MANVEL W YORK . PINS FOR WINGS by EMANUEL MORGAN BOOKS BY EMANUEL MORGAN Spectra (with Anne Knish) The Beloved Stran ger (with Witter Bynner) Of this edition 2,000 copies printed in October, 192.0. Also fifty copies on hand-made paper. TO WILLIAM MARION REEDY 1862 1920 A mirror breathed upon by Death but undimmed 408761 PINS FOR WINGS BY EMANUEL MORGAN. A THE SUNWISE TURN A Copyright 1910 by the Sunwise Turn Caricatures by IVAN OPFFER and WILLIAM SAPHIER TABLE OF ILLUSTRATIONS Title Page Emanuel Morgan Pinning Copyright Page Saphier by Opffer (after which Opffer dared not sit for Saphier) Page i Marsden Hartley (slightly bored) Page 8 Edgar Lee Masters Page 1 1 Maxwell Bodenheim Page 12 Emanuel Carnevali Page 14 John Gould Fletcher Page 1 5 Robert Frost Page 1 7 Siegfried Sassoon Page 1 8 Alfred Kreymborg (before he toured America) Page 19 Vachel Lindsay Page 20 Spoon River Page 21 Edgar Lee Masters Page 22 Harriet Monroe and her hobby Page 24 Ezra Pound Page 25 Lola Ridge Page 26 Carl Sandburg Page ^7 Sandburg Considering the Ingredients Page 28 Siegfried Sassoon Page 29 Tagore Page 30 Louis Untermeyer Page 3 1 William Carlos Williams Page 32 Williams again PINS FOR WINGS By EMANUEL MORGAN LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE an iron wheel with a navel of gold FRANKLIN P. ADAMS Greek masks in ink on comic finger-nails A E liquid air somewhere CONRAD AIKEN phosphorescent plumbing ZOE AKINS brand ied lotus RICHARD ALDINGTON an Attic vase full of tea MARY ALDIS a street-car shying PINS FOR WINGS WALTER CONRAD ARENSBERG water-pretzels KARLE WILSON BAKER a window in the wash WILTON AGNEW BARRETT night-thoughts of a dragon-fly KATHERINE LEE BATES four-and-twenty blackbirds half-baked in a pie STEPHEN VINCENT BENET a pistol of crystal WILLIAM ROSE BENET a river of rockets in daylight STELLA BENSON Cinderella s riding-breeches 10 By EMANUEL MORGAN MAXWELL BODENHEIM a tooth toe-dancing GORDON BOTTOMLEY by two nymphs out of old England WILLIAM ASPENWALL BRADLEY a bearded wheel barrow BERTON BRALEY fonts of type in a tambourine ANNA HEMPSTEAD BRANCH ROBERT BRIDGES nectar a violet drunk from a sainted shoe neath the Kohinoor GELETT BURGESS sculptured chewing-gum on a trolley AMELIA JOSEPHINE BURR a tortoise-shell comb as a lyre DANA BURNETT a young policeman with a flute in his pocket ELSA BARKER Jacob s ladder for a mattress 11 PINS FOR WINGS EMANUEL CARNEVALI in travail RICHARD BURTON a quill in a button-hole WITTER BYNNER God in the sugar-bowl EMILE CAMMAERTS sticky little hands in yours BLISS CARMAN little hills tipping their hats EDWARD CARPENTER Calamus unbound WILLIAM H. CARRUTH JOHN JAY CHAPMAN Alpha and Omega oil Jove for soul-sprains in a pew GILBERT K. CHESTERTON a Cardinal on a merry-go-round 12 By EMANUEL MORGAN FREDERICK MORTIMER CLAPP a collector of emotional bricks PADRAIC COLUM the whistle of a kettle to the petal of a thistle SARAH N. CLEGHORN the rosy half of an old apple GRACE HAZARD CONKLING a goblet of mist for each place EDMUND VANCE COOKE ALICE CORBIN wit zithering in a derby a quiver full of rulers E. E. CUMMINGS much ado about the alphabet GABRIELE D ANNUNZIO a passion-flower dipped in ammonia MARY CAROLYN DAVIES a flutter of skirts between life and death T. A. DALY curbstone carolling to curbstone OLIVE TILFORD DARGAN she wears her heart on your other sleeve WILLIAM M. DAVIES jewelled buns FANNIE STEARNS DAVIS sun-bonnets for Minerva WALTER DE LA MARE a door-knob in the mist 13 PINS FOR WINGS BABETTE DEUTSCH the phoenix lays a purple bomb JOHN DRINKWATER dust in a mug of ale LORD DUNSANY the beautiful thump of the gods MAX EASTMAN Aphrodite tattooed on a muscle T. S. ELIOT the wedding cake of two tired cultures JOHN ERSKINE marbles in a muff DONALD EVANS the necktie of Lucifer ARTHUR DAVISON FICKE St. Sebastian in gloves trimming his arrow-tips MAHLON LEONARD FISHER fourteen feet in a feather-bed JOHN GOULD FLETCHER two halves of a typewriter still moving 14 By EMANUEL MORGAN F. S. FLINT the halo of a street-lamp ROBERT FROST paintings by the family in birch-bark frames NORMAN GALE a knickerbockered bobolink THEODOSIA GARRISON a peasant singing in French heels KAHLIL GIBRAN repartee from all three crosses WILFRID WILSON GIBSON there s heart behind the heavy breathing ARTURO GIOVANITTI a crow-bar loosening heaven ROBERT GRAVES a khaki bib WILLIAM GRIFFITH a little finger in the dusk EDGAR GUEST communion-bread with slices of bologna 15 PINS FOR WINGS LOUISE IMOGEN GUINEY ARTHUR GUITERMAN digging with palm-leaves a banjo she buries a trumpet bumps a rose in Oxford HERMANN HAGEDORN the silver lining of the Y. M. C. A. THOMAS HARDY a strong man tripping on the shadow of a god ELIJAH HAY lather but no beard H. D. the Winged Victory hopping OLIVER HERFORD bottled kittens RALPH HODGSON a syrinx played by a gentleman BRIAN HOOKER angles at ease A. E. HOUSMAN a dead lad laughing LAURENCE HOUSMAN Jack out of the box HELEN HOYT ice-patterns melting on the side-walk FORDMADOX HEUFFER NELSON LESLIE JENNINGS a grey-hound a sack-suit loping with pugs of cinnabar 16 By EMANUEL MORGAN 17 PINS FOR WINGS ORRICK JOHNS the Rubaiyat carved on a carrot THOMAS S. JONES, JR. one holly-berry on an altar HARRY KEMP seven-league boots on a linnet ANNE KNISH a gargoyle remembering ALFRED KREYMBORG Pierrot with the hiccoughs D. H. LAWRENCE lovers eating thistle-pie LOUIS LEDOUX Hellas delivered RICHARD LE GALLIENNE talcum-powder on the tail of a wayward nightingale RUDYARD KIPLING Pan stoking an empire SAPHItR 18 WILLIAM ELLERY LEONARD veils on an anvil VACHEL LINDSAY a street-cry in heaven HANIEL LONG Harlequin one leg woollen the other illicit AMY LOWELL a rhinestone chip on a blood-red shoulder ALLAN ROSS MACDOUGALL a Falstaffian Christ-child PERCY MACKAYE laurel on a carpet-sweeper EDWIN MARKHAM he has learned the art of leaning on a hoe without soiling his beard MAURICE MAETERLINCK a dreamy fat man dancing in blue gauze > DON MARQUIS a walnut bureau with crickets for handles 19 JOHN MASEFIELD fishing for the sunrise he catches fish WALT MASON overalls rhyming EDGAR LEE MASTERS a graphophone in the morgue ALICE MEYNELL candles burning for one another SCUDDER MIDDLETON a liberty-cap shaving EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY a hamadryad in the tree of knowledge RUTH COMFORT MITCHELL a heart-line running off the hand into print 20 PINS FOR WINGS 21 PINS FOR WINGS HAROLD MONRO clay-flecks on a thigh ANGELA MORGAN Jeanne d Arc seizes a trombone HARRIET MONROE the Mother Superior considers lingerie EMANUEL MORGAN a bat and a butterfly mating CHRISTOPHER MORLEY an affectionate scorpion DAVID MORTON waters changing in a lock DHAN GOPAL MUKERJI lightning as a baton GILBERT MURRAY a discus-thrower perfumed STURGE MOORE a proud procession of pudding-stone JOHN G. NEIHARDT muscle-bound but Marathon 22 By EMANUEL MORGAN HENRY NEWBOLT the Jolly Union Roger Jack YONE NOGUCHI incense for breakfast ALFRED NOYES Robin Hood singing the Doxology DAVID O NEIL jackstraws and a hook of silk MOIRA O NEILL the hands of the harpist homespun fingers of gauze JAMES OPPENHEIM vats of star-soup JOHN OXENHAM the adoring eye of God s dog ROBERT NICHOLS Mars a la mode GRACE FALLOW NORTON swan s-down in an eddy JOHN MYERS O HARA robes of old yeast GEORGE O NEIL petals in a glass of milk ROSE O NEILL flowers blown along a sphynx SHAEMAS O SHEEL a dream arguing JOSEPHINE PRESTON PEABODY bleeding lilies 23 PINS FOR WINGS EZRA POUND a book-worm in tights EDWIN FORD PIPER a heart-beat in a hen-house GALE YOUNG RICE a coloured post-card as Hamlet WILLIAM ALEXANDER PERCY a faun reciting LIZETTE WOODWORTH REESE a singing hinge of home JESSIE B. RITTENHOUSE dew purring CORINNE ROOSEVELT ROBINSON a big stick of maple caressing a motor 24 By EMANUEL MORGAN LOLA RIDGE grapes on a ragged corsage GEORGE STERLING from a scarlet bowl he feeds the smallness of life to the largeness of words JAMES STEPHENS meadows amazed with men EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON from inside the rim of his eye-glasses he wipes away the tears of two counties deftly with a lilac ROBERT ALDEN SANBORN back-scratchers in bloom GEORGE SANTAYANA a withered rose-window ROBERT HAVEN SCHAUFFLER hobnail etchings in excelsis WALLACE STEVENS the shine of a match in an empty pipe I. C. SQUIRES a ballet of marshmallows 25 PINS FOR WINGS CLINTON SCOLLARD a mouse in the piano EVELYN SCOTT candied colon MARJORIE ALLEN SEIFFERT in a bath-tub filled with Pierian springs she washes off her inhibitions with a gurgling elbow ROBERT W. SERVICE the red corpuscle courts the white with a cornet CARL SANDBURG a snow-pudding of fists GERTRUDE STEIN wings rotting under water 26. 27 PINS FOR WINGS EDWARD SHANKS a teaspoon lost in rose-leaves ODELL SHEPARD spring-wind up the trouser-leg LEONORA SPEYER a velvet train in a brook CHARLES WHARTON STORK stilts clasping ARTHUR SYMONS enchanted Roquefort SIEGFRIED SASSOON Puck at an autopsy SARA TEASDALE one hand throws away a pearl rounded by an oyster the other clings to a bit of shell rounded by the waves EDITH M.THOMAS stairs whispering in a steeple 28 By EMANUEL MORGAN RABINDRANATH TAGORE a bearded child by the world-old sea making a temple of pebbles and a phallus EUNICE TIETJENS she exclaims through a magnifying glass into a mirror RIDGELY TORRENCE a long black cloak circling a lake CHARLES HANSON TOWNE church-bells on a bicycle HENRY VAN DYKE a pulpit slowly waltzing LEONARD VAN NOPPEN the great i amb PINS FOR WINGS LOUIS UNTERMEYER Paris awarding the apple to Vulcan GEORGE SYLVESTER VIERECK a palanquin on a dachshund CHARLES VILDRAC Judgment-day and the footstool carved in jade ARTHUR WALEY woollen gloves assorting feathers THOMAS WALSH top-sails of lace EDA LOU WALTON the wandered wisp of a tepee WILLIAM WATSON a gray-maned lion heart-ache and tooth-ache but royal WILLARD WATTLES the alarm-clock of Christ CAROLYN WELLS English sparrows in vaudeville JOHN HALL WHEELOCK a floral display in an ice-cream parlor MARGARET WIDDEMER a darting umbrella 30 By EMANUEL MORGAN WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS carbolic acid in love 31 By EMANUEL MORGAN FLORENCE WILKINSON MARGUERITE WILKINSON Gothic carvings arms left in a cloak-room thrown around outdoors CLEMENT WOOD the west wind in rebellion against a wall CHARLES ERSKINE SCOTT WOOD he finds in the desert a Rogers group of the kingdom of heaven GEORGE EDWARD WOODBERRY grape-juice in the Holy Grail EDITH WYATT a cornstalk held up with a hairpin WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS a pot of mould at the foot of the rainbow 32