GIFT OF Elisabeth Whitney Putnai _ A LIFE OF GEN. PUTNAM. AN ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF THE HONOURABLE MAJOR GENERAL ISRAEL PUTNAM ADDRESSED TO THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI IS CONNECTICUT, And first published by their order. BY COL. DAVID HUMPHREYS. \ WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONS WITH AIT APPENDIX, CONTAINING AN HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF BY S. SWETT. BOSTON : PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL AVERT, *Vtf. 89 Court Street? * ^ ; 1818. IS , ro THE HON. COL. JEREMIAH WADSWORTH, President of the State Society of the Cincinnati in Connecticut, &c. MY DEAR SIR, UNAVOIDABLE absence will prevent me from performing the grateful task assigned me by the State Society of the Cincinnati on the fourth day of July next. Though I can not personally address them, I wish to demon strate, by some token of affectionate remem brance, the sense I entertain of the honour they have more than once conferred upon me by their suffrages. Meditating in what manner to accomplish this object, it occurred to me, that an attempt to preserve the actions of General Putnam, in the archives of our State Society, would be acceptable to its members, as they had all served with great satisfaction under his imme diate orders. An essay on the life of a per- 12454 .(?. .- V LBT;TER; T0 COLONEL WADSWORTH. son so elevated in military rank, and so con versant in extraordinary scenes, could not be destitute of amusement and instruction, and would possess the advantage of presenting for imitation a respectable model of public and private virtues. General Putnam is universally acknowledg ed to have been as brave and as honest a man as ever America produced; but the distin guishing features of his character, and the par ticular transactions of his life, are but imper fectly known. He seems to have been form ed on purpose for the age in which he lived. His native courage, unshaken integrity, and established reputation as a soldier, were ne cessary in the early stages of our opposition to the designs of Great Britain, and gave un bounded confidence to our troops in their first conflicts in the field of battle. The enclosed manuscript justly claims in dulgence for its venial errors, as it is the first effort in Biography that has been made on this continent. The attempt, I am conscious, is laudable, whatever may be the failure in point of execution. I am happy to find the Society of the Cin cinnati is now generally regarded in a favoura- LETTER TO COLONEL WADSWORTH. 7 ble manner. Mankind, with few exceptions, are disposed to do justice to the motives on which it was founded. For ourselves, we can never recall to mind the occasion, without feeling the most tender emotions of friendship and sensibility. At the dissolution of the ar my, when we retired to separate walks of life, from the toils of a successful war, in which we had been associated during a very important part of our lives, the pleasing idea, and the fond hope of meeting once a year, which gave birth to our fraternal institution, were necessa ry consolations to sooth the pangs that tore our bosoms at the melancholy hour of parting. When our hands touched, perhaps for the last time, and our tongues refused to perform their office in bidding farewell, heaven witnessed and approved the purity of our intentions in the ardour of our affections. May we per severe in the union of our friendship, and the exertion of our benevolence; regardless of the censures of jealous suspicion, which charges our designs with selfishness, and ascribes our actions to improper motives; while we real ize sentiments of a nobler nature in our anni versary festivities, and our hearts dilate with an honest joy, in opening the hand of benefi- LETTER TO COLONEL WADSWORTH. cence to the indigent widow and unprotected orphan of our departed friends. I pray you, my dear Sir, to present my most respectful compliments to the members of the Society, and to assure them, on my part, that whensoever it shall be in my power, I shall esteem it the felicity of my life to at tend their anniversaries. I have the honour to be, With sentiments of the highest consideration and esteem, Your most obedient and most humble servant, D. HUMPHREYS. Monnt-Vernon, in Virginia, June 4, 1788. AN ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, To TREAT of recent transactions and per sons still living, is always a delicate, and fre quently a thankless office. Yet, while the par tiality of friends, or the malignity of enemies, decides with rashness on every delineation of character, or recital of circumstances, a con solation remains, that distant nations, and re moter ages, free from the influence of preju dice or passion, will judge with impartiality, and appreciate with justice. We have fallen upon an era singularly prolific in extraordi nary personages, and dignified by splendid events. Much is expected from the selections of the judicious biographer, as well as from the labours of the faithful historian. What ever prudential reasons may now occur to postpone the portrait of our own times, the difficulties which oppose themselves to the execution, instead of being diminished, will in crease with the lapse of years. Every day will extinguish some life that was dear to fame % , 2 10 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. and obliterate the memorial of some deed which would have constituted the delight and admiration of the world. So transient and indistinguishable are the traits of character, so various and inexplicable the springs of action, so obscure and perisha ble the remembrance of human affairs, that, unless attempts are made to sketch the pic ture, while the present generation is living, the likeness will be for ever lost, or only preserv ed by a vague recollection ; disguised perhaps, by the whimsical colourings of a creative im agination. It will, doubtless, hereafter be an object of regret, that those who, having themselves been conspicuous actors on the theatre of pub lic life, and who, in conjunction with a knowl edge of facts, possess abilities to paint those characters, and describe those events which, during the progress of the American Revolu tion, interested and astonished mankind, should feel an insuperable reluctance to assume the task a task which, if executed with fidelity, must, from the dignity of its subject, become grateful to the patriots of all nations, and profitable in example to the remotest posteri ty. Equally severe will be the mortification of contemplating the reveries and fictions which have been substituted by hacknied writ ers in the place of historical facts. Nor should we suppress our indignation against that class of professional authors, who, placed in the vale of penury and obscurity, at an immense LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 11 distance from the scenes of action, and all op portunities of acquiring* the necessary docu ments, "with insufferable effrontery, obtrude their fallacious and crude performances on a credulous public. Did the result of their lu cubrations terminate only in relieving their own distresses, or gratifying their individual vanity, it might be passed in sihent contempt. But the effect is extensive, permanent, and perni cious. The lie,* however improbable or monstrous, which has once assumed the sem blance of truth, by being often repeated with minute and plausible particulars, is, at length, so thoroughly established, as to obtain uni versal credit, defy contradiction, and frustrate every effort of refutation. Such is the mis chief, such are the unhappy consequences on the bewildered mind, that the reader has no alternative, but to become the dupe of his credulity, or distrust the veracity of almost all human testimony. After having long been the sport of fiction, he will, perhaps, probably run into the opposite extreme, and give up all con fidence in the annals of ancient as well as mod- < rn times; and thus the easy believer of fine fables and marvellous stories will find, at last, his historical faith change to scepticism, and end in infidelity. * The writer hsd here particularly in his ere, the Rhapsody palmed upon the public, under the name of a History, by a certain Frenchman, called D Aubertoiul: I d haps so muchYalsehood, fol ly and calumny was never before accumulated in a single pevforfc nee. 1.2 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. The numerous errors and falsehoods rela tive to the birth and achievements of Major- General Putnam, which have (at a former pe riod) been circulated with assiduity on both sides of the Atlantic, and the uncertainty which appeared to prevail with respect to his real character,* first produced the resolution of writing this essay on his life, and induced the Editor to obtainf materials from that hero himself. If communications of such authentici ty, if personal intimacy as an aid-de-camp to that General, or if subsequent military em ployments, which afforded access to sourcesj * The following lines are extracted from a poem, entitled " Th Prospect of America:" written by the late ingenious Dr. Ladd. Hail Putnam ! hail, thou venerable name ! * Tho dark oblrvion threats thy mighty fame, It threats in vain for long shall thou be known, * Who first in virtue and in battle shone. * When fourscore years had blanch d thy laurelTd head, ; Strong in thiue age, the flame of war was spread.* On which Dr. Ladd made this note : " The brare Putnam seems to have been almost obscured amidst " the glare of succeeding worthies ; but his early and gallant ser- " tices entitle him to an everlasting remembrance*" Other bards have also asserted the glory of this venerable vete ran. In the first concise review of the principal American heroes who signalized themselves in the last war, the same character is thus represented : " There stood stern Putnam, seam d with many a scar, "The veteran honors of an early war." The Vision of Columbus. JBook V. ] The editor seizes with eagerness an opportunity of acknowl edging his obligations to Dr. Albigence Waldo, who was so obliging as to commit to writing many anecdotes, communicated to him by General Putnam in the course of the present year. 4. A multitude o r proofs might be produced to demonstrate that military facts cannot alvays be accurately known but by the com mander in chief xnd his confidential officers. The Marquis d LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 13 of intelligence not open to others, give the writer any advantages, the unbiassed mind will decide how far they exculpate him from the imputations of that officiousness, ignorance and presumption, which, in others, have been re prehended with severity. He only wishes that a premature and unfavourable construction may not be formed of his motive or object. Should this essay have any influence in correct- Chnsfclleux (whose opportunity to acquire genuine information, respecting those parts oi tlie American war which he hath casually mentioned, was better than that of any other writer) gives an ac count of a grand forage which General Heath ordered to be made towards King s-bridge in the autumn of 1780. The Marquis, who vaa present M hen the det:;chmenl marched, and to whom General Heath shewed the orders that were given to General Stark, the commanding officer of the expedition, observes that he had never seen, in manuscript, or print, more pertinent instructions. Now ihe fact is, that this detachment, under the pretext of a forage, was intended by the Commander in Chief to cooperate with the main army in an attempt against the enemy s posts on York Island ; and that General Heath himself was then ignorant of the real design. The Commander in Chief spent a whole campaign in ripeniug this project. Boats, mounted on travelling carriages, were kept constantly with the army. The marquis de la Fayette, at the head of tbe Light Infantry, was to have made the attack in, tl;e night on fort Washington. The period chosen for this enter prise was the very time, when the army were to break up their tump and march into winter quarters : so that the Commander in Chief, moving in the dusk of the evening, would have boon on the banks of the Hudson, with his whole force, to have supported th - attack. The cautious manner i;i which the cooperation on the part of the troops sent by General Heath, on the pretended forage, was to have been conducted, will be understood from the following secret iustruction;. To Brigadier General STARK. Head Quarters, Passaic Falls, JVU-. Cl, 1760, "SIR, " Colonel Humphreys, one of my Aids-de-camp, h "charged by me with orders of a private and particular nature, " which he is to deliver to you, and which you are to obey. He " will iaform you of the necessity of this mode of communication. " I am. Sir, &c. " G, WASHINGTON," 2* 14 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. ing mistakes, or rescuing from oblivion the ac tions of that distinguished veteran ; should it create an emulation to copy his domestic, man ly and heroic virtues ; or should it prompt some more skilful hand to portray the illus trious group of patriots, sages, and heroes, who have guided our councils, fought our bat tles, and adorned the memorable epocha of independence^ it will be an ample compensa- * To Lieutenant Colonel DAVID HUMPHREYS, A. D. Camp. "SIR, " You are immediately to proceed to West Point, anif communicate the business committed to you, in confidence, to " Major General Heath, and to no other person whatsoever: from " thence you will repair to the detachment at the White Plains, on " Friday next, taking measures to prevent their leaving that " place before you get to them. And in the course of the suc- ** ceeding night yon may inform the commanding officer of the * enterprise in contemplation against the enemy s posts on York " Island. " As the troops are constantly to lie on their arms, no previous " notice should be given : but they may be put in motion precisely " at 4 o clock, and commence a slow and regular march to King s- tf bridge, uotil they shall discover or be informed of the concerted " signals being made, when the march must be pressed with the " greatest rapidity. Parties of horse should be sent forward to " keep a look out for the signals. " Although the maio body ought to be kept eompact, patroles of "horse and light parties might be sent towards East and West " Chester: and upon the signals being discovered, Sheldon s regi- " ment and the Connecticut State troops (which may also be put " in motion as soon as the orders can be communicated after 4 " o clock) should be pushed forward to intercept any of the enemy, " who may attempt to gain Frog s Neck, and to cut off the Refu- * gee-corps at Morissania. A few men, with some address, may " spread such an alarm as to prevent aa attempt of (he enemy to " retreat to Frog s Neck, from an apprehension of surrounding " parties. You will communicate these instructions to the commanding "officer of the detachment, who, upon his approach to King s- t( bridge, will receive orders from me as early as possible. ** Should the signals not be discovered, the troops will halt afe " least six miles from the bridge, until further intelligence cap be " obtained. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 25 tion for the trouble, and excite a consolatory reflection through every vicissitude of life. ISRAEL PUTNAM, who, through a regular gradation of promotion, became the senior Ma jor-General in the army of the United States, and next in rank to General Washington, was born at Salem, in the Province (now State) of Massachusetts, on the 7th day of January, 1718. His father, Captain Joseph Putnam, was the son of Mr. John Putnam, who, with two brothers, came from the south of England, and were among the first settlers of Salem. When we thus behold a person, from the humble walks of life, starting unnoticed in the " The absolute necessity of the most perfect secrecy is the occa- rt sion ot communicating my orders through this channel. " Given at Head Quarters, Passaic Fulk, " Mi* 22 d day of Nov. 1780. "G. WASHINGTON." Never was a plan better arranged : and never did circumstances promise more sure or complete success. The British were not only unalarmed, but our own troops were likewise entirely mis guided in their expectations. The accidental intervention of some vessels prevented at this time the attempt ; which was more than, once resumed afterwards. Notwithstanding this favourite project was not ultimately effected, it was evidently not less bold in con ception or feasible in accomplishment, than that attempted so suc cessfully at Trenton, or than that which was brought to so glorious an issue in the successful siege of York-Town. It is true the Marquis de Chastelleux, whose professional knowledge and fountain-head intelligence have enabled him to de scribe several actions better than they are elsewhere described, speaks in this instance of an ulterior object ; and says, that secrets were preserved more inviolably in the American than in the French army. His words are : "C est que le secret est garde Ires exactement a 1 armee Amer- " icaine ; peu de personnes ont part a la confiance du Chef, et en, " general on y parle moins que dans les armees Francoises des " operations de la guerre, et de ce que Ton apnelle hz nous /& " JVowwJfes." 1 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. career of fame, and, by an unde via ling pro gress through a life of honour, arriving at the highest dignity in the state, curiosity is strong ly excited, and philosophy loves to trace the path of glory from the cradle of obscurity to the summit of elevation. Although our ancestors, the" first settlers of this land, amidst the extreme pressure of pov erty and danger, early instituted schools for the education o f youth designed for the learned professions, yet it was thought sufficient to in struct those destined to labour on the earth, in reading, writing, and such rudiments of arithmetic as might be requisite for keeping the accounts of their little transactions with each other. Few farmers sons had more advan tages, none less. In this state of mediocrity it was the lot of young Putnam to be placed. His early instruction was not considerable, and the active scenes of life in which he was afterwards engaged, prevented the opportunity of great literary improvement. His numerous original letters, though deficient in scholastic accuracy, always display the goodness of his heart, and frequently the strength of his native genius. He had a certain laconic mode of expression, and an unaffected epigrammatic turn, which characterised most of his writings. To compensate partially for the deficiency of education (though nothing can remove or counterbalance the inconveniencies experienc ed from it in public life) he derived from his Barents the source of innumerable advantages LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 17 in the stamina of a vigorous constitution. Na ture, liberal in bestowing on him bodily strength, hardiness, and activity, was by no means parsimonious in mental endowments. While we leave the qualities of the under standing to be - developed in the process of life, it may not be improper, in this place, to designate some of the circumstances which were calculated to distinguish him afterwards as a partizan officer. Courage, enterprize, activity, and perse verance were the first characteristics of his mind. There is a kind of mechanical courage, the offspring of pride, habit, or discipline, that may push a coward not only to perform his duty, but even to venture on acts of heroism. Putnam s courage was of a different species. It was ever attended with a serenity of soul, a clearness of conception, a degree of self-pos session, and a superiority to all the vicissitudes of fortune, entirely distinct from any thing that can be produced by the ferment of blood, and flutter of spirits; which not unfrequently, pre cipitate men to action, when stimulated by in toxication or some other transient exhilaration. The heroic character, thus founded on consti tution and animal spirits, cherished by educa tion and ideas of personal freedom, confirmed by temperance and habits of exercise, was completed by the dictate of reason, the love of his country, and an invincible sense of duty. Such were the qualities and principles that enabled him to meet unappalied, the shafts of 18 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. adversity, and to pass in triumph through the furnace of affliction. His disposition was as frank and generous as his mind was fearless and independent. He disguised nothing; indeed he seemed incapa ble of disguise. Perhaps in the intercourse he was ultimately obliged to have with an art ful world, his sincerity, on some occasions, out went his discretion. Although he had too much suavity in his nature to commence a quarrel, he had too much sensibility not to feel, and too much honour not to resent an intend ed insult. The first time he went to Boston he was insulted for his rusticity by a boy of twice his size and age ; after bearing the sar casms until his patience was worn out, he chal lenged, engaged, and vanquished his unman nerly antagonist, to the great diversion of a crowd of spectators. While a stripling, his ambition was to perform the labour of a man, and to excel in athletic diversions. In that rude, but masculine age, whenever the village- youth assembled on their usual occasions of festivity, pitching the bar, running, leaping, and wrestling were favourite amusements. At such gymnastic exercises (in which, during the heroic times of ancient Greece and Rome, conquest was considered as the promise of fu ture military fame) he bore the palm from al most every ring. Before the refinements of luxury, and the consequent increase of expences had rendered the maintenance of a family inconvenient or LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 19 burdensome in America, the sexes entered in to matrimony at an early age. Competence, attainable by all, was the limit of pursuit. After the hardships of making a new settle ment were overcome, and the evils of penury removed, the inhabitants enjoyed, in the lot of equality, innocence and security, scenes equal ly delightful with those pictured by the glow ing imagination of the poets in their favourite pastoral life, or fabulous golcfen age. Indeed, the condition of mankind was never more en viable. Neither disparity of age and fortune, nor schemes of ambition and grandeur, nor the pride and avarice of high-minded and mer cenary parents, interposed those obstacles to the union of congenial souls, which frequently in mor.e polished society prevent, embitter or destroy all the felicity of the connubial state. Mr. Putnam before he attained the twenty- first year of his age, married Miss Pope, daughter of Mr. John Pope of Salem, by whom he had ten children, seven of whom are still living. He lost the wife of his youth in 1764. Some time after he married Mrs. Gardiner, widow of the late Mr. Gardiner of Gardiner s Island, by whom he had no issue. She died in 1777. In the year 1739 he removed from Salem to Pomfiet, an inland fertile town in Connecticut, forty miles east of Hartford: having here pur chased a considerable tract of land he applied himself successfully to agriculture. 20 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. The first years, on a new farm, are not how ever exempt from disasters and disappoint ments, whicn can onlj be remedied by stubborn and patient industry. Our farmer, sufficiently occupied in building an house and barn, felling woods, making fences, sowing grain, planting orchards and taking care of his stock, had to encounter, in turn, the calamities occasioned by drought in summer, blast in harvest, loss of cattle in winter, and the desolation of his sheep- fold by wolves. In one night he had seventy fine sheep and goats killed, besides many lambs and kids wounded. This havoc was commit ted by a she wolf, which, with her annual whelps, had for several years infested the vi cinity. The young were commonly destroy ed by the vigilance of the hunters, but tJie old one was too sagacious to come within reach of gunshot: upon being closely pursued she would generally fly to the western woods, and return the next winter with another litter of whelps. This wolf, at length became such an intol erable nuisance, that Mr Putnam entered into a combination with five of his neighbours to hunt alternately until they could destroy her. Two by rotation, were to be constantly in pur suit. It was known, that, having lost the toes from one foot, by a steel trap, she made one track shorter than the other. By this vestige, the pursuers recognized, in a light snow, the route of this pernicious animal. Having fol lowed her to Connecticut river and found she LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 21 had turned back in a direct course towards Pomfret, they immediately returned, and by ten o clock the next morning the blood-hounds had driven her into a den, about three miles distant from the house of Mr. Putnam : The people soon collected with dogs, guns, straw, fire and sulphur to attack the common enemy. With this apparatus several unsuccessful ef forts were made to force her from the den. The hounds came back badly wounded and refused to return. The smoke of blazing straw had no effect. Nor did the fumes of burnt brimstone, with which the cavern was filled, compel her to quit the retirement. Wearied with such fruitless attempts (which had brought the time to ten o clock at night) Mr. Putnam tried once more to make his dog enter, but in vain ; he proposed to his negro man to go down into the cavern and shoot the wolf: the negro declined the hazardous ser vice. Then it was that the master, angry at the disappointment, and declaring that he was ashamed to have a coward in his family, resolved himself to destroy the ferocious beast, lest he should escape through some unknown fissure of the rock. His neighbours strongly remonstrated against the perilous enterprize : but he, knowing that wild animals were intimi dated by fire, and having provided several strips of birch-bark, the only combustible ma terial which he could obtain, that would afford light in this deep and darksome cave, prepar ed for his descent. Having, accordingly, cli- 3 22 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. vested himself of his coat arid waistcoat, and having a long rope fastened round his legs, by which he might be pulled back, at a concert ed signal, he entered head foremost, with the blazing torch in his hand. The aperture of the den, on the east side of a very high ledge of rocks, is about two feet square; from thence it descends obliquely fif teen feet, then running horizontally about ten more, it ascends gradually sixteen feet to wards its termination. The sides of this sub terraneous cavity are composed of smooth and solid rocks, which seem to have been divided from each other by some former earthquake. The top and bottom are also of stone, and the entrance, in winter, being covered with ice, is exceedingly slippery. It is in no place high enough for a man to raise himself upright, nor in any part more than three feet in width. Having groped his passage to the horizon tal part of the den, the most terrifying dark ness appeared in front of the dim circle of light afforded by his torch. It was silent as the house of death. None but monsters of the desert had ever before explored this soli tary mansion of horror. He, cautiously pro ceeding onward, came to the ascent; which he slowly mounted on his hands and knees until he discovered the glaring eye-balls of the wolf, who was sitting at the extremity of the cavern. Started at the sight of fire, she gnashed her teeth, and gave a sullen growl. As soon as he had made the necessary discov- ,LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 23 cry, he kicked the rope as a signal for pulling him out. The people, at the mouth of the den, who had listened with painful anxiety, hearing the growling of the wolf, and suppos ing their friend to be in the most imminent danger, drew him forth with such celerity that his shirt was stripped over his head and his skin severely lacerated. After he had adjust ed his clothes, and loaded his gun with nine buck-shot, holding a torch in one hand and the musket in the other, he descended the se cond time. When he drew nearer than before^ the wolf, assuming a still more fierce and ter rible appearance, howling, rolling her eyes, snapping her teeth, and dropping her head between her legs, was evidently in the atti tude, and on the point of springing at him. At the critical instant he levelled and fired at her head. Stunned with the shock, and suffocated with the smoke, he immediately found himself drawn out of the cave. But having refreshed himself, and permitted the smoke to dissipate, he went down the third time. Once more he came within sight of the wolf, who appearing very passive, he applied the torch to her nose, and perceiving her dead, he took hold of her ears, and then kicking the rope (still tied round his legs) the people above with no small ex ultation dragged them both out together. I have offered these facts in greater detail, because they contain a display of character ; and because they have been erroneously rela ted in several European publications, and very 24 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. much mutilated in the history of Connecticut, a work as replete with falsehood as destitute of genius, lately printed in London. Prosperity, at length, began to attend the agricultural affairs of Mr. Putnam. He was acknowledged to be a skilful and indefatigable manager. His fields were mostly enclosed with stone walls. His crops commonly suc ceeded, because the land was well tilled and manured. His pastures and meadows became luxuriant His cattle were of the best breed, and in good order. His garden and fruit-trees C5 o prolific. With the avails of the surplusage of his produce, foreign articles were purchased. Within doors he found the compensation of his labors in the plenty of excellent provisions, as well as in the happiness of domestic society. A more particular description of his transi tion from narrow to easy circumstances might be given ; but the mind that shall have ac quired an idea of the habits of labour and sim plicity? to which the industrious colonists were accustomed, will readily supply the omission. The effect of this gradual acquisition of prop erty, generally favorable to individual virtue and public felicity, should not however be passed over in silence. If there is something fascinating in the charra^ of a country life, from the contemplation of beautiful landscapes, there is likewise something elevating to the soul, in the consciousness of being lord of the soil, and having the power of creating them. The man can scarcely be guilty of a sordid LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM 25 action, or even descend to an ungenerous thought, who, removed from the apprehension of want, sees his farm daily meliorating and assuming whatever appearance he pleases to prescribe. This situation converts the farmer into a species of rural philosopher, by inspir ing an honest pride in his rank as a freeman, flattering the natural propensity for personal independence, and nourishing an unlimited hospitality and philanthropy in his social char acter. But the time had now arrived which was to turn the instruments of husbandry into wea pons of hostility, and to exchange the hunting of wolves, who had ravaged the sheep-folds, for the pursuit after savages, who had desola ted the frontiers. Mr. Putnam was about 37 years old, when the war between England and France, which preceded the last, broke out in America. His reputation must have been favourably known to the government, since among the first troops that were levied by Connecticut, in 1755, he was appointed to the command of a company in Ly man s regiment cf Provincials. I have mentioned his age at this period expressly to obviate a prevalent opinion, that he was far advanced in life when he commenced his military service. As he was extremely popular, he found no difficulty in enlisting his complement of recruits from the most hardy, enterprizingand respect able young men of his neighbourhood. The regiment joined the army, at the opening of vJ 26 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, the campaign, not far distant from Crown- Point. Soon after his arrival at camp, he be came intimately acquainted with the famous partizan Captain, afterwards Major Rogers, with whom he was frequently associated in traversing the wilderness, reconnoitering the enemy s lines, gaining intelligence, and taking straggling prisoners, as well as in beating up the quarters and surprising the advanced pick ets of their army. For these operations a corps of rangers was formed from the irregu lars. The first time Rogers and Putnam were detached with a party of these light troops, it was the fortune of the latter to pre serve, with his own hand, the life of the for mer, and to cement their friendship with the blood of one of their enemies. The object of this expedition was to obtain an accurate knowledge of the position and state of the works at Crown-Point. It was impracticable to approach with their party near enough for this purpose, without being discovered. Alone, the undertaking was suf ficiently hazardous, on account of the swarms of hostile Indians who infested the woods. Our two partizans, however, left all their men at a convenient distance, with strict orders to continue concealed until their return. Having thus cautiously taken their arrangements, they advanced with the profoundest silence in the evening ; and lay, during the night, contiguous to the fortress. Early in the morning they approached so close as to be able to give sat- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 27 isfactory information to the General who had sent them, on the several points to which their attention had been directed: but Captain Rog ers, being at a little distance from Captain Putnam, fortuitously met a stout Frenchman, who instantly seized his fusee with one hand, and with the other attempted to stab him, while he called to an adjacent guard for as sistance. The guard answered. Putnam, per ceiving the imminent danger of his friend, and that no time was to be lost, or further alarm given by firing, ran rapidly to them, while they were yet struggling, and with the but-end of his piece laid the Frenchman dead at his feet. The partizans, to elude pursuit, pre cipitated their flight, joined the party, and re turned without loss to the encampment. Not many occasions occurred for partizans to dis play their talents in the course of this summer. The war was chequered with various fortune in different quarters such as the total defeat of General Braddock, and the splendid victory of Sir William Johnson over the French troops, commanded by the Baron Dieskau. The brilliancy of this success was necessary to console the Americans for the disgrace of that disaster. Here I might, indeed, take a pride in contrasting the conduct of the British regulars, who had been ambuscaded on the Monorigahela, with that of the Provincials (under Johnson) who, having been attacked in their lines, gallantly repulsed the enemy, and took their general prisoner, did I consider 28 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. myself at liberty to swell this essay with re flections on events, in which Putnam was not directly concerned. The time for which the colonial troops engaged to serve terminated with the campaign. Putnam was reappointed, and again took the field in 1756. Few are so ignorant of war as not to know, that military adventures, in the night, are al ways extremely liable to accidents. Captain Putnam, having been commanded to reconnoi tre the enemy s camp at the Ovens near Ticon- dcroga, took the brave Lieutenant Robert Durkee as his companion. In attempting to execute these orders, he narrowly missed be ing taken himself in the first instance, and kill ing his friend in the second. It was custorca- O ry for the British and Provincial troops to place their fires round their camp, which fre quently exposed them to the enemy s scouts and patroles. A contrary practice, then un known in the English army, prevailed among the French and Indians. The plan w r as much more rational ; they kept their fires in the cen tre, lodged their men circularly at a distance, and posted their centinels in the surrounding darkness. Our partizans approached the camp, and supposing the Gentries were with in the circle of fires, crept upon their hands and knees with the greatest possible caution, until, to their utter astonishment, they found themselves in the thickest of the enemy. The centinels, discovering them, fired and slightly wounded Durkee in the thigh. He and Put- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 29 nam had no alterative. They fled. The lat ter, being foremost and scarcely able to see his hand before him, soon plunged into a clay- pit. Durkee, almost at the identical moment, came tumbling after. Putnam by no means pleased at finding a companion, and believing him to be one ot the enemy, lifted his toma hawk to give the deadly blow, when Durkee, (who had followed so closely as to know him) enquired, whether he had escaped unhurt. Captain Putnam instantly recognizing the voice, dropped his weapon : and both, spring ing from the pit, made good their retreat to the neighbouring ledges, amidst a shower of random shot. There they betook themselves to a large log, by the side of which they lodg ed the remainder of the night. Before they lay down, Captain Putnam said he had a little rum in his canteen, which could never be more acceptable or necessary; but on examining the canteen, which hung under his arm, he iound the enemy had pierced it with their balls, and that there was not a drop of liquor left. The next day he found fourteen bullet holes in his blanket. In the same summer a body of the enemy, consisting of 600 men, attacked the baggage and provision waggons at a place called the half-wnv-brook ; it being equi-distant from Fort Edward, and the south end of Lake George. Having killed the oxen and plun dered the waggons, they retreated with their booty without having met with such resistance 30 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. as might have been expected from the strength of the escort. General Webb, upon receiving intelligence of this disaster, ordered the Cap tains Putnam and Rogers " to take 100 vol- " unteers in boats, with two wail-pieces and " two blunderbusses, and to proceed down " Lake George to a certain point : there to " leave the batteaux under a proper guard, " and thence to cross by land, so as to harrass, " and, if practicable, intercept the retreating " enemy at the narrows." These orders were executed with so much punctuality, that the party arrived at the destined place half an hour before the hostile boats came in view. Here they waited, under cover, until the ene my (ignorant of these proceedings) entered the narrows with their batteaux loaded with plunder. Then the volunteers poured upon them volley after volley, killed many of the oarsmen, sunk a number of their batteaux, and would soon have destroyed the whole body of the enemy, had not the unusual precipitancy of their passage (favoured by the wind) car ried them through the narrows into the wide part of South Bay, where they were out of the reach of musket-shot. The shattered rem nant of the little fleet soon arrived at Ticon- deroga, and gave information that Putnam and Rogers were at the narrows. A fresh party was instantly detached to cut them in pieces, on their return to Fort-Edward. Our parti- zans, sensible of the probability of such an at tempt, and being full twenty miles from thejr LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 31 boats, strained evey nerve to reach them as soon as possible ; which they effected the same night. Next day, when they had returned as far as Sabbath-Day point, they discovered, on shore, the beforementioned detachment of 300 men, who had passed them in the night, and who now, on perceiving our party, took to their boats with the greatest alacrity, and rowed out to give battle. They advanced in line, maintaining a good mein, and felicitating themselves upon the prospect of an easy con quest, from the great superiority of their num bers. Flushed with these expectations, they were permitted to come within pistol-shot be fore a gun was fired. At once, the wall-pie ces and blunderbusses, which had been brought to rake them in the most vulnerable point, were discharged. As no such reception had been foreseen, the assailants were thrown into the utmost disorder. Their terror and confu sion were greatly increased by a well-directed and most destructive fire of the small arms. The larger pieces being reloaded, without an noyance, continued alternately with the mus- quetry to make dreadful havoc, until the rout was completed and the enemy driven back to Ticonderoga. In this action, one of the bark canoes contained twenty Indians, of whom fif teen were killed. Great numbers, from other boats, both of French and Indians, were seen to fall overboard : but the account of their to tal loss could never be ascertained. Rogers and Putnam had but one man killed, and two 32 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, slightly wounded. They now landed on the point, and having refreshed their men at leis ure, returned in good order to the British camp. Soon after these rencounters, as ingular kind of race was run by our nimble-footed Provin cial and an active young Frenchman. The liberty of each was by turns at stake. Gen eral Webb, wanting a prisoner for the sake of intelligence, sent Capt. Putnam with five men to procure one. The Captain concealed himself near the road which leads from Ticon- deroga to the Ovens. His men seemed fond of shewing themselves, which unsoldierlike conduct he prohibited with the severest repre hension. This rebuke they imputed to unne cessary fear. The observation is as true as vulgar, that persons distinguishable for temer ity, when there is no apparent danger, are generally poltroons whenever danger ap proaches. They had not lain long, in the high grass, before a Frenchman and an Indian passed the Indian was considerably in ad vance. As soon as the former had gone by, Putnam, relying on the fidelity of his men, sprang up, ran, and ordered them to follow. After running about thirty rods, he seized the Frenchman by the shoulders, and forced him to surrender: But his prisoner, looking round, perceiving no other enemy, and knowing the Indian would be ready in a moment to assist him, began to make an obstinate resistance. Putnam, finding himself betrayed by his men 33 7 .-"? , A .5- f m 1 -V. c, which was ^ / - <? T st. It missed Lf- | . *L *lmost prudent *ji turn, chased 7~ * ^ |t, raised them- ^ 1 * /" * r is pursuer es- v made his es- - fl ,hese men had 3 |d them with v /^ . ^ ; accomplished 7. ,the capture of lT ^finitely more _ ./ a^rfK f y*^ | t unacquainted it ^ to magne. ortance ofpos- be con- appre- ble partizan. happened dur- ss of Oswego. It by General ade, cover the , and facilitate itenac and Ni- (enemy, with a .-* , , - one hun dred pi\ The active services "oTTJaptain Putnam on every occasion attracted the admiration of the 4 32 LIFE slightly woundec point, and havin| ure, returned irf camp. Soon after the ^ of race was run cial and an act liberty of each era! Webb, war|& of intelligence, \ men to procure! himself near the > deroga to the 0- - of shewing theV conduct he proh - ; hension. This ? cessaryfear. IT vulgar, that perl; ity, when there | generally poltr| preaches. The: ; ;": Jj high grass, befo j passed the InJ; vance. As soom i Putnam, rely in { 5 ^ .^ ; ^ sprang up, ran, | r & r . i jx O- , ^. ^ . s ^ After running a j ^ ^ ^| ^ -^ Frenchman by 1 1|. . surrender: Bu1| N , - . < . . perceiving no of^ Indian would bc^ assist him, began to nHI^HMBBt/nate resistance. Putnam, finding himself betrayed by his men LIFC OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 33 into a perilous dilemma, let go his hold, step ped back and snapped his piece, which was levelled at the Frenchman s breast. It missed fire. Upon this he thought it most prudent to retreat. The Frenchman, in turn, chased him back to his men, who, at last, raised them selves from the grass ; which his pursuer es pying in good time for himself, made his es cape. Putnam, mortified that these men had frustrated his success, dismissed them with disgrace ; and not long after accomplished his object. Such little feats, as the capture of a single prisoner, may be of infinitely more consequence than some, who are unacquainted with military affairs, would be apt to imagine. In a country covered with woods, like that part of America, then the seat of war, the dif ficulty of procuring, and the importance of pos sessing good intelligence, can scarcely be con ceived even by European commanders. They, however, who know its value, will not appre ciate lightly the services of an able partizan. Nothing worthy of remark happened dur ing this campaign, except the loss of Oswego. That fort, which had been built by General Shirley, to protect the peltry trade, cover the country on the Mohawk-River, and facilitate an invasion of Canada, by Frontenac and Ni agara, fell into the hands of the enemy, with a garrison of sixteen hundred men, and one hun dred pieces of cannon. The active services of Captain Putnam on every occasion attracted the admiration of the 4 34 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. public, and induced the Legislature of Con necticut to promote him to a majority in 1757. Lord Loudon was then Commander in Chief of the British forces in America. The expedi tion against Crown-Point, which from the com mencement of hostilities had been in contem plation, seemed to give place to a more impor tant operation that was meditated against Louisbourg. But the arrival of the Brest squadron at that place prevented the attempt ; and the loss of Fort William Henry served to class this with the two former unsuccessful campaigns. It was rumoured, and partially credited at the time, that General Webb, who commanded in the northern department, had early intimation of the movement of the French army, and might have effectually succoured the garrison. The subsequent facts will place the affair in its proper light. A few days before the seige, Major Putnam, with two hundred men, escorted General Webb from Fort Edward to Fort William Henry. The object was to examine the state of this fortification, which stood at the south ern extremity of Lake George. Several abor tive attempts having been made by Major Rogers and others in the night season. Major Putnam proposed to go down the lake in open day-light, land at Northwest-Bay, arid tarry on shore until he could make satisfactory discove ry of the enemy s actual situation at Ticondero- ga and the adjacent posts. The plan (which he suggested) of landing with only five men. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 35 and sending back the boats, to prevent detec- tion,\vas deemed too hazardous by the General. At length, however, he was permitted to pro ceed with eighteen volunteers in three whale boats ; but before he arrived at Northwest-Bay he discovered a body of men on an island. Immediately upon this, he left two boats to fish at a distance, that they might not occasion an alarm, and returned himself with the infor mation. The General, seeing him rowing back with great velocity, in a single boat, con cluded the others were captured, and sent a skiff,with orders for him alone to come on shore. After advising the General of the circumstanc es, lie urged the expediency of returning to make further discoveries, and bring off the boats. Leave was reluctantly given. He found his people, and, passing stul onward, discovered (by the aid of a good perspective glass) a large army in motion. By this time several of the advanced canoes had nearly sur rounded him, but by the swiftness of his whale- boats, he escaped through the midst of them. On his return he informed the General min utely of all he had scon, and intimated his con viction that the expedition must obviously be destined against Fort William Henry. That commander, strictly enjoining silence on the subject, directed him to put his men under an oath of secrecy, and to prepare, without loss of time, to return to the Head Quarters of the army. Major Putnam observed, "he hoped " his Excellency did not intend to neglect so 36 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. " fair an opportunity of giving battle, should " the enemy presume to land." "What do you " think we should do here?" replied the Gen eral. Accordingly the next day he returned, and the day after Colonel Monro was ordered from Fort Edward, with his regiment, to rein force the garrison. That officer took with him all his rich baggage and camp equipage, notwithstanding Major Putnam s advice to the contrary. The day following his arrival, the enemy lauded and besieged the place. The Marquis de Montcalm, Commander in Chief for the French in Canada (intend ing to take advantage of the absence of a large proportion of the British force, which he understood to be employed under Lord Lou- dori ag*ainst Louisbourg) had assembled what ever men could be spared from Ticonderoga, Crown-Point, and the other garrisons : with these he had combined a considerable corps of Canadians, and a larger body of Indians than had ever before been collected ; making in the whole an army of nearly eight thousand men. Our garrison consisted of twenty-five hundred, and was commanded by Colonel Monro, a very gallant officer, who found the means of send ing express after express to General Webb, with an account of his situation, and the most pressing solicitation for succour. In the mean time, the army at Fort Edward, which, origin ally amounted to about four thousand, had been considerably augmented by Johnson s troops and the militia. On the 8th or 9th day after the landing of the French, General LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 37 Johnson (in consequence of repeated applica tions) was suffered to inarch lor the relief of the garrison, with all the Provincials, Militia, arid Putnam s Rangers: but before they had proceeded three miles, the order was counter manded, and they returned. M. de Montcalm informed Major Putnam, when a prisoner in Canada, that one of his running Indians saw and reported this movement; and, upon being questioned relatively to the numbers, answer ed in their figurative style, "If you can count the leaves on the trees, you can count them" In effect.the operations oi the siege were suspend ed, and preparations made for re-embarking, when another of the runners reported that the detachment had gone back. r l he Marquis de Montcalm, provided with a good train of artil lery, meeting with no annoyance from the British army, and but inconsiderable interrup tion from the garrison, accelerated his ap proaches so rapidly, as to obtain possession of the fort in a short time after completing the investiture. An intercepted letter from Gene ral Webb, advising the surrender,was sent into the fort to Colonel Monro by the French General. The garrison engaged not to serve for eigh teen months, and were permitted to march out with the honours of war. But the savages regarded not the capitulation, nor could they be restrained by the utmost exertion of the Commanding Officer, from committing the most outrageous acts of cruelty. They strip- 4* . iJ i i:i". or g&Kl i: u ri v\ \M. pod and plundered all the prisoners, and mur- deiod ;-ieat numbers in cold blood. Tl: uho escaped by fiighti or tho protection oi ilu French, aniNcii in a to i lorn condition at I F.dxvard: Among those was the coiuiiiaiidatit of (hr o-,n n^on. Thr dav Mk-rt^oilinsy tliis deplorable scene of rarn;\ov and harbarHv, Major Putnam hav ing born dispatohod with his BJADgefti to watch tho motions of tho rnomv. oamo to tiu^ >hore, wbon ilu^ir roar \\.\sscarcolv beyond the reach of musket-shot. They had carried oft* all the cannon, stores and water-craft. The fort was demolished. The barracks, the out-hous es and suttlers" booths were heaps of ruins. The tnvs. not yet extinct, and the sinokcyof- fen^ive from the mucilaginous nature of the fuel, but illy concealed innumerable fragments of human skulls and bones, and, in some in- Mamv<, carcases half-consumed. Dead bodies. weltering in blood, were every uhere to be i, violated, with all tho wanton mutilations -.n-ago ingenuity. More than one hundred women, some with their brains still oozing fiiMn tho battered heads, others with their Avholo hair wrenched collectively with the skin from the bloody skulls, and many (with their throats cut) most inhumanly stabbed and butchered, lay stripped entirely naked, with their bowels torn out, and aftorcled a spectacle oniMo for description. Not long after this misfortune. General Ly- man succeeded to the command of Fort Ed- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 39 ward. lie resolved to strengthen it. For tins purpose one hundred and fifty men were employed in cutting timber. To cover them, Captain Little was posted (with lifty British Regulars) at the head of a thick swamp about one hundred rods eastward of the fort to which his communication lay over a tongue of land, formed on the one side by the swamp, and by a creek on the other. One morning, at day break, a centinel saw indistinctly several birds, as he conceived, come from the swamp and ily over him with incredible swiftness. While he was ruminat ing on these wonderful birds, and endeavouring to form some idea of their colour, shape and size, an arrow buried itself in the limb of a tree just above his head. He now discovered the quality and design of these winged messengers of fate, and gave the alarm. Instantly the working party began to retreat along the de file. A large body of savages had concealed themselves In the morass before the guard was posted, and were attempting in this way tokill the centinel without noise,with design to surprise the whole party. Finding the alarm given, they rushed from the covert, shot and toma hawked those who were nearest at hand, and pressed hard on the remainder of the unarmed fugitives. Captain Little flew to their relief, and, by pouring on the Indians a well timed fire, checked the pursuit, and enabled such of the fatigue-men as did not fall in the first onset, to retire to the fort. Thither he sent for assist- 40 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. ance, his little party being almost overpower ed by numbers. But the commandant, imag ining that the main body of the enemy were approaching for a general assault, called in his out-posts and shut the gates. Major Putnam lay, with his Rangers, on an island adjacent to the fort. Having heard the musquetry, and learned that his friend Captain Little was in the utmost peril, he plunged into the river at the head of his corps, and waded through the water towards the place of engagement. This brought him so near to the fort, that General Lyman apprized of his design, and unwilling that the lives of a c5 O few more brave men should be exposed to what he deemed inevitable destruction, mount ed the parapet and ordered him to proceed no further. The major only took time to make the best short apology he could, and marched on. This is the onty instance in the whole course of his military service wherein he did not pay the strictest obedience to orders ; and in this instance his motive was highly commen dable. But when such conduct, even if sanc tified by success, is passed over with impunity, it demonstrates that all is not right in the military system. In a disciplined army, such as that of the United States became under- General Washington, an officer guilty of a slighter violation of orders, however elevated in rank or meritorious in service, would have been brought before the bar of a Court Mar tial. Were it not for the seductive tendency LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 41 of a brave man s example, I might have been spared the mortification of making these re marks on the conduct of an officer, whose dis tinguishing characteristics were promptitude for duty and love of subordination, as well as cheerfulness to encounter every species of dif ficulty and danger. The Rangers of Putnam soon opened their way for a junction with the little handful of Regulars, who still obstinately maintained their ground. By his advice the whole rushed im petuously \vith shouts and huzzas into the swamp. The savages fled on every side, and were chased, with no inconsiderable loss on their part, as long as the day-light lasted. On ours only one man was killed in the pursuit. His death was immediately revenged by that of the Indian who shot him. This Indian was one of the runners a chosen body of active young men, \vho are made use of not only to procure intelligence and convey tidings, but al so to guard the rear on a retreat. Here it will not be unseasonable to mention some of the customs in war peculiar to the aborigines, which on the present as well as other occasions, they put in practice. When ever a retreating, especially a flying party had gained the summit of a rising ground, they secreted one or two runners behind trees, copses, or bushes to fire at the enemy upon their ascending the hill. This commonly ac- casioned the enemy to halt and form for battle, la the interim the runners used such dexterity 42 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. as to be rarely discovered, or if discovered, they vanished behind the height and rejoined their brother warriors, who, having thus stol en a distance, were oftentimes seen by their pursuers no more. Or if the pursuers were too eager they seldom failed to atone for their rashness by falling into an ambuscade. The Mohawks, who were afterwards much employ ed in scouts under the orders of Major Putnam, and who were perfectly versed in all the wiles and stratagems of their countrymen, shewed him the mode of avoiding the evils of either alternative. In suspicious thickets, and at the borders of every considerable eminence, a mo mentary pause was made, while they, in differ ent parts, penetrated or ascended with a cau tiousness that cannot be easily described. They seemed all eye and car. When they found no lurking mischief, they would beckon with the hand, and pronounce the word "OwisH," with a long labial hissing, the being almost quiescent. This was ever the watch word for the main body to advance. Indians who went to war together, and who, for any reason found it necessary to separate into different routes, always left two or three runners at the place of separation, to give timely notice to either party in case of pursuit. If a warrior chanced to straggle and lose himself in the woods, or be retarded by acci dent or wound, the party missing him would frequently, on their march, break down a LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 43 bush or a shrub, and leave the top pointing in the direction they had gone, that the straggler, when he should behold it, might shape his course accordingly. We come to the campaign when General Abercrombie took the command at Fort Ed ward. That General ordered Major Putnam, with sixty men, to proceed by land to South- Bay, on Lake George, for the purpose of making discoveries, and intercepting the ene my s parties. The latter, in compliance with these orders, posted himself at Wood-Creek, near its entrance into South-Bay. On this bank, which forms a jutting precipice ten or twelve feet above the water, he erected a stone parapet thirty feet in length, and mask ed it with young pine-trees, cut at a distance, and so artfully planted as to imitate the natu ral growth. From hence he sent back fifteen of his men, who had fallen sick. Distress for want of provisions, occasioned by the length of march, and time spent on this temporary fortification, compelled him to deviate from a rule he had established, never to permit a gun to be fired but at an enemy while on a scout. He was now obliged himself to shoot a buck, which had jumped into the creek, in order to eke out their scanty subsistence until the fourth day after the completion of the works. About ten o clock that evening, one of the men on duty at the margin of the bay, informed him that a fleet of bark canoes, filled with men, was steering towards the mouth of the creek. 44 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. He immediately called in all his centinels, and ordered every man to his post. A profound stillness reigned in the atmosphere, and the full moon shone with uncommon brightness. The creek, which the enemy entered, is about six rods wide, and the bank opposite to the parapet above twenty feet high. It was in tended to permit the canoes in front to pass they had accordingly just passed, when a sol dier accidentally struck his firelock against a stone. The commanding officer in the van canoe heard the noise, and repeated several times the savage watch-word, OWISH ! In stantly the canoes huddled together, with their centre precisely in front of the works, cover ing the creek for a considerable distance above and below. The officers appeared to be in deep consultation, and the fleet on the point of returning, when Major Putnam, who had or dered his men in the most peremptory manner not to fire until he should set the example, gave the signal, by discharging his piece. They fired. Nothing could exceed the inex tricable confusion and apparent consternation occasioned by this well-concerted attack. But, at last, the enemy finding, from the unfrequen- cy (though there was no absolute intermission) in the firing, that the number of our men must be small, resolved to land below and surround them. Putnam, apprehensive of this from the movement, sent Lieutenant Robert Durkee,* * As the name of the brave Durkee will occur no more in these sheets, I may be indulged in mentioning his melancholy fate. He LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 45 with twelve men, about thirty rods down the creek, who arrived in time to repulse the party which attempted to land. Another small de tachment, under Lieutenant Parsons, was or dered up the creek to prevent any similar at tempt. In the mean time Major Putnam kept up, through the whole night, an incessant and deadly fire on the main body of the enemy, without receiving any thing in return but shot void of effect, accompanied with dolorous groans, miserable shrieks, and dismal savage yells. After day-break he was advised that one part of the enemy had effected a landing considerably below, and were rapidly advanc ing to cut off his retreat. Apprised of the great superiority still opposed to him, as well as of the situation of his own soldiers, some of whom were entirely destitute of ammunition, and the rest reduced to one or two rounds per man, he commanded them to swing their packs. By hastening the retreat, in good or der, they had just time to retire far enough up the creek to prevent- being enclosed. During this long-continued action, in which the Amer icans had slain at least five times their own number, only one Provincial and one Indian were wounded on their side. These unfortu nate men had been sent off for camp in the survived this war, and was appointed a Captain in that war which terminated in the acknowledgment of our Independence In 1778 he was wounded and taken prisoner by the savage* at the hattle of "Wioming, on the Susquehannah. Ha vinsr been CWidefnned to be burnt, the Indians kept him in the flames wilh pitch-forks, until ne expired iu the most excruciating torments. 5 46 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. night, with two men to assist them, and di rections to proceed by Wood-Creek as the safest, though not the shortest route. But having taken a nearer way, they were pursu ed and overtaken by the Indians, who, from the blood on the leaves and bushes, believed that they were on the trail of our whole par ty. The wounded, despairing of mercy, and unable to fly, insisted that the well soldiers should make their escape, which, on a mo ment s deliberation, they effected. The Pro vincial, whose thigh was broken by a ball, up on the approach of the savages, fired his piece, and killed three of them ; after which he was quickly hacked in pieces. The Indian, however, was saved alive. This man Major Putnam saw afterwards in Canada, where he likewise learned that his enemy, in the ren counter at Wood-Creek, consisted of five hun dred French and Indians, under the command of the celebrated partizan Molang, and that no party, since the war, had suffered so se verely, as more than one-half of those who went out never returned. Our brave little company, reduced to forty in number, had proceeded along the bank of the creek about an hour s march, when Major Putnam, being in front, was fired upon by a party just at hand. He, rightly appreciating the advantage often obtained by assuming a bold countenance on a critical occasion, in a stentorophonick tone, ordered his men to rush on the enemy, and promised that they should LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 47 soon give a good account of them. It proved to be a scout of Provincials, who conceived they were firing upon the French ; but the commanding officer, knowing Putnam s voice, cried out, " that they were all friends." Upon this the Major told him abruptly, " that, friends or enemies, they all deserved to be hanged for not killing more when they had so lair a shot." In fact, but one man was mortally wounded. Whiie these things were transacted, a faithful soldier, whose ammuni tion had been nearly exhausted, made his way to the fort, and gave such information, that General Lyman was detached with five hun dred men to cover the retreat. Major Put nam met them at only twelve miles distance from the fort, to which they returned the next day. In the winter of 1757, when Colonel Havi- land was Commandant at Fort Edward, the barracks adjoining to the north-west bastion took fire. They extended within twelve feet of the magazine, which contained three hun dred barrels of powder. On its first discovery, the tire raged with great violence. The Com mandant endeavoured, in vain, by discharging some pieces of heavy artillery against the sup porters of tin s flight of barracks, to level them with the ground. Putnam arrived from the island where he was stationed at the moment when the blaze approached that end which was contiguous to the magazine. Instantly a vigorous attempt was made to extinguish the 48 . LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, conflagration. A way was opened by a pos tern gate to the river, and the soldiers were employed in bringing water; which he, hav ing mounted on a ladder to the eves of the building, received and threw upon the flame. It continued, notwithstanding their utmost ef forts, to gain upon them. He stood, enveloped in smoke, so near the sheet of fire, that a pair of thick blanket mittens were burnt entirely from his hands; he was supplied with another pair dipt in water. Colonel Haviland, fearing that he would perish in the flames, called to him to come down. But he entreated that he might be suffered to remain, since destruc tion must inevitably ensue if their exertions should be remitted. The gallant Comman dant, not less astonished than charmed at the boldness of his conduct, forbade any more ef fects to be carried out of the fort, animated the men to redoubled diligence, and exclaim ed, ^ if we must be blown up, we will go all together." At last, when the barracks were seen to be tumbling, Putnam descended, plac ed himself at the interval, and continued from an incessant rotation of replenished buckets to pour water upon the magazine. The outside planks were already consumed by the prox imity of the lire, and as only one thickness of timber intervened, the trepidation now became general and extreme. Putnam, still undaunt ed, covered with a cloud of cinders, and scorched with the intensity of the heat, main tained his position until the fire subsided, and LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 49 the danger was wholly over. He had con tended for one hour and an half with that terrible element. His legs, his thighs, his arms, and his face were blistered ; and when lie pulled off his second pair of mittens, the skin from his hands and fingers followed them. It was a month before he recovered. The Commandant, to whom his merits had before endeared him, could not stifle the emo tions of gratitude, due to the man who had been so instrumental in preserving the maga zine, the fort, and the garrison. The repulse before Ticonderoga took place in 1758. General Abercrombie, the British Commander in Chief in America, conducted the expedition. His. army, which amounted to nearly sixteen thousand Regulars and Pro vincials, was amply supplied with artillery and military stores. This well-appointed corps passed over Lake George, and landed, with out opposition, at the point of destination. The troops advanced in columns. Lord Howe, having Major Putnam with him, was in front of the centre. A body of about five hundred men^ (the advance or pickets of the French army) which had fled at first, began to skir mish with Our left. "Putnam," said Lord Howe, " what means that firing ?" " I know not, but with your Lordship s leave will see," replied the former. " I will accompany you," rejoined the gallant young nobleman. In vain did Major Putnam attempt to dissuade him by 5* 50 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, saying ct My Lord, if I am killed, the loss oi my life will be of little consequence, but the preservation of your s is of infinite importance to this army." The only answer was, " Put nam, your life is as dear to you as mine is to me ; I am determined to go." One hundred of the van, under Major Putnam, filed off with Lord Howe. They soon met the left flank of the enemy s advance, by whose first fire his Lordship fell. It was a loss indeed ; and particularly felt in the operations which oc curred three days afterwards. His manners and his virtues had made him the idol of the army. From his first arrival in America, he had accommodated himself* and his regiment to the peculiar nature of the service. Exem plary to the officer, a friend of the soldier, the model of discipline, he had not failed to en counter every hardship and hazard. Nothing could be more calculated to inspire men with the rash animation of rage, or to temper it with the cool perseverance of revenge, than the sight of such a hero, so beloved, fallen in his country s cause. It had the effect. Put nam s party, having cut their way obliquely through the enemy s ranks, and having been joined by Captain D Ell, with twenty men, to gether with some other small parties, charged them so furiously in rear, that nearly three * He cut his hair short, and induced the regiment to follow the example. He fashioned their cloathing for the activity of service, and diverted luraself and them of every article of superfluous bag- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 51 hundred were killed on the spot, and one hundred and forty-eight made prisoners. In the mean time, from the unskiliulness of the guides, some of our columns were bewil dered. The left wing, seeing Putnam s party in their front, advancing over the dead bodies towards them, commenced a brisk and heavy fire, which killed a serjeant and several pri vates. Nor could they, by sounds or signs, be convinced of their mistake, until Major Putnam, preferring (if heaven had thus or dained it) the loss of his own life to the loss of the lives of his brave associates, ran through the midst of the flying balls, and prevented the impending catastrophe. The tender feelings which Major Putnam possessed taught him to respect an unfortu nate foe, and to strive, by every lenient art in his power, to alleviate the miseries of war. For this purpose he remained on the field until it began to grow dark, employed in col lecting such of the enemy as were left wound ed, to one place ; he gave them all the liquor and little refreshments which he could pro cure; he furnished to each of them a blanket; he put three blankets under a French serjeant who was badly wounded through the body, and placed him in an easy posture by the side of a tree : the poor fellow could only squeeze his hand with an expressive grasp. u Ah," said Major Putnam, " depend upon it, my brave soldier, you shall be brought to the 52 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. camp as soon as possible, and the same care shall be taken of you as if you were my broth er." The next morning Major Rogers was sent to reconnoitre the field, and to bring oif the wounded prisoners ; but finding the wounded unable to help themselves, in order to save trouble, he despatched every one of them to the world of spirits. Putnam s was not the only heart that bled. The Provincial and British officers, who became acquainted with the fact, were struck with inexpressible horror. Ticonderoga is surrounded on three sides by water ; on the fourth, for some distance, extends a dangerous morass ; the remainder was then fortified with a line eight feet high, and planted with artillery. For one hundred yards in front the plain was covered with great trees, cut for the purpose of defence, whose interwoven and sharpened branches projected outwards. Notwithstanding these impediments, the engineer who had been em ployed to reconnoitre, reported as his opinion, that the works might be carried with mus ketry. The difficulty and delay of dragging the battering cannon over grounds almost im practicable, induced the adoption of this fatal advice to which, however, a rumour that the garrison, already consisting of four or five thousand men, was on the point of being aug mented with three thousand more, probably contributed. The attack was as spirited in LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 53 execution as ill-judged in design. The as sailants, after having been for more than four hours exposed to a most fatal fire, without making any impression by their reiterated and obstinate proofs of valour, were ordered to re treat. Major Putnam, who had acted as an aid in bringing the Provincial regiments suc cessively to action, assisted in preserving or der. It was said that a great number of the enemy were shot in the head, every other part having been concealed behind their works. The loss on our side was upwards of two thousand killed and wounded. Twenty-five hundred stands of arms were taken by the French. Our army, after sustaining this hav- ock, retreated with such extraordinary precip itation, that they regained their camp at the southward of Lake George the evening after the action. The successes in other parts of America made amends for this defeat. Louisbourg, af ter a vigorous siege, was reduced by the Gen erals Amherst and Wolf: Frontenac, a post of importance on the communication between Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, surren dered to Colonel Bradstreet: and Fort Du Quesne, situated at the confluence of Monon- gahela with the Ohio, (the possession of which had kindled the flame of war that now spread through the four quarters of the globe) was captured by General Forbes, 54 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. A few adventures, in which the public inter ests were little concerned, but which, from their peculiarity, appear worthy of being pre served, happened before the conclusion of the year. As one day Major Putnam chanced to lie with a batteau and five men, on the eastern shore of the Hudson, near the Rapids, con tiguous to which Fort Miller stood, his men on the opposite bank had given him to under stand, that a large body of savages were in his rear, and would be upon him in a moment. To stay and be sacrificed to attempt crossing and be shot or to go down to the falls, with an almost absolute certaintv of being drowned, were the sole alternatives that presented them selves to his choice. So instantaneously was the latter adopted, that one man who had ram bled a little from the party, was, of necessity, left, and fell a miserable victim to savage bar barity. The Indians arrived on the shore soon enough to fire many balls on the batteau before it could be got under way. No sooner had our batteau-men escaped, by favour of the rapidity of the current, beyond the reach of musket-shot, than death seemed only to have been avoided in one form to be encountered in another not less terrible. Prominent rocks, latent shelves, absorbing eddies, and abrupt descents, for a quarter of a mile, afforded scarcely the smallest chance of escaping with out a miracle. Putnam, trusting himself to a good Providence, whose kindness lie had often LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM 55 experienced, rather than to men, whose ten- derest mercies are cruelty, was now seen to place himself sedately at the helm, and afford an astonishing spectacle of serenity. His com panions, with a mixture of terror, admiration and wonder, saw him incessantly changing the course, to avoid the jaws of ruin, that seemed expanded to swallow the whirling boat. Twice he turned it fairly round to shun the rifts of rocks. Amidst these eddies, in which there was the greatest danger of its founder ing, at one moment the sides were exposed to the fury of the waves ; then the stern, and next the bow glanced obliquely onward, with inconceivable velocity. With not less amaze ment the savages beheld him sometimes mount ing the billows, then plunging abruptly down, at other times skilfully veering from the rocks, and shooting through the only narrow^passage; until, at last, they viewed the boat safely glid ing on the smooth surface of the stream below. At this sight, it is asserted, that these rude sons of nature were affected with the same kind of superstitious veneration which the Eu ropeans, in the dark ages, entertained for some of their most valorous champions. They deemed the man invulnerable, whom their balls, on his pushing from shore, could not touch ; and whom they had seen steering in safety down the rapids that had never before been passed. They conceived it would be an af front against the Great Spirit to attempt to kill 56 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. this favoured mortal with powder and ball, if they should ever see and know him again. In the month of August five hundred men were employed, under the orders of Majors Rogers and Putnam, to watch the motions of the enemy near Ticonderoga. At South-Bay they separated the party into two equal divis ions, and Rogers took a position on \\ood- Creek, twelve miles distant from Putnam. Upon being, some time afterwards, discov ered, they formed a re-union, and concerted measures for returning to Fort Edward. Their march through the woods was in three divisions by FILES : the right commanded by Rogers, the left by Putnam, and the centre by Captain D Eli. The first night they en camped on the banks of Clear River , about a mile from old Fort Ann, which had been for merly built by General Nicholson. Next morn ing Major Rogers, and a British officer named Irwin, incautiously suffered themselves, from a spirit of false emulation, to be engaged in firing at a mark. Nothing could have been more repugnant to the military principles of Putnam than such conduct, or reprobated by him in more pointed terms. As soon as the heavy dew which had fallen the preceding night would permit, the detachment moved in one body, Putnam being in front, D Ell in centre, and Rogers in the rear. The impervious growth of shrubs and under-brush that had sprung up, where the land had been partially LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 57 cleared some years before, occasioned this change in the order of march. At the moment of moving, the famous French partizan Mo- lang, who had been sent with five hundred men to intercept our party, was not more than one mile and an half distant from them. Hav ing heard the firing, he hastened to lay an am buscade precisely in that part of the wood most favourable to his project. Major Put nam was just emerging from the thicket, into the common forest, when the enemy rose, arid with discordant yells and whoops, commenced an attack upon the right of his division. Sur prised, but undismayed, Putnam halted, return ed the fire, and passed the word for the other divisions to advance for his support. D Ell came. The action, though widely scattered, and principally fought between man and man, soon grew general and intensely warm. It would be as difficult as useless to describe this irregular and ferocious mode of fighting. Rog ers came not up ; but, as be declared after wards, formed a circular file between our par ty and Wood-Creek, to prevent their being taken in rear or enfiladed. Successful as he commonly was, his conduct did not always pass without unfavourable imputation. Not withstanding, it was a current saying in the carnp, "that Rogers always sent, but Putnam lei his men to action," yet, injustice, it ought to be remarked here, that the latter has never been known, in relating the story of this clay s 6 58 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. disaster, to affix any stigma upon the conduct of the former. Major Putnam, perceiving it would be im practicable to cross the creek, determined to maintain his ground. Inspired bj his exam ple, the officers and men behaved with great bravery: sometimes they fought aggregately in open view, and sometimes individually un der cover ; taking aim from behind the bodies of trees, and acting in a manner independent of each other. For himself, having discharged his fuzee several times, at length it missed tire, while the muzzle was pressed against the breast of a large and well proportioned savage. This warrior, availing himself of the indefensi ble attitude of his adversary, with a tremen dous war-hoop, sprang forward, with his lifted hatchet, and compelled him to surrender; and having disarmed and bound him fast to a tree, returned to the battle. The intrepid Captains D Ell and Harman, who now commanded, were forced to give ground for a little distance : the savages, con ceiving this to be the certain harbinger of vic tory, rushed impetuously on, with dreadful and redoubled cries. But our two partizans, col lecting a handful of brave men, gave the pur suers so warm a reception as to oblige them, in turn, to retreat a little beyond the spot at which the action had commenced Here they made a stand. This change of ground occa sioned the tree to which Putnam was tied to LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 59 be directly between the fire of the Hvo parties. Human imagination can hardly figute to itself a more deplorable situation. The balls flew incessantly from either side, many struck the tree, while some passed through the sleeves and skirts of his coat. In this state of jeopar dy, unable to move his body, to stir his limbs, or even to incline his head, he remained more than an hour. So equally balanced, and so obstinate was the fight ! At one moment, while the battle swerved in favour of the ene my, a young savage chose an odd way of dis covering his humour. He found Putnam bound. Ho might have dispatched hi^ at a blow. But he loved better to excite th< ter rors of the prisoner, by hurling a tomahawk at his head, or rather it should seem his objeiA* was to see how near he could throw it with out touching him the weapon struck in the tree a number of times at a hair s breadth dis tance from the mark. When the Indian had finished his amusement, a French bas-officer (a much more inveterate savage by nature, though descended from so humane and polish ed a nation)perceiving Putnam, came up to him, and, levelling a fuzee within a foot of his* breast, attempted to discharge it it missed fire. Ineffectually did the intended victim so licit the treatment due to his situation, by re peating that he was a prisoner of war. The degenerate Frenchman did not understand the language of honour or of nature : deaf to their 60 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. voice, ant dead to sensibility, he violently, and repeatedJv, pushed the muzzle of his gun against Putnam s ribs, and finally gave him a cruel blow on the jaw with the but-end of his piece. After this dastardly deed he left him. At length the active intrepidity of D Ell and Herman,* seconded by the persevering valour of their followers, prevailed. They drove from the field the enemy, who left about xiinety dead behind them. As they were retiring, Putnam was untied by the In dian who had made him prisoner, and whom he afterwards called master. Having been conducted for some distance from the place of action, he was stripped of his coat, vest, stock ings and shoes ; loaded with as many of the packs of the wounded as could be piled upon him; strongly pinioned, and his wrists tied as closely together as they could be pulled with a cord. After he had marched, through no pleasant paths, in this painful manner, for ma ny a tedious mile, the party (who were exces sively fatigued) halted to breathe. His hands were now immoderately swelled from the tightness of the ligature ; and the pain had become intolerable. His feet were so much scratched, that the blood dropped fast from them. Exhausted with bearing a burden above his strength, and frantic with torments exqui site beyond endurance, he entreated the Irish * This worthy officer is still living (1788) at Marlborough in the State of Massachusetts. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 61 interpreter to implore, as the last and only grace he desired of the savages, that they would knock him on the head and take his scalp at once, or loose his hands. A French officer, instantly interposing, ordered his hands to be unbound, and some of the packs to be taken off. By this time the Indian who cap tured him, and had been absent with the wounded, coming up, gave him a pair of mo- casons, and expressed great indignation at the unworthy treatment his prisoner had suf fered. That savage chief again returned to the care of the wounded, and the Indians, about two hundred in number, went before the rest of the party to the place where the whole were that night to encamp. They took with them Major Putnam, on whom, besides innu merable other outrages, they had the barbarity to inflict a deep wound with the tomahawk in the left cheek. His sufferings were in this place to be consummated. A scene of horror, infinitely greater than had ever met his eyes before, was now preparing. It was deter mined to roast him alive. For this purpose they led him into a dark forest, stripped him naked, bound him to a tree, and piled dry brush, with other fuel, at a small distance, in a circle round him. They accompanied their labours, as if for his funeral dirge, with screams and sounds inimitable but by savage voices. Then they set the piles on fire. A 6* 62 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. sudden shower damped the rising flame. Still they strove to kindle it, until, at last, the blaze ran fiercely round the circle. Major Putnam soon began to feel the scorching heat. His hands were so tied that he could move his body. He often shifted sides as the fire ap proached. This sight, at the very idea of which all but savages must shudder, afforded the highest diversion to his inhuman tormen tors, who demonstrated the delirium of their joy by correspondent yells, dances, and gesti culations. He saw clearly that his final nour was inevitably come. He summoned all his resolution, and composed his mind, as far as the circumstances could admit, to bid an eter nal farewell to all he held most dear. To quit the world would scarcely have cost a single pang ; but for the idea of home, but for the remembrance of domestic endearments, of the affectionate partner of his soul, and of their beloved offspring. His thought was ul timately fixed on a happier state of existence, beyond the tortures he was beginning to en dure. The bitterness of death, even of that death which is accompanied with the keenest agonies, was, in a manner, past nature, with a feeble struggle, was quitting its last hold on sublunary things when a French officer rushed through the crowd, opened a way by scattering the burning brands, and unbound the victim. It was Molang himself to whom a savage, unwilling to see another human sa- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 63 crifice immolated, had run and communicated the tidings. That commandant spurned and severely reprimanded the barbarians, whose nocturnal powwas and hellish orgies he sud denly ended. Putnam did not want for feel ing or gratitude. The French commander, fearing to trust him alone with them, remain ed until he could deliver him in safety into the hands of his master. The savage approached his prisoner kindly, and seemed to treat him with particular affec tion. He offered him some hard biscuit; but finding that he could not chew them, on ac count of the blow he had received from the Frenchman, this more humane savage soaked some of the biscuit in water, and made him suck the pulp-like part. Determined, how ever, not to loose his captive (the refreshment being finished) he took the mocasons from his feet, and tied them to one of his wrists : then directing him to lie down on his back upon the bare ground, he stretched cne arm to its full length, and bound it fast to a young tree; the other arm was extended and bound in the same manner his legs were stretched apart and fastened to two saplings. Then a number of tall, but slender poles were cut down, which, with some long bushes, were laid across his body from head to foot : on each side lay as many Indians as could conve niently find lodging, in order to prevent the possibility of his escape. In this disagreeable 64 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. and painful posture he remained until morn ing. During this night, the longest and most dreary conceivable, .our hero used to relate that he felt a ray of cheerfulness come casu ally across his mind, and could not even re frain from smiling when he reflected on this ludicrous group for a painter, of which he himself was the principal figure. The next day he was allowed his blanket and mocasons, and permitted to march with out carrying any pack, or receiving any in sult. To allay his extreme hunger, a little beat s meat was given, which he sucked through his teeth. At night the party arrived at Ticonderoga, arid the prisoner was placed under the care of a French guard. The sava ges, who had been prevented from glutting their diabolical thirst for blood, took other opportunity of manifesting their malevolence for the disappointment, by horrid grimaces and angry gestures; but they were suffered no more to offer violence or personal indignity to him. After having been examined by the Mar quis de Montcalm, Major Putnam was con ducted to Montreal by a French officer, who treated him with the greatest indulgence and humanity. At this place were several prisoners. Col onel Peter Schuyler, remarkable for his phi lanthropy, generosity, and friendship, was of the number. No sooner had he heard of Ma- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 65 jor Putnam s arrival, than he went to the in terpreter s quarters, and inquired whether he had a Provincial Major in his custody ? He found Major Putnam in a comfortless condi tion without coat, waistcoat, or hose the remnant of his clothing miserably dirty and ragged his beard long and squalid his legs torn by thorns and briars his face gashed with wounds and swollen with bruises. Colonel Schuyler, irritated beyond all sufferance at such a sight, could scarcely restrain his speech within limits, consistent with the prudence of a prisoner and the meekness of a Christian. Major Putnam was immediately treated ac cording to his rank, cloathed in a decent manner, and supplied with money by that liberal and sympathetic patron of the dis tressed. The capture of Frontenac by General Bradstreet afforded occasion for an exchange of prisoners. Colonel Schuyler was compre hended in the cartel. A generous spirit can never be satisfied with imposing tasks for its generosity to accomplish. Apprehensive if it should be known that Putnam was a distinguished partizan, his liberation might be retarded, and knowing that there were offi cers who, from the length of their captivity, had a claim of priority to exchange, he had, by his happy address, induced the governor to offer, that whatever officer he might think proper to nominate should be included in the 66 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. present cartel. With great politeness in man ner, but seeming indifference as to object, he expressed his warmest acknowledgments to the governor, and said, " There is an old man here, who is a Provincial Major, and wishes to be at home with his wife and children ; he can do no good here or any where else : I believe your Excellency had better keep some of the young men, who have no wife or chil dren to care for, and let the old fellow go home with me." This justifiable finesse had the desired effect At the house of Colonel Schuyler, Major Putnam became acquainted with Mrs. Howe, a fair captive, whose history would not be read without emotion, if it could be written in the same affecting manner in which I have often heard it told. She was still young and handsome herself, though she had two daugh ters of marriageable age. Distress, which had taken somewhat from the original redundancy of her bloom, and added a softening paleness to her cheeks, rendered her appearance the more engaging. Her face, that seemed to have been formed for the assemblage of dimples and smiles, was clouded with care. The natu ral sweetness was not, however, soured by despondency and petulance, but chastened by humility and resignation. This mild daughter of sorrow looked as if she had known the day of prosperity, when serenity and gladness of soul were the inmates of her bosom. That LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 67 day was past, and the once lively features now assumed a tender melancholy, which wit nessed her irreparable loss. She needed not the customary weeds of mourning, or the fal lacious pageantry of woe, to prove her widow ed state. She was in that stage of affliction when the excess is so far abated as to permit the subject to be drawn into conversation, without opening the wound afresh. It is then rather a source of pleasure than pain to dwell upon the circumstances in narration. Every thing conspired to make her story interesting. Her first husband had been killed and scalped by the Indians some years before. By an un expected assault, in 1756, upon Fort Dummer, where she then happened to be present with -Mr. Howe, her second husband, the savages carried the fort, murdered the greater part of the garrison, mangled in death her husband, and led her away with seven children into captivity. She was for some months kept with them ; and during their rambles she was fre quently on the point of perishing with hunger, and as often subjected to hardships seemingly intolerable to one of so delicate a frame. Some time after the career of her miseries began, the Indians selected a couple of their young men to marry her daughters. The fright and disgust which the intelligence of 1 " this intention occasioned to these poor young creatures, added infinitely to the sorrows and perplexities of their frantic mother. To pre- 68 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. vent the hated connexion, all the activity of female resource was called into exertion. She found an opportunity of conveying to the governor a petition, that her daughters might be received into a convent for the sake of securing the salvation of their souls. Happily the pious fraud succeeded. About the same time the savages separated, and carried off her other five children into different tribes. She was ransomed by an elderly French officer for four hundred livres. Of no avail were the cries of this tender mother a mother desolated by the loss of her children, who were thus torn from her fond embraces, and removed many hundred miles from each other, into the utmost recesses of Canada. With them (could they have been kept together) she would most willingly have wandered to the extremities of the world, and accepted as a desirable portion the cruel lot of slavery for life. But she was precluded from the sweet hope of ever beholaing them again. The insufferable pang of parting, and the idea of eternal separation, planted the ar rows of despair deep in her soul. Though all the world was no better than a desert, and all its inhabitants were then indifferent to her, yet the loveliness of her appearance in sorrow had awakened affections, which, in the aggra vation of her troubles, were to become a new source of afflictions. The officer who bought her of the Indians had a son who also held a commission, and LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 69 resided with his father. During her continu ance in the same house, at St. John s, the double attachment of the father and the son rendered her situation extremely distressing. It is true, the calmness of age delighted to gaze respectfully on her beauty ; but the impetu osity of youth was fired to madness by the sight of her charms. One day, the son, whose attentions had been long lavished upon her in vain, finding her alone in a chamber, forcibly seized her hand, and solemnly declared that he would now satiate the passion which she had so long refused to indulge. She recurred to entreaties, struggles, and tears, those preva lent female weapons which the distraction of danger not less than the promptness of genius is wont to supply ; while he, in the delirium of vexation and desire, snatched a dagger, and swore he would put an end to her lile if she persisted to struggle. Mrs. Howe, assuming the dignity of conscious virtue, told him it was what she most ardently wished, and begged him to plunge the poignard through her heart, since the mutual importunities and jealousies of such rivals had rendered her life, though innocent, more irksome and insupportable than death itself. Struck with a momentary compunction, he seemed to relent, and relax his hold ; and she, availiag herself of his irresolution, or absence of mind, escaped down the stairs. In her disordered state she told the whole transaction to his father, who directed 7 70 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. her, in future, to sleep in a small bed at the foot of that in which his wife lodged. The affair soon reached the governor s ears, and the young officer was, shortly afterwards, sent on a tour of duty to Detroit. This gave her a short respite ; but she dreaded his return, and the humiliating insults for which she might be reserved. Her chil dren, too, were ever present to her melan choly mind. A stranger, a widow, a captive, she knew not where to apply for relief. She had heard of the name of Schuyler she was yet to learn, that it was only another appella tion for the friend of suffering humanity. As that excellent man was on his way from Que bec to the Jerseys, under a parole, for a limit ed time, she came, with feeble and trembling steps, to him. The same maternal passion which sometimes overcomes the timidity of nature in the birds, when plundered of their callow nestlings, emboldened her, notwith standing her native diffidence, to disclose those griefs which were ready to devour her in silence. While her delicate aspect was heightened to a glowing blush, for fear of of fending by an inexcusable importunity, or of transgressing the rules of propriety, by repre senting herself as being an object of admira tion, she told, with artless simplicity, all the story of her woes. Colonel ochuyler, from that moment, became her protector, and en deavoured to procure her liberty. The per- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 71 son who purchased her from the savages, un willing to part with so fair a purchase, de manded a thousand livres as her ransom. But Colonel Schujler, on his return to Quebec, obtained from the governor an order, in con sequence of which Mrs. Howe was given up to him for four hundred livres; nor did his active goodness rest until every one of her five sons was restored to her. Business having made it necessary that Col onel Schuyler should precede the prisoners who were exchanged, he recommended the fair captive to the protection of his friend Put nam. She had just recovered from the mea- zles when the party was preparing to set off for New-England. By this time the young French officer had returned, with his passion rather increased than abated by absence. He pursued her wheresoever she went, and, al though he could make no advances in her af fection, he seemed resolved, by perseverance, to carry his point. Mrs. Howe, terrified by his treatment, was obliged to keep constantly near Major Putnam, who informed the young officer that he should protect that lady at the risk of his life.* In the long march from captivity, through an inhospitable wilderness, encumbered with five small children, she suffered incredible * Two or three incidents respecting Mrs. Howe, which were received by the author from General Putnam, and inserted in the former editions, are omitted in this, as they appeared, on farther information, to be mistakes. 72 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. hardships, Though endowed with masculine fortitude, she was truly feminine in strength, and must have fainted by the way, had it not been for the v assistance of Major Putnam. There were a thousand good offices which the helplessness of her condition demanded, and which the gentleness of his nature de lighted to perform. He assisted in leading her little ones, and in carrying them over the i i f - i swampy grounds and runs ol water, with which their course was frequently intersected. He mingled his own mess with that of the widow and the fatherless, and assisted them in supplying and preparing their provisions. Upon arriving within the settlements, they ex perienced a reciprocal regret at separation, and were only consoled by the expectation of soon mingling in the embraces of their former acquaintances and dearest connexions. After the conquest of Canada, in 1760, she made a journey to Quebec, in order to bring back her two daughters, whom she had left in a convent, She found one of them married to a French officer. The other having con tracted a great fondness for the religious sis terhood, with reluctance consented to leave them and return. We now arrive at the period when the prowess of Britain, victorious alike by sea and by land, in the new and in the old world, had elevated that name to the zenith of national glory. The conquest of Quebec opened the LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 73 way for the total reduction of Canada. On the side of the Lakes, Amherst having cap tured the posts of Ticonderoga and Crown- Point, applied himself to strengthen the latter. Putnam, who had been raised to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and present at these ope rations, was employed the remainder of this and some part of the succeeding season, in superintending the parties which were detach ed to procure timber and other materials for the fortification. In 1760, General Amherst, a sagacious, hu mane, and experienced commander, planned the termination of the war in Canada, by a bloodless conquest. For this purpose, three armies were destined to co-operate, by differ ent routes, against Montreal, the only remain ing place of strength the enemy held in that country. The corps formerly commanded by General Wolfe, now by General Murray, was ordered to ascend the river St. Lawrence; an other, under Colonel Haviland, to penetrate by the Isle Aux Noix; and the third, consist ing of about ten thousand men, commanded by the General himself, after passing up the Mohawk-River, and taking its course by the Lake Ontario, was to form a junction by fall ing down the St. Lawrence. In this progress, more than one occasion presented itself to manifest the intrepidity and soldiership of Lieutenant-Colonel Putnam. Two armed ves sels obstructed the passage, and prevented the 74 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. attack on Oswegatchie. Putnam, with one thousand men, in fifty batteaux, undertook to board them. This dauntless officer, ever sparing of the blood of others, as prodigal of his own, to accomplish it with the less loss, put himself (with a chosen crew, a beetle and wedges) in the van, with a design to wedge the rudders, so that the vessels should not be able to turn their broadsides, or per form an} 7 other manoeuvre. All the men in his little fleet were ordered to strip to their waistcoats, and advance at the same time. He promised, if he lived, to join and show them the way up the sides. Animated by so daring an example, they moved swiftly, in profound stillness, as to certain victory or death. The people on board the ships, be holding the good countenance with which they approached, ran one of the vessels on shore, and struck the colours of the other. Had it not been for the dastardly conduct of the ship s company in the latter, who compelled the Captain to haul down his en sign, he would have given the assailants a bloody reception : for the vessels were well provided with spars, nettings, and every cus tomary instrument of annoyance as well as defence. It now remained to attack the fortress, which stood on an island, and seemed to have been rendered inaccessible by an high abattis of black-ash, that every where pro- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 75 jerted over the water. Lieutenant-Colonel Putnam proposed a mode of attack, and offer ed his services to carry it into effect. The General approved the proposal. Our parti- zan, accordingly, caused a sufficient number of boats to be fitted for the enterprize. The sides of each boat were surrounded with fas cines, musket proof, which covered the men completely. A wide plank, twenty feet in length, was then fitted to every boat in such manner, by having an angular piece sawed from one extremity, that, when fastened by ropes on both sides of the bow, it might be raised or lowered at pleasure. The design was, that the plank should be held erect while the oarsmen forced the bow with the utmost ex ertion against the abattis; and that afterwards being dropped on the pointed brush, it should serve as a kind of bridge to assist the men in passing over them. Lieutenant-Colonel Put nam having made his dispositions to attempt the escalade in many places at the same mo ment, advanced with his boats in admirable order. The garrison perceiving these extraor dinary and unexpected machines, waited not the assault, but capitulated. Lieutenant-Col onel Putnam was particularly honoured by General Amherst, for his ingenuity in this in vention, and promptitude in its execution. The three armies arrived at Montreal within two days of each other; and the conquest of Canada became complete without the loss of a single drop oi blood. 76 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. At no great distance from Montreal stands the savage village called Cochnawa^a. Here j o C5 our partizan found the Indian chief who had formerly made him prisoner. That Indian was highly delighted to see his old acquaint ance, whom he entertained in his own well- built stone house with great friendship and hospitality; while his guest did not discover less satisfaction in an opportunity of shaking the brave savage by the hand, and proffering him protection in this reverse of his military fortunes. When the belligerent powers were consid erably exhausted, a rupture took place be tween Great Britain and Spain, in the month of January,] 762, and an expedition was form ed that campaign, under Lord Albermarle, against the Havannah. A body of Provinci als, composed of five hundred men from the Jerseys, eight hundred from New- York, and one thousand from Connecticut, joined his Lordship. General Lyman, who raised the reg iment of one thousand men in Connecticut, be ing the senior officer, commanded the whole : of course, the immediate command of his regi ment devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Put nam. The fleet that carried these troops sail ed from New-York, and arrived sately on the coast of Cuba. There a terrible storm arose, and the transport in which Lieutenant-Colonel Putnam had embarked with five hundred men, was wrecked on a rift of craggy rocks. The weather was o trmpcstuou 3 , and the surf, LIFS OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 77 which rail mountain-high, dashed with such violence against the ship, that the most experi enced seaman expected it would soon part asunder. The rest of the fleet, so far from being able to afford assistance, with difficulty rode out the gale. In tiiis deplorable situation, as the only expedient by which they could be saved, strict order was maintained, and all those people who best understood the use of tools, instantly employed in constructing rafts from spars, plank, and whatever other materi als could be procured. There happened to be on board a large quantity of strong cords, (the samo that are used in the whale fishery) which, being fastened to the rafts, after the first had with inconceivable hazard reached the shore, were of infinite service in preventing the oth ers from driving out to sea, as also in dragging them athwart the billows to the beach; by which means every man was finally saved. With the same presence of mind to take ad vantage of circumstances, an^l the same pre caution to prevent confusion* on similar occa sions, how many valuable lives, prematurely lost, might have been preserved as blessings to their families, their friends, and their country ! As soon as all were landed, Lieutenant-Col onel Putnam fortified his camp, that he might not be exposed to insult from the inhabitants of the neighbouring districts, or from those of Cart.hagena, who were but twenty-four miles distant. Here the party remained unmolested several days, until the storm had so much 78 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. abated as to permit the convoy to take them off. They soon joined the troops before the Havannah, who, having been several weeks in that unhealthy climate, already began to grow extremely sickly.* The opportune arrival of the Provincial reinforcement, in perfect health, contributed not a little to forward the works, and hasten the reduction of that important place. But the Provincials suffered so misera bly by sickness afterwards, that very few ever returned to their native land again. Although a general peace among the Euro pean powers was ratified in 1763, yet the savages on our western frontiers still continu ed their hostilities. After they had taken several posts, General Bradstreet was sent, in 1764, with an army, against them. Colonel Putnam, then, for the first time, appointed to the command of a regiment, was on the expedi tion, as was the Indian chief whom I have sev eral times had occasion to mention as his cap- turer, at the head of one hundred Cochnawaga warriors. Before General Bradstreet reach ed Detroit, which the savages invested, Cap tain D Ell, the faithful friend and intrepid fel low-soldier of Colonel Putnam, had been slain * Colonel Haviland, an accomplished officer, several times men tioned in these memoirs, who brought to America a regiment of one thousand Irish veterans, had but seventy men remaining alive when he left the Havannah. Colonel Haviland, during this siege, having once with his regiment engaged and routed five hundred Spaniards, met Colonel Putnam on his return, and said " Put nam, give me a pinch of snuff." "I never carry any," returned Putnam. " I have always just, such luck," cried Haviland ; " the rascally Spaniards have shot away my pocket, snuffbox and all." LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 79 in a desperate sally. He having been detach ed with five hundred men, in 1763, by Gene ral Amherst, to raise the siege, found means of throwing the succour into the fort. But the garrison, commanded by Major Glad wine, a brave and sensible officer, had been so much weakened, Vy the lurking and insidious mode of war practised by the savages, that not a man could be spared to co-operate in an at tack upon them. The commandant would even have dissuaded Captain D Ell from the attempt, on account of the great disparity in numbers; but the latter, relying on the disci pline and courage of his men, replied, "God " foi bid that I should ever disobey the orders of " my General," and immediately disposed them for action. It was obstinate and bloody ; but the vastly superior number of the savages enabled them to enclose Captain D ElPs party on every side, and compelled him, finally, to fight his way, in retreat from one stone house to another. Having halted to breathe a mo ment, he saw one of his bravest sergeants ly ing at a small distance, wounded through the thigh, and wallowing in his blood. Where upon he desired some of the men to run and bring the sergeant to the house, but they de clined it. Then declaring, "that he never " would leave so brave a soldier in the field to " be tortured by the savages," he ran and en deavoured to help him up at the instant a volley of shot dropped them both dead to gether. The party continued retreating from 80 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. house to house until they regained the fort ; where it was found the conflict had been so sharp, and lasted so long, that only fifty men remained alive of the five hundred who had sallied. Upon the arrival of General Bradstreet, the savages saw that all further efforts, in arms, would be vain, and accordingly, after many fallacious proposals for a peace, and frequent tergiversations in the negotiation, they con cluded a treaty, which ended the war in A- merica. Colonel Putnam, at the expiration of ten years from his first receiving* a commission, after having seen as much service, endured as many hardships, encountered as many dangers, and acquired as many laurels as any officer of his rank, with great satisfaction laid aside his uni form, and returned to his plough. The various and uncommon scenes of war in which he had acted a respectable part, his intercourse with the world, and intimacy with some of the first characters in the army, joined with occasional reading, had not only brought into view what ever talents he possessed from nature, but, at the same time, had extended his knowledge, and polished his manners, to a considerable degree. Not having become inflated with Eride, or forgetful of his old connexions, he ad the good fortune to possess entirely the good will of his fellow citizens. No character stood fairer ^in the public eye for integrity, LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 81 bravery, and patriotism. He was employed in several oGices in his own town, and not un- frecjiiently elected to represent it in the Gene ral Assembly. Tiie year after his return to privat^ life, the minds of men were strangely agitated, by an attempt of the British Parlia ment to introduce the memorable Stamp Act in America. This germe of policy, whose growth was repressed by the moderate temperature in which it was kept by some administrations, did not fully disclose its fruit until nearly eleven years afterwards. All the world knows how it then ripened into a civil war. On the twenty-second day of March, 1765, the Stamp Act received the royal assent. It was to take place in America on the first clay of November following. This innovation spread a sudden and universal alarm. The political pulse in the Provinces, from Maine to Georgia, throbbed in sympathy. The Assemblies, in most of these colonies, that they might oppose it legally and in concert, appointed Delegates to confer together on the subject. This first Congress met, early in October, at New-York. T ley agreed upon a Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colonists; together with separate Addresses to the King, Lords, and Commons of Great-Britain. In the mean time, the people had determined, in order to prevent the stamped paper from being dis tributed, that the Stamp-Masters should not enter on the execution of their office. That 8 82 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. appointment, in Connecticut, had been confer red upon Mr. Ingersol, a very dignified, sensi ble, and learned native of the colony, who, upon being solicited to resign, did not, in the first instance, give a satisfactory answer. In consequence of which, a great number of the substantial yeomanry, on horseback, furnished with provisions for themselves, and provender for their horses, assembled in the eastern counties, and began their march for New- Ha\en, to receive the resignation of Mr. In- ft-rsol. A junction with another body was to ave been formed in Branford. But having learned at Hartford, that Mr. Ingersol would be in town the next day to claim protection from the Assembly, they took quarters there, and kept out pat roles during the whole night, to prevent bis arrival without their knowledge. The succeeding morning they resumed their march, and met Mr. Ingersol in Wethersfield. They told him their business, and he, after some little hesitation, mounted on a round table, read his resignation.* That finished, * The curious mav be pleased to know that the resignation was expressed in these explicit terms : Wethersfield, September U;7i. 1765. "I do hereby promise, that \ never will receive any stamped papers which may arrive from Europe, in consequence- of an act late y passed in the Parliament of Great-Britain ; nor officiate as Stamp-Master or Distributor of Stamps, within the colonj >! C<m- .necticut, either directly or indirect!) . And 1 do hereby notify to all the inhabitants ol his Majesty s colony of Connecticut (i.otwith- stamling the said office or trust has been committed to mr) not to apply to me everaft T, for any stamped paper ; hereby dtclarinf that J do resign the 8(.iil off, ce, ,nd c-xti-ute thete PRESENTS of jny own FREE. WIL..L AND ACCORD, \iilhout any equivocation o mental reservation. " In witness v hereof I have hereunto set mv hand, " J. INGERSOL." LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM 83 the multitudo desired him to cry out " liberty an I property " three tini.^s ; which lie did, and was a ns were 1 hv tiiree loud huzzas. He then ditied with some of the principal men at a tavern, by whom fie was treated with great politeness, and afterwards was escorted by about live hundred horse to Hartford, where he a^aiii read his resignation, amidst the un bounded acclamations of the people. 1 have chosen to style this collection the yeomanry, the multitude, or the people, because I could not make use of the English word mob, which generally signifies a disorderly concurrence of the rabble, without conveying an erroneous idea. . It is scarcely necessary to add, that the people, their objects being effected, without offering disturbance, dispersed to their homes.* Colonel Putnam, who instigated the people to these measures, was prevented from at tending by accident. But he was deputed soon after, with two other gentlemen, to wait on Governor Fitch on the same subject. The questions of the Governor, and answers of Put- narn, will serve to indicate the spirit of the times. After some conversation, the Governor asked, " What he should do if the stamped paper should be sent to him by the King s * To yive a trait of the urbanity that prevailed, it may not be amiss to mention a jest that passed in the cavalcade to Hartford, and Mas received with the most perfect good humour. Mr. In- sjersol, who by chance rode a white hor?e, being asked " What he thought, to find himself attended by such a retinue?" repjied, "that he I) id now a clearer idea than ever he had before con;- iv- ed of that passage in the Revelations, which describes Death on ft pule horse, and lull following kirn." 84 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. authority ?" Putnam replied, " lock it up until we shall visit you again." " And what will you do then?" "We shall expect you to give us the key of the room in which it is deposit ed ; and, if you think fit, in order to screen yourself from blame, you may forewarn us, upon our peril, not to enter the room." "And what will you do afterwards?" "Send it safely back again." "But if I should refuse admission?" " In such a case, your house will be levelled with the dust in five minutes." It was suppos ed, that a report of this conversation was one reason why the stamped paper was never sent from New-York to Connecticut. Such unanimity in the Provincial Assemblies, and decision in the yeomanry, carried beyond the Atlantic a conviction of the inexpediency of attempting to enforce the new Revenue System. The Stamp Act being repealed, and the measures in a manner quieted, Colonel Putnam continued to labour with his own hands, at farming, without interruption, except, for a little time, by the loss of the first joint of his right thumb from one accident, and the com pound fracture of his right thigh from another: that thigh, being rendered nearly an inch shorter than the left, occasioned him ever to limp in his walk. The Provincial officers and soldiers from Connecticut, who survived the conquest of the Havannah, appointed General Lyman to re ceive the remainder of their prize money, in England. A company, composed partly of LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 85 military, and partly of other gentlemen, whose object was to obtain from the crown a grant of land on the Mississippi, also committed to him the negociatiori of their affairs. When several years had elapsed in applications, a Erant of land was obtained. In 1770, General yman, with Colonel Putnam, and two or three others, went to explore the situation. After a tedious voyage, and a laborious pas sage up the Mississippi, they accomplished their business. General Lyman came back to Connecticut with tiie explorers, but soon returned to the Natchez : there formed an establishment and laid his bones. Colonel Putnam placed some labourers with provisions and farming utensils upon his location ; but the increasing troubles shortly after ruined the prospect of deriving any advantage from that quarter. In speaking of the troubles that ensued, I not only omit to say any thing on the obnox ious claim asserted in the British declaratory act, the continuation of the duty on tea, the attempt to obtrude that article upon the A- mericans, the abortion of this project, the Bos ton Port. Bill, the alteration of the charter of Massachusetts, and other topics of universal notoriety ; but even wave all discussion of ir ritations on the one part, and supplications on the other, which preceded the war between Great-Britain and her colonies on this conti nent. It will ever be acknowledged by *8 86 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. who were best acquainted with facts, and it should be made known to posterity, that the king of England had not, in his extensive do minions, subjects more loyal, more dutiful, or more zealous for his glory than the Americans; and that nothing short of a melancholy persua sion, that the " measures which for many years had been systematically pursued by his minis ters, were calculated to subvert their constitu-, lions," could have dissolved their powerful attachment to that kingdom which they fondly called their parent country. Here, without digression to develope the cause, or describe the progress, it may suffice to observe, the dispute now verged precipitately to an awful crisis. Most considerate men foresaw it would terminate in blood. But rather than suffer the chains, which they believed in prepara tion, to be rivetted, they nobly determined to sacrifice their lives. In vain did they depre cate the infatuation of those transatlantic counsels which drove them to deeds of despe ration. Convinced of the rectitude of their cause, and doubtful of the issue, they felt the most painful solicitude for the fate of their country, on contemplating the superior strength of the nation with which it was to contend. America, thinly inhabited, under thirteen distinct colonial governments, could have little hope of success, but from the pro tection of providence, and the unconquerable spirit of freedom which pervaded the mass of LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 87 the people. It is true, since the peace she had surprisingly increased in wealth and pop ulation ; but the resources of Britain almost exceeded credibility or conception. It is not wonderful, then, that some good citizens, of weaker nerves, recoiled at the prospect ; while others, who had been officers in the late war, or who had witnessed, by travelling, the force of Britain, stood aloof. All eyes were no\v turned to find the men who, possessed of mil itary experience, would dare, in the approach ing "hour of severest trial, to lead their undis- ciphtied fellow-citizens to battle. For none were so stupid as not to comprehend, that want of success would involve the leaders in the punishment of rebellion. Putnam was among the first and most conspicuous who stepped forth. Although the Americans had been, by many who wished their subjugation, indiscreetly as indiscriminately stigmatized with tiie imputation of cowardice he felt he knew for himself, he was no coward ; and from what he had seen and known, he believed that his countrymen, driven to the extremity of de fending their rights by arms, would find no difficulty in wiping away the ungenerous as persion. As he happened to be often at Bos ton, he held many conversations, on these sub jects, with General Gage, the British Com mander in Chief, Lord Percy, Colonel Sheriff, Colonel Small, and many officers with whom he had formerly served, who were now at the LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, Head-Quarters. Being often questioned, " in case the dispute should proceed to hostilities, what part he would really take ?" he always answered, " with his country; and that, let what ever might happen, he was prepared to abide the consequence." Being interrogated, "wheth er he, who had been a witness to the prowess arid victories of the British fleets and armies, did not think them equal to the conquest of a country which was riot the owner of a single ship, regiment, or magazine ?" he rejoined, that " he could only say, justice would be on our side, and the event with providence : but that he had calculated, if it required six years for the combined forces of England and her colonies to conquer such a feeble country as Canada, it would, at least, take a very long time for England alone to overcome her own widely extended colonies, which were much stronger than Canada : That when men fought for every thing dear, in what they believed to be the most sacred of all causes, and in their own native land, they would have great ad vantages over their enemies who were not in the same situation; and that, having taken into view all circumstances, for his own part, he fully believed that America would not be so easily conquered by England as those gen tlemen seemed to expect. Being once, in particular, asked, " whether he did not seri ously believe that a well appointed British army of five thousand veterans could march LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 89 through the whole continent of America ?" he replied briskly, " no doubt, if tiiey behaved civilly* and paid well for every thing they wanted ; but" after a moment s pause add ed " if they should attempt it in a hostile manner (though the American men were out of the question) the women, with their ladies and broomsticks, would knock them all on the head before they had got half way through." This was the tenor, our hero hath often told me, of these amicable interviews; and thus, as it commonly happens in disputes about future events which depend on opinion, they parted without conviction, no more to meet in a friendly manner, until after the appeal should have been made to Heaven, and the issue confirmed by the sword. In the mean time, to provide against the worst contingency, the militia in the several colonies was sedulously trained ; and those select companies, the flower of our youth, which were denominated minutemen, agreeably to the indication of their name, held themselves in readiness to march at a mo ment s warning. At length the fatal day arrived, when hos tilities commenced. General Gage, in the evening of the 18th of April, 1 77:3, detached from Boston, the grenadiers arid light infantry of the army, commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Smith, to destroy some military and other stores deposit^ 1 b^ the province at Con- coid. About sunrise* the next morning, the 90 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. ( detachment, on marching into Lexington, fired upon a company of militia who had just re assembled ; for having been alarmed late at night, with reports that the regular* we;/e ad vancing to demolish the stores, they collected on their parade* and were dismissed with or ders to reassemble at beat of drum. It is es tablished by the affidavits of more than thirty persons who were present, that the tirst fire, which killed eight of the militia, then begin ning to disperse, was given by the British, without provocation. The spark of war, thus kindled, ran with unexampled rapidity, and raged with unwonted violence. To repel the aggression, the people of the bordering towns spontaneously rushed to arms, and poured their scattering shot from every convenient station upon the regulars, who, after marching to Concord, arid destroying the magazine, would have found their retreat intercepted, had they not been reinforced by Lord Percy, with the battalion companies of three regiments, and a body of marines. Notwithstanding the junc tion, they were hard pushed, ana pursued until they could find protection from their ships. Of the British, two hundred and eighty- three were killed, wounded, and taken. The Americans had thirty-nine killed, nineteen wounded, and two made prisoners. Nothing could exceed the celerity with which the intelligence flew every where, that blood had been shed by the British troops. The country, in motion, exhibited but one LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 91 scene of hurry, preparation and revenge. Put nam, who was plowing when lie heard the news, left his plough in the middle of the field, unyoked his team, and without waiting to change his clothes, set off for the theatre of action. But finding the British retreated to Boston, and invested by a sufficient force to watch their movements, he came back to Connecticut,* levied a regiment, under au thority of the legislature, and speedily return ed to Cambridge. t He was now promoted to be a Major-General on the Provincial staff, * General Putnam was absent only one week from the army at Cambridge ; JUH! then, for the purpose of consultation with the Legislature of Connecticut, at that time in session; and at the par ticular request of that bodv. Hnving assisted by his advice in the organiz.- tio of a military force for the campaign of 1775, he re turned immediately t the Array before Boston, leaving orders for the tro-. ps to fallow with as little delay as possible, after the mea coutd he enlisted ( Editor. _) j" An article, void o, foundation, mentioning an interview be tween General Gage and General Putnam, appeared in the Knglish Gazettes in these words: General Gage, viewing the \rner ati army wit!- his telescope, stuv General Putnam in it, which surpris ed him ; and he contrived to get a message de ivered to him, that he wanted to speak to him. Putnam, without any h -sitation, wait ed upon him. General Gage showed him his fortifications, and advised him to lay down his arms. General Putnam replied, he couMd force his fortifications in half an hour, and advised General Gage to go on board the ships with his troops The apprehension of an attack is adduced with much more veri similitude in M Fingal, as the reason why General Cage would not suffer the inhabilants logo from the town of Boston, aftet he had promised to grant permission : So Cage of late agreed, you know, To let the Boston pt ople go : Yet when he saw, gainst troops that brav d him, They were the oulv guards thai sav d him, Kept off that Satan of a Putnam. Frond breaking in to maul and mutt n him, He d too much wit such leagues t observe, Aud shut them in again to starve. M FiNGAL. Canto I. 92 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. bj his colony ; and, in a little time, confirmed by Congress, in the same rank on the Conti nental establishment. General Ward, of Mas sachusetts, by common consent, commanded the whole ; and the celebrated Dr. Warren was made a Major-Gene ral. Not long after this period, the British Com- rnander in Chief found the means to convey a proposal, privately, to General Putnam, that if he would relinquish the rebel party, he might rely upon being made a Major-General on the British establishment, and receiving a great pecuniary compensation for his services. General Putnam spurned at the offer; which, however, he thought prudent at that time to conceal from public notice. It could scarcely have been expected, but by those credulous patriots who were prone to believe whatever they ardently desired, tiiat officers assembled from colonies distinct in their manners and prejudices, selected from laborious occupations, to command a hetero- feneous crowd of their equals, compelled to e soldiers only by the spur of occasion, should long be able to preserve harmony among themselves, and subordination among their followers. As the fact would be a phenome non, the idea was treated with mirth and mockciy by the friends to the British govern ment. Yet this unshaken embryo c* a military corps, composed of militia, minutemen, volun teers, and levies, with a burlesque appearance LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 93 of multiformity in arms, accoutrements, cloath- ing and conduct, at last grew into a regular army an army which, having vindicated the rights of human nature, and established the independence of a new empire, merited and obtained the glorious distinction of the patriot armv the patriot army, whose praises for their fortitude in adversity, bravery in battle, moderation in conquest, perseverance in sup porting the cruel extremities of hunger and nakedness without a murmur or sigh, as well as for their magnanimity in retiring to civil life, at the moment of victory, with arms in their hands, and without any just compensa tion for their services, will only cease to be celebrated when time shall exist no more. Enthusiasm for the cause of liberty, substi tuted in the place of discipline, not only kept these troops together, but enabled them at once to perform the duties of a disciplined army. Though the commanding officers from the four colonies of New-England were in a manner independent, they acted harmoniously in concert. The first attention had been pru dently directed towards forming some little redoubts and intrenchments ; for it was well known that lines, however slight or untena ble, were calculated to inspire raw soldiers with a confidence in themselves. The next care was to bring the live stock from the isl ands in Boston bay, in order to prevent the enemy (already surrounded by land,) from 9 94 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. making use of them for fresh provisions. In the latter end of May, between two and three hundred men were sent to drive off the stock from Hog and Noddle islands, which are situ ated on the north-east side of Boston harbour. Advantage having been taken of the ebb-tide, when the water is fordable between the main and Hog island, as it is between that and Noddle-island, the design was effected. But a skirmish ensued, in which some of the ma rines, who had been stationed to guard them, were killed: and as the firing continued be tween the British water-craft and our party, a reinforcement of three hundred men. with two pieces of artillery, was ordered to join the latter. General Putnam took the command, and having himself gone down on the beach, within conversing distance, and ineffectual ly ordered the people on board an arm ed schooner to strike, he plied her with shot so furiously that the crew made their escape, and the vessel was burnt An armed sloop was likewise so much disabled as to be towed off by the boats of the fleet. Thus ended this affair, in which several hun dred sheep, and some cattle were removed from under the muzzles of the enemy s cannon, and our men, accustomed to stand fire, by being for many hours exposed to it, without meeting with any loss. The Provincial Generals having received advice that the British Commander in Chief designed to take possession of the heights on LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 95 the peninsula of Charlestown, detached a thousand men in the night of the 16th of June, under the orders of General Warren, to in trench themselves upon one of these eminen ces, named Bunker-Hill. Though retarded by accidents, from beginning the work until nearly midnight, yet, by dawn of day, they had constructed a redoubt about eight rods square, and commenced a breast-work from the left to the low grounds ; which an insuf ferable fire from the shipping, floating batte ries, and cannon on Copp s Hill, in Boston, prevented them from completing. At mid-day four battalions of foot, ten companies of grena diers, ten companies of light-infantry, with a proportion of artillery, commanded by Major- General Howe, landed under a heavy cannon- ade from the ships, and advanced in three lines to the attack. The light-infantry being formed on the right, was directed to turn the left flank of the Americans ; and the grena diers, supported by two battalions, to storm the redoubt in front. Meanwhile, on applica tion, these troops were augmented by the 47th regiment, the 1st battalion of marines, together with some companies of light-infan try and grenadiers, which formed an aggre gate force of between two and three thousand men.* But so difficult was it to reinforce the The pr--:ci.vl:ng nnriigraiih was copied from a British Register, being the English account of the troops sent to the attack of Bun ker-Hill, ami the disposition of those troops. This account, and others, published at the time, and ascribing the command of the 96 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. Americans, by sending detachments across the Neck, which was raked by the cannon of the shipping, that not more than fifteen hundred men were brought into action. Few instan ces can be produced in the annals of mankind, where soldiers, who never had before faced an enemy, or heard the whistling of a ball, be haved with such deliberate and persevering valour. It was riot until after the grenadiers had been twice repulsed to their boats, Gene ral Warren slain, his troops exhausted of their ammunition, their lines in a manner enfiladed by artillery, and the redoubt half filled with British regulars, that the word was given to retire. In that forlorn condition, the specta cle was astonishing as new, to behold these undisciplined men, most of them without bayo nets, disputing with the but-end of their mus kets against the British bayonet, and receding in sullen despair. Still the light-infantry on their left would certainly have gained their rear, and exterminated this gallant corps, had not a body of four hundred Connecticut men, with the Captains Knowlton and Chester, af ter forming a temporary breast-work, by pull ing up one post-and-rail fence and putting it upon another, performed prodigies of brave ry. They held the enemy at bay until the main body had relinquished the heights, and then retreated across the Neck with more regularity, and less loss, than could have been American force to Jfatrren, probab y occasioned the historical er ror on that subject. ( Editor. J LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 97 expected. The British, who effected nothing but the destruction of Charlestown by a wanton conflagration, had more than one half of their whole number killed and wounded : the Americans only three hundred and fifty- five killed, wounded, and missing. In this battle, the presence and example of General Putnam, who arrived with the reinforcement, were not less conspicuous than useful. He did every thing that an intrepid and experien ced officer could accomplish. The enemy pursued to Winter-Hill Putnam made a stand, and drove them back under cover of their ships.