METHOD OP CLASSICAL STUDY: ILLUSTRATED BY QUESTIONS ON A FEW SELECTIONS FROM LATIN AND GREEK AUTHORS. BT SAMUEL H. TAYLOR, LL. D. PRINCIPAL OF PHILLIPS ACADEMT, ANDOVEB, MASS. BOSTON: BROWN AND TAGGARD. 25 AND 29 COKNHILL. ; J 1861. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by SAMUEL II. TAYLOR, In the Clerk s Office of tho District Court of the District of Massachusetts. VI Electrotype^ and Printed by \V. F. Draper, Andovcr, Mass. PREFAC THE history of this little volume is briefly told. The author was requested, two or three years since, to furnish some Communications for the " Massachusetts Teacher." One of the Communications furnished was a series of questions on the first seven lines of the Aeneid, and another, similar questions on a few lines of the second Book of the Anabasis. These questions were favorably noticed by several publications, and copies of them were requested by teachers in different parts of the country. From various sources, too, the au thor was urged to extend the questions, and put them into an accessible form for general use. The result is now given to the public. A ,t O O t > IV PREFACE. The design of the questions is to give illus trations of the various topics of investigation to which attention is to he directed, and to exhibit some of the methods of discussing them. There is a strong tendency among those commencing the study of Latin and Greek, to he satisfied with a few of the more simple and more general principles, and to consider the mastery of these as embracing all that is implied in the study of the classical languages. These questions are designed to give broader views ; to spread out the whole field, and show how much is to be done in it. No point that pertains to the fullest acquaint ance with a word, or sentence, or the subject in general, should be neglected, so far as the advancement of the student has qualified him to investigate and understand it. The laws by which words have this or that form ; why they drop a letter here and assume one there, or change one elsewhere ; what part is radical PREFACE. and what accessory; is the word regular or irregular in its formation ; has it its primary or secondary sense, and the connection be tween the one and the other ; is it simple or compound, primitive or derivative; its rela tion to other words, what it modifies and what modifies it ; and the sentence, is it independent or dependent, substantive, adjec tive, or adverbial; is its position natural or inverted; the difference between the several declensions and conjugations ; why this mode and tense rather than another; all the laws of construction ; the circumstances under which the treatise was written; the comparison of Latin with Greek idioms, and these with the English; the synonymes, history, biography, geography, mythology; the logic, rhetoric, poetry, oratory, all these, with many other subjects, are to be made, at the proper stage, matters of careful study. The best results of classical study come a* VI PREFACE. only from this broad and critical survey of the whole range of topics. There are treas ures in the mine, but it must be patiently and thoroughly worked. Such a method is slow at first ; but it gives habits of close observation and analysis, power to reason, and a definite knowledge of fundamental principles, which in the end will make the progress more rapid, and give a better preparation for other courses of study. The questions are put from various points of view : some are difficult, others quite simple. Some are general, while those that follow are more definite, designed to explain a preceding one. Some take the most abstract or indefinite form, for the purpose of tasking the discrimination of the student. One often contains the answer to another. Some are almost unavoidably leading questions ; while others are put in a form likely to mislead the student who determines the answer from the PREFACE. VII tone of the question, without a careful study of the subject. Sometimes, too, the questions are put in language very different from the usual form, with the view of breaking up a merely mechanical style of answers, which have little significance to the student s mind. Sometimes the question is of such a nature that it at once suggests the answer, though the prin ciple might have been overlooked by the beginner had the question not been asked. Occasional references are made to the Gram mars, to Andrews and Stoddard s for the Latin, and to Kiihner s Elementary Grammar for the Greek, the figures inclosed in paren theses referring to the sections of these Gram mars. 1 The object of these questions did not seem to make the additional references to several other excellent Grammars necessary. 1 A few changes were made in the last edition of Kiihner s Gram mar, particularly in sections 8 and 11. The references are to this edition. VIII PREFACE. A few Notes are added on some of the questions, for the convenience of those who may not have ready access to the requisite sources of information. The small " superior " figures refer to these Notes. ANDOVEB, Oct., 1861. METHOD OF CLASSICAL STUDY. QUESTIONS ON THE FIRST FIVE FABLES OF THE LATIN READER. 1. ACCIP1TER ET COLUMBAE. COLUMBAE milvii metu accipitrem rogaverunt, AT what time is Aesop, the reputed author of these fables, supposed to have lived? Is it certain that the fables which bear his name were written by him ? Is there strong evidence that they were not? Did he write in Greek, or Latin ? Can it be known certainly who was the author of these fables ? First Fable. In what different cases may the form columbae be found? In what case here? How deter- mined? What features of what word does columbae de termine (209, )? Case of milvii? How determined? Why not the subject of rogaverunt * By what word o- ov - erned? Rule (211)? What is meant when it is said to be governed by metu? What influence has it on metu? Does it make the meaning of metu more or less general ? What is the design of the termination- or inflection-endings of these nouns, such as ae in columbae, i in milvii, and u ia metu, etc.? The English has no such inflection- or case- 1 2 QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. ut eas defenderet. Ille annuit. At in colum- endings ; how is the defect supplied ? How can this be illustrated in the translation of milvii and metu ? * What would be the full form of metu? Whence comes the u (89, K. 1.) ? By what principle is metu put in the Abl. (247) ? What is the meaning of the rule ? Does it imply that metu is governed by any word ? 2 How is accipitrem governed? Rule (231)? Verbs of asking govern two accus atives, what other accusative does rogaverunt take (231 H. 3, ft) ? What would be the full or regular Gen. of accip- iter ? What is the form of the Gen. used ? In forming the Gen., what becomes of the e in the Norn. ? What is the e before the m in accipitrem ? Has it any mean ing ? Why used then ? 3 What the m ? How many de clensions in the first four words ? That of each ? What is the characteristic of a declension ? What part of roga verunt is root? 4 What is v? Subject of rogaverunt? What is the connection between a verb and its subject (209, ft) ? What part of speech is ut ? What is the office of conjunctions (198)? What does ut connect? What does it denote here, purpose, object, or result ? What deter mines the number and gender of $as ( 206 and N. 1)? What determines -its case (206) ? What conjugation is defenderet ? What determines the conjugation of a verb ! What letter is dropped in the third root of defenderet? Why? 5 Why in the subjunctive? What letter inserted before t of defenderet would make it third Pers. PL ? How else can ut defenderet be translated into English besides that he would defend? Can ut, with the subjunctive, denoting QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. 3 bare receptus, uno die majorem stragem edidit, quam milvius longo tempore potuisset edere. purpose, or object, be often translated into English by to with the Inf. ? What kind of a pronoun is ilk (134) ? Is it properly ever a substantive personal pronoun ? 6 How many substantive personal pronouns are there (133) ? What are they? Is "he assented "a full translation of ille annuit^ Why not? What is not indicated by that translation? Is "he assented" right as far as it goes? What tense is annuit ? What is the difficulty in determin ing ? In what two places can it be made ? What different cases does in govern ? When one, and when the other (235, 2) ? Declension of columbare ? Case ? How deter mined? Gender? Rule (66) ? What is the Abl. Sing. (82, Exc. 1, a) ? What is the re in receptus (196, I) ? Does it ever stand alone ? Composition of receptus ? What would be the form if re were omitted, ceptus or cap- tus ? What participle is receptus ? What different partici ples have verbs ? How many active, and how many pas sive ? What determines the gender and number of recep tus? Rule (205)? In what two cases is unus irregular in its declension ? What other words have a Gen. like unus (107)? Declension of die? Gender? Same in Sing, and PI. ? What would be the full form ? 7 Is the e long, or short ? How comes it so ? By what principle is die in the Abl. ? What would be the unabbreviated form instead of majorem ? What becomes of n of the positive ? Of g ? Doe,s the n belong to the root ? Gender of majo rem ? How determined ? Why not by its form (109 and 4 QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. Fabiila docet, malorum patrocinium vitan- dum esse. 110) ? "What peculiarity has edidit in its second root (163, Rem.) ? How many simple verbs have this peculiarity in Latin ? 8 What is the root of edidit ? What is the root of a verb (150, 1)? We call quam a conjunction, what part of speech is it strictly, and in what case ? What is its office here, z". e., what does it connect ? What relation does the clause following quam sustain to the preceding one? 9 Comparative and superlative of longo ? What is the object of having different degrees of comparison ? When the comparative is used, how many objects are compared (122, 5) ? Does the use of the superlative determine how many objects are compared (122, 6) ? Is it always more than two ? Root or stem of temper e ? Norn. ? How is the stem of a noun of the third Dec. found ? 10 Con struction of tempore (236) ? Is it governed by any word? Does the rule mean anything more than that, when a noun denotes the relation here indicated, it is put in the Ace. or Abl. case? Composition of potuisset (154, R. 7)? Full form instead of potuisset ? If the Perf. of sum is fiti, what would be the full Perf. of possum ? Why does the first s of possum become t in the Perf. What changed the t of pot to s in possum 1 ? Is there any such influence in the Perf. to change it ? Why potuisset in the subjunctive u (260, II.) ? Government or construction of edere (271) ? What is meant by a fable ? How is malorum used here (205, R. 7, 1) ? How compared ? What connection between the positive mains and the forms of the compara- QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. 5 2. MUS ET MILYIUS. Milvius laqueis irretltus musciilum exoravit, live and superlative? 12 Construction of patrocinium (239) ? Of what is patrocinium the subject-accusative ? What particle must the English supply in translating the Ace. with the Inf., which is not expressed in Latin (273) ? What case does the Ace. before the Inf. become in English ? After what class of verbs is the Ace. with the Inf. used (272) ? What is the force of the Part, in dm (274, R. 8) ? What kind of a conjugation is esse vitandum (1G2, 15) ? Second Fable. Construction of laqueis (247)? Does the rule imply that this and words similarly con structed are governed by any word, or that the nouns expressing the cause, manner, means, etc., are put in the Abl. to denote these relations ? Composition of the verb from which irretitus comes ? How does the first r in the word originate 13 (196, 7) ? What Part, is irretitus ? Has the Latin any Perf. Act. Part. ? With what does irretitus agree ? Rule (205) ? What kind of a noun is musculum? From what is the diminutive formed ? What are the end ings of diminutives (100, 3) ? What part of exoravit is simple root? 4 What is the v? i? t? Force of ex? When is ex used in composition, and when e (195, R. 2) ? Is exoravit the Perf. definite or indefinite ? What tenses follow the Perf. indefinite, or historical Perf. (258, 2, et seq.) ? What does ut connect ? Rule ? In what different ways can ut with the subjunctive be here trans lated ? From what does eum come ? How many declen sions in is? The masculine and neuter are of what 1* 6 QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. ut eum, corrosis plagis, liberaret. Quo facto, declension ? The feminine of what ? Would se answer as well as eum here ? Why not (208) ? What would se mean ? From what verb does corrosis come ? Composi tion ? How does the first r originate ? 13 What letter is dropped in the second and third root of the verb ? 5 Why ? Declension of plagis ? Construction ? What is meant by the term Abl absolute? What relations does the Abl. absolute express (257) ? What is the relation here ? Corrosis plagis may be rendered three ways : " the nets having been gnawed," "having gnawed the nets," "by gnawing the nets," which is literal? Which the best? In what feature does the Latin and English differ, that, in such expressions as corrosis plagis^ the Perf. Pass. Part, may generally be rendered by our Perf. Act. Part., and the Abl. as governed by it; i. e., "having gnawed the nets?" 1 Does the a in liberaret belong to the root or not ? 4 Do verbs of the first conjugation exhibit the full form, or is there a contraction? Why liberaret in the subjunctive? If exoravit had been in the Pres. tense, in what tense would liberaret have been ? What is the principle for the connection of tenses (258, I.) Is quo masculine or neuter ? How determined (206, 13) ? Has quo here the same force as hoc ? 15 What is the difference ? How may the differ ence be expressed in English (280, III. 1) ? Will our particle of transition now indicate it ? Construction of quo ? What relation does the Abl. absolute express here (257) ? Is it that of time or cause ? In the expression corrosis plagis above, where plagis is in the Abl. absolute QUESTIONS OX THE FABLES. 7 milvius liberatus murem arripuit et devoravit. with the Perf. Pass. Part., it was seen that it could be translated into English, " having gnawed the nets," can quo facto be translated having done which or this " ? Why not ? Was the action denoted by corrosis plagis per formed by the same agent (the mouse) as that indicated by hberaret ? But was the action denoted by quo facto per formed by the same agent as that denoted by arripuit? Who performed the act denoted by quo facto ? When, then, can a Perf. Pass. Part., standing in the Abl. abso lute with a noun or pronoun, be translated into English by our Perf. Act. Part. ? 16 From what does facto come ? What is the Norn, of murem? Root? What is the s in mm ?" What influence has it on the r (mur) of the root? 13 What is the e/ in murem? Them? Does murem denote the same object as musculum? Why is not a specific word used in the second instance as well as in the first ? Can there be any doubt after one specific designa tion ? Composition of arripuit? Force of the preposi tion? By what principle is the d of the preposition changed into r 19 (196, 2)? Composition of devoravit? Force of de ? What determines the gender and number of haecf Composition of ostendit? What becomes of the b of the preposition ? 20 What two features of ostendit doesfabula determine ? Rule ? What letter of ostendit is dropped in the third root, and why? 5 Does quam come from quis or qui? How determined (137, 1) ? 21 Ostendit is a transitive verb, what does it govern here ? May a clause or sentence stand as the subject or object of a verb ? QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. Ilacc fabiila ostendit, quam gratiam mail pro beneficiis reddere soleant. 3. HOEDUS ET LUPUS. Hoedus, stans in tecto domus, lupo praeter- Is such sentence declinable or indeclinable ? Government of gratiam ? Mali how used here (205, R* 7) ? What case does pro govern ? What two cases do Latin preposi tions govern ? How many the Ace. (195, 4) ? How many the Abl. (195, 5) ? Do any Latin prepositions govern more than one case (195, C) ? What? How is it deter mined which case is to be used (235) ? Why are prepositions so called (195, R. 1) ? Composition of beneficiis ? Of red dere ? Is re ever found alone ? W^hat is the d that is sometimes added to re ? What is meant by a paragogic letter (322, G) ? When is d added (196, b, 3) ? Why ? Is it added in this word according to rule, or by exception ? What peculiarity in the" second root of reddere (163, R.) ? Upon what does reddere depend (271) ? What kind of a verb is soleant (142, 2) ? Why so called? Why in the subjunctive ? If n be removed from soleant, where will the word be made ? What, then, is n the sign of? Third Fable. Of which conjugation is stans? Perf. Act. of its verb ? What two irregularities in that tense ? 22 Is reduplication common in Latin ? When is the vowel of reduplication (/. e. the vowel after the first consonant of the Perf.) e ? 23 Can it be determined whether tecto is in the Dat. or Abl. here? How? Why is in here followed by the Abl.? What declension is domusf QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. 9 eunti maledixit. Cui lupus, " Non tu," in- quit, " sed tectum mihi maledlcit" Is it of more than one declension ? Is it in the Nom. or ^ Gen. ? How determined, independent of the mark over the Gen. which does not belong to the word? Is there any way for disposing of it in the Norn. ? How can it be dis posed of in the Gen. ? i. e., how can it. be parsed ? "Would the Gen. domi have been as proper here ? Why not (89, ) ? The ending us in domus is a contraction from what (89, R. 1) ? In what case is lupo? How can it be deter mined whether it is Dat. or Abl. ? Is there any principle by which it can be parsed in the Abl. ? What for putting it in the Dat. (225)? Composition of praetereunti ? When do the forms of eo begin with e, and when with i ? 24> Is it so in the Pres. Part. ? Why not ? Would the form ecns (two e s), be as euphonic as tens? But when the penult e of the Norn, changes to u in the Gen. etc., what becomes of the * that was in the Norn. ? Colhposition of maledixit ? What two letters form the x (3, 2) ? Is cui from quis or quit How determined? How governed? What does non qualify ? Rule (277) ? Of what is tu the subject ? Can it be the subject of maledicit? Why not? What has determined the form of maledicit (209, R. 12, 7, a) ? When two nominatives of different persons are subjects of the same verb, does the second or the third person com monly determine the form of the verb (209, R. 12, 7) ? Is it so here ? What kind of a verb is inquit (183, 2) ? Its subject here ? What is its general position in introducing a quotation (279, 6) ? Saepe how compared ? What pe- 10 QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. Saepe locus et tempus homines timldos au daces reddit. 4. GRUS ET PAVO. Pavo, coram grue pennas suas explicans, culiarity has locus in the PL (92, I. 2) ? What are such nouns called ? Meaning of loca, and loci ? Stem of tem pus ? What change from the stem takes place in forming the Nom. ? Where does the stem appear ? Stem of homi nes ? Construction ? What other Ace. is governed by the same word ? Rule (230) ? Which word is the Ace. of the object, and which of the predicate ? Of what Dec. is tim- idos ? What audaces ? How many endings has each ? Stem of audaces ? How from the stem audac is the Nom. audax formed ? Origin of the first d in reddit ? Where the vowel of the reduplication in simple verbs is e, is it the same in compounds? What is that vowel in do? What in reddo (compare sto a*d conslo, etc.) ? On what principle is reddit singular, having two subjects ? Fourth Fable. What letter in the stem of pavo is rejected in the Nom. ? 23 Where does the rejected letter appear ? What part of speech is coram here ? Is it always a preposition ? How determined to be here ? As suas re fers to pavo why is it not singular ? When an adjective pronoun agrees with a noun must it be in the same number as the noun, whatever be the number of the word to which the adjective pronoun refers (205) ? Why is suas used and not ejus (208) ? Can the English distinguish by the translation the difference between suas and ejus ? Pecu- QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. H 44 Quanta est," inquit, " formositas mea et tua deformitas V At grus evolans, " Et quanta est," inquit, " levitas mea et tua tarditas !" Monet haec fabiila, ne ob aliquod bonum, liarity in the second and third roots of explicavit ? What is the form of the Pres. before contraction takes place ? Force of ex in composition ? Meaning of quantus when it agrees with a noun ? When it is in the neuter gender and governs a Gen. ? M What are the subjects of est ? Why not in the PL then ? How does the e in est come from the form sum ? 2 * Stem of formositas f What letter excludes or rejects the final t of the stem ? What is the s appended to the stem ? ir Why does mea stand after formositas, but tua before deformitas ? What is the position of similar and contrasted words in a sentence ? ^ Is at a stronger or weaker adversative than sed ? Is autem stronger or weaker than sed^ (198, 9, R. a) ? Force of e in evolans ? Why e and not ex ? Stems of levitas and tarditas ? Does the same principle hold in regard to the position of mea and tua with these words as above ? Monet being a transitive verb governs an object in the Ace., what is that object here ? What does ne connect (278) ? Why is ne used here rather than non (260, R. 6, a and 5) ? How is aliquod de clined ? Any difference between aliquod and aliquid (138, 2, b) ? Which is used as an adjective and which as a sub stantive ? Is bonum here a substantive or an adjective ? What determines the gender, number and person of quod (206) ? What determines its case ? In what two cases might it be in form ? What is the case of nobis ? How 12 QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. quod nobis natura tribuit, alios contemnamus, quibus natura alia et fortasse majora dedit. 5. PAVO. Pavo gravlter conquerebatur apud Junonem, determined ? Is there any principle by which it could be disposed of in the Abl. her ? Is nobis the direct or indi rect object of tribuit ? What is the direct object ? Is tri- buit in the Pres. or Perf. tense ? Can that be determined by the form ? Is alios here an adjective or a substantive ? What is its Gen. Sing. ? Any other words with a Gen. Sing, in the same form ? Why contemnamus in the sub junctive (273, 2) ? Does the second n in contcmnamus be long to the root ? !0 Peculiarity in the second and third root of the word ? 31 Why is the p inserted in these two roots ? Antecedent of quibus f Of what person is it ? How de termined ? From what positive does major come ? Root of the positive ? What has become of the n of the posi tive ? What of the g? Whence comes the^ ? 32 Were the * andy ever expressed by the same sign ? Do alia and majora agree with anything here ? The Pres. of dedit ? When is the vowel of the reduplication e ? Fift h Fable. Comparison of graviter ? From what adjective formed ? Force of con in conquerebatur ? In the Part, conquestus, what becomes of the r of the Pres. ? Force of the Impf. conquerebatur ? Stem of Junonem ? What previous word like it ? What is the e in Junonem ? The m ? Construction of dominant ? What is its office here (204, R. 1) ? Why suam and not ejus ? Is quod here QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES, 13 dominam suam, quod vocis suavitas sibi negata esset, dum luscinia, avis tam parum decora, cantu excellat. Cui Juno, " Et merito," in- a conjunction or a relative? What was it originally ? What does it connect here ? Stem of vocis ? How from the stem is the Norn, vox formed ? M What is the i in vocis ? What word does vocis define or explain? When it is said to be governed by suavitas what is meant ? Is sua in suavitas one or two syllables (9, 4) ? Why sibi and not ei ? Com position of nego from which negata esset comes ? Why esset in the subjunctive ? Is quod in the sense of because always followed by the subjunctive ? When (266, 3) ? What Eng- ligh clause can be inserted after quod to indicate that the sentiment here is not that of the writer? Would "as she said" indicate that fact? Can a clause of similar import generally be inserted where the statement following quod is that of some other person than the, writer? Whose sen timent does negata esset express liere? What does tam qualify? What parum? How is parum compared? From what verb is cantu derived ? Of which declension ? Why Abl.? Why excellat in the subjunctive? For the same reason as negata esset ? Can < as she said " be inserted after dum also, as after quod above ? Government of cui ? What does merito qualify, a word in this sentence, or in the preceding one ? Rule for the position of inquit ? What is the usual position of enim in a sentence ? Is that of nam the same (198, 7, R.) ? What declension is omnia f ona? Construction of bona (239) ? On what does the Inf. con- ferri depend (273, 4, a,) ? Why is in here followed by the 2 14 QUESTIONS ON THE TABLES. quit ; " non enim omnia bona in tinum conferri oportuit." Ace. ? Gen. Sing, of unum f What kind of a verb is opor tuit ? What is meant by an impersonal verb (184) ? NEPOS. QUESTIONS ON THE FIRST CHAPTER OF MILTIADES. MILTIADES, Cimonis films, Atheniensis, quum WHO was the author of these Lives. Where was he born ? With what distinguished literary men was he con temporary ? Did he write anything besides these Lives ? Are these probably in the form he wrote them ? Is Miltiades the family name, as when we say Webster, or the personal name, as when we say Daniel? Why does the name Miltiades stand alone with no other name, and so Themistocles, Aristides, etc., while the persons described in the two last Lives of Nepos have two additional names : M. Portius Cato, and T. Pomponius Atticus ? Of what nation were Miltiades, Themistocles, etc., Greek or Ro man ? Of what Cato and Atticus. Had the Greeks any family or surnames ? L How was it with the Romans ? With which of the names Marcus Portius Cato does Miltiades correspond ? Would it be proper then to say, in speaking of these two persons : Was Miltiades superior to Marcus ? Why not as admissible in the one case as the other ? Was the name Marcus confined to Cato, or was it used as the name of others also ? Was the same true to any extent of Miltiades, and other Greek names ? 16 QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. et antiquitate generis, et gloria majorum, et Declension ofMiltiades ? Construction ? Is it the subject of any verb ? 2 Root of Cimonis ? Government ? What is meant when Cimonis is said to be governed \sy jilius, i. e. what is the office of this Gen. ? Vocative of flius ? Is that the usual form of the Voc. of common nouns in -ius (52)? Construction of flius? What is the office of a noun in apposition (204, R. 1, a) ? Is Atheniensis a noun or adjective? How constructed? What other form the same as quum ? How is cum formed from quum ? 3 What does quum connect ? Is it floreret and judicarunt, or floreret and accidit ? What is the office of et before antiquitate ? Does it connect anything? What would be lost if it were omitted? Would the statement or fact be different if et were omitted ? 4 How can its force be expressed in Eng lish ? In any other way ? To what word is et after quum related ? What is that relation ? 5 If the first et is trans lated both, how will the second be translated ? If the first, not only, how the second ? Would good Latin usage allow the three et s to be omitted here ? Could the first two be omitted and the third retained ? 6 Derivation of antiqui tate f Root ? Nom. how formed ? Construction of an tiquitate ? Is it governed by any word ? What restricts or defines its meaning ? Root or stem of generis ? What change from the root in forming the Nom. ? In what case does the root appear ? Does the Gen. stand before or after the word by which it is governed ? Can any uniform rule be given for its position ? 7 What does et before gloria con nect ? Rule ? What is the positive of majorum ? Root QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 17 sua modestia unus omnium maxime florqret, eaque esset aetate, ut jam non solum de eo of magnus ? Is majorum a noun or an adjective ? How- does it come to mean ancestors ? What word is understood with it ? Origin of the j in majorum ? 8 Why is sua used here and not ejus (208)? Derivation of modestia? Its meaning here ? What word expresses its opposite ? Gen. of unus ? What other words have the same form in the Gen. ? Force of unus here ? What word is strengthened by it (127, N. 2) ? Upon what word does the force of omnium fall, i. e., what word does it strengthen? Upon what word does the combined force of unus omnium fall ? 9 How will the clause be translated if unus omnium is omit ted ? How if omnium ? How as it is now written ? Con struction of omnium? Rule (212)? Could omnium be omitted without any loss to the^expression ? The origin of x in maxime ? 10 Of which conjugation i^fioreret ? What determines to which conjugation a verb belongs ? How comes the penult of the Inf. Act. of the second conjugation to be long, when the penult e of the Pres. Indie, (as doceo, floreo, etc.) is always short? 11 Why Jloreret in the sub junctive (263, R. 2) ? Why in the Impf. ? Its subject? Meaning of ea here ? The office of que ? How differing from et (198, II., 1, R. a) ? Does que ever stand alone ? What is it called then (198, N. 1) ? How is esset formed from sum? 12 Construction of aetate (211, R. 6) ? From what noun does aetate come ? The Norn, aetas a contrac tion from what ? What does ut connect ? Is it always fol lowed by the subjunctive? When is it (262, et seq.) ? 18 QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. bene sperare ; sed etiam confidcre cives possent Force of jam ? How differing from nunc (277, R. 15) ? 13 In the formula non solum sed etiam, is the transition from the less important to the more important, or the re verse (277, R. 10) ? "What is the formula when the tran sition is from the greater to the less ? Between what words does de show the relation ? What is the office of preposi tions (195) ? Bene from what adjective, benus or bonus ? With what change if from the latter ? Why is bene needed with sperare ? Is sperare generally taken in a good sense, i. e., hoping for something good ? Is it ever used in the sense of fear ? May the idea of something good in sperare be strengthened by bene ? Whence comes the a in sperare, and why long ? n Composition of etiam ? Force of con in confidere ? Does this verb form all its parts regularly ? What kind of a verb is it (142, 2)? Why so called? What letter is dropped in the third root ? Is d regularly dropped before s ? Upon what do sperare and confidere de pend ? Rule (271) ? Does the word cives here mean citi zens, or fellow-citizens ? Was the word concivis in use- in the best period of the language ? Origin of the first s in possent? Why possent in the subjunctive? Is it sufficient to say after ut ? Why not ? Is such a rule ever admissible ? Does the Indicative also occur after ut ? Is it any rule at all then to say that a verb is in the subjunctive after ut ? What rule should be given (2G2, with R. 1) ? What two words of this sentence does ut connect ? What is the n in possent ? If it is removed, what will the form be ? Why sui here and not eorum ? With what does talem agree ? QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 19 sui, talem futurum, qualem cognitum judica- runt: accidit, ut Athenienses ChersoneSum co- What connection has futurum with sum ? What is under stood with it? Is esse very frequently omitted with the Fut. Inf. ? Upon what toesfuturum [esse] depend ? Rule for the Ace. with the Inf. here (272)? What are talis and qualis, and words similarly related called (139, 5, 2) ? What is the proper meaning of qualis ? When talis pre cedes, how is qualis to be translated into English ? Can the second correlative (as tantus, quantus, tot, quot, etc.) be us ually so translated? Composition of cognitum ? Force of the preposition ? Whence comes the g ? M What is the root of the last part of the compound ? The origin of sc in nosco ? 1S How may the force of the Perf. Part, cogni tum be here expressed ? What is the full form for judica- runt? When may such contraction take place, and how (162, 7)? Is judicarunt the Perf. definite or indefinite? Is accidit Pres. or Perf. tense ? Any difference in the form ? How is it to be determined then ? If accidit were Pres., according to the rule for the connection of tenses (258), in what tense would vellent be ? Vellent being in the Impf., what is the inference as to the tense of accidit ? How does accidit differ from evenit, contingit f What kind of a noun is Athenienses (100, 2) ? What does a patrial noun denote? How are patrials formed (128, 6)? Are patrials generally nouns or adjectives (100, N. 3) ? What does ut before Athenienses connect ? Construction of Cher- sonesum (237) ? But is this the name of a town or of a small island ? Does it, however, in its construction, follow 20 QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. lonos vellent mittere. 2. Cujus generis quum magnuf numerus esset, et multi ejus demigra- tionis peterent societatem : ex his delecti Del- the construction of small islands (237, R. 5, b) ? Is it proper to say that it is governed by anything ? What Chersonesus is denoted ? Why is it not specified ? What is a Cherso nese ? What English word is its equivalent ? Composi tion of the word ? Derivation of colonos ? What would have been the regular form instead of vellent ? By what changes is this form obtained (178, R.)? What is the n in vellent ? From the Pres. mitto how comes the Perf. mlsi ? 16 How missum ? Why does cujus stand at the head of the sentence ? 17 Derivation of generis ? Stem from which the Nom. is formed ? What change for the forma tion of the Nom. ? 18 What word is restricted or explained by generis? Whence the first e in esset? The second s ? 19 rp ne root . o sum f rom wm * c h esset comes ? Why the subjunctive ? Wherein is multi irregular in its comparison ? Have the comparative and superlative any relation to the positive in form? What does et connect? Rule (278)? What are the similar constructions here ? Force of the preposition de in demigrationis ? How is the relation of this Gen. expressed in English ? Is the relation of the Gen. always denoted by o/? 20 Peculiarity in the second and third roots of peterent ? a What kind of a noun is societatem (26, 5) ? Derivation ? Stem ? What rejects the final t of the stem ? What is the s thus appended to the stem called ? Difference between e and ex ? What does ex show the relation between here ? By what eupho- QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 21 phos deliberatum missi sunt, qui consulerent Apollinem, quo potissimum duce uterentur. Namque turn Thraces eas regiones tenebant, nic princi[)le does the g of deligo become c in delecti?-* How is delecti used here ? Delphi where ? Declension and number ? For what celebrated ? Construction ? Com position of deliberatum ? In its primary sense ? What part of speech ? Active or passive ? What would be the Pass, form ? By what principle is the supine used here (276, II.) ? What part of sunt is root? What is the u? n? t? What word determines three features of qui ? What are the three features (206) ? What two features of what word does qui determine (209, 1) ? Why consule rent in the subjunctive (264, 5) ? What mode of expression could be substituted for qui, giving the same meaning? Grammatical object of consulerent ? Stem of Apollinem ? Norn. ? How from the stem is the Norn, formed ? ^ Con struction of quo ? Has it any antecedent ? Why not ? Is it a relative or interrogative pronoun ? Duce from what verb? Stem? Nom. how formed? 24 Construction (204, R. 1)? Uterentur why in the subjunctive (265)? What letter is dropped in the Perf. Part, of utor ? On what principle ? What part of uterentur exhibits the cor responding mode and tense of the Active ? What is the u after the t ? What the r? 25 Where was Thrace ? What place is referred to by eas regiones ? Force of the Impf. tenebant ? How else could cum quibus be written (241, R. 1)? Antecedent of qiiibus? Does its form determine whether it is Thraces or regio?ies ? Does the position of 22 QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. cum quibus armis erat dimicandum. 3. His consulentibus uominatim Pythia praecepit, ut these words determine which is the antecedent ? How can it be decided ? Construction of armis ? Different applica tions or meanings of the word ? Is it used in the Sing. ? Difference between it and tela ? Which is offensive and which defensive weapons ? What conjugation is erat dimi candum (162, 15)? How used here, i. e. what is its sub ject ? What class of verbs is always used impersonally in the passive (142, 1) ? * Why ? Why does his stand at the beginning of the sentence ? 17 Construction ? Is it in the Dat. or Abl. ? May it not be in the Abl. absolute with consulentibus ? Would the form of either of the words de termine that? What does determine the construction of his ? By what principle does it depend on praecepit (223, R. 2) ? Meaning of consulo when it governs an Ace. (as consulo te) ? When it governs a Dat. (as consulo tibi) ? Derivation of nominatim ? Nomino from what ? Nomen from what ? What connection between nomen and nosco ? What is a nomen? Is it not that by which anything is known? Who was Pythia? Derivation? Is the word strictly a substantive or an adjective ? Composition of praecepit ? In the Pres. what change takes place in the last part of the compound ? How is the e in praecepit to be explained, it being i in the Pres. (172, capio) ? What becomes of the i in the inflection of the Pres. Indie. Act. and Pass, of capio ? * In what form of the Pres. Act. and Pass., however, is the i retained ? Does the i belong to the root or is it merely a strengthening letter ? What does ut QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 23 Miltiadem sibi imperatorem sumerent: id si fecissent, incepta prospera futura. 4. Hoc or- aculi response Miltiades cum delecta manu connect ? Why is it here followed by a past tense and not by a present ? Construction of sili ? What kind of a pro noun is it ? Is it singular or plural ? How determined ? To what does it refer? Could fis be substituted for it? Why ? Is imperatorem strictly in apposition with Miltia dem ? What is its construction (230) ? How can ut with the subjunctive here be rendered? Why sumerent in the subjunctive ? Is it sufficient to say that it is in the sub junctive after ut? Why not? Is sumerent a simple or compound verb ? Origin of p in the second and third root ? * To what does id refer ? Why in neuter gender (206, 13) ? What does si connect? In oratio recta, in what mode and tense would fecissent have been (266, 2, R. 4) ? Does the word here express past or future time ? What relation of future time ? What relation of time does the action of fecissent sustain to that of futura ? Do they both relate to future time ? Which is prior to the other ? Composition of incepta? Construction? Is it Norn, or Ace. ? Composition of prospera ? Is it an attributive or predicative adjective. What is understood with futura ? Upon what does the Inf. futura [me] depend (270, R. 2, b) ? In what mode and tense would it have been in oratio recta? 29 Why hoc at the first of the sentence ? Deriva tion of oraculi ? What word does it restrict or define ? Derivation of responso ? Construction (249, II.) ? Is it governed by any word, or simply put iii the Abl. to denote 24 QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. classe Chersonesum profectus quum accessisset Lemnum, et incolas ejus insulae sub potestatem redigere vellet Atheniensium, idque Lemnii the relation intended ? How is the c in delecta to be ex plained ? ^ Gender of manu ? Is that the gender of most nouns in us of the fourth Dec. (87) ? Primary meaning of classe ? Since the word Chersonesus has a general mean ing (a Chersonese or peninsula), how can it be determined what particular place is meant ? By what principle in the Ace. ? From what verb does profectus come ? Compo sition of proficiscor? What syllable is inserted in the Pres. ? ^ In what parts of the verb is that syllable re tained ? When is sc and when isc inserted in the Pres. ? What does quum connect ? Origin of the first of the two c s and the first of the two s s in accessisset (196, 2 and 171, 3) ? Why accessisset in the subjunctive (263, 5, R. 2) ? In what sea was Lemnos, and in what part ? Construction of Lemnum ? What* does et connect ? Rule ? Composi tion of incolas ? What cases does sub govern ? When one and when the other (235, 2) ? Derivation of potestatem ? Stem ? Norn. ? What rejects the t in the Norn. ? What kind of a noun is potestatem, abstract or concrete (26, 5) ? Composition of redigere ? What is the d, and why used here ( 196, 5, 3) ? Does the a of ago always become i in compo sition, as here (172, ago) ? Government of redigere (271) ? Why vellet in the Impf., while accessisset is Plupf. ? Origin of the second / in vellet ? To what does id refer ? Why neuter ? What does que after id connect ? Why sua and not eorum? Construction of sponte? Is sua sponte or QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 25 sua sponte facerent, postulasset: 5. illi irri- clentcs responderunt, turn id se facturos, quum ille, domo navibus proficiscens vento aquilone, sponte sua used indifferently ? 31 On what principle is face- rent in the subjunctive ? What connective is omitted before it ? With words of what signification is ut omitted (262, R. 4) ? Full form of postulasset ? How does the synco pation take place (162, 7, a)? Why in postulasset doos the writer return again to the Plupf. ? What is its gram matical object ? Why subjunctive ? Composition of irri- dentes ? On what principle is the n of in changed into r (196, 7) ? Does in when compounded with a verb have a negative or intensive force? 32 What when compounded with an adjective ? What word does turn qualify ? With what word is it correlative ? Does the English generally use two such words, or does it omit the antecedent one, i. c. does it say then when, or simply when, where the clauses arc near together ? Why se and not eos ? Construction of se ? What class of verbs have an Ace. with an Inf. after them (272)? What is understood with facturos ? What Inf. is facturos [me] ? What form would facturos take in oratio recta? 3 * Construction of domo (255, R. 1)? Of what two declensions is domus f Construction of navibus (247)? Origin of v in it? In proficiscens how much is root ? What syllable is inserted ? As proficiscor has no active form, how is the existence of a Pres. Act. Part, pro- fciscens to be explained ? Have deponent verbs generally all the participles (161)? Construction of vento? What wind is meant by aquilone ? Is the first e in venisset long 3 26 QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. venisset Lemnum. Hie enim vcntus, ab scpten- trionibus oriens, adversum tenet Athenis pro- ficiscentibus. 6. Miltiades, morandi tempus non habcns, cursum dircxit, quo tcndebat, per- venitque Chersonesum. or short ? By what principle is it so (284, Exc. 1) ? Why venisset in the subjunctive ? What mode and tense would it be in oratio recta ? How, then, would id se facturos, quum venisset Lemnum stand in oratio recta ? In what per son would each of the verbs be ? Usual position of enim in a sentence (198, 7, R. a) ? Nam ? Difference between nam and enim ? What does ab show the relation between ? What meaning has it with verbs of rest ? Can it be trans lated by in here? But does in express the view as it lay in the mind of a Roman, or is it merely the English mode of expression ? How does septentriones come to sig nify the North ? What is the primary meaning ? Where was the constellation denoted by the word ? Composition ? By what principle does the m of septem (the first part of the compound) become n 1 34 From what does oriens come ? How can oriens, an active participle, come from a verb which has no active form? With what does adversum agree ? Construction of Athenis ? Is it governed by any word ? Is it used in the singular ? From what does mo randi come? Do deponent verbs have the gerunds and Fupines as well as all the participles (1G1 and paradigm)? Composition of direxit ? The elements which form the x (171, 1)? Why tendebat in the Impf., while direxit and pcrvenit arc in the 1 erf. ? CICERO. QUESTIONS ON THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE FIRST ORATION AGAINST CATILINE. QUOUSQUE tandem abutere, Catilina, patien- "What is the full name of Catiline ? "What part of the name was Lucius ? What Sergius ? Was he a patrician or plebeian ? Had he in any way been connected with Sulla? What had been the effect of Sulla s career upon him ? Is it likely that he would have attempted the conspiracy if he had not been familiar with Sulla s character and success ? Had he held any offices in the state ? What ? What had been his conduct in Africa ? In what year did he return to Rome ? For what purpose ? Was he a candidate for the consulship the next year after his return ? Why not ? Of what crime had he been accused ? Was he acquitted ? By what means ? Had he been guilty of any more private crimes ? Were his associates in the conspiracy rich or poor ? What was the chief object of the conspiracy ? Was the wealth at this time in the hands of the many or the few ? Were the revolutionists mostly in debt ? Were any of them of patrician rank ? Was Cicero of patrician or plebeian rank? Was lie popular with the nobility? At what age did he deliver this oration ? What office did he hold at the time ? How 28 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. tia nostra? Quamdiu ctiam furor iste tuus long had he held it? "Who was the other consul the same year ? Had Catiline been a candidate for the same office that year ? Did he come near an election ? In what year B. C. was this oration delivered? What month? What day of the month ? Before the senate or the people ? In what place was the senate convened ? Was that the usual place ? Why the change at this time ? What two circum stances explain the abruptness with which the oration com mences ? Cicero s feelings having been long exasperated by the course of Catiline, and long restrained, how would he be likely to speak when the restraint was removed ? Did Cicero expect that Catiline would be present that day at the meeting of the senate ? What effect, then, would the effrontery of his unexpected appearance have upon the style of the orator ? Is this properly an oration or an invective ? Composition of quousquc ? Of tandem ? By what prin ciple does m of tarn become n ? l What is the dem ? 2 What is the office of tandem here, or what does it add to the ex pression ? When does it give emphasis to the expression with which it is connected ? 3 What other form could be used besides abutere ? Is the form in -re usual in the sec ond Pers. Pres. Indie. Pass. (162, 3) ? Why not ? 4 Force of ab in abutere f How had Catiline trifled with or tram pled upon their patience ? Had the forbearance of the senate corrected or increased his reckless spirit ? Deriva tion of patientia ? Primary meaning ? Who is meant by nostra, Cicero merely, or the senate and consuls ? Compo sition of etiam ? Force and meaning ? Does it simply QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 29 nos eludcf? Quern ad finem scse effrenata append an additional consideration (moreover, also), or has it a relation of time (still, yet) ? What peculiar fitness has the word/wror here ? 5 From what is the picture or figure indicated by eludet derived ? G To what expedient of the gladiator to avoid the blow of his antagonist is there refer ence ? Composition of iste ? 7 What principle is observ able in the position of iste and tuus ? 8 Iste how differing from ilk or is (207, R. 25 and 2G) ? Has it primarily cither a good or a bad sense? What circumstance has given it often a bad sense (207, R. 25) ? To what person does it generally refer ? Can the English distinguish, in translation, between is and ille, except by a periphrasis? Can the distinction be made in the passage here ? Second and third root of eludet ? What becomes of the d in these roots ? Does quern come from quis or qui f What is the general difference between quis and qui as interrogates ? 10 Does quern ad finem refer to place or time ? Does it mean anything different from quamdiu? Does it always have this latter signification in Cicero ? n What peculiarity in the form of sese (133, R. 2) ? 12 What is the object of that peculiarity? Is any other case reduplicated besides the Ace. ? Were any other words than sese at any period of the language reduplicated? Has sese any Nom. ? Why not ? Composition of effrenata ? Origin of the first f (19G, 6) ? From what is the metaphor implied in this word derived? Hoot of jactabit? What is the b? i? t? What kind of a verb is jacto ? From what simple verb ? Of which conjugation are frequentative verbs (187, II. 1, 80 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. jactabit audacia 1 Nihilnc te nocturnum prao sidium Palatii, nihil urbis vigiliae, nihil timor a) ? What do such verbs denote ? Derivation of audacia ? What letters are added to the root of the adjective to form the noun ? Are Juror and audacia here used as abstract qualities, or are they personified (324, 34) ? Composition of nihil f Meaning of each part ? Is it a substantive or adjective ? In what case ? By what principle (231, R. 5)? What is the ne appended to nihil (198, II, R. c) ? What is its usual place (279, 3. c) ? Does it ever stand alone ? What kind of a question is asked by ne ? 13 The govern ment of te ? Why is the verb by which it is governed re moved to the end of the sentence, and so far from the case it governs ? If this is done for the sake of emphasis, how does such an arrangement promote emphasis ? 14 Root of nocturnus ? What is the remainder of it ? To what part of speech is it here equivalent (205, R. 15) ? Composition of praesidium ? Literal meaning ? What was the Pala- tium ? What was the situation and character of this hill ? Why was the guard upon the Palatine now, rather than on any other hill ? 15 What English word derived from Pala- tium ? Why is nihil repeated in the successive clauses of this sentence ? What is the figure by which such a repeti tion is designated (324, 13) ? Derivation of urbis * Why should it be derived from orbs ? Were the cities in a cir cular form ? ir> Difference between timor and metus ? To what is timor opposed? Primary meaning of the word from which vigiliae is derived? By what authority were watches posted throughout the city ? 17 Was there any stand- QUESTIONS OX CICERO. 1 populi, nihil concnrsiis bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habcndi scnatus locus, nihil ing police in the time of the republic ? 18 Where was this oration delivered? At the foot of what hill did that temple stand ? 19 Composition of concursus ? The first and second root of the word from which it comes has two r s, why not the third ? What English word from it ? Meaning ? Docs it mean merely a running together, or is there the idea of trembling or anxiety connected with it here ? What con nection between the positive bonus and its comparative and superlative? Any in form ? Do the comparative and superlative come from bonus as a root, or merely supply its defective parts ? Who are meant by bonorum ? Does the word have reference to moral qualities, or does it simply denote patriots, the friends of the state ? Are bonorum and omnium of the same Dec. ? That of each ? Why hie and not Hie? Derivation of & munitissimus ? What place is meant by hie locus ? w Why was that place said to be mu nitissimus 1 Was it merely because the Palatine hill, at the foot of which was the temple of Jupiter Stator, was forti fied, or because that, in addition to this, Cicero had posted a force around the temple ? Is habendi a gerund or gerund ive ? How can this be determined ? What would be the form of scnatus if habendi were a gerund ? Can there be any doubt, then, whether habcndi is a gerund or gerundive. Has senatus any other form in the Gen. (89, R. 2) ? Der ivation of senatus ? Why? What was the senatorial age at this time ? How low was it at a later period, in the time of Augustus? What kind of a noun is locus (34, R. 2)? 82 QUESTIONS OX CICERO. liorum ora vultusque moverunt 1 Patere tua consilia noil scntis I Constrictam jam horum Peculiarity in the PL ? Different signification of the two forms (92, I. 2) ? Difference between ora and vultus ? Derivation of vultus ? How is it allied to volo in meaning? What is the que appended to vultus ? Does it ever stand alone ? How does it differ from et (198, R. a) ? Is the o in moverunt long or short ? How is it in the Pres. ? By what principle long in the Perf. (284, Exc. 1)? What other form of the third Pers. PI. Perf. Indie. Act, be sides the one here given? Which is used by the best prose writers ? Does the form in -ere for -erunt occur in Cicero ? 21 Is moverunt Perf. definite or indefinite ? Any thing to determine this but the connection ? The e in pateo is short, how long in pattre ? 22 Upon what does patcre de pend ? What class of verbs take an Inf. with fi subject Ace. (272)? What is the subject Ace. here? Would vcstra answer here for tua ? Why not ? What is the force of a question introduced by non? * How was Catiline to see that his purposes were comprehended ? By the prae- sidium Palatii, urbis vigiliae, etc. ? The i in sentio is short ; is it long or- short in sentts? How made long? 24 Which conjugation is sentio ? Is it so in the second and third roots ? Which conjugation does it follow in these roots ? What becomes of the t in the same roots ? What occasions the dropping of it ? Why is not the subject of sentis ex pressed ? Can it be omitted in English ? Why not ? Force of con in constrictam ? Why does the n in the first root disappear in the third ? Is it like the n in sino, etc., dropped QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 83 omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam because it does not belong to the root, or to prevent the accumulation of three consonants ? How can it be deter mined whether the n of this word belongs to the root? Is the n found in the second root ? Does that determine the matter ? Is the n in sino found in the second root as in that of constringo ? Are the two cases parallel then ? By what principle does the g in constringo become c in constrictam ? IJS Constrictam being a Perf. Pass. Part, has the general mean ing of having been bound; by what usage of the language, then, can it be translated bound, or being bound, not express ing past time ? What idea or relation accompanies the Perf. definite besides that of a past act ? 2G Does constric tam here denote the past act, or the present state and con dition ? Docs the state or condition sufficiently imply the past act? From what is the metaphor in constrictam drawn? 27 What is meant by the metaphorical use of a word (324, 1, a) ? In what condition is the conspiracy represented by the word constrictam f By what means is it constrictam teneri f Anything beyond the fact that it is fully understood ? What word then describes the means by which its power is checked ? In what case is conscientia ? By what principle ? What word is defined or restricted by it ? By what word is conscientia restricted ? What word defines horum more fully ? Difference between conscientia and scientia ? Does conscientia imply that the knowledge belongs to more than one person, and is shared with others ? What part of the word implies the sharing of the knowl edge ? Does scientia necessarily imply this ? Composition 84 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. non vides 1 Quid proximo,, quid supcriore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid con- of conjurationem ? Etymological meaning ? How has it acquired a bad sense ? Is its position more or less emphatic than if it stood with constrictam ? How more ? Does the mere suspense in which the mind is kept as to the word to which constrictam, etc., belongs, till conjurationem is pro nounced or seen, increase the emphasis of the expression ? Why non here rather than nonne ? ~ s How docs video com pare in signification- with cerno, speclo, etc. ? What becomes of d in the third root of video ? Why ? Is the e in vides long or short? Why? 29 Why quid rather than quod? What is the positive of proximo ? How is the superlative proximus obtained ? How the x? What positive must be assumed to account for the superlative? 30 What night is meant by prozima nocte ? May proximus denote either what is past or future ? Which here ? If the oration was delivered on the 8th, proximo, nocte would be the night of what day ? Two forms of the superlative of superior ? How is the form summus obtained from supremus ? 31 Stem of nocte ? Norn, how formed from the stem ? What re jects the t from the Nom. ? "What is that s ? Construction of nocte ? Is it proper to say that it is governed by any thing ? What night is referred to by superiore nocte t What was done on that night ? At whose house was the meeting held (see chap. 4) ? From what does egeris come ? By what principle is a in ago changed into e in the Per fect ? Is the e long or short? How made so? What Greek analogy explains the change from a to e, as well as QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 85 silii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorarc arbitraris ] the quantity of the e ? 33 Why is egeris in the subjunctive ? Are such subjunctives to be translated into English by cor responding subjunctives ? What kind of propositions are quid egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii cep eris f What is meant by a substantive proposition or clause ? In what case are these substantive propositions or clauses, and by what governed? Ubi being a conjunctive adverb, what does it connect? What connection has fueris with sum ? Any in form ? From what obsolete word is fueris derived (154, R. 2) ? Any other parts of that word in use besides fui and its derivatives (154, R. 3) ? From what does quos come, quis or qui ? How determined ? In convo- caveris how much is verb-root ? What is the last v ? The e following it ? Construction of consilii (212, R, 3) ? Have nouns in -ius and -ium any other form of the Gen. besides that in -ii (52) ? & Construction of quern ? By what prin ciple does the Ace. with the Inf. occur here (272) ? What is the word here on which the Inf. depends ? What is its subject? Full form instead of nostrum (133, 3)? Gov ernment of (212, R. 2)? Could the Gen. PI. nostri be substituted for nostrum here ? Why not (212, R. 2, N. 2) ? Composition of ignorare^ What word does the i represent (196, 7) ? Why is n dropped? Would the three conso nants ngn be euphonic ? Whence comes the g ? Is it re tained except in compounds ? Primary meaning of arbi traris? What kind of a verb? Why called deponent? Construction of tcmpora and mores (238, 2) ? Stem of mores? Why mos then in the Norn.? 34 What leads the 80 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. O tcmpora ! O mores ! Scnatus hacc intclligit; consul videt : hie tamen vivit Yivit \ Immo speaker to break out in such an exclamation ? Is it that Catiline s plans are so fully comprehended, and yet nothing is done to defeat them ? How can the spirit and force of tempora ! mores ! be expressed in English ? To what does haec refer ? Composition of iniclligit ? How is the first I explained ? What becomes of the g in the third root ? On what principle ? What is the figure called by which the connective is omitted between intelligit and videt [323, !,(!)]? What is the object of omitting the connec tive? 85 Why does Cicero say consul and not consules? Who was the other consul? Had he shown any sympathy with the conspiracy? Would he be likely to cooperate heartily with Cicero in defeating the conspiracy ? What does the orator mean by saying senatus haec intelligit .... hie tamen vivit ? What inconsistency is there in these two things ? Tamen is usually the correlative of a concessive conjunction, as etsi, quanquam, etc. ; but no such conjunction being here expressed, to what concessive expression is tamen correlative ? What becomes of the second v of vivit in the second and third roots? 36 Why is vivit repeated? Is it for the ordinary emphasis that comes from repeating a word, or is it a question designed to correct a previous statement by introducing something stronger than that which precedes? Is immo a negative or affirmative adverb ? How may its force be expressed (191, R. 3, near end) ? What influence has two upon it?" 7 What relation does the clause intro duced by immo bear to what precedes, is it stronger or QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 37 vero etiam in scnatum venit : fit public! con- silii particeps : notat ct designat oculis ad cae- dcm unumqucmquc nostrum. ]S T os autem, viri weaker ? Does the force of etiam fall upon immo or venit ? Is the e in venit long or short ? Which in the Perf. ? Is the form of the third Pers. Sing. Perf. the same as that of the Pros. ? What right had Catiline to come into the sen ate ? Would his former office of Praetor entitle him to this? Fit is the passive of what active verb? What is referred to by the pubtici consitii, and what is the force of the statement? 38 Construction of consilii (213, R. 1, 3) ? Composition of particeps? From what is the metaphor drawn in the expression notat et designat ad caedem ? What is gained to the discourse in this allusion to the priest select ing out his victims for sacrifice ? Does it make upon the mind a deeper and more revolting impression of Catiline s bloody purpose ? Notat and designat express one general idea with oratorical fulness, but which denotes the prior act "to put a mark upon," and which "to appoint?" Can the order of the words be changed so as to read designat et notat ? Why could not oculis be omitted ? Does he put any actual mark upon them, or simply mark them out in his mind? If oculis were omitted, then, would the metaphor ical meaning of notat as readily present itself? What does ff^show the relation between? Derivation of caedem f Primary meaning? Why not quemque without the prefix uniirn 9 What difference of meaning does unum give to quemque t Which particularizes more, the simple or the compound? The full force given in ? Why nos 4 88 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. fortes, satisfaccre rcipublicac vidcmur, si istius furorcm ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Cat- ilina, duel jussu consulis jampridem oportebat; expressed? When are the nominatives of the first and second persons expressed (209, R. 1, b) ? Why may they not be omitted in English as well as in Latin ? What two adversative conjunctions are stronger than autem? 