(953 1/S37 L5V1 .C-. : otfyt UNIVERSITY OF! ^CALIFORNIA. BY PHAI\LES Gf, LELAN PHILADELPHIA: T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS; 306 CHESTNUT STREET. 1^1 lilt A. It Y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. flartt). BY CHAI\_LES G. LELAND mid fnlargcd Wion. PHILADELPHIA: T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS^ 306 CHESTNUT STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by CHARLES G. LELAND, in tho Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. RINGWALT & BROVTN, PEE- 736471 PAC3E HANS BREITMANN S PARTY, . . . .5 BREITMANN IN BATTLE, .... 7 BREITMANN IN MARYLAND, . . . 12 BREITMANN AS A BUMMMER, ... 17 BREITMANN IN KANSAS, . . . . .22 DIE SCHCENE WlTTWE, . . . .26 BREITMANN AND THE TURNERS, . . .28 BALLAD, ...... 81 HANS BREITMANN S CHRISTMAS, . . .33 SCHNITZERL S PHILOSOPEDE, . . . .41 DER FREISCHUETZ^ . 43 si milji st{j0*na tttnim ti pra,esJaitii torpore liekf a : atc stfls *st mta Utitsa ntfoquc reghrit m Per^o, uic me ^rgeb0 ipsum meeque illi abslatfc 0clcbba, WIC e^nnfndxs aufncljfo opfroque ^escljcnha, it jetiam absiu00 liebros ^f tarmma stribo/ Hapsodia Andra, Leipzig, ITth century. (4) ,IBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Hans Breitmann s Party. HANS BREITMANN gife a barty, Dey had biano-blayin ; I felled in lofe mit a Merican frail, Her name vas Madilda Yane. She hat haar as prown ash a pretzel, Her eyes vas himmel-plue, Und ven dey looket indo mine, Dey shplit mine heart in two. Hans Breitmann gife a barty, I vent dere you ll pe pound. I valtzet mit Madilda Yane Und vent shpinnen round und round. De pootiest Fraeulein in de House, She vayed pout dwo hoondred "oound, Und efery dime she gife a shoomp She make de vindows sound. Hans Breitmann gife a barty, I dells you it cost him dear. Dey rolled in more ash sefen keeks Of foost-rate Lager Beer. Und venefer dey knocks de shpicket in De Deutschers gifes a cheer. I dinks dat so vine a barty, Nefer coom to a het dis year. (5) G Hans Breitmann gife a barty ; Dere all vas Souse und Brouse, Yen de sooper coined in, de gompany Did make demselfs to house ; Dey ate das Brot and Gensy broost, De Bratwurst and Braten fine, Und vash der Abendessen down Mit four parrels of Neckarwein. Hans Breitmann gife a barty We all cot troonk ash bigs. I poot mine mout to a parrel of bier Und emptied it oop mit a schwigs. Und denn I gissed Madilda Yane Und she shlog me on de kop, Und de gompany fited mit daple-lecks Dill de coonshtable made oos shtop. Hans Breitmann gife a barty Where ish dat barty now ! Where ish de lofely golden cloud Dat float on de moundain s prow ? Where ish de himmelstrahlende Stern- De shtar of de shpirit s light ? All goned afay mit de Lager Beer Afay in de ewigkeit ! Breitmann in Battle. " ft unt iapfu aasfuljrm JSirnfttm *J JUttrb bigtram polttm ^rjagcre lobtwt." DEB FADER TOD DEB SON, I dinks I ll go a fitin outspoke der Breitemann, " It s eighdeen hoonderd fordy eight since I kits swordt in hand ; Dese fourdeen years mit Hecker all roostin I haf been, Boot now I kicks der Teufel oop and goes for sailin in." "If you go land out-ridin," said Caspar Pickletongue, " Foost ding you knows you cooms across some repels prave and young, Away down Sout in Tixey, dey ll split you like a clam" " For dat," spoke out der Breitmann, " I doos not gare one tam !" Who der Teufel pe s de repels und vhere dey kits deir sass, If dey make a run on Breitmann he ll soon let out de gas; I ll shplit dem like kartoffels : I ll slog em on de kop ; I ll set de plackguarts roonin so dey don t know vhere to shtop." CO 8 Und den outshpoke der Breitmann, mit his schlaeger py his side : 11 Forvarts, my pully landsmen ! it s dime to run und ride ; Will riden, will fighten der Copitain I ll pe, [rie !" It s sporn und horn und saddle now all in de Cavall- Und ash dey rode troo Winchester, so herrlich to pe seen, Dere coomed some repel cavallrie a riden on de creen ; Mit a sassy repel Dootchman an colonel in gommand : Says he, " Vot Teufel makes you here in dis mein Fadcrland ? " You re dressed oop like a shentleman mit your plack- guard Yankee crew, You mudsills and meganics ! Der Teufel put you troo ! Old Yank you ought to shtay at home und dake your liddle horn, Mit some oldt voomans for a noorse" der Breitmann laugh mit shkorn. " Und should I trink mein lager-bier und roost mine self to home ? [thoom : Ife got too many dings like you to mash beneat my In many a fray und fierce foray dis Deutschman will be feared [hispeard." Pefore he stops dis vightin trade twas dere he greyed " I pools dat peard out by dc roots I gifes htm sooch a dwist [tionist ! Dill all dc plood roons out, you tamned old Apoli- Your crecnpacks mit your swordt und watch right ofer you moost shell, [h-11 !" Und den you goes to Libby straight und after dat to " Mein crcenpacks und mein schlaeger, I kits em in New York, [talk;" To gife dem up to creenhorns, young man, is not dc De heroes shtopped deir sassin here und grossed deir sabres dwice, Und de vay dcsc Deutschers vent to vork vos von pig ding on ice. Der younger fetch de older such a gottallmachty smack Der Breitmann dinks he really hears his skool go shplit und crack ; Der repel choomps dwelfc paces back, und so he safe his life : Der Breitmann says: "I guess dem choomps you learns dem of your vife." "If I should learn of vomans I dinks it vere a shame, Bei Gott I am a shentleman, aristograt, and game. My fader vos anoder I lose him fery young Ter teufel take your soul ! Coom on ! I ll split your waggin tongue !" 