the province of Caro- lina ; to rescue numerous people in Great Britain and Ireland from the miseries of poverty ; to open an asylum for persecuted or oppressed protestants in different parts of Europe ; and to attempt the conversion and civilization of the natives. 2 " The 1 Records of Harvard College. Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, i. 1 ; ii. 598 — 601. Mr. Hollis, though a Baptist in principle, possessed that noble and catholic spirit, which seeks the good of the whole, rather than that of a sect. His zeal was exerted, and his wealth contributed, to advance the general interests of Christianity, and of the republic of letters. In 1727, the net produce of his donations to Harvard College (exclusive of gifts not vendible) amounted to £4900, New England currency, which, placed at interest at 6 per cent, pro- duced £294 per annum. This sum he appointed to be laid out annually in the following manner : To a Divinity Professor, £80 ; to a Professor of the Mathe- matics, £80 ; to the Treasurer of College, £20 ; to ten poor Students in Di- vinity, £100 ; to supply, £14. In addition to these generous donations, he gave the college a valuable apparatus for mathematical and philo- sophical experiments. He also sent a set of Hebrew and Greek types for printing, the present of a friend of his, valued at £39 sterling ; and, at different times, augmented the college library with very valuable books, partly his own gift, and partly by procurement from friends. 2 Anderson says, most of the projectors were members of parliament, who, having lately had occasion to observe the misery of the prisoners confined in the gaols for debt, were moved with compassion for their relief; and judged, that, were they settled in some new colony in the British plantations, they might, " instead of a burden and a disgrace, prove a great national benefit." James Oglethorpe, esquire, the principal founder of Georgia, seems to have been the first and most active philanthropist, in the cause of that class of suffer- ers. In 1728, he moved in the house of commons, of which he was then a member, that a committee might be appointed to inquire into the state of the gaols in the kingdom of Great Britain. Such a committee was appointed ; and Oglethorpe, who was its chairman, reported, in 1729, several Resolutions, which BRITISH COLONIES. 553 benevolent founders of the colony of Georgia, perhaps, may 1732. challenge the annals of any nation to produce a design more ^^^/ generous and praiseworthy." On their application to king George the Second for a charter, the king, by letters patent of the 9th of June, granted them seven eighths of all the lands from the most Char * er ob- northern stream of the river Savannah along the sea coast to the most southern stream of the river Alatamaha, and westward, from the heads of those rivers, in direct lines to the South Seas, and all the islands to the east within 20 leagues of the sea coast ; and erected that territory into an independent and separate gov- ernment, which, in honour of the king, was called Georgia. A corporation, consisting of 21 persons, was constituted, by the t - l0 n°estab" name of Trustees for settling and establishing the colony of lished. Georgia, and vested with the powers of legislation for 2 1 years, at the expiration of which time such a form of government was to be established, as the king, or his successors, should appoint, and should be agreeable to law. Liberty of conscience and freedom of worship were allowed to all its inhabitants, papists alone excepted. The trustees were to have a common council, to consist of 15 persons, with power to increase the number to 24 Lands might be granted to any person, not exceeding 500 acres, on such terms as the common council should judge proper. No trustee might hold either lands, or office, in Georgia. 1 The yellow fever began to rage at Charlestown, South Caro- Yellow lina, in May, and continued till September or October. In the j^ er at height of this disease, from 8 to 12 white persons, beside people town, S. C. of colour, were buried in a day. The ringing of the bells was forbidden, and business was almost entirely suspended. 2 The legislature of Maryland made tobacco a legal tender at Act of Ma- le?, per pound, and Indian corn at 20c?. per buslW. 3 ryland. induced the commons to attempt a redress of some flagrant injuries. See Sal- mon Chron. Hist. The philanthropic Howard has justly been a favourite subject of panegyric for the British poets of our own day ; nor were Ogle- THORPE'and his coadjutors overlooked by the poets of their time. They are immortalized by a tender and beautiful episode in the Seasons of Thompson. See Winter, from line 359 to 388. — The design in regard to the natives was not forgotten. Bishop Wilson's celebrated " Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians," which was first printed in 1740, was composed " at the instance of James Oglethorpe, esquire." An edition of it was printed at Cambridge in 1815, by The Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 1 Hewatt, ii. 15—18. Univ. Hist. xl. 53. Anderson, iii. 188, 189. Memoires de l'Amerique, iv. 617 — 654 ; where the Charter in English and French is in- serted. Smollett, Hist. Eng. a.d. 1732. Account of the Designs of the Trus- tees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America ; annexed to a Sermon preached before the Trustees at their first yearly meeting, 23 February, 1731, by Samuel Smith, ll. d. Lecturer of St. Alban's, London. — A company of settlers embarked for Georgia in November. See 1733. 2 Ramsay, Hist. S. Car. ii. 84. 3 Douglass, ii. 359. VOL. I. 70 554 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1732. Population of the colo- Yale Col- lege. An agreement was made between the posterity of William Penn and lord Baltimore concerning the disputed territory, which had been a source of contention from the first settlement of Pennsylvania. 1 The inhabitants of the province of New York were estimated to have been nearly 65,000 ; 2 those of Pennsylvania, above 30,000 ; those of Virginia, above 60,000 ; those of South Carolina, 10,000 or 12,000. 3 Newfoundland contained about 6000 inhabitants ; and from that island nearly 200,000 quintals of fish were shipped this year. 4 The general assembly of Connecticut granted 1500 acres of land to Yale College ; and, the year following, dean Berkeley gave that colony a deed of 96 acres of land on Rhode Island, and 1000 volumes of books. The dean had projected a plan for the better supplying of churches in the American plantations with clergymen, and for converting the natives to Christianity, by erecting a college in Bermuda ; and the king had granted a charter, appointing him the first president of the intended college. 5 1 Chalmers, 659. Proud, i. 188; ii. 208— 2011. Douglass, ii. 30S. Univ, Hist. xli. 78, 79. Brit. Emp. ii. 433. The performance of this agreement was delayed, by disputes between the parties about the mode of it, until the year 1750 ; when the illustrious Hard wick adjudged this agreement of 1732 to be specifically executed. Chalmers. Proud says, it was not finally executed till the year 1762 ; when the inhabitants on the Pennsylvanian side, near the boun- dary, agreed to employ two ingenious mathematicians, after their return from the Cape of Good Hope (where they had been to observe the transit of Venus in 1761), " finally to settle or mark out the same ; which was accordingly per- formed by them ; and stone pillars erected, to render the same more durably conspicuous." 2 Brit. Emp. ii. 397. 3 Tracts in Harvard College Library. This estimate includes white inhabitants only. The authority is anonymous ; but it appeared to merit attention. Ander- son [iii. 167—173.] relies on an anonymous authority, for an entire view of the British American colonies at this period. The treatise of which he gives an abstract, and which he considers " a judicious tract," contained 114 pages, and was entitled, " The Importance of the British Plantations in America to this Kingdom &c. considered, London, 1731." Some use was made of that tract in the Annals for that year ; but in one article I have given preference to the other anonymous tract. The author of " The Importance of the British Plantations ' says, that Pennsylvania, in 1731, had more inhabitants in it than all Virginia, Ma- ryland, and both the Carolinas ; " and this article is extracted by Anderson, and copied by Proud. But the author of the other tract, just cited in the text, makes Virginia alone (in 1732) contain double the number of inhabitants that were then in Pennsylvania ; and this account is probably far nearest the truth. If men of leisure and information, in the several States in the Union, would furnish materials for adjusting the various and contradictory statements of authors on the subject of the progressive population of the colonies, they would render an acceptable service to the historian, and to their countiy. The Historical Societies would gratefully receive and carefully preserve every document. 4 Tracts in Harvard College. . 5 Dean Swift (who was one of the many literary friends ot Berkeley), in a letter to lord Carteret, gives a humourous account of his friend's « scheme ot a life academico-philosophical, at a college founded for Indian scholars and mission- aries ; where he most exorbitantly proposeth a whole hundred pounds a year lor himself, forty pounds for a fellow, and ten pounds for a student." BRITISH COLONIES. 555 A parliamentary grant of £20,000 had also been obtained, 1730 lor the establishment of the seminary. In 1728, Berkeley ^~~L came to Rhode Island, with a view of settling a correspondence there for supplying his college with such provisions, as might be wanted, from the northern colonies. Finding, however, that he had been misinformed with regard to the state of Bermuda, and that he should probably fail of duly receiving the promised aid ol parliament, he relinquished his design, and returned to Enz- and in 1731. While in America, he resided two years and a hall at JXewport, m Rhode Island ; and purchased a country seat on the Island, with the farm which he now gave to Yale Col- lege. 1 ° m George Washington was born in Virginia, at Bridge's creek Feb. 22. m the county of Westmoreland. Washing- *JS$ fT ° f Sal T' in Massachusetts, contained 520 houses, ZT' 5000 inhabitants, and 1200 taxable polls. 2 Marblehead employ- ed in the codfishery about 120 schooners of about 50 tons burden, and about 1000 seamen, beside those who carried the fish to market." 5 A church was built in Hollis street, at the south end of Bos- churches ton. A neat ep,scopal church was built at Portsmouth, in New St Hampshire, about this time, and named Queen's chapel. This was the first episcopal church built in that province. 5 RhnT I P . nnt ^ Pr6SS W3S firSt established ^ Newport; and the E. Island Khode Island Gazette was published. 6 C 47 !^o P ' inc Jot muTj,r^ 38 ' ^ Cha !;" ,er ' Life of PresM »' J <*™<">> 3 Brit. Emp. ii. 35. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iii. 2G2. N^mn' * e c S ™ 0C n n Portsmouth ' in Co «- Mass. Hist. Soc. x. 57. Belknap ^Hlnme ftolFSSS"** " P 4> andisno ^ called St. iS ^mmmm the colony till 1762. 1 nomas, 1. 419. This was the only press in 556 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1733. The settlement of Georgia completes the number of the v-#-v^w/ Thirteen Colonies, which afterwards constituted the Thirteen United States of America. To preserve the unity of the history of this colony, its settlement is carried forward to the next year. The charter, however, is already obtained ; trustees are incor- porated ; and a company of settlers has arrived. If the preceding Periods of our history furnish less splendid subjects than those which follow, they may present much to gratify curiosity, and to impart instruction. During the past Periods, ^the colonies were planted ; their constitutions, after various changes, were established ; the groundwork of their juris- prudence was laid ; the elements of their future character were collected ; and, by the augmentation of numbers, progressive maturity, and masculine strength, they were unconsciously ac- quiring materials for their ultimate liberty and independence. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Note I. a. d. 1492. p. 1. Some Spanish authors have insinuated, that Columbus was led to this great enterprise by information which he received, of a country discovered far to the west, with the additional advantage of a journal of the voyage in which the discovery was made by a vessel driven from its course by easterly winds. Every circumstance in the story of this voyage is pronounced by Dr. Robertson " destitute of evidence to support it." In a " Discourse " preserved by Hakluyt, " written by Sir Humfrey Gilbert, Knight, to prove a passage by the Northwest to Cathaia and the East Indies," it is observed : ** Columbus had none of the West Hands set foorth unto him in globe or card, neither yet once mentioned of any writer (Plato only excepted and the commentaries upon the same) from 942 yeeres before Christ, until that day. Moreover, Columbus himselfe had neither seene America nor any other of the Hands about it, neither understood he of them by the report of any other that had seene them ; but only comforted himselfe with this hope, that the land had a beginning where the sea had an ending." Hakluyt, iii. 23. Robertson, Hist, of America, i. Note xvn. Munoz, Hist. New World, b. 1. Anderson, while he gives some credence to the authors H who tell us of his having had various real facts for his guides to this new western world," yet allows it to be the most general opinion of authors, that Columbus " framed this scheme chiefly from his own cosmographical reasonings concerning the structure, form dimensions, &c. of the terraqueous globe, the probable proportion of land and water thereon, and such other conjectural helps." Historical and Chronological Deduction of Commerce, a. d. 1492. Note II. p. 2. The crowns mentioned by the early historians, require explanation. They were, doubtless, gold crowns. Vega [Commentaries of Peru, 423.] says, the expense was u six millions of maravedies, making the sum of 16,000 ducats.'