89 What place does autem occupy in a sentence ? What is meant by viri fortes ? Are the words to be taken in their proper sense ? What is the figure called, by which they are here used out of their usual sense (324, 4) ? Why did not the orator say viri imbettes, using the words in their proper sense ? Meaning of satisfacere here ? What two de clensions in reipublicae? Construction? Difference of meaning between si with the indicative and subjunctive ? The appropriateness of istius here? Would hujus have been as appropriate ? Why not ? When is ac and when atque used (198, II. R. I) ? Would et have the same force here as ac f Difference between them (198, II, R. a and b) ? Does tela denote offensive or defensive weapons? How comparing with arma ? Is the whole sentence ending with vitemus ironical? What does ad show the relation be tween ? Why does ad mortem stand at the beginning of the sentence ? Is the result, or process more prominently in the mind ? Why ad mortem duci, and not interjici ? Which is the more forcible expression? Upon what does duci depend (271)? Derivation of jussu? By what principle two s s? Whence comes the final u? Whj/tffftf consults and not jussu meo ? Does the latter expression in form QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 89 in tc conferri pcstcm istam, quam tu in nos convey any idea of authority ? Had the consul a right to put a citizen to death by his own command merely ? What was necessary to authorize him to do such an act ? Had such authority been given him in this case (see last part of the chapter) ? What is the force of oportebat in the Impf. ? Does it imply that the act was performed at the time when it should have been ? Does it imply that the obligation to perform it still exists? Is the time for doing it yet past? Would the Perf. or Plupf. indicate that the act was per formed when it should have been ? But would either of these tenses imply that the time for doing the act still ex isted? 40 What kind of a verb is oportebat? What is an impersonal verb ? But do impersonal verbs ever take a subject ? What is the subject of oportebat here (269, R. 2) ? Is te before conferri in the Ace. or Abl. ? How deter mined? By what principle has the Pass. Inf. of confcro two r s? Any other form of fero in which r is doubled for the same reason? Why istam and not illam? What two things determine the form of quam? Its gender and number are determined by what ? Its case by what ? Why tu expressed ? What is noticeable in regard to the position of tu and nos ? When two pronouns occur in the same sen tence, how are they usually placed? What is the usual position of omnis in relation to the pronoun with which it agrees? 42 Is machinaris to be translated into English by a present or a past tense ? What warrants or requires Does jamdiu with the present tense denote that the action has been wholly performed in the past, or that it 40 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir am- plissimus, P. Scipio, pontifex maximus, Ti. has been going on in the past and is still in progress in the present? Is machinaris particularly appropriate here? Why? What is its precise meaning? Does an strictly belong to a single or double question (198, 11, R. a) ? Is the question double here ? An, often strengthened by vero, is frequently used when the argument proceeds from the less to the greater, i. e. y when the second member of the sentence is stronger than the first (can A do something, but cannot B ; or if A can, cannot B), is this the case here, and how shown? Which is the weaker member here? Which the stronger ? In what relation does the clause an vero interfecit stand to Catilinam perfere- mus, coordinate or subordinate ? What is gained by making it coordinate, instead of introducing it by the con ditional conjunction si ? Is the contrast, as Jt is now writ ten, more or less emphatic than if introduced by si ? If, in translating the sentence into English we use if with the first member (the more natural mode of translating), is that member made coordinate or subordinate ? In the sentence commencing with an and ending with pcrferemus, there are four points of contrast, what are they ? Scipio a private man is contrasted with whom ? Gracchus with whom ? A slight attempt against the state with what ? The Roman republic with what? 44 Rule for the position of amplissimus with reference to vir? 4S What does the P. before Scipio stand for ? What is such a name called ? Was that name usually written in full, or only indicated by an initial QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 41 Gracchum mediocriter labefac tan tern statum reipublicae privatus interfecit; Catilinam or- bem terrae caede atque incendiis vast are cupi- cntem, nos consules pcrferemus? Nam ilia (279, 9, 1) ? Derivation ofpontifex? Would maximuspon- tifex be admissible? 46 Origin of x in maximus? What was Gracchus endeavoring to accomplish, that he was put to death ? Why is his prenomen written Ti and not T. merely ? What is gained in this sentence by separating Gracchum and Catilinam so far from their verbs ? 47 Derivation of medi ocriter* Is it often compared? Why not? Composition of labefactantem ? What kind of a verb is labefacto ? Lit eral meaning of? Does mediocriter labefactantem fully and truthfully indicate the efforts and aims of Gracchus?** Statum, from what root of what verb ? With what does pri vatus agree ? Why separated so far from its noun ? How does interfaere differ from occidere, jugulare, oltruncare, trucidare ? Composition of interfecit ? Why does Catiline stand first in its clause ? Why orlem terrae, and not simply terram ? Composition of incendiis ? Primary meaning of candeo ? Atque, how comparing with et ? Vastare how with populari, diripere? Difference between cupere and velle, optare, etc. ? Peculiarity in the second and third roots of cupere? How can privatus be reconciled with pontifex? Was it true that Catiline was endeavoring to destroy the whole world ? How is the expression to be understood then (324, 5) ? Why is consides used here, why not nos with out it sufficient ? What is the meaning of nam here ? Does it express the cause or reason of anything which precedes, 4* 42 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. nimis antiqua praetereo, quod C. Servilius Ahala Sp. Maelium, no vis rebus studentcm, or is it merely a transition particle, but ? 49 Difference be tween nam and enim (198, 7, R. a)? To what does ilia refer, to what precedes or follows ? Why neuter ? Its force or meaning here (207, R. 24) ? How is the d in the Nom. and Ace. neuter Sing, to be explained ? m Any other pronoun which has the same endings in these cases ? What does nimis qualify? What effect has it on antiqua ? How does antiqiius differ from vetus ? Were the events referred to in this sentence prior or subsequent to those mentioned in the previous one ? How much ? What two forms has praetereo in the perfect? How does the form in ii come? The orator gays he passes over the well-known remote events, and at the same time mentions them ; how is this consistent ? Does he mean that he will not allude to them at all, or that he will not treat them in full ? What connec tion has the sentence commencing nam ilia with the orator s subject ? Does it make the remissness in punishing Catiline more or less conspicuous ? What is the office of quod ? 5L Which of the names does Servilius denote ? Which Ahala ? Who was Ahala ? For what did he put Maelius to death ? Derivation of novis ? Origin of the v in it ? Declension of rebus? The fourth and fifth declensions are merely modifications of what other Dec. ? Case of rebus ? By what principle ? What different cases does studeo govern ? Gender of manu ? According to rule or exception ? Why sua and not ejus? Why expressed at all here (207, R. 36, c) ? Would it not be understood to be by his hand if QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 43 manu sna occidit. Fuit, fuit ista quondam in hac republica virtus, ut viri fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum quam acerbissi- sua were omitted ? Composition of occidit ? Why two c s ? Why fuit at the beginning of the sentence ? Why repeated ? Meaning of ista here ? Composition of quondam ? Is e in republica long or short ? How conies it so ? Derivation of virtus ? Does it mean virtue here ? What ? Its pri mary meaning ? Why is it placed last in its clause ? Plow does its present position give it emphasis ? Would homines answer as well as viri here ? Difference between them ? Derivation of fortes ? How is viri fortes here used ? What is gained by this ironical use ? Primary meaning of acri oribus f Connection between the primary meaning and the one here ? How is its superlative formed ? Composition of suppliciis ? How does it have such different meanings as those of prayer and punishment ? Its construction ? With what word is civem contrasted ? Composition of per niciosum ? Meaning of each of its component parts ? Force of adjectives ending in osus ? From what does quam come? Primary meaning of hostis ? How different from inimicus ? From what is acerbissimum formed ? What termination is added ? Composition of coercerent ? Force of the prep osition? How does the e after o originate? 52 Why the subjunctive ? What is the n before t ? If it is removed, in what number and person will the verb be ? What is notice able in the change of position of acerbissimum and hostem as compared with civem perniciosum ? Why not hostem acerbissimum, as well as civem perniciosum ? What advan- 44 QUESTIONS ON CICERO. mum hostem coercerent. Habemus senatus consultum in te, Catilina, vehcmens et grave : non deest reipublicae consilium neque auo toritas hujus ordinis: nos, nos, dico aperte, consules desumus. tage in this change? 53 "What was a senatus consultumt When was the one here referred to passed ? M What was the formula, or words used? 55 With what power did it clothe the consuls ? Is te in the Ace. or the Abl. ? Why are vehemens and grave removed from the substantive to which they belong ? Is the composition of vehemens defi nitely determined? Has grave its primary sense here? Is reipublicae in the Gen. or Dat. ? How would it be con structed if it were in the Dat. ? Would the meaning re sulting from such a construction be inappropriate here ? If taken as a Gen., is it a subjective or objective Gen. ? What would reipublicae consilium mean as a subjective Gen.? What as an objective Gen. ? What is meant by a subjec tive Gen. (211, R. 2)? Does the Gen. ordinis give any intimation of the case of reipublicae ? Difference between consilium and concilium? Derivation of aucioritas? Stem? What occasions the dropping of the final t ? What body is meant by hujus ordinis ? Norn, of ordinis ? Stem ? How from the stem is the Nom. formed ? Derivation of aperte ? Is there anything noticeable in deest being at the beginning of this sentence, and desumus at the end ? Why are con sules and desumus brought together ? VIRGIL. QUESTIONS ON THE FIRST THIRTY-THREE LINES OF THE AENEID. WHEN was Virgil born ? Where ? Was it in Italy or Gaul at that time ? At what time was his birthplace first included in Italy ? What was that part of the country called before ? Who were the consuls at Rome the year he was born ? Was he older or younger than Augustus ? How much ? How much older than Horace ? Was he a con temporary of Cicero? Older or younger? In what two places in northern Italy was he educated ? In what place in southern Italy is he said to have studied ? Did he re ceive any part of his education at Rome ? What was the occasion of his losing his hereditary estate ? What connec tion had he with Asinius Pollio ? What was the ground of attachment existing between them? To what distin guished patron of literature at Rome did Pollio introduce him ? Through whom did he become acquainted with Augustus? Did Augustus show him any favors besides encouraging him in his literary pursuits ? Were any of his works composed at Naples ? Was there probably any cause of his residence there besides the attractiveness of 46 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. the place ? Had he a vigorous constitution ? May his health, then, have been the cause of his seeking a milder climate than was to be found in the mountainous region of his native place? Did he visit any foreign country? What? Did he travel there extensively ? When and where did he die? How happened he to be at Brundusium? Where was he buried? Is the spot where he was buried now known with certainty ? l Why is this poem called the Aeneid ? Who is the hero ? Is Aeneas a mythical or historical person in the Aeneid? 2 Is it certain that he ever came to Italy ? May Virgil have intended to describe the character and achievements of some other person under the name of Aeneas ? How long was Virgil in writing this poem ? Was it finished at the time of his death, as he intended it should be? How many years after the fall of Troy does the scene open ? Where are Aeneas and the Trojans at the opening of the first book ? Is the first book the first in the order of time ? Which is first in the order of time? Second? Third? What is gained by this change in the chronological order of the first book ? Is the interest of the reader greater or less by being hurried at once into the subject, and then having the his torical detail presented afterwards by persons with whose characters he has already become interested ? Is there any similar change of chronological order in the Paradise Lost ? Which book of that poem is first chronologically ? What kind of a poem is the Aeneid ? What is meant by an Epic poem ? Could it also be called an Heroic poem ? On what ground could this and similar poems be so called? What are the first seven lines ? What do they contain ? 3 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 47 ARMA virumquc cano, Trojae qui primus ab oris Why do arma and virum stand the first words in the poern ? Different senses of arma ? Ever used in Sing. ? Is arma and virum a case of Hendyadis [323, 2, (3)], signi fying the warlike achievements of the hero ? If not, what is the meaning of each? Which denotes the warlike achieve ments, and which the personal adventures ? Construction of these accusatives ? Are they the objects of cano in any such sense as when we say, / sing a song, or are they a kind of cognate Ace., I sing the song of the arms and the hero? (Compare " I sing the sofa.") Why cano, i. e., in Avhat sense does he sing? 4 Peculiarity of cano in the sec ond root? By what principle is the vowel of the redupli cation e ? 5 Trojae where ? Construction ? What influ ence has it on oris? Which was the earlier and Greek name, Troja or Ilium ? Was Pcrgamus the same as Troja ? How different ? In what country was Troy situated ? Near what sea? Is the site now known? What word deter mines three features of qui f What are they ? What two features of what word does qui determine ? What are they? The positive of primus ? From what contracted? Why is the i long ? When is prior and when primus to be used ? Was Aeneas the first who came from Troy to Italy ? Did not Antenor come before (see line 242 seq.) ? How are these statements to be reconciled ? To what part of Italy did Antenor come ? Would primum have the same meaning as primus here ? Difference ? Why ab and not a here ? Between what does ab show the relation, oris and profugus, or oris and venit, or both ? Difference between oris and litora ? 48 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque vcnit How many feet in a line here ? From the number of feet in a line, what is the verse called ? What is the pre dominant foot in hexameter verse ? Why not all the feet dactyls ? Would an unbroken succession of dactyls be as harmonious as a variety in the measure ? What is the other foot besides the dactyl here ? Derivation of the word spondee? Derivation of dactyl? G What is the greatest number of syllables in an hexameter line ? The least ? 7 How disposed of in each case ? What is a caesura ? De sign of it ? Where is the caesura of the verse, or cacsural pause in the first line? Is it the masculine or feminine caesura (310, N. 1) ? What is meant by a masculine cae sura ? What by a feminine ? Is the place of the caesural pause fixed in hexameter verse (309, R. 3) ? What is the most approved place for the caesural pause in epic poetry (310, 4)? By what principle is a in cano short? What is meant when it is said to be short by authority, or by the authority of the poets ? Does not the authority or usage of the poets determine the quantity of all vowels ? Is there not just the same authority for the final a of arma being short, as for a in cano ? Why, then, is the latter said to be short by authority, but the former by rule (final a in words declined is short) ? 8 Construction of Italiam ? Is it usual to omit the prepo sition with the names of countries (237, R. 5, c) ? Would a good prose writer omit or use the preposition here ? Would in Romam renit be good Latin? Would in Hispanimn vcnit ? What is the difference in the two cases that makes QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 49 Litora ; multum ille et terris jactatus et alto, in requisite in one and not in the other? By what prin ciple is the first i in Italiam, which is usually short, long here? 9 Had the peninsula subsequently known as Italia, in earlier times any name which designated the whole? To what different portions was the term Italia applied at different periods ? How early did the name embrace the whole peninsula? Derivation of fato ? Why a long? Why in Abl. ? Why used at all ? Without it, would it be clear, at this point, whether he was a mere adventurer, banished for his misdeeds, or an exile by the appointment of the gods ? Derivation of profugus ? Is it to be taken in a good or bad sense: a fugitive or an exile? What feeling for the hero is the word adapted to produce? Where was Lavinium ? Why so named? What relation does Lavinia litora bear to Italiam ? Could Lavinia litora change place with Italiam, so as to stand before it ? Why not? Do we usually place the general or specific first ? If Lavinium was not upon the sea-coast, how can the poet say Lavinia litora? Is the que appended to Lavinia a connective, "and," or an expletive, "even"? Were there any Lavinia litora when Aeneas came there ? By what figure, then, does he speak of them as existing at that time? What figure in the scanning of Laviniaque (306, 1)? Does the form of venit determine whether it is Pres. or Perf. ? What is the quantity of the e when venit is Pres. ? What when it is Perf. (284, Exc. 1)? In what tense, then, is it here ? In prose is there any means of deter mining the tense, except by the connection ? As litora is 5 50 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Vi super urn, saevae memorem Junonis ob iram ; neither the name of a town or a country, by what principle is it in the Ace. ? Is Lavinia litora, so far as relates to construction, different from what Lavinium would have been in its place ? How, then, would Lavinium have been constructed ? Is the o in litora short by rule or exception ? What is the rule and what the exception ? What becomes of the urn of muUum in scanning? What is the figure called by which it is elided (305, 2) ? By what figure is the e of Me elided (305, 1) ? What Greek pronoun cor responds to ilk ? Has Me here its full pronomial force, or does it merely recall or resume the subject, giving a more lively expression ? Force of et before terris ? Could it be omitted without essentially changing the expression ? Pre cisely what would be lost by its omission? 10 With what is this et correlative, or with what does it correspond? Why is tern s plural ? Were his calamities experienced in one land or several ? Why Abl. ? In good prose is the prepo sition more commonly expressed or omitted with ablatives of place (254, R. 3) ? What kind of a verb is jacto, from which jactatus comes ? What does such a verb imply (187, II. 1)? Of which conjugation are frequentatives ? What is the simple verb from which jacto is formed? From what part of that verb? Does jactatus apply equally to terris and alto? To which does it apply in its appropriate sense? What is the figure by which it is con nected with both, when it properly belongs to but one [323, 1, (2)] ? Is est to be understood with jactatus and passus, or are these pure participles merely ? Is alto strictly an QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 51 Multa quoque et bello passus, dum conclcrct urbem, adjective or a substantive? Any English word similarly used ? What is the primary meaning of altus, from which it has the signification of both high and deep ? Where is the cacsural pause in the third line ? From what Greek word does vi come ? Origin of the v ? Is vis actually de fective in any case? 11 What case is used very rarely? What relation does the Abl. vi express ? By what prin ciple in the Abl. ? Who are meant by the plural superum, any one but Juno ? What relation does superum sus tain to vi ? Full form of superum ? What are the two forms of the superlative of this word ? How is the shorter form, summus, obtained from the other form ? 12 Difference between supremus and summus ? To what word is supre- mus opposed? To what summus? Which is commonly used in prose? With reference to what is Juno called saevae ; or is this epithet applied to her as a general characteristic? Memorem properly belongs only to per sons, how then is iram to be considered ? Who was Juno ? From what root, and how, is the Norn, formed ? 13 Whence comes the n in the oblique cases ? What were the grounds of Juno s anger here referred to (see lines 25 28) ? The relations expressed by vi superum and ob iram respec tively, i.e. 9 which is instrument and which cause? Has MULTA passus the same signification as MULTUM passus would have ? Quoque means moreover in addition to what? What particle would generally be used, in good prose, in stead of et, after quoquef 1 * Upon what word does the force 52 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Inferretque decs Latio : genus undc Latinum, Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae. of et fall ? Is lello Abl. of means or time ? Its derivation ? How does the d become J? By what principle two s s in passus? What would be its form before assimilation? Does dum here signify until or while ? Why followed by the subjunctive? 13 Composition of conderet? Of which conjugation is the simple? The compound? Primary meaning of conderet ? Peculiarity in the second root ? Derivation of urbem ? What connection between it and orbis ? How do the two r s come together in inferret ? What letter is syncopated ? What relation does the second root bear to the first? How is the third root, latum, de rived from the second? 16 Is deos here in its usual sense, or is it equivalent to penates ? What occasion for advert ing to the idea contained in inferret deos at all ? In the view of a Pvoman, would religion be indispensably connected with the founding of a nourishing city? Is the Dat. Latio the usual construction in such cases? What is more com mon (225, IV. and R. 2) ? What and where was Latium 1 From what was the name probably derived? Were the names of places more frequently derived from the names of the people, or the people from the places? 17 Stem of genus ? To what does unde refer, and what is its meaning ? If it is translated from this circumstance, what is the mean ing of this expression? How are the Alban fathers and the walls of Rome unde ? Which way was Alba from Zamnium* Rome from Alba? Why called Alba ? Why Longa ? Is the actual site of Alba known beyond a doubt? QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 53 Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso, In what sense is patres here used ? Is it that of being the founders of Alba, or the nobles, for the purpose of giving dignity to the place ? Construction of genus, patres, etc. ? Why is Romae called altae ? On how many hills was it built ? Why built on hills ? Derivation of moenia ? How differing from muri and parietes ? Difference between atque and et ? When was Rome founded ? Situation ? On the sea ? How far from ? On what river ? On which bank? "What are the next four lines called? Derivation of Musa ? Does ov in Greek uniformly become u in Latin ? Why u in musa long ? How many Muses ? What deter mined the character of the Muse to be invoked ? In the Georgics Virgil invokes Ceres, Pan, Minerva, Bacchus, Pales, Maecenas, etc.; why the Muse here? Who was the Muse of epic poetry ? Does mihi come from ego as its root? What part of mihi is root, and what termination? 18 Are the singular and plural formed from the same root? What other forms for Dat. Sing, besides mihi (133, R. 1) ? Is the quantity of the final i uniform ? How was the word causa written in Cicero s time, and before ? 19 Derivation of memora ? Has it its primary or secondary sense ? Its direct and indirect object? Why is the a long? Is quo a pronoun or adverb ? With what agreeing ? Derivation of numine? How much is verb root? What is the re mainder ? Nom. ? Stem ? Why is the i of the stem (nomin) changed to e in the Nom. ? Which has the more open, and which the closer sound ? Is the close sound of 5* 54 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Quidve dolcns regina deum tot volvere casus i felt in the oblique cases as it would be in the Norn. ? What rules determine the quantity of the vowels of nu- mine ? Meaning here ? Construction ? The thwarting of what purpose (numine) or object is referred to ? What place was Juno intending to make the mistress of the world? What influences were now at work to prevent this ? Pres. of laeso ? What becomes of d in the second and third roots? What letter of these roots rejects the d? How much of laeso is root? What is the remainder? Construction of quid (232, 1 and N. 1) ? But how has quid a signification kindred to that of dolcns 2 20 Ve formed from what? And vel from what? Does ve ever stand alone ? What is it called then ? How differing from out and vel (198, 2, R. b.) ? Toward whom was the resent ment denoted by dolens cherished? Why towards Paris and Ganymede ? Who is meant by regina deum ? What is this figure called [323, 2 (4)] ? Is the e in regina long by rule or authority ? Rule for the quantity of i ? What is the correlative of tot ? Has it any correlative here ex pressed? Is any to be supplied ? Is it used here, then, to denote a definite or indefinite number? How is it de clined? Third root of volvere? What becomes of the second v? When does such a change take place? 21 What is the pertinence of the word volvere here ? Does it signify simply to endure or suffer calamities, or does it imply a constant succession, a round or interminable series of them? Would good prose put volvere in the Inf., as here, or in the Subj.? Upon what does it depend? From which root QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 55 Insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores, Impulcrit. Tantaene animis coelestibus irae ! of what verb does casus come ? What has occasioned the dropping of the d of the verb ? Is the final syllable long or short? From what is that syllable a contraction (89, R. 1 ) ? Is the word in itself taken in a good or a bad sense, or both ? Which is predominant ? In which here ? Composition of insignem ? Primary meaning ? Derivation of pietate ? What kind of a noun (26, 5) ? What is meant when Aeneas is said to be insignem pietate ? Does it sig nify merely what we mean by piety, or devotion to the gods, or does it imply also filial devotion, kind and affectionate conduct toward others ? How from adeo is the Inf. adire formed ? When is the initial letter of eo i, and when e ? What other construction does adire take besides the naked Ace. ? Composition of impulerit ? Whence comes the m ? When in composition letters of a different order (i. e., re quiring different organs to pronounce them) come together, what is to be done ? The p in this word is a labial, and the n of the preposition in is a dental ; this dental must, then, be changed into a letter of what order? Is m, then, of the same order asp? What organs are used in pro nouncing each ? Does the second I of pello belong to the root, or is it a strengthening letter of the Pres. ? How can this be shown? If it belonged to the root, would it or would it not be retained in the second root? Of what vowel of the Pres. of this word is u the representative in the second and third roots? When is e changed into u? 22 Derivation of tantae ? Why is the m of tarn changed into 56 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Urbs antiqua fuit, Tyrii tenuere coloni, n ? Is the letter t of the termination a dental or a lingual? To what, then, must the m be changed? Construction of animis ? Derivation of coelestibus ? What connection be tween heaven and KOL\OV, meaning an arch ? Is the name derived from the actual form of the heavens, or sky, or from the apparent form ? Why irae plural ? Do the poets often use the plural for the sake of emphasis or the metre? 23 How does antiqua differ from vetus? Which denotes what existed long ago ? Do they both have all the forms of comparison? Why is antiqua used at all? Did the antiquity of a city give it more or less celebrity ? With reference to whom was the city said to be antiqua, Aeneas or Virgil? Was it really built in the time of Aeneas? Does fuit here imply that the city was or was not then in existence (Comp. II. 325) ? From what noun does Tyrii come ? Where was old Tyre situated ? In what country ? W^as it upon the mainland or on an island ? What is the grammatical object of tenuere? Is it expressed or to be supplied? Any other form for the third Pers. PL Perf. besides tenuere? What form would Cicero use? What tense would the Greek use for it? What is the difference between the Greek Aorist and the Lat. Perf. ? What two relations does the Lat. Perf. express? By what two Greek tenses are these relations expressed? In this respect, which language has the advantage in point of definite- ness ? Derivation of coloni ? Construction of Carthago ? Where situated ? When, and by whom founded ? Stem ? QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 57 Carthago, Italiam contra Tiberinaque longe Ostia, dives opum, studiisque asperrima belli ; How from the stem is the Nom. formed ? Is anything gained by omitting the name of the city in the first line ? What? Does the suspense make the impression of the suppressed word stronger or weaker when it is named ? Is the position of Cartltago at the beginning of the line more or less emphatic, than if it had been in the middle ? 24 What is noticeable in the position of Italiam, with reference to the word which governs it (279, 10,/.)? Is this usual in prose ? What relation does Italiam sustain to Tiberina ostia ? What Tiberina ostta to Italiam ? What direc tion was Carthage from the mouth of the Tiber ? What sea between ? When was that sea first called the Mare Mediterraneum?