/v I GIFT OF Dr. C. A. Kofoid $ibii0tltettt Americana. A CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, ILLUSTRATING THE HISTOEY AND GEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. COLLECTED BY JOHN EUSSELLI SMITH. On Sale at the affixed ready money prices by ALFRED RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W. MDCCCLXXI. 57-5 INDEX TO THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS. ACADIE, 563, 931, 1074, 1315, 1928, 3447 ADAMS (the Presidents), 28 to 32, 1198, 1716 ALABAMA, 1230 ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, 130, 338, 1999 AMAZON (River), 25, 26, 47, 48, 703, 818, 1899, 2222, 2372, 2504, 2742, 3075, 3577 ANDES, 340, 2426, 2536, 2637, 2642, 2742, 2972 ANTIGUA, 1146, 1147, 1777, 2145, 2907, 3268, 3269, 3270 A R AC u AN A, 1042, 2717 ARCTIC REGIONS, 6, n6to 120, 151, 152, 153, 184 to 1 88, 214, 246, 382, 973, 1021, 1095, 1115, 1116, 1135 to 1141, 1155, 1223, 1425, 1426, 1553, 1554, 1623, 1633, 1634, 1783, 1786, 1790, 1798, 1903, 2153 tO 2158, 2201, 2202, 2204, 2247 to 2252, 2333*, 2335, 2532, 2533, 2534, 2576 to 2581, 2649, 2650, 2653, 2685, 2692, 2693, 2745, 2806, 2861, 3047, 3112, 3215, 3271 to 3274, 3330, 3415, 3501 ARKANSAS, 2179 ,.., BAHAMA ISLANDS, 552, 1248, 1801 BARBADOES, 170 to 174, 655, 662, 1107, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1546, 1733, 1734, 1904, 2199, 2350, 2405, 2543, 2643, 2907, 3061, 3275 to 3279 BERBICE, 279 BERMUDA, 239, 767, 1211, 1755, 3*47, 3280 to 3283 BOGOTA, 2478 BOLIVIA, 1245, 3027 BOSTON, 295 to 305, 325, 403, 804, 1194, 1328, 1411, 1714, 1767, 1905 to 1910, 1936, 2422, 2429, 2520, 2659, 2666, 2744, 2903, 2940, 2957, 3131, 3157, 3160, 3189, 3205, 3285, 3286, 3528 BOTANY v. NATURAL HISTORY BRAZIL, 27, 125, 137, 178, 348 to 351, 423, 437, 45> 544, 664, 784, 863, 866, 895, 927, 1047, 1048, 1157, 1 1 80, 1237, 1242, 1243, 1285, 1355, 1374, P37o, 1616, 1631, 1632, 1650, 1651, 1658, 1708, 1738, 1774, 1815, 1830, 1894, 1899*, 1901, 2050, 2066, 2146, 2197, 2207, 2259, 2296, 2348, 2357, 2508, 2510, 2527, 2538, 2630, 2685, 2769, 2770, 2787, 2789, 2805, 2826, 2827, 2875, 3063, 3239, 3287 to 3290 BRITISH COLOMBIA, 183, 1763, 1789, 1911, 2263, 2480, 2483 BUCHANAN (President), 396 BUENOS AYRES, 98, 210, 404 to 411, 450, 854, 1200, 1286, 1353, 1485, 1516, 1575, 1635, 2177, 2237, 2239, 2521, 2536, 2637, 2656, 2912, 2958, 3027 CALIFORNIA, 192, 374, 385, 454, 455, 456, 651, 783, 852, 1030, 1090, mi, 1145, 1201, 1348, 1617, 2243, 2523, 2595, 2673, 2885, 2989, 3013, 3197 CANADA, 122, 126, 156, 157, 189, 312, 313, 37i, 384, 398, 420, 421, 462 to 483, 497, 520, 521, 582, 583, 584, 615, 657 to 660, 899, 948, 975, 989, 1064, 1074, 1085, 1092, 1093, 1115, 1209, 1229, 1235, 1249, 1292, 1300, 1315, 1336, 1337, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1362, 1398, 1401, 1403, 1441, 1570, 1592, 1639, i 6 73, 170, 1701, 1759, J 76o, 1798, 1811, 1818, 1896, 1922, 2015, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2047, 2082, 2096, 2244, 2314, 2415, 2567, 2571, 2591, 2628, 2668, 2694, 2715, 2739, 2743, 2829, 2843, 2847, 2866, 2867, 2949, 3059, 3095, 3io8 to 3111, 3(99, 3292 to 3296, 3380, 3381, 3410, 3421, 3448 to 3452, 3457, 3464*, 3586 CAPE BRETON, 485, 2422 O CARACCAS, 486, 891, 1103, 2495^2655, 3297 M31866 IV Index to the Principal Matters. CAROLINA (NORTH and SOUTH), 26, 197, i GREENLAND, 9, 10, 673, 796, 1018, 1238, 277, 35> 49 to 515, 552, 567, 575, 697, 786 to 789, 1368, 1469, 1473, 15 9, 1576, 1698, 1750, 1756, 1999, 2448, 2467, 2468, 2606, 2964, 3067, 3128, 3 J 35 3299 to 3307, 3580, 3584 CARTHAGENA, 517, 518, 519, 889, 2303 CAYENNE, 1157, 1158, 1570, 1832, 2363, 2364, 2464, 2465, 3313 j GUIANA CHICORA, 995 CHIHUAHUA, 192 CHILI, 378, 450, 613, 913, 976, 1151, 1152, 1204, 1243, 1286, 1296, 1894, 2001, 2029 to 2033, 2216, 2217, 2357, 2372, 2642, 2717, 2824, 2845, 2859, 2912, 3197 COLOMBIA, 280, 646, 679 to 682, 963, 1029, 1299, 1307, 1669, 2034, 2824, 2912 COLOMBIA (BRITISH) v. BRITISH COLOM BIA COLOMBIA RIVER, 794, 2937, 2947 COLOMBUS, 688 to 694, 1354, 1361, 1509, 1510, 35 2 9 CONNECTICUT, 647, 707 to 720, 766, 949, i3 2 3> I 33 I33 1 * to 1424, 1478, 1703, 2140, 2213, 2622, 2848, 2970 CORTES, 755 to 765, 1220 COSTA RICA, 83, 160, 3056, 3316 CUBA, 12, 807 to 811, 821, 835, 1461, 1252, 1256, 1408, 1680, 1681, 1826, 1827, 1844, 1938, 2201, 2608, 3047, 3237, 3330, 333i GRENADA, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1570, 2853, 3332 GUADELOUPE, 328, 1178, 1570, 2748, 3338, 3 139,- 3433 GUATEMALA, 83, 84, 160, 317, 882, 1050, 1271, 1272, 1602, 2489, 2892, 2913, 3029, 3176, 3335 GUAYAQUIL, 700 GUIANA, 24, 147, 163, 181, 182, 279, 35 6 5 559> 818, 826, 890, 969, 1273, 1524, 1709, 1825, 1917, 2172, 2458 to 2463, 2644, 2813, 3015, 3093, 3336, 3337, 3577 see CAYENNE HAMPSHIRE (NEW), 1312, 1693 HARRISON (President), 1580 HAYTI, 484, 1142, 1313, 1329, 1340, 1725, 1797, 2366, 2457, 3002 see ST. DOMINGO HONDURAS, 83, 160, 644, 1352, 1356, 2238, 2346, 2618, 2640, 2801, 2996, 3144, 3342 HUDSON S BAY, 580, 634, 939, 1023, 1349, 1447, 1448, 1804, 1845, 2169, 2333*, 2483, 2497, 2559, 2692, 2992 vide ARCTIC REGIONS ILLINOIS, 262, 263, 265, 3107, 3203 2082, 2328, 2572, 2591, 2884, 2934, i INDIANA, 335, 383 2982, 2985, 3317, 3318, 3319 CUMANA, 890 DARIEN, 812, 841 to 848, 1206, 1434, 2012, 3098, 3323 DELAWARE, 880 DEMERARY, 279, 883, 1360, 2718, 2719 DOMINICA, 2392 DRAKE, 865, 873, 950 to 960, 2633, 3534 ECUADOR, 3030 ENGRAVINGS, page 230 ESSEQUEBO, 279 ESQUIMAUX, 1052, 1053 INDIANS, 8, 26, 89, 124, 148, 154, 191, 318, 327, 336 to 339, 371, 395, 555, 556, 616, 633, 657 to 660, 686, 753, 794, 891, 961, 962, 1041, 1172, 1210, 1351, 1356, 1392, 1442, 1443, 1477, 1486, 1491 to 1496, 1515, 1582, 1611, 1625, 1700, 1759, 1765, 1787, 1805, . 1917, 2009, 2052, 2060, 2061*, 2079, 2089, 2IOO, 2123, 2175, 2189, 2192, 2244, 2312, 2338, 2350, 2424, 2507, 2562, 2573, 2583, 2631, 2646, 2647, 2696, 2697, 2698, 2711, 2737, 2776, 2790, 2835, 2876, 2901, 2921, 2942, 3043, 3054, 3115, 3116, 3136, 3169, 3177, 3212, 3227, 3517, 3574 IOWA, 2219 FALKLAND ISLANDS, 1285, 1803, 2746 FLORIDA (EAST and WEST), 26, 197, 199, ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, 222, 25^ 363? 47> 55 2 > OB, 041, 003, , 919, J STHMUS OF TEHUANTEPEC, 1170, 2053 1514, 1919, 2089, 2245/2544, 2552^ JACKSON (President), 642, 997, 1520, 1521 2763, 2792, 2836*, 2837, 3010, 301 1, I JAMAICA, 212, 379 to 381, 392, 492, 821, 836, 974, 1287, 1305, 1522, 1525 to 1550, 1710, 1813, 2328, 2416, 2582, 2712, 2820, 2852, 2907, 2945, 3168, 3343 to 3350 GRANADA (NEW), 459, 1029, 1352, 1410, JEFFERSON (President), 1072, 1562 to 1563, 1836, 2120, 2 121, 2260, 2455, 2825, ! 2973 3334, 3575 i KANSAS, 1207, 1289, 2326, 2553 3028, 3043, 3045, 3325 to 3328 GEORGIA, 26, 197, 435, 514, 1186 to 1192, 1368, 1618, 2186, 2312, 2762, 2776, 3114, 3139, 3140 to 3143, 3516 Index to the Principal Matters. KENTUCKY, 128, 288, 327, 383, 1486, 1626, 1999 LABRADOR, 522, 1375, 1408, 3592 LAKE SUPERIOR, 1649 LAKE WINNIPECK, 1612 LANGUAGES, 121, 193, 256, 317, 356, 939, 982, 1165, 1166, 1573, 1655, 1666, 1667, 1759, 1776, 1822, 2027, 2028, 2051, 2183, 2336, 2337, 2657, 2992, 3045, 3161, 3162, 3232 LOUISBOURG, 2422, 3351 . LOUISIANA, 294, 334, 335, 838, 839, 971, 986, 987, 1074, 1148, 1358, 1359, 1570, 1690, 1752, 1768 to 1772, 2342, 2408, 2552, 2833, 3015, 3352 to 3358 MAGELLAN (STRAITS OF), 665, 669, 864, 981, 1158, 2148, 2340, 2505, 2648, 3053 MAINE, 1820, 1821, 2161, 2162, 2587, 2690, 2725, 3298 MAPS, page 220 MARTINIQUE, 579, 1178, 2552, 3360 to 3366* MARYLAND, 277, 341 to 346, 1691, 1860, 1861, 2596, 3185 MASSACHUSETTS, 37, 190, 201, 271, 275, 441, 649, 676, 785, 837, 874, 932, 944, 1061, 1083, 1183, 1394, 1405, 1479 to 1484, 1675, 1719. l82 3> l86 4 to l8 72, 2125, 2195, 2234, 2334, 2383, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2984, 3158, 3159, 3169, 3185*, 3192, 3229, 3230, 3585. MEXICO, 121, 146, 192, 206, 254, 310, 415, 416, 417, 451, 628, 698, 852, 858, 900 to 906, 914, 915, 916, 928, 941, 964, 1049, 1050, 1081, 1156, 1165, 1181, 1201, 1296, 1314, 1438, 1457, 1459, 1582, 1688, 1707, 1784, 1863, 1933, 1941 to 1998, 2067, 2237, 2376, 2478, 2 55 1 2 557, 2584, 2673, 2749 to 2760, 2892, 2913, 2917, 2918, 2931, 2947, 2982, 2987, 3027, 3070, 3178, 3179, 3197, 3235, 3367 to 3377, 3412 to 34 i 4- MICHIGAN, 840, 2000, 2645 MINNESOTA, 281, 2193, 2219 MISSISSIPPI, 26, 56, 130, 223, 292," 418, 1070, noi, 1324, 1348, 1593, 2018, 2019, 2041, 2342, 2361, 2509, 2645, 2837, 3214, 3378, 3379 MISSOURI, 334, 383, 1030, 1090, 1182, I 73o> 1731, 2020, 2628 MONTE VIDEO, 854, 1258, 1628, 2039 MOSQUITO SHORE, 83, 177, 2346, 2347, 3232 NATURAL HISTORY (in all its branches), 4, 140, 141, 142, 143, 163, 273, 358, 379, 389, SS 2 , 579, 823, 849, 912, 1097, 1124, 1195, 1196, 1204, 121 1, 1229, 1230, 1310, 1315, 1316, 1363, 1394, 1425, 1436, 1449, 1523, 1525, 1604, 1612, 1626, 1656, 1674, 1763, 1780, 178!, 1807, 1808, 1852, 1853, 1904, 1933, 1935, 1982, 2036, 2178, 2206, 2219, 2249, 2251, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2436, 2454, 2525, 2532, 2533, 2544, 2552, 2636, 2642, 2643, 2712, 2803, 2807, 2856, 2864, 2865, 2888, 2990, 3067, 3181 NEBRASKA, 2219 NEGROES, 124, 612, 648, 721, 1257, 1264, 1500, 1504, 1749, 1848, 2613, 2615 NEVIS, 2724 NEW ANDALUCIA, 559 NEW BRUNSWICK, 138, 398, 1195, 2099, 3116 NEW ENGLAND, 3, 162, 216 to 220, 264, 2 77, 352, 412, 413, 601, 611, 617, 618, 636, 637, 768 to 781, 817, 972, 993, 1008 to ion, 1027, 1084, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1168, 1341, 1415 to 1424, 1446, H52, 1557, 1583, 1585, 1697, 1875 to 1893, 2004, 2046, 2062, 2064, 2094, 2095, 2100 tO 2117, 2164, 2174, 2253, 226l, 2334, 2343, 2345, 2384, 2423, 2424, 2456, 2479, 2546, 2583, 2594, 2597 to 2602, 2634, 2674 to 2682, 2726 to 2729, 2772, 2902, 2995, 2996, 3065, 3113, 3117, 3136, 3138, 3146, 3148, 3180, 3190, 3191, 3211, 3382 to 3390, 3410, 3587, 3588, 3589, 3593 NEWFOUNDLAND, no, 283, 485, 563, 581, 782, 1215, 1603, 1604, 2051, 2119, 2411, 2501, 2996, 3003, 3391 to 3390, NEW HAMPSHIRE, 33, 270, 1078 NEW HAVEN, 155, 204, 992, 1091, 2126, 2127, 2183, 2657, 3590 NEW JERSEY, 15, 132, 336, 2128, 2892, 2908, 3400, 3401 NEW ORLEANS, 736, 1208, 2088, 2254, 34" NEW YORK (City and State), 132, 205, 272, 277, 372, 547, 626, 704, 885, 979, 993, 1026, 1045, 1397, 1432, 1433, 2007, 2129 to 2141, 2240, 2607, 2731, 2732, 2733, 2776, 2791, 2798, 2892, 2943, 295 i, 2953, 2966, 3016, 3201, 3402 to 3408, 3410 NICARAGUA, 83, 160, 1836, 2142, 2194, 1352, 2346, 2347, 2640, 2800, 3027, NORTH EASTERN BOUNDARY QUESTION, 316, 2161, 2162 Index to the Principal Matters. NORTH WEST PASSAGE AND ARCTIC RE GIONS, NOVA SCOTIA, 168, 357, 398, 1196, 1290 1291, 1523, 1928, 2049, 2165 to 2171 2829, 2830, 3116, 3340, 3418, 3419 3420, 3533 OHIO, 130, 223, 318, 319, 320, 335, 971, 1999, 2081, 2188, 2189, 2190, 2603, 3574 OREGON, 651, 980, 1076, 1145, 1235, 2200, 2243, 2573, 2575, 3422 ORINOCO, 559, 1277, 1278, 1376, 1460, 2176, 2556 PANAMA, 700, 2347, 2359, 2637, 3052, 3423, 3424 PARAGUAY, 146, 587 to 590, 852, 940, 1258, 1873, 2072, 2073, 2374, 2514, 2515, 2548, 2549, 2656, 2771, 2910 PATAGONIA, 321, 1071, 1236, 2746, 3105 PENNSYLVANIA, 15, 277, 286, 329, 336, 353, 373, 727, 749, 819, 820, 1056, 1062, 1342, 1351, 1370, 1473, 1720, 2271 to 2294, 2420, 2428, 2431, 2435, 2440 to 2443, 2605, 2776, 2841, 2908, 2954, 3050, 3092, 3*5, 3i7i } 3228, 3425, 3495, 3535 PERU, 24, 146, 274, 340, 544, 621, 700, 818, 907, 976, 1046, 1174, 1245, 1296, 1338, 1353, 1596, 1654, 1674, 1736, 1815, 1834, 1835, 1894, 1899, 2005, 2295, 2298 to 2310, 2365, 2372, 2409, 2478, 2540, 2541, 2453, 2629, 26^7, 2638, 2716, 2742, 2824, 2859, 2890, 2912, 2972, 3005 to 3009, 3027, 3197, 2233, 3427, 3428 PHILADELPHIA, 489, 540, 541, 546, 551, 967, 1224, 1589, 1590, 1678, 1817, 1916, 2319 to 2325, 2588, 2722, 2723, 2894, 2988, 2993, 3107, 3139 PIERCE (President) 2339 POPAYAN, 2303 PORTO Rico, 1102, 2985, 33,11, 3429, 3430 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, 2862 QUAKERS, 2, 13, 15, 176, 261, 322, 347, 352, 375, 5 6 5, 611, 619, 620, 627, 635, 671, 800, 1054, 1089, 1117 to 1121, 1369, 1370, 1581, 1613, 1614, 1615, 1724, 2IO6, 2IO8, 2IO9, 21 IO, 21 1 1, 21 1 2, 2262, 2264 tO 2273, 2283, 2285, 2286, 2291, 2319, 2431, 2440 to 2443, 2479, 2535, 2632, 2651, 2809, 2841, 2860, 2889, 2920, 3004, 3036, 3129, 3134, 3174, 3182, 3207, 3208 QUEBEC, ir, 390, 1647, 1648, 2444 to 2447, 2628 RED RIVES, 2496, 2497, 2574, 2812, RHODE ISLAND, 127, 194, 457, 988, 1428, 1429, 1702, 1762, 2651, 2869, 3161 to 3164 Rio DE LA PLATA, 24, 210, 1374, 2001, 2025, 2223, 2374, 2539, 2550, 2746, 2845, 343i ROCKY MOUNTAINS, 651, 1076, 1145, i58, 1555, J 55 6 I6l 7, 2061, 2575, 2937 RUATAN, 3232, 3432 ST. CHRISTOPHER S, 3434 to 3439 ST. CROIX, 1645, 1646 ST. DOMINGO, 221, 591, 945, 1005, 1006, 1275,. 1570, 1659, 1923, 2457, 2552, 2612 to 2615, 2748, 2935, 3051, 3069, 3183, 3440 to 3444 see HAYTI ST. EUSTATIUS, 2565, 2952, 3445 ST. LUCIA, 354, 1928, 1929, 2617, 2853, 2996, 3453 ST. THOMAS (W. I.) 1645 ST. VINCENT S, 496, 1006, 2055, 2619, 2683, 2996, 3456 SALVADOR, 160, 2640, 2802, 2892 SANTA FEE, 2519 SANTA MARTHA, 1605 SLAVERY, 36, 45, 62, 167, 175, 225, 226, 227, 268, 278, 387, 388, 562, 799, 1000, 1098, 1134, 1160, 1213, 1214, 1262, 1280, 1559, 1560, 1749, 1813, 1848, 2070, 2150, 2163, 2350, 2472, 2473, 2500, 2619, 2660, 2666, 2702 to 2709, 2730, 2818, 2851, 2936, 2956, 2968, 3145, 3153 SONORA, 192 SOUTH SEA, 9, 10, 101 to 109, 213, 242, 314, 315, 414, 438, 445, 644, 665, 668, 669, 677, 700 to 703, 729 to 735, 737 to 739, 824, 825, 827 to 834, 849, 862, 865, 873, 877, 936, 1099, 1 122, 1152, 1164, 1222, 1284, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1587, 1636, 1652, 1679, 1809, 1914, 2013, 2068, 2085, 2092, 2327, 2340, 2393, 2394, 2505, 2560, 2637, 2638, 2648, 2653, 2673, 2685, 2694, 2761, 2766, 2780, 2781, 2782, 2786, 2826, 2909, 2919, 2937, 2967, 2999, 3360, 3013, 3023, 3024, 3052, 3C99, 3105, 3155, 3197, 3458 SPITZBERGEN, 673, 1668, 1843, 3237 SURINAM, 1086, 1087, 1935, 2609, 2624, 2813, 2156, 2857, 3046, 3061 TENNESSEE, 335, 803, 1999, 3460 TEXAS, 192, 941, 1234, 1427, 1620, 1622, 1819, 2900 TOBAGO, 1691, 2406 TORTUGA, 392 Index to the Principal Matters. vii TRINIDAD, 496, 1163, 1691, 1785 UTAH, 1279, 2513, 2807, 2808 VAN BUREN (President), 802, 1406 VANCOUVER S ISLAND, 1096, 1763, 1791 1845, 2263, 2480 VENEZUELA, 459, 609, 890, 996, 1691, 2455, 2 997, 3536 VERMONT, 1239, 1839,2822, 2915, 3166, 3167 VESPUCIUS, 3019 to 3022 VIRGINIA, 26, 36, 129, 243, 244, 99, 1113, 1117, 1327, 1562, 2012, 2048, 2318, 2375, 2424, 2545, 2546, 2832, 2844, 2921, 2996, 3032 to 3041, 3165, 3472 to 3478, 3578, 3580 VIRGIN ISLANDS, 1726, 3311, 3471 WASHINGTON (President), 164, 1198, 1276, 1309, 1840, 1841, 2603, 2777, 3077 to 3091, 3527 WEST INDIES (in general), 17 to 21, 41, 42, 49, 112, 137, 202, 328, 360, 361, 488, 492, 493, (496, 539, 653, 654, 663, 678, 695, 655, 850, 884, looi to 1007, 1066, 1157, 1158, 1178, 1179, 1185, 1281, 1306, 1517, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1571, 1655, 1728, 1735, 1773, 1778, 1779, 1801, 1810, 1813, 1844, 1847, 2040, 2065, 2236, 2350, 2493, 2537, 2560, 2571, 2611, 2688, 2695, 2773, 2785, 2851, 2853, 2959, 2996, 3060, 3061, 3119 to 3127, 3308 to 33"> 3343, 3172, 3231, 348o to 3494 WISCONSIN, 815, 1682, 2219 YUCATAN, 1073, 2551, 2819 ZOOLOGY v. NATURAL HISTORY Jtmtriczw& BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAPS, MANUSCRIPTS, ETC. ETC., RELATING TO AMERICA, ON SALE BY ALFRED RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. 1 A COLLECTION of the most interesting Tracts lately published J\_ in England and America on the subjects of Taxing the Ame rican Colonies, and Regulating their Trade. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 15s Lond. J. Almon, 1766 2 A COLLECTION of Religious Tracts Plain Path to Christian Perfection, Translated from the French, 1772 Brainard s Let ters to his Friends, N.D. Crisp (Step.) Sermons, or Declarations amongst the People called Quakers, 1773. In 1 vol. 12mo, 7s 6d Philadelphia, printed by Joseph Cruikshank, 1773 3 A NEW England Tale. Post 8vo, new, half calf, gilt. 3s 1822 4 A SHORT American Tramp in the fall of 1864. By the Editor of Life in Normandy. Thick post 8vo, plates and wood-cuts, cloth. 5s Pub. at 12s 1865 Chiefly devoted to Physical Geography. 5 ABDY S (E. 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Graphic Sketches from old and authen tic works, illustrating the Costume, Habits, and Character of the Aborigines of America. 8vo, 24 plates, cloth. 5s New York, 1841 9 ACCOUNT of several Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North, towards the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, the vast tracts of Land beyond Hollandea Nova, &c. ; also towards Nova Zembla, Greenland or Spitsberg, Gronydland or Engror.- land, &c. By Sir John Narborougb, Capts. Tasman and Wood. 8vo, plates, old calf. 5s 1694 1 Books relating to America, on Sale by 10 ACCOUNT of several late Voyages and Discoveries. I. Sir John Narborough s Voyage to the South Sea. IT. Capt. Tasman s Discoveries on the Coast of South Terra Incognita. III. Capt. J. Wood s attempt to discover a North-east Passage to China. IV. Marten s Observations made in Greenland, and other North ern Countries. 8vo, BEST EDITION, map and plates, good clean sound copy, calf. Ss Qd 1711 11 ACCOUNT of the Society for Encouragement of the British Troops in Germany and North America, and motives for making a pre sent to those Troops ; also the Widows and Orphans of such as died in defence of their Country, particularly at the Battles of Thonhausen, Quebec, &c. ; with List of Subscribers. Edited by Jonas Hanway. 8vo, calf, 6s boards, 5s 1760 12 ACCOUNT of the Spanish Settlements in America, in four parts (with Account of the Siege of Havannah, &c.) 8vo, map, neat. 4s Qd 1762 13 ACCOUNT of the Life of that ancient Servant of Jesus Christ, John Richardson ; giving a relation of many of his Trials and Exer- ercises in his Youth, and Services in the Work of the Ministry in England, Ireland, America, &c. 8vo, calf neat. 3s Qd 1774 14 ACCOUNT of the Proceedings at the dinner given by Mr. Geo. Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, at the London Coffee-house, Ludgate-hill, 27th October, 1851. Imperial 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, cloth, gilt leaves. 5s Qd. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1851 15 ACCOUNT of the Conduct of the Quakers towards the Indian Tribes in the Settlements of the Colonies of Jersey and Penn sylvania, to 1843. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s Qd 1844 16 ACCOUNT of the first Settlement, Laws, &c., of the Cessares, a People of South America, in Nine Letters. 8vo, neat. 4s 6d 1764 A gift from the author Dr. Collet, of Newbury, Berks (the author s name is a new fact in Bibliography). 17 ACOSTA (Jos.) The Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies ; intreating of the remarkable things of Heaven, the Elements, Mettals, Plants, and Beasts, proper to that Country ; with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians. Translated from the Spanish by E. G. 4to, FINE COPY, calf. 2. 10s ANOTHER, not quite so good. Calf. 2. 2s 1604 18 ACOSTA (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes, taut Orientalles qu Occidentalles traduite en Francois par Regnault Cauxios. 8vo, good clean sound copy, old calf. <!. Is Paris, 1600 19 ACOSTA (Gioseff) Historia Naturale e Morale delle Indie. 4to, half calf. 15s Fenetia, 1596 20 ACOSTA (Gioseffo di) Historia Naturale e Morale delle Indie. 4to, vellum. 15s. Fenetia, 1596 21 ACOSTA (Jos. de) Historic Naturale en Morael van de Westersche Indien, overgheset door Jan Huyghen van Linschoten. 4to, curious wood-cuts, fine clean copy in vellum. 7s 6d Amst. 1624 22 ACROSS the Atlantic, by the Author of Sketches of Cantabs. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd 1851 N . R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 23 ACTE d Independance des Etats Unis d Amerique et Constitution des Republiques Francaises, Cisalpine et Ligurienne dans les Quatre Langues Francaise, Allemande, Anglaise, et Italienne. 8vo, sewed. 2s 24 ACUGNA (Christ. D.) Voyages and Discoveries in South America. Map, 1698 Account of Voyage up the River de la Plata, and thence overland to Peru by Acarete du Biscay, 1698 Journal of the Travels of Grillet and Bechamel into Guiana, 1698. In 1 vol. 8vo, maps, half calf. 8s Qd 25 ACUNA (C. de) Relation de la Riviere des Amazones, traduit par feu M. de Gomberville, 2 vols. 12 mo, calf gilt. 8s Qd Paris, 1682 In this translation the Voyages of Grillet and Bechamel in Cayenne and Guiana are published for the first time. 26 AD AIR (James) History of the American Indians, particularly the Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia. 4to, map, half calf. 1. Is whole calf. 1. 6s. old calf gilt. 1. 8s leather back, uncut edges. 1. 10s 1775 27 ADALBERT, of Prussia (Prince), Travels in the South of Europe and in Brazil, with Voyage up the Amazon and Xinga, trans lated by Sir Robert A. Schomburgh and J. E. Taylor. 2 vols, 8vo, frontispiece and maps (wants frontispiece to vol. 1), new, half calf, gilt. 10s Qd perfect copy in cloth. 10s Qd 1849 28 ADAMS S (John, Vice-president of the United States) Defence of the Constitution of the United States of America, or History of the Republics of the World. 3 vols. 8vo, half russia. 9s 1794 29 ADAMS (John) Defense des Constitutions Americaines ou la neces- site d une balance dans les pouvoirs d un Gouvernement libre, traduit avec notes par La Croix. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 5s. Paris, 1792 30 ADAMS (President John) Works, with Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations by his Grandson. Portraits, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1 10s Boston, 1856 31 ADAMS (Mrs., wife of President John Adams) Letters, with Memoir, by Chas. F. Adams. 2 vols. 12mo, portrait and fac-simile, cloth. 4s Qd Boston, 1840 32 ADAMS (President John Quincy) Letters on Silesia, written during a Tour through that Country in the years 1800 3801. 8vo, map, neat half calf. 4s 6d 1804 33 ADAMS (Nat.) Annals of Portsmouth in New Hampshire, with Biographical Sketches of the Inhabitants. 8vo, half calf. 4s Qd Portsmouth, 1825 34 ADAMS (John Jay) The Charter Oak, and other Poems. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s New York, 1839 35 ADAMS. Memoir of Miss Hannah Adams, written by Herself; with additional Notices by a Friend. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2s Boston, 1832 36 ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America upon Slave-keeping. Philadelphia, J. Dunlop, 1773 Short Ac count of that part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes. Philad. W. Dunlop, 1762 Extract from an Address in the Virginia Gazette, March 19, 1767 Extract from a Sermon by the Bishop of Gloucester, 1766, in 1 vol. 8vo, half bound. 9s 12 Books relating to America, on Sale by 37 ADDRESS of his Excellency John A. Andrew to the Two Branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts (with List of the Massa chusetts Officers who died in the War). 8vo, boards. 3s. Boston, 1865 38 ADDRESS to the Protestant Dissenters of all Denominations on the Approaching Election of Members of Parliament, with respect to the State of Public Liberty in General, and of American Affairs in Particular. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d 1774 39 AIKEN (P. R, Advocate) Comparative View of the Constitutions of Great Britain and the United States of America. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1842 40 ALABAMA Claims. The Official Correspondence on the Claims of the United States in respect to the " Alabama" (with Notes, &c., by Earl Russell). 8vo, cloth. 4s 1867 41 ALCEDO S (Antonio de) Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies, with large additions from modern Voyages and Travels, by G. A. Thompson. 5 vols. 4to, boards. 1.45 1812 Thompson s edition for its additions, &c., is infinitely more valuable than the original. LOWNDES. 42 ALEXANDER (Capt. J. E.) Transatlantic Sketches, comprising Visits to the most interesting Scenes in North and South Ame rica and West Indies. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 6s half calf. 6s Qd 1833 43 ALLEN (T.) A Chaine of Scripture Chronologic from the Creation of the World to the Death of Jesus Christ, in seven Periods. 4to, engraved title by Hollar, old calf. 7s 6d 1659 Thomas Allen fled to New England in 1638, and was a pious and painful minister at Charles Town. COTTON MATHEB. 44 ALLEN (W., President of Bowdoin College) American Biographical and Historical Dictionary of the most Eminent Persons in North America, from its first Settlement. Royal 8vo (pp. 800), cloth. 6s 6d Boston, 1832 45 ALTON Trials : of Winthrop, S. Gilman, and others for Riot, on 7th Nov. 1837, while engaged in defending a Printing Press from an attack made on it by an armed mob. 12mo, front, cloth, 3s New York, 1838 46 ALVAREZ de Abreu (Don Antonio Joseph) Victima real legal discurso unico juridico historico politico sobre que las Vacantes Mazores y Menores de las Iglesias de las Indius Occidentalis pertenecen a la Corona de Castilla y Leon con pleno y absolute dominio. Folio, vellum. 18s Madrid, 1769 47 AMAZON Valley. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazon, 1539, 1540, 1639, translated and edited with Notes by C, R. Markham. 8vo, folding map, cl oth. 9s HaJduyt Soc. IS59 48 AMAZON (River) Voyage fait dans 1 Interieur de 1 Amerique Meridionale, depuis la Cote du Bresil et de la Mer du Sud, jusqu aux Cotes du Bresil et de la Guiane, en descendant la Riviere des Amazones. Par M. de la Condamine. 8vo, map, calf. 3s Paris, 1745 49 AMERICA; or, an Exact Description of the West Indies, more especially of those Provinces which are under the dominion of the King of Spain, faithfully represented by N. N. Gent. 12mo, talf. 10s 6d 1655 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 50 AMERICANS. National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Ameri cans. (Slightly imperfect in the Life of Washington.} Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 8s 6d New York, 1834 Containing the following 36 Portraits : Two of Washington, Mrs. M. Washington, Cha. Carrol, Thos. Macdonough, Dr. Sam. L. Mitchell, Major- General Outram, And. Jackson, Miss Sedwick, Chief-Justice Marshall, W. Wirt, Lewis Cass, Daniel D. Tompkins, Henry Clay, Major-General Moul- trie, Major-General Macomb, Joel R. Poinsett, Joel Barlow, Brig.-General Wayne, Edw. Livingston, John Trumbull, Danl. Webster, W. White, D.D., Edw. Skippen, T. Pickering, General Williams, MajoY Greene, Gilb. Chas. Stuart, General Shelby, Washington Irving, Jos. S. Johnstone, Dr. Theod. Beck, Louis M Lane, Aaron Ogden, Jas. Feuimore Cooper, and Rev. Dr. D wight. 51 AMERICAN Atlas, or Geographical Description of the whole Con tinent of America, wherein are delineated at large the several Regions, Countries, States and Islands, and chiefly the British Colonies. By Thomas Jefferys. Royal fol., 48 plates, half bound. 12s 1775 An Important Collection of Maps for the proper understanding the His tory of the American War. Both belligerents had no better guides, as they represented all that was known of the North American Provinces at that time. 52 AMERICAN S Guide, comprising the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United States, and Constitution of States composing the Union. Thick 12mo, calf, Is Philadelphia, 1830 53 AMERICAN Memoranda, by a Mercantile Man (James Lumsden), during a short Tour in the Summer of 1843. Royal 8vo, printed for private circulation, cloth. 3s Glasgow, 1844 54 AMERICAN Museum, or Annual Register of Fugitive Pieces, Ancient and Modern, for the Year 1798. 8vo, boards. 3s Philadelphia, 1799 55 AMERICAN Remembrancer ; or, Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c., relative to the Treaty with Great Britain. 12 Nos. thick 8vo, half russia. 15s Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1795 56 AMERICANS (The) as they are ; described in a Tour through the Valley of the Mississippi. Post 8vo, boards. 2s half calf. 2s Qd 1828 57 AMERICANS (The) By an "American in London." 12mo, boards. 2s Qd 1833 58 AMERICAN Citizen s Sure Guide ; being a Collection of the more Important State Papers. 12mo, neat, 3s Qd Portsmouth, N. H., 1804 59 AMERICAN Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science, for 1806-10. 7 vols. 8vo, (all printed), new, half calf extra, marbled leaves. <!. 10s Philadelphia, 1807-11 60 AMERICAN Poets. Selections from the American Poets ; with Introductory Remarks. 1 2mo, Jtalf calf. 2s Dublin, 1834 61 AMERICAN Scenery ; or, Lake, Land, and River Illustrations of Trans-atlantic Nature, from Drawings by W. H. Bartlett; with Descriptions by N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to, 119 beautiful plates, engraved by Eminent Artists, ludf calf . 1. 5s 1840 62 AMERICAN Slave Code in Theory and Practice ; its distinctive Features shown by Statutes, Judicial Decisions, &c. By W. Goodell. 12mo, cloth. 2s London, 1853 Books relating to America, on Sale by 63 AMERICAN (The) Question, and how to Settle it. Post 8vo, doth. 2s 1863 64 AMERICAN Remembrancer, or an Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c., relative, or having affinity to the Treaty with Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. Is. Qd Philadelphia, 1795 65 AMERICAN Loyalist. The Claim of the American Loyalists Reviewed and Maintained upon Incontrovertible Principles of Law and Justice. 8vo, half calf, 3s 6d whole calf, 4s Qd 1788 66 AMERICAN Independence, Guerra America, an Italian MS. Poem, in 16 line odes, supposed to be unpublished. 4to, very neatly written. 10s 6d 67 AMERICAN Tears upon the Ruines of the Greek Churches ; a com pendious but entertaining History of the Darkness come upon the Greek Churches in Europe and Asia. Composed by an American. 12mo, half morocco, uncut, scarce. 2. 2s Boston, Printed by B. Green, 1701 68 AMERICAN Military Pocket Atlas ; an approved Collection of Correct Maps of the British Colonies, especially those which are now the Theatre of War. 8vo, 6 large folding maps, half calf. 7s Qd 1776 69 AMERICAN Sermons. Colman (Dr.) Sermon at the opening an Evening Lecture in Brattle-street, Boston, Oct. 21, 1749 Finley (Saml.) Sermon preached at Nottingham, in Pensilvania, Jan. 20, 1740 Edwards (Jonathan) The distinguishing marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, 1 742 Whitefield (Geo.) Vindication and Confirmation of the Remarkable Work of God in New England, 1742 Four Sermons at Kilsyth, near Glasgow, by Jas. Robe and Alex. Webster, with two other Discourses. In 1 vol. calf, neat. 14s V. Y. 70 AMERICAN Sermons. Two Discourses on John vi. 44, by John Smalley, of Farmington, 1793 Thoughts on the Causes of Salva tion and Damnation, by R. Hall, n. d. Thoughts on the Calls and Invitations of the Gospel, Edinb. 1797 Worcester(Noah) Familiar Dialogue between Cephas and Bereas, in two parts, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1793 Leading Truths of Revealed Religion systematically arranged in a concise manner, by Sam. Wood and Thos. Worcester, ib. 1794 Hopkins (Sam.) Sin, through Divine interposition, an advantage to the Universe, by Sam. Hopkins, Pastor of Newport, Rhode Island, Edinb. 1773 Bradford (Eben.) Strictures on the Remarks of Dr. Sam. Landon on the leading Sentiments in the Rev. Dr. Hopkins s system of Doctrines, Boston, 1794 Spalding (Josiah) Duty and impor tance of calling upon God, Northampton, Massachusets, 1800 Porter s (D., Pastor at Catskill) Sermon on Divine Decrees, Cats- kill, printed by M. Croswell In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 15s 71 AMERICA and the Americans. By a Citizen of the World. 8vo, boards. 2s 1833 72 AMERICA. A Voice from America to England. By an American Gentleman. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1839 73 AMERICAN Wanderer through various parts of Europe, in a series of Letters to a Lady. By a Virginian. 12mo, old calf. 2s Dublin, 1783 74 AMERICAN Wanderer through various parts of Europe. By a Virginian. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1783 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 75 AMERICAN War. White s Memorandum for the Right Hon. Lord George Germain, Sec. of State for America, 27 pages. 4to, autograph MS., neatly written. 1. Is 1776 A singular MS. of great historic interest. The writer, dating 9th Decem ber, is so sure " the ungrateful, unprovoked, and wanton Rebellion of North America, will be crushed this Winter," that he proposes to remove the troops. 76 AMERICAN War. Letter from Lord Cathcart to Lt. Col. Morrison, dated New York, Dec. 15, 1779, with Pattern of the Canteen used in America, and recommending its adoption instead of the Tin Canteen sent out from England. MS. Is Qd 77 AMERICAN War. A Collection of One Hundred and Twenty Pamphlets relating to the American War, from its commencement to its close. By writers on both sides the question, Collected and Arranged Chronologically into 20 vols. 8vo, new and uniformly bound in half morocco, gilt tops. -12. 12s 1774-84 It would now be difficult to form such another collection. 78 AMERICAN Traveller. Being a New Historical Collection of Voyages and Travels in that part of the World. 8vo, plates (por traits are mentioned in the title, hit there are none] calf. 3s 1 705 79 AMERICAN Traveller, or Observations on the Present State, Cul ture, and Commerce of the British Colonies in America. By an old and experienced Trader (Alex. Cluny). Large folding map and frontispiece. 1769 Common Sense. In Nine Conferences between a British Merchant and a Candid Merchant of America on the present contests between the Mother-country and her American subjects, 1775. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf . 12s 80 AMERICAN Revolution. Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. By Sir J. Dalrymple, 1775 Burke (E.) Speech on American Taxation, 1775 Burke s Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol on Affairs of America, 1777 Dean Tucker s Letter to Mr. Burke in answer to his printed Speech, 1775 Mr. Pulteney s Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and Means of Conciliation, 1778 Pulteney s Considerations on Present State of Public Affairs and Raising Supplies, 1779 Present Crisis with respect to America Con sidered (by Dr. Shebbeare) 1775 Dickinson s Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of British Colonies, 1774 Thoughts of a Traveller (Sir W. Draper) upon our American Disputes, 1774 Shipley (Bishop) Speech on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1774 Taxation no Tyranny (by Dr. Johnson) 1775 The Patriot (by Dr. S. Johnson) 1774 Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America (by Lord Geo. Germaine) 1776 Declaration by United States, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms altogether. 14 Tracts in 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 1 8s V. Y. 81 AMERICAN Rebellion. Report of the Speeches of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecherat Public Meetings in England. 8vo, cloth, 3s 1864 82 AMERICAN Annual Register for the Years 1825, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 6 vols. 8vo, scarce. 10s Qd New York and Boston, 1827-32 83 AMERICA (Central) Correspondence between England and the United States, 1856-60, respecting Central America (Mosquito Shore, Honduras, Nicaraugua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, &c.) folio, pp. 354, sewed 2s I860 8 Books relating to America, on Sale by 84 AMERIQUE (Centrale). Rapport Officiel de M. de Puydt, Colonel du Ge"nie Chef de la Commission d Exploration dans 1 Amerique Centrale (Guatemala) 4to, sewed. 5s Bruxelles, 1842 85 AMES (Fisher, of Dedham, Mass.) Influences of Democracy on Liberty, Property, and Happiness of Society considered ; with Introduction by Ewbank. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1835 86 AMES (Fisher) Works of, compiled by a number of his Friends ; to which are prefixed Notices of his Life and Character. 8vo, por trait, half calf, gilt. 5s Boston, 1809 87 ANBUREY (Thos. An English Officer) Travels through the Interior Parts of America, in a Series of Letters. 2 vols. 8vo, folding plates, including 4 pages of facsimiles of American Continental Dol lars (not given in the next edition), 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 15s 1789 88 ANBUREY. Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo, plates (hal of one torn away), new, half calf . 10s Qd 1789 Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, neat. 16s 1791 89 ANDERSON (Rufus) Memoir of Catherine Brown, a Christian Indian of the Cherokee Nation. I2mo, frontispiece, boards. 2s York, 1827 90 ANDERSON S (Rev. J. S. M.) History of the Church of England in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. 3 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. 1. Is (pub. at 2. 2s) 1845-56 Containing the Religious History of America, from the first Colonisation to the Independence, also of British America and the West India Islands. 91 ANDERSON S (David) Canada ; or, a View of the Importance of the British American Colonies. 8vo, half calf . 3s bds. 2s 1814 92 ANDERSON (Jotham) Recollections of, by Rev. H. Ware, of Cam bridge University, New England. 12mo, half calf. 3s 6d Liverpool, 1830 93 ANDRE. Smith s (J. H.) Authentic Narrative of the causes which led to the Death of Major Andr6. 8vo, port, map and plate, boards. 10s 6d 1808 94 ANDRE (Major) A Tragedy in Five Acts. By W. W. Lord. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s N. Y. 1856 95 ANDREWS (L. D.) Report on the Trade and Commerce of. the British North American Colonies, and upon the Great Lakes and Rivers. Thick 8vo, half russia. 3s Qd Washington, 1853 96 ANDREWS (John) History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, commencing in 1775, and ending 1783. 4 vols. 8vo, ports, maps and charts, calf, neat. 13s Qd 1785 97 ANDREWS (John). ANOTHER COPY (wanting 3 plates), calf gilt. 12s 1785 98 ANDREWS (Capt.) Journey from Buenos Ayres through the Pro vinces of Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta, to Potosi. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 6s 1827 99 ANNUAL Register of the Baptist Denomination in North Ame rica, to the 1st of November, 1790, &c. By John Asplund, " a Sweed." Small 4to, 70 pp., half morocco, uncut. 15s Southampton County, Virginia, 1791 This is the first list of Baptists in America ever published, taking each state, county, town, or Indian settlement, and giving the date of foundation of churches, ministers names, number of each congregation, &c., &c. A summary of the whole list of the Baptist associations of America, with their principles and rules, &c. Very curious. A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 100 ANNUAL Eeport of .the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condi tion of the Institution for the year 1858. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s Washington, 1859 101 ANSON (George Lord) Voyage round the World in the years 1740 to 1 744. Compiled by R. Walter. 4to, many maps and plates, calf, neat. 9s 1748 102 ANSON S (George) Voyage. ANOTHER EDITION. 4to, maps and plates, calf. 10s 1776 Another, calf. 10s 6d 1776 103 ANSON S Voyage; a Set of the Plates and Maps to Anson s Voyage. UNFOLDED, and half bound in an oblong 4to volume. 5s 104 ANSON S (Lord) Voyage round the World, in 1740 to 1744, com piled by R. Walter. Thick 8vo (wants the 3 maps), neat and clean. 2s Another copy, with the maps, neat. 3s 1748 Another, neat. 3s 6d 1749 Another, calf. 4s 1780 Another, calf. 3s U 1762 105 ANSON S Voyage to the South Seas, with Appendix containing summary Account of the Discovery of the East Indies, China, and principal Islands, by the Europeans. 8vo, port, and plates, good clean copy, calf. 5s 6d half calf. 5s Lond. R. Walker, 1 745 This is a different relation to Walter s. 106 ANSON S Voyage. Bulkeley and Cummins Voyage to the South Seas, and Narrative of the loss of the ship " Wager." 8vo, neat. 3s 6d 1743 107 ANSON S Voyage. Thomas (Pascoe) True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, and round the Globe, under Commodore Anson. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1745 108 ANSON S Voyage. Affecting Narrative of the Unfortunate Voy age and Catastrophe of His Majesty s ship " Wager." 8vo, calf, scarce. 4s 1751 109 ANSON. Life of Admiral George Lord Anson, the Circumnavi gator. By Sir John Barrow. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s Qd half calf gilt. 5s 1839 110 ANSPACH S (L. A.) History of the Island of Newfoundland. 8vo, large maps, boards. 5s 1819 Jll ANSWER of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa to the Petition to the House of Commons by Sir Paul Pindar, Ferdinando Gorges, and others concerned in His Majesty s Plantations in America. 4to, half morocco. 1. 5s 1667 112 ANTILLES. Illustrazione di una carta Geographica del 1455, e delle Notizie che in quel temps aveansi dell Antilla. 4to, folding map, calf, neat. Is Qd n. d. 113 APPEAL to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the Present Disputes with America. By an old Mem ber of Parliament. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d 1775 114 APPLETON (Rev. Jesse, President of Bowdoin College] Addresses delivered at the Annual Commencements, from 1808 to 1818. With a Sketch of his Character. 8vo, boards. 3s Brunsidck, 1820 115 ARCHENHOLTZ (J. M. Von). History of the Pirates, Free booters, or Buccaneers of America. Translated by G. Mason. 12mo, boards. 2s 1807 10 Books relating to America, on Sale by 116 AECTIC Discovery. Papers and Despatches relating to the Arctic Searching Expedition of 1850-51-52, with Eemarks as to the probable course pursued by Sir John Franklin. Collected and Arranged by James Mangles, R.N. 8vo, maps, doth. 3s 1852 117 ARCTIC Expeditions. Parliamentary Papers of Reports, Minutes of Evidences, Correspondence respecting the Arctic Expeditions 1848 to 1853, sufficient to make 2 large vols. fol. 15s 184853 Containing a great mass of interesting matter not elsewhere in print, illustrated with woodcuts and maps. 118 ARCTIC Expeditions. Parliamentary Papers relative to the re cent Arctic Expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin, 1854 Further Papers, 1855 Correspondence respecting H.M.S. "Re solute," 1858. Together, above 1,200 pages, with numerous maps and woodcuts, fol. 12s V. Y. 119 ARCTIC Miscellanies; a Souvenir of the late Polar Search by the Officers and Seamen of the Expedition. 8vo, frontispiece and woodcuts, cloth. 3s Qd (pub. at 14s) 1852 120 ARCTIC Regions. Facsimile of the Illustrated "Arctic News," published on board H.M.S. "Resolute," Captain Austin, in the search of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin. Edited by Osborne and McDougall. Folio, numerous sketches, some coloured, cloth. 10s 6d (pub. at 1. 5s) 1852 121 ARENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las Lenguas Castel- lana y Mexicana. Small 8vo, morocco, gilt leaves. 2. 2s En la Puebla de los Angeles [Mexico], 1793 122 ARFWEDSON (C. D..) The United States and Canada in 1832, 1833, and 1834. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece, calf gilt. 6s 1834 123 ARISTOCRACY in America; from the Sketch Book of a German Nobleman. Edited by F. J. Grund. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1839 124 ARMISTEAD S (W.) Tribute to the Negro, being a Vindication of the Moral, Intellectual, and Religious Capabilities of the Coloured Portion of Mankind. Thick 8vo, fine portraits, cloth. 5s 1848 125 ARMITAGE (John) History of Brazil from the period of the Arrival of the Braganza Family in 1808, to the Abdication of Don Pedro the First, in 1831. 2 vols. 8vo, 2 portraits, half calf gilt. 8s Qd 1836 126 ARNOLD AND FORSTER. An authentic narrative of Facts re lating to the Exchange (between Generals Arnold and Forster) of Prisoners taken at the Cedars. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1777 127 ARNOLD S (S. G.) History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Vol. I., 16361700. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s 1859 128 ARTHUR AND CARPENTER. History of Kentucky from its earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Thick 12mo, cloth. 3s Philadelphia, 1852 129 ARTICLES of Peace between King Charles II. and several In dian Kings and Queens, made at the Camp at Middle Plantation in Virginia (with fac-similes of the signatures of the Indians). 4to, half morocco. 7s Qd 1677 130 ASHE (Thos.) Travels in America in 1806 for exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi. 3 vols. 12mo, boards. 7s Qd 1808 131 Another. Svo, half calf, soiled. 2s 1809 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 11 132 ASHER S (Dr. G. M.) Bibliographical and Historical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to the New Netherlands (New York, Neiv Jersey, &c.), and to the West India Company and to its possessions in Brazil, &c. Thick 4to, with fac-similes of the earliest maps and mews of New York. LARGE PAPER, very few printed, uncut. 2. 10s 1867 Translations into English of the titles of the Books are given. The In troduction is highly interesting. 133 ASHLEY (John) Memoirs and Considerations concerning the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies in America. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, old calf. 6s 1740 3 134 ASPECTS (The) of Religion in the United States. By the Author of " The Englishwoman in America." 12mo, cloth. 2s 1859 135 ASPINWALL (William, of New England). A Brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy, or Kingdome, that shortly is to come into the World, and a Prognostick of the Time when this Fifth Kingdome shall begin. 4to, half morocco, rare. 1. Is 1653 136 ASPINWALL (William, late of New England). A Premonition of Sundry Sad Calamities yet to Come, grounded upon an Explica tion of the 24th chapter of Isaiah. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1655 137 ATKINS (John) Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and West Indies. 8vo, calf neat. 4s Another, poor copy. 2s 1735 138 ATKINSON (Rev. W. C.) Historical and Statistical Account of New Brunswick, B.N.A. 12mo, map and woodcuts, neat. 3s Edinburgh, 1844 139 ATLAS Geographicus, or a Compleat System of Geography, An cient and Modern, for America. Vol. 5 in 2 parts. 4to, about 30 maps, &c., neat. 5s 1717 140 AUBLET (Fusee) Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Francoise, rangees suivant le Methode Sexuelle, avec plusieurs memoires sur differens objets interessans relatifs a la culture et au commerce de la Guiane Francoise. 4 vols (2 of text and 2 of plates), nearly 400 plates, half calf. 2. 2s Paris, 1775 141 AUDUBON S Birds of America ; from drawings made in the United States and their Territories. Parts 1 to 49 (wanting part 31), containing 240 BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED PLATES. Royal 8vo, sewed. 2. 10s (pub. at 10) 1839, &c. 142 AUDUBON S (J. J.) Ornithological Biography, or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States, with delineations of American Scenery and Manners. Vols. 1 and 2, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1. 8s Edinburgh, 1831 4 143 AUDUBON AND BACHMAN. The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. Vol. 1, imperial 8vo, cloth. 9s 6d 1847 144 AUDUBON the Naturalist in the New World : his Adventures and Discoveries. By H. St. John. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1856 145 AUDUBON. Life and Adventures of John James Audubon, the Naturalist. By R. Buchanan. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 7s Qd (pub. at 14s) 1868 146 AUSZ Amerika das ist ausz der newen Welt Underschiedlicher Schreiben extract von den Jaren, 1616, 1617, 1618, ausz Fran- zosischer Sprach in die Teutsche ubergesetzt (relating principally to Mexico, Peru, and Paraguay). 4to, vellum, fine copy, very scarce. 1. Is Another, half morocco. 15s ^Augsburg, 1620 12 Books relating to America, on Sale by 147 AYME (J. J.) Deportation et naufrage suivis du Tableau de vie et de Mort des Deporte"s, a son depart de la Guyane, avec quelques Observations sur cette Colonie et sur les Negres. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d Paris, S. A. 148 AYNGE S (G-. A.) Death of Tecumseh (the Shawnee Chieftain), and Other Poems. 12mo, boards. 2s Dartmouth, 1821 149 AZARA (Felix de) Voyages dans 1 Amerique Meridionale, avec une notice sur sa Vie, et ses Ecrits par C. A. Walckenaer, enrichis de Notes par G. Cuvier. 4 vols. 8vo, and Atlas of Plates, calf neat. 1. 85 Paris, 1809 150 AZAEA. Another copy. 4 vols. 8vo, without the Atlas of Plates, half bound. 12s Ib. 1809 151 T)ACK (Capt.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the J3 Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833, 1834, and 1835. Thick 8vo, fine plates, cloth. Ss Another, half calf gilt. 9s 6d (pub. at 1. 10s) 1836 152 BACK S Arctic Land Expedition. 8vo, large map, boards. 2s 6d half morocco. 3s Paris, 1836 153 BACK S (Capt.) Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. "Terror," undertaken with a View to Geographical Discovery on the Arctic Shores, 18367. 8vo, fine plates, cloth. 12s half calf gilt. 13s Qd 1838 154 BACON (James) The American Indian ; or, Virtues of Nature. A Play in Three Acts, with Notes ; Founded on an Indian Tale. 8vo, port, boards. 5s 1795 155 BACON S (L.) Thirteen Historical Discourses on the completion of 200 years from the beginning of the first Church in New Haven. 8vo, plates of portraits, cloth. 4s 6d N. H., 1839 156 BACQUEVILLE de la Potherie. Histoire de 1 Amerique Septen- trionale. 3 vols. 12mo (wanting the kth volume), plates, half calf. 13s Qd 1722 157 BACQUEVILLE de la Potherie. Histoire de TAmerique Septen- trionale. 4 vols. 12mo, numerous plates, good copy, old calf, very scarce. 1. 16s Paris, 1753 This work relates entirely to Canada and the Iroquois Indians ; the plates comprise the earliest views taken in Canada. 158 BADEAU S (Col. Adam) Military History of Ulysses S. Grant. Vol 1 (all out). Thick 8vo, portrait and maps, cloth. 6s 1868 159 BADIA (Marc. Ant.) Compendio della Guerra nata per confini in America tra la Francia e 1 Inghilterra. 8vo, portrait, boards. 2s Amsterdam, 1763 160 BAILY (John) Large Map of Central America (Guatemala, Hon duras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica). On canvas, in a case. 3s 1850 161 BAIRD (Rev. Robert) Religion in the United States of America; or. an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relations to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States, with Notices of the Unevangelical Denomina tions. Large 8vo, maps, pp. 736, cloth. 4s Qd 1844 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 13 162 BALL S (John) Tryall of the New Church Way in New England and in the Old. Penned a little before his death, and sent over to the New England ministers. Now published by W. Rath- band and S. Ash. 4to, half morocco, cut close. 1. 11s Qd 16 163 BANCROFT (Dr. E.) Natural History of Guiana, with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Indian Inhabitants. 8vo, plate, boards. 4s 6d neat. 5s 1769 164 BANCROFT (A.) Life of George Washington, First President of the United States. 8vo, calf. 4s Qd 1808 165 BANCROFT S History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Declaration of Independence. In 1 vol. royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6d 1847 166 BANCROFT (Aaron, Pastor in Worcester) Sermons on those Doc trines of the Gospel, and on those Constituent Principles of the Church, which Christian Professors have made the subject of controversy. 