PS 2281 C45 1885 MAIN -NRLF B M 0^7 5E3 Coffecfcwr THE LONGFELLOW COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK Edition limited to 250 copies. Each numbered and signed by the publisher.>r. of etitttons gorfe WILLIAM EVARTS BENJAMIN 744 BROADWAY J885 Copyright 1885, by WILLIAM EVARTS BENJAMIN \ws C, HB* $> inticfati0al)Ie eoflector, tbi jcribeb in of manp M185230 PREFACE Book collectors have recently devoted increased attention to making up sets of the first editions of leading American authors. Hawthorne, Longfellow, Poe, Lowell, Irving, Whittier, Holmes, and many others all have their ad mirers who search the bookstalls, ransack old libraries and even of late fill the advertising columns of the booksellers journals with lists of their wants and the prices they are willing to pay for them. All who have engaged in the delightful excitement of book-hunting must have at times met with difficulties, owing to the small amount of bibliographical data obtainable in print. With the hope of supplying this want, so far as the works of Longfellow are concerned, this bibliography is modestly offered. With the exception of the edition published by Carey and Hart in 1845, all collected editions of the poetical works have been excluded for the reason that they contain no new matter. For the same reason the Poems of Places in thirty- one volumes, 1876-79, have been omitted. The illustrated editions of " The Building of the Ship" 1870, " The Skeleton in Armor" 1877, and " Excelsior" 1878, are not mentioned, as these poems were printed in earlier volumes,* and are therefore not strictly first editions. No attempt has been made to trace the origi nal appearance of those poems that were first published in magazines or other journals. This information being of no interest to the collector of first editions, while its addition here would unnecessarily increase the size of the book. In the appendix will be found a list of the educational works written or edited by Mr. Longfellow. May, 1885. *Vide Seaside and Fireside, p. 7, for Building oj the Ship " Ballads and Other Poems, p. 29, for Skeleton in A rmor. Vide Ballads and Other Poems, p. 129, for Excelsior. SElje Motto of Matistooitlj iLongfclloUJ (182618840 [NOTE. Capital letters are used to indicate the most prominent words on the title pages. No attempt has been made to reproduce the various types used.] MISCELLANEOUS POEMS I./MISCELLANEOUS POEMS / selected from the/United States Literary Gazette/(Cut of Lyre entitle) Boston. / Cummings, Milliard and Com pany/and Harrison Gray./ 1826. i8mo. Title and advertisement two leaves unnumbered, contents, pp. I IV., and poems, pp. l 172. This volume contains fourteen poems by Longfellow, only five of which were included by the poet in subsequent editions of his works. They are as follows : 1. Dirge Over a Nameless Grave. 2. Thanksgiving. 3. *Sunrise on the Hills. 4. *Hymn of the Moravian Nuns. 5. The Indian Hunter. 6. The Angler s Song. 7. *An April Day. 8. *Autumn. 9. Autumnal Nightfall. 10. *Woods in Winter. 11. A Song of Savoy. 12. Italian Scenery. 13. The Venetian Gondolier. 14. The Sea Diver. Reprinted in Voices of the Night, 1839. II LONGFELLOW COP LAS DE MANRIQUE H./COPLAS/DE DON JORGE MANRIQUE./ Translated from the Spanish,/with an/Introduc tory Essay/on/the Moral and Devotional/Poetry of Spain,/by Henry W. Longfellow,/Professor of Mod. Lang, and Lit. in Bowdoin College. / Boston. / Allen and Ticknor./ 1833. i6mo. pp. vi Contents one leaf unnumbered 89. This volume, the first separate publication of the poet, contains in addition to the Coplas de Manrique and the Essay, nine sonnets, two of which, "Nature and Art" and "The Two Harvests," from the Spanish of Francisco de Medrano, have never been reprinted in later editions. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK OUTRE-MER IH./OUTRE-MER,/A PILGRIMAGE/BEYOND THE SEA. / No. I. I have passed manye landes and manye yles and contrees," etc. Sir John Maundeville. Boston./ Milliard, Gray & Co.,/MDCCCXXXlll. 8vo. pp. I v one leaf unnumbered 6 108. No. II. Boston. / Lilly, Wait and Company, MDCCCXXXIV. pp. 109 208. This work was printed by J. Griffin, Brunswick, Me., and is very scarce. The publication in numbers was discontinued after No. II., and the whole work appeared in 1835, in two vol umes, from the press of Haiper & Bros., New York. LONGFELLOW OUTRE-MER IV./OUTRE-MER ;/A PILGRIMAGE/BEYOND THE SEA./ " I have passed manye landes and manye yles," etc. Sir John Maundeville. In two volumes/Vol. I. (Vol. II.) New York :/ Published by Harper & Brothers,/No. 82 Cliff Street. 71835. I2mo. Vol. I., title and contents two leaves unnumbered, pp. 226. Vol. II., title and contents two leaves un numbered, pp. 252. This is the complete work, the publication of which was commenced in numbers in 1833. The new matter in this edition consists of two chapters in Vol. I. and the whole of Vol. II. In Volume II. Coplas de Manrique and the Essay on the Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain have been reprinted. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK HYPERION ?$ V./HYPERION :/A ROMANCE./By/the author of " Outre-Mer." " Look not mournfully into the Past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear and with a manly heart." Vol. I. (Vol. II.) New York i/Published by Samuel Colman,/8 Astor House/i839./Vol. I., false title and title, two leaves unnumbered, pp. 213. Vol. II., false title and title, two leaves un numbered, pp. 226. LONGFELLOW THE VOICES OF THE NIGHT VI./THE VoiCES/OF/THE NlGHT./By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Cambridge. / Pub lished by John Owen, / MDCCCXXXIX. i6mo. pp. xvi i 144. Published in boards. First original poetical work. Large paper copies were published of the third edition, 1840. 16 COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK BALLADS VII./ BALLADS / AND/OTHER POEMS. / By/ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, / author of " Voices of the Night,"/" Hyperion," &c./ Cambridge./Published by John Owen./MDCCC- XLII. 1 6 mo. pp. xxvili 132. Published in glazed boards. Large paper copies were issued of the third edition, 1842. LONGFELLOW POEMS ON SLA VER Y VIII. / POEMS / ON / SLAVERY. / By/ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./Cambridge./Published by John Owen./MDCCCXLli. i6mo. pp. 31. Published in glazed paper covers. This is undoubtedly one of the rarest of the whole number of Longfellow s books. Large paper copies were issued of the third edition, 1843. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE SPANISH STUDENT IX. /THE /SPANISH STUDENT. /A Play in Three Acts. /By /Henry Wadsworth Long fellow./ What s done we partly may compute But know not what s resisted. Burns. Cambridge./Published by John Owen./MDCCC- XLIII. i6mo. pp. 111183. Published in glazed boards. Third edition issued with illuminated paper covers. Large paper copies were issued of the third edition, 1843. LONGFELLOW THE WAIF X./THE WAIF./A /Collection of Poems./ " A waif, the which by fortune came," etc. The Faerie Queene. Cambridge. / Published by John Owen./ 1845. i6mo. pp. xiv i 144. Edited by Longfellow, who contributed the Proem " The Day is Done." Published with illuminated paper covers, and some copies in glazed boards. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE POETS AND POETRY OF EU ROPE. XI./THE/POETS AND POETRY/OF/EUROPE. With/Introductions and Biographical Notices./ By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./ From Helicon s harmonious springs A thousand rills their mazy progress take. Gray. Philadelphia. / Carey and Hart, Chestnut Street./MDCCCXLV ./Portrait of Schiller and en graved title page. Royal 8vo. pp. XVIII one leaf unnumbered I 779. There are two editions of this work published in this year, the only difference being that one was printed by Metcalf & Co., Cambridge, the other by T. K. & P. G. Collins, Philadelphia. The first edition is that printed in Cambridge, where Mr. Longfellow lived and where he could see it through the press. New edition revised and enlarged. Boston, 1871. LONGFELLOW POEMS 2 XII./POEMS./By/ Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow./With/Illustrations by D. Huntington./ Philadelphia./Carey and Hart, Chesnut St./ (sic) MDCCCXLV. 8vo., with portrait of Longfellow and ten illustrations by D. Huntington. pp. 387. Nineteen poems appear for the first time in this volume. They were afterwards included in the " Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems." The " Poems on Slavery " not included in this volume. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE BELFRY OF BRUGES XIII. /THE /BELFRY OF BRUGES /AND/ OTHER PoEMS./By/Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow./Cambridge./Published by John Owen./ 1846. i6mo. pp. vill I 151. This volume was published with illuminated paper covers. Some copies have the date 1845 on the outside cover. Large paper copies were issued of the fourth edition, 1846, LONGFELLOW THE ESTRA Y C* XIV. / THE ESTRAY/ A / COLLECTION OF POEMS./ Estrey in our Common Law signifieth any beast, not wilde, found within any lordship, etc. John Minshew. Boston ./William D . Ticknor & Co./ 1 847 . 1 6mo. pp. xvi I 144. Edited by Longfellow, who contributed the Proem, " Once Into a Quiet Village." Published in glazed boards. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK EVANGELINE ?K XV./EVANGELINE/A/TALE OF ACADIE./ By / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow / Boston. / William D. Ticknor & Company,/ 1847. i6mo. pp. 163. Published in glazed boards. This has proved to be one of the scarcest of the list, and seldom turns up clean and in fine order. Large paper copies are dated 1848. LONGFELLOW KA VANAGH XVI. / K A VANAGH,/ A TALE./ By/ Henry Wadsvvorth Longfellow./ The flighty purpose never is o ertook Unless the deed go with it. Shakspeare. Boston./Ticknor,Reed and Fields./MDCCCXLlx. i6mo. pp. 188. Published in cloth. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE SEASIDE AND THE FIRESIDE XVH./THE/SEASIDE AND THE FIRESIDE./ By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Boston./ Ticknor, Reed and Fields./ MDCCCL. i6mo. pp. IV one unnumbered leaf i 141. Published in brown cloth some copies in boards. LONGFELLOW THE GOLDEN LEGEND XVI 1 1. /THE/GOLD EN LEGEND./By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./(Cut of Cross on title.) Boston./Ticknor, Reed and Fields./MDCCCLl. i6mo., title, one leaf, unnumbered, pp. 301. This is one of the few poems of Longfellow in which the text of the first edition differs from that in current impressions, the part spoken by the girl and all allusions to her, in the Refectory scene, being suppressed in later editions. Published in brown cloth but some copies in boards. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK HI A WA THA XIX./THE/SONG OF HiAWATHA./By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./Boston./Ticknor and Fields./MDCCCLV. i6mo. pp. iv 1316. Published in brown cloth. Some copies uncut. An 8vo edition with portrait, 1856. LONGFELLOW PROSE WORKS XX./PROSE WORKS /OF /HENRY WADS- WORTH LoNGFELLOW./Complete in two vol- umes./Boston./TicknorandFields./MDCCCLVll. 32mo. Vol. I., pp. vi 455. Vol. II., pp. IV two unnumbered leaves 5 475. Portrait by Lawrence, engraved by H. W. Smith. Contains " Outre-Mer," " Hyperion," " Kava- nagh," and " Drift Wood," a collection of essays which here appears for the first time. Published in the " Blue and Gold " style. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STAN DISH XXI./THE/COURTSHIP OF MILES STAND- iSH/and/Other Poems. /By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Boston. / Ticknor and Fields. MDCCCLVIII. i6mo. pp. vi 215. Published in brown cloth. LONGFELLOW TALES OF A WA YSIDE INN XXH./TALES/OF A /WAYSIDE INN./BV/ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./(Ticknor and Fields monogram) . /Boston :/Ticknor and Fields, 1863. Wood-cut frontispiece. i6mo. pp. vi one unnumbered leaf I 225. Published in cloth. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK HOUSEHOLD POEMS XXIII. / HOUSEHOLD POEMS. / By/Henry W. Longfellow. / With Illustrations by / John Gilbert, Birket Foster, and John Absolon. / (Wood-cut of Longfellow s house on title.) Boston : /Ticknor and Fields. / 1865. / Square i6mo. pp. iv 96. Published in blue paper wrappers. This vol ume is one of the " Companion Poets for the People," and is a selection of the shorter poems of a domestic character. Three poems appear here for the first time in book form. i. The Bridge of Cloud ; 2. Palingenesis; 3. Christmas Bells. They were afterwards included in " Flower de Luce," 1867. 33 LONGFELLOW FLO WER-DE-L UCE XXIV. / FLOWER-DE-LUCE. / By / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, / with illustrations./ (Monogram of Ticknor and Fields.)/Boston :/ Ticknor and Fields. / 1867. Square i6mo. pp. 72. Frontispiece and four other wood-cuts engraved by Anthony. Published in cloth, gilt edges. 34 COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI XXV. / THE/DIVINE COMEDY/OF/DANTE ALIGHIERI./ Translated by/ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I follow here the footing of thy feete, That with thy meaning so I may the rather meete. Spencer. Vol. I. (Vol. II. Vol. III.)/Boston./Ticknor and Fields./i867. Royal 8vo. Vol. I. Inferno, pp. vill two leaves unnumbered I 413. Vol. II. Purgatorio. pp. VI two leaves unnumbered i 410. Vol. III. Paradiso. pp. VI two leaves un numbered i 452. Published in cloth, gilt top, uncut. LONGFELLOW THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES XXVI./ THE/NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES./ By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I. John Endicott./II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms./(Ticknor & Fields monogram)/Boston./ Ticknor and Fields./i868. i6mo. pp. 179. Published in cloth. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE DIVINE TRAGEDY XXVII. / THE / DIVINE TRAGEDY. /By/ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./ (Cut of a Cross on title.) Boston./JamesR.Osgood and Company/i 87 1. i6mo. pp. iv i 150. Published in cloth. There is an edition in 8vo., 1871, printed on thick paper in larger type. 37 LONGFELLOW THREE BOOKS OF SONG XXVIII. / THREE/ BOOKS OF SONG./ By/ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Boston. / James R. Osgood and Company./ 187 2. i6mo. pp. IV i 204. Published in cloth, gilt top. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK CHRISTUS XXIX./ CHRISTUS/ A MYSTERY./By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./Part I. The Divine Tragedy./Boston. /James R. Osgood and Com pany ./i 872. I2mo. Part I. pp. VI I 159. Part II. The Golden Legend, pp. VI 200. Part III. The New England Tragedies, pp. xvi two unnumbered leaves 7 186. These three poems are here published to gether under above title, and are connected by two " Interludes," and end with a " Finale," all of which appear in this edition for the first time. Published in cloth, gilt tops. LONGFELLOW AFTERMATH 2* XXX./ AFTERMATH./ By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow/Q. R. Osgood & Co. monogram on title) Boston/James R. Osgood and Company,/ Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & Co./i873. i6mo. pp. iv one unnumbered leaf i 144. Wood-cut frontispiece. Published in cloth. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK THE HANGING OF THE CRANE XXXI. /THE/ HANGING OF THE CRANE./ By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./With illus trations (Wood-cut on title)/Boston/James R. Osgood and Company,/Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & Co./i8;5. i6mo. pp. 47- Printed only on one side. Illustrations by Mary A. Hallock and Thomas Moran. Published in cloth. Holiday edition, sm. 4to., with additional wood-cuts, same date. LONGFELLOW THE MASQUE OF PANDORA XXXH./THE MASQUE OF PANDORA/AND OTHER POEMS./By/Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow./(Monogram.)/Boston./James R. Osgood and Company,/Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & 0.71875. i6mo. pp. iv 1-146. Published in cloth. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK K&RAMOS <** XXXIII./K^RAMOS/AND OTHER POEMS./ By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Boston. / Houghton, Osgood & Company ,/The Riverside Press, Cambridge./i878. i6mo. pp. vm i 148. Published in cloth. 