* A Spanish ducat of exchange is equal to 4s. lid. 1-2, lacking but a halfpenny of an English crown. If the 16 7 000 ducats of Vega be estimated as equal to so many English crowns, they make exactly £4000 sterling ; and this is the very sum which, Dr. Robertson says, the equipment " did not exceed." This esti- mate is very nearly confirmed by Munoz, who says, " 10,000 maravedies are of the value of 30 dollars ; " according to which ratio, six millions are equal to £4500 sterling. Munoz, N. World, p. 155. Note III. p. 3. Beside the question about the first discovery of America, there is a more difficult question about the origin of its aboriginal inhabitants. The peculiar character, language, manners, and customs of the aborigines of the New World, found in the West India islands, and on the continent from Cape Horn to Labrador, could not fail to excite the inquiry, " How was America peopled ? " 558 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Instead of presenting the various theories upon this question, it may be sufficient to remark here, that the possibility of a communication of the American and Asiatic continents is now clearly established. America may have been settled from Tartary. The near approach of the two continents to each other has been discovered in our own day, by a navigator of the first nautical character. It has been found by captain Cook, that these two continents, as they stretch together toward the north, " approach continually to one another, until, within less than a degree from the polar circle, they are terminated by two capes, only 13 leagues distant. The east cape of Asia is in latitude 66° 6', and in longitude 191° 45'. Nearly in the middle of the narrow strait (Behring's Strait) which separates these capes, are the two islands of St. Diomede, from which both continents may be seen. Captain King informs us, that as he was sailing through this strait 5 July, 1779, the fog having cleared away, he enjoyed the pleasure of seeing from the ship the continents of Asia and America at the same moment, together with the islands of St. Diomede lying between them ... To the south of the strait there are a number of islands, which, as well as those of St. Diomede, may have facilitated the migrations of the natives from the one conti- nent to the other." Cook's Voyages. Robertson, b. 4. Forster, Hist. Voyages, b. 3. sect. 37. Neither the design nor the limits of this work will allow me to do more than to indicate some of the principal writers on the controverted subject of the first peopling of America. Voyage of Madoc, a. n. 1170, in Hakluyt's Voyages, i. 506. Grotius (H.) De origine gentium Americanarum. Amst. 1642. Laet (J. de) Notas ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de origine gentium Americanarum cum observationibus. Amst. 1643. Comtaeus (Rob.) de origine gentium Americanarum. Amst. 1644. Hornius (Geo.) De originibus Americanis. Hagse, 1652. Holm (Th. C.) Provincien Nya Swerigen uti America, b. 1. c. 3. Stock- holm, 1702. Lafiteau (Jos. F.) Moeurs des Sauvages Americains, compares aux moeurs des primiers terns, a Paris, 1724. [Cap. prim, de origine gent. Americ] Casselii (J. P.) Observatio historica de Frisonum navigatione fortuita in Americam, soeculo xi facta. Magd. 1741. Ejusdem Dissertatio philologica-historica de navigationibus fortuitis in Ameri- cam, ante Christophorum Columbum factis. Magd. 1742. A Dissertation upon the Peopling of America : In Universal History. Lond. 1748. Essai sur cette question, quand et comment PAmerique a-t-elle ete peuplee d'hommes et d'animaux ? par E. B. d' B. [Engel, Bailli de Echalens.] 5 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1767. The Voyage of Alonso Sanchez, a Spaniard, to Madeira — said to have furnish- ed Columbus with the first hint of the existence of the New World. Biblioth. Americ. Purchas, Pilgr. Gookin, Hist. Coll. c. 1. Ottonis (Prof. Histor. Tubing.) Dissertatio de modo probabiliori, quo primse in Americam septentrionalem immigrationes sunt factae. Tubingse, 4to. 1754. Otto (M.) Memoir on the Discovery of America. In vol. ii. of the Transac- tions of the American Philosophical Society. De Pauw, Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains. 3 vols. Berlin, 1769. Pernety (Ant. J.) Dissertation sur PAmerique et les Americains, contre les Recherches philosophiques de Mr. de P. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, &c. to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America ; its distance from Asia ; and the practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe. Performed under direction of James Cook, Clark, and Gore, in 1776 — 1780. By this voyage, Meuselius says, was demon- strated, that, to the north, there is no practicable navigation from the Atlantic ocean into the Pacific, nor the reverse. " Omnia ex voto successere ; permulta nova. Angli viderunt, olimque visa novis observationibus confirmarunt. Navi- gationem e mare Atlantico in Pacificum, seu vice versa, nee inde ab oriente nee occidente, fieri posse, hoc itinere certissime evictum." Biblioth. Hist. Amer. [Hewatt] Historical Account of South Carolina and Georgia, i. 9—14. 1779. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 559 Forster (JR.) History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North Cvi^ ( n er / ) - 1 Al ? er ^ an Bi °S ra P h y> «• 5 -!48. Preliminary Dictation- Chronolog. Detail of Adventures and Discoveries, made by the Euronean Nations, in America ; and Art. Christopher Columbus. Boston iS? ——-—Discourse on the Discovery of America. Dissertat. IV ' Harris (J.) Collection of Voyages. Introduction. Charlevoix (Pere de) Dissertation sur l'origine des Amenquains, prefixed t« France,^! ' W ^ **"" "' ^ Ws Hist ' d * £^£ Rees, Cyclopaedia (Amer. Edit.) Art. America. Vater (prof.) Inquiry on the origin of the American population. Leios 1810 Sparks, Life of Ledyard. Cambridge, 1828. P 10 ' t/^ ° th r r aU ?M J v \ h ° have W,itten u l lon this sub Jeet, the reader is referred Note IV. p. 7. The king of Portugal, according to Peter Martyr, agreed with their catholic majesties m a reference of the dispute to the pope. By Thi T conTenW^ » ./w 1 aPPCarS ' that ) he ^ Ueen of S P ain was a ^iece of the PrS 7 and that this connexion facilitated an adjustment of the controver T « Du £ ita m confuso res tractaretur, pars utraque pacta est, ut a summo * PonfiS decevneretur quid juris Futures se obtemperantes Pontific * sanction? fiSe jubent utnnque Res Castell* tunc regina ilia magna Elizabeth! cum viro regebat, quia dotalia ejus regna Castell* sint. Erat regina Joann L7 Portu gallic consobrina: propterea facilius res est composite Ex utriusque oarris r. Martyi, p. 161. The relationship and its conciliatory influence appear in thV Instructions given, afterwards, to Columbus by « The King and QuTe"' With respect to what you mention of Portugal, we have written ah' th^f'^ necessary about it to the king of Portugal, our s & on and with th we send vou a letter, which you requested of us, to his captain in which we ZiS f» him your departure for the west, and that we had been TnformeTo ^hTErtue for the east; if therefore you should meet on the way, treat each other ^ friends, and m such way as it is proper that captains and subjecte should be treated, between whom there exists relationship, love, and friendship » m1 Z \ S ?4 Coto ^ Docitm^t m . One bull granting Sc Lie mafes" W K S ? ver6 ^ n d ° mim0n 0f the Indies ' with supreme jurisdiction over J all that hemisphere," was passed on the 2d of May ; but the Great Bu waslsued on the day following A copy of it in the original Latin, with an Er Jish trans Professor Everrett showed me a Collection of documents which he bomrht at Florence in 1818. It is a folio volume of 84 pages, written on pai P nf 8 fn a very ancient but elegant chirography. It is entitled " Treshdo I , ?v P n de Papa Alexandre 6o de la conLWnde las Iud£s y h»l Sfi? fied^ cedulas Reales. « a Xphoreal Colon." To this voW if profiled a Letter of pope Alexander, which, though not paged, nor written on parcWnf f 4 S -I 17 ""'f ' ? d apParCntly ^ U ' me - " bears *« date o? KaJ S iS AffpT ; SGrVe n0tiC v' aS ex P lanator y °r restrictive of a former giant. After he customary apostolical salutation, addressed to kin ff FeraSid and queen Isabella, the pope refers to the srant which bo bid l,7S/r \ ? given of all the islands auditories discovSS at/t^ht ^^^^1 &c which were not under the actual dominion of Christian princes rdomino rum], and proceeds: « Cum autem contingere posset quod nuntu et caphane'i aut yassali vestn versus occidentem aut meridiem navigantes ad partes ofiJeJ a^phcareirt ac Insalas et terras firmas que Indie fuS vel eLnt rep^htt of no 5&ftS C ° ' mS ? e fora ; er P ant ' generally, but revokes the condition ute eftt n P° SS8sslon -" Per actualem et realem possessionem non essent so" ute eftectu.-ommno revocamus ac quo ad terras et insula* per eos actualtlr 560 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. non possessas pro infectas haberi volumus. non obstare ceterisq cotrariis qui- buscumq. Dat Rome apud Sanctum Petmm Anno Incarnationis dominice Millesimo quadragintessimo nonagessimo tertio. Sexto Kal Octobris Pontifica- tus mi anno secundo." (signed) " P. Gormaz." Dampier, who did not confine himself " merely to the Pope's Bull, but included the subsequent explanations and stipulations," after mentioning the extension of the line of demarcation, says, the agreement was ; " that from this meridian, all to the West should belong to Spain, and from thence to the East, should belong to the navigation, conquest, and discovery of the kings of Portugal ; and that the navigation by the sea of the king of Portugal should be free to the kings of Castile, going a direct course, but that neither shonld send to trade within the limits of the other." In the council of pilots in 1524, upon the circumnavigation of the Victory [See p. 46, Note 3.], it was agreed, that the 370 leagues should be reckoned from St. Antonio, the most western of the Cape de Verde Islands, in which latitude they reckoned 370 leagues to be 22° 9', and therefore they place the line of Demarcation 22° 9' W. a St. Antonio, or about 48° from Greenwich. Dalrymple, Coll. Voyages in the Southern Pacific Ocean, i, 51, 52, and Additions. Note V. p. 8. By the " Memorials of Columbus," Document xxxi, it appears, that he had scarcely arrived in Spain, when their Catholic majesties importuned him to return to America. M THE KING AND THE QUEEN. Don Christopher Columbus our Admiral of the ocean, and Viceroy and Governor of the islands discovered in the Indies : .... As we wish the under- taking commenced by you, with the Divine assistance, to be continued and forwarded, we desire you not to delay your coming ; therefore, for our service, hasten, as much as possible, your return, in order that whatever is necessary may be provided in time. And as the spring, as you perceive, is already begun, and that the season for returning there may not pass over, examine whether in Seville, or elsewhere, any thing can be got ready for your return to the land which you have discovered ; and write to us immediately by this courier, who has to return quickly ; in order that immediately proper arrangements may be made, during the time of your coming here and returning back ; so that by your return from hence every thing may be prepared. From Barcelona, the thirtieth day of March, in the year ninety-three. I the King. I the Queen." For a more particular account of the life and acts of Columbus the reader is referred to the recent publications from original manuscripts ; particularly the " Memorials " of him, with Spontorno's " Historical Memoir of his Life and Discoveries," translated from the Spanish and Italian. London, 1823 ; and the " Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to America, translated from the Spanish. Boston, 1827. The title of the Documents, in the first of the above publications, written in red and black letters, with arabesque orna- ments, is : " Cartas, Privileg. Cedulas, y otras Escrituras de Don Christoval Colon, Almirante Mayor, del. Mar. Oceano, Visorey y Governador de las Islas y Tierra Firma." The writing is a species of Gothic. On the back is the coat of arms of Columbus, such as he used after having discovered America, and had his dignities conferred upon him. Munoz says, the inscription on his tomb was the motto of his coat of arms. The Genevese, who have contended more suc- cessfully for the birth place of Columbus than the seven cities for the birth place of Homer, have taken care at once to honour the memory of their countryman, and to preserve the recently discovered Documents, by a marble monument. ** Having obtained possession of the MS. it was determined in a special council, on the 31st July, 1821, to erect a custodia or monument, in which it might be preserved with security and distinction." The general council approved this determination, and a marble monument has been erected. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 561 The interment of Columbus at Seville was related under the year 1506. His remains were afterward brought to America, and deposited in the cathedral church in St. Domingo, where they remained until 1796, when they were re- moved. Alcedo, Art. Domingo, and Tr. Note. Ferdinand, king of Spain, died in 1516, Mi. 64; queen Isabella, in 1504, Mi. 54. In a MS. Journal of the late Chief Justice Dana, of Cambridge, I find an account of their monument. They were buried at Sahagun, a town in Spain, in the kingdom of Leon. In 1780 Mr. Dana went to Europe in the capacity of secretary to Mr. Adams, then American minister plenipotentiary to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britain. When passing from Spain to France, he saw the church in Sahagun, upon which he remarked : " This church is famous for being the burial place of Royal families. On the floor of the altar is a monument over the tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella." Note VI. p. 13. Historians assign different dates to this voyage. In the Voyages of Ramu- sius, Sebastian Cabot is represented as placing it in 1496 ; and respectable histo- rians have hence taken that for the true year. On a critical examination of the account in Ramusius, it appears that he derived his account from Butrigarius, the pope's legate in Spain, who derived his information from S. Cabot. In Cabot's account, which was merely verbal, the time of the voyage was incidentally mentioned, arid without precision : " The king commanded two caravels to be furnished with all things appertaining to the voyage ; which was, as farre as I remember, in the year 1496, in the beginning of sommer." Nor ought this uncertainty of Cabot himself to appear strange, when it is considered, that he was then an old man, as we learn from the same conversation with the legate : " After this I made many other voyages, which I nowe pretermit ; and waxeing old I give myself to rest from such travels." Instead therefore of trusting to so vague an account, I have chosen to rely on " an extract taken out of the map of Sebastian Cabot concerning his discovery of the West Indies, which," Hakluyt says, " is to be seene in her majesty's privie gallerie at Westminster, and in many other ancient merchants houses." The extract (which is preserved in Hakluyt, iii. 6.) begins thus : " Anno Domini 1497 Ioannes Cabotus Venetus, & Sebasti- anus illius filius earn terram fecerunt perviam, quam null us prius adire ausus fuit, die 24 Junii, circiter horam quintam bene mane. Hanc autem appcllavit Terram primum visam " . . . — The extent, as well as the time, of this celebrated voyage has been variously stated. By some writers, the Cabots are represented as hav- ing sailed to 56° north latitude ; by others, to 58 ; by others, to 60. Ramusius, vol. iii. says, it was " written" to him by Sebastian Cabot, that he sailed to " the latitude of 67 degrees and an halfe, under the north pole." Hakluyt, iii. 7 — 9. Lord St. Albans, quoted by Anderson, says, " They set out in one Bristol ship, and three from London, laden with gross and slight wares, and went as far as the north side of Terra di Labrador, in sixty-seven one-half de- grees of latitude." Hakluyt, in the Dedication of the 2d volume of his Voyages to Sir Robert Cecil, secretary of state to queen Elizabeth, in 1599, says, " their chiefest writers [the Spanish] as Peter Martyr ab Angleria, and Francis Lopez da Gomara, the most learned Venetian John Baptista Ramusius, and the French Geographers, as namely, Popiliniere and the rest acknowledge with one consent, that all that mightiest tract of land from 67 degrees Northward to the latitude almost of Florida was first discovered out of England, by the commandment of king Henry the seventh, and the South part thereof before any other Christian people hath bene lately planted with divers English colonies by the royal con- sent of her sacred majestic under the broad seele of England." Herrera says, that Cabot " advanced as far as sixty eight degrees of north latitude, and find- ing the cold very intense, even in July, he durst not proceed any further ; but that he gave a better account of all those parts than any other had done." — S. Cabot himself, I find in De Bry, says, that he proceeded on the same voyage, in which he discovered Newfoundland, " donee ad poli nostri antarctici 56 gra- duum altitudinem pervenirem. Hue evsctus observavi littus declinare versus VOL. I. 71 562 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. ortum : itaque omnem spem abjiciens me istic fretum aliquod aut transitum, remensus sum iter confectum, ut littus ad sequatorem tendens diligentius obser- varem, semper sperans fretum aliquod inventum iri, per quod in Indiam pene- trarem ; atque tamdiu illud secutus sum, donee ad terram quse hodie nostris Florida dicitur. hue profectus substiti, nee ulterius tetendi, quia commeatus deticiebat, etinde inAngliamredii." De Bry, America, p. ix. The extent of Cabot's voyage to the South is not precisely ascertained. It is evident, that he proceeded to some part of the extensive country afterward called Florida ; and it is generally supposed to have been about the 3Sth or 36th degree, n. latitude. Peter Martyr, having mentioned his voyage to the north, adds : " Quare coactus fuit, uti ait, vela vertere, et occidentem sequi : tetendit que tantum ad meridiem, littore sese incurvante, ut Herculei freti latitudines fere gradum equarit : ad occidentemque profectus tantum est, ut Cubam insulam a lsevo, longitudinem greduum pene parem, habuerit." Whatever was the extent of this voyage, the English founded their original claim to the principal part of North America upon the discovery made of it in this voyage. In Bibliotheca Anglicana is the title of a book published in Lon- don, 4to. 1623, entitled " Discovery of Spanish Practices, shewing the King of England to have a prior Claim of the Country to the King of Spain, in conse- quence of the Discovery of Sebastian Cabot." The validity of that claim has been denied, because the Cahots made no settlement. The question of right is referred to jurists and statesmen ; but one of our poets (Freneau) does but represent the prevalent notions of former times, when he makes the first dis- covery decisive of it : " For the time once was here, to the world be it known, When all a man sail'd by, or saw, was his own." See Thurloe's State Papers, v. 81. Hazard, Coll. i. 602. Univ. Hist. xli. 86. See also 1493 and 1613. Grotius declares occupation the first way of acquiring a right to territory, according to the law of nations : " Primus acquirendi modus qui juris gentium a Romanis dicitur, est occupatio eorum quae nullius sunt. Lib. ii. c. 2. Note VII. p. 1G. Herrera [dec. 1. 1. 4. c.2.] says, that Americus Vespucius, "to make good his false and assumed claim to the discovery of the Continent, suppressed the name of Dragon's Mouth, which Columbus had given to the entrance into a bay near Trinidad," and that he " confounded the passages of the two voyages," — that made before with Columbus, and this with Ojeda — " in order to conceal the Admiral's having discovered the continent." The claims of Columbus and Amerigo are contested to this day. Their respective claims are ably stated in the North American Review, Art. " Canovais Viaggi d'Amerigo Vespucci." Before Canovai, Angelo Maria Bandinus endeavoured to prove the claim of Vespucci, in Vita e Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, raccolte et illustrate. Firenze, 1745, 4to. In a distinct chapter, Bandinus, disputing against the " abbe Plucho and the Jesuit Charlevoix," attempted to prove that Vespucci was the discoverer of the New World. Muselius considers his arguments as refuted by two later writers. Having stated the object of Bandinus, he subjoins : " Quam tamen operam irritam esse, demonstrarunt Tozius et Tiraboschius. Bibliotheca His- torica, Art. " Scriptores de Americo Vesputio." — A marble statue of these two great navigators is to be seen in the Imperial Museum at Florence, though not in the same compartment. The statue of Amerigo is with that of Galileo : " Due busti di marmo si viggono di faccia alia scala che mette in quarto primo piano, l'uno del Galileo l'altro del Vespucci." Descrizione dell' Imp. e. v. Museo . . . di Firenze. 1819. For this " Descrizione " I am indebted to Dr. Parsons, who brought it from Florence. While there, he witnessed the spirit of rivalry between that city and Genoa, of which he gave me this memorandum : " In 1819, I was in the Florence Gallery of painting and statuary. The guide, in accompanying me round the building, pointed out the statues of Columbus NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 563 and of Americus Vespucius, as objects worthy of the attention of an American ; observing, that the Genoese and Florentines regarded the two figures with very different degrees of veneration, which sometimes led to altercation between in- dividuals of the two cities. The Florentines, he remarked, consider this one, pointing to Americus, as the discoverer of your country." Note VIII. p. 29. The form of the papal grant of Terra Firma abates nothing of the lofty style of the pope's bull in 1493. It represents the whole world as subjected to the jurisdiction of St. Peter, and his successors the Roman pontiffs ; and declares, that one of them, as lord of the world, had made a grant of these islands, Tierre Firme &c. to the kings of Spain. " Uno de los Pontifices passados que he dicho, como senor del mundo, hizo donacion destas Islas, y tierra firme del mar Oceano, a los Catholicos Reyes de Castilla, que entonces eran don Fernando y dona Isabel, de gloriosa memoria" &c. Herrera, dec. 1. 1. 7. c. 14, where the instrument, in the original Spanish, is preserved. A translation is in Robertson, b. 3. Note 23. Note IX. p. 52. The Mexicans lived in Aztlan, a country situated to the north of California, until about A. d. 1160, when they commenced their migration toward the country of Anahuac. After a temporary residence in several intermediate places, they at length arrived at that situation on the lake, where they were to found their city. As soon as they had taken possession of it, they erected a temple for their god Huitzlopochtli, around which they now began to build huts of reeds and rushes. Such was the beginning of the great city of Mexico, in 1325. See Clavigero, i. 112—123. For a distinct view of the situation of the city with its causeways, see the maps in Clavigero, De Solis, or in other Mexican histories. Note X. p. 57. The account, or story, of Charlevoix, concerning the fate of the garrison left at Paraguay, and the abandonment of the fort, is as follows. Mangora, prince of the Timbuez (an Indian nation in the neighbourhood of Cabot's fort), be- coming enamoured with Lucy Miranda, a Spanish lady, the wife of Sebastian Hurtado (one of the principal officers of the fort), in order to obtain possession of her, laid a plot for the destruction of the garrison. Taking advantage of the absence of Hurtado, who was detached with another officer, named Ruiz Mos- chera, and 50 soldiers, to collect provisions, he placed 4000 men in a marsh, and went with 30 others, loaded with refreshments, to the gates of the fort, which were readily opened for their admittance. Lara, the Spanish governor, in token of gratitude, gave them an entertainment, at the close of which, late at night, Mangora giving directions to his attendants to set fire to the magazines of the fort, the 4000 men, at this preconcerted signal, rushed in to the massacre. Most of the Spaniards were killed in their sleep. Lara, though wounded, espying the treacherous prince, made up to him, and ran him through the body, but was intercepted in his flight, and killed. Not a living person was now left in the fort, excepting Miranda, four other women, and as many children, all of whom were tied, and brought before Siripa, the brother and successor of Man- gora. At the sight of Miranda, he conceived for her the same passion, which had proved fatal to his brother. On the return of Hurtado, Siripa ordered him to be tied to a tree, and there shot to death with arrows. Miranda, throwing herself at the feet of the tyrant, by her suppliant charms procured her husband's release. The Indian prince indulged them a restricted intercourse ; but the boundaries being passed, he instantly condemned Miranda to the flames, and Hurtado to the torturing death, which he had but lately escaped. Moschera now embarked with the poor remnant of his garrison, and Cabot's fort was abandoned. 564 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Note XL p. 73. The dates assigned by historians to the third voyage of Cartier and to the voyage of Roberval, do not agree ; but both voyages, including RobervaPs residence in Canada, may be placed between 1540 and 1543. Roberval was created by the king, lord in Norumbega, and his lieutenant general and viceroy in Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, Newfoundland, Belle Isle, Carpen, Labrador, the Great Bay, and Baccalaos, 15 January, 1540. The commission given by Francis I. to Cartier is dated the 17th of October, 1540. A copy of the French original is in Hazard's Collections, i. 19 — 21 ; in Lescarbot, liv. 8. c. 30 ; and in Memoires de l'Amerique, ii. 416 — 419. It is entitled, " Commission de Fran- cois, a Jacques Quartier, pour Petablissement du Canada, du 17 Octobre, 1540." The narrator of Cartier's third voyage in Hakluyt says, " the five ships set sail together well furnished and victualled for two yeere, the 23. of May, 1540," but he does not inform us when they returned to France. His last date is 11 Sept. of that year; and the narrative stops at the return of Cartier to the Fort, when " he caused all things in our fortress to bee set in order &c." The rest, says Hakluyt, is wanting. The Voyage of Roberval is there stated to have " begun in April 1542" ..." in which parts [Canada] he remayned the same summer, and all the next winter." The narrative is brought down to 19 June, 1543. " The rest of the Voyage is wanting." In this account it is said, " Wee could not reach New T found lande until the seventh of June [1542.] The eight of this moneth entered into the rode of Saint John, wdiere wee founde seventeene shippes of fishers. "While wee made somewhat long abode heere, Jacques Cartier and his company, returning from Canada, whither hee was sent with five sayles the yeere before, arrived in the very same harbour." Purchas and Prince agree in this date. Memoires de l'Amerique [i. 30.], Mem. con- cernant Acadie, citing Fastes' Chron. and Lescarbot, say, that Cartier, with five ships, arrived in 1541. " lis arriverent en 1541 au Cape Breton, ou ils se fortifierent, &. formerent un premier etablissement." See 1581. Cartier'' s Voyage in 1535. p. 66, &c. According to Charlevoix, the name St. Lawrence was first given to the Bay ; it was next extended to the Gulf, and then to the River of Canada, which discharges itself into the Gulf. Hochelaga contained but 50 dwellings, each 50 paces long, and 14 or 15 broad, encompassed with palisades. The original French name, given by Cartier, was Mont-Royal, and was applied by him to a mountain near the Indian village ; but it was afterward extended to the entire island, called at this day, Montreal. Captain Christopher Carlisle, who wrote a brief account of Cartier's Voyages, in Hakluyt, says, Cartier's " principal in- tention," in the voyage of 1534, " was to seeke out the passage, which hee presumed might have beene found out into the East Indian Sea, otherwise called the passage to Cathaya ; but this yere he went no higher than the Island of the Assumption in the great bay of S. Lawrence. The next yeere following hee went with greater provision into the Grand bay again. — This winter [1535-6] fell out to bee a very long and hard winter — and the savage people fell into some scarcitee of victuals ; yet did they not refuse to serve the Frenchmen with any thing they had all the winter long, albeit at somewhat higher prices towardes the ende when the neede was most, as with our selves the like hap- peneth at such times. But when the French had their wants served all the yeere, and that as yet they sawe not any appearance of their intended matter, which was the discoverie of the passage, and yet imagining by the signes wherewith the willing people endeavoured to declare their knowledge in that poynt, that some good matter might bee had from them, if they might have beene well understoode, they resolved with themselves to take some of the sufficientest men of that countrey home into France, and there to keepe them so long, as that having once atchieved the French tongue, they might declare more substantially their minde, and knowledge in the sayde passage, concluding this to be the meane of least charge, of least travaile, and of least hazard. And when they came to bethinke themselves, who might bee meetest for it, they NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 565 determined to take the King. [Donnacona. See p. 66.] Thus the poore king of the Countrey, with two or three others of his chiefe companions comming aboorde the French shippes, being required thither to a banquet, was traiterously caryed away into France, and then dyed a Christian there, as Thevet the French King's Cosmographer doeth make mention." The place where Cartier wintered his ships was called St. Croix, the Port of the Holy Cross. The winter was severely cold. " From the midst of Novem- ber until the midst of March," says the narrator of the voyage, " we were kept in amidst the yce above two fadomes thicke, and snow above foure foot high and more, higher than the sides of our ships, which lasted till that time, in such sort, that all our drinkes were frozen in the vessels, and the yce through all the ships was about a handbreadth thicke, as well above hatches as beneath, and so much of the river as was fresh, even to Hochelaga, was frozen, in which space there died five and twentie of our best and chiefest men, and all the rest were so sicke, that wee thought they should never recover againe, only three or foure excepted." The masters and mariners of Cartier's company had en- closed the ships at St. Croix with a palisade and rampart, on which they mounted cannon. At this fort on the 3d of May, " being Holyroode day, our captaine for the solemnitie of the day, caused a goodly fayre crosse of 35 foote in height to be set up, under the crosse of which hee caused a shield to be hanged, wherein were the armes of France, and over them was written in antique letters, Franciscus primus Dei gratia Francorum Rex regivat. Note XII. p. 76. In 1741, the colonies formed by Jesuit missionaries in Paraguay extended about 600 leagues, and contained 121,161 Indians. Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. Paraguay. In about a century after the erection of the bisopric of Paraguay [a. d. 1649], the complete establishment of the American church in all the Spanish settlements in South America comprised one patriarch, 6 arch- bishops, 32 bishops, 346 prebends, 2 abbots, 5 royal chaplains, and 840 convents. Robertson, iii. 409. The Jesuits agreed to pay a capitation tax, in proportion to their flock ; and to send a certain number of their subjects to the king's works. Terms being thus settled, they gathered about 50 wandering families, which they united into a little township. " It is said, that from such inconsiderate beginnings, several years ago, their subjects amounted to 300,000 families. They lived in towns ; they were regularly clad ; they laboured in agriculture ; they exercised manufactures. Some even aspired to the elegant arts. They were instructed in the military with the most exact discipline ; and could raise 60,000 men well armed. To effect these purposes, from time to time, they brought over from Europe several handicraftsmen, musicians, and painters. These, I am told, were principally from Germany and Italy." [Burke] Europ. Settlements in America, i. c. 15. See Univ. Hist. vol. xxxix. Note XIII. p. 77. The controversy, that gave rise to the Separation from the Church of Eng- land, was " on occasion of bishop Hooper's refusing to be consecrated in the Popish habits." Neal, Hist. Puiitans, vol. i. Preface, and 61 — 65. See Prince, Chronology, sect. 2. 282—307. Burnet, Hist. Reformation, iii. 199—203. Hooper was a zealous, a pious, and a learned man, who had gone out of England in the latter part of the reign of Henry VIII, and resided at Zurich. Pence [Vindi- cation of the Dissenters, p. 29.] observes, " that the habits have, from the very infancy of our Reformation, been an offence to very learned and pious men." The archbishop of Canterbury, with other bishops and divines, having concluded on an order of divine worship, an act, confirming that new liturgy, had passed both houses of parliament 15 January, 1549. It was protested against, how- ever, by the bishops of London, Durham, Norwich, Carlisle, Hereford, Worces- ter, Westminster, and Chichester. The parliament enacted, that all divine offices should be performed according to the new liturgy, and subjected such of • 56G NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. the clergy, as should refuse the service or officiate in any other manner, to forfeitures and imprisonment ; and, for the third offence, to imprisonment for life. Whoever should write or print against the book were to be fined £10 for the first offence ; £20 for the second ; and to be imprisoned for life for the third. The Council immediately appointed Visitors, to see that the Liturgy was re- ceived throughout England. Neal, Hist. Puritans, i. 50, 51. Although the era of the Puritans commenced in the reign of Edward VI ; yet that pious young prince very soon after began an ecclesiastical reformation. Had he lived to perfect it according to his intentions, the Puritans would pro- bably have been satisfied. But he died in 1553, at the early age of XVI ; and was succeeded by queen Mary, a bigoted papist, under whose administration John Rogers, of pious memory, was burnt at Smithfield, and bishop Hooper, with other pious reformers, suffered martyrdom. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, the reformation, which had been begun by Edward, was, in some degree, restored ; but that illustrious queen, addicted to show, and jealous of prerogative, soon made the Puritans feel the weight of her royal power. Bishops and other clergymen were deprived, for refusing the oath to the queen's su- premacy. At length (31 Jan. 1563) the Convocation of the English clergy met, and finished the XXXIX Articles. Of the lower house, 43 present were for throwing out the ceremonies, but 35 were for keeping them ; and these, with the help of proxies, carried their measure by one vote. The bishops now began to urge the clergy to subscribe to the Liturgy and ceremonies, as well as to the Articles . Coverdale, Fox, Humfrey, and others, refused to subscribe ; and this was the epoch of Nonconformity. What hard treatment the Puritan Reformers received under the succeeding administrations of James I. and of his successors, until the Revolution of William and Mary, is well known. As au- thorities, that confirm this Note, and give full information on the subject, the reader is referred to Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of England, Peirce's Vindication of the Dissenters, Prince's Chronology, and especially Neal's History of the Puritans. Note XIV. p. 83. Some historians entirely overlook this temporary settlement of the French in the English Carolina ; others confound it with the settlement at St. Matheo, a few leagues north of St. Augustine. Not one of them has ascertained the place of it, with precision. Chalmers says, Ribault built Fort Charles on the river Edisto. The authors of the Universal History say, it was built on the river St. Croix, which, indeed, Charlevoix says, was the Spanish name of Edisto river. Charlevoix says, Ribault's Fort stood near the place where Charlestown, the capital of South Carolina, now stands. Mezeray says, it was built " at the end of the Streight at St. Helen's." I wrote, some time since, to Dr. Ramsay, the 'well known historian, and made inquiry of him respecting this article. The Doctor obligingly wrote to me in reply : " I have taken some pains to inform myself of the place where Ribaud commenced his settlement of French Protestants ; but without any satisfactoiy result. Edisto river, in its nearest part, is about 36 miles from Charleston [60 French leagues. Charlevoix.] ; but there is no evidence of any French settlement ever having been made in its vicinity. There is no river in South Carolina, known by the name of the Shal- low or Base river. Mr. Drayton, our late governor, has been consulted on the points, relative to which you wish for information, who assured me, that, while writing his View of South Carolina, he minutely enquired into the very sub- jects which have perplexed you, and found them so involved in darkness and contradiction, that he did not see his way clear to assert any thing on the sub- ject, more than you will find in the 5th page of his work." It would not become me to be positive on a subject, that is attended with such acknowledged difficulties, and that has baffled such intelligent inquiries. I am satsified, however, that neither the latitude of the place where the fort was built, nor its distance from the river of May, will allow us to fix it so far north, as the river Edisto. It appears clearly to have been on an island up Port Royal river, in about the latitude of 32 deg. It seems probable, that it was the NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 567 island of St. Helena, or some island in its vicinity. Mezeray's account seems to fix it there. Charlevoix, in his Map of the Coasts of Florida, has placed it in that quarter, though, I apprehend, too far north, at an island toward the mouth of Edisto. It is asserted on the face of the map : " Dans cette Isle Ribault batit petit Fort, et le nomma Charles Fort." There is one additional confirmation of the probable truth of my conjecture, concerning the place of that fort. When Ribault had " sailed about 15 leagues " from Port Royal river, he found another, which " had not past halfe a fathome water in the mouth there- of." This he called Base or Shallow river. Governor Drayton [p. 34.] says, " Edisto is shallow and incapable of being navigated far up its stream by boats of heavy burden ; " and, though he describes the numerous rivers of Carolina, this is the only one which he calls shallow. Hence I conjecture, that the Edisto of the English is the Base or Shallow river of the French. If so, Fort Charles must have been about 15 leagues from it ; and that is about the distance of St. Helena from the Edisto. The river of May, discovered by Ribault, was afterwards named by the Spaniards St. Matheo [Chalmers, 513.], but is now called St. John's river. Some suppose this to have been what is now called St. Mary's river, which lately formed part of the southern boundary line of the United States, and is now the boundary between Georgia and Florida ; but from Laudonniere's account I should conclude it was the St. John's. ° Hee [Ribault] arrived in Florida, landing near a Cape or Promontorie, which he called St. Francois in honour of our France. This Cape is distant from the equator thirtie degrees. Coasting from this place towards the North, he dis- covered a very faire and great river, which gave him occasion to cast amker, that he might search the same. The day following he caused a pillar of hard stone to be planted within the sayde river, and not farre from the mouth of the same upon a little sandie knappe, in which pillar the Armes of France were carved and engraved. We called this river The River of May, because we discovered it the first day of the sayde month." In coasting northward from lat. 30° Ribault could hardly have passed by St. John's river, a broad, navigable stream, without noticing it. Hawkins, who visited the French settlement on the river of May in 1565, found it " standing in thirtie degrees and better," which latitude perfectly agrees with that of the mouth of St. Johns. The " nine other rivers," discovered by Ribault, were named by the French : The Seine, corresponding perhaps to The St. Mary's Somme Satilla Loire Alatamaha Charente Newport Garonne Ogeechee Gironde Savannah Belle May (in S. Car.) Grande Broad Port Royal Port Royal. I know that Charlevoix, in his map of French Florida, puts the Alatamaha for the Seine ; the Ogeechee for the Charente ; and the Savannah for the Garonne. He may be correct ; but his map, having some inaccuracies, is not here quite satisfactory. In regard, however, to the streams corresponding to the French names, I pretend to nothing more than conjecture. Dr. Belknap erroneously supposed Port Royal river to be the same as the river of May. " Ribault," he says, " named the river May, and the entrance he called Port Royal." He accordingly fixed Ribault's company and Fort Charles at the river of May ; and says, " Laudoniere renewed the settlement and called the country Carolina, after the reigning monarch of France." Amer. Biog. i. 36. But the original accounts of this voyage of Ribault, and of the subsequent voyage of Laudonniere in 1564, prove, that they were two distinct rivers, and widely distant from each other. The French settlement on the river of May was in about 30° north latitude ; but Fort Charles, built by Ribault at Port Royal river, was in latitude 32°. Much error and confusion would have been avoided by historians, had they but carefully observed the traverse sailing of Laudonniere : ** Wee sayled [from 568 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. the river of May] toward the river of Seine, distant from the river of May about foure leagues : and there continuing our course tovvarde the North, wee arrived at the mouth of Somme, which is not past sixe leagues distant from the river of Seine, where we cast anker, and went on shoare." Here the company con- sulted together respecting the place, which they should choose for " planting their habitation ; " whether toward the Cape of Florida, or at Port Royal. " If wee passed farther toward the North to seeke out Port Royall, it would be neither very profitable nor convenient ; although the haven were one of the fairest of the West Indies : but that in this case the question was not so much of the beautie of the place, as of things necessary to sustaine life. And that for our inhabiting it was more needefull for us to plant in places plentifull of victuall, that in goodly Havens, faire, deepe, and pleasant to the view." The conclusion was, " That it was expedient to seate themselves rather on the River of May than on any other, until they might heare newes out of France." Lau- donniere's Voyages, written by himself, preserved in Hakluyt, iii. 319 — 329. Purchas, i. 770 ; v. 1603, 1604. Theodore de Bry, p. iii. Lescarbot, liv. 1. c. 8. Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 35—40. Univ. Hist. xl. 395, 396, 419. Europ. Settlements, ii. 235. Laudonniere says, Fort Caroline stood not above two leagues distance from the mouth of the river of May. The English writers in general mistake, in supposing Fort Caroline to have been built in the English Carolina. It was built in the French and Spanish Florida. It has, doubtless, been confounded with Fort Charles. See A. d. 1562. The original maps in De Bry, who was a contemporary, confirm the statements which I had collected from the narratives of the voyager. Du Pratz egregiously errs, when he affirms, that the ruins of the Fort Caro- line, built by Laudonniere, are visible near Pensacola. Hist. Louisiane, i. 3. Since the first edition, in which I used only the original work of Du Pratz, I have observed that the English translator makes the same stricture on his author : " This intended settlement of Admiral Coligni was on the east coast of Florida, about St. Augustin, instead of Pensacola. De Laet is of opinion, that their Fort Carotin was the same with St. Augustin." That the St. Helena, or St. Helens, near which the Charles Fort of Ribault stood, was the same as that visited perfidiously by Vasquez in 1524, is confirmed by Cardenas, Hist. Florida, apud a. d. 1562. " Chicora, que despues se llamo Santa Elena, que tantos Anos antes avia visto, y hollado (aunque sin vintura) Lucaz Vasquez de Ayllon." Note XV. p. 87. Or the perfidy of Melendes towards the French at Florida, and of his suicide, Grotius gives the following account. " Eadem tempestate [1575] Petrus Me- lendes Cantaber, Floridae victor, sed insigni in Gallos perfidia, apud suos etiarrt infamis, cum res Americanas Batavicis parum sapienter comparet, Brilam se aliosque portus obsequio redditurum jactabat ; et jam parata classe missa in Angliam legatio, quae littus et hospitium, si eo venti adigerent, oraret impetraret- que. Sed subita morbi lues nautas disjecit, et dux ipse edoctus pollicitationes vanitatem, pudore ut creditum, aut metu vitam finiit." Annales, 63, 64, and Index. Cardenas, who has preserved the Epitaph of Melendes, says, he died at Santander 17 September, 1574, at the age of 55 years. The reason assigned by Mezeray, why the government of France did not revenge this massacre is, That the king's council was half Spanish. Thuanus ascribes this neglect to factions at court, or the king's contempt or hatred of the Protestants, and of Coligny, the projector of the settlement at Florida. " Eas clades Gallis, sive a fortuna sive ab Hispanis inflictas, cum scissa factionibus aula, rex aut contempsisset, aut odio Protestantium, quales fere cuncti illi erant qui, Ribaldo et Laudonerio ducibus, in Floridam navigaverant, atque adeo ipsius Colinii, cujus consilio suscepta expeditio erat . . ." The Protestants of France were soon after deprived of their leader and protector. Admiral Coligny, who, to his very last breath, continued their zealous and devoted friend and patron, was assassinated in the beginning of the massacre of Paris, 24 August, 1571, commonly called, * The massacre of St. Bartholomew.' See Life of Coligny, NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 569 in Le Plutarque Francais, the French historians, and a Memoir of the French Protestants in 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Society, ii. 7. He is thus panegyrized in the Henriade : Coligni, plus heureux et plus digne d'envie Du moins, en succombant, ne perdit que la vie ; Sa liberie, sa glorie au tombeau le suivit. Gourgues, 1568. The character given of Gourgues in De Bry is : — " non minus intrepidus Capitanus quam nauta peritus, Hispanis formidabilis, Reginae verd Anglic«e ob virtutum suarum meritum expetendus." Thuanus says, he had distinguished himself by his bravery in the Etruscan war, but being at length taken by the Spaniards, and basely confined to the oar, he conceived so great a hatred to the Spaniards, that he solemnly bound himself by an oath, that, whenever he should find an occasion, he would avenge the injury. This historian says, Gourgues did not disclose his object to his companions until he arrived at Cuba : " ibique consilium suum sociis hactenus celatum aperit ; et obtestatur, ne se in tali occasione, quae ad Gallici nominis decus pertineret, desere- rent." Having taken an oath to be faithful to him, they with the utmost ardour, and without waiting for the full moon, pass happily through the Bahama Strait, a perilous passage at that season, and arrive at the mouth of the river of May. [1567.] Note XVI. p. 104. The " good mine," which the Virginia colonists hoped " by the goodness of God " to discover, was by his goodness concealed from them, and happily lay concealed for more than two centuries. The settlers were hence led to fell the forests, and cultivate the soil, and to acquire from the surface more valu- able treasures than they would have found beneath it. There was gold there. " Native gold has been discovered on the streams of Cabarrus county, North Carolina. A single piece was found, which originally weighed 281bs. ; after it was melted down at the mint, it weighed 25lbs. and was 23 carats fine." Seybert, Statist. Annals, a. d. 1818. This account was confirmed to me by Dr. Robinson, who resided many years in North Carolina, and who permitted me to copy an article from a letter which he had lately received from Professor Olmstead of the University of North Carolina, giving the result of " a geologi- cal excursion to our Gold Coast" in June, 1824. " Native Gold. Found in the counties of Cabarrus, Montgomery, and Anson, chiefly in the tributaries of Yadkin and Rocky rivers, and in the bed of the latter— In a horizontal de- posit of gravel and clay — in pieces of various size, from small grains to a mass weighing 281bs. . . . The foregoing deposit covers an area of at least 1000 square miles. From 1810 to 1820, about 19,000 dollars received at the mint."