8vo, boards. 5s Worcester, U.S., 1822 167 BANDINEL (James) Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa, as connected with Europe and America, from the earliest period. Royal 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1842 168 BANKS (T. C.) Baronia Anglia Concentrata; or, a Concentration of all the Baronies called Baronies in Fee, deriving their Origin from Writ of Summons, and not from any specific Limited Crea tion, showing the Descent and Line of Heirship, as well as those Families mentioned by Sir William Dugdale, as of those whom that celebrated author has omitted to notice, interspersed with Interesting Notices and Explanatory Remarks ; whereto is added the Proofs of Parliamentary Sitting from the Reign of Edward I. to Queen Anne ; also a Glossary of Dormant English, Scotch, and Irish Peerage Titles, with references to presumed existing Heirs. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. 15s ( pub. at 3. 3s) 1844 Pages 210 300 contain an Historical Account of the first settlement of Nova Scotia, and of the foundation of the order of Nova Scotia Baronets, with the Charters in favour of Sir William Alexander, &c., &c. 169 BAN YARD (Joseph) Novelties of the New World ; or, the Ad ventures and Discoveries of the First Explorers of North Ame rica. Crown 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 2s Qd Boston, 1852 170 BARBADOES. Case of William Sharpe, Esq., Governor of Bar- badoes on being suspended from the Council by Mitford Crowe, Esq., late Governor. 8vo, with MS. Marginal Notes and auto graph of W. Sharpe. PRIVATELY PRINTED, old calf. 5s 1712 171 BARBADOES. Short History of Barbadoes from its First Dis covery and Settlement to the Present Time. By H. Frere. 8vo, calf. 7s Qd boards, uncut, scarce. 8s 6d 1768 172 BARBADOES. The Groans of the Plantations, or a True Ac count of their Grievous and Extreme Sufferings by the Heavy Impositions upon Sugar, and other Hardships relating more particularly to the Island of Barbadoes. 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d 1689 173 BARBADOES. A Short Account of the Manifest Hand of God that hath fallen upon several Marshals and their Deputies, which have made great havoc of the goods of the people of God called Quakers, in the Island of Barbadoes. 4to, half morocco. 2. 5s 1696 14 Books relating to America, on Sale by 174 BAKBADOES. Copy of the Articles Exhibited by Mr. Freeman to the House of Commons against Col. Codrington (of Barba- does), and Observations in Answer to the Same. 4to, half mo rocco. 7s Qd 1702 175 BARCLAY (A.) View of the Present State of Slavery in the W. Indies; or, an Examination of Mr. Stephen s Slavery of the British W. India Colonies. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1826 176 BARCLAY S (Robert) Apology for the Quakers (translated into German). Thick 8vo, calf neat. 15s Germantown, Christ. Saur, 1776 Books printed by Christopher Sower of Germantown, near Philadelphia, are not of common occurrence. A battle took place there the next year after the book was printed, and the printer s property was destroyed. The British employed the poor fellow s books to make cartridges ! 177 BARD S (S. A., i.e. E. G. Squier) Waikna. Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. 8vo, 60 illustrations, cloth. 3s 6d 1855 178 BARLEUS (C.) Res Brasilia? imperante D. I. Mauritio Nossovise, &c. Principe Accedit G. Pisonis, tractatus de sere aquis et locis in Brasilia. 8vo, engraved title, portrait, maps and plates, good clean copy, vellum. 15s Another, half calf gilt 16s Clivis, 1660 179 BARNUM (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of the Spy, a Tale of the Neutral Ground by Mr. Cooper. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. 5s 1828 180 BARON S (R.) History of the Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity, applied to the present contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies, with reflections concerning the future settlement of these Colonies. 4to, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1777 181 BARRERE (Pierre) Essai sur 1 Histoire naturelle de la France Equinoxiale (Cayenne, les Isles de Remire et de la Guyane), avec les noms differens des plantes, Latins, Francois, et Indiens. 12mo, boards. 5s calf. 6s 6d Paris, 1749 182 BARRERE, Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale, conte- nant la Description des Cotes de la Guiane, de 1 Isle de Cayenne avec les Moeurs et Coutumes des Sauvages. 12mo, many plates, half calf, scarce. 10s Qd ib. 1743 183 BARRETT-LENNARD S (Capt. C. E.) Travels in British Colombia, and Yacht Voyage round Vancouver s Island. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1862 184 BARRINGTON (Davies) Probability of Reaching the North Pole discussed, with Supplement. 4to, neat. 2s 6d 1775 185 BARRINGTON, on the Possibility of Reaching the North Pole, with Col. Beaufoy s Appendix. 8vo, boards. 2s half calf. 2s 6d 1818 186 BARROW (John) Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, chiefly for Discovering a North East, North West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo, map, boards. 5s calf neat. 6s half calf . 6s Qd 1818 187 BARROW (Sir John) Voyages of Discovery and Research within the Arctic Regions, from the Year 1818 to the present time. Large 8vo, portrait and large maps, cloth. 8s 6d 1846 188 BARROW. Another copy. 8vo (wanting a map), cloth. 4s 1846 189 BARRY S (P.) Theory and Practice of the International Trade of the United States and England, and on the Trade of the United States and Canada. 8vo, cloth. 3s Chicago, 1858 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 15 190 BARRY (William) History of Framingham, Massachusetts, in cluding the Plantation, from 1640 to the present time. 8vo, cloth. Qs Qd Boston, 1847 191 BARTLETT (W. S.) The Frontier Missionary; a Memoir of the Rev. Jacob Bailey, Missionary at Pownalborough, Maine, Corn- wallis, and Annapolis, N.S. ; with Illustrations, Notes, and Ap pendix. 8vo, map and portraits, doth. 65 Qd Boston, 1853 192 BARTLETT (J. R.) Personal Narrative of Explorations and Inci dents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua. 2 vols. royal 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, cloth. 16s 1854 193 BARTLETT S (J. R.) Dictionary of Americanisms; a Glossary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. THIRD EDITION, enlarged. Royal 8vo, cloth. 9s Boston, 1860 194 BARTLETT (J. R.) Memoirs of the Rhode Island Officers who were engaged in the service of their country during the Great Rebellion of the South. Thick 4to, 34 portraits, boards. 10s Qd Providence, 1867 195 BARTOLOMEI (Girolamo) L America Poema Eroico. Folio, en graved frontispiece (mended), half bound, uncut. <!. 4s Eomce, 1650 196 BARTON S (W.) Observations on the Trial by Jury, with Re marks on Legislation and Jurisprudence, and the Profession of the Law, Address to the Citizens of Pennsylvania. 8vo, calf. 3s Qd Strasburg, 1803 197 BARTRAM (W.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, &c. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 6s Qd half calf . Is 1792 198 BARTRAM (W.) Travels. Library marked copy, and wanting a plate, boards. 3s 1794 199 BASANIER, 1 Histoire de la Floride situee es Indes Occidentales contenant les trois Voyages faits en icelle par certains Captaines et Pilotes descrits par le Capitaine Laudonniere, a laquelle a este" adjouste un quatriesme Voyage fait par le Capt. Gourgties. 12mo, cloth, Ss Qd red morocco, 9s 1586 Reprinted 1853 A very interesting little book on the early History of Florida. The original edition is of the greatest rarity. 200 BATTLEFIELDS of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburg. By an English Combatant. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1863 201 BAXTER (Richard) Defence of the Principles of Love which are necessary to the Unity and Concord of Christians and are delivered in a Book called The Cure of Church Divisions. Small 8vo, old calf, rare. 10s Qd 1671 Containing many allusions to New England, with an Address from the Governors and Council at Boston to the Elders and Ministers of every Town within the Jurisdiction of the Massachusetts in New England. 202 BAYLEY S (F. W. N.) Four Years Residence in the West Indies, with a Chronology of the Principal Islands, from the First Dis covery. Thick 8vo, plates, hf. mor. extra. Qs Qd cloth. 4s Qd half calf gilt. Qs 1830 203 BEACH (John) A Second Vindication of God s Sovereign Free Grace, indeed, in a Fair and Candid Examination of the last Discourse of the late Mr. Dickinson. 8vo, half morocco. Qs Qd Boston, 1748 16 Books relating to America, on Sale by 204 BEACH (J.) Attempt to Vindicate Scripture Mysteries, a Sermon preached before the Clergy of the Church of England, in Con necticut, at New Haven. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 6d Boston, 1760 205 BEARDSLEY S (Levi) Eeminiscences of the Early Settlement of Otsego County, with Notices and Anecdotes of Public Men, &c. 8vo,port. cloth. 5s N. Y., 1852 206 BEAUFOY (Mark) Mexican Illustrations indicative of the Present Condition of Society, Manners, Religion and Morals among the Spanish and Native Inhabitants of Mexico. Royal 8vo, large paper, map and plates, boards. 6s 1828 207 BEAUFOY S Mexican Illustrations. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1828 208 BEAU JOUR (Chev. F. de) Aper9u des Etats Unis au commence ment du XIX e . Siecle, depuis 1800 jusqu en 1810. 8vo, map, sewed. 2s 1814 209 BEAU JOUR S Sketch of the United States of America, from 1800 to 1810, Translated with Notes, by Walton. 8vo, half calf, 3s 6d boards. 3s 1814 210 BEAUMONT S (J. A. Barber) Travels in Buenos Ayres, and Adja cent Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 3s 6d 1828 211 BEAUTIES of Fox, North and Burke, Selected from their Speeches from the passing of the Quebec Act in 1774 to the Present Time. 8vo, caricature front, half calf . 3s 6d 1784 212 BECKFORD (W.) Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica, with Remarks upon the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane. 2 vols. 8vo,fine copy, calf neat. 6s 6d 1790 213 BEECHEY S Voyage to the Pacific and Beering s Straits. 2 vols. 8vo, plates and maps, half calf gilt. 12s 6d whole calf. 15s 1831 214 BEECHEY S Narrative of Capt. Buchan s Voyage of Discovery to wards the North Pole, in the Ships Dorothea and Trent. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d new, half calf gilt. 7s 1843 215 BELL S (W. A.) New Tracks in North America, a Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean, 1867-8. 2 vols. 8vo, many en gravings, cloth. 12s. pub. at 30s 1869 216 BELLAMY (Jos., of Bethlem in New England) Letters and Dialogues upon the Nature of Love to God, Faith in Christ, and Assurance of a Title to Eternal Life. Small 8vo, neat. 3s 1761 217 BELLAMY (Joseph) That there is but one Covenant, whereof Bap tism and the Lord s Supper are Seals, viz., The Covenant of Grace, proved from the Word of God, and the Doctrine of an Eternal Graceless Covenant, lately Advanced by the Rev. Moses Mather in a Pamphlet, entitled the Visible Church in Covenant with God, &c., shewn to be an Unscriptural Doctrine, prefixed is an Answer to a Dialogue concerning the Half Way Covenant lately printed at New London. 8vo, boards. 5s New Haven, 1769 218 BELLAMY (Joseph) Reply to the Rev. Moses Mather s piece en titled the Visible Church in Covenant with God, further illus trated, &c., a Vindication of the plan on which the Churches in New England were originally formed, interspersed with Remarks upon some things advanced by Mr. Sandeman on some of the im portant points in debate. 8vo, boards. 6s. New Haven, n. d. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 17 219 BELLAMY (Joseph, Minister of the Gospel at Bethlem, New England) Sermons on the Divinity of Jesus Christ ; the Millennium ; the Wisdom of God in the permission of Sin. 8vo, calf. 8s 6d Boston, 1758 220 BELLAMY (Joseph) Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 8vo, caff. 7s 6d Boston, 1762 221 BELLIN (N.) Description des Debouquemens qui sont au nord de 1 Isle de Saint Domingue. 4to, maps, calf jieat. 6s half calf. 5s Versailles, 1773 222 BELLY (Felix) Percement de 1 Isthme de Panama, par le Canal de Nicaragua. Royal 8vo, maps. 3s Qd Paris, 1858 223 BELTR AMI S Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi, Bloody River, and Ohio. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 6s ha/f calf gilt. 9s 1828 224 BENEDICT (David, Pastor of the Baptist^ Church in Pawtucket) Gene ral History of the Baptist Denomination in "America and other parts of the World. 2 vols. 8vo, neat, scarce. <!, 4s Boston, 1813 225 BENEZET (Anthony) Some Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Produce, &c., with Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave Trade. Philadelphia, printed by Joseph Cruikshank, 1771 Extract from a representation of the Injustice and Dan gerous Tendency of tolerating Slavery, by Granville Sharp. Lon don, printed 1769. Philadelphia, reprinted by Joseph Cruikshank, 1771. In 1 vol. 12mo, fine copy, in original binding. 10s Qd. 226 BENEZET Armistead s Memoir of Anthony Benezet (of Philadel phia, the friend of the Slaves). 12mo, cloth. 2s 1859 227 BENEZET S (Ant.) Caution to Great Britain and her Colonies on the Calamitous State of the enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. 8vo, half morocco. 2s 1767 228 BENTOTH S (George) History of America IN MODERN GREEK. 3 vols. 8vo, boards. 7s 6d Vienna, 1792-4 It has escaped the notice of all American bibliographers. 229 BENTON S (Thos. H.) Thirty Years View, or History of the Work ing of the American Government for 30 years, 1820 to 1850, by a Senator of 30 years. 2 vols. royal 8vo, frontispiece and portrait, cloth. 9s 6d New York, 1856 230 BENZONI (Girolamo) La Historia del Mondo Nvovo, first edition, 12mo, woodcuts, FINE COPY in vellum. 2. 2s Venet. Fr. Eampazetto, 1565 231 BENZONI (Hier.) Novse novi orbis historise id est rerum ab His- panis, in India Occidentale hactenus gestarum Urbani Calvetonis Latini facti^ac notis illu strati. 8vo, vellum. 15s half caff , 14s Geneva, 1600 232 BENZONI, Novse Orbis Historiae. 12mo, new, cf.gt. 18s Geneva, 1578 233 BENZONI. Another. 8vo, vellum. 15s ib. 1578 234 BENZONI UND MARTYREM. Der newen Weldt und Indiani- schem Nidergangischen Konigreichs newe und Wahraffte History vol alien geschichten, handlungen, thaten, strengem, und str ft- lichen regiment der Spanier gegen den Indian en unglaublichem grossem gut von Goldt sylber, edelgestein, parlein, schmaragdt und andern grossen reichthumb so die Spanier Darinn erobert sonder auch alle Inseln, Provintz, Konigreich Wildrussen, sampt derselbigen Volckern und wilden Leiithfressern Wunderbarlichen sitten bischrieben werden. Folio, FINE COPY, stamped pigskin. 2. 2s Basel, 1582 2 18 Books relating to America, on Sale by 235 BENZONE TJND MARTYR Newen Weldt und Indianischen Nider- gangischen Konigreichs newe und Wahrhaffte History ausz dera Latein in das Deutsch gebracht Historien von der Frantzosen zug und reise in die Landschafft Floridam genannt nicht fern von dem Konigreich Peru gelegen. In 1 thick vol. folio, FINE COPY, stamped pigskin with clasps. 2. 2s. Basil, 1583 236 BENZONI (Hieronymus). Der Newenn Weldt vnd Indianischen Nidergangischen Konigreichs, Newe vnd Wahrhaffte History, folio, blzick letter, half morocco, <!. 10s. Basil, Seb. Henricepetri, 1579 237 BERCY (Drouin de) L Europe et T Amerique comparees (as regards the Natural and Physical History, Manners, Customs, Language, &c.) 2 vols. 8vo, coloured plates, calf. 3s. Qd. ANOTHER, calf, gilt. 5s. Paris, 1818 238 BERICHTEN over Asie, Afrika, en Amerika, Getrokken uit de Stigtelyke Brieven, en Reisbeschryvingen der Jesuiten, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. 6s. Harlingen, 1769 239 BERKLEY (Bishop of Cloyne) a Miscellany containing, The Querist A Proposal for the better Supplying of Churches in our Foreign Plantations, and for converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, by a College to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda. 1 2mo, calf neat. 2s. Qd. Dublin, 1752 240 BERKLEY (Colonel) and his Friends, containing Sketches of Life South of the Potomac, a Tale. 3 vols. post 8vo, Ids. 6s. 1825 241 BESTE (J. R..) The Wabash ; or, the Adventures of an English Gentleman s Family in the Interior of America. 2 vols. post 8vo, frontispieces, cloth. 8s. Qd. 1855 242 BETAGH S (Capt. W.) Voyage Round the World (with Captain Shelvocke.) 8vo, neat. 3s. Qd. 1728 ANOTHER edition, neat. 4s. 1757 243 BEVERLEY S (R.) History and Present State of Virginia, in four parts. 8vo, frontispiece and \4plates, good copy, calf. 1. 4s. ANOTHER, calf neat, little wormed. 1. Is. 1722 244 BEVERLEY. Histoire de la Virginie traduite de 1 Anglois. 12mo, plates, old calf. 7s. 6d. 1707 245 BIANCHI (Isid.) Le Lettere Americane Nouva Edizione corretta ed ampliata, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf , gilt. 6s. Cremona, 1781 This edition was published by Isidore Bianchi, and dedicated to Benjamin Franklin. 246 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Miscellany. Edited by John Petheram. 8vo, Nos. 1 to 5 (all published) with general title and contents. Is. 1859 CONTENTS. Particulars of the Voyage of Sir Thomas Button for the Discovery of a North- West Passage, A.D. 1612 Sir Dudley Digges Of the Circumference of the Earth : or, a Treatise of the North-East Passage, 1611-13 Letter of Sir Thomas Button on the North- West Passage, in the State-Paper Office Bibliographical Notices of Old Music Books. By Dr. Rimbault Notices of Suppressed Books Martin Mar- Prelate s Khymes The Hardwicke Collection of Manuscripts. 247 BIBLIOTHECA Americo-Septentrionalis, a choice Collection of Books in Various Languages, relating to North America, from its First Discovery. (By D. B. Warden.) 8vo ; sewed. 15s. Paris, 1821 A. R. Smith, 36, $0^0 Square, London. 19 248 BIBLIOTHECA Americana ; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the most Curious Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, &c. in Print and Manuscript, upon North and South America. 4to, boards. &\. 45 old half calf. 1. 3s. 1789 249 BIBLIOTHECA Americana Nova, by O. Eich ; Vol. 2, containing the Portion from the Year 1831 to 1844. 8vo, cl. Ss 6d 1846 250 BIBLIOTHECA Americana; a Catalogue of 3372 Books and Pamphlets relating to America, on sale by John Russell Smith. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1853 Useful for bibliographical purposes, as it records the titles of many Books and Pamphlets not to be found elsewhere. 251 BIBLIOTHECA Americana ; A Catalogue of 3400 Books, 2300 Pamphlets, also MSS., Maps, &c., relating to America and the West Indies, printed in 1865, with a Supplement of 900 articles, printed in 1867, on sale by J. Russell Smith. In 1 vol. 8vo, half bound. 3s 1865-67 The books which remained unsold are incorporated in the present Cata logue, but many hundreds of the pamphlets are still on sale. The Catalogue will be found useful to bibliographers. 252 BIBLIOTHECA Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America, collected by H. Stevens. 8vo, 2 Parts, with prices. 7s6d 1861 253 Part 1 only, with prices. 3s 1861 A useful Catalogue as it gives the titles very fully, with collations of the articles. These books are the bulk of what appeared in H. Stevens s " Nuggets." 254 BIBLIOTHECA Mejicana ; a Catalogue of an extraordinary Collec tion of Books and MSS. on North and South America, particularly Mexico, sold by Puttick and Simpson, 8 days sale. 8vo. 2s 1869 255 BID WELL S (C. T., Consul at Panama) the Isthmus of Panama. Thick 8vo, cloth. 7s, pub. at 14s 1865 256 BIET (Antoine) Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en 1 Isle de Cayenne enterpris par les Francois en l Anne"e 1652, avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue du mesme Pais. 4to, calf neat, scarce. 1. 8s ANOTHER COPY. 4to, calf (a little stained). 1. 2s Paris, 1664 257 BIGELOW (Erastus B.) Tariff Question considered in regard to the Policy of England and the Interests of the United States. 4to, cloth. 3s Boston, 1862 258 BIGGS (Wm.) Military History of Europe, &c., from the Com mencement of the War with Spain, in 1739, to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. 8vo, calf. 3s 6d 1755 259 BILLINGS (Commodore Joseph) Sauer s Account of Commodore Billings Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Nor thern Parts of Russia, and the Islands stretching to the American Coast. 4to, maps and numerous plates, boards. 9s 6d 1802 " The object of this Expedition was to explore those parta of the ocean lying between Asia and America, which Capt. Cooke did not visit." CoxB. 260 BINGLEY S Travels in North America, compiled from Modern Writers. Post 8vo, boards. Is Qd 1821 261 BINGLEY (William, a Quaker) An Epistle of Love and Tender Advice, to Friends and Brethren in America or elsewhere. 4to, boards. 15s 1689 22 20 Books relating to America, on Sale by 262 BIEKBECK S Notes on a Journey from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. 8vo, boards. 2s half calf . 2s Qd 1818 263 BIEKBECK S Letters from Illinois. 8vo, boards. 2s 1818 264 BISHOPE S (George) New England judged not by Man s, but the Spirit of the Lord, and the sum sealed up of New England s Persecutions ; being a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the peo ple called Quakers in those parts of America, from 1656, the time of their first arrival at Boston from England, to 1660, with Whiting s Answer to Cotton Mather s Abuses of the Quakers. Thick 8vo, good copy, calf neat. 1. 5s ANOTHER, new, calf gilt (slightly stained). 1. 2s ANOTHER, calf, stained. 18s 1703 265 BIRKBECK (Morris) Notes of a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the territory of Illinois. Map, 1818 Let ters from Illinois, 1818 Extracts from a Supplementary Letter from the Illinois, 1819. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 4s. 266 BISSELII (Jo.) Argonauticon Americanorum sive Historise pericu- lorum Petri de Victoria, ac sociorum ejus Libri XV. Thick 18mo, pp. 500, frontispiece and map, very clean, vellum, rare. 10s Qd ANOTHER COPY, not quite so good, vellum. 8s 6d Monachii, 1647 267 BISSELII. Another Copy. 18mo, whole bound, in blue morocco, gilt edges, by Hayday. 15s Monachii, 1647 The Adventures of Peter de Victoria and his companions in various parts of South America. 268 BISSETT S (R.) History of the Negro Slave Trade in its Connec tion with the Commerce and Prosperity of the West Indies and the Wealth and Power of the British Empire. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1805 269 BLACK S Atlas of North America; a Series of Twenty Maps (coloured) constructed and engraved by J. Bartholomew, with Introduction and complete Index. Royal 4to, cloth. 6s 1856 270 BLACKWELL (Thomas) Forma Sacra, or a Sacred Platform of Natural and Revealed Religion, with Introduction by Simon Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Windham, N. Hampshire. Small 8vo, good, clean, and sound copy, orig. cf. 18s Boston, 1774 271 BLAKE (Rev. Mortimer) Centennial History of the Mendon Asso ciation of Congregational Ministers,with the Centennial Addresses at Franklin, Mass, and Biographical Sketches. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s Boston, 1853 272 BLAKE S (W. J.) History of Putnam County, N. Y. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d New York, 1849 273 BLAKE (W. P. of California) Report upon the Precious Metals, being Statistical Notices of the principal Gold and Silver pro ducing Regions of the World, represented at the Paris Universal Exposition. 8vo, pp. 369. 5s Washington^ 1869 274 BLAS de Acosta (Fr.) Sermon a las Exequias del Illustrissimo Senor Don Fr. Gabriel de Zalate de la Orden de Predicadores Obispo electe de Guamanga. 4to, vellum. 15s Impresso en Lima, 1637 275 BLISS (Leonard) History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachu setts, comprising a History of the Present Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket, from their Settlement to this Time. 8vo ; cloth. 5s Boston, 1836 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 21 276 BLODGET (Samuel) Economica ; a Statistical Manual for the United States of America. 8vo, boards. 3s Washington, 1806 277 BLOME (R.) Present State of his Majestie s Isles and Territories in America, viz., New England, Carolina, New York, Maryland, Pensilvania, &c. 8vo, maps (ivanting title), new, half calf gilt. 6s 6d ANOTHER (map of Jamaica torn), calf neat. Ss 1687 278 BLUETT S (Thos.) Memoirs of Job, the Son of Solomon, the High Priest of Boonda, in Africa, who was a Slave about 2 years in Maryland. 8vo, half calf . 2s 1734 279 BOLINGBROKE S (H.) Voyage to Demerary, Essequebo, the Ber- bice, and other contiguous Rivers of Guyana. 4to, boards. 5s calf gilt. 7s -half calf. 6s 1807 280 BOLIVAR (President of Columbia) Memoirs of; and of his princi pal Generals. By Gen. H. L. V. Ducondray Holstein. 2 vols. post 8vo, map and portrait, boards. 5s 6d new, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1830 281 BOND (J. Wesley) Minnesota, and its Resources, with a Trip from St. Paul to Pembina, and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River. Small 8vo, map, &c., cloth, 3s 6d New York, 1853 282 BONNYCASTLE (R. H.) Spanish America. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d half calf gilt. 5s 1818 This work has been undertaken with the object of forming a useful Compendium of Historical and Geographical Information with respect to the Acquisitions of Spain on the Continent and in the Islands of America, unmixed with political suggestions or reflections, and including a simple record of events without comment." Preface. 283 BONNYCASTLE S (Sir R. H.) Newfoundland in 1842. 2 vols. post 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 6d half calf gilt. 7s Qd 1842 284 Canada and the Canadians. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1849 285 BOOK of the United States, exhibiting its Geography, Divisions, Constitution, Government, Natural History, Institutions, Litera ture, Biography, Statistics, &c., &c. Very thick, 8vo, many woodcuts, cloth. 5s New York, 1839 286 BOOK of Common Prayer as Revised and Proposed to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at a Convention in the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, held in Philadelphia in 1785. 8vo, calf neat. 18s ANOTHER COPY (MS. Title), calf. 10s Qd 1789 287 BOOK of Common Prayer according to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, with the Psalter, also a Selection of Psalms in Verse, with Occasional Hymns. Small 8vo, FINE COPY, blue morocco, extra gilt leaves. 1. Is Charlestoivn, W. P. Young, 1799 288 BOONE (Daniel), the First Settler in Kentucky. Biographical Memoir, interspersed with Incidents in the Early Annals of the Country. By Timothy Flint. Small 8vo, portrait and woodcuts, boards. 3s 6d Cincinnati, 1840 289 BORDER AND BASTILLE (Personal Adventures during the War in the South). By the author of " Guy Livingston." Second edi tion. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1863 290 BORDLEY S (J. B.) Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs. 8vo, calf neat. 6s Philadelphia, 1799 291 BORDONE (Benedetto) Isolario nel qual si ragiona di tutte 1 Isole del mondo. Folio, woodcuts, maps, etc., large copy in old stamped calf binding. 1. 4s J^inegia, 154:7 22 Books relating to America;, on Sale by 292 BOSSU, Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales (sur le Missis sippi). 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, very neat. 5s 1768 293 BOSSIJ (M.) Nouveaux Voyages dans 1 Amerique, Septentrionale, contenant une Collection de Lettres, ecrites sur les lieux. 8vo, plates, sewed. 4s. Qd. calf. 5s. Qd. A FINE COPY in calf. 7s. Qd. Amsterdam, 1777 A continuation of the former work. 294 BOSSU S Travels in Louisiana. Translated by J. E. Forster, with large Notes on the Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 8s. Qd. GOOD COPY, calf neat. 10s. Qd.half calf. 10s Qd ANOTHER, uncut copy. 12s 1771 295 BOSTON. Local Loiterings and Visits in the Vicinity of Boston. By a Looker on. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 3s. 1846 296 BOSTON. Proceedings at the Dedication of the Building for the Public Library of the City of Boston (N.E.), Jan. 1, 1858. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s. ANOTHER, morocco extra, fine copy. 5s. Boston, by Authority of the City Council, 1858 297 BOSTON. A Call from Death to Life, written by Marmaduke Stephenson, who with William Robinson (Quakers), hath since suffered Death for bearing Witness to the Truth amongst the Professors of Boston s Jurisdiction in New England, with Copies of Two Letters writ a little while before their Death, also a Letter from a Friend in New England, which gives a brief rela tion of their Martyrdom, and the Words they Exprest at the Time of their Suffering. 4to, half morocco, very rare. 2. 2s. 1660 298 BOSTON. Severall Epistles given forth by Two of the Lord s Faithful Servants (W. RoUnson and W. Leddra), whom He sent to New England to bear Witness to His Everlasting Truth, and were there (at Boston) by the Priests, Rulers, and Professors, put to Death for no other Cause but for Keeping the Command ments of God and Testimony of Jesus. 4to, half morocco, rare. 2. 2s 1669 299 BOSTON. Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting Assembled, according to Law (published by order of the Town), to which is prefixed as Introductory, an attested Copy of a Vote of the Town at a preceding Meeting. 8vo, half morocco. <!. Is Boston, 1772 300 BOSTON. Wigglesworth (Edward) The Authority of Tradition Considered at the Lecture founded by Judge Dudley, in Harvard College. 8vo, half morocco. 3s. Qd. 301 BOSTON. Quincy (Josiah) Observations on the Act of Parliament called the Boston Port-Bill, with thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. 8vo, ha If morocco. 3s. Qd. Boston, 1774 302 BOSTON. Examination of the Grounds which are said to induce the Court at Boston to make their order for Law of Banishment upon pain of Death against the Quakers. By Isaac Pennington. 4to (wants title), half morocco. 10s Qd 1660 303 BOSTON. Observations on several Acts of Parliament passed in the 4th, 6th, and 7th Years of his Majesty s Reign, and also on the Conduct of the Officers of the Customs since, and Board of Commissioners appointed to reside in America. Published by the Merchants of Boston. 4to, half morocco. Qs Qd Boston, 1769 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 23 304 BOSTON. Sermons. Prince s Election Sermon at Cambridge. Boston, 1730 Webb s Election Sermon at Boston. Printed at Boston, 1738 Barnard s Election Sermon before Governor Shir ley, torn. Boston, 1746 Chauncey s Election Sermon before the same. Boston, 1747 Lewis s Election Sermon before the same, 1748 Balch s Ditto. Boston, 1719 Phillips s Ditto. Boston, 1750 Cotton s Ditto. Boston, 1753 Cooper s Ditto. Boston, 1756^-Parson s Ditto. Boston, 1759 Eliot s Thanksgiving Ser mon on the Reduction of Quebec. Boston, 1759 Stevens Elec tion Sermon. Boston, 1761 Sewall s Sermon on the Joyful News of the Reduction of Havannah. Boston, 1762 Williams Election Sermon. Boston, 1762 Haven s Ditto. Boston, 1769 Cook s Ditto. Boston, 1770 Forbes s Sermon before the Artil lery Company. Boston, 1771. SEVENTEEN in all, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 2. 10s 305 BOSTON. The Great Tree on Boston Common. By Dr. J. C. Warren. Royal 8vo, plate, and plan of Boston in 1772, cloth. 3s Qd 1855 306 BOTERO (Gior) Relatione Universali, divise in quattro parti. 4to, old calf, gilt. 6s Fenetia, 1640 The fourth part relates to America. 307 BOTTA (C.) Storia della Guerra Americana. 7 vols. in 3. 8vo, extra boards. 8s 6d Livorno, 1825-6 308 BOTTA. Histoire de la Guerre de 1 Independance des Etats-Unis d Ame"rique, traduite avec notes par Sevelinges. 4 vols. 8vo, caff gilt. 16s Do. vols. 1 and 2 only, sewed. 3s Paris, 1812 309 BOTTA S (C.) History of the War of Independence of the United States, translated by G. A. Otis. Royal 8vo, map and portraits, neat, half calf. 8s Qd 1644 310 BOTURINI BENADUCI (Lorenzo) Idea de una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional ; fundada sobre Material Copioso de Figuras, Symbolos, Caracteres, y Geroglificos, Can- tares, y Manuscritos de Autores Indies, ultimamente discubiertos. Frontispiece. 4to, vellum. 2. 2s Madrid, 1746 This work contains much important information not before published. The author during his eight years residence in Mexico, entered into friend ship with the Indians in order to obtain their pictures from them, and also procured copies of many valuable manuscripts which were in the libraries of the monasteries. 311 BOUCHER (Jonathan) View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution, in Thirteen Discourses, Preached in North America, between the Years 1763 and 1775. 8vo (pp. 597), boards. 5s calf, neat. 6s 6d 1797 312 BOUCHETTE (Jos.) topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 4to, portrait, boards. 6s 1831 313 BOUCHETTE S British Dominions in North America ; or, a To pographical Account of the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, &c., and a Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. 3 vols. 4to, boards. 15s 1832 314 BOUGAINVILLE S Voyage round the World, 1766-69. Trans lated by J. R. Forster. 4to, maps, boards. 4s Qd very neat. 6s Qd 1772 24 Books relating to America, on Sale by 315 BOUGAINVILLE S (Lewis de) Voyage round the World. Trans lated by J. R. Forster. 8vo, map and plates, calf neat. 6s 6d 1772 316 BOUNDARY QUESTION. Right of the United States of Ame rica to the North Eastern Boundary claimed by them. Revised by A. Gallatin. 8vo, maps, boards. 2s Qd New York, 1840 317 BOURBOUR (L Abbe Brassur), Le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de 1 Antiquite Americaine avec les livres Heroiques et Historiques des Quiche s. Maps, &c., 8vo, new calf gilt, fine copy. 18s 1861 Ouvrage original des indigenes de Guatemala, texte, Quiche et traduction Franijaise, en regard accompagnee de notes philologiques et d un commentaire sur la inythologie et les migrations des peuples ancieus de 1 Anierique. 318 BOUQUET (Henry) Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians in the year 1764, with Military Papers. 4to, map and plates, half calf. 3 . 3s Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1765 319 with a Preface by Parkman, and Dumas s Biographical Sketch of Bouquet. 8vo, plates and maps, cloth. 15s Cincinnati, 1868 320 LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. <!. 5s ib. 1868 This elegant reprint has been undertaken, not only on account of the rarity of the volume, but also on account of its intrinsic value, as an authentic and reliable narrative of one of the earliest British military ex peditions into the territory north-west of the Ohio River. 321 BOURNE (Capt.) Narrative of Captivity amongst the extraordi nary Savages of Patagonia. 12mo, plates, boards. 2s 1853 322 BOWDEN (James) History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 16s 1850-4 323 BOWDITCH. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D., the Trans lator of the Marquis de la Place s Mecanique Celeste, by his Son, N. J. Bowditch. 4to (printed from the 4th vol.) 2 portraits, boards. 5s Boston, 1839 324 BOWDOIN POETS (The) Edited by Edward P. Weston. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 2s Qd Brunswick, 1840 325 BOWEN S Boston News. Letter and City Record from January, 1826, to January, 1827, by Jerome V. C. Smith, M.D. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, new, half morocco, Mr. Crowninshield s copy. 12s Boston, 1826 326 BOWEN S (Eli) United States Post Office Guide, Review of the Post Office establishment in the United States, Exposition of the Scheme of Distribution, List of all the Post Offices in the United States, the Mail, Railroad, Canal, and Steam Boat Routes. Royal 8vo, large folding map, cloth. 3s New York, 1851 327 BOWNAS S Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kentucky, in New England, who was taken Captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada in ] 725. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 3s 6d 1787 328 BOYER PEYRELEAU (Le Colonel) Les Antilles Fran 9 aises, parti- culierement la Guadeloupe, depuis leur Decouverte jusqu au 1 Janvier, 1823. 3 vols. 8vo, large folding map, half calf. 12s. Paris, 1823 329 BOYLE S (Capt. Robert) Voyages and Adventures, to which is added the Voyage and Shipwreck of Richard Castleman, with a description of the City of Philadelphia and the Country of Pen- silvania. 8vo, GOOD COPY, neat. 7s Qd 1781 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 25 330 BOYNTON S (Dr. C. B.) History of the Navy during the Rebel lion. Vol. I., thick royal 8vo, many portraits and plates, cloth. 6s Qd (or the 2 vols. complete. 1. 4s) 1867 331 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Voyage to South America, by order of the American Government, in 1817 and 1818. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 4:8 Qd 1820 332 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 12mo, plates, bound. 3s Qd Baltimore, 1817 333 BRACKENRIDGE. Another Edition. 8vo, plates, bound. 3s Philadelphia, 1836 or 1839 334 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo, neat, 6s Pittsburg, 1814 335 BRADBURY (John) Travels in the Interior of America in 1809, 10, and 11, including a Description of Upper Louisiana, Ohio, Ken tucky, Indiana, and Tennessee. 8vo, half calf. 3s Qd Liver., 1817 336 BRAINERD S (David) Journal among the Indians of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 12mo, neat (top of title torn). 5s 1748 337 BRAINERD. Life of the Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, with Mr. Brainerd s Journal while among them. By Dr. Jonathan Edwards, President of New Jersey College. 8vo, neat. 5s 1765 338 BRAINERD (David) Account of his Life and Journal among the Indians ; with Mr. Beatty s mission to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains in 1766. 8vo, half calf. 5s Edinb.1798 339 BRAINERD. Styles s Life of David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. 12mo, half russia. 2s 6d neat. 3s 1808 340 BRAND (Lt. Charles) Journal of a Voyage to Peru, a Passage across the Cordillera of the Andes, and Journey across the Pam pas. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s Gd 1828 341 BRAY (Thomas, Commissary of Maryland) Bibliotheca Parochialis, or a scheme of such Theological and other heads requisite to be consulted by the Clergy. Vol. 1, 8vo, calf neat. 5s 1707 342 BRAY (Thomas) Discourse upon the Doctrine of our Baptismal Covenant. 12mo, old calf. 2s 6d 1698 343 BRAY. Publick Spirit illustrated in the Life and Designs of the Rev. Thos. Bray, D.D., late Minister of St. Botolph Without, Aldgate, and Commissary of Maryland. 8vo, calf. 5s 1746 344 BRAY (Thomas) Apostolick Charity, its Nature and Excellence considered ; a Discourse preached at St. Paul s at the Ordina tion of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the Planta tions, with a general View of the English Colonies in America, with respect to Religion. 4to, boards. 7s 6d 1700 345 BRAY S (Dr. Thos.) Whole Course of Catechetical Instruction, with an Introductory Discourse : being a Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of Maryland. Thick 12mo, calf. 6s 1704 346 BRAY (Thomas) Memorial, representing the Present State of Religion on the Continent of North America. Folio, half mo rocco. 16s 1700 347 BRAYTON (Patience, of Swansey, Massachusetts) Account of the Life and Religious Labours of. 12mo, ne-w, half morocco. 4s 6d 1802 3 26 Books relating to America, on Sale by 348 BEAZIL. Barlaei (Casparis) Eerum per Octennium in Brazilia et alibi nuper gestarum. Folio, LARGE PAPER, engraved title, par- trait, maps, and plates, half calf. 1. 5s Amsterdam, 1647 349 BRAZIL. Nieuhoff (Johan) Gedenkweerdige Braziliaense Zee-en Lant-Reize. Folio, maps and curious plates, calf neat. 15s ib. 1682 350 BRAZIL. Yaleroso Lucideno e Triumpho da Liberdade. Tra- tase da Restaurac, am de Pernambuco, et de Expulsao dos Olandeses, do Estado do Brazil debaixo do titulo, et acclama9ao seguinte. Folio (no title), very neat. 15s n. d. 351 BRAZIL. Roster s Travels in Brazil ; map and coloured plates. 1816 Travels in Brazil in the Years 1815, 1816, and 1817. By Prince Maximilian. Maps and plates, in 1 vol. 4to, calf gilt, marbled leaves. 12s 1820 352 BRECK (Edward, of Dorchester, New England) An Answer to a Scandalous Paper about the Quakers, dated from Dorchester in New England, subscribed Edward Breck, which was directed to a People at Rainforth, in Lancashire, which he calls a Church of Christ. 4to, half morocco. 1. 11s Gd 1656 353 BRECK (Samuel) Sketch of the Internal Improvements made by Pennsylvania. 8vo, map, boards. 2s -Philadelphia, 1818 354 BREEN (H. H.) St. Lucia, Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Gd (pub. at 12s) 1844 355 BREMER S (Fredrika) Homes of the New World ; Impressions of America ; Translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols. post 8vo, plates, cloth. Gs Gd (pub. at 1. 11s Gd) 1853 356 BRETT (Rev. W. H.) The Indian Tribes of Guiana ; their Condi tion and Habits, with Researches into their Past History, Super stitions, Legends, Antiquities, Languages, &c. Large 8vo, plates (some coloured), cloth. 13s Gd 1868 357 BRETT (Capt. Wilford) Hints on Bivouac and Camp Life at Mount Pleasant. 8vo, plates (some coloured), half morocco. 5s Halifax, N.S., 1855 358 BRICKELL S (Dr. John) Natural History of North Carolina, with Account of the Trade, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. 8vo, map and plates, calf neat (wants 4 leaves in the List of Subscribers). 15s Dublin, 1737 359 Another Edition. Calf neat. 18s London, 1743 360 BRIDGEN S (R.) Sketches of West India Scenery ; with Illustra tions of Negro Character, Process of Making Sugar, &c. 4to, plates, sewed. 4s Gd 361 BRIDGEN S (R.) West India Scenery, with Illustrations of Negro Character, Process of Making Sugar, &c. ; from sketches during a residence of seven years in Trinidad. Folio, plates (some coloured), with four views inserted, in Barbadoes, by Lieut. J. M. Carter. Cloth. 18s 1837 362 BRIEF Statement of Opinions under the Treaty of Amity with Great Britain and United States. 8vo, half calf. 3s Philadelphia, 1800 363 BRINTON (Daniel G.) Notes on the Floridian Peninsula ; its Lite rary History, Indian Tribes, and Antiquities. 12mo, cloth. 3s Ib., 1859 364 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE. Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats Unis de 1 Amerique Septentrionale, 1788. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf . 4sseu ed. 3s Paris, 1791 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 27 365 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE S Travels in the United States, 1788. 8vo, boards. 3s calf. 3s Qd Another, FINE COPY, in calf. 4s Qd 1792 366 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE. New Travels, 1794 ; and on the Commerce of America with Europe, 1797. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, half coif. 4s Qd 367 BRISTED (John) America and Her Resources. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s Qd boards. 2s 1818 368 BRISTED S (John) Thoughts on the Anglican and Anglo-Ameri can Churches. Svo, boards. 2s Qd 1823 369 BRITAIN Preserved, a Poem, in Seven Books (with Appendix of Notes). Svo, half calf, very scarce. 10s Qd 1800 The author in his preface says " The poem is supposed to commence at the first breaking out of the American commotions, and after describing the principal actions and events, to end about the year 1789, when the war was really finished." The volume has escaped the notice of Mr. Rich. ^70 BRITISH Empire in America, containing the History of the Dis covery, Settlement, Progress, and State of the British Colonies on the Continent and Islands of America. By J. Oldmixon. 2 vols. Svo, SECOND EDITION, calf neat. 12s neat half calf. 10s Qd 1741 371 BROCK (Major-General Sir Isaac) Life and Correspondence of, with Notices of the celebrated Indian Chief, Tecumseh (and the War in Canada of 1812). Edited by his nephew, F. B. Tupper. Post Svo, cloth. 5s 1845 372 BRODHEAD (John Romeyn) History of the State of New York, first period, 16091664. Very thick 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd 1853 373 BROMLEY (Thos.) The Way to the Sabbath of Rest, or the Soul s Progress in the work of the New Birth. To which are added a Discourse on Mistakes concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, Expe rience, &c. By Thomas Hartley, Rector of Winwick, in North amptonshire. Germantoivn, reprinted and sold by Christopher Sower, 1759 Observations on the Enslaving, Importing, and Purchas ing of Negroes. Germantown, printed by Christopher Sower, 1760. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, FINE COPY, in the original calf, very scarce. XI. 11s. Qd. 374 BROOKS (Dr. T. J.) Four Months among the Gold-Finders in Alta California. Post Svo, map, cloth. 3s 1849 375 BROOKSOP (Jone) Invitation of Love unto the Seed of God throughout the World, with a Word to the Wise in Heart and a Lamentation for New England. 4to, half morocco. 1. 5s London, 1682 376 Another copy. 4to, limp vellum. 1. 4s 1662 377 BROTHER Jonathan, or the New Englanders. 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s 1825 378 BROUWER (Hendrick) Journal ende Historia verhael van de Reyse gedaen. By Oosten de Straet le Maire, naer de Custen van Chili en Jare 1643. 4to, black letter, FINE COPY, in green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hay day. 1. 14s Amst. 1646 379 BROWNE (Dr. Patrick) Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. Folio, map and 49 plates, FINE COPY, calf, gilt edges. 14s 1756 380 BROWNE. Another copy (from the Library of Dr. Pulteney, the Botanist, with his MS. notes). Folio, half calf. 1. Is 1756 32 28 Books relating to America, on Sale by 381 BROWNE S Jamaica. A re-issue, with complete Linnsean Indexes. Folio, map and plates, boards. 14s whole calf. 16s Another, wanting % plates, half calf . 10s 1789 382 BROWN S (John) The North- West Passage, and the Plans for the Search for Sir John Franklin. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 6d 1858 383 BROWN S (S. R.) Western Gazetteer (Kentucky, Indiana, Mis souri, &c.) 8vo, boards. 2s calf. 3s Auburn, N.Y., 1817 384 BROWN (J. B.) Views of Canada and the Colonists during Eight Years Residence. Thick 12 mo, second edition, map, cloth. 4s Edinburgh, 1851 385 BROWNE (J. Ross) Report of the Debates in the Convention of California on the Form of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849. 8vo, cloth. 4s N.Y., 1850 386 BROWN (Thos., of Cornwall, Orange County, New York) An Account of the People called Shakers ; their Faith, Doctrines, and Prac tice, exemplified in the Life, Conversations, and Experience of the Author, during the time he belonged to the Society ; with a History of their Rise and Progress to the present day. 12mo, calf extra, marbled edges, scarce. 1. Is Troy, 1812 387 BROWN (Capt. John) Life and Letters of, who was Executed at Charlestown, Virginia, Dec. 2, 1859, for an armed attack upon American Slavery, with Notices of some of his Confederates. Edited by Richard D. Webb. 12mo, portrait, cloth. 2s Qd 1861 388 BROWN. Redpath s Life of Capt. John Brown, the Hero of Har per s Ferry. Post 8vo, portrait. 2s London, 389 BROWNE (J. R.) Report on the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. Thick 8vo, cloth. 9s Washington, 1868 390 BROWNING (Samuel) Poems (including a Voyage to Quebec, in two Cantos.) 8vo, portrait and woodcuts, cloth. 3s 1846 391 BRUE (H.) Aiialyse Succincte de la Carte de 1 Oceanique, ou Cin- quieme partie du Monde sur quatre Grandes Feuilles. Paris, 1814 Rapport sur une Carte des Etats-Unis, par M. Tanner Cata logue de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Brue, 1836, and others. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 3s 392 BUCANIERS of America, or a True Account of the most Remark able Assaults upon the Coasts of the West Indies, by the Buca- niers of Jamaica and Tortuga. In 4 Parts, newly translated into English, and illustrated with 25 Copper-plates. 8vo, good copy, in calf neat. 18s 1704 393 BUCANIERS of America. 2 vols. I2mo, plates, calf. 12s 1741 394 BUCANIERS of America, History of. 4 parts, 18mo, boards. 4s Qdhalf calf gilt. 5s 1810 395 BUCHANAN (James) Sketches of the History, Manners, and Cus toms of the American Indians. 8vo, boards. 4s 1824 396 BUCHANAN S (James, Ex-President) The Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion ; a History of the Four Years before the War. Royal 8vo, doth. 3s 6d 1865 397 BUCKINGHAM S (J. S.) Travels through the Slave States of America. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1842 398 BUCKINGHAM S Travels in Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns wick, &c. 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 1843 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 29 399 BUCKINGHAM S (J. S.) America; Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive, viz., Northern States, 3 vols. ; Eastern and Western States, 3 vols. ; Southern or Slave States, 2 vols. Together 8 vols. Svo, fine plates, doth. 1. 4s (pub. at 6. 10s) 18413 400 BUCKINGHAM (Joseph T.) Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. 2 vols. 12mo, portrait, doth. 4s Qd Boston, 1852 401 BUCKINGHAM (Jos. T.) Specimens of Newspaper Literature, with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences in Ame rica. 2 vols. post 8vo, portraits, doth. Ss Qd Boston, 1850 402 BUCKINGHAM. Another copy. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth (little stained). 5s Ib. 1850 403 BUCKMINSTER S (Jos. S., Brattle Square, Boston) Sermons, with Life. Svo, portrait, half calf. 2s Qd Boston, 1821 404 BUENOS AYRES. History of the Vice-Royalty of Buenos Ayres. By S. H. Wilcocke. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1807 404* BUENOS AYRES. Summary Account of the Vice-Royalty of Buenos Ayres. 8vo, half morocco. 4s about 1808 405 BUENOS AYRES. Narrative of the Expedition to and Storming of Buenos Ayres, by an Officer attached to the Expedition. 8vo, half morocco. 2s Qd 1807 406 BUENOS AYRES. Proceedings of a general Court Martial at Chelsea Hospital, for the Trial of Lieut. -Genl. Whitelocke, late Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in South America, with the defence and all the documents produced on the Trial. 2 vols, 8vo, map and plan, boards. 9s half calf gilt. 10s Qd 1808 407 BUENOS AYRES. Trial of General Whitelocke, Commander of the Expedition to Buenos Ayres. 8vo, plate, boards. 4s 6d half calf. 5s 1808 408 BUENOS AYRES. Trial of Whitelocke (as above), 1808. Truth and Reason versus Calumny and Folly, in which the leading cir cumstances of General Whitelocke s conduct in South America are explained, 1807. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 6s 6d 409 BUENOS AYRES. Truth and Reason versus Calumny and Folly, in which the leading circumstances of General Whitelocke s con duct in South America are explained. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d 1807 410 BUENOS AYRES. Five Years Residence in Buenos Ayres, 1820 to 1825, with Remarks on the Country and Inhabitants, and a Visit to Colonia del Sacramento. By an Englishman. Svo, boards. 