REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received . Accessions No. < BIBLIOTHECA HAMILTONIANA $oo COPIES PRINTED No.., ...1.0...... BIBLIOTHECA HAMILTONIANA A LIST OF BOOKS WRITTEN BY, OR RELATING TO ALEXANDER HAMILTON BY PAUL LEICESTER FORD PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR &!je Jlmcbrbocker Jjjnss NEW YORK 1886 COPYRIGHT BY PAUL LEICESTER FORD 1886 Press of G. P. PUTNAM S SONS New York EXPLANATORY. The following work is divided into two parts : I. The Writings of Hamilton, other than official, and those relating to him, chronologically arranged under the date of the first edition. II. The Official Writings of Hamilton (Treasury Reports and Circulars), with the same arrangement. The initials which precede the numbers at the end of the description, indicate certain public libraries in which the books may be consulted. A. signifies Astor Library. B. " Boston Public Library. B.A. " Boston Athenaeum Library. C. " Library of Congress. H. " Harvard University Library. M. " Massachusetts Historical Society Library. N. " New York Historical Society Li brary. P. " Library Company of Philadelphia. P.H.S. " Pennsylvania Historical Society Li brary. S. " New York State Library. S.D. " State Department Library. ... " a line omitted in the title, lines " " " " The authorship of the following works has been wrongly attributed to Hamilton : American Arguments for British Rights ; being a republication of the Letters of Phocion. . . . Charleston, S. C., 1806. By William L. Smith. See Stevens Historical Nuggets, No. 3262. Examination of the late Proceedings in Congress. See No. 53 infra. "" Treaty. . . . By Cato. See No. 59 infra. Hamilton (A.). Considerations in favor of a National Bank. New York : 1834. " " Letter on the Subjects of Banks and Currency. New York : 1839. Hamilton (A.). Letter submitting a plan of a fiscal agent. Washington : 1841. By a son of Alexander Hamilton. Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the U. S. See No. 52 infra. Politics and Views of a Certain Party Displayed. See No. 49 infra. Reflections on Monroe s View of the Conduct of the Executive. By Scipio. . . . 1798. By Uriah Tracey. See Brinley Catalogue. Part 3, lot 4839. Vindication of the Treaty . . . with Great Britain. By Curtius. 1795. By Noah Webster, with the exception of Nos. 6 and 7, which are by James Kent. Wolcott (O.). An Address to the People of the United States on the Subject of the Report of a Committee . . . appointed to Examine and Report, whether Monies drawn from the Treasury have been faithfully applied. . . . By Oliver Wolcott. Boston : 1802. Hamilton was said to have assisted Wolcott in this work, and it is very probable. BIBLIOTHECA HAMILTONIANA. A//A 1774. \Hamilton (Alexander).^ Full Vindication. A/Full Vindication/of the/Measures of the Con gress, /from/The Calumnies of their Enemies ;/In An swer to/A Letter,/Under the Signature of/A. W. Farmer./ Whereby His Sophistry is exposed, his Cavils confuted, his/Artifices detected, and his Wit ridiculed ;/In/A General Address/To the Inhabi tants of America,/And/A Particular Address/To the Farmers of the Province of New-York./Veritas magna est et prsevalebit /Truth is powerful and will prevail./New-York r/Printed by James Rivington./ 1774. 8vo, pp. 35. N., B.A. i Written in answer to " Free Thoughts, on the Proceedings of the Conti nental Congress By a [Westchester] Farmer " [Samuel Seabury.] and issued from the press within a fortnight of that pamphlet s publication. Although written when Hamilton was but seventeen years of age, and a student in Kings (now Columbia) College, it was so able in style and argu ment that the authorship was attributed to both William Livingston and John Jay. The Loyalists could not let it go unnoticed ; and it was an swered in No. 2. " FARMER A. W. has seen a pamphlet, entitled, A Full Vindication of the Measiires of the Congress, etc He is neither frighted nor discon certed by it ; nor does he find any thing in it to make him change his senti ments, as expressed in the Free Thoughts : If the author of the Vindication has any teeth left, here is another file at his service. A. W. would be -well pleased with an opportunity of vindicating both his publications at the same i Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 3 time, and he will wait ten days for this Friend to America s Remarks upon the Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates, which he supposes will be full time enough for so very accomplished a writer to ridicule all the wit contained in it" Postscript to " The Congress Canvassed ... By A. W. Farmer." [Seabury (Samuel).~\ A/ View/of the/Contro versy/between/Great- Brit ain and her Colonies :/Including/A Mode of Deter mining their present Disputes,/Finally and Effecually ; /and of Preventing/All Future Contentions./In/a Letter,/To the Author of/A Full Vindication/of/The Measures of the Congress,/from the/Calumnies of their Enemies./. . ./. . ./. . ./By A. W. Farmer./ Author of Free Thoughts, Etc./New-York :/Printed by James Rivington,/M,Dcc,Lxxiv. 8vo, pp. 37. N. 2 Also in " London, Reprinted by Richardson and Urquhart, 1775." 8vo. pp. (4) 90. The authorship of the " Westchester Farmer" tracts has been ascribed to Dr. T. B. Chandler, Dr. Charles Inglis, Isaac Wilkins, and Dr. Samuel Seabury, but the question is settled by a document printed in volume 8 (p. 117) of the " Magazine of American History," in which Seabury states himself to be the writer. Samuel Seabury was suspected of being the " Westchester Farmer," and was seized by a party of " Regulators, "and carried to New Haven ; where he was kept in confinement and every endeavor made to induce him to confess himself the writer. They were by far the ablest arguments against the Whigs in America ; and were not only answered by them, but copies were, with due formality, tarred and feathered, or burned, by Sons of Lib erty ; and Rivington s printing office was entered, his presses broken, and his type thrown into the street. UNIVE] I775- \AFORN\A- ^ ^ [Hamilton (A.}.~\ Farmer Refuted. The/Farmer Refuted :/or,/A more impartial and comprehensive/View/of the/Dispute between Great- Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Britain/and the/Colonies,/intended as a/Further Vin dication/of the/Congress i/In/Answer to a Letter/ from/A. W. Farmer,/intitled/A View of the Contro- versy/between/Great-Britain and her Colonies :/In- cluding/A Mode of determining the present Disputes /Finally and Effectually, &c./. . ./. . ./New York : Printed by James Rivington. 1775. 8vo, pp. iv, 78. N. 3 Signed "A Sincere Friend to America." A much more elaborate work than the Vindication. " N. B. An Answer to the preceding Piece by A. W. Farmer, was advertised to be in press with the following title : The Republican Dis sected ; or, The Anatomy of an American Whig ; but, by a sudden and unexpected Revolution, the Liberty of the Press was totally destroyed, and nothing could be printed on the side of Government." MS. Note by Dr. T. B. Chandler, in a copy of the pamphlet in the N. Y. Hist. Soc. Library. 1783. \Hamilton and others.^ Address of Congress. Phila. : 1783- Address/and/Recommendations / to/ The States,/ by/The United States in Congress/assembled./Phila- delphia r/Printed by David C. Claypoole./M,DCC,Lxxx- iii. 8vo, pp. 14, (i), 9, (i), 3, 6, 5, 4, 20. B.A. 4 8vo, pp. 14, (i), 9, (i), 3, 6, 5, 4, 26. There are two editions of this pamphlet ; with the difference in collation noted above. They are identical in matter to the ninth page of the last division, where a foot note, partially filling pp. 9-16, is added. There are also variations in the composing of the types. A Circular Letter to the States, on the necessity of raising revenues for the general government, drafted by James Madison, Hamilton and Oliver Ellsworth. In the papers accompanying the address is Hamilton s report on the refusal of Rhode Island to accede to the Impost. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 7 ^Hamilton and other s.\ Address of Congress. Bost.: 1783- Address/and/Recommendations/to/The States,/ by/The United States in Congress/assembled. /Phila delphia : Printed 1 783./Boston : Re-printed,/By Order of the Hon. House of Representatives of the/Com monwealth of Massachusetts, 1783. 8vo, pp. 62. B.A. 5 ^Hamilton and others. ] A ddress of Congress. Hart ford : 1783. Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled, with an Appendix, containing a Report of the Committee of Pay-Table, to the General Assembly, respecting the Public Accounts of the State of Connecticut. Phila delphia, printed : Hartford, reprinted by Hudson & Goodwin, MDCCLXXXIII. 4to, pp. 50, (18). B.A. 6 \Hamilton and othersl\ Address of Congress. Lon don : 1783. By Order of Congress./Addresses/and/Recommen- dations/to the/States,/by the/United States/in Con gress assembled./Philadelphia i/Printed by David C. Claypoole./London reprinted,/For J. Stockdale, in Piccadilly. /MDCCLXXXIII. 8vo, pp. (2), 91, (i). 7 \Hamilton and other s^\ Address of Congress. Tren ton: 1783. Address and Recommendations to the States, by The United States in Congress assembled. Trenton : Reprinted by Isaac Collins, M,DCC,LXXXIII. I2mo, pp. 36. 8 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 9 1784. {Hamilton (A.).~\ Phocion. N.Y.: 1784. A/Letter/from/Phocion/to the/Considerate Citi- zens/of/New-York,/On the Politicks of the Day. New- York :/Printed by Samuel Loudon,/M.Dcc.LXxxiv. Svo, pp. 23. N. 9 At the close of the Revolutionary war, the popular feeling against the tories was so strong that it was next to impossible for them to obtain jus tice. At this time Hamilton rendered them great service, in his argument in the Rutgers-Waddington case (unfortunately not preserved) and still more in the Letters of Phocion. For a reply see No. 14. \Hamilton (A.).] Phocion. Boston: 1784. A/Letter/from/Phocion/to the/Considerate Citi- zens/of/New-York,/On the Politicks of the Day./ New-York : Printed by Samuel Loudon./Boston : Reprinted by T. and J. Fleet, 1784. 8vo, pp. 19. M., B.A. 10 {Hamilton (A.).~\ Phocion. N. Y. : 1784. A/Letter/from/Phocion/to the/Considerate Citi- zens/of/New-York,/On the Politics of the Day./The Third Edition./New-York r/Printed by Samuel Lou- don. /M.DCC.LXXXIV. 8vo, pp. 23. ii [Hamilton (A.).] Phocion. Newport: 1784. A Letter from Phocion to the Considerate Citizens of New York, on the Politics of the Day. Newport : Reprinted, 1784. 8vo, pp. 19. 12 Hamilton (A.^). Phocion. Phila. : 1784. A/Letter/from/Phocion,/to the/Considerate Citi- zens/of/New-York,/on the Politics of the Times,/in Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. n Consequence of the Peace. / Said to be written by Colonel Hamilton,/late Aid to his Excellency General Washington,/and a Member of the American Con gress./ /Philadelphia :/ Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street./M,Dcc,LXxxiv. 8vo, pp. 13. P. H. S. Svo, pp. 15, (i). P.,H. 13 Mr. J. C. Hamilton states that Phocion was reprinted in England ; and Mr. Sabin (Diet. 29962) gives several editions not in this list ; but I am inclined to believe both are in error. \Ledyard (Isaac) .] Mentor s Reply/to/Phocion s Letter ;/With/Some Observations on Trade. /Addressed to the Citizens of New-York./New-York :/Printed by Shepard Kollock, /No. 22, Hanover-Square, 1784. 8vo, pp. 18. N. 14 Reprinted in Philadelphia with William Bingham s " Strictures on Lord Sheffield s Pamphlet, 1784" ; and Mr. Sabin gives a separate edition of it in that city ; but on reference to the copies mentioned by him, they were found to be the Bingham edition. [Hamilton (A.).~\ Second Phocion. N. Y. : 1784. A/Second Letter/from/Phocion/to the/Consider ate Citizens/of/New-York./Containing Remarks on/ Mentor s Reply. / New- York :/ Printed by Samuel Loudon/MDCCLxxxiv. 8vo, pp. 43. N. 15 For a history of the Phocion-Mentor controversy see Mr. McMaster s " Hist, of the People of the U. S.," Vol. I, p. 127. Hamilton (A.). Second Phocion. Phila. : 1784. Colonel Hamilton s/Second Letter,/from/Phocion /to the/Considerate Citizens/of/New-York,/on the Politics of the Times,/in Consequence of the Peace : /Containing Remarks on/Mentor s Reply./Philadel- phia :/Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third- Street./M,DCC,Lxxxiv. 8vo, pp. (2), 27-48. P.,H. 16 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 13 1788. \Hamilton and other s.\ The Federalist. N. Y.: 1788. The/Federalist :/A Collection/of/Essays,/written in Favour of the/New Constitution, /as agreed upon by the Federal Convention/September 17, iJ&J./ In Two Volumes. /Vol. I. /New York r/Printed and Sold by J. and A. M Lean,/No. 41, Hanover-Square. /M,DCC,LXXXVIII. 2 vols. I2mo, pp. vi, 227 vi, 384, N., B.A. 17 The first edition in book form. It is difficult to find in uncut condition, or on thick paper. Jay wrote numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 64 ; Madison numbers 10, 14, 37 to 48 inclusive ; numbers 18, 19, and 20 are the joint work of Madison and Hamilton ; numbers 49 to 58, 62 and 63 are claimed by both Madison and Hamilton ; the rest of the numbers are by Hamilton. The authorship of the 12 numbers claimed by both Madison and Hamilton is fully discussed by Mr. Lodge in the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society for 1885, and in the ninth volume of " Hamilton s Works," Mr. Dawson s and Mr. J. C. Hamilton s editions of the Federalist, and in the Historical Magazine, Vol. 8, p. 305. " It would be difficult to find a treatise, which, in so small a compass, contains so much valuable political information, or in which the true principles of republican government are unfolded with such precision." American Magazine for March, 1787. To our ancestors it was little more than a huge Federal pamphlet. To us, it is the interpreter of the Constitution. There is no reason what ever to suppose that the followers of Clinton gave any more heed to the writings of Publius than did the followers of Hamilton to the foolery of Brutus and the nonsense of Centinel. Indeed, six administrations passed away, and a new generation sprang up, before it was discovered that the modest volume of essays about which editors and biographers were wrangling was, after all, the best commentary on the Constitution that could be written. That the work is a true statement of what the framers of that instrument meant it to be cannot be doubted. Two of the authors had sat in the convention, had taken part in the debates, had listened to the objections lodged against every article, and had come away with note books and memories full of that precise information the task required. Nothing was left to conjecture ; every thing was known." McMaster s " Hist, of the People of the U. S.," Vol. I, p. 484. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Paris : 1 792. Le Federaliste,/ou/Collection de quelques Ecrits Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 15 en faveur de/la Constitution proposee aux Etats- Unis/de 1 Amerique, par la Convention convoquee/ en 1787 ;/Publies dans les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique par/MM. Hamilton, Madisson et Gay,/Citoyens de 1 Etat de New-York. /Tome Premier. /A Paris,/Chez Buisson, Libraire, rue Hautefeuille,/No. 2O./I792. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. lii., 366 (4), 511. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. (5), xxii-lii, 366 (4), 511. The two editions noted above are identical as to matter and composition, with the exception of the introduction, which is omitted in the second. Translated by Trudaine de la Sablie re, who added an Introduction, and Notes, most of which are merely explanatory of such parts of the text as would be unintelligible to the French reader. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Paris : 1 795. Le Federaliste,/ou/Collection de quelques Ecrits en faveur/de la Constitution proposee aux Etats- Unis/de 1 Amerique, par la Convention convoquee/ en 1787 ;/Publies dans les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique par/MM. Hamilton, Madisson et Jay,/Citoyens de 1 Etat de New-York. /Seconde Edition./Tome Pre- mier./A Paris,/Chez Buisson, Libraire, rue Haut- seuille,/No. 2o./An 36. de la Republique. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. (5), xxii-lii, 366 (4), 511. 19 A reissue, with new titles, of the second issue of No. 18. \Hamilton a nd others. ] The Federalist. N. Y. : 1799. The/Federalist :/A Collection of/Essays,/written in favour of the/New Constitution,/as agreed upon by the/Federal Convention/September 17, 1 78 7. / I n Two Volumes. /Vol. I. /New-York i/Printed and sold by John Tiebout,/No. 358 Pearl-Street./ 1799. 2 vols. I2mo, pp. vi, 227 vi, 384. C. 20 Of the first edition of the Federalist a few copies remained unsold, which Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 17 passed into the hands of John Tiebout, who printed new title-pages. It is the scarcest edition. See Mr. Dawson s Introduction (No. 37), p. Ixvii. [Hamilton and others^] The Federalist. N. Y. : 1802. The / Federalist, / on the New Constitution. / By Publius. /Written in 1 788.7X0 which is added,/Pacifi- cus,/on the Proclamation of Neutrality./Written in i793./Likewise,/The Federal Constitution,/with all the Amendments./Revised and Corrected./In Two Volumes./Vol. I. /Copy-right secured. /N ew-York :/ Printed and sold by George F. Hopkins,/ At Wash ington s Head./i8o2. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. viii, 317, (i) v, 351. N. 21 Edited by John Wells. "In the year 1802, Mr. Hopkins, printer, of this city, intending to publish a new edition of The Federalist, took this opportunity to apply to Gen. Hamilton, and solicit him to correct and re vise the numbers, and, so far succeeded, as to obtain his consent to assist in the revisal, provided a gentleman of competent literary talents would undertake to make the first verbal corrections, for the original idea was to be strictly adhered to: He then examined the whole with his own eye, previous to its being committed to the press, and saw that it was free from literary blemishes." William A. Coleman in the N. Y. Evening Post, March 25, 1817. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. N. Y. : 1 8 1 o. The/Federalist,/on the New Constitution ;/written in i788,/by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay and Mr. Madison. /To which is added/Pacificus,/on the Proclamation of Neutrality ;/written in 1 793, /by Mr. Hamilton. /A new edition, with the Names and Portraits of the several Writers. /In Two Volumes./Vol. I. /New- York i/Published by Williams & Whiting,/at their Theological and Classical Book-store,/No. 1 18, Pearl- Street./Printed by J. Seymour./i8io. 2 vols. Svo, pp. iv, 368, 2 portraits iv, 368, portrait. 22 A separate edition of volumes 2 and 3 of the "Works of Hamilton," as edited by John Wells, in 1810. It is identical in matter with No. 21, with the addition of the names of the authors from a private memoran dum in his (Hamilton s) own handwriting." Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 19 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Phila. : 1817. The/Federalist,/on the New Constitution ;/written in i788,/by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Madison, /A New Edition, /with the Names and Portraits of the several Writers. / Philadelphia : / Published by Benjamin Warner, No. 147, Market Street. /William Greer. Printer. Harrisburg./i8i7. 8vo, pp. 477, 3 portraits. 23 The first single volume edition. It follows the 1810 edition in matter. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Phila. : 1 8 1 8. The/Federalist,/on the New Constitution ;/written in i788,/by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Madison. /A New Edition,/with the Names and Portraits of the several Writers./Philadelphia i/Published by Ben jamin Warner, No. 147, Market Street,/and sold at his stores, Richmond, Virginia,/and Charleston, South Carolina./! 8 1 8. 8vo, pp. 504, 3 portraits. 24 Printed from the same forms as No. 23, with the addition of an appen dix, containing the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Wash. : 1 8 1 8. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/written in/the Year i788,/by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay,/ with /an Appendix,/Containing/the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius,/on the/Proclama tion of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/Also, the/Original Articles of Confederation,/and/the Constitution of the United States,/with the/Amendments made thereto./A New Edition./The Numbers written by Mr. Madison cor rected by Himself. /City of Washington :/Printed and published by Jacob Gideon, Jun./i8i8. 8vo, pp. 671. 25 Mr. Madison claims the authorship, in this edition, of Nos. 18, 19, and Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 21 20, which Hamilton had given as their joint work ; and 49 to 58, 62 and 63, which Mr. Hamilton had claimed for himself. In spite of the research and study devoted to the dispute, it is to-day impossible to give the author ship to either with any certainty. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Wash. .-1821. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/Written in/the Year i788,/by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay, /with /an Appendix,/Containing/the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius,/on the/Proclama tion of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/Also, the/Original Arti cles of Confederation, /and/the Constitution of the United States,/with the/ Amendments made thereto. /A New Edition. /The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself./City of Washington : /Printed and published by Jacob Gideon, Jun./i82i. 8vo, pp. 671. 26 A reissue of No. 25 with new titles only. It is not in Mr. Dawson s list of editions. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. H allow ell : 1826. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/Writ- ten in/the Year i;88,/by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madi son, and Mr. Jay :/With/an Appendix,/Containing/ the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius,/on the/Proc lamation of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/Also, the/Original Articles of Confederation, /and the/Constitution of the United States, /with the/ Amendments made thereto./A New Edition./The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself./Hallowell, (Me.): /Printed and published by Glazier & Co./i826. 8vo, pp. 582. 27 A reprint of Gideon s edition. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 23 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Hallowell : 1831. The/Federalist/on/the New Constitution,/written in the Year 1 788,/by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay :/With/an Appendix,/Containing/the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius,/on the/Proclama tion of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/also, the/Original Articles of Confederation, and the Con-/stitution of the United States,/with the Amendments made thereto./A New Edition./The Numbers written by Mr. Madison cor rected by Himself. /Hallowell :/Printed and published by Glazier, Masters & Co./ 1831. 8vo, pp. 542. 28 Not in Mr. Sabin s Dictionary of Books relating to America, and Mr. Dawson, who had heard of such an edition, was unable to find a copy. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Wash.:\%$\. The/Federalist,/on/The New Constitution, /written in/the Year 1 788,/by/Alexander Hamilton, James Madison & John Jay,/With an Appendix,/Con- taining the Original Articles of Confederation ; the/ Letter of General Washington, as President of the/ Convention, to the President of Congress; the Consti-/tution of the United States, and the Amendments to/the Constitution./A New Edition, /with a Table of Contents, / and / a copious Alphabetical Index./The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself. /Washington .-/Pub lished by Thompson & Homans./Way & Gideon, Printers./ 1 83 1. 8vo, pp. vii, 3-420. C. 29 The first edition with an index. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 25 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Hallowell : 1837- The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/written in the year i788,/by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay:/with/an Appendix,/Containing/the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius/on the/ Proclama tion of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/also,/the Original Articles of Confederation, and the/Constitution of the United States,/with the Amendments made thereto./A New Edition./The Numbers written by Mr. Madison cor rected by Himself./Hallowell :/Glazier, Masters & Smith./i837. 8vo, pp. 500. C. 30 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Rio de Jan eiro : 1 840. Federalista, publicado em inglez por Hamilton, Madisson e Jay, cidadaos de Nova-York, e tradizido em portuguez por . . . Rio de Janeiro : Typ. Im perial e Const, de J. Villeneuve & Ca. 1840. 3 vols. 8vo, pp. 244 285 246 31 Title from Mr. Sabin s Dictionary. It is unknown to Mr. Dawson, and 1 have been unable to find a copy. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Hallowell : 1842. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/Writ- ten in 1 788, /by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay :/With/an Appendix,/Containing the Let ters of Pacificus and Helvidius/on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/also,/the Original Articles of Confederation, /and the/Constitution of the United States./A New Edition./The Numbers written by Mr. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 27 Madison corrected by Himself./Hallowell :/Glazier, Masters, & Smith./ 1842. 8vo, pp. 484. 32 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Wash.: 1845. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/Writ- ten in/the Year 1 788, /by/Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay,/ With an Appendix,/ Containing/the Original Articles of Confederation ; the Letter of General Wash-/ington, as President of the Convention, to the President of Con-/gress ; the Constitution of the United States ; the Amend-/ments to the Constitution ; and the Act of Congress in/Re lation to the election of President, passed/January 23, 1 845. /Sixth Edition,/with/a Copious Alphabeti cal Index./The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself. /Washington r/Printed by J. & G. S. Gideon./i845. 8vo, pp. (2), v, (i), 391. 33 Neither in Mr. Dawson s nor Mr. Sabin s lists. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Phila. : 1847. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution/Writ ten in/the Year i788,/by/Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay./With an Appendix,/ Containing/the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Proclamation of Neu-/trality of 1793 ; the Origi nal Articles of Confederation ; the Let-/ter of Gen- Washington, as President of the Convention/to the President of Congress ; the Constitution of the/United States ; the Amendments to the Consti tution ;/and the Acts of Congress in Relation to the Elec-/tion of President, passed January 23, i845./ Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Sixth edition, /with/a Copious Alphabetical Index./ The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected Himself./Philadelphia :/R. Wilson Desilver, i Fourth Street,/i 847. 8vo, pp. (2), v, 392, 102. 34 The " Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius," has a separate title-page and pagination, and is often found as a separate work. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. H allow ell : 1852. The/Federalist,/on/the New Constitution,/Writ- ten in i788,/by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay :/With/an Appendix,/Containing the/Let ters of Pacificus and Helvidius/on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793 ;/Also,/the Original Articles of Confederation, /and the/Constitution of the United States./New Edition :/The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself./Hallowell r/Masters, Smith, & Company./i852. 8vo, pp. 496. 35 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. H allow ell : 1857- The/Fcederalist,/on the/New Constitution, /Writ ten in i788./by/Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay :/With/an Appendix,/Containing the Letters of/Pacificus and Helvidius/on the/Proclamation of Neutrality of 1 793 ;/Also,/the Original Articles of Confederation, /and the Constitution of the United States./New Edition :/The Numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself./Hallowell :/Masters, Smith, & Co./i857. 8vo, pp. 496. 36 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 31 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. N.Y. : 1863. The Fcederalist :/A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor/of the New Constitution, as agreed/upon by the Federal Conven-/tion, September 17, 1787.7 Reprinted from the Original Text,/with an/Histori cal Introduction and Notes./By Henry B. Dawson./ In Two Volumes. /Vol. i./New York :/Charles Scrib- ner, 124 Grand Street, /London : Sampson Low, Son & Co./i863. 8vo, pp. cxlii, (2), 615, portrait. 37 All ever printed. This volume contains the text of the Federalist, entire, and an Introduction, containing a history of the origin, original publica tion, the controversy over the disputed numbers, and a bibliographical list of editions, all being treated with great thoroughness. It was Mr. Daw- son s intention to give, in the second volume, the alterations which had been made in the text of the various editions, and MSS. notes from copies of the work which had belonged to the authors and other statesmen. The Introduction gave offense to the Hamilton and Jay families, and gave rise to the following pamphlets : Correspondence/between/John Jay and Henry B. Dawson,/and between/ James A. Hamilton and Henry B. Dawson, /concerning/The Foederalist./ New York i/Printed by J. M. Bradstreet & Son./i864. 8vo, and 4to, pp. 48, covers. Of the 4to edition only 25 copies were printed. The title on the cover reads "Current Fictions tested by Uncurrent Facts." Mr. Dawson ad vertised " Current Fictions, No. II., but it was never printed. New Plottings in Aid of the Rebel Doctrine of/State Sovereignty. /Mr. Jay s Second Letter/on/ Dawson s Introduction to the Federalist. /Ex posing its Falsification of the History of the Constitution ; its/Libels on Duane, Livingston, Jay and Hamilton ; and/its relation to recent efforts by Traitors at home, and/Foes abroad, to maintain the Rebel Doctrine of State/Sovereignty, for the subversion of the Unity of/the Republic and the Supreme Sovereignty of/the American People/. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./New York :/A. D. F. Randolph./i864./8vo. pp. 54, viii, covers [same.] New York i/American News Company, 121 Nassau street. /London :/Trttb- ner & Company, 60 Patermoster Row./i864./8vo. pp. 54, vii, covers [same.] London : Samson Low . . . 1864. 8vo. pp. 50. All three editions were suppressed by Mr. Jay, and the bulk of the copies burnt. See "Current Fictions," p. 26. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. N. Y. : 1864. The Fcederalist :/A Collection of Essays, Written Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 33 in Favor/of the New Constitution, as agreed/upon by the Fcederal Conven-/tion, September 17, 1787.7 Reprinted from the Original Text,/with an/Histori cal Introduction and Notes./By Henry B. Dawson./ In Two Volumes./Vol. I./New York :/Charles Scrib- ner & Co./i864. 8vo, pp. cxlii, (2), 615, Portrait. 38 Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Morrisania : 1864. The Federalist :/A Collection of Essays, written in Favor/of the New Constitution, as agreed/upon by the Fcederal Conven-/tion, September 17, 1787.7 Reprinted from the Original Text,/with an/Histori cal Introduction and Notes./By Henry B. Dawson./ In Two Volumes./Vol. I. /Morrisania, N. Y. :/i864. Royal 8vo, pp. cxlii, (2), 615, Portrait. 