- 5 Dives, with what agreeing? What is the comparative, and how formed ? How differing from locuples? Construction of opum ? Rule (213, R. 1, 3) ? How many cases of the Sing, are in use ? What is such a word called (94, 1) ? How does the plural differ in mean ing from the singular ? What does que after studiis con nect? Construction of studiis (250) ? Is it governed by anything ? It shows in what respect what word is taken ? Is it, therefore, explanatory of the meaning of asperrima ? What word is explanatory of studiis ? Primary meaning of asperrima ? Has it here its primary or secondary sense ? Antecedent of quarn? By what rule is its antecedent feminine? What is omitted in fertur (179)? Construc tion of tern s ? The office of such ablatives is to complete the comparison ; by what word is the comparison begun or 58 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Quam Juno fertur terris magis omnibus unam Posthabita coluisse Samo : hie illius arma, introduced here ? What is the office of unam here ? What word does it strengthen, quam or magis ? Is units as an intensive or strengthening word found more frequently with the comparative or superlative? 26 How can its force be expressed here? Could it be translated either by one or alone ? Would in particular indicate its force ? Is its emphasis increased or diminished by standing at the end of the line? 24 Composition and literal meaning of posthabita ? Is it here in its primary or secondary sense, denoting a local or mental putting after ? What determines its gender ? Upon what does coluisse depend ? Rule (271)? What change takes place in the vowel of the stem in the third root ? Does o often interchange with U?- 1 Where was Samos? In what sea? Why mentioned in this connection at all ? Rule for its gender ? Construc tion ? When it is said to be in the ablative absolute, what is meant by the term absolute ? Would the genitive abso lute be used to express this in Greek ? Why not ? What is the difference between the Latin and Greek here, that the same construction would not be used in both? 28 What participle would be used in Greek, instead of the Latin Perf. here ? In what case would the Greek participle be, and with what agreeing? In what case would Samo be? Is the o in Samo retained or elided? But does not the retaining of it cause hiatus, the o coming before the i in hie ? How is the effect of the hiatus prevented here ? In Virgil does the hiatus more commonly occur in the Arsis QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 59 Hie currus fuit ; hoc rcgnum dea gentibus esse, Si qua fata sinant, jam turn tenditque fovetque. or Thesis? 29 To what does hie refer? What was the old ablative form from which it comes ? 30 Has the penult i in illius any other quantity than it has here ? In Virgil is it more frequently long or short ? 31 What does the poet mean by saying hie illius arma, hie currus fuit ? To what word is fuit conformed ? How is arma disposed of? To what does hoc refer? Why not, then, in the feminine gender (206, 8) ? Does the gender of pronouns conform to the words to which they refer, or to those with which they agree? What may this properly be called? 32 Is hoc an adjective pronoun here agreeing with regnum, or has it a substantive force ? Construction ? Construction of regnum ? How is it determined that regnum is the predicate Ace. after esse, and not the predicate Nom. (210) ? What would have been a more natural construction for regnum than to be in the Ace. (227, R. 4) ? Dat. and Abl. PI. of dea? Why (43, 2)? Have any other words of the first Dec. similar forms ? Construction of gentibus (227) ? What is the other Dat., besides gentibus ? What would have been that other Dat., if the more usual construction had been followed here? How is the second s in esse to be ex plained? 33 Upon what does ess* depend? What class of words admit the Ace. with the Inf. (272) ? Is qua in the Nom. PI., agreeing with fata (if any fates), or in the Abl.? Is there any way to determine this certainly ? What ? Could it be determined in prose ? How better in poetry ? Si followed by the Subj. here implies what? That tho 60 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Progeniem sed cnim Trojano a sanguine duel Audierat, Tyrias olim quae verteret arces ; fates would permit ? That they would not permit ? Does it imply anything definitely, or merely express a suppo sition, without determining whether they would or would not permit ? Root of sinant ? What is the first n ? In what tenses is it retained ? What is the last n ? How are the second and third roots formed ? Is the caesura in this line masculine or feminine? What is the office of jam, i. e., what word is affected by it, and how ? How may jam turn be rendered here? What would even then denote: that even when she was beginning to build Carthage, and before it had reached its destined influence, she was intend ing to make it the ruler of the nations ? Peculiarity of tendit in the second root ? Why is d rejected in the third root? Primary meaning? What is the figure called by which the two que s are here used [323, 2 (2)] ? What is the object of using the two que s ? 34 Is the force of each verb increased or diminished by them ? How ? What be comes of v in the third root offovet ? Why ? Is the idea of fovet stronger or weaker than that of tendit ? Composition ofprogeniem ? Does sed usually stand the second word in a sentence in prose (270, 3, a} ? Is the word denoting the contrast introduced by sed expressed or understood ? What is the purport of that word ? What does enim express the reason of? What does a show the relation between ? Stem of sanguine ? What rejects the n of the stem in the Norn. ? Any peculiarity in audierat ? When and how does such contraction occur (1G2, 7, ) ? From what Greek letter QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 61 Hinc populum late rcgcm bclloque superbum Ventumm excidio Libyae : sic volvere Parcas. does the y of Tyrias come? "What different relations of time does olim express ? What letter of verteret is dropped in the third root ? Why ? Would the combination rts be euphonic? Why might not the r or the s be dropped as well as the 1 1 Would it answer to drop a prominent letter of the root or of the termination ? Why verteret in the subjunctive (2G4, 1, a) ? But is there any demonstra tive, in the antecedent clause to which quae refers? Is such demonstrative often understood? Stem of arcesf Norn, how formed from it ? Why were these arces called Tyrias f To what does hinc refer ? In what other way might the idea contained in it have been expressed ? Con struction of populum ? What does late qualify ? But how can an adverb qualify a noun (277, R. 1)? What office, however, does regem perform, that of a noun or a participle ? Is such a usage admissible in prose ? What is the figure by which one part of speech is used for another [323, 3, (*)> 0)]? Is Ml Abl. of respect or of cause? Does it express the cause of superbum ? But is it war merely that they were to be proud of, or does the superbum necessarily imply success, so that the meaning is, proud of their success in war ? Would potcntem have been as forcible a word here as superbum ? Does superbum imply potentem, and some thing besides ? What is understood with venturum ? What Inf. is it? From what root is the Fut. Inf. formed? Upon what does venturum [essc] depend? What is its subject Ace. ? Composition of excidio ? Case ? What case is 6 62 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Id metuens, veterisque memor Saturnia belli, Prima quod ad Trojam pro caris gesserat Argis: Necdum etiam causae irarum saevique dolores Libyac, ? What rule for two datives with venturum (227) ? What do the poets often use Libyae for ? To what does sic refer, or how much of what precedes does it cover? On what does volvere depend? What is the pertinence of the word here ? What letter changes in the third root ? Is Parcas the subject or the object of volvere ? Derivation ? What connection in meaning has it with pars or partior ? What is the Greek word for Fates ? Has the Greek word the same signification as the Latin? To what does id refer? How is the d to be explained? 35 How is the superlative of veteris formed ? Has the word all the degrees of comparison? Meaning here? What does que after veteris connect ? Is memor compared ? Who is meant by Saturnia? Why so called? Subject of what verb ? What is meant by veteris belli ? How long prior to the time of which the poet is here speaking did the war begin ? It cannot mean the old or ancient war, then; what is the meaning ? Does prima agree with Saturnia or a pronoun understood ? Does prima mean formerly, or as chief, fore most ? Is quod here in the position it would have in prose ? In what part of its clause does it stand in prose? 36 What letter of the stem does the first s in cjesserat represent ? Why changed? What is the second s? Norn. Sing, of Argis? How declined? Where was Argos ? Does it mean here nothing but the city? What is its -meaning? The sentence commencing with nee is parenthetic ; where QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. G3 Exciderant animo : manet alta mentc repostum Judicium Paridis spretaeque injuria formae, Et genus invisum, ct rapti Ganymedis honores : does the parenthesis end? What is nee here, as often elsewhere, equivalent to (198, II. 1. R. c) ? Does etiam here mean also, likewise, or even ? Upon what word does its force fall ? What were the causae irarum, etc. ? Where expressed? What relation, then, do causae irarum, etc., sustain to manet honores ? Composition of exciderant ? By what principle does the a of cado become i in compo sition ? y7 Syntax of animo? Literal meaning of excide rant animo ? Subject of manet ? Why not plural then ? What idea is intended to be conveyed by aha f Compo sition of repostum ? Stem of pono ? How from the stem pos is pono formed ? What is the n ? What letter does it reject ? In what roots does that letter reappear ? Why ? What letter is syncopated in repostum ? What was the/z- dicium Paridis ? Who was Paris ? Stem of the word ? Norn. ? Why the d rejected ? From what verb does spretae come ? What has become of the n of the Pres. ? What change has taken place in the position of the r f What is meant by metathesis (322, 9) ? From what theme, then, is spretae formed? 38 What relation does spretae injuria for mae sustain to judicium Paridis ? Formae from what Greek word? By what change ? What race is meant by genus ? Why were they invisum ? From whom was the Trojan race descended ? Composition of invisum ? How from invideo, which primarily means to look upon, or look intently upon, does the idea of hatred or envy come ? How 64 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. His accensa super, jactatos aequore toto Troas reliquias Danaum atque immitis Acliilli, do we regard that which we look upon with great interest, and desire to obtain, but cannot? Does rapti agree with Ganymedis or honoris ? Will the form of the words or the connection either determine it absolutely ? Making it agree with Ganymedis, to what fact does it refer? How was Ganymede carried away? Who was he? Why should Juno complain of the honors bestowed upon him ? To what does his refer ? Composition of accensa ? The first c, how explained ? What letter is dropped, and why ? Incensed by these things in addition to (super) what else ? Which was the greater ground of her trouble, the circumstances just mentioned, or her fears that her purpose to make Carthnge the ruling power among the nations would be defeated by the Trojan colony which was to settle in Italy? What is the simple verb from which the frequentative jacto is formed ? Derivation of aequore ? Construction ? Could the preposition be omitted in prose if toto were joined with aequore (254, R. 2, b) ? Aequor how differing from mare, pontus, and pelagus ? Difference between totus and omnis ? Is Troas a pure Latin form (86) ? Derivation of reliquias ? What letter of the Pres. is dropped? Does that letter belong to the root of relinquo ? Will it convey the right idea in English, to translate reliquias Danium " the rem nants of the Greeks " ; or has the Gen. here a subjective force: "those left or spared by the Greeks"? From whom did the Danai derive their name? What people of Greece did the name properly designate ? Does it in- QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 65 Arcebat longe Latio : multosquc per annos elude nothing more than the Argives here, or does it denote the Greeks generally ? Why should the Danai more than some other class be taken to represent the whole body of Greeks ? Was this a powerful or a weak tribe at the time referred to ? Full form instead of Danaum ? Would et be as appropriate here as atque ? Which expresses the idea of " more particularly," " and moreover ? " Does atque draw more or less attention to Achilles than et would ? Why should any special attention be drawn to him ? How is the first m in immitis to be explained ? What three other forms of the Gen. of Achilles besides Achilli (86) ? Subject of arcelat ? Why Impf. ? Construction of Latio (251) ? By wnat means was she keeping them from Latium ? What object had she in doing this? What connection between multos and its comparative plus ? Any in form ? What is the superlative of plus ? How does the superlative pluri- mus come from plus ? What is the stem of plus ? What is added to the stem, then, to form the superlative ? But do not stems ending in r, as veter, miser, etc., add rimus to the stem for the superlative? Why not plurrimus, then, with two r s ? Is the u in plus, however, long or short ? Does the vowel then need to be lengthened by position ? But is the e before r in veter long or short ? Why is per expressed here ? Would not annos be in the Ace. of dura tion of time without it ? Does the poet wish to make the length of time as prominent as possible, or the reverse ? Is the length of time more prominent with or without per ? He says "many years" how many? Why did he*not G* G6 QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. Errabant acti fatis maria omnia circum. Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem ! name the number definitely, then ? Is the impression more or less forcible by the indefinite mode of expression ? The idea of the length of time, then, is here denoted in three dif ferent ways what are they ? Does the form of the verb errabant also contribute to the same effect? What feature of that fqrm does this ? By what principle does the g in ago become c in acti ? 3D Why maria omnia, and not mare omne, as all his wanderings were in the Mediterranean? What is noticeable about the position of circum ? Construc tion of molis (211, R. 8. 3)? Is it necessary to suppose that any substantive is omitted here by which molis is gov erned ? Does not the Gen. follow sum constantly to denote the relations expressed by the rule of the grammar ? What is the subject of erat? Why erat in the Impf.? Does it imply that the difficulty existed at every step in the efforts to establish the nation ? XENOPHON. QUESTIONS ON THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE ANABASIS. WAS Xenophon born at Athens ? Where ? Why called an Athenian, then ? When was he born ? Can the time be determined definitely ? How much is known of his early life? In what battle did he take part more than twenty years before the Expedition of Cyrus ? How does tradition report him to have been saved in that battle? Was there any intimacy between him and Socrates in after life ? From whom did he receive his most valuable instruc tion ? Had Socrates any particular place where he in structed his pupils? 1 Through whose influence was Xeno phon induced to join the Expedition ? From what part of Greece was Proxenus? Why had he come to Athens? Under what circumstances had Xenophon become ac quainted with him ? 2 In what did Gorgias give instruc tion ? Did Xenophon connect himself with the Expedition for the purpose of taking part in it, or that he might be associated with his friend, and obtain some advantage from Cyrus ? At about what age did he join the Expedition ? Did he consult any one in regard to going? Whom? What answer did Socrates give him ? Did he follow the directions given ? How did he deviate from them ? 68 QUESTIONS OX THE ANABASIS. During the Peloponnesian war Cyrus had cooperated with the Peloponnesians against the Athenians was it consistent, then, for Xenophon, as an Athenian, to join those who had aided the enemies of his country ? Did his coun trymen look upon his course as treasonable ? Did he ever return to Athens after he joined the Expedition ? Was there anything to prevent his doing so ? What ? Did he engage in any other military enterprise after that of Cyrus ? Did he fight against his countrymen in any battle? In what ? Where did he settle after his military campaigns were over? Who gave him this place? 3 Is it probable that he wrote his works there ? Did he continue there the remainder of his life ? Where did he probably die ? At about what age ? What was the object of the Expedition of Cyrus ? Why called Anabasis? To how much of the whole treatise called the Anabasis does the term properly belong ? What is the remainder properly called ? Who was King of Per sia at the time the Expedition commenced ? How long had he been king ? Had Cyrus any claim to the throne in pref erence to Artaxerxes ? Which was the elder son ? Was either or both of them born before Darius came to the throne ? Had there been any instance in which a younger son had become king, to the exclusion of an elder one ? What ? Was Xerxes the eldest son born after his father was king ? Was this the case with Cyrus ? Being the eldest son of King Darius, and having the precedent of Xerxes before him, had he any ground to suppose that the kingdom might be given to him ? In what year did the Expedition commence ? What peculiar facilities were there QUESTIONS OX THE ANABASIS. 69 AAPEIOT Kal ILzpiKjttTtSo? <yl<yvovTai TratSe? Bvo, at this time for obtaining Grecian soldiers ? What long- protracted war in Greece had just terminated ? Were the soldiers who had been engaged in that war now thrown out of employment ? Had Cyrus assisted either the Athenians or Lacedemonians in the Peloponnesian war? Which? What advantage would that be to him in obtaining soldiers ? Were most of his Grecian mercenaries Athenians or Pelo- ponnesians? Why? In what month did the Expedition start from Ephesus ? In what from Sardis ? 4 Did either the Grecian or Barbarian force of Cyrus understand the object he had in view ? The whole time occupied in the Expedition ? What position did Cyrus hold at the time it commenced ? At what age had he been appointed satrap ? 5 Whom did he succeed? What did his satrapy embrace ?* Who were the two satraps associated with him? What relation did he sustain to them ? 7 Where were the satrapies of the other two ? How many years had he held his office before the Expedition ? What was his age when it com menced? What was the condition of the Persian Empire at this time, compared with its condition a hundred years previous ? What two expeditions had the Persians made in that time into Greece ? With what result ? Nom. of ILxpuo-ariSos ? Stem ? How is the stem found in the third declension (32, 1) ? What letter rejects 8 in the Norn. (8. 7) ? How can it reappear in the Gen.? 8 What is the a- that is appended to the stem ? 9 Construction of Aapa ov and IXapt^TiSos (158, 1) ? Who was the father of Darius? Of . Parysatis ? What is the syllable 7 t in 70 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. TTpeafivrepo? JJLGV ^Apra^ep^rj^ vecorepos Be Kvpos. yiyvovrai (123) ? The reduplication prefixed to the Pre%. is retained only in what two tenses ? "What effect has this syllable on the simple root or stem of the verb? 10 What is the root (123) ? When does the excluded e reappear? 11 How from the stem yev is the Fut. yev^o-o//,ai formed ? The Fut. being formed from the stem by appending the tense characteristic cr and the ending, the regular Fut. of the stem yev would be yeV-cr-o/xcu, what objection to such a form ? Was the combination of cr and a liquid euphonious to a Gre cian ear ? What then is done in forming the Fut. of this word, to obviate the harshness of the sound? 12 How is the Pres. yiyvovro.1 used here (152, 4) ? What advantage has such a present tense over a past ? Stem of TrcuSes ? Nom. ? What becomes of the 8 in the Nom. ? Accent of the Gen. and Dat, Sing.? Principle (33, III., b) ? Peculiarity of accent in Gen. PI. (33, III., Exceptions)? Dat, PI.? What letter is there dropped, and why ? Any other form besides Sw> ? Can &vo and Svo) be used indiscriminately ? Difference of usage? 13 What English word from Svo? Had Darius but two children ? How many ? Why then does Xenophon mention but two here ? Had he any occa sion to speak of more than two ? The comparative Trpeo-- fivrepos, how formed (50, III.) ? Pure stein of the posi tive? Why the comparative used? How many objects are brought into view always by the comparative ? What is the office of /xeV here ? Is it generally to be translated into English? With what particle does it correspond? How is the Se following /xeV to be generally translated ? In QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 71 l Be ^cr^eVei dapelos /cal vTTMTrreve re\evr^v rov what kind of clauses or members, then, do //.eV . . . 8 stand ? 14 What is their position in their respective members ? Do they ever stand first ? Declension of ^pra^ep^? ? Voca tive Sing. ? Why (27)? Why i/ewrepos and not vcorcpos (50, 1. a) ? How are all superlatives accented in the Nom.? Why the accent on KCU, //,ei/, & depressed (12, 1)? Of what word do Apralep^s and Kupos denote the parts? Accent of Krpos in the Gen.? Ground for the change (11, 1, a, /?) ? Does the circumflex on the v of KSpos de note that the vowel is long, or short, or neither (10, 3) ? What does 7ret connect? What 8? Composition of ryov^eW ? Why Impf. ? By the Impf. does the writer state the permanent condition of the king, or the mere fact that he was sick ? What past tense would state the fact simply ? Are vTTWTrreve and e/Jov Aero in the Impf. for the same reason as rja-Scvct, viz., to denote the permanency of the state of mind which they respectively denote ? Why has Aapetos the circumflex on the penult, but Aapetov above the acute ? Composition of inrunrreve ? What has become of the final vowel of the preposition ? Why ? How is the w to be ex plained? What has lengthened it from o (8G) ? Force of the VTTO in composition, does it strengthen or diminish the meaning of the simple verb owrewo ? What preposition in Latin has the same force as VTTO here ? Does the Latin word suspicio (sub + ppicio) have the same meaning as VTTCOTT- reve ? What English word of the same signification, coming from the Latin ? Is a suspicion a full view of a thing, or a partial one? Force of the article with /3i ov (148, 3)? 72 QUESTIONS OX THE ANABASIS. /3tbi>, e{3ov\TO ra> TraiSe a^orepa) Trape ivai. * ovv Trpeo-jSurepos iraptov ervy^ave Kvpov e If the word were /3tov instead of ftwv % what would be the meaning? Do we give to words of the same form a differ ent meaning by a change of accent ? What does record mean ? What record ? What part of ejSovAero is root ? What is the first e? Second? The syllable TO? What is the Fut. ? What letter must be appended to the stem to form the Fut. and Perf. (125, 4)? Why? 12 Why the article TW (148, 3) ? What number is TratSe? Is the Dual always used when two objects are spoken of (147, R. 3) ? The form TratSe may be Nom., Ace., or Voc., which is it here, and what determines it ? Construction ? What classes of verbs take an Inf. as their complement (171, 2, and for the Ace. TratSe, 172)? Derivation of d/x<^orepo>? Composition of TrapeTi/at ? What has become of the iinal vowel of the preposition? Root of eu/at in Trapetvat? Whence comes the et ? 15 From what old Inf. ending does the vat of Trapeti/at come (206, 11) ? Rule for accentuation of infinitives in vat (84, 4, a) ? Upon what does the Inf. Trapetvat depend (171, 2, a) ? What is its subject Ace.? In the sentence introduced by eW, there is a principal and a subordinate clause, which is principal, and which sub ordinate (179, 2) ? Is the clause commencing with W and ending with )8iov, a substantive, adjective, or adverbial clause (179, 3) ? 16 Does ovv ever stand at the beginning of its clause ? To what does it here refer ; i. e., of what does it denote an inference or consequence ? Is it stronger or weaker than apa? 17 From what does Trapojv come? QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 73 airo rrj? apxfy fy avrbv crarpa7rt]V errolri<T, What is its relation to trvyxavc (175, 3) ? Does here mean " happened," or does it signify coincidence," having an adverbial force, and with vapw to be translated was at that time, just then, present? Root of Iruyxare? Whence comes the y (121, b) ? The syllable av (121, a) ? From what stem is the Fut. rcv^at formed (121, 1C)? From what the Perf. renfoica ? Why must an e be ap pended to the stem rv x to form the Perf.? Could a euphonic Perf. be formed without assuming the e? Is Se after ~Kvpov adversative or continuative ; * . e., does it mean hit or and? Force of /acra in /^raTn^Trercu ? Does the English use a/fer in that sense? Why the verb in the middle voice ? Difference between the Act. and Mid. of this verb? Fut. Mid.? What elements form the ^? What kind of a Pres. is it? Why is the Pres. used rather than a past tense ? What is the general rule for the accen tuation of the verb ? Does the accent of /xeraTre/xTrerat correspond with that rule ? How are the regular prep ositions accented, on the penult or the ultimate? Why the article with ap^? Why T ^s and dp^ 9 circumflexed on the ultimate ? What cases of oxytones in the Norn, are uniformly perispomenon (26, 5, a) ? From what does 7% come ? What must be the assumed or ideal form from which it comes ? 18 What did the d m of Cyrus embrace ? Construction of 7^? Of aMv and o-arpaV^ (160, 3)? Can a-a.rp6.Trqv properly be considered in apposition with afoov? Which of these two accusatives stands in the relation of a predicate ? Peculiarity in the inflection of 7 74 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. KOI crTpaT rjyov 8e avrov avreSefc^e irdvTwv OCTOL ei? Kacr- avrov (60) ? Is craTpa7rr?v a word of Greek origin ? From what language is it derived ? Verb stem of eTroi ^cre ? Tense stem? Tense characteristic (79, 1)? What actual rela tion of time does eTroi ^cre express ? What tense would the English naturally use here ? W T hy does not the Greek ? Did the Greek prefer the Aor. to the less pliant Plupf. except where great precision of time was required ? 19 Force of KCU before a-rparrjyov ? Upon what word does its force fall ? With what word does it contrast o-rpar^yov ? When the combination KCU 8e occurs in a sentence, what is the position of the word to which KCU refers, or on which its force falls? 20 Composition of o-rpaT^yw? What letter would regularly stand instead of rj? How is the change to be explained? 21 Government of arpa.T rjyov and avroV? Pros, of cwrcSci^e? Composition? Force of COTO? Root of the simple word ? What is added to the root to form the Pres. ? When is w and when vw added to the root (128, II.) ? In what tenses is w or vw retained? What are the elements in the of cnre Sei^ ? Whence comes the a- in the ? What is the tense characteristic of the Fut., first Aor. Act., etc, (79, 1)? Stem of TTOLVTUV? What letter rejects vr in the Nom. Sing, masculine? What is that o-? 22 How does the accent of irai/ra>v differ from that of monosyllabic words of the third Dec. (33, III. Excip- tions) ? Is it then an exception to an exception ? To what rule is it an exception ? Docs TTUS follow the accentuation of monosyllabic words, except in this case? Why does tand after U7re3et|e, and not with o-rpar^yoV, by QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 75 T<D\OV -ir&iGv a&poigovTcu. Ava/Balvtt, otv 6 Kvpo? 0)9 fyikov KOL rwv r E\\ijva)v Se which it is governed ? What is the general position of the antecedent with respect to the relative, near or remote? Would the relative ol have the same force as oo-ot here ? What is the difference ? Which contains the idea of num ber? Eis appears without an accent; is it a proclitic or enclitic? What is meant by a proclitic (13) ? From the circumflex on the Gen. ending of KaoroAov, what must be the accent of the Norn. ? Where was Castolus ? IleSiW is allied to what word, meaning foot ? The neuter noun TreSiW is paroxytone ; is any neuter noun ever oxytone ? Deri vation of upotoi/rcu ? Why the Pres. ? Does it refer to their assembling once, or from year to year ? Why di/a- at m and not the simple aiV ? What feature in the position of the place to which he was going, requires the compound form ? To what place was he going? Root of /feiVoj ? What letters are inserted to form the Pres. ? Into what letter is the stem vowel changed in the Fut. ? Why the Pres. used here instead of the Aor.? To what does ow refer, to the same fact as the previous ow ? Stem of Aa/?oW How from the stem Xa/3 is the Pres. Aa/^a formed (121, a and b) ? How is the p. before p to be ex plained (8, 6) ? Is the Fut. in the Act. or Mid. form ? What change takes place in the stem vowel in the Fut. ? Rule for accent of Xaf^ (84, 3, a) ? Could the Latin express Xaftw Tio-o-a^epv^i/ in the same way ? Why not ? Has the Latin any past Act. participle ? How may it be translated into Latin? Of what two declensions is TWa- 76 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. OTTTuW avejSrj -rpiaKoeiovs, ap^ovra Be avrwv Happdaiov. ? Of which is the Norn. ? Who was Tissaphernes 1 What post had he held previous to Cyrus s arrival in Asia Minor? Construction of </uAov ? Is there reason to sup pose that Cyrus regarded Tissaphernes as a friend, or did he take him because he feared he might intrigue against him in his absence? Force of KCU before v? Is it a connective here ? What is the connective in this clause ? What word does EXX^vwv restrict or explain ? What other word explains oTrAmxs? The use of Z X < V here > and fre " quently elsewhere, corresponds nearly with what English preposition? Fut. of c X w? Wh 7 the Fut ^ ( ils P irated ) when the Pres. is IX M ( 8 > 10 ) ? Aor - Act of ^ w? Im P f - ? What peculiarity in that tense? How many verbs have the same (87, 3)? Voc. Sing, of oTrXiras? Accent? Why properispomenon in Voc., but not here ? Is the ending as long or short? Accent of Gen. PI. (2G, 4, y) ? Principle ? What nouns have a and what 77 in the Yoc. Sing. (27) ? From what noun is oTrAiras derived? What is the e in <W/fy ? What has it excluded ? Is aveprj tran sitive or intransitive ? Is this tense formed regularly ? Like what class of verbs ? Stem of apxovra ? What letter of the stem is dropped in the Norn. (35) ? Dat. PI. of the word? What two letters are dropped? What letter rejects these ? What change takes place as a com pensation for the letters dropped (8, 8) ? Would roiW be more or less emphatic than avrwv here? 23 If there were no pronouns, what word must be used here instead QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 77 e eVeXeur^cre Aapelos /col Karecrrrj et? TTJ of auruii/ ? Dec. of Sev tai/ ? Where was Parrhasia, from which Zenias came ? What does e^eiS^ connect? What Se? Derivation of ereAeuTT/ore ? TeAeur?; from what ? To what tense is the Aor. after adverbs of time, like eVeiS?}, equivalent ? Why is not the Plupf. used, then (152, R. G) ? Which of the tenses is the less stiff and flexible ? What is the principal clause of which eTreiSr/ Se eYeAevT^cre is the subordinate ? In what year did Darius die ? Composition of /care cm; ? Stem of the simple verb (128, I. a) ? Whence comes the aspirate I of the Pres. ? 24 What is this I ? In what tenses retained ? Pres. of Kare oT??? Why the r of Kara changed into $ (8, 2) ? How is r brought into juxtaposition with the aspirated I (90, 1 ) ? Difference between the first and second Aor. of IO-T^L (150, 2) ? Why the article with /2uo-iA.eiW ? From the accent on fiaaiXeiav what may be inferred in regard to the quantity of the ultimate (10, 5) ? If the ultimate were short, what would the accent be ? How is /SacriAeia, kingdom, distinguished from /?aa-tXeia, queen ? Root of Sia/2aAAa> ? Is it a mute or liquid verb (111) ? Whence the second X (111, 2) ? What becomes of it in the Fut. ? Are any strengthening letters retained beyond the Pres. and Impf. ? How comes the Future of this and other liquid verbs to be circumflexed ? What would be the full form of the Fut. of this word prior to any syncopation and contraction (111 R. 1) ? What letter is syncopated ? After the syncopation what takes place ? 7* 78 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. Kvpov irpos TOV a$e\(f)ov o>9 7ri/3ov\voi avra). e O Se "Why do not liquid verbs form the future in -erw, like other verbs ? Is the combination of a liquid and tr, as /3aA.<ra>, euphonious ? Does /3aAAw form a first or second Aor. Act. ? "What is its Aor. Act. ? How formed ? Do verbs generally have more than one Aor. Act. ? Is there usually any difference of meaning between a first and second Aor. (for exceptions see 150, 2)? "When a verb is said to be in the first or second Aor., is anything more meant than tliat each has a form peculiar to itself? Peculiarity in the Perf. of ySaXXco (117,2)? Reason for this metathesis? Could a euphonic Perf. be formed from the unchanged stem /3oX ? Primary meaning of Sia/2aAA.ei ? Force of 8ia ? What kind of a Pres. ? What different cases does Trpos govern? Why the article with dS<rA<oV (148, 3)? In what case is the accent of dSeA</>os anomalous (28, R. 2) ? What does u>s connect? With reference to accentuation, what is it called (13, c) ? Why e7ri/3ouAeuoi in the Opt.? When the verb of the principal clause is in the present tense, is the verb of the dependent clause usually in the Opt. (181, R.)? Why is it so here? Aux^dAAei, though in the Present, is equivalent to what tense ? May iinpov- XCVOL also be considered in oratio obligua, there being a verb of saying understood : " saying that he was plotting against him"? Why are 8ta/3aXXet and eTri/JoiAcvot par- oxy tones, while d^e Sei^e and ereAev -nyo-c are proparoxy tones ? Construction of avrw ? May it be considered the limiting Dative ? What word does it limit, and what is meant when it is said to limit that word ? If avrw were removed, QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. re /cal crv\\ap/3dvei Kvpov o>? a would the expression be definite ? Might cdrrw be also con sidered the Dat. of disadvantage ? What is the difference between the limiting Dat. and the Dat. of advantage or dis advantage (161, 2, c, 3)? What part of speech is 6? How used here ? Was its earliest use that of an article or a pronoun ? Is its pronominal use frequent in Attic Greek? 25 Fut. of Trei ^erai? What becomes of the 3? What letter rejects it? What is that a- (79, 1) ? Second Perf. Act.? What class of verbs have ot in the second Perf. (102, 4) ? Have re KOLI the same force that /cat alone would have ; i. e., is the idea of the verbs brought out more or less prominently by re KCU than it would have been by /cat (178. 3) ? How can the force of the two be expressed in English ? Composition of cruXXa/A/?aj/ei ? How does the v of the preposition become X (8, 4) ? But what will this X become in the Impf. ? Does the cause which changed it into X exist in the Impf. ? What influence has the prep osition upon the meaning of the simple word? Does it imply the combined action of several persons, or the con centrated effort of one ? Perf. Act. of the verb ? What peculiarity in the form of the Perf. ? How many verbs have this peculiarity (88, 4) ? What would be the regular reduplication, instead of d ? Whence comes the syllable et ? 26 Force of ws before aTro/crevtov ? Does it denote pur pose? Does not the Fut. Part, denote purpose without <k? If d>s were omitted here, would the action indicated by dTroKTe/tov be presented as a fact, or as a representation, something which Artaxerxes is represented or considered 80 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. avrov airoTre/jLTrei ird\iv eVl O 8 &)? a7n}XSe KivSwevaas /cal as intending to do? With ws, which of these meanings is given ; i. e., does <os O-TTOKTWUV denote the writer s view, so that he is responsible for it as a historical statement, or is it the view, thought, intention, of Artaxerxes ? 27 From what Pres. does aTroKrcvcuv come ? What becomes of the t in the Fut. ? How does that t come to stand in the Pres. (111,2)? What is the Perf. generally used in Attic? Why that form (111,5)? Why the article with fjirjrrjp? In what cases does it reject e? In what one assume a? Which have an irregular accent (39) ? Why e&mycra/xeV?/ in the Mid. voice ? Force of the preposition ? Why e and not CK ? Has the Act. aTroTre/xTret just the same rela tion as the Mid. would ? Which denotes the idea of sending away merely, and which that of sending away from one s self? Though the two voices are thus different, might either be used here? Primary meaning of What different cases does CTTI govern ? How is .pxn accented in the Gen. and Dat. ? On what principle? How are all genitives PL of the first Dec. accented ? Why ? Are the endings of all nouns of the first Dec. the same in the Dual and Plural? Is it so in the Sing.? Is 3 before cbs adversative or continuative ? What is the mark after the 8 ? What does it indicate ? Does <!>? here have the same meaning as ws before </>t Aoi/ above ? What is its meaning ? What does it connect ? From what Pres. docs aTrr/X^e come ? From what root? What connection has it with Ip^o/xat? Any in form ? The Fut. of fyxopai for Attic Greek ? Why QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 81 ?, /SovXeverat, OTTOJ? ^TTOTG en, ecrrcu eVl TOO the different tenses from different roots? 28 Full form, instead of <x7n}A$e ? Why not accented on the antepenult (84, 2) ? Why properispomenon (10, 5, b) ? From what noun is /afSuvewras derived? Rule for accentuation (84, R. 3) ? From the acute on the penult what may be in ferred in regard to the quantity of the ultimate ? What makes the final syllable long in all such participles (190, e) ? What two letters have been dropped ? What relation does this participle denote, that of time, cause, conditionally, or what (176) ? What is the Latin conjunction corresponding to /cat? Composition of drt/xao-^ets ? From what does* ri/xaw come ? From what ri/xrj ? Primary meaning of Tiu> ? In how many senses is a prefixed to words ? What would be the full ending instead of -eis in drt/xao-^et? ? What two letters are dropped in the ending, the same as in Kii/Sweu cras ? Why then the ending -a? in one word and - s in the other? 29 What is the in (m/*ao-s ? Rule for accentuation (84, 3, c) ? What Latin participle is equivalent to the Greek Aorist ? To what two tenses in Greek does the Latin Perf. correspond ? Meaning of the word Aorist ? Composition ? Why fiovXevtraL in the Mid. ? Difference between Act. and Mid. of this word ? Which means to give advice, and which to get advice or deliberate ? How is OTTCOS related to TTCOS ; in what kind of clauses is each used (G3, b) ? Origin of the 6 in oTrw?? 30 Is OTTCO? fol lowed by any other mood than the Indie. Fut,, as here ? What? With what class of verbs is the Fut. the usual tense (181, 4) ? What does OTTOJS connect? Why //,7/Trore 82 t QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. <co, aXX , TJV &vwr)Tcu, /SaaiXevaret, avr eiceivov. Tla- and not oiWre (177, 5) ? What force does TTOTC give to /ATJ? Root from which co-rat comes? Full form (137, R. 1) ? Why the accent of CTTI depressed ? Why the article with dSeA<o> ? Why perispomenon ? What is the history of the i subscript ? 31 From what does dXX come ? In its origin is it an adjective or a conjunction? What does the mark after it denote ? Peculiarity in its accentu ation here ? To what other words does the same principle apply (12, 3) ? If it followed the accentuation of oxy tones whose ultimate is elided, what would be the accentuation of uXA here ? How does aXXa the conjunction differ from dXXa, other things ? Are they both from the same word ? How does the position of tlXXa (but) in a sentence differ from 8e? What two other forms equivalent to fy? In what part of their clause do ecu/, r/i/, and av (if) stand ? By what mood are they followed ? How does rjv here differ from the first Pers. Sing. Indie. Impf. of ct/xt (137) ? What is implied by fy with the subjunctive [185, 2 (3)]? How differing from et with the Indie, or Opt. [185, 2 (1) and (4)] ? What is the rj in Sw^rat (79, R.) ? What would be the corresponding vowel of the Indie. ? What is the syllable -rat, and what is its office ? In what part of the word, then, is the meaning found ? Derivation of /3a<n- XeiVet? The penult is long, why not circumflexed ? What one condition is wanting in order to its being circumflexed? What is the a- before ti? Are verbs in -eu w generally transitive or intransitive ? How is the absence of the accent on avr to be explained (12, 3) ? This is like what QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 83 pev Srj 77 fjujrrjp vTrfjpxe TW Kvpfa (j>i\ovcra avrbv pa\\ov 77 TOV fiacriXevovra other word above ? Peculiarity in the declension (60)? What previous word has the same peculiarity? With what Latin pronoun does e/ceu/ou correspond ? Stem of Ilapvo-arts ? What rejects the 8 ? What is the final o- ? With what particle does /xeV correspond? Force of ST}? Would evidently, or as is evident, express the meaning? Composition of vTrrjpx*? Why the final vowel of the prep osition rejected ? How does the a of ap X o> become 77 (8G) ? Which augment is rj ? Why called the temporal augment ? Why is the accent on the penult and not on the antepenult (84, 2) ? If the accent is on the penult, and the penult long and the ultimate short, what must the accent be (10, 5, b) ? Why VTT^PXC in the Impf. ? Does it denote a single effort in his behalf, or continued efforts ? By what principle is Kvp<3 in the Dat. ? From what noun is <f>i\ovo-a. derived ? How is the syllable ov to be explained ? What would be Uhe regular form previous to any changes ? What vowel is dropped ? What two consonants ? Why ? What change then takes place in the o? Why (8, 8) ? What would be the regular form of the comparative instead of /xaXXov? By what principle is the t of /xaXiov changed into X? Does not the second X of aXXos come in the same way ? Does assimilation take place in the Latin word correspond ing with aXXos? What word would the Latin use for ^ after /xSXXov ? How does oo-rts differ from the simple os ? Which is the more general or comprehensive word ? What Latin word would express the force of OOTIS ? How many 84 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. Trapa aa-iews 7rpo9 CLVTOV, ovra) Smr^ei? aTreTre/^Trero a>cr^ eavrq) /zaXAoz/ different declensions in o cms ( G2 ) ? How many in o? alone ? Does OOTIS denote a single individual, or has it a collective sense ? Composition of U^IKVOITO ? Why is TT of the prep osition changed into <l> ? Stem of the simple word ? How from the stem IK is iKveo/xai obtained (120, 2) ? In what tenses is the syllable vt retained ? From what is the Fut. icfjMi formed ? What are the elements in the i in the Fut. (8, 7)? Force of d?ro in afyiKvolro ? How else is the same relation expressed here ? What does the Opt. mode denote ? Some texts have the Impf. Indie., what would that denote? Where the introductory clause, with the Opt. mode, denotes indefinite frequency or a repeated action (as often as, whenever, whoever from time to time), what is the tense of the verb in the principal clause (182, 8, c) ? Why is this so? 32 What verb in this sentence illustrates that principle ? Construction of T&V ? How would TWV Trapa. be literally translated? 33 Primary meaning of* What does it show the relation between ? What is the double relation of Trapa /2ao-iAeW here? 34 Why /3aa-t- AeW without the article ? What does Trpos show the rela tion between ? To what does TraVras refer ? How can the plural TTcxi/ras refer to the singular OO-TIS? By what two words is TrdVras governed ? Derivation of ovrw ? When ovrw and when oirrws used (7, 2) ? Composition of Sia- rta s? Force of Sta? What is the syllable n (127, 2) ? Why is it not t (8, 9) ? Stem of TI %U (128, I.) ? Rule for accent of StarJet s (84, 3, c) ? How is the syllable - s QUESTIONS ON THE AXALASIS. 85 ivai TJ /3ao-i,\el. Kal rwv wap* eaurco Se /3ap{3dpwv O &>? 7ro\ep,elv re i/cavol elrjaav KOI evvoi/cw obtained (131, g, and 8, 8) ? How docs the Middle a7re- Tre/xTrero differ from the Act. ob-oW/xTm above? Which implies the idea of sending away without any reference to the person from whom one is sent? Can our lan^ guage distinguish between these two voices in translat ing, except by a periphrasis? How is the form oxr$ to be explained ? Composition ? Has the re any force ? How came it to be associated with ws? 35 What different modes follow oWe (18G) ? Difference between it when followed by the Inf., Indie., and Opt. ? Construction of eauroj ? What other form (57)? Composition? Con struction of t/uAous ? Is it the subject Ace. of cu/ai or the predicate ? What is the subject Ace. ? On Avhat does tlvai depend (186, 1, a) From what is /3ao-iAet contracted (41) ? Force of /cat before ran/? Moreover, in addition to what ? What word connects this sentence with the pre ceding ? Why does the article TW which belongs to J3a.p- stand before Trap eaurw? This position makes Trap u) sustain what relation to ftappdpw ? Whom did the Greeks call barbarians ? How can the TOJI/ Trap cavrw (3ap- fidpw be translated literally into English, so as to indicate the attributive or adjective force of Trap eauTw? 30 How is the absence of the accent of Trap to be explained ? Govern ment of /?ap/3otp w v? Rule (158, 6, I. b)? What is the double relation of fiapfidpw here ? Besides its connection with eVe/xeXetro, of what verb is it the subject? Could it have been omitted entirely as a Gen., and have been only 8 86 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. Tijv Se e in the Nom. ; i. c., is it not made by attraction the object of the verb of the principal clause, instead of the subject of the verb of the subordinate clause? How would the sen tence be then translated ? Why eTre/xeXetro Impf. ? How is the circumflex on the penult to be explained? What would be the accent before contraction ? Are all contracted syllables circumflexed ? What does o>s connect ? Differ ence between o>s with and without the accent? From what noun does 7roAe/mi/ come ? On what depend ? Why peris- pomenon [11, 2, (2), (b), (/3)] ? Force of re after it? With what particle is r correlative ? How may the force of re . . . . KO.I be expressed in English (178, 3) ? What would be lost to the sentence if re were omitted ? On what general principle is cfyo-ai/ here in the Opt. (181, 2) ? When the verb of the principal clause is a historical tense, what is generally the mode of the verb of the subordinate clause ? What other form could be used besides efyo-av (137)? Composition of ewoiVcuis? "Exetv with an adverb is equivalent to what other verb ? 37 How would cfyoucfc exoiev be translated literally ? Fut. of ^w? Why has the e an aspirate in the Fut. and not in the Pres. (8, 10)? Construction of aurw? What expression does it limit or restrict ? Why does the article fty stand with EXXrjvLKrjv and not with SuVa/ziv? Does the force of the article as here placed fall on EAArpuoji/ or 8wa/xtv (148, 0, a) ? With what does its present position contrast EAA^iKr/i/? How is the Gen. Sing, of Swa/uv accented ? Principle (46) ? Why ySfioitev in the Impf. ? Does the writer mean to QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 87 eSuvaro eTntcpvTTTOjjLevos, OTTOJ? ort ajrapacrKev- orarov \dfioi ftaai\ea. T /2Se ovv eVo^ro TTV av\\o- state a historical fact, or the course of procedure from day to day? If merely the historical fact was to be stated, what tense would have been used ? Force of d>? before paXicrra ? Upon what word does its force fall P 38 Is some part of always expressed, as here, when o>s is joined with the superlative? 39 What is the second Pers. Sing, of eSiWo? How is the form obtained? What letter is syncopated, and what contraction takes place (comp. rrao-o and IOTW, 133)? Why eVtKpvTrro/xci/o? in the Mid. voice? How differing from the Act. ? What was he concealing - O" himself, his own measures, or those of others? Pure characteristic of eVucpufrrw ? Impure (104, 1)? What does OTTCOS connect ? Why is it here followed by the Opt,, but above by the Put. Indie.? Composition of on? Its force or office here ? How can clauses like this be analyzed to show in what way on has a strengthening force? 40 Composition of airapaa-K^orarov ? Why is the vowel of the antepenult o, and not <o? When is o, and when o>, used in the comparative and superlative (50, I. a) ? Why Xapoi in the Opt. (181, 2) ? Difference between &8 e and o^Ta)?? Which refers to what precedes, and which to what follows ? Why ^otaro in the Impf. ? Was the act described done at once, or was it a continuous process ? Could the writer, however, narratively have used the Aor. here (152, 10)? Why the verb in the Mid. voice? What would e Wa tnAAoyi^ mean ? 41 Composition of cnA- Why the article with it ? Why two X s ? Why 88 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. yrjv. f O-TTOcra? el%e (f>v\aKa<; ev rat? TroXecrt, 7rapti i yyei\e rot? (j)povpdp%oi,s e/cacrrot? \OfjfiaVU> av^pas IIe\07rov- and not Trdcros? What is the appropriate use of each (G3, a) ? Peculiarity of et^c in its augment? How many verbs have the same (87, 3)? Does <j>v\aKa<; here come from faXaK-rj or <uXa ? How determined ? Differ ence between <uXa/<as and <f>v\ai<a<s ? Why Iv without an accent? Why the article with TrdXeo-i? Are cities in general referred to, or such as were under his control, and hence particular ones? What has become of the stem vowel i of TrdXco-t? In what cases only is it retained? What vowel takes its place in the other cases (46) ? Com position of TrapTTyyeiXe? What rejects the final vowel of the preposition ? Whence comes the rj ? What is the Fut, of dyyeXXw? In what two respects does it differ from the Pres ? How is the circumflex of the ultimate to be explained ? Why is one of the X s dropped in the Fut. ? Why does not this verb form its Fut. in <rw ? Why is a- rejected in liquid verbs? How is the in the penult of Trap^yaXe to be explained (111, 3) ? Composition of <pov- papxois? Why Dat. [161, 2, a, (e)]? Would the clause &TOCTOS "X > etc., or iropijyyetAe, etc., regularly stand first? Which is the relative clause, and which the antecedent? If the antecedent clause were placed first, in which clause and in what case would <vXaKas regularly stand ? In what other way, then, could the sentence oTroW <poupapxoi? be expressed ? ^ Upon what does Xapfidveiv depend ? What classes of verbs take an Inf. for their complement or object (171, 2) ? What becomes of the y of <m}p in all cases QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 89 OTI, TrXe/crroy? KOI /3eXT/o-Toi>9, o>? 7ri/3ov\ev- OZ/TO? Ticra-afa pvous rat? TroXecrt. Kal <yap rjcrav al except the Voc. Sing. (3G) ? Is the accentuation of the word regular? Origin of the 8 in wSpas? Is it usual in Greek for more than two consonants to come together? Why then an additional consonant inserted here ? Between what letters may a medial mute be inserted to soften the pronunciation? 43 Any instance of a letter similarly in serted in Latin? 44 Any in English? 45 Composition of HeXoTroi/njo-iovs ? What, then, is the meaning of the word? Why was the order given to take Peloponnesians ? Was it merely because they were distinguished for their bravery ? Had Cyrus favored the Peloponnesians or the Athenians during the Peloponnesian war ? From what party, there fore, would he be most likely to obtain forces ? Force of cm before TrXeio-rous ? Office of ws with e7ri/3ouAevWos, does it imply that the action denoted by the participle was actually taking place, or that Cyrus merely pretended that it was taking place? Does d>s indicate, then, that the participle expresses Cyrus s view, or that of the historian ? How may <k be rendered in such cases? 46 What would ri/fouXevWos without w? mean here ? 47 Dec. of Toro-a- fapvovs? Construction? What is meant by the term absolute, when a word is said to be in the Gen. absolute ? Why v appended to TTO WI (7, 1, a) ? Force of KO.L before yap? Does it connect what immediately precedes with what follows, or something understood with what follows ? Would the English generally translate it in such cases? 48 "What is the purport of the clause to be supplied ? Com- 8* 90 QUESTIONS OX THE ANABASIS. l TroXa? Ticraafyepvovs rb ap%cuQV etc Tore 8 a^ecrr/J/cecraz Trpo? Kvpov vracrat TT\I)V position of yap ? Peculiarity in the inflection of the second Pers. Sing, of rycrai/ (137) ? What other words retain a similar feature of the Epic dialect (comp. </j/xt, oTSa, 135 and 143) ? Why ^crou/ in the Impf. here ? Any difference between at IwnKcu Tro Aas and luwucal at TrdAas? AMiat (148, 9, a and b) ? As it stands in the text, does the article give emphasis to the Iwi/tKat or TroAets ? Construc tion of Ti<r<ra<e pvov$ (158, 2) ? Is the article often joined with a neuter adjective, as TO with apxaiov here, where an adverbial relation is expressed? Is CK the preposition commonly used with Pass, verbs to denote the agent? What one is generally used ? But does e* express a differ ent relation from what VTTO would here ? Which denotes the more intimate connection of the agent with the act of giving ? Can the English, however, express the distinction ? In SeSo/xeVat, what is the simple stem ? What is the first 8? The c after it ? What is -/xeVat ? Rule for the accentuation of the participle (84, 4, c) ? Is the stem vowel of the Perf. Act. and Pass, of Si Soyu the same ? What is that of each ? Is Tore a demonstrative or relative adverb ? What is the corresponding relative adverb (63, b) ? How does TOT* differ from rore? What time is here referred to by rore? Is Se continuative or adversative? How determined? Composition of afao-TrjKea-av ? Why the TT changed into < ? Force of d ? What is the simple word from which the verb is formed? Stem of UTT^/U (128, I, a) ? Whence comes the aspirated t before <r? By what principle is the c QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 91 Mi\r)TOV. Ev MikrjTW Be ra avra Tavra fiovXevoftevovs, ajroair^von 77^09 of the Perf. (eo-r^/ca) aspirated ? 49 Tense of d But is the Plupf. relation the prominent one ? Does the writer wish to fix attention upon the fact that they had revolted, or that they are now in a state of revolt ? How can the Plupf. do this P 50 What other ending of the third Pers. PI. Plupf. besides -ecrav (82, 1) ? Why is Traom placed the last in its clause ? Is it desirable that it should stand as near as possible to the word which corrects or restricts it? What is that corrective word? How can the sentence be translated so as to preserve the position of Traom? Is irXriv strictly a preposition ? Government of MtX^rou (157)? Where was Miletus? Tense of 7rpoaicr.9ojuevos ? From what Pres. ? What has become of the syllable av in Trpoato-^avo/xat ? Stem of the verb ? How is the Fut. formed (121, a)? Force of the preposition ?rpo? Fore seeing, seeing before what ? Is the final vowel retained by rule or exception ? What is the rule and what the exception (90, 1 ) ? Meaning of avra preceded by the article (60, R.) ? Ta avra raCra, these same things, the same as what? Composition of Tavra? When has ovros in its different cases ov in the penult, and when av? 51 If the article ra. were omitted before avrd here, what would avra raura mean ? What Latin pronoun corresponds with avrd ? What with Tavra ? Why ySovXevoyaevovs in the Mid. voice ? With what agreeing ? Is it necessary to supply a word, as Tu/as, or may the participle be said to contain an indefinite pronoun in itself? Would it be according to the 02 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. U? fjiev CLVTWV dTreKTeive, TOI>? 8 ee/3a\.ev. r O Se Kvpos V7ro\a/3a)v TOVS favyovras, cnAXefa? arTpdrev/Jia e usage of the language to substitute an Inf. for the Part. /SovAevo/xcVov? ? Why not ? Why is a Part, required here (175, 1, a) ? What relation does /?oiAevo/xeVous sus tain to TT/ooaicr^o/Aei/os? 52 Of what are the words aTroo-n^at Trpos Ki)/3<H> expletive? What particle does the English use in translating them, which neither the Greek nor Latin employs? 53 What is the syllable -i/at in aTroa-rrjvai ? In forming the Pres. Inf. Act. of verbs in />u, is rat appended to the short or long characteristic vowel? To which in the second Aor. (130, f) ? Office of /xeV after TOV S? Has the English an equivalent particle ? How can its force be indicated in English ? Where is the correlative of /* ? Is TOVS here merely an article, or has it its origi nal pronominal force? 51 Construction of coVwv? In the oblique cases, when core s stands alone, not agreeing with any word, is it emphatic, or has it merely the force of a personal pronoun (169,7)? Tense of core/cretin, Aor. or Impf. ? How determined ? Is the form of both in all respects the same, and the accent the same? From the nature of the case, what tense would it seem to be ? Compared with e^e/JoXei/, what additional means is there for the decision ? Is the regular Perf. Act. of this word used by Attic writers? Why not (111,5)? What form is used? Composition of e^y&xAev ? Why e, and not eVc? Origin of the second X in the Pres. (Ill, 2) ? Pecu liarity in Perf. Act. (117, 2)? Why the article with (148, C) ? Two forms of the Fut. of <vy<o? Is QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS, 93 6pKi Mi\7jrov Kal Kara ryrjv Kal Kara ^aXarrav, teal ejreiparo Kardyeiv rov$ CKTreTncoKoras. Kal avrrj av its Perf. Act. the regular Perf. (11G, 3) ? Composition of <AAea? ? The first A, how explained (8, 4) ? "What becomes of that X in the Indie. Aor. ? The elements in the ? Perf. Act. of Aeyw in its signification here ? In the sense of to say (88, 4, and R. 2) ? What relation of time do v7roAa/3coi/ and on;AAe as sustain to eTroAiop/cei? Can they be rendered by finite verbs into English ? By what tense then ? Why are not finite verbs used instead of these participles (176, R. 1)? Do the participles express the principal action or the accompanying circumstances here ? What word expresses the principal action? From what verb does ar/oarev/xa come ? Why without the article ? Stem ? On what principle is final r rejected (32, 2) ? Composition of eVoAiopKet ? Why Impf. ? Force of /cat before the first Kara (178, 3, b) ? Is it necessary to the general sense ? What would be lost by the omission ? How would the clause be translated without it, and how with it ? Does Kara govern any other case than the Ace. ? How does the Ace. after Kara here differ from the same words in the Gen. ? Which case expresses the idea of extension over, throughout, and of course the stronger idea ? Does the English say by land and sea as the Greek, or the reverse ? The corresponding Latin for Kara yfjv Kal Kara SaAarrav ? Does the arrangement of the Latin words cor respond with the Greek or English ? Derivation of $aAcur- rav ? Origin of the $ ? Why eTretparo in the Impf. ? Is the reason the same as for e7roAio /3Kei ? Is not, likewise, the 94 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. a\\7) 7r/3o0acrt5 rjv avraj rov cfcpoi&iv crrpdrev^a. Ilpbs e fiacn\ea irk^wv 7?f/ov, aSe . idea of endeavoring strengthened by the Impf., since what one is engaged upon is not accomplished, but he is en deavoring to do or accomplish (152, R. 4, d) ? Is not the same strengthening force of the Impf. seen in the Impf. of //.eVw, soleo, etc. ? Stem of eKTreTrrw/coVa? (123)? What is the syllable TU of the Pres. ? In the Pres. what becomes of e of the stem ? What rejects it ? When does it reap pear ? Is the w of the Perf. regular ? Force of the Perf. Part, here? Does it denote a past action, or a present state or result (152, R. 2) ? To what does avrrj refer? If to the preceding statements, why is it not in the neuter gender according to the rule? But to what word is its gender conformed (147, R. 1) ? What is such a conform ing of the gender to that of the noun called? 55 If the word with which avrrj agrees were omitted, what then would be its gender ? Would that be according to the general rule? Is the position of avrr] between /cat and av emphatic or unemphatic? 56 Origin of the second A in a\\rj? Does the same assimilation occur in the corresponding Latin word ? Peculiarity in the inflection of aAAo? (GO) ? Com position of 7jyK>(/>ao-i9 ? Construction of auru> (161, 2, a)? To what docs the article rov belong (173, 1)? The Inf. a3po%iv by the article TOV becoming a noun, is governed by what word ? Does it at the same time retain its proper- tits as a verb (173, 1) ? What property of the verb does it have here ? Derivation of rj^ov ? Uncontracted form ? Meaning here ? Force of Impf. ? What is its grammatical QUESTIONS OX THE ANABASIS. 95 ol Tavra? ra? TroXet? ^aXXov rj Tia-o-a^pvriv avrcov fcal 7} fMJTTjp avv&Trparrev avru> ravra ware /3aa-i\ev$ TT}? fjiev Trpbs eavrbv eTTijBovXSp; OVK object? Construction of dSe/X^os? Standing without the article, does it mean a brother of his (indefinite) or his brother (definite) ? With the article what would it mean ?> What relation is expressed by the Part. on>, time, cause, conditionally, or what (176, 1) ? Of what does it express the cause or reason ? What part of SoSrjvat. is .stem (128, c) ? What is (79, 1) ? What is the remainder ? Upon what does So^rai depend? Rule for accentuation (84, 4, a) ? What cities are meant by ravras Tro Aet? ? Con struction of Tro Aeis (172) ? How is the second X in //.aXXov to be explained ? Does it originate like the second X in oXXos ? What would be the form before assimilation ? On what does apxtw depend ? Government of O.VTWV (158, 7, a) ? Root of o-weVparrej/ ? How from the root Trpay is the Pres. Trparrco formed ? Whence comes the second r (100, l,a)? The first? What influence has the second r upon the y of the root? 57 Force of CTVV in crweTrparrcv ? What is the form of the Pres. ? Why is the v of the prep osition p, there (8, G)? What is the final v? Why is it used here (7, 1) ? Why the verb in the Impf. ? How is o-weVparrei/ aura) ravra literally translated ? To what does ravra. refer ? Why neuter gender ? Why is oWe here followed by the Indie., and not by the Inf. ? Is the con sequence represented as something actual, a fact,, or as something supposed or possible (18G, 1, a)? Why does the article 7775 stand before ?rpos eavrw, and not with its 96 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. , Ticraafyepvei 6"e evo^i^e iroKefJiovvra avrbv a/j,<j)l TO, o-TpaTev/juara Sanravav ware ovSev What relation does this position of the article make ?rpog tavrov sustain to eTrt/SovA.?}? (1 -48, 8, last part) ? How can the whole be translated so as to show this rela tion? 53 If, instead of the present position, it were written Tijs e7ri/3oiA?7s rijs Trpos ccwroi/, would the meaning be the same or different (148, R. 8) ? Government of eTn/JovA?}? (158, 5, b) ? Does cuo-^avo/xai usually govern the Ace. of the thing ? Does the Gen. lin(3ov\TJ<s express the same that the Ace. would ? Does the Gen. mean that he did not perceive the plot as a whole, or that he did not perceive anything of it, had no intimations of it ? Which would the Ace. express ? Why in the Impf. ? Is the nega tion expressed more forcibly by the Aor. or the Impf.? Does the Impf. state simply the historic fact that he did not perceive the plot, or, stronger than that, that there was no time when he perceived it, the Impf. denoting the con tinuance of the time ? By what is Tio-o-cu^epvet governed ? Rule (161, 2, a, y) ? Derivation of ei/o/ue? Of vo/>tos? From what part of ve/xw ? Why ci/o /u^e Impf. ? Is it a mute or a liquid verb ? Is its characteristic pure or im pure (104, 3) ? With what does TroAe/x-owra agree ? Why properispornenon ? Derivation ? What relation does it express, that of manner, means, or cause (176, 1) ? What part of speech, which the Greek has not, would the Latin u?e instead of it? 59 On what does Saaravav depend? Its subject? Construction of ovSeV (159, 7, and R) ? Com position ? Is it according to rule or exception that the 8 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 97 avrwv TrdXepovvTW KOI jap 6 Kvpos aTreTrefiTre rov$ Sacrpovs fiao-i,\ei ere T&V irokewv &v 6 ervj-^avev e^wv. "A\\o Se before the aspirate iv is not changed into ? Is the ex planation of the Impf. r^ero the same as that of yo-SdvcTo above ? Fut. of fa^* ? How is the e before the a- to be explained? Construction of avrw? Is it the Gen. ab solute or the causal Gen. depending on -fo^cro (158, 6, I) ? What case does jJx&ro more commonly take? Would a subordinate clause introduced by on be equivalent to avrw TToAe/xowrcoi/ ? Force of /cat before yap ? Does the English ordinarily translate it in such cases ? Does the use of it in Greek, however, make the connection between the sen tences more or less close than in the English? Why a7T7re/x7r active ? Why Impf. ? Does it denote what was done once, or what was regularly done, from time to time ? Meaning of ytyvo/xeVovs here? What is the syllable yt? What vowel of the root does that syllable reject? Deriva tion of &xoy*ov s ? What does oc show the relation between ? Why the article with TTO ACWI/ ? What expression makes it definite? What peculiarity in the accent? How to be explained (46)? By what principle is &v in the Gen? Is it proper to give a rule for its government as a Gen. ? In what case would it regularly have been (182, 6)? Such attractions occur generally only with verbs governing what case ?<*> Stem of irv yx av^ How from that stem is the Pres. yx cwo formed ? What relation does Z X cov sus tain to crvyxavev (175, 3) ? By what principle is arw in the Dat. ? Is it the Dat. 9 98 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. ro) (Tvve\eyero ev Xeppovrjo-y rf) KaravriTrepas ^Afi $e TOV TpOTTOV. K\eap%O<$ AaK6&ai<fJLGVLOS (fr 9 r}V TOUTO) crvyyevojAevos o Kvpos rjydo^r) re avTo of the agent (was collected ty him), or the limiting Dat. (was collected for him) ? Only what parts of the verb generally take the Dat. of the agent ? 61 Composition of Xep/Wijcrov ? How else is the word written? 62 Literal meaning ? With what English word does it nearly cor respond in meaning ? What Chersonese is meant ? What determines that? Where was it? When the people of Athens spoke of it, did they connect any epithet with it, or define it at all, or simply speak of the Chersonese ? How, then, would it be known what one was meant ? Why the article rrj after XcppovTJo-w ? It shows that KaravrtTrepas AySu Sov sustains what relation to Xcpponjo-w ? How else could rfj ____ A/?v8ou be placed to have the same force as at present? 63 Construction of AfivSov (158, R. 1, d) ? Where was Abydus ? Was it on the Asiatic or European side of the Hellespont ? Force of 8e in rovSc ( 64, 3) ? Derivation of rpoTrov? From what part of that verb? Construction ? Is it governed by anything ? Is it a kind of adverbial expression ? How does it differ from rpoirov ? Who was Clearchus ? What was his history up to this time ? Derivation of <vyas ? Stem ? Why does not the 8 appear in the Norn ? Declension ? What kind of a passive is fjyda-Sr) (118, R. ; 144, b, and R) ? The pas sive, then, has the force of what voice ? Does the Aor. of this word denote merely a past act (he esteemed him), or the coming into a state or condition (he came to esteem QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 99 KOL &L$a)(7iv aura) pvptovs Sapei/covs. O Se Xa/3a>z/ TO (Trpdrevfjia crweke^ev CLTTO TOVTCOV rwv Xp?]- Kdl 7TO\efJLC K XeppOvtf&OV 6p{jLO)/JLVO<> TOt? TO?? vjrep e E\\7J(T7rov70V ol/covaij real ax him) ? (Compare e/3a<riXeucra, not I was a Ling, but / came to be a king.) Force of re before avrov ? What is its correlative ? Could re be omitted ? Would anything be lost by the omission ? What kind of a Pres. is Si Suxrii/ ? What is the advantage of a present over a past tense here ? Different accentuation of /xvptot? Which accent makes it mean a definite number (ten thousand), and which an in definite ? Is this distinction always observed, however ? Derivation of Sapei/cou s? How much was a Daric? Any peculiarity in the use of 6 here ? Any other instances of a similar usage in this chapter? Rule for the accent of Aa/3<m> (84, 3, a) ? What relation of time does it sustain to cTui/eXe^ey ? Why the article with xpvorcov ? Derivation of xpypv-Tuv ? From what part of that verb ? From what person of that tense? Why e7roAe/m Impf. ? How does e /c Xeppovr jo-ov differ from cbro Xeppovrjo-ov ? Which would necessarily imply that the person spoken of was in the place, and which might only imply that he was on the bor ders ? Why op/xoj/jtei/o? in the Mid. voice ? Difference between it and active ? Is the Act., however, often used intransitively ? Force of the present Part. ? Does the Pres. or Past Part, denote the repetition of the act? Con struction of pa& (161, 2, a, y) ? Why the article repeated after it ? What relation does it make v-rrtp EXA.?jo-7rovrov sus- 100 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. wore teal yjpr)pcuTa crvve/3d\\ovTO avru> T7)V TOoffiv T&V (TTpaTlWTWV dl E\\r}CT JrOVTiaKai etcovo-ai. Tovro S av ovro) rpe^o^evov \dv- tain to pai? How else could wcp . . . OIKOWTI be placed to have the same force? 63 Composition of EXXryo-Trovrov ? Why so called ? Is oucoixrt a verb or a participle ? Is there any difference in form or accent? How determined, then? Tense of ox^cAei ? How determined whether it is Pres. or Impf. ? Are the form and accent the same in both tenses? Which is alike, and which different? What is the difference? What case do verbs of the signification of w<e\ei govern in Latin (159, 3) ? Why the article with "EXXrjvas ? Does it make the word denote some particular Greeks, or Greeks in general?. Force of KCU after oxrre? Influence of <rw in o~uvefid\\ovTo? Why Impf.? How much of the word exhibits the active form ? What is -TO ? Why the Mid. voice? Whose money do they bring to gether or contribute ? Construction of avru) ? What does efc show the relation between ? What relation does cis rrjv Tpo<j>r)v sustain to ar<3? Which is the general, and which the specific expression ? How can the sentence be trans lated to denote these relations respectively ? 64 Derivation of rpo<t>r}v? From what part of the verb ? Declension of arpartwrwv? On what principle perispomenon (26, 4, y) ? Accent of Norn. Sing. ? Voc. Sing. ? Why not the Voc. like the Norn. ? How is the syllable ov in CKOVO-CU to be explained ? What two letters are dropped ? Why (8, 8) ? On what principle does o become ov after these letters are dropped? Why are Tro Xets CKOWTOI placed at the end of QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS . avT<p TO crrpdrevfjia. ApicrTWiros Be 6 uroS, teal Trietypevos VTTO ra>v OLK.OC ep%6Tai, irpos TQV Kvpov /ecu alrel avrbv f ei/ov? fcai rpi&v fjLrjvwv ^LO^HOV^ co? ovrco the sentence ? Is o-rparev/x,a for the same reason placed at the end of the next sentence ? How is the participle con nected with XavSdvu to be translated, as a participle or verb ? How is XavSdvu to be translated, as a verb or adverb (175, 3)? Fut. of rpe^oj? On what principle is T changed into in the Fut. (8, 10) ? Stem of c\dv Savcv? How from the stem Aa$ is the Pres. \av9dv<a formed (121, b) ? Who was Aristippus ? Where was Thessaly, to which he belonged ? Construction of eVos ? Is it the predicate Nom. after w> or cTvyx avl/ ? What relation does wi/ sustain to trvavev ? Is VTTO the usual preposition with a passive verb to denote the voluntary agent ? What Latin preposition would be here used, instead of VTTO ? Why is not OLKOL properispomenon ? What two methods of explaining this? 65 How does OLKOL differ in meaning from OLKOL ? Case of OLKOL ? Composition of avrto-rao-twrcui/ ? Why perispomenon ? Fut. of l/r^rai for Attic Greek (126, 2)? From what stem is the Perf. formed ? What peculiarity has the Perf. (89) ? Verbs of asking, as aim, govern two accusatives, what are they here? Is eVovs governed by ei? or caret? 66 Why ft^vtav accented on the ultimate (33, III, b) ? Why circumflexed? Construction of fMLo-$6v? Whose view is indicated by ws with the participle, that of the writer or Aristippus 9* $ !.- 102 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. av rwv avTio-racriwToov. ( O Se Kvpos avTw els rerpaKicrxiXiovs KOI ef fjirjvwv KCLI Setrat O-UTOU /M; irpoa^sev K.ara\v<7ai irpos (176, R. 2)? How may the force of u>s be expressed? 46 How much of what precedes does OVTOO embrace, or to what does it refer? What part of a proposition is con tained in it (185, R. 4) ? How can it be expressed as part of a proposition? 67 What part of a proposition is Trepiyei/o/Aevog av ? What effect has av on the participle here? 68 When may oV stand with the participle (153, 2, d) ? How could OUTW Trcptyevo/xcvos ov be expressed in the form of a regular protasis and apodosis ? By what principle is drncrTacricoTcoi in the Gen. (158, 7, a) ? AtSoxnv, being a transitive verb, requires its direct object in the Ace., what is that Ace. here ? Is it rcrpofcurxtXcbvs ? But is not this governed by eis ? What then is the gram matical object of SiSwow? What does *cai before e con nect? Has Semxt here its primary or secondary meaning? What is its meaning here ? Is it a contract verb in all its parts? In what only (97, 1)? Construction of atrot (158, 5, a) ? Why ^ here and not ov ? General differ ence between these words (177, 3, 4, and 5) ? Which is joined almost always with the Inf.? With what Latin words do irpoa-Scv .... irpiv correspond ? Meaning of Kara- Xvvai? How much is simple stem? What is the cr ? From the circumflex on the penult what is to be inferred in regard to the quantity of the ultimate, so far as relates to accent? On what kind of a syllable only can the cir cumflex stand? Can an acute accent stand either on a QUESTIONS OK THE ANABASIS. 103 Trplv av avro) avjjL/3ov\ev(ri]Tai. Ovrco Se av TO ev Serrdkia e\dv^avev avrco rpe^o^evov arpd- Tv/jba. npo^evov Be TOV BOLMTIOV, t;evov oma avrq), exeXevcre \afiovTa avbpas ort long or a short syllable ? From the acute on the penult of dvTto-Tao-tcora?, what may be inferred in regard to the quantity of the ultimate ? If it were not so, and the accent were on the penult, what would the accent be ? Is -as in the ending of nouns of the third Dec. long or short (3 1) ? Why (TVfjL^ovXcva-rjTaL in the Mid. voice? "What relation of time does it express (152, R. 3) ? What relation of future time, simple Fut. or Fut. Perf. ? What is im plied by a Fut. Perf. ? A Fut. Perf. being really a future Past, which is a contradiction, can there be absolutely a Fut. Perf. ? How is the expression, Future Perfect, then, to be understood, as an absolute or a relative term ? What relation does the time of o-vfjLpovXevcrrjTai sustain to that of KaraAvcrai ? Do they both denote future time ? Which is prior to the other ? Construction of eVov ? What relation does ovra express, time, cause, or conditionally (176)? Primary meaning of cKeAeucre ? Is Tlp6cvov governed by /<e Aewe, or is it the subject Ace. before 7rapayevecr9a.L ? C9 Rule for accentuation of Trapaycve o^at ? Of XaySoVra ? Were the written accents, as they now stand on the Greek words, used in the best period of the language ? About how early were they introduced ? What occasion was there for them then more than previously? 70 Meaning of d)5 before ets UeunSas ? Does it mean " saying that," 104 QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. &>9 et? JJewtSo? /3ov\6fjLevos o-rpareveo-^faij 009 7rape%di>Tc0v TWV Tleidi^wv T?} eav ro> %a)pa. %o- Se TOZ> ^-rv^akiov /ecu ^(o/cpdrrjv TOV Ayaiov, /cat " on the pretence that," or what ? If it were omitted, what different sense would the sentence have? Where was Pisidia ? Derivation of orpareuecr^ai ? Does d>s before Trpay/xara have the same meaning as the one before ct s? Derivation of Trpay/xara? From what part of Trparrw ? What person of the Perf. Pass. ? What noun comes from the second Pers. ? What from the third ? Has Trpdy^ara here its usual meaning? What is its meaning here? Composition of cavrov ? What other form can it have ? What is the position of the Gen. of reflexive pronouns with reference to the substantive on which they depend ? Could tavTov be placed before the article rrj, or immedi ately after x o V?^ Would the position rfj xW r ?7 xvrov have the same force as that in the text (148, R. 8) ? If instead of eavrov in the text, we have a simple personal pronoun, JJLOV, <rov, T^/XOJV, CLVTOV, etc., how would it be placed ? How would the demonstrative TOVTOV be placed, like cavrou or /xov, etc. ? 71 In transferring Greek proper names into English, how is ot, as in Boiomov, expressed ? How cu, as in 2c<cui/eroi/ (3, R. 1) ? Force of /cat before TOVTOV?? Upon what word does its force fall ? To what previous word does it direct the mind? From what Pres. does \3eLv come ? From what root ? What letter is syn copated in the form ? Rule for accent (84, 3, a) ? Pecu- QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 105 >9 Tr<J\ep,r)(T<t)v Ticraafyepvei avv rot? <f)vydcn, TUV MiX^aiwv. Kal ITTOLOVV ovrw OVTOI. liarity of the Perf. ? Force of on before TrXeio-rou? ? What is denoted by the Fut. Part. -n-oXe^jja-wv ? Construction of Ti<rcra<f>pvt ? Does erw govern more than one case ? What letter is dropped in <vycun ? Why ? How is <f>vyd<TL accented in the Norn. ? Can any rules be given by which the place of the accent may be determined? How are such rules obtained? In any other way than by obser vation, grouping together words similarly accented in classes, under a general rule? 72 With a few exceptions, is the place of the accent uniform in the verb ? What is that place ? Does o-vV here have the meaning of the English with, as when we say, " England is going to war with France," or does it mean, "in conjunction with," " with the aid of" ? MtX^crtW being formed from the noun MiA^ros, by the influence of what letter is the r changed into cr? 73 Why the Impf. <Wow? Does it mean they wished, they endeavored (152, R. 4) to do it, or they went to doing it ? The writer might have used the Aor. here, but what would have been the difference in the view given (152, 10)? Derivation of ovrws? What is the usage of the Greek by which or<os ovrot are placed together? 74 HOMEE. QUESTIONS ON THE FIRST THIRTY-TWO LINES OF THE ILIAD. WHY is this poem called the Iliad? Is it definitely known when it was composed ? How early was it known in European Greece? 1 Was the author a European or Asiatic Greek ? Who was the author ? Has there been any doubt in regard to the authorship ? Can anything be ascertained of the personal history of Homer from his own writings ? Was he probably born blind ? Is it known when he lived? How many cities claimed to have been his birth-place ? What two places are generally regarded as having the strongest claim ? Was the poem probably committed to writing by the author ? Was writing known in the time of Homer? Who first collected the poems of Homer in the form we now have them ? Was the Iliad originally divided into twenty-four books, as at present ? How then were the different parts designated ? What is the meaning of Aoi/xo?, M^ns, at the commence ment of the first book, and other inscriptions at the com mencement of the other books? 2 What is the dialect of Homer, is it the older or the later Ionic, or neither ? General characteristics of the Ionic dialect ? Why called Ionic ? Where used principally ? What is the subjet r QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. 107 MHNIN aeiSe, ^ea, IL?\7?taSea> of the poem ? Who is the hero ? Why does not the author commence with an account of the circumstances which led to the disagreement between Achilles and Agamemnon, instead of reserving this account for the 365 line, et seq.? Would the effect have been as impres sive, if the poet had given these circumstances in a nar rative form, as they are coming from the lips of Achilles himself? Why does /x-JJi/u/ stand as the first word ? Derivation ? If from /xeVw, what is its precise meaning ? If from /*cuVo- /xat, what? Any other form of the Ace. besides ppw? What was the method of reciting verse which makes the use of aeiSe proper? 3 Prose form instead of aetSe? Fut. of dei Sco ? Of aSw ? Who is the ea invoked ? Was it any divinity known by name to the poet, or simply the Muse of Epic poetry ? How is ea, goddess, distinguished from the same form meaning sight f What kind of a noun is Ify- A^taSew? From what noun is the patronymic formed? Meaning of patronymics ? What other patronymics could be formed from IfyAev s (Comp. lines 188 and 223) ? When does the patronymic end in -taS^s ? Why -taSrys when the final vowel of the stem is long ? Why not -t % as well ? Could such a form as HrjXrjL&rjs be introduced into hex ameter verse? Why not? What are the Gen. Sing. endings of masculine nouns of the first Dec., in Homer (197, 4)? How from the Gen. in -ao come the forms in -w and -ew? Do the vowels -<o in nT/ArjiaSew form two syllables ? What is the figure called by which they are 108 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. ) rj fjuvpC A^a^ a\ye 8 lfoi/jLovs i/a? "A iBi, T pronounced as one syllable (194, 4) ? How can the accent be upon the antepenult when the ultimate is long (30, R. 2) ? Gen. Sing, of H^A-T/iaSeo) in Attic ? Is the Gen. ending -ov ever found in Homer in masculine nouns of the first Dec. ? In what three respects does the Gen. A^tXfyo? differ in form from the Attic Gen. ? Why one A dropped ? Why e of the Attic ?/ here? How is the Attic Gen. accented ? Derivation of ovAo/xeV^v ? Has it an active or a passive sense? How is the syllable ov explained? Before what letters may o be lengthened into ov? 4 What instance in the tenth line? Antecedent of ^? How is fjivpLOL accented when it means ten thousand? How when it denotes an indefinite number? Is this distinction uni formly observed? Has the word here its specific or in definite sense ? Who were the A^atot ? Why does Homer use this word, instead of some other, to designate Greeks ? Why not "EAA^o-i ? Which would an Attic writer use ? Full form instead of aAye ? Is the termination -ca usually contracted in Homer? 5 The measure would have been the same if the full form aAyea had been retained, and the augment of i&rjKev omitted, would the rhythm have been as good ? What caesura is secured by the form aAye that would be lost if the full form was written ? G Is the Dual and PI. of C^KCV used ? How is its place supplied (131, 2) ? What peculiarity does e^ryKev present in the first Aor. ? What other Aorists have the same (131, 2)? What is the origin of the final v in e^Key ? Is it a para- ON THE ILIAD. 109 avTOvs Be e\a)pta rev^e Kvvecrcriv gogic v, or does it belong to the original and full form of the word ? 7 In what number, genders, and cases is TroAAag irregular in its inflection ? Form of Norn, in Attic ? Two forms of Norn, in Homer (201, 3) ? Derivation of tyi- IMOVS ? Is it a compound ? Gender ? How can it be fem inine ? Does it belong appropriately to i/or^as or fjpuwv ? What is the quantity of -ag final in the Ace. PI. of the first Dec. (25)? Of the third (31)? Composition of *At8i ? Construction ? Norn. ? But can this come from the form At&rp ? To what assumed Norn, must *Ai St be referred ? What is the figure by which different forms like AfSao, "AiSos, Ai Si (first and third Dec.) are referred to the same Norn. ? 8 Force of Trpo in Trpota^ei/ ? Does irpoiafev take the augment here or not ? How is that determined ? If it had the augment would the t be long or short (86) ? Which is it ? What are the elements of the \f/ ? With what is avrovs contrasted ? What then does avrovs mean ? How is the hiatus after 8e to be accounted for? What character or letter originally preceded the c of eXoipta (193)? Would there, then, be any hiatus (191, g) ? Construction of avrovs and eXwpta (160,3)? Derivation of e Xwpia? Why is not its final vowel elided, and the augment of TC% retained, as in e^/ccv above ? What caesura would there then be in the fourth foot ? Was that a favorite one with Homer, or was it avoided? 9 If the augment of T%e were used, how would the word be accented? Why re^e Impf., while I^KCV and 7rpon/rev are in the Aor. ? Was the distinction between the Impf. 10 110 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. Olwvolcl re Trao-t, Albs ereXet ero (3ov\rj and Aor. as clearly marked in Homer s time as subse quently ? May he not, too, even where the action is momentary, and consequently requires an Aor., use the Impf. to denote that the effects of the action continue ? Nom. Sing, of Kvvco-a-w? "What letter of the stem is dropped in the oblique cases? What is its Dat. PI. in Attic? Epic endings of Dat. PL (199, 1)? When one and when two o- s ? Why does the poet speak of giving their bodies to dogs and birds of prey ? Was there any thing particularly harrowing to the mind of a Greek in such a thought ? Why ? Attic Dat. of otwi/oto-t ? Deri vation ? What, then, is the primary idea ? What kind of birds are denoted ? In what other sense is oion/o? often used? What is noticeable in the position of,rc standing after owoi/ouri ? 10 Meaning of iraxn here ? From what assumed Nom. is Ato? formed? With what Nom. is it associated? Why oxytone? Is the 8 after Ato? adver sative or continuative ? If adversative, what is the clause with which it stands in contrast ? Notwithstanding what, was the will of Zeus accomplishing ? Why is the of Se not retained, and the augment of ercXctcro dropped ? What caesura would that give? From what Pres. does Homer form ereAei eTo ? What is the Attic Pres. ? Attic Impf. ? Why Mid. voice ? Force of Impf. ? How was the will of Zeus accomplishing ? What was that will or pur pose? If it was his purpose to give success to the Greeks, how are these woes that are now befalling them, to be explained ? Accent of /3oiA>/ in Gen. Sing. ? Nom. PI. ? QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. Ill ov Brj raTTpcora re ava% avSpcov /ecu 05 * Does e ov depend on oAye e^Kev, Trpota^e^, etc., or ereAci- CTO /JovA.77? Why , and not e/c ? What would be the full expression instead of e ov ? n Force of o^ here ? To what class of words does it give explicitness, or a deter minate force? 12 What word does it affect? Derivation of Trptora ? Literal meaning of Siao-rrj-n;!/ ? Force of 6\a ? In what number is the verb ? Why ? Is the Dual always used when two persons or things are spoken of (147, R. 3) ? Why is the augment omitted? Would the monotony of three successive e sounds be preferable to the present form ? Which Aor. is SLaa-T-rjrrjv ? Difference between the first and second Aor. of tVr^/u ( 1 31, R. 2) ? Difference between the second Aor. Act. and Mid. ? Is the second Aor. Mid. in use? Why not? Derivation of cpuravre ? Agreement? What relation does it express (176)? Cause of what action ? How is the patronymic ArpetoV formed ? What other forms could be given? Force of re after Arpet oV? Could it be omitted? Without changing the sentence in any way? Stem of &/ a ? How from the stem is the Norn, formed ? What letter is appended to the stem ? What is that letter? What letter of the stem does it reject? How is the formed? Two forms of the Voc. Sing.? When one and when the other used? Why is not the in T elided before &va? Is there not a hiatus occasioned by retaining it? What prevented the hiatus? What character or letter belonged to avag which would obviate the hiatus? Stem of foSptiv? What becomes of 112 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. Tt9 T ap crtpwe *&ewv epi&i gvverjice Arjrovs teal A Cos vios. 6 jap @acri\rji the c ? In what cases only is it retained ? How does the t in Stos become long ? What is the uncontracted form ? Force of re after ris? 13 What is the usual position of re with reference to the word it connects ? What connection does ap (apa) mark with what precedes ? Number </ cr<coe? To whom referring? Why without an accent/ When the accent of an enclitic unites with the preceding oxytone, on what principle does the accent which would otherwise be depressed, become acute ? 14 What Greek verb from e/otSt? Is IpiSt an adjunct of ^ui/ei^Kc or //.d^co^ai ? Can this be definitely determined? Why not? Does Homer connect it with words of both significations ? Is vv or <rvv the earlier form ? How is the e before the 17 in wer]Ke to be explained ? What other peculiarity does this Aor. form present (Comp. C&VJKCV above) ? What is the Epic Fut. of /xa^eo-^at? Attic? How is each formed? What relation has the next half line to the preceding line ? Norn, of A^rov?? How declined, and why so accented (43, b) ? Construction of vios? How accented in the Gen. and Dat. ? Peculiarity in the use of 6 as compared with Attic Greek? What was the original use of the Attic article, did it have the relation of an article or pronoun? What would an Attic writer use for 6 here? Composition of yap ? Connection between the sentence commencing 6 yap, etc., and what precedes? Attic form and accent instead of ^ao-tX^i ? Who is meant by it ? Construction [161, 2, (c), (/2)] ? To whom does 6 refer? QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. 113 Novcrov ava crrpcnbv wpcre tca/crjv, b\eKovro Se Xaot, Ovve/ca TOV Xpvcrrjv rjTi^cr dprjrfjpa Why was he angry with the king ? Derivation and pri mary meaning of x^ ct ? What English word from that noun ? What connection between the primary mean ing of the noun and that of the Part, here ? How does the syllable -s in ^oXw^ets originate ? Common form instead of vova-ov? By what general usage in Homer is the o lengthened into ou ? Primary meaning of avd ? Meaning here ? How comes such a meaning from the primary one ? Stem of to/acre ? What syllable is added to the stem to form the Pres. ? When is w and when vw added ? Is it usual for liquid verbs to form the Fut. or first Aor. with <r? Peculiarity in the Perf. of wpo-e ? How is KUKO? com pared in Homer (202, 2) ? What peculiarity in oAeWro ? What is the general rule in regard to the omission of the augment in Homer (205, 1)? Will that determine every case (Comp. C^KCI/ and rev^e above) ? Only what tenses of oAeWro are in use ? Why Mid. voice here ? Difference between Mid. and Act ? Derivation ? Relation of the first half of the line to the second ? Of the second to the first? Derivation of Xaot? Why so derived, what con nection have people with stones? Full form instead of owe/ca? By what principle does it have this form (6, 2)? Has TOV here simply the force of the Attic article, or a strictly pronominal force? 15 Who was Chryses ? How had he been dishonored? Composition and derivation of ? Derivation of aprj-^jpa? How differing from line 23? What metrical peculiarity in this (11) 10* 114 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD, yap re oa? e vrjas s re ^vyarpa <j>ep(ov r a,7repel(7i CUTTOIVCL, line ? What is meant by a spondaic line ? Full form of ?X^c (Comp. line 152)? Epic Fut, and Perf.? Attic? The two different significations of Ipxo/xat ? Derivation of $o as? Attic for v^as ? What other Epic form besides this (200, 3; and comp. line 487)? How much of Xvao- /xo/os is verb stem ? What is the cr ? Why has the word two accents ? Force of the Fut. Part. ? Why Mid. voice ? Difference between Act. and Mid. of this verb? If a person owning a slave or captive sets him free, by which voice is the act designated ? But if another person pur chases him, or procures his freedom from the owner, by which voice is this act designated (Comp. Awai, line 20) ? The office of ri after Aucro/xevos? Where is the correla tive ? Is re ---- re usual in Attic Greek ? What is the more common formula there corresponding to re .... re here (178, 3)? Peculiarity in the form of Svyarpa (199, 7) ? Why not <}>cpwv in the Fut. as well as Awo /xevos ? Did he not come for the purpose of bringing the ransom ? But is the purpose or the means more prominently desig nated by </>e/>an/ ? Fut. of <^ipi ? From what theme formed ? Perf. ? From what theme ? Composition of aTrepaW ? What change has taken place in it ? Why ? Composition of airoiva ? What Latin word from the last part of the compound ? What English ? Derivation of crre/x/xa ? From what part of that word ? What was the oTe/x/xa ? How worn usually ? By what English QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. 115 Xpvo-ea) ava a/ciJTrTpa, Kal eX/Wero Trdvras ArpeiBa Se jjt,d\icrTa Bvco, fcoa/Aijrope ArpeiSat re Kal aXXot ev preposition may X w with the Ace. be translated here, and in similar places ? What is / with reference to accent ? On what principle is ^cpc-iV accented on the ultimate (33, III, b.) ? Is the i of the stem omitted in any other case than the Dat. PI. ? Composition of e/o?- fioXov ? From what part of the verb does fioXov come ? What kind of a line is this (14) metrically? What object has the priest in taking the ore/x/xa of Apollo? Why upon the sceptre ? Of what was the sceptre a symbol? What figure is there in the scanning of xpvvfy (194, 4)? How is the w made short (190, 7)? What would be the Attic form instead of xpwj> ? Why the open or uncontracted form here? Does ava govern the Dat. in prose ? Derivation of <r/o?7rrpo> ? Meaning of the verb ? Difference between the Pres. and Fut. of XiWo- /xat ? Case and number of Arpet Sa ? Why not the cir cumflex on the penult? Is Se adversative or continuative ? Comparative of /AaAto-ra ? Origin of the second X ? Does the Attic use Sv w ? What is the Attic form ? Does the Epic use any form besides Sv w ? Why is Suco used with the Dual ArpeiSa, does not the Dual alone signify the two sons of Atreus? Was the distinction between the Dual and the Plural as clearly marked in Homer s time as subsequently? 16 Derivation of /coo-^rope ? And KOO-- /xe oj from what ? Primary meaning of KOCT/AO?, from which Kooy*c<o is derived? Why has AT/m8<u the circumflex, 116 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. Yjuv jJLev ^eol Solev OAuyitTna o>fiar E/CTrepacu Hpidfjioio 7ro\iv, ev S ot/eaS i/ceo &ai but ArpctSa the acute upon the penult ? Is not the final syllable of both long in quantity ? But how is -at regarded in respect to accent (26, 4, a) ? Who are the sons of Atreus here referred to? Difference between TC KCU and /cat alone ? What word would an Attic writer join with oXAot, which is not here ? Composition of cu/ci/ijjuiSes ? How were the Ki^/xISe? made, in one or two pieces? Why ? Of what material ? Does eiki/TJ/xtSes denote the whole of their armour, or is it simply a part put for the whole ? What other form in Epic besides vfuv (203) ? What figure in the scanning of $ot (194, 4) ? In Attic Greek would .Scot take the article, or not ? Did the article, as such, exist in Homer s time? Why is Sotev in the Opt. ? What other form besides this ? What is the grammatical object of Sotcv ? Why were the gods represented as dwell ing on Olympus ? Was there more than one mountain of this name ? What one is meant here ? How high is it ? Derivation of Sw/xara? Why the acute on the u> here, while the Nom. Sing, is circumflexed ? From what Pres. is cKTrepo-at ? What has become of the # ? What letter rejects it? Rule for the accent (84, 4, a)? Attic Gen., instead of Ilpta/xoto ? Is the Gen. in -ov of the second Dec. found in Homer? Why called the city of Priam? Epic Gen. Sing, of Tro Xts (199, 16) ? Force of 8 appended to otKa ? What case is ouca, and from what assumed Nom. ? From what Pres. is tKeV^at? Rule for accent (84, 4, a) ? Stem? What is appended to the stem (120,2)? Fut. QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. 117 1 fj,ol \vcral re <^i\rjv ra T arroiva 8e; 4/,0? VLOV KT)[Bd) Ev& aAAoi Luev rrdvres how formed ? Stem of TrcuSa ? Norn, how formed from it ? Accent of Gen. and Dat. Sing.? Principle? On what does the Inf. AScrai depend? When it is said that it is used for the Imperative, what is meant ? Was the gram matical construction as perfect in the earlier period of the language as later ? ir Why is Avcrai properispomenon, while eKTrepo-ai is paroxytone ? Has rd here the force" of an article or a pronoun ? Why is ADom Aor., but Se X ecr3at Pres. ? Which denotes the single act, and which the continuance of the result? Primary meaning of a&ptvoi? What tenses in use ? What other form of the Ace. besides ATTo AAwva ? How is that form obtained ? What letter is syncopated ? What absorbed ? Was the Greek originally written in capitals, or in the cursive letters such as are now used? 18 How early were the cursive letters introduced? 19 Were the words origi nally separated from each other by spaces, as at present, or written together without spaces ? Does ZvSa primarily denote time or place? Which here? To what word is aAAot antithetic ? Would the Attic use ot here with 5AAoc, or not ? Composition of 7rev<j>far)o-av ? Has it any aug ment? What is the principle respecting the augment in verbs beginning with (90, 2) ? Derivation of a28er&u ? Why properispomenon ? What would be the accent before contraction ? Do all contracted syllables which have the accent, take the circumflex [11, 2, (2), (b)]? Of what 118 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. L ^ iepfja KOI dy\aa Se^aL aTroiva OVK /ca/cco? dtyei, Kparepov 8 eVl pifeov tre\\ev word is & the representative ? How does it receive this form? Attic for icpya (199, 10) ? How accented? Tense of Se^cu ? From what ? On what principle does the accent of dAA. disappear (12, 3) ? Why Aya/xe/xvon in Dat. [161, 2, (c), (8)] ? Stem of fySave? How from that stem is the Pres. di/Scu/w formed (121, b) ? What is the Fut. ? Is it formed from the simple stem dS ? What letter is assumed in order to form the Fut., and why ? Construction of $vp3? Is it in any way governed by fybavc ? What relation does it sustain to Ayajou/xvcw ? Is it indispensable to the sense here ? Why used then ? How is Ka/cois compared as an adverb (54, 1) ? Why is the comparative in the singular, but the superlative in the plural ? In the comparative, how many things are brought into view ? More than two ? As one is, therefore, com pared with the other, in what number must the compara tive be ? In the superlative is two or more things brought into view ? What, then, must be the number of the superlative ? Where is a<i ci made ? From what Pres. ? How this form from a^t^/xt (Comp. Impf. of ri^/xt) ? How can the i in d<ia be short ? To what word does CTTI belong? What is the figure called by which it is sep arated ? What is the derivation and meaning of the term Tmesis ? What English word from fjivSov? Perf. Act. of reAAo) ? How is the a in the penult of the Perf. to be QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. 119 Mr) o-e, yepov, KoiXrj&iv eyci) Trapa vyvcrl *H vvv ^jf^vvovr rj v&repov avris lovra, explained (102, 3) ? In what two ways does the Fut. Act. of reAAco differ from the Pres. ? Do the general laws of scanning apply to the Greek the same as to the Latin ? In scanning Greek, is a final vowel before another word beginning with a vowel to be omitted, as in Latin (Comp. lines 4 and seven) ? Are all the elisions made in the composition of Greek poetry which are intended ? Was hiatus, t. c., one word ending with a vowel and the next beginning with a vowel, to any extent allowed in Greek poetry? Does it occur in Greek more or less frequently than in Latin? 20 Can the quantity of the vowels be determined more easily in Greek or Latin ? Why ? How many of the Greek vowels determine their quantity by the form? What are they? Is this true of any of the vowels in Latin ? Only how many vowels in Greek, then, do not determine the quantity by the form ? Are not even these, however, when standing before another vowel, or a single consonant, in most cases short? How many times are these vowels long, except before two con sonants or a double consonant, in the first twenty-five lines of the Iliad, and how many times short ? Why pr) and not ov before ere (177, 5) ? Is yepov the pure stem, or is it shortened (35)? Norn.? By what principle is o of the stem lengthened into o> in the Nom. ? 21 Attic form for KotXrjo-Lv? What other form in Epic (197, 6)? Why is the term used at all, are not all ships hollow ? Do we speak of hollow ships ? Why not ? Attic 120 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. Mr) vv rob ov xpalcrprj o-tcfjirrpov teal crre/xftct Tr]v $ eyo) ov Xucr&j, TTplv JJLIV teal eVl ot/cw, ev "Apye i, Trj\ot, for vrjvai ? What two other Epic forms (200, 3) ? Pecu liarity in the form of /a^cico (209, 6) ? Derivation of vo-repois ? How compared ? What influence has it on a*Ti?, does it weaken or strengthen it ? From what is avrt<> formed ? Its Attic form ? Is toVra a Pres. or second Aor. Part. ? Is its accent, however, that of a Pres. or Aor. ? Attic for TOI? What other Epic form (203)? Tense of ^paior/x.?/ ? Is the Pres. in use? Attic word for rrfv ? Was the Attic or Ionic the earlier dialect ? Why called Attic ? Was it confined to Attica ? When did the Attic supersede the Ionic? 22 Why ov and not py with Avo-to ? Why Av crw in Act. ? What is the Stem ? cr ? w? Peculiarity of piv? How many genders does it represent? Construction? 23 Does Kat mean also or even? How determined ? On what word does its force fall ? Has ITTCIO-IJ/ a Pres. or Fut. sense (137, R. 3) ? On what principle is hiatus admissible after ^/xerepw and OIKW (191, a) ? How the one after ivi ? What letter originally preceded OIKO>, which would prevent hiatus (191, g) ? Attic instead of ivi? Why need eV "Apyei and ryXoSi be introduced after he had mentioned ^/xerepw tvl ? Did not the priest know that Agamemnon s home was in Argos, and that it was far away from Troy? But would the impression be as strong, though the facts were known, if the four last words of the line were omitted ? Where was Argos ? Does the word here QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. 121 Icrrov 7roi Xp/Jivr]v Kal IpJov Xe^o? avTio , aacorepo? w? /ce denote merely the city of that name? In what different senses is it used? Construction of TrarpTys (157)? Attic form ? What does Homer use instead of long a in the first Dec. (197,1)? Derivation of icrroV? The perti nence of the name ? What was the position of their web, perpendicular or horizontal ? Construction of Icrrov ? Would good prose allow so loose a construction ? Agree ment of cTroixopevrjv? Literal meaning? How would the two words be translated into English ? Derivation of Xe^os ? Agreement of di/rtowo-ai/ ? Regular contracted form ? Are the open or uncontracted forms of verbs in -ao> frequent in Homer? 24 What kind of a form is this? On what principle is the resolution here made by o (Comp. Aa/x- TreroWrt, line 104) ? 25 Derivation of epc <!he ? Why crcuorepos and not craorepos? Why is the comparative used here ? What thought is suppressed which is necessary to complete the comparison, safer than what ? Does (os in its sense here, take an accent ? Whence comes its accent, then ? Difference between ws with and without the accent ? Attic for *e ? What letter is syncopated in vei/at ? Attic instead of it ? How formed from this ? 26 Is the proportion of vowels here greater or less than in prose ? Why so ? In the first seven lines of the Iliad do the vowels or consonants predominate ? In what pro portion ? How is it in the first seven of the Aeneid ? Does that predominance of consonants over the vowels hold generally in the Latin ? 27 In Greek what is the pro- 11 122 QUESTIONS ON THE ILIAD. portion of vowels to consonants? 28 How many diphthongs in the first seven lines of the Aeneid ? How many in the same of the Iliad ? Does that indicate the relative number in the two languages? 29 Is aspiration, as in 77, ^/auW, cXwpitt, etc., above, more common in Greek or in Latin? How many instances of aspiration in the first twenty-five lines of the Iliad, and how many in the same of the Aeneid ? NOTES NOTES. NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. 1. THE case-endings of Latin nouns, etc., generally denote the relations which the nouns, etc., express ; but as the English nouns have no such case-endings, except the possessiA^e, the relation which the Latin expresses by these endings is usually denoted in English by prepositions. Hence, to denote the relation of the Abl. metu, we use by or from, and for that of milvii, of: Hence, milvu metu, by fear of the kite. 2. The rule means that, when the relation of cause, manner, or means is to be expressed, such relation is denoted by putting the noun in the Abl. The word, therefore, is not governed by any other word. 3. The e in accipitrem, and in all similar Accusatives of the third Dec. is a connecting vowel, connecting the stem acdpitr with the case-ending m. The e of the Nom. is dropped in the oblique cases. 4. The proper root of rogo is roga, contraction taking place in the Pres., as rogao, rogo, rogaas, royas, etc. The grammar, however, to which references are made in these " Questions," does not adopt this explanation. 5. The dentals (or linguals) d and t are either dropped before s, to soften the pronunciation, as (claudsi) clausi, (ridsi) mi, (sentsi) sensi, (dividsum) divisum, etc. ; or they are assimilated before s, as cessi for cedsi. 6. The Latin has no substantive personal pronoun of the third per son ; ille hie, is, etc., are not properly substantive personal pronouns, 11* 126 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. with the meaning of he, etc., but demonstrative adjective pronouns agreeing with some noun understood. They are, however, quite frequently used as personal pronouns. 7. All ablatives Sing, of the fifth Dec. are formed by contraction, ee being contracted into , as dice, die. This declension, like the fourth, is but a modification of the third. 8. Twenty-three simple verbs in Latin have the reduplication, two of the first conjugation, four of the second, and seventeen of the third. 9. The clause following quam completes the comparison which was commenced in the preceding clause by majorem, the com parison being imperfect without the clause with quam. 10. The form of the Norn, of the third Dec. generally differs from the stem or root; but the stem may be found by rejecting is of the Gen. Sing., as temports, stem tempor ; civitatzs, stem civttat. 11. Potuisset is strictly the apodosis of a proposition, the protasis being understood, such as "had he made the trial." (See Gram. 261, R. 4.) 12. There is only a connection of signification between mains and the comparative and superlative, none in form ; the comparative and superlative in use supply those of malus which are not in use. 13. The m of com and n of in are assimilated before liquids, as irruo (inruo), corruo (conruo), illlno (inlino), etc. (See Gram. 196, 5.) 14. The Latin has no Pcrf. Act. Participle, as the English ; there fore it cannot have a construction like the English, " having gnawed the nets," and the like. 15. The relative at the commencement of a sentence generally differs from the demonstratives hie or ille, in having a connective force. The connective force may be expressed in various ways, as now, then, and the like. 16. When the action denoted by the Abl. absolute is performed by the same agent as that denoted by the verb of the same sentence, the Perf. Pass. Part, in the Abl. absolute may be translated into NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. 127 English by our Pcrf. Act. Part., as recuperate gladio, ad suos rever- sus est, " having recovered his sword, lie returned to his party." 17. Most masculine and feminine nouns of the third Dec in the Norn, append the letter s to the stem ; this letter is called the sign of the Nom. or the gender sign. 18. As the combination rs at the end of a word was not euphonic to a Roman ear, the s rejects the r, so that we have the Nom. mus rather than murs. It is sometimes said, however, that the s in rmis is not the sign of the Norn., but that it stands for r, these letters being often interchangeable. 19. The d of ad is assimilated before c, q, qu, p,f, f, I, r, s. 20. The prefix ob was originally obs (obstendo), but the b is dropped when the prefix comes before t, the combination of three consonants generally not being admissible. On the same principle the 6 of abs is dropped, as aspetto for nbspello. 21. The difference between quis and qui as an interrogative is, that quis inquires for the name of the person or thing, but qui for the character or quality. 22. The Perf. Act. of sto is irregular, both in following the analogy of the third conjugation, and in having the reduplication. If the Perf. were formed regularly it would be stavi. In the Pcrf. steti it will also be observed that the s of the stem syllable is omitted before t ; hence steti for stesti. The same occurs in spopondi for spospondi, and in other words, the repetition of the s being uncuphonic. 23. Where the vowel of the stem is changed in the Perf. the vowel of reduplication is e, as sto (stem, stao), steti ; do (stem, dao), dedi; parco, peperci ; cado, cecldi. Where e belongs to the stem it is retained in the reduplication, as tendo, tetendi ; pello, pepuli. So, too, other vowels are retained where the root is not changed, as curro, cucurri ; spondeo, spopondi. 24. In the verb eo the e remains before a vowel, but is changed into i before a consonant. But in the Pres. Part, (iens), i stands before a vowel. 128 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE FABLES. 25. Some nouns of the third Dec., whose stem ends in n, omit the Nom. sign s, and also drop the n; as sermo (stem, sermon); leo (leon), etc. 26. When quantus agrees with a noun, it signifies how great ; but when it is in the neuter gender, and governs a Gen., how much ; as quanta exempla, how great, important illustrations; quantum exem- plorum, how many illustrations. 27. The full form of sum is esum, the e appearing in three forms of the Indie. Pres., and throughout the Impf. Indie, and Subj., etc. 28. Where there are two groups of words forming an antithesis, the order of the first group is changed in the second ; thus two of the antithetic words are as far apart as possible, and two as near together as possible ; this arrangement making the antithesis more pointed ; as CONCORDIA maxuma, minuma AVARITIA erat. (See Note 53 to Questions on Cicero.) 29. The order of the conjunctions here named, in point of force, is at, sed, autem. 30. A strengthening n is inserted in the Pres. of many verbs, as si-n-o, li-n-o, tem-n-o, etc., which is retained only in the first root. 31. In several words p is inserted between ms and mt as a support to the voice, giving an easier pronunciation. The organs seem to require such a letter, even if it is not written ; as sumo, sum-/>-si, sum-/>-tum. 32. The regular form of the comparative of magnus, after dropping the strengthening n, would be magior ; dropping the g it is maior, as it is sometimes written; i and j were originally the same letter, but the vowel relation was subsequently denoted by i, and the consonant relation by j, as in major. 33. R and s are often interchangeable letters, the former being often changed into the latter, and the reverse ; as from sceler comes sceles- tus, from feriae, festus. So the Part, questus for quertus, gestum for gertum, etc. 34. The stem of vox is voc, the Nom. sign s being appended to the stem, the c and s combine, and form x. NOTES. 129 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 1. The Greeks did not have, like the Romans, any name to desig nate the family and the gens, and hence no surname, as with us ; the Greek names are the names of individuals merely, and they never become surnames, as is often the case with us. The Greek generally has but one name, while the Roman has two or more. 2. Miltiades here has strictly no grammatical construction. It stands independent, like inscriptions, titles of books, subjects of com position, etc. 3. When the vowel after qu is omitted, q is changed into c. Hence qu(u)m, cum; loqu(o)r, locutus ; qu(o)tidie, cotidie. 4. The general statement or fact would be the same if et were omitted. The use of it gives force, particularity, individuality to antiquitate, etc. There is a difference between saying A and B, and both A and B, or, not only A but B. So here. 5. The et after guum is correlative with et before gloria. 6. Good Latin usage would allow the three et s to be omitted here ; so that we could have antiquitate, gloria, modestia ; but the first two could not be omitted, and the third retained. Hence, all used or all omitted. 7. No uniform or invariable rule for the position of the Gen. can be given ; but if the Gen. is prominent or emphatic, t. e., if the idea expressed by it is more important than that of the noun or adjective by which it is governed, it stands before the governing word. The position of a Gen. before the governing word does not, however, necessarily make it emphatic, its tendency being to a position before rather than after, independent of emphasis. (See Gram. 279, R.) 8. See Note 32 to Questions on the Fables. 130 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 9. The combined force or emphasis of units omnium falls upon maxime, unus being frequently joined with the superlative to give it emphasis. Hence maxime floreret (was particularly eminent) unus omnium (above all others). 10. The regular form of the superlative of magnus, from which maxime is derived, would be magimus ; but an s is inserted as an euphonic letter after g, and the g and s combining make x. 11. In the first, second, and fourth conjugations the union vowel e before re of the Inf. combines with the final vowel of the root, and makes the penult vowel of the Inf. long. Thus amdo (root ama), ama&re = amdre; doceo (root doce), doctere = docere; audio (root audl), audlere = audlre. 12. The root of sum is es. The regular form of the Inf., from which the Impf. subjunctive is formed, would then be esere ; but syncopating the e after s, the r is then assimilated to the s ; hence the Inf. is esse, and the Impf. subjunctive is essem, etc. 13. "Jam always implies a progression up to the present time; or from the present to a future time ; it thus compares tacitly what is now with a former or future state of things. Nunc relates to the present moment ; now, as opposed to then " Johnson s Arnold s Nepos. 14. The # in cognitum, and words of the same derivation, does not arise from the n of the preposition con in composition, but is the initial letter of nosco, which has been dropped, the full form being gnosco. 15. Some verbs append sc to the root, which is retained only in the parts of the verb formed from the first root. Thus, no-sc-o, novi, notum. So cre-sc-o, pa-sc-o, etc. 16. The dentals (d, t) are sometimes dropped before s, and some times assimilated to it ; hence in the Perf. of mitto both the t s are dropped before the ending si; thus mi-si ; but in the supine and Perf. Part, one t is assimilated to the s of the ending, the other t being dropped, as a succession of three consonants would not be admissible ; NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. 131 thus missus, missum. In the Perf. of claudo the dental d is dropped, as clausi (for claudsi), while in the Perf. of cedo it is assimilated, as cessi (for cedsi). Comp. Note 5 to Questions on the Fables. 1 7. Words which refer to what precedes generally stand first in the sentence. Hence, demonstrative and relative pronouns, when they relate to a preceding substantive or statement, are always placed first. Krebs s Guide for Writing Latin. 18. The er and or of the stem of neuter nouns is often changed into us in forming the Nom., as gener, genus ; corpor, corpus. 19. See Note 12. 20. Different prepositions in English are used to express the rela tion of the Latin objective Gen. governed by a noun ; as ejus demi- grationis societatem, participation IN this emigration. So admonitio virtutis, encouragement TO virtue ; praemium industriae, reward FOR industry ; peritia historiae, acquaintance WITH history; deorum opinio, belief IN the gods. Krebs s Guide. 21. Some verbs of the third conjugation form their second and third roots like verbs of the fourth conjugation, as peto, petSre, petivi, petitum. So cupio, quaero, etc. 22. When mutes come together they must be of the same order, smooth with smooth, hard with hard, etc. Hence, when the smooth or soft g of deligo comes to stand before the hard t in the third root, it is changed into the hard mute c. 23. The stem of Apollinem is Apollin ; but some nouns of the third Dec. whose stem ends in n, drop that letter, and where the stem vowel is i, change the i into o ; hence stem homin, Nom. homo; stem Apollin, Nom. Apollo (see Note 25 to Questions on the Fables). 24. See Note 34 to Questions on the Fables. 25. The final r of uterentur is the sign of the passive, the u before it being merely a connecting vowel, connecting the passive sign and t, the sign of the third person. 26. Neuter or intransitive verbs can be used only impersonally in the passive ; since in the active voice they have no Ace. which can 132 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON NEPOS. be converted into the subject of the verb in the passive. Hence, invidet mihi, he envies me, but invidetur mihi, I am envied, not invideor. 27. The i in caplo, and other words in -io of the third conjugation, does not belong to the root, but is a strengthening letter. This vowel is dropped in all the endings of the Pres. Indie. Act. and Pass., beginning with a consonant, and is therefore retained only in the first Pers. Sing, and third Pers. PL ; as capio, captor, capiunt, capi- untar. The i in capls, capimus, capitis is not this strengthening i, but is merely the union vowel. If it were the strengthening t, it would be long in these forms, as is the case in the fourth conjugation, where the i is part of the root, and combines with the union vowel i, and becomes long ; hence, audio, audis, audlmus, audltis. The syllable it, however, of the third Pers. Sing, is short, even in the fourth con jugation. 28. See Note 31 to Questions on the Fables. 29. In oratio recta, fecissent would be in the Fut. Perf., and/utara in the simple future ; hence, si idfecerint, incepta prospera erunt. 30. In Note 15 it was said that some verbs append sc to the root; this is done when the root ends in a vowel, as no-sc-o ; but when the root ends in a consonant, isc is appended instead of sc, otherwise three consonants would come together ; as projis-isc-or, reviv-isc-o, con- cup-isc-o. 31. Sua sponte is the predominant usage, sponte sua seldom, in the best period of the language, except in the poets. 32. When compounded with a verb, in very rarely has a negative sense. In ignosco, ignoro, it has a negative force. 33. Facturos in oratio recta would be in the simple future : we will do it (faciemus). 34. Before the dentals d and t, m is changed into the dental n ; hence, eundem for eumdem, tantus for tamtus. In this way letters of the same order are brought together, and are more easily pronounced. NOTES. 133 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 1. See Note 34 to Questions on Nepos. 2. The dem in tandem is a demonstrative suffix, the same as in idem. 3. In imperative and interrogative sentences tandem has the mean ing of I pray, Task, thereby giving emphasis to the expression with which it is connected. 4. The form in -re, instead of -ris, is not usual in the second Pers. Sing. Indie. Pass., as the form in -re would be the same as that of the Pros. Inf. Ace., and might be easily mistaken for it ; e. g., amare for amaris, docere for doceris. But in the subjunctive Pres. Pass, the form in -re may be used, as it is not liable to be mistaken for any other form ; antere for ameris ; carpare for carparis. 5. Furor is an appropriate word to denote the recklessness of a seditious person. 6. The metaphor implied in eludet is derived from combatants or gladiators, who by a skilful motion of the body avoid the thrusts of their antagonists. 7. Iste is compounded of is and the pronominal suffix te, the same suffix that is appended to tu to strengthen it, as tute. 8. Two pronouns in a sentence, referring to each other, are usually placed near together. Krebs s Guide. 9. The bad sense of iste arises from its frequent use in addressing the defendant or opponent in courts of justice. 10. See Note 21 to Questions on the Fables. 11. In Cicero, quern ad finem does not mean to what end, but how long. 12 134 NOTES TO QUESTIONS OX CICERO. 12. In the earlier language, the Ace. Sing, of pronouns was strengthened by reduplicating the form; as meme, tcte, sese. The reduplicated sese is found both in the Sing, and PI. in the best period of the language. 13. The question introduced by ne does not determine whether the answer is to be yes or no. The question with ne is asked for infor mation, whether the thing is or is not so. 14. By separating the governing and governed words from each other, the mind of the hearer or reader is kept in suspense till it reaches the governing or the governed word ; in this way a stronger impression is made. 15. In times of danger a guard or garrison was placed upon tho Palatine hill, as it was situated in the central part of the city, and whoever had possession of it could defend the city. 16. Cities were not in a circular form ; but from their compactness, and from their being surrounded by a wall, the word denoting a city is properly derived from orbis, a circle. 17. Watches were posted through the whole city by the decree of the Senate. See Salltisfs Catiline, c. 30. 18. During the Republic there was no standing police force. Sentinels, however, were employed on occasions of danger. 19. The temple of Jnpiter Stator stood near the foot of the Pala tine hill. 20. The temple of Jupiter Stator. 21. Some editions have two or three instances of a Perf. in -ere for -erunt; it is probable, however, that Cicero never used the perfect form in -ere, but that this was the work of some copyist. Neither Caesar nor Nepos uses it. 22. See Note 11 to Questions on Nepos. 23. A question with non expresses surprise that the thing is not so (does not take place), and a doubt of the possibility of its being denied ( Muddy s Lat. Gram.). Hence, in the passage here, 7s it possible that you do not see, etc. ? NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 136 24. See Note 27 to Questions on Nepos. 25. See Note 22 to Questions on Nepos. 26. Besides the idea of a past act, the Perf. definite often denotes the present state, or continuance of the result ; hence constrictam, having been bound, and the state continuing, being now bound. 27. The conspiracy is here compared to a wild beast that is chained. 28. Nonne would imply an affirmative answer, it being assumed that the person addressed knows and admits the thing to be so. For the meaning of a question with non, see Note 23. 29. The union vowel i in the termination is combines with the short e of video, and lengthens it. Comp. Note 27 to the Questions on Nepos. 30. For propior and proximus, an old positive, propus, must be assumed. The superlative of such a positive would be propsimus ; the ps forming x, the word becomes proximus. 31. Summus comes from suprernus by syncopating re, and assimi lating the p to the m after it 32. The change of a to e, as well as the quantity of e, is explained by the reduplication of Greek verbs beginning with a short vowel, as from &w. 33. The Gen. Sing, of nouns in -ins and -him was probably in -i, instead of ii, till the time of Augustus, though there is some discrep ancy in the MSS. on this subject. 34. The stem of mos is mor ; but s and r being interchangeable letters, the termination in s was preferred. Compare honor and honos, arbor and arbos, the poets preferring the forms in s. 35. The omission of the connective gives animation and force to the discourse, the mind being directed only to what is important to the thought. 36. The second v in vivo combines with the tense sign s in the second root, and forms x (vixi), and in the third root is changed into c before t (victum). 136 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON CICEEO. 37. The force of immo is strengthened or made emphatic by vero. 38. By publici consilii is meant the deliberation in regard to the interests and safety of the state ; and the force of the expression con sists in the fact that the state is in so deplorable a condition that the man who is plotting for her destruction takes part in this delib eration. 39. See Note 29 to Questions on the Fables. 40. Neither the Perf. nor Plupf. Indie, of oportet would imply that the act was performed at the time when it should have been, but both of them would imply that the time for doing the act was past ; while the Impf. Indie, implies that the time for doing the act is not past ; the act ought to have been done long ago, but it was not done ; it ought to be done still, and may be done. 41. For the- sake of euphony, in poetry, also for the sake of the quantity, a consonant, particularly a liquid, is sometimes doubled. In some instances the doubled letter would be pronounced if it were not written. Hence ferri, Pas. Inf. otjfro; os, oss-is ; mel, mell-is; far,farr-is; milk and mile; littera and lltera. 42. Omnis, as the Greek TTUS > usually stands after the pronouns to which it belongs*. 43. Jarndiu, implying past time, necessarily requires the verb to which it belongs to be translated by a past tense : You have been for a long time plotting, and are still. 44. Seipio, a private man, is contrasted with Cicero the consul ; Gracchus with Catiline; a slight attempt against the state with its destruction ; the Roman republic with the whole world. 45. A very short word usually precedes a longer one. 46. Certain expressions have a uniform arrangement of the words, as pontifex maximus, patres conscripti, populus Romanus, So in Eng lish, safe and sound, fire and water, hope and fear. The fixed phrases in English, however, are often different from the Latin, as by sea and land (terra marique), by fire and sword (Jerro ignique), etc. 47. See Note U above. NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON CICERO. 