* The premature death of Warren, one of the most illustrious patriots that ever bled in the cause of freedom; the veteran appearance of Putnam, collected, yet ardent in action ; to gether with the astonishing scenery and inter esting groupe around Bunker-Hill, rendered this a magnificent subject for the historic pen cil. Accordingly Trumbull, formerly an Aid- de-Camp to General Washington, afterwards Deputy-Adjutant-General of the northern ar my, now an artist of great celebrity in Europe, hath finished this picture with that boldness * Such was the statement made in some American nev/s-papers of that day, but without any foundation in fact There was no pursuit of the British beyond Bunker-Hill ; but General Pi .tnam, with most of the retreating; troops took post on Prospect-Hill, aud beingjoined by others which had not been in action began an en trenchment, and the next morning, presented to the enemy anoth er line of defence, equally formidable with that which had beea purchased the preceding day, at the ejspeace of so much blood. CEclitor.J 90 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. of conception, and those touches of art which demonstrate the master. Heightened in. hor ror by the flames of a burning town, and the smoke of conflicting armies, the principal scene, taken the moment when Warren fell, represents that hero in the agonies of death, a grenadier on the point of bayoneting him, and Colonel Small, to whom he was familiarly known, arresting the soldier s arms; at the head of the British line, Major Pitcairne is seen falling dead into the arms of his son ; and not far distant General Putnam is placed at the rear of our retreating troops, in the light blue and scarlet uniform he wore that day, with his head uncovered, and his sword waving to wards the enemy, as it were to stop their im petuous pursuit. In nearly the same attitude he is exhibited by Barlow in that excellent poem, the Vision of Columbus. rt There strides bold Putnam, and from all the plains Calls the third host, the tardy rear sustains, And, mid the whizzing deaths that fill the air, Waves back his sword, and dares the foll wing war."* 1 * The writer of this Essay had occasion of remarking to the ^oet and the painter, while they were three thousand miles distant from each other, at which distance they had formed and executed the plans of their respective productions, the similarity observable in their descriptions of General Putnam. These Chiefs (Tceuvres are mentioned not with a vain presumption of adding eclat of du ration to works which have received the seal of immortality, but because they preserve, in the sister arts, the same illustrious action of our hero. I persuade myself I need not apologize for annexing the beautiful lines from the poem in question, on the death of General Warren. " There, hapless Warren, thy cold earth was seen : There spring thy laurels in immortal green ; LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 99 After this action, the British strongly forti fied themselves on the peninsulas of Boston and Charlestown; while the Provincials re mained posted in the circumjacent country in such a manner as to form a blockade. In* the beginning of July, General Washington, who had been constituted by Congress, Command er in Chief of the American forces, arrived at Cambridge, to take the command. Having formed the army into three grand divisions, consisting of about twelve regiments each, he appointed Major-General Ward to command the right wing, Major-General Lee the left wing, and Major-General Putnam the reserve. General Putnam s alertness in accelerating the construction of the necessary defences was particularly noticed and highly approved by the Commander in Chief.* About the 20th of July, the declaration of Dearest of Chiefs that ever press d the plain, In freedom s cause, with early honours, slain, Still dear in death, as when in figh you mov d, By hosts applauded and by hcav n approv d ; The faithful muse shall tell the world thy fume, And unborn realms resound lh immortal name." * Washington and Putnam were unknown to each other till they met at Cambridge. The open, undisguised frankness of the latter, together with his great activity and persona! industry, in every thin:: pertaining to the army, soon attracted the attention of the former; an early intimacy was formed, and a firm friendship established, which eontinued undisturbed during the whole period they were associated in service. It was not in Putnam s nature to be idle : inured to habits of industry himself, no man was better calculated to make others so ; and Washington observing tlte great progress that had been made in a short time, and with but few men, in raising a work of defence, said to him " you seem to have the faculty General Putnam, of infusing your owu indutnoBS spirit into all the workmen you employ. 100 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. Congress, setting forth the reasons of their taking up arms, was proclaimed at the head of the several divisions. It concluded with these patriotic and noble sentiments: " In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birth-right, and which we ever enjoyed until the late violation of it; for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our forefathers and ourselves; against violence actually offered, we have tak en up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the ag gressors, and all clanger of their being renew ed shall be removed, and not before. " With an humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to conduct us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and, thereby, to relieve the empire from the calami ties of civil war." As soon as these memorable words were pronounced to General Putnam s division, which he had ordered to be paraded on Pros pect-Hill, they shouted in three huzzas aloud, Amen ! whereat (a cannon from the fort being fired as a signal) the new Standard lately sent from Connecticut, was suddenly seen to rise and unrol itself to the wind. On one side was inscribed, in large letters of gold, "AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN," and on the other were delineated the armorial bearings of Connecticut, which. LIFE OP GENERAL J >UTfrA,M. without supporters or crest, consist, unosten tatiously, of three Vines; with this motto, Qui transtulit* sustinct ;* alluding to the pious con fidence our forefathers placed in the protec tion of Heaven, on those three allegorical Scions KNOWLEDGE LIBERTY RELIGION which they had been instrumental in trans planting to America. The strength of position on the enemy s part, and want of ammunition on our s, pre vented operations of magnitude from being attempted. Such diligence was used in forti fying our camps, and such precaution adopted to prevent surprise, as to ensure tranquillity to the troops during the winter. In the spring, a position was taken so menacing to the ene my, as to cause them, on the 17th of March, 1776, to abandon Boston, not without consid erable precipitation and dereliction of royal stores.f * Literally, "ffe who transplanted them -will support them. f In the expectation that the flower of the British troops would be employed against the Heights ot Dorchester, (which had been, taken possession of by the American* on the night of the 4th of March, 1776,) General Washington had concerted apian for avail ing himself of that occasion, to attack the town of Boston itself. Four thousand chosen men were held in readiness to embark at the mouth of Cambridge river, nn a signal to he given if the garri son should appear to b.e so weakened by the detachment made from it as to justify an assault. These troops were to embark in two divisions, (he first to be led by Brigadier-General Sullivan, the second by Brigadier-Genera! Green, and the whole to be under the command of Mjor-l eneral Putnam. The boats were to be preced ed by three floating but rics, which were to keep up a heavy fife on that part of the to vn where the troops were to laud. It. wns pro posed that the first division should land at the powder-house, and gain possession of Deacon Hilt; the second at Barton s I oint, or a little south of it, and after securing th:it post, to join the other divi sion, force the enemy s works, ic.d open the gates in order to give admission to the troops from Koxbury. (~ Edilvr. J OR. GENERAL PUTNAM. As a part of the hostile fleet lingered for some time in Nantasket-Road, about nine miles beiow Boston, General Washington con tinued himself in Boston, not only to see the coast entirely clear, but also to make many indispensable arrangements. His Excellency, proposing to leave Major-General Ward, with a few regiments, to finish the fortifications in tended as a security against an attack by water, in the mean time despatched the great er part of the army to New-York, where it was most probable the enemy would make a descent. Upon the sailing of a fleet with troops in the month of January, Major-General Lee had been sent to the defence of that city ; who, after having caused some works to be laid out, proceeded to follow that fleet to South-Carolina. The Commander in Chief was now exceedingly solicitous that these works should be completed as soon as pos sible, and accordingly gave the following i; Orders and Instructions for Major-General Putnam. "As there are the best reasons to believe that the enemy s fleet and .army, which left Nantasket-Road last Wednesday evening, arp bound to New-York, to endeavour to possess that important post, and, if possible, to secure the communication by Hudson s river to Can ada, it must be our care to prevent them from accomplishing their designs. To that end I LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 103 have detached Brigadier-General Heath, with the whole body of riflemen, and five battalions of the Continental army, by the way of Nor wich, in Connecticut, to New-York. These, by an express arrived yesterday from General Heathy I have reason to believe, are in New- York. Six more battalions, under General Sullivan, march this morning by the same route, and will, I hope, arrive there in eight or ten days at farthest. The rest of the army will immediately follow in divisions, leav ing only a convenient space between each di vision, to prevent confusion, and want of ac commodation upon their march. You will, no doubt, make the best despatch in getting to New-York. Upon your arrival there, you will assume the command, and immediately proceed in continuing to execute the plan proposed by Major-General Lee, for fortifying that city, and securing the passes of the East and North rivers. If, upon consultation with the Brigadiers General and Engineers, any al teration in that plan is thought necessary, you are at liberty to make it : cautious] y avoiding to break in too much upon his main design, unless where it may be apparently necessary so to do, and that by the general voice anu opinion of the gentlemen above-mentioned. "You will meet the Quarter-Master-Gene- ral, Colonel Mifflin, and Commissary-General,* Colonel Joseph Trumbull, eldest son to the Governor of tbrt. name. 104 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. at New-York. As these are both men of ex cellent talents in their different departments, you will do well to give them all the authority and assistance they require : And should a council of war be necessary, it is my direction they assist at it. 44 Your long service and experience will, better than my particular directions at this distance, point out to you the works most proper to be first raised ; and your perseverance, activ ity, and zeal will lead you, without my recom mending it, to exert every nerve to disappoint the enemy s designs. " Devoutly praying that the POWER which has hitherto sustained the American arms, may continue to bless them with the divine pro tection, I bid you FAREWELL. "Given at Head Quarters, in Cambridge, this twenty-ninth of March, 1776. " G. WASHINGTON." Invested with these commands, General Putnam travelled by long and expeditious stages to New-York. His first precaution, upon his arrival, was to prevent disturbance, or surprise in the night season. With these objects in view, after posting the necessary guards, he issued his orders.* He instituted, GENERAL ORDERS. "Head-Quarters, J\ e-iv-Torfc, April 5, 1776. "The soldiers are strictly enjoined to retire to their barracks and quarters at taUoo-beatiug, and to remain there uutil t \t re veille is beat. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 105 likewise, other wholesome regulations to me liorate the police of the troops, and to pre serve the good agreement that subsisted be tween them and the citizens. Notwithstanding the war had now raged, in other parts, with unaccustomed severity for nearly a year, yet the British ships at New- York; one" of which had once fired upon the town to intimidate the inhabitants, found the means of being supplied with fresh water and provisions. General Putnam resolved to adopt effectual measures for putting a period to this intercourse, and accordingly expressed his prohibition* in the most pointed terms. Nearly at the same moment, a detachment of a thousand Continentals was sent to oc cupy Governor s Island, a regiment to fortify Red Hook, and some companies of riflemen " Necessity obliges the General to desire the inhabitants of the oitv to observe the same rule, as no person will be permitted to pass any sentry after this night without the countersign. " The inhabitants, whose business require it, may know the countersign, by applying to any of the Brigade-Majors." * PROHIBITION. Head- Quarters, New-York, April 8, 1776. "The Gcnora! informs the ii: habitants, that it is become abso lutely necessary that all communication betv een *he ministerial fleet and the shore should be immediately stopped ; for that pur pose he has given positive orders, the ships should no longer be furnished wilh provisions. Any inhabitants, or others, who shall be taken that have been on board, after the publishing t.his order a or near an} of the ships, or going on bourd, will be considered as enemies, and treated accordingly. " All boats are to sail tVom Beekman slip. Captain James Alner is appoint*} inspector, arid will give permits to oyster. r en. It ie i.-rdered and expected that none attempt going without a pstss. "ISRAEL PUTNAM, " Major-General in the Continental Arn>y, and Commander iu Chief of the Foic^b i:i New-York." 10 106 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. to the Jersey shore. Of two boats, belonging to two armed vessels, which attempted to take on board fresh water from the watering place on Staten-Island, one was driven off by the riflemen, with two or three seamen kiiied in it, and the other captured with thirteen. A few days afterwards, Captain Vandeput, of the Asia man of war, the senior officer of the ships on this station, finding the intercourse with the shore interdicted, their limits con tracted, and that no good purposes could be answered by remaining there, sailed, with all the armed vessels, out of the harbour. These arrangements and transactions, joined to an unremitting attention to the completion of the defences, gave full scope to the activity of General Putnam, until the arrival of General Washington, which happened about the middle of April. The Commander in Chief, in his first public orders, " complimented the officers who had suc cessively commanded at New-York, and return ed his thanks to them as well as to the officers and soldiers under their command, for the many works of defence which had been so ex- peditiously erected : at the same time he ex pressed an expectation that the same spirit of zeal for the service would continue to animate their future conduct." Putnam, who was then the only Major-General with the main army, had still a chief agency in forwarding the for tifications, and, with the assistance of the LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 107 Brigadiers Spencer and Lord Stirling, in as signing to the different corps their alarm posts. Congress having intimated a desire of con sulting with the Commander in Chief, on the critical posture of affairs, his Excellency re paired to Philadelphia accordingly, and was absent from the twenty-first of May until the sixth of June. General Putnam, who com manded in that interval, had it in charge to open all letters directed to General Washing ton, on public service, and, if important, after regulating his conduct by their contents, to forward them by express ; to expedite the works then erecting; to begin others which were specified ; to establish signals for com municating an alarm ; to guard against the possibility of surprise ; to secure well the powder magazine ; to augment, by every means in his power, the quantity of cartridges ; and to send Brigadier-General Lord Stirling to put the posts in the Highlands into a proper condition of defence. He had also a private and confidential instruction, to afford whatever aid might be required by the Provincial Con gress of New- York, for apprehending certain of their disaffected citizens : and as it would be most convenient to take the detachment for this service from the troops on Long- Island, under the command of Brigadier- General Greene, it was recommended that this officer should be advised of the plan, and that the execution should be conducted witk 168 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. secrecy and celerity, as well as with decency and good order. In the records of the army are preserved the daily orders which were issued in the ahsence of the Commander in Chief, who, on his return, was not only satis fied that the works had been prosecuted with all possible despatch, but also that the other duties had been properly discharged. It was the latter end of June, when the British fleet, which had been at Halifax wait ing for reinforcements from Europe, began to arrive at New-York. To obstruct its passage, some marine preparations had been made. Gen eral Putnam, to whom the direction of the whale- boats, fire-rafts, flat-bottomed boats, and armed vessels, was committed, afforded his patronage to a project for destroying the enemy s ship ping by explosion. A machine, altogether dif- ierent from any thing hitherto devised by the art of man, had been invented by Mr. David Bushnell,* for sub-marine navigation, which * David Bushnell, A.M. of Saybrook, in Connecticut, invented several other machines for the annoyance of shipping; these, from accidents, not militating against the philosophical principles on which their success depended, only partially succeeded. He de stroyed a vessel in the charge of Commodore Symmoffds, whose report to the Admiral was published. One of his kegs also de molished a vessel near the Long-Island shore. About Christmas, 1777, he committed to the Delaware a number of kegs, destined to fail among the British fleet at Philadelphia ; hut his squadiou of kegs, having been separated and retarded by the ice, demolished but a single bout. This catastrophe, however, produced an alarm, unprecedented in its nature and degree ; which has been so hap pily described in the subsequent song, by the Hon. Francis llop- kitison, that the event it celebrates will not be forgotten, so long as mankind shall continue to he delighted with works of humour and taste. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 109 was found to answer the purpose perfectly, of rowing horizontally at any given depth under water, and of rising or sinking at pleas- TIIE BATTLE OF THE KEGS: .4 Song. Tune, M g-5> Lawder. Gallants, attend, and hear a friend Thrill forth harmonious ditty : Strange things I ll tell, which late befel In Philadelphia city. Twas early day, as poets say, Just when the sun was i>ing, A soldier stood on log of wood, And saw a sight surprising. As in a maze he stood to gaze, The truth can t be denied, Sir, He spied a score of kegs or more, Come floating down the tide, Sir. A sailor, too, in jerkin blue, The strange appearance viewing, First damn d his eyes, in great surprise, Then said " Some mischief s brewing. " These Kegs now hold the rebels bold, " 1 ack d up like pickled herring; " And they re come down, t* attack the town "In this new way of ferry ng." The soldier flew ; the sailor too ; And, scar d almost to death, Sir, Wore out their shoes to spread the news, And ran till out of breath, Sir. Now up and down, throughout the town, Most frantic scenes were acted ; And some ran here, ard some ran there, Like men almost distracted. Some fire cried, which some denied, But said the earth hnd quaked : And girls and bovs, with hideous noise, Ran through the town half naked. Sir William* he, snug as a flea, Lay all this time a snoring ; * Sir William HOIK. 10* 110 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. ure. To this machine, called the American Turtle, was attached a magazine of powder, which it was intended to be fastened under ]N^>r dreamt of harm, as he lay In bed with Mrs. L*r*ng. % Now in a fright, he starts upright, Awak d by such a clatter : He rubs both eyes, and boldly cries, "For God s sake, what s the matter?" At his bed-side he then espied Sir Erskine* at command, Sir; Upon one foot he had one boot, And t other in his hand, Sir. ** Arise ! arise !" Sir Brskine cries ; " The rebels more s the pity " Without a boat, are all on float, " And rang d before the city. "The motley crew, in vessels new, With Satan for their guide, Sir, " Pack d up in bags, or wooden kegs, "Come driving down the tide, Sir: "Therefore prepare for blood} war ; " These kegs must all be routed, J Or surely we despis d shall be, * And British courage doubted." The Royal band now ready stand, All raiig d in dread array, .Sir, With stomachs stout, to see it out, And make a bloody day, Sir. The cannons roar from shore to shore, The small arms make a rattle : Since wars began, I m sure no man E er saw so strange a battle. The rebelj" vales, the i-ebel dales, With rebel trees surrounded, The distant woods, the hills and floods, With rebel echoes sounded. * Sir William Erskine:. f The .British officers -vcre so fond of the -word rebel, that they fen applied it most absurdly. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. Ill the bottom of a ship, with a driving screw, in such sort, that the same stroke which disen gaged it from the machine, should put the internal clock-work in motion. This being done, the ordinary operation of a gun-lock at the distance of half an hour, an hour, or any determinate time, would cause the powder to explode, and leave the effects to the com mon laws of nature. The simplicity, yet combination discovered in the mechanism of this wonderful machine, were acknowledged by those skilled in physics, and particularly hydraulics, to be not less ingenious than novel. The fish below swam to and fro, AUack d from ev ry quarter; " Why sure," thought they, "the Devil s to pay " Mong st folks above the water." The kegs, tis said, though strongly made Of rebel staves and hoons, Sir, Could not oppose their pow rful foes. The conqu riug British troops, Sir. From morn to night those men of might Display (I amazing courage; And when the sun was fairly down, Retir d to sup their porridge. An hundred men, with each a pen, Or more, upon my word, Sir, It is most true, would be too few Their valour to record, Sir. Such feats did they perform that day, Upon those wicked kegs, Sir, That years to come, if they get home, They ll make their boasts and brags, Sir. Mr. Bushnell, having been highly recommended for his talents by President Stiles, General Parsons, and some other gentlemen of science, was appointed a Captain in the corps of sappers and miners ; in which capacity he continued to serve with that corps until the conclusion of the war. 112 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. The inventor, whose constitution was too fee ble to permit him to perform the labour of rowing the Turtle, had taught his brother to manage it with perfect dexterity ; but unfor tunately his brother fell sick of a fever just before the arrival of the fleet. Recourse was .therefore had to a sergeant in the Connecticut troops ; who, having received whatever in structions could be communicated to him in a short time, went, too late in the night, with all the apparatus, under the bottom of the Eagle, a sixty-four gun ship, on board of which the British Admiral, Lord Howe, com manded. In coming up, the screw that had been calculated to perforate the copper sheathing, unluckily struck against some iron plates where the rudder is connected with the stern. This accident, added to the strength of the tide which prevailed, and the want of adequate skill in the sergeant, occasioned such delay, that the dawn began to appear, where upon he abandoned the magazine to chance, and after gaining a proper distance, for the sake of expedition, rowed on the surface to wards the town. General Putnam, who had been on the wharf anxiously expecting the result, from the first glimmering of light, be held the machine near Governor s-Island, and sent a whale-boat to bring it on shore. In about twenty minutes afterwards the magazine exploded, and blew a vast column of water to an amazing height in the air. As the LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 113 whole business had been kept an inviolable secret, he was not a little diverted with the various conjectures, whether this stupendous noise was produced by a bomb, a meteor, a water-spout, or an earthquake. Other opera tions of a most serious nature rapidly suc ceeded, and prevented a repetition of the ex periment. On the twenty-second day of August, the van of the British landed on Long Island, arid was soon followed by the whole army, except one brigade of Hessians, a small body of Brit ish, and some convalescents, left on Staten- Island. Our troops on Long Island had been commanded during the summer by General Greene who was now sick ; and General Put nam took the command but two days before the battle of Flatbush. The instructions to him, pointing in the first place to decisive ex pedients for suppressing the scattering, un meaning, and wasteful fire of our men, con tained regulations for the service of the guards, the Brigadiers and the Field-officers of the day ; for the appointment and encouragement of proper scouts, as well as for keeping the men constantly at their posts ; for preventing the burning of buildings, except it should be necessary for military purposes, and for pre serving private property from pillage and de struction. To these regulations were added, in a more diffuse, though not less spirited and professional style, reflections on the distinction 114 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. of an army from a mob ; with exhortations for the soldiers to conduct themselves manfully in such a cause, arid for their Commander to oppose the enemy s approach with detach ments of his best troops ; while he should endeavour to render their advance more diffi cult by constructing abbatis, and to entrap their parties by forming ambuscades. General Putnam was within the lines, when an engage ment took place on the 27th, between the British army and our advanced corps, in which we lost about a thousand men in killed and missing, with the Generals Sullivan and Lord Stirling made prisoners. But our men, though attacked on all sides, fought with great bravery; and the enemy s loss was not light. The unfortunate battle of Long-Island, the masterly retreat from thence, and the actual passage of part of the hostile fleet in the East- River, above the town, preceded the evacua tion of New York. A promotion of four Major-Generals, and six Brigadiers, had pre viously been made by Congress. After the retreat from Long-Island, the main army, con sisting, for the moment, of sixty battalions, of which twenty were Continental, the residue levies and militia, was, conformably to the ex igencies of the service, rather than to the rules of war, formed into fourteen brigades. Major- General Putnam commanded the right grand division of five brigades, the Majors-General Spencer and Greene the centre of six brigades, LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 115 and Major-General Heath the left, which was posted near King s-bridge, and composed of two brigades. The whole never amounted to twenty thousand effective men ; while the British and German forces, under Sir William, Howe, exceeded twenty-two thousand : in deed, the minister had asserted in parliament that they would consist of more than thirty thousand. Our two centre divisions, both commanded by General Spencer, in the sick ness of General Greene, moved towards Mount Washington, Harlaem Heights, and Horn s Hook, as soon as the final resolution was taken in a council of war, on the twelfth of September, to abandon the city. That event, thus circumstanced, took effect a few days alter. On Sunday, the fifteenth, the British, after sending three ships of war up the North- River, to Bloomingdale, and keeping up, for some hours, a severe cannonade on our lines, from those already in the East-River, landed in force at Turtle Bay. Our new levies, com manded by a State Brigadier-General, fled without making resistance. Two brigades of General Putnam s division, ordered to their support, notwithstanding the exertion of their Brigadiers, and of the Commander in Chief himself, who came up at the instant, conducted themselves in the same shameful manner. His Excellency then ordered the Heights of Harlaem, a strong position, to be LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. occupied. Thither the forces in tlie vicinity, as well as the fugitives, repaired, In the mean time General Putnam, with the remain der of his command, and the ordinary out posts, was in the city. Aftor having caused the brigades to begin their retreat by the route of Bioomingdale, in order to avoid the enemy, who were then in the possession of the main road leading to KingVbridge, he gal- lopped to call on the pickets and guards. Having myself been a volunteer in his division, and acting Adjutant to the last regiment that left the city, I had frequent opportunities, that day, of beholding him, for the purpose of issu ing orders, and encouraging the troops, flying, on his horse covered with foam, wherever his presence was most necessary. Without his extraordinary exertions, the guards must have been inevitably lost, and it is probable the entire corps would have been cut in pieces. When we were not far from Bioomingdale, an Aid-de-camp came from him at full speed, to inform that a column of British infantry was descending upon our right. Our rear was soon fired upon, and the Colonel of our re^" ment, whose order was just communicated for the front to file off to the left, was killed on the spot. With no other loss we joined the army, after dark, on the Heights of Harlaem. Before our brigades came in, we were given up for lost by all our friends. So criti cal indeed was our situation, and so narrow LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 117 the gap by which we escaped, that the instant we had passed the enemy closed it by extending their line from river to river. Our men, who had been fifteen hours under arms, harassed by marching and countermarching, in conse quence of incessant alarms, exhausted as they were by heat and thirst (for the day proved insupportably hot, and few or none had can teens, insomuch, that some died at the brooks where they drank) if attacked, could have made but feeble resistance. If we take into consideration the debilitat ing sickness which weakened almost all our troops, the hard duty by which they were worn down in constructing numberless de fences, the continual want of rest they had suffered since the enemy landed, in guarding from nocturnal surprise, the despondency in fused into their minds by an insular situation, and a consciousness of inferiority to the enemy in discipline, together with the disadvanta geous terms upon which, in their state of sep aration, they might have been forced to engage, it appears highly probable that day would have presented an easy victory to the British. On the other side, the American Commander in Chief had wisely countenanced an opinion, then universally credited, that our army was three times more numerous than it was in reality. It is not a subject for aston ishment, that the British, ignorant of the exist ing circumstances, imposed upon as to the 11 118 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM; numbers by reports, and recollecting what a few brave men, slightly entrenched, had per formed at Bunker-Hill, should proceed with great circumspection. For their reproaches, that the rebels, as they affected to style us, loved digging better than fighting, and that they earthed themselves in holes like foxes, but ill concealed at the bottom of their own hearts the profound impression that ac tion had made. Cheap and contemptible as we had once seemed in their eyes, it had taught them to hold us in some respect. This respect, in conjunction with a fixed belief, that the enthusiastic spirit of our opposition must soon subside, and that the inexhaustible resources of Britain would ultimately triumph, without leaving any thing to chance (not the avarice or treachery of the British General, as the factious of his own nation wished to in sinuate,) retarded their operation, and afforded us leisure to rescue from annihilation the mis erable relics of an army, hastening to dissolu tion by the expiration of enlistments, and the country itself from irretrievable subjugation. IN TRUTH, WE ARE NOT LESS INDEBTED TO THE MATTOCK AT ONE PERIOD, THAN TO THE MUSKET AT ANOTHER, FOR OUR POLITICAL SALVATION. It required great talents to determine when one or the other was most profitably to be employed. I am aware how fashionable it has become to compare the American Com mander in Chief, for the prudence displayed LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 119 in those dilatory and defensive operations, so happily prosecuted in the early stages of the war, to the illustrious Roman, who acquired immortality in restoring the Commonwealth by delay. Advantageous and flattering as the comparison at first appears, it will be found, on examination, to stint the American Fabius to the smaller moiety of his merited tame. Did HE not, in scenes of almost unparalleled activity, discover specimens of transcendent abilities ; and might it not be proved, to pro fessional men, that boldness in council, and rapidity in execution, were, at least, equally with prudent procrastination, and the quality of not being compelled to action, attributes of his military genius ? This^ however, was an occasion, as apparent as pressing, for attaining his object by delay. From that he had every thing to gain, nothing to lose. Yet there were not wanting politicians, AT THIS VERY TIME, who querulously blamed these Fabian meas ures, and loudly clamoured that the immense labour and expense bestowed on the fortifica tion of New- York, had been thrown away; that if we could not face the enemy there after so many preparations, we might as well relinquish the contest at once, for we could no where make a stand; and that if General Washington, with an army of sixty thousand men, strongly entrenched, declined fighting with Sir William Howe, who had little more than one third of that number, it was Hot to 120 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. be expected he would find any other occa sion that might induce him to engage. But General Washington, content to suffer a tem porary sacrifice of personal reputation, for the sake of securing a permanent advantage to his country, and regardless of those idle clam ours for which he had furnished materials, by making his countrymen, in order the more effectually to make his enemy believe his force much greater than it actually was, in flexibly pursued his system, and gloriously demonstrated how poor and pitiful, in the es timation of A GREAT MIND, are the censorious strictures of those novices in war and politics, who, with equal rashness and impudence, pre sume to decide dogmatically on the merit of plans they could neither originate or compre hend! That night our soldiers, excessively fatigued by the sultry march of the day, their clothes wet by a severe shower of rain that succeeded towards the evening, their blood chilled by the cold wind that produced a sudden change in the temperature of the air, and their hearts sunk within them by the loss of baggage, ar tillery, and works in which they had been taught to put great confidence, lay upon their arms, covered only by the clouds of an uncom fortable sky. To retrieve our disordered affairs, and prevent the enemy from profiting by them, no exertion was relaxed, no vigilance remitted on the part of our higher officers. LIFE OP GEiNERAL PUTKAftl. 121 The regiments which had been least exposed to fatigue that day, furnished the necessary picquets to secure the army from surprise. Those whose military lives had been short and unpractised, felt enough besides lassitude of body to disquiet the tranquillity of their repose. Nor had those who were older in service, and of more experience, any subject for consolation. The warmth of enthusiasm seemed to be extinguished. The force of dis cipline had not sufficiently occupied its place to give men a dependence upon each other. We were apparently about to reap the bitter fruits of that jealous policy, which some lead ing men, with the best motives, had sown in our federal councils, when they caused the mode to be adopted, for carrying on the war by detachments of militia, from apprehension that an established Continental army, after defending the country against foreign inva sion, night subvert its liberties themselves. Paradoxical as it will appear, it may be profit able to be known to posterity, that while our very existence as an independent people was in question, the patriotic jealousy for the safe ty of our future freedom had been carried to such a virtuous but dangerous excess as well nigh to preclude the attainment of our Inde pendence. Happily that limited and hazard ous system soon gave room to one more en lightened and salutary. This may be attri buted to the reiterated arguments, the open 11* 122 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. remonstrances, and the confidential communi cations of the Commander in Chief; who, though not apt to despair of the Republic, on this occasion expressed himself in terms of unusual despondency. He declared, in his letters, that he found, to his utter astonish ment and mortification, that no reliance could be placed on a great proportion of his pres ent troops, and that, unless efficient measures for establishing a permanent force should be speedily pursued, we had every reason to fear the final ruin of our cause. Next morning several parties of the enemy appeared upon the plains in our front. On receiving this intelligence, General Washing ton rode quickly to the out-posts, for the purpose of preparing against an attack, if the enemy should advance with that design. Lieutenant-Colonel Knowlton s rangers, a fine selection from the eastern regiments, who had been skirmishing with an advanced party, came in, and informed the General that a body of British were under cover of a small eminence at no considerable distance. His Excellency, willing to raise our men from their dejection by the splendour of some little success, ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Knowl- ton, with his rangers, and Major Leitch, with three companies of Weedon s regiment of Vir ginians, to gain their rear ; while appearances should be made of an attack in front. As soon as the enemy saw the party sent to de- LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 123 coy them, they ran precipitately down the hill, took possession of some fences and bushes, and commenced a brisk firing at long shot. Unfortunately Knowiton and Leitch made their onset rather in flank than in rear. The enemy changed their front, and the skirmish at once became close and warm. Major Leitch* hav ing received three balls through his side, was soon borne from the field ; and Colonel Knowi ton, who had distinguished himself so gallantly at the battle of Bunker-Hill, was mortally wounded immediately after. Their men, how ever, undaunted by these disasters, stimulated with the thirst of revenge for the loss of their leaders, and, conscious of acting under the eye of the Commander in Chief, maintained the conflict with uncommon spirit and persever ance. But the General, seeing them in need of support, advanced part of the Maryland regiments of Griffith and Richardson, together with some detachments from such eastern corps as chanced to be most contiguous to the place of action. Our troops this day, with out exception, behaved with the greatest in trepidity. So bravely did they repulse the British, that Sir William Howe moved his reserve, with two field pieces, a battalion of Hessian grenadiers, and a company of Chas seurs, to succour his retreating troops. Gene ral Washington, not willing to draw on a * Major Leitch, after languishing some days, died of a locked 124 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. general action, declined pressing the pursuit. In this engagement were the second and third O c3 battalions of light infantry, the forty-second British regiment, and the German Chasseurs, of whom eight officers, and upwards of seventy privates were wounded, and our people. buried nearly twenty, who were left dead on the field. We had about forty wounded : our loss in killed, except of two valuable officers, was very inconsiderable. An advantage,* so trivial in itself, produced, in event, a surprising and almost incredible ef fect upon the whole army. Amongst the troops not engaged, who, during the action, were throwing earth from the new trenches, with an alacrity that indicated a determination to defend them, every visage was seen to bright- * A transcript from General Washington s Public Onlers of the seventeenth will, better than any other document that could be adduced, show his sentiment on the conduct of the two ^receding days, and how fervently he wished to foster the gOvj-J dispositions discovered ou the last. "ORDERS. (C Hea d- Quarters, Harlaem Heights, September 17, 1776. "Parole, Leitch. Countersign, Virginia. tf The General most heartily thanks the troops commanded yes terday by Major Leitch, who first advanced upon the enemy, and the others who so resolutely supported them. The behaviour yes terday was such a contrast to that of some of the troops the day before, as must show what may be done, where officers and soldiers will exert themselves. Once more, therefore, the General calls upon officers and men, to act up to the noble cause in which they are engaged, and to support the honour and liberties of their coun try. ." The gallant and brave Colonel Knowlton, who would bare been nn honour to any country, having fallen yesterday, while gloriously fighting, Captain Brown is to take the command of the party late"- ly led by Colonel Kiiowlton. Officers and men are lo obey him accordingly." LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 125 en, and to assume, instead of the gloom of despair, the glow of animation. This change, no less sudden than happy, left little room to doubt that the men, who ran the day before at the sight of an enemy, would now, to wipe away the stain of that disgrace, and to recover the confidence of their General, have conduct ed themselves in a very different manner. Some alteration was made in the distribution of corps to prevent the British from gaining either flank in the succeeding night. General Putnam, who commanded on the right, was directed in orders, in case the enemy should attempt to force the pass, to apply for a rein forcement to General Spencer, who command ed on the left. General Putnam, who was too good an husbandman himself not to have a respect for the labours and improvements of others, strenuously seconded the views of the Com mander in Chief in preventing the devastation of farms, and the violation of private property. For under pretext that the property in this quarter belonged to friends to the British gov ernment, as indeed it mostly did, a spirit of rapine and licentiousness began to prevail, which, unless repressed in the beginning, fore boded, besides the subversion of discipline, the disgrace and defeat of our arms. Our new defences now becoming so strong as not to admit insult with impunity, and Sir William Howe, riot choosing to place too much 126 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. al risk in attacking us in front, on the 12th day of October, leaving Lord Percy with one Hessian and two British brigades, in his lines at Harlaeni, to cover New-York, embarked with the main body of his army, witti an in tention of landing at Frog s jNeck, situated near the town of West-Chester, and little more than a league above the communication called Kiug s -bridge, which connects New- York Island with the main. There was no thing to oppose him ; and he effected his de barkation by nine o clock in the morning. The same policy of keeping our army as com pact as possible ; the same system of avoiding being forced to action ; and the same precau tion to prevent the interruption of supplies, reinforcements or retreat, that lately dictated the evacuation of New-York, now induced General Washington to move towards the strong grounds in the upper part of West- Chester county. About the same time General Putnam was sent to the western side of the Hudson, to provide against an irruption into the Jerseys, and soon after to Philadelphia, to put that town into a posture of defence.