V HISTORY UjSTTED states MARINE CORPS. "Per Mare et Terr am" < • ,*' » ',• ■ - , M. ALMY ALDRICH. FROM OFFICIAL REPORTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS COMPILED BY CAPTAIN RICHARD S. COLLUM. BOSTON: HENRY L. SHEPARD & CO. 1875- Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by •jtfkRY l. 'criEjPkjQDJ &. co. In the office of the Librarian of Congress a^ Washington. TO THE OFFICERS OF THE MARINE CORPS OF THE UNITED STATES THIS WORK IS CORDIALLY DEDI- CATED j NOT WITH THE EXPECTATION OF ADDING TO THEIR WELL-EARNED FAME J BUT WITH A DESIRE THAT THE SERVICES OF THE CORPS MAY BE MORE WIDELY APPRECIATED, AND THAT THE NATION MAY RECOGNIZE THE DEBT IT OWES TO THE MEN, WHO, IN ALL THE TRYING TIMES IN OUR COUN- TRY'S HISTORY, HAVE NOBLY DONE THEIR DUTY, u Per Mare et Terram." \ 952865 " From the establishment of the Marine Corps to the present time, it has constituted an integral part of the Navy, has been identified with it in all its achievements, ashore and afloat, and has continued to receive from its most distinguished command- ers the expression of their appreciation of its effectiveness as a part of the Navy." — Report of House Committee on Naval Affairs ; 39 ta Congress, 2d Session. 5 PREFACE In writing a History of the Marine Corps, two objects have been kept in view : To faithfully complete a heretofore unwritten chapter in our national record, and to bring more prominently to the attention of the country a history of services whose impor- tance has failed to meet with that general recognition which it merits. While there has been no lack of historians to record the deeds of the Regular Army and Navy, the Marine Corps, as a distinctive branch of the national service, has been forced here- tofore to depend mainly for its history on the casual, and oftentimes incomplete, mention contained in naval reports and other official documents. Much of the information on which the present work is based, is, of course, obtained from these sources ; but, in order to make the record complete, it has been necessary to spend many mortths in the examination of the national archives, and in the gathering of stray items of information from widely separated sources. The aid of government officials, and 'of the officers of the Corps, as well as of other friends, has proved of the utmost importance in obtaining many facts, without which the work would be lacking in that completeness which it has been the effort of the author to secure. Every available source of infor- mation has been made to contribute to the work, and valuable aid has been derived from Cooper's and other naval histories. Whenever it has been possible, the accounts of battles, etc., 7 8 Preface. published in newspapers have been used in preference even to official documents, the author believing that the unprejudiced newspaper reporter is the real historian of the age. As a mat- ter of course, an acquaintance, on the part of the reader, with general history is taken for granted, such knowledge being nec- essary to a correct understanding of some portions of the pres- ent work. The reader will necessarily be called on to furnish many missing links, the production of which in these pages would introduce much matter foreign to the design of the book, not having a direct bearing on the subject treated. The need of such a work is acknowledged by students of his- tory, and is proved by the general lack of information on the subject. Few persons outside the immediate circle of the active and retired members of the Corps know anything of the value of the services rendered by the Marines in many of the more important events which go to make up the history of our country. To record the services of the dead, and the efficiency of the living, officers and men whose names make up the roll of those who have served as Marines since the Continental Congress first authorized .the formation of the Corps, is a labor whose impor- tance is fully realized, and to meet the demands of which a con- scientious, and, it is believed, successful effort has been made. CONTENTS. PART I. CHAPTER I. Nature and Value of the Services of the Marines. — Brief Sketch of the Marine Forces Connected with some of the European Navies, etc. 15 CHAPTER II. The Antiquity of the Marine Service. — Phoenician and Greek Marines. — The Force under Xerxes.— The Royal Marines of Great Britain. — A Well-merited Tribute to the American Marines, by a Prominent Officer of the Navy 21 PART II. CHAPTER I. From 1775 t0 I79 8 - — The Early Organization of the Corps. —Services during the War of the Revolution 33 CHAPTER II. After the Revolution. — Settling up the Accounts of the Old Navy. — Attempts at Reorganization 4I CHAPTER III. From 1798 to 1805. — Reorganization of the Corps. — The War with Tripoli, etc 44 CHAPTER IV. The War of 18 12. — Lieutenant Gamble's Exploits. — The Fights on the Lakes, etc c 2 9 io Contents. CHAPTER V. 1824. — The Famous Mutiny in the Massachusetts State Prison 62 CHAPTER VI. 1824 to 1835. — Operations Against Pirates. — The Trouble on the Coast of Sumatra. — Services in New York 66 CHAPTER VII. 1836-7. — The Land Services of the Corps during the Campaigns against the Hostile Indians in Florida 70 CHAPTER VIII. 1838-42. — The Services of the Marines Attached to the Mosquito Fleet during the War 79 CHAPTER IX. 1839. — The Nature and Value of the Duties of the Marines Clearly Defined 83 CHAPTER X. 1846-8. — The California and Mexican Wars, I. — Operations of the Marines Connected with the Pacific Squadron 86 CHAPTER XL 1846-8. — The Mexican War, II. — Operations of the Marines Connected with the Squadron on the East Coast 94 CHAPTER XII. 1847-8. — The Mexican War, III. — Operations of the Marines At- tached to General Scott's Army. — Recapitulation, etc 104 CHAPTER XIII. 1852-3. — Commodore Perry's Expedition to Japan. — Unpleasantness at Shanghai 112 CHAPTER XIV. 1854-6. — An Official Opinion. — The Barrier Forts in China. — Indian War in Washington Territory, etc 114 CHAPTER XV. 1857. —The Famous Washington Riot Quelled by the Marines 118 CHAPTER XVI. 1858. — Fight with Savages. — Peaceful Missions 122 Contents. ii CHAPTER XVII. 1858-9. — Services on Staten Island. — Capture of John Brown 124 CHAPTER XVIII. i860. — The Panama Insurrection. — Action on the West Coast of Africa 127 CHAPTER XIX. From January to July, 1861. — Services of the Marines in the First Part of the Civil War 129 CHAPTER XX. July, 1861. — The First Battle of Bull Run. —Reorganization of the Corps. — Hatteras Inlet 133 CHAPTER XXI. September, 1861. — The Capture of the Confederate Privateer Judah off Pensacola. — Battle of Port Royal 140 CHAPTER XXII. November, 1861. — The Trent Affair,. — Details of one of the Most In- teresting Events of the War. — Minor Engagements 145 CHAPTER XXIII. The Merrimac and Monitor Fight 151 CHAPTER XXIV. 1862. — Various Engagements, Expeditions and Other Services during the Early Part of the Year 154 CHAPTER XXV. April to December, 1862. — The Capture of New Orleans. — Passing the Batteries at Vicksburg.— Marines Captured by the Alabama 160 CHAPTER XXVI. 1863. — R^d of Rebel Iron-clads Among the Vessels off Charleston. — Quelling the Draft Riots in New York City. — Unsuccessful Attack on Fort Sumter. — The Port Hudson Affair, etc 166 CHAPTER XXVII. 1864. — Condition of the Corps. — Death of Colonel Harris. — The Defeat of the Alabama. — Admiral Farragut's Attack on the De- fences in Mobile Bay, etc 173 12 Contents. CHAPTER XXVIII. December, 1864, and January, 1865. — Butler's Failure at Fort Fisher. — Porter's Confidence. — The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry 180 CHAPTER XXIX. 1864 to 1870. — Some of the Fighting during the Last Part of the War. — The Great Fire in Portland, Me. — The Rank of Brigadier-gen- eral Created for the Commandant of the Corps. — Fight at For- mosa, etc 189 CHAPTER XXX. The Capture of Raphael Semmes. — An Interesting and Important Chapter from the Secret History of the War 196 CHAPTER XXXI. 1870. — Capture of a Prize Vessel. — The Whiskey Raids at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Valuable Services of the Marines in Aiding the Revenue Officers 202 CHAPTER XXXII. 187 1. — The Corean Expedition. — A Surveying Party Fired Upon by the Corean Forts. — Terrible Punishment Inflicted on the Coreans. — The Marines in Advance. — The Final Triumph 210 CHAPTER XXXIII. Services of the Marines in the City of Boston during Two Destructive Fires. — Protection to Americans at Panama. — Thanks to Captain Pope. — Review at Key West .- 217 PART III. CHAPTER I. Complete List of all the Officers of the Corps, from 1798 to the Present Time • 227 CHAPTER II. Thanks, Medals, and Swords Awarded to the Corps ; from 1798 to the Present Time 251 CHAPTER III. List of Officers who were Brevetted for Services during the Civil War 254* PART I. PART I. CHAPTER I. NATURE AND VALUE OF THE SERVICES OF THE MARINES. — BRIEF SKETCH OF THE MARINE FORCES CONNECTED WITH SOME OF THE EUROPEAN NAVIES, ETC. THE value of a well-organized, efficient Marine Corps is recognized by all the leading governments of the present day. When united Germany, at the close of the Franco-Prus- sian war, set about availing herself of all the naval and military strength of the empire, for any future emergencies, one of the first steps taken was to organize a Marine Corps ; it was made up of picked men from the Army, and is now one of the most efficient forces in Europe. The Royal Marines of Great Britain, which number 27,000 men in time of war and 15,000 in time of peace, are not excelled in discipline or efficiency by any equal numbers of men in the English Regular Army. The form- ation of the British Marine Corps dates back to the latter part of the seventeenth century. Lieutenant Nicolas, in his " Histori- cal Record of the Royal Marine Forces," says : " Until the year 1664, the British Navy was manned by means of the system of impress, or by enlisting landsmen ; but the commerce of Eng- land at that period was so limited that those measures were found inadequate to procure sufficient seamen for the public service, and this difficulty suggested the formation of an estab- 1 S 1 6 Nature and Value of the Services of the Marines. lishment of Marines. The men were raised with the object of forming a nursery to man the fleet, and being quartered in or near the principal sea-ports, their great utility in the equipment of squadrons soon made it desirable to augment their strength." In 1664, the order was issued for raising a regiment of Royal Marines. Although the force has witnessed many changes in its system of organization, and was at one time, in 1748, in con- sequence of the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, temporarily dis- banded, it has ever, by bravery and efficiency, proved the wisdom of the original plan for its formation. It was a favorite remark with the immortal Nelson, who fully appreciated the services of the Marines, that when he should become First Lord of the Admiralty, "every fleet should have a perfect battalion of Marines, and, commanded by experienced officers, they would be prepared to make a serious impression on the enemy's coast." Nelson maintained his belief in the efficiency of the Marines till death, and it was a strange yet fitting sequel that when struck by the fatal missile at the bloody fight at Trafalgar, he was borne from the deck by a sergeant and two privates of the Marine Corps into whose arms he fell. In all the principal con- tests in which Great Britain has engaged during the last century, on land or sea, the Marines have borne a brave, an honorable part. This is especially true of those conflicts carried on in distant countries. In the Ashantee war, no laurels were more honorably or bravely won than those which crowned the record of the Royal Marines. What has been said of the appreciation of the value of the Marine Corps by the German government is equally true in the case of Italy. When Victor Emanuel established his government at Rome and took the necessary steps to strengthen himself in the enlarged sphere over which his power was extended, one of the first means adopted was to bring the Marine Corps to a high degree of efficiency. The result is, that the Italian Marines are as finely disciplined and organized a body of men as can be found in the service of any nation. Spain, with all the changes Marine Forces of European Navies. 17 in her government, and with all her national weakness, keeps up the high standard of her Marines, and that body of men alone would prove a powerful force for offence or defence in case of a foreign war. France, too, has for many years, in spite of the com- parative weakness of her Navy, maintained an excellent Corps of Marines. Sir John Jervis, Earl of St. Vincent, the famous English admiral, who died in 1823, when urging, as necessary to add efficiency to the British Navy, an increase in the number of Marines, pointed to the French Navy and said: "The French, from the era of Louis XIV., have always equipped their fleet sooner than we have, and their bureau de classe continues in full vigor. Without a large body of Marines, we shall be long, very long, before an efficient fleet can be sent to sea." Trained, as they are, for duty both on shipboard and on land, the Marines combine the discipline of soldiers and sailors in such a manner as to render their services indispensable in con- nection with the properly organized Navy of any country. Accustomed by the very nature of their training to the dangers of sea and land, the value of their services cannot be easily es- timated. The United States Marine Corps, although composed, comparatively, of a small force of men, has played a most impor- tant part in all the struggles through which the nation has passed. Acting as an integral part of the Navy, the Marines have won the highest praise from the naval officers themselves. It is not necessary, in proving the value of the services of the Marines, to bring forward credentials or testimonials to their valor. Yet it is a pleasure, in this connection, to note the opin- ions of some of the officers whose names have added lustre to our naval records. The men of our Navy have ever justly been a source of pride to the nation, and no small part of the honors which they have won should be shared with the Marines. This fact is willingly acknowledged, by the officers of the Navy. The brave Admiral Farragut thus bore his testimony : " I have always deemed the Marine Guard one of the great essentials of a man-of-war, for the preservation of order and maintenance of 1 8 Marine Forces of European Navies. discipline. They work and fight their guns well. It is next to impossible to maintain the efficiency of the ship and proper dis- cipline without the restraints of the soldiers over the sailors." And Farragut's successor, Admiral Porter, says : " The Marines are as necessary to the well-being of a ship as the officers. I hope for the good of the service that no attempt will be made to interfere with the Corps in any way, unless to increase it. The Navy would truly feel the blow. I am sure you will not find any advocate for touching the Marine Corps amongst any offi- cers of experience in the Navy." Commodore Rodgers says : "I do not think that soldiers temporarily detailed from the Army to serve in the Navy could do the work of Marines them- selves, since the latter have chosen their service and are accus- tomed to its confinement, as well as habituated to the sea." Commander Roe says : " It is impossible to substitute soldiers of the Army for Marines. The Marines are sea soldiers ; they are half-sailors, and have a special training which the land sol- diers cannot have." In spite of all this, the popular idea of the duties of the Marine Corps is exceedingly vague. On those occasions, which have not been infrequent, when the propriety of abolishing the organization has been urged by certain members of Congress, the most ardent defenders of the Corps, while fully convinced of the necessity of its existence, have sometimes found themselves at a loss to describe its duties. Considering the peculiar cir- cumstances of the case, such a lack of information is not sur- prising, for only those familiar with the value of the services of the Marines can well be acquainted with the details of the arduous and responsible duties performed by the officers and men attached to the Corps. In 1866, the National House of Representatives instructed the Committee on Naval Affairs "to consider the expediency of abolishing the Marine Corps, and transferring it to the Army, and of making provision for supply- ing such military force as may at any time be needed in the Navy, by detail from the Army." The Committee unanimously Marine Forces of European Navies. 19 decided in opposition to the project, and, in their report, made use of the following language in describing the duties of the Marines : " The Marines are strictly infantry soldiers trained for service afloat. Their discipline, equipment, character, and esprit de corps being that of the soldier, they necessarily give to a ship-of-war its military character. As sentinels, they watch over the magazines, store-rooms, gangways, galleys, and all lights and fires required for the use of the ship ; they guard all the public property and all prisoners of war, which at times may outnumber the crew ; and at all times sustain and protect the discipline of a man-of-war by their organization, distinctive character, and peculiar training. In the ordinary duties of a ship at sea, they pull and haul in common with the rest of the crew ; and although not required to go aloft, they keep regular watch, and are most to be relied upon to man the ropes in sudden squalls, a duty the prompt discharge of which is as necessary to the safety of a ship as reefing or furling. Marines are also trained at the great gun exercise, so that in time of action they are ready to assist in manning guns or to act as a reserve force to meet the casualties of battles. These duties being natural to, and part and parcel of, the service to which they belong, their absence from the deck would have to be supplied by an equal amount of physical force j and, as some part of the crew must be kept on deck to perform these important duties, it will be readily seen why a body of well-trained men, familiar with sea life and its duties, should be preferred to soldiers drawn from the Army unaccus- tomed to these duties. As soldiers, they guard the ship from troubles within and from surprise without ; and as part of the ship's complement, take part in most of the duties necessary to her efficiency as a man-of-war. While ashore, undergoing train- ing as soldiers, they are not otherwise idle, but guard and pro- tect the Navy Yards with the immense amount of public property within them, and are always ready for emergencies in adjacent cities." In an article descriptive of the nature and value of the services 20 Marine Forces of European Navies. of the Marines, the New York Times says : " In times of peace this Corps has saved millions of dollars to our national treasury by its faithfulness in guarding the public property in our Navy Yards and magazines. It is worthy of attention that no large fire has ever occurred at any of our Navy Yards where a guard of Marines was on duty. Had the New Ironsides been in charge of even a corporal's guard of Marines, instead of a num- ber of irresponsible watchmen, the fire never would have occurred, and the government would not have been a loser thereby of a sum equal to the amount appropriated for the sup- port of the entire Corps. It has been estimated that the pay of the watchmen for one year who are employed in our Navy Yards, added to the property lost through their inefficiency, would sup- port a Marine Corps of more than double the present number of men. The difference between a well-drilled, responsible sol- dier as a guard and sentinel, and an irresponsible civilian, ought to be evident to all, and especially to those who have our national property under control." CHAPTER II. THE ANTIQUITY OF THE MARINE SERVICE. PHOENICIAN AND GREEK MARINES. THE FORCE UNDER XERXES. — THE ROYAL MARINES OF GREAT BRITAIN. A WELL-MERITED TRIBUTE TO THE AMERICAN MARINES, BY A PROMINENT OFFICER OF THE NAVY. * CAPTAIN S. B. LUCE, of the United States Navy, has kindly furnished the following chapter in relation to the antiquity of the Marine Service, etc., with a tribute to the value of the United States Corps, which will be appreciated alike by the student of history and by the officers and men of the Corps : The employment of infantry as part of the regular comple- ment of vessels of war was common to the Phoenicians and to all the maritime States of Greece at least five centuries before the commencement of the Christian era. In the earlier period of history it was not so. When vessels were no larger than pentekonters, — open boats pulling fifty oars, — perhaps up to the time of biremes, the warriors were the oarsmen. But as naval science progressed, and the size of vessels increased, there gradually sprang up distinct classes, which together made up the personnel of the Navies about 500 B. C. : the rowers, the seamen proper, who had the general management of the vessel and sails, and the Marines, or fighting men. Marines are specially mentioned in the account of the battle of Lade', in the time of Darius, king of Persia, about 497 B. C. The Ionian Greeks, being in a state of revolt, had their fleet drawn up at 21 22 The Antiquity of the Marine Service. Lade, a small island lying off Miletus, where it was discovered by the Persians. In the battle which ensued, the Samian and Lesbian squadrons deserted the cause, the people of those isles having been won over by Persian emissaries, and were fol- lowed by others. " Of those who remained and fought," says Herodotus, " none were so rudely handled as the Chians. They had furnished to the common fleet over one hundred ships, hav- ing each of them forty armed citizens on board, and those picked men. Scorning to follow the base examples of the trai- tors, they fought desperately, till, overcome by numbers, they were obliged to seek safety in flight." The same author, in es- timating the strength of the Persian naval force which accompa- nied the army of Xerxes to Greece, observes that each vessel had on board, besides native soldiers, thirty fighting men, who were either Persians, Medes, or Sacans. At the dawning of the day of the battle of Salamis, the men-at- arms of the Greek fleet were assembled on shore, and speeches were made to them. "The best of all was that of Themis- tocles, who, throughout, contrasted what was noble with what was base, and bade them in all that came within the range of man's nature always to make choice of the nobler part." These men-at-arms or soldiers, which formed part of the complement of the Greek trireme, were called Epibatce, a word all authori- ties agree in rendering into English by the word Marines. The largest number of Marines found aboard each of the " swift ships " — that is, the regular men of war, as distinguished from trans- ports — at this period was forty. Plutarch gives the number on board each Greek trireme at the battle of Salamis as eighteen, four of whom were archers and the rest heavy-armed. During the Pel- oponnesian War, the average number on board the Athenian tri- reme was ten. It may not be out of place to give here one of the many incidents of the battle of Salamis, as an illustration of the valor and mode of fighting of the Epibatce : " A Samothracian vessel bore down on an Athenian and sunk it, but was attacked and crippled immediately after by one of the Eginetan squadron. Phoenician and Greek Marines. 23 Now the Samothracians were expert with the javelin, and aimed their weapons so well that they cleared the deck of the vessel which had disabled their own, after which they sprang on board and took it." (Herodotus viii. 90.) In the account of the battle of Platea, where Mardonius, the great military leader of the Persians, was slain, and the choice of the Persian troops routed, there is an instance related where the military and naval training are curiously blended in the person of the Athenian Sophanes. "He wore," says Herod- otus, " an iron anchor, fastened to the belt which secured his breastplate by a brazen chain ; and this, when he came near the enemy, he threw out, to the intent that when they made their charge it might be impossible for him to be driven from his post. As soon, however, as the enemy fled, his wont was to take up his anchor and join the pursuit." Another account states that the anchor was simply a device upon his shield. But in either event the anchor would indicate that he had served afloat. Thucydides makes frequent mention of Epibatce. When the Athenian strategus Demosthenes was operating near Leu- cas with thirty ships, he landed his forces, and had, besides the army, " the three hundred Epibatce from his own ships," mak- ing ten for each trireme. Rawlinson, in translating the word Epibatce, explains that it means " the armed portion of the crew, corresponding to our (English) Marines." So also Dr. Dale, in his translation of " Thucydides," renders the word Epibatce as " the heavy-armed soldiers who served on board ship, answering to our Marines." The eminent Greek scholar, Dr. Arnold, takes the same view. The learned historian of Greece, Mr. Grote, speaks of Epibatce as Marines, and observes that " though not forming a corps permanently distinct, they correspond in func- tion to the English Marines." In the statement that they did not form a distinct corps, Mr. Grote seems to differ from other authorities. Boeckh, probably one of the very best authorities on the antiq- uities of Athens, who is so freely quoted by Mr. Grote in 24 Phoenician and Greek Marines. his history of Greece and referred to by Dr. William Smith and Rich in their dictionaries of Roman and Greek antiquities, in speaking of matters concerning the Athenian Navy, remarks that " The crews of the swift triremes consisted of two descrip- tions of men : of the soldiers or Marines appointed to defend the vessels, who were also called Epibatce ; and of the sailors. These Epibatce were entirely distinct from the land soldiers, such as the hoplitce, peltastcz and cavalry, and belonged to the vessel. 1 ' (" Boeckh's Economy of Athens," Vol. I, page 373.) They had, moreover, their own officers, called triera?rhoi. During the naval supremacy of Rome, the quinquireme only, as a rule, was admitted into the line of battle. Polybius gives the number of rowers in these vessels as three hundred, and that of the Marines (c/asiarii milites) as one hundred and twenty. In regard to the manner of fighting, it may be observed that the Epibatce used arrows and darts at a distance, spears and swords in close combat, and as ships increased in size they added balistce, and turres, or turrets {naves turritce), and fought from them as from castles on land. In the earlier period of naval history, when opposing fleets, drawn up in parallel lines, closed at once and decided the issue of the battle by a hand-to-hand contest, the number of Marines aboard each vessel was as large as could be accommodated. But when, in the process of time, military science became better understood, and its principles came to be applied to the man- agement of fleets, naval tactics grew to be an art in which the Athenians rendered themselves preeminently successful. Skil- ful manoeuvres and evolutions performed with wonderful celerity and precision took the place of the old style of rushing headlong into battle. To maim and disable an enemy, without receiving any injury in return, was now the evidence of an expert trierarch and a well-drilled crew ; this feat once accomplished, and the enemy's vessel reduced to a helpless wreck upon the water, the survivors were easily despatched by the Marines. Hence, with the improved tactics came a reduction of the number of Marines The Royal Marines of Great Britain. 25 allowed to a Greek trireme, the precise number being finally settled at ten, as already stated, the entire complement of the trireme being two hundred. The true functions of the Marine of modern times were little understood, his great value to the Navy to which he belonged little appreciated, till within a recent period. According to their own writers, the Corps of Marines of Great Britain was originally instituted in 1664; and, curiously enough, partly with a view to forming a nursery of seamen for the fleet. The pri- vates were encouraged to qualify as able seamen, and were al- lowed every opportunity of doing so. * " It having been found necessary on many occasions to embark a number of soldiers on board our ships of war * * it was judged expedient to appoint certain regiments for that service, who were trained to the different modes of sea-fighting, and also made use- ful in some of those manoeuvres of a ship where a great many hands were required. These, from the nature of their duty, were distinguished as Marine soldiers, or Marines." ( " Grose's Mili- tary Antiquities of the English Army," Vol. I.) They were ex- pected to be more or less familiar with the duties of seamen, and it is still more curious to observe that this total misapprehension as to the nature of the duties of Marines was transmitted to the colonies in America, and found definite expression in the first act of the Continental Congress establishing a Marine Corps. In 1740 three additional regiments were raised in America and assembled at New York. All the officers, excepting the captains of companies, who were colonists nominated by the provinces, were appointed by the Crown, and Colonel Spotis- wood, of Virginia, was colonel-commandant of the whole, t * " Royal Marines," by T. Smith, R. M. Colburn's " United Service Mag- azine ""for May, and following numbers, 1874. t The history of the Royal Marines is not without its page of romance. One Hannah Snell, of Worcester, England, it appears, fought in the ranks as a Marine. She belonged to the guard of the Swallow, one of the squad- 26 The Royal Marines of Great Britain. In 1760, the strength of the Corps being increased to eigh- teen thousand, three hundred and fifty-five men, application was made for an increase of the number of field officers, etc. Nicolas, in his history of the Royal Marine forces, gives very full accounts of all the battles in which that Corps partici- pated, But although the British Marine had in many a hard- fought action acquitted himself with credit, yet on no occasion had he proved himself of more value to the Navy to which he belonged, or reflected more honor on his Corps, than during the momentous period covering the great mutinies at Spithead, the Nore and Bantry Bay. The seamen of the fleet fully under- standing the advantage, in the stand they had taken against the Government, of engaging the Marines as their allies, took care to include them in their demand for redress of abuses. In their answer to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated on board the Queen Charlotte at Spithead, April 19, 1797, they say, — " and as a further proof of our moderation, and that we are actuated by a true spirit of benevolence towards our brethren, the Marines, who are not noticed in your lordship's answer," etc. But neither had they, in their first statement of grievances, be- ginning, "We, the seamen of His Majesty's Navy," alluded, even remotely, to the Marines, showing that the alliance was an after thought. The Marines were mentioned, however, in the petition to Parliament. But although their " brethren the Marines " doubt- less had their own grievances, yet they, as a rule, remained true to their duty, and by their steadfast courage and good discipline suppressed more than one mutiny. One remarkable instance ron under Admiral Boscawan, was distinguished for bravery, wounded twelve times in various actions ; and was finally discharged without her sex being discovered. This brings to mind the story of the lady whose devotion to the fortunes of one William Taylor induced her to follow that hero to sea. She assumed the name of Richard Carr, behaved with great gallantry, and not- withstanding the secret of her sex being revealed, she was actually promoted to be first lieutenant of the Thunder bomb. (See "Universal Songster," London, 1827, Vol. 1., page 65.) The Royal Marines of Great Britain. 27 among many of a similar character, is related of the crew of the Impetueux, Captain Sir Edward Pellew, afterwards Lord Exmouth. The mutineers had in vain attempted to win over the Marines, and Sir Edward, finding he had them on his side, at once took such energetic measures that the mutiny was put down. The Marine Guard of the Castor frigate summarily suppressed a mutiny on board that ship December, 1801. In the same year the mutiny in the squadron in Bantry Bay broke out ; this also was put down by the aid of the Marines. On each oc- casion the good conduct of the Marines was recognized in the official report of the affair, and it was probably due to the repu- tation for loyalty then acquired under the most trying circum- stances, rather than their conduct in battle, that gave rise to the complimentary order of the Admiralty, of April 29, 1802, conveying His Majesty's directions " that the Corps shall be styled Royal Marines." The last serious mutiny necessary in this connection to notice, occurred on board the Excellent, 74, in the West Indies. Lord Hood, in general orders, dated " Blenheim, Barbadoes, December 30, 1802," says: "The commander-in-chief (as well as the members of the Court Martial), are highly sensible of the active exertions of the officers of H. M. ship Excellent, in quelling the late mutiny on board that ship ; and also the officers, non-commissioned officers, and private Marines belong- ing to the said ship : who, by their firmness in resisting the at- tempt to seduce them from their duty, and in opposing men in actual mutiny, have increased, if possible, the high character the Corps has so justly acquired," etc., etc. It is evident that the worth of the British Marine had begun to be acknowledged, and yet it was not till 1837 tnat the " iniquitous system " * of re- warding distinguished naval officers by appointing them to the sinecures of generals and colonels of Marines was abolished. The value of the Royal Marine as exhibited in his loyalty * Nicolas. 28 The Royal Marines of Great Britain. during a series of mutinies of ships' companies, extending over a period of five years, — or from 1797 to 1802, — some of which shook the throne of Great Britain to its very foundation, was found to be in the total absence of sympathy between him and the seaman ; an inimical feeling, perhaps, which the appoint- ment of naval officers, of whatever class, to positions in the Corps, had a decided tendency to break down. Hence it may be assumed as a general proposition, subject to little qualifica- tion, that the value of a Marine Corps to a Navy, or of a Marine Guard to a ship, is in direct proportion to the thoroughness of its military training, its esprit de corps, and the strict observance of that line of demarkation which separates the military from the naval element. Happily for us, our seamen have never been driven into mutiny, nor does it seem possible that such a deplorable condi- tion of affairs could ever be brought about as would cause an absolute antagonism between them and the Marines. Still, as the legally established " sharp-shooters " and necessary military element of our sea-forces, our Marine Corps should jealously guard its integrity as a military body "par excellence." In 1804 an artillery company was attached to each of the three divisions of the Royal Marine Corps, to supply the service of the bomb-vessels, and in time of peace to drill the whole of the Marines in gunnery. But they were soon available for other purposes, and on the outbreak of the war of 18 12, a large body of the Marine Artillery, with a field battery and rocket equipment, accompanied the battalions of Marines then formed for service in America. Later, Sir Howard Doug- lass complimented the Marine Artillery as being " either a corps of good infantry, of scientific bombardiers, or expert field artil- lery-men, well constituted, thoroughly instructed, and ably com- manded." After fluctuating in numbers through several years, the Corps was so augmented that in 1859 it numbered three thousand officers and men, and was formed into a separate division, with its headquarters at Fort Cumberland. The Royal Marines of Great Britain. 29 The military education of the officers of the Royal Marine Artillery is thorough, and such as could be heartily wished were introduced somewhat into our own Marine Corps. The cadet Marines have to study for two years, more or less, during which they are expected to acquire a competent knowledge of arithme- tic, algebra, geometry, plane trigonometry, the use of the sex- tant, fortification, English history, and French. To this may be added a practical course in naval gunnery. If on obtaining his commission, the young Marine officer is selected to qualify for the Artillery, he must be prepared at the end of a year to pass an examination in analytical trigonometry, differential and inte- gral calculus, conic sections, statics and dynamics, hydrostatics and steam, besides being required to have an increased knowl- edge of fortification. The men are volunteers from the light infantry divisions, possessing certain specified qualifications as to age, height, intelligence and character. The course of training, which is, with a few exceptions, com- mon to both officers and men, is very comprehensive : it includes the usual infantry drills and musketry instruction ; the exercise of field guns and rockets, with such field battery movements as are of real practical importance; the service of heavy ord- nance, including heavy guns, howitzers, and sea and land ser- vice mortars ; the naval great gun exercise ; mounting and dis- mounting ordnance, with and without machines ; the various methods of slinging and transporting ordnance ; knotting and splicing and fitting gun gear ; use of pulleys, etc. ; a laboratory course, including use and preparation of tubes, rockets and fuses, making up cartridges, manufacture of port fires, signal lights, rockets, and explosive compounds j a course of practical gunnery, comprising instruction in the nature and uses of the various kind of guns, howitzers and mortars, of projectiles, sight- ing ordnance, use of red-hot shot, and such matters connected with the theory of projectiles as may have a practical application.* * "Military Schools and Course of Instruction in the Science and Art of War." Henry Barnard, LL. D. New York, 1872. 30 Tribute to the American Marines. The United States Marine Corps has well sustained the high reputation for steadfast courage and loyalty which has been handed down to it from the days of Themistocles. But like their modern prototypes of Great Britain, they have felt the want of proper appreciation. In the resolution of Congress of November 10, 1775, to raise two battalions to be called "first and second battalions of American Marines," it was enjoined that " no person be enlisted into said battalion but such as are good seamen, or so acquainted with maritime affairs as to be able to serve with advantage by sea : " clearly showing that our legis- lators of that day, at least, had little conception of the nature of a properly organized Marine Corps. Unfortunately, the erro- neous ideas expressed in that act seem more or less to have been transmitted to the present time ; for, strange as it may appear, the Corps, while it has its own peculiar organization, is yet without any regimental organization. It would seem to be to the interest of our Marine Corps that it should be brigaded, — the full number allowed by law being three thousand and seventy-four,* though practically reduced by the amount of the annual appropriation, — and companies, or parts of compa- nies, with their proper officers detailed for duty afloat. This course, in connection with the educating of the young Marine officers at West Point, would soon bring our Marine Corps up to that high military standard which it is quite safe to say all naval as well as all Marine officers desire to see it attain. S. B. L., U. S. N. Navy Yard, Boston, December 20, 1874. * Act of July 25, 1861. PART II. PART II. CHAPTER I. FROM 1775 TO 1798. THE EARLY ORGANIZATION OF THE CORPS. SERVICES DURING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 1775. — The United States Marine Corps came into existence before the organization of the regular Navy. Before a single vessel of the Navy was sent to sea, the Corps was organized. On the 10th of November, 1775, the following was passed by Congress : — " Resolved, That two battalions of Marines be raised, consisting of one colonel, two lieutenant-colonels, two majors, and other officers, as usual in other regiments ; that they consist of an equal number of privates, with other battalions; that particular care be taken that no persons be appointed to offices, or enlisted into said battalions, but such as are good seamen, or so acquainted with maritime affairs as to be 'able to serve to advantage by sea when required ; that they be enlisted and commissioned to serve for and during the present war between Great Britain and the colonies, unless dis- missed by order of Congress ; that they be distinguished by the names of the First and Second Battalions of American Marines.' , Later in the same month, another resolution was adopted pro- viding against filling the Corps with men from the Regular Army. But slight record can be found of the services of the Marines during the first year of the existence of the Corps. Men were 3 33 34 The Early Organization of the Corps. not over-plenty, either for military or naval duty, and several months elapsed before the Corps was fully organized, equipped and ready for duty. From the hour of their earliest organiza- tion, however, the Marines made a noble record for themselves and for their country. In the early naval fights they played a most important part, amply proving their devotion to the cause in which they were enlisted, and furnishing conclusive evidence of the wisdom of the legislation which called their Corps into existence. 1776. — During the year 1776, the organization of the Corps was further perfected, and the following officers were appointed June 25 : — Samuel Nichols Major. Andrew Porter Captain. Joseph Hardy Samuel Shaw Benjamin Deane Robert Mullin John Stuart Daniel Henderson First Lieutenant. David Lowe " Franklin Read " Peregrine Brown " Thomas Pownal " James McClure Second Lieutenant William Gilmore " Ahel Morgan " Hugh Montgomery " Richard Harrison " Other appointments during the same year succeeded as follows : July 22, Captains, George J. Osborn and Richard Palmer; First Lieutenant, Stephen Meade; Second Lieutenants, Nathaniel Thwing and benjamin Thompson; July 24, First Lieutenant, Abraham Van Dyke ; August 24, First Lieutenant, Louis de la Valette ; September 6, Captain William Nicholson. The following was the uniform for the officers of the Corps, Services During the War of the Revolution. 35 by order of the "Marine Committee/' dated Philadelphia, Sep- tember 5, 1776: "A green coat faced with white, round cuff, slashed sleeves and pockets, with buttons round the cuff, silver epaulette on the right shoulder, skirts turned back, buttons to suit the facings ; white waistcoat and breeches edged with green, black gaiters and garters ; " green shirts were ordered for the men, "if they can be procured." 1777. — During the following year, the Marines participated in and won the first fight in the history of the Regular Navy. Lord Dunmore, with the British force under his command, had collected a considerable store of provisions at New Providence, and had done much injury along the American coast, principally confining his attention to the shore of Virginia. Commodore Hopkins of the American Navy was ordered to proceed to Avaco in the Bahamas, where his squadron was to rendezvous, and from thence to operate against the force of Lord Dunmore,' Commodore Hopkins, with his squadron, set sail in the middle of February, and after a run accompanied by no event of im- portance, arrived at the rendezvous. His force of vessels con- sisted of the Alfred, carrying twenty-four guns ; the Columbus, twenty; Doria, fourteen; Cabot, fourteen; Providence, twelve; Hornet, ten; Wasp, eight; and the Fly, a despatch boat Commodore Hopkins decided to make an attack on New Provi- dence, if possible, capture the enemy's stores, and thus cripple Lord Dunmore's forces. Major Nichols, the senior officer of the Marines, was placed in command of the attacking party, which consisted of three hundred Marines and landsmen. The action was a most brilliant and successful one, Major Nichols ob- taining complete possession of the place with its forts and other defences in a few hours. In spite of the fact that the authorities at New Providence succeeded in removing a considerable portion of the stores, a large quantity of cannon, etc., fell into the hands of the Americans. The attention of the nation has since that time been so absorbed by other important events that the action at New Providence is almost forgotten ; but the story of 36 Services During the War of the Revolution. the battle will ever form an important chapter in our history, inasmuch as it was, as has already been stated, the first fight in the records of the Regular Navy. And the event will ever possess great interest for the Marines, since it demonstrated the spirit and steadiness which have always been characteristic of the Corps. • 1778. — On the 24th of April, 1778, in the action between the American Continental Ship Ranger, Captain John Paul Jones, and the British Ship Drake, off Carrickfergus, the Marine officer, Lieutenant Wallingford, was killed, at the head of his men. On the 23rd of September, 1779, in the action between the Bon Hom- me Richard, Captain John Paul Jones, and the British Frigate Serapis, the following officers served with the detachment of Ma- rines on board : Lieutenant Colonel Stack commanding ; Lieuten- ants Macarty and O'Kelly. The following officers of Marines served on board the Frigate Alliance, Captain Peter Landais, October 3, 1779 : Captain Park commanding; First Lieutenant, Thomas Ellenwood ; Second Lieutenant, James Warren. 1779. — In the spring of 1779, the British leaders conceived the idea that it was essential to their interests that a military post be established on the coast of Maine. With that object in view, an expedition was fitted out from Halifax, Nova Scotia, for the invasion of that district. About one thousand men were detached from the Seventy-fourth and Eighty-second regiments of Royal Artillery, and placed under the command of Brigadier General McLane ; the ships North, Nautilus and Albany, each of sixteen guns, were used as convoys, Captain Mowat in com- mand. This was not the first time that Mowat had invaded the shores of Maine, for it was but a few years before that he had deliberately burned the town of Portland, then called Falmouth, to the ground. His name was still one of terror to the people of that vicinity, and it was a source of great sorrow to them, on the 1 6th of June, that this infamous man again landed on their shores. Castine, near the entrance of the Penobscot river, was selected as the spot upon which to establish the post, Services During the War of the Revolution. 37 and the erection of a fort was immediately begun. Batteries were established upon the banks of the river, and the ships of war were advantageously disposed of in the harbor. These dispositions having been made, the invasion was considered accomplished. But the people of Massachusetts would not quietly submit to allow the enemy's foot to rest undisturbed on their territory, — Maine being but a district of Massachusetts at that time. The spirit which led to the belief, since the evacua- tion of Boston, that the British dared not invade Massachusetts, still prevailed, and when the news of the landing at Castine was received at Boston, the excitement was intense. It was immedi- ately resolved to send an armed fleet to the scene. The Legisla- ture of Massachusetts was called upon, and, the appeal being fav- orably received by that body, orders were issued for detaching a force of fifteen hundred men from the State militia, and the Board of War was authorized to engage armed ships for the service. Application to Congress for aid was also successful, and the fleet was rapidly fitted out. The United States Frigate Warren, of thirty-two guns, was loaned for the expedition ; she carried two hundred and fifty men, under the command of Cap- tain Saltonstall, who was also made commodore of the whole fleet. Congress also granted the use of two sloops of war, the Diligence and the Providence, of fourteen and twelve guns respectively, then lying in Boston harbor; the former vessel carried ninety men, and was under the command of Captain Brown, and the latter seventy men, Captain Hacker, master. The government of Massachusetts furnished three vessels, as follows: the Tyrannicide, of fourteen guns, Captain Cathcart, ninety men ; the Active, sixteen guns, Captain Hallet, one hun- dred men ; the Hazard, fourteen guns, Captain Williams, ninety men. Thirteen vessels were also hired by the government of Massachusetts, from citizens of Boston, Salem and Newbury, and fitted up for the expedition. The Hampden, Captain Sal- ter, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, carried twenty guns and one hundred and thirty men ; the Pallas, Captain Johnson, four- 38 Services During the War of the Revolution. teen guns and eighty men ; the Sky Rocket, Captain Burke, six- teen guns and one hundred and twenty men ; the Black Prince, Captain West, eighteen guns, one hundred and sixty men ; the Hector, Captain Carnes, eighteen guns, one hundred and fifty men ; the Monmouth, Captain Ross, twenty guns, one hundred and sixty men ; the Hunter, Captain Brown, twenty guns, one hundred and fifty men ; the Sally, Captain Holmes, twenty guns, one hundred and eighty men ; the Putnam, Captain Waters, twenty guns, one hundred and seventy men; the Vengeance, Captain Thomas, eighteen guns, one hundred and ninety men. The Revenge, of eighteen guns, and the Defence, of fourteen, carried one hundred and fifty and eighty men respectively, but the names of their masters are not known. There was also a schooner of eight guns, carrying forty men, whose captain's name has not been preserved. A remarkable fact, showing the enthusiasm which existed in the cause, is that no less than thirty masters of merchant ships in Newburyport volunteered as common seamen on board the Vengeance, and in deference to the superior age and experience of one of these, Captain Thom- as, Captain Dennis relinquished the command of the ship, him- self acting as lieutenant. The command of the land forces was given to Brigadier Gen- eral Lovell, an officer whose superior merit had gained him a great reputation for courage and skill. Unfortunately, however, some delay had prevented a portion of the militia from arriving at Townsend, the place of rendezvous in Maine, at the appointed time, and upon the arrival of the fleet of armed ships and trans- ports punctually on the day named, the general found but nine hundred of the militia instead of the promised fifteen hundred. This was a great disappointment to all the party, but for numer- ous reasons, the greatest despatch was necessary, and delay would have chafed the spirits of the brave men who were ready for work, so that, after careful consideration of the subject, it was decided in a council of war to proceed at once. The militia therefore embarked on board the transports which had Services During the War of the Revolution. 39 been provided for them, and accompanied by the armed vessels, with three hundred Marines, sailed from Townsend, arriving at the place of destination on the 25th of July. So well, however, had the British defences been arranged that it was not until the 28th that a landing was effected. This was at last accomplished by the Marines and the militia, the place chosen for a landing being at the foot of a precipitous height which rose abruptly and almost perpendicularly from the river. The advance guards of the British force were stationed in a wood on the top of this very eminence. According to General LovelFs previous orders, the seamen put off from the shore immediately after the men had landed. The word to advance was then given, and the intrepid body of Marines and militia met their own number of Scotch regulars, and with such unabated ardor and zeal was the battle pushed, that the enemy was driven back within their works. But this step was only gained at a great sacrifice to the patriots, for sev- eral officers of merit were slain, and of the Marines and militia about one hundred were killed and wounded. Many acts of heroic courage on the part of the Marines, seamen and militia signalized the affair, reflecting the highest credit upon all. Upon reconnoitring, however, General Lovell found that the enemy had entrenched themselves so securely, and their defences were of such strength, that it would be worse than useless to attack them in their stronghold, until reinforcements could be obtained. Neither was Commodore Saltonstall willing to attempt the destruction of the British ships lying in the har- bor, even after their batteries had been seized. A council of war was called, and it was decided to send for reinforcements, and to suspend operations until they should arrive. Help, however, did not arrive as soon as it was expected, and in the meantime the British had also sent for assistance, which was despatched promptly; and on the 14th of August a British fleet from New York, under the command of Sir George Collier, sailed into the harbor. This fleet comprised the Raisonnable, of 40 Services During the War of the Revolution. sixty-four guns, and the Frigates Blonde, Virginia, Greyhound, Galatea, and Camilla. This arrival was a great blow to the Americans, who saw at once that the project of driving out the British must be abandoned, flight being the only recourse left them. He sent the news to General Lovell, who was on land with his forces at one o'clock in the morning, and prepara- tions were at once made to evacuate the position which they held. Before dawn the little army, with baggage and equip- ments, was on board the transports, and sailing up the river, the only direction open to them. But their flight was immediately discovered by the enemy, who started in pursuit. It was not long before it became evident that even escape was impossible, and to prevent the valuable fleet from falling into the hands of the British, all but three vessels were destroyed. These three were captured. Thus ended a fight which, had the militia been trained and disciplined as were the Marines, would have ended in victory for the Americans, and would have ranked in impor- tance, in the history of the Revolutionary struggle, with the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. CHAPTER II. AFTER THE REVOLUTION. — SETTLING UP THE ACCOUNTS OF THE OLD NAVY. ATTEMPTS AT REORGANIZATION. DURING that period, following the Revolution, when the United States had no naval force of importance, efforts were successfully made to close up the accounts of the old Navy, in order to organize a new and efficient department. On the ist of August, 1787, an Act of Congress was passed, providing "That the commissioner of Marine accounts, in settling the accounts of the officers, seamen, and Marines of the late Navy of the United States, govern himself by the principles estab- lished for the line of the Army, by the Act of Congress of the 10th of April, 1780, so far as the same relates to the allowance for depreciation j provided, that no officer, seaman, or Marine be entitled to the benefit of this resolve who was not in service, or liable to be called into service, on the 10th of April, 1780. l7 8o. — On the 8th of January, 1780, it was provided by Act of Congress, "That the Marines of the Navy of the United States, whilst doing garrison duty, be allowed the same subsis- tence moneys as are allowed to the officers of the line of the Army." I794 . — The following is an extract from an Act of Congress, passed March 27, 1794 : — Whereas, the depredations committed by the Algerine cor- sairs on the commerce of the United States render it necessary that a naval force should be provided for its protection : 41 42 After the Revolution. Section i. Be it therefore enacted, &c, That the President of the United States be authorized to provide, by purchase or otherwise, equip and employ four ships, to carry forty-four guns each, and two ships to carry thirty-six guns each. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be em- ployed on boarc} each of the said ships of forty-four guns, one captain, four lieutenants, one lieutenant of Marines, one chaplain, one surgeon, and two surgeon's mates ; and in each of the ships of thirty-six guns, one captain, three lieutenants, one lieutenant of Marines, one surgeon, and one surgeon's mate, who shall be appointed and commissioned in like manner as other officers of the United States are. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the crews of each of the said ships of forty-four guns shall consist of one hundred and fifty seamen, one hundred and three midshipmen and ordi- nary seamen, one sergeant, one corporal, one drum, one fife, and fifty Marines : and that the crews of each of the said ships of thirty-six guns shall consist of one hundred and thirty able sea- men and midshipmen, ninety ordinary seamen, one sergeant, two corporals, one drum, one fife, and forty Marines, over and above the officers herein before mentioned. Sec. 9. That if a peace shall take place between the United States and the Regency of Algiers, that no farther proceeding be had under this act. 1797. — The following Act was approved July 1, 1797 : — Sec. 1. That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, empowered, should he deem it expedient, to cause the Frigates United States, Constitution, and Constellation to be manned and employed. Sec. 2. That there shall be employed on board each of the ships of forty-four guns, one captain, four lieutenants, two lieu- tenants of Marines, one chaplain, one surgeon, and two surgeon's mates ; and in the ship of thirty-six guns, one captain, three After the Revolution. 43 lieutenants, one lieutenant of Marines, one surgeon, and one surgeon's mate. Sec. 4. That the crews of each of the ships of forty-four guns shall consist of one hundred and fifty seamen, one hun- dred and three midshipmen and ordinary seamen, three ser- geants, three corporals, one drum, one fife, and fifty Marines ; and that the crew of the ship of thirty-six guns shall consist of one hundred and thirty able seamen and midshipmen, ninety ordinary seamen, two sergeants, two corporals, one drum, one fife, and forty Marines, over and above the officers herein before mentioned. Sec. 14. That this Act shall continue in force for the term of^ one year, and from thence to the end of the then next session of Congress, and no longer. CHAPTER III. FROM 1798 TO 1805.— REORGANIZATION OF THE CORPS. — THE WAR WITH TRIPOLI, ETC. THE time of service of the Corps ended, by the terms of the act of November 10, 1775, with the close of the Revolu- tion. In many scenes of danger and conflict the Marines had turned the tide of battle in favor of the American forces. Both military and naval officers bore testimony to the bravery and efficiency of the Corps. Whether in conflicts on land or in the sea-fights, where our forces contended with those of the mother country, the Marines won distinction for themselves, and contrib- uted in no small degree to the final success of the American cause. At the close of the Revolution, the Corps was dis- banded, but Congress, recognizing the value of such an estab- lishment, provided for the re-formation of the organization, and laid the foundation for the present efficient force. On the nth of July, 1798, an act was approved "for the establishing and or- ganizing a Marine Corps." This act provided that, in addition to the military establishment there should be raised and organ- ized a Corps of Marines, to consist of one major, four captains, sixteen first lieutenants, twelve second lieutenants, forty-eight sergeants, forty-eight corporals, thirty-two drums and fifes, and seven hundred and twenty privates, including the Marines already enlisted, or authorized to be raised for the naval arma- ment. The Corps was to be formed into as many companies or detachments as the President should direct, with a proper dis- tribution of the commissioned and non-commissioned officers and 44 Reorganization of the Corps. 45 musicians to each company or detachment. That the pay and subsistence of the officers, privates and musicians was fixed as follows : To a major, fifty dollars per month and four rations per day j to a captain, forty dollars per month and three rations per day; to a first lieutenant, thirty dollars per month and three rations per day ; to a second lieutenant, twenty-five dollars per month and two rations per day ; and to the non-commissioned offi- cers, privates and musicians, conformably to the act, entitled " An act providing a naval armament," as should be fixed by the Presi- dent. The President was authorized to continue the enlistment of Marines, until the Corps should be complete ; and to appoint the commissioned officers, whenever, in the recess of the Senate, an appointment should be necessary. The enlistments were to be for the term of three years, subject to discharge by the Pres- ident, or by the ceasing or repeal of the laws providing for the naval armament. If the Marine Corps, or any part of it, should be ordered by the President to do duty on shore, and it should become necessary to appoint an adjutant, paymaster, quarter- master, sergeant-major, quartermaster-sergeant, and drum and fife major, or any of them, the major or commandant of the Corps was authorized to appoint such staff-officer or officers from the line of subalterns, sergeants and musicians respec- tively, who should be entitled, during the time they should do such duty, to the same extra pay and emoluments which were allowed by law to officers acting in the same capacities in the infantry. It was further provided that the detachments of the Corps of Marines, thus authorized, should be made in lieu of the respec- tive quotas of Marines, which had been established or author- ized for the frigates, and other armed vessels and galleys which should be employed in the service of the United States. The President was authorized to detach and appoint such of the offi- cers of this Marine Corps to act on board the frigates and any of the armed vessels of the United States respectively, as he should from time to time judge necessary, any thing in the act 46 Reorganization of, the Corps. " providing a naval armament " to the contrary notwithstanding. The officers, non-commissioned officers, privates and musicians were to take the same oath, and be governed by the same rules and articles of war as were prescribed for the military establish- ment of the United States, and by the rules for the regulation of the Navy, according to the nature of the service in which they should be employed, and should be entitled to the same al- lowance, in case of wounds or disabilities, according to their respective ranks, as were granted by the " Act to ascertain and fix the military establishment of the United States." It was provided that " the non-commissioned officers, musicians, sea- men and Marines, who are or shall be enlisted into the service of the United States, and the non-commissioned officers and musicians who are or shall be enlisted into the army of the United States, shall be, and they are hereby exempted, during the term of service, from all personal arrests for any debt or con- tract." It was specially provided that the Marine Corps, estab- lished by this act, should, at any time, be liable to do duty in the forts and garrisons of the United States, on the sea-coast, or any other duty on shore as the President, at his discretion, should direct. The following is a list of the officers of the Corps in 1798 : — MAJOR COMMANDANT. Date. William W. Burrows 12 July, 1798. CAPTAINS. Daniel Carmick 3 August, 1798. Lemuel Clark 3 August, 1798. George Memminger 3 August, 1798. Franklin Wharton 3 August, 1798. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Richard Harwood 10 July, 1798. S. W. Geddis . . 26 July, 1798. The War with Tripoli 47 John Hall 2 August, 1798. Philip Edwards 3 August, 179S. James McKuight 3 August, 1798. James James 9 August, 1798. William Cammack 1 Sept., 1798. Jonathan Church 5 Sept., 1798. Bartholomew Clinch 5 Sept., 179S. Diamond Colton 5 Sept., 1798. James Tallman 5 Sept., 1798. Reuben Lilly 9 Sept., 1798. H. A. Williams .28 Sept., 1798. David Stickney 23 Oct., 1798. Benjamin Strother 31 Oct., 1798. D. S. Wynkoop 16 Nov., 1798. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. William Amory John L. Lewis John Maine . Henry Caldwell Anthony Gale Robert Rankin Josiah Reddick John Darley . Newton Keene 25 July, 1798 9 August, 1798, 12 August, 1798, 2 Sept., 1798 2 Sept., 1798 2 Sept., 1798 5 Sept., 1798 8 Nov., 1798, 22 Dec, 1798 1803. — The services of a portion of the Marine Corps were brought into active requisition in the war between the United States and Tripoli. In the contests of that war, alike in victory and in defeat, the Marines were foremost at every point where bravery and discipline could win success or crown seeming fail- ure with the elements of real triumph. When the brave Bain- bridge, on the 31st of October, 1803, in an hour of misfortune, accidentally ran the Philadelphia on a reef, under the guns of the enemy's batteries, the Marines made most gallant exertions to prevent the ship being taken ; and when every effort failed, and ship and men fell into the enemy's hands, Lieutenant William Osborne, who commanded the Marines, with his brother officers and men, suffered all the privations and horrors of a 4 8 The War with Tripoli. captivity in Barbary. During the following year, in the mem- orable attack of the American forces on the Tripolitan gun-boats on the 3rd of August, the Marines made a terrible and bloody onslaught on the enemy. A hand-to-hand conflict ensued, the Marines punishing the Tripolitans fearfully, and forcibly illus- trating the advantage of discipline and skill over the lack of train- ing among the forces with which they were brought in contact. The official report of the fight gives great credit to the Marines, and as an incident of the contest, it is stated that when Lieu- tenant Trippe, who was engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with a Turk, was hard pressed, a Turk aimed a blow at him from behind, but just before the blow fell, Sergeant Meredith of the Marines passed a bayonet through the Turk's body. I 8o5 > — Among the few Americans who accompanied General Eaton in his famous strategic move against the usurping Bashaw of Tripoli, was Lieutenant O'Bannon* of the Marines, who took an active part in disciplining and leading the motley army which marched on Derne for the double purpose of restoring Hamet Caramalli to power and of aiding the Americans to punish Jusef Caramalli, the usurper. The effect of his efforts in that direction were manifest in the contest which followed. The Marines in the expedition were from the United States brig Argus, and consisted of Lieutenant O'Bannon, one sergeant and six privates, who were relied upon to preserve discipline, and by their example animate the hearts of the mercenaries employed. In a letter to Mr. Smith, Secretary of the Navy, dated at Alex- andria, Feb. 13th, 1805, General Eaton wrote: "Those prov- inces in our possession will cut off from the enemy and turn into our own channel a source of provisions, and will open a free intercourse with the interior of the country. I have requested of the Commodore for. this purpose an hundred stands of arms, with cartridges and two field-pieces with trains and ammunition ; and also a detachment of one hundred Marines, if necessary, to lead a coup de main" From General Eaton's journal it appears that on Sunday, The War with Tripoli. 49 March 3, 1805, the Army under his command left Alexandria on its march to Derne. Included in the force were but nine Amer- icans, Lieutenant O'Bannon, Mr. Peck, one sergeant and six privates of the Marine Corps. Including the footmen and camel-drivers, the whole force numbered about four hundred. This caravan consisted of one hundred and seven camels and a few asses. After marching two hundred miles, eighty mounted warriors joined the Bashaw. Provisions had been reduced to hard bread and rice. From Alexandria to that point there was not a living stream or rivulet or spring of water. A few days later, forty-seven tents of Arabs joined them, with their families and movables. In this detachment were one hundred and fifty warriors on foot. On March 30th, General Eaton wrote : " From Alexandria to this place, we have experienced continual altercations, contentions and delays among the Arabs. They have no sense of patriotism, truth or honor; and no attachment where they have no prospect of gain, except to their religion, to which they are enthusiasts. Poverty makes them thieves, and practice renders them adroit in stealing." April 9th he wrote: "Advanced ten miles. Good water. In the cistern were two dead men ; probably murdered by Arabs. Obliged to drink the water, however." On the following day a courier arrived from Derne. April 14th, at 4 o'clock p. m., they reached Bonda. But their astonishment was great to find at this port " not the foot trace of a human being, nor a drop of water." The next morning the Argus, Captain Hull, arrived, and on the 17th the sloop Hornet arrived with provisions. On the 18th the march was resumed. On the 24th they marched fifteen miles over mountainous and broken ground, covered with herbage and beautiful red cedars, " the first resemblance of a forest tree," wrote General Eaton, "we have seen during a march of nearly six hundred miles." Arriving before Derne, on the morning of the 26th, terms of amity were offered the Bey, on condition of allegiance and fidelity. The flag of truce was sent back with this laconic 50 The War with Tripoli. answer, " My head or yours ! " The next day the assault on Derne was begun. The Hornet, Lieutenant commandant Evans, having run close in, and anchored within pistol shot of a battery of eight guns, opened her fire. The Nautilus lay at a little distance to the eastward, and the Argus still further in the same direction, the two latter firing on the town and battery. The enemy made an irregular but spirited defence, keeping up a heavy fire of musketry, as the assailants advanced, from behind houses and walls. At half-past three, however, Lieuten- ant O'Bannon and Mr. Mann stormed the principal work, haul- ing down the Tripolitan ensign, and, for the first time in his- tory, hoisting the stars and stripes of the Republic on a for- tress of the Old World. The enemy was driven out of the work with so much precipitation that he left his guns loaded and even primed. The cannon were immediately turned upon the town, and Hamet Caramalli, having made a lodgment on the other side, so as to bring the enemy between two fires, the place submitted. During the fight, a detachment, consisting of six American Marines, a company of twenty-four cannoniers, and another of twenty-six Greeks, including their proper officers, acted under the immediate command of Lieutenant O'Bannon. It was with this force that the brave O'Bannon passed through a shower of musketry from the walls of the houses ; took pos- session of the battery; planted the American flag upon its ramparts ; and turned its guns upon the enemy. In his official report of the affair, General Eaton said : " The details I have given of Mr. O'Bannon's conduct need no encomium, and it is believed the disposition of our government have always discov- ered to encourage merit will be extended to this intrepid, judi- cious and enterprising officer. I am bound, also, by a sense of well merited esteem, to mention to your particular patronage a young English gentleman, Mr. Farquhar, who has volunteered in our expedition through the desert, and has, in all cases of difficulty, exhibited a firmness and attachment well deserving The War with Tripoli. 51 my gratitude \ if compatible with our establishments, I request you will ensure him a lieutenancy in the Marine Corps." Lieu- tenant O'Bannon resigned two years afterward. 1809. — Early in 1809, the Marine Corps was augmented by an addition of nearly seven hundred men, which probably put this important branch of the Navy on a footing equal to the rest of the service, as it then existed \ the entire Corps contain- ing about thirteen hundred men when full. CHAPTER IV. THE WAR OF l8l2. LIEUTENANT GAMBLE'S EXPLOITS. — THE FIGHTS ON THE LAKES, ETC. IN the action between the Constitution and the British Frigate Guerriere, August 19, 18 12, Lieutenant Bush, of the Marines, fell at the head of his men in preparing to board the enemy. Cap- tain Hull, in his report to the Secretary of the Navy, says of Lieutenant Bush : " In him our country has lost a valuable and brave officer." After the fall of Lieutenant Bush, Lieutenant Contee of the Corps, took command of the Marines, and his con- duct was that of a brave, good officer. The Marines behaved with great coolness and courage during the action. In the engage- ment between the United States and the Macedonian, on the 25th of October, the Marines of the United States showed the utmost steadiness and good conduct under the example of their gallant commanders, Lieutenant William Anderson and Lieu- tenant J. L. Edwards, the weight of the enemy's fire passing a short distance above their heads. On the 28th of May, in the following year, as Captain Porter of the Essex had four large prizes in company, besides the Georgiana and the Barclay, it became necessary to put the Marine officer, Lieutenant Gamble, in charge of one of them, when he shaped his course for Tumbez, on the Continent, where he anchored on the 19th of June. In the following November, a fort was constructed on a small conical hill, near the water, 52 The War of 1812. 53 the command of which was given to Lieutenant Gamble, who is described as " a spirited and intelligent young officer." On the 1 2th of April, Mr. Gamble began to rig the Seringa- patam and the Sir Andrew Hammond, with the intention of quitting the islands, the long absence of the Essex inducing him to despair of her return. Symptoms of a mutiny showed them- selves, and he had all the arms and ammunition carried on board the Greenwich, in which vessel he lived. The mutineers, however, took the Seringapatam on the 7 th of May. Mr. Gamble was badly wounded in the foot by a pistol ball during the fight. He made every exertion to get to sea with the Sir Andrew Hammond, but on the 9th the natives made an attack, and one officer and three men were killed, and one other was severely wounded. The situation of those remaining became exceedingly critical, the whole party consisting of only eight individuals, of whom two were badly wounded, one was crip- pled, and another was just recovering from a serious attack of scurvy. In fact there were but four men on board the Sir Andrew Hammond fit for duty. With this small force the vessel was put to sea, and, without a chart, Lieutenant Gamble made his way to the Sandwich Islands, which he reached in seventeen days, only, however, to fall into the hands of the enemy. He and his crew were carried on board the Cherub, where they learned of the fate of the Essex. He was carried to Rio Janeiro, whence, in the following August, he was allowed to return to New York. His services won the highest praises of his superiors. 1813. — On the 14th of July, 1813, Commodore Porter wrote as follows to Lieutenant Gamble : " Allow me to return to you my thanks for your handsome conduct in bringing the Seringa- patam to action, which greatly facilitated her capture, while it prevented the possibility of her escape. Be assured, sir, I shall make a suitable representation of the affair to the honorable Secretary of the Navy." In a subsequent communication to the Navy Department, Commodore Porter wrote as follows: 54 The War of 1812. " Captain Gamble at all times greatly distinguished himself by his activity in every enterprise engaged in by the force under my command, and in many critical encounters by the natives of Madison's Island, rendered essential services, and at all times distinguished himself by his coolness and bravery. I therefore do, with pleasure, recommend him to the Department as an officer deserving of its patronage." And again he wrote: "I now avail myself of the opportunity of assuring you that no Marine officer in the service ever had such strong claims as Captain Gamble, and that none have been placed in such con- spicuous and critical situations, and that none could have extri- cated themselves from them more to their honor." On the 18th of June, 18 14, Lieutenant Gamble was commissioned a captain \ on the 19th of April, 1816, he was brevetted a major ; March 3rd, 1827, he was made a lieutenant-colonel, by brevet; July 1st, 1836, he was made a full major, and he died September nth, 1836. In the action between the Shannon and Chesapeake, June 1 st, 18 1 2, Lieutenant Broom of the Marines was mortally wounded ; Marines killed, eleven ; wounded, twenty. June 20th, a large force of the enemy, consisting of fourteen vessels, ran into Hampton Roads, and ascended with the tide to the mouth of James river, where they made preparations to send up a large force in boats. Captain Cassin, who commanded the naval force at Norfolk, sent three of the lieutenants of the Constellation, Messrs. Neale, W. Branford Shubrick, and Sanders on shore, with one hundred seamen, to take charge of the principal guns. This party was sustained by Lieutenant Breckenridge, of the Marines, and about one hundred and fifty men of that Corps. The Marines as well as the other portions of the Navy employed on this occasion, gained great credit for their steadiness, discipline and spirit. The enemy, after having three of his boats sunk, abandoned the attempt. The following is a list of the Marines killed and wounded on board the United States Squadron, under command of O. H. Perry, in the action of the 10th of September, 1813 : — The War of 1812. 55 Lawrence: — Killed, Corporal Philip Starpley; Privates Jesse Harland and Abner Williams; Wounded, Privates James Bird, William Burnett, William Baggs, David Christie, and Henry Vanpool. Lieutenant John Brooks, commanding the Marines, was killed early in the action. He was the son of the Hon. John Brooks, of Medford, Mass., and was an accomplished gentleman and brave officer. Niagara: — Wounded, Sergeant Mason, Corporal Scott, Privates Miller, John Rumas, George McManomy, George Sco- field, and Samuel Cochran. Early in September it was determined to make a joint expedi- tion against Burlington Heights, in the rear of the British Army, where it was supposed would be found large magazines of material and other important stores, guarded by a limited force ; and Colonel Winfield Scott, with a competent detachment, was embarked on board of Commodore Chauncey's fleet for their capture. A landing and search were made, but nothing of value was found. It being now certain that the enemy's grand depot of supplies was at York, Toronto, the capital of Upper Canada, — captured and evacuated by General Dearborn in the preceding April, — Chauncey and Scott resolved to make a second descent upon that place. The latter, with the Marines and land troops, debarked and drove out the garrison after a sharp encounter, — the fortifications had not been renewed, — and formed a cordon of pickets and sentinels, while the com- modore emptied the public storehouses of their abundant con- tents. 18 1 4. — On the nth of July, 181 4, Commodore Rodgers learned that four of the enemy's barges had been repulsed by a party of militia at Elkton, but that they were expected to return the succeeding night in greater force. He ordered Lieu- tenant Morgan of the Navy to march two hundred and fifty of the officers and seamen attached to the flotilla to his assist- ance. In three hours and forty-seven minutes, the whole detachment, completely armed, reached the Court-house at 56 The War of 1812. Elkton, carrying with them two heavy pieces of travelling artil- lery, notwithstanding the roads were excessively bad and the night very dark and rainy. Disappointed in not meeting the enemy, Lieutenant Morgan, with the main portion of the de- tachment of sailors, returned to the flotilla, their place being supplied by Captain Gale and Lieutenant Hall, with some Marines from the Navy Yard, added to Lieutenant Kughn and the detachment of Marines of the Guerriere. On Lieutenant Morgan's leaving the flotilla with the detachment of sailors, Commodore Rodgers ordered Lieutenant Gamble, attending the equipment of the Guerriere, to proceed to New Castle with the seamen and Marines, to supply their place. On Lieutenant Morgan's return to the flotilla, Lieutenant Gamble returned to Philadelphia. During the month of August, the Adams, an American vessel of twenty-eight guns, having suffered some injury, was run up the Penobscot river as far as Hampden, Maine, for safety and repairs. She was pursued by a large force of the enemy, and in spite of the brave defence made by the Marines, the Adams was only kept from falling into the hands of the British by being burned by her own men. The Marines were commanded by Captain Samuel E. Watson. In the memorable skirmishes preceding the attack on the National Capital, which took place between the British force and the flotilla of the famous Captain Joshua Barney, during the summer of 18 14, at the mouth of the Pautuxent, the Marines, under Captain Samuel Miller, aided in an important degree in driving the enemy from his position. The British again went up the Pautuxent in force. Captain Barney sent to the Navy Department for instructions. The answer was to land the men, and join the army that was hurriedly assembling for the defence of the coast, under General Winder, and, if pressed, to burn the flotilla. On the 21st, news was received that the enemy had landed a force of four or five thousand men at Ben- edict, and that he was marching in the direction of Washington. The War of 1812. 57 Captain Barney immediately landed four hundred of his party, leaving the vessels, with orders to those who remained, to set fire to them if attacked, and to join the main body with as little delay as possible. The next day this order was executed, as a strong detachment of British seamen and Marines approached the flotilla to attack it. On the 23rd, Captain Barney marched into Washington, and took up his quarters at the Marine barracks. It was subsequently learned that the enemy was marching directly on Washington, and arrangements were made to check him at Bladensburg. The flotilla men and Marines left the Yard on the morning of the 24th, and arrived at the battle- ground on a double-quick. They were immediately drawn up about a mile to the west of Bladensburg, holding the centre of General Winder's position. The entire force of the flotilla — men and Marines — was about five hundred men; and they had two eighteen pounders and three twelve pounders. Captain Barney took command of the artillery, while Captain Miller of the Marines had the disposition of the remainder of the two parties, who were armed as infantry. The Marines, seventy- eight men in all, formed a line immediately on the right of the guns, while the seamen, three hundred and seventy men, were drawn up a little in the rear, and on the right flank of the Marines. As soon as the enemy began to throw rockets, Captain Barney opened on him with a sharp discharge of round and grape. The column was staggered, and lost ground. A second attempt to advance was repulsed in the same manner, when the enemy threw out a brigade of light troops, in open order, and advanced in beautiful style upon the command of Captain Barney, while the head of a strong column was kept in reserve. Captain Miller, with the Marines, and that portion of the seamen who acted as infantry, met the charge in the most steady and gallant manner, and after a short conflict, drove the British troops back upon their supporting column. In this con- flict, the English commanding officer, in advance, Colonel Thornton, with his second and third in rank, Lieutenant-colonel 58 The War of 1812. Wood and Major Brown, were all wounded, and left on the field. The Marines manifested the most thorough discipline and bravery, though the troops brought against them, numbered about six hundred men. At this point, one or two regular regi- ments would have given the Americans the day, but Captain Barney, Captain Miller, and several other officers were wounded ; and, victory being impossible against odds so great, an order was given to retreat. All the men retired, except the badly wounded ; among the latter, however, were Captain Barney and Captain Miller, who fell into the enemy's hands. The loss of the enemy in front of the seamen and Marines was nearly three hundred men, in killed and wounded. Of the Marines, nearly one-third were killed or wounded, including Captain A. Sevier, and the flotilla-men suffered considerably, though in a smaller proportion. The current record says : " The people of the flotilla, under the orders of Captain Barney and the Marines, were justly applauded for their excellent conduct on this occasion. No troops could have stood better • and the fire of both artillery and musketry has been described as to the last degree severe. Captain Barney himself, and Captain Miller, of the Marine Corps, in particular, gained much additional rep- utation ; and their conspicuous gallantry caused a deep and general regret that their efforts could not have been sustained by the rest of the army." In the service performed in front of New Orleans, during this war, the Marine Corps had its share in the honors of victory, under the command of Major Carmick, who was wounded in the affair of the 28th of December. In the engagement between the President and Endymion, Lieutenant Levi Twiggs, commanding the Marines of the former vessel, particularly distinguished himself. In the action with the Penguin, a private Marine of the Hornet, named Michael Smith, who had served under the gal- lant Porter, in the Essex, when she was captured by the British, received a shot through the upper part of the thigh, which frac- The War of 1812. 59 tured the bone, and nearly at the same moment had the same thigh broken immediately above the knee by the spanker-boom of the Hornet, which was carried away by the enemy's bowsprit while a-foul of her. In this situation, while bleeding upon the deck, and unable to rise, he was seen to make frequent exertions to discharge his musket at the enemy on the top-gallant fore- castle of the Penguin. This, however, the poor fellow was una- ble to accomplish ; and was compelled to submit to be carried below. During the attack of the British on Baltimore, which began on the 10th of September, and ended in the withdrawal of the enemy three days later, a detachment of Marines rendered val- uable service, which was gracefully acknowledged by General Smith in his official report to the Secretary of War. The following is a list of the Marines killed and wounded on board the United States squadron, on Lake Champlain, in the engagement with the British fleet on the nth of September : U. S. S. Saratoga : — Killed, Private James Carlisle ; Wounded, Privates Benjamin Jackson, Jesse Vanhorn, Joseph Ketter, and Samuel Pearson. Brig Eagle : — Killed, Privates John Wallace, Joseph Heaton, and Robert Stratton ; Wounded, Privates John McKenney, Mathew Scriver, George Mannaring, Henry Jones, and John McCarty. Schooner Ticonderoga: — Killed, Privates Deodiick Think and John Sharp ; Wounded, Private John Condon. Gun-boat Borer: — Killed, Private James Day; Wounded, Corporal Ebenezer Cobb. During the operations on the lakes, the Army cooperating with the Navy, a detachment of Marines served with great efficiency on shore with the troops, under Colonel Scott. 18 15. — The following unique document, bearing date of April 30, 18 15, was addressed to Thomas Turner, Esq., an accountant in the Navy Department, by Captain S. Bacon of the Marine Corps : — 60 The War of 1812. " Sir : I herewith present my last series of accounts with your Department; and on this date I have resigned my appointment in the staff of this Corps. If my accounts with you should not be in every instance correct, you will, I hope, do me the justice to advert to the period of war and uncommonly troublesome times during which I have held it. Not only that the multi- plicity and complicated detail of its duties require, in order to their proper and judicious discharge, that a quartermaster should be a tailor, blacksmith, painter, glazier, armorer, carpen- ter, waggoner, and butcher. Of these elevated professions I have not the happiness to be master. I have therefore ex- changed the bodkin for the sword. In the hands of a man of exemplary patience, the former may be a very good thing to untie the Gordian knots of a quartermaster's office with, but I prefer to " cut the matter short " by resuming the latter, which, especially in time of war, is somewhat preferable to being act- ing wagoner to Commodore Barney. Seriously, the duties of the office are perplexing to an infinite degree, and require better health than I have to bestow. Be pleased to accept my un- feigned thanks for the readiness with which you have met all my wishes, in my official intercourse with you, and believe me your friend," etc. In the engagement between the Constitution, Commodore Stewart, and the British Corvettes Cyane and Le- vant, on the 20th of February, the Marines of the former were commanded by Captain Archibald Henderson, who was specially mentioned in the official report of that action. 1818. — Captain John Heath, of the Marines, and Commo- dore Oliver H. Perry, fought a duel in New Jersey, near the city of New York, in 18 18. According to Sabine, the quarrel arose while the two officers were in the Mediterranean, in 18 15. Perry, in referring to it, said, " I did, in a moment of irritation, produced by strong provocation, raise my hand against a person honored with a commission." A court-martial followed the diffi- culty, and both were privately reprimanded by Commodore Chauncey, who commanded the American squadron in that sea. TJie War of 1812. 61 Some time after their return to the United States, Heath sent a challenge. Perry, in remarking upon his course in the combat, declared, " I cannot consent to return his fire, as the meeting on my part will be entirely as an atonement for the violated rules of the service." Heath fired and missed. Perry, in ac- cordance with his determination, withheld his fire. / CHAPTER V. 1824. — THE FAMOUS MUTINY IN THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE PRISON. THE account of the mutiny in the Massachusetts State Prison, in 1824, has been familiar to the school-boys of the last forty years. It was given in authentic form in the New England Galaxy in 1828, and has since formed one of the standard selections for school readers. The following account is borrowed from the original story, omitting such portions as do not have bearing on the action of the Marines who were called into suppress the outbreak: Three convicts had been sentenced, under the rules of the prison, to be publicly whipped in the yard, and were confined in the solitary cells, waiting pun- ishment. An officer, whose duty it was to attend to such cases, entered one of the cells to see that every thing was right, when the inmate sprang past him, closed the door, and locked him in. He then opened the doors of the cells in which were the other two, and the three, after deliberation, released the officer, and ordered him to approach the door leading into the guard room, and give the necessary signal that all was right, while they stood ready, on its being opened, to rush through and secure the guard and the arms in the room. The officer resolutely refused. They threatened to kill him j and one of them raised a file, sharpened to a point, with the intent of. carrying the threat into execution ; but the officer remained firm, telling them that they might take his life, but he would not betray his trust. The other two finally interfered and saved his life, forcing him back into 62 Mutiny in the Massachusetts State Prison. 63 the cell, and locking him in. They then passed into the large dining-hall, a long, dark, and damp room. The alarm . had already been given, and the prisoners rushed from the work- shops, arming themselves with clubs, knives, hammers, chisels, and every variety of weapon within their reach, forming a band whose strength, vileness, and reckless daring could hardly be equalled. Men of all ages and characters, guilty of every variety of infamous crimes, dressed in the motley and peculiar garb of the institution at that period, and displaying the wild and demoniac appearance that always pertains to imprisoned wretches, were gathered together for the single purpose of pre- venting the punishment which was to be inflicted on the morrow upon their comrades. The acting warden and some other officers of the prison were there at the time, and were, naturally, greatly alarmed at the consequences likely to ensue from the conflict necessary to restore order. They huddled together, but could scarcely be said to consult, as the stoutest of them lost all presence of mind in overwhelming fear. The news spread rapidly through the town, and a subordinate officer, of mild and kind disposi- tion, hurried to the scene, and, calm and collected, went into the midst of the officers. The most equably tempered and the mildest man in the government, as is usually the case, was, in this hour of peril, the firmest. He instantly, upon his own responsibility, despatched a request to Major Wainwright, com- mander of the Marines stationed at the Navy Yard, for assist- ance, and declared his purpose to enter the hall, and try the force of firm demeanor and persuasion upon the enraged mul- titude. The other officers exclaimed against an attempt so full of hazard, but in vain. They offered him arms — a sword and pistol ; but he refused them, and said that he had no fear, and in case of danger, arms would be of no service \ and alone, with only a little rattan, which was his usual walking-stick, he advanced into the hall to hold parley with the enraged and des- perate villains. 64 Mutiny in the Massachusetts State Prison. He demanded their purpose in thus coming together with arms, in violation of the prison laws. They replied that they were determined to obtain the remission of the punishment of their three comrades. He said that was impossible ; the rules of the prison must be enforced, and they must submit. At the hint of submission, they drew a little nearer together, prepared their weapons for service, and as they were dimly seen in the farther end of the hall by those who observed them from the grating that opened to the day, it was difficult to conceive of a more appalling sight, or one of more moral grandeur, than that of a single man standing within their grasp, and exposed to instant death, if a word or look should add to the already intense excitement. The excitement, too, was of the most dangerous kind ; it did not break forth in noise and imprecation, but was seen only in the dark looks and the strained nerves, that showed a deep determination. They stated that they expected some would be killed, but that death would be better than such imprisonment; and with look and tone which evinced an indomitable purpose, they declared that not a man should leave the hall alive till the sentence of flogging was remitted. At this period of the dis- cussion their evil passions seemed to be more inflamed, and one or two proposed to kill the officer, who still stood firm, and with more temperate pulse than did his friends, who saw from above but could not avert the danger that threatened him. Just at this moment the officer saw the feet of the Marines filing by the small lights. He knew that it was his only time of escape, before a conflict for life should begin. He stepped backward, still urging the prisoners to depart before the officers were driven to the use of firearms as a last resort. When within three or four feet of the door it was opened, and closed instantly again as he sprang through, and so was unexpectedly restored to his friends. Major Wainwright was requested to order his men to fire down upon the convicts through the little windows, first with Mutiny i?i the Massachusetts State Prison. 65 powder and then with ball, till they were willing to retreat ; but he took a wiser as well as bolder course. Relying upon the effect which firm determination would have upon men so criti- cally situated, he ordered the door to be again thrown open, and marched in at the head of thirty men, who filed through the passage and formed at the end of the hall, opposite the crowd of criminals grouped together at the other end. He stated that he was empowered to quell the rebellion \ that he should not quit that hall alive till every convict had returned to his duty. The latter seemed balancing the strength of the two parties, and replied that some of them were ready to die, and only waited for the attack to see which was the more powerful, swearing that they would fight to the last unless the sentence of flogging was remitted, for they would not submit to any such punishment in the prison. Major Wainwright now ordered his Marines to load their pieces, and that they might not be suspected of trifling, each man was told to hold up to view the bullet which he afterwards put into his gun. This only caused a growl of determination, and no one blanched, or seemed disposed to shrink from the foremost exposure. They knew that their numbers would ena- ble them to bear down and destroy the handful of Marines, after the first discharge. The Marines were ordered to take aim ; their guns were presented; but not a prisoner stirred, except to grasp more firmly his weapon. Still desirous, if possible, to avoid such a slaughter as must follow the discharge of the guns, the major advanced a step or two, and spoke even more firmly than before, urging them to depart. Again, and while looking directly into the muzzles of the guns, which they had seen loaded with ball, they declared their intention of fighting it out. The intrepid officer then took out his watch and told his men to hold their pieces aimed at the prisoners, but not to fire till they had orders. Then, turning to the convicts, he said : " You must leave this hall. I give you three minutes to decide. If at 66 Mutiny in the Massachusetts State Prison. the end of that time a man remains, he shall be shot dead. I speak no more." No more tragic situation than this can be conceived : at one end of the hall a fearless multitude of des- perate and powerful men waiting for the assault ; at the other a little band of well-disciplined Marines, waiting with levelled muskets, and ready on the least motion or sign to begin the car- nage, and their tall commander holding up his watch to count the lapse of the three allotted minutes. For two minutes not a person or a muscle was moved ; not a sound was heard in the un- wonted stillness of the prison, except the labored breathings of the infuriated wretches as they began to pant between fear and revenge. At the expiration of two minutes, during which they had faced the ministers of death with unfaltering eyes, two or three of those in the rear, and nearest to the further entrance, went slowly out ; a few more followed the example, dropping out quietly and deliberately ; and before half the last minute was gone, every man was struck by the panic, and crowded for exit, and the hall was cleared as if by magic. Thus the steady firmness of moral force, and the strong effect of deliberate determination, cowed the most daring men, and prevented a scene of carnage which would have instantly followed the least precipitancy or exertion of physical force by the officers or their subordinates. Lieutenant R. D. Wainwright of the Marine Corps, who was commissioned December 4, 1869, is a descendant of Major Wainwright. The latter was breveted lieutenant-colonel three years after the event above detailed, and died October 5, 1841. CHAPTER VI. 1824 TO 1835. — OPERATIONS AGAINST PIRATES. — THE TROUBLE ON THE COAST OF SUMATRA. — SERVICES IN NEW YORK. IN the operations against the pirates in the West Indies, in 1824, the Marines belonging to Commodore Porter's com- mand gained a bloodless but decisive victory over the Spaniards at Foxardo, a Porto Rico port. 1831. — About the middle of July, 1831, information was re- ceived in the United States of the piratical attack which had been made upon the ship Friendship, of Salem, Mass., on the coast of Sumatra, in the month of February preceding; the Malays having treacherously seized that vessel, and massacred part of her crew, who were receiving on board a cargo of pepper. 1832. — Lieutenant Alvin Edson of the Marine Corps led a body of Marines in the attack of the Americans under Commo- dore Downes on the Malays, at Quallah Battoo on the coast of Sumatra, on the 6th of February, 1832, the purpose being to pun- ish the pirates. He was ordered to attack one of the forts situ- ated in the rear of the town. The Malays behaved with great spirit, but they could not face the Marines, as with steady disci- pline the latter stormed the fort and forced their way into it. The Americans were at first unable to find the other fort in rear of the town, so thoroughly was it concealed in the trees ; so that Lieutenant Pinkham, who had been sent against it with the first division, led his men through the town and rejoined Lieu- tenant Shubrick. The latter had already commenced his at- tack, with the third division under Lieutenant Ingersoll, aided 67 68 The Trouble on the Coast of Sumatra. by the six-pounder, upon the principal fort, situated at the southern point of the town, and near the beach. Here the fight was long and gallantly maintained on both sides. A six- pounder was brought up, and being managed with admirable precision and skill, did great execution. The gate of the outer defences was soon forced, and the men rushed in without reluc- tance, anxious to come to closer quarters with their foes. But the severest part of their work remained to be done. The stronghold, consisting of an elevated platform mounted with several cannon, still held out, and our men had to stand the fire from it without protection. The ladder to the platform had of course been removed, and in the attempt to climb up to it one was killed and several were wounded. At this critical moment Lieutenants HofE and Edson, having secured their victories, came up with detachments from their divisions, and took a posi- tion between the fort and the water, from which they poured in a very effective cross fire. The men in the boats were also near enough to make their fire felt in the contest. The battle now raged against the devoted Malays with exterminating sever- ity. Although thus clearly invested, and numbers falling under so well conducted a fire, they yet fought with desperation, and it was not till almost all were killed that their position could be carried. Their guns were then spiked and dismounted. There was still another large fort upon the opposite side of the river. It had kept up an amazing fire upon our troops from a twelve-pounder, during the attack upon the last fort. But it was found impracticable to ford the river, and it was not pru- dent to bring the boats around into it, so that an attack upon this one was relinquished. The town was now fired, and much of it was reduced to ashes. The fort which they had been unable to find, now revealed its position by opening its fire. A detachment was ordered to capture it. The Malays, as usual, fought fiercely. But success had animated the Americans with even unwonted zeal and impetuosity, and after a short conflict they carried this work by assault. Services in New York. 69 Lieutenant Edson afterwards assisted in capturing the other strongholds of the Malays. Success was purchased at some cost, though it was comparatively small. Two men were killed ; two offi- cers and nine men were wounded. The loss of the enemy was very severe ; for it was known that at least one hundred and fifty were killed. The Malays were thus terribly punished for the capture and plunder of the Friendship. Lieutenant Terrett of the Marines shared in the labors and triumphs of the occasion. The following is a list of the casualties among the Marines : — Killed: — Private Benjamin T. Brown. Wounded : — Lieutenant Edson, Privates Daniel H. Cole (supposed mortally), James A. Huster, slightly. 1835. During the fire of 1835 m New York city, it was found necessary to ask for military aid ; a requisition was therefore made for as many Marines as could be spared from the barracks in Brooklyn. First Lieutenant J. G. Reynolds was ordered to report with a detachment to the city authorities for such duty as might be assigned. A strong line of sentinels was posted so as to efficiently guard public and private property 7 , and with such signal success that the gratitude of the city was subse- quently expressed in a vote of thanks to Lieutenant Reynolds and the Marines under his command. CHAPTER VII. 1836-7. — THE LAND SERVICES OF THE CORPS DURING THE CAMPAIGNS AGAINST THE HOSTILE INDIANS IN FLORIDA. UPON the breaking out of Indian hostilities in Georgia, in 1836, at a moment when the Indians were ravaging the country, and the disposable force of the army was inadequate to the emergency, Colonel-commandant Archibald Henderson of the Marines volunteered his services, together with that portion of the Corps stationed at the different Navy Yards. In this he was seconded most cheerfully by the officers under his command. Their services were accepted, and their places at the Yards tem- porarily filled by watchmen from civil life. Before leaving Washington, Colonel Henderson was the recipient of a cane, presented by the officers of the Corps. It was made of a piece of the original timber of the Corvette Cyane, captured in 18 15 by the frigate Constitution, under Commodore Stewart. Colo- nel Henderson commanded the Marine guard on that occasion. The cane had a gold head and silver ferule, and a sword about nine inches in length. On one side of the blade was the fol- lowing inscription : — " To Colonel Archibald Henderson, Commandant of Marines, commander of the guard on board the United States frigate Constitution in the capture of H. B. M. Corvettes Cyane and Levant." On the reverse side : — " This cane, being a piece of the original timber of the Cyane, is presented by the officers of the Corps, January 1, 1836." 70 Services in Florida, 71 On the head were the words : — " Col. A. Henderson, U. S. Marine Corps." The National Intelligencer of June 2, 1836, says: "The de- tachment of Marines under the command of Colonel Henderson, which so promptly and handsomely volunteered to go against the Creek Indians, will, we understand, leave here this morning in the Columbia for Norfolk, where they will take passage to Charleston, South Carolina, on their route to the scene of sav- age warfare. This is another striking evidence of the great value of this arm of the national defence ; it has shown itself as prompt to defend its country on the land as on the water, the element on which it was designed, originally, exclusively to act. Upon several occasions during the late war with England, de- tachments from this brave and highly disciplined Corps covered themselves with unfading laurels by their conduct while serving on land ; and in every instance of conflict on the water its bravery and efficiency were attested by the official reports of the actions in which it bore a part. In the present emergency it did not wait even an intimation that its services would be accept- able, but promptly came forth, through its commanding officer, in the first hour of danger, and voluntarily offered to leave their comfortable quarters, and within one week from the offer, we see a strong and well-appointed detachment of fine-looking men bidding farewell to families and friends, and taking up the line of march to seek a savage and treacherous foe in a distant land and in an inhospitable climate, to stay the ravages of war, and to protect the innocent, the helpless, and the unoffending. They will carry with them the best and warmest wishes of all, that their success may be commensurate with their bravery and zeal." The detachment of Marines which left Boston for Fort Mitchell about the 1st of June numbered about one hundred. The officers who accompanied the detachment were : Lieu- 7 2 Services in Florida. tenant Colonel William H. Freeman, Captain T. S. English, Lieutenants Alvin Edson, D. D. Baker, R. C. Caldwell, and William M. McArdle. 'A detachment of about one hundred and fifty men from Washington and sixty from Philadelphia landed at Fortress Monroe on the morning of June 2nd from the steamboats Columbia and Pocahontas. Captain Twiggs' com- mand at the Navy Yard, consisting of about eighty, embarked in the steam packet Columbus, and, joined by those at Fortress Monroe, proceeded immediately to Charleston. The following were the officers: From the Navy Yard at Gosport, Captain Twiggs, Brevet Captain McCawley, Lieutenants L. N. Carter, F. N. Armistead, W. E. Stark, and W. S. Young ; from Phila- delphia, Lieutenant Colonel Miller, Captain J. C. Harris, Lieu- tenants Lindslay and Hall. The following is a full list of officers who left the headquar- ters of the Marine Corps, Washington, June 1st, for Fort Mitch- ell, Alabama, under the command of Colonel-commandant Arch. Henderson : — Arch. Henderson, Colonel-commandant; Charles R. Broom, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Paymaster ; James Edelin, Cap- tain commanding Company C ; Parke G. Howie, Captain and Adjutant and Inspector ; Elijah J. Weed, Captain and Quarter- master; William W. Dulany, Captain commanding Company D ; Horatio N. Crabb, First Lieutenant and Assistant Quarter- master ; H. B. Tyler, First Lieutenant and Adjutant during the expedition ; John T. Sprague, Second Lieutenant and Commis- sary Sergeant for campaign ; Edward L. West and Josiah Watson, Second Lieutenants ; Medical Staff : John A. Kearney, Surgeon United States Navy and Chief of Medical Staff for campaign ; George B. McKnight, M. D., Passed Assistant Surgeon United States Navy attached to the Corps. The number of troops all told was three hundred and three. The Marines from Portsmouth, Boston and Brooklyn Navy Yards, consisting of one hundred and fifty men, sailed from New York on board the packet ship H. Allen for Charleston, Services in Florida. 73 S. C, under the command of Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Free- man. On their arrival there, they were joined by the Marines from the other Navy Yards. Their destination was Fort Mitch- ell, to cooperate with the Army against the Creek nation. The following is a list of the officers who sailed from New York : First Company, Captain English commanding, Brevet Captain Macomber j First Lieutenant Edson, Acting Assistant Quarter- master ; First Lieutenants, Walker and Baker ; Second Lieuten- ants, Sloan and Caldwell ; Second Company, Captain Walker commanding, Captain Brevoort; First Lieutenant Reynolds, Acting Adjutant ; Second Lieutenants, Lang, McLean, Whitney, and McArdle. The Columbus, Ga., Sentinel of July 1st contained the follow- ing: "The first battalion of United States Marines, under the command of Colonel Henderson, is now stationed at Camp Henderson, fifteen miles below Columbus, on the western bank of the Chattahoochee. The battalion arrived at this place on the 23rd instant, having left Washington on the 1st, and Augusta on the 10th ; marching from Augusta to this place in fourteen days, a distance of two hundred and twenty-four miles. On their arrival here, orders were received from General Scott to proceed to their present station with all possible despatch, and there erect a strong picket work, as a place of deposit for pro- visions, etc., for the eastern wing of the Army. Since their arrival there the officers and men have all enjoyed good health and spirits, and pursue their work with vigilance and prompt- ness. Their location being in the most exposed part of the enemy's country, it is a great privation for them to be confined to the monotonous duties of the camp, though well convinced of the importance of their present work. Their camp has been for two successive nights roused by Indians lurking about, and approaching the picket sentinels within a few yards, when they were fired on and pursuit immediately given, but no traces of them could be found. Last night, after the roll of the drum had ceased, a whoop was distinctly heard up the river, which 74 Services in Florida. no doubt was a signal to a party above. On Friday morning last, a negro boy who had escaped from the Indians that morn- ing, and who had been a prisoner some five or six weeks, was brought into the camp by Captain Love, of the Georgia volun- teers. He stated that a party of twenty or thirty had camped the night before within six or seven miles, and had left that morning for a large swamp not far off, no doubt Cowagee Swamp, and that he saw Jim Henry that day, who advised them to go as soon as possible, and that he had been badly wounded in the shoulder. Captains Twiggs' and Dulany's companies, together with a company of Georgia volunteers, under Captain Love, the whole under the command of Captain Twiggs, were immediately despatched in hopes of overtaking them, but with- out success. They soon came upon their abandoned camp, found their fires burning and meat cooking, and every thing about indicating a sudden departure. A negro man was taken in the vicinity of the camp, who, with great reluctance, gave himself up. He was armed with a musket, twenty balls, and a pocket full of powder. He was much frightened, but seemed determined to communicate as little as possible ; but as far as he did tell, he corroborated the statements of the boy. The party took a number of horses belonging to the Indians, and a variety of ornaments, which they in their hurry had left be- hind. There is but little doubt that the Indians are concen- trating somewhere in that vicinity, and will make a desperate effort to cross the river; if they do they may be assured the troops now there will give them warm work." On Friday, the 24th of June, the second battalion of Marines, under the command of Lieutenant-colonel Freeman, consisting of one hundred and sixty men, reached Milledgeville and im- mediately proceeded to their destination, Fort Mitchell. Orders were almost immediately given to proceed to Florida. On the 1 6th of October, the two battalions, consolidated into one regiment of six companies, arrived at Apalachicola, Florida, from Fort Mitchell, Alabama, on their way to Tampa Bay. The Services in Florida. 75 following is a list of the officers of the battalion, which was at- tached to the Army under the command of General Jesup : — Colonel-commandant, Archibald Henderson. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-colonel, Samuel Miller. W. H. Freeman. Staff: — Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Charles R. Broom, Paymaster; Cap- tain Parke G. Howie, Adjutant and Inspector ; Captain E. J. Weed, Quar- termaster ; First Lieutenant George F. Lindsay, Assistant Quartermaster ; First Lieutenant F. C. Hall, Assistant Commissary ; Surgeon, John A. Kearney, U. S. N.j Passed Assistant Surgeon, George B. McKnight, U. S. A.; Sergeant, Major James Gatchell. Captains, Levi Twiggs, John Harris, James Edelin, William Dulany, T. S. English, and George W. Walker. First Lieutenants, Brevet Captain James McCawley, Brevet Captain Benjamin Macomber ; First Lieutenants, Alvin Edson, H. B. Tyler, L. N. Carter, John G. Reynolds, T. L. C. Watkins, F. N. Armistead, George H. Terrett, W. E, Stark, W. E. Lang and A. H. Ross. Second Lieutenants, D. D. Baker, L. F. Whitney, E. L. West, Robert C. Caldwell, W. L. Young, Josiah Watson, W. McArdle, and John T. Sprague. The Marines participated in the arduous campaigns under General Jesup, and received from him the highest commenda- tions. At the battle of the Wahoo Swamp, Colonel B. K. Pierce commanding the right division, mentions in his official report the gallant conduct of First Lieutenant Andrew Ross of the Marines, who was wounded. This officer subsequently died of his wounds. 1837. — The Marines bore an honorable and highly important part in the battle of Hatchee-Lustee, which began on the 22nd of January, 1837. The main body of the Army, under com- mand of Major General Jesup, was put in motion on that day, to attack the Indians and negroes in the strongholds which they were said to occupy on the head-waters of the Ocklawaha. On the 23rd, Lieutenant-colonel Caulfield was detached with his battalion of mounted Alabama volunteers, Captain Harris's company of Marines, and Major Morris's Indian warriors, ac- 76 Services in Florida. companied by General Jesup's aid, Lieutenant Chambers, to attack Osuchee, a chief of some note, who was reported to have a large Indian force under his command in a swamp on the borders of Ahpopka Lake. The chief was surprised, himself and three warriors killed, and nine Indians and eight negroes captured. On the 27th, the enemy was found on the Hatchee- Lustee, in and near the "Great Cypress Swamp," and promptly and gallantly attacked. Lieutenant Chambers, with Price's company of Alabama volunteers, by a rapid charge, succeeded in capturing the horses and baggage of the enemy, with twenty- five Indians and negroes, principally women and children, the men having mostly fled into the swamp. Colonel Henderson, leaving one company with the prisoners and horses, entered the swamp with the remainder of his command, drove the enemy across the Hatchee-Lustee, passed that river under their fire, and drove them into a more dense and difficult swamp, in which they dispersed. A considerable force was ordered to support Colonel Henderson. When the troops reached the point where the colonel had entered the swamp, it was ascertained that he' was in rapid pursuit of the enemy, and was believed to be fully able to overcome the force opposed to him. The result of the day's operations was the capture by Colonel Henderson's force of two Indian women and three children, and twenty-three negroes, young and old, and over a hundred ponies, with packs on about fifty of them. All their clothes, blankets, and other bag- gage were abandoned by the enemy, and either taken or de- stroyed by Colonel Henderson. In his report of the affair Col- onel Henderson says : " The regular troops, both artillery and Marines, displayed great bravery, and the most untiring and de- termined perseverance. The Marines, however, I cannot refrain from mentioning in a particular manner. The killed and wounded show where they were, and render any further com- ment from me unnecessary." The Army and Navy Chronicle of June 15th contained the fol- lowing : " The Marine Corps has been so much separated for a Services in Florida. 77 year or more past, that we have not had it in our power to make any report of the changes that have occurred in the stations of its officers. We are rejoiced to perceive that this Corps has been earning a harvest of fame in Florida, by the alacrity, zeal, and ability with which the duties assigned to it have been dis- charged ; and we welcome back to their homes, and to compar- ative repose, those members of it who have been so long actively engaged in combatting the savages." The following order, signed by General Jessup, was issued from the Head- quarters, Army of the South, Tampa Bay, May 22nd: "The presence of Colonel Henderson being required at the head- quarters of his Corps, he will proceed to Washington City and report to the Adjutant-general of the Army. The Major-gen- eral commanding would be forgetful of what is due to merit, and would do injustice to his own feelings were he to omit on the present occasion the expression of the high sense he enter- tains of the distinguished and valuable services rendered by the colonel. He tenders him his warmest thanks for the able, zealous, and cheerful support he has on every occasion received from him, both in Florida and Alabama ; and begs him to accept his best wishes for his future fame and happiness. Captain Howie, adjutant and inspector of the Marine Corps, and Sur- geon Kearney of the Navy, Medical Director of the Army, will accompany Colonel Henderson. The Major-general thanks them for the zeal, efficiency, and ability with which they have performed every duty which has devolved upon them since they have been attached to this Army, and he assures them that they carry with them his best wishes and kindest regards. Lieutenant-colonel Miller will command, with his brevet rank, the troops south of the Hillsborough." Colonel Henderson arrived in Washington about the middle of June, accompanied by Captain Howie of the Corps, and by Surgeon Kearney of the Navy. The National Intelligencer, in announcing their arrival, said : " We are glad to learn that Colonel Henderson, and the officers who 78 Services in Florida. accompanied him, have returned to their families in good health. They have suffered much in common with all with whom they have served, not less from the climate, and the peculiar nature of the country which has been the theatre of the war, than from the necessary hardships of service in so wild and destitute a region. The gallant Corps which it is the good fortune of Colonel Henderson to command, has always been distinguished wheresoever duty has called it. In the present case, the Corps deserves peculiar commendation, from having volunteered in the war in Florida, and having repaired to its theatre, a thousand miles distant, to share in its perils and privations. Its com- mander deserves the praise of having proven himself worthy of his post, both by his gallantry in the field, and by patience and good example under all difficulties ; and he, his officers and men, have most honorably maintained the pledge which they gave to the government and to their country when they first tendered their services. The Corps remains in Florida under the veteran and gallant Colonel Miller, to make further sacrifices and endure fresh hardships, should the obstinacy of the Indians, as now appears too probable, unhappily prolong the war." CHAPTER VIII. 1838-42. THE SERVICES OF THE MARINES ATTACHED TO THE MOSQUITO FLEET DURING THE WAR. THE following list exhibits the character and strength of the naval force employed in the Mosquito Fleet, from June, 1838, until August, 1842, Lieutenant John T. McLaughlin commanding in chief. The squadron consisted of the Wave, Panther, revenue-cutters Campbell and Otsego, with a force of one hundred and sixty men, from June, 1838, until November, 1839 ; from this date until June, 1841, of the Flirt, Wave, Otsego, and barges Mayo and Harney, and two companies of Marines, in all five hundred and forty-one men ; from June, 1841, until August, 1842, of the Flirt, Wave, Otsego, Phoenix, Jefferson, Madison, Van Buren, and barges Mayo and Harney,, with one hundred and thirty Marines, making an aggregate force of six hundred and twenty-two men, of whom sixty-eight were officers; one hundred and forty canoes were employed by the squadron during its service. From 1839 to 1840 the Marines on the ships were commanded by First Lieutenant George H. Terrett, with Lieutenant I. R. Wilson and Robert D. Taylor as his subordinates. From 1840 to 1842 they were com- manded by First Lieutenant Thomas T. Sloan, with Lieutenants I. R. Wilson and Robert D. Taylor as his subordinates. In addition to the garrison at Indian Key, in 1842 the Marines garrisoned Fort Dallas. On the 3d of November, 1841, a detachment of one hundred and fifty Marines and seamen, under command of Lieutenant 79 8o Services in the Mosquito Fleet during the War. J. T. McLaughlin, commanding the Mosquito Fleet, made a scout through the everglades. The scout lasted twenty-two days, and although the Indians fled before them in all direc- tions, allowing no opportunity for fighting, the result of the arduous trip was to gain information of an extensive country which had never before been explored, and to exhibit an impos- ing force in the heart of a country hitherto deemed impenetra- ble ; the tendency of which was to strengthen the wavering and doubtful Indians in their inclinations to submit. The depot for the Florida squadron, commanded by Lieutenant McLaughlin, was at Indian Key, on the eastern coast. For several weeks Lieutenant Sloan of the Maiines was employed with his command on the coonti grounds between the Miami and New rivers, with instructions to explore every acre of them During the exploration, Lieutenant Sloan came upon five distinct settlements of Indians; the first of them within five miles of Fort Dallas, between Little River and Arch Creek. The instant he was discovered, signal fires sprang up in every direction, as if by magic, and fields and settlements were as suddenly deserted. Large quantities of ripe corn were gath- ered and destroyed, and many fields laid waste. A second scout of Marines, under Lieutenant Taylor, in cooperation with Lieutenant-commanders Marchand and Rodgers, was com- pelled to return abruptly to their post for want of water. The fatigue and privation undergone by this detachment was so great that Private Kingsbury fell in his trail, and died from sheer exhaustion. Their patient endurance and cheerful alacrity in the discharge of every duty proved the high state of discipline, both of Marines and seamen. On the 9th of June, Lieutenant McLaughlin received orders to return to Norfolk with the vessels under his command. OO^J C\ <-n -f* Oo M p-h OO MM C\Un-F^U> to ,9 W U c « ^sp 2 Ip 1 P S • 3.7S 5" 3 O- P. G. CL Cu p O o o o o P P O o 3 8 8 3 3 §^ w "iL ^ o' a 3 • C/3 M a- M 3 ' - S £ p c § 09 ►tf ^J & a a a & o o o o o c^ cu a o o o P o ° H 3 cr n> o ►1 CJ* H^ O^ (a c 8. a 3* o orq en r— p cr a- o £ 9 P tt> E3 CO H p C/C O Co 3 p £ P- orq no 4^ to p 1 n o 3 K a ^ si g g 00 op* " CO H M menjoooo ||e 1 3 § 3§- O & i> f TJ 5 - \fl - {* 00 OO W HH M _, J?t t £>£> 00 £> 3 £ 3 cr cr a> to a> re fj> *- So u Oo P 5* o C/J o CO n> p CO o o cr o o" p- 8i £ .*H cj o o a cj 13 is «5 +j 55 o5 "U en 111 £o olu ££o rt 6 ^-3 . . . . . • . • • • • ° c ooooo6d6doooooco-]j; III =* 8 * - u - g * 8 2 c -^ .-g g o 5 "d rt £ ^K T3 'O " "O TJ T3 O I'S'S'S'S'S'S' a. a cS PS M G -> „ O £ S "53 O o .2 a a * 1 o I •* c i G ji o O c.5 " ■" G G " ^ G • >,rCi • ft 43 S3 £ o a o rt ^ g o ^ y 4 OQS^ rt : 22 6 d c c d d d oddoododdd °,2,4 cj .fifi" ^^ ! g M tu in cu u ^ in j- o » S.S Si § c2 « 2 73 ^ rt rt •G rt h 3 ; « ►< ' !« S u^fi i 5 c^1«'i o s sis £ K S H «-J > • £2£r^y2^j-;E*.£c c ^rt8.3-- f 3'o.2 c jS !3 S>--qo5 "S r3 g o S § rt^i 5- g^^g g E S us jo .y S grr..cw.c2~.fl 2 !Z5 << £ S °2 ^ ■j ^ mo f^cO O O -o t mO r^co 0^0" £ AP 82 CHAPTER IX. l %2>9- — THE NATURE AND VALUE OF THE DUTIES OF THE MARINES CLEARLY DEFINED. ON the 26th of August, 1839, tne commanding officers of the ships connected with the Florida squadron united in a letter to the Secretary of the Navy, asking for an increase in the number of men under their command. The letter is of value, as setting forth clearly the nature and value of the services of the Marines on ship-board. This document received the approval of Commodore Shubrick, who sent it to Washing- ton, accompanying it with his hearty approbation. The follow- ing is the letter in full : — "Pensacola, August 26, 1839. " The undersigned, commanding officers of the several ships composing this squadron, beg leave to call your attention to the Marine guards belonging to the same, and to suggest the advan- tage that would result from an increased number of Marines on board each ship. The different detachments are not sufficiently numerous to furnish a relief, according to military usage, for the number of sentinels posted. The Macedonian requires eight sentinels daily ; viz., one at each cabin door, one in each gangway, one on the forecastle, one in the foreorlop, one at the cockpit, one at the galley, and one at the scuttle-butt ; to fur- nish which requires a daily guard of twenty-four privates, with a corresponding number as a relief-guard, making, without allowing for sickness and other casualties, forty-eight privates, 83 84 Nature and Value of the Duties of the Marines Defined. whereas the Macedonian's guard amounts to no more than twenty-one privates. " A sloop-of-war requires six sentinels ; viz., one at the cabin door, one at the forecastle, one in each gangway, one at the scuttle-butt, and one at the galley ; which requires a daily guard of eighteen privates, with a corresponding number as a relief- guard, making thirty-six privates : whereas a sloop-of-war of the first class is only allowed, at present, ten privates. It is then obvious that the Marine guards of the squadron are insufficient to furnish the requisite number of sentinels. We, therefore, beg leave to suggest they may be increased, and to give it as our opinion that it would be an advantage to the service. It is not our purpose to discuss the utility of a Marine guard as a part of the crew of a ship-of-war, though we are decided advo- cates for it, even beyond former usages ; we mean as to num- bers. Our whole purpose is to bring under your consideration the subject as it now exists. If Marines are necessary, our ships have too few to perform the duties required of them by law or the regulations of the Navy. " If we could be permitted to express our opinion, it would be to recommend the substitution of Marines in place of all other landsmen now in service. It is evident that one landsman is as competent to do the pulling and hauling duty of a ship as another, and that a body of well-disciplined Marines would be in every other situation preferable to the common landsmen, especially when engaged in any service on shore, which in all naval operations should be provided for. As this is a mere passing suggestion of ours, we will add, if the duty now per- formed by the after-guard, waisters, etc., of a ship, should be performed by the Marines, it would only be necessary to detail a guard daily for military duty, and employ the rest of the Marines in the other duties generally of the ship. As many seamen would thus be created as at present, there being no reason why a Marine cannot be taught seamanship as well as any other landsman. We should then blend ours and the Nature and Value of the Duties of the Marines Defined. 85 French system, and in our judgment materially improve both, more especially if the Marine Corps should be composed in future wholly of young Americans, and all appointments into the Corps be taken from the graduates of the Military Academy at West Point. In conclusion, we beg leave to remain, very respectfully, Beverly Kennon, Captain, W. A Spenser, Wm. V. Taylor, Jos. Smoot, J. D. Williamson. CHAPTER X. 1846-8. — THE CALIFORNIA AND MEXICAN WARS, I. — OPERA- TIONS OF THE MARINES CONNECTED WITH THE PACIFIC SQUADRON. AT no time in our national history has the Marine Corps borne a more conspicuous or more honorable part than during the Mexican war. Even before the news of the formal declara- tion of war reached the American forces on the coasts of Mex- ico, the officers and men of the Corps, under the orders of their naval superiors, made a record for themselves, and for the nation, of brave, unfaltering courage and a stern determination to wrest victory from a foe whom they regarded with a strong feeling not only of enmity but of contempt. This feeling man- ifested itself all through the war. General Scott stated at the close of the contest, that he had placed the Marines where the hardest work was to be accomplished, and that he had never found his confidence misplaced. Of the wars in which our country has been engaged, none has more completely proved in all its features the " ideal war " of the trained soldier than the contest with Mexico : so long as a single survivor of that contest remains, he will look upon its sufferings, its privations and its victories as something to be remembered with especial pride. The thoroughly disciplined officers and men of the Marine Corps entered into the contest with this peculiar feeling at the outset. All the elements that tend to draw out the patri- otism of the soldier were present, and the true warrior blood of the hardy Marines showed itself from first to last. 86 The California and Mexican Wars, I. 87 The following is a list of the Marine officers connected with the Pacific squadron in 1846 : Frigate Savannah, Captain Ward Marston and Second Lieutenant Henry W. Queen ; Frigate Constitution, Second Lieutenant Joseph W. Curtis; Frigate Congress, First Lieutenant J. Zeilin ; Sloop Portsmouth, Sec- ond Lieutenant Henry B. Watson ; Sloop Cyane, Second Lieu- tenant W. A. T. Maddox. In the following year, the list of officers of the Corps attached to the same squadron was as follows : Independence, Captain James Edelin, Second Lieuten- ant William W. Russell; Frigate Savannah, Captain Ward Marston and Second Lieutenant Henry W. Queen ; Frigate Congress, First Lieutenant Jacob Zeilin ; Sloop Portsmouth, Second Lieutenant Henry B. Watson; Sloop Cyane, Second Lieutenant William A. T. Maddox ; Sloop Dale, Second Lieu- tenant Robert Tansill ; First lieutenant A. H. Gillespie, on special service. In 1848 the following was the list under Com- modore T. Ap Catesby Jones, Commander-in-Chief : Columbus (on her return), Captain Henry B. Tyler, First Lieutenant W. A. T. Maddox and Second Lieutenant John C. Cash ; Ohio, Captain J. L. C. Hardy, Second Lieutenant James A. Buchanan and Second Lieutenant James Wiley ; Independence, Captain James Edelin and Second Lieutenant William W. Russell ; Sloop Portsmouth, Second Lieutenant Henry B. Watson ; Sloop Dale, First Lieutenant Robert Tansill ; Captain A. H. Gillespie, on special service. 1846. — On the 7th of June, 1846, Commodore Sloat received at Mazatlan information that the Mexican troops, six or seven thousand strong, had, by order of the Mexican government, invaded the territory of the United States north of the Rio Grande, and had attacked the forces under General Taylor, and that the squadron of the United States was blockading the coast of Mexico on the Gulf. These hostilities he considered would justify him in offensive operations on the west coast. He therefore sailed on the 8th, in the Savannah, for the coast of California. On the 2nd of July, 1846, Commodore Sloat, with 8& Operations of the Marines in the Pacific Squadron. the Savannah, arrived at Monterey, to assist in the efforts of the United States land forces. On the 7th of the preceding month, he had received the news of the result of the battle of Resaca de la Palma and Palo Alto. Although at that date he had received no information that war had been declared, he felt it his duty to cooperate with the land force in whatever ser- vice they might have undertaken. At Monterey, Commodore Sloat found the Cyane and Levant, and learned that the Ports- mouth was at San Francisco. On the morning of the 7th he summoned the place to yield. The summons not being obeyed, two hundred and fifty Marines and seamen landed under the command of Captain William Mervine, who raised the United States flag under a salute of twenty-one guns. Orders were sent to Commodore Montgomery of the Portsmouth, to take posses- sion of the Bay of San Francisco, which was done on the 9th. Commodore Sloat took such measures as were necessary to make secure his bloodless victory. The commanding officer of the Marines on this occasion was Captain Ward Marston ; com- pany officers, Second Lieutenant W. A. T. Maddox and Second Lieutenant Henry W. Queen. Military possession was on July 9th taken of Verba Buena, and the flag of the United States displayed. A proclamation was issued, calling upon all the residents of that district, agreeably to the laws of the United States regulating the militia, to enroll themselves into a military company, appoint their own officers, and observe such rules and regulations as should be issued for the maintenance of order, and for the protection of property in Yerba Buena and its immediate neighborhood. A military guard was stationed in possession of the custom-house, under Second Lieutenant Henry B. Watson of the Marines, who was appointed the military commandant pro tern of all the Marines and militia. He was ordered to remain in military. possession as the commander of the Marines and local militia, subject to orders from his superior officers. All the militia organized for the protection of the place were required to repair to the ap- Operations of the Marines in the Pacific Squadron. 89 pointed rendezvous, upon such signal as he should designate, properly armed and equipped, and he was directed to make requisition upon such arms and ammunition as might be required. A bloodless conquest marked the occupation of Santa Barbara during the following August. On the 13th of August a detachment of Marines and sailors from Commodore Stock- ton's command made a juncture with Major Fremont's force and entered Los Angeles without opposition, and Lieutenant A. H. Gillespie of the Marines was left in command of the place with a small force. About the close of the following month, the Mexicans in the neighborhood, finding that the main force of the Americans was at a considerable distance, laid siege to Los Angeles. The situation became critical, and Lieutenant Gillespie despatched a courier to Monterey to notify the naval forces there of the danger in which his command was placed. Leaving Lieutenant Maddox of the Marines in command at Monterey, the main portion of the naval force started for San Pedro to raise the siege at Los Angeles. Scarcely had they left Monterey when that place was also threatened with assault. Lieutenant Maddox sent a messenger to bring back, if possible, a portion of the force then on its way to San Pedro. By a fortunate combina- tion of circumstances, the messenger reached the Congress, then accompanying a transport of troops under Fremont from San Francisco, also ordered to the assistance of Lieutenant Gillespie. A sufficient force to strengthen the position of Lieutenant Maddox and hold it against the Mexicans was sent to Monterey, and the remainder of the command proceeded on the way toward Los Angeles. It proved impossible, however, to reach that place in season to be of any assistance to Lieutenant Gil- lespie, who was forced to capitulate. He made excellent terms with the Mexican commander, nevertheless, and was soon allowed to join the main force. It was not, however, until after a brave and determined, though unsuccessful effort had been made by a 90 Operations of the Marines in the Pacific Squadron. force of Marines and seamen under Captain Mervine of the Navy to raise the siege. Lieutenant Gillespie shortly afterward commanded the Marines, who, in connection with the force of seamen under Lieutenant Minor of the Navy, made a gallant charge on the Mexicans at San Diego ; where the enemy was driven back in confusion. About this time the bravery and good conduct of Lieutenant Gillespie were recognized by the Depart- ment, and he received a captain's commission. He was shortly afterward placed in command of an expedition to surprise the enemy in camp at San Bernardo. Important events at this period followed each other in rapid and almost confusing succession. Before Captain Gillespie's expedition was prepared to start on its arduous work, Brigadier General Kearney arrived in California to take command of the land forces. Captain Gillespie's force was immediately ordered to make a junction with Kearney's dragoons. Before the junc- tion could be made, Kearney made an attack on the enemy at San Pasqual, and received a crushing defeat, the Americans losing heavily in killed and wounded, Kearney himself being among the latter. The rapid march of Commodore Stockton's force to San Gabriel and the overwhelming defeat of the enemy at that point followed ; and in this action, as in all the others in which they were engaged, the Marines did excellent work. The officers of the Marine Corps who participated in these opera- tions and thus added additional lustre to the laurels of the Corps, were Captain Gillespie, Lieutenant J. Zeilin, afterwards captain, Lieutenant J. C. Cash, Lieutenant W. A. T. Maddox and Lieutenant James Wiley. On the 18th of May, nearly two hundred Marines and seamen from the Cumberland and Potomac, under the orders of Cap- tain Aulick, went up the Rio Grande and effected a junction with a detachment of the Army at Barita, on the right bank of the river, and about fifteen miles from its mouth. At this point they established a post without any opposition, and on the same day the Army, under General Taylor, crossed the river and en- Operations of the Marines in the Pacific Squadron. 91 tered Matamoras. The officers of the Corps engaged in this expedition were First Lieutenant D. D. Baker and First Lieu- tenant Addison Garland. At the capture of Tampico, on the 14th of November, which was accomplished without bloodshed, one hundred Marines and seamen were engaged, the Marines being under command of First Lieutenant D. D. Baker, First Lieutenant William Lang, First Lieutenant Addison Garland, and Second Lieutenant J. D. Simms. 1847. — In a general order, issued February 1, 1847, Commo- dore Shubrick said : " For disinterested conduct, the company of mounted volunteers, under Lieutenant Maddox of the Marine Corps, acting as captain, is tendered the thanks of the commander-in-chief, and will without doubt receive applause and due recompense from the General Government." In September, 1847, Lieutenant Maddox was appointed mili- tary commandant of the Middle Department by Commodore Stockton. Subsequently, in a letter to General Henderson, Commodore Stockton wrote : " It is my duty as well as pleasure to inform you that Lieutenant Maddox was in command of the Middle Department in California and at Monterey, when the insurrection broke out in that country, and that his zeal and gallantry were conspicuous in his efforts to suppress it. It would be no more than justice if his services there should be acknowledged by a brevet." At the taking of Mazatlan, in the middle of November, which was accomplished without firing a gun or losing a man, in spite of the insolent threats of the commandants, the following Marines were present and participated in the victory : From the Independence, fifty Marines under the command of Lieutenant W. W. Russell ; from the Congress, thirty-six Marines under the command of First Lieutenant J. Zeilin ; from the Cyane, eleven Marines under Sergeant Forrest (the balance of the guard on duty at San Jose'). About the same time, the Marines from Commander Selfridge's force on the Dale defeated supe- 92 Operations of the Marbles in the Pacific Squadron. rior numbers of the enemy on the east coast of Old California, and again, righting against great odds, drove the Mexicans from Guaymas, where Commander Selfridge was severely wounded. On the 19th of the same month, a force of twenty Marines, at San Jose', under Lieutenant Haywood of the Navy, was attacked by the Mexicans. The Marines, aided by a few volunteers, defended themselves for three days against a most determined assault, and finally drove the enemy entirely away. 1848. — The garrison at San Josd, which was stationed in a rude made from an old mission house, was soon after strengthened slightly, so that the entire force consisted of twenty-seven Marines, ten effective seamen, and about twenty California vol- unteers. The town was deserted by its inhabitants, and about fifty women and children sought protection in the fort and were supported from its scanty supplies. In the latter part of Janu- ary, 1848, the Mexicans again appeared in force and laid siege to the little fort. The siege was kept up till the middle of the following month. The Marines and their companions in arms suffered from lack of water, but defended themselves bravely until the arrival of the Cyane, when by the united efforts of the force on that vessel and the men in the beleaguered fort, the Mexicans were defeated with severe loss. One writer, in speak- ing of this action, says : "The coolness, perseverance, and in- domitable resolution displayed in this long defence against such superior numbers cannot but draw upon the actors especial notice and renown, and place it among the many memorable achievements of this war." The following is an extract from the report of Commodore Shubrick, commanding Pacific squadron, dated on board the Independence, Mazatlan, February 21st: "The Marines have behaved with the fidelity and constancy which characterizes that valuable Corps, and I embrace this opportunity respect- fully to recommend that ships coming to this station be allowed as large a complement of these valuable men as possible. The service would be greatly benefited by doubling the number Operations of the Marines i?i the Pacific Squadron. 93 allowed to each ship, and reducing to the same extent, if neces- sary, the complement of landsmen and ordinary seamen. The want of Marines is strongly felt in all operations on shore." On the 14th, Lieutenant Stanley of the Dale landed at Guay- mas with a force of Marines and seamen, and marched to the attack of the post of Bacochi Vampa. The barracks were situ- ated on a spur of the mountain facing the west, stony and bushy, which rendered a near approach without discovery impossible. As soon as the sentinel hailed them, according to previous arrangement, they charged in double quick time. But duty and ambition could not take them up to the barracks as fast as fear carried the flying enemy away. They made but one prisoner ; several of the others left their arms, ammunition, accoutre- ments and stores, and one officer the best part of his uniform. CHAPTER XI. 1846-8. — THE MEXICAN WAR, II. — OPERATIONS OF THE MARINES CONNECTED WITH THE SQUADRON ON THE EAST COAST. WHILE the Marines connected with the naval force on the west coast were doing such excellent service, the officers and men belonging to the Corps and attached to the squadron on the east coast were also aiding materially in the work going on in that section. The following is a list of the officers of the Corps attached to the Home Squadron, in 1846, Commodore David Conner commander-in-chief: Frigate Cumberland, First Lieutenant D. D. Baker; Frigate Raritan, First Lieutenant William Lang; Frigate Potomac, First Lieutenant Addison Garland; Sloop John Adams, First Lieutenant R. C. Cald- well; Sloop St. Mary's, Second Lieutenant John D. Simms. In 1847, the list of officers attached to the Home Squadron was as follows : Frigate Raritan, Captain Alvin Edson and Second Lieutenant George Adams ; Frigate Potomac, First Lieutenant Addison Garland ; Sloop Albany, Second Lieutenant William B. Slack ; Sloop John Adams, First Lieutenant Robert C. Caldwell, Second Lieutenant Felix G. Mayson ; Sloop St. Mary's, Second Lieutenant John D. Simms. The following were the officers attached to the same squadron, Commodore M. C. Perry commander-in-chief, in 1848 : Frigate Cumberland, First Lieutenant Isaac T. Doughty and Second Lieutenant Jacob Read; Sloop Albany, Second Lieutenant William Butterfield; 94 The Mexican War. 95 Steamer Mississippi, First Lieutenant William B. Slack, Second Lieutenant William F. Perry. On the 29th of December, 1846, in consequence of a number of Californians having taken up arms against the United States, and taken Lieutenant Bartlett, United States Navy, six seamen, and others, prisoners, an expedition, consisting of a detachment of Marines, under Lieutenant Tansill, a field-piece in charge of Passed Midshipman D. Jough, the San Jose mounted volunteers, under Captain Weber, and the San Francisco mounted volun- teers, under Captain William M. Smith, and Assistant Surgeon M. Duvall, acting surgeon 'and aid, — the whole under the com- mand of Captain Ward Marston, United States Marine Corps, amounting in all to one hundred and one officers and men, left San Francisco in pursuit of the enemy. On the 2d of January, 1847, when within about seven miles of the mission of Santa Clara, arid distant some fifty miles from San Francisco, the enemy were discovered, at first few in number, but increasing to about one hundred and thirty men, all mounted on the best horses. This force was driven back about two miles, when the Americans found their advance impeded by a deep marsh, and in attempt- ing to cross it, the Marines and those in front were over their knees in mud. While in this position, the enemy attempted to drive down about five hundred wild cattle, to break the ranks, and some twenty-five Californians came within range of the gun and opened fire on the Americans. At this time, Captains Smith and Marston distinguished themselves by securing the spare horses of the enemy which became frightened. Captain Marston ordered the Marines to open on the cattle, and the gun to open on the Californians, and Lieutenant Tansill and Passed Midshipman D. Joung displayed great activity in execut- ing this order, which resulted in driving the Californians and their auxiliaries from the field. That evening a flag of truce was sent in by the Californians, asking, on the part of Colonel Sanches, their commander, an interview with the commanding officer of the Americans, each to be accompanied by two offi- g6 Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. cers. Accordingly, the next morning Captain Marston, ac- companied by Captain Smith and Surgeon Duvall, proceeded to the appointed place of meeting. Colonel Sanches then laid before Captain Marston a series of complaints of abuses which the Californians had experienced, and also professed a perfect willingness on their part to surrender and retire to their homes, if they could be assured of future protection. As Cap- tain Marston had no authority to treat with him, he proposed an armistice, till he could communicate with the commander of the district, and receive his instructions, which was readily agreed to, and a messenger despatched to San Francisco. On the afternoon of the armistice, the Americans were reinforced by the arrival of Captain Maddox's company of Monterey Mounted Volunteers. An answer was received on the 6th of January, saying the only conditions with which the Californians could be treated, were for them to lay down their arms, surren- der their prisoners and horses, and retire to their homes, all of which were complied with on the following day. In the action of the 2d of January, the Americans had two wounded, a Marine and one of Captain Webers men. The Californians admitted that eleven of their men were hit in their clothing, but were un- injured, which they attributed to the justice of their cause and interposition of the Virgin Mary, and for which they celebrated mass in the Church of Santa Clara. It was ascertained after- wards that their loss was four killed and five wounded. On the afternoon of May 8, 1846, five hundred seamen and Marines were landed from the squadron under Captain Gregory of the Raritan, to defend Point Isabel. On the morning of the 18th of May, a detachment of nearly two hundred seamen and Marines, from the Cumberland and Potomac, under the com- mand of Captain Aulick, in the boats of the two vessels, entered the Rio Grande, to cooperate with a detachment from the Army under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Wilson, for the pur- pose of establishing a post at Barita, on the right bank of the river, about fifteen miles from its mouth. This was accom- Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. 97 plished without opposition. The Marines from the Cumberland and Potomac were under the command of First Lieutenants D. D. Baker and Addison Garland. The Mississippi, with a detachment of one hundred seamen and Marines from the Cumberland and the Princeton, put to sea on the 1 2th of November. At daylight on the morning of the 14th, the force reached the bar of Tampico. A detachment of three hundred officers, Marines and seamen in boats were carried over the bar safely, and passed into the river without opposition, the fort at the entrance having been abandoned. On approach- ing the town it surrendered. The Marines and seamen were not landed. The first work of importance in which the Marines of the home squadron were engaged, was in October, in connec- tion with Commodore M. C. Perry's expedition up the Tobasco river, which resulted in the capture of Frontera and Tobasco. The expedition sailed on the 16th of October, and arrived off the mouth of the Tobasco on the 23rd. The town of Frontera was taken without serious resistance, with several sailing vessels and two steamers. On the 25th, Tobasco was reached, and the squadron anchored in order of battle abreast of the town, within half-musket range. A messenger was sent on shore with a summons to the Governor to surrender. An insolent answer was returned, and an invitation sent back to the com- mander to fire as soon as he pleased. Commodore Perry was extremely reluctant to destroy the town and to subject the in- habitants to the miseries of a bombardment. It was necessary, however, to make some demonstration of his power, and he consequently began a bombardment, which was kept up till the bravado of the official was thoroughly punished, after which Commodore Perry took his departure. While there was no op- portunity for any special exhibition of courage, the Marines per- formed their duty faithfully, and with a coolness and precision that were most commendable. The bloodless but handsome second victory at Tampico soon followed, in which also the excellent bearing of the Marines was noticeable. 7 98 Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. During the autumn a plan was marked out which contem- plated the reduction of Vera Cruz and the march of a large army to the capital Accordingly, the following year opened with very extensive and active preparations for the attack. On the coast of Mexico was soon assembled what was up to that time the largest force ever under the command of a single American naval officer. The debarkation was appointed to take place on the 8th of March. General orders were therefore issued on the 7th, by the commodore and the commanding- general, prescribing the necessary arrangements. The officers of the Marine Corps who were attached to the battalion in the operations before Vera Cruz were : Captain Alvin Edson, First Lieutenant Addison Garland, First Lieutenant Robert C. Cald- well, Second Lieutenant W. B. Slack, Second Lieutenant J. D. Simms, Second Lieutenant George Adams, and Second Lieuten- ant Felix G. Mayson. During the siege, a detachment of officers and sailors were assigned a place in the trenches, and did noble service. The Marines behaved with their accustomed gallantry, and shared the honors with their gallant brethren of the Army and Navy. On the 29th of March, the combined forces of the Army and Navy took possession of the city and castle, while the American flag floated over both, amid a grand salute from the squadron and the batteries. The following is an extract from Commodore Conner's report, dated on board the Raritan, off Sacrificios, March 10, 1874: "General Scott has now with him upwards of eleven thousand men. At his request, I permitted the Marines of the squadron, under Captain Edson, to join him, as a part of the Third Regiment of artillery." On the 28th of March, Brigadier General Worth issued the following: "The General of Brigade avails himself of the occasion on separating from Captain Edson, his officers and men, to express his high appreciation of the energy, zeal and thorough soldiership which marked their effective cooperation during our association, and also to tender his cordial thanks and respects." Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. 99 Commodore Perry relieved Commodore Conner on the 21st of March, and turned his attention to a movement against Tus- pau. On the morning of the 18th of April, after all due prepara- tions had been made, the whole force was detached from the ship, forming the landing party, and carried in barges, numbering one thousand four hundred and ninety officers, seamen and Ma- rines, with four pieces of light artillery for land service. The whole was led by Commodore Perry. The Mexicans made but a feeble defence. They rapidly fell back, deserting the batteries before the landing party could get near enough to storm them. The attack proved entirely successful, and the capture was effected, with a loss to the Americans of only three seamen killed and five officers and six men wounded. The following are the names of the officers of the Marine Corps engaged in this expedition : Captain Alvin Edson, First Lieutenant Addison Garland, First Lieutenant Robert C. Cald- well, First Lieutenant VV. B. Slack, Second Lieutenant M. R. Kintzing, Second Lieutenant George Adams, and Second Lieu- tenant Felix G. Mayson. Some six months had elapsed since the affair at Tobasco, when news reached Commodore Perry that matters at that town had assumed such a phase that the presence of an American force was needed to compel a proper respect for the authority of the United States. Early in June, he started with a formidable force. The officers of the Corps engaged in the operations at Tobasco, were: Captain Alvin Edson, Lieutenant W. B. Slack, Lieuten- ant M. R. Kintzing, Lieutenant Robert C. Caldwell, Second Lieutenant George Adams, and Second Lieutenant Felix G. Mayson. The expedition arrived at the mouth of the Tobasco river, and, after various adventures, reached a point below Tobasco, when a landing was made. The force on shore marched to attack Tobasco by land, while the vessels advanced to lay siege from the river. The Scorpion pushed on up the stream, and upon arriving off the town, Captain Bigelow demanded a surrender of the ioo Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. place from the authorities, which was acceded to. The officer sent to hoist the American colors, while in the act of unfurling it to the breeze from the top of the government house, was fired upon several times, one ball passing through the flag, but he escaped untouched. About three hours after the stars and stripes had floated over the town and port, the land expedition, which it had been supposed would have the chief part of the honor and glory of taking the place, came in sight of the fort, when to their surprise they beheld the flag waving over it, which told them they were too late, the work having been done by their more fortunate friends attached to the flotilla. The commodore remained until the 22nd inst, and then left to rejoin the squadron outside the bar, leaving as the garrison of the place- two officers of Marines, and sixty-nine men under Lieutenant Slack, besides the bomb brig "^Etna" and steamers Spitfire and Scourge, anchored off the town. Captain Van Brunt of the "y<£tna" was left as Governor, and Lieutenant Slack as military commandant. On the 24th inst., two field pieces were landed, which, with the one already ashore, were placed in battery in the main plaza commanding the various entrances to it ; the guard, twenty- eight men, were quartered there, and the balance of the sixty- nine Marines, under Lieutenant Adams, were ordered to march directly to the square in the event of an alarm. Two of the pieces were manned by eight sailors, each under their respective officers; the third piece was manned with seven Marines, under charge of a corporal, they having formerly served in the artillery. On that very night, between ten and eleven o'clock, an effort was made to drive them in from the plaza by about two hundred Mexicans divided in two parties, the one large, the other small, the latter to be the feint and the former the real attack, led on by Colonel Garcia, an officer of some talent and considerable courage. The sentries, being fired upon by the small body, retired and joined the guard, the large body in the meantime pressing on in another direction to gain an old dilapidated Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. 101 building facing the square, from which they evidently expected to do some telling work. The guard was under arms in front of the guard-house, and as every man stood thus at his post, a volley of musketry from the old building was fired at the guns ; instantly the three pieces blazed away at the building, the Marine piece firing twice. In a few minutes after, all was quiet again, and having re-posted the sentinels and dismissed the guard, Lieutenant Slack laid down and slept until morning, not even dreaming of a Mexican. From that time forward, troops could be seen every day outside the city limits moving from one point to another, and at night the sentinels were sure to be fired upon from various points, thus causing all hands to be continually under arms. On the night of July 26th, Captain Bigelow of the Scorpion arrived from the squadron, intending to return almost immedi- ately, but upon being informed by Captain Van Brun of the state of affairs ashore, he determined to remain and despatch a boat to the commodore, advising him of the necessity of a re- inforcement. On the 29th the Vixen returned, bringing an in- crease in force of fifty-five Marines and fifty sailors. Captain Bigelow now determined to fit out an expedition and beat up the enemy's quarters wherever he could be found. Accord- ingly, on the 30th, he left Tobasco with about one hundred and twenty-five sailors as small arm men, seventy-five Marines, under Lieutenant Slack, and two field pieces (six pounders), and from information in his possession of the enemy's whereabouts, moved for an Indian village about four miles distant, called Tamulte. Just before arriving at the village, and while ascend- ing a gentle acclivity, a fire of musketry was opened by a body of troops occupying the summit, and mostly covered from view by a growth of underwood. This fire was handsomely returned by Lieutenant Slack's men, and the two pieces of. artillery were soon brought into position. For about twenty minutes a con- stant and general firing was maintained on both sides, until finally the Mexicans began to give way, at first slowly, but soon 102 Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. in a rapid retreat. Throughout the fight Captain Bigelow and Lieutenant Slack acted with a courage and judgment worthy of all praise. This was the first affair of the kind where Lieutenant Slack had a separate command ; being the senior Marine officer, he of course, had command of all the Marines. During the action, the Americans lost two men killed and two wounded, one severely and the other slightly. Lieutenant Kintzing was also slightly wounded by a spent ball, and two men were badly burned by the accidental explosion of powder in a building. The loss of the enemy was not ascertained. After the above fight,* for a day or two they were relieved from all annoyances from the enemy, but the latter soon again, began the old system of night attacks, and finally on the 14th and 15th of July, during the day, went into town, and from a hill within range of the plaza, fired upon the Americans. The latter drove them out, and endeavored to pursue them, but their better knowledge of the country enabled them to escape easily. Among the Americans the sick list began to increase very rapidly, and soon one half the men were down. The commodore being informed of the extent of sickness prevailing, determined finally to abandon the place. Accordingly, on the morning of the 22nd of July, the colors were hauled down, the Marines paying the proper salute upon the occasion. The Americans then left the plaza, marching in column to the air of Hail Columbia, and embarked on board the vessels bound down the river. In a communication to the Department, dated on board the Mississippi, July 28th, Commodore Perry wrote : " In transmit- ting the accompanying correspondence, I feel myself called upon to invite the attention of the Department to the zeal and gallantry with which Commander Bigelow, Commander Van Brunt, and all the officers, seamen and Marines of the detachment left by me at Tobasco, performed their arduous duties in defending the city against a most active enemy." The following is an extract from the report of Commodore Operations with the Squadron on the East Coast. 103 Perry, dated U. S. Flagship Mississippi, Anton Lizardo, July 4, 1847 : " Since the receipt of your despatch of the 21st of May, received on the 1st inst., I have had an interview with Briga- dier General Pierce, whose brigade the Marines ordered to be detached from the squadron are to join. General Pierce has fully agreed with me that the small force of Marines in the squadron, about one hundred and ninety effective men, will be of little advantage to him, and that the consequences of withdrawing them, and the necessity of the immediate evacua- tion of Tobasco, and of weakening other posts in our posses- sion (measures that will be rendered indispensable by the de- tachment of the Marines from the squadron), will produce a most pernicious influence with the enemy, who always claim as a triumph any retrograde movement of ours. I beg to be un- derstood that the order of the 21st of May will be obeyed in part immediately, however it may inconvenience the ships of the squadron ; and the withdrawal of the Marines from Tobasco, Laguna, Frontera and Alvarado will be postponed only till I can receive a reply to this communication or hear sooner from the Department on the subject. This arrangement can produce very little delay, as it will require considerable time to collect together the Marines, dispersed as they are along the coast, at points the extremes of which embrace a distance of nearly six hundred miles in extent. I shall await with much interest your communications, and hope that you will not only soon be able to replace the Marines withdrawn from the squadron, but add to their number." It is stated that General Pierce urged the commodore to " take the responsibility " of retaining his Marines and holding his captured places, and offered a letter expressive of his con- clusion and judgment to this end, which the commodore said was unnecessary. CHAPTER XII. 1847-8. — THE MEXICAN WAR, III. OPERATIONS OF THE MARINES ATTACHED TO GENERAL SCOTT'S ARMY. RECAPITULATION, ETC. IN June a battalion of Marines under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Watson sailed from Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor, to join the Army under General Scott. The battalion debarked at Vera Cruz and joined the main Army at Puebla August 6. Lieutenant-colonel Watson's command was assigned to Major-general Quitman's Division, and Lieu- tenant-colonel Watson was placed in command of the Second Brigade, which consisted of the battalion of Marines and a battalion of the Second Pennsylvania Volunteers. Leaving a competent garrison in Puebla, the Army under Scott marched toward the Mexican capital. The history of the battles which resulted in the splendid victory at the capital has been written many times, and does not need to be repeated here. The present writing can only take cognizance of the special part borne by the Marines in those days of battle and of triumph. Writing under date of August 27, General Scott said : " I regret having been obliged, on the 20th, to leave Major- general Quitman, an able commander, with a part of his division, — the fine Second Pennsylvania Volunteers, and the veteran detachment of United States Marines, — at our era- portant depot, San Augustine. It was there that I had placed our sick and wounded, the siege, supply, and baggage trains. 104 The Mexican War, III. 105 If these had been lost, the Army would have been driven almost to despair ; and, considering the enemy's very great excess of numbers, and the many approaches to the depot, it might well have become, emphatically, the post of honor." September 14th, at the end of a series of arduous and brilliant operations, of more than forty-eight hours continuance, the American Army hoisted the colors of the United States on the walls of the National Palace of Mexico. The honor of first entering the palace, and of placing upon it the stars and stripes, was accorded to the division with which Lieutenant-colonel Watson's brigade was connected, thus explaining and justifying the motto afterwards inscribed upon the colors of the Marines at Washington : " From Tripoli to the Halls of the Montezumas." In all the fighting that marked the course of the Army, from its first appearance before the gates of the City of Mexico, to the clay when victory was assured, nothing could exceed the coolness, bravery, and discipline displayed by the officers and men of the Marine Corps. In the storming of Chapultepec, a party of Marines under command of Major Levi Twiggs of the Corps, performed feats of almost superhuman bravery and fortitude. Another party of picked men, with ladders, crow- bars, etc., under command of Captain Reynolds, also of the Corps, made a terrible and effective onslaught on the works of the enemy. Major Twiggs was killed while leading the assault. The Marines accompanied their division in all its progress, and participated in the long and bloody battle, by which, finally, the avenue to the city was opened. On the morning of the 14th, the division of General Quitman entered the city, and was the first portion of the Army to march into the Grand Plaza. The palace was overrun with escaped convicts, and other desperate characters, bent on plunder. Lieutenant- colonel Watson, with his battalion of Marines, was ordered to clear it of these intruders and protect it from spoliation, which duty he promptly and successfully performed. The Corps lost in the actions detailed above, Major Twiggs and six men killed, 106 Operations of the Marines in General Scott's Army. two lieutenants and two sergeants wounded. The following is a roster of officers of the battalion under the command of Lieutenant-colonel Watson : — Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Samuel E. Watson, Major Levi Twiggs and Major William Dulany. Staff, First Lieutenant and Adjutant D. D. Baker, First Lieutenant and Acting Quartermaster J. S. Develin. Captains John G. Reynolds, George H. Terrett and William Lang. First Lieutenants Jabez C. Rich, Robert C. Caldwell, Wil- liam L. Young, Thomas A. Brady, John D. Simms and Daniel J. Sutherland. Second Lieutenants George Adams, Ed. McD. Reynolds, Thomas Y. Field, Charles G. McCawley, Freeman Norvell, Charles A. Henderson, John S. Nicholson, Augustus S. Nichol- son and Henry Welsh. The following is a list of the killed and wounded of the Marine battalion under the command of Colonel Watson, inci- dent to the capture of Chapultepec and the City of Mexico, on the 13th and 14th of September. Wounded at Chapultepec : — Staff : First Lieutenant and Adjutant D. D. Baker, slightly ; First Lieutenant and Acting Quartermaster J. S. Develin, slightly ; Sergeant Major James Montgomery, slightly ; Commissary Sergeant, James Orr, severely. Killed : — Major Levi Twiggs, at Chapultepec ; Corporal Hugh Graham and Privates Anthony A. Egbert, Andrew Mc- Laughlin, John Herbert, Matthew Banks and Thomas Kelly, all at the gate of the city. Wounded : — Company A \ Privates Seebeck and Milburn, at the City of Mexico. Company B : Sergeant John Roach, and Privates Hugh Rooney, Martin Fogg, John McGihen, P. Phoenix and S. Wil- liamson, all at Chapultepec. Company C : Privates Briggs and Connor, at Chapultepec. Operations of the Marines in General Scotfs Army. 107 Company D : Sergeants J. Curran, G. Tansil, and W, J. Wilson, and Private Thomas Quinn, at Chapultepec. Company E : Privates Thomas B. Smith and E. Stevens, at Chapultepec. Company F : Second Lieutenant Charles A. Henderson, Musician McDonald, and Privates E. Cooper and James Linns, all at Chapultepec. The following extract from the report of Major-general Quit- man, dated at the National Palace, Mexico, September 29, gives a vivid idea of the work accomplished by the Marines : " During the day, I succeeded, under cover of our batteries, in making an important reconnoissance of the grounds and works immediately at the base of the castle. The supporting party on this reconnoissance was commanded by the late Major Twiggs, of the Marines, and sustained during the observation a brisk fire from the batteries and small arms of the enemy, who, when the party were retiring, came out of the works in large numbers ; and, although repeatedly checked by the fire of our troops, continued to advance as the supporting party retired, until they were dispersed, with considerable loss, by several discharges of canister from the guns of Captain Drum's battery, and a well-directed fire from the right of the Second Pennsyl- vania Regiment, posted on the flank of the battery for its sup- port. During the day, my command was reinforced by a select battalion from General Twiggs' division, intended as a storming party, consisting of thirteen officers and two hundred and fifty men and non-commissioned officers and privates, chosen for this service out of the Rifles, First and Fourth Regiments of artillery, Second, Third, and Seventh Regiments of infantry, all under the command of Captain Silas Casey, Second Infantry. At dawn on the morning of the 13th, the batteries again opened an active and effective fire upon the castle, which was returned by the enemy with spirit and some execution, disabling for a time the eighteen pounder in battery No. 1, and killing one of the men at the guns. 1 08 Operations of the Marines in General Scott's Army. " During this cannonade, active preparations were made for the assault on the castle. Ladders, pickaxes, and crows were placed in the hands of a pioneer storming party of select men from the volunteer division, under command of Captain Rey- nolds of the Marine Corps, to accompany the storming party of one hundred and twenty men, which had been selected from all Corps of the same division, and placed under the command of Major Twiggs of the Marines. Perceiving that all the preliminary dispositions were made, Major Gladden, with his regiment, having passed the wall by breaching it, the New York and Pennsylvania regiments having entered over an aban- doned battery on their left, and the battalion of Marines being posted to support the storming parties, I ordered the assault a*t all points. The storming parties, led by the gallant officers who had volunteered for this desperate service, rushed forward like a resistless tide. The Mexicans behind their batteries and breastworks stood with more than usual firmness. For a short time the contest was hand-to-hand ; swords and bayonets were crossed, and rifles clubbed. Resistance, however, was vain against the desperate valor of our brave troops. The batteries and strong works were carried, and the ascent of Chapultepec on that side laid open to an easy conquest. In these works were taken seven pieces of artillery, one thousand muskets, and five hundred and fifty prisoners, of whom one hundred were officers, among them one general and ten colonels. * * * The command of the storming party from the volunteer division devolved on Captain James Miller, of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, by the death of its chief, the brave and lamented Twiggs of the Marine Corps, who fell on the first advance at the head of his command. "Captain Roberts of the rifle regiment, who had led the advance company of the storming party at Chapultepec, and had greatly distinguished himself during the preceding day, was detailed by me to plant the star-spangled banner of our country upon the National Palace. The flag, the first strange Operations of the Marines in General Scotfs Army. 1 09 banner which had ever waved over that palace since the con- quest of Cortez, was displayed and saluted with enthusiasm by the whole command. The palace, already crowded with Mexi- can thieves and robbers, was placed in charge of Lieutenant- colonel Watson, with his battalion of Marines. By his active exertions, it was soon cleared and guarded from further spolia- tion." Adjutant Baker is mentioned by the general " as con- spicuous for his bravery and efficiency." Lieutenant Robert C. Caldwell was attached to the division of Major-general Pillow as senior officer of the commissary department. During the siege of Puebla, begun on the 13th of September, and ended on the 12th of October, 1847, Sergeant J. T. Packet and Private John Harder of the Corps were wounded. A second battalion of Marines, under the command of Major John Harris, sailed from New York in March, 1848, to co- operate on shore with the squadron, on the Isthmus of Tehaun- tepec. Upon their arrival, however, at Vera Cruz, the armistice had been concluded, and they were prevented from proceeding, there. Major Harris, therefore, was ordered to garrison Alva- rado with his battalion. The best of discipline was observed, and the conduct of the officers and men was the theme of con- stant praise. The following is a roster of the battalion under the command of Major John Harris : John Harris, Major, Com- • manding ; Algernon S. Taylor, First Lieutenant and Adjutant ; W. L. Shuttleworth, First Lieutenant and Assistant Quarter- master. Company A, ninety men: N. S. Waldr on, Captain ; J. R. F. Tatnall, Sec- ond Lieutenant. Company B, ninety men : Josiah Watson, First Lieutenant, Commanding ; George R. Graham, Second Lieutenant. Company C, ninety men : James H. Jones, Second Lieutenant, Command- ing ; John H. Broome, Second Lieutenant. Company D, ninety men : George F. Lindsay, Second Lieutenant, Com- manding ; Second Lieutenant, W. S. Boyd. Two drummers and two fifers. i io Operations of the Marines in General Scotfs Army. The following are the names of the officers of the Corps now living who distinguished themselves during the Mexican War, adding lustre to its proud record : Brigadier General J. Zeilin, Commandant, Colonel M. R. Kintzing, Major W. B. Slack, Quartermaster, Major A. S. Nicholson, Adjutant and Inspector; Major John C. Cash, Paymaster, Lieutenant-colonel James H. Jones, Lieutenant-colonel C. G. McCawley, Major T. Y. Field, Major George R. Graham, Brevet Lieutenant-colonel John L. Broome, Captain W. A. T. Maddox, Assistant Quarter- master, and Captain James Wiley, Assistant Quartermaster. In July, 1847, tne Corps was called upon to mourn the loss of the gallant Captain Alvin Edson, who had so greatly dis- tinguished himself. He died at sea on board the Raritan, 15th July, 1847. Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Samuel E. Watson also died on the 16th of November, 1847, at Vera Cruz. The following is a recapitulation of the services performed by some of the more prominent Marine officers during the Mexican War. First Lieutenant J. Zeilin : defence of Monterey, Upper California, July 15, 1846 ; capture of Los Angeles, August 13, 1846 • action on the La Mesa, January 13, 1847 > commissioned captain September 14, 1847 ; brevetted major for gallantry in action at the crossing of San Gabriel River, 1847 j appointed military commander of San Diego ; bombardment of Guaymas, September 20, 1847 \ fight at St. Joseph's, September 30, 1847 ; occupation of Mazatlan, October, 1847. Second Lieutenant W. B. Slack : capture of Tuspau, com- manded a company of Marines, serving with the Third Regi- ment of artillery at the siege and capture of Vera Cruz ; capture of Tobasco ; commanded a battalion of Marines at the battle of Tamulte ; was military commandant of Tobasco during the time it was held by the naval forces ; brevetted captain for bravery in battle, 1847. Second Lieutenant A. S. Nicholson : on duty with the Army in Mexico in first battalion j storming of Chapultepec and capture of the City of Mexico ; brevetted for bravery in action September 13, 1847. Operations of the Marines in General Scotfs Army. 1 1 1 Second Lieutenant John C. Cash : on the west coast of Mexico, on duty with the Marines at Monterey and San Fran- cisco, in 1847. Lieutenant W. A. T. Maddox : landed at Monterey, July 4, 1846, when the American flag was hoisted ; hoisted the American flag at San Diego, July 29, 1846 ; landed on the 15th August at San Pedro, with a guard of Marines, and marched from there on foot to the Puebla de Los Angeles, remaining there three days j was appointed by Commodore Stockton to take command of two companies of volunteer riflemen, and to proceed to the north in pursuit of General Alvarado and his command; on his march to Monterey (five hundred miles), at and near the mission of San Louis Obispo, after a sharp skirmish, made prisoners of a number of men and fifteen officers, and paroled them ; among the latter were Generals Baptiste, Alvarado and Manuel Castro, and Colonel Pero ; arrived at Monterey September 10, 1846; on the 18th of September, 1846, was appointed, for services rendered, military commandant of the middle district of California, headquarters at Monterey ; was relieved of his command by a force of artillery, under a complimentary general order issued by command of Commodore W. B. Shubrick, February 18, 1847 \ m March, 1847, landed at Ersanada, Southern California, and travelled with a party of men as far south as Santa Tomassa, and from there to Rio Colorado, in order to intercept the Mexican force expected in the country by that route. Brevetted captain for battle Santa Clara, and in suppressing an insurrection at Monterey, during the time he was commandant of the middle district. Second Lieutenant M. R. Kintzing : wounded at Tobasco. Second Lieutenant C. G. McCawley: first battalion in Mexico ; in the storming party of the castle of Chapultepec and capture of the city of Mexico ; brevetted first lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct. CHAPTER XIII. 1852-3. COMMODORE PERRY'S EXPEDITION TO JAPAN. THE TROUBLE AT SHANGHAI. IN 1852, when Commodore Matthew C. Perry was ordered to the command of the naval squadron cruising in the East Indies, besides discharging the ordinary duties of a com- mander-in-chief, he was empowered to make a display of his force in the waters of Japan, and to contract with that govern- ment a treaty of amity and commerce. The American force anchored in Japanese waters on the 8th of July in the following year. After due preparation, Commodore Perry, escorted by a large force of Marines and seamen, landed, to place in the hands of the proper officials of the Japanese government his papers. The landing was effected on the 14th of July, the second person of the expedition to step on the soil of Japan being Brevet Major Zeilin of the Marine Corps. One hundred Marines, one hundred sailors and two brass bands formed the main portion of the procession which marched through the streets of Yeddo to accompany the commodore to and from the reception house. The bearing of the Marines attracted the admiring attention of even the stolid infantry, lancers and archers, who were drawn up to receive them ; and while the negotiations were conducted without violence or bloodshed, the presence of these trained American soldiers conduced in no slight degree to the speedy success of the expedition, especially since the commodore stated to the Japanese princes that those 112 Commodore Perry's Expedition to jfapan. 113 present constituted only a portion of his force. The Marines who formed the escort and guard were commanded by Brevet Major J. Zeilin. The company officers of the battalion were Brevet Captain Tansill, Brevet Captain W. B. Slack, First Lieu- tenant J. H. Jones and First Lieutenant Jacob Read. 1854. — In February, 1854, Commodore Perry once more dropped anchor in Japanese waters, his purpose being to receive the answer of the government to the communications which he had left on his previous visit. On the 8th of the succeeding month, the commodore landed to meet the Japanese dignita- ries. The following brief description of the landing is from Perry's Expedition : " The Commodore, on landing, was re- ceived by the group of officers, who, falling into a line, followed him. The bands now struck up a lively tune, and the Marines, whose orderly ranks in complete military appointment, with their blue and white uniforms and glistening bayonets, made quite a martial and effective show, presented arms as the com- modore, followed in procession by his immediate staff, his fine- looking sailors and a number of his subordinate officers, pro- ceeded up the shore." The conferences were continued for three weeks, and on the 31st of March a treaty was duly signed, and despatched imme- diately in the hands of Commander Adams to Washington. The Plymouth was left at Shanghai during the second visit of the squadron. The treatment by the Imperialists, of American and English residents, compelled the interference of the naval commanders of both nations. On the 4th of April an action was brought on between the aggressors and the forces of the English and American ships which had been landed. These forces consisted of about one hundred and fifty English sailors and Marines, with seven English volunteers, and about sixty sailors and Marines from the Plymouth, with thirty men from the American merchant ships. The Chinese retreated in great dis- order, leaving a number of dead and wounded. The Americans had two men killed and four wounded ; the English suffered to about the same extent. CHAPTER XIV. 1854-6. — AN OFFICIAL OPINION. — THE BARRIER FORTS IN CHINA. INDIAN WAR IN WASHINGTON TERRITORY, ETC. THE Hon. J. C. Dobbin, Secretary of the Navy, in his report for 1854, said: "The Marine Corps constitutes a most in- teresting, important, and useful portion of the naval force. Their service is equally effective on land and on sea. They are an armed and disciplined police on shipboard. Well trained and drilled before being detailed for duty at sea, aware of the fact that they are set apart to sustain the officers in command in the preservation of order and the suppression of mutiny, the first symptom of insubordination finds them ready, with strong hand and burnished arms, at the drum tap, to put down disorder or disobedience. Recent occurrences at sea, painfully fresh in the recollection of all, impress the mind most vividly of the prac- tical value of such a body of men on shipboard in moments of peril and alarm, when mere panic arid disorder are so often un- necessarily fruitful of desolation and death. But on land also their services have ever been found efficient, either in the Navy Yards or on shore far from their country. This Corps accom- pany our men-of-war in all their cruises in times of peace and war, and have signalized their valor in many a field. Their number now is entirely too small, and I earnestly recommend an increase, by which more time would be allowed for their proper discipline and drilling before they are ordered to sea, and their efficiency rendered still more reliable. I am satisfied 114 / The Barrier Forts in China. 115 also that the Corps could be improved and elevated in character, by adopting some system of appointing officers of military edu- cation and training. 1856. — The sloop-of-war Decatur, Commander Gansevoort, was stationed off the town of Seattle, Washington Territory, for the purpose of protecting the inhabitants from the savages. On the morning of the 26th of January, 1856, Commander Ganse- voort being satisfied that the Indians were posted in large force in the woods surrounding the town, landed the crew and Marines of the ship in four divisions, with a howitzer to protect the inhabitants. The action was promptly opened by a shot from the howitzer, and a shell from the ship's battery. The Indians returned the fire with spirit, from the edge of the woods. A steady fire of small arms, shot and shell for half an hour drove them from their first position to the northward of the town, whence they renewed the attack, and maintained it with bravery for six hours. They finally retired in the night. They numbered several hundreds, and suffered severely. The steam frigate San Jacinto, Commander Henry H. Bell, and the sloops-of-war Portsmouth, Commander Foote, and Levant, Commander William Smith, constituted the East India squadron, under Flag-officer James Armstrong. The duties of this squadron were arduous, and the officers and men attached to it distinguished themselves on a memorable occasion. On the 15th of November, 1856, as one of the boats belonging to the squadron was passing up the river to Canton with the Amer- ican flag fully displayed, it was several times fired upon by the barrier forts, endangering the lives of all on board. This out- rage was promptly resisted and redressed by the capture and destruction of the forts, and the levelling of their walls to the ground. These forts, four in number, commanding the approach to Canton, were among the strongest defences of the empire, mounting one hundred and seventy-six guns. The Secretary of the Navy wrote as follows of the affair : " The prompt and de- cisive course pursued by Commodore Armstrong, his officers n6 Indian War i?i Washington Territory. and men, caused the flag of the United States to be respected by the Chinese, contributed largely to the security of our citizens in China, and, during the troubles which followed, was probably the means of saving many lives and much property." The fol- lowing officers of the Corps were in this engagement, and in the assault upon the forts: Brevet Captain John D. Simms, commanding Marines of the San Jacinto, Second Lieutenant William A. Kirkland, commanding Marines of the Portsmouth, and Second Lieutenant Henry B. Tyler, Jr., commanding Ma- rines of the Levant. During a portion of this and the following years, the efforts to subdue the warlike and barbarous Indians at Puget Sound called into requisition the services of the Marines connected with the naval force in those waters. Brevet Major Philip R. Fendall, now commanding the post at Portsmouth, at that time holding a clerk's position under Captain Swartwout, who was in command of the naval force, volunteered his services for active work, in connection with the fighting, to subdue the savages. Lieutenant Jonathan Young not only accepted the offer, but, being told that Mr. Fendall was well acquainted with tactics and manoeuvres, in the absence of any commissioned Marine officer, placed him in command of the Marines. In speaking of the matter, Captain Young says of Mr. Fendall : " He proved to be an excellent officer, keeping his men well up in their drill and discipline, setting a good example to the seamen, and creating among them a spirit of emulation which proved highly beneficial to the command." In the fight at Port Gamble with Northern Russian Indians, who had committed depredations about the sound, Mr. Fendall behaved with marked courage and coolness. He was one of two volunteers called to proceed to an exposed position on the beach, and destroy the only remaining war canoe belonging to these Indians, in order to make their escape impossible dur- ing the coming night, and insure their capture. The Indians had been driven from the beach to the woods skirting it, and had Indian War in Washington Territory. 117 concentrated near this canoe, to prevent, if possible, its destruc- tion. This forlorn hope traversed the beach about twenty yards, and destroyed the canoe with axes under a terrible fire. Mr. Fen- dall's companion fell dead, axe in hand, shot through the head. Mr. Fendall reached the main body with his clothes pierced in several places, but with no injury to himself. Mr. Fendall was subsequently appointed a permanent officer of the Corps, and by successive promotions was finally placed in the important position which he now holds. CHAPTER XV. ^57 • — THE FAMOUS WASHINGTON RIOT QUELLED BY THE MARINES. THE following description of the famous riot in the city of Washington, June i, 1857, is borrowed from the Washing- ton Star : " A gang of hired roughs and bullies, ' Plug Uglies,' and other worthies, arrived from Baltimore, having been im- ported by the ' Know Nothings ' to take full possession of the polls, and, armed with revolvers, billies and slung-shots, to pre- vent our own citizens from depositing their votes. # # # At the first precinct of the fourth ward, the officers did all in their power to prevent a riot, placing themselves between the bellig- erents and the voters in the line, with Captain Goddard at the head, who demanded peace, when they rushed on en masse, with an impetuosity which nothing short of military force could have withstood ; and, although the police fought like heroes, they were forced to abandon the field to the possession of these hired miscreants. Such an exhibition of murderous instruments as the party carried was sufficient to cause the peaceably dis- posed to keep as far as possible from them. One man was armed with a huge blacksmith sledge, another with a horse- pistol, a third carried a miscellaneous assortment of revolvers, bowie-knives, billies, and an iron bar, while a fourth carried, besides a sack filled with stones, brickbats, etc., a large maul of sufficient strength to fell an ox. The parties brandished them about in a menacing manner, to the terror of all those 118 The Fa?7ious Washington Riot Quelled by the Marines. 119 who were not like themselves participants in these disgraceful scenes. " Mayor Magruder accordingly sent a despatch to the Presi- dent of the United States, asking that a company of Marines should be ordered out for the purpose of preserving the peace. * * * At one o'clock a crowd of men and boys passed up Pennsylvania Avenue from the direction of the fifth ward, dragging after them a small brass cannon. Immediately after, two companies of United States Marines, commanded by Cap- tain Tyler, went up to the City Hall and reported their services to the Mayor. "The battalion was under command of Captain Tyler, with Lieutenant Henderson, adjutant. The first company was com- manded by Brevet Major Zeilin, the second by Captain Maddox and Lieutenant Turner. They formed in line and marched toward the City Hall, the crowd of rioters hooting, yelling, threatening and insulting them at every step. They were passed in their way up by a crowd of Plug Uglies and others who were hauling the brass cannon, and threatening that none of the Marines should return to the Navy Vard alive. Arrived at the City Hall, Captain Tyler reported services to the Mayor. The Marines then moved to the scene of action, subjected all the while to the most abusive and insulting epithets from the law- less gang who followed. When they arrived opposite the polls, which had been closed for some time, they halted in the middle of the street and ordered arms. " The cannon was hauled out, and a large crowd of rioters surrounded it, while a delegation was sent to inform the com- manding officer that unless the Marines were instantly with- drawn the piece would be discharged into their ranks. Captain Tyler, upon receiving this threatening message, gave the order to move toward the gun, and, when the right of the line was nearly opposite it, General Henderson deliberately went up to the piece and placed his body against the muzzle, thereby pre- venting it from being aimed at the Marines, just at the moment 120 The Famous Washington Riot Quelled by the Marines. it was about to be discharged. The general was dressed in citizen's clothes, and armed with nothing more terrible than a cotton umbrella. " He addressed the rioters, saying : ' Men, you had best think twice before you fire this piece at the Marines.' He informed the crowd that the pieces were loaded with ball cartridge, and warned them repeatedly • warned the citizens to go away from the spot. The general, finding that the piece would be fired unless captured instantly, crossed over to Captain Tyler and gave the order for ten or fifteen of the Marines to take it. During this time a number of pistol shots were fired at General Henderson, some of the parties standing within a few feet of him when firing. One platoon of Marines charged the piece on the run. Those in charge of the piece instantly retreated, and a dozen or more revolvers were discharged at the platoon, who had laid hold of the gun and were taking it away. A sortie was made by the mob to recapture the piece, when Lieutenant Henderson ran up and hauled it across the street to the rear of the Marines. " A man ran up to the general within two feet of his person, and was about to discharge his pistol, when a Marine with his musket struck his arm, causing the weapon to fall ; at the same time the general seized the villain and marched him off to the Mayor, into whose hands he placed him. The pistol shots now rattled around like hailstones, and the officers had great diffi- culty in restraining their men from returning the fire. General Henderson and all the officers were constantly admonishing the men not to fire until the order was given, but a shot coming from the crowd struck a Marine in the cheek, making a dread- ful wound, and several more being hit with balls and stones, the soldiers could stand it no longer j they poured in an answer- ing fire, which was stopped as soon as possible by the officers. " The two companies now formed and remained standing for some time. Several shots were fired from a distance, by one of which a Marine was hit in the shoulder. The battalion made a The Famous Washington Riot Quelled by the Marines. 121 movement as if to pour in another fire, which the rioters seeing, took to their heels and fled. The force was finally drawn off to the City Hall, where they remained for some time ; and then proceeded to the railroad depot, to intercept, if possible, any more of the murderous gang arriving from Baltimore. It is a fact worthy of notice, that of all the Marines who were called out, sixty were raw recruits and had not been under drill three days." In a private letter to Captain Collum, Captain Maddox thus explains the fact that the Marines fired without orders : " The Mayor, at the time one of my men was shot in the face, called out, 'Why don't you fire? ' The word 'fire ' was the only word which appeared to have reached the ears of the men, and they acted at once." CHAPTER XVI. 1858. FIGHT WITH SAVAGES. — PEACEFUL MISSIONS. AT Waya, one of the Feejee Islands, during the year 1858,. two American citizens, engaged in trading with that island, were murdered by the natives. Commander Sinclair of the Vandalia made a demand for the perpetrators of the outrage and was answered with defiance. An expedition was immedi- ately despatched, under Lieutenant Caldwell, to assault and de- stroy the principal village on the island. Lieutenant Caldwell had with him, among other officers, Lieutenant Ramsay of the Marines. The force consisted of forty Marines and seamen. A fierce conflict ensued between them and about three hundred native warriors, which resulted in the defeat of the latter. The Hon. Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy, said of the affair : " The gallantry, coolness, and bravery displayed by officers and men was in the highest degree commendable." In the early part of the year, Flag-officer Forrest of the Brazil squadron landed a detachment of Marines at Montevideo. When he arrived there a portion of the people had taken up arms and were advancing to the capital. The government ap- plied to the foreign agents to land an armed force to protect the lives and property of the foreign residents. A sufficient force was therefore landed from the vessels present, and Flag-officer Forrest selected to command it. A strict neutrality was ob- served. The detachments returned to their respective ships in about ten days, without coming into collision with the revolu- 122 Fight with Savages, 123 tionists, they having capitulated on their approach to the capi- tal. The Marines were commanded by Captain and Brevet Major J. G. Reynolds, assisted by Lieutenants Alexander W. Starke and C. D. Hebb, from the Flag-ship St. Lawrence and Sloop Falmouth. During the same year, Paraguay having given our government various causes of offence, and refusing to make reparation, a strong naval force, under the command of Captain W. C. Shu- brick, was sent out to that country toward the close of the year. A commissioner accompanied the fleet, to settle the difficulty, if possible, without recourse to violence ; and he succeeded in so doing. The vessels composing the expedition had the usual complement of Marines. The following officers of the Corps were attached to the squadron : Captain Robert Tansill, Captain and Brevet Major J. G. Reynolds, First Lieutenant C. A. Hen- derson, Second Lieutenants T. S. Wilson, A. W. Starke, C. D. Hebb, H. L. Ingraham, and J. Schermerhorn. CHAPTER XVII. 1858-9. — SERVICES ON STATEN TSLAND. — CAPTURE OF JOHN BROWN. IN the latter part of August, 1858, a portion of the quarantine buildings on Staten Island, in the State of New York, were used for the reception of quite a number of yellow fever patients from merchant-vessels. Some of the citizens of the Island be- lieving this to be an improper place to treat patients of this class, and fearing the disease would be disseminated through- out the Island if the State persisted in using the buildings for permanent pest-houses, determined to destroy them. On the night of the 1st of September, a large and well organized mob burned a portion of these buildings. The stores of the Susque- hanna, lately arrived from Greytown with fever on board, had been landed and deposited within the buildings, but this part had not been destroyed by the rioters. On the 2nd, however, the authorities were informed it was the intention of the mal- contents to burn this also. Acting upon this information, a de- tachment of sixty-five Marines from the barracks and the United States Frigate Sabine, under trie command of Captain Jabez C. Rich and Second Lieutenant Charles Heywood, were ordered to occupy the government buildings, and to protect them at all hazards. On the second day after the occupation by the Ma- rines, Captain Rich was relieved, the command devolving upon Lieutenant Heywood. The place was held one week, and dur- ing that time the rioters made several attempts to enter the en- 124 Services on Staten Island. 125 closure surrounding the government building, but finding it so well protected, thought it prudent to retire, although they were well supplied with battering-rams and fully armed. 1859. — The following despatch was received at Washington, from Harper's Ferry, October 17, 1859 : " There is an insurrection at Harper's Ferry. A band of abolitionists took full possession of the United States Arsenal. The express train was fired into twice, and one of the railroad hands killed." As soon as possi- ble, Colonel R. E. Lee of the United States Army, with the United States Marines and volunteers, was upon the scene. He sent his aid to parley with Brown, who was barricaded in a build- ing, assuring him that if he would surrender, his life and the lives of his men would be protected against the infuriated in- habitants by whom the building was surrounded, until the Presi- dent's decision in their case could be learned. At eleven a. m. the War Department received a despatch from Colonel Lee an- nouncing that shortly after seven a. m. the Marines under Lieutenant Greene had carried the barricaded building by as- sault, in which one Marine was mortally and another slightly wounded, killing two of the " insurrectionists " and mortally wounding another. As soon as the Marines entered through the battered door-way all resistance ceased. Before the arrival of the Marines a large force of militia and volunteers from Sheperdstown, Frederick and Jefferson counties, and Frederick and Baltimore cities, had been held in check, by John Brown and his band after they had been driven into the engine house. Upon receipt of the intelligence in Washington that there was an insurrection at Harper's Ferry, the President issued orders to Colonel Harris of the Marine Corps to despatch all the available force of the barracks, per special train, to the scene of the difficulties. In one hour from the receipt of the order, a detachment of Marines under Lieutenant Israel Greene arrived at the railroad depot. The detachment consisted of eighty-one privates, eleven sergeants, thirteen corporals and one bugler. They took with them seven guns, Dahlgren howit- 126 Capture of John Brown. zers, from the Navy Yard, and four from the barracks, three hundred shells and a large quantity of ammunition ; also ample supplies for several days' service. The Marines were received by the Secretaries of War and Navy, who handed to Lieutenant Greene his instructions as to his course of action when he should arrive at the spot. Major Russel of the staff accompanied the Marines, under instructions from the Secretary of the Navy, but not to command the force. Upon their arrival at Harper's Ferry, no time was wasted in getting ready for the assault on the barricaded engine house. Upon the insurgents refusing to surrender to the force outside, preparations were immediately made, and a long ladder borne by ten Marines, and used as a battering-ram, soon smashed in the door, and the fight was at an end. None of the troops were brought into the charge, but the Marines did the work. The inhabitants were in the greatest consternation when the Marines left, fearing another attack, and the wildest and most nonsensical rumors were conveyed to the officers of assaults upon families living in the vicinity. The Marines were thus constantly occupied on duty, and numerous scouting parties were sent into the country in all directions. Fifteen hundred pikes were captured during these excursions. The whole of the fight was done by a squad of eight Marines from the right of the line, most of them veterans in the service, who carried the en- gine house at the point of the bayonet. CHAPTER XVIII. i860. — THE PANAMA INSURRECTION. — ACTION ON THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA. THE St. Mary's was stationed on the western coast of Mexico from October, 1859, un ti\ ordered to Panama, where she arrived in July, i860. At the insurrection in the vicinity of Panama, which occurred September 27th, a brisk fire was opened from the outskirts of the city, killing six and wounding three of the white inhabitants. Commander Porter immediately went on shore, consulted the American Consul, and at the request of the military intendante, and of the agent of the railroad, landed a body of Marines and sailors and a field piece, and took possession of the railroad station. On the 28th, the Governor delivered up the city to the joint occu- pancy of the forces from the St. Mary's and the British ship Clio. Tranquillity having been restored, the detachment on the 7th of October was withdrawn. The Marines of the St. Mary's were under the command of Lieutenant Edward McDonald Reynolds. In March, Commander Brent, commanding the sloop-of-war Marion, was instrumental hi saving from destruction the prop- erty of American residents at Kisembo, on the west coast of Africa. On the first of the month they applied to him to send a sufficient force on shore to guard their factories, apprehending they would be destroyed by the natives, who meditated an attack on the Portuguese at that place. Commander Brent promptly responded to the call ; proceeded on shore with several officers 127 128 Action on the West Coast of Panama. of the Marion and forty sailors and Marines ; established a guard at the factories, maintained it until the next morning, and then returned to the ship. On the 3rd, a signal was made from the shore for assistance, and Commander Brent immediately landed a force of fifty sailors and Marines, with a howitzer and small arms. During the day the Portuguese and natives were en- gaged in conflict, and several attempts were made by the natives to approach the factories to fire them, but were thwarted by the guard under Commander Brent. The next morning the detach- ment returned to the ship, as no further danger was appre- hended. Commander Brent observed a strict neutrality throughout, his only object being the protection of American citizens. The Marines on board the Marion were under the command of a sergeant. The strength of the Corps at this time comprised one colo- nel-commandant, one major and quartermaster, one major, ad- jutant and inspector, one major and paymaster, one captain and assistant-quartermaster, one lieutenant-colonel, four majors, thirteen captains, twenty first lieutenants, twenty second lieuten- ants, and sixteen hundred and twelve non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates. CHAPTER XIX. FROM JANUARY TO JULY, l86l. SERVICES OF THE MARINES IN THE FIRST PART OF THE CIVIL WAR. THE Civil War again called into requisition the services of the Marines. Being well armed and disciplined, their services were invaluable, especially during the time that neces- sarily elapsed before the ■ newly enlisted militia became ac- quainted with the practical duties of camp and field. The first duty to which they were called was on the 7th of January, when steamship Star of the West left New York with two hundred and fifty artillerists and Marines during the night to re-enforce Fort Sumter. The expedition failed, and on January 12th the Star of the West arrived at New York, without landing her troops at Sumter. The captain reported that unexpected obstacles in the removal of the buoys, lights and ranges, which, though he arrived in the night, compelled him to wait till daybreak outside the har- bor, rendered a successful entrance impossible. During the same month, a detachment of Marines, under the command of Lieu- tenant C. D. Hebb, garrisoned Fort Washington, on the Poto- mac, fourteen miles south of Washington City. On the 22nd of January the entire force at the Brooklyn Navy Yard was put under arms, and held in readiness to act immediately, because of some apprehension of an attack by an organized force of per- sons in sympathy with the Confederates. On the 1 2th of April, the Marines bore a most honorable part in the expedition under Captain H. A. Adams, for the re-enforcing of Fort Pickens. The Marines of the squadron were 129 130 Services in the First Part of the Civil War. under Lieutenant Cash. When the re-enforcement was complete, the Marines remained in the fort at the request of Captain Vogdes. The whole expedition was under the charge of Com- mander Charles H. Poor, assisted by Lieutenant Smith, of the Brooklyn, Lieutenants Lewis and Newman, of the Sabine, and Lieutenant Belknap, of the St. Louis ; and it is highly creditable to these officers that this service was performed without acci- dent or disorder under unfavorable circumstances. The conduct of Lieutenant Cash and the Marines under his command thus handsomely acknowledged by Colonel Brown : " The ser- vices of the Marines being no longer indispensably necessary, they are relieved from duty at this post. The colonel com- manding takes pleasure in publishing his entire approval of the conduct and his appreciation of the services of Lieutenant Cash and his command, which have been of great value, and always cheerfully rendered, and the conduct of the troops uni- formly correct and soldierly." On the night of the 20th of the same month, a body of Marines assisted indestroying the Gosport, Virginia, Navy Yard. About half-past eight o'clock in the evening, the Pawnee, with a force of Marines under First Lieutenant A. S. Nicholson, entered Gosport harbor. Her coming was not unexpected, and the men on the Pennsylvania and the Cumberland, several hundred in number, greeted her with a volley of cheers. All Norfolk and Portsmouth were thoroughly aroused by the arrival of the Pawnee. They did not expect her, and were not pre- pared for her. They were seized with trepidation, thinking, perhaps, she had come, along with the Cumberland and Penn- sylvania, intending to bombard the town, because they had the night before rifled the United States magazine, just below Nor- folk, of about four thousand kegs of powder. Being utterly defenceless, they made no protest against the Pawnee's presence, nor did they venture near the Navy Yard. The commodore ordered the Marines on the Pennsylvania, the Cumberland, the Pawnee and in the Yard to the work of destruction. All the Services in the First Part of the Civil War. 131 books and papers, the archives of the establishment, were trans- ferred to the Pawnee. Every thing of interest to the govern- ment to preserve on the Pennsylvania was transferred to the Cumberland. On this latter it was also said a large amount of gold from the Custom-house at Norfolk had been placed. Hav- ing made safe every thing that was to be carried away, the Marines were next set at work to destroy every thing of value on the Pennsylvania and in the Yard. Many thousand stands of arms were destroyed. Carbines had their stocks broken by a blow from the barrels, and were thrown overboard. A large lot of revolvers shared the like fate. Shot and shell by thousands went with hurried plunges to the bottom. Most of the cannon had been spiked the day and night before. There were at least fifteen hundred pieces in the yard, — some beautiful Dahlgren guns, and Columbiads of all sizes. A correspondent of the New York Times thus wrote of the work that followed : " It is impossible to describe the scene of destruction that was exhib- ited. Unweariedly it was continued from nine o'clock until about twelve, during which time the moon gave light to direct the operations. But when the moon sank behind the western horizon, the barracks near the centre of the Yard were set on fire, that by its illumination the work might be continued. The crackling flames and the glare of light inspired with new ener- gies the destroying Marines, and havoc was carried everywhere, within the limits of orders. But time was not left to complete the work. Four o'clock of Sunday morning came, and the Pawnee was passing down from Gosport harbor with the Cum- berland, the coveted prize of the secessionists, in tow every soul from the other ships and the yard being aboard of them, save two. Just as they left their moorings a rocket was sent up from the deck of the Pawnee. It sped high in the air, paused a second, and burst in shivers of many colored lights. And as it did so, the well-set trains at the ship-houses, and on the decks of the fated vessels left behind, went off as if lit simultaneously by the rocket. One of the ship-houses contained the New 132 Services in the First Part of the Civil War. York, a ship thirty years on the stocks, and yet unfinished. The other was vacant ; but both houses and the old New York burned like tinder." The vessels fired were the Pennsylvania, the Merrimac, the Germantown, the Plymouth, the Raritan, the Columbia, and the Dolphin. ' May 2. — Lieutenant Collier of the Marines, attached to the Minnesota, raised the flag on the steeple of the Old South Church, at Boston, Mass, amidst great enthusiasm of the peo- ple, on the 2nd of May. CHAPTER XX. JULY, l86l. — THE FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN. — REORGANIZA- TION OF THE CORPS. — HATTERAS INLET. THE following is Major John G. Reynolds' report of the participation of the battalion of Marines in the battle of Bull Run, dated at the Marine Barracks, Headquarters, Wash- ington, July 24, 1861, addressed to Colonel Harris, commandant of the Corps : " I have the honor to report the movements and operations of the battalion of Marines under my command detailed to cooperate with the Army. The battalion left the barracks at headquarters in time to reach the Virginia end of the Potomac, 'Long Bridge,' at 3 p. m., July 16th, and proceeded up the Columbia turnpike until an officer purporting to be assistant adjutant-general of Colonel Porter's brigade came up and assigned us position in the line of march, which placed us immediately in rear of Captain Griffin's battery of flying artillery. This assignment was continued up to the period of the battle at Bull Run. On reaching the field, and for some hours previously, the battery's accelerated march was such as to keep my command, more or less, in double-quick time ; consequently the men became fatigued or exhausted in strength. Being obliged at this period to halt, in order to afford those in the rear an opportunity of closing up and taking their proper place in the line, the battery was lost to protection from the force under my command. This I stated to Colonel Porter, who was ever present, watching the events of the day. The position of the 133 \ 134 The First Battle of Bull Run. battery was pointed out, and I was directed to afford the nec- essary support. In taking the position, the battalion was exposed to a galling fire. While holding it, General McDowell ordered the battalion to cover or support the Fourteenth New York Regiment, which was about to be engaged. The battalion, in consequence, took the position indicated by the general, but was unable to hold it, owing to the heavy fire which was opened upon them. They broke line several times, but were as fre- quently formed and urged back to their position, when finally a general rout took place, in which the Marines participated. " I am constrained to call your attention to the fact that, when taking into consideration that the command was composed en- tirely of recruits, not one being in service over three weeks, and many had hardly learned their facings, the officers likewise being but a short time in the service, their conduct was such as to elicit the highest commendation. Of the three hundred and fifty officers and enlisted men under my command, there were but two staff officers, two captains, one first lieutenant, and nine non-commissioned officers, and two musicians, who were experienced from length of service. The remainder were, of course, raw recruits, which being considered, I am happy to re- port the good conduct of officers and men. The officers, although but little experienced, were zealous in their efforts to carry out my orders. In the death of Lieutenant Hitchcock the Corps has been deprived of a valuable acquisition. On the field he was ever present and zealous. He sought and won the approbation of his commanding and brother officers. Enclosed please find a return of the battalion, showing its present strength, with casualties, etc. The abrupt and hasty retreat from the field of battle presents a deplorable deficiency in both arms and equipments. " The rout being of such a general character, the men of all arms commingled ; the only alternative left was to hasten to the ground occupied by the brigade to which we were attached on the morning of the day of the battle. On my way thither I The First Battle of Bull Run. 135 had the good fortune to fall in with General Meigs, whose con- sternation at the disastrous retreat was pictured on his counte- nance. He was of the opinion the Army should hasten to Arlington, fearing otherwise the enemy would follow up their successes and cut us off on the road. My men being weary and much exhausted, without blankets and other necessaries, I de- termined to strengthen such as should pass the wagons by hot coffee, and move on to headquarters at Washington City, where their wants could be supplied. But few came up, others con- tinued on the Long Bridge, where, on my arrival, I found some seventy or more, who, at my earnest solicitation, were permitted to accompany me to the barracks. In assuming the responsi- bility of the return to headquarters, I trust my course will meet the approbation of authority. Blankets were thrown aside by my order on entering the field, which, from force of circum- stances, we were unable afterwards to recover." The following interesting scraps are from the report of Colonel Porter, commanding the brigade : — " The Marines were recruits, but through constant exertions of their officers, have been brought to present a fine military appearance." " The Marines were moving up in fine style in rear of the Fourteenth New York." " Griffin's battery found its way through the timber to the fields beyond, followed promptly by the Marines." " Our right was rapidly developed by the Marines." " Among those who deserve special mention, I beg leave to place the following names ; viz., Major Reynolds of the Marines, whose zealous efforts were well sustained by his subordinates, two of whom, Brevet Major Zeilin and Lieutenant Hale, were wounded, and one, Lieutenant Hitchcock, lost his life." The roster of the battalion was as follows : — Major John G. Reynolds, Commanding. Major William B. Slack, Quartermaster. Major Augustus S. Nicholson, Adjutant and Inspector. 136 Reorganization of the Corps. Company A : Brevet Major Jacob Zeilin and Second Lieutenants F. Munroe and J. H. Grimes. Company B : Captain James H. Jones and Second Lieutenant Robert W. Huntingdon. Company C : First Lieutenant Alan Ramsay and Second Lieutenant Hitchcock. Company D : Second Lieutenants W. H. Cartter and W. H. Hale. Non-commissioned Staff, two; First Sergeants, four; Second Ser- geants, three ; CoVporals, eight ; Musicians, four ; Privates, three hundred and twenty ; Total, three hundred and forty-one. The list of casualties in the action was as follows : — Killed : Second Lieutenant Hitchcock, Privates Clegg, Harris, Hughes, Lane, Moore, Perkins, Riley, Ward. Wounded : Brevet Major Zeilin, Lieutenant Hale, Corporal Steiner, Privates Stuart, Bow- ers, Slemons, Bradford, Dodge, Etchell, Tiger, Lang, McKinney, McCann, Wheelan, McGuigan, Howell, Rannohan, Cook, Potter. Missing: Privates Barrett, Hunt, McChristae, Clark, McCoy, Lewis, Beans, Dempsey, Kressler, Dermott, Otto, Cannon, Stan- ley, Duncanson, Foley, and Wood. Recapitulation: Killed, one lieutenant and nine privates ; wounded, one brevet major, one lieutenant, one corporal, and sixteen privates ; missing, sixteen privates ; total, killed, wounded and missing, forty-four, The necessity for a better, more thorough and more efficient organization of the Corps was recognized, and an act was passed by Congress for that purpose July 25th, providing that the Corps should consist of the following officers, non-commis- sioned officers, musicians and privates ; viz., one colonel-com- mandant, one colonel, two lieutenant-colonels, four majors, one adjutant and inspector, one paymaster, one quartermaster, two assistant quartermasters, twenty captains, thirty first lieutenants, thirty second lieutenants, one sergeant-major, one quartermaster- sergeant, one drum-major, one principal musician, two hundred sergeants, two hundred and twenty corporals, thirty musicians for band, sixty drummers, sixty fifers, and twenty-five hundred privates. It was further provided that the commissions of the Hatter as Inlet. 137 officers then in the Marine Corps should not be vacated by the act j and that the President of the United States might, during the recess of the Senate, first by promotions, and then by selec- tions, appoint the officers thereby authorized, which appoint- ments should be submitted to the Senate, at the next session, for its advice and consent. The appointments of commis- sioned officers, to be made under the provisions of the act, was to be of persons between the ages of twenty and twenty-five years, and they were to be subjected, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, to an examination as to their qualifica- tions for the service to which they were to be appointed. The act was approved July 25th, 1861. During the following month, the services of the Marines were again brought into requisition in the capture of Hatteras Inlet, August 30th. Flag-officer Silas H. Stringham left Hampton Roads, August 26th, with the flag-ship Minnesota, Captain G. I. Van Brunt, having in company the United States steamers Wabash, Captain Samuel Mercer, Monticello, Commander John P. Gillis, Pawnee, Commander S. C. Rowan, Harriet Lane, Captain John Faunce, United States chartered steamers Ade- laide, Commander Henry S. Stellwagen, George Peabody, Lieu- tenant R. B. Lowry, and tug Fanny, Lieutenant Pierce Crosby, all of the United States Navy ; the transports Adelaide and George Peabody towing schooners with surf boats on them, and the Monticello and Pawnee, surf boats only. Major-general Butler took passage in the Minnesota, the transports having parts of two regiments and one company of regulars, under the command of Colonels Max Weber and Hawkins, and Captain Larnard, United States Army. On the morning of the 27th, they rounded the shoals off Hatteras ; at five p. m. they anchored at the southward of the cape, hoisted out the surf boats, and made preparations for landing the troops. In the morning, General Butler and the Marines of the Minnesota, the latter under the command of Captain William L. Shuttleworth, United States Marine Corps, were sent to the Harriet Lane. About noon the 138 Hatteras Inlet. work of disembarking began, and the Wabash and Cumberland opened fire on Fort Clark. The fire was returned by the fort. The Minnesota, Wabash and Cumberland continued their fire, passing and re-passing the fort until it was abandoned by the enemy. The fire was kept up by the fort, the shot falling short or passing over the ships. At two p. m. the American flag was displayed from Fort Clark by the pickets, who were in posses- sion. A little later the signal to " cease firing" was made, and the squadron hauled off for the night, with the exception of the Monticello, Pawnee, and Harriet Lane, they being ordered to go in shore and protect the troops during the night. The engage- ment was resumed the next morning, and at 11. 10 a. m. a white flag was displayed from Fort Hatteras. The enemy returned the fire throughout the engagement, but with no effect, their shot falling short. Almost at the beginning of the engagement they hauled down their colors, and showed none until the white flag was displayed. Upon the appearance of the white flag the' troops marched toward the fort, and, as if by preconcerted sig- nal, but without any order or request, the officers and crews of the squadron gave three hearty cheers for their success. At 11.30 o'clock Major-general Butler, in the tug Fanny, went into the inlet to the rear of the forts to take possession. No accident to a single officer or man of the Navy, Army, or Marines was re- corded. Flag-officer Stringham thus concludes his report: "In conclusion, I beg leave to state to the Department and to my government that I have naught but praise to accord to officers, seamen and Marines, and officers and soldiers of the Army who were present, for gallantry and cheerful devotion to duty and to their government, the United States of America, which they all cheerfully and heartily served." Secretary Welles, in acknowledging the receipt of the report, said: "This brilliant achievement, accomplished without the loss of a man or injury to any one in the federal service, has carried joy and gladness to the bosom of every friend of the Union." Hatteras Inlet *39 The following officers of the Marine Corps were in this en- gagement : Minnesota, Captain W. L. Shuttleworth, Lieuten- ant Cartter; Wabash, Captain I. T. Doughty; Susquehanna, Lieutenant P. R. Fendall ; Cumberland, Lieutenant Charles Heywood. The other vessels, with the exception of the tug Fanny, had their complement of Marines, the guard of each being in charge of a sergeant. The Marines from the Minnesota, Wabash and Cumberland, commanded by their own officers, landed with the troops, and entered Fort Clark. CHAPTER XXI. SEPTEMBER, 1 86 1. THE CAPTURE OF THE CONFEDERATE PRI- VATEER JUDAH OFF PENSACOLA. BATTLE OF PORT ROYAL. FLAG-officer William Mervine, in his official report of the burning of the Confederate privateer Judah, off Pensacola, on the 13th of September, says : "lam grieved to report that this brilliant affair was n*ot unattended with loss on our side. I have to report as killed by shots from the cross-trees of the schooner, while the boats were approaching, boatswain's mate Charles H. Lamphere, and John R. Herring, seaman and cap- tain of howitzer (two of the best men in our ship), and Marine John Smith (the first man. to board tlie schooner, and who behaved most gallantly), who was, by a sad mistake, having lost his distinguishing mark, killed by one of our own men. # * # The Marines especially seemed to have sustained the reputation borne by their branch of the service, as they receive encomiums from all sides." The following is a full list of the Marines engaged : Captain Edward McDonald Reynolds, wounded, First Sergeant Patrick Fitzsimmons, Sergeant James Gallaher, Corporal John Moore, Corporal George Debbyshire, Privates Martin Barnum, Francis Kelly, James Fuller, Dennis Sullivan, Savillan Coburn, wounded, Anthony Baker, Michael Ryan, Terrence O'Dowd, wounded badly, John Smith, killed, John Smith, 2nd, Charles Daily, Edward Eagan, Augustus Hartman, Charles Carberry, wounded, Clarence Barton. On the 8th of November, the squadron under Flag-officer S. 140 Capture of the Confederate Privateer Judah off Pensacola. 141 F. Du Pont, attacked the enemy's batteries on Bay Point and Hilton Head (Forts Beauregard and Walker), and succeeded in silencing them after an engagement of four hours duration, and driving away the squadron of rebel steamers, under Com- modore Tatnall. The defeat of the enemy terminated in utter rout and confusion. Their quarters and encampments were abandoned without an attempt to carry away either public or private property. The ground over which they fled was strewn with the arms of private soldiers, and officers retired in too much haste to submit to the encumbrance of their swords. The Marines and a company of seamen took possession of the deserted ground, and held the forts on Hilton Head till the arrival of General Sherman. The bearer of the despatches giving an account of the victory, carried- with him the first American ensign raised upon the soil of South Carolina after the rebellion broke out. The following officers of the Corps were attached to the vessels named below during the engage- ment: Wabash, Captain I. T. Doughty; Susquehanna, First Lieutenant P. R. Fendall j Vandalia, Captain John Schermer- horn. The other vessels were supplied with guards, under the charge of sergeants. Secretary Welles, in his reply to the official report of the fight, says : " To you and your associates, under the providence of God, we are indebted for this great achievement by the largest squadron ever fitted out under that flag which you have so gallantly vindicated, and which you will bear onward to con- tinued success." The following is the full text of Flag-officer Du Pont's report concerning the Marine battalion dated on board the Flag- ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, S. C, November 15, 1861, and addressed to Secretary Welles : " I avail myself of the first moment of leisure to transmit to you the report of Major John George- Reynolds, commanding the battalion of Marines at- tached to my squadron, in which he relates all the circum- stances attending the loss of the chartered steamer Governor, 142 Battle of Port Royal. and the rescue of himself and his command by the frigate Sabine, Captain Ringgold. The Department will find this report exceedingly interesting, and will be gratified to learn that the conduct of the officers and of nearly all the men of the battal- ion was such as to command Major Reynolds' approval, as it will, I doubt not, receive the favorable notice of the Depart- ment. The established reputation and high standing of Major Reynolds might almost dispense with any observation of my own upon the bravery and high sense of honor which he dis- played in disputing with Mr. Weidman, though not a seaman, the privilege of being the last to leave the wreck." The following are extracts from Major Reynolds' report, dated on board the United States ship Sabine, at sea, November 8, 1861, addressed to Flag-officer Du Pont: "I have the honor to report that the Marine battalion under my command left Hamp- ton Roads on transport steamboat Governor, on the morning of Tuesday, the 29th of October, with the other vessels of the fleet, and continued with them near the flag-ship Wabash until Friday, the 1 st of November. On Friday morning, about ten o'clock, the wind began to freshen, and by twelve or one blew so vio- lently that we were obliged to keep her head directly to the wind, and thereby leave the squadron, which apparently stood its course. Throughout the afternoon the gale continued to increase, though the Governor stood it well until about four o'clock." The vessel was much damaged by sea and wind, and was in danger of going down. The report continues : " At daybreak preparations were made for sending boats to our relief, although the sea was running high ; and it being exceed- ingly dangerous for a boat to approach the guards of the steamer, in consequence the boats laid off, and the men were obliged to jump into the sea, and then hauled into the boats. All hands were thus providentially rescued from the wreck, with the exception, I am pained to say, of one corporal and six privates, who were drowned or killed by the crush or contact of the vessels. Those drowned were lost through their Battle of Port Royal. 143 disobedience of orders in leaving the ranks or abandoning their posts. After the troops were safely reembarked, every exertion was directed to securing the arms, accoutrements, ammunition and other property which might have been saved after lighten- ing the wreck. I am gratified in being able to say nearly all the arms were saved and about half the accoutrements. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the officers and men under my command : all did nobly. The firmness with which they performed their duty is beyond all praise. For forty-eight hours they stood at ropes and passed water, to keep the ship afloat. Refreshments in both eating and drinking were passed to them at their posts by non-commissioned officers. It is im- possible for troops to have conducted themselves better under such trying circumstances. The transport continued to float some hours after she was abandoned, carrying with her when she sank, I am grieved to say, company books and staff returns. In order to complete the personnel of the battalion, I have re- quested Captain Ringgold to meet a requisition for seven privates, to which he has readily assented. I considered this requisition in order, as I have been informed by Captain Ring- gold it is his intention, or orders were given for his ship, to repair to a northern port, in which event he can be easily sup- plied, and my command, by the accommodation, rendered com- plete, in order to meet any demand you may make for our services." The following is a list of the officers of the battalion under the command of Major Reynolds : — Major commanding, John George Reynolds. Second Lieutenant, T. L. McElrath, Adjutant j Second Lieutenant E. A. Smalley, Assistant Quartermaster ; Assistant Surgeon Ricketts. Captains George R. Graham, James Wiley. First Lieutenants L. M. Goldsborough, Frank Munroe, R. W. Hunting- don, J. H. Grimes, W. H. Parker, C. H. Nye. Second Lieutenants H. A. Bartlett, C. A. Stillman, S. H. Mathews, F. H. Corrie, C. H. Bradford, E. B. Sturgeon, A. Devereux. 144 Battle of Port Royal. After the engagement Captain Schermerhorn was transferred to the battalion. On the 15th of March, 1862, Captain C. G. McCawley. Sec- ond Lieutenants H. B. Lowry, P. C. Pope and S. W. Powell joined the battalion then in camp at Bay Point. CHAPTER XXII. NOVEMBER, l86l. — THE TRENT AFFAIR. DETAILS OF ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING EVENTS OF THE WAR. — MINOR ENGAGEMENTS. NO event of the war attracted more attention from other na- tions than that which has gone into history as " The Trent Affair." In the capture of Slidell and Mason and their com- panions, no fighting took place, but the presence and active par- ticipation of the Marines justifies the introduction of the subject so far as the capture itself was concerned. On the 8th of No- vember, Lieutenant Fairfax, of the United States steamer Sari Jacinto, received from Captain Wilkes orders to have the second and third cutters of that ship fully manned and armed, and be in all respects prepared to board the steamer Trent, then ho ve- to under the guns of the San Jacinto. On boarding her, he was ordered to demand the papers of the steamer, her clearance from Havana, and the list of passengers and crew. The order continued : " Should Mr. Mason, Mr. Slidell, Mr. Eustis, and Mr. McFarland be on board, you will make them prisoners, and send them on board the ship immediately, and take possession of her as a prize. All trunks, cases, packages, and bags be- longing to them you will take possession of, and send on board this ship. Any despatches found on the persons of the prison- ers, or in possession of those on board the steamer, will be taken possession of also, examined, and retained, if necessary. I have understood that the families of these gentlemen may be with them. If so, I beg you will offer them, in my name, a US 146 The Trent Affair. passage in this ship to the United States, and that all the at- tention and comforts we can command are tendered them, and will be placed in their service. In the event of their acceptance, should there be any thing which the captain of the steamer can spare to increase their comforts in the way of necessaries or stores, of which a war vessel is deficient, you will please pro- cure them. The amount will be paid for by the paymaster. Lieutenant James A. Greer will take charge of the third cutter, which accompanies you, and assist you in these duties." At 1.30 o'clock p. m., on the same day, Lieutenant Fairfax re- paired alongside the British packet in an armed cutter, accom- panied by Mr. Houston, second assistant engineer, and Mr. Grace, the boatswain. He went on board the Trent alone, leav- ing the two officers in the boat, with orders to wait until it be- came necessary to show some force. He was shown up by the first officer to the quarter-deck, where he met the captain, and informed him who he was, asking to see the passenger list. The captain declined. Lieutenant Fairfax told him that he had information of Messrs. Mason, Slidell, Eustis, and Mc- Farland taking passage at Havana, in the packet for St. Thomas, and announced his intention to satisfy himself whether they were on board before allowing the steamer to proceed. Mr. Slidell, evidently hearing his name mentioned, stepped forward, and asked if he was wanted. Mr. Mason soon joined them, and then Mr. Eustis and Mr. McFarland, when Lieutenant Fairfax made known the object of his visit. The captain of the Trent opposed any thing like the search of his vessel, nor would he consent to show papers or passenger list. The four gentle- men above mentioned protested also against being arrested. There was considerable noise among the passengers about this time, which led Mr. Houston and Mr. Grace to repair on board with some six or eight men, all armed. After several un- successful efforts to persuade Mr. Mason and Mr. Slidell to go peaceably, Lieutenant Fairfax called to Mr. Houston and ordered him to return to the ship with the information that the The Trent Affair. 147 four gentlemen named in Captain Wilkes' order were on board, and force must be applied to take them out of the packet. A few minutes later there was still greater excitement on the quar- ter-deck, which brought Mr. Grace with his armed Marines. Lieutenant Fairfax, however, deemed the presence of any armed men unnecessary, and only calculated to alarm the ladies pres- ' ent ; he directed Mr. Grace to return to the lower deck, where he had been since going on board. Less than half an hour after they boarded the Trent, the second armed cutter, under Lieutenant Greer, came along- side. He carried in the third cutter eight Marines and four machinists, in addition to a crew of some twelve men. When the Marines and some armed men had been formed just outside of the main deck cabin, where the four gentlemen had gone to pack up their baggage, Lieutenant Fairfax renewed his efforts to induce them to accompany him. They still refused to go, unless force was applied. Lieutenant Fairfax called to his as- sistance four or five officers, and, first taking hold of Mr. Mason's shoulder, with another officer on the opposite side, he went as far as the gangway of the steamer, and delivered him over to Lieutenant Greer, to be placed in the boat. He then returned for Mr. Slidell, who insisted that he must apply considerable force to cause him to go. Lieutenant Fairfax called in three officers, and Mr. Slidell was taken in charge and handed over to Mr. Greer. Mr. McFarland and Mr. Eustis, after protesting, went quietly into the boat. They had been permitted to collect their baggage, but were sent in advance of it, under charge of Lieu- tenant Greer. When Mr. Slidell was taken prisoner, a great deal of noise was made by some of the passengers, which caused Lieutenant Greer to send the Marines into the cabin. They were immedi- ately ordered to return to their former position outside. Lieu- tenant Fairfax carried out his purpose without using any force beyond what appears in this report. The mail agent, who was a retired commander in the British Navy, had much to say as to 148 The Trent Affair. the propriety of the seizure, but Lieutenant Fairfax purposely avoided all official intercourse with him. When the American force was finally leaving the steamer, the mail agent made some apology for his rude conduct, and expressed personally his ap- proval of the manner in which Lieutenant Fairfax carried out his orders. In the report of his participation in the affair, Lieutenant Greer says : " When I first went on board with the Marines, and at intervals during my stay, the officers of the steamer made a great many irritating remarks to each other and to the passen- gers, which were evidently intended for our benefit. Among other things said, were : i Did you ever hear of such an out- rage ? ' ' Marines on board ! why, this looks devilish like mutiny.' 1 These Yankees will have to pay well for this.' 'This is the best thing in the world for the South ; England will open the blockade.' 'We will have a good chance at them now.' ' Did you ever hear of such a piratical act ? ' ' Why, this is a perfect Bull's Run ! ' ' They would not have dared to have done it if an English man-of-war had been in sight ! ' The mail agent (a man in the uniform of a commander in the Royal Navy, I think,) was very indignant and talkative, and tried several times to get me into a discussion of the matter. I told him I was not there for that purpose. He was very bitter ; he told me that the English squadron would raise the blockade in twenty days after his report of this outrage got home ; that the Northerners might as well give up now, etc., etc." The following is an extract from the report of the Secretary of the Navy, December 1, 1861 : "The report of the com- mandant of the Marine Corps is herewith transmitted. Under the provisions of the act of March 3, 1849, orders were given in April and May to enlist eleven hundred and fifty-two additional non-commissioned officers and privates, to meet the requirements of the service. A large number of able-bodied men of a superior class were very readily obtained, and the increased demand for guards for vessels has rendered necessary an additional increase Minor Engagements. 149 of five hundred privates, with the necessary non-commissioned officers, which number you have recently authorized to be en- listed. A general return of the Corps for October accompanies the report of the commandant, and shows the actual strength of the Corps, ashore and afloat, to have been at that time two thousand nine hundred and sixty-four. In July last, a battalion of twelve officers and three hundred and thirty-six men, under Major J. G. Reynolds, was detailed for duty with the Army of the Potomac, under General McDowell. They were in the en- gagement at Bull Run, and Major Reynolds' report thereof will be found herewith. A similar battalion of nineteen officers and three hundred and thirty men, under the same officer, was de- spatched with the expedition to Port Royal." One of the bloodless victories of the war in which the Ma- rines took an active part was the capture of Wassaw Island, December 5th. On that day Commander C. R. P. Rodgers left Tybee roads before daylight, with the steamers Ottawa, Seneca, and Pembina, and crossed the bar of Wassaw Sound. He ap- proached the fort on Wassaw Island within a mile, and seeing neither guns nor men, did not fire, but sent Lieutenant Barnes to it with a white flag. He found it an enclosed octagonal work, with platforms for eight guns on the water faces. The land faces were protected by abatis. The work was well constructed. The guns had been removed, the platforms cut, and the maga- zine blown up. From the freshness of the foot-prints, and other signs, it appeared to have been abandoned but a short time. Adjoining the fort were huts or sheds for a large garrison. Some lumber and bricks remained : every thing else had been carried away. Another minor success of a similar nature was won by a body of Marines on the 12th of the same month. On that day, Lieu- tenant J. W. A. Nicholson, commanding the United States steamer Isaac Smith, stationed at St. Helena Sound, S. C, went up the Ashepoo, taking the Marines of the Dale, and having Colonel Welsh, of the Army, and Lieutenant-commanding Trux- 150 Minor Engagements. tun, as passengers. He landed the party at Fenwick's Island Fort, to make a reconnoissance, and when it was finished, stood up the river as far as Mosquito Creek. Seeing a picket of several mounted men at a house which, on a previous visit, he had dis- covered to be their headquarters, he fired at them, once with a rifle shot, and again with an eight-inch shell. This driving them to the woods, he landed the Marines, and burned the quarters. Just two weeks later, the Marine guard of the Dale, acting under orders of W. T. Truxtun, lieutenant-commanding, had an engagement with a small body of Confederates on the South Edisto river, S. C, near a house said to be the property of Governor Aiken. The Confederates took refuge in the house, but were finally driven off, without the loss of a Marine or in- jury to a boat. CHAPTER XXIII. THE MERRIMAC AND MONITOR FIGHT. ONE of the most important contests in the history of modern naval warfare was the fight in Hampton Roads, in which the famous confederate ram, the Merrimac, was en- gaged. The battle opened soon after noon on the 8th of March, and lasted during the remainder of the day and a portion of the ninth. Other pens have graphically described this fight; no portion of the history of the war is more familiar to the people of all sections than this, and it requires but a brief description here. The noble old Cumberland was the first victim of the terrible ram, and sank with a loss of more than one hundred men, after a most gallant fight. Lieutenant Ham- ersly of the Marine Corps, in his history of the operations of the Navy during the war, says of the action of the Cumberland : " Of the gallantry of this action, which has furnished one of the brightest as well as one of the saddest pages to the naval his- tory of the world, it is difficult to speak in fitting terms." Lieu- tenant George W. Morris of the Navy, who was in command of the Cumberland in the temporary absence of Commander Rad- ford, in his supplementary report of the action, says : "Owing to the hurried manner in which my official report to Captain Radford was made, I omitted to mention to you the gallant con- duct of Lieutenant Charles Heywood, United States Marine Corps, whose bravery upon the occasion of the fight with the Merrimac won my highest applause. May I respectfully ask I5 1 152 The Merrimac and Monitor Fight. that this be appended to my former report." The first shot from the Merrimac killed nine Marines on the Cumberland, who formed part of the Marine division under the command of Lieutenant Heywood. In the account of such a notable fight, it is not out of place to give a list of Marines saved, which is as follows : — Orderly Sergeant Sweeney, Sergeants Brown and Callahan, Corporals Harris, Stevenson and Craig, Drummer Joshlyn, Fifer Baxter, Privates Lyons, Martin, Bunker, 2nd, W. McFad- din, Deady, Lanning, Goetz, Daley, Howard, Murley, Learey, McCarthy, Small, Wilkes, and O'Connor. The Merrimac's next victim was the Congress, which, after a brave but hopeless defence, was abandoned by her crew, being on fire near the after magazine. She blew up a few hours after- ward. Captain Marston, of the Roanoke, said of the destruc- tion of the Congress : " This was a melancholy satisfaction to me, for as she had fallen into the hands of the enemy, it was far better to have her destroyed than she should be employed against us at some future day." The other vessels of the fleet also suffered severely from the attack of the terrible engine of destruction which the confederates had -sent against them. On the following morning, however, she found a new opponent in the shape of the little Monitor. When the great ram went out to complete her destructive work, the tide of battle was turned in favor of the fleet by the previously untried but powerful little iron-clad. Captain Marston, in his official report, written on the ninth, says : " The contest has been going on during most of the day between those two armed vessels, and most beautifully has the little Monitor sustained herself, showing herself capable of great endurance." Of a portion of the famous battle, Captain Van Brunt, of the Minnesota, said, in his official report: "The Merrimac ran down near to the Rip-raps, and then turned into the channel through which I had come. Again all hands were called to quarters, and when she approached within a mile of us I opened The Merrimac and Monitor Fight. 153 upon her with my stern guns, and made signal to the Monitor to attack the enemy. She immediately ran down in my wake, right within range of the Merrimac, completely covering my ship as far as was possible with her diminutive dimensions, and, much to my astonishment, laid herself right alongside of the Merri- mac, and the contrast was that of a pigmy to a giant. Gun after gun was fired by the Monitor, which was returned with whole broadsides from the rebels, with no more effect, appar- ently, than so many pebble stones thrown by a child. After a while they commenced manoeuvring, and we could see the lit- tle battery point her bow for the rebels, with the intention, as I thought, of sending a shot through her bow port-hole ; then she would shoot by her, and rake her through the stern. In the meantime the rebels were pouring in broadside after broadside, but almost all her shot flew over the little submerged propeller, and when they struck the bomb-proof tower, the shot glanced off without producing any effect, clearly establishing the fact that wooden vessels cannot contend with iron-clad ones ; for never before was any thing like it dreamed of by the greatest enthusi- ast in maritime warfare." During the whole of the battle, the Marines on the fleet per- formed their duty with surprising coolness and bravery. They fought the guns to which they were assigned with accuracy and with effect. They justly won the admiration and praise, not only of the naval officers under whom they acted, but of the whole of the loyal nation in whose service they were engaged. The following is a complete list of the officers of the Corps who were in this engagement : Minnesota, Captain W. L. Shut- tleworth and First Lieutenant W. H. Cartter \ Roanoke, Cap- tain M. R. Kintzing • Cumberland, First Lieutenant Charles Heywood ; Congress, First Lieutenant Joseph F. Baker ; St. Lawrence, Second Lieutenant Richard S. Collum. CHAPTER XXIV. 1862. VARIOUS ENGAGEMENTS, EXPEDITIONS AND OTHER SERVICES DURING THE EARLY PART OF THE YEAR. EARLY in January a joint expedition of the Navy and Army for operations in the waters of North Carolina moved from Hampton Roads, under command of Flag-officer L. U. Goldsborough and Brigadier-general A. E. Burnside respectively. The naval force arrived at Hatteras Inlet on the 13th of January, and in two days succeeded, though with labor and difficulty, in passing over the bulk-head and through the narrow, shallow, and tortuous channel ; but the Army transports were unable to sur- mount the obstacles and be fully prepared for active cooperation until some weeks later. On the morning of the 5th of February, the combined expedition proceeded towards Roanoke Island ; the naval vessels, placed by Flag-officer Goldsborough under the immediate command of Commander S. C. Rowan, were formed in three separate columns, commanded respectively by Lieuten- ants Reed Werden, Alexander Murray, and H. K. Davenport. On the morning of the 7th, the vessels of the insurgents, eight in number, were discovered drawn up behind an extensive barri- cade, formed by a double row of piles and sunken vessels stretched across the sound. At 10.30 o'clock the engagement began, which continued till the next day, at three o'clock, p. m., and the national flag was hoisted on the enemy's works. Com- mander Rowan pursued the enemy's naval fleet up the sound, and on the morning of February 10th, the steamers were dis- J 54 Various Engagements, Expeditions, and other Services. 155 covered in the Pasquotauk river, drawn up behind a battery. The works and fleet were soon captured, Elizabeth City and Edenton falling into the hands of the government forces. In these actions the Marines on board the vessels were sergeant's guards. •Flag-officer Goldsborough having been recalled to Hampton Roads, a combined Army and Naval expedition, under General Burnside and Commander Rowan, left Hatieras Inlet and arrived at Slocum's Creek, the point selected for the disembarkation of the troops, on the 12th of March. The next morning the land- ing of troops began, gun-boats shelling the woods at the same time. Six naval war howitzers with their crews, under Lieuten- ant R. S. McCook, were landed to assist in the attack on the enemy's works. About four o'clock p. m., the first of the enemy's batteries opened on the boats. The firing ceased at sundown. On the 14th, the Army having engaged the enemy, Commander Rowan moved up the river with his fleet, and the enemy abandoned the forts in succession under the pressure of the combined columns. On arriving at Newbern, the enemy having fled, Commander Rowan took possession of the place. The approach by river to Newbern was obstructed by piles and torpedoes, from which the vessels sustained some injury, and the passage was disputed by six forts. After the fall of New- bern, Lieutenant A. Murray was despatched with a naval column to take possession of Washington, N. C. He was accompanied by a detachment from the Army. He arrived on the 21st of March, and the place surrendered to him without resistance. The batteries on shore having, on the morning of the 25th of April, opened fire on Fort Macon, Commander Samuel Lock- wood, senior officer of the blockading fleet off Beaufort, pre- pared his vessels for action and proceeded within range of the fort. Fire was opened from the steamers Daylight, State of Georgia, Chippewa, and bark Gemsbok, which was continued about an hour and a quarter. In the afternoon a flag of truce was displayed from the fort, which on the next morning sur- 156 Various Engagements, Expeditions, and other Services. rendered to Major-general Burnside. In these actions the Ma- rines on board the vessels were sergeant's guards. In the engagement in the early part of March, under Flag- officer Du Pont, which resulted in the possession of Cum- berland Island and Sound, Fernandina and Amelia Islands, and river and town of St. Mary's, the fleet included the armed transport McClellan, having on board the battalion of Marines under the command of Major Reynolds. The first important step in the series of victories was to hoist the flag on Fort Clinch, the first of the captured national forts on which the ensign of the Union resumed its proper place after the first proclamation of the President. Early in the morning of the 4*th, the town of Fernandina was occupied by a party of Marines and seamen from Commander Drayton's command, and a com- pany of Marines and sailors under Lieutenant Miller was sent from the Mohican to hold Fort Clinch. Flag-officer Du Pont said : " We captured Port Royal, but Fernandina and Fort Clinch have been given to us." One principal and ultimate object of the expedition was, to take and keep under control the whole line of the sea-coast of Georgia, the commander knowing, to use the language of the original paper, " that the naval power that controlled the sea-coast of Georgia controlled the State of Georgia." On the 25th of March, the Hon. G. A. Parcelti, Mayor of St. Augustine, Fla., and the members of the City Council, joined in the following letter to Flag-officer Du Pont, commanding the United States naval forces off' Florida : " The undersigned, the Mayor and City Council and citizens of St. Augustine, beg leave to express their heartfelt gratification and satisfaction at the polite and urbane course of Major Isaac T. Doughty and officers of the U. S. Marines since their arrival in and occupancy of the city, and of the good conduct and discipline of the troops under their command, and also their unfeigned regret at their departure; and respectfully ask that our high appreciation of their gentlemanly demeanor be conveyed to Major Doughty Various Engagements, Expeditions and other Services. 157 and his command. They would also express their desire, and that of the citizens in general, that the battalion of Marines under Major Reynolds, which they understand is now off our harbor, if the same be compatible with the plans of the United States Government, be stationed within our city." The command of Major Reynolds having been ordered to Washington, Commodore Du Pont detached Lieutenant H. B. Lowry, and ordered him for duty on the Wabash, the flag-ship. The officers of the Corps attached to the south blockading squadron during the year 1862, and on the first of January, 1863, were as follows : Flag-ship Wabash, Captain James Lewis and First Lieutenant H. B. Lowry j iron-clad steamer New Ironsides, First Lieutenant H. A. Bartlett and Second Lieuten- ant James B. Young ; Powhattan, First Lieutenant Percival C. Pope ; Storeship Vermont, Second Lieutenant Alfred Devereux. The following officers of the Corps were attached to the ships engaged in shelling Sewall's' Point and other operations in the vicinity during the early part of May: Susquehanna, Cap- tain P. R. Fendall ; San Jacinto, Captain L. L. Dawson ; the Dakota, Seminole, and Mount Vernon, each four sergeant's guards. In the engagement with a fort on Ward's or Drury's Bluff, eight miles from Richmond, under Commander John Rodgers, the Marine guard of the Galena was commanded by a sergeant. Private Joseph Johnson was killed during the action. Com- mander Rodgers says, in a report of the action : " The Marines were efficient with their muskets, and they, when ordered to fill vacancies at the guns, did it well." In June, Commander Prentiss, senior officer commanding off Georgetown, South Carolina, informed Flag-officer Du Pont that if he would send him three small vessels drawing about eight or ten feet of water, and a guard of fifty Marines, he would run up the Santee River and destroy the railroad bridge, and thus cut off communication between Charleston and the interior of the State. On receipt of this information, Flag- 158 Various Engagements, Expeditions and other Services. officer Du Pont ordered Lieutenant Lowry of the Marines to take passage in the Hope, and report to Commander Marchand, place on board of the Hall and Henry Andrew the Marine guards of the James Adger, Keystone State, and Albatross. Of these Lieutenant Lowry assumed command, and with them he proceeded to Georgetown, S. C, and reported to Commander Prentiss " for special service in the neighboring waters." The Marines, about sixty in number, were divided up in squads and placed as sharp-shooters on the different vessels. On the 24th, the expedition started up the Santee river to destroy the bridge. The Marines were constantly firing at the cavalry, who followed along the banks of the river. Arriving at the planta- tion of Mr. Arthur Blake, an English subject, Lieutenant Lowry landed the Marines and examined the house, and attempted to capture a battery which had taken position in the woods near by. They discovered unmistakable evidence that the house had been in use as quarters for the enemy, and found arms secreted there. After a skirmish of about an hour, the force returned to the ship with but two Marines wounded. By order of Commander Prentiss, the house of Mr. Blake was burned. The expedition failed to destroy the bridge, on account of lack of water in the river for the vessels to operate. The Marines remained in the waters about Georgetown, the Santee and Wahamau rivers until July 1st, when they returned to their various ships. Early in August, Commander Foxhall Parker, commanding the Wabash, was ordered to take one hundred Marines and one hundred sailors to go ashore on Morris Island, and put two two-hundred-pound Parrott and two two-hundred-pound Whit- worth guns in battery ; the guard of the Wabash, about sixty Marines, and the guard of the New Ironsides, about thirty-five, accompanied by Second Lieutenant James B. Young, all under command of Captain Lowry, landed and reported to Captain Parker. For two weeks the Marines and sailors worked, haul- ing their guns up the beach and getting them in battery. The Various Engagements, Expeditions and other Services. 159 Marines remained with the naval battery, so called, until the arrival of the Marine battalion on Morris island under com- mand of Major Zeilin, when the Wabash men joined them, and the Ironside men under Lieutenant Young returned to their ship. The officers of the Corps attached to the northern blockading squadron during the latter part of the year and on the first of January, 1863, were : Flag-ship Minnesota, Captain W. L. Shuttleworth, Second Lieutenant Charles F. Williams ; Sloop Vandalia, First Lieutenant C. H. Nye. A naval station having been created at Cairo, Illinois, one hundred and fifty Marines were ordered there under the com- mand of Captain M. R. Kintzing with the following officers : First Lieutenants Frank Munroe, S. H. Mathews, and Second Lieutenant F. L. Church. Lieutenant Church was subsequently ordered to command guard of the flag-ship Black Hawk. CHAPTER XXV. APRIL TO DECEMBER, 1862. THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS. PASSING THE BATTERIES AT VICKSBURG. MARINES CAP- TURED BY THE ALABAMA. NO account of the capture of New Orleans by the Union forces, under Admiral Farragut, heretofore laid before the public, has given a correct statement of the services performed by the Marines in that memorable contest. Of the resistance offered by the Confederate forts below New Orleans, Admiral Farragut said : " Such a fire, I imagine, the world has rarely seen." In the terrible experience of silencing that fire, reducing the forts and capturing the city, the Marines bore themselves in such a manner as to elicit the hearty commendation of the officers of the fleet, and to aid materially in the success of the engagement. During the fight, the Varuna, Commander Charles S. Boggs commanding, sustained the fire of the forts, and at the same time was attacked by two powerful iron-clads. After a gallant resistance, in which the two vessels of the enemy were destroyed, the Varuna herself sunk, still bidding defiance to the foe, with colors flying and her guns dealing destruction to the enemy until the waters of the Mississippi closed over her. In his report of the fate of his vessel, Commander Boggs says : " The Marines, although new recruits, more than maintained the reputation of that Corps. Their galling fire cleared the Morgan's rifled gun, and prevented a repetition of her murder- ous fire." Commander John De Camp, commanding the Iroquois, wrote : "The Marines behaved with spirit and gallan- 160 The Capture of New Orleans. 161 try, which we may always expect in well-drilled Americans." Captain T. T. Craven, of the ship Brooklyn, said : " Lieutenant James Forney, commanding the Marines, had two guns assigned him, and, with his men, fought most gallantly." But brave and efficient as were the Marines in the action, a more important work awaited them ; a work for whose successful accomplishment, as has already been intimated, they have not heretofore received due credit, inasmuch as the full story of the capture of the city has not been told. On the morning of the 24th of April, immediately after the action with Forts Jackson and St. Phillip, and the destruction of the rebel fleet, the Ma- rines under command of Captain John L. Broome, by order of Admiral Farragut, landed and took possession of the quarantine, at the same time taking prisoners the rebel troops, with their officers quartered in the quarantine buildings, and hoisting the flag of the United States on the same. Admiral Farragut hav- ing determined to take military possession of the city until the arrival of the troops under General Butler's command, a battal- ion of Marines under command of Captain Broome, about two hundred and fifty strong, disembarked from the fleet on the 29th of April, and marched to the Custom-house. Here Captain Alan Ramsay was detailed with a detachment of Marines to occupy the Custom-house and guard the United States flag, then about to be hoisted on the building. At this juncture the Ma- rines were joined by two howitzers, manned by seamen, in charge of Midshipmen J. H. Read and E. C. Hazeltine, from the flag- ship Hartford. After taking possession of the Custom-bouse, Captain Broome received orders from Captain H. H. Bell, senior officer present, to march the Marines to the City Hall, a distance of about half a mile from the vessels of the fleet, and near the centre of the city. The forces under General Lovell had not evacuated the city, and the squares and streets were thronged with an excited mob, brandishing bowie-knives and revolvers, and hailing the Marines with the most abusive lan- guage; but the command marched in close order and steady 1 62 The Capture of New Orleans. steps to its destination. On arriving at the City Hall, Lieuten- ant John C. Harris was directed, with a guard of Marines, to occupy the building and enforce order there while the enemy's flag was hauled down from the flag-staff on the building. After performing this duty, the Marines were marched to the place of embarkation, and returned to the fleet, except the number quartered in the Custom-house, who were retained there for the purpose of guarding the United States flag. When the troops of General Butler's command landed at New Orleans on the i st of May, the force of Marines still on duty in the city returned to the fleet. Respectable inhabitants of the city afterwards stated that rarely were men in more imminent danger from assassination than was the small detachment of Marines on that occasion, and that they wondered at the boldness of the act, under the cir- cumstances, and trembled for the safety of the city, fearing, and with reason, that any overt act on the part of the excited mob would result in an immediate bombardment, wholly under the command of the ship's broadsides ; the calm and steady attitude of the Marines tended to a great extent to the prevention of such a calamity. And so, three days before the arrival of General Butler, the Marines took possession of and held the public buildings of the city of New Orleans, literally perfecting the conquest of the city by hauling down the confederate flag and hoisting the stars and stripes. For three days the force under Captain Broome held in subjection the turbulent and rebellious elements of the population of the city, and at the end of that time gave place to the troops under command of General Butler. To rescue this important chapter in the records of the Marines from the oblivion of meagre official documents in the national archives, and to give it a legitimate, and what is trusted will be a lasting, prominence, is but an act of justice to the Corps. The following is a complete list of Marines killed and wounded during the capture of the forts and the city : — Killed : Passing the Batteries at Vieksburg. 163 Brooklyn, Privates W. Lenahan and Henry H. Roff ; Iroquois, Private Jacob Schoenfeldt ; Mississippi, Corporals George Sanderson and W. H. Woods. Wounded : Oneida, Private Henry Cooper ; Hartford, Second Lieutenant Heisler, Privates Henry King and George White ; Brooklyn, Privates Lorin Heath, J. R. Sanders and Leonard Killion ; Pensacola, Lieutenant John C. Harris, Sergeant Stermbergh, Privates George Perkins, Michael O'Bryan, Frederick Davye, Francis Pepper, and John Brogan ; Iroquois, Corporal Walter J. White, mortally, Alfred Jackson ; Varuna, Privates T. Gordon, D. McLaughlin, J. Logan, and J. McQuinn ; Mississippi, Private Richard C. Carman. The following is a list of the officers of the Corps attached to the Western Gulf squadron during the year 1862 to January 1, 1863 : Flag-ship Hartford, Captain John L. Broome, Second- Lieuten- ant Heisler, who was relieved after the Battle of New Orleans by First Lieutenant John H. Higbee; steam-sloop Pensacola, Second Lieutenant John C. Harris ; steam-sloop Brooklyn, First Lieutenant James Forney ; steam-sloop Susquehanna, off Mobile, Captain Philip R. Fendall, Jr. ; steam-sloop Mississippi, Captain P. H. W. Fontane; steam-frigate Colorado (this vessel, on ac- count of her heavy draught, was unable to get over the bar), Captain George R. Graham, First Lieutenant Samuel C. Adams ; sloop Portsmouth, above the passes, First Lieutenant W. H. Hale ; frigate Potomac, off Pensacola, First Lieutenant George W. Collier; steam-sloop Richmond, Captain Alan Ramsay; sloop Vincennes, Ship Island, Second Lieutenant N. L. Nokes. On the 28th of June, the fleet under Admiral Farragut passed the batteries at Vieksburg, receiving and answering a terrible fire from the well mounted guns of the enemy. Cap- tain Broome, commanding the Marines of the squadron, was wounded, as were also Privates Thomas Nolan and George W. Harris of the Marine guard of the Richmond. Commander R. Wainwright, commanding flag-ship Hartford, says of the con- duct of the Marines during the fight : " The Marine guard, under command of Captain John L. Broome, had charge of two 164 Marines Captured by the Alabama. broadside guns, and fought them well, thus sustaining the repu- tation of .that distinguished Corps." Officers of the Corps who participated in this engagement were assigned as follows : Hart- ford, Captain John L. Broome, First Lieutenant J. H. Higbee ; Brooklyn, First Lieutenant James Forney ; Richmond, Captain Alan Ramsay. On the 15th of July, in the engagement between the con- federate ram Arkansas and Farragut's vessels, above Vicksburg, Captain Broome was again wounded, as was also Private George Roger of the Marines. During the early part of December an event occurred which was most deeply regretted by the Marines and by the friends of the Corps. Seldom has the Corps known the unpleasantness of defeat; but, in this instance, the circumstances of the case forced upon a battalion of Marines the unavoidable necessity of submitting to a superior force without the opportunity to fire a shot. Mortifying as was this fact, however, the firmness and patriotism of the defeated men in refusing to yield to the flatter- ing offers laid before them to tempt them to desert their flag reflected lasting credit upon them. On Saturday, the 1st of December, two companies of Marines, of seventy men each, sailed from New York in the Pacific mail steamship Ariel for Aspinwall. A portion of this command was destined for the garrison at Mare Island, Cal., and the remainder for the ships composing the Pacific squadron. On the morning of the 7th, when off the eastern end of Cuba, a steamer hove in sight flying the United States flag. The Ariel continued on her course, fol- lowed by the stranger, who rapidly overhauled her. When with- in a mile, the pursuing vessel fired a blank cartridge, at the same time hauling down the stars and stripes, and hoisting in their stead the flag of the confederacy. Captain Jones, commanding the Ariel, paid no attention to this unmistakable summons, but continued on his course, saying, " I will not heave to." A solid shot was then fired, which passed through the rigging of the Ariel, followed by a shell, which caused much damage, cut- Marines Captured by the Alabama. 165 ting away the foremast. At this, Captain Jones hove to. In a few moments a boat filled with armed men came alongside, in charge of Lieutenant Armstrong of the confederate Navy, who announced to the captain of the Ariel that the latter had sur- rendered to the famous Alabama. The Marines were ordered to surrender their arms, and the officers their swords. Any resistance on their part would have endangered the lives of the women and children. The order having been complied with, Lieutenant Armstrong addressed the command, calling for twenty volunteers to fill up the Marine guard of the Alabama, offering the best pay and plenty of prize money if they would join the Pride of the Ocean, also saying he knew they thought more of Jeff Davis than of Lincoln. Finding that not a man would prove recreant to his trust, or traitor to his country, the lieuten- ant withdrew. The Ariel being in possession of a prize crew of sailors, Major Garland, at the request of Captain Semmes, detailed sentinels, though prisoners of war, to guard the spirit rooms to prevent the rebel crew from making use of the liquor they contained. The officers and men of the Ariel were paroled, and, after considerable discussion and delay, the vessel was ransomed for the handsome sum of $261,000, and permitted to proceed on her journey. The battalion arrived in due course of time at Mare Island, where they were shortly afterwards ex- changed. During this year a detachment of Marines, under the com- mand of First Lieutenant McLane Tilton, garrisoned Pilot Town, Louisiana. CHAPTER XXVI. 1863. RAID OF REBEL IRON-CLADS AMONG THE VESSELS OFF CHARLESTON. QUELLING THE DRAFT RIOTS IN NEW YORK CITY. UNSUCCESSFUL ATTACK ON FORT SUMTER. — THE PORT HUDSON AFFAIR, ETC. ABOUT four o'clock on the morning of January 31, 1863, during the obscurity of a thick haze, two iron-clad gun- boats ran out of Charleston by the main ship channel, unper- ceived by the squadron, and began a raid upon the blockading fleet. Most of the latter were of the light class of purchased vessels, two of the heaviest men-of-war, the Powhattan and Canandaigua, being then at port coaling and repairing. The Mercedita, Captain Stellwagen, was the first vessel attacked, and was rendered powerless without having an opportunity to fire a shot. Unable to use his guns, and being at the mercy of the enemy, who was lying alongside, all resistance was deemed hopeless by Captain Stellwagen, and he surrendered. The crew and officers were paroled. The iron-clad, leaving the Mercedita to her fate, to sink or float, next engaged the Keystone State, Commander Le Roy, who was* also attacked by the. enemy. The fire was gallantly returned, but the superior power of the enemy soon disabled the Keystone State. In the meantime, the Augusta, Commander Parrott, the Quaker City, Commander Frailey, and the Memphis, Acting Lieutenant Watmough, kept up a fire upon the enemy, diverting his attention from the Keystone State, which was soon after taken 166 Raid of Rebel Iron-clads among the Vessels off Charleston. 167 in tow by the Memphis and drawn away from the fire. The Augusta and Quaker City were both struck in their hulls, the Memphis only in her rigging. The Housatonic, Captain Taylor, gave chase, and a shot from her struck the pilot-house of one of the iron-clads, carrying away one of her flags. The enemy's vessels passed to the northward, receiving the fire of the ships, and took refuge behind the shoals. The only casualties were on the Mercedita and the Keystone State. On the Key- stone State they were very large ; about one-fourth of her crew were killed and wounded, and among the former was the med- ical officer of the ship, Assistant Surgeon Jacob H. Gotwald, who was scalded to death while rendering surgical aid to one of the wounded men. The following is a list of casualties in the Marine guard of the Keystone State : Killed, Orderly Sergeant Edward Livermore, Corporal William A. Graw, Privates Thomas Riley, John W. Armstrong, William Deilz, John P. Conway, William Peyton and Patrick Herrick. Wounded, Private Michael Scott. In the disastrous attack on Port Hudson, by Admiral Farra- gut, on the 13th of March, the following officers of the Marine Corps were engaged : Flag-ship Hartford, Captain John L. Broome and First Lieutenant J. H. Higbee ; Richmond, Cap- tain Alan Ramsay ; Mississippi, Captain P. H. Fontane. The following is a list of casualties in the Marine guards : — Hartford, killed, Private Thomas F. Butler. Mississippi, missing, Privates Patrick Bannon, Peter Doyle, Patrick Flatherty, James McMullin, John Redding, William Talant and John Kelly ; killed, Private David Kelly. Richmond, killed, Privates Charles Catherwood and John Thompson ; wounded, Privates Thomas Nolan, Joseph P. Mullin, George W. Harris, Michael O'Niel, Robert Staples and Edward Conover, Corporals John S. Gross and Robert H. Neely. Monongahela, Corporal Francis Marr, wounded. In his report of the participation of the steamer Richmond in the engagement, Commodore James Alden says : " Captain Ramsay, who deserves special mention, in charge of the Marine division 1 68 Quelling the Draft Riots in New York City. of great guns, had nearly a whole gun's crew swept away by a single cannon shot." While passing the batteries on Red river, on the 19th, Privates John Brown, Michael Corcoran and Pat- rick Cook were wounded. The enemy's steamer Virginia, having been chased by the Wauchusett, was captured when near a shoal close to the island of Majores. Lieutenant George P. Houston, of the Marines, volunteered to bring the vessel out from its proximity to the dangerous shoals. Accordingly, with a detachment of his guard, he took possession of the vessel and ran her out into the open sea, fifteen miles off the coast. A Marine was placed at the wheel, another as oiler in the engine-room, others in the fire-room, while the gallant lieutenant ran the engines himself. So efficiently and promptly was this duty performed, that Rear Admiral Wilkes expressed his approbation in a letter to the Department. On the 13th of July, a battalion of Marines, under the com- mand of Captain J. C. Grayson, left the barracks in Brooklyn, in response to a request from the authorities of the city of New York. A strong resistance having been made to the draft by evil-disposed and lawless persons, and many lives having been lost in consequence, it became necessary to quell the disturbance by force of arms. The battalion marched to the City Hall, and from that point was sent in different directions, clearing the streets in some localities and assisting the police in making arrests. In addition to this, the district in which the rioting had taken place was thoroughly patroled, and sentinels posted over public buildings and property in danger of destruction by the disaffected. This duty was performed from the 13th to the 20th of July, inclusive, to the satisfaction of the city authorities, and won their marked approbation. Captain Grayson's battalion consisted of two companies, the first consisting of ninety men, under First Lieutenant C. A. Stillman, and the second of ninety men, under Second Lieutenant R. L. Meade. In the following August, a battalion under the command of Unsuccessful Attack on Fort Sumter. 169 Major Jacob Zeilin, sailed from New York, to cooperate with the South Atlantic Squadron, under the command of Rear Admiral J. A. Dahlgren. The battalion was debarked on Morris Island, where the camp was established. It participated in all of the subsequent engagements which resulted in the capture of the outer defences of Charleston. The roster of the officers of the battalion was as follows : Major Jacob Zeilin, Commanding; Lieutenant J. C. Harris, Adjutant; Lieutenant C. H. Bradford, Quartermaster ; Company A : Captain C. G. McCawley, Lieutenants R. L. Meade and F. T. Peet; Company B : Captain C. D. Hebb, Lieutenants George C. Stoddard and L. E. Fagan ; Company C : Captain L. L. Dawson, Lieutenants William Wallace and E. P. Meeker. Major Zeilin having been allowed to return home on sick leave, shortly after the arrival of the battalion, he was succeeded by Captain E. McD. Rey- nolds, from the Wabash. Lieutenant-colonel John George Reynolds subsequently was ordered to command the battalion. Captain Dawson and Lieutenant Harris returned home on sick leave soon after the arrival of Colonel Reynolds, and Lieutenant H. B. Lowry was appointed adjutant, and Lieutenant William Wallace succeeded to the command of Company C. The first important work in which the battalion engaged was the attack on Fort Sumter, under Rear Admiral Dahlgren, on the 8th of September. On the night of the 6th, the enemy evacuated Morris Island. This offered an opportunity for assaulting Fort Sumter, which if successful, would enable Admi- ral Dahlgren to pass the obstructions in the main channel. He therefore directed a party of volunteers to be called for, which call was responded to in a prompt and spirited manner. Among the volunteers were the following officers of the Marine Corps : Captain C. G. McCawley, First Lieutenants H. B. Lowry, P. C. Pope, Charles H. Bradford and John C. Harris, Second Lieutenants R. L. Meade, William Wallace, and L. E. Fagan. It was late in the evening before the arrangements were com- plete, to act in concert with the detachment from the Army, 170 Unsuccessful Attack on Fort Sumter. under General Gillmore. Soon after ten o'clock, the sound of musketry announced the attack. This did not last long, and was followed by shot and shell from Fort Moultrie. The attacking party was repulsed with considerable loss. One hundred and four men and ten officers were taken prisoners, and three men were killed. Captain McCawley of the Marines was in charge of a detach- ment of six officers, six sergeants, eighty corporals, and eighty- six privates, and reported himself and command to Commander T. H. Stevens. He received instructions from the flag-lieutenant, Mr. Preston, that his command was to be detailed for several large launches. He was instructed to keep his command in the rear, and not to land until the sailors had done so, but to fire on the enemy from the boats and cover the landing, and, as soon as the sailors got in, to cease firing, land, and "use the bayonet." When the boats started, Captain McCawley had all of his launches next the tug, and was himself in a four-oared boat on the quarter. The chief of the expedition was on the other quarter. After much delay the boats were cast off in great confusion. The strong tide separated them, and Captain McCawley found it quite impossible to get all his boats together, as ordered. Such as he could find he ordered to keep behind, and pull in after the sailors, who were then advancing. They were soon discovered, and the fire began from the loop-holes and parapets of Sumter. This the men returned briskly until a cry was heard of " Cease firing." Presuming that the sailors had landed, Captain McCawley gave the order to cease firing and land ; but, to his surprise, he saw them all immediately turn and pull away after the- crowd of others which were going out. He called in vain for the boats to stop, and did not learn till afterwards the nature of the loss suffered. Two lieutenants, two sergeants, two corporals, and twenty-five privates of the Marines were missing, and one private wounded, on board the Memphis. It was very dark near the fort, and there was great confusion. Lieutenants Bradford and Meade effected a landing, Unsuccessful Attack on Fort Sumter. 171 but were captured by the enemy. The former was mortally wounded, and died in the hands of his captors. He received every attention and kindness from Dr. Mackey, a prominent citizen of Charleston, and an old friend of the sufferer's father. The remains of the gallant officer were interred in the doctor's family lot ; but the feeling among the populace was intense against this act of humanity and kindness, and, by order of the authorities, the body was removed to the Potter's field. One of the first acts of Rear Admiral Dahlgren, after the fall of Charleston, was to remove and bury, with all the honors of war, the remains in a place more befitting the career of the brave and lamented officer. Lieutenant Meade suffered all the privations of prison life, and remained in Columbia, S. C, until regularly exchanged ; not, however, until more than a year had elapsed. The list of Marines killed, wounded and missing in the fleet during the engagement was as follows : On the Powhattan, wounded, Corporal Hennis, Privates Haviland and Ball ; missing, Corporal Cully, Privates White, Scanlan, Allen, Foy, McConigley, Kelley and Hall. On the Housatonic ; missing, Private M. Bannon. The following is a list of officers and men missing from the volunteers of the Marine battalion, from the camp on Morris Island : First Lieutenant C. H. Bradford, Assistant Quartermaster ; Company A: Private Rogers, wounded on the Memphis \ Company B ; Second Lieutenant R. L. Meade, Orderly Sergeant Chisholm, Corporal Piggot, Privates McKenna, Mullen, Vanzant, Mclntyre, Hurshfield, Johnson, Keiffer, Himes, Gardner, Long, Stansbury, Reynolds, Murphy and Mallady ; Company C : Sergeant Mulhall, Corporal Black, Privates Haynes, Hurley, Preston, Gettings, McKinley, McNeal, Bradshaw, Kassman, Walsh, Siddell and Martin. During all the action Lieutenant Lowry stood upon the gunwale of the launch, giving his orders in a clear, distinct and fearless manner, which gained the admiration of all present under his command during that trying occasion. The following officers of the Corps were attached to vessels 172 Unsuccessful Attack on Fort Sumter. in the South Atlantic Squadron during the year. Flag-ship Wabash, Captain E. McD. Reynolds, First Lieutenant H. B. Lowry, subsequently Second Lieutenant L. E. Fagan ; iron- clad steamer New Ironsides, First Lieutenant Henry A. Bartlett and Second Lieutenant James B. Young (this vessel in which these brave officers served participated in twenty-six engagements with the forts commanding the defences of Charleston) ; Vermont, at Port Royal, Second Lieutenant Henry J. Bishop. The following officers of the Corps were attached to the North Atlantic squadron during the year. Minnesota Flag-ship, Captain John Schermerhorn, Second Lieutenant Charles F. Williams ; Iron-clad Steamer Roanoke, First Lieutenant Frank Munroe. On the 28th of December, Lieutenant Commander R. W. Meade, Jr., of the gun-boat Marblehead, was sent, at the head of a sufficient force of Marines and sailors, to complete the victory of the 25th at Stono, S. C, and to capture or destroy the property in the earthworks of the enemy. The expedition was entirely successful, the work of capture and destruction being prompt and effectual. In his report of the affair, the commander said : "The conduct of the blue-jackets, and espec- ially of the Marines, was excellent." During the year the following officers were attached to the naval station at Cairo, Illinois : First Lieutenant C. A. Stillman and R. S. Collum ; Second Lieutenants C. H. Humphrey and H. C. Cochrane. CHAPTER XXVII. 1864. — CONDITION OF THE CORPS. DEATH OF COLONEL HAR- RIS. — THE DEFEAT OF THE ALABAMA. — ADMIRAL FARRA- gut's ATTACK ON THE DEFENCES IN MOBILE BAY, ETC. THE following is an extract from the report for 1864 of the Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: "The colonel- commandant of the Marine Corps reports his command in a good state of discipline. Although its number is now fully equal to the quota authorized by law, he is unable to comply with all the requisitions for guards for sea-going vessels. The reports from the several squadrons and vessels of the service show that, in the gallant deeds of the Navy, the Marines have borne an honorable part." The following named officers of the Corps were attached to the North Atlantic Squadron on the 1st of January, 1864: Flag-ship Minnesota, Captain John Schermerhorn and Second Lieutenant Charles F. Williams ; iron-clad steamer Roanoke, First Lieutenant Frank Munroe, subsequently First Lieutenant L. P. French. The remainder of the vessels of this squadron, with some few exceptions, were supplied with sergeant's guards, and in all the operations on James river, in the sounds of North Carolina, and off Cape Fear river and adjacent inlets, the Marines shared in the labor and successes of their brethren of the Navy, and won the hearty approbation of their commanding officers, of the Department and of the country. On the 1 st of January, Lieutenant Louis E. Fagan of the 173 1^4 ?7ie Defeat of the Alabama. Marines, in command of thirty men, participated in the expedi- tion which, under orders from Admiral Dahlgren, destroyed a confederate vessel and valuable cargo in Murrill's Inlet. For his conduct in this affair, Lieutenant Fagan received honorable men- tion in the official report of Admiral Dahlgren to the Secretary of the Navy. On the night of April 18th, the Marines on the Wabash, off Charleston, ably assisted in repelling the attack of a torpedo boat. They were stationed by Ensign Charles H. Crane, who happened to be officer of the deck at the time, in such a position that their continued and well-directed musketry fire had an excellent effort in defeating the purposes of the enemy. On the 1 2th of May, Colonel Commandant John Harris, who had " served his country faithfully and well " for fifty years, died at headquarters, Washington, D. C, after a short illness. Major Jacob Zeilin was commissioned on the ioth of June to succeed him. While the attention of the whole nation was directed to the contests going on at home, news was received of an engagement off the coast of France, the result of which served to encourage the North and to create a corresponding feeling of regret, if not of despondency, in the South. In the latter part of June, Captain Winslow, commanding the Kearsage, lying in the port of Cher- bourg, received a note from Captain Semmes of the Alabama, beg- ging that the Kearsage should not depart, as he intended to fight her, and would delay her but a day or two. According to this notice, the Alabama left port on the morning of the 19th. About noon the action began ; the Alabama opened fire, the Kearsage receiving two or three broadsides before a shot was returned. The action continued, the steamers making a circle round and round, at a distance of about nine hundred yards from each other. At the expiration of an hour, the Alabama struck, going down in about twenty minutes afterward. The details of the fight, and of the rescue of Semmes by the Alabama's consort, the Deerhound, which bore the English flag, are too familiar to The Defeat of the Alabama. 175 need repetition. In fact, the whole affair is so much a part of the best known portion of the history of the war, that the only- reason for mentioning it here lies in the conduct and services of the Marines on board the Kearsage. In his report of the action, Lieutenant Commander Thornton says : " The Marines fought the rifle gun upon the top-gallant forecastle, under the charge of Acting Master's Mate Charles H. Danforth. The action on our part was commenced by this gun, and its fire was rapid and effective throughout. The high reputation of their service was nobly sustained by the Marine guard of this ship. The orderly sergeant, C. T. Young, the master-at-arms, Jason R. Watrous, also deserves special mention for admirable performance of their duty. The following is a complete list of the Marines who were on board the Kearsage: Orderly Sergeant Charles T. Young; Corporals Austin Quimley and Henry Hobson ; Privates R. G. Dolley, Patrick Flood, James Kerrigan, John McAlun, George A. Raymond, James Tucker, Isaac Thornton, and John G. Batchelder. During the early part of July, in an engagement between the United States steamship Wyoming, Commander D. McDou- gal, and the batteries at Simonosaki, Japan, Private Alexander Furlong of the Marines was killed, and Private Michael Doyle was wounded. Later in the same month, when the city of Washington was threatened by the Southern Army, a battalion of Marines and a battery of howitzers, under the command of Captain James Forney, assisted by Second Lieutenant George B. Haycock, were ordered from Philadelphia to Havre de Grace, Md., to open the railroad to Baltimore, then in possession of the enemy. Major- general French says: "The battalion commanded by Captain Forney attracted my attention by its fine military appearance, its discipline, and the admirable manner in which it was handled. The arrangements made by Captain Forney for the artillery to repel the attack threatened upon the station had a great influence in preventing one. The rapid manner in which the order con- 176 Admiral Farragufs Attack on the Defences in Mobile Bay. centrating the troops at Havre de Grace was obeyed by him, and the valuable and effective services performed by the battalion under his direction, entitle him and them to the recognition of the government." On the 5th of August, Admiral Farragut made his attack on the defences of Mobile. The preparations for the attack began in the early part of the preceding month, when the admiral held a consultation with Generals Canby and Granger for the pur- pose of laying the necessary plans. At an early hour on the 5th, the fleet was under way. With characteristic modesty, coupled with his well-known willingness to assume all the re- sponsibility and meet all the danger to which his high position might call him, Admiral Farragut wrote as follows of one inci- dent of the engagement: "It was only at the urgent request of the captains and commanding officers that I yielded to the Brooklyn being the leading ship of the line, as she had four chase guns and an ingenious arrangement for picking up tor- pedoes, and because, in their judgment, the flag-ship ought not to be too much exposed. This I believe to be an error ; for, apart from the fact that exposure is one of the penalties of rank in the Navy, it will always be the aim of the enemy to destroy the flag-ship, and, as will appear in the sequel, such attempt was very persistently made, but Providence did not permit it to be successful." The attacking fleet steamed steadily up the main ship-channel. A few minutes past seven, the fort opened fire, and was replied to by a gun from the Brooklyn, and immediately after the action became general. Soon after, the Tecumseh, struck by a torpedo, disappeared almost instantaneously beneath the waves, carrying with her the gallant Commander Craven and nearly all her crew. Admiral Farragut then dashed ahead with the Hartford, and the ships followed, many of their officers firmly believing that they were going to certain death with their brave commander- in-chief. Just after they passed the fort, about eight o'clock, the enemy's ram Tennessee ran out at the Brooklyn, as had Admiral Farragufs Attack on the Defences in Mobile Bay. 177 been expected, and in anticipation of which the admiral had ordered the monitor on the starboard side. He took no further notice of her than to return her fire. The fighting continued with great bravery on both sides. In fact, Admiral Farragut described it as " one of the fiercest naval combats on record." The ram Tennessee, which had done severe execution among the vessels of the fleet, surrendered at ten o'clock, and the bat- tle was virtually ended. Admiral Farragut thus modestly refers to the exposed position which he occupied during the heat of the engagement: " As I had an elevated position, in the main rigging near the top, I was able to overlook not only the deck of the Hartford, but the other vessels of the fleet. I witnessed the terrible effects of the enemy's shot, and the good conduct of the men at their guns, and although no doubt their hearts sickened, as mine did, when their shipmates were struck down beside them, yet there was not a moment's hesitation to lay their comrades aside and spring again to their deadly work." As usual, the Marines in this engagement were among the foremost at every point where bravery and discipline could aid in winning victory. Captain Percival Drayton, commanding the Hartford, said in reference to his vessel : " The two after-guns were entirely manned by Marines, who, under the direction of Captain Charles Heywood, performed most efficient service." Captain James Alden, commanding the Brooklyn, said that Cap- tain Houston of the Marines fought his guns " nobly and well." Lieutenant Commander George Brown, commanding the Itasca, reported that "The Marines conducted themselves with the usual distinguished gallantry of their Corps. Sergeant James S. Roantree is particularly deserving of notice." Similar testi- mony was given by others of the naval officers. The following is a list of officers of the Corps attached to vessels in this action : Flag-ship Hartford, Captain Charles Heywood ; Brooklyn, Captain G. P. Houston ; Richmond, First Lieutenant C. L. Sherman. The remaining vessels, with the exception of the monitors, carried sergeant's guards, as follows : Octorara, Meta- 178 Admiral Farragut \r Attack on the Defences of Mobile Bay. comet, Port Royal, Seminole, Kennebec, Itasca, Galena, Lack- awanna, Monongahela, Ossipee, and Oneida. The list of Marines killed and wounded was as follows : Monongahela, wounded, Private William Feeney. Brooklyn, killed, Privates Michael Murphy and W. Smith ; wounded, Privates George R. Leland. Lackawanna, wounded, Privates James Keefe and Frederick Hines. Oneida, wounded, Corporal David Johnston and Private John Kilroy. Below is a list of Marines who received especial honorable mention from their commanding officers, and who received "medals of honor" from the Department: On board the Brook- lyn, Sergeants J. Henry Dennig and Michael Hudson, and William M. Smith and Miles M. Oviatt, corporals, " for conspicu- ous good conduct at their guns." On board the Richmond, Orderly Sergeant David Sprowls, " recommended for coolness and for setting a good example to the Marine guard, working a division of great-guns; joined the Richmond September 27, i860 ; was in the actions with Fort McRea, the head of the passes of the Mississippi, Forts Jackson and St. Philip, the Chalmettes, the rebel iron-clads and gun-boats below New Orleans, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and present at the sur- render of New Orleans. He has been in the service twenty-eight years." On the same vessel, Sergeant Andrew Miller, " recom- mended for coolness and good conduct as captain of a gun in the action ; was on board the Brooklyn in the actions with Forts Jackson and St. Philip, the Chalmettes, the rebel iron-clads and gun-boats below New Orleans, batteries below Vicksburg, and present at the surrender of New Orleans." Same vessel, Sergeant James Martin, " recommended for coolness and good conduct as captain of a gun in the action ; was in the actions with Forts Jackson and St. Philip, the Chalmettes, the iron- clads and gun-boats below New Orleans, Vicksburg, Port Hud- son, and present at the surrender of New Orleans, on board of the Richmond." At the capture of Fort Morgan, on the 22nd of August, a de- Admiral Farragufs Attack on the Defences of Mobile Bay. 179 tachment of Marines served with the naval battery on shore, under command of Captain Charles Heywood. On the 1st of October, the Wabash went ashore on the outer edge of Frying Pan Shoals. The "crew" consisted of a motley assemblage of negroes, landsmen, and boys, who had been temporarily shipped to do duty until the new crew could be received at Norfolk. Either through ignorance or unwillingness, the men failed to obey orders, and the frigate was in danger of serious injury, if not of becoming a total loss. The launch was ordered to be manned, and a kedge anchor carried out. None obeyed the sum- mons except a few old sailors, and it was found impossible to get the boat from* the side of the frigate. In this emergency the Marines, under Lieutenant L. E. Fagan, were called upon by Captain De Camp, and with alacrity they obeyed the order. In a few moments they were away from the ship, pulling like " old salts " at the oars. The anchor was placed, and when the tide came in the ship floated and was safe. The efficiency of the Marines in that hour of emergency won the praises of the commander of the frigate, who frequently alluded to their action in the affair in words of commendation. In February, Lieutenants R. S. Collum and H. C. Cochrane were ordered to Mound City, Illinois, with a detachment of forty men, to guard the ordnance stores which supplied the Mississippi Squadron. CHAPTER XXVIII. DECEMBER, 1864, AND JANUARY, 1865. BUTLER'S FAILURE AT FORT FISHER. PORTER'S CONFIDENCE. THE FINAL SUC- CESSFUL ATTACK BY PORTER AND TERRY. AS early as 1862 the necessity of closing the port of Wilming- ton became a primary object with the Navy Department, and was never relinquished by Secretary Welles. But without military aid and cooperation it could not be effected or even wisely attempted. In September, 1864, the Department had such assurances of military assistance as to feel warranted in entering upon the necessary preparations for assembling an adequate naval force to undertake and perform its part in accomplishing the work. Admiral Farragut was selected to conduct the enter- prise ; but, in the words of Secretary Welles, " impaired health, the result of exposure and unremitted exertions during two years of active labor and unceasing efforts in the Gulf, rendered it imprudent for that distinguished and energetic officer to enter upon this service." Admiral Porter, who had shown great abil- ity as the commander of the Mississippi Squadron, and had identified himself with many of its most important achievements, was transferred to the command of the North Atlantic Squadron, which embraced within its limits Cape Fear river and the port of Wilmington. Various causes intervened to delay the move- ment, and it was not until the early part of December, 1864, that the expedition departed for Beaufort, N. C, the place of rendez- vous. Some further necessary preparations were there made, which, together with unfavorable weather and other incidents, de- 180 Butler's Failure at Fort Fisher. 181 layed the attack until the day before Christmas. Major-general Butler, who commanded the cooperating force, after a reconnois- sance, came to the conclusion that the place could not be carried by an assault. He therefore ordered a reembarkation, and in- forming Admiral Porter of his intention, returned with his com- mand to Hampton Roads. Unsuccessful as this affair proved, there was not lacking an exhibition of bravery and coolness on the part of the Marines, which tended to insure victory in the next assault on the fort. Commodore Lanman says that the conduct of the Marines on the Minnesota was entirely satisfactory. Every one performed his duty to the utmost of his ability. The working and practice of the guns could not have been better. Many excellent shots were made, and in this respect the two guns worked by the Marines were equal to any other division. Captain Butler of the Marines, commanding his battery, being upon the sheer-pole of the mizzen rigging, pronounced the practice excellent. Commodore S. W. Godon, commanding the Susquehanna, says : " First Lieutenant William Wallace, with his fine company of Marines, handled most effectively two extra nine-inch guns." Similar testimony was borne by other naval officers to the bravery and efficiency of the Marines on the various vessels connected with the fleet. The following is a complete list of the officers of the Corps who were engaged in this affair : On board the Colorado, Captain L. L. Dawson and First Lieutenant E. P. Meeker ; Minnesota, Captain George Butler and Second Lieu- tenant George M. Welles ; Powhattan, First Lieutenant F. H. Corrie ; New Ironsides, First Lieutenant Richard S. Collum and Second Lieutenant Albert B. Young ; Susquehanna, First Lieu- tenant William Wallace \ Wabash, First Lieutenant L. E. Fagan ; Vanderbilt, First Lieutenant W. H. Parker ; Juniata, Second Lieutenant Jones Pile ; Brooklyn, Captain G. P. Houston ; Ticonderoga, First Lieutenant C. F. Williams. The following vessels carried sergeant's guards : Santiago de Cuba, Fort Jack- son, Shenandoah, Tuscarora, Rhode Island, Mohican, Keystone 1 82 Butler's Failure at Fort Fisher. State, Malvern, Onondaga, Shamrock, Chickopee, Nereus, Men- dota, Iasco, Osceola, Pawtuxet, Mackinaw, R. R. Cuyler, Matta- bessett, Massasoit, Agawam, Quaker City, Pontoosuc, Eutaw, Mercedita and Miami. The following Marines were killed and wounded : On the Juniata, Second Lieutenant Jones Pile, killed, and Private William Kennedy, wounded; Ticonderoga, Private Cornelius Collins, wounded. Immediate information of the failure of the expedition was forwarded to the Department by Admiral Porter, who remained in the vicinity, and did not agree with General Butler's view, but was confident that with adequate military cooperation, the fort could be carried. On the suggestion of the President, Lieu- tenant-general Grant was advised of the confidence felt by Admiral Porter that he could obtain complete success, provided he should be sufficiently sustained. 1865. — A second military force was thereupon promptly de- tailed, composed of about eight thousand five hundred men, under the command of Major-general A. H. Terry, and sent forward. This force arrived off Fort Fisher on the 13th of January, 1865. Offensive operations were at once resumed by the naval force, and the troops were landed and intrenched themselves, while a portion of the fleet bombarded the works. These operations were continued throughout the 14th with an increased number of vessels. The 15th was the day decided on for the assault. The result is thus briefly recorded in the official despatch of Admiral Porter to the Secretary of the Navy, dated from off Fort Fisher, January 15th, 1865 : — " Fort Fisher is ours. I send you a bearer of despatches with a brief account of the affair. General Terry is entitled to the highest praise and gratitude of his country for the manner in which he has conducted his part of the operations. He is my beau ideal of a soldier and a general. Our cooperation has been most cordial. The result is victory, which will always be ours when the Army and Navy go hand-in-hand." These words were flashed all over the Northern States, carry- The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry. 183 ing joy to loyal hearts, who crowned the names of the brave Porter and the gallant Terry, and their officers and men, with the well earned blessings of a grateful people. But this result was not attained without terrible fighting and heavy loss of life. During the forenoon of the 15th, forty-four vessels poured an incessant fire into the enemy's fort. There was, also, a force of fourteen vessels in reserve. At three, p. m., the signal for the assault was made. Desperate fighting ensued j traverse after traverse was taken, and by ten, p. m., the works were all carried, and the flag of the Union floated over them. Fourteen hundred Marines and sailors participated in the di- rect assault. They moved up to the enemy's works, though at every pace their ranks were thinned by death. The enemy, m the words of Admiral Porter, met the advancing column "with a courage worthy of a better cause, and fought desperately." About thirty of the sailors and officers succeeded in climbing to the top of the parapet, amid a murderous fire of grape, canister, and musketry. There they planted the Union flag, but were swept away in a moment. The enemy mistook the attacking party for the main body of troops, and opposed a most vigorous resistance. In the meantime, Terry's gallant soldiers had gained a foothold on the north-east corner of the fort, "fighting like lions," and contesting for every inch of ground. The Iron- sides and monitors aided the work, constantly hurling their shells into the traverses not occupied by Terry's men, but filled by the enemy ; sometimes, however, failing to strike the enemy, and killing the Union soldiers. In this way the troops fought from traverse to traverse, from three o'clock in the afternoon until ten at night. When the joyful tidings of victory were signalled to the fleet, Admiral Porter stopped his fire, and the enthusiastic sailors gave the soldiers three of the heartiest cheers ever heard. Admiral Porter said at the close : " It has been the most terrific struggle I ever saw. No one can conceive what the Army and Navy have gone through to achieve this victory, which should have been ours on Christmas Day without the loss of a dozen men." 184 The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry. During the assault made on the fort by the Marines and sea- men, a strong force with shovels and picks threw up within six hundred yards of the fort a well protected breastwork, and from that gradually advanced to within two hundred yards a succes- sion of rifle-pits, which were most promptly occupied by a line of skirmishers composed of Marines, under Second Lieutenant L. E. Fagan. One sergeant, and six privates, who became de- tached from Lieutenant Fagan's guard while in the entrench- ments at the front, accompanied the army in the storming of the fort, and behaved with gallantry and coolness during the hand- to-hand conflict that ensued. In his report, Lieutenant Fagan called especial attention to the conduct of Corporal Tomlin, who, under a heavy fire from the enemy's sharpshooters, ad- vanced into an open plain close to the fort, and assisted a wounded comrade to a place of safety. The assaulting party was divided into four lines, the first line being composed of Marines under Captain L. L. Dawson. The Marines were divided into four companies, under command of Captain Butler, First Lieu- tenant Wallace, First Lieutenant Corrie, and First Lieutenant ■ Parker, giving First Lieutenant Williams charge of some twenty-five skirmishers, and First Lieutenant Meeker acting as adjutant. So hasty were the movements, that Captain Dawson was forced to move without time to equalize companies, to number them off for pacing and marching, to select sergeants to replace officers, or post the guides of a single company or platoon. He led the Marines up, and filed across the peninsula in front of the sailors, with skirmishers thrown out, and, so far as possible, aided in the terrible work of the day. The almost total and the entirely unavoidable lack of efficient organization on the part of the Marines, growing out of the fact that they were thrown together in small detachments from the various ships without previous drill together, interfered with their use- fulness, and tended to weaken the force of their aid to the seamen. Nevertheless, Captain Dawson, Lieutenant Fagan, and the officers and men under them, fought bravely, and only yielded to the force The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry. 185 of circumstances in which they were placed. And in spite of all the disadvantages under which they labored, the Marines ren- dered efficient aid in the movement which called the attention of the confederates in the fort away from the attack of the land forces, under General Terry. Looking back at the engagement, after the lapse of twelve years, unbiassed by prejudice for or against any of the officers engaged, a fair and just judgment must decide that the plan of the attack was well conceived, and that the contest was one of desperate bravery and of terrible energy on both sides. In the triumph for the Union forces, with which the fight ended, glory and honor were won equally by the Marines and seamen, who, in the face of a terrible fire, and against overmastering odds, bravely aided to make victory pos- sible, and by the soldiers who won that victory. Major-general Terry, in his official report of the engagement, says : " I should signally fail to do my duty were I to omit to speak in terms of the highest admiration of the part borne by the Navy in our operations. In all ranks, from Admiral Porter to his seamen, there was the utmost desire not only to do their proper work, but to facilitate in every possible manner the oper- ations of the land forces. To him, and to the untiring efforts of his officers and men, we are indebted that our men, stores, tools and ammunition were safely and expeditiously landed, and that our wounded and prisoners were embarked for transportation to the North ; to the great accuracy and power of their fire it is owing that we had not to confront a formidable artillery in the assault, and that we were able, with but little loss, to push for- ward the men, preparatory to it, to a point nearly as favorable for it as the one they would have occupied had siege operations been undertaken and the work systematically approached. The assault of the sailors and Marines, although it failed, undoubt- edly contributed somewhat to our success, and certainly nothing could surpass the perfect skill with which the fleet was handled by its commander." After the engagement, five officers of the Corps were recom- 1 86 The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry. mended for gallantry in the face of the enemy, by Admiral Porter ; viz., Captain L. L. Dawson and George Butler, and First Lieutenants William Wallace, Charles F. Williams, and Louis E. Fagan. Lieutenant-commander Parker, in his report to Admiral Porter, mentions Captain George Butler and Lieutenant William Wallace as being at the front. Commodore S. W. Godon, com- manding the Susquehanna, said: "Lieutenant Wallace was wounded severely in the charge on the fort. I particularly regret the injury to this officer, as he cannot well be replaced by his Corps in the affections of this ship." The following is an extract from the report of Fleet Captain K. R. Breese : " I wish to bear witness to the handsome manner in which Lieutenant Fagan of the Marine Corps did his duty with his sharpshooters, and to the gallantry he exhibited in advancing his men so close to the enemy's works." Lieutenant-commander F. B. Blake, of the Susquehanna, says : " We had fourteen wounded ; among them, I regret to state, Lieutenant Wallace, whose gallantry was conspicuous, especially in his efforts to rally his men." The bravery and efficient service of a young man who at the time held a clerkship, won for him a commission in the Marines, and the Corps is indebted to the work of that day for the honor of bearing on its rolls the name of Lieutenant Porter. The reports of the officers of the various vessels bear testimony to the nature of the services rendered by those Marines who did not land. Commodore J. F. Schenck, commanding the Powhattan, said : " It is due to the Marines of this ship, and to their com- mander, First Lieutenant F. H. Corrie, that the utmost alacrity and cheerfulness was shown in the performance of their duty." The list of officers of the Corps attached to vessels in this engagement was as follows : Colorado, Captain L. L. Dawson and First Lieutenant E. P. Meeker \ Minnesota, Captain George Butler ; Brooklyn, Captain G. P. Houston ; Vanderbilt, First Lieutenant W. H. Parker ; Powhattan, First Lieutenant F. H. Corrie ; New Ironsides, First Lieutenant R. S. Collum, and Sec- " The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry. 187 ond Lieutenant A. B. Young; Susquehanna, First Lieutenant William Wallace ; Ticonderoga, First Lieutenant C. F. Williams ; Wabash, First Lieutenant L. E. Fagan. The following is a list of the killed and wounded and missing: From the Colorado, killed in the assault, Privates Andrew Munn, William Thomas and Patrick Caine ; wounded in the assault, Sergeant Daniel Kelley. Minnesota, killed in the assault, Privates Daniel O'Neil and William Burke ; wounded in the assault, Corporal Thomas, OLeary, Privates Joseph Simmerman, John Calhoun, Edward O'Brien, William Duggan, and Nathaniel O'Donnell. Pow- hattan, missing, Corporal Rulon, Musician Bourke ; Privates Benson, Wasmuth, Hicks and O'Brien, 2nd ; wounded in the assault, Corporal Abijah Ball, Privates Owen Daly, James Conan, James Casgriff, Patrick O'Donnel, Will Kegsl, and Frank Alick. Susquehanna, killed in the assault, Privates Thomas Brennan, N. S. Minkoff; wounded in the assault, First Lieutenant Wil- liam Wallace, Corporal White Henlett, and Private John Costello. Santiago de Cuba, wounded in the assault, Privates James Sherry, Charles McCarty, and John Mahan. Wabash, wounded in the assault, Privates William Daly (since dead), Esek Bailey, and Moran ; Privates George Brown and Scanlan, by explosion of magazine in Fort Fisher. Shenandoah, killed in the assault, Private Charles Jones. Ticonderoga, killed by explo- sion in Fort Fisher, Private Charles Colcord. Brooklyn, wounded in the assault, Private James Jackson. Tuscarora, wounded in the assault, Corporal A. Collum, and Private J. B. Jenkins. Rhode Island, wounded in the assault, Private John Daisy. Mohican, wounded in the assault, Sergeant Oscar Smith, Corporal John Graham, Privates John L. Russell, Stephen Moore, and by the explosion in Fort Fisher, Privates William F. Ryan and Richard Broderick. Osceola, wounded in the assault, Private William Williams. Juniata, killed in the assault, Private Edward Brennan ; wounded, Private John Redden. Maratanza, wounded in the assault, Private Charles Sullivan. 188 The Final Successful Attack by Porter and Terry. The following is a list of Marines who received honorable mention on the Ticonderoga : Orderly Sergeant Isaac N. Fry, "recommended for coolness, good conduct and skill as captain of a gun." Shenandoah, Privates Charles Smith, Adolph Bur- ton, Wilmer D. Lyne, James Whyte, and Thomas S. Brown, mentioned "for gallant conduct in the assault. Minnesota, Corporal John Rannahan and Privates John Shivers and Henry Thompson " behaved bravely." CHAPTER XXIX. 1864 TO 1870. SOME OF THE FIGHTING DURING THE LAST PART OF THE WAR. THE GREAT FIRE IN PORTLAND, ME. THE RANK OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL CREATED FOR THE COMMANDANT OF THE CORPS. FIGHT AT FORMOSA, ETC. ON the 28th of November, 1864, Admiral Dahlgren began arrangements for a joint Army and Navy movement, cooperating with General Foster to establish connection with General Sherman. The operations continued till the evacuation of Charleston, in the following February. The Marines from the vessels of the South Atlantic Squadron who were to partici- pate in the affair were placed under command of Lieutenant G. G. Stoddard. The squadron, consisting of nine vessels, moved up Broad river at an early hour on the morning of the 29th. Twenty miles of groping in a heavy fog brought the vessels to the designated landing place, and the work of disembarkation began. In less than half an hour, the two batteries of Navy howitzers, with the nine companies of Marines and sailors, were landed, formed and advanced, under Commander Preble, in skirmishing order, guns and men. Meanwhile, troops in transports arrived and began to debark. General Foster arrived about two p. m., having been misled in the fog, and transports continued to arrive with troops and artillery through the day. The confederates seemed to be entirely surprised. General Foster returned to Port Royal about four p. m. ; and, as matters below required attention, Admiral Dahl- gren also left in the evening. 189 190 Fighting During the Last Part of the War. On the 30th, the advance was made directly upon and towards the railroad above Grahamsville. The enemy had, however, by this time collected in force, and was impeding the march of the troops by musketry and a few small pieces, but the advance continued until General Hatch, who commanded, found further progress barred by a work which looked upon the road, and was covered on the flanks by heavy woods and other obstructions. The general assaulted the work, and was repulsed with heavy loss. The fleet brigade did its duty fully, and rendered good service. The enemy did not attempt to come out from his position, and General Hatch drew off at his leisure, and fell back to a more convenient position, where he remained. 1865. — Frequent reconnoissances followed, Admiral Dahl- gren and General Foster acting in concert. On the 6th of the following month, a successful attack was made on the enemy, near the mouth of Tuliflnny Creek. The three companies of Marines did splendid work as skirmishers and picket guards. Commander Preble, who was in command of the naval portion of the force, says of the Marines, that they " behaved admirably in camp and field." General Foster continued to hold the position near the Tuliflnny. With his concurrence, Admiral Dahlgren detached the fleet brigade, and the men belonging to it returned to their vessels. The fleet brigade, under Commander Preble, had been on land duty about a month, and behaved in such a manner as to reflect credit on all, from its brave and efficient commander to the privates in the ranks. At Boyd's Neck and the two fights at Tuliflnny Cross-roads, the sturdy blows struck by the Marines and seamen carried dismay and defeat into the ranks of the enemy. The following is a list of the killed, wounded and missing among the Marines during the month's service on land : November 30th, in action at Boyd's Neck, killed, First Sergeant Philip Napp, Company B. Wounded, Company A, Private James Walker (mortally), Patrick Neilly, and Michael Maloney ; Fighting During the Last Part of the War. 191 Company B, Sergeant Philip Clancy, Corporal John Young, and Private William Wilson. Missing, Company B, Private Robert Joyce. At Tulifmny Cross-roads, December 6th and 7th, wounded, Company C, Sergeant Edgar Kermerer ; Company B, Private Thomas Mallen. Missing, Company C, Private Charles Brandt ; Tulifinny Cross-roads, December 9th, Wounded, Company A, Sergeant R. C. Bates, Private James Gorman ; Company B, Sergeant Christopher Lutz, Acting First Lieutenant, mortally, left on the field, Privates Robert Kellon, Thomas Quinn and William Gordon ; Company C, Corporal William McMurray. Steamer Donegal, Private P. W. Wood drowned December 10th. Company C, Privates Bernard Dyer and Manual de Jesus. The following despatch from Admiral Dahlgren, dated on board the flag-ship Harvest Moon, Rebellion Roads, Harbor of Charleston, February 18, shows the progress made up to that date : " Charleston was abandoned this morning by the rebels. I am now on my way to the city." On the 26th of February, Admiral Dahlgren reported to the Department an important result of the work in which he was engaged, — the occupation of Georgetown, S. C. ; that town and its defences having been occupied by the forces under his command. The town was held by six companies of Marines, under Lieutenant Stoddard, and the battery, fifteen guns, by one company of Marines, under Lieutenant Breese. First Lieutenant Charles F. Williams of the Marines was ordered to the battalion under the com- mand of Lieutenant Stoddard, and remained on duty with it during the occupation of Georgetown. The following officers of the Corps were attached to this squadron during the year 1864 and part of 1865 : First Lieuten- ant George G. Stoddard, First Lieutenant Charles F. Williams, and Second Lieutenant James B. Breese ; in the East Gulf Squadron during the same time, First Lieutenant Eugene A. Smalley; West Gulf Squadron, Second Lieutenant C. L. Sher- man. 192 The Great Fire in Portland, Me. On the 9th of November, Admiral Pearson, commanding the Pacific Squadron, wrote to Commander H. K. Davenport, saying that the commander of the American steamer Salvador had stated that among his passengers for the next trip from Panama were a number of desperate men, bent upon taking his vessel after leaving her moorings. Commander Davenport was directed to go on board this vessel with a sufficient force, and, in the event of a difficulty, to protect the passengers from harm. For the further protection of the vessel and passengers against these supposed pirates, Admiral Pearson stated that he should accompany the Salvador to sea in his ship, and, should any pirates be found on board, the commander was directed, when beyond the legal jurisdiction of the government of New Grenada, to capture them and convey them to the admiral's ship. On the morning of the ioth, the commander left his ship with four armed boats, and went alongside the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamer Sacramento, as had been pre- viously agreed upon with the master of the steamer Safvador. He subsequently overhauled and boarded the Salvador. By shrewd management, his plan was entirely successful, and he captured the whole party without bloodshed. In his report of the affair, Admiral Pearson spoke in the highest terms of the good conduct of Captain D. M. Cohen of the Marines. I g66. — A fire broke out in the city of Portland, Me., late on the afternoon of July 4, 1866, and spread with such fearful rapidity that in a very brief time a valuable portion of the city was burned. As is usually the case in times of public distress or excitement, thieves and lawless persons from other cities gathered in Portland, anticipating a rich harvest of plunder from the effects of the suffering inhabitants. The city became so infested with these birds of prey, that, on the evening of the 6th, it was determined by the city authorities to ask for military aid. Early on the morning of the 7th, a telegram was sent to , the commandant of the Navy Yard at Kittery, Me., asking for as many Marines as could be spared. Promptly on receipt of The Great Fire in Portland, Me. 193 the despatch, with scarcely an hour's warning or preparation, Lieutenant-colonel James H. Jones left Portsmouth in command of two companies of Marines, and arrived in Portland at 12.30 p. m. Upon arrival, a strong line of sentinels was posted throughout the burned district and in other avenues of the city ; many persons were arrested and quiet soon established. The Marines remained on duty until the nth of July, when they returned to the station. Colonel Jones, his officers and men, received the thanks of the city government, in a series of resolutions, for the very valuable services rendered on that occasion. The full strength of the battalion was as follows : Lieutenant-colonel J. H. Jones, commanding; first company, Captain John Schermerhorn, three sergeants, three corporals, two musicians and fifty privates ; second company, First Lieu- tenant Henry J. Bishop, two sergeants, two corporals, two musicians and fifty privates. It is related of Colonel Jones, as a characteristic incident, that, when some of the leading citizens of Portland, finding him wrapped in a blanket and reclining at night on a door step, urged him to partake of their hospitalities, he bluntly replied that his men were obliged to take up with hard fare, and what was good enough for them was good enough for him. 1867. — In the latter part of February, 1867, by Act of Con- gress, the grade of colonel-commandant was abolished, and that of brigadier-general and commandant substituted. Accord- ingly, on the 2nd of March, Colonel-commandant J. Zeilin was commissioned brigadier-general. At the time of the raid on the illegal whiskey establishments in Philadelphia, a force of Marines, consisting of about one hundred men, under command of Brevet Major L. L. Dawson, Brevet Captain Fagan and Lieutenant Ford, aided the civil authorities in preserving the peace, and in protecting the offi- cers from being assaulted by the mob. During the excitement over the efforts of Brooklyn, N. Y., whiskey men to defraud the government, the federal officers 13 194 Fight at Formosa. i called on the commandant at the Navy Yard for aid in enforcing the law. In accordance with this call, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Broome of the Marines, with four companies, was ordered to the scene of the troubles at Irishtown. The two companies which first arrived on the spot were commanded by Brevet Captain William Wallace and Second Lieutenant James B. Breese. The other companies, which left the barracks at a later hour, were officered by Brevet Major G. P. Houston, Cap- tain William J. Squires, Brevet Captain E. P. Meeker, and First Lieutenant Sherman. The duty which the Marines were called to execute at this time was of a peculiarly delicate nature ; but their courageous bearing, fine discipline and gentlemanly deport- ment, in the face of much peril, as well as of the most exciting provocation, won the highest commendation alike of the city authorities and the federal officials. On the 7th of June, Admiral Bell, in accordance with instruc- tions, left Shanghai in the Hartford, accompanied by the Wyoming, Lieutenant Commander Carpenter commanding, for the south end of the island of Formosa, to destroy, if possible, the lurking places of the band of # savages inhabiting the south- east end of that island, who murdered, the preceding March, the shipwrecked officers and crew of the American bark Rover. The landing of one hundred and eighty-one officers, sailors and Marines, provided with four days' rations and water, was made on the 13th, under the command of Commander G. E. Belknap of the Hartford, accompanied by Lieutenant Commander Alex- ander S. McKenzie, fleet lieutenant, as second in command ; the latter earnestly sought to go on the expedition ; but his valor was rewarded only by death, as he was killed in the fight. In the terrible heat, and surrounded by savages in ambush, the Marines and sailors fought desperately, burning a number of native huts, and chasing the warriors until they could chase them no longer, though at a grievous cost of life. The Marines were under command of Captain James Forney, who submitted the following report to Commander Belknap, Fight at Formosa. 195 dated on board the flag-ship Hartford, at sea, June 17 : "I have the honor herewith to submit a brief report, of the part taken by the Marines on the 13th inst., on the island of Formosa. On first landing, by your order, I took charge of twenty Marines, deploying them forward as skirmishers. A dense and almost impenetrable thicket of bush prevented the men from advancing very rapidly. I penetrated with them to a creek about half a mile from the beach, without meeting with any of the enemy, and was then recalled for further orders. You then instructed me to leave a sergeant and five men on the beach, and to advance with the main body, headed by yourself. In conse- quence of all further operations coming under your own observations, I have nothing further to report, except that the men behaved gallantly, and deserve credit for the manner in which they marched over such a rough and hilly country, and under such intense, scorching heat. Orderly Sergeant Gotter- meyer was of great assistance to me during the entire day, and deserves favorable mention. A few of the men were struck down by the oppressive heat of the sun, but were not seriously injured, and are now doing their usual duty. The entire number of Marines on shore was forty-three, thirty-one of whom were from this ship, and twelve from the Wyoming." Having accomplished all that was possible, Admiral Bell returned to Takao on the 14th, and there buried the remains of the brave McKenzie in the grounds of the British consulate. CHAPTER XXX. THE CAPTURE OF RAPHAEL SEMMES. AN INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT CHAPTER FROM THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WAR. ABOUT the ist of December, 1865, on returning to his station at Portsmouth, N. H., from which he had been absent a few days, Lieutenant L. P. French of the Marines found a telegram awaiting him, directing him " to report in per- son without a moment's delay to the Secretary of the N'avy." He lost no time in complying with this mysterious summons, which had created no little excitement among the officers at the Yard, and on arrival at Washington he found much curiosity aroused among the officers there in regard to the matter. He was soon ordered, under injunctions of the strictest secrecy, by the Secretary of the Navy, to prepare at once to find and arrest Raphael Semmes, the commander of the Alabama. He was directed to select a sufficient force from the non-commis- sioned officers of the Corps to accompany him, to give all neces- sary aid and protection. After making a suitable selection, he reported to the Secretary of the Navy as ready for final in- structions. The Secretary gave him an order to proceed to Vicksburg or elsewhere, wherever he might find Semmes, and return with him to Washington. On receiving this order, the question arose as to whether it was not in excess of the au- thority of the Secretary of the Navy, as Semmes was no longer a naval officer, and if upon land in the locality where he was supposed to be, he was under military jurisdiction ; especially as 196 The Capture of Raphael Semmes. 197 he had been paroled as a brigadier-general of the confederate service. The order was, therefore, taken to Mr. Stanton, the Secretary of War, and by him endorsed as follows : " All officers subject to the orders of the War Department will render Lieu- tenant French whatever aid he may deem necessary to execute the within order. (Signed,) Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War." Equipped with this order, and with charges and specifications duly setting forth the offences for which it was proposed to try Semmes, Lieutenant French proceeded as directed. On reaching Louisville, Ky., he was led to believe that Semmes was not at Vicksburg. He, however, proceeded down the Mississippi, stopping at Memphis, where his views were con- firmed, and upon going to Vicksburg, he found that Semmes had not been there for several months, nor could he gain any tidings of him. He continued on down the river, but learned nothing of Semmes' whereabouts until he reached New Orleans. There he met Major Lovell, the efficient provost marshal general on General Canby's staff. It was learned from him that Semmes had been in New Orleans a few weeks before, and had gone, as was thought, to Mobile, where it was understood his family resided. French proceeded directly to that place, and a few moments after leaving the steamer, met the object of his search in the street. Although he had never seen Semmes before, no one who had ever seen his photograph could possibly mistake him. As he had not announced his arrival or the object of his mission to the military authority of the place, he deferred making the arrest until he had conferred with the officer in command. He soon had reason to regret this delay, for although he made all haste to report himself to the commanding officer of the Department, and to acquaint him with the purpose of the visit, during the time thus occupied Semmes left the city, as he was doubtless about to do when the lieutenant met him. Lieutenant French had been thrown off his guard in this par- ticular by being informed, very positively, that Semmes' home 198 The Capture of Raphael Semmes. was in the city. But it was found that he resided some miles out of town. Lieutenant French was not a little surprised to find that few even of the Army officers seemed at all familiar with the history of Semmes, or the fact that he had played a very conspicuous part in the great war drama just then at its close. After availing himself of every means of information that could be obtained in the city of Mobile, he became satisfied that the Spring Hill road, where it was said Semmes lived, was not honored by the residence of that distinguished individual. Fearing that to delay and await his return might put further off his arrest, French determined to find him that night, if pos- sible. It was 2.30 p. m. when he arrived in Mobile, but, although he did not allow himself a moment for refreshment, darkness had already set in. The force to be taken with him was left to his discretion, and he took a guard of about thirty men, and ordered three carriages, in one of which were two sergeants, who had accompanied him from Washington, and a detective. He was not long in discovering that the information which the detective furnished "sprang from an over-vivid imagination." He therefore reduced the otherwise useless individual to the rank of driver, and substituted an intelligent contraband in his place. After driving out on the road referred to, and making many inquiries, a man was finally found who had heard of this noted privateersman. He informed Lieutenant French that Semmes resided some six or seven miles out of the city, on the Durham road. To reach this road they had to retrace their steps some two miles to a cross-road, and by a cir- cuitous route the Durham road was finally reached. The night was cloudy and the darkness intense, and, as the military authorities at Mobile were under the impression that the country round about the city was still infested by guerrillas, the guard that accompanied the expedition felt a good deal of trepidation. Following the direction of the new-found guide, Lieutenant French proceeded along the road some two or three miles, and finally reached a gate at the foot of an avenue leading to the house where Semmes lived. The Capture of Raphael Semmes. 1 99 Taking the contraband and the two sergeants of Marines with him, French groped his way up the dark avenue, some sixty rods, to the house. He rapped at the door, and a little girl, some twelve or fourteen years of age, opened it. He inquired if Captain Semmes was at home. She answered that he was, when French turned to the colored man and told him to go down to the carriages and send up the guard. The little girl was alarmed at seeing the men ; she hastily shut the door, and ran through the hail. Lieutenant French quickly opened the door, and saw her enter a door at the end of the hall. Presum- ing that she ran directly to her father, he approached the door and knocked, and was greeted by a gruff voice, telling him to come in. On entering the room he recognized Semmes. Introducing himself, he said, " I am Lieutenant French of the Marine Corps, and am here, by orders of the Navy Department, to present you with this order," handing him the order for his arrest. Semmes took it with evident astonishment, and, seating himself by a table, scanned the document with the greatest interest. After deliberating for a few minutes, he turned to French, and, in a contemptuous manner, said, " Well, sir, what are your orders in the premises ? " French replied, u For you to get ready to start for Mobile with me in five minutes." Semmes rose from his seat, and demanded to know if General Woods, the general in command of the Department, knew of this " outrage " being perpetrated. French asked, "What outrage ? " He said, " Tearing me from the bosom of my family in this summary and violent manner." French replied, "1 know of no one more familiar with summary proceedings than yourself, and, although General Woods has been informed that you are to be arrested, it could make no difference ; my orders, as you have seen, are from a higher authority." At this moment Semmes' family, consisting of his wife, three 2oo * The Capture of Raphael Semmes. grown daughters, a son twenty-five years of age, and the little girl, rushed into the room, the ladies much agitated. The lieutenant began to re-assure them, when Semmes ordered his family all out of the room, and commanded them to be quiet. Not knowing but that they might appeal to their neigh- bors, if they had any, or some power that would interfere with the object of his mission, French inquired of Semmes if his friends would attempt to interfere with his arrest. He replied, very emphatically, " No, sir ! it is enough for my family and my friends to know that the United States government orders this." He then requested to be allowed until ten o'clock the next morning to make preparations for his journey. This was finally conceded, but when informed that he must select his room, and remain in it under guard, his temper again forsook him, and he protested violently against what he termed " a gross outrage " to perpetrate on an officer of his rank, claiming that his parole should be accepted. Lieutenant French replied that he did not concede to his prisoner any military or naval rank whatever, and should treat him accordingly, and that his treat- ment would be measured only by his good behavior. Semmes then went to his room, and French proceeded to station a guard in and about his house. Nothing occurred worthy of note until the appointed time on the following morning, when Semmes took his departure with his captor for Mobile, where they took the steamer for New Orleans. Lieutenant French was urged by the military author- ities to take a large guard as far as New Orleans, as they antic- ipated that the fact of the arrest would be telegraphed there, and that the friends of Semmes might rally and attempt to rescue him. But French's interview, while at New Orleans, with Major Lovell, convinced him that the discipline in that city was too efficient to permit any thing of the kind. Nor was he in this regard mistaken, for although when they reached the city the depot was surrounded by a crowd, no effort was made to rescue the prisoner. The Capture of Raphael Semmes. 201 At Semmes' request, French drove with him at once to General Canby's headquarters, as Semmes wished to see that officer and entreat that he should not be locked up in a prison, of which he seemed to be in greater dread than of any thing else. On reaching Canby's headquarters, and being shown into a reception room, French entered the parlor and informed General Canby of the object of the visit. General Canby returned with him to the reception room, when French said : " General Canby, this is Captain Semmes." Semmes, on rising and bowing to the general, said, very imperiously, " Admiral Semmes, if you please, sir ! " The general returned his salute with only a dignified bow. Either from the failure to have his rank and title recognized in accordance with his demand, or moved by the dignified manner of General Canby, or possibly by a realization of his position, the prisoner was much embar- rassed and ill at ease. General Canby remarked that he would not interfere with any disposition that French desired to make of the prisoner, and so the interview terminated. French took Semmes to the St. Charles hotel, to await the sailing of the steamer for New York, three days after. The trip to New York was without incident, and upon arrival at Washington, Semmes was delivered to the commandant of the Navy Yard in that city. CHAPTER XXXI. 1870. — CAPTURE OF A PRIZE VESSEL. THE WHISKEY RAIDS AT BROOKLYN, N. Y. VALUABLE SERVICES OF THE MARINES IN AIDING THE REVENUE OFFICERS. ON the 6th of June, information was received by the United States consul at Mazatlan, from the consul at Guaymas, Mexico, that the steamer Forward, bearing the San Salvador flag, had landed between one hundred and two hundred men of different nationalities, who had taken possession of and robbed the Custom-house, forced the foreign merchants to con- tribute funds and goods to a large amount, compelled the United States consul, under protest, to supply coal for the steamer, and committed other outrages. On learning these facts, Commander W. W. Low of the Mohican, at Mazatlan, immediately made preparations for getting under way, it being reported that the Forward was still in the Gulf of California. A few days later, the Forward was captured and burned in the harbor of Boca Teacapan, a place about half way between Mazatlan and San Bias. The destruction of the piratical craft was accomplished by the Marines and sailors of the Mohican in six boats, under command of Lieutenant Brownson, who in his report mentions, among others, the conduct of First Sergeant Philip Moore and Corporal F. Moulton of the Marines as deserving special notice. Accompanying the important Darien exploring expedition of the year, under Commander Thomas O. Selfridge of the Navy, was a force of sixty Marines, under Brevet Major George P. 202 The Whiskey Raids at Brooklyn, N. Y. 203 Houston. Although the mission was one of a peaceful nature, the detachment had the honor to serve in an expedition whose results were of great importance to the commercial interests of the world, under a naval officer who has done more to solve the great problem of inter-oceanic communication than has been accomplished by any one else. 1870. — On the 25th of March, 1870, Brevet Lieutenant- colonel J. L. Broome, commanding the Marine barracks at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, received a communication from Rear Admiral S. W. Godon, to the effect that the latter had been ap- plied to by the assistant assessor of the Third New York District for a force of Marines, to assist the United States Internal Revenue officers in seizing and destroying a number of illicit distilleries. Colonel Broome was ordered to prepare a force of at least one hundred men, and as many more as he could con- veniently spare for the purpose, and make the necessary arrange- ments with Assistant Assessor J. B. Wass to carry out the law for the suppression of the illegal operations, affording every protection to the assessors. In obedience to the order, he arranged with the assistant assessor to accompany him to " Irish- town," on the 28th, for the purpose of affording protection to the United States Revenue officers. The Marines, when joined by a detachment from the United States receiving ship Vermont, numbered one hundred and twenty-nine men. This force was, with loaded muskets and forty rounds of ball cartridges per man, in readiness to leave the barracks at the appointed time. Colonel Broome and his command left the barracks in fine military style, accompanied by the Internal Revenue offi- cers. They proceeded to Irishtown, where a large crowd of rioters had assembled. The mob greeted the Marines with yells and shouts of defiance, crying out, " Irishtown is ready for you ! " '• The rangers will warm you ! " etc. Some stones were thrown at this time, but no one was injured. On arriving at Plymouth street, the immediate neighborhood was occupied by the Marines. The mob was violent, and stones, brick-bats, etc., began to fly 204 Valuable Services in Aiding the Revenue Officers. rapidly. One of these missiles, evidently thrown at the Marines, struck a police officer on the head, injuring him severely. At this, Colonel Broome made a slight demonstration with the command, which seemed to remind the mob that a continuance of their proceedings might be attended with some danger to themselves, for they became in a measure quiet, and showed evident signs of timidity. Bricks and stones, however, after this were thrown at intervals from the house-tops. In the meantime, while the Marines were subjected to these annoyances in the street, the Internal Revenue officers were engaged in de- stroying a large illicit distillery. When this was accomplished, the command moved to another distillery, which was soon put out of working order by the Internal Revenue officers. The assessors, having accomplished all they intended for the day, were escorted to a locality half a mile from Irishtown, followed by a crowd of ruffians, who were cursing and abusing them all the way. The Revenue officers, supposing that they no longer required protection, wheeled out of column, and had proceeded up Myrtle Avenue a short distance, when the mob rushed after them. Colonel Broome made a movement to assist the Reve- nue officers, seeing which the mob scattered rapidly. First Lieutenant Henry J. Bishop was on duty at the place where most of the disturbance occurred, and was very energetic and efficient in the performance of his duties. The thanks of the numerous officers were duly presented to Colonel Broome, and the conduct of the Marines was mentioned in the most compli- mentary terms by General McDowell. On the 2nd and 3rd of November, of the same year, Colonel Broome and his men were again called on for a similar duty. The Marines numbered two hundred and forty-five officers, non- commissioned officers, and privates, and were employed in pro- tecting the officers of the Internal Revenue department while engaged in Irishtown, in seizing and breaking up illicit stills. The Marines were employed in those localities where the people were most unruly, and it became necessary, in consequence of Valuable Services in Aiding the Reve?iue Officers. 205 the mob stoning the men, to charge upon the rioters on two oc- casions, occupy the roofs and upper stories of many houses, tear down fences, etc., all of which was promptly done by the Marines. In consequence of Captain and Brevet Major Parker, Captain Joseph F. Baker and First Lieutenant L. P. French all being on the sick list, Colonel Broome was deprived of their services. He was, however, ably assisted by Captain and Brevet Major G. B. Houston, First Lieutenant and Brevet Cap- tain E. B. Meeker, First Lieutenant F. D. Webster,. First Lieu- tenant E. R. Robinson, and Second Lieutenant G. C. Goodloe, who did all they could to make the duty they were engaged in a success, and all deserved great credit. It became necessary in some instances to place detachments in charge of Orderly Ser- geant James W. Buckley, Sergeant Thomas B. Isham, and Ser- geant Ethelbert Reese, William Stanly, and Rudolph Bamberg, who performed their duty well. In a communication from General Zeilin, commandant of the Corps, to Colonel Broome, dated at Headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington, D. C, November 27th, the general said: "I ac- knowledge the receipt of your communication of the 14th inst., enclosing copies of letters of thanks and commendations of Supervisor L. B. Dutcher and the colonel commanding troops during the recent operations at Brooklyn, N. Y., etc. I have read with peculiar pleasure and satisfaction the testimony borne by these authorities as to the valuable services rendered by the Marines on the occasion referred to. The services which the officers and men were called upon to perform on this trying oc- casion were of a delicate nature, requiring firmness and discre- tion. To the display of these qualities is due the successful and bloodless result of these operations. I highly appreciate your conduct throughout as commanding officer of the Marines. The ready and able assistance afforded you by Captain G. P. Houston, First Lieutenants E. P. Meeker, Frank D. Webster, E. R. Robinson, and Second Lieutenant G. C. Goodloe, as well as by the non-commissioned officers and privates, is deserving of the 206 Valuable Sendees in Aiding the Revenue Officers. warmest commendation, and reflects credit upon all con- cerned." 1871. — On the 12th and 13th of January, 1871, the services of the Marines at the Brooklyn Yard were again called into requisition in aiding the Revenue officers in that portion of Brooklyn known as Irishtown. A detachment of regulars from the Eighth Infantry was also employed. On the 12th, two large distilleries were broken up, and in accomplishing this, the whole day was consumed. On the next day, Brevet Major-general Vogdes of the Regulars informed Colonel Broome that in conse- quence of the irregularity of some of the soldiers, he desired that the Marines should be exclusively employed in protecting the workmen at all the different distilleries in Irishtown, and also to guard all public property and material seized. In con- sequence of this arrangement, the Marines were formed in guards, occupied all distilleries seized in Irishtown, guarded all the material seized and all the workmen employed. The differ- ent guards were in charge of Captain and Brevet Major G. Porter Houston, First Lieutenant and Brevet Captain E. P. Meeker, First Lieutenant Erastus R, Robinson, Second Lieu- tenant S. K. Allen, Second Lieutenant E. T. Bradford, Second Lieutenant G. C. Goodloe, Second Lieutenant J. D. Smyser, Orderly Sergeant James W. Buckley, Sergeant William Ring, Sergeant Thomas B. Isham, Sergeant Morris Clarrison, Sergeant Howard Fisher, Sergeant William H. Gardner, and Corporal James Cassidy. These officers and non-commissioned officers performed their duties to the great satisfaction of the Revenue officers, and in consequence of the good conduct of the Marines on this occasion, Colonel Broome was directed by the admiral commanding the station to express to them his high appreciation of their good conduct. During the 12th, First Lieutenant F. D. Webster, attached to the United States steamer Tennessee, was with the battalion of Marines, and with the officers referred to, did all that was necessary to assist in carrying out the wishes of the United States Internal Revenue Department. General Valuable Services in Aiding the Revenue Officers. 207 Zeilin, in acknowledging the receipt of Colonel Broome's report of the affair, wrote : " The manner in which these delicate duties were performed reflects credit upon all concerned, and meets with my entire approbation." During the following July, Colonel Broome's men were once more called on to render aid to the civil authorities, who were endeavoring to break up the illicit business in Irishtown. At about three o'clock on the morning of the 14th, the command proceeded to Irishtown, for the purpose of protecting a large force of United States officials, under General James Jordan, while engaged in arresting certain desperadoes and proprietors of the illicit stills. General Jordan requested Colonel Broome to halt the Marines in the Navy Yard near the York street gate until he should require their assistance, which was done. The colonel then proceeded with the Revenue officers out of the Navy Yard to Dixon's Alley, each party of officers proceeding to the posts assigned. The party at the entrance of or near Dixon's Alley had been there but a few minutes, when, to the surprise of all, a rapid fire from different points was opened on them from men who were lying flat in the street ' or hidden in areas of houses and in wagons. The firing had not been going on more than a few seconds, when Captain Clinton Gilbert fell, mortally wounded. Major Weeks was wounded in the hand, and another officer in the leg. As the party were hard pushed, Colonel Broome ordered the Marines up immediately, and opened on the gang with his revolver. In a few minutes the Marines, under Lieutenant Welles, made their appearance, on the double quick. The affair momentarily grew exciting. As soon as the ruffians heard the Marines coming, they broke at a run and hid themselves in the alleys and dens of the locality, where it was impossible to find them. Colonel Broome then placed guards at all important points, and ordered all the residents of houses to leave their windows, which they did. Guards of Marines proceeded to different parts of Irish- town, and protected the Revenue officers and United States 208 Valuable Services in Aiding the Revenue Officers. marshals while engaged in forcing open houses to make arrests. The conduct of the enlisted men on the occasion of this raid was admirable ; and First Lieutenant George M. Welles, First Lieutenant E. R. Robinson and Second' Lieutenant Samuel K. Allen, who composed all the commissioned officers under Colonel Broome, performed their duty exceedingly well, and received the warmest thanks of the civil authorities. The conduct of the officers and men was subsequently complimented by General Zeilin, as " deserving of all praise." In the following September, the Revenue officials were again in need of armed assistance, and, for the fourth time, the Ma- rines at the Brooklyn Navy Yard were ordered to the work. At about one o'clock in the morning, Colonel Broome with his men proceeded on board the tug Catalpa, to aid General J. Jordan, assessor, in making seizure of vessels with contraband whiskey on board. The tug proceeded first to Williamsburg, where a search was made for vessels and lighters containing whiskey, but none was found. Other points were also searched without success. At the first appearance of daylight, the tug proceeded to Irishtown, where the wharves were searched for a vessel said to be there loading with whiskey in barrels, but the vessel was not found. The information that a vessel was there loading with whiskey was positive, but the law-breakers managed to get her away. The fifth "whiskey raid " in which Colonel Broome and his men were engaged was on the 17th of October. The Marines were occupied during the day in guarding the property of the illicit distilleries in Irishtown, and in protecting and escorting working parties and Revenue officers from one locality to another. No trouble occurred until the latter part of the day, at which time a gang of ruffians attacked a small party of Ma- rines, under Lieutenant Bradford, with stones, wounding Sergeant Casey. This gang was speedily dispersed, and one of their number arrested and turned over to the civil authorities. The seizures made on this occasion were very extensive. The officers Valuable Services in Aiding the Revenue Officers. 209 under Colonel Broome, throughout this raid, were : Captain H. A. Bartlett, First Lieutenant Erastus R. Robinson, Second Lieu- tenant Samuel K. Allen, and Second Lieutenant Edward T. Bradford. Lieutenant Smyser was officer of the guard for the security of prisoners. / CHAPTER XXXII. !8y I# T HE COREAN EXPEDITION. A SURVEYING PARTY FIRED UPON BY THE COREAN FORTS. TERRIBLE PUNISH- MENT INFLICTED ON THE COREANS. THE MARINES IN ADVANCE. THE FINAL TRIUMPH. THE American Minister to China, Mr. Low, having been instructed, in 187 1, to arrange and conclude, if possible, a convention with Corea for the protection of sailors and others shipwrecked on the coast of that country, it became neces- sary that he should put himself in direct communication with the authorities. With this view, and with the assent of the authorities of China, to which country the government of Corea was tributary, the Minister sailed, in May, 187 1, from Nagasaki to Boisse'e anchorage, on the Salee River in Corea, in the Colorado, the flag-ship of Rear Admiral Rodgers command- ing the Asiatic fleet. After the arrival of the fleet at the anchorage, and after communication with and visits from the local authorities, the Coreans appeared satisfied that the expe- dition was not only peaceful but friendly in its objects. A party engaged in the peaceful object of making surveys and soundings, in the interest of science, and for the safety of com- merce, with the understood consent of the authorities, without protest or challenge by any one, passed up the channel to a point above the Corean forts, beyond the reach of assistance from . the main body of the fleet. This party was suddenly and treacherously attacked while in the difficult navigation of an unknown passage swept by strong tides and filled with 210 The Corean Expedition. 211 hidden rocks. The surveying boats were obliged to repass the forts, under a fierce fire of cannon suddenly opened upon them, and maintained with spirit and energy. The small vessels which had accompanied the party, hurrying into action, answered the fire of the forts, and, driving the Coreans from their works, rescued the surveying boats from danger, with only two of our men wounded. It was determined, by the concurrent judgment of the Minis- ter and Admiral Rodgers, that an explanation should be at once demanded, and that ample time should be given the Coreans to understand the situation and make proper repara- tion. This was done, and ten days were allowed to pass, during which no explanation was offered by the Coreans. An attack was then planned and carried out upon the forts and citadel from which the outrage had been committed. The work which followed proved the most important engaged in by any portion of the Marine Corps since the close of the war. On the 10th of June, the Monocacy and Palos, with four steam launches, left Boisse'e Island, and proceeded up the river Salee. There was a landing party of six hundred and eighty men. Of these, one hundred and five rank and file Marines, with four officers from the Colorado, Second Lieutenant VV: J. Macdonald, Jr., Alaska, First Lieutenant J. B. Breese, and Benicia, First Lieutenant F. A. Mullany, under the command of Captain Tilton, were in ships' boats in tow of the Palos and Monocacy. The whole force was under the orders of Commander Blake, of the Alaska, commander-in-chief. One of the forts opened fire on them, but was quickly silenced by the fire of the Palos and Monocacy, under cover of which the Marines promptly cast off, and pulled for the shore. They were equipped in light marching order, and had each one hundred rounds of ammunition and two days' rations. They formed the advanced guard of the landing party, and were followed by a naval brigade under Lieutenant-commander Casey, including seven field pieces under Lieutenant-commander 212 A Surveying Party Fired Upon. Cassell. Lieutenant-commander Wheeler was Lieutenant-colonel of battalion, while the general command of the land force was entrusted to Captain L. A. Kimberly. Lieutenant-commander Picking had command of the steam launches. The general programme was that the Monocacy, Palos and launches should advance up the river, and, by attacking the forts on that side, create a diversion in favor of the landing party, who should advance by land, and capture and demolish the forts as they advanced. Captain Tilton and his party landed on a gently sloping beach, two hundred yards from high-water mark. The mud proved a sefious obstruction, coming up over the knees of the tallest of the party, a fact which would have given a deadly advantage to a better appointed enemy. On landing, a line of skirmishers was thrown out, facing a tongue of land jutting out into the river, covered with scrub and strengthened by a square redoubt on the right. As the Marines advanced, the garrison of the fort were seen running through the brush and long grown crops, turning a few times, and firing shots which took no effect. The Marines then scoured the grounds all around, and entered the fort, where they remained till the main body came up. The main body proceeded to dismantle the fort, spiking and dismounting the guns, and throwing down the works. Meanwhile the Marines advanced with the river on their right, spreading as far to the left as possible, so as to scour a wide surface of country. At length they took position on a wooded knoll, which appeared to be used as a cemetery, being covered with hemispherical mounds. The main body was three-quarters of a mile behind. The evening was now far advanced, and a general order was issued to the force to bivouac fof the night where they were. Accordingly, for the first time, a Western force spent the night on the soil of Corea. On the following day the little army advanced on the second line of fortification. One-third of the Marines were ordered to march on the face of the work looking landward, two-thirds being held Terrible PunisJiment Inflicted on the Coreans. 213 in reserve. But the assault proved a bloodless one ; the enemy had decamped, probably in consequence of the shot and shell of the naval squadron ; and they entered the works without opposition. With despatch they set to work, and in a remark- ably short space of time the battlements were dismantled, fifty or sixty insignificant pieces of cannon being spiked and thrown over the cliff into the river. The ramparts were then demol- ished on the front and right face of the work. But the main object the party had in view had still to be dealt with, being no other than the destruction of the horse-shoe-shaped citadel, which first opened fire on the surveying party. For it, there- fore, the landing party now started ; the main body in the centre, the Marines piloting the way. For a time only a few unarmed natives were dislodged, who were left unmolested. At last, as the crest of a ridge was reached, the enemy were seen occupying a parallel ridge at no great distance, and blazing away with their wretched match-locks at the foreigners as they came in view, their great black heads popping up and down all the time. But, short as the distance was, it was beyond their range. The enemy were grouped on a knoll some distance off • but a few shells judiciously planted among them exerted a wonderful influence, and they fled in all directions. A skirmish- ing party of Marines was thrown out, and advanced along a narrow ridge leading directly to the horse-shoe citadel, the grand stronghold of the Coreans. Of the six thousand troops said to have been employed to oppose the American operations, one thousand formed the garrison of the citadel. The main body followed the skirmishers close up, in column of fours. A line of Marines was thrown out, to advance parallel to the right flank of the redoubt, which was selected as the point of attack, and where the advance was concealed from the enemy. This advance was successfully accomplished, till the party took position along the crest of the hill, about one hundred and fifty yards from the enemy, with their right resting on a path leading to the redoubt, along which path were planted in line about 214 The Marines i?i Advance. twenty-five banners a few feet apart. Parallel to this ridge was another, about thirty yards in advance, but to reach it the whole line must expose "themselves to view. The banners being regarded as a decoy, Captain Tilton detailed only four men to advance toward them. They had secured fifteen, when a tremendous fire was opened on them, a perfect hail of bullets, lasting, happily, only half a minute. As soon as it slackened, a rush was made for the ridge in advance, which movement was accomplished with the loss of only one Marine, Private Dennis Hemahan, although another tremendous volley was opened on them as soon as the rush was made. They were now only one hundred and twenty yards from the redoubt, but the rank vegetation and the shoulder of the hill on which it stood, screened them from its fire. Firing now became general and rapid on both sides, the deadly effect of the American practice being witnessed afterwards by the number of Coreans killed and wounded. High above the sharp rattle of the firing rose a melancholy chant of the Coreans as they fought. As little assaulting parties of the Americans advanced to close quarters, the Coreans, their ammunition apparently expended, assailed them with stones. The citadel was built upon the apex of a conical hill, about one hundred and fifty feet high from the bottom of the ravine, through which our men had to pass to reach it. The hillside was very steep, and the walls of the fort joined the acclivity with scarcely a break in the line. Had not the face of the walls been somewhat shattered by the shells from the Monocacy and the howitzers on shore, the ascent would have been most difficult. Nothing could check the Marines and sailors ; on they rushed. In his report, Admiral Rodgers says : " The heroic McKee was first to mount the parapet, and the first to leap into a hand-to-hand conflict. There he fell, as his father fell in Mexico, at the head of his men, first inside the enemy's stormed works." Other officers and men were quickly over the parapet. The fighting inside the fort was desperate. The resolution of the Coreans was The Final Triumph. 215 unyielding ; they apparently expected no quarter, and probably would have given none. They fought to the death, and only when the last man fell did the conflict cease. The enemy made no organized resistance in the forts lower down, on the point toward the river. These were opened to a rear attack by the capture of the citadel, and the garrison fled. Many of them, however, fell under the fire of our musketry and howitzers, which had nearly cut them off from retreat. The yellow cotton flag, about twelve feet square, with a large Chinese cabalistic character in black on the centre, which flew over the fort, was captured by the Marines. It was torn down by Corporal Brown, of the Colorado's guard, and Private Purvis, of the Alaska's guard, by Captain Tilton's orders. Private Purvis, of the Alaska's guard, had his hand on the halliards a second or two before any one else, and deserves the credit of the capture. The command, to a man, acted in a very creditable manner. The officers of the Marines were Lieutenants Breese, Mullany and McDonald. Fifty flags were taken, including that of the generalissimo ; four hundred and eighty-one pieces of ordnance fell into our hands, besides very many match-locks and gingalls. The guns comprised eleven thirty-two-pounders, fourteen twenty-four-pounders, two twenty- pounders, and the remainder, four hundred and fifty-four, were two and four-pounders. Two hundred and forty three dead Coreans were counted in the works. Few prisoners were taken, not above twenty, and some of these were wounded. These last were treated with all the attention possible, and finally released. Thus, in the language of Admiral Rodgers, "was a treacherous assault upon our people and an insult to our flag redressed." On the morning of the 12th, at daylight, after having occupied the field of battle eighteen hours, the entire force reembarked in one hour, and returned to this anchorage in the Monocacy and Palos. Commander Kimberly, in his report of the affair, says : "To Captain Tilton and his Marines belongs the honor of first 216 The Final Triumph. landing and last leaving the shore, in leading the advance on the march, in entering the forts, and in acting as skirmishers. Chosen as the advanced guard, on account of their steadiness and discipline, and looked to with confidence in case of diffi- culty, their whole behavior on the march and in the assault proved that it was not misplaced." Lieutenant-commander Casey, reporting the action to his superiors, bore similar testi- mony, as follows : " The Marines were always in the advance, and how well they performed their part I leave you to judge. Their conduct excited the admiration of all. I cannot express in too high terms my admiration for the gallant conduct, under fire, of the officers attached to my command, and their cheer- fulness in executing orders under trying circumstances." The following Marines were honorably mentioned : Steamer Alaska, Marines who captured flags, Privates Hugh Purvis, commanding-general's flag, John Kelly, H. M. Tolman, and J. B. Butler; Steamer Benicia, Marines who captured flags, Corporal Thomas H. Baker and Privates Daniel Barry, John Bourke, Charles C. Colllins, William Dervees, George Mclntyre, and Michael McNamara. Commander Kimberly mentions the following-named Marines who distinguished themselves in the attack : " Private Dougherty, of the guard of the Benicia, for seeking out and killing the commanding officer of the Corean forces ; Private McNamara, of same guard, for gallantry." CHAPTER XXXIII. SERVICES OF THE MARINES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON DURING TWO DESTRUCTIVE FIRES. PROTECTION TO AMERICANS AT PANAMA. THANKS TO CAPTAIN POPE. REVIEW AT KEY WEST. DURING the great fire in Boston, which broke out on the night of the 9th of November, 1872, the city authorities called on the commandant at the Navy Yard for a force of Ma- rines to aid the police in maintaining the peace, and preventing the wholesale robbery that was threatened by gangs of thieves who swarmed to the city. Lieutenant-colonel Jones, command- ing the post, placed the command of the force detailed, in answer to the request, in the hands of Captain Richard S. Collum. Between one and two o'clock on the morning of the 10th, Captain Collum started for the scene of duty with his de- tachment, consisting of First Lieutenants William Wallace, George M. Welles, three sergeants, two corporals, and nineteen privates. He marched directly to the City Hall, and, upon ar- rival, reported to the Hon. William Gaston, Mayor, for such duty as he might require. Captain Collum was directed to march to the scene of the conflagration, with discretionary power to act as he might think best for the preservation of order and the public safety. At two o'clock a. m., the force arrived at the point where their services were required. At six a. m., First Lieutenant J. H. Sherburne reported with a detachment of fifteen men from the United States ship Ohio. The value of 217 2 1 8 Services of the Marines during Two Destructive Fires. the services rendered by the Marines on this occasion was be- yond calculation. They remained on duty until noon, when, the State Militia having arrived, they returned to the barracks. In his report of the affair, Captain Collum said : " I would respect- fully call your attention to the noble and gallant conduct of the men, who were placed in situations of extreme peril, and by their steadiness and firmness in executing the orders given them, prevented confusion among the crowd of bystanders, and saved many lives. To First Lieutenants William Wallace, George M. Welles, and John H. Sherburne, great praise is due for their un- tiring exertions in the performance of their duty. Always ready, willing, and prompt, their conduct merits my hearty commendation." At two o'clock p. m., on the nth, Captain Collum received orders to take command of two companies of thirty men each, commanded by First Lieutenant William Wallace and Orderly Sergeant Francis Groll, and proceed to the Sub-treasury for further orders. Upon arrival, he was ordered to guard the re- moval of government funds from that building to the Custom- house. After performing that dirty, he returned with the com- mand to the barracks. At five o'clock p. m., of the same date, he was ordered to take command of a detachment consisting of one sergeant, one corporal, and twenty-two privates, and report to Postmaster William L. Burt for duty. First Lieutenant William Wallace was detailed to accompany him. As soon as they arrived, quarters were assigned them in the Post-office building, the rear of which was much damaged by the fire, thereby exposing a large amount of public property to the depredations of the lawless persons then in the city. Sentinels were posted in the most exposed positions with loaded muskets, and this duty was continued several days. In closing his re- port, Captain Collum says : '" I cannot mention too highly the valuable aid and important services rendered by First Lieuten- ant Wallace throughout the whole arduous duties we have per- formed, and the uniformly good conduct of the men under very trying circumstances." Services of the Marines during Two Destructive Fires. 219 Postmaster Burt addressed a letter to Colonel Jones, after the fire, in which he said : " I desire to convey to Captain Collum and Brevet Captain Wallace of your command, and the men under them, who were assigned at my request as a guard to the Sub-treasury and Post-office during the week of the great fire, my thanks' for the service they rendered us. They remained without relief from Monday to Saturday night. Their discipline and soldierly bearing were marked, and they performed their duties thoroughly, gaining great credit from all our citizens." General Zeilin, in acknowledging the receipt of Colonel Jones' report, says : " I have to say that the conduct of those com- prising the detachment is a matter of pride and gratification to me. I had learned from other sources of the discipline and soldierly conduct, as well as of the efficient aid rendered by the detachment, on this occasion, and I desire you will extend to Captain Collum, Lieutenants Wallace and Welles, as also to the non-commissioned officers and privates of the detachment, my thanks and most complimentary recognition of their services And I further desire to say, that the promptitude displayed ir responding to the call for the services of the Marines, and theii efficiency and discipline in rendering such service, speaks most highly for the energy and zeal of their commanding officer." 1873. — At the time of the destructive fire in Boston, May 30th when the famous Globe Theatre and other valuable buildings were burned, the city authorities again called on the Marines for aid ; and in obedience to an order received by Colonel Jones from Commodore Parrot, commandant of the station, Captain Collum assumed command of a detachment, consisting of First Lieuten- ant William Wallace, Second Lieutenants J. C. Shailer and J. T. Brodhead, four sergeants, three corporals, and fifty-nine privates, and proceeded to the City Hall, where orders were received from the Hon. H. L. Pierce, Mayor. At two o'clock p. m., the detachment was reinforced by fifteen men from the guard of the United States ship Ohio, under the command of First Lieuten- ant J. H. Sherburne ; also twenty-one men from the guard of the 220 Protection to Americans at Panama. United States ship Powhattan, in charge of a sergeant. At three o'clock p. M., they were relieved by a detachment of the fifth artillery until six o'clock p. m., when they again went on duty, and remained until the next morning. The streets within their lines were thoroughly patroled during the night, and the utmost vigilance was observed. Captain Collum thus closes his report to Colonel Jones : " With great gratification, I respect- fully present for your favorable consideration the men of the command, who won the respect of all by their uniformly good conduct, vigilance, and soldierly bearing. To First Lieutenants William Wallace, J. H. Sherburne, and Second Lieutenants J. C. Shailer and J. T. Brodhead, my hearty thanks are due for their promptitude and the able manner with which they conducted the arduous duties assigned them." General Zeilin expressed great satisfaction on the receipt of Colonel Jones' report, and wrote to that officer as follows : " It affords me great satisfaction to express to you my thanks for the uniform good conduct and promptitude of the men under your command. On all occasions, when called upon, have they main- tained the past renown of the Corps. You will please express to Captain Collum, the officers and men in his charge, my thanks for the good conduct, vigilance, and soldierly bearing displayed by them on all occasions." The city government of Boston officially recognized the services of the Marines, and Mayor Pierce sent the following to Commodore Parrott : " I have great pleasure in complying with the request of the City Council to communicate to you the thanks of the City Govern- ment and citizens of Boston for the very valuable services rendered by Captain Richard S. Collum, Lieutenants William Wallace, J. H. Sherburne, J. C. Shailer, and J. T. Brodhead, and men under their command attached to the Marine Corps, in preserving order and protecting property during and after the fire." Rear Admiral Steadman, on arriving at Panama, May 7, 1873, found hostilities in progress between the opposing parties con- Protection to Americans at Pa?iama. 221 tending for possession of the government of the State of Pan- ama, and, at the request of the United States consul and a num- ber of influential American and other foreign citizens, sent on shore a force of two hundred Marines and sailors, with four pieces of artillery. A portion of this force was withdrawn on the nth, and the remainder on the 22nd, all differences having been settled. A second landing was made September 24th, under the orders of Rear Admiral Almy, the revolutionary move- ments having been renewed. A force of one hundred and thirty Marines and sailors, well armed and equipped, was landed, and was afterward increased to one hundred and ninety men. Detachments were posted to protect the American consulate, and other American houses and American property. The land- ing parties were from the Pensacola and Benicia, the latter ves- sel belonging to the North Pacific station. Hostilities ceased October 8th, and the force was withdrawn, excepting a detach- ment of thirty men, which was left a few days longer, to guard the depot and the railroad, should the troubles revive. The landing of these detachments during the two emergencies, while quieting the fears of foreign residents secured the safe transit of the passengers and their effects, and of the freight and specie of four lines of steamers, two of which were not of our nation- ality, depending on this road for prompt transportation. The officers and men who composed the landing parties received the commendation of their respective commanders-in-chief for the creditable and admirable manner in which they discharged their duty. The detachment of Marines, numbering twenty- two, was under the command of Second Lieutenant James D'Hervilly. On the 25th of June, the Delaide, an Italian merchant vessel, lying in the harbor of Callao, Peru, was discovered to be on fire. The flames gained such headway that her crew were pow- erless to overcome them. As the vessel was loaded with explo- sive and combustible materials, it was feared that the shipping in the crowded harbor would be greatly damaged, and possibly 22 2 Review at Key West. many lives lost, unless the progress of the flames could be checked. At this juncture, several of the officers and men of the United States ship St Mary's volunteered their assistance. Among these was Captain P. C. Pope, Fleet Marine officer of the squadron. The volunteers were entirely successful in ex- tinguishing the flames; not, however, without severe exertion and great danger. Captain Pope, with the other officers, was the recipient of a letter of thanks from the Minister of foreign affairs of Italy, by order of the king, for his distinguished ser- vices on that occasion. This was transmitted to him in a com- plimentary letter from the Navy Department, accompanied by the following letter from Admiral Almy, addressed to Captain Pope personally : " It affords me much gratification to transmit to you a copy of a letter from the Italian Minister at Washing- ton to the Department of State, conveying the thanks of the Italian government to yourself and other officers for gallant and skilful services rendered on the occasion of a fire on board of the Italian bark Delaide, in the port of Callao, on the 25th of June, 1873. I will take this occasion to add, that no more agreeable duty can ever fall to the lot of a true naval or Marine officer, than that of relieving those who may be in imminent danger of shipwreck and destruction, to whatsoever nation they may belong. Under such circumstances the genuine man, of whatever profession he may be, knows no nationality. To him, ail belong to the same family. These sentiments seem to have actuated you in your spirited behavior upon the occasion of the fire on board of the Italian bark Delaide." 1874. — On the 24th of January, 1874, the harbor of Key West, Florida, presented an unusual scene. There was assem- bled one of the largest and most imposing fleets since the great fleet of Admiral Porter in 1864. Vessels had been recalled from the different squadrons in anticipation of war with Spain, growing out of the Virginius affair. This difficulty having been settled, it was determined, before ordering the vessels to their stations, to exercise the fleet in squadron tactics, apply the Review at Key West. 223 teachings of the torpedo system, landing in surf boats, target practice, and exercise the Marines of the fleet in battalion movements on the island, under the command of the senior officer, Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Charles Heywood. The Marines were landed in conjunction with the sailors of the fleet, and on several occasions by themselves. A large number of citizens from different parts of the country assem- bled at Key West, as well as many officers of the Army and Navy, to witness these drills on sea and land. The sailors ex- hibited remarkable proficiency, and the battalion under the com- mand of that accomplished soldier, Colonel Heywood, won the' applause not only of civilians, but of the officers of the two services. The precision in marching, the physique of the men, the evolutions, and the perfection in the manual, delighted the distinguished veterans who were there as spectators. The fol- lowing is the roster of the battalion : — Captain and Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Charles Heywood, Colonel; Cap- tain George W. Collier, Lieutenant-colonel ; Captain Frank Munroe, Major : Lieutenant William F. Zeilin, Adjutant ; Dr. Robert A. Marmion, Surgeon ; Paymaster George A. Deering, Paymaster. First Company : Captain W. R. Brown, Lieutenant Frank Scott, six ser- geants, seventy-two corporals and privates from the Juniata, Alaska and Wauchusett. Second Company : Captain W. B. Remey, Lieutenant D. Whipple, four sergeants, seventy-two corporals and privates from the Colorado. Third Company : Brevet Captain G. B. Haycock, Lieutenant P. S. C. Murphy, six sergeants, seventy-two corporals and privates, from the Congress and Wyoming. Fourth Company : Lieutenant Erastus R. Robinson, four sergeants, sev- enty-two corporals and privates, from the Franklin. Fifth Company : Lieutenant Francis H. Harrington, four sergeants, sev- enty-two corporals and privates from the Brooklyn. Sixth Company : Lieutenant Green C. Goodloe, four sergeants, seventy- two corporals and privates, from the Canandaigua and Ossipee. Seventh Company : Lieutenant B. R. Russel, four sergeants, seventy-two corporals and privates, from the Juniata and Wabash. Eighth Company : Lieutenant Robert D. Wainwright, six sergeants, sev- enty-two corporals and privates, from the Shenandoah and Lancaster. PART III CHAPTER I. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL THE OFFICERS OF THE CORPS, FROM 1798 TO THE PRESENT TIME. The following tables furnish a complete list of the commis- sioned officers of the United States Marine Corps from 1798 to 1875, tne date °f tne fi rst commission of each, dates of pro- motions, etc., with remarks on the results of service. 227 228 Register of Officers DATES OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Commandants. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut Colonel. 1 Com. Julv / 12, 1798 ( Comd't. | May 1, 1800 j Comd' t. ( Mar. 7, 1804 f Comd't. ( Mar. 3, 18 19 ( Comd't. ( Oct. 17, 1820 Aug. 3, 1798 Apr. 24, 1804 Apr. 1, 181 1 June 13, 1830 Sept. 14,1847 Sept. 2, 1798 June 4, 1806 Apr. 23, 1814 Mar. 2, 1799 Mar. 6, 1807 June 18, 1814 Sept. 12, 1836 Oct. 6, 1 84 1 July 26) 1861 Names. Adams, George Mar. 19, 1845 Nov. 25, 1 86 1 Nov. 7, 1800 Feb. 10, 1838 Apr. 3, 1810 Mar. 12,1868 July 25, 179S Feb. 17, 1807 June 11, 1811 Apr. 19, 1812 Nov. 13, 1830 Jan. 28, 1817 Feb. 28, 1815 Aug. 18, 1799 July 1, 1809 Jan. 2, 1800 Apr. 14, 1812 June 24, 1813 June 10, 1817 May 24, 1828 Oct. 20, 1832 Nov. 4. 1862 Alexander, Philip Allen, Samuel K Amory, William Nov. 10,1799 Jan. 23, 1809 June 18, 1814 Anderson, Jeremiah. . . July 1, 1834 Ashton, Richard W Auchmuty, Richard Barclay, Thomas Bayly, Robert P Baldwin, Samuel Bacon, Samuel Bacote, Thomas W. . . . Barton, Thomas B Bainbridge, Theodore.. Apr. 18, 1817 Oct. 21, 1801 Dec. 10,1801 July 8, 1 8 12 June 18, 1812 Oct. 17, 1820 June 18, 1814 Dec. 30, 1837 Aug. 1, i860 Sept. 1, 1861 Sept. 28, 1847 Baker, Joseph F Banning, Edmund P.. Bartlett, Henry A Bates, George T June 5, 1861 July 2, 1864 Nov. 25, 1861 Feb. 19, 1873 Nov. 8, 1800 Apr. 24, 1812 Nov. 19, 1840 Jan. 24, 1870 Mar. 28, 1820 Dec. 17, 1873 Feb. 6, 1865 Nov. 25,1861 Mar. 3, 182 1 June 22, 1864 Nov. 26,1861 Nov. 29, 1867 Bellvue, F. B. de Berrett, John J Berryman, O. C June 18, 1814 Mar. 3, 1819 Benson, G. Robert. . . . Bigelow, Horatio R Bishop, Henry J Bloodgood, W. A Apr. 1, 1864 from 1798 to 1875. 229 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. Remarks. Resigned March 6, 1804. Died Sept. 1, 1818. ( Brevet Major, | April 24, 1814 fLt. Col., Oct. 17, 1820 :B'g. < Gen. Jan. 27. 1837; Major { 1814. ( Capt. Mar. 3, j 1825 ; Major, ( Jan. 27, 1837 Maj. Jan. 9, 1847 ( Comd't. (July 1, 1834 t Col. Comd't. \ Jan. 7. 1859 ( Comd't. ( June 10, 1864 Died Jan. 6, 1859. Died May 12, 1864. In service. ( Comd't. | Mar. 2, 1867 tst Lieut. Aug. 12, 1847, Brevt. Major, June 18, 1824; Lt. Col. May 24, 1828. I Capt. Apr. I 1827. Capt. Sept. 13. 1847. Died Oct. 21, 1856. Drowned April r, 1864, Cairo, 111. Resigned March 31, 1803. Transferred to the army Nov. 26, 1838. Resigned July 24, 18 10. In service. Resigned, date unknown. Died June 13, 1830. Dismissed in September, 181 1. Resigned in October, 1812. Died April 14, 1841. Resigned Jan. 22, 1821. Resigned April 1, 1830. Resigned May 31, 1802. Died Aug. 26, 1809. Last appearance in Register of 1806. Resigned in November, 1815. Resigned June 4, 1815. Resigned March 13, 1829. Resigned Jan. 18, 1832. Died Aug. 31, 1853. Dismissed May 23, 1861 ; joined C. S. A. ; In service. Resigned April 13, 1870. In service. In service. Resigned Feb. 14, 1801. Resigned March 6, 1824. Resigned April 5, 1843. In service. Died Jan. 7, 1822. In service. Resigned Feb. 28, 1870. In service. Appointed purser May 2, 1834. * Resigned, but resignation not accepted. 230 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Boyle, James H.. . Bosque, Joseph.... Boon, Leonard J. . Boyd, William L.. Boyd, William S. . Bond, Francis A. . . Bourne, William T. Bradford, C. H. . . . Bradford, E. T Breese, James B — Brooks, Jr., John. . . Broom, James Britton, Abraham . . Brownlow, W. L. . . Breckenridge, H. B. Broom, Charles R.* Brooke, Edmund... Brown, William.. . . Brown, W. R Brewerton, G. D... Brevoort, A. N Brooke, B. E Broom, James Brady, Thomas A. Brewster, W. H. . . Broome, John L. . . Browning, R. L. . . . Brodhead, J. T Burrough, Jehu A. . Bush, William S.... Burnham, James D. Burke, Thomas P.. Butterfield, William. Buchanan, J. A. . . . , Butler, George , w Caldwell, Henry.... Caldwell, R. C Cammack, William. Campbell, G. W.... Carmick, Daniel. . . Carter, Landon N.. Cartter, W. H Cash, John C.f.... Church, Jonathan.. Church, F. L Clark, Lemuel Clinch, B Clavpole, John..... Clark, N. S , Clements, Jas. M.. Cochrane, Henry C. . . Second Lieut. June 25, Feb. 28, July 7, Sept. 17, Jan. 12, Mar. 1, Aug. s, Nov. 25, Dec. 18, Mar. 18, Oct. 1, Apr. 21, Sept. 9, July 6, Apr. 15, July 27, Apr. 15, Jan. 16, Nov. 25, Mar. 3, Mar. 28, uly 8, _>ec.28, Feb. 3, Jan. 24, Jan. 12, Nov. 24, Apr. 12, June 5, July 3, July 1, Nov. 20, Mar. 3, Mar. 3, 1809 1815 1812 1813 1848 1815 1824 1861 1868 1864 1807 .819 1S20 1 S3 3 1S36 1 S.- June 18, 1814 June 18, 1814 June 18, 18 14 June 18, 1814 t8 4 8 1852 1872 1 So 1 180.) .825 1830 1847 1847 Feb. 11, 1859 Sept. 2, 1798 Oct. 17, 1834 Oct. 14, 1852 May 26, 1824 Mar. 1, 1861 Mar. 16, 1845 July 12, 1862 Mar. 30, 1799 Apr. 20, 1812 Jan. 28, 1817 Sept. 7, 186 Apr. 27, June 18, 1814 June 18, 1814 Dec. 13, 1857 Nov. 26,1861 Aug. 20, 1874 May 1, 1868 Jan. 30, 1809 Apr. 14, 1 8 12 Aug. 18, 1862 Sept. 17, 1 82 1 Sept. 26, 1823 Feb. 7, 1839 Mar. 3, 1847 Sept. 28,1857 Nov. 29,1858 Sept. Mar. 4, 181 July 9, 1 86 1 Mar 2, 1799 Mar. 3, 1845 Sept. 1, 1798 Apr. 7, 1832 Sept. 1, 1861 Sept. 21, 1852 Sept. 5,1798 Aug. 13, 1865 Sept. 5, 1798 Coffin, H. G IMay 4, 1866 * Paymaster and Captain. Mar. 28, 1820 Aug. 20, 1865 Captain. July 26, i86j Oct. 17, 1820 Dec. 10, 1814 Mar. 7, 1824 May 18, 187] Mar. 6, 183S July 26, 1861 Sept. 1, 1864 Nov. 4, 1862 Jan. 23, 1809 Major. Sept. 12, Dec. [864 Aug. 3, 1798 Mar. 3, 1847I June 10, 1864 Mar. 7, 1809 Aug. 3, 1798 Nov. 20,1862 Lieut Colonel. t Paymaster with the rank of Major. from 1798 to 1875. 231 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet. Rank. Remarks. Resigned in 1812. Died at New Orleans, 1815. Disbanded April 18, 181 7, P. E. A.* Resigned July 26, 1814. Resigned July 31, 1865. Resigned in November, 1816. Died March 4, 1826. K Died Feb. 15, 1864, from wounds received \ in battle. Killed in action Sept. 10, 1813. Killed in action June 1, 1813. Resigned in 1818. Died July 17, 1821. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.* Died Nov. 14, 1840. Resigned Feb. 13, 1817. Died June 19, 1818. \ Lt. CoL Mar. Died Jan. 31, 1&27. Died Nov. 26, 1866. Died Nov. 28, 1858. Cashiered July 6, 1838. Died Nov. 7, 1847- Resigned Feb. 1, 1839. ( Maj. Apr. 24, J 1862 ; Lt. Col. ( Mar. 14, 1863. Died Nov. 28, 1867, West Indies. Killed in action Aug. 19, 1812. Transferred to the army June 30, 1826. Cashiered Oct. 3, 1831. Resigned May 1, 1858. Last appearance in Register for 1850. \ Major Jan. 14, \ 1865. Died Nov. 13, 1852. Resigned Dec. 31, 1800. Died March 23, 1855. Died Sept. 26, 1847. Dismissed Aug. 12, 1865. Resigned Oct. 26, 1801. Resigned Aug. 8, 1868. Resigned Nov. 30, 1801. Resigned June 30, 1803. Resigned Dec. 23, 1800. Resigned 1812. Died May 27, 1822. Dismissed Feb. 17, 187a. * Peace Establishment Act. 232 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. Aug. 19, 1855 1861 July 26, 1861 Dec. 5, 1867 Sept. 5, 1798 Sent. t. I86r Collier, George W Collum, Richard S Nov. 20,1862 Mar. 13, 1872 Feb. 12, 1870 Nov. 25,1861 Dec. 30, 1862 Nov. 25,1861 Nov. 26,1861 Mar. 9, 1865 May 18, 1871 Nov. 18, 1805 Mar. 4, 1807 Apr. 16, 1812 Aug. 20, 1812 Corrie, F. H Coston, H. H Cooper, George Coejman, S. S Mar. 28, 1820 Mar. 28, 1820 July 29, 1806 Mar. 8, 1824 Crabb, John Jan. 31, 1809 June 28, 1809 Apr. 14, 1810 Apr. 1, 1811 Nov. 2, i8ioApr. 14,1812 June 18, 1814 Curtis, Joseph W May 7, 1822 Nov. 8, 1798 Oct. 31, 1854 July 12, 1862 July 2, 1864 Jan. 13, 1859 Apr. 26, 1812 Feb. 28, 1816 Nov. 25,1861 Feb. 21, 1839 Mar. 13, 1816 Oct. 17, 1834 May 7, 1822 Sept. 26,1837 Jan. 16, 1817 June 10, 1817 Mar. 1, 1815 Feb. 23, 1830 Apr. 10, 1800 Dallas, A H Feb. 13, 1865 186 1 Nov. 23,1861 DeGranpre, P. B June 18, 1814 Apr. 12, 1817 Devlin, John S Mar. 3, 1847 Apr. 18, 181 7 Dieterich, J. P Douglass, Richard .... Doughty, Isaac T Duncan, John H Dulany, William Duval, Singleton Apr. 26, 1825 Mar. 3, 1847 Mar. 7, 1839 Mar. 14, 1856 Nov. 23,1861 June 19, 1 8 19 July 1, 1834 Nov. 17*1847 Aug. 3, 1798 Edwards, James L Edelin, James June 18, 1811 Mar. 1, 1815 May 7, 1822 Jan. 24, 1870 Apr. 4, 1870 Oct. 12, 1870 Mar. 1, 1815 June 10, 18 1 7 June 14, 1862 Oct. 17, 1857 Apr. 18, 1817 Mar. 14, 1829 July 1, 1834 Oct 6, 184 1 Sept. 14,1847 Jan. 7, 1859... Ela F P Ellsworth, H G Elliot, George F English, George B English, Thomas S. . . • Fagan, Louis E Fendall, Jr., P. R Aug. 11, 1819 Dec. 8, 1864 1861 June 1, 1834 Feb. 18, 1853 July 26, 1861 from 1798 to 1875. 233 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. Remarks. In service. Retired Oct. 12, 1869. Resigned June 24, 1799. In service. In service. 1 Capt. Jan. 14, I 1865. Resigned Sept 18, 1809. Resigned Nov. 22, 18 12. Resigned Sept. 15, 1813. Died Sept. 25, 1823. Died Dec. 26, 1825. Last appearance in Register of 1806. Resigned April 28, 1812. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.* Resigned Jan. 21, 1812. Resigned May 13, 1812. Dismissed Aug. 26, 1852. Resigned Dec. 30, 1837. Resigned Oct. 31, 1800. Resigned Sept. 24, 1855. Resigned July 29, 1868. Died Jan. 11, 1865. \ Major, Jan. 14, \ 1865. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A * In service. Retired March 31, 1864. Cashiered Sept. 20, 1852. Died Jan. 21, 1822. Cashiered April 27, 1838. Died April 20, 185 1. In service. Retired June 6, 1864. Resigned Aug. 11, 1817. Died July 4, 1868. Resigned in October, 1816. Killed in a duel Oct. 16, 1800. Resigned in February, 1813. Died July 13, 1869. Died July 15, 1847. Drowned in the East Indies Feb. 19, 1874. 1 1829; Major Lt. Col. Sept. ( Capt. Apr. 18, Resigned in 1817. Died March 26, 1871. \ 1829. ( 1st Lieut. Sept. ( Jan. 14, 1865. \ 1870. 1 • * Peace Establishment Act. 234 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. Fenwick, John R Field, Thomas Y Nov. 10, 1799 Mar. 3, 1847 Sept. 7, 1871 Sept. 9, 18 1 8 Feb. 1, 1809 Nov. 25, 1861 Mar. 1, 1815 Mar. 1, 1861 Feb. 22, 1857 June 29, 1809 Dec. 1, 1801 Oct. 15, 1854 Aug. 13, 1809 May 30, 1861 June 10, 1864 Floyd, C. C Mar. 24, 1821 Apr. 14, 1 8 10 Feb. 6, 1864 Apr. 18, 1817 Sept. 1, 1 86 1 Apr. 27, 1810 May 2, 1834 June 18, 1814 Apr. 23, 1864 June 18, 1814 Ford, R. O'Neill Ford, Christopher Forney, James Fontane\ P. H. W Apr. 23, 1864 July 26, 1861 Foster, Joseph Fowler, H W Aug. 17, 1812 June 14, 1862 1863 Mar. 18, 1864 Feb. 3, 1809 Jan. 16, 1809 June 18, 1810 1815 June 10, 1817 Oct. 17, 1834 July 17, 182 1 July 1,1834 French, L. P Flint, Kingman Gamble, John M Gassaway, John. ... = .. Garrard, W. C Mar. 5, 181 1 June 18, 1814 July 1, 1834 Gardner, Henry W. . . . Oct. 8, 1819 Nov. 15, 1840 July 26, 1798 Oct. 15, 1854 July 26, 1 86 1 Geddis, S. W Oct. 5, 1869 Oct. 30, 1832 Feb. 27, 1866 Mar. 1, 1 86 1 Apr. a 1, 1869 Mar. 9, 1865 Mar. 16, 1801 July 26, 1810 Mar. 1, 1815 Mar. 3, 1819 Feb. 23, 1830 May 4, 1840 Mar. 3, 1847 July 27, 1847 June 5, 1861 Nov. 25, 1861 Sept. 12, 1812 June 22, 1874 Gillespie, A. H Glisson, H. Y Jan. 18, 1838 Nov. — , 1847 Goldsborough, L. M. . . Goodloe, G. C Sept. 1, 1 86 1 Apr. 16, 1870 Apr. 4, 1805 Apr. 14, 1812 Jan. 19, 181 1 Grayson, Alfred Grymes, Charles July 17, 182 1 July 19, 1855 Mar. 16, 1847 Jan. 7, 1859 Graham, George R. . . . Grimes, John H Oct. 22, 1856 Sept. 1, 1861 Nov. 26, 1 86 1 July 26, 1 86 1 Aug. 13, 1865 June 21, 1864 Gulick, Louis J July 10, 1798 Aug. 2, 1798 Hall, John Dec. 1, 1 801 Jan. 23, 1809 June 8, 1814 Hall, Edward Apr. 15, 1799 1808 Apr. 23, 1810 Jan. 23, 1809 Apr. 14, 1812 Hanna, Charles S June 18, 1814 from 1798 to 1875. 2 35 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. ist Lieut. Sept. 13, 1847. Capt. Apr. 24, 1862 ; Major, Apr. 15, 1869; Lt. Col. Mar. 15, 1870. Lt. Col. Feb. 20, 1832. Major, Apr. 19, 1816; Lt. Col. Mar. 3, 1827. Capt. Mar. 10, 1847. Major, Dec. 6, 1846. Capt. June 18, Capt. July 20. 183 1. Resigned, but not accepted by the Department. Resigned April 1, 181 1. In service. In service. Resigned Dec. 1, 1824. Cashiered in 18 16. Resigned April 30, 1868. Resigned June 13, 1819. In service. Resigned May 19, 1864. Last appearance in Register of 1810. Resigned June 8, 1836. Died March 11, 1843. Resigned Dec. 30, 1873. Died Oct. 15, 1863. Died March 25, 1868. Died, date not known. Died Sept. ix, 1836, Resigned Dec. 29, 1810. Resigned May 31, 1815. Died April 26, 1825. Died June 20, 1864. Resigned April 9, 1801. In service. Resigned Oct. 14, 1854. Died Aug. 13, 1867. Died Oct. 15, 1863. In service. In service. Died in 1815. Died June 28, 1823. Resigned April 1, 1823. Died July 25, 1834. Resigned June 6, 1831. In service. Retired April 22, 1864. Dismissed May 18, 1861. Joined C. S. A.* In service. Dismissed Feb. 11, 1870. Resigned April 23, 1862. Resigned in 1812. In service. Resigned Nov. 10, 1799. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.f Resigned Aug. 13, 1809. Resigned Aug. 2, 1809. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.f t Peace Establishment Act. 236 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. Hall, William Apr. 18, 1812 Dec. 4, 1847 June 10, 1817 Mar. 3, 1823 July 5, 1825 Mar. 9, 1865 Nov. 25,1861 July 23, 1866 Mar. 10, 1863 Mar. 18, 1864 Dec. 8, 1864 June 5, 1861 Apr. 18, 1S11 Mar. 16, 1847 Mar. 14, 1856 June 5, 1861 Apr. 5, 1858 Nov.25, 1861 Mar. 5, 1872 Mar. 9, 1861 June 4, 1799 Feb. 19, 1801 July 5, 1809 Jan. 14, 1799 Apr. 28, 1810 Mar. 1, 1815 Nov.25, J 86i Aug. 1, i860 Mar. 8, 1849 Oct. 23, i860 May 1, 1799 Mar. 10, 1863 June 5, 1861 July 2, 1812 Sept 24,1813 July 17, 1857 Mar. 3, 1819 June 13, 1830 July 1, 1834 Dec. 18, 1814 Hays, A. J Hall, Joseph C Hardy, J. L. C Hall, Francis C Mar. 3, 1847 Mar. 16, 1847 Harris, Lloyd G Harris, John C Hammersly, L. R Haycock, George B Haverstick, John W. . . Harrington, F. M Hale, W H Feb. 16, 1864 June 20, 1866 Oct. 13, 1869 Sept. 1, 1 86 1 May 31, 1812 Dec. 10, 1855 i86j Dec. 8, 1864 June 18, 1814 Hebb, C. D July 26, 1 86 1 Hitchcock, Robert E.. . Heywood, Charles .... Heisler, George Hervilly, D', James.. . . Higbee, John H 186 1 Nov. 23, 1861 Sept. 1, 1861 July 1, 1801 Sept. 1, 1802 June 10, 1864 Hoyt, Samuel Hopkins, S. G Howie, Parke G.* Apr. 18, 1817 Nov. 26, 1 86 1 July 1, 1834 Hoff, H. B Howell, Becket J Holmes, George Houston, George P. . . . Huger, Jacob M Humphrey, C. H Huntington, R. W Sept. 1, 1861 Feb. 6, 1864 Sept. 1, 1861 Aug. 9, 1798 June 1, 1802 June 28, 1809 July 16, 1 8 14 Sept. 1, 1853 June 2 1, 1864 Hyde, Benjamin Johnson, John May 23, 1800 Jan. 26, 1809 Apr. — , 1814 Mar. 3, 1847 Jan. 7, 1859 Oct. 1, 1833 July 16, 1858 Dec. 22, 1798 Tuly 3, 1812 Mar. 1, 1815 Feb. 14, 1861 Mar. 31, 1869 Jones, James H May 7, 1861 June 10, 1864 lngraham, H. L Nov. 1, 1800 June 18, 1814 Kellogg, Lyman Kennedy, H. W Kennedy, Philip C Kelton, Allan C Mar. 3, 1819 Brevet Captain, Adjutant and Inspector with rank of Major. from 1798 to 1875. 237 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Bank. ( Capt. Mar. 3, \ 1829. ( 1 st Lieut. Apr ( 24, 1862. ( Capt. June 7, 1 1870. X 13, 1847. ( Major, Mar. 8, ] 1862; Lt. Col. ( Aug. 5, 1864. ( Capt. May 25, ( Capt. Apr. 18, \ 1827. \ Major, Aug. 5, \ 1864. Kemarks. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.* Resigned March 1, 1861. Died May 17, 1833. Died Nov. 26, 1853. Died July 13, 1853. Resigned April 25, 1868. Resigned July 31, 1869. Resigned Sept. 21, 1869. In service. Resigned Sept. 27, 1869. In service. Died Aug. 28, 1867. Disbanded April 18, 18x7, P. E. A.* Dismissed July 22, 1863. In sen-ice. Killed in action, July 21 In service. Died July 12, In service. In service. 1 86 1, Bull Run. 1862. Resigned Feb. 16, 1807. Resigned March 10, 1807. Resigned March 14, 1810. Last appearance in Register of 1799. Last appearance in Register of 1810. Died July 16, 1857. Died Aug. 17, 1862. Resigned March 1, 1861. Resigned Feb. 28, 1861. In service. Died Nov. 8, 1799. Resigned in 1864. In service. Died Feb. 10, 1815. [799. Resigned May 20, Resigned in 1809. Resigned July 7, 1812. Died May 19, 1820. In service. Resigned Oct. 22, i860. Resigned Feb. 27, 1835. Resigned March 8, 1861. Resigned Nov. 1, 1805. Resigned Feb. 9, 1820. Resigned Nov. 9, 1816. Died Aug. 31, 1864. In service. * Peace Establishment Act. 2 3 8 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. Kidd, Robert Nov. 25, 1861 Sept. 8. 1841 June 26, 1855 July 27, 1813 Feb. 27, 1801 Sept. 30,1831 Aug. 9, 1798 Sept. 25,1855 Aug. 16, 18 12 Nov. 4, 1826 Nov. 26, 1861 Mar. 16, 1847 Kintzing, M. R Kirkland, W. W Aug. 1, i860 June 10, 1864. . June 18, 1814 June 25, 1823 June 21, 1836 June 24, 1799 1861 June 18,1814 Jan. 16, 1847 Lewis, John L July 26, 1861 Oct. 13, 1869 Legge, Thomas W Sept. 9, 1798 Apr. 18, 1817 Linton, Thomas A Little, M. M Feb. 28, 1815 May 17, 1822 Apr. r, 1823 Mar. 16, 1847 Jan. 12, 1799 July 20, 1804 Feb. 28, 1816 May 7, 1822 Nov. 25, 1 86 1 Apr. 3, 1830 Sept.27, 1813 1807 July 5. 1812 Aug. 12, 1798 June 30, 1809 1817 Mar. 3, 1819 Mar. 28, 1820 Apr. 26, 1810 Oct. 14, 1837 Feb. 28, 1839 Nov. 14, 1845 Dec. 30, 1862 Apr. 7, 1832 Mar. 12, 1845 Lindsay, G. F.*. Lindsay, jr., G. F Sept. 23, 1831 Mar. 3, 1847 Oct. 1, 1801 July 4, 1805 Lowry, H. B.* Nov. 26, 1 861 Oct. 16, 1869 June 18, 1814 Jan. 23, 1809 Lucket, Lloyd Jan. 28, 1809 Nov. 16, 1810 Marston, Ward Macomber, Benj Oct. 30, 182 1 Apr. 2, 1823 July 1, 1834 Jan. 8, 1838 Dec. 10, 1855 Jan. 7, 1859 July 26, 1 861.. Maddox, W. A. T .*. . . Mar. 3, 1847 Oct. 26, 1857 Feb. i2, 1870 Aug. 3, 1798 Sept. 1, 1798 McCleary, W Dec. 16, 1799 Apr. 21, 18 12 Sept. 9, 1818 July 3, 1811 Mar. 23, 1813 Mar. 28, 1820 Mar. 1 1, 1829 May 8, 1833 Oct. 17, 1834 Mar. 3, 1835 Mar. 3, 1847 June 17, 1870 McKinnon, N. A McCline, John McDowell, J. E McClean, James Oct. 6, 1822 Mar. 6, 1838 Apr. 15,1841 Sept. 12, 1836 McLean, Alex. C McLean, G. W McNeill, F. B McArdle, W. M McCawley, C. G McCawley, Ed Jan. 2, 1855 July 26, 1861 * Assistant Quartermaster with rank of Captain. from 1798 to 1875. 239 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. Remarks. Dismissed Dec. 29, 1862. Resigned Aug. 28, i860. Dismissed April 7, 1832. Died July 16, 1804. Died May 6, 1850. Resigned June 23, 1801. Resigned in 1816. Resigned Sept. 30, 1831. Died April 9, 1800. Died Feb. 17, 1853. Resigned Feb. 25, 1825. Died Sept. 27, 1857. Resigned Dec. 31, 1852. Resigned Aug. 1, 1805. Died May 13, 1807. Resigned July 15, 1816. Resigned June 30, 1825. \ Capt. April 18, \ 1827. 1 Capt. Sept. 8, Died July 28, 1832. Died Oct. 30, 1821. Resigned in 1812. Last appearance in Register of 1812. Resigned May 14, 1799. Drowned Feb. 7, 1812. Resigned April 16, 1812. Resigned July 21, 1818. In service. Retired June 1, 1864. ( Capt. April 2, Last appearance in Register of 1810. } Capt. Jan. 3, i 1847. Resigned Jan. 25, 1842. Resigned Jan. 26, 1850. Killed in a duel, Oct. 14, 1802. Died Dec. 31, 1800. Last appearance in Register of 1812. Last appearance in Register of 1818. Resigned March 25, 1812. Resigned Aug. 20, 1813. Died Feb. 22, 1839. Resigned May 8, 1833. Resigned Feb. 7, 1839. Died March 13, 1856. Resigned Jan. 31, 1837. 1 Capt. Oct. 6, ( 1st Lieut. Sept. { 13, 1847 ! Maj. ( Sept. 8, 1863. Resigned April 1, 1873. 240 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. McDonald, jr., W. J.... McKean, W. B May 21, 1 868 Nov. 25, 1861 Mar. 31, 1869 June 14, 1862 Nov. 25, 1 86 1 June 14, 1862 Nov. 25, 1861 Apr. 16, 1855 Nov. 26,1861 Oct. 13, 1869 McSherry, W. K Apr. 2, 1864 Nov. 26, 1861 Nov. 17, 1864 Nov. 26, 186 1 Meeker, E. P Meiere, Julius E Aug. 3, 1798 Mercer, Samuel Miller, Samuel Miller, E. R Mar. 12, 1 86 1 June 1, 1808 Feb. 6, 1865 Mar. 1, 181 s Mar. 10, 1865 July 2, 1864 1810 Apr. 20, 1810 Apr. 15, 1812 June s, 1861 July 2, 1864 Mar. 18, 1864 Feb. 19, 1873 May 8, 1799 Feb. 6, 1865 Jan. 16, 1817 May 22, 1826 Oct'. 30, 1830 Feb. 27, 1 80 1 Dec. 24, 18 1 3 Mar. 13, 1816 Mar. 28, 1820 Mar. 16, 1847 Mar. 16, 1847 May 9, 1815 Mar. 3, 1847 Nov. 25, 1861 Nov. 25, 1861 June 7, 1873 Jan. 18, 1 80 1 Mar. 10, 1869 Oct. 19, 18 12 Oct. 9, 1800 Jan. 23, 1809 Mar. 13, 1816 Mar. 7, 1809 June 18, 1814 July 1, 1834 Oct. 6, 1841... Apr. 18, 1817 July 2, 1871 Morgan, John C Mosby, Robert Moseby, Joseph Montegat, T. R Apr. 14, 1812 June 18, 1814 Sept. 1, 1861 Aug. 2, 1869 Apr. 27, 1867 June 10, 1864 Murray, W. B Muse, W S Murphy, P. St. C Neill, R R Oct. 16, 1869 Nicoll William . ■ June 18, 1814 May 27, 1822 July 25, 1834 Nicholson, Joseph S. . . Nicholson, A. S.t Nowell Ed S Mar. 14, 1856 May 6, 1861 June 30, 1863 Nov. 26, 1861 Nov. 29, 1874 Oct. 15, 1802 Mar. 20, 1872 Nye C H Nicholson, Joseph 0' Bannon, P.N O'Brien, A. H June 18, 1814 July 1, 1802 June 28, 1809 Osborn, W. S Parker, Henry M Parker \V H Dec. 8, 1864 Palmer, Aulick Mar. 12, i866|Mar. 13, 1872 * Quartermaster with the rank of Major. t Adjutant and Inspector with the rank of Major. from 1798 to 1875. 241 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. Remarks. In service. Retired April 16, 1870. Died Oct. 13, 1872. ( ist Lieut. Sept. \ 8, 1863. Resigned June 19, 1866. ( Capt. Jan. 14, \ 1865. Dismissed July 1, 1863. Dismissed May 6, 1861, Joined C. S. A.* Died Aug. 31, 1798. ( Major, Aug. 24, J 1814 ; Lt. Col. ( Mar. 3, 1827. Died Dec. 9, 1855. In service. Retired Oct 12, 1869. Resigned Sept. 12, 1817. Died Dec. 25, 1865. Resigned April 30, 1814. Last appearance in Register of 1810. Disbanded April 18, 1S17, P. E. A.f Dismissed May 17, 1871. Died Sept. 22, 1800. Resigned June 2, 1873. Resigned Jan. 1, 1819. Resigned July 15, 1833. Resigned April 5, 1801. Died March 24, 182 1. Resigned July 10, 1817. Died July 18, 1855. Resigned Sept. 5, 1850. \ 1832. (ist Lieut, Sept. \ 13, 1847- ( ist Lieut. Sept. I 13, 1847 Died July 7, 1817. Dismissed June 26, 1855. \ ist Lieut. Sept. \ i3i 1847- Dropped Nov. 16, 1864. Resigned March 6, 1807. Died Sept. 17, 1821. Resigned April 26, 1806. Resigned Feb. 28, 1812. Cashiered June 12, 1817. Died May 9, 1872. In service. ( Major, Jan. 15, \ 1864. * Resignation tendered to join the South, but not accepted by the Department, t Peace Establishment Act. 242 Register of Officers DATES OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut Colonel. Payne, John O Dec. 2, 1853 June 14, 1862 Mar. 3, 1847 July 12, 1862 1807 Nov. 25, 1861 Dec. 6, 1799 Peet, Jr., F. T Sept. 1, 1864 Perry, William F Jan. 23, 1809 Nov. 26, 1861 Pope, P. C Apr. 14, 1870 Porter, Charles K Porter, Carlisle P Dec. 20, 1866: Feb. 1, 1873 Powell, S. W June 13, 1836 Apr. 27, 1812 Dec. 4, 1869 Mar. 14, 1842 Sept. 2, 1798 Feb. 2, 1809 July 30, 1823 Mar. 1, 1857 Sept. 5, 1798 June 14, 1862 Oct. 25, 1858 July 2, 1864 Nov. 25, 1861 May 1, 1799 May 26, 1824 Mar. 3, 1847 Quackinbush, S. W Queen, Henry W Sept. 28, 1847 Mar. 2, 1799 Jan. 16, 1808 Ragland, James Randolph, W.A 1861 May 25, 1799 July 26, 1861 Rathbome, J. H Aug. 29, 1869 Feb. 17, 1864 Apr. 9, 1 80 1 May 17, 1833 Nov. 27, 1853 Aug. 19, 1855 June 18, 1814 Remey, W. B June 21, 1872 Jan. 23, 1809 Mar. 3, 1847 May 24, 1861 Reynolds, John G Reynolds, E. McD July 26, 1861 . June 5, 1813 Apr. 24, 1810 June 21, 1834 Riddle, Robert B Feb. 24, 1839 Nov. 27, 1853 July 2, 1864 Mar. 3, 182 1 July- 1817 Mar. 3, 1821 Apr. 26, 1832 Apr. 5, 1843 Oct. 16, 1869 June 3, 1858 July 4, 1809 Dec. 9, 1870 June 14, 1862 Mar. 14, 1829 Jan. 10, 1858 July s, 1871 Apr. 27, 1810 Mar. 28, 1820 Oct. 30, 1 83 1 Mar. 26, 1799 Sept. 28,1811 Nov. 25,1861 Sept. 28, 1869 Oct. 1, 1824 Rogers, S. \V Robins, G. W Dec. 11, 1836 Nov. 18, 1847 Russell, W. W* Russell, B. R Scott, W. B June 10, 1864 Schaumburgh, J. W. . . Schermerhorn, J Schenck, W. S Nov. 16, 1861 Nnv. tfi. iRfii Searcy, Laf avette Sherburne, W. W Sells, David M Paymaster with the rank of Major. from 1798 to 1875. 243 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. Remarks. [Resigned Aug. 28, 1869. Resigned Nov. 15, 1848. Killed in action Dec 24, 1864. Resigned Aug. 31, 1811. In sen-ice. Resigned June 30, 1801. Resigned Aug. 12, 1819. In service. Resigned Feb. 12, 1865. Dismissed July 10, 1837. Died Feb. 7, 1813. In service. Died at sea April, 4, 1858. Resigned Jan. 1, 1809. Resigned May 17, 1809. Dismissed Oct. 21, 1826. Died Feb 15, 1864. Resigned June 30, 1802. Dismissed June 20, 1863. Resigned Jan. 16, 1862. ) Capt. Sept. 8, i 1863. Resigned Jan. 30, 181 1. Died Nov. 2, 1865. Dismissed Dec. 7, 1864- Resigned Feb. 28, 1861. Resigned Oct. r, 1824. Died in September, 181 1. Dismissed May 22, 1861. Resigned Jan. 9, 1858. In service. \ Died Dec. 11, 1836, of wounds received in ) action. Died in 1818. Died Sept. 27, 1823. Died March 1, 1845. Died Oct. 31, 1862. ( Major, Sept.13, t 1847. \ 1st Lieut. Sept. ( Capt. Dec. 10, 1 1847. Resigned Feb. 14, 1861. Resigned March 13, 1810. Resigned July 1, 1871. Cashiered Oct. 20, 1832. In service. Retired May 17, 1871. Major, — , 181 4.. Resigned April 3, 18 16. Died May 29, 182 1. Resigned Dec. 31, 1841. Resigned July 31, 1802. Resigned, 181 x. Resigned July 17, 1863. 244 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. Mar. 21, 1870 July 12, 1862 Feb. 28, 1839 Mar. 12, 1866 Mar. 1, 1815 Oct. 7, 1 84 1 Jan. 28, 1839 May 12, 1869 Oct. 17, 1834 Nov. 25,1861 Sept. 1, 1802 July 20, 1806 Apr. 26, 1812 Aug. 27, 1825 Mar. 2 1, 1870 Mar. 1, 1815 Dec. 10, 1855 May 7, 1822 Oct. 17, 1834 Mar. 13, 1872 July 19, 1855 Nov. 25,1861 • Dec. 9, 1864 Mar. 16, 1847 Mar. 20, 1872 Shuttleworth, W. L... . Sept. 28, 1857 Simms, John D Slack, W. B.* Sept. 27, 1847 Mar. 3, 1847 Feb. 22, 1857 Aug. 13, i860 Slack, jr., W. B Sloan, Thomas T Oct. 31, 1840 Nov. 26, 1861 Mar. 8, 1807 Mar. 13, 1812 Smith, Richard L Smyser, John D Sparks, Alex. D Spearing. Charles F . . . Sprague, John T Spicer, jr., W. F Stark, Alex. W Jan. 31, 1827 Feb. 28, 1861 Nov. 26, 1861 Oct. 31, I7Q3 Oct. 23, 1798 Stillman, C. H Dec. 5, 1867 June 1, 1806 Apr. 23, 1812 1808 Mar. 1, 181 1 Apr. 22, 1812 Feb. 28, 1815 July 1, 183 1 June 14, 1862 Nov. 25, 1 86 1 Nov. 25, 1861 Mar. 29, 1842 1809 Apr. 16, 1812 July 24, 1813 June 18, 1814 Dec. 10, 1814 Stephen, Henry Stark. William B July 1, 1S34 June 10, 1864 Nov. 26, 1 86 1 Mar. 16, 1847 Stoddard, George G... . Aug. 24, 1867 Sturgeon, E. B Sutherland, D. J* . . . . Jan. 27, 1809 June 18,1814 Swift, William F Mar. 1, 18 1 5 Taylor, Algernon S Feb. 21, 1839 Mar. 2, 1839 July 2, 1864 Nov. 3, 1840 Nov. 3, 1847 Apr. 1, 1830 Mar. 2, 1861 May 2, 1799 Mar. 11,1865 Mar. 3, 1847 July 17, 1857 Taylor, A. S July 30, 1868 Mar. 16, 1847 Feb. 22, 1857 July 1, 1834 Sept. 1, 1861 July 1, 1800 Tansill, Robert Nov. 29, 1858 Tattnall, J. R. F Terrett, George H Mar. 16, 1847 June 10, 1864 Jan. 23, 1809 Thompson, James Thompson, George H.. * Quartermaster with the rank of Major. from 1798 to 1875. 245 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Bank. Eemarks. ( 1 st Lieut. Aug. \ 5, 1864. ( Capt. Mar. 10, i 1847. Died Sept. 27, 1871. Last appearance in Register of 1815. Dismissed July 8, 1861. Joined C. S. A.* | Capt. Sept. 13, 1 1847. { Capt. Mar. 10, 1 1847 Died Sept. 27, 1874. Died Feb. 10, 1850. Resigned July 26, 1866. Resigned March 29, 1804. Cashiered Feb. 23, 1830. Resigned July 8, 1812. Transferred to the Army, Nov. 20, 1830. ] 1814; Lt. Col. ( June 18, 1824. Last appearance in Register of 1815. Resigned in 1855. Cashiered Sept. 23, 1841. Resigned July 3, 1837. Dismissed Jan. 9, 1862. In service. Retired March 12, 1872. Resigned Oct. 31, 1800. Resigned Sept. 30, 1801. Resigned Aug. 6, 1806. Last appearance in Register of 1812. Last appearance in Register of 1809. Resigned Oct. 23, 1818. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.f Resigned March 20, 1816. Died Aug. 18, 1855. Died April 26, 1867. Resigned Jan. 12, 1870. Dismissed July 1, 1863. Dismissed July 23, i860. Disbanded April 18, 1817, P. E. A.f Last appearance in Register of 1815. Dismissed Jan. 2, 1799. Dismissed May 6, 1861. Joined C. S. A.* Died Nov. 13, 1845. ( Capt. Sept. 14, J Capt. Mar. 27, ( 1847- ( Capt. Nov. 17, Dismissed Aug. 24, 1861. Joined C.S.A.* Dismissed Nov. 22, 1861. Joined C.S.A.* Dismissed May 6, 1861. Joined C.S.A.* 1 1S47. Resigned Jan. 12, 1810. Died at sea May 2, 1868. * Resignation tendered to join the South, but not accepted by the Department. t Peace Establishment Act. 246 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. • 1 Thayer, Cotton June 25, 1799 Thornton, Francis ADr. 2$. 1810 Apr. 3, 181 1 Apr. 12, 18 1 5 Thomas, Frederick. . . . July 1, 1825 Aug. 30, 1805 Mar. 3, 1819 Sept. 27,1856 Nov. 10, 1813 Mar. 3, 1823 Jan. 2, 1855 Mar. 5, 181 1 June 14, 1862 Apr. 24, 1869 Nov. 10, 1800 Jan. 16, 1801 Feb. 15, 1807 Dec. 4, 1869 Mar. 18, 1864 June 14, 1862 July 4, 1812 Mar. 9, 1865 June 10, 1817 May 22, 1826 Sept. 13, 183 1 June 21, 1835 Oct. 5, 1836 Towns, Thomas Tupper, Charles C Jan. 21, 1822 July 1, 1834 June 18, 1814 Apr. 1, 1830 Feb. 23, 1830 Mar. 12, 1845 Nov. 15, 1840 Tyler, H. B.* Tyler, jr., H. B Urquehart, John Wallace, William Apr. 30, 1812 June 10,1864 Wallach, Richard Wait, Marmaduke Wainwright, R. D Wainwright, R. D Washburn, I. H Jan. 23, 1809 Sept. 29, 1812 July 1,1834... Aug. 29, 1867 Ward, A. W Watson, Samuel E June 18,1814 May 18, 1871 Mar. 3, 182 1 July 1, 1834 July 25, 1834 Mar. 3, 1847 Mar. 3, 1847 Sept. 27, 1798 Dec. 5, 1867 Mar. 28, 1820 July 1, 1834 Walker George W.f... Watkins,T. L. C Waldron N. S July 1, 1834 Mar. 16, 1847 Dec. 10, 1855 Watson, Josiah Watson, Henry B Nov. 16, 1861 Webster, F. D Mar. 18, 1864 July 1,1874 Jan. 16, 1817 Oct. 17, 1834 Mar. 3, 1847 July 12, 1862 Jan. 28, 1799 Sept. 24, 1813 July 1, 1874 Feb. 19, 1817 Oct. 17, 1834 May 29, 187 1 Oct. 22, 1856 Sept. 28, 1798 Aug. 20, 1805 June 14, 1862 May 7, 1822 Webster, LeRoy C. . . . Weed, Elijah J. J West, Edward L Mar. 3, 1819 Oct. 6, 1 84 1 July 1, 1834 Welles, George M Jan. 11, 1865 Oct. 17, 1800 June 18, 1814 Whiting, Henry Whetcroft, W. W Whitney, L. F Whipple, David Williams, H. A Williams, John Williams, Charles F... Mar. 2, 1807 June 10, 1864 Dec. 27, 1825 Jan. 31, 1811 Williams, Job G Nov. 15, 1840 * Adjutant and Inspector with rank of Major. i Quartermaster with t Brevet Captain and Quartermaster, rank of Major. from 1798 to 1875. 247 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. ( Capt. Jan. \ 1S32. ( Capt. I 1825. Mar. 1st Lieut. Sept. 8, 1S63 ; Capt. Jan. 14, 1865. Major, Mar. 3, 1823 ; Lt. Col. Mar. 3, 1827. Lt. Col. Mar. 28, 1830. Capt. 183 1 Mar. Major, July 22. ( Capt. Nov. 20, \ 1847. t Capt Nov. 7, \ 1828. ( Capt. Jan. \ 1865. Resigned July 15, 1801. Resigned in 1847. Resigned Dec. 12, 1815. Transferred to the Army, July 14, 1826. Resigned March 31, 1806. Died Jan. 18, 1838. Dismissed June 25, 1861. Joined C.S.A.* Killed in battle, Sept. 13, 1847. Dismissed May 4, 1861. Joined C. S. A.* Dismissed June ax, 1861. Joined C. S. A.* Resigned in 18 12. In service. In service. Resigned Feb. 20, 1801. Last appearance in Register of 1801. Died Oct. 5, 1841. In service. In service. Died March 17, 1867. Died Nov. 17, 1847. In service. Died Aug. 29, 1851. Died Oct. 31, 1840. Died Feb. 21, 1857. Died Feb. 5, 1864. Resigned Jan. 1, 1855. Resigned Aug. 31, 1803. In service. In service. Died March 5, 1838. Died March 30, 1851. Died Aug. 27, 1847. Retired Nov. 29, 1874. Died in 1801. Killed in a duel, Sept. 25, 1819. In service. Resigned Aug. 3, 1820. Cashiered March 14, 1840. In service. Dismissed June 30, 1858. Died July 1, 1800. Died of wounds received in action, Aug., 181*. In service. JDied Sept. 26, (856. Resignation tendered to join the South, but not accepted by the Department 248 Register of Officers DATE OF ORIGINAL ENTRY Names. Second Lieut. First Lieut. Captain. Major. Lieut. Colonel. Winthrop, P. W Wilson, W. D Feb. 13, 1809 June 28, 1809 Jan. 23, 1809 Jan. 23, 1809 May 10, 1838 Dec. 13, 1857 Jan. 9, 1847 Aug. 15, 1805 Apr. 22, 1810 Wilmer, E. P Wiley, James * Wormeley, W. W Woodson, Joseph Wright, William Sept. 27, 1856 July 26, 1861 Apr. 2, 181 1 Nov. 16, 1798 Yates, Thomas Y Young, T. M. W Young W L I°I7 Feb. 20, 1822 Feb. 23, 1835 Apr. 4, 1838 July 2, 1864 Mar. 18, 1864 June 14, 1862 Mar. 27, 1856 Dec. 19, 1871 Mar. 12, 1845 Young, John F Young, J. M. T Young, Albert B Young, James B Youngblood, E. H Zeilin,W. F Aug. 9, 1868 Nov. 29, 1867 June 22, 1864 * Assistant Quartermaster with rank of Captain. from 1798 to 1875. 249 AND PROGRESSIVE RANK. Colonel. Brig. General. Brevet Rank. Remarks. Resigned May 6, t8ii. Resigned Sept. 14, 1809. Resigned June 19, 1809. Dismissed Aug. 24, 186 1. Joined C. S. A.* In service. Retired June 20, 1872. Resigned June 17, 1806. Resigned June 17, 18 14. Resigned May 8, 1818. Lost in the Insurgent. Dismissed Aug. 17. 1817. Died July 7, 1825. Died Dec. 12, 1857. Died Feb. 9, 1839. \ Capt. Sept. 13, \ 1847. Resigned Jan. 31, 1873. Resigned Jan. 20, 1865. Resigned Feb. 28, 1857. In service. * Resignation tendered to join the South, but not accepted by the Department. CHAPTER II. THANKS, MEDALS AND SWORDS AWARDED TO MEMBERS OF THE CORPS. The following is a list of officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, to whom thanks, medals, and swords were voted from 1799 to 18 1 4. Capture of the French frigate Insurgente, by the United States frigate Constellation, February 1, 1799 : Lieutenant Bartholomew Clinch. Constellation in action with the French ship-of-war La Vengeance, February 1, 1800 : Lieutenant Bartholomew Clinch. Capture of the Tripolitan ship-of-war Tripoli, by the United States schooner Enterprise, August 1, 1801 : Lieutenant E. S. Lane. Capture and destruction of a Tripolitan frigate, the Philadel- phia, of forty-four guns, in the harbor of Tripoli, by the United States ketch Intrepid, February 16, 1804: The following men volunteered, — Sergeant Solomon Wren, Corporal Duncan Mansfield, Private James Noble, " John Quin, 251 252 Thanks, Medals and Swords Awarded to the Corps. Private Isaac Campbell, Reuben O'Brian, " William Pepper, J. Wolsfrandoff. The attacks on the city and harbor of Tripoli in July, August, and September, 1804: Captain John Hall, Lieutenant Robert Greenleaf, Lieutenant John Johnson. Killed before Tripoli, August 7, 1804: Sergeant John Meredith, Private Nathaniel Holmes. Constitution in action with the Guerriere, August 19, 1812 : First Lieutenant William S. Bush, killed, Second Lieutenant John Contee. United States in action with the Macedonian, October 2K 1812: * Lieutenant William Anderson, Lieutenant James L. Edwards. Capture of the Detroit and Caledonia, October 8, 181 2 : First Lieutenant William H. Freeman, Second Lieutenant John Contee. Victory on Lake Erie, September 10, 1813, — Lawrence: First Lieutenant John Brooks, killed, Sergeant James Tull, Sergeant William S. Johnson. Caledonia : Sergeant Joseph Beckley, Sergeant James Artis. Scorpion : Corporal Joseph Iterry. Porcupine : Corporal David Little. Thanks, Medals and Swords Awarded to the Corps. 253 Trippe : Corporal John Brown. Tigress : Corporal William Webster. Niagara : Captain George Stockton, Lieutenant John Hedd- leston, Sergeant Jonathan Curtis, Sergeant Sanford A. Mason. Wasp, in action with the Reindeer, June 28th, 1814: Sergeant William O. Barnes. Resolution of Congress : Resolved, That Congress entertain a high sense of the valor and good conduct of Commodore D. T. Patterson, of the officers, petty officers and seamen attached to his command, for their prompt and efficient cooperation with General Jackson, in ,the late gallant and successful defence of the city of New Orleans, when assailed by a powerful British force. Resolved, That Congress entertain a high sense of the valor and good conduct of Major Daniel Carmick, of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and Marines under his command, in the defence of the said city, on the late memorable occasion. Approved February 22, 1815. CHAPTER III. LIST OF OFFICERS WHO WERE BREVETTED FOR SERVICES DURING THE CIVIL WAR. During and after the close of the civil war, Congress and the Navy Department showed appreciation and approval of the conduct of the officers of the Marine Corps, by conferring brevet titles on many of them. The following is a complete list of the officers so honored, with A statement of the reasons which led to their distinction : Lieutenant-colonels by brevet, — Brevet Major John L. Broome, for gallant and meritorious services at the second battle of Vicksburg, July 15, 1863, to date from March 14, 1863. Brevet Major Charles Heywood, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mobile Bay, to date from August 5, 1864. Brevet Major James Forney, for meritorious services in de- feating a rebel raid at Gunpowder Bridge, in July, 1864. Majors by brevet, — Captain Charles G. McCawley, for gallant and meritorious services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter, to date from September 8, 1863. Captain John L. Broome, for gallant and meritorious services, to date from April 24, 1862. 2 54 Officers B revetted During the Civil War. 255 Captain P. R. Fendall, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Hatteras Inlet, Port Royal, Sewell's Point, Ocrakoke Inlet, Savannah and James Rivers, to date from June 7, 1870. Captain Charles Heywood, for distinguished gallantry in the presence of the enemy, March 8, 1862. Captain Lucien L. Dawson, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14 and 15, 1865. Captain George P. Houston, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Mobile Bay, to date from August 5, 1864. Captain James Forney, for gallant and meritorious services in the action with the savages at Formosa, June 13, 1867. Captain George Butler, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14, and 15, 1865. Captain W. H. Parker, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14, and 15, 1865. Captains by brevet, — First Lieutenant James Forney, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack on Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 24, 1862. First Lieutenant John H. Higbee, for gallant and meritorious services at Port Hudson and Grand Gulf, May 25, 1863. First Lieutenant F. H. Corrie, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14 and 15, 1865. First Lieutenant H. B. Lowry, for gallant and meritorious 2 5 6 Officers B revetted During the Civil War. services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863. First Lieutenant P. C. Pope, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the night attack upon Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863. First Lieutenant William Wallace, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14 and 15, * 1865. First Lieutenant Geo. G. Stoddard, for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Boyd's Neck, and at the battle of Tulifinny Cross-roads, to date from December 6, 1864. First Lieutenant Charles F. Williams, for gallant and merito- rious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14 and 15, 1865. First Lieutenant E. P. Meeker, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14 and 15, 1865. First Lieutenant L. E. Fagan, for gallant and meritorious services at the attack upon Fort Fisher, January 13, 14 and 15, 1865. First Lieutenant George B. Haycock, for gallant and merito- rious services at Gunpowder Bridge, in July, 1864, to date from June 7, 1870. First lieutenants by brevet, — Second Lieutenant John C. Harris, for gallant and merito- rious services at the attack upon Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 24, 1862. Second Lieutenant R. L. Meade, for gallant and meritorious services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863. Officers B revetted During the Civil War. 257 Second Lieutenant William Wallace, for gallant and merito- rious services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863. Second Lieutenant Louis E. Fagan, for gallant and merito- rious services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863. Second Lieutenant Charles Sherman, for gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO—* 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW DEC H 1992 AUTODISCCIRC 1 EC 22 '92 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 il-l Ulmi.-'/ d.11 / KU'-fKe * 4, *RARY