39 Printed from the same plates as the N. Y. editions of 1863 and 4. 250 copies printed. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Phila. .-1865. The/Federalist :/A Commentary /on the/Constitu tion of the United States./A Collection of Essays,/ By Alexander Hamilton, /Jay, and Madison./Also,/ The Continentalist, and other Papers,/By Hamilton./ Edited by/John C. Hamilton,/Author of "The His tory of the Republic of the United States "/Philadel phia :/J. B. Lippincott & Co./i864. 8vo, pp. clxv, (i), 659, vi, Portrait. 40 Many reissues, with a change of date only. Contains an " Historical Notice," which is an endeavor to prove Hamil ton the author of the doubtful numbers ; in fact, the whole tendency is to magnify Hamilton s part of the work, even the names of the other authors are printed in much smaller type on the title. The alterations in the text made by the different editions is added, as also the papers signed " Philo-Publius" by William Duer. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. s 5 Reviewed by Mr. Horace Binney in the following : A Review of Hamilton s Edition of the Federalist. Philadelphia : 1864. 8vo, pp. 8. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. Phila. : 1865. The/Federalist :/A Commentary/on the/Constitu tion of the United States. /A Collection of Essays/ By Alexander Hamilton, /Jay, and Madison./Also,/ The Continentalist, and other Papers,/By Hamilton. /Edited by John C. Hamilton,/Author of " The History of the Republic of the United States. "/Vol. I./Philadelphia:/J. B. Lippincott & 0.71865. 2 vols. Rl. 8vo, pp. clxv, (i), 242. (2), 243-659, vi, Portrait. 41 From the same plates as No. 40, but divided into two volumes, and printed on larger and finer paper. 100 copies only printed. Hamilton and others. The Federalist. N. Y. : 1876. University Edition./The Federalist :/ A/Collection of Essays, written in Favor/of the New Constitution, as/agreed upon by/The Federal Convention,/Sep- tember 17, 1787/Reprinted from the Original Text/ under the Editorial Supervision of/Henry B. Dawson. /New York :/Scribner, Armstrong, and Co./i876. 8vo, pp. Ivi, 615. 42 Also issues with no date. A cheap edition from the plates of No. 37, with the omission of the Introduction, a short Preface taking its place. 1789. \Hamilton (^.)0 Address. New York, February 18, 1 789. To the Supervisors of the City of Albany, in the County of Albany. pp. 43 An address in favor of the election of Yates for Governor of New York, signed by Hamilton. The above title is taken from Mr. J. C. Hamilton s edition of the Works of Hamilton. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 37 \Hamilton (A.). \ Address. To the/Independent and Patriotic/Electors of the /State of New York./[New York: 1789.] 8vo, pp. (12). S. 44 Signed "By order of the Committee, Alexander Hamilton, Chairman." It was unknown to Mr. J. C. Hamilton, and is not included in his edition of the Works of H., but it is reprinted in Mr. Lodge s edition, from what he believes to be the only copy. Treasury Reports and Circulars. See Part 2. 1790. [ ] Considerations/on the Nature of a/Funded Debt,/ Tending to shew/that it can never be considered as a/Circulating Medium ;/and that the/interest/of the /United States/Renders it essentially necessary to fund it agreeably to the Terms of the/Original Con tract/at this Time,/and not to adopt the Debts/of the/Respective States./New-York./M,DCC,xc. 8vo, pp. 13. B. A. 45 Against Hamilton s " Assumption " plan. The following pamphlets all relate more or less to Hamilton s Financial Policy. [ 1 Fallacy Detected by the Evidence of Facts ; or, Considerations on the Impolicy and Injustice of a Compulsory Reduction of the Interest on the Public Debt, in a letter to a Member of Congress [Phila delphia :] Printed 1 790. 8vo, pp. 44. 46 1791. [Logan (George) .^\ Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States . Showing the necessity of confining the Pub- Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 39 lie Revenues to a fixed proportion of the net produce of the Land ; and the bad policy and injustice of every species of Indirect Taxation and Commercial Regulations. By a Farmer. Philadelphia : Printed by Eleazer Oswald. M,DCC,XCI. 8vo, pp. 47. 47 This and No. 50 have been referred by several bibliographers to " Dr. Laughan," on the authority of an MS. note by Adet, the French Minister (Rich Bib. Am., I, 494, 496.), but it is merely a French way of spelling Logan. 1792. Blanc hard (James). To the Electors and Freeholders of New Jersey James Blanchard [1792]. Broadside. 48 An electioneering handbill against the funding and banking systems of Hamilton. [ ] The/Politics/And Views/Of a Certain/Party,/ Displayed./Printed in the Year M,DCC,XCII. 8vo, pp. 36. 49 The authorship of this pamphlet has been referred to Hamilton. It is probably by William L. Smith. A savage attack on Jefferson, more es pecially on his opposition to Hamilton s measures and plans. \Logan (George).^ Five/Letters,/addressed to the/Yeomanry/of the/ United States .-/Containing some Observations on the Dangerous Scheme/of Governop Duer and Mr. Secretary/Hamilton, to establish National/Manufac- tures./By a Farmer./Philadelphia I/Printed by Elea zer Oswald, No. 156, Mar-/ket-street, between Fourth and Fifth-streets./M,DCC,xcn. 8vo, pp. 28. B.A. 50 Reprinted in the American Museum, Vol. 12, pp. 159 and 213, and an swered by SA Freeman," pp. 167, 218, and 272. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 41 [ ] Strictures/and/Observations/upon the/Three Ex ecutive Departments/of the/Government of the United States i/Calculated/to shew the Necessity of some Change therein, that the Public/may derive that able and impartial Execution of the/Powers dele gated, upon which alone their Happi-/ness at Home, and their Respectability/ Abroad, must materially Depend. / By Massachusettensis. / Printed in the United States of America,/M,Dcc,xcn. 8vo, pp. 32. B.A. 51 Mr. Sabin (on account of the pseudonym) has ascribed the authorship to Daniel Leonard, but it is evidently an error, for Leonard left the country in 1775 and never returned. Highly praises Hamilton, and his measures, while criticizing Jefferson and Knox. 1793. \Logan (George)^\ Letters/addressed to the/ Yeomanry/of the/United States,/Containing some/Observations / on/Funding and Bank Systems./By an American Farmer./Phila- delphia,/MDCcxcin. 8vo, pp. 24. N., B.A. 52 Mr. Sabin, in his Dictionary, makes Hamilton the author of this pamph let, though it is against Hamilton s measures. [ 1 An/Examination/of the/Late Proceedings in Con- gress,/Respecting the Official Conduct/of the/Secre tary of the Treasury. / Printed within the United States. [I793-] 8vo, pp. 28. 53 Mr. Sabin ascribes the authorship to Hamilton, which is an error, as it is strongly anti-Hamilton. Probably by John Taylor. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 43 Fraunces (A. .). An /Appeal /to the Legislature of the United States,/and to the Citizens Individually,/of the sev eral States./Against the Conduct of the Secretary of /the Treasury./By Andrew G. Fraunces,/Citizen of the State of New York, late in the/Treasury of the United States./. . ./Printed for Andrew G. Fraunces, Esq./MDCCXCin. 8vo, pp. 12. N. 54 Relates to the non-payment of two Treasury Warrants which Hamilton had disallowed. 1794. \Hamilton^\ and Smith. The/Speeches/of Mr. Smith, of South Carolina,/ Delivered in the/House of Representatives of the United States,/in January, 1794, on the Subject of certain/Commercial Regulations,/proposed by Mr. Madison, in the Committee of the Whole,/on the Report of the Secretary of State./Philadelphia :/ MDCCXCIV. 8vo, pp. 75, folding table. N. 55 The outline of the first speech was written by Hamilton, and the draft is printed in both editions of his Works. The first speech was answered by Madison, in the following : " Speech,/ in the/House of Representatives/of the/Congress of the United States,/ Delivered January 14, 1794, /By James Madison, of Virginia,/in Support of his/Propositions, for the Promoting/of the/Commerce of the United States, /And in Reply to/ William Smith, of South-Carolina. /New- York Printed at Greenleaf s Press. /I7Q4." to which Smith replied in his second speech. I am at no loss to ascribe Smith s speech to its true father. Every tittle of it is Hamilton s except the introduction. There is scarcely any thing there which I have not heard from him in our various private though official discussions. The very turn of the arguments is the same, and others will see as well as myself that the style is Hamilton s. The sophistry is too fine, too ingenious, even to have been comprehended by Smith, much less devised by him. His reply shows he did not understand his first speech ; as its general inferiority proves its legitimacy, as evidently as it does the bastardy of the original." Jefferson to Madison, April 3, 1794. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. rTJ!: {Taylor (John)~\ An/Enquiry/into the/Principles and Tendency of certain/Public Measures. / Philadelphia :/Printed by Thomas Dobson, No, 41, South/Second-Street./ MDCCXCIV. 8vo, pp. (4), 92. N. 56 Against the Funding and Bank Systems. According to Fauchet (Dis patch No. 10), Mr. Taylor was the author of two other pamphlets against the financial policy of the government. [Baldwin and others^ Report/of the/Committee/appointed to Examine into the/State of the Treasury Department/made to the House of Representatives/of the/United States/ on the 22d day of May, 1 794./Published by order of the House of Representatives./Philadelphia i/Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine./M,Dcc,xciv. 8vo, pp. 86. N. 57 This examination was made at the request of Hamilton, in order to silence the charges of misappropriation and mismanagement of the public funds. " The Report of the Committee of Congress, has turned out precisely as your friends here had predicted. The more you probe, examine, and in vestigate Hamilton s conduct, rely upon it, the greater he will appear. But it was a cruel thing in Congress ... to oblige your persectitors and prosecutors to sit as yo\\r judges, and what was more ill-natured to compel them to make a report by which they were obliged * * * * mortification surely to convict you of purity of conduct, unshaken integrity and a competent watchfulness over the public interest." Col. William Heth to Hamilton, July 6, 1794. I795- \Hamilton and other s^\ Camillus. A/Defence/of the/Treaty/of/Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, /Entered into between/The United States of America & Great Britain, / as it has ap peared in the papers under the/Signature of/Camil- Bibliotkeca Hamiltoniana. 47 lus./New-York :/ Printed and sold by Francis Childs and Co. and sold by/James Rivington, at No. 156, Pearl street, also, at the other Book/Stores of this City 1795. 8vo, pp. 139. B.A., N. 58 This is only the first twenty-two numbers, thirty-eight being the full number. It was the intention of the publishers (as announced on the verso of the title) to publish the remainder as a second part, but it was never carried out. Printed originally in the Minerva. The joint work of Hamilton, King, and Jay. Mr. J. C. Hamilton states (Hist. Repub., vi., 273) that num bers 23 to 30, 34 and 35, are not by Hamilton, though the MSS. is added to, interlined, and altered by him. "I have a secret to communicate to your prudence. The defense by Camillus was written in concert between Hamilton, King, and Jay. The writings on the first ten articles of the treaty were written by Hamilton ; the rest by King, till they came to the question of the constitutionality of the treaty, which was discussed by Hamilton. Jay was to have written a concluding peroration ; but being always a little lazy, and perhaps con cluding upon the whole, that it might be most politic to keep his name out of it ; and perhaps finding that the work was already well done, he neglected it. This I have from King s own mouth. It is to pass, how ever, for Hamilton s. All three consulted together upon most, if not all the pieces." John Adams to his wife, Jan. 31, 1796. (Works. Vol. i, p. 485.) \Livingston (Robert R^)\ Examination/of the/Treaty/of/ Amity, Commerce, and Navigation / between the /United States and Great Britain./In Several Numbers :/By Cato./[New- York :] Republished, from the Argus, by Thomas Greenleaf./i795. 8vo, pp. 32. N. 59 The authorship of this pamphlet has been ascribed to Hamilton, and to William Smith ; but in a letter to James Monroe, Mr. Livingston states that he has replied to Camillus " over my old signature Cato." 1796. [Hamilton (A.)~\ Pacificus. Letters/of/Pacificus i/Written in justification of the / President s Proclamation / of Neutrality./Pub- Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 49 lished originally in the Year 1 793. /Philadelphia :/ Printed by Samuel H. Smith, No. 118 Chestnut- Street./i796. 8vo, pp. 60. 60 Printed originally in the " Gazette of the United States." Hamilton and Madison. Pacificus and Helvidius. Letters/o f/Pacificus and Helvidius,/on the/Procla mation of Neutrality of 1 793,/By/Alexander Hamil ton, (Pacificus,)/and/James Madison, (Helvidius,)/to which is prefixed/The Proclamation. /Washington :/ Printed and Published by J. and G. S. Gideon./i845- 8vo, pp. 102. 61 \Madison (James) .] Letters/of/Helvidius /Written in Reply to/Pacifi- cus,/on the/President s Proclamation of/Neutrality./ Published originally in the Year 1 793. /Philadelphia : /Printed by Samuel H. Smith, No. i i8,/Chestnut Street/M. DCC. xcvi. 8vo, pp. 48. 62 Originally printed in the " Gazette of the United States ; " the first No. appearing August 24, 1793. Undertaken at the request of Jefferson. Under date of July 30, 1793, Madison wrote concerning it : " As I inti mated in my last, I have forced myself into the task of a reply. I can truly say I find it the most grating one I ever experienced." ^Hamilton and The President s Address to the People of the United States, Announcing his design of retiring from Public Life, at the Expiration of the present Constitutional Term of the Presidentship. Phila delphia, for the Proprietors, Sept. 20, 1796. 8vo, pp. 16. 63 I have deemed it proper, on account of the prominent part taken by Hamilton in the writing of the Farewell Address, to place the title of the first (?) edition in this list. Vet, when Washington signed and issued it to Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 5i the public in his name, the ideas and sentiments became his, and should so be treated. See Mr. Binney s " Formation of Washington s Farewell Address," vol. 7 of Mr. Lodge s " Works of Hamilton ; " vol. 12 of Sparks " Writings of Washington ; " " Memoirs of the Penn. Historical Society ; " and J. A. Hamilton s "Reminiscences." 1797. Hamilton (A.) Reynold s Pamphlet. Phila. : 1797. Observations/on/Certain Documents/Contained in No. V & VI of/" The History of the United States/ for the Year i796,"/in which the/Charge of Specula tion/against/Alexander Hamilton,/Late Secretary of the Treasury,/is Fully Refuted./Written by himself. /Philadelphia :/Printed for John Fenno, By John Bioren./i797. 8vo, pp. 37, (i), Ixiii. N., B.A. 64 The first and author s edition of a pamphlet better known as the " Reynold s Pamphlet," written by Hamilton to defend his public character from charges made by Callender ; and sent by him to Members of Congress and the Press. See Mr. Lodge s edition of the "Works," Vol. 6 ; McMaster s " History of the People of the U. S.," Vol. 2; Steven s "Bibliotheca Historica"; and Nos. 67 and 68 infra. Hamilton (A ^) Reynold s Pamphlet. Phila.: 1800. Observations/on/Certain Documents/Contained in No. V & VI of/" The History of the United States/ for the Year 1796, "/in which the/Charge of Specula tion/against/Alexander Hamilton, /Late Secretary of the Treasury,/is Fully Refuted./Written by himself. /Philadelphia I/Printed Pro Bono Publico./i8oo. 8vo, pp. 37 (i) Ixiii. B.A. 65 This edition was printed at the Aurora-office by the political enemies of Hamilton. It is sometimes found bound with a collection of pamphlets, dating from 1792 to 1805, with a general title as follows : Select Pamphlets .... Duane s Collection. Philadelphia, Printed 1814. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 53 Hamilton (A.) Reynold s Pamphlet. N. Y. : 1865. Observations / on / Certain Documents / in/" The History of the United States/for the Year 1 796,"/By/ Alexander Hamilton./New York :/Printed for the Hamilton Club./i86s. 8vo & 4to, pp. (10), 157. 66 50 copies, 8vo ; 25 copies, 4to. Forms No. 2 of the Hamilton Club Series. \jCallender (jfames Thomson).^ The/History/of the/United States/for i796;/In- cluding a Variety of/Interesting Particulars/Relative to the/Federal Government/Previous to that Period. /Philadelphia :/From the Press of Snowden & M - Corkle,/No 47, North Fourth-Street./ 179 7. 8vo, pp. viii, 312. N. 67 Chapters V. and VI. contain the charges against Hamilton of speculation in government securities, which drove Hamilton to the confession of his true offence in the Reynold s pamphlet (No. 64). Far from satisfied with that explanation, Callender renewed his charges with even greater vituper ation in the following work. Callender (J. T.) Sketches /of the /History/of/ America/By James Thomson Callender/[Entered according to Law.]/ Philadelphia :/From the Press of Snowden & M - Corkle,/No 47, North Fourth-Street./i798./[Price one dollar.] 8vo, pp. 263, (i). N. 68 Chapter V. is devoted entirely to Hamilton, and largely to the " Reynold s Pamphlet." This portion of the work was reprinted in the " National Magazine " for June, 1799. Callender was by birth an Englishman, but was compelled to fly from that country to escape from justice. On his arrival in this country he sided with the Jacobin or French party, and entered the field as a pamphleteer. Although writing in a time which, for partisan and libelous pamphlets, has never been equalled, he was among the bitterest and most untruthful. For a number of years he received aid, both information and money, from Thomas Jefferson ; and it was through him that he obtained the papers on Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 55 which he grounded the charges of peculation against Hamilton. On [efferson s election to the Presidency, however, he refused Callencler some office which he had requested, and Callender changed his politics, and repaid his favors with abuse. I800. Hamilton (A.) Letter to Adams, ist Ed. N. Y. : 1800. Letter /from /Alexander Hamilton,/Concerning/ the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./New-York :/ Printed for John Lang, by George F. Hopkins./ i8oo./[Copy Right Secured.] 8vo, pp. 54. N. 69 First and author s edition. Only a few copies printed for Hamilton as a private circular among a few political friends, with the hope of giving Pinckney a majority over Adams. Aaron Burr by some means obtained a copy, from which copious extracts were published in the Republican press, with the most damaging results to the Federal party. All secrecy being lost, Hamilton presented the copyright to John Lang, who printed three editions within the year. This and Adams reply are probably the plainest talk ever indulged in, in print, between two great statesmen. It received many answers, from both Republicans and Federalists. Hamilton (A.) Letter to Adams. 2d Ed. N. Y. : 1800. Letter/ from /Alexander Hamilton,/ Concerning/ the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./The Second Edition. /New-York: /Printed for John Lang, by John Furman./i8oo. 8vo, pp. 54. 70 Hamilton (A.) Letter to Adams, ^d Ed. N.Y.: 1800. Letter/ from /Alexander Hamilton,/ Concerning/ the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States. /Third Edition./ Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 57 New-York i/Printed for John Lang, by Furman & Loudon./i8oo. 8vo, pp. 54. 71 Hamilton (A.) Letter to Adams, tfh Ed. N. Y. : 1800. Letter/ from /Alexander Hamilton,/ Concerning/ the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./Fourth Edition. /New-York :/Printed for John Lang, by Furman & Loudon./i8oo. 8vo, pp. 54. 72 Hamilton (A.) Letter to Adams. Phila. : 1800. Letter/ from /Alexander Hamilton,/ Concerning/ the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./New-York : /Printed for John Lang, by George F. Hopkins./ iSoo./Philadelphia :/Re-printed Pro Bono Publico. 8vo, pp. 54. 73 This edition was printed by William Duane, the editor of the Aurora (the Official paper of the Republicans) and on a copy of it he wrote " This pamphlet has done more mischief to the parties concerned, than all the labors of the Aurora. William Duane." Hamilton (A.) Letter to Adams. Boston: 1809. Letter/ from /Alexander Hamilton,/ Concerning/ the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States r/Written in the Year i8oo./New Edition, with a Preface./ Boston :/ Printed by E. G. House, No. 5, Court Street./iSoQ. 8vo, pp. 56. B.A. 73* Mr. Adams prepared an answer to Hamilton s letter in 1801, which he published in 1809, in a series of letters to the Boston Patriot, which were collected and republished in pamphlet form in the same year. The editor of this edition of Hamilton s letter says : " Mr. Adams having thus rudely revived the remembrance of his controversy with General Hamilton, and Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 59 his quarrel with his cabinet, it is but an act of ordinary justice to present to the public view, in a new edition, the whole of the work, which is now al most extinct ; and from which he has so copiously extracted." See No. 115. \Cheetham (jfames)^\ An/ Answer/to/ Alexander Hamilton s/Letter/con- cerning/the Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./By a Citizen of New-York./New-York r/Printed by P. R. Johnson & J. Stryker,/At the Literary Printing Office, No. 29 Gold-Street./ 1 8oo./[Copy-Right se cured.] 8vo, pp. 32. 74 The present Answer appears to be dictated by a spirit not entitled to respect for its regard either to candor, impartiality, or truth. Mr. H. is charged as being governed by the most depraved and boundless ambition, and the meanest and most pernicious passions." American Monthly Re view, vol. 3, p. 378. \Pinkney ( William).^ A/Few Remarks on/Mr. Hamilton s Late Letter,/ concerning /The Public Conduct and Character/ of the/President./By Caius./. . ./(Copy Right Secured according to Law.)/Baltimore /Printed by/Warner & Hanna. 1800. 8vo, pp. 24. C., B.A. 75 A Free Examination of the Morals ; Political and Literary Character of John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. Induced by recent publications of these Citizens. Philadephia : (?) 1800. 8vo (?) pp. 76 Advertised as "to be published" in the newspapers of the day, but I have been unable to find a copy. Prof. McMaster thinks it was probably from Duane s press. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. \Webster (NoaK).~\ A/Letter/to/Alexander Hamilton,/Occasioned by his Letter to / President Adams. / By a Federalist. [New York : 1800.] 8vo, pp. 8. B. A., N. 77 \Webster (Noah).~\ A/Letter/to/Alexander Hamilton,/Occasioned by his Letter to/President Adams./By a Federalist. [Philadelphia. Printed by William Duane. 1800.] 8vo, pp. 3-10. B.A. 78 Signed "Aristides." Neither edition has a title-page, the above titles being the headlines of the text. Mr. Sabin gives other editions, but I be lieve him to have been in error. For an answer, see " Observations on Aristides " in [Benjamin Austin s] " Old South," pp. 89-93. \Ogden A/Letter/to/Major General Alexander Hamilton,/ containing /Observations on his Letter /Concerning/ the Public Conduct & Character /of/ John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./By a Citizen of these States./New York : Printed by G. F. Hopkins,/ Washington s Head./ 1800. 8vo, pp. 32. N. 79 \Ogden (Uzal^ A/Letter/to/Maj. Gen. Alexander Hamilton ;/Con- taining/Observations on his Letter/Concerning the/ Public Conduct and Character/of/John Adams, Esq./ President of the United States./By a Citizen of these States./Printed by Joshua Cushing, Salem./ 1800. 8vo, pp. 28. M. 80 " I have received, this evening, your favor of the 26th November, with the Pamphlet inclosed. I have read it over in more haste than it was written in, but am so far possessed of its purport as to be better pleased Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 63 that it was written in thirty hours, than if it had been the elaborate pro duction of a week, because it shows the first impressions of the writer upon reading the pamphlet it is in answer to. This last pamphlet I regret more on account of its author than on my own, because I am confident it will do him more harm than me. ... It would take a large volume to answer him completely." John Adams to Dr. Ogden, 3d December, 1800. [ 1 A/Reply/ to /Alexander Hamilton s/Letter,/ Con cerning/the Public Conduct & Character /of /John Adams, Esq./President of the United States./. . ./ . . ./By a Federal Republican./New-York i/Printed by L. Nichols & Co./i8oo. 8vo, pp. 16, 4. N. 81 Signed " Cincinnatus." " This Pamphlet has little to recommend it as a political or literary performance. The author confesses his inability to contend, as a writer, with General Hamilton, whom he is pleased to style the Atlas of composition. " American Monthly Review, vol. iii., p. 378. A/Vindication/of the/Conduct and Character/of/ John Adams, Esq./in Reply/to the Letter of/General Hamilton, Addressed to the/Federal Citizens of the Union./New- York i/Printed by John C. Totten & Co./ And for Sale by D. Longworth, No. 1 1 , Park Peter Burtsell/No. 36, Beekman- Street, and at the Stores of the other principal/Booksellers./ 1800. 8vo, pp. 25. N. 82 Signed " An American." 1801. \Hamilton (A.).~\ Address. Albany : 1801. An/Address/to the/Electors/of the/State of New York./ Albany : Printed by C. R. and G. Webster. i6mo, pp. 34. B.A., S. 83 Signed by some thirty New York Federalists. " I am enjoined by the General Committee to tax your goodness to pre- Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 65 pare a short, temperate, and pertinent supplementary address, by way of reply to that of our opponents. This tax will be levied and collected with out communicating whence it is derived." Van Vechten to Hamilton, 1801. [Hamilton (A.).~\ Address. N. Y. : 1801. An/Address,/to the/Electors/of the/State of New York./New-York :/Re-printed, April, 1801. 8vo, pp. 23. N. 84 An /Answer / to a / Clandestine Address, / to the / Electors, of the State of New- York,/signed by/Robert Troup and Others./By Epaminondas./[i8oi] 8vo, pp. 16. N. 85 l802. [Hamilton (A.).~\ Lucius Crassus. The / Examination/of the/President s Message,/at the/Opening of Congress December 7, 1 80 1. /Revised and Corrected/by/the Author/Ducit amor Patriae./ New-York i/Printed and Published at the Office of the/ New- York Evening Post./ 1802. 8vo, pp. 127. N., B.A. 86 Signed " Lucius Crassus." Printed originally in the Evening Post, and reprinted in this shape, with the addition of the Message to which it is in answer, and a Preface [by William Colemanj. Hamilton (A.). Plan of Government. 1802. Propositions/of Col. Hamilton, of New York,/In Convention for Establishing a Consti-/tutional Gov ernment for the/United States./Also/a Summary of the Political Opinions of/John Adams,/ ..... /Pitts- field : Printed by Phineas Allen. ^1802. 8vo, pp. 32. 87 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 67 Letters/to/Alexander Hamilton ;/King of the Feds. /Ci-devant Secretary of the Treasury/of the/United States of America,/Inspector-General of the Standing Armies / Thereof, / Counsellor at Law. / &c. &c. &c./ Being intended as a reply to a Scandalous Pamphlet/ lately published under the sanction, as it is pre-/sumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and signed with/the signature of Junius Philsemus./By Tom Callender, Esq./Citizen of the World./New- York i/Printed by Richard Reynolds, No. 27, Dey-Street./i8o2 8vo, pp. 64. B.A. 88 The authorship of this pamphlet has been usually referred to James Thomson Callender, but I am inclined to believe that the name is a pseu donym ; as Callender had at this time left the Republican party and was writing in favor of the Federalists ; while this work attacks him. Letters/to/ Alexander Hamilton,/King of the Feds. /New York i/Printed for the Hamilton Club./i866. 4to and 8vo, pp. (4), 89. 89 60 copies printed, of which 20 were on large paper. 1804. Hamilton (A.). Croswell Case. The/Speeches/at full Length/of/Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Caines,/the Attorney-General, Mr. Harrison, /and/Gen eral Hamilton, /in the /Great Cause/of the /People,/ against/Harry Croswell,/on an Indictment for a/Libel /on/Thomas Jefferson,/President of the United States. /New- York i/Printed by G. & R. Waite, No. 64, Maiden-lane./ 1 8o4./[Copy right secured.] 8vo, pp. 78. N., B.A. 90 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 69 C ] An/ Appendix/to/ Aristide s Vindication / of the/ Vice- President/of the United States,/by a Gentleman of North Carolina,/proving/that General Hamilton/at the last Presidential Election/exerted all his Influence/ to support Mr. Jefferson,/in opposition to Mr. Burr./ Virginia./Printed, and for sale by the Booksellers in this State./ 1 804. 8vo, pp. 20. B.A. 91 Reprinted as follows : "Virginia Edition, /Of the various charges ex hibited against/Aaron Burr, Esq.,/Vice-President of the United States./ By/Aristides. [William P. Van Ness.]/ With the exception of such parts as are/of a Local Nature./To which is added/An Appendix, /By a Gentleman of North Carolina, prov-/ing that Gen. Hamilton at the last/Presidential Election, exerted all/his influence to support Mr./Jefferson in opposition to /Mr. Burr/[Virginia. /Printed, and for sale by the Booksellers in this State. /i8o4.] 8vo, pp. 59. Abercrombie (James). A Sermon/Occasioned/by the Death/of/Major Gen. Alexander Hamilton,/who was killed/by Aaron Burr, Esq.,/Vice-President of the United States,/in a Duel, July n, 1 804. /Preached in Christ-Church and St. Peter s, Philadelphia,/on Sunday, July 22d, i8o4./By James Abercrombie, D.D./One of the Assistant Min isters of Christ-Church/and St. Peter s./Published by Request/Philadelphia i/Printed and Published by H. Maxwell, North Second-Street./i8o4. 8vo, pp. vii, 53, (3). N. 92 [Ames (Fisker}.~\ A/Sketch of the Character/of/ Alexander Hamilton. /" Laudatus a laudato viro."/Printed at the Repertory Office, Boston, 1804. 8vo, pp. 15. B.A. 93 Prepared by Mr. Ames on hearing of the death of Hamilton, and read by him to a few personal friends, by whose advice it was printed in the Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 7* " Repertory " in July, 1804, and then reprinted in pamphlet form as above. It is included in both editions of " The Works of Fisher Ames." [Coleman ( William) J\ A/Collection/of the/Facts and Documents,/Relative to/the Death/of/Major-General Alexander Hamilton ; /with Comments :/ Together with the Various /Ora tions, Sermons, and Eulogies, /that have been published or written on/his Life and Character./. . ./. . ./. ../... /By the Editor of the Evening Post./New-York :/ Printed by Hopkins and Seymour,/for I. Riley and Co. Booksellers, No. i, City- Hotel, /Broad way./ 1804. 8vo, pp. (4), 238. B.A., N. 94 Original issued in five numbers, in pink wrappers, with the following titles : " No I. /of a/Collection/of/Facts and Documents, /relative to/the Death/of/Major-General Alexander Hamilton ;/with Comments, &c. /New- York :/Printed by Hopkins and Seymour,/for G. Riley and Co. No. i, City Hotel, Broadway. /i8o4." No. I, pp. (4), 46, covers ; No. II, pp. 47-94, covers ; No. Ill, pp. 95-142, covers ; No. IV, pp. 143-190, covers ; No. V, pp. 191-238, covers. An uncut copy, or one in the original covers, is very scarce. This collection (edited by one of Hamilton s warmest friends and ad mirers, who aimed to make it a fitting monument to him) included nearly every thing relating to his death eulogies, resolutions of various societies, newspaper testimonials, and much else that could otherwise be found only by a reference to the papers of the day. Fur man (Richard}. Death s Dominion over Man considered./A Sermon /occasioned by the death of the/Honorable Major General/ Alexander Hamilton ;/preached at the Baptist Church,/in/Charleston, South Carolina,/the/Fifteenth day of August, i8o4,/before the/State Society of the Cincinnati,/the/ American Revolutionary Society ;/and /a numerous assemblage of other Citizens :/and, pub lished at the joint request of the two Societies./By Richard Furman, D.D./Pastor of said Church,/and a member of the Revolution Society/. . ./. . ./. . ./ Bibliotkeca Hamiltoniana. 73 Charleston :/ Printed by W. P. Young, /Franklin s Head, No. 41, Broad-street./[i8o4]. 8vo, pp. 22. P. 95 ^Hopkins (Joseph jR.).~] Hamilton iad :/or,/the Effects of Discord./An Origi nal Poem/In Two Books./With an Appendix ;/Con- taining/a Number of Interesting Papers relative to the /late unfortunate Duel./By a Young Gentleman/of Philadelphia./. . . [ten lines of poetry] . . ./Philadel phia i/Printed for the Author./Published and sold by D. Hogan,No. 5 1 , South/Third Street./ August 3, 1804. Svo, pp. 40, 33-55. P.H.S. 96 On a copy in the Penn. Hist. Soc. Library some one has added in ink after Printed for the Author " s Dishonor," and other equally severe notes. [ ] A/Letter to Aaron Burr, /Vice- President/of the United States of America,/on the/Barbarous Origin, the Criminal Nature/and the Baneful Effects of Duels ; /occasioned by his late fatal Interview/ with the Deceased and much Lamented/General Alexander Hamilton./By Philanthropos/Ne occidas./New-York : Printed for the Author, and sold by John Low, No./ 33, Chatham- Street, William Barlas, No. 6,/Liberty- Street, and John Reid, No. io6,/ Water- Street./ 1804. 8vo, pp. 32. N. 97 Very severe on Burr. It is dated at the end " New-York, September 22, 1804." M Donald (John). A/Sermon/on the/Premature and Lamented/Death /of/General Alexander Hamilton./By John M Donald, A.M./Published by Request./ Albany ;/Printed by John Barber, Faust s Statue, State-Street. 1804. 8vo, pp. 32. S. 98 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. ;5 Mason (John Mitchell]. An/Oration, /Commemorative of the Late/Major- General Alexander Hamilton ;/ Pronounced before/ The New- York State Society of the Cincinnati,/on Tuesday, the 3ist July, i8o4./By J. M. Mason, D.D./ Pastor of the First Associate Reformed Church in the /City of New- York./. . ./. . ./. . ./New-York:/ Printed by Hopkins and Seymour,/and Sold by G. F. Hopkins, at Washington s Head, /No. 118, Pearl- Street./ i8o4/ [Copy-right Secured according to Law.] 8vo, pp. 40. N. 99 Passed through the following editions : Glasgow, /Published by J. & A. Duncan : and/George Lumsden, Book sellers, /i 804. 8vo, pp. 24. London :/Printed by R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street,/for R. Ogle, Great Turnstile, Holborn, Button and Son, Pater-/noster Row, Hatchard, Piccadilly, and Jordan and/Maxwell, Fleet Street. /1 804. 8vo, pp. 38. Reviewed in the Monthly Review (London), vol. Ixvi, p. 446 ; Literacy Magazine (New York), vol. II, p. 531 ; and in the following : A/Review/of/Dr. John M. Mason s/Oration/on the Death of Gen. Ham ilton. /Extracted from the/Christian Observer,/4 Vol. i8os/New York :/ Printed by James Oram, No. 114 Water Street. /iSoy. 8vo, pp. 10. N. Mr. Mason was a personal friend of Hamilton, and intended to write his life, but never accomplished it. The New York edition contains an appendix, giving the will of Hamilton, his reasons for meeting Burr, and Bishop Moore s and Dr. Mason s accounts of his death ; only a portion of which was reprinted in the Glasgow edition. c ] . New York State Society of the Cincinnati. [New York : 1804] Broadside, small folio. S.D. 100 The resolutions of the society on the death of Hamilton, signed : " W. S. Smith, President. W. Popham, Secretary." Nott (Eliphalet). A / Discourse, / Delivered in the / North Dutch Church,/in the City of Albany,/occasioned by the Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 77 ever to be lamented/Death/of/General Alexander Hamilton,/] uly 29, i8o4./By Eliphalet Nott, A.M./ Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in said City./ Published by Request/Albany :/ Printed by Charles R. and George Webster,/at their Bookstore, Corner of State/and Pearl-Streets./ 1804. 8vo, pp. 40. N., B.A. 101 The most popular sermon on Hamilton s death. It is reprinted in " Nott s Works, 1810," with the addition of an Appendix, taken from Ma son s Oration ; and also in Coleman s "Collection." The following are the imprints of the various editions : The Second Edition./Albany :/Printed by Charles R. and George Web- ster,/at their Bookstore, /Corner of State/and Pearl Streets. 1804. 8vo, pp. 32. The Third Edition./Albany i/Printed by Websters and Skinner,/At their Bookstore, corner of State and Pearl-Streets. /i8o6. 8vo, pp. 22. The Third Edition ./Salem I/Printed by Joshua Cushing./i8c>4. 8vo, pp. 40. Fourth Edition. /Boston :/Printed by David Carlisle. /i 805. 8vo, pp. 24. Stockbridge Re-printed by Heman Willard. 1804. 8vo, pp. 31. Printed at Greenfield Mass. /By John Denio./i8os. 8vo, pp. 30. Printed at Hanover,/by Moses Davis./i8o4. 8vo, pp. 27. Schenectady . . . 1810. 8vo, pp. Schenectady :/Re-published by G. Y. Van Debogart./i853. 8vo, pp. 46. [In Dutch] Te Amsterdam, bij/L. Van Bakkenes en Veenhuijsen./i836. 8vo, pp. viii., 40. Otis (Harrison Gray). Eulogy / on / Gen. Alexander Hamilton, / Pro nounced/at the Request of/The Citizens of Boston, /July 26, i8o4,/By/Hon. Harrison G. Otis, Esq./ Boston :/Printed and sold by Manning & Loring, No. 2, Cornhill./i8o4. 8vo, pp. 24. N. 102 Passed through the following editions : The Second Edition/Boston :/Printed and sold by Manning & Loring, No. 2, Cornhill./i8o4. 8vo, pp. 24. New- York :/Printed and sold by Isaac Collins and Son, /No. 189, Pearl- Street./i8o4. 8vo, pp. 23. Albany : Printed by Charles R. and George Webster. 1804. 8vo, pp. 24. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 79 Particulars/of/the Late Duel,/Fought at Hoboken, July 1 1, /between/Aaron Burr/and/Alexander Hamil ton, Esqs./In which/the Latter unfortunately Fell./ Containing all the Papers relating to that Event,/to- gether with / the Will of General Hamilton /and/ Letters of Bishop Moore, and the Rev. J. M. Mason. /. . ./New York :/Printed by A. Forman,/9i, Beek- man street, 1804. 8vo, pp. 32. N. 103 Spring ( Samuel ). The Sixth Commandment Friendly to Virtue, Honor, and/Politeness. / A / Discourse, / in / Conse quence of the late Duel,/addressed/to the North Congregational Soci-/ety of Newburyport :/August 5, 1 804. /By Samuel Spring./ Newburyport :/ From the Press of E. W. Allen. 1804. /For sale at the Bookstore of Thomas & Whipple,/Market-Square. 8vo, pp. 28. N., B.A. 104 [ 1 To the Honourable the President and Members of the Senate, and the Honourable the Speaker, and other Members of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina . . . Broadside. P. 105 A Memorial, growing out of the Burr-Hamilton Duel, to the Legislature of South Carolina, to prevent duels by law. Drafted by committees of South Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, and Revolution Society, and copies were circulated through the State for signatures. It is reprinted in Coleman s "Collection." See No. 114. [Williams (John). ] The Hamiltoniad ;/or,/an Extinguisher for the/ Royal Faction of New-England. /With /Copious Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Notes, / Illustrative, Biographical, Philosophical, Critical, Admonitory,/and Political ; Being intended as a/High Heeled Shoe/for all Limping Republicans./ By Anthony Pasquin, Esq./. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./. . . /. . ./. . ./. . ./Copy-Right secured according to Act of Congress./Sold by the Author, price 31 cents, at the Independent Chronicle/Office, Court-Street, Boston. 8vo, pp. 64. B.A. 106 The mock dedication is dated Sept. 6, 1804. Williams was an English man by birth, but removed to this country and edited a newspaper in Bos ton. He was by trade "a common libeller," and was characterized by Lord Macaulay as " a malignant and filthy baboon" and a " polecat." Williams (Johii). The/Hamiltoniad./By/John Williams,/( Anthony Pasquin.)/New York :/ Printed for the Hamilton Club./i865. 4to and 8vo, pp. (10), 122, portrait. 107 Forms No. III. of the Hamilton Club Series. The edition was 60 copies ; 40 on octavo and 20 on quarto, some of which were printed on drawing paper. Williams (jfohn). Life/of/Alexander Hamilton./By/John Williams. /. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./. . ./Boston :/ 1804. 108 The above title is taken from the reprint below. The most careful search has failed in the discovery of a copy, and I am of the opinion that it is a fraudulent title, Mr. Hoffman having probably reprinted the life from some newspaper of the period. Williams (John). The Life/of/Alexander Hamilton./By/John Wil- liams./(Anthony Pasquin. )/New York i/Printed for the Hamilton Club./i865. 4to and 8vo, pp. (12), 60. 109 Hamilton Club Series No. I. Only 60 copies printed, 20 of which were on large paper. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 83 {Wills (Thomas\~\ A/Correct Statement/of the Late Melancholy/ Affair of Honor,/between/General Hamilton and Col. Burr,/in which/the Former unfortunately/Fell,/ July n, 1 804. /Containing the whole of the Corre spondence between/the Parties and the Seconds the particulars of the Interview the Death of Gen. Hamilton,/his will and an Account of the/Funeral Honors paid to his Memory, &c./To which is added,/ a Candid Examination/of the whole Affair,/! n a Let ter to a Friend./By Lysander./New York i/Printed and Published for the Author, by G. & R. Waite,/ Booksellers, Binders, and Stationers, No. 64, and No. 38, Maiden-Lane./i8o4. 8vo, pp. 78. N. no An attempt to vindicate the conduct of Mr. Burr. In the Menzies Catalogue the authorship is ascribed to William P. Van Ness. Woodruff (Hezekiah A 7 ".). The Danger of Ambition Considered,/in a/Ser- mon,/Preached at Scipio, N. Y./Lord s Day, August 12, 1804 ;/ Occasioned /by the Death of /General Alexander Hamilton,/who fell in a Duel/with/Aaron Burr,/Vice-President of the United States of Amer ica :/On the nth July, i8o4./By the Rev. Hez^ N. Woodruff, A. M. / Pastor Elect of the Church of Christ in Scipio, / Preached and Published by Re- quest./The Lord will abhor the bloody man. Psalms v, 6. / Albany :/ Printed by Charles R. & George Webster,/At their Bookstore in the White House, corner of State and Pearl Streets./ 1804. 8vo, pp. 23. S. in Bibliotkeca Hamiltoniana. 85 1805. [ J Observations/on the/South Carolina Memorial/ upon the subject of /Duelling :/ In a Letter to a Friend./By Postumus/. . ./. . ./i8o5. I2mo, pp. 32. Pa. 114 See No. 105. It is dated December 31, 1804, and was probably printed in Philadelphia. D wight (Timothy). The Folly, Guilt and Mischiefs of/Duelling :/A/ Sermon,/Preached in the College Chapel at/New Haven,/on the Sabbath preceding the/Annual Com- mencement,/September, i8o4./By Timothy Dwight, D.D./President of Yale-College./Hartford I/Printed by Hudson and Goodwin./i8o5. 8vo, pp. 30. P.H.S. 114* Reprinted (with a change of title) with the following imprints : New- York :/Printed by Collins, Perkins and Co. /No. 189, Pearl-street/ 1805. /8vo. pp. 38. Baltimore :/Printed and sold by Fryer and Clark. /i8os. 8vo, pp. 28. 1809. Adams (John). Correspondence/of the / Late President Adams./ Originally Published in the Boston Patriot. / In a Series of Letters./Number i. /Boston r/Published by Everett and Munroe./No. 78, State-Street./ 1809. 10 Numbers. 8vo, pp. iv, 572. B.A., N. 115 A complete collection is very scarce. Mr. Sabin knew of only the first No. It is mainly an answer to Hamilton s Letter to Adams (No. 174), or, more properly speaking, a defense of himself from Hamilton s charges ; and was prepared by Mr. Adams in 1801 ; but published for the first time in 1809. On their publication, Hamilton s Letter was reprinted by the Federalists in Boston, with the addition of a Preface. A portion of the work is reprinted in the gth vol. of "The Works of John Adams." Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 87 1810. Hamilton (A.*). Works. The/Works/of/Alexander Hamilton i/Comprising his most important/Official Reports ;/an improved edition of/the Federalist,/on the New Constitution, written in 1788 ;/and/Pacificus,/on the Proclamation of Neutrality,/written in 1 793. /In three volumes. /Vol. I./New-York r/Published by Williams and Whiting,/ at their Theological and Classical Book Store,/No. 118, Pearl-street./Printed by J. Seymour./i8io 3 vols. 8vo. 116 Vol. I, pp. vii, (3), 325, Portrait. Reports . . . On the Public Credit, 1790 On a National Bank, 1790 Constitutionality of a National Bank On Manufactures On the Establishment of a Mint. Vol. II, pp. iv, 398, Portrait. Federalist. Vol. Ill, pp. iv, 368, Portrait. Federalist Pacificus. Edited by John Wells, who gives the authorship of the different Nos. of the Federalist " from a private memorandum in his [Hamilton s] own handwriting." There is a reissue of this edition, with new title-pages only. " New York : 1816." [Johnson (R. M.} and others. } Report/of the/Committee of Claims/on/The Peti- tion/of/Elizabeth Hamilton/January n, i8io./Read and committed to a Committee of the whole house on/Wednesday next. /City of Washington :/A & G. Way, Printers/ 1 8 10. 8vo, pp. 4(*. e. 3). S.D. 117 On her petition for rive years full pay, as commutation for half pay during the life of her late husband, Col. A. Hamilton. " The claim barred by the statute of limitation." 1816. \Comstock (O. C.) and other -s.~] (55)/Report/of the Committee on Pensions and Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 89 Revolutionary/Claims on the Petition of Elizabeth Hamilton./February 24. i8i6/Read and ordered to be printed./[Washington : 1816] 8vo, pp. 3. S.D. 118 A favorable report, accompanied by a bill for granting the petitioner s wishes. Hamilton, while in Congress in 1783, and engaged in endeavoring to obtain justice for the soldiers, from a feeling of delicacy, voluntarily sur rendered his claims on the government for pay. 1834. Hamilton (jfohn ChurcK). The /Life/ of/ Alexander Hamilton. / By his Son/ John C. Hamilton./. . ./. . ./Vol. I./New-York :/ Halstead and Voorhies./i834. 8vo, pp. viii, 422, Portrait. 119 All ever printed of this edition. Favorably reviewed in the Amer. Quarterly Review for June, 1834. 1840. Hamilton (jfohn ChurcK). The /Life /of/ Alexander Hamilton./By his Son/ John C. Hamilton/. . ./. . ./Vol. I./New York:/ D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broad way./ 1840. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. viii, 422, Portrait, vi, 563. N. 120 All ever printed. " These volumes were nearly all burned while in the process of binding." Preface to the " Hist, of the Republic." An unfinished life, ending at the adoption of the Constitution. Reviewed in the N. Y. Rev. for Jan., 1841, by F. L. Hawks, and in the Christian x., vol. xxix, p. 243. \Jlenwick (jf antes) ^\ Lives /of /John Jay /and /Alexander Hamilton./ New York :/ Published by Harper & Brothers,/ No. 82 Cliff-Street./[i84o]. i6mo, pp. xv, (5), 13-341, Portrait. N. 120* There are later editions with dates on title-pages. The half-title at page 145 reads: " Life /of /Alexander Hamilton. /By /James Renwick, LL.D." Forms No. 129 of " The Family Library" series. Reviewed in the New York Reuie^v, vol. viii, page 275. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 91 1842. Hamilton (A}. Papers. The/Official and Other Papers/of the Late/Major- General Alexander Hamilton r/Compiled chiefly from the originals in the / possession of Mrs. Hamilton./ Vol. i. /New-York and London :/Wiley & Putnam./ 1842. 8vo, pp. iv, 496. 121 Correspondence, 1769-1772 Full Vindication of the Measures of Con gress The Farmer Refuted Remarks on the Quebec Bill Military Correspondence, 1776-1780. All ever published. Edited by Francis L. Hawks. It was the first volume of an intended edition of Hamilton s writings. 1846. Hamilton (ElizabetK). 29th. Congress/ ist. Session. (Senate) (52.) /Peti tion /of /Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton/ Widow of Alex ander Hamilton, Deceased,/Praying/The patronage of Congress to the publication of the papers of her late /husband /January 12. 1 846 / Referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. [Washington : 1846] 8vo, pp. 2. S.D. 122 Pearce (jf. A.) and others. 2Qth. Congress/ ist. Session (Senate) (3O5)/In Senate of the United States. /April 20, i846./Sub- mitted, and ordered to be printed./Mr. Pearce made the following/Report :/(To accompany Bill S. No. i56.)/[Washington : 1846] 8vo, pp. 5. S.D. 123 Contains " a list of the principal papers and correspondence of Alexander Hamilton, proposed to be published as the Hamilton Works. " Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 93 1850. Hamilton (A.}. Works. The Works/of/Alexander Hamilton i/Comprising /His Correspondence,/and/His Political and Official Writings, / Exclusive of the Federalist, /Civil and Military./Published from the original Manuscripts deposited in/the Department of State,/by Order of/ the Joint Library Committee of Congress./Edited by /John C. Hamilton,/Author of " The Life of Hamil ton. "/Vol. I./New-York :/John F. Trow, Printer, 49, 51 & 53 Ann- Street. /M.DCCC.L. 7 vols. 8vo, 1850-1851. 124 Vol. I. pp. (4), 492, Portrait. Correspondence, 1769-1789. Vol. II. pp. (6), 495. Writings, 1774-1789. Vol. III. pp. (4), 590. Reports to Congress and Circular-Letters. Vol. IV. pp. (4), 604. Cabinet Papers. Vol. V. pp. (4), 635. Cabinet Papers Military Papers Correspond ence, 1789-1795. Vol. VI. pp. (4), 652. Correspondence, 1795-1804. Writings, 1789- 1792. Vol. VII. pp. 894, (i). Writings, 1792-1804. See Nos. 122 and 123. 1851. Tator (Henry //.). An/Oration/Commemorative of the Character/of /Alexander Hamilton. /By Henry H. Tator, Esq./ Tutius erratur ex parte mitiore. Cicero./Copyright Secured./Albany :/Joel Munsell, 58 State Street./ 1851. 8vo, pp. 22, covers. S. 125 " 200 copies printed." Bibliotheca Munselliana. l8 5 6. Wood (Fernando). An/Address / on the/Genius, Public Life,/and/ Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 9$ Opinions / of / Alexander Hamilton. / Delivered at Richmond, Va., May 9, i856,/by request of the/ Central Mount Vernon/Association,/and in Aid of the Purchase of Mount Vernon./By/Hon. Fernando Wood,/Mayor of the City of New York. / New York : / Evander Childs, Steam Book and Job Printer,/Sun Buildings, corner Fulton and Nassau Sts./i8s6. 8vo, pp. 37, covers. 126 1857. Hamilton (John Churcti). History/of the/Republic/of the/United States of America,/as Traced in the Writings of/Alexander Hamilton/and/of his Contemporaries./By/John C. Hamilton./Vol. I./. . ./. . ./New York :/D. Appleton 6 Company./Broadway./i857 7 volumes, 8vo, pp. x, 578, Portrait. xvi, 579, (i), xiv. ix, (i), 569, (i), iv. xiv, 564. xi, (i), 603. xii, 620. xxvi, 917. 127 Also editions with the imprint: "Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., i857-[6o]." The fullest life of Hamilton yet written. No. 138 is from the same plates, with slight additions. Smucker {Samuel M^). The/Life and Times/of/Alexander Hamilton./By /Samuel M. Smucker, A.M./. . ./. . ./Boston and Chicago :/L. P. Crown & Co./Toronto, C. W. : Bost- wick & Barnard/Philadelphia : J. W. Bradley, 48 N. Fourth St./i8s7. I2mo, pp. 408. B.A. 128 Under cover of a review of this volume is a brilliant and highly polished sketch of Hamilton s life, in the North American Review for April, 1858, from the pen of Henry T. Tuckerman, in which the volume reviewed is not even mentioned. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 97 1860. Clemens ( The Rivals :/a Tale of the Times/of/Aaron Burr/ and/Alexander Hamilton. /By/Hon. Jere. Clemens,/ . . ./Philadelphia :/J. B. Lippincott & Company./ 1860. I2mo, pp. (4), 7-286. B. 129 This, under the garb of fiction, is a savage attack on Hamilton, and an attempt to vindicate Burr s course. Reviewed in the Knickerbocker for March, 1860. 1864. Riethmilller (Christopher James). Alexander Hamilton/and his Contemporaries ;/or, /The Rise of the American Commonwealth./By/ Christopher James Riethmuller, / Author of the " Teuton, a Poem," and " Frederick Lucas, a Biogra phy. "/London :/Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street. 1864. Post Svo, pp. viii, 452. 130 Severely handled in a note to the article (by C. C. Hazewell) on Alexan der Hamilton, in the Atlantic Monthly for November, 1865. l86 5 . Lee (Thomas). Presentation of the Statue/of/Alexander Hamil ton/to the/City of Boston,/By/Thomas Lee./Bos- ton r/Printed for the City Council./i865. 8vo, pp. ii, covers. B.A. 131 A compilation of the correspondence, etc., relating to the presentation. Hamilton Club Series. [No. I.] The Life/of/Alexander Hamilton. / By/ John Williams./(Anthony Pasquin.)/New York :/ Printed for the Hamilton Club./i865. 4to and Svo, pp. (12), 60. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 99 [No. 1 1.] /Observations /on/ Certain Documents/ in/" The History of the United States/for the year 1 796,"/By/Alexander Hamilton./New York :/Printed for the Hamilton Club./i865. 4to and Svo, pp. (10), 157. [No. IH.]/The Hamiltoniad./By/John Williams,/ (Anthony Pasquin.)/ New York :/ Printed for the Hamilton Club./i865. 4to and Svo, pp. (10), 122, portrait. [No. IV.]/Letters/to/Alexander Hamilton,/King of the Feds./New York :/Printed for the Hamilton Club./i866. 4to and Svo, pp. (4), 89. Forty copies in Svo. and 20 in 4to. were printed of each No., except No. II, of which 50 in Svo. and 25 in 4to. were printed. The Hamilton Club was Mr. Francis S. Hoffman ; who, having a per sonal dislike for Alexander Hamilton, reprinted only such pamphlets as were derogatory to him in fact, The Anti-Hamilton Club would have been a much more appropriate title. 1869. Hamilton (James A.). Reminiscences/of /James A. Hamilton ;/or,/Men and Events,/at Home and Abroad,/during Three Quarters of a Century ./New York :/Charles Scrib- ner & Co., 654 Broadway./i869. Svo, pp. ix, (i), 647. 133 Contains reminiscences of Hamilton, discussion of the authorship of Washington s Farewell Address, and a defense of Hamilton s conduct as Secretary of the Treasury. The author . . . was induced to undertake this work by a desire to do justice to his Father against the aspersions of Mr. Jefferson, and more recently of Martin Van Buren, in his Inquiry into the origin of Political parties . Preface, Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 101 1870. Hamilton (James A^). Martin Van Buren s/Calumnies Repudiated/Ham ilton s Conduct/as Secretary of the Treasury Vindi cated. / James A. Hamilton. / New York :/Charles Scribner & Co., 654 Broad way./ 1870. 8vo, pp. 54, covers. B. 134 1876. Morse (John Zl). The Life /of /Alexander Hamilton. /By / John T. Morse, Jr./In Two Volumes. /Vol. I. /Boston :/Little, Brown, and Company./i876. 2 volumes 8vo, pp. ix, (3), 425, (4), 384. 135 Reviewed [by Henry Cabot Lodge] in the North American Rev. for July, 1876. 1877. Shea (George). Alexander Hamilton/ A Historical Study/By the/ Honorable George Shea/Chief Justice of the Marine Court/New York/Published by Hurd and Houghton/ Boston : H. O. Houghton and Company/Cambridge : The Riverside Press/i877. 8vo, pp. (2), 73. 136 " The following Part, complete in itself, is now published, and in this form, in advance of the other three Parts of the proposed volume, with an intent to facilitate the success of an\ existing project to raise a public Memorial, in the city of New York, to Alexander Hamilton." 1879. Shea (George). The/Life and Epoch/of/Alexander Hamilton/A Historical Study/By the/Honorable George Shea/ Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 103 Chief Justice of the Marine Court/Boston/Houghton, Osgood and Company /The Riverside Press, Cam bridge/1879. 8vo, pp. ix, (i), 470, map, facsimile, 5 portraits. 137 Hamilton (John ChurcJi). Life /of /Alexander Hamilton. /A History of the Republic/of the/United States of America, /as traced in his/Writings and those of his Contemporaries./ By /John C. Hamilton. / Illustrated with numerous Portraits./Volume I./. . ./. . ./Boston :/Houghton, Osgood and Company./The Riverside Press, Cam bridge./ 1879. 7 vols. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), v-x, 592, 9 port s. xvi, xiv, 579, Sport s. ix, (i), iv, 569, 8 port s. xiv, 564, 9 port s. xi, (i), 603, 8 port s. xii, 620, Sport s. xxvi, 917, 8 port s, /facsimile. 138 I880. Depew (Chauncey M.). Address / at the / Unveiling of the Statue / of / Alexander Hamilton/in/Central Park, New York,/ November 22, i88o./By/Chauncey M. Depew./New York:/John Polhemus, Printer, 102 Nassau Street./ 1880. 8vo, pp. 14, covers. 139 1882. \ Lodge (Henry Cabof). American Statesmen / Alexander Hamilton / By / Henry Cabot Lodge/Boston/Houghton, Mifflin and Company/New York : 1 1 East Seventeenth Street/ The Riverside Press, Cambridge/i882. I2mo, pp. vi, 306. 140 One of the American Statesmen Series, edited by John T. Morse. Bibliotkeca Hamiltoniana. 105 1885. Hamilton (A.}. Works. The Works/of/Alexander Hamilton/Edited by/ Henry Cabot Lodge/Author of " The Life and Let ters of George Cabot," "A Short History of the English/Colonies in America," " Alexander Hamil ton " and " Daniel Webster" (in/" American States men" Series), and " Studies in History "/. . ./. . ./ .../.. ./. . ./. . ./. . ./Vol. I./New York & Lon- don/G. P. Putnam s Sons/The Knickerbocker Press/ 1885. 9 volumes, 8vo. 141 Vol. I, pp. xviii, 579, (3), Portrait. Revolution and Constitution. Vol. II, pp. vi, 529. Finance and Taxation. Vol. Ill, pp. vi, 509. Finance, Taxation, and Commercial Relations. Vol. IV, pp. vi, 524. Foreign Relations. Vol. V, pp. (6), 524, Foreign Relations and Whiskey Rebellion. Vol. VI, pp. vii, (i), 576. Military and Miscellaneous. Vol. VII. pp. viii, 587. Miscellaneous, and Correspondence to 1779. Vol. VIII, pp. viii, 660. Correspondence, 1779 to 1804. Vol. IX, pp, The Federalist. Bancroft (George). Hamilton s Quarrel with Wash ington. " Proceedings of the Am. Antiquarian Soc.," Vol. 3, New Series, p. 41. 1884 Baldwin (J. G.). Genius and Character of Hamilton. Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 22, p. 371. 1856 Bledsoe (A. T.). Life and Genius of Hamilton. Southern Review (n. s.), Vol. 2, p. 251. Caldwell (Charles). Life of Hamilton. " Delaplaine s Repository," Part I, p. 61. 1815 Callender (J. T.). Of Alexander Hamilton. National Magazine, Vol. I, pp. 91 and 156. 1799 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 107 Carter (James C.). Hamilton. " Homes of American Statesmen," p. 235. 1854 Hawks (F. L.). Life of Alexander Hamilton. New York Review, Vol. 15, p. 121. 1841 Hazewell (C. C.). Alexander Hamilton. Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 16, p. 625. 1865 Jenks (H. F.). Unitarian Review, Vol. 5, p. 631. Kent (James). Alexander Hamilton. " National Portrait Gallery." Vol. 2. 1835 Kingsley (V. W.). National Quarterly, Vol. 28, p. 120. Lodge (H. C.). Public Career of Hamilton. North American Review, Vol. 123, p. 113. Lodge (H. C). Authorship of the Federalist. "Proceedings of the Am. Antiquarian Soc.," New Series, Vol. 3, p. 409. 1885 Magoon (E. L.). Alexander Hamilton, the Master of Political Sagacity. The Knickerbocker, Vol. 32, p. i. 1848 Magoon (E. L.). Alexander Hamilton. " Orators of the American Revolution," p. 283. 1848 Tuckerman (H. T.) Life of Hamilton. North American Review, Vol. 86, p. 368. Walsh (Robert) (?) Works of Alexander Hamilton. American Review, Vols. i and 2, pp. 201 and I. 1811 See also, Poole s Index. " Hamilton " and " Fed eralist" Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 109 PART SECOND. NOTE. Few of the Reports have title-pages, and many not even head-lines. In such cases I have made extracts from the letters of transmission which seemed to explain the subject of which it treated. The arrangement is chronological, the date appended to the letter to Congress being the guide. Many of the Treasury Circulars were, during the first two years after the organization of the Department, issued in MS. It has seemed best, however, to include them in this list, merely noting the fact. 1789. Sept. 19. Estimates of Expenses for 1789. Treasury Department./September 19, i789./The Secretary of the Treasury,/! n obedience to the Order of the House of Representatives,/of the i7th Instant, /Respectfully Reports/. . ./[Colophon. New York, Printed by Thomas Greenleaf.] Folio, pp. 21. B.A., N. 142 1789. Circular. Payments of Customs with Bank Notes. Circular. Treasury Department, September 22d, 1789. 4to. 143 1789. Circular. Light-houses, Beacons, etc. (Circular) Treasury Department/New York Octo ber ist 1789. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 144 1 789. Circular. Revenue Cutters, Duties, Forms. (Circular)/Treasury Department./New York Oc tober 2d. 1789 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 145 1 789. Circular. Light-houses, Beacons, etc. (Circular) / Treasury Department. / October 5th. 1789 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 146 Bib Hot he ca Hamiltoniana. m 1 789. Circ^{,lar. Discounts on Duties. (Circular) Treasury Department/October 6th. 1 789 [MS.] 4to, i 1. M7 1 789. Circular. Returns of Exports. (Circular) Treasury Department. October loth. 1789 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 148 1789. Circular. Loan Office, Indents of Interest. (Circular) New York October i2th. 1789 [MS.] 410, i 1. 149 1 789. Transmission of Public Money. (Circular) Treasury Department. Oct. 14*. 1789. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 150 1 789. Circular. Returns, Duties on Tonnage. (Circular) Treasury Department October 2Oth. 1789 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. I5i 1 789. Circular. Collection of Duties. (Circular) Treasury Department October 3ist. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 152 1789. Circular. Payment of Duties, Forms, Rev. Cutters. Treasury Department. Nov. 17*. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 153 1 789. Privileges to small vessels Imports. Treasury Department. Nov. 24th. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. J 54 1789. Circular. State Revenue Laws prior to 1789. Circular/Treasury Department. Nov. 25th. 1789 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 55 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 1 1 3 1789. Circular. Meaning of certain Revenue Laws. Treasury Department. Nov. 30, 1789. 4to. 156 1 789. Circular Returns. Treasury Department Dec r ist. 1789. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 157 1789. Circular. Bonds for Duties. (Circular) Treasury Department/December i8th. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 158 1 789. Circular. Meaning of certain Revenue Laws. Treasury Department, December 23, 1789. 4to. 159 1789. Circular. Duties Coll. prior to Aug. 1789. (Circular) Treasury Department. Decent 3Oth. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 160 1 790. Jan. 9. Support of the Public Credit. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/to the/ House of Representatives,/Relative to a Provision/ for the/Support/of the/Public Credit/of the/United States,/in Conformity to a Resolution of the Twenty- First Day of/ September, 1 789. / Presented to the House on Thursday the i4th Day of January, I79O./ Published by Order of the House of Representatives./ New-York : / Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine./M,DCC,xc. Folio, pp. 51. B.A., N. 161 Attacked in the Gazette of the United States (Vol. I, page 341 and 371) by " A Jersey Man " and " A Connecticut Man," which were replied to by " Pauci sed Honesti." Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. n5 1 790. Circular. Pensions. Treasury Department 3oth, Jan y 1790 [MS.] 410, 2 11. 162 1 790. Circular. Payment of Duties. Circular / Treasury Department / February 1 7th, 1790 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 163 1790. Mar. i. Report on Additional Estimates. Treasury Department, / March i, 1790.7. . . the Secretary of the/Treasury respectfully reports to the House of Representatives, ... in addition to the estimate / for the service of the current year which accompanied his report of the gth of January,/there are various other objects for which an appropriation is requisite, and which are detailed in the/schedules herewith submitted, Folio, pp. 10. B.A. 164 1790. Circular. Enclosing Act relative to Duties. Circular Treasury Department/March 3d. 1790. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 1 790. March 4. Report on State Debts. Treasury Department,/March 4, i79O./In Obedi ence to the Order of the House of Representatives, of/the Second Instant,/The Secretary of the Treas- ury,/Respectfully Reports. Folio, pp. 3. 165 1790. Circular. Transmission of Drafts. Treasury Department, March 30, 1790. 4to. 166 1 790. Circular. Coasting trade. (Circulars/Treasury Department./ April 16. 1790 [MS.] Folio, i 1. 167 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. n; 1 790. Circular. Light- Houses, &c. Treasury Department April 2ist. 1790 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 168 1 790. Circular. Pensions. Circular Treasury Department. May i3th. 1790 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 169 1 790. Circular. Revenue Seizures. Treasury Department, May 17, 1790. 4to. 170 1 790. July 20. Report on Vacant Lands. Treasury Department, /July 20, 1790. /In Obedi ence to the Order of the House of Representatives,/ of the twentieth of January last/The Secretary of the Treasury Respectfully Reports,/. . . a plan for the disposition of the vacant lands of the United States. Folio, pp. 4. 171 1 790. Circular. Custom House returns. Treasury Department / September 3Oth, 1 790. / Circular. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 172 1790. Circular. Revenue Ciitters. Treasury Department/October ist, 1790. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 173 1 790. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department/November i9th 1790 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 174 1 790. Circular. Returns. Treasury Department Dec. n. 1790 (Circular) [MS.] 4to, i 1. 175 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 119 1 790. Dec. 1 3. Report on the Public Credit. Treasury Department, / December 1 3, 1 790. / In obedience to the Order of the House of Representa- tives,/of the Ninth/Day of August last, requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare/and report, on this Day, such further Provisions as may, in his Opinion be ne-/cessary for establishing the Public Credit the said Secretary / Respectfully Reports [Colophon. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine] Folio, pp. 7. N. 176 1790. Dec. 13. Report on a National Bank. Treasury Department,/Dec. i3th, i79O./In Obedi ence to the Order of the House of Representatives, of the ninth / Day of August last, requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare /and report, on this Day, such further Provisions as may, in his Opinion, be ne-/cessary for establishing the Public Credit the said Secretary further/Respectfully Re ports. [Colophon. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine] Folio, pp. 22. N. 177 1790. Dec. 13. Report on a National Bank. 1810. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/on/The Subject/ of /A National Bank/made/the/thirteenth Day of December 1790. /January 29. iSio./Printed by order of the House of Representatives./City of Washington/ A. & G. Way, Printers/i8io. 8vo, pp. 62. 178 Pp. 51 to 62 are occupied with Albert Gallatin s Report on the same sub ject, March 2, 1809. 1790. Dec. 13. Report on a National Bank. 1811. The / Report / of the/Secretary of the Treasury/ Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 121 (Alexander Hamilton,)/on the Subject of a National Bank,/Read in the House of Representatives, Dec. 1 3th, i790./New-York:/Published by S. Whiting & Co./No 118, Pearl-street. /J. Seymour, print./i8n. 8vo, pp. 44. 179 1790. Circular. Light Houses. Treasury Department/Dec. 24. 1790. [MS.] 4 to, i 1. 1791. Jan. 6. Estimates for 1791. Treasury Department,/] anuary 6, 17917. . ./. . . Report to the House of Representatives,/relative to Appropriations of Money, for certain Purposes therein mentioned. Folio, pp. 12. B.A., N. 180 1 79 * J&n. 6. Duties on Tonnage. Treasury Department, Jan. 6, 17917 /general Abstract of the Duties on the Tonnage employed in the United States for one Year . . . Folio, i 1, folding table. B.A., N. 181 1791. Jan. 7. Duties on Imports. Treasury Department, January 7, i79i/. . ./. . ./ two Abstracts of the duties on Imports into the U nited States; . ../... from the commencement of the operation of the impost act, to the 3<Dth of/Sep tember, 1 789 ; and .../... for one year following that day Folio, i 1. B.A., 182 1791. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department. January 23d. 1791. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 183 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 123 1791. Jan. 28. Report on a Mint. The Secretary of the Treasury having at-/tentively considered the Subject referred to him by Order of the House of/Representatives of the fifteenth Day of April last,/relative to the Establishment of a Mint, most respectfully submits the Result of his Enquiries/and Reflections. [Colophon. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine. Folio, pp. 22. B.A., N. 184 1791. Circular. Pensions. Treasury Department/February 8th. 1791. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 185 1791. Feb. 15. Exports. Treasury Department, February 15, 17917 / . . . a general Return of the Exports of the United /States, abstracted from the Custom-House Returns, commenced on the/various Days of August, 1789, whereon they were respectively opened,/and ending on the 30 of September last . . . Folio, pp. (4), 3 folding tables. 186 1791. Feb. 23. Cabinet paper. The Argument/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/ upon the /Constitutionality /of a/ National Bank./ [Philadelphia 180-] 8vo, pp. 40. 187 1791. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department/April loth. 1791 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 188 1791. Circular. Pay of Revenue Officers. Circular. /Treasury Department/April i4th. 1791 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 189 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 125 1791. Circular. Drawbacks, Revemie Laws. [Private] Philadelphia, April 23, 1791 4to. 190 1791. Circular. Revenue Laws. Treasury Department, May 13, 1791. 4to. 191 1791. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department, July 8, 1791 4to. 192 1791. Circular. Certificates and Measurement of Vessels. (Circular) Treasury Department, August 5th, 1791. 4to, 2 11. 193 1791. Circular. Registry of Foreign Vessels. Treasury Department August 25. 1791 4to. 194 1791. Circular. Officers of Revenue Cutters. (Circular) Treasury Department. September 2ist. 1791 [MS.] 4to. 195 1791. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular) Treasury Department/September 21, 1791 4to, i 1. 196 1791. Nov. 4. Estimates for 1792. Estimate/of the/Expenditures for the Civil List/ of the United States,/Together with the/Incidental and Contingent Expenses/of the /several Depart ments and Offices,/for the Year 1792. /[Colophon. Printed by Childs and Swaine.] Folio, pp. 20. B.A., N. 197 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 1791. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department. Nov. 21 1791 [MS.] 4to. 198 1791. Circular. Revenue Cutters and Light Houses. Treasury Department. Nov. 22. 1791 [MS.] 4 to. 199 1791. Circular. Light Houses. Treasury Department November 25th. 1791 [MS.] 410. 200 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/of the/ United States, / on the Subject of/ Manufactures. / Presented to the/House of Representatives,/Decem- ber 5, 1791. /Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 58. B.A., N. 201 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Dublin: 1792. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/of the/ United States, /on the Subject of / Manufactures. / Presented to the/House of Representatives,/Decem- ber 5, 1791. /Dublin :/Re-printed by B. Byrne, No. 118, Grafton-street./M.DCC.xcu. \*}\^ 8vo, pp. 88. 202 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. London: 1793- Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/of the/ United States, / on the Subject of/ Manufactures. / Presented to the/House of Representatives,/Decem- ber 5, 1791. /London ;/Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington-House,/Piccadilly./i793 8vo, pp. 129, (3). 203 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 129 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Washington: 1809. Report/of/The Secretary of the Treasury/on the Subject of Manufactures./Made the/Fifth of December 1 79 1. /December 7th. 1809 /Printed by order of the House of Representatives/Washington City/Printed by R. C. Weightman/i8o9. 8vo, pp. 109. 204 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. New York : 1816. Extract/of a Report to the House of Representa tives/on the Subject of/Manufactures, /By Alexander Hamilton,/Secretary of the Treasury ./In obedience to an Order of the House, of the i5th day of January, i79O./New-York i/Printed by George Large, No. 5 Burling Slip. 1816. 8vo, pp. 32. 205 1791. Dec. 5 . Report on Manufactures. Phila. : 1817. The/Soundness of the Policy of Protecting/Domes tic Manufactures ; / fully established by / Alexander Hamilton,/in his Report to Congress on the Subject,/ and by/Thomas Jefferson/in his Letter to Benjamin Austin./. . . . / Philadelphia : / Printed by J. R. A. Skerrett, for the Philadelphia Society for/the Promo tion of American Manufactures./i8i7 8vo, pp. 24. 206 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Phila. .-1824. Report/of/The Secretary of the Treasury ,/[Alexan- der Hamilton,]/on the/Subject of Manufactures, /made the/Fifth of December, 1791. /Printed by order of the Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 131 House of Representatives./Philadelphia i/Printed by Joseph R. A. Skerrett./Jan. n, 1824 i6mo, pp. 143. 207 Printed for the Soc. for encouraging Am. Manufactures, with the addi tion of a preface, and a dialogue between an Importer and a Farmer. 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Phila.: 1827. Alexander Hamilton s /Report /on the/Subject of Manufactures,/made in his capacity of/Secretary of the Treasury,/on the Fifth of December, 1791. /Sixth Edition/To which are prefixed,/two Prefaces by the Editor. /Philadelphia: /Printed by William Brown./ Nov. 8, 1827 Edited by Mathew Carey. 8vo, pp. 80. 208 1 792. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular) Treasury Department, January 2, 1792. 4to, I 1. 209 1792. Jan. 23. Estimates and Expenditures. Treasury Department,/January 23, I792/. ../... Report, pursuant to the order of the House of Re-/ presentatives, of the i9th instant, . . . Folio, pp. 4. B.A. 210 1792. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department. February 2, 1792 4tO. 211 1792. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department, February 6, 1792. 4tO. 212 1792. Feb. 6. Report on the Public Debt. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury ,/on the/ Subject/of the/Public Debt./Presented to the/House Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 133 of Representatives, /February 7th, 179 2. /Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 15. B.A., N. 213 There are some copies with the letter of transmission dated 1791. 1792. Circular. Bank Notes. Treasury Department, February 21, 1792 4to. 214 1792. March 5. Report on Duties on Spirits. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury ,/on the/ Act for laying Duties on Spirits, &c. / Read in the House of Representatives,/March 6th, i792./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 20. B.A., N. 215 1792. Mar. 1 6. Report on Supplies. Treasury Department, March 16, 1792. /The Sec retary of the Treasury, pursuant to a Resolution of the House of/Representatives of the 8th instant, directing the said Secretary to report to the/House his opinion of the best mode of raising Additional Supplies requisite for/the ensuing year, respectfully submits the following/Report. [Colophon. Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 8. B.A., A. 216 1792. March 28. Imports and Exports. Return/of/Duties/on/Imports and Tonnage ;/also on/Exports i/Transmitted to the/House of Repre sentatives/by the/Secretary of the Treasury,/March 28, 1 792. /Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. (2), 2, folding table. 216* 1792. April^. Compensation of Revenue Officers. Pursuant to the order of the House of Repre sentatives/of the i8th of January, 1791, directing Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. *3 5 the Secreta-/ry of the Treasury to report his opinion whether any/and what further compensation ought to be made to/the Officers employed in the Collec tion/of the Revenue. Folio, pp. 4. B.A. 217 1792. April 1 6. The Secretary of the Treasury to whom the House of/Representatives were pleased to refer the several Petitions/enumerated in the Lists herewith trans mitted, marked A./B. and C. respectfully submits the following/Report Folio, pp. (3). B.A. 218 1792. April 1 6. Report on Estimates. Treasury Department,/April i6th, 1792.7. ../... Report to the House of /Representatives, accom panying an estimate of sums necessary to be appro-/ priated in addition to those provided for by the act passed the 23d De-/cember 1791. Folio, pp. (2). 219 i 792. April 1 7. Report on Marine Hospital. The Secretary of the Treasury to whom was re ferred certain papers concerning a/Marine Hospital, at the town of Washington in the State of Virginia, and a me-/morial of the Marine Society of Boston, on the subject of Marine Hospitals, re-/spectfully submits the following/Report. Folio, i 1. A. 220 1792. April 1 8. Report on Lost Certificates. The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was re ferred by the House of Re-/presentatives the several petitions specified in the list herewith, praying the renewal/of certain certificates, which are alleged to Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 137 have been destroyed or lost, respectfully/makes the following report thereupon. [Colophon. Printed by Childs and Swaine.] Folio, pp. n. B.A. 221 1792. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular) Treasury Department, May 10, 1792. 4tO, I 1. 222 1 792. Circular. Light Houses. (Circular) Treasury Department. May 22. 1792 [MS.J 4to. 223 1792. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular to the Collectors.) Treasury Depart- ment,/June 4th, 1792. 4to, i 1. 224 1792. Circular. Fines and Forfeitures. (Circular to the Collectors.) /Treasury Depart- ment,/June 8, 1792 4to, i 1. 225 1 792. Circular. Duties. (Circular)/Treasury Department,/] une 25th, 1792 4to, i 1. 226 1792. Circular. Drawbacks and Duties. Treasury Department June 27. 1792 [MS.] 410. 227 i 792. Circular. Collection of the Revenue. (Circulars/Treasury Department,/] uly 20, 1792. 4to, i 1. 228 1792. Circular. Fees. (Circulars/Treasury Department,/] uly 22, 1792 4to, 2 11. 229 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 139 1792. Circular. Postal Affairs. (Circular.) Treasury Department, July 23, 1792 4to, i 1. 330 1792. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department, August 27, 1792. 4to. 231 1792. Circular. Returns. (Circular.) Treasury Department, August 3ist, 1792. 4to, i 1. 232 1 792. Circular. Duties and Drawbacks. (Circular) Treasury Department, October 12, 1792. 4to, i 1. 233 1 792. Circular. Returns and Bounties. (Circular to the Collectors/of the Customs /Treas ury Department, October 25, 1792. 4to, i 1. 234 1792. Nov. 14. Report on Estimates for 1793- Estimate/of the/Expenditures for the Civil List/ of the/United States,/Together with the/Incidental and Contingent Expenses/of the/Several Depart ments and Offices,/for the year 1 793. /Published by Order of the House of Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 23. B.A., N. 235 1792. Nov. 30. Report on the Public Debt. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/Respect ing the/Redemption/of the/Public Debt ;/and the/ Reimbursement/of the/Loan made to the Bank of the United States./Published by Order of the House of Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. (4), 10. B.A., N. 236 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 1792. Dec. 7. War Department. Treasury Department, Dec. 7th, 17927. ../... certain/statements, . . . relative to the Dis-/burse- ments made by the Department of War ; . . . Folio, pp. 8. B.A. 237 Merely transmitted by Hamilton. 1 793. . Report on Commerce. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in Foreign Countries. Philadelphia : Childs and Swaine. 1 793. 8vo, pp. 20. 238 Title from Sabin s Dictionary. This report is by Jefferson, and should read " Secretary of State." 1 793. Jan. 3. Reports on the Foreign Loans. Sunday Statements/ Repecting the Several/ For eign Loans, Made under the Authority /of the/ United States,/. . ./ /Published by Order of the House of Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, (2), 6. B.A., N. 239 1793. Jan. 10. Report on Loans. Treasury Department January loth, I793/ /. . . a supplementary/Statement, No. V., which contains the several sums that have been bor-/rowed by the United States, under the authority of the President ;/ . . . Folio, i 1. B.A., 240 1 793. Feb. 4. Report on the Public Debt. Sundry/Statements,/by the/Secretary of the Treas ury. /in Conformity with the Resolution of the/House of Representatives /of the/23d of January, I793-/ Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 143 Published by order of the House of Representives. /Printed by Childs and Swaine Folio, pp. 31. B.A. 241 1793. Feb. 14. Report on Revenues and Appropri ations. Sundry Statements/made by the/Secretary of the Treasury,/pursuant to an Order/of the Senate of the United States,/on the 2d of January, 1793. /Published by Order of the House of Representatives. Folio, pp. (4), 3 tables. B.A. 242 1793. Feb. 13. Report on Loans. Treasury Department/February - - I793/. . ./In obedience to an order of the President of the United States, founded upon the re-/quests contained in two resolutions of the House of Representatives, of the 23d of/January last, I have the honor to lay before the House . . . Folio, pp. 6. B.A. 243 1 793. Feb. 1 3. Report on Loans. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury,/relative to the/Loans/negotiated under the acts of the 4th and 1 2th of August/ 1 79O./Published by order of the House of Representatives./ Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 22. B.A. 244 1793. Feb. 19. Report on Loans. Treasury Department, February i9th, I793./. . . /The last letter . . ./contained a pretty full exposi tion of the conduct and views of this department, /in regard to foreign Loans. There remain, how ever, some incidental topics, which it may not be ex-pedient to pass over . . . Folio, pp. 22, folding table. B.A. 245 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 1793. Jan. 4 to Feb. 19. Reports on Loans. Communications/from the/Secretary of the Treas- ury,/to the/House of Representatives/of the/United States./Printed agreeably to a Resolution of the House, of the 26. of March, i793./Philadelphia : Printed by John Fenno. Folio, pp. 65, folding table. B.A.. N. 246 A reprint of Nos. 239 to 245 inclusive. 1793. Feb. 25. Report of Trustees of Sinking Fund. Report / of the / Board of Trustees /of the / Sinking Fund :/Containing/their Journals and a Statement of the Purchases made/since their last Report to Con- gress,/Published by Order of the House of Repre- sentatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 29. B.A., N. 247 J793- Feb. 27. Tables of Exports and Duties. Abstract /of /Goods . . ./Exported/ /An Abstract of Duties arising on Goods, Wares and / Merchandize imported .../.. ./Together with an Abstract arising on the Tonnage of Vessels/ / Published by Order of the House of Representatives./ Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine. Folio, pp. (4) 5 folding tables. B.A., N. 248 Merely transmitted by Hamilton. 1763. March 2. Returns of Spirits. General State/of the/Revenue/on/Domestic Dis tilled Spirits,/Exhibiting,/as far as Returns have been received at the Treasury ,/the Several Objects Con templated/by the/House of Representatives/in their Order of the 8th of May i792./Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine. Folio, pp. 4, folding table. N. 249 Merely transmitted by Hamilton. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 147 X 793- Circular. Lost Certificates of Registry. (Circular )/Treasury Department,/March 13, 1793 4to, i 1. 250 T 793 Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department, March 29, 1793 4to. 251 J 793- Circular. Neutrality. Circular to/the Collectors/of the Customs./Phila- delphia, August 4th, 1793. 4to, 2 11. 254 1793. Dec. 1 8. Accounts. An/Account/of the/Receipts and Expenditures/of the/United States, /For the Year 17927 /Phila delphia :/Printed by John Fenno. No. 3, South Fourth Street./M.DCC.xciv Folio, pp. iv, (2) 11-59. B.A., N. 255 Merely transmitted by Hamilton. 1793. Estimates for 1794. Sundry / Estimates and Statements / Relative / to Appropriations/for the Service of the Year 1794. Folio, pp. 29. B.A., N. 256 1793. Dec. 23. Estimates for 1794. London. American Budget, i794/The/Income and Expendi tures of the United States/of/ America,/as presented to the/House of Representatives,/^ sundry Estimates and Statements relative to ap- / propriations for the Service of the Year i794,/By Alexander Hamilton, Esq./Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America./To which is added,/The Report to the Congress/ /By Thomas Jefferson, Esq./. . ./ London i/Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House,/i 794. 8vo, pp. (4), 42. 257 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 149 J 794- Jan. 7. Report on Tonnage. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/Respect ing the/Tonnage of Vessels,/made in pursuance of an v^ ^ Order of the House of Representatives of the/Third Vty of January, i794./Published by Order of the House oi Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. (4). B.A., N. 258 1794. Jan. 10. Statement of Tonnage. The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully Reports to the House of Representatives, a State-/ment of the Actual Tonnage employed between the United States and Foreign Countries for a year,/ending the 3<Dth September. 1 792 ;/. . ./. . ./Treasury Depart ment, January 10, 1794. Oblong Folio, Broadside. B.A., N. 260 1 794. Jan. 2 7. Domestic and Foreign Tonnage. The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the order of/the House of Representatives of the third instant/Respectfully Reports, Folio, pp. (4). 261 1 794. Feb. 5. Condition of the Treasury. Treasury Department, February 5th, I794/. . ./ . . . Report in pursuance/of an order of the House of Representatives, of the 3Oth of January last. Folio, pp. (4). N. 262 1794. April 25. Report on Bank. Treasury Department,/April 25, I794./. ../... Report, pursuant to the/order of the House of Rep resentatives, of the twenty-eighth of February last,/ accompanied with a copy of a Contract with the Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Bank of the United States,/ref erred to in the said report. . . Folio, pp. (4). N. 263 1794. June 2. Abstract of Exports. Treasury Department,/] une 2d, I794/. . ./. . ./ . . . a general Abstract of the Exports of the United States, for/one year, ending the 3<Dth of September, I793- - Folio, pp. (4). B.A., N. 264 1 794. Circular. Neutrality. (Circular)/Treasury Department June i7th. 1794. 4to, i 1. 265 1794. Circular. Revenue Cutters, (Circular.) Treasury Department June 19, 1794. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 266 1795. Jan 19. Report on the Public Credit. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury,/Read in the/House of Representatives/of the/United States,/ January i9th 1 795 j/Containing a Plan for the Further Support of/Public Credit/Printed by order of the House of Representatives./Printed by John Fenno./ M.DCC.XCV. 8vo, pp. 90, 10 folding tables. 267 1795. Jan 31. Report on the Revenues. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury,/for the/ Improvement and better Management/of the/Rev- enue s/of the/United States ;/Read in the House of Representatives of the/United States, the Second of February, i795/and Published by their order./Phila- delphia i/Printed by Francis Childs./M.DCC.xcv 8vo, pp. ii. B.A. 268 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. 1795. Jan. 19 and 31. Reports/of/Alexander Hamilton, Esq,/Secretary of the Treasury,/Read in the/House of Representa tives/of the/United States,/] anuary igth I795, / Containing,/!. A Plan for the further Support of the Public Credit./II. For the Improvement and better Management of the Revenues of the/United States :/ To which is annexed,/The copy of a act for making Provision for the Support of the Public Credit/and the Redemption of the Debt/Printed by order of the House of Representatives./London :/Reprinted for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly./ i; 9 5. 4to, pp. (4), 96. B., N. 269 Reports. 1821. Official Reports /on/ Public Credit,/ a National Bank, Manufactures, /and /a Mint. / By Alexander Hamilton. / Philadelphia : / Published by William McKean./i82i 8vo, vii, (3), 325. 270 A reprint of Vol. I. of Hamilton s "Works," 1810. INDEX. The figures refer to the number following each title, Abercrombie, J 92 Adams, J. 115 " " Letter to . . . 69-73* " " " Replies to, 74-82 Address to the Electors 43-4, 83-4 American, An 82 Ames, F. 93 Answer to An Address b$ " " Hamilton s Letter . . 74 Anthony Pasquin .... 106-7 Appendix to Aristides .... 91 Aristides 77~8, 91 A. W. Farmer 2 Baldwin, A 57 Bank, Report on . . . 177-9, 263 " System, Attacks on, 45-6, 48-9, 52, 56 Binney, H. 40 J8 lane hard, J. 48 British Treaty, Defense of . . 58 " Exam, of . . . 59 Burr, A., 92, 94, 96-7, 103-5, no-ii, 114, 114* Caius 75 Calender, J. T. .... 67-68 Tom 88-9 Camillus 58 Cato 59 Cheetham, J 74 Cincinnati Soc. . . 95, 99, TOO, 105 Cincinnatus 81 Circulars, Treasury . . . 143-266 Citizen of N. Y., A 74 " these States, A . . 79-80 Clemens, J. 129 Collection of Facts, A .... 94 Commerce, Rep. on . . 238, 258 Comstock, 0. C. 118 Congress, Address of .... 4-8 Correct Statement no Croswell, H 90 Dawson, H. B 37-9, 42 Defense of Treaty 58 Depew, C. M. 139 Duel with Burr, 92, 94, 96-7, 103-5, no-n, 114, 114* Duties, Rep. on ... 181-2, 215 Dwight, T. 114* Ells-worth, 4-8 Epaminondas 85 Estimates, Rep s, on, 142, 164, 180, 197, 210, 216, 219, 235, 256-7 Eulogies on Hamilton, 102, 125-6, 139 Examination of Message ... 86 " Treaty .... 59 Excise, Rep. on 215 Exports, Returns of, 186, 216*, 248, 264 Fallacy Detected 46 Farmer, A 47, 5O, 52 A. W 2 Federalist, A 77~8 The 17-42 Federal Republican, A . . . . 81 Few Remarks, A 75 Five Letters 50 Fraunces, A. G 54 Free Exam., A 76 Funded Debt, Consid. on . . . 45 Funding System, Attacks on, 45-6, 48-9, 52, 56 Funeral Sermons on Hamilton, 92, 94-5, 99, 101-2, 104 Furman, R 94 Gentleman of N. C., A . . . 91 Hamilton, A., Addresses . 43~4. 84 Address of Cong 4-8 Argument on Bank . . . .187 Camillus 58 Croswell Case 90 Defense of Treaty 58 Exam, of Message .... 86 Federalist, The .... 17-42 Full Vindication i Farewell Address 63 Farmer Refuted 3 155 Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Hamilton, A. Letter to Adams .... 69-73* Replies to 74-82 Letters of Pacificus . . . 60-61 Lucius Crassus 86 Obser. on Certain Documents, 64-6 Pacificus 60-1 Phocion 9-16 Plan of Gov t 87 Propositions of 87 Reply to Callender ... 64-6 Report on Commerce . 238, 258 " Duties . . 181-2, 215 " Estimates, 142, 164, 180, 197, 210, 216, 219, 235, 256-7 Report on Excise 215 " Loans . . 239, 243-6 " Lost Certificates . 221 " " Manufactures . 201-8 " Marine Hospital . 220 " " Mint 184 " " Nat. Bank, 177-9, 2O 3 " Public Credit, 161, 176, 213, 236, 267, 269 Report on Public Debt, 213, 236, 239-41, 243-6 Report on Revenue Officers . 217 Revenues . . 242, 268 State Debts . . .165 Tonnage, 258-9, 261, 181 Treasury .... 262 Vacant Lands . .171 to Congress . . 142-270 Reynolds Pamphlet . . . 64-6 Smith s Speech 55 Treasury Circulars . . 143-266 Treasury Reports . . . 142-270 Washington s Farewell Address, 63 Works of . . 116, 121, 124, 141 Eulogies on . 94, 100, 102, 125-6 Funeral Sermons on, 92, 94, 95, 98-9, 101-2, 104 Lives of, 93, 119-120,* 127-8, 135-8, 140 Official Conduct of 53 Statue of .... 131, 136, 139 Hamilton Club . 66, 107, 109, 132 " E H7-8, 122 J- A 37, 133-4 J. C., 40-1, 119-20, 124, 127, 138 Hamiltoniad 96, 106-7 Hawks, F. L 121 History of the U. S. for 1796 . 67 Hoffman, F. S 132 Hopkins, J. R 96 Jay, y. 17-42, 58 Jay, 7, Jr 37 Jefferson, T 49, 86 Johnson, R. M. 117 King, R 58 Ledyard, G 14 Lee, T 131 Letter to Adams 69-73* " Burr 97 " Hamilton .... 77-80 Letters Addressed .... 47-52 of Pacificus .... 60-1 " Phocion .... 9-16 to Hamilton . . . 88-9 " the Yeomanry . 47, 50, 52 Livingston, R. R 59 Loans, Rep. on ... 239, 243-6 Lodge, H. C. 140-1 Logan, G 47, 50, 52 Lost Certificates, Rep. on . . . 221 Lucius Crassus . . ^ . . . 86 Lysander no M Donald, J. 98 Madison, J. . . 4-8, 17-42, 61-2 Manufactures, Rep. on . . 201-8 Marine Hospital, Rep. on . . 220 Mason, J. M. 99 Massachusettensis 51 Memorial on Duels 105 Mentor 14 Mint, Rep. on 184 Morse, J. T. 135 National Bank, Argument on . 187 Rep. on, 177-9, 263 Nott, E 101 Observations on Duelling . . .114 Ogden, U. ....... 79-80 Otis, H. G 102 Pacificus 60-1 Particulars of the Duel .... 102 Pasquin, Anthony .... 106-7 Pearce, J. A 123 Philanthropes 97 Phocion 9-16 Pinkney, W. 75 Politics and Views 49 Postumus 114 Public Credit, Rep. on, 161, 176, 213, 236, 267, 269 Public Debt, Rep. on, 213, 236, 239- 246 Renwick, J. 120* Reply to Hamilton, A .... Si Report on " Papers . . 123 Reports, Treasury . . . 142-270 Revenue Officers, Rep. on . .217 Revenues, Rep. on ... 242, 268 Riethmiiller, C. J. 130 \&/ FORNIA. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Sabliere, T., de la . . . . 18-19 Seabury, S 2 Shea, G 136-7? Sketch of Hamilton, A ... 93 Sincere Friend to Amer. ... 3 Sinking Fund, Rep. on ... 247 Smith, W. L 49, 55 Smucker, S. M. 128 Spirits, Returns of ..... 249 " Report on 214 Spring, S. 104 State Debts, Rep. on .... 165 Structures and Obser 51 Tatar, H. H. . 56 Taylor, J. 125 Tom Callender 88-9 Tonnage, Rep. on, 181, 258-9, 262 Treasury Circulars . . . " Dep., Rep. on " Reports Vacant Lands, Rep. on Van Ness, W. P. ... Vindication of Adams . Washington, G Webster, N. Wells, J. . . . . 21-4, Westchester Farmer, A. . Wilkins, I Williame, J. Wills, T. Wood, F. Woodruff, H. N. ... Young Gentleman of Phila. 143-266 . 57-266 142-270 . . 171 . . no . . 82 . . 63 77-8 116-270 . . 2 . . 2 . 100-9 . . no . . 126 . . in 96 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or fed on the date to which renewed, books are subject to immediate recall. NQV20 67 12M LOAN DKPT, LD 2lA-60m-2, 67 (H241slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley LJ) 21A-50m-4, 60 (A9562slO)476B