r ROBERT COWDIN Colonel First Regiment Infantry, M. V. M., 1861 Brigadier General U. S. Vols., 1862 JV\Q-t>Sa lu^tTS H-U " First Regiment of Infantry Massachusetts Volunteer Militia Colonel ROBERT COWDIN, Commanding IN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, IN ANSWER TO THE PRESIDENT S FIRST CALL FOR TROOPS TO SUPPRESS THE REBELLION, APRIL 15, 1861 V//-J, j ; " : COMPILED FROM ORIGINAL PAPERS IN THE ADJUTANT GEN ERAL AND AUDITOR S OFFICES OF THE COMMONWEALTH THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, WRIGHT AND POTTER PRINTING COMPANY BOSTON, STATE PRINTERS, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THREE E5/.3 5 r<\> CONTENTS COLONEL ROBERT COWDIN FRONTISPIECE INTRODUCTION 5 SPECIAL ORDER NO. IOO, ADJUTANT GENERAL S OFFICE 9 REGIMENTAL ORDER, NO. 14 IO SPECIAL ORDER NO. 183, ADJUTANT GENERAL S OFFICE II RESOLVE OF THE GENERAL COURT 12 ORDER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 13 DATE OF ORGANIZATION OF COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE REGIMENT APRIL 27, 1 86 1 14 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLVE OF THE GENERAL COURT, PRE SENTED TO THE FIRST REGIMENT HEAVY ARTILLERY, M.V.M. FACING PAGE 14 ROSTER !tj FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS 1 6 NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF 17 CAPTAIN CHARLES P. CHANDLER S COMPANY A, OF BOSTON 1 8 CAPTAIN EDWARD PEARL S COMPANY B, OF EAST BOSTON 21 CAPTAIN JOSEPH H. BARNES COMPANY C, OF EAST BOSTON 24 CAPTAIN EBENEZER W. STONE JR S COMPANY D, OF ROXBURY 27 CAPTAIN CLARK B. BALDWIN S COMPANY E, OF SOUTH BOSTON 30 CAPTAIN ALFRED W. ADAMS COMPANY F, OF BOSTON 33 CAFFAIN HENRY A. SNOW S COMPANY G, OF BOSTON 36 CAPTAIN SUMNER CARRUTH S COMPANY H, OF CHELSEA 39 CAPTAIN CHARLES E. RAND S COMPANY I, OF BOSTON 42 CAPTAIN ABIAL G. CHAMBERLAIN S COMPANY K, OF ROXBURY 45 CAPTAIN GARDNER WALKER S COMPANY L, OF BOSTON 48 I NTROD UCTION Resolve adopted by the Legislature in 1903, the Order adopted by Governor and Council May 27, 1903, in pursuance of said Re solve, together with the Order issued to the First Regiment, M. V. M., from the office of the Ad jutant General of the Commonwealth, April 27, 1 86 1, all of which are herewith printed, will ex plain this compilation. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ever de lights to honor its citizen soldier. Lapse of time does not cloud her recollection nor cool her warm appreciation of their valorous deeds. More than forty-two years have passed since the call to arms hereby memorialized was promulgated, and, not withstanding the names of the officers and men of this command have since that time been upon the honor roll in the archives of the Common wealth, it has seemed fitting that they should be collated and compiled, that distinct emphasis should be given to their prompt performance of patriotic duty. That the regiment was not required upon the first call to perform active campaigning detracts nothing from the meed of glory which is theirs; they were ready; they did not " reason why"; they obeyed orders; they were " minute FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY men" of 1861, as truly as were their compatriots in the earlier time of Freedom s trial in 1775. Nor is this all. Of the names borne on the rolls published in these pages, ninety per cent, are those of men who unhesitatingly stepped from the ranks of the militia into those of the United States Volunteers, First Massachusetts Infantry. The regiment performed brilliant service in the Army of the Potomac from 1861 to -1864. Its grand record, covering the campaign from Blackburn s Ford to the Wilderness, has been told elsewhere. It need only be recalled here that this com mand was the first of the three years regiments, armed and equipped, to report at Washington in the early and dark hours of the Rebellion. The few officers and men of the original militia regiment, whose circumstances forbade their leav ing for the front with the volunteer