* Thither I * From the preceding- paragraph it would *eem that General Putnam was detached, first to New-Jersey, and soon afterwards to Philadelphia, immediately after the movement of the British army to Frog s neck. The truth is, he was with the array at White* Plains, and had part in the action fought there the 28th of October. It was the position of Brigadier-General M Dongal which was at tacked, and Washington ordered a detachment of the army under Major-Geuerul PulLaro to support him. Some days utter this ac LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 127 attend him, without stooping to dilate on the subsequent incidehts, that might swell a folio, though here compressed to a single para graph; without attempting to give in detail the skilful retrograde movements of our Com mander in Chief, who, after detaching a garri son for Fort Washington, by pre-occupying with extemporaneous redoubts and entrench ments, the ridges from Mile-Square to White- Plains, and by folding one brigade behind another, in rear of those ridges that run paral lel with the Sound, brought off all his artillery, stores, and sick, in the face of a superior foe; without commenting on the partial and equivo cal battle fought near the last mentioned vil lage, or the cause why the British, then in full force, (for the last of the Hessian infantry and British light-horse had just arrived) did not more seriously endeavour to induce a general engagement; without journalizing their milita ry manoeuvres in falling back to King s-bridge, capturing Fort Washington, Fort Lee, and marching through the Jerseys; without enu merating the instances of rapine, murder, lust, and devastation, that marked their progress. tion, General Putnam was ordered to cross tlie Hudson, and pro vide against an irruption of the enemy into New-Jersey. He was soon followed by Washington with part of his army, which took post in the vicinity of Fort Lee, and. after the fall of that Fort, General Putnam was constantly about his person during the whole retreat through New-Jersey, and among the last of the fugitive ar my which crossed the Delaware: th?n it was, that he was ordered to Philadelphia to fortify and defend that city, which Congress had ordered to be defended to the last extremity. f"JS<fc lor. J 128 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. and filled our bosoms with horror and indigna tion ; without describing how a division of our dissolving army, with General Washington, was driven before them beyond the Delaware ; without painting the naked and forlorn condi tion of these much injured men, amidst the rigours of an inclement season ; and without even sketching the consternation that seized the States at this perilous period, when Gene ral Lee, in leading from the north a small reinforcement to our troops, was himself tak en prisoner by surprise; when every thing seemed decidedly declining to the last extremi ty, and when every prospect but served to augment the depression of despair until the genius of one man, in one day, at a single stroke, wrested from the veteran battalions of Britain and Germany the fruits acquired by the total operations of a successful campaign, and re-animated the expiring hope of a whole nation, by the glorious enterprize at Trenton. While the hostile forces, rashly inflated with pride by a series of uninterrupted suc cesses, and fondly dreaming that a period would soon be put to their labours, by the completion of their conquests, had been pur suing the wretched remnants of a disbanded army to the banks of the Delaware, General Putnam was diligently employed in fortifying Philadelphia, the capture of which appeared indubitably to be their principal object. Here, by authority and example, he strove to concili- LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 129 ate contending factions, and to excite the citi zens to uncommon efforts in defence of every thing interesting to freemen. His personal industry was unparalleled. His orders,* with respect to extinguishing accidental fires, ad vancing the public works, as well as in regard to other important objects, were perfectly mili tary and proper. But his health was, for a while, impaired by his unrelaxed exertions. The Commander in Chief having, in spite of all obstacles, made good his retreat over the Delaware, wrote to General Putnam from his Camp above the Falls of Trenton, on the very day he re-crossed the river to surprise the Hessians, expressing his satisfaction at the re- establishment of that General s health, and in forming, that if he had not himself been well convinced before of the enemy s intention to possess themselves of Philadelphia, as soon as the frost should form ice strong enough to * As a specimen, the following is preserved : "GEXBRAL ORDERS. " Head- Qnartrrs, Philadelphia, December 14, 1776. "Colonel Griffin is appointed \r!jutHnt-< Jeneral to the troops in and about this city * All orders from the General, through him, either written or verbal, are to he strictly attended to and punc tually obe\ ed. " la case of an alnrm of fire, the city guards and patrols rtrc to suffer the inhabitants to pass, unmolested, at any hour of the night; d ld the 0o,j people of Philadelphia are earnestly requested and desired to give every assistance in their power, with engines and buckets, to extinguish the fire. And as the Congress have ordered the city to be defended to the lait extremity, the General hopes that uo person will refuse to give everv assistance possible to com plete the fortifications that are to be erected in and about the city. " ISRAEL PUTNAM." 12 130 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. transport them and their artillery across the Delaware, he had now obtained an intercepted letter which placed the matter beyond a doubt. He added, that if the citizens of Philadelphia had any regard for the -town, not a moment s time was to be lost until it should be put in the best possible posture of defence; but least that should not be done, he directed the re moval of all public stores, except provisions necessary for immediate use, to places of greater security. He queried whether, if a party of rniliiia could be sent from Philadel phia to support those in the Jerseys, about Mount Holly, it would not serve to save them from submission ? At the same time he si^nifi- O ed, as his opinion, the expediency of sending an active and influential officer to inspirit the people, to encourage them to assemble in arms, as well as to keep those already in arms from disbanding ; and concluded by manifest ing a wish that Colonel Forman, whom he desired to see for this purpose, might be em ployed on the service The enemy had vainly, as incautiously, im agined that to overrun was to conquer. They had even carried their presumption on our ex treme weakness, and expected submission so far as to attempt covering the country through which they had marched with an extensive chain of cantonments. That link, which the post at Trenton supplied, consisted of a Hes sian brigade of infantry, a company of Chas- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 131 seurs, a squadron of light dragoons, and six field pie-os. At Mght o clock in the morning of t:u) tV(Mity-sixtii of December, G neral Washington, with twenty-four hundred men, ca;ne upon them, after they had paraded, took one thousand prisoners, and re- passed the same day, without loss, to his encampment. As soon as the troops were recovered from their excessive fatigue, General Washington re- crosse.1 a second ti:ne to Trenton. On the second of January, Lord Cornwallis, with the bulk of ihe British army, advanced upon him, cannonaded his post, and offered him battle : but the two armii-s being separated by the in terposition 01 Trenton Creek, General Wash ington had it in his option to decline an en gagement, which he did for the sake of strik ing tne masterly stroke that he then meditated. Having kindled frequent fires around his camp, posted faithful men to keep them burning, and advanced sentinels, whose fidelity might bo relied upon, he decamped silently after dark, and, by a circuitous route, reached Princeton at nine o clock the next morning. The noise of the firing, by which he killed and captured between five and six hundred of the British brigade in that town, was the first notice Lord Cornwallis had of this stolen march. Gene ral Washington, the project successfully ac complished, instantly filed off for the moun tainous grounds of Morris- Town. Meanwhile, his Lordship, who arrived, by a forced march,. 332 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. at Princeton, just as he had left it, finding the Americans could not be overtaken, proceeded, without halting, to Brunswick. On the fifth of January, 1777, from Pluck- emin, General Washington despatched an ac count of this second success to Genera! Put nam, and ordered him to move immediately, with all his troops, to Croswick s, for the pur pose of co-operating in recovering the Jersey $; an event which the present fortunate juncture, while the enemy were yet panic-struck, ap peared to promise. The General cautioned him, however, if the enemy should still con tinue at Brunswick, to guard with great cir cumspection against a surprise ; especially as they, having recently suffered by two attacks, could scarcely avoid being edged with resent ment to attempt retaliation. His Excellency farther advised him to give out his strength to be twice as great as it was ; to forward on all the baggage and scattering men belonging to the division destined for Morris-Town ; to em ploy as many spies as he should think proper; to keep a number of horsemen, in the dress of the country, going constantly backwards and forwards on the same secret service; and, lastly, if he should discover any intention or motion of the enemy that could be depended upon, and might be of consequence, not to fail in conveying the intelligence, as rapidly as possible by express, to Head-Qua* tcrs. Major-General Putnaiii was directed soon af- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 133 ter to take post at Princeton, were he contin ued until the spring. He had never with him more than a few hundred troops, though he was only at fifteen miles distant from the ene my s strong garrison of Brunswick. At one period, from a sudden diminution, occasioned by the tardiness of the militia turning out to replace those whose time of service was ex pired, he had fewer men for duty than he had miles of frontier to guard. Nor was the Com mander in Chief in a more eligible situation. It is true, that while he had scarcely the sem blance of an army, under the specious parade of a park of artillery, and the imposing ap pearance of his Head-Quarters, established at Munis-Town, he kept up, in the eyes of his countrymen, as well as in the opinion of his enemy, the appearance of no contemptible force. Future generations will find difficulty in conceiving how a handful of new-levied men Q and militia, who were necessitated to be in oculated for the small-pox in the course of the winter, could be subdivided and posted so ad vantageously, as effectually to protect the in habitants, confine the enemy, curtail their forage, and beat up their quarters, without sustaining a single disaster. In tiie battle of Princeton, Captain iVTPher- son, of the 17th British regiment, a very wor thy Scotchman, was desperately wounded in the lungs, and reft with the dead. Upon Gen eral Putnam s arrival there, he found iiim ian?- 12* 134 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, guishing in extreme distress, without a sur geon, without a single accommodation, and without a friend to solace the sinking spirit in the gloomy hour of death. He visited, and immediately caused every possible comfort to be administered to him. Captain M Pherson, who, contrary to all appearances, recovered, after having demonstrated to General Putnam the dignified sense of obligations which a gen erous mind wishes not to conceal, one day. in familiar conversation, demanded, " Pray, Sir, what countryman are you?" " An American," answered the latter. " Not a Yankee ?" said the other. " A full blooded one," replied the General. " By G d, I am sorry for that," re joined M Pherson, " 1 did not think there could be so much goodness and generosity in an American, or, indeed, in any body but a Scotchman." While the recovery of Ca/itain M Pherson was doubtful, he desired that General Putnam would permit a friend in the British army at Brunswick to come and assist him in making HIS WILL. General Putnam, who had then only fifty men in his whole command, was sadly embarrassed by the proposition. On the one hand, he was not content that a Brit ish officer should have an opportunity to spy out the weakness of his post; on the other, it was scarcely in his nature to refuse complying with a dictate of humanity. He luckily be thought himself of an expedient which he has- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 135 tened to put in practice. A flag of truce was despatched with Captain M Pherson s request, but under an injunction not to return with his friend until after dark. In the evening lights were placed in all the rooms of the College, and in every apartment of the vacant houses throughout the town. During the whole night, the fifty men, sometimes altogether, and sometimes in small detachments, were inarched from different quarters by the house in which MTherson lay. Afterwards it was known that the officer who came on the visit, at his return, reported that General Putnam s army, upon the most moderate calculation, could not consist of less than four or five thousand men. This winter s campaign, for our troops con stantly kept the field after regaining a footing in the Jerseys, has never yet been faithfully and feelingly described. The sudden resto ration of our cause from the very verge of ruin was interwoven with such a tissue of inscru table causes and extraordinary events, that, fearful of doing the subject greater injustice, by a passing disquisition than a purposed si lence, I leave it to the leisure of abler pens. The ill policy of the British doubtless contrib uted to accelerate this event. For the man ner, impolitic as inhuman, in which they man aged their temporary conquests, tended evi dently to alienate the affections of their ad herents, to confirm the wavering in aa opposite 136 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. interest, to rouse the supine into activity, to assemble the dispersed to the standard of America, and to infuse a spirit of revolt into the minds of those men who had, from neces sity, submitted to their power. Their conduct in warring with fire and sword against the imbecility of youth, and the decrepitude of age ; against the arts, the sciences, the curious inventions, and the elegant improvements in civilized life ; against the melancholy widow, the miserable orphan, the peaceable professor of humane literature, and the sacred minister of the gospel, seemed to operate as powerful ly, as if purposely intended to kindle the dor mant spark of resistance into an inextinguish able flame. If we add to the black catalogue of provocations already enumerated their in satiable rapacity in plundering friends and foes indiscriminately ; their libidinous brutality in violating the chaslity of the female sex ; their more than Gothic rage in defacing private writings, public records, libraries* of learning, dwellings of individuals, edifices for education, and temples of the Deity; together with their insufferable ferocity, unprecedented indeed among civilized nations, in murdering on the field oi battle the wounded while begging for mercy in causing their prisoners to famish with hunger and cold in prisons and prison ships, and in can > ing their rnaiice beyond death itself, by denying the decent rites of sepulture to the dead ; we shall not be aston- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 137 ished that the yeomanry in the two Jerseys, when the first glimmering of hope began to break in upon them, rose as one man, with the unalterable resolution to perish in the generous cause, or expel their merciless invaders. The principal officers, stationed at a variety of welt-chosen, and at some almost inaccessi ble positions, seemed all to be actuated by the same soul, and only to vie with each other in giving proofs of vigilance, enterprise and val our. From what has been said respecting the scantiness of our aggregate force, it will be concluded, that the number of men, under the orders of each, was indeed very small. But the uncommon alertness of the troops, who were incessantly hovering round the enemy in scouts, and the constant communication they kept between the several stations most con tiguous to each other, agreeably to the in structions* of the General in Chief, together * The annexed private orders to Lord Stirling will show, in a laconic and military manner, the system of service then pursued : * To Brigadier-Getter*! Lord STIRLING. " MY LOUD, " You are to repair to Tiasketiridge, and take upon you the com- Uiuud of the troops now there, and such as may be sent to your care. "You are to endeavour, as much as possible, to harass aiid an noy the enemy, by keeping scouting parties constantly, or as fre quently as possible, around their quarters. As you will be in the neighbourhood of Generals Dkkenson a; d Warner, I recommend it to you to k ep up :i correspondence with them, *nd ei.deavmir to regulate your parties by theirs, so as to have some constantly out. " Use every m^-a-s in your p*i\vrr to obtain intelligence from the eioy ; which may possibly be better effected by engaging some 138 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. with their readiness in giving, and confidence of receiving such reciprocal aid as the exigen cies might require, served to supply the delect of force. This mariner of doing duty not only put our own posts beyond t:ie reach of sudden insult an J surprise, but so exceedingly harassed and intimidated the enemy, that foragers were sel dom sent out by them, and never except in very large parties. General Diekenson, who commanded on General Putnam s left, discov ered, about the 20th of January, a foraging party, consisting of about four hundred men, on the opposite side of the Jtfill*sfone, two miles from Somerset court-house. As the bridge was possessed and defended by three field-pieces, so that it could not be passed, General Diekenson, at the head of four hun dred militia, broke the ice, crossed the river where the water was about three feet deep, resolutely attacked, and totally defeated the foragers. Upon their abandoning the convoy, f r i I a lew prisoners, forty waggons, and more than a hundred draft horses, with a considerable booty of cattle and sheep, fell into his hands. of those people who have obtained J- rotections to go in, under pre tence of Asking -tdvice, than l>y any other menus. " You will also use every means in your power to ohtain and communicate the earliest accounts of the enemy s movements; and to assemble, in the speediest manner possible, \our troops either tor ofiVnee or defence " Giren at Head- Quarters, the fourth day of February, 1777. " GEO. WASHINGTON." LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 139 Nor were our operations on General Put nam s right ilank less fortunate. To give countenance to the numerous friends of the British government in the county of Mon- mouth appears to have been a principal motive with Sir William Howe for stretching the chain of his cantonments, by his own confes sion,* previously to his disaster, rather too far. After that chain became broken, as I have already related, by the blows at Trenton and Princeton, he was obliged to collect, dur ing the rest of the winter, the useless remains in his barracks at Brunswick, In the mean time, General Putnam was much more suc cessful in his attempts to protect our dispersed and dispirited friends in the same district ; who, environed on every side by envenomed adversaries, remained inseparably rivetted in alfection to American independence. He first detached Colonel Gurney, and afterwards Ma- * Extract of a letter from General Sir WILLIAM HOWE to Lord <i E o R G E G E u M A i x E, (luted Neio-York t December 20, 1776. Having mentioned the fruitless attempt of Lord Cornwallis to find boais at CorryePs fury to pass the Delaware he proceeds thus: "The passage of the Delaware being thus rendered impractica ble, his Lordship took post at Pennington, in which place and Trenton the two divisions remained until the fourteenth, when the weather having become too severe to keep the field, and the- \vin- tei cantonments being arranged, the troops marched from both places to their respective stations. The clt a rt, I own, is rather too extensive, but I was induced to occupy Burlii gton to co<vr the county <>f Monmoulh, in which there are many loyal inh.-ibit tnts ; and trusting to ihe almost general submission of the countrv to the southward of this chain, and to the strength of the co.-ps placed in the advanced posis, I conclude the troops will be in perfect secu 140 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. jor Davis,* with such parties of militia as could be spared, for their support. Several skirmishes ensued, in which our people had al ways the advantage. They took, at different times, many prisoners, horses and waggons from foraging parties. In effect, so well did they cover the country, as to induce some of the most respectahle inhabitants to declare, that the security of the persons, as well as the salvation of the property of rniny friends to freedom was o\ving to the spirited exertions of these two detachments ; who, at the same time that they rescued the country from the tyranny of tories, afforded an opportunity for the militia to recover from thrir consternation, to embody themselves in warlike array, and to stand on their defence. During this period, General Putnam having received unquestionable intelligence that a party of refugees, in British pay, had taken post, and were erecting a kind of redoubt at Lawrence s Neck, sent Colonel Nelson, with * As there happened to be in my possession a copy of one of his letters to those officers it was thought worthy of insertion here, in order to demonstrate his satisfaction v. 5th their conduct. "To Major JOHN DAVIS, of the third Battalion of Cumberland * County Militia. " SIR, " I am much obliged o you for your activity, vigour, and dili gence since you h:ive been under my command ; you will, therefore, march your men to Philadelphia, jiml there discharge them ; re turning into the store !l the ammunition, arms and accoutrements you received at that place. " I am, Sir, vour humble servant, ISRAEL PUTNAM. " Princeton, February 5, 1777." LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 141 one hundred and fifty militia, to surprise them. That officer conducted with so much secrecy and decision as to take the whole prisoners. These refugees* were commanded by Major Stockton, belonging to Skinner s brigade, and amounted to sixty in m ^ber. A short time after this event Lord Corn- wallis sent out another foraging party towards Bound-Brook. General Putnam, having re ceived notice from his emissaries, detached Major Smith, with a few riflemen, to annoy the party, and followed himself with the rest of his force. Before he could come up, Major Smith, who had formed an am hush, attacked the enemy, killed several horses, took a few prisoners and sixteen bnggage-waggons, with out sustaining any injury. By such opera tions, our hero, in the course of the winter, captured nearly a thousand prisoners. In the latter part of February General Washington advised General Putnam, that, in consequence of a large accession of strength from New-York to the British army at Bruns wick, it was to be apprehended they would soon make a forward movement towards the f ^.c tract of a letter from General PUTNAM to the Council of Sufcty of Pennsylvania, dated at Princeton, February 18, 1777. " Yesterday evening Colonel Nelson, with a hundred and fifty men, at Lawrence s Neck, attacked sixty men of Corllandt Skin ner s Hri{j : de. commanded L\ the emtn) s RENOWNED LAXD PILOI Major Richard Stockton, touted them, aid took the whole nnsoners among them the Maj>r, a rapt-iin and three sub alterns, with seventy stand of arms. Fifty of the Bedford Penn sylvania, Riflemen behaved like veterans. 13 142 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. Delaware : in which case the latter was direct ed to cross the river with his. actual force, to assume the command of the militia who might assemble, to secure the boats on the west side of the Delaware, and to facilitate the passage of the rest of the army. But the enemy Jid not remove from their winter-quarters until the season arrived when green forage could be supplied. In the intermediate period, the correspondence on the part of General Putnam with the Commander in Chief consisted prin cipally of reports and enquiries concerning the treatment of some oi the following descriptions of persons : either of those who came within our lines with flags and pretended flags, or who had taken protection from the enemy, or who had been reputed disaffected to our cause, or who were designed to be comprehended in the American Proclamation, which required that those who had taken protections should give them to the nearest American officer, or go within the British lines. The letters of his Excellency in return, generally advisory, were indicative of confidence and approbation. When the spring had now so far advanced that it was obvious the enemy would soon take the field, the Commander in Chief, after desiring General Putnam to give the officer who was to relieve him at Princeton, all the information necessary for the conduct of that post, appointed that General to the command of a separate army in the Highlands of New- York. LIFE OF GfiNEIUL PUTNAM. 143 It is scarcely decided, from any documents yet published, whether the preposterous plans prosecuted by the British Generals in the cam paign of J777, were altogether the result of their orders from home, or whether they part ly originated from the contiugences of the mo ment. The system which, at the time, tended to puzzle all human conjecture, when devel oped, served also to contradict all reasonable calculation. Certain it is, the American Com mander in Chief was, for a considerable time, so perplexed with contradictory appearances, that he knew not how to distribute his troops, with his usual discernment, so as to oppose the enemy with eaual prospect of success in different parts. The gathering tempests me naced tlie northern frontiers, tne posts in the Highlands, and the city of Philadelphia; but it was still doubtful where the fury of the storm would fall. At one time Sir William Howe \vas forcing his way by land to Philadelphia ; at another, relinquishing the Jerseys; at a third, facing round to make a sudden inroad ; then embarking with all the forces that could be spared from New- York ; and then putting out to sea, at the very moment when General Burgoyne had reduced Ticonderoga,and seem ed to require a co-operatiori in another quar ter. On our side, we have seen that the old Con tinental army expired with the year 1776; since which, invention had been tortured with 144 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. expedients, and zeal with efforts to levy an other: for on the success of the recruiting service depended the salvation of the country. The success was such as not to puff us up to presumption, or depress us to despair. The army in the Jerseys, under the orders of the General in Chief, consisted of all the troops raised south of the Hudson ; that in the north ern department, of the New-Hampshire brig ade, two brigades of Massachusetts, and the brigade of New-York, together with some ir regular corps ; and that in the Highlands, of the remaining two brigades of Massachusetts, the Connecticut line, consisting of two brigades, the brigade of Rhode-Island, and one regiment of New-York. Upon hearing of the loss of Ticonderoga, and the progress of the British towards Albany, General Washington ordered the northern army to be reinforced with the two brigades of Massachusetts, then in the Highlands ; and, upon finding the army under his immediate command out-numbered by that of Sir William Howe, which had, by the cir cuitous route of the Chesapeak, invaded Penn sylvania, he also called from the Highlands one of the Connecticut brigades, and that of Rhode-Island to his own assistance. | In the neighbourhood of General Putnam ; J& there was no enemy capable of exciting alarms. ^3 The army left at New-York seemed only de signed for its defence. In it were several en tire corps, composed of tories, who had Hock- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 145 ed to the British standard. There was, besides, a band of lurking miscreants, not properly en rolled, who staid chiefly at West-Chester; from whence they infested the country be tween the two armies, pillaged the cattle, and carried off the peaceable inhabitants. It was an unworthy policy in British generals to patronize banditti. The whig* inhabitants on the edge of our lines, and still lower down, who had been plundered in a merciless man ner, delayed not to strip the tories in return. People most nearly connected and allied fre quently became most exasperated and invete rate in malice. Then the tics of fellowship were broken then friendship itself being soured to enmity, the mind readily gave way to private revenge, uncontrolled retaliation, and all the deforming passions that disgrace humanity. Enormities, almost without a name, were perpetrated, at the description of which, the bosom, not frozen to apathy, must glow with a mixture of pity and indignation. To prevent the predatory incursions from below, and to cover the county of West-Chester, Gen eral Putnam detached from his Head-Quarters, at PeekVKill, Meigs s regiment, which, in the course of the campaign, struck several parti- zan strokes, and achieved the objects for which it was sent. He likewise took measures, with out noise or ostentation, to secure himself from being surprised and carried within the British lines by the tories, who had formed a plan fox 13* 146 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. the purpose. The information of this intend ed enterprise, conveyed to him through several channels, was corroborated by that obtained and transmitted by the Commander in Chief. It was not wonderful that many of these to- ries were able, undiscovered, to penetrate far into the country, and even to go with letters or messages from one British army to another. The inhabitants who were well affected to the royal cause, afforded them every possible sup port, and their own knowledge of the different routes gave them a farther facility in perform ing their perigririations. Sometimes the most active loyalists, as the lories wished to denom inate themselves, who had gone into the Brit ish posts, and received promises of commissions upon enlisting a certain number of soldiers, came back again secretly with recruiting in structions. Sometimes these, and others who came from the enemy within the verge of our camps, were detected and condemned to death, in conformity to the usages of war. But the British generals, who had an unlimited supply of money at their command, were able to pay with so much liberality, that emissaries could always be found. Still, it is thought that the intelligence of the American commanders was, at least, equally accurate ; notwithstanding the poverty of their military chest, and the inabil- ty of rewarding mercenary agents, for secret services, in proportion to their risk and merit. A person, by the name of Palmer, who was a lieutenant in the tory new levies, was de- LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 147 tected in the camp at Peek s Kill. Governor Tryori, who cojnmanded the new levies, re claimed him as a British officer, represent* d the heinous crime of condemning a man com missioned by his Majesty, and threatened ven geance in case he should be executed. Gene ral Putnam wrote the following pithy reply. " SIR, " Nathan Palmer, a lieutenant in your King s service, was taken in my camp as a Spy he was tried as a Spy he was condemned as a Spy and you may rest assured, Sir, he shall be hanged as a Spy" " I have the honour to be, &c. " ISRAEL PUTNAM. "His Excellency Governor TRY ox. P. S. Afternoon. He is hanged." Important transactions soon occurred. Not long after the two brigades had marched from Peek s-Kill to Pennsylvania, a reinforcement arrived at New- York from Europe. Appear ances indicated that offensive operations would follow. General Putnam having been reduc ed in force to a single brigade in the field, and O o a si&gle regiment in garrison at Fort Mont gomery, repeatedly informed the Commander in Chief, that the posts committed to his charge must, in all probability, be lost, in case an at tempt should be made upon them ; and lhat, circumstanced as he was, he could not be res- 148 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. ponsible for the consequences. His situation was certainly to be lamented ; but it was not in the power of the Commander in Chief to alter it, except by authorising him to call upon the militia for aid an aid always precarious, and often so tardy, as, when obtained,. to be of no utility. On the fifth of October Sir Henry Clinton came up the North-River with three thousand men. After making many feints to mislead the attention, he landed, the next morning, at Stony-Point, and commenced his march over the mountains to Fort Montgomery. Gover nor Clinton, an active, resolute, and intelligent officer, who commanded the garrison, upon being apprised of the movement, despatched a letter, by express, to General Putnam for suc cour. By the treachery of the messenger, the letter miscarried. General Putnam, as tonished at hearing nothing respecting the enemy, rode, with General Parsons, and Col onel Root, his Adjutant-General, to reconnoi tre them at King s Ferry. In the mean-time, at five o clock in the afternoon, Sir Henry Clinton s columns, having surmounted the ob stacles and barriers of nature, descended from the Thunder-Hill, through thickets impassible but for light troops, and ^attacked the diifer- * The author of these Memoirs, then Major of Brigade to the first Connecticut brigade, was alone at f lead-Quarters when the firing began. Me hastened to Colonel Wyllys : the senior officer in camp, and advised him to despatch nil (he men not on duty to Fort Montgomery, without waiting for orders About five hun-- LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 149 ent redoubts. The garrison, inspired by the conduct of their leaders, defended the works with distinguished valour. But, as the post had been designed principally to prevent the pass ing of ships, and as an assault in rear had not been expected, the works on the land side were incomplete and untenable. In the dusk of twilight, the British entered with their bayo nets fixed. Their loss was inconsiderable. Nor was that of the garrison great. Gover nor Clinton, his brother General James Clin ton, Colonel Dubois, and most of the officers and men effected their escape under cover of the thick smoke and darkness that suddenly prevailed. The capture of this fort by Sir Henry Clinton, together with the consequent removal of the chains and booms that ob structed the navigation, opened a passage (e dred men marched instantly under Colonel Meigs; and the author,, with Dr Beardsley, a surgeon in the brigade, rode, at full speed, through a b\e-p:Uh, to let the garrison know, that a reinforcement was nn its march. Notwithstanding all the haste these officers made to and over the river, the fort was so completely invested on their arrival, that it was impossible to enter. They went on board the new frigate which lav near the fortress, and hud the misfoituue to be e, though not unconcerned spectators of the storm. They saw t minutest actions distinctly when the works were earned. The frigate, after receiving several platoons, slipped her cable, and proceeded a little way up the river; hut the wind aud tide be coming adverse, the crew set her op fire, to prevent he" fading in to t .e hinds of the en< my, whose ships were approaching. The louring darkness of the n ght, the profound stillix ss that reigned, the interrupted flashes of the flames that illuminated the waters, the long shadows of the clifts that now and then were se* n, the ex plosion >f the cannon which were left loaded in the ship, and the re\ In-rating echo which resounded, at intervals, between the stupendous mountains on both sides of the river, composed an awful nig-i -pi-.-ce for persons prepared by the preceding scene, to cojv template subjects of horrid sublimity. 150 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. Albany, and seemed to favour a junction of his force with that of General Burgoyne. But the latter having been compelled to capitulate a few days after this event, and great number* of militia having arrived from New-England, the successful army returned to New- York ; yet not before a detachment from it, under the orders of General Vaughan, had burnt the defenceless town of Esopus, and several scat tering buildings on the banks of the riven Notwithstanding the army in the Highlands had been so much weakened, for the sake of strengthening the armies in other quarters, as to have occasioned the loss of Fort Montgom ery, yet that loss was productive of no conse quences. Our main army in Pennsylvania* after having contended with superior force in tvVO indecisive battles, still held the enemy in check; while the splendid success which at tended our arms at the northward, gave a more favourable aspect to the American af fairs, at the close of this campaign, than they had ever before assumed. When the enemy fell back to New- York by Avatcr, we followed them a part of the way by land. Colonel Mcigs, with a detachment from the several regiments in General Parsons s brigade, having made a forced inarch from Crompond to West-Chester, surprised and broke up for a time the band of freebooters, of whom he brought off fifty, together with many cattle and horses which they had recent ly stolen, LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 151 Soon after this enterprise General Putnam advanced towards the British lines. As he had received intelligence that small bodies of the enemy were out, with orders from Gov ernor Trjon to burn Wright s mills, he pre vented it by detaching three parties, of one hundred men in each. One of these parties fell in with arid captured thirty-five, and an other forty of the new levies. But as he could not prevent a third hostile party from burning the house of Mr. Van Tassel, a noted whig * O and a committee-man, who was forced to go along with them, naked and barefoot, on the icy ground, in a freezing night, he, for the pro fessed purpose of retaliation, sent Captain Bu chanan, in a whale-boat, to burn the house of General Oliver Delancy on York-Island. Bu chanan effected his object, and by this expedi tion put a period, for the present, to that un meaning and wanton species of destruction. While General Putnam quartered at Ne\v- Rochel, a scouting party, which had been sent to West-Farms, below West-Chester, sur rounded the house in which Colonel James Delancy lodged, and, notwithstanding he crept under the bed the better to be concealed, brought him to Head-Quarters before morn ing. This officer was exchanged by the Brit ish General without delay, and placed at the head of the cow-boys, a licentious corps of ir regulars, who in the sequel, committed un heard of depredations and excesses. 152 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. It was distressing to see so beautiful a part of the country so barbarously wasted, and of ten to witness some peculiar scene of female misery : for most of the female inhabitants had been obliged to fly within the lines pos sessed by one army or the other. Near our quarters was an affecting instance of human vi cissitude. Mr. William Sutton, of Maroneck, an inoffensive man, a merchant by profession, who lived in a decent fashion, and whose fam ily had as happy prospects as almost anv in the country, upon some imputation of toryism, went to the enemy. His uife, oppressed with frief in the disagreeable state of dereliction, id not long survive. Betsey Sutton, their eldest daughter, was a mudest and lovely young woman, of about fifteen years old, when, at the death of her mother, the care of five or six younger children devolved upon her. She was discreet and provident beyond her years; but when we saw her, she looked to be feeble in health broken in spirit wan, melancholy, and dejected. She said " that their last cow, which furnished milk for the children, had lately been taken away that they had frequently been plundeied of their wearing apparel and furniture, she believed by both parties that they had little more to lose and that she knew not where to procure bread for the dear little ones, who had no fa ther to provide for them" no mother she was going to have said but a torrent of te.ars LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 153 choaked articulation. In coming to that part of the country again, after some campaigns had elapsed, I found the habitation desolate, and the garden overgrown with weeds. Up on inquiry, I learnt, that as soon as we left the place, some ruffians broke into the house while she lay in bed, in the latter part of the night; and that, having been terrified by their rudeness, she ran, half-naked, into a neigh bouring swamp, where she continued unlii the morning there the poor girl caught a violent cold, which ended in a consumption. It finish ed a life without a spot and a career of suf ferings commenced and continued without a fault. Sights of wretchedness always touched with commiseration the feelings of General Putnam, and prompted his generous soul to succour the afflicted. But the indulgence which he show ed, whenever it did not militate against his du ty, towards the deserted and suffering families of the tori^s in the State of New-York, was the cause of his becoming unpopular with no inconsiderable class of people in that State. On the other side, he had conceived an uncon querable aversion to many of the persons who were entrusted with the disposal of tory-prop- erty, because he believed them to have been guilty of peculations and other infamous prac tices. But although the enmity between him and the sequestrators was acrimonious as mu tual, yet he lived in habits of amity with the 14 154 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. most respectable characters in public depart ments, as well as in private life. His character was also respected by the en emy. He had been acquainted with many of the principal officers in a former war. As flags frequently passed between the out-posts, during his continuance on the lines, it was a common practice to forward newspapers by them ; and as those printed by Rivington, the royal printer in New-York, were infamous for the falsehoods with which they abounded, General Putnam once sent a packet to his old friend General Robertson, with this billet : ;; Major-General Putnam presents his compli ments to Major-General Robertson, and sends him some American newspapers for his peru sal when General Robertson shall have done with them, it is requested they be given to Rivirigton, in order that he may print some truth." Late in the year we left the lines and re paired to the Highlands ; for upon the loss of Fort Montgomery, the Commander in Chief determined to build another fortification for the defence of the river. His Excellency, ac cordingly, wrote to General Putnam to fix up on the spot. After reconnoitering all the dif ferent places proposed, arid revolving in his own mind their relative advantages for offence on the water and defence on the land, he fix ed upon WEST-POINT. It is no vulgar praise to say, that to him belongs the glory of having LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 155 chosen this rock of our military salvation. The portion for water-batteries, which might sweep tiie channel where the river formed a right angle, made it the most proper of any lor coiumanding the navigation; while the rocky ridges that rose in awful sublimity behind each other, rendered it impregnable, and even incapable of being invested by less than twen ty thousand men. The British, who consider ed this post as a sort of American Gibraltar, never attempted it but by the treachery of an American officer. All the world knows that this project failed, and that West-Point con tinues to be the receptacle of every thing val uable in military preparations to the present day. In the month of January, 1778, when a snow, two feet deep, lay on the earth, General Parsons s brigade went to West-Point and broke ground. Want of covering for the troops, together with want of tools and mate rials for the works, made the prospect truly gloomy and discouraging. It was necessary that means should be found, though our cur rency was depreciated, and our treasury ex hausted. The estimates and requisitions of Colonel la Radiere, the engineer who laid out the works, altogether disproportioned to our circumstances, served only to put us in mind of our poverty, and, as it were, to satirize our resources. His petulent behaviour and unac*- commodating disposition added further em- 156 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. barrassmerits. It was then that the patriotism of Governor Clinton shone in full lustre. His exertions to furnish supplies can never be tuo much commended. His influence, arising from his popularity, was unlimited: yet he hesitated not to put all his popularity at risk, whenever the federal interests demanded. .Notwith standing the impediments that opposed our progress, with his aid, before the opening of the campaign, the works were in great for wardness. According to a resolution of Congress, an inquiry was to be made into the causes of mil itary disasters. Major-General M Dougall, Brigadier-General Huntington, and Colonel Wigglesworth composed the Court of Inquiry on the loss of Fort Montgomery. Upon full knowledge and mature deliberation of facts on the spot, they reported the loss to have been occasioned by want of mea, and not by any fault in the commanders. General Putnam, who during the investiga tion was relieved from duty, as soon as Con gress had approved the report, took command of the right wing of the grand army, under the orders of the General in Chief. This was just after the battle of Monmouth, when the three armies which had last year acted sepa rately joined at the White-Plains. Our eflec- tive force, in one camp, was at no other time so respectable as at this juncture. The army consisted oi sixty regular regiments of loot. LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 157 formed into fifteen brigades, four battalions of artillery, four regiments of horse, and several corps of State troops. But as the enemy kept close within their lines on York Island, nothing could be attempted. Towards the end of au tumn we broke up the camp, and went first to Fredericksburgh, and thence to winter-quar ters. In order to cover the country adjoining to the Sound, and to support the garrison of West- Point, in case of an attack, Major-General Putnam was stationed for the winter at Read ing, in Connecticut. He had under his orders the brigade of New-Hampshire, jthe two brig ades of Connecticut, the corps of infantry com- manded by Hazen, arid that of cavalry by Sheldon. The troops, who had been badly fed, badly cloathed, and worse paid, by brooding over their grievances in the leisure and inactivity of winter-quarters, began to think them intolera ble. The Connecticut brigades formed the design of marching to Hartford, where the General Assembly was then in session, and of demanding redress at the point of the bayonet. Word having been brought to General Put nam, that the second brigade was under arms for this purpose, he mounted his horse, gallop- ped to the cantonment, and thus addressed them : " My brave lads, whither are you go ing ? Do you intend to desert your officers^ and to invite the enemy to follow you into the 14* 158 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. country ? Whose cause have you been fighting and suffering so long in is it not your own ? Have you no property, no parents, wives or children ? You have behaved like men so far all the world is full of your praises and posterity will stand astonished at your deeds : but not if you spoil all at last Don t you consider how much the country is distressed by the war, and that your officers have not been any better paid than yourselves ? But we all expect better times, and that the coun try will do us ample justice. Let us all stand by one another, then, and fight it out like brave soldiers. Think what a shame it would be for Connecticut men to run away from their officers." After the several regiments had re ceived the General as he rode along the line with drums beating, and presented arms, the ser geants who had then the command, brought the men to an order, in which position they continued while he was speaking. When he had done, he directed the acting Major of Brigade to give the word for them to shoul der, march to their regimental parades, and lodge arms; all which they executed with promptitude and apparent good humour. One soldier, only, who had been the most active, was confined in the quarter-guard ; from whence, at night, he attempted to make his escape. But the sentinel, who had also been in the mutiny, shot him dead on the spot, and thus the affair subsided, LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 159 About the middle of winter, while General Putnam was on a visit to his out-post at Horse- Neck, he found Governor Try on advancing upon that town with a corns of fifteen hundred men. To oppose these General Putnam had only a picquet of one hundred and fifty men, and two iron field-pieces, without horses or draoj-ropes. He, however, planted his cannon on tile high ground, by the meeting-house, and retarded their approach by firing several times, until, perceiving the horse (supported by the infantry) about to charge, he ordered the picquet to provide for their safety, by re tiring to a swamp inaccessible to horse, and secured his own, by plunging down the steep precipice at the church upon a full trot. This precipice is so steep, where he descended, as to have artificial stairs, composed of nearly one hundred stone steps, for the accommoda tion of foot passengers. There the Dragoons, \vho were but a sword s length from him, stopped short; for the declivity was so abrupt, that they ventured not to follow; and, before the) could gain the valley, by going round the brow of the hill in the ordinary road, he was far enough beyond their reach. He continu ed his route, unmolested, to Stanford ; from whence, having strengthened his picquet by the junction of some rnilitia, he came back again, and, in turn, pursued Governor Trvon in his retreat.* As he rode down the preci- * In this retreat, thrush with a very inferior force, General Fttluaiu made about fifty prisoners, part of whom were wouuded, 160 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM, pice, one ball, of the many fired at him, went through his beaver: But Governor Tryon, by way of compensation for spoiling his hat, sent him, soon afterwards, as a present, a complete suit of clothes. In the campaign of 1779, which terminated the career of General Putnam s services, he commanded the Maryland line, posted at But ter-Milk falls, about two miles below West- Point. He was happy in possessing the friend ship of the officers of that line, and in living on terms of hospitality with them. Indeed, there was no family in the army that lived better than his own. The General, his second son Major Daniel Putnam, and the writer of these memoirs, composed that family. This cam paign, principally spent in strengthening the works of West-Point, was only signalized for the storm of Stony-Point by the light-infantry under the conduct of General W T ayne, arid the surprise of the post of Powles-Hodk by the corps under the command of Colonel Henry Lee. When the army quitted the field, and marched to Morris-Town, into winter-quarters, General Putnam s family went into Connecti cut for a few weeks. In December the Gene ral began his journey to Morris-Town. Up on the road between Pomfret and Hartford, and the whole were the next day sent, under the escort of an offi cer s guxrd, to the British linrs tor exchange. It was for the hu- m;<iiit) and kindness of Putnum to the vouiided prisoners, that. Governor Tryon cunanluaeiUeU him with tb * suit ot clothes. * LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 161 he felt an unusual torpor slowly pervading his right hand and foot. This heaviness crept gradually on, until it had deprived him of tiie use of his limbs on that side, in a consid erable degree, before he reached the house of his friend Colonel Wadsworth. Slil! he was unwilling to consider his disorder of the para lytic kind, and endeavoured to shake it oil by exertion. Having found that impossible, a temporary dejection, disguised, however, un der a veil of assumed cheerfulness, succeeded. But reason, philosophy, and religion, soon re conciled him to his fat. . In that situation he has constantly remained, favoured with such a portion of bodily activity as enables him to walk and to ride moderately ; and retaining, unimpaired, his relish for enjoyment, his love of pleasantry, his strength of memory, and all the faculties of his mind. As a proof that the powers of memory are not weakened, it ought to be observed, that he has lately re peated, from recollection, all the adventures of his life, which are here recorded, and which had formerly been communicated to the com piler in detached conversations. In patient, yet fearless expectation of the approach of THE KING OF TERRORS, whom he hath full often faced in the field of blood, the Christian hero now enjoys, in domestic retire ment, the fruit of his early industry. Having in youth provided a competent subsistence for old age, he was secured from the danger of 162 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. penury and distress, to which so many officers and soldiers, worn out in the public service, have been reduced. To illustrate his merits the more fully, this Essay will be concluded with a copy of the last letter written to him, by General Washington, in his military char acter. 44 Head-Quarters, 2d June, 1783. " DEAR SIR, " Your favour of the 20th of May I receiv ed with much pleasure. For I can assure you that among the many worthy and meritorious officers with whom I have had the happiness to be connected in service through the course of this war, and from whose cheerful assistance in the various and trying vicissitudes of a complicated contest, the name of a PUTNAM is not forgotten ; nor will be but with that stroke of time which shall obliterate from my mind the remembrance of all those toils and fatigues through which we have struggled for the pre servation and establishment of the Rights, Liberties, and Independence of our Country. " Your congratulations on the happy pro spects of peace and independent security, with their attendant blessings to the UNITED STATES, I receive with great satisfaction ; and beg that you will accept a return of my gratu- lations to you on this auspicious event an LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. 163 event, in which, great as it is in itself, and glo rious as it will probably be in its consequences, you have a right to participate largely, from the distinguished part you have contributed towards- its attainment. " But while I contemplate the greatness of the object for which we have contended, and felicitate you on the happy issue of our toils and labours, which have terminated with such general satisfaction, I lament that you should feel the ungrateful returns of a country, in whose service you have exhausted your bodi ly strength, and expended the vigour of a youthful constitution. I wish, however, that your expectations of returning liberality may be verified. I have a hope they may but should they not, your case will not be a sin gular one. Ingratitude has been experienced in all ages, and REPUBLICS, in particular, have ev er been famed for the exercise of that unnatural and SORDID VICE. " The SECRETARY AT WAR, who is now here, informs me that you have ever been considered as entitled to full pay since your absence from the field, and that you will still be considered in that light until the close of the war; at which period you will be equally entitled to the same emoluments of half-pay or commutation as other officers of your rank. The same opinion is also given by the Pay- Master-General, who is now with the army, empowered by Mr. Morris for the settlement 164 LIFE OF GENERAL PUTNAM. of all their accounts, and who will attend to jour s whenever you shall think proper to send on ior the purpose, which it will proba bly be best for you to do in a short time. 4 - 1 anticipate, with pleasure, the day, and that, I trust, not far off, when I shall quit the busy scenes of a military employment, arid re tire to the more tranquil walks of domestic life. In that, or whatever other situation Providence may dispose of my future ciavs, THE REMEMBRANCE OF THE MANY FRIENDSHIPS AND CONNECTIONS I HAVE HAD THE HAPPINESS TO CONTRACT W r ITH THE GENTLEMEN OF THE ARMY, WILL BE ONE OF MY MOST GRATEFUL REFLECTIONS. Under this contemplation, and impressed with the sentiments of benevolence and regard, 1 commend you. my dtar Sir, my other friends, and wtth them, the interests and happi ness of our dear country, to the KEEPING AND PROTECTION OF ALMIGHTY GoD. " I have the honour to be, &c. " GEORGE WASHINGTON. To the Honourable " Major-General PUTNAM. LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 165 THE remainder of the life of General Put nam was passed in quiet retirement with his family. He experienced few interruptions in his bodily health, (except the paralytic debili ty with which he was afflicted) retained full possession of his mental faculties, and en joyed the society of his friends until the 17th of May, 1790, when he was violently attack ed with an inflammatory disease. Satisfied from the first that it would prove mortal, he "was calm and resigned, and welcomed the ap proach of death with joy, as a messenger sent to call him from a life of toil to everlasting rest. On the 19th of May, 1790, he ended a life which had been spent in cultivating and de fending the soil of his birth. Much of his life had been spent in arms, and the military of the neighbourhood were desirous that the rites of sepulture should be accompanied with martial honours : they felt that this last tribute of respect was due to a soldier, who, from a patriotic love of country, bad devoted the best part of his life to the de fence of her rights, and the establishment of her independence and who, through long and trying services, was never once reproach ed for misconduct as an officer ; but when disease compelled him to retire from service, left it, beloved and respected by the army and his chief, and with high claims to the grateful remembrance of his country. 15 J 66 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. Under these impressions, the grenadiers of the llth regiment, the Independent corps of artillerists, and the militia companies in the neighbourhood, assembled each at their ap pointed rendezvous, early on the morning of the 21st, and having repaired to the late dwelling house of the deceased, a suitable es cort was formed, attended by a procession of the Masonic brethren present, and a large Concourse of respectable citizens, which moved to the Congregational meeting house in Brook lyn; and, after divine service performed by the Rev. Dr. Whitney, all that was earthly of a patriot and hero was laid in the silent tomb, under the discharge of voliies from the infan try, and minute guns from, the artillery. LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. 167 The following eulogium was pronounced at the grave of General Putnam by Dr. A. Waldo. " Those venerable relics ! once delighted in the endearing domestic virtues, which con stitute the excellent neighbour husband parent and worthy brother ! liberal and sub stantial in his friendship; unsuspicious open and generous; just and sincere in dealing; a benevolent citizen of the world He concen trated in his bosom, the noble qualities of an HONEST MAN. " Born a hero whom nature taught and cherished in the lap of innumerable toils and dangers, he was terrible in battle ! But, from the amiableness of his heart when carnage ceased, his humanity spread over the field, like the refreshing zephyrs of a summer s evening ! The prisoner the wounded the sick the forlorn experienced the delicate sympathy of this SOLDIER S PILLAR The poor, and the needy, of every description, received the char itable bounties of this CHRISTIAN SOLDIER. " He pitied littleness loved goodness ad mired greatness, and ever aspired to its glo rious summit ! The friend, the servant, and almost unparalleled lover of his country ; worn with honourable age, and the former toils of war PUTNAM ! * Rests from his la bours. 168 LIFE OP GENERAL PUTNAM. " Till mouldering worlds and tumbling systems burst ! When the last trump shall renovate his dust Stil! by the mandate of eternal truth, His soul Mill flourish in immortal youth ! " " This all who knew him know; this alJ who lov d him, tell." Jlie late Rev. Dr. Dwight, President of Yale College, Wi <> knew General Putnam intimately, has portray ed nis character faithfully in the following inscrip tion, wiiich is engraven on his tomb. Sacred be this Monument to the memory of ISRAEL PUTNAM, ENQUIRE, senior Major General in the armies of the United States of America ; who was born at Salem, in the Province of Massachusetts, on the ?tii day of January, A. D. 1718, and died on the 19th day of May, A. D. 1790. Passenger, if thou art a Soldier, drop a tear over the dust of a Hero who, ever attentive igthe lives and happiness of his men, dared to lead where any dared to follow ; if a Patriot, remember the distinguished and gallant services rendered thy country by the Patriot who sleeps beneath this marble ; . if thou art honest, generous and worthy, render a cheerful tribute of respect to a man, whose generosity was singular, "whose nonesty was proverbial ; who raised himself to universal esteem, and offices of eminent distinction, by personal worth and a useful life. APPENDIX. v^vvvvvvvvvvvvvv-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-v^ HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF H&TT1VE 8. DISTRICT OP MASSACHUSETTS, TO District Clerk s Office. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the ninth day of September, A. D 1818, and in the forty -third year of the Independence of the United States of America, Samuel Svett of the said district has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit . Historical and topographical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, with a Plan. By S. Swett. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An Act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprie tors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned : and also to an Act entitled, "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof tq the arts of designing, engraving and etching his torical and other prints." JOHN W. DAVIS, Glerk of the District of Massachusetts. THE writer of the following has no ambi tion or pretensions to be an author, but from his attention to military subjects, consented to describe a battle, one of the most glorious and important ever fought in America, and to ren der his feeble contribution to the monument of fame which history yet owes our ancestors. The materials lay scattered among newspa pers, magazines, records and files of Congress, the scattered surviving veterans of the day, and others. He was compelled by circum stances to commence his researches in July, and finish his sketch in August ; but he remind ed himself that our fathers fought for us in the same oppressive season, and spared no effort to render the work complete. Not a single fact is stated of which he has not the most sat isfactory evidence. That the public however may judge for themselves, he has deposited his documents and proofs for their use at the Boston Athaeneum. PRELIMINARY CHAPTER. WARD, Pomeroy, Thomas, Heath and Whitcomb were appointed by the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts general officers over the militia. These troops having de feated the British at Lexington, and driven them into Boston, could no longer be retained in quarters. But five days after the battle, General Ward writes Congress that unless enlisting orders be immediately furnished him, he sliall be left entirely alone. The -day- be fore, how ever, that body resolved, that an army of thirty thousand was necessary, that Mas sachusetts would raise thirteen thousand six hundred, and that the other New England States should have notice given them, and be requested to furnish their respective proportions But the battle of Lexington was a beacon fire to the neighbouring states. The hardy yeomen, whom rage supplied with arms, did not wait to be summoned by the 16 178 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. tardy process of legislation ; they seized their hunting pieces, and fl^w to join their brethren at the scene of danger. The Committee of Safety, elected anew by Congress at every session, Wf-re the real executive of Massachusetts. The members were now John Hancock and Benjamin Greenleaf, who never took their seats, John Pigeon and Enoch Freeman, seldom present, and Joseph Warren, chairman, Benjamin Church, Benjamin White, Joseph Palmeri Abraham Watson, Samuel Holten, Azor Orne, Nathan Cushing and Richard Devens. They were empowered generally to watch over the safety of the commonwealth, and advise Con- fress of such measures as they thought bene- cial, and expressly commissioned : "To assemble such and so many of the " Militia and them to dispose and place where " and detain so long as said Committee shall "judge necessary, and discharge said Militia u when the safety of the Colony will admit. "And the officers of the said Militia are en- "joyned to obey the orders and directions of " said Committee of Safety. And also to direct " the army of this Colon) to be stationed where "said Committee of Safety shall judge most "conducive to the defence and service of this " Colony, and the general and other officers of " the army are requested to render strict obe- BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 179 44 dience to such orders of said Committee ; but "Congress have power to control any order of " the Committee of Safety. Also to nominate " persons to Congress to he commissioned offi- "cers in the army and to give enlisting orders 44 to such persons as they think proper. And 44 if any officers be ready to be commissioned " agreeable to the resolve of this Congress 44 during the recess of the same the Committee "shall till up and deliver to them commissions " to be furnished said Committee in blank for 44 that purpose." This committee distributed beating or en listing orders throughout the state to those whom they thought qualified to raise recruits. The number of a company was reduced from one hundred to fifty-nine ; and he who could enlist this number was entitled to a captain s commission, and one who procured ten cap tains with companies to serve under him com manded the regiment. The Congress of Mas sachusetts issued an eloquent address to the people, which would do honor to any legisla ture on earth. The recruits came in with spirit, and by the middle of June the New England army of citizen soldiers enlisted for a few months amounted to about fifteen thou sand troops. About ten thousand of these were of Mas sachusetts; animated with the same love of 1 80 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. liberty which inspired the whole, they were most confident in the rectitude of their cause, in which they were thoroughly instructed by James Otis, who led the forlorn hope of tiie revolution, John Adams, Quincy, Hancock, Samuel Adams, and other enlightened pa triots. And they were fighting battles more peculiarly their own, in defence of their wives, children and homes. But the more animating consideration to them as soldiers, was the chivalrous reputation of their ancestors and themselves, who had been in constant battle and constant victory against their formidable savage foe, and had more recently proved at Nova Scotia and Louisbourgh that they were equally formidable against the civilized troops of Europe. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 181 = = 9 c i "o ~ . * . * rt d5 =^."2 |*| p S.g 03 I i o -1 > c CO H II nT o s c 55 .^ _ CO T3 N 5 9 . I 182 BUNKER HILL BATTLE* o a i.s BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 183 The regiment of artillery was organized under Colonel Richard Gridlej, Lieutenant Colonel William Burbeck, Majors David Ma son and Scarborough Gridley, and ten cap tains, with one six, two brass four, and six iron three pound cannon. Rhode Island had sent a regiment to Mas sachusetts imbued with the determined spirit of civil and religious liberty, which the founder of their state maintained through every peril. Colonel Green* was their commander, one of the most promising heroes of the revolution. The elements of a soldier were so mixed in him, that the wise already foresaw his elevat ed rank among warriors the most distinguish ed. Under him were Lieutenant Colonel Oiny and Major Boxan, experienced English sol diers. Two field pieces were attached to the corps. * The hardy yeomanry of New Hampshire, betieaih whose ponderous strokes the formid able forests and the savages who inhabited them had been levelled with the ground, who had been used to little control but what the God ot Nature imposed, were moved with in dignation at approaching tyranny. They flocked as volunteers to the neighbourhood of * The accomplished scholar, Jud^e Johnson, is esenting the public a biography ol this hero. abou* presei 184 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. Boston, and chose Colonel Stark, Lieutenant Colonel YVymau and Major M k Clary their leaders. Their colonel was worthy to command this formidable band ; he had been a distinguished captain of Provincial Rangers received into the service of the crown, was at Quebec under Geneial Wolfe, and enjoyed half pay as a British officer, an offering he made with other sacrifices for the good of his country. Their major also was a favourite officer. Six feet and a half hi height, with a Hercu lean form in perfect proportions, a voice like Stentorand strength of Ajax ; ever unequalled in athletic exercises, and unsubdued in single combat, whole bodies of men had been over come by him, and he seemed totally uncon scious that he was not equally unconquerable at the cannon s mouth. His mind and char acter were of the same grand and energetic cast with his person; and though deficient in the advantages of finished education, he had been a member of the state legislature, and his mercantile concerns were extensive. These troops were followed by another regiment from New Hampshire, which arrived on the fifteenth of June, under Colonel Reed, Lieutenant Colonel Oilman and Major Hale. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 185 Connecticut, essentially and undeviatingly republican, was behind none of the provinces in her determined hostility to the usurpation and encroachments of the throne. To her autipathj to royally the proscribed judges of Charles the first had owed their inviolable asylum in her territory. Religious as well as civil liberty was in jeopardy, and the former with her was paramount to all earthly con siderations. In her vocabulary the British troops were the Philistines, and Putnam, the American Samson, a chosen instrument to de feat the foe ; and fortunately she inspired her own confidence into all her sister states. With their usual sagacity however these troops, notwithstanding a confident reliance on supernatural aid, did not neglect all human means to secure it. Their state government, constitution, and establishments continued un changed. Their troops were better armed, better disciplined and provisioned than any troops in the New England army. On the first news of the battle of Lexing ton, Putnam mounted his horse, rode in a single day one hundred miles, arrived at Cambridge, and attended a council of war on the 2ist of April, when t:io parole was Put nam.* His troops soon followed him. Storrs * Orderly Book. 186 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. was lieutenant colonel, and Durkee, who had served with him through the whole war of 1756, with distinguished reputation, was major of his regiment. Brigadier General Spencer, Lieutenant Colonel Willis and Major Mayo,Colonel Waterbury and Colonel Parsons came also with the Connecticut troops, in all about three thousand. Captain Coit next to M Clary in stature and intrepidity commanded an independent company of hardy New London tars, and Chester another indepen dent company from Weathersrield, the elite corps of the army. As such it was selected to escort General Putnam and Joseph Warren, the President of Congress, to Cnarlestown, on the exchange of prisoners with the British. The scene of their meeting was hallowed by the flag of truce which waved over it,* and was sacred to the rites of hospitality and friendship. The officers on both sides were personal friends, though arrayed against each other in public hostility. Between Putnam and the British officers, especially, these ties had been cemented by the mutual perils and intimate associations of the camp, during the long war of 1756, and their present opposition served only to make their affection glow with a more genial warmth. These rugged sons f Mars, from the impulse of feeling, rushed * Newspapers and oral testimony; BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 18? into each others arms. Bravery proved its natural alliance with the finest feelings of the human heart. The fell spirit of civil war was softened. The whole army was under the command of Artemas Ward, commissioned by the Pro vincial Congress, on the 2ist of May, general and commander in chief of the Massachusetts forces. His general orders were copied and obeyed by the forces of all the other prov inces in Massachusetts, indiscriminately, and the officers of all of them were ordered on courts martial, arid detailed for the usual rou tine of duty without any distinction whatever.* Congress also resolved, on the 23d of May, that a lieutenant general, two major gene rals, four brigadier generals, two adjutant and two quarter master generals should be appointed. General Ward was a gentleman of liberal education, vigorous understanding and distin guished probity. He had been a member of the council, speaker of the assembly, and chief justice of one of the courts in Massa chusetts. He professed the rigid tenets of New England religion, and his rank and char acter commanded an extensive influence in the country. JHe had also served with reputa- * Orderly Book?. 188 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. tion in the war of 175b, was a lieutenant col onel at the storming of Ticonderoga, under General A.bercrombie, and soon after com manded the regiment. He had also been a colonel in tho militia, an office fiom which Governor Hutchinson relieved him on account of his being too true a patriot. General Thomas received the appointment of lieutenant general which he accepted on the 27th of May. His superior talents, culti vated by a liberal education, his gallantry, activity and vigilance as a soldier, purity as a patriot, and honor as a man commanded the entire confidence of all who knew him. He had served in the former war with reputation, and had already distinguished himself in this. Being in command at Roxbury with a feeble force, General Gage had determined to drive him from that important post. But his vigi lance detected the design, and by a ruse dc guerre he defeated it. On the day fixed for the attack, all liis troops were paraded, marching thrm roi nd the hill on which he was encamped, in \iew of Boston, and returning those in front by a short rout again to the rear, they wore the appearance of a long column ol troops. Being without uniform the deception was perfect, and General Gage, alarmed v\ith the show of force, relinquished the enterprise. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 189 The veteran General Pomeroy of North ampton continued with the new levied troops under his old eoramission, not having yet re ceived a new appointment, and assisted in or ganizing the army. He was a hardy, intrepid, adventurous soldier, a keen and celebrated hunter, an honest, open hearted man. He had acquired a distinguished reputation in the war of 1756, when military fame was the re ward of individual prowess arid private enter prise, and left the service a laurelled captain of Provincials. He commanded a company under Sir William Johnson in the celebrated engagement when the French and Indians, under the Baron Dieskau, were defeated. To our captain the honor of having slain the baron was awarded over rival claims, and the baron s watch was bestowed on him as a trophy to be transmitted with his fame to posterity.* He was in fact the natural mili tary chieftain of his neighbourhood, and may well be styled the Putnam of Connecticut River. General Whitcomb bore a close resem blance in his history and character to General Pomeroy. He appeared with the militia at Lexington battle, but was too advanced in years for active service. He received the ap- * It is yet retained in his family. 17 190 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. pointment of major general in the new army on the 12th of June. On the 14th of June, Joseph Warren was elected a major general of Massachusetts. In his character the heroism of antiquity com bined with the romantic chivalry of the middle ages. An accomplished scholar : gifted with genius the most distinguished, his mind was stored with the treasures of classic erudition. As an orator a model ; elegant and impres sive, ardent and irresistible ; twice selected to address his fellow citizens, the thunder of his eloquence severed the adamantine chain by which nature bound them to the mother country. As a patriot, pure and without re proach, his favorite maxim was " Decus et decorum est pro patria mori," and from pre sentiment he foresaw that this motto would one day be recorded in the life s blood of a heart as noble as ever panted after immor tality. A physician the most eminent, his superb character soared far beyond the nar row limits of his profession. In person hand some, in manners elegant and accomplished, he was the favorite of the drawing room, and qualified to shine in the highest circles of fashion. But the cause of liberty, of his coun try and mankind summoned him to a destiny by far more exalted. Chairman of the Com mittee of Safety, and President of the Provin cial Congress, he remembered that in the BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 191 simplicity of ancient republics, legislators the most distinguished were also warriors the most devoted. He accompanied General Put nam as a volunteer to one of the islands, where in a warm engagement the enemy were defeated and a vessel destroyed ; and his head had been grazed by a ball from the enemy at the battle of Lexington. General Ward s quarters were at Cam bridge, with about eight thousand Massachu setts troops, and one thousand from Connecti cut. The latter, with Sargent s Massachusetts regiment, were under the immediate command of General Putnam, in a central and advanced position near Inman s farm, where the enemy landed previous to the battle of Lexington. Here some slight breastworks were thrown up. Another slight work was erected near the Charlestown road, a mile and a half from Cambridge, where Colonel Patterson s regi ment was stationed. Four companies of artillery with, and one without field pieces, were also at Cambridge. At Roxbury, Lieutenant General Thomas commanded about two thousand Massachu setts, two thousand Connecticut and one thou sand Rhode Island troops, including an artik lery company with field pieces. These com posed the right wing of the army. 192 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. At Medford about one thousand New Hampshire troops under Colonels Stark and Reed, formed the left wing of the army. These troops were hardy, brave, active, athletic and indefatigable. Almost every sol dier equalled William Tell as a marksman, and would aim his weapon at an oppressor with as keen a relish. Those from the fron tier had gained this address against the sava ges and beasts of the forest. The country yet abounded with game, and hunting was familiar to all ; and the amusement the most fashionable and universal throughout New England, was trials of skill with the musket, These troops were also religious, and their respect for the opinions of the clergy was unbounded. But the religion of their clergy was republican in its nature; they had the most lively antipathy to church establishments, and dread of royal oppression. To avoid the expense of chaplains to the army, the clergy in the neighbourhood of the camp were in vited by Congress to perform divine service, thirteen of them, every Sabbath; a duty they discharged with zeal and punctuality. The confidence of the army in their officers was as complete, as it appears from the char acters of those described to have been richly merited. But beside these superior ofliceri* BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 193 many of the field and commissioned officers arid privates had served iii the army in (he war of 17 15 or of 1756, and had there reaped Weil deserved laurels. Their confidence was at present elevated to an excess by the recent and astonishing conquests which their arms had accomplished. Beside the victory at Lexington, and success ful skirmishes in the neighbourhood of Boston, they had just learned, that Arnold, who had received a colonel s commission and troops from the Committee of Safety of Massachu setts, had, in alliance with other New England forces, achieved the important acquisition of Crown Point and Ticonderoga. These troops were also sensible that they were fighting in their own cause, and were exalted into heroes by a glorious, enthusiastic love of liberty, a maddening, indignant sense of oppression. This indignation burned with new fury from a recent proclamation of Governor Gage, de nouncing them all as rebels, and especially the proscribed patriots, Hancock and Adams, their abettors, adherents and associates. Excepting these characteristics, however, they were deficient in almost every important requisite of an army. They were wretchedly defective in arms, and the bayonet was al most universally wanting. They were entirely strangers to discipline and almost to subordi- 17* 194 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. nation. They were nominally organized info regiments, but these were deficient in num bers, many of them only skeletons, and their respective ranks were not ascertained. Some of these troops were yet serving as minute men, and a number of regiments had not re ceived their commissions. Tents were not provided. The commissariat and quarter master s department and staff were yet unor ganized. The several towns sent provisions to their troops with profusion, but with ir regularity and waste. Colonel Gridley was appointed chief, and William Burbeck second engineer, but the latter was attached to the ordnance depart ment, and Colonel Gridley had no engineers under him. It was impossible for him to sup ply this defect, and he was himself almost too advanced in years for service. But if military science, skill and experience could have overcome these difficulties, there was not an officer in America more capable of accomplishing it than Colonel Gridley. Richard Gridley, brother of J. Gridley, in his day " the giant of the law," was born in Boston, 1711. Uncommon genius, improved by superior education, prepared him for an elevated standing. Most apt and learned in every branch of mathematics, of romantic honor, chivalrous ambition, and adventurous BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 195 bravery, nature made him a soldier; and it was found impossible lor art to make him a merchant. The attempt was relinquished, and, like the two principal heroes of the American revolution, Washington and Greene, he employed himself as a practical surveyor and civil engineer. After the decease of his brother who held the office he was elected Grand Master of the fraternity of Masons. Military science he studied with enthusiasm and acquired with facility, and in 1745 he commenced his military career. Massachusetts raised an army of three thousand two hundred men, New Hampshire added three and Connecticut five hundred, to conquer the Island of Cape Breton. In this army he received the appointment of engineer and commander of the artillery. Under the instruction of Bastide, a most distinguished engineer, he became at once an adept in his profession, and acquired like Archimedes dis tinguished celebrity in the war of sieges. With scientific accuracy he pointed the mortar which on the third fire threw a bomb into the citadel, one grand cause of the subsequent surrender of Louisbourg and conquest of Cape Breton. 196 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. He was rewarded by a captaincy in Gov ernor Shirley s American regiment on the British establishment. The peace left him on half pay, and in 1752 he attended the governor to the Kennebeck, and erected fort* Western and Halifax. Tn 1755 he again entered the service as chief engineer and colonel of infantry. In 1756 he was commander of the provincial artille ry under General Winslow in the expedition against Crown Point, and proceeded to Lake George, where he erected fortifications. In 1757 he sailed for Halifax intended for Lou- isbourg, but the expedition was ai rested by the French fleet. In 1758 he revisited his earliest field of glory, and was at the second taking of Louisbourg under General Ain- herst. He had the superintendance of the ordnance stores, and was so distinguished in the siege, as were all the New Ei. gland troops, that the general tendered him the whole valuable furniture of the governor s house, a present which he with chivalrous delicacy declined. In 1759 General Amherst conferred qp him the distinguished honor of commanding the artillery under the immortal Wolfe at the ?iege of Quebec. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 197 General Arnherst found it impossible to join the expedition against Quebec as he in tended ; notwithstanding which the audacious commander, seconded by the heroic Gridley and his other officers, determined to achieve the conquest alone. He landed his army in the night under the heights of Abraham, mounted the precipice, and won the glorious battle, in which Gridley proved himself wor thy to fight by his side. His country acknowledged his services and rewarded them. The Magdalen islands with an extensive seal and cod fishery, arid half pay as a British officer, were conferred on him. At the commencement of the American re volution his British agent, by order of govern ment, enquired to what party he devoted his services. His magnanimous answer was, u he " never drew his sword hut in the cause of jus- " tice, and such he considered to be his coun- " try s." His half pay ceased, and the arrears already due he had too much spirit to receive. The British army in Boston, at the time of Lexington battle, were about four thousand troops under General Gage, the governor of Massachusetts. He had served with eclat both in America and Europe, had married an American lady, was popular in the country, and disposed to moderate expedients, until he 198 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. sacrificed his own judgment to the advice of violent partizans. By the last of May large reinforcements ar rived, and the whole consisted of the following regiments; the fourth, fifth, tenth, fourteenth, three companies of the eighteenth, twenty third, thirty fifth, thirty eighth, forty third, forty seventh, fifty second, fifty ninth, sixty third, two companies of the sixty fifth, and the sixty seventh. These amounted to about ten thousand troops under Generals Gage, Howe, Clinton, Burgoyne, Pigot, Grant and Robinson, Lords Percy and Rawdon, Colonels Abercrombie, Williams and others, the most distinguished officers and choicest troops of the British empire. The fifty second, the royal Irish and the twenty third or Welsh fusileers, had been the most signalized. This last was the Prince of Wales regiment in elegant uniform with a strong national spirit and esprit de corps.* There was also *a squadron of cavalry, for whose use a house of God was unwisely and sacrilegiously assumed. * From a tradition that a former Prince of Wales had ridden from his principality into England on a goat ; a very large one, with gilded horns, was always maintain ed by the corps, and they celebrated the anniversary of the feat by a procession, rejoicing and exultation; BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 199 The light infantry of the regiments were encamped on the heights of West Boston, facing Cambridge ; a very strong battery for cannon and mortars was erected on Copps Hill, facing Charlestown, and very strong lines and batteries were formed across the neck on the side of Roxbury. The British were equally sanguine, and as confident of success as their enemy, for whom, as soldiers, they entertained a sovereign con tempt This opinion was nourished by their officers who had served with those of the Pro vincials, when they were degraded below the British officers of similar commissions, and the generals were aliowed no rank with those of the mother country. They were confirmed in the same opinion from the ordinary arms and the uncouth dress of the American troops, which they had worn unchanged from the plough or the workshop, and the want of dis cipline and subordination which signalized their camp. They were also enthusiastic admirers of their government and constitution. They held the king and parliament in religious vene ration, and considered them as omnipotent on earth as Deity in heaven. They looked up on the Americans as foul, ungrateful and un natural rebels, and burned with indignation to inflict on them exemplary punishment. 200 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. Their narrow quarters galled their pride ; Burgoyne declared they would have elbow room, and General Gage proclaimed his mor tification u that the Americans affected to hold the British army besieged." Notwith standing the superior and increasing numbers of the foe, they determined to leave the town, and take Charlestown and Dorchester heights. The busy preparation had commenced to possess themselves of the latter on the eight eenth day of June, but the Americans before that provided other occupation for their arms. The Americans were impatient to be led against the enemy. They were unable to appreciate the necessity of discipline, or to understand the unorganized situation of every department of the army; but the hardships and expense of service they sorely realized. Many of the officers were favourable to the wishes of the men. They had been used to the loose service of rangers, and could not weigh the requisitions of a regular army. General Putnam, Colonel Prescott, and other veterans, demanded that advantage should be taken of this disposition of the men, and their wishes gratified. The utility of the frequent and successful skirmises they had al ready engaged in was immense. They prom ised themselves still higher advantage from an affair more important, but short of a general BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 201 They know th:d, conld the en emy be induced to nigage a formidable de tachment, i heir inferiority with the mi^ket would make .them d(epl\ rue any advantage they ini^-ht gain, \\iiii<; it would convert our army into soldiers; and these beneficial re sults would be doubled, could the Americans be covered ny entrenchments. Putnam, to show his correct estimation of his countrymen, as raw troops, advanced his favorite maxim, * the Americana are not at all afraid of their " heads, though very much afraid of their "legs; if you cover these they will fight for- u ever." Before the Council of War, in con tinual session, these arguments were under consideration. The same momentous question had been de bated in the Committee of Safety. They re ceived information, from their secret emissaries, that the enemy intended to advance into the country, and possess themselves of the very commanding heights of Charlestown and Dorchester. The necessity of anticipating tbem in a project so fatal to America was most solemnly urged for the purpose of pre venting their advance into the country, des troying their shipping, and making the town itself too hot for tnem. But this course was opposed by formidable, and almost insuperable difficulties. The ar- 18 202 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. my seemed called on to maintain a rigid de fence till they were better disciplined and pn pared for battle; arid what was of vastly more weight, they had not gunpowder. There were eleven barrels only in the public depots, and but sixty seven in Massachusetts. Tiit-se heights completely overlooked the town, and it was impohsible for the enemy to suifer the Americans to keep them without the most desperate efforts, and a general en- gai^ernent. This and the cannonade we should be necessitated to support, to answer that of the enemy, (for if omitted it would betray our secret impotency as to powder) were entirely beyond our means. General Porneroy, how ever, took council of his courage, and with unbounded confidence in the skill of his coun trymen " would fight the enemy with but five " cartridges a piece. He himself was practised " in hunting, and always brought home two, " and sometimes three deer, with but three " charges of powder. But the men had gcn- " erally supplied themselves with powder as " militia, and the public could easily make good " the deficiency." General Putnam, to encourage discipline and emulation, and brave the enemy, marched in face of them with all the troops from Cam bridge to Charlestown, about the I Oth day of June. And about the same time, to support the policy of engaging the enemy in an affair, BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 203* he attentively reconnoitred the country with Other officers. A position perfectly suited to their purpose, and which does immortal honor to their coup d ceil and military skill, they found in the neWs of Charles town. They re- paired to he place, and with minute accuracy examined the position. By the direction of General Ward, Colonel Gridley and Colonel Henshaw, accompanied by Mr. Devens, one of the Committee of Safe ty from Charlestown, had examined this part of the country in May, and reported in favor of fortifying Prospect Hill first, Bunker Hill next, and lastly Breed s Hill. The settlement of Charlestown and the fields are situated on a peninsula, with Charles River on the south, and Mystic River on the north. It is cloven hundred yards across from north to south, and one mile forty three rods in length from east to west, at which extremi ty the two rivers approach each other, and form a neck of land but one hundred and thir ty yards over. Breed s Hill is long, the east ern end rather steep, the western sinking gradually ; the south side is very steep, and at the bottom of it was Charlestown. It is sixty two feet in height. The north is like wise steep, and was protected at the bottom by a deep impassable slough ; beyond this, proceeding north, you cross a tongue of land 204 BtriTCER HILL BATTLE. twenty feet in height above Mystic River, the shore of which terminate* it on the north side. This tongue of land runs east to within two hundred and fifty yards of Morton s Hill and parallel with Breed s Hill. Morton b Hill lies northeast from Breed s, and is thirty five feet in height. The ground between the tongue of land and Breed s Hill, and beyond the east ern end of it and Morton s Hill was low and marshy. On the driest parts of this lowland, however, were a number of brick kilns. The tongue of land at its western extremity termi nates in Bunker Hill, which on this side has a considerable slope, and on all its other sides is exceedingly steep. It is one hundred and ten feet high, bears northwest from Breed s, and the summits of the two are distant from each other one hundred and thirty rods. By Bun- Jker Hill Breed s is completely commanded. A narrow road ran from the neck over Bunker Hill, between the tongue of land and Breed s Hill, and entirely round Breed s Hill, ap proaching very near its summit on the south. Even the daring enterprise of Warren hesi tated at the accumulated dangers and difficul ties, apparently insurmountable, which oppos ed our taking and maintaining possession of the heights of Charlcstown. But the Council of War and Committee of Safety, of which he was chairman, and in which he opposed the measure, adopted a different opinion, Like a BITNKER HILL BATTLE. 205 genuine patriot, his own opinion was forgot ten, and he joined heart and hand with his brethren to command success. On the fifteenth of June, the Committee of Safety passed the following votes : u Whereas this Committee lately applied to " the Honourable the Congress of this colony, u for an augmentation of the army now in the 44 vicinity cf Boston, and as some circumstan- 44 ces have since taken place, which strengih- 44 ened the arguments then used in favor of the 44 said augmentation ; particularly that many 44 of the then expected reinforcements for Gen- 4t eral Gage s army are arrived ; that General 44 Gage has issued a very extraordinary pro- " clamation, in which the inhabitants of Mas- 44 sachusetts are, in the most explicit manner, 44 declared rebels; and various accounts have 44 been brought to this Committee of the move- 44 merit of General Gage s army, and that he 44 intends soon to make another attempt to 44 penetrate into the country : From the con- 4 sideration of all which premises, together 44 with that of our army, Resolved, that the 14 good arid welfare of the colony requires that 44 there be an immediate augmentation of said 44 army, that such soldiers in the army as be " destitute of arms be immediately supped 44 therewith, that such regiments of militia as " be destitute of officers be immediately tilled 18* 206 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. " up, in such manner as the Honourable Con- " grcss may direct; and that all the militia ia * 4 the colony be ordered to hold themselves in 44 readiness to march, on the shortest notice, " completely equipped, having thirty rounds of "cartridges per man; all which is earnestly * 4 recommended to the immediate consideration 44 of the Honourable Congress, now sitting in 44 Watertown. To which the Committee would 44 beg leave to add a general recommendation * to the people, to go to meeting armed on the 44 Lord s day, in order to prevent being thrown 44 into confusion." On the same day they passed the following rote, which, for secrecy, was not recorded un~ till the 19th of June: " Whereas it appears of importance to the 44 safety of this colony that possession of the 44 hill called Bunker Hill, in Charlestown, be 44 securely kept and defended, and also some 44 one hill or hills on Dorchester Neck be like- 44 wise secured, therefore resolved unanirnous- " ly, that it be recommended to the Council of 54 War that the above mentioned Bunker Hill 44 be maintained by sufficient force being post- 54 ed there; and as the particular situation of " Dorchester Neck is unknown to this Corn- 46 mittee, they advise that the Council of War 44 take and pursue such steps respecting the <; same, as to them shall appear to be for the BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 207 " security of this colony." On the same day it was ordered, u that Captain Benjamin " White and Colonel Joseph Palmer be a " committee to join with the committee from " the Council of War, to proceed to the Rox- u bury camp, there to consult with the genoral " officers on matters of importance, and to " communicate to them a resolve this day " passed, in this Committee, respecting Bun- " ker Hill in Charlestown, and Dorchester " Neck." The Provincial Congress prepared an eloquent and energetic answer to Governor Gage s proclamation, to be issued on the 16th of June, in which Governor Gage and Admi ral Graves are excepted from the general am nesty, to respond to the proscription of Han cock and Adams; but this paper contest was forgotten in the bloody battle which ensued. THE BATTLE, ON the 16th of June, 1775. the approaching dog star shed its influence over the American camp. The earth was parched up; but the patriotism of the soldiers was more powerful than the sun, and their well strung nerves were proof against its enervating influence. With the advice of the Council of War, General Ward issued orders to Colonel Wil liam Prescott, to the commander of Colonel F rye s regiment, and Colonel Bridge, to be prepared for an expedition, with all their men fit for service, and one day s provisions. The same order issued for one hundred arid twenty of General Putnam s regiment, and one com pany of artillery with two field pieces. With these troops Colonel Prescott was or dered to proceed to Charlestowri in the even ing, take possession of Bunker Hill, and erect the requisite fortifications to defend it. .His BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 209 orders were to be kept profoundly secret. and provisions and refreshments were to ho s .-nt in the morning, with as many more troops as should be necebsary to reinforce him. Not an officer in the army could have been selected more worthy the honor, or more ad equate to the arduous undertaking than Col onel Prescott. In this veteran, ago already began to display its ravages : but the fire of his youth was undamped. He was of Pepper- ell. arid was early left in affluence bv the de cease of his father. He soon received a com mission in the provincial army, and, with ma ny of his neighbourhood who enlisted, he joined the forces under General Window* and assisted in the conquest of Nova Scotia. His military talents attracted instant admiration, and he was urged by the British officers to accept a commission in the royal army. At tachment to his brave soldiers and country men^ however, did not permit him to separate himself from them, and he returned to his es tate. The soldiers who had served under him still considered him their head. Like the chief of some feudal clan, he received them all with open doors at his hospitable mansion. In the habits he had acquired in camps his property was expended for their relief, com fort or entertainment, as freely as they were ready on every occasion to shed their blood for his honor, and under his command. 21 6 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. His figure was tall and commanding, and his countenance grave, ardent and impressive as his character. With this presence, and his lung and formidable sword, he needed no uniform to distinguish him as a leader. In a simple calico frock he headed the detachment of about one thousand men, who left camp at dark, and proceeded to Charlestown. Colonel Prescott led the way, with two sergeants, hav ing dark lanterns open only to the rear, about six paces in front of the troops. General Putnam having the general super- intendance of the expedition, and the chief engineer, Colonel Gndiey, accompanied the troops. Profound mystery hung over the object of the expedition till they crossed Charlestown Neck and found the waggons loaded with intrenching tools. The officers were hastening to order the arms to be stacked, and fortifications com menced, when a most serious confusion arose as to the construction of their orders, and the point t > be fortified. None of the hills ex cept Bunker had yet heen distinguished by name. And though this was the most com manding and most defensible position, it was too far from the enemy to annoy their army and shipping. This hill Fcemed specified BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 211 nly by mistake, and Breed s Hill was far bettor adapted to the important objects of the expedition, and better suited the adventurous spirit of the commanding officers. Their most invaluable moments were wasted without coming to a conclusion, though the wary and scientific engineer again and again urged them to determine at once on the ground, or it would be impossible to complete the requisite fortifications. Breed s Hill was at length concluded on, and Colonel Gridley immediately laid out the works upon it with a genius and skill which would have honored any engineer in the highest advance of military science. The redoubt on the summit of the hill was about eight rods square. The strongest side, on front, in the form of a redan, faced Charlestown, and pro tected the south side of the hill. The eastern side commanded a very extensive field, and in a line with this, running north down the side of the hill to the impassable slough, was formed a breastwork, which, at the southern extremity, was separated from the redoubt by a narrow passage way or sally port, pro tected in front by a blind. In the rear of the redoubt was a passage or gate way opening toward the slough. The works marked out, tools were distrib uted to the men ; but midnight arrived before 212 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. the first snade entered ^he ground. These brawny ye o men were literally, however, working for t>i? : i.: lives as well as their liber ties, and performed prodigies of labour. They were instructed and stimulated by General Putnam, Colonel Prescotu and other officers, amonLC whom was Majoi Brooks, distinguish ed by the well deserved confidence of the ar my. Just entered on manhood he relinquish ed a lucrative profession at the call of his country. Commanding a battalion of minute men, he commenced his military career at the battle of Lexington and received the same rank in the army. He was imperatively call ed home, by dangerous sickness in his family, and received no order to march with his regi ment. But the danger of his fellow soldiers was a sufficient summons, and he hastened to join his corps, which he overtook at the neck. There was an unobscured starlight, and the movements of the neighbouring enemy demanded observation. Colonel Prescott pro ceeded with Major Brooks to the shore to reconnoitre them. Every thing was quiet; they distinctly heard the enemy relieving guard, and were rejoiced at the welcome cry from the centries, however unfounded, All s well !" The men quietly at their labours, General Putnam in the morning repaired to his camp, BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 213 to prepare for the anticipated crisis, and to be mounted afresh, for his gait over horseneck was not more expeditious than his ordinary riding, and his horse required to be relieved. Watchful as Argus, Prescott could hardly conjecture that the enemy were so negligent of military caution, as to suffer his powerful force to approach their very threshold un observed. He advanced anew to examine their situation ; again all was quiet. But the blazing sun began his approaches, and the grey of the morning was dissipated. The veil was lifted from the astonished eyes of the British; but they would hardly credit their senses on perceiving thf ir daring enemy above them, overlooking their whole position, with formidable entrenchments, which had sprung up as by enchantment. The cannon of the Lively opened on the Americans and roused their countrymen from secure repose, to participate in the same surprise and as tonishment. General Gage was thunderstruck at the unwelcome information, and sent an imme diate summons to his officers to meet him in a council of war. Some other frigates, floating batteries, the Somerset line of battle ship, a formidable 19 214 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. battery of the heaviest pieces, and a mortar on Copps Hill, opened a tremendous fire on the Americans, sufficient to appal even vete ran troops. This fire was some time without effect, but the men venturing in front of the works, one of them was killed by a cannon shot. A subaltern officer acquainted Colonel Prescott, and asked what should be done. " Bury " him." " What," said the green astonished officer, "without prayers !" A chaplain, who was present, insisted on performing service over this first victim, and collected many of the soldiers around him, heedless of peril. Prescott ordered them to disperse ; but reli gious enthusiasm prevailed, and the chaplain again collected his congregation in the midst of the enemy s fire, when the deceased was ordered to be taken and buried in the ditch. To dispel the terror which this event ex cited, Prescott mounted on the works, and directed the labor. Heedless of all the fire of the enemy, he was wrought up to the highest pitch of enthusiasm, and transferred his own exaltation into every private under him. From oppressive heat, and the vehe mence of his address, his false hair was thrown off, and waving his sword, he some times upbraided his men in anger, and some times encouraged them with approbation, or BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 215 amused them with humour. Perfectly under standing his countnmen, he was complete master of their souls. Not the great Su- \varrow himself was ever more negligent of appearance, or ever inspired his faithful fol lowers with a confidence more entire or more deserved. General Gage was reconnoitring the ene my. He handed the telescope to Willard, a mandamus counsellor, and inquired, u who is " that officer commanding ?" He instantly re cognized his brother-in-taw, Colonel Prcscott. "Will he fight?" asked Gage. " Yes, sir, " depend upon it, to the last drop of blood in " him, but I cannot answer for his men," wa& the reply. The sufferings of the men were great; the heat was excessive; during a sleepless night they had unremittedly labored, without even water, and their small stock of provisions was exhausted. Their officers felt for them, and wished Colonel Prescott to send to Cambridge a request to be relieved. He called a coun cil, but instantly crushed the slighest hope of a relief. " The enemy would not dare attack 44 them, and if they did would be defeated, 44 The men who had raised the works were " the best qualified to defend them. They " had already learned to despise the fire of 216 BUNKfcR HILL BATTLE. " the enemy They had the merit of the la- " bor, and should enjoy the honor of the vic- ft tory." With renewed ardor the men con tinued their labors. Captain Nutting with his company, and Captain Walker with a small detachment,* were ordered into Charlestown, near the fer ry, by Colonel Prescott, to observe the ene my s movements. General Gage met his officers in council. They did not hesitate as to the indispensable necessity of driving the enemy from their for midable position, out found it impossible to agree on the mode of attack. General Clin ton and General Grantt advocated attacking the enemy in rear. " Their men could " embark at the bottom of the common in " boats, land at Charlestown Neck, under Cb protection of a fire from the floating batte- " lies and frigates, and would have the enemy < 4 in their power;" and this appeared to be the prevailing opinion. But General Gage would not adopt a measure so adventurous. ft was opposed to every well founded military * Tliis doubtless gave rise to Gordon s statement, that i\Vo regiments were in Charlestown. t Declaration of General Grant in presence of Mr. Totton, now living. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 217 rule, and was in fact contrary to the dictates of prudence. They would expose themselves between two armies, one of them superior to their own in numbers, and the other strongly posted and foi tified ; they would be attacked in front and rear, and in fact completely sur rounded, without the possibility of a retreat being secured to them in case of disaster. It was therefore determined to land and attack the enemy in front. At daybreak General Putnam ordered Lieu tenant Clark to send and request of General Ward a horse for him to ride to Bunker Hill. The lieutenant went himself, but the gene ral s impatience could not await an answer. On his return he found him mounted and de parting. The result of Genera] Gage s council of war soon became apparent. The enemy were observed moving with rapidity through the streets of Boston ; a corps of dragoons ma noeuvring within view of the Americans sud denly galloped off tho ground ; the rattling of artillery carriages and waggons was heard, and every note of preparation for a military movement. Prescott then believed the enemy would hazard an attack and was in ecstasy. " Now. my boys, we shall have a fight, and "shall beat them too," he observed. Fearless 218 BUNKER HILL BATTLE, himself he thought the world so too, and his confidence was too implicit in the raw troops and inexperienced commanders collecting, for as an army they can hardly be said to have collected, at Cambridge. It was nine o clock; provisions and drink had been requested from General Ward, but none had arrived, nor any troops to replace those at the entrenchments. Colonel Prescott called another council of war; again he refused to hear a word as to displacing his men, but consented to send to General Ward for refreshments and reinforce ments. Major Brooks was selected to proceed to Cambridge and wait on General Ward for this purpose. For greater expedition he was di rected to take one of the artillery horses, but the order was vehemently opposed by Captain Gridiey, who feared for the safety of his pieces if a single horse was taken from him. Fresco tt then directed him to proceed on loot with as much despatch as possible. He arriv ed at head quarters about ten, and delivered his instructions to General Ward. The gen eral hesitated as to the policy of sending re inforcements to Charlestown, and doubted whether the real intention of the enemy was to make his attack on that point. At Cam bridge and Watertown were the scanty depots of ammunition, ordnance stores and materiel BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 219 of every species belonging to the army. On these the salvation of the country seemed to depend, and he presumed the enemy intended to seize the present opportunity, to make an attack on head quarters, and gain possession of the depots. The Committee of Safety was then in ses sion in the very house in which the general chartered, and to them he communicated the information and request, brought by Major Brooks. Richard Devens, one of the mem bers, was of Charlestovvn. His anxiety that his estate and native town should be protect ed from the inroad of the enemy, amounted almost to phrenzy; his importunity with the general and the committee to have ample re inforcements sent to Colonel Prescott was equally vehement and impassioned. The com mittee recommended sending reinforcements, and the general consented that orders should fo to the New Hampshire troops, stationed at ledford, to proceed to Charlestown and re inforce Colonel Prescott, arid these ord rs were immediately sent to Colonel Stark and Colonel Reed. General Warren, the Chairman of the Com mittee of Safety was present. The day be fore he had officiated as President of the Con gress at Watertown, and had passed the night 220 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. there, engaged in the accumulated concerns of the public. His friend, Honorable Elbridge Gerry, had learned the determination to take and fortify Bunker Hill. He remonstrated with him agaiiistthe glaring imprudence of the measure, with our defective means. "We <; had not powder to maintain the desperate 64 conflict which must ensue, and should all be " cut to pieces." General Warren confessed he entertained the same opinion; but it was de termined otherwise, and he was resolved to share the fate of his countrymen. His friend conjured him not to expose his invaluable life where his destruction would be useless and inevitable. " I know it," said the hero, " but I "live within sound of the cannon, and should " die were I to remain at home while my fel- " low citizens are shedding their blood for me "and my country." He arrived at Cambridge by daylight, complained of headache and threw himself on the bed. On receiving information that the enemy were coming out, General Ward sent to notify him. He jumped from his bed, declared " his headache was gone " then," and after meeting with the Committee of Safety, mounted his horse, and with his fu sil and sword repaired to the post of danger. He joined General Putnam, and they consult ed on measures to be pursued. General Put nam informed him that " from long experience " he perfectly comprehended the character of " the British army ; they would ultimately sue- BUNKER FULL BATTLE. 221 "reed and drive us from the works, but from "the mode of attack they hud chosen, it was u in our power to do them infinite mischief, " though we must be prepared for a brave and 14 orderly retreat, when we could maintain our "ground no longer." Warren expressed his full assent to these opinions and agreed to be go\erned by them. At eleven the New Hampshire troops re ceived orders from Cambridge. About fifteen charges of loose powder and balls were dis tributed to each, and they were directed to form these into cartridges immediately. Few of the men, however, possessed cartridge box es, but employed only powder horns ; and scarcely two of their guns agreeing in calibre, they were obliged to alter the balls accord ingly. At the long wharf, in Boston, four battalions of British infantry, ten companies of grena diers, and ten of light infantry, were embark ed in boats. Some of these were taken from transports, and had never disembarked since their voyage. They were now to land, not like Antasus, to gain new strength from the earth, but to shed their lile s blood on her bosom. About one o clock a large portion of these troops, together with six pieces of cannon and 222 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. howitzers, landed at Morton s Point. Here they immediately discovered a most disastrous mistake ; the cartridges sent for the use of the artillery were too large for the pieces. They were immediately sent back, and a new sup ply obtained. At the same time General Howe, the commander of the forces, discover ing on his near approach the formidable na ture of the enemy s position, requested rein forcements from General Gage. About two o clock the remainder of the forces leave Winnisimit Ferry and land at Morton s -Point ; and soon after the reinforcements, the forty seventh battalion, a battalion of marines, ex cept a few of this corps who were preparing to embark, a few companies of grenadiers and light infantry, land under the eastern end of Breed s Hill, at Madlin s shipyard. All these troops cannot be estimated at less than five thousand ; if the corps were but half full there were four thousand three hundred and fifty. While the enemy were landing General Put nam ordered Captain Knowlton, with the Connecticut troops, to take post behind a rail fence, which ran across the tongue of land, from the road to Mystic River, a distance of two hundred and fifty yards. In front of this whole line of fence was a thick orchard, and another, more spare, in the rear. These troops pulled up the neighbouring fences, and placing them near the one at which they were posted, threw in the new mown grass between. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 223 Few of the fields, however, were mown, and this cover was a mere shadow of a defence. This fence was one hundred and ninety yards in rear of the breastwork, and eighty yards in rear of the head or western end of the slough, leaving a very extensive opening between the breastwork and rail fence, by which the left flank of the breastwork, and troops resting on the slough, were entirely exposed to cannon shot; and a considerable space, one hundred yards diagonally, between the slough and the rail fence, was open to the advance of infantry. This was the weak point arid the very key of the American posi tion. The detachments in Charlestown were now recalled by Colonel Prescott, and took post at a narrow cart way, which ran from the southeastern angle of the redoubt, directly south, to the narrow way round the hill. They placed the fences together, and threw in grass, as was done on the left. The thundering cannonade of the enemy soon spread the information of an approaching engagement. The American citizens in the neighbourhood flocked to the scene, and the soldiers voluntarily ran to arms, and entreat ed to be led against the foe. Colonel Little s regiment had just arrived from Essex and 224 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. were not even commissioned. Awaiting no orders, they left their quarters in West Cam bridge, marched to General Ward and tender ed their services. The Connecticut troops were equally anx ious to join their general ; they were all un der arms, and sent to head quarters for orders. But General Ward informed them they had already the post of honor, for the Biitisli were expected to land at Inman s farm their present position. For greater caution Colonel Gardner s re giment, and one or two others, were marched halfway toCharlestown there to wait further orders. But the enemy s intentions were now clearly pronounced, by their preparation to land at Charlestown. Orders were in haste despatched to a number of infantry regiments Captain Cal lender s company and Major Grid ley s battalion of artillery, to proceed in* stantlv toCharlestown to reinforce their coun trymen. Colonel Prescott had stretched the endur ance and exertions of his detachment to the utmost of the hum-in constitution They had thrown up a defence good against muskets, and most of it ag^in-t a- tillery. But the com manding summit of Bunker HilU of vitil impor tance to them in case of retreat, was not yet BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 225 fortified. Putnam was anxious and mortified that a post, on which his defence and reputa tion so materially depended, should be entire ly neglected. His mother wit, cultivated in the school of experience, under British officers, the most distinguished masters of the day, per fectly comprehended the immense importance of entrenching. He seemed to have intuitive ly seized the maxims of Caesar s learned cam paigns, as well as to anticipate the scientific results of such modern defences as General Jackson s. He ordered the entrenching tools to be carried by a large detachment to the rear. The first division of the enemy awaiting the remainder of the detachment, which had not yet embarked, were quietly dining, and most of them for the last time, from their crowded and cumbrous knapsacks. General Putnam seized the opportunity of hastening to Cambridge, whence he returned with the reinforcements. He had to pass a galling enfilading fire of round, bar and chain shot, which thundered across the rierk from the Glasgow frigate in the channel of Charles River, and two floating batteries hauled close to the shore. And now the brave Stark arrived with his regiment. General Putnam reserved a part 20 226 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. of it, to throw up a work on Bunker Hill, and ordered him to press on to the lines as quick as possible, with the remainder. They pro ceeded with the other New Hampshire regi ment under Colonel Reed, arid joined the Connecticut troops at the rail fence. About five thousand British troops, and a new supply of artillery ammunition, had land ed. Major General Howe was their com mander, a distinguished soldier, and like all his family, of undaunted bravery ; under him was Gener tl Pigot, and the othfr renowned chiefs were, Colonels Nesbit, Abercrombie, Clarke, Majors Butler, Williams, Bruce, Spendlove, Smelt, Mitchell, Pitcairn, Short, Small, Lords Percy and Ravvdon. The troops were in columns, waiting the signal to advance. They and their enemy opposed to them were in a vast amphitheatre, formed by elevated heights which rise from Boston Bay, surrounding them on every other side at the distance only of a few miles. These heights were covered with Americans, who had been brought from a dis tance, by anxious curiosity, to witness a scene so sublime, and learn the event of a contest, on which the fate of a new world depended; and many of them to witness the fate of a par ent, brother or husband engaged. The heights and the steeples in Boston were similarly crowded by the inhabitants and British sol diers. And many a soldier s wife witnessed BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 227 the events, with a melancholy foreboding that she was left a widow, and her home three thousand miles across the ocean. A tremendous cannonade from Boston open ed on the camp at Roxbury, to contain the Americana who were there under arms. It added to the continued roar of the batteries and shipping against Charlestown, and the hat- rr *5 > . . tie was commencing. It was indeed a scene interesting beyond the reach of human imagi nation. The field artillery opened on the works ; it was the signal to advance. The Americans O faintly responded with their two small pieces. They had fired a few useless shot at Copps Hill, but there were no embrasures in the im perfect redoubt ; their slight platform was broken, and the artillery cartridges were re served. The drums beat to arms. Putnam left his works, commenced on Bunker Hill, and led the troops into action. Little s regiment arrived ; he ordered them to their posts. Captain Warner s company advanced to the rail fence on the right of the redoubt, Captain Perkins to the exposed po-r sition between the breastwork and rail fencq on the left, and the remainder found their 228 BUNKfeR HILL BATTLE. places in the line. Colonel Jonathan Brewer, with Ins regiment, and Captain Callender, with his artillery, also arrived. The veteran General Pomeroy heard the pealing artillery, which seemed to invite him to battle; he was a soldier too brave, and a patriot too ardent, to resist a summons so agreeable. He requested a hoise of General Ward, to carry him to the field; delighted at an aid so important, it was instantly supplied. With his musket and cartridges he repaired to the neck; inquiring of a sentry posted there, ana viewing the ground and the tremendous fire across, he was alarmed not for himself, but for the horse he had borrowed ; he delivered him to the sentry, and coolly marched across. He advanced to the rail fence at the left. His ap proach gave new confidence to the men ; they received him with the highest exultation, and the name of General Pomeroy rang through the line. In early life he had been an ingeni ous mechanic, and many a soldier was sup plied with arms of his manufacture. Had Vulcan himself supplied the Grecians with his celestial armor, and appeared in their ranks, they would not have been more certain of victory. General Warren took post at the redoubt. Colonel Prescott offered him the command, but he had not yet received his commission, BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 229 and tendered the colonel his assistance as a volunteer ;" he was happy to learn service " from a soldier of experience/ The columns of the enemy were advancing slowly, and halted at intervals, to give the ar tillery an opportunity to render a passage over the works practicable. General Howe, re markably tall, and a prominent mark, advanc ed two hundred yards in front of the troops to reconnoitre. The fifth regiment, one of grenadiers, and another of light infantry, move under cover of the tongue of land, at the foot of it display,, and advance in front to the rail fence; except nine of the light companies, who move by the right flank on the shore of Mystic River to turn the American left. This attack was led by General Howe. The fifty second regiment, thirty eighth, thirty fifth, forty seventh, three grenadier anci three light companies, and the marines* under cover of Breed s Hill, display, and are led by General Pigot against the redoubt and breast work. The lines advanced and scon opened to- view. The American marksmen are with dif ficulty restrained from firing. General Put nam rode through the line,"and ordered that* 2Q* 230 , BUNKER HILL BATTLE. no one should fire till they arrived within eight rods, nor any one till commanded. "Powder " was scarce and must not be wasted. They " should not fire at the enemy till they saw " the white of their eyes, and then fire low, " take aim at their waistbands. They were " all marksmen, and could kill a squirrel at "a hundred yards; reserve their fire, and the " enemy were all destroyed. Aim at thehand- M some coats, pick off the commanders." The same orders were reiterated by Prescott at the redoubt, by Pomeroy, Stark, and all the veteran officers. The enemy were within gunshot of the re doubt; a few of the sharp shooters could not resist the temptation and fired. Prescott was indignant at this contempt of his orders ; wav ing his sword he swore instant death against the first who disobeyed again, appealed to their well known confidence in him, and pro mised to give them orders at the proper mo ment The enemy were at eight rods distance, the deadly muskets were levelled, when Prescott commanded his men to take good aim, be sure of their mark, and fire. He was effectually obeyed. The whole front rank was swept away, and many a gallant officer laid low. They were, however, countr>men of those \vho gave the fire, and received it with the BUNKER HILL B\TTLE. 231 same cool courage with which it was given* Rank succeeded rank, and returned the fire, but the odds was fearful; the Americans were well protected by the works ; the efforts and courage of the enemy were in vain, and with surly reluctance they were compelled to re treat. Warren animated and encouraged the men, and with the rest of the officers, set them an example with his musket ; there was scarcely an officer of any grade, except Putnam and Prescott, without one. Perfect as was the fire of the American infantry, their artillery was as grossly defec tive in every respect. This arm requires science, experience and know ledge of position. But the artillery companies were just selected from the iniantry, and entirely ignorant of their duty. Callender carried his pieces into action, but his cartridges required adjusting. Totally in violation of military discipline, he left his post without orders, and was retiring to a se cure place under cover of the hill, to prepare for firing. Putnam observed this appearance of retreat and was fired with indignation ; he ordered him instantly to his post; Callender remonstrated, but Putnam threatened him with instant death, if he hesitated, and forced him back. His men, however, were disgusted \vith a part of the service they did not unuei stand} 232 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. most of them had muskets and mingled in the fight; the pieces were entirely deserted, and the captain relinquished them. The British had neglected the only ma* noauvre which would have defeated the ene my, to mount the works and charge with the bayonet. The Americans had scarcely a bay onet to a company, and it must have succeed ed. Under cover of the hill they prepared for another onset. Their fellow soldiers on the right arrived about the time of this attack on the redoubt to within about one hundred yards of the Americans. They were throwing down a fence, when a few marksmen fired on them. Putnam was enraged at this disobedience of an order on which the salvation of the army depended ; he rode to the spot, his sword "whistling through the air; in his indignation he threatened to cut down the first who dared to fire again without orders. The discharge from these few muskets, however, drew the fire from the enemy s line, which continue d moving on, and when about eight rods from the fence, the fatal order was given ; the fire of the Americans mowed them down with the same tremendous severity, as at the redoubt. The officers especially fell victims to thein deadly aim. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 233 During this tremendous fire of musketry and roar of cannon, McClary s gigantic voice was distinctly heard, animating and encourag ing the men as though he would inspire every ball that sped with his own tire and energy. The British fired their heaviest vollies of musketry with admirable coolness and regu larity, but without aim, at the Americans, arid almost every ball passed harmless over them. Th ir artillery had been stopped by the brick kiius in the low ground, and produced little eiiect. This wing of the army having cover ed the ground with their dead, were at length compelled likewise to retreat; and the huzza of victory reechoed through the American line. General Ward had by this time despatched sufficient reinforcements, but they did not reach the field. The fire across the neck wore an aspect too terrific for raw troops to venture in it. Putnam flew to the spot to overcome their fears and hurry them on be fore the enemy returned. He entreated, threatened and encouraged them; lashing his horse with the flat of his Svvord, he rode back ward and forward across the neck, through the hottest fire, to convince them there was no danger. The balls however threw up clouds of dust about him, and the soldiers were perfectly convinced that he was invul nerable, but not equally conscious of being so 234 BUNKER HILL BATTLE, themselves.* Some of these troops, however* ventured over. The battalion of artillery under Major Gridley had proceeded but a few hundred rods down the road to Charlestown when they were halted, and this officer determined not to proceed to the hill but wait and cover the retreat, which he considered inevitable. He was young and inexperienced, and totally inadequate to the important command which had been conferred on him in compliment to his father, Colonel Gridley. He was con founded with the dangers and difficulties of his situation, and never recovered his self possession during the day. While the artillery was halted in this situa tion, Colonel James Frye, (who was absent from his regiment on duty the day before, but the battle approaching, had found his way to the field,) riding from Charlestown galloped up to them and demanded of the senior captain,t " why this unseasonable halt !" He was aston ished at the reply, and ordered them instantly to the field. This veteran also animated their courage by the glorious recollection " this day * The principal fact here is proved by the deposition of Mr. Samuel Bassett ; the other circumstances by oral testimony. t Yet living, and from whom we have this anecdote. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 235 " thirty years since, I was at the taking of " Louisbourg when it was surrendered to us; " il is a fortunate day for America, we "shall " certainly beat the enemy." The artillery proceeded. Gridley joined them ; but his aversion to joining in the en gagement was invincible, and he ordered them on to Cobble Hill to fire at the Glasgow and floating batteries. The order was so palpably absurd, with their three pounders, that Cap tain Trevett absolutely refused obedience, ordered his men to follow him, and marched for the lines. Major Gridley was sensible his artillery would be hazarded without infantry to cover them. Colonel Mansfield had been ordered with his regiment to reinforce the troops at Charlestown, but being peremptorily com manded by Major Gridley, whom he consid ered high military authority, to cover his pieces, he complied in violation of his orders. General Putnam left the neck for Bunker Hill to bring up the reinforcements. He there found Colonel Gerrish with his regiment and some other scattered troops. Trie colonel had been a captain in the provincial army of 17.56; he was of unwieldy corpulence and a disposition by far too quiet for a soldier s. He had marched his men rapidly from Cam- 236 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. bridge, and unwisely halted them here to rest. The blazing sun and tremendous fire of the enemy combined were far too powerful for the faintness of his military ardor to overcome. The men were disorganized and. dispersed on the west side of the hill, and covered by the summit from the fire. Putnam ordeied them on to the lines ; he entreated and threatened them, and some of the most cowardly he knocked down with his sword, but all ii. vain. The men complained they had not their offi- cers ; he offered to lead them on himself, but " the cannon were deserted and they stood no " chance without them." The battle indeed appeared here in all its horrors. The Brit ish musketry fired high and took effect on this elevated hill and it was completely ex posed to the cdmbined fire from their ships, batteries, and field pieces. The enemy were by this time organized anew and were ag\- jri advancing to the attack. Putnam s duty called him to the lines. At this time Captain Ford appeared with his company. He served in a regiment under the veteran Lieutenant Colonel Parker and Major Brooks. Of them he had learned the duties of a soldier. He had already signalized him self at Lexington battle by killing five of the enemy. His orders were to proceed to the lines and reinforce the tumps ; he obeyed, marched unconcerned across the neck and BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 237 was proceeding down Bunker Hill, when Putnam was delighted with an aid so oppor tune. Callender s deserted cannon were at the foot of the hill ; he ordered Captain Ford with his company to draw them into line. The captain remonstrated " his company were 4 totally ignorant of the discipline and em- 44 ployment of artillery." But the general per emptorily persisting in his order, he obeyed ; his company moved with the cannon and the general himself to the rail fence. The heroic enemy with unwavering step and firm undaunted bravery appeared again before the murderous lines which had already compelled them to retreat. They had nearly the same obstacles to overcome as before. Their cumbrous knapsacks, tall uhd almost impassable grass, and a torrid sun blazing in face of them they had to contend against, as well as an enemy every way worthy of them. One new obstacle they had to pass, the dead bodies of their fellow soldiers vvhich covered the ground. But this served rather to stimu late them to still more daring efforts to re venge their fall. The last of the reinforce ments, a few companies of marines, arrived on the left. The Americans were now more confident and perfect than before in a manoeuvre which had been crowned with success. It was in- 21 238 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. deed perfectly simple, but equally fatal to the foe. They received orders to reserve their fire till the enemy approached still nearer than before. At six rods only they were per mitted to return the fire. The British artil lery approached by the narrow road between the tongue of land and Breed s Hill, within three hundred yards of the rail fence, and almost in a line with the redoubt, and opened on the lines to prepare a way for their in fantry. The latter commenced a regular and tremendous volley by platoons, and their fire soon became general. But unfortunately for them, though perfect in drill discipline, and regular movements of parade, they were as grossly unskilful in what was a thousand times more important, a knowledge of their wea pons. Tbfeir aim was too elevated, and the enemy were hidden behind their works. Some of their balls however took effect, and a few of the privates fell victims. The brave Major Moore was mortally wounded. Major Buck- minster received a ball through the shoulder and was crippled for life. To add new horrors to the scene, vast col umns of smoke were now observed over Charlestown, and passed to the south over the American lines. General Howe on his first advance had sent word to General Bur- goyne and General Clinton on Copps Hill, that his left flank was annoyed by musketry BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 239 from Charlestown, and ordered them to burn it down. A carcass was fired, but fell short near the ferry way; a second fell in the street, and the town was on fire. The confla gration was completed by a detachment of men who landed from the Somerset. The whole town was combustible. The flames as cended to heaven on the lofty spire of the church, and resembled the eruptions of a vast volcano in solemn grandeur and sublimity. The advance of the enemy was not obscured by the smoke from Charlestown ; they were in full view of the Americans. Putnam now, with the assistance of Captain Ford s compa ny, opened his artillery upon them. He had on this day performed the service of general, engineer and guide, and he now turned can- nonier, with splendid success,, and to the high est satisfaction of his surrounding countrymen. Each company of artillery had but twelve cartridges, and these were soon expended. He pointed the cannon himself, the balls took effect on the enemy, and one case of canister made a lane through them. As in Milton s battle, " Foul dissipation followed and forced rout." With wonderful courage, however, the enemy closed his ranks, and the fire became general on both sides. The Americans suffered the enemy to approach still nearer than before; 240 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. men and officers fell in promiscuous heaps ; whole front ranks of them were swept away. General Ward was without staff officers to bear his commands, excepting one aid and a secretary, who performed the duty. During the whole day these were mounted and on full speed between Breed s Hill and head quarters. Loss and neglect of orders were the inevita ble consequence. Colonel Gardner s regi ment and others who had been posted between Cambridge and Charlestown, to wait further orders, were overlooked. The battle was raging, and no orders arrived. The colonel was a gentleman of rank, had been a member of the legislature, and commanded a regiment of militia, which,, marching to Lexington to join in the engagement there, suddenly open ed on the British artillery; being entirely void of cover they dispersed. His gallant soul felt their conduct as a stigma on himself, and ho resolved on the earliest opportunity to wipe the spot from his escutcheon. A glorious oc casion was before him, and he panted to em brace it to reap the honors of victory, or death and lasting fame. The latter fate was Decreed him. He called to him his officers, and offered to lead them into battle ; most of them with three hundred of his men followed him. He led them over Bunker Hill, viewed with unconcern the battle scene on the hill be fore him, terrible as Mount Sinai, and with BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 241 glorious anticipations, was descending to the engagement, when a musket ball entered his groin, and the wound proved mortal. He gave his men his last solemn injunction, to conquer or die, and was carried off the field. He soon met Captain Trevett advancing with his artil lery, and an interesting and heroic interview ensued between the colonel and Captain Tre- vett s second Lieutenant Gardner, his son, a mere youth of nineteen. The son was in ago ny at the desperate situation of his father, and would have attended him off the ground. But the colonel prohibited this. " He should not " be alarmed at his situation, he was engaged c; in a good cause and must march on and do " his duty." The distracted son obeyed, and his dying; father had the consolation to learn J O that his last injunction and glorious example were not lost ; and that his son was worthy of him. These reinforcements, with Captain Clark and Captains Chester and Coit, who soon fol lowed with their companies, supplied the places of those who had expended their ammu nition and left the ground, and of the detach ment sent off with the entrenching tools, who, in contempt of their orders, never returned.. The British had a long time borne the mur derous fire of the enemy, but their astonish ing fortitude and daring efforts were useless 21 * lM2 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. against the insuperable difficulties they encouri* tercel. Nearly a thousand of their number had fallen, with an incredible proportion of the bravest officers. The distinguished Col onels Abercrombie and Williams, and Major Spendlove, had purchased fame with their lives. The gallant Major Small was left standing alone, every one shot down about him. The never erring muskets were levelled at him, and a soldier s fate was his inevitable destiny, had not Putnam at the instant appeared. Each recognized in the other an old friend and fellow soldier; the tie was sacred; Putnam threw up the deadly muskets with his sword, and arrested his fate. He begged his men to spare that officer, as dear to him as a brother. The general s humane and chivalrous gene rosity excited in them new admiration, and his friend retired unhurt. The undaunted Howe still led on his men in the hottest of the battle. His friend and volunteer aid, Gordon, and Captain Addison, a descendant from the author of the Spectator, were slain, and almost every other officer of his staff or near him was shot. Mortified and indignant at so much blood wasted in vain> he seemed to court an honorable death to hide him from the disgrace of a second defeat by an enemy he despised as peasants and re* BANKER HILL BATTLE. 213 bels. His life seemed charmed, and he was compelled to follow his army, who again re treated and left their enemy to taste, a second time, the joys of victory. The exultation of the Americans was glori ous and well deserved, but it w r as, alas, short lived. They had leisure to realize the entire hopelessness of their situation. Their ammu nition was expended, and they were as desti tute of every offensive weapon as the naked savages, their predecessors. Prescoti found a few artillery cartridges, which he distributed to his men, and they determined to show a re solute front to the enemy, to club their mus kets, and even employ the stones thrown up with the parapet against them. Their only hope, however, was from a want of fortitude in the enemy, and that they had twice this day proved was slender indeed. General Howe gave his men orders to pre pare again to advance. Some of the officers remonstrated, that it would be mere butchery to lead therii- on again, but the generals, and nearly every officer, were indignant at a dis tant suspicion of their yielding the victory to these rebels, an undisciplined rabble, of inferior numbers, after all their boasting, and after they had poured out every epithet of contempt against them. To conquer or die was their resolve. 244 UUXKER HILL BATTLE. Bloody experience at last opened their eyes to their egregious errors. Their overweening confidence was laid aside, and a calculated, deliberate and judicious plan of attack adopt ed. The overloaded knapsacks were relin quished ; firing with musketry was prohibited, and a charge with the bayonet resorted to. The attack was to be more concentrated; while the troops at the rail fence were amus ed by a show of force, the grand effort was to be against the redoubt and breastwork, and particularly the right flank. The accomplished and chivalrous General Clinton now joined and brought his splendid talents into the council, and his distinguished gallantry into the field. Immediate and in conceivable was the sensation his appearance produced at this moment of deep despondence. From Copps Hill he had observed with shame and indignation the double rout of his country men, and particularly that the two distinguish ed battalions, the marines and forty seventh, were staggered and wavering. Without wait ing for orders, he threw himseh Into a boat, passed over, and soon breathed into them his own exalted heroism. General Howe a third time commanded a forward movement to scale the works and rush on the enemy with the bayonet. He came to tlie left to lead on to the redoubt himself. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 2 I;") Clinton joined General Pigot and the marines on the left to turn the right flank of the ene my. The artillery were ordered to advance still farther than before on their old rout, and turn the left of the breastwork to rake the line. General Howe at last became sensible that this was the most vulnerable point and key of the enemy s position. The Americans made every preparation possible to repel the last desperate effort of the enemy. Putnam again rode to the rear, and exhausted every art and effort to bring on the scattered reinforcements. Captain Bay- ley, only, of Colonel Gerrish s regiment, ad vanced to the lines, and Captain Trovett now arrived at the rail fence with his pieces. The enemy stripped off their knapsacks, and many of them their coats ; the artillery pushed on by the road on the north, the forty seventh and marines near the road on the south side of the hill, and the remains of the royal Irish and other regiments, and part of the grena diers and light infantry in front. Their past efforts had exhausted the strength and spirit of many of the men who lingered in the rear, and their gallant officers were compelled to urge them on with their swords. Some of the less resolute fired their pieces, but the great masses obeyed their orders, and with firmness moved on to the charge. They arrived under 246 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. the fire of the Americans, who improved to advantage their last opportunity for ven geance. Every shot took effect. The gallant Howe at last received a ball in the foot, where only like Achilles he seemed to be vulnerable, but continued to animate his men. A few only of the Americans had a charge of ammunition remaining. They had sent for a supply in vain; a barrel and a half only were in the magazine. They resorted next to stones, but these served only to betray their weak ness, and lent new energy to the foe. The artillery advanced to the open space between the breastwork and rail fence ; this ground was defended by some brave Essex troops, covered only by scattered trees. With resolution and deadly aim they poured the most destructive vollies on the enemy. The cannon, however, turned the breastwork, en filaded the line, and sent their balls through the open gateway or sally port, directly into the redoubt, under cover of which the troops at the breastwork were compelled to retire. The enemy bravely bore the deadly fire, and continually closing his broken ranks, de liberately advanced on every side of the re doubt except the north. They were now un der the eastern side of the redoubt and cover ed from the fire. The Americans retired to BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 247 the side opposite to take them as they rose. Lieutenant Prescott, a nephew of the colonel, received a ball through the arm ; it hung bro ken and useless by his side. The colonel or dered him to content himself with encourag ing his men. But he contrived to load his piece, and was passing by the sally port to rest against the enemy, when a cannon ball cut him to pieces. Young Richardson of the royal Irish, was the first to mount the works, and was instant ly shot down ; the front rank which succeeded shared the same fate. Among these mounted the gallant Major Pitcairn, and exultingly cried " the day is ours," when a black soldier named Salem,* shot him through and he fell. His agonized son received him in his arms and tenderly bore him to the boats. It was he who caused the first effusion of blood at Lex ington. In that battle his horse was shot un der him, while he was separated from his troops ; with presence of mind he feigned him self slain; his pistolst were taken from his holsters, and he was left for dead, when he seized the opportunity and escaped. * A contribution was made in the army for this sol dier, and he was presented to Washington, us having performed this feat. t This trophy afterwards belonged to General Put nam, and yet remains in his family, from whom we have the above anecdote. 248 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. The heroic but diminutive Pigot ran up the southeast corner of the redoubt, assisted by a tree left standing there, and desperately led on his men. Troops succeeded troops over the parapet, and Prescott exhausted every re source to repel them, even with the buts of his guns. But he had now his last great victory to achieve, to which all his past toils, dangers and privations, were nothing. He had twice conquered the enemy ; he had now, a more difficult task, to conquer himself, to bend down his lofty soul, and turn his back to the enemy. Perfectly careless of his own life, he had no right to trifle with the lives of his men. It was a sacred deposit they had entrusted to his honor, a bond which he never forfeited. In stead of an useless waste of life, with a " nil desperandum," he quelled his revolting spirit and ordered a retreat. General Ward had gratified at last the ar dent wishes of the Connecticut troops to join their beloved general. Captains Chester, Clark and Coit were on the ground with their troops, and Major Durkee s impatience had before this brought him mounted to the field, to join his old commander and comrade of for mer wars. Putnam s imagination had already inscribed the victory of Bunker Hill on his coat of arms, when a dark cloud flew across BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 249 the brilliant prospect. The retreat of the right wing burst upon him. The gallant veteran Gridley now received a ball through the leg, and was carried off. He had served all nignt at the entrenchments, and had all day assisted in defending his own works, and proving their excellence. Prescott s troops fought their way through the surrounding enemy. The veteran Captain Bancroft was charging his piece, a British soldier leaped from the parapet, touching him as he came to the ground, and levelled at him; they fired together ; the captain tore him to pieces and escaped unhurt. One of the men without ammunition perceived Lieutenant Prescott s loaded musket by its deceased mas ter ; a Briton obstructed his passage ; seizing the loaded musket he brought his antagonist to the ground. Colonel Bridge, who came with the first de tachment, was one of the last to retreat, and was twice severely wounded, in the head and neck. His lieutenant colonel, the veteran Parker, who had escaped through the whole war of 1756, in which he had signalized him self, and especially at the desperate siege of Fort Frontinac, received a bail in the thigh, and was left mortally wounded in the re doubt. 22 250 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. The chivalrous Warren lingered to the last. His exalted spirit disdained as a disgrace a retreat the most inevitable. He animated the men to the most desperate daring ; and when hope itself had fled, he still disdained to fly. With sullen reluctance he followed his coun trymen, and seemed to court that ball from the enemy, which a few yards from the re doubt, passed through his head, and secured to him the eternal gratitude of his country men, and immortal fame throughout the world. Small here repaid the debt of gratitude he owed the enemy. He recognized Warren, his intimate friend, as he was leaving the re doubt, called to him for God s sake to stand and save his life ; he turned and seemed to recognize him, but kept on. Small command ed the men not to fire at him; he threw up the muskets with his sword, but in vain, the fatal ball had sped. The enemy came on, exhausted by their desperate efforts, under a blazing sun, and broken by the well directed fire. They had not force to employ the bayonet, and were too much broken and mingled with the enemy to fire their pieces. Their right and left wings were indeed facing each other, with the Amer icans between ; their fire would have cut down both friend and foe. While they formed them selves anew, the Americans collected, and BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 251 made a brave and orderly retreat. Putnam put spurs to his foaming horse and threw him self between the retreating force and the ene my, who were but twelve rods from him ;* his countrymen were in momentary expectation of seeing this compeer of the immortal War ren fall. He entreated them to rally and re new the fight, to finish his works on Bunker Hill, and again give the enemy battle on that unassailable position, and pledged his honor to restore to them an easy victory. Captain Smith of General Ward s regiment came with his company to reinforce, joined in the retreat, and assisted to keep the enemy at bay. The Americans had retreated about twenty rods before the enemy had time to rally and pour in a destructive fire on them, which des troyed more than they had lost before during the day. Colonel Prescott s adjutant was shot and crippled, Captain Dow, of his regi ment, was also crippled by a wound in the leg, and Captain Bancroft -had a part of his hand carried oif. * Deposition of Lyman, then a lieutenant, and pre"- scnt, ami Miner, a private in the same company. This is confirmed too by the testimony of a distinguished offi cer ot the revolution, yet living, who had served with General Putnam in the French war, and was present him self ;md badlv wotnried. 252 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. The American left wing were openly con gratulating themselves on their victory, when their flank was opened by the retreat of the right. The enemy pressed on them, and they were in their turn compelled to retire. Put nam covered their retreat with his Connecti cut troops, and dared the utmost fury of the enemy, in the rear of the whole, These pur sued with little ardor, but poured in their thundering vollies, and showers of balls fell like hail around the general.* He addressed himself to every passion of the troops, to persuade them to rally, to throw up his works on Bunker Hill, and make a stand, and, as the last resort, threatened them with the eternal disgrace of deserting their general. He took his stand near a field piece, and seem ed resolved to brave the foe alone. His troops, however, felt it impossible to withstand the overwhelming force of the British bayonets ; they left him. One sergeant only dared to stand by his general to the last ; he was shot down, and the enemy s bayonets were just upon the general, before he retired. * This fact we have from a respectable friend, who was present and yet lives, Philip Johnson, Esq. of New - buryport. His honor and veracity is surpassed by no man s. See also deposition of Captain Hills, then en sign to K.nowltou. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 253 General Pomeroy continued to animate the men, and cut down the enemy himself, till a well hove ball shattered his musket. The re treat having commenced, he disdained to turn his back; but with backward step and lower ing front shouldered the fragments of his piece, and carried off his men, encouraging them to pour in their formidable fire on the enemy. Captain Trevett, like Callender, was de serted by his men. His lieutenants, Swasey and Gardner, stood by him, with but seven others, one of whom was Moses Porter, al ready a promising artillerist. He persuaded about thirty of the infantry to join in saving one of his pieces, the other he was compelled to abandon. A British company noticed the piece, and determined to seize the prey ; they pursued, on the top of Bunker Hill were with in thirty yards of them, levelled their muskets and fired. The captain gave up all for lost, when but one dropped dead, and another wounded, the remajnder rapidly descended the hill, and carried off with honor the only piece saved out of six taken to the field. Gen eral Putnam ordered it to Cambridge. The Charlestown company of Colonel Gardner s regiment was the last to retreat. They were fighting at their own doors, on their own natal soil. They were on the ex treme left, covered by some loose stones 22* 254 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. thrown up on the shore of Mystic River, dur ing the day, by order of Colonel Stark. At this most important pass into the country, against which the enemy made their most des perate efforts, like Leonidas band they had taken post, and like them they defended it, till the enemy had discovered another. One piece of cannon at the neck opened on the enemy and covered the retreat. But these were in no condition, and discovered no incli nation to renew the engagement, or pursue their advantage, except by a formidable can nonade from their field pieces. They remain ed on Bunker Hill, and lay on their arms dur ing the night. The same was done on Win ter Hill by the New Hampshire troops, and by the rest of the Americans on Prospect Hill, directly in face of the enemy. Major Brooks was retained at Cambridge by General Ward, till the last reinforcements were sent to Charlestown, when he marched with the two remaining companies of his regi ment, and met at the neck the Americans re treating. Benjamin Thompson, better known as Count Rumford, attended him as a volunteer. He was assisting the army by his mathemati cal learning, his estimates and surveys, but had solicited an appointment in vain, and had BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 255 made great but fruitless interest for the com mission in the artillery which was bestowed on Major Gridley. For this gross injustice done to his distinguished merit, his- country suffered well deserved punishment in the mis conduct of his rival, and by the final loss of his services, except what they received, in common with all mankind, from his splendid philosophical discoveries, his glorious and beneficent political labors. McClary, as attentive to the wants of his men as desperate in fighting them, galloped to Medford and returned with dressings for the wounded. He ordered Captain Dearborn to advance toward the neck with his compa ny, whilst he crossed over to reconnoitre the enemy. He was returning with Lieutenant Colonel Robinson and others, and boasting that the shot commissioned to kill him was not yet cast, when a cannon ball from the Glasgow tore him to pieces. No smaller weapon seemed worthy to destroy the gigan tic hero. The veteran Gridley entered his sulky at Bunker Hill to be carried off. The enemy perceived the prey, shot his horse and riddled the sulky with balls; but their rage was im potent; meeting some obstruction in the roack he had left the carriage a moment before. 256 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. Prescott repaired to Cambridge, furious as a lion driven from his lair, foaming with in dignation at the want of support when victory was in his grasp, a victory dearly purchased with the precious blood of his soldiers, family and friends. He demanded but two fresh re giments of General Ward, and pledged his life with them to drive the enemy to his boats. He had not yet done enough to satisfy him self, though he had done enough to satisfy his country. He had not indeed secured final victory, but he had secured a glorious immor tality. Two young men in Boston were employed to take the wounded from the boats to the hospitals. A young lieutenant, shot through the body, was carried by them in a chair to his encampment. Passing the streets, pale and faint with loss of blood, he attracted the humane and generous compassion shown by the inhabitants to the wounded ; enmity for gotten, they were all at their doors with re- freshing drink for them. o At the encampment they met Captain Pit- cairn, covered with blood. Struck with the appearance, the lieutenant inquired of him tta cause, but his grief was too big for utterance^, "vox faucibus ha^sit." A sergeant informed O him, the captain s father was shot at the BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 257 breastwork, and the captain carried him to the boat, where he died in his arms. The hospital was established in a diftcrent place, to which they repaired, and witnessed a scene to melt the most obdurate enemy. The hospital and even the yard was overload ed with wounded, praying in vain for the sur geons to arrest the current of life, fast ebbing from their wounds, but which, from the numbers, it was impossible to dress. Loud and melancholy waitings for the dead, from widows of the common soldiers, were heard in every street, and struck on the heart of the passenger. The number of the Americans during the battle, was fluctuating, but may be fairly es- limate&at little more than two thousand men. Their loss was one hundred and fifteen killed, three hundred and five wounded, and thirty captured, in all four hundred and fifty.* The following is the loss of the respective corps : Regiments. Kiilol. Wountled. Colonels Stark and Reed 15 4J Colonel Scammons n Gerrislv 3 3 Wliitcomb 5 8 -Brewer U * General Ward s orderly hook, 258 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. Regiments. Killed. Wounded. Colonel Little 7 23 Gardner 6 7 Gridley 4 t-eneral Putnam s regiment, ~) Captain Coit and [- 15 SO Captain Chester s companies J General Ward 1 6 Colonel Bridge 16 29 Prescott 42 28 . Frye 15 31 . Nixon S 10 Woodbridge 1 5 Doolittle 9 Provincial Newspaper, July 15, 1775. The British loss was one thousand and fifty four, including eighty nine officers ; of these two hundred and twenty six weie killed, in cluding nineteen officers, and eight hundred and twenty eight wounded, seventy of whom were officers. The fifth regiment had one officer killed, the fourth one, twenty second one, thirty fifth two, thirty eighth one, forty third one, forty seventh three, fifty second five, four of them were the highest officers of the regiment, and the only pain they expressed from their wounds, was from having received them through the back. The sixty third had one killed, sixty fifth one, sixty seventh one, marines six, and General Howe s aid de camp; The fourth regiment had four wounded, fifth seven, tenth live, fourteenth one, eighteenth one, twenty third four, thirty fifth three, thir ty eighth nine, forty third three, forty seventh BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 259 five, fifty second five, fifty ninth one, sixty third two, sixty fifth four, marines twelve, Page, of the engineers, and Jardin, secretary to General Howe, All the grenadiers of one company were shot storming the works ex cepting five, and these were led on by the oldest soldier. The grenadiers of the Welsh fusiliers were reduced to eight, and twenty two out of thirty nine grenadiers of the fifty second regiment were killed.* In this battle the British gained a nominal victory, but the Americans the only prize con tended for ; they destroyed entirely the phy sical and moral force of the British army, im prisoned them within their narrow lines, and prevented their excursions. The enemy nev er after recovered their enterprise and confi dence in America, and by this single battle the final success of the American revolution was secured. * Gentlemen s Magazine for 1775, and Essex Gazette, 13 July, 1775. SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER. GENERAL WARD received from the General Congress the appointment of first major gene ral and second in command of the American army. On the arrival of General Washington at Cambridge, he assumed the command of the right wing at Roxbury, and his general disposition of the troops about Boston was sanctioned by the approbation of the comman der in chief.* From extreme ill health, he resigned his commission in April, 1776; but notwithstanding his resignation was accepted, at the earnest request of Congress and Gen eral Washington, he continued in command, near Boston, until the 20th of March, 1777. He was afterward a member of Congress un der the old confederation and present consti tution, and died in 1800, aged seventy three. The life of General Putnam has been de tailed by abler hands. * Marshal], vol. 2, p. 242. 23 262 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. Gftneral Thomas was appointed first brig adier general under the United States, in 1776 was appointed major general, and on the death of Montgomery repaired to Canada to command the American forces before Quebec. Their situation was nearly desperate ; but he was too adventurous to relinquish the enter prise without one attempt to secure the fa vors of fortune. He endeavoured to burn the enemy s naval force before the city by a fire ship, intending to attack the place during the conflagration ; but the fire ship miscarried, and the general was compelled to order a re treat, during which he died of the small pox at Chamblee. General Pomeroy expressed his strong sense of the blindness of fortune, that, of the two volunteer generals in the battle, Warren, the young and chivalrous soldier, the eloquent and enlightened legislator, should fall, and he escape, old and useless, unhurt. From age he declined the honorable appointment of brigadier general of the United States army, and retired from service. But, like the vete ran war horse, when the echoes of his majestic Connecticut rang with the clarion of battle, he spurned the peaceful retreat which his long life and long services demanded. He preferred even a regiment to inaction, and as a colonel marched to join the kindred spirits who composed our army in the Jerseys. His BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 263 exposures produced a pleurisy, which proved fatal at Peckskill in New York, where his country owes him a monument, and bravery and patriotism perennial fame. When Putnam was ordered on what may well be styled a forlorn hope, to land at Bos ton with a detachment, in face of the army and batteries of the enemy, Colonel Prescott solicited of him the honor of participating the desperate undertaking. But heaven frowned at an excess of presumption which her past favors had encouraged ; a violent hurricane arrested the enterprise. The colonel continued in the service of the United States, accompanied General Wash ington to New York, and on the disastrous retreat through the Jerseys, he alone was able to keep his men in the ranks. They proved themselves worthy the hero of Bunker Hill, kept the enemy in respect, were exhibit ed to the army as -an example worthy imita tion, and the colonel received the cordial thanks of Washington in general orders. In 1777 he, with a corps of volunteers, join ed General Gates, and served with him till victory crowned our arms, and Burgoyne ? s whole army was the trophy. 264 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. When peace ensued, he became a member of the legislature, and in 1787 distinguished himself as a magistrate as he had in 1775 as a soldier. From the miseries and poverty which succeeded the war, many of the suffer ers were driven to oppose the course of legal authority. The enlightened patriot employed his potent influence to stay the tempestuous waves of insurrection. He collected his friends and proceeded to Concord armed to protect the court in session there against the conspirators. He lived to advanced age, and we are happy to add he was a Christian. The veteran Colonel Joseph Frye,* who had served in the war of 1756, was at the siege of Louisbourg, and taken prisoner in Fort William Henry, immediately after the battle the 21st June, was appointed major general by the Provincial Congress. He serv ed some time in the revolutionary war, and lived to a very advanced age, at Fryeburgh, which received its name from his family. Colonel Gardner lived a few days after the battle, and on being asked if he was well enough to see his son, " yes," answered the hero, " if he has done his duty." Being in formed that he had distinguished himself, he * Brother of Colonel James Frye* BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 265 saw him, and died with the glorious consola tion of leaving the invaluable legacy of his own fame and his country s gratitude to a son worthy to support the honors of his name. The life of Major Brooks since the battle of Bunker Hill has been far too distinguished in the military and political history of America to be noticed satisfactorily in a supplement. Some biographer may hereafter confer on the public, a donation worthy their gratitude, a dis tinct account of this hero and statesman. But this cannot be anticipated till the last enemy of man has overcome the amiable modesty, for which he is equally distinguished as for all his higher excellencies, and the requisite informa tion be obtained from his papers which has often been solicited in vain from himself. When General Washington arrived at Cambridge his regiment was distinguished for the superior discipline he had introduced, and General Gates pronounced him one of the first disciplinarians in service. He was ap pointed first inspector of the army under the Baron Steuben, and afterwards adjutant gene ral for the army on the North River. He was distinguished in nearly all the im portant battles of the revolution. He was in the battle on Long Island with the reinforce ment, and in that of White Plains. History 23* 266 BUNKER HILL BATTLE* has recorded him among the most distinguish* ed commanders of the army which achieved the conquest of Burgoyne, and he was in the battle of Monrnouth as adjutant general. From their earliest acquaintance he was a favorite of Washington, enjoying his uniform friendship, and was honorably distinguished, by his selecting him, among the seven generals of his choice, to serve with him in 1798. During the last war he had the superintend- ance of the militia of Massachusetts, directed the forces with admirable skill, and secured the country from inroads of the enemy. For some years he has been elected gover nor and commander in chief of the Common wealth of Massachusetts, by the voice of the people, to the universal satisfaction of all par ties. Over the liberties and free constitutions he established as a warrior, he now presides as a legislator with distinguished ability. The brave Knowlton, from the first mo ment of the battle to the latest period of the re treat, showed himself worthy the distinguish ed honor of being selected as the first among the Connecticut captains. He afterwards received the commission of lieutenant colonel^and at the battle of Harlem BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 267 Heights, was sent by Washington to get into the enemy s rear ; a bloody action ensued ; Knovvlton and his men fought the whole force of the enemy, of vastly superior numbers, be fore the Americans could attack in front, and got the better of them. He restored by this gallant affair a glorious moral force to the ar my nearly extinguished by disasters; but it \vas at the expense of many brave men in the unequal contest ; his assistant officer, Major Latch, was slain, with three balls through him, and he himself reaped immortal honor and im mortal life together. Washington paid due honors to his memory in general orders, and declared, " he had died " a glorious death, which every soldier ought " to wish for, and would have been an honor u to any country on earth." T-he same indignation felt by Colonel Pres- cott, at the loss of the battle, was general in the army, and throughout the country ; a scruti ny, most severe arid unrelenting, was instituted into the conduct of every one, to bring con dign punishment on those whose misconduct had caused the final issue. Even Colonel Bridge, notwithstanding the severity of his la- bors,and the dangerous and honorable wounds he received, had to pass the ordeal of a court martial. 2(38 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. Notwithstanding this inquisitorial research, we are happy to add, cut of near three thou sand, who, at different stages of the battle, must have been engaged in it, and most of them for the first time, four only were discov ered guilty of misconduct. Of these, Major Gridley was tried for neglect of duty, Briga dier General Green being president of the court, which " find him guilty of breach of " orders, Ad therefore dismiss him from the " Massachusetts service; but on account of his "inexperience and youth, and the great ccnfu- " sion which attended that day s transaction in " general, they do not consider him incapable " of a Continental commission, should the gen- "eral officers recommend him to his Excel- " lency." Colonel Mansfield was obviously guilty of an error only arising from inexperience. Two only were found guilty of cowardice ; of these Colonel Gerrish was certainly guilty of a want of military ardor and activity, but this was a constitutional defect. He was not accused be fore the committee of Congress by General Putnam, and, in the opinion of the very re spectable judge advocate who tried him, and who yet lives, he was far too harshly treated. The only officer apparently guilty of cow ardice, Captain Caliender, is a glorious in stance of the buoyancy of real New England BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 269 heroism, and the redeeming efficacy of a pure conscience, a mind conscious of rectitude. The furious denunciation of Putnam, the con demnation of the court, and thundering pro scription of Washington, would have crushed any one forever, who was armed with a pano ply less divine. A committee of Congress was appointed to inquire into the truth of a report, that some officers of the army had been guilty of mis conduct ; they report, that they had made in quiry of General Putnam and other officers, who were in the hottest of the battle, and tiiat the general charged Captain Callender and another artillery officer, with infamous cow ardice, one of the principal causes of the de feat, and informed them that he would quit the service if these officers were not made an example of, and that one of them ought to be shot. The court martial condemned Captain Callender, and General Washington approved the judgment, " not only from the particular " guilt of Captain Callender, but the fatal "consequence of such a conduct to the army, " and to the cause of America in general. " Notwithstanding this, our hero resolved to compel the world to acknowledge, by his fu ture conduct, that his past had heen mistaken. He continued with his corps as a volunteer, and desperately exposed himself in every ac- 270 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. tion. The brave and beneficent General Knox extended to him his friendship. At the battle on Long Island, the captain and lieutenant of the company of artillery, with which he served, were shot; he assumed the command, and fought the pieces to the last; refused to retreat, and the bayonets of the soldiers were just upon him, when a Brit ish officer, admiring his chivalrous and des perate courage, interfered and saved his life. General Washington expressed his high ap probation of his conduct, gave him his hand with his most cordial thanks; ordered the sen tence of the court martial condemning him, to be erased from the orderly book, and re stored to him his commission. He held his commission during the war, and left the ser vice at the peace, with the highest honor and reputation. Captain Dearborn was afterwards highly distinguished during the revolutionary war for his bravery and enterprise. He volunteer-- ed at the head of a company of men, selected from the regiment to accompany Arnold, in the winter of 1775, through the trackless wilds, to Quebec; an enterprise, which, in dar ing, hardihood and courage, is not surpassed by the immortal passage of the Alps by Han nibal. He was major of a battalion of light BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 271 infantry at Saratoga, and his services were ac knowledged by Gates in the highest terms of approbation. Cilley s regiment, of which he was lieutenant colonel, was the most distin guished corps in the battle of Monmouth, and the salvation of the army was owing to their heroic courage. General Washington ac knowledged the service, and sent to inquire what regiment it was. " Full blooded yarikees "by sir," was the answer of Dearborn. He was afterwards secretary at war appoint ed by Mr. Jefferson ; and during the last war was the first major general and senior officer of the American army. Porter, the promising artillerist, who stood by his piece and his captain to the last, has since then risen through every grade of office to the rank of brigadier general in the army, to which he has ever since belonged ; and has maintained an uniform and distinguished repu tation as one of the first artillery officers in service. The important post of Norfolk was entrusted to his command the last war, and he is now stationed at Boston in command of the very district which he so bravely contributed to defend in 1775. General Howe, notwithstanding his wound, remained on the field the whole night, watch ing the enemy s movements, and protecting his own position ; supporting himself against 272 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. some hay, he ordered his attendants to pre vent him from falling asleep. The morning after the battle, a young gen tleman from Boston went on the ground, and recognized the body of Warren, and mention ed the fact. General Howe would not credit the account ; it was too improbable that the president of Congress was in the battle. One of the most eminent physicians of that or the present day, and yet living in Boston, was on the field ; he had gone over during the battle to dress the British wounded, and was yet dressing them and the wounded American pris oners, with his usual humanity and skill. Gen eral Howe asked him if he could identify Doctor Warren ; he recollected the doctor had lost a finger nail and wore a false tooth, and inform ed the general that Doctor Warren had five days before ventured over to Boston in a ca noe to get information, invited him to join the American troops as surgeon, and informed him that he was himself to receive a commis sion in the army. General Warren was in stantly recognized, and Howe declared this victim alone was worth five hundred of his men. BUNKER HILL BATTLE. 273 Omitted pages 92 and 93. Immediately after the battle, the rank of major general was conferred on Colonel Grid- ley. America commenced her revolution with but four pieces of cannon, and to his mechani cal science and ingenuity she was indebted for the first mortars and cannon ever cast in the country. After being confined some months by his wound, he repaired to Cambridge and super intended the fortifications erecting round Bos ton. On the 4th March, 1776, he was again engaged in erecting fortifications in the night, and the address, science and prodigies of la bor, displayed at Dorchester Heights, were perhaps never exceeded, except on Breed s Hill. These works expelled the enemy from Boston. General Gridley fortified the heights of this place and the islands in the harbor, and General Washington urged him to ac company the army, but his advanced age for bad. He retired on half pay. In 1795 he assisted in laying the corner stone of the state house, as he had in 1775 to lay the corner stone of the state, and lived in re markable health to the age of eighty six, a model of courtliness, beneficence and hospi- 24 274 BUNKER HILL BATTLE. tality, as well as all the high perfections of a soldier. Colonel Stark will be recognised as the he ro of Bennington, but it is not so generally known that he employed an ingenious and successful expedient to strike a panic into the enemy and assist him in achieving his glorious victory. He had one iron cannon, but neither powder sufficient to employ it, nor balls ; he ordered an officer, however, to charge it, wjao objected the want of balls ; "no matter," said the colonel, " load it with blank cartridge, and "let the discharge be the signal for all the " troops to rush on the enemy." The Hes sians were panic-struck at the thundering re port, his troops rushed on with loud hurray and the victory was complete* ERRATA. Page 272, line 4, after "gentleman from Boston" add the following note. General Winslow, yet living. Another friend of the author, yet living, was within six feet of Warren when he fell, and received himself a ball through the thigh. Page 183, 1. \l,read Major Box, an experi enced, &c. P. 202, 1. 2, for defence, read defensive. P. 211, 1. 17, for side, on front, read side, or front. P. 222, 1. 4 from bottom, for spare, read sparse. P. 233, 1. 14,ybr huzza, read hurra. P. 263, 1. 2, for Peckskill, read Peekskill, P. 267, 1. 1 1 ,/or Latch, read Leitch. P. 189, 1. 4 from bottom, omit his. P. 199, ]. 3 from bottom, omit and. P. 272, 1. 3 from bottom,/or Howe, read the enemy. P. 183, 1. 18, for two, read four. P. 221, 1. 19, af ter Boston, insert the principal part of. Same page, 1. 28, erase a large portion of. P. 258, I. 15,/or Provincial, read Providence. P. 257 r L 22, after killed, add and missing. 276 BUXKER HILL BATTLE. We neglected to mention that Honorable James Wmthrop, and James Swan, Esquire, accompanied the reinforcements to Breed s Hill, with their muskets, as volunteers, fought valiantly, and the former was wounded. NOTE. The author was necessarily absent from town during the whole time the work was in the press. THE END. (S2700L) VB 37307 /