3s 1825 411 BUENOS AYRES. Die Plata-Staaten und die urchtigkeit der Provinz Otuquis und des Rio Bermejo seit der annahme des principes der freien schiffahrt auf den Zuflussen des Rio de la Plata. Von S. G. Kerst. Svo, map, half morocco. 5s Berlin, 1854 412 BULKELEY (Peter, Preacher in Concord, New England) The Gospel Covenant, or the Covenant of Grace opened. 4to, neat. 15s 1646 413 BULKELEY (Peter) The Gospel Covenant, or the Covenant of Grace opened ; preached in Concord in New England. 4to, calf neat. 15s 1651 414 BULKELEY and Cummins Voyage to the South Seas in 1740-1, and Narrative of the Loss of H.M.S. the "Wager," passage through the Straits of Magellan, Patagonia, and arrival at Brazil, &c. 8vo, FINE COPY, calf gilt. 5s calf. 4s 1743 30 Books relating to America, on Sale by 415 BULLOCK (W.) Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico, containing Remarks on the Present State of New Spain. 8vo, plates half morocco. 4s 1824 416 BULLOCK S (W.) Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico. Thick 8vo, map and plates, some coloured, boards. 4s half calf. 6s new, half calf gilt. 5s whole calj ? , marbled edges. 6s 1824 417 BULLCCK S (W.) Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico. 12mo, 2 vols. in 1, half calf . 5s 1825 418 BULLOCK S (W.) Journey through the Western States, from New Orleans, by the Mississippi to Magara, &c., with Drake and Mansfield s description of the New and Flourishing City of Cincinnati. Small 8vo, maps, boards. 3s 1827 419 BULOW (D. Von) Der Freistaat von Nordamerika in seinem neuesten Zustand. 12mo, half calf . 3s Berlin, 1797 420 BURGOYNE (Lieut.-General) State of the Expedition from Ca nada, as laid before the House of Commons, with Additions and Authentic Documents. 4to, folding maps, calf neat. l.Ss 1780 421 BURGOYNE S State of the Expedition to Canada. Plates. 1780 Howe s (Lieut.-General Sir William) Narrative relative to his Conduct during his Command of the King s Troops in North America, with some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled, "Letters to a Nobleman, 1780." 2 vols. in 1, 4to, calf neat. 1. 10s 422 BURKE S (The celebrated Edmund) Account of the European Set tlements in America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, calf. 4s 1757 THIRD EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 4s 6d 1760 SIXTH EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 5s U 1777 423 BURKE (E.) Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of America. 1777 Answer to ditto, 1777; and Seven other Tracts in the Volume. 8vo, half calf. 4s. V. Y. 424 BURKE S Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of Ame rica, 1777 Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress at Philadelphia, 1775 Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, 1769 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colo nies, 1774 Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America, n. d. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 10s 6d 425 BURMEISTER (Dr. Hermann) Reise nach Brazilien. 8vo, map, sewed. 5s Berlin, 1853 426 BURNABY (Rev. A.) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in 1759 and 1760. 4to, half calf . 5s Qd whole calf. 6s 6d 1775 427 BURNABY (Rev. A.) Travels. Third Edition, 4to, map and tinted plates, boards. 6s half calf gilt. Ss Qd 1798 428JBURNEY (Admiral James) Chronological History of the Dis coveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 1. 14s 1803 A masterly digest of the voyages to the South Sea, displaying a rare union of nautical science and literary research." Quarterly Review. 429 BURNEY S History of the Buccaneers of America. 4to, maps, boards. 9s 1816 430 BURNEY S Chronological History of North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery to 181 8. 8vo, map, boards. 3s half calf . 4s Qd 1819 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 31 431 BURNHAM S (Geo. F.) History of the Hen Fever (Poultry Mania), a Humourous Record. Post 8vo, many humourous cuts, cloth. 4s Boston, 1855 432 BURR (Aaron) Memoirs, with Miscellaneous Selections from his Correspondence. By M. L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, boards. 6s Qd New York, 1838 433 BURR S (Aaron) Memoirs. By M. L. Davis. 8vo, vol. 1, doth. 2s Ib., 1858 434 - Private Journal. 8vo, vol. 2, cloth. 2s Ik, 1858 435 BURTON (John) Sermon preached before the Trustees for Estab lishing the Colony of Georgia, in America, and before the Asso ciates of Dr. Bray, for Converting the Negroes in the British Plantations. 4to, boards. 5s 1733 436 BURTON (Robt.) The English Empire in America. 12mo, 7th Edition, maps and ivoodcuts, nice copy, new, calf gilt. 10s 6 a 7 1739 437 BURTON S (Capt. R. F.) Three Years Explorations of the High lands of Brazil, with a full Account of the Gold and Diamond Mines ; also Canoeing down 1500 miles of the River S. Fran cisco to the Sea. 2 thick vols. 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s Qd, pub. at 15s 1869 438 BURTON S (Capt. R. F.) Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay. Thick 8vo. map and 2 plates, cloth. Qs Qd, pub. at 15s 1870 439 BUTLER S (Mrs., formerly Fanny Kemble) Journal of a Residence in America. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf . 3s boards. 3s 1825 440 BUTLER (Frances Anne) Journal of a Residence in America. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Qs Pan s, 1835 With eight satirical drawings by J. Auldjo, Esq., from designs by T. S., of Philadelphia. 441 BUTLER (Caleb) History of the Town of Groton, including Pep- perell and Shirley, from the first Grant of Groton Plantation in 1655, with Appendices containing Family Registers, Town and State Officers, Population, &c. 8vo, plates, cloth, an autograph presentation copy from Abbott Lawrence. 8s Qd Boston, 1848 442 BUXTON (T. Fowell) On the African Slave Trade. 8vo, cl. 2s 1839 443 BURY (Viscount Civil Secretary to Lord Elgin and Sir E. Head in Canada) Exodus of the Western Nations. 2 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd, pub. at 1. 12s 1865 444 BYAM (George) Wanderings in some of the Western Republics of America, with Remarks upon the cutting of the great Ship Canal through Central America. Post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s 1850 445 BYRON. Voyage round the World in the ship Dolphin, com manded by Commodore Byron, with a minute Description of the Straits of Magellan and of the Patagonians. By an Officer. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 3s Qd 1767 446 nABOT. Biddle s Memoir of Sebastian Cabot from Original Docu- \J ments. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1831 447 CABOT. Sebastian Cabot and John Cabot (new particulars of). Endeavoured by Henry Stevens, G.M.B., &c. 12mo, only 20 copies privately printed, on Whatman s best hand-made paper. 10s Qd Boston, 1870 448 CACCIA (Dr. Antonio) Europa ed America scene della vita del 1848 al 1850. 8vo, sewed. 3s Monaco, 1850 449 CAIRNES (Prof.) The Slave Power, its Character, Career, and Probable Designs. 8vo, cloth, 3s Gd, pub. at 10s Qd 1862 32 Books relating to America, on Sale by 450 CALDCLEUGH (Alex.) Travels in South America in 1819 to 1821, containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chili. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards. ; fa half calf gilt. Ss6d 1825 451 CALDERON (Madame, de la Barca) Life in Mexico during a Resi- dence of Two Years in that Country, with Preface by W. H. Prescott. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1843 452 CALDWELL (Dr. Charles) Phrenology Vindicated and Anti-Phre nology Unmasked. Post 8vo, plate, cloth. 2s New York, 1838 453 CALHOUN S (John C.) Works. Vol. 4, Containing his Speeches. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1854 454 CALIFORNIA, its Past History, Present Position, and Future Prosperity. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 4s 1850 455 CALIFORNIA. The Amulet ; a Tale of Spanish California (the Geography, Natural History, and Scenery from Personal Obser vation). 8vo, cloth. 3s 1865 456 CALIFORNIA. Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la Californie, tra- duite par M. E. * *, 3 vols. 12mo, (no map) calf neat. 6s 6d Paris, 1766-67 457 CALLENDER (John) Historical Discourse on the Early, Civil, and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island, with Memoir of the Author by Romeo Elton. 8vo, cloth. 6s Qd Boston, 1843 458 CALM and Dispassionate Enquiry into the Question of the Chesa peake, and the Necessity and Expediency of the War. By a Yankee Farmer. 8 vo, half morocco. 3s Qd Boston, 1807 459 CAMPAIGNS and Cruises in Venezuela and New Granada. 3 vols. 12mo, boards. 5s new, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1831 460 CAMPBELL (Wm. W.) Historical Sketch of Robin Hood and Cap tain Kidd. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d New York, 1853 461 CAMPILLO Y COSTA (Don Joseph del) Nuevo Sistema de Go- bierno Economico para la America. 8vo, Spanish calf. Ss Madrid, 1789 Written in 1748, but not printed till 1789, probably on account of the unpleasant truths on the treatment of the unfortunate Indians. 462 CANADA. State and Remains of Ordnance and Stores at Mon treal, exclusive of what was found in the Garrison on its surren dering, 31 December, 1760. MS. 10 pp. 3s 463 CANADA. A Manuscript Common Place Book of Memorandums and Performances : also Journal of a Voyage from Quebec to England,with a Rough Pen andjnk Sketch of the town of Quebec, by Lieutenant Josiah Crampton, of the 10th Regiment of Foot, in 1769. 8vo. 1. Is THE CAPTAIN S OPINION OP QUEBEC. Q,uebec I sing of "War is The G-overnor so good you know, A charming place, a second Paris To every one so " Comme ilfaut;" To view with poetic eyes, The English ladies all so bright, As on the mountain side it lies, The French so easy, so polite, It seems a great two-handed Jack, That tho a man a word can t thump in Sitting on a high Cape Diamond s back, They ll guess his meaning by his mump- Washing his feet in the Cul de Sac. ing. A right distinction here is made, * n 8ho ^ fc ^ ut f( " * he Snow and Ice, Twist Grentlemen and men of trade ; Xt mi S ht be called a Paradise - The gentlemen live on the hill, The men of Trade in the Basse Ville. And each is suited to his wish, For catching larks or catching fish. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 33 464 CANADA. The Case of Peter du Calvet, Esq., of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, containing an Account of the Long and Severe Imprisonment he suffered in the said Province, by the order of Gen. Haldemand. 8vo, privately printed, calf, very neat. QsQd 1784 465 CANADA. Appeal to the Public, Stating and Considering the Objections to the Quebec Bill. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Qd 1774 466 CANADA. Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada, with Remarks on the Present Situation of the People. By a Canadian. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1830 467 CANADA in the years 1832-4. By an Ex-Settler. 12mo, boards. Is Qd Dublin, 1835 468 CANADA. Catalogue d ouvrages sur 1 Histoire de 1 Amerique et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de 1 Acadie, et avec des notes bibliographiques redige par G. B. Faribault, Avo- cat. 8vo, half morocco, rare. 1. Is Quebec, 1837 469 CANADA. Memoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu a 1760, en trois parties, public s sous direction de la Socie"te Litteraire et Historique de Quebec. 8vo, maps, &c., hf. mor. 9s. Quebec, 1838 470 CANADA. Debates of the House of Commons, in 1774, on the Canada Bill, drawn up from the Notes of Sir Henry Cavendish, now first printed. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 1839 471 CANADA. Lord Glenelg s Despatches to Sir F. B. Head during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1839 472 CANADA. The Original Minutes of Evidence on which Lord Durham founded his Report, MS., very thick folio, Ids. 10s 6d 473 CANADA. The Bubbles of Canada. By the author of the " Clock- maker " (Judge Haliburton). 8vo, new, Jmlf calf gilt. 3s Qd 1839 474 CANADA. Views of Military Operations in Canada under Sir John Colborne during the late Insurrection, from Sketches by Lord Chas. Beauclerk, with Notes. 4to, coloured plates, boards. 10s Qd, pub. at 1. 11s Qd 1840 475 CANADA. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorolo gical Observatory at Toronto, in Canada, under the superintend ence of Lt.-Col. Sabine. Vol. 1, 1840-42, very thick 4to, cloth. 5s 1845 476 CANADA. Sketches of Canadian Life, Lay and Ecclesiastical Illustration of Canada and the Canadian Church. By a Pres byter of the Diocese of Toronto. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1849 477 CANADA. Britain redeemed and Canada preserved. By F. A. Wilson and Alfred B. Richards. Thick 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 3s Qd 1850 Bringing forward a gigantic plan of a railroad from Halifax to Van- couvers Island, and proposal to incorporate Canada with England, and otherwise to develope its resources. 478 CANADA. Prize Essays on Canada. By Hogan and Morris. 8vo, maps, cloth. 3s Montreal, 1855 479 CANADA. Salmon Fishing in Canada. By a Resident, edited by Col. Sir J. E. Alexander. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s Qd 1860 480 CANADA. Adventures of an Angler in Canada and the United States. ByC.Lanman. Post 8vo ; engravings, cloth. 4s Qd 1848 4 34 Books relating to America, on Sale by 481 CANADA Directory, containing Names of the Professional and Business Men of every description in the Cities, Towns, and principal Villages of Canada, and Directory to Public Officers and Institutions. By R. W. S. Mackay. Thick 8vo, bound. 3s Montreal, 1851 482 CANADIAN, British American, and West Indian Magazine, Vol. I. (all printed). 8vo. 2s Qd 1839 483 CANADIAN Freeholder, in Three Dialogues between an English man and a Frenchman settled in Canada. 3 vols. 8vo, complete, boards, scarce. 18s 1779 484 CANDLER (John) Brief Notices of Hayti, with its Condition, Re sources, and Prospects. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s 1842 485 CAPE BRETON, &c. Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the Natural, Civil, and Commercial History of the Island of Cape Breton and Saint John, from the first settlement there to the taking of Louisberg by the English in 1758, written by an Im partial Frenchman. 8vo, half calf. 9s ANOTHER, very neat and clean. 10s 6^ 1760 486 CARACAS. Real Compania Guipuzcoana de Caracas Noticias His- toriales practicas de los sucessos y adelantamientos de esta Com pania des de su fundacion ano de 1728, hasta el de 1764, por todos los Ramos que Comprehende su Negociacion. 4to, calf. 10s Qd 1765 487 CARDENAS CANO (Don Gabriel de) Ensayo Chronologico para la Historia General de la Florida des de el Ano de 1512, hasta el de 1722. Folio, vellum (a few leaves wormed in margin). 1. 5s Madrid, 1723 488 CAREY (H. C.) AND LEA, Geography, History and Statistics of America and the West Indies. Thick 8vo, map and plates, boards. 2s half calf. 2s Qd 1823 489 CAREY (Matthew) A Short Account of the Malignant Fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia, and Proceedings on the subject in dif ferent parts of the United States. 8vo, boards. 7s Qd Phil. 1793 An Historical Account of the circumstances, with remarkable anecdotes Meteoi ological Observations, and the names of nearly four thousand sufferers. 490 CAREY (M.) The Olive Branch ; or, Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Democratic. 8vo, neat. 4s. Philadelphia, 1817 491 GARY (Thomas G.) Letter to a Lady in France on the supposed failure of the National Bank, the supposed delinquency of the National Government, the Debts of the several States and Re pudiation. 8vo, half morocco. 2s Boston, 1844 492 CARIBBEAN A, containing Letters and Dissertations, with Poetical Essays, on various subjects and occasions, chiefly written by resi dents in the West Indies, particularly Jamaica, with the Charac ters of the most eminent Men that have died of late years in that Island. 2 vols. 4to, neat. 18s 1741 493 CARIBBEE ISLANDS. Acts of Assembly passed in the Carib- bee Leeward Islands, from 1690 to 1730. Folio, calf. 5s 1734 494 CARLI (Le Comte J. R.) Lettres Americaines dans lesquelles on examine I Origine Moeurs, Usages, &c., des Anciens Habitans de 1 Amerique, les Grandes Epoques de la Nature, 1 Ancienne Com munication des deux Hemispheres, et la derniere Revolution qui a fait disapoitre FAtlantide ; pour servir de suite aux Memoires A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 35 de Ulloa, avec des Observations et Additions du traducteur. 2 vols. 8vo, seu-ed. 7s Qd Paris, 1788 495 CARMARTHEN (Marquis of) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Charles Jen- kinson (on American Affairs), 1781 Address to the Interior Cabi net (ditto), 1782 The Revolution in 1782 impartially considered (ditto) in one volume. 4to, boards. 6s Land. J. Debrett, 1781-2 496 CARMICHAEL (Mrs.) Five Years in Trinidad and St. Vincent, a View of the Social Condition of the White, Coloured, and Negro Population of the West Indies. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 4s Gd 1833 497 CARMICHAEL-SMYTH (Gen. Sir James) Pre cis of the Wars in Canada, 1755 1814, with Military and Political Reflections. Edited by his Son. 8vo, cloth. 3s, pub. at 7s 6d 1862 498 CAROLINA. Account of the Province of Carolina in America, together with an Abstract of the Patent and several other Neces sary and Useful Particulars to such as have Thoughts of Trans porting themselves thither. By Samuel Wilson. 4to, half mo rocco, rare. 2. 2s 1682 499 CAROLINA ; or a description of the present State of that Coun try, and the Natural Excellencies thereof. By T. A., Gent., Clerk on board his Majestie s Ship Richmond. 4to, half morocco. <2. 2s 1682 500 CAROLINA. The Present State of Carolina. By R. F. A transcript, line for line, of the rare pamphlet. 4to, half morocco. 1. Is London, 1682 501 CAROLINA. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. Folio, 23 pp., boards. 1. Is n. d. (1681) 502 CAROLINA. The Two Charters granted by King Charles II. to the Proprietors of Carolina, with the First and last Fundamental Constitutions of that Colony. kio,fine large clean copy, half mo rocco. 2. 2s London, n. d. (1705) 503 CAROLINA. The Humble Address of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament, presented to the Queen 13th March, 1705, relating to the Province of Carolina, and the Petition therein mentioned, with the Queen s most gracious Answer thereunto. Folio, pp. 4, half morocco. 18s 1705 504 CAROLINA. The Case of the Protestant Dissenters in Carolina, pp. 24. London, 1706 The First Charter granted by King Charles II. to Carolina Fundamental Constitutions of ditto Present State of Affairs in Carolina, by John Ash, Gent. Case of the Rev. Mr. Edward Marston, Minister of Charlestown, in South Carolina, truly stated, AND TEN OTHER SUBJECTS, ALL NUMBERED, occupying 67 pages, printed in double columns, witliout place or date (undescribed by any American bibliographer). 4tq, edges uncut. 4. 4s 505 CAROLINA (S.) Letter from South Carolina, giving an Account of the Soil, Air, Product, Trade, &c., of that Province, with the Manner and Necessary Charges of Settling a Plantation there, and the Annual Profit it will produce. By a Swiss Gentleman. 8vo, boards, uncut, scarce. 1. Is 1710 506 CAROLINA. Apology, or Vindication of Francis Nicholson, Esq., his Majesty s Governor of South Carolina, from the Unjust As persions cast on him by some of the Members of the Bahama Com pany. 8vo, privately printed, new calf gilt, rare. l.llsC,^ 1724 36 Books relating to America, on Sale "by 507 CAROLINA. True State of the Case between the Inhabitants of South Carolina and the Lords Proprietors of that Province, con taining an Account of the Grievances under which they labour. Folio, pp. 4, half morocco. 12s (About 1725) 508 CAROLINA. Living Christianity Delineated, in the Diaries and Letters of two eminently pious persons lately deceased, viz. Mr. Hugh Bryan, and Mrs. Mary Hutson, both of South Carolina, with Preface by Rev. John Conder and Rev. Thomas Gibbons. 12mo, neat. 4s 1760 509 CAROLINA. Considerations on certain Political Transactions of the Province of South Carolina, containing a View of the Colony Legislatures (under the description of that of Carolina in parti cular) with Observations showing their resemblance to the British Model. 8 vo, half morocco. 10s Qd 1774 510 CAROLINA. A Very Short and Candid Appeal to Free-born Bri tons. By an American (a Carolinian). 8vo, half morocco. 10s 6d 1774 511 CAROLINA. Historical Account of the Colonies of South Caro lina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo, neat half calf. 18s 1779 512 CAROLINA. Letters and Papers. By Charles H. Simmons, of Charleston, South Carolina, addressed to Mr. Isaac Simmons, of Dublin, with Certificate of his Character by Judge ^Edanus Burke, with the Seal of the State, and Signature of Thomas Gadsden, the Governor, and Peter Freneau, his Secretary. MS. 7s U 1788 513 CAROLINA (North). Laws of the State of North Carolina, 1715- 1820, with the Original Charters and Grants, Marginal Notes, &c. By Potter, Taylor, and Yancey. 2 vols. Raleigh, 1821 Laws of North Carolina, Enacted 1822 to 1831, collected in 1 vol., together 3 thick vols. 8vo. 10s 6d 1822-31 514 CAROLINA and Georgia, New and Accurate Account of the Pro vinces of South Carolina and Georgia. 8vo, hf. mor. 10s 6d 1732 515 CAROLINA (South). The South Carolina Jockey Club (History of the Turf in South Carolina). 8vo, doth. 5s. Charles., 1857 A very amusing volume to Sportsmen from the anecdotes of celebrated horses and races. 516 CARROLL (Anna E.) Star of the West, or National Men and National Measures. Post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 3s Qd Boston, 1857 517 CARTHAGENA. Authentic Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, being the Resolutions of the Councils of War both of Sea and Land Forces. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1744 518 CARTHAGENA. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Explanatory Notes and Observations. By Dr. Smollett. 8vo, calf neat. 5s 1743 519 CARTHAGENA. Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes, in answer to a late Pamphlet entitled : " An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena." 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1744 520 CARTIER (Jacques) Voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534, nouvelle Edition, public" e d apres 1 Edition de 1598, et d apres Michelant, avec deux Cartes, Documents ine"dits sur Jacques Cartier, et le Canada, communique par M. Alfred Raine. 8vo, map, half morocco, uncut. 18s Paris, 1865 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 37 521 CARTIER (Jacques) Bref Recit et succincte Narration faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier, aux lies de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay . . . Precede d une breve et succincte Introduction historique, par M. D Avezac. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 18s Paris, 1863 522 CARTWRIGHT (Geo.) Journal of Transactions and Events during a residence of nearly 16 Years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 vols. royal 4to, LARGE PAPER, maps, &c., boards, very scarce. 2. 2s Newark, 1792 523 CARTWRIGHT (Major) The Legislative Rights of the Com monalty vindicated, with proposals for recovering America and saving Great Britain. 8vo, boards. 3s 1777 524 CARVER (Capt, J.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. 8vo, map and plates, boards, edges uncut. 6s Qd neat. 6s half calf gilt. 6s Qd 1778 525 SECOND EDITION. 8vo, neat. Qs Qd ANOTHER (one plate wanting), neat. 5s 1779 526 THIRD EDITION, with Life of the Author by Dr. Lettsom and Index. 8vo, portrait, and coloured plates, neat. 9s Qd 1781 527 ANOTHER EDITION. 8vo, FINE COPY, in brown calf, marbled leaves. 7s Qd Edinb. 1807 boards. 5s Edirib. 1808 528 ANOTHER EDITION. 8vo, neat. 5s Qd Dublin, 1779 529 CAS AS (Barth. de la) Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descriptio. 4to, many curious plates, engraved by Theodore de Bry, a fine large copy in vellum. 2. "2s Heidelburg, 1564 530 CAS AS (Barth. de Las) Spieghel der Spaenschcher Tyrannye in West Indien, Amst. 1596. Cort-Begrup vande stucken der gheschicdenissen van Antonio Perez Iris, Gravenhaghe, 1596. Tractact Parseneticg dat is te segghen Onderwissinghe ofte Ver- maninghe, 1598. 4to, all printed in black letter, calf. 1. Is 531 CAS AS (Barth de Las) Spieghel der Spaenschcher Tyrannye in West Indien. Map on the title, Amst. 1 607. Den Spieghel vande Spaensche Tyrannic, 18 plates by Theodore de Bry. In 1 vol. 4to, boards. 1. Is 532 CASAS (Barth. de Las) Warrhaftiger und grundlicher Bericht der Hispanier grewlich und abschewlichen Tyranny von ihnen in den West Indien die newe Welt genant begangen ins Hochtentsch ubergesezt. 4to, curious plates by De Bry, good clean copy, cloth. 1. Is ANOTHER. FINE COPY, new calf extra. 1. 11s Qd Oppenheim, 1613 533 CASAS (Berth.) Narratio regionum Indicarum Hispanos quosdam devastataram verissima. 4to, title and a few pages mended, plates by De Bry, old calf . 15s Oppenheimii, 1614 534 CASE (Bartolomeo) Istoria della distruttione dell Indie Occiden- tali, Spanish and Italian, Venetia, 1626 La Liberta pretesa dal Supplice Schiavo Indiani (Spanish and Italian), ib. 1640. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf. 18s 535 CASE (Bart. Dalle) Conquista dell Indie Occidentali. Spanish and Italian,. 4to, new half calf. 14s Fenetia, 1645 536 CASE (Bart. Dalle) Conquista dell Indie Occidentali. II Supplice Schiavo Indiano. La Liberta pretesa dal Supplice Schiavo In- diano. Spanish and Italian, in 1 vol. 4to. (Title of the first work slightly torn.) Vellum. 1. Is Venetia, 1644, 1636, 1640 38 Books relating to America, on Sale by 537 CASE (Bart. Dalle) II Supplice Schiavo Indiano tradotto in Italiano per M. Ginammi, Ven. 1636. La Liberta pretesa, ib. 1640. Conquista dell Indie Occidental!, ib. 1645. Istoria della Dis- truttione dell Indie Occidental!, ib. 1643. (All with the Spanish text), in 1 vol. 4to, little stained, calf. 2. 5s 538 CASE and Claim of the American Loyalists impartially stated and considered. 8vo, half calf . 3s Qd 1783 539 CASE of Mainwaring, Hawes, Payne, and others, concerning a Depredation made by the Spanish West India Fleets upon the Ship Elizabeth, going on a Trading Voyage to Virginia. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1646 540 CASPIPINA S Letters, containing Observations on Literary, Moral, and Religious Subjects. Written by a Gentleman who resided some time in Philadelphia, with Life and Character of Win. Penn. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. 4s 6d Calf gilt, marbled edges. 6s 2 vols. in one, half calf . 5s 6d Bath, 1777 Written by the Rev. Jacob Duche, Chaplain to General Washington. 541 CASPIPINA S Letters. Autograph Presentation Copy from Wm. Penn, with notice of its author. 8vo, neat. 6s 6d Dublin, 1792 542 CASPIPINA S Observations on a variety of Subjects, Literary, Moral, and Religious, in a Series of Original Letters. 8vo, calf. 5s 1791 543 CASTAGNEDA (F. Lopes di) Historia dell Indie Orientali, sco- perte et conquistate da Portoghesi, etc. distinta in libri VII. di lingua Portoghese in Italiana, tradotti dal Alf. Ulloa. 2 vols. small 4to. 15s calf neat (Vol. 1 wants title) 15s Fenetia,l577 544 CASTLENAU (Fr. de) Expedition dans 1 Amerique du Sud, Riode Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para, par ordre du Governement Fran9ais, en 1843-7. 6 vols. 8vo, map, neat in half calf . 1. Is Paris, 1850-1 545 CASWALL S (Rev. H.) America and the American Church. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1839 SECOND EDITION, post 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1851 546 CATALOGUE of the Library of the American Philosophical So ciety at Philadelphia. 8vo, boards. 3s 1824 547 CATALOGUE of the New York State Library. Thick 8vo, (550 pages). 2s Qd Albany, 1846 548 CATALOGUE of Sales of American Books sold in London, com prising Collections by H. Stevens, G. E, Mason, Crowinshield, and various others, nearly 100 days sales, bound in 4 thick vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 1. 15s 1856-61 A valuable lot of materials for American Bibliography ; it is impossible such collections can ever be sold again. To form these, England and the Continent were ransacked for years by the collectors. 549 CATALOGUE of Books relating to the History and Literature of America, sold by Puttick and Simpson, in March, 1861, compris ing 2415 Articles, with full collations of each work, by Henry Stevens, the collector. Royal 8vo, large paper, cloth, top edge gilt. 9s 1861 550 CATALOGUE of Books and Pamphlets, principally relating to America, sold by auction in New York, May 1870. Thick 8vo, 600 pp. uncut. 3s New York, 1870 551 CATECHISM. Key to the Church Catechism, or the Church Catechism methodized and explained, &c. with some Prayers and Hymns (which are curious). 8vo, neat. 4s 6d 1719 Dedicated to Mr. William Trent, Merchant, in Philadelphia. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 39 552 CATESBY (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, containing the figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects and Plants. French and English. 2 vols. large folio, map, and 220 coloured plates, good copy in whole calf, newly backed and gilt. 5. 5s 1731 553 CATESBY S Carolina. THIRD EDITION, with an Index of Linncean names. 2 vols. royal folio, 220 coloured plates, fine copy in russia, marbled leaves. 5. 10s 1771 554 CATESBY S Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, containing the figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects, and Plants, French and English, Revised by Edwards. 2 vols. large folio, map and 220 coloured plates, good copy in old russia, 5. 5s 1754 555 CATLIN S (Geo.) Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Con dition of the North American Indians. 2 vols. royal 8vo, 400 illustrations after the Authors drawings, cloth. 18s 1841 556 Another Edition. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. 1. Is 1844 557 CATLIN (Geo.) Adventures of the Ojibbeway and loway Indians in England, France, and Belgium ; being notes of eight years Travels and Residence in Europe with his North American In dian Collection. 2 vols. 8vo, numerous etchings, cloth. 5s 1852 558 CALCOTT (Alexan.) Treatise on the Deluge, containing Remarks on the Lord Bishop of Clogher s Account of that Event, &c., and the time when and how America was first peopled. 8vo, calf neat. 3s Qd 1768 559 CAULIN (Fr. Antonio) Historia Coro-graphica natural y evangelica de la Neuva Andalucia, Provincias de Cumana, Guayana, y Ver- tientes del Rio Orinoco. Folio, map and plates, good copy, calf neat. 2. 12s Qd Madrid, 1779 The Author was several years a missionary in the countries he describes. 560 CAVENDISH S (Sir Henry) Debates of the House of Commons during the 13th Parliament of Great Britain, commonly called the unreported Parliament, 1768-70. Royal 8vo, Vol. I. cloth. 6s 1841 It includes the stirring times of the Wilkes, the letters of Junius, and the early stages of the dispute with America. 561 CENSUS (The Seventh) of the United States, 1850, with Appendix embracing Notes upon the Tables of each of the States, by J. B. De Bow. Royal 4to, very thick vol. (pp. 1022) half calf . 5s Washington, 1853 562 CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS relating to the Royal African Company of England, 1680 A View of the State of the Trade to Africa, 1708 The Case of the Royal African Company of England, 1730 Importance of effectually Supporting the Royal African Company of England Impartially Considered, shewing that a Free and Open Trade to Africa, and the Support and Preservation of the British Colonies and Plantations in AMERICA, depend upon Maintaining the Forts and Settlements, &c., map, 1745 The African Trade, the Great Pillar and Support of the British Plantation Trade in AMERICA, 1745 Case of the Royal African Company of England and their Creditors, 1 748 Sea sonable Observations on the Trade to Africa, 1748 A Short View of the Dispute between the Merchants of London, Bristol, 40 Books relating to America, on Sale by and Liverpool, and their Advocates of a New Joint-Stock Com pany, concerning the Regulation of the African Trade, 1750. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf. 2. 2s A curious collection, as connected with the history of the African Slave Trade to America. 563 CHABERT. Voyage dansl AmeriqueSeptentrionale (T Acadie, lisle Royale, et PIsle de Terre-Neuve). 4to, maps,nt. 12s Paris, 1753 564 CHAIX (Paul) Histoire de 1 Amerique Meridionale au 16me Siecle, comprenant les decouvertes et conquetes des Espagnols et des Portugais dans cette partie du monde. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, new half calf. 4s 6d Geneve, 1853 565 CHALKLEY (Thomas, a Quaker) Collection of his Works, with Journal of his Life and Travels, and American Christian Expe riences. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d 1751 Another Edition, calf. 3s 1766 566 CHALMERS (Col.) Brief Remarks on the late War in St. Do mingo. 8 vo (privately printed), morocco extra. 5s Lond., 1802 567 CHALMERS (Dr. Lionel) Account of the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf. 8s 6d 1776 568 CHALMERS (Geo.) Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain during the present and four preceding Reigns, 1794 Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and Com mercial Policy arising from American Independence, 1785. In 1 vol. 8vo (the first work pierced by a nail), calf neat. 3s 6d 569 CHALMERS (Geo.) Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy arising from American Indepen dence. 8vo, cf. neat. 7s 6d 1784 Another, hf. mor. 6s 6d 1785 570 CHALMERS (Geo.) Political Annals of the present United Colo nies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. 4to, boards. 1. 11s 6d calf neat. 1. 16s 1780 571 CHALMERS S Political Annals. Book I. to page 328 (half the work), ^to, half calf. 7s Qd 1780 A valuable and important work, but written with strong prejudices against the Americans. Rich. 571* CHALMERS (Geo.) An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the Colonies. 8vo, 496 pp., without title or preface, paper covers, edges uncut, very rare. .3. 3s 1784 An unfinished and suppressed work. In the sale of Mr. Chalmers Library Mr. Evans says that of this most rare book not more than a dozen copies are extant. 572 CHAMBERS (Will.) American Slavery and Colour. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 2s 6 d 1857 573 CHAMBERS (William, the Publisher, of Edinburgh) Things as they are in America. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1854 574 CHAMPION (R.) Considerations on the Present Situation of Great Britain and United States of America, with a View to their Future Commercial Connexions. 8vo, boards. 4s 1784 575 CHANLER (Isaac, Minister of the Gospel upon Ashley Ewer in South Carolina) The Doctrines of Glorious Life unfolded, Defended and Practically Improved, with Appendix, containing some Remarks on the Works of Mr. Jas. Foster. 4to (wanting last leaf in the Appendix), old calf, scarce. 10s 6d Boston, N.E., 1744 576 CHANNING (Wm. Ellery) Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. Thick 8vo, half calf. 4s Boston, 1830 577 CHANNING (W. E.) Slavery as Property, Rights, Evils, Aboli tion, and Scripture. 12mo ? cloth. 2s Ib., 1836 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 41 578 CHANNING (Dr., of Boston). Charming le sue Opere e le sue Dottrine Unitarie, per Cossu Carlo. 8vo, sewed. 3s Torino, 1863 579 CHANVALON (Thibault de) Voyage a la Martinique, contenant diverses Observations sur la Physique, 1 Histoire Naturelle, 1 Agriculture, les Moeurs, et les Usages de cette Isle faites en 1751, et dans les ann6es suivantes. 4to, map, half calf. 6s neat. 7s 6d Another, in old red morocco, gilt. 9s Paris, 1763 580 CHAPPELL (Lieut. Edward) Narrative of a Voyrge to Hudson s Bay, containing some Account of the North-Eastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that remote region. 8vo, plates, calf neat. 5s 1817 581 CHAPPELL (Lieut. Edward) Voyage to Newfoundland and La brador. 8vo, plates, boards. 3s half calf. 3s 6d new half calf gilt. 4s Qd 1818 582 CHARLEVOIX (P. de) Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France. 6 vols. 12mo, many maps and plates, calf. 2. 2s Paris, 1744 583 CHAELEVOIX (P. de) Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 3 vols. 4to, maps, good copy, old calf gilt. 3. 3s Ib., 1744 584 CHARLEVOIX S Voyage to Canada, and Travels through that vast country and Louisiana, to the Gulph of Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo, map, half calf. 10s Qd whole calf. 12s Another, FINE COPY, in calf. 14s London, 1761 585 CHARLEVOIX S Canada. Another edition, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. Is Qd whole calf. Ssa FINE COPY, in calf. 9s Qd 1763 586 CHARLEVOIX S Canada. Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 9s Dublin, 1766 587 CHARLEVOIX (R. P. P. F. Xavier de) Histoire du Paraguay avec plusieurs pieces pour servir de preuves et d Eclaircissemens. 3 vols. 4to, maps and plans, BEST EDITION, old calf gilt. 1. 15s ^* Paris, 1756 The additional pieces form more than a third of the work, and include numerous important and valuable original documents, and " Journal d un Voyage le long de la Cote de la Mer Magellanique." 588 CHARLEVOIX S History of Paraguay, containing many New, Curious, and Interesting Particulars of that Country, and of the Jesuits Establishments there. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 8s 6d whole calf, neat. 10s London, 1769 589 CHARLEVOIX S Paraguay. Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 9s 6d Dublin, 1769 590 CHARLEVOIX (F. de) Geschichte von Paraguay, und den Mis- sionen der Gesellschaft Jesu in diesen Landern. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, map, boards. 5s 6d Wien, 1830 591 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. Xavier de) Histoire de 1 Isle Espagnole, ou de S. Domingue. 4 vols. 12mo, numerous maps and plates by Picart, FINE COPY, calf neat. 1. 5s Amsterdam,, 1733 592 CHARTERS of the British Colonies in America. 8vo, half bound. 3s whole calf. 3s Qd London, Almon, 1777 593 CHAS et le Brun, Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Revo lution de 1 Amerique Septentrionale. 8vo, (dedicated to Napoleon ivhen first Consul}, calf neat. 5s Paris, An. IX. 594 CHASLES (Philarete) Anglo-American Literature and Manners, translated from the French. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d N. Y., 1852 5 42 Books relating to America, on Sale by 595 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de) Travels in North America in 1780, 1781, and 1782. Translated from the French, with Notes by the Translator. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, half calf. 6s whole calf neat. 7s Another, very fine copy in old calf, gilt backs. 8s London, 1787 596 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de) Travels in North America. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, neat. 5s Dublin, 1787 597 CHATEAUBRIAND (le Vicomte) Voyages en Amerique et en Italie. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 3s 1828 598 CHATEAUBRIAND (Viscount de) Travels in America and Italy. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 5s 1828 599 CHATHAM. History of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chat ham. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1783 600 CHATHAM. Anecdotes of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, with his Speeches in Parliament. 3 vols. 8vo, neat. 8s Qd 1793 601 CHAUNCY. Retractation of Mr. Cha. Chauncy, formerly Minis ter of Ware, in Hertfordshire, wherein is proved the Unlawful- nesse and Danger of Rayling in Altars or Communion Tables, written with his own hand before his going to New England in the year 1637. 4to, vellum, rare. 1. Is 1641 602 CHAUNCY (Isaac) The Divine Institution of .Congregational Churches, Ministry, and Ordinances, Asserted and Proved from the Word of God. 12mo, good copy, in original calf. 5s 1697 603 CHAUNCY (Isaac) Alexipharmacon, or a fresh Antidote against Neonomian Bane and Poyson to the Protestant Religion. 8vo (stained), old calf . 3s 1700 604 CHAUNCY (Isaac) A Plea for the Antient Gospel, 1697 Neono- raianism Unmask d, or the Antient Gospel pleaded against the other called the New Law, 1693 Examen Confectionis Pacificse, or a Friendly Examination of the Pacifick Paper, chiefly con cerning the Consistency of Absolute Election of Particular Per sons with the Universality of Redemption, 1692 A Rejoynder to Mr. Daniel Williams, his Reply to the first part of the Neo- nomianism Unmaskt, 1693 A Public Testimony, being the Representation and Petition of a considerable number of Chris tian People within the bounds of several Synods in this Church, presented to the General Assembly met at Edinburgh, May 4, 1732, anent Grievances. Edinburgh, 1732 A Letter from several Elders, lovers of Peace and Moderation to their Brethren of the same Principles, 1752. In 1 vol. 4to, rough calf. 1. Is 605 CHAUNCY S (Isaac) Neonomianism Unmasked, or the Ancient Gospel Pleaded. Two parts, 4to, half calf. 7s Qd 16923 606 CHAUNCY (Charles) The Benevolence of the Deity fairly and im partially considered. 8vo, calf. 6s Another, with manuscript Notes in pencil, half calf . 6s 6d Boston, 1784 607 CHAUNCY (Charles) The Salvation of all Men the great thing aimed at in the scheme of God. 8vo, calf neat. 5s 1784 608 CHAZOTTE (P. S.) Facts and Observations on the Culture of Vines, Olives, Capers, Almonds, Coffee, Cocoa, and Cochineal, in the Southern States and East Florida. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1821 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 43 609 CHESTERTON (Col. Laval) Narrative of Proceedings in Vene zuela, in South America, in the years 1819 and 1820. 8vo, boards. 3s 1820 610 CHEVALIER (Michael) Society, Manners, and Politics in the United States ; a Series of Letters on North America, trans lated from the French. 8vo, cloth. 4s Boston, 1839 611 CHIDLEY (Katherine, a Quakeress) Justification of the Indepen dent Churches of Christ, in answer to Mr. Edwards, his Booke, which he hath written against the Government of Christ s Church, and toleration of Christ s publike Worship (containing several allusions to John Robinson and the New England Church Government). 4to, calf. 18s date cut off, about 1650 612 CHILD (Mrs.) Appeal in favour of that Class of Americans called Africans. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s New York, 1836 613 CHILI. Histoire Ecclesiastique, Politique et Litteraire du Chili, par l Abb6 Eyzaguirre, traduite par L. Pillon. 3 vols. 8vo, sewed. 15s Lille, 1855 614 CHRISTIAN History, containing Accounts of the Revival and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America, for the year 1743 (50 numbers printed weekly). 8vo, calf, neat and clean. 1. 11s 6d Boston, N. E., 1744 615 CHRONOLOGIE Septenare de 1 Histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d Espagne contenant les choses plus memorables advenues en France, Espagne, Allemagne, Italic, Angleterre, Escosse, et autres endroits de 1 Europe, avec le succez de plusieurs Navigations faites aux Indes Orientales, Occidentales et Septen- trionales. 8vo, calf neat. 7s Qd Paris, 1605 Containing 20 pages on the " Navigation des Francois en la Nouvelle France, dite Canada." 616 CHURCH (Thos.) History of Philip s War, commonly called the great Indian War of 1675 6. 8vo, frontispiece, but wanting the plates, calf. 3s Qd Exeter, N. H., 1829 617 CHURCH Government and Church Covenant discussed in an An swer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New England, to two-and-thirty Questions sent over to them by Divers Ministers in England, 1643 Apologie of the Churches in New England for Church Covenant, 1643 Answer of the Elders of the several Churches in New England unto nine positions sent over to them, 1643. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf. <!. 18s Another, in vellum. 2. 2s 618 CHURCH Government and Church Covenant discussed in an An swer of the Elders of Several of the Churches in New England (title torn and wants a leaf), 1643 Answer of the Elders of the Churches in New England, unto nine positions sent over to them, 1649 The thirty-two Questions Stated (a leaf torn and ending page 72). In 1 vol. 4to, vellum. 10s 619 CHURCHMAN (John, a Quaker, of Nottingham, Pennsylvania) Ac count of his Gospel Labours and Experiences. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d neat. 3s 1780 caff. 3s Dublin, 1781 620 CHURCHMAN (John). Another Edition. 8vo, calf neat. 4s Qd Philadelphia, 1779 621 CTECA de Leon, La Chronica del Peru nuevamenta escrita. 12mo, woodcuts, wanting 3 leaves, calf neat. 15s Anvers, Mart. Nucia, 1554 44 Books relating to America, on Sale by 622 CICEEO S Cato Major, or a Discourse of Old Age ; translated with Notes, by Dr. Benjamin Franklin. 8vo, portrait of Franklin in his Study, neat. 7s Qd 1778 623 CITIZEN of Nature, in a Series of Letters from an American- Indian in London to his Friend at Home. 12mo, half calf gilt. 3s 1824 624 CLADERA (Don Christobal) Investigaciones historicas sobre los principales Descubrimientos, de los Espanoles en el mar Oceanb, en el Siglo XV. y Principio del XVI. en respuesta a la Memoria de M. Otto sobre el verdadero Descubridor de America. 4to, portraits and large folding map by Martin Beliaim, 1492. Boards. 15s Madrid, 1794 625 CLAEK (Sam.) New Description of the World, or a Compendious Treatise of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, &c. of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 12mo, frontispiece, clean in old calf. 3s 1689 626 CLAEKE (L. H.) Eeport of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention of the State of New York held at Albany in 1821. Eoyal 8vo, bound. 3s 1821 627 CLAEKSON (Thomas) Memoirs of the private and public Life of William Penn. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, neat. 5s boards. 4s Qd 1813 628 CLAVIGEEO (Abbs D. F. S.) History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from MSS. and Ancient Paint ings of the Indians ; with Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico ; translated from the Italian by Cullen. 2 vols. 4to, maps and many plates, calf neat. 14s half calf. 12s 1787 629 CLAVIGEEO. Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to, plates (one wanting), new half calf . 10s Qd 1787 630 CLAVIGEEO S Mexico. SECOND EDITION, 2 vols. in 1 , 4to, plates, calf gilt. 16s half russia. 15s 1807 631 CLAY (Hon. Henry) Life and Speeches of, compiled and edited by Daniel Mallory. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d New York, 1843 632 CLAY S (Henry) Private Correspondence, Edited by Dr. C. Colton. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 1855 633 CLINTOIS S (Hon. de Witt) Discourse before the New York Hist. Soc. (a general Geographical, Political, and Historical view of the Red Men). 8 vo, half morocco. 3s 6d New York, 1812 634 CLUNY (Alex.) The American Traveller, or Observations on the present state of the British Colonies in America. 4to, large map and frontis2nece, half calf . 15s 1769 The Author was the first to give accurate intelligence of Hudson s Bay, and to institute an inquiry about a more successful commerce with the Ame ricans. The book is said to have been published under the auspices of Lord Chatham, and both the English and the Americans at that crisis were so eager to possess it, that it was bought and read by one party with the same avidity that it was bought and destroyed by the other. Dibdin. 635 CO ALE (Josiah) Books and Divers Epistles of the faithful Servant of the Lord JOSIAH COALE, collected and published as it was de sired by him in the day of his departure out of this Life. 4to, new, calf gilt, rare. 2. 2s noplace, 1671 A curious Book by one of the Society of Friends, " he travelled by sea through many dangers, and preached the Gospel in many of the Western Islands, and in Maryland and Virginia, from whence he passed through the Wilderness on foot many hundred of miles to New England, p. 5." With his Epistles to his friends in New England, Maryland, and Jamaica, &c., also a Poem concerning John Coale, by the wife of Gfeorge Fox. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 45 636 GOBBET S (Thos. Teacher of the Church at Lyn, in New England) Just Vindication of the Covenant and Church Estate of Children of Church Members ; as also their right to Baptisme. 4to, very neat. 12s 1648 637 COBBET (Thomas, Minister of the Word at Lyn, in New England) Practical Discourse of Prayer, wherein is handled the Nature, the Duty, the Qualifications of Prayer. Svo, neat 9s 1654 Another Copy, calf neat. 7s 6d 1657 638 COBBETT S (W.) Porcupine s Works, containing various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a faithful Picture of the United States, Characters of their Presidents, Governors, &c., and of the Cus toms, Manners, Morals, and Vices of the People, comprising also a complete series of Historical Documents and Remarks, from 1783 to 1801. 12 vols. Svo, complete, boards. 1. 4s 1801 639 COBBETT(W) The Bloody Buoy thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America, by Peter Porcupine. Svo, Ids. 3s n. d. 640 COBBETT (William) Letters on the late War between the United States and Great Britain, with the Miscellaneous Writings on the same subject. Svo, new half calf. 8s 6 d New York, 1815 641 COBBETT S Emigrant s Guide to the United States. 12mo, boards, Is 6d 1829 642 COBBETT S Life of Andrew Jackson. 12mo, curious frontispiece, boards. 4s Qd 1834 643 COBDEN S (Richard) England, Ireland, and America. By a Man chester Manufacturer. Svo, calf gilt. 3s 1835 644 COCKBURN S (John, and five others) Journey over Land from the Gulph of Honduras to the Great South Sea. Svo, (no map), calf. 3s Qd 1740 645 Another Copy, with map. Svo, calf gilt (title mended). 4s Qd 646 COCHRANE (Capt. C. Stuart) Journal of a Residence and Travels in Columbia during the years 1823 and 1824. 2 vols. Svo, map and plates, boards. 5s new half calf gilt. 8s 6d 1825 647 CODE of 1 650, a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut, with the " Blue Laws" of New Haven. 12mo, neat. 3s Hartford, 1842 648 CODE NOIR, ou R^cueil d Edits, Declarations et Arrets concernant les Esclaves Negres de 1 Amerique. Avec un R6cueil de R6gle- mens, concernant la Police des Isles Fra^oises de 1 Amerique et les Engages. 12mo, calf gilt. 6s Paris, 1743 649 COFFIN (Joshua) A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newbury- port, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. Royal Svo, cloth. 7s ; Boston, 1845 650 COGGESHALL (Geo.) Voyages to various parts of the World, made between the years 1799 and 1844, selected from his MS. Journal of 80 Voyages. Svo, plates, cloth. 4s New York, 1851 651 COKE (Hon. Henry J.) A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Ore gon and California, with a glance at some of the Tropical Islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich Isles. Svo, portrait, boards. 5s 1852 652 COKE. Extracts of the Journals of the Rev. Dr. Coke s Five Visits to America. Small Svo, neat. 3s. 1790 -Ditto. 3s 1793 46 Books relating to America, on Sale by 653 COKE (Eev. Dr. Thomas) History of the West Indies, containing the Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical History of each Island, with account of the Missions in that Archipelago, by the Eev. John Wesley, and others. 