137 48. Cicero here speaks for rhetorical effect, and does not give a true view of the efforts of Gracchus for a revolution. He elsewhere speaks in a very different tone of Gracchus. 49. Nam is often a transition particle, being used when the speaker passes on to a remark occasioned by the former sentence, but not containing any cause or reason. Arnold s Latin Prose. 50. The d which appears in illud, id, and the like, is probably the same as the demonstrative 5e in Greek, as ToSe, this here. It therefore increases the demonstrative force of the word. 51. Quod with the Indie, here, as in other similar passages, is nearly equivalent to the Ace. with the Inf. Indeed, the Ace. with the Inf. (C. Servilium Ahalam occidisse) might have been sub stituted for it with slight difference of meaning. Quod, however, is more appropriate when the verb following it is in a past tense. Comp. Zumpt s Lat. Gram., 626, Note 1. 52. In composition there is a frequent change of vowels, as a into e before two consonants, and into i before one : inermis (in and arma), expers (ex and pars), ini miens (in and a.micus) ; so coerceo (con and arceo). Comp. Note 37 to Questions on Virgil. 53. The figure by which the order of the words in two or more groups is changed, is called Chiasmus (a placing crosswise). See further, Note 28 to Questions on the Fables. Comp. also Catil., third Orat. 6, quod URBEM incendiis, cacde GIVES liberassem. 54. The senatus consultum here referred to was passed on the 21st of October, 63 B. C. 55. The formula by which the consuls were invested with supreme power was : Darent operam consules ne quid respublica detriment! caperet. See Chap. 2 of this oration. 12* JTQTES, NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL, 1. The tomb of Virgil is shown at Naples. Niebuhr, incredulous as he was in regard to all matters of mere tradition, believed this to be the tomb of Virgil. 2. In the Aeneid, Aeneas is a purely mythical character. Under this name Virgil has undoubtedly described the character and achieve ments of some other person, perhaps those of Augustus. 3. The first seven lines, which may be termed the proem, contain the subject of the poem. 4. When Virgil says that he sings of arms and the man, etc , he means particularly that he is to describe these in poetry. Sometimes, however, the recitation of poetry was accompanied by music. 5. See Note 23 to Questions on the Fables. 6. The word Dactyl is derived from the Greek SCI/CTUA.OS, a finger, because a dactyl has one long syllable and two short ones, just as the finger has one long part or joint and two short ones. The word Spondee is derived from airovS-f), libation, treaty ; because in the services connected with these, slow, solemn, spondaic melodies were used. 7. The greatest number of syllables in a hexameter line is seven teen ; all the feet may be dactyls except the last. The least number is thirteen ; all may be spondees except the fifth. 8. Authority or the use of the poets really determines the quantity of all syllables ; and the rules themselves even are based on this usage. The rules, therefore, only group together certain forms or endings, etc., whose vowels have a uniform quantity, either long or short ; i. e., the rules are only the exponents of the quantity as deter mined by the use of the poets. But if the quantity of every vowel of every word was determined by rule, the rules would bo so numerous NOTES TO QUESTIONS OX VIRGIL. 130 as to be of little value. Therefore, when it is said that a particular syllable is long or short by authority, it is only meant that it does not come under any of the general rules. 9. A short syllable is often made long in the Arsis, by the stress of voice which falls upon it. 10. See Note 4 to Questions on Nepos. 1 1 . Vis has been found to be used in all its cases, though the Gen. and Dat. Sing, are very rare. 12. See Note 31 to Questions on Cicero. 13. See Note 25 to Questions on the Fables. 14. Etiam would be commonly used in good prose, instead of et here. 15. Dum, signifying while, may be followed by the subjunctive when a design, purpose, or wish is expressed. 16. The stem of the second root of fero is tol ; the third root then would regularly be tolatum, and dropping the o, tlatum. The t of the last form being dropped on account of the uncuphonic combination of tl, the third root becomes latum. For the change of o into u in luli, see Note 27. 17. The name of the country was in most cases derived from the name of the people, and not the reverse. Latium was then the country of the Latini. 18. In milu, only mi is root, and hi is the Dat. ending. Mild, particularly in poetry, was often contracted into mi. 19. In Cicero s time, and before, causa was written with two s s. All languages have a varying orthography ; the variance being greatest at periods remote from each other, but also to some extent manifest at any given period. There was often a difference between the orthography in manuscripts, on coins, and inscriptions on stone. Hence, numus and nummus; annulus and anulus ; poena and paena ; vult and volt; coelum and caelum ; genetrix and genitrix ; toties and MMM / conjux aud conjunx ; litera and littera ; haud and haut, etc. 140 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 20. Quid in itself has no signification kindred or related to dolens; the actual cognate word is to be considered as understood, and quid is regarded as the attributive of such cognate word, and of course stands in the same case as that word would if supplied. In this way quid can be said to be a cognate accusative. 21. V before a consonant, particularly t, changes into u; as vo- lutum (from volvo), sohitum (from solvo), fautum (from faveo), v having originally both a vowel and consonant force, and the con sonant force being uneuphonic before another consonant, assumes, for the sake of euphony, in cases like those here given, its vowel relation in the form of u. On the contrary, the vowel u sometimes takes a consonant force, and changes into v ; as gaudeo, gajnsus. 22. E is changed into M, especially before a single /, or usually before I followed by a consonant ; as pello, pepuli, pukum ; vello, vitlsum. 23. Besides the other grounds for the use of the plural of nouns, the poets not unfrequently use it cither for emphasis or for the metre. 24. In poetry, words that require to be made emphatic receive a special emphasis by being placed at the beginning or end of the line. 25. The name Mare Mediterraneum first occurs about A. D. 250, the Roman name previous being Mare Internum. 26. Unus, as an intensive word, occurs much more frequently with the superlative than with the comparative. 27. frequently interchanges with u; as corpus for corpor, vult for volt, humanus from homo. 28. The Greek has a past active participle, and would take Samo in the Ace. after it ; but the Latin, having no past active participle, can express the relation only by the passive participle in the Abl. absolute. 29. The prevailing Hiatus in Virgil is in the Arsis, more seldom in the Thesis. In line 16 the effect of the Hiatus is prevented by the Caesura, and by the division in the line. NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON VIRGIL. 141 30. The old ablative from which hie comes was h(o)ic or h(e)ic = hie. 31. In Virgil the penult i of illius is oftener short than long. 32. As hoc here refers to Carthago, which is feminine, but takes the gender of regnum, there is strictly an attraction of gender. 33. See Note 12 to Questions on Nepos. 34. See Note 4 to Questions on Nepos. 35. See Note 50 to Questions on Cicero. 36. Qui usually stands the first word in its clause in prose. 37. A in composition is usually changed into the lighter vowel i before a single consonant, but before two consonants into e; as in- imicus (in-f- amicus), abigo (ab-{- ago), conjicio (con-f- jacio), abripio (ab-f-rapio), coerceo (con -|- arceo), abreptits (ab-f- raptus). 38. Spretae is formed from the theme spreo. 39. See Note 22 to Questions on Nepos. 142 NOTES. NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 1. Socrates had no particular place where he gave his instructions ; sometimes he taught in the groves of the Academy, sometimes in the Lyceum, or on the banks of the Ilissus, or in the streets of Athens. 2. Proxenus had come to Athens to attend the instructions of Gorgias the rhetorician, and while there had formed an acquaintance with Xcnophon. 3. Scillus was given to Xenophon by the Lacedemonians, they having taken it from the Eleans. 4. The expedition left Ephesus about the 7th of February, and Sardis about the 6th of March. 5. Cyrus was not quite seventeen when he was appointed satrap. 6. Cyrus s satrapy included Lydia, Phrygia, and Cappadocia, being between that of Pharnabazus on the north, and that of Tissa- phernes on the south. 7. Cyrus was invested with higher powers than the other two satraps, and stood to them nearly in the relation of governor-general. 8. The cause for the disappearance of 5 in the Nom. does not exist in the Gen., for in the Gen. it stands before a vowel, but in the Nom. before <r, which is an uneuphonic combination. Hence <r rejects 5 in the Nom. 9. The cr appended to the stem of nouns of the third Dec. is the sign of the Nom., sometimes called the gender-sign, as it is appended to masculine and feminine nouns. Comp. Note 17 to Questions on the Fables. 10. The syllable of reduplication 71 rejects t of the stem (ytv) in NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 143 11. The 6 rejected by the improper reduplication yi, reappears in all the tenses where yi is dropped. 12. The combination of a liquid and ff was not euphonious ; hence the ff was either dropped after a liquid (as in oreXw for ffi4\oo>), or a vowel was assumed to obviate the harshness. Hence, for the for mation of the Fut. of yiyvo/jLai, an e is assumed with the stem yev, which then becomes ytvt, and this in forming the Fut. is lengthened into 77, as in contract verbs. 13. The numeral Svw is scarcely used at all in Attic ; Svo, both in Attic and Ionic. 14. The particles n4v 8e stand in contrasted clauses, though the contrast is often a slight one. 15. The stem of dpi is ts ; the <r being dropped, as a compensation e is lengthened into e*. 16. The clause commencing with tirti is an adverbial clause; as it denotes the time when the action expressed by ifrovXero took place. The same clause, however, under other circumstances might be a substantive clause ; as in the expression, "I knew when Darius was sick," the clause "when Darius was sick" being the object of the verb knew. 17. The inferential particle olv is much stronger than &pa, the latter implying only a slight consequence. 18. The original or assumed form of the article was r6s, the Nom. sign ff being dropped in the Nom. Sing, masculine, and the r in the Nom. Sing, and PI. masculine and feminine. 19. The Greek avoided the stiffer form of the Plupf., and substi tuted for it the more pliant Aor., except where special precision in the relation of time was required. For this reason the Aor. is often found where the Plupf. might have been expected. 20. In the combination KO.\ Se the word on which the force of Kai falls, stands between these particles. Hence in the passage referred to : " and appointed him general also." 144 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 21. The T) before 7 in OTpa.rfiy^v would regularly be long a (a-rpa- TQ.y6v), as in \ox&y6s ; but as a second o in the word would be uneuphonio, the a is changed into ?j. 22. The <r in iras is the sign of the Nom. Comp. Note 9 ; also Note 17 to Questions on the Fables. 23. A.VTUV is a more quiet, or less emphatic, form than TOVTWV would be. 24. The regular form instead of lartujn. would be a-iffrijfjn, ai being the reduplication (Comp. Lat. sisto). For the sake of a more euphonic form, the sibilant 0- is exchanged for the aspirate, which transferred to t makes it I. So the regular Perf. Act. would be , but by a similar change it becomes ec 25. The old pronominal use of the article is infrequent in Attic Greek ; this use of it occurs, however, in all periods of the language, particularly in such forms as 6 p.4v, & Se ; ol p.4v, ol 8e ; 5e, etc. 26. The regular form of the Perf. would be XeArj^a ; but the X is dropped as not euphonious, and, as a compensation, is lengthened into et. 27. Tis with the participle denotes the view, opinion, or purpose of the agent or actor ; here not the view or purpose of Xenophon, but that of Artaxerxes. 28. Some words are defective in certain tenses ; and such defective tenses are supplied by the corresponding tenses of other words of a similar meaning. 29. The Greek a may be either long or short; in the (j-oy, the a was long by position before the dropping of vr ; but after the dropping of these letters, it becomes naturally long, being lengthened as a compensation for the omitted letters. But c is not both long and short in itself; therefore, when VT of aTt/j.a<r&fis is dropped, 6 is lengthened into et. The a, then, is lengthened in its nature, and e in its form. NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 145 30. The & in faus is the relative 6, the stem of g y , a being the Norn. sign. The 6 in <57ro?os, <M<roy, Mre, etc., has the same origin. 31. The i subscript was originally written in the line, and pro nounced. Subsequently, when it came to be omitted in the pronun ciation, it was dropped in the writing, but was afterwards restored, so as to preserve the original form of the words to which it belonged, heing then written under (subscript) the word, instead of in the line] as originally. 32. The repetitions of the action in the principal clause must balance or be equal to those in the introductory clause; such repeated actions in the principal clause are appropriately expressed only by the Impf. Indie. 33. The expression ruy irapk frur&fus, with its connected clause, is literally translated : " Now whoever of the [those] from the king came to him" (from time to time). 34. Besides its genitive relation here, farfrfos has also the relation of a Dat. with irapd. Thus the whole expression would be : "Oo-ns 5 aQiKvotro -rS> v [$ va( & p a <n\] ^apit /3a<nAes, etc. (whoever of those being with the king came from the king). This construction is not infrequent. 35. The particle re was, in the earlier periods of the language, joined with certain classes of words to give them a connective force. But as the language improved, these words came to have a connective force of themselves. The re was then no longer needed, and was wholly superfluous with such words ; it was therefore generally omitted in Attic Greek. Some few words, however, retained it, even in the best periods of the language; as &rre, ofts re, etc. 36. The position of -rrap cavry in the phrase TJ/ vap tavry fap- pw, between the article and its noun, gives it an adjective or attributive relation. The phrase, literally translated, is : " the with- himself barbarians." 37. The verb i x with an adverb is generally equivalent to efcf 13 146 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. with the same adverb ; as ex*" CVVOIKUS, to have themselves well dis posed, to be well disposed ; ex* " ovrtas, to have itself so, to be so. 38. The particle us is often joined with superlatives to strengthen them or increase their force. The force of us, therefore, falls upon the superlative. 39. Where us is used to strengthen the superlative, as stated in Note 38, some part of Swapou, or an equivalent expression, is ex pressed or understood ; very often understood, fis, therefore, in such cases, is a simple connective, connecting the word which the superlative strengthens with some part of ovva/ expressed or under stood. In the passage here referred to, o>s connects &waro with firiKpvTrT6/j.ei/os, concealing himself especially as he was able, as much as he in any way could, hence as secretly as possible. 40. The particle OTI is strictly a pronoun, and virtually retains its pronominal force where it is used to strengthen a comparative or superlative. Its real force in this and similar clauses can be seen by analyzing the one in which it here stands. Supplying the ellipsis, the sentence would stand thus : OTTCOS \dftoi jSao-tAeo ovrus airapcurKev- affrov, us O,TI a.trapaffKfv6Tar6v fori, that he miyht take the king so unprepared, as whatever is most unprepared, i. e., as unprepared as POSSIBLE. See White s Anabasis. 41 . riojeto-^at av\\oyi]v means to make a levy for one s self, like the Latin comparare sibi ; while troitiv <ruAAoyjjf is simply to make a levy, it not being determined by the expression itself for whom it is made. 42. In the sentence commencing 6ir6ffas, <pv\a.K<is is attracted into the relative clause, and into the case of the relative (6Tr6<ras). Putting <pu\a><ds in its own clause and case, the sentence would stand : <f>v\a.Ku>v, oiruffas e/xe, etc., (pv\a.Kui/ being then governed by <ppov- 43. A medial mute is inserted between /up and vp to soften the pronunciation ; as /ie<T7j^u-j8-piu, /.t-/8-poTos, &v-8-pts. 44. The Latin inserts p between. nrt and ms, etc., as a support for the voice, it being difficult for the organs to avoid pronouncing the p, NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 147 even if it ig not written ; as emo, em-p-si, em-p-tum, tem-p-tare, tern-p lum (from rep.). Comp. Note 31 to Questions on the Fables. 45. On the same principle as in Greek and Latin, a mute is in serted in English between m and the consonant following it, the latter more commonly being / or t ; as hum-b-le (for humle), mum-b-le, tum-b-le, tem-p-t, exem-p-t, tem-p-le. 46. fis with the participle may be rendered : saying that, pretending that, alleging that, on the ground that, because, as though, as if, and the like. 47. Eiri{3ov\fvovTos without us would denote merely the fact that Tissaphernes was plotting ; with us, it is the reason, as given by Cyrus (which reason may not actually exist), for issuing orders to raise forces. 48. In the phrase KO! ydp, the /ecu suggested to the eye or ear of the Greek the connection of the clause in which it stood with that which preceded ; but in English the connection is not expressed with the same fulness or precision ; therefore this Koi is rarely translated. In the Greek it is generally equivalent to what might be expressed in English by : and this was so, for (yo-p)- 49. See Note 24. 50. "EO-TTJKO, the simple Perf. of iLtpea-T^Kfo-av, signifies I have placed myself; and as the Perf. denotes the continuance of the result, the word denotes a present state, hence, I stand ; the Impf. would then denote the continuance of the state / had revolted, and were then in a, state of revolt. 51. OUTOS is compounded of the article & and a\n6s. Where the article ends in an o sound, as ou, w, etc.. OVTOS has ou in the penult; otherwise au. 52. "Bov\evofjLfvovs is here the complement of ifpoai(r^6^fvos ; the action or time denoted by the complementary participle is usually prior to that of the word of which it is the complement ; the act of plotting (&ov\fvo(j.fvovs) must have been prior to the perception of it ( irpoa.i<rS6fifvos ) . 148 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 53. In English the word namely is often used to introduce a word or clause explanatory of what precedes. The Latin and Greek very often use no corresponding word here. 54. See Note 25. 55. Where a pronoun refers to a preceding statement, and hence would be regularly in the neuter gender, but is conformed to that of a following noun, there is said to be an attraction of gender. Comp. Note 32 to Questions on Virgil. 56. The position of OUTTJ between KCU and o3 is emphatic. Com pare above the position of ffrparn\y6v between nal and 8, and Note 20. 57. In the formation of the Pres. irpdrru, a strengthening T is added to the stem irpay, and this r assimilates the 7 to itself; hence the two T S. 58. The position of vpbs eavrAv between TTJS and &nj3ouA.r}s makes it an attributive of firtfiovXris. Preserving the force of the original, then, the English would be : " the against-himself plot" 59. The relation of manner or means denoted by the Part. iro\e- fjiovvTa, would be naturally expressed in Latin by the gerund in the Abl. The Greek supplies the place of the Latin gerund partly by the Part, and partly by the Inf. with the Article in the Dat. 60. The relative is attracted into the case of the antecedent, generally, only with such verbs as govern an Ace. 61. Generally only the verbals in -r&s and -re os and the Perf. Pass. take the Dat. of the agent. 62. Xepfftvyffos was the older and original form. The later Attics, after Thucydides, adopted the form Xepptnicros, changing the p<r into $. 63. If TTJ Karavrnrfpas A)3w5ou were placed between eV and Xeppo- vi](rta, the meaning would be the same as with the present position. Literally rendered, then, it would be : " the over-against-Abydus Chersonese." 64. The respective relations of a.vr$ and els T\\V rpoQ-fiv can be NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. 149 expressed by a literal translation as follows : " so that they even contributed money for him for the support of his soldiers." 65. The accentuation of O"IKOI (at home) may be explained in two ways: 1, as a Dat. for olKca ; the ultimate being long, the word could not be a properispomenon. This is the usual explanation. 2. The word may be a syncopated form for ofaofyi, the <pi being an old Dat. ending. The accent is then proparoxytone and regular. 66. The word /ois is strictly governed by *ls here ; but the whole expression els 5/(rxt\tous evovs is a second Ace. governed by cure?, just as a preposition and its case often stands as the subject Nom. of the verb. 67. OSrco is equivalent to a protasis of the proposition, and might be translated : " if he should receive them." 68. The particle &v standing with irepiyei 6/ui.ei os shows that the participle is subject to a condition, the condition being contained in olrca. The force of the whole expression, then, could be given thus : "saying (o>s), if he should receive them (OUTW), he would be superior to his opponents." 69. In Attic prose K&eveiv takes the Ace. with the Inf. Tlpofrvov is then the subject Ace. of Trapaytvto&ai. 70. It is not certainly known when the written accents were first introduced, but probably about two hundred years before Christ. They were evidently introduced for the purpose of preserving the pronunciation of the language in its purity, at a time when it was in danger of being corrupted. 71. The personal pronouns /JLOU, <rov, j]/j.wv, avrov, etc., stand before or after the noun by which they are governed ; but the demonstrative TOVTOV, and the reflexives eouroD, aeavrov stand between the article and the noun, or after the noun Avith the article repeated. Hence, instead of rf) cavrov x^P?> ^ could have been written TT? x^P? T V tavrov. 72. The rules which determine the place of the accent are obtained like the rules of Prosody, by bringing under a general principle 13* 150 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON THE ANABASIS. classes of words having a uniform accent. Thus, neuter nouns of the third Dec. generally take the accent as far back as the nature of the final syllable will permit ; as ffrpdrfv/jLa, xP hl J - aTa > IT pay par a ; so nouns in -is Gen. -ey, follow the same rule; likewise, those of the first Dec. in a preceded by a mute (except those derived from verbs), as ^aAarra* ; abstract nouns in -eta from verbs in -euo> are paroxy- tones, as f3u.<ri\elav ; while concretes in -eta, or those derived from adjectives in -775 are proparoxytones. Those in -eus are oxytones, as &a.(ri\evs ; so those in -as, Gen. -a5os, as <J>vyas; likewise those in i], derived from the Perf. Pass., second Perf, or second Aor. Act., as ffu\\oyT)i/ y eTrifiov\?]s, rpo^riv, while most others in 17 preceded by a a mute are paroxytones. These are but illustrations of the general rules (subject to excep tions) relating to the place of the accent. The words here given as examples are from the first chapter of the Anabasis. 73. The r in M/ATJTOJ is changed into a in MiA-rifflow by the influ ence of the t. So frequently, as irXoixnos from TTAOUTOS ; ovcria from 74. Similar words are placed near each other. NOTES. 151 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON HOMER. 1. The Iliad was known in European Greece some more than 500 years B. C., but in Ionia or Asiatic Greece much earlier. 2. Originally the Iliad was not divided into books, as at present ; the different parts were then designated merelv by the subjects treated ; hence, AOI/J.OS, MTJJ/JS. If there was occasion to refer to or quote this part of the Iliad, it would be quoted by the subject ; as Homer cV ry AO</A< remarks, i. e., in the part of the Iliad where he describes the Plague. Cornp. a similar mode of quotation in the Scriptures : "How in the bush God spake unto him;" i.e., how in the passage where the burning bush is described. 3. Poetic compositions were sometimes recited in a chanting style ; sometimes they were sung, with a lute or guitar (cithara) as an accompaniment. The word a Sety, however, often signifies merely to describe in verse. Comp Note 4 to Questions on Virgil. 4. O may be lengthened into ou before liquids and or; as Ou\vfj.iroio, line 44, and ovprjas, line 50. 5. The termination -ea is very rarely contracted in Homer; hence d^77pe0ea, line 45, aeiKe a, line 97, &\yfa, line 110. 6. The elision of the final a in &\yea and retaining the augment of edTj/fec occasion the feminine caesura in the fifth foot, which was a favorite one with Homer. If the line is read without the elision, and with the omission of the augment, the difference will be readily perceived. 7. The v in fbrjKfv is usually considered the paragogic v ; but it is regarded also, by Stadelmann and some other eminent scholars, as a strengthening v at the end of the verse, belonging to the original and full form. Hermann thinks it is added at the end of a verse to a 152 NOTES TO QUESTIONS ON HOMEK. short syllabic, that the voice may rest on that syllable, before it proceeds to the next verse. 8. Where two different forms of an oblique case are referred to the same Nom., but for one of which a different Nom. must be assumed, there is the so-called figure of Metaplasm. Thus the genitives AtSao and "Ai Sos are referred to the same Nom. At Sfys ; but for the form "Ai Sos a form "Ai s must be assumed. 9. The feminine caesura in the fourth foot was avoided by Homer as undesirable. 10. The particle re, here and usually, stands after the word it connects with a preceding word. 11. The full expression, instead of e ov, would be t /c xp^ ov t ol. 12. The particle 5^ is often joined with words denoting time, to give them explicitness, or to add force to the temporal idea which they contain. 13. The re after ris is apparently pleonastic. Generally the English would not use any corresponding word. By the use of it Homer keeps up the connection in form between this sentence and the preceding one. Comp. Note 35 to Questions on the Anabasis. 14. When the Accent of an enclitic unites with a preceding oxy- tdhe, the two words become one in respect to accentuation. Hence the accent stands just as if the two words were written together, as p<r(f>(a. But the accent of a word is never depressed on the penult or antepenult, as \byos, re/c/ir/ptov. Not, then, kpcr<f>we, but &p<r$ue . 15. T6v here, and generally in Homer, has a strictly pronominal force, being the object of the verb, and Xpvffijv in apposition with it ; thus, " because he dishonored him Chryses the priest." Comp. in Book I., lines 348 and 488, where the noun in apposition is sepa rated from the pronoun, viz., yw-f) from ?j, and vl&s from &. 16. It is probable that originally dual forms were only modifica tions of the plural forms ; but in process of time usage appropriated K*OTES TO QUESTIONS ON HOMER* 153 the dual forms to express only dual relations. In the earlier period of the language, therefore, the dual and plural would be used inter changeably, and the numeral Su would not unnaturally be joined with the duaL 17. The grammatical structure of a language is comparatively loose in its earlier periods, and becomes grammatically more exact as it improves. Hence Homer allows a looseness of construction which Xenophon would not. In the strictest sense, the Inf. \va-ai is not here used as an imperative, but depends on some word of willing understood, as &e\e, jSovAov, etc. But as the mind so readily supplies such an imperative, we accustom ourselves, in loose lan guage, to say that the Inf. is used as an Imperative. 18. The Greek was originally written in capitals, without spaces between the words, as follows : EN0AAAOIMENnANTE2EnET*HMH2ANAXAIOI. 1 19. Cursive writing, i. e., like our common Greek texts., is first found in manuscripts in the eighth century of our era. The cursive letters, however, were used to some extent long before. 20. Hiatus was particularly unpleasant to the Greek ear. Various means were therefore used to avoid it, as elision, contraction, crasis, paragogic v. Hence it occurs much more frequently in Latin than in Greek, as may be readily seen by a comparison, 21. Some nouns of the third Dec. reject the gender-sign a, and as a compensation lengthen the short final vowel of the stem. Hence yeptov instead of yepovs. 22. The Ionic dialect continued to be spoken and written till about three hundred years before Christ. About two hundred and fifty years before Christ, the Attic had superseded it. See Sophodes s Glossary of Later and Byzantine Greek, p. 2. 23. The pronoun JJLIV stands here in the Ace,, governed by tireta-iv, Homer loosely placing after a verb of motion the Ace, of a person or thing on which the action of the verb terminates. In Attic Greek 1 Line 22 of the First Book of th Iliad. 154 TTOTES TO QUESTIONS OX HOMER. such accusatives would be governed by a preposition. The Ace. I<rr6v (line 31) comes under the same principle. 24. The open or uncontracted form of verbs in -da occurs in Homer only in single words and forms. The open form always occurs with v\oua, and such as have a long a for their characteristic, or whose stem is a monosyllable; as Hvfy&uv, iret^^wv, fXP ae (from. xpow). See Kti/iner & Elementary Greek Gram. 25. Instead of the open forms of verbs in -da referred to in Note 24, the vowel produced by contraction is resolved where the verse requires it. One of the principles on which the resolution takes place is as follows : When the syllable preceding the syllables to be contracted is short, and the second of the syllables to be contracted is long, o is inserted before or ; as 6pdw, 6pw, &p6w ; opaovai, 6pca<n, &p6w<Ti ; cu/riaaxrai , avTitaoav, cum6ca<rav. In like manner short a is inserted before a or 9. 26. In forming the Attic i/ep from the Epic vf-rjcu, the t] absorbs the a and the i is subscribed. 27. In Latin the vowels are to the consonants as four to five. 1 28. In Greek the proportion of the vowels to the consonants is greater than in the Latin, being as six to seven. 29. The diphthongs in Latin are to those in Greek about as one to six. 1 On this and the two following Notes, see Article on Phonology in " Bibliotheca Sacra," Vol. 16, by B. W. Dwight. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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