10 A Yankee drick der Breitinann dried dat oldt gray- pearded man [he ran. For ash the repel raised his swordt, beneat dat swordt All round t der shlini yoong repel s waist his arms oldt Breitinann pound, Und shlinged him down oopon his pack und laidt him on der ground. " Who rubs against olt kittle-pots may keep vitc if he can, [ man ? Say vot you dinks of vightin now mit dis old shentle- Your dime is oop; you got to die, und I your breest vill pc ; Pcliev st dou in Moral Ideas ? If so I lets you free." " I don t know nix apout Ideas no more dan pout Saint Paul. Since I peen down in Tixey I kits no books at all ; I m greener ash dc clofer-grass ; I m shtupid as a shpoon ; I m ignoranter ash dc nigs for dey takes de Tribune. " Mein fader s name vas Breitrnann, I heard mein mut ter say, She read de bapcrs dat he died after she rooned afay ; Dey say he leaf some broperty berhaps twas all a sell If I could lay mein hands on it I likes it mighty well/ 11 " Und vas dy fader Breitmann ? 13tst du his kit und kin ? Denn know dat ich dcr Breitmann dein lieber Vater bin?" Der Breitmann poolled his hand-shoe off und shocked him py de hand ; " Ve ll hafe some trinks on strengt of dis or else may I pe tam d !" " Oh ! fader, how I slilog your kop," der younger Breitmann said ; " I d den dimes sooner had it coom right down on mine own lieadt !" " Oh, never mind dat soon dry oop I shticks him mit a blaster ; [der." If I had sliplit you like a fish, dat vere an vorse tisas- Dis fight did last all afternoon wold to de fesper tide, Und droo de streeds of Vinchesder, der Breitmann he did ride. [tory ! Vot years der Breitmann on his hat ? De ploorn of fic- Who s dat aridin py his side ? " Dis here s mein son/ says he. How stately rode der Breitmann oop ! how lordly he kit down ? [prown \ How glorious from de great pokal he drink de bier so But der Yunger bick der parrel oop und scliwig him all at one. [mein son !" " Bei Gott ! dat settles all dis dings I know dou art 12 Der one has got a fader ; de odcr found a cbild. Bote ride oopon one war-path now in pattlc fierce und wild. It makes so glad our hearts to hear dat dey did so suc ceed Und damit hat sein Ende DES JUNGEN BREITMANN S JJED. Breitmann in Maryland. DER Breitmann mit his gompany, Rode out in Marylandt. " Dere s nichts to trink in dis countrie; Mine treat s as dry as sand. It s light canteen und haversack, It s hoonger mixed mit doorst; Und if we had some lager-bier I d trink oontil I boorst. Gling, glang, gloria ! "We d trink oontil we boorst. 13 " Herr Leut nant, take a dozen men, Und ride dis land around ! Hcrr Feldwebel, go foragin Dill somedings goot is found. Gotts-doonder ! men, go ploondcr! We hafn t tr inked a bit Dis fourdeen hours ! If I had bier I d sauf oontil I shplit ! Gling, glang, gloria ! We d sauf oontil we shplit !" At mitternacht a horse s hoofs Coom rattlin troo de camp ; " Rouse dere ! coom rouse der house dere ! Herr Copitain we moost tromp ! De scouds have found a repel town, Mit repel davern near, A repel keller in de cround, Mit repel lager bier ! I Gling, glang, gloria ! All fool of lager-bier ! Gottsdonnerkreuzschockschwerenoth ! How Breitmann brokcd de bush ! " let me see dat lager bier ! let me at him rush ! Und is mein sabre sharp und true, Und is mein war-horse goot ? 14 To get one quart of lager bier I d shpill a sea of ploot. Gling, glang. gloria ! I d shpill a sea of ploot. " Fuenf hoondcrd repels hold de down, One hoonderd strong arc we ; Who gares a tarn for all de odds Wenn men so dirsty pe." And in dey smashed and down dcy crashed, Like dondcr-polts dey fly, Hush fort as der wild yooger cooms Mit blitzen troo de shky. Gling, glang, gloria ! Like blitzen troo dc shky. How Hewed to rite, how flewd to left De moundains, drees unt hedge ; How left und rite de yceger corps "Went donderin troo de pridge. Und splash und splosh dey ford de shtream Where not some pridges pe : All dripplin in de moondlight peam Stracks went de cavallrie ! Gling, glang, gloria ! Der Breitmann s cavallrie. 