43 LONGFELLOW THE EARLY POEMS XXXIV./THE EARLY POEMS/OF/HENRY WADSWORTH LoNGFELLOw,/now first col lected. /Edited and prefaced by/Richard Herne Shepherd. / London. / Pickering and Co. ,7196 Piccadilly ./i 878. i6mo. pp. xn i 55. Cloth, uncut. Mr. R. H. Shepherd evidently was ignorant of the " Miscellaneous Poems Selected from the United States Literary Gazette " (No. i). The above book contains the following poems not reprinted elsewhere: i. The Lunatic Girl; 2. Jeckoyva ; 3. Musings ; 4. Song. The remain ing poems of the volume appear in the " Mis cellaneous Poems Selected from the U. S. Literary Gazette," " Coplas de Manrique " and " Voices of the Night." COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK ULTIMA THULE XXXV. / ULTIMA THULE. / By / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./ Precor, Integra Cum mente, nee turpem senectam Degere, nee cithara carentem. Horace. Boston. / Houghton, Mifflin and Company,/ The Riverside Press, Cambridge./ 1880. Por trait on wood. i6mo. pp. iv 61. Cloth, gilt top. 45 LONGFELLOW IN THE HARBOR XXXVI./lN THE HARBOR,/ULTIMA THULE. PART II. /By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow./ " Ultima Thule, Utmost Isle ! Here in thy harbors for a while We lower our sails ; a while we rest From the unending, endless quest." (Houghton, Mifflin & Co. s monogram) Boston./ Houghton, Mifflin and Company. / New York : 1 1 East Seventeenth Street. / The Riverside Press, Cambridge./i882. Portrait on steel. i6mo. pp. VI 88. Cloth, gilt top. 4 6 COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK MICHAEL ANGELO XXXVII./MiCHAEL ANGELO,/A DRAMATIC POEM./By/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. "Michel, piu mortal, angel divino." Ariosto, " Similimente operando all . artista Ch a 1 abito dell arto e man che trema. Dante, Par. XIII., St. 77. Illustrated./(Cut of Michael Angelo on title.) Boston :/Houghton, Mifflin and Company ./New York : 1 1 East Seventeenth Street./The River side Press,/Cambridge./i 884. Quarto, pp. I x including frontispiece and title i 184. Very handsomely printed on thick paper, and issued in fancy cloth binding, gilt edges. The wood-cut illustrations are numerous and beauti ful. 47 APPENDIX In the foregoing list no mention has been made of the grammatical and linguistic works published by Long fellow while Professor of Modern Languages and Lit erature in Bowdoin College. Although many collectors do not care to include them in their sets, they are here added to make the list complete. 49 LONGFELLOW NOVELAS ESPAftOLAS XXXVIII./NovELASEsPAftOLAS/ElSerrano De Las Alpujarras ;/y/El Cudaro Misterioso./ Brunswick (Maine). /Imprenta de Griffin /se Halla de venta en la Libreria/de Colman. Portland, 1830. I2mo. pp. 80. boards. This work, which is dedicated to the students of Bowdoin College by the editor (Longfellow), was written by G. W. Montgomery, son of an American merchant in Alicante, Spain, and is founded on Washington Irving s " Rip Van Winkle " and the " Young Italian." The preface, in Spanish, is by Longfellow. Some copies of this work are dated 1831. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMA- TIQUES XXXIX. / MANUEL/DE/PROVERBES DRA- MATIQUES. " Monsieur, jesuis Comedien ; et comrae nous passons ici avec toute la troupe nous serions tres-flattes si nous pouvions avoir 1 honneur d amuser 1 honorable com- pagnie qui est dans ce chateau." Tragiquin. Samuel Colman, / Portland. /Griffin s Press, Brunswick (Me.),/i 830. I2mo. pp. 288. Pre face (in French) of five pages by Longfellow. Cloth. LONGFELLOW ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR XL. / ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By M. L Homond,/Professor Emeritus in the University of Paris./Translated from the French with notes and such illustrations as were thought necessary for the American Pupil/for the use of Schools./By an Instructor./Samuel Colman/ Portland,/Griffin s Press, Brunswick (Me.), 1830. I2mo. pp. 1 08. Glazed cloth, uncut eges. COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK FRENCH EXERCISES XLI./FRENCH EXERCISES / selected / chiefly from Wanostrocht/and adapted/to/the Ele ments of French Grammar/by M. L Homond,/ Professeur Eme"rite in the University of Paris./ By an Instructer (sic) /Samuel Colman, Portland. / Griffin s Press Brunswick, / 1 830. 1 2mo title and one leaf unnumbered pp. 102. Boards uncut. 53 LONGFELLOW SYLLABUS DE LA GRAMMAIRE ITALIENNE XLH./SYLLABUS/DE LA/GRAMMAIRE ITAL IENNE. Par H. W. Longfellow,/Professeur de Langues Modernes/ a Bowdoin College,/ a 1 usage de ceux qui possedent la langue Fran- $aise./Boston,/Gray et Bowen./MDCCCXXXil. i6mo. title and one leaf with preface un numbered, pp. i 104. glazed cloth, uncut edges. 54 COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK SAGGI DE NOVELLIERI ITALIANI XLIH./SAGGI/ DE / NOVELLIERI ITALIANI. /D Ogni Secolo :/Tratti da piu celebri scrittori,/ con brevi notizie intorno alia vita di ciasche- duno./Da H. W. Longfellow,/Professore di Lingue e Letterature Moderne./Boston :/Presso Gray e Bowen./ MDCCCXXXli. i6mo. four unnumbered leaves, pp. i 168. Preface in Italian by Longfellow. Published in glazed cloth. 55 LONGFELLOW COLLECTORS HAND-BOOK COURS DE LANGUE FRAN^AISE XLIV./CouRS / DE/ LANGUE FRANCAISE./ Course of Study/in the/French Language./ By Henry W. Longfellow,/Professor of Modern Languages in Bowdoin College. /Vol. I./(Vol. II.) Boston :/Gray and Bowen,/i832. Volume I., Le Ministre de Wakefield. I2mo. pp. Volume II., Proverbes Dramatiques, three leaves unnumbered pp. 8 one leaf of errata i 346. This volume is the second edition of No. xxxix with eight additional pieces and two omissions. Militant Cfcartg Benjamin Invites inspection of a small, but carefully selected stock of Rare Books, English, Foreign and American, comprising First Editions, Extra Illustrated Books, Editions de Luxe, Books illustrated by Celebrated Artists, Books daintily printed, Curious and Out-of-the-way Books, etc., etc. He also offers Prints, Engravings and Etch ings, comprising Portraits and Views suitable for illustrating Books, Large Portraits of Cele brated People, engraved by the best engravers after famous Painters, Fine Mezzotints, etc., etc. Also Autograph Letters, Old Manu scripts, Curious Documents, etc., etc. Im portations to order. Catalogues issued. 744 Broadway, New York. of ft. 2Cbam? See Large Paper Edition of 100 numbered copies, printed from type in 1867 but now first pub lished. Illustrated by two finely etched por traits from rare prints. 2 vols. 8vo. Boards, uncut edges. $5.00. Mr. John W. Chadwick in the Unitarian Review for April, 1885, says, " It is now seventeen years since Mr. Leigh Hunt and Mr. S. Adams Lee compiled and edited together the BOOK OF THE SONNET, Mr. Hunt writing a general essay 11 On the Cultivation, History, and Varieties of the Species of Poem called Sonnet," which still remains as good as any thing upon the subject, and compiling the English sonnets, and Mr. Lee compiling the American sonnets and contributing an admirable historical and critical essay on the " Sonnet in America." In 1867 Messrs. Roberts Bros. , of Boston, printed an edition on large paper, without portraits, of the above work, but as they state u for no particular reason we never offered them for sale." The subscriber offers them, believing that admirers and col lectors of the books of Leigh Hunt will be glad to get an original work by him as first published, for no English edi tion was ever issued. William Charts? nfamin, 744 Broadway, New York. GILLISS BROTHERS A TURNURE, ART AGE PRESS, 75-79 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK 14 r RETURN TO DESK I M W LOAN DEPT. bel & . ~ nr v ir\x/ kt&- ttl T* Sr jvS&aT D 2 fc ? ^ ft - IA * *P ^ |r r ^ -RtNtVY/ , _Qtl5- m^ifi : UECUOJ 1 ns~ f 1 ^CiRT MftR . < ^_rrn 4*498 ^"Ttw > - -jL^jr w/ JA C LD 2lA-10m-l, 68 (H7452slO)476B Berkeley U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES m 8523O THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY