mill mmm\mm\\ i K HI ill IN MEMORIAM BERNARD MOSES MAKQ.UETTE SAILING DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI " On the 17th of June (1673), they saw on their right the broad meadows, bounded in the distance by rugged hills, where now stands the town of Prairie du Chien. Before them, a wild and rapid current coursed athwart their way, by the foot of lofty heights wrapped thick in forests. They had found what they sought, and with a joy, writes Marquette, which I cannot express, 1 they steered forth their canoes on the eddies of the Mississippi." PARKMAN. A JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TO WHICH ARE ADDED THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH QUESTIONS, EXERCISES, COPIOUS NOTES, ETC. FULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ETC. BY JOHN J. ANDERSON, PH.D. Author of Anderson s Historical Series NEW EDITION, 1899 NEW YORK MAYNAKD, MEKRILL, & CO, 1901 COPYRIGHT, 1874. 1899, BY JOHN J. ANDERSON HOSE* PEEFACE THIS work is designed, as its title indicates, for elemen tary classes. The narrative is brief and simple. Expres sions not easily intelligible by pupils of a grade sufficiently advanced to commence the study of history have been carefully avoided ; but, at the same time, no attempt has been made to lower the style to the grade of a book for the nursery. All the important facts in the history of our country have been included in the text. Additional statements, referring to certain matters of detail interesting incidents, anecdotes, biographical sketches, etc. are supplied by notes. These, when read in connection with the text, cannot fail to make the study of the history more enter taining to the young pupil, and will aid in durably im pressing upon his memory the main facts of the history. The arrangement is adapted to the topical method of recitation the best for history, since this branch of study should, as far as possible, be made the means of training the pupil so that he may acquire the habit of full, ready, and accurate expression. Hence, verbatim repetition should be discouraged, and the general topical headings at the commencement of the paragraphs used as much as possible at first, the questions at the foot of the page being employed, 887314 6 PREFACE when necessary, to bring out a fuller statement by the pupil. The manner in which the dates have been inserted will commend itself to the good sense of the teacher. Only those of importance are given, and not generally so as to form an essential part of the narrative. The maps and map questions will prove a very valuable aid in explaining the text where places are referred to ; since no clear knowledge of historical facts can be obtained without a distinct acquaintance with the location of the places with which they are connected. The plan, in this respect, pursued by the Author in his previously-published works, has been carefully adhered to in this. The illustrations will, it is believed, not only serve to render this work attractive to young minds, but will aid very greatly in deepening the impression made by the narrative. As a supplement to the series of School Histories previ ously presented by the Author to the public, it is hoped that this book may supply the demand, now so urgent, for a brief and simple, yet complete, manual of -United States History. CONTENTS PERIOD I DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. DISCOVERY OP AMERICA II. OTHER DISCOVERIES BY THE SPANISH III. DISCOVERIES BY THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH IV. VIRGINIA V. NEW ENGLAND .... VI. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY . VII. PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE . VIII. MARYLAND, THE CAROLINAS, AND GEORGIA IX. FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS . X. CIVIL PROGRESS AND SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE COLONIES 117 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY . . 125 TOPICS FOR REVIEW . ...... 127 PERIOD II FROM THE CLOSE OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR TO THE ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION XI. CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION .... 128 XII. THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 135 XIII. EVENTS TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION . 177 TOPICS FOR REVIEW .18? CONTENTS PERIOD III FROM THE INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON TO THE PRESENT TIME CUAp TEK PAGE XIV. WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION 184 XV. ADMINISTRATIONS OF ADAMS AND JEFFERSON . . . 190 XVI. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION ... 199 XVII. ADMINISTRATIONS FROM MADISON TO POLK . . .210 XVIII. ADMINISTRATIONS FROM TYLER TO LINCOLN . . . 223 XIX. LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR . 240 XX. LATER ADMINISTRATIONS ... 276 XXI. CIVIL PROGRESS OF THE NATION . . . 294 XXII. RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS ....... 302 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY 314 TOPICS FOR REVIEW .... . 317 APPENDIX DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ... 1 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES . 5 EARLY CLAIMS OF EUROPEAN NATIONS ...... 31 BATTLES OF FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ..... 31 PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTION .... 32 PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE WAR OF 1812 33 PRESIDENTS AND VICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES . . 34 SETTLEMENT AND ADMISSION OF THE STATES .... 35 TERRITORIAL ACQUISITIONS .... 36 PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE WAR AVITH MEXICO . . . .37 SPECIAL REVIEW .... 39 INDEX 47 HOW TO TEACH HISTORY Lessons should be assigned and recitations heard, not so much in con formity with rules as in accordance with circumstances. ASSIGNING THE LESSON 1. " Give out " a short lesson, at the same time designating a map to be drawn by the pupils, on paper or slate, the map to show, among other things, the location of the important places mentioned in the lesson, dp Let it be understood that no lesson is learned by a pupil until he has learned where every place mentioned in it is located. 2. Let the lesson be read by the class, care being taken to have all the proper names correctly pronounced. Endeavor, also, to give interest to the lesson by enlarging upon the facts, throwing in historical incidents, and referring to authors. RECITATION 3. Let the maps be examined and criticised. In this duty the teacher may be aided very much by a system of examinations carried out by the pupils themselves, who will derive benefit in many respects by the exercise. 4. Bring out the facts of the lesson with clearness, particularly the relation of causes to results. If any question is not fully answered, put others to elicit what has been omitted. Then ask the first question again, requiring it to be properly answered. Of course the teacher should in all cases aim to have his questions answered with intelligence. Use outline wall-maps, and question freely on the geography. Occa sionally have the maps drawn on the blackboard. (flgip Permit no answer to pass if it is not clear that the pupil is acquainted with the location of the places referred to in it. REVIEWS 5. Review by topics. Besides the oral method, the composition plan, by written diagrams, or brief sketches, should occasionally be used. The "Topics for Review," at different places in the book, will furnish an exhaustive supply of subjects for these brief composition exercises, as well as for off-hand oral narratives. 6. Do not require dates too freely, the month and the day of the month in no case, unless there is a special reason for it. Take the date of an important event as a turning point ; and, when it is well fixed in the mind, arrange on the one side the train of events as causes, and on the other the train of results. DISCOVERIES ^<AM> |L Q (iEXPLORATIONS V ^TT^:^>^^I^ NORTHjLjyXERICA Scale of MUes -(==* 1= ZOO 300 ^adqr Strait of. Aelie-iffc ii ^m^ m f ,,,1 ,-<>,; <- // ^^P^fes ? y i _* ^^ * jfe /^mitt, f ^pfiJA ^ ::; 5^*%^ HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES PEEIOD I DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS CHAPTER I The Discovery of America COLUMBUS EMBARKING AT PALOS, SPAIN, FOR HIS VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY, 1492 i. The Continents. Most pupils, before they commence the study of this book, will have seen a map of the Eastern and the Western Hemisphere. These, they know, represent the two halves of the surface of the earth, which is round Map Questions. (See map, page 10.) Where are the Bahama Islands ? The West Indies ? Where is Guanahani, called by Columbus San Salvador ? The island of His- paniola, St. Domingo, or Hayti ? 12 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES like a ball. They have also learned that each hemisphere contains a large extent of land, one being called the Eastern Continent and the other the Western Continent. 2. The Western Continent. Now, although we know of events that happened in the Eastern Continent thousands of years ago, scarcely anything Avas known of the Western Continent,, or of its inhabitants, until about four hundred years ago. Previous to that time, people knew only of parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and of the latter chiefly those parts that lie on or near the Mediterranean Sea. 3. The Northmen, or Normans. In the northern part of Europe, in a country called Norway, there lived about a thousand years ago, a very bold and hardy race of people, who built small ships in which they sallied forth and made voyages to distant countries. They were fierce war riors as well as seamen. No dangers, either -of the land or the ocean, could daunt them. As they lived in the north, they were called Northmen, Norsemen, or Normans. 4. Discovery of Greenland Some of these people, between eight and nine centuries ago, venturing a long way out on the ocean, came to the island of Iceland, and after wards discovered that part of America which is called Greenland, where they made settlements. But these, after flourishing more than a hundred years, perished, and were almost entirely forgotten. It is certain, also, that the Northmen visited Labrador, Newfoundland, and, perhaps, Text Questions 1. What are the Continents ? 2. When did the Western Conti nent become known ? What was known of the Eastern Continent ? What of Africa ? 3. Who were the Northmen ? What was their character ? Why were they called Northmen, or Normans ? 4. How were Iceland and Greenland discovered ? When were settlements made ? What other places did the Northmen visit ? What country did they call Vineland ? DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 13 New England, and that the last named they called Vine- land, from the abundance of grapes which they found there.* 5. Progress of Geography But there came a time, long after the voyages of these daring Northmen, when people began to desire to know what was on the other side of the great ocean which washed the shores of their coun tries. Bold navigators arose who studied geography, made maps and charts of the seas over which they had sailed, and tried to find a way by which they might learn more of the surface of the globe on which they lived. In these efforts they were greatly aided by the mariner s compass, which had recently come into use. 6. The Shape of the Earth. Most people would not believe that the earth was a globe. They thought it was flat, and that if any one should sail across the ocean, he might come to the end of the earth, and would be in danger of falling off. The men of science, however, were of a dif ferent opinion : they believed the earth to be round, and they wished to learn more about its surface ; but these men were comparatively very few. 7. Columbus. One of the boldest and wisest among * " They called the land Vineland (or Vinland), by reason of the grapes and a kind land. The story goes that Lief, the Fortunate, almost as soon as he landed, missed a little old German servant of his father, Tyrker by name, and was vexed thereat : during the night he seeks him, and meets him coming back with smacking lips, and talking highly excited in his old native German tongue ; and when they got him to talk Norse, he said, I have news for you. I found vines and grapes for you. Is this true, foster father ? It is, says the German, l for I was brought up where there was never a lack of grapes ! Charles Kingsley. 5. How was progress made in Geography ? By what were navigators aided ? 6. What was thought of the shape of the earth ? What did the men of science be lieve ? 7. Who was Christopher Columbus ? His studies and voyages ? His project to sail westward ? Its object ? 1-1 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES them was Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa (jeri-o- ah), in Italy. He had studied the subject for years, and had made himself fa miliar with all that was then known of the science of geography, of which he was very fond. He had also made many voyages. This great man formed the bold project of sailing west ward across the vast ocean, where no ships had ever before been known to go. The ob ject of this undertaking was to find a short way to a certain rich country in the southeastern part of Asia and the islands near it, called India, or the Indies. 8. The Indies the route to it. Many persons had already gone to this country and these islands, and had brought back very exciting accounts of the riches to be found there, as well as of the singular character of the people, the animals, the plants, etc.* A considerable com- * The first and most extensive traveler among the eastern nations was Marco Polo, a Venetian, who passed seventeen years in the service of the Khan of Tartary, during which he visited the chief countries and cities of Eastern Asia, among them Japan, the existence of which was not previously known. He returned to Venice in 1295 ; and subsequently a very interesting account of his travels was written, which had a wonder- ful effect in encouraging geographical research. It led to the two great discoveries: of America, by Columbus ; and of the Cape of Good Hope, by the Portuguese. 8. What is said of the Indies ? The route thither 2 C HKISTOl lIER COLUMBUS DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 15 merce was carried on with these countries ; and rich silks, precious stones, spices, and other valuable products were brought thence ; but the journey to and from the Indies was long and dangerous. Vessels sailed through the Medi terranean Sea to the northeastern part of Africa, where they were unladen, and the goods were carried on the backs of camels across the Isthmus of Suez, and thence again by ships down the Ked Sea, and through the Indian Ocean to the Indies. Sometimes the goods were carried overland through Asia, with great labor, difficulty, and expense. 9. Cities made rich by trade with India. Venice, Florence, and Genoa, cities in the northern part of Italy, actively engaged in this trade with the East, and thus be came the chief marts for all the rich merchandise. They consequently became very rich and prosperous, and excited the envy of other cities and nations, who greatly desired, to share in this profitable trade. This they felt they would be able to do, if another Avay to reach the Indies could be found. 10. The Portuguese enterprises. The people of Por tugal had made great efforts to accomplish this by sailing southwardly along the west coast of Africa, hoping to be able, if they could sail far enough, to find a way around it, and thus render the passage of the Isthmus of Suez unnec essary. The foremost in encouraging this undertaking was Prince Henry of Portugal, who sent out many vessels, one after the other, each of which succeeded in going farther 9. What cities engaged in the trade ? What did other cities desire ? 10. What had the Portuguese accomplished ? What is said of Prince Henry ? When was the Cape of Good Hope first passed ? 16 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES than the preceding one. It was not, however, until after the voyage of Columbus, that any of the Portuguese vessels succeeded in reaching the Cape of Good Hope, and passing around it into the Indian Ocean (1497). 11. Ideas and plan of Columbus. Columbus believed that the shortest way was to cross the Atlantic Ocean ; for, while he knew that the earth was round, he did not know its size, and therefore had the idea that the shores of Asia were on the other side of that ocean, being, of course, igno rant of the fact that a great continent lay between Asia and Europe. He felt sure he was right ; and that, if he could obtain the aid he" required in order to supply himself with ships and other necessary things for a long voyage, he should make great discoveries. 12. How his plan was received Most of those to whom he spoke of his plan, laughed at it. The idea that there could be people on the other side of the earth, walking with their heads downward, seemed to them absurd. Some thought that, since the earth is round, a ship, in going a long way across the ocean, would be sailing down hill, and that it could never return. Others spoke of terrific monsters living in the regions beyond the great sea. Few sailors could be persuaded to think of such a voyage. 13. Why Columbus was confident. But Columbus was too wise and brave to have any such notions and fears. He was confident that beyond the great sea there existed lands which were inhabited by human beings. Indeed, he 11. What did Columbus believe was the best way to reach India ? Why? 12. How was his plan received ? What was thought of it? 13, What ma,de Columbus feel sure, that he, was right ? 18 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES knew that pieces of carved wood, and even human bodies had been borne by westerly winds across the ocean, and thrown by the waves upon the shores of the islands called the Azores (a-zors ) t the most westerly land then known. 14. How the King of Portugal treated him. The King of Portugal was the first monarch from whom he asked the assistance he needed ; but this monarch was mean and dishonest. After hearing the views of Columbus, he secretly sent out a ship to make the discovery, and thus obtain all the honor and profit for himself ; but the Portuguese cap tain, after sailing some time without seeing any glimpse of land, returned, and reported that Columbus was mistaken. 15. From whom he obtained aid Columbus had previously made proposals to his native city, Genoa, but without success. From PortugaJ he went to Spain, and petitioned Ferdinand and Isabella, who reigned over that country, to undertake the enterprise. For a long time his efforts to convince them of the truth of his views were unsuccessful ; but finally, when he told the good and pious Queen Isabella of all the lands which he expected to discover, and the heathen people who were to be converted to Chris tianity, she became deeply interested in the plan, and offered to pawn her jewels to obtain the money needed to procure the ships, men, and provisions, required to carry it into effect. 16. Sailing of Columbus. At last, aided by Isabella, the preparations for the voyage were completed. With three small ships and about ninety sailors, Columbus set out from 14. To whom did he first apply for aid ? What did the King of Portugal do ? 15. To whom did he next apply ? What induced Isabella to offer him aid ? 16. How and when did he sail ? From what port ? What appointment had he received ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES a port in the southern part of Spain called Palos (pah -loce) (August 3, 1492), after he had spent about twenty years in arranging his plans and getting the aid needed to carry them into effect. He had heen appointed by the queen admiral of the fleet, and was to be viceroy of all the countries which he should discover. 17. Incidents of the voyage. For sixty days Columbus and his companions continued to sail west ward, but without dis covering land. They saw nothing but the vast ocean all around them. Then the sailors became alarmed, and re solved they would go no farther. They even threatened to throw their brave admiral into the sea. But Columbus re mained firm ; he persuaded, entreated, and threatened by turns, the mutinous men ; and finally told them that if in a few days he did not find land, he would return. 18. Discovery of land Soon, however, the signs that they were approaching land became very numerous. Birds were seen, fresh branches of trees floated near them, and the wind wafted the fragrance of flowers and foliage to the ships. At length, about ten o clock on the night of October THE PINTA One of the vessels in which Columbus crossed the Atlantic in 1492. 17. What were the chief incidents of the voyage ? How did he quiet the mutinous sailors ? 18. What signs of land became visible ? When was land discovered ? DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 11, Columbus himself saw a light, and the next morning land was plainly in view (October 12, 1492). The heart of Columbus beat with joy. 19. The island and its people. This land was found to be a beautiful island, and very soon the Spaniards saw the inhabitants flocking to the shore to see the strange ships objects un like anything they had ever seen be fore. These, peo ple were without clothing, and seemed to be a simple and harmless race. Columbus called them Indians, for he thought he had reached one of the islands of the Indies. 20. Landing of Columbus. Soon the Spaniards landed, 19. What was it found to be ? Describe the natives ? What were they called by Columbus? Why? 22 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Columbus leading them, clothed in a gorgeous dress of scarlet, and bearing the royal standard in his hand. They all threw themselves on their knees, kissed the ground, and returned thanks to God for their preservation, and for the great discovery they had made. Columbus drew his sword and solemnly took possession of the island in the names of Ferdinand and Isabella, naming it San Salvador, which means Holy Saviour.* 21. Conduct of the sailors and natives. The sailors who had been so mutinous were then very repentant. They knelt before Columbus and begged his forgiveness, promis ing thereafter to obey his commands. Indeed, they almost worshiped him as a superior being. As for the simple natives, it may be imagined with what awe and wonder they gazed on this scene. At first they fled to the woods in terror, but seeing that no attempt was made to harm them, they returned and approached their strange visitors. 22. Description of the natives. They were a copper- colored people, having straight, coarse, black hair, but no beards ; and their faces and bodies were painted with vari ous colors. They were greatly pleased with the glass beads and other trinkets which the Spaniards gave them, and freely exchanged for these such provisions as they had, and the little ornaments of gold which they wore, f The latter * This island is one of a large group of islands, called the Ba-ha -mas. The natives called it Guanahani (gwah-nah-hah -ne). t " So loving, so tractable, so peaceable are the people," says Columbus in his jour nal, "that I declare to your Majesties there is not in the world a better nation, nor 20. Describe the landing of Columbus. What did he call the island ? 21. What was the conduct of the sailors ? Of the natives ? 22. Character of the natives ? Their gold trinkets ? DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 23 chiefly caught the attention of the Spaniards, who desired to know where they got that metal. The natives pointed to the south as the place where it abounded. 23. Other discoveries of Columbus. After staying a few days at San Salvador, Columbus sailed in a southerly direction, and soon discovered other islands, the largest of which was named Cuba. Another large island he called His-pan-i-o -la (Little Spain). On all these islands he was treated with kindness by the natives ; and on his departure he left a small colony at Hispaniola.* 24. Return of Columbus other voyages. On his re turn to Spain, Columbus was received with very great honor ; and the news of his wonderful discovery produced great interest and astonishment, f He afterward made other voyages ; and, in 1498, succeeded in reaching the continent a better land. They love their neighbors as themselves ; and their discourse is ever eweet and gentle, and accompanied with a smile ; and though it is true that they are caked, yet their manners are decorous and praiseworthy." Irving s Life of Columbus. * Hispaniola was afterwards called San Domingo. The name of Hayti (ha -tee) was given to it after the French were expelled in 1803. t "To receive him with suitable pomp and distinction, the sovereigns had ordered their throne to be placed in public, under a rich canopy of brocade of gold, in a vast and splendid saloon. Here the king and queen awaited his arrival, seated in state, with the Prince Juan beside them, and attended by the dignitaries of their court, . . . all impatient to behold the man who had conferred so incalculable a benefit upon the nation. At length Columbus entered the hall, surrounded by a brilliant crowd of cavaliers, among w r hom, says Las Casas, he was conspicuous for his stately and com manding person, which, with his countenance, rendered venerable by his gray hair, gave him the august appearance of a senator of Rome ; a modest smile lighted up his features, showing that he enjoyed the state and glory in which he came. As Columbus approached, the sovereigns arose, as if receiving a person of the highest rank. Bend ing his knees, he offered to kiss their hands ; but there was some hesitation on their part to permit this act of homage. Raising him in the most gracious manner, they ordered him to seat himself in their presence, a rare honor in this proud and punctilious court. 1 Irving 1 s Life of Columbus. 23. What other discoveries did Columbus make ? Where did he leave a small col ony ? 24. How was Columbus received on his return ? What other voyage did he make ? When did he discover the Continent ? What did he suppose it to be ? 24 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES of South America, near the mouth of a large river, called the O-rin-o -co. He was not, however, aware that it was a continent, still supposing the lands he had found to be islands near Asia. 25. Columbus in chains his death. In his third voyage, the Spaniards rebelled against his authority, and sent him back to Spain in chains. In this condition he ap peared before Isabella, who was greatly moved at the sight, and ordered the chains to be taken off. The king, however, treated him with base ingratitude, never restoring him to his office as viceroy, which had been promised him. He afterwards rnade a fourth voyage, in Avhich he explored a part of the coast of Da-ri-en (1502). 26. Columbus, poor and neglected, died in Spain in 1506, being about seventy years of age. The king, who had treated him so ungratefully while he lived, gave him a pompous funeral.* It is sad to think that this great and good man should not have received the rewards to which he was entitled for pointing out the way to a new world. The Spanish courtiers, too, were jealous of his fame and of the respect with which the good queen treated him.f * His body was deposited in a convent at Val-la-do-lid , Spain, but was afterward removed to Seville, Spain. Twenty-three years after, it was taken across the Atlantic to Hispaniola, and, two hundred and sixty years later, was carried with great ceremony to the cathedral at Havana. In 1898, after our war with Spain, it was carried back to Spain. t "A short time after his return from his first voyage, the Grand Cardinal of Spain invited Columbus to a banquet, where he assigned him the most honorable place at table. A shallow courtier present, impatient of the honors paid to Columbus, and meanly jealous of him as a foreigner, abruptly asked him whether he thought that, in case he had i t discovered the Indies, there were not other men in Spain who would have been capable of the enterprise. To this, Columbus made no immediate reply, 25. What happened in his third voyage ? How was he treated by the queen ? By the king? His fourth voyage ? 26. When and how did he die ? His funeral ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS 25 27. Origin of the name America. The success of Co lumbus induced many other navigators to make voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, among them Amerigo Vespucci (ah-ma-re -go ves-poot -chee) , an Italian (1499), who, on his return, wrote an interesting account of the country dis covered. This account was published some time after, and thus the continent came to be called after him, AMERICA.* CHAPTER II Other Discoveries by the Spaniards i. Discovery of the Pacific Ocean For some time the Spaniards continued to explore the regions in the northern part of South America ; and in 1513 one of the boldest, named Bal-bo -a, with a small company, crossed the Isthmus of Darieu, and after many hardships reached but, taking an egg, invited the company to make it stand on one end. Every one at tempted it, but in vain ; whereupon he struck it upon the table so as to break the end, and left it standing on the broken part ; illustrating in this simple manner that when he had once shown the way to the New World, nothing was easier than to follow it." Irving s Life of Columbus. * "The name America was first applied to the New World in a work written by Martin Waldseemuller, under an assumed name, and printed in Lor-raine , Germany, in 1507. This has been clearly proved by Humboldt. . . . The Spaniards carefully avoided the use of the name America in their histories and official documents, in not one of which, anterior to the middle of the last century, can the word be found. 1 Greenhow s Hist, of Oregon and California. A copy of Waldseemuller s book is among the "Literary Curiosities," under a glass case in the British Museum. Another copy was procured by the Hon. Charles Sumner, during his last visit to Europe. It is not known that there is a third copy in existence. The work is in Latin. Map Questions. Where is Florida ? (Map, p. 10.) Mexico ? (Map, p. 10.) Straits of Magellan ? (Map of S. America.) Philippine Islands ? (Pacific Ocean.) Text Questions. 27. How did the country receive the name of America? Who was Amerigo Vespucci ? 1. What was done by Balboa ? What did he call the body of water he discovered ? THE DISCOVERY OF THE PACIFIC BY BALBOA DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS 27 the shore of the great ocean that stretches beyond. Igno rant of the extent of the vast body of water that he saw spread out before him to the southward of the Isthmus, he called it the South Sea. 2. Magellan s voyage. Six years afterwards, a Por tuguese navigator, named Ma-gel -lan, commanding a Span ish squadron consisting of five ships, sailed from Spain to the southwest across the Atlantic Ocean, and discovered the strait which was named. after him. Passing through this strait, he reached the ocean previously discovered by Bal boa, and sailed across it. This ocean he called the Pacific, that is, peaceful, for he experienced very mild weather on entering it, and for several days after. 3. Voyage round the world. Unfortunately, this bold sailor was slain in a battle with the warlike natives of one of the Phil-ip-pine Islands ; but his ship kept on the voyage westward, passed the Cape of Good Hope, and in this way reached Spain, thus completing the first voyage ever made around the world (1519-22). This voyage, of course, proved America to be a different continent from the Eastern Con tinent, and it was therefore called the Western Continent, or New World. The islands among which Columbus had sailed were named the West Indies. 4. Voyage of Pon-ce de Le-on . Among a large group of these islands, called the Bahamas, it had been reported that there was one which contained a very wonderful spring which would restore to youthful health and vigor any one 2. Who was Magellan ? What voyage did he make ? What did he discover ? What ocean did he cross ? Why was it called the Pacific ? 3. When and how was he slain ? How far did one of his ships sail ? What did this prove ? 4. What report existed in regard to the Bahamas ? What did this prompt ? Who was Ponce de Leon ? 28 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES who should drink of it, or bathe in its waters. Hearing of this report, a soldier of distinction,, named De Leon (da Id-ori), who had sailed with Columbus in some of his voy ages, determined to go in quest of it (1512), for he was of advanced age, and eagerly desired to be young once more. 5. Discovery of Florida He sailed about for some time among these islands, but the fountain of perpetual youth was nowhere to be found. While thus engaged, however, he came to a very beautiful country, to which he gave the name of Florida, or the Land of Flowers, for the trees all along its shores were covered with bright and fra grant blossoms. It was Easter Sunday when this land was reached, and the mariners had abundance of flowers to celebrate that festival. De Leon, a few years afterward, returned to his newly-found land, and was mortally wounded in a battle with the natives.* 6. Discovery of Mexico the inhabitants. A short time after the discovery of Florida, Mexico was discovered, and the Spaniards were very much surprised to find that the inhabitants of that country, instead of being naked barbarians like the Indians, were a civilized nation, living in cities and towns, and having a regular government. Their temples and palaces were spacious and magnificent ; and the people were dressed in garments of cloth, and wore ornaments of gold and silver. Their king, who was named * " Wounded by an arrow, he returned to Cuba to die. . . . The discoverer of Flor ida had desired immortality on earth, and gained its shadow." Bancroft s Hist. U. S. 5. What land did he reach ? Why was it called Florida ? How did the death of De Leon occur ? 6. What was the character of the Mexicans ? Their king ? To what race did they belong ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS 29 Mon-te-zu -ma, it was said was very rich. These people belonged to a race called the Aztecs. 7. Expedition of Cortez. Cor -tez, a brave but cruel soldier, was sent with about six hundred men to take possession of this country. He landed with his small army on the shores of Mexico in 1519 ; and, in order to compel his men to think only of conquest, by cutting off all hope of return, he destroyed his ships. He then marched through the country to the capital, situated about two hundred miles from the place of his landing, although messengers had been dispatched by Montezuma to the strangers, bearing rich presents, but forbidding them to advance into the country. 8. Death of Montezuma. Nevertheless, the Spaniards were treated with great kindness and civility by Montezuma, on their arrival at the capital of his dominions ; but the designs of the strangers were soon apparent to the Mexi cans, and they soon began to give tokens of hostility. To check this, Cortez artfully made a prisoner of the king, and induced him to counsel his people to submit. At this they were so much enraged, that they hurled stones and arrows at their monarch ; and from the effects of the injuries which he thus sustained he soon after died. 9. Conquest of Mexico. The Mexicans thereupon rose upon the Spaniards, drove them from their city, and pur sued them with great fury. On the retreat, Cortez, finding that he must give battle or be destroyed, made a stand against 7. Who was sent to conquer them ? What did he do on landing ? 8. How were the Spaniards treated by Montezuma ? What caused the king s death ? 9, What fol lowed ? How was Mexico conquered ? 30 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES his foes, and although his men were so few, he gained a vic tory ; for the Spaniards wore armor and had fire-arms, against which the Mexicans had no means of contending. Aided by native tribes who had become dissatisfied with the rule of their king, Cortez returned to the city and made an entire conquest of the country (1521). 10. Cruelty of the Spaniards. It was the desire for gold that prompted these Spanish chieftains and their fol lowers to such deeds of hardship and daring. To satisfy this craving, they were guilty of the most shocking cruelties and crimes. Thus, after capturing the Mexican King Gua-ti- mo -zin, the successor of Montezuma, these ruthless soldiers laid him on a bed of burning coals, to compel him to disclose where he had concealed his riches ; and a short time after wards, Cortez ordered him to be hanged.* Thousands of the unfortunate Mexicans were slain by this relentless chief and his soldiers, in completing the conquest of the country. 11. Spaniards in Florida. Having found so much wealth in Mexico, the Spaniards thought they should be equally successful in exploring Florida ; f and this belief was * " Gua-ti-mo -zin bore whatever the refined cruelty of his tormentors could inflict, with the invincible fortitude of an American warrior. His fellow-sufferer, overcome by the violence of his anguish, turned a dejected eye towards his master, which seemed to implore his permission to reveal all he knew. But the high-spirited prince, darting on him a look of authority mingled with scorn, checked his weakness by asking, Am I now reposing on a bed of flowers ? Overawed by the reproach, the favorite perse vered in his dutiful silence, and expired. 11 Eobertsoii s History of America. t " It must be recollected that the name of Florida then designated a vast extent of country, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico, northwestwardly, towards unknown regions. The division of the country, as marked upon the maps, were Florida at the south, extending to the north of Chesapeake, and meeting New France. 1 Fairbanks s History of Florida. 10. What was the motive of the Spaniards in these conquests ? What cruelties did they commit ? Their treatment of Guatimozin ? 11. What ideas were entertained in regard to Florida ? Whose ambition was incited by reports of its wealth ? Who was De Soto ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS 31 strengthened by the reports of some persons who had wan dered through a part of that country. These statements particularly incited the ambition and avarice of a rich and brave cavalier, named De Soto, who had already gained wealth and distinc tion in the conquest of Peru. 12. De Soto s Expedition. He therefore sought and obtained per mission from the king of Spain to conquer this country, at his own expense, and was also appointed governor of Cuba. He soon suc ceeded in collecting a company of gay cavaliers, all brave, and thirsting for conquest and riches like himself, and caused ten vessels to be equipped for the voyage. With these and his little army of about six hundred men, he set sail for the New World in 1538. After stopping at Cuba and~leaving his wife to govern that island, he sailed to Florida, and in the summer of 1539, commenced his march towards the fancied land of gold. 13. Discovery of the Mississippi. For nearly three years, he and his companions wandered in the wilderness, suffering dreadful hardships ; for the natives were warlike and hostile, and constantly opposed the invaders march. In 1541, they reached the banks of the Mississippi River, which they crossed, and penetrated into the region beyond. * Worn * De Soto crossed the Mississippi not far from the 35th parallel of latitude ; and wan dered over the region probably as far north as the Missouri. 12. What permission and appointment did he obtain ? What preparations did he make ? When did he land in Florida ? 32 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES out at last with hardships, care, and disappointment, for there were no signs of El Dorado, or the land of Gold, which he expected to find, De Soto returned to the Mississippi. There he was stricken with disease, and death, in a few days, relieved him of his miseries. 14. End of the Expedition. His followers were greatly troubled by his death, for it was the fear of the great white chief that prevented the Indians from making an attack upon the invaders. The Spaniards, therefore, endeavored to conceal De Soto s death from the natives by sinking his remains in the waters of the great river which he had dis covered. * A short time afterward, they succeeded in build ing some frail boats, in which they sailed down the Missis sippi to the Gulf, and finally reached a Spanish settlement. CHAPTER III Discoveries by the French and English i. First Discoveries by the English. The discoveries and explorations of the Spaniards were chiefly confined to * " Their condition, on the death of their commander, was most forlorn. Few of their horses remained alive; their baggage had been destroyed, and many of the sol diers were without armor and weapons. In place of the gallant array which, more than three years before, had left the harbor of Espiritu Santo, a company of sickly and starving men were laboring among the swampy forests of the Mississippi, some clad in skins, and some in mats woven from a kind of wild vine. 11 Parkman. Map Questions. (Map, p. 10.) Where is the Gulf of Mexico ? The St. Lawrence River ? New Brunswick ? Nova Scotia ? Newfoundland ? Quebec ? Cape Cod ? Maine ? Lake Champlain ? St. Augustine ? Elizabeth Islands ? What part of the country was called Carolina ? What, Virginia ? Text Questions. 13. How long did the Spaniards wander in the wilderness ? What river did they reach and cross ? Where did De Soto die ? 14. What was done with De Soto 1 s remains ? Why ? How did his followers escape ? 1 . To what were the discoveries and explorations of the Spaniards confined ? What were the first ex plorations made by the English ? DISCO VERIES BY THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH 33 the regions bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and the Ca ribbean Sea, and the islands of the West Indies. A few years after the first voyage of Columbus, the English, under an Italian navigator named John Cab -ot, reached Labrador ; and his son Sebastian, the following year (1498), sailed along the coast from Labrador to Chesapeake Bay. 2. Verrazzani s Voyage. The French, some time after this, sent out ships to make discoveries in the New World. Under an Italian navigator, named Verrazzani (ver-rat- tsah -ne), they sailed along the eastern shore of North Amer ica from Cape Fear, entered the harbors of New York and Newport, and continued their voyage be yond Nova Scotia. Verrazzani called the country which he had seen New France. His voyage was made in 1524. 3. Discovery of the St. Lawrence. A few years after this (1534) the French, under another navigator, named Cartier (car-te-d ), discovered the great river St. Lawrence, and tried to form a settlement on its banks, but they were not successful. Quebec, the oldest town in Canada, was not founded till 1608. 4. Settlements of the French Protestants. But long before this, the French Protestants, aided by Coligny (ko-leen-ye 1 ), tried to find, in the regions farther south, a home where they might live in peace and worship God in 2. Give an account of Verrazzani s voyage. What name did he give to the coun try ? 3. When and by whom was the St. Lawrence River discovered ? When was Quebec founded ? 4. Where, before this, did the French Protestants try to settle ? What is said of the settlement in Carolina ? In Florida ? What town was settled by the Spaniards in 1565 ? 3 34 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES freedom. They made a settlement in Carolina (1562), but this was soon after abandoned ; * and then they attempted another in Florida (1564), but the settlers were killed by the Spaniards, under Melendez (md-len -detJi), as all that region was claimed by Spain. In 1565, Melendez founded St. Augustine, now the oldest town in the United States. Two years after this, the French, under a leader named De Gourgues (yoorg), surprised the forts on the St. John, and hung two hundred of the Spanish captives upon the trees. 5. Acadia and Port Royal. Many years afterward (1605), Protestants from France settled in a region called by them Acadia., which included the present provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Their first town was named Port Royal, for it had a magnificent harbor. 6. Champlain. An expedition, under a leader named Champlain, entered the St. Lawrence in 1608 ;f and the next year, with an Indian war-party, Champlain sailed up the lake which now bears his name, being the first European to gaze upon its expansive waters and picturesque shores (1609). * This was on the departure of Rihaut (re-bo ), the chief of the expedition. " Twenty-six men remained to keep possession of the continent." There, after wait ing in vain several months for the return of Ribaut, they put to sea in a small vessel which they had constructed. The sufferings which they endured on the voyage, be cause of their want of food, were frightful, but a remnant of their number at length reached France. " One day they cast lots for the life of one of their number, who was sacrificed, and his flesh divided equally. 11 Fairbanks^ History of Florida. t " Five years before, he had explored the St. Lawrence as far as the rapids above Montreal. On its banks, as he thought, was the true site for a settlement, a fortified post, whence, as from a secure basis, the waters of the vast interior might be traced back to their sources, and a western route discovered to China and the East. Fain, too, would he unveil the mystery of that boundless wilderness, and plant the Catholic faith and the power of France amid its ancient barbarism. 1 Parkman. 5. When and by whom was Acadia settled ? What did it include ? What was the first settlement ? 6. What is said of Champlain s expedition ? What lake did he dis cover ? DISCOVERIES BY THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH 35 7. Drake s Voyage. During the reign of the famous Queen Elizabeth, a very remarkable voyage was made by Francis Drake, a noted English captain. After cruising about for several months, he passed through the strait of Magellan, and entered the Pacific Ocean, for the purpose of plundering the Spanish settlements on the coast of South America. Sailing north as far as the 42d parallel, he stopped at one of the harbors probably San Francisco Bay to refit (1579) ; and thence steered across the Pacific, returning by that route to England (1580). This was the first voyage round the world after that of Magellan.* 8. Gilbert s Voyage. During the same reign, the English made several attempts to form settlements in the New World. Sir Humphrey Gilbert tried to plant a colony on the island of Newfoundland (1583), but failed, and on his return, his vessel foundered, and all on board perished. f * The western coast of North America was first explored by the Spaniards. Expedi tions, sent by Cortez, examined the California peninsula. Alarcon (ah-lar -&ori), sent by the governor of Mexico in 1540, ascended the Colorado River beyond the Gila (he -lah) ; and Coronado (ko-ro-nah -do), also sent at the same time, wandered for three years over the regions now known as Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Ne vada (1540-1543). In 1542, Cabrillo (cab-reel 1 -yo), commanding two vessels, sent by the Mexican governor, examined the coast as far as the northern limits of San Francisco Bay ; but, dying, his pilot, Fer-re -lo, next year continued the exploration as far north, probably, as the latitude of 43 degrees. t " Gilbert had sailed in the Squirrel, a bark of ten tons only, and, therefore, con venient for entering harbors, and approaching the coast. On the homeward voyage, the brave admiral would not forsake his little company, with whom he had encountered so many storms and perils. A desperate resolution ! The weather was extremely rough ; the oldest mariner had never seen more outrageous seas. The little frigate, not more than twice as large as the long-boat of a merchantman, too small a bark to pass through the ocean sea at that season of the year, 1 was nearly wrecked. The gen eral, sitting abaft with a book in his hand, cried out to those in the hind, We are as near to heaven by sea as by land. That same night, the lights of the Squirrel suddenly disappeared ; and neither vessel, nor any of its crew, was ever seen again."- Bancroft. . 7. What remarkable voyage was made during Queen Elizabeth s reign ? What route did Drake take ? In what year did he reach England ? 8. What was done during Queen Elizabeth s reign ? Give an account of Gilbert s voyage. 36 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES g. Raleigh s Expedition Virginia. The next year, the celebrated courtier, Sir Walter Raleigh (raw -le), sent out two vessels, with a similar purpose. These sailed to the coast of Carolina., and the voyagers landed on Roanoke Island. They found the region very delightful ; and, on their return, told the queen of its beauty and fertility, who, there fore, said it should be called Vir ginia, for it had been discov ered during the reign of the SIR WALTER RALEIGH virgin queen. 10. Other Expeditions by the English. Other expe ditions were sent out by Raleigh,* but they did not succeed in making a permanent settlement. Bartholomew Gos- nold, a noted captain, who discovered Cape Cod f in 1602, also tried to plant a colony, selecting for its site one of the Elizabeth Islands, which he had discovered and named ; J * The tobacco plant was first carried to England by some of Raleigh s returning colonists, and he introduced the habit of smoking it. " It is related that when his ser vant entered his room with a tankard of ale, and for the first time saw the smoke issuing from his master s mouth and nostrils, he cast the liquor in his face. Terribly frightened he alarmed the household with the intelligence that Sir Walter was on fire." t Cape Cod was the first spot in New England ever trod by Englishmen. % " The westernmost of the islands was named Elizabeth, from the queen a name which has been transferred to the whole group. There is on the island a pond, and within it lies a rocky islet. This waa the position which the adventurers selected for their residence. Here they built their storehouse and their fort : and here the founda tions of the first New England colony were to be laid." Bancroft. 9. Give an account of the expedition sent out by Raleigh. Why was the country called Virginia ? 10. What other expeditions were sent out by the English ? Who discovered Cape Cod ? Where did Gosnold attempt a settlement ? With what result ? What exploration was made in 1603 ? 160 2] VIRGINIA 37 but the settlers became alarmed at the Indians, and, dis couraged by the want of supplies, soon returned to Eng land. The southern shores of Maine were also explored by the English about this time (1603). CHAPTER IV Virginia i. ALTHOUGH the English had failed, in the expeditions they had sent out, to make settlements in the newly-discov ered regions beyond the ocean, they were not discouraged. Ra leigh could send no more ships to America : he was kept in prison by King James, the successor of the great queen ; for he had been condemned on a charge of trea son.* But the accounts given of the fertility, delightful climate, and wealth of Virginia, made many desire to go there, to bring back some of its rich products, or to find a home in which they might live in ease and idleness. * During his imprisonment he wrote a History of England. Being released, in order that he might point out a gold mine which he said existed in the northern part of South America, and having failed in the expedition, he was, on his return, beheaded, under the sentence which for several years had been forgotten (1618). " He met death with the most heroic indifference. Before he laid his head upon the block he felt the edge of the ax, and said, with a smile upon his face, that it was a sharp medicine, but would cure the worst disease. When he was bent down, ready for death, he said to the exe cutioner, finding that he hesitated, What dost thou fear ? Strike, man ! So the ax came down and struck his head off, in the sixty-sixth year of his age."Dickens s England. Text Questions. 1. What induced further attempts to settle Virginia ? 38 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Map Questiona.-Name five rivers that flow into Chesapeake Bav. What two P?v trn^i ^ e " tranc of the bay ? To what large body of water is Chesapeake Sfvt h H 7 /l"*.-^ ^^c Ocean. How was Jamestown situated * Into marll 4^fn?9 W w er <1( . )e ^ the r V llo "" a River flw ? What other river flows into Albe- marle bound t How is the Island of Roanoke situated ? 1607] VIRGINIA 39 2. London Company. A number of rich men, noble men, merchants, and others, formed a company called the London Company, and obtained from the king a grant of land lying between the thirty-fourth and thirty-eighth parallels, which they were empowered to settle and govern. This company provided three small ships, provisions, tools, etc., and sent out a colony consisting of one hundred and five men, who were to make a settlement in Virginia. The command was given to Captain Christopher Newport. THE FIRST ENGLISH SETTLERS LANDING IN VIRGINIA, 1607 3. Settlement at Jamestown They were directed to settle on Roanoke Island, but were driven by adverse winds northward into Chesapeake Bay, and discovered a river, which they named James River, in honor of the king. They found the country very delightful, and sailing up this stream about fifty miles, they selected a place for a settle ment, and called it Jamestown (1607). 4. Character of the Colonists. The men sent out were 2. What was the London Company ? What grant was made to it ? What expedi tion was sent out ? 3. Where was a settlement made ? 4. What was the character of the settlers ? 40 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [160? but poorly fitted to settle in a wild country. Of the one hundred and five, only twelve were laborers, and there were but few mechanics; of the latter only four were carpenters. The greater number were poor gentlemen, bankrupt trades men, and idle adventurers men who, having wasted their fortunes in dissipation, were eager to repair them in order to renew their former life of slothful enjoyment. Such men were of little use in cutting down trees and building huts ; and hence the work went on slowly. 5. Dissensions among the Colonists. Even before they landed, quarrels had broken out among the emigrants, and these became more bitter as they were compelled to endure the labor and hardships of a life in the wilderness. They selected for their president a man named Wing -field ; but he was mean and selfish ; and as their troubles increased from want and sickness, it was found that he had arranged to desert them, taking away their provisions and their only vessel. They accordingly deposed him, and appointed in his place one Rat -cliffe. He, however, proved entirely incapable of the task of governing the colony (1607). 6. John Smith. But there was one man among the emigrants who was equal to the task. This was the famous Captain John Smith.* Jealous of his fame and his great * Smith had traveled through a large part of Europe, and had passed a very adventur ous life. He had fought against the Turks ; had been captured in battle, and made a slave ; had been rescued from slavery through the compassion of his Turkish mistress, and had been sent by her to Russia, where he was treated as a serf. Rising against his task-master, he slew him, and fled from the country. Thence, in search of new adven tures and dangers, he went to Morocco ; and at length returned to England in time to embark in the enterprise of settling the New World. (See page 51, T 2.) 5. What troubles arose ? Who was made president ? His character and conduct ? His successor / 6. What is said of John Smith ? 1608] VIRG1NTA 41 abilities, the leaders of the expedition had quarreled with him on board of the ship, and had placed him in confine ment, but, 011 landing, he had been released. Finding that he was not allowed to be of use in the settlement, he had busied himself in explor ing the country, and had some wild and romantic ad ventures with the Indians. 7. Smith and Pocahon tas. Once, as he narrated, he was captured by the sav ages, and conducted to the great chief Pow-ha-tan , who, after considerable deliberation, condemned him to death. Smith was accordingly bound, and his head placed on a block, while the Indian warrior stood ready to despatch him with his club, when Pocahontas, the young daughter of Powhatan, rushed between the captain and his foe, and begged her father to spare him. The stern savage was moved by the appeal, and ordered that the prisoner should be released.* 8. Conduct of the Indians. At first, the Indians had been friendly to the settlers ; but the dissolute and unruly * Smith s own words are : " Pocahontas, the king s dearest daughter, got his head in her armes, and laid her owne upon his to save him from death." This story is not now believed. It is thought that when Smith wrote the account (in 1622), he did so for the purpose of drawing attention to his adventures. JOHN SMITH 7. What story did Smith narrate of Pocahontas ? 8. What was the conduct of the Indians ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1608 characters among the latter often treated the natives with insult, and robbed them of their corn. This produced hostilities which caused great suffering and distress in the colony. Pocahontas, however, was very friendly, and she and her companions often came to the fort to supply the English with corn. 9. Administration of Smith. Owing to the inefficiency THE ATTEMPT AT DESERTION FRUSTRATED of Ratcliffe, the colonists felt compelled to rely upon Smith to conduct their affairs. By his prudence and vigor he saved the colony ; for, on his return from his Indian ex pedition, he found only forty of the settlers remaining, and 9. What was done by Smith ? 1610] VIRGINIA 43 the strongest of these were preparing to escape with the pin nace ; but Smith turned the guns of the fort upon them, and compelled them to return. Smith/a few months later, was made president of the council (1608). 10. The Gold Excitement. Before this, one hundred and twenty new settlers had arrived, chiefly " vagabond gentlemen and goldsmiths ; " and finding a kind of glitter ing earth, which they thought was gold, there was for a time " no talk, no hope, no work, but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold." Captain Newport, indeed, returned to England with his vessel freighted with this worthless stuff. Meanwhile, Smith, disgusted with the folly of the settlers, employed himself in exploring Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers, of which he made a map (1608). 11. New Arrivals. Seventy other settlers arrived, of whom two were females ; and the Company sent out a de mand that the colonists should send back a " large lump of gold," or should discover how the South Sea might be reached. They had become disappointed at the failure to realize any wealth from the expeditions, and threatened the settlers that they should be ^left in Virginia as banished men," if they did not pay the costs of the expedition. 12. Starving Time. Smith continued to manage the affairs of the colony with vigor and success ; but having been injured by an explosion of gunpowder, he was compelled to return to England to obtain surgical aid. There were nearly five hundred men in the colony when he left; but so idle and 10. What addition was made to the settlement ? Describe the gold excitement. How did Smith employ himself? 11. What further addition to the settlement was made ? What did the London Company demand ? 12. Why did Smith leave the colony ? What hardships were suffered ? What is this period called ? 44 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1610 helpless were they, that in a few months famine and disease, and the hostilities of the Indians had reduced their number to sixty. This dreadful period, extending over the first half of 1610, was long remembered as the "starving time." 13. New Charter. In the meantime, another charter had been obtained by the London Company, according to which Lord Delaware had been appointed governor of the colony (1609). Captain Newport, with Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Som -ers, was sent to Virginia with a fleet of nine vessels, and more than five hundred emigrants, in advance of the governor. A severe storm scattered the fleet, and the vessel containing the three commissioners was wrecked on the Somers, or Ber-mu -da Islands. One of the other vessels foundered, so that only seven reached the James River. (See Map, p. 10.) 14. Arrival of Gates and his Associates. Those who had been wrecked on the Bermudas succeeded at last in constructing two small vessels, in which they reached Jamestown, expecting to find a flourishing colony ; but instead of that there was a dreadful scene of famine and death. The few that remained alive had resolved to leave the settlement, and sail to Newfoundland, where they hoped, by begging food from the fishermen, to be enabled to return to England. They were prevented from burning the fort and town only by the energy of Sir Thomas Gates, who, in the absence of the governor, ruled the colony (1610). 13. What change occurred ? Who was appointed governor ? Who were sent in advance ? What disaster happened ? Where are the Bermuda Islands ? (See Map, p. 10.) 14. How did Gates and his party reach Jamestown ? How did they find the colony ? What followed ? 1613] VIRGINIA 45 15. Lord Delaware s Administration. They were sailing down the river when they met the vessels of the new governor, Lord Delaware, who had arrived with more emigrants and supplies. This inspired them with fresh hope and courage, and they returned. Under Lord Dela ware, who was a prudent and kind-hearted man, the colony prospered. The idle and reckless settlers had died, and those who remained seemed disposed to work and be industrious.* Unfortunately, Lord Delaware was soon compelled by ill-health to return to England, leaving the colony to be ruled by a deputy (1610). 16. Marriage of Pocahontas her Death. In 1613 Pocahontas was married to a young Englishman named John Rolfe (rolf). This event had the effect of confirm ing friendly relations with Powhatan and his tribe, as well as with some of the neighboring tribes of Indians. Three years after her marriage, Pocahontas was taken to England by her husband, where she was received as a prin cess, being presented at court, and treated with marked attention by all classes. When about to return to her native country, she suddenly died, leaving a son from whom are descended many well-known families of Virginia. 17. Cultivation of Tobacco. At first the settlers cul- * u At the beginning of the day, they assembled in the little church, which was kept neatly trimmed with the wild flowers of the country ; next, they returned to their houses to receive their allowance of food. The settled hours of labor were from six in the morning till ten, and from two in the afternoon till four. The houses were warm and secure, covered above with strong boards, and matted on the inside after the fashion of the Indian wigwams. 1 Bancroft. 15. Where did they meet the fleet of Lord Delaware ? What followed ? What is said of Delaware ? 16. To whom was Pocahontas married ? The effect of the mar riage on the Indians ? Her visit to England ? Her death ? Her descendants ? 17 What is said of the cultivation of tobacco ? 46 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1619 tivated the land in common ; but this did not promote in dustry, and it was found best to give each man a few acres to till for himself. The cultivation of tobacco commenced in 1615, and soon became the general pursuit. There were no more gold-seekers ; " the fields, the gardens, the public squares, and even the streets of Jamestown were planted with tobacco," which became not only the staple product, but served as money for the colonists. 18. Legislative Assembly. The real prosperity of Virginia dates from the arrival of Sir George Yeardley (yard -le), in 1619. He put an end to the cruel martial law, by which the colony had been ruled, and established the principles of free government by permitting the colo nists to elect their own legislature. In July, 1619, dele gates from each of the eleven plantations met at James town. This was the first legislative assembly in the New World. 19. Introduction of Slavery Slavery was introduced into the English colonies in 1619. In that year a Dutch trading vessel from Africa sailed up the James River, and landed twenty negroes, who were sold as slaves to the colo nists.* The cultivation of cotton was commenced two years after (1621). * " These negroes the planters purchased on trial, and the bargain was found to be so good that in a short time negroes came to be in great demand in Virginia. Nor were the planters long indebted to the chance visits of the Dutch ships for a supply of negro laborers ; for the English merchants embarked in the traffic, and instructed the captains of their vessels visiting the African coast to barter for negroes as well as for wax and elephants teeth. . . . Before the middle of the seventeenth century all Europe was implicated in the buying and selling of negroes. 11 Robert Chambers. 18. Who arrived in 1619 ? His measures ? First legislative assembly ? 19. What was introduced in 1619 ? In what way ? 1622] VIRGINIA 47 20. Importation of "Wives As yet there were but few families in the colony, and the men worked only with the intention of amassing enough wealth to enable them to return home. In 1620, the treasurer of the Company induced one hundred and fifty young women of good reputation to embark for Virginia. The young planters eagerly paid one hundred pounds of tobacco each in order to obtain a wife, that being at first the expense of each woman s passage. Afterwards, the price was raised to one hundred and fifty pounds. Domestic ties soon bound the settlers to their new homes, and the idea of returning to England was abandoned. 21. Indian Massacre. About this time Powhatan, the father of Pocahontas, died. This was an unfortunate event for the colonists ; for his successor, jealous of the increasing numbers of the white settlers, commenced a war against them, during which, in one day, the Indians massacred about three hundred and fifty men, women, and children (March 22, 1622). The settlers, in return, slaughtered great numbers of the savages, and drove the rest into the wilderness. The numbers of the settlers were greatly reduced, but peace was secured for more than twenty years. 22. Virginia a Royal Province. The London Com pany had spent vast sums of money in the settlement of Virginia, and as yet had received but very slight returns. The king, however, becoming displeased with the manner 20. What were imported in 1020 ? How paid for ? What effect had this upon the prosperity of the colony ? 21. What led to an Indian war ? Its result ? 22. When and how did Virginia become a royal province ? 48 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1624 in which they discussed their affairs at the public meetings, took away their charter ; and Virginia thus became a royal province (1624). 23. Growth of the Colony. From this time the colony continued to prosper. The people raised large quantities of tobacco, cotton, and corn, which they exchanged for such goods as they needed from England and other countries. The soil was very fruitful, and the climate delightful ; so that Virginia was said to be " the best poor man s country in the world." In 1648, the population amounted to 20,000, notwithstanding a second massacre by the Indians four years before. 24. Virginia during the English Civil War. During the great civil war in England between King Charles I. and the Parliament, the people of Virginia were generally on the side of the king ; but when the war was over, and the king was defeated and beheaded, they submitted to the forces sent by Cromwell, who was at the head of the English government. On the return of Charles II. to the throne, in 1660, they gladly acknowledged him. On ac count of their faithfulness to the royal authority, Virginia was often spoken of as the " Old Dominion/ 25. Oppressive Measures of England. The colonists were obliged to submit to many oppressive measures on the part of the mother country. By a law called the Naviga tion Act, they were forbidden to export or import any goods except in British vessels, and they were not allowed 23. Describe the growth of the colony. What is said of the country ? What was its population in 1648 ? 24. What happened during the English civil war ? At its close ? On the restoration of the king ? What was Virginia called ? 25. By what measures was Virginia oppressed ? To what did they lead ? 1670] VIRGINIA 49 to ship any of their staple products to any country except England. This law caused great discontent in the colony ; and was the means of exciting a rebellion called Bacon s Rebellion, from the name of a popular leader, Nathaniel Bacon. 26. Bacon s Rebellion. Sir William Berkeley had been governor for many years, and had been quite popular ; but the people became dissatisfied with him because, he carried out so strictly the oppressive measures of England, and also because he took no sufficient means to suppress the hostile attacks of the Susquehanna Indians. In 1070, a large number of the colonists revolted from his authority, and set up a government under Nathaniel Bacon. 27. Death of Bacon. During the civil war that fol lowed, Jamestown was burned,* and many plantations were laid Avaste. In the midst of it, however, Bacon died ; and the insurrection immediately ended, his fol lowers laying down their arms, on the promise of a general pardon. Berkeley, however, was very severe in his punish ment of the rebels, many of whom were executed (1077). \ 28. Culpepper s Administration. In 1073, Charles II. granted the whole of Virginia to Lord Culpepper and the * "I find no vestiges of the ancient town (Jamestown), except the ruins of a church- steeple and a disordered group of old tombstones. The ruin of the steeple is about thirty feet high, and mantled to its very summit with ivy. 1 Wm. Wirt. t " More blood was shed than, on the action of our present system, would be shed for political offences in a thousand years. The old fool, said the kind-hearted Charles II., alluding to Berkeley, has taken away more lives in that naked country, than I, for the murder of my father. 1 ... It was on the occasion of this rebellion, that English troops were first introduced into the English colonies in America." Bancroft. 26. What were the causes of Bacon s Rebellion ? 27. What occurred during the war ? How did it end ? What followed ? 28. To whom was Virginia granted ? How long did it continue under Culpepper ? What followed ? 4 50 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1606 Earl of Arlington, two of his favorites, for the term of thirty-one years. After the recall of Berkeley, in 1677, Culpepper assumed the government, which he administered till 1684, when the king revoked the grant, and Virginia once more became a royal province, and so remained till the Revolution in 1776. CHAPTER V New England I. The Plymouth Company. It has already been stated that King James, in 1606, granted to the London Company the land lying between the thirty-fourth and thirty-eighth parallels, called South Virginia, this being the southern part of the territory which the English claimed on account of the discoveries made by the Cabots. The northern portion, lying between the forty-first and the forty-fifth parallels, he granted to a company called the Plymouth Company.* This Company, in 1607, began to form a settlement at the mouth of the Kennebec River, f * " This patent conveyed a grant of the land along the coast for fifty miles, on each side from the place of their first habitation, and extending one hundred miles into the interior. " Edward Everett. t "Captain George Popham was their president. They went to work building a fort, storehouse, dwellings, and even a vessel. . . . She was called the Virginia, and her size was thirty tons. Her first voyage was made the next year to Virginia, and thence to England. Therefore the Kennebec River, which has since sent out so many vessels, has the honor of producing the first vessel built by English hands in America. " Varneifs Hist, of Maine. " The first decked vessel (having a full deck) built within the limits of the old United Map Questions. (Map, p. 53.) Where is Cape Cod ? Cnpe Cod Bay ? Plymouth? Salem ? Boston ? Little Harbor ? Dover ? Merrimac River ? Piscataqua River ? Providence ? Text Questions. 1. What grant was made to the Plymouth Company ? What settlement did they attempt ? 1614] NEW ENGLAND 51 but misfortunes discouraged the settlers, the most of whom returned to England, and the others went to Jamestown, Virginia. 2. Smith s Exploration. After this, nothing was done till 1614, when Captain John Smith, having recovered from the injuries which he had received in Virginia, went on a voyage of trade and discovery to the region near Cape Cod. He explored the coast from the cape as far as the Penobscot Kiver, and called the whole region New England* 3. The Puritans. There were at that time in England a large number of people who did not believe that it was right to worship God in the manner required by the laws of the country, and as they were very strict in their religious no tions and mode of living, they were nicknamed Puritans. But King James was determined that all should attend the parish churches as provided by law, and would not allow any of the people to choose their own ministers and places of worship, as many thought they had a right to do. 4. The result was, these people were obliged to meet secretly, often at night, to worship as they thought right, and when discovered, they were punished, sometimes by imprisonment. At length some of them left their homes States, of which we have any accounts, was constructed on the banks of the Hudson, within the present limits of New York, during the summer of 1614." Cooper s Naval Hist. U. S. * Smith published a " Description of New England," which was printed in 1616. This contains a very curious and interesting map of the country which he explored. On this map was the name of Plymouth. "On his return to England, Smith was permitted to present a copy of his map and of a journal of his voyage to the king s second son, afterwards King Charles I., who, at his solicitation, gave names, princi pally of English towns, to some thirty points upon the coast." Palfreifs History of New England. 2. Who explored the coast of New England ? Give an account of it. 3. Who were the Puritans ? Why persecuted ? 4. What did some of them do ? What induced them to leave Holland ? 52 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1620 in England with their pastor, John Robinson, and lived for a time in Holland ; but hearing of the newly-discovered lands beyond the ocean, and thinking that in such a coun- GERMAN O C BAN h ,/ rfX try they could live, and worship God, in entire freedom, they resolved to go there. 5. Sailing of the Mayflower. After much trouble, they obtained a grant from the London Company ; and leaving their pastor, as many as could be provided with quarters in 5. Tn what vessel did they sail from Holland ? Whom did they leave in Holland ? What port, in England, did they reach ? With how many and what vessels did they sail from Southampton? Why. did they not continue their voyage to America ? To what port after leavinir Southampton did they go ? (See map above.) With how many vessels t .id they leave Dartmouth ? With how many and what, Plymouth ? 1G20] NEW ENGLAND 53 the ship left Holland in a vessel called the Speedwell, and sailed to Southampton, in England. There they were joined by some other Puritans, in a vessel called the May- MAP OF VICINITY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAT flower ; and the two ships soon set sail, but had not gone far when the Speedwell was found to need repairs, and they were compelled to return. At last, after putting back a second time, and leaving the Speedwell at Plymouth, they sailed from that port in their only ship the Mayflower (Sept. 1C, 1620). 6. The number of the Pilgrims * was about one hundred, * The Pilgrims, or Pilgrim Fathers, as they are often called, belonged to a sect of the Puritans called Independents, who believed in an entire separation from the Church of England. Others were opposed only to its ceremonies, mode of government, and form of prayers. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1620 men,, women, and children.* The most noted among them were John Carver,, whom they afterward chose as their first governor; "William Brewster, their elder; Miles Standish, their military leader; William Bradford, and Edward Wins- low. After a voyage of about two months, they reached the coast near Cape Cod, having been carried considerably north of the place at which they had intended to land (Nov. 19). f ATTACKED BY THE NATIVES 7. Exploration of the . \ s j s t ^ ^ Country As it was late in the season, and they were exhausted by their long voyage, they determined to seek a landing place without further * One died during the voyage, and one was born. " So there were just one hundred and one who sailed from Plymouth in England, and just as many arrived in Cape Cod harbor." Prince s Hist, of New England, t "After they had discovered land, they were altogether ignorant where it was." HubbarcTs Hist, of New England. 6. How many sailed ? Who were the leaders ? What is said of their voyage ? 1620] NEW ENGLAND . 55 delay. They therefore sailed into Cape Cod Bay, and sent out a party in a small boat to select a place for their set tlement. Some of these were sent inland, while the others cruised along the shore. It was a dismal country, being covered with pine forests ; and the explorers only caught a distant glimpse of the natives, who fled from them. Once, however, they were attacked, but they soon dispersed the savages.* It was only after a month s search that they found a fit place for their settlement. 8. Landing of the Pilgrims. They selected a harbor which, on Smith s map, was called Plymouth ; and they also called the place Plymouth. f They landed on the 21st of December, 1G20,| having previously, in the cabin of the Mayflower, drawn up a body of laws which they made a solemn vow to obey. The character of the Pilgrims was well suited to such an undertaking. They were earnest and devoted men, ready to brave all dangers and endure any hardships in the performance of their duty and in defense of their religion. * " The following morning, at daylight, they had just ended their prayers, and were preparing breakfast at their camp on the beach, when they heard a yell, and a flight of arrows fell among them. The assailants turned out to be thirty or forty Indians, who, being fired upon, retired. Neither side had been harmed. A number of the arrows were picked up, some whereof were headed with brass, others with hart s horn, and others with eagle s claws. " Palfrey^s History of Neiv England. t "All landed at a place which they called Plymouth, in grateful remembrance of the last town they left in their native country." Hannah Adams s N. E. Hist. (Pub lished in 1799). It is by no means certain that the Pilgrims had ever seen Smith s map. $ By the old style of reckoning it was Dec. 11. When the practice of celebrating the anniversary of Plymouth began, in 1769, eleven, instead of ten days were erroneously added to the recorded date, to accommodate it to the corrected calendar, adopted in England in 1752. This led to the custom of celebrating the anniversary on the 22d day of December. 7. What exploration was made ? Describe the country. 8. Where did the Pilgrims land ? When ? What is said of their character ? 56 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1620 9. Their First Winter During the first winter their sufferings were dreadful. With no houses but the few rude log-cabins which they had hastily constructed, and which scarcely protected them from the intense cold, with a scanty supply of food, and enduring so much fatigue and hardship, it is no wonder that many should have perished. By spring only about one-half of their number were living. Among those who had died were Governor Carver and his wife. Their second governor was William Bradford. 10. Treaties with the Indians. At first they were in fear of the Indians, who were sometimes seen lurking in the woods, but fled as soon as the English approached them. One day, however, an Indian, to their surprise, boldly en tered the settlement, and exclaimed, "Welcome, Englishmen!" This was a chief named Samoset, who had picked up a little knowledge of English among the fishermen on the coast of Maine. In AX INDIAN WARRIOR a f ew ^yg Massasoit (mas-sa-soif), the great chief of the Wam-pan-o -ags, came with a number of his warriors to pay the strangers a friendly visit. The Pilgrims made a treaty with the chief, and afterward with Ca-non -i-cus, the chief of the Nar-ra-gan -setts.* * At first Canonicus was inclined to be hostile. lie sent to Plymouth a bundle of arrows, bound with a rattlesnake s skin, this being the Indian mode of declaring war. Governor Bradford filled the skin with powder and ball, and sent it back. Canonicns took it for a fatal charm ; and the superstitious Indians passed it from village to vil lage, till it came back to Plymouth. They did not dare to touch it. 9. Describe their sufferings the first winter. How many survived ? Who were among the deceased ? Who was the second governor ? 10. What was the conduct cf the Indians ? Describe Samoset s visit. What treaties were made ? 1629] NEW ENGLAND 57 11. Growth of the Plymouth Colony. For some time the settlers suffered greatly for the want of provisions ; and it was not until the lands were divided among the settlers that the colony commenced to prosper.* Their numbers did not increase fast, for only good and pious men were de sired to join them. Ten years after their settlement they obtained a grant of the land which they occupied, from the Council of Plymouth, who had succeeded to the powers and rights of the Plymouth Company. The colony, at that time, numbered about three hundred persons. 12. As the Puritans were still persecuted in England, very many desired to seek* freedom in the wilds of New England. Some of these obtained from the Council of Plymouth a grant of land lying north of the Plymouth Colony, and bordering on Massachusetts Bay ; and in 1628 a number of persons came out under John En -di-cott, and settled at a place which they called Salem. Others soon followed, settling at Salem and Charlestown. This was the commencement of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a charter being granted by Charles I. the following year (1629). 13. Settlement of Boston. Men of fortune and intel ligence were induced to emigrate to the colony by obtaining the right to manage the government free from the con trol of the Company in England. John Winthrop was * " In August, 1623, the colony of New Plymouth remained as yet very feeble. The best dish that could be set before the third supply of colonists, about sixty in number, was a lobster, a piece of fish, and a cup of fair spring water. As to bread, there was none in the colony. 11 Hildreth. 11. What is said of the growth of the colony ? What grant did they obtain in 1C30 ? Their numbers then ? 12. What led to the settlement of Salem ? What other settle ments were made ? 13. Who settled Boston ? Why so called ? Its Indian name ? lllSTOHY OF THE UNITED STATES [1630 chosen the first governor of the Colony of Massachusetts ; and in 1630 he came out with about three hundred fami lies, intending to settle at Charlestown ; but as the place was found to be wanting in good water, they removed to a little peninsula, called by the Indians Shawmut,* but which the settlers called Boston, in memory of Boston in England, from which many of them had emigrated, f 14. This colony, after a short time, was very prosper ous.]; Dorchester, Roxbury, Lynn, and other places near Boston, were settled in 1G30 ; and, in a short time, the whole coast region lying between Plymouth Colony and the Merrimac was dotted with thriv ing settlements. For a time the voters of the colony met * This word signified "living fountains," from the excellent water found at the place. The English called it Trimont (now Tremont), from its three principal hills, afterwards named Copp e, Beacon, and Fort, or, as some suppose, from the three peaks of Beacon Hill. The first settler at this place was an eccentric person named William Blackstone. t " At this time (1630), there was a feeble colony in Virginia ; a very small Dutch settlement in New York ; a population of about three hundred at Plymouth ; about as many more English inhabitants divided between Salem and Charlestown ; a few settlers scattered up and down the coast, and all the rest a vast wilderness, the covert of wild beasts and savages. 1 " Edward Everett. % During 1630, at least fifteen hundred persons came from England. In ten years not less than twenty thousand had been brought over. In 1674 there were at least fifteen hundred families in the town of Boston, and the population of New England was probably about one hundred and twenty thousand. Dorchester, Roxbury, and Charlestown are now parts of the city of Boston. 14. What other places were settled ? Describe their mode of government. What restrictive law was made ? JOHN WINTHROP 1635] ##TP ENGLAND 59 at Boston and selected their magistrates; but as the popu lation increased, they chose their representatives to meet as a "General Court" for the purpose of making laws, levying taxes, and performing other acts of government. Among the laws made, was one which confined the right to vote and hold office to those who belonged to some Con gregational Church. 15. Roger Williams. But there was a brave and elo quent young minister who resisted this law as unjust and unwise. He maintained that all should enjoy their civil rights as citizens and freemen, whatever their religious opinions might be, and that the government had no right to restrict the liberty of conscience. Although the Puritans had suffered so much from religious persecution in England, they could not assent to this doctrine ; and consequently Roger Williams was banished from the colony (1635). A Mrs. Hutchinson, who persisted in holding meetings of her own sex, and asserting similar opinions, was also banished. About twenty years later, the Quakers, who attempted to settle in this colony, were expelled for a similar reason (1656).* 16. Harvard College. In 1636, the General Court at Boston appropriated about two thousand dollars to found a public school or college ; and, two years afterward, the Rev. * " Some who had been banished came a second time ; they were imprisoned, whipped, and once more sent away." Four were executed; but the severity of the laws produced a reaction in public feeling, and the Quakers at last were allowed to enjoy their opinions in peace. 15. Who was Roger Williams ? His opinions? What punishment was inflicted upon him ? Who else was banished ? What other persecution occurred ? 16. What led to the foundation of Harvard College ? Its location ? 60 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1636 John Harvard bequeathed upwards of three thousand dollars to the institution, which, in his honor, was named Harvard College. It is located at Cambridge, near Boston. Rhode Island 17. Settlement of Providence Roger Williams, after his banishment from Massachusetts, sought refuge with the Narragansett Indians, among whom he remained for several months. lie then fixed his habi tation at a spot which he had purchased from the Indians, and which he named Providence,* in memory of " God s merciful provi dence to him in his distress. Numbers nocked there to make their home with him, for. he proclaimed entire freedom in civil and religious rights. This was the beginning of the little State of Rhode Island (1C3G). 18. Rhode Island Plantation. In 1637, William Cod- dington and others accepted an invitation from Williams to settle near him ; for they, too, were dissatisfied with the religious intolerance at Boston. Coddington and his com panions bought from the Indians the beautiful island called * William Blackstone, the first settler at Shawmut, who had pointed out to Winthrop and his companions the advantages of that place, had, before the settlement of Provi dence, migrated to the banks of the river now called after him, being dissatisfied with the " Lord s brethren " in Boston, as he said. There Williams found him engaged in preaching to the Indians, and the two men often held communion with each other. Blackstone planted the first apple orchard in Rhode Island. SEAL OF RHODE ISLAND 17. Give an account of the settlement of Providence. Why so called ? 18. What other colony was established ? What purchase was made from the Indians ? 1622] NEW ENGLAND 61 Rhode Island (1638),* for forty fathoms of white wampum, worth about one hundred dollars. Here they formed settle ments afterwards known as the Rhode Island Plantation ; while those of Williams were called the Providence Plan tation. 19. Union of the Settlements. This whole region was afterwards claimed by the Plymouth Colony ; but Williams went to England and obtained a free charter, whereby the two settlements of Rhode Island were united, in 1044, under one government. New Hampshire 20. First Settlements. The Council of Plymouth, in 1022, granted to Ferdinand Gorges (gor- jez) and John Mason, two of its members, all that por tion of New England that extends from the Merrimac to the Ken- nebec, "and this was called La-co - nia." The next year emigrants, sent out by them, settled at Little Harbor, near the present SEAL O r NEW HAMPSHIRE town of Portsmouth, and at Dover. These were the first settlements in this region. 21. Grant of New Hampshire. In 1029, Mason ob- * "An island of a reddish appearance was observed lying in the bay ; this was known to the Dutch as Rhode, or Red Island. Hence the name of the island and State of Rhode Island. 11 firodheacT s History of New York. 19. When and how were the two settlements united ? 20. What grant was made in 1G22 ? What was the region called? What settlements were made? 21. What grant was made to Mason ? What name did he give to it ? Why ? What is said of the other portion of Laconia ? 62 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1641 PORTSMOUTH AND VICINITY tained a separate grant to himself of the region lying between the Merrimac and the Pis-cat -a-qua, and extending sixty miles into the interior. To this new province was given the name of New Hampshire, after the county in England in which Mason had lived. Gorges retained his right to the other portion of the original tract, which received the name of Maine.* 22. Subsequent History. A number of fishing settle ments were made in these territories, but they were too scattered to form any general government. In 1641, the people of the different settlements placed themselves under the government and protection of Massachusetts ; but in 1680 the two colonies were separated by order of the king, and New Hampshire became a royal province. Twice, after this, it was united to Massachusetts ; but from 1741 to the Revolution it remained an independent colony. Connecticut 23. First Settlements. The valley of the Connecticut River was soon discovered to be a fertile and pleasant * Authors do not agree as to how and when Maine received its name. One writer says : " It was called the Main land, to distinguish it from the islands along the coast, which were valuable for fishing purposes." Varney, in his History of Maine, says : " In 1639, Gorges procured a royal grant of land extending from the Piscataqua to the Kennebec. The name of the territory under the new charter was changed to Maine, in honor of the Queen (Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I.), whose patrimonial estate, as Princess of France, was the French province of Mayne." 22. What is said of the settlements in these lands ? How were they governed be tween 1641 and 1780 ? Were they again under the government of Massachusetts ? When finally separated ? 1633] NEW ENGLAND 63 region ; and the Dutch,, who had established trading-posts on the Hudson River,, eagerly desired to take possession of it. In 1633, they built a fort where Hartford now stands,, in order to trade with the Indians for their furs. This post they called Good Hope. 24. The same year,, a company from Plymouth, under Captain Holmes, sailed up the river, and passing the Dutch fort, built a SEAL OF CONNECTICUT trading-house at Windsor, seven miles above. Two years after this (1635), a company of sixty men, women, and children journeyed from Massachu setts through the wilderness to the valley of the Connecti cut, and settled at Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield. The next year the Rev. Thomas Hooker conducted a large company of emigrants from Newtown (now Cambridge), near Boston, and settled chiefly at Hartford.* Springfield, in Massachusetts, on the Connecticut, was settled by a few of these emigrants. 25. At about the same time, a colony was planted at the * The journey was made in June, 1636. Guided only by the compass, a party of one hundred men, women, and children toiled through the wilderness, where there were no roads, nor for hundreds of miles a single house at which they might obtain a night s shelter. In the company were women with infants in their arms, and little children scarcely able to walk. Their chief food was the milk of the herds and flocks which they drove before them. Hooker was an English clergyman, very earnest and eloquent, whom Governor Winthrop had persuaded to come to the colonies. An old writer said of him, "He is the one rich pearl with which England more than repaid America for the treasures from her coast." 23. What is said of the valley of the Connecticut ? What fort was built by the Dutch ? Its name ? 24. Settlement of Windsor ? Describe the next emigration. Describe Hooker s emigration. What settlements were made ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1638 mouth of the Connecticut River, under a grant obtained from the Council of Plymouth by Lord Say-and-Seal and Lord Brooke, and was named in their honor Saybrook. A third colony was established in Connecticut in 1638, called the New Haven Colony. This was founded by a large body of emigrants who came from England under the guidance of Theophilus Eaton, a man of large fortune, and John Davenport, a distinguished Puritan minister. They purchased from the Indians all the land lying between the Map Questions. (Map, p. 64.) Into what body of water docs the Connecticut River flow ? Where is Hartford ? Windsor ? Wethersfield ? New Haven ? Say- brook ? Long Island ? (Map, p. 53.) Swanzey ? Mt. Hope ? Text Questions. 25. Give an account of the settlement of Saybrook. When and by whom was the New Haven Colony established ? What lands did they purchase from the Indians ? Where were settlements planted ? Who was the governor of New Haven ? For what period ? 1637] NEW ENGLAND. 65 Connecticut Eiver and the line that now separates New York and New England, and planted various settlements not only in this territory, but on the other side of the Sound,, on Long Island. For twenty successive years Eaton was elected governor of New Haven. 26. Pequod War. These settlers had come to a de lightful region,, but they were surrounded by perils. Their neighbors, the Dutch, were unfriendly, for they looked upon them as intruders ; but their worst foes were the nostile tribe of Indians called the Pe -quods. With these, in 1637, they were compelled to wage a fierce war, during which they endured terrible hardships; but Indian cun ning and ferocity were no match for European courage and skill, and the tribe was destroyed.* The very name of Pequods in a short time ceased to be mentioned. f 27. Union of the Connecticut Colonies. Three col onies at first occupied the territory now known as Con necticut : the Connecticut Colony, embracing Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, the people of which acknowl edged the authority of Massachusetts ; the Saybrook Colony ; and the New Haven Colony. In 1644, Saybrook was united to Connecticut. Then there were two colonies, * When this war first broke out, Roger Williams, hearing that the Pequod ambassa dors were urging the Narragansetts to join them, crossed the bay in a small canoe, and hastened to the Indian camp to persuade them to remain friends of the English. The Narragansett chiefs greatly esteemed him, and heeded his wise and eloquent words. t Sas -sa-cus, their chief, fled to the Mohawks, and was put to death by them. Those who were taken prisoners were made slaves or dispersed among the Narragan setts and Mohegans. The fate of the Pequods was a terrible lesson to the other Indian tribes. 26. What perils encompassed the settlers ? With whom did they make war ? What was the result ? 27. What three colonies were there at first in Connecticut ? Which were united in 1644 ? Which in 1665 ? 5 THE DESTRUCTION OF THE PEQ.UOD VILLAGE 1643] NEW ENGLAND 67 Connecticut and New Haven, which, in 1665, were formed into one, under a royal charter granted by Charles II., King of England. _ ^ Other Events in New England 28. Union of the New England Colonies. The first union of any of the American colonies took place in 1643. In that year, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven agreed to unite in order to protect themselves against the hostilities of the Dutch and the French, and the attacks of the Indians. Rhode Island being claimed by Plymouth was not admitted into this union. It lasted for nearly fifty years. 29. The New England colonies prized very highly the charters which they had received, and were in constant anxiety lest the English king should take them away. When James II. came to the throne, he took measures to bring all these colonies under the royal authority. With this purpose, he appointed Sir Edmund Andros governor of all New England, and afterward of New York and New Jersey. 30. Andros landed in Boston in 1686, bringing with him two companies of English soldiers, the first sent to New England. He at once assumed the government of the colo nies and annexed Plymouth and Rhode Island to Massa chusetts. He soon afterward appeared, with a company 28. What was the first union of American colonies ? What was its object ? What colony was not admitted ? Why ? How long did the union last ? 29. What caused anxiety to the New England colonies ? What did James II. do ? What appointment did he make ? 30. State the proceedings of Andros. What took place, at Hartford ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1687 of troops, before the Connecticut Assembly at Hartford, and demanded that the charter of the colony should be given up. 31. A discussion arose, which was continued to nightfall, AV hen the charter was brought in and laid on the table. Andros stepped for ward to take it, when in stantly the lights were put out; and when the candles were relight ed, the charte r had disap peared. It had been carried away and hidden in the hollow of a large oak tree, which was afterward called the Charter Oak (November 10, 1G87). 32. The people suffered very much from the tyranny of Andros and his officers, until King William of Orange came to the throne of England, when they seized their hateful governor and some of his associates, and sent them to England to answer for their misdeeds. The colonies then resumed their former modes of government ; and the 31. How was the charter taken away ? Where was it concealed ? 32. How were the people released from the government of Andros ? What took place afterward ? THE CHARTER OAK 1687] ENGLAND 69 charter of Connecticut was taken from its hiding-place in the hollow oak. 33. King Philip s War. About forty years after the V SETTLERS ATTACKED BY INDIANS Pequod War, another fierce Indian war broke out in New England, known as King Philip s War. King Philip, as he was called by the English, was the son and successor of Massasoit, who had been the fast friend of the colonists. But the whites had now greatly increased in number, the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1675 whole population in New England being about sixty thou sand, while the Indians were only half that number.* 34- Between Narragansett Bay and Plymouth were the Wam-pa-no -ags, of which tribe Philip was the chief ; and the farms and villages of the whites were rapidly encroach ing upon the hunting-grounds of this tribe. Philip had expressed a desire to check this ; and a converted Indian, who had lived for a time among the tribe, told the col onists of his hostile designs. This man was afterward f found murdered, and three of Philip s men were seized, and hanged for the crime. 35- Philip and his men, thirsting for revenge, at once commenced the war (1675), and burned Swanzey, one of the Plymouth towns. The alarm was given, and he was pursued by a force from Plymouth and Boston, as far as his home at Mount Hope, which he was forced to abandon, seeking safety in a swamp. The savages becoming des perate, then burnt village after village, an.d carried death and desolation throughout the country. f * The Indians were much more to be feared than in the time of the Pequods ; for many of them had guns and ammunition instead of bows and arrows, and hatchets and knives of steel instead of the rude weapons made of stone or bone which they formerly used. Many of them had become skillful marksmen. t The colonists led a fearful life during this war. No house was safe from an attack, and no person could walk out without danger of being murdered. Often, as the farmer opened his door in the morning, he was shot dead by a savage lurking be hind the fence or the barn, and his family were either tomahawked and scalped, or carried away captives into the wilderness, where they suffered the most dreadful hard ships. Many singular stories are told of an almost miraculous escape from massacre by villages and households. One Sabbath morning^ while the people of Hadley were at worship in the village church, a tall and venerable man, a stranger to them, ap peared, and told them that the savages were coming. He then put himself at the head 33. When did another Indian war break out ? Its cause ? What was the popula tion of New England at the time ? 34. Where did the Wampanoags dwell ? What caused ill-feeling among them ? What brought on the war ? 35. What were the first events of the war ? 169 2] NEW ENGLAND ?1 36. The Narragansetts, being suspected of giving aid to the hostile tribe, were attacked, and almost destroyed. At last King Philip was tracked to his hiding-place, and shot by an Indian of his own tribe.* This closed the war, after it had continued about fourteen months, during which more than six hundred men in the prime of life had fallen in battle, and nearly twenty vil lages had been burned, f 37. The Salem Witchcraft. In 1692, in the little town of Salem, two young girls, in the family of a clergyman, were at tacked with a Strange illneSS, and SEAL OP MASSACHUSETTS the physician, not being able to ex plain the nature of their disease, said they were bewitched ; that is, that some one, by means of evil spirits, was tor- of the men, and led them against the Indians. The savages were routed and fled ; but when the English looked round for their preserver he had fled, and they for some time believed they had been rescued by an angel ; but it was afterward discovered that it was General Goffe, one of the judges who had condemned Charles I., and who had been hidden in Hadley, from the king s officers. * One of Philip s warriors proposed to him to submit to the .whites. In anger and scorn, he instantly shot him dead. The brother of this man deserted to the English, and guided them to the hiding-place of Philip ; and he it was who, to avenge his brother s death, shot the great chief. t "The primitive weapons of the Indian, the bow and arrow, had been exchanged for guns and hatchets, which he learned to use too well. The Dutch on one side, or the French on another, kept him supplied with powder and ball. He fought for his hunting-grounds, now parcelled out among strangers. He fell to be received into the Elysian fields of the great Manitou. We cannot forbear our tribute of pity and admi ration for Philip. What though he struck the war-post and chanted the death song to gather his dusky warriors for one mighty effort to exterminate our ancestors, his cause was the same that has ever received the world s applause. 11 Drake s ffistwic Fields. 36. How were the Narragansetts involved ? What was the result ? How was King Philip s war ended ? What calamities had it caused ? 37. What led to the witchcraft excitement in Salem ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1692 menting them. An old Indian woman was accused of being the witch ; and she was so cruelly treated, that she at last, probably to escape her master s whip, said she was a witch. 38. This led to a strange excitement, not only in Salem but other towns ; and numbers of persons were accused of the crime of witchcraft, and, to escape torture, confessed their guilt. More than fifty were in this way compelled to make such a confession ; and twenty persons were put to death, many others being sent to prison. * 39. This dreadful delusion lasted more than six months ; and it was not until some of the magistrates themselves, and even the governor s wife, were accused, that the people began to see how much they had been deceived. All the accused were then set at liberty, and some of the most active in bringing them to punishment, confessed that they had been imposed upon or had sworn falsely, f "Many devoted sons and daughters clung to their parents, visited them in prison in defiance of a bloodthirsty mob, kept by their side on the way to execution ; ex pressed their love, sympathy, and reverence to the last ; and by brave and perilous enterprises, got possession of their remains and bore them back under the cover of midnight to their own thresholds, and to graves kept consecrated by their prayers and tears. 11 Upham s History of the Salem Witchcraft. t The belief in witches was not confined to America ; indeed, it was very general in Europe, and in England many persons were condemned to death for this supposed crime. 38. What were the results ? 39. How long did the delusion last ? What ended it ? What was done at its close ? 1609] NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY 73 CHAPTER VI New York and New Jersey NEW AMSTERDAM i. Hudson s Voyage. For hundreds of years, search was made for a northwest passage to India ; for the way by Cape Horn was long and dangerous. Among the navi gators who had attempted to find this passage was Henry Hudson, an English captain ; and in 1609, the Dutch mer chants, who at that time were very enterprising in naviga tion and commerce, engaged him to make another voyage for this purpose, and sent him out in a small vessel called the Half-Moon. Map Questions. (Map, p. 76.) Where is the city of New York ? Hudson ? Al bany ? (Map, p. 82.) What river is between New Jersey and Pennsylvania ? Where is Bergen ? Elizabeth (formerly Elizabethtown) ? (Map, p. 64.) What waters on the north and south of Long Island ? (Map of South America.) Where is Cape Horn ? Text Questions. 1. What passage was long sought for ? Who was Henry Hud son ? What voyage was he sent upon ? In what ship ? M HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1609 2. Discovery of the Hudson River. After sailing some distance along the eastern coast of North America, he entered the harbor of New York, and discovered the rnouth of a great river, which he ascended about sixty miles. This river was called after him, the Hudson River ; and the town of Hudson stands at the place where the Half-Moon came to anchor. Hudson sent out a boat, which sailed up as far as Albany ; but finding that the farther they went the nar rower the river became, and that the water was fresh, the explorers returned ; and Hudson was convinced that here was no passage to the Pacific.* 3. Their Account of the Country. It was no wonder that, on their return to Holland, Hudson and his com panions should have praised the country, and the river which they had seen. They spoke of the pleasant climate, the rich foliage, the fertile soil, and the magnificent scenery. The woods, they said, were full of game, the great river abounded in fish, and the natives had abun dance of furs to sell. * Hudson made his fourth voyage in 1610. While in Hudson s Bay, a mutiny occur ring among his men, he, with eight others, who remained faithful to him, were put into an open boat and abandoned. Two ships were afterward sent from England to make search for him, but no tidings of the bold navigator could ever be gained. 2. What harbor and river did he enter ? How far did he ascend the latter ? 3. What account was given of the country ? HKNRY HUDSON 1623] NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY 75 THE HALF-MOON ASCENDING THE HUDSON 4. First Settlements The Dutch, therefore, sent out other parties to occupy the country, and trade with the Indians ; and for this purpose they established posts and built forts. One of these, in 1614, was placed at the southern part of Manhattan Island,* where soon afterward (1623) there was commenced a thriving settlement, called New Amsterdam. They built Fort Orange on the present site of Albany, and also forts on the Delaware and Con necticut Rivers. Thus they partly took possession of the region lying between these two rivers ; but their claim * In 1624, the Dutch purchased from the Indians the island of Manhattan, for twenty-four dollars. It is said that Verrazzani, just one hundred years before, landed on the island, and gave the Indians wine, by which they were intoxicated : so that the island was afterward called by them Mannahata, or the Man d of Drunkenness. 4. What forts were built ? What town was founded ? What region did the Dutch claim ? Its name ? 76 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1623 extended as far as Cape Cod.* This region they called NEW NETHERLANDS. 5. Growth of the Colony Troubles. The growth of the colony was not rapid, although every individual who succeeded in forming a settlement of fifty persons had a THE STATE OF NEW YORK YORK large tract of land granted to him. These land-holders were called Patroons ; and in quite recent times the claims of their descendants to rent led to the anti-rent troubles in the State of New York. During the first few years, * In 1614, a Dutch captain named Adrian Block, sailing from New York Bay into Long Island Sound, passed around that island. He was the first European navigator that sailed through the dangerous whirlpool of the East River, called Hurlgate or Hellgate. 5. Growth of the colony ? Who were the patroons ? What did their claims to rent cause in after years ? What troubled the colony ? 1643] NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY 77 there were contests with the English on the Connecticut Kiver, and the Swedes on the Delaware. There were also troubles with the Indians. 6. Governors. New Netherlands had, in the course of time, four governors, the first of whom was Peter Min -u-it, who was succeeded by Van Twil -ler ; then came Sir William Kieft (keeft), who was guilty of a dread ful act of treachery toward the Indians. Two of the set tlers having been killed by an Indian of the Hackensack tribe, the governor demanded that the murderer should be given up. This was refused.* 7. Indian War. Soon after this, a war broke out be tween the Hackensacks and the Mohawks, and the former collected in large numbers on the west side of the Hudson, opposite New Amsterdam, asking aid against their ene mies. Here they were stealthily attacked by the soldiers of Kieft during the night ; and nearly a hundred men, women, and children were massacred. This brought on a war with the Indians, which lasted two years (1643-5). f Kieft, soon after its close, deprived of his office, started to * It was contrary to the customs of the Indians to deliver up the murderer ; but they offered, as reparation to the widow, two hundred fathoms of the best wampum. "You, yourselves," they said to the Dutch messengers, "are the cause of this evil ; you ought not to craze the young Indians with brandy. Your own people, when drunk, fight with knives, and do foolish things ; and you cannot prevent mischief till you cease to sell strong drink to the Indian." t "Every Algonquin tribe round Manhattan burned with the frenzy of revenge. The swamps were their hiding-places, from which sudden onsets were made in every direc tion. Villages were laid waste, the farmer murdered in the field, his children swept into captivity. From the shores of New Jersey to the borders of Connecticut, not a bowery was &&te" Bancroft. 6. Who was the first governor ? The second ? The third ? 7. What led to a war with the Indians ? What became of Kieft ? 78 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1655 return to Europe ; but his ship was dashed to pieces in a storm, and the guilty man perished in the waters. 8. Governor Stuyvesant. The prosperity of the colony dates from the arrival, in 1647, of Governor Peter Stuyvesant (sti -ve-sant), who was a very energetic and reso lute man. He made a treaty with the English, preserved peace with the Indians, sub dued the Swedes on the Dela ware (1655), and tried in every way to encourage trade and ag riculture, as well as to induce people to join the settlement. Many who had suffered in their own countries on account of their religion, found a peace ful asylum in New Amsterdam. * 9. Petition of the People English Claim. These people brought with them their love of liberty, and eagerly desired to have a share in the government ; but this, Stuyvesant, who was something of a tyrant, would not grant. Meanwhile, the English set up a claim to the ter ritory, and Charles II. granted it to his brother James, * "The island of New York was then chiefly divided among farmers ; the large forests which covered what is now the City Hall Park, and the adjacent region, long remained a common pasture, where, for yet a quarter of a century, tanners could ob tain bark, and boys chestnuts. The soil was so little valued that Stuyvesant thought it no wrong to his employers to purchase of them at a small price an extensive bowery (farm) just beyond the coppices, among which browsed the goats and kine from the village." Bancroft. 8. What is said of Governor Stuyvesant ? The settlers ? 9. What did they ask ? it granted ? Who claimed the territory ? Who was sent to take it ? PETER STUYVESANT 1683] NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY 79 Duke of York. A fleet, sent out by the latter in 1664, appeared before New Amsterdam, and demanded that the fort and town should be given up to English authority. 10. Conquest of New Netherlands. Thereupon the people, hoping to enjoy under the English the privileges refused by Stuyvesant, determined to surrender. The governor was very angry and determined, and held out until the place was actually in the enemy s hands. Thus New Amsterdam became an English town, and received the name of New York. This name was afterwards ap plied to the whole territory retained by the Duke ; for the portion now called New Jersey he sold to two English noblemen, named Sir George Car-ter-et and Lord Berke - ley. Fort Orange was called Albany. 11. Reconquest by the Dutch, etc. In 1673, the Dutch, being at war with the English, and having gained several victories over them, sent a fleet to regain possession of their American territories. New York was surrendered to its former masters, and remained in their possession for about fifteen months, when it was again taken by the English. The people did not enjoy the privileges for which they had asked until 1683, when permission was granted them by the Duke of York to hold a free Assem bly in which they might make laws for the colony. 12. Captain Kidd. In 1698, the Earl of Bellamont be came governor. As commerce was greatly disturbed by pirates, he sent out a bold captain named Kidd to capture 10. How did the people act ? The governor ? What name was given to New Amsterdam ? To Fort Orange ? What was New Netherlands named ? 11. How did the Dutch regain the colony ? When was it again surrendered to the English ? What privilege was granted to the people ? When ? 12. Account of Captain Kidd ? 80 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1698 their vessels ; but Kidd was a bad man, and knowing that there were very many Spanish ships carrying across the ocean gold, silver, and other treas ures from America, he determined to turn pirate himself. Kidd con tinued this career for several years, and is said to have obtained immense quantities of gold and rich treasures, some of which he is reported to have buried on Long SEAL OF NEW YORK Island and in other parts of the country. At last, he was seized and sent to England, where he suffered death for his crimes. His buried treasures have been sought for at various places. 13. Treaty with the Indians. In 1684, an important treaty was made with the Five Nations/ as the five great Indian tribes were called. These included the On- on-da -gas, Ca-yu -gas, Mo -hawks, O-nei -das, and Sen - e-cas. To these, some years afterward, were added the Tus-ca-ro -ras, after which the league was called the " Six Nations." The treaty made in 1684 was long and faith fully kept, and was of great advantage to the English settlers. New Jersey 14. Origin of the Name First Settlements. New Jersey was so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who had been governor of the island of Jersey, near England. 13. What were the Five Nations ? What tribes constituted the Six Nations ? 14. Why was New Jersey so called ? What settlement was made by the Dutch ? By the: English ? 1664] NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY 81 The Dutch had established a trading-post at Bergen as early as 1622 ; but no considerable settlement was made. In 1664, emigrants from Long Island passed over, and made a settlement called Eliza- bethtown, the present flourishing city of Elizabeth. Philip Carteret was the first governor. 15. Change in the Proprietors. Berkeley sold his share of the territory to an English Quaker, who assigned it to William Penn and two other Quakers, Or SEAL OF NEW JERSET Friends. The territory Avas then divided between the proprietors, Carteret taking the east ern, and the Friends the western half. These portions were called respectively East Jersey and West Jersey. In 1682, William Penn and eleven of his brethren purchased the eastern part, and thus New Jersey became the exclu sive property of the Friends. 16. Character and Condition of the Settlers. The settlers consisted of emigrants from different countries and of various religious sentiments. In East Jersey there were many New England Puritans, also Presbyterians from Scotland who had been driven out by the persecutions car ried on against them in that country. All lived in peace in the new territory. The Friends had purchased their lands from the Indians, and thus secured the friendship of those people. 15. How did Penn and the Quakers obtain the territory ? 16. Of whom did the settlers consist ? How was peace secured with the Indians ? 6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1681 17. Further Changes. In 1702, the proprietors gave up their rights to the English Crown, and Queen Anne (an) united New York and New Jersey under one gov ernor. In 1736,, they Avere again separated, and New Jersey continued a royal province until the Revolution. CHAPTER VII Pennsylvania and Delaware i. Grant to William Penn. In 1681, William Penn, already spoken of in connection with the history of New Jersey, obtained a grant from Charles II., king of Eng- 17. What further changes occurred ? 1. What grant did William Penn obtain ? The name of the territory ? Why was the grant made ? Who had settled there previously ? 1681] PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE 83 land, of the country lying west of the Delaware River. This grant was made in payment of a debt due his father. Admiral Penn, a distinguished naval commander,, and a particular friend of the Duke of York. The territory was called by the king Pennsylvania, which means Penn s Woods.* In the southeastern part of it, there were already settled about three thousand people, principally Swedes, Finns, and Dutch. 2. Character of Penn. Penn was a good man. Although brought up in wealth and luxury, he had joined the new sect of the Quakers, or Friends, and had suffered much ill-treat ment on that account. He was opposed to war and oppression of every kind, desiring that all should live together in "brotherly love." Hence, when he received his patent, which made him absolute sovereign of the country, he sent a letter to his new subjects, assuring them of his kindly intentions, and promising that they should * Penn suggested the word Sylvania, to which the king prefixed the word Penn, il in honor," the king said, " of Admiral Penn." WILLIAM PENN Map Questions. (Map, p. 82.) Where is Philadelphia ? Trenton ? Tinicum Island ? (Map of Delaware.) Cape Henlopen ? Wilmington (Delaware) ? Cape May ? Into what water does the Delaware River flow ? The Susquehanna River ? (Map, p. 76.) The Chowan River ? Cape Fear River ? Savannah River ? Where is Wilmington ? Savannah ? The St. Mary s River ? (Map of Florida.) Text Questions. 2. What was the character of Penn ? His conduct toward the eettlers ? 84 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1682 "live a free, and if they would, a sober and industrious people." 3. Penn s Arrival. Several ships with emigrants, chiefly Quakers, came over in 1681 and 1682. Penn himself landed in 1682 ; and soon after ward selected the site for his proposed city, between the Delaware and Schuylkill (scool 1 - kill) Rivers. This city he said should be called Philadelphia, a name which means brotherly love. It prospered from the first. At the end of the second year, as many as six hun dred houses had been built. 4. His Treatment of the Settlers and Indians. He treated all the settlers with kindness and liberality ; and took great pains to show the Indians that he was their friend. He sent them a message, informing them that he looked upon them as his brethren, and that he should treat them as such. Under a large elm tree, near Phila delphia, he met the chiefs and warriors in council, and made a treaty of friendship with them, that was never TREATY MONUMENT 3. When did Penn arrive ? What site did he select ? The name of the new city ? Its meaning ? Prosperity of the new city ? 4. Penn s treatment of the Indians ? His treaty ? Its results ? 1682] PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE 85 broken.* The Friends never abused or cheated the na tives, and consequently there were no Indian wars in the territories which they settled. " Not a drop of Quaker blood was ever shed by an In dian ; " and even to this day, an Indian always greets a Quaker as a friend. 5. Subsequent History. For two years Penn attended carefully to the affairs of the colony, after which he returned to England, leaving the government to a COlin- SEAL OF PENNSYLVANIA oil. The colony then contained about seven thousand persons. After a lapse of fifteen years, he made a second visit to Pennsylvania ; but during his absence, the "Three Lower Counties on the Delaware" had become dissatisfied and had withdrawn from the union. They were, however, again united with Pennsylvania until 1703. * "We meet," said William Penn, "on the broad pathway of good faith, and good will ; I will not call you children, for parents sometimes chide their children too severely ; nor brothers only, for brothers differ. The friendship between me and you I will not compare to a chain, for that the rains might rust, or the falling tree might break. We are the same as if one man s body were to be divided into two parts ; we are all one flesh and blood." To this the Indians replied : " We will live in love with William Penn and his children as long as the moon and the sun shall endure." The tree under which the treaty was made, stood in what was afterward known as Kensington, but which is now a part of the city of Philadelphia. "When the British w r ere quartered near it during the war of American Independence, their general so respected it, that, when his soldiers were cutting down every tree for firewood, he placed a sentinel under it that not a branch of it might be touched. A few years ago (in 1810), it was blown down, when it was split into wood, and many cups, bowls, and other articles were made of it, to be kept as memorials." A monument, of which a picture is given on page 84, marks the spot where the tree stood. 5. When did Penn leave the colony ? Its population ? His return ? W T hat had occurred during his -absence ? 86 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1688 6. In 1701, Perm returned to England, never again to visit the colony he had so happily planted. On his death, in 1718, he left his American possessions to his three sons, by whom the government was managed, through deputies, till the Revolution, when their claims were pur chased by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Delaware 7. Settlement by the Dutch By the Swedes. Delaware Bay was visited by the Dutch about 1630, and in the following year, a small settlement was made by them near the present site of Lewistown. Previous to this, however, Gus-ta -vus A-dol -phus, the brave king of Sweden, proposed to establish a colony in America, where all per secuted Christians might find a quiet refuge. His death occurred before this project was realized ; but his good minister accomplished the design in 1638, in sending a colony of fifty men to the Dela- SEAL OF DELAWARE Wai C. 8. Settlement of New Swe den. After landing at Cape Henlopen, they bought from the Indians all the lands from the Cape to the Falls of the Delaware, at Trenton, and commenced a settlement near 6. When did Penn finally leave the colony ? To whom did he leave his American possessions at his death ? How were their claims satisfied afterward ? 7. The first settlement in Delaware ? Project of Gustavus Adolphus ? By whom was it carried out ? 8. Settlement of Wilmington ? Name of the territory ? 1655] MARYLAND, THE CAROLINAS, AND GEORGIA 87 the present site of Wilmington. The territory was called New Sweden ; and the colony was directed by Peter Minuit, former governor of New Netherlands. 9. Dutch Claim Conquest by Stuyvesant. The Dutch considered this an encroachment upon their lands, and sent threatening messages to the Swedes, which were unheeded. On the contrary, the Swedes built a fort on Tinicum Island, a little below Philadelphia, and there established their capital. In 1655, Governor Stuyvesant proceeded against them with a force of six hundred men, and compelled the settlers to submit to the Dutch govern ment. 10. Further Changes. The Dutch retained posses sion of Delaware till they were conquered by the English, in 1664; from which time the territory was connected with the province of New York. By the grant made to William Penn in 1682, Delaware was united with Pennsylvania ; but in 1703, a partial separation took place, each colony having its own assembly, but both being under one governor. < CHAPTER VIII Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia i. Grant of Maryland In 1632, King Charles I. gave to a Roman Catholic nobleman, named Lord Baltimore, a grant of lands on both sides of Chesapeake Bay, extending eastward from the Potomac River to the sea. From this Text Questions. 9. By whom was it claimed ? By whom conquered ? 1O. What further changes occurred ? 1. Grant to Lord Baltimore in 1632 ? Design of Lord Baltimore ? Name of the colony ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1634 grant Delaware was afterward excluded. Lord Baltimore wished to provide an asylum for the Catholics, who in England were persecuted on account of their religion. Lord Baltimore called the territory Maryland, in honor of the queen, whose name was Henrietta Maria. 2. First Settlement - Religious Freedom Se cured. The first settlement was made in 1634, under the direction of Leonard Cal- vert, brother of Lord Balti more, at a place which was called St. Mary s.* The settlers, who had suffered so much from religious persecutions, resolved that no one in the colony should be disturbed on account of religion, and passed laws to secure for all the right to worship God with entire freedom. This just and wise conduct greatly in creased the prosperity of the colony. Numbers of every denomination flocked in to enjoy the blessings offered, and the wealth and population of Maryland grew very rapidly. 3. Clayborne s Claim. The peace of the colony was for a few years disturbed by the claims of one William Clay- * The settlement was made at an Indian town which the natives were preparing to abandon. " The Indian women taught the wives of the new comers to make bread of maize ; the warriors of the tribe instructed the huntsmen how rich were the forests of America in game, and joined them in the chase." Bancroft. LORD BALTIMORE (2d) 2. What was the first settlement ? What laws were made ? The result ? 3. What disturbed the peace of the colony ? Course pursued by Clayborne ? By Calvert ? 1691] MARYLAND, THfi CAROLINAS, AND GEORGIA 80 borne, who, in 1631, had obtained from Charles I. a license to trade with the Indians, and had established trading- posts on Kent Island, in the Chesa peake, and near the mouth of the Susquehanna. From the first he refused to acknowledge the au thority of Governor Calvert, and defended his claim by force of arms ; but he was defeated, and obliged to flee. Afterward, how ever, he. returned and made him- SEAL OF MARYLAND self master of the province, com pelling the governor, in his turn, to flee into Virginia for safety. Calvert, the next year, appeared at the head of a military force and regained possession. 4. Civil War. While Cromwell and his Puritan asso ciates were a power in England, the Protestant party obtained control of affairs in Maryland, and by an Act of the Assembly, Catholics were declared not to be entitled to the protection of the laws of Maryland. This caused a civil war between the Catholics and the Protestants. After Cromwell s death, the rights of Lord Baltimore were re stored, and the colony enjoyed a long repose. 5. Farther History. In 1691, King William made Maryland a royal province, thus depriving the heirs of Lord Baltimore of their rights ; in 1715, however, the fourth Lord Baltimore, then a very young child, had his 4. What caused civil war ? When were the rights of Lord Baltimore restored ? 5. When did Maryland become a royal province ? What occurred in 1715 ? The sub sequent government of the colony ? 00 HISTORY Off THE UNITED STATES [1650 claim as proprietor of the colony acknowledged ; and Maryland, from that time till the Revolution,, remained under a proprietary government. North and South Carolina 6. First Settlements The first attempts to settle in the region now known as North Carolina, were made by Sir Walter Raleigh, as already re lated. It was more than sixty years after these -unsuccessful set tlements on Roanoke Island, be fore any other was made within the limits of this State. About 1G50, people who had settled in Virginia, left that colony, and SEAL OF NORTH CAROLINA . pushing southward into the wil derness, selected a spot at the mouth of the Chowan River for their home. These were Puritans, Quakers, Baptists, etc., who refused to conform to the Church of England, which had been established by law in Virginia. Some time afterward (1665), a settlement was made near the Cape Fear River, by persons from New England, and planters from the West Indies. 7. Albemarle and Clarendon Colonies In 1663, Charles II. granted to Lord Clarendon and other English noblemen, all the territory between Virginia and Florida, to which was given the name Carolina. These proprietors 6. First attempts at settlement in North Carolina ? Where was the first, permanent settlement ? By whom made ? What other settlement ? 7. Grant by Charles 11. in 1663 ? What names were given to the settlements previously made ? 1663] MARYLAND, THE CAROLINA^, AND GEORGIA 91 called the little settlement on the Chowan the Albemarle Colony; the one near Cape Fear was called the Clarendon Colony. It was situated near the present site of the City of Wilmington. 8. The Grand Model. John Locke, the most eminent T :R G- philosopher of his time, was engaged by the proprietors to draw up a charter and scheme of government for the new province. It was to be, they thought, a great and popu lous empire. A constitution was, accordingly, proposed, and was named the fe Grand Model ; " but it was so poorly adapted to the views and the wants of the settlers, that it was very soon entirely abandoned. 8. By whom was a form of government prepared ? What was its success ? 92 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1695 9. Carteret Colony Charleston, etc In 1670, a colony was founded on the western bank of the Ashley River,, and called in honor of one of the proprietors, the Carteret Colony. This was the first settlement in South Carolina. Ten years after, the city of Charleston was founded, on the Ashley and Cooper Bivers, so named in honor of Lord Ashley Cooper, afterward Earl of Shaftes- bury. Protestants driven out of France by the perse cutions of Louis XIV., king of that country, settled in considerable numbers in Carolina, about the same time. 10. Indian Hostilities In the first part of the eight eenth century, the settlers in Carolina suffered much from the hostilities of the Indian tribes. In the north, the Tuscaroras waged a bitter war for years ; but were finally subdued and driven out of the region. They then jour neyed northward, and joined the Iroquois (e -ro-quah) in New York, making the sixth tribe in the league known as the " Six Nations/ In South Carolina, another tribe, called the Ye-mas-sees , became hostile, and carried on a fierce war against the settlers, till they were driven into Florida. 11. Rice Culture, etc About the year 1695, seed-rice was brought into South Carolina from Madagascar, and soon became an article of general cultivation, and a staple export. Indigo was also raised in large quantities. The cotton culture did not extend much until many years after this. 9. What colony was planted in 1670 ? The city of Charleston ? After whom were the Ashley and Cooper Rivers named ? What emigrants came from France ? 10. What tribes of Indians were hostile ? Result of the war ? The Six Nations ? The Yemassees ? 11. When and how did the rice culture commence ? What else was cultivated ? 1732] MARYLAND, THE CAROLINA^, AND GEORGIA 93 12. Division of the Province. There were many dis agreements between the people and the proprietors. The latter desired to rule the colonists with a high hand. They refused many of the privileges enjoyed by other colonies, and restrained the Legislature in the exercise of its just rights. Petitions were ac cordingly sent to the king, asking that he would assume the govern ment of the colony. The proprie- SEAL OF SOUTH CAROLINA tors finally, in 1729, agreed to sell their rights to the crown ; and the colony was divided into two provinces, called respectively North and South Caro lina. Since that time they have remained separate. Georgia 13. Oglethorpe s Grant. In 1732, King George II., of England, granted the territory lying between- the Sa vannah and Altamaha (al-ta-ma-haw ) Rivers to General Oglethorpe (o -gl-tliorp) , a brave and benevolent English man, noted for his exploits in some of the European wars. At that time, in England, debtors were imprisoned and treated very harshly ; and Oglethorpe humanely desired to provide an asylum for such persons, as well as others, who were poor, distressed, or persecuted. The trustees of the 12. Difficulties between settlers and proprietors ? To what did they lead ? How was the province divided ? What names were given to the divisions ? 13. What grant did King George II. make in 1732 ? Who was General Oglethorpe ? What was his object in establishing a colony in America ? The trustees ? Origin of the name Georgia ? 94 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1734 JAMES E. OGLETHOKPE colony were chosen from the most virtuous and benevolent gentlemen of England. It was called Georgia, in honor of the king. 14. Settlement of Savan nah, etc The first company sent out to form a settlement consisted of poor debtors and bankrupt tradesmen with their families.* After stop ping a short time at Charles ton, they ascended the Savan nah Kiver, and settled at a place which they named Sa vannah (1733). More ships, with emigrants and supplies, arrived soon afterward from England; and, in 1734, a number of German Protestants \ came over, and settled a short distance above Savannah. A party of Scotch High- * The place to which these poor people went, as exiles, was described in England as a dreadful region. Goldsmith wrote of it as follows : Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they go, Where wild Altama murmurs to their woe. Far different then from all that charmed before, The various terrors of that horrid shore ; Those blazing suns that dart a downward ray And fiercely shed intolerable day ; Those matted woods where birds forget to sing, But silent bats in drowsy clusters cling ; Those poisonous fields with rank luxuriance crowned, Where the dark scorpion gathers death around ; Where at each step the stranger fears to wake The rattling terrors of the vengeful snake. t These were Moravians a people who fled from Austria to escape the persecutions to which, as Protestants, they were subjected. They were kindly welcomed by Ogle- thorpe, and settled at a place on the Savannah River, which they called Ebenezer. 14. First company sent out ? Where did they settle ? Name given to the settle ment ? What other settlements were made ? 1752] MARYLAND, THE CAROLINAS, AND GEORGIA 95 \ SEAL OF GEOKG1A landers, a few years afterward, made a settlement on the Altamaha.* 15. Hostilities of the Spaniards Oglethorpe easily succeeded in making friends of the Indians f consisting of the Creeks, the Chickasaws, and the Cherokees ; but the Spaniards in Florida looked upon the English settlement as an encroachment upon their territory, and threatened to destroy it. War breaking out be tween England and Spain, hostili ties ensued between the rival colonies ; but Oglethorpe, Avho was a good general and a brave soldier, successfully defended the settlers, and Georgia remained unharmed. 16. Georgia a Royal Province. In 1752, the trustees, who had had many disputes with the colonists, gave up their charter ; and Georgia became a royal province. The limits of the colony were extended to the St. Mary s River, by treaty between England and Spain ; and that river still * These people settled at Darien. General Oglethorpe paid them a visit, dressed as a Highlander, and bade them welcome to a land in which they could live in peace and freedom. His kindness won their hearts, and they gladly aided him in all his plans to promote the prosperity of the colony. t One of the chiefs, addressing Oglethorpe and his companions, and presenting a buffalo-skin painted on the inside with the head and feathers of an eagle, said, "We have brought you a little present. The feathers of the eagle are soft, signifying love ; the skin is warm, and is the emblem of protection ; therefore, love and protect our little families." 15. Oglethorpe s conduct toward the Indians ? What were the tribes ? Conduct of the Spaniards in Florida ? How was the colony defended ? 16. What occurred in 1752? What did Georgia become ? How was its territory extended ? Name the thirteen English colonies. 96 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1634 continues to be the boundary between Georgia and Florida. .Georgia was the last of the thirteen colonies planted by the English in North America. CHAPTER IX French Colonies and Wars 1. THE settlement of Quebec on the St. Lawrence, and of Port Eoyal in Acadia, as well as the exploration by Ohamplain of the great lake named after him, have already been mentioned. While the English were increasing their colonies on the Atlantic, the French were very active in exploring and settling the regions bordering on the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. 2. Work of the Catholic Missionaries Catholic mis sionaries pushed their way into the wilderness, to convert the savages as well as to explore the country. In this work they endured the most dreadful hardships, and some of them were put to death in the most cruel manner by the barbarous tribes whom they had come to save. In 1634, these devoted men established a missionary station near Lake Iroquois, or Georgian Bay, as it is now called. Many of the red men listened to their pious words, and were baptized. 3. In 1660, they had traversed this region as far as Lake Map Questions. (Map, p. 100.) Where is Quebec ? Port Royal ? Annapolis? The Bay of Fundy ? Louisburg ? (Map, p. 252.) Natchez ? New Orleans ? Detroit (Map, p. 200) ? Text Questions. 2. Efforts of the Catholic missionaries ? Their hardships ? What was done in 1634 ? 3. What had been accomplished in 1660 ? The Algonquins and Five Nations ? When and by whom was St. Mary s settled ? What rumor reached Marquette ? long.from 87 Greenwich 82 \ THE COUNTRY EAST OP THE MISSISSIPPI AS OCCUPIED BY THE INDIANS J L 15 10 "Washington u tr 1668] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 97 Superior, and had established stations at various points. The Algonquin Indians were friendly to them, but the " Five Nations/ being at war with the Algonquins, were bitterly hostile, and inflicted on them the most shocking cruelties. In 1668, St. Mary s was settled by Marquette (mar-kef) and others ; and soon after this, the same mis sionary, having heard from the natives of a great river to the west of this region, de termined to explore it. 4. Discovery and Ex ploration of the Missis sippi. This project was carried out in 1673. Mar quette, with Joliet, a fur- trader, reached the Great River, and floated down upon its waters in their birch-bark canoes, below the mouth of the Arkan- LA SALLK sas.* Thus was the Mis sissippi discovered a second time. In 1682, a French ad venturer, named La Salle (sal), descended this river from * " Turning southward, they paddled down the stream, through a solitude unrelieved by the faintest trace of man. A large fish, apparently one of the huge catfish of the Mississippi, blundered against Marquette s canoe with a force which seems to have startled him ; and once, as they drew in their net, they caught a spade-fish, whose eccentric appearance greatly astonished them. At length, the buffalo began to appear, grazing in herds on the great prairies which then bordered the river ; and Marquette describes the fierce and stupid looks of the old bulls, as they stared at the intruders through the tangled mane which nearly blinded them." Parkman. 4. When was the project carried out ? How ? Exploration by La Salle ? How was the territory named ? 7 98 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1687 the mouth of the Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico,* and taking possession of the country in the name of Louis XIV., king of France, named it Louisiana. 5. La Salle s Expedition The next year, La Salle re turned to France, where he was received with great honors; and his description of the country and the river which he had explored excited much interest. He proposed to erect forts and establish a settlement near the mouth of the river, so as to secure it to the French. Four vessels were given to him, with soldiers and settlers to undertake the expedition. It sailed in 1684. 6. Death of La Salle By an unfortunate mistake, the voyagers passed the mouth of the Mississippi, and having sailed a considerable distance to the westward of it, landed in Texas, and built a fort. Here he was left with his com panions, and all endured dreadful hardships in this wild country. A vain search was made for the Mississippi ; and at last discontent broke out, and the great discoverer La Salle was basely assassinated (1687). 7. Settlement of Natchez and New Orleans. In 1716, a French commercial post was established at Natchez, the first permanent settlement in the Mississippi Valley, south of Illinois. A short time afterwards a grant of the country was made to the Mississippi Company, and New * " As he drifted down the turbid current, between the low and marshy shores, the brackish waters changed to brine, and the breeze grew fresh with the salt breath of the sea. Then the broad bosom of the great Gulf opened on his sight, tossing its restless billows, limitless, voiceless, lonely, as when born of chaos, without a sail, without a sign of life. 1 " Parkman, 5. What expedition was planned by La Salle ? When did it sail ? 6. What mis take was made ? What occurred after the landing ? How was La Salle slain ? 7. Set tlement of Natchez ? Of New Orleans ? FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 99 Orleans was founded (1718), as the capital of a new empire, which was expected to become one of the richest and most powerful in the world. FRENCH WARS 8. King William s War Previous to the settlement of Louisiana, the French and English colonies had been involved in hostilities in consequence of war between the mother countries. The English king, James II., fled to France, and the people of England invited William of Orange and Mary, his wife, who was a daughter of the de throned king, to ascend the throne. The French monarch, however, took the part of James, and commenced war against England with the view to regain for him his lost crown. This war lasted from 1689 to the peace of Ryswick (riz -wick), in 1697. It is called in American history King William s War. 9. Indian Atrocities. During this and succeeding wars, the French colonies were aided by their Indian allies in Canada ; and the English had the assistance of the war like Iroquois, or "Five Nations." In the summer of 1689, the latter took and burned Montreal, putting to death with savage cruelty at least two hundred persons, and carrying many away captives. In revenge for this, the French and Indians, the following winter, invaded New York and took Schenectady, where they committed the most shocking barbarities. Sixty persons, of whom many were women 8. What was the cause of King William s War ? . How long did it last ? How was it terminated ? 9, By whom were the French and English aided ? When and by whom was Montreal burned ? Schenectady ? 100 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1690 and children, were massacred, and a large number were dragged away prisoners. A few who escaped made their way through the snow to Albany (1690). 10. Expedition against Acadia and Canada. The colonies of New England also suffered greatly during this war ; but the people showed a wonderful degree of forti tude and courage in the defense of their homes and lives.* * The story of Mrs. Dustin illustrates this. This brave woman, with her nurse and infant child, was taken prisoner at Haverhill, Mass., by the Indians, her husband arriving from the field too late to defend her. The savages burned the house, and dashed the infant against a tree. The mother was dragged away with other captives, through the wilderness, until, after some days of wearisome journeying, they reached 10. What other colonies suffered ? What expedition was sent agaiust Acadia ? Against Canada ? Under whose command ? 1704] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 101 An expedition was sent by Massachusetts; against Acadia, and Port Eoyal was captured. An expedition was also planned against Canada, in which a n^,val force wag sent from Massachusetts, and an army from New York ; but it was not successful. These expeditions were under the command of Sir William Phipps, who was afterwards made governor of Massachusetts. 11. Queen Anne s War Five years had scarcely elapsed since peace was declared, when the French War was renewed. Queen Anne had ascended the throne on the death of William of Orange, but the French king de clared in favor of the son of the exiled James, who had died a short time before (1701). This, with other causes, led to a renewal of hostilities. The horrors of Indian war fare were again experienced during this war. 12. Attack on Deerfield Fortunately for New York, the Five Nations had made a treaty of peace with the In dians in Canada. The New England settlements, there fore, were the chief sufferers. In the winter of 1704, a band of French and Indians came down the valley of the Connecticut on snow shoes, and attacked the town of Deerfield, Massachusetts. The snowdrifts made the pali sades useless ; and the place was soon captured. Nearly all an island in the Merrimac. Here, finding that there were only two Indian men left in charge of them, with three women and seven children, Mrs. Dustin determined to escape. She confided her intention to two fellow captives, and during the night they arose, and each taking a tomahawk, slew all the Indians except two of the children. They then retraced their way back, found a bark canoe, and descended the Merrimac to Haverhill, to the great joy and surprise of their friends. 11. What caused Queen Anne s War? 12. Why was New York saved from Indian hostilities ? Give an account of the attack on Deerfield. Where is Deerfield ? Ans. In Massachusetts. 102 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1710 THE ATTACK ON DEERFIELD the inhabitants were massacred, or were carried captives into the wilderness.* 13. Subsequent Events Daring this war, Port Royal, Nova Scotia, was again captured by the English (1710), and its name changed to Annapolis, which means the City * Among these captives were Rev. Mr. Williams and his family. His wife, being too weak to travel, was tomahawked in the presence of her husband and children. Two years afterward, many of the captives, including Mr. Williams and most of hid children, were ransomed and returned home. The Indians had adopted his youngest daughter, and refused to give her up. She was married to a chief, and became accustomed to the Indian mode of life. Years afterward, she visited the home of her childhood, and her friends endeavored to induce her to remain there ; but her love for her children and her attachment to the Indian customs were too great to permit her- to abandon them ; and she returned to the fires of her wigwam. 13. When was Port Royal taken ? What was it named ? When did the war end ? What did the French give up ? What did they retain ? What fortress was built ? 1744] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 103 of Anna, this name being given to it in honor of the English queen. Three years afterward (1713), peace was made ; and the French agreed to give up the peninsula of Acadia to the English, but they retained Cape Breton Island, and built there a very strong fortress, called Louis- burg. 14. King George s War. For about thirty years the colonies had peace, and they increased rapidly "in popu lation and wealth. New England was especially thriving. There was great activity in manufactures, commerce, and particularly in the cod and mackerel fisheries. But this state of quiet and prosperity was again disturbed by war, in 1744. France and England again went to war about the affairs of Europe, and the colonies were drawn into it. As this war broke out during the reign of George II., it is called King George s War. 15. Capture of Louisburg The chief event of the war in this country was the capture of Louisburg,* by a force consisting chiefly of New England militia, headed by a merchant of Maine, named William Pepperill, and an English fleet under Commodore Warren. The fortress held out for fifty days. This victory was achieved in 1745. Three years afterward the war ended (1748). 16. French and Indian War. The previous wars *This fortress was called the "Gibraltar of America," on account of its great strength. It was given back to the French at the close of the war. 14. How long did peace continue ? What is said of the prosperity of the colonies ? When was the war recommenced ? Its cause ? 15. By whom was Louisburg cap tured ? When ? When did the war end ? 16. What had caused previous wars be tween the colonies ? What difficulty sprung up in 1753 ? What had the French done during the preceding half century ? 104 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1753 SHOWINGTHE LOCATION OP SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS OT TttE FRENCH & INDIAN WAR Map Questions. What two rivers, uniting, form the Ohio? Where did Fort Duqnesne stand ? What two forts were on Lake Champlain ? Where was Fort Wil liam Henry ? Fort Oswego ? Fort Niagara ? Fort Schuyler ? Fort Edward ? Fort Frontenac ? Where is Montreal ? Schenectady ? Albany ? Lake Ontario ? Lake George ? Cape May ? Cape Henlopen ? Cape Charles ? Cape Henry ? 1753] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 105 between the French and English colonies had arisen from disputes between France and England in regard to Euro pean affairs. In 1753, however, a difficulty sprung up be tween the colonies themselves, in relation to the boundary of their respective territories, which led to a war called the French and Indian War. The French, during the preced ing half century, had done much to enlarge their colonial possessions, and in order to secure them had constructed forts at all suitable points. Along the line of the St. Law rence, the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi, they had established more than sixty military posts, some of great strength.* 17. English and French Claims But the English claimed to have a prior right to this territory, since the whole had been discovered by their navigators, the Cabots. The French deemed this an absurd claim ; since those navigators knew nothing of those vast inland regions which French missionaries and explorers had, with incredi ble difficulty, perseverance, and hardships, discovered and settled. For years these rival claims were urged ; but the crisis did not amve till 1753. 18. The Ohio Company. Four years previous to this * " The settlements of the French, stretching from north to south, necessarily in terfered with those of the English, stretching from east to west. Their plan, if exe- cuted, would have completely environed the English. Canada and Louisiana, united, would, as has been aptly said, have formed a bow, of which the English colonies would have constituted the string. . . . The delightful region between the sum mit of the Alleghany Mountains and the Mississippi was the object for which these two powerful nations contended ; and it now became apparent that the sword alone could decide the contest." Marshall s Life of Washington. 17. What was the ground of the English claim? The French claim? 18. What was the Ohio Company ? Where did the French build forts ? What act of hostility did they commit ? 106 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1753 date, a company of Virginians obtained a grant of land on and near the Ohio River, for the purpose of trading with the Indians. This company was called the Ohio Com pany. The French, about the same time, built forts on the Ohio and its branches, in order to occupy the terri tory ; and considering the English traders as trespassers, they arrested three of them, and carried them to Presque Isle (presk eel), now Erie, in Pennsylvania. 19. Washington s Mission Complaint was accord ingly made to Robert Dinwiddie, lieutenant-governor of Virginia ; and it was resolved to send a letter of remon strance to the French commander. The person chosen to carry this letter was GEORGE WASHINGTON, then about twenty-one years of age,* but already distinguished as a young man of prudence and energy. He was a surveyor by profession ; and, in the militia service, had reached the rank of major. 20. The Journey its Result The task imposed upon him was a very difficult one. It was in the midst of winter when he set out ; and he had to travel several hun dred miles through an almost pathless wilderness, infested by bands of lurking savages, cruel and treacherous, f * Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on the 22d of February, 1732. t In passing through the forest, he narrowly escaped being shot by a lurking Indian. " On reaching the Alleghany, with one poor hatchet and a whole day s work, a raft was constructed and launched ; bnt before they were half over the river, they were caught in the running ice, expecting every moment to be crushed, unable to reach either shore. Putting out a pole to stop the raft, Washington was jerked into the deep water, and saved himself only by grasping the raft-logs. 11 He and his companion, however, succeeded in reaching an island, where they passed the night. In the morning they were enabled to cross safely on the ice. 19. Who was sent to the French fort ? What is said of Washington ? 20. De scribe the journey. What was its result ? 1754] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 107 Still, the task was accomplished. The letter was duly delivered, and an answer returned. The French officer, however, gave no satisfaction, but referred the governor of Virginia to the Marquis du Quesne (kane), governor- general of Canada. 21. Washington s Expedition. Before this, the Ohio Company had commenced to construct a fort at the junc tion of the Alleghany and Monongahela Rivers ; and Din- widdie, on receiving the French commander s reply, sent a military force to protect the works. The French, how ever, before this could be done, dispatched a body of troops, took possession of the place, and completed the fort, naming it Fort du Quesne. Washington, on whom the command of the Virginia troops devolved, heard of this event, and halted at a place called the Great Meadows, near which he attacked a small body of French, and de feated them (May 28, 1754). He was, however, soon obliged to withdraw from his post* at the Great Meadows, and return to Virginia without accomplishing the object of the expedition. 22. Braddock s Expedition. In 1755, General Brad- dock, an officer of skill and experience, was sent from England with several regiments of British regular soldiers, to take command of all the forces in the colonies. Several expeditions were arranged against the French forts in* different parts of the country ; one of them, against Fort * Fifteen hundred French and Indians attacked him at this post, called Fort Neces sity ; but, after a brave defense of ten hours, he was compelled to capitulate (July 4th). 21. What expedition was sent out ? What occurred ? 22. Who took the chief command ? What expedition did he lead in person ? His march ? 108 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1755 GENERAL, BRADDOCK du Quesne, led by Braddock himself. Confident of suc cess, he marched through the wilderness, heedless of danger from the savages, and treated with contempt the sugges tion of Washington, who served as his aid, that he should scour the woods so as to protect his army from a surprise by the Indians. 23. Thus he rashly pushed on till about ten miles from the fort, when the soldiers ears were sud denly assailed by the savage war- whoop, and a deadly fire was poured into their ranks from an unseen foe. Panic and disorder ensued ; the sol diers were shot down like deer, and the general was mor tally wounded.* Washington,! at * ne nea d f the Virginia riflemen, checked the enemy, and covered the retreat of the army. His escape was wonderful, for he had two horses shot under him, and four balls passed through his coat. Braddock died on reaching the Great Meadows, forty miles from the scene of the disaster. * Braddock had five horses disabled under him ; at last a bullet entered his right side, and he fell mortally wounded. He was with difficulty brought off the field, and borne in the train of the fugitives. All the first day he was silent, but at night he roused himself to say : " Who would have thought it ? " A short time before his death he remarked, " We shall know better how to deal with them another time." Bancroft. t " I expected every moment, 1 said one whose eye was on Washington, " to see him fall. Nothing but the superintending care of Providence could have saved him." An Indian chief singled him out with his rifle, and bade others of his warriors do the same. " Some potent Manitou guards his life," exclaimed the savage. Bancroft. 23. How was he defeated ? Who covered the retreat ? State all you can of Braddock. 110 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1755 24. Other Expeditions Governor Shirtey, about the same time, was to have taken Fort Niagara ; but his move ments were delayed for months ; and, after the defeat of Braddock, the Indians who were with his army deserting, he was obliged to return to Albany. General Johnson, who possessed great influence with the Six Nations, was to take the French forts on Lake Champlain ; but he was attacked in his camp at the head of Lake George, by the French and Indians under Baron Dieskau (de-es-ko ) ; and, al though they were repulsed,* he returned without accom plishing anything, except the construction of a fort at the head of the lake, which was named Fort William Henry. 25. In the same year the English, under Colonel Monck - ton, landed at the head of the Bay of Fundy, captured the French forts, and destroyed the settlements. It was a cruel deed ; the country was laid waste, and the people were driven in thousands from their homes, placed on board the British vessels, and scattered among the colonists of New England and other places. Thus were the people of Nova Scotia prevented from giving any aid to the French during this war.f * After the battle, Dieskau was found by the pursuers, wounded and alone, leaning against the stump of a tree. As the British soldiers approached, he felt for his watch, intending to give it to them in order to insure kind treatment ; but one of them, thinking he was searching for a pistol, shot him, inflicting an incurable wound. He was taken prisoner, and sent to Europe, where he died after ten years suffering from the injuries received. t This cruel measure was adopted because the people refused to take the oath of allegiance to King George of England. It was carried into effect in the most merciless manner, and with scarcely any warning to the unfortunate Acadians. In one of the districts, the male inhabitants were required to assemble in church on a set day, to listen to the king s proclamation. When they were collected, the doors were closed ; 24. Shirley s expedition ? Johnson s expedition ? What is said of Dieskau ? 25, What was done by Colonel Monckton ? How were the Acadians treated ? 1757] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 111 26. The English accomplished but little during the next two years ; but the French and their savage allies were very active, and gained some advantages. Fort Oswego, built by Shirley in 1755, was captured in 1756 by the Marquis Mont- calm (mont-kam 1 ), the commander-in-chief of the French forces, and with it a large amount of money and military stores fell into the hands of the victors. After demolishing the forts, to allay the jealousy of the Indians, Montcalm left Oswego a solitude, and returned to Canada. 27. Taking of Fort William Henry. In 1757, Mont- calm, with a large force of French and Indians, laid siege to Fort William Henry. After a defense of six days, its brave commander, Colonel Monro, was obliged to surren der. Although the French general had agreed that the English garrison should retire in safety, they had pro ceeded but a short distance from the fort when they were attacked by the Indians, and a large number of them were savagely massacred.* The fort was -demolished by order of Montcalm. they were prisoners, and were told that it was the king s order that they should leave the country. They were forthwith marched to the sea-shore, where they found their weeping wives and children, all of whom were placed aboard the ships which were to take them from their homes forever. In some cases the members of families were separated, some being sent to one colony, and others to a far distant one. * Montcalm had carefully kept all intoxicating drinks from the Indians, but the English supplied them ; and the savages grew wild with dances and songs of revelry. At daybreak, as the English soldiers filed out of the fort, the Indians gathered round the intrenchments, and began to plunder and tomahawk them. It was in vain that the French officers rushed into the tumult, and received wounds themselves in endeav oring to rescue the captives. Montcalm himself exclaimed : "Kill me, but spare the English, who are under my protection. 1 He afterwards collected more than four hundred fugitives and prisoners, and sent an escort with them to insure their safety. He also sent an officer to ransom those whom the Indians had carried away. 26. What was done by the English during 1756 and 1757 ? By the French ? 27. Give an account of the taking of Fort William Henry. What was the conduct of the Indians ? 112 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1757 28. Change in the Administration So little had been accomplished up to this time against the French, that the English people resolved to have a change in the admin istration of the government, and the cele brated William Pitt* was placed at the head of affairs. Preparations were im mediately made for carrying on the war with vigor, and fifty thousand men were placed in the field. 29. Points of Attack. The French, at this time, held forts by which their trade and possessions were strongly pro tected in every direction. Fort du Quesne guarded the territory west of the Alleghanies ; Crown Point and Ticon- deroga, on Lake Champlain, closed the route to Canada ; Niagara protected the fur trade of the Great Lakes and the re gion beyond. Louisburg menaced New England and guarded the fisheries ; and Quebec, with its strong fortifications, was the key to the possession of Canada. A vigorous effort was now to be made to capture all these strong posts, and thus to destroy the French power in America. * William Pitt, first Earl of Chatham, was born at Westminster, England, in 1708. At the beginning of the American Revolution he was opposed to the measures of the British ministry in the American colonies ; but, at the close of a speech, made in 1778 in Parliament, in which he spoke against a motion to acknowledge the independence of America, he fell in an apoplectic fit, and was borne home, where he died a few weeks afterward. 28. What change took place in the English administration ? 29. What forts, were held by the French at this time ? What was protected by each ? A BRITISH GRENADIER OF THE PERIOD 1758] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 113 30. Success of the English. General Forbes,, in 1758, led the expedition against Fort clu Quesne, Washington having the command of the Virginia militia. The French set fire to the fort as he approached, and fled. The THE ST. LAWRENCE, IN 1759 English restored the works, and called the place Fort Pitt, in honor of the great minister and statesman. The same year Louisburg was captured by General Amherst ; and Fort Frontenac, the French fort at the outlet of Lake Ontario, was taken by General Brad street. 30. Give an account of the taking of Fort du Quesne. Who took Louisburg ? Fort Frontenac ? 114 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1758 31. Abercromby s Expedition The finest expedition of the war was that under General Abercromby, the com- mander-in-chief, the object of which was to take Ticon- deroga and Crown Point. With sixteen thousand men he descended Lake George in boats, and landing at its northern extremity, commenced a march through the dense forests towards Ticonderoga, then commanded by Montcalm. 32. The advance, under Lord Howe, was suddenly met by the French, and repulsed, the leader being killed. This discouraged the army, and they fell back to the landing-place ; but resuming their march, they advanced against the fort and made an assault. The attempt failed ; and after losing nearly two thousand men, they were obliged to retreat. 33. Victories of Amherst and Wolfe The next year (1759), General Amherst succeeded in driving the French from the posts on Lake Champlain ; and Fort Niagara was also taken. The great event of this year, however, was the defeat of Montcalm and the taking of Quebec by General Wolfe, who had distinguished himself in the capture of Louisburg the preceding year. 34. With an army of eight thousand men, Wolfe as cended the St. Lawrence in June, and commenced a series of attacks, which were unsuccessful. He then resolved upon another plan. During the night of the 12th of September, his troops landed at a place about two miles 31. What is said of Abercromby s expedition ? Its route ? 33. What places were taken by Amherst in 1759 ? What by Wolfe ? 34. Describe Wolfe s expedition. Battle on the Plains of Abraham. Who fell in the battle ? When did the city sur render ? 1759] FRENCH COLONIES AND WARS 115 above the city, and climbing by a narrow path the steep bank of the St. Lawrence,, at daylight stood on the Plains of Abraham in battle array. 35. At first, Montcalm could scarcely believe it possible that the British army could have reached the plains ; but he soon found that he had to march out of his intrench- "THE TEIIRIBLE CHARGE OF THE BRITISH REGULAR SOLDIERS ments, and risk a battle. Both sides fought bravely ; but the Canadian militia could not withstand the terrible charge of the British regular soldiers, and Montcalm was defeated. Wolfe fell at the moment of victory;* and * " See how they run, one of the officers exclaimed, as the French fled in con- f nsion before the leveled bayonets. Who run ? demanded Wolfe, opening his oyes 35. Result of this victory ? 116 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1763 Montcalm, being mortally wounded, died soon after.* The city was surrendered five days after the battle (Sept. 18, 1759). 36. This victory really decided the war. Montreal was surrendered to an overwhelming force under Amherst, the next year ; and thus the whole of Canada became the property of the English. In 1763, a treaty of peace was signed at Paris, by the terms of which, France gave up to Great Britain all her American possessions east of the Mississippi and north of the I -ber-ville River, in Louisiana. At the same time, Spain ceded to Great Britain her possessions of East and West Florida, f 37. Pontiac s War. The Indians of the northwest were not subdued. They had been friendly to the French, but they hated the British. Pontiac, their chief, like King Philip in former times, secretly induced the various tribes to combine against the English; and, suddenly, an attack was made upon the posts in the northwest, all of like a man aroused from sleep. The enemy, sir, was the reply; they give way everywhere. 1 Now God be praised, I die in peace, 1 he murmured ; and turning on his side, he calmly breathed his last. 11 Park/nan s Conspiracy of Pontiac. * Montcalm was born in France, in 1712. At the close of the battle in which he was mortally wounded, on being told that he could not live long, "So much the better, 1 he said ; " I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." He died on the morning of the 14th of September. tThe war thus terminated was called in Europe the "Seven Years 1 War ; " but it began in America two years before hostilities were commenced in Europe. It was in this war that Frederick II., of Prussia, performed that startling series of exploits which caused him to be called " the Great ; " it was in this war that young Colonel Washington first heard the whistling of hostile bullets, which he said was music in his ears ; in this war that Pitt doubled the consequence, and trebled the arrogance, of England, by winning Canada and India, after a series of intoxicating victories by sea and land. Parton s Life of Franklin. 36. Surrender of Montreal ? When was peace made ? The terms of the treaty ? What were ceded by Spain ? 37. What Indian war broke out ? Its cause ? What places were taken ? 1763] PROGRESS OF THE COLONIES 117 which were taken except Niagara, Fort Pitt, and Detroit. Hundreds of families were butchered or driven from their homes. 38. Detroit was besieged for six months, but was at last relieved. The Indians, finally, were compelled to sue for peace; but Pontiac would not submit. He wandered toward the Mississippi, endeavoring to stir up the Western tribes against the English, but was at last assassinated by an Indian. CHAPTER X Civil Progress and Social Condition of the Colonies i. Population. At the close of the French and Indian War, sometimes called the " Old French War," there were seventeen colonies belonging to Great Britain, of which thirteen, known as English colonies, had been established by emigrants from Great Britain. These latter occupied a strip of territory on the Atlantic coast. The most northern of them was New Hampshire; the most southern, Georgia. These thirteen colonies contained more than two millions of persons, of whom a considerable number were negro slaves. In Virginia, the latter were the majority of the inhabitants. Canada, just conquered from the French, contained about one hundred thousand people. In Nova Scotia, and in East and West Florida, the population was small. Text Questions. 38. Siege of Detroit ? What followed ? Fate of Pontiac ? 1. How many colonies, belonging to Great Britain, were there at the close of the French and Indian War ? How many were English ? What territory did they occupy ? Their population ? 118 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1763 2. The most populous of the colonies, at that time, was Pennsylvania, and next in order were Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia. The whole population of New Eng land was about half a million. The chief cities were Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, each of which con tained, in 1763, between fifteen and twenty thousand persons. The population of Charleston must have been about ten thousand, and of Quebec about the same. 3. Government There were three forms of govern ments ; namely, provincial, or royal, charter, and pro- prietary. Nova Scotia, Canada, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, and the Floridas, were under provincial governments, the principal officers being appointed by the king ; Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, were under charter governments; and Pennsylvania and Maryland were proprietary. 4. Indians. At this period, there existed in the whole territory extending from the lakes of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and along its western banks, more than fifty Indian nations. These contained about sixty thousand Indians able to bear arms, and about thirty-five thousand warriors. In the most populous of the English colonies, war, disease, and the excessive use of ardent spirits had greatly dimin ished the numbers of the red men. 2. Which were the most populous colonies ? Whole population of New England ? The chief cities ? Their population ? 3. What forms of government existed ? Which of the colonies were provincial ? Which had charters ? Which were proprietary ? 4. How many Indian nations were there ? How many Indians 2 What had reduced their numbers ? 1763] PROGRESS OF THE COLONIES 119 5. Industrial Pursuits The cultivation of the soil was the chief pursuit throughout the colonies ; but in the north, there were manufactures of various articles, as shoes, hats, farming implements, and furniture. Spin ning, and the weaving of cloth were also carried on to some exter\t. Commerce was chiefly confined to the coasting and West India trade ; but occasionally vessels were sent to the Canary Islands, and sometimes to Spain and Portugal, carrying to these countries furs, tobacco, lumber, and fish.* 6. Agricultural Products The colonists at first raised the vegetables and grains used in their own country. The cultivation of maize, now so great a staple, was borrowed from the Indians. The potato was not intro duced till 1719, and was rare in the colonies as late as 1740. In Pennsylvania the vine was cultivated con siderably, and in Georgia the production of silk was quite active. Indeed, the silk of Georgia was considered to be among the best in the world. The raw silk received in Savannah for shipment, in 1759, amounted to ten thou sand pounds. 7. Fisheries. Several of the coast towns of New Eng land, for many years, had been actively engaged in the * " When one hand was shut by way of supply from England, another was opened by way of traffic, first to the West Indies and Wine Islands, whereby, among other goods, much cotton wool was brought into the country from the Indies, which the inhabitants learned to spin ; and as they devoted themselves to the breeding of sheep and the sowing of hemp and flax, they soon found out a way to supply themselves with cotton, linen, and woolen cloth." Hubbar&s Neiv England. 5. The chief industrial pursuit ? What manufactures ? What commerce ? 6. What did the colonists raise ? What is said of maize ? Of the potato ? The vine ? Silk ? For what was New Jersey noted ? 7. What colonies were engaged in the whale fishery ? What island in particular ? What other fisheries ? 120 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1763 whale fishery. Among these, Nantucket took the lead. The cod and other fisheries employed very many persons in New England. There were also fisheries further south, off the coast of New Jersey, and in Delaware Bay. 8. Mining, etc As early as 1728, iron furnaces were built in Pennsylvania, and soon afterward in Connecticut. The coal mines were not yet discovered. Mining had not become, as yet, a considerable branch of industry. 9. Printing, etc. The first paper-mill in Massachusetts was erected in 1728 ; but previous to this there were print ing-presses in the colony ; and in 1704 the publication of a newspaper, called the "Boston News-Letter/ was com menced. No newspaper was printed in Connecticut till 1755, when the "Connecticut Gazette" was published in New Haven. Printing was introduced into Providence in 1762. At this date, four journals were regularly pub lished in Boston. The next year, the first newspaper published in Georgia was issued at Savannah. News papers were published at this time in New York and Philadelphia. 10. Education and Schools. The school-house, like the church, was found in every New England town. The people knew that no community could prosper without making provision for educating the children. Common schools were, therefore, everywhere established ; for by law "every township was required to maintain a school for reading and writing, and every town of a hundred house- 8. What is said of mining ? 9. The first paper-mill in Massachusetts ? The "Boston News-Letter" ? The "Connecticut Gazette 11 ? Printing in Providence? Journals in Boson ? In Georgia ? In other cities ? 10. What is said of common schools ? Harvard College 1 1763] PROGRESS OF THE COLONIES holders a grammar school, to fit youths for the university." Harvard College, established in 1636, was for many years the only college in New England, and it had many friends who contributed to its support. (See note, page 126.) ii. Yale College. In 1700, ten Connecticut clergymen came together, and each one laying some books on the table, said, "I give these books for the founding of a college in this colony." It was afterward called Yale College, in honor of Elihu Yale of England, who gave it a large sum of money. Some of the most distin guished men in Eng land made it presents of money or books.* 12. Other Schools and Colleges. Col leges had also been es tablished at this time in some of the other colonies. William and Mary College was BENJAMIN FRANKLIN founded in Virginia in 1692 ; but there were no common schools in that colony. The College (University) of New Jersey was founded, by *"Yale College was originally founded at Killingworth in the year 1700. It was chartered in 1701, was removed to Saybrook in 1707, and to New Haven in 1716." 11. When and how was Yale College founded ? Why so called ? 12. What col lege was founded in Virginia ? In New Jersey ? In New York ? In Pennsylvania ? What schools in the colonies ? 122 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1763 royal charter, at Elizabeth in 1746, but was subsequently removed to Newark, and, in 1757, to Princeton.* In New York, there were schools under Dutch schoolmasters at a very early period. King s College (now Columbia Uni versity), was founded in 1754. In Pennsylvania, the first school was established in 1683. The University of Penn sylvania was commenced in 1750. Dr. Franklin took an active interest in its establishment. 13. Manners and Customs. The morals of the people were carefully regulated by the laws both in New England and the middle colonies. No license was granted to keep a tavern to any persons who were not highly reputable citi zens ; and no liquor could lawfully be sold to those who were known to be drunkards. The names of all such were posted up in the ale-houses. Severe laws were passed against drunkenness, profanity, and sabbath-breaking. In New York, tavern-keepers were not allowed to give sup pers after nine o clock at night. 14. The most elegant mansions of the time were fur nished in a very simple style, f Carpets were scarcely * Jonathan Edwards was president of this College at the time of his death in 1758. He was born in 1703, and educated at Yale College. He was celebrated both in Europe and America for his attainments and writings as a divine. His industry was incredible. He commonly spent thirteen hours each day in his study ; and at his death, at the age of fifty-five, the number of his miscellaneous writings amounted to upwards of one thousand four hundred. His greatest work is that on the " Freedom of the Will." t Penn s manor house, on the Delaware, is thus described : A broad avenue of* poplars led up to the house, which was built of stone, and surrounded by gardens and lawns. . Its large hall ran the whole length of the house, and afforded space for the entertainment of strangers. Indians were frequently guests at this hospitable mansion. Its furniture consisted of only six chairs, two long benches, and a long table, with pewter plates and dishes, and vessels called cisterns, containing water or beer. The 13. What were regulated bylaw? Who could be licensed tavern-keepers? Lawa as to drunkards, etc. ? 14. What is said of the mansions of the time ? Of the furni ture ? Of dress ? Customs in New York ? 1772] PROGRESS OF THE COLONIES 123 known till 1750, the floors being strewn with clean white sand. Cushioned hair, huge wigs, stiff brocades, and cum brous hoops were conspicuous in full-dress companies. In New York, many of the customs were such as had been introduced by its Dutch founders. Some of these remain to this day ; such as the " May-day moving," the visit of Santa Glaus at Christmas eve, and the colored eggs of Easter. 15. In that early period, long before railroads were even thought of, the facilities for traveling were small indeed. The roads were few and very bad, and much time was con sumed in even short journeys. In 1772, it was thought wonderful that a stage should go through from Philadel phia to New York in two days. Such a stage was adver tised as "The Flying Machine." 16. How the People Dressed. "I wish you could have seen what splendid dresses the ladies wore in those times ! They had silks, and satins, and damasks, and bro cades, and high head-dresses, and all sorts of fine things. And they used to wear hooped petticoats of such enormous size, that it was quite a journey to walk round them. The gentlemen dressed with full as much magnificence as the ladies. For their holiday suits they had coats of figured velvet, crimson, green, blue, and all other gay colors, em broidered with gold or silver lace. 17. " Their waistcoats, which were five times as large as modern ones, were very splendid. Sometimes the whole best parlor was furnished with tables, a couch, cane chairs, and cushions of satin and green plush. The upper chambers had good beds, chairs, and tables. The table furni ture included blue and white china, silver plate, and damask linen. 124 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES [1772 waistcoat, which came down almost to the knees, was made of gold brocade. And then they wore various sorts of periwigs, such as the tie, the spencer, the brigadier, the major, the albemarle, the ramillies, the feather-top, COSTUMES OF THE PERIOD and the full-bottom. Their three-cornered hats were laced with gold or silver. They had shining buckles at the knees of their small-clothes, and buckles likewise in their shoes. They wore swords with beautiful hilts, either of silver, or sometimes of polished steel, inlaid with gold." Hawthorne. CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY 125 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY WITH THE CONTEMPORANEOUS ENGLISH AND FRENCH SOVEREIGNS French English Discoveries and Explorations b 1492 The West Indies were discovered by Columbus. " 1497 North America was discovered by the Cabots. 1499 South America was visited by Amerigo Vespucci. 1512 Florida was discovered by Ponce de Leon 1513. The Pacific Ocean was discovered by Balboa. 1520. The coast of Carolina was visited by De Ayllon. 152l Mexico was explored and conquered by Cortez. 1524 The coast of North America explored by \errazzani, 1534 The St. Lawrence was discovered by Cartier. 1541. The Mississippi was discovered by De Soto. Colonial Events 562 The Huguenots attempted to colonize Carolina. 564 The second Huguenot colony was begun in I< londa. 565! Florida, at St. Augustine, was settled by Spaniards. 579 West coast of North America explored by Drake. 584 Carolina coast explored by Raleigh s expedition. 585-7. Raleigh made two attempts to colonize Carolina, 602 The Massachusetts coast was explored by bosnold. 606 The London and Plymouth Cos. received charters. 1651. Parliament passed the "Navigation Act. 1655 New Sweden (Delaware) conquered by the Dutch. 1656 The " Persecution of Quakers " in Massachusetts. j. He J-JUllviuu cti IA*. j. j. j **i ~ ~ - 607 The London Co. planted a colony at Jamestown. 609. The Hudson River was discovered by Hudson 614 The New England coast was explored by Smith. " New York was settled by the Dutch. 620. Plymouth, Massachusetts, was settled. 623. New Hampshire was settled. . 630. Boston settled by the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 633. Connecticut was settled at Windsor. .634. Maryland (at St. Mary s) was settled. 1635 Saybrook (2d colony in Connecticut) was settled. 1636 Providence (1st colony in Rhode Island) was settled, 1637* The Pequods of Connecticut were destroyed. The second colony of Rhode Island was established. 1638 The Swedish colony in Delaware was established. New Haven (3d colony in Connecticut) was settled. 1643. Four New England colonies formed a Union. 1644 The two colonies of Rhode Island were united. 1650! North Carolina (on the Chowan) was settled. - 1651. Parliament passed the " Navigation Act. ^ i O 126 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES English French 1663. The grant of Carolina to Clarendon and others. 1664. New York taken by the English from the Dutch. New Jersey (at Elizabeth) was settled. 1665. The Connecticut colonies united under one charter. 1670. South Carolina (on the Ashley) was settled. 1673. Virginia was ceded to Culpepper and Arlington. 1 ftTrk T^inrc T^Viil i r-i o \\7rt i TI XT",-,.,, TT* .! J O o TT 1675. King Philip s War in New England. 1682. Pennsylvania (at Philadelphia) was settled. Delaware granted by the Duke of York to Penn. 1689. King William s War began in America. 1690. Port Royal (Nova Scotia) captured by the English. 1692. Plymouth was united with Massachusetts 1697. The " Treaty of Ryswick" ended the war. 1702. Queen Anne s War began in America. 1710. Port Royal captured (2d time) by the English. 1713. The " Treaty of Utrecht" ended the war. 1729. Carolina separated into North and South Carolina. 1732. Washington was born, in Virginia, Feb. 22. 1733. Georgia (at Savannah) was settled. 1744. King George s War began in America. 1745. Louisburg was taken (1st time) by the English. 1748. The " Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle " ended the war. 1754. The French and Indian War. Washington defeated the French at Great Meadows. 1755. The French were expelled from Nova Scotia. Braddock was defeated at the Monongahela. e o a/ 1756. Oswego was captured by the French. 1757. Fort William Plenry surrendered to the French. 1758. Abercromby was defeated at Ticonderoga. Louisburg was taken (2d time) by the English. Ft. Frontenac (Kingston) was taken by the English. 1759. Ft. Niagara was taken by the English. Wolfe defeated Montcalm before Quebec. Quebec was surrendered to the English. 1760. Montreal was surrendered to the English. 1763. The "Treaty of Paris " ended the war. Harvard College. 11 Six years after the arrival of Winthrop (1636), the General Court voted a sum equal to a year s rate of the whole colony, to wards the erection of a college. In 1638, John Harvard, who arrived in the Bay only to fall a victim to the most wasting disease of the climate, desir ing to connect himself imperishably with the happiness of his adopted country, bequeathed to the college one-half of his estate and all his library. The infant institution was a favorite. Connecticut, and Plymouth, and the towns in the east, often contributed little offerings to promote its success. The gift of the rent of a ferry was a proof of the care of the State ; and once, at least, every family in each of the colonies gave to the college at Cam bridge twelve pence, or a peck of corn, or its value . . . ; while the magis trates and wealthier men were profuse in their liberality." Bane r ft. TOPICS FOR REVIEW 127 TOPICS FOR REVIEW Numbers refer to pages of the book BIOGRAPHICAL Mexico 28 Mississippi River 31, 97 Who were they ? Labrador , . 33 With what events connected ? St. Lawrence River 33, 105 Any other facts ? Quebec .... . . 33 114 Columbus 13 Balboa 25 Magellan 27 Ponce de Leon 27 Cortez 29 DeSoto 31 The Cabots . 33 Connecticut. 62 Verrazzani . . 33 Hudson River . . 74 Cartier 33 Manhattan Island 75 Champlain 34 New York 79 Drake 35 New Jersey 80 Gilbert 35 Pennsylvania .. . .. .. 82 Raleigh 36 Gosnold 36 Captain John Smith 40, 43 Lord Delaware 45 Pocahontas 41, 45 Roger Williams 59, 60 King Philip 69 Henry Hudson 73 Peter Stuyvesant 78 HISTORICAL William Penn 82 ? Lord Baltimore .... 87 Lord Clarendon . . 90 ed with it ? James Oglethorpe 93 Marquette . 97 La Salle 97 George Washington. 106 General Braddock 107 Baron Dieskau 110 * Marquis Montcalm Ill, 114 General Wolfe 114 Pontiac 116 King Philip s War 69 GEOGRAPHICAL Salem Witchcraft 71 By whom discovered or settled? Conquest of New Netherlands 79 With what events connected? Other facts? King William s War 99 Conquest of Acadia 100 San Salvador. 22 Florida... ...28,30,34 Conquest of Canada . . . . 114 PEKIOD II FROM THE CLOSE OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR TO THE ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CHAPTER XI Causes of the American Revolution 1. Why the Colonies were taxed. The French and Indian War had cost a vast sum of money. In order to carry it on, Great Britain had been obliged to borrow three hundred millions of dollars, thus increasing her national debt by that amount. The English government, there fore, soon after the close of the war, set up the claim that, as it had been waged on behalf of the colonies, they should bear a part of the burden. Accordingly, a law was passed in 1765 called the Stamp Act. 2. The Stamp Act. This law required that for all business papers, such as deeds, bonds, notes, etc., and all such printed matter as newspapers, pamphlets, etc., paper having a government stamp should be used. By charging a certain sum for such paper, the government would be enabled to obtain a considerable revenue. The colonists, however, would not submit to be taxed in this way ; for they said they had no representation in the English Par- Text Questions. 1. Cost of the French and Indian War ? What measure wr.s adopted to help pay the debt ? g. What v:as the Stamp Act ? Why did the colonists oppose it ? 1765] CAUSES 0~F THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 129 liament, and the government had no right to tax them without their consent. 3. Effect of its Passage The news that the Stamp Act had been passed caused great excitement throughout the colonies. Indignation meetings were held,, and resolu tions were adopted protesting against the law as an inva- sion of the rights of the colonists as Englishmen and freemen, and expressing a firm determination to prevent it from going into effect. In the legislature of Virginia, Patrick Henry spoke with startling eloquence against the injustice and folly of the measure.* In Massa- chusetts, James Otis also eloquently denounced it, and .proposed a congress of delegates from all the colonies, so that a united stand might be made. This proposition was adopted. - Colonial Congress. Accordingly, in October, inn~ ^.^ 176o, the congress was held in New York, but there were present delegates from only nine colonies. Timothy Ruggles, of Massachusetts, was *In the midst of his speech he exclaimed, "Caesar had his Brutus ; Charles the First, his Cromwell; and George the Third - " "Treason! Treason!" was shouted from every part of the House. The orator, after a pause, thus concluded the sen- tence : " - may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it. 1 PATRICK HENKY 3. How was the news of its passage received ? What is said of Patrick Henry ? James Otis ? 4. Where and when did a colonial congress meet ? Its president ? Its proceedings ? 9 130 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1767 chosen president, and a declaration of rights was adopted. Petitions were also sent to the king and Parliament. 5. How the Stamps and Stamp Officers were treated. When the day (Nov. 1) arrived on which the law was to go into effect, there was intense excitement. In Boston,, the bells were muffled and tolled, and the flags were displayed at half-mast. The people met under an old elm-tree, called afterwards " Liberty Tree," and pub licly declared their indignation. Andrew Oliver, who had been appointed the agent for the sale of the hated stamped paper, was hung in effigy ; his house was torn down, and he was obliged to resign the odious office. 6. Repeal of the Stamp Act In addition to this general opposition, the merchants of New York, Phila delphia, Boston, and other cities, agreed to import no more goods while the Stamp Act remained a law. Benjamin Franklin, who was at that time in England, told the English minister that the people of the colonies would never submit to the law. After considerable debate in Parliament, it was repealed, but the right to tax the colo nies was maintained and declared (1766). 7. Further Measures of Taxation. The repeal of the Act caused great rejoicing throughout the colonies, but the joy was short-lived ; for the next year (1767) another law was passed imposing a tax on all glass, painters colors, and tea, imported into the colonies. This measure caused the same opposition as the Stamp Act. The people resolved that they would not import any of 5. Events in Boston on Nov. 1 ? 6. What agreement was entered into ? When was the Act repealed ? 7. Effect of the repeal ? What other law was passed ? The effect ? 1770] CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 131 these articles, but would manufacture them at home. Franklin wisely told them " to light the torches of indus try and economy." 8. Boston Massacre. In Boston the people showed the firmest opposition to the tax,, and consequently a large / " THE BOSTON MASSACRE body of soldiers were sent to keep them in subjection. The presence of these hirelings caused constant affrays, in one of which the soldiers fired on the people, and killed three men, besides wounding others (1770). This event is known as the " Boston Massacre." * * "A gust of smoke overspread the scene. It rose heavily, as if loath to reveal the dreadful spectacle beneath it. Eleven of the sons of New England lay stretched upon 8. What led to the Boston Massacre ? How many persons were killed 2 132 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1773 9. Tax on Tea Before the news of this event reached England, Parliament withdrew the duty from all articles except tea, which was taxed at the rate of three pence per pound. This did not, however, satisfy the people ; for it was the principle they contended for, that they ought not to be taxed without representation. Accordingly the tea which was brought to New York and Philadelphia, was sent back to London. In Charleston it was stored in dajnp cellars ; and, as no one would buy or use it, it spoiled. 10. Boston Tea Party Port Bill. In Boston, on a cold moonlight night in December, 1773, a party of men disguised as Indians boarded the ships, broke open the chests of tea, and emptied their contents into the water. The British government, in order to punish the citizens for this act of bold defiance, passed a law closing the port of Boston, and requiring that the General Court should meet at Salem. This was called the "Boston Port Bill." It caused great distress, especially among the merchants. 11. Sympathy with Boston. The people of the other colonies sympathized with the Bostonians in their suffer ings for the cause of freedom. The people of Salem and Newburyport offered their ports to the merchants of the street. Some, sorely wounded, were struggling to rise again. Others stirred not, nor groaned, for they were past all pain. Blood was streaming upon the snow ; and that purple stain, in the midst of King s Street, though it melted away in the next day s sun, was never forgotten or forgiven by the people." Hawthorne. 9. What tax was placed on tea ? Did the colonists consent to pay it ? Why not ? What was done with the tea at various places ? 10. What was done in Boston ? What was the Boston Port Bill ? Its effect ? H. How was sympathy shown to the Bostonians ? 1774] CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 133 Boston, Georgia sent supplies of provisions as well as money, New York sent a large quantity of wheat, and all offered kindly sympathy. 12. First Continental Congress In September, 1774, FANEUIL HALL, BOSTON* a general congress met at Philadelphia to take suitable measures to protect the rights and interests of the colonies. This body is known as the " First Continental * Faneuil Hall, in Boston, was used by the patriols during the Revolution, and for that reason is often called the "Cradle of American Liberty." The original building, comprising a market-place on the ground floor, a town-hall, and other rooms, was erected by Peter Faneuil, permission having been given by the authorities of Boston. In 1761, it was destroyed by fire ; but in 1763 it was rebuilt at the expense of the town ; and when the British occupied Boston in 1775, they used the Hall for a theater. In 1805, the building underwent considerable alteration, and was somewhat enlarged. 12. When and where did the First Continental Congress meet ? How many colonies were represented ? 184 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES [17*4 Congress/ 7 Fifty-one delegates were present, all the colonies being represented except Georgia. 13. Its Proceedings This Congress formally com mended the people of Boston for their bold resistance to British tyranny, adopted a declaration of rights, and an agreement to abstain from all com merce with England. The Congress also voted addresses to the king, the people of Great Britain, and the Canadians. George Washington, Patrick Henry, and John Adams were among the distinguished patriots present as members of this Congress. 14. General Gage s Measures. Previous to this time, General Gage had been appointed commander-in-chief of the king s troops, and also governor of Massachusetts. Seeing the hostility and excitement of the people, he fortified Boston Neck, and seizing the military stores which the Americans had collected at Cambridge and Charlestown, conveyed them to his headquarters. 15. Preparations for War. The people, though BOSTON AND VTCUSriTT" 13. What were its proceedings? Who were among the delegates? 14. What measures did General Gage adopt ? 15. How did the people behave ? Who were called "Minute Men"? 1775] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 135 greatly excited, acted with prudence and caution. They did not desire a conflict with the "mother country/ but were prepared for it, should it prove unavoidable. The militia were organized ; and in Massachusetts men capable of bearing arms were put under daily training, and pledged to take the field at a minute s notice; hence they were called " Minute Men/ CHAPTER XII The War for Independence i. Commencement of the Struggle. The war for Independence, sometimes called the " War of the Revolu tion," commenced at the Battle of Lexington, in 1775. On the 18th of April, General Gage sent a body of troops to destroy some ammunition kept by the patriots at Con cord, a small town about sixteen miles from Boston. The alarm was given ; * and, at daybreak, some of the minute men were out on the green at Lexington, ready to meet the British troops on their way to Concord. * Gage s plans, it is said, became known through the remark o f a British horse- jockey, who remarked to an American stable-boy whom he knew, that he had over heard a conversation between Gage and other officers, and that there would be grand news the next day. This was immediately carried to Paul Revere, who enjoined silence on his informant, adding, "You are the third person who has brought me this information. 1 See "Paul Revere 1 s Ride," by Longfellow. Map Questions. (Map, p. 53.) In which direction from Boston is Lexington ? Is Concord ? How is Boston situated ? (Map, p. 134.) Where is Ticonderoga ? Crown Point ? (Map, p. 104.) Into what river does the Sorel River flow ? Where is St. John s ? Montreal ? (Map, p. 141.) How is Charleston situated ? (Map, p. 91.) Text Questions. 1 . When and how did the War for Independence begin ? What was done by Gage ? Where did the minute men confront the British soldiers ? 136 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1775 2. Battle of Lexington. Major Pitcairn, who com manded the British, rode forward and shouted : "Disperse, you rebels; throw down your arms and disperse!" Not being obeyed, lie ordered his men to fire. Then was shed the first blood of the war. Eight of the men of Lexington lay lifeless on the green, and nine were wounded. The others dispersed. The British then proceeded to Concord, and destroyed all the stores they could find. 3. Retreat of the British. By this time the militia had collected in large numbers, and the British began to retreat. On their march back to Boston, they were at tacked on all sides by the minute men. Every fence,* barn, and shed hid its assailants ; and the exhausted troops would scarcely have reached Boston, had not re inforcements arrived to aid them. As it was, more than two hundred were slain. 4. Effect of the Battle. This battle fully aroused the patriots. They flocked in from all sides. Putnam left his oxen yoked in the field, and buckling on his sword, started for the camp near Boston. Stark, Greene, Warren, and others, were there also ; and General Ward was in com mand. Ethan Allen, at the head of a party of Green Mountain Boys, and accompanied by Benedict Arnold, * " We cannot help repeating the remark of Dr. Franklin to the Britons, who com plained to him of the scurvy treatment the king s troops had met with at Lexington, from the Yankees getting behind stone walls and firing at them. The doctor replied by asking them whether there were not two sides to the walls ? This anecdote was repeated with a good deal of unction on the battle-ground by Washington when on his tour of 1789." Drake s Historic Fields. 2. What took place at Lexington ? At Concord ? 3. Describe the retreat of the British. 4. What was the effect of the battle ? Who joined the army ? What forts were captured ? 1775] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 137 "IN THE NAME OP THE GREAT JEHOVAH AND THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS" crossed Lake Champlain and surprised and captured the important post of Ticonderoga.* Crown Point was also captured. 5. Fortification of Breed s Hill On the night of the 16th of June,, the Americans., believing that Gage intended to seize and fortify Bunker Hill, resolved to anticipate him. They, therefore, sent Colonel Prescott, with a de- * "I immediately repaired to the barrack occupied by the commander of the fort, and ordered him to come forth instantly, or I would sacrifice the whole garrison. On this, the captain came to the door with his breeches in his hand, when I ordered him to deliver me the fort instantly. He asked me by what authority I demanded it. I answered him, In the name of the Great Jehovah, and the Continental Congress. 1 This surprise was executed in the gray of the morning of the 10th of May, 1775." Account by Ethan Allen. 5. What hill was fortified ? Why ? 138 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1775 tachment of men, to fortify the hill. On reaching the ground, it was thought best to select Breed s Hill, which was nearer the city. The pick ax and spade were plied with vigor, and at dawn (June 17th) the eyes of Gage and his officers were astonished by the view of a strong redoubt, thrown up as if by magic. 6. Battle of Breed s Hill. An attack was immediately ordered, and the British troops marched up to the works; but they were met with so fierce a fire, that they turned and fled. Again the attack was made, and with the same result. The third time, with fresh troops, the assault was ordered ; and the Americans, having expended every grain of powder, were obliged to abandon their works. Slowly they retreated down the hill, vanquished men, but leaving 6. Describe the attack. What was the result ? What distinguished man fell ? 140 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1775 little cause for triumph to the victors. On both sides many fell ; but the Americans lost one whom they could little spare, the noble patriot and brave soldier,, General Warren.* 7. Effect of the Battle. This battle f encouraged the American patriots. It showed them that they could con tend successfully with British hirelings, however skillful and well-tried ; and it proved to them also that the Putnams, Starks, and others, who had been trained in the school of the "Old French War," had been apt scholars, and were the men to make good use of their training and experience. 8. Appointment of Washington. On the very day of the capture of Ticonderoga (May 10th), the Second Con tinental Congress met at Philadelphia. That body decided to raise an army of twenty thousand men ; and, on the 15th of June, unanimously elected George Washington commander-in-chief of "the forces raised, or to be raised, in defence of American liberties."! He thereupon re- * Joseph Warren was born in Roxbury, Mass., in 1741. He was a graduate of Har vard College, and subsequently a physician of extensive practice in Boston. He had distinguished himself greatly for his patriotic resistance to the oppressive laws of England, and at the time of his death was a major-general in the army. Mrs. Adams wrote of him after the battle as follows : " Not all the havoc and devastation they have made, has moved me like the death of Warren. We want him in the Senate ; we want him in his profession ; we want him in the field. We mourn for the citizen, the senator, the physician, and the warrior. 1 t This battle is generally called the " Battle of Bunker Hill." * Washington accepted the position with great dignity and modesty. After express ing his thanks for the signal honor conferred upon him, he remarked : "I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in this room, that I this day declare, with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with." 7. What was the effect of the battle ? What did it show ? 8. When did the Second Congress meet ? What did it vote ? What appointment was made ? When did Washington take command ? 1776] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 141 signed his position in Congress and, repairing to Cam bridge, took command of the army (July).* 9. Expedition against Canada. To prevent the British from using Canada as a base of operations, Con gress, in 1775, sent an expedition under Schuyler to take possession of it. He had reached the So-rel River, when sickness compelling his return, Montgomery, the next officer, then took the command. He soon made himself master of St. John s and Mon- treal, and then marched to Quebec, where, as ha.d been arranged, he was joined by Arnold, who, with another force, had proceeded by the way of the Kennebec and the wilderness lying between its head waters and the St. Lawrence. 10. Attack on Quebec Death of Montgomery. For three weeks they besieged the city, and then resolved to take it by assault. On the last day of the year, and during a fierce snow-storm, they advanced to the attack in four columns. Onward they moved, capturing the en emy s works, the noble form of Montgomery leading his He declined all compensation, remarking, " I will keep an account of my expenses. Those, I doubt not, will be discharged ; and that is all I desire." * "On General Washington s arrival at Cambridge, his first care was to reconnoitre the British troops with his spy-glass, and to examine the condition of his own army. He found that the American troops amounted to about fourteen thousand men. They were extended all round the peninsula of Boston, a space of twelve miles, from the high grounds of Roxbury on the right, to Mystic Eiver on the left. Some were living in tents of sail-cloth, some in shanties rudely constructed of rough boards, some in huts of stone and turf, with curious windows and doors of basket-work. 1 Hawthorne. 9. Expedition against Canada ? What cities were taken ? Arnold s route ? "Where did he join Montgomery ? 10. Siege of Quebec ? Result of the attack upon it ? 142 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1776 column, when one of the retreating soldiers ran back and touched off a cannon loaded with grape shot. It made deadly havoc among the assailants ranks, and Montgomery himself fell mortally wounded. His column, struck with dismay, retreated. ii. End of the Expedition. Arnold was also borne from the field severely wounded, so that the command devolved upon Captain Morgan, who, after a slight struggle, was obliged to surrender. Those who had been able to retreat, en camped under the command of Arnold, and passed the winter a short distance from Quebec but in the following spring the British recaptured all the places taken by the Americans, and the latter were obliged to return home, leav ing the whole country in the hands of the CHARLESTON enemy. 12. Evacuation of Boston. Meanwhile, Washington had remained with his army around Boston. At the end of winter, he resolved to drive the British from the city. 11. Who took the command ? How and where was the winter passed ? How did the expedition end ? 12. Where did Washington remain ? How were the British dis lodged ? When did they leave Boston ? 1776] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 143 Accordingly, he ordered fortifications to be erected on Dorchester Heights. As these commanded the city, and the Americans could not be dislodged, Howe, the British general, was com pelled to withdraw his forces. Accord ingly, on the 17th of March, Boston was evacuated ; and Wash ington entered it amid the rejoicings of the people, who, for nearly a year, had endured every kind of insult and indig nity from the British soldiery. 13. An Attack on Charleston. A de tachment of the Brit ish hud previously left Boston to make an attack on New York ; but Washington, suspecting their design, sent * The old State House, in Philadelphia, where Congress met, is still standing. It is generally known by the name of Independence Hall, though the room in which the Declaration of Independence was adopted and signed received at first that appellation. The building was erected in 1735, but its bell-tower was not put up until 1750. A bell which was imported from England expressly for the tower, was found cracked upon its arrival, and thereupon it was recast in the city of Philadelphia, and raised to its place in 1753. By a curious coincidence, it bore around its crown the words : Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. It has a world-wide reputation as the " Liberty Bell." INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA* 144 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1776 General Charles Lee to protect the city. Clinton, the British general, foiled in his design against New York, then proceeded in the fleet against Charleston. The attack, which lasted nine hours, was repulsed, the pal metto logs of the fort,f defended by the guns of Colonel Moultrie, prov ing too much for the British men- of-war, which drew off in a disabled condition (June 28th). 14. Declaration of Independ ence. The war thus far had in- LIBERTY BELL * spired the American patriots with courage and a determination to throw off entirely the yoke of Great Britain. On the 7th of June, Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, offered a resolution in Congress, declaring the colonies "free and independent states." A committee, consisting of five distinguished men,;); was appointed to draft a Declaration of Independence ; and on the 2d of July, Lee s resolution was passed by a large majority. On the 4th of July, the Declaration, drawn up by Thomas Jefferson, the chairman of the Committee, was unani- * See note on page 143. t " In the hottest fire of the battle, the flag of Fort Sumter was shot away, and fell outside. Sergeant Jasper instantly sprang after it upon the beach, between the ramparts and the enemy, and binding it to a sponge-staff (used in cleaning cannon), restored it to its place, and succeeded in getting back to the fort in safety." Simms s Life of Marion. % This committee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston. 13. What city was threatened ? How was the attack prevented ? Attack on Charleston ? Its result ? 14. Resolution of Richard H. Lee ? When did it pass ? Who drafted the declaration ? When was it adopted ? 1776] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 145 JOHN HANCOCK t mously adopted.* Thus the colonies became independent states ; and the FOUETH OF JULY was henceforth to be celebrated as the birth-day of the nation. 15. Battle of Long Island, Aug. 27. About this time, the British, under General Howe, collected their forces on Staten Island, preparatory to an attack on New York. Washington stationed his army, under Putnam, at Brooklyn, in order to make a stand in its defense. Howe crossed to Long Island, and marched his army in three divisions to the attack. His troops were greatly superior in numbers to the Americans, and were better armed and trained. Two of the divi sions attacked the Americans in front, while the third, under Clinton, marched round and fell * The people of Philadelphia waited with anxious expectation for the vote of Con gress declaring the independence of the colonies ; and it was resolved to announce the event by ringing the old State-House bell, which bore the inscription : " Proclaim liberty to the land, to all the inhabitants thereof ! " The old bellman, accordingly, placed his little son at the door of the hall, so that he might learn when to ring. On receiving the word, the little patriot-scion rushed forth, flinging up his hands, and shout ing aloud, Ring ! RING ! RING ! And then the iron tongue proclaimed the glad news, which was re-echoed by hundreds of other bells throughout the city ; and the people gave vent to their joy in bonfires, illuminations, huzzas, and the booming of cannon. t John Hancock was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, in 1737. In 1775 he was elected President of the Continental Congress, and on the 4th of July, 1776, as President, he signed the Declaration of Independence. He died in Quincy, in 1793. 15. Account of the battle of Long Island ? Its result ? 10 146 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1776 on their rear. The Americans fought bravely, but without avail. Some cut their way through the ranks of the enemy surrounding them,, but many were killed or taken prison ers. It was a sad disaster for the patriots (Aug. 27). 16. Retreat of the Americans. It would have been worse, had Howe followed up his victory ; but he delayed, and Washington, taking advan tage of a fog, skillfully drew off his shattered forces to New York (Aug. 29).* Howe, chagrined at the escape of his expected prey, quickly fol lowed, and entered the city ; but Washington had previ ously retreated northward, f At White Plains a partial engagement took place ; but the Americans were unable to hold their ground (Oct. 28). Forts Washington and Lee, on opposite sides of the Hudson, fell into the hands of the enemy ; and Washing- * " This extraordinary retreat of the Americans across the river to New York, which, in its silence and celerity, equaled the midnight fortifying of Bunker (Breed s) Hill, was one of the most signal achievements of the war. and redounded greatly to the reputation of Washington, who, we are told, for forty-eight hours preceding the safe extrication of his army from their perilous situation, scarcely closed his eyes, and was the greater part of the time on horseback." Irmng^s Life of Washington. t A short time before this, Washington sent Captain Nathan Hale to the British camp to obtain, if possible, some knowledge of the condition of the enemy. On his return, he was captured, and taken before Howe, who, without even the form of a trial, ordered him to be hung as a spy. He died a patriot and a hero, saying, with his last breath : "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. 1 Captain Hale was a native of Connecticut, and, although but twenty-one years of age, had greatly distinguished himself as a soldier. The tree on which he was hung was in an orchard owned by Colonel Rutgers, and situated near the present intersection of Market Street and East Broadway, in New York City. (JEXEKAL 1 ITNAM J6, How was the American army saved ? 1776] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 147 ton continued his retreat, through New Jersey to the Dela ware, followed by Lord Cornwallis. 17. Capture of General Lee. This was a dreadful series of misfortunes ; and many of the patriots became disheartened, and abandoned the army, leaving Washing ton with only a small part of the force which he had collected to defend New York. Besides, General Charles Lee, who had been left with a detachment near the Hudson, and was commanded to follow the main army, delayed his march, and was taken prisoner in New Jersey, while on his way.* 18. Battle of Trenton. At this time a deep gloom per vaded all classes of the Ameri cans.. They saw no other pros pect than a complete failure of their treasured scheme of lib erty. But Washington, undismayed, determined to strike a blow which should inspire the minds of his countrymen with fresh hope. A body of Hessians f was at this time stationed at Trenton. On the night of the 25th of Decem- * Charles Lee was born in England in 1731. He was with Braddock in the expedi tion against Du Quesne, and had also served with Abercromby. He was taken prisoner at Baskenridge, where he had fixed his quarters at a distance from his troops. The Americans were greatly dispirited by his loss, for they regarded him as their most skillful general . It is now thought that Lee was, at heart, a traitor ; or, at any rate, that he cared only for his own advancement, and, being jealous of Washing, ton, wished him to fail. tThe Hessians were troops hired from the Landgrave of Hesse. Troops were also hired by the British from the Duke of Brunswick and other petty German sovereigns, to fight against the American patriots. 17. What other disaster befell the Americans ? In what way ? 18. Give an account of the battle of Trenton, What were its results ? Where is Trenton ? 148 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1777 her, in the midst of a storm of sleet, and while the river was filled with drifting ice, Washington, with a division of his army, crossed the Delaware ; and early on the morning of the 26th, surprised the enemy in their camp. Rahl, their commander, was mortally wounded, many of the Hessians were killed; and the remainder, numbering about a thousand, were taken prisoners.* Washington lost only four men two being killed in the battle, and two frozen to death. 19. Retreat of Washington. This bold and successful stroke went far to restore confidence ; but Washington s whole army at this time scarcely exceeded five thousand men. With this meager force he was confronted at Trenton (Jan. 2, 1777) with a large body of troops under Cornwallis. Escape seemed impossible, for the river was filled with floating ice ; and to risk a battle with a force so much superior, seemed full of peril. Knowing that a detachment of the British had been left at Princeton, he quickly broke up his camp during the night, leaving the fires burning, so as to deceive the enemy, and rapidly marched toward that place. 20. Battle of Princeton. At sunrise (January 3d), the van of his forces met, near Princeton, a division of * The Hessians had celebrated Christmas with their customary carousals. Rahl was at a Christmas supper when a messenger brought him a note giving warning of the approach of the American forces. Heedless of danger, and excited by wine, he thrust the missive into his pocket. The next notice he received was the roll of the drums and the firing of the muskets that told of the attack upon his camp. After the battle, he was carried to the house of a Quaker family to die. Washington and Greene stood by the death-bed of the soldier, uttering words of sympathy for his sad fate. 19. The condition of Washington ? What stratagem did he adopt ? 20. ACCOUD* of the battle of Princeton ? Where is Princeton (Map, p. 147) ? Its results ? Was)?- ingtoirs winter quarters ? 1777] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 149 the British on their way to join Cornwallis. At first the American militia gave way ; but Washington,, coming up with a select corps, turned the tide of battle, and routed the enemy. The British loss was severe ; that of the Americans, though not so great, included one of their best officers, the brave General Mercer.* After this victory, Washington successfully retreated to the heights of Mor- ristown, where he took up his quarters for the rest -of the winter. 21. Attack on Philadelphia. In vain did Howe, on the opening of spring, strive to draw Washington into a general engagement. All his maneuvers were frustrated by the caution, skill, and watchful prudence of the American commander. f Unable, therefore, to reach Phila delphia by way of New Jersey, Howe withdrew his troops to Staten Island, and embarking on board the fleet, sailed to the Chesapeake, and landed near the head of the Bay. Washington, discovering his plan, marched to the Brandy- wine, determined to make a stand for the defense of the city. 22. Battle of the Brandywine Here, on the llth of September, a battle was fought, the Americans holding * " His career as a general had been brief, but long enough to secure him a lasting renown. His name remains one of the consecrated names of the Revolution. 1 Irving s Life of Washington. t On this account Washington was called the American Fabius^ from the resem blance of his policy to that of the celebrated Roman general, who, contending with Hannibal, avoided engagements, and harassed him by continual delay. 21. Design of Howe ? How prevented by Washington? What course was then taken by Howe ? By Washington ? 22. Account of the battle of the Brandywine ? Where was that battle fought (Map, p. 150) ? Capture of Philadelphia ? Where were the British troops quartered ? 150 OF TSE UNITED STATES possession of Chad s Ford. A part of the British, how ever, crossed the stream above, and while the Americans were attacked in front, marched round in the rear, as at the battle of Long Island. The patriots were routed, not withstanding the efforts and valor of the officers, among whom were La Fayette* and Pulaski.f The British soon after took Philadelphia, in spite of all the efforts of Washington to save it, but the troops were quartered chiefly at Germantown. 23. Battle of Germantown. Washington, having learned that detachments had been withdrawn from the British camp at Germantown in order to reduce the American forts which commanded the entrance to the Delaware, made an attack on the remaining forces, but was unsuccessful (Oct. 4). Forts Mifflin and Mercer, on the Delaware, soon after surrendered to the British, leaving the approaches to Philadelphia free to their fleet. * Early in 1776, Congress sent Silas Deane to France, to solicit aid. He was after ward joined by Dr. Franklin and Arthur Lee. "While France could give no assistance openly to the Americans, without incurring the hostility of Great Britain, she secretly sent them supplies of money, arms, provisions, and clothing. The Marquis de La Fayette fitted out a vessel at his own expense, sailed to America, and joined the army, having been appointed by Congress a major-general. He arrived in 1777, and the battle of the Brandy wine was the first engagement in which he took part. La Fayette was born in France in 1757, and died in 1834. t Count Pulaski was a distinguished Polish nobleman, who had previously joined the American army as a volunteer soldier in the cause of liberty. 23. Account of the battle of Germantown ? Where is Germantown ? Ans. It is now a part of Philadelphia. What forts surrendered ? How were those forts situated ? 1777] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 151 24. Condition of the Army at Valley Forge. During the winter of 1777-8, Washington s troops were quartered in huts at Valley Forge. Here the patriot soldiers suf- WASHINGTON S HEADQUARTERS AT BRANDYWINE fered greatly from the want of food, clothing, and shelter. Many were obliged to lie on the ground, or, being without blankets, to sit up all night at the fires. At one time more than a thousand soldiers had not a shoe to their feet; 24. Condition of the American Army at Valley Forge ? Where was Valley Forge (Map, p. 150) ? 152 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON VISITING SICK SOLDIERS AT VALLEY FORGE -and their path could often be traced by the blood which their naked feet left in the snow. 25. Burgoyne s Invasion. Meanwhile, stirring events had occurred in the north. General Burgoyne, with an army of ten thousand British and German troops, Cana dians, and Indians, had invaded New York by way of Lake Champlain.* Crown Point and Ticonderoga were soon taken (July 5), and Burgoyne advanced to Fort * A force was also sent under St. Leger to capture the forts on the Mohawk ; and in an attempt to succor Colonel Gansevoort at Fort Schuyler, General Herkimer was slain. Arnold, with a small number of men, marched to the relief of the place, and accomplished the object by a stratagem. A half-witted boy, who had been taken prisoner, was instructed to go to the British commander, and give the alarm that the American army was near. Rushing into the camp with his coat pierced by musket balls, he told the British that the Americans were coming. When asked how many they were, he pointed upward to the leaves of the trees. St. Leger was so much alarmed, that he hastily abandoned the siege, leaving his tents and artillery behind him. 25. Invasion from Canada ? What posts were captured ? How were they situated (Map, p. 154) ? How was Burgoyne s march delayed ? THE WAR FOR Edward. But his march had been delayed, for General Schuyler, who had the command of the American forces, ordered the roads to be obstructed.* RUINS OP FORT TICONDEROGA 26. Battle of Bennington. When Burgoyne arrived at Fort Edward, he found himself in want of supplies. He therefore sent Colonel Baum (lowm) to seize the stores which the Americans had collected at Bennington. Baum was met near Bennington by the New Hampshire militia, f * Many outrages were committed on this march by the Indians. The murder of Miss McCrea excited wide-spread abhorrence. This young lady had been captured by some Indians attached to BurgoynVs army, or had accepted the escort of the Indians ; and while they were conducting her to his camp, she was killed, they asserted, by a shot intended for her captors ; but her scalp was brought by the savages into Bur- goyne s camp. t These troops were called the " Green Mountain Boys, 11 as they chiefly belonged to that part of the State which now forms Vermont. As Stark saw the enemy s lines 26. Account of the battle of Bennington ? Where is Bennington (Map, p. 154) ? 154 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES under General Stark, and defeated ; and, on the same day (Aug. 16), a detachment which had been sent to the aid of Baum was also de feated. 27. First Battle of Still- water. The loss of so many places had created considerable alarm and dissatisfaction with Schuyler, and General Gates was appointed to the command. On the 19th of September, the Americans made an attack on Burgoyne s army at Bem -is Heights, near Stillwater. The battle was long and severe ; and Burgoyne, although he main tained his ground, found his progress effectually checked. 28. Battle of Saratoga. For two weeks the armies con fronted each other ; when Bur goyne, finding that he must either fight or surrender, moved forward to attack the Ameri cans. This brought on the second battle of Stillwater, sometimes called the battle of Saratoga (October 7th), in forming for battle, he shouted to his soldiers them to-day, or Molly Stark will be a widow. There are the red-coats ; we must beat 27. Who succeeded Schuyler ? Account of the First Battle of Stillwater ? 28 Battle of Saratoga ? Its result ? What was the conduct of Arnold ? Where is Sara toga ? THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 155 GENERAL BURGOYNE which Burgoyne, after the most determined efforts, was compelled to fall back. In these two battles, Benedict Arnold, though without any particular command, fought with great bravery, and was severely wounded. Ten days after the battle, Burgoyne surrendered his whole army prisoners of Avar (Oc tober 17th, 1777).* 29. Effects of Burgoyne s Sur render. By this surrender, the Americans not only gained posses sion of. an entire army, with all its arms and ammunition ; but such a decided victory inspired all with hope and confidence, and, moreover, convinced the friends of American independence in Europe, that the cause of the patriots would triumph. 30. Treaty with France. When the news of the cap ture of Burgoyne reached France, the government of that country decided openly to take the part of the struggling colonies ; and, on the 6th of February, 1778, she made a treaty of alliance witli them, acknowledging their inde pendence, and agreeing to furnish them with assistance in the war with Great Britain. This important event had been brought about mainly through the efforts and address * The whole number of prisoners exceeded five thousand. By this surrender, the Americans acquired a fine train of artillery, five thousand muskets, and a large quantity of clothing, tents, and military stores. 29. Effect of Burgoyne s surrender ? 30. Treaty with France ? How brought about ? m HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1778 of Benjamin Franklin, who, as has been already stated, was sent to France for this purpose in 1776.* 31. Evacuation of Philadelphia. The French gov ernment at once fitted out a fleet, which, about the middle of April, sailed for America, under the command of Count D Estaing (des-tang ). In the meantime, General Howe resigned his command, and General Clinton was appointed his successor. Fearing for the safety of the army at Philadelphia, the British government ordered Clinton to proceed with his army to New York. Accordingly, Phila delphia was evacuated (June 18th). 32. Battle of Monmouth. While on his march to New York, Clinton was overtaken by Washington at Mon mouth, and a severe battle ensued. General Lee led the advance and was ordered to make an attack upon the enemy s line. Instead of doing so, he commenced a retreat ; when AVashington coming up, severely repri manded him on the spot, and again ordered him to rally his men and advance. \ This was done, and the battle continued until nightfall ; but without a decisive result. * The British government was much alarmed on learning that the Americans had obtained the aid of France, and sent commissioners to offer terms of peace with the colonies, on condition that they would return to their allegiance. Congress, however, refused to listen to any other terms than a full recognition of the independence of the States. One of the commissioners attempted to bribe General Joseph Reed to persuade Congress to listen favorably to their terms, offering him ten thousand pounds for the service ; but the patriot, with honest indignation, replied : "I am not worth purchas ing ; but, such as I am, the king of England is not rich enough to buy me ! " t Lee s pride having been wounded by the rebuke which he had received on the field of battle, he sent two disrespectful letters to Washington. He was therefore tried by court-martial, and suspended from his command for a year. He never rejoined the army ; but, just before the close of the war, died at Philadelphia. 31. What caused the evacuation of Philadelphia ? 32. The battle of Monmouth ? Account of the battle ? Its result ? Where is Monmouth (Map, p. 82) ? V * . W "& - *~2^~ 158 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1778 During the night Clinton continued his retreat to New York.* 33. The hopes of the Americans in regard to the French fleet were disappointed. D Estaing did not arrive in the Delaware until after Lord Howe had sailed; and although a plan had been formed to attack Newport, he accom plished nothing. General Sullivan, who was to act with him, gained a position on Rhode Island, and drove back the British under Pigot, who attacked him at a place called Quaker Hill (Aug. 29); D Estaing s fleet having sailed to Boston, and being threatened by a greatly superior force, Sullivan was obliged to withdraw to the main land. 34. Massacres of Wyoming and Cherry Valley. Among the saddest events of the year 1778, were the massacres at Wy-o -ming and Cherry Valley. In July, a band of tories and Indians, under Colonel John Butler, entered the beautiful valley of Wyoming, Pennsylvania, which was almost defenseless, as most of the able-bodied men had joined the patriot army. The women and chil dren took refuge in a fort ; but the place was soon captured, and the savage Indians burned, plundered, and murdered, until the whole valley was a dreadful scene of * The battle of Monmouth was fought on Sunday. The weather was intensely hot, and many died from the heat and from imprudently drinking cold water. At the close of the battle, the American army lay on their arms ready to renew it the next day. Washington, with Lafayette by his side, slept at the foot of a tree. On leaving Phila delphia, Clinton s army was about twelve thousand strong ; his baggage- wagons formed a train twelve miles in length. He lost about five hundred men in the battle, and very many others, chiefly Hessians, by desertion. 33. Proceedings of the French fleet ? Attack on Rhode Island ? 34. Account of the massacre at Wyoming ? At Cherry Valley ? Where is Wyoming (Map, p. 104) ? Cherry Valley (Map, p. 104) ? 1778] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 159 ruin and desolation.* In November, a party of the same mixed character fell upon the settlement of Cherry Valley, New York, and killed or carried into captivity a large number of the settlers. 35. Capture of Savannah. Toward the close of the year, Clinton sent a force under Colonel Campbell to invade Georgia. Savannah was attacked, and being de fended by only a small force under General Robert Howe, it could make but slight resistance, and was captured (December 29). It remained in the possession of the British till 1783. * Read Campbell s Gertrude of Wyoming. 35, The capture of Savannah ? How long was it held by the British ? 160 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1779 36. Events in the South. Other disasters followed the loss of Savannah. Sunbury, the only American post remaining, being captured, the State of Georgia was at the mercy of the British, and was restored as a royal province. Tories at the South abounded, and committed every species of cruelty and depredation upon the patriots. At Kettle Creek, they were defeated (Feb. 14, 1779); but at Brier Creek a division of the American forces, com manded by General Lincoln, was surprised, and utterly routed (March 3). 37. The British commander, General Prevost, soon after this attempted to take Charleston ; but his movements were checked by Lincoln. The latter was, how ever, defeated at Stono Ferry in an attempt to drive the enemy from their position near the city. In October, after a siege of about three weeks, a combined attack was made upon Savannah by Lin coln and the French fleet under D Estaing ; but they were repulsed with heavy loss (Oct. 9). Among those who fell was the gallant Count Pulaski. This ended the campaign of 1779 in the South. 38. Events in the North. In the north, the British 36. What other disasters followed ? Who was defeated at Brier Creek ? Where is Brier Creek (Map, p. 159) ? 37. What was done by General Prevost ? What occurred at Stono Ferry ? Where is Stono Ferry (Map, p. 159) ? Account of the attack on gavanuah ? 1779] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 161 did scarcely anything beside plundering defenseless towns. Portsmouth and Norfolk, in Virginia, were burned ; and General Tryon ravaged and burned Norwalk, Fail-field, New Haven, and other towns in Connecticut. At one of these places, General Putnam narrowly escaped being made prisoner.* The most brilliant victory won by the Ameri cans this year was the capture of Stony Point, a strong post on the Hudson. It was planned by Washing ton, whose headquarters were at West Point, but executed by General Wayne (July 15). Shortly after this, Major Henry Lee sur prised the garrison at Paulus Hook (now Jersey City), and took a large number of prisoners. 39. Battle of Chemung. General Sullivan, being sent to repress the atrocities of the Indians in western New York, and. -to punish them for their barbarities at Wyoming and Cherry Valley, entered the region near the head-waters of the Susquehanna and GENERAL WAYNE * This was at Horse-neck. Surprised by an overwhelming force of the British, his troops were routed, and he was compelled to flee, closely pursued by the enemy. When nearly overtaken, he suddenly wheeled his horse, and galloping down the zigzag path of a precipice, wtw* iis pursuers did not dare to follow him, made good his escape. 38. What was done by the British in the north ? What happened to Putnam ? Account of the taking of Stony Point ? Where is Stony Point (Map, p. 160) ? What \s stated of Paulus Hook ? 39. Account of Sullivan s operations against the Indians ? What battle was fought ? 11 PAUL JONES 162 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1780 Genesee rivers. At Chemung, he routed the Indians and tories after a fierce battle (Aug. 29), and then laid the whole region waste. Forty Indian villages were destroyed, together with a vast quantity of corn. 40. Naval Victory by Paul Jones. In September of this year, one of the most brilliant naval victories ever won was gained by Paul Jones,* commanding a small squadron of French and American vessels. The battle was fought off the east coast of England, with two British frigates that were convoying a merchant fleet. The contest lasted from seven in the evening till ten at night ; and ended with the capture of the frigates. 41. Taking of Charleston. In 1780, operations in the South commenced with the siege of Charleston by the British, under Clinton, aided by Admiral Ar -buth-not. After holding out for forty days, it suffered a terrific bombardment, during which, the shells falling upon the houses set the city on fire in several places. Its brave * John Paul Jones was born in Scotland in 1747. At the age of twelve he was apprenticed to a shipmaster, who was engaged in the American trade. His name was John Paul, to which, for some reason, he added that of Jones. After the Revolution, he entered the Russian naval service, and died in Paris, in poverty and neglect, in 1792. 40. Account of the victory of Paul Jones ? 41. Of the taking of Charleston 2 1780] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 163 NAVAL ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN THE BON HOMME RPCHARD AND THE SBBAPIS defender, General Lincoln, was at last obliged to sur render the place; and he and his army became prisoners of war (May 12). 42. Battle of Camden. Congress now sent General Gates, the victor at Saratoga, hoping that he would be able to check the British in their conquest of the South. He advanced as far as Sanders Creek, near Camden, where he was met by Cornwallis, and sustained a terrible defeat. The brave Baron De Kalb, who commanded a division of Gates s army,* was mortally wounded in this disastrous action (Aug. 16). Cornwallis pushed on triumphantly, * Baron de Kalb was a native of Alsace, in Germany. He came to America with Lafayette in 1777. He died three days after the battle. 42. Account of the battle of Camden ? Who was mortally wounded ? How is Camden situated (Map, p. 159) ? What checked Cornwallis ? 164 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1780 but hearing that Major Ferguson, one of his officers, had been defeated at King s Mountain (Oct. 7), by a band of patriot militia, he retraced his steps, and took up a posi tion in South Carolina. 43. Partisan Warfare in the South These victories of the British, together with the merciless deeds of the tories, would have crushed the South, had not the brave partisan leaders, Pickens, Sumter, Marion, and others, gathered around them the scat tered patriots, and by their daring exploits kept alive the spirit of freedom. Securely concealed from attack, these fearless bands were ever on the alert to sally forth and cut off the detachments of the British. Among these, Marion * GENERAL MARION and hig meR were particularly famous. Indeed, this enterprising leader was called by the British the "Swamp Fox/ 44. Treason of Arnold Benedict Arnold, who had gained so many laurels at Quebec, Fort Schuyler, and Saratoga so highly prized for his genius and gallantry as * Francis Marion was born in South Carolina in 1732. His efforts and sufferings for the patriot cause have greatly endeared his memory. On one occasion, it is said, a British officer was conducted to his camp on official business, and Marion politely invited him to dinner. The whole fare proved to be only roasted sweet potatoes, served on pieces of bark. "And is this your usual mode of living ? " exclaimed the officer. " It is," said Marion ; " and we are content with it, and ask no pay besides." The officer returned feeling that it was of little use to fight against such men. 43. How was the spirit of liberty kept alive in the South ? The most noted of the partisan leaders ? 44. Who became a traitor ? His conduct at Philadelphia ? Its result ? 1780] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 165 a soldier, this year (1780) deserted the patriot cause, and became a traitor. After the British had left Philadelphia, he was assigned to a command at that city. He plunged into extravagance and luxury, and was found guilty, by a ARNOLD S HEADQUARTERS, OPPOSITE WEST POINT court-martial, of obtaining money by fraudulent means, and sentenced to be reprimanded by Washington. 45. The sentence was executed with considerable gentle ness; but Arnold felt himself disgraced, and he sank into a far lower depth of infamy. Having obtained the com mand of West Point, he secretly offered the British to place it in their hands for a sufficient reward. Major Andre was appointed by Clinton to arrange the plan and settle the terms of the surrender. 46. He met the traitor at a place about six miles below 45. What plot did he enter into ? Who was appointed to arrange the plan ? 166 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1780 West Point. Being unable to return to New York by water, as had been arranged, he was obliged to cross the Hudson and proceed by land. When near Tarrytown, he was stopped by three militia-men,* Paulding, Williams and Van Wart, who, having searched him and found the trea sonable papers in his boots, took him to North Castle, the nearest military station. 47. The commander at North Castle, having no sus picion of Arnold, at once notified him of the arrest. The traitor fled, and escaped to New York by means of a British sloop-of-war which had carried Andre up the river below West Point. Andre was conveyed to Tappan, tried by court-martial, and sentenced to be executed as a spy. Sir Henry Clinton made every possible effort to save his life ; but the only terms that Washington could accept, were that Arnold should be given up in exchange for the prisoner ; but this Clinton could not honorably do. Andre met his fate with firmness, and received the sympathy of all, while Arnold was universally despised. The price of his treason was about six thousand pounds in money, and the appointment of brigadier-general in the British army.f * It was near Tarrytown that he was arrested. When stopped by the militia-men, he asked if they belonged to his party. "Which party ?" they asked. "The lower one," he replied, thus revealing to them that he was a British officer. Terror-stricken and agitated when he discovered his mistake, he showed them Arnold s pass, and when that was not accepted, offered his watch and other bribes to induce his captors to release him. But they were too patriotic to be swerved from their duty ; and pro ceeding to search him, they at last found plans of the fort and the mode of its expected surrender between his stocking and his foot. t Benedict Arnold was born at Norwich, Connecticut, in 1740. After the Revolution, he for a time engaged in business at St. John, New Brunswick. He afterwards went to England, where he lived in obscurity, shunned and despised by every one. On one occasion, a member of Parliament, on rising to address the House, noticed Arnold in 46. What led to Andre s arrest ? 47. How did Arnold escape ? The fate of Andre ? Reward of Arnold ? Where is West Point (Map, p. 160) ? 1781] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 167 48. Mutiny of the Pennsylvania Troops. The year 1781 opened with mutiny in the American army. The soldiers had endured terrible hardships. They had, for a long time, received no pay ; they were poorly fed, and were exposed to the snows and piercing cold of winter, with nothing but their tattered garments to cover them. The Pennsylvania regiments, on New-Year s eve, unable longer to bear such sufferings, left their camp at Morris- town, determined to march to Philadelphia and demand relief from Congress. 49. At Princeton, messengers from Clinton met them, offering them positions in the British army ; but the sol diers seized these persons, and delivered them to General Wayne to be treated as spies. A committee of Congress waited upon them at this place, and satisfied their de mands. This led to other mutinies ; but Washington adopted severe measures, and effectually quelled them. Afterward, through the exertions of Robert Morris,* Con gress was enabled to raise funds in order to carry on the war. 50. Battle of Cowpens Pursuit of Cornwallis. General Greene, who had succeeded Gates in the command the gallery, on which he exclaimed, pointing to the traitor : "Mr. Speaker, I will not speak while that man is in the House. 1 Arnold died in London, in 1301. * Robert Morris was born in England in 1734. He came to America when thirteen years old, and was educated at Philadelphia. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. After the Revolution, he lost by land speculations an immense fortune, which he had gained in the China trade, and he died in Phila delphia, in 1806, in comparative poverty. 48. What mutiny occurred ? Its cause ? Which of the troops left the camp ? Where did they proceed ? W T here is Morristown (Map, p. 82) ? 49. What occurred at Princeton ? How were the mutineers satisfied ? What followed ? Who aided Congress in raising funds ? Where is Princeton (Map, p. 82) ? 50. What led to the battle of Cowpens ? Its result ? Where is Cowpens (Map, p. 159) ? Pursuit of Cornwallis ? Into what river does the Catawba flow ? 168 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1781 of the southern army, in January sent a detachment, under General Morgan, to repress the ravages of the British in South Carolina. At Cowpens the force gained a splendid victory over a de tachment of Cornwallis s army, commanded by Colonel Tarle- ton (January 17). Hearing of this, Cornwallis started in pur suit of Morgan, who had re treated to the Catawba; but he did not reach the river until two hours after the Americans had crossed. He halted, intending to cross in GENEltAL QKEENE the morning; but during the night the river became so swollen by heavy rains as to be impassable. 51. Retreat of Greene Battle of Guilford Court House. Before Cornwallis could continue the pursuit, Morgan had joined his force to Greene s, and the latter, by skillful maneuvering, reached the fords of the Dan, and crossed the river, just as the British appeared on the opposite bank. Cornwallis then gave up the pursuit; but Greene recrossed the Dan, and advanced to Guilford Court House. There he was attacked by Cornwallis (March 15), and forced to retreat ; but the British suf fered so severely in the battle, that the result was almost as good as a victory to the Americans. 51. Retreat of Greene ? What two rivers did Greene and Morgan cross (Map, p. 159)? What battle was fought ? Its result ? Where is Guilford Court House (Map, p. 159) ? 1781] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 169 52. Second Battle of Camden. Greene now boldly advanced into South Carolina, while Cornwallis, with a portion of his forces, moved northward into Virginia. At Hobkirk s Hill, near Camden, Greene was attacked by Lord Rawdou, and defeated; but the battle was so stoutly contested by Greene, that the enemy were too much cut up to make any use of their victory (April 25). Being obliged to abandon Camden, the British set it on fire. 53. Partisan Warfare Battle of Eutaw Springs. Few posts now remained in the possession of the British; for the South Carolina partisan leaders had kept up a harassing warfare against them. To make this more effective, Greene had detached Colonel Henry Lee with a small body of troops, which was called " Lee s Legion." The last battle in the South was fought at Eutaw Springs (September 8). It was a desperate conflict; but the result was so doubtful that both parties claimed the victory. Throughout this campaign, Greene had shown splendid ability as a general, although he had met with no positive success. Congress voted him the highest honors for his services. 54. Surrender of Cornwallis. The closing event of the war was now at hand. Washington, having the aid of a French army under Rochambeau (ro-sham-bo ), had 52. Whither did Greene march ? Cornwallis ? Where did another battle occur ? Its result ? Where is Camden (Map, p. 159) ? 53. What had been accomplished by partisan leaders ? Lee s Legion ? What was the last battle in the South ? Its result ? Where is Eutaw Springs (Map. p. 159) ? Greene as a general ? Honors voted to him ? 54. Why did Washington proceed to Yorktown ? What army had joined him ? What fleet arrived ? What did it accomplish ? Kesult of the attack on Yorktown ? Where is Yorktown (Map, p. 247) ? 1781] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 171 threatened New York; but hearing that a French fleet, under De Grasse (grass], had arrived in the Chesapeake, he suddenly changed his plan, and proceeded rapidly to Yorktown, where Cornwallis had taken position. It was too late for Clinton to intercept the march of the Ameri cans; and the British fleet had been foiled by De Grasse. Cornwallis, attacked by sea and land, was therefore com pelled to surrender his whole army prisoners of war (Octo ber 19).* 55. Arnold in Connecticut. To draw off Washington from Virginia, Clinton had sent Arnold to Connecticut, where he committed the most dreadful ravages. He plundered and burned New London ; and Colonel Eyre (ire), his associate officer, having taken Fort Gris- wold, barbarously massacred half of the garrison after they had surrendered. Colonel Ledyard, the American commandant, was deliver ing up his sword, when a tory officer, seizing it, plunged it into his breast, killing him on the spot (Sept. G). 56. Result of Cornwallis s Surrender. The surren- * The ceremony of surrender was an imposing one. The allied armies, with Wash ington and Roc ham beau at the head of their respective troops, were drawn up in two columns ; and the vanquished army, with its colors folded, inarched out and laid down their arms. Some indignantly dashed them down with such force as to break them. Cornwallis surrendered his sword to Lincoln, who had the direction of the ceremony. The tidings of this event reached Congress at midnight, four days afterward ; and every heart bounded with exultant delight, as the watchman, pacing the streets of Philadelphia, cried aloud, " Past two o clock, and Cornwallis is taken." 55. Why was Arnold sent to Connecticut ? His conduct there ? What occurred at Fort Griswold ? Where is New London (Map, p. 53) ? 56. Effect of the surrender of Cornwallis ? How did Lord North receive the news of the surrender ? How was peace made ? When ? 172 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1782 der of Cornwallis was a death-blow to the hopes that England would ever regain her colonies. When the minis ter, Lord North, heard of it, he walked the room as one distracted, repeatedly exclaiming: " It is all over!" Public opinion in England demanded peace ; and the gov ernment appointed commissioners to arrange a treaty. On the 30th of November, 1782, peace was agreed upon ; and on the 19th of April following, a cessation of the war was proclaimed in the American army. Thus it ended on the eighth anniversary of its commencement. A final treaty was signed at Paris, September 3d, 1783. 57. Terms of the Treaty. By the terms of the treaty, Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the United States ; and the boundaries were fixed at the Great Lakes on the north, and the Mississippi River on the west. The right to fish on the Banks of Newfoundland was also conceded to the States. Florida was given back to Spain. 58. American Patriotism during the Revolution. Never did any people show a more patriotic spirit than that displayed by the Americans during their long struggle for independence. The women at home, and the men in the camp, were alike devoted to the cause of freedom. While the men fought, the women worked. The latter endeavored not only to supply the necessaries of life to their families, now dependent largely upon them, but to contribute, as far as they might, to the providing of needed articles of clothing for the soldiers. 57. The terms of the treaty ? 58. What is said of American patriotism ? How displayed during the war ? 1782] THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE EIGHTY-SIX AND SIX KNITTING STOCKINGS FOR THE SOLDIERS 59. The sufferings of the latter were intense;* yet they persevered, and were not to be swerved from the cause in which they were engaged, by any promise of reward., or the fear of any privations or hardships which they might have to undergo. When,, driven to desperation., some of the veterans of the army deserted their ranks, and marched forth to seek redress for the wrongs which they attributed to the neglect of Congress, they still spurned with abhorrence the bribes offered them by the minions of British power. 60. The patriots who had the misfortune to become * In a letter which Washington addressed to the President of Congress, on the 23d of December, 1777, he says, "We have no less than two thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight men now in camp unfit for duty, because they are barefoot and otherwise naked." 59. Of the sufferings of the soldiers ? Their devotion to duty ? 60. Treatment of the prisoners by the British ? The prison-ship Jersey f 174 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES prisoners of war, were treated with every possible insult and outrage. Many of them were confined in loathsome dungeons or prison-ships, where they received such in human treatment that thousands died. Of these floating hulks the most noted was the Jersey, which was anchored THE JKKSKY 1 KISON-SHIP in a small bay off the Long Island shore, opposite New York, and used as a prison-ship until the close of the war. 61. Forces Engaged In no engagement of the war were the forces on either side very large. At the battle of Long Island there were about thirty-five thousand British and Hessians ; while Washington s whole effective force was only about seventeen thousand. Schuyler had but a few men (about four thousand) to cope with Bur- goyne s ten thousand. At Monmouth, Washington s army probably contained about eighteen thousand to Clinton s 61. The forces engaged during the war ? At the battle of Long Island ? Schuyler s force ? Washington s, at Monmouth ? The British ? Qreene s force ? Forces engaged at Yorktown ? THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 175 twelve thousand. In all the other battles the opposing armies were very small. Greene performed his splendid exploits Avith less than five thousand men. At Yorktown the combined American and French army did not exceed sixteen thousand men. 62. Foreign Aid. The cause of the American colonies fighting for their independence was the cause of mankind. There was no generous soul throughout the civilized world who did not give it his entire sympathy. All who prized liberty looked with intense interest upon the struggle of the weak against the mighty. Many gave themselves up with earnest devotion to the cause. Steuben came from Prussia,, and helped to discipline the armies ; Lafayette, De Kalb, and the brave. Poles, Pulaski and Kosciusko,* either gave their lives, or imperiled them, that freedom, crushed in the Old World, might be triumphant in the New. 63. Articles of Confederation. Nothing but the strong necessity of making a united effort kept the States together during the Revolutionary War. There was, * Thaddeus Kosciusko was born in Poland about 1755. His character is among the most splendid in history for patriotism, nobleness of soul, courage, and skill in war. Unable to achieve the freedom of his own country, he came to America, and offered his aid to the patriots. He was present with Gates in the two battles of Stillwater, and afterward distinguished himself as an adjutant of Washington. Subsequently he returned to Poland, and fought against the Russians, the oppressors of his country. He was defeated, severely wounded, and made a prisoner in 1794 ; kept a captive for some time at St. Petersburg, but was afterward released. He died in Switzerland in 1817. 62. What induced foreigners to sympathize with the Americans in their struggle for independence ? What distinguished foreigners joined the army ? 63. What kept the States together during the war ? What was done to establish a permanent union ? When and how were the Articles of Confederation proposed ? When and how were they adopted ? The national flag ? 176 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1781 however, a general desire for a permanent union ; and as early as 1776, a Committee of Congress submitted to that body an instrument consisting of twenty articles, but these were not adopted by Con gress till 1777, when they were proposed to the States. As the consent of every State was required,, this plan of a general government was FLAG OF THE UNITED STATE ADOPTED IN JUNE, 1777 * ^ aCCe pt e d Ulltll 1781, it went into operation. The "star-spangled banner "was adopted by Congress as the national flag in 1777. * At the beginning of the Revolution, and for some months afterward, no distinctive flag was adopted by the Americans. In 1776, the British Union flag was used, the only change being that the field was composed of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, to denote the union of the thirteen colonies. The American flag, " Stars and Stripes," was adopted by Congress on the 14th of June, 1777. " The thirteen stars were arranged in a circle in order better to express the union of the states. In 1794, there having been two new states added to the Union, it was voted that the alternate stripes, as well as the circling stars, be fifteen in number, and the flag, as thus altered and enlarged, was the one which was borne through all the contests of the war of 1812. But it was thought that the flag would at length become too large if a new stripe should be added with every new state. It was therefore enacted, in 1818, that a permanent re turn should be made to the original number of thirteen stripes, and that the number of stars should henceforth correspond to the growing number of states. 1 Rev. A. P. Putnam. Map Questions. Where is Annapolis (Map, p. 247) ? Mount Vernon ? 1783] ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION 177 CHAPTER XIII Events to the Adoption of the Constitution 1. Condition of the Country. At the close of the war the people, although they had gained their independence, had a host of troubles to contend with. There was no money, for all had been spent in the war. There was very little wealth in the country, for its commerce had been ruined, its agriculture and manufactures in part neglected, and a great deal of its property destroyed. Its currency had become so reduced in value as to be almost worthless. 2. Difficulties with the Army Conduct of Wash ington. Congress was greatly embarrassed by the want of the means to pay the army ; and the latter, not fully real izing the difficulties, became greatly dissatisfied, consider ing themselves treated with ingratitude and injustice. Some of the officers were so indignant that they entered into a secret combination to make Washington king, thinking that thus they could acquire a recompense for their toils and sufferings. When, however, they made the proposal to him, he rejected it with indignation, and re buked them for their selfishness and want of patriotism. Soon afterwards, arrangements were made by which Con gress satisfied the claims of both officers and soldiers. 3. Disbanding the Army Evacuation of New York. On the 3d of November, 1783, the patriot army was disbanded, and nearly all were allowed to return to Text Questions. 1. Troubles at the close of the Revolution ? 2. How was Con gress embarrassed ? Conduct of the army ? Of Washington ? Arrangements made by Congress ? 3. When was the army disbanded ? Evacuation of New York ? 12 GEOKGE WASHINGTON 1783] ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION 179 their homes. On the 25th of that month, the British evacuated New York ; and a detachment of American troops under General Knox marched into the city and took possession. It must have been a glorious day for the people, who so long had been, as it were, subjects of the "British red-coats/ "Evacuation-Day" is still cele brated in the metropolis of the Union. 4. Retirement of Washington. On the same day, Washington called his officers together, and " with a heart full of love and gratitude," bade them farewell. Few could restrain their tears as they took the hand of their revered commander at this final parting. He then re paired to Annapolis, where Congress was in session, and formally resigned his commission as commander-in-chief.* The next day (December 24), he reached his home at Mount Vernon, which he had been able to visit but once since he took command of the army. 5. Defects of the Articles of Confederation. It was soon found that the Articles of Confederation gave too little power to the general government to enable it to pay the debts incurred during the war. Congress could not levy taxes; it could only call upon the States to raise money. This the States were backward in doing, either * After expressing his congratulations on the close of the war, he thus concluded : " Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theater of action, and bidding an affectionate farewell to this august body, under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my commission, and take my leave of all the employments of public life." To this impressive address, General Mifflin, the president of Congress, made an appropriate and touching response. 4. Partmg of Washington with his officers ? Resigning his commission ? When did he reach his home ? 5. What defect was found to exist in the Articles of Con federation ? What was the result of this ? 180 HISTORY OF TEE UNITED STATES [1787 because the people were too poor to pay the taxes imposed, or from jealousy of Congress. Thus the American people were in danger of losing the fruits of their great triumph over the British government. 6. Shays s Insurrection. In some of the States there was great opposition to the measures of taxation adopted. In Massachusetts, an insurrection broke out under a leader named Daniel Shays, which caused considerable alarm; but it was put down by a strong force under General Lincoln, with but little bloodshed (1787). This attempt to overturn the government, generally known as " Shays s Rebellion," showed still more clearly the need of strength ening the hands of Congress. 7. Adoption of the Constitution. Accordingly, a con vention met on the 23d of May, 1787, at Philadelphia, for the purpose of amending the Articles of Confederation, so as to establish a more complete union of the States. Washington was elected president of this Convention. After about four months deliberation, a new Constitution was adopted, and sent forth to receive the assent of the* individual States. Within a year, eleven of the States ratified it ; and as, by the terms of the instrument, the consent of nine States was to be sufficient for its adoption, it went into effect on the 4th of March, 1789. 8. Election of Washington as President. The first election of president resulted in the unanimous choice of 6. What insurrection broke out ? Its cause ? How put down ? What did it prove ? 7. What convention met ? Where ? For what purpose ? Its president ? What did it accomplish ? When was the Constitution ratified ? By how many States ? When did it go into effect ? 8. Result of the first election ? Feelings of Washington at being called from his retirement ? 1789] ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION 181 Washington for that high office. John Adams was, at the same time, chosen vice-president. It was with great regret that Washington again left his quiet home, to engage in public affairs. He knew that the task imposed upon him V" rAUGURATION OP WASHINGTON would be one of great difficulty and trial ; but his country called him, being in need of his services, and he obeyed. 9. Washington s Journey to the Capital. On his journey to New York, the people everywhere greeted him with expressions of the deepest respect and gratitude. All recognized in him the "Father of his Country." At 9. How did the people greet him on his journey to the capital ? What occurred at Trenton ? 182 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1789 Trenton, the scene of his victory in the darkest hour of the revolutionary struggle, a triumphal arch of laurels and flowers was thrown across the stream,* bearing the inscrip tion, " The Defender of the Mothers will be the Protector of the Daughters." 10. Inauguration of Washington. The ceremony of inauguration occurred on the 30th of April, 1789. f Washington took the oath of office on the balcony of the Senate Chamber, in the new Federal Hall, in Wall Street, where the United States Treasury now stands, in the city of New York.]; * This arch was erected on the bridge across the Assunpink, which flows through the town into the Delaware River. t Congress ought to have met on the 4th of March, but owing to a delay in the arrival of members, for traveling was very slow and difficult in those days, a quorum was not secured till the 30th. The inauguration was further delayed by a question which arose as to the title by which the President should be addressed. To the great relief and satisfaction of Washington, it was finally decided that the title should be simply "The President of the United States." This has continued to be the form to the present time. % At the close of the ceremony, Robert R. Livingston, Chancellor of New York, exclaimed aloud, "Long live George Washington, President of the United States !" To which the assembled multitade responded in shouts of joyful applause. New York city was then the capital of the United States. 10. When did the inauguration occur? Where ? Describe the proceedings. TOPICS FOR REVIEW 183 TOPICS FOR REVIEW Numbers refer to pages of the book BIOGRAPHICAL Who were they f With what events connected? Any other facts f Benjamin Franklin 137, 139, 144, 156 John Adams 134, 180 Ethan Allen 137 Benedict Arnold.. 137, 141, 155, 164, 166, 171 General Putnam 137, 145, 161 General Warren 137, 140 General Montgomery 141, 142 General Charles Lee 144, 147, 156 Richard Henry Lee 144 John Hancock 145 General Mercer 149 La Fayette 150, 175 Pulaski 150 General Schuyler . . . . 153, 154 General Stark 154 General Gates 154, 163 General Lincoln 160, 163, 179 Paul Jones 162 General Wayne 161 Baron de Kalb 163, 175 General Marion 164 Major Andre 165, 166 Robert Morris 167 Kosciusko 175 GEOGRAPHICAL Where are they f With what events connected ? New York 129, 145, 179, 181 Boston 130, 131, 132, 138, 142 Philadelphia 133, 140, 149, 156, 180 Concord 136 Ticonderoga 137, 152 Quebec 141 Charleston 144, 162 Brooklyn . . 145 White Plains 146 Morristown 149 Chad s Ford 149 Valley Forge 151 Bennington 153 Saratoga 154 Savannah 159, 160 Brier Creek 160 Stono Ferry 160 Camden 163, 169 Cowpens 168 Guilford Court House 168 Eutaw Springs 169 Yorktown 171 New London 171 Annapolis 179 HISTORICAL When did the event occur? Circumstances leading to it and connect ed with it? Passage of the Stamp Act 128 Meeting of the Colonial Congress 129 Boston Massacre 131 Boston Tea Party 132 Meeting of the First Continental Con gress 133 Battle of Lexington 136, 137 Battle of Bunker Hill 1:38, 140 Evacuation of Boston by the British . . 143 Declaration of Independence 144 Battle of Long Island 145, 146 Battle of Trenton 147 Taking of Philadelphia by the British . 149 Battle of Germantown 150 Surrender of Burgoyne 153, 154, 155 Treaty with France 155 Battle of Monmouth 156 Massacres of Wyoming and Cherry Valley 158,159 Battle of Chemung 161, 162 Capture of Charleston by the British.. 162 Battle of Camden 163 Treason of Arnold .164, 165, 166 Surrender of Cornwallis 169, 171 Treaty of Peace with Great Britain.. . . 172 Adoption of Articles of Confedera tion 176 Adoption of American Flag 176 Shays s Insurrection 180 Adoption of the Constitution 180 PEEIOD III FROM THE INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON TO THE PRESENT TIME CHAPTER XIV Washington s Administration i. The Union and the Government. With the in auguration of Washington commences the history of this country as the United States. Previous to that time, the Union had been only a simple confederation, or league of States; but the adoption of the Constitution by the People of the States, made it national. The govern ment, by the Constitution, is vested in Congress, which is the law-making power ; the President, who is the ex ecutive power, or that which enforces the law ; and the Supreme Court, which is the judicial power, or that SEAL OP THE UNITED STATES Text Questions. 1. What change had occurred in the character of the Union? Describe the general form of the government established ? WASHING TON ADMINISTRA TION 185 18G HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1791 which explains the laws whenever their meaning is called in question. 2. Washington s Cabinet. Washington, on taking the presidential chair, called to his aid, as his cabinet, or body of advisers, the ablest men in the country that he could select. Thomas Jefferson was chosen Secretary of State; Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury- General Knox, Secretary of War; and Edmund Randolph Attorney-General. 3. Financial Measures. -The first great difficulty was to provide for the payment of the debts incurred in carry ing on the late war. The plan proposed by Hamilton was adopted ; and thus the credit of the country was established. In 1790, the capital was removed to Philadelphia, where, the next year, a United States Bank was established. 4. Admission of States. Pre vious to this (in 1789 and 1790), the states of North Carolina and Ehode Island, which had at first refused to ratify the Constitution, adopted it. This made the number of states in the Union thirteen. To these, in 1791, was added Vermont, the first new state.* * Vermont was formed from territory which had been claimed by New York and New Hampshire, the former founding its claim on the grants made by Charles II., to Duke of York, the latter on the colonial charter which it received when it was first ettled. New Hampshire was the most active in the settlement of the territory ; her 2. Who were appointed members of the cabinet ? 3. What was the first difficulty ? How was it removed ? What was established in 1791 ? In 1792 ? 4. What other states ratified the Constitution ? What new states were admitted ? SEAL OF VERMONT 1794] WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION 187 In 1792, Kentucky was admitted, and in 1796, Ten nessee.* 5. Whisky Insurrection. In 1791, Congress imposed a duty on domestic liquors. This caused great discontent in several quarters, but partic ularly in western Pennsylvania, where, in 1794, the people rose in rebellion, and threatened the revenue officers with violence if they attempted to collect the tax. Washington s proclamation not being heeded, he called out the SEAL OP KENTUCKY militia, to the number of fifteen thousand, and in this way quelled the insurrection without bloodshed. 6. Indian War. The Indians on the northwestern frontier were very hostile, and committed dreadful atro cities on the settlers. Washington sent a force under General Harmar to subdue them, but he was defeated (1790). A force under St. Glair, was surprised and de feated with heavy loss in 1791; and it was not until 1794, governor, duriug a period of eight years (from 1760 to 1768), having made more than a hundred township grants within its limits. These, with other grants afterward made, were known as the " New Hampshire Grants." Before the Revolution, New York succeeded in obtaining jurisdiction over the territory, through a decision of the king. The people, however, resisted the government thus established till 1791, when New York relinquished her claim for thirty-one thousand dollars, and Vermont was admitted into the Union. * Kentucky was previously a part of Virginia, and Tennessee, of North Carolina. These states, when admitted, were, however, formed from the territory south of the Ohio, known as the Southwest Territm~y. 5. What was the cause of the Whisky Insurrection ? How was it put down ? 6. What Indian war broke out ? Who were defeated ? Who defeated the Indians ? When and where ? Result of this victory ? Describe the Maumee R. (Map, p. 200) ? 188 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1795 DANIEL, BOONE * that these warlike savages were subdued. In that year they were defeated by General Wayne, in a desperate battle fought on the banks of the Maurnee Kiver. After this victory, Wayne pursued them for a con siderable distance, laid waste their towns in all directions., and thus com pelled them to make a treaty by which they gave up their claim to this part of the country. 7. Foreign Affairs. The French being at war with England, expected to receive aid from this country ; and many of the American people, grateful to their old allies, were desirous of giving it. Washington, however, feeling that the country was too much embarrassed to render any effectual assistance, and that to attempt it, would imperil its liberties, recommended a neutral policy. The French minister tried to involve the United States in the war, by * Daniel Boone, the pioneer in the settlement of Kentucky, was born in Penn sylvania in 1735, and died in Missouri in 1820. At the age of eighteen, he went with his father s family to North Carolina, where, a few years later, he was married. After making several hunting excursions, he set out, in 1769, with five companions, to explore the Kentucky country. During the next twenty-five years, his life, as an explorer, pioneer, hunter, guide, and settler, was the most prominent one in the history of that region. He had many encounters with the Indians, and was three times captured, but in each case effected his escape. In 1775, he built a fort on the Kentucky River, around which grew up the settlement and village of Boonsboro 1 . After Kentucky was admitted into the Union, Boone removed to Missouri. 7. What difficulties occurred with France ? 87 Longitude 82 from Greenwich 77 That fart of the map In Red indicate! the itttltd portion of the Country . EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI AT THE CLOSE ^REVOLUTION 15 Longitude 10 from Washington 5 v . f l&fy 1795] WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION 189 fitting out privateers in American ports ; but at .Washington s request he was recalled. 8. Difficulties had also arisen with England, but these were disposed of by a treaty negotiated by John Jay, Chief Justice,* who had been sent as a special envoy for the purpose. Many of the people were much opposed to this treaty, as it seemed to favor the British government ; and it was ratified by the Senate and Wash ington only after the most deter mined opposition (1795).. 9. A short time before this, a treaty was made with Algiers, by which the American citizens who were held as captives and slaves by that barbarous power, were released, and the commerce of the Mediterranean opened to American ships. 10. Retirement of Washington. Washington had now served nearly eight years, having been unanimously * John Jay was born in New York City in 1745. He was a member of the " First Continental Congress," rendered important aid in favor of the adoption of the Consti tution, and was the first Chief Justice of the United States, which office he resigned on his return from England, in 1795. SEAL OF TENNESSEE 8. With England ? Jay s Treaty ? 9. What treaty was made with Algiers ? 10. How long had Washington served ? Why did he retire ? What did he issue pre- viously ? Where is Mount Vernon (Map, p. 306) ? 190 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1797 re-elected in 1792 ; and in 1790 he was again urged to be a candidate, but he positively declined, for the country, being at peace with the world and in a prosperous condi tion, could, he felt, dispense with his services. In that year he gave to his countrymen his "Far.ewell Address;" and on the 4th of March succeeding, again went into retirement at Mount Vernon. CHAPTER XV Administrations of Adams and Jefferson i. Inauguration of John Adams. John Adams, having received a majority of all the electoral votes, was chosen as the second presi dent, and Thomas Jefferson was at the same time elected Vice-Presiclent. The inaug uration of Adams took place at Philadelphia on the 4th of March, 1797. 2. Hostilities of France. The French government showed a marked hostility to the United States ; for the refusal of the latter to be JOHN ADAMS involved in a war with Eng land, on account of France, and the ratification of Jay s Text Questions. 1. Who were chosen president and vice-president ? When did the inauguration take place ? g. What made France hostile ? What outrages were committed ? 1797] ADAMS AND JEFFERSON 191 treaty by the Senate, had deeply offended the French. On this account their vessels on the ocean insulted the United States flag, and captured our merchant ships ; while at the Copyright, Soulu Photo Co. MOUNT VEKNON * capital of France the envoys sent by this country were refused a hearing, f 3. War with France Peace made. Congress * Mount Vernon, the home of Washington and the place of his burial, is situated on the western bank of the Potomac, fifteen miles from Washington city. The place, comprising the mansion, the tomb, and two hundred acres of the original estate, was sold, in 1858, by John A. Washington, a nephew of George Washington, to the "Ladies Mount Vernon Association " for two hundred thousand dollars. "It is the design of the association to hold it in perpetuity as a place of public resort and pilgrimage." t These envoys were met by the demand of a large sum of money, under the name of a loan to the French government ; and some of its officers also demanded bribes. Charles C. Pinckney, one of the envoys, indignantly replied to this demand : " Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute ; " and this became the universal cry of the American nation. 3. Measures adopted by Congress ? Who was called to command the army ? With whom was peace made ? W T hat hostilities on the ocean had occurred ? 192 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1799 adopted- measures to protect the country and its commerce against attack. An act was passed to equip a navy and raise an army ; and Washington was once more called upon to take the command of the land forces. Again sacrificing the comforts of retirement, he accepted ; but the army was never raised, for the French government was soon after ward overturned, and peace was made with Napoleon Bonaparte, the head of the new government (1800). Pre viously, however, there had been hostilities at sea, during which one of the French frigates had been captured by the American frigate Constellation (1799). 4. Death of Washington. Washington did not live to see peace restored. He died at Mount Vernon on the 14th of December, 1799. The whole nation mourned his loss, as the saddest of be reavements ; and the high est honors were paid to him, whom all acknowl edged to have been the " first in peace, first in war, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." 5. Removal of the Capital. In the summer THOMAS JEFFERSON of 1800, in accordance with a law passed in 1790, the capital of the United States was removed from Philadelphia to a place on the banks of 4. When did the death of Washington occur ? Honors paid to him ? 5. Removal of the Capital ? 1801] ADAMS AND JEFFERSON 193 -. THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON the Potomac, which had been selected by Washington,, and named in his honor the CITY OF WASHINGTON. 6. Election of Jefferson and Burr. Adams s adminis tration lasted only four years. Towards the close of it a fierce struggle took place between the two great political parties of the day, the Federalists and the Republicans, which resulted finally in the choice of Thomas Jefferson for President, and Aaron Burr for Vice-President.* The inauguration took place at the new capital on the 4th of March, 1801. 7. Admission of Ohio. A new state (Ohio) was ad mitted to the Union in 1803. This state was formed from the Ohio Territory, which had previously been a part of * There was no choice by the electors, and consequently the election went to the House of Representatives, where, after a week s contest, Jefferson finally succeeded in obtaining a majority of the States in his favor, which elected him. Jefferson and Burr were Republican candidates. 6. Successors of Adams and Jefferson ? Date of inauguration ? 7. When was Ohio admitted ? From what territory formed ? 13 SEAL OF OHIO 194 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1803 the Northwest Territory,, the region lying north of the Ohio River. 8. Purchase of Louisiana In 1803 the United States purchased from France, for $15,- 000 ,,000,, an immense tract of land lying chiefly west of the Mississippi River, called Louisiana. This se cured the free navigation of that river to the United States. 9. Expedition to the Medi terranean. In the same year, an expedition was sent to the Medi terranean,, to repress the piracies of the Barbary States, which constantly sent out armed vessels to capture the merchant ships of other nations, and make slaves of their crews. It was a common custom for nations to pay tribute to these states, to obtain freedom from their attacks. This, however, did not restrain their hostility and insolence ; and a fleet under Commodore Preble was sent against them. 10. Loss of the Philadelphia. Preble first entered the port of Morocco, and after exacting terms of the emperor, sailed eastward, with the view to make an attack on Tripoli, the Bashaw of which had declared war upon the United States. Captain Bainbridge s ship, the Phila delphia, while sailing in the harbor of Tripoli, grounded, and was, in consequence, captured by the Tripolitans, and her crew made slaves. 8. What territory was purchased in 1803 ? For what sum? What was thus secured ? 9. What expedition was sent out ? For what purpose ? 10. Where did Preble first proceed ? What disaster occurred at Tripoli ? 1804] ADAMS AND JEFFERSON 195 ii. Brave Exploit of Lieutenant Decatur. As it was deemed to be very important that the vessel should be recaptured or destroyed, Lieu tenant (afterward Commodore) Decatur undertook the task. With a few brave comrades, he entered the harbor on the night of the 15th of February, 1804, boarded the Phila delphia, killed or drove into the sea the Tripolitans in charge of her, and after setting the vessel on fire, escaped without losing a man. A short time afterward, a treaty of peace was made with the Bashaw. 12. Duel between Hamilton and Burr. In 1804, occurred the unfortunate duel between the Vice-President, 11. How recaptured and destroyed ? What occurred soon after this ? 12. What duel occurred in 1804 ? What was its cause ? Who fell ? The result of the duel ? 196 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1806 ALEXANDER HAMILTON Burr,* and Alexander Hamilton,! which was brought about by a political quarrel. It was fought at Wee- hawken, on the west bank of the Hudson, opposite New York, and Hamilton fell at the first fire. The death of a man so distin guished and so highly es teemed, and in so sad a manner, occasioned very great excitement. Burr lost all his political influ ence by the event, and fell into almost universal disrespect. 13. Trial of Burr for Treason. Two years afterward, he became engaged in organizing a secret expedition at the West, which was suspected of being of a treasonable character. Though acquitted, on the trial, of the charge of treason, it was generally believed that he was guilty of * Aaron Burr was born in New Jersey, in 1756, and graduated at Princeton College. rie accompanied Arnold in the expedition against Canada, and distinguished himself in the battles of Quebec and Monmouth. He died at Staten Island, N. Y., in 1836. Burr was a man of extraordinary genius and ability, but was deficient in moral principle. t Hamilton was born in one of the West India Islands, in 1757. At the age of thirteen he was sent to New York to be educated. At the beginning of the Revolu tion he was one of the first to take up arms in behalf of the patriots, performing a creditable part as captain of an artillery company in the battle of Long Island. By his intelligence and activity he attracted the attention of Washington ; and after the battles of Trenton and Princeton, in both of which he took part, he accepted an invitation from Washington to take a place on his staff as aid-de-camp. He was engaged in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. , For what was Burr tried ? Result of the trial f His probable design ? 1807] ADAMS AND JEFFERSON 19? an intention to dismember the Union by separating the Western from the Atlantic states, and founding an inde pendent empire beyond the Alleghany Mountains, over which he might bear rule. 14. Difficulties with Great Britain -Great Britain and France were at war at this time, and the United States endeavored to carry out its policy of being neutral. The powerful British navy having swept from the ocean nearly all the vessels of France, American ships found full employment in carrying merchandise into French ports. To check this, the British government declared the ports of France and her allies to be in a state of blockade. Napoleon, who was at the head of the French government, declared a blockade of the British islands. In consequence of these measures, very many American vessels were seized, and our commerce with Europe was nearly ruined. 15. The Right of Search A still greater grievance of the Americans was the so-called " right of search," by which Great Britain claimed to have the right to search American vessels on the ocean, and to take from them all sailors of English birth, for the purpose of impressing them, that is, compelling them to serve in the British navy. 16. Affair of the Leopard and Chesapeake In the summer of 1807, an event occurred which greatly increased the popular excitement against England. The British frigate Leopard, cruising in American waters, demanded permission to search the American frigate Chesapeake, 14. What caused difficulties with Great Britain ? 15. What other grievance had the United States ? 16. Give an account of the affair between the Chesapeake and the Leopard. 198 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1809 then off the coast of Virginia, alleging that there were British deserters on board. As this was refused, she fired into che Chesapeake, and the latter, being unprepared for action, struck her colors, after having twenty-one of her crew killed or wounded. Four persons, asserted to be deserters, were then carried on board the Leopard, but three of them, as was afterwards proved, were native Americans. 17. President s Proclamation. This outrage provoked the President to issue a proclamation forbidding British armed vessels to enter the ports or waters of the United States. The British government professed not to approve the conduct of the commander of the Leopard ; but nothing was done to atone for the injury until four years afterward. 18. The Embargo. In retaliation for the injuries in flicted by England upon American commerce, Congress, in 1807, laid an embargo upon American vessels, forbidding them to leave port. This measure, being ruinous to the shipping interests of this country, was very much con demned by the people, and made the administration un popular. The Act was soon afterward repealed, and a law passed prohibiting all intercourse with England or France. 19. Retirement of Jefferson. In 1809, Jefferson s second term having expired, he retired from the office of president, and was succeeded by James Madison, of Vir ginia, the fourth president of the United States. 17. Proclamation of the President ? Conduct of Great Britain ? 18. What measure was adopted by Congress ? Its effect ? What law was subsequently passed ? 19. When did Jefferson s second term expire ? Who succeeded him ? 1811] MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 199 CHAPTER XVI Madison s Administration 1. Indian Confederation Battle of Tippecanoe. Before Madison became presi- dent, the Indians on the western frontier, influenced by British emissaries, and led on by their great chief Tecumseh, began to form a confederacy against the United States. To check their hostilities, General Harrison was sent to the West, and in the important battle of Tippecanoe (in the western part of Indiana), defeated them with great loss (1811). 2. War Declared Invasion of Canada. As the British still continued their unjust claims and measures,* * " Upwards of six thousand cases of alleged impressments were recorded (at Wash ington). ... It was admitted by the British government that there might have been, at the commencement of the year 1811, sixteen hundred bona fide American citizens serving by compulsion in the British fleet. . . . Upon the breaking out of hostilities, twenty-five hundred impressed sailors, still claiming to be American citizens, and refusing to fight against their country, were committed to Dartmoor and other prisons (in England), where most of them were detained till the end of the war." nudnik s History of the United States. Map Questions. (Map, p. 200.) What river runs from Lake St. Clair to Lake Erie ? Ans. The Detroit. Name four places, found on the map, that are, or were, on the Detroit River. What river flows into Lake St. Clair from the east ? What battle was fought on that river ? Where was Ft. Minis (Map, p. 203) ? Tohopeka ? Platts- burg (Map, p. 154) ? Chippewa (Map, p. 204) ? Lundy s Lane ? Text Questions. 1. What confederation was formed ? Through whose influence ? What victory was gained by General Harrison ? 2. When was war declared ? Who invaded Canada ? Where was Hull besieged ? JAMES MADISON 200 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1812 Congress declared war against Great Britain in June, 1812 ; and the next month, Gen eral Hull, the governor of Michigan Territory, crossed the Detroit River, and invaded Canada. After some operations of little im portance, he recrossed the river, and took post at Detroit, where he was besieged by General Brock,* with a force of British and Indians. 3. Surrender of Detroit by Hull. The Americans felt confi dent of victory in the expected battle ; but, to their surprise and indignation, Hull ordered a white flag to be hoisted, and gave up the place without a blow (August 16). By this act, the whole of Michigan Territory passed into the hands of the British. Hull, two years after, was tried by court-martial, pronounced guilty of cowardice and sen- SEAL OF LOUISIANA * General Brock was killed the same year at Queenstown, which the Americans invaded Canada to attack. The latter were, however, repulsed with considerable lose (Oct. 13). 3. What surrender was made ? Its result ? Punishment of Hull ? 1813] MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 201 tenced to be shot ; but, on account of his Kevolutionary services, lie was pardoned by the President.* 4. Victories on the Ocean. In 1812, the Americans met with nothing but disaster in their operations on land ; but on the ocean, several brilliant victories gained by Cap tain Hull, Commodore Decatur, and others, retrieved the honor of the country. Of these the most noted were the capture of the British frigate Guerriere (gdre-e-ere] by the Constitution, under Captain Hull ; that of the Macedonian by the United States, under Commodore Decatur ; and that of the Java by the Constitution, under Captain Bain- bridge, the second victory gained by this vessel (after wards called "Old Ironsides"). American privateers, too, scoured the ocean, and inflicted severe injuries upon British commerce. During the year, more than three hundred vessels, with not less than three thousand prisoners, besides valuable cargoes, were captured by the Americans. 5. Victories of Perry and Harrison. On the 4th of March, 1813, Madison commenced his second term ; and it was resolved to prosecute the war with vigor. The only victories, however, of any importance, in 1813, were that of Commodore Perry, over a British fleet on Lake Erie (September 10), f and that of General Harrison, over the * A series of letters, published in 1824, and a book published at a later day, present Hull s act of surrendering Detroit in a light more favorable to him than it appeared at his trial. t The two fleets met near the western extremity of the lake, when a hard-fought battle of four hours took place. Every vessel of the enemy surrendered. Perry irn- 4. Operations on land and on the ocean ? What naval victories were gained ? What was done by American privateers ? 5. When did Madison s second term begin ? What victory was gained by Commodore Perry ? What by General Harrison ? Result of the latter ? What Indian chief fell at the Thames ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1813 British and Indians, at the Thames River, in Canada (October 5). In the latter engagement, the Indian Chief PERRY AT THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE Tecumseh was shot. By these two victories the Ameri cans regained Michigan Territory. 6. War with the Creeks. In the spring of 1813, the Indians of the South (the Creeks) were visited by Te cumseh and persuaded to take up arms against the whites. In pursuance of the plan agreed upon, fifteen hundred Creek warriors surprised Fort Minis, in Alabama, and massacred nearly three hundred persons men, women, and children. 7. This savage attack aroused the whole South. Several battles followed, in which the Indians were defeated. At length, a thousand warriors made a stand at To-ho-pe -ka, mediately wrote to Harrison, informing him of the victory in the brief but memorable dispatch : " We have met the enemy, and they are ours. 1 " This victory established the naval supremacy of the Americans on Lake Erie. 6, War with the Creeks, its cause ? 7. Final battle ? 1813] MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 203 STATE OF ALABAMA 50 SO where they were routed by General Jackson, 011 the 27th of March, 1814, with great slaughter. Their subjugation was complete. 8. Other Operations during 1813. Operations were undertaken against Canada, at first, under General Dear born,* and afterwards under General Wilkin son, but nothing was accomplished. The navy achieved several brilliant victories dur ing the year ; but one of the most noted events was the battle between the Chesa peake, under Captain Lawrence, and the British frigate Shan non, commanded by Captain Broke. The two vessels met off Boston Harbor, and, after a terrific contest of fifteen minutes, the Chesa peake was boarded by the enemy, and her flag hauled down. Lawrence was mortally wounded in the early part of the action, f * Toward the latter part of April, 1813, Dearborn crossed Lake Ontario, and pro ceeded to attack York. The troops landed, led by General Pike, and were carrying everything before them, when the enemy s magazine exploded, mortally wounding Pike, and making sad havoc among his men. After a moment s panic they moved on, and were soon in possession of the town. t Lawrence had just returned to the United States after a cruise in the sloop-of-war Hornet, during which, off the coast of Guiana, he had encountered the British brig 8. What other operations were undertaken ? What naval operations ? Affair of the Chesapeake and the Shannon ? 204 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1818 9. Invasion of Canada. In March, 1814, an Ameri can force under General Wilkinson invaded Canada from Plattsburg; but it was repulsed. Another force, under General Brown, invaded Canada near the Niagara frontier, and, on the 5th of July, defeated the British at Ohippewa. About three weeks afterward, the Americans were at tacked at Lundy s Lane, where occurred the most obsti nate battle of the war (July 25). 10. Battle of Lundy s Lane. Lieutenant (afterward General) Scott, who led the advance, bravely contended against superior num bers, until the arrival of General Brown. It soon became evident that a battery which the enemy held on a height, and which swept all parts of the field, must be cap tured, or the Ameri cans be defeated. Colonel Miller was asked if he could take it. He promptly answered, " Fll try, sir." The perilous task was un- Peacock, and in fifteen minutes compelled her to strike her colors. On his return he had been promoted to the command of the frigate Chesapeake, which was lying in Boston Harbor. With very imperfect equipments and an ill-assorted crew he sailed out of the harbor, and, the same day, encountered the Shannon. As Lawrence was borne below in a dying condition, he exclaimed, " Don t give up the ship ! " 9. What invasions of Canada took place ? What battle was fought near Niagara Falls ? 10. Give an account of the battle of Lundy s Lane. 1814] MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 205 dertaken and accomplished ; and the British, after vain attempts to retake it, and after a contest of six hours, were compelled to retreat. Brown and Scott were se verely wounded in this battle. 11. Attack on Plattsburg. In September, Sir George Prevost, the commander-in-chief of the British army in Canada, with a large force, made a movement against Plattsbnrg, then defended by only a few hundred men, under General Macomb (md-JcomV). At the same time, the British fleet on Lake Champlain, commanded by Com modore Downie, sailed to attack the American fleet under Commodore Macdonough. 12. Battle of Lake Champlain While the British, from their batteries, commenced the land attack, their fleet engaged Macdononglr s vessels, which were at anchor in the bay of Plattsburg. In a little more than two hours, Macdonough gained a complete victory. The fire from the land batteries then slackened ; and at nightfall Prevost made a hasty retreat, having suffered a heavy loss in the attack. 13. British Naval Operations During the greater part of 1814, the whole Atlantic seaboard was locked up by British cruisers, from which descents were made upon small towns. In August, Stonington was bombarded ; but its capture was not effected. A little later in the month, a British squadron entered the Pa-tit x -ent, and landed five thousand men, commanded by General Eoss, whose object was the capture of Washington. 11. What movement was made by the British army and fleet? Where is Lake Champlain (Map, p. 154) ? Plattsburg ? 12. Describe the battle of Lake Champlain. 13. The operations of the British fleet on the Atlantic seaboard ? Where is Ston- ington (Map of Connecticut) ? 206 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1814 14. Taking of Washing ton. Meeting with very little opposition, he reached the American capital on the 24th of August, and destroyed a large amount of property. After burning the capitol, with its library, the Presi dent s mansion, and other buildings, the enemy made a hasty retreat. In the mean time, a part of the British fleet had ascended the Poto mac to Alexandria, and com pelled the inhabitants to sur render their merchandise and shipping. 15. Attack on Baltimore. Koss next proceeded against Baltimore; but on his inarch thither, was slain in. a skirmish. His forces, checked for a short time by the militia, succeeded in reaching the defenses of the city, prepared to act with the fleet. The bombardment of Fort McHenry was commenced on the morning of September 13th, and continued until near the following morning. No serious impression, however, was made on the fort ; and the British, hopeless of success, withdrew.* * It was during this bombardment that the incident occurred which inspired the composition of the "Star-spangled Banner." This national ode was written by 14. The taking of Washington ? What other place was taken ? With what result ? Where is the Patuxent (Map, p. 206) ? Washington ? Alexandria ? Baltimore ? 15. What officer was killed ? What other place was attacked ? With. wht result ? 1814] MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 207 KEY AND THE STAK-SPANGLED BANNER 16. Movements of General Jackson. There were other operations in the South during the year. The British were repulsed from Mobile ; and Jackson, finding that the Spanish port, Pensacola, was used by the enemy as a base of operations, marched to the place, and boldly seizing it, compelled the British to leave. - Learning that Francis S. Key, an American detained on board one of the bombarding vessels. He had watched with painful anxiety during the day the national flag as it floated above the ramparts of the fort ; and during the night, the glare of the " bombs bursting in air," showed the stars and stripes still waving in triumph. The song expresses his exultation at beholding, " by the dawn s early light, 11 that the flag still floated over the fort. 16. What occurred in the South ? Where is Pensacola (Map, p. 203) ? Mobile ? New Orleans ? 208 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1815 an invasion of Louisiana was threatened, he hastened to New Orleans, in order to put it in a state of defense. 17. Battle of New Orleans. On the 8th of January, 1815, the British, twelve thousand strong, commanded by Sir Edward Pakenham (pak n-am), made a general ad vance against the American intrenchments before New Orleans. Volley after volley was poured upon them with such terrible effect, that they were compelled to flee. Pakenham was slain, and two thousand of his men were killed, wounded, or taken pris oners. The Americans lost only seven killed and six wounded.* 18. Porter s Cruise Dur ing 1814, the naval operations of the Americans were gener ally successful. The frigate Essex, under Captain Porter, made a successful cruise of more than a year, but was finally attacked in the harbor of Val paraiso (vatil-pah-ri -so), March 28th, by two British vessels, and after one of the most desperate conflicts of the war, was forced to surrender. * The American Commissioners had signed the treaty of peace with Great Britain more than a fortnight before this bloody battle was fought. " O Morse, O Field, why were you not ready with your Oceanic Telegraph then, to tell those men of both armies, when they woke (on the morning of the 8th of January), that they were not enemies, but friends and brothers, and send them joyful into each other s arms, not in madness against each other s arms ? "Parton s Life of Jackson. COMMODORE PORTE K 17. Describe the battle of New Orleans ? 18. What is said of the naval opera tions during 1814 ? Of Captain Porter s cruise ? Where is Valparaiso (Map of South, America) ? 1815] MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 209 19. Treaty of Peace In February, 1815, the joyful tidings reached the United States, that a treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent, on the 24th of December, of the preceding year. This treaty settled none of the important issues which had caused the war the encroachments upon American commerce, the right of search, and the impress ment of British seamen who had become American natur alized citizens. The close of the war between England and France, however, rendered it unnecessary, at the time, to settle these questions. 20. Decatur s Expedition. During the war, the Alge- rines, resuming their old practice of piracy, had seized several American vessels, and insulted and plundered the consul of the United States. A naval force, under Decatur, in 1815 compelled the Barbary States Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, to submit to terms imposed by the United States gov ernment to liberate the American prisoners which they held, and to give up all future claim to the tribute paid since. 1795, making SEAL OF INDIANA indemnity., likewise, for all losses sustained by American citizens at their hands. 21. During Madison s administration, two states were added to the Union : Louisiana, in 1812, and Indiana in 1816. Madison, having served two terms, declined a re- 19. When and where was peace made ? Were the questions which caused the war settled ? Why was it not necessary to insist upon their settlement ? 20. Give an account of Decatur s expedition. What was its result ? 21. What states were admit ted in 1812 and 1816 ? How long did Madison serve ? By whom was he succeeded ? 14 210 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1817 election, following the example of Washington and Jeffer son. He was succeeded by James Monroe, of. Virginia, on the 4th of March, 1817. CHAPTER XVII Administrations from Madison to Polk i. Monroe s Administration When Monroe* took the presidential chair, the country was at peace with all the world, and the people were fast recovering from the effects of the late war. The strife between the great political parties, the Democrats and the Feder alists, had also died out.f The wealth and population of the country, therefore, rapidly increased. 2. Trouble with the JAMES MONROE Seminoles. Towards the * James Monroe was born in Virginia in 1758. He entered the army in 1776, and was present at the battles of White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Mon- mouth. He was a member of Congress when Washington resigned his commission ; was subsequently governor of Virginia, and successively minister to France. England, and Holland. He died in New York, in 1831. t "Shortly after his inauguration, Monroe, imitating the example of Washington, set out on a tour through the Eastern States. His declaration of principles in his in augural address had been highly satisfactory to the Federalists ; and at Boston he was received with the most elaborate pomp. Imbittered and hot-tempered leaders of par ties, who for the last seven years had hardly deigned to speak to each other, or even to walk on the same side of the street, met now with smiling faces, vying in extravagance Text Questions. 1. What was the state of the country when Monroe became president ? 2. What hostilities arose with the Seminoles ? Jackson s course ? 1819] MONROE S ADMINISTRATION 211 close of 1817, the difficulties commenced with the Semi- noles, a warlike tribe of Indians, living in Florida, who committed serious depredations on the frontier settlements of Georgia. General Jackson, who had been sent to repress these outrages, finding that the Indians were en couraged by certain persons in Florida, invaded that terri- SEAL OF MISSISSIPPI SEAL OF ILLINOIS tory, although it belonged to Spain, with which country our government was at peace. 3. Cession of Florida He burned one of the Indian towns, took the Spanish forts at St. Marks and Pensacola, and put to death two British traders who, he believed, had supplied the Indians with arms and incited them to hostili ties. This bold measure on the, part of Jackson, for a time, threatened the country with a war with Spain ; but the difficulties were finally settled by Spain agreeing to sell Florida to the United States for five millions of dollars. of republican loyalty. The era of good feeling having thus begun, the way was rapidly paved for that complete amalgamation of parties which took place a few years after." HildretVs History of the U, S. 3. What forts did he take ? What persons put to death ? What resulted from this ? When and how did Florida become a territory of the United States ? What new states were admitted from 1817 to 1820 ? 212 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1821 A treaty to this effect was made in 1819, and two years later Florida became one of the territories of the United States. 4. New States. The Mississippi Territory,* embracing the present states of Alabama and Mississippi, was divided in 1817, and the western portion admitted into the Union SEAL OP ALABAMA SEAL OF MAINE as the State of Mississippi. Illinois was admitted in 1818. Up to 1800 it had been a part of the Northwest Territory, and then, till 1809, formed with Indiana the Indiana Terri tory. After the admission of the latter, it constituted the Illinois Territory. Alabama was admitted in 1819; and, in 1820, Maine, till then a part of Massachusetts, was also admitted into the Union. 5. Missouri Compromise When Missouri applied for admission, a violent and prolonged discussion arose in Con gress, because its constitution permitted the existence of * This territory, except the coast-strip between Florida and Louisiana, was originally a part of Georgia ; but, in 1798, was organized as the Mississippi Territory. The word Mississippi is of Indian origin, signifying, according to some writers, the Great fiiver, according to others, the Great Father of Waters. 5. What is meant by the Missouri Compromise ? What led to its adoption ? When was Missouri admitted ? 1824] MONROE S ADMINISTRA TION 213 SEAL OF MISSOURI slavery in the new state, and the people of the North were determined to resist any increase of the number and power of the slave states. The repre sentatives of the Northern states therefore opposed the admission of Missouri as a slave state. In 1820, during the agitation of this question., the measure known as the "Missouri Compromise" was adopted. By this it was provided that slavery should be prohibited in all the territory, except Mis souri, lying north of the parallel 36 30 , and west of the Mississippi. After the adoption of this compro mise, Missouri was ad mitted (1821). 6. Visit of La Fayette. One of the most inter esting events of this ad ministration was the visit, in 1824, of Lafayette to the United States. He passed through the coun try, everywhere received with respect and grateful acclamations from the crowds who gathered to greet him, all offering him a most cordial welcome, and treating him LAFAYETTE 6. Describe the visit of Lafayette. What grant did Congress make to him ? 214 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1824 as the honored guest of the nation. He remained in the country about a year, and was presented by Congress with the sum of two hun dred thousand dollars, and a township of land, as a partial payment of the debt due him by the United States. 7- In the fall of 1824, the election for president took place ; but, as no one of the four candidates re ceived a majority of the electoral votes, the choice devolved upon the House of Representatives, by whom John Quincy Adams, of Massachu setts, was elected. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, was elected vice-president. The in- * Bunker Hill monument, an obelisk two hundred and twenty-one feet high, erected in commemoration of the battle, now stands on the spot where the redoubt was built on Breed s Hill. Its corner-stone was laid by General Lafayette, on the l?th of June, 1825, the fiftieth anniversary of the battle. An immense concourse of persons was present on the occasion, including nearly two hundred revolutionary soldiers with forty surviving patriots of the battle, and President John Quincy Adams, with his en tire cabinet. Daniel Webster delivered the oration. BUNKER HILL MONUMENT * 7. Who succeeded Monroe ? How was John Quincy Adams elected ? 1828] JOHN Q. ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION 215 auguration of Adarns took place on the 4th of March, 1825. 8. Administration of John Quincy Adams.* The single term- of this administration was a period of peace, during which the nation made rapid increase in pop ulation and wealth. By a very singular coincidence, the two venerable ex-presi dents, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, died on the 4th of July, 1826, \ the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence. 9. The American Sys tem. The subject of do- JOHN QUINCY ADAMS mestic manufactures en gaged a large share of the president s attention ; and in 1828 a tariff law was passed, imposing heavy duties upon * John Quincy Adams, son of John Adams, was born near Boston, in 1767. He was alike remarkable for his accomplishments and integrity. After his retirement as presi dent, he served sixteen years in Congress ; and such was his ability as a speaker and debater, that by general consent he received the title of " The Old Man Eloquent. 11 In 1848, he was seized with paralysis while in his seat in the House of Representatives, and died two days after. t They expired within a few hours of each other ; Jefferson at Monticello, Virginia, in the eighty-fourth year of his age ; and Adams at Quincy, Massachusetts, in the ninety-first year of his age. The news of the decease of these venerable patriots, oc curring by so wonderful a coincidence, together, and on the birth-day of the nation which they had so greatly contributed to establish, made a deep impression on the minds of the whole people. Everywhere funeral ceremonies, processions, public eulo gies, etc., testified the respec.t of the people for the illustrious dead. 8. What is said of the period of J. Q. Adams s administration ? What deaths oc curred ? Why remarkable ? 9. What was the American System ? By whom was it favored ? By whom opposed ? 216 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1829 certain imported articles, with the view to encourage and protect their manufacture in this country. This policy of a protective tariff,, under the name of the American Sys tem, was earnestly supported by the representatives of the Eastern and Middle States ; but was vigorously opposed by those of the South.* 10. Jackson s Administration Andrew Jackson, elected to succeed John Quincy Adams, was inaugurated on the 4th of March, 1829, and he at once commenced a series of vigorous meas ures, which he firmly carried out during the eight years he continued in office. The practice, called " rotation in office," of removing govern ment officials, and appoint ing the political friends of the President, was begun by Jackson. f 11. Nullification. In 1832, a convention, elected by the people of South Carolina, declared the tariff law null * The Tariff was called a "Bill of Abominations 11 by its enemies. The South op posed it as unconstitutional, and partial in its operation, benefiting the states largely engaged in manufactures, but injurious to the agricultural states of the South, the people of which, it was claimed, ought to have the privilege of obtaining such manu factured articles as they needed from the cheapest markets. t To such an extent did he carry this practice, that during 1829 there were nearly seven hundred removals from office ; while for the forty years preceding, the whole number of removals had been only sixty-four. ANDREW JACKSON 10. Who succeeded J. Q. Adams ? What measures did he adopt ? What practice did he begin ? 11. What convention met in South Carolina ? What resolution was adopted ? What measures did Jackson adopt ? 1830] JACKSON* S ADMINISTRATION 217 and void, and resolved that, should the United States gov ernment attempt to enforce the law by collecting the duties, the State of South Carolina would secede from the Union. President Jackson promptly issued his proclama tion, announcing his determination to enforce the law, and containing the oft-quoted words : " The Union must and shall be preserved." He also sent troops under General Scott to Charleston. . 12. These prompt and decisive measures had the desired effect. The nullifiers, as they were called, were restrained ; and, soon afterwards (in 1833), a "compromise bill," provid ing for the gradual reduction of the duties, was offered by Henry Clay, and passed by Congress. It was accepted by Calhoun,* Hayne, and the other South Carolina leaders; and thus quiet was restored. 13. Bank of the United States. Jackson, in his first annual message to Congress, had taken ground against the renewal of the charter of the United States Bank; and when, notwithstanding his ob- * John C. Calhoun, one of the most eminent of American statesmen, was born in South Carolina, in 1782. He was Secretary of War in Monroe s cabinet, and Vice- president during the administration of J. Q,. Adams, and the first term of Jackson. He was noted for the firmness and ability with which he advocated the views of the people of the Southern States. He died in 1850. HENRY CLAY 12. Result of Jackson s prompt measure ? What compromise was effected ? 13. What course did the President pursue in regard to the United States Bank ? What did it occasion ? 218 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1832 JOHN C. CALHOUN jections, a bill was passed to renew it, he vetoed the meas ure (1832). In 1833, he withdrew the government deposits from the bank, and caused them to be placed in several of the State banks. This act created great excitement ; and a resolution of the Senate de clared the act unconstitution al, and censured the President; but Jackson triumphed over all opposition. 14. The State banks which had received the government funds, increased their loans to the merchants, and money became so abundant, that the price of everything was ad vanced. This led to speculation, all hoping to become suddenly rich. Farms were laid out for cities, and cut up into building lots, which sold at fabulous prices ; although those who bought them were unable to build upon them, or even to pay for them. The ruinous consequences of this state of things were experienced a short time after ward. 15. Black Hawk War During Jackson s administra tion, an Indian war, known as the Black Hawk War* broke out in the Northwest (1832). The Indians were, * Abraham Lincoln served in this war as the captain of a company of Illinois volunteers ; and Jefferson Davis, as lieutenant in the regular United States army. 14. What was the effect of Jackson s course ? 15. What Indian war broke out? How did it end ? What was done with Black Hawk ? 1835] JACKSON* S ADMINISTRATION 219 however, soon subdued ; and their great chief, Black Hawk, with others of the Winnebagoes, Sacs, and Foxes, were conducted as prisoners through some of the principal cities of the Union, in order to convince them of the folly of contending against the whites. They were then sent back to their tribes, and a lasting peace was the consequence. 16. The Seminole War. Towards the close of 1835, the Seminoles renewed their hostilities, because an attempt was made to remove them to lands west of the Mississippi, according to a treaty which had been previously made with some of their chiefs. Their principal warrior, Osceola, (os-e-o -lah), and others, did not consider this treaty bind ing, and refused to obey it. This chief having used threat ening language, General Thompson, the government agent, put him in irons ; but on his professing penitence, and promising submission, he was released. 17. But he was resolved on revenge ; and in Decem ber he approached a house in which Thompson and others were dining, and making a sudden attack, killed the gen eral and four others of the party. On the same day, Major Dade, while marching with more than a hundred men to join General Clinch, was attacked, and Dade, with his whole force, except four men, was massacred. PART OF FLORIDA 16. What caused a war with the Seminoles ? What was done to their chief ? 17. How did he revenge himself ? What massacre was committed ? 220 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1837 SEAL OF ARKANSAS 18. A number of battles were fought during the next year with these warlike Indians, led on by Osceola, but without any decided result. In 1837, Osceola entered the American camp with a flag of truce, when he was seized and sent as a prisoner to Fort Moultrie, where he died. Two months later, Colonel Taylor (afterward Presi dent Taylor) defeated the Semi- noles in a desperate battle near Lake O-kee-cho -bee ; and, though they continued hostile till 1842, they were never able to rally again in large force. 19. New States Two states were admitted into the Union during the eight years of Jackson s Administration : Arkan sas, in 183G; and Michigan in 1837. This made the number of the States, twenty-six. 20. Van Buren s Administra tion. At the close of Jackson s second term, Martin Van Buren,* of New York, became president, and continued in office one term from 1837 to 1841. The former year is noted for the bursting forth of a * Martin Van Buren was born at Kinderhook, in New York, in 1782, where he died in 18G2. He was successively U. S. Senator, Governor of the State of New York, Sec retary of State in Jackson s Cabinet, Vice-President of the U. S. during Jackson s sec ond term, and President. 18. How was Osceola captured ? What decisive battle was fought ? 19. What new States were admitted ? 20. Who was Jackson s successor ? What event occurred in 137 ? Its result ? SEAL OF MICHIGAN 1841] HARRISON AND TYLER 221 MARTIN VAN BUREN great financial storm, the re sult of the wild speculations of Jackson s time, which caused general distress. In the same year, a rebellion broke out in Canada ; and many citizens of the United States sympathized with it. Interference was, however, prevented by a timely pro clamation of the president. 21. The suspension of so many banks caused great embarrassment to the govern ment. This led to a measure, recommended by the Presi dent, by which the keeping of the government money was intrusted, to Assistant Treas urers, in certain designated places, called Sub-Treas uries. This is now the estab lished policy of the country. 22. Administrations of Harrison and Tyler. Van Buren s successor in office was William Henry Harri- HENRT HARRISON SOU,* O f Ohio, the " h 6 rO of * William Henry Harrison was born in Virginia in 1773. He served under St. Clair and Wayne during the Northwestern campaign against the Indians. He had also served as governor of Indiana Territory. 21. What embarrassed the government? What measure was adopted ? 22. Van Burcn s successor ? How long was Harrison president ? Who succeeded him ? 222 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1841 Tippecanoe and the Thames ; " but just one month after his inauguration he died, and the Vice-President, John Tyler,* by the provisions of the Constitution, became president. 23. Great excitement grew out of the proposi tion to annex Texas to the United States, as a new state. That country had been a province of Mexico, but the inhabitants had revolted, achieved their in dependence, and set up a JOHN TYLER republican government of their own.f Hence, Texas was called, at the time, the " Lone Star State/ The annexation of Texas was fa vored by the South, because it was a slave state, but op posed by a large party in the North on that account, * John Tyler was born in Virginia in 1790. He died in the same State in 1862. t "The leader in this revolution was Samuel Houston, a Virginian of massive frame energetic, audacious, unscrupulous in no mean degree fitted to direct the storm he had helped to raise. Texas had to defend her newly-claimed liberties by the sword. General Houston headed the patriot forces, not quite four hundred in number, and imperfectly armed. Santa Anna came against them with an army of five thousand. The Texans retreated, and having nothing to carry, easily distanced their pursuers. At the San Jacinto, Houston was strengthened by the arrival of two field-pieces. He turned like a lion upon the unexpectant Mexicans, whom he caught in the very act of crossing the river. He fired grapeshot into their quaking ranks. His unconquerable Texans clubbed their muskets they had no bayonets and rushed upon the foe! The Mexicans fled in helpless rout, and Texas was free. The grateful Texans elected Gen eral Houston president of the republic which he had thus saved." Robert Mackenzie. 23. What caused great excitement ? Previous history of Texas ? Who favored the annexation ? Why ? Who opposed it ? When was the bill for annexing it signed ? What new state was admitted ? 1845] FOLK S ADMINISTRATION 223 because they were greatly averse to any increase of the slave power in the United States. Many, too, foresaw that it would produce a war with Mexico. Three days be fore he went out of office, Tyler signed a bill for its annexation. Florida had been admitted a short time previously (1845). SEAL OF FLORIDA CHAPTER XVIII Administrations from Tyler to Lincoln i. Folk s Administration. James K. Polk* was in augurated as President on the 4th of March, 1845. On the Fourth of July suc ceeding, Texas became one of the United States, her legislature having approved the "annexation bill" passed by Congress. This led to a war with Mexico, as she had not acknowl edged the independence of her revolted province. * James K. Polk was born in North Carolina in 1795. He was a representative in Congress from Tennessee for fourteen years, and was Speaker of tha^ouse three terms. He died in Tennessee in 1849. Text Questions. 1. Who succeeded Tyler? Date of inauguration? When and how did Texas- become a state ? What did this lead to ? Why ? 224 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1846 SEAL OP TEXAS 2. War with Mexico. Hostilities commenced in 1846, near the Rio Grande (re -o grahn -da), to which General Taylor had been sent to protect the new state from a threatened invasion by the Mexicans. The latter made an attack upon a party of American dragoons sent to recon- noiter, arid crossed the Rio Grande apparently to move against Taylor s base of supplies at Point Isabel.* 3. Taylor s Campaign. This led to two engagements, at Palo Alto (paU -lo aliT-to) and Resaca de la Palma (ra-sah -kah da lah paid -mail], in both of which the Mexicans were defeated with se vere loss (May 8 and 9). In a few days, Taylor took the Mexican town of Matamoras, and then marching to the fortified city of Monterey, f compelled it * The United States, by the annexation of Texas, claimed the Rio Grande as their boundary, while Mexico alleged that the western limits of the province never extended beyond the Nueces River. The crossing of the latter river into the disputed territory by Taylor, was, therefore, considered by the Mexicans as the commencement of active war, and they consequently made the attack. t This was a city of ten thousand inhabitants, situated about one hundred and fifty miles west of the Rio Grande. It was surrounded with mountains, and was strongly " e a Vista TAYLOR 7 S CAMPAIGN Scale 6 20 40 60 80 TOO 2. When and where did hostilities commence ? How ? 3. What battles were fought in May ? With what result ? What places were subsequently captured ? With what force ? 1847] FOLK S ADMINISTRATION 225 to capitulate (Sept. 24). These victories were gained with a far inferior force to that of the Mexicans. 4. Battle of Buena Vista. Taylor s last engagement in Mexico was the battle of Buena Vista (biva -nah vees 1 - tah) (23d of February, 1847). At this place, his small force of less than five thousand men, was attacked by Santa Anna with an army of nearly four times that number of men ; but after a determined con test, which lasted from morning till night, the Mexicans were driven in disorder from the field.* 5. Conquest of New Mexico and California. In the mean time, General Kearny (kar -ne) had marched with a force into New Mexico, and taken possession of that province ; while Captain Fremont had entered California, and defeated the Mexicans in several skir- fortifled, besides being garrisoned by an army of ten thousand men. In spite of the heavy fire of the cannon and musketry from the Mexicans, the Americans carried all the outworks successively, and at last got into the town, where, as the fire of the Mexicans swept the open streets, they cut their way through the walls of the houses. When they were within a short distance of the Grand Plaza, the city was surrendered. The Mexicans lost a thousand men ; while the loss of the Americans in killed and wounded was less than one-half that number. * Santa Anna had been made Dictator, and was the commander-in-chief of the Mex ican army. He had been so sure of victory, that he sent his cavalry to intercept the retreat of the Americans. The American general, summoned to surrender, replied, " General Taylor never surrenders." In the midst of this dreadful battle he remained perfectly cool, calling out to his artillery officer at one time, " A little more grape, Captain Bragg ! " The battle of Buena Vista entirely broke up Santa Anna s splendid army of twenty thousand men. 4. Account of the battle of Bnena Vista ? 5. What province was conquered by Kearny ? What was invaded by Fremont ? How was the conquest of California completed ? JOHN C. FKKMONT 226 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OHEXICO, CALIFORNIA, Map Questions. Where is Vera Cruz ? Matamoras ? Jalapa ? Puebla ? Sal- tillo ? Leavenworth ? San Francisco ? Into what. body of water does the Rio Grande flow ? In what direction is Santa Fe from Leavenworth ? Saltillo from Matamoras ? City of Mexico from Jalapa ? 1847] FOLK S ADMINISTRATION 227 Scftlc mishes. The conquest of California was completed in 1847 by means of the American fleet under Commodores Slote and Stockton, assisted by Fremont and General Kearny. 6. Scott s Expedition. In order to conquer a peace, the authorities in Washington had decided to send an expedition to take possession of the Mexican capital ; and General Scott was chosen to command it. To strengthen the force given him for this purpose, a large number of Taylor s best troops were withdrawn. This it was that weakened that officer s army so greatly before the battle of Buena Vista. 7. Taking of Vera Cruz. Scott landed his army near the city of Vera Cruz, which was defended by a pow erful fortress. On the 22d of March, 1847, he opened a tremen dous fire upon both city and fortress ; and on the 27th both were compelled to surrender. On the 8th of April following, he commenced his march into the interior. 8. Battle of Cerro Gordo At the mountain pass of SCOTT S CAM PAI ON 6. What expedition was planned at Washington ? Who was placed in command ? 7. Account of the taking of Vera Cruz ? 8. Of the battle of Cerro Gordo ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1847 Cerro Gordo (sdr -ro gor -do], the Mexicans, about twelve thousand strong, under Santa Anna, waited behind strong fortifications to resist the advance of the invading army. The Americans cut a way round the mountains ; and while. a part made an attack on the front, others assailed the fortifications in the rear. The result was a complete victory. The Mexicans fled in confusion, and Santa Anna narrowly escaped capture.* 9. Other successes followed, and on the 15th of May, the invading army entered and occupied the ancient and popu lous city of Puebla (poo-d -Mah). Here Scott, having sent home a large number of his troops, because their terms had expired, waited for three months for reinforcements. On their arrival, he resumed his march toward the City of Mexico. 10. Occupation of Mexico Finding that the direct route to the Mexican capital was strongly fortified, Scott turned southward, and encamped about ten miles from the city. The approaches to it were strongly guarded by powerful batteries ; but these were all successively taken after severe conflicts, in which the American troops showed the greatest determination and daring. 11. The last of these places was carried by assault on the 13th of September ; and Santa Anna and his army, being unable to make any further resistance, fled from the city during the succeeding night. The next morning, General * So hurried was the flight of the Mexicans, that Santa Anna was obliged, it was said, to leave behind him his wooden leg. 9. What city was occupied ? How long did Scott remain there ? Why ? How did Scott reach Mexico ? 11. When did he enter the city ? 1847] POLK S ADMINISTRATION 229 Scott, at the head of the American army, made a tri umphal entry into the city. At first they were attacked SCOTT ENTERING THE CITY OF MEXICO from the housetops by the Mexican populace, but this opposition was soon quieted. 12. This event practically ended the war. On the 3d of February, 1848, a treaty of peace was signed, by which all the territory north of the "Rio Grande, and the provinces of New Mexico and California were relinquished to the United States. On the part of the latter, it was agreed that the sum of fifteen millions of dollars should be paid for the territory acquired, and that debts due from Mexico to American citizens, to the amount of three millions of dol- 12. What was the effect of this ? On what terms was peace made ? 230 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1848 SEAL OF IOWA lars, should be assumed. Peace was proclaimed by President Polk on the 4th of July, 1848.* 13. New States. Iowa, the twenty-ninth state, was admitted into the Union in 1846. It origin ally formed a part of the Louisiana purchase,! an( ^ had been succes sively a part of Missouri, Michigan, and Wisconsin territories, until it was organized as a sep arate territory, in 1838. Iowa Territory at that time comprehended nearly all of Min nesota ; but was reduced to its present limits when admitted as a state. Wisconsin was admitted in 1848. This had been previously a part of Illinois Territory and of Michigan Territory. 14. Discovery of Gold in Cali fornia. The most important event during the latter part of Polk s administration was the discovery of gold in California. When the news reached * The treaty was made by commissioners who met at Guadalupe Hidalgo, a small town about four miles from the City of Mexico ; but the boundary between the two countries soon became a subject of dispute, which was not settled till 1853, when the United States purchased the Mesilla Valley, or, as it was called, the Gadsden Pur chase, for ten millions of dollars, General Gadsden having been the agent employed by the United States in transacting the affair. t A trading-post was established in 1810 by a Frenchman named Dubuque, on the site of the town afterwards named after him. The first permanent settlement of Iowa was made at Burlington in 1833. 13. What state was admitted in 1846 ? What in 1848 ? What is said of the previous history of Iowa ? Of Wisconsin ? 14. Of the discovery of gold in California ? Where is San Francisco (Map, p. 226) ? SEAL OF WISCONSIN 1849] POLKAS ADMINISTRATION 231 the Atlantic states, the excitement became intense and wide-spread. Thousands, regardless of peril or hardship, flocked to the gold regions, some daring the deadly climate of the isthmus, which they had to cross by the shorter route, or taking the more tedious voyage around Cape Horn. San Francisco,* which had been a small quiet port, fre quented by whalers or small fish- SEAL OF CALIFORNIA ing vessels, became in a few months an emporium, in the harbor of which might be seen ships from every quarter of the globe. 15. Growth of California Election of Taylor. From nearly every part of the world, emigrants rushed with eagerness to the "gold diggings," and the population of the territory increased with wonderful rapidity. Within two years, that of the city of San Francisco numbered twenty thousand, consisting of people of all nations. It was during the excitement of the "gold fever" that Presi dent Folk s term of office expired. His successor was * Before 1779, eight establishments, missionary and military, were formed by the Spaniards on the Pacific coast of North America, the most southern being San Diego, the most northern, San Francisco ; and during the five years preceding that date, three exploring voyages were made by order of the Spanish government, in which the coast was examined as far north as the sixtieth parallel. (See page 35, note.) By the year 1800, as many as sixteen Spanish missions had been established in various parts of Upper California. Here the Indians were gathered, and the Catholic missionaries taught them the arts of civilized life, and imparted to them the truths of Christianity. After Mexico had become independent, the mission lands, comprising several million acres, were occupied by the Mexican government, and the missions were gradually abandoned. 15. Describe the rush to the "gold diggings." What is said of the growth of San Francisco ? Who succeeded James K. Polk as President ? 232 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1849 Zachary Taylor,* the most popular hero of the Mexican War, who was inaugurated on the 5th of March, 1849, the 4th being Sunday. 16. Taylor s Administration. In September, 1849, there was a sufficient num ber of settlers in California 4MgjSir_, \ ^ ^ orm a state ; and a con- ^ \ stitution having been agreed upon, application was made to Congress to admit it. This led to another violent agitation of the " slavery question/ for the constitu tion of the new state pro hibited slavery. Before the decision of the question, President Taylor died (July 9th, 1850), and was succeeded by the Vice-president, Millard Fillmore,f of New York. 17. Fillmore s Administration Other questions be- * Zachary Taylor was a Virginian, born in 1784. He entered the army as lieutenant when about twenty-four years of age, and rapidly obtained promotion, serving in the War of 1812 and the Black Hawk War. His victory over the Seminoles, in 1837, gave him considerable distinction ; but it was in the Mexican War that he won his greatest laurels as a soldier ; and, by his simplicity, directness, and indomitable daring, ac quired the popular favor. His soldiers used to call him "Old Rough and Ready." His laconic expressions at Buena Vista, " General Taylor never surrenders ! " and, "A little more grape, Captain Bragg," were often quoted during the presidential campaign which resulted in his election. t Millard Fillmore was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1800. He was a member of the State legislature for several years, and in 1832 was elected a representative in Con gress. He died in 1873. 16. What led to another agitation of the slavery question ? Why ? When did President Taylor die ? Who succeeded him ? 17. What led to a bitter partisan opposition ? How was a compromise effected ? 1850] FILLMORE S ADMINISTRATION 233 sides the admission of California had been introduced into Congress, and were under discussion at this time. This caused a hitter and vio- . lent controversy between the opposing parties, which appeared to menace the safety of the Union. The great orator and statesman, Henry Clay,* by his fervid eloquence, did much to allay this strife ; and finally a compromise was effected, by which California was admitted as a free state (1850). 18. The Compromise of 1850. At the same time New Mexico and Utah were organized as territories ; the slave- trade was abolished in the District of Columbia, and the "Fugitive Slave Law" was passed, providing for the return to their owners of slaves escaping to a free State. Daniel Webster, f a member of the United States Senate, * Henry Clay was born in Virginia in 1777. He served in Congress first as a repre sentative of Kentucky, afterwards as Speaker for several years, and then as senator. He was one of the commissioners that signed the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. He died in Washington in 1852. t Daniel Webster was born in New Hampshire in 1782. The principal part of his life was passed at Washington, where he served as a member of Congress or of the Cabinet. He was Secretary of State under Tyler, and negotiated a treaty with Lord Ashburton, settling the dispute between the United States and Great Britain in relation to the boundary of Maine. He was greatly distinguished for his eloquence, statesmanship, and knowledge of constitutional law. The latter entitles him to the name which he received of " Expounder of the Constitution." He died in 1852. MILLARB PILLMORE 18. What was the compromise ? What was the " Fugitive Slave Law " ? How was it viewed at the North ? Who aided in effecting a compromise ? 234 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1853 contributed his aid in effecting this compromise., which, although it allayed the excitement between the two sections of the country, gave great offense to a large party in the North, who were opposed to all concessions to the slave power. 19. Pierce s Admin istration. Franklin Pierce,* of New Hamp shire, succeeded to the presidency on the 4th of March, 1853. The next year, the agitation of the " slavery ques tion " was again revived by the passage of a law by Congress organizing the terri tories of Kansas and Nebraska. This law repealed the Missouri compromise, and substituted for it what was called by some " Squatter Sovereignty ; " the right of the people in each territory to decide whether they would have slaves or not. This measure again .produced an intense excitement in the North, f * Franklin Pierce was born in New Hampshire in 1804. He was a brigadier-general in Scott s army in the Mexican war, and took part in the battles preceding the taking of the City of Mexico. He died in 1869. t This year, 1854, is noted for Commodore Perry s expedition to Japan, which resulted in partly opening that country, closed so long against the world, to American commerce. 19. Who succeeded Fillmore ? What caused a further agitation of the slavery question 5 What was meant by " Squatter Sovereignty " ? DANIEL WEBSTER 1856] PIERCERS ADMINISTRATION 285 FRANKLIN TIERCE 20. Civil War in Kansas But it did not turn out as the friends of slavery had expected. The slave states exerted themselves to the utmost to send settlers to the new territory of Kan sas ; but those from the free states were the most numerous. Civil war en sued ; for the border ruf fians of Missouri, and others in favor of slavery, would not submit to be outvoted, and the peaceful citizens were resolved to defend their rights. This state of things for a considerable time rendered Kansas a scene of law lessness and bloodshed. 21. Organization of the Republican Party. Anew political party, styled the Republican Party, arose, organ ized in the support of the "free soil" principle, that is, of not permitting any extension of slavery into free territory. This party, in 1856, nominated for the presidency John C. Fremont, noted for his connection with the invasion and conquest of California during the Mexican War. 22. Election of Buchanan. The Democratic Party, including nearly all the people of the South, as well as a large portion of those of the North, who were anxious to appease the discontent of the former by every possible 20. What caused civil war in Kansas ? 21. What new political party arose ? On what principle was it organized ? Whom did it nominate for the presidency ? 22. Who was elected ? By what party ? 236 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1859 constitutional measure, suc ceeded in electing their can didate, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, who was ac cordingly inaugurated on the 4th of March, 1857. 23. Buchanan s Admin istration Brown s Raid. The agitation of the slavery question was con tinued ; and "John Brown s Raid," in 1859, still further increased the bitterness of feeling between the two sec tions. Brown,* who was enthusiastic in his hatred of slavery, desired to set free as many slaves as he could ; and with this object he and twenty-one associates seized the arsenal at Harper s Ferry, for the purpose of making it a rendezvous. The movement, however, entirely failed. Those engaged in it were overpow- JAMES BUCHANAN SEAL, OF MINNESOTA * John Brown was the descendant of a Puritan family, and at an early age imbibed a bitter hostility to the institution of slavery. After the passage of the Kansas- Nebraska Bill, he went with his six sons to Kansas, to aid in the settlement of the ter ritory. With such boldness and determination did he oppose the violence of the pro- slavery party there, that his name became a terror to them. He was styled " Osawato- mie Brown," because at that place he encountered, with a mere handful of men, a force of nearly five hundred Missourians, and after killing thirty -five of their number, made good his retreat. Just previous to this, one of his sons had been shot dead by a border ruffian. 23. Describe "Brown s Raid (Map, p. 206) ? How did it result ? Where is Harper s Ferry 1860] BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION 237 ered by Virginia troops, assisted by the national forces ; thirteen of them were killed, two escaped, and the rest, including Brown, were tried, and, under the laws of Vir ginia, executed.* 24. Election of Abraham Lincoln. As Buchanan s term of office drew toward its close, no less than four can didates f were nominated to succeed him. Of these, Abraham Lincoln,]; the candidate of the Republicans, was successful ; although the Southern leaders had threatened that, if he should be elected, the States of the South would secede, or withdraw from the Union, as they claimed the right to do. 25. Secession of South Carolina. Accordingly, public meetings were held in South Carolina, to bring about a secession of that State ; and on the .20th of December, 1860, an ordinance was passed by a state convention held * The famous "Dred Scott Decision," increased the hostile feeling in the North against the slave power. Dred Scott and his wife were slaves, who had been carried by their master into Illinois, but were afterwards taken into Missouri. They claimed that having been carried into free territory by their master, they had been made free ; but Chief Justice Taney decided that slave masters could, under the Constitution of the United States, take their slaves into any State without any forfeiture of their prop erty in them, just as they could take their horses or cattle. This decision, it was as serted by the Republicans, changed slavery from a local to a national institution ; and they resisted it accordingly. t The extreme pro-slavery party nominated John C. Breckenridge, who had been Vice-President under Buchanan ; the " Squatter Sovereignty " party, Stephen A. Douglas. These two divided the Democratic party. The American party nominated John Bell, of Tennessee, with the simple party platform, " The Union, the Constitu tion, and the Enforcement of the Laws." % Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809. He served as captain in the Black Hawk War, afterwards as a member of the Illinois legislature ; and in 1846 he was chosen representative in Congress. His plainness and simplicity of address, homely wit, and incorruptible integrity, had made him very popular, and caused him to be very generally called " Honest Old Abe. 1 24. How many candidates were nominated to succeed Buchanan ? Who was elected ? What threat had been used by the Southern leaders ? 25. What took place in South Carolina ? 238 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1861 SEAL OF OREGON in Charleston, which formally declared that the " Union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the United States of America, is hereby dis solved." 26. Occupation of Fort Sum- ter Six days afterward, Major Anderson, commanding at Fort Moultrie, withdrew the garrison of eighty men from that fort, and removed to Fort Sumter, a place of greater security. This was considered a hostile act by the South Carolinians, and they at once seized the custom-house at Charleston, and other property of the general government, and commenced operations in order to compel Ander son to surrender the fort. 27. Organization of the Confed erate States. Six other Southern States, following the lead of South Carolina, at the commencement of 1861 passed secession ordinances : Mis sissippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. On the 4th of February, a congress of delegates from these States (except Texas) met at Montgomery, and organized a new union among themselves, adopting a constitution, and MAJOR ANDERSON 26. What was done by Major Anderson ? How was this act viewed by the Seces sionists ? Where is Fort Sumter (Map, p. 142) ? 27. What other states passed seces sion ordinances ? What Congress met ? What was done by it ? 1861] BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION 239 FOKT SUMTEK assuming the title of the " Confederate States of America." Jefferson Davis was elected by the Congress provisional President of the Confederacy for one year. 28. Proceed ings of the Se cessionists The steamer " Star of the West," sent from New York with supplies and reinforcements for Fort Sumter, arrived off Charleston, January 10th ; but being fired upon by the batteries erected by the Secessionists at Charles ton, was compelled to put back. Forts, arsenals, navy-yards, cus tom-houses, and other property of the nation, were seized by state authority for the Confederacy. Fort Pickens, near Pensacola, Fort Sumter, and the forts at the southern extremity of Florida, were all that remained to the general government within the limits of the seceded states. Buchanan, in the mean time, did nothing to vindicate the government.* * This inaction on the part of the president caused great dissatisfaction and alarm. It was ascertained that some of the members of the Cabinet were either leaders in the secession movement, or abettors of it. Thus, it was found, that, seemingly in prepara- 28. What attempt was made to reinforce Fort Sumter ? With what result ? What other proceedings by the Secessionists ? What forts remained to the United States ? 240 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1861 2g. New States Kansas was finally admitted as a free state without excitement in January, 1861. Previous to this, under Buchanan, two other states were admitted : Minnesota, in 1858, and Oregon,* in 1859. At the conclu sion of his term of office, Buchanan retired to his residence at Wheat- land, near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. SKAL OF KANSAS CHAPTER XIX Lincoln s Administration. The Great Civil War i. The affairs of the country, when Abraham Lincoln entered upon the office of president, March 4th, 1861, were in a sadly distracted condition. His inauguration took place in the presence of a large military force, under the command of General Scott ; for a disturbance had been anticipated. The president s inaugural address was mild tion for it, the national troops had been ordered to distant parts, the navy widely scattered, and everything possible done to weaken the general government, and further the plans of the Secessionists. Buchanan declared that the Constitution gave him no authority to use coercive measures ; and the cry, " No Coercion," became general with all who sympathized with the South. * In 1792, Captain Gray, in the ship Columbia, entered the Oregon River, and gave it the name of his ship. In 1804 an expedition under Lewis and Clark explored the headwaters of the Missouri River, and descended the Columbia to its mouth. Astoria, a trading-post at its mouth, was established by John J. Astor in 1811. In 1848, this region was organized as a territory, extending, under the name of Oregon Territory, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, and from British America to California. It is now wholly covered by the three states, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Text Questions. 29. What states were admitted? 1. Condition of affairs when Lincoln became president ? What is said of the inauguration ? Of the inaugural address ? ABRAHAM LINCOLN PART OF MARYLAND AND EASTERN PART OF VIRGINIA 1861] LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION- 243 and conciliatory, declaring, with special emphasis, that there was no intention on the part of the administration to interfere with slavery where it existed ; and, further, that the general government " had no right to do so." * 2. Course of the Southern Leaders. This assurance, however, had no effect upon the Southern leaders. Avow ing their duty to their states as more binding upon them than their obligations to the general government, they organized an army, and ordered General Beauregard (bo 1 -re- gar d) to reduce Fort Sumter. 3. Taking of Fort Sumter. After a bombardment of thirty-four hours, the defense being necessarily feeble, as the garrison was small f and their ammunition scanty, Anderson was compelled to yield. According to the con ditions, the garrison were allowed to march out of the fort with their colors and music, to salute the national flag, and return home with their private property. 4. Effect of the Surrender The President s Call * The closing paragraph of this address had a peculiar and quite affecting pathos : "I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passions may have strained, they must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. 1 t There were only seventy men to defend the fort against an attacking force of seven thousand. Anderson s account to the Secretary of War was as follows : "Hav ing defended Fort Sumter for thirty-four hours, until the quarters were entirely burned, the main gates destroyed, the gorge-wall seriously injured, the magazine sur rounded by flames, and its door closed from the effects of the heat, four barrels and three cartridges of powder only being available, and no provisions but pork remain ing, I accepted terms of evacuation offered by General Beauregard, and marched out of the fort on Sunday afternoon, the 14th instant, with colors flying and drums beat ing, bringing away company and private property, and saluting my flag with fifty guns." 2. What was the course of the Southern leaders ? 3. How was Fort Sumter taken ? Conditions of the surrender ? 4. What was the effect of the surrender ? President s proclamation ? How received in the North ? 244 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1861 for Troops. The indignation at the North, when the news was flashed over the country that the national flag had been fired upon and the fort surrendered, was universal and in tense. The President issued a proclamation calling for seventy-five thousand men, which was at once complied with by all the free states. Political differences were for gotten in the patriotic impulse to defend the national gov ernment, and protect the Union against those who had combined to destroy it. 5. Attack by the Mob at Baltimore. It was, how ever, difficult to reach Washington, as the troops had to pass through Maryland, where the secession feeling was strong. A Massachusetts regiment, on its way to the cap ital, was attacked, April 19th, in the streets of Baltimore, by a mob of Southern sympathizers ; and two of the sol diers were killed. Thus the anniversary of the battle of Lexington was signalized by the commencement of blood shed in the Great Civil War. 6. Proclamations by Davis and the President. Two days after President Lincoln s call for troops, Jefferson Davis issued a proclamation inviting and authorizing privateers to prey upon the commerce of the United States. On the 19th of April, President Lincoln declared the ports of the Confederate States to be in a state of blockade. 7. Secession of Other States. Delaware alone, of the slave states, promptly arrayed itself on the side of the Union. Before June, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and 5. Why was it difficult to reach Washington ? What attack was made at Balti more ? The date of this event ? 6. What proclamation was issued by Davis ? What by Lincoln ? 7. Which of the slave states obeyed the President s call for troops ? What other states passed ordinances of secession ? What places were seized ? 1861] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 245 North. Carolina passed secession ordinances. Virginians seized the armory at Harper s Ferry and the navy-yard at Norfolk, after a large part of the property they contained had been destroyed by the Union officers in charge. 8. Movements of the Union Troops Scarcely any offensive movements were made by the national troops pre vious to the 24th of May, when General Scott, the com mander of the Union army, sent a force into Virginia, which occupied Arlington Heights and Alexandria. Gen eral Butler also ordered a movement from Fortress Monroe against the Confederate works at Big Bethel ; but the at tack was repulsed with severe loss, Major Winthrop being among the killed. In West Virginia the Union forces, under General McClellan, gained several victories.* 9. Position of the Confederate and Union Armies. After the secession of Virginia, Richmond became the capital of the Confederacy ; and its army, numbering about one hundred thousand men, occupied a line through Virginia from Harper s Ferry to Norfolk. In the mean while, regiment after regiment from the Union States had poured into Washington, till an immense army had been collected. f The troops were all eager to defend the integ- * The people- of the western part of Virginia refused to sanction the ordinance of secession adopted by the state. It was accordingly occupied by Confederate troops ; but these were defeated by McClellan at Philippi, Rich Mountain, and Carriers Ford. Subsequently, another Confederate force was defeated by General Rosecrans at Carnifex Ferry. West Virginia was thus preserved to the Union, and afterwards became a separate State. t "By the end of May not less than fifty thousand men raw and undisciplined, in- deed, but mainly of the best material for soldiers held the line of the Potomac, or 8. Movement by General Scott ? By General Butler ? Result of the attack on Big Bethel ? Who was killed ? What was done in West Virginia ? 9. What was the capital of the Confederacy ? Position of the Confederate army ? Troops in Wash ington ? Their character ? 248 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1861 rity of the nation ; but, being raw and inexperienced, General Scott, who had the chief command under the President, hesitated to order a general advance against the enemy. 10. Order to Advance against Richmond. The pub lic mind, however, was greatly excited, and much impa tience was expressed that no movement was made to attack the Confederate forces, in order to disperse them and march "on to Richmond/ thus ending the war. Finally, therefore, about the middle of July, orders were given to General McDowell, with a large part of the Union forces, to attack the Confederates, under the command of Beaure- gard, at Manassas Junction. 11. Battle of Bull Run. On the 21st was fought the battle of Bull Run, a desperate conflict, in which more than forty thousand men were engaged. The advantage, at first, was upon the side of the Union army ; but the Confederates, being largely reinforced, at last prevailed ; and the national troops, exhausted and panic-stricken, fled in disorder toward Washington. 12. McClellan placed in Command This great de feat at first disheartened the Northern people ; but their determination and courage soon revived. Congress voted to raise more money and men. - The aged Scott retired from the command of the army, which was conferred on General McClellan, who had distinguished himself so guarded the approaches to the capital. And still, from every side, the people of the loyal States were urging more regiments upon the Government, and begging permission to swell the ranks of the Union armies." Greeley s American Conflict. 10. Demand of the Northern people ? What movement was ordered? 11. What battle was fought on the 21st of July ? Its result ? 12. What events followed it ? 1861] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 249 highly in West Virginia. The fortifications around Wash ington were strengthened so as to protect the capital from sudden capture. 13. The War in Missouri The efforts of the Seces sionists to take Missouri out of the Union were frustrated, mainly through the prompt action of General Lyon, aided by Colonel Sigel (se -gel). The former was slain in an un successful attack upon the Confederates at Wilson s Creek, near Springfield (August 10). General Fremont, com manding the Western Department, drove the Confederate army, under Price, southward as far as Springfield ; but he was superseded by the authorities at Washington, and the command given, at first, to General Hunter, and after ward to General Halleck. 14. Operations of the Union Navy. Meantime, the Union navy had been increased from less than fifty vessels to more than two hundred, a large number of which were required to blockade the Southern ports. Two important expeditions were sent to the South in the summer and fall of 1861. The former, under Commodore Stringharn (string -am) , aided by a military force under General But ler, captured the forts at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina ; the latter, under Commodore Dupont and General Sher man, took the forts at Port Eoyal entrance, South Carolina.* * Blockade-running was extensively carried on by British vessels, which made Nassau and the Bermuda Islands places of refuge and shelter. The profits of this business were immense, notwithstanding the frequent capture of the vessels ; for the war had made the products of the South cotton, tobacco, etc. very dear in Europe, and there was a great demand for European products in that section. 13. How were the Secessionists foiled in Missouri ? Where was Lyon slain ? What was done by Fremont ? Who afterward took the command ? 14. Describe the opera tions of the Union navy ? 250 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1862 15. Seizure of Mason and Slidell About the same time, Captain Wilkes, commanding the United States frigate San Jacinto (jd-sin -to), took from the English steamer Trent the Confederate Commissioners Mason and Slidell, who were on their way to Europe to obtain a recog nition of the Confederacy by foreign powers. This seizure being contrary to the rights of neutral vessels, the Com missioners on the demand of the British government were given up.* 16. Confederate Privateers. The Confederates fitted out a number of privateers, of which one of the most suc cessful was the steamer Sumter, under Captain Semmes (semz). This vessel succeeded in running the blockade at New Orleans in June. After capturing a number of ves sels, she crossed the Atlantic, and entered the Bay of Gibraltar, where she was overtaken by a United States gunboat. Not being able to escape, she was sold. Semmes and her crew then went to England and obtained a faster vessel, which, under the name of the Alabama, afterward became famous for its capture and destruction of American ships, f 17. Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson. In February, 1862, Commodore (afterward Admiral) Foote, * A feeling of indignation existed in the North against Great Britain for having, in May, 1861, recognized the Confederacy as a belligerent power, setting an example which France and other European powers soon followed. The prompt surrender, however, of these Commissioners, was an act of prudence ; for, had war ensued with Great Britain, it would have greatly aided the secession cause. t This vessel was finally, in June, 1864, met by the United States frigate Kearsarge (ke -ar-sarge), Captain Winslow, and, after a short contest, was sunk. 15. What was done by Captain Wilkes ? Why were the Commissioners given up ? 16. What is said of the privateer Sumter ? What other vessel did Semmes obtain 1 17. How were Forts Henry and Donelson taken ? What was the result 1 1862] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 251 commanding a fleet of gunboats, sailed up the Tennessee, and took Fort Henry. A few days later, General Grant,* with the aid of Footers gunboats, captured Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River, taking about ten thousand pris oners. The taking of these forts caused the evacuation of Columbus, on the Mississippi, and of Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, f 18. Capture of Confederate Posts on the Missis sippi. Foote, with his gunboats, descended the Missis sippi, and with the aid of General Pope, captured Island No. 10, one of the strongest of the Confederate posts. Memphis was taken a short time after, the Confederate fleet of gunboats having been defeated and partly destroyed. The successes of the Union fleet were stopped at Vicksburg, which was very strongly fortified. 19. Battle of Pittsburg Landing. General Grant, after the victory at Fort Donelson, proceeded up the Tennessee as far as Shiloh, near Pittsburg Landing, where, on the 6th of April, he was attacked by a large force under General A. S. Johnston. The Union troops were driven to the river, and saved from destruction only by the gunboats ; but Johnston was killed. The next day, reinforcements having * General Ulysses S. Grant, a graduate of West Point, had served in the Mexican War ; but at the commencement of the Civil War was concerned in a tannery in Galena, Illinois. He was placed in command of the Union forces at Cairo ; and on November 10th, 1861, attacked and destroyed the Confederate camp at Belmont. t Generals Floyd and Pillow, when they found that Fort Donelson could no longer be held, fled up the river in a steamboat. When General Buckner, the next morning, asked Grant for an armistice to arrange a capitulation, the latter replied : "No terms but unconditional surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works. 11 This led to the title U(nconditional) S(urrender) Grant. 18. What successes on the Mississippi ? 10. Give an account of the battle of Pitts burg Landing. Who took the command ? 252 OF THE UNITED STATES Map Questions. Where is Port Hudson ? Baton Rouge ? Natchez ? Vicksburg ? Memphis ? Fort Pillow ? Island No. 10 ? Paducah ? Bowling Green ? Fort Donel- eon ? Fort Henry ? Arkansas Post ? Shreveport ? Pea Ridge ? Springfield ? Cor inth ? New Orleans? Port Gibson ? Huntsville? 1862] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 253 arrived, the Confederates, commanded by Beauregard, were driven from their position, and retreated southward. Gen eral Halleck arrived soon after, and took command of Grant s victorious army. 20. Taking of New Orleans. In Louisiana the Union cause met with a success of great importance. This was the capture of New Orleans, on the 25th of April. The Union fleet, commanded hy Farragut and Porter, ascended the Mississippi in defiance of the forts, which they bombarded and passed.* After reaching the city, General Butler took formal possession of it, and placed it under martial law. 21. Naval Operations on the Atlantic Coast. Important successes, meanwhile, attended the efforts of the Unionists on the Atlantic coast. A land and naval * Two strong forts, Jackson and St. Philip, built by the United States, were held by the Confederates. These were situated on opposite sides of the river, about seventy- five miles below the city. An immense chain had also been stretched across the river under the guns of the forts, which was guarded also by a strong fleet, including a large iron-clad steamer, and a formidable steam ram, called the Manassas. All these obsta cles were overcome with the greatest skill and gallantry. Vessels were sent under cover of a dark night to cut the chain ; the Union vessels engaged and destroyed the Confederate fleet, and pushed on to New Orleans. The Confederate troops, after de stroying vast quantities of supplies, cotton, etc., abandoned the city. AUMIKAL FAKKAGUT 20. Give an account of the taking of New Orleans ? What general took possession of it ? 21, What naval operations on the Atlantic coast ? 254 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1862 expedition, under General Burnside and Commodore Golds- borough, took Roanoke Island, February 8th. This success was followed by the destruction of a Confederate flotilla at Elizabeth City, and the capture of that place. Burnside also gained a victory at Newbern ; and an expedition, fitted out at Port Royal, took Fort Pulaski. FIGHT BETWEEN THE MERRIMAC AND THE MONITOR 22. Attack of the Merrimac The Merrimac,* one of the vessels which had been sunk at Norfolk by the Union commander there, when the place was taken by the Con federates, was subsequently raised, cut down almost to the * This was one of the finest vessels of the American navy. She was nearly three hundred feet long, and more than fifty feet wide. As altered by the Confederates, she became a vast floating iron-clad battery, impenetrable by any gnns then in use. 22. Give an account of the attack of the Merrimac ? 1862] TEE GREAT CIVIL WAR 255 water s edge, and covered with a thick plating of iron. A new name was then given to her the Virginia, This ves sel, on the 8th of March, steamed out from Norfolk and destroyed the Federal ships of war Cumberland and Con gress, which, unprepared for an encounter with such a ves sel, could make no effectual resistance. 23. Fight between the Merrimac and the Monitor. Only the coming on of night had prevented the destruc tion of the other national vessels, and it was anticipated that on the next day the iron-clad monster would complete her work. During the night, however, a newly-invented floating battery, called the Monitor,* arrived from New York. This vessel was commanded by Lieutenant Worden. When, therefore, the Merrimac steamed out the next day, she met with a very different reception. Iron-clad against iron-clad, the battle raged long and fiercely ; but at last the Merrimac, being too much disabled to continue the fight, retreated to Norfolk. The Monitor was only slightly dam aged, and no one on board was seriously injured except her brave commander.! * This vessel was designed and built at New York by Captain Ericsspn. She was about one hundred and seventy feet long, and as, owing to the great weight of iron on her surface, she projected but slightly above the water, she looked like a raft bearing a round turret about twenty feet in diameter and nine feet high. "A cheese-box on a raft ! " was the exclamation of some who first saw her. She was covered with nine- inch plates of iron, and her turret bore two heavy eleven-inch guns. She was worked by a steam-engine entirely protected from the enemy s shot. When the plan of the Monitor was proposed, it met with derision from the officials ; but this remarkable and timely victory made this kind of vessel very popular. Several others were sub sequently built and did most important service. t As he was looking out of the pilot-house through an eye-hole, a shell exploded against the house in front of the hole, driving the powder into his face and eyes with so much force as to render him blind and helpless. It was many months before he was able to resume active service. 23. Of the fight between the Merrimac and the Monitor. 256 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1862 24. Movement of McClellan against Richmond. In the mean time, a vast army had been collected near Washington under McClellan, the object of which was to take the Confederate capital, Richmond. Early in March, 1862, an advance was ordered ; and McClellan embarked his troops for Fortress Monroe, whence, April 4th, he com menced his march up the peninsula between the York and James Rivers. 25. Battle of Williamsburg Taking of Norfolk. Compelling the Southern troops to retreat from Yorktown, after a month s siege, McClellan gained a victory at Wil liamsburg, May 5th ; and then pushed on to within seven miles of Richmond. Meanwhile, General Wool, proceed ing from Fortress Monroe, took possession of Norfolk, in consequence of which the Confederates destroyed their famous iron-clad, the Merrimac, or Virginia. 26. Battle of Fair Oaks. At Fair Oaks, McClellan s army was attacked on the 31st of May, and a bloody but indecisive battle ensued, lasting nearly two days. General Joseph E. Johnston, the Confederate general -in-chief, hav ing been severely wounded, was relieved from duty, and General Robert E. Lee appointed to the command. Gen eral T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson,* having defeated or eluded the Union armies in the Shenandoah Valley, joined Lee, * " The appellation Stonewall owed its origin to a remark of General Bee, just before he fell at the battle of Manassas, on the 21st of July, 1861. While rallying his men, he said, There is Jackson, standing like a stone wall. " 24. What movement was made by McClellan ? 25. What battle was fought on the Peninsula ? What city was taken ? 26, What battle was fought on the 31st of May ? What followed ? 1862] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 257 and by a rapid movement threatened the communications of McClellan s army. 27. The Seven Days Battles. Believing that the forces at his disposal were not sufficient to protect his lines, McClellan transferred his base of operations to the James River. While effecting this movement, he was attacked by the Confederates, and a series of destructive battles ensued, which continued during seven days (June 25-July 1). In the last of these engagements at Malvern Hill, Lee was repulsed, and McClellan was thus enabled to retire to Har rison s Landing, on the James River. The Peninsular campaign thus proved a failure. 28. The Army of Virginia An army was then organ ized by the President, called the army of Virginia, and General Pope was called from the West to take command of it. The remnant of McClellaii s army was recalled to join this army under its new commander, who proposed to march on Richmond by a new route. 29. Second Battle of Bull Run. Relieved from the task of defending their capital against McClellan s troops, the Confederates now moved toward Washington. Jack son, commanding the advance, attacked the force under General Banks at Cedar Mountain, and compelled its retreat. The main army, under Pope, met with a dis astrous defeat at Bull Run ; and Lee, taking advantage of his victory, crossed the Potomac into Maryland. 30. Battles of South Mountain and Antietam Mean- 27. What battles were fought in June and July ? The result ? 28. What army was organized ? Who was appointed to the command ? 29. Give an account of the second battle of Bull Run. Its result ? 30. What battles were fought in Maryland ? Their result ? Who was appointed to succeed McClellan ? 17 258 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1863 while, McClellan had been recalled from the James, and had again been entrusted with the command of the army. He checked Lee s invading army at South Mountain (Sep tember 14th), and a few days afterward defeated Lee in the great battle of Antietam (an-te -tam), after which the Con federates retreated across the Potomac into Virginia. But McClellan, with his customary delay, remained in Maryland till October ; and the President, dissatisfied at his inaction, appointed General Burnside in his stead. 31. Battle of Fredericksburg. Under its new com mander, the army advanced to Fredericksburg, which was taken ; but in an attempt to storm the Confederate works, on the other side of the river, t*he Union forces were re pulsed with terrible slaughter (December 13). This put a stop, for a time, to all attempts to take Richmond. 32. Battle of Murfreesboro . While Lee was invading Maryland, a large Confederate force, under General Bragg, advanced into Kentucky, with the design of making it a Confederate State, as many of its inhabitants desired. On the 31st of December, General Rosecrans,* with a large army, met the Confederates at Stone River, near Murfrees boro . The battle lasted during the day without any decided result ; and on the 2d of January it was resumed by Bragg, but he was signally defeated, and compelled to retreat. * General Rosecrans had just won a victory at Corinth in Mississippi, where, with a considerably inferior force he repulsed an attack by Generals Van Dorn and Price with an army of nearly forty thousand men. Corinth, after the battle of Shiloh, became a Union post, and large stores had been collected there. 31. Give an account of the battle of Fredericksburg. 32. Of the battle of Mur freesboro . 1863] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 259 33. Battle of Chancellorsville. Burnside having, at his own request, been relieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac, General Hooker * was appointed in his place. The army, being thoroughly reinforced and put in excellent con dition, advanced in April, and crossed the Rappahannock. At Chancellorsville, it encountered the Confederate army, under Lee, and after a terrific battle, was defeated with heavy loss (May 3d and 3d).f Hooker, find ing his advance effectually checked, recrossed the river. 34. Invasion of the North by Lee. Lee, encouraged by his success, now began a movement northward, and in vaded Maryland and Pennsylvania. The minds of the Northern people, were greatly alarmed, for a large and splendid army had just been driven back, seeming to be * General Joseph Hooker had gained a splendid reputation for courage and skill in the previous campaign of the Army of the Potomac. Hence the name sometimes ap plied to him of ^-Fighting Joe." t The Confederates, at this time, lost one of their ablest generals Stonewall Jackson who was wounded during a night attack, it is said by the fire of his own men, mis taking his party for a corps of the enemy. He was wounded on the 2d of May, and died on the 10th. 33. Of the battle of Chancellorsville. 34. What movement did Lee. undertake ? Its effect at the North ? What was done ? ROBERT E. LEE 260 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1863 powerless to repel the invaders. Hooker was removed, and General Meade appointed to the command. Militia forces were hurried to the seat of war, for the Confederate general, it was said, had scornfully boasted that he would water his horses at the Delaware and the Hudson, and dictate terms of peace at Philadelphia or New York. 35. Battle of Gettysburg. The Union forces finally made a stand at Gettysburg, a place well selected for defense; and on the 1st, ;>d, and 3d of July, one of the most terrific battles of the war was fought. Day after day,- Lee advanced his veterans against the lines of the Unionists ; but all in vain, and at last, after losing a third of his grand army, he was compelled to retreat. This was probably the most important and decisive en gagement of the war.* 36. Opening of the Mississippi. It was the chief object of General Grant, who commanded the national forces in the Southwest, to open the Mississippi, which was effectually closed by the fortifications of Vicksburg, and, further south, by those of Port Hudson. By a series of skillful movements, Grant seized a position suitable for operations, and defeated in the open field the Confederate generals Pernberton and Johnston, finally shutting up Pernberton and his army within the intrenchments of * "The Federal loss was about twenty thousand ; that of the Confederates was, in killed, wounded, and missing, not less than thirty thousand, a loss which they were ill able to repair. 1 .4. H. Stephens. Meade reported his loss in killed, wounded, and missing, at twenty-three thousand, one hundred and eighty-six. 35. Describe the battle of Gettysburg. What was its result ? 36. Where was the Mississippi closed? How was Vicksburg taken? When? Port Hudson? The effect ? 1863] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 261 Vicksburg, which, after a long siege, surrendered on the 4th of July, 1863.* The Confederates, on learning the fate of Vicksburg, also surrendered Port Hudson f (July 9th), and thus the Mississippi was opened, and the Confed eracy cut in twain. 37. Battle of Chickamauga. After the battle of Mur- freesboro , the forces of Rosecrans and Bragg remained inactive till June. Then Rosecrans advanced, compelled Bragg to retreat, and, by threatening his communications, forced him (September 8) to evacuate Chattanooga. Mean while, Lee, having reached a secure position on the Rapidan, in Virginia, hurried reinforcements to Bragg, and thus enabled him to turn on his pursuers. The two armies met near Chickamauga Creek, and a battle of two days ensued (September 19 and 20), the result of which was, that the Federal army was partially routed, being only saved from destruction by the determined heroism of G.eneral Thomas. J 38. Battle of Chattanooga. Driven behind the in- * The Confederates lost, by this surrender, two hundred guns and an army of thirty thousand men, who were released on parole. Lee s invasion of Maryland and Penn sylvania was partly intended to relieve this place by drawing off some of the besieging force ; but Grant held on with his characteristic tenacity, till he had accomplished his object. Scarcely ever have the inhabitants of a besieged city suffered more dreadful hardships than did the wretched people of Vicksburg during the relentless bombard ment to which it was subjected, compelled to burrow in cellars and caves, to escape the fury of the iron storm, which, day after day, poured upon them. The garrison, too, suffered terribly from the Union sharp-shooters. A hat held above the works was pierced almost instantly with fifteen rifle-balls. t It had been besieged for several months by Banks, and the surrender was made to that general. \ It was here that this heroic general won the title which was afterwards conferred upon him the "Rock of Chickamauga. 1 37. What led to the battle of Chickamauga ? Its result ? 38. The battle of Chat tanooga ? 262 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1863 trench merits of Chattanooga, with the Confederates holding the surrounding hills, and cut off from escape, the position of the Union forces was critical indeed. Reinforcements under Hooker were rushed by rail to their aid, and Grant assumed the command. The battle of Chattanooga soon followed, and after three days desperate fighting, Bragg was driven into Georgia (November 25).* 39 About the same time the Confederate forces under Longstreet were repulsed by Burnside, at Knoxville. A bold raid was made into Indiana and Ohio by the partisan ranger Morgan ; but he was pursued day and night for a distance of nearly seven hundred miles, and his band were killed, captured, or scattered. Morgan himself was taken prisoner. 40. Draft Riot in New York. In order to obtain the necessary recruits for the army, the President having called for three hundred thousand m-ore men, it was found requisite to resort to a draft. This excited great opposi tion ; and, in New York, a riot broke out on the 13th of July, which lasted four days, and was only put down by the most determined efforts of the police and the military. Many buildings were sacked and burned, and a large number of persons killed. The colored population of the * The attack on the Confederate army on Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain was one of the bravest exploits of the war. The Union soldiers marched up the ascent, storming ridge after ridge, and entrenching themselves at every point gained, till they had reached the heights above Chattanooga. Bragg s army was completely routed ; and he was soon after relieved of his command, being succeeded by General Joseph E. Johnston. 39. Other operations ? Give an account of Morgan s raid. 40. Describe the draft riot in New York. 1863] TEE GREAT CIVIL WAR 263 city, being an object of particular hatred to the rioters, suffered severely. 41. Admission of West Virginia. The people in the western counties of Virginia were, from the beginning of the war, en tirely opposed to secession. They refused, therefore, to obey the ordi nance passed by the State legisla ture, and took early measures to effect a separation from the old State, and obtain admission as a SEAL OF WEST VIlUilNIA State into the Union. This was accomplished in 1863, the State being admitted under the name of West Virginia. 42. Rearrangement of the Army. All eyes were now turned on Grant, as the best and most successful of the Union generals ; and the President conferred on him the command of all the forces of the United States, under the title of Lieutenant-General.* Sherman assumed the com mand of the army at Chattanooga, while Meade, under Grant, commanded the Army of the Potomac. Both these armies were to act in concert, moving at the same time, the one against Atlanta,! and the other against Richmond. * An act of Congress was passed in February, 1864, providing for the appointment of a Lieutenant-General to command all the armies of the Union, an honor which had never previously been conferred on any other than Washington and Scott. President Lincoln immediately nominated General Grant for the office, and the nomination was confirmed on the 3d of March. t Atlanta was a great railroad center, and had immense magazines, workshops, and stores, all of the greatest importance to the Confederate government. Hence this city became one of the chief objective points of the war at this time. 41. What State was admitted in 1863 ? 42. What change in the army commanders ? What were the objective points ? 264 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1864 43. Red River Expedition. About the same time, an expedition against Shreveport, Louisiana, under the com mand of General Banks, aided by Porter s fleet, met with a series of disasters, which caused its entire failure. The vessels, in consequence of a fall in the Red River, were saved from capture and de struction only by the construction of a dam across the river, by means of which the boats were enabled to go over the falls.* The loss of men and material, occasioned by this failure, was very great (March and April). * In less than nine days a dam of timber and stone was constructed across the river, a little below the falls. The width of the river at that point was 758 feet, its depth 4 to 6 feet, and the rapidity of the current 10 miles an hour. By the dam, the depth was increased over 5 feet, making the stream passable for the largest vessels. It was a perilous descent, however. The first gunboat that tried it "took the chute without a balk, and then rushed like an arrow through the narrow aperture in the lower dam ; 1864] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 265 44. Massacre at Fort Pillow The absence of troops to aid Banks in the Red River expedition, induced the Confederates, under General Forrest, to make a raid into the western part of Tennessee and Kentucky. Union City was captured. An attack upon Fort Pillow (April 12th) was bravely resisted ; but, at last, the place was carried by assault, and three hundred of its defenders, mostly colored troops, were massacred. 45. Capture of Atlanta. Sherman moved against Johnston in May, and by outflanking him with his larger force, drove him from one position after another, till, in July, he had nearly reached Atlanta. The Confederate government becoming dissatisfied with Johnston s con tinual retreats, then put General Hood in command. This general, however, met with still greater disaster. His determined assaults upon the Union army were repulsed with heavy loss ; and, at last, when Sherman began to sur round Atlanta, and had again defeated a large division of his army, he abandoned the city (Sept. 2). 46. Battle of Nashville. Sherman, finding that Hood had gone northward, with the design of destroying the com munications of the Union army, instead of pursuing him, sent Thomas to defend Tennessee, while he, himself, re solved to march through Georgia to the coast. At Nash- pitched down the roaring torrent ; hung for a moment on the rocks below ; and was then swept on into deep water." All passed with but little damage, and the loss of but one man, who was swept overboard. This device was suggested by Colonel Bailey, formerly a Wisconsin lumberman. 44. What raid was made ? What massacre occurred ? 45. How did Sherman reach Atlanta ? Who was appointed in Johnston s place ? What was the result of his attacks ? When and why was the city abandoned by Hood ? 46. What course did Sherman take ? Who was sent to Tennessee ? When and where was Ilooff defeated ? 266 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1864 ville, Hood s army was defeated and nearly destroyed by Thomas in a terrific battle of two days (Dec. 15, 16). 47. Sherman s March to the Coast. Breaking away entirely from his northern com munications, Sher man, on the 15th of November, com menced his ever memorable march to the sea -coast. Passing through Georgia and living upon the country as he advanced, he successively occupied the State capital and other large towns, until, he reached Fort McAllister,* which he carried by assault, and on the morning of the 21st of December, he entered Savannah, w r here he captured immense stores and one hundred and fifty guns, besides twenty-five thousand bales of cotton, f * In five weeks, the army, protected by the cavalry under Kilpatrick, marched more than three hundred miles. During this time, Sherman and his troops were unheard of at the North, and great anxiety was felt on their account. The first news of the suc cess and safety of Sherman s army was brought by scouts who left it as it was ap proaching Savannah. Hiding in the rice swamps by day, and paddling down the river at night, they succeeded in passing Fort McAllister, and were picked up by the Union gunboats. t Sherman presented these products of his victory to President Lincoln, as a " Christmas present to the nation. 1 47. Describe Sherman s march to the coast. What fort was taken ? When was Savannah entered ? What was captured ? GENERAL SHERMAN 1864] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 26? 48. Campaign in Virginia. The campaign in Virginia was planned by Grant, and conducted by him in person, Meade having the subordinate command of the army. On the 4th of May, the army crossed the Eapidan; and on the following day Grant encountered Lee in a terrific contest, known as the battle of the Wilderness, which raged for two days. Grant, with his large army, was enabled to outflank the Confederates, who retreated and took up successively positions at Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna, and Cold Harbor, at each of which a terrible battle was fought, without any decisive result.* In this series of battles, Grant lost, probably, sixty thousand men. 49. Siege of Petersburg. Bntler, co-operating with Meade, sailed from Fortress Monroe, and secured a position on the south side of the James ; and on the 14th of June Grant transferred his army to that side of the river, where the troops were confronted by the strong fortifications of Petersburg, which, in spite of every effort of the Union general, were held by the Confederates till the following spring. 50. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley Third Invasion of the North. In the mean time, the Shenan- * After the battle at Spottsylvania Court House, Grant sent a dispatch to the War Department, in which he said, "We have now (May 11) ended the sixth day of very heavy fighting. The result, to this time, is much in our favor. Our losses have been heavy, as well as those of the enemy. 7 propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer. 48. Who planned the Virginia campaign ? When did Grant set out ? What bat tles were fought ? The result ? What was Grant s loss ? 49. Where was the army transferred ? Where did the Confederates make a stand ? How long was Petersburg held ? 50. Where had there been constant warfare ? Who was sent to invade Mary land ? What was done by Early ? How far did the invaders go ? What obliged them to retreat ? 268 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1864 doah Valley had been the scene of almost constant warfare. Lee, after reaching his strong position at Petersburg, de tached a considerable force under General Early to invade Maryland. Passing down the Valley, he defeated the Union forces, crossed the Potomac, and threatened Wash ington and Baltimore. A body of Confederates advanced into Pennsylvania and set fire to Chambersburg, but was afterward pursued and compelled to retreat. 51. Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Grant de spatched a strong force under General Sheridan to the Valley ; and, on the 19th of September, that officer attacked and routed Early near Winchester, and three days after, at Fisher s Hill, gained a second victory. The next month, during the absence of Sheridan, his army was suddenly attacked at Cedar Creek, and driven in disorder from its position. Sheridan, on his return, hearing the firing, came up at full speed as the army was in retreat. He at once rallied the men, formed them in line, charged the Confederates, who were plundering the camp, and utterly routed them. This ended the campaign in the Shenandoah. 52. Farragut at Mobile. In July, a powerful fleet, under Admiral Farragut, aided by a land force, was sent against Mobile, the harbor of which was strongly defended by Forts Morgan and Gaines, as well as a Confederate fleet. Farragut successfully passed the forts, and gained a com plete victory over the fleet. The two forts were then cap- 51. Who was despatched to the Valley by Grant? What victories did Sheridan gain ? -What occurred at Cedar Creek ? How was the army saved ? 52. What was done by Parragut in Mobile Bay ? 270 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1865 PABROTT GUN tured. This was one of the most brilliant achievements of the war.* 53. Sherman s Campaign of 1865 Sherman, having halted at Savannah only long enough to refit his army, was again in mo tion by the first of Feb ruary. On the 17th he captured Columbia, and thus compelled the Confederates to evacu ate Charleston, which was immediately occu pied by General Gilmore (February 18), who had besieged it for nearly two years, f Fort Sumter was abandoned at the same time, and once more the Union flag was raised over the fort, now a pile of ruins. 54. Sherman continued his march northward, passing into North Carolina, where he met and defeated a Confed- * The cool heroism displayed by Farragut in this terrific naval battle, was very re markable. He caused himself to be lashed to the main-top of his flag-ship, the Hart ford, in order that he might be able clearly to observe and direct the movements of the fleet. t Gilmore had obtained a position near enough to bombard Charleston with his heavy guns. One of these, a monster in size, called the "Swamp Angel," had done considerable execution. When Charleston was entered by the Union forces, its con dition was thus described : " Not a building for blocks here is exempt from the marks of shot and shell. All have suffered more or less. Here is a fine brown-stone bank building, vacant and deserted, with great gaping holes in the sides and roof, through which the sun shines and the rain pours ; windows and sashes blown out by exploding shell within ; plastering knocked down ; counters torn up, floors crushed in, and frag ments of Mosaic pavement, broken and crushed, lying around on the floor." 53. Describe Sherman s march through South Carolina. When was Columbia entered ? Charleston ? Fort Sumter ? 54. What other events in Sherman s cam. paign ? Where did he join Terry ? What city wag taken in January preceding this ? 1865] TEE GREAT CIVIL WAR 271 erate army under General Hardee (March 16), and four days later gained a victory over General Johnston, who withdrew his army to Raleigh, leaving Sherman to form a junction with Schofield and Terry, the latter of whom, in January, had taken Wilmington. 55. Close of Grant s Campaign Capture of Rich mond. On the 29th of March, the final movement of GranVs forces was commenced. A force under Sheridan and Warren was sent to attack the right flank of Lee s army. This led to the hattle of Five Forks, in which the Confederates were defeated (April 1). A general attack on their line followed, which was pierced at several points. Lee at once abandoned Petersburg and Richmond,* which were occupied by the Union forces on the 3d of April. 56. Surrender of Lee and Johnston Close of the "War. Lee retreated to the southwest, hoping to be able to join Johnston in North Carolina ; but the retreating troops were hotly pursued by Sheridan ; and on the 9th, Lee, over taken and surrounded, surrendered to General Grant near Appomattox Court House, f The surrender of Johnston soon followed, and the GREAT CIVIL WAR was at an end. * When Lee found that his position at Petersburg could no longer be held, he sent a telegram to Davis in Richmond, containing very nearly the following words: "My lines are broken in three places, Richmond must be evacuated this evening." This occurred on Sunday, April 2d, and the dispatch reached Mr. Davis while he sat in church, where it was handed to him amid the fearful silence of the congregation. He hurried out of the church, and the rumor at once sptead that the city was to be abandoned. t " On this occasion Grant exhibited the greatest magnanimity. He declined to re ceive the sword of Lee, and in his capitulation paroled him and the less than eight thousand Confederates who then and there grounded their arms." Alex. H. Stephens. 55. When was Grant s final movement made ? What led to the battle of Five Forks ? Its result ? What followed ? When were Petersburg and Richmond occu pied by the Union forces ? 56. What caused Lee s surrender ? Johnston s ? 273 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1865 57. Assassination of President Lincoln. The joy of the Northern people at this triumph of the Union cause, was soon and suddenly turned into mourning. President Lincoln, re-elected in the Fall of 1864, had entered on his second term on the 4th of March following. In less than a week after Lee s surrender* he was assassinated f in a thea tre at Washington by a person named Booth,, Avho, sympa thizing with the Confederate cause, had become frenzied by its failure, and fancied that in killing the President he was avenging the wrongs of his section. J Lincoln died on the morning after lie was shot (April 15). 58. General Remarks on the War. Probably no other war, in the history of the world, called forth such mighty efforts as were made by both parties in the great "Amer ican Conflict " nor was any similar struggle ever waged on so grand a scale, or with so vast a destruction of men and material, especially in proportion to the time of its duration * Jefferson Davis fled southward on the abandonment of Richmond ; but soon a party of cavalry started on his track. They followed him through the Carolinas into Georgia, where they suddenly came upon his hiding place ; and, notwithstanding an attempt to escape, he was discovered and seized. He was conveyed a prisoner to Fortress Monroe, where he was kept in confinement until 1867, when he was released. t As the President sat in his box in Ford s theater, with his wife and friends, the assassin stealthily approached, entered the box, and shot his victim in the back of the head. Then leaping to the stage, he waved his pistol, and shouted, "Sic semper ty- rannis ! " (the motto of Virginia So be it to tyrants), and rushed away. In jumping, however, his spur had caught in the American flag which draped the box, and he fell and broke his leg. He nevertheless succeeded in his escape, and fled into Maryland, where he was tracked to his hiding-place, and refusing to surrender, was shot by one of the soldiers. % Another assassin, with similar feelings of revenge, on the same evening broke into Secretary Seward s chamber, where he was lying sick, and made an almost fatal attack upon his life. 57. Give an account of the assassination of Lincoln. When did his death occur ? 58. What is said of the magnitude of the war ? Its destructiveness ? The efforts, put forth on each side ? 1865] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 273 about four years. The perseverance and determination manifested by each section were very remarkable ; and, considering that the contending parties belonged, in gen- PREPARED FOR THE BATTLE eral, to the same race and country, it is not surprising that splendid generalship should have been exhibited by the officers of both armies. 59. Enlistments and Losses. On the side of the Na tional government nearly two million, seven hundred thou- 59. Number of men enlisted by the Union government ? By the Confederate ? Losses by death ? In the aggregate ? 18 274 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1865 sand men were enlisted during the war, of whom at least one million and a half were actually and effectively engaged in the service. The Confederates, it is said, could only enlist about six hundred thousand men. The losses by death, on both sides, probably amounted to about six hundred thousand ; and, with the wounded and disabled, did not fall far short of a million. 60. Sanitary and Christian Commissions. The efforts put forth by the North to sustain the Union cause were not confined to the government and the army. The people actively showed their interest in the cause, and their sym pathy with those who had engaged in it. Associations were formed to relieve the necessities of the soldiers. Food, clothing, and medicine were forwarded in large quantities; and women from all ranks of society volun teered to act as nurses of the sick and wounded. Of all the relief organizations, the Christian and Sanitary Com missions, especially the latter, did the most extensive work ; and many a Avounded soldier owed his life to the far-reaching hand of mercy stretched thousands of miles by these noble associations.* 61. Cost of the War. The national debt, at the close * " The Sanitary Commission was a genuine expression of the spirit of the people. It was to America in this century what the orders of chivalry were to Europe in their ( ] a y_" Carlyle. " From Maine to Oregon it had its army of workers ; and for every soldier that the government could put into the field, there was at least one worker for his support among the million laborers enlisted in aid of the Commission. To the end of time the Sanitary Commission will stand in history as a worthy monument of the patriotism, the humanity, and the religion of a Christian democracy." North Ameri can Beview. 60. How did the people aid the government ? What relief sent to the army ? What commissions were formed ? 61. National debt at the close of the war ? How the money was raised ? The Confederate debt ? Aggregate cost of the war ? ^v*iV *&.vi*\o o *** 1865] THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 275 of the war, amounted to about twenty-seven hundred mil lions of dollars. To raise the enormous sums required to carry on the war, the Federal government had asked for loans which were freely granted ; the duties on imported goods were increased ; taxes were imposed on incomes and manufactures ; and revenue stamps were required for vari ous written instruments, such as bonds, deeds, receipts, etc. The Confederate debt, which must have amounted to a vast sum, was never paid. The aggregate cost of the war, including the loss and sacrifice of property, has been estimated at eight thousand millions of dollars. 62. Emancipation of the Slaves. One of the most important events of the war was the emancipation procla mation. After the invasion of Maryland, in 1862, the President saw clearly that the war could not be successfully waged without declaring freedom to the slaves in the South; and on the 1st of January, 1863, he issued his memorable proclama tion, by which the slaves in all States and districts at war with the National government were declared to be forever free. 63. New States. In addition to West Virginia, which became a State in 1863, Nevada, the thirty-sixth State, was admitted in 1864. This was oriffi- o nally a part of the territory of California, acquired from 62. Emancipation Proclamation, when issued ? 63, What new States were ad mitted ? 276 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1865 Mexico. Its mineral wealth led to its rapid settlement and increase in population. It was named from the mountain range on the west,, called the Sierra Nevada, or Snow-covered Mountains. CHAPTER XX Later Administrations i. Funeral of Abraham Lincoln On the death of the lamented Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, the Vice-president, at once assumed the duties of President. The funeral obse quies of the late President occupied for a short time the attention of the whole people. The remains were borne to Springfield, in Illinois, the former home of the deceased ; and as the procession moved on its long journey of nearly Text Questions. 1. Who succeeded Lincoln as President? What is said of the funeral obsequies of the late President ? 1865] JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION 277 two thousand miles, the people everywhere sought to give expression to their reverential sorrow. At the great cities the body lay in state, and all business was suspended. 2. Proclamations of Amnesty, etc. On the 29th of April, Johnson is sued a proclamation remov ing restrictions on com merce in the South ; and a month later, he issued another proclamation., de claring amnesty,, or par don, to all who had been concerned in the late war* except certain specified classes of persons. 3. Abolition of Slavery. Congress had previously pro posed an amendment (the Thirteenth) to the Constitution, abolishing slavery in every part of the United States. This proposition having been approved by three-fourths of the States, slavery was declared to be constitutionally abolished on the 18th of December, 1865. 4. Reconstruction Acts. The manner in which the States of the South should be restored to their former po litical standing, arid the conditions that should be imposed to insure the protection of the emancipated slaves, occu pied the attention of the President and Congress for a 2. What proclamations were issued by Johnson ? 3. What amendment to the Constitution was adopted ? When was slavery declared to be abolished ? 4. What oc- > cupied the attention of the President and Congress ? Did they agree ? What Acts were passed ? ANDREW JOHNSON 278 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1867 considerable time, as they were not able to agree upon the proper policy to be pursued. In March, 1867, Congress passed over the President s veto " reconstruction acts/ defining the terms upon which the Southern States should be allowed representation. (See Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.} 5. Nebraska and Alaska. During the year 1867, Ne braska * was admitted into the Union ; and the territorial possessions of the United States were very greatly enlarged by the addition of A-las -ka, formerly known as Russian America. This vast tract of land was purchased of Russia for about seven millions of dollars in gold. 6. Impeachment of the Presi dent. On the 24th of February, 1868, the bitter quarrel which had existed for some time between Johnson and Congress was brought to an issue by the passage of a resolution in the House of Representa tives, impeaching the President of high crimes and misde meanors. The impeachment articles, eleven in number, were duly submitted to the Senate, and the President was tried on three of them ; but he was acquitted by a close vote, and the Senate as a court adjourned (May 26). * The word Nebraska is of Indian origin, signifying Ne, water, and braska, wide or shallow. It was first applied to the Platte River, and transferred to the territory crossed by that stream. x 1 SEAL OF NEBRASKA 5. What State was admitted ? What territory was purchased ? For what sum ? 6, Give an account of the impeachment of the President. Was he convicted ? 1869] GRANT S ADMINISTRATION 279 7. Election of Grant and Colfax. In the presidential campaign of 1868, the Republicans nominated for Presi dent General Grant ; the Democrats, Horatio Seymour. The former was elected by a very large majority ; and, at the same time, Schuyler Colfax was elected Vice-presi dent. 8. Grant s Administration. This administration com menced on the 4th of March, 18G9. During that year the three States, Virginia, Mis sissippi, and Texas, were re stored to representation in Congress, and thus the " Re construction of the Union " was fully accomplished. The Fourteenth Amend ment to the Constitution had, however, already been adopted (July 28, 1868). 9. Fifteenth Amend ment. T he Fifteenth Amendment to the Consti tution, guaranteeing the right of .suffrage to all citizens of the United States, without regard to " race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude," having been proposed by Congress, and approved by three-fourths of the States, was declared adopted, March 30, 1870. 10. Destructive Conflagrations. In October, 1871, ULYSSES S. GRANT 7. Who were elected President and Vice-president in 1868 ? 8. By what event was " reconstruction " completed ? 9. What other amendment to the Constitution was adopted ? 10. What extensive conflagrations occurred ? 280 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES [1878 the most destructive fire in the history of this country occurred at Chicago. About eighteen thousand buildings were consumed, and the total loss amounted to over one hundred millions of dollars. During the same month, forest fires raged in parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and were scarcely less destructive than the Chicago conflagration.* 11. Re-election of Grant. In 1872, the presidential campaign resulted in the re-election of General Grant as President ; and his inauguration for a second term took place on the 4th of March, 1873. Henry Wilson, of Mas sachusetts, was chosen Vice-president at the same time. 12. Alabama Claims. Great Britain at first refused to make any compensation for the damages done to American commerce by the Alabama and other English-built priva teers of the Confederates. This caused much ill-feeling on the part of the people of the United States toward the British government, and even threatened war. Commission ers were, however, appointed by the two governments, who met at Washington, and agreed upon the basis of a treaty, which was adopted by the two countries. By this treaty "all causes of difference" were settled. 13. Geneva Award. In pursuance of this treaty, five arbitrators f were appointed to examine into and decide all * In a little more than a year after, a fire occurred in Boston (November, 1872), which destroyed seven hundred and seventy-six buildings, causing a total loss, in houses and merchandise, of about seventy-five millions of dollars. t These arbitrators consisted of one from each of the following countries: the U States, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, and Brazil. 1 1 Who were elected President and Vice-president in 1872 ? 12. What difficulties arose out of the Alabama Claims ? How were they settled ? 13. Where did the arbitrators meet ? What sum was awarded ? 1876] GRANTS ADMINISTRATION 281 the claims. They met in Geneva, in Switzerland, and finally awarded the sum of fifteen million five hundred thousand dollars to be paid in gold, by Great Britain to the United States, in satisfaction of all the claims (September 14, 1872). That amount was accordingly paid a year later. 14. Centennial Anniversary of American Independ ence. The one hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (July 4th, 1876), was celebrated with great rejoicing in all parts of the country. As this year ended the first centennial period of the nation s existence, it was viewed with special interest, and was marked by various events. 15. International Exhibition of 1876. Among these events , the most interesting was the great International Exhibition which was held in Philadelphia from May until November. For this " World s Fair," nearly two hundred build ings were erected in Fail-mount Park, the six principal ones cover ing more than sixty acres. The main building was 1,880 feet in length and 464 feet in width, and covered an area of twenty acres. 16. In these buildings were ex hibited specimens of the farming products and the manufactured goods of nearly every State in the Union, and of the most important foreign coun- 14. What was celebrated with great rejoicing in 1876 ? How was that year viewed ? Why? 15, 16. What was held in Philadelphia? For what period? What further can you state of the Exhibition ? SEAL, OP COLORADO HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1877 tries. Beautiful works of art, and other articles designed to show the progress made by different States and countries in science and education were also exhibited. Thousands of visitors from all parts of the United States and from abroad were constantly in attendance during the six months the " Fair "was open.^ 17. Other Events of 1876. The other important events of the year were the admis sion into the Union of Colo rado,, hence called the " Cen tennial State ; " and the twen ty-third presidential election. 18. Hayes Declared Pres ident. The result of the election was for several months in doubt, the votes being nearly equally divided. The dispute, in consequence, was very exciting ; but the votes were finally counted, and Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio, was declared to be the President elect. His inauguration took place on the 5th of March, 1877, the 4th being Sunday. 19. Fishery Question The question as to the right of the people of the United States to fish off the coast of Newfoundland, and in other British-American waters, had long been in dispute. This privilege, which the British had conceded at the close of the Revolution (see p. 172, 17. What other important events occurred in 1876 ? 18. What can you state of the election ? Who became President;? Who Vice-president ? (See Table of Presi dents and Vice-presidents.) When was Hayes inaugurated ? 19. Give an account of the fishery dispute. BTJTHERFORD B. HAYES 1880] GARFIELfrS ADMINISTRATION 283 T 57), they claimed had been annulled by the war of 1812. The dispute was now (1877) brought to a termination by a grant of the right claimed, for a period of twelve years, for which the United States paid the sum of $5,500,000. 20. Chinese Immigration. In California and other parts of the West, a strong feeling of alarm had for some time been manifested at the rapidly increasing number of Chinese immigrants, and the effect of this vast influx of foreign laborers upon the interests of a large and indus trious class of the native people ; since the practical ten dency was seen to be to reduce the wages of labor, and thus to deprive American workmen of emplo3^ment except at starvation rates. Commissioners sent to China suc ceeded in arranging a treaty by which emigration from that country to the United States may now be regulated and restricted. 21. Election of Garfield. During the summer of 1880 preparations were begun for the twenty-fourth presidential election. The Republicans nominated James A. Garfield, of Ohio : the Democrats presented as their candidate the distinguished soldier General Hancock.* The canvass was exceedingly spirited, being marked by immense meetings of the people and by great torchlight processions. The result was in favor of the Republicans. * Winfield Scott Hancock was born in Pennsylvania in 1824. His military education was acquired at West Point, and he won distinction and promotion for merit in the war with Mexico. He held important commands during the Great Civil War, and for his good conduct at Gettysburg, in which conflict he was severely wounded, he was awarded the thanks of Congress. 20. What is said of Chinese immigration ? How was the evil brought to an end ? 21. What is said of the twenty-fourth presidential election ? 284 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1881 22. The successful candidate Garfield had risen from a very humble position in life. In his boyhood, with ax and hoe, and by driving the oxen before the plow, he helped on his father s farm. He was never idle. Later, when he was not earning money among his neighbors in the hayfield, he was earning it in a car penter shop, or in chop ping wood, or in driving horses on the canal. He had a strong passion for books, and a great ambi tion to get an education. At the age of eighteen he was a school-teacher, at twenty-four a professor of Greek and Latin, at twenty-seven a college president, at twenty-eight a State Senator, at thirty a colonel in the army, at thirty- one a general, at thirty-three a member of Congress. His inauguration as President of the United States took place on the 4th of March, 1881. 23. His administration promised to be a very useful and brilliant one, but soon became clouded by political dissen sions, caused by his nominating for an important office in New York a person who was obnoxious to the Senators of that State. A sad tragedy terminated the career of the JAMES A. GAHFIELB 22. Give a sketch of Garfield s career. When did his inauguration take place ? 23. What is said of his administration ? How did it end ? Who became President ? When was he inaugurated ? 1884] ARTHUR S ADMINISTRATION 285 President ; for,, within four months from his inauguration, he was shot by an assassin at a railroad depot in Washing ton (July 2). He lingered until the 19th of September, when he died, at Long Branch, whither he had been removed. This mournful event caused a feeling of uni versal regret in this country, and called forth expressions of sympathy from every civilized nation. The \ r ice- president, Chester A. Arthur, on taking the oath, then became Presi dent (Sept. 20). 24. The administration of President Arthur was marked by prudence, in telligence, and moderation. The official changes were not numerous, and political dissensions were in a good degree appeased, and party factions reconciled. A pen sion of $5,000 a year was granted by Congress to the widow of President Garfield. His assassin, after a long and exciting trial, was executed in June, 1882. In pursuance of treaty stipulations, Chinese immigration was restricted for a period of ten years. An international exhibition was held in New Orleans in 1884-5. 25. In 1884 the Republican and Democratic conventions 24. What was the character of Arthur s administration ? What were the principal events ? 25. Who were nominated for the office of President in 1884 ? Who wag elected ? Who was elected Vice-president ? When were they inaugurated ? CHE8TBB A. AllTHUK 286 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1885 nominated respectively for President, James G. Elaine, of Maine, and Grover Cleveland, Governor of the state of New York. The contest between the two great par ties was unusually close and exciting, and resulted in the election of the Democratic candidates. Cleveland was inaugurated March 4, 1885, as President, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, as Vice-president. 26. Death of General GROVER CLEVELAND _ ,., , -. Grant. The protracted sickness of General Grant had for some time engaged the sympathy of the people. His death occurred in 1885 (July 23), at Mount MacGregor, near Saratoga Springs (Map, p. 154), whence his remains were conveyed to the city of New York, and in solemn procession borne to the tomb prepared for them in Eiverside Park, overlooking the Hudson River. The most affectionate tributes were paid to his memory by the people in all sections of the country, as to an illustrious soldier and a true patriot, to whose eminent services had been due in great part the salvation of the Union. 27. Statue of Liberty Unveiled One of the most in teresting events of the second year of the Cleveland 26. What is said of the character, death, and funeral of General Grant ? 27. Who was Bartholdi ? What can you state of his work ? Where now is the great statue ? Where was it made ? Ans. In Paris. State the particulars as to the ceremony of its presentation to our country. 1885] CLEVELAND S ADMINISTRATION 287 administration was the unveiling (Oct. 28) of the colossal statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World" the work of a French artist named Bartholdi, and the gift of France to the peo ple of the United States. It was erected on an island in the harbor of New York, upon a beautiful and lofty pedestal con structed for it. Count de Lesseps, the plan ner of the Suez Canal, made the presentation address, and President Cleveland, in behalf of the United States, accepted the gift. M. Bartholdi, the artist, took part in the cere mony . of unveiling ; and some of the most eminent orators and statesmen in the coun try participated in this dedication of the statue, as an emblem of the "friend ship of nations and the peace of the world." 28. Chinese Immigration In 1888 Congress passed a 28. What h\vs against the coming of the Chinese to our shores have been enacted ? STATUE OP LIBERTY 288 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES more stringent law against Chinese immigration, declaring that "it shall be unlawful for any Chinese person to enter the United States " (page 283). Chinese officials, teachers, students, merchants, and travelers for pleasure or curiosity are, however, excepted ; but such persons are required to obtain permission of the Chinese Government, or of what ever government they are subject to. Moreover, all Chinese laborers who, after residing in this country, have left it, are not permitted to return. 29. Twenty-sixth Presidential Election. The Demo cratic Convention of 1888 nom inated President Cleveland for a second term, and with him Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio, for Vice- President. The Republican can didate for President was Benja min Harrison, of Indiana, grand son of General Harrison, the ninth President (page 221). Levi P. Morton, of New York, was nom inated by the Republicans for Vice-President. There were other parties by whom candidates were placed in nomination, but the real contest was between the Democrats and the Republicans. 30. The canvass was an unusually exciting one. The 29. Who were the candidates for President and Vice-President in 1888 ? What can you state of Harrison s ancestors ? (See pages 198, 200, 221, App. page 4.) 30. What is stated in relation to the tariff ? What account can you give of previous tariffs ? (Pages 214, 215, 217.) What was the result of the election of 1888 ? When and where did the inauguration take place ? Copyright, 1899, by Pach BENJAMIN HARRISON 1889] HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION 289 chief question at issue between the two great parties related to the tariff. The Democrats favored a reduction of duties ; but the Kepublicans were opposed to this change, and de sired that a protective tariff, or the American System (see page 214, ^[ 9), should be maintained. The election (Nov. 6) resulted in the choice of a majority of Republican elec tors, and on the 13th of February, 1889, the electoral votes were counted in the presence of the two Houses of Congress, and the election of Harrison and Morton was duly declared. The inauguration ceremonies took place on the 4th of March following. 31. Centennial Celebration. In his address that day, the new President alluded to the near approach of the cen tennial of the first inauguration of the first President (p. 181). Congress having already declared that this centen nial day (April 30) should be a general holiday, the memor able event was celebrated in all the large cities of the Union. In New York, where the first inauguration took place, the celebration was the most imposing. Standing where Wash ington stood just a hundred years before, Harrison ad dressed a great crowd of men and women who stood in the streets before and about him. A hundred thousand men and five thousand school-boys marched in procession. 32. New States. This administration was noted for the large number of additions to the Union. Four States North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington 31. What centennial was alluded to by Harrison ? What had Congress previously decided ? Give an account of the celebration. Where, in New York, did Harrison stand when making the address ? What now marks that spot ? Ans. A statue of Washington. 32. For what was Harrison s administration noted ? Name the six States, stating when each was admitted. 19 290 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1890 were admitted before the close of 1889, and two others Idaho and Wyoming were admitted in 1890. 33. The region covered by the two Dakotas, Montana, and a portion of Wyoming was once a part of the Louisiana Purchase (p. 193). The entire domain that in 1848 was organized as the Oregon Territory (p. 240) is now appor tioned to the three States, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The word Dakota, meaning a league, was commonly applied to the Sioux tribes of Indians. Montana is the Spanish word for mountain. The word Wyoming, meaning a large plain, was derived from an Indian term. 34. As to the word Idaho, the account given by a mem ber of Congress in an address before the House of Repre sentatives meets with popular favor. Said he : " Two offi cials were traveling one bright morning over a lonely moun tain of the Sierra Nevada range. An Indian woman came out of a wigwam, and in a far-reaching voice called several times the word Idaho, or, as it sounded, Ed-dah-hoo-oo-oo. The call was answered by the appearance of a comely Indian girl. The travelers inferred that this word was the name of the girl, but, on inquiry, could find no definition for it in the language of her kindred. Being impressed with the comely appearance of the little maiden in that lonely abode, they concluded that Gem of the Mountains would be a fitting translation of the word." 35. Oklahoma. As far back as 1834 a large domain was set apart for the abode of Indian tribes, and called 33. State what you can of their previous history, and of their names. 34. Repeat what is related respecting the name Idaho. 35. What is said of the name Oklahoma ? Give the history of the Indian Territory. Of the Oklahoma Territory. 1892] HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION 291 the Indian Territory. In 1889, by cession from the Indians, a part of this domain was created into a tem porary government by the name of the Territory of Ok-la- ho ma, meaning, in the Indian language, beautiful land. In April it was opened for settlement, and within a few hours was occupied by a large population. Enlarged, it was next year organized like the other territories. 36. Anniversary of the Discovery of America. In October, 1893, occurred the 400th anniversary of the dis covery of America by Columbus. It had been decided to celebrate the event with a World s Fair and various demonstrations of rejoicing. With the countenance and aid of Congress, preparations were begun in Chicago for the fair, to be held there the following year ; and by order of Congress the 21st day of the month (1892) was named as a general holiday (note f , page 55). On that and other days immense processions of men and school-children passed through the streets of the principal cities. In the harbor of New York there was a naval parade in which were about three hundred steam vessels, including war ships of the United States and many foreign countries. 37. Twenty-seventh Presidential Election Harri son was again the candidate of the Eepublicans for Presi dent, and Cleveland of the Democrats. James B. Weaver, of Iowa, was the candidate of a new party styled the People s Party, the members of which were called Popu lists. As between the Republicans and Democrats, the tariff law of 1890 was the principal issue in the canvass. It had been enacted by a Republican Congress, and was 36. What anniversary occurred in 1892 ? How was it celebrated ? 292 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1892 commonly known as the "McKinley Bill/ from the name of the chairman of the committee in Congress that framed it. By it more than half of all the imports in value were admitted free of duty, but on other imports a protective duty was imposed (see p. 214). A feature of the law gave to the President authority to make Reciprocal Treaties with other nations, the object being to increase the export trade of the United States by concessions in return for concessions. Several such treaties were accordingly made. 38. The Republicans commended the tariff law, the Democrats denounced it. The Populists, making no direct reference to the law, favored an income tax, also government ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and tele phones. The election resulted in favor of Cleveland by a large majority, and with him, for Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois. 39. Behring Sea Dispute. Alaska, as we have seen (p. 278), became a possession of the United States in 1867. Some of its islands in Behring Sea had long been a resort for the seals whose furs were of great value. So long as Alaska was a Russian possession the sealing vessels of no other power than Russia ventured into Behring Sea ; but, soon after the transfer to the United -States, British vessels appeared there, and in the efforts of their crews to capture seals, guns being used, thousands ofUhe disabled animals sunk before they could be reached. 40. In consequence, a dispute arose as to Russia s for mer rights in the sea and as to the extent to which such rights had been transferred by Russia to the United States, our government being anxious to prevent the 1893] HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION extermination of the seals. The dispute was settled by arbitrators who met in Paris. They decided that British vessels are entitled to as much freedom in Behring Sea SEAL INDUSTRY IN ALASKA Driving the seals up from the sea as any other vessels ; but, to protect seal life from utter destruction, they decided against the future use of guns in sealing, against the killing of seals anywhere in the sea during certain months, and against the killing of seals at any time within sixty, miles around the seal islands (Aug. 15, 1893). 41. Business and the Tariff. Merchants, farmers, and mechanics were complaining. Business was depressed. Many thought that the law requiring the government to purchase 4,500,000 ounces of silver every month was in large part the cause. The President called an extra ses sion of Congress, and the law was repealed (1893). The 294 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1896 depression continuing, this time it was laid to uncertainty as to the future of the tariff, the Democrats having gained control in Congress. This uncertainty ended when next year a tariff law was enacted less protective than the one it displaced. 42. Utah. Nearly fifty years before, a religious sect called Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, left Illinois for that part of Mexico which was soon after acquired by the United States (p. 229). There the Mormons founded Salt Lake City, and rapidly grew in population, wealth, and power. As early as 1849 they asked Congress to admit their terri tory into the Union as the State of Deseret, but this and other applications of the kind were denied, Congress not being willing to sanction polygamy, which the Mormons avowed and practiced. Meanwhile other settlers found homes in the territory, to which Congress gave the name Utah. The last application for admission was accom panied by a Constitution which forbade polygamy. Con gress could no longer object, and on the 4th of January, 1896, Utah became a State. The Utahs were a tribe of Indians. CHAPTER XXI Civil Progress of the Nation i. Events previously Related. It will be seen from what has been related that the Revolution, or overturning of the Colonial government, was only effected by means of a long war, and that the Great Civil War was caused by the Text Questions. 1. Subject of preceding chapters ? CIVIL PROGRESS OF THE NATION 295 attempt of the Southern States to separate themselves from the Union and establish an independent nation. 2. Political and Civil History A nation is organized by means of its government ; its organization, indeed, is its government ; and hence an account of the wars which it has waged with other nations constitutes also a part of its political history. Civil history relates to its progress in civilization, its growth in population, and the improvements which it has made in the useful and fine arts, in manufactures, commerce, education, literature, etc. 3. Population. The first census was taken in 1790, and showed a total population in the thirteen States, and in all the national territory, of about four millions. Philadelphia was then the largest city in the Union, and contained a population of less than forty-five thousand ; while New York had only about thirty-three thousand. New Orleans, then a French settlement, was a very small town. 4. The census of 1880 showed a population in the United States of over fifty millions ; and that of New York had grown to 1,206,090. All the great cities of the West have attained their astonishing growth within the present century. Cincinnati, in 1805, contained only about five hundred inhabitants ; and Chicago, in 1831, was a small village. St. Louis was but a small trading town, when, with Louisiana, it came under the United States govern ment. 5. Agriculture. The vast fertile domain of our country, 2. How is a nation organized ? To what does civil history relate ? 3. What did the census of 1790 show ? What is said of Philadelphia ? Of New York ? New Orleans ? 4. What did the census of 1880 show ? Cities of the West ? St. Louis ? 5, Leading pursuit ? Why ? Chief products of the North ? Of the South ? 296 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES constantly presenting new fields for farming industry, lias made agriculture the leading pursuit, except in some small sections. The immense production of the cereal grains, such as wheat, Indian corn, rye, oats, and barley, in the Northern States; and of cotton, rice, sugar, etc., in the Southern, has offered a splendid reward to the farmer and the planter. 6. Cotton Culture. The cultivation of cotton has been a prominent feature in the agricultural history of this country, and its results have revolutionized the commerce of the world. In 1790, it had hardly commenced; but, in 1860, before the breaking out of the Civil War, it reached the enormous aggregate of two thousand million pounds, or four millions of bales, and was the chief article of export of the country. 7. Railroads The rapid construction of railroads has aided very much the growth of the country. More than fifty thousand miles of railroads have been built during the last forty years. Of these, the Pacific Railroad is the most interesting. It extends from Omaha, in Nebraska, to San Francisco, being nearly two thousand miles long, and brings the great Eastern cities within a week s journey from San Francisco. 8. Telegraphs. The magnetic telegraph has been another mighty agent in advancing the interests of the nation. It was invented by Professor S. F. B. Morse, who, in 1844, erected between Baltimore and Washington the first magnetic telegraph ever used in the world. The next 6. What is said of the cotton culture ? 7. Railroads ? How many miles built ? Pacific Railroad ? 8. Magnetic telegraph ? By whom invented ? First telegraph ? How many miles in 1860 ? At present ? ELI WHITNEY CIVIL PROGRESS OF THE NATION 297 year it was extended to Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. In 1860, there were over fifty thousand miles of telegraph wires in operation ; and, at the present time, there cannot be less than twenty times that amount. 9. Atlantic Cable. One of the most valuable and in teresting achievements of science was the laying of the Atlantic Cable a telegraph^ stretching from Ireland to Newfoundland, upon the bed of the Atlantic Ocean. After failing in the attempt in 1857, 1858, and 1865, it was at last accomplished, in 1866, by means of the Great Eastern, the largest,,^ and ^ inventi(m of the steam vessel ever con- [QW ^ an American machinist , structed. The Atlantic Ca- ftWe giftg to civilization ever ble is about two thousand. Hy hafl a]go giyen ug that six hundred miles long, and ^ cylind(?r me , ? bv ^^ its strength is sufficient to bear a strain of nearly twenty- eight tons. The success of this enterprise was largely due to the intelligence and untiring energy of Cyrus W. Field. 10. Steam Vessels. In 1807, the little steamboat Cler- mont, constructed under the direction of Robert Fulton, ascended the Hudson River,* and thus proved that it was * In the autumn of 1807, the "Albany Gazette " contained the following advertise ment : " The North River Steamboat will leave Paulus Hook on Friday, the fourth of September, at 9 o clock, A.M., and will arrive in Albany on Saturday at 9 o clock, P.M. Fare, seven dollars." The announcement was realized, the Clermont completing the 9. Atlantic Cable ? When laid ? How ? Through whose efforts ? 10. The Cler mont ? Result of Fulton s voyage ? 298 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES possible to navigate the water by steam. Although others had previously made successful experiments of a similar character, Fulton s voyage to Albany gave an impetus to 6. Cotton Culture. The cuj a prominent feature in the country, and its results have of the world. In 1790, it ha< 1860, before the breaking oui the enormous aggregate of tvfl or four millions of bales, and wl of the country. 7. Railroads. The rapid aided very much the growth r STEAMBOAT fifty thousand miles of railroa soon created ft revolution in last forty years. Of these, th^ palaceg haye taken the ^tetfPftd JLf xi d ?J?f-not so large as the smallest ferry-boat of our day and steamships of immense size and magnificence ply regularly, and frequently across, all the great oceans of the world. trip, as advertised, in thirty-six hours. During a part of the way she was gazed at by crowds of wondering spectators on the banks of the Hudson. * Fulton thus described to a friend the disheartening circumstances under which the construction of the first steamboat nicknamed by the Americans " Fulton s Folly " was patiently persevered in by himself. He records as follows: " When I was building my first steamboat at New York, the project was viewed by the public with indiffer. ence or with contempt, as a visionary scheme. My friends, indeed, were civil, but they were shy. They listened with patience to my explanations, but with a settled cast of incredulity on their countenances. Never did a single encouraging remark, a bright hope, a warm wish, cross my path. Silence itself was but politeness veiling its doubts or hiding its reproaches. 1 " CIVIL PROGRESS OF THE NATION 299 ELI WHITNEY ii. Useful Inventions Perhaps no country in the world has been more distinguished for useful inventions than the United States. It was the discoveries of Dr. Franklin in electricity that led to its practical applica tions ; and Morse, a citizen of the United States, made the most useful of these in the invention of the electro magnetic telegraph. The cotton-gin, invented by Eli Whitney* in 1792, in creased a hundredfold the value of the cotton culture ; and thje invention of the sewing-machine by Elias Howe, an American machinist, was one of the most valuable gifts to civilization ever made. American ingenuity has also given us that wonder-working contrivance, the cylinder press, by means of which twenty-five thousand copies of a newspaper may be struck oif in a single hour. To these may be added a host of other valuable inventions, including farming implements of the greatest utility and importance. * Three or four years before Watt patented his engine and Arkwright his spinning^ frame, there was born in a New England farmhouse a boy whose work was needed to complete theirs. His name was Eli Whitney. Eli was a born mechanic. It was a necessity of his nature to invent and construct. As a mere boy he made nails, pins, and walking-canes by novel processes, and thus earned money to support himself at college. In 1792, he went to Georgia to visit Mrs. Greene, the widow of General Greene ; and during that visit the cotton-gin was invented. 11. Useful inventions in the United States ? The cotton gin, by whom invented ? When ? Its result ? Sewing-machine, by whom invented ? Its result ? Cylinder printing-press ? 300 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 12. Printing, Newspapers, and Books. The improve ments made in this country in the means of spreading in formation, have kept pace with every other kind of civil progress. The press, that mighty engine of civilization, has been ever busy ever increasing its power to meet the demands of the people for knowledge. In 1898 twenty thousand periodicals were issued in the United States, from every day to quarterly; and the number of books published in the same time was nearly five thousand. 13. Literature. Ameri can literature is rich in works of genius. The ELIAS HOWE, .IK. writings of Washington Irving* are everywhere admired for their easy, natural, and beautiful style, their kindly influence, and playful * Washington Irving was born in New York city, in 1783. He at first devoted him self to legal studies, which he soon abandoned for the pursuits of literature. His first writings consisted of contributions to the ;1 Morning Chronicle," a journal edited by his brother, Peter Irving. tl Salmagundi appeared in 1807, a series of amusing articles partly written by himself, James K. Paulding, and his brothers, Peter and William. The production which first gave him a decided reputation was the famous "History of New York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker, 11 published in 1809. This is a work of inimi table humor, and was read with the greatest delight on both sides of the Atlantic. Sir Walter Scott was charmed with it. The " Sketch Book " was published in London, and greatly increased the author s reputation. It contains some of the most beautiful and touching pieces of composition in the language. He also published " Life and Voyages of Columbus. 11 " The Alhambra, 11 "Bracebridge Hall, 11 "Life of Washing ton, 11 and many other popular works. Irving died at Tarrytown in 1859. 12. The press ? What is said of it ? Periodicals ? Books ? 13. American litera ture ? Irving ? Cooper ? Bancroft, etc. ? CIVIL PROGRESS OF THE NATION 301 humor. Cooper, .the American novelist, has never been surpassed in the power of description, particularly of the peculiar features of Indian life, and life on the ocean. Bancroft,* Hil- dreth, Prescott, and Motley, stand among the best writers of history the world has ever pro- due e d . The History of the United States, by George Ban croft, is a work of wide-spread fame. It occu pied many years of its gifted au thor s life, and is read in every part of the world. 14. American poets may justly claim a place with the most celebrated of all countries. William Cullen Bryant f has written poems which must be as lasting as the language * George Bancroft was born at Worcester, Mass., in the year 1800. He early mani fested remarkable talent, graduating at Harvard College with the highest honors, at the age of seventeen. The publication of his great work, " The History of the United States," was commenced in 1834. He filled several important political offices, dying in 1891. t William Cullen Bryant was born in Massachusetts in 1794, and died in 1878. He was distinguished not only as a poet but as a journalist. WILLIAM CULLJ5N BKYANT 302 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1896 itself. There are few school children w.ho have not learned to admire " Thanatopsis," the "Planting of the Apple Tree," and a host of others, which have been used as the means of cultivating the taste of our youth, and impress ing upon their minds sentiments of truth, beauty,, and tenderness. Longfellow * and Whittier f must also be added as among the great poets, not only of our own country, but of the world. This brief list would be greatly extended if we should include all who have achieved for themselves fame, and added luster to the literature of their country. CHAPTER XXII Recent Administrations 1. Twenty-eighth Presidential Election. The Re publicans were the first to move. Their platform of " facts and principles" favored a protective tariff, and opposed the " free coinage of silver except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world." For President they nominated William McKinley, of Ohio. Their candidate for Vice-President was Garret A. Hobart, of New Jersey. 2. The Democrats " demanded the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal rate of 16^ to 1," meaning that 16 ounces of coined silver should be * Henwj W. Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine, in 1807. He held the position of professor in Bowdoin and Harvard Colleges. His chief poems are " Evangeline ""and " Hiawatha "; but many of his minor pieces are very widely popular. He died in 1882. t John G. Whittier was bom near Haverhill, in Massachusetts, in 1807. His death occurred in 1892. 1896] RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 303 equal, as money, to 1 ounce of gold. They put in nomina tion for President, William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, and Arthur Sewall, of Maine, for Vice-President. This demand as to the free coinage of silver displeased many " Sound Money Democrats/ in consequence of which a Democratic National Convention was held, when other candidates were put in nomination, not, however, with any expectation of winning, but to help the Republicans. 3. The Populists followed the lead of the Democrats in respect to the coinage of silver and gold, and also nomi nated William J. Bryan, for President. Other parties made nominations ; but the contest was mainly between the Republicans and the Democrats. After the most ex citing canvass since the great Civil War, the Republicans were successful (November 3, 1896). 4. Venezuela and the Monroe Doctrine. A month later President Cleveland s last annual message was sent to Congress. In it he announced that the long-standing dis pute between Great Britain and Venezuela in regard to the boundary between the latter republic and British Guiana was about to be settled by arbitration, as had been proposed by our government. In a previous message he had declared " that this government is firmly opposed to a forcible in crease by any European power of territorial possessions on this continent/ This was said under a conviction that the Text Questions. 1, 2, 3. How was the Presidential canvass in 1896 opened? What stand did the Republicans make as to the coinage of money ? The Democrats ? The Populists ? How were the Democrats divided ? What candidates were put in nomination ? What was the result of the election ? 4. What announcement was made as to Venezuela ? What previous declaration had been made ? What induced Cleveland to make that declaration ? What do you understand by the Monroe Doc trine ? How does Cleveland s declaration differ from Monroe s (note) ? What is said of a commission ? 304 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1897 English meant to seize the lands in dispute, and was a new form of the declaration made by President Monroe seventy- three years before, hence known as the Monroe Doctrine.* Congress consenting, the President appointed a commission of four persons to determine "the true division line be tween Venezuela and British Guiana," but before the com mission was ready to report, the President made the announcement as already stated. 5. McKinley s Ad ministration The new President, William McKinley, had been a college student, a Union soldier in the great Civil War, a lawyer, a repre sentative in Congress (p. 240), and Governor of WILLIAM MCKINLEY Ohio. Now, on the 4th of March, 1897, at the age of fifty-four years, he is the President of the United States. 6. Insurrection in Cuba. We were at peace with all nations, but our relations with Spain, growing out of the in- * Monroe declared that " as a principle, the American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power" 5. Who succeeded Cleveland as President ? When was McKinley inaugurated ? How old was he then ? State what you can of his previous life. 6. How is Cuba situated? State what you can of its history to 1898 (p. 23). How were the people there treated by Spain ? What offer was made by President Grant ? 1898] RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 305 surrection then in Cuba, were not satisfactory. Cuba, the largest of the West India Islands, belonged to Spain, and was governed by officials sent from Spain. It was Spain s policy to draw from Cuba as much revenue as possible. In consequence its people were treated as serfs, and bur dened with the heaviest taxes. Again and again they rebelled, one of their struggles lasting ten years (1868- 1878). Our government, Grant being President, offered its aid to bring peace to the island, but Spain declined the offer. 7. Destruction of the Maine. Havana is the largest city of Cuba. In its harbor, February 15, 1898, was anchored the United States battleship Maine. Between the hours of 9 and 10 in the evening an explosion destroyed the ship. Two of her officers and 264 of her men perished. As the news was flashed to every part of the United States, it produced intense excitement, for it was believed that the destruction had been effected by Spanish officials. By direction of the President a Court of Inquiry was formed, which after 23 days of continuous labor, reported that the Maine was destroyed by the explosion of a submarine mine. No evidence had been obtained showing by whom the mine had been placed there. Officials on the part of Spain, after going through the form of holding an investigation, re ported that the explosion was from the inside of the ship. 8. Distress in Cuba. The war in Cuba continued. It had now dragged on more than three years. In the early 7. Give an account of the destruction of the battleship Maine. What can you state of interest in the early history of Havana (p. 24) ? What effect did the war in Cuba have upon lives and property there ? What offer and what aid were sent ? 30 306 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1898 part of it, our government, Cleveland being President, offered, as during a former war, its aid to bring about peace. Again Spain declined our aid. Fire and sword had made a sad change in the island. Fields were in waste, mills in ruins, homes in ashes, and more than a hundred thousand of its inhabitants had died from hunger and exposure. Nearly $200,000 iii money, food, and medicine, had been sent to the sufferers from the people of the United States, and Congress had given $50,000 more. 9. War with Spain. Believing it to be the duty of our government to intervene, McKinley sent a special message to Congress (April 11, 1808); and Congress, acting upon the facts so received, adopted four resolutions (April 10). The 1st declared that the people of Cuba were free and in dependent ; the 2d demanded that the government of Spain relinquish all authority in Cuba; the 3d directed the Presi dent to use the army and navy to carry out these resolu tions ; the 4th disclaimed any intention on the part of the United States to exercise control over Cuba further than to bring peace to the island, its government being left in the hands of its people. 10. McKinley having signed the resolutions, notified the Spanish minister in Washington that he had done so (April 20). That official at once asked for his passport and left the country. His government acted with equal haste. It refused to have any further business with our minister in Spain, and he returned to America. This act on the part 9. What action was taken by President and Congress ? 10. What tsvo declarations were made ? What war preparations and acts were made on the part of the United States ? State as clearly as you can what the causes of the war were. 1898] RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 307 of Spain being, according to the usage of nations, a declara tion of war, Congress in turn declared " "that war has existed since the 21st day of April, 1898, including that day, between the United States and the kingdom of. Spain." United States warships were sent to blockade the princi pal ports of Cuba ; Spanish; ships, were captured in tre waters about Cuba ; and an army of many thousand volun teers was formed. The war " in the name of humanity" was begun. n. Its first battle was between two fleets of iron ships in the harbor of Manila, the largest city of the Philippines, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean belonging chiefly to Spain. In the early morning of the first day of May the American fleet, commanded by Commodore Dewey, ad vanced to the attack. Though the Spanish ships were aided by shore batteries, within three hours they were completely destroyed. Not an American ship was dis abled ; not an American was killed. The victory was the greatest in the annals of modern naval war. 12. Spain s rule in these islands, as in Cuba and other Spanish colonies, was marked by greed and cruelty. The natives rebelled in 1896, and continued their warfare till a promise of reforms in the government came to them. After they had given up their arms and their leaders had left the islands, the Spanish officials refused to carry out the prom ised reforms. About this time Dewey entered the harbor of Manila, as we have stated, and won his great victory. 11. Where are the Philippine Islands ? What incident can you name in their early history (p. 27) ? Give an account of the great battle thx-re. 12. Why did the natives of the Philippine Islands rebel ? State what you can of the rebellion. 308 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1898 Inspired by this victory, the deceived people again made war upon their oppressors. 13- Dewey, now raised to the grade of rear-admiral, made no attempt to take Manila, not having sufficient force to hold it. He waited for troops from America. These, on ( _, their way to him, made a brief stop at the Ladrones, or Marianas, islands belong ing to Spain, and took pos session of them. Aided by Dewey s ships, the troops at tacked the outer defences of Manila, drove the enemy from them, and compelled the city to surrender (Au gust 13). 14. Meanwhile a fleet commanded by Admiral Sampson was blockading the fortified harbor of Santiago de Cuba, where a Spanish fleet of six ships, commanded by Admiral Cervera, was at anchor. To prevent the escape of the Spanish fleet a daring project was intrusted to Lieutenant Hobson. With only seven men, volunteers from the block ading vessels, he put off in the coaling steamer Merrimac, reached the mouth of the harbor, and under a storm of shot and shell succeeded in sinking the Merrimac in the narrow channel leading to the harbor, not quite closing it as aimed, 13. Why did not Dewey attack Manila at once ? Give an account of the means to capture the city and the result. How is Manila situated ? 14. How was Admiral Sampson employed meanwhile ? Where is Santiago de Cuba (see map) ? Direction "om Tampa ? Who was Cervera ? Give an account of Hobson s exploit. ADMIRAL DEWEY RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 309 but nearly doing so. It happened that as the steamer was sinking a shot carried away her rudder and the tide swung her around. The eight men then jumped overboard, and while clinging to their little catamaran, with their heads just above the water, were picked up by Cervera s launch, Cer- vera himself being on board (June 3). Admiring the brav- ery of the men, Cervera sent word to Sampson that they were safe. After being held several weeks they were liberated. 15. It being believed that the channel was closed, the escape of- the Spanish fleet seemed impossible. Its capture or destruction was of the first importance. Troops were landed a few miles from Santiago. These, under the com mand of General Shatter, advanced in the face of desperate opposition to the hills behind the city, and on the 1st of 15. What movement was made by troops to capture Cervera s fleet ? Why was not that movement successful ? Why did Cervera leave Santiago ? What was the fate of Cervera s fleet ? What further can you say of Cervera ? Ans. He and about a thou sand of his men were taken prisoners ; at the end of the war they returned to Spain. What followed Cervera s defeat as respects Santiago ? 310 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATUS [1898 July drove its defenders from their outworks. It being evident that the city would soon full into the hands of the Americans, Cervera, in obedience to orders from Spain, and with the determination that his ships should not share the fate of the city, steamed out of the harbor to fight his way to freedom. The outcomiog vessels were discovered, pur- BATTLE OP SANTIAGO sued, attacked, and sunk or driven ashore in a sinking condition. As at Manila, not an American ship was dis abled. Only one American was killed (July 3). Two weeks later Santiago surrendered. 16. As the war progressed our government came to think that Spanish rule should be driven not only from Cuba but 16. What became the policy of our government as respects other conquests ? How did that policy affect Porto Rico ? Where is Porto Rico (see map) ? What is the capital of Porto Rico ? Why did not our troops capture that city ? What terms did \ve offer to Spain ? What did Spain and President McKinley then do ? 1898] RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 311 as well from every other island of Spain in the West Indies. Accordingly, a fleet and army were sent against Porto Rico. The troops, opposed by Spanish soldiers, welcomed by the people, were advancing across the island to attack its capi tal, San Juan, when they were stopped by news of peace. Spain, defeated and without hope of future success, had sued for peace. In response, the terms offered required Spain to give up all her rights over Cuba, and to cede Porto Rico and other islands in the West Indies, also one of the Ladrone Islands, to the United States. It was further pro posed that Spanish and American commissioners, meeting in Paris, should decide as to the future control of the Phil ippines and as to other matters, and frame a treaty of peace. These terms having been accepted, the President declared the war at an end (August 12) ; but the news of this declaration did not reach Manila in time to prevent the next day s fighting there. 17. The war had lasted less than four months. Before it was declared a tariff law, known as the Dingley bill, went into effect, its aim being to increase the revenue and give better protection to American industries. The war coining on and more money being needed, a law was made which imposed taxes on many domestic productions, and required stamps to be put upon legal and business papers of various kinds. 18. Hawaii While war was increasing the domain of 17. How long had the war lasted ? What is said of the Dingley bill ? Of the do mestic tax bill ? 18. Where are the Hawaiian Islands ? What can you say of their early history as respects discovery ? Of missionaries, churches, and schools i Of Hawaii as a republic ? Of the wish of the people as regards annexation to the United States ? Of the steps taken by which that object was effected ? Of the population ? Of the men and women of the native race ? Of their children ? 312 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES the United States, peace was busy in like manner. In the Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 miles from America, is a group of islands which the people there called the Hawaiian (Jia- wi -yan] Islands, but which elsewhere are often called the Sandwich Islands. The first Europeans to see them were Spaniards. In 1778 they were again discovered by Captain Cook, an English navigator. . As early as 1820 American missionaries began to go to them. Churches and schools followed. On the 4th of July, 1894, a republican form of government was established. The people in control wanted to be a part of our people ; and after years of asking and waiting their wish was gratified. A resolution of annexa tion was passed by Congress, and on the 7th of July, 1898, was approved by the President. On the 12th of August the American flag was hoisted over the Capitol of this island republic, Hawaii (ha-wi -e), and it became a terri tory of the United States. At this time the population was about 109,000, of whom about 31,000 were of the native race. The men and women of this race are peace ful and generous, and, with few exceptions, read and write the English language in addition to their own. Their chil dren attend the public schools, and in no way are infe rior to their classmates. 19. Treaty of Peace with Spain. The war with Spain being ended, 1 commissioners, five from the United States and five from Spain, met in Paris and framed a treaty of peace, which was ratified by both governments in the early part of the following year (1899). In addition to the pre vious concessions, Spain ceded the Philippine Islands to the United States, the latter paying $20,000,000 to Spain. 1901] RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 313 A part of the people of the islands who had made war upon the Spanish authority, were not satisfied that the United States or any other foreign power should have control, and after the treaty was made began war against the authority of the United States. Their hostility con tinued a long time. 20. Troubles in China. In the early part of the summer of 1900 an insurrection broke out in China, which was directed not against the government but against for eigners. Many of these, mostly missionaries, were killed and their houses given to the flames. The fury of the insurgents extended to the native Christians, converts of the missionaries, thousands of whom were also killed. To prevent further destruction of life and property, the nations having treaties Avith China formed an alliance and sent ships and men to enforce their object. Our govern ment by its prompt action and wise counsel at once became a leader among the allies. The capital of the empire being Peking, the minister of the United States and the other ministers resided there. These legations, grouped together, were besieged nearly two months, the Chinese government making no attempt to drive the besiegers away. The defenders, protected in part by a wall and bags of sand, made a brave fight, repelling attack after attack, till troops from the allies came to their relief. 21. National Election. Meanwhile the election con test was in progress, the leading candidates being the same as four years before (p. 302). McKinley was again elected, with Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, as Vice- President. McKinley s second term began March 4, 1901. 314 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES [1901 22. Island Possessions. Within the last few years the United States had acquired numerous islands. These were Hawaii (p. 311), Porto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, one of the Ladrones, and several islands of the Samoan group, acquired by treaty in 1899. Many persons contended that these newly acquired possessions had the same rights as the states and territories, " the Constitution follows the flag," they said ; but in May, 1901, the Supreme Court de cided that they were subject to special acts of Congress. Tariff laws for these islands may differ from tariff laws for the United States. When this decision of the court was made, delegates, elected by the people of Cuba, were as sembled in Havana to. frame a form of government for that island. They adopted a constitution, to which they added conditions imposed by Congress, one of which provided for ceding the Isle of Pines to the United States (map, p. 309). 23. The Nation Mourns. During six months of this year a Pan-American Exposition was held at Buffalo, N". Y,, where President McKinley delivered an eloquent address. Next day, September 6th, while holding a recep tion in its Temple of Music, he was shot by an anarchist, one of the two balls fired entering his body. The assail ant, born in America twenty-eight years before, was a son of Polish immigrants. It was hoped that the life of the President would be saved, but on the 14th the end came. So passed away one of the wisest and best of the American Presidents. His funeral, in Washington, was attended by grief-stricken thousands. Words of sym pathy came from every quarter of the globe. The Vice- President, Theodore Roosevelt, then became President. 1 JOIJ RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS 315 24. Roosevelt s Administration. The new President, Theodore Roosevelt, was born in New York, October 27, 1858. His life was full of activity. Graduating from Harvard University, he was regarded as one of the most worthy of her sons. As a member of the New York Legislature, Assistant Secre tary of the Navy, soldier in the war with Spain, and Governor of the State of New York, he acquitted himself with honor. As a public speaker and author he gained additional renown. His " Winning of the West," " Naval War of 1812," and other books, had a wide cir culation. Now, when he was not yet forty-three years of age, he was called to be the President of the greatest republic in the world. Of all the Presidents entering the White House he was the youngest. His policy, he declared, would be the same as tbat of his predecessor. The population of the forty-five States of the Union then exceeded 76,300,000, and the country was prosperous beyond any previous time. Copyright, 1900, by R. W. Thacher. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY 315 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY 1765. Parliament passed the Stamp Act. The Colonial Congress met in New York. 1770. Affray, known as the Boston Massacre, occurred. 1773. The tea was thrown overboard in Boston Harbor. 1774. The First Congress met in Philadelphia. 1775. Battle of Lexington. Revolutionary War began. 1776. Independence declared by Congress, July 4th. 1777. Burgoyno surrendered his army to Gates. 1778. France acknowledged the independence of the United States 1779. Paul Jones gained a victory oft the English coast. 1780. Arnold plotted to betray West Point to the British. 1781. The Articles of Confederation ratified by the States. Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. 1782. A preliminary treaty of peace was signed at Paris. 1783. A definitive treaty of peace was made with Great Britain. New York was evacuated by the British. 1787. Convention at Philadelphia adopted Constitution of the U. S. 1789. Washington -was inaugurated President. 1791. Vermont was admitted into the Union. 1792. Kentucky was admitted into the Union. 1794. Wayne defeated the Indians on the Maumee. 1796. Tennessee was admitted into the Union. 1797. John Adams was inaugurated President. 1799. Washington died at Mount Yernon, Virginia. 1800. Washington became the capital of the United States. 1801. Thomas" Jefferson was inaugurated President. 1803. Ohio was admitted into the Union. Louisiana was purchased from France. 1804. Decatur recaptured the frigate Philadelphia. Hamilton was killed in a duel with Burr. 1807. The Leopard attacked the United States frigate Chesapeake. 1809. Congress prohibited commerce with Great Britain and France. James Madison was inaugurated President. 1811. Harrison gained a victory at Tippecanoe. 1812. Louisiana was admitted into the Union. United States declared War against Great Britain. 1813. Perry gained a victory on Lake Erie. Harrison defeated Proctor at the Thames. 1814. Washington was captured by the British. A treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. 1815. Jackson defeated the British at New Orleans. Decatur was sent to Algiers. 1816. Indiana was admitted into the Union. 1817. James Monroe was inaugurated President. 1818. Jackson was sent against the SeminoK s. Illinois was admitted into the Union. 1819. Alabama was admitted into the Union. 316 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 1820. Maine was admitted into the. Union. The Missouri Compromise was adopted. 1821. Spain ceded Florida to the United States. Missouri was admitted into the Union. 1824. Lafayette visited the United States. 1825. John Quincy Adams was inaugurated President. 1826. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died (July 4). 1829. Andrew Jackson was inaugurated President. 1832. The Black Hawk War broke out. South Carolina attempted nullification. 1835. War with the Seminoles began. 1836. Arkansas was admitted into the Union. 1837. Michigan was admitted into the Union. Martin Van Buren was inaugurated President. 1841. William Henry Harrison was inaugurated President. The death of President Harrison occurred (April 4). John Tyler was inaugurated President. 1845. Florida was admitted into the Union. James K. Polk was inaugurated President. Texas was admitted into the Union. 1846. Taylor defeated the Mexicans at Palo Alto. Iowa was admitted into the Union. 1847. Taylor defeated the Mexicans at Buena Vista. Scott entered the City of Mexico. 1848. A treaty of peace was made with Mexico. Wisconsin was admitted into the Union. 1849. Zachary Taylor was inaugurated President. 1850. Death of President Taylor. Millard Fill more was inaugurated President. California was admitted into the Union. 1853. Franklin Pierce was inaugurated President. 1854. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill was passed. 1857. James Buchanan was inaugurated President. 1858. Minnesota was admitted into the Union. 1859. Oregon was admitted into the Union. John Brown made a raid into Virginia. 1860. South Carolina passed a secession ordinance. 1861. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Vir ginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, passed secession ordinances. Kansas was admitted into the Union. The "Southern Confederacy" was formed. Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated President. The Union army was routed at Bull Run (July 21). 1862. " The Seven Days contest before Richmond " (June 25-July 1). Lee s army was defeated at Antietam. The Union army was repulsed at Fredericksburg (Dec. 13). 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued. West Virginia was admitted into the Union. Lee made his second invasion into Maryland. The Confederates were defeated at Gettysburg. Vicksburg was surrendered to General Grant. CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY 31 1863. The great riot in New York occurred. 1864. General Sherman captured Atlanta. Nevada was admitted into the Union. Savannah was occupied by Sherman s army. 1865. Charleston was occupied by Union troops. Petersburg and Richmond were captured by the Unionists. Lee surrendered to Grant. President Lincoln was assassinated. Andrew Johnson was inaugurated President. Slavery was constitutionally abolished. 1867. Nebraska was admitted into the Union. Alaska was purchased from Russia. 1868. The Fourteenth Amendment was adopted. 1869. Ulysses S. Grant was inaugurated President. 1870. The Fifteenth Amendment was adopted. 1871. The Alabama Treaty was concluded. The great fire at Chicago occurred. 1876. The Centennial Anniversary of American Independence was celebrated. The International Exhibition, or World s Fair, was held in Philadelphia. Colorado was admitted into the Union. 1877. Rutherford B. Hayes was inaugurated President. 1881. Inauguration of James A. Garfield. Death of President Garfield. Chester A. Arthur President. 1885. Grover Cleveland inaugurated President. Death of General Grant. 1889. Benjamin Harrison inaugurated President. North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington were admitted into the Union. 1890. Idaho and Wyoming were admitted into the Union. 1892. Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. 1893. Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland. 1896. Utah was admitted into the Union. 1897. William McKinley was inaugurated President. 1898. Destruction of the Warship Maine (Feb. 15). War with Spain declared. Dewey s victory over the Spanish fleet at Manila (May 1). Spanish fleet destroyed off Santiago de Cuba (July 3)! War with Spain ended (Aug. 12). 1899. Treaty of peace with Spain ratified. 1900. Troubles in China. 1901. Second inauguration of William McKinley. 318 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TOPICS FOR REVIEW Numbers refer to pages of the book BIOGRAPHICAL George Washington ......... 184, 189, 192 Thomas Jefferson ..... . .1st), 193, 198, 215 Alexander Hamilton ............. 186, 195 Daniel Boone .............. : ......... 188 John Adams ...................... 1 .10, 215 Aaron Burr ........................ 193, 1% Decatur ......................... 195, 209 General Harrison ......... ... .199, 201, 221 General Hull ........................ 200 Commodore Bainbridge ........... 194, 201 Commodore Perry ................... 201 General Jackson ." ........ 202, 207 , 211, 210 General Scott ........ 204, 227, 228. 240, 248 James Monroe ............. . ........ 210 John Q. Adams ...................... 215 John C. Calhonn ..................... 218 Abraham Lincoln ........ 218, 210, 272, 276 General Taylor ........... 220, 224, 225, 232 Martin Van Bnren .................. 220 John Tyler ......................... 221 Samuel Houston ...................... 222 James K. Polk... .................... 223 John C. Fremont ................. 225, 249 Millard Fillmore ............. ...... 232 Daniel Webster ...................... 233 Henry (. lay .......................... 233 Franklin Pierce ....... . ............. 234 James Buchanan ................. 235, 240 Jefferson Davis .............. 239, 2 14, 271 General Beauregard .................. 243 General Lyon ..................... 249 Admiral Farragut ................ 253, 268 General McClellan ....... 245, 248. 25(5, 257 General Grant 251, 2GO, 263, 2(57, 271, 279, 280 General Lee .............. 250, 258, 259, 271 General Johnston ................. 256, 271 General Rosecrans ................ 258, 201 General Sherman . . ...... 2(53, 2(35, 26L>, 270 General Early ........................ 268 General Sheridan .................... 268 Andrew Johnson ................. 276, 278 Professor Morse. .!...> ........... ... 296 Robert Fulton ......... ............... 297 Washington Irving ................... 300 Eli Whitney ......................... 299 Elias Howe, Jr ...................... 300 William Cullen Bryant .............. 301 James A. Garfield ....*. .............. 284 Grover Cleveland .................... 286 William McKinley ................... 304 Admiral Dewey ...................... 308 GEOGRAPHICAL Maumee River Washington Louisiana Tippecanoe ............ 188 1 9.5, 206 194, 209 .. . : ...... 199 Detroit 200 Thames River 202 Plattslmrg 204, 205 Baltimore... 206 Mobile 207, 268 Pensacolu 207, 211 New Orleans 20S, 253 Fort Moultrie 220, 238 Palo Alto... 224 Buena Vista Vera Crux Cerro Gordo City of Mexico San Francisco Kansas 235. 240 Harper s Ferry 236, 245 Charleston . 238, 270 Fort Sumter 238, 239, 243 His: Hethel .. -.245 225 227 227 228 231 Richmond .245, 271 Bull Run 248, 257 Fredericksburg 258 Murfreesboro 1 258 Chancellorsville 259 Gettysburg 260 Vicksburg 260 Chattanooga 261 Atlanta 263, 265 Nashville 265 Petersburg 267 Shenandoah Valley 268 HISTORICAL Whisky Insurrection 187 Battle of the Maumee 188 War of 1812 199 Battle of Lundy s Lane 204 Taking of Washington 206 Battle of New Orleans 208 Cession of Florida to the I . S 211 Missouri Compromise 212 Lafayette s Visit to the United States. 213 Nullification 216, 217 Black Hawk War 218 Seminole War 219 War with Mexico 224 Conquest of New Mexico 225 Discovery of Gold in California 230 Compromise of 1850 233 Civil War in Kansas 235 John Brown s Raid 236 Organization of Southern Con/ed. . . . 238 Capture of Forts Henry and Donelsoii. 250 Battle of Pittsburg Landing 251 Fight between the Monitor and the Merrimac 255 Battle of Fair Oaks 256 Seven Days Battles 257 Battle of Antietam 257 Battle of Chickamauga 261 TOPICS FOR REVIEW 319 Draft Riot in New York 202 Red River Expedition 2ti4 Massacre at Fort Pillow . 26.") Sherman s March to the Coat* 1 2_6 Abolition of Slavery in the United States 275, 277 Purchase of Alaska 27 8 Laying of the Atlantic Cable 297 Voyage of the Clermont 298 Invention of the Cotton Gin 299 Invention of the Magnetic Telegraph. 296, 299 Statue of Liberty 286 Chinese Immigration 287 Anniversary of the Discovery of America " 291 Behring Sea Dispute 292 Venezuela and the Monroe Doctrine. . 303 Insurrection in Cuba 304 Destruction of the Maine 305 War with Spain 306 Spanish Fleet Destroyed at Manila... . 307 Battle of Santiago../. 310 Hawaii Annexed 311 Troubles in China 313 Island Possessions. .. .. 314 APPENDIX THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, July 4, 1776 WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions-of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ^We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights ^ that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the gov erned ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such princi ples, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly,, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpa tions, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great 2 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world : He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and press ing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained ; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature ; a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncom fortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise ; the state remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the danger of in vasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states ; for that purpose, obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners, refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and rais ing the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his as sent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in time of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined, with others, to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his as sent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 3 For protecting them by a mock trial, from punishment, for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states: For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world : For imposing taxes on us without our consent: For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefit of trial by jury: For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies : For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the powers of our governments: For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves in vested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his pro tection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already be gun, with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic. insurrections amongst us, and has endeav ored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruc tion of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms ; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts made by their legis lature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have re minded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to ft 4 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our con nections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace, friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is, and ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that, as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And, for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protec tion of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. New Hampshire. Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. Rhode Island. Stephen Hop kins, William Ellery. Connecticut. Roger Sherman, Samuel Hunt- ington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott. New York. William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. New Jersey. Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark. Pennsylvania. Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross. Delaware. Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas M Kean. Maryland. Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. Virginia. George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, jun., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. North Carolina. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn. South Carolina. Edward Rutledge, Thomas Hey- ward, jun., Thomas Lynch, jun., Arthur Middleton. Georgia. But ton Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton. This declaration was signed on the day of its adoption, by John Hancock, the presi dent of Congress, and thus it went forth to the world. By order of Congress it was engrossed and also signed by the above Darned members. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1. ORIGIN OF THE CONSTITUTION. When the Revolutionary struggle commenced, there were three forms of colonial government in force among the colonies, namely : the provincial or royal, the proprietary, and the charter. The provincial or royal government was under the control of a governor, who, appointed by the king, administered affairs according to instructions from his royal master. The colonies of this class were New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. 2. The proprietary government was under the control of one or more proprietors, who derived their authority by grant and privileges con ferred by the king. Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland were sub ject to the proprietary *ule. The charter government secured certain political rights to the people by royal charter. Of this class were Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 3. On the llth of June, 1776, Congress resolved that a committee should be appointed to prepare a form of confederation, to be entered into by the colonies. On the 12th of July following, this committee, consisting of one from each state, reported a draft of Articles of Con federation. The Report was considered and debated from time to time until the 15th of November, 1777, when, with some amendments, it was adopted. 4. These Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1778 by all the Questions. 1. What forms of government existed among the colonies previous to the Ravolution ? What was the provincial or royal government ? Which of the col onies were provincial or royal ? 2. What was the proprietary government ? Give the names of the colonies that were subjected to the proprietary rule. What was the charter government ? Which of the colonies had charters ? 3. What resolution was first adopted in Congress in relation to a form of confederation ? Give the subsequent history of the measure. 4. When did the states ratify the Articles <dt Confederation v When did the Articles of Confederation go into effect ? 6 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES states except Delaware and Maryland, and by Delaware in 1779 ; but, in consequence of the delay on the part of Maryland, they did not go into effect until the 1st of March, 1781, the day on which they were signed by the delegates from that state. 5. It was soon found that the Articles of Confederation were not adequate to the wants of the government. They were deficient as re gards the regulation of commerce, the settling of controversies between the states, the making of treaties with foreign nations, and especially so in not conferring the necessary power upon Congress to liquidate the debts incurred during the war. 6. Consequently, a convention of delegates from all the states, except Rhode Island, met at Philadelphia, in May, 1787, for the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation ; but it was thought best by a majority of the delegates to adopt an entirely new form of government, instead of making any attempts to amend the defective one then in existence. Accordingly, on the 17th of September, 1787, after four months deliberation, the present Constitution, except some changes which have since been made, -was adopted by the Convention. 7. The new Constitution was submitted to the people, who, in the newspapers, legislative halls, and elsewhere, discussed it with earnest ness and thoroughness ; the ratification of nine states being requisite before it could go into effect. It met with considerable opposition ; but after it had been adopted by all the states, except North Carolina and Rhode Island, it went into operation March 4th, 1789. NOTE. Congress ought to have met on the 4th of March, 1789, but in consequence of delay in the arrival of members, the most of whom had to make their way to New York on horseback or by sea, there being no railroads in those days, a quorum was not secured before the 30th. " Washington received sixty-nine votes, that being the whole number of electors voting. John Adams received thirty-four votes in all, not a majority ; but sufficient, as the Constitution then stood, being the second highest num ber, to make him vice-president. 11 The sixty -nine votes received by Washington were from ten states only. New York did not vote because of a disagreement between the two houses of her legislature ; and North Carolina and Khode Island had not adopted the Constitution. "The inauguration was delayed for several days by a question which had arisen as to the form or title by which the President elect was to be ad dressed. ... It was finally resolved that the address should be simply the Presi dent of the United States, 1 without any addition of title ; a judicious form which has remained to the present day." Irving s Life of Washington. 5. What was soon ascertained with reference to the Articles of Confederation ? In what respects were they deficient? 6. What convention was held in May, 1787? What was done by the convention ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES THE CONSTITUTION WAS ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS BY : Delaware Dec. 7, 1787 Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787 New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787 Georgia Jan. 2,1788 Connecticut ... ... Jan. 9, 1788 Maryland April 28, 1788 South Carolina May 23, 1788 New Hampshire June 21, 1788 Virginia June 26, 1788 New York July 26, 1788 Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788 | North Carolina Nov. 21, 17! Rhode Island May 29, 1790 THE CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE WE, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the bless ings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT SECTION I. Congress in General All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SECTION II. House of Representatives 1st Clause. The House of Representatives shall be composed o members chosen every second year by the people of the several sa PREAMBLE. What is the introductory part of the Constitution called ? What is- the object of the preamble ? Ans. To state the purposes of the Constitution. Hovt many and what purposes are stated in the preamble ? By whom was the Constitution ordained and established ? Recite the preamble. How many and what departments of government are established under the Constitution ? Ans. Three : the legislative, the judicial, and the executive. What is the legislative department ? Ans. The power that enacts the laws. What is the executive department ? Ans. The power that enforces the laws. What is the judicial department ? Ans. The power that in terprets the laws. ARTICLE I. Sec. 1. Of what does Article first of the Constitution treat ? In whom is the legislative power vested ? Of how many and what branches does Congress con sist ? SEC. II. 1st Clause. By whom are the representatives chosen ? How often are they chosen ? What qualifications are requisite for electors of representatives ? What is an elector { Ans. One who has the right to vote in choosing an officer. 8 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature. 2d Clause. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. 3d Clause. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and, excluding Indians not taxed, three- fifths of all other persons. (See Article XIV. of the Amendments.) The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hamp shire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. 4tk Clause. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5th Clause. The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of im peachment. %d Clause. How old must a person be before he can be a representative ? How long must he have been a citizen of the United States ? What is the requisite in regard to his habitation ? Now name the three qualifications requisite for a representative. 3c Clause. How were representatives and direct taxes apportioned among the states ? How were the respective numbers of the representative population of the several states to be determined ? What provision was made in regard to Indians ? What was meant by " all other persons " ? Am. Slaves. When was the first census or enumeration to be made ? How often is the census to be made ? How many in habitants at least are required for one representative ? If a state should not have that number, what is the law ? Was the first representation in Congress based upon the actual population of the several states ? Which state at first sent the greatest number of representatives ? Which two states sent the smallest number ? Of how many members did the first House of Representatives consist ? Of how many does the present House consist ? Ans. 356. 4th Clause. How are vacancies in the representation of a state to be filled ? 5th Clause. By whom is the speaker of the House of Representatives chosen ? By whom are the other offices of the House chosen ? W T hat sole power has the House ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES SECTION III. The Senate 1st Clause. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. 2d Clause. Immediately after they shall be assembled in conse quence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. 3d Clause. Xo person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabit ant of that state for which he shall be chosen. 4^ Clause. The vice-president of the United States shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. 5th Clause. The Semite shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro tempore, in the absence of the vice-president, or when he shall exercise the office of president of the United States. What is meant by impeachment ? A ns. An accusation against a public officer, charging him with misconduct in the discharge of his official duties. SEC. III. 1st Clause. Of whom is the Senate composed? By whom are the sena tors chosen ? For how long a period are they chosen ? How does the mode of elect ing a senator differ from that of a representative ? Ans. A senator of the United States is chosen by the legislature of his state ; a representative is chosen by the people. How do their terms of office differ ? Ans. A senator is chosen for six years ; a representative for only two. How many votes is each senator entitled to ? Have the large states any more senators than the small ones ? 2d Clause. Into how many classes were the senators at first divided ? In what order were their seats of office vacated ? What proportion of the Senate is elected every second year ? How often is one-third elected ? When may the executive of a state fill a vacancy in the Senate ? For how long a time does a senator so appointed hold his office ? How is the vacancy then filled ? Now state how vacancies in the Senate are filled. 3tf Clause. How old must a person be before he can be a senator ? How long must he have been a citizen of the United States ? What is required of him in regard to residence ? Now name the three requisites for a senator. How do they differ from those of a representative ? (See Art. I., Sec. II., 2d Clause.) 4t/i Clause. Who is president of the Senate ? When only is he entitled to vote ? 5th Clause. What officers are chosen by the Senate ? What is meant by a " presi dent pro tempore"? Ans. One chosen only for the time being. When does the Senate choose a " president pro tempore " ? 10 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 6th Clause. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all im peachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the president of the United States is tried, the chief -justice shall preside : and no person shall be con victed without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 7th Clause. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and sub ject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law. SECTION IV. Both Houses 1st Clause. . The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof ; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. 2d Clause. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. -SjECTiON V. The Houses Separately 1st Clause. Each Bouse shall be the judge of the elections, re turns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller num ber may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to com pel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. 6th Clause. What sole power has the Senate ? What sole power has the House ? (See Art. I., Sec. II., 5th Clause.) Under wht solemnity does the Senate sit for the trial of impeachment ? When does the chief -justice preside in the Senate ? Who presides when the president of the United States is tri^d ? What proportion of the Senate is necessary to a conviction ? 7th Clause. How far may judgment extend in eases of impeachment ? To what is the convicted party further liable ? SEC. IV. 1st Clause. What is prescribed by each state legislature in regard to elections for senators and representatives ? What power has Congress over such regulations ? 2d Clause. How often does Congress assemble ? On what day is it prescribed that the meeting shall take place ? May a different day be appointed ? How ? SEC. V. 1st Clause. Of what is each house constituted the judge ? What propor tion constitutes a quorum ? What is meant by a quorum ? An s. A sufficient number t > do business. What power do a smaller number possess as regards adjourning i AV r hat else may they do as regards absentees ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 11 2d Clause. Each house may determine the rules of its proceed ings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and with the con currence of two-thirds, expel a member.^ _ N / 3d Clause. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the mem bers of either house on any question, shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Mil Clause. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. SECTION VI. Privileges and Disabilities of Members 1st Clause. The senators and representatives shall receive a com pensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall, in all cases, ex cept treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. 2d Clause. No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased, during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. 2d Clause. What power has each house over the rules of its proceedings ? What power does each house possess for enforcing its rules ? 3d Clause. What is required of each house, in respect to keeping a journal ? How is publicity given to the proceedings of Congress? What part of its journal may either house withhold from publication ? When shall the yeas and nays be entered on the journal ? 4th Clause. For what length of time may either house adjourn without the consent of the other ? How is each house restricted as regards the place to which it may ad journ ? SEC. VI. 1st Clause. Are members of Congress compensated for their services ? How is the compensation determined ? Are members of Congress paid by their states respectively, or by the general government ? Ans. They are compensated by the general government, out of the treasury of the United States. What personal privileges are niembers of Congress entitled to ? What are the three exceptions to the general privilege that the Constitution allows* to Congressmen ? In what does treason consist ? (See Art. IIL, Sec-. III., 1st Clause.) What is felony ? Ans. A crime punishable with death. What is meant by a breach of the peace ? Ans. A violation of the public order. For what are members of Congress not to be questioned ? 2d Clause. To what offices cannot members of Congress be elected ? Suppose that a person holds an office under the United States, what then ? 12 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES SECTION VII. Mode of Passing Laws 1st Clause. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. 2d Clause. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Rep resentatives and the Senate shall, before it become a law, be pre sented to the president of the United States ; if he approve, he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objec tions at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; and, if ap proved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the president within ten days (Sun days excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Con gress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. 3d Clause. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the president of SEC. VII. 1st Clause. In which branch of Congress must all bills for raising rev enue originate ? What power has the Senate over such bills ? 2d Clause. After a bill has passed both houses of Congress, what must be done with it ? What must the president do with the bill ? What is the president s act of objecting to a bill called ? Arts. A veto. Why was the veto power given to the president ? Ans. To enable him to protect the executive department of the govern ment against the encroachments of the legislature ; also with a view to greater secu rity against the enactment of improper laws. When the president vetoes a bill, what is the duty of the house to which it is sent ? When is the bill sent to the other house ? What accompanies the bill to the other house ? Then what does that other house do with the bill ? If two-thirds approve of the bill, what then ? Now state how a bill may become a law, notwithstanding the veto of the president ? When the two houses reconsider a vetoed bill, how do they determine the votes ? What record of names is imperative ? State how a bill may become a law, even though the presi dent has neither signed nor vetoed it. In what case does a bill fail to become a law, though it has passed both houses of Congress, and is not vetoed ? 3d Clause. What is necessary to be done with orders, resolutions, and votes, re quiring the concurrence of both houses before they can take effect ? What is the object of the provision ? Ans. If it were not for the provision, Congress might pass laws, calling them orders or resolutions, and thus evade the president s veto. When the president vetoes an order, resolution, or vote, what course does it take ? In what case, requiring the concurrent action of both houses, has the president no veto power ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 13 the United States ; and, before the same shall take effect, shall be ap proved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two- thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. SECTION VIII. Powers granted to Congress The Congress shall have power 1st Clause. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises; to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uni form throughout the United States ; 2d Clause. To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; 3d Clause. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes ; 4th Clause. To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uni form laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; , 5th Clause. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of for eign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; 6th Clause. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; 1th Clause. To establish post-offices and post-roads ; 8^ Clause. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; SEC. VIII. \st Clause. What power has Congress in regard to taxes, duties, im posts, and excises ? What are taxes ? Ans. Contributions of money exacted by gov ernment from individuals, for public purposes. How many kinds of taxes are there ? Ans. Two ; direct and indirect. What are direct taxes ? Ans. Taxes laid directly on the person or property of individuals. What are indirect taxes ? Ans. Taxes laid on the importation, exportation, and consumption of goods. What are duties ? Ans. Taxes on the importation or exportation of goods. What are imposts ? Ans. Taxes on goods imported. What are excises ? Ans. Taxes on goods produced or manu factured in the country. 2d Clause. What power has Congress in regard to borrowing money ? 3d Clause. What in regard to regulating commerce ? 4th Clause. What in regard to a rule of naturalization ? What is meant by natural ization ? Ans. The act by which a foreigner becomes a citizen of the United States. How long must a person reside in the United States before he can be naturalized ? Ans. Five years. What power has Congress in regard to bankruptcies ? What Is meant by bankruptcies ? Ans. A person is a bankrupt when he is unable to pay his just debts. 5th Clause. What power has Congress in regard to coining money ? What, in regard to the value of money ? What, in regard to foreign corns ? What, in regard to weights and measures ? 6th Clause. What power has Congress in regard to counterfeiting ? 7th Clause. What power has Congress in regard to post-offices and post-roads ? 8th Clause. In what way may Congress promote the progress of science and arts ? For how long a time is the author of a book entitled to the exclusive right of publish ing it ? Ans. Twenty-eight years. What is the right called ? Ans. A copyright. 14 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Sth Clause. To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court ; Wth Clause. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations ; llth Clause. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; 12th Clause. To raise and support armies ; but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; 13th Clause. To provide and maintain a navy ; 14th Clause. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; 15th Clause. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; 16th Clause. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress ; 17th Clause. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatso ever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States ; and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, maga zines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings ; and May a copyright be renewed ? Ans. At the expiration of the twenty-eight years it may be renewed for the further period of fourteen years. For how long a time is the inventor of a machine entitled to the exclusive right of manufacturing it ? Ans. Fourteen years. What is the right called ? Ans. A patent right. Can a patent right be extended ? Ans. The commissioner of patents is authorized, at the end of the fourteen years, to extend the right for the further period of seven years. Wi Clause. What power has Congress in regard to judicial tribunals ? 10th Clause. What in regard to piracies, felonies, etc.? What is piracy? Ans. Robbery on the high seas. What is meant by the term " high seas " ? Ans. All the waters of the ocean beyond the boundaries of low-water mark. llth Clause. What power has Congress in regard to declaring war ? What in regard of marque and reprisal " ? What are letters of marque and reprisal ? Ans. Commissions granted by the government to individuals, authorizing them to prey upon the commerce of another nation. What power has Congress in regard to rules concerning captures ? 12th Clause. What power has Congress in regard to armies ? In what way is such power restricted ? 13th Clause. What power has Congress in regard to a navy ? 14th Clause. What power in regard to the government of the land and naval forces ? loth Clause. What power in regard to calling forth the militia, etc.? 16th Clause. What power in regard to organizing armies, and disciplining the militia ? What, in regard to governing the militia ? What reservations are secured to the respective states ? 17th Clause. What power has Congress in regard to the seat of government, and to places purchased for certain purposes set forth ? What is the district occupied as the seat of government called ? Ans. The District of Columbia. How large was the Dis- CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 15 18th Clause. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. SECTION IX. Powers denied to the United States 1st Clause. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be pro hibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. 2d Clause. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. 3d Clause. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 4th Clause. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. 5th Clause, No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. trict of Columbia originally ? Ans. Ten miles square. From what states had it been derived ? Ans. By cession from the states of Maryland and Virginia. Is the District of Columbia at present ten miles square ? Ans. The portion derived from Virginia having been ceded back to that state, in 1846, the District is now confined to the Mary land side of the Potomac. What consent is requisite before the United States can acquire property in a state for the erection of forts, magazines, etc.? ioA Clause. What general powers are conferred upon Congress in regard to making laws? SEC. IX. 1st Clause. What restriction was imposed upon Congress in regard to the ligration or importation of certain persons ? Who were meant by "such persons" ? Ans. Slaves. What was the great object of the clause ? Ans. To enable Congress to put an end to the importation of slaves into the United States, after the year 1808. In what way was Congress left to restrain the importation without actually forbidding it ? When was the importation actually prohibited ? A ns. On the 1st of January, 1808. 2d Clause. What is said of the writ of habeas corpus ? What is a writ of habeas corpus ? Ans. A written command from a judge or other magistrate, directing that the body of a certain person shall be brought before him. What is the object of the writ? Ans. To provide a means of redress for all manner of illegal imprisonment. Repeat the clause in relation to the writ of habeas corpus. In what cases may the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus be suspended ? 3d Clause. What is said of bills of attainder or ex post facto laws ? What is a bill of attainder ? Ans. An act of the legislature inflicting the punishment of death, with out trial, upon persons supposed to be guilty of high crimes. What is an ex post facto law ? Ans. A law which renders an act punishable which was not punishable at the time of its commission. 4tfi Clavse. In what way may Congress lay a capitation or other direct tax ? What is meant by a capitation tax ? Ans. A direct tax upon individuals. How is the census to be taken ? (See Art. I., Sec. II., 3d Clause.) 5tfi Clause. What prohibition is imposed upon Congress in relation to articles ex ported from any state ? 16 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Qth Clause. No preference shall be given by any regulation of com merce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one state, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 1th Clause. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in con sequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 8th Clause. No title of nobility shall be granted by the- United States ; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolu ment, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state, SECTION X. Powers denied to the States 1st Clause. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con federation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contia?ts, or grant any title of nobility. 2d Clause. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be abso lutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the net prod uce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports .shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. 6th Clause. What preference is forbidden in relation to a regulation of commerce or revenue ? What freedom have vessels that are bound from one state to another ? 7th Clause. Under what circumstances only can money be drawn from the national treasury ? What publication must be made in regard to receipts and expenditures of all public money ? 8th Clause. What is said in the Constitution about titles of nobility ? What is said of officeholders accepting presents, etc. ? Under what circumstances may an office holder accept a present ? Repeat the clause relating to titles and presents. SEC. X. \sl Clause. What prohibition is placed upon the several states as regards treaties, alliances, or confederations ? What, as regards letters of marque and reprisal.? What, as regards the coining of money ? What, as regards bills of credit ? What is meant by bills of credit ? Ans. Bills of credit, within the meaning of the Constitution, are bills intended to circulate as money among the people. What is constituted a legal tender in payment of debt ? What prohibition is placed upon individual states, in regard to a bill of attainder ? What, in regard to an ex post facto law ? What, in re gard to a law impairing the obligation of contracts ? What, in regard to a title of nobility ? Recite the claue just considered. Zd Clause. What prohibition are individual states under, as regards imposts or duties ? In what case only may a state lay any imposts or duties ? What are inspec tion laws ? Ans. Laws requiring certain articles of commerce to be examined by officers called inspectors. What disposition must be made of the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state ? What are the inspection laws of individual states as regards imports or exports subject to ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 17 3d Clause. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT SECTION I. President and Vice-President 1st Clause. The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the vice-president chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : 2d Clause. Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legisla ture thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole num ber of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. THE TWELFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION* 1st Clause. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for president and vice-president, one of whom, at least, 3d Clause. What prohibitions are individual states under as to the laying of a duty of tonnage ? What is a duty of tonnage ? Am. A tax laid on vessels at a certain rale per ton. What prohibition are individual states under as to the keeping of troops ? What, as to the keeping of ships of war ? What, as to an agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power ? What, as to engaging in war ? Under what circumstances then may a state engage in war ? ARTICLE II. Sec. I. 1st Clause. Of what does Article II. of the Constitution treat ? In whom is the executive power of the United States vested ? W T hat is the president s term of office ? How often may a president be re-elected? Am. The Constitution does not limit the number of terms for which a president may be re-elected. Who was the president of the United States ? (See Table of the Presidents.) For how many terms did Washington serve ? Why was not Washington elected for a third term ? Ans. At the close of his second term of office he declined to be a candidate for a third term. What has been the effect of his declination ? Ans. Washington s example in declining to be elected for a third term has become a precedent by which subsequent presidents have been guided. How many and what presidents have served two terms each ? (See Table of Presidents.) Which has the longest term of office the president, a senator, or a representative ? What term has each ? What is the vice-president s term of office ? Who was the first vice-president of the United States ? (See Table of the Presidents.) By whom are the president and vice-president chosen ? A m. The president and vice-president are not chosen by the people directly, but by electors. 2d Clause. In what manner does each state appoint electors ? What number of electors is each state entitled to ? Who are prohibited from being electors ? * THE FORMER METHOD OP ELECTING A PRESIDENT. The original clause of the Constitution, prescribing the mode in which the president and vice-president were to be elected, was repealed in 1804, and the twelfth amendment (as given above) was Adopted in its place. By the original clause, the electors voted for two persons with- 18 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice-president, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the presi dent of the Senate ; the president of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest num. ber of votes for president shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest num bers, not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as president, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But in choosing the president the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and ar majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a presi dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before tho fourth day of March next following, then the vice-president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or other constitutional dis ability of the president. The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution. Where do the electors for president and vice-president meet ? In what way do they vote ? What is prescribed respecting one of the persons for whom they shall not vote ? May the electors of a state vote for president and vice-president when both of the persons voted for reside in the same state, and that not of the electors ? How is it required that their ballots shall be made out ? After voting, what lists are they required to prepare ? What provision must be complied with before the lists can pass out of their hands ? After the lists are signed, certified, and sealed, to whom are they directed ? To what place are they transmitted ? What does the president of the Senate do with the certificates ? How is it determined who is elected president ? Now describe the manner in which the electors choose a president. In the event of no choice being made by the electors, by whom is the presi dent chosen ? From how many and what candidates must the House of Representa tives choose the president? In what way must the choice be made ? How are the votes taken in choosing the president ? How many votes is each state entitled to ? How many is each entitled to, when voting by electors ? In choosing the president by the House of Representatives, how many constitute a quorum ? In such case, how many states are necessary to a choice ? Whenever the right of choosing a president devolves upon the House of Representatives, till what time may the right be exercised ? Now describe the manner in which the House of Representatives chooses a president. In the event of both the electors and House of Representatives failing to choose a presi dent, what takes place ? out naming their choice for the higher position, " the person having the greatest num ber of votes " being declared president, and the next, vice-president. Washington, John Adams, and Jefferson (for first term) were so elected. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 19 2d Clause. The person having the greatest number of votes as vice- president shall be the vice-president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the vice-president ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3d Clause. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States. 4th Clause. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5th Clause. No person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Consti tution, shall be eligible to the office of president ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6th Clause. In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice-president ; and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, 2d Clause. Who shall be the vice-president ? In the event of no person having a majority of electoral votes, by whom is the vice-president chosen ? When choosing a vice-president, how many senators are requisite to a quorum ? How many are neces sary to a choice ? M Clause. Who are ineligible to the office of vice-president ? 4th Clause. What power has Congress over the time of choosing the electors ? What as to the day on which the electors shall vote ? In the event of Congress determining the day on which the electors shall give their votes, what sameness is prescribed ? When are the electors chosen ? Am. On the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the last November of each presidential term. Where do the electors meet to give their votes? Ans. In their respective states, at a place appointed by the legislature thereof, usually in the capital. When do the electors meet to give their votes ? Ans. On the first Wednesday in the last December of each presiden tial term. Uh Clause. What person, as regards his place of birth, cannot be eligible to the office of president ? How old must a person be to be eligible to that office ? How many years must a person, to be eligible to that office, have resided within the United States ? Now state the legal qualifications of a president. Kecite the clause relating to the qualifications. 6^ Clause. In what contingencies does the office of president devolve on the vice- president ? What provision is made by the Constitution for the case of removal or death, etc., of the president ? What provision is made by the Constitution for the case of removal or death, etc., of both president and vice-president ? In the case of removal, etc., of both president and vice-president, what officer shall, by law of Congress, act as president ? Ans. The succession passes to the Cabinet and from one of its members to another in the following order : Sec. of State, Sec. of the Treasury, Sec. of War, Attorney-General, Postmaster-General, Sec. of the Navy, and Sec. of the Interior. How long shall such officer continue to act ? 20 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES resignation, or inability, both of the president and vice-president, declaring what officer shall then act as president, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a president shall be elected. 7th Clause. The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation which shall neither be increased nor dimin ished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. 8th Clause. Before he enter on the execution of his office he shall take the following oath or affirmation : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." SECTION II. Powers of the President 1st Clause. The president shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. 7th Clause. What does the Constitution provide as regards the compensation to be allowed to the president ? What restriction is imposed in regard to any other emolument ? Recite the clause relating to the president s compensation. What is the salary of the president ? Am. $50,000 a year, together with the use of the presi dential mansion and its furniture. What is the salary of the vice-president ? Am. $8,000 a year, 8th Clause. What does the president do just before entering on the execution of his office ? Repeat the oath or affirmation taken by the president. SEC. II. 1st Clause. In what relation does the president stand toward the army and navy ? When only can he command the militia ? AVhose opinions may he require in writing ? Upon what subjects may he require the opinions ? Is he bound to be guided by such opinions ? Ans. He is not. What executive departments have been estab lished by Congress ? Am. Seven, namely : Of State, of the Navy, of War, of the Treasury, Post-office Department, of the Interior, and of Agriculture. For what pur pose were they established ? Am. To aid the president in the executive and adminis trative business of the government. How are the heads of the departments appointed ? Ans. By the president, with the advice and consent of the Senate. How is the attorney- general appointed ? Ans. In like manner as the heads of the departments. Of whom does the president s cabinet consist ? Ans. Of the heads of the departments, and the attorney-general. What power has the president in relation to reprieves and pardons ? What is a reprieve ? Ans. A limited suspension or delay of the execution of a sentence in a criminal case. With what exception is the president vested with the power to, grant reprieves and pardons ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 21 2d Clause. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall appoint, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other of ficers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein other wise provided for, and which. shall be established by law ; but the Con gress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper, in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. 3d Clause. The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION III. Duties of the President He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of dis agreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall re ceive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and shall commission all the officers of the United States. SECTION IV. Impeachment of the President The president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and convic tion of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. 2d Clause. What power has the president relative to treaties ? In whom is the ap pointing power vested ? What is the first step in making an appointment ? What of ficers are enumerated, for which the president and Senate make appointments ? What may Congress do in relation to the appointment of inferior officers ? 3rf Clause. What vacancies can the president fill ? When does such appointment expire ? SEC. III. What information is the president required to give to Congress ? What recommendations is he required to make ? In what way are the recommendations made? Ans. By means of written messages. Was the reading of written messages always the practice ? Ans. The first two presidents, Washington and Adams, used to meet Congress, and make their recommendations by addresses, which they read. Is Congress obliged to adopt the president s recommendations ? Ans. It is not. When may the president cpnvene both houses ? May he convene only one house ? When ? When may the president adjourn Congress ? What is the duty of the president respect ing ambassadors, etc. ? What is his duty respecting the execution of the laws ? What is liis duty respecting the granting of commissions ? SEC. IV. For what crimes may "government officers be removed from office? How may the removal be effected ? 22 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE III. THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT SECTION I. The United States Courts The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior ; and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION II. Jurisdiction of the United States Courts 1st Clause. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under tnis Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of different states ; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. 2d Clause. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. ARTICLE III. SEC. I. Of what does Article III. of the Constitution treat ? In what is the judicial power of the United States vested ? How long do the judges hold their offices ? What is established as to the compensation of the judges ? How can the judges be removed from office ? (See Art. I., Sec. III.) How is the supreme court of the United States organized ? Ans. It is composed of one chief -justice, and eight associate justices, any five of whom constitute a quorum. What is the salary of the chief- justice ? Ans. $10,f)00 a year. What is the salary of each associate justice ? A ns. $10,000 a year. SEC. II. 1st Clause. Name the first of the nine subjects in which the United States courts have jurisdiction. Name the second, concerning ambassadors, etc. Name the third, concerning certain jurisdiction. The fourth, concerning controversies with the United States. The fifth, concerning controversies between states. The sixth, con cerning controversies between a state and citizens. The seventh, concerning contro versies between citizens. The eighth, concerning controversies between citizens claim ing lands. What is the last of the nine subjects ? 2d Clause. In what cases has the supreme court original jurisdiction ? What is meant by original jurisdiction ? Ans. That in which a suit originates or commences. What is "meant by appellate jurisdiction ? Ans. That in which the decision of an in ferior court is taken on appeal, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 23 3d Clause. The, trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Con gress may by law have directed. SECTION III. Treason 1st Clause. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2d Clause. The Congress shall have power to declare the punish ment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTION I. State Records Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, ,aud judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Con gress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION II. Privileges of Citizens 1st Clause. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privi leges and immunities of citizens in the several states. 2d Clause. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another 3d Clause. Before whom must the " trial of all crimes " be held ? What cases are exceptions to the law ? By whom are impeachments tried ? (See Art. I., Sec. III., 6th Clause.) Where must the trial of a crime committed within a state be held ? Where, when not committed within a state ? Repeat the entire clause just considered ? SEC. III. 1st Clause. In how many things does treason against the United Stales consist ? What are the two things ? What is necessary to a conviction of treason ? 2d Clause. What power has Congress relative to the punishment of treason ? How does the Constitution limit the consequences of attainder ? What is meant by at tainder ? An*. Attainder means a staining, corruption, or rendering impure. What is meant by corruption of blood? Am. By ;< corruption of blood " a person is dis abled to inherit lands from an ancestor ; nor can he either retain those in his posses sion, or transmit them by descent to his heirs. ARTICLE IV. SEC. I. Of what does Article IV. treat ? How are the public acts, etc., of the several states to be treated in each state ? How are they to be proved ? SEC. II. 1st Clause. What privileges and immunities are the citizens of each state entitled to ? 3d Clause. What is said of persons, charged with crime, fleeing into another state ? 24 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having juris diction of the crime. 3d Clause. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. (See Article XIII. of the Amendments.) SECTION III. New States and Territories 1st Clause. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the juris diction of any other state ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legis latures of the states concerned, as well as of the Congress. 2d Clause. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other prop erty belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state. SECTION IV. Guarantees to the States The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and, on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence. ARTICLE V. POWERS OF AMENDMENT The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the W. Clause. What is said of persons escaping from service or labor ? What persons were referred to in the third clause ? Ans. Fugitive slaves and persons bound by in dentures of apprenticeship. How has the Constitution been altered in relation to fugitive slaves ? SEC. ILL 1st Clause. By whom may new states be admitted into the Union ? What is said of the formation of new states ? How many states belonged to the Union at the adoption of the Constitution ? (See Art. I., SEC. II., 3d Clause.) How many be long to the Union now ? (See Table of the States.) %d Clause. What power has Congress respecting the territory or other property be longing to the United States ? What construction as to claims is not to be put upon any part of the Constitution ? SEC. IV. What guarantee does Ihe Constitution make to the several states in respect to their form of government ? In what two events are the United States bound to pro tect individual states ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 25 application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitu- tion, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress : pro vided that no amendment, which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. PUBLIC DEBT, SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION, OATH OF OFFICE, RELIGIOUS TEST 1st Clause. All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confedera tion. 2d Clause. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. 3d Clause. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE V. Of what does Article V. treat ? In what two ways may amendments to the Constitution be proposed ? What two ways are provided for ratifying amend ments ? What three restrictions upon the power of making amendments were origi nally imposed by the Constitution ? Why have two of the restrictions lost their force ? What do " the first and fourth clauses " referred to declare ? What permanent restric tion upon the power of making amendments still exists in full force ? ARTICLE \L-lst Clause. \Vhat debts and engagements does the Constitution rec ognize ? M Clause. What is declared to be the supreme law of the land ? By what are the judges in every state bound ? M, Clause. Who, besides the judges, are bound to support the Constitution ? In what way shall they be bound ? What prohibition is made in regard to religious tests ? 26 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE VII. RATIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so rati fying the same. AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY CONGRESS. AND RATIFIED BY THE LEGISLATURES OF THE SEVERAL STATES, PURSUANT TO THE FIFTH ARTICLE OF THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I. Freedom of Religion Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assem ble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. Right to bear Arms A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ARTICLE III. Quartering Soldiers on Citizens No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house with out the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE IV. Search Warrants The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be ARTICLE VII. How many states were necessary to ratify the Constitutipn in order to its establishment ? AMENDMENTS. Why were the first ten articles of amendments made ? Arts Be cause it was generally felt that the Constitution did not sufficiently protect the rights of the people. How may they, then, be regarded ? Am. Asa declaration securing to the people and states certain rights beyond the possibility of being encroached upon by Consress. When were they proposed ? Am. In 1789, during the first session of the first Congress under the Constitution. When were they adopted ? Ans. Having been ratified by three-fourths of the states, they were declared adopted ARTICLE I. What declaration does the first amendment make, respecting religion ? What, respecting the freedom of speech ? What, respecting the freedom of the press ? What, respecting the right of petition ? ARTICLE II. What is the declaration respecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms ? ARTICLE III. W T hat is said of quartering soldiers ? CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES 27 violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, sup ported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V. Trial for Grime No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. Rights of Accused Persons In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law ; and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. ARTICLE VII. Suits at Common Law In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. ARTICLE IV. What is said of searches and seizures ? What is said of the issuing of warrants ? ARTICLE V. What is said of holding persons to answer for crimes ? What is said of a second trial for the same offence ? What is the meaning of the clause that no person shall " be tsvice put in jeopardy," etc. ? Ans. No person shall be a second time tried for an offence of which he has been legally acquitted or convicted. When shall a person not be compelled to witness against himself ? What guarantee of protection to life, liberty, and property is given ? When only can private property be taken for public use ? ARTICLE VI. What right shall a person accused of crime have ? What right, as to the witnesses against him ? What right, as to the witnesses in his favor ? What right, as to the assistance of counsel ? ARTICLE VII. In what suits shall the r ght of trial by jury be preserved ? In what way only shall the re-examination of facts tried by a jury be made ? OOtfSTimTiON OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE VIII. Excessive Bail Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel arid unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX. Rights Retained by the People The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. Reserved Rights of the States The powers not delegated, to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XI The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. ARTICLE XIII.* Slavery SECTION I. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly con victed, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. SEC. II. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro priate legislation. ARTICLE XIV SECTION I. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States ARTICLE VIII. What is said of bail, fines, and punishments ? ARTICLE IX. What is said of rights retained by the people ? ARTICLE X. What is said of the powers reserved to the states ? ARTICLE XI What is said of the restriction upon the judicial power ? What is the decSd a doptS?n^r iendment? A " * WM Pr P 9ed ^ Co "g reg8 ^ 1794 and ARTICLE XIII. -Section 1. What is said of slavery and involuntary serviiude ? Sec-f-f hat power has Congress with reference to this subject ? What is the his tory of the thirteenth amendment? Am. It was proposed in 1865, and declared adopted in December of the same year. (See Const., Art. IV., Sec. II.) ARTICLE XI\ When was the 14th Article adopted ? Am Havin^ been ratified bv three-fourths of the states, it was declared adopted on the 28th of July, 1868 * For the twelfth amendment, see page 17. OP THE UNITED STATES and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. SEC. II. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for president and vice-president of the United States, representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legis lature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the nun; her of such male citizens shall bear to the whole num ber of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. SEC. III. No person shall be a senator or representative in Congress, or elector of president and vice-president, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. SEC. IV. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall Section 1. Who are declared to be citizens of the United States ? What restriction is imposed upon the States with regard to the privileges or immunities of citizens ? What, with regard to the lives, liberty, or property of persons ? What, with regard to the protection of the law given to persons ? Sec. 2. How are representatives and direct taxes apportioned among the states ? How does this provision of the Constitution differ from the one formerly in force ? (See Const., Art. I., Sec. II., 3d Clause.) When shall a reduction be made m the basis of representation to which a state may be entitled ? Sec. 3. What class of persons, in consequence of their rebellipus acts, are deprived of certain exalted privileges ? Name the privileges which are withheld from them. Is it possible for any person belonging to that class to have the privileges accorded to him ? How ? (See Const., Art. I., Sec. III., 3d Clause.) Sec. 4. What shall not be questioned as regards the debts of the United States ? What debts, obligations, and claims, are declared illegal and void ? What restriction is imposed upon the General Government and individual states, with respect to such debts, obligations, and claims ? BO CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or eman cipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. SEC. V. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV SECTION I. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. SEC. II. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Sec. 5. What legislation may Congress enact, in regard to the provisions of Article APPENDIX 31 EARLY CLAIMS MADE BY EUROPEAN NATIONS TO TER RITORY IN NORTH AMERICA Spain. By reason of the discoveries of Columbus, De Leon, and De Soto, and the explorations of Cortez, Coronado, and others, Spain claimed the southern part of North America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The northern limits were indefinite. England. By reason of the discoveries of theCabots, and the explora tions of Gosnold, Smith, and Drake, with those made by the expe ditions sent by Raleigh, England claimed all the heart of North America from the latitude of Labrador to that of Florida from ocean to ocean. France. By reason of the discoveries of Cartier, Champlain, and others, in connection with the explorations of Marquette and La Salle, and the planting of military, missionary, and trading stations at different points, France claimed the valleys of the St. Lawrence, Ohio, and Mississippi, and the country, including the islands, in the region of the Gulf of St. Lawrence! Holland. By reason of the discoveries and explorations of Hudson, the Dutch claimed the valley of the H ml son, with all the country from the Connecticut river, and even further east, to Delaware bay on the south. BATTLES OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR DATES BATTLES COMMANDERS VICTORS English French 1754 1755 1756 1757 1753 1759 1760 Great Meadows Washington Washington Jumonville English French Fort Necessity De Villiers Two forts in Nova ( Scotia f Monckton Monckton Braddock Williams Johnson De Vergor. . . . English English French French English De Villiers Beaujeu Monongahela Near Lake George Head of Lake George. . . Dieskau Dieskau Oswego Mercer Mon teal m Drench Fort William Henry Monro Montcahn French Near Ticonderoga Ticonderofa Howe ... Abercromby Amherst Grant DeTrepesee Montcahn Drucourt English French English French English French English Louisburg Near Fort Duquesr.e . . Aubry Fort Niagara Johnson Anbry Montcahn Montmorenci Plains of Abraham Wolfe Wolfe Montcalm Near Quebec Murray De Levi French 32 APPENDIX PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTION * The asterisk indicates the successful party, t Doubtful. DATES BATTLES COMMANDERS MEN ENGAGED American British American British 1775 April 19, June 17, Dec. 31. 1776 June 28, Aug. 27, Oct. 28, Nov. 16, Dec. 26, 1777 Jan. 3, July 7, Aug. 6, Aug. 16, Sept. 11, Sept. 19, Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Oct. 7, Oct. 22, 1778 June 28, Julv 3, Aug. 29, Dec. 9. 1779 Feb. 14, March 3, June 20, July 15, Aug. 13, July 19, Aug. 29, Sept. 23, Oct. 9. 1780 April 14, Mav 12, MaV 29, Aug. 16, fr* 1781 Jan. 17, March 15, April 25, Sept. 6, Sept. 8, Oct. 19, Lexington . . Parker . . . Smith and | Pitcairn* j Gen. Howe*.. . Carleton* unknown 1,500 900 1,700 3,000 1,200 1 Bunker Hill Quebec Prescott. .. Montgomery . . Fort Moultrie Long Island. . . White Plains Fort Washington. Trenton Moultrie* Putnam McDougall . Parker Gen. Howe*.. . Leslie* 400 5,000 1,600 3,000 2,400 3,000 700 1,000 2,000 11,000 2,500 1,500 11,000 8,000 450 4,000 20,000 2,000 5,000 1.000 Magaw Washington* Gen. Howe*... Rahl. Princeton Washington*.. Warner Mawhood Fraser* 1,800 1,200 1.500 1,200 18,000 3.000 3,000 15,000 4,500 2,000 Hubbardton Oriskanvt St. Leger Bennington Brandywine Bemis Heights Paoli.... Stark* Washington. . . Gates* Wavne Baum Gen. Howe* Burgoyne Grev* German town Saratoga Fort Mercer Washington jiates* Col. Greene*.... Gen. Howe* Burgoyne . Donop Monmouth Wyoming Rhode Island Washington*. . . Col. Z. Butler... Sullivan* Clinton John Butler*. Pigot 12,000 400 5,000 900 11,000 1,100 5,000 2,000 Savannah lobert Howe. . . Campbell* Kettle Creek. . Pickens* Ashe Lincoln Boyd Prevost* Maitland*.. 300 1,200 800 1,200 900 350 4.000 quadron 4.500 700 1,800 1,200 600 3.000 250 1.500 2 vessels 2.900 Brier Creek Stonv Ferrv Stony Point Penobscot. Wavne* Lov ell Major Lee* Sullivan* . . . . . . Johnson . McLean* . Sutherland Brant Paulus Hook Chemung E^lamboro 1 Head. . Savannah J aul Jones* Pearson . . Prevost* Monk s Corner Charleston luger Lincoln Tarleton* Clinton* Parleton* Cornwallis*. . .. Parleton* r erguson 300 3,700 400 3.000 700 900 roo 9,COO 700 2,200 50 1,100 Waxhaw Sanders Creek Fish ing Creek.... ving s Mountain. Buford Gates Sumter Campbell* Cowpens Guilford C. H.... Hobkirk s Hill . Morgan* Tarleton ... Cornwallis* .... Rawdon* 900 4,400 1,200 150 2,000 10,000 1.100 2,400 900 800 2,800 7,500 Greene Greene . Fort Griswold Ledvard Evre* utaw Springs f .. York town Greene Washington / & DeGrasse*. f Stuart Cornwallis APPENDIX S3 PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND * The asterisk indicates the successful party. DATES LAND BATTLES COMMANDEIIS MEN ENGAGED American British Amer. British 1812 Aug. 5, Aug. 9, Oct. 13, 1813 Jan. 22, April 27, May 5, May 29 Aug. 2, Oct. 5, 1814 Julys, July 25, Aug. 15, Aug. 24, Sept. 11, Sept. 12, Sept. 13, Sept, 15, Sept. 17, 1815 Jan. 8, 1812 Aug. 13, Aug. 19, Oct. 18, Oct. 25, Dec. 29, 1813 Feb.. 2 4. June 1, Aug. 14. Sept. 5, Sept. 10. 1814 March 28, April 29, June2S, Sept. 11, Dec. 14, 1815 Feb. 20, March 23. Jrownstown d of Brownstown... Queenstown ... Van Horn . Miller* . . Van Rensselaer. Tecumseh* Tecumseh Brock* 200 600 1,200 600 900 2,500 Frenchtown Winchester Pike*. Proctor* Sheaffe Proctor Prevost Proctor 800 1,700 1,200 1,000 100 2,500 1,500 1.500 2,000 1,000 1,300 2.000 York Fort Meigs Clay Brown* Croghan* Harrison* Sackett s Harb.or tort Stephenson Thames Proctor Brown* Rlall 1,900 3,500 2,500 3,500 3,000 2,000" 1,000 120 2,500 2,100 5,01)0 5,000 5,000 14,000 5,000 16 ships Mixed 3,500 Bro (,a> Wii wn* ies* Drummond Drummond Ross* Prevost Brooke* Cochrane Xicholls. Drummond tort Erie (assault). . . tier .. Pla ctsburg North Point tort Me Henry tort Bowver Fort Erie (sortie) ,... Macomb* Strieker Armistead* Lawrence* Brown* Jar kson* ... Pakenham 6,000 12,000 NAVAL BATTLES VESSELS COMMANDEltS Off Newfoundland Off Massachusetts Off North Carolina Near Canary Islands Off San Salvador < Am. Frig. 1 } Br. Sloop J ( Am. Frig. ; Br. Frig. G ^ Am. Sloop \ Br. Brig Fi \ Am. Frig. } Br. Frig. M ( Am. Frig, j Br. Frig. J ssex Uert Dorter * Laugharne Hull * Daeres Jones * Whinyates Decatur * (Jarden Bainbridge * Lambert Constitution uerriere Wasp . olic Jnited States acedonian Constitution ava Off Demerara ( Am. Sloop \ Br. Brig P< ( Am. Frig. ( Br. Frig. S ( Am. Brig J ( Br. Sloop 1 J Am. Brig 1 Br. Brig B N Am. 9 vess \ Br. 6 vesse Hornet ;acock Lawrence * Peake Lawrence Broke * Allen Massachusetts Bay .. Chesapeake lannon Vrgus. ... British Channel Off coast of Maine Lake Erie 3 elican Maples * Burrows * Blyth Perry * Barclay Enterprise sxer els, 54 guns s, 63 guns Harbor of Valparaiso Off coast of Florida Near British Channel Lake Champlain .. Lake Borgne ( Am. Frig. Br. Brig P ( Br. Sloop j Am. Sloop \ Br. Brig E ^ Am. Sloop ) Br. Sloop ( Am. 14 ves t Br. 17 vess < Am. 5 gun 1 Br. 40 barg Essex Porter Hillyar * T ticker * Warrington * Wales Blakely * Manners McDonough * Do wnie Jones Lockver * Jherub ; Peacock pervicr Wasp Reindeer sels, 86 guns. ...-. els, ! 5guns .. boats r es Off Island of Madeira... ( Am. Fris. I Br. Ship C 1 Br. Ship 1 \ Am. Sloor ) Br. Brig P Constitution Stewart * Falcon Douglass Riddle * Dickenson evant Hornet engnin 34 APPENDIX PRESIDENTS AND VICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES No PRESIDENTS RESIDENCE INAUGURATED VICE-PRESIDENTS 1 George Washington. Virginia April 30, 1789.. John Adams 2 John Adams.. Massachusetts. March 4 1797 _,, T ff i nomas Jefferson Aaron Burr 3 Thomas Jefferson . . . Virginia March 4, 1801 - George Clinton 4 James Madison Virginia March 4, 1809 *. George Clinton * j El bridge Gerry * 5 James Monroe Virginia March 4, 1817. . Daniel D. Tompkins 6 John Q. Adams Massachusetts . . March 4, 1825.. John C. Calhoun f. Andrew Jackson Tennessee ( March 4 1829 < John C. Calhoun t ( Martin Van Buren 8 Martin Van Buren . . . New York March 4, 1837. . Richard M. Johnson 9 William H. Harrison* Ohio March 4 1841. John Tyler 10 John Tyler Virginia April 6, 1841 11 James K. Polk Tennessee March 4, 1845.. George M. Dallas 12 Zachary Taylor* Louisiana March 5, 1849. . Millard Fillmore 13 Millard Fillmore New York July 10, 1850.. 14 Franklin Pierce New Hampshire. . March 4, 1853. . William R. King * 15 James Buchanan Pennsylvania March 4, 1857. . . John C. Breckenridge i lannibal Hamlin 16 Abraham Lincoln* Illinois March 4, 1861. -c ( Andrew Johnson 17 \ndrew Johnson Tennessee April 15, 1865. 18 Ulysses S. Grant llinois March 4, 1869 \ Schuyler Colfax I lenry Wilson * 19 lutherford B. Hayes. Ohio March 5 1877. ,.... . 20 ames A. Garfield*. . . Ohio March 4, 1881... Chester A. Arthur 21 Chester A. Arthur New York Sept. 20, 1881... 22 Grover Cleveland New York March 4, 1885. . . Thomas A.Hendricks* 23 Jenjamin Harrison... ndiana March 4, 1889. ..evi P. Morton 24 Grover Cleveland New York March 4, 1893. . . \dlai E. Stevenson I Garret A. Hobart 25 William McKinley Ohio March 4, 1897. < ( "heodore Roosevelt * Died in office, t Resigned. APPENDIX 35 SETTLEMENT AND ADMISSION OF THE STATES THE STATES SETTLED ADMITTED When Where By whom Virginia 1607 1614 1620 1623 1633 1634 1636 1638 1650 1664 1670 1682 1733 1724 1775 1757 1788 1699 1730 1716 1682 1711 1625 1764 1685 1670 1565 1692 1833 1669 1769 1846 1811 1850 1774 1850 1810 1858 Jamestown S T ew York Plymouth Little Harbor. . . Windsor St. Mary s Providence Wilmington Chow an River.. Elizabeth Ashley River. .. Philadelphia . . . Savannah Fort Dummer. . Boonesboro 1 Fort Loudon Marietta [bervillc Vincennes. English Dutch English English English English English . . H jT 15 2? P K a o B 1791 1792 V 1796) 1803 1812 ( 1816) 18171 1818 1819 J- 1820 1821 J 18361 1837* 1845 1845) 1846V 1848) 1850 1858. 1859V 1861) 1863} 1864) 1867 1876 1889 1889 1889 1889 1890 1890 1896 p < V i 5" 1 1 Washington lefl erson Stadison Monroe Jackson Tyler Polk Fillmore Buchanan Lincoln Johnson Grant Ben. Harrison Cleveland New York. . Massachusetts New Hampshire.. Connecticut , Maryland Rhode Island Swedes North Carolina. .. New Jersey South Carolina. . . r ennsylvania Georgia English English English English English English Vermont Kentucky English English English French French French French French French French French Tennessee Ohio Louisiana Mississippi Illinois Alabama Natchez Kaskaskia Mobile Maine Bristol Missouri Arkansas. . . St. Louis Arkansas Post. . Detroit . ... Michigan Florida Texas St. Augustine. . . San Antonio.... Burlington Spaniards Spaniards. . . . Americans French Spaniards. . . . Americans Americans . . . Americans . .. English Americans , . . Americans . . . Americans . . . Iowa Wisconsin Green Bay San Diego St. Paul Astoria Leaven worth . . . Wheeling Genoa California Minnesota Oregon Kansas West Virginia Nevada Nebraska Bellevue Colorado North Dakota Denver South Dakota Montana Washington Idaho Wyoming Utah.. OHIO. In the case of every State except Ohio. Congress has passed a distinct and definite act of admission, or has provided for an admission on the issue of a proclamation by the president. The people of Ohio elected delegates to a convention, by whom a Constitution was formed (1802), which, in January, 1803. was submitted to Congress for ratification ; and on the 19th of the following month the president approved the first act which recognized the new State. APPENDIX TERRITORIAL ACQUISITIONS TERRITORY ACQUIRED AREA IN SQUARE MILES IN WHOSE AD MINISTRATION When How From Whom 1. Original.. 1783 1803 1819 1845 1789- 1846 1846- 1848 1853 1867 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 Conquest Purchase Purchase Annexation Exploration 1 & Occupancy, f Conquest and / Purchase f England. . France . . . Spain Texas .... 833,744 925,269 59,268 274,356 251,562 I 636,760 45,535 577,390 Jefferson Monroe Tyler and Polk Washington to Polk Polk Pierce Johnson McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley 2. Louisiana 3. Florida 4 Texas 5 Oregon.. . - 6. California, etc. - 7. Gadsden Tract.. 8. Alaska 9. Hawaii 10. Porto Rico 11. Philippines 12 Guam . . Mexico . . . Mexico. .. Russia ... Purchase Annexation Conquest Spain .... Purchase Treaty Treaty Spain Spain .... =. 13. Samoan Islands HOW THE ACQUISITIONS ARE NOW OCCUPIED z. The Original Territory. This includes the District of Columbia, and all the States whose domains lie entirely east of the Missis sippi River, except Florida. The eastern part of Minnesota is also included. 2. The Louisiana Purchase. All of Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana, and the tract known as the Indian Country; also part of Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. (See p. 194.) 3. Florida. The State of Florida only. Its western boundary was in dispute up to the time of the purchase. (See p. 211.) 4. Texas. The State of Texas. Texas claimed a large tract west of her present limits. The claim was surrendered to the General Government in 1850, on payment of ten millions of dollars. 5. The Oregon Region. Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. (See note, p. 240.) 6. California, etc. All of California, Nevada, and Utah, with part of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. (See p. 229.) 7. The Gadsden Tract. Part of the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. (See note, p. 230.) 8. Alaska. The immense tract still known as Alaska. No territorial government has been provided for it. (See p. 278.) APPENDIX 37 PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE WAR WITH MEXICO (The Americans were successful in every battle.) DATES 1846 May 8, May 9, Sept. 24, Dec. 25, 1847 Feb. 23, Feb. 28, March 27, April 18, Aug. 20, -j Sept. 8, Sept. 13, Oct. 9, BATTLES COMMANDERS FORCES ENGAGED American Mexican Amer. Mex. 1. Palo Alto 2. Resaca de la Palma. 3 Monterey Taylor Taylor Taylor Doniphan . . Arista..,,: Arista Ampudia Ponce de Leon.. 2,800 2/200 6,600 500 6,000 5,000 10,000 1,200 4. Bracito 5. Buena Vista Taylor Santa Anna. . . 4,700 900 12,000 8,500 4,000 8,000 3,500 7,200 500 17,000 4,000 6,000 12,000 7,000 25,000 14,000 25,000 1,000 6. Sacramento 7. Vera Cruz 8 Cerro Gordo Doniphan Scott Scott .... Trias Morales . Santa Anna. . . . Valencia . 9. Contreras 10. Cherubusco 11. Molinodel Key 12. Chapultepec . . . ... 13. Huamantla Scott Scott Scott Scott. . . Lane Santa Anna. . . . Alvarez Bravo ........ . Santa Anna. . . . 1, 2, 3, 5. For account of Taylor s battles, see pp. 224, 225. 4, 6. General Kearny, marching from Missouri, took possession of New Mexico ; and a division of his army under Colonel Doniphan, continuing the march, defeated the enemy at Bracito and Sacramento. 7-12. For Scott s battles, see pp. 227, 228. 9-12 were positions fortified by the Mexicans for the protection of the city of Mexico. General Worth distinguished himself while in command of the attack upon the Molino del Rey. 13. General Lane, on his march with recruits for Scott, was attacked at Hua mantla by Santa Anna, after the latter s flight from the city of Mexico, JUNIOR GLASS HISTORY SPECIAL REVIEW [The numbers refer to the pages of this book] EXPLORATIONS. General idea of the extent of the world known at time of Columbus; what excited desire to make explorations; some account of Columbus, his ideas, efforts, voyages, and discoveries (n-25). Spanish explorations. Columbus (11-25), Amerigo Vespucci (25), Ponce de Leon (27), Cortez (29, 30), De Soto (31, 32), Melendez (34) ; objects, results, settlement of St. Augustine (34) ; territory explored (32) and claimed. Spain claimed all the southern part of North America from ocean to ocean with indefinite northern limits. French explorations. Verrazzani (33), Carder (33), Coligny (33), Ribaut, note (34) ; and Laudonniere. Laudonniere, in 1564, commenced a colony on the St. John s River, Florida, of which Ribaut took command the next year ; but Melendez broke it up the same year (1565) and killed most of the settlers, includ ing Ribaut. Laudonniere succeeded in making his escape. De Gourges (34), Champlain (34) ; objects (96), results, settlement of Quebec (33-35) ; territory explored and claimed. France claimed the valleys of the St. Lawrence, Ohio, and Missis sippi, with the region near the Gulf of St. Lawrence (96-99, 105). English explorations. Cabots (32), Gilbert (35), Raleigh (36), 40 JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY Gosnold (36) ; objects, results, settlement of Jamestown (37-50) ; ter ritory explored (32-51) and claimed. England claimed all the heart of North America from ocean to ocean from the latitude of Labrador to that of Florida (105). Dutch explorations. Hudson (73-75) ; objects, results, settlement of New Amsterdam (74, 75) ; territory explored and claimed. The Dutch also explored the coast as far north as Cape Cod and as far south as Delaware Bay (86), and claimed all the region so ex plored. Review claims of different nations to parts of North America (n- 105) ; basis of claims and first settlement by each nation (105) ; gen eral idea of geography of territory explored and attempted settle ments ; names of noted persons (127) ; dates (125, 126). Other portions as reading lessons. Review of preceding grade. SETTLEMENTS. 1. The thirteen original colonies; when, where, and by whom each was settled (37-96). 2. Which colonies were settled on account of religious persecution ; which by religious denominations ; which as asylums for persecuted Christians. Plymouth, as the beginning of the Massachusetts colony, and Rhode Island were settled because of religious persecution ; New Hampshire and Connecticut were settled by the Puritans ; Pennsylvania by the Quakers ; Maryland in large part by the Catholics ; and Delaware by Protestants. Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Georgia were asylums for persecuted Christians. Which colonies made treaties with the Indians (56, 80, 84, 95) in which were Indian wars and troubles (37-96). Which colonies were settled by other nations than the English (74- 86) ; when and how each came into possession of the English (37-96;. 3. Other important events, with general cause, nature, date, and re sult, as follows : first legislative assembly (46), introduction of slaverv (46), first printing press (120), union of New England colonies (67). Navigation Act (48), Clayborne s rebellions (83), Bacon s rebellion (49). Pequod war (65), King Philip s war (69) ; colonial history of Pennsyl vania (82-85). SPECIAL HE VIEW 41 4. Names of noted persons, general nature of their connection with the colonies ; John Smith (41-51), Lord Baltimore (87), Roger Wil liams (59-61), Peter Stuyvesant (78, 79), Edmund Andros (67, 68), William Penn (82-86), James Oglethorpe (93-95). 5. Geography of places and colonies learned ; general idea of occu pations, habits, religious freedom, education, government, and civil liberty (37-96). COLONIAL WARS. 1. King William s War (99-101), Queen Anne s (101-103), King George s (103); general cause of each, between whom fought, one or two important events, terminating treaty, with dates (99-105). 2. French and Indian War (103-116) ; explorations and settlements by the French north, west, and south (33, 34, 96-99) ; connection of their possessions (105) ; English territory (50, 79, 105) ; conflict of English and French claims (105), Washington s journey (106) ; causes of the war (105-107). Principal events, with dates and results (105-117) ; Washington s first campaign (106-108), Braddock s (107, 108), Montcalm s (in), Amherst s against Louisburg (113), Wolfe s against Quebec (114-116) ; treaty of peace, with terms (116). 3. Names of noted persons ; their connection with the events of the wars ; Governor Dinwiddie (106), Washington (106-113), Braddock (107, 108), Shirley (no), Montcalm (in-n6), Amherst (113, 114), William Pitt (112), Wolfe (114, 115). 4. Geography of places and campaigns learned (103-116) ; extent of English territory at close of war (116) ; population (117); character of colonial soldiers ; sufferings of colonists ; expense of the wars (127) ; thoughts of union. In the early part of the war the British ministry recommended the colonies to unite in some plan for their common defence. A congress of delegates from several of the colonies was held at Albany, and a plan of union, proposed by Dr. Franklin, was adopted. This, however, was never permitted to go into effect. The colonies rejected it because it gave too much power to the crown, while the crown rejected it because it gave too much power to the people. Other portions as reading lessons. 42 JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY THE REVOLUTION. Review of preceding grades, 1. Causes. Nature, date, results (128-176) ; Navigation Act (48), taxation to pay expenses of French and Indian War (128), Stamp Act (128), Colonial Congress (129), Tea Act (130), Gage in Boston (134), Boston Massacre (131), Tea party (132), Port Bill (132), Continental Congress (133), declaration of rights (134.) 2. Campaigns. Boston campaign, 1775- 76 (135-143) ; Lexington (135), siege of Boston (135-143), Bunker Hill (137-140), Washington commander-iii-chief (140), evacuation March 17, 1776 (142). Invasion of Canada, 1775- 76 (141) ; St. John s (141), Montreal (141), Quebec (141, 142), defeat (142), evacuation June 18, 1776 (142). New York campaign, 1776 ; Evacuation of Boston (142), American army at New York (144), British on Staten Island (145), Long Island (145), capture of city September 15, 1776 (146), operations near city (146), retreat of Americans (146, 147), Trenton (147) and Princeton (dates) (148). Philadelphia campaign, 1777 ; British fleet from New York (149, 150), Brandywine (149), Paoli. General Wayne, who had been detached from Washington s army, with fifteen hundred men, to get in the rear of Howe s army and cut off his baggage train, when near Paoli (pd-6-le), Sep. 20, ivas surprised by a midnight attack, and defeated with great loss. Capture of city September 26, 1777 (150), Germantown (150), opera tions near city (150), forts on the Delaware (150), evacuation June 18, 1778 (156), Monmouth (date) (June 28, 1778). Burgoyne s campaign, 1777 ; Invasion from Canada (152), Ticon- deroga (152) Forts Edwards (152) and Schuyler (153, note), Benning- ton (153), Stillwater (154), Saratoga (154), surrender October 17, 1777 (155). Charleston campaign, 1778- 80 ; Transfer of war from the north. Savannah (159), Sunbury (160), Kettle Creek (160), Monk s Corner. While the siege of Charleston was being made by the British, an American force, stationed at Monk s Corner to keep open a communi cation between tlie city and the interior, was surprised by Colonel Tarle- ton and put to flight, April 14, 1780. Capture of city May 12, 1780 (162). Cornwallis s and Greene s campaigns, 1780- 81 ; Sanders s Creek, (163), King s Mountain (164), Cowpens (167, 168), Guilford Court SPECIAL HBV1BW 43 House (168), Eutaw Springs (169), Yorktown (169-171), surrender, October 19, 1781 (171). Outline maps of campaigns ; geography of important places men tioned (183). 3. Other Important Events. Cause, nature, date, results ; Con tinental Congress (133, 140, 144), Fort Moultrie (144). Fort Moultrie was so catted after the battle in honor of its brave com mander, Colonel Moultrie. Declaration of Independence (144), commissioners to France (150 note), aid from France (150 note, 155), American and French expedi tions (156, 158, 160, 169), Wyoming (158), Paul Jones s naval fight (162), Arnold s treason (164), Arnold s plundering expeditions. (171), Arnold had previously been sent against Virginia. With about twelve hundred men he sailed up the James River to Richmond, and there and at other places plundered and destroyed private as ivell as public property 1781. Geography of important places (183). 4. Treaty of peace (172), terms fixing general boundaries (172). condition of army (172-177), Washington s resignation (179). Govern ment during Revolution (176-180), Articles of Confederation (176- 180), powers of Congress (179), Shays s rebellion (180), convention to revise Articles (180), new Constitution framed and adopted (180), first election (180), Washington President (180). Other portions as reading lessons. THE NATION TO THE CIVIL WAR. Review of preceding grades ; general cause, nature, date, and consequence of important events : 1. Assembling of Congress at New York (182) ; inauguration of Washington, April 30, 1789 (182), departments and government organ ized (184-186). 2. Capitals of United States : New York (181), Philadelphia (186), Washington (192). 3. Indian Wars : Northwest of Ohio, 1790 (187) ; 1791 (187) ; 1794- 95 (187, 188) ; 1811 (199) ; 1832 (218) ; Creek, 1813 (202) ; Seminole, 1817 (210) ; 1835-42 (219-220). 44 JUNIOR CLASS BISTORT 4. Rebellions : Whiskey Insurrection (187), Canadian (221), l)orr s. While Tyler was president, a serious difficulty occurred in Rhode Island, which grew out of an attempt to have a constitution adopted in place of the charter ivhich had been granted to Rhode Island by Charles II. in 1663, and which ever since had been the basis of all the laws there. In favor of this constitution, which greatly extended the privi lege of voting, was a party known as the " suffrage parti/," the leader of which was Thomas Dorr. Its members attempted to effect the change without regard to existing laivs, even resorting to arms, but they were defeated ; and another constitution was afterward adopted. John Brown s Raid (236). 5. Troubles and treaties with foreign countries : France, 1792- 93 (188), 1797-1800 (191, 192) ; Spain, 1795. The treaty of 1795 with Spain established more firmly the friendly relations with that country, and defined the southern and western limits of the United States. Spain, 1819 (211). Great Britain, 1793- 94 (188) ; 1806- 15 (209) ; Barbary States, 1795, 1801-5, 1815 (194, 195, 209) ; Canada, 1837 (221). No treaty was ever made with Canada. Whatever treaties have been made respecting Canada were made with Great Britain. Mexico, 1845- 48 (229). 6. Treaties for boundaries and acquisition of territory : Great Britain, 1794 (189), 1842. By the treaty of 1842 the northern boundary of the United States from, Maine to the Rocky Mountains was fixed. Daniel Webster nego tiated the treaty on the part of the United States, and Lord Ashburton on the part of Great Britain. See note, p. 233. 1846. The treaty of 1846 fixed the boundary line west of the Rocky Moun tains at the 49th parallel, and thus settled a long and bitter dispute between Great Britain and the United States. France, 1803 (194); Spain, 1819 (211); 1899 (313); Mexico, 1848 (229); 1853(230, note} , terms, extent of territory, value (188, 229, 230). 7. Extra sessions of Congress : John Adams. One of the first acts of President Adams was to convene Congress in extra session to consider the outrages which French vessels were commit ting against our commerce. See p. 191. SPECIAL REVIEW 45 Van Bureri. Van Buren called an extra session of Congress to consider the com mercial troubles. See pp. 220, 221. Harrison. Harrison called an extra session of Congress to remedy the financial distresses of the country. 8. Compromise measures : Missouri (212), Tariff Act, 1828- 33 (215-217), Clay s (217), Kansas-Nebraska (234, 235). 9. Financial measures : United States Bank, 1791 (186), 1833 (217), 1842 (221) ; removal of government funds, 1833 (218) ; Distri bution Act, 1837 (221). 10. Other important events and measures : Trial of Burr (196) ; Hartford Convention. A large number of persons were opposed to the war of 1812, and they sent delegates to a convention at Hartford, Conn., to consider their grievances and devise means of redress. The convention did nothing of importance except to recommend several amendments to the Constitu tion, 1814. Monroe Doctrine. In his annual message of 1823, Monroe declared that "the Ameri can continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power. This is known as the Monroe Doctrine. Nullification Act (216), Civil War in Kansas (235). 11. War with Great Britain. Right of search (197), blockade of French coast (197) ; Embargo Act (198) ; Non-intercourse Act (198), declaration of war June 18, 1812 (199, 200). Campaign of 1812, under Hull (200) ; Maiden, Detroit (200), surrender of Michigan, August 16, 1812 (200). Campaigns of 1813, under (1) Harrison, Frenchtown. At Frenchlown Winchester ivas attacked by a body of British and Indians, and defeated, he being made prisoner while the battle was in progress. The Americans surrendered, on condition that they should be protected ; but the condition was not observed, and many of them were massacred. Maumee. At the Maumee, the Americans, commanded by Harrison, were at tacked without success. After a siege of several days the British re treated. 46 JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY Perry s victory (201) ; Thames (202) ; (2) Dearborn, York (note, p. 203) ; (3) Hampton attempt against Montreal. (It ended in failure.) Campaigns of 1814 ; (1) on northern frontier, Chippewa (204) Lundy s Lane (204), Fort Erie. Fort Erie, in Canada, was captured by the Americans, and, ivhile in their possession, was attacked and besieged, but the British were not suc cessful. Finally, at the close of the campaign, the Americans aban doned it and crossed to New York. Plattsburg (205) ; (2) Washington and Baltimore, Benedict, Bla- densburg. Ross landed at Benedict and met with some opposition at Bladens- burg. Washington (Aug. 24) (206), Fort McHenry (206) : (3) New Orleans, Pensacola (207), New Orleans (Dec. 23 and Jan. 8, 1815), (208). Important naval engagements : Guerriere and Constitution (201), United States and Macedonian, 1812 (201) ; Perry s victory (201), Shannon and Chesapeake (203), Squadron in Chesapeake Bay, 1813 (205) ; McDonouglvs victory, 1814 (205) ; Essex, 1815 (208). Outline maps of campaigns ; general result of each ; geography of important places mentioned (295) ; Treaty, Dec. 24, 1814 (209). 12. Mexican War. Annexation of Texas (222), Taylor in Texas (224), declaration of war May 11, 184G (224). Taylor s Campaign, 1846- 47 : Corpus Christi, Point Isabel, Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Matamoras, Monterey, Buena Vista, Feb. 23, 1847 (224-227). Scott s Campaign, 1847- 48 : Vera Cruz, Cerra Gordo, Contreras, Cherubusco, El Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, Mexico, Sept. 14, 1847 (227-230). Other important events : California conquered by Fremont (225), New Mexico by Kearney (225), Treaty, Feb. 2, 1848, terms (230). Outline maps of campaigns ; general results of each ; geography of important places mentioned. Other portions as reading lessons. INDEX [For Topical Study and Recitation] Ab er-crom-by (-krum-\ expedition of, 114. A bra-ham, plains of, 115. A-ca di-a, settlement of, 34; expedition against, 100 ; cession of, 103. Adams, John, 144 (n) ; president, 190 ; death of, 215. Adams, John Quincy, elected president, 214 ; in Congress, 215 (n) ; his death, 215 (n). Agriculture, 119, 295. Al-a-ba ma, admission of, 212. Alabama Claims, 280. Alabama, the Confederate privateer, 250, 280. A-las ka, purchase of, 278. Al ba-ny, 75. Al be-marle Colony, 90. Al-ex-an dri-a, Va., 245. Al-giers , war against, 209. Allen, Ethan, 136. America, discovery of, 20 ; name, 25. American Independence, declaration of, 144 ; centennial celebration of, 281. American Revolution, causes of, 128 ; war of, 135. American System, 215. Amerigo Vespucci (afi-ma-re go ves-poot - chee}, 25. Amendments to the Constitution, 277, 278, 279. Am herst, General, 113, 114, 116. Amnesty Proclamation, 277. Anderson, Major, 238, 243. Andre (an dra), Major, 165, 166. An dros, Sir Edmund, 67. An-nap o-lig, 102. Antietam (an-te tani), battle of, 258. Anti-Rent Troubles, 76. Ap-po-mat tox Court House, 271. Ar buth-not, Admiral, 162. Ar-i-zo na, exploration of, 35 (n). Ar -kan-sas, admission of, 220. Ar ling-ton, earl of, 50. Arlington Heights, 245. Arnold, Benedict, 136, 141, 142 ; at Sara toga, 155 ; treason of, 165 ; in Conn. 171 ; life, 166 (n). Arthur, Chester A., president, 285. Ash bur-ton, Lord, 233 (n). As-to ri-a, 240 (n). At-lan ta, 263, 265. Atlantic Cable, 297. B Bacon s Rebellion, 49. Bailey, Colonel, 265 (n). Bainbridge, Captain, 194, 201. Bal-bo a, 25. Bal ti-more City, 206, 244. Baltimore, Lord, 87, 88. Bancroft, George, 301. Bank of the United States, 186, 217. Banks, General, 257, 261 (n), 264. Barbary States, 194, 209. Baum (bowm), Colonel, 153. Beauregard (bo re-gard), General, 243, 248, 253. Bell, John, 237 (n). Bel la-mont, earl of, 79. Bem is Heights, 154. Ben ning-ton, battle of, 153. Bergen, 81. Ber-mu da Islands, 44. Berk eley, Lord, 79, 81. 48 INDEX Berkeley, Sir William, 49. Big Bethel, 245. Black Hawk War, 218. Blackstone, William, 58 (n), 60 (n). Elaine, James G., 286. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 192. Books, 300. Boone, Daniel, 188 (n). Boston, settlement of, 57 ; evacuation of 142 ; conflagration at, 280 (n). Boston Massacre, 131. Boston Port Bill, 132. Boston Tea Party, 132. Braddock, General, expedition of, 107. Bradford, William, 54, 56. Bradstreet, General, 113. Bragg, Captain, 225 (n) ; General, 258 261. Brandyvvine, battle of, 149. Breckinridge, John C., 237 (n). Breed s Hill, battle of, 138. Brewster, William, 54. Brier Creek, battle of, 160. Brock, General, 200. Broke, Captain, 203. Brooke, Lord, 64. Brown, General, 204. Brown, John, 236. Bryan, W J., 203. Bryant, William C., 301. Bu-chan an, James, elected president, 235. Buena Vista (bwa nah vees tah), battle of, 225. Bull Run, battle of, 248 ; second battle of, 257. Bunker Hill, 137. Burgoyne, General, invasion by, 152 ; de feat of, 154 ; surrender of, 155. Burlington, settlement of, 230 (n). Burnside, General, 254, 258, 259, 262. Burr, Aaron, vice-president, 193 ; duel with Hamilton, 195 ; trial of, 196. Butler, B. F., General, 245, 249, 253, 267. Butler, John, Colonel, 158. Cab ot, John and Sebastian, 33. Cabrillo (cab-reel yo), 35 (n). Cal-houn , John C., 214, 217. Cai-i-for ni-a, exploration of, 35 (n) ; con quest of, 225 ; discovery of gold in, 230 ; admission of, 232. Cal vert, Leonard, 88. Camden, battle of, 163 ; second battle of, 169. Campbell, Colonel, 159. Canada, first settlement of , 38 ; conquered by the English, 116; expedition against, 141 ; invasion of, 199 ; rebellion in, 221. Ca-non i-cus, 56. Cape Cod, discovery of, 36. Cape of Good Hope, 16. Capitals of the U. S., 181, 186, 192. Carnifex Ferry, 245 (n). Carolina, 34, 36, 90 ; division of, 93. Carrick s Ford, 245 (n). Car te-ret Colony, 92. Carteret, Sir George, 80. Carteret, Philip, 81. Cartier (car-te-d ), 33. Carver, John, 54, 56. Catholic Missionaries, 96. Cedar Creek, battle of, 2C8. Cedar Mountain, battle of, 257. Census, First, 295. Centennial Anniversary, 281. Centennial State, 282. Cerro Gordo (sar ro gor do), battle of. 227. lervera, Admiral, 308, 309, 310. Chad s Ford, 150. Jhambersburg, burning of, 268. Champlain (sham-plane ), 34. Champlain, Lake, battle of, 205. Chancellorsville, battle of, 259. Charles I., grant by, 87. Charles II., 67, 78, 90. lharleston, settlement of, 92 ; attack on, 143 ; capture of, 162 ; evacuation of , 270. Charlestown, 58. Charter Oak, 68. hat-ta-noo ga, battle of, 261. :hemung (she-mung \ battle of, 161. Cherry Valley, massacre at, 158. Chesapeake Bay, exploration of, 43. Chesapeake, frigate, 197, 203. Chicago, great fire at, 279 ; growth of, 295. hick a-mau ga, battle of, 261. hina, treaty with, 5J83,. INDEX 49 Chinese Immigration, 283, 285. Chip pe-wa, battle of, 204. Christian Commission, 274. Cincinnati, growth of, 295. Civil War, great, 240 ; remarks on, 272 ; enlistments and losses in, 273 ; cost of, 274. Clarendon Colony, 90. Clay, Henry, 217, 234. Clayborne, William, rebellion of, 88. Clermont, the steamboat, 297. Cleveland, Grover, President, 286, 291, 306. Clinch, General, 219. Clinton, General, at Charleston, 144, 162 ; at Long Island, 145 ; at Philadelphia and Monmouth, 156 ; other movements of, 165, 166, 171. Coddington, William, 60. Cold Harbor, battle of, 267. Colfax, Schuyler, 279. Coligny (ko-leen ye), 33. Colleges, in the Colonies, 59, 121. Colonial Commerce, 119. Colonial Congress, 129. Colonial Governments, 118. Colonial Population, 117. Colonies, taxation of, 128, 129, 130, 132. Colorado, 35 (n) ; admission of, 282. Colorado River, 35 (n). Columbia, S. C., capture of, 270. Columbia College, 122. Columbia Eiver, 240 (n). Columbus, Christopher, early history, 13 ; maritime project, 14 ; peculiar views, 16 ; efforts to obtain aid, 18 ; voyage of, 18 ; landing, 21 ; other voyages, 23 ; death, 24. Columbus, Ky., evacuation of, 251. Compromise, Missouri, 212 ; of 1850, 233. Confederate Privateers, 250. Confederate States, organization of, 238. Confederation, articles of, 175. Congress, colonial, 129 ; first continental, 133 ; second continental, 140. Connecticut, settlement of, 62. Connecticut colonies, union of, 65. Constellation, frigate, 192. Constitution of the United States, adop tion of, 180. Constitution, frigate, 201. Continents, The, 11. Cooper, novelist, 300. Corinth, 258 (n). Cornwallis, Lord, 147, 163, 167, 169. Coronado (ko-ro-nah do), 35 (n). Cor tez, expedition of, 27 ; exploration by, 35 (n). Cotton, cultivation of, 46, 296. Cotton-Gin, 299. Cowpens, battle of, 167. Creeks, war with the, 202. Crown Point, attack on, 114 ; capture of, 137 ; taken by Burgoyne, 152. Cuba, 23; insurrection in, 304, 305, 306, 307; cession of, 311. Culpepper, Lord, 49. Cylinder Press, 300. Bade, Major, 219. Dafien, Isthmus of, 25. Davenport, John, 64. Davis, Jefferson, 218 (n), 239, 271 (n), 272 (n). Dearborn, General, 203. De-ca tur, Lieutenant, 195 ; Commodore, 201, 209. Declaration of Independence, 144. Deerfield, attack on, 101. D Estaing (des-tang ), Count, 156, 158. De Gourgues (goorg), 34. De Grasse (grass), Admiral, 171. De Kalb, Baron, 163. Delaware, Lord, 45. Delaware, settlement of, 86 ; conquest of, 87 ; further changes, 87. De Le-on , Pon-ce. See Ponce. Democrats, 210. De Soto, expedition of, 31. Detroit, siege of, 117 ; surrender of, 200. Dewey, Commodore, at Manila, 307; Rear- Ad miral, 308. Dieskau (de-es-ko ), Baron, 110. Din-wid die, Robert, 106, 107. Dorchester, settlement of, 58. Dorchester Heights, 143. Douglas, Stephen A., 237 (n). Dover, N. H., 61. Downie, Commodore, 205,. 50 INDEX Draft Riot in New York, 262. Drake, Sir Francis, 35. Dred Scott Decision, 237 (n). Dress, in colonial times, 123. Dubuque (du-bodk 1 ), 230 (n). Duel between Burr and Hamilton, 195. Du Quesne (kane), Fort, 107. Du Quesne, Marquis, 107. Du-pont , Commodore, 249. Dutch Explorations, 73. Dutch Settlements, 75, 78, 86. Early, General, 268. Earth, shape of, 13. Eastern Continent, 12. East Jersey, 81. Eaton, Theophilus, 64. Education in the Colonies, 120. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, 299. Elizabeth, Queen, 35, 36. Elizabeth City, 254. Elizabeth Islands, 36. Elizabethtown, 81. Emancipation Proclamation, 275. Embargo, The, 198. Endicott, John, 57. English, discoveries by, 32; expeditions, 35,36. Erie, Pa., 106. Essex, frigate, 208. Eutaw Springs, battle of, 169. Eyre (ire). Colonel, 171. Fail-field, burning of, 161. Fair Oaks, battle of, 256. Far ra-gut, Admiral, at New Orleans, at Mobile, 268. Federalists, 210. Ferguson, Major, 164. Field, Cyrus W., 297. Fillmore, Millard, President, 232. Fisheries, colonial, 119. Fisher s Hill, battle of, 268. Fishery Question, 282. Five Forks, battle of, 271. Five Nations, 80, 97, 99. Flag of U. S., adoption of, 176.. Florence, commerce of, 15. Florida, discovery of, 28 ; extent of, 30 (n) ; exploration of, 30 ; settlements in, 34 ; ceded to Great Britain, 116 ; given back to Spain, 172 ; ceded to the U. S. 211 ; admitted as a state, 223. Floyd, General, 251 (n). Foote, Admiral, 250. Forbes, General, 113. Foreign Aid in the Revolution, 175. Forest Fires, 280. Forrest, General, 265. Fort Donelson, 250. Du Quesne (kane), 107, 108, 112 Edward, 153. Frontenac, 113. Gaines, 268. Gansevoort, 162 (n). Griswold, 171. Henry, 250. Lee, 146. McAllister, 266. McHenry, 206. Mercer, 150. Mifflin, 150. Mims, 202. Morgan, 268. Moultrie, 288. Niagara, 110. Orange, 75, 79. Oswego, 111. Pickens, 239. Pillow, 265. Pitt, 113. Pulaski, 254. Schuyler, 152 (n). Sumter, 144 (n), 238, 243, 270. Ticonderoga, 114. Washington, 146. William Henry, 110, 111. Fortress Monroe, 245, 256. France, treaty with, 155; hostilities 01 190 ; war with, 191. Franklin, Benjamin, 122, 130, 144 (n), 156 299. Fredericksburg, battle of, 258. Free Soil Principles, 235, Fremont, John C., 225, 235. French, discoveries by the, 33, 34. French and Indian War, 103. French Protestants, settlement by, 33. INDEX 51 French Wars, 99. Fugitive Slave Law, 233, Fulton, Robert, 297. G Gadsden Purchase, 230 (n). Gage, General, 135. Garfield, James A., President, 283 ; early life and character of, 284 ; assassination of, 285. Gates, General, 154, 153. Gates, Sir Thomas, 44. Geneva Award, 280. Gen o-a, commerce of, 15. Geography, progress of, 13. George II., King, grant by, 93; war of, 103. Georgia, grant of, 93 ; settlement of, 94 ; royal province, 95, 161. Germantown, battle of, 150. Gettysburg, battle of, 260. Ghent, Treaty of, 209. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 35. Gilmore, General, 270. Gold, excitement of in Virginia, 43 ; dis covery of in California, 230. Goldsborough, Commodore, 254. Good Hope, Cape, 16. Good Hope, Fort, 63. Gor ges, Ferdinand, 61. Gos nold, Bartholomew, 36. Grand Model, 91. Grant, Ulysses S., at Forts Henry and Donelson, 251 ; at Pittsburg Landing, 251 ; Vicksburg, 260 ; at Chattanooga, 262 ; Lieutenant-General, 263 ; in Vir ginia campaign, 267 ; close of campaign, 271 ; magnanimity of, 271 (n) ; elected president, 279 ; re-elected, 280. Gray, Captain, 240 (n). Great Britain, war with, 199. Great Meadows, battle of, 107. Greene, General, 136, 167, 168. Greenland, discovery of, 12. Green Mt. Boys, 136. Gua-da-lu pe Hi-dal go, 230 (n). Guanahani (gwah-nah-hah ne), 20 (n). Gua-ti-mo zin, King, 30. Guerriere (gare-e-are^ capture of, 201. Guilford Court House, battle of, 168, Hale, Nathan, Captain, 146 (n). Half-Moon, ship, 73. Halleck, General, 249, 253. Hamilton, Alexander, 186, 195. Hancock, John, 145. Hancock, W. S., General, 282. Harmar, General, 187. Harper s Ferry, 226, 245. Harrison, Benjamin, President, 288. Harrison, William H., General, at Tippe- canoe, 199 ; at the Thames, 201 ; elected president, 221 ; death of, 222. Harrison s Landing, 257. Hartford, 63. Harvard, John, 59, 126 (n). Harvard College, 59, 121, 126 (n). Havana, 305. Hawaii, 312. Hayes, Rutherford B., President, 282. Hendricks, Thomas A., 286. Henrietta Maria, 88. Henry, Patrick, 129. Henry, Prince, of Portugal, 15. Her ki-mer, General, 152 (n). Hessians, 147. Hildreth, historian, 301. His-pan-i-o la, 23. Hobart, G. A., 302. Hobkirk s Hill, battle of, 169. Hobson, Lieutenant, 308. Holmes, Captain, 63. Hood, General, 265. Hooker, Joseph, General, 259. Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 63. Houston (hu sturi), Samuel, 222 (n). Howe, Elias, 299. Howe, General, 143, 145, 146, 149, 156 Howe, Lord, 114. Howe, Lord, Admiral, 158 Howe, Robert, General, 159. Hudson, Henry, 73. Hull, Captain, 201. Hull, General, 200. Hunter, General, 249. Hutchinson, Mrs., 59. I ber-ville River, 116. Iceland, discovery of, 15J, INDEX Idaho, admission of, 290. Illinois, admission of, 212. Impressment, 199 (n), 209. India, route to, 14. Indiana Territory, 212; admission as a State, 212. Indian Massacre, in Virginia, 47. Indian Nations, 118. Indians, origin of name," 21 ; number of, 118. Indian War, in Virginia, 47 ; with the Pe- quods, 65; with King Philip, 69; in New Netherlands, 77 ; during the French war, 99 ; with Pontiac, 116 ; during the Kevolution, 158, 161 ; in the Northwest, 187, 218 ; on the Western Frontier, 162 ; in the South, 199, 202 ; in Florida, 210. 219. Industrial Pursuits, in the Colonies, 119. International Exhibition, at Philadelphia, 281. Inventions, Useful, 299. Iowa, admission of, 230. Iroquois Wro-quaK), 92, 99. Irving, Washington, 36. Isabella, Queen, 18. Island No. 10, 250. Jackson, Andrew, General, in the Creek war, 203 ; at Pensacola, 207 ; at New Orleans, 208 ; in the Seminole war, 211 ; elected president, 216. Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall), General, 256, 257, 259 (n). James I., King of England, 37 ; Grant by, 39. James, Duke of York, 79 ; James II., 99. James River, 39. Jamestown, settlement of, 39 ; legislative assembly at, 46 ; burning of, 49. Japan, expedition to, 234 (n). Jay, John, 189. Jay s Treaty, 189, 190. Jefferson, Thomas, 144, 186, 193, 215. John Brown s Raid, 236. Johnson, Andrew, President, 276 ; im peachment of, 278. Johnston, A. 8., General, 251. Johnston, Joseph E., General, 256, 260, 262 (n), 265, 271. Joliet (zho-le-a r ), 97. Jones, John Paul, 162. Kansas, a territory, 234 ; Civil war in, 235 ; admission of, 240. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 234. Kearny (kar ne), General, 225. Kennebec River, 50. Kent Island, 89. Kentucky, settlement of, 188 (n) ; admis sion of, 187. Kettle Creek, battle of, 160. Key, Francis S., 206 (n). Kidd, Captain, 79. Kieft (keeft), Governor, 77. King George s War, 77. King Philip s War, 69. King William s War, 99. King s College, 122. King s Mountain, 164. Knox, General, 179, 186. Knoxville, battle of, 262. Kosciusko (kos-se-us ko), Thaddeus, 175. Labrador (lab-ra-dore ), 12, 33. La-co ni-a, 61. Ladrone Islands, 308, 311. La Fayette (lahfa-yet \ 150, 213. La Salle (sal), 97, 98. Lawrence, Captain, 203. Ledyard, Colonel, 171. Lee, Charles, General, 144, 147, 156. Lee, Henry, 161, 169. Lee, Richard Henry, 144. Lee, Robert E., General, 256, 257, 258, 259, 268, 271. Legislative Assembly, first, 46. Leopard and Chesapeake, 197. Lexington, battle of, 136. Jewis and Clark, exploration by, 240 (n). Liberty Bell, 143 (n) ; 144. iberty Tree, 130. Lincoln, Abraham, in Black Hawk War, 218 (n) ; elected president, 237 ; assassi nation of, 272 ; funeral of, 276. INDEX 53 Lincoln, General, 160, 163, 180. Literature, 300. Little Harbor, 61. Livingston, Kobert K., 144 (n) ; 182 (n). Locke, John, 91. London Company, 39. Lone Star State, 222. Longfellow, Henry W., 302. Long Island, battle of, 145. Longstreet, General, 262. Lookout Mountain, 262 (n). Louisburg, 103, 113. Louisiana, name of, 98 ; partly ceded to the English, 116 ; purchase of, 194 ; ad mission of, 209. Lundy s Lane, battle of, 204. Lynn, 58. Lyon, General, 249. M McClellan, General, in W. Va., 245 ; com mander of the army, 248; movement against Richmond, 256 ; at South Mt. and Antietam, 258 ; superseded, 258. McCrea (nz), Miss, 153 (n). Macdonough, Commodore, 205. McDowell, General, 248. McKinley,William, President, 292, 302, 304. Macedonian, frigate, 201. Macomb (ma-koom \ General, 205. Madison, James, President, 199. Magellan (ma-jel la-n)^ 27. Maine, explored by the English, 37 ; name of, 62 ; admission of, 212. Maine, destruction of battleship, 305. Malvern Hill, battle of, 257. Ma-nas sas Junction, 248. Man-hat tan Island, purchase of, 75 (n). Manila, battle of, 307 ; surrender of, 308. Manners and Customs, Colonial, 122. Mariana Islands, 308. Mariner s Compass, 13. Marquette (mar-kef), 97. Maryland, grant of, 87 ; first settlement in, 88 ; civil war in, 89 ; royal province, 89 ; under proprietary government, 90. Mason and Slidell, seizure of, 250. Massachusetts, 57, 67, 118. Massachusetts Bay Colony, 57. Mas-sa-eoit, 56, 69. Mat-a-mo ras, taking of, 224. Mau-mee , battle of the, 188. Mayflower, sailing of the, 52. Meade, General, 260, 263, 267. Melendez (ma-len detK), 34. Memphis, taking of, 251. Mercer, General, 149. Merrimac, The, 254. Mesilla (ma-seel yah) Valley, 230 (n). Mexicans, description of, 28. Mexico, discovery of, 28 ; conquest of, 29 30 ; war with, 224 ; treaty with, 229. Mexico (city), occupation of, 228. Michigan, territory, 200, 202 ; admission of, 220. Miller, Colonel, 204. Mining, in the Colonies, 120. Minnesota, admission of, 240. Min u-it, Governor, 77. Minute Men, 135. Missionary Ridge, battle of, 262 (n). Mississippi, territory, 212 ; admission of, 212. Missouri, admission of, 212. Missouri Compromise, 212, 234. Monckton (murik turi), Colonel, 110. Monitor, The, 255. Mon mouth, battle of, 156. Monro, Colonel, 111. Monroe Doctrine, 303. Monroe, James, President, 210, 304. Montana, admission of, 289. Montcalm (mont-Jcam 1 ), 110, 111, 114, 115, 116. Monterey (mon-ta-ra ) t 224. Mon-te-zu ma, 29. Montgomery (city), 238. Montgomery, General, 141. Montreal, burning of , 99 ; taking of, 116. 141. Morgan, Daniel, captain, 142 ; general 168. Morgan, partisan ranger, 262. Morris, Robert, 167. Morristown, heights of, 149. Morse, Professor, 296. Motley, historian, 301. Moultrie, Colonel, 144. Moultrie, Fort, 238. Mcunt Vernon, 179, 191. Murfreesboro, battle of, 258. 54 INDEX Narragansett Indians, 56. Nashville, evacuation of, 261 ; battle of, 265. Natchez, settlement of, 98. National Debt, 274. Navigation Act, 48. Nebraska, territory, 234 ; admission of, 278. Nevada, exploration of, 35 (n) ; admission of, 275. New Amsterdam, settlement of, 75 ; sur render of, 79. Newbern, taking of, 254. New Brunswick, 34. New England, 13, 51. New England Colonies, 67. Newfoundland (nu fund-land), 12, 44. New Prance, 33. New Hampshire, settlement of, 61 ; grant of, 61 ; union with Massachusetts, 62 ; a royal province, 62 ; an independent colony, 62. New Haven, burning of, 161. New Haven Colony, 64, 67. New Jersey, first settlement in, 80 ; union with New York, 82; a royal province, 82. New Jersey, college of, 121. New London, burning of, 171. New Mexico, exploration of, 35 (n) ; con quest of, 225 ; a territory, 233. New Netherlands, settlement of, 75; growth of, 76 ; conquest of, 79 ; recon- quest of, 79 ; taken by the English, 79. New Orleans, settlement of, 98 ; battle of, 808 ; taken by the Union forces, 253 ; exhibition at, 285 ; population, 295. Newport, attack on, 158. Newport, Christopher, Captain, 39, 43, 44. Newspapers, 120, 300. New Sweden, 86. New York, 79 ; taken by the English, 146 ; evacuation of, 177 ; population of, 295. Niagara, Fort, 114. Norfolk, burning of, 161 ; navy yard at, 245 ; taking of, 256. Normans, or Norsemen, 12. North Anna, 267. North Carolina, first settlement in, 90 ; admission of, 186. North Castle, 166. North Dakota, admission of, 289. North, Lord, 172. Northmen, 12. Northwest Territory, 194. Norwalk, burning of, 161. Nova Scotia, 34, 102. Nueces (nwa ses) River, 224 (n). Oglethorpe (o gl-thorp), James, 93. Ohio, territory, 193 ; admission of, 198. Ohio Company, 105. O-kee-cho bee, battle of, 220. Old Dominion, 48. Oliver, Andrew, 130. Oregon, admission of, 240. Oregon River, exploration of, 240 (n). O-rin-o co River, 24. Os-ce-o la, 219. Pacific Ocean, discovery of, 25. Pacific Railroad, 296. Pakenham (pak n-am), Sir Edward, 208. Palo Alto (pah lo ahl to), battle of, 224. Palos (pah loce\ 20. Paris, treaties of, 116, 311, 313. Pa-troons , 76. Paulding, 166. Paulding, James K., 300 (n). Paulus Hook, 161. Pemberton, General, 260. Penn, Admiral, 83. Penn, William, 81 ; grant to, 82 ; charac ter of, 83 ; settlements by, 84. Penn e Woods, 83. Pennsylvania, settlement of, 84. Pennsylvania, University of, 122. Pennsylvania Troops, mutiny of, 167. Pen-sa-co la, 211. People s Party, 291. Pepperill, William, 103. Pequod War, 65. Perry, M. C., Commodore, expedition of, to Japan, 234 (n). Perry, Oliver H., Commodore, 201. Petersburg, 267, 271. INDEX 55 Philadelphia, settlement of, 84 ; taken by the British, 150 ; evacuation of, 156 ; population of, 295. Philadelphia, frigate, 194. Philip, war with, 69 ; death of, 71. Phil-ip pi, battle of, 245 (n). Philippines, 27, 307, 311 ; cession of, 313 ; war in, 313. Phipps, William, 101. Pickens, Fort, 239. Pickens, General, 164. Pierce, Franklin, President, 234. Pigot, General, 158. Pike, General, 203 (n). Pilgrims, The, 53 ; landing of, 55. Pinckney, Charles C., 191 (n). Pitcairn, Major, 136. Pitt, William, 112. Pittsburg Landing, battle of, 251. Plattsburg, battle of, 205. Plymouth, settlement of, 55 ; council of, 57. Plymouth Company, 50. Po-ca-hon tas, 41; marriage of, 45 ; death of, 45. Point Isabel, 224. Polk, James K., elected president, 223. Polo, Marco, 14 (n). Ponce de Leon {pon tha da la-on ), voyage of, 27. Pontiac s War, 116. Pope, General, 251, 257. Population of the Colonies (1763), 117 ; of the States, 295. Populists, 291, 303. Porter, Captain, cruise of, 208. Porter, D. D., Admiral, 253, 264. Port Hudson, 261. Porto Kico, 311. Port Royal, 34 ; taking of, 101, 102. Port Royal Entrance, 249. Portuguese, maritime enterprises of, 15. Potomac, army of the, 263. Pow-ha-tan , 41, 47. Preb le, Commodore, 194. Prescott, Colonel, 137. Prescott, historian, 301. Presque Isle (presk-eel), 106. Prevost, General, 160. Prevost, Sir George, 205. Price, General, 219, 258 (n). Princeton, battle of, 148. Minting in the colonies, 120 ; in the States, 300. Prison ships, 174. Protestants, settlements by, 33, 34. Providence Plantation, 60. Puebla (poo-a blah), occupation of, 228. Pulaski (pu-las kee), at the Brandywine, 150 ; death of, 160. Puritans, The, 51. Putnam, General, 136, 161. Q Quaker Hill, 158. Quakers, The, 59. Quebec, foundation of, 33 ; taking of, 116; attack on, 141. Queen Anne s War, 101. Rahl, General, 148. Railroads, 296. Raleigh (raiv le), Sir Walter, 36. Randolph, Edmund, 186. Ratcliffe, 40. Rawdon, Lord, 169. Reconstruction Acts, 277. Reconstruction of the Union, 279. Red River Expedition, 264. Reed, Joseph, General, 156 (n). Republican Party, organization of, 235. Resaca de la Palma (ra-sah -kah da lah patd maJi), battle of, 224. Revolution, American, causes of, 128. Rhode Island, settlement of, 60 ; purchase of, 60 ; admission of, 186. Rhode Island Plantation, 60. Ribeau (re-bo \ 34 (n). Rice Culture, 92. Richmond, occupation of, 271. Rich Mountain, 245 (n). Rio Grande (re o-grahn da), 224. Roanoke Island, 36, 254. Robinson, John, 52. Rochambeau (ro-sham-bo \ 169. Rolfe, John, 45. Roee crans, General, 245 (n), 258, 261 Ross, General, 205, 206. Roxbury, 58. 56 INDEX Haggles, Timothy, 129. Ryswick (riz wiK), Treaty of, 99. S St. Clair, General, 187. St John s, 141. St. Lawrence River, discovery of, 33 ; ex ploration of, 34 ; settlement on, 34. St. Leger (Itf er), 152 (n). St. Louis, growth of, 295. St. Marks, 211. St. Mary s, 88, 97. Salem, settlement of, 57. Salem Witchcraft, 71. Sam o-set, 56. Sampson, Admiral, 308, 309. Sanders Creek, battle of, 163. San Domingo, 23 (n). San Francisco, 231. San Francisco Bay, 35 (n) ; entered by Drake, 35. Sanitary Commission, 274. Santiago de Cuba, 308, 309, 310 ; battle of, 311 ; surrender of, 311. San Jacinto, battle of, 222 (n). San Juan, 311. San Salvador, 22. Santa Anna, 222 (n), 225, 228. Saratoga, battle of, 154. Savannah, settlement of, 94 ; capture of, 159 ; attack on, 160. Say-and-Seal, Lord, 64. Saybrook, 64, 65. Sche-nec ta-dy, Massacre at, 99. Schofield, General, 271. Schools, in the Colonies, 120, 121. Schuyler (ski ler), Fort, 152 (n). Schuyler, General, 141, 153. Scott, General, at Luiidy s Lane, 204 ; sent to Charleston, 217 ; campaign of, in Mexico, 227 ; in the Civil War, 245 ; retirement of, 248. Search, Right of, 197, 209. Secessionists, proceedings of, 239. Sem i-noles, war with, 210, 219, 220. Semmes (semz), Captain, 250. Seven Days Battles, 257. Sewall, Arthur, 303. Sew ard, Secretary, 272 (n). Sewing Machine, 299. Shafter, General, 309. Shannon, frigate, 203. Shaw mut, 58. Shays, Daniel, rebellion of, 180. Shen-an-do ah Valley, 267, 268. Sheridan, General, 268, 271. Sherman, Roger, 144 (n). Sherman, W. T., General, at Port Royal, 249 ; in command of Southern army, 263 ; at Atlanta, 265 ; march to the coast, 266; in South Carolina, 270; march northward, 270. Shiloh, battle of, 251. Shirley, Governor, 110, 111. Sigel (se gel\ Colonel, 249. Six Nations, 80, 92. Slavery, introduction of, 46 ; abolition of, 277. Slavery Question, 213, 232, 234. Slaves, emancipation of, 275. Slave Trade, 233. Slote, Commodore, 227. Smith, John, 40, 41, 42, 43, 51. Som ers, Sir George, 44. South America, discovery of, 24. South Carolina, settlement of, 92 ; seces sion of, 237. South Dakota, admission of, 289. South Mountain, battle of, 257. South Sea, 27. Southwest Territory, 187 (n). South Virginia, 50. Spain, 18, 25, 32, 35 (n) ; war with, 306 ; peace with, 311, 313. Spaniards, discoveries by, 18, 25, 32 ; ex plorations by, 35 (n). Spottsylvania Court House, 267. Springfield (Mass.), 63. Squatter Sovereignty, 234. Stamp Act, 128, 130. Standish, Miles, 54. Stark, General, 136, 154. Star Spangled Banner, song, 206 (n), Starving Time, 43. Steuben, Baron, 175. Stillwater, battles of, 154. Stockton, Commodore, 227. Stonington, bombardment of, 205. Stono Ferry, 160. Stony Point, capture of, 161. Stringham (string 1 am), Commodore, 249 INDEX 5? Stuyvesant (sti ve-sant), Peter, 78, 79, 87. Sub-Treasuries, 221. Sullivan, General, 158, 161. Sum ter, Fort, 144 (n), 238, 243, 270. Sumter, General, 164. Sunbury, 160. Sweden, New, 87. Swedes, settlement by, 78, 87. Taney (taw ne), Chief Justice, decision of, 237 (n). Tariff Law, 215, 292, 312. Tarleton, Colonel, 168. Taylor, Zachary, colonel, defeat of the Indians by, 220 ; in Mexican War, 224 ; president, 232 ; death of, 232. Tea, tax on, 132. Te-cum seh, 199, 202. Telegraphs, 296. Tennessee, admission of, 187. Terry, General, 271. Texas, annexation of, 222, 223. Thames (temz), battle of, 202. Thomas, General, 261, 265. Thompson, General, 219. Ti-con-der-o ga, Fort, 114 ; capture of, 137 ; taken by Burgoyne, 1&2. Tip-pe-can-oe , battle of, 199. Tobacco, 36 (n), 45. To-ho-pe ka, battle of, 202. Tories, 160. Traveling, in the Colonies, 123. Tremont, 58 (n). Trenton, battle of, 147. Trip o-li, war against, 194, 209. Tryon, General, 161. Tunis, war against, 209. Tyler, John, President, 222. Union City, capture of, 265. Union Navy, operations of, 249. United States, 184. United States Bank, 186, 217. Useful inventions, 299. Utah, exploration of, 35 (n) ; territory, 233; State, 291. Valley Forge, 151. Valparaiso (ri so), 208. Van Bu ren, Martin, elected president, 220. Van Dorn, General, 258 (n). Van Twiller, Governor, 77. Van Wart, 166. Venezuela arbitration, 303. Venice, commerce of, 15. Vera Cruz (krooz), taking of, 227. Vermont, admission of, 186. Verrazzani (ver-rat-tsah ne), voyage of, 33. Vicksburg, 260. Vineland, 13. Virginia, name of, 36 ; first settlement in, 37 ; charter of, 39, 44 ; royal province, 47, 50 ; grant of, 39, 49. Wam-pan-o ags, 56, 70. Ward, General, 136. Warren, Commodore, 103. Warren, General, 136, 140. Washington, George, first public employ ment, 106 ; Commander-in -Chief, 140 ; at Boston, 142 ; at Long Island, 145 ; at Trenton, 147 ; at Princeton, 148, 149 ; at Monmouth, 156 ; at Yorktown, 169, 171 ; after the war, 177, 179 ; in Constitu tional Convention, 180 ; president, 180 ; first cabinet of, 186 ; retirement of, 189 ; death of, 192. Washington (City), 193 ; burning of, 206. Washington Territory, 240 (n) ; State, 289. Wayne, General, 161, 188. Webster, Daniel, 233. Wee-haw ken, duel at, 196. Western Continent, 12, 27. West Indies, 27, 305. West Jersey, 81. West Point, 165. West Virginia, victories in, 245 (n) ; ad mission of, 263. Wethersfield, settlement of, 63. Whisky Insurrection, 187. White Plains, battle of, 146. Whitney, Eli, 299. Whittier, John G., 302. 58 INDEX Wilderness, battle of the, 267. Wilkes, Captain, 250. Wilkinson, General, 203. William and Mary College, 121. Williams, 166. Williams, Roger, 59. Williamsburg, battle of, 256. Wilmington, taking of, 271. Wilson, Henry, 280. Wilson s Creek, battle of, 249. Winchester, battle of, 268. Windsor, 63. Wingfleld, 40. Winslow, Captain, 250 (n) Winslow, Edward, 54. Winthrop, John, 57. SFinthrop, Major, 245. Wisconsin, admission of, 230. Witchcraft, Salem, 71. Wolfe, General, 114, 115. Wool, General, 256. Worden, Lieutenant, 256. World s Fairs, 281, 291. Wy-o ming, massacre at, 158. Wyoming, admission of, 290. Yale College, 121. Yale, Elihu, 121. Yeardly (yard le), Sir George, 46. York, Duke of, 79. Yorktown, 171. APPENDIX II Stephen Girard. Stephen Girard was born in Bordeaux, a city of France, in the year 1750. He was the son of an officer of considerable reputation in the French navy. Stephen was sent to school as a boy, but as the schools of the day were poor he did not make much progress. When he was eight years old he lost his right eye through an unfortu nate accident and became very sensitive to the ridicule of his compan ions. From this time on he shunned all companionship save that of his younger brother. He was said to be a boy of very independent spirit and of violent temper, not in his early days under the best control. When he was a mere lad his mother died. After this his home was not a happy one, and at his earnest request he was permitted to follow his inclination and go to sea. His father accordingly bought for him an interest in a vessel sailing for the West Indies. As Girard was only fourteen years old he went as a cabin boy on the vessel. Girard loved the sea and applied himself so diligently to the study of navigation that by the time he was twenty-three years old he passed an examination which entitled him to a captain s commission. He now took command of a vessel and extended his trips to New York. While sailing from the latter place in a ship of which he was part owner he was caught in a heavy fog and drifted to the mouth of Delaware Bay. This was at the period of the Revolution, when British warships were on the lookout. Girard, hearing that a war vessel was in the neighborhood, sailed into the bay and up- the river to Philadelphia, where he sold his vessel to keep it from being captured by the British. The cargo was transferred to a store on Water Street, where Girard soon became so prosperous that he gave up the idea of again going to sea and looked forward to a time when he might own vessels to send on trading voyages. In a few years this ambition was fulfilled and he was able to send out his first vessel. The success of this venture led to the building of other ships and to the gradual extension of his busi ness until, finally, Girard became a very rich man. It would seem that his devotion to business arose from love of labor 60 APPENDIX IT rather than from the love of money. He himself said, " I do not love fortune. The love of labor is my highest ambition." During the ter rible yellow fever scourge in 1793 Girard showed the highest courage in helping to take care of the sick. He always gave money freely to worthy causes, and on several occasions loaned to the government in its time of need. He died in 1831, the richest man in America. In his will he left large sums of money to the city and State of his choice. A large part of his fortune was, according to his own desire, used for the building and maintaining of a college for poor white orphan boys. The beautiful white marble building resembling a Greek temple, erected for this purpose a few years after his death, bears his name. Within its walls have been educated thousands of boys who, without his gift, would have received no college education. A beautiful monument has been erected to this great "Mariner and Merchant" in the center of the city in which he made his immense fortune. But the best monu ment of his life, which was so busy that he said, "When death comes for me he will find me busy unless I am asleep in bed," is in the grate ful hearts of those who have been benefited by his princely gift. Thanksgiving Day. It was the custom of the children of Israel to hold a feast of thanksgiving after they had gathered in their harvests. This was known as the Feast of the Tabernacles, and it was solemnly kept each year in order that the people might publicly show that their hearts were filled with gratitude for the Divine help and blessing. The autumn following the landing of the Pilgrims in the New World, Governor Bradford sent out four men to gather game, so that the whole colony- might rejoice together after they had gathered in the fruits of their labors. An old tradition says that their Indian friends were invited to this feast of thanksgiving. About ten years later there was such scarcity of provision in the colony of Massachusetts, that a day was set aside as a day of fasting and prayer for the relief of their distress. Before the appointed day, how r ever, a long expected vessel with abundant supplies arrived from England, and the fast day became a feast day and a day of thanksgiving. It soon became the practice in the Colonies to observe days of general thanksgiving for all of God s mercies, as well as special thanksgiving days for events of great importance. Eight times during the Revolu tionary War the Continental Congress asked for-days of thanksgiving because some important advantage had come to our cause. After we had secured our independence, and had adopted our present form of government, Congress requested the people of the United States to ob serve a day of national thanksgiving for the signal favors of Almighty APPENDIX II 01 God, and especially for His allowing us to form a government for our safety arid happiness. President Lincoln asked for several such days during our great Civil War, to offer thanksgiving for great victories won, and to ask God to subdue the anger which was keeping up the cruel rebellion. It has within late years become the practice for the President to issue a proclamation calling for a day of public thanks giving. The day thus set apart, usually the last Thursday in Novem ber, has been made a legal holiday. Story of Lafayette. Lafayette was but nineteen years old when he decided to come to America to help the Colonies fight for their free dom. He belonged to a famous French family, and had all that wealth and honorable position could give. Yet he loved liberty so dearly that he left it all and presented himself before Washington, offering to fight as a common soldier. He was given an officer s position, and throughout the war was noted for his careful judgment and great bravery. He became a favorite of Washington s, and received the highest praise from the Continental Congress. Upon returning to France he took part in a revolution in which he lost all of his property. Learning of this, the Congress of the United States gave him a township of land and $200,000. He lived to be an old man and died mourned by the people of two great nations. Through the contributions of the boys and girls of America, a fitting monument was erected in his honor during 1900, in the city of Paris, the capital of his native country. Memorial Day. The Colonies had secured their independence of England, had set up a government for themselves, and had become a great and prosperous nation of United States. But jealousies arose, and they began to quarrel over the question of slavery. The people in the southern States thought they could not live without slaves, and that the government at Washington had no right to forbid any State from having slaves ; while the people in the northern States believed slavery to be wrong, and looked forward to the time when it would be stamped out. Finally, when Lincoln was elected President, the South ern States rebelled, set up a government for themselves, and started a bloody war. Thousands of brave men on each side were killed or horribly wounded in the battles which followed, and thousands more died from the hardships of long and weary marches, and from sleeping on the cold, damp ground. After four years of the most severe fight ing that the world has ever known, the North triumphed, the slaves were free, and the union of the States preserved. After the war, some women in the South started the beautiful custom 62 APPENDIX II of going out on a certain day in spring to place flowers on the graves of their dead soldiers as a sign that their bravery and sacrifice had not been forgotten. This practice attracted the attention of the soldiers of the North, who, after the close of the war, had banded together in an organization called the Grand Army of the Republic (G. A. R.). Through the influence of the G. A. R., the 30th day of May was set aside as a day on which they could publicly call the attention of the people to their dead comrades and how they had suffered to save our country from being divided. As part of these memorial exercises consist in decorating the graves of soldiers, the day had come to be called Decoration Day as well as Memorial Day. And although for many years there were still traces of bitter feeling in the hearts of those who had taken part in this struggle, now the Blue and the Gray often stand side by side as they sorrowfully call to mind the memory of loved comrades stricken down by the cruel hand of war. The Carrying of Messages. (Old ways and new) ; Couriers, Mails, Telegraph (Morse) ; Telephone (Bell). At first there was little communication between the Colonies, and such as there was had to be carried on by private messengers. The men bearing such messages were often called couriers. As towns grew larger, and began to trade with each other, so many written messages had to be sent that public couriers were employed. These men usually traveled on horseback, but at first did not make regular trips. Before the Revolution, however, there had come to be regular mails between the towns along the Atlantic as far south as Philadelphia. Beyond that the rider did not go until he thought he had sufficient mail. So that even then many southern places did not get mail oftener than once a month. After roads connecting important places were made, and the amount of mail became too great to be taken on horseback, the stage coaches began to carry it. But communication was still very slow. A great improvement was made when railroads came to be built. When Morse invented the telegraph and it was found that mes sages could be sent with lightning-like speed it seemed such a marvel ous thing that the first message sent was " What hath God wrought." That was more than fifty years ago. Since then we have laid a tele graph across the ocean and have had the invention of the telephone. And now we can carry on a conversation with a distant friend and hear his voice as clearly as if he stood before us. Lydia Darrah. Lydia Darrah lived in Philadelphia during the time it was held by the British soldiers. She overheard a plot to surprise Washington s army at Whitemarsh, a place near Philadelphia, and APPENDIX II 63 revealed it to one of his officers. When the British made their stealthy night march to attack Washington they found him fully pre pared for them. Mollie Pitcher. Wife of an artilleryman who, at the Battle of Monmouth, saw her husband fall and ran to his cannon and handled it with great skill during the remainder of the battle. The soldiers afterward called her " Major Mollie." Congress rewarded her for her brave act. Mrs. Schuyler. While Burgoyne s army was advancing from Lake Champlain towards the Hudson River, General Schuyler sent word to his wife to destroy the extensive wheat fields on their estate at Sara toga, in order that they might not furnish food to the British. This she did by setting fire to them with her own hand. Burgoyne had their beautiful home destroyed. After his capture he was so kindly entertained by Mrs. Schuyler that he was affected to tears by her for giving spirit. Growth in Wealth of the Country. The war between France and England ceased for a time during Jefferson s first term. This allowed our commerce to increase at a rapid rate. The raising of cotton in the South increased at an enormous rate, and the fertile lands west of the Alleghanies attracted large numbers of new settlers. Growth of the Democratic Spirit. Jefferson became "The Apos tle of Democracy" and would have no ceremonies such as Washington and Adams practised. Any one who wanted to see him could call at any time. His example had its influence, and a change towards sim plicity in the dress and manners of the people followed. (See pp. 231-2 of Anderson s " New GrammarSchool History.") Protective Tariff Legislation ana Issue of Paper Money. Large sums of money had to be raised to meet the expenses of the Civil War, which reached the enormous sum of $1,000,000 a day. This was accomplished by increasing the tariff rates on imported goods and by a domestic tariff requiring stamps to be placed on business papers, patent medicines, etc. Paper money which bore the prom ise of the government to pay the amount denominated on the face of the notes was also issued in large quantities. These notes, which came to be known as "greenbacks" because of their color, the gov ernment used as lawful money in the payment of debts. ANDERSON S HISTORICAL SERIES A Junior Class History of the United States. Illustrated with hundreds of portraits, views, maps, etc. 369 pages. 16mo. A New Grammar School History of the United States. Supplemented by maps, engravings, chronological summaries, tabulated analyses, review ques tions, appendix, etc. 432 pages. 12mo. A New Manual of General History, with particular attention to Ancient and Modern Civilization. With numerous engravings and colored maps. 685 pages. 12mo. Also, in two parts. Part I. ANCIENT HISTORY: 300 pages. Part II. MODERN HISTORY: 385 pages. A School History of England. Illustrated with numerous engravings and with colored maps showing the geographical changes in the country at different periods. 427 pages. 12mo. A School History of France. Illustrated with numerous engravings, colored and uncolored maps. 378 pages. 12mo. A History of Rome. Amply illustrated with maps, plans, and engravings. 554 pages. By R. F. LETGHTON, Ph.D. (Lips.). The Historical Reader, embracing selections in prose and verse, from stand ard writers of Ancient and Modern History; with a Vocabulary of Difficult Words, and Biographical and Geographical Indexes. 544 pages. 12mo. The United States Reader, embracing selections from eminent American historians, orators, statesmen, and poets, with explanatory observations, notes, etc. Arranged so as to form a Class-manual of United States History. Illus trated with colored historical maps. 420 pages. 12mo. MAT^TARD, MERRILL, & CO., PUBLISHERS, 29, 31, and 33 EAST NINETEENTH STREET, NEW YORK. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21A-50ra-3, 62 (C7097slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley YB 20495 887314 El 78 ,1 t A 57 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I