command, nevertheless rendered patriotic service. As the Forty-second Infantry, M. V. M., their recruited ranks were mustered in for service in the Depart ment of the Gulf in 1862-63, and again in 1864 the regiment entered the service for honorable duty in the defences of Washington. In 1898, though the changes in the organiza tion had been many, the old regiment was found true to its traditions. On the day after the dec- MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA claration of war against Spain it marched into Fort Warren with ninety-nine per cent, of its regi mental strength present for duty, and with the honor of being the first militia command in the en tire country to come to the assistance of the gov ernment. And shortly afterwards, following the example of its predecessors of 1861, it was mus tered into the volunteer service of the United States. To-day it is worthily upholding the regi mental record, with the distinction of having been the first regiment ever designated by the Secretary of War, in time of peace, to take part in the annual manoeuvres of the regular army. It would seem, then, that the patriotism of the men whose names are recorded in the following pages has borne its legitimate fruit, and in the publishing of this record it is hoped that two lessons may be taught to future generations first, the recog nition of devotion to sworn duty, second, the presenting an example worthy of emulation to the young men to come after us who may, perhaps, (we hope not) at no distant day be called upon to respond, in a similar emergency, to a call in defence of our country and her institutions. LUKE EDWARD JENKINS Private Company B 7 [COPY] nf HEADQUARTERS, BOSTON April 27, 1861 Special Order No. 100 The First Regiment, M. V. M., is hereby detailed for active duty in the service of the United States. Colonel Cowdin will report at Headquarters forth with. Major General Andrews will transmit this order. By command of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Commander-in-Chief. (Signed) WM. SCHOULER, Adjutant General FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY HEADQUARTERS FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY FIRST BRIGADE, FIRST DIVISION, M. V. M. BOSTON, April 27, 1861 Orders, No. 14 By Special Orders, No. 100, of this date, from the Commander-in-Chief, transmitted by Division Special Or ders, No. 48, of the same date, and Brigade Special Orders, No. 27, of the same date, this regiment is detailed for active duty in the service of the United States. Commandants of companies are hereby ordered to report at the Hancock House, on Sunday, the 28th instant, at 9 o clock, A.M., for orders. They will assemble their commands at their armories forthwith, ready to march at a moment s notice. By command of Colonel Robert Cowdin. GEORGE W. BEACH, Adjutant 10 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA [COPY] (EummxmttJBaHfj xif Bia00arfju0Bfe HEADQUARTERS, BOSTON May 7, 1861 Special Order No. 183 In consequence of a telegram received from the Secretary of War, in which he expresses a wish to have none but three years men sent to the seat of war, and that our last call for two regiments of militia came from General Wool and not from the War Department, Special Order No. 100, directing the First Regiment to prepare for active duty, is at present revoked. Major General Andrews will transmit this order. By command of His Excellency John A. Andrew, Commander-in-Chief. (Signed) WM. SCHOULER, Adjutant General ii FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY [CHAPTER 33] uf IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THREE RESOLVE In favor of the members of the First Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, who, in April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, re sponded to the call of the President of the United States for troops That such official recognition as may seem advisable to the governor and council shall be made of the services of the members of the first regi ment of the Massachusetts volunteer militia who, in April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, responded to the call of the president of the United States for troops to suppress the rebellion. House of Representatives, March 30, 1903. Passed. JAMES J. MYERS, Speaker. In Senate, April i, 1903. Passed. GEORGE R. JONES, President. April 6, 1903. Approved. JOHN L. BATES. Office of the Secretary, Boston, July 7, 1903. A true copy. Witness the great seal of the Commonwealth. WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth 12 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA COUNCIL CHAMBER BOSTON, May 27, 1903 By Resolve passed by the General Court of Massachusetts and approved April 6, 1903, it was provided that the Governor and Council shall make such official recognition as may seem advisable of the services of the members of the First Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Militia who, in April, 1861, responded to the call of the United States for troops to suppress the Re bellion. Now, therefore, it is hereby That such official recognition be made by the preparation, under the direction of the Committee on Military Affairs of the Executive Council, of a volume to contain the roster of the members of the said regiment responding as aforesaid, a picture of Colonel Robert Cowdin, commanding said regiment, a copy of said Re solve of the Legislature and of this action of the Council thereon, and such other data in regard to said regiment as to the committee may seem advisable, and that one copy of said volume be presented to each member of the regiment so responding to the call of the President. It is further That an engrossed copy of the said Resolve, suitably framed, be presented to the First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, the successors of the First Massachu setts Volunteer Militia of 1861. Adopted in Council, May 27, 1903. EDWARD F. HAMLIN, Executive Secretary FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, M. V. M. Date of Organization of Companies belonging to the First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia April 27, 1861 Company A .... . April 2, 1861 Company B September 10, 1852 Company C* April 25, 1861 Company D March 22, 1784 Company E September 13, 1835 Company F June 18, 1849 Company G May 12, 1787 Company H April 19, 1861 Company I April 19, 1861 Company K April 19, 1861 Company Lf April 24, 1861 * Transferred and ordered to Fort Munroe, Va., May 18, 1861, assigned to Fourth Infantry, M.V.M., afterward became Company " K," Twenty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry for three years. t Letter of Company changed to " C " on muster into United States service with the regiment for three years. Cammoiflrattlj of |Ha^ o tn urn) v < MIlJ^r/rfM- ROSTER FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Field and Staff Officers FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA APRIL 27, 1861 ROBERT COWDIN ISAAC S. BURRELL . THOMAS L. D. PERKINS . GEORGE W. BEACH . SYDNEY A. STETSON JOHN S. BLAIR . SAMUEL A. GREEN . REV. J. HENRY JONES Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major . Adjutant . Quartermaster Paymaster Surgeon Chaplain 16 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Non=Commissioned Staff w , ROBERT H. REED .... Sergeant Major ALBERT HERSEY . . Quartermaster Sergeant JAMES BELL Drum Major FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Company A Charles P. Chandler Charles F. Walcott .... George T. Barker .... William W. Doherty Linus M. Child .... Daniel A. Carney .... Daniel E. Conner .... James M. Johnston, Jr. William Gibson .... Frederick W. Stowe George W. Allen .... R. B. Potter Abrams, William .... Adams, John Henry .... Archer, Thomas .... Butler, Nicholas .... Butler, William F Carter, Frank Charlton, Thomas A. ... Conant, George W. S. Conner, Charles B Crawley, Cornelius J. Damon, William T Daniels, Edward S Day, Samuel E. Captain First Lieutenant Second * Third Fourth " First Sergeant Second * * Third . Corporal . Musician t( Private 18 ( C C ( " MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Delaney, Patrick F ....... Private Dolbeare, Frederick E ...... " Emerson, William . . . . . . " Evans, Henry ....... Ferris, Jacob A. ...... Field, James ....... Finninly, Henry A ....... " Fogerty, John J. ...... " Grimm, Francis C. . . . . . . " Hatch, Charles H ....... " Hey wood, John R. . . . . . . " Hinckley, Harrison . . . . . . " Hogan, Martin ....... " Hutchings, Lewis ...... " Jewell, William H ....... Law, Emerson W. . . . . . Manary, William J ...... . Martin, John ..... . McClusky, Dennis . . . . . . McCrillis, Francis A. ..... McFarland, Edwin C ...... " Mclntire, Henry ...... " Miles, James ....... " Miller, James G. ...... " Miner, John H ...... . . Mtmroe, James A. . . . . . Muzzey, David P ..... . . Naumberg, Alexander ..... O Dea, John ....... Pierce, Benjamin F. . . . . . . Powers, David T ....... * 19 " FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Robinson, John T Private Rosemund, George H " Singer, George W. ...... Singer, John C. Smith, John B Stevens, Samuel W. C " Stoddard, George W Tibbetts, Sewall F Turnbull, David " Washburn, Andrew J " Washburn, William, Jr Williamson, Hiram " Woodworth, Isaac M. ..... * " 20 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Co m p any B Edward Pearl . George H. Smith Charles S. Kendall . Cyrus K. Thomas Henry Parkinson, Jr. James W. Hall Augustus Hatch Joseph A. Verge Richard P. Irish William E. Hay ward James Armstrong Milton Robbins Lorenzo B. Hull Allen, Nathaniel M. Battis, George R. W. Battis, William S. . Beyer, John A. Brown, Edwin Y. Brown, William H. . Challis, George H. . Christian, Ferrier V. Clough, Horatio E. . Coffin, George N. Conant, Estes . Corson, Charles H. . Captain First Lieutenant Second Third " First Sergeant Second Third " Fourth " First Corporal Second * * Third Fourth " . Musician Private 21 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Dakin, Leonard A. . . . . . Private Dalton, Joseph H " Downing, Richard " Drown, Charles C " Dunbar, Abram M " Ewer, John T., Jr Fisher, Henry Fletcher, William H " Frost, Clinton T Garney, John, Jr " Getchell, Minot D " Glover, Thomas L " Goodwin, Daniel " Gray, Harry " Greeley, Henry " Hanscom, George H. Hatch, Theodore " Higgins, James . " Holmes, Jacob F " Howe, George A " Irving, James . " Jenkins, Luke E " Keith, Sullivan H Keller, Frederick J " Knowlton, William H " Laslie, Charles ,. u Lewis, Asa P Lincoln, Henry C " Locke, Joseph H " Lord, William H " Malcolm, George F u 22 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA McKenna, Andrew C Private McKie, Daniel F " Morgan, Charles F Morrell, Charles P Page, George H Paine, Joseph C Redding, James Rice, Joseph H. Rice, Samuel R. Sellon, Henry B. Simmons, William B. ..... " Smith, William A " Snow, Stephen D " Snow, Thomas H. ...... Stevenson, Daniel D. ..... Strong, George M. ...... Sullivan, George W Thompson, David P. " Turnbull, James P " Tyghe, John A. " West, William A " Wilson, Joseph T " Wood, James R " Wood, John F " FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Co m p an y Joseph H. Barnes . James H. Osgood, Jr. William T. Keen Henry K. Townsend Joseph D. Ellis William Pray Henry S. Braden . Francis J. Cole James W. Greenwood David Warren, Jr. . John B. Keen . Henry A. Hunting . George R. Rumney . Baker, Loring Barker, William R Blackball, Robert N. Blodgett, Jason L Boston, Edward, Jr. Bride, Thomas M. . Brownlow, James . Burbeck, John P Burk, John F. M Chambers, William G. . Chapman, John L. . Clark, Benjamin L Colby, Horace Captain First Lieutenant Second * Third Fourth " First Sergeant Second * Third " Fourth " First Corporal Second * * Third Fourth " Private 24 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Crafts, John H. ... Private Creighton, Henry F. " Curry, Edgar ....... " Daggett, Charles A Dockerty, David ...... Drugan, Joseph ...... Ewart, John ....... Fisher, Andrew P Fisher, John E. Fiske, Alonzo B. ...... Godbold, Frederick A. Henry, Abiel R. . Hewitt, Charles R. . . Hill, Isaac S. . . " Holmes, James T. ...... Hooper, Joseph F. ...... Howe, William H. . . . Howes, Richard ...... Hume, John R. ...... Huntress, Nathaniel J. ..... Kenney, Thomas W. ..... Lander, William P. . Lane, Abijah ....... Leavitt, Augustus J. ..... " Leavitt, Charles H Linnell, John A. ...... " Litchfield, Gilbert T. . Loveland, Benjamin . . . . . . " McAllister, William " McFarland, William " McKie, John A. 25 . i FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Morris, Jesse Private Mosher, Hiram A. ...... Newton, Samuel F. G. . Parsons, Frederick G. ..... Ramsdell, Charles Ranks, Elisha " Remick, Meltiah F Sanborn, William W " Stafford, Joseph K Stewart, Henry E Tierney, John . Vinal, Ezra, Jr. ...... Walker, Charles Winslow, Charles H Wood, George Woodis, George P. ...... Wright, George ...... 26 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Company D Ebenezer W. Stone, Jr. . Charles M. Jordan .... Oliver Walton ..... George W. Palmer .... John S. Willey Moses H. Warren .... Seth F. Clark Charles A. Brazer .... Thomas M. Miler .... Isaac Williams ..... Frederick Rau ..... Darius F. Eddy .... John G. S. White .... Charles A. S. Hardy Edward Carroll .... Abbott, George W Allen, Charles A Badger, Stephen .... Barton, Zachariah L. . . Batchelder, Charles F. Baxter, George R. . Bemis, William H Bennett, Stedman .... Briggs, Alonzo S. Brooks, John . . Captain First Lieutenant Second * Third Fourth " First Sergeant Second Third Fourth * First Corporal Second * * Third " Fourth " . Musician Private 27 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Bryant, James ....... Private Burlingame, Charles W " Calhoun, Hugh ....... Coburn, Gridley B " Con way, William H. " Cram, Lemuel P. ...... Cushman, Zebedee M Donley, William H Dove, Frank H Downes, Charles H. ..... " Dunn, Robert B " Fairbanks, John W. . Fillebrown, Samuel A. . . . . " Fleming, William J. " Ford, William R Foster, Henry C " Foster, Joseph A. . ... George, Daniel E " Gilbert, John . .... Gragg, Isaac P. ...... Griggs, Albert Hamilton, Robert S " Henay, William S. . . . Hickey, John E. . . Hodges, Alonzo ...... Hutchinson, Solomon H. . Jackman, Charles B. . . Jordan, George M. . Kyle, John Kyle, Joseph . .... Lambert, Charles A 28 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Mansur, James E. . . . . . Private Miller, Daniel B Palmer, Frank T " Parker, James G. ...... " Parks, Joseph W " Patterson, L. B., Jr. " Pierce, John D., Jr. . . . . . . " Reynolds, Thomas W " Rice, William R Richards, Aaron H. . . . . . . Richardson, Atwell Roland, William . . . . . . Scott, Isaac .... Scott, Russell Shackley, Warren R. Simmons, A. A. . . . . . . " Sprague, Henry C. . . . . . . " Sprague, James M. . . . . . " Taylor, Nelson . . . . . . Webster, Amos, Jr Whall, George F Whitten, James B < Wright, Hiram A. 29 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Com p any Clark B. Baldwin . George H. Johnston Miles Farwell Samuel C. Davis David Hale Henry Pierce James D. Bates Hugh Cummings George Myrick Samuel Britton Frederick Pearce George E. King Albert Pearce Joseph W. Dodge Thomas E. Bates Adams, Elijah F. Alexander, Benjamin D. . Allen, Lorenzo L. Bagley, George F. Baldwin, George T. . Bassett, Alexander . Bassett, Charles Bird, William G. Blossom, Edward C. . Brown, Horace F. Burditt, Charles E. . Captain First Lieutenant Second Third Fourth " First Sergeant Second l * Third Fourth First Corporal Second Third " Fourth Musician Private MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Chad wick, Samuel S. . . . . . Private Converse, Joseph A. Craig, John S Crocker, George H. . Cummings, Thomas Dalton, George W Dearborn, Nathaniel W " Derby, Samuel " Drake, Joseph N " Duffy, Francis " Edwards, Samuel ...... " Farnum, Albert A. . . . . . . " Fuller, William H " Gaskins, James ....... " Gill, Henry W., Jr " Hartford, George W. ..... " Haws, Thomas ....... " Haynes, Daniel B., Jr. . . . . " Hebard, Samuel O " Herman, Charles ...... " Holbrook, Joseph E. ..... " Howe, John B. ...... " Jackson, Charles E . " Jones, Charles A Kelly, Michael A. . . . . . . Kelren, William ...... " Lakin, James A. ...... " Larrabee, John S. . . . . . . " Leahe, John " Leatherbee, James D. . . . . " Locke, James S. " FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Mahoney, John . Private Moulton, Samuel ...... " Murphy, David B " Oldham, Charles J Pope, Edmund, Jr. Pope, John A Ransom, Evelyn B. . Ransom, Wallace " Ransom, William H " Rappolds, Jacob " Ruggles, Henry P " Shattuck, William J " Shaw, Frederick C Shaw, Jerry . " Simmons, Albert Smith, Amasa G " Stevens, William A. " Strangman, Jedediah " Strangman, Thomas Taylor, John Williams, Martin J Williston, Charles H MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Company F Alfred W. Adams . William H. Russ William A. Clark John L. Rogers James E. McCafferty, Jr. Shedrick K. Morris . George E. Henry O. F. Revere . Clifton F. Kendall . Oliver Hapgood William H. Jepson William J. Loheed . Samuel H. Morris John H. Waite . Joseph E. Adams Appleton, William H. Bannon, Michael C. . Barlow, Herbert S. . Bartlett, John A. Bennett, John J. Berge, Thomas A. D. Bishop, Theophilus L. Brackett, Francis Brown, Charles F. Caldwell, Joseph H. Captain First Lieutenant Second { Third " Fourth First Sergeant Second * Third " Fourth " First Corporal Second " Third Fourth * Musician Private 33 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Caldwell, Josiah Private Carey, John " Carlton, Jerome " Chase, Warren J Clark, Jothan W " Coffin, Charles H Conant, Ira Currier, Arthur T Dobson, Job Drury, Elijah G Fogg, Orrice Gordon, Alexander Greadon, Andrew Hall, Edward G Hall, Ephraim H Hall, Lewis H Hinds, George J Holmes, John ....... Houston, William F. ..... Junio, John J., Jr Kealey, James P. . Knight, George H. Knight, William A Knox, Charles H Landy, Luke R. .... Lavary, Arthur ..... Leary, William T. . Lewis, Frederick A. S. Lillie, Jefferson A. ... Lord, Warren L. ...... Mahoney, Lawrence J. 34 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA McArt, Anthony ...... Private McDonell, William ...... " McFarland, Daniel ...... " Mclntire, Joseph M ....... " McTavish, Alexander . . . . . " Montague, Daniel F. ..... " Norwood, James A. . . . . . . " Norwood, Joseph W ...... " Peakes, Albert ....... " Powers, Martin. ...... " Remick, B. J ....... Sawtell, Amos J. . . . . . " Smith, George M ....... " Smith, Robert B ....... " Stern, Simon ....... " Stevens, George, Jr. ..... " Stone, William W ....... Sullivan, William J. . . . . . . " Swallow, Alfred A. . . . . . . Tandy, Eleazer ...... Thing, John D. ...... Wells, William F. . . Wilson, John C. 35 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY C o m p a n y G Henry A. Snow William H. Lawrence Francis H. Ward William H. B. Smith Charles F. C. Hathaway John McDonough Francis Moore . Gordon Forest . Henry Hartley . Daniel Warren . William G. Slade Charles A. Gray son . Edward L. Gilman . Allen, John Andrew, Eben T. Armsworth, Andrew Atkins, Rawlin T. . Bell, James H. . Bigelow, Austin Blanchard, James H. Childs, Charles F. . Clough, Henry A. Colson, William H. . Dandridge, James A. Daniels, Theodore P. Darling, Samuel Captain First Lieutenant Second * * Third " Fourth " First Sergeant Second Third " Fourth " First Corporal Second * * Third " Fourth " Private MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Desmond, Michael J ...... Private Edgeworth, James F ...... Elms, James ...... " Estabrook, Samuel P ...... Field, Ebenezer ..... . Field, Edward ...... Forbes, John A. ...... Foster, William H ....... Frost, George A. . . . . . " Garland, Stephen R. ..... Gifford, James F. . . . . . < Gorham, William M. ..... " Grey, William T ...... Handley, Thomas G ...... Hart, William N ...... Holt, Joseph F ....... Hoyt, William S ....... Johnson, Seth W ..... . . " Johnson, William H. Lawrence, George L. . . . . Long, Samuel T ..... . Maguire, Rufus M. . . . . . . Mahoney, Dennis A. ..... " McDermott, B. E ....... Mclntire, Joseph H. ..... " Moore, James E. ..... Moore, Samuel L. . . . . . . < Morton, Charles S. ..... " Neale, William H ....... < Pickett, Charles E ....... Reed, Benton H. ..... 37 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Roome, Thomas Private Rowe, Richard P " Sawyer, George W. Scates, John Searles, William A Smart, Richard B. " Spear, George G., Jr " Spooner, Granville T " Stanwood, George E " Stimpson, Eugene Sullivan, Marcus M. Thompson, George W Thompson, Leason N Tyler, George H Waller, Samuel W Warren, A. S. " Wells, Charles F Whitcomb, Actor J. P Whitten, Henry J Willis, George H Wilson, Alvah J Wilson, John H MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Company H Sumner Carruth Albert S. Austin Robert A. Saunders Edward L. Jones Charles H. Carruth . Horatio Roberts Edward G. Tutein . Thomas Harding A. L. Stevens Lionel D. Phillips . George O. Jewett John Harvey John M. Mandeville . Horace A. Sawyer . Alger, Charles H. . Allen, Hiram W. Allen, Nathaniel Alston, Isaac . Appleby, Mark H. . Appleton, Charles A. J. Bacon, George . Bassett, Samuel B. . Bigelow, Joseph H. . Bigelow, Thomas H. Bisbee, Orville . Captain First Lieutenant Second " Third Fourth " First Sergeant Second Third " Fourth " First Corporal Second * Third Fourth Musician Private 39 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Campbell, William H Private Chaff ee, Charles H " Chittick, Thomas " Clement, William B Cooper, Oliver C " Crowell, Philander " Cudworth, John R " Davis, Nathaniel T " Day, John W Drawbridge, Thomas N. . . . . . " Drury, William P " Everdean, Joseph B " Everdean, Wilbur F " Flanders, George I " Fletcher, Calvin T. . . . . . . " Frost, Jonathan J Gerrish, James R. Gerrish, William ...... Gilbert, Charles Grantman, William ...... " Grover, William D Haskell, Theodore F Horton, Augustine E " Huse, Nelson S Jackson, Charles A " Jennings, Stephen E. ..... Jewett, William M Johnson, Henry ...... Jones, John P " Kingsbury, Allen A. " Lamos, Horace A " 40 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Lane, William H Private Learned, George G Learned, Samuel F. H Loud, Nathan N. ...... Luke, William H Mason, Henry, Jr. ...... Mason, Nathaniel E. ..... Moody, Francis O Morrison, Richard L. Murphy, James H. ...... Needham, Thomas ...... Newling, John H. ...... Parsons, Joshua ...... Perley, Elbridge G Power, Stephen T Smith, William A Smith, William D Stoddard, George L. ..... Veazie, Eli " Wentworth, Albert F " Williams, Horatio N. ..... " Wilson, Henry ....... * Wright, William T FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Company I Charles E. Rand Forrester A. Pelby William C. Walker Charles E. Mudge Elijah B. Gill, Jr. George W. Harris Francis W. Marshall J. Foster Doane James Finney . Henry Penmore Joseph H. Mason Thomas Malady Isaac C. Breck . John W. Gardner Charles E. Seavey Ahearn, Timothy A. Ahrend, Herman Allen, Edward F. Bacon, Charles A. Bacon, Hiram . Bannon, Thomas Barry, Thomas Bent, Luther M. Bertram, Andrew Bohnant, Jacob Burbank, Charles Captain First Lieutenant Second Third " Fourth " First Sergeant Second " Third Fourth " First Corporal Second " Third " Fourth " . Musician it Private n (I 42 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Burke, Michael H Private Carpenter, Patrick Chamberlain, Henry L Cilley, John B Clark, Isaac Crowell, Jeremiah Cunniff, John ....... Dana, James W. Dean, George A " Durloo, William F " Fillebrown, Charles E " Finnegan, Edward " Finney, John F. ...... " Gardner, Warren H " Geisler, Lawrence F. ..... " Grant, Alexander " Grant, John E Hall, Nicholas S Harney, John F. ...... Homans, William H. Hopkins, John Huth, John Kilburn, George P Kimball, Gardner A " Langland, Isaac " Livermore, Thomas " Lloyd, Charles J " McGee, John C " McQuestion, George E " Murphy, John J " Murphy, Robert W " 43 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Nerland, William A. M Private Nichols, Ferris T Orcutt, John C " Patson, Charles " Peterson, Robert W " Prescott, William " Prouty, George H " Richardson, George E Roach, John C. Robbins, George R Ruth, William B Simpson, Oliver E Singer, Franz Smith, Jacob H Smith, Thomas L " Spooner, Warren Thayer, William F Wilder, Samuel Wilkinson, John A Williamson, Charles A 44 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Comp any K Abial G. Chamberlain . William Sutherland .... Francis W. Carruth William R. Boag .... James T. Higgins .... Frank Thomas .... Thomas Neas .... John Y. J. Clark .... John H. Holden .... Nathaniel Averill .... Thomas Liddell .... George G. Richardson Adoniram J. Barteaux Henry Crocker .... Arnold, John .... Barrie, Thomas .... Baxter, John F Boyle, Arthur .... Brown, Thomas .... Bruce, John C. .... Bryer, Samuel G Burns, James .... Cavannah, ^Philip .... Chadburn, Cyrus K. Chase, Benjamin F. Captain First Lieutenant Second " Third Fourth " First Sergeant Second * * Third Fourth " First Corporal Second Third Fourth " . Musician Private 45 it it FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Chubbuck, Hiram H Private Clark, William Copeland, David B. ... Cowen, John Curtis, George ... Dolan, John Downes, Frank K Evans, William Everett, George Fitzgerald, Peter Goode, George Goode, Robert Goodwin, Parker Grier, Charles K. Hall, William B. Hamilton, Joseph A. Hobblitz, Jacob Hooper, James G Hudson, William I. Huggins, James M Hutchins, Frank ... Ivers, James K. Kelley, Daniel . Kenney, Michael Ketler, William J Lane, John Leanerd, Charles S. Mathews, Thomas R McCuen, James McGonagle, James McGuiness, Francis 46 1 1 t < MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA McMahan, James Private McNalley, Richard ... . McNulty, Thomas ... Moran, Thomas L Nelling, John W Partridge, Frank Payson, Lora A. Powers, John J. Randall, Albert A Raymond, Charles M. Robinson, George D. Rosmeyer, Conrad Ross, John P Ruth, Matthew N Snow, Alva ....... Spellman, John .... Spinney, Zenas Trifethen, Edward G Westacott, Robert G Wheeler, George H Wilkins, Charles E Wolff, Peter, Jr Woods, Matthew 47 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Company L Gardner Walker Joseph Hibbert, Jr. . Daniel G. E. Dickinson John A. Williams Thomas C. Brackett . Isaac H. Jones . John S. Gould . Edward W. Delaney . John S. Clark . Edward A. Lovett . Edmund B. Currant . Amasa P. Johnston . David P. West . Alden, James, Jr. Alexander, Joseph B. Avery, Eben O. Bass, John M. . Blynn, James L. Boudroux, Alexander Brewster, Joseph B. Brown, Edward C. . Campbell, George S. Cavanaugh, Charles . Chapman, John B. Clough, Robert B. . Coffee, Timothy Captain First Lieutenant Second " Third " Fourth " First Sergeant Second Third Fourth " First Corporal Second " Third " Fourth " Private 4 8 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA Connell, Thomas Private Crafts, George G Critchett, Joseph B. Crookshanks, James E Desmond, John . . * . Deverson, William H. ..... Dixon, William Dolan, Thomas ...... Donahue, Bartholomew Driscoll, Richard A. Duddy, John A. Dyer, Edward D Fisher, Elbridge ...... Ford, John Foster, John W Fuller, David S Gallagher, Thomas ...... Goddard, John J. ...... Goodspeed, Benjamin ..... Grant, Charles P Harding, Josiah ...... Harrington, James G. Hatch, William C Hawkins, Wentworth ..... Hayes, Alonzo L. ...... Hollis, Othaniel T Howes, Isaiah Hunneman, John ...... Jackson, Charles A. Kennedy, Isaac S Landgreen, Christian A. . 49 FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, M. V. M. Lewis, William McCarthy, William M. McFarland, John McGinnis, Edward J. McLean, Philip Mead, Benjamin F. . Mealey, Michael Messer, David L. Murray, John C. Paine, Paron C. Powers, James H. . Rees, Tomas H. Rich, George W. Shaw, Albert . Smith, Francis H. . Vinal, Luke Williams, Thomas F. Wright, George E. . Private 5 TU bl 144 M1995S6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY