E 506 UC-NRLF SB bl M OF THE INDIANA LEGION AND MINUTE MEN, 1863--4. OF THE INDIANA LEGION AND MINUTE MEN, 1863-4. Documents Presented to the General Assembly, with the Governor s Message, e, ises. INDIANAPOLIS: W. R. HOLLOWAY, STATE PRINTER. 1865. E50U CONTENTS. PAGE* 1. Report of Major General Mansfield Indiana Legion 1 2. Governor Morton s Address to the " Legion" and "Minute Men" of Indiana 8 3. Report of Major General Lew. Wallace Morgan Raid 10 4. Report of Lieut. W. H. Smith, Reg. Quartermaster, Gen. Wallace s Div... 13 5. Report of General John Love Morgan Raid 15 6. Report of Colonel John A. Mann Indiana Legion 20 7. Report of Colonel Daniel F. Bates Indiana Legion 25 8. Report of Captain G. W. Lyon, Crawford Artillery 26 9. Report of Adjutant E. C. Caldwell Indiana Legion 28 10. Report of Colonel Lewis Jordan Indiana Legion ., 31 11. Parole of Militia and Minute Men at Corydon Morgan Raid 34 12. Report of Captain Robert Denny Morgan Raid 38 13. Report of Lieutenant A. W. Gordan Morgan Raid 40 14. Report of Andrew J. Burrell Morgan Raid 40 15. Report of Captain William Forquor Morgan Raid 41 16. Report of Lieut. Colonel James F. McCurdy Morgan Raid 43 17. Report of Colonel John T. Willey- Border Service, 1863-4 45 18. Report of Captain G. W. Colclasure Hines and Morgan Raid 47 19. Report of Colonel Sam. B. Sering Border Service Morgan Raid.. 48 20. Report of Brig. General A. C. Downey Morgan Raid Legion 52 21. Report of Colonel H. T. Williams Morgan Raid Legion 55 22. Report of Colonel Harris Keeney Morgan Raid Legion 58 23. Report of Colonel John A. Platter Morgan Raid 60 24. Report of Colonel Lawrence S. Shuler Morgan Raid > 62 25. Report of Colonel Wm. C. Wilson Morgan Raid 64 26. Report of Colonel Kline G. Shryock Morgan Raid C6 27. Report of Colonel B. M. Gregory Morgan Raid 69 28. Report of Colonel Isaac P. Gray Morgan Raid.,. , .... 70 986340 1V CONTENTS. 29. Keport of Colonel John R. Mahan Morgan Raid 72 30. Keport of Major Johnson McCullough, Brig. Quartermaster Morgan Kaid 74 31. Keport of Lieut. Colonel E. H. C. Cavins, Chief Maj. Gen. Hughes Staff 7T 32. Keport of Brig. Gen. Henry Jordan Orange and Crawford Conspiracy... 80 33. Testimony and Confessions in Crawford and Orange Conspiracy 82 34. Keport of Colonel Charles Fournier Raid and Defense of Border 85 35. Keport of Brig. General Henry Jordan Defense of Border 90 3G. Report of Brevet Major General A. P. Hovey Expedition to Kentucky... 92 37. Report of Colonel W. W. Frybarger, Chief of Artillery Legion 94 38. Report of Colonel J. H. Koontz Indiana Legion 96 39. Report of Major David E. Shaw Indiana Legion 96 40. Keport of Colonel Kennedy Brown Indiana Legion 97 41. Report of Major William Manning Indiana Legion 97 42. Report of Major Wilson Morrow Indiana Legion 93 43. Report of Colonel Thomas Webb Indiana Legion 99 44. Report of Colonel Harvey D. Scott Indiana Legion 100 45. Report of Captain Thomas M. Adams Indiana Legion 100 40. Report of Brig. General Henry Jordan Protection of the Border... ...101 OPERATIONS OF THE INDIANA LEGION AND MINUTE MEN, 1863, 1864. REPORT OF MAJOR GEN. JOHN L. MANSFIELD. HEADQUARTERS INDIANA LEGION, Indianapolis, Dec. 27, 1864. His Excellency, 0. P. MORTON, Governor of Indiana: SIR : In compliance with your order for a biennial report of the acts and condition of the Indiana Legion, two separate reports should have been furnished ; one by Major Gen. Hughes, commanding the Second Division of the Indiana Legion, and one by myself as Com mander of the First Division. It was thought, however, that one report would better answer the purpose, and Gen. Hughes having to be absent from the State, requested me to act for both. The reports made to these Headquarters by the officers command ing the Legion, as far as they have been received, have been annexed to this report. They contain full and detailed accounts of various events and actions in which our State troops have participated. To avoid repetition, I will refer to these reports, instead of giving sepa rate and additional recitals of those events. It is highly gratifying to me to be able to say to your Excellency I. L. R. 1. MORGAN RAID. tl;at~t5p:][ncGfiiia ^flitia; though defective in many respects, has fully answered* the purpose for which it was intended. An organized militia is a link between the citizen and the professional soldier, and its functions are two-fold. The one consists in aiding the civil authori ties in the execution of the law, and the other in performing such military service as cannot conveniently be done by the regular army. All nations are liable, in times of war, to be disturbed by hostile invasions, and bv ; i >ts of lawless citizens. An army of professional soldiers, to f.;;.a against such occurrences, would be an immense expenditure, and an institution dangerous to the liberty of the people. It is, therefore, proper that a nation capable of self-government should be trusted with the means of defense, and that the citizen soldier should be employed for the suppression of riots, and for the repelling of invasions. Both of these ends have been accomplished by our State Militia within the preceding two years. During that period of time Kentucky, where it borders on the Ohio river, was infested with guerrillas and robbers, who have repeat edly collected in such numbers as to seriously threaten our border with invasion. In the early part of the preceding year they had become so numerous in Union and Henderson counties, Kentucky, that it required a constant and regular system of patrols and senti nels to protect the counties of Posey and Vanderburg against inva sion. In Harrison county, Ilines, and his band of guerrillas, were more successful; they effected a landing, and entered our State, but they were immediately expelled by our militia. Soon after, and in the same locality, the rebel General Morgan, invaded our territory with about five thousand men and five pieces of artillery, and made his exit on our eastern boundary into Ohio. It was, however, in consequence of an accidental and erroneous report, that Morgan was not prevented by our militia from entering the State; and for his escape, after having entered the State, he was indebted to an accidental mismanagement in the railroad transporta tion of our troops. He made his appearance in Brandenburg, Ken tucky, on the 7th of July, 1863, and took possession of the steamers McComb and Alice Dean. The steamer Lady Pike brought intelli gence of this to Leavenworth, and immediately after conveyed thirty men and one cannon of the Crawford Artillery, Capt. G. W. Lyon commanding, to Maukport. The cannon was then drawn by the men a considerable distance to a point opposite to Bradenburg, where Col. Timberlake was in command of some Harrison County Home Guards. On the next day, at 7 A. M., they fired their piece with MORGAN RAID. 3 true aim at the steamer McComb, crowded with Morgan s men. The first shot scattered the invaders in wild confusion, and both of the transports might then have been easily destroyed by our cannon. But unfortunately, our men had been informed that Morgan had less than two hundred men, and no artillery. They desired, therefore, to save the boats, which had been cleared of rebels, and ceased firing at them. Soon after, Morgan s artillery exposed our mistake, and our gun was silenced and the crossing accomplished. The news of this event reached your Excellency late in the eve ning of the same day. You went to work at once, and with your usual energy and dispatch you aroused the citizens of Indiana to instant action. Within two days you received offers for defending the State from three score thousand men, and before the third day expired you had from twenty to twenty-five thousand men, armed and organized, in pursuit of Morgan. On the 8th, late at night, you ordered me to proceed to New Albany, and to call out the militia along the line of my travel. Arriving at New Albany on the next day, I found Gen. Hughes in command of that post. He had already organized a considerable force, which he had skillfully disposed for the protection of New Albany. We there received news of the bold resistance to the invader, made by a small band of Militia in Harrison county, who had to be overpowered by the enemy s artillery before he could occupy the town of Corydon. On the 10th, at 2 A, M., the news arrived of Morgan s approach to Salem, whereupon I sent you the following dispatch, dated New Albany, 10th of July, which you had immediately forwarded to Madi son: " Rebels at Salem! They may aim for Vienna, Madison, and Trim ble county, Kentucky. Let boats have steam up and be guarded." Your Excellency, however, had anticipated my plan of preventing Morgan from recrossing the Ohio ; you had already sent, on the same day, the following dispatch to General Burnside, at Cincinnati : " It is not unlikely that Morgan will go out above Louisville. I am informed that there is a lot of spare artillery at Louisville. Would it not be well to mount it on boats, and patrol the river between Louis ville and Lawrenceburg ? He should not be allowed to escape. I will have 15,000 militia here to-day." Morgan took the route you had conjectured. He approached within a few miles of Madison, but had to seek for a passage elsewhere; and wherever his scouts approached the river, they found it guarded by gunboats, which escorted him on his line of march. 4 MORGAN RAID. When Morgan arrived at Vernon, and demanded the surrender of that town, he way handsomely bluffed off by Colonel Williams, who held that place with two companies of the Legion, from Ohio county, and some troops from Jennings county. Soon after General Love arrived, took command, and with a force of about one thousand men, bid defiance to Morgan and his whole command. Morgan decamped. By this time General Wallace arrived at Vernon with a heavy force of troops. On the 13th of July, Morgan had made his way to Versailles, in Ripley county, whilst the forces which you had sent under different commanders in pursuit of him, had accumulated to an overwhelming force, but chiefly of infantry. And here it is to be regretted that an accidental delay in transporting these troops to points where they might head the enemy, and compel him to give battle, should have enabled Morgan to have escaped into the State of Ohio. But even as it is, it will often be a source of gratification to contemplate the patriotism and the martial spirit which was exhibited on that occasion by the .citizens of Indiana. The conduct of the officers and men was so praiseworthy that I will abstain from naming any one individually, knowing that the great mass of all who were engaged deserve the same commendation. For a detailed account of these reports I refer you to the able reports of Major General Love, Brigadier General Downey, Colonel Mann, Colonel Williams, Colonel Keeney, Colonel Platter, Colonel Shuler, Colonel Fournier, Colonel Sering, Lieut. Colonel McCurdy, Captain J. W. Lyon, and others, annexed to this report. The present year, also, has not been free from danger to our border. During the month of March the rebel General Forrest had occupied Paducah, from which point he moved across the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, making it necessary to have our southern frontier guarded by pickets and patrols. The same danger existed during the month of July, when the rebel Generals Johnson and Seipert occu pied Union and Henderson counties, Kentucky. And again in August, guerrillas collected to the number of from one to two thousand men in the same locality of Kentucky, with the avowed intention of destroying some of the river towns of Indiana. It was on this occasion that seven hundred and fifty men of the Indi ana Legion, with five pieces of artillery, and accompanied by four hundred United States Volunteers, entered the State of Kentucky, under the command of Major Generals Hovey and Hughes. They advanced to Morganfield, surprised and scattered the rebels, took MORGAN RAID- 5 some prisoners, and returned in safety to their homes. For particu lars, I refer you to the lucid and concise report of General Hovey to Adjutant General Thomas, U. S. A. The latest disturbance from guerrillas took place some two weeks ago, in the vicinity of Madison. A gang of outlaws, supposed to belong to Jesse s men, had at different times and places fired on four of the boats running between Louisville and Cincinnati. They were about fifteen in number, but they never remained long enough in any one place to be easily found and caught by our troops. To save the State the expense of sending troops alter these fellows, I consented to supply one of the packet boats with some muskets and ammuni tion. I have also taken the responsibility to direct Colonel Bering to similarly supply any other of the mail and packet boats who may desire it, on receiving a proper voucher and bond for the return of the arms. No firing on boats has occurred since that time, but there is no doubt that constant vigilance will be necessary on our part The other function of our military, the preservation of peace within the State, has also been performed with success and propriety. And I will here express my humble approbation of the course pursued by General Willcox and by Colonel Baker the one Military Commander of, and the other Assistant Provost Marshal General for, Indiana. They acted under the conviction that, even in time of war and vio lence, the authority of the State should have full sway whenever its power suffices to preserve order and peace. Both of these gentle men made it their rule to consult and co-operate with your Excel lency ; and in cases where the execution of the law required the employment of the military forces under their command, they would tender me, as an officer of the State, the general management of their troops. Of the disturbances which took place in the year 1863, and in which I was called upon to act, the first one occurred at Enterprise, in Switzerland county, in consequence of some guns which had been stolen from a company of the Legion commanded by Captain Hall. This was during the month of May. In June a riot and bloodshed took place at Williamsport, Warren county, between furloughed sol diers and citizens of that county. During that same month resistance was made to the enrolling officer in Union Township of Bartholomew county. In Rush county an enrolling officer and his aid were mur dered in cold blood ; in Putnam county a simultaneous attack was made on the enrolling officers of that county ; and a similar act wag perpetrated in the county of Monroe. MORGAN RAID. During the month of July large bodies of men assembled in Greene and Sullivan counties, threatening resistance to the draft. An enrol ling officer was killed in the latter county. There was also danger of a serious riot at Edinburg, Johnson county, in consequence of some rou^h treatment given to a fellow who had ornamented himself with butternuts. In the present year a riot occurred in Parke county during the month of April. A set of outlaws, twenty-five in number, came from Fountain county to Parke for the purpose of driving off the Union raen. They attacked in the night time the house of an old citizen, Mr. Lay, and wounded him severely with pistol shots. The old man, however, succeeded, with the aid of his corn-knife, in defending his house. On their retreat one of the outlaws shot himself accidentally, and died the next day. They were immediately pursued by Colonel Budd, of the Indiana Legion, and Captain Buchanan, of the Wave- land Zouaves, who followed them into Fountain county, arrested them, and delivered them to the civil authorities of Parke county. A serious difficulty, and a conspiracy to resist the draft and import guerrillas to vote at the State election, took place during last Sep t-ember in the counties of Crawford and Orange. It was, neverthe less, speedily suppressed through the judicious and vigorous conduct of Brigadier General Henry Jordan, of the Indiana Legion. For the details of this transaction I refer you to the excellent report of Gen eral Jordan, to the statement of confessions made by the prisoners, and to the report of Lieutenant Colonel Cavins, of General Hughes staff. The latest occurrence which called for services of the Legion hap pened some two weeks ago in Greene county. General Pitcher, Assistant Provost Marshal General, had sent some troops to Greene county for the purpose of arresting deserters and outlaws, who were concealed in that county. These troops proved inadequate to their task for the want of horses, and a report being received that some two or three hundred disaffected citizens had congregated on the line of Sullivan county to protect the deserters, it was, therefore, thought proper to call out two mounted companies of the Legion from Monroe county. These two companies served for a short time only, but they behaved, officers and men, with great propriety, and the*y have ren dered valuable services. In regard to the present condition of the Legion, I will state that we have an extensive supply of arms for infantry, but that we are deficient in arms and equipments for cavalry. It would also be MORGAN RAID. desirable to exchange some of our heavy ordnance for lighter pieces of artillery. The numerical strength of the Legion has been reduced by the late calls for volunteers, and by the effects of the draft. And here I beg leave to remark that an alteration in the present militia law might greatly facilitate the filling up of the ranks of the Legion. The Indiana Legion is an organization of volunteers ; yet, under our law, volunteering is, in a measure, discouraged by imposing all the labor and expenses on the volunteer, whilst no sacrifice or expenditure is demanded from those who withhold their service from the State. In fact, the experience derived from the practical operation of that law, makes it desirable that our Legislature should perfect the law by proper amendments. It is, however, the more creditable to the citi zens of Indiana that, notwithstanding these impediments, they should have sustained, and are still sustaining, a well disciplined and effective militia. It is an evidence of the intelligence and patriotism of our people, and it proves ^that the great majority are willing to make any sacrifice to defend our border, and to sustain the laws of the State, A considerable part of our Legion have undergone, within the last two years, severe hardships, and many of them have suffered in a pecuniary point of view by having been called away suddenly from their daily occupations. They obeyed the summons with alacrity and cheerfulness, and I take pleasure in assuring your Excellency that in time of need you may safely rely on the efficiency of the Indiana Legion. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, JOHN L. MANSFIELD, Major General Indiana Legion, MORGAN RAID. ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR MORTON. To the Officers and Soldiers of the " Legion " and "Minute Men " of Indiana : Having received information that a rebel force, estimated at six thousand strong, with six pieces of artillery, had crossed the Ohio river into Harrison county, I issued a call on Thursday last, to the patriotic citizens of the State to leave their various occupations and turn out for its defense, and, if possible, capture the insolent inva ders. The evidence was abundant that the original purpose of the rebels was to seize, plunder and burn the capital, but as their course would be uncertain, it was necessary to make preparations to encoun ter them in every direction. Within forty-eight hours from the time the call was issued, not less than sixty-five thousand men had ten dered their services and were on their way to places of rendezvous, while many thousands more were preparing, but were notified to remain at home. Within three days, thirty thousand men, fully armed and organized, had taken the field at various points to meet the enemy. This wonderful uprising will exert a marked effect throughout the country, exhibiting, as it does, in the strongest and most favorable light, the military spirit and patriotism of our people. At the first landing on our soil, the rebel advance was met and fought by the neighboring u Legion," and, although our forces were few in number, and were driven back, they gave the rebels a clear foretaste of what they might expect when they penetrated the inte rior of the State. Within ten hours after they entered our borders, their invasion was converted into a rapid and desperate flight. In whatever direction they turned they were confronted by large bodies of armed men. Wherever they approached the river, with the view MORGAN RAID. to crossing, they found large bodies of troops prepared to dispute their passage. In half a dozen cases they were offered battle, which they invariably declined. They dodged and ran, by night and by day, and finally succeeded in making their escape over our eastern border into Ohio. They are reported to have murdered several of our citizens in cold blood, to have plundered many of their horses, money and goods, and to have burned and otherwise destroyed much valuable property. The injury done the railroads was slight, and has been almost entirely repaired. They had but little time to do damage beyond the murder and plunder of surprised and defenceless citizens along the line of their flight. For the alacrity with which you responded to my call and left your harvest fields, your work- shops and offices, and took up, arms to protect your State and punish the invaders, allow me, on behalf of the State, to tender my hearty thanks. Your example will not be lost upon the nation, and you have taught the rebels a lesson which will not be forgotten. In the light of these events, it is impossible not to perceive the importance of a thorough organization of the Legion. The presence of an organized force ready to take the field at a moment s notice is a standing security against invasion and depredation, and I am very anxious that so far as it is possible, the temporary organization of the " Minute Men " may be converted into permanent ones under the law ; and that exertions will everywhere be made to recruit the ranks of the Legion and perfect its drill and efficiency. Given at the Executive Department, Indianapolis, Indiana, this 15th day of July, 1863. OLIVER P. MORTON, Governor and Com mander-in- Chief, I 10 MORGAN RAID. REPORT OP MAJOR GENERAL LEW. WALLACE. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND., August 16, 1863. Adj. Gen. Laz. Noble: According to request, I send you the following report. I reported myself to Gov. Morton on the morning of the llth of July, and, at his request, took command of a detachment of the Legion, for ope rations against John Morgan, who was then in the neighborhood of Vernon, in this State. It appears Gen. Carrington had reported to Gen. Willcox that, as early as 8 o clock, A. M., a body of troops, twenty-two or twenty- five hundred strong, was ready to march. I waited for them at the depot of the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, intending to put them on the cars, and proceed immediately to Vernon. About 10, A. M., Colonel Shuler reported his regiment. Upon inquiry, I found he had no ammunition. Shortly after, Col. Gregory reported his command. It, also, was without ammunition; in addi tion, it was without rations. The united strength of the two was about thirteen hundred effective, and they were all that reported to me. I was compelled to wait for ammunition until about four o clock Receiving a limited supply, a start was then made for Yernon. At Columbus I was officially informed, from headquarters at Indian apolis, that a demand had been made on Gen. Love, at Vernon, for surrender that he had refused, but waited reinforcements. Dispatches from Old Vernon also informed me that Love was sur rounded by Morgan s whole force, about 6000 strong, with six guns. About the same time I was notified that the 15th Indiana Battery MORGAN RAID. 11 had left Indianapolis to report to me. Assurance of the enemy s presence in force, at Vernon, made it my duty to await the Battery at Columbus. Meantime, every preparation was made for a fight. There was reason to believe that Morgan, if he was seriously demon strating against Vernon, would attempt to prevent me from rein forcing Love. It became necessary, therefore, to anticipate, as far as possible, every contingency, and provide against them beforehand. If attacked at all, it would be while my command was in the cars. All my preparations and orders were ^omptly executed, except by the Captain of the Battery. He was ordered to keep his horses har nessed, but he failed to do so, and, as a consequence, the little col umn had to wait for him and his battery at North Vernon until after day-light before it could move. About six o clock the column started for Old Vernon, where we arrived only to be informed that Morgan had decamped. This movement satisfied me of what I felt assured before, viz., that Morgan would not fight, if he could help it ; also, that as against his mounted men infantry could accomplish nothing more than the de fense of towns and railroad bridges. At Vernon Gen. Love turned the command over to me. That officer and his subordinates are really entitled to just credit. Besides firmly rejecting the demand for sur render, he made the best possible disposition of his little force to defend the town, and, like his men, was willing and ready to fight. [ subjoin an informal report which I had made of the two commands united at Vernon. To pursue Morgan on foot was folly. From Vernon I was at first disposed to march immediately to Madison, but concluded to wait until it was definitely ascertained where the enemy was going. It soon appeared that he was heading east. I then suggested throwing a force down the Lawrenceburgh railroad, and telegraphed for per mission to move my command to Osgood. I telegraphed to Lawrenceburgh, asking citizens to collect wagons and meet me at a designated point in my advance. There can be no doubt that if this plan could have been carried out, I could have over taken Morgan somewhere about the State line. He was at that time not more than twenty-five miles ahead of us, and moving slowly. With the wagons I could have made a forced march of sixty miles. Unfortunately, the confusion in Dearborn county, consequent upon the enemy s presence, was so great as to make it next to impossible to procure a sufficiency of the required transportation. On the 14th I marched to Sunman s station, on the Indianapolis 12 MORGAN RAID. and Lawrenceburgh Railroad, a few miles beyond Milan, joining Gen. Hughes. His command, added to mine*, made a force of about fifty-five hundred strong, amply sufficient to have flogged the enemy in an open field fight. While at Vernon I issued an order for the .collection, by impressment, of all the horses within three miles of the place. So industriously did Col. Shuler, to whom the business was entrusted, work, that by three o clock he had one hundred and sixty horses. These were mounted by det^from his regiment and Col. Gregory s. The command of the detachment was given Col. Shuler, and he at once started in pursuit, with orders to follow Morgan vigorously, never leaving his trail while in Indiana. The Colonel, I am glad to say, outstripped Gen. Hobson s cavalry, and overtook the enemy at Harrison, where he reports having had quite a skirmish. It is very much to be regretted that the Legion consists so entirely of infantry. Two or three regiments of cavalry would have stopped Morgan before he passed into Ohio. I respect fully suggest attention to the organization of that arm of the ser vice. In conclusion, I have no doubt the men under my command would have acquitted themselves handsomely in fight, if opportunity had offered. Their conduct under arms was in every way creditable. Very respectfully, Your friend and servant, LEW. WALLACE, Maj. Gen. Volunteers, MORGAN RAID. REPORT OF LIEUT. W. H. SMITH, R. Q. M. & A. A. C. S. MAJOR GENERAL WALLACE S DIVISION. PROPERTY IMPRESSED. INDIANAPOLIS, July 28, 1863. GENERAL : I have the honor to submit the following statement of property impressed by order of Major General Lew. Wallace for the use of the United States forces under his command during the late Morgan expedition, and for which receipts were given by W. H. Smith, First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartei master of the 103d Regiment Indiana Militia, and A. A. C. S. General Wallace s Division : + Taken at gunman, Indiana. Date. Name. Article Nett Weight. July 15... Jane Stewart ...Two head of cattle... .1000 pounds. ...H. Ripka One 600 i; ...J. Stagner Two 400 " ...Michael Abplanalp...Two 400 " ...C.Anderson- Three .... ..... 819 " * " ...A. Lawrence Two 640 " ...Sam. J. Alden Two 1000 " 16... James Yannus One " 450 " ...F. Whitehead Two 650 " ...H. Neiman. Two bushels of salt. 14 MORGAN KAID. I Taken at Columbus, Indiana, July 11, 1863. Jacob Fortner, 1 grey horse, 16 hands high. W. P. Jones, 1 iron " " 15 Henry Wykoff, 1 grey " 15 Sam l Hege, 2 bay horses, 16 each. " 1 saddle, 2 bridles an$ 1 halter. B. B. Jones, 1 black horse, 17 hands high. 1 bay "16 " " 1 " i4 15 hands and 3 inches high. u 1 " mare, 15 hands high. " 1 grey horse, 14 " " 5 bridles. Also, no name given , 1 bay mare, saddle and bridle ; no receipt given, no owner being found. Respectfully submitted, W. H. SMITH, 1st. Lieut., R. Q. M. 103d Regt., and A. A, C. S. Gen. Wallace s Di-o. To GEN L LAZ. NOBLE, Adjutant General Indiana . MEMORANDUM OF PROPERTY RECEIPTED FOR BY W. H. SMITH, 1ST LIEU TENANT AND A. A. Q. M., GEN. WALLACE S DIVISION, INDIANA MILITIA. MORGAN RAID. At Columbus, Ind. July 11 E. Nichols, 1 roan mare, 1 bridle and 1 saddle. July 11 John Young, 2 bay horses. 3 saddles and 2 bridles. July 11 S. McDermot, 3 saddles and 4 bridles. W. H. SMITH, 1st Lieut. R. Q. M. 103d Reg t, and A. A. Q. M. Gen. Wallace s Div. Militia, Morgan Raid. MORGAN RAID. 15 REPORT OF GENERAL JOHN LOVE. INDIANAPOLIS, July 20, 1863, His EXCELLENCY, 0. P. MORTON, Governor of Indiana ; g IR : By appointment as your Aid-de-Camp to visit New Albany, on the receipt of news here that Morgan was in the vicinity of Cory- don, and to advise you of the condition of affairs there, I left this city, on tho 9th inst., at 4 o clock P. M.; reached Jeffersonville at 10, and New Albany at 11 P. M., where I found General James Hughes in command. General Hughes had made the best disposition possible of the forces under him. About two o clock A. M. of the 10th, we learned that Morgan did not intend an attack on New Albany, but was marching towards Salem. General Hughes being relieved from the command about this time, with his Staff, we took the early Jeffersonville train for Seymour, arriving at 10 A. M. General Hughes joined the troops ho had organized and stationed at Mitchell. I remained at Seymour to organize Minute Men, and make the necessary disposition to meet Morgan, should he advance on Sey* mour, as then appeared quite probable. There were at Seymour two regiments of United States volunteers. To enable me to command all the forces, General Willcox appointed me Acting Brigadier Gen eral. The town of Seymour was filled with men from the neighbor hood. These men were speedily organized, sworn into the State service for the emergency, and armed and equipped, to tho number of three hundred. Mounted men, armed with their own rifles and 16 MORGAN RAID. shot-guns, were patrolling the country, and giving me information of the enemy s whereabouts. For several hours after certain information that Morgan had taken Salem, it was impossible to learn what course he would next take. If his object was to damage the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, then Mitchell would be the next place ; if to march on Indianapolis, as many supposed, then his route would be towards Seymour from Salem. At 2 o clock on the morning of the llth, an engineer on the Jefferson- ville Railroad arrived at Seymour, and reported that Morgan with his entire force was passing through Vienna at 6 o clock the evening before. Independent scouts, who left the vicinity of Salem at 6 o clock the evening before, reported Morgan s whole force marching towards Vienna. This information, confirmed by two different and reliable sources, satisfied me, and I so reported to your excellency, and to General Wilcox. It was the more satisfactory to get such reliable information at this time, as all sorts of reports were in circulation ; amongst others, that Morgan had actually taken Orleans, and was marching on Mitchell. About 3 o clock P. M. on the llth I received an order from General Willcox to proceed with my command to Vernon. Taking all the transportation at Seymour, we started for Vernon at 3|- o clock, with the Michigan Sharp-shooters, under Colonel De Land, and a battalion under Lieutenant Colonel Frank Hays, com posed of a portion of the 63d Indiana, and detachments of exchanged men. I turned over the post of Seymour to Captain M. W. Shields, of Jackson, who had been active in arousing the neighborhood to arms, and who placed himself at the head of the mounted men, and ren dered invaluable service. We reached North Vernon at about 4| o clock P. M., where the wildest excitement prevailed. Rumors were current that Morgan had three times demanded the surrender of Vernon, and was then within one mile of the town. At North Vernon, I found Colonel Burkhanr, with part of his Regiment, from Dearborn county, and ordered him to Vernon by the line of the rail road. In ten minutes, our column was on the old road to Vernon, a distance of two miles. By rapid marching, much of the time in double-quick, although the day was intensely hot, we reached Ver non at about 5 o clock, our men in. the best of spirits. When the head of the column reached Vernon, I received a message from Col. Williams, of Ohio county, then in command, to hasten in person to MORGAN RAID. 17 the front. Here I found Col. Williams with an Aid of Morgan s, who was within our lines with a flag of truce, to demand, for the second time, the surrender of the town. I directed the Aid to say to Gen. Morgan that I had a sufficient force for my purpose, that the country was swarming with armed men, that it would be impossible for him to escape, and that if he would surrender to me, I would treat him as a prisoner of war. Having but 1,000 men, and assured that Morgan s whole force was around the town, I sent to Morgan to ask two hours to remove the women and children before he commenced the attack. He replied, he would give but fifteen minutes. It was now nearly dark ; the women and children were hurried out of the town, and disposi tion made to defend to the last. Arriving so late in the day, and a stranger to the country, and unacquainted with the roads, to and from the town, it was impossible to make such arrangements as I would otherwise have done. From reports brought me, and the firing in the rear towards North Vernon, I supposed Morgan intended to march round the town, take North Vernon, and so cut us off. The firing turned out to be a skirmish between some of our men and a detachment of Morgan s men, sent to damage the 0. & M. R. R. track to the west of North Vernon. Morgan s detachment reached the 0. & M. R. R., but did no damage beyond such as was repaired in two hours. Having only about forty mounted men, it was impossi ble to get information of the movements of the enemy, our mounted men being employed as videttes to the picket stations, to prevent surprise. At 1 o clock at night, the Recorder of Jennings County, Thos. Riley, Esq., who was taken prisoner in the morning, made his way into town, and gave me information that Morgan had marched towards Dupont. I sent all the mounted men I could raise about twenty under Capt. Boyd, to follow him. Our scouts followed to within two miles of Dupont, returning about 8 o clock in the morn ing, with twenty prisoners, their horses, arms, and equipments. The prisoners were sent to this city. The women and children were sent for in time to reach their homes at daylight. I am pleased to be able to report, that beyond the natural alarm occasioned by so unexpected and apparently great danger, no serious disaster occurred to the women and children, the night being warm and cloudy. On the morning of the 12th, I joined my forces with Maj. Gen. Wallace, who arrived at Vernon at 9 o clock. Rumors were conflicting all day of the 12th. He was supposed to be attempting to escape by Madison. On the 13th we heard he M. R, 2 MORGAN RAID, was at Versailles, when, on the evening of that day, we proceeded by rail to Osgood. On the 14th, Gen. Wallace marched by land towards Sunman, on the I. & C. R. R., joining Gen. Hughes at Milan. Our entire force, under Gen. Wallace, reached Sunman at 6 o clock P. M. of the 14th, after a fatiguing march of eighteen miles. Morgan now being far in the State of Ohio, our troops were brought to this city, and, on the 17th, discharged. It is due to Col. Williams and his gallant regi ment from Ohio County, to say, that with only two hundred men of his regiment, and the armed citizens of Jennings County, he refused to surrender Vernon to Morgan s force of forty-five hundred, with five pieces of artillery. On my arrival at Vernon, I found Col. Williams had made the best disposition of the three small field pieces under his command, and that he was determined to hold out till reinforced. The failure to take Vernon was the first check Morgan had met with since entering our State, and, it is believed, embarrassed him, by turning him back on his route ten miles from the course he had probably marked out. His plan was, no doubt, to take North Ver non, and thus damage the roads centering there. It is proper that I should mention that James H. Vawter, Esq., of Vernon, and Col. James H. Cravens, of Ripley, were most active and energetic, ani rendered untiring service. No people could have behaved better than did the citizens of Vernon, and particularly would I speak of the women and children. When they found it was necessary for them to leave, temporarily, their homes, not an exciting sound or act escaped them, and all moved out calmly. It should be to us all a source of con gratulation at the alacrity and earnestness with which our citizens, to a man, sprang to arms, and vied with each other who should be fore most and render the most service. What Morgan s plans may have been, time has not yet developed, but if the most natural that of cutting our communications he signally failed in our State. So rapidly was he pursued, that he failed to break communication on any road for more than twenty-four hours, and many of them not more than six hours. We pursued him to the Ohio line, and I think turned him over to the care of Ohio in such an exhausted condition that I should not be surprised at the report of the rout and capture of his command being confirmed. My impromptu staff, consisting of Maj. C. T. Woolfolk, Surg. Thomas B. Harvey, Capts. J. L. Buell, H. A. N. Sain, C. Durham, and Charles Pool, were very efficient^ and rendered valuable assistance. My brigade, as finally organized MORGAN RAID. 19 under Gen. Wallace, consisted of the Boone County regiment, under Col. Gregory ; the Hendricks County regiment, under the immediate command of Col. Bennet, of the 69th regiment Indiana Volunteers, who, though on sick leave, and then suffering, volunteered his ser vices ; the splendid battery of Yon Sehlen ; and, as before stated, the Michigan Sharpshooters ; and a battalion of the 63d regiment Indiana, and a detachment of exchanged men. It is with pleasure I bear testimony to the zeal and earnestness of every officer and sol dier of the brigade, and the uncomplaining endurance of the hard ships of this brief but exciting expedition. To Gen. 0. B. Willcox the State is under obligations for his hearty co-operation with the State authorities, and his energy and skill in the disposition of the forces. I have the honor to be, Governor, Very Respectfully, JOHN LOVE, Act g Brig. Gen, REPORT OF COLONEL JOHN A. MANN, COMMANDING IST REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS IST REG T IST BRIGADE, INDIANA LEGION, \ Mount Vernon, Ind., Dec. 10th, 1860. / To Major General John L. Mansfield, Indiana Legion : GENERAL: In compliance with your request, dated November 27th ult., I have the honor to make the following report of the ope rations of the First Regiment, Indiana Legion, since my report to Major General John Love, dated December llth, 18G2 : During the early part of the year 1863, we had very frequent alarms, in consequence of threatened raids by guerrilla parties, in the counties of Henderson and Union opposite us in Kentucky. It was necessary, during the whole of the winter and spring, to keep up a constant vigilance. My cavalry company, Captain John D. Hinch, performed very frequent and valuable services. The infantry compa nies were frequently called out to do guard duty, both in Mount Vernon and along the river for eighteen miles below and fifteen miles above the town of Mount Vernon. Captain William Baker s company known as the " Pocket Guards " were very faithful in the dis charge of their duty ; the members of this company, living oppo site to Uniontown, in Union County, Ky., being the most exposed point on the border guarding, from time to time, the whole river coast, from the mouth of the Wabash to Slim Island, a dis tance of fourteen miles, always giving me timely notice of any movements on the opposite side of the river. During the month of March, 1863, considerabl excitement was created by a report that 500 guerrillas were crossing at Uniontown and marching on Mount Vernon. Being absent on that day, at Evansville. I heard of the threatened movement late at night, and immediately proceeded to MORGAN RAID. 21 Mount Vernon. Arriving at 2 o clock A. M., I found everything had been done that was necessary for the defense of the town. The report, however, of the contemplated attack proved to be erroneous. A short time after this, Morgan crossed the Ohio river into Indiana. On the 9th of July, late at night, I received orders from Governor Morton ta call out my regiment, and be in readiness for immediate service. 1 sent messengers at once to notify the different companies, and, although some were fourteen miles away, every company was in town, with almost every man belonging to each, by 12 M. on the following day. At 3 o clock P. M., on the 10th, I received orders to hold myself in readiness to move at a moment s notice, stating that transports would be there for us that evening. At 9 o clock, the boat arrived took on board seven companies of infantry, but did not get away until the following morning, on account of fog in the river, Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Larkin being in command of the infantry on steamer, while myself and Major E. W. Murray accompanied the cavalry, under Captain John D. Hinch, by land. We reached Evansville at daylight (after a fatiguing night-march) on the 1 1th. The companies that went to Evansville were the " Mount Vernon Rifles," Captain Edward Brown ; the " Union Guards," Captain Phil ip Peter ; the " Independent Guards," Captain Nelson J. Nettlcton ; the "Prairie Guards," Captain Nath. B. Ashworth; the "Farmers- ville Guards," Captain Thos. Thompson; the "Pocket Guards," Captain Wm. C. Baker ; the " Hickory Ridge Guards," Captain N. C. Perry, and the " Posey Rangers," my cavalry company, under command of Captain John D. Hinch in all about 500 men. After the arrival of the boat with the infantry, we were assigned to quarters at " Camp Meade," which assumed the appearance of a regular military encampment. We remained there until the day following, when, hearing that Morgan was moving east towards Cincinnati, and fearing a guerrilla raid from Union county, Ky., I requested to be allowed to return home with my regiment to protect our own county ; General Farquhar thereupon, ordered me to take my cavalry and return to Mount Ver non, there to organize the local militia for defense. On leaving home for Evansville, I left Captain S. Milner, of the " Mount Ver non Artillery," with his battery, and Captain fyghtmyer, with the " Springfield Guards," under the command of the former, at Mount Vernon for its defense and I was highly gratified on my return to find that Captain Milner had, with his usual energy, organized the 22 MORGAN RAID. local militia into companies, and had between four and five hundred men under arms so that, in the space of forty-eight hours, fully a thousand men were under arms, from the county of Posey, ready for any emergency. The other seven companies of infantry, in com mand of Lieutenant Colonel Wm. H. Larkin, remained at Evansville until Monday, the 13th, when General Farquhar becoming satisfied that all danger from Morgan had passed ordered them to return home, where, upon their arrival, the troops were drawn up in a line, the artillery firing a salute, to receive their brethren in arms. The reception was as hearty as though they had been absent on a year s campaign. Finding there was no longer a necessity for keeping the men under arms, I drew them up in line and dismissed them to their homes. The officers and men of the 1st Regiment deserve great praise for their promptitude and energy on this occasion. During the remainder of the year 1863, very little service was performed by my regiment, everything being quiet along the border during this period. Our services during the year 1864 were manifold, and part of the time arduous, the border being threatened more or less throughout the year. In March,, Forrest made his inroad into Western Ken tucky, and attacked Paducah. On leaving there, he moved to the Cumberland river, and crossed at Edgeville. As soon as the movement became known, I ordered my regiment to be in readiness for any emergency, fearing that he might attempt a move north and strike the Ohio, either at Uniontown or Henderson, and possibly cross the river into Indiana. The companies again ral lied promptly, and cheerfully performed the duty of standing guard and picket keeping a look-out for several days, until we heard of the rebels moving south, and the danger had passed. Things remained quiet, however, but a short time. About the 1st of June, the guerrillas began to come into Union and Henderson counties again threatening the quiet of the border. An attempt was made, during my absence to the East, to carry off a number of horses from Mount Vernon and vicinity ; and they were successful in stealing a fine horse from one of our citizens. Arriving at home during the excitement, I again adopted measures for our security. I ordered the Legion under arms established a permanent guard along the river to the mouth of the Wabash which duty was cheerfully per formed by the " Pocket Guards " and our companies in town. Our citizens, also, very promptly established a volunteer watch, which was kept up during the entire summer. About the 1st of July, the rebel MORGAN RAID. 23 Colonels A. R. Johnson and Seipert, Majors Chenowith and Taylor, made their appearance in Union and Henderson counties, Kentucky, with considerable forces, establishing and enforcing a rigid conscrip tion, until their numbers were swelled to near a thousand men, mostly, however, very poorly armed. I reported the situation to General Carrington ; but he was unable to render us much assistance. He did, however, send us thirty men of the 46th Indiana, under command of Lieutenant Forgy, to aid us in guarding the river, which was now, at several points, fordable. About the first of August, Major General James Hughes arrived at Evansville, to superintend the defence of this part of the State. I immediately reported to him the State of affairs opposite to us, in Kentucky. General Alvin P. Hovey, being at home, received, about the first of August, a communication from General Hughes suggest ing an expedition into Kentucky against the rebel forces of Adam Johnson, requesting him (General Hovey) to take command of the expedition provided the services of the Legion could be procured for such an expedition. At a consultation with Lieutenant Colonel Larkin and myself, it was agreed that the effort should be made. I ordered all the companies of my regiment, including the cavalry and artillery, to report in town next day, at 9 o clock, armed and equipped, which they did, with commendable promptness. The proposition for an expedition into Kentuckey was made to them, and received with eiithusiasm four hundred of them at once volunteering to accompany the General to Kentucky. This was the 14th day of August. The forces sent by General Hughes from Vanderburgh and Warrick, began to arrive on the morning of the 15th, and, by 9 o clock, A. M., the 16th, we had, in addition to my own men, 150 cavalry and artillery from Vanderburgh, and Captain Stone s com pany of cavalry from Warriek, (50,) with about 250 men of the 46th Indiana Infantry Volunteers, and 200 of the 32d Indiana Infantry Volunteers, all on board transports, except our cavalry and artillery, whkh marched by land, on this side, to Uniontown, Kentucky all the forces reaching there about 12 o clock, M. General Hovey immediately pushed forward toward Morganfield, taking the rebels completely by surprise ; they, however, scattered in every direction, and but few were captured. A little after dark, all the forces had reached Morga.nfield. Next morning, General Hovey, with the cavalry, the Mount Vernon artillery, (2 pieces,) the 32d Indiana Infantry Volunteers, and a part of the Legion infantry, started out on an expedition to Gyger s Lake, the rebels being reported encamped 24 MORGAN RAID. there ; but, after a hard chase, our forces failed to come up with the fleet-footed rebels. After his return in the evening, General Hovey learned that General Payne had arrived at Uniontown from Paducah, with 2,000 men. Shortly afterwards General Payne himself reached General Hovey s headquarters. After consultation, it was determined that our forces should move out towards Smith s Mills and Henderson, next morning. During the night it rained in torrents, in consequence of which our forces did not get under way until about 8 o clock. Major General James Hughes, having, during the night, reached Morganfield, now accompanied the expedition on its march to Hen derson. We reached Smith s Mills about 2 o clock, P. M., and encamped for the night; having captured at this place some five or six rebels, among the rest, the Adjutant of Colonel Seipert, who was wounded severely by some of our cavalrymen, under the impression that he was attempting to escape. On searching these officers, I found on one of them blank paroles for the Indiana Legion, showing an evident design on their part to make a raid into Indiana. Next morning, we again continued our march to Henderson, where we arrived at 11 o clock. General Hovey having ordered the transports to be there on our arrival, we immediately shipped our infantry and artillery on board the steamers for Mount Vernon, and ferried the cavalry across the Ohio, to take up the line of march for home. During our march, some fifty negroes came to our lines. By order of General Hovey, I had them taken to Evansville, and mustered forty of them afterwards into the service of the United States. I desire to say here that the officers and men of the 1st Regiment, as well as those from the counties of Vanderburgh and Warrick, who- accompanied the expedition, deserve the highest praise for their conduct, having borne themselves as well as veteran troops. I assure you, General, I felt proud of the Legion, of all arms infantry, cavalry and artillery ; the latter especially received the praise of all the regular officers, the Mount Vernon battery, especially being con sidered as efficient as most batteries in the regular volunteer service. Since the raid into Kentucky, we have had, to a great extent, quiet along the border. Before closing my dispatch, I wish to say, Gen eral, that the services of the Indiana Legion have been, by some, gre^lv undervalued. There is no doubt in my mind but that this organization has spared the Government the necessity of keeping, for at least a great portion of the time during the first, three years, at the lowest estimate, one regiment of troops in the counties of Posey, Vanderburgb and Warrick, thereby saving the annual expense of, MORGAN RAID. 25 perhaps, half a million dollars, besides enabling our military authori ties to keep all regular forces at the front. In the hope that our next Legislature will so amend our militia law as to make it more efficient. I remain, General, your most humble and ob t. serv t., JOHN A. MANN, Colonel Commanding 1st Eeg t. Ind. Legion. REPORT OF COLONEL DANIEL F. BATES, COMMANDING 3o REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS SD REG T, IST BRIG., IND. LEG., > Newburgh, Warrick county, Ind., Nov. 25, 1864. J General Mansfield, Indianapolis, Indiana : SIR : In obedience to instructions received from you, Nov. 19th inst., I herewith transmit the following report of the 3d Regiment Indiana Legion : On the 8th day of July, 1863, 1 received orders from Governor 0. P. Morton to go into camp with my command at or near Newburgh to repel an invasion of John Morgan. In obedience to that order, I ordered out my regiment and stationed the companies as follows : Eight companies of infantry and one of artillery at Scuffletown Bar on the Ohio river ; one company of cavalry at Newburgh, to use as scouts ; two companies of infantry I mounted and sent out as scouts into the counties of Dubois, Orange and the upper part of Perry, as it was reported to me that Morgan was moving west. We remained in camp eight days, at which time I was ordered to relieve the companies of daily duty, but hold them in readiness for immediate service, if necessity required it. I let the men go to their 26 MORGAN RAID. homes, but required two companies to stand guard on the river at the bar, as the water was so low it could be forded without any danger. This was kept up some two weeks, until we thought the danger was over, when it was abandoned. Nothing occurred to require the regiment to be called together until the 10th day of une last, when Adam R. Johnson was expect ing to make raids into Indiana. General Hughes directed me to go into camp with two companies of infantry, and furnish him with my cavalry company ; which done, I picketed the river the whole breadth of the county, and patrolled the bank each night while in camp ; and on the 15th of June, 1864, I was ordered to break up camp, and let my men return to their homes, which I did. Nothing has occurred since to cause us to come together. DANIEL F. BATES, Col. 3d Re g t Ind. Legion. REPORT OF CAPTAIN G. W. LYON, CRAWFORD Co. ARTILLERY, INDIANA LEGION. LEAVENWORTII, Ind., July 25, 1863. E. C. CALDWELL, Adjutant th Regiment Indiana Legion, Leaven- worth, Indiana : SIR : I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Crawford County Artillery in the recent engagement with Morgan s forces at Brandenburg. About 6 P. M. of the 7th inst. the steamer Lady Pike having been prevented from passing up, in consequence of the guerrillas at Brandenburg came down and gave the information that the rebels, under Morgan, were at Brandenburg, and had possession of the steamers McCombs and Alice Dean. Our cannon a six-pounder was immediately placed MORGAN RAID. 27 aboard the Lady Pike, and in less than half an hour, with about thirty Home Guards, we were under way for the scene of action. The boat fearing to proceed further up, landed us about two miles below Mauckport, on the Indiana shore, to which point we took our cannon by hand. Upon our arrival there we placed ourselves in command of Col. Timberlake, who was at Mauckport with about 100 Harrison County Home Guards, awaiting us. He marched us without halting, in the direction of Brandenburg, crossing Buck Creek at the mouth, in an old boat towed up from Mauckport for that purpose- There being no road, the taking of our cannon by hand through meadows, corn-fields, and wheat-fields, rendered our march by no means pleasant. We arrived opposite Brandenburg about 7 o clock next morning, after a tiresome march, and placed our gun in position on the river bank, in front of an old house, immediately opposite the landing, where the- two captured steamers were lying. About 8 o clock the fog, which had been quite dense, partially disappeared, giving us a glimpse of the boats. We immediately opened fire. The first shot, which passed through the McCombs, took them com pletely by surprise, causing a general stampede. About 200 were aboard of the steamer and in the act of starting across, when our first fire notified them of our presence. They stood not upon the order of tneir going, not even waiting to run out the stage plank , which had been taken in, but jumped their horses over the guards of the boat and took up the road on double quick, amid the firing and shouts of our little squad. Quite a number were seen to fall from their horses, three of whom we have since learned were killed, and two of Morgan s staff and quite a number of privates are reported wounded some of them severely. We having been reliably informed that the enemy numbered less than 200 men, and were without artillery, refrained from firing upon the boats, after their abandonment by the rebels, with the hope of saving them. There being no enemy then visible, we ceased firing, and the Colonel commanding ordered the McCombs to come over and take our forces across the river, but for tunately for us she failed to comply. The rebels by this time had placed their guns in position and com menced shelling us from the Brandenburg Heights with two 12 and two 6-pounders, with telling effect. We being in an open field, with no covering whatever, save the old log house, which was soon made untenable by the well directed shots of the enemy, were forced to fall back, and finally, the enemy having crossed the river, compelled to abandon our gun, having taken it by 28 MORGAN RAID. hand a distance of one-half mile. Not expecting to leave the boat when we started out, nothing but the gun and carriage and limber box were taken with us ; consequently the limber and a portion of the fixtures were saved. A portion of the ammunition taken with us, which was concealed when the gun was taken, has since been recovered by the citizens of Maukport, as I am informed ; how much I am unable to state, as no report has been made to me. The men stood by the gun until it was ordered off the field, doing their duty nobly. Two men, Lieutenant Kerns and private Nance, of Harrison County, were killed while bravely assisting to remove the gun. Quite a number remained on the river bank amid the shot and shell of the enemy, bravely contesting their right to cross, until their boat had reached our shore, some of whom were captured, not having time to make their escape. Everything was done that could have been done, under the circum stances, to save our cannon. No blame can be attached to any one, so far as my command extended. I have the honor to be, Very Respectfully, G. W. LYON, Captain Crawford County Artillery. REPOBT OF ADJUTANT E. C. CALDWELL, 5Tii REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS STH REG T. IND. LEGION, \ Leavenworth, July 25th, 1863. / Laz. Noble, Adjutant General Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind. : SIR : In pursuance of your request, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Crawford county forces MORGAN RAID. 29 in the recent pursuit of the invaders of our own State, under Morgan. On the morning of the 8th inst, Captain G. W. Lyon, with one piece of ordnance, in connection with a small squad of infantry from this (Harrison) county, disputed the crossing of Morgan s men at Bran denburg, the particulars of which are herewith furnished in a report made to me by Captain George W. Lyon ; from which report you will see that our gun, gun-carriage and limber-box were lost; the limber and ither fixtures were saved. The following is a description of the gun : " Caliber, 3-inch rifle ; heavily stamped, No. 422. : The news of the repulse of our forces at Brandenburg, and the loss of our cannon, and the subsequent crossing of Morgan s entire com mand, brought together at this point over 500 men ; and we having learned that the rebels were marching on Corydon, started early on the morning of the 9th in that direction. Two hundred of our men, who were mounted under Captain Lamb, went in the direction of Mauckport, near where the rebels crossed over ; the remaining force, in command of Captain N. N. Morgan and myself, took the road to Corydon. "When within about 3 miles of Corydon, we were informed that the enemy had taken Corydon, and were moving in the direction of Leavenworth, by the road we were on. We at once selected the most available position, felled timber across the road, and placed ourselves in ambush, and prepared to receive them. We were, in a short time, joined by Captain Lamb s command, who, having learned that Morgan had gone to Corydon, and was marching in the direction of Leavenworth, aban doned his route, and came through to reinforce our command. We remained here for the night, resting on our arms. At daylight, we took up our line of march in the direction we started out, arriving at Corydon about 9, A. M. The enemy had gone in the direction of Salem. We awaited at Corydon the arrival of General Hobson s forces, who arrived about 11, A. M., to whom we at once reported for duty. He ordered our cavalry in his advance, and our infantry in the direction of New Albany. We (the infantry) immediately started in the direction ordered. When within about one mile of Edwardaville, we were halted by Major Sabin s pickets; and, having reported ourselves, were, by the Major, ordered to remain for the night, (it being then 1 o clock at night,) outside of his lines. An alarm was sounded in about one-half hour from the time of our halt ing ; and, in pursuance of orders, we resumed our march in the direc tion of New Albany, where we arrived about daylight. We reported to Major Fry, who ordered us to report to Colonel McCurdy, at 30 MORGAN RAID. Camp Noble, near New Albany, where we remained awaiting furthe orders until the 15th inst., when we were ordered to return to Leaven- worth the information having been received that a detached squad of the guerrillas were in that vicinity, committing their usual depre dations. We were promptly furnished with transportation, by the river, and two pieces of artillery. We arrived at Leavenworth with out accident; the men, however, were very much fatigued. The report of the guerrillas being in the vicinity was withoi* foundation. A most worthy citizen of our county, (Lieutenant Calvin Martin,) has since died, in consequence of disease contracted during the march. Reports of the exact number, and names of the persons engaged, and the length of time served, and, also, as to subsistence, etc., fur nished, will be forwarded as early as practicable. Great praise is due, and should be given, to the citizens of this and all other counties through which we passed, for the kind treat ment shown us, and their extraordinary efforts to render us com fortable. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your ob t. serv t, ED. C. CALDWELL, Adjutant 5/A Reg t. Indiana Legion. P. S. Our cavalry, under Captain Lamb, {above referred to,) followed in pursuit as far as Harrison, Ohio, where they were discharged by Colonel Dunham. This fact I omitted in my report above. E. C. C. REPORT OP COLONEL LEWIS JORDAN, COMMANDING GTH REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS GTH REG T 2D BRIG. IND. LEG,, 1 Corydon, Ind., Aug. 11, 1863. / To L. Noble, Adjutant General of the State of Indiana : The undersigned, Colonel of said regiment, would make the follow ing report of the doings of said regiment during the late Morgan Raid through Indiana : Notice was given me by Lieutenant Colonel Irvin on Tuesday evening late, the 7th July last, that at about 5 o clock P. M. of that day, two steamboats McCombs and Alice Dean had been pressed by a rebel force at Brandenburg, Ky. I took immediate steps to have my regiment under arms, and ordered Major Pfrimmer to report to Lieutenant Colonel Irvin at Mauckport. I also sent Captain Farquar, of the Cavalry, with a squad of his men, that he might dispatch me all necessary information of the operations of the rebels. During the night a six pounder field piece, under the com mand of Major Woodbury, Captain Lamb, and a squad of men from Leayenworth, arrived opposite Brandenburgh, Ky., which opened fire on the rebels about 8 o clock on the morning of the 8th of July, the fog having just disappeared from the river. The rebels soon suc ceeded in placing four field pieces in position, and sent shot and shell at our forces, driving them from their gun, killing two of our men, one of them a Lieutenant. Two companies of this regiment, the Mauckport Rifles and Heth Rifles, being near at hand, some of the men aided in firing the gun. The rebels commenced crossing in a boat, which was compelled to land a half mile or more above, as Colonel Timberlake, with a party of twelve or fifteen men, rallied to to the gun, and succeeded in firing several times while the boat was crossing, but without causing any injury to the boat; they being com- 32 MORGAN RAID. pelled to abandon the gun. The enemy crossed over in such force, with the aid of their field pieces on the opposite side of the river, that our forces were compelled to fall back. Skirmishing was kept up on the different roads, under the direction of Major Pfrimmer (Colonel Irvin having oome back to Corydon), a report of whose operations is herewith returned, until he fell back to the forces under my immediate command, six miles out on the Mauckport road (the two companies Heth Rifles and Mauckport Rifles having been cut off from our forces), where about two hundred men were under me, on the evening of the 8th July. I then gradually fell back on the morning of the 9th of July, to within a mile of Corydon, where I caused temporary breastworks and obstructions to be hastily made, extending my command one half mile east and west, commanding all the roads coming from the river, at which time I had under my com mand, of the Legion and citizens, a force of 400 to 450. I kept out a sufficient picket force in front, who skirmished with the enemy continually on the morning of the 9th, and gradually fell back before the main force of the enemy, to my line of defences, on my main force ; the rebels appearing in force all along my line about 1 o clock P. M., on the 9th of July, first firing on my left, which was held by Captain George W. Lahue, of the Spencer Guards, who repulsed the enemy three times, losing one man, and wounding a large number of rebels ; after which the rebels, being largely rein forced, Captain Lahue gradually fell back in good order ; when the enemy opened along my whole line. Our forces replied to their fire, holding our position thirty minutes, when the enemy opened with three pieces of artillery, with shell and shot, and they appearing in such overwhelming numbers, seeing my forces could no longer suc cessfully contend against such odds, I gave the order to fall back through Corydon, which was done in good order, until it was ascer tained that the rebel forces had almost surrounded the town, which caused considerable confusion. The enemy commenced shelling the town; I was compelled to surrender it with such of my forces as had not escaped. Three hundred and forty-five men were paroled by General Morgan, among them about one hundred and forty members of the Legion, the others being citizens, many of whom had not been in arms, they making prisoners of all. Morgan remained in town until night, his forces robbing the stores, and levying 2100 on the mills one hour being given to raise the money, or he would burn the mills. The money was paid. MORGAN RAID. 33 Many of the prisoners he took were robbed of their hats, boots, and clothing; also of such amounts of money as they had on their persons. The rebels acknowledged a loss of thirty-seven. Too much praise cannot be given to the citizens generally for their aid in the fight. I am under obligations to Major Stout, of New Albany, Capt. George L. Key, Capt. 1. D. Irwin, and Col. John Timberlake, who volunteered to assist, and were efficient aids in the conflict. Major Pfrimmer and Adjt. Heth acted with promptness, and were efficient in carrying out my orders. Lieut. Col. Irwin reported to me on the morning of the 9th, and left without leave before the fight commenced, and has made no satisfactory report of his doings to me since. Some action should be had in his case. In the engagement oppo site Brandenburg and near Corydon, four of our men were killed, and two wounded, viz : Lieut. Current, of the Mauckport Rifles, and Harry Stapleton, of the Legion, were killed; also, Nathan McKinzie and George Nance, citizens. John Glenn, of the Ellsworth Rifles, "was severely wounded, and Jacob Ferrace, a citizen, (one of the County Commissioners) was severely wounded, and has since died. Isaac Lang, belonging to the Scott Rifles, under Captain A. B. Cams, died from over-heat in the battle. Morgan s forces killed Peter Glenn, and burned his houses and barns, he having been induced to come where Morgan s forces were, near his residence, by a flag of truce, and having no arms. William Heth, a citizen, was shot down near the town. Others were shot at, and two boys were crippled, in the north part of our county. On Wednesday morning, the 8th day of July, after having received reliable official information of the fact that th enemy in force had crossed the river, I dispatched a messen ger to Maj. Thos. W. Fry, Commander of the Post at New Albany, Indiana, informing him of the artillery firing there, the casualties, and the first crossing of the rebel forces, and requesting that assistance and artillery be sent us. The dispatch reached him on the 8th, at 12 o clock, twenty-five hours before the rebels appeared in force before my lines here. I dispatched three or four times afterward, the same day, requesting assistance and artillery, also, on the following morn ing. Assistance and artillery was promised, but for some cause it was nerer sent from New Albany. An infantry force of drilled men of 2,000, and two pieces of artillery which I think could have been sent would have defeated the rebels and prevented the capture of the town. Of this I have no doubt. What guns were in the armory not drawn by organized companies, were given to the citizens. We have 500 guns in good order, with proper accoutrements, in the com- M. R. 3 MORGAN RAID. panies, and left in our armory. The otters drawn by this county have been captured and destroyed by the rebels ; however, a few may be reported hereafter. If so, I will make a proper report thereof. Some 500 horses were captured from citizens of this county, and but few have been recovered. Eleven wounded rebels were left in our charge, two of whom died. The remainder were reported to Major Fry at New Albany, two of whom were Lieutenants. Sixteen of a party who crossed at Twelve Mile Island, above Louisville, intending to join Morgan s forces, were captured by men belonging to my com mand, one of whom was a Captain, and reported to Major Fry at New Albany. Nineteen very good horses were captured by the Legion, and being claimed by the I>eputy Provost Marshal and others, under United States authority, were delivered into their custody. Respectfully reported. LEWIS JORDAN, SB., Colonel PAROLE OF IND. MILITIA AND MINUTE MEN, AT CORYDON, HEADQUARTERS MORGAN S DIVISION, \ Cory don, Ind., July 9. 1863. / We, the undersigned, being part and parcel of the United States forces, having been taken prisoners at Corydon, Indiana, this 9th day of July, 1863, by the Confederate States cavalry under command of Brigadier General John H. Morgan, on condition of our being released on parole, do solemnly swear that we will not bear arms against the Confederate States during the present war, nor will we perform any military duty, or aid or abet their enemies in any way whatsoever ; nor will we disclose anything we have seen or heard in the Confederate States army to its prejudice. So help us, God. Sworn before me, this 9th day of July, 1863. BY COMMAND OF BRIG. GEN. JOHN H. MORGAN. JOHN H. GREEN. A. A. G. LEWIS JORDAN, Colonel Commanding. MORGAN RAID. 35 W. G. Heith, A. W. Uhodis, L. W. Evans, Fred. Stoher, R. M. Smith, W. A. McKee, G. W. Rothenk, J. J. Rowe, Phil. Shreck, A. Burges, J. T. Heith, W. J. Landen, D. J. Venner, John Gerdon, W. M. Crisp, J. F. Zimmerman, R. A, Briggs, P. T. Gresham, H. S. Wolfe, P. Embs, Frank Embs, M. Kapp, M. P. Jacobs, M. Jones, Jackson Read, Daniel Jacobs, William Jacobs, John V. Adams, L. Jacobs, James Wiseman, John A. Brown. S. Chaviss, J. Albin, Ambrose Shreck, J. Moltan, L. F. Love, Thomas Gresham, R. II. Hith, L. Brown, Phil. Conrad, James Fleshman, B. Jordan, J. A. Deatink, J, H. Weaver, M. B. Clark, C. H. Jordan, G. W. McBride, H. C. Brown, F. G. Bell, B. P. Senseng, E. Rowe, G. W. Long, J. P. Louden, * J. Bowman, S. Keneday, Henry Imbleman. L. Lindsey, Henry Damenfelser, Jacob Bruce, J. Sonner, J. R. R. Sonner, B. Miller, Joseph Stanecypher, William Grass, A. Neeley, J. Jamison, John Ransom, James Holsclan, N. W. Stevens, L. McCown, D. Huffstutter, A. Ellis, W. Charley, John Simpson, W. N. Trace well, D. Sappenfield, E. Wright, John J. Huffman, Y. T. Funk, Robert Mozier, D. A. Kechner, J. J. Wilson, J. Long, L. Brandenburg, Thomas Riley, A. W. Rusk, James Howe, E. C. Lemon, James Stallings, M. Evans, J. Y. B. McRea, J. E. Albin, John T. Ruckenbach, Robert Cottier, J. W. Evans, M. Bayer, John C. Brown, A. M. Thurston, L. R. Sturens, F. M. Shoemaker, Alix Wright, A. Miller, A. Blunk, J. Sutton, J. Markel, W. Gibbs, W. E. Marshall, L. Hum, L. B. Doll, J. M. Jackson, J. M. Riley, John Wagoner. A. Wentz, R. J. Conrad, G. J. Hubbard, J. K. Wolfe, John Hartman, A. James, A. K. Saw, J. Pithnan, J. H. Davis, L. Thomas, J. Pithnan, 36 MORGAN RAID. William Evans, W. H. Grace, L. Cotuer, H. Huffman, Cad. Wolfe, Silas Melcom, J. M. Smith, C. Elwanger, 0. W. Miller, A. J. Walk, E. Lindsey, L. G. Saffer, Thomas Lowe, John W. Dick, J. Wright, F. M. Crandall, John A. Arnold, Eli Kingeny, Henry Walter, A. Brown, W. J. Miles, W. M. Holtsclaro, W. H. Kintner, John S. Arnold, James Emely, W. H. Blankenbeker, E. W. Hutter, R. Sharp, Thomas Cottinggin, Thomas Lyskomiski, J. Truer, J. Emily, H. M. Hogan, B. Downs, C. M. Miller, W. Ruth, M. Hise, W. H. Tueley, M. G. Beard, J, Jones, D. B. Bell, S. W. Wents, Samuel Luckett, George Brown, John Hedge, G. W. Miller, A. Ruthrock, W. A. Semay, J. A. Albin, J. S. Yenner, F. McRac, J. A. Westfall, G. W. Flock, M. D. L. Stallings, J. Case, W. D. Jones, D. W. Thompson, W. C. Rush, M. Lemuel, David Rice, W. J. Boling, James W. Totten, C. C. Bym, David Leffner, Thomas R. Bordnell, William Detrick, H. T. Grable, John De Moss, Levi Shield, H. Young, John H. Shields, M. Cooper, John Hoover. P. C. Faulker, E. Welther, Peter Cohert, Phil. Brubeck, J. H. Brown, Henry Bowly, Frank Goss, J. Lewis, J. D. Lemay, John Wright, W. H. Riley, John J. Runtz, George Flock, W. H. Smith, Samuel Simpson, J. Markwell, W. D. Gibbs, George Lemel, D. A. Miller, M. Gehllarx, Andrew Pitman, John H. Peyton, Victor Gravis, J. A. Bines, C. Grant, William Remhart, David Hooban, Beverly Herold, J. S. Hannah, John Hildebrand, John T. Dentich, P. Sinclair, B. T. Ferguson, John A. Bloon, A. W. Hancock, E. Hancock, William McFarland, N. Deweese, James Yahm, David Summers, A. Kennedy, W. H. Vemur, John Zenowin, Nimrod Hurst, F. W. Mathews, C. H. Paper, C. Duggins, J. T. Tindall, W. H Albin, W. R. Shuck, MORGAN RAID. 37 C. Kintner, F. L. Bayler, John Hawn, M. Lincoln, George Rudy, P. McClaren, F. M. Bline, J. Kingsley, L. Leach, John Jones, G. Wilcox, L. D. Ulyman, Peter Walter, Daniel McCoy, Daniel Strangs, M. Kirkham, William Hartham, M. Rising, E. G. Busoe, H. G. Famsley, Samuel McCloud, Henry Waen, J. Conrad, W. Shield, H. Smith, N. G. Melton, J. B. Davis, Jacob Walter, Daniel Fleshman, William Harmon, J. L. Daveese, L. Rosenberger, James McCoy, B. Blankenburker, Peter F. Ruper, J. Alburs, J. Hemoas, T. C. Slaughter, John H. Anderson, George Choffet, E. Cromwell, J. H. Hudson, G. S. Ott, Jacob Fry, A. J. Peyton, W. Solomon, J. T. McEvans, A. M. Tuel, Clark Funk, John Gabb, S. J. Foster, H. P. Hum, A. Roberts, Benjamin Boston, M. Sears, W. II. Hurst, E. Turner, James Sham, L. Glugour, James Armstrong, William Howard, Thomas Mosier, H. Seacott, Theo. J. Martin, J. R. Hendson, John Hendricks, James A. Moore. John Kannafel, D. Armstrong, A. J. Zimmerman, T. Burns, J. W. Mogvis, Charles H. Reader, L. Mayfield, W. D. Funk, S. Stout, J. Kirkman, Fred. Bloom, George Shuck, John Styne, Charles M. Scott, J. W. Conrad, Henry Lowe, William Coleman, S. Sappefield, A. Stevens, M. Sappenfield, J, A. Walk, A. Armstrong, George Charley, M. Kannappel, Jacob Kunner, William Blunk, James Hudson, James McMillan, F. Hall, John S. Sears, William Danner, A. Ollvis, S. Barrow, William Benson, Daniel King, W. M. Lome, John Landaum, James Ellis, Benjamin Armstrong. REPORT OF CAPTAIN ROBERT DEMY, COMMANDING Two COMPANIES WASHINGTON COUNTY MINUTE Mm Major General James ffuyhe*, Commanding Indiana Legion: GENERAL : In compliance with your verbal order of the 9th day of July, 1863, I proceeded to enroll all the minute men that offered their services to repel the raid of the rebel General John Morgan, and by 5 P. M. had the satisfaction to report to you, by telegraph, from Salem, 110 men. In answer, I received your order, by tele graph, to have my company ready to go on train to Mitchell next day, to be armed. I found that, for raw troops, there were too many men to be handled in one company, and on the morning of the 10th, I formed my men into two companies, under command of Captain George R. Carr and Peter Kopp, and fully completed the organiza tion by 9 A. M., and was in readiness for transportation. I formed the companies into a battalion, and at 10 A. M^ shipped for Mitchell, having an aggregate of 150 men, rank and file, which I reported you by telegraph. This number was soon increased, until the companies were filled up .above the maximum number. At 2 A. M. of the llth, I was violently attacked with bloody flux, but con tinued on duty until toward noon, when I became so much prostrated as to be unable to give any further attention to duty. Previous to this, in compliance with your order, I detailed ten picked men from my companies, under command of Sergeant A. Hitchcock, to guard a train as near Salem as practicable. This was the last duty I performed under your immediate orders, and, finding myself sinking very fast from the continued attack of ilux, I came home for treatment, on the train carrying the detailed guard. On the evening of the 12th, having satisfactory assurance that the danger was over in the vicinity of the train, I took the responsibility MORGAN RAID. 39 vto order the guard to report to me at Campbellsburg, on the 13th, at 8 A. M., which they did ; and, as I had begun to recover partially, I took command of the squad, with some additional volunteers who offered their services to join your command, all of which I took to Mitchell, where I reported to Colonel Kise, Post Commander, who ordered us forward by the 0. & M. R. R., to join your command. We got transportation to Seymour, on the night of the 13fch, where I reported to the officer in command of the Post, who ordered us forward, on the morning of the 14th, to Osgood. On reaching Osgood, Colonel Mulky ordered me to halt my squad and guard a supply train lying at that place. I remained at Osgood until the evening o?f the 15th, when I obtained transportion for four cars of supplies belonging to your command, and twenty-eight men, and brought them to Tripton or North "Vernon, where I remained over night. Here I reported to Adjutant General Noble, by tele graph, on the morning of the 16th, and, learning that the minute men were being disbanded, and several of the men with me being farmers, whose crops were wasting, I brought the men under my command to Campbellsburg, and took their arms and accoutrements, (eleven sets not all complete) and sent them home. I also took the arms of some men who were sent back on the march, on account of sickness, with their arms, and those of some men who had been armed by 2d Lieutenant H. A. Smith, of Captain Carr s Company H, 10th Regiment, without having been enrolled or sworn in. I have, up to the present time, (Saturday, July 18th) collected in all seventeen stands, and have information of two other stands that I will endeavor to obtain. These I will take to Indianapolis the com ing week and turn over to the Adjutant General, unless I am other wise ordered. Hoping that this report of my services, though they may not have -been entirely regular, may receive your approval, I have the honor to remain, General, Your most obedient servant, ROBERT DENNY, Senior Captain, Commanding Companies H and C : . Minute Men. CAMPBELLSBURG, Ind,, July 18, 1863. REPORT OF LIEUT. AAR03T W. GORDON,, COMMANDING COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY LEGION. NEW PHILADELPHIA, | Washington Co., Ind., Dec. 9, 1864. / On the 9th day of July, 1863, an order was received by Captain John Davis (then commanding company), from Gen. Hughes, to report at Salem, with his company, on the following day, there to receive guns for the company and go on the Morgan raid. When the company arrived at Salem, the town was occupied by Morgan, and all the company were taken prisoners. The company has spent 40 days in drilling. When it was reported that Morgan was in the State, the company was ordered out by Col. Dunham, of the 50th Indiana. The order was verbal. Marched to Hardinsburg, which took two days. None of the company were killed, wounded, or captured, during, the last mentioned service. AARON W. GORDON, First Lieut. Commanding Company.. REPORT OF ANDREW J. BURRELL,. COMMANDING VALONIA MOUNTED MINUTE MEN. YALONIA, IND., December 2, 1864. William T. Jones, A. A* 6r., Cory don, Indiana: SIR : I am in receipt of your order of the 28th ult., and hasten a reply. Rifles" were organized Ln the summer 1861, CQmmanded,by MORGAN RAID. Captaain S. T. Wells, who is now in the United States service. The officers, and most of the privates of said organization, went into the volunteer service in October of said year, since which time the com pany has never drilled, or met as a company. As I am the only officer of said company that has returned from the army, I respect fully submit the above. It might be proper to state that I organized (only temporarily) a company of mounted men, in obedience to a call by Governor Morton, of July, 1863, for the purpose of pursuing John Morgan, styled u The Valonia Minute Men." We were out some six or seven days, under General Love s orders at Seymour a part of the time.. Nothing transpired worthy of note. Respectfully, ANDREW J. BURRELL. REPORT OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM FORQUOR, COMMANDING " MOUNTED HOOSIERS," GTH REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION- HEADQUARTERS MOUNTED HOOSIERS, GTH REG. IND, LEG., 1 Cbrydon, August 15, 1863. / Colonel Lewis Jordan, Commanding : SIR : In obedience to a request from headquarters, I hereby append a precise report of men, and arms captured in the recent engagement with John H. Morgan during his raid in Indiana, from the time of his crossing at Brandenburg, until the surrender of Cory- don, July 9, 1863. Being at Mauckport when the information was received that a large rebel force were attempting a crossing at Brandenburg, I imme diately repaired to Cory don, and notified my company to report at Corydon forthwith. I summoned what men were nearest at hand, and immediately pro- seeded to the scene of action being on duty about one hour and a MORGAN RAID. half, my men all detailed as couriers. I was ordered to Mauckport, to rally all the men at that place ; but failing, I was ordered, with one or two, to reconnoiter. Soon finding myself, however, in close proximity with the enemy, began a speedy retreat. Being under a cross fire of the enemy, my horse became unmanageable" and ran slightly against a tree, which entirely disabled me; whereupon First Lieutenant De Moss assumed command of th company. They were on duty all night, skirmishing with the enemy, and made several very narrow escapes. On the .morning of the 9th, the Orderly was ordered to hold such of the company as were not on duty to be ready for any emergency. Information being received that the enemy were advancing, he was ordered out to meet and skirmish with them. Coming up with Major Pfrimmer, at Glenn s residence, the cavalry were formed for a charge. Soon the enemy came in sight, and, with drawn sabres, a charge was ordered, which resulted in the loss to the enemy of one man killed, and two prisoners. The enemy being reinforced, we were oblied to fall back slowly and reluctantly, disputing every step, until we reached headquarters formed there on the right of the line, exposed to the enemy s shells. Our arms being of insufficient range, we were compelled to retire but in good order. Pursued by a superior force, we retreated to the Pilot Knob, and there maintained our position until the surrender of the town, with the loss of eleven captured, as follows, viz : Serg. Henry Grable, John Swarts, Lorenzo Shuek, William II. Hottell, Greorge Rudy, Peter McLaren, John De Moss, John Overton, Francis M. Bline. Henry Read, James Mayer, LOSS OF ARMS. Twenty-three sets, including the loss of fourteen horses, valued as follows, viz: Sergeant Painter, 1 mare, 150 GO John De Moss, 1 mare, 125 00 F. M. Bline, 1 mare, 135 00 J. J. Overton,! mare, 150 00 W. II. Hudle, 1 mare, 135 00 H. Matson, 1 mare, .... ..,... 120 00 MORGAN RAID. 43 A. A. Wright, 1 mare, 85 00 James Mayers, 1 mare, 125 00 Francis Frovel, 1 mare, 110 00 George D. Beau, 1 mare, 115 00 George Charles, 1 mare, 120 00 John V. Stevens, 1 mare, 150 00 W. II. Read, 1 mare, , 150 00 Henry Read, 1 mare, 150 00 Captain William Forquor, 1 mare, 150 00 Total value of horsey lost while in service. $1,970 00 We would once more suggest, in addition to the requisition that has already been made, the propriety of furnishing us with arms worthy of this branch of the service, as those that we get are hard a great many of which are of no use, the locks being out of order. I would further state that I have not yet recovered from the shock I received whilst on my retreat, near Brandenburg. I should have reported sooner but for the wound received. I have been part of the time unable. WILLIAM FORQUOR, Capt. Mounted Hoosiers, 6th Reg. Ind. Leg. REPORT OF LT. COL. JAMES F. M C CURDY, SEVENTH REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. NEW ALBANY, July 22, 1863. Adjt. Gen. Laz. Noble: GENERAL : In compliance with instruction from you, I have the honor to report the part taken by the men under my command during the "Morgan raid" in this section of the State. On Wednesday, the 8th day of July, 1863, information reached us that Morgan was MORGAN RAID. crossing (with a considerable force of mounted men) the Ohio river, at Mauckport. On the receipt of this intelligence, an immediate call was made for men the Legion, being completely disorganized, could not be made effective. At this time Col. E. A. Maginness was in com mand. Very little progress was made towards organization during the day. On Wednesday evening Col. Maginness turned over the command to me. On Thursday morning I received an order from Gen. Boyle, Louisville, Ky., to make an immediate enrollment of the militia. I understood this order to mean a forcible enrollment, it seeming the only mode of procedure by which any important result could be accomplished. Thursday, at 2 P. M., more men were enrolled and formed into companies than could be furnished with arms. I started with the armed men to Edwardsville, to co-operate with some Regular Volunteer Infantry, and one section of a Battery, that had preceded us to that point. The enemy was supposed, at that time, to be advancing on the Cory don road to New Albany, having already compelled the surren der of Corydon. Our forces at Edwardsville being too small to assume offensive movements, we chose a strong natural position, hoping to hold Morgan s forces in check until reinforcements reached us thus giving the Federal forces in his rear, an opportunity to close up on his rear. We threw out pickets, and sent out mounted scouts, holding ourselves in readiness for any alarm. Early on the morning of the 10th, the scouts brought in information that the enemy had left Corydon, and were moving in the direction of Palmyra, My command was immediately ordered back to New Albany, on a forced march. We passed through New Albany without halting, and took position on the Greenville road. We remained in this position until Saturday morning, our numbers increasing, by those who obtained arms after we first left the city a supply having arrived sufficient to arm companies that could not be furnished at first. Saturday morning, about 10 o clock, we were ordered to move up on the road leading to Jeffersonville, leaving a strong picket on the Greenville road. We were stationed on the Jeffersonville road about two hours when we were ordered to change to the Charlestown road, as that appeared to be the most exposed point. Pickets and mounted scouts were thrown out from this point broadcast through the sur rounding country. We remained camped at this point until Tuesday evening, when the command was ordered to the city and dismissed. MORGAN RAID. 45 We were in camp six days and five nights. The number of men under my command was about eight hundred (800) not including some three hundred (300) men from Crawford county Home Guards that reported to me for duty, and joined my camp on Saturday. I may add that Capts. Knapp s and Snider s batteries were pre vented from going with me on the first day they having no ammu nition for their guns. Snider s battery was with me after the first day. Capt. Knapp with his battery was ordered to Jeffersonville to join Col. VVilley s Regiment. One company of Infantry, from this city, under Capt. Johnson, also joined Col. Willey s command. I desire to make mention of the hearty assistance of both line and field officers. Major Naghel, acting Lieut. Col., and Capt. Brown, act ing Major, were active and vigilant, and by their very attentive co operation, greatly assisted me in all the duties of the march and camp. During the time we were out, we made several arrests of suspicious persons, handing them over to the Post Commander. In conclusion, I would add, that orders came to me from quite a number of military men, and it was at times difficult to tell who had command of the troops. I endeavored to do all that could be done, never myself raising any question about who had the proper author ity, generally acting on the last order received. Respectfully, JAMES F. MCCURDY, Lieut. Col. Comd g ItJi Reg. REPORT OF COL. JOHN F. WILLEY, COMMANDING STH REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS STH REG. IND. LEG., "I Jeffersonville, Dec. 12th, 1864. ] Maj. Wm. T. Jones, A. A. G. Gen. Jordan s Staff: SIR : In accordance with your orders &c., I have the honor to report for 1868 : 46 MORGAN RAID. We had five battalions and were called into service by order of the Governor, June 20th, to meet the raid under Capt. Hines. June 21st relieved from duty. June 22d, a false alarm; was sent to guard White River bridge. June 24th, dismissed the command. July Cth, 1868; called into service by Laz. Noble, Adj t. Gen. ren dezvoused at JefFersonville. July 7th, dismissed the command. July 8th; met at Jeftersonville to repel Morgan raid; were in line of battle, but no enemy came. July 15th, relieved from duty and command dismissed. June 9th, 1864; called into service by order of the Governor to meet a raid in Kentucky by Morgan ; dismissed June 15th. Aug. 10th: called company A and H to picket the Ohio river in the vicinity of the Grassy Flats to stop guerrillas from crossing under rebel Jesse. Pickets fired on by guerrillas returned the fire but no one hurt; dismissed Aug. 20th, 1864. We have had two battallion drills in April, 1864, one regimental battalion drill in May and one in October. The Regiment is well drilled for militia and are ready and willing to turn out whenever called on. I hope General, you will use your influence to have a good militia law passed this winter and to have the money due the Legion appro priated. We have not been paid for any services as yet, but hope we will be soon. I certify upon honor that the above is a true report of the opera tions of the 8th Regiment Indiana Legion for 1863 and 1864. JOHN F. WILLEY, Col. OvmcCg 8th Reg. 2nd. Legion. REPORT OF G. W. COLCLAStJRE, CAPTAIM COMMANDING "VALLEEN GUARDS," INDIANA LEGION \ ~ . HEADQUARTERS, VALLEEN, INDIANA, December 15, 1864. . Brigadier General Jordan : SIR: I received your note, requesting me to give the proceedings of the Valleen Guards since January 1st, 1863. I can say to. you. the company was not made up that time. After the rebel Captain Hines made the raid through here, which was about the 20th of June, 1863, we held the first meeting for the purpose of getting up the company, and had it almost made up when Morgan came through, but we were not regularly organized at that time ; as we had neither elected our officers, nor had we been sworn into the Legion, but we were out on both the Hines and Morgan raid. On the Hines raid we gathered together, and volunteered our ser vices without any orders, and were out about three days. In the time of the Morgan raid we received orders from Major Woodberry, commander at Leavenworth at that time, or at least the orders were said to have come from him; they were sent verbally, at any rate. We started out and met Morgan at Corydon, and remained out after him five days and a half. We returned home^ and whilst I am giving che history, I will say here that previous to the Morgan raid there was a false alarm raised, which started us out, and we were out that time one and a half days. We elected our officers, and were sworn in about the 17th of July, 1863. I believe v, e have had no calls since that time except one, and that was at the time of the uprising in Greenfield Township, at which time I received orders, (written,) from Colonel Johnson. The com pany was under arms, and doing duty ten days. 48 MORGAN RAID. I had no men killed or wounded in any of the raids. I had a quite -a number of men captured by Morgan ; they were paroled immedi ately, but can not give the number. Since the company was organized, we have spent twenty-five days drilling. O. W. COLCLASURE, Captain Commanding Valleen Guards. REPORT OF COLONEL SAM. B. SERING, COMMANDING 9lH REGIMENT, (JEFFERSON COUNTY) INDIANA L.EGION> To Maj. Gen. J. L. Mansfield : SIR: In compliance with your order of 21st inst., I beg to submit the following Report of the acts of my regiment since 1st day of January 1863. At that time the organized Legion of this- county consisted of four companies of Infantry, two companies of cavalry, and one company of artillery, all-armed and mostly uniformed. Previous to this date, four companies of Infantry were called upon to guard pris oners of war, at Indianapolis, where they were mustered into the service of the United States for a period of three months. On their return home, these companies were disbanded ; other companies were organized previous to this date, but failing to be provided with arms they were disbanded. In addition to the regular organized Legion of the county, the cit izens of Madison organized eight companies of Infantry, (minute men) and tendered their services to repel invasion of the State. During the winter and spring of 1863, there was no occasion to call upon the Legion and minute men to perform duty along this portion of the border until about 8th July, when information was communicated to us by Gov. Morton, that John Morgan, with a large force, had crossed the Ohio river at Brandenburg, and was marching into the interior of the State. I also received orders from Gov. Morton, directing that the Legion of this county be called immediately into EAir>. 4& Active service, and to hold transports ready to convey them to New Albany. All the companies of my command reported promptly for duty, and transports were held in readiness to convey them to New Albany. On the 5th July orders were received from headquarters to hold my command at Madison that Morgan was moving in this direc tion, and calling upon us to use every effort to check his progress and to prevent him crossing the river at this point. The citizens and minute men responded promptly to the call of the Governor, and every preparation made to defend this point and prevent the enemy from crossing into Kentucky. On Friday the 6th July, Gov. Morton informed me by telegraph, that Morgan had crossed the Jeffersonville Railroad at Vienna, and was moving in the direction of Madison, through Lexington, Scott county, at the same time he informed us that reinforcements would be sent to this point as rapidly as possible. The same evening, the Legion from Johnson and Bartholomew counties arrived, numbering some 400 men. Early next morning we were further re-inforced by a regi ment of the Legion from Switzerland county, numbering 500 men, also, one section of artillery from the same county thus furnishing us a force of about 2,000 men, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. A company of Cavalry had been dispatched on Friday evening, in the direction of Vienna with instructions to proceed until they met Morgan s force and to ascertain the direction of his march. Early Saturday morning a messenger from our cavalry, informed us that Morgan s force rested at Lexington, Scott county, some 18 miles west from this place. The troops were immediately called into line, and after making the necessary details for duty along the river and in the city, We at once proceeded on the road leading to Lexington and South Hanover. After proceeding some 5 miles on this road we took a strong position on the hills covering the turnpike road to Lexing ton, and also the road to South Hanover, with about 1800 Infantry and 4 pieces Artillery. This position was greatly strengthened by obstructions thrown across the roads, and by falling trees in the immediate vicinity, which afforded a good shelter in case of an action. These precautionary and valuable preparations were made by the citizens under the imme diate direction of Hon. D. C. Branham. Getting our small force into the best possible position we waited for the appearance of the enemy, who we presumed would attempt to pass through our lines on the turnpike road leading to the river. M, R. 4 50 SfOKGAtf RAID. Until late in the afternoon, we were much annoyed by uncertain and contradictory reports from our scouts in front. Morgan s forces were reported on every road leading in this direction, and until late in the afternoon we were not advised that his main column was mov ing to the north of us, and thus threatening to enter the city from the north side. Ascertaining that his whole force had gone in this direction, at 12 o clock Saturday night, we got our force into column and marched in the direction of North Madison, distant 6 miles. The night being exceedingly dark, we did not reach that point until daylight Sunday morning. Soon after arriving at this point, our scouts came in and reported Mogan s forces again on the roads leading to North Madison. Our troops were immediately thrown into line of battle, and every preparation made to give them a warm reception. Later in the day it was ascertained that the enemy was moving in the direction of Versailles, Ripley county, but fearing that he might suddenly change his direction, our troops were kept in line, resting on their arms, until Monday morning, when learning that the enemy was moving east, we went into camp at North Madison where we remained until the 16th July, when the troops were dismissed from service by order of Gov. Morton. From this period until the close of 1863, the Legion of this county were not again called into active service, but occasional demonstra tions by small parties of guerrillas in Kentucky, opposite this point, required an occasional guard along the river, ^and almost constant watchfulness on the part of the officers of the Legion. During the fall of 1863 one company of cavalry was organized in this county and was added to my command, thus giving us on the 1st of January, 1864, a force of 3 companies of cavalry, 4 companies of infantry, and 1 company of artillery of Legion. From this period until the 9th of June, 1864, the Legion of this county were not called into active service. On that day I received an order from Gov. Morton, to immediately assemble my command and hold them subject to further orders. The companies of my command promptly responded to the call, and on the 12th day of June, I was directed to secure transportation by the river and be in readiness to embark my command for Jeffersonville. Boats were secured and we remained here under these orders until June 15th, 1864, when by order of the Governor, the command was dismissed and sent to their homes. Dur ing this service it was found necessary to guard closely the border along the front of our county, in consequence of the presence of a Confeder ate force in Trimble and Henry counties, Kentucky, under the com- MORGAN RAID. 51 mand of " Col." Jesse. Upon this, as well as upon all other occasions, the Legion of this county were prompt to respond to the call of the Governor, although at a season of the year when the crops of the coun try required the constant attention of the farmers, and their absence from home at this time was a matter of serious loss to them. Since that time until the present writing we have been in a constant state of suspense in consequence of the presence of parties of guerrillas in the counties opposite this place, and their frequent approaches to the river. Neither the citizens of Madison, nor the city authorities have evinced that interest which the circumstances around them would demand, but seem almost lost to any sense of danger, and our city is suffered to remain exposed and liable to attacks of the enemy, and would be easily captured whenever they are disposed to make the effort. Re cently a small band of guerrillas have visited Carrolton, twelve jniles above, Garrit s Landing, fifteen miles below, Spring Creek, eight miles below, and even Milton, just opposite this city, and from all these points have fired upon passing boats. The steamer Boston, Capt. David, plying between this place and Cincinnati, has been fired upon by this band several times during the past week. At the solici tation of Capt. David, I provided him with thirty-seven muskets and ammunition, and on his upward trip he was again fired upon ; he returned the fire and drove the guerrillas in confusion. On Friday last, learning that this boat would probably be attacked by a larger force, at the request of Capt. David, I sent on board one of our can non, with cannister, shells, &c., under the command of Lieut. Craw ford, of Western Artillery Company, with instructions to fire upon the guerrillas wherever seen. The boat has returned without meet ing with the guerrillas ; she will, however, retain the gun a few days longer. The organized Legion of this county consists, at this time, of four companies of infantry, three companies of cavalry, and one company of artillery. All of these companies are small, and in consequence of the recent draft, and the enlistment of the men in the regular service, it requires constant exertion on the part of the officers to % keep up an organization. These companies have all uniformed them selves (and some of them more than once), have drilled regularly, with few exceptions, and have done much duty, for which they have received a very small compensation. Before closing this report, allow me to express the hope that the convening Legislature will adopt some means for the better defense 52 MORGAN RAID. of the border counties and the State, and a more complete and effi cient organization of the militia of the State. Under the present inefficient law, the organization of the Legion is small, and, I am informed, mostly confined to the border counties, where their services are frequently required, and they are called upon to perform military duty, and to guard the State against inva sion, while the citizens of the interior of the State are seldom called upon to do military duty. It would, perhaps, be difficult to provide a law that would fully remedy this objection, but means might be provided to better compensate those doing service on the border than the present law provides. I make the above remarks, knowing that I express the views of the officers and men of my command, as often expressed by them, but would not be understood as offering complaints for the past only desiring a better condition of affairs in the future. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, SAM. B. SEEING, Col Comd g 9th Ind. Legion. REPORT OF BRIG. GEN. A. C. DOWNEY, COMMANDING 4TH BRIGADE INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS 4TH BRIGADE, INDIANA LEGION, ) Rising Sun, August 20, 1864. / Laz. Noble, Adjutant General: I make the following report of the services rendered by the forces under my command during the Morgan invasion : On the afternoon of the 9th of July, 1863, I received orders from his Excellency, the Governor, to have all the Legion under my com mand sent to Seymour, by the Ohio and Mississippi railroad. MORGAN RAID. 53 I immediately communicated the order to Col. G. H. Burkham, of Dearborn, by telegraph ; and Col. Williams, of Ohio county, being absent from the city, I dispatched messengers to the Captains of the companies in his regiment, directing them to report to him at Aurora. Soon after, Col. Williams returned, and I informed him of what I had done, and directed him to report, with his forces, at Seymour. Early on the morning of the 10th, the forces of Col. Williams and those of Col. Burkham were on the railroad ready to embark, but transportation was not supplied until about 12 o clock, when they started for their destination. On the morning of the 10th I was directed by you to have the companies go on to Mitchell, which order I gave to Col. Williams at Aurora, and Col. Burkham at Lawrence- burgh, by telegraph, before they started from those points. When it is known that most of the forces in this county, and many of those in Dearborn, are farmers, and that they were then engaged in har vesting their crops, and that all of them were destitute of everything essential to the comfort or convenience of men in actual service, the promptness and cheerfulness with which they responded to the call are worthy of the highest praise. After my forces had been thus sent to Mitchell, I was, on the afternoon of the 10th, ordered by his Excellency, the Governor, to report, with the Legion from Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland counties, at Madison immediately, as it Was supposed that Morgan would try to get out that way. As I did not notify the Governor of any compliance with the former orders, this one was probably given under the supposition that my forces had not yet been sent away. I communicated this order to Col. Keeney, of Switzerland, and attempted to communicate it to Col onels Williams and Burkham, but it was not received by them, they being then in the neighborhood of Seymour or Yernon. I did not report in person at Madison for a reason then communicated to the Governor. The accompanying report of Col. Williams will show the part which his regiment took, and also in part the services ren dered by Col. Burkham s regiment, from which I have as yet received no report. On the 12th, on receiving information that the enemy w. is moving in the direction of Cincinnati, scouts and parts of armed men, to obstruct his progress, were sent out by me, who furnished accurate information of his position and movements. This I com municated to General Manson, then at Carrolton, Kentucky, by tele graph, and the General in person, on his arrival here, at about 2 o clock, A. M., of the 13th. At this hour Morgan was resting his forces at, or near, Milan, in Ripley county. Believing that General 54 MORGAN RAID. Manson and the gunboats were able to prevent him from crossing the river, should he attempt it, that there was force sufficient on his left to prevent him from going farther into the interior, and that there was a sufficient force in bis rear to prevent Jiim from retracing his steps, I was in hopes that a force had been sent from Cincinnati strong enough to resist his progress in that direction, and thus compel him to come to a stand. But this, for sufficient reason, no doubt, was not done. The policy of the rebel commander seemed to be to avoid an engage ment. Had this not been the case he would hardly have passed round our forces at Vernon and refused to fight them. The very daring and seeming recklessness of the invasion of our State, so different from most military enterprises rendered ordinary calcula tions or conclusions of no avail. Most persons supposed that he would get out of the State not far above the point where he came in. Our forces were, in consequence, concentrated at points too far south, and not being mounted, were soon left by him far in the rear. His progress was more like a retreat, however, than like a hostile and victorious march. There was, probably, no time while he was in this part of the State that he could have remained in one place for forty- eight hours without having been overwhelmed by armed forces. If we are to have a repetition of raids into our State, it is very impor tant that we have more mounted forces and a better supply of field artillery in this part of the State. I wish to bear testimony to the readiness of the citizens in this part of the State, without reference to party, to render the services asked of them in expelling the enemy from the State. If I shall receive a report from Col. Burkham I will forward it to you. Very respectfully yours, A. C. DOWNEY, General 4th Brigade. REPORT OF COLONEL H. T. WILLIAMS, HTH REGIMENT, 4in BRIGADE, INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS HTH REG., 4TH BRIG., IND. LEGION, ) Rising Sun, Ind., July 19, 1863. / To Brig. Gen. A. C. Downey, commanding 4th Brigade: I have the honor to submit the following as a report of the part taken, and duty performed, by my command in the recent laborious and exciting chase after Morgan and his raiders : It will be remembered that you ordered me, on Friday, July 10th, to proceed with my command to Mitchell. Arriving at Seymour, Gen. Love, then in command of that post, ordered me to proceed no further. On Sunday, the llth of July, was ordered by Gen. Love to proceed to Madison by rail, on the same train with Col. Burkham, and was informed by Gen. Love s Adjutant that in case of any diffi culty occurring, the command of both his and my regiments would devolve upon me as ranking officer. At North Vernon we were informed that the enemy were within four miles of old Vernon, and marching on that place in force. We requested the telegraph opera tor to inform Gen. Love of the state of things at this point, and in a few minutes a telegram was received from him ordering us not to proceed further. After forming my command in line, we marched immediately south of North Vernon to a grove. I then returned to the depot and asked Col. Burkham what disposition he thought we had better make of our forces. He remarked that we had better defend the railroad property at North Vernon, to which I replied that I thought the town of old Vernon and the bridges of that place of equal importance to those of North Vernon, and far more exposed, and that it was certainly our duty to save the place and bridges if possible. I then told Col. Burkham that he must detach from his ^command two pieces of artillery and one company of infantry, to be 56 MORGAN RAIfr. attached to my command, and that he might remain at North Ver non, and I would proceed to old Vernon. The detached forces, con sisting of Capt. Giegoldt s and Capt. Pholing s companies, and the two pieces of artillery from Capt. Miller s battery, both from Aurora^ moved promptly forward and joined my command. Leaving them in command of Capt. J. C. Wells, (senior officer,) I proceeded forward, accompanied by Major Lostutter, of the llth, and Capt. Wright, of Aurora, to examine the situation and select a position. After satis fying myself as to the best position for defense, I dispatched an officer back to hurry the troops forward with all possible speed. As fast as they arrived I busied myself in placing them in position ; but before they had all reached the place designated for them to occupy, a flag of truce was announced, demanding the surrender of the town, to which I replied that "I was abundantly able to hold the place, and if Gen. Morgan got it, he must take it by hard fighting." I immediately sent Lieut. Williams, one of my officers, back to North Vernon, ordering Col. Burkham forward to my support. Before the return of the courier, a second flag of truce was announced, asking a reconsideration of my former decision. The bearer of the flag, as I conceived, having violated the privilege of a flag of truce in approaching nearer our lines than is warranted by military usage, I refused to receive any communication from him, and left him in charge of two of my officers. Just at this time my courier returned, informing me that he did not see Col. Burkham, but that Gen. Love was advancing, and had anticipated my orders, sending me word to hold the place by all means ; and furthermore, that he would be there in twenty minutes. I sent back word to the head of Gen. Love s column, asking him to come immediately to my headquarters so as to dispose of the bearer of the flag of truce. Within the twenty min utes Gen. Love came forward, and after informing him of the cir cumstances connected with the flag of truce which prompted me to decline any communication with the bearer, I accompanied him to Capt. Taylor, of Morgan s staff, the bearer of the flag. After a short interview between the parties, Gen. Love ordered me to have him escorted beyond our lines. I designated Lieut. Williams for the service, who promptly performed the duty assigned him. Gen. Love and myself, having inspected the several points where my men were posted, I was ordered to proceed under a flag of truce to the enemy s lines to ask a delay of hostilities for two hours in which to remove the women and children from the town. After a detention of an hour and a half, I was informed that thirty minutes- MORGAN KAD>. 57 would be given for the purpose mentioned, and fifteen minutes addi tional in which to reach our lines, as his guns were in position and that we had sufficient knowledge that the place was already fully invested. From the demonstrations made by the enemy, all were confident that he would attack us at the expiration of the time speci fied, and we awaited in silence and readiness for the conflict to begin,, but were sadly disappointed in our expectations our enemy evidently having concluded to march for a more congenial locality. We remained at Vernon until Sunday evening, when, in pursuance of orders, we marched to North Vernon. Here we remained until after 12 o clock on Monday, when we received orders to embark on the cars for Osgood. The next morning, Tuesday, 14th, our whole force started on foot to Sunman, a station on the Indianapolis and Cincin nati railroad, distance about twenty-eight miles. Our men, through the hot sun and over dusty roads, pressed vigorously on with but little complaint. Here we remained until Thursday, 16th, when we received orders to return home. In conclusion, I have no special commendation to bestow on any one at Vernon. All seemed imbued with the importance of present ing a bold and steady front to the enemy. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the men of my command, as well as those attached to it from Col. Burkham s command, for the promptness with which they obeyed every order. I feel under special obligations to Capt. H. F. Wright, of Aurora, late of the 3d Indiana cavalry, for the val uable assistance rendered me in the selection of a position for defense,. and the prompt occupation of those points by the forces under my command. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. T. WILLIAMS, Col. Comd g llth Eeg^ *dh Brig. y Ind< Legion*. REPORT OF COL. HARRIS KEENEY, lOin REGIMENT, INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS IOTH INDIANA LEGION, 1 Vevay, Dec. 14th, 1864. / General J. L. Mansfield: DEAR SIR : In accordance with your order I would respectfully make the following report of the doings, &c., of the 10th Regiment Indiana Legion since it has been under my command : On the 10th day of July, 1863, I received a telegram from Adju tant General Noble, at 4J o clock, P. M., ordering me to report, with my regiment, to the commander of the post at Madison. I immedi ately sent couriers to the commanders of the companies to report without delay at their headquarters except company "D," Captain Bassett, who was as near Madison as Vevay ; I ordered him to report at once at Madison, which he did with his entire company at 8 o clock A. M., July llth. I sent company "A" artillery, two guns, Lieut. Holden commanding to Madison the same evening, July 10th. Early in the morning of July llth the balance of the regiment had reported to me, and were ready to start for Madison except company " I," Capt. Hicks, who had about twenty-five miles to travel and failed to arrive in time to accompany us on the steam boat Bostonia, which had been sent to convey us to Madison. We embarked about five hundred strong not including the artillery and company "D" arrived at North Madison at 2 o clock P. M., and went into camp at Camp Noble, where, altogether, we numbered about seven hundred men. On leaving Vevay I left Major H. B. Sheets to take charge of any forces which might arrive after our departure ; also of the companies of Minute Men which were form ing for duty. Company " I," arriving after our departure, went on duty, at Vevay, in connection with the companies formed for the MORGAN RAID. 59 emergency. I may say here, that through the efficiency of Major Sheets and Captain Hicks, together with Lieutenants Walker and Gordon of company " I," a great deal of trouble was prevented here on account of some rebel sympathizers. On Sunday morning, July 12th, Col. Sering (9th regiment) ordered me to take my regiment, together with a battalion from Johnson county, Col. Lambertson, and march from Camp Noble to Wirt six miles it having been reported that some of Morgan s men had been at that place early that morn- ino 1 . In obedience to said order we moved. Not finding the enemy at Wirt, we turned to the right and crossed the Madison and Indian apolis railroad at Wirt Station, and struck the Michigan road about seven miles north of Madison, where, according to arrangements, I expected to have met the 9th regiment, but that regiment had stopped and formed a line of battle across the Michigan road just east of North Madison. Being without any further orders, and not knowing the disposition of the other forces, I called a halt, and dispatched a courier to the headquarters of Col. Sering for orders what to do. In answer, he ordered me back to camp without having seen anything of the enemy. Had we as I wanted to do taken our forces and moved out in the morning on the Michigan road, we would have certainly been able at least to have cut off the rear of Morgan s forces at or about Bry- antsburg. Had we encountered the rebels, I have confidence that the men under my command would have acted their part well. We remained at Camp Noble for two or three days and received orders to march for home, the danger being over in that vicinity, which order was promptly obeyed, as was the order for marching to the threatened danger, all feeling well satisfied, but greatly disappointed in not meeting the enemy. In the recent threatened raid under Morgan, there was but little done by the Legion here. By order of the Governor I notified the Captains to hold themselves in readiness to march on short notice. Not considering it necessary to call all to guard duty, I ordered two companies Captains Pavey s and Siebenthal s to do that duty? which order was promptly obeyed. They were on duty four days, when the danger of invasion having passed, they were discharged. I would say here, for the most of the officers and men of the regi ment, that they merit praise for the promptness in which they have answered the calls in assisting to repel invasion, and for regimental and battalion drill. In regard to the present organization of the Legion, it is not as MORGAN RAID. strong in numbers as it was when I took command of this regiment, m consequence of great numbers of the men and officers volunteer ing into the United States service. One company ("B") alone hav ing furnished some sixty-five recruits to the United States service, and numbers having moved, while some have passed the age of mili tary duty, so that instead of having nine hundred and fifty men, as at first, we now only have about four hundred and fifty. I hope that you will lay the matter before our next Legislature and have the laws so amended that all who are of the proper age will be compelled to attach themselves to some regular military organization, so that the burden of guard duty will not fall on a few men to guard others property, while they are permitted to rest secure and are not required to expose their precious lives to the cold and to the enemy. Respectfully, yours. HARRIS KEENEY, Col. 10th Ind. Legion. REPORT OF COL. JOHN A. PLATTER, COMMANDING 12TH REGIMENT, INDIANA LEGION. AURORA, IND., December 15th, 1864. GENERAL MANSFIELD, Commanding Indiana Legion: GENERAL : In compliance with your request I submit the follow ing report of services rendered by the 12th Regiment of Indiana Legion. Owing to the absence of former officers my report has been unavoidably delayed. I hope, however, it will be in time. The 12th Regiment, under command of Colonel J. H. Burkham, was called out July 9th, 1863, during the Morgan raid, under orders to repair to Mitchell, Indiana ; but upon arriving at Seymour the regiment was ordered on picket duty by General Love, commanding at that place, in which capacity it rendered service until the llth, when it was ordered to Madison, Ind. But on arriving at North MORGAN RAID. 61 Vernon the enemy were reported menacing the town of Old Vernon. Colonel Burkham here received orders from Gov. Morton to hold North Vernon at all hazards until reinforcements arrived. The regi ment was soon formed in line of battle, and so remained until rein forcements came up. Reinforcements having arrived the regiment, in connection with other troops, moved in the direction of Old Ver non, arriving there just in time to save the place from the ravage of the vandals under John Morgan. It was soon ascertained that the enemy was moving in the direc tion of Aurora or Lawrenceburg, and the regiment was now ordered to take the train, and if possible gain his advance at Lawrenceburg, or some place on the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad ; but in con sequence of unavoidable delay on the road, the enemy had crossed at Van Wedden s station an hour previous to the arrival of the regiment at that place. It was now considered useless for an infantry regiment to further pursue a mounted enemy, and in view of the heavy servi ces performed by the regiment, and their fatigued condition, Colonel Burkham was ordered to report to Colonel Gavin, at Lawrenceburg, where the regiment performed picket duty until the 15th, when it was discharged from further service. Captain Miller and Company, of Aurora, with four pieces of artillery, accompanied the regiment, and performed duty with credit to themselves. Lieut. Col. John F. Cheek, late of 7th Regiment, and Captain EL F. Wrignt, late of 3d Cavalry, volunteered their services and accom panied the regiment, rendering valuable service. The regiment is in rather an inefficient condition poorly equipped. The companies need to be re-organized. It is my intention to make this an efficient regiment, if our incoming Legislature will give us an efficient mili tary law. I have reason to hope they will see the great necessity of such a law as will enable us to thoroughly organize the Legion. Trusting that this may be the case, I am General, very truly, Your obedient servant, JOHN A. PLATTER, Colonel \Wi Regiment, Indiana Legion* REPORT OF COLONEL LAWRENCE S. SHULER, COMMANDING 103D BEGIMENT INDIANA MILITIA. INDIANAPOLIS, July 20th, 1863. Laz. Noble, Adjutant General State of Indiana : I have the honor to report to you the following as the proceedings of my command while chasing John Morgan through the States of Indiana ?md Ohio. The command proceeded from Indianapolis, by order of General Carrington, on the evening of Saturday, July the 10th, and arrived at Vernon, Indiana, at 3 o clock on the morning of the llth instant. At that place I was ordered, by Major General Lew Wallace, to mount as many of my men as possible, and follow Morgan vigorously as long as he was within the State lines. In pursuance of said order I mounted one hundred and forty-six men, and at 4 o clock in the afternoon of said day started in pursuit. At 5 o clock, P M., of July the llth, we overtook Brig. Gen. Hob- son s command, who had been following him ior some days. I imme diately sent forward and ascertained that it was General Hobson s wish that I should take the advance of his column. I ordered my men forward, and took the advance at about 11 o clock, on July the 12th. I pressed forward as rapidly as possible, and succeeded in reaching Morgan s rear guard about 5 o clock in the afternoon. After picking up several stragglers we came up with the main body of the enemy s rear at Harrison, which is situated on the line of Indiana and Ohio. There we found the bridge over the Whitewater burned. After firing several shots at the enemy across the river, we forded it and took possession of Harrison. At that place, our men being greatly fatigued, we rested for a few hours. At 5 o clock, on the morning of the 13th, we again resumed the chase. He having been so hotly pursued on the day previous, marched rapidly all night and MORGAN RAID. 6& was twenty-five miles in the advance. I followed him as far as Bata- via, Ohio, and finding the citizens willing to protect their own State, commenced my return from that point. But few points were visited along the line where we did not find the most extravagant demonstrations of joy at the arrival of qur own troops and the departure of Morgan s band of horse thieves and rob bers. At Batavia, and other points along the line, we were met by many true patriots, who cheered the soldiers on, and were unbounded in their hospitality. Mr. Swing, on behalf of the citizens of Bata via, thanked the soldiers of Indiana, in the most feeling terms, for their gallant efforts in driving the enemy from their own State, and offering themselves for the defence of another. In behalf of the State of Indiana, my fellow-citizens, P. S. Kennedy, of Danville, Sol. Blair, of Plainfield, and Lieut. T. R. Lawhead, responded, thank ing the citizens for their hospitality and warm feelings in behalf of the Government. I am sorry to state that there were few points along the line of our march where we did not find men who had been rendering assistance to John Morgan^ and who were then willing to do every thing hi their power to help him on his expedition of rob^ bery and plunder. Their sympathies were all for Vallandigham, and there was no one among them who could not render valuable infor mation in regard to the " Order of K. G. C. s." I would most respectfully suggest the propriety of sending scouts throughout the southern part of our State, whose duty it should be to arrest parties who are declaring themselves friends of Vallandig ham, and of the Southern Confederacy. Had it not been for the aid and encouragement which these sympathisers gave, Morgan could never have made a successful raid through our own State. From Batavia, Ohio, my command returned, expressing themselves well pleased with their efforts to defend their homes and firesides. I wish especially to notice the conduct of Lieut. Col. Lyons, Major Banta, Adjutant Coons, and other officers of my regiment, who, du ring the whole chase, manifested cool courage and exalted patriotism. I have the honor to be, Your most obedient servant, L. S. SHULER, Colonel commanding 103d Regiment Indiana Militia. REPORT OF COLONEL WILLIAM C. WILSON, 108TH REGIMENT, INDIANA VOLUNTEER MILITIA. HEADQUARTERS 108TH REGIMENT, INDIANA MILITIA, 1 INDIANAPOLIS, July 18th, 1863. / Gen. Laz. Noble, Adjutant General of the State of Indiana: SIR : I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the 108th Regiment, Indiana Militia, under my command, in the pursuit of the forces of John Morgan. On the afternoon of the 12th day of July, 1863, I was assigned to the command of said regiment, composed as follows : Company A Captain Taylor, " B - Captain Benbridge, " C Captain Ramsey, " D Captain Longwill> E Captain Walker, " F Captain Givens, " G Captain Disbrow^ u H Captain Weast, I Captain Welshbelligh, " K Captain Busby. The regiment was first formed into line and fully supplied with everything but ammunition, on the evening of the 12th. At 12 o clock of the 13th July, I received an order from General Carrington to move the regiment from bivouac at the State House to Camp Car rington. While in the execution of this order I received, about 2 o clock, an order to supply the regiment with forty rounds of ammu nition, and to report them at the Indiana Central Railroad, in order to march at 3 o clock. These orders were promptly executed, and my regiment prepared to go aboard the cars at 3 o clock, P. M., of said day, at the point indicated. For some reason we were here com- MORGAN RAID. 65 pelled to stand by our arms until about 6, or 6J, o clock, before transportation was ready. After the regiment was placed aboard the cars, it was perhaps from one to two hours before the train moved out. Good speed was made until we reached Richmond, Indiana, where another delay of from one to one-and-one-half hours occurred in the movement of the train. I reached Hamilton, Ohio, just after day-break on the morning of the 14th and immediately formed my regiment on an open space of ground near the Depot, and ordered the men to stand to their arms for further orders. While thus await ing orders, I learned that General Carrington had not arrived on the train, and called on Colonel Gray, the ranking Colonel present, and consulted with him in the premises. In the mean time, I learned from the citizens that the forces of Morgan had passed through the lower edge af the city of Hamilton at about 2 o clock of the morning of the 14th, and that parties of citizen scouts were out to report his movements. It was also reported to me that a large body of cavalry seemed to be approaching from the direction in which Morgan s forces were reported to be, and I thereupon threw out Company "A" under Captain Taylor, as a picket to guard that approach, but soon learned that the alarm was false. Between 10 and 11 o clock of the 14th, Brigadier General Hascall arrived. At two o clock, by order of General Hascall, my regiment, with the balance of the brigade, was again ordered to take the cars for Cincinnati, Ohio, which point we reached in good order at 8 o clock, the same evening, and camped in "Fifth-Street Market." I remained at that point in camp until Thursday evening at 5 o clock, when I received orders from General Hascall to report my regiment at the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Depot at 7 o clock, A. M., of Friday morning, July 17th, for trans portation to Indianapolis. The regiment was at the Depot on time, but did not get aboard the cars and move out until 11 o clock, A. M. reaching Indianapolis at daybreak on the morning of the 18th of July, on which day, under the General Order of the Govenor, they were mustered out of service. I cannot close this report without expressing my regret at the delay occasioned in the movement of the trains at Indianapolis, and the delay at Richmond at the time of our advance. Had the move ment not been delayed at those two points, as above stated, we, undoubtedly, would have reached Hamilton, Ohio, in time to have formed a line of battle, and have successfully intercepted the advance of Morgan, and driven him to the river and held him in check until the forces pursuing reached him in the rear. At Cincinnati my M. R.-5 * 66 MORGAN RAID. regiment was very anxious to move forward in the direction of Chil- licothe, Ohio, or Parkersburgh, Va., for the purpose of again attempt ing to intercept the advance of Morgan, but doubtless the large mass of Ohio troops, then raised, precluded that movement on our part. I desire to state that the injury done by Morgan s forces to the citizens in eastern Indiana and south western Ohio, in my judgement, was very insignificant, in comparison with the forces of the raiders, and I account for this, by reason of the hot pursuit by our forces rendering any delay for that purpose extremely dangerous to the enemy. I further report, that prior to my departure from Indianapo lis, I submitted to each company the question of their willingness to go beyond the State of Indiana, and have the pleasure to report that the determination was unanimous, with the exception of some four or five men in the regiment, who were unfit for duty and prudence dictated that they should remain. I beg leave to return to all the officers and men of the Command, my thanks for their promptness in the discharge of every duty, and for the zeal they manifested to engage the enemy. I am, sir, Your truly, Obedient servant, W. C. WILSON, Col. 10&A Eegt. Ind. Vol. Militia. REPORT OF COL. KLINE G. SHRYOCK, COMMANDING 105TH REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., July 18th, 1863. Governor Morton: The organization of the 105th Regiment Indiana Legion, to the command of which I was appointed, having returned to the capital and being disbanded as a regiment, I submit to you the following report of its operations while in the field : RAttX 67 On the clay I received my appointment Sunday, July 12th, 1863 I left with my command under written orders from Gen. Will- cox to proceed directly by rail to Lawrenceburg, in this State ; there to take boats and patrol the Ohio river, guard fords, &c. I proceeded as far as Greensburgh, where a dispatch from Gen. Willcox was in wait ing for me, ordering me to halt there and wait further orders. After waiting there for some time I received orders to move forward, which I did. On arriving at Morris Station I received a dispatch from General Willcox to strongly picket all the approaches to that place, and to be on the lookout against a surprise on the part of the enemy. In obedience to that order I detailed two companies and strongly pick eted every approach to the Station, and had the remainder of my regiment lay on their arms during the night. On the morning of the 13th I received orders to move forward to Sunman s Station, where Col. Gavin^s command had been on duty the night previous. On arriving at Sunman s Station I found the citizens in a state of great excitement on account of rumors that the enemy was within a mile of the place. Col. Gavin had left the station before I reached there. I learned at Sunman s Station that Morgan s forces were crossing the railroad near Vanwedden s Station, some two or three miles ahead of where I was. When this information was received I ordered two companies forward to reconnoitre the road on each side, and ordered the train to move forward shortly. At Sunman s I learned that the rebels had torn up the track near Vanwedden s and set fire to the water station of that place. Finding it impossible to proceed farther by rail, I concluded to disembark my regiment and march to Lawrenceburgh. I got my command ready, and after marching near a mile on a cross road to reach the main road to Lawrenceburgh, I met Col. Shuler, in command of the advance of General Hobson s cavalry force, then in pursuit of Morgan. I learned, from what I regarded as a reliable source, that Morgan s forces were not over four or five miles from us on the road leading to Harrison, on White Water, and moving in the direction of the latter place. On finding Morgan so closely pursued by a strong cavalry force, and hoping that our advance, under Col. Shuler, might be able to overhaul the enemy and engage them, I determined to pursue him within support ing distance with my regiment. I followed immediately in the rear of Gen. Hobson s pursuing forces under Col. Shuler, until within about six miles of Harrison, where a portion of Gen. Hobson s forces passed me, which I passed again between that and Harrison, while MORGAN RAID. they were grazing their horses in a meadow. The horsemen passed me again when within ahout a mile of Harrison. I received three messages from Col. Shuler to hurry forward my men, as he expected to engage the enemy. The news seemed to stimulate my men, and they moved forward with great alacrity. I reached the top of the hill near Harrison before our cavalry had crossed the river, having marched some twenty or twenty-five miles from 12 o clock M. until sundown. Having reached the State line, I went into camp for the night. On the next morning I took up the line of march for Law- renceburgh; arrived there about 2 o clock P. M. ; reported to Col. Gavin, commandant of the post at that place ; went into camp at that place, subject to the orders of Col. Gavin for the time. While at Lawrenceburgh, in endeavoring to execute the orders of Col. Gavin, the accident occurred to my regiment, the facts in connection with which I have fully reported to you under date of 15th instant. Under orders from Indianapolis to Col. Burkham, I embarked my regiment for this place about 2 o clock P. M. of the 17th inst. ; arrived at Indianapolis between two and three o clock A. M. of the 18th. My men marched to the Soldiers Home, partook of a good breakfast provided for chem at the instance of your Excellency } marched from there to the State House, where, after completing the rolls, they were disbanded as a regiment. It is due to the men of my command to say that they endured the hardships of our brief campaign with great cheerfulness, and would have volunteered, to a man, to have gone beyond the State, if there had been a necessity for it. Your most obedient servant, KLINE G. SHRYOCK, Col 105/A Retft Ind. Legion. REPORT OF COL. B. M. GREGORY, COMMANDING 102D REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. ZIONSVILLE, IND., July 18, 1863. General Laz. Noble: SIR: In obedience to orders from Gen. Lew Wallace I proceeded with my command from Indianapolis, on the afternoon of the llth inst., to aid in the pursuit of the rebel forces under General John Morgan, and reached North Vernon at 3 o clock A. M. of the 12th by railroad; from thence we marched on foot to Vernon, in which vicinity the rebels had encamped the day previous, and there learned that Morgan s forces had, during the night, left in the direction of Dupont. At Vernon, pursuant to Gen. Wallace s order, I impressed a num ber of horses on which Company K, of my regiment, commanded by Capt. Davis, was mounted and placed under the command f Col. Shuler. For a report of the part afterwards taken in the pursuit by this company, you are referred to Col. Shuler s official report. I was ordered to Dupont, which place I reached about 8 o clock P. M. of the 12th, and had hardly got encamped when I received orders to board the train and return to North Vernon, where I arrived about 1 o clock A. M. of the 13th, and remained until 4 o clock P. M., when I moved to Osgood, on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, near which place, the night previous, the rebels had destroyed two railroad bridges and a number of cars. There I encamped for the night. On the morning of the 14th we took up a line of march in a northeasterly direction, and ai rived at Sunman s Station, on the I. and C. railroad, distance from Osgood twenty-two miles, where I learned that the whole rebel force had escaped into Ohio. I remained at Sunman s, awaiting orders and transportation, until 70 MORGAN RAII>. the 16th inst., when I received orders and returned to Indianapolis ; and on the 17th the men of my command were furnished transporta tion to their homes. It affords me pleasure to report that during the few days cam paign, the officers and men behaved themselves as becomes men and soldiers. I am, suv vei T respectfully, Your obedient servant, B. M. GREGORY, Col. Commanding 102d Reg t 2nd. Militia* REPORT OF COL. ISAAC P. GRAY, 106TH REGIMENT MINUTE MEN. UNION CITY, INDIANA, > July 21st, 1863. J Laz. Noble, Adft General State of Indiana ; SIR : I have the honor to report the part taken by my command in the brigade that went to Ohio under the command of Brig. Gen, Hascall, to intercept the rebel forces under John Morgan. On Monday, July 13th. at 2 o clock P. M., I received orders from General Carrington to march my command to the Indiana Central Depot, Indianapolis, for transportation.. By 3 o clock I was on the ground ready for loading. I was, at the same time, requested by Gov. Morton to say to my command that while he (Gov. Morton) was desirous of rendering all the assistance he could to Ohio, yet he wanted it distinctly under stood that he wished no one to go unless freely and willingly of his own accord, prompted by his sense of patriotism alone ; he would, for no consideration, impress or eoerce any citizen of Indiana belonging to the Militia to- go on duty out of the State against his will. I made the wishes of the Governor known to the regiment,. MORGAN RAID. 71 when they immediately decided, unanimously, and with the utmost enthusiasm, to go regretting only that they had not had an oppor tunity to chastise the rebel thieves while they were devastating our own State, but expressing a willing determination to follow them and avenge the wrongs that the citizens of Indiana had suffered at their hands. From some cause we were kept waiting the departure of the train until after 10 o clock P. M., at which time General Hascall assumed command. Who is responsible for this detention it is not for me to say ; but whoever is guilty of causing this detention should be made to shoulder the responsibility, for I have no hesitation in saying that by this delay the whole object of the expedition was lost. We arrived at Hamilton, Ohio, at 8 o clock Tuesday morning, July 14th, and encamped on the commons south of the depot, await ing further orders. At 5 o clock P. M., I received orders from Gen. Hascall to march to the depot and take cars for Cincinnati. My regiment being the last ordered to load, I found there was not enough cars to load my command, without crowding very closely. While thus engaged in getting my command aboard, the train started with out giving any notice whatever, causing one of the men to slip, by which one of his feet was caught between the bumpers and badly mashed ; and also leaving four companies, viz : Captains Riley, Goolman, Moorehouse and Gorrel, behind. Observing that Lieut. Col. Haines and Maj. Browne were aboard, I remained with the four companies for the purpose of getting them immediate transportation to Cincinnati to join the regiment. I had succeeded in getting loaded, and hitched on to the down passenger train from Richmond, when I received a dispatch from Gen. Hascall to send the four com panies left at Hamilton back to Indianapolis. I put Capt. Riley, of company "B," in command, with orders to report at Indianapolis, and proceeded myself to Cincinnati to take command of the six companies there. I found the regiment encamped in the "Eighth street Park." Wednesday evening, the 15th, I received orders to be with my command at the Cincinnati and Indianapolis depot by 7 o clock next morning to load for Indianapolis. We were promptly on the ground by 6 o clock A. M., but were kept waiting about three hours before transportation was ready. Left Cincinnati Thursday morning, July 16th, and arrived at Indianapolis next morning at 6 o clock, being twenty-one hours on the road. The health of the regiment 72 MORGAN RAID. was exceedingly good, having left but one sick, which was at Cincin nati, who was kindly cared for by the citizens. I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of both officers and men. All seemed prompted by the most exalted patriotism. I found Lieut. Col. Haines, Major Browne and Adjutant Braffett to be most efficient and gentlemanly officers ; but to speak of any specially would be to make invidious distinction. When I looked over the rank and file of the regiment I had the honor to command, and saw the wealth and talent there embraced, I thought, can there be any, with such evidence as this before them, who will doubt the success of the Union cause ? It was one of those outbursts of intense love of nationality that lies deep in the hearts of the American people. I have the honor to be, Your most obedient servant, ISAAC P. GRAY, Col. Comd g IQQth Reg t Ind. Militia. REPORT OF COL. JOHN R. MAHAN, 109TH REGIMENT MINUTE MEN. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, 1 July 18th, 1863. / Adjutant General State of Indiana: SIR: I have the honor to submit to you the following report of the part taken by the 109th Regiment of Minute Men that I had the pleasure of commanding during Morgan s late raid through Indiana and Ohio : In pursuance of an order emanating from Governor Morton, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Indiana Militia, at 5 o clock P. M. on the evening of the 13th we marched from the State House yard to the depot and boarded the train for Ohio. In the formation of the brigade commanded by Brig. Gen. Car- rington my regiment was entitled to the right. At 6 o clock P. M. MORGAN RAID. 73 I notified the Superintendent of the road that my regiment was ready to move out, and on account of an unusual delay we were detained until 10 o clock, at which time, in pursuance of Governor Morton s order, I assumed command of the brigade, and ordered the Superintendent of the road to move the whole brigade out without delay. He pledged me to move us out in ten minutes. At 10J o ? clock I was relieved of the command by Brig. Gen. Hascall. At 12 o clock at night the brigade moved out, and arrived at Hamilton, Ohio, at 10 o clock on the morning of the 14th, at which place I received a dispatch from Governor Morton, stating that my entire command would be mounted^ at Hamilton, with orders to move as rapidly as possible, which dispatch I handed to Gen. Hascall in per son. At 2J o clock P. M. I left Hamilton, under Gen. Hascall s order, and arrived at Cincinnati at 5 o clock P. M. On arriving at Cincinnati I received an order from Gen. Hascall in person, to remain on board the hog cars until he could have an interview with Maj. Gen. Burnside, which order I obeyed, with no small degree of suffering to my men from tne intense heat and con finement and strong scented cars. At 8 o clock P. M. I moved off the train and marched to the Sixth street Market House and camped for the night. At 9 o clock I repaired to the quarters of General Burnside, and received an order from him for warm supper and breakfast for my entire regiment. At 1 o clock P. M., the 15th, the heat being very intense in the position we were occupying, I again visited General Burnside s head-quarters and received an order to remove a cavalry force that was occupying Eighth street Park and occupy the same with my regiment, which order I obeyed immedi ately, and found the quarters to be very palatable to my men, for which they gave three hearty cheers for General Burnside. We remained in that position until after supper. There being a prospect for rain. I received permission from General Burnside to occupy the Court House and two large halls for the night. At 5 o clock on the morning of the 16th we marched back to Eighth street Park for breakfast, and at 7 o clock A. M. we marched to the I. and C. railroad and shipped for Indianapolis, by order of Brig. Gen. Hascall, at which place we arrived on the morning of the 17th, after a tedious ride of twenty-two hours. At 6 o clock we took breakfast at the Soldiers Home, and at 9 o clock A. M. we were mustered out of the service. In conclusion let me state that I cannot speak in too high terms of the officers and men of my command it being composed 74 MORGAN RAID. of Indiana and Illinois troops. The officers and men from Indiana did their duty in every respect, and I was particularly pleased with the gentlemanly appearance and soldier like conduct of that part of my command from Illinois, The discipline of all the companies was so perfect that we had no straggling from the regiment, and what is very remarkable we had not one single case of intoxication while the regiment was in the service. I am, General, Very respectfully, Your obedient service, J. R. MAHAN, Col. Comd g 109^ Reg t Indiana Militia. REPORT OF MAJ. JOHNSON McCULLOUGH, QUARTERMASTER 2o BRIGADE, INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS 2o BRIGADE INDIANA LEGION. 1 Bloomington, Ind., Aug. 1, 1863. j Brig. Gen. James Hughes: SIR: On Thursday, July 9, 1863, I was ordered to Mitchell, to take charge of the Quartermaster and Commissary departments. On arriving at Mitchell, I found everything in confusion; so much so that it was impossible for me to make a minute and accurate re port, owing to the hurry and confusion incident to so rapid a pursuit after Morgan as ours was compelled to be ; but, instead, permit me to make the following statement : At Mitchell we distributed arms and ammunition sufficient to arm the force present; all of which arms have been since returned at Indianapolis, except, probably, four (4) guns. From Mitchell we moved east, begging such articles of necessity as the men were com pelled to have such as cooking utensils, forage for horses, &c., all of which we duly gave receipts for. How many receipts we gave, I MORGAN RAID. 75 am unable to state, nor how much they amount to, not having any hooks to keep accounts in. At Sunman s station we were ordered to Indianapolis, at which place we gave up our arms and cooking uten sils, and were duly discharged on Friday, July 17, 1863. Yours, JOHNSON McCULLOUGH, and Q, M< 2d Brigade, Indiana INDIANA LEGION REPORT OP LIEUT. COL. E. H. 0. GAVINS, OF MAJ, GEN. JAMES HUGHES STAFF. HEADQUARTERS SND Div. IND. LEGION, 1 Bloomington, Ind., Dec. 5th, 1864. j" Major General John L. Mansfield : GENERAL : On my return from Indianapolis I find yours of the- 21st ult., to Major General Hughes, in which you say the Governor expects a report of the military services of the Indiana Legion, &c, I have not the information upon which to make a report, but will furnish you with an informal account of such matters as have come to my knowledge since my connection with the Legion. I received notice of my appointment as Inspector on Maj. Gen. Hughes staff on the 10th day of August, 1864, and hence know nothing of the services before that time. At that time the people of Southern Indiana were laboring under great excitement^ expecting internal strife and civil war. The fact of an existing secret con spiracy against the Government was developed in many different ways, not at that time conclusive, but satisfactory. In the counties of Washington, Crawford, Harrison, Martin, Daviess, Sullivan, Green, Knox, Dubois, and others, organized bodies of men were officered in military style, and having regular drills, some with,, and some without arms. These men were not armed under any law of the State or Government, and their object, so far as they gave 7$ INDIANA LEGIDN. expression to it, was in opposition to the Government. They were threatening to resist the draft, and protect deserters, but the more cautious would say that they were going to have a fair election. This boast of having a fair election was usually in localities where their partisans then had large majorities, and where it was impossible for their opponents to control the elections. In addition to these evidences of disloyalty, during the latter part of July and early in August, in many counties where these illegal companies were organ* ized, members of the companies talked in such a manner as to cause the people to believe that about the 15th or 16th of August a terri ble calamity would befall them in the promiscuous slaughter of Union men and burning of their property. On the 12th day of August^ Maj. Gen. Hughes and staff went t Evansville for the purpose of organizing the Legion along the border. At that time large numbers of guerrillas, under Colonels Johnson and Seipert, were congregating in Union and Henderson counties, Ky., and parties of them had been seen on the river bank above and below Evansville, Ind., and they had actually captured several U. S transports on the Ohio river* The Ohio river, at that time, was fordable at many places,, and the means of defense were greatly inadequate to the threatened danger. The country on this side was swarming with " refugees J> as they called themselves a most dan gerous element at that time, and could readily have been converted into an armed array for purposes of plunder or invasion. A portion of the Legion in Warrick, Vanderburgh and Posey counties were immediately called into service, and disposed along the river bank so as to guard the fords of the river. Information, deemed reliable, was received that a plot was organized, between citizens of Indiana and refugees from Kentucky, to burn the railroad bridge across White river, between Evansville and Vincennes, on the night of the 15th day of August; and a company of the Evansville regiment, under Capt. Bisch (now Col. Bisch) was sent to that point to guard it. The bridge was guarded two nights, when it was believed that the danger in that direction was over. Information was received that Colonels Johnson and Seipert intended crossing the Ohio river for the purpose of destroying Mount Vernon, Evans ville, and other towns along the Indiana border. Maj. Gen. Hughes, upon consultation with Maj. Gen. Hovey, U. S. Vols.. determined that the safest and most expeditious way to defeat the object of the invaders was to organize a force and cross over into Kentucky and attack the various rebel camps in detail; and for that purpose the INDIANA LEGION. 70 Indiana Legion in Warrick, Vanderburgh and Posey were called on for volunteers. They responded with great enthusiasm, and on the morning of the 17th of August, after leaving a sufficient guard along the river, seven hundred and fifty cavalry and infantry of the Legion, and five pieces of artillery of the Legion, properly manned, with four hundred U. S. Vols., all under command of Maj. Gen. Hovey, U. S. Vols., started on their expedition. Maj. Gen. Hughes and staff expected to cross the river with the command, but were detained in procuring and sending forward horses for the command. They crossed the river on the morning of the 18th, and joined the com mand at Morganfield at 12 o clock on that day, and continued with the command during the expedition. (I send you herewith Maj. Gen. Hovey s report of the expedition.) This expedition, in promptly breaking up the guerrilla camps near the border, and dispersing the rebels who were threatening our St^te, served to quiet the general feeling throughout the Division. Gen, Hughes and staff immediately began organizing the Legion through out the Division, giving special attention to those portions where any considerable portion of the people seemed disposed to resist the legally constituted authorities of the Government. On the 13th day of September information was received that a band of guerrillas disbanded at Branderiburgh, Ky., for the purpose of coming into Indiana to influence the election. Prompt measures were taken by Brig. Gen. Jordan against those who appeared in this State, and some were arrested arid turned over to the United States authorities. On the 2d day of October information was received that a fortfe of from two hundred to three hundred men was assembled in Craw ford and Orange counties for the purpose of resisting the draft and plundering the citizens. Immediate steps were taken by the Legion for their suppression, which was promptly accomplished by Brig. Gen. Jordan. (I herewith send you a copy of Brig. Gen. Jordan s report, arid confessions of rioters.) On the 20th day of October, 1864, the Sullivan Guards, com manded by Lieut, Stewart Barnes, were disarmed and disbanded on account of their disloyalty and their refusal to assemble for inspec tion, after having been properly ordered to assemble for that pur pose. Their arms were turned over by Lieut. Col. McCullough, of Gen. Hughes staff, to the Quartermaster General of the State. There has not been as much disturbance in the limits of the Divi sion as was feared there would be. The greatest security for peace 80 INDIANA LEGION. is to be prepared for war, and this truth has been fully proved in Indiana during this summer. If the Legion had remained unorgan ized, inactive and seemingly unable to resist any force, invasion and civil war would certainly have overwhelmed us. But the very fact that it gave visible demonstrations of organization, vitality and strength was the security that has given us peace within the State. I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, E. H. C. GAVINS, Lieut. Col and A. A. G. P. S. I will send a report of the strength of the command in a few days. REPORT OF BRIG. GEN. HENRY JORDAN, COMMANDING 2o BRIG., 2D Div. IND. LEGION. HEADQUARTERS 2o BRIG., 2o Div., IND. LKGION, ] Corydon, October 7, 1864. / COLONEL: I forward herewith specimens of the confessions of the prisoners taken during the recent troubles in Crawford and Orange counties. I will forward the entire document as soon as a copy can be prepared. Your particular attention is called to the confession of Martin Belcher, who states that efforts will be made to stuff the ballot boxes and to vote refugees, deserters, and stran gers generally, in the approaching election. As I am too unwell at present to prepare my official report, I embrace this opportunity to state a few facts, which it is important should be generally known. I regard the late troubles in Crawford and Orange counties as a mis erable failure of an extensive conspiracy. I base this opinion upon the following facts : 1st. Information of a reliable character re ceived more than four weeks ago, that the guerrillas in Kentucky were disbanding and coming, one at a time, to the Indiana side. 2d. Positive evidence that a large number of guerrillas have actually been among us for several weeks. 3d. Information from an officer INDIANA LEGION. of the Sons of Liberty, who did not wish to involve his family and property in civil war, that it had been determined by that organiza tion to resist the draft, and that five hundred guerrillas from Ken tucky many of whom were already amongst us were to co-ope rate. 4th. Confessions of the prisoners, who state that the uprising was to be general, and that they expected to receive heavy reinforce ments from other counties. From the testimony taken by my staff officers during and since the difficulties, I am led to the belief that not more than three hundred persons were engaged in actual hostilities. The rioters were divided into small bands, the largest that I could hear of numbering seventy-five (75) men. The ringleaders were guerrillas from Kentucky, whose object was plunder. They seemed to care but little about the draft, and only used it to obtain assistance in their nefarious scheme. When the movement failed they escaped, carrying off, as the prisoners say, the entire proceeds of the robber ies, and leaving their dupes to suffer for their crimes. Some escaped to Kentucky, and others to the disloyal portions of the State. I think that at least fifty persons were robbed by these men. Most of the stolen horses were recovered. The number of prisoners taken by my forces was about forty. Some of these, against whom I could find no testimony, I released. I delivered seven conscripts, who had been engaged in the affair, to Col. Merriwathcr, Provost Marshal of this district. I sent ninety-one citizens, who had participated in it, to Major Gen. Hovey, as directed by you. The evidence against most of them is very strong, many of them having confessed that they participated in the robberies and resist ance to the draft. I arrested several persons for the awful crime of persuading their ignorant neighbors into resistance to law, while they themselves took no active part in the trouble they had created. I proposed to deliver a portion of the prisoners to the civil authori ties for trial, but the leading citizens of Leavenworth, without regard to party, fearing that an effort might be made to relieve them, peti tioned me, in writing, to send them to some military post for con- finement. The people living near the scene of this disturbance, being apprehensive of further violent proceedings, I stationed Captain Aydelotte s company (L, 6th Reg t.) at Hartford, with orders to remain there until quiet was restored. I will communicate, in a for mal report, the operations of the forces under my command during this disturbance. I am satisfied that the prompt action of the militia force had the M. R. 6 82 INDIANA LEGION. effect to deter many persons from participating in this disturbance, and that if a large force had not promptly confronted the robbers, the affair would have assumed a more alarming aspect. The credit of assembling our forces is mainly due to my subordinate officers, who, in many cases, had mustered their commands and gone in pursuit before my orders reached them. There were no casualties; one or two of my men had their clothes pierced by balls fired at them. Permit me to suggest, in conclusion, that the facts set forth in this communication be given to the public, so that the importance of the affair may be neither underrated nor exaggerated. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, HENRY JORDAN, Brigadier General Commanding. COL. E. H. C. CAVIN, A. A. G., Gen. Ilughes s Staff. TESTIMONY AND CONFESSIONS IN THE CRAWFORD AND ORANGE COUNTY CONSPIRACIES. (REPORTED BY DIRECTION OF BRIG. GEN. HENRY JORDAN.) The prisoners were brought into a room, one at a time, and ques tioned by Gen. Jordan and Col. Woodbury. They were not sworn, and all their confessions were voluntary. Each prisoner was assured that he would not be compelled to disclose anything against his own will. The examination was public. Such citizens as wished to enter the room were admitted, and allowed to listen to the questions and answers. JUNIUS LOMAX lives in Greenfield township, Orange county; states that he is a drafted man ; that he went to Williamsburg, in Orange county, where he heard that the drafted men were going to resist the draft. Geo. Coffman, of Floyd county, made a speech, and advised the drafted men to resist. At another meeting, held south of Wil- liamsburg, Saturday evening, October 1, John Allstott, of Craw ford county, advised us to resist. The guns taken from the Home Guards were taken through spite. I took a gun from Valentine INDIANA LEGION. 83 Cook, of the Valeene Home Guards. I was along when Patterson Apple was arrested and robbed of his pistol. A good many of the drafted men were present at these meetings. A number of stran gers were also present. I understood that some of them were from Kentucky. A man named Lynch, from Harrison county, was pre sent. John "W. Stone has been through there, advising the men to resist the draft. Jacob Cook took the lead in disarming Valentine Cook. Heimener Seibolt took the lead in taking the pistol from Patterson Apple. WILLIAM SANDERS resides in Sterling township, Crawford county. I saw that something was going to be done. My son James was along with the crowd, aud I wanted to get him away from them. I overtook some of them near Belcher s. Before we got to E. H. G olden s there were at least thirty men present. There were seven men present that I can swear to, namely : Union McMickle, Bob Allen, John Allstott, Jas. Sanders, Thos. Highfield, John McKabe, and Benton Newkirk. They told me that they were going to press Goldens money and horses. Don t know what they got, as I took no hand in the robbery. I saw Goldens wife, but did not tell her that I had nothing to do with it. I did not see Goldens. They pressed a horse and a pistol in another place. Allstott told me that if I ever told it my life was at stake. Just as I was in the act of starting home I heard them say that they knew of several rich hauls. I was at the Post Office in Brownstown on Thursday. There was a good deal of talk about seizing the guns of the Home Guards. I heard Ben. Brown and Benton Newkirk hurrah for Jeff. Davis. The crowd was of unusual size fifty men or more. The robbers used nicknames, and it being dark I only knew those I saw inside at Gol dens house. LORENZO D. KNIGHT, resident of Patoka township, Crawford county. I am a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle. The signs Gen. Jordan gave me are right. When Morgan was last in Kentucky they told me that if he came over here he would help us and we would help him. We were to seize horses in the neighbor hood to mount ourselves. They cursed Lincoln bitterly. Dr. Bowles was a General in the order. I heard Horace Heffren s name fre quently. We were to get help from Harrison county in resisting the draft. They tvere to put Woods, Cummings and Goldens out of the way. There was talk of robbing Bill Ray. who was understood to 84 INDIANA LEGION. have a large sum of money about him. I was with McMickle, All- stott and company, when they went to rob Cummins on Friday morn ing. I understood that a majority of the people of my county were "Knights." I have heard Jesse McWilliams denounce the Presi dent, &c. Kinsey Livingston and Perry Knight asked me to join the K. G. C. I saw at their meetings Jas. Sanders, John Mason, Elisha Mason, Tim. Mason, John Knight, Wm. Sanders, Larkin Lankford, Henry Strand, Duval L. Brown, Jesse Cuzzant, Tim. Bel cher, Joel Newkirk and Jonathan Newkirk. The most of these men were at Kendal s store, in Orange county, on Saturday, October 1st. I voted to resist the draft at a meeting at Zion s Hollow, near Brownstown. This meeting was held on Thursday evening, Sept. 29th. I think a majority voted not to resist the draft. Those who voted not to resist the draft said they had failed to get the assistance from other counties that they expected. Frank Enlow said he would not report if drafted. I was with them at Goldens when he was robbed. We did not get as much money as we expected. I think our leaders got all the money. Elias Corby, of Orange, was also at Goldens . JOSEPH E. ALLEN, resides in Sterling township, Crawford county. I heard Union McMickle say he intended to use Jas. Sloan up, and kill Woods, Cummings and Joseph Miller at the risk of his life. The man that went under the name of Bob Allen was not Bob Allen. The rioters said they were opposed to the milk and water policy of Jim Lemonds (County Clerk) and Mart. Tucker (Sheriff,) and would have a policy of their own. I voted to resist the draft. We under stood that there was three hundred of our men in camp in Harrison county. There were men from Kentucky with us. Don t know anything about the firing that was done at Col. Johnson s regiment. So far as I know, all the rioters belong to the K. G. C. MARTIN BELCHER lives in East township, Orange county. I am a brother of Jerry Belcher. I told Captain Tucker that I had no arms of my own, but a borrowed revolver. I delivered it up. I have been at one of those meetings. It was at the school house in Zion s Hollow. Enos Nells was there ; also Union McMickle and Josiah Stronde. Heard some talk about resisting the draft. It was the general understanding that the ballot-boxes were to be stuffed ; also, that all the strangers among us had the right to vote. REPORT OF COLONEL CHARLES FOURNIER, COMMANDING STII REGIMENT INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS STH REG T INDIANA LEGION, \ Cannelton, Ind., Dec. 6th, 1864. / Gen. H. Jordan, Commanding 2d Brig., 2d Div., Ind. Legion : GENERAL : According to orders received, I would respectfully submit the following report of the operations of the 5th Regiment of the Indiana Legion during 1863 and 1864, compiled from the reports of company commanders : On February 3d, 1863, I ordered out company Hickory Rangers (fifty- four men) to do guard duty along the lower part of the county, the rebels having full possession of the town of Lewisport, Ky., six miles below Troy. The company was kept on duty three days, sta tioned at Cannelton, Tell City, and Troy. On February 25th, a request was sent from Hawesville to send some companies over to repel a rebel attack. Maj. Lees, to whom an order was given from here, called out companies Newcomb Guards, (twenty-two men,) Dutch Yagers, (thirty-eight men,) Emmet Guards, (twenty-six men,) together with Capt. Payne s company, Cannelton Artillery, (sixteen men,) and stationed his forces opposite Hawesville, ready to cross if necessary. No attack was made by the rebels and the companies were discharged. On the 3d day of March a company of rebel mounted infantry rode into Hawesville about dusk. Proper measures were made for a night attack, but a reconnoisance being made by myself and a few offi cers into Hawesville about midnight, it was found that the rebels, after enjoying a supper with their sympathizers, had withdrawn to parts unknown. On June 8th a company of rebels came into Cloverport, Ky., for the purpose of obtaining horses. As they avowed their purpose to 86 INDIANA LEGION. come over and obtain a sufficient number of horses from Tobin s Bot tom, I ordered Capt. Tobin, with his company, (eighty-seven men,) to the point opposite Cloverport. The rebels did not wish to fight for the possession of the horses, but took such as they could gather up in Cloverport and made tracks for a more congenial clime. On the 17th of June the rebel Capt. Hines crossed into Indiana, eighteen miles above here, with a force of sixty-five men. Immedi ately upon receiving the news, I gathered what mounted men I could and started forthwith in pursuit. It was said that it was the purpose of the rebels to destroy the U. S. ram Monarch, then lying high and dry on Flint Island Bar. We reached the ram at 10 o clock at night, and there learned that the rebels had gone towards Corydon. Capt. Essary, commanding the 2d battery of this regiment, had ordered out all the companies under his command in pursuit of Hines, who turned to recross the river above Leavenworth at the upper Blue River Island. When on the Island, the Legion of Crawford and Harrison counties, together with Capt. Essary s command, opened fire on the rebels, who, after a vain attempt to swim the river, threw their arms into the water and surrendered. Capt. Essary captured five men, with their horses and equipments. The other command captured two stragglers, one of them mounted. All the prisoners were sent under guard to Louisville, by steamer J. T. McCombs. The horses and equipments were delivered to Capt. Merriweather, Provost Marshal of the District, except one horse, which belonged to Union Star, Kentucky. The companies were dis charged from duty on the 20th. The number of men out on this raid were one hundred and eighty-five mounted infantry of the 2d battalion, and seventy-four of the 1st battalion, together with fifty- seven men of the cavalry company Hickory Rangers. Such a lesson was taught the rebels that it kept them in check for awhile, until the 8th of July, when by the returning steamer the startling news was brought that the rebel General John Morgan had taken the steamers Alice Dean and McCombs and was embarking his men at Brandenburgh, Kentucky about sixty miles from here. Forthwith every man was called out for duty, and in less than four hours we had taken an advantageous position three miles above Can- nelton, where steamers, at low water, are obliged to pass close to the Indiana shore, in order to dispute Morgan s passage down the river, should he attempt to pass. All companies along the border of this county, together with the Militia on the river, were on duty until it was ascertained that Morgan had crossed his forces and burned the INDIANA LEGION. 78 Alice Dean. All such as could be mounted were then sent to Leavenworth, where we heard that Morgan was attempting to recross. Upwards of two hundred mounted men of the 2d Battalion had already gone in pursuit the day before, who arrived too late at Corydon and Leavenworth to participate in the heavy skirmish so gallantly sustained by the boys of the Harrison County Legion. A portion of the men were sent on the Paoli road, as it was said that Morgan was marching on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad. As we had no telegraph communication the wildest rumors were always afloat. On the llth I received, through Col. Crooks, commanding 4th regiment, an order from Governor Morton to establish a line of pickets so as to form a connection between New Albany and Evans- ville. A line was formed forthwith, connecting Crawford and Spen cer counties, and Col. Crook notified thereof, who expressed his satisfaction after examining the lines. The men belonging to the Legion were kept on duty until the 17th day of July, when learning that Morgan had gone out of the State they were discharged. My command brought in four deserters of Morgan s on the 12th and two on the 13th, all of whom were sent to Louisville and turned over to Gen. Boyle. Maj. James Lees and Capt. Essary rendered most efficient services during this raid, as did also Lieut. Hathorn, of company Hickory Rangers, w r ho acted as Adjutant, and proved himself a most efficient officer. On September 15th, Capt. Eldred Pate, Provost Marshal of Han cock county, Ky., called on me for help to disperse or capture a company of rebels then in that county. With a few men of com pany Dutch Yagers, I went across and remained until the evening of the 16th, when the news came from Capt. Westerfield that the rebels had gone to Calhoun. Nothing important occurred until January 12th, 1864, when we were again called upon by the authorities at Hawesville. I did not comply with their wish to send men there, as the citizens of Hawes ville seemed not to consider the rebels as enemies ; on the contrary, some of the prominent citizens seemed on good terms with them. On the 15th and 16th of April the companies were called out for inspection, by order of his Excellency, Gov. Morton. A detailed report was sent to Gen. Noble on the 18th of April. In May, of this year, the rebels again began to be thick on the border, and strong patrol guards had to be called out repeatedly during this and the following month. The rebels fired from Hawes- INDIANA LEGION. ville, Lewisport, Owensboro, and other points, at U. S. transports and other steamers. On the 21st of May they crossed into Spencer county, at Taylors- ville, but were immediately repulsed by the Legion there. Small squads of Bines and Forrest s men were then constantly hovering around on the Kentucky shore, coming into the small Kentucky bor der towns whenever they had an opportunity of doing so unmolested. On the 15th of June, Capt. Essary s command was ordered out to repel an expected attack of the rebels then in force at Concordia, Ky. He ordered out, and took with him into camp, company Oil Rifles, (109 men ;) company Oil Greys, Capt. Charlet, (102 men ;) company Union Guards, Capt. Horten, (54 men;) Clark Township Infantry, Capt. Haines, (98 men ;) and company Voltigeurs, Capt. Ader, (48 men.) The men were posted from Rono to the mouth of Oil Creek. A few shots were exchanged across the river on the 16th, but as there were no means of crossing the river with horses our men were compelled to stand it without being able to give them a fight, which they were more than willing to do. Our boys claim to have wounded some of the secesh. Only one of the rebel bullets struck the saddle of one of our men on picket duty. Capt. Hines, of old notoriety, commanded the rebels. He with drew his forces from Concordia on the 19th, and I discharged the men on the 20th and 21st, except company Tell City Artillery and company Cannelton Artillery, who were kept under arms that day the rebels having fired into the U. S. transport Science No. 2 at Hawesville. A strong night guard of the companies of Cannel ton and Tell City was called out and kept on duty until June 23d. About this time the U. S. gunboat Springfield (No. 22) was placed on duty between Cannelton and New Albany by the Naval Commander of the District. An occasional shell, thrown unexpectedly into the squad of guerrillas galloping along the river bank, between here and Salt river, kept the rebels in salutary dread of Uncle Sam s spitfires, and things went on quietly until July 24th, when a strong squad pressed by the need of money and clothing, attempted to come into Hawesville again, after robbing a country store half a mile from the town, but Capt. Morgan, of the Springfield, gave them a salute from his brass bull-dogs that made them and their rebel sympathizers, on both sides of the ,river, wish that powder had not been invented. As long as the gunboat remained here we had very little trouble except to call out a night guard now and then. Gen. Carrington s order of August 13th was rigidly enforced. INDIANA LEGION. 89 Several prisoners, taken under this order, were forwarded to Louis ville to be sent to Gen. Carrington s headquarters. During August and September squads of companies Tobin Guards, Hoosier Wild Cats, Tell City Rifles, and Tell City, Troy and Cannel- ton Artillery, were kept on guard duty. On the 3d of October I received an order from your headquarters to put a strong force along the border of tbe County. All Companies were called out and placed in regular camps along the river from Rono to Troy, a distance of 40 miles. Rebels were in force along the Kentucky shore, then, with the purpose of crossing, as they expected help on this side from sympathisers and such mal contents who had conceived the foolish idea of resisting the draft. The men were kept on duty until October 13th, when I received orders to discharge the Companies. Since then guards have been only kept over the pieces of Artillery in possession of Company, Tell City Artillery. So called Confederate forces, well mounted, but poorly armed, are at present very numerous on the Kentucky shore ; unless a strong caval ry force is stationed on that side of the river no permanent good can be effected. Three or four hundred men could be raised in this County as volunteers for such service ; perhaps the Governor, on application, would give permission to raise a Cavalry force for that purpose. The above report compiled from the report of Company officers, gives a general outline of the operations of the regiment I have the honor to command. All officers and men with few exceptions per formed their duty well. A more uniform system in the management of the Legion is neces- sary,and I hope the next Legislature will pass such amendments to the present Militia Law, as will make the organization more efficient than it is at present. To the vigilance and personal exertion of the Company and Field officers of the Regiment, the citizens of this county are indebted for the freedom from rebel raids, and destruction of property thereby. Respectfully submitting the above to your kind consideration. I remain General, Your obedient servant CH. FOURNIER, Col. 5th Reg., L L. REPORT OF BRIG. GEN L HENRY JORDAN. HEADQUARTERS 2o BRIG., 2o Div., IND. LEGION, \ Corydon, January 2, 1865. J Maj. Gen. Mansfield, Commanding 2nd. Legion : GENERAL : Col. Fournier, of the 5th Reg t Indiana Legion, in a letter dated Cannelton, Dec. 28, 1864, says : " I would further make respectfully the following report, to be added, if necessary, to the report made to you some time ago con cerning the operations of this regiment. " Since the commencement of December, rebel forces have come into the town of Hawesville in strong numbers, and made, in fact, the town their headquarters. " Maj. Walker Taylor, in command of the forces, demanded that they should be left undisturbed in possession of the town of Hawes ville, promising not to interrupt any of the citizens on this side. " I met the rebel Major on the ferry boat for a conversation on the point named above, but no terms were agreed to there, and all com munication stopped. " On the 28d of December, a ruffian who calls himself Capt. Bill Davidson, with his robber band, took possession of the packet Morn ing Star, at Lewisport, ten miles below here, where they murdered, in cold blood, four Union soldiers, drowned the steward of the boat, and robbed the boat and all the passengers of whatever money or valuables they had. " From Lewisport they made the boat take them to Hawesville, without landing either at Troy, Tell City, or Cannelton. As soon as I learned the facts, the companies on the river were called out for duty, and four pieces of artillery brought into position from Tell City. No sufficient force could be collected during the night to go across the river, which would have been of little use, the guerrillas having gone into camp three miles below Hawesville. In the morn- INDIANA LEGION. 91 ing they returned to Hawesville, and were received by my men with a few effective shells, which were thrown after them through the town. This has been, until now, an effective remedy against their depredations. We have neither seen nor heard of any since. u The shells did but little damage to any of the Hawesville houses, passing through a few, just enough to show the Hawesville people that I was in earnest when I told them last Friday that I should shell the guerrillas out as soon as they would show themselves. In order to carry out this policy effectually, and to afford the border of this county a necessary protection, I have called out a force of fifty men to be stationed here as long as occasion shall require. I have also stopped all communication with the other side of the river, and control all the movements of the ferries. * # * >!< * * * x * * " Yesterday the Tell City Rifles brought in three men who wanted to take the oath, confessing they had been guerrillas. They were sent to Louisville. ,., (Signed) "CHAS. FOURNIER." The guerrillas attacked a steamboat at Brandenburg last Sunday morning, (Jan. 1st), but were repulsed by the guard on the boat. I think the guerrillas in Kentucky are quite as strong as ever, reports of their having joined Hood to the contrary notwithstanding. If what Col. Fournier has done does not meet your approbation you will please write to him, giving him full instructions. Very Respectfully, HENRY JORDAN, Brig. Gen. 2nd. Legion. REPORT OF BREVET MAJ. GEN. ALVIN P. HOVEY. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF INDIANA, ) Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 8, 1864. / Brig. Gen. L. Thomas, Adjutant General U. S. A. : GENERAL : I have the honor to make the following report of my expedition in Kentucky, from the 16th to the 22d day of August, A. D. 1864: Being at Mt. Vernon, Indiana, awaiting commands under a verbal order from the Secretary of War, and having received reliable infor mation that Colonels Johnson and Seipert,of the Confederate Army, were collecting a large force in Union and Henderson Counties, numbering from one to two thousand, for the purpose of crossing the Ohio river and destroying the towns on the Indiana border, I wrote to Major Gen. Hughes, of the Indiana Legion, then at Evansville, Indiana, directing the defense of the border, stating that if sufficient force could be raised, I would cross the river and attack the camps reported at and near Morgansfield, Ky., hoping to surprise and cap ture a large number of the force there engaged in conscription and plunder. By the aid of Major Gen. Hughes, and by my own exer tions, I had, on the morning of the 17th day of August, A. D. 1864, at Mount Vernon, Ind., the 46th Reg t Ind. Infantry Vol s, Col. Bringhurst commanding 200 men ; the non- veterans of the 32d Reg t Ind. Infantry Vol s, Col. Erdelmeyer commanding 200 men ; several parts of companies of infantry, and three companies of cav alry, of the Indiana Legion, from the counties of Vanderburg, War- rick and Posey making a force of 750 infantry and cavalry. To this was added five pieces of artillery belonging to the Indiana Legion. The artillery not having horses, it became necessary to press them for the guns, which was done by myself in Posey County, and by Gen. Hughes in Vanderburg County, Ind. I also detained five steamers the Dunleith, Cottage, Gen. Halleck, Jennie Hopkins, and INDIANA LEGION. 93 Jeanette Rogers for the purpose of transporting the infantry, and to ferry the cavalry and artillery across the river. On the morning of the 17th I started from Mount Vernon, Indiana, with the infantry and artillery on transports, sending the cavalry along the Indiana shore until they arrived opposite Uniontown, Ky., there to cross on transports sent for that purpose. We arrived at Uniontown, Ky., at 2 o clock P. M. Up to this time the movement, its object and des tination, were a complete secret. Immediately moved out upon the Morgansfield road, skirmishing slightly with the enemy s pickets ; struck a camp at White Oak Springs, two miles south of Morgans- field, Ky., about 5 P. M., capturing a few prisoners and scattering Johnson s force in all directions. On the 18th I marched rapidly, and at an early hour, to Geiger s Lake, nine miles west of Morgans- field, where a large camp was reported, sending cavalry in the direc tion of Shawneetown, who were to form a junction and act with the infantry. On our arrival found the camp had been deserted the night before, on hearing of our advance. The cavalry skirmished slightly, taking a few prisoners, but meeting no considerable force of the enemy. At 6 P. M., Gen. Hughes reached Morgansfield, with the information that General Paine had landed at Uniontown with two thousand, and Gen. Prentiss at Sbawneetown with United States troops, upon which information I started on the 19th, for Henderson, Ky., by way of Smith s Mills, at which point the advance met a small body of the enemy whom they charged, taking a few prisoners, including one commissioned officer Capt. Bates, Assistant Adjutant General to Col. Seipert who was severely wounded. The Indiana Legion being unprepared for a campaign, I subsisted partially upon the country. The total number of prisoners taken was three commissioned offi cers and thirty enlisted men. We also captured several horses and mules. I desire to return my sincere thanks to Major General James Hughes, of the Indiana Legion, for his assistance, both in collecting the force and conducting the expedition ; also, to Col. John A. Mann, of the Indiana Legion, Col. Bringhurst, of the 46th Reg t Ind. Infantry Vols., Col. Erdelmeyer and Lieut. Col. Mank, of the 82d Ind. Infantry Vols., and the officers and men under their command, for their cheerful co-operation and prompt execution of orders. I am, General, with great respect, Your Obedient Servant, ALVIN P. HOVEY, Brev. Maj. Gen. Commanding. REPORT OF COL. W. W. FRYBARGER, CHIEF OF ARTILLERY. HEADQUARTERS CHIEF OF ARTILLERY,! Indianapolis, August 1st, 1863. f To His Excellency, 0. P. MORTON, Governor of Indiana: DEAR SIR : I have the honor to submit the following report as to the condition of the organized companies of artillery, and also, the condition of guns found at various points along the South border of the State, on the Ohio River from Lawrenceburg to Mt. Vernon, and for your convenience have condensed the same. I first visited Law renceburg and proceeded from that point to Mt. Vernon, and care fully inspected all the artillery on the river. I found but few guns that were not deficient in equipment, the companies organized are deficient in drill, most of them wholly ignorant of this arm of the service, and are not instructed as to the use of ordnance necessary to be used with their guns. The officers and men of the organiza tions take a lively interest in learning their duties, and are anxious to make themselves useful, and earnestly ask that they be supplied with the necessary equipments. It will be impossible under the pres ent condition of the artillery to do anything towards making that arm of the service avilable until they have been properly equipped. The companies already organized have become somewhat discour aged and demoralized in consequence of the facts stated, and until equipments and small arms have been furnished them, nothing can be done to encourage them. I desire to call your especial attention to the importance of fur nishing companies with some description of uniform. If an arrange ment could be made to furnish the companies with uniforms and have it taken out of their pay, it would satisfy the men and encourage them in the enterprise of organizing and drilling for the defense of the border, to which no arm of the service could contribute more than INDIANA LEGION. 95 the artillery. Instances have already occurred, in -which our soldiers in citizen s dress, have fired into and killed each other. I would also reccommend that a change be made along the whole length of the border, in regard to the distribution of the guns ; under the present arrangement they are too much mixed. Inexperienced men should have but one description of gun, because that will be as much as they will be able to understand under their organization and facilities for drilling. I found in many points the ammunition which had been shipped for the guns already referred to, was mixed a great deal, and in a condition not serviceable. To sum up all the defects, I regret to say that there is not a complete equipped gun on the border; it will take one officer constantly engaged to keep it on a proper foot ing. I would respectfully recommend that all the guns, eight in number, (usually called the Dahlgren) be concentrated on the Ohio River where there are hospitals, say at New Albany, Madison and Evansvile, from the fact of their being too heavy for light, or field artillery. I will also call your especial attention to the fact that I have condemned eight bronze pieces, which are not safe to be used in consequence of having been in the service for a long time; the defects are especially mentioned in my condensed report. I have ordered the officers in charge of the condemned guns not to use them for any purpose whatever since my order they have been used, and two sad accidents occurred from premature discharges. All the guns I have condemned, should be sent to Mr. Greenwood, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and disposed of. He proposes to furnish new guns at 65 cts. per Ib. and allowing for the old, 22 cts. per Ib. As long as these guns are along the border, they will be used, and when they are in use, will be liable to premature discharges, which always result in disaster and injury to the service. I have the honor to be, Yours most respectfully, W. W. FRYBARGER, Col. 1st Artillery, Ind. Vols. REPORT OF COL. J. H. KOONTZ, COMMANDING DELAWARE REGIMENT, INDIANA LEGION. YORKTOWN, INDIANA, Nov. 25th, 1864. Maj. Gen. J. L. Mansfield, Indianapolis, Indiana : DEAR SIR : My command has as yet seen no service, either in enforcing the laws or repelling raids. Respectfully, Your ob t servant, J. H. KOONTZ, Col. Delaivare Regiment Indiana Legion. REPORT OF MAJ. DAVID E. SHAW. COMMANDING RANDOLPH BATTALION, INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS RANDOLPH COUNTY BATTALION, \ Farmland, Indiana, Nov. 30th, 1864. / Maj. Gen. J. L. Mansfield: DEAR SIR: In compliance with your request I have to report that the only service performed by my command within the last year, has been the battalion drills, as the Militia Law, section 37, demands. On each occasion there wag a very general turn out and the battalion INDIANA LEGION. 97 was exercised in all the various duties of camp and drill, very much to the satisfaction of all concerned. Very respectfully, Your ob t servant, DAVID E. SHAW, Maj. Commanding Battalion* REPORT OF COL. KENNEDY BROWN, COMMANDING 9ra REG T INDIANA LEGION. VERNON, Ind., Nov. 30, 1864, Maj. Gen. Mansfield? SIR : Yours at hand. The 9th Indiana Legion was after Morgan nine days ; on duty in Madison four days ; making sum total of thir* teen days service rendered. Yours truly, K. BROWN, Col. Qth Indiana Legion. REPORT OF MAJOR WILLIAM MANNING, COMMANDING WAYNE BATTALION, INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS WAYNE Co. BATTALION, IND Abingtoi Maj. Gen. J* L. Mansfield : YNE Co. BATTALION,"| INDIANA LEGION, V dngton, Dec. 3, 1864. j DEAR SIR : To -day I had the honor of receiving yours of the 21st ult., requesting a detailed account of the part taken by my M, R. 7 INDIANA LEGION. command in any of the raids, or on other occasions, &c. I beg leave to say that at the time of the raid of Morgan, in July of 1863, there were organized in this county three companies of Militia, under the act organizing the Indiana Legion, all of which companies responded to the call of the Governor at that time. Of the part taken by each company on that occasion I have no official knowledge. Since that time there have been two other companies organized; and, on the 29th of August, 1868, the five companies \vere formed into a battal ion, and I was elected and commissioned to the command of the same. Since then we have not been on duty. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM MANNING, Maj. Wayne Co. Battalion, Indiana Legion. REPORT OF MAJOR WILSON MORROW, COMMANDING FRANKLIN BATTALION, INDIANA LEGION. BROOKVILLE, December 5, 1864. Maj. Gen. Mansfield, Commanding Indiana Legion : GENERAL : I am in receipt of yours of the 22d ult., requesting a detailed report of the military services rendered by the Indiana Legion under my command, since the last session of the Legislature. No part of my command has been called into actual service since the organization of the battalion, either by the military or civil authorities of the State. There h^re been frequent company and bat talion drills. On the 16th of April last, in pursuance to orders, the battalion met at Brookville for drill, and while thus engaged, an attempt was made by some soldiers at home on furlough, to demolish a printing office in said town, which had abused them and their cause. In obedience to my orders a portion of my command interposed, INDIANA LEGION. 99 restored order, and protected the property from destruction, to accom plish which we had to guard the property all night. Over one hun dred of my command, including myself, volunteered, last May, in the one hundred days service. Perhaps none of the above items come within the service of which you required a detailed report, but I submit them for your considera tion. Very Respectfully, Your Ob t Serv t, WILSON MORROW, Major F. C. B. REPORT OF COL THOMAS WEBB, COMMANDING MARION COUNTY REGIMENT, INDIANA LEGION. INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Dec. 9, 1864. Maj. Gen. Mansfield : SIR : I have the honor to make the following report of my com mand, in compliance with request from headquarters. Since the regiment came into my command, it has never been in any engage ments or done more than drill. The regiment was organized in August, 1863, shortly after the Morgan raid. Six out of the nine companies composing the regiment took part in the campaign against Morgan. I have requested the officers commanding those companies to make a full and accurate report to me, which I will forward as soon as received, if necessary ; or will not those companies be reported in the regiments to which they then belonged ? I am, Sir, Your Ob t Serv t, THOS. WEBB, Col. Commanding Marion Co. Regiment. REPORT OF COL. HARVEY D. SCOTT, COMMANDING VIGO REGIMENT, INDIANA LEGION. TERRE HAUTE, Dec. 20, 1864. Ma}. Gen. John L. Mansfield : DEAR SIR : In accordance with your letter of the 22d November^ 1864, I submit the following statement : The Yigo regiment was organized the 4th day of September, 1863,. since which time the regiment has had three battalion drills. The companies composing the regiment have had two drills each month. The commanders of companies have had one officers drill of three days. The regiment has not performed any active service, but has been prepared and ready for any service required since its organiza tion* Respectfully, Your Ob t Serv t, H. D. SCOTT, Col. Vic/o Regiment, Indiana Legion* REPORT OF CAPT. THOS. M. ADAMS, COMMANDING CENTER GUARDS, INDIANA LEGION. NASHVILLE, Ind., December 9th, 1864. To Maj. Wm. T. Jones, A. A. Gen l, 2d Brig. 2d Div. Ind. Legion.- In compliance with a communication from your Headquarters,, dated the 28th ult., I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the "Center Guards. :." INDIANA LESION. The command was- organized and mustered . in > <?a tfre 4ti- -idy. >cf June 1864, and has never been called out for duty. It has, however, nee been called out for inspection, by the Major General Commanding 2d Division, and was by Lieut. Col. Gavins,, inspected on the 8th day of September, 1864. The company has spent eight days drilling sinxie its organization. I have the honor to be, Major, Your obedient servant, THOMAS M. ADAMS, Capt. Comd g Center Guards. REPORT OF BRIG. GEK HENRY JORDAN, COMMANDING 2o DIVISION INDIANA LEGION. HEADQUARTERS, IST & 2D BRIGADES INDIANA LEGION, \ CORYDON, November 25th, 1864. j To W. H. H. Terrell, Adft Gen. Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind.: General: Your attention is respectfully called to the condition of affairs in the counties of this State lying west of New Albany on the- Ohio River. The counties of Kentucky, opposite the District referred to, are> and for months have been, as completely in the possession of the rebel forces as any part of the revolted States. Parties of guerril las, generally small, but sometimes numbering several hundred each,, not only rob and plunder indiscriminately in Kentucky, but some times extend their operations to the north side of the Ohio River. They have repeatedly fired upon steamboats, passing up and down the river, seriously hindering the navigation of the stream. They have on several occasions fired across the river at our citizens, thus preventing them from pursuing their usual avocations upon their own premises. They effectually prevent our loyal citizens from visiting Kentucky, either upon business or pleasure. They have several 102 INDIANA LEGION. crossed the river and robbed, and otherwise injured our citi zens. They have constantly threatened, and do now threaten, to invade this State. Heavily reinforced, during the past two months, by citizens of Kentucky escaping from the operations of the Fed eral draft, and by volunteers, they now constitute a very formidable force, and their presence upon the border of the State is significant of aggressive movements. Bad as this condition of affairs is, our peo ple are apprehensive of still greater calamities. The near approach of winter admonishes us that by the freezing of the river which is not improbable, as that has often occurred before we will lose our greatest protection from the operations of these desperadoes, and that it is now important to resort to more effective measures for self defence. Already some of our people living near the river, are making pre parations to remove their property into the interior of the State, and the officers of the Legion are asking that a sufficient force be put upon active duty in each county, to save the artillery from capture by surprise. I have already advised you, that in my judgment, all our artillery in the river counties, might easily be captured and carried off by guerrillas before the members of the Legion could be assembled and brought to its support ; and I have to repeat now, that unless some kind .of support is afforded it, it should be removed to the interior counties of the State. Having had some experience with the companies of the Legion on active duty along the river on the Indiana side, I am entirely con vinced that that policy will not give the protection which is desired. As, in a country like Southern Indiana, it requires from twelve to twenty-four hours to assemble the Legion of a single county, a mere picket of observation would be of but little consequence, for if the river should be frozen over, or the means of crossing the river good, the enemy would arrive at headquarters with the picket, and accom plish his purpose and escape before a force could b6 collected to resist. Our artillery might be carried off in this way, and indeed all the members of the Legion might be surprised and disarmed while off duty and at their respective" homes. I repeat that a picket of observation would do but little good, and a defensive picket along that portion of our border, which is threatened, is not to be thought of. From the mouth of Salt River (Ky.,) where the trouble begins, to the mouth of the Wabash where it ends that is so far as Indiana is concerned the distance, by the river is something over three hun- INDIANA LEGION. 103 dred miles, and an entire army corps would not give us a line of that length capable of resisting the enemy if he should concentrate his forces and attack a section of the line. Nor will the stationing of troops in the towns on the Kentucky side, secure us from the opera tions of the enemy. Nothing but cavalry, put on the south side of the river, will answer the purpose. What we want is one or two regiments of cavalry, put upon the Kentucky side and kept there, with orders to scout the whole country along our border, and to run the guerrillas out and keep them out. If the United States Gov ernment can t furnish the troops, the State can. I am satisfied that two regiments of cavalry might be raised under the Legion Laws, in the border counties of this State, with the understanding that they should be called into the United States service, say for six months, and kept on the other side of the river. Such a plan would have these advantages : 1st. Having their homes in Southern Indiana, the men would have a peculiar interest in doing their work well. 2d. The fears of retaliation would prevent them from wanton depredations on property, etc., an influence that would not operate upon troops whose property is beyond the reach of such measures. 3d. Being a part of the Legion organization, and our own neigh bors, there would be a sympathy between them and us, which would secure a more hearty co-operation in the event of extensive move ments by the enemy. 4th. When discharged from the government service, it would give to our Home Gua^d organization one or two regiments of disciplined men, to be used with an untried militia, in future troubles, should any occur. Other advantages might be cited, but are deemed unnec essary. There is in Southern Indiana, at this time, a large number of discharged officers and soldiers, many of them from the cavalry and mounted infantry service, that would readily engage in this ser vice, and furnish the best of materials for officers and non-commis sioned officers, thus giving us an efficient organization from the begin ning. Your attention is earnestly called to this proposition, in the confi dent belief that measures will at once be taken to secure this part of the State from a fate that it has never deserved. Permit me, in conclusion, to call your attention to the fact, referred to in the communication of Col. Fournier, of the 5th Reg t Indiana Legion, dated Dec. 28, 1864, and forwarded from these headquarters, that while this state of facts exists, to the knowledge and terror of 104 INDIANA LEGION. all our loyal people in the border counties, the disloyal papers and citizens in our midst are constantly attempting to throw our military authorities off their guard by asserting that the guerrillas have left Kentucky. The warm sympathy and perfect concert of action known to exist between the guerrillas of Kentucky and disloyal Indianians, fully explain this conduct and disarm it of its dangerous influences. Very Respectfully, Your Ob t Serv t, HENRY JORDAN, Brig. Gen. 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