[AMERICANA CATALOCVE FRANCIS PHAEPER NEW YORK Contents PAGE - Alabama 72 Michigan Alaska . H5 Minnesota . , ... Archaeology 5i Miscellaneous Arctic .... 145 Mississippi Arizona 72 Missouri Arkansas 73 Mormons . Biography 10 Nebraska Boston . 90 Nevada Brazil .... 158 New England British America H7 New Hampshire California 73 New Jersey . Canada 147 New Mexico Central America 154 New York State . Colorado 77 New York City Columbus ... 5 North Carolina Connecticut . 78 Ohio Dakota 80 Oregon Delaware 80 Pennsylvania . District of Columbia 80 Pre Columbian Early Voyages 3 Revolutionary War . Florida 80 Rhode Island French and Indian War 38 South America Genealogy 60 South Carolina Georgia 81 Tennessee Illinois .... . 81 Texas . Indiana 83 Travels . Indians . . 5i Utah . Iowa .... 84 Vermont . Islands of the Pacific . 67 Virginia Kansas 85 Voyages of Discovery 8* War of 1812 Louisiana . . .j 86 Washingtoniana Maine . 87 Western History . Maryland 88 West Virginia . Massachusetts . . - 89 West Indies . . Mexico 155 Wisconsin Mexican War . 5i Wyoming PAGE 9 6 97 10 97 98 132 99 99 99 103 104 106 1 06 no 76 119 121 122 3 39 128 157 76 129 130 10 132 132 133 3 48 46 135 H3 164 J 44 144 All money should be sent by Draft, Check, Money Order, or Registered Letter ; we cannot be responsible for remittances otherwise made. All books are warranted perfect unless otherwise stated. Any book not agreeing with description may be returned within ten days. LIBRARIES PURCHASED. We are at all times ready to purchase for cash, at full market value, large or small collections of books. BlBLIOtHECA AMERICANA PRICED CATALOGUE OF A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF SCARCE OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS RELATING TO THE DISCOVERY, SETTLEMENT, AND HISTORY OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE COMPRISING Early Voyages of Discovery, Pre-Columbian and Columbian ; First Settlement of the Colonies; French and Indian War; The Revolution, Washingtoniana; War of 1812; War with Mexico; Civil and Political History of the United States; Rare State, County, and Town Local Histories of every State and Territory; Biographies of Eminent Men; An Unusual Collection of Family Histories and Genealogies; The American Indians, their Antiquities, Ethnology, History, Wars, and Languages; Arctic Voyages of Discovery; British America, Canada; Mexico; Central and South America and the West Indian Islands. , OFFERED FOR SALE AT THE MODERATE PRICES AFFIXED BY I: FRANCIS P. HARPER 14 WEST 22D STREET, NEW YORK CITY I9OI SEE LIST . OF OUR NEW HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS VOLUME We Buy Large and Small Collections of Books WE are always ready to purchase FOR CASH at full market rates large or small collections of books, and special sets of volumes of value. The distance from New York makes no difference, a brief list giving title and author, date of publication and binding, being all that is necessary. We have for years made extensive purchases from Executors and others in all parts of the United States, and Public Libraries and Historical Societies having "duplicates" will find it to their advantage to communicate with us. ... Francis P. Harper INTRODUCTION. We take pleasure sending our new Americana Catalogue, just issued. This cat alogue represents our entire stock of books relating to America on hand at the present time, and is the result of purchases made in Europe and throughout the United States, but principally from the private libraries bought by us during the past two years. All works mentioned in this catalogue are now on our shelves, but in most cases we have but a single copy, so that an early order is desirable. As is now so well known, this class of books is rapidly disappearing from the market, and the thousands of public libraries, historical societies, etc., added to the large number of collectors who are interested in this subject, make such a collection very difficult to gather. While rareties are found on nearly every page, our purpose has been to keep in stock out-of-print "working books" of recognized value at reasonable prices. It would be impossible to mention in detail all the desirable items, as this would include nearly the entire catalogue. Special attention is called to the fine collection of genealogical works. The following is a partial list selected at random : Early Voyages* Anson s Voyage, 1769; Beemish, Discovery of America; Las Casas Tracts ; Champlain s Voyages, 6 vols., Quebec, 1870 ; Clarke s Geographical Description, 1671 ; Works on Columbus; Douglass Summary, 1760; Groans of the Plantations, 1689; Grynaeus, Novus Orbis, 1532 ; Lucas, Annals of the Brothers Nicolo and Antonio Zeno ; Peter Martyr, 1574 ; Morden, Geography Rectified, 1692 ; Petavius, History of the World, 1659 ; Capt. Sharp s Voyages, 1684 ; Works by Capt. John Smith, Verrazano, Vespuctius. Histories* Biographies* etc. Adams History of the U. S. ; American Almanac, complete set ; American Bibliop- olist ; Brown s Genesis of the U. S. ; Trials of Aaron Burr, boards, uncut ; Carver s Travels ; Catesby, Trees and Shrubs of America, 1767 ; Chastellux s Travels ; De Tocque- ville s Democracy in America ; Dunlap s Arts of Design in U. S. ; Works by Benjamin Franklin; Freneau s Miscellaneous Works, 1788 ; Alexander Hamilton s Works ; Dawson s Life of William Henry Harrison ; Janson s Stranger in America, 1807 ; James Madison s Writings ; Magazine of American History ; Works on the Shakers ; Winsor s Narrative and Critical History of America ; Biographies of John and Samuel Adams, Fisher Ames, Bancroft, Joel Barlow, Aaron Burr, Rufus Choate, Henry Clay, De Witt Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, Horace Greeley, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Gouverneur Morris, Tom Paine, E. A. Poe, John Randolph, Martin Van Buren, and others. French and Indian War* Franklin s Interest of Great Britain Considered, 1760 ; Loudoun Orderly Book ; Louis- bourg in 1745; Observation on a Late State of the Nation, 1769; Sargent s Braddock s Expedition ; History of the Reign of George III. ; Life of General Wolfe. The American Revolution* Americans against Liberty, 1775; Barnum, Spy Unmasked; Orations on the Boston Massacre, original editions; Works on Bunker Hill ; Burgoyne s Expedition from Canada, 1780; Hartley s Letters on the American War, 1778; Hull s Revolutionary Services ; Major General Charles Lee ; Onderdonk s Revolutionary Incidents in Kings, Queens, and Suffolk iv FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Counties, New York; Ramsey s American Revolution; Rights of the English Colonies Established in America, 1774; Sargent s Loyal Verses of Joseph Stansbury and Dr. Jonathan Odell ; Simcoe Military Journal ; Stone s Life of Brant ; Washingtoniana. War of J8J2* Atcheson s American Encroachments of British Rights ; Atherton, Suffering and Defeat of Northwestern Army, 1842 ; Butler s American Bravery ; Coggeshall s American Privateers ; Paris M. Davis, Authentick History of the Late War ; Hull s Campaign of the Northwestern Army ; Brigader General Hull s Defense ; Ingersoll s Sketch of the Second War; James Naval History, 6 vols.; Smith s Geographical View of Upper Canada, 1813. Indians and Archaeology* Bancroft s Native Races; Beatty Journal, 1768; Bollaert s Researches; Catlin s Indians; Cherokee Laws; Colden s Five Indian Nations of Canada, 1750; Delafield s Antiquities of America ; Heckewelder s History ; Manners and Customs of Indians of Pennsylvania ; McCulloh s Researches ; Morton s .Crania Americana ; St. Clair s Narra tive ; Schoolcraft s Indians ; Shea s Library of American Linguistics, complete set ; Squier s Antiquities ; Serpent Worship ; Thomson s Delaware and Shawanese Indians, 1759; Wheelock s Indian Charity School at Lebanon, Conn., 1771. Genealogy* Families of Alison, Antill, Ashley, Aylsworth, Ballou, Bartow, Bird, Bolton, Bretz, Bright, Burt, Butler, Chauncey, Chester, Conant, Converse, Cutler, Dawson, DuBois, Dwight, Farwell, Fiske, Gardiner, Garr, Goodwin, Hinds, Hollister, Humphreys, Hunt, Hyde, Jackson, Kimball, Kneeland, Lee, Leverett, Magennis, Mayer, Nash, Noble, Page, Palmer, Pitkin, Pope, Preble, Riddell, Rodman, Rutherford, Shattuck, Starin, Storrs, Strong, Thomas, Wetmore, Whitney, Winslow ; Alumni Oxoniensis; Munsell s American Ancestry ; Bond s Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass.; Harleian Society Publications ; Hinman s Early Puritan Settlers of Connecticut ; Huguenot Society Publications ; Littell s First Settlers of Passaic Valley ; New England Historical and Genealogical Register; Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. California* Histories of California by Bancroft, Capron, Hittell, Venegas ; D Auteroche s Voyage, 1778; Ryan s Personal Adventures in California; McGowan s Narrative, 1857; Annals of San Francisco by Soule, Gihon, and Nisbet ; Werth s Resources of California, 1851. North and South Carolina* Cordoza s Reminiscences of Charleston ; Chapman s Edgefield County ; Annals of Newberry ; O Neall s Bench and Bar of South Carolina ; Tourney s Geology of South Carolina, 1848 ; Wilson s Province of Carolina, 1682. Connecticut* Barber s Historical Collections ; Peter s Connecticut, first edition ; Town Histories of Greenwich, Guilford, New Haven, New London, Waterbury, Newington, Wolcott. Illinois* History of the Counties of Champaign, Cook, Christian, De Witt, Fulton, Jackson , Johnson, La Salle, Macoupin, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Randolph, St. Clair , Schuyler, Shelby ; Ford s History of Illinois ; Welby, Visit to the English Settlements Jin Illinois; Wood s Two Years Residence in the Illinois Country, 1822. FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. V Maine* North s History of Augusta, Johnston s Bristol and Bremen, Noyes Norway, Hough s Pemaquid, History of Thomaston and Rockland, Williamson s History of Maine, Emery s Ancient City of York. Massachusetts* Town Histories of Amherst, Attleborough, Ayer, Beverly, Braintree and Quincy, Charlestown, Danvers, Douglas, Easthampton, Framingham, Hubbardston, Leicester, Medford, Nantucket, Newburyport, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Woburn, State Histories by Austin, Barry, and Bradford ; Drake s Boston ; Massachusetts Historical Society Proceed ings; Barber s Historical Collections. New England. Bishop s New England Judged, 1702 ; Drake s Researches ; Felt s Ecclesiastical History ; Mather s Magnalia, 1702 ; Mather s A Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches, 1693 The Mystery of Israel s Salvation Explained, 1669 ; Dis course on Comets ; Palfrey s History of New England ; Prince Society Publications ; Young s Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers. New Hampshire. Barstow s History of New Hampshire, Bouton s Concord, Eaton s Candia, Worcester s Hollis, Hill s Mason, Cogswell s New Boston, Kennel s Sanbornton, Whiton s History of New Hampshire. New Jersey. Barber s Historical Collections, History of Essex and Hudson Counties, Winfield s Hudson County, Stryker s Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, Wickes His tory of the Oranges, Raum s History of New Jersey, Raum s Trenton. New York State. Munsell s Annals of Albany, Wilkinson s Binghamton, Broadhead s New York State, Gould s Delaware County, Records Town of Hempstead, Benton s Herkimer County, Lewis County, Livingston County, Ayres Legends of Montauk, Thompson s Long Island, Prime s Long Island, Riker s Newton, Eager s Orange County, Ruttenber s History of Orange County, History of Queens County, Smith s History of New York, Whitaker s History of Southold, Squier s Antiquities, Histories of Troy, Campbell s Tryon County, Turner s Phelps and Gorham s Purchase, Bogg s Utica, Bolton s Westchester County. New York City. Stiles History of Brooklyn ; Hildeburn s Printers and Printing in Colonial New York ; Jogues Novum Belgium ; Records of New Amsterdam, 7 vols.; Valentine s History of New York. Ohio. Champaign and Logan Counties, Drake s Cincinnati, Whittlesey s Early History of Cleveland, Hamilton County, Knox County, Butterfield s Wayne County. Pennsylvania. Allegheny and Beaver Counties ; Brackenridge, Western Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania ; Day s Historical Collection ; Ephrata Press ; Hazard s Annals ; Penn s No Cross, No Crown, 1669; Watson s Annals of Philadelphia; Proud s History of Pennsyl vania ; Annals of Phcenixville ; Saur Bible, 1776; History of Schuylkill Fishing Company. vi FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Rhode Island. History of Barrington, City and Scenery of Newport, Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society. Texas. Bancroft s History of Texas, Laws of the Republic of Texas, Stiff s Texan Emigrant, Yoakam s History of Texas. Vermont. Histories of Hartford, Middlebury, Newfane, Salisbury and Windsor Counties ; Vermont State Papers ; Williams and Thompson s Histories of Vermont. Virginia. Annals of Augusta County ; Beverley s Virginia, 1707 ; Campbell s History of Virginia ; Hawk s Contribution; Jefferson s Notes; Nova Britannia ; Semple s Baptists in Virginia ; Smith s Virginia, Stith s Virginia. The West. Bailey s Journal ; Bartlett s Personal Narrative ; Carver s Travels ; Cuming s Western Country ; Hutchin s Topographical Description, 1778 ; Keating s Narrative ; Kenzie s Wau-Bun ; Lewis and Clark ; Schoolcraft ; Shea s Discovery of the Mississippi Valley ; Complete sets U. S. Geological and Geographical Surveys. Arctic and Alaska. Whymper s Alaska ; Beechey s Voyage ; Crantz s Greenland ; Hooker s Journal in Ice land ; Parry s Journal ; Richardson s Arctic Expedition; Scheffer s Histoire de la Lapoine, 1678 ; Scoresby s Arctic Regions. British America. Bartlett s Canadian Scenery, Bouchette s British Dominions in North America, Chris tie s Lower Canada, Heriot s Travels through the Canadas, Hind s Labrador, Lambert s Travels, Bonnycastle s Newfoundland, Lockwood s Nova Scotia, Rattray s The Scot in British North America, Smyth s Sketches in the Canadas. Central America. Squier s Nicaragua, Schmidt s The Stone Sculptures of Capan and Quirigua, Squier s States of Central America, Stephens Travels. Mexico. Bullock s Six Months in Mexico ; Memoirs of Mexico, Diaz ; Brantz Mayer s Mexico, Aztec, Spanish, and Republican ; Ober s Travels ; Ward s Mexico. South America. Armitage s Brazil, Agassiz s Brazil, Caldcleugh s Travels in South America, Graham s Chili, Cochrane s Travels in Colombia, Bennett s British Guiana, La Plata, Paraguay, Patagonia, Peru, Venezuela. West Indies. A Short History of Barbados, 1768 ; Natural History of Barbados, 1750 ; Cuba ; Gage s A New Survey, 1677 ; Admiral Vernon s Authentic Papers, etc., 1744. No. 93 PRICE, 50 CENTS CATALOGUE 1901 OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA OFFERED FOR SALE BY FRANCIS P. HARPER No. 14 WEST 220 STREET NEW YORK CITY EARLY VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY (Including Pre-Columbian and Columbian and Early Colonial History) 1 American Colonial Tracts relat ing to Georgia and Virginia, etc. (Mountgomry Establishment of a New Colony to South Carolina, 1717; Oglethorpe Colony of Georgia, 1733; a Narrative of Indian Wars in Vir ginia, 1675-76; etc.) 12 rare tracts reprinted and bound in one volume. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. Rochester, 1897-98. $3.50 2 Anson s Voyage Round the World, 1740-44. Compiled from His Papers by Richard Walters. Maps and Charts. 8vo, calf, pp. 536. Lon don, 1769. $3.00 A voyage of most consuming interest. Anson hated the Spaniards and despised the French men, and was the veriest bulldog of all circum navigators, loving nothing better than a tough contest. He is said to have returned from his four-years voyage with more spoils than any other individual ever brought home. 3 Arber, Edward. An English Gar ner: Ingatherings from Our History and Literature; consisting of reprints of rare Prose Works on Trade, Social Life, Sports, also 2000 Poems, Elegies, Sonnets, Ballads, etc., many of which are not obtainable in any other form. Complete in 8 vols. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1897-98. $12.50 A great mass of material relating to English literature and history. Some of the reprints relate to the early voyages and history of America, Captain John Smith, Linschoten, Dutch and English East Indies Companies, Hawkins, Drake, West Indies, etc. Each volume con tains over 600 pages, and the entire contents is carefully edited and indexed. 4 Banvard, Joseph. Romance of American History. Early events con nected with the French Settlement at Fort Carolina, the English Plantation at Jamestown, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 306. Boston, 1852. .75 5 Beemish, N. L. The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. With notices of the Early Settlements in the Western Hemisphere. Map of Vinland, An cient Inscriptions and Genealogical Tables. 8vo, cloth, pp. 239. London, 1841. $4.00 6 Blacket, W. S. Researches into the Lost Histories of America; or, The Zodiac Shown to be an Old Ter restrial Map in which the Atlantic Isle is Delineated so that Light can be Thrown upon the Obscure His tories of the Earthworks and Ruined Cities of America. 77 illustrations of ancient figures, maps, and gods. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. London, 1883. $2.50 America known to the Ancients in all Parts of the World, Ethnology of Mexico, Geography of Ancient America Concealed in the Icelandic and Scandinavian Mythology, etc. KRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 7 Burke. Account of the Euro pean Settlements in America; with Discovery, Manners, and Customs of the Indians, Settlements of the Span ish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, and English. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1760. $4.00 By Edmund Burke. A chapter is devoted to the city of New York. 8 Cabot. Beazley, C. R. John and Sebastian Cabot. The Discovery of North America. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. New York, 1898. $1.25 9 Cabots. Tarducci, Francesco. John and Sebastian Cabot. Trans lated by Henry F. Brownson. 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. Detroit, 1893. $2.00 10 Cartier. Bref Recit et Succincte Narration de la Navigation in 1535 et 1536. Par Le Capt. Jacques Car- tier. Aux lies de Canada, Hoche- laga, Saguenay et autres. Introduc tion par M. D Avezac. I2mo, half morocco. Paris, 1863. $5-OO 1 1 Casas B. de las Cortes, etc. (Let ters and Documents now first printed for Henry Stevens, at the Chiswick Press), comprising the following: I. Las Casas, Carta al Mercurino Arborio de Gattinara, Chanceller de S. Mag. el Rey Don Carlos. Anno, 1520. II. Carta de Amonestacion a los Senores presidente y Oydores de la real audiencia, tocante a la libertad y jurisdicion ecclica y execucion della y de liberated y remedies de la in- justicias y agravious de las Yndios de su obispado. 1545. III. Las Casas Carta a los Rev. Padres del capitulo provincial de Guatimala y del de Chiapo. Anno, 1554- IV. Hernando Cortes. Carta al Rey Don Carlos V. mostrandale sa parescer acerca de los repartimientos de los Yndios. Ano. 1542. V. Parescer a Determinacion de los senores theologos de Salamanca sobre de que no deben ser babtisados los Yndios sin examinacion estrecha de su voluntad y concepto del dicho sacramento. Ano. de 1541. VI. Memorial de Don Diego Co lon Verrey y Almirante de las Yndias a su Mag. el Rey don Carlos sobre la conversion e conservacion de las gentes de las Yndias, etc. 1520. Six 4to tracts, boards, beautifully printed in black-letter. London, 1854. $12.00 Only a few printed, and rare. Murphy s sale, $3L50. 12 Champlain. Complete Voyages and Works (in French). Par Abbe C. H. Laverdiere. Maps and plates. 6 vols. bound in 5. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt tops. A fine set. Quebec, 1870. $25.00 This is the edition containing all of Cham- plain s works, and includes his first American Voyage, 1599-1602, which has never before been published, except in an English translation by the Hakluyt Society. The MSS. of that voyage, which contain interesting drawings and which are here faithfully reproduced, was not even known to exisit thirty years ago. This first voyage is here followed by reprints of the editions of 1603, 1613, 1619, and 1632. 13 Clarke, S. A. A Geographical Description of all the Countries of the Knowne World. That portion relat ing to America with separate title and paging; viz., A True and Faithful Ac count of the Four Chiefest Planta tions of the English in America to wit, Virginia, New England, Bermu das, and Barbados. Pp. 85. En graved title. Folio, half calf. Lon don, 1671. $15.00 14 Columbus. The Letter in Span ish of Christopher Columbus, written on his return from his First Voyage, addressed to Luis de Sant Angel. Reproduced in facsimile, with re marks. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, Ellis & Elvey, 1889. $4.50 15 Columbus, Christopher. Select Letters of, with other original docu ments, relating to his four voyages to the New World. Translated and EARLY VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY. 5 edited by R. H. Major. 8vo, cloth, pp. 240. London, 1847. $ 2 -5o 16 Columbus. De Insulus inuentis Espistola Cristoferi Colon, etc. 4 woodcuts. I2mo, half red morocco. 8 leaves of 27 lines to a full page. Paris, 1858. $5.00 One of twenty copies reproduced in facsimile by Pilinski about 1858. Bailow copy brought $14.00; Ives, $12.00; Philadelphia, $17.50. 17 Columbus. La Tavola di Bronzo il Pallio di Seta ed il Codice Colombo Americano, nouvamente il- lustrati by Giuseppe Banchero. Por trait, maps, and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 589: Genoa, 1857- $3-75 18 Columbus. Becher, Capt. A. B. The Landfall of Columbus on His First Voyage to America; with a translation of Baron Bonnefoux s history of his previous life, with a chart showing his track to Cuba. Plate and map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 376. London, 1856. $6.00 Scarce. 19 Columbus and the Discovery of the New World. From the French of M. le Marquis de Belloy. 6 fine etchings and 51 illustrations. 4to, cloth. London, 1878. $2.50 20 Columbus. The Career of. (De scriptions of Columbus, his Marriage, the Carthaginian Voyages, Columbus Description of Iceland, Legends of Vinland, his Voyages to America, etc.) By Charles I. Elton, F. S. A. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 307. London, 1892. $1.50 21 Columbus. The Life of. By Arthur Helps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 262. London, 1869. $1.50 22 Columbus. Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus and His Companions. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, un cut. London, 1849. $3oo 23 Columbus. Kayserling, M. Christopher Columbus and Participa tion of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries. i2mo, cloth, pp. 189. New York, 1894. $1.00 24 Columbus, Memorials of; or, A Collection of Authentic Documents of that Celebrated Navigator. Now first published from the Original Manuscripts, by order of the De- curions of Genoa; preceded by a Memoir of His Life and Discoveries. Translated from the Spanish and Italian. Facsimile letters and por traits. 8vo, half calf, pp. 256. Lon don, 1823. $6.00 25 Columbus. Reddall, Henry F. Columbus the Navigator His Life and Work, with an Account of the Pre-Columbian Discovery of Amer ica. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 285. New York, 1892. $1.25 26 Cooke, Edward. A Voyage to the South Sea and Round the World, Performed 1708-11, with Description of the American Coasts from Terra del Fuego to California. Maps. 8vo, calf, pp. 456. London, 1712. $7.50 A copy of this volume falling into the hands of Daniel Defoe inspired him with the idea of writing Robinson Crusoe. On its title appear these words, " Wherein an Account is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, his manner of living and taming some wild beasts during the four years and four months he lived upon the unin habited Island of Juan Fernandes." 27 Cortes, Hernan. Fifth Letter of, to the Emperor Charles V.; contain ing an Account of His Expedition to Hounduras. Translated from the original Spanish by P. de Gayangos. 8vo, cloth, pp. 156. London, 1847. $2.00 28 De Soto, Ferdinand. Life, Travels, and Adventures of, Discov erer of the Mississippi. By Lambert A. Wilmer. Steel plates and illustra tions. 8vo, leather, pp. 532. Phila delphia, 1859. $4.00 " This well-printed book is written in a style worthy of its subject. The story of De Soto is told with a vigor and nervous energy charac teristic of his restless and ambitious career." Field. 29 (De Soto.) Adventures of Roger L Estrange, sometime Captain in the FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Florida Army of the Marquis Her- nando de Soto, Governor of Cuba and Captain General of all Florida. An Autobiography, translated from the Spanish by Dominick Daly, with a preface by Henry M. Stanley. Map of route. I2mo, cloth, pp. 301. London, 1896. $1.00 30 Dixon, Captain George. A Voyage Round the World, but More Particularly to the Northwest Coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Port- lock and Dixon. Illustrated with maps and plates. 4to, full polished calf, pp. 400. London, 1789. $5.00 31 Douglass, William. A Sum mary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improve ments, and Present State of the Brit ish Settlements in North America. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1760. $10.00 Scarce. A good copy. Massachusetts Bay and New Plymouth, the Hudson Bay Company and the Fur trade. The Colonies of New York, New Jersey and Virginia, Maryland, etc. 32 Esquemeling. The History of the Buccaneers of America. Steel frontispiece, 4 parts in one volume. i8mo, pp. 660, calf. London, 1810. $2.00 33 Fiske, John. The Discovery of America. With some account of An cient America and the Spanish Con quest. Maps. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1892. $3.00 34 Galvano, Antonio. The Discov eries of the World from Their First Original to 1555. (All about those who first traveled, Discoveries of the Spaniards, etc.) Published in Eng land by Richard Hakluyt. Now re printed and edited by Admiral Be- thune. 8vo, cloth, pp. 242. London, Hakluyt Society, 1862. $2.50 35 Groans of the Plantations; or, A True Account of Their Grievous and Extreme Sufferings by the Heavy Im positions upon Sugar, and other Hardships Relating more particularly to the Barbados. Fine copy. 4to, half bound, pp. 35. London, 1689. $15.00 36 Grynseus, Simon. Novus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum veteribus in- cognitarum, etc. (Includes the First Three Voyages of Columbus; Vin- cente Yanez Pinzon s Voyage; Ves- puccius Third Voyage; The Four Voyages of Vespuccius copied from Gruninger; Fourth Decade of Peter Martyr, etc.) With large folding map. Folio, vellum. Basilese, 1532. $30.00 B. A. V. 171. Where the volume and map and the different variations of the latter are discussed in great length by Mr. Harrisse ; the above map is one that he believes rightly be longs to the work, and is one of the earliest in in which the word America is to be found. The map, one of the most curious and ingenious productions of early cartography, is alone worth more than any copy of the other edition of Grynaeus, and is usually wanting." Quaritch Bound with the above in the Basle edition of Peter Martyr s Three Decades, described. B. A. V. 176. 37 Hudson, Henry. An Historical Inquiry Concerning Henry Hudson, His Friends, Relatives, and Early Life. The Discovery of Delaware Bay, etc. By John M. Read, Jr. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 209. Albany, 1866. $2.00 38 Jefferys, Thomas. Voyages from Asia to America for Completing the Discoveries of the Northwest Coast of America. With a Summary of Voyages made by the Russians in Search of a Northeast Passage. Maps. 4to, uncut, pp. 120. London, 1764. $6.00 39 Jesuit Relations and Allied Docu ments. Travels and Explorations of the French Jesuit Missionaries among the Indians of Canada and the United States, 1610-1791. An exact reprint of the rare French, Latin, and Italian Originals, with a Complete English Translation. Edited, with notes, by Reuben G. Thwaites, and illustrated with a great variety of maps, portraits, EARLY VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY. and views. Edition limited to 750 copies ; to be complete in about 75 vol umes. Cleveland, 1886. Per vol. $3-50 " They are the most remarkable and valuable collection of material relating to the history and life of the Indians ever made. These relations, for many years looked upon through the haze of sectarian distrust, were lightly esteemed by the students of American history, but the more their character and statements were investigated the more important and valuable they appeared." Field. 40 (Jesuit Relations.) Bressang, R. P., F. J. Relation Abregee de Quelques des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France. 8vo, half roan, pp. 336. Montreal, 1852. $3.00 41 (Jesuit Relations.) Epistola Rev. P. Gabrelis Dreuillettes, So- cietatis Jesu Presbyteri, ad Dominum Illustrissimum Dominum Joannem Wintrop. I2mo, boards, pp. 13. New York, 1869. $2.00 One of a few copies printed for J. G. Shea, with introduction. 42 Kohl, J. G. A Popular History of the Discovery of America from Columbus to (Sir John) Franklin. 2 vols. in i. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865. $2.00 43 Lucas, Fred. M. The Annals of the Voyages of the Brothers Nicolo and Antonio Zeno in the North At lantic about the End of the Four teenth Century, and the Claim founded thereon to a Venetian Dis covery of America. 46 facsimiles of old maps, etc. 4to, half roan, uncut, pp. 233. London, 1898. $12.00 Limited edition beautifully printed on hand made paper by Charles Whittingham & Co. at the Chiswick Press. 44 Lummis, Charles F. Spanish Pioneers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 292. Chicago, 1893. $1.25 45 Major, Richard H. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, the Navi gator; comprising the Discovery within One Century of Half the World and History of the Naming of America, from Authentic Contem porary Documents. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 487. London, 1868. $5.00 46 Martyr, Peter. De Rebus Oce- anicis et Novo Orbe, De Cades tres, Petri Martyris ab Angleria Medrola- nensis. Thick I2mo, old stamped hogskin, without clasps. Colonise, 1574. $8.00 A good example of contemporaneous binding. Writing on title-page. Ives copy sold for $17. 50. The estimation in which Peter Martyr was held as an historian is shown by the fact that in a period of a hundred years his works were pub lished in Spain, Italy, France, and England. He was the contemporary of Columbus and Vespucius, and the first to publish a popular account of the results of their voyages, and of the peculiarities of the natives of the New World. 47 Martyr, Peter. Der Geschicht- schreiber des Weltmeeres. Eine Studie von Hermann A. Schumacher. Map. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1879. $3-o 48 Memoires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1840-43. (On the Discovery of America in the Tenth Century, by C. N. Ram, with map and plates of Round Tower at Newport, etc.) 8vo, paper, uncut. Copenhagen, 1843. $ 2 -5<> 49 Morden, Robert. Geography Rectified; or, A Description of the World. With maps of New Eng land, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, etc. 4to, old calf (broken), pp. 650. London, 1692. $10.00 Contains early account of New York City, Long Island, etc. 50 News from New England, 1676. 4to, half morocco, pp. 22. Albany, 1865. $2.00 No. 2 of an edition of only 60 copies reprinted for W. Elliot Woodward. 51 Ober, Fred k A. In the Wake of Columbus. Adventures of the Spe cial Commissioner sent by the World s Columbian Exposition to the FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. West Indies. 200 illustrations. 8vo, half calf, gilt, pp. 516. Boston, 1893. $3-50 52 Petavius, D. The History of the World Continued to the Year 1659, together with a Geographical Description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Portrait and map. Folio, old calf, pp. 610 +154 and ta bles. London, 1659. $5.00 53 Phillips. Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages. Vols. I to 9. A great variety of Travels in all Parts of the World. Profusely il lustrated with curious maps and plates. Each Voyage separately paged, and has a separate title-page. Among the American Travels may be mentioned those of Michaux, He- riot, Ashe, Lewis and Clark, etc. 9 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1805-09. $10.00 A very cheap set. 54 Baleigh, Sir Walter. The Life of. Based on contemporary docu ments, British and Foreign, with His Letter, now first collected. By E$- ward Edwards. Portrait and plate. 2, vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868. $5.00 55 Raleigh, Sir Walter. A Biog raphy (with account of His Voyages) by William Stebbing. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 414. Oxford, 1891. $1.75 56 Raleigh, Walter. The Life of, with an Account of the Period in Which He Lived. By M. A. Thomp son. i6mo, cloth, pp. 287. Philadel phia, 1853. .75 57 Robinson, Conway. An Ac count of Discoveries in the West un til 1519, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America, 1520-73. 8vo, cloth, pp. 491. Rich mond, 1848. $2.50 58 St. Bris, Thomas. Discovery of the Origin of the Name of America. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 140. New York, 1888. .50 59 Schoner, Johann, Professor of Mathematics at Nuremberg. A re production of his Globe of 1523, long lost; his dedicatory letter to Reymer von Streytperck, and the " De Molvc- cis of Maximillianus Transylvanus, with new translations and notes on the Globe by Henry Stevens of Ver mont, edited with an introduction and bibliography by C. H. Coote. Por trait, 3 large folding maps in pocket. 8vo, cloth, pp. 206. London, 1888. $3-50 A limited number printed on hand-made paper. 60 Sharp, Barth. The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth Sharp and others in the South Sea, being a Journal of the same, also Capt. Van Horn with his Bucanniers the sur prising of Vera Cruz ; with a True Re lation of Sir Henry Morgan, his Ex pedition against the Spaniards, etc. 8vo, new full mottled calf, gilt, pp. 172. London, 1684. $12.50 6 1 Smith, Buckingham. An In quiry into the authenticity of Docu ments concerning a Discovery in North America claimed to have been made by Verrazzano. Map. Large paper copy, 4to, uncut, pp. 31. New York, 1864. $2.00 62 Smith, Capt. John, The Works of, 1608-31. Comprising a Reprint Edited by Edward Arber, Of True Relation, A Map of Virginia, De scription of New England, New Eng land Trials, Historic of Virginia, True Travels, Advertisement for Planters, and other Minor Works, with a Bibliography, all carefully Indexed. Maps and p lates. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 981. London, 1895. $5.00 A most complete edition, carefully edited and indexed. It it should be in every working American historical library. 63 Smith, Capt. John. A True Re lation of Virginia, with an Introduc tion and Notes by Charles Deane. Large facsimile map. Large 4to, half EARLY VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY. blue morocco, gilt top, neat. Boston, 1866. $6.00 One of a very few copies printed on drawing paper. This copy is No. 2. 64 Smith, Capt. John. Advertise ments for the Unexperienced Plant ers of New England, or Anywhere; or, A Pathway to Erect a Plantation. Facsimile of Smith s map of New England, with additions and correc tions as published in 1635. With Preface by William Veazie. Royal 4to, half morocco, pp. 72. Boston, 1865. $3-50 No. 20 of 25 copies printed. 65 Smith, Capt. John. The Ad ventures and Discourses of, sometime President of Virginia and Admiral of New England ; newly ordered by John Ashton, with illustrations from orig inal sources. I2mo, boards, pp. 309. London, 1883. $1.50 66 Smith, Capt. John. Life of, the Founder of Virginia. By W. Gil- more Simms. I2mo, cloth, pp. 379. New York, 1846. $1.25 67 Smith, Joshua T. The North men in New England; or, America in the Tenth Century. Map. I2mo, calf, pp. 364. Boston, 1839. $2.00 68 Spanish Armada. The Names of all those Persons who Subscribed towards the Defence of this Country at the Time of the Spanish Armada, 1588. With historical introduction and index by T. C. Noble. 8vo, cloth, pp. 92. "London, 1886. $1.00 69 Stephens, Thomas. Madoc: an Essay on the Discovery of America by Madoc Ap Owen Gwynedd in the I2th Century. 8vo, cloth, pp. 249. London, 1893. $2.50 70 Stevens, Henry. Historical and Geographical Notes on the Earliest Discoveries in America, 1453-1530, with comments on the Earliest Charts and Maps; the Mistakes of the Early Navigators and the Blunders of the Geographers; the Asiatic Origin of the Atlantic Coast of North America, how it Crept in and how it Crept out of the Maps. The whole illustrated with frontispiece, one new map of the world, and facsimiles of 16 of the very earliest known maps of America, ar ranged on five large sheets of bond paper. 8vo, cloth extra, uncut. New Haven, 1869. $7. 50 Very scarce, only 75 copies made. Beauti fully printed on Whatman s best hand-made paper. 71 Thomas, Cyrus. The Cherokees in Pre-columbian Times. I2mo, cloth, pp. 97. New York, 1890. .50 Illustrations of mound-builders and early pre historic remains. 72 Vancouver, Capt. George. Voy age of Discovery to the North Pa cific Ocean, in which the Coast of Northwest America has been care fully examined and surveyed, 1790- 95. New edition, corrected and with 19 fine folding views and charts. 6 vols, 8vo, half calf. London, 1801. $12.50 A very good copy of this scarce and important voyage. 73 Verrazano, the Navigator; or, Notes on Giovanni da Verrazano, and on a Planisphere of 1529, illustrating his American Voyage in 1524. By J. C. Brevoort. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 160. New York, 1874. $3.50 Only 250 copies printed. 74 (Verrazzano.) Murphy, Henry C. The Voyage of Verrazzano: a chapter in the Early History of Mari time Discovery in America. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 198. New York (pri vately printed), 1875. $3-5 75 Verrazano the Explorer. A Vindication of his Letter and Voyage ; with an examination of the Maps of Hieronimo da Verrazano and a dis sertation upon the Globe of Vlpius, with a bibliography of the subject. By B. F. De Costa. Facsimile maps, portraits, etc. I 4to, paper, pp. 82. New York, 1881. $4.00 A limited edition published. Presentation copy from the author. 10 F RANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 76 Vespucius. Les Voyages de Americ Vespuce. By M. D Avezac. 8vo, paper, pp. 186. Paris, 1858. $1.50 77 Vespucci, Amerigo. Son Carac- tere, ses ecrits (meme les moins au- thentiques) sa vie et ses navigations. By F. A. de Varnhagen. Map and facsimiles. Folio, cloth, pp. 120 + 58. Lima, 1865. $5oo The letters of Vespucci, both authentic and doubtful, exactly reproduced from the original the result of Varnhagen s studies. 78 Vespucius, Americus. Life and Voyages of. By C. E. Lester and A. Foster. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 431. New York, 1846. $2.00 Fine, clean copy. 79 (Vespuctius.) An account in German, printed in 1505, of Ves- pucius s Third Voyage. Pilinski s small edition in exact facsimile from the unique original on six leaves. Woodcut. 4to, paper. [1505] (Paris, 1861). $2.50 A small number only printed. Barlow s copy brought $15.00, Murphy, $10.00, and one was priced $35.00 by a New York bookseller. 80 Wheaton, Henry. History of the Northmen from the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy. (Icelandic Language and Literature, Sagas, Legends, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 367. London, 1831. $3-50 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA 81 Abbott, John S. C. Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America from Washington to the Present Time. Steel portraits and il lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 520. Bos ton, 1869. $1.50 82 Abbot, Willis J. The Naval History of the United States. Illus trated. 4to, half morocco, pp. 1028. New York, 1896. $1.50 83 Adams, Henry. History of the United States of America. 1801-17 (during the administrations of Jeffer son and Madison). 9 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1891. $12.00 84 Adams, John. The Suppressed History of the Administration of John Adams, 1797-1801. By John Wood. Now reprinted with Notes, etc., by John H. Sherburne. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 391. Philadelphia, 1846. $1.50 85 Adams, Mrs. John. Letters of the wife of John Adams, with a Memoir by Charles Francis Adams. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 472. Bos ton, 1848. $1.00 86 Adams, Samuel. Life and Pub lic Services of. Being a narrative of his Acts, Opinions, and of his Agency in Producing and Founding the American Revolution. By William V. Wells, Portrait on India paper. Large paper copy, 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866. $6.00 Only 100 copies, beautifully printed on large paper at University Press. 87 Allen, Joel A. History of North American Pinnipeds: a Monograph of the Walruses, Sea-lions, and Seals of North America. 8vo, cloth, pp. 783. Washington, 1880. $2.00 88 Allen, Thaddeus. An Inquiry into the Views, Services, Principles, and Influences of the Leading Men in the Organization of Our Union. Vol. I. all published. 8vo, cloth, pp. 553. Boston, 1847. $1.00 89 Allen, William. An American Biographical and Historical Diction ary, containing an Account of the Lives, Characters, and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in North America from its First Discovery to the Present Time, and a Summary of BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. II the History of the Several Colonies and of the United States Folding Chart, and portrait of Washington by D. Edwin. 8vo, old calf, pp. 632. Cambridge, 1809. $2.50 90 Allston, Washington. Life and Letters. By Jared B. Flagg; with reproductions from Allston s pictures. 4to, cloth, pp. 435. London, 1892. $2.00 91 (Almanac.) The Christian Al manack for New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey, containing Calen dars, Interesting Facts, Notes, etc. 8 vols., thin I2mo. New York, 1827-34. $2.00 92 American Almanac and Reposi tory of Useful Knowledge, with Statistical and other Information Re specting the United States. Com plete set, from its commencement in 1830 to 1861 inclusive. 32 vols., half bound (2 in paper). Boston and New York, 1830-61. $10.00 This valuable work, which is in fact a com pendious annual registry, is well worthy of being preserved as a book of reference. The volumes were compiled by Jared Sparks, Francis Bowen, and others. Complete sets are very difficult to make up. 93 American Bibliopolist. A Lit erary Register and Monthly Cata logue of Old and New Books and Re pository of Notes and Queries (Bib liomania in America, Descriptions of Rare Works and Auction Sales, Private Libraries of Providence, R. I., American Genealogy, etc. 8 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1869-75. $12.00 A complete set of this interesting magazine* published by J. Sabin & Sons. Mr. Sabin s valuable notes and articles are of great reference interest. This copy is uncut, and contains the advertisements and indexes. 94 American Catalogue of Books in Print and for sale July i, 1876. Au thors and titles, pp. 946 + 492. 2 vols., 4to, new, half morocco. New York, 1880-81. $55-oo Scarce ; the original volumes of the American Catalogue entirely out of print. 95 American Fish, and How to Catch Them. A Hand-book for Fishing, by An Old Angler. I2mo, cloth, pp. 93. New York, 1885. $1.00 96 American Monthly Microscopal Journal. Illustrated by cuts and plates. Vol. I., No. I (January, 1880) to Vol. XV., No. 10 (October, 1894). Complete. 6 vols., royal 8vo, half roan; Vol. XV. in parts. New York and Washington, 1880-94. $25.00 Scarce. 97 Ames, Fisher. Works of Fisher Ames, with a Selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Ed ited by Seth Ames. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854. $2.50 98 Anderson, Dr. J. A. (First American Wood Engraver). A His tory of Quadrupeds, with upwards 340 engravings, engraved from the orig inal of T. Bewick by A. Anderson. 8vo, half morocco, red edges, pp. 335. New York, T. W. Strong, n. d. $7.50 Scarce. The principal work of this early American engraver. 99 Andrew, Hon. John Albion. Life and Character of. A Discourse before the N. E. Historic-Genealogi cal Society by Elias Nason. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 76. Boston, 1868. 75 100 Asplund, John. The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination, in North America; to the 1st of No vember, 1790. Containing an Ac count of the Churches and Their Con stitutions, Ministers, Members, As sociations, Correspondence, etc. 4to, paper, pp. 70, n. p., n. d. (1790). $1.00 Valuable for the names of ministers and churches. 101 Atkinson, John. History of the origin of the Wesleyan Movement in America and of the Establishment Therein of Methodism (Historic Ger man-Irish Emigration, Erection of John Street Preaching House, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 458. Jersey City, 1896. $1.50 12 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 102 Atkinson, Wm. B. A Bio graphical Dictionary of Contempo rary American Physicians and Sur geons. 2nd edition, enlarged and re vised. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 747 and addenda. Philadelphia, 1880. $2.00 103 Audubon, John James. A Syn opsis of the Birds of North America. Fine copy. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 359. Edinburgh, 1839. $3.00 104 Audubon and Bachman. The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. Vol. L, 4to, cloth, pp. 389. London, 1847. $1.50 105 Austin, Benjamin. Old South Constitutional Republicanism in Op position to Fallacious Federalism, to which is prefixed a Preparatory Ad dress to the Citizens of the United States, never before published. 8vo, boards, pp. 327. Boston, 1803. $1.50 1 06 Bancroft, Charles. The Foot prints of Time. A complete Analysis of our American System of Govern ment, History of the Colonies, etc. 8vo. cloth, pp. 734. Burlington, 1875. $1.50 107 Bancroft, Geo. A. History of the United States. Vols. I. and II. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1834-37- $5-00 The first edition of both volumes, and quite difficult to find. " The variations between the first and later editions are so considerable as to make it desirable to possess them both." Sabin. 1 08 Bancroft, George. History of the United States. Large-type li brary edition. Vols. I to VIII. Portraits. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bos ton, 1848, etc. $8.00 109 Bancroft, George. Literary and Historical Miscellanies (Essays, Doctrine of Temperaments, Studies in German Literature and in History, Occasional Addresses, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 517. New York, 1855. $2.50 First edition in the original cloth binding, uncut. 1 10 Barber, Edwin A. American Glassware, Old and New. A Sketch of the Glass Industry and a Manual for Collectors. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 112. Philadelphia, 1900. $1.00 in Barber, John W. Historical, Poetical, and Pictorial American Scenes. A Selection of Interesting Incidents of American History. Nu merous early woodcut illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 227. N. H., 1850. $2.00 112 Barber, John W. The History and Antiquities of New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsyl vania; Discoveries, Settlements, In dian History, French, Indian, and Revolutionary Wars, Traditions, etc. Illustrated* 8vo, old sheep, pp. 624. Hartford, 1846. $3. 50 The binding is worn and rubbed. 113 Barker, George P. Life of, with some of his Speeches. By George J. Bryan. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 216. Buffalo, 1849. $1.50 114 Barlow, Joel. Life and Letters of, Poet, Statesman, Philosopher. By Chas. Burr Todd. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 306. New York, 1886. $1.25 115 Barneby, W. Henry. The New Far West and the Old Far East, being Notes of a Tour in North America, Japan, China, Ceylon, etc. (Toronto to Winnepeg, British Co lumbia, San Francisco, etc.) Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 316. London, 1889. $1.50 116 Barnes, Wm. H. The Forti eth Congress of the United States: Historical and Biographical; with nu merous fine steel portraits. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870. $2.50 117 Barnes Centenary History. One Hundred Years of American In dependence. Profusely illustrated. Complete in 13 Parts. Royal 8vo. New York, 1876. $2.00 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 118 Bartlett, John Russell. Dic tionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Re garded as Peculiar to the United States. 4th edition, greatly improved and enlarged. 8vo, half leather, pp. 813. Boston, 1884. $2.00 Published at $4.00 last edition. 119 Benjamin, S. G. W. Art in America: A Critical and Historical Sketch. Over 100 illustrations of old and recent paintings, American Paint ings. 4to, cloth, pp. 214. New York, 1880. $2.00 Published at $4.00. 120 Benton, Thos. H. Thirty Years View; or, A History of the Working of the American Govern ment for Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850. With historical notes and il lustrations. By A Senator of Thirty Years. Portrait. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856. $4.00 121 Berry, C. B. The Other Side How It Struck Us. (New York, American Railways, Hotels, Niagara, Chicago, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 296. London, 1880. $ I -75 122 Bible, The Holy Bible, con taining the Old and New Testaments. Thick, i6mo, old calf (broken). Philadelphia, W. Young, 1791-92. $5.00 Scarce. A good copy except the binding ; with both the title-pages. 123 Bizarre, For Fireside and Way side, with illustrations by Devereux. (R. W. Emerson, Kossuth, Literature Yesterday and To-day, etc.) Con ducted by J. M. Church. Vol. I., April to October, 1852. 8vo, half red morocco, pp. 412. Philadelphia, 1852. $1.50 124 Bowditch, Nathaniel. Memoir of. By his son, Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch. Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 172. Boston, 1840. $1.00 125 Bowen, Ebe. Rambles in the Path of the Steam Horse. Historical and Descriptive View of the Route from Baltimore to Harper s Ferry, Cumberland, Louisville, etc. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 432. Philadelphia, 1855. $2.00 126 Bowen, Francis. American Po litical Economy, with Strictures on the Management of the Currency and the Finances since 1861. 8vo, cloth, pp. 495. New York, 1873. $1.00 127 Bowles, Samuel. The Life and Times of. By George S. Merriam. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1885. $2.00 First two hundred years of New England. John Brown, Lincoln s Election, Civil War, etc. 128 Boyd, Jas. P. America from Discovery in 1492 to the Present Time. Titles, Charters, Admission of States; Plans of Federal Government; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Departments, Electoral Votes, Party Platforms, Wars and Conquests, etc. Numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 750. Mansfield (1894). $1.50 129 Bradford, Alden. History of the Federal Government for Fifty Years, 1789-1839. 8vo, cloth, pp. 480. Boston, 1840. $2.00 130 Brinley, Geo. Catalogue of the American Library of the late George Brinley. Parts II.- V.; 4 parts, 8vo, paper, uncut. New York, 1880-93. $5.00 A complete set, except Part I., at a very low figure. The notes and unusual works in this catalogue make it valuable for reference. 131 Brown, Alex. The Genesis of the United States : A Narrative of the Movement in England, 1605-16, which Resulted in the Plantation of North America by Englishmen, dis closing the Contest between England and Spain. A Series of Historical Manuscripts now first published, with Rare Contemporaneous Tracts, etc. TOO Portraits, plates, maps, etc. 2 vols., large 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon don, 1890. $8.00 FJRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 132 (Brown, John.) Richman, Ir ving B. John Brown amongst the Quakers, and Other Sketches. i6mo, cloth, pp. 239. Des Moines, 1894. $1.00 133 Brown, T. Allston. History of the American Stage, containing Bio graphical Sketches of nearly every Member of the Profession that has Appeared on the American Stage from 1733 to 1870. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 421. New York, 1870. $2.50 134 Brownson, O. A. The Amer ican Republic, its Constitution, Ten dencies, and Destiny. 8vo, cloth, pp. 439. New York, 1866. $1.75 135 Buchanan, James. Life and Public Services. By R. G. Horton. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 428. New York, 1856. $1.25 136 Buckingham, J. S. The Slave States. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. $2.00 137 Buckingham, Joseph T. Per sonal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. Portrait. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1852. $1.50 138 Bunn, Alfred. Old England, and New England; in a Series of Views Taken on the Spot. (Mrs. Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin, Niagara Falls, American Stage.) Colored plate. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853. $2.50 139 Burr, Aaron. Parton, James. The Life and Times of Aaron Burr, Lieut.-Col. in the Army of the Revo lution, U. S. Senator, Vice President of the U. S. Steel portraits. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1864. $2.50 140 Burr, Aaron. Trials. Reports of the Trials of Col. Aaron Burr (late Vice President of the United States) for Treason and for a Misdemeanor, in Preparing the Means of a Military Expedition against Mexico, with Arguments and Evidence, to Commit A. Burr, H. Blennerhassett, and I. Smith to be Sent for Trial to Ken tucky for Treason or Misdemeanor Alleged to be Committed There. Taken in shorthand by David Robert son. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1808. $8.00 141 Burrowes, J. F. The Piano- Forte Primer; or, New Musical Catechism, containing the Rudiments of Music. i6mo, boards. Philadel phia, 1820. $1.50 Scarce ; early American ; unusual work. 142 Burton, John Hill. The Book- Hunter, etc. iWith additional notes by Richard Grant White. I2mo, cloth, pp. 411. New York, 1863. $3.00 Only 500 copies printed from type. 143 Bushnell, Chas. I. An Ar rangement of Tradesmen s Cards, Po litical Tokens, also Election Medals, Medalets, etc., current in the United States for the Last Sixty Years; de scribed from Original Plates. 8vo, paper, pp. 119. New York (printed for the Author), 1858. $2.50 144 Calhoun, John C. The Life of. By John S. Jenkins. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 454. Auburn, 1850. $1.25 145 Campbell, W. G. The New World; or, Recent Visit to America. I2mo, cloth, pp. 207. London, 1871. $1.00 146 Carnegie, Andrew. Triumphant Democracy ; or, Fifty Years March of the Republic. 8vo, cloth, pp. 519. New York, 1886. $1.00 147 Carver, Jonathan. Three Years Travels through the Interior Parts of North America for more than 5000 Miles, with History of Manners and Customs of the Indians. 8vo, old calf, pp. 360. Philadelphia, 1796. $3-O With 1 8-page list of subscribers. 148 Carlyle and Emerson. Corre spondence of, 1834-1872. Two por traits. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1883. $ T -5Q BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 149 Caswall, Henry. America and the American Church. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. London, 1851. $1.50 150 Catechism of American Law. (Marriage, Divorce, Master and Serv ant, Corporations, etc.) i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1838. .75 151 Catesby, Mark. Hortus Eu- ropas Americanus; or, A Collection of 85 Curious Trees and Shrubs, the Produce of North America adopted to the Climates and Soils of Great Britain and Most Parts of Europe. Fine colored plates of each plant. Large 4to, half bound. London, 1767. $10.00 Rare. 152 Centennial Exposition. Report of the Director General of the U. S. International Exhibition, including the Reports of the Bureaus of Admin istration. 9 vols., 8vo, cloth. Wash ington, 1880. $4.50 A full, illustrated history of the Centennial. This set includes the quarto volumes of plans and plates. 153 Chamberlin, Everett. The Struggle of 72; the Issues and Can didates of the Present Political Cam paign. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 570. Chicago, 1872. $1.25 154 Chase, Salmon P. Life and Public Services of. (Governor of Ohio, Secretary of Treasury under Lincoln, Chief Justice of the United States.) By J. W. Schuckers. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 669. New York, 1874. $1.75 155 Chase, Salmon Portland. Pri vate Life and Public Services. (First Sojourn in Ohio, Indians, Niagara Falls, Cincinnati in 1830, Chase and Lincoln, Civil War and Slavery, etc.) Steel portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 838. Cincinnati, 1874. $1.50 156 Chastellux, Marquis. Travels in North America, 1780-82. (Major- general serving under Count de Ro- chambeau.) Translated with notes. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. Lon don, 1787. $6.00 157 Childs, Emery E. A History of the United States in Chronological Order, 1492-1885, with notices of Manufactures as They Were Intro duced. 8vo, cloth, pp. 254. New York, 1886. .75 1158 Childs, Geo. W. Recollec tions. (Andre, Major Andre " Cow Chase," His Rare Autographs and Books, Henry Irving, Dickens, Whit- tier, Letters, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 404. Philadelphia, 1890. .50 159 Choate, Rufus. The Works of. With a Memoir of his life, by Samuel Gilman Brown. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1862. $6.00 Scarce, fine copy. 160 Choate, Rufus. Reminiscences of. By E. G. Parker. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 522. New York, 1860. $1.50 161 Clarke, McDonald. Poems of (the Mad Poet). Fine portrait by Maverick. i2mo, cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1836. $6.00 162 Clarke, McDonald. The Elixir of Moonshine, being a Collection of Prose and Poetry by the Mad Poet, a great proportion of which has never before been published. Portrait. i6mo, original pink boards, uncut. Gotham, 5822 (1822). $7. 50 Fine copy of this very rare early volume of New York poetry. The original board covers are in good condition. On the last cover is a poem in five stanzas which does not appear else where in the volume. 163 Clay, Henry. Life and Times of. By Calvin Colton. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846. $2.00 164 Clay, Hon. Henry. Life and Speeches of. Compiled and edited by Daniel Mallory. Steel portrait and frontispieces. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, New York, 1844. $2.50 165 (Clemens.) Mark Twain s Au tobiography and First Romance. i6 RRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. First Edition. Clean; in the original wrapper. I2mo. New York (1871). $1.00 166 (Clinton, De Witt.) Campbell, Wm. W. The Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton (Clinton Family, Private Canal Journal). Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 381. New York, $1.50 167 Clinton, De Witt. Tribute to the Memory of, being a compre hensive sketch of his Life. By a Citi zen of Albany. Portrait. I2mo, half calf, pp. 204. Albany, 1828. $1.50 1 68 Coggeshall, George. Voyages to Various Parts of the World, 1800- 1831. Selected from his MS. Jour nals. Plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, New York, 1853. $2.50 Bothjscarce. 169 Collum, Richard S. History of the United States Marine Corps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 307. Philadelphia, 1890. $2.00 170 Columbian Lady s and Gentle man s Magazine. (Tuckerman s Diary of a Dreamer; A Quiet Home, by A. J. Paulding; Two Nights in Nieuw Nederlandts; New York from Weehawken, with view, etc. Edited by John Inman and Robert A. West. Illustrated with fine mezzotints of Washington s Reception on Bridge at Trenton, N. J., Washington s Death bed, The Boston Boys and Gen. Gage, etc. Vols. III., V., and VII. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1845-47. $3.50 Scarce. 171 Combe, George. Notes on the United States during a Phrenological Visit, 1838-40. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1841. $1.50 172 Common Prayer, Book of, New York, 1798; according to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, to gether with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Thick i6mo, old calf (bind ing broken). New York, Hugh Gaine, 1798. $10.00 Very scarce. 173 Conkling, Roscoe. Life and Letters of. By Alfred R. Conkling. Portrait. 8vo, leather, pp. 709. New York, 1889. $2.00 174 Cooper, J. Fenimore. The History of the Navy of the United States. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1839. $5-00 Bentley s large-type library edition ; scarce. 175 Cooper, J. Fenimore. His tory of the Navy of the United States. 3d edition, with additions and correc tions. Complete in one volume. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 524. Phila delphia, 1847. $3.00 176 Cooper, James Fenimore. No tions of the Americans picked up by A Traveling Bachelor. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1828. $2.00 177 Co well, Joe. Thirty Years Passed among the Players in England and America, with Anecdotes and Reminiscences. 8vo, paper, pp. 103. New York, 1844. $1.25 178 Craib, Alex. America and the Americans, with Chapters on Ameri can Home Life. I2mo, cloth, pp. 325. Paisley, 1892. $1.25 179 Crawford, J. B. The Credit Mobilier of America, its Origin and History and Work of Constructing the Union Pacific Railroad. 8vo, cloth, pp. 229. Boston, 1880. $1.50 1 80 Dana, Richard Henry. Poems and Prose Writings. (Best collected edition.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1850. $2.50 181 Demorest, David D. (Pastor at Hudson, N. Y.). History and Char acteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 221. New York, 1856. .75 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 182 De Boos, F. F. Personal Nar rative of Travels in the United States and Canada in 1826, with Remarks on the Present State of the American Navy. Plates (including two of Ni agara). 8vo, pp. 235. London, 1827. $2.50 183 De Tocqueville, Alexis. De mocracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve. 4th edition, revised. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1841. $2.00 184 De Tocqueville, Alexis. De mocracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve. Map. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1838. $2.50 185 De Tocqueville, Alexis (author of Democracy in America). Mem oirs, Letters, and Remains of. (A Visit to Lake Oneida, a Fortnight in the Wilderness, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo. Boston, 1862. $1.50 186 Dicey, Edward. Six Months in the Federal States. (The American Press, American Society, Notes of the War, Western Virginia, Chicago and the West, the Case of the North, etc.). 2 vols. in i. Thick I2mo, cloth. Lon don, 1863. $1.50 187 Dilke, Chas. W. Problems of Greater Britain. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1890. $2.50 188 Dillon, John B. Notes on His torical Evidence in Reference to Ad verse Theories of the Origin and Na ture of the Government of the United States of America. 8vo, cloth, pp. 141. New York, 1871. $1.00 By the historian of Indiana. 189 Dix, John A. Speeches and Occasional Addresses. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864. $2.00 190 Dixon, W T m. Hepworth. White Conquest. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Lon don, 1876. $2.00 191 Donnant, D. F. Statistical Ac count of the United States of America. Translated from the French by Wil liam Playfair. Illustrated by a col ored divided circle. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 72. London, 1805. $1.25 192 Doolittel, Thomas. A Treatise Concerning the Lord s Supper, with the Dialogues for the more full In formation of the Week, in the Nature and Use of this Sacrament. i6mo, sheep, pp. 208. Boston, 1727. $3.50 193 Doyle, J. A. English Colonies in America Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 420. New York, 1882. $2.50 194 Draper, John W. Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 325. New York, 1865. $1.50 195 Draper, Lyman C. Biographi cal Sketch of. By Reuben G. Thwaites. Portrait. 4to, cloth. 1887. 50 196 Duganne, A. J. H. Poetical Works. Autograph Edition. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 407. 1865. $10.00 Only 75 printed. From General Sherman s library. 197 Duncan, John M. Travels through Part of United States and Canada, 1818-19. 2 vols., I2mo, half calf. New York, 1823. $2.00 198 Dnnlap, Wm. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of De sign in the United States. (History of Miniature Painting, Stuart, Trum- bull, and West, Alex. Anderson, Du- rand, Maverick, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, boards. New York, 1834. $15.00 This rare set contains much of interest on early New York, and is the best work on the subject. The author was an artist, dramatic writer, and manager of the old New York Park Theater. He was considered " a close observer and a truthful writer " (Wood s "Recollections of the Stage "). 199 Dunlap, Wm. A History of the American Theater. (First Perform ance in America, First Theater in New York, Early Theatrical Expenses i8 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. and Profits, Massachusetts Law against Stage Plays, 1750, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. London, 1833. $6.00 Scarce. 200 Du Ponceau, Peter S. Brief View of the Constitution of the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 107. Philadelphia, 1834. .50 201 Duyckinck, E. A. and Geo. L. Cyclopaedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical No tices of Authors and Selections from their Writings from the Earliest Pe riod to the Present Day, with Por traits, Autographs, and other illustra tions. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half calf. New York, 1855. * $5.00 A most important work for collectors of early American literature. 202 Early American Songster. The New England Pocket Songster: A Choice Collection of Popular Songs, New and Old. i6mo, boards, pp. 160. Claremont, N. H., 1846. $1.50 204 Eaton, Amos. An Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 2d edition, wholly written anew. i6mo, calf, pp. 286. Troy, 1820. $2.00 205 Edison, Thomas A. The Life and Inventions of. (Ancestry, Life in Boston, Megaphone, Phonograph, Electric Light, description of his Li brary and Den, etc.) 200 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 362. London, 1894. $2.00 206 Elliot, Daniel Giraud. North American Shore Birds. A history of the Snipes, Sandpipers, Plovers, etc., inhabiting the beaches and marches of our coasts and shores of the inland Lakes and Rivers. A popular refer ence work for the Naturalist, Sports man, and Lover of Birds. Illustrated with 74 fine full-page plates after drawings by Edwin Sheppard. I2mo, ornamental cloth. $2.50 Limited edition of 100 copies on fine hand-made paper. 4to, white cloth. $10.00 207 Elliot, Daniel G. The Galli naceous Game Birds of North Amer ica, including the Partridges, Grouse, Ptarmigan, and Wild Turkey, with an account of their dispersion, habits, nestings, etc., and full descriptions of the plumage of both adult and young, together with their popular and scien tific names. A book written both for those who love to seek these birds afield with dog and gun, as well as those who may only desire to learn the ways of such attractive creatures in their haunts. 45 fine full-page plates after drawings by Edwin Shep pard. Post, 8vo, ornamental cloth. $2.50 Limited edition of 100 copies on fine hand-made paper, 4to, white cloth. $10.00 208 Elliot, Daniel G. The Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions : the Swan, Geese, Ducks, and Mergansers of North America. Numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, ornamental cloth. $2.50 Limited edition of 100 copies on hand-made paper. 4to, white cloth. $10.00 This is the third and last volume of Professor Eliot s valuable popular Ornithological Works, and completes the Game Bird Series. Published uniform with "North American Shore Birds" and " Game Birds." 209 Elliot, Prof. Daniel G. The New and Heretofore Unfigured Birds of North America. 72 colored plates. 2 vols. (in original sections), folio. New York (published by the Author), 1869. $100.00 This magnificent work describes the birds not included in Audubon or Wilson. 210 Elliot, Prof. Daniel G. Mono graph of the Tetraonidae, or Family of Grouse. 27 colored plates. Folio, in original sections. New York (pub lished for the Author), 1865. $75- 211 Ely, Richard T. The Labor BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. Movement in America. I2mo, cloth, pp. 383. New York, 1886. .75 212 Emerson, R. W. Representa tive Men: Seven Lectures. I2mo, original cloth, pp. 285. Boston, 1850. $3-50 First edition. 213 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Poems. I2mo, original cloth. London: Chap man Brothers, 1847. $2.00 First English edition. 214 England and America. A Com parison of the Social and Political State of Both Nations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 376. New York, 1834. $1.50 Slavery. Apology for the Tariff, etc. 215 Evans, F. W. Autobiography of a Shaker and Revelation of the Apocalypse. I2mo, cloth, pp. 27. New York, 1888. $1.50 216 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America : A Narrative of a Journey of 5000 Miles, contained in eight reports addressed to 39 English Families (who sent him out).. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 454. London, 1818. $1.50 217 Federalist, The. A Collection of Essays in Favor of the New Con stitution, with Notes, etc., by H. B. Dawson. Vol. I. (all published and containing all of the Federalist). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 615. New York, 1863. $2.50 218 Ferguson, Wm. America by River and Rail ; or, Notes by the Way on the New World and its People. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 511. London, 1856. $1.50 219 Field, Eugene. An Auto- Analysis. i6mo, boards, uncut. Chi cago, 1896. $1.00 A limited edition beautifully printed at the Lakeside Press. 220 Field, Eugene. The Story of the Two Friars How One Friar Met the Devil and Two Pursued Him. i6mo, boards. Chicago, 1900. $1.25 A limited edition printed with old-face type by the Lakeside Press. 221 Field, Henry M. The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. New York, 1892. $1.50 222 Fillmore, Millard. His Life and Public Services. By W. L. Barre of Kentucky. I2mo, cloth, pp. 408. Buffalo, 1856. $1.25 223 First Century of the Republic. A Review of American Progress (Co lonial Progress, Monetary Develop ment, Early Paper Currency, Amer ican Literature, etc.) By Theo. D. Woolsey, F. A. P. Barnard, Hon. Francis A. Walker, Dr. Austin Flint, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 506. New York, 1876. $2.00 224 First Impressions of America. (In a Series of Letters, four of which relate to New York City.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 131. London (printed for private circulation), 1867. $1.50 Printed on writing paper. The author is said to have been John Walton, editor of the Times. He was evidently a person of some importance, from the number of prominent people he men tions having met here. 225 Flack, Capt. A Hunter s Ex periences in the Southern States of America. I2mo, cloth, pp. 359. Lon don, 1866. $1.50 226 Fowler, Henry. The American Pulpit: Sketches Biographical and Descriptive of Living American Preachers. Steel portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 515. New York, 1856. $1.25 227 Foster, Lillian. Wayside Glimpses North and South. (Sunday in New York, Sights in Dutchess County, Slavery, Mississippi, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 250. New York, 1860. $1-00 228 (Franklin.) Memoirs of. Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, continued to his death, by Wm. Tem ple Franklin, now first published, and including his Political and Philosophi cal Works. Portrait and 5 plates. 3 vols., 4to, calf. London, 1818. $4.00 20 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 229 Franklin, Benj. The Posthu mous and other Writings of, published from the originals by his grandson, William Temple Franklin. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1819. $1.50 230 Franklin. His Autobiography; with a Narrative of his Public Life and Services by H. Hastings Weld, with designs by T- G. Chapman. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1848. $1.50 231 (Franklin.) Life and Times of. By James Parton. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864. $3.50 Presentation copy from the author with four- line autographic inscription. 232 (Franklin.) Letters to Benja min Franklin from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790. 2 portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 195. New York, 1859. $2.00 Only a limited number printed. 233 Franklin. Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of, now for the first time published. Edited by Jared Sparks, with explanatory notes. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 295. Lon don, 1833. $1.00 234 Franklin. Life and works of. With engraved title-page. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 471. Bungay, n. d. $1.50 An unusual edition. 235 (Franklin.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Frank lin, with Private Correspondence, etc. By William Temple Franklin. Por trait. 6 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1818. $6.00 236 Franklin. Stevens, Henry. A Bibliographical Essay on the Stevens Collection of Books and Manuscripts relating to Dr. Franklin. Steel por traits. Royal 8vo, cloth. Printed on hand-made paper, pp. 40. London, 1881. $2.50 Scarce. 237 (Franklin, Docteur B.) Cor respondence Inedite et Secrete Min- istre Plenipotentiaire des Etats-Unis d Amerique pres la Cour de France. Depuis L Annee 1753 jusqu en 1790. Portrait and facsimile of handwriting. 2 vols., half red morocco. Paris, 1817. $2.00 238 Freeman, Edward A. Some Im pressions of the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 289. London, 1883. $1.00 239 Freneau, Philip. Miscellaneous Works of, containing his Essays and Additional Poems. (Description of a journey from Philadelphia to New York by way of Burlington and South Amboy, etc.) I2mo, original calf, pp. 429. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey, 1788. $4.00 240 Frothingham, Richard. The Rise of the Republic of the United States. 8vo, cloth, pp. 640. Boston, 1873- $i-75 241 Gammell, Wm. Biographical Sketch, and Selections from his Writ ings. (Of Brown University.) By Jas. O. Murray. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 392. Cambridge, 1890. $2.00 242 Gerry, Elbridge. The Life of, with Contemporary Letters to the close of the American Revolution. By James T. Austin. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1828. $5.00 243 Gerstaecker, Fred k. The Wan derings and Fortunes of Some Ger man Emigrants (to America). I2mo, cloth, pp. 310. London, 1848. $1.50 A week in New York, Journey to the West, Settlement, etc. 244 Gibbs, George, Memoirs of the Administration of Washington and Adams. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846. $4.00 245 Giddings, Joshua R. The Life of. By Geo. W. Julian. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 473. Chicago, 1892. $1.50 246 (Godineau,) Original Manu script of " Citizen Godineau s " Ora tion upon Religious Liberty, deliv- BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 21 ered at the tribute of the National Club of Bourdeaux, France, on Nov. 20, 1793. 8vo, unbound, pp. 19. $2.00 247 Godkin, Edwin Laurence. Re flections and Comments, 1865-1895. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 328. New York, 1895. $1.00 248 Godley, John R. Letters from America. (New York, Boston, Mon treal, Philadelphia, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, half calf. London, 1844. $1.50 249 Gordon, James Bentley. A Historical and Geographical Memoir of the North American Continent; its Nations and Tribes. (Canada, North western America, Virginia, Green land, California, Mexico, etc.) Por trait. 4to, half calf, pp. 104, n, and 305. Dublin, 1820. $10.00 A good copy of a rare work. 250 Grahame, James. The History of the United States from the Planta tion of the British Colonies till their Assumption of National Independ ence. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. $2.00 251 (Grant, Mrs.) Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the American Revolution. (Death of Col. Schuyler, Mohawk Indians, Province of New York, John and Philip Schuyler, Ac count of the Five Nations, Society in New York City, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, half calf. London, 1808. $2.50 252 Gratton, Thos. C. Civilized America. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1859. $ 2 -5 253 Gray, Asa. Scientific Papers of, 1834-87. Edited by Prof. Chas. S. Sargent. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1889. $2.50 "The present volumes may almost be taken as mirrors reflecting the history and progress of scientific botany for the last half-century. The students of the future will feel themselves under even stronger obligations to Professor Sargent than to those of the present." London Athenaum. 254 Greeley, Horace. Life of, with Extended Notices of many of his Contemporary Statesmen and Jour nalists. By L. D. Ingersoll. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 688. Chicago, 1873. $2.00 255 Greeley, Horace. The Life of. By James Parton. Lithograph illus trations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 442. New York, 1855. $1.25 256 Guest, Lady Theodora. A Round Trip in North America. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 272. London, 1895. $2.00 257 Guillemard, Arthur G. Over Land and Sea: A Log of Travel Round the World, 1873-74. Hono lulu, San Francisco, Yosemite, Chi cago, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, doth, pp. 355. London, 1875. $ I -75 258 Gurney, Alfred. A Ramble through the United States. 8vo, cloth, pp. 63. Not Published (1886). $1.50 259 Hale, Hon. Salma. History of the United States, from their First Settlement as Colonies to the close of the War with Great Britain in 1815. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 467. London, 1827. $2.00 260 Haliburton, Thos. C. Rule and Misrule of the English in America. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1851. $3.00 261 Hall, Lieut. Francis. Travels in Canada and the United States in 1816 and 1817. (A Description of New York City, the Trip up the Hud son, Western Country of New York, the Niagara Frontier, etc.) Map. 8vo, half calf, pp. 543. London, 1818. $2.00 262 Hall, Henry. America s Suc cessful Men of Affairs. An Encyclo pedia of Contemporaneous Biogra phy. Hundreds of fine full-page Steel Engraved Portraits. 2 vols., thick 4to, half roan, marble edges. New York, 1895. $6.00 22 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 263 Hamilton, Alex. Works. Com prising his most important official re ports and improved edition of " The Federalist " and " Pacificus " on the Proclamation of Neutrality Written in J 793- Portraits. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1810. $3-5o 264 Hamilton, Alex. Life and Epoch of. By George Shea. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 471. Boston, 1880. $2.00 265 Hamilton, Alex. A Historical Study. By Hon. George Shea. 8vo, paper, pp. 73. New York, 1877. .50 266 Hamilton, James A. Reminis- ences of; or, Men and Events at Home and Abroad during Three- quarters of a Century. 8vo, cloth, pp. 647. New York, 1869. $2.00 267 Hamlin, Hannibal. Life and Times of. By his grandson, Charles Eugene Hamlin. Portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 627. Cambridge, 1899. $2.00 Contains a substantial account of the rise and fall of the slave party in Maine, as well as the nation. Gleaned from Hannibal Hamlin s pri vate correspondence of fully 10,000 letters. 268 Hardy, Iza Duffus. Between Two Oceans; or, Sketches of Ameri can Travel. (Quebec and its Envi rons, Niagara Falls, In and Around New York, Californian Sketches, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 355. London, 1884- $1.50 269 Harper, Robert Goodloe. Se lect Works of, consisting of Speeches on Political Subjects, etc. Vol. I. (all published). 8vo, pp. 400. Baltimore, 1814. $1.50 270 Harris, Thaddeus, W. Trea tise on Some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Enlarged edition by Chas. L. Flint, and illustrated under supervision of Prof. Agassiz. Fine colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 640. New York, 1880. $5.00 271 Harrison, Henry W. The Bat tlefields of the Republic, from Lexing ton to the City of Mexico. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 464. Philadel phia, 1857. $1.50 272 (Harrison, Wm. Henry.) Daw- son, Moses. Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Major-General William H. Harrison, with a Detail of His Negotiations and Wars with the Indians until the Final Overthrow of the Celebrated Chief Tecumseh. 8vo, calf (name on title), pp. 472. Cincinnati, 1824. $10.00 273 Harrison, Wm. Henry. Life and Times of. By S. J. Burr. Por trait, i6mo, cloth, pp. 304. New York, 1840. $1.00 274 Harrison, William Henry. Sketches of the Civil and Military Services of, by Chas. S. Todd and Benjamin Drake. i6mo, half calf, pp. 1 68. Cincinnati, 1840. $4.00 Scarce. Contains a number of original letters and documents heretofore not published, and embraces a variety of matter on the history of the West independent of its immediate relation to General Harrison. 275 Harrison, Wm. Henry. Mem oir of the Public Service of. By James Hall. Fine portrait. i6mo, cloth, pp. 323. Philadelphia, 1836. $1.50 276 Harrison, Wm. Henry. The Life of. The People s Presidential Candidate. i6mo, cloth, pp. 211. Boston, 1839. $1.00 277 Henry, Joseph. A Memorial of (Head of the Smithsonian Institu tion). Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 528. Washington, 1880. $1.25 278 Henry, Patrick. Sketches of the Life and Character of. By Wil liam Wirt. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 463. New York, 1833. $1.50 279 Hickey, W. The Constitution of the United States, with the Decla ration of Independence, the Promi nent Political Acts of George Wash ington, Chronological Narrative of the Several States. With an account of the state papers and other sources BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. of political and statistical information at the seat of government. I2mo, cloth, pp. 521. Philadelphia, 1851. $1.25 Contains a full-length mezzotint portrait of Washington, by Sartain. 280 Hildreth, Richard. History of the United States. Both series com plete. Original large-type library edi tion. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849. $7.50 281 Hillhouse, James A. Dramas, Discourses, and Other Pieces. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1839. $2.00 282 Hinton, John Howard. The History and Topography of the United States. Illustrated with a se ries of views engraved and drawn ex pressly for this work. Maps, por traits, etc. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1830. $5-OO This is the edition containing the beautiful series of plates, eight of which are views of buildings and places of interest in New York City. 283 (Holland, George.) The Hol land Memorial. Sketch of the Life of George Holland, the Veteran Come dian, with Dramatic Reminiscences, Anecdotes, etc. (Old Bowery The ater, Daly s Theater.) Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1871. $3-50 Scarce. Only 250 copies printed. 284 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ora tion before the City Authorities of Boston, July 4, 1863. 8vo, pp. 60. Boston, 1863. $1.50 First edition. 285 Homes of American Authors, comprising Anecdotical, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches of Various Writers. Steel engravings of their residences. 8vo, cloth, pp. 366. New York, 1853. $2.00 286 Hopkins, Livingston. A Comic History of the United States. Illus trated by the author. i6mo, cloth, pp. 223. New York, 1880. $1.25 287 (Hough, Franklin B.) Procla mations for Thanksgiving issued by the Continental Congress, President Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and of the Governors of New York since the introduction of the Custom; with those of the Several States in 1858, with an Historical In troduction and Notes. 8vo, half boards, pp. 183. Albany, 1858. $2.00 Only a limited number issued. 288 Howland, Edward. Annals of North America, being a concise ac count of important events, 1491-1877, chronologically arranged with an in dex. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep, pp. 810. Hartford, 1887. $1.50 289 Howland, John. The Life and Recollections of. By Edwin M. Stone. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 348. Providence, 1857. $2.50 The author was born in 1757, and was Presi dent of the Rhode Island Historical Society. He gives interesting accounts of early Provi dence, etc. 290 Hull, Capt. Isaac. Minutes and Proceedings of the Court of In quiry into the Official Conduct of Capt. Isaac Hull as Commandant of the Navy Yard at Charlestown, Mass. 8vo, half calf, pp. 308. Washington, 1822. $2.50 291 Hunt, Freeman. Lives of American Merchants. (Stephen Gi- rard, Samuel Ward, Joseph Peabody, Jacob Lorillard, John Jacob Astor, James Brown, etc.) With steel por traits. 2 vols., thick 8vo, sheep, mar ble edges. New York, 1858. $2.50 292 Ingersoll, L. D. History of the War Department of the United States, with Biographical Sketches of the Secretaries. 8vo, cloth, pp. 613. Washington, 1880. $1.25 293 Irelan, John Robert. The Re public; or, A History of the United States of America in the Administra tions from the Monarchic Colonial Days to the Present Time (Washing- FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. ton to Franklin Pierce). 14 vols., 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1886-88. $12.00 On the title-page of the fourteenth volume appears "In 18 vols." The above set is com plete from Washington to Pierce, and priced very low. 294 (Iron Trade.) The Iron and Steel Works of the United States, em bracing Blast Furnaces, Rolling Mills, etc., in every State and Territory. 8vo, cloth, pp. 202. Philadelphia, 1884. .75 295 Irving, Washington. Spanish Papers and Other Miscellanies, hith erto Unpublished or Uncollected. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1867. $2.00 The " National Edition " often missing from sets. 296 Irving, Washington. The Life and Letters of. By Pierre M. Irving. Portraits. 4 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1863. $4.00 297 (Jackson, Andrew.) Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson (with bibliography of publications contain ing information respecting Andrew Jackson). Portrait. 3 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860. $4.50 298 Jackson, Andrew. Biography of. By Philo A. Goodwin. Portrait. I2mo, sheep, pp. 456. New York, 1833. $1.50 299 (Jackson.) The Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. A Tribute Commemorative of the Great Civil Victory by the People through the Hero of New Orleans. By Rob ert Walsh. Portrait, plate of battle, etc. 8vo, boards, pp. 88. Philadel phia, 1829. $1.25 300 Jaeger, B. The Life of North American Insects. Numerous illus trations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 319. New York, 1859. $1.00 301 Janson, Chas. Wm. The Stran ger in America: Observations Made During a Long Residence in that Country on the Genius, Manners, and Customs of the People of the United States. 12 full-page tinted illustra tions, including High-street, Death of Washington, Boston, View of Hell Gate, Philadelphia, etc. 4to, newly bound in full polished calf, yellow edges, pp. 500. London, 1807. $15.00 302 Jay, John C. Catalogue of Shells, arranged according to the La- marckian System. 4th edition. 4to, cloth, pp. 460. New York, 1850. $2.50 With "A. L. S., from the Author." 303 Jefferson, Thomas. The Writ ings of, published from the Original Manuscripts. With Notes, etc., by H. A. Washington. 9 vols., 8vo, half calf. New York, 1859. $20.00 304 Jefferson, Thomas. Memoirs of, containing a Concise History of those (United) States, with a view of the Rise and Progress of French In fluence and French Principle in that Country. By Stephen C. Carpenter. 2 vols. in i. Thick 8vo, half morocco, n. p. (printed for the Purchasers), 1809. $7-50 No name of author or publisher appears on the title-pages of this rare work ; in fact, the work was never published. Only about 20 sets were bound when the printer became alarmed, in view of the stringency of law of libel, and one copy was sent to their legal adviser, Mr. S. M. Hopkins of Auburn, N. Y. He read some twenty or thirty pages here and there, and in formed the printers "he found on the average a libel to every page." The edition was at once destroyed. 305 Jefferson and the American Democracy. An historical study by Cornells De Witt. Translated by R. S. H. Church. 8vo, cloth, pp. 448. London, 1862. $1.75 306 Jefferson, Thos. Life of. By Thomas Parton. Portrait. 8vo ; cloth, pp. 764. Boston, 1874. $1.50 307 (Jefferson, Thomas.) Sketches of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of. By B. L. Raynor. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 556. New York, 1832. $1.50 308 (Jefferson, Thos.) Schouler, Jas. Thomas Jefferson. ("Makers BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. of America Series.") Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 252. New York, 1893. .50 309 Jennings, Louis J. Eighty Years of Republican Government in the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 288. London, 1868. $1.25 310 Jerome, Chauncey. History of the American Clock Business for the Past Sixty Years, and Life of Chaun cey Jerome, written by Himself. (Barnum s connection with the Yan kee Clock Business.) Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 144. New Haven, 1860. $1.00 Scarce. 311 Jobson, Fred k J. America, and American Methodism. Illus trated. I2mo, half bound, pp. 399. New York, 1857. .75 312 Johnson, S. M. Free Govern ment in England and America, Bill of Rights, Federal Constitution, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 576. New York, 1864. .75 313 Johnston, J. F. W. Notes on North America; Agricultural, Eco nomical, and Social. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1851. $1.25 Largely Canadian. 314 Jones, Andrew A. Digest, be ing a particular account of the duties performed by the officers belonging to the Customs House Departments of the U. S. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1835- $1.25 Author was chief clerk in the Surveyor s office. 315 Jones, J. B. Wild Southern Scenes: A Tale of Disunion and Bor der War. i2mo, cloth, pp. 502. Philadelphia, 1859. $1.50 316 Jordan, David S., and Ever- mann, Barton W. The Fishes of North and Middle America. 3 vols., 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 3131. Wash ington, 1896. $3.00 317 Kemble, Frances Anne. Poems, Photograph of Author. I2mo, half calf, gilt top, pp. 312. Boston, 1859. $1.00 318 Kettell, Samuel. .Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. 3 vols., I2mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1829. $5.00 Fine copy. The earliest collection of Ameri can poetry of any completeness. Volume III. contains the catalogue of American Poetical Books. 319 (Lafayette.) Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette. By M. Jules Cloquet. With engrav ings from the original Paris edition. 8vo, boards, pp. 338. London, 1835. $2.25 320 Lamar, Lucius Q. C. Life, Times, and Speeches, 1825-93. By Edward Mayes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 820. Nashville, 1896. $3.00 321 Lamphere, George N. The United States Government, Its Or ganization and Practical Workings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 297. Philadelphia, 1880. $1.25 322 Lanman, Chas. Dictionary of the United States Congress. A Man ual of Reference. (Sessions of the Continental Congress, Origin of the Names of the States, Delegates to the Continental Congress, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 602. Washington, 1866. $1.00 Useful for reference. 323 Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of, with Account of Some Incidents in His Life. By Wm. R. Lawrence. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 369. Bos ton, 1855. -75 324 Lee, H. Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with Particular Reference to the Attack They Contain on the Memory of the Late Gen. Henry Lee. 2d edition. With introduction and notes by Charles Carter Lee. 8vo, cloth, pp. 262. Philadelphia, 1839. $I5O 325 Legare, Hugh Swinton. Writ ings. (Late Attorney General, and Acting Secretary of State of the United States). Private and Diplo- 26 P. HARPER, NEW YORK. matic Correspondence; Orations and Speeches. With memoir edited by his sister. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, half cloth, rubbed. Charleston, 1846. $5.00 Scarce. 326 Leggett, William. Collection of the Political Writings of. Arranged, etc., by Theo. Sedgwick, Jr. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1840. $1.50 327 Lester, C. Edwards. The Art ists of America. A Series of Bio graphical Sketches of American Art ists. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 257. New York, 1846. $2.00 328 Lincoln, John L. In Memo- riam, 1817-1891. (Including Life and Letters, Life at Brown University, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 641. Boston, 1894. $2.00 329 Linton, W. J. Poetry of Amer ica. Selections from 100 Poets, 1776-1876, with a Review of Colonial Poetry and Specimens of Negro Mel ody. I2mo, cloth, pp. 387. London, 1878. $1.50 330 Livingston, Edward. Life of. (Livingston Manor and the Living stons, Burr and Hamilton Duel, La fayette, New York in 1785, etc.). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 448. New York, 1864. $1.50 331 Livingston, John. Portraits of Eminent Americans Now Living, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Their Lives. 200 Por traits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 833. New York, 1853. $5.00 200 fine steel portraits by the best American engravers of the day. 332 Livingston, John. Biographi cal Sketches of Distinguished Amer icans Now Living. 8vo, cloth, pp. 504. New York, 1853. $1.50 333 Livingston, Wm. A Memoir of the Life of, Member of Congress in 1774, 1775, and 1776, etc. Extracts from His Correspondence, Notices of Members of His Family. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 456. New York, 1833. $1.50 334 Longfellow, H. W. Complete Prose and Poetical Works. The Riv erside Edition. Portrait, n vols., I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1895. $11.00 335 Longfellow, W. H. Outre- Mer; A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. 2 vols., I2mo, original cloth. New York, 1835. $10.00 First edition, with the 31 pages of " Valuable Works published by Harper & Brothers," often missing. 336 Longfellow, Henry Wads- worth. The Courtship of Miles Stan- dish, and Other Poems. I2mo, cloth, pp. 207. First edition. Boston, 1858. $1.50 337 Lowell, J. R. The Biglow Papers. Second Series. First Edi tion. I2mo, cloth, pp. 258. Boston, 1867. $5-00 338 Lowell, James Russell. The Biglow Papers. Second Series, au thorized People s Edition. London, Triibner & Co., 1865. $1.50 First English edition of the second series, also at the end, published by John Camden Hotten, is bound the first series, London, 1865. 339 Lowell, James Russell. Letters of. Edited by Chas. Eliot Norton. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1894. $3.00 340 Lozere, Pelet de la. Pieces de 1 Histoire des Etats-Unis. 8vo, half calf, pp. 551. Paris, 1845. $ I - 2 5 341 Ludewig, Hermann E. Litera ture and American Local History. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1 80. Supplement to same; only 30 copies printed. 8vo, pp. 20. New York, 1846-48. $3-5<> Supplement is very rare. Presentation copy from the author. 342 Ludewig, Hermann E. The Literature of American Local His tory: A Bibliographical Essay. 8vo, cloth, pp. 180. New York, 1846. $2.50 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 344 Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America, 1841-42, with Geo logical Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Plates. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1845. fr-So 345 McClellan, R. G. Republican ism in America. A History of the Colonial and Republican Govern ments of the United States from 1607 to 1869; with Constitutions, Procla mations, Decisions of Courts, etc. 10 fine steel portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 665. Philadelphia, 1872. $2.25 346 Macgregor, John. The Prog ress of America from the Discovery by Columbus to 1846. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1847. $2.50 347 Mackinnon, Capt. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches Afloat and Ashore. (Brooklyn, Baltimore, Capt. Kidd the Pirate, Wild Sports of the Falklands, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1852. $2.50 348 Mackay, Charles. The Found ers of the American Republic (Wash ington, Adams, Jefferson, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 434. London, 1885. $1.50 349 Mackenzie, Robert. The United States of America: A History. I2mo, cloth, pp. 278. London, 1870. $1.25 350 Madison, James. Letters and Other Writings of James Madison, Fourth President of the United States, from 1769 to 1836. With general in dex of 117 pages to the whole. Por trait. 4 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. Phila delphia, 1865. $8.00 The first edition of this set, printed on better paper than the reprint issued some years later. 351 Magazine of American History from the Beginning, January, 1877, to December, 1892, and 4 numbers in 1893. Edited by John Austin Stevens i and Mrs. Mary J. Lamb. Profusely illustrated with maps, portraits, and views. 32 vols., 4to, half morocco. New York, 1877-93. $85.00 Reasonable copy of this standard reference set. 352 Magoon, E. L. Living Orators in America (Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Benton, etc.). Fine lithograph por traits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 462. New York, 1854. $1.25 353 Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memories, with Sketches of Many Noted People from 1803-1843. (Voy age down the Ohio, War of 1812, Cadet Life at West Point, Society in Cincinnati, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 348. Cincinnati, 1879. $ I - 2 5 354 Manship, Andrew. Thirteen Years Experience in the Itinerancy (Philadelphia, First Church in Lan caster, etc.). Extra illustrated with portraits. I2mo, pp. 398. Philadel phia, 1856. $1.50 355 Marjoribanks, Alex. Travels in South and North America. Colored plate of Niagara. 8vo, cloth, pp. 480. London, 1854. $1.50 356 Martineau, Harriet. Retro spect of Western Travel (Hudson, Fort Erie, Niagara, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Col. Burr, etc.). 3 vols., I2mo, boards. London, 1838. $3.00 The best edition of this interesting work. 357 (Masonic.) Ahiman Rezon, abridged and digested as a help to all that are or would be Free and Ac cepted Masons, with a sermon preached in Christ Church, Philadel phia. Published by order of The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, by William Smith. 8vo, old calf, pp. 166. Philadelphia: Hall & Sellers, 1783. $3-50 Rare. Contains the " Mason s Songs." Dedicated to George Washington. 358 Maxwell, Lt.-Col. A. M. A Run through the United States dur ing the Autumn of 1840. Fine por trait of Gen. Scott. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1841. $1.50 359 Medley, Julius G. An Autumn Tour in the United States and Can ada. I2mo, cloth, pp. 180. London, 1873. $1.25 28 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 360 Men of Progress. By James Parton, Bayard Taylor, etc. With numerous fine steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870. $1.50 361 Military Memoirs of Four Brothers, engaged in the Service of Their Country, as well in the New World and Africa. By the Survivor. (West Indies, South America, etc.) Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 275. London, 1829. $1.50 362 Mitford, Mary R. Stories of American Life by American Writers. 3 vols., I2mo, boards, uncut. Lon don, 1830. $3.00 363 (Monroe, James.) Grand Civic and Military Demonstration on Re moval of His Remains from New York to Virginia. I2mo, cloth, pp. 324. New York, 1858. .75 364 Moore, John B. History and Digest of the International Arbitra tions to which the United States Has Been a Party, with Treaties relating to such Arbitrations and Historical and Legal Notes. Many maps. 6 vols., thick 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1898. $15.00 A most thorough and complete historical work. 365 Mori, Arinori. Life and Re sources in America. Prepared for circulation in Japan. Portrait of President Grant. 8vo, cloth, pp. 405. Washington, 1871. $1.25 366 Morris, Gouverneur. Life of, with selections from His Correspond ence and Miscellaneous Papers; de tailing Events in the American Revo lution, the French Revolution, and in the Political History of the United States. By Jared Sparks. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832. $3.50 367 Morse, Jedediah. The Ameri can Gazetteer, with a Particular De scription of the Georgia Western Territory. Fine maps. 8vo, calf. Boston, 1797. $1-25 The edition vrith the curious note regarding Albany, N. Y. 368 National Cyclopaedia of Ameri can Biography. Being the History of the United States as Illustrated in the Lives of the Founders, Builders, and Defenders of the Republic. Ed ited by Distinguished Biographers, selected from each State. Thousands of portraits, views, etc. 6 vols., thick royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1892. $20.00 Published at $10.00 per volume. 369 National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. Conducted by James B. Longacre and James Herring. Large-paper copy. With brilliant impressions of the splendid series of portraits. 4 vols., 4to, full old straight-grain red morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1836-39. $25.00 A genuine large paper copy in fine condition. The binding is an excellent example of early American work. No work has come from the hands of American engravers equal in delicacy and beauty to this splendid series of portraits. 370 Neilson, Peter. Recollections of a Six- Years Residence in the United States. With Original Anec dotes Illustrating the Manners of the Inhabitants. 8vo, half calf, pp. 358. Glasgow, 1830. $1.50 371 Nelson, O. N. History of the Scandinavians, and Successful Scandi navians in the United States. 8vo, cloth, pp. 643. Minneapolis, 1893. $2.50 372 Nelson. Guide to Lake George and Lake Champlain. Map and col ored plates of scenery. i6mo, cloth, pp. 48. London, 1859. $1.50 Scarce. 373 Nicholson, James B. A Man ual of the Art of Bookbinding. Con taining full instructions in the differ ent branches of forwarding, gilding, and finishing; also the art of marbling book-edges and paper; designed for the practical workman, the amateur, and the book collector. Illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 318. Philadelphia, 1856. $1-50 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 2 9 374 Nordhoff, Chas. Politics for Young Americans. I2mo, cloth, pp. 259. New York, 1875. .75 375 Horthend, Wm. D. Speeches and Essays upon Political Subjects from 1860 to 1869. (Personal Liberty Bill, Swampscott Riot Case, etc.) Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 268. Salem, 1869. $1.25 376 Nuttall, Thomas. The Genera of North American Plants, and Cata logue of the Species to the Year 1817. 2 vols., I2mo, boards, uncut. Phila delphia, 1818. $3.50 Rare. 377 Offenbach, Jacques. America and the Americans (the Theaters, Streets, Newspapers, Ladies, Races, etc.; New York, Philadelphia, Al bany, and Niagara). I2mo, cloth, pp. 83. London, n. d. .75 378 Owen, Mary Alicia. Voodoo Tales as Told among the Negroes of the Southwest, collected from original sources. Introduction by Charles Godfrey Leland. 4to, cloth, pp. 310. New York, 1893. $1.00 379 Oxford, Bishop of. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. i6mo, cloth, pp. 462. Lon don, 1846. $1.00 380 Paine, Robt. Treat, Jr. The Works in Prose and Verse, with Notes, to which are prefixed Sketches of His Life, Character, and Writings. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 465. Boston, 1812. $2.50 381 Paine, Robert Troup. Mem oir of. By his parents. Portrait. 4to, full leather, pp. 524. New York (privately printed), 1852. $3.00 382 Paine, Thomas. The Life of. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half old , calf, pp. 347. New York, 1809. ^$2.00 383 Pairpoint, Alfred. Uncle Sam and His Country; or, Sketches of America, 1854-56. I2mo, cloth, pp. 346. London, 1857. $i-5o 384 Paris Exposition of 1878. Re port of the United States Commis sioners, with List of Exhibitors and Awards. Maps and hundreds of il lustrations. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1880. $2.50 Valuable and interesting for reference. 385 Parker, Theodore. Trial of, for the " Misdemeanor " of a Speech in Faneuil Hall against Kidnapping, before the Circuit Court of the United States at Boston, April 3, 1855. With the Defense. 8vo, cloth, pp. 221. New York, 1864. $1.00 386 Parkman, Francis. The Dis covery of the Great West. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1869. $2.50 First edition in the original cloth binding with the extra title-page. 387 Patton, Jacob Harris. Politi cal Parties in the United States, Their History and Influence. (Neutrality, Government and the Governed, Fi nance and Commerce, Second War with England, Tariff, Political Patron age, Evils of Partisanship, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 387. New York, 1896. $1.00 The only work that has appeared since the publication of Van Buren s " History of Politi cal Parties." It brings the subject down to date. 388 Paul, Henry H. Dashes of American Humour. With preface by J. B. Buckstone. With a series of etchings by John Leech. 8vo, orig inal blue cloth, uncut, pp. 248. Lon don, 1852. $3.50 A very scarce series of plates. 389 Peck, Jesse T. History of the Great Republic. With 34 fine steel portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 710. New York, 1869. $1.50 390 People and Preachers in the Methodist Episcopal Church. By a Layman. I2mo, cloth, pp. 314. Philadelphia, 1886. .50 391 Perry, Gov. B. F. Reminis cences of Public Men. Prefaced by a Life of the Author. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 320. Philadelphia, 1883. $1.50 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 392 Peto, S. Morton. Resources and Prospects of America, Ascer tained during a Visit to the States, 1865. Colored plates, including 1 a view of Chicago, 1831. 8vo, cloth, pp. 428. London, 1866. $1.50 Special reference to the future of the South. 393 Peto, S, Morton. Resources and Prospects of America. (Future of the South, Imports and Exports, Trade with Canada, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 404. New York, 1866. $1.00 394 Pitkin, Timothy. A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States, with a brief review of the Trade, Agriculture, and Manufactures of the Colonies, Previous to Their In dependence. With tables. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 454. New York, 1817. $1.00 395 Poe, Edgar A. Conchologist s First Book. First edition. Plates. I2mo, original fancy boards. Phila delphia, 1839. $7-50 396 Poe, Edgar Allan. Life of. By Wm. F. Gill. Portrait and fac similes. I2mo, cloth, pp. 315. New York, 1877. $1.25 Origin of the Family, Early Hardships, varied Experiences in Philadelphia, Career in New York, etc. 397 Poe, E. A. A Defense of. Life, Character, and Dying Declara tion of the Poet. With an official ac count of his death by his attending physician, John J. Morgan. 8vo, paper, pp. 87. Washington, 1885. 75 398 Poles. The Poles in the United States, preceded by the Earli est History of the Slavonians. I2mo, cloth, pp. 196. Philadelphia, 1837. $1.00 399 Polk, Sarah Childress. Memo rials of the Wife of the Eleventh President of the United States. Pre pared by Anson and Fanny Nelson. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 284. New York, 1892. $1.25 400 Poor, John Alfred. Life and Writings of. The First International Railway and the Colonization of New England. Edited by Laura A. Poor. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. New York, 1892. $1.50 401 Porter, William T. The Life of. By Francis Brinley. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 273. New York, 1860. $1.50 Founder of the " Spirit of the Times," prominent in sporting and literary circles in New York City. 402 Prescott, W. H. Historical Works. (Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols. ; Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. ; Philip II., 3 vols.; Conquest of Peru, 2 vols.; Charles V., 3 vols.; Biographical and Critical Miscellanies.) Portraits. 15 vols., 8vo, uniform black cloth. Phila delphia, 1860. $30.00 The best large-type library edition. Scarce. 403 Preston, Robert E. Currency Reform, Sound Money, Free Coinage. A History of the Monetary Legisla tion and Currency System of the U. S., with a speech on our Currency System by Jas. H. Eckels. 8vo, paper, pp. 128. Philadelphia, 1893. 25 404 Priest, Josiah. The Wonders of Nature and Providence Displayed. Compiled from Authentic Sources, both Ancient and Modern: Travels, Adventures, Singular Providences, etc. (Animal Flower of Barbadoes, Prisoner among the Indians, Account of a Negro Sale, Mexican Idol Festi vals, etc.) 8vo, sheep, pp. 600. Al bany: Josiah Priest, 1825. $2.50 405 Price, Sir Rose L. The Two Americas; an Account of Sport and Travel. With Notes on Men and Manners in North and South Amer ica. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 368. London, 1877. $i-75 406 Prince, Mrs. Nancy. A Narra tive of the Life and Travels of. i6mo, cloth, pp. 87. Boston, 1850. $1.00 New Orleans, Key West, etc. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 407 Putnam, George P. American Facts, Notes, and Statistics Relating to the Government, Resources, En gagements, Fine Arts, Manners, Cus toms, etc., of the United States. Map and fine steel portraits. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 292. London, 1845. $1.25 408 Kae, W. Fraser. Columbia and Canada: Notes on the Great Re public and the New Dominion; a sup plement to " Westward by Rail." 8vo, cloth, pp. 316. London, 1877. $2.00 409 Randolph, Edmund. Omitted Chapters of History Disclosed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Ran dolph, Governor of Virginia, etc. By Moncure D. Conway. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 401. New York, 1889. $1.50 410 Randolph, Edmund. A Vindi cation of Mr. Randolph s Resigna tion. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 103. Philadelphia, 1795. $2.50 The original edition of a scarce tract. Mr. Randolph was Secretary of State in 1795, and resigned from that office because suspected by President Washington and his Cabinet of main taining improper relations with France. The " Vindication " was written by himself. 411 Randolph, John. The Life of. By Hugh A. Garland. 2 vols. in I. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857. $1.50 412 Randolph, John. Thomas, F. W. John Randolph of Roanoke, and Other Sketches of Character, includ ing William Wirt. I2mo, cloth, pp. 375. Philadelphia, 1853. $1.25 413 Randolph, John. (Adams, Henry.) Life of. I2mo, cloth, pp. 313. Boston, 1883. .75 "American Statesmen " Series. 414 Randolph, John. Home Remi niscences of. By Powhatan Bouldin. Steel portrait and engraved title. I2mo, cloth, pp. 320. Richmond, 1878. $1.25 415 Randolph, John. Letters of, to a Young Relative; embracing a series of years from early youth to mature manhood. 8vo, cloth, pp. 255. Phila delphia, 1834. $1.50 416 Raymond, John Howard. Life and Letters of. (Rochester, Brook lyn, Vassar College, etc.) Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 744. New York, 1881. $1.00 417 Records of the American Cath olic Historical Society. Vols. I., II., and III., and Parts i and 2 of Vol. IV, 1884-93. 8vo, paper, uncut. Philadelphia, $6.00 418 Redfield, H. V. Homicide North and South. A Comparative View of Crime against the Person in Several Parts of the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 207. Philadelphia, 1880. $1.00 419 Reenielin, Chas. A Critical Review of American Politics. (Amer ican Parties, Press, American Slavery, Paper Money, American Fatalism, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 630. Cincinnati, 1881. $1.50 420 Reminiscences of America in 1869 by Two Englishmen. I2mo, cloth, pp. 332. London, 1870. $1.25 421 Richardson, Abby Sage. The History of Our Country: Discovery, Early Settlers, Heroes, Wars, and Progress as a Nation. Illustrated. 8vo, morocco, pp. 635. Boston, 1879. $2.50 422 Riddell, J. L. A Monograph of the Silver Dollar, Good and Bad. With facsimiles of 425 varieties and 87 half-dollars. 8vo, half morocco. New Orleans, 1845. $3oo 423 Rose, George. The Great Country; or, Impressions of America. 8vo, half calf, pp. 416. London, 1868. $1-75 424 Ross, Alexander. View of All Religions in the World: The Several Church Governments, Discovery of All Known Heresies in All Ages and FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Places. Portraits. Thick i2mo, old calf (loose). London, 1664. $2.50 Pages 94 to 120 relate to the religions of Africa and America. Superstitions of the Americans, Religions of Virginia, Florida, Mexico, Canada, etc. 425 Ross, Theo. A. Odd Fellow ship: Its History and Manual (show ing the progress of the order in every State). Illustrated. 8vo, half roan, pp. 694. New York, 1888. $1.50 426 Rouson, Mrs. Susanna. Mem oirs of. By Elias Nason. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 212. Albany, 1870. $1.00 427 Royal Kalendar; or, Complete and Correct Annual Register for Eng land, Scotland, Ireland, and America for the Year 1780. (Names of the Staff of the Army in America, Hospi tals, Governments in America accord ing to States, etc.) i6mo, full red mo rocco. London, 1780. .75 428 Rumpff, Mrs. Memoirs of Mrs. Rumpff, Daughter of John Jacob Astor, Esq., and the Duchess De Broglie, Daughter of Madame De Stael. By Robert Baird. i6mo, cloth, pp. 157. New York, 1839. $1.00 429 Rusling, James F. Across America; or, The Great West and Pa cific Coast. Map and illustrations. i2mo, cloth, pp. 503. New York, 1875. $1.50 430 Russell, Robert. North Amer ica, Its Agriculture and Climate. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 390. Edin burgh, 1857. $1.50 431 Russell, W. H. Hesperothen: Notes from the West. Record of a Ramble through the United States and Canada. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1882. $1.50 432 Ryle, Thomas. American Lib erty and Government Questioned. I2mo, cloth, pp. 195. London, 1855. $1.25 Showing that a greater amount of liberty ex ists in England than in any other country. 433 Saunders, William. Through the Light Continent; or, The United States. 1877-78. 8vo, cloth, pp. 409. London, 1879. $1.25 434 Scott, Winfield. Headley, J. T. The Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 341. New York, 1852. $1.25 435 Sears, Robert. Pictorial De scription of the United States. (His tory, Cities, Towns, etc., of each State and Territory.) Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, pp. 648. New York, 1855. $2.00 436 Seilhamer, Geo. C. History of the American Theater, 1749-1797, in cluding a List of the Performances of the Early Companies, Full Casts, Summaries of the Parts of All the Actors and Actresses, with Quaint Cards, Advertisements, Criticisms, etc. 3 vols., 4to, handsomely printed and bound in cloth, uncut. $15.00 Separate volumes supplied to com plete sets, at $5.00 each. The only work of any completeness on the American stage of the last century. The author has consulted every authority upon the early drama in America, and has carefully ex amined all the newspaper files down to 1800. The result is an immense amount of new infor mation, historical, personal, and local. Besides a consecutive narrative in large, bold type, not the least valuable is the list of performances, casts of early companies, quaint advertisements and criticisms which is embodied in the form of notes to the main text. 437 Seybert, Adam. Statistical An nals, enbracing Views of the Popula tion, Commerce, Fisheries, Lands, Military and Naval Establishments of the United States, 1789-1818. 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 803. Philadelphia, 1818. $2.50 A very fine copy. 438 Shakers. A Summary View of the Millennial Church, or United So ciety of Believers; comprising Rise, Progress, and General Principles of Their Faith and Testimony. I2mo, calf, pp. 320. Albany, 1823. $2.00 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 33 439 Shakers. Brown, Thos. (of Cornwell, Orange County, New York). An Account of the People Called Shakers, Their Faith, Doc trines, and Practice, and Experience of the Author during the Time He Be longed to the Society. (With their hymns.) I2mo, calf, pp. 372. Troy, 1812. $2.00 Scarce. 440 Shakers. Eads, H. L. Shaker Sermons, containing Substance of Shaker Theology, with Replies and Criticisms. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 222. Shakers, 1879. $1.00 441 Shakers. Ann Lee. The Founder of the Shakers: A Biogra phy. (With Memoirs of William Lee, etc.) By F. W. Evans. I2mo, cloth, pp. 187. London, 1858. $1.00 442 Shaw, John. A Ramble through the United States, Canada, and the West Indies. 8vo, cloth, pp. 370. London, 1856. $1.25 443 Shipley, J. B. and M. A. The English Rediscovery and Coloniza tion of America. I2mo, cloth, pp. 151. London, 1890. $1.00 444 Shipp, Barnard. The Progress of Freedom, and Other Poems. I2mo, cloth, pp. 219. New York, 1852. .75 445 Silliman, Augustus E. A Gal lop among American Scenery; or, Sketches of American Scenes and Military Adventure. 8vo, cloth, pp. 337. New York, 1881. $1.50 446 Skinner, J. E. H. After the Storm; or, Jonathan and His Neigh bours in 1865-1866. (An American Wedding, White Mountains, Cana dian Defenses, Freedom, On to Rich mond, Island of Cuba, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1866. $2.25 447 Smith, Matthew Hale. Suc cessful Folks, and How They Win. Illustrated in the careers of 800 emi nent men. Steel illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 505. Hartford, 1878. $1.25 448 Smith, Wm. Prescott. Book of the Great Railway Celebration of 1857. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 430. New York, 1858. $1.00 449 Smith, Wm. Life and Cor respondence of. (First President Col lege of Philadelphia, Secretary of American Philosophical Society, etc.) By his great grandson. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1879. $3-00 450 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col lections, Vols. I. to XXXIII., except Vols. II., III., VII., XIV., XXVIII., and XXIX.; in all 27 vols. Thick 8vo, paper, uncut. Washington, 1862-88. $40.00 Published at $6.00 a volume, and many out of print. 451 Sparks, Jared. The Library of American Biography. Second series complete. Portraits. 15 vols., I2mo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1864. $15.00 452 Sparks, W. H. Memories of Fifty Years. Containing brief Bio graphical Notices of Distinguished Americans, with scenes and incidents during a life in the Southwest. 8vo, cloth, pp. 489. 1870. $2.00 453 Spillane, Daniel. History of the American Pianoforte: Its Techni cal Development, and the Trade, Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 369. New York, 1890. $1-75 454 Sterne, Simon. Constitutional History and Political Development of the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 322. New York. $1.50 455 Stevens, Henry. Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana; or, A Descriptive Account of My Col lection of Rare Books Relating to America. By Henry Stevens, 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862. $6.00 Printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, regardless of time, it comprises 2934 titles given in full, with the collation and price of each work. The best manual for collectors of this class of books, and now scarce. 34 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 456 Stevens, Henry. Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum, with Catalogue of American Maps, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 700. London, 1866. $4.00 Very useful for reference, as many rare titles are given in full. 457 Stevens, Henry. American Books with Tails to Em. A private pocket list of the incomplete or unfin ished American Publications, Trans actions, Memoirs, Judicial Reports, Law Journals, Legislative Docu ments, and other continuations and works in progress supplied to the British Museum and other libraries. i6mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1873. $1.50 A few copies privately printed. 458 Stimson, A. L. History of the Express Business, including the Ori gin of the Railway System in America and the Relation of Both to the In crease of New Settlements. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 388. New York, 1881. $2.00 - With reminiscences of early mail coaches, wagon business, etc. 459 Stockbridge, John C. The An thony Memorial. A Catalogue of the Harris Collection of American Poetry, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 320. Providence, 1886. $2.50 460 Stockton, Com. Robert F. A Sketch of His Life, His Correspond ence Respecting His Conquest of Cali fornia, His Speeches in the Senate of the United States, and His Political Letters. 8vo, cloth, pp. 341. New York, 1856. $1.50 461 Stone, Wm. L. Tales and Sketches. (Romance of the Border, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1834. $2.00 462 Storrs, Richard S. The Early American Spirit, and the Genesis of It. 8vo, paper, pp. 74. New York, 1875- -35 463 Simmer, Chas. Last Three Speeches of, on Kansas and Freedom. Portrait. I2mo, half morocco. Bos ton, 1856. $1.50 464 Sumner, Wm. G. History of American Currency. I2mo, cloth, pp. 391. New York, 1874. $2.50 465 Swayne, Wager. The Ordi nance of 1787, and the War of 1861. An Address Delivered before the New York Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 90. New York, n. d. $1.50 Presentation copy from the author. 466 Tasistro, Louis Fitzgerald. Random Shots and Southern Breezes, containing Critical Remarks on the Southern States and Southern Insti tutions, with Semi-serious Observa tions on Men and Manners. (Coast of Florida, Steamboats on the Miss issippi, St. Charles Theater, New South, Reconstruction, etc.) I2mo, cloth. New York, 1842. $2.00 The author was an actor and gives interesting details of the early American drama, theaters, etc. 467 Taussig, F. W. The Tariff History of the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 422. New York, 1900. $1.00 468 Thompson, Jos. P. American Comments on European Questions, International and Religious. 8vo, cloth, pp. 341. Boston, 1884. $1.00 469 Thompson, Richard W. Recol lections of the Sixteen Presidents from Washington to Lincoln. Por traits. 2 vols., 8vo. Indianapolis, 1894. $5-oo Edition-de-luxe. 470 Thoreau, Henry D. Excur sions. First edition. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1863. $3oo The Arnold copy brought $8.00. 471 Thornton, Major John. Diary of a Tour through the Northern States of the Union and Canada. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 35 I2mo, tinted paper covers. London, 1850. $1.25 472 Throop, Montgomery H. The Future: A Political Essay. (On the South, Reconstruction, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 343. New York, 1864. $1.50 473 Ticknor, George. Life, Let ters, and Journals of. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1876. $2.50 474 Todd, Col. Chas. S. Memoir of. By G. W. Griffin. 8vo, cloth, pp. 174. Philadelphia, 1873. $1.50 War of 1812, Life in Kentucky, the Harri son Campaign, Texas, etc. 475 Towle, George M. American Society (Town Life, Politics, Hotels, Art, Amusements, Resorts, etc.). 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1870. $1.50 476 Treadwell, Dan l M. A Mono graph on Privately Illustrated Books. A Plea for Bibliomania. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 502. Lincoln Road (pri vately printed, 1892), (Pub. $5.00). $3-50 _ With description of many American collec tions and anecdotes of collectors. 477 Trollope, Anthony. North America. (Apology for the War, Army of the North, New York, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1862. $2.50 478 Trollope, Anthony. North America. 2 vols. in i. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1862. $1.25 479 Trollope, Mrs. Domestic Man ners of the Americans. With the cele brated series of etchings depicting the social customs of the United States. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1832. $5.00 480 Trollope, Mrs. Domestic Man ners of the Americans. Illustrated with etchings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 325. New York, 1832. $2.50 With the scarce series of plates caricaturing the habits and life in the United States. 481 Trollope, Frances. Her Life and Literary Work. By Frances E. Trollope. Portraits. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1895. $2.00 Gives particulars as to the publication, draw ings, etc., of " Domestic Manners of the Ameri cans." 482 Trollopead, The; or, Traveling Gentlemen in America. A satire. By Nil Admirari. I2mo, cloth, pp. 151. New York, 1837. $1.00 Dedicated to Mrs. Trollope, a satire on her " America and the Americans." 483 Trimble, Alfred. In Jail with Charles Dickens. With Interesting Description of Newgate Without, Newgate Within, Fleet Prison, Mar- shalsea, King s Bench, New York Tombs, and Philadelphia Bastile. Folding plate of the Burning of Old Newgate, together with views of New York Tombs, and Philadelphia Bas tile, specially drawn for this work from photographs. i2mo, ornamental cloth. $1.25 484 Tryon, Geo. W., Jr. List of American Writers on Recent Con- chology, with Titles and Dates of Publication. 8vo, paper, pp. 68. New York, 1861. $1.50 A rare bibliography of American Conchology. 485 Tuckerman, Henry T. Memo rial of Horatio Greenough. First edi tion. i2mo, cloth, pp. 245. New York, 1853. $1.00 486 Turnbull, J. M. E. and M. American Photographs, with curious lithographic plates drawn and litho graphed by the Author. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1859. $3.00 A good copy of an unusual book. 487 Tyson, Elisha. Life of. (Gen ealogy of Mr. Tyson, Slavery in Mary land, Indians at Fort Wayne, etc.) By a Citizen of Baltimore. Engraved portrait. i6mo, boards, pp. 142. Baltimore, 1825. $1.50 488 Uncle Sam s Peculiarities. (A New York Boarding House, Aristo cratic Dinner Party in New York, FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. An Election in the " City of Broth erly Love," American Niggers, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850. $2.00 489 United States of North Amer ica as They Are. 8vo, boards, pp. 242. London, 1828. $1.25 Social, public, and political affairs. 490 Van Buren, Martin. The Life of, Heir Apparent to the " Govern ment " and the Appointed Successor to Andrew Jackson; with a Concise History of the Events Which Have Occasioned His Unparalleled Eleva tion. By David Crockett. I2mo, cloth, pp. 209. Philadelphia, 1837. $1.50 491 Van Buren, Martin. The Life and Political Opinions of. By Wil liam M. Holland. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 373. Hartford, 1836. $1.25 492 Van Oss, S. F. American Rail roads as Investments. A Handbook for Investors in American Railroad Securities. Colored maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 824. New York, 1893. $1.50 493 Verren, Rev. Antoine. The Huguenots in This Country; in Pine, Franklin, and West 22d Streets, be tween Fifth and Sixth Avenues; or, A Discourse Delivered on the Occa sion of Laying the Cornerstone of Their New Temple, Finishing in the Last-named Locality. Translated from the French by Rev. William Morris. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. New York, 1862. $2.00 494 Vigne, Godfrey T. Six Months in America. Travels through the Principal Cities of the United States. Plates by Engleheart. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1832. $2.50 495 Voice (A) to America; or, the Model Republic, Its Glory or Its Fall, applied to the Present Crisis in the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 404. New York, 1855. .75 496 Von Raumer, Fred k. Amer ica and the American People. 8vo, cloth, pp. 512. New York, 1846. $1.25 497 Wakeley, J. B. Lost Chapters Recovered, upon the Early History of American Methodism. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 594. New York, 1858. $1.50 498 Wandering Philanthropist; or, Letters from a Chinese Written dur ing His Residence in the United States. Discovered and edited by George Fowler of Virginia. I2mo, boards, pp. 300. Philadelphia, 1810. $1.50 Foxed. 499 (Ward, Durbin.) Life, Speeches, and Orations of Durbin Ward of Ohio. (Sherman s March to the Sea, Grant and Greeley, American Coinage and Currency, Who Fought the War? etc.) Compiled by his wife. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 601. Colum bus, 1888. $1.00 500 Warden, D. B. Statistical, Po litical, and Historical Account of the United States, from the Period of Their First Colonization to the Pres ent Day. Maps. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1819. $3oo 501 Waring, Geo. E., Jr. A Farm er s Vacation. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 251. Boston, 1876. $2.50 502 Waylen, E. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. (Newport, Narragansett Bay, Long Island Sound, Hudson, Detroit, etc.) Plates. 8vo. London, 1846. $1.50 Pages 68 to 108 relate to the Salem Witch craft Delusion, with hi>torical footnotes. 503 Webster, Daniel. Reminis cences and Anecdotes of. By Peter Harvey. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 480. Boston, 1890. $1.50 504 Webster, Noah. An American Dictionary of the English Language. Portrait. 2 vols., large 4to, full old calf, neat. New York, 1828. $5.00 Fine copy, first edition, scarce. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. 37 505 Weld, Isaac. Travels through the States of North America and Up per and Lower Canada, 1795-97. Fine old copper-plate views of Niag ara, Mount Vernon, Natural Bridge, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 4800. $6.00 506 Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. First edition. Portrait. I2mo, calf, pp. 128. London, 1773. $6.00 By the negro servant of Mr. John Wheatley of Boston. She was a native of Africa, and was bought in the Boston market at the age of eight. She became quite a pet of the family, and visited England with them, where her poems were pub lished and attracted much attention. 507 Wheeler, Geo. M. Report upon the Third International Geo graphical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1881. Maps. 4to, cloth, pp. 586. Washington, 1885. $2.50 Uniform with the government surveys which it is intended to supplement. 508 White, John. Sketches from America, Canada, and a Picnic to the Rocky Mountains. 8vo, cloth, pp. 373. London, 1870. $1.50 509 White, Wm. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 2d and best edition. 8vo, cloth, pp. 393. Philadelphia, 1836. $2.50 510 Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 384+120. Washington, 1872. $4.50 511 Whitman, Walt. Drum Taps, ist edition. I2mo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1865. $4.00 512 (Whitman.) " Walt Whitman, the Man," by Thomas Donaldson. Illustrated by portraits and facsimiles of rare documents, letters, and manu scripts. Elegantly printed on fine deckel-edge book paper, and taste fully bound in cloth, gilt, gilt top. Post 8vo, pp. 300. $1-75 A mort readable volume of personal reminis cences it would be hard to produce. Mr. Donaldson was Mr. Whitman s friend for thirty years, and for the last twenty years of the latter s life was in the closest and most constant inti macy with him. 513 Whitney, Thos. R. A Defense of the American Policy, as Opposed to the Encroachments of Foreign In fluence into the Affairs of the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 369. New York. .75 514 Why the Solid South; or, Re construction and Its Results. I2mo, cloth, pp. 452. Baltimore, 1890. .75 516 Williams, Stephen W. Ameri can Medical Biography; or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 664. Greenfield, 1845. $3.00 Scarce. Embracing principally those who have died since the publication of Dr. Thacher s work on this subject. 517 Winsor, Justin. Narrative and Critical History of America. Pro fusely and intelligently illustrated with facsimiles of rare maps, engrav ings, portraits, autograph documents, broadsides, and early books. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston," 1889. $30.00 Each subject or period of our country s his tory is carefully treated by a specialist and the whole carefully edited by Dr. Winsor, whose bibliographical and general notes are most ex haustive. Bindings on Vol. I and II worn. 518 Winterbotham, W. Historical, Geographical, and Commercial View of the American United States and European Settlements in America and the West Indies. Maps and fine por traits of Washington, Franklin, and Penn. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. London, J795- $5.00 519 Wise, Henry A. Seven Dec ades of the Union, illustrated by a Memoir of John Tyler and Reminis cences of Some of His Great Contem poraries. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 320. Philadelphia, 1881. .75 520 Woodbury, Levi. Writings: Political, Judicial, and Literary. (Tariff of 1842 and 1844. Re-annexa tion of Texas, War of 1812, Pilgrim Fathers, Traits of American Char- FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. acter, Martial Law in Rhode Island, etc.) Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852. $5.00 521 Worcester, J. E. Sketches of the Earth and Its Inhabitants. With 100 engravings (American): Views of City Hall, New York; Washington Monument; Niagara Scenery, etc., of all the World. 2 vols., I2mo, half calf. Boston, 1823. $2.00 Fine, clean copy. 522 Wright, Carroll D. The In dustrial Evolution of the United States. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 362. New York, 1895. $1.00 523 Wright, J. The American Ne gotiator; or, The Various Currencies of the British Colonies in America, Canada, New England, New York, East Jersey, Virginia, etc. 8vo, calf, pp. 464. London, 1761. $3-OO FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 524 De Costa, B. F.. Notes on the History of Fort George, with Contemporaneous Documents. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 78. New York, 1871. $1.00 526 (Franklin, Benj.) The Inter est of Great Britain Considered with Regard to Her Colonies, and the Ac quisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. London. Printed (Boston, N. E., Reprinted and Sold by B. Mecom, 1760.) $5oo Sabin says this volume is by Benjamin Frank lin, " in fact, published by him when residing in London ; as agent for Pennsylvania." The publisher of this Boston Edition (B. Macom) was Franklin s nephew. 527 Lambing, A. A. Register of Fort Duquesne. Translated from the French. Folio, paper, pp. 97. Pitts- burg, 1885. $1.50 528 Loudoun Orderly Book. Gen eral Orders of 1757 issued by Earl of Loud oun and Phineas Lyman in the Campaign against the French. Ed ited by Worthington C. Ford. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 144. New York, 1899. $4-00 A limited edition of 250 copies printed for Wm. Seward Webb at the Gillise Press. 529 Louisbourg in 1745. The Anonymous Lettre d un Habitant ^de Louisbourg; containing a narrative by an eyewitness of the siege in 1745. Edited, with an English translation, by George M. Wrong, M. A. Pro fessor of History in the University of Toronto. 4to, cloth, pp. 74. New York, 1897. $1.50 Edition limited to 100 copies for the United States. 530 Lucas, Fred. W. Appendiculae Historical ; or, Shreds of History, Hung on a Horn. (Discovery of America to the End of the i6th Cen tury; Native Races and the Fur Trade; Campaign of 1755; Montcalm at Oswego, Niagara, Ticonderogu, and Quebec, 1759; Pre-Columbian Voyages, etc.) 10 maps and plans, including Chart of New York (col ored), Survey of Montreal, Plans of the Siege of Quebec, etc. 4to, cloth, pp. 216. London (printed for the Author), 1896. $3.50 531 Observations on a Late State of the Nation. 2d edition. 8vo, old calf, pp. 107. London, 1769. $1.50 By Ed. Burke ; French and Indian War, etc. 532 Sargent, Winthrop. History of an Expedition against Fort du Quesne in 1755 under General Brad- dock. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 423. Philadelphia, 1856. $3.00 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 39 533 The History of the Reign of George III. to the end of May, 1770. To which is prefixed a Review of the Late War. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 403. London (printed for the Au thor), 1770. $3.00 534 Van Kensselaer, Cortlandt. Historical Discourse on the Centen nial Celebration of the Battle of Lake George, 1755. With notes and a map. 8vo, paper, pp. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. $1.00 535 Wolfe, General James. -The Life of. Founded on original docu ments, and illustrated by his corre spondence, including unpublished let ters and family papers. By Robert Wright. Plates. New half calf, gilt, gilt top. London, 1864. $5.00 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. (Washingtoniana, Biographies of Officers, English and American Histories, etc.) 536 Address to Protestant Dis senters on the Approaching Election, with Respect to Public Liberty, and of American Affairs in Particular. 8vo, half roan, pp. 16. London, 1774. $1.50 537 Advice to the Officers of the British Army, with the Addition of Some Hints to the Drummer and Private Soldier. Plate. 8vo, half calf, pp. 134. London, 1783. $2.00 A facsimile reprint, with introduction and notes published by the Agathynian Club in 1867. No. 52 of 1 20 copies printed. 538 Americans against Liberty; or, An Essay on the Nature and Princi ples of True Freedom, Showing that the Designs and Conduct of the Americans Tend only to Tyranny and Slavery. 8vo, half bound. London, 1775- $i-5<> 539 (Andr6.) Proceedings of a Board of General Officers Held by Order of Gen. Washington, Respect ing Major John Andre. Facsimile of rare full-length portrait of Andre. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1780 (re print). $3.50 A few copies reprinted from the very rare original. 540 Andre and Arnold. Breck, Joseph. West Point; or, A Tale of Treason. An Historical Drama. 8vo, paper, pp. 22. Baltimore, 1840. $3.00 Very rare. Among the characters are Andre, Arnold, Clinton, Talmadge, Paulding, Van Wart, etc. 541 Bacon, Delia. The Bride of Fort Edward. An Historical Play Founded on an Incident of the Amer ican Revolution. i2mo, cloth, pp. 174. New York, 1839. $2.50 A rare volume. 542 Barnum, H. L. The Spy Un masked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of " The Spy," by Mr. Cooper. 2 vols., I2mo, new half morocco, gilt tops. London, 1829. $5.00 543 Beach, All. C. The Centennial Celebrations of the Battles and Cam paigns of the Revolution, State of New York. (Kingston, Bemis Heights, Old Fort at Schoharie, Cherry Valley, etc.) Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 459. Albany, 1879. $i-So 544 Bloodgood, S. De Witt. The Sexagenary; or, Reminiscences of the American Revolution (mostly on the Northern Border). Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 234. Albany, 1866. $1.75 545 Boston Massacre. Dawes, Thomas. An Oration Delivered FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. March 5, 1781, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 23. Boston, 1781. $7.50 Foxed. 546 Boston Massacre. Hichborn, Benjamin. An Oration Delivered March 5, 1777, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 18. Boston, 1777. $10.00 A very rare oration. 547 Boston Massacre. A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, March 5, 1770, by Soldiers of the 29th Regiment. Plate. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1770 (reprinted, New York, 1849. $ l -S 548 Boston Tea Party. A Retro- rct of, with a Memoir of George T. Hewes, a Survivor. By a Citi zen of New York. Portrait. I2mo, boards, pp. 210. New York, 1834. $2.00 549 Botta, Chas. History of the War of Independence in the United States of America. Translated by Geo. A. Otis. Maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. New Haven, 1842. $2.50 Fine clean copy. 550 Bondinot, Elias. Journal; or, Historical Recollections of American Events during the Revolutionary War. Printed from his original manuscript. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 97. Philadelphia, 1894. $2.00 551 Breed, W. P. Presbyterians and the Revolution. (The Mecklen burg Declaration, Westmoreland County Resolutions, Organization of the Confederacy, Zeal and Suffering, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 205. Philadel phia, 1876. $1.00 552 (Bunker Hill.) A Full and Correct Account of the Battle of Bun ker Hill. 8vo, paper, pp. 8. Boston, June 17, 1825. $1.50 A rare account of the battle, printed on the fiftieth anniversary. 553 (Bunker Hill.) A Memorial of the American Patriots Who Fell June 17, 1775, with Account of the Dedication of the Memorial Tablets, etc., 1889. With illustrations, ap pendixes, etc. Royal 8vo, half mo rocco, gilt. Bostor;, 1889. $ 2 -50 554 (Bunker Hill.) A Collection of the Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, 1861-74, in cluding Historical Addresses, Docu ments, etc. 8vo, half morocco. Plates. Cambridge, 1874. $1.50 555 (Bunker Hill.) Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Battle, with an Appendix Containing a Survey of the Literature of the Bat tle. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half mo rocco, pp. 174. Boston, 1875. $1.50 556 (Bunker Hill.) Willard, S. Plans and Sections of the Obelisk on Bunker s Hill. Folding plates, plans, etc. 4to, boards. Boston, 1843. $2.00 557 Bunker Hill Monument. A Panoramic View from. Engraved by James Smillie from a drawing by R. P. Mallory. With notes. 4to, boards, thin. Boston, 1848. $1.25 558 Burgoyne, Gen. A State of the Expedition from Canada, with a Col lection of Authentic Documents and Circumstances Collected by Himself. Fine folding military plans and maps. 8vo, half calf, gilt, pp. 300. London, 1780. $10.00 559 Burke, William. Memoir of. A Soldier of the Revolution. i6mo, boards, pp. 126. Hartford, 1837. $2.00 560 Chalmers, George. An Intro duction to the History of the Revolt in the American Colonies, being a Comprehensive View of Its Origin derived from State Papers of Great Britain. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1845. $4.50 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 561 Chotteau, Leon. La Guerre de 1 Independance (1775-83) en Ame- rique, avec une preface par M. E. La- boulaye. I2mo, half roan, pp. 438. Paris, 1876. $1.50 562 Coffin, Charles. The Lives and (Revolutionary) Services of Maj.-Gen. John Thomas, Col. Thomas Knowl- ton, Col. Alex. Scammell and Maj.- Gen. Henry Dearborn. I2mo, cloth, pp. 222. New York, 1845. $7-5 Very scarce. 563 (Connecticut.) The Spirit of Seventy-Six. (Published by the Women s Branch of the Connecticut Centennial Association, and devoted to Revolutionary and Centennial sub jects.) Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 144. 1875. $1.50 564 Considerations on the Measures Carrying on with Respect to the Brit ish Colonies in North America. By Matthew Robinson. I2mo, half roan. London Printed (Boston reprinted and sold by Edes & Gill, 1774). $3-50 The " Monthly Review" says, "One of the most candid and best informed of any of the late writers on the interest of Great Britain and her colonies." 565 (Cowpens.) Proceedings at the Unveiling of the Monument at Spar- tanburg, S. C., in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Battle of Cow- pens. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 137. 1896. $1.00 566 Dawson, Henry B. The As sault on Stony Point by Gen. An thony Wayne, July 16, 1779. With facsimiles and illustrative notes. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 156. Morrisania, 1863. $3-50 Only 250 copies printed. "Gleanings from the Harvest-field of American History," Part XI. 567 (De Grasse.) The Operations of the French Fleet under the Count de Grasse, 1781-82, as Described in Two Contemporary Journals. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 216. New York: Bradford Club, 1864. $10.00 Extra illustrated with 10 fine old plates. Portraits, views of the fleet, De Grasse delivering his sword to Admiral Rodney, etc. 568 Dialogue between the Ghost of Gen. Montgomery and an American Delegate. 8vo, paper. New York, 1865. $2.00 No. 42 of 100 copies privately reprinted from the very rare original. Printed at the Bradstreet Press. 569 Duche, Jacob. The Duty of Standing Fast on Our Liberties: A Sermon at Christ s Church before the First Battalion of the City of Phila delphia. 8vo, half bound, pp. 23. London, 1775. $1.50 570 Ellet, Mrs. Domestic History of the American Revolution. I2mo, cloth, pp. 308. New York, 1850. $1.25 571 Elliott, Capt. Barnard. Diary of, October 10, 1775, to March 19, 1778. (Revolutionary Services in Charleston, the South, etc.) 8vo, cloth, p. 1 10. Supplement to Charles ton Year-Book, 1889. $1.50 572 Evelyn, Capt. W. Granville. Memoirs and Letters of the 4th Regiment " King s Own "), from North America, 1774-76. Edited and annotated by G. D. Scull. 8 rare por traits, including Gen. Chas. Lee, Brig.-Gen. R. Prescott, The Hon. Mrs. Boscawen, etc. 4to, original cloth, uncut. Pp. 140. Oxford (printed for private circulation), 1879. $5.00 ] Very scarce. Number 95 of 250 copies printed. Presentation copy from the Editor. 573 Field, Thos. W. The Battle of Long Island, with Connected Preced ing Events. Narrative and Authentic Documents. Maps and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 545. Brooklyn (L. I.) His torical Society, 1869. " $3.00 574 Fox, Charles J. Memorials and Correspondence of. Edited by Lord John Russell. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1853. $10.00 Abounds with the inside political history of the English during the American Revolution. 575 Fox, Ebenezer. The Adven tures of, in the Revolutionary War. FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Portrait and curious illustrations. Small I2mo, cloth, pp. 240. Boston, 1838. $1.50 576 Gardner, Asa Bird. The Uni forms of the American Army, with valuable MSS. Notes. By Wm. Kelby. 4to, paper. $2.00 577 Gibbes, R. W. Documentary History of the American Revolution, 1764-76. 8vo, cloth, pp. 292. New York, 1855. $2.00 578 Goodrich, Chas. A. Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In dependence. Plate and fine portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 460. New York, 1829. $2.50 579 Green, Samuel A. Groton dur ing the Revolution, with complete Military Rolls and Appendix (relating to Groton in the Civil War). 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 342. Groton, 1900. $4-50 200 copies privately printed by Dr. Green. 580 Griswold, R. W. The Repub lican Court; or, American Society in the Days of Washington. 25 fine steel portraits, including Mrs. Wash ington, Madison, Jay, Beekman, Otis, Charles Carroll, etc. 4to, full mo rocco. New York, 1856. $5oo 581 Habersham, Major John (Con tinental Army). Biographical Sketch of. By Chas. C. Jones. Portrait. 8vo, paper. Privately printed, 1886. $1.00 Scarce. Presentation copy to F. D. Stowe. 582 Harris, Gen. Lord. The Life and Services of, during His Campaign in America, West Indies, etc. By S. R. Lushington. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 549. London, 1840. $2.00 583 Hall, Henry. Year-Book of the Societies Composed of Descend ants of the Men of the Revolution, for 1890. (History of the Society of the Cincinnati, Dates of Prominent Events in the Revolution, etc.) Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 381. New York, 1891. $1.50 584 Hartley, David. Letters on the American War, Addressed to the Mayor, etc., of the Town of Kingston- upon-Hull. 4to, boards, pp. 93. London, 1778. $3-5o In this copy each letter has the autograph signature of the author. 585 Hartley, David. An Address to the Committee of Association of the County of York on the State of Public Affairs (and of the War in America), January 3, 1781. 4to, un bound. $2.00 Rare. By the author of Letters on the American War." 586 Headley, J. T. The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. I2mo, cloth, pp. 402. New York, 1864. $1.25 587 Heitman, F. B. Historical Register of Officers of the Conti nental Army during the War of the Revolution, April, 1775, to December, 1783. (More than 12,000 names.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 534. Washington, 1893. $5-oo This valuable work also contains list of French officers who served with the American army, and list of battles, actions, etc. 588 Hiltzheimer, Jacob. Extracts from the Diary of Jacob Hiltzheimer of Philadelphia, 1765-98. Edited by Jacob C. Parsons, 4to, cloth, pp. 271. Philadelphia, 1893. $3oo A soldier in the French and Indian wars and the Revolution. Early life in Philadelphia. 589 How, David. Diary of, a pri vate in Col. Paul Dudley Sargent s Regiment of the Massachusetts Line in American Revolution; with a Bio graphical Sketch of the Author by Geo. Wingate Chase, and illustrative Notes by Henry B. Dawson. 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 51. Morrisania, 1865. $3-00 No. 55 of an edition of 250 copies. 590 Hunter, James. Life and Times of (" General " of the Regulars at Guilford Battleground), and ad dress by Jos. M. Morehead. 8vo, paper, pp. 73. Greensboro, N. C., 1898. 75 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 43 591 Hull, Gen. William. Revolu tionary Services and Civil Life, com piled by his daughter, Mrs. Maria Campbell. Also, a History of the Campaign of 1812 and Surrender of the Post of Detroit. By his grandson, James Freeman Clarke. 8vo, cloth, pp. 482. New York, 1848. $3.00 592 Hunt, Gaillard. Fragments of Revolutionary History, being Hith erto Unpublished Writings of the Men of the American Revolution. 4to, half calf, pp. 184. Brooklyn, 1892. $3.00 593 Jay> John. The Peace Nego tiations of 1782 and 1783. An address delivered before the New York His torical Society. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 239. New York, 1884. $1.00 594 Johnston, Henry P. The Storming of Stony Point, July 15, 1779. Its Importance in the Light of Unpublished Documents. Maps and portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 231. New York, 1900. $1.50 595 Johnston, Henry P. Yale and Her Honor-Roll in the American Revolution, 1775-83. With original letters, records, documents, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 357. New York (privately printed), 1888. $3-5o 596 Jones, Alex. The Cymry of 76; or, Welshmen and Their De scendants of the American Revolu tion. 8vo, cloth, pp. 132. New York, 1855. $1.50 597 Jones, Charles H. History of the Campaign for the Conquest ot Canada in 1776, from the Death of Montgomery to the Defeat of the British Army under Sir Guy Carle- ton. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 234. Philadelphia, 1882. $1.50 598 Kalb, John. The Life of (Major-General in the Revolution). By Frederick Kapp. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 320. New York (privately printed), 1870. $2.00 599 Knowlton, Col. Thos. W. Ceremonies at Unveiling of His Statue. (The Companion Statue to Nathan Hale, Genealogy of Knowl ton Family, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 53. Hartford, 1875. .75 600 Lamb, Gen. John. Memoir of the Life and Times of (an officer of the Revolution who commanded the post at West Point at the time of Ar nold s defection, with correspondence with Washington, etc.). By Isaac Q. Leake. Portrait and maps. 8vo, sheep, pp. 431. Albany, 1850. $2.00 601 Lee, Maj.-Gen. Charles. Mem oirs of Second in Command in the Services of the U. S. A. during the Revolution, with his Letters, etc. I2mo, calf, pp. 284. New York, 1793. $3.00 602 Lee, Maj.-Gen. Chas. The Treason of (Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolu tion). By Geo. H. Moore. Portraits, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860. $1.50 603 Lee, H. The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas: with Remarks Historical and Critical on Johnson s Life of Greene; to which is added an appendix of original documents relat ing to the history of the Revolution. 8vo, old calf (cracked), pp. 511 + 47- Philadelphia, 1824. $4.00 Scarce. 604 (Long Island.) The Battle of Brooklyn: A Farce in Two Acts as it was Performed on Long Island on Tuesday, 27th Day of August, 1776, by Representatives of the Tyrants of A merica assembled at Philadelphia. New York, 1776. -75 A few copies reprinted for private distribu tion, Brooklyn, 1873. Among the characters are Rebel chiefs Washington, Putnam, Sullivan, etc. Scene partly within the Rebel lines at Brooklyn and partly at Gowanus. 605 Lossing, Benson J. The Pic torial Field-Book of the American Revolution, illustrated by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War of Independence, noo engrav- 44 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. ings, chiefly from original sketches by the Author. 2 vols., 8vo, in parts. New York, 1851-52. $15.00 A good copy of the first edition. Very rare in the original parts uncut. 606 Lossing, Benson J. Life of Washington: A Biography, Personal, Military, and Political. Numerous steel illustrations. 3 vols., large 8vo, half green morocco. New York, 1860. $5.00 607 Lossing, Benson J. The War of Independence: A History of the Anglo-Americans from the Period of the Union of the Colonies against the French to the Inauguration of Wash ington. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 510. New York, 1847. $1.50 608 Loyalists. Centennial of the Settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists, 1784-1884. I2mo, cloth, pp. 334. Toronto, 1885. $2.00 609 Marion, Francis. Life of. By W. Gilmore Simms. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 347. New York, 1855- 610 Mitchell, John. The Present State of Great Britain and North America, with Proper Regulations for the Colonies and the Taxes Imposed upon Them. Considered and com pared with their condition and circum stances. 8vo, old calf, pp. 364. London, 1767. $3-5o 6n Montgomery, Morton L. His tory of Berks County, Pennsylvania, in the Revolution, 1774-1783. With biographical sketches. 8vo, cloth, pp. 295. Reading, 1894. $2.50 612 New York. Year-Book of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, 1896. With rolls and lists of descend ants and genealogies of ancestors. 4to, cloth, pp. 539. New York, 1896. $2.50 613 Norton, A. Tiffany. History of Sullivan s Campaign against the Iro- quois. A full account of that epoch of the Revolution. 8vo, cloth, pp. 200. Lima, 1879. $2.00 614 Onderdonk, Henry, Jr. Docu ments and Letters Intending to Illus trate the Revolutionary Incidents in Kings, Queens, and Suffolk Counties. With explanatory notes and additions. Map. 2 vols. in i. I2mo, cloth, New York, 1846. $10.00 615 Paterson, John. The Life of (Major-General in the Revolutionary Army). By Dr. Thomas Egleston. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 293. New York, 1894. $2.50 616 Pontgibaud, Chevalier. A French Volunteer of the War of Inde pendence. Translated and edited by Robert B. Douglas. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 209. N. Y., 1897. $1.50 617 Price, Richard. Two Tracts on Civil Liberty, the War in America, and the Debts and Finances of the Kingdom. Pp. 112. Also additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty. 2 vols. in I. 8vo, old calf, pp. 216. London, 1778. $1.00 618 Putnam, Gen. Israel. A Cor respondence on this Subject with the Editor of " The Hartford Daily Post." By " Selah " of that city and Henry B. Dawson of White Plains, N. Y. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 169. Morrisania (printed for private circu lation), 1860. $2.50 619 Putnam, Israel. Life of. By I. N. Tarbox. Portrait and map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 389. Boston, 1876. $2.00 620 Ramsey, David. The History of the American Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1791. $3-OQ 621 Reed, Wm. B. Life of Ester De Berdt, afterwards Ester Reed of Pennslyvania. Privately printed. I2mo, cloth, pp. 336. Philadelphia, 1853. $3.50 Menzie s copy brought (half morocco) $6.00. Printed for private circulation only. Repeal of Stamp Act, Philadelphia Eighty Years Ago, THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 45 Arrival of Tea Ships, Battle of Lexington, Cam paign of 1776 and Invasion of New Jersey, Revolutionary War, Correspondence with Wash ington in 1780, etc. 622 Report of a Committee of the Massachusetts Historical Society on Exchange of Prisoners during the American Revolutionary War. 8vo, half calf, pp. 26. $1.50 By Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, Lorenzo Sabine, Geo. E. Ellis, etc. 623 Revolutionary Almanac. Al manack for 1775. By Nath. Low. With Curious engraving on title. (The Patriot s Death, Address on Taxation, etc., and Poem on Liberty.) 8vo, paper (soiled). Boston, 1774. $2.50 624 Rights of the English Colonies Established in America; Their Merits and Importance to Great Britain Dis played; with Illustrations of the Bene fits of Their Union, and the Mischiefs and Dangers of Their Continued Dis- sention. 4to, full calf, neat, pp. 51. London, 1774. $5.00 625 Roberts, James A. New York in the Revolution as Colony and State. 2d edition, enlarged. 4to, cloth, pp. 534. Albany, 1898. $3.50 The index is very complete, covering over 200 pages. Upwards of 50,000 names. 626 Ruttenber, E. M. Obstruc tions to the Navigation of Hudson s River; embracing the Minutes of the Secret Committee Appointed by the Provincial Convention of New York, July 1 6, 1776, and other original documents relating to the Beacons (and Signals). (Chain at Fort Mont gomery, West Point, Fire Ships and Rafts, etc.) Maps. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 210. Albany, 1860. $7. 50 Only a few printed. Munsell s Historical Series, No. 5. 627 Sargent, Winthrop. The Loyal Verses of Joseph Stansbury and Dr. Jonathan Odell Relating to the Amer ican Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 199. Albany, 1860. $7.50 Rare. Only a few issued. Munsell s Series, No. 6. 628 Schuyler, George L. Corre spondence and Remarks upon Ban croft s History of the Northern Cam paign of 1777 and the Character of Maj.-Gen. Philip Schuyler. 8vo, paper, pp. 47. New York, 1867. .50 629 Simeoe, Lt.-Col. J. G. Mili tary Journal : A History of the Opera tions of a Partisan Corps Called The Queen s Rangers during the War of American Independence. With a memoir of the Author and 10 en graved plans. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 328. New York, 1844. $10.00 Fine copy of this rare Revolutionary journal. The original was privately printed in 1787 a few copies for distribution among the author s friends and it remained unknown to historians for over fifty years. 630 Smith, Horace W. Nuts for Future Historians to Crack. Con taining Valley Forge Letters, Cad- walader Pamphlet, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 90. Philadelphia, 1856. $1.00 631 Smith, T. Marshall. Legends of the War of Independence and of the Earlier Settlements in the West. 8vo, cloth, pp. 397. Louisville, 1855. $2.00 632 Stevens, John Austin. The Burgoyne Campaign: An Address Delivered on the Battlefield on the One Hundredth Celebration of the Battle of Bemis Heights, September 19, 1877. 8vo, paper, pp. 42. New York, 1877. .25 633 Stiles, Henry R. Account of the Interment of the Remains of American Patriots Who Perished on Board the British Prison Ships, with Notes. Large-paper copy. 4to, half calf, pp. 246. New York (privately printed), 1865. $3.50 One of 35 copies printed on large paper. 634 Stirling, Maj.-Gen. Earl of. An Essay in Biography. (Military Services in the Revolution, Ancestry, etc.) By Ludwig Schumacher. Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 57. New York, 1897. $1.50 Only 150 copies were beautifully printed for the author. 4 6 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 635 Stone, William L. Life of Joseph Brant, including the Border Wars of the American Revolution and the Indian Campaigns. Illus trated. Large-paper copy. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, un cut. Albany, 1864. $12.00 Fine large-paper copy from the Ives Collec tion. Only 50 printed. 636 Stone, Wm. L. Ballads and Poems Relating to the Burgoyne Campaign. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 359. Albany, 1893. $2.75 637 Stryker, William S. New Jersey Continental Line in the Vir ginia Campaign of 1781. 8vo, paper, pp. 47. Trenton, 1882. $1.50 Privately printed, uncut. 638 Thacher, James. Diary of the American Revolution from the Com mencement to the Disbanding of the American Army. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 486. Hartford, 1861. $2.50 639 Townsend, Virginia F. The Battlefields of Our Fathers. I2mo, cloth, pp. 368. New York, 1864. $1.50 640 Tower, J. M. The Medical Men of the Revolution, with a His tory of the Medical Department of the Continental Army. 8vo, boards, pp. 140. Philadelphia, 1876. $1.50 641 Trumbull, Jonathan. McFin- gal: An Epic Poem; with introduc tion and notes by B. J. Lossing. Steel portrait of Trumbull. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 322. New York, 1860. $3-5o Large-paper copy, only 100 printed. 642 Tucker, Josiah. An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to Those Respectable Personages in Great Britain and Ireland, whether a Con nection with or a Separation from the Continental Colonies in America Be Most for the National Advantage, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 93. Gloucester, 1775. $1.00 643 Van Schaack, Henry. Henry Cruger, the Colleague of Edmund Burke in the British Parliament. 8vo, paper, pp. 67. New York, 1859. $1.00 644 Warren, Dr. John. The Life of (Surgeon-General during the Revo lution, Letters, Diaries, etc.). By Edward Warren. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 568. Boston, 1874. $2.00 645 Washington s Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Each page illuminated with colored borders, and a full-length portrait. 4to, full morocco (rubbed). Phila delphia: Devereux oc Co., 1858. $3.00 646 Washington. Revolutionary Orders of Gen. Washington issued during the years 1778-82. Selected from the MSS. of John Whiting, Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 2d Regiment, Massachusetts Line, and edited by his son, Lieut.-Col. Henry Whiting, U. S. A. 8vo, cloth, pp. 255. New York, 1844. $2.00 647 Washington. Orderly Book of Gen. George Washington kept at Valley Forge, May 18 to June n, 1778. 8vo, boards, pp. 54. Boston, 1898. $1.00 648 Washington. Bancroft, Aaron. An Essay on the Life of George Washington. With a very fine por trait by W. Ridley. 8vo, sheep, pp. 552. Worcester, 1807. $2.50 649 Washington. Bullock, Cyn thia (a graduate of the New York In stitution for the Blind). Washington, and Other Poems. I2mo. New York (published for the Author), 1847. $1-50 650 Washington. Conkling, Mar garet C. Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 190. Auburn, 1853. $1.50 651 Washington. Conway, Mon- cure D. George Washington s Rules of Civility Traced to Their Sources and Restored. I2mo, cloth, pp. 180. New York. -75 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 47 652 Washington. Mount Vernon: A Letter to the Children of America. By Miss Cooper. Portrait by De Mare of Washington at twenty-five. i6mo, cloth, pp. 70. New York, rtS9- $1-50 653 Washington. Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington. By G. W. Parke Custis. 8vo, cloth, pp. 104. Washington, D. C, 1859. $1.00 654 Washington. Headley, J. T. The Life of George Washington. Fine steel portraits, views, and wood cuts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 477. New York, 1859. $2.50 This illustrated large-type edition is very rare, rare, little known ; the steel illustrations consist of portraits of Washington, Capture of Andre, etc. 655 Washington. Hough, Frank lin B. Washingtoniana; or, Memo rials of the Death of George Washing ton, with a list of tracts and volumes printed upon that occasion, and a cata logue of medals. Fine india-proof portraits. Large paper, 2 vols., 4to, uncut. Roxbury, 1865. $7. 50 656 Washington. Hyde, Anna M. The Boys Life of Washington. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 255. New York, 1868. .50 657 Washington. Life of George Washington. By Washington Irving. Illustrated edition, with the celebrated series of upwards of 100 fine steel portraits, views, etc., by American artists and engravers. 5 vols., royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1856-61. $20.00 658 Washington. Lippard. George Washington and His Generals; or, Legends of the Revolution. 8vo, half calf, pp. 538. Philadelphia, 1847. $3.00 Scarce. Battle of Germantown, Benedict Arnold, Nathan Hale, Battle of Brandywine, Romances of the Revolution, etc. 659 Washington. Lossing, Benson J. The Home of Washington; or, Mount Vernon and Its Associations. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 446. Hartford, 1870. $ 2 .oo 660 Washington. Norton, John N. Life of George Washington. Illus trated. i2mo, cloth, pp. 400. New York, 1860. $1.25 661 Washington. Political Lega cies. With a biographical sketch and Dr. Tappan s discourse. I2mo, calf, pp. 292. New York, 1800. $1.50 662 Washington. Ramsay, David. The Life of George Washington, with curious early engravings of Defeat of Braddock, Surrender of Cornwallis, Mount Vernon, etc. I2mo, sheep. Baltimore, 1818. $2.00 663 Washington. Simpkinson, J. N. The Washingtons: A Tale of a Country Parish in the Seventeenth Century. Based on authentic docu ments. Plate, 8vo, cloth, pp. 413. London, 1860. $3.50 Scarce. A valuable work containing a his torical account of the ancestors of General Washington. Dr. Stiles copy sold for $9.00. 664 Washington. Souvenir of the Centennial Celebration of George Washington s Inauguration. Edited by John Alden. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 393. New York, 1889. $1.00 665 Washington. Sparks, Jared. The Life of George Washington, with His Diaries, Speeches, and Papers re lating to His Habits and Opinions. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1839. $2.50 666 Washington. Stryker, W. S. Washington s Reception by the Peo ple of New Jersey in 1789. 8vo, paper. Trenton (printed for private distribution), 1882. $1.00 667 Washington. Wineberger, J. A. The Home of Washington at Mount Vernon. A full account, as well as the genealogy, character, etc., of Washington. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 69. Washington, 1858. $1.00 4 8 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 668 Washington. Woodward, W. Elliot. A List of Washington Memo rial Medals. Three illustrations of medals laid in. 4to, paper, pp. 16. N. p. (privately printed), 1865. $1.50 " No. I of 12 copies on English Drawing Paper." 669 Washington, and the Generals of the Revolution. Illustrated with steel portraits. 2. vols. in I. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1855. $1.50 670 Watson, Elkanah. Men and Times of the Revolution. 2d edition. Edited by W. C. Watson. 8vo, cloth, PP- 557- New York, 1856. $1.00 671 Webber, C. W. Historical and Revolutionary Incidents of the Early Settlers of the United States, with Lives of Allen, Boone, Kenton, and Celebrated Pioneers. Svo, half mo rocco, pp. 416. Philadelphia, 1859. $1.50 672 Wharton, Anne H. Through Colonial Doorways. I2mo, cloth, pp. 237. Philadelphia, 1893. .75 673 Wharton, Francis. The Revo lutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States. With historical and legal notes and index. 6 vols., Svo, half sheep. Washington, 1889. $6.00 In this edition many of the errors made by Jared Sparks are corrected by the light shed by recent historical research. 674 Worcester in the War of the Revolution. Embracing the Acts of the Town from 1765 to 1783. By Al bert A. Lovell. Plate. Svo, cloth, pp. 128. Worcester, 1876. $1.00 675 Wyatt, Thomas. Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, and other Commanders Who Distinguished Themselves in the Revolution and 1812, and Were Presented Medals by Congress. With 82 steel plates of medals. Svo, cloth, pp. 315. Phila delphia, 1848. $3-oo 676 Yorktown. Orderly Book of the Siege of Yorktown from Septem ber 26, 1781, to November 2, 1781 ; now first printed. Fine portrait of Washington by Sartain inserted. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1765. $5-00 Edition limited to 60 copies. 677 Yorktown. Rathburn, Julius G. Trip of the ist Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, to Yorktown and Charleston, October 17-28, 1881. Il lustrated. Svo, cloth, pp. 292. Hart ford, 1882. $1.25 WAR OF 1812. 678 American Mariners; or, The Atlantic Voyage. To which are added Naval Annals; or, an Impartial Summary of the Actions Fought, dur ing the Late W r ar, at Sea and on the Lakes between the Ships of Great Britain and those of the United States. With copious notes. I2mo, half morocco, pp. 384. Salisbury, England, n. d. $3-5o The " Naval Annals" occupy pages 239 to 384. 679 Atcheson, Nathaniel. Ameri can Encroachments of British Rights, with Observation on the Importance of the North American Colonies, and on the Late Treaties with the United States, and a Defense of the Shipping Interests. Maps. Svo, boards, pp. cxiii + 250. London, iSoS. $5.00 680 Atherton, William. Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the Northwestern Army under Gen. Win chester, Massacre of the Prisoners, Sixteen Months Imprisonment of the Writer and Others with the Indians and British. i6mo, half roan, pp. 152. Frankfort (printed for the Author). 1842. The rare original edition. WAR OF I8l2. 49 68 1 Brackenridge, H. M. History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain, comprising Minute Account of the Various Mili tary and Naval Operations. Curious woodcuts. I2mo, cloth, pp. 298. Philadelphia, 1854. $1.50 682 Buimell, David C. The Trav els and Adventures of, during 23 years of Seafaring Life. With an accurate account of the Battle of Lake Erie. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 200. Pal myra, N. Y., 1831. $4.00 683 Butler, James. American Brav ery Displayed in the Capture of 1400 Vessels of War and Commerce since the Declaration of War by the Presi dent. (Full list, with particulars of actions.) i2mo, half roan, pp. 322. Carlisle, 1816. $5.00 684 Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, September 12 and 13, 1814; Resolves of the Citizens; Particulars Relating to the Battle. (Muster Rolls, with List of Descendants, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 137. Baltimore, 1889. $1.50 685 Coggeshall, Geo. History of the American Privateers and Letters of Marque during our War with Eng land, 1812-15. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 438. New York, 1856. . $5.00 Very scarce. Published by and for the Author. 686 Davis, Paris M. An Authen- tick History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. With a full account of every battle by sea and land; the massacre at the River Raisin; the destruction of the city of Washington, the treaty of peace in 1815. I2mo, sheep, pp. 360. Ithaca, 1829. $2.50 Rare. 687 Decatur, Stephen. Life of. By Jared Sparks. Large-paper copy. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. Bos ton, 1846. $3.00 688 Dwight, Theo. (Secretary of the Convention). History of the Hartford Convention, with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government Which Led to the War of 1812. 8vo, cloth, pp. 447. New York, 1833. $2.50 689 Elliott, Com. Jesse D. A Bio graphical Notice of, containing a Re view of the Controversy between Him and Commodore Perry. I2mo, boards, pp. 480. Philadelphia, 1835. $1.50 690 Guernsey, R. S. New York City and Vicinity in the War of 1812. Military and Local History of That Period, with Incidents and Anecdotes. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1890-95. $10.00 Copy of Vol. II. can be supplied separately for $5.00. 691 Hull, William. Memoirs of the Campaign of the Northwestern Army, 1812; with an Appendix containing a Brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Services of the Author. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 239. Boston, 1824. $3.00 692 Hull. Defense of Brig.-Gen. W. Hull. Delivered before the Gen eral Court Martial, of which Maj.- Gen. Dearborn was President, at Al bany, March, 1814. With an address to the Citizens of the United States written by Himself. Copied from the original manuscript, and published by his authority. To which are added the charges against Brig.-Gen. Hull, as specified by the Government. I2mo, pp. 215. Boston, 1814. $5- Scarce. 693 Impartial and Correct History of the War between United States and Great Britain, 1812-15. Com prising a Particular Detail of the Naval and Military Operations. Carefully Compiled from Official Documents. Engraved view of the Battle of New Orleans. I2mo, calf, pp. 304. New York, 1815. $2.50 694 Ingersoll, Chas. J. Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain. Vols. I. and II., embracing the FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. events of 1812 to 1814 inclusive. 2 vols., 8vo, paper and cloth (as issued). Philadelphia, 1845-49. $5.00 Vol. II. is a presentation from the Author. 695 Jackson, Andrew. The Life of. Comprising a History of the War in the South from the Commencement of the Creek Campaign to the Termi nation of Hostilities before New Or leans. By John H. Eaton. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut, fine copy, pp. 468. Philadelphia, 1824. $3.00 696 James, William. The Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France, 1793- 1820. New edition with diagrams of all the principals actions. 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco. London, 1826. $12.00 Very full on the War of 1812, the author hav ing taken part in it, was captured, held prisoner, etc. 697 James, William. Full and Cor rect Account of the Military Occur rences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States. Maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, un cut. London, 1818. $7.50 Fine copy. 698 James, William. Full and Cor rect Account of the Chief Naval Oc currences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States. Preceded by a Cursory Examination of the American Accounts of Their Naval Actions. With plates. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 744. London, 1817. $5-00 Rare. One of the chief volumes on the naval actions of 1812. 699 Lossing, Benson J. The Pic torial Field-Book of the War of 1812; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the Last War for American Independence. Several hundred wood-engravings. Large 8vo, leather, pp. 1084. New York, 1869. $3-50 Probably the best single volume on the War of 1812. 700 McKenney, Thos. L. Reply to K. Armstrong s Assault upon Col. McKenney s Narrative of the Causes that Led to Gen. Armstrong s Resig nation of Office of Secretary of War in 1814. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. New York, 1847. .50 701 Palmer, Thos. H. Historical Register of the United States from the Declaration of War in 1812 to 1814. 4 vols., 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1814-16. $7.50 Being a History of the Late War and Sum mary of the Proceeding of Congress, including a collection of state papers and documents both British and American. 702 Rogers, Robert C. Will o the Wasp: A Sea Yarn of the War of 1812. Edited by Henry C. Lawrence, and now brought before the public for the first time. I2mo, cloth, pp. 269. New York, 1896. .75 703 Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles. Intended as a Faithful History of the Material Events from 1812 to and including the Treaty of Peace in 1815. 8vo, old calf, pp. 492. Rut land, 1815. $5.00 704 Smith, M. A Geographical View of the Province of Upper Can ada and Promiscuous Remarks on the Government, with an Appendix con taining a Complete Description of the Niagara Falls, and Remarks Relative to the Situation of the Inhabitants Re specting the War and a Concise His tory of Its Progress to the Present Time. I2mo, new half brown mo rocco, gilt top, pp. 119. New York (printed for the Author), August, 1813. $7.50 ^ Very rare. 705 Tompkins, Daniel D. (Gov ernor of New York, 1807-17). His Public Papers: Military, Vol. I. With an introduction by Hugh Hastings, State Historian. War with Great Britain. Illustrated. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 812. New York, 1898. $1.50 706 Van Rensselaer, S. A Narra tive of the Affair of Queenstown in the War of 1812, with a Review of the Strictures on That Event in a WAR OF I8l2. Book entitled " Notices of the War of 1812." Map. I2tno, cloth, pp. 95. New York, 1836. $*75 707 White, Samuel. History of the American Troops during the Late War under the Command of Cols. Fenton and Campbell. (Account of the Crossing of Lake Erie, the Cross ing of Niagara, Battle of Chippewa, etc.) I2mo, boards, pp. 106. Balti more, 1830 (reprinted 1896). $1.00 MEXICAN WAR. 708 Autobiography of an English Soldier in the United States Army, comprising Observations and Adven tures in the States and Mexico. I2mo, cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1853. $1.25 709 Carleton, Jas H. The Battle of Buena Vista, with Operations of the " Army of Occupation." Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 238. New York, 1848. $1.50 710 Oswandel, J. J. Notes of the Mexican War, 1846-48. Comprising incidents, adventures, extracts from ancient histories of Mexico giving ac curate account of the first and original settlers of Mexico, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 642, Philadelphia, 1885. $1.50 711 Scott, Lieut.-Gen. Memoirs of. Written by himself. 2 steel portraits. (Battle of Queenstown, Niagara or Lundy s Lane, Black Hawk War, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1864. $1.50 712 Semmes, Raphael. The Cam paign of Gen. Scott in the Valley of Mexico. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 367. Cincinnati, 1852. $2.00 713 Stapp, William P. The Pris oners of Perote. The journal kept by the Author, who was captured by the Mexicans at Mier December 25, 1842, and released from Perote May 16, 1844. I2mo, cloth, pp. 164. Phila delphia, 1845. $2.00 714 Stevens, Brevet-Maj. Isaac I. Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico, with Notices of the Recent Work of Maj. Ripley. 8vo, paper, pp. 108. New York, 1851. $1.50 715 Taylor, Gen. Taylor and His Generals, with a Full Account of the Various Actions of Their Divisions in Mexico. Portraits and plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 326. Hartford, 1848. $1.50 716 The Republic of the United States and Its Duties, with a Review of the Late War with Mexico, Its Causes and Results. I2mo, cloth, pp. 322. New York, 1848. $1.50 INDIANS AND ARCHAEOLOGY. (Including the History, Antiquities, Wars, and Languages of the American Indians.} 717 Absaraka, Home of the Crows: Being the Experience of an Officer s Wife on the Plains during the Occu pation of the New Route to Virginia City, Mon., 1866-67. Illustrated I2mo, cloth, pp. 284. Philadelphia, 1868. $1.25 718 American Antiquarian Society. Vol. I. of Archseologia Americana, containing Hennepin s Discovery of the Mississippi, Atwater s Antiquities of the West, etc. Plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. Worcester, 1820. $3.00 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 719 Anderson, Rufus. Memoir of Catharine Brown, a Christian Indian of the Cherokee Nation. Plate. I2mo, half old calf (binding broken), pp. 142. Philadelphia, 1832. $1.50 720 Apes, William. Indian Nulli fication of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe. Plate. I2mo, cloth, pp. 1 68. Boston, 1835. $2.00 721 Archaeology. Congres Inter national d Anthropologie Prehisto- rique. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols., thick 8vo, paper. Stockholm, 1876. $2.50 722 Armstrong. Early Life among the Indians, Reminiscences of Benj. C. Armstrong, Treaties of 1835, 1837, 1842, and 1854, Habits and Customs of the Red Men. By Thos. P. Went- worth. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 266. Ashland, Wis., 1892. $1.50 723 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America in Notes on American Ar chaeology (Mound-builders, North men, and Welsh in America, etc.). Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 299. New York, 1872. $1.75 724 Bancroft, Hubert H. The Na tive Races of the Pacific States. 5 large 8vo vols., cloth. New York, 1874. $15.00 Probably the best single work upon the an tiquities, history, wars, and conditions of the North American Indians. 725 (Barratt, Joseph.) The Indians of New England and Ancient Tradi tions of the Etchemin Tribe, with Vo cabularies in Indian and English, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Middletown, 1851. $2.00 "This book contains the elements of the Indian tongue and much that is new." 727 Battey, Thomas C. The Life and Adventures of a Quaker among the Indians. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, PP- 339- Boston, 1875. $1.00 727 Beatty, Chas. The Journal of a Two-Months Tour with a View of Promoting Religion among the Fron tier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and the Indians to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains; with Re marks on the Language and Customs of Some Particular Tribes among the Indians, with a Brief Account of the Attempts to Civilize Them, from the First Settlement of New England to This Day. Svo, half roan, pp. in. London, 1768. $7.50 728 Belden, Geo. P. Belden the White Chief; or, 12 Years among the Wild Indians of the Plains, from Diaries and Manuscripts. Edited by Gen. James S. Brisbin. Illustrated. Svo, cloth, pp. 513. Cincinnati, 1875. $1.50 729 Beltrami, J. C. A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, Leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River. With a description of the whole course of the former and of the Ohio. Map and plates. 2 vols., Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1828. $4.00 Vol. II. relates almost entirely to the North American Indians. 730 Bollaert, William. Antiqua rian, Ethnological, and Other Re searches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chile, with Observations on Monuments of the Peruvian Na tions. Map and plates. Svo, cloth, uncut, pp. 279. London, 1860. $4.50 731 Bourke, John G. On the Bor der with Crook. Illustrated. Svo, cloth, pp. 491. London, 1892. $2.50 732 Bradford, Alex. W. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. Svo, cloth, pp. 435. New York, 1841. $2.25 733 Brainerd, David. Account of the Life of, Missionary to the In dians and Pastor of a Church of Christian Indians in New Jersey. By Jonathan Edwards. Svo, old calf, pp. 318. Boston, 1749. $5- The rare first edition, with name of former owner scratched off the top of title-page. INDIANS AND ARCHEOLOGY. 53 734 Brett, W. H. The Indian Tribes of Guiana, with Researches into Their Past History, Supersti tions, Legends, Antiquities, and Lan guage. Map and colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 500. London, 1868. $4.00 735 Brine, Lindesay. Travels amongst American Indians, Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 429. London, 1894. $3.50 736 Bryant, Chas. S. A History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota, including the Personal Narratives of Many Who Escaped. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 504. Cincinnati, 1864. $2.50 737 Carrington, Henry B. Ab-sa- ra-ka, Land of Massacre, with Out line of Indian Operations, 1865-78. Life on the Plains. I2mo, cloth, pp. 383. Philadelphia, 1878. $1.00 738 Case (The) of the Seneca In dians in New York State. Illustrated by facts printed for the Four Yearly Meetings of Friends of Genesee, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. 8vo, cloth, pp. 256. Philadelphia, 1840. $1.50 739 Catlin, Geo. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condi tions of the North American Indians, Written during Eight Years Travel amongst the Wildest Tribes. Map and 360 illustrations from the author s original paintings. Early edition and capital impressions. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tips. London, 1851. $12.50 A most interesting and valuable work, written from no brief acquaintance with the savage tribes, but from long and intimate experience. Many of these tribes have passed away forever, others are rapidly disappearing, and future gen erations will turn to these pages for a record of their peculiar habits, customs, legends, cere monies, etc., etc. 740 Catlin, George. Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American In dians, Written during Eight Years Travel amongst the Wildest Tribes, 1832-39. Illustrated with 400 colored engravings from the author s original paintings. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841. (Reprint.) $10.00 741 Catlin, Geo. Notes of Eight Years Travels and Residence in Eu rope, with His North American In dian Collection. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1848. $2.50 742 Cherokee Laws. Laws of the Cherokee Nation Adopted by the Council at Various Periods (pp. 179); The Constitution and Laws, 1839-51 (pp. 248). 2 vols. in i. I2mo, half bound. Tahlequah, 1852. $12.50 First few pages stained. 743 Cherokee. Cherokee Pictorial Book, with Catechism and Hymns. By A. N. Chamberlin. i6mo, pp. 145. Tahlequah, 1888. $1.25 744 Chippewa. New Testament in the Chippewa Language. I2mo, sheep, pp. 474. Albany, 1833. $2.00 745 Choctaw. The New Testament of Jesus Christ in the Choctaw Lan guage. I2mo, leather, pp. 818. New York, 1871. $2.00 746 Choctaw. The Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Trans lated into Choctaw Language. I2mo, leather, pp. 256. New York, 1852. $1.25 747 Clark, W. P. The Indian Sign Language, with brief explanatory notes, and a description of some of the Peculiar Laws, Customs, Myths, Su perstitions, Ways of Living, Code of Peace, and War Signals of our Abo rigines, etc. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. Philadelphia, 1885. $1.50 748 Golden, Cadwallader (Surveyor- General of New York). The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, Which Are the Barrier between the English and French in That Part of the World, with Particular Accounts of Their Religion, Manners, Customs., 54 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Daws, and Government; Their Sev eral Battles and Treaties with the Eu ropean Nations; Their Wars with the Other Indians, and a True Account of the Present State of Our Trade with Them. 2d edition. Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 204 -f- 284. London, 1750. $15.00 749 Coleson, Annie. Own Narrative of Her Captivity among the Sioux Indians and Account of Her Terrible Sufferings. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 94. Philadelphia, 1875. $1.00 750 Crantz, David. The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren; or, Narrative of the Church of the United Brethren. Translated by Benj. La Trobe. 8vo, half red mo rocco, uncut, pp. 650. London, 1780. $4.00 A fine copy. 751 Cresap, Capt. Michael. A Bio graphical Sketch of. By John J. Jacob. With notes and appendix. 4to, paper, pp. 158. Also, A Journal of Wayne s Campaign against the Northwest Indians, by Lieut. Boyer. 2 vols. in i. 4to, paper, pp. 23. Cin cinnati, 1866. $2.00 752 Crevecceur, Hector St. J. Voy age dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans I Etat de New- York. (Tour through Upper Pennsylvania and the State of New York by an Adopted Member of the Oneida Tribe.) Maps and plates, including portraits of chiefs and fine folding views of Ni agara (portrait of Washington miss ing). 3 vols., 8vo, calf. Paris, 1801. $3.50 753 Cummuck, Thomas. Indian Melodies (with Native Indian Music). Oblong boards. New York, 1845. $2.50 754 Dakota. Okodakiciye Woce- kiye Gowapi Kiu (Dakota Book of Common Prayer). I2mo, cloth, pp. 664. New York, 1878. $1.50 755 Delafield, John, Jr. An In quiry into the Origin of the Antiqui ties of America, with an Appendix containing Notes and View of the Causes of the Superiority of the Men of the Northern over Those of the Southern Hemisphere. Plates and large folding one of Mexican paint ing. 4to, cloth. New York, 1839. $12.50 Scarce, especially with the long plate perfect. A fine copy. 756 De Smet, P. J. Western Mis sions and Missionaries: A Series of Letters. I2mo, cloth, pp. 532. New York, 1863. $1.50 757 Drake, Samuel G. Biography and History of the Indians of North America, with Lives of All the Dis tinguished Chiefs, History of Their Wars, Manners, Customs, etc. Por traits- 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1834. $2.50 A good clean copy. 758 Eells, Myron. History of In dian Missions on the Pacific Coast Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 270. Philadelphia, 1882. $1.25 759 Ellis, Ed. S. The Indian Wars of the United States from the First Settlement at Jamestown in 1607 to the Close of the Great Uprising of 1890-91. (King Philip s War, Ba con s Rebellion in Virginia, Pontiac s Conspiracy, etc.) Numerous illustra tions. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 516. New York, 1892. $3.00 760 Finerty, John F. War-Path and Bivouac ; or, The Conquest of the Sioux, and the Big Horn and Yellow stone Expedition of 1876. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 460. Chicago, 1890. $1.50 761 Finley, James B. Life among the Indians; or, Personal Reminis cences and Historical Incidents. Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 548. Cincin nati, 1860. $2.00 762 Fletcher, Alice C. Indian Story and Song from North America. i2mo, cloth, pp. 124. Boston, 1900. $1.00 INDIANS AND ARCHEOLOGY. 55 763 Foster, Geo. E. Literature of the Cherokees, also Bibliography. I2mo, cloth, pp. 120. Ithaca, 1889. $1.25 764 Foster, Geo. E. Story of the Cherokee Bible. I2mo, cloth, pp. 160. Ithaca, 1899. $1.25 765 Foster. Prehistoric Races of the United States of America. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. Chicago, 1881. $2.25 766 Four Kings of Canada, The. Being a Succinct Account of the Four Indian Princes Lately Arrived from North America, with a Particular De scription of Their Country. I2mo, paper, uncut, pp. 48. London, 1710. $1.25 " A facsimile reprint of this very rare book. These sachems were induced to accompany Colonel Schuyler to England for the purpose not only of confirming the attachment of the Five Nations to the British interest as opposed to the French, but also to enlist that of the Court in Colonial affairs " (Field). Only 200 copies of this reprint were made. 767 Gottschall, Amos H. Travels from Ocean to Ocean, embracing Tours with Buffalo Hunters, Life among the Indians, etc. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 286. Harrisburg, 1894. $1.00 768 Grinnell, Geo, Bird. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales, with Notes on the Origin, Customs, and Character of the Pawnee People. Il lustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 417. New York, 1889. $2.00 769 Hawkins, Ernest. Historical Notices of Missions of Church of Eng land in the North American Colonies Previous to the Independence of United States. 8vo, cloth, pp. 447. London, 1845. $5-o First settlements of South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New England, New York. Early missions to Indians ; also discovery, settlement, etc., of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. 770 Hayden, F. V. Tenth Annual Report of the Geological and Geo graphical Survey of the Territories (with papers on Archaeology and An tiquities). Maps and plates. Thick 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1878. $2.00 771 Heard, I. V. D. History of the Sioux War and Massacres of 1862-63. Portraits and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 354. New York, 1864. $1.25 772 Heckewelder, John. Account of the History, Manners, and Cus toms of the Indians of Pennsylvania. 8vo, uncut, pp. 465. Philadelphia, 1819. $10.00 Unique copy from library of F. D. Stone, and was used in preparation of the new edition published in 1876. Contains a great amount of autograph notes, corrections, etc., interleaved and laid in. 773 Heckewelder, John. Account of History, Manners, and Customs of Indian Natives Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and Neighbouring States, with Correspondence between Mr. Heckewelder and Mr. Dupon- ceau on Languages of American In dians ; also Words, Phrases, and Short Dialogues in Language of the Lenni Lenape by Heckewelder. 8vo, calf, pp. 465. Philadelphia, 1819. $5.00 Volume I., Transactions, Historical and Literary Society, Philadelphia. Very scarce. 774 Heckewelder, John. Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808, with Historical Facts, Anecdotes, Speeches, etc., Which Took Place at Their Mission ary Stations. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut (a little foxed), pp. 431. Phila delphia, 1820. $7.50 775 Irving, John T. Indian Sketches Taken during an Expedition to the Pawnee and Other Tribes of American Indians. 2 vols., I2mo. London: John Murray, 1835. $2.50 776 Jackson, Helen. A Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government s Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes. I2mo, cloth, pp. 514. Boston, 1885. $1.25 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 777 Johnson Captivity. Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson, containing an Account of Her Suffer ings during Four Years with the In dians and French. i8mo, half roan, pp. 150. Lowell, 1834. $2.00 778 Jones, Peter. History of the Ojebway Indians. Illustrated with fine lithographic plates, portraits of chiefs, views, antiquities, etc. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 278. London. $2.50 Best edition. Containing a memoir of the author. 779 Kip, Rev. William Ingraham. The Early Jesuit Missions in North America. Compiled and translated from the letters of the French Jesuits, with notes and a copy of a map pub lished by the Jesuits in 1664. I2mo, cloth, pp. 321. New York, 1846. $2.50 780 Kirkland, Joseph. The Chi cago Massacre of 1812. With illus trations and historical documents. I2mo, cloth, pp. 224. Chicago, 1893. $1.25 781 Larimer, Sarah L. The Cap ture and Escape; or, Life among the Sioux. I2mo, cloth, pp. 252. Phila delphia, 1870. $1.50 782 Leland, Chas. G. The Algon quin Legends of New England; or, Myths and Folk-Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes. I2mo, cloth, pp. 379. Lon don, 1884. $2.00 783 Me Adams, Wm. Record of Ancient Races in the Mississippi Val ley. With cuts illustrating over 300 objects and symbolic devices. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 120. St. Louis, 1887. $1-75 784 McCulloh, J. H., Jr. Re searches Philosophical and Antiqua rian Concerning the Aboriginal His tory of America. Map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 535. Baltimore, 1829. $5oo Best edition of this most complete and valu able work. 785 McKenny, Thos. L. Memoirs Official and Personal, with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians, embracing a War Excursion and Descriptions of Scenes along the Western Borders. Fine steel portrait. 8vo, 2 vols. in i. New York, 1846. $4.00 786 Maclean, J. P. The Mound Builders: An Account of a Remarka ble People That Once Inhabited the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 233. Cincin nati, 1893. $1.25 787 Manypenny, Geo. W. Our In dian Wards. 8vo, calf, pp. 436. Cin cinnati, 1880. $1.25 From the earliest date to the Agreement of 1873, including Conspiracy of Pontiac, St. Glair s Defeat, Tecumseh, the Indians of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, etc. Military operations in Montana, Sioux War, 1876, etc. 788 Meacham, A. B. Wi-ne-ma and Her People (the Woman Chief of the Modoc Nation). Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 1 68. Hartford, 1876. $1.50 789 Memorial of the Dedication of Monuments Erected by the Moravian Historical Society to Mark the Sites of Ancient Missionary Stations in New York and Connecticut. 8vo, cloth, pp. 185. New York, 1860. $1.25 790 Messiter, Chas. A. Sport and Adventures among the North Amer ican Indians. With illustrations by Charles Whymper. 8vo, cloth, pp. 368. London, 1890. $2.00 791 Milfort (Gen). Memoire, ou Coup-d ceil rapide sur mes differens voyages et mon sejour dans la nation Creek. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 332. Paris, 1802. $5.00 Very scarce. Field s copy brought $9.00. An authentic narrative of life with the Creek Indians. Milfort, a Frenchman, was made the commander of the warriors of the nation, and led them against both the Spaniards and Ameri cans. 792 Miller, Wm. J. Notes Con cerning the Wampanoag Tribe of In- INDIANS AND ARCHAEOLOGY. 57 dians. I2mo, cloth, pp. 148. Provi dence, 1880. $1.50 793 Morton, Samuel G. Crania Americana; or, Comparative View of the Skulls of Various Aboriginal Na tions of North and South America. 78 plates and a map. Folio, cloth, uncut (slightly water-stained). Phila delphia, 1839. $25.00 Both in this country and in Europe, wherever learning and science are reverenced, Mr. Morton s work has been recognized as one of the best contributions to exact knowledge of the history of man ever offered as the work of one individual. 794 Muskokee. The Gospel Ac cording to Matthew. i8mo, cloth. Park Hill, 1855. $1.25 795 Muskokee. Hymns in Musko- kee. Collected and revised by R. M. Longbridge. i8mo, pp. 220. Phila delphia, n. d. $1.50 796 New York, Regents of Uni versity of. Third Annual Report of State Cabinet of Natural History, and the Historical and Antiquarian Col lection Annexed Thereto. Colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 183. Albany, 1850. $2.00 Dr. Hough s and Lewis H. Morgan s papers on Indian Antiquities. 797 Ojibways. History of the Ojibways, by Wm. W. Warren; His tory of the Ojibways and Their Con nection with the Fur Trade, by Ed ward D. Neill. (Vol. V., Minnesota Historical Society.) 8vo, paper, pp. 535. St. Paul, 1885. $1.50 798 Orton, J. R. Camp-Fires of the Red Men; or, A Hundred Years Ago. Plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 401. New York, 1855. $1.50 799 Otchipwe Language. A The oretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language for Use of Mis sionaries and Other Persons Living among the Indians. By R. R. Bishop Baraga. I2mo, paper, pp. 421. Mon treal, 1878. $5.00 800 Otis, E. S., Lieut-Col., U. S. A. The Indian Question. I2mo, cloth, pp. 283. New York, 1878. $1.00 80 1 Paul, Col. James. Narrative of the Wonderful Escape and Dread ful Sufferings of, after the Defeat of Col. Crawford, when That Unfortu nate Commander and Many of His Men Were Burnt at the Stake. By Robt. A. Sherrard. 8vo, pp. 22. Cincinnati, 1869. .50 802 Paterson, Arthur. The Daugh ter of the Nez Perces. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 381. New York, 1894. $1.25 Historical tale founded on fact. Portrait of Joseph, chief of the Nez Perce tribe. 803 Peet, Stephen D. The Ameri can Antiquarian : A Quarterly Journal Devoted to Early American History, Ethnology, and Archaeology. Vol. I., No. i, April, 1878, to Vol. V., No. i, January, 1883. Cleveland and Chi cago. $5.00 804 Peirce, Ebenezer W. Indian History, Biography, and Genealogy Pertaining to the Good Sachem Mas- sasoit of the Wampanoag Tribe and His Descendants. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 261. North Abingdon, 1878. $1.75 805 Pidgeon, Wm. Traditions of De-Coo-Dah and Antiquarian Re searches, comprising Extensive Ex plorations, Excavations, etc., of the Earthern Remains of the Mound- Builders in America, the Evidences of an Ancient Population more Numer ous than the Present Aborigines. 70 illustrations, some folding. 8vo, cloth, pp. 334. New York, 1858. $2.00 The record of personal examination of a large number of ancient mounds and fortifications, and traditions regarding them, obtained from an aged Sioux chief. 806 Pierce, M. B. Address on the Present Condition and Prospects of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Amer ica, with Particular Reference to the Seneca Nation. 8vo, pp. 16. n. p. (Steele s Press), 1838. $1.00 FkANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 807 Priest, Josiah. American An tiquities and Discoveries in the West, being the Evidence that an Ancient Population, Differing Entirely from the Indians, Peopled America Many Centuries before Columbus. Folding and other plates. 8vo, sheep, pp. 400. Albany, 1834. $3.50 808 Putnam, F. W. The Archae ological and Ethnological Collections from Vicinity of Santa Barbara and from Ruined Pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico, with Appendix on In dian Vocabularies. 20 plates of hun dreds of figures, and 135 woodcuts. 4to, cloth, pp. 497. Washington, 1879. $4.00 809 Riggs, S. R. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language, collected by Members of the Dakota Mission. 4to, half morocco. Wash ington, 1851. $5.00 Interesting copy, having been the property of the missionary at Yankton school. A map of the Dakota country has been inserted ; also newspaper clippings, etc. 810 Riggs, Stephen R. Mary and I : Forty Years with the Sioux. With Introduction by S. C. Bartlett. Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 388. Chicago, 1880. $1.50 811 Riggs, Stephen R. Tah-Koo Wah-Kau; or, The Gospel among the Dakotas. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth (worn), pp. 491. Boston, 1869. $1.50 812 St. Clair, Gen. Narrative of Manner in Which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 Was Con ducted, with His Own Observations, Reports, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 273, etc. Philadelphia, 1812. $5.00 Slightly water-stained. 813 (Sanders.) History of the In dian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States to the Commence ment of the Late War. 2 plates. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 186. Rochester, 1828 (reprinted 1893). $1.50 814 Schoolcraft (W. H.). Histori cal and Statistical Information Re specting the History, Antiquities, Language, Ethnology, Pictography, Rites, Superstitions, and Mythology of the Indian Tribes of the United States. With about 500 plates of views, portraits, ancient pottery, cook ing utensils, picture writing, written music, weapons, sculpture, dwellings, etc. 5 vols., 4to. Philadelphia, 1853-56. $25.00 The most important work ever written on the aborigines of America, and now rare. It em bodies almost all the existing authentic informa tion concerning their religions, traditions, lan guages, art, history, vocabularies, legends, captivities, Indian wars, etc. 815 Seminole War. Debate in the House of Representatives, January and February, 1819, on the Seminole War. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 591. Washington, 1819. $1.50 816 Shea, John Gilmary. Library of American Linguistics. Complete set. Vol. I. half calf, balance in orig inal paper covers, uncut. 15 vols., royal 8vo. New York: Cramoisy Press, 1860-74. $60.00 Only 100 copies of each volume were printed of this valuable work, and complete sets are rarely found. The volumes are as follows : No. i. Shea: A French-Onondaga Diction ary. No. 2. Mengarini : A Selish or Flathead Grammar. No. 3. Smith (Buckingham): A Grammati cal Sketch of the Heve Language. No. 4. Arroyo de la Cuesta : Grammar of the Mutsun Language. No. 5. Smith (Buckingham) : Pima or Ne- vome Grammar. No. 6. Pandosy: Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language. No. 7. Sitjar: Vocabulary of San Antonio Mission, Cal. No. 8. Vocabulary of the Mustin Language of Alta, Cal. No. 9. Maillard : Grammar of the Mikmaque Language, Nova Scotia. No. 10. Bruyas: Radical Words of the Mo hawk Language. No. ii. Gibbs : Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi. No. 12. Gibbs : A Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or Trade Language of Oregon. No. 13. Gibbs : Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language Series 2. No. I. Matthews : Grammar and Dictionary of the Hidatsa Language. Series 2. No. 2. Matthews : Hidatsa and English Dictionary. INDIANS AND ARCHAEOLOGY. 59 817 Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Record of Engagements with Hostile Indians, 1868-82, within the Military Division of the Missouri. 8vo, paper, pp. 112. Washington, 1882. $1.25 818 Shields, G. O. The Battle of the Big Hole: A History of Gen. Gib bon s Engagement with the Nez Perces Indians, August 9, 1877. Il lustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 120. Chi cago, 1889. $1.50 819 Short, John T. The North Americans of Antiquity; Their Ori gin, Migration, and Type of Civiliza tion Considered. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 544. New York, 1880. $2.00 820 Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in Congress, April and May, 1830. I2mo, boards, pp. 304. Bos ton, 1830. $1.00 The history of their forced immigration is here given. 821 Squier, E. G. The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Re ciprocal Principles of Nature in Amer ica. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 254. New York, 1851. $10.00 822 Squier, E. G. Antiquities of the State of New York the Results of Extensive Surveys and Explora tions, with a Supplement on the An tiquities of the West. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 343. Buffalo, 1851. $4.50 823 Stevens, Edward T. Flint Chips : A Guide to Prehistoric Archae ology, as Illustrated in the Blackmore Museum. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870. $5 .00 Much the largest portion of the volume is de voted to the description of the utensils, weapons, and ornaments manufactured by the North American Indians. Their habitations, mounds, fortifications, and antiquities are described at great length, and with much evident research. 824 Stickney, Wm. S. Memorial Sketch of (Secretary of the Ute Com mission). By his father. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 448. Washington (printed for private circulation), 1881. $2.00 825 Street, Alfred B. Frontenac: A Poem of the Iroquois. Portrait and plate. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 324. Al bany, 1866. $3.50 A large and thick paper copy. 826 Sullivan s Expedition. Jour nals of the Military Expeditions of John Sullivan, against the Six Indian Nations, in 1779, with Records of the Centennial Celebrations. By Fred erick Cook. Maps and steel plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 580. Auburn, 1807. $2.50 827 Tau-Go-Rau-A : An Historical Drama (on the Indians of Pennsyl vania). I2mo, cloth, pp. 280. Phila delphia, 1856. .75 828 The Ute War: A History of the White River Massacre and the Hardships of the Captive White Women among the Hostiles on Grand River. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 192. Denver, 1879. $2.00 829 Thomas, Prof. Cyrus. The Cherokees in Pre-Columbian Times. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1890. .75 The author, while in charge of the mound explorations carried on by the United States Government, had unusual opportunity to make this his life-study. 830 (Thomson, Charles). An En quiry into the Causes of the Aliena tion of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, and into the Measures Taken for Recov ering Their Friendship. Map. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 184. London, 1759. $20.00 Gives a full account of Penn s famous Indian Walk in 1737. Certain chiefs having been called together by the speculators, two persons were produced who testified that they were present at a council fifty years before, at which as much land was ceded to William Penn as a man could walk around in a day and a half. To locate as large a territory as possible a trained pedestrian was employed who was met at ap pointed stations by refreshments, and thus was enabled to traverse a route which cut off a million acres of Indian territory. Endless con ferences and councils were followed by bloody massacres that devasted the border settlements of Pennsylvania and Virginia for twenty years. The above rare volume is a complete contempo raneous account. 6o FkANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 831 Trnmbull, Henry. History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of Our Forefathers and the Most Remarkable Engagements with the Indians of New England; with Account of Braddock, Harmer, and St. Clair, and the Creek and Seminole War. Folding plate. 8vo, pp. 304. Boston, 1840. $3.00 In this copy the folding plate is not torn, which is very rare. 832 Tuttle, Chas. R. History of the Border Wars of Two Centuries, embracing a Narrative of the Wars with the Indians, 1750-1874. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 608. Chicago, 1874. $2.00 833 Wake, C. Staniland. Memoirs of the International Congress of An thropology (with Papers on Archae ology, Ethnology, Folk-Lore, Lin guistics, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 375. Chicago, 1894. $4.00 834 Watson, Henry C. Six Nights in a Block House; or, Sketches of Border Life, with Adventures among the Indians and Feats of Wild Hunt ers. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 448. Philadelphia, 1860. $1.50 835 Western Scenes and Reminis cences, with Legends and Traditions of the Red Men of the Forest, with Narratives of Adventures among the Indians, Origin, Language, etc. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 495. Au burn, 1853. $3-00 836 Wheelock, Eleazar. Plain and Faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon, Conn. 8vo, pp. 55. Bos ton, 1763. Continuation of the Nar rative from 1768 to the Incorporation with Dartmouth College, 1771. 8vo, pp. 61. Printed in the year 1771. Continuation of the Narrative from September 26, 1773, to February 20, 1775. 4to, pp. 40. $9.00 Three very rare pieces, unbound. 837 Wheelock, Eleazar. Memoirs of the Founder of Dartmouth College and Moor s Indian Charity School, with Copious Extracts from His Cor respondence. By David McClure and Elijah Parish. Portrait. 8vo, sheep, pp. 336. Newburyport, 1811. $3.00 838 Wild Life on the Plains and Horrors of Indian Warfare. Pro fusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 592. St. Louis, 1891. $1.50 The whole forms a complete history of the savage races in America, their leaders, manners, customs, etc. 839 Willson, M. M. The Semi- noles of Florida (Massacre of Gen. Thompson and of Dade s Forces, Generals and Marriages, Vocabulary, Dress, Ornament, etc.) Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 126. Philadelphia, 1896. $1.00 840 Wilson, Marcius. American History, comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, a De scription of American Antiquities, History of the British Provinces, Mexico, and Texas. 8vo, sheep, pp. 672. New York, 1847. $2.00 841 Young, Egerton R. Stories from the Indian Wigwams and Northern Camp-Fires. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 293. New York, 1893. $1.25 GENEALOGY. {Including a Few English Genealogical Works. ) 842 Alden. The Story of a Pilgrim Family from the Mayflower to the Present Time, with Letters, Incidents, and Genealogy. By John Alden. Il lustrated. 8vo, half roan, pp. 44. Boston, 1889. $3-00 843 Alison. History of the Alison or Allison Family in Europe and America, 1185-1893. By Leonard A. Monson. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. Boston, 1893. $2.50 GENEALOGY. 6l 844 Alumni Oxoniensis: The Mem bers of the University of Oxford, 1500-1886, Their Parentage, Birth place, and Year of Birth, with a Rec ord of Their Degrees, Alphabetically Arranged. Revised and annotated by Joseph Foster. Both series complete. Numerous illustrations. 8 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1892. $15.00 Published for $80.00. A most valuable work appealing to every genealogist and to all engaged in biographical and historical pursuits. 845 American Ancestry. Giving the Names and Descent in the Male Line of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence. Vols. IV.-XI. 8 vols., 8vo, boards. Albany: Munsell, 1889-98. $20.00 846 American Ancestry: Names and Descent in the Male Line of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence, 1776. 8vo, boards, Vol. V. $2.00 The same, Vol. IX. $2.00 847 American Genealogies. A Col lection of Twenty Family Histories (many unusual). Bound in 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, v. y. $15.00 Hall ock Ancestry, 1863; Bicknell s Genealogy, 1880; The Garfields of England; Births, Mar riages and Deaths in Hartford, Windsor, and Fairfield, Conn., from 1631-91; Dodge Family in America 1879; Munsell Family; Hunton Family, etc. 848 American Genealogical Queries, 1887. 8vo, paper, pp. 27. Newport, R. L, 1887. .75 849 Antill, Edward, and His De scendants: Particularly Edward An till, 2d, of Piscataway, N. J.; Lieut,- Col. Edward Antill, 3d, of Quebec; Dr. Lewis Antill of Perth Amboy, and Maj. John Antill of New York. By Wm. Nelson. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. Paterson, 1899. $1.50 Only 100 printed. " With Compliments of William Nelson." 850 Archer, J. H. Lawrence. The Orders of Chivalry. From the Orig inal Statutes of the Various Orders of Knighthood and Other Sources of Information. Numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 355. London, 1887. $4.00 851 Ashley. A History of the De scendants of Robert Ashley of Spring field, Mass., by Francis Bacon Trow- bridge. Portraits and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 470. New Haven, 1896. $3.00 852 Austin, John Osborne. An cestry of Thirty-three Rhode Island ers (born in the i8th Century), also 27 charts of Roger Williams De scendants to the Fifth Generation. Folio, boards, pp. 139. (Published at $5.00.) $2.00 853 Austin, John O. The Ances tral Dictionary (of 64 Rhode Island Families). 8vo, cloth. Providence, 1891. $1.50 854 Aylsworth, Arthur, and His Descendants in America, with Notes Historical and Genealogical. By Homer E. Aylsworth. 8vo, cloth, pp. 630. Providence, 1887. $5oo Edition limited to 250 copies prepared for the family. 855 Bailey, Frederic W. Early Connecticut Marriages as Found on Ancient Church Records Prior to 1800. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1896. $3.00 856 Ballou. An Elaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous in America. By Adin Ballou. Plates. 8vo, half sheep, pp. 1324. Provi dence, 1888. $6.00 857 Banks, T. C. The Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England; or, An Historical and Genealogical Ac count of the Lives, Public Employ ments, and Most Memorable Actions of the English Nobility from the Nor man Conquest to 1806. From Public Records, Ancient Historians, the Works of Eminent Heralds, etc. 3 vols., thick 4to, boards, uncut. Lon don, 1807. $5-OO Contains " Barones Rejecti," being an ac count of individuals who appear to have held 62 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. the rank of baron, but who are not noticed by other writers, which in many instances exhibits proofs of considerable research. 858 Bartow. The Bartow Geneal ogy, containing Every One of the Name of Bartow Descended from Dr. Thomas Bartow. 2 parts, with sup plement, The Bartow Family in Eng land. 3 vols., 8vo, paper, 1879-86. $3.00 859 Bellows. Historical Sketch of Col. Benj. Bellows, Founder of Wai- pole, N. H.; the Gathering of His De scendants, October n, 1854. By Henry W. Bellows. Coat of Arms. 8vo, pp. 125. New York, 1855. $3.00 860 Bird. Genealogical Sketch of the Bird Family Having Its Origin in Hartford, Conn. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Hartford, 1855. $2.50 This copy has numerous additions in MS., evidently by a member of the family. 86 1 Bissell. Genealogy of the Bis- sell Family. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. n. d. $1.00 862 Bolton. The Family of Bolton in England and America, 1100-1894. By Henry C. and Reginald P. Bolton. Illustrations, tables, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 524. New York (privately printed), 1895. $8.00 863 Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass. With illustration, maps, and notes. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 1084. Boston, 1860. $15.00 864 Book of Dignities: List of the Official Personages of the British Em pire, Civil, Diplomatic, Heraldic, Ju dicial, Ecclesiastical, Municipal, Na val, and Military, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. Re modeled and brought down to 1851 by Joseph Hadyn, and con tinued to the present time, with numerous additional lists and an in dex by Horace Ockerby. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1170. London, 1890. $5-OO Important for reference. 865 Borlase. The Descent, Name, and Arms of Borlase of Borlase, in the County of Cornwall, with a chart pedigree and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 205. London, 1888. $2.00 866 Bowdoin. Some Accounts of the Bowdoin Family, with Notes of the Families of Portage, Newgate, Lynde, and Erving. By Temple Prime. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. New York, 1887. $1.25 867 Brainerd. Genealogy of the Brainerd Family in the United States. With Numerous Sketches of Individ uals. By Rev. David D. Field. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. New York, 1857. $2.00 868 Bretz. Genealogy of the Lud- wig Bretz Family, 1750-1890. By E. W. S. Parthemore. 8vo, cloth, pp. 142. Harrisburg, 1890. $5-oo Only 100 copies printed. 869 Bridger, Charles. An Index to Printed Pedigrees Contained in County and Local Histories and Heralds Visitations, and in the More Important Genealogical Collections. 8vo, cloth, pp. 384. London, 1867. $2.00 A valuable reference work. 870 Bridgman. Genealogy of the Bridgman Family. Descendants of James Bridgman, 1636-1894. Por traits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 168. Hyde Park, 1894. $2.50 871 Briggs. A Partial Record of the Descendants of Walter Briggs of Westchester. Compiled by Sam Briggs. 4to, paper, pp. 51. Cleve land, 1878. $3.00 872 Bright. The Brights of Suf folk, England, Represented in Amer ica by the Descendants of Henry Bright, Jr., Who Came to New Eng land in 1630. By J. B. Bright. Por traits. 8vo, pp. 345. Boston (for pri vate distribution), 1858. $5.00 873 Brock, R. A. Documents Chiefly Unpublished Relating to the GENEALOGY. Huguenot Emigration to Virginia, with Appendix of Genealogies. 8vo, cloth, pp. 247. Richmond (Va.) His torical Society, 1886. $2.00 874 Browne. The Chad Browne Memorial, consisting of Genealogical Memoirs of a Portion of the De scendants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne, 1638-1888. 8vo, cloth, pp. 173. Brooklyn, 1888. $5.00 A limited edition printed for the family. 875 Burke, John Bernard. The Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with Their Descendants, Sovereigns, and Subjects. Steel por trait. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Lon don, 1848. $4.00 876 Burt. Life and Times of Henry Burt of Springfield, Mass., and Some of His Descendants. With genealogical and biographical notes by Henry M. and Silas W. Burt. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 617. Springfield, 1893. $3.00 877 Butler. Thomas Butler and His Descendants. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler of South Berwick, Me. 1674 to 1886. By George H. Butler. 8vo, cloth, pp. 192. New York, 1886. $3.00 878 Cave-Brown, J. The History of the Parish Church of All Saints, Maidstone, with Inscriptions from the Monuments, Registers, etc. Illus trated. 8vo, pp. 272. Maidstone, " d. $1.50 879 Caverly Family. Genealogy of, from 1116 to 1880. 8vo, cloth. Lowell, 1880. $1.50 880 Caverno. Record of the Ca- verno Family. By A. Caverno. I2mo, paper, pp. 36. Dover, 1874. $1.00 88 1 Champion. History of the De scendants of Henry Champion of Say- brook and Lyme, Conn., with Ac count of Other Families of the Name. By Francis B. Trowbridge. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 560. New Haven, 1891- $2.00 One of a few copies bound without the por traits, so as to be sold at this low figure to the working genealogist. 882 Chauncey. Memorials of the Chaunceys; including Chas. Chauncey (Second President of Harvard Col lege), His Ancestors and Descend ants. By Wm. C. Fowler. Tables, portraits, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 304. Boston, 1858. $5.00 883 Chester. Genealogical Mem oirs of the Extinct Family of Chester of Chicheley, Their Ancestors and Descendants. By Robert E. C. Waters. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, un cut. (Published at 5 53. od.) Lon don, 1878. $12.50 884 Clarke, Nathaniel, of Newbury, Mass. Genealogy of His Descend ants. Compiled by George K. Clarke. 8vo, paper, pp. 121. Boston, 1883. $1.50 885 Clayton. Memorials of the Clayton Family, with Unpublished Correspondence. By Thos. W. Av- eling. 8vo, cloth, pp. 516. London, 1867. $2.00 886 Conant. History and Geneal ogy of the Conant Family in England and America. By Fred k O. Conant. Illustrated. 8vo, half roan, pp. 639. Portland, 1887. $6.00 887 Converse. Family History in the Line of Joseph Convers of Bed ford, Mass., 1739-1828. By John J. Putnam. 8vo, cloth, pp. 97. Wor cester, 1897. $4.00 Cutler. Cutler, Nahum S. A Cutler Memorial and Genealogical History. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 665. Greenfield, 1889. $7.50 889 Dawson. A Collection of Fam ily Records and Other Memoranda of Various Families and Individuals Bearing the Name Dawson. Illus trated with engravings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 572. Albany, 1874. $5.00 6 4 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 890 De Courcy, B. W. A Gene alogical History of the Milesian Fam ilies of Ireland. 8vo, cloth, pp. 77. Cincinnati, 1880. $1.25 891 DeVoe. Genealogy of the De Veaux Family, Introducing the Nu merous Forms of Spelling the Name by the Various Branches and Genera tions for the Past noo Years. By Thomas F. DeVoe. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. Privately printed, 1885. $1.25 892 Du Bois. Bi-centenary Re union of the Descendants of Louis and Jacques Du Bois, Emigrants to Amer ica, 1660 and 1675, at New Paltz, N. Y., 1875. 4to, half morocco, pp. 158. Documents and Genealogy of the Family of Benj. Du Bois of Catskill, N. Y. Pp. 104. New York, 1878. 2 vols. in i. $20.00 893 Dudley. The Dudley Geneal ogies and Family Records. By Dean Dudley. 8vo, cloth, pp. 144. Bos ton (printed by the Author), 1848. $2.00 894 Dudley. First Annual Meeting of the Gov. Thomas Dudley Family Association and Second Reunion of His Descendants. 8vo, paper, pp. 77. (1893.) $1.25 895 Dunnell and Dwinell. The True Genealogy of the Dunnell and Dwinell Family of New England. By Henry G. Dunnell. 8vo, paper, pp. 84. New York, 1862. $3.00 896 Dunster. Henry Dunster and His Descendants. By Samuel Duns ter. I2mo, cloth, pp. 333. Central Falls, 1876. $3.00 897 Durrie, Daniel S. An Alpha betical Index to American Geneal ogies and Pedigrees Contained in State, County, and Town Histories, Printed Genealogies, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 297. Albany, 1868. $2.00 898 Dwight, The History of the Descendants of John Dwight of Ded- ham, Mass., by Benjamin W. Dwight. Portraits. 2 vols., thick 8vo, original cloth. Printed for the Author. New York, 1874. $15.00 899 Eaton. Genealogical Sketch of the Nova Scotia Eatons. Com piled by Rev. Arthur W. Eaton. 8vo, boards, pp. 128. Halifax, 1885. $2.50 900 Eberhart. History of the Eber- harts in Germany and the United States, 1265 to 1890. I2mo, cloth, pp. 263. Chicago, 1891. $1.50 901 Eliot. Genealogy of the Eliot Family (including John Eliot the Apostle). By Wm. H. Eliot, Jr., and W. S. Porter. 8vo, paper, pp. 184. New Haven, 1854. $3-5o 902 Farwell. Ancestral Memorial of Henry Farwell of Concord and Chilmsford, Mass., and His Descend ants to the Fifth Generation. By D. P. Holton. 8vo, cloth, pp. 254. New York, 1879. $10.00 903 Fiske. Fiske and Fisk Family : A Record of the Descendants of Sy- mond Fiske, Suffolk. By F. C. Pierce. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 654. Chicago, 1896. $9.00 904 Frost. Genealogy of the Frost Family of York County, Maine. 8vo, paper, pp. 27. n. p., n. d. $2.00 905 Gale. Genealogy of the Gale Family. By Hon. George Gale. 8vo, paper, pp. 9. n. p., n. d. $1.00 906 Gardiner. Lion Gardiner and His Descendants, 1599-1890. Edited by Curtiss C. Gardiner. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 170. St. Louis, 1890. $10.00 Very scarce. Relates almost entirely to Long- Island. 907 Garr. Genealogy of the De scendants of John Garr, or More Par ticularly of His Son Andreas Garr, Who Emigrated from Bavaria to America in 1732. 8vo, cloth, pp. 608. Cincinnati, 1894. $5- 908 Glover. Account of John Glover of Dorchester and His De scendants, with a Sketch of the Glov- GENEALOGY. ers of New Jersey, Virginia, etc. By Anna Glover. 8vo, cloth, pp. 602. Boston, 1867. $3.50 909 Goodwins (The) of Hartford, Conn. Descendants of William and Ozias Goodwin. By Jas. J. Good win. Folding charts of families and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 798. Hart ford, 1891. $5-00 Presentation copy, with letter from author. 910 Greenleaf. A Genealogy of. By Jonathan Greenleaf of Brooklyn, N. Y. 8vo, cloth, pp. 116. New York (printed for the use of the fam ily), 1854. $3.50 911 Hadley, Mass. Genealogies of Hadley Families, embracing the Early Settlers of Hatfield, South Had ley. 8vo, paper, pp. 168. North ampton, 1862. $3-oo 912 Harleian Society Publications. Visitations, Marriage Licenses, etc., of London, 2 vols.; Worcestershire, Shropshire, Canterbury, Norfolk, Marriage Licenses of Archbishop of Canterbury, Hunter s Familige Memo- rium Gentium, 4 vols.; Visitations of Cambridgeshire, Vols. XXV.-XLI. inclusive. 17 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Published by the Society, 1887-97. $35.00 Sold to members only. A good chance to complete a set at a very low figure. Each vol ume is complete in itself, and the set is indis pensable for the working genealogist. 913 Haven. Descendants of Rich ard Haven of Lynn. By Josiah Adams. 8vo, cloth, pp. 54. Boston, 1843. $i- 2 5 914 Hayden. Genealogy of the Hayden Family. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. n. d. $1.00 915 Hector, Wm. Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire, Illustrative of the Administration of the Laws of the County and Manners and Condition of the Inhabitants in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. With notes and facsimiles of old documents. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Paisley, 1876-78. $3-5o 916 Hinds. History and Geneal ogy of the Hinds Family. By Albert Henry Hinds. Numerous portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 383. Portland, 1899. $4.00 917 Hinman, Royal R. A Cata logue of the Names of the Early Puri tan Settlers of the Colony of Con necticut; with the Time of Their Ar rival in the Country and Colony. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 884. Hartford, 1852. $20.00 Lacks pages 336 to 348. 918 Hodges. Genealogical Record of the Hodges Family in New Eng land. By Alma D. Hodges. 8vo, paper, pp. 71. (Boston, 1853. $2.50 919 Hollingsworth. Genealogical Memoranda in the United States, 1682-1884. I2mo, cloth, pp. 144. Baltimore, 1884. $1.25 920 Hollister. The Hollister Fam ily of America: Lieut. John Hollister of Wethersfield, Conn., and His De scendants. By Lafayette W. Case. 8vo, sheets, uncut, pp. 805. Chicago, 1886. . $5.00 921 Holton, William, of Westmin ster, Vt. A Family Chart. New York, 1866. .50 922 Hughes and Allied Families. (No author, no place, no date.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 245. $1.50 923 Huguenot Society. Publica tions of. Vol. III., Register of the Protestant Church at Goisnes, 1668- 1685; Vol. IV., Registre de 1 Eglise Walloune de Southampton; Vol. V., Part i, Register of the Wallon or Strangers Church in Canterbury; Vol. VI., Despatches of Michele Su- riano and Marc Barbaro, 1560-63; Vol. VII., Register of the French Re formed Church at Dublin; Vol. VIII., Denizations and Naturalizations of Aliens in England. 6 vols., 410, paper, uncut. Lymington, 1890-93. $20.00 About 300 pages each, and most valuable^ for reference. 66 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 924 Humphreys. The Humphreys Family in America. By Fred k Humphreys. 4to, in parts, pp. 1115. With supplementary part, pp. 107. Illustrated. New York, 1883-99. $15.00 925 Hunt. Genealogy of the Name and Family of Hunt, Early Estab lished in America from Europe. Exhibiting pedigrees of ten thousand persons, with indices of Names and Places. Authorized by W. L. G. Hunt, compiled by T. B. Wyman, Jr. 4to, cloth, pp. 414. Boston, 1862-63. $5.00 926 Huntoon, Daniel T. V. Philip Hunton and His Descendants. 8vo, paper, pp. 113. Canton, 1881. .50 927 Hayd. The Hyde Genealogy; or, The Descendants in the Female as well as in the Male Lines of William Hyde of Norwich. By Reuben H. Wai worth. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Al bany, 1864. $50.00 928 Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material Con tained in All Works, such as Town, County, and Local Histories, Society Publications, etc. 4th edition. 8vo, cloth, pp. 282. Albany, 1895. $4.00 929 Jackson, Isaac and Ann. Pro ceedings of the Sesqui-Centennial Gathering of Their Descendants, at Harmony Grove, Chester County, Pa. Together with the family geneal ogy. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 371. Philadelphia, 1878. $4.00 930 Johnston. The Johnstons of Salisbury, with Supplement Concern ing the Hancock, Strother, and Pres ton Families. By Wm. Preston Johnston. I2mo, cloth, pp. 216. New Orleans, 1897. $1-5 931 Keep. John Keep of Long- meadow, Mass., 1660-76, and His De scendants. By Frank E. Best. 8vo, cloth, pp. 263. Chicago, 1899. $2.50 932 Kellogg. Family Meeting of the Descendants of Chas. Kellogg, with Genealogical Items of the Kel logg Family. 8vo, paper, pp. 8. Boston, 1858. .50 933 Kimball. History of the Kim- ball Family in America, 1634-1897, and of Its Ancestors, the Kimballs or Kemboldes of England. By L. A. Morrison and S. P. Sharpies. Illus trated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897. $5.00 934 Kneeland. Seven Centuries in the Kneeland Family. By Stillman F. Kneeland. 8vo, paper, pp. 352. New York (published for the Author), 1897. $5-00 935 Knox. Rogers, Chas. Gene alogical Memoirs of John Knox and of the Family of Knox. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 184. London, 1879. $1.50 936 Kool. Cole, David. Isaac Kool (Cool or Cole) and Catharine Serven, Married October 15, 1764, at Tappan, N. Y., and Their Descend ants. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 269. New York, 1876. $2.50 937 Lee. Genealogical History of the Lee Family of Virginia and Mary land, with notes and illustrations. By Edward C. Mead. Portraits. 4to, cloth, pp. 114. New York, 1871. $5.00 938 Lee. The Quarter-Millennial Gathering of Descendants and Kins men of John Lee, One of the Early Settlers of Farmington. 8vo, cloth, pp. 116. Meriden, 1885. $1.50 939 Leonard. Deane, Wm. R. A Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard Family. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. Boston, 1851. $1-00 940 Leverett. A Memoir Bio graphical and Genealogical of Sir John Leverett, Governor of Massa chusetts, 1673-79; of John Leverett, President of Harvard College, and of the Family Generally. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 203. Boston, 1856. $6.00 GENEALOGY. 6 7 941 Leverett Family. Chart of the Descendants of Thomas and Anne Leverett. .50 942 Littell, John. Family Records or Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley, with Their Ances tors and Descendants. 8vo, cloth, pp. 512. Feltville, N. J., 1851. $12.00 943 Long Island. Early Long Is land Wills. With Genealogical and Historical Notes by Wm. S. Pelle- treau. The Record of the Prerogative Court for the County of Suffolk from May, 1691, to April, 1703. A com plete copy of the so-called " Lester Will Book," with index of Names, Localities, and Letters of Administra tion. Pp. 301. New York, 1897. $5-oo Edition limited to 340 numbered copies. An interesting work for collectors of Long Island material, and invaluable for genealogists and lawyers. 944 Long Island Genealogies. The Families of Albertson, Andrews, etc., etc., etc., Being Kindred Descendants of Thomas Powell of Bethpage, 1688. By Mary P. Bunker. 4to, cloth, pp. 350. Albany, 1895. $5.00 945 Long Island. Collections of the Kings County Genealogical Club. (Cemetery Inscriptions, Marriage Records, etc.) 6 parts in 5. Com plete set, all published; scarce. 8vo, paper. New York, 1882-94. $2.50 946 Lysons, Samuel. Our British Ancestors, Who and What Were They. With the Traditional History of the Early Britons. I2mo, cloth, PP- 555- Oxford, 1865. $2.00 947 Magennis. Origin and History of the Magennis Family. By John F. Meginness. Portraits. 8vo, half roan, pp. 248. Williamsport, 1891. $4.00 948 Mallery, Rev. Charles Payson. Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor (Delaware). Their Homes and Their Graves. 8vo, cloth, pp. 74. Wilming ton, 1888. $1.00 949 Mansfield, Conn. Births, Bap tisms, Marriages, and Deaths from the Records of the Town and Churches in Mansfield, Conn., from 1703 to 1850. 8vo, cloth, pp. 475. New York, 1898. $5.00 Only 500 copies printed. 950 Markley, Jacob. Descendants of Shippack, Montgomery County, Pa. 8vo, tinted paper covers, pp. 36. n. p., 1884. $1.25 951 Mather, Lineage of Rev. Richard Mather. By Horace E. Mather. Portrait. 4to, sheets, un cut, pp. 540. Hartford, 1890. $5.00 952 Mayer. Memoir and Geneal ogy of the Maryland and Pennsyl vania Family of Mayer, 1495-1878. By Brantz Mayer. Illustrated. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 178. Baltimore, 1878. $20.00 Only 50 copies privately printed for the family. 953 Missouri. A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri, with Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., Relating to Early Days in Missouri. By Wm. S. Bryan and Robert Rose. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 528. St. Louis, 1876. $15.00 One of the rarest works in American gene alogy. Contains sketches and genealogies of several hundred pioneer families. Although of comparatively recent date, it is a volume but little known. 954 Morgan and Avery. Our Fam ily Genealogy. (Printed for the fam ily, but not published.) 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Hartford, 1851. $1.50 955 Mowry. A Family History. Richard Mowry of Uxbridge, Mass., His Ancestors and Descendants. By Wm. A. Mowry. 8vo, cloth, pp. 238. Providence, 1878. $1.50 956 Mowry, Wm. A. The De scendants of Nathaniel Mowry of Rhode Island. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 343. Providence, 1878. $2.00 957 Nash. The Nash Family; or. Records of the Descendants of 68 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Thomas Nash of New Haven, 1640. By Sylvester Nash. Portraits. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 304. Hartford, 1853. $10.00 958 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, from Its Com mencement in 1847 to 1900, Inclusive (except Vol. XVL). 53 vols., 8vo, clean, in the original quarterly num bers, uncut. Boston, 1847-1900. $200.00 The first in importance of the publications re lating to American Genealogy and Local His tory. It is absolutely indispensable to every library or student of American history. The design of the work is to gather up and place in a permanent form the scattered and decaying records of the domestic, civil, literary, religious, and political life of the people of the United States, and particularly of New England. To this end the Register is rich in Biographies of Distinguished Men, Genealogies of American Families, Transcriptions of Church, Town, County, and Court Records, Historical Memo randa rescued from Interleaved Almanacs, Family Bibles, Old Account Books, Ancient Private Letters and Journals, etc. 959 New York Dutch. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York; Mar riages, 1639-1801. Edited by Samuel S. Purple. Royal 8vo, pp. 352. New York, 1890. $15.00 Limited edition of 100 copies printed for subscribers. 960 New York Huguenots. Whitt- meyer, Alfred V. Registers of the Births, Marriages, and Deaths of the "Eglise Frangoise," 1688-1804, with Historical Documents. Views of the Huguenot Churches in New York. 8vo, boards, pp. 493. New York, 1886. $4-00 961 Noble. Boltwood, Lucius M. History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Mass., with Genealogical Notes of Other Families by the Name of Noble. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 870. Hart ford (privately printed), 1878. $6.00 962 Norris. Lineage and Biogra phies of the Norris Family in Amer ica, from 1640 to 1892. By Leonard A. Morrison. With References to the Norrises of England as Early as 1311. Illustrated. With fine portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 207. Boston, 1892. $2.00 963 Olcott. Descendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the First Settlers of Hartford. By Nathaniel Goodwin. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. Hartford, 1845. $1.50 964 O Meagher, Jos. Casimir. Some Historical Notices of the O Meaghers of Ikerrin. Map and plates, includ ing colored ones. 4to, vellum, pp. 47. London, n. d. $2.00 965 Page. Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia, and a Condensed Account of the Nelson, Walker, Pen- dleton, and Randolph Families. By R. C. M. Page. 8vo, cloth, pp. 250. New York, 1883. $5.00 966 Palmer. Palmer Records: Memorial Volume of the First Palmer Family Reunion at Stonington, Au gust, 1881, the Ancestral Home of Walter Palmer, the Pilgrim of 1629. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 296. Ja maica. $5- 967 Penns. Webb, Maria. The Penns and Peningtons of the Seven teenth Century, Their Religions and Domestic Life. Illustrated by Orig inal Family Letters. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 430. London, 1867. $2.50 968 Phillimore, W. P. W. How to Write the History of a Family: A Guide for the Genealogist. Supple ment to the above. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1887-96. $3.00 969 Pitkin. The Pitkin Family of America: A Genealogy of the De scendants of William Pitkin, Who Came from England, 1659. By A. P. Pitkin. Portraits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 325. Hartford, 1887. $10.00 970 Playfair, Wm. British Baro netage: Illustrative of the Origin and Progress of the Rank, Honours, and Personal Merit of the Baronets of the GENEALOGY. United Kingdom. Engraved plate. 4 vols., thick 4to, half calf. London, 1811. $10.00 971 Pope. A History of the Dor chester Pope Family, 1634-1888, with Sketches of Other Popes in England and America. By Chas. H. Pope. 8vo, cloth, pp. 340. Boston, 1888. $5.00 972 Potts. Memorial of Thomas Potts, Jr., Who Settled in Pennsyl vania; with an Historic-Genealogical Account of His Descendants to the Eighth Generation. By Mrs. Thomas Potts James. 4to, cloth, pp. 418. Cambridge (privately printed), 1874. $3.00 973 Pratt. The Pratt Family; or, Descendants of William Pratt, One of the First Settlers of Hartford and Saybrook, with Genealogical Notes. By F. W. Chapman. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 421. Hartford, 1864. $4.00 974 Preble. Genealogical Sketch of the First Three Generations of Preble in America, with an account of Abra ham Preble, Their Common An cestor. By Geo. H. Preble. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. Boston, 1868. $22.50 Very rare. Only 125 copies printed for private distribution. No. 13. 975 Prince. Princes. Record of Our Ancestors: A Complete List of All Persons by the Name of Prince Who Served in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War, 1861-65. Rank of Each, Regiment and Com pany, with Other Valuable Informa tion. 8vo, cloth. Franklin, 1898. $2.00 976 Quincy. Brief Account of the Quincy Family of Boston. 8vo, paper, pp. 7. Boston, 1857. $3.00 977 Rawlins or Rollins. Records of Families (of those names) in the United States. In 2 parts. Compiled by John R. Rollins. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 348. Lawrence, 1874. $2.50 978 Kiddell. History of the An cient Ryedales and Their Descend ants, 860 to 1884. A Genealogy and Biography for 1000 Years of the Fam ilies of Riddell, Riddle, Ridlon, Rid ley, etc. By G. T. Ridlon. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 786. Man chester, 1884. $5.00 979 Ripley. Genealogy of a Part of the Ripley Family. By H. W. Rip- ley. I2mo, paper, pp. 48. Newark, 1867. $2.00 980 Robinson. Memoir of Rev. William Robertson, Southington, Conn., with Account of His Ances tors in This Country. By Edward Robinson. 8vo, cloth, pp. 214. New York (printed for private distribu tion), 1859. $3.50 981 Rodman. Genealogy of the Rodman Family, 1620 to 1886. By Chas. Henry Jones. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 289. Philadelphia (privately printed), 1886. $5oo 982 Rupp, I. D. A Collection of Upwards of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776, with the Names of the Ships on Which They Sailed and the date of Their Arrival in Philadelphia. Chronologically Arranged, with His torical and Other Notes. Also an Ap pendix, containing a List of More than 1000 German and French Names in New York Prior to 1712. Second revised and enlarged edition, with German translation. 8vo, cloth, pp. 495 -f- 24. Philadelphia, 1876. $3.00 A valuable work for the genealogist and all interested in the early families of America. 983 Rutherfurd. Family Records and Events Compiled Principally from Original Manuscripts. By Liv ingston Rutherfurd. Portraits, tables, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 355, New York, 1894. $10.00 Rare. Only 150 copies printed privately by De Vinne. 984 Salkeld. The Salkeld Family of Pennsylvania, from John, Who FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Emigrated in 1705, to the Fourth Generation as Far as Known. By a Descendant. 8vo, paper, pp. 8. 1867. $5.00 985 Sands, Comfort. Descent of, and of His Children, with Notes on the Families of Ray, Thomas, Guthrie, Alcock, Palgrave, Cornell, Dodge, Hunt, Jessup. 8vo, boards, pp. 91. New York, 1886. $2.00 986 Savage, James. A Genealogi cal Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing Three Gen erations of Those Who Came before May, 1692. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bos ton, 1860. $75-00 987 Schwenkfelder. Genealogical Record of the Descendants of the Schwenkfelders, Who Arrived in Pennsylvania, 1733-37. From the German of Balthasar Heebner and Other Sources, by Rueben Kriebel. 8vo, cloth, pp. 339. Manayunk, 1879. $4.00 988 Scott. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Sir Walter Scott, with His Memorials of the Halibri- tons. By Chas. Rogers. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 78. London, 1877. $1.50 989 Scottish Genealogy. Histories of the Following Scottish Clans and Highland Families, by Alexander Mackenzie: History of the Macken- zies, pp. 648; History of the Chis- holms, pp. 232; History of the Frasers, pp. 761 ; History of the Cam- erons, pp. 477; History of the Mun- ros, pp. 632. 5 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt tops. Inverness, 1892-98. $25.00 These beautiful volumes are remarkable for their accuracy and completeness. The author has left nothing undone, no stone unturned, in order to make these works as exhaustive and complete as possible. They are works which no student of Scottish history can afford to over look. 990 Seton, George. Memoir of Alexander Seton, with Genealogical Tables of the Legal Families of Ers- kine, Hope, Dalrymple, and Dundas. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 217. Edinburgh, 1882. $2.00 991 Shattuck, Lemuel. Memorials of the Descendants of Wm. Shattuck, the Progenitor of the Families in America that Have Borne His Name. With introduction and appendix con taining collateral information. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 414. Boston, 1855. $6.00 Rare. 992 Shotwell, Ambrose M. Annals of Our Colonial Ancestors and Their Descendants, Who, Where, When, and What They Have Been. A gen ealogical register for nine generations of 200 families. Part 2, The Shotwell Family in America. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. Lansing, 1897. $4.00 993 Shuey. History of the Shuey Family in America, 1732-1876. By D. B.* Shuey. I2mo, cloth, pp. 279. Lancaster, 1876. $i-5o 994 Slafter. Memorial of John Slafter, with a Genealogical Account of His Descendants, including Eight Generations. By E. F. Slafter. Pri vately printed for the family. Plate and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 155. Boston, 1869. $2.50 Presentation copy. 995 Smith Families of New York and Long Island, 1664-1794. Wills of. Careful Abstracts of All the Wills of the Name of Smith Recorded in New York, Jamaica, and Hempstead Prior to 1794. Edited, with genealog ical and historical notes, by William S. Pelletreau, with indexes of Names and Localities. 4to, cloth. New York, 1898. $3-00 Only 340 numbered copies were printed, and published uniform with "The Early Long Island Wills," which was so highly reviewed and proved a decided success. 996 Starin. The Starin Family in America Descendants of Nicholas Ster, One of the Early Settlers of Fort Orange, N. Y. By Wm. L. Stone. 4to, cloth, pp. 233. Albany, 1892. $9-00 GENEALOGY. 997 Stiles. Contributions towards a Genealogy of the (Massachusetts) Family of Stiles. By Henry R. Stiles. 4to, paper, pp. 48. Albany, 1863. $3.00 Only 100 copies printed. 998 Stone. The Family of John Stone, one of the First Settlers of Guilford, Conn. By William L. Stone, 2d. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 184. Albany, 1888. $3.00 999 Storrs. The Storrs Family: Genealogical and Other Memoranda. Collected and compiled by Charles Storrs. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 552. Privately printed, 1886. $10.00 1000 Strong. The History of the Descendants of Elder John Strong of Northampton, Mass. By Benj. W. Dwight. Portraits 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1871. $25.00 1001 Swett. Mementos of the Swett Family. By John Wingate Thornton. 8vo, cloth, pp. 26. Rox- bury, 1851. $3.00 Presentation copy. Only loo privately printed. 1002 Taintor. History and Geneal ogy of the Descendants of Joseph Taynter, Who Settled at Watertown, Mass., 1638. By Dean W. Taintor. 8vo, leather, pp. 100. Boston (printed for private distribution), 1859. $5.00 1003 Taintor. Genealogy and His tory of the Taintor Family. By Chas. M. Taintor. I2mo, half bound, pp. 83. Greenfield, 1847. $l-OO 1004 Temple. Some Account of the Temple Family. By Temple Prime of Hunting-ton, Long Island. 8vo, paper, pp. 100. New York, 1887. $1.50 1005 The Register and Magazine of Biography. A Record of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Other Gene alogical and Personal Occurrences, from January, 1869, to December, 1869. 2 vols. (all published). 8vo, half roan. Westminster, 1869. $5.00 1006 Thomas, L. B. Pedigrees of Thomas, Chew, and Lawrence. A West River Register, and Genealogi cal Notes. 8vo, cloth (binding loose). New York, 1883. $10.00 Unique. Author s own copy, with extensive manuscript additions, corrections, and illustra tions. 1007 Tiernan, The Tiernan Fam ily in Maryland, Compiled from Orig inal Letters and Memoranda in the Author s Possession. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 222. Baltimore, 1898. $2.00 1008 Tilley Family. Genealogy of. Compiled by R. Hammett Tilley. 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. Newport, R. L, 1878. $1.50 1009 Trowbridge. The Trowb ridge Family; or, The Descendants of Thomas Trowbridge, One of the First Settlers of New Haven. By F. W. Chapman. 8vo, cloth, pp. 461. New Haven, 1872. $4.00 1010 Vassalls. The Vassalls of New England and Their Immediate Descendants. By Edward D. Harris. 8vo, paper, pp. 26. Albany, 1862. $1.25 ion Ward Family. Descendants of William Ward, Who Settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639; with an Ap pendix Alphabetically Arranged of the Names of All Families that Have In termarried with Them. By Andrew H. Ward. 2 engraved portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 265. Boston, 1851. $2.50 10 1 2 Washington. The Pedigree and History of the Washington Fam ily, for Eighteen Centuries, down to Gen. George Washington. By Albert Welles. Steel plates, portraits, etc. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 370. New York, 1879. $3-50 1013 Watson. John Watson of Hartford and His Descendants: His Genealogy. By Thomas Watson. Portrait. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1865. $2.00 Limited edition. Presentation copy of Mr. George Brinley. FRA*NCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1014 Weekes, George, of Dor chester, Mass., 1635-1650, Genealogy of. By Robert D. Weeks, with In formation in Regard to Other Fam ilies of the Name. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 463. Newark, 1885. $3.00 1015 Wells. The Wells Family of Wells, Me. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. Mil waukee, 1874. $1.25 10 1 6 Westchester County. Early Wills of, from 1664 to 1784. A Care ful Abstract of All Wills Recorded in New York Surrogate s Office, and at White Plains, N. Y., from 1664 to 1784, with Genealogical and Histori cal Notes by William S. Pelletreau. Uniform with " Early Long Island Wills" and "Smith Wills." 4to, cloth. $5-oo 1017 Wetmore. The Wetmore Family of America and Its Collateral Branches. By James C. Wetmore. Portrait. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 670. Albany, 1861. $7-5 1018 Wheeler. Reunion of the Wheeler Family of Acton, Mass., with Genealogy for Five Generations. 8vo, paper, pp. 7. Marlboro, 1879. .75 1019 Whitmore. Record of the De scendants of Francis Whitmore of Cambridge, Mass. By W. H. Whit more. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Boston (for private circulation only), 1855. $2.00 1020 Whitmore, Wm. H. A Hand book of American Genealogy: A Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications Containing Genealogical Information. Large-paper copy, in terleaved. 4to, full morocco, gilt. Albany, 1862. $5.00 102 1 Whitmore, Wm. H. The American Genealogist: A Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications Containing Genealogical Information. 8vo, cloth, pp. 287. Albany, 1868. $2.00 1 022 Whitney. The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, Eng., to Watertown, Mass., in 1635. By Frederick Clinton Pierce. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 69. Chicago, 1895. $9.00 1023 Whitney. Brief Account of the Descendants of John and Elinor Whitney of Watertown, Mass. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1857. $4.00 Rare. A few copies with MS. notes by W. H. Whitmore. Reprinted with additions from the " N. E. Register." 1024 Wights. The Wights: A Rec ord of Thomas Wight of Dedham and Medfield, and of His Descendants, 1635-1890. By William Ward Wight. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 357. Milwaukee, 1890. $7-5 1025 Winslow. Wins-low Memo rial: Family Records of the Winslows and Their Descendants in America, with English Ancestry. By D. P. and F. K. Holton. Portraits, charts, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, sheets, uncut. New York, 1877-88. $25-00 1026 Yale Family; or, The De scendants of David Yale. With Gen ealogical Notices of Each Family. By Elihu Yale, one of the descend ants. 8vo, paper, 201. New Haven, 1850. $3-00 AMERICAN TOPOGRAPHICAL LITERATURE, 1027 Alabama. Holcombe, Hosea. History of the Rise and Prog ress of the Baptists in Alabama 1028 Arizona. Cozzens, Samuel W. The Ancient Cibola. The Mar velous Country; or, Three Years in ress 01 me judutiauo u* -i^u.^^ , < T -. -r ~ :i I2mo, boards, pp. 375- Philadelphia, Arizona .and New -Mexico ioori- 1840. lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 548. Bos- $2.50 ton, 1876. $ 2 -5o ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA. 73 ARKANSAS. 1029 Northeast Arkansas. Bio graphical and Historical Memoirs of, comprising Greene, Clay, Fulton, Craighead, Randolph, Poynset, Inde pendence, and Ixard Counties. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 981. Chicago, 1889. $5.00 1030 Owen, D. D. First Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the Northern Counties of Arkansas, Made in 1857-58. Steel and colored illus trations. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 256. Little Rock, 1858. $1.50 103 1 Owen, D. D. Second Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the Middle and Southern Counties of Arkansas. Map and colored plates. 8vo, half boards, pp. 433. Philadel phia, 1860. $1.50 1032 Southern Arkansas. Bio graphical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas, with Brief His tory of Each of the Counties and Por traits and Biographical Sketches. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 1080. Chi cago, 1890. $5.00 1033 Thorpe, Major. Scenes in Arkansaw, etc. I2mo, cloth. Phila delphia, 1858. $1.00 1034 Western Arkansas. Histori cal Memoirs of, comprising a Con densed History of the State and His tory and Biographies of Yell, Polk, Johnson, Logan, Scott, Pope, and Montgomery Counties. Portraits. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 497. Chi cago, 1891. $4.00 CALIFORNIA. 1035 All about California and In ducements to Settle There. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 74. San Francisco, 1870. . 50 1036 Bancroft, Hubert H. The History of California, 1542-1848. 5 vols., large 8vo (750 pages each), cloth, uncut. San Francisco, 1884. $10.00 1037 Bates, Mrs. D. B. Incidents on Land and Water; or, Four Years on the Pacific Coast; with Narrative of Burning of the Ships Nonantum, Humayoon, and Fanchon. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 336. Bos ton (printed for the Author), 1860. $2.00 Early Scenes in California, the Gold Mines etc. 1038 Bates, J. H. Notes of a Tour in Mexico and California. Printed for private distribution. I2mo, cloth, pp. 167, New York, 1887. $1.50 1039 Benton, J. A. The California Pilgrim: A Series of Lectures. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 261. Sacra mento, 1853. $1.50 Early Days in San Francisco, Sacramento, Nevada, the Mines, etc. Rare. 1040 Borthwick, J. D. Three Years in California (San Francisco in 1851, The Mines, Digger Indians, Lynch Law, Vigilance Committee, etc.). Tinted plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 384. Edinburgh, 1857. $2.00 1041 Brace, Chas. Loring. The New West; or, California in 1867-68. I2rno, cloth, pp. 373. New York, 1869. $1.00 1042 Brooks, J. Trywhitt. Four Months among the Gold-finders in Alta, Cal. Diary of an Expedition from San Francisco to the Gold Dis trict. Map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 207. London, 1849. $2.00 1043 Californian Crusoe; or, The Lost Treasure Found. A Tale of Mormonism. i2mo, cloth, pp. 162. London, 1854. $1.00 1044 Capron, E. S. History of California, from Its Discovery to the Present Time; comprising also a Full Description of Its Climate, Soil, Rivers, Towns, etc., with A Journal of the Voyage from New York via Nicaragua to San Francisco, and back via Panama. Map. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1854. $2.00 74 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1045 Coke, Henry J. A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 390. London, 1852. $2.00 1046 Colton, Walter. Three Years in California. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 456. New York, 1850. $1.00 1047 Cone, Mary. Two Years in California. Illustrations and map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 238. Chicago, 1876. $1.25 1048 Cronise, T. F. The Natural Wealth of California; Early History, Geography, Mines and Mining, etc. Map. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 696. San Francisco, 1868. $2.00 1049 D Auteroche, C. A Voyage to California to Observe the Transit of Venus, with an Historical Descrip tion of the Route through Mexico; also, A Voyage to Newfoundland. Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 315. London, 1778. $5-00 1050 De Bupert, A. E. D. Cali- fornians and Mormons (Adventure and Sketches in California and Utah). I2mo, cloth, pp. 166. New York, 1881. $1.00 1051 Farnham, J. T. Early Days in California, Embracing What I Saw and Heard There, with Scenes in the Pacific. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 314. Philadelphia, 1859. $i-5o 1052 Farnham, Thos. J. Travels in the Californias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. Map and plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 416. New York, 1844. $2.50 Scarce. Written in early days, before the discovery of gold. 1053 Ferguson, Charles D. The Experiences of a Forty-Niner during Thirty-four Years Residence in Cali fornia and Australia. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 507. Cleveland, 1888. $2.25 1054 Fisher, Walter M. The Cali- fornians. I2mo, cloth, pp. 234. Lon don, 1876. $1.25 1055 Foster, G. G. The Gold Mines of California: A Geographical, Topographical, and Historical View of That Country. 8vo, original paper covers, pp. 80. New York, 1848. $1.00 1056 Frost, John. History of the State of California, from the Period of the Conquest by Spain to Her Oc cupation by the United States of America. With Account of the Dis covery of the Immense Gold Mines, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, leather, pp. 508. Auburn, 1850. $2.50 1057 Haskins, C. W. The Argo nauts of California: Being Reminis cences of Scenes and Incidents that Occurred in Early Mining Days. (With List of Early Pioneers, 150 pages, and the names of the vessels they came by.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 501. New York, 1890. $3.00 1058 Hittell, John S. The Re sources of California and Past and Future Development of the State. I2mo, cloth, pp. 494. San Francisco, 1866. -75 1059 Hutchings, James M. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in Cali fornia. Illustrated with 100 engrav ings of Big Trees, Yosemite Valley, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 267. London, 1865. $1.50 1060 Johnson, Theo. T. Sights in the Gold Region and Scenes by the Way. I2mo, cloth, pp. 278. New York, 1849. 75 1061 Kelly, William. A Stroll through the Diggings of California. (Geographical Sketch of California, Descriptions of Miners Laws, The ories, Practices, Land Speculating, Courts and Judges, Presides, Indians, Ranches, etc.) Small 8vo, boards, pp. 240. London, 1852. $1.50 1062 Knower, Daniel. The Ad ventures of a Forty-Niner: An His toric Description of California and Events and Ideas in San Francisco in CALIFORNIA. 75 Those Early Days. I2mo, cloth, pp. 200. Albany, 1894. $1.00 1063 Los Angeles County. Histori cal Sketch of Los Angeles County from Spanish Occupancy to 1876. 8vo, paper, pp. 88. Los Angeles, 1876. $1.25 1064 McClellan, R. G. The Golden State. The History of the Region West of the Rocky Mountains from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 711. San Francisco, 1874. $2.50 1065 Marryat, Frank. Mountains and Molehills; or, Recollections of a Burnt Journal. Illustrated by the author. Colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. London, 1855. $2.50 1066 Nordhoff, Chas. California: For Health, Pleasure, and Residence. A book for Travelers and Settlers. Profusely illustrated with portraits, maps, and woodcuts. 4to, cloth, pp. 255. New York, 1878. $1.00 1067 Palmer, J. W. The New and the Old; or, California and India in Romantic Aspects. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 433. London, 1859. $1.50 1068 Player-Frowd, J. G. Six Months in California. I2mo, cloth, pp. 164. London, 1872. $1.25 1069 Roberts, Oliver A. The Cali fornia Pilgrimage of Boston Com- mandery Knights-Templars, August and September, 1883. Portraits and illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 400. Bos ton, 1884. $2.00 A most readable book of travel. 1070 Ryan, William R. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower Cali fornia. 23 illustrations from drawings taken on the spot. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852. $4.00 1071 San Francisco, A History of, and Incidentally of the State of Cali fornia from Its Earliest Discovery to the Year 1878. By J. S. Hittell. 8vo, cloth, pp. 498. San Francisco, 1878. $2.00 ^ 1072 San Francisco. Narrative of Edward McGowan, including a Full Account of the Author s Adventures and Perils while Persecuted by the San Francisco Vigilance Committee of 1856. I2mo, half morocco, pp. 240. San Francisco, 1857. $5.00 1073 San Francisco. Smith, Frank M. San Francisco Vigilance Com mittee of 56. 8vo, paper, pp. 83. San Francisco, 1883. $1.00 1074 San Francisco. Taylor, Wm. Seven Years Street Preaching in San Francisco. Edited by W. P. Strick land. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 394. New York, 1857. $1.25 1075 San Francisco. The Annals of, containing a History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and Present Condition of California. A Complete History of All the Impor tant Events Connected with Its Great City, etc. By Frank Soule, John H. Gihon, and Jas. Nisbet. Map and 150 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 824. New York, 1855. $3.00 1076 Saxon, Isabelle. Five Years within the Golden Gate. (California Law, San Francisco, Nevada Mines, Death of President Lincoln, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 315. Philadelphia, 1868. $1.50 1077 Schaeffer, L. M. Sketches of Travels in South America, Mexico, and California. I2mo, cloth, pp. 247. New York, 1860. $1.00 1078 Seyd, Ernest. California and Its Resources. Colored plates and maps. Svo, cloth, pp. 168. London, 1858. $1.50 1068 Shaw, Pringle. Ramblings in California, Description of the Coun try, Life at the Mines and State of Society, Being Five Years of a Gold- Digger. i6mo, cloth, pp. 239. To ronto, n. d. $1.25 1079 Stillman, J. D. B. Seeking the Golden Fleece: A Record of Pioneer Life in California, to Which 7 6 FkANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. is Annexed Footprints of Early Navi gators, other than Spanish, in Cali fornia. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 352. San Francisco, 1877. $2.50 1080 Taylor, Benj. F. Between the Gates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 292. Chi cago, 1880. $1.00 1 08 1 Taylor, William. California Life. Illustrated. (Social Life, Life among the Miners, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 350. New York, 1859. $1.25 1082 Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848, with Recent and Authentic Information on the Gold Mines of California. Map and illus trations. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1849. $3-oo 1083 Todd, John. The Sunset Land; or, The Great Pacific Slope. I2mo, cloth, pp. 322. Boston, 1870. $1.00 1084 TJpham, Samuel C. Notes of a Voyage to California, with Sketches of El Dorado, 1849-50. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 594. Philadelphia, 1878. $2.50 Sketches of pioneer journalism. Full roll of members of the Association of California Pioneers. 1085 Van Dyke, Theo. S. Southern California, Scenery, Animals, Birds, Climate. I2mo, cloth, pp. 233. New York, 1886. $1.00 1086 Venegas. Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la Californie. Fine map. 3 vols., i6mo, old calf. Paris, 1767. $4.00 Very scarce. 1087 Werth, John J. A Disserta tion on the Resources and Policy of California, Mineral, Agricultural, and Commercial; including a Plan for the Disposal of the Mineral Lands. 8vo, paper, pp. 87. Benicia, Cal., 1851. $5.00 We have never met with another copy. 1088 Wickson, Edward J. The California Fruits, and How to Grow Them. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 600. San Francisco, 1891. $1.25 1089 Willey, Samuel H. A His tory of the College of California (with List of Graduates). 8vo, cloth, pp. 432. San Francisco, 1887. $1.25 1090 Willey, S. H. Thirty Years in California. A Contribution to the History of the State, 1849-79. 8vo, paper, pp. 76. San Francisco, 1879. $1.50 1091 Woods, Daniel B. Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. I2mo, cloth, pp. 199. New York, 1851. $1.50 CAROLINA (NORTH AND SOUTH). 1092 Allen, Walter. Gov. Cham berlain s Administration in South Carolina. A Chapter on Reconstruc tion in the Southern States. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 544. New York, 1888. $2.50 1093 Charleston. Cardoza, J. N. Reminiscences of Charleston (for 65 Years). I2mo, paper, pp. 144. Charleston, 1866. $2.50 Very scarce. Published upon the conclusion of the war. 1094 Charleston. De Veaux, James. Memoir of Charleston, S. C. By Robert W. Gibbes, M. D., of Co lumbia, S. C. Fine portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 258. Columbia, S. C., 1846. $1.50 " For the Benefit of the Family." 1095 Charleston. The Centennial of. Its Incorporation (with a History of Charleston, 1670 to 1883). By Wm. A. Courtenay. 12 maps and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 259. Charles ton, 1884. $1.25 1096 Edgefield County. Chapman, John A. From the Earliest Settle ments to 1897. (Sketches of the Sem- inole War, War with Mexico, Nulli fication, Secession, Rolls of All the Companies from Edgefield in the War of Secession, etc.) Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 521. 1897. $2.50 1097 Hammond, Hon. Jas. H. Se lections from the Letters and Speeches CAROLINA COLORADO. 77 of, of South Carolina. 8vo, cloth, pp. 368. New York, 1866. $1.50 1098 Holmes, Francis S. Phos phate Rocks, and South Carolina Marl Beds. Colored illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp. 87. Charleston, 1870. $2.00 1099 Newberry. Annals of. (Early Settlements, Palatine Settlement, Friends and Their Migration to Ohio, Events Preceding Secession, War Times in Newberry, The Soldiers of Newberry, etc.) Part I by John Belton O Neall, LL. D., Part 2 by John A. Chapman. Portraits of old settlers. 8vo, cloth, pp. 823. 1892. $2.50 1 100 O Neall, John B. Biographi cal Sketches of the Bench and Bar of South Carolina, with Rolls of At torneys Admitted to Practice, from Records at Charleston, Columbia, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1859. $5.00 noi Orangeburg County. Salley, A. S., Jr. The History of Orange- burg County, S. C, from Its First Settlement to the Close of the Revo lution. 8vo, cloth, pp. 572. Orange- burg, 1898. $2.00 1 102 Perry, Gov. B. F. (of South Carolina). Biographical Sketches of Eminent American Statesmen, with Speeches, Addresses, etc. (2 series); Letters to His Wife (2 series); ditto, Acknowledging the Receipt of " Let ter to His Wife." 5 vols., 8vo, cloth. Greenville, 1887-91. $12.50 Scarce. All privately printed and presenta tion copies. 1103 Petigru, James Louis (of Charleston, S. C.). A Biographical Sketch of. By Wm. J. Grayson. Steel portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 178. New York, 1866. $1.00 Written during the Siege of Charleston and 44 Valuable as a contribution towards the political and social history of the Rebellion." 1104 Pinckney, Chas. Three Let ters. Written, and originally pub lished, under the signature of a South Carolina Planter, Case of Jonathan Robbins, Recent Captures of Amer ican Vessels by British Cruisers, etc. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, pp. 65. Philadelphia, 1799. $2.00 1105 Purry, Jean P. Memorial Presented to His Grace, Duke of Newcastle, upon the Present Condi tion of Carolina, and the Means of Its Amelioration. 4to, paper, pp. 24. Augusta (privately printed), 1880. $2.00 1106 Tourney, M. Report on the Geology of South Carolina. Plates, maps, etc. 4to, cloth, pp. 359. Co lumbia, 1848. $10.00 Very rare. 1107 (Wilson, Samuel.) An Ac count of the Province of Carolina in America, together with the Patent and Several Other Necessary and Useful Particulars to Such as Have Thoughts of Transporting Them selves Thither. 4to, full polished calf, gilt. By Francis Bedford. Pp. 27. London: G. Larkin, 1682. $50.00 One of the earliest and rarest books relating to Carolina. Brinley sale, $77.50. 1108 Zeigler, W. G., and Grosscup, B. S. The Heart of the Alleghanies; or, Western North Carolina and Le gends of Its Wilderness. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 374. Ra leigh, 1883. $1.50 COLORADO. 1109 Blackmore, Wm. Colorado, Its Resources, Parks, and Prospects, with an Account of the Trenchara and Castella Societies in San Luis Park. Boards, 4to, cloth, pp. 217. London, 1869. $5oo Scarce. mo Chapin, Fred k H. Moun taineering in Colorado; the Peaks about Estes Park. Fine illustrations. i2mo, cloth, pp. 168. Boston, 1889. $1.25 This charming volume was issued by the Appalachian Mountain Club. FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1 1 ii Fossett, Frank. Colorado, Its Gold and Silver Mines, etc. Map and illustrations. I2mo, pp. 540. New York, 1879. $1.00 Early Colorado History, Annals of Fifty- Niners, Political History, Indian War, Discovery of Silver, etc. 1 1 12 Gordon, S. A. Camping in Colorado, with Suggestions for Gold- Seekers, Tourists, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 201. New York, 1879. .75 1113 Greatorex, Eliza. Summer Etchings in Colorado (of Picturesque Scenes). Introduction by Grace Greenwood. 8vo, full morocco. New York, 1873. $3.00 1114 Hill, Alice P. Tales of the Colorado Pioneers. I2mo, cloth, pp. 319. Denver, 1884. $1.25 1115 Hollister, Ovando J. The Mines of Colorado. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 450. Springfield, 1867. $1.00 1116 Morris, Maurice O Connor. Rambles in the Rocky Mountains, with a Visit to the Gold Fields of Colorado. I2mo, cloth pp. 264. London, 1864. $1.50 1117 Porter, Thos. C., and Coulter, John M. Synopsis of the Flora of Colorado, interleaved and with nu merous manuscript additions. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1874. $4.00 CONNECTICUT. 1118 Barber, John W. Connecti cut Historical Collections: Facts, Traditions, etc., Relating to the His tory and Antiquities of Every Town in Connecticut. Map and illustration. 8vo, sheep, pp. 560. New Haven. $6.00 1119 Colchester. Taintor. Chas. M. Extracts from the Records of Colchester, with Transcripts from the Recording of Michael Taintor of Brainford. I2mo, cloth, pp. 156. Hartford, 1864. -75 1 120 Cromwell. Dudley, M. S. History of Cromwell. 8vo, half roan, pp. 36. Middletown, 1880. $1.00 1 121 French, H. W. Art and Art ists in Connecticut. The Pioneers of Art in America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 176. Boston, 1879. $2.00 1 122 Greenwich. Mead, Daniel M. A History of the Town of Greenwich, Conn. (Troubles with the Indians, Items from 1665 to 1690, Genealogies of the Mead and Peck Families, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 318. New York, 1857- $3-50 1123 Guilford. Smith, Ralph D. History of Guilford, Conn., from Its First Settlement in 1639. From the manuscripts of Hon. R. D. Smith. (Views of the Old Stone House.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 219. Albany, 1877. $2.00 1124 Guilford. Proceedings at the Celebration of the 25oth Anniversary of the Settlement of Guilford, Conn., September 8, 9, and 10, 1889. Views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 289. New Haven, 1889. $1.75 1125 (Hinman.) The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, Usually Called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachu setts; Blue Laws of New York, Mary land, Virginia, and South Carolina; First Record of Connecticut; Inter esting Extracts from Connecticut Records; Cases of Salem Witchcraft; Charges and Banishment of Roger Williams, etc. Compiled by an Anti quarian. I2mo, cloth, pp. 336. Hart ford, 1838. $2.50 1126 Johnston, Alex. Connecticut. (American Commonwealth Series.) Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 409. Boston, 1888. .75 1127 Mansfield. Dimock, Susan W. Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths from the Records of the Town and Churches in Mansfield, Conn., 1703-1850. 8vo, cloth, pp. 475. New York, 1898. $5.00 Only 500 copies printed. CONNECTICUT. 79 1128 Nash, Fred k H. Ye Names and Ages of ye Old Folks in Every Hamlet, City, and Town in ye State of Connecticut now Living 1 . 8vo, paper, pp. 52. New Haven, 1884. $1.50 1129 New Haven. Bacon, Leon ard. Thirteen Historical Discourses on the Completion of 200 Years from the Beginning of the First Church in New Haven. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. New Haven, 1839. $2.00 1130 New Haven. Blake, Henry T. Chronicles of New Haven Green, 1638-1862. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 280. New Haven, 1898. $2.50 1131 New Haven. Dexter, Frank lin B. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, with An nals of College History, 1701-45. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 787. New York, 1885. $3.00 1132 New Haven. Proceedings in Commemoration of the Settlement of the Town of New Haven. 8vo, paper, pp. 69. New Haven, 1888. .50 1133 New Haven. Trowbridge, Thos. R. History of the Ancient Maritime Interests of New Haven. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 124. New Haven, 1882. $3.00 1134 New Haven. Brief Memoirs of the Class of 1797, Yale. By Thomas Day and James Murdock. Printed by order of the class for their own use, and for distribution to their friends. 8vo, boards, pp. 99. New Haven, 1848. .50 1135 ^ ew Haven. Yale College. Biographical Memoranda Respecting Whoever Were Members of the Class of 1832. 410, cloth, pp. 326. New Haven (for private distribution), 1880. $3.00 1136 Newington, Brace J. History of the Church in, Its Doctrine, Its Experience. 8vo, paper, pp. 75. Hartford, 1855. $1.00 1137 New London. A Centennial Historical Sketch of the Town of New London. By W. H. Starr. 8vo, un bound, pp. 96. New London, 1876. $1.50 1138 New London, Starr, W. H. A Centennial Historical Sketch of New London. 8vo, cloth, pp. 96. New London, 1876. $i-5o 1139 Norwich. Caulkins, Frances M. History of Norwich from Its Pos session by the Indians to 1866. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 704. Published by the Author, 1866. $6.00 1140 Percival, Jas. G. Report on the Geology of the State of Connecti cut. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 495. New Haven, 1842. $2.00 1141 Peters, Samuel A. A General History of Connecticut from Its First Settlement under George Fenwick to Its Latest Period of Amity with Great Britain, including a Description of the Country and Many Curious and In teresting Anecdotes, with an Ap pendix wherein New and True Sources of the Present Rebellion in America Are Pointed Out. First edi tion. 8vo, newly bound in full rich brown polished levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, pp. 436. London (printed for the Author), 1781. $30.00 The first edition of this curious and interest ing volume, which is very rare. His account of the ancient custom of courtship by " bundling," in that State, gave much offense. 1142 Peters, Samuel. General History of Connecticut, from Its First Settlement, with Many Curious and Interesting Anecdotes. With notes, etc., by Samuel J. McCormick. I2mo, cloth, pp. 285. New York, 1877. $1.50 1143 Sanford, Elias B. A History of Connecticut. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 381. Illustrated. Hartford, 1888. $1.50 1144 Spalding, J. A. Illustrated Popular Biography of Connecticut. Numerous portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 375. Hartford, 1891. $2.50 8o FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1145 Waterbury. The Town and City of Waterbury, from the Aborigi nal Period to 1895. Edited by Joseph Anderson. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New Haven, 1896. $15.00 One of the best modern local histories. The Family Records are very full. 1146 Welles, Roger. Early Annals of Newington, comprising the First Records of the Newington Ecclesiasti cal Society and of the Congregational Church Connected Therewith, with Documents and Papers Relating to the Early History of the Parish. 8vo, paper, pp. 204. Hartford, 1874. $2.50 1147 Wethersfield, Conn. Brief Historical Sketch of the Wethersfield M. E. Church. 8vo, paper, pp. 47. Published for the Society, 1882. .75 1148 Winchester. Boyd, John. Annals and Family Records of Win chester. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 631. Hartford, 1873. $5oo 1149 Wolcott, History of, from 1731 to 1874; with Genealogies of the Families of the Town. (First Settlers, Anti-Slavery, Early Records, Biog raphies, etc.) By Samuel Orcutt. 8vo, cloth, pp. 608. Waterbury, 1874. $3-50 The Genealogies occupy pages 425 to 608, and are valuable for reference. DAKOTA. 1150 Black Hills. Report on the Geology and Resources of the Black Hills. By Henry Newton and W. P. Jenney. Atlas and plates. 4to, pp. 566. Washington, 1880. $6.00 1151 Dodge, Rich. I. The Black Hills: A Minute Description of the Routes, Scenery, Soil, and Climate. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 151. New York, 1876. .75 1152 Tom s Experience in Dakota. Advice about Going West, The Way to Success. I2mo, cloth, pp. 146. Minneapolis, 1883. $1.50 DELAWARE. ^1153 Clay, Jehu C. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware from Their First Settlement in 1636. 2d edition, enlarged. i6mo, cloth, pp. 179. Philadelphia, 1858. $1.50 1154 Ferris, Benj. History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, with Account of the Swedish Settlers and a History of Wilmington. Plates (frontispiece lacking) and map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. Wilmington, 1846. $2.50 1155 Mallery, Chas. P. Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor, Their Homes and Graves. 8vo, cloth, pp. 74. Wilmington, 1888. $1.00 1156 Wilmington, Reminiscences of. Familiar Village Tales, Ancient and New. By Elizabeth Montgom ery. Steel plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 367. Philadelphia, 1851. $4.00 1157 Year-Book, 1895, of the Sons of Delaware, of Philadelphia, Pa. Edited by Norris S. Barratt, histo rian. Portraits. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 98. n. p. n. d. $1.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1158 Washington. Chapin, Mrs. E. N. American Court Gossip; or, Life at the National Capital (during Presidents Arthur and Cleveland s Administration). 8vo, cloth, pp. 269. Marshalltown, la., 1887. $2.00 1159 Washington. Johnson, L. D. Churches and Pastors of Washington, D. C., with 500 Topics of Sermons Delivered in 1855-56, also a List of All the Church Edifices, and Their Localities. I2mo, cloth, pp. 171. New York, 1857. .75 FLORIDA. 1 1 60 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Florida, 1830-59. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 868. New York, 1859. $2.00 IDAHO GEORGIA ILLINOIS. 81 1161 Roosevelt, Robt. B. Florida and the Game Water-Birds of the At lantic Coast. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 443. New York, 1884. $1.25 1162 Vignoles, Chas. Observations upon the Floridas. (Indians, Land Titles, etc.) 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 221. New York, 1823. $3.00 1163 Whitehead, Charles E. The Camp-Fires of the Everglades; or, Wild Sports of the South. Etchings and woodcuts. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, pp. 298. Edinburgh, 1891. $4.00 One of the most beautiful volumes on Ameri can Sport ever printed. The text is on hand made and the illustrations on India paper. These include : The Hunters Camp, The Bear at Bay, The Deer Hunt, The Leap of the Tarpon, etc. IDAHO. 1164 Idaho. In the Heart of the Bitter-Root Mountains: The Story of the " Carlin Hunting Party." By " Heclawa." Map and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 259. New York, Ig 95- 75 Lewis and Clark Expedition, Big Game Shooting, Journey down the Kooskooskee, etc. GEORGIA. 1165 Jones, Chas. C, Jr. The Dead Towns of Georgia. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 263. Savannah, 1878. $2.50 1166 Oglethorpe, Gen. James. A Memoir of (families of Georgia). By Robert Wright. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 414. London, 1867. $ J -75 1167 Savannah. Historical Record of the City of Savannah. By F. D. Lee and J. L. Agnew. Map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 200. Savannah, 1869. $2.00 1168 White, George. Statistics of the State of Georgia, including Ac count of Its Natural, Civil, and Ec clesiastical History; with a Descrip tion of Each County, Manners and Customs of the Aboriginal Tribes, etc. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 700. Sa vannah, 1849. $3.50 1169 Whitefield, George. Jour nals. A Voyage from London to Sa vannah in Georgia (London, 1739; pp. 55); A Continuation of His Jour nal from His Arrival in Savannah to His Return to London, 1739 (pp. 39); A Continuation during the Time He Was Detained in England by the Embargo (London, 1739; pp. 40); A Continuation from His Arrival in London to His Departure to Georgia (London, 1739; pp. 115); A Continua tion from after the Embargo to His Arrival at Savannah, Ga. (Lon don, 1740; pp. 88); A Continua tion from a Few Days after his Return to Georgia to his Arrival at Falmouth, March, 1741, contain ing an account of the Work of God at Georgia, Rhode Island, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina (London, 1741 ; pp. 86). 7 rare journals in I vol. 8vo, boards. London, 1739-41. $10.00 It is seldom so many of Whitefield s Journals are offered at one time. ILLINOIS. 1170 Alton Trials of Winthrop S. Gilman, for the Crime of Riot, Com mitted on the Night of the 7th of No vember, 1837, while Engaged in De fending a Printing Press from an At tack by an Armed Mob. Written from notes of the trial, taken at the time by a Member of the Bar of the Alton Municipal Court, etc. Curious view of the riot. I2mo, cloth, pp. 158. New York, 1838. $2.00 1171 Alton. Lovejoy, Elijah P. Memoirs of, Who Was Murdered in Defence of the Liberty of the Press at Alton, 111., November 7, 1837. By Jos. C. and Owen Lovejoy, with In troduction by John Quincy Adams. I2mo, cloth, pp. 382. New York, 1838. $1.50 82 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1172 Alton. The Martyrdom of Lovejoy. An Account of the Life, Trials, and Perils of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, Who Was Killed by a Pro- Slavery Mob at Alton, 111., November 7, 1837. By an Eye- Witness. Por trait and facsimiles? 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 233. Chicago, 1 88 1. $1.50 1173 Bill, Ledyard. A Winter in Florida, with a Brief Historical Sum mary. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 222. New York, 1869. $1.00 1174 Champaign County. History of, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. 4to, half morocco. Phila delphia, 1878. $7.50 1175 Chicago and Its Suburbs. By Everett Chamberlin. Map and nu merous illustrations of buildings, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 468. Chicago, 1874. $1.50 1176 Chicago Fire. Report of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society of Disbursement of Contributions for the Sufferers by the Chicago Fire. (History and Topography of Chicago, Brief Account of the Fire, etc.) Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 440. Printed at the Riverside Press, 1874. $1.00 1177 Chicago. Kirkland, Joseph. The Chicago Massacre of 1812, with Illustrations (of Early Chicago) and Historical Documents. I2mo, cloth, pp. 218. Chicago, 1893. $1.25 1178 Chicago. Mason, Edward G. Early Chicago and Illinois. (Chicago Historical Society Collections, IV.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 520. Chi cago, 1890. $3.00 1179 Chicago. Smith, C. The Past, Present, and Future of the City of Chicago; Its Early History. I2mo, cloth, pp. 84. St. Louis, 1871. $1.50 1180 Chicago. The Dearborns First Settlement of Chicago and Eightieth Anniversary of the Occupa tion of Fort Dearborn. By Daniel Goodwin, Jr. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 56. Chicago, 1884. .75 1 181 Cook County. Andreas, A. T. History of Cook County from Earliest Period to the Present Time. Pro fusely illustrated. 4to, half morocco, pp. 888. Chicago, 1884. $7.50 1182 Christian County. History of Christian County, with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Biographi cal Sketches of Pioneers, Prominent Men, etc. 4to, half morocco, pp. 275. Philadelphia, 1880. $6.00 1183 De Witt County. History of De Witt County, with Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Pioneers. Portraits, Views of Houses, Places of Interest, etc. 4to, half morocco, pp. 338. Philadelphia, 1882. $5.00 1184 Ford, Thomas. The History of Illinois, 1818-47, with a Full Ac count of the Black Hawk War, The Alton Riots, and Other Important Events. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 447. Chicago, 1854. $5.00 1185 Fulton County. History of, Its Cities, Villages, etc., with Biog raphies of Prominent Persons. Por traits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1090. Peoria, 1879. $4.00 1186 Jackson County. History of Jackson County, with Sketches of Pioneers and Prominent Men. Por traits, Views of Farms, etc. 4to, half morocco, pp. 137. Philadelphia, 1878. $6.00 1187 Johnson County, etc. The Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope, and Hardin Counties, Illinois. With Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens. Numer ous full-page portraits. 4to, full mo rocco, gilt edges, pp. 622. Chicago, 1893. $4.00 1188 Jones, A. D. Illinois and the West, with a Township Map. i6mo, cloth, pp. 256. Boston, 1838. $2.00 ILLINOIS INDIANA. 1189 La Salle County. History of. By Elmer Baldwin. 8vo, cloth, pp. 552. Chicago, 1877. $2.50 1190 Macoupin County. History of Macoupin County. Portraits, Views of Farms, Churches, Buildings, etc. 4to, half morocco, pp. 288. Philadel phia, 1879. $6.00 1191 Madison County. History of Madison County, with Biographical Sketches of Pioneers, Prominent Men, Maps, Views, etc. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 603. Edwardsville, 1882. $6.00 1192 Madison County. Illustrated Encyclopaedia and Atlas Map of Mad ison County. Carefully compiled from personal examinations and sur veys. Maps, portraits, and views. Folio, half morocco. St. Louis, 1873. $9.00 Rare. 1193 Marion and Clinton Counties. History of Marion and Clinton Coun ties. With Portraits, Illustrations of Scenery, etc. 4to, morocco, pp. 292. Philadelphia, 1881. $5.00 1194 Montgomery and Bond Coun ties. Portrait and Biographical Rec ord of Montgomery and Bond Coun ties. Portraits. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 520. Chicago, 1892. $5.00 1195 Peck, J. M. A Gazetteer of Illinois, with Description of Settle ment, Streams, Prairies, etc. i6mo, cloth, pp. 328. Philadelphia, 1837. $1.50 1196 Pike County. History of, Civil, Military, and Political. With Portraits and Biographies of Promi nent Persons. Royal 8vo, half mo rocco, pp. 996. Chicago, 1880. $4.00 1197 Randolph, Monroe, and Perry Counties. Combined History of. With Biographical Sketches of Pio neers and Prominent Men. Portraits. 4to, half morocco, pp. 510. Philadel phia, 1883. $5-oo 1198 St. Clair County. History of St. Clair County. Illustrations of Scenery, Portraits of Pioneers. With Biographical Sketches. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 371. Edwardsville, 1881. $5.00 1199 St. Clair County. History of. With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches. 4to, half morocco, pp. 400. Philadelphia, 1881. $5.00 1 200 St. Clair County. Portraits and Biographical Record of, Its Prominent and Representative Citi zens. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 675. Chicago, 1892. $5.00 1 201 Schuyler and Brown Counties. History of. With Biographical Sketches of their Prominent Men, Pioneer Families, etc. Illustrated. 4to, half morocco, pp. 406. Philadel phia, 1882. $5-00 1202 Shelby and Moultrie Counties. Combined History of. With Por traits and Illustrations Descriptive of Their Scenery. 4to, half morocco, pp. 325. Philadelphia, 1881. $5.00 1203 Welby, Adlard. Visit to North America, and the English Set tlements in Illinois, to Ascertain the Actual Prospects of the Emigrating Agriculturist, Mechanic, and Com mercial Speculator. Illustrated. 8vo, half old calf, pp. 224. London, 1821. $6.50 1204 Woods, John. Two Years Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie in the Illinois Coun try, United States, with an Account of Its Animal and Vegetable Produc tions, Agriculture, etc. A Description of the Principal Towns, Villages, etc., with the Habits and Customs of the Backwoodsmen. Maps. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 310. London, 1822. $7.50 Very scarce. INDIANA. 1205 Carroll County. Recollections of the Early Settlement of. By Dr. James H. Stewart. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 372. Cincinnati, 1872. $2.00 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1206 Clay and Owen Counties. Counties of Clay and Owen, Indiana. Historical and Biographical. Edited by Charles Blanchard. Illustrated. 8vo, half roan, pp. 966. Chicago, 1884. $5-00 1207 Elkhard and St. Joseph Coun ties. Biographical Memoirs of, with Many Prominent Men of Northern Indiana. Portraits. 4to, full mo rocco, gilt, pp. 776. Chicago, 1893. $3-50 1208 Evansville. Elliott, Joseph P. History of Evansville and Vander- burgh County, with Reminiscences of Pioneers. 8vo, cloth, pp. 499. Evans ville, 1897. $3-00 1209 Henry County. Pleas, El- wood. Henry County, Past and Pres ent. With a Brief History, 1821-71. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 148. New Castle, 1871. $1.50 12 10 Indianapolis. Sketches of Prominent Citizens of, 1876, with a Few of the Pioneers of the City and County Who Have Passed Away. By John H. B. Nowland. Portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 572. Indian apolis, 1877. $3-50 12 1 1 Jay County. Montgomery, M. W. History of Jay County. I2mo, cloth, pp. 288. Chicago (printed for the Author), 1864. $3.50 1212 Madison County. History of, 1820-74. By Samuel Harden. 8vo, cloth, pp. 411. Markleville, 1874. $2.50 1213 St. Joseph County. History of, Its Cities, Villages, and Town ships; Civil, Military, and Political History. With Portraits and Biog raphies of Representative Citizens. Portraits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 971. Chicago, 1880. $3oo 1214 St. Joseph County. La Salle in the Valley of the St. Joseph: An Historical Fragment. By Chas. H. Bartlett and Rich. H. Lyon. Illus trated I2mo, cloth, pp. 117. South Bend, 1899. $1.50 1215 Smith, O. H. Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. (Historical Ac count of Early Life and Pioneers.) Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 640. Cin cinnati, 1858. $2.50 1216 Smith, Wm. C. Indiana Mis cellany, consisting of Sketches of In dian Life, the Early Settlement, Cus toms, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 304. Cincinnati, 1867. $1.50 1217 Smith, J. C. Reminiscences of Early Methodism in Indiana, with Description of Remarkable Camp Meetings, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 322. Indianapolis, 1879. $1.00 1218 Sutherland, James. Bio graphical Sketches of Members of the Forty-first Assembly of Indiana, with State Officers and Judiciary. 8vo, cloth, pp. 210. Indianapolis, 1861. $175 1219 Upper Wabash Valley, with Hints on Its Agricultural Advan tages, Plan of a Dwelling, Estimates of Cultivation, etc. By Henry Wm. Ellsworth. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 175. New York, 1838. $2.00 1220 Wylie, Theo. Indiana Uni versity from 1820-90. Biographical Sketches of Its Professors, Graduates, and a List of Students, 1820-87. 8vo, cloth, pp. 472. Indianapolis, 1890. $2.00 IOWA. 1 22 1 Black Hawk County. History of, with Biographies of Citizens, War Record, Portraits of Early Settlers, etc. 8vo, half calf, pp. 603. Chicago, 1878. $4.00 1222 Dubuque, etc. Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones, and Clayton Counties, Iowa. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 557. Chi cago, 1894. $5.00 1223 Grimes, Jas. W. The Life of (Governor of Iowa and United States Senator). By Wm. Salter. Portrait, 8vo, half calf, pp. 398. New York, 1876. $2.00 IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY. 1224 Monroe County. Hicken- looper, Frank. An Illustrated His tory of Monroe County, Iowa: A Complete Civil, Political, and Mili tary History of the County from Its Earliest Period to 1896, including Sketches of Pioneer Life, Anecdotes, Biography, and Long-drawn Reminis cences Spun out by the " Oldest In habitant." Map. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 360. Albia, la., 1896. $1.25 Contains Histories of the First Iowa Cavalry, 6th, 22d, and 36th Iowa Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, with roster of regiments, showing age, rank, company, list of casualties of Monroe County soldiers, etc. 1225 Polk County. Dixon, J. M. Centennial History of Polk County. 8vo, cloth, pp. 339. Des Moines, 1876. $1.50 1226 Report on the Geological Survey of State of Iowa, embracing Results of Investigations Made dur ing l8 55> 56, and 57. By James Hall and J. D. Whitney. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. 1858. $6.00 1227 Report of the Geological Survey of State of Iowa. By Charles A. White. Plates. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Des Moines, 1870. $3-5o 1228 Sabin, Henry. The Making of Iowa. (First White Settlers, In dian Massacres, etc.) Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 282. Chicago, 1900. $1.00 KANSAS. 1229 Ebbutt, Percy G. Emigrant Life in Kansas. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 237. London, 1886. $1.50 1230 Griswold, Wayne. Kansas, Her Resources and Developments; or, The Kansas Pilot. 8vo, paper, pp. 95. Cincinnati, 1871. .40 1231 Hale, Edward E. Kanzas and Nebraska: History and Political Position of Those Territories. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 256. Boston, 1854. $1.00 1232 Hutchinson, C. C. Resources of Kansas, Fifteen Years Experience. Map and Illustrations. i2mo, paper, pp. 287. Topeka, Kas., 1871. .75 1233 Inman, Col. Henry. Tales of the Trail: Short Stories of Western Life. Ilustrated. I2mo, pp. 280. Topeka, 1898. $1.00 1234 Kansas Historical Society. Transactions. Vols. I. and II. 8vo, cloth, pp. 328. Topeka, 1881. $1.50 1235 Portrait and Biographical Al bum of Jackson, Jefferson, and Potta- watomie Counties. Portraits. 4to> full morocco, gilt, pp. 784. Chicago, 1890, $5.00 1236 Three Years on Kansas Bor der. By a Clergyman. I2mo, cloth, pp. 240. New York, 1856. $1.50 Scarce. 1237 Tuttle, Chas. R. A Full and Complete Civil, Political, and Mili tary History of the State of Kansas. 8vo, cloth, pp. 708. Lawrence, 1876. $3.00 KENTUCKY. 1238 Centenary of Kentucky and Celebration by the Filson Club, June i, 1892, containing Historical Address of Col. R. T. Durrett, etc. 4to, paper, pp. 200. Louisville, 1892. $1.50 1239 Collins, Lewis. Historical Sketches of Kentucky : Embracing Its History, Antiquities, and Natural Cu riosities; Geographical, Statistical, and Geological Descriptions; with Anecdotes of Pioneer Life. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 560. Maysville, Ky., 1848. $6.00 1240 Connelly, Emma M. The Story of Kentucky. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 337. Boston, 1890. $1.25 1241 Davidson, R. An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave and the Bar rens of Kentucky, with Notices of the Early Settlement of the State. i6mo, cloth, pp. 148. Lexington, 1840. $2.00 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1242 Drake. Daniel. Pioneer Life in Kentucky: A Series of Reminis- cential Letters. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 264. Cincinnati, 1870. $2.00 1243 Filson, John. First Historian of Kentucky, and Account of His Life and Writings. Illustrated with a por trait and facsimile of his original map of Kentucky. By Ruben T. Durrett. 4to, paper, pp. 132. Louisville, 1884. $5.00 Scarce. 1244 Kentucky. Reports of the Geological Survey of Kentucky, 1854-59. By David D. Owen. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Frankfort, 1856-61. New Geological Survey, Report of Progress, Vol. II. Peter s Chemical Analysis, Vol. I., 1884. In all 6 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. $7.50 1245 Lexington. Ranck, Geo. W. History of Lexington, Ky., Its Early Annals and Recent Progress. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 428. Cincin nati, 1872. $2.75 1246 Louisville. Durrett, Col. R. T. An Historical Sketch of St. Paul s Church, Louisville. 4to, paper, pp. 75. Louisville: Filson Club, 1889. $1.50 1247 Louisville. Remains of the Rev. William Jackson, Rector of St. Paul s Church, Louisville, with a Sketch of His Life. By Wm. Jack son. 8vo, cloth, pp. 397. New York, 1847- $i-75 1248 Louisville. McMurtrie, H. Sketches of Louisville and Its En virons: Including a Great Variety of Miscellaneous Matter and a Catalogue of Nearly 400 Genera and 600 Species of Plants that Grow in the Vicinity of the Town. Folding map. 8vo, boards, pp. 256. Louisville, 1819. $4.00 1249 M Nemar, Richard. The Kentucky Revival; or, A Short His tory of the Late Extraordinary Out pouring of the Spirit of God in the Western States of America. I2mo, boards, pp. 156. New York, 1846. $3.00 Very fine clean copy. 1250 Perrin, Battle and Kniffin. Kentucky: A History of the State, Embracing a Concise Account of the Origin and Development of the Vir ginia Colony; Its Expansion West ward, and the Settlement of the Fron tier beyond the Alleghanies, etc. Il lustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 918 and in dex. Louisville, 1889. $3-5o 1251 Spaulding, H. J. Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions of Ken tucky, 1787-1827. I2mo, cloth, pp. 3o8/ Louisville. $3.00 1252 Thompson, J. J. History of the Bloody Renconters, Battles, etc., Extending through a Number of Years, known as " The Hill and Evans Feud," in Gerrard County. 8vo, paper, pp. 112. Cincinnati. $1.25 LOUISIANA. 1253 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana. Biographies of Actual Residents and Sketches of Thirteen Counties. Por traits. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 703. Nashville, 1890. $4.50 1254 Duvallon, B. Vue de la Co- lonie Espagnole du Mississipi, on des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale, 1802. 2 maps. 8vo, pp. 318 + 9. Paris, 1803. $5.00 1255 Fortier, Alcee. Louisiana Folk-Tales. In French dialect and English translation. 8vo, cloth, pp. 122. Boston, 1895. $1.25 1256 French, B. F. Historical Col lections of Louisiana and Florida. New series. Historical Memoirs, 1527 to 1702. 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. New York, 1875. $3-o 1257 Grayarre, Chas. Romance of the History of Louisiana. I2mo, cloth, pp. 265. New York, 1848. $1.25 LOUISIANA MAINE. 1258 Vergenne, M. De. Memoire Historique et Politique sur la Louisi- ane. Portrait. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 315. Paris, 1802. $3.50 MAINE. 1259 Augusta. North, James W. The History of Augusta, with Notices of the Plymouth Company and Set tlements on the Kennebec. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 990. Augusta, 1870. $6.00 1260 Bailey, Rev. Jacob. The Frontier Missionary : A Memoir of the Life of Rev. Jacob Bailey, Missionary at Pownalborough, Me., and Corn- wallis, Nova Scotia; with Notes and Appendix (relating in part to the Loyalists). By Wm. S. Bartlett. 8vo, cloth, pp. 365. New York, 1853. $2.50 1261 Bangor. The Centennial Cele bration of the Settlement of Bangor, September 30, 1869. (With Histori cal Addresses.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 182. Bangor, 1870. $ r -75 1262 Bangor. Centennial Celebra tion of the Settlement of Bangor, September 30, 1869. (Historical Ad dresses, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 182. Bangor, 1870. $1.00 1263 Bristol and Bremen. History of the Town of, including the Pemo- quid Settlement. By John Johnston. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 524. Albany, 1873. $5.00 1264 Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell. History of, including the Ancient Territory Known as Pejeb- scot (with Numerous Family Geneal ogies). By Geo. A. and Henry W. Wheeler. Map and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 959. Boston, 1878. $3.00 1265 Buxton. Records of the Pro prietors of Narragansett Township, No. i, now the Town of Buxton, York County, from August I, 1733, to Jan uary 4, 1811. With introduction by Wm. F. Goodwin. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. Concord, 1871. $4.00 Only 291 copies privately printed. 1266 Calais. Knowlton, I. C. An nals of Calais and St. Stephen, New Brunswick. I2mo, cloth, pp. 208. Calais, 1875. $2.00 1267 Chest erville. History of. By Oliver Sewall. (Early Settlers, Bound aries of the Different Purchases, First Meeting-House, etc.) 8vo, original tinted paper covers, uncut, pp. 96. Farmington, 1875. $1.00 1268 Chesterville. Sewall, Oliver. History of Chesterville, Me. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 96. Farmington, 1875. $1.00 1269 Gorham. King, Marquis F. Publishments, Marriages, Births, and Deaths from the Earlier Records of Gorham, Me. 8vo, cloth, pp. 200. Portland, 1897. $3.00 No. 89 of a limited edition of 100 copies. 1270 Lincoln County. The Probate Records of Lincoln County, 1760- 1800. Compiled, with index of names, places, etc., by William D. Patterson. 8vo, cloth, pp. 421. Portland, 1895. $4.50 1271 Mount Desert. Martin, Mrs. Clara Barnes. Illustrated with photo graphs and a map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 115. Portland, 1885. $1.00 1272 Norway. Noyes, David. The History of Norway, Me., comprising a Minute Account of Its First Settle ment, Town Officers, Annual Ex penditures of the Town, and other Statistical Matters. Interspersed with historical sketches. 8vo, cloth, pp. 215. Norway, 1852. $3-5 Library stamp. 1273 Pemaquid. Hough, Franklin B. Papers Relating to Pemaquid and Parts Adjacent in Maine Known as Cornwall County when under the Colony of New York. 8vo, half mo rocco, pp. 136. Albany, 1856. $3.50 88 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1274 Popham Colony. Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration, August 20, 1862, Commemorative of the Planting- of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, 1607. Published under direction of Edward Ballard. Also, A Vindication of the Claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges as Father of English Colonization in America. By John A. Poor. Map. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1863. $3.00 1275 Portland. Centennial Cele bration, July 4-6, 1886, of the looth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. By John T. Hull. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 380. Portland, 1886. $2.00 1276 Portland. Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith and the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland. With notes and biographical notices; and a summary History of Portland. By Wm. Willis. Portrait and plates. 8vo, pp. 484. Portland, 1849. $5oo 1277 Portland Sketch Book. (Jack Downing s Visit to Portland; Willis; Portland as It Is; Longfellow s "The Village of Auteuil," etc.) Steel fron tispiece. I2mo, cloth, pp. 289. Port land, 1836. $2.00 1278 Portland. The Successful Business Houses of Portland, Me. By Edward H. Elwell. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 192. Portland, 1875. .75 1279 Howe, Mrs. H. G. Retold Tales of the Hills and Shores of Maine. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 357. Bangor, 1892. $1.50 1280 Springer, John S. Forest Life and Forest Trees: Winter Camp Life among the Luggers in Maine and New Brunswick. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, pp. 259. New York, 1851. $1.25 1281 Simmer. Centennial History of the Town of Sumner, 1798-1898. Portraits. I2mo, boards, pp. 233. West Sumner, 1899. $1.25 1282 Thomaston and Rockland. Eaton, Cyrus. History of Thomas- ton, Rockland, and South Thomas- ton from 1605, with Family Geneal ogies. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Hal- lowell, 1865. $10.00 1283 Todd, John. Summer Glean ings; or, Sketches and Incidents of a Pastor s Vacation in the Wilds of Maine. I2mo, cloth, pp. 281. Northamptom, 1852. $1.50 1284 Williamson, Wm. D. The History of the State of Maine; from Its Discovery, 1602, to the Separa tion, 1820, Inclusive. 2 vols., thick 8vo, old calf (joints of Vol. II. cracked). Hallowell, 1832. $17.50 1285 York. Ancient City of Gorgeana and Modern Town of York (Me.) from Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. By Geo. Alex. Emery. Plate. Small I2mo, cloth, pp. 256. Boston, 1874. $2.00 MARYLAND. 1286 A Relation of the Successful Beginnings of the Lord Baltimore Plantation in Maryland, Being an Ex tract of Certain Letters Written from Thence by Some of the Adventurers to Their Friends in England, Anno Domini 1634. 4to, part leather, pp. 23. Baltimore, 1865. $2.50 1287 Adams, Herbert D. Mary land s Influence in Founding a Na tional Commonwealth; or, The His tory of the Accession of Public Lands by the Old Confederation. 8vo, paper, pp. 123. Baltimore, 1877. $1.50 Publication Fund No. n. 1288 Addison. One Hundred Years Ago: The Life and Times of Rev. Walter D. Addison. (Early Times in Maryland, Annapolis Church, etc.) Compiled from origi nal papers. I2mo, cloth, pp. 216. Philadelphia, 1895. $1.50 1289 Allen, Ethan. The Garrison Church: Sketches of the History of MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS. 8 9 St. Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Baltimore County, Md., 1742-1852. (The Colonial Fort, Names of Bachelors Taxed, Journal of Secre tary of Commission to Treat with In dians.) Illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 193. New York, 1898. $2.50 1290 Baltimore. Interesting Pa pers Illustrative of the Recent Riots at Baltimore: Reports Read before the City Council in 1812. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. Baltimore, 1812. $1.00 1291 Baltimore. Howard, Geo. W. The Monumental City. Past History and Present Resources of Baltimore, with a Descriptive Account of the Cities of Washington and Annapolis and the United States Naval Acad emy. Containing maps and biogra phies of prominent business men. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 874. Balti more, 1873. $1.50 1292 Baltimore. Scharf, Col. J. Thos. The Chronicles of Baltimore: A Complete History of " Baltimore Town " and Baltimore City, from Earliest Period to Present Time. 8vo, cloth, pp. 756. Baltimore, 1874. $1.50 1293 Banvard, Joseph. Tragic Scenes in the History of Maryland and the Old French War, with an Ac count of Various Interesting Con temporaneous Events Which Oc curred in the Early Settlement of America. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 239. Boston, 1856. $1.50 1294 Cumberland. History of, from Time of the Indian Town, 1728, to Present Day. Embracing an Account of Washington s First Campaign and Braddock s Expedition. By W. H. Lowdermilk. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 566. Washington, 1878. $4.00 1295 Griffith, Thos. W. Sketches of the Early History of Maryland, Annals of Baltimore. Two rare works bound in on e volume. 8vo, sheep. Baltimore, 1821-33. $6.00 1296 Hanson, Geo. A. Old Kent. The Eastern Shore of Maryland. Notes Illustrative of Its Ancient Rec ords and Genealogical Histories of Old and Distinguished Families. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 420. Balti more, 1876. $2.50 ^ 1297 Vallette, Elie. The Deputy Commissary s Guide within the Prov ince of Maryland. Engraved frontis piece by T. Sparrow. 8vo, calf, pp. 257. Annapolis: Ann. C. Green & Son, 1774. $2.50 A good copy of early Maryland imprint. MASSACHUSETTS. 1298 Acton Directory, also a Brief History of the Town, with the Town Clubs, Physicians, etc., from the In corporation of the Town to the Pres ent Time. I2mo, paper, pp. 52. South Acton, 1883-84. .75 1299 Amherst. History of the Town of Amherst with Records of Town Meetings. By Carpenter and Morehouse. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth. Amherst, 1896. $4.00 1300 Amherst. Hitchcock, Ed ward. Reminiscences of Amherst College, Historical, Biographical, etc. Plates and maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. 412. Northampton, 1863. $1.50 1301 Amherst. Rotch, Wm. B. Rambles about Amherst, embracing Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Town. Map and illustration. 8vo, cloth, pp. 59. Amherst, 1890. $1.00 1302 Amherst. Tyler, W. S. His tory of Amherst College, 1821-71. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 671. Springfield, 1873. $2.00 1303 Arlington. History of the Baptist Church, with List of Mem bers. i6mo, paper, pp. 54. Woburn, 1874. .50 1306 Athol. Clarke, Samuel F. A Centennial Discourse Delivered September 9, 1850, before the First FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Church and Society in Athol at the Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Organization, of Said Church, with an Appendix. 8vo, paper, pp. 95. Boston, 1851. 75 1305 Attleborough. Daggett, John. Sketch of the History of Attlebor- ough, from Its Settlement. 8vo, paper, pp. 136. Dedham, 1834. $3.00 1306 Austin, Geo. Lowell. The History of Massachusetts from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Pres ent Time, including the Early Voy ages to America, Explorations of the Early Settlers, Hardships, Sufferings, and Conflicts with the Savages, etc. Portraits. 8vo, calf, pp. 598. Bos ton, 1885. $2.00 1307 Ayer. Reminiscences of the Town of Ayer and of James C. Ayer. By Charles Cowlev. 8vo, cloth, pp. 156. Lowell, 1879.*" $ l -5 1308 Barber, John W. Historical Collections Relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts. 200 engravings. 8vo, sheep, pp. 624. Worcester, 1841. $5.00 1309 Barry, John S. History of Massachusetts, Colonial, Provincial, and Commonwealth Periods. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855-57. $6.00 Presentation copy from the author. 1310 Beverly. Stone, Edwin M. History of Beverly, from Its Settle ment in 1630 to 1842. (Canada Ex pedition in 1690, Battle of Lexington, Lists of Physicians from 1677 to 1842, etc.) View of Town. I2mo, cloth, pp. 324. Boston, 1843. $2.50 1311 Boston Almanacs. Ames, Nathaniel. An Astronomical Diary; or, An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord Christ 1761-67, Con taining Judgment of the Weather, Courts, Feasts, and Fasts of the Church, Quakers Yearly Meetings, The Roads and Best Stages from Bos ton to Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Eastern Road, etc., etc. In 7 vols., I2mo, paper, thin. Bos ton, 1761-67. $10.00 1312 Boston Almanac. Astronomi cal Diary; or, Almanack for 1736 by Nath. Ames. I2mo. Boston, 1735. $2.00 1313 Boston. Bowen s Picture of Boston, to Which is Prefixed The Annals of Boston. 2d edition. En larged with 2 maps and 50 illustra tions. i6mo, leather, pp. 316. Bos ton, 1833. $2.50 1314 Boston. Bridgman, Thomas. Memorials of the Dead in Boston. Inscriptions on the Sepulchral Monu ments in the King s Chapel Burying Ground in the City of Boston, with Historical and Biographical Notices of Many of the Early Settlers of the Metropolis of New England. I2mo, cloth, pp. 339. Boston, 1853. $4.00 1315 Boston. Brayley, Arthur W. A Complete History of the Boston Fire Department, 1630-1888. (The First Fire, The Conflagation of 1653, The Town Watch, Boston Massacre, etc.) In three parts. Numerous il lustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 729. Boston, 1889. $2.00 1316 Boston. Constitution of the Light Infantry Company of Winslow Blues, as revised March, 1822. (With a list of members.) I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 76. Boston, 1822. $1.50 Fine copy. 1317 Boston. Drake, Samuel G. History and Antiquities of Boston from 1630 to 1770, with History of Discovery and Settlement of New England. Plates. Large-paper copy. Folio, half morocco. Boston, 1857. $20.00 To this large-paper edition a fine series of steel portraits were added. 1318 Boston. Drake, Sam l Adams. Old Landmarks and Historic Person ages of Boston. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 484. Boston, 1876. $1.25 MASSACHUSETTS. 1319 Boston. Drake, Sam l Adams. The Old Boston Taverns and Tavern Clubs. Illustrated. I2mo, paper, pp. 69. Boston, 1886. .50 . 1320 Boston Fire (November 9 and 10, 1872). Its History, with the Losses in Detail of Both Real and Personal Estate; also, A Complete List of Insurance Losses. By F. E. Frothingham. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 115. Boston, 1873. .75 1321 Boston. King s Chapel. A History of King s Chapel, the First Episcopal Church in New England. By F. W. P. Greenwood. Plate. I2mo, cloth, pp. 215. Boston, 1833. $2.00 1322 Boston. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Boston (Historic Towns). Maps. I2mo, cloth. London, 1891. $1.25 1323 Boston. Loring, James Spear. The Hundred Boston Orators Ap pointed by the Authorities and Other Public Bodies from 1770 to 1852, com prising Historical Gleanings. (Bos ton Massacre, Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, Bunker Hill, Eulogies on Washington, etc.) Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston. $2.00 Fourth edition, with improved index of names. 1324 Boston. Midgley, R. L. Sights in Boston and Suburbs; or, Guide to the Stranger. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 224. Boston, 1856. 50 1325 Boston. Moore, Geo. H. Prytaneum Bostoniense : Notes on the History of the Old State House. 2 parts. Examination of Mr. Whit- more s Old State House Memorial. 3 pamphlets. Boston, 1885-87. $2.00 1326 Boston. Phillips, Sam l. A Memoir of (Boston Massacre, Siege of Boston, General Court in Cam bridge, etc. Portraits and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 391. Boston, 1856. $2.50 1327 Boston. Quincy, Josiah. The History of the Boston Athe naeum, with Biographical Notices of Its Deceased Founders (and other sketches of literary history of Boston). 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1851. $1.25 1328 Boston. Re-dedication of the Old State House, July n, 1882. Il lustrated with portraits, facsimiles of rare prints, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 216. Boston, 1885. $1.25 1329 Boston. Savage, Ed. H. A Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police, 1631-1865, with Recollections of a Boston Police Of ficer. 8vo, cloth, pp. 396. Boston, 1865. $1.25 1330 Boston. Sketches of Boston, Past and Present. 120 woodcuts. i6mo, paper, pp. 358. Boston, 1851. $1.00 1331 Boston. Sumner, W. H. A History of East Boston, with Bio graphical Sketches of Its Early Pro prietors. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 801, Boston, 1858. $2.50 1332 Boston (England). Thomp son, Pishey. Collections for a Topo graphical and Historical Account of Boston in the County of Lincoln. Fine plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 466. London, 1820. $3-5o J 333 Boston. Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the First Church of Boston, with Four Histori cal Sermons. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 218. Boston, 1881. $1.50 1334 Bostonian Society. Collec tions of. Vol. I., in three parts, con sisting of Life of William Blaxton, Life of Abel Bowen, and a Paper on Changes of Values in Real Estate in Boston during the Past One Hundred Years. Also, A Catalogue of the Col lections of the Society. In all, 4 parts. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1888. $2.00 1335 Bradford, Alden. History of Massachusetts, 1764 to July, 1775, When General Washington Took Command of the American Army. 8vo, half calf, pp. 414. Boston, 1822. $2.00 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1336 Bradford. Kingsbury, J. D. Memorial History of Bradford, from the Earliest Period to the Close of 1882. 8vo, boards, pp. 144. Haver- hill, 1883. $1.50 1337 Braintree and Quincy. Pat- tee, Wm. S. A History of Old Brain- tree and Quincy, with a Sketch of Randolph and Holbrook. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 660. Quincy, 1878. $4.50 1338 Briggs, Geo. N. A Memoir. By Wm. C. Richards. Photographs and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 451. Boston, 1866. $1.50 Briggs was Governor of Massachusetts from 1844-51. 1339 Brookline. Pierce, John. Address at Opening of the Town Hall (historical). 8vo, boards, pp. 52. Boston, 1846. $1.50 1340 Cambridge. Oilman, Arthur. The Cambridge of 1896. (History of the City Fifty Years after Its Incorpo ration. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 424. Cambridge, 1896. $2.25 1341 Cambridge. Harris, W. T. Epitaphs from the Old Burying- Ground in Cambridge. I2mo, boards, pp. 192. Cambridge, 1845. $1-5 1342 Cambridge. Barnard s Ser mon Preached at Cambridge in New England. Boston, 1756. Also, Eben- eza Gay s Sermon on Natural Reli gion. Boston, 1759. 2 tracts, I2mo, unbound. Boston: John Draper, 1756-59. $3-00 Both these sermons were preached in the chapel of Harvard College. 1343 Cambridge. Palmer, Joseph. Necrology of Alumni of Harvard Col lege, 1851-63. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 537. Boston, 1864. $1.50 1344 Charlestown. Frothingham, Richard. The History of Charles- town. Complete in original 7 parts as issued. 8vo, paper. Charlestown, 1845- 1345 Danvers. Account of the Centennial Celebration in Danvers, June 16, 1852, together with the Pro ceedings of the Town in Relation to the Donation of George Peabody of London. (Ancient Naumkeag, Witchcraft Delusion, Battle of Lex ington, Bunker Hill, Heroes of the Revolution, etc.) Numerous illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 403. Danvers, 1852. $2.50 1346 Danvers. Military and Naval Annals of Danvers. (King Philip s French and Indian War, Revolution, War of 1812, and Rebellion.) Report of Committee on Soldiers Record. 8vo, paper, pp. 165. Danvers, 1895. $1.50 1347 Dorchester. Everett, Edward. Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1885: An Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July, 1885; also, An Account of the Proceedings in Dorchester at the Celebration of the Day. 8vo, cloth, pp. 158. Boston, 1855. $1.00 1348 Douglas. Emerson, Wm. A. History of the Town of Douglas (with Genealogies, etc.). 8vo, boards, pp. 359. Boston, 1879. $2.00 Presentation copy from the author. 1349 Easthampton. History of Easthampton, Its Settlement and Growth, together with a Genealogi cal Record of Its Original Families. By Payson W. Lyman. I2mo, uncut, pp. 195. Northampton, 1866. $1.25 Early Settlement and Indian Wars, Shay s Rebellion, War of 1812, Civil War, Record of Our Dead, etc., and Genealogical Register. 1350 Easthampton. Historical Ad dress Delivered at the Centennial Celebration, July 4, 1876, by Rev. Payson W. Lyman. 8vo, paper, pp. 85. Springfield, 1877. .50 1351 Emerson, Geo. B. The Trees and Shrubs Growing Naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. 3d and best edition. Numerous plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1878. $7-50 MASSACHUSETTS. 93 1352 Fall River. History of Fall River, with Notices of Freetown and Tiverton as Published in 1841. By Orin Fowler. 8vo, cloth, pp. 100. Fall River, 1862. $2.00 1353 Fall River. The Centennial History of, comprising a Record of Its Corporate Progress from 1656 to 1876. By Henry H. Earl. Illus trated. 4to, cloth, pp. 252. New York, 1877. $2.00 1354 Falmouth. Three Lectures on the Early History of Falmouth, Cov ering the Time from Its Settlement to 1812. By Chas. W. Jenkins. 8vo, cloth, pp. 113. Falmouth, 1889. $1.50 1355 Felt, Joseph B. Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. With plates of the early notes. 8vo, cloth, pp. 259. Boston, 1839. $2.50 1356 Fitchburg: Facts and Docu ments Exhibiting a Summary View of the Ecclesiastical Affairs Lately Transacted in Fitchburg, with Gen eral Observations. I2mo, unbound, pp. 117. Boston, 1802. .75 1357 Fitchburg. Torrey, Rufus C. History of the Town of Fitchburg. 8vo, paper, pp. 128. 1865. $1.00 1358 Florence. Sheffield, Chas. A. The History of Florence. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 250. Florence, 1895. $2.50 1359 Fowler, Wm. C. Local Law in Massachusetts and Connecticut Historically Considered. (Plymouth Colony, Laws against Quakers, Ban ishment of Roger Williams, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 104. Albany, 1872. $1.50 1360 Framinghani. Barry, Wm. History of Framington, 1640 to Pres ent Time, with Register of the In habitants before 1800. With gene alogical sketches. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 456. Boston, 1847. $4-5 1361 Franklin before the Privy Council, Whitehall, London, 1774, on Behalf of Province of Massachusetts. Plate, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860. $1.50 1362 Gloucester. Proctor, Geo. H. The Fisherman s Memorial and Rec ord Book, Containing a List of Ves sels Lost and Their Crews from the Port of Gloucester, 1830-73, Compris ing 1437 Names, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 172. Gloucester, 1873. $1.25 1363 Goodell, A. C., Jr. Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, containing Addi tional Evidence of the Passage of the Act of 1711 for Reversing the At tainders of the Witches, also Affirm ing the Legality of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer of 1692. Fac simile of the Act of 1711. 8vo, orig inal paper covers, pp. 52. Cambridge, 1884. .50 1364 Groton. Green, Sam l A. An Historical Address, Bi-Centennial and Centennial, Delivered at Groton, July 4, 1876. 8vo, paper, pp. 89. Groton, 1876. .75 1365 Hale, Edward Everett. The Story of Massachusetts. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 359. Boston, 1891. $1.00 1366 Hanover. A Copy of the Rec ords of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, and of Intentions of Marriage, as Re corded by the Several Town Clerks from 1727-1875. 8vo, cloth, pp. 319. Rockland, 1898. $2.00 1367 Haynes, Gideon. An Histori cal Sketch of the Massachusetts State Prison, with Narratives and Incidents, Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 290. Boston, 1869. .75 1368 Hope Leslie; or, Early Times in Massachusetts. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1855. $2.50 1369 Hubbardston. Stowe, J. M. History of the Town of Hubbardston, 1686 to the Present Time, with Gene alogies of Present and Former Fami lies. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 383. Hubbardston, 1881. $4-5<> 94 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1370 Jacobs, Sarah S. Nonantum and Natick (and Early Indians of New England). Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 336. Boston, 1853. .75 1371 Lee. The Centennial Celebra tion and Centennial History of the Town of Lee. Compiled by Rev. C. M. Hyde and Alexander Hyde. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 352. Springfield, 1878. $2.00 1372 Leicester. Historical Record of the Town during the First Century from Its Settlement. (Original Pro prietors, Boundaries, First Settlers, Local History, Indian Wars, Social Habits, French and Revolutionary Wars, etc.) By Emory Washburn. Portraits and map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 467. Boston, 1860. $4.00 1373 Lowell. Miles, Henry A. Lowell, As It Was and As It Is. Map. i6mo, cloth, pp. 234. Lowell, 1845- -75 1374 Lowell. Contributions to the Old Residents Historical Associa tion, Lowell, Mass. (Early Recollec tions of an Old Resident, The Willard Family, Drama in Lowell, Early Set tlers and Grants of Land, Lowell in the Navy during the Rebellion, etc.) Portraits. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, and plain half calf. Lowell, 1879-94. $12.00 1375 Lunenburg. Davis, Walter A. The Proprietors Records of the Town of Lunenburg, including Fitch- burg, 1729-1833. A Complete Trans- script of the Records Owned by the Town. 8vo, cloth, pp. 375. Fitch- burg, 1897. $3.50 1376 Lynn. Newall, Jas. R. Cen tennial Memorial of Lynn, embrac ing an Historical Sketch, 1629-1876. (Names of First Comers, and Their Descendants, Indian Incursions and War, Lynn during the War of the Rebellion, etc.) Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges, pp. 204. Lynn, 1876. $2.00 1377 Massachusetts Historical So ciety Proceedings, 1797-1899. Com plete, with general index. 33 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855-99. $100.00 This set supplements and completes the " Collections," and is full of matter of the greatest interest and authority. The numerous addresses, historical discussions, etc., are all by noted men. There are also reprints of many old papers and manuscripts not found elsewhere. 1378 Medford. Brooks, Charles. History of the Town of Medford, Mid dlesex County, Mass., from Its First Settlement in 1630 to 1885. Revised and enlarged by James M. Usher. Illustrated. 8vo, leather, pp. 567. Boston, 1886. $5.00 Pages 519 to 587 contain the Register of Families. 1379 Militia Trials. Trials by Court Martial of Capt. Samuel Wat son, David Livermore, Daniel Kent, and William Prouty, of the ist Regi ment, ist Brigade" 7th Division of Massachusetts Militia. 8vo, paper, pp. 104. Worcester, 1811. $1-75 1380 Milton. Milton Cemetery Inscriptions. Catalogue of the Pro prietors of Lots, with a Record of All the Ancient Inscriptions, 1687-1800. 8vo, paper, pp. 74. Boston, 1883. $1.50 1381 Minot, Geo. R. Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1748. 2 vols., 8vo, old calf. Boston, 1798. $7.00 A fine set. 1382 Nantucket. History of. A Compendious Account of the First Settlement of the Island by the Eng lish, and Historical Facts Relative to the Island and Its Inhabitants. By Obed. Macy. Map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 300. Boston, 1835. $2.00 1383 Nantucket. Macy, Obed. History of Nantucket, and Rise and Progress of the Whale Fishery. 2d edition, continued to 1880. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 311. Mansfield, 1880. $1.50 MASSACHUSETTS. 95 1384 New Bedford. Centennial in New Bedford. Historical Address of William W. Crapo. 8vo, cloth, pp. 175. New Bedford, 1876. .75 1385 Newbury. Celebration of the 25oth Anniversary of the Settlement of Newbury, June 10, 1885. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 150. Newburyport, 1885. $1.50 1386 Newburyport. Cushing, Ca leb. The History and Present State of Newburyport. I2mo, half roan, pp. 120. Newburyport, 1826. $5.00 1387 Newton. Smith, S. F. Life of Jos. Grafton, Pastor First Baptist Church, with Appendix embracing Historical, Statistical, and Ecclesiasti cal Information Pertaining to Town of Newton. I2mo, cloth, pp. 213. Boston, 1849. $ I -5o 1388 Northampton. Bridgman. In scriptions on the Grave Stones in Northampton and of Other Towns in the Connecticut Valley, as Springfield, Hadley, Deerfield, etc. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 227. Northampton, 1850. $4.00 1389 Oxford. Daniels, Geo. F. The Huguenots in the Nipmuck Country; or, Oxford Prior to 1713. Introduction by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 168. Boston, 1880. $1.50 1390 Perry, Bishop. Wm. S. His torical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church. III. Massachusetts. 4to, cloth (binding damaged by damp), pp. 720. Printed for the Subscribers, 1873. $6.00 Only 250 copies printed. 1391 Pittsfield. Annual Report of the Selectmen, 1863-64. With a List of the Volunteers from Pittsfield. 8vo, 2 pamphlets. Pittsfield, 1863-64. $1.50 1392 Pittsfield. Field, David D. History of the Town of Pittsfield in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Map. 8vo, tinted paper covers, pp. 80. Hartford, 1844. $2.00 1393 Pittsfield. Smith, J. E. A. The History of Pittsfield, 1734-1876. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 518 + 726. Boston, 1869. $7.00 1394 Plymouth. Kingman, Brad ford. Epitaphs from Burial Hill, Ply mouth, 1657-1892, with Biographical and Historical Notes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 330. Brookline, 1892. $2.50 J 395 Plymouth. Russell, Wm. S. Pilgrims Memorials and Guide to the Visitors to Plymouth Village. Views and folding map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 148. Boston (printed for the Author), 1851. $1.50 1396 Plymouth. The Plymouth County Directory, and Historical Register of the Old Colony, with His tory of Each Town, Names of AlHhe Soldiers, etc. Map. 8vo, boards. Middleboro, 1867. $1.50 The History occupies 160 pages. 1397 Plymouth. Worth, R. N. History of Plymouth, England, from Earliest Period. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 500. Plymouth, 1890. $3.00 With account of the Plymouth Company, The Pilgrim Fathers, etc. 1398 Register of Members of the Massachusetts Sons of the Revolu tion (showing Ancestors and Geneal ogy of Each). 8vo, cloth, pp. 117. Boston, 1895. $2.00 1399 Salem. Nevius, Winfield S. Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 273. Salem, 1892. $1.25 1400 Salem. Poole, W. F. The Mather Papers; Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. I2mo, pp. 23. Boston, 1868. $1.50 Only 100 copies printed. 1401 Shrewsbury. Ward, Eliza beth. Old Times in Shrewsbury: Gleanings from History and Tradi tion. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 187. n. p. 1892. $1.50 9 6 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1402 South Boston. Simonds, Thos. C. History of South Boston, formerly Dorchester Neck. Por traits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 331. Boston, 1857. $3.00 1403 Speech Intended to Have Been Spoken on the Bill for Altering- the Charters of Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, pp. 36. London, 1774. 75 1404 Springfield. Chapin, Chas. W. History of the Old High School, 1828-40, with a Personal History of the Teachers and Names of 265 Pu pils. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 130. Springfield, 1890. $1.50 1405 Springfield. Morris, Henry. History of the First Church in Spring field. 8vo, paper, pp. 60. Spring field, 1875. .50 1406 Wellfleet. Palmer, Albert P. Brief History of the Methodist Epis copal Church in Wellfleet. I2mo, cloth, pp. 84. Boston, 1877. .50 1407 West Springfield. Account of the Centennial Celebration, March 25, 1874. By J. N. Bogg. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 144. 1874. $1.00 1408 Woburn. Sewall, Samuel. The History of Woburn, Mass., 1640- 1860. (With genealogical notes.) Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 657. Bos ton, 1868. $2.50 1409 Worcester. Whitney, Peter. The History of the County of Wor cester, with a Geographical Descrip tion. No map. 8vo, calf, pp. 339. Worcester, 1793. $3.50 MICHIGAN. 1410 Cass, Gen. Lewis. Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. By Wm. T. Young of Michigan (War of 1812, Journey to Lake Winnebago, Governor of Michigan Territory, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 420. Detroit, 1852. $1.50 1411 Campbell, James V. Outlines of the Political History of Michigan. 8vo, cloth, pp. 420. Detroit, 1852. $2.50 1412 (Cooley, Thos. Mel.) Michi gan: A History of Governments (American Commonwealths). Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 376. Boston, 1888. 75 1413 Detroit. Hamlin, Marie C. Legends of Le Detroit. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 317. Detroit, 1884. $2.00 With genealogies of the early French families. 1414 Detroit. Picturesque Detroit and Environs. 1000 illustrations (in cluding portraits, views, houses, etc.). 4to, cloth. Northampton, 1893. $1.25 1415 Detroit. Roberts, R. E. Sketches and Reminiscences of the City of the Straits and Its Vicinity. (Old Detroit 1701-1805, War of 1812, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 178, Detroit, 1884. $1.25 1416 Hubbard, B. Memorials of a Half-Century in Michigan and the Lake Region. (Lake Superior in 1840, French Habitants of the De troit, First Settlers, French Home steads, La Salle, Charlevoix, Indians in Michigan, Mound Builders, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 581. New York, 1888. $1.00 1417 Jay, Chas. W. My New Home in Northern Michigan, and Other Tales. I2mo, cloth, pp. 180. Trenton, 1874. $1.00 1418 Kent County. History of, Civil, Military, and Political. Por traits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1426. Chicago, 1881. $3.50 1419 Kent County. History and Directory of, containing a History of Each Township and the City of Grand Rapids, etc. 8vo, half roan, pp. 319. Grand Rapids, 1870. $1.50 MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI. 97 1420 Mackinaw. Old Mackinaw; or, The Fortress of the Lakes and Its Surroundings. (Indian Legends, Medicine Men, Marquette s Visit to Iroquois Point, French Settlement in the Northwest, etc.) By W. P. Strick land. Steel plate and map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 404. Philadelphia, 1860. $i-75 1421 Muskegon and Ottawa Coun ties. Portrait and Biographical Rec ord of, with Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 577. Chicago, 1893. $5-oo 1422 Saginaw. Bates, W. R. The History and Future Prospects of the Saginaws. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 133. East Saginaw, 1874. $1.00 1423 Wayne County. Carlisle, Fred. Chronography of Notable Events in the History of the North west Territory and Wayne County, 1591-1890, with Sketches of Early Ex plorers and Pioneers. 8vo, full leather, pp. 484. Detroit, 1890. $4.00 MINNESOTA. 1424 Bond, J. W. Minnesota and Its Resources, to Which Are Ap pended Camp-Fire Sketches; or, Notes of a Trip from St. Paul to Pem- bina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North. Two plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 364. New York, 1853. $1.00 1425 Coloney, Myron. Manomin: A Romance of Minnesota. (The Great Rebellion and the Minnesota Massacres.) I2mo, half morocco, pp. 297. St. Louis, 1866. $i-5o 1426 Fort Snelling. Van Cleve, Charlotte O. Life-long Memories of Fort Snelling. I2mo, cloth, pp. 176. Minneapolis, 1888. $1.50 1427 Hennepin County. Neill, E. D., and Williams, J. Fletcher, His tory of Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis, including the Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota. Map. 4to, half morocco, pp. 713. Minneapolis, 1831. $5.00 1428 Minnesota Historical Society. Annals of. Map. Ditto, 1850-51. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, sheep. St. Paul, 1850-51. $1.75 1429 Oliphant, Laurence. Minne sota and the Far West. (Canadian Politics, Backwoods, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, Early Traders, Steamboat Life on the Mississippi, etc.) Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 306. Edinburgh, 1855. $2.00 1430 Ramsey County. Neill, E. D., and Williams, J. Fletcher. History of Ramsey County and the City of St. Paul. Map. 4to, half morocco, pp. 650. Minneapolis, 1881. $5oo 1431 Seymour, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, with Incidents of Travel in that Territory. 1849. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 281. New York, 1850. $1.50. 1432 Washington County. Neill, E. D., and Williams, J. Fletcher. History of Washington County and the St. Croix Valley. Map. 4to, half morocco, pp. 636. Minneapolis, 1881. $5.00 1433 Winona County. Portrait and Biographical Record of. 4to, full mo rocco, gilt, pp. 423. Chicago, 1895. $4.50 MISSISSIPPI. 1434 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Mississippi. Authentic and Comprehensive Account of the Chief Events, and a Record of the Lives of Illustrious Families. Illus trated. 2 vols., large 4to, full mo rocco, gilt, pp. 1270 -(-1124. Chi cago, 1891. $12.00 1435 Clairborne, J. F. H. The Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman, Major-General U. S. A. and Governor of Mississippi. Steel por- 9 8 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. trait. 2 vols., i2mo, cloth. New York, 1860. $3-00 War with Mexico, Southern Rights Party, etc. 1436 Dale, Gen. Sam. Life and Times of, the Mississippi Partisan. By J. F. H. Clairborne. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 233. New York, 1860. $1.50 1437 Harper, L. Preliminary Re port of the Geology and Agriculture of the State of Mississippi. Maps. Il lustrated. 8vo. Jackson, 1857. $2.00 1438 Wailes, B. O. C. The Agri culture and Geology of Mississippi, embracing a Sketch of the Social and Natural History of the State. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 371. Philadelphia, 1854. $2.00 Rare. The first report. 1439 Yazoo County. Morgan, A. T. Yazoo ; or, On the Picket Line of Freedom in the South. Personal Narrative of Sheriff and Tax Col lector of Yazoo County. 8vo, cloth, pp. 512. Washington, 1884. $1-75 MISSOURI. 1440 Bay, W. V. N. Reminis cences of the Bench and Bar of Mis souri, with Biographical Sketches of Nearly All the Judges and Lawyers Who Have Passed Away. With many valuable letters never before pub lished, throwing additional light upon the Burr Conspiracy. 8vo, cloth, pp. 611. St. Louis, 1878. $2.50 1441 Buchanan and Clinton Coun ties. Portrait and Biographical Rec ord of. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 675. Chicago, 1893. $5.00 1442 Caldwell and Livingston Counties. History of Caldwell and Livingston Counties, Mo., Written and Compiled from the Most Au thentic Official and Private Sources, History of Their Townships, Towns, and Villages. 4to, morocco, pp. 1274. St. Louis, 1886. $5-00 1443 Franklin County, etc. His tory of Franklin, Jefferson, Washing ton, Crawford, and Gasconade Coun ties. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1131. Chicago, 1888. $3-50 1444 Journal and Proceedings of the Missouri State Convention, March and July, 1861, and June, 1862, Held in Jefferson City. 3 vols., 8vo, boards. St. Louis, 1861-62. $7.50 Rare. 1445 Lewis County, etc. History of Lewis, Clark, Knox, and Scotland Counties. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1229. St. Louis, 1887. $4.50 1446 Newton County, etc. History of Newton, Lawrence, Barry, and McDonald Counties, with Valuable Notes and Original Observations. Portraits. Royal 8vo, morocco, pp. 1092. Chicago, 1888. $5-oo 1447 Parker, N. H. Missouri, As It Is in 1867: An Illustrated Histori cal Gazetteer of Missouri. (Histori cal Epochs of Mississippi Valley, Steam Navigation upon Western Rivers, Indian History, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 458. Philadelphia, 1867. $1.00 1448 St. Louis City and County from the Earliest Periods to the Present Day. (The Missionary and Fur Trader, Indians, Earliest Settlers, St. Louis Land Titles, War with Mexico, Southern Rebellion.) By J. Thomas Scharf. Numerous fine steel portraits, views, and maps. 2 vols., thick 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1883. $8.00 1449 St. Louis. Curson, Julian. The Great Cyclone at St. Louis and East St. Louis, May 27, 1896, Being a Full History of the Most Terrifying and Destructive Tornado in the His tory of the World. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 416. St. Louis. .75 1450 St. Louis. Darby, John F. Personal Recollections of Many MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW ENGLAND. 99 Prominent People Whom I Have Known, Especially of Those Relating to the History of St. Louis. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 480. St. Louis, 1880. $1-75 1451 St. Louis. Reavis, L. M. Saint Louis, the Future Great City, with Biographical Sketches, etc. Royal 8vo, full morocco, pp. 940. St. Louis, 1876. $3.50 1452 St. Louis, Sketch-Book of. Containing a series of sketches of the Early Settlement, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Mercantile Houses, etc. By Taylor and Crooks. Illustrations and folding views. I2mo, cloth, pp. 430. St. Louis, 1858. $2.50 1453 St. Louis. Thoughts about the City of St. Louis. First published in the " Missouri Republican." 8vo, paper, pp. 80. St. Louis, 1854. $1.25 1454 Schoolcraft, Henry R. A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri. Observations on the Mineralogy, Geography, Antiquities, Soil, Popula tion, etc., of Missouri and Arkansaw, and Other Sections of the Western Country. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 299. New York, 1819. $3-50 1455 Southeast Missouri, History of. Embracing Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois, Perry, Bellinger, Madison, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin, Scott Counties, etc. With Profes sional, Personal, and Private Records. Portraits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1215. Chicago, 1888. $3.50 MONTANA. 1456 Montana Territory. History of, and Business Directory, describ ing Counties, Towns, Mining Camps, Distances, Fares, and Altitudes ; Com mercial, Mineral, and Agricultural Interests. With a Sketch of the Vigi lantes. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 218. Helena, 1879. $1.50 NEBRASKA. 1457 Curley, Ed. A. Nebraska, Its Advantages, Resources, and Drawbacks. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 433. London, 1875. $1.50 1458 Lincoln. History of the City of Lincoln, with Historical Sketches of the State and Lancaster County. By A. B. Hayes and S. D. Cox. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 380. Lin coln, 1889. $1.50 1459 Nebraska Historical Society. Transactions, Reports, Historical Papers. First series. 5 vols. Sec ond series: Vol. I., Parts I, 2, 3. Vol. II. 7 vols., 8vo. Lincoln, 1885-97. $10.00 1460 Omaha. Union Pacific R. R., a Geological and Agricultural Survey of 100 Miles West of Omaha, by the American Bureau of Mines. 8vo, paper, pp. 44. New York, 1866. .75 1461 Woolworth, James M. Ne braska in 1857. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 105. Omaha, 1857. $1.00 NEVADA. 1462 Powell, John J. Nevada, the Land of Silver. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 306. San Francisco, 1876. $2.50 NEW ENGLAND. 1463 Baxter, James P. The Pio neers of New France in New England, with Contemporary Letters and Docu ments. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 450. Albany, 1894. $4.00 1464 Bishop, George. New Eng land judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In two parts: First Part. A Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People call d Quakers in New England, from the time of their first arrival in 1656 to the year 1660. Wherein their Merciless Whippings, Chainings, Finings, Im- prisonings, Starvings, Burning the Hand, Cutting off Ears, and Putting IOO FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. to Death, with divers other Cruelties, inflicted upon the Bodies of Innocent Men and Women, only for Conscience sake, are briefly described. Second Part. A relation of the Cruel and Bloody Sufferings of the People called Quakers, in the Juris diction chiefly of the Massachusets : Beginning with the Sufferings of Wil liam Leddra whom they murdered and hung on a tree, etc., and ending with the Sufferings of Edward Whar- ton the 3rd Month 1665. And the remarkable Judgments of God, in the Death of John Endicot, Governour; John Norton, High-Priest; and Humphry Adderton, Major General, also Truth and Innocency Defended; against Falshood and Envy: and the Martyrs of Jesus, and Sufferers for his Sake, Vindicated. In answer to Cotton Mather (a Priest of Boston) his Calumnies, Lyes and Abuses of the People called Quakers, in his late Church-History of New England. By John Whiting. In all 3 vols., I2mo, uniformly bound in new full sprinkled calf, yellow edges. London. Printed and Sold by T. Sowle in White-House Court in Gracious Street, 1702-03. $25.00 1465 Blaikie, Alexander. A His tory of Presbyterianism in New Eng land, Its Introduction, Growth, De cay, Revival, and Present Mission. 2 vols. in i. I2mo, cloth, pp. 512. Boston, 1881. $r.oo 1466 Blaxland, G. C. Mayflower Essays on the Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, as told in Gov. Bradford s MSS., with Reproduction of Capt. Smith s Map of New England. I2mo, cloth, pp. 146. London, 1896. $1.00 1467 Bodge, Geo. M. Soldiers in King Philip s War, Being an Actual Account of That War, with Indian Wars of New England, 1620-77, with the Official Lists of Soldiers, etc. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 502. Leomin- ster, 1896. $5.00 1468 Bowne. A Girl s Life Eighty Years Ago; Selections from the Let ters of Eliza Southgate Bowne. With an introduction by Clarence Cook. Portraits and views. 8vo, or namental cloth, pp. 239. New York, 1887. $1.50 1469 Bradford, Alden. New Eng land Chronology, from the Discovery of the Country by Cabot in 1497 to 1820. I2mo, cloth, pp. 202. Boston, 1843. $2.00 Although the title-page says to 1800 only, the book is really down to 1820. 1470 Brown, Abram E. Beside Old Hearth-Stones. (Colonial, Revo lutionary, Early Families, etc. Illus trated. i2mo, cloth, pp. 367. Boston, 1897. $1.25 1471 Byington, Ezra H. The Puri tan in England and New England. (Early History of New England, Early Ministers, William Pynchon, Family and Social Life, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 406. London, 1896. $1.50 1472 Carter, Robert. A Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 261. Boston, 1888. $1.00 1473 Coit, Thomas W. Puritan ism; or, A Churchman s Defence against Its Aspersions, by an Appeal to Its Own History. I2mo, cloth, pp. 528. New York, 1845. $ I -5 1474 Drake, Samuel A. Our Colo nial Homes. (The Most Celebrated Colonial Houses of New England. Illustrated and Described.) Plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 211. Boston, 1894. $2.00 1475 Drake, Sam l G. Result of Some Researches among the British Archives for Information Relative to the Founders of New England. 3d edition. Large-paper copy. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 148. Boston, 1865. $7-50 No. 53 of a limited edition of 75 copies on large paper. NEW ENGLAND. 101 1476 Felt, Joseph B. The Ec clesiastical History of New England, Comprising not only Religious but also Moral and Other Relations. 2 vols., 8vo, black cloth. Boston, 1855. $6.00 1477 Hunter, Jos. Collections con cerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrosby in North Nottinghamshire in the time of King James First. The Founders of New Plymouth, the Par ent-Colony of New England. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 205. London, 1854. $1.50 The Mayflower, Prince s New England, Entries of the Families of Bradford, Hanson, Brewster, etc., in the parish registers, etc. 1478 Lunt, George. Old New Eng land Traits. (The Ancient Farm House, Amusements, Interesting Cases, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 244. New York, 1873. $1.50 1479 Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesi astical History of New England, from the First Planting in 1620 to 1698. In seven books. Folio, new full Spanish mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges by Reviere. Map. London: Thomas Parkhurst, 1702. $60.00 Margins of title-page and map neatly repaired* Fine copy, newly and elegantly bound. It ha s the original map, which is often wanting, also two pages of List of Books printed by Thomas Parkhurst. 1480 Mather, Cotton. Psalterium Americanum: The Book of Psalms. In a Translation Exactly Conformed unto the Original, but All in Blank Verse, Fitted unto the Times Com monly Used in Our Churches. I2mo, old calf, title-page in facsimile, pp. 426. Boston, 1718. $7-5o Title-page in facsimile. This copy formerly belonged to Dr. Benjamin Colman, and has his autograph in it. 1481 Mather, Cotton. The Chris tian Philosopher: A Collection of the Best Discoveries in Nature, with Re ligious Improvements. 8vo, calf, pp. 304. London, 1721. $5.00 1482 Mather, Cotton. The Life of. By Samuel Mather. 2 portraits in serted. 8vo, half calf, pp. 186. Bos ton, 1729. $10.00 Contains the list of books by Cotton Mather, chronologically arranged. 1483 Mather, Increase. A Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches, with the Observa tions of a Person Who Was upon the Place Several Days when the Sus pected Witches Were First Taken into Examination. To which is added Cases of Conscience, Concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personat ing Men. Written at the Request of the Ministers of New England. By Increase Mather, President of Har vard College. 4to, red morocco, tooled by W. Pratt, gilt edges. Lon don (printed for T. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultery), 1693. $60.00 Headlines cut into, but has both title-pages and the four-page postscript. Ives copy sold for $100.00 ; Barlow s, $95.00. 1484 (Mather, Increase.) A Sixth Collection of Papers Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in Eng land. Contains: A Narrative of the Miseries of New England by Reason of an Arbitrary Government Erected There. By Increase Mather. 4to, half morocco, pp. 34. London, 1689. $15.00 1485 Mather, Increase. The Mys tery of Israel s Salvation Explained; or, A Discourse Concerning the Gen eral Conversion of the Israelitish Na tion. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges by Pratt, pp. 46. 181(10). n. p. Printed in the year 1669. $35-00 The margins to several of the leaves have been neatly repaired, but extremely rare in any condi tion. This is the first of Increase Mather s works, and consequently the first book by any of that celebrated family. It stands No. I in Mr. Sibley s Catalogue of Mather Works. Although the second title-page bears the im print " London, printed for John Allen," it has been held by many that the work was printed by Green at Cambridge. 102 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1486 Mather, Increase. (Teacher of a Church at Boston in New Eng land.) Boston, 1682. A. Komhtolpaqia; or, A Discourse Concerning Comets; wherein the Na ture of Blazing Stars is Enquired Into. With an Historical Account of All the Comets to This Present Year, pp. 143. B. Heavens Alarm to the World; or, A Sermon Wherein Is Shewed that Fearful Sights and Signs in Heaven Are the Presages of Great Calamities at Hand. Preached at the Lecture of Boston, in New England, January 20, 1680, by Increase Mather. Second Impression, pp. 38. C. The Latter Sign Discoursed of, in a Sermon, Preached at the Lecture of Boston in New-England; August 31, 1682, Wherein Is Shewed, that the Voice of God in Signal Providences, Especially when Repeated and Iter ated, Ought to be Hearkened unto, by Increase Mather, pp. 32. In all 3 vols., i6mo, new full polished calf, by Reviere. Boston in New England. $25.00 With the exception of a few lower lines cut into, in the " Discourse Concerning Comets," these are unusually good copies of these rare works. 1487 Moore, Jacob B. Memoirs of American Governors, Vol. I. (all pub lished ; includes the Lives of the Gov ernors of New Plymouth, 1620-92, of Massachusetts Bay, 1630-89). Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 439. Washing ton, 1846. $1.50 1488 Merriman, T. M. The Pil grims, Puritans, and Roger Williams Vindicated, and His Sentence of Ban ishment Ought to be Revoked. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. Boston, 1892. $1.50 1489 Palfrey, John G. History of New England from the Discovery by Europeans to July, 1775. Maps. Large-type library edition. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1859-90. $12.50 1490 Perley, Sidney. Historic Storms of New England: Its Gales, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, etc. With Incidents and Anecdotes. 8vo, cloth, pp. 341. Salem, 1891. $1.50 1491 Pike, James S. The New Puritan. New England Two Hun dred Years Ago. Some Account of the Life of Robert Pike, the Puritan Who Defended the Quakers, Resisted Clerical Domination, and Opposed the Witchcraft Prosecution. I2mo, pp. 237. New York, 1879. $1.50 1492 Pilgrim Fathers. Coleman, Wm. M. The History of the Primi tive Yankees ; or, The Pilgrim Fathers in England and Holland. I2mo, pa per, pp. 62. Washington, 1881. $1.00 1493 Prince Society. John Wheel wright, His Writings, etc. By Chas. H. Bell. 4to, paper, uncut. Boston, 1876. $8.50 1494 Prince Society. Sir William Alexander and American Coloniza tion, with a Memoir. By Rev. E. F. Slafter. 4to, paper, uncut. Boston, 1873. $25.00 1495 Shepard, Thos. (Late Wor thy and Faithful Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New Eng land). The Parable of the Ten Vir- fins Opened and Applied, Being a ubstance of Divers Sermons, etc. Folio pp. 232 + 195. Reprinted and Carefully Corrected in the Year 1695. $3.00 1496 Shepard, Thos. (now Preacher of God s Word in New England). The Sound Believer: A Treatise of Evangelical Conversion. I2mo, old calf, pp. 332 and Contents. London, 1671. $1.50 1497 TThden, H. F. History of the Congregationalists in New England to the Revivals of 1740. Translated by H. C. Conant. I2mo, cloth, pp. 303. Boston, 1858. $1.50 1498 White, Dan l Appleton. New England Congregationalism in Its NEW ENGLAND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 103 Origin and Purity: Illustrated by the Foundation and Early Records of the First Church in Salem. (Early Rec ords, Hubbard s History of New Eng land, Bentley s Description of Salem, Transcript Records, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 319. Salem, 1861. $2.00 1499 Winthrop, Governor. Some Old Puritan Love-Letters : John and Margaret Winthrop, 1618-38. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 188. New York, 1894. $1.25 1500 Young, Alex. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth from 1602 to 1625, Now First Collected from Original Rec ords and Contemporaneous Printed Documents, with Notes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 504. Boston, 1841. $15.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1501 Barstow, George. The His tory of New Hampshire, from Its Dis covery in 1614 to the Passage of the Toleration Act in 1819. (Witchcraft at Portsmouth and Salem, Siege and Fall of Louisburg, Braddock s De feat, War of 1812, etc.) Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 456. Concord, 1842. $3.00 1502 Campton. Centennial Cele bration of the Town of Campton. I2mo, paper, pp. 118. Concord, 1868. $1.25 1503 Concord. A Directory of the Inhabitants of Concord Centre, with Views of Public Buildings and a Map of the Villages. By David Watson. i8mo, half morocco. Concord, 1844. $3-50 Rare. Contains a History, with numerous views. 1504 Concord. Bouton, Nathaniel. The History of Concord from Its First Grant in 1725 to 1853. Maps and il lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 786. Con cord, 1856. $7.50 1505 Candia. Eaton, F. B. His tory of Candia, Once Known as Charmingfare, with Notices of Some of the Early Families. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 151. Manchester, 1852. $2.50 1506 Hollis. Worcester, Samuel T. History of the Town of Hollis from First Settlement to 1879, with Sketches of the Early Settlers and Their Descendants. Map and por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 393. Boston, 1879. $4-50 1507 King, Thomas S. The White Hills : Their Legends, Landscape, and Poetry. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 403. Boston, 1863. $1.50 1508 Lawrence, Robert F. The New Hampshire Churches: The Congregational and Presbyterian Churches in the State, with Notices of First Settlement of Towns, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 624. Claremont, 1856. $1.50 1509 Mason. History of the Town of Mason from the First Grant in 1749 to the Year 1858. By John B. Hill. (Proprietary History, Munici pal History, Family Registers, Revo lutionary War, etc.) Portraits and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 324-1-114. Boston, 1858. $4.00 1510 Moore, J. Bailey. New Hampshire at the Centennial : Address of Governor Cheney and Oration of Professor Sanborn. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 54. Manchester, 1876. .75 1511 New Boston. Cogswell, El liott C. History of New Boston. (With Genealogies.) Portraits, map, etc. 8vo, cloth (a little worn), pp. 470. Boston, 1864. $8.00 1512 New Hampton. Reminis cences of, with Genealogical Sketch of the Kelley and Simpson Families. By F. H. Kelley. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 147. Worcester, 1889. $5.00 1513 Portsmouth. Adams, Geo. M. Discourse on 2ooth Anniversary of the North Church. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 72. Portsmouth, 1871. .50 104 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1514 Peterborough. Centennial Celebration, October 24, 1839; Ad dress by John H. Morison. 8vo, paper, pp. 99. Boston, 1839. $1.00 1515 Sanbornton. History of. Vol. I., Annals; Vol. II., Genealogies. By M. T. Rennels. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1882. $8.00 1516 Sketches of Successful New Hampshire Men. With 88 fine steel portraits. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 315. Manchester, 1882. $3-OO 1517 Windham. Morrison, Leon ard. A Supplement to the History of Windham. (Marriages, Births, and Deaths from 1882 to 1892; Genealogi cal Records Gathered in London derry, Ireland, with Historical Glean ings in Dublin ; Homes of the Early Settlers, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 169. Boston, 1892. $i.oo 1518 White Mountains. Drake, Samuel A. The Heart of the White Mountains, Their Legend and Scen ery. Illustrations by W. Hamilton Gibson. 4to, cloth, pp. 318. New York, 1882. $2.50 1519 Whiton, John M. Sketches of the History of New Hampshire from Its Settlement in 1623 to 1833: Memorable Events for a Period of 210 Years. I2mo, sheep, pp. 222. Concord, 1834. $1.75 NEW JERSEY. 1520 A Further Account of New Jersey in an Abstract of Letters Lately Written from Thence. Small 4to, pp. 13. Printed 1676. $1.50 Only a few copies made in facsimile from the very rare original. 1521 Atlantic City. History of. By A. L. English. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 208. Philadelphia, 1884. $1.50 1522 Barber, John W., and Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey. 120 illustra tions. 8vo, sheep, pp. 512. New York, 1845. $4-oo 1523 Burlington. Boardman, Hy. A. Sermon on Death of John M. Cormell, and John F. Gillespie and wife, victims of the R. R. Catastrophe at Burlington, August 29, 1855. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. .75 1524 Burlington. Brown, Henry A. The Settlement of Burlington. 8vo, paper, pp. 68. Burlington, 1878. 75 1525 Essex and Hudson Counties. History of Essex and Hudson Coun ties, New Jersey. Compiled by Wm. H. Shaw. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 2 vols., 4to, half roan, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1884. $7.50 Pages 55 to 184 contain a valuable record with names of Essex County in the Rebellion. 1526 Burlington. Hills, George Morgan. History of the Church in Burlington, New Jersey. Comprising Facts and Incidents of 200 Years, from Original and Contemporaneous Sources. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 739. Trenton, N. J., 1876. $2.50 1527 Camden County. Revolution ary Reminiscences of. Originally part of " Old Gloucester." 8vo, paper, pp. 38. Camden, N. J., 1876. $1.25 1528 Chambers, T. F. The Early Germans of New Jersey, Their His tory, Churches, and Genealogies. (Our German Forefathers, The Mo ravians, Names of Persons Natural ized, etc.) Maps and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 667. n. p., 1895. $5-00 Pages 227 to 611 are genealogies. 1529 Cumberland County. Elmer, L. Q. C. History of the Early Set tlement and Progress of Cumberland County. 8vo, cloth, pp. 142. Bridge- ton, 1869. $1.50 1530 East Jersey Proprietors. Bi- Centennial of, at Perth Amboy, No vember 25, 1884. 8vo, paper, pp. 82. Newark, 1885. .50 NEW JERSEY. 105 1531 Gordon, Thomas F. History of New Jersey, from Its Discovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Gazetteer of the State. 8vo, cloth, pp. 339 + 266. Trenton, 1834. $2.50 1532 Hudson County. Winfield, Charles H. History of the County of Hudson from Its Earliest Settlement. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 568. New York, 1874. $6.00 1533 Messier, Abraham. Forty Years at Raritan. Memorial Ser mons, with Notes for a History of the Reformed Dutch Churches in Somerset County, New Jersey. 8vo, cloth, pp. 327. New York, 1873. $2.50 Pages 159 to 323 are historical notes. 1534 Morristown. Colles, Julia K. Authors and Writers Associated with Morristown, N. J., with a Chapter on Historic Morristown. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 454. Morristown, 1895. $2.00 1535 Morristown. Young, David. The Wonderful History of the Morris- town Ghost. i8mo, boards, pp. 76. Newark, 1876. $2.00 1536 Newark. Atkinson, Joseph. The History of Newark, being a Nar rative of Its Rise and Progress, 1666 to Present Time. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 334. Newark, 1878. $2.50 1537 Orange. Hoyt, James. " The Mountain Society " : A History of the First Presbyterian Church, Orange, N. J., Organized about 1719. I2mo, cloth, pp. 281. New York, 1860. $1.50 1538 Peapack. Thompson, Henry P. History of the Reformed Church at Peapack, N. J., with Biographical Sketches and List of Members. 8vo, cloth, pp. 68. New York, 1881. $1.25 1539 Princeton. Hodge, Charles. The Life of, Professor in the Theo logical Seminary. By his son. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 620. New York, 1880. $1.50 1540 Somerset County. Centennial History of. By Abraham Messier. 8vo, cloth, pp. 198. Somerville, 1878. $1.50 1541 Stryker, William S. Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. 8vo, cloth, pp. 878. Trenton, 1872. $5.00 1542 Sussex County. Webb, Ed ward A. The Historical Directory of Sussex County: A Summary of Events from Its First Settlement. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 143. 1872. 1 $1-50 1543 Orange. Wickes, Stephen. History of the Oranges in Essex County from 1666 to 1806. Map and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 334. Newark, N. J., 1892. $3.50 15/14 Raum, John O. History of New Jersey from Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt. Philadelphia, 1877. $3-50 1545 Readington. Historical Dis course and Addresses Delivered at the I75th Anniversary of the Re formed Church (1719-1894). Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 82. 1894. $1.00 1546 Report of the New Jersey Commissioners on the Centennial Ex hibition. Plates, plans, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 423. Trenton, 1877. $1.00 1547 Sackett, William E. Modern Battles of Trenton, Being a History of New Jersey Politics and Legislature, 1868-94. Trenton, 1895. $1.00 "He [the author] can stir up more kicking and squealing with a single paragraph ^than any one else we know of with a volume." Jersey City News. 1548 Salem. Johnson, R. G. An Additional Account of the First Set tlement of Salem in West Jersey. By io6 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. John Fenwick, chief proprietor. With many important events that have oc curred embracing a period of 150 years. i8mo, cloth, pp. 173. Phila delphia, 1839. $3.50 1549 Stockton, R. F. Defense of the System of Internal Improvements of the State of New Jersey. 8vo, cloth, pp. 49. Philadelphia, 1864. $1.00 1550 Taylor, Benjamin C. Annals of the Classis of Bergen, of the Dutch Reformed Church, including the Civil History of the Ancient Township of Bergen. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 479. New York, 1857. $1.00 1551 Trenton. Hall, John. His tory of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, N. J. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 460. * New York, 1859. $1.00 1552 Trenton. Raum, J. O. His tory of the City of Trenton, Embrac ing a Period of Nearly 200 Years. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 448. Trenton, 1871. $2.00 J 553 (Ward, T.) Passaic: A Group of Poems Touching that River. Steel plate. I2mo, calf. New York, 1842. $1.50 1554 Woodward, E. M. Bona parte s Park (N. J.) and the Murats. 8vo, cloth, pp. 116. Trenton, 1879. $1.50 1555 Wycliffe Semi-Millennial Bible Celebration: Convention of Bible So cieties of New Jersey. Trenton, September, 1880. 4to, cloth, pp. 104. $1.00 NEW MEXICO. 1556 Brevoort, Elias. New Mex ico, Her Resources and Attractions: A Collection of Facts on Mines, Pub lic Lands, and Spanish and Mexican Land Grants. 8vo, paper, pp. 176. Santa Fe, 1874. $1.25 1557 Champney, Elizabeth W. Great Grandmother s Girls in New Mexico, 1670-80. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1888. $1.50 1558 Cooke, P. St. G. The Con quest of New Mexico and California: An Historical and Personal Narrative. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 307. New York, 1878. $1.25 1559 Haines, Helen. History of New Mexico, from the Spanish Con quest to the Present Time, 1530- 1890. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 631. $2.50 Pueblo Aborigines, Expedition of Guzman and Cabeca de Vaca 1530-36, Friar Niza, Ex pedition of Ruiz, Pueblo Revolution, Santa Fe Trade, Mexican Rule, Onate Conquest and Colonization of New Mexico, Reconquest of New Mexico, etc., etc. 141 Biographical Sketches and 121 Portraits. 1560 Roberts, Edwards. With the Invader: Glimpses of the Southwest. Illustrated. i6mo, cloth, pp. 156. San Francisco, 1885. $1.00 NEW YORK STATE. (Including New York City.) 1561 Adirondacks. Smith, H. P. The Modern Babes in the Woods; or, Summerings in the Wilderness. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 4/14. Hart ford, 1872. $2.50 1562 Adirondacks. Stickler, Joseph W. The Adirondacks as a Health Resort. i6mo, cloth, pp. 198. New York, 1886. .50 1563 Albany. Dyer, David. His tory of the Albany Penitentiary. 8vo, half roan, pp. 273. Albany, 1867. $1.00 1565 Albany. The Annals of Al bany. By Joel Munsell. Plates, maps, etc. 10 vols., I2mo, cloth. Al bany, 1869. $25.00 Fine clean copy. 1566 Binghamton. Wilkinson, J. B. The Annals of Binghamton and of the Country Connected with It, from the Earliest Settlement. I2mo, cloth, pp. 256. Binghamton, 1840. $5.00 NEW YORK STATE. 107 1567 Brodhead, John R. Final Re port as Agent of the State of New York to Procure and Transcribe Doc uments in Europe Relative to the Co lonial History of Said State. 8vo, paper, pp. 375. Albany, 1845. $1.50 1588 Brodhead, John R. History of the State of New York. Vol. I., 1609-64; Vol. II., 1664-91. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 801 + 680. New York, 1859-71. $6.50 1569 Buffalo. An Authentic and Comprehensive History of, with Some Account of Its Early Inhabitants, both Savage and Civilized; Compris ing Historic Notices of the Six Na tions or Iroquois Indians; Sir William Johnson, etc. By Wm. Ketchum. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Buffalo, 1864. $3-50 1570 Buffalo. Life of Geo. P. Barker, with Some of His Celebrated Speeches, and Proceedings of the Bar of Erie County on His Death. By Geo. J. Bryan. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 215. Buffalo, 1849. $ r - 2 5 1571 Campbell, Wm. W. Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution; or, Annals of Tryon County. I2mo, cloth, pp. 396. New York, 1849. $3-00 1572 Catskill Association Formed for the Purpose of Improving the Town of Catskill, in the County of Greene, State of New York, and for Other Purposes, December 28, 1836. 2 maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. 47. New York, 1837. $2.50 1573 Child, L. Maria. Letters from New York. (Hamilton s Duel, Laurie Todd, McDonald Clarke, Origin of Manhattan, Antiquities of New York, Major Andre, Castle Gar den, Vauxhall, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1843-45. $2.50 The second series is quite scarce. 1574 Cohoes. Masten, A. H. His tory of Cohoes, N. Y. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 327. Albany, 1877. $1.50 1575 Colvin, Verplanck. Report of Survey of the Adirondack Wilder ness of New York for 1873. (Second Report.) Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1874. .75 1576 Cooperstown. A Centennial Offering: Being a Brief History of Cooperstown, with Sketch of James Fenimore Cooper. Edited by S. M. Shaw. I2mo, cloth, pp. 240. Coop erstown, 1886. $1.25 1577 Cooperstown. Livermore, S. T. History of Cooperstown, with a Biographical Sketch of J. Fenimore Cooper. I2mo, cloth, pp. 276. Al bany, 1862. $1.50 1578 Cooperstown. The Chronicles of Cooperstown. By James Fenimore Cooper. i6mo, cloth, pp. 100. Cooperstown, 1838. $3. 50 Fine copy. Very scarce. 1579 Delaware County. Gould, Jay. History of Delaware County and Border Wars of New York, The Early Settlements and the Late Anti- Rent Difficulties, and Other Histori cal Matter Never Before Published. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 426. Rox- bury, 1856. $20.00 A good copy of this rare book. Written by the late Jay Gould when he was a surveyor. It is one of the best of the early New York County histories and works on the early Border Wars. 1580 De Peyster, Frederick. The Early Political History of New York. With notes. 8vo, cloth, pp. 76. New York, 1865. $1.50 An address delivered before the New York Historical Society, November 22, 1864. 1581 Dunlap, William. A History of New York for Schools. Illustrated. 2 vols., i8mo, cloth. New York, 1840. $1.25 1582 Erie County. Johnson, Cris- field. Centennial History of Erie County: Its Annals from the Earliest Recorded Events. 8vo, cloth, pp. 512. Buffalo, 1876. $2.50 1583 Fernow, Berthold. Calendar of Wills on File and Recorded in the io8 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK, Offices of the Clerk of Court of Ap peals, of County Clerk at Albany, and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836. 4to, boards, pp. 657. New York, 1896. $10.00 No. 28 of a limited edition of 100 copies, de luxe style. 1584 Fernow, B. Documents Re lating to the History and Settlements of the Towns along the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, 1630-84, with the Relations of the Settlers with the In dians. 4to, cloth, pp. 617. Albany, 1 88 1. $4.00 Doc. Col. Hist. No. 13. 1585 Fishkill. Van Voorhis, E. W. Tombstone Inscriptions from Churchyard of First Reformed Dutch Church of Fishkill. 8vo, cloth, pp. 229. For private distribution only, 1882. $2.50 1586 French, J. H. Gazetteer of the State of New York, with a View of the Geography, Geology, and Gen eral History of the State, and a Com plete History of Every County, City, Town, Village, and Locality, with Full Table of Statistics. Illustrated. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 739. Syracuse, 1860. $1.25 1587 Hastings, Hugh. Second An nual Report of the State Historian of the State of New York. (Largely colonial muster rolls.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 1029. Albany, 1897. $1.50 1588 Hempstead. Records of the Towns of North and South Hemp- stead, Long Island. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Jamaica, 1896-98. $6.00 1589 Herkimer County. Benton, N. S. History of Herkimer County, including the Upper Mohawk Valley. (Iroquois Indians, Early Germans, Palatine Immigrations, and Sketches of Palatine Families.) Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 497. Albany, 1856. $5.00 1590 Hotchkin, James H. A His tory of the Purchase and Settlement of Western New York, and of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Presbyterian Church in that Sec tion. (Original Inhabitants, Sulli van s Expedition, Holland Purchase, Genesee County, etc.) Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 600. New York, 1848. $3-50 1591 Ithaca. The Scenery of Ithaca and the Head Waters of Cayuga Lake, as Portrayed by Different Writers and Edited by the Publisher. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 153. Ithaca, 1866. .75 1592 Lee, Charles A. A Catalogue of Medicinal Plants Growing in the State of New York, with a Brief Ac count of Their Composition and Med ical Properties. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. New York, 1848. .75 1593 Lewis County. History of, from the Beginning of Its Settlement to the Present Time. By Franklin B. Hough. (Davenport Families, Deeds to First Settlers, Flora, German Set tlements, Indians, Revolutionary Reminiscences, Indian Treaties, etc.) Steel plates. Royal 8vo, paper, un cut, pp. 319. Albany, 1860. $5.00 Only a few issued in this style. 1594 Livingston County. Doty, Lockwood L. A History of Living ston County, with an Account of the Seneca Nation of Indians and Bio graphical Sketches of Earliest Set tlers and Prominent Public Men. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 685. Gen- eseo, 1876. $4-00 1595 Long Island. A Discourse delivered at East Hampton (Long Island), Lord s Day, July 22nd, 1798, Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Samuel Buell, D. D., Pastor of the Church There, Who Departed this Life July I9th, 1798. By Herman Daggett, A. M., Pastor of the Church in West Hampton. I2mo, newly bound in half dark brown morocco, gilt top, pp. 23. New London (printed by Samuel Green), 1799. $7-50 NEW YORK STATE. 109 1596 Long Island. Ayres, J. A. The Legends of Montauk, with an Historical Appendix. 8vo, cloth, pp. 127. New York, 1849. $7-5 Very scarce. 1598 Long Island. Celebration of the Re-setting- of the New Utrecht Liberty Pole (erected just after the Revolutionary War), with Historical Address by Mr. Jas. M. Edsall, and Historic Account of the First Pole Setting. Illustrated with the Amer ican flag in gold and colors. 8vo, cloth, n. p., n. d. $1.25 1599 Long Island. Flint, Martha B. Early Long Island: A Colonial Study. Map. Bvo, cloth, pp. 549. New York, 1896. $2.50 1600 Long Island. Furman, Ga briel. Antiquities of Long Island, to Which is Added a Bibliography by Henry Onderdonk, Jr. I2mo, cloth, pp. 478. New York, 1874. $2.50 1 60 1 Long Island. Memorial of the Late Hon. David S. Jones, with Appendix Containing Notices of the Jones Family of Queens County. I2mo, cloth, pp. 99. New York, 1849. $i-5o 1602 Long Island. O Callaghan s Copy of Thompson s Long Island. Thompson, Benj. F. The History of Long Island from Its Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. Sec ond and best edition revised and greatly enlarged. Map and illustra tions. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1843. $40.00 Dr. E. B. O Callaghan s copy, with manu script corrections and additions. This copy ought to be in a public library. 1603 Long Island. Onderdonk, Henry, Jr. Documents and Letters Intending to Illustrate the Revolu tionary Incidents in Kings, Queens, and Suffolk Counties. With Ex planatory Notes and Additions. Map. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1846. $10.00 1604 J Ong Island. Prime, Nathan iel S. A History of Long Island from Its First Settlement to 1845, with An nals of the Several Towns. Map. I2ino, cloth (foxed), pp. 420. New York, 1845. $3-50 1605 Long Island. Records of the Town of Brookhaven up to 1800, as Compiled by the Town Clerk- 8vo, cloth, pp. 219. Patchogue, 1880. $3-50 1606 Long Island, N. Y. Revolu tionary Incidents of Suffolk and Kings Counties; with an Account of the Battle of Long Island, and the British Prisons and Prison Ships at New York; Documents and Letters Intended to Illustrate the Revolution ary Incidents of Queens County; with Connecting Narratives, Explanatory Notes, and Additions. By Henry On derdonk. Together 2 vols. in one thick I2mo, cloth. New York, 1846-49. $10.00 1607 Long Island. Shaw, Edward R. Legends of Fire Island Beach and the South Side. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 212. New York, 1895. $1.00 1608 Long Island. Thompson Benj. F. History of Long Island; Containing an Account of the Discov ery and Settlement; with Other Im portant Matters to the Present Time. Views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 536. New York, 1839. $5-00 1609 Lossing, Benson J. The Hud son, from the Wilderness to the Sea. Illustrated by engravings on wood and drawings by the Author. 8vo, cloth, pp. 464. Troy, 1866. $4.00 ^ Fine clean copy. Scarce. 1610 Moulton, Joseph W. History of the State of New York. Part 2, Novum Belgium. 8vo, sheets. New York, 1826. .50 1611 Murphy, Henry C Anthol ogy of New Netherland; or, Transla tions from the Early Dutch Poets of New York, with Memoirs of Their no FRANCIS P, HARPER, NEW YORK. Lives. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half mo rocco, pp. 209. New York, 1865. $7-50 No. 15 of a limited edition of 75 copies. 1612 Newburgh. Nutt, JohnJ. Her Institutions, Industries, and Leading Citizens; Historical, Descriptive, and Biographical. Map and illustrations. 4to, morocco, pp. 335. Newburgh, 1891. $2.00 1613 New Lots. Trial of Pasach N. Rubenstein for the Murder of Sarah Alexander in the Town of New Lots (near Brooklyn), December 12, 1875. 8vo, half sheep, pp. 331. New York, 1876. $1.75 1614 New Netherland. Remon strances of New Netherland, and the Occurrences There, Addressed to the High and Mighty Lords States Gen eral of the United Netherlands on the 28th July, 1649, with Secretary Van Tienhoven s Answer. Translated from a copy of the original Dutch MS. by E. B. O Callaghan, M. D. 4to, half red morocco, pp. 67. Albany, 1856. $5-oo Only 100 copies printed. Presentation copy from the translator. 1615 New Netherland. Represen tation from New-Nether-Land, Con cerning the Situation, Fruitfulness, and Poor Condition of the Same. Map. Hague, 1650. Broad Advice to the United Netherland Provinces, Made and Arranged from Divers True and Trusty Memories, by I. A. G. W. C. Antwerp, 1649. Two rare tracts translated from the Dutch, with notes by Henry C. Murphy. 4to, cloth, pp. 190. New York, 1854. $10.00 125 copies printed. Presentation copy from James Lenox. 1616 Newtown. Riker, James, Jr. The Annals of Newtown in Queens County, New- York, Containing Its History and First Settlement, to gether with Many Interesting Facts Concerning the Adjacent Towns; also, A Particular Account of Nu merous Long Island Families now Spread over This and Various Other States. Portrait and maps. 8vo, fine uncut copy, half morocco, pp. 437. New York, 1852. $30.00 NEW YORK CITY. 1617 Alexander, S. D. The Pres bytery of New York, 1738 to 1888. (List of Ministers from 1738, Candi dates Licensed, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 198. New York, 1889. $1.00 1618 Anthon, Henry. Parish An nals: A Sermon Giving Historical Notices of St. Mark s Church in the Bowery, from A. D. 1795 to A. D. 1845. 8vo, paper, pp. 58. New York, 1845. $2.00 1619 A Week in Wall Street. By One Who Knows. i6mo, boards, pp. 152. New York, 1841. $1.00 1620 Asmodeus in New York. (Cost of Luxury in New York, Ec centric Characters, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 378. New York, 1868. $1.00 1621 Baird, Robert. Transplanted Flowers; or, Memoirs of Mrs. Rumpff (daughter of John Jacob Astor) and the Duchess De Broglie, Daughter of Madame De Stael. Steel portrait and plate. i6mo, cloth, pp. 160. New York, 1839. .75 1622 Beers, F. W. Atlas of New York and Vicinity. Folding colored maps and engravings of some of the old residences. Folio, cloth. New York, 1867. $4.00 1623 Belden, E. Porter. New York, Past, Present, and Future, Comprising a History of New York City and a Description of Its Present Condition. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1849. $ 2 -5o 1624 Booth, Mary L. History of the City of New York, from Its Earli est Settlement to the Present Time. 100 engravings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 850. New York, 1859. $2.00 NEW YORK CITY. Ill 1625 Bradford, William. Address on the 2OOth Birthday of, the Intro ducer of the Art of Printing into the Middle Colonies of British America. By John W. Wallace. Plates. 8vo, boards, pp. 114. Albany, 1863. $1.50 Presentation copy from Geo. H. Moore to C. W. Frederickson. 1626 Brodhead, John R. The Con quest of New Netherlands (by the English, 1664). 2OOth Anniversary Oration. 8vo, paper, pp. 87. New York, 1864. .75 1627 Brooklyn. Currie, Gilbert E. History of the Wesley M. E. Church of Brooklyn, with List of Members, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 316. New York, 1876. $1.25 1628 Brooklyn. Hearne s Brook lyn City Directory for 1851-52. loth annual publication. I2mo, boards. Brooklyn. $1.50 1629 Brooklyn. Howard, Henry W. B. The Eagle and Brooklyn, with a Complete History of Brooklyn from Its Settlement to the Present Time. 1300 portraits, views, and illustra tions. Folio, full morocco, pp. 1195. Brooklyn, 1893. $10.00 A beautiful volume, published at $25.00. 1630 Brooklyn. Jan: A Tale of the Early History of Brooklyn. By A. L. O. B. I2mo, cloth, pp. 153. Brooklyn, 1883. $1.50 1631 Brooklyn. St. Ann s Church (Brooklyn, N. Y.) from the Year 1784 to the Year 1845. By a Sunday- school Teacher, F. G. Fish. View of church. I2mo, cloth, pp. 220. Brook lyn, 1845. $3-50 Scarce. Presentation copy from the author. 1632 Brooklyn. Stiles, Henry R. History of the City of Brooklyn, in cluding the Old Town and Village of Brooklyn and Town of Bushwick and Williamsburgh. Map and illustra tions. 3 vols., 8vo, green cloth, gilt tops. Brooklyn, 1867. $7-5o 1633 Brooklyn. Stiles, Henry R. The Civil, Political, Professional, and Ecclesiastical History of County of Kings, 1683-1884. Profusely illus trated with steel portraits, views, etc. Folio, half morocco, pp. 1400. New York, 1885. $5-oo 1634 Brooklyn. The Old and the New; or, Past and Present of the Parish of St. Ann s. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 36. Brooklyn, 1869. $1.00 Scarce. 1635 Brooklyn. Warriner, Edwin. Old Sands Street Methodist Church: Art Illustrated Centennial Record. Historical and biographical. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 520. New York, 1885. $3.00 1636 Brooklyn Bridge. Opening Ceremonies, May 24, 1883. 4to, cloth, pp. 122. Brooklyn, 1883. $1.00 1637 Burford, Robert. Description of A View of the City of New York now Exhibiting at the Panorama, Lei cester Square. Folding map and plate. 8vo, boards. London, 1834. $2.00 1638 Cammann, H. J., and Camp, H. N. The Charities of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 597. New York, 1868. $1.00 1639 Campbell, Helen. Darkness and Daylight; or, Lights and Shad ows of New York Life. A Woman s Story of Rescue Work, with 200 Anecdotes Drawn from the Bright and Shady Side of City Life. With a Journalist s Description of Little- known Phases of New York Life, by Thos. W. Knox. 250 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 740. Hartford, 1892. $2.00 1640 Church of Zion and St. Tim othy. History of, from 1797 to 1894. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 353. Printed for private circulation. $2.75 112 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1641 Churches. A Familiar Con versational History of the Evangelical Churches of New York. Views of old churches. I2tno, cloth, pp. 222. New York, 1838. $1.00 Colonial slavery, negro plot, primitive Indian inhabitants of New York, church in the fort, etc. 1642 Cogswell, Joseph G. Life of, as Sketched in His Letters. (First Librarian of the Astor Library, etc.) 4to, cloth, pp. 377. Privately printed, 1874. $5.00 222 copies printed for private distribution. 1643 Cummings, Thomas S. His toric Annals of the National Academy of Design, with Occasional Dottings by the Wayside, from 1825 to Present Time. 8vo, cloth, pp. 364. Philadel phia, 1865. $1.25 1644 Davenport, John I. The Election and Naturalization Frauds in New York City, 1860-70. 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. New York, 1894. $3.50 Printed by the author, and now rare. 1645 Dawson, Henry B. Records of the City of New Amsterdam in New Netherlands. Vol. I. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, neat, pp. 79. Mor- risania, N. Y., 1867. $3.50 Only 100 numbered copies printed. 1646 Dawson, Henry B. The Sons of Liberty in New York. 8vo, paper, pp. 1 1 8. Printed for private circula tion, 1859. $2.00 1647 Disturnell, John. New York as It Was and as It Is, from Its Set tlement to the Present Time. Map and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 296. New York, 1876. .75 1648 Dixon, Dr. Edward H. Scenes in the Practice of a New York Surgeon. (City Practice, The Cholera of 32, Early History of Fort Lee, etc.) Illustrated by Darley. I2mo, cloth, pp. 407. New York, 1855. $1.50 1650 Du Bois, Henri P. Four Pri vate Libraries of New York: A Con tribution to the History of Bibliophil- ism in America. Preface by Octave Uzanne. Plate in gold and colors, and fine steel plates. 8vo, silk bind ing, uncut, pp. 119. New York, 1892. $2.50 A limited edition printed by De Vinne. 1651 Durand, Edward D. The Fi nances of New York City. I2mo, cloth, pp. 397. New York, 1898. $1.00 1652 Earle, Alice Morse. Colonial Days in Old New York. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. London, 1896. $1.00 1653 Fairchild, Herman LeRoy. History of the New York Academy of Sciences, formerly the Lyceum of Natural History. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 190. New York (published by the Author), 1887. $1.50 1654 Fisk, James. The Life of James Fisk, Jr., including the Great Frauds of the Tammany Ring, Sketches of Railroad Magnates, Fi nanciers, and Edward S. Stokes the Assassin. By Willoughby Jones. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 512. Phila delphia, 1872. $2.00 1655 Fowler, William W. Twenty Years of Inside Life in Wall Street, with Personal Experiences of a Spec ulator. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 576. New York, 1880. $1.50 I i6s6 Francis, John W. Old New York; or, Reminiscences of the Past 60 Years, with Memoir of the Author by Henry T. Tuckerman. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. New York, 1866. $2.50 This is the best edition, having been consider ably enlarged. 1657 Goddard, Thomas H. A General History of the Most Promi- NEW YORK CITY. nent Banks of Europe; the Rise and Progress of the Bank of North Amer ica, and Statistical and Comparative View of the Moneyed Institutions of New York. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 254. New York, 1831. $3.50 1658 Greenleaf, Jonathan. A His tory of the Churches of All Denomi nations in the City of New York, from the First Settlement to the Year 1846. i6mo, cloth, pp. 369. New York, 1846. $1.50 1659 Griggs, William N. The Cele brated " Moon Story " : Its Origin and Incidents. With memoir of the Au thor. i6mo, cloth (worn), pp. 143. New York, 1852. $1.50 1660 Headley, J. T. The Great Riots of New York, 1712 to 1873, in cluding a Full Account of the Four- Days Draft Riot of 1863. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 359. New York, 1873. $1.50 1661 Hildeburn, Charles R. Sketches of Printers and Printing in Colonial New York. Portraits, fac similes, etc. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 189. New York, 1895. $3.50 A limited edition printed by De Vinne. The best work on early New York printers and printing. 1662 Janvier, Thomas. In Old New York. Maps and illustrations of old buildings, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 285. New York, 1894. $1.50 1663 Jogues, Isaac. Novum Bel gium: An Account of New Nether- land in 1643-44. By Rev. Father Isaac Jogues. With a facsimile of his original MSS., portrait, map, and early view of New York, and notes by J. G. Shea. 4to, half roan. New York (privately printed), 1862. $7.50 A very limited number of copies were for the first time printed from the original manuscript. 1664 Johnson, Samuel (First Presi dent King s College, New York), Life and Correspondence of. (Small pox in New York, 1759; Stamp Act, etc.) By E. Edwards Beardsley. Steel portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 380. $1-75 1665 Johnson, Henry P. Observa tions on Judge Jones Loyalist His tory of the American Revolution, How Far Is It an Authority? 8vo, paper, pp. 86. New York, 1880. $1.00 1666 King s Hand Book of New York: An Outline History, and De scription of the American Metropolis. (By various writers.) looo illustra tions from photographs made ex pressly for this work. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1008. Boston, 1893. $2.00 No other work gives so good an idea of modern New York. 1667 Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. Wall Street in History, 1642-1883. 4to, cloth, pp. 95. New York, 1883. $1.50 1668 lanier, J. F. D. Sketch of the Life of (the banker), with Inter esting Accounts of the Finances of the Government during the Rebel lion. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Printed for the family only, 1877. $6.00 1669 Lexow Investigation (the full report). Report and Proceedings of the Senate Committee Appointed to Investigate the Police Department of the City of New York. 5 large 8vo vols., cloth in full. Albany, 1895. $3-50 With all the testimony in^full. 1670 Lotos Club. A Brief History of the Lotos Club. (Mark Twain s Fun, Oliver Wendell Holmes Speech, etc.) Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 166 + 58. New York, 1895. $1.00 1671 Lloyd s Companion and Guide through New York City, 1866-67. Illustrated. I2mo, boards. New York, 1866. $1.00 1672 McManus, Blanche. How the Dutch Came to Manhattan. Penned 114 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. and pictured by Blanche McManus. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897. $1.00 1673 Maverick, Augustus. Henry J. Raymond, of the New York Press for 30 Years; Progress of American Journalism, 1840 to 1870. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 501. Hartford, 1870. $1.50 1674 Moore, N. F. An Historical Sketch of Columbia College. I2mo, cloth, pp. 126. New York, 1846. $1.25 1675 Moss, Frank (President of the New York Police), The American Metropolis from Knickerbocker Days to the Present Time, New York City Life in All Its Various Phases. With introduction by Rev. Chas. H. Park- hurst. Numerous illustrations. 3 vols., 8vo, red cloth, uncut. New York, 1897. $5-oo 1676 Mullaly, John. The New Parks beyond the "Harlem: Descrip tion and Scenery of Nearly 4000 Acres. Map and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 172. New York, 1887. $1.00 1677 Neal, Jos. C. Charcoal Sketches; or, Scenes in a Metropolis. With etchings by David C. Johnston (" the American Cruikshank "). I2mo, cloth, pp. 222. Philadelphia, 1838. $1.50 1678 New York Historical Society Collections. 2d series, Vol. I. 8vo, cloth, pp. 486. New York, 1841. $2.00 1679 Osgood, Samuel. New York in the Nineteenth Century: A Dis course. 8vo, paper, pp. 125. New York, 1867. .50 1680 Procter, L. B. The Bench and Bar of New York. Biographical Sketches of Judges and Lawyers, with Incidents of Important Trials. 8vo, cloth, pp. 779. New York, 1879. $2.50 1681 Rand, McNally & Co. s Handy Guide to New York City. Illus tration and map. I2mo, paper, pp. 210. Chicago, 1896. .25 1682 Eecords of New Amsterdam from 1653-74. Edited by Bert-hold Fernow. 7 large 8vo vols., sheep. New York, 1897. $17.50 Only a limited number of these valuable records were printed. They consist of minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens, and include much new and curious information re garding the old Dutch settlers. The entire con tents is exhaustively indexed. 1683 Biker, James. Evacuation Day, 1783, with Recollections of Cap tain John Van Arsdale, by Whose Ef forts the American Flag was Success fully Raised on the Battery. 8vo, paper, pp. 56. New York (printed for the Author), 1883. .50 1684 Robinson, Solon. Hot Corn: Life Scenes in New York. Illus trated, including The Story of Little Katy, Wild Maggie, etc., with original designs. I2mo, cloth, pp. 408. New York, 1854. $1.00 1685 Rode s Business Directory for 1854-55, containing a Classification of Trades, Professions, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 187. New York, 1854. $1.00 1686 Rogers, E. P. The Glory of New York (Its Growth and Develop ment). 8vo, paper, pp. 18. New York, 1874. 75 1687 (Russell, William.) Diary of a Detective Police Officer (in New York City). By Waters. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 198. New York, 1864. $1.00 1688 (Scoville.) The Old Mer chants of New York City. 5 vols. in 3. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870. $5.00 Complete set. Contains a vast amount of gossip about the early families. 1689 Shea, Dr. J. G. Catholic Churches of New York City, with Sketches of Their History and Lives NEW YORK CITY. of Their Pastors, etc. Portraits and illustrations. 4to, morocco, pp. 748. New York, 1878. $3.50 ^ 1690 Sheldon, George W. The Story of the Volunteer Fire Depart ment of the City of New York. (Not able Fires, Parades, Firemen s Balls, List of Firemen 1793-96, etc.) Nu merous views of old engines, fire caps, old buildings, etc. 4to, cloth, pp. 575. New York: Harper & Bros., 1882. $2.00 Published at $4.50. 1691 Slick, Jonathan. High Life in New York. By Jonathan Slick of Weathersfield, Conn. (With glossary of Yankee words and phrases not likely to be understood by English readers.) 2 vols., I2mo, new half mo rocco, gilt tops. London, n. d. $5.00 1692 Smith, Thomas E. V. The City of New York in 1789, the year of Washington s Inauguration. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 244. New York, 1889. $1.25 A complete view of the city as it was in that day. 1693 Stevens, John Austin. The Evacuation of New York by the Brit ish, November 26, 1783. Report on the Centennial Celebration. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 201. New York, 1885. , $1.50 1694 Stryker, Peter. Historical Discourse Delivered at the Last Service held in the Reformed Dutch Church, Corner Broome and Greene Streets. Plate. I2mo, cloth, pp. 86. New York, 1860. $1.50 1695 Tammany Hall. Myers, Gus- tavus. The History of Tammany Hall, 1789-1898. Aaron Burr at the Helm, Quarrels with De Witt Clinton, Fernando Wood, Civil War and After, Tweed Ring, Croker, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 357. New York (published by the Author), 1901. $1.50 1696 The Growth of New York. 8vo, paper, pp. 49. New York, 1865. 35 Past and Coming Growth, New York the Heart of the Country, Direction of Its Growth, The 5th Avenue and Westward Tendency, etc. 1697 The Men of New York. A Collection of Biographies and Por traits of Citizens of the Empire State Prominent in Business, Professional, Social, and Political Life during the Last Decade of the Nineteenth Cen tury. Hundreds of fine portraits. 2 vols., 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Buffalo, 1898. $10.00 1698 The Sun s Guide to New York: Replies to Questions Asked Every Day by the Guests and Citi zens of the American Metropolis. Il lustrated. I2mo, half morocco. New York, 1892. .75 1699 Trask, Spencer. Bowling Green: Its History, from the Time the " Sea Mew " Sailed into the Bay in 1626 to the Present. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 84. New York, 1898. .75 1700 Valentine, David T. History of the City of New York. Maps, plates, and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 404. New York, 1853. $4.00 1701 Water Front. Photographs of. A series of 12 photographs, 18^2 inches by 85/2 inches, showing the docks and distant buildings before " sky scrapers " were erected, with names of buildings. Mounted on cardboard and bound in oblong 4to, full morocco, n. p., n. d. $5oo Interesting and historically valuable. 1702 Witches of New York: Re counting Methods of Various Fortune Tellers in the Metropolis. By Q. K. Philander Doesticks. I2mo, cloth, pp. 405. New York, 1859. $1.25 1703 Wood, Fernando. A Model Mayor. Early Life, Congressional Career, and Triumphant Municipal Administration of Hon. Fernando u6 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Wood. By a Citizen of New York. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 126. New York, 1855. $ I -5o 1704 Wooley, Charles. Two Years Journal in New York and Part of Its Territories in America. New edi tion by E. B. O Callaghan. Large paper, 4to, cloth. New York, 1860. $2.50 1705 Wynne, James. Private Li braries of New York. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 472. New York, 1860. $2.50 1706 Zenger, John Peter. The Tryal of John Peter Zenger of New York, Printer, Who Was Lately Try d and Acquitted for Printing and Pub lishing a Libel against the Govern ment, with the Pleadings and Argu ments on Both Sides. 3d edition. 4to, half morocco, pp. 32. London (printed for J. Wilford, behind the Chapter-House, St. Paul s Church- Yard), 1738. $10.00 " This trial presents the first instance on record where truth was admitted as justification of a libel, a doctrine since admitted in American jurisprudence. The counsel for the defendant was Andrew Hamilton of Philadelphia, who, for the able defense he made upon the occasion, was rewarded, by order of the Common Council of New York, with the freedom of the city in a splendid gold box." Rich. NEW YORK STATE, Continued. 1707 Niagara. Barham, William. Descriptions of Niagara, Selected from Various Travelers, with Origi nal Additions. Map and plate. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 180. Gravesend, n. d. $3-00 Scarce. 1708 Niagara. Holley, Geo. W. The Falls of Niagara and Other Fa mous Cataracts. (Local History, Traditions, etc.) 30 illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 183. London, 1882. $1.50 1709 O Callaghan, E. B. Docu mentary History of the State of New York. (Papers Relating to the Iro- quois and Other Indian Tribes; New York Army List, 1700; Boundary Line between the Whites and the In dians, 1765; Early Rate Lists of Long Island; Champlain s Expeditions to Northern and Western New York, 1609, 1615, etc.) Facsimile maps, views, etc. 4 vols, thick 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1849. $6.00 1710 O Callaghan, E. B. The Documentary History of the State of New York. Maps, plans, plates, etc. 4 vols., 4to, cloth. Albany, 1850. $6.00 1711 Orange County. Eager, Sam l W. An Outline of the History of Orange County, with Local Tradi tions and Biographical Sketches. 8vo, cloth, pp. 656. Newburgh, 1846. $10.00 1712 Orange County. Portrait and Biographical Record of Orange County, with Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens, etc. Por traits. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 1548. New York, 1895. $8.00 1713 Orange County. Ruttenber, E. M., and Clark, L. H. History of Orange County, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches. 4to, half morocco, pp. 820. Philadelphia, 1881. $10.00 1714 Orange County. Stickney, Charles E. A History of the Mini- sink Region, Which Includes the Present Towns of Minisink, Deer- park, Mount Hope, Greenville, and Wawayanda, in Orange County, New York, from Their Organization to the Present Time. I2mo, cloth, pp. 211. Middletown, 1867. $1.50 1715 Oswego County. Tyler, R. H. Oswego County Fifty Years Ago. 8vo, paper, pp. 18. Fulton, 1880. .25 1716 Pompey. Reunion of the Sons and Daughters of the Old Town of Pompey, June 29, 1871. With a His tory of the Town, Reminiscences and Biographical Sketches of Its Early NEW YORK STATE. II/ Inhabitants. Lithographic portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 432. Pompey, 1875. $1.50 Library stamped. 1717 Poughkeepsie. Van Gieson, Rev. A. P. Anniversary Discourse and History of the First Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie. 8vo, cloth, pp. 126. Poughkeepsie, 1893. $1.50 1718 Poughkeepsie. Lossing, Ben son J. Vassar College and Its Founder. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 175. New York (privately printed), 1867. $3.00 1719 Queens County. History of Queens County, with Illustrations, Portraits, and Sketches. 4to, half calf, pp. 576. New York, 1882. $10.00 1720 Roberts, James A. A Century in the Comptroller s Office, State of New York, 1797-1897. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 90. Albany, 1897. $1.25 1721 Rochester. A Study Histori cal. By Jenny M. Parker. Illus trated. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 412. Rochester, 1884. $3.50 1722 Rochester. O Reilly, Henry. Sketches of Rochester, with Inci dental Notices of Western New York. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 416. Rochester, 1838. $6.00 1723 Rochester. Ward, F. De W. Churches of Rochester: Rise, Prog ress, and Present Condition of Each Religious Organization, with Bio graphical Sketches. 8vo, cloth, pp. 184. Rochester, 1871. $1.50 1724 Rogers, Frank D. Folk Stories of the Northern Border. (Up the St. Lawrence River in 1796, French Settlers, Captivity of Mrs. Howe, Pioneer Hardships.) Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 273. Clay ton, 1897. $1.25 1725 Ruffner, W. H. A Report on Washington Territory, comprising Topography, Climate, Soils, Geology, Cities, Towns, Agricultural Products, etc., etc. Illustrated. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 242. New York, 1889. $1.50 1726 Saratoga. Perkins, Eli. Sara toga in 1901. 200 illustrations by Lumley. I2mo, cloth, pp. 249. New York, 1872. $1.25 1727 Saratoga. Stone, Wm. L. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Balls- ton. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 451. New York, 1880. $1.25 1728 Severance, Frank H. Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier. I2mo, cloth, pp. 321. Buffalo, 1899. $3-5 Limited edition, printed from type. Histori cal and literary studies on early western New York. 1729 Sing Sing. Luckey, John. Life in Sing Sing State Prison, as Seen in a 12-Years Chaplaincy. I2mo, cloth, pp. 376. New York, 1860. $1.00 1730 Smith, William. History of New York from the First Discovery to 1732, with a Continuation to 1814. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 512. Albany, 1814. $6.00 A fine uncut copy. Rare in this condition. 1731 Southold. Whitaker, Epher. History of Southold ? Long Island: Its First Century. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 354. Southold, 1881. $4.00 1732 Southampton. Addresses De livered on the 250th Anniversary, June 12, 1890. 8vo, cloth, pp. 105. Sag Harbor, 1890. $1.00 1733 Spencer, Ambrose. Memorial of. Former Chief Justice of the Su preme Court, State of New York. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 104. Al bany, 1849. $1-25 1734 Sqnier, E. G. Antiquities of the State of New York, Describing Earthworks, Inclosures, Mounds, Bone-heaps, etc., Found in the Vari ous Counties. With a Supplement on u8 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. the Antiquities of the West. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 343. Buffalo, 1851. $4.50 1735 Statement of All the Lands Sold by the Comptroller under and by Virtue of the Several Acts for the Assessment and Payment of Taxes Prior to the Sale of 1848; also, Sales under Special Assessments for Drain ing Swamps, Building Roads, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1024. Albany, 1850. $3-50 Valuable for reference. 1736 Suffolk County. Portrait and Biographical Record of Suffolk County, Long Island, with Biographi cal Sketches of Prominent and Repre sentative Citizens. Numerous por traits. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 1045. New York, 1896. $10.00 1737 Thomson, John. Historical Sketch of the Saint Andrews Society of the State of New York, with List of Officers and Members since 1756. I2mo, cloth, pp. 120. New York, 1856. $1.50 Includes an oration on " The Scot Abroad, and the Scot at Home." 1738 Trenton Falls, Picturesque and Descriptive. Edited by N. P. Willis. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 96. New York, 1868. ,75 1739 Troy. Troy s One Hundred Years, 1789-1889. (New France and New Netherland, 1524-1624; Manor of Rensselaerswyck, 1624-1786; Vil lage of Troy, 1789-1800, etc.) By Arthur James Weise. Facsimiles of old views and maps. 4to, cloth, pp. 453. Troy, 1891. $3.00 1740 Troy. Weise, A. J. History of the City of Troy, from Expulsion of the Mohegan Indians to 1876. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. Troy, 1876. $2.50 1741 Troy. Wood worth, John. Reminiscences of Troy, N. Y., from Its Settlement in 1790 to 1807, with Remarks on Its Commerce, Enter prise, Political Parties, etc. Written at the request of several gentlemen of Troy. 2d edition, with notes. 4to, cloth, pp. 112. Albany, 1860. $2.00 1742 Tryon County. Campbell, Wm. W. Annals of Tryon County; or, The Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 269. New York, 1831. $4.00 1743 Turner, O. History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham s Purchase and Morris Re serve, with Pioneer History of Monroe County. (Border Wars, Indian Coun cils, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 624. Roch ester, 1851. $4.00 1744 TJtica. Bogg, M. M. The Pioneers of Utica, with a Civil History of the Place from the Earliest Settle ment to 1825, the Era of Opening the Erie Canal. 8vo, cloth, pp. 663. Utica, 1877. $4.50 1745 TTtica. City Directory, 1847-48. Compiled by Bildad Mer- rell, Jr. I2mo, boards. Utica, 1847. 75 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. John King. New Yorkers of the Nine teenth Century. (Genealogies of Twenty Prominent Families, with notes, including Bard, Barclay, Bron- son, Buchanan, Delafield, Duer, Em met, Fish, Glover, Hoffman, Jay, King, Schuyler, Stuyvesant, Van Rensselaer, etc., with Index.) Folio, boards. New York, 1897. $6.00 Published at $10.00 net. A valuable work for reference. 1746 Votes and Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of New York, at the First Meeting of the Fourth Session at Poughkeepsie, on Thurs day, September 7, 1780. Edited by Geo. H. Moore, and now first printed from original MS. Folio, cloth, pp. 59. Albany, 1859. $3.00 1747 Watson, W. C. Pioneer His tory of the Champlain Valley; being an Account of the Settlement of the Town of Willsborough by Wm. Gilli- NEW YORK STATE OHIO. 119 land, together with His Journal and Other Papers, and a Memoir and Historical and Illustrative Notes. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 231. Albany, 1863. $2.00 1748 Westchester County. History of the Several Towns, Manors, and Patents of the County of West- Chester. By Robert Bolton. 2d edi tion, enlarged by C. W. Bolton. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols., thick 8vo, half calf, gilt, gilt tops. New York, 1881. $12.50 1749 Westchester County. Pryer, Charles. Reminiscences of an Old Westchester Homestead. I2mo, cloth, pp. 174. New York, 1897. $1.25 1750 Wilkie, D. Sketches of a Summer Trip to New York and The Canadas. I2mo, cloth, pp. 293. Edinburgh, 1837. $1.50 1751 Wright, Silas (late Governor of the State of New York). His Life. By John S. Jenkins. With an Ap pendix Containing a Selection from His Speeches in the Senate of the United States and His Address Read before the New York State Agricul tural Society. I2mo, cloth, pp. 378. Auburn, 1847. $1.00 1752 Yonkers. History of, from the Earliest Times to the Present, includ ing an Elaborate Description of Its Aborigines. (A Narrative of Its Dis covery and Early Settlement by the Dutch and Other Europeans ; A Rec ord of Events within Its Borders for 100 Years; Its Stirring Scenes as Part of the Famous " Neutral Ground of the Revolution," etc.) Views of old buildings, portraits, etc. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges, pp. 454. New York, 1896. $2.50 A valuable work published at $10.00. OHIO. 1753 Biographical Encyclopaedia of Ohio of the Nineteenth Centurv. Hundreds of steel portraits. 4to, full morocco, pp. 672. Cincinnati, 1876. $7-50 1754 Chambers, Charlotte. Mem oir of. By her grandson, Lewis H. Garrard. 8vo, cloth, pp. 135. Phila delphia (printed for the Author), 1856. $6.00 But few copies printed, for presentation. From 1726 to 1821, Indian Wars, Revolution, etc., chiefly from personal letters. 1755 Champaign and Logan Coun ties. History of, from Their First Settlement. By Joshua Antrim. Por traits of pioneers of both counties. 8vo, cloth, pp. 460. Bellefontaine, 1872. $3.00 Fine copy. 1756 Cincinnati. Cist, Charles. Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 364. Cincinnati, 1851. $1.00 1757 Cincinnati. Drake, Daniel. Discourses Delivered by Appointment before the Cincinnati Medical Library Association, January 9 and 10, 1852, by Dr. Daniel Drake. I2mo, cloth, pp. 93. Cincinnati, 1852. $1.50 Early physicians, scenery and Society of Cin cinnati, benefits of public medical libraries, etc. 1758 Cincinnati. Drake, Daniel. Natural and Statistical View; or, Pic ture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. Maps. I2mo, sheep, pp. 251. Cincinnati, 1815. $3-5 Fine copy in the original binding. 1759 Cincinnati. Drake and Mans field. Cincinnati in 1826. Plates. I2mo, leather, pp. 100. Cincinnati, 1827. $2.50 1760 Cincinnati. Miller, Francis W. Cincinnati Beginnings: Missing Chapters in the Early History of the City, and the Miami Purchase, Chiefly from Unpublished Documents. I2mo, cloth, pp. 235. Cincinnati, 1880. .75 1761 Cincinnati. Report of the Cemetery of Spring Grove. Many lithographic plates. 8vo, cloth. Cin cinnati, 1857. .75 120 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1762 Cleveland. Whittlesey, Chas. Early History of Cleveland, including Original Papers, with Biographical Notices of Pioneers and Surveyors. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 487. Cleveland, 1867. $4.00 1763 Columbus. Its History, Re sources, and Progress. By Jacob H. Strider. Map, illustrations, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 584. n. p., 1873. .75 Early history of the city, incidents of war (1861-65), John Morgan s escape from the penitentiary, assassination of Lincoln, etc. 1764 Corwin, Thomas. A Sketch. By A. P. Russell. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 128. Cincinnati, 1882. $1.25 Governor of Ohio, Minister to Mexico, etc. 1765 Coshocton County. Historical Collections of: A Complete Panorama of the County, 1764-1876. By Wm. E. Hunt. 8vo, cloth, pp. 264. Cin cinnati, 1876. $2.00 1766 Eyre, John. The Christian Spectator: Being a Journey from England to Ohio. (Two Years in that State, Travels in America, etc.) I2mo, cloth. Albany, 1838. $2.00 1767 Granville. Bushnell, Henry. The History of Granville, Licking County, Ohio. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 372. Columbus, 1889. $2.50 1768 Franklin County. Martin, Wm. T. History of Franklin County : A Collection of Reminiscences of the Early Settlements. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 449. Columbus, 1858. $4.00 1769 Hamilton County. History of. With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches. Compiled by Henry A. Ford and Mrs. Kate B. Ford. Map. Numerous fine steel portraits. Large 4to, half morocco, gilt edge, pp. 432. n. p., n. d. $5-00 1770 Harris, Thaddeus M. Journal of a Tour into the Territory North west of the Allegheny Mountains, 1803, with a Geographical and His torical Account of the State of Ohio. 5 folding maps (foxed as usual). 8vo, half roan, pp. 271. Boston, 1805. $7-50 1771 Highland County. Thomp son, Jas. H. The History of the County of Highland, Ohio, from Its First Creation to July 4, 1876, with Continuation to 1877. 8vo, paper, pp. 132. Hillsboro, 1878. .50 1772 Howitt, Mary. Our Cousins in Ohio. With 4 steel plates. (Car rying Home the Black Snake, Arrival of the American " Jumper," 1 etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 296. London, 1849. $1.50 1773 Knox County. History of, from 1779 to 1862. With Biographi cal Sketches, Anecdotes, and Inci dents of Men Connected with the County from Its First Settlement. (Historical Sketch of Masonry in Knox County, Notable Events of 1815, War of 1812, Quakers from Maryland, Indian Encounters, etc.) By Banning Norton. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 424. Columbus, 1862. $2.00 1774 Knox County. Norton, A. B. History of Knox County, 1779-1862, with a Sketch of Kenyon College. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 424. Co lumbus, 1862. $3-oo 1775 Marion and Hardin Counties. Portrait and Biographical Record of. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 563. Chi cago, 1895. $6.00 1776 Morris, Thomas. Life of. Pioneer and Long a Legislator of Ohio and United States Senator, 1833-39. By B. F. Morris. I2mo, cloth, pp. 408. Cincinnati, 1856. $1.50 1777 Seneca County. Butterfield, Consul W. History of Seneca County. A Detailed Narrative and History of the Indians. Biographical sketches, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 251. Sandusky, 1848. $5.00 OHIO OREGON. 121 1778 Toledo. Portrait and Bio graphical Record of City of Toledo, and Lucas and Wood Counties. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 523. Chicago, 1895. $6.50 1779 Venable, W. H. Footprints of the Pioneers in the Ohio Valley. I2mo, cloth, pp. 128. Cincinnati, 1888. $1.00 1780 Washington County. An drews, I. W. Washington County, and the Early Settlement of Ohio: The Centennial Address Delivered at Marietta, Ohio, July 4, 1876. 8vo, cloth, pp. 83. Cincinnati, 1877. $1.00 1781 Wayne County. Douglass, Ben. History of Wayne County, Ohio, from the Early Days of the Pio neers and First Settlers to the Present Time. Steel portraits. 8vo, sheep, pp. 868. Indianapolis, 1878. $3.00 OREGON. 1782 Armstrong, A. N. Oregon: Comprising a Brief History of Ore gon and Washington Territories. I2mo, cloth, pp. 147. Chicago, 1857. $2.00 1783 Bancroft, Hubert H. History of Oregon. 2 vols., 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Fine set. San Fran cisco, 1890. $5.00 1784 Falconer, Thomas. The Ore gon Question; or, A Statement of the British Claims to the Oregon Terri tory in Opposition to the Pretensions of the Government of the United States of America. 8vo, boards, pp. 50. London, 1845. $1.25 By the author of "The Discovery of the Mississippi." 1785 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California, and the Territories on the Northwest Coast of North America, with a Number of Documents as Proofs and Illustra tions of History. 2d edition, en larged. 8vo, cloth, pp. 492. Boston, 1845. $ 2 -So 1786 Hines, Gustavus. Oregon: Its History, Condition, and Prospects, with Personal Adventures among the Indians while Connected with the Oregon Mission. I2mo, cloth, pp. 437. Buffalo, 1851. $1.50 1787 Leighton, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound. I2mo, cloth, pp. 258. Boston, 1884. .75 1788 Moseley, H. N. Oregon: Its Resources, Climate, People, and Pro ductions. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 125. London, 1878. $1.00 1789 Murphy, John M. Oregon Business Directory and State Gaz etteer. (Over 200 pages of State History.) First year of publication. 8vo, boards, pp. 382. Portland, 1873. $2.00 1790 Nash, Wallis. Two Years in Oregon. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 311. New York, 1882. .75 Birds of Oregon, farmers sports and pas times, land laws, history of Oregon, etc. 1791 Nicolay, C. G. The Oregon Territory : An Account of the Country and Its Inhabitants. i6mo, half calf. London, 1846. $1.50 1792 Thornton, J. Quinn. Oregon and California in 1848, with Appendix on the Gold Mines of California. Map and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849. $4.00 Scarce. The author was Judge of the Su preme Court of Oregon. 1793 Twiss, Travers. The Oregon Question Examined in Respect to Facts and the Law of Nations. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 391. London, 1846. $3.00 1794 Victor, Frances F. All Over Oregon and Washington: Observa tions on the Country. Its Scenery, Soil, Climate, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 368. San Francisco, 1872. $1.50 1795 Wyeth, Nath l J. The Cor respondence and Journals of 1831-36: A Record of Two Expeditions for the Occupation of the Oregon Country. 122 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Maps. 8vo, paper, pp*. 262. Eugene, Ore., 1899. $i- 2 5 PENNSYLVANIA. 1796 Allegheny. Parke, Judge John E. Recollections of Seventy Years and Historical Gleanings of Al legheny, Pa. 8vo, cloth, pp. 385. Boston, 1886. $1.25 1797 Allegheny County. History of, with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Buildings, etc. 4to, cloth, pp. 242. Philadelphia, 1876. $7-50 1798 Allegheny County s Hundred Years (1754 to 1888). (Oil Trade, From Pack Horse to Railroads, Boat Building, etc.) By George H. Thurs- ton. Views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. Pittsburgh, 1888. $1.50 1799 Beaver County. History of: Early Settlement, Growth, and De velopment. With portraits, biogra phies, etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 908. Philadelphia, 1888. $5.00 i 800 Bethlehem and Nazareth, Pa. Ogden, John C. An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Pennsyl vania, in 1799, with a Succinct His tory of the Society of United Brethren, Commonly Called Mora vians. i6mo, calf, pp. 167. Philadel phia (printed by Charles Cist), 1805. $4.00 Includes a narration of the massacre of Chris tian Indians at Salem and Gnadenhutten. 1 80 1 Biographical Encyclopaedia of Pennsylvania in the Nineteenth Cen tury. Profusely illustrated with fine steel portraits. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 672. Philadelphia, 1874. $7.50 Published at $25.00. 1802 Boyd, Hon. John. Trial of, of Montgomery County, June 14, 1873, by His Colleagues of the Con stitutional Convention. Reported by R. A. West. 8vo, cloth, pp. 75. Philadelphia, 1874. $1.00 1803 Brackenridge, H. M. History of the Western Insurrection in West ern Pennsylvania, Commonly Called the Whisky Insurrection, 1794. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. Pittsburgh, 1859. $2.00 1804 Breck, Samuel. Sketch of the Internal Improvements Made by Pennsylvania. Maps. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1818. $2.00 Rare. 1805 Brunner, D. B. The Indians of Berks County, Pennsylvania: A Summary of All the Tangible Records of the Aborigines of Berks County. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 177. Reading, 1881. $1.75 1806 Budd, Thomas. Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in America, with a True Ac count of the Country in 1685. New edition, edited by Edward Armstrong. 4to, cloth, pp. in. New York, 1865. $2.50 Limited edition of 60 copies on large paper. 1807 Centenary Memorial of the Planting and Growth of Presbyterian- ism in Western Pennsylvania and Parts Adjacent. (Secular History, Pittsburg in the Last Century, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 445. Pittsburgh, 1876. $1.50 i8o8 Chester. Historical Sketch of Chester on Delaware. By Henry G. Ashmead. With maps and illustra tions. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 336. Chester, 1883. $2.50 1809 Chester County. Futhey, J. Smith. The Upper Octorara Presby terian Church: Discourse on i5Oth Anniversary. (With list of burials, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 184. Philadelphia, 1870. $1.50 1810 Cornell, Wm. M. The His tory of Pennsylvania from the Earli est Discovery to the Present Time. (First Settlement of the Dutch, Swedes, and English; Penn and His Treaty, etc.) Portrait and illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 576. Philadel phia, 1876. $2.50 PENNSYLVANIA. 123 1811 Dauphin County. Morgan, Geo. H. The Settlement, Forma tion, and Progress of Dauphin County, 1785-1876. 8vo, cloth, pp. 239. Harrisburg, 1877. $1.50 1812 Day, Sherman. Historical Collections of the State of Pennsyl vania, General and Local, with De scriptions of Every County, etc. 165 engravings. 8vo, calf, pp. 708. Phila delphia. $3.50 1813 Delaware County. Smith, George. History of Delaware County from Its Discovery. With a Notice of. the Geology of the Country. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 581. Philadelphia, 1862. $3.00 1814 Dickenson, Jonathan. God s Protecting Providence Man s Surest Help and Defence in Times of Great est Difficulty. I2mo, paper. Phila delphia, 1868. .75 1815 Egle, Wm. H. An Illus trated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Civil, Political, and Military, from Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time: Historical De scriptions of Each County in the State. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1204. Harrisburg, 1877. $4.50 1816 Ephrata Press. Christliches Gemuths-Gesprach. i2mo, old calf, pp. 248. Ephrata, 1770. $5.00 Rare, as are all the publications of this press. " Peter Miller, a venerable leader and teacher among the Tunckers, established a press at Ephrata, Pa., before the (Revolutionary) war. In 1735 he embraced the principles of the Bap tists, and in 1744 he received another ordination to be the prior or head of the society at Ephrata. Some years after he established the press there, perhaps not far from 1760." Thomas " History of Printing." 1817 Ephrata. Chronicon Ephra- tense: A History of the Community of Seventh-Day Baptists at Ephrata, Pa. Translated from the German (edition of 1786) by J. Max Hark. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 288. Lan caster, 1889. $2.50 1818 Erie County. The History of Erie County, Pennsylvania. (La Salle, Indian Remains, Pontiac, Bou quet, Penn s Charter, War of 1812, etc.) By Laura G. Sanford. Map and steel portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 347. Philadelphia, 1862. $2.50 1819 Franklin County. M Cauley, I. H. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 2d edition, enlarged. 8vo, cloth, pp. 294. Harrisburg, 1878. $2.00 1820 Gentry, Thos. G. Life-His tories of the Birds of Eastern Penn sylvania. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia (printed for the Author), 1876. $3.50 1821 Gordon. A Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania, Description of Its Towns, Counties, Cities, Villages, etc. With map of the State. 8vo, pp. 508. Philadelphia, 1832. $1.50 1822 Graydon. Capt. A. Memoirs of a Life Chiefly Passed in Pennsyl vania within the Last Sixty Years. I2mo, sheep, pp. 379. Harrisburgh, 1811. $1.50 1823 Haldeman. S. S. Pennsyl vania Dutch. 8vo, cloth, pp. 69. London, 1872. .75 1824 Harlan, Caleb. Elflora of the Susquehanna, and Other Poems. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1883. .50 1825 Harrisburg Centennial Memo rial: English Presbyterian Congrega tion, Harrisburg, Pa., 1794-1894. (Civil War Reminiscences, Descrip tion of Harrisburg, etc.) By Geo. B. Stewart. Plates and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 435. Harrisburg, 1894. $2.00 1826 Harrisburg. Morgan, George H. Annals: Comprising Memoirs, Incidents, and Statistics of Harrisburg from the Period of Its First Settle ment. I2mo, cloth, pp. 400. Harris burg, 1858. $2.50 1827 Hazard, Samuel. Annals of Pennsylvania from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609 to 1682. 8vo, cloth, pp. 664. Philadelphia, 1850. $2.00 124 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1828 Brackenridge, H. M. History of the Western Insurrection in Penn sylvania, Commonly Called the Whisky Insurrection, 1794. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. Pittsburgh, 1859. $3.00 1829 Hotchkin, S. F. Early Clergy of Pennsylvania and Dele- ware. I2mo, cloth, pp. 280. Phila delphia, 1890. $1.50 1830 Huntingdon County. Lytle, Milton S. History of Huntingdon County from the Earliest Times to 1876. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 361. Lancaster, 1876. $1.50 1831 Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Biographical and Histori cal Encyclopaedia of. Edited by Sam uel T. Willey. 4to, folio, morocco, pp. 636. Philadelphia, 1891. $6.00 Published at $15.00. 1832 Johnson, C. B. Letters from the British Settlements in Pennsyl vania. 2 folding maps. i6mo, boards, uncut, pp. 192. Philadelphia, 1819. $3.00 Rare. 1833 Lancaster County. Harris, Alex. A Biographical History of Lancaster County: Being a History of Early Settlers and Eminent Men of the County; as also Much Other Un published Historical Information, Chiefly of a Local Character. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 639. Lan caster, 1872. $2.00 1834 Lancaster County. Portrait and Biographical Record of. 4to, full morocco, gilt, pp. 690. Chicago, 1894. $6.00 1835 linn, John Blair. Charter of William Penn, and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania Passed be tween the Years 1682 and 1700. Pre ceded by Duke of York s Laws in Force from the Year 1676 to 1682, with an Appendix Containing Laws Relating to the Organization of the Provincial Courts, and Historical Matter. Portrait, facsimile, and maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 614. Harrisburg, 1879. $1.50 1836 Maclay, William. Journal of, United States Senator from Pennsyl vania, 1789-91. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 438. New York, 1890. $1.50 1837 Memoirs of the Historical So ciety of Pennsylvania. Vol. I. 8vo, cloth, pp. 495. Philadelphia, 1864. $1.50 1838 Memoirs of the Historical So ciety of Pennsylvania. Vol. IV., Part 2. (Observations on Mercer County, Pennsylvania, by B. Stokely, the First Settler in the County; Inci dents in the Early History of Craw ford County, by A. Huidekoper; The Indians of Lancaster County, by W. P. Foulke, etc.) 8vo, boards, pp. 391. Philadelphia, 1850. $2.00 Pages 225 to 391 are a valuable list of papers relating to Pennsylvania and Delaware in the State Paper Office in London. 1839 Mifflin County. Cochran, Joseph. History of Mifflin County, with Early Sketch of Pennsylvania. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 422. Har risburg, 1879. $2.50 1840 Monroe County. Burrell, A. B. Reminiscences of George La Bar, and Incidents of the Early Set tlement of the Pennsylvania Side of the River from Easton to Bushkill. 8vo, cloth, pp. in. Philadelphia, 1870. .50 1841 Nevin, David R. B. Conti nental Sketches of Distinguished Pennsylvanians, with an Appendix Containing Important Historical Papers. I2mo, cloth, pp. 248. Phila delphia, 1875. $1.25 1842 Penn, William. History of, Founder of Pennsylvania. By Wm. Hepworth Dixon. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 363. London, 1872. $2.00 1843 *nn, W. No Cross, No Crown; or, Several Sober Reasons against Hat-Honour, Titular-Re^ spects, You a single person with the PENNSYLVANIA. 125 Apparel and Recreations of the Times: Being inconsistent with Scripture, Reason, and the Practice as well of the best Heathens, as the holy Men and Women of all Genera tions; and consequently fantastick, impertinent and sinfull. With 68 Testimonies of the most famous Per sons, of both former and later Ages for further confirmation. In Defence of the poor despised Quakers, against the Practice and Objections of their Adversaries. 4to, unbound, pp. 4, i-no. Printed in the year 1669. $7-50 The rare first edition, written during his im prisonment in the Tower. The most popular of all the religious pieces of William Penn. 1844 Penn, Wm. Passages from the Life and Writings of William Penn, collected from His Works, Cor respondence, and Biographies. I2mo, cloth, pp. 512. Philadelphia, 1882. 75 ^1845 ^nn, Wm. The Life of, for Young Persons. By Mary Hughes. Fine portrait. i6mo, boards, uncut, pp. 192. London, 1822. $1.25 1846 Pennsylvania Illustrated: A General Sketch of the State, Its Scenery, History, etc. Numerous en gravings. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 100. Philadelphia, 1874. $1.00 1847 Pennsylvania Printing. The Way to the Sabbath of Rest, by Thomas Brunley (pp. 280); A Dis course on the Mistakes Concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, etc., by Thomas Hartley; Christ s Spirit, by William Dell; Observations on En slaving, Importing, and Purchasing Negroes. All in I vol. 8vo, calf. Germantown: C. Sower, 1759-60. $6.00 Fine copy. Works printed in English by Sower are rare. 1848 Perry, Bishop Wm. S. His torical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church, II., Pennsylvania. 4to, cloth, pp. 607. Printed for subscribers, 1871. $7.50 Only 250 copies printed. 1849 Philadelphia (Aitken im print). A Short Introduction to Eng lish Grammar, with Critical Notes. By Robt. Lowth, D. D. I2mo, calf, pp. 132. Philadelphia: R. Aitken, 1775- $1.50 1850 Philadelphia (Aitken im print). Essay on the Character, Man ners, and Genius of Women in Differ ent Ages. Enlarged from the French of M. Thomas by M. Russell. 2 vols. in i. I2mo calf. Philadelphia (printed and sold by R. Aitken), 1774. $2.00 1851 Philadelphia. Arey, Henry W. The Girard College and Its Founder. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 85. Philadelphia, 1856. .75 1852 Philadelphia. Barton, Wm. P. C. Compendium Florae Philadel- phiae: Description of Plants within a Circuit of Ten Miles around Philadel phia. 2 vols., I2mo, half bound, un cut. Philadelphia, 1818. $4.00 1853 Philadelphia. Biography of Stephen Girard, with Account of His Private Life, Habits, Manners; with Detailed History of His Banking and Financial Operations. By Stephen Simpson. Fine portrait. I2mo, sheep, pp. 320. Philadelphia, 1832. $1.50 1854 Philadelphia. Bronson, Wm. W. Inscriptions in St. Peter s Church Yard. Edited by Chas. R. Hildeburn. 8vo, pp. 585. Camden, 1879. $3.00 1855 Philadelphia. Brown, David Paul. The Forum; or, Forty Years Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. $5.00 One of the best works on early American history of courts, judges, and lawyers. 1856 Philadelphia. Brotherhead, W. Forty Years among the Old Booksellers of Philadelphia. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 122. Philadelphia, 1891. $1.25 126 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1857 Philadelphia. Cook, Joel. Brief Summer Rambles near Philadel phia, Described in a Series of Letters. I2mo, cloth, pp. 303. Philadelphia, 1882. $1.00 1858 Philadelphia. Etting, Frank M. An Historical Account of the Old State House of Pennsylvania, now Known as the Hall of Independence. Numerous fine illustrations of old por traits, views, facsimiles of documents, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 204. Boston, 1876. $2.50 1859 Philadelphia. Fennell, James. An Apology for the Life of. Written by himself. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1814. $3.50 Relates to the early drama in Philadelphia, etc., and is quite scarce with the portrait. 1860 Philadelphia. History of the Insurance Company of North Amer ica, of Philadelphia, 1792-1884. (Early Marine Underwriting in Phila delphia, Lives of the Founders, etc.) Views and portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 174. Philadelphia, 1885. $1.25 1861 Philadelphia. Over de Ge- vangenhuizen van Philadelphia. 8vo, paper, pp. 40. Amsterdam, 1796. $1.50 Account of the Prison House. Bears the im print John R. Foster, and was evidently pri vately printed. 1862 Philadelphia. Simpson. Forty- four Portraits. The Illustrations of Simpson s Lives of Eminent Philadel- phians, now Deceased. Large paper, proof impressions. 4to, half mo rocco. Philadelphia, 1860. $4.00 1863 Philadelphia. Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia and Penn sylvania in the Olden Time: A Col lection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857. $4.00 1864 Philadelphia. Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia in the Olden Time: Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents. Best edition, en larged by W. P. Hazard. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1891. $7.50 1865 Philadelphia. Wood, Geo. B. Address on the Centennial of the Founding of the Pennsylvania Hospi tal. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 141. Philadelphia, 1851. .75 1866 Phoenixville. Pennypacker, S. W. Annals of Phoenixville, Pa., and Its Vicinity, from the Settlement to Year 1871, Giving Origin and Growth of the Borough, and Town ships of Chester and Montgomery Counties and Valley of Schuylkill. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 295. Philadelphia, 1872. $175 1867 Pithole. The History of Pit- hole. By Chas. C. Leonard. I2mo, cloth, pp. 106. Pithole City, 1867. $1.50 1868 Pittsburgh. Craig, N. B. The History of Pittsburgh. 2 maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. Pittsburgh, 1851. $2.50 1869 Pleasant Peregrination through the Prettiest Parts of Pennsylvania. By Peregine Prolix. i8mo, cloth, pp. 148. Philadelphia, 1836. $1.00 1870 Plymouth. Wright, Hen- drick B. Historical Sketches of Plymouth. (With Twenty-five Pho tographs of Some of the Early Set tlers and Present Residents of the Town of Plymouth; Old Landmarks, Family Residences, and Places of Special Note. I2m o, cloth, pp. 419. Philadelphia, 1873. $2.00 1871 Proud, Robert. The History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from the Original Institution and Set tlement of that Province under the First Proprietor and Governor, Wil liam Penn. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1798. $7-5o Map and portrait missing, but a good working copy of a rare work. 1872 Quakers. Benezet, Anthony. A Short Account of the People Called PENNSYLVANIA. 127 Quakers: Their Rise, Religious Prin ciples, and Settlement in America, Mostly Collected from Different Au thors, for the Information of All Serious Inquirers, Particularly For eigners. 8vo, boards, pp. 26. Phila delphia, 1780. $1.50 1873 Quakers. A Collection of Memorials Concerning Divers De ceased Ministers and Others of the People Called Quakers, in Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, and Parts Ad jacent, from Nearly the First Settle ment Thereof to the Year 1787, with Some of the Last Expressions and Exhortations of Many of Them; also an Alphabetical Index. 8vo, calf, pp. 439. Philadelphia, 1787. $3.00 1874 Reading. Stable, Major Wil liam. The Description of the Bor ough of Reading, with Notice of Its First Settlement and Many Curious Historical Matters. I2mo, boards, pp. 68. Reading, 1841. $6.00 1875 Reichel, Wm. C. Historical Sketch of Nazareth Hall, 1755-1869, with an Account of the Reunions of Former Pupils and the Monument in Memory of Those Who Fell in the Rebellion. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. $1.25 1876 (Saur Bible.) Biblia Das 1st: Die Ganze Gottliche Heilige Schrift; Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Mar tin Luthers, etc. Thick 4to, old calf. Germantown: Ghristoph Saur, 1776. $40.00 A good copy. Very scarce. The third edi tion of Saur s Bible, and the second printed by the younger Saur, who succeeded to his father s press about 1744. The principal part of this edition was sold in sheets during the Revolution ary War, and many copies were converted into cartridges. Mr. Saur s daughter succeeded in rescuing the sheets of ten copies which she caused to be bound." O Callaghan. 1877 Schuylkill Fishing Company. History of, from 1732 to 1888. Illus trated with numerous portraits, views, and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 446. Philadelphia (published by the Members), 1889. $10.00 1878 Smith, William. A Brief State of the Province of Pennsyl vania, 1755. Facsimile reprint. 8vo, paper. New York, 1865. $1.50 1879 Susquehanna County. The Centennial of. Compiled by James T. Du Bois and Wm. J. Pike. 8vo, cloth, pp. 139. Washington, 1888. $1.00 1880 Susquehanna County. Its His tory. The Annals and Geography of Each Township. A List of the Sol diers of the National Army Furnished by Many of the Townships. By Emily C. Blackman. With maps and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 640. Philadelphia, 1873. $6.00 Rare. 1 88 1 Thomas, Gabriel. An Histori cal and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania and of West Jersey in America. (The Richness of the Soil; The Flourishing Condition of the City of Philadelphia ; Strange Creatures, as Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Fowls, etc.) Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 55 + 34. London, 1698. $2.00 A facsimile reprint, lithographed for Henry Austin Brady. 1882 Turnbull, Wm. P. The Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 8vo, paper, pp. 50. Philadel phia, 1869. $1.00 1883 Upland and Upland Court. Record of. Memoirs and Military Journal of Major Ebenezer Denny. (Vocabulary of the Delaware and Shawanese Language.) Portraits and plans. 8vo, cloth, pp. 498. Philadel phia, 1860. $2.50 Vol. VII., Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1884 West Chester. Directory of the Borough of West Chester for 1857, containing a Complete History of the Borough from Its First Settle- 128 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. ment, with an Alphabetical List of the Names of All the Inhabitants. 8vo, boards, pp. 160. West Chester, 1857. $1.50 1885 Westtown. Tatum, Francis C. Old Westtown: A Collection of Articles, Anecdotes, and Reminis cences of the Old School. With views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 151. Philadel phia, 1888. $1.50 RHODE ISLAND. 1886 Allen, G. Defence of the Rhode Island System of Treatment of the Indians: An Address. 8vo, cloth, pp. 34. Providence, 1876. .50 1887 Barrington. A History of Harrington. By Thos. W. Bicknell. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 617. Providence, 1898. $5.00 1888 Bartlett, John R. A History of the Destruction of H. M. Schooner Gaspee in Narragansett Bay, June 10, 1772, with Correspondence Connected and Journal of Proceedings. Royal 8vo, uncut, pp. 140. Providence, 1861. $3.00 Rare. Only 125 copies printed, for private distribution. 1889 Binney, Barnabas. An Ora tion at the Publice Commencement at Rhode Island College in Providence, September, 1774: A Plea for the Lib erty of Choosing Our Own Religion, etc. 4to. Boston, 1774. $3.00 1890 Dorr, Thos. W. The Life and Times of, with Outlines of the Po litical History of Rhode Island. By Dan King. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 368. Boston, 1859. $1.25 1891 Frieze, Jacob. A Concise History of the Efforts to Obtain an Extension of Suffrage in Rhode Is land, from the Year 1811 to 1842. I2mo, cloth, pp. 141. Providence, 1842. $1.25 1892 Guild, Reuben A. Life, Times, and Correspondence of James Man ning, and the Early History of Brown University. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 522. Boston, 1864. $2.25 Scarce. 1893 Jackson, Chas. T. Report on the Geological and Agricultural Sur vey of Rhode Island Made in 1839. Maps and plates. 8vo, pp. 312. Providence, 1840. $3.00 1894 King, Henry M. A Summer Visit of Three Rhode Islanders to the Massachusetts Bay in 1651. I2mo, cloth, pp. 115. Providence, 1896. $1.00 1895 Lynch, Anne C. The Rhode Island Book: Selections in Prose and Verse, from the Writings of Rhode Island Citizens. (Rhode Island dur ing the American Revolution, Battle of Bennington, Philip of Pokanoket, etc.) Plate, Landing of Roger Wil liams. I2mo, cloth, pp. 352. Provi dence, 1841. $1.50 1896 Maxey, Jonathan. The Lit erary Remains of, Second President of Brown University, with Memoir of His Life by Romeo Elton. 8vo, cloth, pp. 452. New York, 1844. $2.50 Rare. 1897 Newport and Its Vicinity. Sketches of. With Notices Respect ing the History, Settlement, and Geography of Rhode Island. Illus trated with engravings. I2mo, cloth, pp. 213. New York, 1842. $1.50 1898 Newport. Mason, George C. Annals of Trinity Church. 2d series, 1821-92. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 496. Newport, 1892. $2.25 1899 Newport. Mason, Geo. C. Reunion of the Sons and Daughters of Newport, R. I., August 23, 1859. I2mo, cloth, pp. 298. Newport, 1859. 75 1900 Newport. Newport Illus trated in a Series of Pen and Pencil Sketches. By the Editor of the New port " Mercury." I2mo, cloth, pp. no. New York, 1854. $1.00 RHODE ISLAND TENNESSEE. 129 1901 Newport. The City and Scen ery of Newport. Fourteen illustra tions drawn on stone and printed in colors by John Collins. Oblong folio, cloth. Burlington, N. J., 1857. $7.50 Rare. 1902 Payne, Abraham. Reminis cences of the Rhode Island Bar. 8vo, cloth, pp. 277. Providence, 1885. $175 1903 Providence. White, Charles E. The Providence Firemen. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 313. Provi dence, 1886. $1.25 1904 Providence. Willard, Geo. O. History of the Providence Stage, 1762-1891. 8vo, cloth, pp. 298. Providence, 1891. $1.50 1905 Rhode Island. Historical Magazine (formerly the Newport " Historical Magazine "), from July, 1884, to April, 1887. (Newport in 1797, Siege of Newport, Town Rec ords of Newport, Genealogical Notes of Various Families, Jamestown, R. I., Records, Families Who Went to Long Island in 1676, etc.) 12 parts. 8vo, tinted paper covers. Newport, 1884-87. $5.00 1906 Rhode Island Historical So ciety. Proceedings, 1872-81. lovols., 8vo, paper, uncut. Providence, 1872-81. $10.00 1907 Richmond, John W. Rhode Island Repudiation; or, The History of the Revolutionary Debt of Rhode Island. 8vo, cloth, pp. 208. Provi dence, 1855. $1.00 1908 Smithfield. Steere, Thos. History of the Town of Smithfield, 1730-1871. 8vo, cloth, pp. 230. Providence, 1881. $2.00 1909 TTpdike, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. (With histori cal introduction.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 311. Boston, 1842. $1.50 1910 Updike, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. (With bio graphical sketches). 8vo, cloth, pp. 311. Boston, 1842. $2.00 1911 Williams, Roger. A Key to the Language of America ; or, A Help to the Language of the Natives in that Part of America Called New Eng land. (R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. I.) 8vo, uncut. Providence, 1827. $2.00 1912 Williams, Roger. The Bap tism of. A Review by Henry M. King. i2mo, cloth, pp. 144. Provi dence, 1897. $1.00 TENNESSEE. ^ Allison, John. Dropped Stitches in Tennessee History. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 152. Nash ville, 1897. $1.50 1914 Barnes, George O. Without Scrip or Purse; or, The Mountain Evangelist (of Tennessee). By W. T. Price. 8vo, cloth, pp. 631. Louis ville, 1883. $2.50 1915 Brown, Aaron V. (Ex-Gov ernor of Tennessee). Speeches and Other Writings of. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 606. Nashville, 1854. $3.00 Throws much light on the early inside history of the State. 1916 Caldwell, Joshua W. Studies in the Constitutional History of Ten nessee. I2mo, cloth, pp. 183. Cin cinnati, 1895. $2.00 1917 Davidson County. History of, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. By Prof. W. W. Clayton. Numerous portraits and views. 4to, cloth, pp. 500. Philadelphia, 1880. $10.00 Scarce. ^ History of Tennessee, with Sketches of Maury, Williamson, Ruth erford, Wilson, Bedford, and Marshall Counties. Map and portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1232. Nashville, 1886. $5.00 130 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1919 Killebrew, J. B. An Introduc tion to the Resources of Tennessee. Large folding maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1205. Nashville, 1874. $2.50 1920 Killebrew, J. B. Report of the Tennessee Bureau of Agriculture, Statistics, and Mines, for 1876. 8vo, cloth, pp. 435. Nashville, 1877. $1.00 1921 Macgavock, Randal W. A Tennesseean Abroad. I2mo, cloth, pp. 398. New York, 1854. $2.00 _Very scarce. 1922 McNairy County. Reminis cences of the Early Settlement and Early Settlers of McNairy County. By Marcus J. Wright. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 96. Washington, 1882. $2.00 1923 Memphis. Davis, James K. The History of the City of Memphis: Being a Compilation of the Most Im portant Documents and Historical Events Connected with the Purchase of Its Territory, Laying Off of the City, and Early Settlement; also, The " Old Times " Papers, being a Series of Reminiscences and Local Stories Written by the Author. I2mo, cloth, pp. 318. Memphis, 1873. $2.50 1924 Moore, John Trot wood. Songs and Stories from Tennessee. I2mo, cloth, pp. 247. Chicago, 1897. $1.00 1925 Old Times in West Tenessee. Pioneer Life and Early Settlers in the Big Hatchie Country. I2mo, cloth, pp. 295. Memphis, 1873. $1.25 1926 Phelan, James. History of Tennessee: The Making of a State. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 478. Boston, 1888. $1.75 TEXAS. 1927 Braman, D. E. E. Informa tion about Texas, Carefully Prepared. i2mo, cloth, pp. 105. Houston, 1871. $1.00 1928 Bancroft, Hubert H. History of Texas and the North Mexican States. 2 vols., 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Fine set. San Francisco, 1890. $6.00 1929 Channing, Wm. A Letter on the Annexation of Texas to the United States. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. London, 1837. $1.00 1930 De Cordova, J. Texas, Her Resources and Public Men. I2mo, cloth, pp. 375. Philadelphia, 1858. $1.50 1931 Domenech, Abbe. Mission ary Adventures in Texas and Mexico : A Personal Narrative of Six Years Sojourn in Those Regions. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 366. London, 1858. $3.00 1932 Duval, J. C. Early Times in Texas. (Texas Revolution, Mexican War, Frontier Life and Early Ex plorations.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 253. Austin, 1892. $1.25 1933 Gilbert, C. E. Illustrated Northwest Texas. 8vo, paper, pp. 116. Abilene, 1884. $1.00 1934 History of Texas; or, The Emigrant s Guide to the New Repub lic. By a Resident Emigrant. With an Introduction by A. B. Lawrence. View of Austin. I2mo, calf, pp. 275. New York, 1844. $2.50 1935 Houstoun, Mrs. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; or, Yatching in the New World. Plates. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844. $2.50 1936 Houston, Sam. Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, Exposing the Malfeasance and Corruption of John Charles Watrous, Judge of the Fed eral Court in Texas, and His Con federates. Portrait. I2mo, leather, pp. loo. New York, 1860. $1.25 1937 Johnston, J. E. Reports of the Secretary of War, with Recon naissances of Routes from San An tonio to El Paso; also, Reports of R. TEXAS. B. Marcy, J. H. Simpson, and W. H. C. Whiting. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1850. $5.00 Scarce. 75 plates of Indian Antiquities. A most careful and important work on the Zuni and Pueblo Indians. 1938 Kennedy, William. Texas, Its Geography, Natural History, and Topography. 8vo, paper, pp. 118. New York, 1844. $2.00 Rare. 1939 Laws of the Republic of Texas. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, boards, pp. 281 + 127. Houston, 1838. $7.50 Very rare. The first Texas Laws and con tains the Texas Declaration of Independence signed by Richard Ellis, president, and the other delegates. 1940 Montgomery, Cora. Eagle Pass; or, Life on the Border. I2mo, cloth, pp. 188. New York, 1875. $1.25 1941 Prairiedom. Rambles and Scrambles in Texas; or, New Estra- madura. By A. Suthron. Folding map. I2mo, half old calf (rubbed), pp. 166. New York, 1845. $2.00 Scarce. Library stamped. 1942 Rankin, Melinda. Texas in 1850. (Newspapers in Texas, Mis sionaries, etc.) I2mo, paper, pp. 199. Boston, 1850. $1.00 1943 Reid, Samuel C., Jr. The Scouting Expeditions of McCulloch s Texas Rangers; or, The Summer and Fall Campaign of the Army of the United States in Mexico, 1846. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 251. Phila delphia, 1859. $1.50 1944 Roberts, Gov. O. M. A De scription of Texas: Advantages, Re sources, and Development, Past, Pres ent, and Future. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 133. St. Louis, 1881. $1.25 1945 Roche, James J. The Story of the Filibusters (Mier s Expedition, Walker s Expedition), with Life of Col. David Crockett. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 373. London, 1891. $1.50 1946 Rock, James L. and Smith, W. I. Southern and Western Texas: Guide for 1878. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 282. St. Louis, 1878. $1.25 1947 San Antonio. Corner, Wm. San Antonio de Bexar: A Guide and History. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. San Antonio, 1890. $i-75 1948 Smith, Edward. Account of a Journey through Northeastern Texas in 1849, with Letters and Other Com munications. Maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. 188. London, 1849. $2.00 1949 Steuart, Ella H. Gems from a Texas Quarry; or, Literary Offer ings by the Leading Writers and Prominent Characters of Texas. Col ored illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. New Orleans, 1885. $1.50 1950 Stiff, Edward. The Texan Emigrant. Adventures of the Author in Texas, with Full Description of that Country. Incidents of Fifteen Years Revolution in Mexico. Map. 8vo, sheep, pp. 367. Cincinnati, 1840. $2.00 1951 Suthron, A. Prairiedom: Rambles and Scrambles in Texas, or New Estramadura. Map. i2mo, sheep, pp. 1 66. New York, 1846. $2.50 1952 Sweet, A. E., and Knox, J. A. On a Mexican Mustang through Texas, from the Gulf to the Rio Grande. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 514. Chicago, 1891. $1.50 1953 Texas Almanac for 1860; with Historical and Biographical Sketches. (Including a History of the State and a Sketch of Each County.) 8vo, paper, pp. 228. Galveston, 1860. $1.50 1954 Visit to Texas: The Journal of a Traveller through Those Parts Most Interesting to American Set tlers, with Description of Scenery, Habits, etc. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 268. New York, 1834. $2.50 132 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 1955 Yoakum, H*. History of Texas from Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856. $15.00 Fine copy. Scarce. UTAH. 1956 Bancroft, Hubert H. History of Utah, 1540-1887. (With a Full History of Mormonism, Brigham Young, Polygamy, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 808. San Francisco, 1891. $1.50 1957 Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah; or, Mysteries and Crimes of Mor monism. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 540. Philadelphia, 1870. $1.50 1958 Book of Mormon. Le Livre de Mormon. First French edition. I2mo, leather. Paris, 1852. $2.00 1959 Chandless, William. A Visit to Salt Lake, Being a Journey across the Plains and a Residence in the Mormon Settlements at Utah. Map. I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857. $1.25 1960 Ferris, Benj. G. Utah and the Mormons: History, Government, and Doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints. I2mo, cloth, pp. 347. New York, 1854. $1.25 1961 Green, Nelson W. Fifteen Years among the Mormons, Being the Narrative of Mrs. Mary E. V. Smith. I2mo, cloth, pp. 388. New York, 1858. $1.25 1962 Gnnnison, J. W. The Mor mons; or, Latter-Day Saints in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. I2mo, cloth, pp. 168. Philadelphia, 1860. .75 1963 Hall, William. The Abomi nations of Mormonism Exposed, Containing Many Facts and Docu ments Concerning that Singular Peo ple during a Membership with Them, 1840-47. I2mo, half morocco, pp. 155. Cincinnati, 1852. $3.00 1964 Mormonism Unveiled, Includ ing the Remarkable Life and Con fessions of the Late Mormon Bishop, John D. Lee, and Complete Life of Brigham Young, embracing a History of Mormonism, Secret Signs, Sym bols, and Crimes of the Mormon Church. Colored illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 413. St. Louis, 1891. $1.25 1965 Remy and Brenchley. A Journey to Great Salt Lake, with a Sketch of the History, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons. Map and steel engravings. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1861. $3-5o 1966 Robinson, Phil. Sinners and Saints: A Tour across the States and around Them, with Three Months among the Mormons. I2mo, cloth, pp. 370. Boston, 1883. $1.00 1967 Salt Lake City. Tullidge, Edw. W. History of Salt Lake City. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 1047. Salt Lake City, n. d. $4.00 1968 Stansbury, Howard. Ex ploration of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, with a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. Plates and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. $1.50 1969 Stenhouse, T. B. H. The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete History of the Mormons, from the First Vision of Joseph Smith to the Last Courtship of Brigham Young. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 761. New York, 1873. $2.25 1970 The Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints, with Memoirs of Joseph Smith. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 326. London. $1.00 VERMONT. 1971 Addison County. Child, Ham ilton. Gazetteer (including History, War Records, etc., of Each Town) and Business Directory of Addison VERMONTVIRGINIA. 133 County, 1881-82. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 541. Syracuse, 1882. $1.50 1972 Clarke Papers. Mrs. Meech and Her Family. By Miss Hemen- way (editor " Vt. Hist. Gaz."). Lim ited edition. I2mo, pp. 312. Burling ton, 1878. $2.00 1973 Hartford. Tucker, Wm. H. History of Hartford, 1761-1889, with Family Genealogies. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 489. Burlington, 1889. $4.00 1974 Hemenway, Abby M. Poets and Poetry of Vermont. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 400. Rutland, 1858. $1.50 1975 Middlebury. Swift, Samuel. History of The Town of Middlebury, with an Account of Addison County. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 444. Mid dlebury, 1859. $4.00 1976 Newfane. Historical Facts and Incidents Relating to Newfane, Windham County, Vermont. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 256. Brattle- boro, 1877. $10.00 1977 Rochester. Williams, W. W. History of Rochester. i6mo, half roan, pp. 92. Montpelier, 1869. $1.00 1978 Rutland. Williams, C. K. Centennial Celebration of the Settle ment of Rutland, Vt., October, 1870. 8vo, cloth, pp. 122. Rutland, 1870. $1.00 1979 Salisbury. History of. (Set tlement, First Town Meeting, Revolu tionary Times, Furniture, Dress, Per sonal Habits, Difficulties of the First Settlers, Biographical and Genealogi cal, etc.) By John M. Weeks. Por traits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 362. Middle- bury, 1860. $2.50 1980 Thompson, Zodock. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statis tical. Map and 200 engravings. 8vo, sheep, pp. 652. Burlington, 1842. $2.50 1981 Vermont State Papers. A Collection of Records and Documents Connected with the Establishment of Government, and Jpurnal of Council of Safety, Early Journals, etc., 1779-86. Compiled by William Slade. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 568. Middle- bury, 1823. $3.50 1982 Williams, Samuel. The Nat ural and Civil History of Vermont. 2d edition, enlarged. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. Burlington, 1809. $6.00 1983 Windsor County. Child, Ham ilton. Gazetteer (including History of Each Town, War Record, etc.) and Business Directory of Windsor County. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 666. Syracuse, 1884. $1.50 VIRGINIA. 1984 Virginia: A Geographical and Political Summary, Embracing a Description of the State, Its Geology, Soils, Minerals, and Climate, Its Animal and Vegetable Productions, Manufacturing and Commercial Fa cilities, Religious and Educational Advantages, Internal Improvement, and Form of Government. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 319. Richmond, 1876. $1.50 1985 Augusta County. Waddell, Jos. A. Annals of Augusta County, with Reminiscences Illustrative of the Vicissitudes of Its Pioneer Settlers, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 374. Richmond, 1886. $3.00 Laid in is the rare supplement to the above published in 1888 ; 8vo, paper, comprising pages 375 to 460. 1986 (Beverley, Robert.) The His tory of Virginia (in French), with Il lustrations Drawn by the Brothers De Bry. I2mo, new half red mo rocco, gilt top, pp. 433 and contents. Amsterdam, 1707. $5.00 1987 Boyd, C. R. Resources of Southwest Virginia, Showing the Mineral Deposits of Iron, Coal, Zinc, Copper, and Lead, the Staples of the Various Counties, etc. Large map 134 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. and numerous plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 321* New York, 1881. $1.50 1988 Burk, John. The History of Virginia. Vols. I. and II. 2 vols., 8vo, no covers. Petersburg, 1804-05. $5.00 1989 Campbell, J. W. A History of Virginia from Its Discovery till the Year 1781, with Biographical Sketches of All the Most Distin guished Characters that Occur in the Colonial, Revolutionary, or Subse quent Period of Our History. Map. I2mo, old calf, pp. 310. Philadelphia, 1813. $3-00 1990 Chamberlayne, Churchill G. The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-89. 8vo, cloth, pp. 418. Richmond, 1898. $3.00 500 copies, privately printed. No. 293. 1991 Delaware, Lord. The Rela tion of the Rt. Hon. the Lord De-La- Warre, Lord Gouvernour and Cap- taine Generall of the Colonie planted in Virginea. 4to, paper. London, 1611 (reprint). $5.00 No. 21 of 51 copies reprinted by C. Whitting- ham, 1858. 1992 Dinwiddie, Robert. Official Records of. Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-58. Now First Printed from the Manu script in the Collection of the Va. Hist. Soc., with an introduction and notes by R. A. Brock. Vol. II. 8vo, half roan. Richmond, 1884. $2.00 This Vol. II. covers from 1755 to 1758 and forms Vol. V., Virginia Historical Society Col lections. 1993 Exiles in Virginia, with Ob servations on the Conduct of the So ciety of Friends during the Revolu tionary War, Comprising the Official Papers of the Government, 1777-78. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. Phila delphia (published for the Subscrib ers), 1848. $2.00 The large folding plate of facsimile letters is often missing. 1994 Grigsby, Hugh Blair. The Virginia Convention of 1776: A Dis course Delivered before the Virginia Alpha in the William and Mary Col lege, July 3, 1855. 8vo, cloth, pp. 206. Richmond, 1855. $3.50 The cloth binding has been wet. 1995 Hawks, Francis L. Contribu tions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1836-69. $7.50 I. Narrative of events connected with the rise and progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia. II. Do. in Maryland. 1996 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. Map mounted on linen. 8vo, half calf, yellow edges, neat, pp. 382. London, 1787. $5.00 A clean, desirable copy, with wide margins. 1997 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 336. Philadelphia, 1794. $3.00 1998 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia, with an Ap pendix. 8vo, calf. Baltimore, 1800. $2.50 Names on title-page. 1999 Johnston, F. Memorials of Old Virginia Clerks Arranged Al phabetically by Counties, with com plete Index of Names and Dates of Service from 1634 to Present Time. I2mo, cloth, pp. 425. Lynchburg, 1888. $2.50 2000 Lynchburg. Sketches and Recollections of. By the Oldest In habitant. I2mo, cloth, pp. 363. Richmond, 1858. $1.50 The Lynch, Irvine, Harrison, Norvell, and Tucker Families. 2001 (Mason, Emily V.) Journal of a Young Lady in Virginia, 1782. 8vo, cloth, pp. 56. Baltimore, 1871. $1.00 Presentation copy from the author. The picture of life and manners presented is ex tremely interesting, and well worthy of being preserved. 2002 Norfolk. Forrest, Wm. S. Historical and Descriptive Sketches VIRGINIA THE WEST. of Norfolk and Vicinity, including Portsmouth and Adjacent Counties, for Two Hundred Years. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 496. Philadelphia, 1853. $2.25 2003 Nova Britannia. Offering most excellent fruits by planting in Virginia: exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. 4to, boards. London, 1609. $3-5 One of 50 copies on large paper, reprinted in 1867, in facsimile. 2004 Paxton, J. D. Letters on Slavery, Addressed to the Cumber land Congregation, Virginia. By J. D. Paxton, their former pastor. I2mo, boards, pp. 207. Lexington, Ky., 1833. $1.50 Scarce and curious. The above letters created such a feeling against the pastor that he re signed. 2005 Randolph County. The Black- water Chronicle: A Narrative of an Expedition into the Land of Canaan in Randolph County, Virginia. By "The Clerke of Oxenforde." Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 223. New York, 1853. $1.00 2006 Semple, Robert B. History of the Rise and Progress of the Bap tists in Virginia. 8vo, sheep, pp. 447. Richmond (published by the Au thor), 1810. $10.00 A good copy of this scarce book. 2007 Smith, Capt. John. A True Relation of Virginia, with Introduc tion and Notes by Charles Deane. 4to, paper. Boston, 1866. $5.00 Limited edition of 280 copies. 2008 Stith, William. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 365. New York, 1865. $6.00 250 beautifully printed in facsimile from the very scarce original edition. 2009 Taylor, Jas. B. Lives of Vir ginia Baptist Ministers. I2mo, sheep, pp. 492. Richmond, 1838. $1.00 2010 Tazewell, Gov. Littleton W. Discourse on Life and Character of. By Hugh B. Grigsby. 8vo, cloth, pp. 123. Norfolk, 1860. $1.25 201 1 Virginia Company of London, 1619-24. Abstract of the Proceedings of. Prepared by Conway Robinson, and edited with an introduction and notes by R. A. Brock. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, half roan. Richmond, 1888-89. $3.00 Va. Hist. Soc. Col., Vols. VII. and VIII. , new series. 2012 Va. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, with Historical Papers. (Ancient Epitaphs in York and James City; Capt. Chas. Lewis Journal, 1755, edited; Orderly Books of Capt. Robt. Gamble, 1779, Maj. Wm. Heth, 1777, etc.) 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 386. Richmond, 1892. $2.50 Vol. XI., new series. Va. Hist. Soc. Col. 2013 Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. II. (Public Of ficers in Virginia, 1702-14; Virginia Troops in French and Indian Wars, Flournoy Genealogy, Wills of the I7th Century, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 481. Richmond, 1895. $2.00 THE WEST. 2014 Anderson, Alex. D. The Sil ver Country and the Great Southwest : A Review of the Former Kingdom of New Spain, comprising Mexico and the Mexican Cessions to the United States, 1848 and 1853. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 221. New York, 1877. $1.00 2015 Baily, Francis. Journal of a Tour in the Unsettled Parts of North America in 1796 and 1797. By the late Francis Baily, F. R. S., President of the Royal Astronomical Society. With a memoir of the Author. 8vo, cloth, pp. 439. London: Baily Bros., 1856. $5.00 Scarce. An admirable work highly com mended by Sir J. Herschel, who wrote the memoir. The work gives an account of the author s trip down the Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans, and back to Knoxville, Tenn. 136 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Upwards of 100 pages are devoted to Ohio, and the descriptions are both intelligent and truth ful. 2016 Balch, Wm. R. The Mines, Mining, and Mining Interests of the United States in 1882. Profusely il lustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 1191. Phila delphia. $2.50 This mammoth volume gives a complete view of all sides of the subject. 2017 Bartlett, John R. Personal Narrative of Explorations and Inci dents in Texas, New Mexico, Cali fornia, Sonora, and Chihuahua. Map and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, orig inal cloth, uncut, fine. New York, 1854. $6.00 2018 Bates, D. B. Incidents on Land and Water; or, Four Years on the Pacific Coast. (San Francisco, California, etc.) Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 336. Boston, 1860. $1.50 2019 Beste, J. R. The Wabash; or, Adventures of an English Gentle man s Family in the Interior of Amer ica. Tinted plates. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1855. $3.00 2020 Bird, Isabella L. A Lady s Life in the Rocky Mountains. (San Francisco, Utah, Lynch Law, etc.) Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 296. New York, 1882. $1.00 202 1 Blanchard, Rufus. The Dis covery and Conquest of the North west, including Early History of Chi cago, Detroit, etc., and Pioneer Life in the Region of the Great Lakes and Mississippi Valley. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 485. Chicago, 1880. $3.00 2022 Boddam-Whetham, J. W. Pearls of the Pacific. (San Francisco, Hawaii, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 362. London, 1876. $1.50 2023 Boddam-Whetham, J. W. Western Wanderings: A Record of Travel in the Evening Land. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 364. London, 1874. $1.50 2024 Bowles, Samuel. Across the Continent: A Summer Journey to the Rocky Mountains, The Mormons, and Pacific States, with Speaker Col- fax. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 452. Springfield, 1865. $1.00 2025 Bowles, Samuel. Our New West: Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean, with Details of the Wonder ful Natural Scenery, Mines, Business, Social Life, Progress of the Western States, Life of the Mormons, Indians, and Chinese. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 524. Hartford, 1869. $1.50 2026 Bradford, W. J. A. Notes on the Northwest, or Valley of the Up per Mississippi. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. New York, 1846. $2.00 2027 Brown, Samuel R. The Western Gazetteer; or, Emigrants Directory: A Description of the West ern States and Territories. 8vo, calf, pp. 360. Auburn, 1817. $2.00 Contains much matter relating to the Indians and antiquities. 2028 Butterfield, C. W. History of Brule s Discoveries and Explorations, 161026: The Narrative of the Dis coveries of Lakes Huron, Ontario, and Superior. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 185. Cleveland, 1898. $2.00 2029 Butterfield, C. W. History of the Girtys and the Part Taken by Them in Lord Dunmore s War, the Western Border War of the Revolu tion, and the Indian War of 1790-95. 8vo, cloth, pp. 426. Cincinnati, 1890. $2.25 2030 Campbell, A., and Twining, W. J. Reports on the Survey be tween the Territory of the United States and Great Britain, from Lake of the Woods to the Summit of the Rocky Mountains. Plates and atlas. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, pp. 624. Washing ton, 1878. $5.00 The complete report of the Northwestern Boundary Survey. 2031 Campbell, John W. Bio graphical Sketches, with Other Lit- THE WEST. 137 erary Remains of the Late John W. Campbell, Judge of the U. S. Court for the District of Ohio. Compiled by his widow. Portraits. 8vo, half calf, pp. 279. Columbus, Ohio, 1838. $1.50 The first hundred pages contain the lives of six Western pioneers, the material for which was collected some years before the author s death. 2032 Campion, J. S. (Major U. S. A.). On The Frontier: Reminiscences of Wild Sports, Personal Adventure, and Strange Scenes (in the Western States). Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, pp. 372. London, 1878. $2.50 Scarce. 2033 Carleton, A. B. The Wonder lands of the Wild West, with Sketches of the Mormons. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 348. 1891. $1.50 2034 Cat on, John D. The Ante lope and Deer of America: A Com prehensive Treatise. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 426. New York. $1.50 2035 Carvalha, S. M. Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West; with Col. Fremont s Last Ex pedition across the Rocky Mountains, including Three Months Residence in Utah, and Perilous Trip across the Great American Desert to the Pacific. I2mo, cloth, pp. 250 + !3O- New York, 1859. $1.50 The author was artist in Colonel Fremont s expedition. 2036 Carver, J. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in 1766, 1767, and 1768, to Which is Added Some Account of the Author and a Copious Index. Map, portrait, and colored plates. 8vo, full calf, gilt, pp. 544 and index. London, 1781. $17.50 Fine copy of the third and best edition. Carver was captain of a company of provincial troops during the late war with France. 2037 Clampitt, John W. Echoes from the Rocky Mountains: Reminis cences and Thrilling Incidents of the Golden Age in the Great West. Il lustrated. Large 8vo, cloth, pp. 671. Chicago, 1888. $2.50 2038 Clavers, Mary. A New Home Who ll Follow? or, Glimpses of Western Life. I2mo, cloth, pp. 317. New York, 1839. $1.00 2039 Codman, John. The Round Trip by Way of Panama through California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. I2mo, cloth, pp. 331. New York, 1879. $1.00 2040 Coggeshall, Wm. T. The Poets and Poetry of the West, with Biographical and Critical Notices. 4to, cloth, pp. 688. New York, 1864. $3.00 The best collection of Western poetry. It contains selections, with biographical notices, from the writings of 97 men and 55 women. 2041 Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, including a Nar rative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Moun tains. 8vo, cloth, pp. 335. New York, 1832. $2.50 2042 Cuming, F. Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country through Ohio and Kentucky: A Voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers; A Trip through the Mississippi Terri tory and Part of West Florida, in 1807 to 1809; with Notes and Ap pendix. I2mo, calf, pp. 504. Pitts burgh, 1810. $5-00 One of the most valuable and interesting works relating to the West. 2043 Custer, Elizabeth B. Tenting on the Plains; or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas. Portraits and il lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 702. New York, 1887. $1.50 2044 Custer, Gen. G. A. My Life on the Plains; or, Personal Experi ences with Indians. 8vo, cloth, pp. 256. New York, 1876. $3.00 Scarce. General Custer s own book. Long out of print. 2045 Darby, William. The Emi grants Guide to the Western and Southwestern States and Territories, with a Description of Louisiana, Ten nessee, Kentucky, Ohio; Roads and Rivers West of the Alleghanies, etc. 138 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Map. 8vo, sheep, pp. 311. New York, 1818. $2.00 2046 De Bow, J. D. B. The Indus trial Resources, etc., of the Southern and Western States: Embracing a View of Their Commerce, Manufac tures, Slave and Free Labor, Slavery Institutions, with Historical and Sta tistical Sketches of the Different States and Cities, Commerce and Manufactures from the Earliest Pe riods. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. New Or leans, 1853. $5.00 Scarce. Contains much curious information on Western Hunters and Trappers, Steamboat Disasters in the West, West Indian Islands, Origin and Early History of New York, etc. 2047 Delano, A. Life on the Plains and among the Diggings: Be ing Scenes and Adventures of an Overland Journey to California. Il lustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 384. Au burn, 1854. $1.25 2048 Devol, Geo. H. Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. Cincin nati, 1887. $2.00 2049 Dixon, Wm. Hepworth. New America, with Illustrations from Original Photographs. (Overland Mail, Prairie Indians, Mormon The ater, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1867. $1.50 2050 Drake, Samuel A. The Mak ing of the Great West, 1512-1883. Il lustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 339. London, 1887. $1.00 2051 Dunraven, Earl of. The Great Divide: Travels in Upper Yellow stone in the Summer of 1874. Illus trations by V. W. Bromley. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 377. London, 1876. $2.50 2052 Elliott, Richard S. Notes Taken in Sixty Years. (In the West, St. Louis, Early Days in Missouri, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. St. Louis, 1883. $1.50 2053 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Geological Report of the Elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. Map. 8vo, boards, pp. 97. Washington, 1835. -75 2054 Flint, Timothy. Condensed Geography and History of the West ern States, or Mississippi Valley. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. Cincinnati, 1828. $4.00 2055 Foster, J. W. The Mississippi Valley: Topography, Geology, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. Chi cago, 1869. $3-oo 2056 Fowler, William W. Pioneer Women of America: An Authentic History of Heroism, Adventure, Pri vations, Captivities, etc., of the Mothers of the Republic. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 527. Hartford, 1891. $1.50 2057 Frank s Ranch; or, My Holi day in the Rockies. Illustrated. i6mo, half calf, pp. 214. London, 1886. $1.50 2058 (Gallagher, Wm. D.) Selec tions from the Poetical Literature of the West. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 264. Cincinnati, 1841. $2.00 Very fine, clean, uncut copy. One of the ear liest collections of Western verse. 2059 Gilpin, William. The Central Gold Region, with New Views of Its Physical Geography and Observations on the Pacific Railroad. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 194. Philadelphia, 1860. $1.50 2060 Gilpin, William. The Central Gold Region, and the Grain, Pas toral, and Gold Regions of North America, with Some New Views of Its Physical Geography. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 194. Philadelphia, 1860. $1.50 2061 Glazier, Captain Willard. Headwaters of the Mississippi: Bio graphical Sketches of Early and Re cent Explorers of the Great River, and a Full Account of the Discovery and Location of Its True Source in a Lake beyond Itasca. Illustrated. THE WEST. 139 I2mo, cloth, pp. 527. Chicago and New York, 1893. * $1.00 2062 Hall, James. Legends of the West: A Series of Interesting Tales Descriptive of the Scenery and Man ners of the West, during Its Early Settlement. I2mo, cloth, pp. 435. New York, 1854. $1.50 2063 Hall, James. The West, Its Commerce and Navigation. I2mo, cloth, pp. 348. Cincinnati, 1848. $1.00 2064 (Hall, James.) The Western Monthly Magazine, a Continuation of the Illinois Monthly Magazine. Vol. I., complete with contents, from January to June, 1833. (History of Illinois, 1780-1800, by J. M. Peck; History of Ohio, Wood River Mas sacre, Daniel Boone, with rare full- page lithographic portrait, etc.) 8vo, half boards. Cincinnati, 1833. $5.00 These early Western magazines are quite rare, and contain local historical matter not to be found elsewhere. 2065 Hardman, Francis. Frontier Life; or, Scenes and Adventures in the Southwest. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 376. Buffalo, 1853. $1.50 2066 Hayden, F. V. Sun Pictures of Rocky Mountain Scenery, with De scription of Features and Resources of the Great West. 30 photographic views. 4to, half morooco, pp. 150. New York, 1870. $4.00 2067 Hermann, Binger. The Lou isiana Purchase and Our Title West of the Rocky Mountains, with a Re view of Annexation by the United States. Maps. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 87. Washington, 1900. $1.50 2068 (Hildreth, James.) Dragoon Campaigns to the Rocky Mountains: Being a History of the Campaigns of the United States Dragoons, with Sketches of Indian Characters. I2mo, cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1836. $1.50 2069 Hunter, George. Reminis cences of an Old Timer: Actual Events, Incidents, Trials, etc., of a Pioneer Hunter, Miner, and Scout of the Pacific Northwest. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 508. Battle Creek, 1889. $2.25 2070 Hutchinson, I. R. Reminis cences, Sketches, and Addresses Se lected from My Papers during a Min istry of Forty-five Years in Miss issippi, Louisiana, and Texas. I2mo r cloth, pp. 218. Houston, 1874. $1.25 2071 Hutchins, Thomas. A Topo graphical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina: Comprising the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, etc. With fold ing map, plan, and table. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 68. London, 1778. $15.00 A good copy of the very rare original edition. 2072 Keating, William H. Nar rative of an Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter s River, Lake Winne- peck, Lake of the Woods, Performed in 1823 under Command of Stephen H. Long. Compiled from his notes. Plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. Lon don, 1825. $7.50 Almost a cyclopedia of material relating to the Indians of the explored territory* Noth ing escaped the attention of the expedition. 2073 Ker, Henry. Travels through the Western Interior of the United States from 1808 to 1810, with a Par ticular Description of a Great Part of Mexico, or New Spain; with the Man ners, Customs, etc,, of Thirteen Dif ferent Tribes of Indians through Which the Author Passed. 8vo, old sheep (mended), pp. 376. Elizabeth- town (printed for the Author), 1816. $3.00 Foxed copy of an unusual work. 2074 King, Clarence. Mountain eering in the Sierra Nevada. 8vo, cloth, pp. 292. London, 1872. $1.50 140 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2075 Kinzie, Mrs. John H. Wau- Bun; or, Early Days in the North- West. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 498. New York, 1856. $7.50 2076 Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the Wilds of North America. Ed ited by C. R. Weld. (Comprising a Description of Red-Wing Village, Cherokee Customs, etc.) I2mo, half calf, pp. 300. London, 1854. $1.25 2077 Levinge, R. G. A. Echoes from the Backwoods; or, Sketches of Transatlantic Life (in the United States and Canada). Plates. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1846. $4.00 2078 Lewis and Clark. The Life and Times of Patrick Gass, now Sole Survivor of the Lewis and Clark Ex pedition, also a Soldier in the War of 1812. By J. G. Jacobs. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 280. Wellsburg, Va., 1859. $1.50 2079 I-ewis and Clark. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, 1804-06. Maps (one missing). 3 vols., 8vo, boards, un cut. London, 1815. $7. 50 2080 Lewis and Clark. Voyage des Capitaines Lewis et Clarke, 1804-06. Le Journal par Patrice Gass et traduit en Franchise par A. J. N. Lallemont. Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 445. Paris, 1810. $4.00 2081 Lewis and Clark. Description of the Original MSS., Travels Jour nals and Field Note-Books, on Which Was Based Biddle s History of the Expedition. Read before the Amer ican Philosophical Society by Dr. Elliott Coues. 8vo, paper. 1893. .50 2082 Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic Life as I Found It. With an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Drama in the West and South, with Anec dotes and Sketches. 8vo, cloth, pp. 733. St. Louis, 1880. $3.50 2083 McCall, Ma j. -Gen. George A. Letters from the Frontiers Written during a Period of Thirty Years Serv ice in the Army of the United States. 8vo, cloth, pp. 539. Philadelphia, 1868. $2.00 Probably the best picture of Western army life published. 2084 M Clung, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure, with Account of the Most Interesting Incidents Connected with the Settlement of the West, 1755-94. Plates. I2mo, calf, pp. 315. Cincinnati, 1839. $i-5o 2085 McCoy, Joseph. Historic Sketches of the Cattle Trade of the West and Southwest. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 427. Kansas City, 1874. $3.00 Scarce. The author was the pioneer Western cattle shipper. 2086 McClure, A. K. Three Thou sand Miles through the Rocky Moun tains. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 456. Philadelphia, 1869. $1.25 Chicago, Omaha, North Platte to Denver, Mormons, etc. 2087 McDonald, John. Biographi cal Sketches of Gen. Nath l Massie, Gen. Duncan McArthur, Capt. Wm. Wells, and Gen. Simon Kenton, Who Were Early Settlers in the Western Country. Plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 267. Dayton, 1852. $3.00 2088 Marcy, R. B. Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border: De scriptions of Indians on the Plains, Explorations, Trip across Rocky Mountains in Winter, Method of Hunting Different Animals. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 442. New York, 1866. $2.50 2089 Marcy, Randolph B. The Prairie Traveler: A Handbook for Overland Expeditions. With maps, illustrations, and itineraries. I2mo, cloth, pp. 340. New York, 1859. $1.25 2090 Marshall, Orsamus H. His torical Writings of, Relating to the Early History of the West. With an introduction by Wm. L. Stone. Por- THE WEST. 141 trait. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 500. Al bany, 1887. $4.00 Munsell s Historical Series, No. 15. 2091 Meek, A. B. Romantic Pas sages of Southwestern History. (Bor der Life and Indian Adventures of Early Days.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 330. Mobile, 1857. $i-5o 2092 Meeker, N. C. Life in the West; or, Stories of the Mississippi Valley. (Settlement of Michigan, Missouri and Wisconsin Life, Prairie Life in Early Days, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 360. New York, 1868. $1.50 2093 Milburn, Wm. H. The Pio neer Preacher; or, Rifle, Axe, and Saddle-bags. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 309. New York, 1857. $1.50 2094 Meline, James F. Two Thou sand Miles on Horseback. (Santa Fe and Back, A Summer Tour through Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico in 1867.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 317. New York, 1867. $1.50 2095 Mitchell, J. K. Indecision: A Tale of the Far West, and Other Poems. i6mo, cloth, pp. 212. Phila delphia, 1839. $1.00 2096 Mullan, Capt. John. On the Construction of a Military Road from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton. Numerous illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 363. Washington, 1863. .75 2097 Murphy, John M. Sporting Adventures in the Far West. 8vo, cloth, pp. 404. London, 1879. $2.50 2098 Owen, David D. Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and Incident ally a Portion of Nebraska. Folding maps, plates, and woodcuts. 4to, cloth, pp. 638. Philadelphia, 1852. $2.25 2099 Parkman, Francis. The Dis covery of the Great West. 8vo, cloth, pp. 425. Boston, 1869. $2.00 First edition. 2100 Pierce, Geo. F. Incidents of Western Travel, in a Series of Letters. Edited by Thos. O. Summers. Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 249. Nash ville, 1857. $1.50 Description of Kansas and Kansas City, St. Louis, White River, etc. 2 10 1 Pope, John. A Tour through the Southern and Western Territories of the United States of North Amer ica, the Spanish Dominions on the River Mississippi and the Floridas, the Creek Nations, and Many Unin habited Parts. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 108. Richmond, 1792. Reprinted in New York, 1888. $3.50 This reprint was limited to subscribers, and is now scarce. 2102 Powers, Stephen. Afoot and Alone: A Walk from Sea to Sea by the Southern Route, with Adventures in Southern California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 327. Hartford, 1872. $2.00 2103 Rae W. F. Westward by Rail: The New Route to the East (via Central Pacific Railroad). Map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 391. London, 1870. $1.00 2104 Rafinesque, C. S. Ichthy- ologia Ohiensis; or, Natural History of the Fishes Inhabiting the River Ohio and Its Tributary Streams ; also, A Verbatim et Literatim Reprint of the Original, with a Sketch of the Life, the Ichthyologic Work, and the Ichthyological Bibliography of Rafi nesque, by Richard Ellsworth Call. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 175. Cleveland, 1899. $4.00 Edition of 250 numbered copies. 2105 Roosevelt, Theodore. Ranch Life and the Hunting-Trail. Illus trated by Frederic Remington. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 186. New York, 1896. $2.00 2106 Roosevelt, Theodore. The Winning of the West (1769 to the Ex ploring of Louisiana 1807). 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899. $7.50 142 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2107 Ruxton, Geo. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. New York, 1848. $1.50 2108 Ruxton, Geo. F. Life in the Far West. I2mo, cloth, pp. 235. New York, 1859. $1.50 2109 st - John, John R. A True Description of the Lake Superior Country, Its Rivers, Coasts, Bays, Harbours, Islands, etc., with Bay- field s Chart Showing the Boundary Line Established by the Joint Com mission, with a Minute Account of the Copper Mines. I2mo, cloth, pp. 118. New York, 1846. $3.50 21 10 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas, Which Were First Traversed by De Soto in 1541. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 256. Phila delphia, 1853. $3.00 21 1 1 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Sum mary Narrative of Exploratory Ex pedition to Sources of Mississippi River in 1820; Reports on Copper Mines of Lake Superior, Geology of Lake Basins, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 596. Philadelphia, 1855. $1.50 2 1 12 Sealsfield, Charles. The Cabin Book; or, National Characteristics. Translated from the German. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 273. New York, 1871. .75 2113 Shea, John G. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley, with the Original Narratives of Mar- quette, Allouez, Hennepin, and Do- uay. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 286. New York, 1852. $7.50 2114 Shepherd, W. Prairie Ex periences in Handling Cattle and Sheep. (Ranch Life in Wyoming, Sierra Nevada, Prairie Life, etc.) Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 266. London, 1884. $1.50 2115 Shinn, Charles H. Mining Camps: A Study in American Fron tier Governments. I2mo, cloth, pp. 316. New York, 1885. $1.25 2116 South, Colon. Out West: From London to Salt Lake City and Back. I2mo, cloth, pp. 269. Lon don, 1884. $1.25 2117 Steele, James W. Frontier Army Sketches. (Men of the Border, Coyotes, Army Mules, A Fight be tween Buffaloes, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 329. Chicago, 1883. $1.50 2118 Swan, James G. The North west Coast; or, Three Years Resi dence in Washington Territory. A Description of the Country, Early Set tlers, Anecdotes, etc. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 429. New York, 1857. $1.50 2119 Thayer, Wm. M. Marvels of the New West. (The Vast Wonder land West of the Missouri, Marvels of Nature, Race, Mining, Enterprise, etc.) 350 illustrations. 8vo, leather, pp. 715. Norwich, 1888. $1.50 2120 Thwaites, Reuben G. Afloat on the Ohio: An Historical Pilgrim age of 1000 Miles in a Skiff from Redstone to Cairo. I2mo, cloth, pp. 333. Chicago, 1897. $1.00 2121 Tice, J. H. Over the Plains and on the Mountains; or, Kansas and Colorado. 8vo, cloth, pp. 266. St. Louis, 1872. $1.50 2122 Townsend, S. N. Our Indian Summer in the Far West: An Autumn Tour of 15,000 Miles in Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and the Indian Territory. Illustrated with photographs. 4to, cloth, pp. 123. London (printed by Charles Whit- tingham), 1880. $3. 50 2123 Townshend, F. T. Ten Thou sand Miles of Travel, Sport, and Ad venture. (Far West Plains, Indians, Buffalo, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 275. London, 1869. $ 2 -5o 2124 Turner, J. Turner. Three Years Hunting and Trapping in America and the Great North West. THE WEST WEST VIRGINIA. 143 Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 182. London, 1888. $3.00 2125 Turner, T. G. and C. E. Turner s Guide from the Lakes to the Rocky Mountains, including an His torical and Statistical Account of the Railroads of the Country Towns and Cities along the Route, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 287. Chicago, 1868. $1.50 2126 United States Geological Ex plorations on the 4Oth Parallel, Clar ence King in Charge: Final Re ports. Washington. Vol. II. Descriptive Geology. By Arnold Hague and S. F. Emmons. 26 plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 890. 1877. $5.00 Vol. III. Mining Industries. By James D. Hague and Clarence King. 37 plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 662. 1870. $7-50 Vol. IV. Palaeontology. By B. F. Meeks and James Hall. Ornithology. By Robert Ridgeway. 4to, cloth, pp. 669. 1877. $4.00 Vol. V. Botany. By Sereno Wat son and others. Map and 40 plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 525. 1871. $8.00 Vol. VII. Odontornithes : A Mon ograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. By O. C. Marsh. 34 plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 216. 1880. $3.00 2127 United States Geological and Geographical Survey of Territories, F. V. Hayden in Charge. A com plete set of the Final Monographs. Vols. I. to XII., except Vol. IV., which has not yet been published, ii vols., royal 4to, cloth, etc. $40.00 Hundreds of plates, etc. Scarce. Vol. I. Extinct Vertebrates, by J. Leidy. 2. Cretaceous Vertebrates, by E. D. Cope. 3. Vertebrate and Mesozoic Formation, by E. D. Cope. 5. N. Am. /Eridide, by Cyrus Thomer. 6. Cretaceous Flora, by Leo Lesquereux. 7. Tertiary Flora, by Leo Lesquereux. 8. Fossil Flora, by Leo Lesquereux. 9. Fossil Inverte- brata, by F. B. Meek. 10. Geometrid Moths, by A. S. Packard, n. Fresh- water Rhyzopods, by Leidy. 12. N. A. Rodenti, by J. A. Allen. 2128 United States Geographical Surveys West of the looth Meridian, Lieut. G. M. Wheeler in Charge. Complete set of the Final Reports, viz.: Vol. I., Geographical Report; Vol. II., Astronomy and Hypsometry; Vol. III., and Supplement, Geology; Vol. IV., Palaeontology; Vol. V., Zoology; Vol. VI., Botany; Vol. VII., Archaeology. Together 8 vols., 4to, cloth, beautifully illustrated by hun dreds of plates, maps, and charts. Washington, 1875-89. $24.00 This beautiful set is now complete. We can supply separately most of the volumes. 2129 Walker, C. B. The Missis sippi Valley and Prehistoric Events, Giving an Account of the Original Formation and Early Condition of the Great Valley, Its First Inhabi tants, the Mound Builders, etc. Il lustrated. 8vo, sheep, pp. 784. Bur lington, 1881. $2.50 2130 Webb, J. Watson. Altowan; or, Incidents of Life and Adventure in the Rocky Mountains. By an Amateur Traveler. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1846. $3.00 2131 Webb, W. E. Buffalo Land: An Authentic Account of the Discov eries, Adventures, and Mishaps of a Scientific and Sporting Party in the Wild West. (The Red Man, Savage and Civilized; The Buffalo, Antelope, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 503. Philadelphia, 1872. $2.00 2132 Wise, Lieut. (U. S. N.). Los Gringos ; or, An Inside View of Mex ico and California. I2mo, cloth, pp. 453. New York, 1857. $1.50 WEST VIRGINIA. 2133 Dodge, J. R. West Virginia, Its Farms, Forests, Mines, and Oil- Wells. I2mo, cloth, pp. 276. Phila delphia, 1865. $1.00 2134 Kanawha County. Atkinson, Geo. W. History of Kanawha County, from Its Organization in 1789 until the Present Time. (Ac- 144 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. counts of Early Settlements and Thrilling Indian Adventures.) Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 338. Charles ton, 1876. $3.50 WISCONSIN. 2135 Gregory, John. Industrial Resources of Wisconsin. (Includes Natural History, History, etc.) i6mo, cloth, pp. 329. Milwaukee, 1855. $1.25 2136 Madison. Durrie, Dan l S. A History of Madison, including the Four Lake Country, to July, 1874; with Appendix on Dane County. 8vo, cloth, pp. 420. Madison, 1874. $1-75 2137 Madison, Dane County, and Surrounding Towns. By Wm. J. Park. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 664. Madison, 1877. $1.50 2138 Milwaukee. Buck, J. S. Pio neer History of Milwaukee, from the First American Settlement, 1803, Continued to 1860. Portraits, etc. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Milwaukee, 1890. $6.00 2139 Milwaukee. The History of, from Pre-Historic Times to Present Date, with Nearly 4000 Biographical Sketches of Pioneers and Citizens. Numerous portraits. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 1663. Chicago, 1 88 1. $5.00 2140 Observations on the Wisconsin Territory: Chiefly on that Part Called the " Wisconsin Land District." (No map.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 134. Philadelphia, 1838. $2.00 Scarce. 2141 Peet, Stephen. History of the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches and Ministers in Wisconsin. i8mo, paper, pp. 208. Milwaukee, 1851. .75 2142 Prairie du Chien: Its Present Position and Future Prospects. By Alfred Brunson. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. Milwaukee, 1857. $1.50 2143 Racine and Kenosha Coun ties. The History of, Containing a History of Each County, Its Early Settlement, Growth, and Extensive and Minute Sketch of Each of Its Cities, W T ar Record, Biographical Sketches, etc. Illustrated. 4to, half roan, pp. 738. Chicago, 1879. $3- 2144 Ritchie, James S. Wisconsin and Its Resources; with Lake Su perior, Its Commerce and Naviga tion. Map and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 318. Philadelphia, 1858. $1.00 2145 Roc k County. The History of Rock County, Wisconsin. Illus trated. 4to, half morocco, pp. 898. Chicago, 1879. $3-oo 2146 Smith, Wm. R. History of Wisconsin. Vol. I., Historical; Vol. II., Documentary. Two vols. all published. 8vo, cloth. Madison, 1854. $2.50 2147 Tenney, H. A., and At wood, David. Memorial Record of the Fathers of Wisconsin, Lives of the Members of the Constitutional Con vention. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. M adi- son, 1880. $1.25 2148 Wisconsin State Historical So ciety Collections. Vol. I. 8vo, sheep (cracked), pp. 160. Madison, 1855. $2.50 2149 Wisconsin Gazetteer, Contain ing the Names, Location, and Advan tages of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, and Settlements, together with a Description of the Lakes, Prairies, Water Courses, etc., in the State of Wisconsin. By John Warren. Hunt. (History of Territory and State, Antiquities, Manufactures, etc.) Map. 8vo, cloth. Madison, 1853. $2.00 WYOMING. 2150 Strahorn, Robt. E. The Handbook of Wyoming and Guide to the Black Hills and Big Horn Re- WYOMING ARCTIC AND ALASKA. I4S gions. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 249. Cheyenne, 1877. $2.00 2151 Yellowstone Park. Chitten- den, Hiram M. The Yellowstone National Park. Historical and De scriptive. Maps, views, and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 397. Cincinnati, 1895. $1.50 2152 Yellowstone Park. Jones, Wm. A, Report on a Reconnaissance in Northwestern Wyoming, including the Yellowstone National Park, in the Summer of 1873. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 331. Washington, 1875. $2.50 2153 Yellowstone Park. Wingate, Geo. W. Through the Yellowstone Park on Horseback. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 250. New York, 1886. $1.25 ARCTIC AND ALASKA. 2154 Alaska. Coolidge, L. A. Klondike and the Yukon Country. Maps and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 251. Philadelphia, 1897. $1.00 2155 Alaska. Solu, A. E. Iron monger. Klondike: Truth and Facts of the New El Dorado; An Interest ing Narrative of Life in the Far North. Maps, illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 102. London, 1897. $1.00 2156 Alaska. Wardman, George. A Trip to Alaska. I2mo, cloth, pp. 237. Boston, 1884. $1.00 2157 Alaska. Whymper, Fred erick. Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America, now Ceded to the United States, and in Various Other Parts of the North Pacific. Map and illustra tions. 2d edition. 8vo, cloth, pp. 331. London, 1869. $5.00 2158 Arctic Miscellanies: A Sou venir of the Late Polar Search. By the Officers and Seamen of the Ex pedition. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 347. London, 1852. $1.25 2159 Beechey, Capt. F. W. Nar rative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering s Strait, to Co-operate with the Polar Expeditions: Performed in His Majesty s Ship Blossom in 1825-28. Folding maps, views, and portrait. 2 vols., thick 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1831. $3.00 2160 Blake, E. V. Arctic Experi ences: Containing Capt. Geo. E. Ty son s Wonderful Drift in the Ice floe. A History of the Polaris Ex pedition, and Rescue of the Survivors. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 486. New York, 1874. $1-50 2161 Esquimaux. A Peep at the Esquimaux; or, Scenes on the Ice. To which is annexed a Polar Pastoral. Illustrated with 20 hand-colored plates of Polar Life and Natural His tory, and 20 hand-colored tail-pieces. I2mo, full calf, gilt, gilt top, pp. 58. London, 1825. $5- Scarce. A very pretty volume. Their dwell ings, boats, ornaments, sleds, toys, etc., are- illustrated. 2162 Foster, Capt. Henry. Narra tive of a Voyage to the South At lantic Ocean, 1828-30. From the Pri vate Journal of W. H. B. Webster. Map *and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1843. $2.00 2163 Forster, J. R. History of the Voyages of Discoveries Made in the North. (Voyages of Henry Hudson, Frobisher, Cabots, Cartier, etc.) Maps. 4to, boards, pp. 489. Lon don, 1786. $3-00 2164 Franklin, John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22, to the Copper Mine River. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1824. $3- 2165 Gilder, Wm. H. Ice-Pack and Tundra: An Account of the Search for the Jeannette, and a Sledge Journey through Siberia. Maps and illustrations. 8vo> cloth, pp. 344- New York, 1883. $2.00 146 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2166 Greely, A. W. Three Years of Arctic Service: An Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84 and the Attainment of the Farthest North. With over 100 illus trations made from photographs taken by the party and original drawings, and with the official maps and charts. 2 vols., thick 8vo. New York, 1886. $4.00 2167 Greenland. Carstensen, A. R. Two Summers in Greenland. Illus trated with fine plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890. $1.50 2168 Greenland. Crantz, David. The History of Greenland: A De scription of the Country and Its In habitants. Map and copper plates. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1767. $3-50 2169 Hall, Charles F. Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition Made by Charles F. Hall: His Voyage to Repulse Bay and Residence among the Eskimos, 1864-69. Edited by Prof. J. E. Nourse. Maps, plates, and plans. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 644. Washington, 1879. $2.50 2170 Hartwig, Dr. G. The Polar World: A Popular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. 163 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 486. New York, 1869. $1.75 2171 Hayes, Isaac I. The Land of Desolation: A Narrative of Observa tion and Adventure in Greenland. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 357. New York, 1872. $1.25 2172 Hooker, Wm. Jackson. Jour nal of a Tour in Iceland in the Sum mer of 1809. (Flora, Trade of Ice land by Land and Sea, and Manu factories, Volcanoes, Geysers, Revo lution in, etc.) Map and engraved folding views. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1813. $3-OO 2173 Hutchinson, Alex. H. Try Lapland: A Fresh Field for Summer Tourists. Map and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 228. London, 1870. $1.00 2174 Iceland. Henderson, Ebe- nezer. Iceland; or, Journal of a Resi dence in that Island, 1814-15, with Observations on the History, Litera ture, Antiquities, etc. Map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1818. $2.25 2175 Iceland. Mackenzie, Geo. S. Travels in the Island of Iceland dur ing the Summer of 1810. Map and fine plates. 4to, calf, pp. 492. Edin burgh, 1812. $3.00 2176 Iceland. Miles, Pliny. Nor- durfari; or, Rambles in Iceland. I2mo, cloth, pp. 334. New York, 1854. $1.00 2177 Iceland. Paijkuli, C. W. A Summer in Iceland. Translated by M. R. Barnard. Plates. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 364. London, 1868. $175 2178 Kane, E. K. Arctic Explora tions, Second Grimiell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-55. 300 illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. $2.50 2179 Keely, R. N., and Davis, G. G. In Arctic Seas: A Narrative of the Voyage of the " Kite " with the Peary Expedition to North Greenland. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 215. Phila delphia, 1892. $1.25 2180 Lament, James. Seasons with the Sea Horses; or, Sporting Adven tures in the Northern Seas. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 282. New York, 1861. $1.50 2181 Lyon, G. F. A Brief Narra tive of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay in H. M. S. " Griper." Folding chart, illustra tions. 8vo, calf, pp. 198. London, 1825. $1.00 2182 Lyon, Capt. G. F. The Pri vate Journal of, during the Recent Voyage of Discovery under Capt. ARCTIC AND ALASKA BRITISH AMERICA. 147 Parry. Map and fine steel plates. 8vo, half boards, pp. 468. London, 1824. $1.25 2183 McClure, Capt. R. The Dis covery of a North-West Passage by H. M. S. Investigator. Edited by Capt. Sherard Osborn, from the logs and journals of Capt. M Clure. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 358. London, 1865. $1.25 2184 Markham, Clements R. John Davis, the Navigator, 1550-1605, Dis coverer of Davis Straits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 301. New York, n. d. $1.25 2185 Noble, Louis L. After Ice bergs with a Painter. A Voyage to Laborador and around Newfound land. Fine plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. London, 1862. $2.50 2186 Parry, William E. Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the At lantic to the Pacific, 1821-23, with Ap pendix Containing Scientific Matter. 2 vols., 4to, boards. London, 1824-25. $6.00 2187 Richardson, John. Arctic Searching Expedition: A Journal of a Boat Voyage through Rupert s Land and the Arctic Sea in Search of Sir John Franklin. Colored plates and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1851. $4.00 2188 Boss, Sir John. Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage and of a Resi dence in the Arctic Regions in the Years 1829-33. Map, fine steel en graved plates, some handsomely col ored by hand. 4to, original cloth, un cut, pp. 740. London, 1835. $3.00 A fine copy of the large-paper edition. 2189 Scheffer. Histoire de la La- poine: L Origine les Moeurs la Ma- niere de Vivre de ses Habitans. Fine plates and map. 4to, half calf, pp. 408. Paris, 1678. $6.50 Rare. History of Lapland, with Manners, Customs, Religion, Magic, etc., of Arctic Life. The fine old plates of Worship, Reindeers, Sledding, etc. 2190 Scoresby, W. An Account of the Arctic Regions, with a History and Description of the Northern Whale-Fishing. 24 fine engravings. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, pp. 633 + 574. Ed inburgh, 1820. $7.50 2191 Scoresby, William. Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale- Fisheries, including Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland. Folding maps and plates. 8vo, half calf, pp. 472. Edin burgh, 1823. $3.00 2192 Sutherland, Peter C. Journal of a Voyage in Baffin s Bay and Bar row Straits, 1850-51, with Observa tions on the Natural History and Phy sical Features. Maps and plates. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852. $4.00 2193 Weddell, James. A Voyage towards the South Pole, 1822-24, con taining an Examination of the Ant arctic Sea and a Visit to Tiera del Fuego. Maps and plates. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 276. London, 1825. $2.50 BRITISH AMERICA. 2194 A Plan for the Systematic Colonization of Canada and All Other British Colonies. By an Officer of Rank Nearly 20 Years Resident in Canada. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 84. London, 1850. $1.50 Presentation copy. " To the Miss Smarts with Colonel Light s best love." 2195 Acadia. Over the Border: Acadia, the Home of " Evangeline." Illustrations by the Author. 8vo, cloth, pp. 215. Boston, 1884. $1.25 2196 Alexander, Lieut.-Col. Sir Jas. E. Passages in the Life of a Soldier; or, Military Service in the East and West. (Canada, West Point, Lake Superior, Detroit, etc.) 2 colored plates. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1857. $3.00 148 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2197 Alexander, Sir Jas. Edward. Salmon Fishing in Canada. By a resident (Dr. Adamson). Edited by Sir James Edward Alexander. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 350. Lon don, 1860. $2.00 2198 Ballantyne, Robt. M. Hud son s Bay; or, Every-Day Life in the Wilds of North America. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 328. London, 1848. $1.00 2199 Bartlett, W. H. Canadian Scenery. Illustrated with a Series of Beautiful Engravings, with Descrip tions by N. P. Willis. 2 vols., 4to, full red calf, gilt, emblematically tooled with Indians, canoes, forest scenes, etc. London, 1842. $7-5o 2200 Beers, W. G. Lacrosse, the National Game of Canada. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 256. Mon treal, 1869. -75 220 1 Billings, E. The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Plates. (American Geological History, Ca nadian Wood Pecker, etc.) Vol. I. (all published?). Montreal, 1857. $3-50 Rare. 2202 Bonnyeastle, Richard SH. Canada, as It Was, Is, and May Be, with Considerable Additions, and an Account of Recent Transactions, by Jas. E. Alexander. Map. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1852. $2.50 2203 Bonchette, Jos. The British Dominions in North America; or, A Topographical and Statistical De scription of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, etc. 2 vols. Also, Topographical Diction ary of Province of Lower Canada. In all 3 vols. Steel portrait, maps, views, etc. 4to. London, 1831. $7-5o 2204 Bonrinot, J. G. Canadian Studies in Comparative Politics. Folio, cloth, pp. 92. Montreal, 1890. $1.25 2205 British Columbia. Bancroft, H. H. The History of British Co lumbia. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 792. San Francisco, 1887. $2.00 2206 Bryce, George. A History of the Canadian People. Map. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 528. London, 1887. $1.25 2207 Butler, W. F. The Wild North Land: A Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North Amer ica. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 358. London, 1873. $2.50 2208 Carroll, John. Case and His Contemporaries; or, The Canadian Itinerant s Memorial, Containing a Biographical History of Methodism in Canada from Its Introduction to the Death of Rev. Wm. Case in I ^55- 5 vols., I2mo, cloth. Toronto, 1867-77. $6.00 2209 Christie, Robert. History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political. Illus trated. 6 vols., I2mo, half calf, gilt. Montreal, 1866. $12.00 Scarce. 22 10 Cumberland, Stuart. The 8ueen s Highway from Ocean to cean. (Canadiari Pacific R. R., Northwest, etc.). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 430. London, 1887. $2.25 22 1 1 Day, Samuel P. English America; or, Pictures of Canadian Places and People. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1864. $2.00 2212 Dent, John C. History of the Upper Canadian Rebellion. Largely derived from original sources and documents. 2 vols., 4to, cloth. To ronto, 1885. $7.50 2213 Dent, John C. The Canadian Portrait Gallery. (A Series of Biog raphies, with tinted lithographic por traits of the Prominent Men of Can ada.) 4 vols. in 2. 4to, half mo rocco. Toronto, 1 880-81. $10.00 2214 Donkin, John G. Trooper and Redskin in the Far Northwest; BRITISH AMERICA. 149 or, Life with the Mounted Northwest Police, 1884-88. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 289. London, 1889. $1.50 2215 Dufferin, Lord. My Canadian Journal, 1872-78 (while Governor- General of Canada). Map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 451. New York, 1891. $1.00 2216 Duncan, Francis. Our Garri sons in the West ; or, Sketches in Brit ish North America. Map. I2mo, half morocco, pp. 319. London, 1864. $1.25 2217 Fairchild, G. M., Jr. Cana dian Leaves : History, Art, Literature. A series of New Papers read before the Canadian Club of New York. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 291. New York, 1887. $1.25 2218 Fitzgerald, James E. Exami nation of the Charter and Proceedings of the Hudson s Bay Company, with Reference to the Grant of Vancou ver s Island. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 293. London, 1849. $1.00 2219 Fleming, Sandford. England and Canada : A Summer Tour between Old and New Westminster, with His torical Notes. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 449. Montreal, 1884. $1.25 2220 Gagnon, P. Essai de Bibli ographic Canadienne. (Essay on Canadian Bibliography, 5018 Titles of Books, Manuscripts, Plates, etc., with Collations and Bibliographical Notes.) 8vo, uncut, pp. 711. Quebec, 1895. $2.50 Valuable for reference, as it gives the collations and notes. 2221 Geikie, John C. Adventures in Canada; or, Life in the Woods. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 408. Philadelphia, n. d. .75 2222 Grece, Chas. F. Facts and Observations Respecting Canada, and the United States of America : Afford ing a Comparative View of the In ducements to Emigration Presented in Those Countries, with an Appendix of Practical Instructions. 8vo, full polished calf, pp. 172. London, 1819. $3-50 " A comparison between the Canadian Prov inces and the Western States of North Amer ica." An acquaintance with the country for 16 years should be a sufficient qualification for the task. 2223 Green, William S. Among the Selkirk Glaciers: An Account of a Rough Survey in the Rocky Moun tain Regions of British Columbia. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 251. London, 1890. $1.50 2224 (Haliburton, Judge.) The Bubbles of Canada. By Author of " The Clockmaker." 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 342. London, 1839. $1.50 2225 Hardgrave, Jos. James. (The) Red River (Country). (Constitutional and Early Civil History of the Red River Settlement, Commencement of Winnipeg, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 506. Montreal (printed for the Author), 1871. $2.00 2226 Heriot, George. Travels through the Canadas, containing a Description of the Picturesque Scen ery on Some of the Rivers and Lakes ; with an Account of the Productions, Commerce, and Inhabitants of Those Provinces; also, A Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of Sev eral of the Indian Nations of North and South America. Illustrated with a map and numerous engravings. 4to, half calf, pp. 602. London, 1807. $10.00 2227 Hardy, Campbell. Forest Life in Acadie: Sketches of Sport and Natural History in the Lower Provinces of the Canadian Dominion. Plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 371. London, 1869. $i-75 2228 Head, Sir Francis. A Narra tive. The 2d edition, containing Ap pendix on Aborigines of North Amer ica, and Addresses to Sir Francis Head from Legislatures of British North American Colonies. 8vo, cloth, pp. 488 + 15 + 38. London, 1839. $1-50 150 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2229 Head, George. Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America, being Diary of a Winter s Route from Halifax and the Canadas to Lakes Huron and Simcoe. i2mo, boards, pp. 363. London, 1838. $1.25 2230 Hill, Alex. Staveley. From Home to Home: Autumn Wander ings in the North-West, in the Years 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884. Illustrated from sketches by Mrs. S. Hill and photographs. Map and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 432. London, 1885. $1.50 2231 Hind, Henry Y. Explora tions in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Mon- tagnais and Nasquapee Indians. Map and colored plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. London, 1863. $12.00 2232 Hind, H. Y. Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Ex pedition of 1857 and of the Assinni- boine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. Map and tinted illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1860. $12.00 "During this exploration Mr. Hind lived almost constantly among the Crees and Chippe- ways, whose habits and peculiarities he was most eager to study and prompt to record, and to observe all the facts which may prove step ping-stones in tracing their origin and their history." Field. 2233 Hunter, W. S., Jr. Hunter s Ottawa Scenery. Map and 14 fine lithograph plates. 4to, cloth. 1855. $3-50 Scarce. 2234 Jameson, Mrs. Winter Stud ies and Summer Rambles in Canada. (Society in Toronto, The Chippewa Language, Songs, and Story Tellers, etc.). 3 vols., I2mo, half calf. Lon don, 1838. $3.00 2235 Lambert, John. Travels through Lower Canada and the United States in the Years 1806, 1807, and 1808. Illustrated with maps and colored plates. 3 vols., 8vo, half red roan, gilt tops. London, 1810. $7.50 2237 Lawrence, J. W. Footprints; or, Incidents in the Early History of New Brunswick, N. S. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 107. St. John, N. B., 1883. $1.50 2238 Lillie, A. Canada, Physical, Economic, and Social. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 297. Toronto, 1855. $1.00 2239 Lindsey, Charles. Rome in Canada. 8vo, cloth, pp. 398. To ronto, 1877. $1.75 2240 Logan, Sir Wm. E. Life of. Compiled from His Letters, Journals, etc. By Bernard J. Harrington. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 432. London, 1883. $1.50 First Director of the Geological Survey of Canada. 2241 Lome, Canadian Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil by Mar quis of Lome. Map and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 224. London. $2.00 2242 Manitoba. Begg, Alexandia. The Creation of Manitoba; or, His tory of the Red River Troubles. I2mo, cloth, pp. 408. Toronto, 1871. $1.50 2243 Manitoba. Fitzgibbon, Mary. A Trip to Manitoba. 8vo, cloth, pp. 248. London, 1880. $1.50 2244 Manitoba. Hall, Mrs. Cecil. A Lady s Life on a Farm in Mani toba. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 171. London, 1884. $1.00 2245 Manitoba. Legge, Alfred O. Sunny Manitoba, Its Peoples and Its Industries. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 297. London, 1892. $1.50 2246 Manitoba. Macoun, John. Manitoba and the Great North-West. With maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 687. London, 1883. $1.50 BRITISH AMERICA. 2247 Martin, Horace T. Castoro- logia; or, The History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver. An ex haustive monograph and fully illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 238. London, 1892. $2.50 The only book of anyjaccount on the subject to appear since the volume^by Lewis H. Mor gan. 2248 Martin, R. M. History of Upper and Lower Canada. Illus trated. i6mo, cloth, pp. 337. Lon don, 1836. $1.00 2249 Milton, Viscount, and Che- adle, W. B. The North-West Pas sage by Land : Being the Narrative of | an Expedition from the Atlantic to i the Pacific, Undertaken with the View i of Exploring a Route across the Con- ; tinent to British Columbia through British Territory, by One of the Northern Passes in the Rocky Mountains. Illustrated. Map. Pres entation copy. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. London, 1866. $3.00 2250 Monck, Francis E. O. My Canadian Leaves: An Account of a Visit to Canada, 1864-65. 8vo, cloth, pp. 367. London, 1891. $i-75 2251 Moodie, Susana. Roughing It in the Bush; or, Life in Canada. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1852. $2.00 2252 Moodie, Mrs. Life in the Clearings vs. The Bush. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 300. New York. $1.00 2253 Mulvaney, Chas. P. History of the Northwest Rebellion of 1885; Origin and Progress of the War, with History of the Indian Tribes. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 424. To ronto, 1885. $1.25 2254 Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings, and Other Meas ures Resorted to by the British Gov ernment and Numerous Private Indi viduals to Overpower the Earl of Stirling and Subvert His Lawful Rights. Written by Himself. Also, A Genealogical Account of the Fam ily of Alexander, Earls of Stirling, with an Historical View of Their Hereditary Possessions in Nova Scotia, Canada, etc. By Ephraim Lockhart. Folding pedigree. 4to, boards, pp. 176 -j- 77. Edinburgh, 1836. $3-50 : 9. With additional manuscript table of pedigree inserted in front cover. 2255 Nettle, Richard. The Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence and Its Tributaries. I2mo, cloth, pp. 144. Montreal, 1857. $1.25 2256 New Brunswick. Gesner, Abraham. New Brunswick, with Notes for Emigrants, Early History, Indians, Settlement, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 388. London, 1847. $2.00 2257 New Brunswick. Monro, Alex. New Brunswick, with a Brief Outline of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Their Country, So cial divisions, Geography, and Pro ductions. Maps. 8vo, boards, pp. 385. Halifax, N. S. 1855. $3.50 An unusual book. 2258 Newfoundland. Bonnycastle, Sir Richard H. Newfoundland in 1842. Map and illustrations. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1842. $2.50 2259 Newfoundland, Excursions in and about, during the Years 1839 and 1840. By J. B. Jukes. (Geology, Fishing, Adventures with Indians, etc.) 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1842. $2.00 2260 Newfoundland. Hatton, Jo seph and Harvey M. Newfoundland, the Oldest British Colony: Its His tory, Prospects in the Future, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 489. Lon don, 1883. $2.00 2261 Newfoundland. Pedley, Chas. The History of Newfoundland from the Earliest Times to the Year 1860. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 531. London, 1863. $2.50 152 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2263 Newfoundland. Whitbourne, R. Westward Hoe for Avalon, in the Newfoundland, as described by Rich ard Whitbourne in 1622. Edited by T. Whitburn. I2mo, cloth, pp. 47. London, 1870. $1-25 2264 Nova Scotia. Lockwood, An thony. A Brief Description of Nova Scotia, including a Particular Account of the Island of Grand Manan. Maps. 4to, boards, pp. 104. London (printed for the Author), 1818. $5.00 2265 Nova Scotia. Lunenburg County. History of the County of Lunenburg. By Mather B. Des Brisay. 8vo, cloth, pp. 585. To ronto, 1895. $5-00 2266 Nova Scotia. Memoir of Sir Brenton Halliburton, Late Chief Jus tice of the Province of Nova Scotia. I2mo, cloth, pp. 207. Halifax, 1864. $1.50 2267 Nova Scotia. Rambles among the Blue-Noses; or, Reminiscences of a Tour through New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in 1862. By Andrew Learmont Spedon. I2mo. Montreal, 1863. $2.00 2268 Nova Scotia. Rogers, Chas. The Earl of Stirling s Register of Royal Letters Relative to the Affairs of Scotland and Nova Scotia, 1615-35. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Edin burgh, 1885. $10.00 Very rare. Only 150 copies privately printed. 2269 Nova Scotia. Robertson, James. History of the Mission of the Secession Church to Nova Scotia from Its Commencement in 1765. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 292. Edinburgh, 1848. $1.25 2270 Nova Scotia. (A History of) Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. (Early Voy ages to America, Acadian Settle ments, Champlain, Indians, Early Set tlers, etc.) By George S. Brown. 8vo, cloth, pp. 524. Boston, 1888. $2.50 2271 O Leary, Peter. Travels and Experiences in Canada, The Red River Territory, and the United States. I2mo, cloth, pp. 226. Lon don, n. d. $1.25 2272 Picken, Andrew. The Can- adas: Comprehending a Variety of Topographical Reports from Original Document Furnished by John Gait. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 436. Lon don, 1832. $1.25 2273 Pike, Warburton. The Bar ren Grounds of Northern Canada. Maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 300. London, 1892. $1.50 Personal adventures in search ofj big game, with spirited and graphic descriptions of the search for the musk ox, the rarest and most inaccessible of all large game. The author traveled over new ground hitherto only known to the Indians. 2274 Preston, T. R. Three Years Residence in Canada, 1837-39, with Notes of a Winter Voyage to New York. 2 vols., I2mo, half calf. Lon don, 1840. $2.00 2275 Rattray, W. J. The Scot in British North America. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1880. $7.50 A complete history of the active and impor tant part played by the Scotch in the develop ment of Canada. 2276 Ridge way. An Historical Romance of the Fenian Invasion of Canada. I2mo, cloth, pp. 262. Buf falo, 1868. $1.00 2277 Ridout Letters. Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War, 1805-15, being the Ridout Letters. With annotations by Matilda Edgar. Maps and portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 389. Toronto, 1890. $2.50 Pages 125 to 338 relate to the War of 1812. Name on title-page. 2278 Roper, Edward. By Track and Trail: A Journey through Can ada. (Quebec, Montreal, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Life in the Northwest, Vancouver City, Over the Rockies, etc.) Map and numerous illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 455. London, 1891. $2.50 Published at 18 shillings. BRITISH AMERICA. 153 2279 Roy, J. History of Canada for the Use of Schools and Families. I2mo, cloth, pp. 282. Montreal, 1854. $1.00 2280 St. Thomas. Knox, John P. Historical Account of St. Thomas, with Notices of St. Croix and St. Johns. Plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 271. New York, 1852. $1.25 2281 Sangster, Charles. The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, and Other Poems. I2mo, cloth, pp. 262. Kingston, 1856. $1.00 2282 Scatcherd, Thomas. Memoir of, Member of Parliament for the North Riding of Middlesex, Canada. A Family Record. By Wm. Horton. Portrait/ 8vo, cloth, pp. 218. Lon don, Ontario, 1878. $1.50 2283 Seton-Karr, H. W. Bear Hunting in the White Mountains; or, Alaska and British Columbia Re visited. Map and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 156. London, 1891. $1.00 2284 Simpson, George. Narrative of a Journey Round the World, 1841-42. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1847. $3.00 By the Governor of the Hudson s Bay Com pany. Relates almost entirely to northwest Canada, Alaska, Sandwich Islands, and Siberia. 2285 Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of the Discoveries on the Coast of North America; Effected by the Of ficers of the Hudson s Bay Company during the Years 1836-39. (Journeys on the Red, Coppermine, and Mac kenzie Rivers, etc.) Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 420. London, 1843. $ 2 -5 2286 Six Years in the Bush; or, Extracts from the Journal of a Set tler in Upper Canada, 1832-38. i6mo, cloth, pp. 126. London, 1838. $2.00 A very scarce account of an early settler in Canada. Leading Events. 8vo, paper, pp. 224. Ottawa, 1868. $1.50 2288 Smith, W. H. Canada, Past, Present, and Future, Being an His torical, Geographical, Geological, and Statistical Account of Canada West. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Toronto, n. d. $3.50 A business directory of the merchants, pro fessional men, etc., with their several businesses (183 pages). Is a valuable personal record. 2289 Smyth, Coke. Sketches in the Canadas. A series of 23 splendid lithographic plates of Scenery, Falls of Niagara, Indians and Indian Life, Buffalo Hunting, etc. Folio, half green morocco. London (about 1850). $10.00 2291 Spedon, Andrew Learmont. Tales of the Canadian Forest. 12 mo, cloth, pp. 221. Montreal, 1861. $1.25 2292 Stewart, George. Canada under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. (Reil Rebellion, Mon treal, Speeches, etc.) Steel portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 696. Toronto, 1879. $1.25 2293 Strickland, Major. Twenty- seven Years in Canada West; or, The Experience of an Early Settler. Edited by Agnes Strickland. 2 vols. in I. Thick I2mo, cloth. London, 1853. $ 2 -50 2294 Talbot, E. A. Five Years Residence in the Canadas: Including a Tour through Part of the United States of America in the Year 1823. Frontispieces. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. London, 1824. $3.50 2295 Taylor, James. Narrative of a Voyage to, and Travels in, Upper Canada, with Customs, Character, and Dialect of the Country. I2mo, cloth, pp. 135. Hull, 1846. $2.00 2287 Small, H. Beaumont. Chron- 2296 Toronto. History of Toronto icles of Canada : A Concise History of and County of York, Ontario. (His- 154 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. tory of the City, Towns, Villages, Churches, Local Items and Bio graphical Sketches.) Illustrated. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Toronto, 1885. $5.00 2297 Toronto. Scadding, Henry. Toronto of Old: Collections and Recollections of Early Settlement, etc. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 594. Toronto, 1878. $2.50 2298 Tremenheere, Hugh S. Notes on Public Subjects, Made during a Tour in the United States and Can ada. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 320. London, 1852. $1.00 2299 Tyrrell, J. W. Across the Sub- Arctics of Canada: A Journey of 3200 by Canoe and Snowshoe through the Barren Lands. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 280, New York, 1898. $175 2300 Vancouver Island and British Columbia (Alex. Rattray): Where They Are; What They Are; and What They May Become; Their History, Topography, Climate, etc. Map and colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 182. London, 1862. $1.50 2301 Vancouver. Macdonald, D. G. F. British Columbia and Vancouver s Island: Description, with Natural History, Gold Fields, and Manners and Customs of the Native Indians. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 524. London, 1863. $1.50 2302 Vancouver. Mayne, R. C. Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Map and illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 468. London, 1862. $2.00 2303 Warburton, Eliot. Hoche- loga; or, England in the New World. Plates. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1847. $2.50 Best edition. 2304 (Warburton.) The Conquest of Canada. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1849. $2.50 2305 Wilson, F. A., and Richards, A. B. Britain Redeemed and Canada Preserved. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 556. London, 1850. $1.50 General view of Canada and on the construc tion of a trans-continental railroad. 2306 Winnipeg. Ten Years in Winnepeg: Narration of History of Winnipeg, 1870-79. By Alex. Begg and W. R. Nursey. 8vo, cloth, pp. 226. Winnipeg, 1879. $1.25 Scarce. CENTRAL AMERICA. 2307 Bard, Sam l A. Wainka; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. 60 illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 366. New York, 1855. $1.25 2308 Bates, H. W. Central Amer ica, the West Indies, and South Amer ica. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 571. London, 1878. $1.50 2309 G-autemala. Dunn, Henry. Gautemala, or the United Provinces of Central America, 1827-28, being Sketches of a Twelve-Months Resi dence. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 319. New York, 1828. $1.75 2310 Grautemala. Montgomery, G. W. Narrative of a Journey to Gaute mala in 1838, 8vo, cloth, pp. 195. New York, 1839. $1.50 2311 G-autemala. The Land of the Quetzal. By William T. Brigham. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 453. London, 1887. $2.50 2312 Hand Book of the American Republics. (First Landing of Colum bus, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp, 288. Washington, 1891. .75 2313 Honduras. The Land of Great Depths. By Cecil Charles. Maps and portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 216. Chicago, 1890. $1.00 2314 Honduras. Henderson, Capt. Geo. Account of the British Settle ment of Honduras, with Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO. 155 Mosquito Indians. I2mo, half calf, pp. 237. London, 1811. $i-5o 2315 Map of Central America, com piled from materials furnished by the Cdmmittee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. Executed by A. D. Bache, under direction of W. R. Palmer. 3^ ft. by 3^ ft., bi-sected and mounted on linen in cloth cover. 1856. 75 2316 Nicaragua. A Sketch of Travel. By Mrs. Alfred Hart. I2mo, cloth, pp. 267. London, 1887. $1.00 2317 Nicaragua. Squier, E. G. Its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the Proposed Interoceanic Canal. Numerous maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852. $5.00 2318 Nicaragua. Stout, Peter F. Nicaragua, Past, Present, and Future, Its Inhabitants, Customs, Early His tory, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 372. Philadelphia, 1859. $1.25 2319 Panama. Bidwell, Chas. T. The Isthmus of Panama. Plate. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 418. London, 1865. $2.00 The most complete work on this subject. 2320 Panama. Fabens, Joseph W. A Story of Life in the Isthmus. (Ac count of Troubles during the War with Mexico, etc.) I2mo, pp. 215. New York, 1853. $1.00 2321 Panama. Griswold, C. D. The Isthmus of Panama and What I Saw There. I2mo, cloth, pp. 180. New York, 1852. $1.25 2322 Panama. Rodrigues, J. C. The Panama Canal, Its History, Po litical Aspects, and Financial Diffi culties. I2mo, cloth, pp. 248. New York, 1885. $1.50 2323 Pirn, Bedford, and Seemann, B. Dottings on the Roadside in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito. Map and tinted plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 468. London, 1869. $3-OO 2324 Schmidt, Dr. Julius. The Stone Sculptures of Capan and Qui- rigua. Drawn by Heinrich Meye; translated from the German by A. D. Savage. 20 splendid plates of Idols, Temples, Tombs, etc. Folio, half roan. New York, 1883. $7.50 2325 Shufeldt, R. W. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to Ascer tain the Practicability of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific by way of Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Plates and maps. 4to, cloth. Wash ington, 1872. $1.50 2326 Squier, E. G. The States of Central America, Their Geography, Topography, Climate, Aborigines, etc. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 782. New York, 1858. $7-50 Scarce. 2327 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chi apas, and Yucatan. Map and fine plates of Ancient Remains, Idols, Temples, Hieroglyphics, etc. 1st edi tion, fine copy. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1841. $4. 50 2328 Yucatan. Fancourt, Chas. St. John. The History of Yucatan from Its Discovery to Close of Seventeenth Century. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 340. London, 1854. $1.50 2329 Zeledon, Pedro P. Reply to the Argument of Nicaragua on the Treaty of April 15, 1858, to be De cided by the President of the United States, Filed on Behalf of the Govern ment of Costa Rica. 8vo, morocco, pp. 211. Washington, 1887. $1.25 MEXICO. 2330 Bancroft, Hubert H. A Pop ular History of the Mexican People.. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep, pp. 632. San Francisco, 1887. $1.25 2331 Barca, Madame Caldern de la. Life in Mexico during a Residence of Two Years in that Country. With a preface by W. H. Prescott. 8vo, cloth, pp. 437. London, 1843. $1.50 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2332 Berendt, C. Hermann. Ana lytical Alphabet for the Mexican and Central American Languages. Fac similes in photo-lithography. 8 pp. New York, 1869. .35 2333 Bishop, Wm. H. Mexico, California, and Arizona, being Re vised Edition of Old Mexico and Her Lost Provinces. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 569. New York, 1889. $1.25 2334 Bullock, W. Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico, containing Remarks on the Present State of New Spain. With maps and plates, colored ones of costumes, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 532. London, 1824. $3-00 2335 Diaz. Memoirs of Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Written by Himself, containing a Full and True Account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated from the Spanish by John I. Lock- hart. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon don, 1844. $7.00 2336 Emory, Wm. H. Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. 2 vols., large 4to, cloth. Washington, 1857. $6.00 Beautiful plates of scenery, antiquities, botany, natural history, etc. 2337 Evans, Albert S. Our Sister Republic. A Gala Trip through Tropical Mexico in 1869-70. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 518. Hartford, 1870. $2.00 2338 Ferry, Gabriel. Vagabond Life in Mexico. I2mo, cloth, pp. 460. London, 1856. $1.50 2339 Frost, John. The History of Mexico and Its Wars. (The Aztec Empire, Cortez Conquest, Spanish Rule, Texan Wars, W ar with the United States, etc.) 550 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 706. New Orleans, 1887. $2.00 2340 Gringo, A. Through the Land of the Aztecs; or, Life and Travel in Mexico. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 236. London, 1892. $1.25 2341 Haven, Gilbert. Our Next- Door Neighbor: A Winter in Mexico. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 467. New York, 1875. $2.50 2342 Henderson, Geo. F. History of the Mexican Railway, Considered with Its Geographical, Agricultural, and Manufacturing Aspects. With scientific and historical notes. Fine lithographic plates. Folio, cloth, pp. 211. Mexico, 1876. $1.50 2343 Humboldt, Alex. de. Politi cal Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Translated by John Black. Maps. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1811. $10.00 2344 Lyons, G. F. Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in 1826, with Account of the Mines. 2 vols,, I2mo, full calf, neat. London, 1828. $2.25 2345 Maturin, Edward. Monte- zuma, the Last of the Aztecs: A Ro mance. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1845. $1.50 2346 Mayer, Brantz. Mexico, Az tec, Spanish, and Republican: His torical, Geographical, Political, and Social Account of that Country from the Invasion to the Present Time, with a View of the Ancient Aztec Em pire. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 433 + 399- Hartford, 1853. $5.00 Another, 2 vols. in I, leather. Hartford, 1854. $3-5o 2347 Moreno, G. Reglas Ciertas, y Precisamente Necessarias para Ivezes, y Ministros de Ivsticia de las Indias, y para sus Confessores Compuestas por el muy Docto P. M. Fr. Ger- onymo Moreno. 4to, pp. (16) 136. Mexico, 1732. $5-OO A rare production of the Mexican press. 2348 Ober, F. A. Travels in Mex ico and Life among the Mexicans, ist, Yucatan. 2d, Central and South- MEXICO SOUTH AMERICA. 157 ern Mexico. 3d, Border States. 190 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 672. Boston, 1884. $2.50 Printed upon much better paper than were the re-issues. 2349 Parry, Francis. The Sacred Maya Stone of Mexico and Its Sym bolism. With 8 large plates and nu merous illustrations in the text. Fo lio, paper, pp. 70. London, 1893. $1.50 > A most interesting work on Mexican Archae ology and Symbolism and the true meaning of the carved monuments of ancient Mexico and Central America. 2350 Price, Thomas W. Brief Notes Taken on a Trip to the City of Mexico in 1878, Forming an Interest ing Narrative. I2mo, cloth, pp. 103. n. p., n. d. $1.50 Only a few copies privately printed. 2351 Rankin, Melinda. Twenty Years among the Mexicans. I2mo, cloth, pp. 199. Cincinnati, 1875. $1.00 2352 Robinson, Wm. Davis. Mem oirs of the Mexican Revolution: in cluding a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina, with Some Observations on the Practicability of Opening a Commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 8vo, calf, pp. 396. Philadelphia (printed for the Author), 1820. $1.50 2353 Schmidt, Gustavus. The Civil Law of Spain and Mexico Arranged on the Principles of the Modern Codes, Preceded by an Historical In troduction to the Spanish and Mexi can Law, with the Most Important Acts of the* Mexican Congress. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 376. New Orleans, 1851. $3.50 2354 Shepard, A. K. The Land of the Aztecs ; or, Two Years in Mexico. I2mo, cloth, pp. 210. Albany, 1859. $2.00 Scarce. 2355 Thompson, Waddy. Recollec tions of Mexico. I2mo, cloth, pp. 304. New York, 1846. $1.00 2356 Ward, H. G. Mexico in 1827. Map and fine plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1828. $12.50 Another copy, half bound. $10.00 SOUTH AMERICA. 2357 Andrews, Captain. Journey from Buenos Ayres through Cordova, Tucuman, Salta, thence by Deserts of Carauja to Potosi, and Subsequently to Santiage de Chili, Taken in Behalf of the Chilian and Peruvian Mining Association. 2 vols., I2mo, full calf, gilt. London, 1827. $3.50 2358 Argentine. Isabelle, Arsene. Voyage a Buenos Ayres et a Porto Alegre, 1830-34. Plates. 8vo, half calf, pp. 620. Havre, 1835. $1.50 2359 Argentine. Johnson, H. C. R. A Long Vacation in the Argentine Alps. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 180. London, 1868. $1.50 2360 Argentine. King, Col. J. A. Twenty-four Years in the Argentine Republic, embracing the Author s Personal Adventures, with the Civil and Military History of the Country. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 442. London, 1846. $1.75 2361 Argentine. MacCann, Wil liam Two Thousand Miles Ride through the Argentine Provinces; The Natural Products of the Country and Habits of the People. Fine col ored plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1853. $3.00 2362 Argentine. Mulhall, M. G. and E. T. Handbook of the River Plate Republics, comprising Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the Ar gentine Republic and the Republics of Uruguay and Paraguay. Maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. 425. London, 1875. $1.25 2363 Argentine. Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants; or, Civiliza tion and Barbarism. With a bio graphical sketch of the author by Mrs. I 5 8 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Horace Mann. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 401. New York, 1868. $1.50 2364 Argentine. Seymour, R. A. Pioneering in the Pampas; or, The First Four Years of a Settler s Expe rience in the La Plata Camps. With map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 180. London, 1869. $1.50 Small piece cut from blank, top of title-page. 2365 Argentine. Turner, Thomas A. Argentina and the Argentines: Notes and Impressions of a Five Years Sojourn in the Argentine Re public, 1885-90. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 370. New York, 1892. $1.50 2366 Bates, Henry W. The Nat uralist on the River Amazon. Illus trated. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 394. London, 1875. $1.50 2367 Brazil. Agassiz, Louis. A Journal in Brazil. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 540. Boston, 1868. $1.50 2368 Brazil. Armitage, John. The History of Brazil from the Period of the Arrival of the Draganza Family in 1808 to the Abdication of Dom Pe dro I. in 1831. Compiled from the state documents and other original sources, forming the continuation of Southey s history of that country. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1836. $2.50 2369 Brazil. Atkins, John. A Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the West Indies in His Majesty s Ships the Swallow and Weymouth, Describ ing the Several Islands and Settle ments, etc. (Stamp on title.) 8vo, calf, pp. 266. London, 1735. $2.50 2370 Brazil. Bigg-Wither, Thos. P. Pioneering in South Brazil. Three Years of Forest and Prairie Life in the Province of Parana. Illus trated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1878. $2.50 2371 Brazil. Burton, Capt. Rich ard F. Explorations of the High lands of the Brazil, with a Full Ac count of the Gold and Diamond Mines. Map and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869. $5.00 2372 Brazil. Christie, W. D. Notes on Brazilian Questions (Slav ery, Commercial Relations, British Claims, etc.). I2mo, cloth, pp. 236. London, 1865. $1.50 2373 Brazil. Codman, John. Ten Months in Brazil, with Notes on the Paraguayan War. I2mo, cloth, pp. 218. Edinburgh, 1870. $1.00 2374 Brazil. Dickinson, Capt. Thos. A Narrative of the Operations for the Recovery of the Public Stores and Treasure Sunk in H. M. S. Thetis at Cape Rio, on the Coast of Brazil, with a Concise Account of the Loss of that Ship. Folding plan and lithographic plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 191. London, 1836. $1.00 2375 Brazil. Fletcher and Kidder. Brazil and the Brazilians, in Histori cal and Descriptive Sketches. Por trait, map, and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 630. Philadelphia, 1857. $1.50 2376 Brazil. Graham, Maria. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil and a Residence There, 1821-23. With fine plates. 4to, half roan, pp. 335. Lon don, 1824. $2.00 2377 Brazil. Hadfield, Wm. Bra zil, and the River Platte, in the Year 1868; Showing the Progress of those Countries since His Former Visit in 1853. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 271. London, 1869. $1.25 2378 Brazil. Hadfield, William. Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falk land Islands, with the Cape Horn Route to Australia, including Notices of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries, and Cape Verde. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 384. London, 1854. $1.50 SOUTH AMERICA. 159 2379 Brazil. Hartt, C. F., and Agassiz, Louis. Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil, with the Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 620. Boston, 1870. $2.50 2380 Brazil. Koster, Henry. Trav els in Brazil. Maps and 8 beautiful hand-colored plates of Costumes, Scenery, Natives, etc. 4to, calf, pp. 501. London, 1816. $5.00 Highly commended by Southey, to whose library the author had free access. 2381 Brazil. Koster, Henry. Trav els in Brazil. Map and tinted illustra tions. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1817. $3-00 2382 Brazil. Laerne, C. F. Van D. Brazil and Java, and the Coffee Cul ture in America, Asia, etc. Plates, maps, and plans. 8vo, cloth, pp. 638. London, 1885. $1.25 Contains much information of a general char acter history, geology, slavery, etc. 2383 Brazil. Lindley, Thomas. Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil, Ter minating in the Seizure of a British Vessel, and the Imprisonment of the Author and the Ship s Crew by the Portuguese, with General Sketches of the Country, Its Natural Productions, Inhabitants, etc. 8vo, boards, pp. 298. London, 1805. $1.50 2384 Brazil. Mulhall, M. G. Be tween the Amazon and Andes; or, Ten Years of a Lady s Travels in the Pampas, Gran Chaco, Paraguay, and Matto Grosso. Maps and illustra tions. I2mo, cloth, pp. 341. Lon don, 1881. $1.50 2385 Brazil. Osorio, Jerome. His tory of the Portuguese during the Reign of Emmanuel. Their Discov ery of the Brazils, in Africa, etc. ; Bat tles by Sea and Land, Sieges, etc. Translated from Latin by James Gibbs. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. Lon don, 1752. $2.25 2386 Brazil. Rickard, F. I. A Mining Journey across the Great Andes, with Explorations in the Silver Mining Districts of the Prov inces of San Joan and Mendoza and a Journey across the Pampas to Buenos Ayres. Maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. 314. London, 1863. $2.00 2387 Brazil. Scully, William. Brazil, Its Provinces and Chief Cities, the Manners and Customs of the Peo ple, etc. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 398. London, 1866. $1.00 2388 Brazil. Smith, Herbert H. Brazil, the Amazons, and the Coast. Illustrated by J. Wells Champney and others. 8vo, cloth, pp. 644. New York, 1879. $2.50 The best single volume which has been written upon Brazil. 2389 Brazil. Travels of Prince Adalbert in Europe and in Brazil, with a Voyage up the Amazon and Xingu Rivers. Translated by Robert H. Schomburgk. Maps, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1849. $2.50 2390 Brand, Lieut. Chas. Journal of a Voyage to Peru: A Passage across the Cordillera of the Andes, in the Winter of 1827, Performed on Foot in the Snow; and a Journey across the Pampas. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, pp. 346. London, 1828. $2.50 2391 Brown, C. B., and Lidstone, Wm. Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon and Its Tributaries. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 520. London, 1878. $2.50 2392 Brown, C. Narrative of the Expedition to South America Which Sailed from England at the Close of 1817 for the Service of the Spanish Patriots, including the Military and Naval Transactions. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 193. London, 1819. $2.00 The author was captain of the " Venezuelian Brigade of Light Artillery." 2393 Bnenos Ayres and the Prov inces of the Rio de la Plata, from Their Discovery and Conquest to the Establishment of Their Political In- i6o FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. dependence, by Woodbine Parish. Il lustrated (portrait of Sebastian Cabot). 8vo, cloth, pp. 434. London, 1852. $2.00 2394 Caldcleugh, Alexander. Trav els in South America, 1819-21, con taining Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chile. Map, fine plates of scenery (colored one of costumes). 2 vols., 8vo, full calf. London, 1825. $3.00 2395 Chile. Gardiner, Capt. A. F. A Visit to the Indians on the Fron tiers of Chili. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 195. London, 1841. $1.50 2396 Chile. Graham, Maria. Jour nal of a Residence in Chile during 1822 and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. 14 fine plates. 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 512. London. $3-50 2397 Chile. Schmidtmeyer, Peter. Travels into Chile, over the Andes, in the Years 1820 and 1821, with Some Sketches of the Productions and Agriculture; Mines and Metallurgy; Inhabitants, History, and Other Fea tures of America; Particularly of Chile and Arauco. Illustrated with thirty plates (some colored), plans of Santiago, Post Road across the Pam pas, Itineraries, etc. 4to, boards, pp. 380. London, 1824. $5-OO 2398 Colombia. A Geographical, Statistical, Agricultural, Commercial, and Political Account of that Coun try. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1822. $2.50 2399 Colombia. Cochrane, Chas. S. Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, 1823-24. Map and fine col ored plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1825. $3.50 2400 Colombia. Holton, Isaac F. New Granada: Twenty Months in the Andes. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 605. New York, 1857. $2.00 2401 Condamine, M. de la. A Suc cinct Abridgement of a Voyage Made within the Inland Parts of South America from Coasts of the South Sea to Brazil and Guiana, down the River Amazon. Folding map. 8vo, calf, pp. 108. London, 1747. $3.50 2402 Coulter, John. Adventures on the Western Coast of South America, and the Interior of California; Inci dents at Kingsmill Islands, New Guinea, and Other Pacific Ocean Islands; Manners and Customs of the Various Savage Tribes. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. $2.50 2403 Crommelin, M. Over the Andes from Argentine to Chili and Peru. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 387. London, 1896. $2.00 A most interesting volume on unfrequented portions of the South American continent. 2404 Curtis, William E. The Capi tals of Spanish America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 715. New York, 1888. $2.00 2405 Ecuador. Simson, Alfred. Travels in the Wilds of Ecuador and Exploration of the Putumayo River. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 270. London, 1886. $1.25 2406 Empson, Chas. H. Narratives of South America; illustrating Man ners, Customs, and Scenery; with Nu merous Facts in Natural History Col lected during a Four Years Resi dence. 8vo, cloth, pp. 322. London (for the Author), 1836. $1.50 2407 Gilliss, J. M. United States Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52. Colored and plain plates of Indian Antiquities, Birds, Fishes, Animals, etc. 2 vols., 4to, cloth. Washington, 1855. $1.50 2408 Guiana. Bennett, Geo. W. An Illustrated History of British Guiana, Illustrated with photos. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 265. George town, 1866. $5-00 Very scarce. SOUTH AMERICA. 161 2409 Guiana. Bernau, J. H. Mis sionary Labors in British Guiana, with Remarks on Manners, Customs, and Superstitious Rites of the Aborigines. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 242. London, 1847. $2.50 Scarce. 2410 Guiana. Boddam-Whetham, J. W. Roraima and British Guiana, with a Glance at the West Indies. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 363. Lon don, 1879. $2.00 2411 Guiana. Bolingbroke, Henry. A Voyage to the Demerary, contain ing Statistical Account of the Settle ments There, and of Those on the Es- sequebo, the Berbice, and Other Con tiguous Rivers of Guyana. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 260. Philadelphia, 1813. $2.00 2412 Guiana. Brown, C. Barring- ton. Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana. Map and colored illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. London, 1876. $2.50 2413 Guiana. Dalton, Henry G. The History of British Guiana, com prising a General Description of that Colony and Principal Events from Its Discovery to the Present Time. Map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1855. $6.00 2414 Guiana. Premium, Barton. Eight Years in British Guiana, be ing the Journal of a Residence in that Province from 1840-48. Anecdotes and Notices Illustrating the Social Condition of Its Inhabitants, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 305. London, 1850. $1.50 2415 Guiana. Stedman, Capt. J. G. Narrative of a Five Years Expedi tion against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America, from the Years 1772 to 1777, Elucidating the History of that Country, and Describ ing Its Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Trees, Indians, etc. Maps and fine steel plates by Bartolozzi. 2 vols., 4to, calf. London, 1796. $7-50 2416 Guiana. The Demerara Mar tyr, Memoirs of Rev. John Smith, Missionary to Demerara. By Edwin A. Wallbridge. 8vo, cloth, pp. 174. London, 1848. $1.25 2417 Guiana. Veness, W. T. El Dorado ; or, British Guiana as a Field for Colonization. Map. 8vo, full mo rocco, gilt edges, pp. 199. London, 1866. $2.50 "With the Author s Compliments." An unusual work. 2418 Guiana. Hackett, James. Narrative of the Expedition Which: Sailed from England in 1817 to Join the South American Patriots. 8vo, half calf, pp. 144. London, 1818. $1.50 2419 Hall, Capt. Basil. Extracts from a Journal Written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in 1820-22. 2 vols., I2mo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1824. $1-25 2420 Humboldt, Alex. de. Per sonal Narrative of Travels in the Equinoctial Regions of the New Con tinent, 1799-1804. By Alex. Hum boldt and Aime Bonpland; trans lated by Helen Maria Williams. Maps and plates. Vols. I.- VI. Calf and half calf (not quite uniform). London, 1818-26. $6.00 2421 Hutchinson, Thos. J. The Parana, with Incidents of the Para guayan War and South American Recollections, from 1 861-68. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 424. London, 1868. $2.00 2422 Kennedy, A. J. La Platte, Brazil, and Paraguay, during the Present War. Plan of Attack on Humaita. I2mo, cloth, pp. 273. London, 1869. $1.50 2423 La Plata. An Account, His torical, etc., of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata. Translated 1 62 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. from the Spanish. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 347. London, 1825. $2.00 2424 La Plata. Latham, Wilfrid. The States of the River Plate. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 200. London, 1866. $1.25 2425 Mansfield, C. B. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate, 1852-53. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 504. Cambridge, 1856. $1.50 2426 Markham, Clements R. The War between Peru and Chile, 1879-82. I2mo, cloth, pp. 306. Lon don, 1882. $1.50 2427 Markham, Clements R. Trav els in Peru and India. Map and il lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 572. London, 1862. $2.50 2428 Mathews, Ed. D. Up the Amazon and Maderia Rivers through Bolivia and Peru. Map and illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 402. London, 1879. $2.00 2429 Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar. Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, dur ing the Years 1821 and 1822, with Remarks on the Past and Present State and Political Prospects of those Countries. Colored plates and map. 8vo, boards, pp. 478. London, 1825. $2.00 .^Colored plate.of the Sandwich Islanders, also map. 2430 Mulhall, M. G. and E. T. Handbook of the River Plate Repub lics, comprising Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the Argentine Republic, also of Uruguay and Paraguay. I2mo, cloth, pp. 432. London, 1875. $1.25 2431 Paez, Don Ramon. Wild Scenes in South America; or, Life in the Llanos of Venezuela. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 502. New York, 1862. $1.25 2432 Paraguay. Charlevoix, F. X. The History of Paraguay, with Many New and Curious Particulars of that Country and Account of the Estab lishments Formed by the Jesuits from among the Savage Natives. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1769. $3.50 2433 Paraguay. Davie, John C. Letters from Paraguay Describing the Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, with Manners, Cus toms, and Religious Ceremonies of the Inhabitants. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 293. London, 1805. $ I -5 2434 Paraguay. Du Graty, Alfred M. La Republique du Paraguay. Illustrated with a number of tinted lithographic plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 607. Brussels, 1865. $2.00 2435 Paraguay. Rengger and Longchamps. The Reign of Dr. Jos. G. R. De Francia in Paraguay, being an Account of a Six Years Residence in that Republic, July, 1819, to May, 1825. 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 208. London, 1827. $1.50 2436 Paraguay. Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Letters on Paraguay: An Account of a Four Years Residence in that Republic. Plates. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1838. $1.50 2437 Paraguay. The War in. With a historical sketch of the coun try and its people by George Thomp son. Maps, plans, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 347. London, 1869. $1.25 2438 Patagonia. Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Patagonia; or, Life among the Ostrich Hunters. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 256. Lon don, 1881. $1.00 2439 Patagonia. Cunningham, Robt. O. Notes on the Natural His tory of the Strait of Magellan and West Coast of Patagonia. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 517. Edinburgh, 1871. $2.50 2440 Patagonia. Musters, Geo. C. At Home with the Patagonians : Wan derings over Untrodden Ground. II- SOUTH AMERICA. I6 3 lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 323. Lon don, 1871. $2.50 2441 Pazos, Don Vicente. Letters on the United Province of South America, Addressed to Henry Clay. Translated from Spanish by Platt H. Crosby. Map. 8vo, half calf, pp. 258. New York, 1819. $1.25 2442 Peru. Cosio. T. de Trueba y Cosio. History of the Conquest of Peru by the Spaniards. Small I2mo, pp. 341. Edinburgh, 1830. $1.25 2443 Peru. Fernandez, Diego. Primera y Segunda Parte de la His- toria del Peru: cotiene la primera lo succedido en la Nueva Espana y en el Peru. 2 vols. in i. Folio, full mo rocco, 1421 + 130!. Sevilla, 1571. $75.00 Original and only edition of this very rare work, which was prohibited by the Royal Council of the Indies at the time of its publica tion. The author was an actor in as well as an eyewitness of many of the events recorded in his work. This is a very reasonable copy, one being recently priced by Quaritch at ^"35. 2444 Peru. A History of. By C. R. Markham. Maps and illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 556. Chicago, 1892. $2.00 2445 Peru. Hutchinson, Thos. J. Two Years in Peru, with Explora tion of Its Antiquities. Map and nu merous illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1873. $3-5 2446 Peru. La Vega, Garcilasso. The Royal Commentaries of Peru: Treating of the Original of Their Incas, Their Idolatry, Laws, Con quests, the Conquest by the Span iards, Civil Wars, etc. Illustrated with fine old copperplates, and trans lated into English by Paul Rycaut. Folio, calf, pp. 1023. London, 1688. $7-50 2447 Peru. Memoirs of General Miller in the Service of the Republic of Peru. By John Miller. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1828. $2.50 2448 Peru. Prescott, Wm. H. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. Steel portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1847. $4.00 First edition. 2449 Peru. Seventeen Years Trav els of Peter de Cieza through the Mighty Kingdom of Peru and the Large Provinces of Cartagena and Popayan in South America, from the City of Panama to Chile. Maps and plates. 4to, new full sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges, pp. 255. London, 1709. $10.00 2450 Peru. Squier, E. G. Peru: Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 599. New York, 1877. $5.00 2451 Peru. The Present State of Peru, comprising Its Geography, Topography, Natural History, Cus toms, etc. 20 colored plates of cos tumes, etc. 4to, boards, pp. 488. London, 1805. $5.00 Beautiful hand-colored plates. Fine copy. 2452 Peru. True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake Which Happened at Lima October 28, 1746, with a Description of Callao, Lima, and Kingdom of Peru, before Their Destruction, Map and plates. 8vo, boards. London, 1748. $2.50 2453 Peru. Von Tschudi, Dr. J. J. Travels in Peru, 1838-42, on the Coast, in the Sierra, and across the Andes into the Primeval Forests. 8vo, cloth, pp. 506. London, 1847. $2.00 " His work is the best of the kind that has come before us since the appearance of Darwin s Journal." Westminster Review. 2454 Pilling, William. The Eman cipation of South America, being a Condensed Translation of the History of San Martin by General Don Bar- tolome Mitre. With maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 499. London, 1893. $1.50 i66 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. Grammar of Some Rudiments of the Indian Tongue. Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 477. London, 1677. $6.00 A fine copy. 2486 Gurney, Joseph J. A Winter in the West Indies, Described in Let ters to Henry Clay of Kentucky. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 282. London, 1840. $1.25 With interesting particulars as to slavery and its abolition. 2487 Gurney, Jos. John. A Winter in the West Indies, Described in Fa miliar Letters to Henry Clay of Ken tucky. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 203. New York, 1840. .75 2488 (Hastings, D. P.) A Winter in the West Indies and Florida, with Particular Description of St. Croix, Havana, Key West, and St. Augus tine. I2mo, cloth, pp. 199. New York, 1839. $1.50 2489 Hayti. Brief Notices of, with Its Condition, Resources, and Pros pects. (Cuba, Mahogany Cutting, etc.) By John Candler. I2mo, cloth, pp. 175. London, 1842. .75 2490 Hayti. Franklin, James. The Present State of Hayti. I2mo, half morocco, pp. 411. London, 1828. $1.00 2491 Hayti. Mackenzie, Chas. Notes on Haiti Made during a Resi dence in that Republic. Map and plate. 2 vols., I2mo, boards, uncut. London, 1830. $2.50 2492 Hayti. Sketches of, from the Expulsion of the French to the Death of Christophe. By W. W. Harvey. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 416. London, 1827. $1.50 2493 Jamaica. Bacon, E. M., and Aaron, E. M. The New Jamaica: Describing the Island. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 243. New York, 1890. .75 2494 Jamaica. Finlason, W. F. Report of the Case of the Queen vs. Edward John Eyre (Governor of the Island of Jamaica) for High Crimes Alleged to Have Been Committed by Him, with the Evidence and Indict ment. 8vo, cloth, pp. in. London, 1868. $1.00 2495 Jamaica. Gesse, Philip Henry. A Naturalist s Sojourn in Jamaica. (Flora, Animal Life, Negro Proper Names, etc.) Illustrated, colored plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 508. Lon don, 1851. $1.50 2496 Jamaica. New History of Jamaica from the Earliest Accounts to the Taking of Porto Bello by Vice- Admiral Vernon. (Spanish Cruelty, Bticcaneers, Sir Henry Morgan s En terprises against the Spaniards, etc.) Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 340. London, 1740- $3-oo 2497 Jamaica. Sterne, Henry. Statement of Facts Submitted to Hon. Lord Glenelg, Preparatory to an Appeal Seeking Redress for Griev ances under Administration of Mar quis of Sligo, Governor of Jamaica, and an Exposure of the Present Sys tem of Jamaica Apprenticeship. 8vo, cloth, pp. 282. London, 1837. $ I - 2 5 2498 Leach, Lieut.-Col. J. Rough Sketches of the Life of an Old Soldier during a Service in the West Indies, etc. 8vo, boards, pp. 411. London, 1831. $1.50 2499 lewis, Matthew G. Journal of a West India Proprietor Kept dur ing a Residence in Jamaica. 8vo, boards, uncut, pjp. 408. London, 1834. $1.50 2500 Lome, Marquis of. A Trip to the Tropics and Home through Amer ica. (Barbadoes, Hayti, Jamaica, Cuba, Virginian Country Life, etc.) Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 355. London, 1867. $1.50 2501 McQnade, James. The Cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies, and Florida. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 441. New York, 1885. $1-25 WEST INDIES ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC. I6 7 2502 Moore, Rachel Wilson. West Indies and South America in 1863-64, with Notes from the Diary of Her Husband, together with His Memoir by George Truman. I2mo, cloth, pp. 274. Philadelphia, 1867. $1.00 2503 Ober, Frederick A. Camps in the Caribbees: The Adventures of a Naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 366. Edin burgh, 1880. $2.00 2504 Pinckard, George. Notes on the West Indies Written during the Expedition under Gen. Abercromby, with Observations on the Barbadoes and Settlements Captured by the Brit ish on the Coast of Guiana, with Re marks on the Creoles, Indians, etc. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1806. $4.00 2505 Porto Rico. An Account of the Present State of Puerto Rico, with Numerous Original Facts and Docu ments Illustrative of the State, Condi tion, Moral and Physical, of the Pop ulation, etc. 8vo, boards, pp. 392. London, 1834. $3-5 Scarce. 2506 Eaynal, Abbe. A Philosophi cal and Political History of the Set tlements and Trade in the East and West Indies. Newly translated by J. O. Justamond. Maps and plates. 8 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1783. $6.00 2507 San Domingo. Hazard, Sam l. Santo Domingo, Past and Present, with a Glance at Hayti. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 511. London, 1873. $2.00 2508 San Domingo. In the Tropics. By a Settler in Santo Domingo, with an Introductory Notice by Richard B. Kimball. I2mo, cloth, pp. 306. New York, 1863. $1.25 2509 San Domingo. Mossell, C. W. Toussaint TOuverture, the Hero of St. Domingo; or, Hayti s Struggle for Independence. Illustrated. 8vo, leather, pp. 495. Lockport, 1896. $1.50 2510 San Domingo. Brown, J. Dr. The History and Present Condition of St. Domingo. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1837. $2.00 " During 1833-34, while in St. Domingo, I collected the most authentic intelligence of that island s eventful history." 2511 Smith, Aaron. The Atrocities of the Pirates : Being a Faithful Nar rative of the Sufferings Endured by the Author during His Captivity among the Pirates of the Island of Cuba; with an Account of the Ex cesses and Barbarities of Those In human Freebooters. Small 8vo, half calf, pp. 214. London, 1824. $1.50 2512 Trollope, Anthony. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Map. 8vo, half calf, pp. 395. London, 1860. $1.50 2513 Vernon, Admiral. Authentic Papers Relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, 1744; Original Papers Relating to the Expedition to Carthagena (2d edition, 1744); An Ac count of the Expedition to Cartha gena (3d edition, 1743) ; Original pa pers Relating to the Expedition to the Island of Cuba, 1744; Original Papers Relating to the Expedition to Panama, 1744; A Letter to Edward Vernon from John Cathcart, Director of the Hospital in the Late Expedition to the West Indies, 1744. 6 very rare pamphlets relative to Admiral Ver- non s Expedition in one volume. 8vo, old calf. London. $15.00 2514 Willis, N. P. Health Trip to the Tropics. (Bermuda, Cuba, Hayti, New Orleans, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 421. New York, 1853. $1.00 ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC. 2515 Anderson, Rufus. The Ha waiian Islands, Their Progress and Condition. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 450. Boston, 1865. $1.50 1 68 FRANCIS P. HARPER, NEW YORK. 2516 Hill, S. S. Travels in the Sandwich and Society Islands. (Ori gin of the Inhabitants, Arts and Cus toms of the Islanders, Taxation in the Sandwich Islands, etc. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 428. London, 1856. $2.00 2517 Jarves, James Jackson. His tory of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. I2mo, cloth, pp. 377. Lon don, 1843. $1.50 2518 Sandwich Island Notes. By A. Haole. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, un cut. London, 1854. $1.50 2519 South Sea Islands. A Narra tive of Missionary Enterprises in, with Remarks upon the Natural His tory of the Islands, Origin, Lan guages, Traditions, Usages of the In habitants, etc. By John Williams. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 525. New York, n. d. $2.00 The results of eighteen years, and one hun dred thousand miles traveled. 2520 Wawn, W. T. The South Sea Islanders and the Queensland La bour Trade: A Record of Voyages and Experiences in the Western Pa cific from 1875 to 1891. With nu merous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 440. London, 1893. $2.50 Historical Works Published by Francis P. Harper jt, & & .* Charlevoix s History of New France Translated from the original edition, with notes, by Dr. JOHN GILMARY SHEA. A new edition, with life of the Translator and Bibliography of his writings, by NOAH FARNHAM MORRISON. The importance of Dr. Shea s translation of Rev. P. F. X. de Charlevoix s History and General Description of New France, as an original authority and standard reference work cannot be overestimated. The New France of that date (1740) was far more than what we now know as Canada. It embraced the best part of the North American Continent. Thus Charlevoix, besides giving a full history of Canada down to 1740, relates in detail the early annals of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Michigan, Illinois and Northwestern States, and Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. This new edition contains over 40 illustrations, including all the maps, steel portraits, etc. Limited to 750 numbered sets. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Volumes I. and II. now ready. $3.00 net per volume. This important work, of which a very limited number was published by the author thirty years ago, is now very rare. A fire having destroyed a large portion of certain of the volumes, only about 150 complete sets were ever sold. In speaking of his work, Dr. Shea said : " I propose to make it a work of positive and enduring value. To a translation made with care and study I designed to add not mere occasional notes, but exact reference to every known authority for every statement in the text. This has proved a task much greater than, from my familiarity with the subject, I had anticipated." Send for prospectus. Early New York Houses With Historical and Genealogical descriptions by WM. S. PELLETREAU, A. M., and illustrated with numerous full-page views from rare old prints, photographs, and original decorated cover and head- and tail-pieces, specially designed for this work by C. J. 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Volumes I. and II. now ready. 1 2mo, cloth, each $1.50 net The series will consist of i. The Origin of the Name Manhattan. 2. Indian Names of Places in the Borough of Brooklyn. 3. The Names Susquehanna and Chesapeake. 4. The Indian Names for Long Island. 5. The Algonquian Names for the Siouian Tribes of Virginia. 6. The Bocootawanaukes, or the Fire Nation. 7. Some Indian Fishing Stations upon Long Island. 8. The Algonquian Terms Patawomeke and Massawomeke. 9. The Names Chickahominy, Pawmunkey and Kuskarawaoke. 10. The Significance of John Eliot s Natick and the Name Merrimac. Send for prospectus. Mr. William Wallace Tooker has made the study of the ancient Indian names of localities, the vocabulary and antiquities of these tribes his life work, and this series represents an immense amount of research, some points requiring months to trace and verify. The historical student will find in these volumes many valuable hints and facts not generally known, and the general reader will be interested in learning about the early Indian history and curious early Indian names of his localities. Historical Index to "Valentine s Manuals " Historical Index to the Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York, " Valentine s Manuals" 1841 to 1870, consisting of 2325 References. 8vo, cloth, 95 pages. Edition limited to 250 copies, ..... $2.50 net This volume will be found to be a valuable reference work for all interested in early New York. Fortunately most of the historical matter is in the later and commoner volumes running from 1850 to 1870, so that to students who have or can consult these years it will prove as important as to those who own complete sets, while as a record of what has been written and where it may be found this index will prove of permanent value, and must be consulted by all future students of early New York. Heretofore these Manuals have been the despair of students. In the twenty-eight volumes of which a complete set consists the historical matter is distributed through the volumes without regard to system just as they happened to come into the hands of the printer. Dr. Elliott Coues Works on Western Exploration & & * ,* Expeditions of Zcbulon Montgomery Pike To the Head Waters of the Mississippi River, the Interior Parts of Louisiana, Mexico and Texas in the years 1805-6-7. Reprinted in full from the original Philadelphia edition of 1810. With copious explanatory, geographical and scientific notes to the text, compiled from many unpublished sources of information, and embracing the results of a canoe voyage of the editor up the Mississippi River, a new Memoir of Pike and an Index to the whole, by Prof. Elliott Coues, A. M., M. D., Ph. D. Edition limited as follows : 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. i ,000 on fine book paper, $10.00 net per set 150 on hand-made paper, $20.00 net per set New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest The Journals of Alexander Henry (Partner of the Northwest Company), with Explorations and Life with the Fur Traders on the Red, Saskatchewan and Columbia Rivers, 1799-1814, now first published from the Coventry Manuscripts in the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, with which are collated the original unpublished manuscripts of David Thompson, Explorer and Geographer of the Northwest Company. The whole carefully edited, with copious notes, by Dr. Elliott Coues, with Maps, Index, etc. Limited edition. 3 vols., roy. 8vo, cloth. 1,000 copies, fine book paper, ....... $10.00 net per set 100 on hand-made paper, $20.00 net per set Uniform with Dr. Coues "Pike s Exploration." The matter here presented is entirely new and hitherto unpublished, and supplements and completes this editor s other works. Dr. Coues says of this work : " No work approaching these journals in the scope, extent, variety, and interest of ks contents has appeared since the publication in 1801 of Sir Alexander Mackenzie s memorable voyages, and the present work will undoubtedly take rank with that classic as a veritable mine of accurate information." American Explorers Series FINAL WORK OF THE LATE DR. COUES No. 3. On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer The Diary of Francisco Carets in Sonora, Arizona and California, 1775-76. Translated from the Original Spanish Manuscript, and copiously edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. 18 maps, plates and illustrations. Edition limited to 950 numbered copies. 2 vols., 8 vo, cloth, . $6.00 net No. J. The Journal of Major Jacob Fowler Narrating an Adventure from Arkansas through the Indian Territory, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico to the source of Rio Grande del Norte, 1821-22, now first printed from his original manuscript, carefully edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. Plate. Edition limited to 950 numbered copies. 8vo, cloth, . . . $3.00 net An important and hitherto unknown exploration. He was the first white man to travel much of his route, including the ascent of the Arkansas as far as Pueblo, and trail through Colorado, Kansas, etc. No. 2. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872, now first printed from a hitherto unknown manuscript in the author s handwriting, with collations from various private journals, etc., by Dr. Elliott Coues. 18 maps, plates and portraits. Edition limited to 950 numbered copies. 2 vols., 8vo, . . . . $6.00 net SEND FOR PROSPECTUS WHAT THE REVIEWERS SAY OF THESE WORKS Chas. F. 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No reader who has looked intelligently into the Doctor s splendid editions can doubt his perfect competency to edit any mass of material relating to early North western affairs that, for its elucidation, demands an extensive knowledge of geography, ethnography, natural history, and of earlier or contemporary exploration and adventure in the same region." duri are W Another Review : " Dr. Coues has lighted up the pages with inexhaustible learning, and with yet more wonder- lul Renis from his treasury of curious information. The work is one to be proud of and one which nothing but pinching poverty should keep from the shelves of collectors of original works on American History." Drake s Silver Map of the World, J580 By MILLER CHRISTY. The Silver Map of the World, commemorative of Sir Francis Drake s Great Voyage, 1577-80. 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