— Dr. Robinson was the author of « A Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Localities," printed in 1825 at Cambridge, where he resided at the time of its publication. It was the same worthy man (since deceased) who gave the description of the Red Sandstone slab at the tomb of lady Butler, p. 254 (there misnamed), whose name and title were, " Samuel Robinson, m.d. Member of the American Geological Society." Note XVII. p. 104. Camden, referring to the adventurers to Virginia under Lane, who returned to England this year with Sir Francis Drake/ says, " Et hi reduces Indicam illam plantam quam Tabaccam vocant & Nkotiam, qua contra cruditates, ab Indis edocti, usi erant, in Angliam primi, quod sciam, intulerunt. Ex illo sane tempore usu cepit esse creberrimo, & magno pretio, dum quamplurimi grave- olentem illius fumum, alii lascivientes, alii valetudini consulentes, per tubulum vol. i. 72 070 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. testaceum inexplebili aviditate passim hauriunt et mox e naribus efflant ; adeo ut taberna? Tabaccanse non minus quam cervisiarise et vinariss passim per oppida habeantur." Annales Eliz. apud annum mdjlxxxv. Oldys [Life Ralegb, 31.] says, the colonists under Lane carried over tobacco " doubtless according to the instructions they had received of their proprietor ; for the introduction among us of that commodity is generally ascribed to Ralegh himself." I do not call this the introduction of tobacco into England ; because in Stow's Chronicle [p. 1038], it is asserted, that Sir John Hawkins carried it thither first in the year 1565. But it was then considered as a mere drug, and that Chronicle tells us, " all men wondered what it meant." In Hawkins' voyage of 1565 [Hak- luyt, i. 541.] we find the following description of the use of tobacco in Florida. " The Floridians when they travele have a kinde of herbe dryed, which with a cane, and an earthen cup in the end, with fire, and the dried herbs put together, do sucke thorow the cane the smoke thereof, which smoke satisfieth their hunger." After this particular notice of tobacco in Florida, Hawkins probably carried a specimen of it to England, as a curiosity. This singular plant appears to have been used by the natives in all parts of America. In the account of Cartier's voyage in 1535, we find it used in Canada. " There groweth a cer- taine kind of herbe, whereof in Sommer they make great provision for all the yeere, making great account of it, and onely men use of it, and first they cause it to be dried in the sunne, then weare it about their neckes wrapped in a little beastes skinne made like a little bagge, with a hollow peece of stone or wood like a pipe : then when they please they make pouder of it, and then put it in one of the ends of the said cornet or pipe, and laying a cole of fire upon it, at the other ende sucke so long, that they fill their bodies full of smoke, till that it commeth out of their mouth and nostrils, even as out of the tonnell of a chimney." Hakluyt, iii. 224. It was used copiously in Mexico, where the natives took it, not only in smoke at the mouth, but also in snuff at the nose. " In order to smoke it, they put the leaves with the gum of liquid amber, and other hot and odorous herbs, into a little pipe of wood or reed, or some other more valuable substance. They received the smoke by sucking the pipe and shutting the nostrils with their fingers, so that it might pass by the breath more easily towards the lungs." It was such a luxury, that the lords of Mexico were accustomed to compose themselves to sleep with it. Clavigero [i. 439.] says, " Tobacco is a name taken from the Haitine language." Note XVIII. p. 106. Manteo and Wanchese accompanied Barlow to England in 1584, and return- ed to Virginia with governor Lane and Sir Richard Greenville in 1585. — It has been thought that Manteo could not come over with governor White in 1587 ; but of the fact no one can doubt, after seeing the original account of the voyage. Both accounts may be true ; for Manteo may have gone a second time to Eng- land, and returned afterward with White. The Journal of Greenville's voyage renders this probable; for it says that Manteo " came aboord the Admirall" a short time before Greenville's return to England in August, 1585. Mr. Bozman [Hist. Maryland, 91.] erred with other writers in supposing that "Manteo came to captain White's colony, on their first arrival, 1587, and gave them some information of the loss of the fifteen men left by Greenville." Soon after the arrival of the second colony at "Hatoraska" in 1587, the Journal says, that " Master Stafford and 20 of our men passed by water to the island of Croatoan, with Manteo, who had his mother and many of his kinred dwelling in that Island, of whom wee hoped to understand some newes of our fifteene men ;" that " Manteo, their country man, called to them in their owne language ; " and that what they did learn respecting the 15 men, they " understood of the men of Croatoan." Hakluyt. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 571 Note XIX. p. 122. Of St. Croix Champlain says, " Ce lieu est par la hauteur de 45 degrez untiers de latitude, & 17 degrez 32 minutes de deiinaison de las Guide-aumont. En cet endroit y fut fait l'habitation en l'an 1604. Voy. liv. 1. c. 2. Of Port Royal Lescarbot says, this port contains 8 leagues of circuit, beside the river of L'Equille. To this place M. de Poutrincourt intended to retire with his family, " and there to establish the Christian and French name." He " made the voyage into these parts with some men of good sort, not to winter there, but as it were to seeke out his seate, and lind out a land that might like him : which he having done, had no need to sojourn there any longer." Purchas. He ac- cordingly embarked with his company for France, leaving his military implements in the care of De Monts, in token of his determination to return. Lescarbot, c. 5. M. du Pont staid at St. Croix for the time he had agreed upon, in which, if he should have no news from France, he might return with his com- pany. Despairing of succour, he was ready to sail, when M. du Pont, surnamed Grave, arrived from Honfieur with a company of about 40 men. Soon after his arrival, the whole of his company, with that of De Monts, removed from St. Croix to Port Royal. The stores, which had been deposited at St. Croix, were removed across the bay, but the buildings were left standing. New houses were erected at the mouth of the river L'Equille, which runs into the bason of Port Royal ; and here the people and stores were lodged. The winter had been severe ; all the people had been sick ; 36 had died, and 40 only were left alive. As soon as these were recovered, De Monts sought a comfortable station in a warmer climate. He sailed along the coast to Penobscot, Kennebeck, Casco, Saco, and ultimately to Malebarre, which was at that time the French name of Cape Cod ; but the natives appearing numerous and unfriendly, and his com- pany being small, he returned to St. Croix, and then to Port Royal, where he found Dupont in a ship from France, with supplies and a reinforcement of 40 men. Having put his affairs into good order, he embarked for France in Sep- tember, 1605, leaving Dupont as his lieutenant, with Champlain and Champdore, to perfect the settlement, and explore the country. Lescarbot. Belknap. Note XX. p. 141. Sir W. Monson", a contemporary, who received his information " from the mouth of the master that came home from Hudson," says, that " the entrance [into the Straits] was in 63 degrees ; " that " they ran in that height 200 leagues, and finding the Streight, which was 40 leagues over, to run south, they followed that southerly course, making account it would bring them into the South Sea ; " that " here they ran 200 leagues more, till they found the water too shallow and unpassable ; " that " they wintered in an island in 52 degrees, where in the whole winter they saw but one man, who came to them but twice ; " that " this Savage was cloathed in skins, and his arrows forked with iron ; " and that " this attempt of Hudson has given us knowledge of 400 leagues further than was ever known before." The same author was of opinion, that the iron of the Indian, who visited Hudson, " shewed manifestly, he used to trade with Christians." Naval Tracts in Churchill, iii. 430, 433. Within the straits Hudson gave names to several places, Desire Provokes, The Isle of God's mercy, Prince Henry's Cape, King James' Cape, Queen Ann's Cape, &c. Harris. He sailed 300 leagues west in those straits, and on the 2d of August (1610) came to a narrower passage, having two headlands ; that on the south he called Cape Wostenholme, the opposite one on the northwest, Digges's Island. Through this narrow passage he passed into the Bay, which has ever since borne his name. Having sailed above 100 leagues south into this bay, he imprudently resolved to winter in the most southern part of it, with the inten- tion of pursuing his discoveries in the spring. On the 3d of November his ship was drawn up in a small creek, where he providentially found a supply of provisions. When the spring arrived, he was unable to induce the natives to come to him, and was therefore necessitated to abandon the enterprise. With 572 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. tears in his eyes he distributed to his men all the bread he had left. In this extremity he had let fall threatening words of setting some of his men on shore ; and now a few of the sturdiest of them, who had before been mutinous, entered his cabin in the night, and tying his arms behind him, put him into the boat. Biog. Britan. Art. Hudson. The survivors of Hudson's company having reached London, made report to Sir Thomas Smith, one of the principal mem- bers of the Society and owners of the ship, who, not having heard from them for nearly a year and a half, had believed them lost. " Hudson's personal qualities and virtues, displayed during his four voyages, at times which were calculated to try character, will ever be contemplated with admiration and pleasure ; but to the citizens of the State of New York, the character of this heroic navigator will be peculiarly the theme of eulogium, and his misfortunes the subject of regret." Yates and Moulton} Hist. N. York, i. 290. For a full account of Hudson and his Discoveries on Hudson or North River, see a " Dis- course designed to commemorate the Discovery of New York by Henry Hudson ; delivered before the New York Historical Society, September 4th, 1809, being the Completion of the Second Century since that Event." By Rev. Samuel Miller, d. d. of New York. Published in vol. i. of Collections of the N. York Historical Society. Note XXI. p. 159. It is not so difficult to find proofs in support of the text, as it is to select them. They may be seen in Morton's Extracts from the Records of the First Church in Plymouth, in Hazard's Collections, f 349 — 373; N. Eng. Memorial, 18 — 21 ; Mather's Magnalia, b. 1. c. 2 ; Prince's N. Eng. Annals, A. d. 1617 ; Hutchinson, i. 3 ; Belknap's Biography, Art. Robinson. The motives assigned by some English writers for the removal of the Puritans from Leyden, it is easily conceived, might have been readily admitted, without critical inquiry, by the advocates for the English hierarchy, two centuries ago ; but it was hardly to be expected that writers, of our own age, should copy the injurious represen- tations of those early times into the pages of sober history. The historian who tells us, that the Puritans removed from Leyden into the American wilderness, because they were " obscure and unpersecuted," must not expect to be be- lieved. I endeavoured to assign, in the text, the true causes of that removal ; and have nothing to subjoin, but an expression of regret, that the misrepresen- tations of foreign writers, on this and the succeeding article, have been trans- cribed into the work of a very respectable historian of our own country. The character and principles of Mr. Robinson and his Society seem not yet to be fully known. The reverend John Robinson was a man of learning, of piety, and of Catholicism. At first, indeed, he favoured the rigid separation from the church of England ; but, after his removal to Holland, " he was con- vinced of his mistake, and became, ever after, more moderate in his sentiments respecting separation." Baylie, who was zealously opposed both to the Brown- ists and Independents, allows, that " Mr. Robinson was a man of excellent parts, and the most learned, polished, and modest spirit, as ever separated from the church of England ; that he ruined the rigid separation ; and that he was a principal overthrower of the Brownists." See Prince, p. ii. sect. 1 ; Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 133 — 140; Belknap, Biog. Art. Robinson; Mosheim, v. 381. c. 21 ; and Robinson's Lawfulness of hearing of the ministers of the church of England. Against the concessions of enemies, however, and the demonstrations of friends, the Puritans of Leyden and of New England have, to our own day, been represented as Brownists ; that is, the followers of Robert Brown, a sectary, whose principles were, in many respects, very exceptionable, in the view of all sober Christians, and who at length abandoned them himself, and conformed to the church of England. Mr. Robinson, who ought to be allowed to say what were his own principles, has explicitly declared them, in " A just and necessary Apologie of certain Christians no lesse contumeliously than com- monly called Brownists or Barrowists." This Apology professes " before God and men, that such is our accord in the case of religion with the Dutch Re- NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 573 formed Churches as that we are ready to subscribe to all and everie article of faith in the same church, as they are layd in the Harmony of Confessions of Faith, published in their name ; " with the exception of " one only particle ; " which was an allowance of the Apocryphal books to be read in churches. On examining the Dutch [Belgic] Confession of Faith in the " Harmonia Con- fessionum," I find it to be the same in Latin, which, translated into English, now constitutes a part of " The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America.' 5 It essentially agrees, in its doctrines, with the Church of England. In preference to all other authorities, the impartial inquirer is referred to the original work of Robinson, written at Leyden. A copy of it is in the Prince Collection, deposited in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. It is entitled: " Apologia Justa et Necessaria Quorundam Christianorum,-aeque contumeliose ac communiter dictorum Brownistarum sive Barrowistarum. Per Johannem Robinsonum Anglo Leidensem suo et Ecclesise nomine, cui prae- figitur." 1619. Of this work the learned Hoornbeck, in his " Summa Contro- versiarum," 1. 10. says : " Apologiam edidit suo, et Ecclesise suae nomine, a. clclocxix. quae legitur Latine, & Anglice, recusa pridem a. cIoIocxliv. digna qua? a theologis omnibus serio expendatur." By this Apology it appears, that, in regard to the rule of faith, they entirely disclaimed human authority, and distinctly maintained the right of every man to judge of the sense of the Scrip- tures for himself, of trying doctrines by them, and of worshipping according to his apprehension of them. In regard to the doctrines of religion and the sacra- ments, they believed the doctrinal articles of the Church of England, as well as of the Reformed churches of Scotland, Ireland, France, the Palatinate, Geneva, Switzerland, and the United Provinces, to be agreeable to the Holy Scriptures ; and allowed all the pious members of these churches communion with them, differing from them only in matters purely ecclesiastical. Of their ecclesiastical polity the Apology gives a full and lucid account. It essentially accords with that which was afterward recognised by the pastors and churches of New Eng- land in the Cambridge Platform. See Note XXVII. A full view of this subject belongs to Ecclesiastical History. The testimony of Mosheim [v. p. ii. c. 2.] to the general character and principles of the Inde- pendents (as they were at first called) is subjoined. " The Independents were much more commendable than the Brownists in two respects. They surpassed them both in the moderation of their sentiments, and the order of their discipline. They did not, like Brown, pour forth bitter and uncharitable invectives against the churches that were governed by rules entirely different from theirs, nor pronounce them, on that account, unworthy of the Christian name. On the contrary, though they considered their own form of ecclesiastical government as of divine institution, and as originally introduced by the authority of the apostles, nay by the apostles themselves, yet they had candour and charity enough to acknowledge, that true religion and solid piety might nourish in those communities, which were under the jurisdiction of bishops, or the government of synods and presbyteries." Note XXII. p. 167. The early historians agree in the fact, but not in the time of the Plague among the Indians. Some of them say, it was three or four years before the first arrival of the English at Plymouth ; some, that it was two or three ; while others place it in 1619, the year preceding the arrival. See Morton's Memorial, 51 ; Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 108 ; Johnson's Wonderworking Providence, b. 1. c. 8. Mather's Magnalia, b. 1. 7. Neal, N. Eng. i. c. 3. I. Mather's Discourse concerning Comets. Prince, from Gorges and governor Bradford, says " [January, 1617], This winter and the spring ensuing, a great plague befals the natives in New England ; which wasteth them exceedingly ; and so many thousands of them die, that the living are not able to bury them, and their skulls and bones remain above ground at the places of their habitations for several years after." It may have " commenced and raged in different places at different times." See Davis, in Morton, 52. — Johnson says, the plague was 574 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. in " the summer after the blazing starre," which was seen about three hours above the horizon " for the space of 30 sleeps," or days, and which led the Indians to " expect strange things to follow." Dr. I. Mather says, " the fourth and last comet, appearing this year [1618], was that which all the earth looked upon with astonishment. It was first taken notice of November 24th, and continued to January 24th, for the space of 60 days. There are some now living [1683] who remember this blazing star. Quickly after these blazing stars, God sent the plague amongst the Indians here in New England." This last was probably the remarkable comet mentioned by Alstedius, in Thesaurus Chron. 314, 493 : " Eod. anno [1618] et seq. fulget horribilis cometa mense Novembri, Decembri, et Januario." Note XXIII. p. 174. A specimen of the parliamentary debate on the bill for the restraint of the inordinate use of tobacco, will give an idea of the whole. " Mr. Cary : — To banish tobacco generally, and to help Virginia by other means. Sir Edward Sackvyle : — Fit for us to study a way for us to enrich our own state. Amor incipit a seipso. We make treaties for our own good, and not for their's with whom we treat [Referring to Spain'] . Sir J. Perrot : — Not to banish all tobacco, in respect of Virginia and the Somer iles. To give them some time ; else overthroweth the plantation. Mr. Solicitor : — Loveth England better than Virginia. A great hurt to all the state of our kingdom. To contribute rather to Virginia otherwise. Mr. Ferrar : — Not fit to banish all ; yet now 4000 English live there, who have no means as yet to live on. Sir George Moore : — To divide the question : 1st. Whether to banish foreign ; 2dly. For our own dominions. Sir Guy Palmes : — That tobacco hindreth all the kingdom in health and other- wise. To banish all. Sir H. Poole : — Against all in general : — To pull it up by the roots. To help Virginia otherwise. Sir J. Horsey : — Thought not to speak of this vile weed. When he first a parliament-man, this vile weed not known. Thousands have died of this vile weed. Abhorreth it the more, because the king disliketh it. Prohibited to be used in ale houses. No good ground /or Virginia. To banish all." It was in vain that parliament discouraged the use of this vile weed. In vain king James assured his subjects, that the smoking of it was a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs. Opposition made proselytes; and the united influence of fashion and habit ex- tended the practice through the kingdom. Note XXIV. p. 184. Most historians of the West Indies affirm, that the English and French took possession of this island the same day ; " but the truth is, that the first landing of Warner and his associates happened two years before the arrival of D'Esnam- buc." Edwards, W. Indies, b. 3. c. 4. It is admitted by De Tertre, that D'Esnambuc did not leave France until 1625. The French commissioners, following his authority, say, " les Francois & les Anglois arriverent en meme temps a Saint Christophe en 1625." Mem. de PAmerique, i. xv. The Spaniards soon drove both these colonies out of the island. The English returned, and possessed themselves of the largest and most fertile quarter ; the French re- turned, and left a small colony in another part. But the most adventurous of the French went in quest of new places, and, after various fortune, made set- tlements in Martinico and Guadaloupe. The English planters becoming in a very short time too numerous for their moiety of the island, they from thence soon after gradually peopled and planted the isles of Berbuda, Montserrat, and NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 575 Barbadoes. Anderson, a. r>. 1629. — Tn 1628, Sir Thomas Warner and about 100 Englishmen, many of whom were old planters of St. Christopher's; settled at Nevis. There were that year at the island of St. Christopher about 30 saU of English, French, and Dutch ships. The natives, having done much mischief among the French, were entirely expelled from the island. Anderson, ii. 333. Smith, Virg. contin. c. 25, 27. Univ. Hist. xli. 267. The English were the first to make sugar at St. Christopher's, in 1643. The French and English in the West India islands had before applied themselves to the culture of tobacco only j afterward, to indigo and cotton : " ils ne s'appliquoient qu'au tabac, ensuite a l'indigo & au cotton." Labat, Nouv. Voy. iii. 333. Note XXV. p. 192. The prevention of the coming of Mr. Robinson and his congregation to New England is believed, by those who have been most conversant with our early history, to be here ascribed to the true cause. Such was the belief of President Stiles, who made large collections for an Ecclesiastical History, which he in part composed. His opinion on this subject, as expressed in his MSS. was summarily this. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and others were at this time de- termined, that New England should be settled under episcopacy ; and though they would allow and encourage people to settle here, they were unwilling that any puritan ministers should accompany them. The bishops had prevented the crown from granting liberty to the petitioners from Leyden ; and it was ac- counted a great matter, in 1621, to obtain a cautious allowance of indulgence under the authority of the president and council for the affairs of New England. But they took great care to obstruct so important a man as Mr. Robinson — a great man, and father of the Independents. Mr. Robinson's own judgment in the case is thus expressed, in a letter to elder Brewster, dated at Leyden, December 20th, 1623 : " Respecting deferring of our desired transportation (which I called desired, rather than hoped for) . . .we must dispose the ad- venturers into three parts, and of them five or six (as I conceive) are absolutely bent for us above others ; other five or six are our bitter professed adversaries ; the rest, being the body, I conceive to be honestly minded, and loving also towards us ; yet such as have others, namely the forward preachers, nearer unto them than us, and whose course, so far as there is any difference, they would rather advance than our's. Now what a hank these men have over the profes- sors ' you know ; and I persuade myself, that for me they of all others are unwilling I should be transported, especially such as have an eye that way themselves . . . and for those adversaries, if they have but half their will to their malice, they will stop my course when they see it intended." — Sherley, it appears, who was one of the adventurers, incurred the ill will of his associates by favouring the removal. " The sole cause," he observed, in a letter to the Plymouth people in 1627, " why the greater part of the adventurers malign me, was, that I would not side with them against you and the coming over of the Leyden people." See Hazard, Coll. i. 373 ; Cotton's Account of Plymouth Church in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. iv. 109, and citations from Winslow and Brad- ford in Prince, 1621 — 1628. The only solution of the singular fact, that the Plymouth people remained for so many years without a minister, is — that their affectionate and beloved pastor cherished the desire, and they, the expectation, of his coming to America, until his death. Note XXVI. p. 205. The MS. paper, supposed by the Editor to have been " written, probably, by Winthrop," assigns the following reasons for a law against the custom of drink- ing healths: "(1.) Such a law as tends to the suppressing of a vain, custom (quatenus it so doth) is a wholesome law. This law doth so, — ergo. The minor is proved thus : 1. Every empty and ineffectual representation of serious things in a way of vanity. But this custom is such : for it is intended to hold forth love and wishes of health, which are serious things, by drinking, which, neither 576 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. in the nature nor use, it is able to effect ; for it is looked at as a mere compliment, and is not taken as an argument of love, which ought to be unfeigned, — ergo. 2. To employ the creature out of its natural use, without warrant of authority, necessity, or conveniency, is a way of vanity. But this custom doth so — ergo. (2.) Such a law as frees a man from frequent and needless temptations to dis- semble love &c. (quatenus it so doth) is a wholesome law. But this doth so — ergo." Winthrop, i. 37. — At the general court in 1639, " an order was made to abolish that vain custom of drinking one to another." lb. 324. Camden says, the English, who of all the Northern nations had been the least addicted to drinking, and were renowned for sobriety, learned this pernicious custom in the Belgic wars. Having related a ridiculous duel \Buellum ridiculum] between a military officer and the second of a commander in chief who was not allowed by the laws to fight in person, he takes occasion to mention the Belgic origin of drinking healths, and the first restraint of this custom in England, by law, in his time. " Quomodo Thomas Epirotarum ductor Norrisium ad singulare certain en hoc tempore provocavit, et Rogerus Williams ejus Vicarius conditionem acce- pit, cum ipsi supremo duci per leges militares non liceret, nescio an memoran- dum : cum tantummodd, utroque exercitu spectante, aliquandiu conflixerint, et neutro laeso, haustis plenis poculis comiter discesserint. Hoc tamen non praetereundum, Anglos qui ex omnibus Septentrionalibus gentibus minime fu- erant bibaces, et ob sobrietatem laudati, ex his Belgicis bellis didicisse immodico potu se proluere, et aliorum saluti propinando suam affligere. Adeoq; jam inde ebrietatis vitium per universam gentem proserpsit, ut legum severitate nostro tempore primum fuerit cohibitum." Annales, Eliz. Angliae Regina. A. D. 1581. Note XXVII. p. 218. For the principles and usages of the Congregational Churches, see Cotton's Power of the Keys, Hooker's Survey of the Sum of Church Discipline, Norton's Answer to Questions of Apollonius concerning Church Government, Cambridge Platform, I. Mather's Order of the Gospel, professed and practised by the Churches of Christ in New England, Results of Three Synods held in Massa- chusetts, Davenport's Power of Congregational Churches, Mather's Magnalia, b. 5. Ratio Disiplinae Fratrum Nov-Anglorum, I. Chauncy's Divine Institution of Congregational Churches, Ministry, and Ordinances, I. Mather's Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England, Neal's History of New England, and History of the Puritans, Hutchinson's Massachusetts, i. c. 4. and Stiles' Christian Union. Note XXVIII. p. 224. These arbitrary measures, contemplated before, but soon checked, are as- cribed to the influence of the enemies of the colony, then in England. By an arrival from London in May, 1633, governor Winthrop was informed, that Sir Christopher Gardiner, and Thomas Morton, and Philip Ratcliffe, who had ren- dered themselves obnoxious to the government of Massachusetts, and left the country under the opprobrium of punishment, petitioned to the king and council against the colony, and that they were urged on by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and captain Mason, who had begun a plantation at Pascataqua, and were aiming to procure the general government of New England for their agent here. The petitions are said to have contained many false accusations, and some misrepre- sentations. They accused the colonists of intending to cast off allegiance, and to be wholly separate from the church and laws of England ; and the ministers and people of railing against the state, the church, and the bishops. To these accusations Sir Richard Saltonstall, Mr. Humphry, and Mr. Cradock, then in England, delivered in to the council an answer in writing, which, with the statement of Sir Thomas Fermin, one of the council, procured a dismissal with a favourable order for the defendants. Winthrop wrote in his Journal (May, 1633) : " The king said, he would have them severely punished who did abuse NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 577 his governor and the plantation ; " that the defendants " for encouragement were assured from some of the council, that his majesty did not intend to impose the ceremonies upon us, for that it was considered, that it was the freedom from such things that made people come over to us ; and it was credibly- informed to the council, that this country would in time be very beneficial to England for masts, cordage, &c. if the Sound should be debarred." Winthrop says, that Gardiner, Morton, and Ratcliffe " had been punished here for their misdemeanors." Their influence, doubtless, contributed to the arbitrary mea- sures of 1634. Note XXIX. p. 228. The satisfaction made to Plymouth by the Dorchester settlers was £50, 40 acres of meadow, and a large tract of upland. Winthrop, i. 181. Trumbull, Conn. i. 66. Harris, Account of Dorchester, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. ix. 153. The first governor Wolcott of Connecticut, in a Memoir which he wrote for president Clap, says : " The meadow where this frame stood," — referring, doubtless, to the Plymouth Trading house noticed in 1633, — " is to this day called The Plymouth Meadow" Winthrop says, " The Dorchester men set down near the Plymouth trading house, about a mile above the Dutch ; " Stuyvesant says, " a good shot distance." Tradition fixes the place near the confluence of the Tunxis with the Connecticut in Windsor, which is 5 or 6 miles above where the Hirsse of Good Hope stood. The late Rev. Dr. M'Clure of Windsor, in his " Settlement and Antiquities of Windsor," referring to the first settlers of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, says, " they had sent some men the year preceding their removal to make the purchase of the natives, whom they looked upon as the only rightful proprietors." Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. v. 167. Governor Bradford of Plymouth gives the following account. " The Dutch with whom we had formerly converse and familiarity, seeing us seated in a barren quarter, told us of a River, called by them Fresh River, winch they often commended to us for a fine place both for plantation and trade, and wished us to make use of it ; but our hands being full otherwise, we let it pass. But afterwards there coming a company of Indians into these parts, who were driven thence by the Pequents [Pequots] who usurped upon them, they often solicited us to go thither, and we should have much trade, especially if we should keep a house there. . . . We began to send that way, and trade with the natives. We found it to be a fine place, and tried divers times, not without profit ; but saw the most certainty would be by keeping a house there. . . . These Indians not seeing us very forward to build there, solicited those of the Massachusetts in like sort ; for their end was to be restored^ to their country again ; but they in the Bay being but lately come, were not fit'for the same." Referring to a con- ference at Boston on the subject, he says, " This treaty breaks off, and we come away. . . . Those [at Plymouth] take convenient time to make a begin- ning there, and are the first English that both discovered that place and built in the same. But the Dutch begin now to repent: and hearing of our purpose and preparation, endeavour to prevent us, get in a little before us, make a slight fort, and plant 2 peeces of ordnance, threatening to stop our passage. But we having a great new bark, and a frame of a house &c. . . ready, that we may have a defence against the Indians who are much offended that we bring home and restore the right Sachems of the place called Natawanut." . . . though challenged by the Dutch who " stood by their ordnance ready fitted &c pass along, and the Dutch threaten us hard, yet they shoot not. . . . And this was our first entrance there : we did the Dutch no wrong : for we took not a foot of any land they bought ; but went to the place above them, and bought that tract of land which belonged to the Indians we carried with us, and our friends, with whom the Dutch had nothing to do." Prince, 434—436. Morton, 1633. For an account of the enterprising man, who took charge of setting up the Plymouth trading house on Connecticut river, I am indebted to Hon. Judge Davis, who, unsolicited, sent me " Memoranda " relative to several of his name at Plymouth and the vicinity in early times ; " particularly of Lieutenant, after- vol. i. 73 578 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. wards Major, William Holmes, who appears to have been a man of considerable eminence and force of character. He lived at Scituate, and died at Boston, 1649, without any family." While a lieutenant, " he was leader for the Plym- outh people in taking possession of territory on Connecticut river, 1633. In 1638 he sold his house and garden, south side of High street, Plymouth, and lands in Duxbury. His Will is on record in Plymouth and Boston. It was proved in November, 1649. He gives a plantation in Antigua to Margaret and Mary Holmes (resident on that island) children of his deceased brother Thomas ; " to others of his brother's family, in London, he gives his farm in Scituate, " if they should come to New England, if not, then to Margaret and Mary of Antigua." — He appears to have served in the Civil Wars in England; " and taught the colonists the military exercise, and is frequently mentioned in that time." Note XXX. p. 282. The defence of Massachusetts was committed to Mr. Winslow. Hubbard, c. 55. p. 502. " The humble Remonstrance and Petition, [of the Governor of Massachusetts,] in way of answer to the Petition and Declaration of S. Gor- ton &c." is addressed to " The Honorable Robert earl of Warwick Governor in chief, Lord Admirall, and other the Lords and Gentlemen, Commissioners for Forreigne Plantations." The colonists acknowledge, u we still have depend- ence upon that state [England] and owe allegiance and subjection thereunto according to our Charter. . . . Our care and endeavour," say they, " hath been to frame our Government and Administration to the fundamentall Rules thereof so far as the different condition of this place and people, and^ the best light we have from the Word of God, will allow." They respectfully ask a perusal of the Papers they had delivered to the care of Mr. Winslow, in which were in- cluded the letters of Gorton, and his Company, by which " will appear the wrongs and provocations we received from them, and our long patience towards them, till they became our professed enemies, wrought us disturbance, and at- tempted our mine ; in which case (as we conceive) our Charter gives us full power to deale with them as enemies by force of armes, they being then in such place, where wee could have no right from them by civil Justice : which the Commissioners for the United Colonies finding, and the necessity of calling them to an account, left us the business to doe." Concerning the banishment of Gorton, they say, " as we are assured upon good grounds, our sentence upon them was less than their deserving, so (as wee conceive) wee had suffi- cient autority, by our Charter, to inflict the same, having full and absolute power and autority to punish, pardon, rule, governe, &c. granted us therein." Their denial of the right of appeaUto the British government is so perfectly in accordance with the principles and spirit of the colonies 130 years afterwards, as to deserve remembrance : " Their appeals we have not admitted, being assured they cannot stand with the liberty and power granted to us, by our Charter, nor will be allowed by your Honours, who well know it will be destructive to all Government both in the honour and also in the power of it, if it should be in the power of delinquents to evade the Sentence of Justice, and force us by appeal to follow them into England, where the evidences and circumstances of fact cannot be so clearly held forth, as in their proper place, besides the insup- portable charges we must be at in the prosecution of it." However disorganizing and vexatious may have been the conduct of Gorton and his adherents, it is pleasing to find men of the first character in England endeavouring to moderate the exercise of colonial authority, and to check the current of popular indignation. The commissioners of parliament, in 1647, sent letters to Massachusetts colony (in reply to its Remonstrance and Petition), in which, with delicate address, they at once paid great deference to the just rights of the colony, yet strongly inculcated the toleration of those who had once been driven into exile. Hazard, Coll. i. 546—553. Hubbard, c. 55. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 579 Note XXXI. p. 294. The sumptuary Law, for the matter and style, is a curiosity. The court, lamenting the inefficacy of former " Declarations and Orders against excess of apparel both of men and women," proceed to observe : " We cannot but to our giief take notice, that intolerable excess and bravery hath crept in upon us, and especially among people of mean condition, to the dishonour of God, the scandal of our profession, the consumption of estates, and altogether unsuitable to our poverty." They " acknowledge it to be a matter of much difficulty, in regard of the blindness of men's minds, and the stubbornness of their wills, to set down exact rules to confine all sorts of persons ; " yet " cannot but account it their duty, to commend unto all the sober and moderate use of those blessings" &c. The court proceed to order, that no person, whose visible estate shall not exceed the true and indifferent sum of £200 shall wear any gold or silver lace, or gold and silver buttons, or any bone lace above two shillings per yard, or silk hoods or scarves, on the penalty of 10 shillings for every such offence. The law authorizes and requires the select men of every town to take notice of the apparel of any of the inhabitants, and to assess such persons, as " they shall judge to exceed their rankes and abilities, in the costliness or fashion of their apparel in any respect, especially in the wearing of ribbands and great boots," at £200 estates, according to the proportion, which such men use to pay to whom such apparel is suitable and allowed. An exception, however, is made in favour of public officers and their families, and of those, " whose education and employment have been above the ordinary degree, or whose estates have been considerable, though now decayed." We smile at the simplicity of our forefathers ; but the mother country had set an example of similar measures, effected in a more summary manner. In the reign of queen Elizabeth, " began in England long tucks and rapiers," which succeeded the sword and buckler ; " and he was held the greatest gallant, that had the deepest ruffe, and longest rapier. The offence unto the eye of the one, and the hurt unto the life of the subject that came by the other, caused her majesty to make proclamation against them both, and to place selected grave citizens at every gate to cut the ruffes, and breake the rapiers points, of all passengers that exceeded a yeard in length of their rapiers, and a nayle of a yard in depth of their ruffes." Stow's Chroni- cle, 869. The law of Massachusetts, mentioned above, was passed during the administration of governor Endicot. Two years before (1649), soon after governor Winthrop's death, " Mr. Endicot, the most rigid of any of the magis- trates, being governor, he joined with the other in an association against long hair." Their Declaration is thus introduced : " Forasmuch as the wearing of long hair, after the manner of Ruffians and barbarous Indians, has begun to invade New England, &c. . . . We the magistrates who have subscribed this paper (for the shewing of our own innocency in this behalf) do declare and manifest our dis- like and detestation against the wearing of such long hair, as against a thing uncivil and unmanly, whereby men doe deforme themselves, and offend sober and modest men, and doe corrupt good manners," &c. Hutchinson, i. 152. Note XXXII. p. 298. Of the 500 men to be provisionally raised against the Dutch, Massachusetts was to send (commanders included) . 333 Plymouth 60 Connecticut 65 New Haven 42 500 The 60 men, required of Plymouth colony in case of necessity for them, were to be raised by the towns in the following proportion : Plymouth 7 Yarmouth 6 Duxborugh 6 Barnstable 6 Scituate 9 Marshfield 6 Sandwich 6 Rehoboth 6 Taunton 5 Eastham 3 580 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Of the 250 men to be raised against the Nianticks, Massachusetts was to send 166 Plymouth 30 Connecticut 33 New Haven 21 Note XXXIII. P 302. The number and list of each town in Connecticut, in 1654. Towns. Persons. Estates. Hartford . . 177 , . £19,609 Windsor . . 165 . 15,833 Wethersfield . 113 . 12,602 Fairfield . 94 8,634 Saybrook . 53 4,437 Stratford . 72 7,958 Farmington 46 5,519 Middletown 31 2,172 Norwalk . . 24 2,309 775 £79,073 Note XXXIV. p. 310. This tract, part of Pequot, originally belonged to New London. The first man who settled on it was William Cheeseborough from Rehoboth, in 1649. The general court of Connecticut, claiming the land, summoned him before them ; and, after stating their claims and taking bonds for his good conduct, allowed his continuance, promising at the same time, that if he would procure a sufficient number of planters, they would give him all proper encouragement in making a permanent settlement ; and about 10 or 12 families began to plant there this year. Massachusetts claimed this country by virtue of the assist- ance it afforded Connecticut in the conquest of the Pequots. After the deter- mination of the commissioners of the United Colonies, the planters petitioned the general court of Massachusetts, and obtained a grant of 8 miles from the mouth of Mistic river toward Wekapaug, and 8 miles northward into the country, and named the plantation Southerton. It continued under the government of Massachusetts until after Connecticut obtained a royal charter. Note XXXV. p. 451. Mr. Wadsworth, who accompanied the commissioners to Albany, says, they " lodged one night on their way at Ousetannuck [Stockbridge], formerly inhabited by Indians." They kept sabbath at Kinderhook, where, he under- stood, there were but about " 20 families at most." " The houses" were " in three parcels in this town, and there " were " two forts." They passed through Greenbush, " a place so called from the pine woods " in its vicinity. Mr. Wads- worth gives this description of Albany. " The town itself, though small, is yet very compact. It is almost quadrangular though the fortification which does surround it, is rather triangular. The east side of the town lies close upon the west side of Hudson's river ; so close, that in some places the water toucheth the fortification ; and is no where distant from it above two or three hundred rods, or thereabouts. The town is encompassed with a fortification, consisting of pine-logs, the most of them a foot through or more. They are hewed on two sides, and set close together, standing about 8 or 10 foot above ground, sharp- ened at the tops. There are 6 gates ; 2 of them east, to the river, 3 north, one south. There are 5 blockhouses ; 2 north, by two of the forementioned gates, and 3 south. The town, especially the west side of it, lies upon the ascent of a hill. The fortification ends as it were in a point at the top of the hill ; " on NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 581 which " stands the fort, in which are four flankers, the northwest flanker is huilt with stone, the rest with wood. In this fort, there are 15 or 16 great guns mounted. In the town there are three streets of a considerable breadth and streightness ; two of them are parrallel with the river, the third comes di- directly from the Fort down to the lowermost of the two former streets ; and where these two streets do thus meet, stands their Church. The houses are built generally low ; but very few of them have an upright chamber. The lower rooms are built very high. The houses are generally covered with tile, and many of the houses themselves built with brick." He mentions " Rens- laer's Island upon the river, about half a mile below the town, containing about 160 acres of good, level, fertile, arable land ; a very curious farm it is." Though there seemed no reason to doubt, whether the fair island that had attracted my observation near Albany, were the island described by Mr. Wads- worth ; yet to ascertain it, with its present name and proprietor, I addressed a letter of inquiry to the Honourable Stephen Van Rensselaer, now in Con- gress, who obligingly answered it from Washington, 26 Dec. 1S27. " The Island designated by you is called Rensselaer's in the grant, but usually by the name of the tenant for the time being, having never been alienated. I am the Proprietor. It is accurately described by President Wadsworth." — While at Albany in the autumn of 1826, I made particular inquiry for the site of Fort Orange. Dr. James, of that city, informed me, that the first Fort Orange stood on the margin of the Hudson, a little below State street, and that it was afterward removed to the upper part of the hill — one of the lines crossing State street, where it is now intersected by Chapel street. He saw the remains of the piles, when dug up before the paving of State street, and showed me the spot. The piles were driven to a great depth into the ground. Note XXXVI. p. 468. The authors of" Universal History" [Xl. 276—278.] maintain, that the English were possessors of Louisiana before its discovery by the French ; and found the English claim to it on the grant by Charles I. to Sir Robert Heath in 1630. [See that year.] " Sir Robert Heath conveyed over his right to the earl of Arundel, who was at the expense of planting several parts of the country, when the civil wars broke out, which put a stop to that noble design. By different conveyances, the whole country devolved upon one Dr. Cox, who, at a large expense, discovered part of it, and who actually presented to king William a memorial, in which he incontestibly proved his claim to it, and his son Daniel Cox, Esq. who resided fourteen years in the country, continued his father's claim, and published a very full account of it." It is there observed, in a Note : " It was published in 1762, and is indeed a very curious performance." Not finding it in our libraries, I procured a copy of it from London. The title is : "A Description of the English Province of Carolajya. By the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane. To which is added, A large and accurate Map of Carolaista, and of the River Meschacebe. By Daniel Coxe, Esq." London, 1741. Referring to the two ships, which his father sent out, Coxe says, " One of these ships returning, was unhappily cast away upon the English coast in a great storm, but very providentially the Journal was saved, though all the men were lost." Of this expedition he gives the following account. " The present proprietor of Carolana, my honoured Father, not only imployed many people on discoveries by land to the west, north, and south of this vast extent of ground, but likewise in the year 1698, he equipped and fitted out two ships from England, provided with above 20 great guns, 16 patereroes, abund- ance of small arms, ammunition, stores, and provisions, not only for the use of those on board, and for discovery by sea, but also for building a fortification, and settling a colony by land, there being in both vessels, besides sailors and com- mon men, above 30 English and French volunteers, some noblemen, and all gentlemen. One of these vessels discovered the mouths of the great and famous river Meschacebe, or as termed by the French, Mississipjn, entered and ascend- ed it above one hundred miles, and had perfected a settlement therein, if the 582 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. captain of the other ship had done his duty, and not deserted them. They howsoever took possession of this country in the king's name, and left, in several places, the Arms of Great Britain affixed on boards and trees for a Memorial thereof." Preface, and p. 121. Note XXXVII. p. 520. For a full account of the Life, Character, and Writings of this eminent man, the reader is referred to his Life prefixed to his Works, Memoirs of his Public and Private Life by Thomas Clarkson, Belknap's American Biography, and Allen's Biographical Dictionary, Art. Penn, Franklin's Works, and Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The following original article is from a very aged and highly respected Friend, Timothy Matlack:, Esq. of Philadelphia, with whom I became acquainted in early life at Savannah, where he gave me letters of introduction to his worthy family, to Dr. Ewing, and others in Philadelphia. When his letter of 1817, on the Abolition of Slavery [2 Coll. viii. 187.] was communicated by Col. Pickering to the Historical Society, I recognised the handwriting, and soon after wrote to him a letter of inquiry for any traditionaiy notices of that city and its founder. His answers were written 1819 and 1820, at which time he was supposed to be about 90 years of age. " The Records or Minutes of the Proprietary of Pennsylvania and his Coun- cil, from the commencement of his government to that of the Revolution, are lodged among the public Records at Harrisburgh, and contain the history of the executive under Penn, highly interesting to mankind at large. At the com- mencement of the Revolution it fell to my lot, as Secretary of the Supreme Executive Council of the State, to demand and obtain those Records from the heirs of Penn. Curiosity not less than duty induced me to read with no slight attention, every page of those Records, and they left on my mind the impres- sion, that they were of great value, and ought to be referred to by history." Referring to Mr. Penn, Mr. Matlack observes : " On a moments reflection it seems to me, that a most useful lesson may be derived trom " the fact " of his having granted a Charter to the city of Philadelphia ; and this Charter is se- lected rather than that to the People of Pennsylvania at large, from the circum- stance that the latter appears to have been an agreement between them and the Proprietary, at a time when Pennsylvania contained a number of men of education and experience ; such as Doctor Wynn, David Lloyd (of whom a lord Chancellor of England speaks in terms of very high respect, as a man of dis- tinguished law knowledge) Thomas Holmes, the first Surveyor General of the Province, Isaac Norris and others not less respectable for their knowledge ; while the Charter of the city seems to have been the effusion of his own mind alone." By this Charter, Mr. Matlack considers the Proprietary as " establishing an oligarchy, for the principles of which some apology may perhaps be found in the example of the Borough Charters granted by the crown, and long acted upon by the people of England. This Charter was acted upon in the city of Philadelphia for more than 70 years without opposition, except in a single case " — which was, the resistance of an ordinance passed by the Corporation. Discipline of the People called Quakers. [From MS. Letters of T. Matlack.] " In 1719 the yearly meeting of the Society of Friends revised their Disci- pline, and furnished their subordinate meetings of business with manuscript copies for their government. I do not know that it was ever printed. An ancient copy of this Discipline remains in my hands." — Mr. Matlack afterward sent me the MS. " which," he observed, " I have no doubt was intended for a NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 583 correct copy, as I recognize in it the handwriting of a very worthy man, who died a few years ago at the age of 83 years. It is the composition of Isaac Norris, the father of the Isaac, who was for many years speaker of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. Each of these men were, in their turn, at the head of the Society of Friends in Pennsylvania." Mr. Matlack was informed of the author of this " Discipline " by the sister of the latter Isaac, who, " at the same time, adduced it as evidence that her father was divinely inspired when he composed it." My respected correspondent mentioned " the manner and occasion of obtaining the above information." — " George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends, intended to have conveyed to the Society of Friends 20 acres of land about 3 miles from the city, and they built a Meeting house upon it, and when I was yet but a youth, I sometimes attended meetings there, and of course dined with friend Norris — on one of these occasions I obtained this intelligence. Unfortunately, however, it appeared that Mr. Fox understood more of Gospel than of law, and failed in giving them a title to the land — and his heirs claimed and received it from the Society." Swedes in Pennsylvania. William Penjt gave a very honourable account of the Swedes in 1683. See Proud, i. 261. For the following account, written 140 years afterward, I am indebted to the Rev. Nicholas Collin, d. d. Rector of the Swedish churches in Pennsylvania ; a part of whose obliging communication has been inserted under the year 1655. It is contained in a letter dated u Philadelphia, 29 Apr.1823." " The Swedish Colony was formed under the authority of their government, in the view of settling a country which by its latitude promised various valuable products; and of establishing a profitable commerce, not only with Sweden, but with all parts of America, and other countries. Accordingly, ships furnished with all requisites for the settlement, and for articles proper for commerce with the natives, were fitted out ; and also vessels of war, having military stores of all kinds. A governor, with civil and military officers were also appointed, and chaplains. The instruction for the governor was very exact, embracing all concerns for the good of the Colony. Religion and its attending virtues were solemnly enjoined. Strict equity and benevolence were particularly ordered. This and the martial character of the people preserved constant peace. " The plan for the colony was laid by Gustavus Adolphus, celebrated for his civil and military talents, his piety and Christian life ; but his death prevent- ed the execution till the reign of his daughter Christina. The first arrival of the Swedes was, probably, in 1637." They settled on the West of Delaware, and built Christina. See a. d. 1655. " They bought from the Indians land on Delaware from the cape Hinlopen till the Falls of (now) Trenton, about 30 miles from Philadelphia, and interior to limits not certain, but sufficient for some time, with promise of more by purchase in future. Governor Prinz, who came in 1643, chose for his residence Tinicum on Delaware, higher up, about 12 miles South from (now) Philadelphia. They spread gradually up and down Delaware, on the W. side ; and after several years, on the East of it, 40 miles South, and 18 North from (now) Philadelphia, having purchased land from the Indian owners ; but the quantity, prices, and times of purchase are not clearly known." In 1655 they were conquered by the Dutch, whose dominion was of short duration. " After ten years the English conquered the Dutch colony, and the Swedish as held by them. Sweden did soon give up its right to the English crown, on condition of the people retaining their property and free exercise of religion. Swedish missionaries were sent, but very few natives of Sweden came. In the colonial time was a Church near Christina-Fort ; and one on Tinicum. Afterwards one was erected on the shore near Philadelphia. In 1699 One was erected where Christina-Fort stood ; and in 1700 one in the place of that near Philadelphia, in its (now) Suburb, called Southwark. The first mentioned was built of stone, but this of brick. Both are yet in good 584 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. preservation. In Jersey was built one of wood in 1704, 20 miles South from Philadelphia, and 6 from Delaware, some years afterwards one smaller of wood was erected 14 miles further South, near that river. *Fwo of brick have been built in their places within 38 years. In Pennsylvania two have also been built of stone in 1764, as annexed to that in Philadelphia, one in S. W. 6 miles, and the other N. by W. 16 miles from this city. I am Rector of these ; and probably the last. The mission has ceased in the other parishes some years ago. The Swedish descendants have totally lost their mother-tongue, and also been mixed with several nations and religious professions." Note XXXVIII. p. 539. The Declaration was given in to the Trustees, in the Library of Yale Col- lege, 13 September, 1722, signed by Timothy Cutler, John Hart, Samuel Whittelsey, Jared Eliot, James Wetmore, Samuel Johnson, Daniel Brown. Mr. Cutler was Rector ; Mr. Hart, minister of East Guilford ; Mr. Whittelsey, minister of Wallingford ; Mr. Eliot, minister of Killingworth ; Mr. Wetmore, minister of North Haven ; Mr. Johnson, minister of West Haven ; Mr. Brown, tutor in Yale College. The public disputation between them and the Trustees was in October, when the General Assembly was sitting in New Haven ; " in consequence of which Messrs. Hart, Whittelsey, and Eliot recanted, being satisfied of the validity of ordination by Presbyters, chiefly by the learned rea- sonings of governor Saltonstall, who was formerly a minister. They all con- tinued in the ministry in their respective churches." Pres. Stiles, MS. In November, 1722, Messrs. Cutler, Wetmore, Johnson, and Brown, embarked at Boston for London, where they received episcopal ordination. Mr. Brown died there of the small pox ; Mr. Cutler returned, a missionary from the Society for propagating the Gospel, for Boston ; Mr. Wetmore, a missionary for Rye, in the province of New York ; Mr. Johnson, for Stratford. lb. See Humphreys* Hist. Account of the Society for propagating the Gospel, 536 — 542. Chandler's Life of President Johnson, 27 — 36. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. 1 6 5 6 2-tf RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO r 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 4 T3 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 WCYS 1 month loons moy be renewed I oyco ^j^^f^^uoo Desk DU E A * STAMPED BELOW FEB b 1982 BET'D FEB 8 9& AUTO DISC CiRC 1'92 _ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 12/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 C*s ~1 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES COObBbOflMB