15 Und hoory, lioory on dey rote, Oonheedin vet or try ; Und horse und rider shnort und blowed, Und shparklin bepples fly. llopp ! ropp ! I slimell de barley-prcw ! Derc s somcdings goot isli near. Ropp ! Kopp ! I scent dc knciperei ; We ve got to lager bier ! Cling, glang gloria ! We ve got to lager bier ! Ilei ! how de carpinc pullets klinged Oopon dc helmets hart ! Oh, Breitmann how dy sabre ringed; Du alter Knasterbart ! De contrapands dey sing for choy To sec dc rebs go down, Und hear der Breitmaun grimly gry : Hoorali ! we ve dook de down. Gling, glang, gloria ! Victoria, victoria ! Dc Dootch have dook dc down. Mid shout and crash and sabre flash, And wild husarcn shout De Dootchmen boorst dc kcller in ; Unt rolled dc lager out ; 16 And in the coorlin powder shmoke, While shtill de pullets sung. Dcre shtood dcr Brcitmann, axe in hand, A knockin out dc boong. Gling, glang, gloria! Victoria ! Encoria ! De shpicket beats de boong. Gotts ! vot a shpree der Breitmann had While yet his hand was red, A trinkin lager from his poots Among de repel tead. Twas dus dey went at mitternight Along der moundain side ; Twas dus dey help make history ! Dis was der Brcitmann s ride. Gling, glang, gloria ; Victoria ! Victoria ! Cer visia, encoria ? De treadful mitnight ride Of Breitmann s wild Frcischarlinger, All famous, broad, und wide. LIBRARY !, UNIVERSITY OF Breitmann as a Bummer. DER Sheiieral Sherman holts oop on his coorse. He shtops at de gross-road und reins in his horse. "Dere s a ford on de rifer dis day we moost dake, Or elshe de grand army in bieces shall preak !" Ven shoost ash dis vord from his lips had gone bast, There coomed a young orterly gallopin fast, Who gry mit amazement : " Here Shen ral ! Goot Lord ! Dat bummer der Breitmann ish lioldin der ford!" Der Shen ral he ootered no hymn und no psalm, But opened his lips und he priefly say " D n ! Dere moost hafe been viskey on dat side der rifer ; To get it dose shaps would set hell in a shiver, But now dat dey hold it, ride quick to deir aid : Ho Sickles ! move promp ly, send down a prigade Dat Dootchman moost work mighty hard mit his sword If againsd a whole army he holds to de ford." Dey spoored on, dey hoory d on, gallopin shtraight, But for Breitmann help coomed shust a liddle too late , For ash de Lauwine goes smash mit her pound, So on to de Bummers de repels coom down : Heinrich von Schinkenstein s lead in de road, Dieterich Hinkelbein s flat ash a toad Und Sepperl Tyroler shpoke nefer a vord, But shoost "Mutter Gottes /"und died in de ford. (17) 18 Itsch l of Innspruck ish drilled troo de hair, Einer aus Bocblingen he too vash dere Karli of Karlisruh s shot near de fence, (His horse vash o erloadet mit toorkies und hens,) Und dough he like a ravin mad cannibal fought, Yet der Breitmann-der capt n-der hero vash caught; Und de last dings ve saw, he was tied mit a cord, For de repels had goppled him oop at de ford. Dey shtripped off his goat und skyugled his poots, Dey dressed him mit rags of a repel recruits ; But von grey-haared oldt veller shmiled crimly und bet Dat Breitman vouldt pe a pad egg for dem, yet. " He has more on his pipe as dem vellers allows ; He has cardts yet in hand und das Spiel ist nicht aus, Dey 11 find dat dey took in der teufel to board, De day dey pooled Breitmann well ofer de ford." In de Bowery each bier-haus mit crape vas oop- done, Yen dey read in de bapers dat Breitmann vas gone; Und de Dootch all cot troonk oopon lager und wein, At the great Trauer-fest of de Toorner Yerein Dere vas wein-en mit weinen ven beoples did dink Dat Sherman s great Sherman cood nefermore trink. Und in Yilliam Shtreet veepin und vailen vas hoor d, Pecause der Hans Breitmann vas lost at de ford. UNIVERSITY op CALIFORNIA. SECOND! PAEDT. tJV dulcejabilo now ve all sings, A-waivin de panners like avery dings. De preeze troo de bine-drees ish cooler und salt, Und der Shen ral is merry venefer ve halt; Loosty und merry he schmells at de preeze, Lustig und heiter he looks troo de drees, Lustig und heiter ash veil he may pe, For Sherman, at last, has marched down to the sea ! Dere s a gry from de guart dere s a clotter und dramp, Ven dat fery same orterly rides troo de camp, Who report on de ford. Dere ish droples and awe In de face of de youf apout somedings he saw; Und he shpeak me in Fraentsch, like he always do : " Look ! [his spook ! Sagre pleu I fentre Tieu ! dere ish Breitmann He ish goming dis way ! Nom de garce ! can it pe Dat de spooks of te tead men coom down to de sea !" Und ve loohs, und ve sees, und ve tremples mit tread, For risin all swart on de efenin red Vas Johannes der Breitmann der war es, bei Gott ! Coom ridin to oos-ward, right shtrait to de shpot ! All mouse-still ve shtood, yet mit oop-shoompin hearts, For he look shoost so pig ash de shiant of de Hartz ; Und I heard de Sout Deutschers say "Ave Morie ! Braise Gott all goot shpirids py land und py sea !" (19) 20 Boot Itzig of Frankfort he lift oop his nose, Und be-mark dat de shpook hat peen changin his clothes, For he seemed like an G-eneralissimus drest In a vlamin new coat and magnificent vest. Six bistols beschlagen mit silber he wore, Und a gold mounted swordt like an Kaisar he bore, Und ve dinks dat de ghosdt or votever he pe Moost hafe proken some panks on his vay to de sea. " Id is he !" " Und cr lebt nock ! he lifes," ve all say : Der Breitmann Oldt Breitmann ! Hans Breit- mann ! Ilerr Je !" Und ve roosh to emprace him, and shtill more ve find Dat vherefer he d peen, he d left noding pehind. In bote of his poots dere vas porte-moneys crammed, Mit creen-packs stoof full all his haversack jammed, In his bockets cold dollars were shinglin deir doons Mit two doozen votches und four doozen shpoons, Und dwo silber tea-pods for niakin his dea, Der ghosdt hafe pring mit him, en route to de sea. Mit goot sweed-botatoes, und doorkies, und rice, Ve makes him a sooper of avery dings nice. Und de bummers hoont roundt apout, alle wle ein, Dill dey findt a plantaschion mit parrels of wein. 21 Den tVas " here s to you, Breitmann ! Alt Schwcd List zuruck ? Yot teufels you makes since dis fourteen nights week ?" Und ve holds von shtupendous und derriple shpree For choy dat der Breitmann has got to de sea. But in fain tid ve ashk vhere der Breitmann hat peen, Vot he tid ; vot he pass troo or vot he might seen ? Vhere he kits his vine horse, or who gafe him dem woons, Und how Brovidencc plessed him mit tea-pods und shpoons ? For to all of dem queeries he only reblies " If you dells me no quesdions, I ashks you no lies !" So twas glear dat some derriple mysh dry moost pe Vhere he kits all dat ploonder he prings to de sea. Dere ish bapers in Richmond dells derriple lies How Sherman s grand armee hafe raise deir sooplies : For ve readt in Irindt dat der Sheneral Grant Say de bummers hafe only shoost dake vat dey vant. But tis vhispered dat vhile a refolfer ll go round Der BREITMANN vill nefer a peggin be found; Or shtarvin ash brisner by doonder ! not he, Vhile der teufel could help him to ged to de sea. OP CALIFORNIA. Breitmann in Kansas. YONCE oopon a dimes, goot virile afder der war vas ofer, der Herr Breitmann vent oud West, drafellin apout like afery dings " circuivit terram ct perainbulavit cam," ash der Tyfel said ven dey ask him : " how vash you and how you has peen ?" Von efenings he vas drafel nrit some ladies und shendlemans, und he shtaid incognitus, Und dey singed songs, dill py und py one of de ladies say : " Ish any podies here ash know de crate pallad of Hans Breit- mann s Barty ?" Den Hans say : " Ecce Gdllus ! I am dat rooster !" Den der Hans dook a trink und a let-bencil und a biece of baper, and goes indo himself a little dimes und denn coomes out again mit dis boeni : Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; He drafel fast und far. He rided shoost drei dousand miles All in von rail-roat car. He knowed foost rate how far he goed He gounted all de vile. Dere vash shoost one bottle of champagne, Dat bopped at efery mile. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; I dell you vot my poy. You bet dey hat a pully dimes In crossin Tllinoy. (22) 23 Dey speaked dere speaks to all dc folk A shtandin in de car ; Den ask dem in to dake a trink, Und corned em ganz und gar. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas } } By shings ! dey did it prown. Yen he cot into Leafenvort, He found himself in town. Dey dined him at de Blanter s House, More goot as man could dink; Mit avery dings on eart to eat, Und dwice as mooch to trink. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; He vent it on de loud. At Ellsvort, in de prairie land, He foundt a pully crowd. He looked for bleedin Kansas, But dat s " blayed out," dey say ; De whisky keg s de only dings Dat s bleedin der to-day. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas, To see vot he could hear. He foundt soom Deutschers dat cxisdt Py makin 7 lager bier. 24 Says he: " Wie gehts du Alt Gesell?" But no dings could be heard ; Dey d growed so fat in Kansas Dat dey couldn t speak a vord. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; Py shings ! I dell you vot, Von day he met a crisly bear Dat rooshed him down, lei Gott ! Boot der Breitmann took und bind der bear, Und bleased him fery much For efery vordt der crisly growled Yas goot Bavarian Dutch ! Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ! By donder dat is so ! He ridet out upon de plains To shase de boofalo. He fired his rifle at the bools, Und gallop troo de shmoke, Und shoomp de canyons shoost as if Der tyfel vas a choke ! It s hey de trail to Santa Fc ; It s ho ! agross de plain. It s lope along de Denver road, Until we toorn again. 25 Und de railroad dravel after us Apout as quick as we ; Dis Kansas ish de fastest land Asa efer I did see. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; He have a pully dime ; Bu tvas in oldt Missouri Dat dey rooshed him up sublime. Dey took him to der Bilot Nob, Und all der nobs around ; Dey spreed him und dey tea d him Dill dey roon him to de ground. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; Troo all dis earthly land, A vorkin out life s mission here Soobyectifly und grand. Some beoblesh runs de beautiful, Some works philosophic ; Der Breitmann solfe de infinide Ash von eternal shpree I OF ^ALIFORAT Die Schosne Wittwe. (DE POOTY VIDDER.) Vot de Yankes Chap sung. AT pooty liddle vidder Yot we dosh nt vish to name, Ish still leben on dat liddle shtreet, A-doin shuss de same. De glerks aroundt de gorners Somedimes goes round to zee How die tarlin liddle vitchy ees, Und ask er how she pe. Dey lofes her ver* goot liqurer, Dey lofes her liddle shtore; Dey lofes her liddle paby, But dey lofes die vidder more. To dalk mit dat shveet vidder, Yen she hands das lager round, Yill make der shap dat does id Pe happy, ve ll be pound. Dat ish if ve can veil pelieve De glerks vat drinks das peer, Who goes in dere for noding elshe, Put simply for to zee her." (26) B R A R Y NIYERSITY OF >RNIA. 27 How der Breitmann cut Mm out. On yea I know die wittwe, Mit eyes so prite und proun ! She s de allerschoenste wittwe Yot live in dis here town. In her plack silk gown mine grashious All puttoned to de neck Und a pooty liddle collar, Mitout a shpot or shpeck. Ho ! clear de drack you oder fraus Y.ou cant pegin to shine Ven de lofely vidder cooms along Dis vidder ash ish mine ! Ho ! clear de drack you Yankee chaps, You Englishers und sooch. You cant pegin to coot me out, Mit out you dalks in Dootch. Ich hab die schoene wittwe Schon lange nit gesehn, Ich sah sie gestern Abend "VYohl bei dem Counter stehn. Die Wangen rein wie Milch und Blut, Die Augen hell und klar. Ich hab sie sechsmal auch gekusst Potztausend ! das ist wahr. CALIFORNIA Breitmann and the Turners. HANS BREITMANN choined de Turners Novemper in de fall, Und dey gifed a boostin bender All in de Toorner Hall. Dere cooined de whole Gesangverein Mit der Liederlich Aepfel Chor, Und dey blowed on de drooms und stroomed on de fifes Till dey couldn t refife no more. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners, Dey all set oop some shouts, Dey took d him into deir Toorner Hall, Und poots him a course of shprouts, Dey poots him on de barrell-hell pars Und shtands him oop on his head, Und dey poomps de beer mit an enchine hose In his mout dill he s pout half tead ! Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners ; Dey make shimnastig dricks He stoot on de middle of de floor, Und put oop a fifdy-six. Und den he trows it to de roof, Und schwig off a tread ful trink : De veight coom toomple pack on his headt, Und py shinks ! he didn t vink ! -(28) 29 Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners : Mein Gott ! how dey drinked und shwore Dere vas Schwabians und Tyrolers, Und Bavarians by de score. Some vellers coomed from de Rheinland, Und Frankfort-on-de-Main ; Boot dere vas only von Sharman dere, Und lie Vas a Holstein Dane. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners, Mit a Limpurg cheese he coom; Yen he open de box it schmell so loudt It knock de musik doomb. Ven de Deutschers kit de flavor, It coorl de haar on dere head ; Boot dere vas dwo Amerigans dere; Und, py tarn ! it kilt dem dead ! Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners; De ladies coomed in to see ; Dey poot dem in de blace for de gals, All in der gal-lerie. Dey ashk : " Yhere ish der Breitmann ?" And dey dremple mit awe and fear Ven dey see him schwingen py de toes, A trinken lager bier. 30 Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners : I dells you vot py tarn ! Dey sings de great Urbummellied : De holy Sharman psalm. Und ven dey kits to de gorus You ought to hear dem dramp ! It scared der Teufel down below To hear de Dootchmen stamp. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners : By Donner ! it vas grand, Vhen de whole of dem goes a valkin Und dancin on dere hand, Mit de veet all wavin in de air, Gottstausend ! vot a dricks ! Dill der Breitmann fall und dey all go down Shoost like a row of bricks. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners, Dey lay dere in a heap, And slept dill de early sonnen shine Come in at de window creep ; And de preeze it vake dem from deir dream, And dey go to kit deir feed : Here hat dis song an Ende Das ist DES BREITMANNSLIED. D Ballad. ER noble Eitter Hugo Yon Schwillensaufenstein, Rode out mit shpeer and helmet, Und lie coom to dc panks of de Rhine. Und oop dere rose a meer maid, Yot hadn t got nodings on, Und she say, " Oh, Bitter Hugo, Yhere you goes mit yourself alone ?" And he says, " I rides in de creenwood Mit helmet und mit shpeer, Till I cooms into em Gasthaus, Und dere I trinks some beer." Und den outshpoke de maiden Yot hadn t got nodings on : " I tont dink mooch oi beoplesh Dat goes mit demselfs alone. " You d petter coom down in de wasser, Yere deres heaps of dings to see, Und hafe a shplendid tinner Und drafel along mit me. 31) 32 " Dere you sees de fisch a schwimmin, Und you catches dem efery one :" So sang dis wasser maiden Vot hadn t got nodings on. " Dere ish drunks all full mit money In ships dat vent down of old; Und you helpsh yourself, by dunder ! To shimmerin crowns of gold. " Shoost look at dese shpoons und vatches! Shoost see dese diamant rings ! Coom down und full your bockets, Und I ll giss you like avery dings. u Vot you vantsh mit your schnapps und lager? Coom down into der Rhine ! Der ish pottles der Kaiser Charlemagne Vonce filled mit gold-red wine !" Dat fetched him he shtood all shpell pound; She pooled his coat-tails down, She drawed him oonder der wasser, De maidens mit nodipgs on. L I B R CALIFORNIA. Hans Breitmann s Christmas. metus, nee labores, Nulla, cura,y nee dolores, Sint in hoc "Hsec est ilia bona dies Et vocata Iseta quies Vina sitientibus. [De Generibus Ebriosorum, Francoforti ad Moenum, A. D. 1565.] ID vas on Weihnachtsabend vot Ghristmas Efe dey call Der Breitmann mit his Breitmen tid rent de Musik Hall; Ash de Breitmen und die vomen who were in de Lie- derkranz Vouldt plend deir souls in harmonic to have a bleasin tantz. Dey reefed de Hall mid pushes so nople to be seen, Aroundt Beethoven s buster dey on-did a garlandt creen; De laties vork like tyfels two days to scroob de vloor, Und hanged a crate serenity mit Willkomm ! oop de toor ! Und vhile dere vas a Schwein-blatt whose redakteur tid say : Dat Breitmann he vas liederlich vet antworded dis-away, Ve maked anoder serenity mid ledders plue und red : " Our Leader lick de repels ! N. G-." (enof gesaid.) Und anoder serene dransparency ve make de veller baint, Boot de vay he potch und vertyfeled it vas enof to shvear a saint, (33) 34 For ve vanted La Germania boot dcr ardist mit a bloonder Vent und vlorishcd Lager agross id und denn poot Mania oonder ! Und as Ghristmas Efe was gekommen de beoples weren im Hall, I shvears you id vas Gott-full dat sliplendit, pe-glo- riedball? Ve hat foon wic der Teufel in Frankreich we coot oop like ter tyfel in France, Und valk pair-wise in, while de musik blayed loudt de Fackel-Tanz. But ven de valtz shtrike oopwart we most went out of fits, Ash der Breitmann led off on a dwister mid de lofely Ilelmina Schmitz. He valtz shoost like he vas shtandin shtill, mit a peau- di ful solemn shmile, Und Mina say he uafer shtop poussiren allaweil. " Es toent, es rauschet Saitenklang I hear de musik call Den kerzenhellen Saal entlang all troo de gleamin Hall, moccht ich schweben stolz und froh mighdt I efer pe Mit dir durchs ganze Leben so ! my Lebenlang by dee." 35 Und faster play de musik de Wellen und Wogcn von Strauss ; Und some drop into de tantzen und some of dem drop aus; Und soon like a shtorrn in de Meere I feel de reelin vloor, So de shpinners shtop mit de shpinsters, for dey couldn t shpin no more. Now weren ve all frolic, und lauter guter ding, Und dirsty ash a broosh-pinder-- ven ve hear some gloesses ring; Foorst mild und sonft in de distants like de song of a nightingoll, Den a ringin und rottlin und clotterin ash de Gluck of Edenhall ? Hei ! how we roosh on de liquor ! hei ! how de kell- ners coom ! Hei ! how we busted de bier kegs und poonished de Punsch a la Rhum, Like lonely wafes at mitternight oopon some shiant shore ; Like an awful shtorm in de Wselder was de dirsty Deutschers roar ! I pyed some carts for a dime abiece I pyed shoost fifdy-dwo. Dey were goot for bier, or schnapps, or wein py don- der how dey flew! 36 I ring de deck on de vaiters for liquor hot und cool, Und avery dime I blays a cart, py shings, I rake de pool ! Und ash ve trinked so comforble, like boogs in any roog, De trompets blowed tan da ra dei, und dere coom in a Maskenzug, A peaudiful brocession, soul-raisin und sooplime, De marmorbilds of de heroes of de early Sherman dime. Dere vent der gross Arminius, mit his frau Thusnelda, too, De vellers ash lam de Romans dill dey roon mit noses plue, Den vollowed Quinctilius Varus, who carry a Roman yoke, Und arm-in-arm mit Gambrinus come der Allemane Chroc. Der alte Friedrich Rothbart, und Kaiser Karl der crate, Mit Roland und Uliverus yen shveepin on in shtate ; Und Conradin whose s-ad-full deat shtill makes our heartsen pleed, Und all of dem oldt vellers aus dem Niblungen Lied. Und as dey mofed on, der Breitmann maked a tyfeled shplendid witz In anti-word to dis quesdion from de lofely ; Mina Schmitz : " Vy ish id dey always makes in shtone dem vellers so andiquatet ?" "Vy dey set in de laps of Ages dill dey got lapi dated V Und shoost ash de last of dis hisdory hat fonished troo de toor, Ye heardt a ge-screech, und Pelz Nickel coom howlin on de vloor ; Den de laties yell like der tyfel, und vly like gulls mit vings, Und der Peltz Nickel lick em mit svitches und ve laughed like averydings. I nefer hafe sooch laughen before dat I was geborn, Und Pelz Nickel ven twas ober he blow on a yseger horn Und denounce do all de beople gesembled in de hall : Dat a Ghristmas dree vas vaiten mit bresents for oos all ! So ve vollowed him into do zimmer so quick ash dese vords he said, To kit dem peaudiful bresents, all gratis und on de dead, Und in facdt a shplendid Weihnachtsbaum mid lighds ve druly found, Und liddel kifts dat ge-kostet a benny abieceall round! Dere vas Rika Stange die Dessauerinn a maedchen shtraigdt und tall, She got a bicture of Cupid boot she didn t see it at all Dill der Breitmann say mit his shplendid shtyle dat all de laties dake : " Dat pend of de bow is de Grecian pend dat you so ofden make !" Anoder scharmante laty, Maria Top, did got A schwingin mid a ribbon, a liddle benny pot; Boot Breitmann hafe id de roughest of any oder mans? For he kit a yellow gratle mit a liddle wooden Hans. Den next Beethoven s Sinfonie, die orkester did blay ; Adagio allegro andante cantabile. We sat in shtill commotion so dat a bin mighdt drops, Und de deers roon town der Breitmann s shocks mit- whiles he was trinkin schnapps. Next dings ve had de Weinnachtstraum gesung by de Liederkranz. Denn I trinkcd dwelf schoppens of glee wine to sed me oop for a tanz ; Dis dimes I tanz wie der Tyfel we shriek de volk on de vloor ; Und boost right indo de sooper room for ve tanzt a hole troo do door ! Denn twas rowdy tow und hop-sossa, ve hollered, Mann und Wcib } "Rip Sam und sed her oop acain ! ve re all of de Shackdaw tribe !" 30 Venn Pelz Nickel blow liis trump once more, und peg peg oos to shtop our din, Und troo de open toor dere corned nine denpins marchin in. Nine vellers tressed like denpins dey goed to der end der hall, Und dwo Hans Wurst, shack-puddin glowns dey rolled at em mit a pall. De palls vas painted peaudiful ; dey vas vifdeen feet aroundt; Und de rule of de came : whoefer cot hidt moost doom- pie on de croundt. Somedimes dey hit de denpins somedimes de oder volk Und pooty soon de gompany was all laid out in shokc ; Boot I tells you vot it makes oos laugh dill ve py nearly shplits, Yen der Breitmann he roll ofer and drip up do Mina Schmitz. Dis lets itself in Sherman pe foost-rade word-blaycd on, Und mongst oos be giftet vellers you pet dat it vas tone! How der Breitmann mighdt drafel as bridenfan on de roadt dat ish Ireit and lirumm , Here de drumpets soundt, and pair-wise ve good for de sooper room. 40 Ve goed for ge-roasted Welsh-hens, ve goed for ge- spickter hare, Ve goed for kartoffel salade mit butter brod Kaviar; Ve roosh at de lordtly sauer-kraut und de wurst vich lofely shine, Und oh mein G-ott in Kimmel ! how we goed for de Mosel-wein ! Und troonker more, und troonker yet, und troonker shtill got ve, In rosy lighdt shtill drivin on agross a fairy see ; Den madder, wilder, frantic-er I proked a salat dish ! Und shoost like roarin elefants ve tanzt aroundt de tish. I fe shvimmed in heafenly troonks pefore boot nefer von like dis, De morgen-het-ache only seemt a bortion of de bliss. De while in trilling peauty roundt like heafenly vind- harps rang A goosh of golden melodic de Rhineweinbechers Klang. De melfcin minnesingers song a droonk of honeyd rhyme De b wildrin-dipsy Bardic shants of Teutoburgic dime, Back to de runic dim Valhall und Balder s foamin mead ; Here ents in heller glorie schein des Breitmann s "VVeihnachtslied ! Schnitzerl s Philosopede. HERR SCHNITZERL make a pliilosopcde, Yon of de pullyest kind It vent mitout a vheel in front, And hadn t none pehind. Von vheel vas in de mittel, dough, And it vent as sure as ecks, For he shtraddled on de axle dree Mit de vheel petwecn his leeks. Und ven he vant to shtart id off He paddlet mit his veet, Und soon he cot to go so vast Dat avery dings he peat. He run her out on Broader shtreed, He shkeeted like der vind, Hei ! how he bassed de vancy crabs. And lef dem all pehind ! De vellers mit de trottin nags Pooled oop to see him bassj De Deutschers all erstaunished saidt : " Potztausend ! Was ist das ?" Boot vaster shtill der Schnitzerl flowed On mit a gashtly smile ; He tidn t tooch de dirt, py shings ! Not vonce in half a mile. (41) Oh, vot ish all dis eartly pliss ? Oh, vot ish man s soocksess ? Oh, vot ish various kinds of dings ? Und vot ish hobbiness ? Ve find a punk-node in de shtreedt, Next dings der pank is preak ; Ve foils, und knocks our outsides in, Yen ve a ten shtrike make. So vas it mit der Schnitzerlein On his philosopede. His feet both shlipped outsideward shoost Yhen at his extra shpeed. He felled oopon der vheel of course; De vheel like blitzen flew : Und Schnitzerl he vas schnitz in vact For id shlished him grod in two. Und as for his philosopede, Id cot so shkared, men say, It pounded onward till it vent Ganz teufelwards afay. Boot vhere ish now de Schnitzerl s soul? Yhere dos his shbirit pide ? In Hiininel troo de entless plue, It takes a medeor ride. Der Freischuetz. WIE geht s my frients if you ll allow, I sings you rite avay slioosfc now Some dretful shdories vitcli dey calls DER FREYSCHUETZ ; or, de Magic Balls. Wolil in Bohemian land it cooms, Where folks trinks prandy mate of plums ; Dere lifed ein Yager Maxerl Schmit, "Who shot mit goons and nefer hit. Ilnd dere vas one old Yager, who Says, " Maxerl, dis vill nefer do ; If you should miss on trial day, Dere l pe de tyfel den to pay. " If you do miss, you shtupid goose, Dere l pe de donnerwetter loose; For you shant have mine taughter s hand, Nor pe de Hertshog s yagersmann." It coomed pefore de day was set, Dat all de chaps togeder met, Und Maxerl fired his bix and missed, Und all de gals cot round and hissed. (43) 44 Dey laughed pefore, and hissed pehind ; Put one chap, Kaspar, set : " tont mind ! I dells you what, you stuns em alls, If yoost you shoot mit magic palls." " De magic palls oh vot is dat !" "I got dem in mine hoontin hat ; De re plack as kohl und shoot so true, Oh dems de sort of palls for you. " You see dat eagle flyin high, Ein hoondred miles up in de sky? Shoot at dat eagle mit your bix, You kills him dead as doonderblix." " I tont pelieve de dings you say." " You fool," says Kass, "den plaze avay !" He plazed avay, ven sure as blood, Down coomed de eagle in de mud. " was ist das ?" said Maxerl Schmit, " Vy dat s de eagle vat you hit. You kills um vhen you plaze avay ; But dat s a ting you nix ferstay. " Und you moost go to make dem balls To de Wolf s Glen ven mitnight falls Dow knowst de shpot? alone and late" " ja I knows him ganz foost-rate." 45 " But derm I does not likes to go Among dem dings." Says Kass, "Ach sho ! I ll help you fix dem tyfel chaps; Like a goot fellow take some schnapps ! "(HilfZamiel! hilf!) Here, trink some more !" Den Kass vent shtomping roundt de floor, Und coomed his hoomboogs ofer Schrnit, Till Max said "Nun ich gelie mil !" All in de finster mitternockt, When oder folks in shleep vas locked, Down in de Wolfsscliliicht Kass did try His tyfel-strikes und hexerei. Mit skools and pones he made a ring, De howls and spooks pegin to sing; Und all de tyfels oonter ground Coome breaking loose and rushin round. Den Maxerl cooms along ; says he, " Mein Gott ! what dings is dis I see ! I dinks de fery tyfel und all Moost help to make dem magic pall. " I vish dat I had nix cum rous, Und shtaid mineself in bett to house/ "Hilf Zamiel!" cried Kass, "you whelp ! You red Dootch tyfel coom und help !" 46 Den up dere coomed a tredful shtorm, De todtengrips aroundt did schwarm ; De howl joomped oop und flapt his vings, Und turned his het like averydings. Up troo de groundt here coomed a pot, Mit leadt und dings to make de shot; Und hcellisch fire in crimson plaze, Und awful schmells like Schweitzer kses . Across de scene a pine shtick flew, Mit seferal jail-pirds fastent to, Six treadful jail-birds, mit deir vings Tied to de shticks mit magic shtrings. All troo de air, all in a row, Die wilde Jagd was seen to go ; De hounts und deer all made of pone, Und hoonted by a skilleton. Dere coomed de dretful shpectre pig Who shpitten fire, away did dig; Und fiery drocks und tyfel-snake A scootin troo de air tid preak. But Kass he tidn t mind dem alls, But casted out de pullet palls ; Six was to go as dey wouldt like, De sevent moost for de tyfel strike. 47 At last oopon de trial day De gals coomed round so nice and gay ; Und denn dey goes and makes a tanz U nd stinged apout de Jungfernkranz. Und denn der Hertshog dat s de Duke Cooms down und dinks he ll take a look; " Young mans," to Maxerl denn says lie, " Shoost shoot dem dove upon dat dree !" Denn Maxerl pointed mit de bix "Potzblitz I" says he, " dat dove I ll fix !" He fired his rifle at de Taub, When Kass rolled over in de Staub. De pride she failed too in de dust, De gals dey cried de men dey cussed : De Hertshog says, "It s fery clear Dat dere has peen some tyfels here ; "Und Max has shot, mit tjfels-blei. Pfu.il die vcrfluclite Ilexerei ! Maximilian ! du Gehst nit mit rechten Dine/en zu !" But den a hermits coomed in late, Says he, "I ll fix dcse dings foost-rate." Und telld de Hertshog dat young men Will raise der tyfel now and denn. 48 De Duke forgifed dc Kaspar dann Und made of him ein Yagersmann, What shoots mit bixen gua and pfeil, Und talks apout de Waidmannshetl. Und denn de pride she coomed to life, Und cot to pc de Maxerl s wife ; Den all de beoples cried Hoorah ! Das ist recht brav ! und hopsasa ! THE END T. B. PETERSON AND BROTHERS PUBLICATIONS. NEW BOOKS ISSUED EVEEY WEEK. 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