3 vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 7s 6d Liverpool, 1808 654 COKE (Thomas) Life of, including his Travels and Extraordinary Missionary Exertions in England, Ireland, America, and West Indies. By Samuel Drew. 8vo, portrait, boards. 3s Qd 1817 655 COLBURN. Memoir of Zerah Colburn, written by himself, con taining an account of his remarkable powers, travels in America, with his peculiar methods of Calculation. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s Springfield, 1833 657 COLDEN S History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 8vo, map, neat. 18s 1747 658 COLDEN S History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 8vo, map, neat. 18s 1750 659 COLDEN S History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 2 vols. 12mo, calf neat. 16s new calf , old style. 18s 1755 660 COLDEN S Indian Nations of Canada. 12mo, vol. 2, half calf. 3s Qd 1755 661 COLDEN (Cadwallader D.) Life of Eobert Fulton, comprising an account of the Invention, Progress, and Establishment of Steam Boats, &c. 8vo, portrait, boards. 6s New York, 1817 662 COLERIDGE (Bp.) Charges delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Barbados and the Leeward Islands, with their Ecclesiastical History. 8vo, maps, cloth. 3s 1835 663 COLERIDGE S Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. PostSvo, boards. 2s half calf , marbled. 2s Qd 1826 664 COLLECCAO dos Breves Pontificios e Leys Regias que Foraro Expedidos, e Publicadas desde o Anno de 1741, sobre a liberdade das Pessoas Bens, e Commercio dos Indies do Brasil. Folio, calf. 1. Is Lisbon, 1759 Contains many particulars relating to the Jesuits. 665 COLLECTION of Original Voyages, viz., Captain Cowley s Voyage round the World, Captain Sharp s Expedition to the South Seas, Captain Wood s Voyage through the Straits of Magellan, and Mr. Roberts s Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant ; published by Captain Hacke. 8vo, maps, neat. 4s 6d 1699 666 Collection of Voyages and Travels, some now first Printed from Original Manuscripts. 6 vols. folio, maps and plates, calf neat. 2. 2s Lond. Churchill, 1704-32 This collection is very rich in American matter. In addition to the details of a luminous introduction, the collection contains, as to America, Brewer s and Hac/cman s Yoyage to Chili ; and Moneys Voyage to Green land in quest of a North- West Passage Nieuhoff s Brazil Capt. John Smith s Travels and Adventures Several Greenland and North-West Pas sage "Voyages The Life of Columbus, by his Son Ovallo s Historical Eelation of the Kingdom of Chili Hanson s Naval Tracts Gemelli s Voyage round the World Sapp s and Schemes s Voyage to Paraguay Techo s History of the Provinces of Paraguay, &c. Herrera s Account of the Discovery of America, and of Columbus s Voyages Norwood s Voyage to Virginia M. W. s Description of the Mosquito Kingdom in America ; and May s Account of the Preservation of the Ship Terra Nova, homeward bound from Virginia. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 47 667 COLLECTION of Voyages and Travels, consisting of Authentic Writers in our own Tongue, which have not before been collected in English, or have only been abridged in other collections, com piled from the curious Library of the Earl of Oxford. 2 vols. folio, maps, &c., good copy, very neat in half calf, Wind tooled. 1. 5s Lond. Osborne, 1745 668 COLLECTION of Voyages (containing the Portuguese and Spanish Voyages in the beginning of the 16th Century) for Discovery, Conquest, Settlement, or Opening of Trade, from commencement of the Portuguese Discoveries to the Present Time. 4to, vol. 1 (no more published), map and plates, half calf Is Qd whole calf. 8s Qd n. d. (1805) 669 COLLECTION of Voyages by the Dutch East India Company for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation, containing their Dis coveries in the East Indies, South Seas, N.E. Passage, Straits of Magellan, &c. 8vo, calf neat. 6s 1703 670 COLLECTION of Interesting Authentic Papers relative to the Dis pute between Great Britain and America, showing the Causes and Progress of that Misunderstanding from 1764 to 1775. 8vo, half calf. 10s 6d Lond. J. Almon, 1777 671 COLLECTION of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent from nearly the first Settlement thereof to the year 1787. 8vo, calf neat. 12s Philadelphia, 1787 672 COLLECTION of Quaker Memorials Another Edition. 8vo, neat. 8s Qd Lond. 1788 673 COLLECTION of Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland, com prising a translation from F. Marten s Voyage to Spitzbergen, a Translation from Isaac de la Peyrere s Histoire du Greenland, &c. edited by Adam "White, Esq. 8vo, maps, cloth. 7s 6d HaMuyt Soc., 1855 674 COLLIN S (Eliz., an English Servant-maid) Memories of the Southern States of America, 1859-64. Post 8vo, doth. 2s 6d 1865 675 COLMAN (Benj., D.D.) Sermon at the Lecture Hall, Boston, Sept. 4, 1746, at the Funeral of Mrs. Frances Shirley, consort of Wm. Shirley, Governor of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, boards. 13s Qd Boston, 1746 "For the Rev. Dr. Watts, Newington, near London," on the fly leaf. 676 COLMAN (Eev. Benj.) Life and Character of, late Pastor of a Church in Boston, New England, who deceased Aug. 29, 1747, by Ebenezer Turell, A.M. 8vo, neat, half morocco, scarce, from Mr. Crowninshield s Library. <!. Is Boston, 1749 677 COLNETT S (Capt. Jas.) Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean. 4to, maps and plates, new half calf. 7s Qd 1798 678 COLONIAL Policy of Great Britain, considered with relation to her North American Provinces and West Indian Possessions. By a British Traveller. 12mo, half calf . 3s. Philadelphia, 1816 679 COLOMBIA. Present State of Colombia, Principal Events of its Eevolutionary War, its Constitution, Financial and Commercial, Laws, Revenue, Expenditure and Public Debt, Agricultures, Mines, &c. By an Officer late in the Colombian Service. 8vo, map, half calf . 3s Qd half calf gilt. 4s Gd 1827 48 Books relating to America, on Sale by 680 COLOMBIA.-Lettersfrom Columbia during a Journey from C^ racas to Bogota and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823, 8vo, mqp. boards. BIA. Being a Geographic 8vo, maps and portraits, boards, v* 682 COLOMBIA -Another Copy. 2 vols 8vo, maps and portraits, Mlf 684 COLONIAL Policy of Great Britain, considered with relation to the North AmerTcan Provinces and West Indian Possessions by fSh Traveller. 8vo, boards. 2s-halfcalf. 3s 186 685 COLTON S (Rev. Calvin) Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2 vols. royal 8vo, portrait and plates, cloth. 6s 686 COLTON (Rev. Calvin) Tour of the American Lakes and among the Indians of the North-West Territory, disclosing the Charac ter and Prospects of the Indian Race. 2 vols. post 8vo,^a// 687 CO C LTON S (R^CaMn) History and Character of American Re vivals of Religion. Post 8vo, boards. 2s I*** fi88 COLUMBUS Der wahre und erste Entdecker der neuen Welt, (2fc Colon, gegen die ungegruendeten Ansprueche welche Americus Vespucci und Martin Behaim auf diese ehre machen vertheidiget vonE. Tozen. 12mo, boards. 5s Gottingen 176. 689 COLUMBUS.-Elogj Storici di Christoforo OotaOio etf^i&g d Oria. 4to, half calf. 7s U % L 690 COLUMBUS. Vita di Cristoforo Colombo scritta a con- nuove osservazioni di note storico^ritiche e di^un^ A Documenti rari o inediti del Car L. tfossi. 691 TOLUMBUS. Christoph. Colombo und seine Entdeckungen nach Giambatt. Sportono, teutsch bearbeitet von Ad IZmo, portrait, seived. 3s U 692 COLUMBUS.- Cristofer Colombo, oder die Entd Neuen Welt, Geschichtsdrama in drei JJ^^! Ruckert. 2 vols. I2mo, half calf, ^s-half bound Frankfurt 693 COLUMBUS. Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, descritta da K nando, suo figlio, e tradotta da Alfonso Uloanuova edizione, diligentemente riveduta e corretta por Giulio Antimaco. STO, nicely minted, portrait, cloth. 5s 694 COLUMBUS.-The Vision of Columbus; a Poem , m IX ^ Boob, By Joel Barlow. 8vo, neat. 5s Qd Haitford, Conn. 17, 695 COMMERCIAL Relations, containing Digest of Imports ^, ^ports &c., of the Spanish Dominions in America South American States Mexican Republic, West India States, Central American States Great Britain and her Possessions, Continental Europe, &c, &c. 4 thick vols. 4to, cloth. 12s ^ mslu ^^! 696 COMMON Sense, or Natural Ideas opposed to^^ lated from the French (Isaiah Thomas, the third, of the district of Massachusetts, is registered as proprietor). 8vo, boards^ .leaf mutilated as in all copies). 5s. New York (No Pnnttr) 1795 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 49 697 COMPARISON between the Doctrines taught by the Clergy of the Church of England, and the Doctrines taught by Whitefield, Seagrave, and others, with the Wisdom of Fleeing from Persecu tion exemplified in the conduct of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield at Charles Town, South Carolina. Small 8vo, half calf. 5s 1741 698 CONCILIOS Provinciales celebrados en la muy noble Ciudad de Mexico, en los Anos de 1555, 1565, 1585, cura et expensis F. A. Lorenzana, Archiprmdis. 3 vols. in 2, folio, calf, very scarce. <3. 85 Mexico, 1769-70 699 CONCILIUM Mexicanum Provinciale III. Anno 1585, cura F. A. Lorezano. Vol. 1, folio, vellum (wormed). 12s Mexico, 1770 700 CONDAMINE (M. de la) Journal du Voyage a 1 Equator (Isthmus of Panama, Quito, Peru, Guayaquil) avec 1 Histoire des Pyramids de Quito. 4to, maps, neat. 9s Paris, 1751 701 CONDAMINE. Relation abregee d un Voyage fait dans 1 Interieur de l Am6rique meridionale, depuis la cote de la Mer du Sud jusqu aux cotes du Br^sil et de la Guyane, augmente" de la rela tion de 1 Emeute populaire de Cuen9a au Perou. 8vo, frontispiece and map, cf. nt. 4s Another copy, hf. cf. 3s 6d Maestricht, 1778 702 CONDAMINE. Another edition. 8vo, map, neat. 5s Another, printed on thick paper, fine copy in French calf. 6s Paris, 1745 703 CONDAMINE (De la) Succinct Abridgment of a Voyage made within the inland parts of South America (from the South Sea down the Amazon, &c.) &VQ,map, cf. neat. 4s bd hf. cf. 4s 1747 704 CONDUCT of a Noble Commander (Earl of Loudon) in America, Impartially Reviewed, with the genuine Causes of the Discon tents at New York and Halifax. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Qd 1758 705 CONDUCT of the late Administration examined, from July, 1765, to March, 1766. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1767 706 CONNECTED View of the whole Internal Navigation of the United States, natural and artificial, present and prospective. 8vo, maps, boards. 3s Philadelphia, 1826 707 CONNECTICUT. A General History of Connecticut from its first Settlement by George Fenwick. By a Gentleman of the Province. 8vo, clean, half calf. 14s 1781 708 CONNECTICUT. The United States elevated to Glory and Honour. A Sermon preached before Governor Trumbuil and the General Assembly convened at Hartford, May 8, 1783, by Dr. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College (an interesting and important historical discourse). 8vo, boards. 15s Newhaven, 1783 709 CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut, in America. Folio, FINE CLEAN COPY, calf neat, rare. 2. 2s New London, by T. Green, 1784 710 CONNECTICUT. Gordon (Wm. Pastor of the Third Church in Roxbury) Sermon before the House of Representatives on the Day intended for the Choice of Counsellors agreeable to the Advice of the Continental Congress. 8vo, half morocco. 5s. Watertown, 1775 711 CONNECTICUT. A Historical Collection, from Official Records, Files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut during the War of the Revolution, with an Appendix containing Important Letters, Depositions, &c., written during the War, edited by R. R. Hinman. Thick 8vo, portraits, cloth. 6s Qd Hartford, 1842 6 50 Books relating to America, on Sale by 712 CONNECTICUT. Fisher (G-. P.) Discourse Commemorative of the History of the Church of Christ in Yale College during the first century of its existence. 8vo, boards. 3s New Haven, 1858 713 CONNECTICUT. Benedict (Noah, of Woodbury) Sermon at the Funeral of the Eev. Joseph Bellamy, D.D. of Bethlem, March 9, 1790. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Qd New Haven, 1790 Presentation copy from Dr. Jonathan Edwards of New fc Haven, to Eev. Mr. Ryland. 714 CONNECTICUT. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. I. Part I. (all printed), boards. 5s New Haven, 1810 715 CONNECTICUT. Perkins (Charles) Oration pronounced at the request of the Citizens of Norwich, Conn., on the Anniversary of American Independence. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Qd Norwich, 1822 716 CONNECTICUT. Sprague (William B.) Historical Discourse, delivered at West Springfield, Dec. 2, 1824, the day of the Annual Thanksgiving. 8vo, half morocco. 5s Hartford, 1825 The Appendix gives a very complete Biographical History of the locality, with lists of the writings of Dr. Lathrop and others. 717 CONNECTICUT. Kingsley (James L.) Historical Discourse before the Citizens of New Haven, April 25, 1838, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Settlement of the Town and Colony. 8vo, half morocco. 5s New Haven, 1838 718 CONNECTICUT. Confession of Faith owned and consented to by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Connecticut in New England, assembled at Saybrook, A.D. 1708. 12mo, New London, 1710, neat. Is 6d Bridgeport, reprinted, 1810 719 CONNECTICUT. The Code of 1650, a Compilation of the earliest Laws of Connecticut, with the Blue Laws of New Haven. Small 8vo, frontispiece, neat. 5s Hartford, 1829 720 CONNECTICUT. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s New Haven, 1861 721 CONQUERORS (The) of the New World and their Bondsmen, being a Narrative of the Principal Events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. 2 vols. t post 8vo, boards. 9s 6d 1848 722 Vol. I. only, cloth. 3s 1848 Written by A. Helps, Esq., who withdrew the work from sale. 723 CONSTANTINE and Eugenie, or an Evening at Mount Vernon, a Political Dialogue (gu. if by Dr. Forster). 12mo. sewed. 3s Brussels, 1818 724 CONSTITUTION of the United States of America ; the Declara tion of Independence ; Political Acts of George Washington, &c., edited by W. Hickey. Second edition. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Philadelphia, 1847 725 CONSTITUTION des Treize Etats-Unis de I Amerique. 8vo, half calf. 3s Paris, 1783 726 CONTEST in America between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance, the Situation of the British and French Colonies in all parts of America. By an impartial hand. 8vo, boards. 5s 1757 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 51 727 CONTRIBUTIONS to American Literature for 1858, or Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. VI., containing " Some Account of the Society of the Cincinnati, by Alexander Johnston The Insurrection of the year 1794 in the Western Counties of Pennsylvania, by Townsend Ward, 2 plates Presen tation to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania of the Belt of Wampum delivered by the Indians to W. Penn, with Penn s Letters to the Indians, plate The Acadian Exiles, or French Neutrals in Pennsylvania, by W. B. Read, and the Case of Major Andr6, by Charles J. Biddle. Royal 8vo, cloth. 12s 6d PhiL, 1858 728 CONTROVERSY between Great Britain and her Colonies Re viewed. 8vo (wormed). 2s A good copy, half calf. 3s 6d 1769 729 COOK (Capt. James) Second Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, in 1772-75. 2 vols. 4to, maps and many plates, calf. 12s 1777 730 COOK S Second Voyage. A set of the 64 Plates and Maps to Cook s " Second Voyage" in an unfolded state and fine impressions, in a folio volume, half bound. 18s 731 COOK. Journal of the "Resolution " and "Adventure s " Voyage (under Capt. Cook) in the Southern Hemisphere. 8vo, plates, neat. 3s 1775 732 COOK AND KING S (Capts.) [Third] Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, to determine the position and extent of the North West of America, and the practicability of a Northern Passage. 3 vols. 4to, maps (but no atlas of plates}, half bound, uncut. 15s 1784 733 COOK S (Capt.) Third Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. 3 vols. 4to, and folio of maps and plates (some of the latter ic anting}, boards. 14s 1785 734 COOK S Third Voyage. Forty-three Plates illustrating Cook s Third Voyage. In a folio volume, half bound. 4s 6d 735 COOK S Third Voyage Atlas of Sixty-six Plates to. Fine impres sions (3 are wanting], calf. 7s 6d 736 COOKE (Capt. J. H.) Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the Attack on New Orleans in 1814 and 1815. Post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4s 1835 737 COOKE S (Capt. Edward) Voyage to the South Sea and round the World, describing the American Coasts from Terra del Fuego to California. 8vo, Vol. I., maps, &c., half calf gilt. 4s whole calf. 6s Qd 1712 738 COOKE S Voyage to the South Sea. Complete in 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 16s Another copy, calf binding, not uniform, and the second vol. stained. 12s 1712 739 Another, a remarkably fine copy, in the original calf binding, as fresh as when published. 1. 10s 1712 Containing the first account of Alexander Selkirk s residence on the Island of Juan Fernandez. Dampier projected the expedition, and went as pilot in one of the ships. 740 COOPER S ( J. Fenimore) Notions of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 2s 6d Philadelphia, 1828 741 COOPER (J. Fenimore) Notions of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. 2 vols. 8vo, neat half calf . 6s 6d 1828 52 Books relating to America, on Sale by 742 COOPER (J. Fenimore) Notions of the Americans. 2 vols. 8vo, title-page inked of rol. 1, with numerous manuscript notes in pencil by a former possessor. 4s 1828 743 COOPER (J. Fenimore) Letter to his Countrymen. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d New YorJc, 1834 744 COOPER S (J. Fenimore) Naval History of the United States, Vol. 1. 8vo, cloth. 2s Philadelphia, 1840 745 COOPER (J. Fenimore) The American Democrat ; or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d Cooperstown, 1838 746 COOPER (J. Fenimore) Memorials of (by Eminent Americans). Small 4to, fine portrait and mew of Otsego Hall, cloth. 3s 1852 747 COOPER (Miss) Journal of a Naturalist in the United States. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd 1855 748 COOPER (Thos., late of Manchester, President of South Carolina College) Some Information respecting America. 8vo, map, calf. 2s Qd 1794 Second Edition, calf. 3s Qd boards. 3s 1795 749 COOPER (Thos.) Some Information respecting America, 1795 Jardine (Dr. L. J.) Letter from Pennsylvania to a Friend in Eng land, containing valuable information with respect to America, 1795 St. John (J. Hector) Letter from an American Farmer on the British Colonies in North America. Maps, 1782, in 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 7s Qd 750 COOPER (William) The Doctrine of Predestination unto Life Ex plained and Vindicated in Four Sermons, Preached to the Church of Christ in Brattle Street, Boston, New England. 8vo, calf neat. 5s 1765 751 COPPIER (Guill.) Histoire et Voyage des Indes Occidentals et de plusieurs autres regions maritimes et eloignees. 8vo, frontis piece by De Pas (wanting 4 pages), good clean copy, boards. 10s Qd Lyons, 1645 The author gives an account of Ireland and Great Britain in the latter part of the work. 752 COREAL (Fra^ois) Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu il y a vue de plus remarquable pendant son sejour depuis 1666 jusq en 1697. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, maps and plates, vellum. 6s Paris, 1722 753 CORNELIUS (K, of Salem) The Little Captive, an Authentic Nar rative, with some Interesting Letters written by Indians. 1 2mo, frontispiece, boards. 2s York, 1821 754 CORNWALLIS (Earl) Answer to the Narrative of Lieut. -General Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the Earl s conduct during the Campaign in North America in 1781. 8vo, uncut. 5s calf. 6s half calf. 5s Qd 17 S3 755 CORTES. Historia di Don Ferdinando Cortes, Marchese della Valles Capitano Valorosissimo con le sue maravigliose prodezze nel tempo che discopri et acquisto la nuova Spagna, composta du Francesco Lopez di Gomara, e tradotta nella Italiana per Agos- tino di Cravaliz, parte terza. 8vo, vellum. 10s Qd Venetia, 1570 756 CORTESII (Ferd.) De insulis nuper inventis ad Imperatorim Caro- lum V., Narrationes cum alio quodam Petri Martyris consimilis argument! libello. His accesserunt Epistolai duae de felicissimo apud Indos Evangelii incremento, et epitome de Indiae populis A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 53 convertendos autori N. Herborn. Folio, title, surrounded with arms and portrait of Charles V. engraved in wood, FINE TALL COPY, clean, in calf. 3. 3s Coloniae, 1532 757 CORTESII (Ferd.) Another copy. Folio, in old calf gilt. 2. 12s 6d Ib., 1532 758 CORTESII (Ferd.) Yon dem newen Hispanien so im Meer gegen Nidergang zwei lustige Historen erstlicli in Spanisclie Sprache durch himselbst beschrieben und vertentsclit von X. Betuleio und A. Diethoro. Folio, GOOD CLEAN COPY, boards. 3. 35 Augsburg, 1550 759 CORTES. La Sombra de Hernan Corte"s, 6 discurso que dirige a la Nacion el Heroe de Nueva Espana, por el Marques de Rian- zuela. 4to, loards. 3s Sevilla, 1857 760 CORTES. Correspondance de Fe"rdnand Cortes avec 1 Empereur Charles V. sur la Conquete de Mexique. Trad, par M. de Fla- vigny. 8vo, frontispiece, half calf. 3s 6d Suisse, 1779 761 CORTES. Brieven van Ferdinand Cortes aan Keizer Karl V. wegens de Verovering van Mexico. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, loards. 3s Amsterdam, 1780 762 CORTES. Esta es una Carta que el rauy ilustre Senor D. Her- nando Cortes, Marques que luego fue el Valle, escriuio a la S. C. C. M. el Emperador Feche e la Gran Civdad de Temistitan, Mexico, e la Nueva Espana : a XV. dias del mcs e Octubre 8, M.D.XXIV. 12mo, lit. goih, only 60 copies printed, green morocco extra, bound ly Holloway. 1. 15s Mexico, En la Imprenta particular de Joaquin Garcia, Icazbalceta, y su Costa, 1865 763 CORTES (Hernando). Historia de Nueva Espana, escrita por su esclarecido Conquistador Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros Docuraentos, y Notas. Por el Ilustrissimo Sefior Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico. 4to, with map and 31 curious plates of Mexican Hieroglyphics, GOOD COPY, vellum. 4. 4s Mexico, 1770 The three celebrated and highly important Letters of Cortes are here reproduced. 764 CORTES. Historia de Mejico, escrita por sii esclarecido Conquis tador Hernan Cortes : aumentada con otros Documentos y Notas, por F. A. Lorenzana. Antiquo Arzobispo de Mejeco. 8vo, plates, calf. 6s 6d Nueva York, 1828 765 CORTES. The Pleasant Historic of the Conquest of the West India, now called New Spaine, atchieved by the most Worthie Prince, Hernando Cortes ; translated out of the Spanish tongue by T. N. 4to, Mark letter, morocco, gift leaves. 2. 10s London, printed l>\j Thomas Crede, 1596 766 COTHREN (Wm.) History of Ancient Woodbury, Connecticut, from the first Indian Deed in 1659 to 1854, including Washing ton, Southbury, Bethlem, &c. Thick 8vo, portrait, cloth. 8s 6d Waterlury, 1854 767 COTTER S Sketches of Bermuda, or Somers Islands. Svo, p/ates, boards. 2s Qd 1828 768 COTTON (John, Teacher of the Church at Boston, New England) The Way of Congregational Churches Cleared, in two Treatises. 4to, limp i cUum. 15s 1648 54 Books relating to America, on Sale by 769 COTTON (John) God s Mercie Mixed with His Justice, or His People s Deliverance in Times of Danger. 4to, half morocco. 1. Is caff neat. 1. 4s 1641 770 COTTON (John) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, according to the Word of God. 4to, whole mo rocco. 12s 1644 771 COTTON (John) The Way of Life, or God s way and course in Bringing the Soule into, Keeping it in, and Carrying it on, in the Wayes of Life and Peace. 4to, new calf. 1. 4s 1641 772 COTTON (John) Singing of Psalmes, a Gospel Ordinance. 4to, whole morocco. 10s 6d 1647 773 COTTON (John) Brief Exposition of the whole Book of Canticles, or Song of Solomon, describing the State of the Church, both Jewish and Christian, to this Day. 8vo, old calf. 5s neat and dean. 6s 6d 1648 774 COTTON (John) Of the Holinesse of Church Members. 4to, half morocco. 10s Qd 1650 775 COTTON (John) Christ the Fountaine of Life, or sundry Choice Sermons on part of the Fift Chapter of the First Epistle of St. John. 4to, whole morocco. 12s 1651 776 COTTON (John) Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, as it is Dis pensed to the Elect Seed effectually unto Salvation. 8vo, neat. 7s 6d 1671 777 COTTON (John) Treatise of the Covenant of Grace. 12mo, calf. 8s Qd 1659 778 COTTON S (John) Modest and Clear Answer to Mr. Ball s Dis course of Set Forms of Prayer. 12mo, new half calf. 5s n. d. 779 COTTON S (John) Exposition with Practical Observations upon the Book of Ecclesiastes. Small 8vo, new calf gilt, yellow edges. 12s 1657 780 COTTON S (John) Church s Eesurrection, or the opening of the 5th and 6th verses of the XXth Chapter of the Revelation. 4to, neat half calf. 9s 1642 781 COTTON. Sixteene Questions of Serious and Necessary Conse quence Propounded (by the Elders in the Bay) unto Mr. John Cotton, of Boston, in New England ; together with his Answers to each Question. 4to (two leaves wormed pierced), new calf extra. 1. 11s Gd 1644 782 COUGHLAN (Rev. L.) An Account of the Work of God in New foundland, North America. Small 8vo, neat. 6s 1776 783 COULTER S (Dr. John) Adventures on the Western Coast of South America and Interior of California. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1847 784 COUTINHO (Bishop of Pernambuco) Essay on the Commerce and Products of the Portuguese Colonies in South America, especially the Brazils. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s half calf . 2s Qd boards. 2s 1807 785 COWLEY S (C.) History of Lowell, Mass, (the Manchester of Ame rica). Small 8vo, engravings, cloth. 3s 1868 786 COXE S (Daniel) Description of the English Province, Carolina, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiana. 8vo, large folding map, neat. 12s 1722 Another Edition, 8vo (no map), neat. 9s 1727 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 55 787 COXE S CAEOLINA. Another Edition. 8vo, large map, neat. Us 1741 788 COXE (Daniel) Collection of Voyages, viz. : Description of the English Province of Carolina, map, 1741 Dangerous Voyage of Capt. Tho. James in his intended Discovery of a North- West Passage into the South Sea, map, 1740 Pointis (Sieur) Authen tic and Particular Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French, in the year 1697, map. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 1. Is 789 Another Copy (ivanting map of Carolina). 15s Another (without the 3 maps), neat. 12s 1741 790 COXE (W.) Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, to which are added the Conquest of Siberia. 4to, maps, calf neat. 6s Qd 1780 791 COXE S Russian Discoveries. 8vo, neat. 4s 1787 792 COXE S Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. 4to, fine paper, maps, BEST EDITION, calf, extra, marbled leaves. Us 1803 793 COXE S (Tench, of Philadelphia) View of the United States of America. 8vo, calf. 2s boards. Is Qd London, 1795 794 COX S (Ross) Adventures on the Columbia River, among various Tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, and Journey across the American Continent. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 7s boards. 5s Qd 1831 795 COX (Ross) Columbia River. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf gilt. 7s 1831 796 CRANTZ (David) History of Greenland, containing a Description of the Country and its Inhabitants, and particularly a relation of the Mission by the Unitas Fratrum. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, good copy, calf neat, scarce. 10s Qd 1767 797 CRANTZ S History of Greenland, with a continuation to the pre sent time, and Sketch of the Mission of the United Brethren in Labrador. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 7s Qd half calf. Qs Qd half calf gilt. 8s Qd 1820 7 98 CRANTZ (David) Ancient and Modern History of the Bretheren, or a Succinct Narrative of the Protestant Church of the United Bretheren, or Unitas Fratrum (Moravians) ; translated by La Trobe. Svo, calf. Qs 1 780 It gives the History of the Churches of this Sect in America. 799 CRAWFORD (Charles, Lord Garnock) The Christian, a Poem in four Books, with Preface in Defence of Christianity, and Address to the People of America. Philadelphia, 1783 Observations upon Negro Slavery; the Author, Charles Crawford. Ib., 1784. In 1 vol. small 8vo, calf neat, scarce. 10s Qd With the Autograph of the Author as " Graruock" at the end of the Pre face to the first Work. 800 CRISP (Stephen, Quaker) Scripture Truths demonstrated in 32 Sermons or Declarations delivered at the Public Meeting Houses of the People called Quakers. Svo, neat. 5s Philadelphia, 1787 801 CROIX (De la) Constitutions des Principaux Etats de 1 Europe et des Etats Unis de 1 Ame rique. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. 4s Paris, 1791 802 CROCKETT (Col. David) Life of Martin Van Buren. 12mo, cloth (a singular book). 3s Qd Philadelphia, 1855 56 Books relating to America, on Sale by 803 CEOCKETT. Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett, of West Tennessee. Post 8vo, boards. 3s , 1834 804 CEOS WELL (A.) Letter to the Eev. Alex. Cumming, attempting to shew him that it is not Blasphemy to say No Man can love God while he looks on him as a God who will Damn him. Bos ton, 1762 Cumming (A.) Animadversions on the above, ib. 1763 Bellamy s Eemarks on the Eev. W. Croswell s Letter, ib. 1763. In 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco. 7s 6d 805 CEOWLEY (Thomas) Letters and Dissertations on various Sub jects, by the Author of the Letter Analysis A. P. on the Disputes between Great Britain and America (1765-76). 8vo. half mo rocco. 5s London, 1776 806 CEOWLEY (Thomas) Letters and Dissertations by the Author of the Letter Analysis A. P. Another edition, 12mo, privately printed, 12mo, half morocco, uncut. 5s London, 1782 This edition contains several additional letters down to the year 1782, and others in the preceding are omitted in this ; both are, therefore, requisite for the library of the collector. 807 CUBA. Aranceles generales para el cobro de derechos de Intro- duccion y estraccion en todas las Aduanas de los puertos habili- tados de la Isla de Cuba. Folio, boards. 2s Qd Habana, Imprenta del Gobierno, 1824 808 CUBA. Letters from the Havana during the year 1820, contain ing an Account of the present state of the Island of Cuba, and Observations on the same. Small 8vo, map, boards. 2s Qd half calf. 3s 1821 809 CUBA and the Cubans, comprising a History of the Island of Cuba, its present Social, Political, and Domestic condition, and its re lation to England and the United States, by the Author of the "Letters from Cuba." Post 8vo, cloth. 3s New York, 1850 810 CUBA. Memorial of Lord Albemarle to the Treasury as to the Duties Payable from Havanna, and Correspondence on the Sub ject, with some curious Memorials of Officers at the Capture of Havanna, &c., &c., in manuscript, 4to and folio. 3s 811 CUBA. Account of the English Attack on Cuba, in the Havannah, in April, 1781, a Spanish manuscript of the time. 4to, pp. 3. 2s Qd 812 CULLEN (Dr.) Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal, with a full History of the Scotch Colony of Darien. 8vo, maps, cloth. 3s 6^ 1853 813 CUNNINGHAME (Lieut.-Col.) Glimpse at the Great Western Ee- public. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1851 814 CUETIS S Treatise on the Eules and Duties of Merchant Seamen, according to the General Maritime Law, and the Statutes of the United States. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1841 815 CUETIS S (D. S.) Western Portraiture and Emigrants Guide, a Description of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa, with remarks on Minnesota, and other Territories. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 2s Qd New York, 1852 816 CUE WEN (Samuel, An American Refugee in England}, Journal and Letters from 1775 to 1784, with Biographical Notices of Ame rican Loyalists, by G. A. Ward. Thick 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s New York, 1842 817 CUSHMAN (Eobert) Self Love, the first Sermon, in 1621, Preached in New England, and the oldest extant of any delivered in Ame rica. 8vo, fac-simile, boards. 2s Qd New York, 1847 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square. London. 57 818 TYACI GNA ^Chr.) Voyage and Discoveries in America, up the \J River of Amazon and Quito in Peru, and Acarete s Voyage up the River Plata to the Mines of Potosi, and from Cayenne into Guiana. By Grillet and Bechamel. In 1 vol. 8vo, no maps, calf. 5s 6d. Another, trith the, maps. 16s Another, wanting a .map, calf neat. 7s 6d 1698 819 DALLAS S (A. J.) Reports of Cases Ruled and Adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution. Royal 8ro,ca7/. 3s 1790 820 DALLAS (J.) Reports of Cases Ruled and Adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania before and since the Revolution. Second Edi tion, with additional Xotes. 4 vols. 8vo, law calf. 12s Philadelphia, 1806, 1798-99, and 1807 821 DALLAS (R. C.) History of the Maroons of Jamaica and the War there, and the Expedition to Cuba, for the purpose of pro curing Spanish Chasseurs. 2 vols. 8vo, plate, half calf. 5s 6d whole calf. 7s 1803 822 DALLAS S (Sir Geo.) Memoir of Sir Peter Parker, Captain of the Menelaus, killed in Action while Storming the American Camp at Bellair, near Baltimore, 1814 (with Commodore Parker s Ac count of the Attack on Sullivan s Island in 1775). 4to. cat/, out haws. 6s 6d 1816 823 DALL HORTO, et Monardes, due libri de i Sempliei Aroma ti et altre cose che Vengono portate. dall Indie Oriental! pertinenti all uso della Medicina di Don Garzin, dall Horto et due altri libri parimente di quelle che si portano, dall Indie Occidental! di Nicolo Monardes, tradotti nella Italiana du M. Annibale Briganti. Bwo t some leaves stained, iciwlctifs, ivl turn, scarce. 4s 6d J enctia, 1582 82 I PALRYMPLE S Historical Collection of the several Voyages and Discoveries of the Spanish and Dutch in the South Pacijic Ocean. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, neat. Ws6d , 1770 825 Vol. 1 only, 4to, containing a translation of the Spanish Writers. (Vol. 2 in the above contains the Dutch as well.) boards. 6s 1770 826 DALTOX (Dr. Henry G.) History of British Guiana, comprising a General Description of the Colony, with some of the principal Events from its Discovery to the present time, its Climate, Geo logy, Staple Products, and Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plate, cloth. ISs Pub. at 2. 2* IS.V> 827 DAM PIER (Capt. W.) New Voyage round the World, describing particularly the Isthmus of America. 8vo, maps, old calf. 3, 6d 1697-8 828 DAMP1KK (( apt. W.) New Voyage round the World, describing particularly the Uthmus of America, several Coasts and Islands in the West Indies, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, maps, calf. 7s 6d 1702-9 829 DAM PI KK s ^Capt.) New Voyage round the World, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, w<;^>s, <(V., half calf . Is 6d 1703 830 DAMPIEK. Wafer, Funnell, Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and Roberts, Collection of Voyages. 4 vols. 8vo, wojw. BEST EDITION, calf, neat. 1. 1S>- 1729 7 58 Books relating to America, on Sale by 831 DAMPIER S Voyages. Vols. II. and III. 8vo. neat. 7s Gd 1729 832 DAMPIER (Capt. W.) Voyages and Adventures in the principal Countries, Islands, &c. of Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 9s 1776 833 DAMPIER (W.) Neiuwe Eeystogt rondom de Werreld. 4to, maps and curious plates, vellum. 3s Qd Iris Gravenhage, 1698 834 DAMPIER (Guillaume) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, oul on decrit en particulier 1 Isthme de 1 Amerique, etc. 4 vols. 12mo. FINE COPY, maps and plates, calf gilt. 10s Qd Mouen, 1715 835 DANA (R. H.) To Cuba and Back, a Vacation Voyage. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1859 836 DANCER (Thos. Dr.) Medical Assistant, or Jamaica Practice of Physic. Second Edition, 4to, portrait, and some leaves stained, half calf. 5s St. Jago de la Vega, 1809 837 DANVERS. Account of the Centennial Celebration in Danvers, June 16, 1852, with the Proceedings of the Town in relation to the Donation of Geo. Peabody, Esq. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, several portraits, doth. 7s Qd 1852 838 DARBY (W.) Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, being an accompaniment to his Map of this Country. 8vo, half calf. 2s Philadelphia, 1816 839 DARBY (W.) Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, the Southern part of the State of Mississippi and Territory of Alabama. 8vo, map, neat. 4s New York, 1817 840 DARBY (W.) Tour from the City of New York to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory. 8vo, maps, cloth. New York, 1819 Memoir on the Geography and National and Civil History of Florida. Map. Philadelphia, 1821 in 1 one vol. 8vo, cloth. 5s 841 DARIEN. A Just and Modest Vindication of the Scots Design for the having established a Colony at Darien. 8vo, half calf. 10s 6d old ccdf. 12s half calf morocco. 14s -fine clean copy in old calf. 15s 1699 842 DARIEN. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, to which is added, a Description of the Country, and a Particular Account of the Scots Colony. 8vo, half red moi occo. 10s Qd Edinb. 1699 843 DARIEN. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it, and Arguments to Prove that it is the Interest of England to join with the Scots and Protect it, with a Description of the Country and a Parti cular Account of the Scots Colony. 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s. Edinburgh, printed in the year 1699 This first edition in 4to, presumed to have been printed in " Edinburgh, is unnoticed by all American bibliographers, on the title of a copy of the 8vo. edition, in my possession, is written in a coeval hand By Mr. Fletcher, of Salton. " 844 Another Copy. 4to, limp vellum, EDGES UNCUT. 2. 5s ib. 1696 845 DARIEN. Short and Impartial View of the manner and occasion of the Scots Colony coming away from Darien. 4to, half mo rocco. 15s 1699 846 DARIEN COLONY. Letter from the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to the Council and Inhabi tants of the Scots Colony of Caledonia in America. 4to, half morocco. 2. 5s Glasgow, 1699 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 59 847 DARIEN. Caledonia ; or the Pedlar turned Merchant, a Tragi- Comedy as it was acted by his subjects of Scotland in the King of Spain s Province of Darien. 4to, calf extra, gilt leaves, rare. 2. 2s 1700 A volume unknown to all American Bibliographers. Part of the title is given in the Biographia Dramatica, where it is supposed to be a dramatic piece ; in reality it consists of 127 four-line stanzas. It is a humourous though somewhat coarse satire in Ned Ward s style. See the Retrospective Review, third series, No. 2. 848 DARIEN; or the Merchant Prince. A Historical Romance by Eliot Warburton. 3 vols. in 1, post 8vo, new, half morocco gilt top. 105 Qd 1852 The author s proof copy, curious as showing the alterations and correc tions made in its progress through the press. 849 DARWIN (Charles) Journal of Researches into the Geological and Natural History of the various Countries visited by H.M.S. " Beagle," from 1832 to 1836, principally relating to America. Large 8vo, map, cloth scarce. 16s 1839 850 DAS neue Gemeinschaftliche Gesangbuch der Lutherischen und Reformerten Gemeinclen in Nord Amerika, mit einem neuen Ver- mehrten Anhange der Herrlichsten Kirchenlieder aus den Jahren 1400 bis 1850. 8vo, neat. 4s New York, 1852 851 D AUBERTEUIL (Hilliard) Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo- Americains, et sur la Revolution de FAmerique Septen- trionale. 2 vols. 8vo, 5 maps, but wanting others, and portraits, old calf. 5s Bruxelles, 1781 852 D AUTEROCHE S Voyage to California and Route through Mexico. 8vo, folding plan of Mexico, boards. 3s 6d half calf. 4swho 7 e calf. 5s 1778 853 DAVENPORT (Bishop) History and New Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of North America and West Indies. Large 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 3s New York, 1842 854 DAVIES (John Constanse) Letters from Paraguay, describing the Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, Manners, Cus toms, &c., of the Inhabitants. 8vo, boards 3s Qd 1805 855 DAVIES (John) History of the Caribby Islands, viz. Barbadoes, St. Christopher s, St. Vincent s, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Montserrat, Mevis, Antego, &c. in all 28, with Caribbian Voca bulary, rendered into English by John Davies, of Kidwelly. Folio, curious plates, calf neat. 16s 1666 858 DAVIS S (John) Four Years and a Half s Travels in the United States of America (ivhich includes the Story of Capt. Smith and Pocahantas) 8vo, half calf. 4s new, half calf gilt. 5s 6d 1803 857 DAVIS S (John) American Mariners ; or the Atlantic Voyage a Poem, and Vindication of the American Character, to which are added Annals of the late War between England and America. Thick 12mo, boards. 4s Qdhalf calf gilt. 6s Qd Salisbury, 1822 858 DAVIS (W. W. H.) El Gringo, or New Mexico and her People. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s New York, 1857 859 DAY (Chas. W.) Five Years Residence in the West Indies. 2 vols. post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 4s Qd 1852 860 DEBATES in the Senate of the United States on the Judiciary. 8vo, neat. 2s Qd boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1802 60 Books relating to America, on Sale by 861 DE BEAUMONT (G. and De Tocqueville) On the Penitentiary System in the United States, translated by F. Lieber. 8vo, boards. 3s Philadelphia, 1833 862 DE BROSSES. Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes, contenant ce que Ton S9ait, des Moeurs et des Productions des Contrees Decouvertes jusqu a ce jour. 2 vols. 4 to, calf. 14s Paris, 1756 Containing the Voyages of Vespucius, Magellan, Drake, Sarmiento, Haw kins, De Nort Speilberg, Nodal, Schouten, the Buccaneers, &c., &c. DE BRY S COLLECTION OF VOYAGES. 863 DE BRY. Wunderbarliche doch Warhafftige Erklarung von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia, plates, very rare, Oppenheim de Bry, 1620 Der ander theil der Newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americas mit beschreibung und lebendiger contra- factur dieser Provintze (Floridam) gestalt, sitten und gebranch der Wilden, maps and plates coloured, De Bry, Franc, am Mayn Dritte buch Americse darinn, Brasilio, durch Johann Studen von Homberg, ausz Hessen ausz eigener erfahrung in Teutsch besch- rieben vom Wilden unerhorten wesen der Innwoner von allerley frembden gethieren und Gewachsen sampt einem Colloquio in der Wilden Sprach, plates coloured, De Bry, 1593. In 1 vol. folio, half calf. 3. 3s The Virginia, Part I. third German Edition, is very rare ; the Bibliotheca G-renvilliana states, that only one copy is known in England (now in the British Museum}. 864 DE BRY. America nona et postrema pars qua de ratione elemen- torum de novi orbis natura, de hujus incolarum Superstitiosis Cultibus, his accessit designatio illius Navigationis quam 5 navis Hollandica, Anno 1598, per fretum Magellanum in Moluccanas Insulas tentarunt addita est tertio Navigatio recens quam 4 navium prsefectus Olevier a Noort proxime suscepit. Folio (leaves stained), 39 very curious plates by Theodore De Bry, bound in green morocco extra, tooled on the sides, joints, &c., from Hanrott s collection. 4. 4s Franco/. 1602 865 DE BRY. Pars IV. V. et VI. containing Benzoni s History of the New World ; Pars VII., Ulric Schimdel s Vera Historia; Pars VIII. , The Voyages to the South Seas of Drake, Candish, and Raleigh ; Pars IX., Additamenta, containing Sebalt de Weert s Voyage to the Straits of Magellan. In 1 thick vol. folio, full of plates, slightly imperfect, calf. 4. 4s OTHER ODD PARTS IN LATIN AND GERMAN. 866 DE BRY. Part II. Account of the French Expedition to Florida. Map and plates, (wanting four, also preface, four leaves and correc tions). 1. 4s 1591 867 Part II. Another copy. (Wanting 4 plates and preface, also corrections). XI. Is Francf. ad Moenum, 1591 868 Part III. Voyages of Stadius and Leri to Brazel. Plates (but wanting the map and title to second part). 1. Is ^. 1592 869 Part IV. Benzoni s History of the New World. Folio, map and 24 plates, fine copy. 2. 2s ib. 1594 870 Part IV. Another copy. Plates only, with title and map. 15s ib. 1594 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 61 871 DE BRY. Benzoni s History of the New World. Plates only, with title (no map), poor copy. 7s Qd Francf ad Moenum, 1594 872 Part V. Benzoni s History continued. 22 plates only (without map). 7s Qd ib. 1596 873 Part VIII. The Voyages in the South Seas of Drake, Can- dish, and Raleigh (in German) plates. 1. Is ib. 1599 874 DEDHAM PULPIT ; or, Sermons by the Pastors of the First Church in Dedham, in the 17th and 18th Centuries, with a Cen tennial Discourse by the present Pastor. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s Boston, 1840 875 DEFENCE of the Colonies, with remarks on the French district of St. Domingo, by Amicus Mundi. 8vo, new half calf . 4s 6d 1816 876 DE LA CROIX. Review of the Constitutions of the principal States of Europe, and of the United States of America, trans lated from the French with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 5s boards. 4s 1792 877 DELANO (Capt. Amasa) Narrative of Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, comprising three Voyages round the World. Thick 8vo, portrait and map, half calf, scarce. 10s Qd Boston, 1817 878 DELAPLAINE S Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distin guished American Characters. 4to, 6 portraits, boards. 4s Philadelphia, 1815 879 DE L ETAT et du sort des Colonies des Anciens Peuples, et Obser vations sur les Colonies des Nations Modernes, et la conduite des Anglois en Amerique. 8vo, sewed. 3s calf. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1779 880 DELAWARE. Address from the Presbytery of Newcastle to the Congregations under their care, setting forth the Declining State of Religion in their Bounds, published by Order of the Presbytery convened at Upper Octorara, Aug. 11, 1784, Wm. Smith, Mode rator. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Wilmington, 1785 881 DE L INFLUENCE Anglaise par Guinan-Laoureim (relating partly to the American Colonies). 8vo, sewed. 3s Bruxelles, 1817 882 DEL RIO S Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City Discovered near Palenque in Guatemala, translated, with a Critical Investi gation and Research into the History of the Americans, by P. F. Cabrera. 4to, 17 plates, boards, scarce. 12s Lond. 1822 A very curious work on the early antiquities of Central America. 883 DEMERARY. Trial of Rev. J. Smith of Demerara, who was tried under Martial Law, and Condemned to Death on a charge of aiding and assisting in a Rebellion of the Negro Slaves. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1824 884 DENNY S (N. B.) Account of the Cruise of H.M.S. " St. George " on the North American and West Indian Station, 1861-2. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d 1862 885 DENTON (Daniel) Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, and Customs of the Indians, with Notes, by Gab. Furman, 1670. Royal 8vo, cloth. 4s Reprint, N. Y., 1845 886 DE PAU. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. 4s Gd 1770 Books relating to America, on Sale, by 887 DE PAU. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Ame"ricains, avec une Dissertation sur 1 Ame rique et les Americains, par Dom. Pernety. 3 vols. 12mo, calf. 4s Berlin, 1770 888 DE PAU. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Am6ricains et de fence des Recherches. 3 vols. 12mo. 3s half vellum. 4s Cleve, 1772 889 DE POINTIS. An Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French, in the year 1697, containing all the particulars of that Expedition, from their first setting out to their return into Brest. 8vo (wanting the plate) , fine clean copy, old calf. 4s 1698 890 DEPONS (F.) Voyage a la Partie Orientate de la Terre-Ferme dans 1 Ame rique Meridionale (Venezuela, Guiana, Cumana, &c.). 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. 4s boards. 3s Qd 1806 891 DEPONS (F.) Travels in South America, containing Description of the Captain Generalship of Caraccas, and Account of the Dis covery, Conquest, &c., of the Country, with a View of the Manners and Customs of the Spaniards and Native Indians. 2 vols. 8vo, map, half calf . 4s 6d ivhole calf. 5s 6d 1807 892 DEPONS Voyage to the Eastern part of Terra Firma, translated by an American Gentleman. 3 vols. 8vo, boards (no map). 4s New York, 1806 893 DE PRADT. The Colonies, and the present American Revolu tions. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1817 894 DE PRADT. Vrai Systeme de 1 Europe relativement a 1 Amerique et a la Grece. 8vo, 2s Paris, 1825 895 DE PRADT. Des Trois Derniers Mois de I Amerique Meridion- ale, et du Bresil. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1817 Another, cloth. 3s Ib., 1818 896 DE PRADT. L Europe et I Amerique en 1821. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d Ib., 1822 897 DE PRADT. Europe and America in 1821, with an Examination of the plan laid before the Cortes of Spain, for the Recognition of the Independence of South America ; translated by Williams. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, scarce. 6s 1822 898 DE RESTE (Bern.) Histoire des Peches, des Decouvertes et des Etablissemens des Hollandois dans les Mers du Nord. 3 vols. 8vo, plates, sewed. 6s calf gilt. 10s Qd Par. 1799 899 DE ROOS S (Hon. F.) Travels in the United States and Canada, with Remarks on the Present State of the American Navy. 8vo, plates, boards. 3s 1827 900 DE SOLIS (Ant.) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 3 vols. 12mo, Spanish calf. 4s Qd Madrid, 1791 901 DE SOLIS. Historia de la Mexico, poblacion y progresos de la America Septentrional, corregeda par A. L. Josse. 3 vols. 8vo, sewed. 5s boards. 6s calf neat. Is 3 vols. in 1, calf neat. 6s 6d 1809 902 DE SOLIS.- -Historia de la Conquista de Mejico, poblacion y pro- fresos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el Hombre de ueva Espana. 5 vols. 18mo, half calf. 3s Paris, 1827 903 DE SOLIS. Histoire de la Conqueste du Mexique. 2 vols. 12mo, folding plates, neat. 3s 6d Paris, 1714 Another Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, neat. 4s 1730 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 63 904 DE SOLIS. History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated by Thos. Townsend, Esq. Folio, plates, old calf gilt. 7s Qd 1724 905 DE SOLIS S History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated by Thos. Townsend. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, maps and plates, neat. 7s 1753 906 DE SOLIS S Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Townsend. Folio, printed in double columns, neat (no title). 3s 907 DE TORRES (Dieghi) de Rebus Peruanis Commentarius, a Joanne Hayo, Dalgcdtiensi Scoto ex Italo in Latinum conversus. 12mo, a rare edition, half morocco. 15s Antv., 1604 908 DEUX-PONTS (Count William de) My Campaigns in America, 178081. Translated from the French MS., with Introduction and Notes, by S. A. Green. 8vo, uncut. 4s Qd Boston, 1868 909 DE VEER (Gerrit) True Description of Three Voyages by the North-East towards Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch in 1594 96. Edited by Cha. T. Beke. Thick 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 9s Hdkluyt Soc. 1853 910 DE WITT Clinton (Gov.) Autograph Letter of. 2s Qd 911 DE WITT S (Corn.) Jefferson and the American Democracy; an historical study. Translated by Church. 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd (pub. at 12s) 1862 912 D HOMERGUE AND DUPONCE AIL Essays on American Silk, and the best means of rendering it a source of Individual and National Wealth, with Directions to Farmers for raising Silk Worms. 8vo, calf. 3s Philadelphia, 1830 913 DIARY of the Wreck of H.M.S. "Challenger" on the Coast of Chili. 8vo, plates, half calf. 2s boards. 2s 1839 914 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO. Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva Espana. Folio, FIRST EDITION, FINE COPY, in calf, marbled leaves. 4. 4s Madrid, 1632 915 DIAZ DEL CASTILO (Bernal.) True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Keatinge. 4to, map, cloth, lettered. 7s Qd whole calf gilt. 9s Qd Jialf russia. Ss Gd Jialf morocco, mar bled leaves. 10s 1800 916 DIAZ S True Account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by Lockhart. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Us (pub. at XL 14s) 1844 " Bernal Diaz s account bears all the marks of authenticity, and is accom panied with such pleasant naivete, with such interesting details, with such, amusing vanity, and yet so pardonable in an old soldier who had been, as he boasts, in a hundred and nineteen battles, as renders his book one of the most singular that is to be found in any language." Dr. Robertson. 917 DICEY (Edward, Correspondent of Macmillan s Magazine, and the Spectator) Six Months in the Federal States. 2 vols. post 8vo, new cloth. 4s 6d 1863 918 DICKENS (Chas.) American Notes for General Circulation. Post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 2s 1850 919 DICKENSON (Jonathan) God s Protecting Providence Man s Surest Help and Defence in Times of Greatest Difficulty and most Eminent Danger, Evidenced in the Remarkable Deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other persons, from the Devour ing Waves of the Sea, amongst which they suffered Shipwreck, 64 Books relating to America, on Sale by and also from the Cruel Devouring Jaws of the Inhuman Canni bals of Florida ; faithfully related by one of the Persons con cerned therein, Jonathan Dickenson. I2mo,neat, scarce. 5s 1720 920 DICKENSON. Another edition, 12mo, half calf . 5s 1790 921 DICKENSON. Another edition, 12mo (a corner torn off last leaf), bound. 3s 1759 922 DICKINSON (Jonathan) The True Scripture Doctrine concerning some Important Points of Christian Faith, with Sketch of the Life of the Author, by W. Austin. 12mo, new half calf. 6s Elizabeth Town, 1793 923 DICKINSON S (Jonathan, of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey) Sermons separately at Boston, Philadelphia, and now first collected into 1 volume. 8vo, uncut. 4s Edinburgh, 1793 924 DICKINSON (Jonathan, Minister of the Gospel at Elizabeth Town, New Jersey) Familiar Letters to a Gentleman upon a variety of Seasonable and Important Subjects in Eeligion. 8vo, calf neat. 3s Dundee, 1772 925 DICKINSON S (Jona., President of Princeton College) Sermons and Tracts separately published at Boston, Philadelphia, &c. 8vo, boards. 5s Edinburgh, 1793 926 DICKINSON S (John) Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 8vo, half morocco. 5s Philadelphia, D. Hall, 1768 927 DICKINSON (Capt. Thomas) Narrative of the Operations for Recovery of the Public Stores and Treasure sunk in H.M.S. Thetis, at Cape Frio, on the Coast of Brazil. 8vo, frontispiece and plates, cloth. 3s Qd 1836 928 DICKSON S Narrative of an Attack upon a party of Travellers proceeding from Mexico to the Coast, in which all were destroyed but Himself by Mexican Banditti. 8vo, with manuscript note by Mr. J. G. Chaplin, half calf . 2s 929 DIE Newe Welt der Landschaften und Insulen von den Portuga- lesern und Hispaniern im Nidergenglichen Meer herfunden. Folio, 2 leaves wanted, otherwise fine large copy, vellum. 2. 2s. Sfras., 1534 930 DIENIEUWEWEERELT der Landtschappen ende Eylanden (con taining the early voyages of Cadomosto, Marco Polo, Columbus, Cortez, Peter Martyr, Vesputius, &c.) Folio, BLACK LETTER (wants a leaf), vellum. 18s perfect copy, 1. 10s Antwerp, 1563 931 DIERREVILLE, Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de 1 Acadie ou de la Nouvelle France. 1 2mo, frontispiece, rare. 1 5s A mst. 1710 932 DIGHTON. Explication de la Pierre de Taunston (the sculptured Rock at Dighton, Mass.) par Dammartin. 8vo, 2 folding plates, the whole of the text lithographed, half calf. 4s Paris, n. d. 933 DIPLOMACY of the United States, being an Account of the Foreign Relations of the Country, 1778-1814. (By T. Lyman 1) 8vo, boards. 4s Boston, 1826 934 DIPLOMATIC Correspondence. Papers relating to Foreign Affairs accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the first Session of the 38th Congress. 2 thick 8vo. vols. cloth. 4s Washington, 1864 935 DISCURSO politico istorico moral sobre la situacion presente de la Europa en el qual se conclure la verdadera forma de desenpenar su A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 65 decoro y de sacar las mayores conbenienvas para el rey D. Felipe V. Folio, a MANUSCRIPT of 90 pages, in a large clear hand. 7s Qd (About 1750) 936 DIXON (Capt. Geo.) Voyage round the World, more particularly to the North- West Coast of America, 1785 to 1788. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 6s half calf. 7s Qd whole calf, fine copy. 8s Qd 1789 937 DIXON S Voyage. LARGE AND THICK PAPER COPY, with the Natural History plates coloured, calf neat. 14s 1789 938 DIXON (William Hepworth) New America. 2 thick vols. 8vo, portraits and plates, cloth. 6s (pub. at 30s) 1867 939 DOBBS (A.) Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson s Bay, with a Vocabulary of the Languages of several Indian Nations. 4to, maps, boards. 10s Qd half bound. 10s whole calf (no map). 5s LARGE PAPER, map, old calf. 9s 1744 940 DOBEIZHOFFEE S Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay (translated by Miss Sarah Coleridge). 3 vols. 8vo, boards. 12s half calf gilt. Us (pub. at 1. 16s.) 1822 The Abipones have been in one thing fortunate above all other savages, for the history of their manners and fortunes by Martin Dobrizhoffer, a Q-erman J esuit, who devoted the prime of his years to the task of converting them, and in old age, after the extinction of his order, found consolation in, recording the knowledge which he had so painfully acquired, and the labours which had been so miserably frustrated, is, of all books relating to savage life, the most curious, and, in every respect, the most interesting. Southey s History of the Brazils. 941 DOMENECH (L Abbe) Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico, a Personal Narrative of Six Years Sojourn in those Ee- gions. 8vo, map, half calf. 4s Qd 1858 942 DOMENECH (Abbe Em.) Seven Years Eesidence in the great Deserts of North America. 2 thick vols. 8vo, map, and many coloured plates, cloth, new. 10s Qd (pub. at 1. 8s.) 1860 943 DONNANT (D. F.) Statistical Account of the United States of America, translated by W. Playfair. 8vo, coloured frontispiece of a divided Circle, boards. 5s 1805 944 DOOLITTLE (Hon. Mark) Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church in Belch ertown, Mass., from its Organization, 114 years, with Notices of Pastors and Officers, and list of Communicants Chronologically Arranged. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s Qd Northampton, Mass. 1852 945 DOEVO-SOULASTEK Voyage par Terre de St. Domingo au Cap Fran9ais. 8vo, plate, calf. 3s Qd sewed. 3s 1809 946 DOUGLAS S (Dr. W.) Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Present State of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 10s Qd 1755 947 DOUGLAS S AMEEICA. Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. 7s whole calf. 12s 1760 948 DOUGLAS S (John) Medical Topography of Upper Canada. 8vo, boards. 2s 1819 949 DOW (Lorenzo, a singular religious character of Coventry. Ct.), Travels and Providential Experience, written by himself, with Appendix, containing Credentials, &c., his Travels in America, 2 vols. small 8vo, boards, scarce. 6s Qd Liverpool, 1806 8 66 Books relating to America, on Sale by 950 DRAKE (Sir F.) Narrationes Duse admodum memorabiles quarum prima continet Diarium expeditionis Francisci Draki, Equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales Susceptae emendatius quam antea editae additis insuper tabulis Geographicis accuratissimis (which is wanting). iv,fine large copy, half morocco. 4. 4s. Noribergce, 1590 An edition unnoticed by American bibliographers. 951 DEAKE. Sir Francis Drake Revived, calling upon this Dull and Effeminate Age to folowe his Noble Steps for Golde and Silver ; Relation of the Rare Occurrences in a Third Voyage made by him into the West Indies. 4to, portrait on title (stained), new calf gilt. 1.55. 1626 952 DRAKE. Another Copy. 4to (wanting title page), half morocco. 10s Qd 1626 953 DRAKE (Sir F.). Sir Francis Drake Revived, calling upon this Dull or Effeminate Age to Follow his Noble Steps for Gold and Silver, by this Memorable Relation of the Rare Occurrences in a Third Voyage into the West Indies, Revised by Sir Francis himself, and enlarged by his Notes, and set forth by Sir Francis Drake, Baronet, now Living. 4to, portrait, and arms on title page, half morocco, rare. 2. 5s 1628 954 DRAKE (Sir Francis). The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, carefully collected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher. 4to Jt /we copy, russia, gilt leaves. 2. 12s Qd 1628 955 DRAKE (Sir Francis). The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, collected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher. 4to, portrait by De Leu, new, calf extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. 3. 3s 1652 956 DRAKE. The English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake Revived ; being a Full Account of his Dangerous Voyages and Adventures in Americain 1572 and 1585. By R. B. 12mo, calf neat. 7s Qd 1710 957 DRAKE. The World Encompassed by Sir F. Drake, being his next Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios, with Appendix and In troduction by W. S. W. Vaux. 8vo, cloth. 9s Hakluyt Society, 1855 958 DRAKE (Sir Francis) Life and Dangerous Voyages, taking the Towns of St. Jago, Saneto, Domingo, Carthagena, and St. Augustin. 12mo, portrait, new calf gilt. 10s 6d n. d. 959 DRAKE (Sir Francis) His Voyage, 1595, by Tho. Maynarde ; an Account of what took place at San Juan de Puerte Rico in the Indies, with the English Fleet under Drake and Hawkins ; in English and Spanish. 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd Hakluyt Society, 1849 960 DRAKE. Life of Sir Francis Drake, the first English Circumnavi gator, reprinted from the Biographia Britannica. Imp. 8vo, por trait and plate of his Chair at Oxford, boards. 3s 6d Another copy, without portrait and plate. 2s 1828 961 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Indian Captivities, or Life in the Wigwam ; True Narratives of Captives carried away by the Indians, from the earliest period to the present time. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 5s Auburn, 1850 962 DRAKE S (S, G.) Biography and History of the Indians of North America, with their Antiquities, Manners, Customs, Religion, and Laws. Thick 8vo, many engravings, cloth. Ss 6d half calf gilt. 10s d 1837 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 67 963 DUANE (W.) Visit to Columbia in 1822 and 1823, over the Cor dillera to Bogota, and thence by the Magdalena and Cartagena. Thick 8vo, plates, half morocco (title soiled). 5s PhiladeL, 1826 964 DRYDEN (John) The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. 4to, half morocco, gilt leaves. 3s Qd 1681 965 DUBOCCAGE (Madame) La Colombiade, ou la Foi portee au Nouveau Monde, en dix Chants. 8vo, portrait and plates, calf. 5s 1758 966 DUBOCCAGE. Another Edition. 8vo, plates, calf neat. 5s Paris, 1756 967 DUCHE (Jacob, Rector of Christ s Church and St. Peter s, Philadel phia) Discourses on Various Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece by Benj. West, half calf gilt. Qs whole calf . 6s Qd 1779 968 DUDEN S (Gott.) Bericht uber eine Reise nach den Westlichen Staaten Nordamerika s und einen Mehrjahrigen Aufenthalt am Missouri. 8vo, map, half calf. 5s 1834 969 DUFF S (Rev. R.) British Guiana, being Notes on its Natural Productions, Industrial Occupations, and Social Institutions. Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s Qd 1866 970 DUHRING S (H.) Remarks on the United States. Post 8vo, boards. 2s half calf gilt. 2s Qd 1833 971 DU LAC (Perrin) Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, et chez les Nations Sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, 1 Ohio et les Provinces qui le bordent en 1801, 1802, et 1803. 8vo, map and plate, calf neat. 15s Paris, 1805 972 DUMMER (Jer.) Defence of the New England Charters. 8vo, half calf. 4s Qd 1721 973 DUNCAN (David) Voyage to Davis Strait. 8vo, frontispiece, new half calf gilt. 4s Qd 1827 974 DUNCAN (Rev. Peter) Narrative of the Wesleyan Mission to Jamaica, with Remarks on the State of Society in that Colony. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1849 975 DUNCAN (John M.) Travels through part of the United States and Canada. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf. 3s whole calf, neat. 4s Glasgow, 1823 976 DUNDONALD (Earl of) Memoranda of Naval Services in the Liberation of Chili and Peru from Spanish Domination. 8vo, elegant calf gilt, marbled leaves. Ss Qd 1858 977 DUNLAP (William) Memoirs of Charles Brockden Brown, the American Novelist. 8vo, boards. 3s 1822 978 DUNLAP (William) History of the American Theatre. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth. 5s 1833 979 DUNN (Thomas) Discourse in the New Dutch Church, Nassau Street, before the New York Society, for the Information and Assistance of Persons Emigrating from Foreign Countries. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Qd 1794 980 DUNN (John) History of the Oregon Territory and British North American Fur Trade, and Habits of the principal Native Tribes on the Northern Continent. 8vo, map, cloth. 5s new half calf gilt. Qs Qd 1844 981 DU NORT (Oliver) Description du penible Voyage fait autour de 1 Univers, pour traversant le Destroict de Magellanes descouvrir 68 Books relating to America, on Sale by les Costes de Cica, Chili et Peru, &c. Folio, very curious plates, half morocco. 1. Is Amsterdam, 1610 982 DU PONCEAU. Memoire sur le Systeme Grammatical des Lan- gues de quelques Nations Indiennes de 1 Amerique du Nord. Thick 8vo, sewed. 5s Paris, 1838 983 DU PONCEAU (Dr. Peter) Dissertation on the Nature and Ex tent of the Jurisdiction of Courts of the United States. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1624 984 DU PRATZ (Le Page) Histoire de la Louisiane la decouverte de ce vaste Pays, 1 Histoire Naturelles, les Mceurs, Coutumes, et Religion des Naturels, &c. 3 vols. 12mo, maps and plates, whole calf, \3s-fine copy, in old French calf. 16s Paris, 1758 985 DU PRATZ. Louisiane. 3 vols. 12mo, Southey the Poet s copy, with his autograph on the title, half calf, very neat. 16s 1758 986 DU PRATZ (Le Page) History of Louisiana, or of the Western parts of Virginia and Carolina, translated from the French. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. 10s Qd calf neat. 13s 1763 987 DU PRATZ. Another Edition. 8vo, maps, half calf. 10s Another, half calf, edges uncut. 12s 6d 1774 988 DURFEE (Job) What Cheer ? or Roger Williams in Banishment, a Poem. Small 8vo, cloth, with autograph of Romeo Elton, to whom the work is dedicated. 4s Providence, E. /., 1832 989 DURHAM (Earl of) Report and Despatches on the Affairs of British North America. 8vo, cloth. 3s half calf gilt. 4s 6d London, 1839 990 DWIGHT S (Dr. Timothy) Conquest of Canaan, a Poem in Eleven Books. 8vo, half red morocco, leaves uncut. 5s Qd 1788 991 DWIGHT S (Timothy) Conquest of Canaan, a Poem in Eleven Books. 8vo, calf gilt. 4s 1788 992 DWIGHT (Timothy) Discourse on some Events of the last Cen tury, delivered in the Brick Church in New Haven. 8vo, half morocco. 5s New Haven, 1801 993 DWIGHT S (Dr. Timothy) Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. 8vo, boards. 8s 1823 994 DWIGHT (Timothy, LL.D., President of Yale College) Memoirs of. 12mo, portrait, boards. 2s 1822 995 T71ASTMAN (Mrs. Mary H.) Chicora and other Regions of the _LJ Conquerors and the Conquered. 4to, fine plates, cloth gilt. 7s 6d (pub. at XL 5s) Philadelphia, 1854 996 EASTWICK S (Edw. B.) Venezuela, or Sketches of Life in a South American Republic, with a History of the Loan of 1864. 8vo, LARGE MAP, SECOND EDITION, new, cloth. 8s 6d (pub. at 16s) 1868 997 EATON (John Henry) Life of Major General Jackson, and History of the War in the South, from the Commencement of the Creek Campaign, to the termination of Hostilities before New Or leans. 8vo. 5s Philadelphia, 1824 998 ECHE VELAR (Manuel de) Instruccion exacta y util de las derotas y navegaciones, que se executan en todos tiempos en la America Septentrional de unos portos a otros. 4to, boards. 3s Cadiz, 1753 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 69 999 EDDIS S (W., Surveyor of Customs at Annapolis) Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, 1769 1777. 8vo, boards. 4:8 half calf. 4s Qd whole calf. 5s Qd 1792 1000 EDGE S (F. M.) Slavery Doomed, or the Contest between Free and Slave Labour in the United States. Post 8vo, cloth, 2s 1860 1001 EDWARDS (Bryan) History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 3 vols. 4to, many maps and plates, FINE COPY, calf, marbled leaves. 7s Qd 1794 1801 1002 EDWARDS (Bryan) History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 3 vols. 8vo, many maps and plates, calf. 5s 1807 1003 EDWARDS (Bryan) History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies, with continuation to the present time. Fifth and best Edition. 5 vols. 8vo, and Mo atlas and plates, half calf gilt. 1. Is boards. 18s 1819 1004 EDWARDS West Indies. The 4to plates and maps belonging to the last edition. Boards. 5s 1818 1005 EDWARDS (Bryan) Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo, and Military Transactions of the British Army in that Island. 4to, large folding map, boards. 3s half calf. 3s Qd 1797 1006 EDWARDS Island of St. Domingo. New Edition, with Sir W. Young s Tour through Barbadoes, St. Vincent s, &c. 4to, map and portrait, half russia. 5s 1801 1007 EDWARDS (Bryan) Poems written chiefly in the West Indies. Kingston (Jamaica), 1792 Edwards Speech at a Conference between the Council and Assembly of Jamaica, on the Subject of Mr. Wilberforce s Propositions on the Slave Trade, ib., 1789. In 1 vol. 8vo (a presentation copy from the Author), calf neat. 5s 1008 EDWARDS (Jonathan) The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, applied to that uncommon operation that has lately appeared on the Minds of many of the People in New England, with Preface by Rev. Mr. Cooper, and Letters from Rev. Dr. Colman, giving an Account of the present Work of God in those parts. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1742 1009 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Thoughts on the Present Revival of Re ligion in New England. 12mo, clean and neat. 3s 1743 1010 EDWARDS S Narrative of the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls, in Northampton, and neighbouring Towns and Villages of New Hampshire in New England. Small 8vo, old cf. 2s 1737 Another Edition. 12mo, calf. 2s 1738 1011 EDWARDS. Another copy, 1742 Testimony and Advice of an Assembly of Pastors of Churches in New England, at a Meeting at Boston. 1743 By Order of the Assembly. 1744 Tennent s (G., Minister in New Jersey) Some Account of the Principles of the Moravians (who had just then arrived in Ame rica). Recommended by Rev. Dr. Colman and other Ministers of Boston, 1743. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf neat. 10s Qd 1012 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Two Dissertations: First, Concerning the End for which God Created the World : and Secondly, the Nature of True Virtue. 8vo, first edition, good clean copy, boards. 7s Qd Boston, 1765 70 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1013 EDWARDS (Jon., Pres. of the Coll New Jersey) Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended (with Life and seven pages of List of Subscribers). 8vo, neat, in the original binding. 12s Boston, S. Kneeland, 1758 1014 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Farewel Sermon Preached at the first Precinct in Northampton, after the People s Publick Rejection of him as their Minister (with a preface detailing the circumstances), on June 22, 1750. 8vo, boards. Is 6d Boston, 1751 1015 EDWARDS (Jonathan) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Samuel Hopkins, D.D., revised and enlarged by the Editors of Edwards s Works. 8vo, portrait, boards. 3s 1815 1016 EDWARDS (Jonathan, President of New Jersey College) Whole Works, with Memoir of his Life by Hopkins, edited by Williams and Parsons. 8 vols, royal 8vo, boards. 16s 1806-17 1017 EDWARDS (Ed.) Notes on the Public Libraries in the United States of America. Small folio, privately printed, boards. 3s 1018 EGEDE (Hans) Description of Greenland, its Natural History, Situation, Boundaries, and Ancient and Modern Inhabitants. 8vo, map and plates, calf gilt. 5s plain calf. 4s 1 745 1019 EGEDE S Greenland, with an Historical Introduction. 8vo, map and engravings, boards. 3s caf. 4s 6d 1818 1020 EGEDE, Description et Histoire Naturelle du Greenland traduite en Franois. 8vo. Is 6d Geneve, 1763 1021 ELDER (Wm.) Biography of Elisha Kent Kane, the Arctic Ex plorer. 8vo, half caff , marbled leaves. 4s Qd Phil. 1858 1022 ELLIS (Samuel) History of the Order of the Sons of Temperance, from its Organization, 29th Sept. 1842, to the commencement of 1848 ; also Account of its Formation and Introduction into the several States of the Union. 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1840 1023 ELLIS S (Henry) Voyage to Hudson s Bay, in the Dobbs Galley and California, 1746-7, for Discovering a North- West Passage. 8vo, map and plates, half calf . 3s whole calf. 3s Qd 1748 1024 ELLIS S Hudson s Bay. Royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, calf neat. 10s Qd 1748 1025 ELLIS, Voyage de la Baye de Hudson. 8vo, neat. 3s Qd 1750 1026 ELY (Rev. E. S. of New York) Visits of Mercy, being the Journal of the stated Preacher to the Hospital and Almshouse in the City of New York. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf, gilt. 3s 6d 1813 1027 EMERY (Samuel Hopkins) The Ministry of Taunton, New England, with incidental Notices of other Professions, with In troductory Notice by Hon. Francis Baylies. 2 vols. post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 10s 6d Boston, 1853 1028 EMMONS (Nathaniel, D.D.) Sermons on Various Subjects of Christian Doctrine and Duty. &vo,port., cf. 4s Providence, 1823 1029 EMPSON S (Chas.) Narratives of South America, also numerous facts in Natural History Collected during a Four Years Resi dence (in Columbia and New Grenada). 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1836 1030 EMORY S (Major) Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leaven- worth in Missouri to San Diego in California. 8vo, maps, views, and plates of Natural History, boards. 5s Washington, 1848 1031 ENGEL, M6moires et Observations G6ographiques et Critiques sur la situation des Pays Septentrionaux de 1 Asie et de 1 Ame"- rique. 4to, maps, sewed. 4s calf. 4s Qd Another, in boards (little stained). 3s 6d 1765 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 71 1032 ENGEL (E. B. d ) Essai sur cette Question, quand et comment I Amerique, a-t-elle e"t6 peuple"e d Hommes et d Animaux. 4to, boards. 6s Amst. 1767 1033 Autre Edition. 12mo, vols. 1 to 4, calf. 2s Qd ib. 1767 1034 ENGLAND AND AMERICA, A Comparison of the Social and Poli tical State of both Nations. By E. G. Wakefield, the Colonizer of New Zealand. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, new half calf. 9s 1833 1035 American Edition in 1 vol. Royal 8vo, boards. 4s Qd N. Y. 1036 ENGLISHWOMAN (The) in America. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd Lond., J. Murray, 1856 1037 ENTICK (Rev. John) General History of the late War, its Rise, Progress, and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 5 vols. 8vo, maps and portraits, neat. 12s 1763 1038 ENTICK. Another copy. 5 vols. 8vo, plates and portraits (some wanting) half calf . Qs Qd 1763 1039 ENTICK. Second Edition, 5 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf neat. 13s 1765 1040 ENTICK. Third Edition (so called), 5 vols. 8vo, neat. 13s Qd 1766 1041 ENTICK. Fourth Edition. 5 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 15s 1779 Containing many interesting particulars relative to the Catabaw, Cherokee, Cbickesaw, Delaware, and other tribes of Indians. 1042 ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA (Alonzo de) La Araucana,primera,segunda, y tercera parte, 1733. Quarta y Quinta Parte en que se prosique y acaba la Historia de Ercilla hasta la Reducion del Valle de Arauco en el Reyno de Chile, por Don Diego Santistevan Osorio. Folio, neat. 1. Is Another, FINE COPY, in old calf gilt. 1. 5s in vellum. 1. 2s Madrid, 1733-35 1043 ERCILLA (Don Alonzo de) La Araucana. 2 vols. post 8vo, por- trait, FINE COPY, calf neat. 12s old calf . 10s Madrid, 177 Q 1044 ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA (A. de) La Araucana. 4 vols. 18mo, half calf. 4s Paris, 1824 The author was present at most of the transactions he states, and his truth may be relied oii.Ovalle. Cervantes says in his Don Quixote, that the Araucana of Ercilla was one of the best poems in heroic verse which the Castilians possessed, and might be compared with the most famous productions of Italy. Yoltaire placed Ercilla by the side of Homer, Virgil, Tasso, Camoens, and Milton. 1045 ERIE CANAL. Geological and Agricultural Survey of the Dis trict adjoining the Erie Canal in the State of New York, taken under the Direction of the Hon. S. Van Rensselaer. Part 1, royal 8vo, 2 maps, boards. 3s Albany, 1824 1046 ESCALONE (Gaspar de) Gazophilacium Regium Perubicum in quo omnes Materise Spectantes ad administrationem, calcula- tionem, et conservationem jurium regalium Regni Peruani discu- tiuntur editum. Folio, FINE COPY ON LARGE PAPER, calf neat. 1. 5s Matritii, 1775 1047 ESCHWEGE (W. C. von) Journal von Brasilien oder vermischte nachrichten aus Brasilien auf wissenschaftlichen reisen gesam- melt. 8vo, maps and plates, half calf. Qs Weimar, ISIS 1048 ESCHWEGE (W. L. von) Pluto Brasiliensis eine reihe von Ab- handlungen iiber Brasiliens Gold, Diamanten, und anderen Mineralischen Reichthum iiber die Geschichte seiner Entdeckung. 8vo, pp. 622, maps and plates, half calf gilt. 9s whole calf. Ws Berlin, 1833 A valuable work on the Gold and Diamond Mines of Brazil. 72 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1049 ESCOIQUIZ (Juan de) Mexico Conquistada Poema Heroyco. 3 vols. small 8vo, frontispiece, Spanish calf. 15s Madrid, 1798 1050 ESPINOSA (El Padre Fr. Isidro Felix de) El Peregrino Septen trional Atlante delineado en la Exemplarissima vida del Ven. Padre Fr. Antonio Margil de Jesus, Apostol. de Guatemala. 4to, vellum, scarce. 1. Is 1742 The greater part of his life was passed in Q-uatemala and Mexico, relating many surprising conversions to Christianity amongst the Indians. 1051 ESPRONCEDA (D. Jose de) Obras Poesias. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 5s Valparaiso, 1844 1052 ESQUIMAUX. The Gospel of St. John in Esquimaux Language. Small 8vo, calf. 5s 6d London, 1810 1053 ESQUIMAUX. A Narrative of the History of Eenoolooapik, a Young Esquimaux brought to England in 1839, with Account of the Discovery of Hogarth s Sound, and Remarks on the Northern Whale Fishery, by A. McDonald. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s Qd Edinb. 1841 1054 ESTAUGH (John, of Haddonfield, New Jersey) Call to the Un faithful Professors of Truth. 12mo, calf. 6s Qd Dublin, 1745 1055 ESTVAN (B., Col of Cavalry in the Confed. Army) War Pictures from the South. 2 vols. post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 4s 1863 1056 EVERARD (John) Gospel Treasures, or the Holiest of all Un veiling ; discovering yet more the Riches of Grace and Glory to the Vessels of Mercy. 4to, FINE COPY, calf gilt. 1. 11s 6d Lond., 1653, and now reprinted in Germantoivn by Christ. Sower, 1757 1057 EVERETT (Alex. E.) Europe ; or, a General Survey of the Pre sent Situation of the Principal Powers, with Conjectures on their Future Prospects. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Boston, 1822 1058 EVERETT (Alex. A.) America; or, a General Survey of the Poli- cal Situation of the several Powers of the Western Continent. 8vo, boards. 3s Philadelphia, 1827 1059 EVERETT S (Edward) the Mount Vernon Papers. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1860 1060 EVERETT (Edward) Oration delivered at Plymouth on the Anni versary of the Settlement of New England. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Boston, 1825 1061 EVERETT (Edward) Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855 : an Oration delivered on the 4th July, 1855, and Account of the Proceedings in Dorchester at the Celebration of the Day. Royal 8vo, cloth, autograph presentation copy. 5s Boston, 1855 1062 EXAMINATION of Jos. Galloway, Esq., late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania before the House of Com mons, in a Committee on the American Papers, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo, boards. 3s 1780 1063 EXAMINATION of the Principles of Peace and War. 12mo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1821 1064 EXCURSION through the United States and Canada, in 1822-3. By an English Gentleman. 8vo, map, boards. 2s 1824 1065 EXPOSE des Droits des Colonies Britanniques pour justifier le projete de leur Independence. 8vo, half bound. 4s Amst. 1766 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 73 1066 TRACTS relative to the Conduct of the War in the West Indies, _T collected from the Speech of Henry Dundas, and Documents laid before Parliament. 4to, half calf. 3s 1796; 1068 FAIRFIELD (Jane) Life of Simmer Lincoln Fairfield, Esq. Small 8vo, portrait, doth. 2s New York, 1847 1069 FAIRFIELD (Sumner L.) Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction, and other Poems. 8vo, boards. 2s New York, 1830 1070 FALCONER on the Discovery of the Mississippi, by De la Salle and Tonty. Post 8vo, large map, cloth. 3s 6d half calf gilt. 5s 1844 1071 FALKNER (Thomas) Description of Patagonia and adjoining Parts of South America, and particulars relating to Falkland Islands. 4to, no map, boards. 7s6d new half russia. 10s Hereford, 1774 1072 FAMILIAR Letters on Public Characters and Public Events, 1783 to 1815. 8vo, cloth. 3s Boston, 1834 More particularly respecting the Life and Writings of President Jefferson. 1073 FANCOURT (Charles) History of Yucatan, from its Discovery to the close of the 17th Century. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s new half calf gilt. 5s 6d, pub. at 10s 6d 1854 1074 FARIBAULT (G. B.) Catalogue d ouvrages sur 1 Histoire de I Amerique et en particuliere sur celle du Canada, Louisianne, Acadie, et autres lieux, ci-devant Nouvelle-France, avec notes bibliographiques, critiques. 8vo, calf gilt, scarce. 1. Is Quebec, 1837 1075 FARMER (Dr. Henry T.) Imagination, The Mancas Dream, and other Poems. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d Neiv York, 1819 1076 FARNHAM (Thomas J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. 2 vols. post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 7s Qd 1843 1077 FARNHAM (Thomas J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies. Crown 8vo, boards. 2s 6d Ploughkeepsie, 1843 1078 FARRAR (Timothy) Report of the Case of the Trustees of Dart mouth College against W. H. Woodward, Argued and Deter mined in the Superior Court of Judicature of the State of New Hampshire. Royal 8vo, boards. 5s Portsmouth, N. H. 1819 1079 FAUX S (W.) Memorable Days in America, being the Journal of a Tour, to shew Men and Things as they are. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4s boards. 3s 1823 1080 FEARON (H. B.) Narrative of a Journey of 5000 miles through the Eastern and Western States of America, with Remarks on Birkbeck s Notes and Letters. 8vo, Ms. 2s hf.cf.gt. 3s Qd 18 18 1081 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Excursion through the Slave States, from Washington on the Potomac to the Frontier of Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, cloth. 6s Qd new half calf gilt. 9s (pub. at 1. 8s.) 1844 1082 FEDERALIST (The) on the New Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, with Appendix. 8vo, calf. 5s Hallowell, 1826 The most complete edition. 74 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1083 FELT (Joseph B.) Annals of Salem. 2 vols. post 8vo, portrait and maps, cloth. 9s Qd Salem, 1845 1084 FELT (J. B.) Ecclesiastical History of New England, Vol. I., 1517 to 1647. Thick 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd Boston, 1835 It everywhere discloses a thoroughness of research and an accuracy of statement in regard to matters of fact which the early history of New Eng land never before had, and will never again need. 1085 FERGUSON (Adam) Practical Notes made during a Tour in Canada and a portion of the United States in 1831. 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd 1833 1086 FERMIN (Philippe) Description generale Historique et Physique, de la Colonie de Surinam. 2 vols. 8vo (wanting map), plates, half calf. 4s. Amst. 1769 1087 FERMIN (Ph.) Description de la Colonie de Surinam. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, map and plates, half calf . 4s 6d Amst. 1769 1088 FERRALL (S. A.) A Ramble of 6000 Miles through the United States of America. Svo, fac simile, boards. 3s 1832 1089 FERRIS. Memoirs of the Life of David Ferris, an Approved Minister in the Society of Friends, late of Wilmington, in the State of Delaware. Small Svo, boards. 2s hf. cf. 3s York, 1825 1090 FERRIS (Mrs. B. G.) The Mormons at Home, with some inci dents of Travel from Missouri to California. Post Svo, cloth. 3s New York, 1856 1091 FESSENDEN (Rev. Thomas, Pastor at Walpole, N. H.) Theoretic Explanation of the Science of Sanctity, according to Reason, Scripture, &c. Svo, neat. 3s Qd Brattleboro , 1804 1092 FIDLER S (Rev. I.) Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners, &c. in the United States and Canada. Post 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1833 1093 FINCH (T.) Travels in the United States of America and Canada, containing an Account of their Scientific Institutions and Notices of the Geology and Mineralogy of those Countries. Svo, half calf gilt. 3s cloth. 2s Qd 1833 1094 FISCH S (Rev. Geo.) Nine Months in the United States during the Crisis. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1863 1095 FISHER (Alex.) Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions in the years 1819 and 1820. Svo, map and plates, boards. 3s new half calf gilt. 3s Qd whole calf . 4s 1821 1096 FITZGERALD (J. E.) Examination of the Charter and Proceed ings of the Hudson s Bay Company with reference to the Grant of Vancouver s Island. 12mo, map, cloth. 2s Qd 1849 1097 FLACK S (Capt.) a Hunter s Experiences in the Southern States of America, with Account of its Natural History. Post 8vo, cloth. 5s Qd 1866 1098 FLETCHER (John, of Louisiana) Studies on Slavery. Thick Svo, new calf. 5s Natchez, 1852 1099 FLEURIEU (Evreux de) Voyage fait en 1768 et 1769 & differentes parties du Monde, pour eprouver en Mer les Horloges Marines invente" es par M. Berthoud. 2 vols. 4to, calf gilt, with the autograph of Alexander Humboldt. 10s Qd Paris, 1773 1100 FLINT (Jas.) Letters from America, Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States, Manners of the People, &c. Svo, new half calf gilt. 4s Qd 1822 A. R. Smith, 36, Soko Square, London. 75 1101 FLINT (T.) History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley, and Physical Geography of the Atlantic, United States, and the whole American Continent. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, bound. 4s 6d new half calf. 6s Cincinnati, 1832 1102 FLINTER (Colonel) An Account of the Present State of the Island of Puerto Rico. 8vo, boards. 5s new half calf gilt. 6s 6d 1834 1103 FLINTER (Major) History of the Revolutions of Caraccas, with Description of the Llaneros, or People of the Plains of South America. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1819 1104 FLORIDA. Description of East Florida, by W. Stork; with a Journal kept by John Bartram, of Philadelphia, Botanist, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John, as far as the Lakes. 4to, maps, half calf . 14s whole calf. 16s 1769 1105 FLORIDA. Account of East Florida, by W. Stork; with J. Bartram s Journal of a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John s. 8vo, map, half calf. 7s 6d 1106 FLORIDA. Recueil de pieces sur la Floride, publics pour la premiere fois en Fra^ais par H. Ternaux Compans. 8vo, sewed, 5s Paris, 1841 1107 FLORIDA. Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida by Don Ferdinando de Soto and his 600 followers. Translated from the Portuguese by Richd. Hakluyt, 1611, edited with Notes by W. B. Rye. 8vo, map, cloth. 10s 6d Hakluyt Society, 1851 1108 FLORIDA. Account of East Florida, with remarks on its future importance to Trade and Commerce, by W. Stork. 8vo, half russia, scarce. 7s 6d 1766 1109 FLORIDA. Case of Mr. John Gordon, with respect to the Title to Certain Lands in East Florida, purchased of his Catholic Majesty s Subjects by him and Mr. Jesse Fish. 4to, plan, pri vately printed, half morocco. 8s 6d 1772 1110 FLORIDA. Case of the Inhabitants of East Florida, with Ap pendix, containing Papers by which all the Facts stated in the Case are supported. 8vo, half morocco. 10s 6d St. Augustine, 1784 1111 FORBES (Alex.) California. A History of Upper and Lower California, from their first Discovery to the Present Time. 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1839 1112 FORM of Discipline for the Preachers, Ministers, &c., of the Me thodist Episcopal Church in America, Considered and Approved at a Conference at Baltimore. 12mo, neat. 4s 6d Phil., 1791 1113 FOOTE (W. H.) Sketches of Virginia, Historical and Biographi cal. Second Series. Royal 8vo, cloth. 5s Philadelphia, 1856 1114 FOWLER (Wm. C.) The Sectional Controversy, or Passages in the Political History of the United States, including the Causes of the War between the Sections. 8vo, cloth. 5s New York, 1862 The most complete Historical view which has been issued of the opinions of all the most eminent men of America, since the Independence, on the subject of the Secession of States. 1115 FORSTER (J. Reinhold) History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North (Canada, and the North-West and North-East Passages]. 4to, maps, a very interesting book, neat. 4s 6d 1786 1116 FOXE (Capt. Luke) North West Fox, or Fox from the North West Passage. 4to, wants title and /nap, vellum. l.lls6d 1635 76 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1117 FOX S (George) Epistle General to those who are of the Royal Priesthood and Chosen Generation, now made Publick, to be sent Abroad among the Saints (Quakers) scattered in Old and New England, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Scotland, Barbadoes, and Virginia. 4to, half morocco. 12s 1660 1118 FOX (George, the Quaker) Epistle to all Professors in New Eng land, Germany, and other parts of the called Christian World, also to the Jews and Turks throughout the World, that they may see who are the True Worshippers of God that he Seeks, and in what he is Worshipped. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1673 1119 FOX AND BURNYEAT. A New England Fire Brand Quenched, being an Answer unto a Slanderous Book, entituled, George Fox Digged out of his Burrows, &c., Printed at Boston in 1676, by Roger Williams, of Providence, in New England ; in Two Parts. As also an Answer to R. W. s Appendix, &c. 4to, new calf, GOOD COPY, with Manuscript Title to the first part, remarkably well done, rare. 3. &s Printed in the year 1679 1120 FOX AND BURNYE AT. Another copy. A good and complete one, new, calf extra, gilt edges. 4. 10s ib., 1679 1121 FOX (George, founder of the Quakers) Journal of his Life, Travels, and Sufferings (partly in America). 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 7s Qd Philadelphia, 1808 1122 FRANCHERE (Gabriel) Narrative of a Voyage to the North- West Coast of America in the years 1811, 12, 13, and 14, or the first American Settlement on the Pacific ; translated by J. V. Huntington. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s New York, 1854 1123 FRANCIS (J. W, Jun.) Memorial of the Life and Character of John W. Francis, Junr. 8vo, portrait, privately printed for pre sents, cloth. 3s New York, 1855 1124 FRANCISCI (Erasmi) Ost und West Indischer wie auch Sinesis- cher Lust und Stats Garden. 3 parts, a very thick folio vol. of 1800 pages, with numerous plates of Natural History, Antiquities, Views, Costumes, Ceremonies, &c. FINE CLEAN COPY in stamped pig s-skin. <!. 4s Number g, 1668 A sort of Encyclopaedia of the old writers on America, the East Indies, and China, preceded by a Catalogue of Books relating to the Indies. 1125 FRANCK (Sebastian) Weltbuch, spiegel und bildtnis des gantzen Erdtbodens in Asiam, Aphricam, Europam, und Americam. Folio, old stamped oaken binding, imperfect. 7s 6d 1542 One of the most important historical books on America of that date. 1126 FRANKLIN (James) Philosophical and Political History of the 13 United States of America, Vermont, East and West Florida, West India Islands, &c. 8vo, calf. 5s 1784 1127 FRANKLIN. The Examination (before the House of Commons) of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, relative to the Repeal of the American Stamp Act in 1766. 8vo, half morocco. 10s 6d cloth. 10s No place or printer s name, 1767 1128 FRANKLIN (Benj.) La Science du Bonhomme Richard, ou moyen facile de payer les Impots traduit de 1 Anglois. 12mo, half calf. 5s Philadelphia (Paris), 1777 1129 FRANKLIN. Private^ Life of Benj. Franklin, originally written by himself, and now translated from the French with a Variety of Anecdotes concerning him, by Brissot, Condorcet, &c. 8vo, boards. 5s 1793 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 77 1 130 FRANKLIN (Benj.) Autograph Letter to M. Guillotin. 2. 2s Philadelphia, Oct. 23, 1788 1131 FRANKLIN (Dr. Benj.) Political Miscellaneous and Philosophi cal Pieces (before and during the Troubles). 8vo, with fine bust of Franklin, with tJie motto " Non sordidus auctor naturae verique," half calf. WsQd 1779 1132 Another Copy. 4to, LARGE PAPER, boards, scarce. 15s 1779 1133 Another Copy (without the portrait). 4to, bound. 7s6d 1779 1134 FRANKLYN (G.) Answer to Rev. Mr. Clarkson s Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, in Letters from a Gentleman in Jamaica. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1789 1135 FRANKLIN (Sir John) First Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1819 to 1822. 4to, many plates, some coloured, fine copy, in russia, gilt leaves. 1. Is Another, half russia 18s in boards. 18s (pub. at 4. 4s) 1823 1136 FRANKLIN (Sir John) Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in 1825, 1826, and 1827. 4to, maps and numerous plates, boards. 1 . Is half calf. 1 8s blue morocco. 18s 1828 1137 FRANKLIN S Second Journey. A FINE PAPER COPY, WITH PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER OF THE PLATES, cloth (a presentation copy from the publisher to J. G. Lockhart). 2. 2s 1828 1138 FRANKLIN S Two Journeys to the Shores of the Polar Sea. 2 vols. 4to, numerous plates, boards. 1. 18s (pub. at 8. 8s) 18238 1139 FRANKLIN (Capt. John) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in 1819 to 1822. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, boards 5s half calf gilt. 6s 1824 Franklin s First Journey, without the Appendixes of the 4to. edition. 1140 FRANKLIN. Notice Biographique sur 1 Amiral Sir John Franklin, redigee sur la demand de la Societe de Geographie. Par de la Roquette. 4to, portrait, maps and facsimiles, sewed, privately printed. 5s Paris, 1856 1141 FRANKLIN (Sir John) Reflections on the Mysterious Fate of Sir John Franklin, by James Parsons. Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 3s 1857 1142 FRANKLIN S Present State of Hayti. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 6d new half calf gilt. 4s <od 1828 1143 FRANKREICH und die Friestaaten von Nordamerika, ein ver- such von Zimmerman. 12mo, neat. 3s Berlin, 1795 1144 FRANSHAM (John, of Norwich) The World in Miniature; or the Entertaining Traveller. 2 vols. 12mo, frontispiece to each vol., representing the costume of various countries, calf neat. 4s 6d 1740 The second vol. relates principally to America. 1145 FREMONT S (Capt.) Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, and California. 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s half morocco. 7s 6d 1846 1146 FRENCH (George) History of Col. Parke s Administration whilst he was Captain General and Chief Governor of the Leeward Islands, with an Account of the Rebellion in Antegoa, wherein he and others were Murthered. 8vo, calf (stained), scarce 5s 1717 78 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1147 FRENCH (George) Answer to a Scurrilous Libel; intitled, a Let ter to Mr. G. French, occasioned by his History of Col. Parke s Administration, with Character of Walter Hamilton, Esq., pre sent Capt. Gen. of the Leeward Islands, as of the fomentors of the Rebellion and Murder there. 8vo, calf, neat. 6s 1719 1148 FRENCH (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, embracing many Rare and Valuable Documents relating to the Natural, Civil, and Political History of that State. Part I. Historical Documents from 1678 to 1691. Royal 8vo, facsimile, cloth. 6s New York, 1846 1149 Part III. 8vo, facsimiles, cloth. 6s ib., 1851 1150 FRENEAU. Poems by Philip Freneau, on Various Subjects, but chiefly Illustrative of the Events and Actors in the American War of Independence, reprinted from the rare edition printed at Philadelphia in 1786, with a Preface. Thick fscap. 8vo, elegantly printed, cloth. 6s 1861 Freneau enjoyed the friendship of Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and Munroe, and the last three were his constant correspondents while they lived. His Patriotic Songs and Ballads, which were superior to any metri cal compositions then written in America, were everywhere sung with enthu siasm. See Griswold s " Poets and Poetry of America," and Duyckinck a " Cyclop, of American Literature." 1151 FREZIER (M.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux C6tes du Chily et du Perou, fait pendant les Annees 1712, 1713, et 1714. 4to, plates, calf neat. 7s 6d Paris, 1732 1152 FREZIER, Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coast of Chili and Peru. 4to, maps and plates, calf neat. 8s 6d 1717 1153 FREZIER. Another Copy. 4to, plates (one wanting and another torn), half calf. 5s 1717 The first author who drew attention to the Guano deposits off the Coast of Chili. 1154 FRISBIE (Professor) Collection of his Miscellaneous Writings, with some Notices of his Life and Character, by Professor Nor ton, of Harvard University. 8vo, boards. 5s Boston, 1823 1155 FROBISSERI (Martini, Angli) Navigationis in Regiones Occi- dentis et Septentrionis narratio historica, translata per J. T. Freigium (without the plate). 12mo, calf extra. 1. 5s 1580 1156 FROEBEL (Julius) Seven Years Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the far West of the United States. Thick 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1859 1157 FROGER (Le Sieur) Relation d un Voyage fait en 1695-6-7, aux Cotes d Afrique detroit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne, et Isles Antilles. 12mo, maps and plates, old calf. 5s Amst., 1699 1158 FROGER S Voyage to Africa, Streights of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenne, and the Antilles. 8vo, plates, calf, poor copy. 3s 6d Another, fair copy, calf neat. 5s 6d a very fine large clean copy, in the original binding. 9s 6d 1698 1159 FROTENAC, a Poem with Historical Notes, by Alfred B. Street. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 1849 1160 FROSSARD. La Cause des Esclaves Negres et des habitans de la Guinee portee au Tribunal de la Justice, de la Religion de la Politique. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece, fine copy, calf. 6s Ly on, 1789 1161 FROST (John, of Philadelphia) History of the United States of America. 12mo. Is 6d 1838 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 79 1162 FULFORD S (F., Bishop of Montreal) Five Occasional Lectures, delivered in Montreal. 8vo, cloth. 2s Montreal, 1859 1163 FULLARTON S (Col.) Statement, Letters, and Documents re specting the Affairs of Trinidad, 1804 Col. Fullarton s Refuta- tation of the Pamphlet which Col. Picton lately addressed to Lord Hobart, 1805. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf . 4s 6d 1164 FUNNELL (William) Voyage Round the World, containing an Account of Capt. Dampier s Expedition into the South Seas in 1703 and 1704, and the Author s Voyage from Amapalla, on the West Coast of Mexico, to East India. 8vo, maps and plates, good copy, in calf. 9s 1707 1165 pAGE (Thos.) The English American, his Travail by Sea and \J( Land, or a New Survey of the West Indies, containing a Journall of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles within the Main Land of America, with Grammar of the Indian Tongue. SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED by the Author. Folio, half calf. 18s 1655 1166 GAGE (Thomas) Survey of the Spanish West Indies, being a Journal of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles on the Continent of America, with a Grammar of the Indian Tongue, called Poconchi. 8vo, map, neat. 10s 6d 1677 Another Edition, 8vo, neat. 9s Qd 1699 Another Edition, calf. 10s 1702 Another, witliout title but with map. 5s 1702 1167 GAGE (Thomas) Nouvelle Relation contenant les Voyages dans la nouvelle Espagne, ses diverses Aventures. 2 vols. 1 2mo, plates (not in any other edition), old calf. 6s Amsterdam, 1699 1168 GALE (Rev. Nahum) The Pilgrim s First Year in New England. 12mo, engravings, cloth. 3s Boston, Mass., 1857 1169 GALLATIN (Albert) Sketch of the Finances of the United States. 8vo, half calf. 3s Qd New York, 1796 1170 GARAY (Don Jose" de) Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, executed in 1842 and 1843, to Establish a Communication be tween the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in English and Spanish, 1844, and G. Moro s additional Observations on the above map. 8vo, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1845 1171 GARCIA DE SENA (Manuel) Historia Concisa de la Estados Unidos. 8vo, half calf . 3s Philadelphia, 1812 1172 GARCIA (Fr. Greg.) Origen de los Indies de el nuevo mundo e Indias Occidentales. Folio, fine copy, calf neat. 1. 4s vellum. 1. 2s Madrid, 1729 1173 GARCIA. Another Copyl(wanting three leaves). Folio, sewed, uncut. Ss Qd 1729 1174 GARCILASO DE LA VEGA. Commentarios Reales que tratan de el Origen de los Incas Reies, que fueron del Peru de su Idola- tria, leies, y govierno en Paz, y en guerra de sus Vidas y Con- quistas y de todo lo que fue aquel Imperio y su Republica, antes que los Espanoles pasaran, a el. 2 vols. in 1. Madrid, 1723 La Florida del Inca Historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto y de otros heroicos Caballeros Espanoles e Indies, ib., 1723 Easayo Cronologico para la Historia general de la Florida desde el ano de 1512, que Descrubio la Florida Juan Ponce de Leon 80 Books relating to America, on Sale by hasta el de 1722, escrito por Don Gabriel de Cardenas y Cano. ib., 1723. Together, 4 vols. in 2, fine copy, calf gilt, red edges. 5. 5s 1175 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. La Florida del Inca ; Historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto y de otras herocios Cabelleros Espanoles e Indies. Folio, neatly -bound. 18s vellum. 1. Is Madrid, 1723 1176 GAECILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes. 4 vols. 8vo (wanting title to Vol. /.), sewed. 5s Paris, 1830 1177 GARCILLASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire des Yncas, rois du Perou, traduit par J. Baudoin. 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, calf neat. 7s Qd Amst. 1704 1178 GARDINER (Capt. Richard) Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, Guadelupe, and other Leeward Islands subject to the French King. 8vo, calf. 3s Qd 1760 1179 GARDINER S (Capt.) Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, with reduction of Guadelupe and other Leeward Islands (in French and English). 4to, finely printed by Baskerville, maps and plates, boards. 6s half russia. 7s calf neat. 8s Qd Birmingham, 1762 1180 GARDNER (Geo.) Travels in the Interior of Brazil, principally through the Northern Provinces and the Gold and Diamond Dis tricts, in 1836, 1841. 8vo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 7s Qd half calf. 8s Qd 1846 1181 GARZIA (Francesco) Istoria della Conversione alia nostra santa Fede dell Isole Mariane dette prima de Ladroni nella vita Prse- dicatione e morte Gloriosa per Christo del Ven. P. Diego Luigi di Sanvitores. Thick 4to, vellum. 15s 1686 Containing, amongst other curious relations, the remarkable conversion of a Mexican Cavalier and his Lady, during the author s residence of two years in Mexico, on his way to the Ladrone Islands. 1182 GASS (Patrick) Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery from the Mouth of the River Missouri, through the Interior Parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean. 8vo, calf. 4s 1808 1183 GAY (Ebenezer) Discourse on Joshua xiv., 10, delivered in the first Parish of Hingham, in America, the 85th Birth-day of the Author. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1783 1184 GEE S (Joshua) Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered, (contains a good deal about the trade with the American Plantations). 12mo, neat. 3s 1738 1185 GEOGRAPHY of America and the West Indies, by Wittich, Tucker, Porter, and Long. Thick 8vo, maps, cloth. 2s Qd 1845 1186 GEORGIA. Reason for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, with regard to the Trade of Great Britain, with some Account of the Country. 4to, frontispiece and map, half morocco. 10s Qd 1733 1187 GEORGIA. Account showing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia in America, from its first Establishment. Folio, half morocco. 15s 1741 1188 GEORGIA. Brief Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia attested upon Oath, being a proper contrast to " A State of the Province of Georgia attested A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 81 upon Oath and some Misrepresentations on the same Subject. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Gd 1743 1189 GEORGIA. Extract of the Preface to the Rev. Mr. Whitefield s Account of the Orphan House in Georgia, with Extracts of some Letters sent him from the Superintendents of the Orphan House, and from some of the Children. Small 8vo, half calf. 4s Qd Edinb. 1741 1190 GEORGIA. Penal Code of the State of Georgia, as enacted December 19, 1816, with Reflections on the same, and on Impri sonment for Debt. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Philadelphia, 18 17 1191 GEORGIA. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. I., 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d Savannah, 1840 1192 GEORGIA. Slave Life in Georgia, a Narrative of the Life, Sufferings, and Escape of John Brown, a Fugitive Slave. 12mo, portrait, cloth. 2s 1855 1193 GEORGIA. Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Gd 1741 "A very well written Tract, defending Georgia from the many reports propagated to the disadvantage of that colony." RICH. 1194 GERRISH. Happiness of a Holy Life exemplified in the Sick ness and Death of the Pious Mrs. Martha Gerrish, of Boston in New England, with the Funeral Sermon by N. Appleton. Small 8vo, old calf, scarce. 10,9 6d 1740 1195 GESNER S (A.) New Brunswick, its Early History, Account of the Indians, Settlement, Topography, Natural History, &c. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1847 1196 GESNER (Abr.) The Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia, with Topography and Natural History. 8vo, map and plate, cloth. 5s Halifax, 1849 1197 GHILLANY (Dr. F. W.) Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim nach den altesten vorhandenen Urkunden bearbeitet eingeleitet durch eine Abhandlung ueber die altesten Karten des neuen Continents ^und den namen Amerika von Alex. V. Hum- boldt. Royal 4to, portrait of Behaim, 3 early maps of America, &c., coloured, boards. 12s Number g, 1853 1198 GIBBS (Geo.) Memoirs of the Administrations of Washington and Adams, edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, Sec. of the Treasury. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, cloth. . 8s Qd New York, 1846 1199 GIDD1NGS (J. R.) Exiles of Florida, or the Crimes Committed by our Government against the Maroons who fled from South Carolina and other Slave States, seeking protection under Spanish Laws. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 6d Columbus, 1858 1200 GILLESPIE S (Major) Gleanings, collected during many months residence at Buenos Ayres, and written in the Upper Country. 8vo, maps, half calf. 4s 1818 1201 GILLIAM S (A. M.) Travels over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico, including California and the Mining Districts. 8vo, plates and maps, cloth. 5s Philadelphia, 1846 1202 GILLIS S (J. M.) Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, made at Washington, under orders of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy. Royal 8vo, plates, half morocco. 5s Wash., 1845 10 82 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1203 GILLIES (John) Historical Collections relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the Gospel, and Eminent Instruments employed in promoting it. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. 9s Glasgow, 1754 It contains a copious history of the success of the Gospel in America in the 18th century; 1204 GILLISS (Lieut. J. M.) Chili, its Geography, Climate, Earth quakes, Government, Social Condition, Mineral and Agricultural Resources, and Natural History, taken by the U. S. Astronomical Expedition, in 1849 to 1852. 2 vols. 4to, many plates, some coloured, and maps, cloth. 1. 5s Philadelphia, 1856 1205 GILMOR S (Col. Harry) Four Years in the Saddle during the American War. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd, pub. at 7s Qd 1866 1206 GISBORNE (Lionel) Isthmus of Darien in 1852, Journal of the Expedition of Inquiry for the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Post 8vo, 4 maps, cloth. 3s 6d 1853 1207 GLADSTONE (Thomas H.) Kansas, or Squatter Life and Border Warfare in the Far West. 12mo, map and pis., cl. 2s 6d 1857 1208 GLEIG S (G. R.) Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans under Generals Ross, Pakenham, and Lambert, by an Officer who served in the Expedition. 8vo, boards. 4s 1821 1209 GLENELG S (Lord) Despatches to Sir F. B. Head during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1839 1210 GODARD-LANGE. La Congregation, ou une Mission chez les Iroquois, Poeme-Asceti-Epique en 9 Chants, avec des Notes. 8vo, curious frontispiece, sewed. 3s 6d Paris, 1846 1211 GODET S (Dr. T. L.) Bermuda, its History, Geology, Climate, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1860 1212 GODLEY (John Robert) Letters from America. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1844 1213 GODWIN (Rev. Benj.) Substance of a Course of Lectures on the British Colonial Slavery, delivered at Bradford, York, and Scar borough. 8vo, boards. 2s 1830 1214 GODWYN S (M.) Negro s and Indian s Advocate suing for their Admission into the Church, or a Persuasive to the Instructing and Baptizing the Negroes and Indians in our Plantations, with a Brief Account of Religion in Virginia. 8vo, half calf (little stained}. 9s good copy, calf. 14s 1680 1215 GOLDEN FLEECE divided into three Parts, under which are Discovered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdom, and lastly the Wayes to get Wealth and to restore Trading so much complained of, transported from Cambrioll Colches out of the Southermost part of the Island called New foundland, by Orpheus Junior. 4to, good clean and sound copy, old calf. 1. 18s 1626 1216 Another copy, calf gilt. 1 . 1 Os. 1626 1217 GOLOVIN (Ivan) Stars and Stripes, or American Impressions. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1856 1218 GOMARA (Fr. Lopez di) Historia delle Nuovi Indie Occidentale con tutti i Discoprimenti, et cose Notabili Avvenute dopo 1 Ac- quisto di esse, parte seconda. Thick 12mo, half calf . 1. 5s calf. 1. 4s Fenetia, 1560 An edition not mentioned by Ternaux or Eich. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 83 1219 GOMARA (Fr. Lopez di) Another edition, 12mo, (wanting 3 leaves) vellum. 12s F^. 1576 1220 GOMARA S Pleasant Historic of the Conquest of the West Indies, now called New Spayne, atchieved by the worthy Prince Her- nando Cortes, Marquis of the Valley of Huoxacac, most delecta ble to reade. Translated by T. N., Anno 1578. 4to, Mark Utter, FINE COPY, excepting the title-page in facsimile, red morocco, gilt leaves, extra tooled by Pratt. 6. 16s Qd London, H. Bynneman, n. d. 1221 GOODRICH (S. G., Consul a Paris] Les Etats-Unis d Amerique, apercu Statistique, Historique, Geographique, Industriel et Social. 8vo, sewed. 3s Paris, 1852 1222 GOODRIDGE (C. M.) Narrative of a Voyage to the South Seas, and the Shipwreck of the " Princess of Wales " Cutter, with an Account of Two Years Residence on an Uninhabited Island. 12mo, portrait and plates, half calf gilt. 3s Qd boards. 2s Qd Exeter, 1847 1223 GOODSIR (Robt. A.) Arctic Voyage to Baffin s Bay and Lancaster Sound, in Search of Friends with Sir John Franklin. Post 8vo, folding map and plate, cloth. 3s Qd 1850 1224 GORDON (D.). Autograph Letter, from D. Gordon, Philadelphia, 24 Jan. 1778. 2s Qd " In this town you might as well pretend to dispose of the Dutcbess of Devonshire s clothes after a birth day, as such finery to our demures. The Rebels have threatened burning our Shipping Deserters came in daily in tens and twenty," &c., &c. 1225 GORDON (Dr. Wm.) Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America, including an Account of the late War, and of the 13 Colonies, from their Origin to that period. 4 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, whole calf. 18s 1788 1226 Another Copy. 4 vols. 8vo, clean in bds., uncut. 1. 4s 1788 1227 Another Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, neat. 14s New York, 1789 Dr. Gordon went to America in 1770, and remained there until 1786, and wrote a considerable part of his work on the spot. Congress allowed him the inspection of such records as could with propriety be submitted to the perusal of a private person. Washington, Gates, Greene, Lincoln, and Otho Williams also allowed a liberal examination of their papers. " The accounts here given of American Affairs," says the author, "are so different in several respects from what have been the conceptions of many on each side of the Atlantic, that it was necessary to insert a variety of letters, papers, and anec dotes, to authenticate the narrative." 1228 GORDON (Thos. F.) History of the Spanish Discoveries in Ame rica prior to 1520. 2 vols. 12mo, 2 portraits, cloth. 4s Phil., 1831 1229 GOSSE S (P. H.) Canadian Naturalist. Post 8vo, many woodcuts, neat, half calf. 6s Qd 1840 1230 GOSSE (P. H.) Letters from Alabama, chiefly relating to Natural History. 12 mo, cloth. 3s 1859 1231 GOSSELMAN (C. A.) Reise zwischen Sud und Nord America. 8vo, boards. 3s Rostock, 1834 1232 GOTTFRIEDT (J. L.) Newe Welt und Amerikanische Historien, inhaltende Warhafftige und Volkommene Beschreibungen aller West Indianischen Landschaften, Insulen, Konigreichen und Pro- vintzien. Folio, maps, and above 200 curious plates engraved by Matthew Merian after De Bry, FINE COPY, in vellum. 3. 3s 1631 84 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1233 GOTTFRIEDT (J. L.) Historia Antipodum, oder Newe Welt. Folio, with upwards of 200 plates engraved by Matt Median (two sheets in MS. coeval with tlie publication), new half russia, a very curious volume. 2. 12s 6d Frankfurt, 1655 1234 GOUGE S (W. M.) The Fiscal History of Texas. 8vo, cloth. 3s Philadelphia, 1852 1235 GOUELAY S (Robt.) Statistical and Historical Account of Upper Canada. 3 thick vols. 8vo, plates and maps, boards. 6s 1822 1236 GOWER S (Admiral Sir Erasmus) Account of the Loss of his Majesty s Sloop " Swift," in Port Desire, Coast of Patagonia, in 1770, and of other events which succeeded. 8vo, map, PKIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco. 5s 1803 1237 GRAAF (Nic. de) Reysen na Asia, Africa, America (Brazil), en Europa, mitsgarders syn Oostjndische Speigel. 4to, frontispiece and plates, half calf. 3s U Tot Hoorn, 1704 1238 GRAAH S (Capt.) Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, in search of the lost Colonies. Translated from the Danish by G. Gordon Macdougall. 8vo, folding map, cloth. 4s 6d 1837 1239 GRAHAM S Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, one of the United States. 8vo, portrait, neat. 5s boards (no portrait). 3s Qd 1797 1240 GRAHAME S History of the Rise and Progress of the United States till the British Revolution of 1688. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 6s 6d 1827 1241 GRAHAME S History of the United States of America to their Declaration of Independence. 4 vols. 8vo, boards. 14s 1836 " This historical work is the fruit of more than eleven years of intense meditation, eager research, industrious composition, and solicitous revisal. Author s Preface. 1242 GRAHAM S (Maria) Voyage to Brazil and Residence there, 1821 to 1823. 4to, plates, boards. 5s half calf . 6s 6d 1824 1243 GRAHAM (Maria) Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there in 1821, 1822. and 1823, plates, 1824 Journal of a Resi dence in Chili in 1822, and Voyage from Chili to Brazil in 1823, plates. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf . 12s 1244 GRAHAM (Mrs. Isabella, of New York) Power of Faith Exem plified in the Life and Writings of. 8vo, portrait inserted, calf neat. 3s 1816 1245 GRANDIDIER (M. Ernest) Voyage dans 1 Amerique du Sud, Perou et Bolivie. 8vo, sewed. 4s 6d Paris, 1861 1246 GRANT S (Mrs.) Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery as they existed previous to the Revolu tion. 2 vols. in 1, post 8vo, half calf . 4s 1808 1247 GRATTAN (Thos. Colley, her Britannic Majesty s Consul for Massa chusetts) Civilized America. 2 vols. 8vo, map, cloth. 6s 6d 1859 1248 GRAVES (J.) Account of the Bahama Islands, their Situation, Product, Conveniency of Trading with the Spaniards, Benefit from the great quantities of Salt made by the Sun, and Safety of all Ships in Distress by the Harbour. 4to, half mor. 15s 1708 1249 GRAY (Hugh) Letters from Canada during a Residence there, 1806 to 1808. 8vo, map, boards. 2s half calf. 2s 6dcalf gilt. 3s 1809 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 85 1250 GRAYDON S (Alex.) Memoirs of his own Time, with Reminis cences of Men and Events of the Revolution, edited by Littell. Thick 8vo, cloth. 12s 1846 1251 GREELEY S (Horace) American Conflict, a History of the Great Civil War in the United States, Vol. I. Very thick royal 8vo, portraits and maps, doth. 5s 1865 1252 GREENLAND AND ICELAND. Relation du Greenland, map and plate, Paris, 1647 Relation de 1 Islande, par la Peyrere, map, Paris, 1663. In 1 vol. 12mo, old calf. 12s 1253 GREENOUGH (Horatio) Memorial of, consisting of Selections from his Writings and Tributes to his Genius, by Henry G. Tuckerman. 8vo, cloth. 3s New York, 1853 1254 GREENHOW S (Robt., Librarian to the Department of State) Me moir of the North-west Coast of America and adjacent Terri tories. Royal 8vo, large map, cloth. 4s Qd half calf. 5s New York, 1840 1255 GREENHOW S (Robt.) History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North-west Coast of America, ac companied by a Geographical View and Map, and a number of Proofs and Illustrations of the History. Thick 8vo, large map, cloth. 7s Qd (pub. at 16s) London, 1844 1256 GREENLANDISH ? Nalegapta Jesusib Kritsuib Piulijipta Pin- niarningit Anialervinga Nellintingmet okantsinnik Tussarnertun- nik Aglengniartut sittamaet Katissimavut attantsimut. Small 8vo, half calf. 7s Qd Barbine, 1800 1257 GREGOIRE (H.) De La Litterature des Negres, ou Recherches sur leurs Facultes Intellectuelles, leurs Qualites Morales, et leur Litterature ; suivies de Notices sur la Vie et les Ouvrages des Negres qui se sont Distingues dans les Sciences, les Lettres, et les Arts. 8vo, seived. 5s Paris, 1808 1258 GREGORY (William) Visible Display of Divine Providence, or Journal of a Captured Missionary designated to the Southern Pacific Ocean (his residence in Monte Video, Paraguay, &c.) 8vo, map and plates, calf. 4s Qd 1800 SECOND EDITION. 8vo, half calf , wanting a plate. 3s 1801 1259 GRENADA. Laws of the Legislature of the Island of Grenada and the Grenadines. 2 vols. folio, interleaved calf. 15s Grenada, 1778 1260 GRENADA. Laws of Grenada, from the Year 1763 to 1805, with Tables of all the Statutes, and Index of Contents, by Geo. Smith. 4to, boards. 10s Qd 1808 1261 GRENADA. Review of the events which have happened in Grenada from the Commencement of the Insurrection. By a Sincere Well- Wisher to the Colony. 4to, facsimile title, cloth. 7s Qd Grenada, 1795 1262 GRIMKE S (A. C.) Letters to Catherine E. Beecher on Slavery and Abolitionism. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1838 1263 GRIMSHAW (W.) History of the United States, from their first Settlement as Colonies to the Peace of Ghent. 8vo, calf. 2s Qd Philadelphia, 1820 1264 GRONNIOSAW. Narrative of Remarkable Particulars in the Life of J. A. N. Gronniosaw, an African Prince (his living in New York, &c.) Related by himself. Small 8 vo, half morocco. 3s No place or date. (About 86 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1265 GRUND (Francis J.) The Americans in their Social, Moral, and Political Relations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1837 1266 Another Edition. 2 vols. in 1, post 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1837 1267 GRYNAEUS. Novus Orbis Regiomim ac Insularum Veteribus Incogmtarum. Folio (no map), half vellum. 15s Another, in boards. 14s Basilea, 1532 1268 GRYNAEUS. Another Edition. Folio, with the map, calf neat. 1. Is Another. Without map, little wormed, calf. 16s Another in vellum. 15s ^.1537 1269 GRYNAEUS (Simon) No vus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum Veteri bus Incogmtarum. Folio, Wanting map and last leaf, cf. 7s 6d ib. 1555 Containing the Voyages of Columbus, Yespucius, Peter Martyr s " De Insulis nuper repertis," Cortes s Letters, &c., &c. It is the earliest collec tion of Voyages ever published. 1270 GRYNEUS. Die Nieuwhe Weerelt der Landtschappen ende Ey- Landen die tot hier toe alien onden Weerelt Bescrijvere onbekent geweest sign. Folio, half calf . 1. Is Strasburg, 1534 This edition is considerably augmented. 1271 GUATEMALA. Statement of the Important Grants conceded to the Eastern Coast of Central America Commercial and Agricul tural Company of the State of Guatemala. 8vo, maps, cloth. 2s 1839 1272 GUATEMALA. Colonie de Santo-Tomas (in the Bay of Hondu ras) Enquete de M. Blondeel Van Culebronk. Par M. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres. Folio, maps, half morocco. 12s firuxelles, 1846 1273 GUIANA. Eight Years in British Guiana, with Anecdotes and Incidents Illustrating the Social Condition of its Inhabitants, and State and Prospects of the Sugar Colonies. 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1850 1274 GUIBERT. Eloge du Roi de Prusse, Londres, 1787 Condorcet Eloge de M. Franklin lu a la Seance Publique de 1 Academic des Sciences, Paris, 1791. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 3s 1275 GUILLERMIN (G.) Precis Historique des derniers evenemens de la Partie de Test St. Domingue, depuis le 10 Aout, jusqu a la Capitulation de St. Domingue. 8vo, sewed. 4s Qd Paris, 1811 1276 GUIZOT S Essay on the Life and Character of Washington, Translated by Reeve. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd 1840 1277 GUMILLA (J.) Historia Natural, Civil, y Geografia de las Na- ciones situadas en las Riveras del Rio Orinoco. 2 vols. 4to, maps and plates, vellum. 1. 8s Madrid, 1745 1278 GUMILLA (P. Joseph) Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique de 1 Orenoque, et des principales Rivieres qui s y jettent, des usages et coutumes des Indiens qui 1 habitent. 3 vols. 12mo, map and plates, calf neat. 10s Qdfine clean copy in old calf. 14s Avignon, 1758 1279 GUNNISON (Lieut.) The Mormons in the Valley of the Great Slave Lake, during a residence among them. 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd 1852 1280 GURLEY (Rev. R. R.) Mission to England in Behalf of the Ame rican Colonization Society. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd Wash., 1841 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 87 1281 GUENEY (Jos. John) A Winter in the West Indies, described in familiar letters to Henry Clay, of Kentucky. 8vo, plates, doth. 2s 1841 1282 GUEOWSKI (Adam G. de) America and Europe. Crown 8vo, doth. 3s Qd New York, 1857 1283 TTACKETT S (J.) Narrative of the Expedition which sailed XI from England in 1817, to join the South American Patriots. 8vo, boards. 2s calf gilt. 3s 1818 1284 HACKE S Collection of Original Voyages; containing Captain Cowley s Voyage round the Globe ; Captain Sharp s Journey over the Isthmus of Darien and Expedition into the South Seas ; Captain Wood s Voyage through the Straits of Magellan, and Mr. Eoberts s Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant. . 8vo, maps, calf. 4s Qd 1699 1285 HADFIELD S Brazil, the Eiver Plate, and the Falkland Islands ; also a Voyage up the Parana. 8vo, maps and many engravings, doth. 5s (pub. at 15s) 1854 1286 HAIGH (Samuel) Sketches of Buenos Ayres and Chili. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1829 1287 HAKEWELL (James) Picturesque Tour of the Island of Jamaica. 4to, coloured plates, cloth. 7s Qd 1825 1288 H ALE S History of the United States, from their Settlement as Colonies. 8vo, boards. 3s 1826 1289 KALE S (Edw. E.) History and Geography of Kansas and Ne braska. 8vo. 2s 1854 1290 HALIBUETON (T. J., "Sam Slick") Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 12s Halifax, 1829 1291 HALIBUETON S Nova Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo, wanting map, boards. 7s 6d ib., 1829 1292 HALIBUETON (Judge) The Clockmaker, or Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick, with the Bubbles of Canada. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 3s Paris, 1839 1293 HALIBUETON S (Judge) The English in America (a General View of its History to the Independence). 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 9s (pub. at 1. Is) 1851 1294 HALIBUETON (Judge) Eule and Misrule of the English in America. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 8s Qd 1851 1295 HALKETT (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, with Eemarks on the Attempts made to Con vert and Civilize them. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1825 1296 HALL (Capt. Basil) Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. 4s Another, 2 vols. in 1, half calf. 4s 6d Edinb., 1824 1297 HALL S (Capt. Basil) Travels in North America. 3 vols. post 8vo, half caff. 4s Qd cloth. 4s 1829 1298 HALL (Capt. Basil) Forty Etchings, from Sketches made with the Camera Lucida in North America. 4to, coloured map of the United States and Canada, boards. 5s 1829 1299 HALL (Col. Francis) Colombia, its present State, Climate, Soil, Productions, Population, Government, &c. 8vo. map, boards. 2s 6d half calf. 3s Qd 1827 88 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1300 HALL S (Lieut. Francis) Travels in Canada and the United States. 8vo, boards. 3s 6 d half calf . 3s 1818 1301 HALL (James) Sketches of History, Life, and Manners, in the West. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1835 1302 HALL (James) Notes on the Western States, containing Descrip tive Sketches of their Soil, Climate, Resources, and Scenery. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s ib., 1838 1303 HALL S (The Hon. Judge) Letters from the Western States of America. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 3s 6d 1828 1304 HALL (James) Statistics of the West. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s Cincinnati, 1836 1305 HALLAM S (G.) Narrative of a Voyage from Montego Bay, Jamaica, to England, by a route never gone before, across Cuba to Havanna, and through the United States, in 1810. Post 8vo (not printed for sale), cloth. 3s 1831 1306 HALLIDAY (Sir Andrew) The West Indies: the Natural and Physical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies. Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 1837 1307 HAMILTON S (Col. J. P.) Travels through the Interior"; Pro vinces of Colombia. 2 vols. post 8vo, platef by tFinden, boards. 4s 6d new half calf gilt. 6s 6d 2 vols. in 1, calf. 6s (pub. at 1. Is) 1827 1308 HAMILTON. Review of (Hamilton s) "Men and Manners in America." 8vo, reprinted from the " North American Review," half morocco. 2s 6d 1834 1309 HAMILTON. Life and Times of Alex. Hamilton, Aide-de-Camp, Secretary, and Minister to Washington. By C. J. Reithmuller. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d (pub. at 10s 6d) 1864 1310 HAMILTON (W.) Prodromus Plantarum Indise Occidentalis hu- cusque cognitarum tarn in oris Americoe Meridionalis, quam in Insulis Anticillis sponte crescentium. Post 8vo, coloured plate, boards, scarce. 5s 1825 1311 HAMLIN. Light on the Dark River, or Memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin, Missionary in Turkey. By Margarette W. Laurence. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2s 6d Boston, 1856 1312 HAMPSHIRE (New) Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, with the Speeches of Messrs. Webster, and other celebrated Men. Royal 8vo, portraits, cloth gilt. 3s ib., 1850 1313 HANNA (Rev. S. W.) Notes of a Visit to some parts of Hayti. 12 mo, plates, cloth. 2s 1836 1314 HARDY (Lieut. R. W. H.) Travels in the Interior of Mexico, 1825 to 1828. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 4s 6d half calf gilt. 6s 6d 1829 1315 HARDY S (Capt. Campbell) Forest Life in Acadie : Sketches of Sport and Natural History in the Lower Provinces of the Cana dian Dominion. 8vo, many plates, cloth. 8s 6 d (pub. at 18s) 1869 1316 HARLAN (Dr. Richard) Fauna Americana, being a Description of the Mammiferous Animals Inhabiting North America. 8vo, boards. 5s half calf . 6s 6d Philadelphia, 1825 1317 HARRIS (Wm. Tell) Remarks during a Tour through the United States of America, in 1817, 1818, and 1819. Post 8vo, maps, boards. 2s 1821 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 89 1318 HARRIS (Dr. Thomas) Life and Services of Commodore William Bainbridge, United States Navy. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s Phil, 1837 1319 HARRIS S (Dr. John) Collection of Voyages and Travels, con sisting of above 400 of the most authentick Writers. 2 vols. folio, maps and plates, calf, neat. 10s 6d 1705 1320 Another Edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vols. bound in 4 vols., folio, half bound, uncut edges (a portion of one vol. a little stained). 15s 1744 1321 HARRIOTT (John) Struggles through Life Exemplified in his Various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. 12mo, portrait, half calf . 4s 1807 1322 Another Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. 3s Gd 1808 Another Edition. 3 vols. I2mo, port., half morocco. 4s 6d 1815 1323 HART (Levi, of Preston) Discourse at the Ordination of the Rev. Abiel Holmes. 8ve, half morocco. 4s Gd New Haven, 1787 1324 HART S (A. M.) History of the Valley of the Mississippi. 8vo, cloth. 4s Cincinnati, 1853 1325 HARTLEY (David) Letters on the American War. 4to, with the Author s Signature to each Letter, half calf . 5s 1788 1326 HARTLEY (David) when Minister at Paris for the Treaty of Peace. Very long and interesting letter, in Hartley s own auto graph, 16 closely written pages. 4to. 3. 3s This letter, most important in its objects and opinions, was written to Lord Sydenham, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, as appears by the copy contained in the Hartley correspondence. It enters very fully into the subject of the principles and prospects of the United States, and the danger of Great Britain in the continued friendship between them and France. He suspects France is intriguing in this matter, and refers to tho Marquis de la Fayette s visit to America without reason given, and describes his interview with Monsieur de Vergennes, quoting his words. Several pages are occupied on the subject of the British and American marine, and the ultimate destiny of the United States is forcibly pointed out. The letter is altogether a most masterly production, and events have since shown how truly Hartley prognosticated. 1327 HARTLIB S (Samuel) Reformed Commonwealth of Bees, pre sented in Several Letters to Samuel Hartlib, Esq., with the Reformed Virginian Silk Worm, or a Rare and New Discovery for the Feeding of Silk Worms in the Woods on the Mulberry Tree Leaves in Virginia, also the Good Hopes that the Indians will readily set upon it. 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s 1655 1328 HARVARD COLLEGE. Statement of the Course of Instruc tion Expenses at Harvard University, 1823 Ticknor s Remarks on the Changes lately Proposed or Adopted in H. U., 1825 Twelfth and Thirteenth Report of the Expenditure of the City of Boston, 18245. In 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1329 HARVEY (W. W.) Sketches of Hayti. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 4s 6d 1827 1330 HA WES (Joel) Address at Hartford at the close of the Second Century from the First Settlement (1635) of the City. 8vo, cloth. 3s Hartford, 1835 1331 HAWES (Dr. Joel) Historical Sketches of the first Church in Hartford. 8vo, half morocco. 4s ib., 1836 1332 HAWKESWORTH (Dr. John) Account of Voyages for Discove ries in the Southern Hemisphere, by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. 3 vols. 4 to, maps and plates, calf gilt. 15s 1773 11 90 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1333 HAWKINS S (E., Sec. of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) Historical Notices of the Missions of the Church of England in the North American Colonies before the Indepen dence. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1845 1334 HAWKINS (Sir Eichard) Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593. Folio, new and very neat, in brown calf. 2. 10s Another, in calf. 2. 2s Another, folio, half calf (stained). <!. 5s 1622 1335 HAWKINS (Sir Eichard) Observations in his Voyage to the South Sea, in 1593. Edited by C. E. D. Bethune. 8vo, cloth. 9s HaEuyt Soc., 1847 1336 HAWKINS (Ernest) Annals of the Diocese of Quebec. 12mo, map and plate, cloth. 2s 1849 1337 HAWKINS (Ernest) Annals of the Diocese of Toronto. 12mo, map, cloth. 2s 1848 1338 HAY (Joanne, Dalgattiensi Scoto, Societatis Jesu) De Eebus Japoni- cis, Indicis, et Peruanis, Epistolse recentiores a Joanne Hayo, Dalgattiensi Scoto Soc. Jesu cum Index rerum. 8vo, new, green morocco, extra, by Aitkin. 1. 5s Another copy. Calf neat. 18s Antwerp, 1605 1339 HAYNE S (Sam.) Extract of all the Statutes made concerning Aliens Trading in England ; also of the Laws made for Securing our Plantation Trade to Ourselves, proving the Jews break them all to the great damage of His Majesty s Plantations in America in their Staple. 4to, Iwlf morocco. 6s 1685 1340 HAYTIAN PAPEES. Collection of the very Interesting Pro clamations and the Official Documents, with the Eise, Progress, and Present State of Hayti. 8vo, boards. 3s 1816 1341 HAYWAED (John) New England Gazetteer, containing Descrip tions of all the States, Counties, and Towns in New England, also the Mountains, Eivers, &c., &c. 8vo, frontispiece and wood cuts, calf. 2s 6d Concord, N. H., 1839 1342 HAZARD (Samuel) Annals of Pennsylvania from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609 1682. Eoyal 8vo, cloth. 9s Phil, 1850 1343 HEAD (Sir George) Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America (in Canada). 8vo, map, half calf . 3s 1838 1344 HEAD (Sir F. B.) Eough Notes during some Eapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s Qd 1826 1345 HEAD (Sir F. B.) Narrative of his Administration in Upper Canada, and the Eevolt. 8vo, cloth. 3s calf extra. 5s half calf gilt. 4s Qd 1839 1346 HEAD S (Sir F. B.) The Emigrant (descriptive of Scenes and Transactions in Upper Canada). 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1846 Another Edition. 12mo, boards. 2s 1852 1347 HEADLEY (J. T.) The Great Eebellion ; a History of the Civil War in the United States. Vol. I., thick royal 8vo, many plates, neat. 5s Hartford, 1868 1348 HEAP (G. H.) Central Eoute to the Pacific from the Valley of the Mississippi to California. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d Phil. 1854 1349 HEAENE (Samuel) Journey from Prince of Wales s Fort, in Hudson s Bay, to the Northern Ocean, for the Discovery of Cop- A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 91 per Mines, a North- West Passage, &c. 4to, map and plates, calf neat. 14s half calf , little stained. 13s 6d Jialf russia, gilt top, edges uncut. 15s 1795 1350 HEARNE. Another Copy. 4to (wanting two views and two leaves), has the maps and plans, boards. 5s 1 795 1351 HECKWELDER S (Johann) Nachricht von der Geschichte, den Sitten und Gebrauchen der Indianischen Volkerschaften, welche ehemals Pennsylvanien und die benachbarten Staaten bewohnten. 8vo, half calf, scarce. 10s Gd Gottingen, 1821 1352 HEINE (W.) Wanderbilder aus Central- Am erika (Grenada, Nica ragua, Honduras, &c.) 12mo, boards. 3s Leipzig, 1853 1353 HELMS (A. Z.) Travels from Buenos Ayres by Potosi to Lima. 12mo, boards. 2s Qd 1806 1354 HELPS (Arthur) Life of Columbus, the Discoverer of America. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1869 1355 HENDERSON S (James) History of Brazil, comprising its Geo graphy, Commerce, Colonization, Aboriginal Inhabitants, &c., &c., &c. 4to, 30 plates, boards. 12s half green morocco. 14s whole calf gilt. 13s 6^ 1821 1356 HENDERSON (Capt.) Account of the British Settlement of Hon duras, its Commercial and Agricultural Resources, with Sketches of the Musquito Indians. 8vo, map, boards. 4s 6d calf. 5s 1811 1357 HENDERSON. Another Edition. Small 8vo, map, boards. 3s Qd half calf. 4s <5d 1809 1358 HENNEPIN (Louis) Description de la Louisiane nouvellement decouverte. 12 mo (no map), old calf. 12s Qd Paris, 1683 1359 HENNEPIN (L.) New Discovery of a vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico, with Continuation. Both parts in 1 vol. 8vo, maps and plates, calf neat. 1. Is 1698 1360 HENRY (J.) Report of the Criminal Law at Demerara and in the ceded Dutch Colonies. 8vo, half calf . 3s 1821 1361 HERBERT (Sir Thomas) Relation of some Yeares Travaile be- ganne in 1626, into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the Territories of the Persian Monarchic. Folio, engraved title, curi ous plates, GOOD COPY, calf gilt. 15s 1628 With a revivall of the first discoverer of America 300 yeeres before Columbus, pp. 355364. 1362 HERIOT (George) Travels through the Canadas, its Picturesque Scenery, Productions, Commerce, and the Indians. Thick 4to, many tinted plates, boards. 5s 6d half calf. Is Qd whole calf. 8s 6d 1807 1363 HERNANDI (Francisci) Opera (Historia Plantarum Nova His- panitz) cum Edita turn inedita ad Autographi fidem et integrita- tem Expressa impensa et jussu regio. 3 vols. 4to, Spanish calf. 1. 15s Matriti, 1790 1364 HERRERA (Antonio de) Descripcion de las Indias Occidentales y historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas y tierra finne del Mar Oceano. Folio, 8 vols. bound in 5, plates and maps, vellum. 5. 5s Madrid, 1730 92 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1365 HEEEEE A. Another Copy. Eight Decades bound in 4 vols. folio, brown morocco, carmine edges. 4:. 4s Madrid, 1601-15 The Emperor Maximilian s copy. The bottom margins of the eighth Decade have been mended. 1366 HEEEEEA (Ant. de) General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America called the West Indies, from the first disco very thereof, translated by Capt. John Stevens. 6 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, GOOD COPY, calf neat. 3. 3s 1725 " Of all the Spanish writers Herrera furnishes the fullest and most accu rate information concerning the Conquest of Mexico, as well as every other transaction of America ; his Decades may be ranked amongst the most judi cious and useful collections." Dr. Robertson. 1367 HERREEA. Miscellaneous Notes and Extracts from Herrera, MS. in the French Language, also " ouvrages et cartes qui ont e"te" consulte." Folio, manuscript, above 150 pages. 5s 1368 HEW ATI S Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, EDGES UNCUT. 1. Is 1779 1369 HICKS. Journal of the Life and Eeligious Labours of Elias Hicks (of Hempstead, Long Island), written by himself. 8vo, por trait, calf. 3s 6d New York, 1832 1370 HICKS (Elias) Extemporaneous Discourses at Meetings of the Society of Friends in Philadelphia, Germantown, Arington, &c. 8vo, neat. 3s Philadelphia, 1825 1371 HICKEEINGILLS (Capt.) Jamaica Viewed with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settlements thereunto belonging. 4to, map, fine clean copy, half morocco. 7s 6d 1705 1372 HILDEETH (Eichard) History of the United States of America from the Discovery of the Continent to the Organization of Government under the Federal Constitution. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd 1850 1373 HILDEETH (Eichard) Despotism in America. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd Boston, 1854 1374 HINCHCLIFF S (T. W.) South American Sketches Eio Janeiro, the Organ Mountains, La Plata, and the Parana. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 5s (pub. at 12s Qd) 1863 1375 HIND S (H. Youle) Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Montagnais and Nasquapee Indians. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, cloth. 12s 1863 1376 HIPPISLEY S (Col.) Narrative of the Expedition to the Eivers Orinoco and Apure. Svo, half calf . 4s 6d boards. 3s 6d 1819 1377 HISTOIEE de ce qui s est pass6 en Ethiopie, Malabar, BRASIL, et es Indes Orientales tire"e des Lettres escrites 1620-24 addressee au E. P. Mutio Vitelleschi, Gen. de la Comp. de Jesus. Small 8vo, vellum. 6s Paris, 1628 1378 HISTOEIADOEES Primativos de Indias, Coleccion dirigida e illustrada por Don Enrique de Vedia (comprising Gomara, Cortez, Pedro de Albarado, Godoy, Oviedo y Valdes, \Dias del Castillo, Yarate, and other celebrated writers on the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and Peru}. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf . 1. Is Madrid, 1852-3 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 93 1379 HISTORY of the British Dominions in North America, 1479 to 1763. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, map, boards. 5s calf. Qs Qd 1773 1380 HISTORY of the Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity applied to the present Contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies, with Reflections concerning the future Settle ment of these Colonies. 4to, calf neat. Ws Qd 1777 1381 HISTORY of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its commencement to the end of the year 1778, Vol. I. 8vo, map, calf. 3s Dublin, 1779 1382 HISTORY of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its commencement to the end of the year 1778. 2 vols. 8vo, map, calf neat. 10s Qd Dublin^ 1779 1383 HISTORY, &c. Another copy, with the third volume, bringing the History down to the year 1783. 3 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 1. 10s Dublin, 1779-85 The third volume escaped the notice of Mr. Rich, and is seldom met with. 1384 HISTORY. Another Copy. 3 vols. 8vo, neat (vol. 3 wants title). 1. 4s ib., 1779-86 1385 HISTORY of the Civil War in America, comprehending the Campaigns of 1775, 1776, and 1777, by an Officer of the Army. 8vo, vol. 1, no more published, map, calf. 15s 1780 1386 HISTORY (An Impartial) of the War in America to 1779, with Appendix of interesting and authentic Papers. Thick 8vo, map, new half calf gilt. 10s Qd 1 780 1387 HISTORY of Great Britain during the Administration of Lord North. 8vo, boards. 4s 1782 1388 HISTORY of all the Engagements by Sea and Land in America and Europe and East and West Indies during the American Revolution, 1775 to 1783. 8vo, frontispiece, new, half calf gilt. 7sQd Manchester, 17 87 1389 HISTORY of the United States, from their First Settlement to the War of 1815. 8vo, boards. 3s 1826 1390 HISTORY of the United States, by Rev. H. Fergus. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 4s Lardner s Cab. Cyclop. 1832 1391 HISTORY and Topography of the United States, edited by John Howard Hinton. 2 vols. 4to, illustrated with 100 portraits, maps and plates, boards. 15s, pub. at 6. 6s 1834 1392 HISTORY of the Moravian Mission among the Indians in North America from its commencement to the present time, by a Mem ber of the Brethren s Church. 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd 1838 1393 HISTORICAL Magazine and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. Vol. 1, 4to, cloth. 8s Qd Boston, 1857 1393* Nos. I. to VI., 4to, sewed. 4s. Ib., 1857 1394 HITCHCOCK (Edward) Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts. 8vo, woodcuts, and atlas of plates, cloth. Ss Qd Amherst, 1833 1395 HOARE S (P.) Memoirs of Granville Sharp. to,por.,bds. 5s 1820 It contains a good deal about American affairs during the period of Inde pendence ; particulars on Slavery. Sharp was the great promoter in estab lishing the freedom of Slaves on their landing in England. 1396 HOBART S (Bishop) Sermon on the Consecration of Trinity Church, Newark, New Jersey, 1810 Ditto, of Trinity Church, 94 Books relating to America, on Sale by New Haven, Connecticut, 1817 ; and various other Sermons and Charges by Bishop Hobart, and other Pamphlets connected with the Episcopal Church in America, and Bishop Chase. In all 34 in the bundle, 8vo, very clean. 5s 1397 HOBART. Collection of Sermons on the Death of the Eight Eev. John Henry Hobart, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings. Post 8vo, portrait, half hound. 3s 6d New York, 1831 1398 HOCHELAGA, or England in the New World, Edited by Eliot Warburton. 2 vols. post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 6s 1851 new, half calf gilt. 8s 1846 1399 HODGE, Eenwick et Stevenson des Machines a Vapeur aux Etats- Unis d Amerique edite par Duval Flachat et Chevalier. 4to, woodcuts {wants the large plates), sewed. 3s half calf . 4s Qd 1842 1400 HODGE (Professor) Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1705 to 1788. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. 14s Philadelphia, 1839 1401 HODGSON (Adam) Letters during a Tour in the United States and Canada. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d calf. 5s Another without title to vol. 2, boards. 3s Qd 1824 1402 HOFFMAN (C. T.) A Winter in the Far West. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. 5s 1835 Another Edition. 2 vols. half calf gilt. 6s 1840 1403 HOGAN (J. Sheridan) Essay on Canada (for which was awarded the first prize by the Paris Exhibition Committee of Canada). 8vo, maps,* cloth. 3s 6d Montreal, 1855 1404 HOLDITCH (Eob.) Emigrant s Guide to the United States of America. 8vo, boards. 2s 1818 1405 HOLLAND (J. G.) History of Western Massachusetts, the Coun ties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. 2 thick vols. post 8vo, cloth. 9s Springfield, 1855 1406 HOLLAND (W. H.) Life and Political Opinions of Martin Van Buren, Vice-President of the United States. 8vo, portrait, calf. 3s 6d Hartford, 1836 1407 HOLMES (Abiel) American Annals, or a Chronological History of America from its Discovery to 1806, with additions and cor rections by the author. 2 vols. 8vo, map, half calf gilt. 14s 1808 1408 HOLMES S Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren (to Greenland, Labrador, North and South America, West Indies, &c.) 8vo, boards. 6s half calf gilt. 7s 1818 1409 HOLMES (Isaac) Account of the United States of America, from actual observation during a residence of four years. 8vo, map, boards. 2s 6d 1823 1410 HOLTON (J. F.) New Granada; Twenty Months in the Andes. Thick 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 10s Qd New York, 1857 1411 HOLYOKE (Edward, of New England, President of Harvard Coll.) The Doctrine of Life or of Man s Eedemption. 4to, good sound copy, old calf gilt. !. 4s 1658 1412 HOMES of American Statesmen, with Anecdotical, Personal and Descriptive Sketches by various Writers. 8vo, many fine wood cuts and facsimiles (that of Pat. Henry wanting}, cloth. 6s 6d New York, 1854 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 95 1413 HOMES Another Copy. Square 8vo, plates, &c., perfect, doth. 9s Qd 1844 1414 HOMERI Ilias, Latino Carmine expressa Francisci Xavier Alegre, Mexicani Veracrusemis. 8vo, vellum. 6s Borne, apud Salvionem, typographum Vaticanum, 1788 1415 HOOKER (Thomas, Pastor of the Church at Hartford, in New England) The Soules Ingrafting into Christ The Soules Effec tual Calling to Christ. In 1 vol. small 4to, neivhf. cf. 14s 1637 1416 HOOKER S The Soules Preparation for Christ, or a Treatise of Contrition, wherein is Discovered how God Breakes the Heart and Wounds the Soules in the Conversion of a Sinner to Him- selfe. 4to, (stained) new calf. 8s 6d 1638 1417 HOOKER S The Soules Implantation into the naturall Olive. 4to, old calf. 12s 1640 1418 HOOKER S The Danger of Desertion, a Farewell Sermon preached immediately before his Departure out of Old England. 4to, t /m0 copy, new calf, by Hayday. 12s 1641 1419 HOOKER S Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline of the Churches^of New England : in Four Parts. 4to, old calf. 1. Is Jialf morocco. 1. 2s 1648 1420 HOOKER S Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline of the Churches of New England, in Four Parts, 1648 Cotton s (John, Teacher at Boston, N.E.) Way of the Congregational Churches cleared, in Two Parts, 1648 In 1 vol. 4to, neat. 1. 10s 1421 HOOKER S Covenant of Grace Opened, being several Sermons preached at Hartford, in New England. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1649 1422 HOOKER S The Saint s Dignitie and Dutie, together with the Danger of Ignorance and Hardnesse, delivered in Severall Ser mons. 4to, old calf, scarce. 16s 1651 1423 HOOKER S A Comment upon Christ s Last Prayer in the 17th of John, wherein is Opened the Union Believers have with God and Christ, and the glorious privileges thereof. 4to, calf mat. 12s 1656 1424 HOOKER S The Application of Redemption by the effectual work of the Word and Spirit of Christ, for bringing home lost sinners to God, the 9th and 10th Books made in New England, Published by T. Goodwin and P. Nye. 4to, old calf. 18s 1659 On the fly leaf is a Manuscript Note about the burial of Thos. Scott and his wife at St. Mildred s in the Poultry in 1684. 1425 HOOKER S (Sir W. J.) Flora Boreali-Americana, or the Botany of the Northern parts of British America. 2 vols. 4to, 240 plates, calf gilt, marbled leaves. 5. 5s, pub. at 12. 12s 1840 1426 HOOPER (Lieut. W. H.) Ten Months among the Tents of the Tuski, with Incidents of an Arctic Boat Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. 5s, pub. at 16s 1853 1427 HOOTON S (C.) St. Louis Isle, orTexiana. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 1847 1428 HOPKINS (Samuel, Pastor of the first Congregational Church at Newport) Inquiry concerning the Future State of those who Die in their Sins, and whether Endless Punishment be consistent with Divine Justice, Wisdom, and Goodness. Small 4to, half calf. 10s Qd Newport, Rhode Island, 1783 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1429 HOPKINS (Dr. Sam., of Neiuport) Memoirs of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died at Newport, Rhode Island, 1791. 8vo, calf, gilt. 3s 1803 1430 HORNI (Georgi) De Originibus Americanis Libri Quatuor, fron tispiece, Hemipoli, 1669 Ibid Ulyssea sive Studiosis Peregrinans omni Illustrans Littera, frontispiece, Francf. 1671. In 1 vol. 12mo, vellum. 7s Gd 1431 HORNI (Georgi) De Originibus Americanis, Libri Quatuor. Small 8vo, vellum. Is Gd calf neat. 8s Gd Hag. Com., 1652 1432 HOSACK S (Dr. D.) Inaugural Discourse at the Opening of Rut- ger s Medical College, New York. 8vo, boards. 2s 1826 1433 HOSACK (Dr. David) Memoir of De Witt Clinton, with Appen dix of various Documents illustrative of the Principal Events of his Life. 4to, portrait, boards. 10s Gd Neiv York, 1829 1434 HOUSTON (Dr. James) Works of, containing Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, Africa, America, and most parts of Europe, from 1690 to 1753, giving a Particular Account of the Scotch Expedition to Darien, &c. 8vo, calf. 5s 1747 1435 HOUSTON. Another Edition. 8vo, calf. 5s half calf . 4s 1753 1436 HOUSTON (Wm., M.D.) Reliquiae Houstounianae : Plantae in America Meridionali a Gul. Houstoun collectae. 4to, 26 plates, privately printed, half calf. 10s Gd 1781 1437 HOUSTON (Mrs.) Hesperos : or Travels in the West. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1850 1438 HOUSTON (Mrs.) Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, or Yachting in the New World. 2 vols. post 8vo, plates, boards. 5s 1844 1439 HOWE. Barrow s Life of Admiral Richard Lord Howe (com prising particulars of the Navy in the American War). 8vo, portrait, &c., cloth. 4s 1838 1440 HOWE S (Sir Wm.) Narrative relative to his Conduct during his late Command of the King s Troops in North America, to which are added some Observations upon a Pamphlet entitled "Letters to a Nobleman." 4to, half calf gilt. Gs Gd 1780 1441 HOWISON (John) Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic, Local, and Characteristic. 8vo, boards. 2s half calf gilt. 3s Gd Edinburgh, 1821 1442 HOWITT (E.) Selections from Letters written during a Tour through the United States in the Summer and Autumn of 1819, with Character of the Native Indians. 12mo, boards. 2s Nottingham, 1820 1443 HUBBARD S (W., Minister of Ipsivich) Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, 16071677. Small 8vo, neat. 12s Brattleborough, 1814 1444 HUBBARD (Rev. W.) General History of New England, from the Discovery to 1680. 8vo, SECOND EDITION, with Notes, portraits, new half morocco. 16s Boston, 1848 1445 HUDSON (E. M.) Second \Var of Independence in America, 1860, &c. ; with an Introduction by Belling A. Pope. 8vo, cloth. 3s Gd 1863 1446 HUDSON (Samuel) Vindication of the Essence and Unity of the Church Catholic visible, and the priority thereof, in regard of particular Churches, in Answer to the Objections made against A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 97 it by M. John Ellis, Junr., and by that Revd. and worthy Divine, Mr. Hooker, in his Survey of Church Discipline. 4to, vellum. 18s 1658 Connected with the Church Government in New England. 1447 HUDSON S BAY. Geography of Hudson s Bay, being the Remarks of Capt. W. Coats in many Voyages to that locality, 1727 to 1751. Edited by John Barrow, F.R.S. 8vo, cloth. Is Qd HaEuyt Soc., 1852 1448 HUDSON S BAY. Astronomical Observations by Order of the Royal Society at Prince of Wales s Fort, on the North-West Coast of Hudson s Bay, by William Wales and Joseph Dymond, in 1768 69. MS., very neatly written. 4to, 22 pages. 5s 1449 HUGHES (Rev. G.) The Natural History of Barbadoes. Folio, map and numerous plates, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, old calf gilt. 13s Qd boards, uncut. 10s $d 1750 1450 HUGHES. Another LARGE PAPER COPY, russia, gilt leaves. 15s 1750 1451 HUGHES. Another copy, with the plates coloured. Small paper, folio, calf neat. 12s 1750 1452 HUIT (Ephraim, Pastor to the Church at Windsor, in New England) The whole Prophecies of Daniel explained, by a Paraphrase, Analysis, and Briefe Comment. 4to, good clean copy, calf. 16s 1642 1453 HULSIUS. Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels ; edited and published by Levinius Hulsius and his Successors at Nuremberg and Franckfort, from anno 1598 to 1660. By A. Asher. 4to, only 120 copies printed, boards. 15s 1839 1454 HUMBOLDT (Alex. Von) Kritische Untersuchungen iiber die historische Entwickelung, der Geographischen Kenntnisse von der neuen Welt und die Fortschritte, der Nautischen Astrono mic, in dem 15ten und 16ten Jahrhundert. 3 vols. 8vo, sewed. 9s -half morocco. 10s Qd Berlin, 1836 52 1455 Another. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. 12s ib., 1852 1456 HUMBOLDT (Alex. Von) Reise in die Aequinoctial Gegenden des neuen Continents, und Reisen im Europaischen und Asiatis- chen Russland von H. Kletke. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, doth. 10s 6d ib., 1858 1457 HUMBOLDT (Alex, de) Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. 5 vols. 8vo, map, sewed. 5s Paris, 1811 1458 HUMBOLDT. Atlas Geographique et Physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Atlas folio, 19 fine plates, some coloured, and maps, wanting the printed table of populations, sewed. 7s 6d Paris, 1812 1459 HUMBOLDT (Alex, de) Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, translated by John Black. 4 vols. 8vo, maps, boards. 10s 1811 SECOND EDITION. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 13s 1814 THIRD EDITION. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 18s 1822 1460 HUMBOLDT (A. de) Tableaux de la Nature, ou Considerations sur les Steppes et les Deserts (of S. America) sur la physionomie des Vegetaux, sur les Cataractes de 1 Orenoque, sur la Structure 12 98 Books relating to America, on Sale by et 1 Action des Volcans dans les differentes regions de la Terre. 2 vols. 12rao, half calf . 3s neat. 4s sewed. 2s Qd Paris, 1808 1461 HUMBOLDT (A. de) Essai Politique sur 1 Isle de Cuba, 2 vols. 8vo, (no map) sewed. 5s ib., 1826 1462 HUMBOLDT (Alex, de) Recueil d Observations Astronomiques, d Operations Trigonometriques et de Mesures Barometriques faites pendant le cours d un Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveaux Continent 1799 1803. 2 vols. royal 4to, boards. 18s ib., 1810 1463 HUMBOLDT. Atlas Pittoresque ; ou, Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de I Amerique. Plates 1 to 40 only (69 is the complete work), folio, boards. XL 10s ib., 1810 1464 HUMBOLDT. Another Copy. Plates 1 to 22, folio, half bound. 7s 6d 1465 HUMBOLDT (Alex, de) Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de 1 Amerique. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, some coloured, half calf . 12s half russia. 14s 1816 1466 HUMBOLDT (Alex, de) Researches Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, with description and views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 15s half calf. 16s 1814 1467 HUMBOLDT S Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent ; translated by Williams. 7 vols. 8vo (vol. 7 wanting), boards. 15s 1822 26 1468 HUMBOLDT S Travels in South America ; translated by Wil liams. Vols. 1, 2, 4, and 5, 8vo, boards. 3s per vol. 1469 HUME (Sarah) An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Pro vince of South Carolina to bring their deeds to the light of Christ in their own Consciences, with some Account of the Author s Experience in the important business of Religion. 8vo, good sound copy of the first edition, in the original calf. 15s Philadelphia: W. Bradford, (1747) 1470 HUME. Another Copy. 8vo, boards. 12s ib., (1747) 1471 HUME (Sophia) Exhortation. Another Edition. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d Bristol : Felix Farley, 1751 1472 HUME (Sophia) Epistle to the Inhabitants of South Carolina. 8vo, boards. 5s 6d 1754 1473 HUMPHREYS (Dr. D.) Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, con taining their proceedings for 1 728, in S. Carolina, Pennsylvania, N. Jersey, &c. 8vo, folding maps, calf. 6s 6d 1730 1474 Another copy, wanting the iv:o maps, neat. 4s Qd 1730 1475 HUMPHREYS (Colonel) Miscellaneous AVorks, viz. : Address to the Armies of the United States Poem on the Happiness of America Life of Gen. Putnam, &c. 8vo, half calf. 6s 6d New York, 1790 1476 Another Edition. 8vo, portrait, calf. 5s $.,1804 1477 HUNTER S (J. D.) Memoirs of a Captivity among the North American Indians. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 3s Qd whole calf gilt. 4s 1823 1478 HUNTINGTON (Jos., Minister of the first Church in Coventry, Connecticut) Calvinism Improved, or the Gospel Illustrated as a A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 99 System of Real Grace issuing in the Salvation of all Men. 8vo, boards. 5s calf. 6s New London, Connecticut, 1796 1479 HUTCHINSON S (Thos., Gov. of Massachusetts] History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1628 to 1691. (Vol. 1), 8vo, neat. 65 half calf gilt. 6s 6d London, 1760 or 65 The first edition, printed at Boston, is of great scarcity ; Mr. Rich was never able to find out when it was printed ; he places the first volume of the London (Second) Edition under the year 1760, and says a new title- page was printed in 1765, still called the second edition the fact is, some copies of the first volume of the London Edition were issued with the date MDCCLX. ; the figure v. had dropped out, or had never been put in, it was corrected in the subsequent copies, which explains the apparent mystery. 1480 History from 1628 to 1774. 3 vols. 8vo, neat. 1. 145 Vol. 1, Lond., 1765 ; vol. 2, Boston, 1767; vol. 3, Lond., 1828 1481 History, 1628 to 1750. 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 1. 10s Lond., 1760 (or 65) and 1768 1482 History, 1749 to 1774 (forming vol. 3). 8vo. boards. 6s 6d Lond., 1828 1483 History; 3 vols. as above, also "Collection of Original Papers relative to the History." Together 4 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1 and 2 whole calf, 3 and 4 half calf, but backs gilt to match. 4. 4s Vol. 1, Lond., 1762 ; vol. 2, Boston, 1767 ; vol. 3, Lond., 1828; "Collections" Boston, 1769 1484 Another Set. 4 vols. 8vo, uniform in calf gilt, carmine edges. X4. 14s 6d London and Boston, 17651828 1485 HUTCHINSON S (Thos. J.) Buenos Ayres and Argentine Glean ings, with extracts from a Diary of Salado Expedition, 1862 3. 8vo, many plates, cloth. 7s Qd (pub. at 16s) 1865 1486 TMLAY S Topographical Description of the Western Territory JL of North America ; to which is added Filson s History of the Discovery and Settlement of Kentucky, the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, one of the first Settlers, Minutes of the Pinkashaw Council, and the Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations in the limits of the Thirteen United Provinces. SECOND EDITION, 8vo, maps, boards. 4s calf neat. 5s 1793 1487 IMLAY S America. The THIRD EDITION, enlarged. 8vo, half calf. 6s 6dneat. 7s 1797 1488 IMLAY S America. FIRST EDITION, half calf. 3s 1792 1489 IMPARTIAL History of the War in America between Great! Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the end of; the Year 1779. Thick 8vo, half calf. 12s 1780J 1490 1NCH1QUIN the Jesuit s Letters, during a late Residence in the United States of America ; by some Unknown Foreigner. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d New York, 1810 1491 INDIANS. Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawnanese Indians from the British Interest, and into the Measures for Recovering their Friendship ; with Notes by the Editor, explaining Sundry Indian Customs, &c. 8vo, map (a corner torn off 2 leaves), half calf, scarce. 7s Gd 175*J 1492 INDIANS. Some Observations on the Situation, Disposition, and Character of the Indian Natives of this Continent. 12mo, half morocco. Qs Philadelphia, 1784 100 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1493 INDIAN. Life of Black Hawk, embracing the Tradition of his Nation Indian Wars, Travels through the United States, dic tated by himself. I2mo, portrait, cloth. 2s Qd 1836 1494 INDIANS. Eeport of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1856. 8vo, doth. 2s 6d Washington, 1857 1495 INDIANS. Case of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York. 8vo, doth. 3s Philadelphia, 1840 1496 INDIAN. Narrative of the Early Days and Eemembrances of Oceola Nikkanochee, Prince of Econhonatti, a Young Seminole Indian, with History of his Nation and Indian Life in Florida. 8vo, plates, doth. 3s 6d 1841 1497 INDEPENDENT Whig, or a Defence of Primitive Christianity and of the Ecclesiastical Establishment, 4 vols. in 1, first Ameri can, from the sixth London edition. Thick 8vo, new half calf. 4s 6d Hartford, 1816 1498 INGERSOLL (Chas. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain, 1812- 1815. SECOND SERIES, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 12s Philadelphia, 1852 1499 INGERSOLL (Chas. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain. 8vo, Vol. II. embracing the events of 1814, sewed. 3s 1849 1500 INNES (W.) Liberia, or the Early History and Signal Preserva tion of the American Colony of Free Negroes in Africa. 12mo, boards. 2s 1833 1501 INQUIRY into the Moral and Religious Character of the Ameri can Government. 8vo, doth. 2s New York, 1838 1502 INQUIRY into the Present State of the British Navy, together with Reflections on the late War with America. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1815 1503 INSTRUCTIONS to the Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the French Republic. 8vo, half calf . 2s Qd Philadelphia, 1798 1504 INSTRUCTIONS for the Treatment of Negroes, &c. 8vo (from the Library of W. Wilberforce, with his Bookplate), calf, neat. 3s 6d 1797 1505 INTERESTING Narratives and Discoveries, including Life of James Bruce, Esq., Travels in South Africa by J. Barrow, Dis covery of an English Colony on Pitcairn s Island in the South Sea, Maurice Griffiths Discovery of a Nation of Welshmen in the Interior of America. 8vo, half calf. 2s Shrewsbury, 1817 1506 IRVING S (Washington) Salmagundi. 2 vols. 18mo, an Early Edition, with 6 humourous plates, neat. 6s 6 d New York, 1814 1507 IRVING S (Washington) Tour on the Prairies. Post 8vo, boards. 2s Qd half calf . 3s calf extra, marbled leaves. 4s 1835 1508 IRVING S (Washington) Adventures of Captain Bonneville, or Scenes beyond the Rocky Mountains. 3 vols. in 1, post 8vo, half morocco extra. 5s 3 vols. in boards. 4s 3 vols. half calf. 6s 1840 1509 IRVING (Washington) History of the Life and Voyages of Colum bus. 4 vols. 8vo, map, boards (best library edition). 10s 1828 1510 IRVING (Washington) History of the Life and Voyages of Chris topher Columbus. 4 vols. 8vo, map, boards. 12s 1828 Samuel Rogers (the Poet s) copy with numerous pencilled passages by him. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, J,?rvc&4A U>1 1511 IRVING (Washington) Life and Voyages o/ >Coliaftbus, Voyages of his Companions. 3 vols. 8vo, map, cloth. 15s 1#49 1512 IEVING (Washington) Irvingiana; a Memorial of Washington Irving. 4to, portrait and facsimile, cloth. 3s Gd New York, 1860 1513 IKVING S (Theod.) History of the Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto, digested from Garci lasso de la Vega and Her- rera. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 4s new half calf gilt. 6s 6d 2 vols. in 1, half morocco. 7s 1835 1514 IEVING (Theodore) The Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 3s Philadelphia, 1835 1515 IRVING (John T.) Indian Sketches during an Expedition to the Pawnee and other Tribes of American Indians. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s half calf gilt. 7s Qd 1835 1516 ISABELLE (Arsene) Voyage a Buenos-Ayres et a Porto-Alegre (de 1830 a 1834). Royal 8vo, plates, new half calf gilt. 8s Havre, 1835 1517 ISERT (P. E.) Voyages en Guinee et dans les lies Caraibes en Amerique. 8vo, plates, half calf. 3s 6d Paris, 1793 1518 ISNARD (M.) Observations sur le Principe qui a produit les Revolutions de France, de Geneve, et d Amerique dans le 18 Siecle. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Evreux, 1789 1519 IZARD (Ralph, of South Carolina] Correspondence, from the year 1774 to 1804. Post 8vo, portrait, vol. 1, all published, cloth. 6s New York, 1844 1520 JACKSON (Genl. Andrew) Messages of, with a Short Sketch of J his Life. Small 8vo, portrait, calf. 3s Concord, N. H., 1837 1521 JACKSON Wreath, or National Souvenir ; a National Tribute Commemorative of the Great Civil Victory achieved by the Peo ple through the Hero of New Orleans, with Biographical Sketch of the General by Rob. Welsh and Dr. James McHenry. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 3s Philadelphia, 1829 1522 JACKSON (Dr. Robt.) Treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica, with Observations on the Intermitting Fever of America. 8vo, neat. 3s 1791 1523 JACKSON AND ALGER. Remarks on the Mineralogy and Geo logy of the Peninsula of Nova Scotia. 4to, coloured map and plates, half calf. 10s 6d Cambridge, 1832 Presentation copy witli a long and interesting Letter by the author to Sir Colin Campbell, Lieut. -Govern or and Commander in Chief of Nova Scotia, inserted. 1524 JACQUEMIN (Le Citoyen) Memoire sur la Guiane Fra^aise. 12mo, half calf. 5s Paris, 1799 1525 JACQUIN (Nic. Jos.) Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum His- toria, quas in Insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in Vicinu Continentis parte Observavit Rariores. 8vo, calf neat. 7s 6d Manhemii, 1788 1526 JAMAICA Viewed, with all the Ports, Harbours, Towns, and Settlements, with Nature of its Climate, by E. Hickeringell. 12mo, map, stained, half calf . 5s 1661 1527 JAMAICA. Laws of Jamaica, to which is added a short Account of the Island and Government thereof. 8vo, (no map) neat. 3s 1683 109* i , -tfotJcs relating to America, on Sale by U523 J AMAIO A. -Jkws .of Jamaica, passed by the Governours, Coun cil, and Assembly in that Island, and confirmed by the Crown. 8vo, calf. 3s 1716 1529 JAMAICA. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Jamaica from 1681 to 1737. Folio, neat. 5s 1738 1530 JAMAICA ACTS. Abridgment of the Laws of Jamaica, from the 32nd year of King Charles 2nd to the 32nd year of King George the 3rd, inclusive. 4to, calf. 5s St. Jago, 1802 1531 JAMAICA. Slave Law of Jamaica, with Proceedings and Docu ments relating thereto (by Geo. Hibbert). 8vo, half calf. 2s Qd boards. 2s 1828 1532 JAMAICA. Laws of Jamaica to which is prefaced an Account of Jamaica. 8vo, calf neat. 3s 1719 1533 JAMAICA. Acts of Assembly Passed in the Island of Jamaica, 16811754. Folio, calf. 4s 1756 1534 JAMAICA. Farewell Addresses of the Inhabitants of Jamaica to the Right Hon. Sir Chas. Theophilus Metcalfe, Bart., Gover nor of the Island. Svo, boards. 2s Qd Kingston, 1842 1535 JAMAICA. Case and Appendix of John Campbell, Appellant, and William Beckford, Respondent, on two Appeals, relative to a Mortgage on a Plantation called Strathbogie, in the Island of Jamaica. Folio, boards. 6s 1784-1801 1536 JAMAICA. The Merchants, Factors, and Agents residing at Kingston, in Jamaica, Complainants against the Inhabitants of Spanish Town, adjacent Parishes, and against the Planters, Set tlers, and Chief Body of the People of the Island of Jamaica, Respondents The Respondents Case. 4to, calf. 6s Privately printed, London, 1755 1537 JAMAICA. The Election, a Poem. Svo, half calf . 5s Kingston, Jamaica, 1788 With the names of the Characters introduced into the Poem written on the margins. 1538 JAMAICA. Proceedings of a General Court Martial on Major Allan Cameron, held in Kingston Barracks, in the Island of Jamaica. &vo, privately printed, fine copy, red morocco, gilt. 5s 1802 1539 JAMAICA. An Account of Jamaica and its Inhabitants, by a Gentleman long Resident in the West Indies. Svo, boards. 2s 6d calf. 3s 1808 1540 JAMAICA (History of), from the earliest accounts to the taking of Porto Bello by Vice- Admiral Vernon. 8vo, 2 maps, calf. 4s 1740 1541 JAMAICA. History of Jamaica, in 13 Letters, the Author s Voyage there ; Expeditions of Shirley ; the Buccaneers ; the Scots Settlement at Darien ; Lives of the Governors of the Island, &c. 12mo, very neat. 4s Qd Dublin, 1741 1542 JAMAICA Newspaper. The Trifler, " Open to all Parties and influenced by none," from April 5 to June 21, 1823 [Kingston, Jamaica, 1823] The Buckatoro Journal, April 26 to June 7, 1823 : in 1 vol. folio, half bound. 5s Kingston, Jamaica, 1823 1543 JAMAICA. The Laws of Jamaica comprising all the Acts in Force from the 32nd of Charles II. to the llth of George IV., and from 1st to the 14th of Victoria. 12 vols. 4to, half law calf. 2. 2s St. Jago de Vega, 1792-1851 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 103 1544 JAMAICA. Journals of the Assembly of Jamaica from 15th of Charles II. (1663-4) to the 7th of George IV., printed by order of the House of Assembly. 14 vols. folio, half bound. 3. 3s ib. 1811-29 1545 JAMAICA. Votes of the Hon. House of Assembly of Jamaica, 1834, 1836, 1837, 1839 to 1852. 16 vols. folio, half bound. 2. 2s St. Jago de Vega, 1834-52 1546 JAMAICA AND BARBADOES. History of Jamaica and Barba- does, with an Authentic Account of the Lives Lost and Damage sustained in each Island by the late Hurricanes. 4to, half calf. 5s 1781 1547 JAMAICA. Letter to Sir Geo. Murray, Sec. for the Colonies relative to the deportation of Lecesne and EscofFery from Jamaica. 8vo, privately printed, boards. 3s 1829 1548 JAMAICA. Agricola s Letters and Essays on Sugar Farming in Jamaica. 8vo, cloth. 5s Kingston, Jamaica, 1845 1549 JAMAICA MOVEMENT (The) for Promoting the Enforcement of the Slave Trade Treaties and Suppression of the Slave Trade, with Statements of Fact, Convention and Law, prepared at the Request of the Kingston Committee. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1850 1550 JAMAICA. Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June 7th, 1692, written by a Rev. Divine there to his Friend in Lon don. 4to, new half calf gilt, by Bedford. 15s 1693 1551 JAMES (Wm.) Full and Correct Account of the Military Occur rences of the War between Great Britain and the United States of America, 1812, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plans, bds. 12s 1818 1552 JAMES (Wm.) Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and America. 8vo, plates, boards. 9s 6d half calf. 10s calf extra. 12s 1817 1553 JAMES (Capt. Thomas) Strange and Dangerous Voyage in his in tended Discovery of the North- West Passage into the South Sea. 4to, FINE COPY (no map), calf neat, rare. 3. 3s 1633 1554 JAMES (Capt. Thomas) Dangerous Voyage in his intended Dis covery of a North- West Passage, 1633. 8vo (no map), half calf . 6s with the map, half morocco. 7s 6d Reprint, 1740 1555 JAMES (Edwin) Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains in 1819 and 1820. 3 vols. 8vo, maps and coloured plates, boards. 9s calf gilt. 12s half calf gilt. 14s 1823 1556 JAMES (Edwin) Account of can Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, under the Command of Major S. H. Long. 2 vols. 8vo, and 4 to vol. of maps, boards. 12s Philadelphia, 1823 1557 JANEWAY S (James) Legacy to his Friends, containing twenty- seven famous Instances of God s Providences in, and Sea Dangers and Deliverances, edited by J. Ryther, with a Sermon on Sea Deliverance, by the same. 12mo, neat. 15s 1675 A curious little volume ; the greater portion relates to America. Tho author picked up the information while at Salem and Boston, in New England, in 1671. 1558 JANSON S (C. W.) Stranger in America, containing Observations made during a long Residence in that Country. 4to, plates, boards. 5s (pub. at 2. 2s) 1807 A most amusing book. 1559 JAY (Wm.) on the American Colonization and American Anti- Slavery Societies. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s New York, 1837 104 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1560 JAY (W.) on Slavery in America. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1835 1561 JAY. Life of John Jay, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers, by his Son, William Jay. 2 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. 10s Qd New York, 1833 1562 JEFFERSON S (Thos. American President) Notes on the State of Virginia. 8vo, map, half calf . 6s ANOTHER (without map), calf. 4s London, 1787 1563 JEFFERSON S Virginia. Post 8vo, boards. 4s Phil., 1825 1564 JEFFERSON S Memoirs and Correspondence. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, edges smoothed. 10s boards, edges uncut. 12s half calf . 14s new half calf gilt. 16s London, 1829 " The Historian and Politician will here find invaluable materials upon nearly all the controverted points of the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, from the day of their existence as an Independent Govern ment." Edinburgh Review. 1565 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Life of, with parts of his Correspond ence, never before published, and Notices of his Opinions, by Geo. Tucker. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd 1837 1566 JEFFREY S (Thos.) American Atlas, a Geographical Description of the whole Continent of America, wherein are delineated at large its several Regions, Countries, States, and Islands, and chiefly the British Colonies, composed from Surveys made by Government. Large folio, 49 coloured maps, half bound. 15s 1776 1567 JEFFERY S (Thos.) Voyages from Asia to America for completing the Discoveries of the North- West Coast of America. 4to, maps, 1761 Present State of the West Indies. Maps, 1778, in 1 vol. 4to, Jialf calf. 7s Qd 1568 JEFFERY S (Thos.) Compleat Pilot for the West Indies, including the British Channel, Bay of Biscay, and all the Atlantic Islands, with their Bays, Harbours, Keys, Rocks, Landmarks, Depths of Water, Latitudes, Longitudes, &c. Large folding atlas, 29 large folding maps, half bound. 10s 1782 1569 JEFFERY S (Thomas) West India Atlas, or general Description of the West Indies, from actual Surveys, with Historical Account of the several Countries and Islands. Royal folio, 61 maps and charts, half calf . 12s 1783 1570 JEFFERY S (Thomas) Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America (Canada, Louisiana, St. Domingo, Guadaloupe, Grenada, Cayenne). Folio, maps and plates, new half calf gilt. 1. Is 1760 1571 JEFFERY S Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies. 4 to, 32 maps and plans, neat half calf. 7s Qd. 1762 SECOND EDITION. 4to, calf. 7s 1774 1572 JENNINGS (Louis J.) Eighty Years of Republican Government in the United States. Crown 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1868 1573 JOHNES (A. J.) Philological Proofs of the Original Unity and Recent Origin of the Human Race, derived from a Comparison of the Languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. 8vo, cloth. Qs (original price, 12s Qd) 1846 Printed at the suggestion of Dr. Priehard, to whose works it will be found a useful Supplement. 1574 JOHNSON S (Richard) Relations of the most famous Kingdoms and Commonweales through the World, discoursing of their A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 105 Situations, Manners, Customs, Strengths, and Policies ; trans lated into English, and enlarged. 4to, calf neat. 9s 1608 One Chapter relates to America. 1575 JOHNSON (H. C. Ross) A Long Vacation in the Argentine Alps. 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1868 1576 JONES (J. S.) Defence of the Revolutionary History of North Carolina. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd Boston, 1834 1577 JONES. Memorials of Rebecca Jones (of Philadelphia), compiled by W. J. Allison. 8vo, boards. 3s Phil. 1849 1578 JONES (Rear Admiral Paul) Life of, from Original Documents in the possession of J. H. Sherburne, Esq., Register of the Navy of the United States. Post 8vo, boards. 3s Qd 1825 1579 JONES S (Geo.) History. of Ancient America, anterior to the time of Columbus, proving the Identity of the Aborigines with Tyrians and Israelites. Royal 8vo, cloth. Qs Qd (pub. at 1. Is) 1843 1580 JONES (Geo.) Tecumseh and Prophet of the West, an Historical Israel-Indian Tragedy Life and History of General Harrison and First Oration upon the Life, Character, and Genius of Shake speare. In 1 vol. royal 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd hf. cf. gt. 5s Qd 1844 1581 JORDAN (Richard, Quaker of Newton, Neiv Jersey), Journal of his Life and Religious Labours. Small 8vo, boards. 2s 1829 1582 JOSEPH (Francisco de S.) Historia Universal de la Primitava y Milagrosa Imagen de N. S. de Guadelupe. Refierense las His- torias de las plausibles Imagines de N. S. de Guadelupe de Mexico, la del Valle de Pacasmayo en el Peru, la de la Ciudad de la Plata, etc. Folio, plate, calf, scarce. 15s Madrid, 1743 The Emperor Maximilian s copy. 1582* JONES (Rev. Peter, Indian Missionary) History of the Ojebway Indians. Post 8vo, 16 curious plates, cloth. 3s 1861 1583 JOSSELYN (John) An Account of two Voyages to New England, made during the years 1638, 1663. 4to, cloth, only 250 elegantly reprinted from the edition of 1675. 15s Boston, 1865 1584 LARGE PAPER, only 75 printed, cloth. 1. 11s Qd ib., 1865 1585 JOSSELYN (John) New England s Rarities Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country, with Intro duction and Notes, by Edw. Tuckerman. Only 250 copies ele gantly printed, 4to, cloth. 15s Boston, 1865 1586 LARGE PAPER, only 75 printed, cloth. <!. 11s Qd ib., 1865 1587 JOURNAL of the Resolution s Voyage, 1772-75, on Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, also a Journal of the Adventure s Voyage, 1772-4. 8vo, map and plates, neat. 3s 1775 A surreptitious account of Cook s second "Voyage. 1588 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Congress at Philadelphia, May to July, 1775. 8vo, uncut. 2s Qd half morocco. 3s 1776 1589 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of Congress at Philadelphia, Jan. to May, 1776. 8vo, half calf . 5s Phil., 1778 1590 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of Congress held at Philadelphia from Sept. 5th, 1775, to April 30th, 1776. 8vo, half calf . 2s 1778 13 106 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1591 JOURNAL d un Voyage dans 1 interieure de 1 Amerique septen- trionale, ouvrage dans lequel on donne des details precieux sur 1 insurrection des Anglo- Americains et sur le chute desastreuse de leur papiermonnoie, traduit de 1 Anglois avec de Notes par M. Noel. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, map and plates, sewed. 5s Paris, 1793 1592 JOURNAL of the Bishop of Montreal during a Visit to the Church Missionary Society s North-West America Mission. 12mo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 2s. 1845 Second Edition, 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd 1849 1593 JOUTEL S (Monsr.) Journal of the Last Voyage, by Mons. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Mis sissippi River. 8vo, map, calf neat. 18s ANOTHER, fine large clean copy in the original neat calf. 1. Is 1714 1594 JOUTEL. Another Copy (without map), neat. 14s 1714 1595 JUAN Y ULLOA. Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional. 4 vols. 4to, clean copy, maps and plates, calf. 1. Is Madrid, 1748 1596 JUAN ET ULLOA. Voyage Historique de 1 Amerique Meri- dionale et qui contiene une Histoire des Yncas du Perou. 2 vols. 4to, front., maps and plates, old calf gilt. 12s Amst., 1752 1597 JUAN ET ULLOA. Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to, Mf red mo rocco, gilt tops, edges uncut. 14s ib., 1752 1598 JUAN AND ULLOA S Voyages to South America, describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. ; together with the Natural History of that Country. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, calf, very neat. 4s Qd 1772 159.9 FOURTH EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, hoards. 4s half calf. 4s Qd whole calf, gilt. 5s 1806 1600 FIFTH EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, hoards. 4s Qdhalf calf. 5s 6d 1807 1601 ANOTHER EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, neat. 4s Dublin, 1758 Juan and Ulloa s Travels may be selected as the most interesting and satisfactory work of this kind ; they are the unacknowledged source of much that has been published in other forms. Retrospective Review. 1602 JUARRO S (Domingo) Statistical and Commercial History of Guatemala, containing particulars of its Productions, Manufac tures, Customs, &c. Translated by Lieutenant J. Baily. 8vo, maps, hoards. 6s 1823 1603 JUKES S (J. B., the Geologist) Excursions in and about Newfound land. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf. 7s Qd 1842 1604 JUKES (J. B.) Report on the Geological Survey of Newfound land. 8vo, coloured maps, hoards. 4s 1843 1605 JULIAN (Don Antonio) La Perla de la America, Provincia de Santa Marta reconocida observada y Expuesta en discursos his- toricos, 4to, map, Spanish calf. 1. 5s Madrid, 1787 1606 JULIUS (Le Docteur) Du Systeme penitentiaire Americain en 1836, suivi de quelques observations, par M. Victor Foucher. 8vo, half morocco. 2s 1837 1607 TTALM S (Peter) Travels into North America, translated by IV Forster. 3 vols. 8vo, map and plates, calf neat. 14s 1770 1608 KALM (Peter) Travels into North America, Vol. 1 and 2, calf. 4s 1770 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 107 1609 KALM S (Peter) Travels into North America. Complete in 2 vols. 8vo, plates, very neat. 14s 1772 1610 KANE. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane, M.D., the Arctic Ex plorer. 8vo, plates, doth. 3s 1858 1611 KANE (Paul) Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America, from Canada through Vancouver s Island, Ore gon, Hudson s Bay, and back. 8vo,maps and fine litlio tint plates, doth. 9s Qd half calf. 65 Qd (pub. at 21s) 1859 1612 KEATING (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter s River, Lake Winnipeck, &c., with Appendix of Geo logy, Botany, and Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 6s 6d half calf . 7s 6d new half calf gilt. 9s Qd 1825 1613 KEITH (George). The Christian Quaker, or George Keith s Eyes opened, good News from Pennsylvania, containing a Testi mony against that false and absurd Opinion that all true Be lievers and Saints immediately after the Bodily Death attain to all the Resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoy ment of happiness. 4to, boards. 1. 5s 1693 1614 KEITH. Pretended Yearly Meeting of the Quakers, their name less Bull of Excommunication against George Keith, with his Answer, shewing that for his reproving the evil and wicked practices of them in Pennsylvania, that Party has Excommu nicated him. 4to, boards. 12s 6d 1695 1615 KEITH (George). Gross Error and Hypocrisie detected in George Whitehead and some of his Brethren (William Penn and John Whitehead). 4to, uncut. 12s Qd London, 1695 1616 KEITH S (Sir George) Voyage to South America (Brazil) and the Cape of Good Hope. 4to, boards. 4s 1819 1617 KELLY (W.) Excursion to California over the Prairie, Rocky Mountains, Great Sierra Nevada. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 6s 1851 1618 KEMBLE (Frances Anne) Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation, 1838-9. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 3s (pub. at 10s Qd) 1863 1619 KENDALL (E. A.) Travels through the northern parts of the United States in 1807 and 1808. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 9s New York, 1809 1620 KENDALL (G. W.) Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition, and a Tour through Texas and across the great South- Western Prairies, &c. 2 vols. post 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 5s 6d 1844 1621 Another Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, cloth. 6s half calf gilt. 8s Qd 1845 1622 KENNEDY (W.) Texas, the Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, cloth. 8s Qd 1841 1623 KENNEDY (Capt. W.) Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert in search of Sir John Franklin. Post 8vo, map and plates, doth. 3s Qd without the map, cloth. 2s Qd 1835 1624 KENNEDY (John P.) Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, Attorney-General of the United States. 2 vols. post 8vo, por trait and facsimile, cloth. 4s Qd 1850 1625 KENNEDY (Jas.) On the Probable Origin of the American In dians. 8vo, cloth. Is Qd 1854 108 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1626 KENTUCKY. Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky, made during the years 1854 55, by David Dale Owen. Impe rial 8vo, plates and charts, doth. 18s Frankfort, Kentucky, 1856 1627 KERB S General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. 8vo, vols. 1 to 8, mat, half calf . 10s Qd 1811 These volumes contain the History of America by the Northmen, Ves- pucius s Voyages, Columbus s Discoveries, Bernal Diaz s Mexico, Zarate s Peru, Garcillasso de la Vega s Peru, the Discovery and Settlement of Flo rida, the Discovery and Settlement of Newfoundland and Canada by Cabot, Car tier, &c., &c. 1628 KEY S (Commander A. S.) Narrative of the Recovery of H.M.S. " Gorgon " (C. Hotham, Captain) stranded in the Bay of Monte Video, 10th May, 1844. 8vo, 18 plates, cloth. 4s Qd 1847 1629 KIDD. Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Captain Kidd, written by a person of quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellemont, in Ireland. 4to, half morocco. 10s Qd 1701 Captain Kidd was employed by the Earl of Bellemont to go against the Pirates which infested the Coast of North America in 1696, but turned Pirate himself. He was afterwards taken at Boston, sent to England, and hung with several others. There are many traditional stories of Kidd extant in New England. 1630 KIDD. Trial of Captain William Kidd for Murther and Piracy, with his Execution. Folio, half morocco. 10s Qd 1701 1631 KIDDER (Rev. Daniel) Sketches of Residence and Travels in Brazil, embracing Historical and Geographical Notices of the Empire and its several Provinces. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, cloth. 9s 1845 1632 KIDDER AND FLETCHER. Brazil and the Brazilians, por trayed by Historical and Descriptive Sketches. Thick 8vo, numerous illustrations, cloth. 10s 6d (pub. at 21s) Phil., 1857 1633 KING (Richard, Surgeon and Naturalist) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, under the command of Capt. Back. 2 vols. post 8vo, plates, boards. 5s 1836 1634 KING (Dr. Richard) The Franklin Expedition from First to Last. Crown 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s 1855 1635 KING S (Col.) Twenty Years in the Argentine Republic, com prising the Author s personal Adventures, with the Civil, Mili tary, and Political History of the Country, before and during the Administration of Governor Rosas. 8vo, boards. 5s (pub. at 14s) 1846 1636 KING, Fitzroy, and Darwin s Narrative of the Surveying Voy ages of H.M. Ships " Adventure " and " Beagle " between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their Examination of the Southern Shores of America, and the " Beagle s " circumnaviga tion of the Globe. 4 vols. medium 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 2. 5s 1839 1637 KING, &c. Another copy. 4 vols. medium 8vo, calf extra, mar bled leaves. 3. 3s 1839 1638 KINGDOM (W.) Abstract of all the most useful Information relative to the United States of America and the British Colo nies. 8vo, boards. 2s new half calf gilt. 3s Qd 1820 1639 KINGSTON (W. H. G.) Western Wanderings, or a Pleasure Tour in the Canadas. 2 vols. crown 8vo, engravings, cloth. 5s half calf gilt. 6s 6d 1856 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 109 1640 KIPPIS (Dr. And.) Considerations on the Provisional Treaty with America, and the preliminary Articles of Peace between France and Spain. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Qd 1783 1641 KNAPP S Life of Thomas Eddy, the American Philanthropist. 8vo, portrait, boards. 2s 1836 1642 KNOX (W., Agent for the Colony of Georgia) Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed. 8vo, hf. cf. 5s 1769 1643 KNOX S (W., Secretary of State for the American Department ichile that office lasted) Extra Official State Papers addressed to Lord Rawdon on promoting the Trade between England and the Continent of America. 8vo, boards. 65 calf. 6s Qd 1789 1644 KNOX S Observations on the Liturgy, with a Proposal for its Reform, upon the principles of Christianity as professed by the Church of England. With the Journals of the American Con vention, to prepare a Liturgy for the Churches in the United States. 8vo,calf. 4s 6 d 1789 1645 KNOX (John P.) Historical Account of St. Thomas, West Indies, and incidental Notices of St. Croix and St. Johns. Post 8vo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 3s New York, 1852 1646 KNOX (Hugh, D.D., in St. Croix) Moral and Religious Miscellany, or 61 aphoretical Essays on some of the most important Christian Doctrines and Virtues. 8vo, old calf. 8s Qd New York, 1775 With a long list of Subscribers, or inhabitants connected with St. Croix. 1647 KNOX (John, Lieut. General to Sir Jeff. Amherst) Historical Jour nal of the Campaigns in North America, 1757 60, particularly of the two Sieges of Quebec, &c. 2 vols. 4to, plates, fine copy, in old calf. 3. 3s 1769 1648 KNOX S Campaigns in North America, 175760. 2 vols. 4to, map and 2 portraits, half morocco, marbled edges. 2. 5s 1769 1649 KOHL (J. G.) Kitch i-Gami. Wanderings round Lake Superior. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s 1860 1650 KOSTER (Henry) Travels in Brazil. 4to, coloured plates, boards. Qs Qd 1816 1651 KOSTER (Henry) Travels in Brazil. 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 5s half russia. 7s 1817 1652 KOTZEBUE (Otto Von) New Voyage round the World in the years 1823 to 1826. 2 vols. post 8vo, new half calf. 7s 1830 1653 KOTTENKAMP (Franz) Geschichte der Colonisation Amerikas. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 6s Frankfurt, 1850 1654 KULB (Ph. H.) Geschichte der Entdeckung und Eroberung Peru s von Francisco de Xerez, Pizarra s Geheimschreiber. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 3s Qd Stuttgart, 1842 1655 T ABAT (R. P.) Nouveau Voyage aux lies de rAmerique con- JJ tenant 1 Histoire Naturelle de ces pays, FOrigine, les Moeurs, la Religion et la Gouvernement des habitans Anciens et Mo- dernes. 6 vols. 12mo, numerous maps and plates, vellum. 16s calf neat. 18s a la Haye, 1724 1656 LAB AT (Pere) Voyage aux lies de 1 Amerique avec 1 Histoire Naturelle de ce pays, &c. 2 vols. 4to, many plates, neat. 14s 1724 1657 LA CASSETTE Verte de Mons de Sartirie trouv^e chez Madlle. du The". 8vo, calf neat. 3s Qd a la Haye, 1779 A Satirical work on th leading persons connected with American affairs. 110 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1658 LA BEAUMELLE (M. V. Angliviel) de TEmpire du Bresil, con- sidere sous ses Rapports Politiques et Commerciaux. 8vo, sewed. 3s Paris, 1823 1659 LACROIX (Pamphile de) Memoires pour servir a 1 Histoire de la Revolution de St. Domingue. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 5s ib., 1819 1660 LAET (Jo.) Notae ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum. 1 2mo, half morocco. 4s Qd Another, in vellum. 4s Qd Amsterdam, 1643 1661 LAFITAU (J. F.) De Zeden der Wilden Van Amerika. 2 vols. in 1, folio, numerous fine plates, fine copy, calf gilt. 9s Iris Gravenhage, 1731 1662 LAFITAU (J. Frar^ois) Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Pprtugais dans le Nouveau Monde. 2 vols. 4to, map and plates, calf neat. 18s 1733 1663 LAFITAU. Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. 4 vols. 12mo, very neat and clean. 15s 1734 1664 LAFITAU. Historia dos Descrobimentos e Conquistas dos Por- tuguezes do novo mundo. 4 vols. 12mo, calf neat, scarce. 14s Lisbon, 1786 1665 LA HONTAN (Le Baron) Nouveaux Voyages de PAmerique Sep- tentrionale avec un petit dictionaire de la langue du Pais. 2 vols. 1 2mo, plates, old calf gilt. 15s a la Haye, 1703 1666 LA HONTAN (Le Baron) Suite des Voyages de M. Le Baron de La Hontaine, avec un petit dictionaire de la langue de Pais. 2 vols. 12mo (being vols. 2 and 3, the third vol. for the first time published), maps and plates, calf neat. 7s 6d Amsterdam, 1728 1667 LAHONTAN S New Voyages to North America (with a Diction ary of the Algonkin Language). 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, good copy, in old calf. 1. 3s Another copy, newly bound, calf gilt. 1.48 Another, calf gilt backs (stained). 14s 1735 1668 LAING S "Interesting" Voyage to Spitzbergen. 12mo, boards. 2s 1815 Another edition. 8vo, half russia. 3s calf. 3s 1818 1669 LALLEMENT (M.) Histoire de la Colombie. 8vo, cloth. 4s Paris, 1826 1670 LAMB (R.) Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its commencement to the year 1783. 8vo, calf. 7s 6d Uublin, 1809 1671 LAMB S (Sergt. R.) Memoir of his own Life (giving his Adven tures during the American War, being a Sequel to his " Jour nal"). 8vo, neat. 5s $.,1811 1672 LAMB (Gen. John) Memoir of the Life and Times of; an Officer of the Revolution, who commanded a Post at West Point at the time of Arnold s defection, and his Correspondence with Wash ington, Clinton, Patrick Henry, and others, by Isaac Q. Leake. Svo, portrait and plans, cloth. 6s Albany, I860 1673 LAMBERT (John) Travels through Canada and the United States of North America, with Biographical Notices and Anecdotes of some of the leading Characters in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf. 6s 1813 1674 LAMBERT (A. B.) Illustration of the Genus Chinchona, descrip tions of all the Peruvian Barks ; Baron Humboldt s Account of A. E. Smith, 36, SoJw Square, London. Ill the Chinchona Forests, and several Dissertations of Don H. Ruiz on various Medicinal Plants of South America. to, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1821 1675 LANGDON (Samuel, President of Harvard College) Sermon Preached before the Congress of the Colony of the Massachu setts Bay, in New England, assembled at Watertown. 8vo, boards. 5s Watertown, 1775 1676 LANMAN (Charles) Dictionary of the United States Congress containing Biographical Sketches of its Members from the foun dation of the Government. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s Phil., 1859 1677 LANSON. Life and Adventures of Henry Lanson, the only Son of a Wealthy Planter in the West Indies, put on Shore at an Uninhabited Island, where he discovers the Ruins of an Ancient Temple, and near it the Oracle of the Sun, and a large rude carved Idol of pure Gold. 8vo, half calf. 5s London, n.d. 1678 LA NOMENCLATURE Anglaise, avec une Introduction et des notes utiles. 12mo, neat and clean. 7s 6d Philadelphia Imprim. par Tho. Bradford, 1794 1679 LA PEROUSE. Charts and Plates Illustrating La Perouse s Voyage round the World (mostly on the North- West Coast of America, California, and the Russian Possessions). 69 Plates, folio, boards, is 6d 1798 1680 LAPEYRERE (Isaac) Relation du Greenland. 8vo, map and plates, new calf gilt, rare. 1. Is Paris, 1647 1681 LAPEYRERE. Relation de 1 Islande et Relation des Greenland contenant 1 Histoire des Voyages des Danois pour la decouverte de cette Terre. Maps and plates, new half russia. 6s 6d Amst. 1715 1682 LAPHA.M (J. A.) The Antiquities of Wisconsin, as Surveyed and Described. 4to, many plates, sewed. 15s 1853 LAS CASAS (Bart., Bishop of Chiapas) see Casas, Nos. 529 to 533 1683 LAS CASAS (Bartolome de) Colecion de las Obras del, por J. A. Llorente. Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 10s 6d Paris, 1822 1684 LAS CASAS (Bart, de) Relation des Voyages, et des Decouvertes que les Espagnols ont fait dans les Indes Occidentales. 12mo, very neat. 6s 6d Amst. 1698 1685 LAS CASAS, Conquista dell Indie Occidentali, Fenetia, 1644 II Supplice Schiauo Indiano, ib. 1636 La Liberta pretesa dal supplice schiauo Indiano, ib. 1640 ; all in Italian and Spanish, in 1 vol. 4to, limp vellum. 1. 15s 1636-44 1686 LATHAM S (Henry) Black and White, a Journal of a Three Months Tour in the United States. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1867 1687 LATROBE (C. J.) The Rambler in North America. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 4s half calf gilt. 5s 2 vols. in 1, half calf gilt. 5s 6d 1835 1688 LATROBE S (C. J.) Rambler in Mexico. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1836 American Edition, boards. 2s New York, 1836 1689 LAUGEL (Auguste) The United States during the War. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1866 1690 LAVAL (Le P.) Voyage de la Louisiane, dans lequel sont traitees diverses matieres de Physique, Astronomie, Geographic, et Marine. 4to, many maps, calf gilt, scarce. 1. 4s Pan s, 1728 1691 LAV AYESSE. Statistical, Commercial, and Political Description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, and Tobago, with Introduc- 112 Books relating to America, on Sale by tion and Explanatory Notes by the Editor. 8vo, map, 55 half calf gilt. 6s 1820 1692 LAWRENCE. Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the late Amos Lawrence, with brief Account of some incidents in his Life, edited by his Son, Dr. W. E. Lawrence. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s Boston, 1855 1693 LAWRENCE (Robert F.) The New Hampshire Churches, com prising Histories of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches in the State, with Notices of other Denominations. Thick 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 7s 1856 1694 LAWS of the United States, Published by Authority. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 6s Philadelphia, 1796 1695 LAWS of the United States of America. 10 vols. old law calf. 15s Philadelphia, 1706-1808. Washington City, 1803-1811 1696 LAWS of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815, including the Constitution of the United States, &c. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. 15s Philadelphia, 1815 1697 LAWSON (Deodat) Christ s Fidelity the only shield against Satan s Malignity, in a Sermon at Salem Village, 24th March, 1692, at a time of Publick Examination of some suspected for Witchcraft. 12mo, new calf (title mended). 15s 1704 1698 LAWSON (John) New Voyage to Carolina, exact Description of that Country and its Present State, and Journal of a Thousand Miles Travel through several Indian Nations. 4to, frontispiece, (no map) large copy, new calf. 1. Us 6d 1709 1699 LAYA (Alexandre) De la Republique en France et en Amerique. Crown 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d Paris, I860 1700 LE BEAU (Sieur C.) Aventures ou Voyage curieux et nouveau parmi les sauvages de 1 Amerique Septentrionale, on trouvera une Description du Canada, &c. 2 vols. 12mo, map and curious plates, calf neat. 1. 4s ANOTHER, 2 vols. in 1, calf. 1. Is Amst. 1738 1701 LEAVES from the Backwoods. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Montreal, 1861 1702 LEE (Samuel, first Pastor of Bristol Rhode Island) Orbis Miracu- lum, or the Temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture Sight. Folio, front, and curious plates, fine clean copy, calf neat. 18s 1659 1703 LEE (Jonathan) Sermon before the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut at Hartford on the day of the Anniversary Election. 4to, half morocco. 7s Qd New Land. Tim. Green, 1766 1704 LEE (General) Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Esq., Second in Command in the Service of the United States of America, during the Revolution, with his Essays and Letters. 8vo, calf gilt. 6s 1792 1705 LEGEND (The) of Captain Jones, relating his Adventures by Sea and Land (partly in America). Two parts, 12 mo, new calf gilt. 10s 6d 1671 1706 LELAND (John) The Bible-Baptist. 8vo, half calf . 3s Baltimore, 1789 1707 LEMPRIERE S (Dr. C.) Notes in Mexico, 1861-2, Politically and Socially Considered. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 6d, pub. at 12s 6d 1862 1708 LERIO. Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam quse et America, dicitur. Small 8vo, woodcuts, including a curious folding one A. R. Smith, 36, SoJw Square, London, 113 " Tououpinainbaultiorum cum Margaitibus certamen," vellum. 1.4* calf. 1. Is Geneva, 1586 1709 LESCALLIER (Daniel) Expos6 des Moyens de mettre en Valeur et d Administer la Guiane. 8vo, map, sewed. 2s 6d Paris, an. VI. 1710 LES Droits de la Grand Bretagne etablis centre les pretentions des Americains, traduit de 1 Anglois par M. Freville. 8vo, a la Haye, 1776 Lettre de M a M. S. B., Docteur en Medecine a Kingston dans la Jamaique au sujet des troubles qui agitent actuellement toute 1 Amerique Septentrionale, ib. 1776 Seconde lettre de M. de Pinto, a 1 occasion des troubles des Colonies, ib. 1776 Reponse de M. J. de Pinto, aux observations d un homme impartial, ib. 1776, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 5s 1711 LESTER (0. Edwards) My Consulship. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd New York, 1853 1712 L ESPION des Sauvages en Angleterre (relating to America). 8vo, calf, rare. 5s Londres, aux depans de la Compagnie, 1764 1713 LETTER to the People of England on the Present Situation and Conduct of National Affairs (on the War in America Penn the Quaker, d-c.). 8vo, half calf . 2s Qd 1755 1714 LETTERS of Governor Hutchinson and Lt. Governor Oliver, &c. Printed at Boston, and the Assembly s Address, also Proceedings of the Lord s Committee of Council. 8vo, calf. 5s 1774 1715 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. W. Bertie, High Steward of Abingdon and Wallingford, in which his candid and Liberal Treatment of the Earl of Mansfield is fully Vindicated. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Qd 1778 1716 LETTER from Alex. Hamilton, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of President Adams. 8vo, close cut, half morocco. 3s Qd New York, 1800 1717 LETTER on the Genius and Disposition of the French Govern ment, including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire, by an American. 8vo, NINTH EDITION, half morocco. 3s 1811 FOURTH EDITION, half calf. 2s 1810 1718 LETTER to Lord Geo. Germaine, giving an Account of the Origin of the Dispute between Great Britain and the Colonies, by a Gentleman for many years Resident in America. 8vo, half morocco. Qs 1778 1719 LETTER to a Gentleman in the Massachussett s General Assem bly, concerning Taxes to support Religious Worship. 8vo, boards. 5s Printed in the year 1771 1720 LETTERS from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, 8vo, boards. 5s Qd Boston, 1768 1721 LETTRES d un Fermier de Pennsylvania aux habitans de 1 Ame- rique Septentrionale, traduits de 1 Anglois. 12mo, calf. 2s Amst. 1769 1 722 LETTERS to the Ministry from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and Commodore Hood, and also Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commissioners of the Customs. 8vo, half calf. 5s 1769 1723 LETTER (A) to Lord Chatham concerning the present War of Great Britain against America, by a Gentleman of the Inner Temple (Matt. Dawes), 60 pp. A Prospect of the Consequences of the present Conduct of Great Britain towards America, 98 pp. 14 114) Books relating to America, on Sale by 1776 A Discourse, preached December 15th, 1774, being the day recommended by the Provincial Congress, by William Gor don, 36 pp. 1775 A Sermon, preached in Christ Church, July 7th, 1775, before the First Battalion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, by the Rev. Jacob Duche, M.A. All in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf neat. 9s 6d 1775 1724 LETTERS of Paul and Amicus, originally Published in the Chris tian Repository, a Weekly Paper printed at Wilmington, Dela ware (on the Principles of the Quakers). Thick 8vo, neat. 4s Wilmington, 1823 1725 LETTERS to a Friend, in reference to some Defects in the Polity of the British Leeward Charibee Islands, inscribed to his Excel lency the Captain General, by Philiarcus (Jamaica), 1815 Vas- tey s Remarks upon a letter by Mazeres to Sismondi, containing Observations on the Kingdom of Hayti, &c. Small 8vo, hf. cf. 3s 1726 LETTERS from the Virgin Islands, Illustrating Life and Manners in the West Indies. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 3s 6d 1843 1727 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses ecrites des Missions 6trangeres par quelques Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. 32 vols. (wanting vol. 28) bound in 27 (seldom found complete), 12mo, calf. 1. 10s Paris, 1703-1774 This interesting work contains the principal Letters written by the French Missionaries from the East Indies, China, Japan, Siam, South America, and among the Indians in North America and Canada, giving an Account of Adventures and Proceedings in Establishing the Catholic Religion in these Countries. Dibdin says these Lettres Edifiantes should find a place in the gilded upper shelves of a well-furnished library of any description. I knew an old friend who solaced himself during twenty-eight long winter nights by the perusal of these edifying and curious epistles. Charles Butler says all the information which the Missionaries could acquire of the learning, the arts and sciences of China, they transmitted to Europe, is principally to be found in their Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, of which f ontenelle said he had never read a work which answered better to its title. 1728 LEWIS (M. G.) Journal of a West India Proprietor. 8vo, boards. 3s new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1834 1729 LEWIS (Rev. G.) Impressions of America and the American Churches. 8vo, cloth. 4s Edirib. 1845 1730 LEWIS AND CLARKE (Captains) Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, in the years 1804 to 1806. 4to, whole bound. 14s half calf. 15s half calf , wanting the title page. 8s 1814 1731 LEWIS AND CLARKE S Travels. Another Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, maps, boards. 14s calf neat. 16s 1815 1732 LIEBER (Francis) The Stranger in America, comprising Sketches of the Manners, Society, and National Peculiarities of the United States. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Another, 2 vols. in 1, half calf gilt. 4s Qd 1834 1733 LIGON (Richard) True and Exact History of the Island of Bar- badoes. Folio, map and plates, good clean copy, old calf. 1. 5s half calf . 1. Is Another, map wanting, calf neat. 15s 1657 1734 LIGON. Another Edition, calf neat. 1. 5s 1673 1735 LILLINGSTON S (Col. Luke) Reflections on Mr. Burchet s Memoirs, or Remarks on his Account of Capt. Wilmot s Expedi tion to the West Indies. 8vo, neat. 5s 1704 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 115 1736 LIMA. Gozosa descripcion de las festibus demonstraciones con que esta Ciudad Capital de la America Meridional celebro la real proclamacion de el nombre del Senor Don Carlos III. 4to )v /Me copy, vellum. 1. 4s En Lima, 1760 1737 L INDEPENDANCE absolu des Americains des Etats-Unis prouvee par 1 etat actuel de leur commerce avec les Nations Europeemies. 8vo, half calf . 4s Paris, 1798 1738 LINDLEY (Tho.) Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil, with Sketches of the Country and Description of the City and Provinces of St. Salvadore and Porto Seguro. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 3s 6d 1805 1739 LINN (W.) Legal and Commercial Common Place Book, contain ing the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, and respective State Courts on Bills of Exchange, Checks, and Pro missory Notes. 8vo, calf. 3s Ithaca, N. Y. 1850 1740 LINSCOTANI (Jo. Hug.) Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiana. 4 parts, folio, portrait and numerous maps and plates, vellum. 15s Hag. Com. 1599 1741 - - The same. 2 parts only, maps, &c. 3s 6d ib. 1599 1 742 LINSCHOT ( J. Hugue de) Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales et Occidentales avec annotations de B. Paludanus. Folio, many maps and curious plates, fine copy, in old French calf, gilt edges. 1. 5s 1638 1743 LINSCHOT. Another. French Edition, folio (wanting 2 plates), vellum. 10s 6d Amst. 1610 1744 LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huyghen Van) Itinerarium ofte Schip-vaert naer post ofte Portugaels Indien. Folio, containing a profusion of singular plates, good copy, old calf. <!. 8s T Amstelredam, 1623 1745 LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huyghen Van) Itinerarium ofte Schip-vaert naer post ofte Portugaels Indien. Folio, many curious plates, some wanting, vellum. 12s Amst. 1644 1746 LINSCHOTEN S Voyages. IN ENGLISH, 4 parts, folio, with maps and plates, and also further illustrated with those from the Dutch and Latin editions, with Latin and French titles also inserted, but has not the English one, green morocco, extra, tooled on sides, &c. (a very choice volume). 7. 17s Qd London, 1598 1747 LINSCHOTEN S Voyages. IN ENGLISH. 4 parts, folio, black letter, folding plates (title page reprinted), half calf. 1. 5s ib. 1598 1748 LISLE S (J. R.) Voyage to North America, and Journey to Phila delphia, &c. 8vo, neat. 5s Dublin, 1810 1749 LIVERMORE (Geo.) Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens and as Soldiers. 8vo, autograph presentation copy, uncut. 4s Gd Boston, 1862 1750 LIVING Christianity, delineated in the Diaries and Letters of Hugh Bryan and Mary Hutson, both of South Carolina. 8vo, new half calf . 5s 1760 1751 LIVINGSTON. Examen du Gouvernement d Angleterre compare aux Constitutions des Etats Unis, traduit de 1 Anglois. 8vo, half calf . 4s Paris, 1789 1752 LIVINGSTON S (Edw.) Project of a New Penal Code for Loui siana. 8vo. boards. 2s half calf . 3s 1824 1753 LIVINGSTON (W., Gov. of New Jersey) Life, by Th. Sedgwick, Jim. 8vo, portrait, cloth (wants 4 leaves). 2s New York, 1833 116 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1754 LIVINGSTON (Edw.) Life of, by Charles Haven Hunt, with In troduction by Geo. Bancroft. Thick 8vo, portrait, doth. 6s New YorJc, 1864 1755 LLOYD S (S. H.) Sketches of Bermuda, post 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 3s 1835 1756 LOCKE. Collection of several pieces of Mr. John Locke, never before printed, with his Life. 8vo, calf. 5s half calf . 4s 6d 1720 Containing the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina, as drawn up by himself. 1757 LODGE (Thomas) a Margarite of America, 1596 (written in the Straits of Magellan while with Candistis First Expedition) edited by J. 0. Halliwell. Small 4to, only 26 copies printed, half morocco. 1. 15s 1859 1758 LOHER (Franz; Geschichte u. Zustande der Deutschen in Ame- rika. 8vo, new, half calf gilt. 6s Qd Cincinnati, 1847 1759 LONG S (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the American Indians, with a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, a list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawnee, and Esquimeaux tongues. 4to, map, boards. 6s 6d half calf. 8s 6d-fine copy, calf gilt. Ws6d 1791 1760 LONG (J.) Voyages chez differentes Nations sauvages de TAme- rique Septentrionale, traduits de 1 Anglois avec des Notes et Ad ditions interessantes, par Billecocq. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Paris, 1794 1761 LONG, PORTER AND TUCKER. America and the West Indies Geographically Described. 8vo, thick vol. cloth. 2s 1845 1762 LOPEZ (Moses) Lunar Calendar, of the Festivals and other days in the Year, observed by the Israelites. 12mo, bound. 6s Newport, Rhode Island, 1806 1763 LORD (J. K.) The Naturalist, in Vancouver Island and British Colombia. 2 vols. post Svo, plates, cloth, new. 7s Qd, pub. at 24s 1866 1764 LORNE (Marquis of) A Trip to the Tropics and home through America; Thick 8vo. plate and vignette, cloth. 5s, pub. at 14s 1867 1765 LOSKIEL S (G. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians, in North America. Thick 8vo, boards. 7s half calf. 9s 1794 1766 LOTHIAN (Marquess of) The Confederate Secession. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s 1864 1767 LOTHROP (Rev. S. K.) History of the Church in Brattle Street, Boston. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s Boston, 1851 1768 LOUISIANA. Present State of the Country and Inhabitants, Europeans and Indians. 8vo, half morocco. Ss 6d 1744 1769 LOUISIANA. Journal Historique, concernant 1 Establissement des Franais a la Louisiana, tire" des Memoirs de Mrs. d Iberville, et de Brenville, commandant pour le Roi au dit Pays, et sur les Decouvertes et Recherches de M. Bernard de la Harpe, nomme" au Commandent de la Baye de St. Bernard, Dedi6 et Presented au Roi par le Chevalier de Beaurain, Geographe ordinaire de sa Majestd. Folio. A MANUSCRIPT, beautifully written, 1766, with A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 117 coloured drawings of maps and charts, old French calf, gilt edges. 7. 17s Qd A very valuable manuscript, and worth printing by some Historical Society in the United States. 1770 LOUISIANA. Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le Continent de 1 Amerique Septentrionale fait dans les annees 1794 a 1798, par B***D***. 8vo, folding map, boards. 5s Paris, 1802 1771 LOUISIANA. Civil Code of the State of Louisiana, preceded by the Treaty of Cession with France, the Constitution of the United States of America, and of the State. Thick 8vo, calf. 4s 1825 1772 LOUISIANA. Page du Pratz (M. le) Histoire de la Louisiane. Map and plates, 3 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. 14s 1758 1773 LOWE (Joseph) Inquiry into the State of the British West Indies. 8vo, half calf. 2s Qd 1807 1774 LUCCOCK S (John) Notes on Rio de Janeiro, and the Southern parts of Brazil, during Ten Years Residence. 4to, maps and .plates, boards. 10s half calf gilt. 12s (pub. at 2. 12s Gd) 1820 1775 LUDEWIG (Hermann E.) Literature of America, Local History, a Bibliographical Essay. 8vo, neat half calf. 9s New Y., 184:6 1776 LUDEWIG (H. E.) Literature of American Aboriginal Languages, with additions and corrections, by Professor W. W. Turner, and N. Trubner. 8vo, cloth. Is 1858 1777 LUFFMAN (John) Account of the Island of Antigua, Customs and Manners of its Inhabitants. 12mo, map, half calf . 3s Qd 1789 1778 LUSHINGTON (W.,. Agent for Grenada) Interests of Agriculture and Commerce inseparable (applied to the West Indies). 8vo, half morocco. 2s 1808 1779 LUSHINGTON (Rt. Hon. S. R.) Life and Services of General Lord Harris, during his Campaigns in America, the West Indies, and India. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s 1840 1780 LYELL S (Sir Chas.) First Travels in North America. 2 vols. post 8vo, woodcuts, and coloured geological maps and plates, cloth, scarce. 12s 1845 1781 LYELL (Sir Charles) Second Visit to the United States of North America. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd 1850 1782 LYON S (Capt. G. F.) Private Journal during Captain Parry s Second Voyage. 8vo, plates, by Finden, boards. 4s Qd new, half calf gilt. 5s Qd 1824 1783 LYON S Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay, in the year 1824. 8vo, plates, boards. 3s calf. 4s 1825 1784 LYON (Capt. G. F.) Journal of a Residence and Tour in Mexico, with some Account of Mining Operations. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 3s Qd 1828 1785 "If cCALLUM (P. F.) Travels in Trinidad during 1803. 8vo, Ifl map, boards. 3s half calf . 3s Qd 1805 1786 McCORMICK S Narrative of his Boat Expedition up the Wel lington Channel in 1852, in search of Sir John Franklin. 4to, chart, illustrations, and plans of search, cloth. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 15s 1854 118 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1787 McCOY (Isaac) History of Baptist Indian Missions, embracing Remarks on the Former and Present condition of the Aboriginal Tribes, their Settlement within the Indian Territory, and their Future Prospects. Large 8vo, boards. 7s 6d Washington, 1840 1788 McCULLOCH (Dr. J. H.) Researches, Philosophical and Anti quarian, concerning the original History of America. 8vo, map, boards. 7s 6d ANOTHER COPY, doth (a few leaves stained) 6s Baltimore, 1829 1789 MACDONALD S (D. G. F.) British Colombia and Vancouver s Island. Thick 8vo, map, doth. 6s 6d (pub. at 12s) 1862 1790 McDOUG- ALL S Eventful Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ship " Reso lute," to the Arctic Regions, in search of Sir John Franklin, with Account of her Abandonment and of her Recovery, and Presentation to Queen Victoria from the Americans. Thick 8vo, plates, doth. 12s (pub. at 1. Is) 1857 1791 MACFIE S (M.) Vancouver Island and British Colombia, their History, Resources, and Prospects. Thick 8vo, plates, doth. 6s 6d (pub. at 18s) 1865 1792 MCGREGOR S (John) British America. 2 thick vols. 8vo, many maps, boards. 4s 6d 1833 1793 MCGREGOR S (J.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Maritime Colonies of British America. 8vo, boards. 2s 1828 1794 McGREGOR (-John) Commercial and Financial Legislation of Europe and America. 8vo, doth. 3s 6d 1841 Autograph Presentation Copy to Lord Brougham. 1795 MACGREGOR (John) Progress of America, Historical, Geogra phical, and Statistical, from the Discovery by Columbus to the year 1846. 2 thick vols. royal 8vo, doth. 12s 1847 1796 MACKAY (Alex.) The Western World, or Travels in the United States in 1846-7. 3 vols. post 8vo, map, doth. 7s 6d 1849 1797 MACKENZIE (C., British Consul) Notes on Haiti, during a Resi dence in that Republic. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. Qs 6d 1830 1798 MACKENZIE (Alex.) Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793. 4to, portrait and maps, boards. 6s half calf gilt. 8s 1801 1799 MACKENZIE. Another, whole bound in calf, very neat. 9s 6d 1801 This very interesting work contains the second successful attempt to penetrate by land to the Frozen Ocean. The author discovered the Mac kenzie River. 1800 MACKENZIE S Strictures on " Tarlton s History of the Cam paigns of 1780-81," to which is added a Detail of the Siege of Ninety-six, and Re-capture of the Island of New Providence. 8vo, calf, neat. 15s half calf. 14s 1787 1801 McKINNEN (Daniel) Tour through the British West Indies, with a particular Account of the Bahama Islands. 8vo, map, half calf. 4s 1804 1802 MACKINNON (Captain) Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches Afloat and Ashore. 2 vols. post Svo, cloth. 6s 1852 1803 MACKINNON S (Captain) Account of the Falkland Islands. 8vo, map, cloth. 2s 1840 1804 McLEAN (John) Notes of a 25 Years Service in the Hudson s Bay Territory. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 6s 1849 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 119 1805 McLELLAN (Isaac) The Fall of the Indian, with other Poems. 8vo. doth. 2s Boston, 1830 1806 McLELLAN (Henry B., of Maidstone, Vermont) Journal of a Eesidence in Scotland, and Tour through England, France, Ger many, Switzerland, and Italy, with a Memoir of the Author. 8vo. 3s Boston, 1834 1807 MACLUKE (William) Opinions on various Subjects, dedicated to the illustrious Producers. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, boards. 5s New Harmony, Indiana, 1831 1808 MACLURE (Wm.) On the Geology of the United States of Ame rica. 8vo, 2 plates, boards. 2s Qd half calf. 3s Phil, 1817 1809 McKONOCHIE (Captain) Summary View of the Statistics and Existing Commerce of the Principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean, with sketch of advantages from the Establishment of a Central Free Port within its limits. 8vo, coloured map, Ids. 3s Qd 1818 1810 MCQUEEN S (Jas.) The West Indian Colonies ; the Calumnies and Misrepresentations against them Examined and Refuted. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd calf gilt. 3s Qd calf gilt. 4s 1825 1811 MACTAGGART S Three Years in Canada. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 4s Qd half bound. 5s 1830 1812 Me VICAR (John) Early Life and Professional Years of Bishop Hobart, with Preface, containing a History of the Church in America, by Rev. Dr. F. Hook. 8vo, doth. 5s 1838 1813 MADDEN (Dr. R. R.) A Twelvemonth s Residence in the West Indies during the transition from Slavery to Apprenticeship ; notices, prospects, and resources of Jamaica and other Islands. 2 vols. post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 4s half calf ^ gilt. QsQd 1835 1814 MAFFEI (Jo. P.) Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. selectarum item ex India Epistolarum accessit Ignatii Loiolae Vita. Folio, half calf. 8s Qd. Col. Agrip., 1589 1815 MAFFEI (Jo. P.) Another Edition. Folio, pigskin with clasps. 10s Qd ib., 1593 Contains a short account of the Brazils, Peru, and proceedings of the Jesuits in those Countries. 1816 MAGALLANES. Precis historique du Voyage de Fernando Magallanes. Folio, MS., in a modern hand, pp. 62. 3s 1817 MAG AW (Samuel, D.D.) Discourse occasioned by the Mournful Catastrophe, through Fire, which overwhelmed and destroyed Mr. Andrew Brown, his wife, and three children, delivered in St. Paul s Church, Feb. 5, 1797. 8vo. boards. 3s Qd Phil., 1797 1818 MAGRATH (T. W.) Letters from Canada, and Canadian Field Sports. Post 8vo, plates, by Samuel Lover, new half calf gilt. 3s Qd Dublin, 1833 1819 MAILLARD S (D. N.) History of the Republic of Texas. 8vo, map, boards. 5s (pub. at 14s) 1842 1820 MAINE. Report of the Senate of the State of Maine on the North Eastern Boundary of the State. 8vo, half bound. 2s Qd 1828 1821 MAINE. Report of the Trial of an Action, Chas. Lowell against John Faxon and Micajah Hanks, Doctors of Medicine, for mal practice in the capacity of Physicians and Surgeons, at the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. 8vo, red morocco. 5s Portland, 1825 120 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1822 MALCOLME (D.) Essay on the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, wherein they are placed in a clearer light than hitherto. ^Q, calf neat. Ss Qd 1738 A work which contains many curious discoveries of the affinity betwixt the language of the Americans and Ancient Britons to the Greek and Latin ; also specimens of the Celtic, Welsh, Irish, Saxon, and American languages. 1823 MALDEN. The Bi-Centennial Book of Maiden, containing the Oration and Poem delivered on the two-hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, May 23, 1849. Post 8vo, cloth. 35 6d Boston, 1850 1824 MALET (Rev. W. Wyndham) An Errand to the South in the Summer of 1862. 12mo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s 1863 1825 MALOUET, Collection de Memoires, sur 1 Administration des Colonies, et notamment sur la Guiane, Francaise et Hollandaise. 5 vols. 8vo, seived. 7s Gd whole calf. 10s Qd Paris, 1802 1826 MANBY (Capt. G. W.) Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in the year 1821. 4to, plates and woodcuts, boards. 5s 1822 1827 MANBY (G. W.) Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in 1821. 8vo, plates, boards. 3s half calf , carmine edges. 3s 6d 1823 1828 MANDRILLON (John) Le Spectateur Americain, ou remarques Generales sur 1 Amerique Septentrionale, suivi de Recherches Philosophiques sur decouverte du Nouveau Monde. Thick 8vo, seived. 5s Amsterdam, 1785 1829 MANTE (Thos.) History of the War in North America and the Islands of the West Indies, including the Campaigns of 1763 4. 4to, many folding maps (not torn), FINE CLEAN COPY, in old calf, gilt back. 5. 5s 1772 1830 MAPS. Trader s Chart of the Atlantic, 1807. Dessiou s Chart of the Southern Ocean and Part of the Pacific, 1806 Johnston s Map of the Island of Madeira, 1791. Hey wood s (Capt.) Chart of the Coast of Brazil, Amazon to the Plate, two sheets, 1818. Patriceo s Chart of the North Coast of Brazil, 1809. Coast of Brazil, from Surveys made by the Spanish Government, 1816. Admiral Campbell s Coast of Brazil, 1807. Da Roche s Island Sta. Catharina, 1809. Hey wood s Chart of the River Plate, 1817. In 1 vol. Atlas folio, half bound. 9s 1831 MAPS of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements Adjacent. By H. Popple. Royal folio, 20 maps, neatly engraved, half calf . <!. 5s 1733 1832 MARCHAIS (Chev. des) Voyage en Guinee, Isles voisines et a Cayenne, 1725 27. 4 vols. 12mo, plates, neat, half calf. 10s 6d 1730 1833 MARJORIBANKS (Alex.) Travels in South and North America. Post 8vo, plates (Fifth Edition), cloth. 3s 1854 1834 MARKHAM S (C. R.) Travels in Peru while collecting Chin- chona Plants and Seeds. Thick 8vo, plates, cloth. 6s new half calf gilt. 9s (pub. at 16s) 1862 1835 MARMONTEL (M.) Les Incas, ou la Destruction de 1 Empire de Perou. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plate, sewed. 4s Lyons, 1810 1836 MARR (Wilhelm) Reise nach Central-Amerika (Nicaragua, Grenada, &c.). 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt. 5s Hamburg, 1863 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 121 1837 MARRYAT S (Capt.) Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions. 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s 1839 1838 MARRYAT S (Capt.) Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions. 3 vols. post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 105 Qd 1839 Inserted is a long and interesting autograph letter from Capt. Marry at to E. Ingraham, Esq., of Philadelphia, several cuttings from newspapers respecting Capt. Marry at, also a satirical pamphlet, entitled, " Lie-ary on America and its Constitutions, by. Capt. Marry-it, C.B." 1839 MARSH (Rev. James) The Remains of, late President of the University of Vermont, with a Memoir of his Life. By J. Torrey. 8vo, doth. 6s Boston, 1843 1840 MARSHALL (John) Life of General Washington. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, calf neat, with marbled leaves. 8s Qd Phil., 1836 1841 MARSHALL S Life of General Washington. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, complete, plates, neat. 85 Qd 1834 1842 MARSHALL. Passages from the Remembrancer of Christopher Marshall, 17741776. Edited by W. Duane, Jim. Post 8vo, doth. 2s Qd Another copy with the year 1777 added, with Autograph Letter of the Editor. 3s 6d Philadelphia, 1839 1843 MARTENS (Fred.) Spitzbergische oder Groenlandische Reise Beschreibung. 4to, folding plates, boards, scarce. 9s Ham., 1675 1844 MAETIN S (R. Montgomery) History of the West Indies, com prising Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, Baha mas, and Virgin Islands. 2 vols. 12mo, plates, new half russia extra. 7s Qd 1836 1845 MARTIN (R. M.) Hudson s Bay Territories and Vancouver s Island, with an Exposition of the Chartered Rights, Conduct, and Policy of the Hudson s Bay Corporation. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s 6d 1849 1846 MARTIN (R. M.) The British Colonies, their History, Extent, Condition, and Resources. Royal 8vo. Division I. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Portraits and coloured maps, cloth. 3s Qd 1847 MARTIN (R. Montgomery) History of the British Colonies. Vol. 2, " The Possessions in the West Indies." 8vo, map, cloth. 4s 1834 1848 MARTIN (Samuel) Essay upon Plantership, with Preface upon the Slavery of Negroes in the British Colonies. 8vo, cf. gt. 4s 1773 1849 MARTINI (Franc) Argo-Nauta Batavus sivi Expeditions Navalis quam alter noster Jason et Heros fortissimus Petrus Heinius inclytae soc. Indiae Occidentalis ductu nuper Suscepit et Vic- tqriae in sinu Matanzae divinitus reportatae historia Carmine heroico discripta. 4to, new calf elegant, by Pratt. 1. 5s Campis, 1629 1850 MARTINE ATI S (Miss) Retrospect of Western Travel. 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s 1838 1851 MARTINEAU S (Miss) Society in America. 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s 1837 1852 MARTIUS (C. F. P. De) Specimen Materia Medicae Brasiliensis Exhibens Plantas Medicinales. 4to, plates, boards. 5s 1824 1853 MARTINS (Dr. C. T. P. de) Genera et Species Palmarum quas in Itinere per Brasiliam Annis 1817 1830. Very large folio, 108 plates, fine copy, half calf, marbled leaves. 4. 14s 6d Monachii, 1823 15 122 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1854 MAETYEIS (Petri) De Insulis nuper repertis et illarum gentium moribus libellus. 4to, with Hans Holbein s designs round the title page, new calf gilt, by Bedford. 3. 3s Basilice, 1521 1855 MA.ETYE (Peter) Oratoris clarissimi, Fernandi et Helisabeth Hispaniarum quondam regum a Consilijs, de rebus Oceanicis et Orbe nouo, decades tres. Folio, fine dean copy, vellum. 1. 11s 6d Basileae, apud lo. Bebelium, 1533 This Edition contains the author s De Insulis nuper inventis, written in 1520, to supply the lost ./&/ Relation of Cortes. 1856 MAETYEIS (Petri) de Eebus Oceanus et Novo Orbe, decades tres ; Item de Babylonica legatione et item de Eebus ./Ethiopus Indicis, Lusitanicis et Hispanicis a Damien a Goes. Small 8vo, half vellum. 1. Is Colon., 1574 1857 MAETYE (Peter) De Orbe Novo, decades VIII. Labore etlndus- tria, Eichard Hakluyti. 8vo, fine, large, and clean copy, morocco extra, gilt leaves, RARE. 5. 5s Paris, 1587 Dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh. It is the most complete Edition of the work. 1858 MAETYE (Peter) Histoire of the West Indies, contanying the Actes and Adventures of the Spaniards which have conquered and peopled those Countries, inriched with varietie of pleasant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Laws, Governments, and Warres of the Indians ; translated by M. Lok. 4to, good copy, neat, in half russia. 6. 16s Qd London, printed for Michael Sparke, 1628 1859 MAETYE. Another copy. 4to, good copy, red morocco, extra gilt leaves. 6. 6s London, printed for Andrew Hebb, n. d. Washington Trying has made great use of this Volume in his Life of Columbus. Martyr was acquainted with Columbus while making his appli cation to Ferdinand and Isabella, and was present at his triumphant recep tion by them in Barcelona, on his return from his first voyage. 1860 MAEYLAND. Acts of Dr. Bray s Visitation, held at Annopolis, in Maryland. Folio, half morocco, scarce. 18s 1700 1861 MAEYLAND. Eemarks upon a Message sent by the Upper to the Lower House of Assembly of Maryland, 1762, interspersed with some curious and interesting particulars respecting the Con stitution of the said Province, by a friend to Maryland. 8vo, privately printed, half morocco. Is Qd 1763 1862 MASEEES (Baron) Occasional Essays, chiefly Political and His torical. 8vo, boards. 5s 6d 1809 This volume contains several pieces relating to America : as a Proposal for a Reconciliation with the Revolted Colonies : Inexpediency of establish ing Bishops in America; Paraphrase on Archbishop Markham s Sermon for Propagating the Gospel : State of North America after the Capture of Lord Cornwallis s army ; First and Second Charters of Massachusetts ; Proceed ings of the Town of Boston, 1772 ; Account of the Noblesse or Gentry in Canada, &c., &c. 1863 MASON (E. H.) Pictures of Life in Mexico. 2 vols. post 8vo, etchings by the Author, cloth. 7s, pub. at <! Is 1851 1864 MASSACHUSETTS. The Landing at Cape A.nne, or the Charter of the First Permanent Colony on the Territory of the Massa- chussetts Company ; now discovered and first published from the original manuscript. By J. \V. Thornton. Eoyal 8vo, facsimile of the Charter, cloth. 4s Boston, 1854 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 123 1865 MASSACHUSETTS. The Constitution, or Frame of Govern ment, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, agreed on at Cambridge, 1 Sept. 1779, and ratified by the People, 25 Oct. 1780. 12mo, neat. 7s 6d, the first Worcester edition. Worcester, Mass. I. Thomas, 1787 1866 MASSACHUSETTS Convention, 1820-21, Journal of Debates and Proceedings. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s Boston, 1853 1867 MASSACHUSETTS. Revised Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed Nov. 4, 1835, with the Constitutions of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Very thick volume, royal 8vo, calf. 5s Boston, 1836 1868 MASSACHUSETTS State Records and Year Book of general information. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. 8vo, cloth. 3s Boston, 1847-9 1869 MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society Collections. A valuable and interesting collection of reprints of scarce Tracts and Impor tant Documents relating to the History of America (containing also Eliot s, Edwards and William s Indian Grammars, and other Vocabularies) facsimiles, including Capt. John Smith s Map of New England, and Hubbard s General History of New England, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Series to Vol. III. of the latter, together 23 vols. in 12, 8vo, (Vol. VIII. of first series has the title and also two other leaves made up with manuscript, and corners torn from 3 leaves in Vol. IV. of first series.) Half calf. 7. 17s Qd Boston and Cambridge, 1792-1833 1870 MASSACHUSETTS. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. THIRD SERIES. Vol. VII. cloth. 4s 1838 Do. Vol. IX. cloth. 5s Boston, 1846 1871 MASSACHUSETTS. Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Vol. III. of the Fourth Series, containing Governor Bradford s History of Plymouth Plantations, now first printed from the original MS. Royal 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd Boston, 1856 1872 MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Report of the Lords Committees appointed to Enquire into the Several Proceedings in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, in opposition to the Sovereignty of his Majesty over that Province, and also what hath passed in the House of Lords relative thereto from the first of January, 1764. Folio, half morocco, rare, 1. Is Eyre & Strahan, King s Printers, 1774 1873 MASTERMAN S (G. F.) Seven Eventful Years in Paraguay, a Narrative of Personal Experience amongst the Paraguyans. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Qd 1869 1874 MATHER S (Cotton) Late Memorable Providences relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions. Recommended by the Rev. Mr. Baxter, in London, and by the Ministers of Boston and Charles- town, in New England. 12mo, blue morocco, extra. 2. 2s 1691 1875 MATHER (Cotton) The Christian Philosopher, a Collection of the best Discoveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. 8vo, calf neat. 6s 1721 1876 MATHER (Cotton) Coelestinus, a Conversation in Heaven quick ened and assisted, with Discovery of things in the Heavenly World, a few letters wanting in the dedication, otherwise good sound clean copy in the original boards, as published. Small 8vo, rare. 1. 11s 6d Boston, 1723 124 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1877 MATHER. An Abridgment of the Life of Dr. Cotton Mather, taken from the Account of him by his Son, by D. Jennings. 1 2mo, fine copy, new calf gilt. 9s 1744 1878 MATHER (Rev. Dr. Cotton) Life, Abridged from the Account by his Son. 12mo, boards. Is Qd n. d. 1879 MATHER S (Dr. Cotton) Wonders of the Invisible World, being an Account of the Trials of several Witches lately executed in New England, and of the several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. To which are added Dr. Increase Mather s Further Account of the Tryals, and Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcrafts, and Evil Spirits Personating Men. Reprinted from the rare original editions of 1693, with an Introductory Preface. Fcap. 8vo, fine portrait, doth. 5s 1861 1880 MATHER S (Cotton) Life and Death of the Renowned Mr. John Eliot, who was the First Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America, with Account of many Strange Customes of the Pagan Indians in New England. Small 8vo, good copy in the original calf. 1. 15s 1691 1881 MATHER S (Cotton) Magnolia Christi Americana, or the Ecclesias tical History of New England from the first Planting in the year 1620 unto the year 1698. Folio, with the map, fine copy in new panelled calf extra, carmine edges. .6. 16s 6d 1702 1881* MATHER S Magnalia. A LARGE PAPER COPY, with the Map. Fine copy, new calf extra, gilt leaves, very rare. 18. 18s 1702 The title to the first book has been nicely inlaid from a small paper copy. Neither this or the preceding copy have the two pages of " Books on sale," by the publisher of the work, they are rarely preserved when the books are rebound ; this is mentioned to meet any plea of their being incomplete. 1882 MATHER S (Increase) The Mystery of Israel s Salvation Ex plained and Applyed, or a Discourse concerning the General Con version of the Israelitish Nation. 8vo, calf. jl. 5s 1669 1882* MATHER S (Increase) Discourse concerning Comets, with Two Sermons at Boston, Occasioned by the late Blazing Stars. 12mo, imperfect. 7s 6d Boston, N. E., 1683 1883 MATHER S (Increase) Essay for Recording of Illustrious Provi dences. 12mo, (title reprinted), new morocco extra. 2. 2s Boston, S. Gh-een, 1684 1884 A NEW EDITION, with Introductory Preface by George Offor. 12mo, fine portrait, handsomely printed, cloth. 5s 1856 A very singular collection of remarkable Sea Deliverances, Accidents, Remarkable Phenomena, Witchcrafts, Apparitions, &c., &c., connected with the inhabitants of New England, &c., &c. See a long notice of the volume in the New Retrospective Review, No. 1, Nov. 1852. 1885 MATHER S (Increase) Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches ; to which are added Cases of Conscience con cerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personating Men. 4to, fine copy, uncut edges, neiv, half morocco. 4. 14s 6d 1693 This copy has at the end sig. g. 2 leaves of " Books printed for John Dunton." 1886 MATHER (Increase) A Further Account of the Trials of the New England Witches, and cases of Conscience concerning Witchcraft and Evil Spirits personating Men. 4to, good clean copy, half mo rocco. 4. 10s London, 1693 This copy also has the two leaves at the end. A. R. Smith, 36, Soko Square, London. 125 1887 MATHER (Increase) De Successu Evangelii apud Indos Occi- dentales et in Nova Anglia, Epistola a Crescentio Mathero apud Bostonienses, V. [D. M. nee. non Collegii Harvardini Rectore. Small 8vo, vellum. 1. 4s Ultrajecti, 1699 1888 MATHER S (Increase) Early History of New England, being a relation of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voyagers and first Settlers, to the close of the War with the Pequots in 1637, with Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. 4to, nicely printed, cloth. 15s 1864 1889 MATHER S (Nathaniel) Sermons Preached at his Meeting House in London. A manuscript, very legibly written, bound in parchment, 4to. 14s 1687 1890 MATHER (Nathaniel) Twenty-three Select Sermons, preached at the Merchant s Lecture Hall and in Lime Street. 8vo, old calf. 4s 6d 1701 1891 MATHER (Richd., Teacher of the Church at Dorchester, and W. Tompson, Pastor of the Church at Braintree, in New England] A Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle his Book against the Independency of Churches. Sent from thence (N.E.) after the Assembly of Elders were dissolved that met at Cam bridge. 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s 1644 1892 MATHER (Sam., Chaplain to his Majesties Castle William} Essay concerning Gratitude. 8vo, half morocco. 5s Boston, 1732 1893 MATHER (Samuel, M.A.) Life of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, late Pastor of the Church in Boston. 8vo, calf neat. 1. 4s Boston, 1729 1894 MATTHISON (G. F.) Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chili, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1821 and 1822. 8vo, map and coloured plates, boards. 3s Qd 1825 1895 MATTHIAS and his Impostures, or the Progress of Fanaticism Illustrated in the Extraordinary Case of Robert Matthews and some of his Forerunners and Disciples, by William L. Stone. Third edition, 12mo, cloth. 2s New York, 1835 1896 MAUDE (John, of Moor House, Yorkshire) Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. Royal 8vo, plates, boards. 7s 6d morocco, gilt leaves. 12s 1826 1897 MAURY (Sarah Mytton) The Statesmen of America in 1846. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s 1847 1898 MAURY (Sarah Mytton) An Englishwoman in America. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s 1848 1899 MAWS (Capt. Henry Lister) Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern Pro vinces of Peru, and descending the River Maranon, or Amazon. 8vo, map, boards. 5s 1829 1899* MAWE (John) Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly in the Gold and Diamond Districts. 4to, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1812 1900 MAXCY (Rev. Jonathan) American Eloquence, consisting of Orations, Addresses, and Sermons, being his Literary remains, with Memoir of his Life by Romeo Elton, D.D. 8vo, bound. 2s 6d New York, 1845 1901 MAXIMILIAN (Prince) Travels in Brazil in the Years 1815, 1816, and 181 7. 4 to, maps and plates, boards. 6s half calf . 6s 6d 1820 126 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1902 MAXWELL (Lieut.-Col.) A Eun through the United States during the Autumn of 1840. 2 vols. post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 4s 6d ^ 1841 1903 MAY (Commander) Series of Fourteen Sketches made during Sir E. Belcher s Voyage up Wellington Channel in Search of Sir John Franklin. 4to, sewed. 6s 1855 1904 MAYCOCK S (Dr. J. D.) Flora Barbadensis, to which is prefixed a Geological Description of the Island. 8vo, coloured map, cloth. 95 6d (pub. at 18s) 1830 1905 MAYHEW (John, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) Seven Sermons Preached at a Lecture in the West Meeting House in Boston, and various other Pieces in the vol. 8vo, neat. 5s London, 1750 1906 MAYHEW (Jonathan, of Boston) Sermons. 8vo (some leaves wormed). 3s 6d. 1756 1907 MAYHEW (Jonathan, Pastor of tJie West Church, Boston) Observa tions on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with Reflections on the State of Religion in New England, 1763 Defence of the Observations, 1764 Remarks on an Answer to Dr. Mayhew s Observations, 1765 Review of Dr. Mayhew s Remarks, by East Apthorp (Mis sionary at Cambridge, N. E.), 1765 Chauncy (Charles, Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Boston) Letter to a Friend on certain Passages in a Sermon Preached by the Bishop of Landaff, in which the highest reproach is undeservedly cast upon the Ame rican Colonies. Boston, 1767. In 1 vol. 8vo, a rare collection, calf. 1. lls 6d 1764-67 1908 MAYHEW S (Dr. Jonathan, of Boston) Observations on the Char ter and Conduct of Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with Incidental Reflections relative to the Church of England and the State of Religion in North America, 1763 Dr. Mayhew s Defence of his Observations against an Anony mous Author in New England, 1764 Answer to Dr. Mayhew s Observations (said to be written by Abp. of Canterbury), 1764 Dr. Mayhew s Second Defence, in which the Scheme of Sending Bishops to America is particularly Considered, &c., 1765 Ap- thorp s Review of Mayhew s Defence, 1765 A Further Appeal to the Unprejudiced Judgment of Mankind in behalf of the Indians, 1766 together 6 tracts, forming nearly 600 pages, in 1 vol. 8vo, original half calf , very scarce. 1. 5s 1909 MAYHEW (Bradford Alden) Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, Pastor of the West Church in Boston. Royal 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s 1838 1910 MAYHEW (Experience) Letter to a Gentleman on that Question, whether Saving Grace be different in species from Common Grace or in degree only. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 6d Boston, N. E. 1747 1911 MAYNE (R. C., Commander R.N.) Four Years in British Colombia and Vancouver Island. Thick 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s Qd (pub. at 16s) 1862 1912 MAYO (Dr. Robert) Political Sketches of Eight Years in Wash ington. Part I. pp. 214. 8vo, cloth. 3s Baltimore, 1839 1913 MAZZEI (M.) Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur les Etats Unis de I Anu rique Septentrionale, ou Ton traite des establisse- A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 127 mens des Colonies avant et apres la Revolution, &c., par un Citoyen de Virginie. 4 vols. 8vo, sewed, half calf. 10s Qd whole calf. 12s Qd Do. 4 vols. in 2, calf. 12s Colle, 1788 1914 ME ARE S (John) Voyages from China to the North- West Coast of America, and Observations on the probable existence of a North- West Passage. 4to, maps and plates, with portrait of the Author. FINE COPY, old calf gilt. 10s Qd 1790 1915 MEARE S (John) Voyages made in the Years 1788 and 1789, from China to the N. W. Coast of America. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 5s 1791 1916 MEASE (Dr. James) Picture of Philadelphia, its Origin, Increase, and Improvement. 8vo, frontispiece, calf . 3s Phil., 1811 1917 MELANGES de Litterature Publics, par J. B. A. Suard. 5 vols. 8vo, sewed. 7s Qd Paris, 1804 Amongst other pieces in this amusing collection is " Du Characteres des Moeuvs et des Usages des Cheraquis Nation indigene de 1 Amerique Septen- trionale." Also, "Voyage dans les Forets et les Rivieres de la Guyane." 1918 MELLEN S Book of the United States from its first discovery, Biography of the Leading Men, &c. Thick 8vo, numerous wood cuts, cloth. 4s Qd New York, 1839 1919 MELISH (John) Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States, including the British Possessions and Florida. 8vo, numerous folding maps, coloured, half calf . 3s Qd Phil., 1815 1920 MELISH (John) The Sine qua non, a Map of the United States, showing the Boundary Line, with the Documents relative to the Negotiation. Post 8vo, map, boards. 3s Phil., 1815 1921 MELIStTS Geographical Description of the United States. 8vo, maps, half calf . 2s Phil., 1822 1922 MELISH S Travels in the United States and Upper Canada, 180611. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 4s 6d Phil., 1812 1923 MEMOIRS of an American, with a Description of the Kingdom of Prussia and the Island of St. Domingo, translated from the French. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. 5s 1773 1924 MEMOIRES des Commissaires sur les possessions et les droits des deux Couronnes (France et Angleterre) en Amerique avec les actes publics et Pieces justificatives. 3 vols. 12mo, maps, new half calf. 12s Amsterdam, 1755 1925 MEMOIRES et Observations Geographiques et Critiques sur la situation des Pays Septentrionaux de 1 Asie de 1 Amerique, aux- quelles on a joint un Essai sur la route aux Indes par le Nord. 4to, maps, sewed. 4s 1765 1926 MEMOIRES de la Societe Royale des Antiquaries du Nord 1836 1849. 2 thick vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. 12s Copenhagen, 183650 Containing articles on the Discovery of America in the tenth Century, by C. C. Kafn, ivith 3 maps. Account of an Ancient Structure at Newport, Rhode Island, with 3 plates. A Supplement to the Antiquitates Americana, by C. C. Rafn ; translated by McCaul. T. H. Webb s Account of Dis coveries at Fall River, Mass. Falbe s account of Ancient Yases discovered in Peru. Lund s account of Human Fossil Bones found in a Cavern in Brazil. Account of the Cabinet of American Antiquities at Copenhagen, and numerous other interesting papers. 1927 MEMOIRES touchant 1 Etablissement d une Mission Chrestienne dans le troisi&me Monde, autrement appelle la terre Australe, 128 Books relating to America, on Sale by Meridionale, Antartique et Inconnue, par im Ecclesiastique Ori- ginaire de cette mesme Terre. 8vo, fine copy, in russia, scarce. 1. 11s Qd Paris, 1663 1928 MEMORIALS of the English and French Commissaries concern ing the Limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, and St. Lucia. French and English. 2 vols. 4to, half bound. 1 is neat whole calf. 1 85 1755 1929 MEMORIALS concerning St. Lucia (forming the second vol. of the foregoing). 4to, half calf. 5s calf. 6s 1755 1929* MEMORIALS of the Courts of Great Britain and France since the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, relative to the Limits of the Territories of both Crowns in North America, and the right to the Neutral Islands in the West Indies. 4 to, calf neat. 15s Hague, 1756 Some of the Memorials having been printed in Paris, it has been thought necessary to print at London all the Memorials upon these points, in the same form in which they were delivered. Advertisement. 1930 MEN and Manners in America, by the Author of " Cyril Thorn ton" (Capt. Hamilton). 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 4s 1834 1931 MEN and Manners in America, by the Author of " Cyril Thorn ton." 8vo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1833 1932 MENDOCA (Goncalez de) Historia de las Cosas mas Notables ritos y Costumbres del gran reyno de la China, con un Itinerario del Nuevo Mundo. 8vo, fine copy, new red morocco, gilt leaves. 2. 2s Anvers, 1596 1933 MENONVILLE (Thiery De) Traite de la Culture du Nopal, et de 1 Education de la Cochinille, dans les Colonies Francises de la Amerique, pre"c6de d une Voyage a Guaxaca. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, calf gilt. 10s 6^ 1787 1934 MEREDITH (Sir Wm.) Historical Remarks on the Taxation of Free States, in a Series of Letters to a Friend. 4to, boards. 15s 1778 In Almon s (the bookseller) Anecdotes, it is stated only 30 copies were privately printed 1935 MERIAN (Mariae Sibillse) Dissertatio de Generatione Metamor- phosibus Insectorum Surinamensium. Large folio, 72 fine plates showing the insects of Surinam and the plants on which they feed, old calf. 1. Is Amsterdam, 1719 1936 MERRILL (Daniel) Mode and Subjects of Baptism examined in Seven Sermons, with Brief History of the Baptists. Boston, 1805 Eight Letters on Open Communion. ib., 1805 Andrews (Elisha) Vindication of the Distinguishing Sentiments of the Baptists against the Writings of Cowles, Miller, and Edwards. $.,1805. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 6s 1937 MERRICK. Memoir of Richard Merrick, Missionary in Jamaica. By John Clarke. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1850 1938 MESANGE (Rev. Pere Cordelier, Pierre de) La Vie, les Aven- tures et le Voyage de Greenland. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, frontispiece, calf. 3s Amsterdam, 1720 1939 MESSAGE from the President of the United States, with Report of the Secretary of the Navy and Proceedings or Court Martial for Trial of Beverly Kennon. Royal 8vo, boards. 3s Wash., 1824 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 129 1940 MESSAGE from the President of the United States, transmitting Papers from the American Ministers at Ghent, showing the Pro gress of the Negotiations for Peace with Great Britain. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Washington, 1814 1941 MEXICO. A Collection of numerous Financial and other Tracts relating mostly to the Government of Spain and Mexico, MS. and printed, from about 1 680 to 1 782 ; a scarce and valuable Collec tion. 2 thick folio vols. russia, leaves uncut, from the Library of Lord Stuart de Rothesay. 5. 5s 1942 MEXICO. Le Mexique Conquis. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, maps, calf neat. 5s Paris, 1752 1943 MEXICO. Cartas pastorales y Edictos del illmo. Senor D. Francisco Antonio Lorenzana y Buitron Arzobispo de Mexico. Folio, old calf. 2. 2s En Mexico, 1770 1944 MEXICO. Noticia breve de la expedicion Militar de Sonora y Cinaloa su exito feliz y Ventujoso Estado en que par consecuen- cia de elle se hun puesto ambas Provincias. 4to, pp. 12, half morocco. 15s Mexico, 1771 1945 MEXICO. Eepresentacion hecha a V. M. por la Ciudad de Mexico, en el ano de 1771, a plainly written Spanish MS. of about 140 pages. Small 4to, boards. 10s 6^ Mexico, May 8, 1771 1946 MEXICO. Leone e Gama, Saggio dell Astronomia Cronologia e Mitologia degii Autichi Messicani. 8vo, 2 folding plates, half calf, marbled edges. 12s Roma 1804 1947 MEXICO. Sketch of the Customs and Society in Mexico, and Travels into the Interior. 12mo, boards. 2s 1828 1948 MEXICO. Salm (Gen. Felix) My Diary in Mexico in 1867, in cluding the last days of the Emperor Maximilian. 2 vols. post 8vo, portraits and plates, cloth. 4s Qd (pub. at 24s) 1868 1949 MEXICO. The Court of Mexico. By the Ctfuntess Paula Kol- lonitz, Lady-in-waiting to the Empress Charlotte ; translated by Ollivant. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1868 1950 MEXICO. The Actual State of the Mexican Mines, with Ap pendix, by Sir Wm. Adams, 1825 Statements on the Profits of Mining in England, in relation to the Prospects of Mining in Mexico, by J. Taylor, 1825 The American Mines, shewing their Importance with the Progress and Position of the Real del Monte Company, by G. H., 1834. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf gilt. 5s 1951 MEXICO. United Mexican Mining Association : Report of the Directors, 1827. 8vo, folding plates, boards. 2s 1827 1952 1828. 8vo, boards. 2s 1828 1953 1829. 8vo, boards. 2s 1829 1954 MEXICO. Antiquities Mexicaines. Relation des trois Expedi tions du Capt. Dupaix accompagnee des dessins de Casteneda d autres Documents par Lenoir, Warden, Farcy, Baradere et de St. Preist, &c. 2 vols. royal folio, 166 most interesting^ plates, half green morocco, uncut. 8. 18s Qd Paris, 1834 This is almost an indispensable supplement to Humboldt s "Voyage dans 1 Amerique," as it contains many interesting discoveries not in the latter work. 1955 MEXICAN. Coloured Plates of Mexican and Aztec Hierogly phics, also Antiquities and Views ; in all 34 plates from Hum- boldt s great work on American Monuments. 5s 16 130 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1956 MEXICO, Illustrated with descriptive letter-press in English and Spanish, by J. Phillips. 26 beautiful tinted lithographic plates. Eoyal folio, new, in half morocco. 1. 15s (pub. at L 4s) 1848 1957 The same, FINELY COLOURED ON CARD-BOARD, IN IMITATION OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS (with the descriptions), in a portfolio. 4. 4s (pub. at 10. 10s) 1848 1958 MEXICO. A Selection of 18 Views from the foregoing, also four Artist s Proofs, an Original Drawing of one of them, and three Unpublished Views, 26 in all. 18s 1959 MEXICO. The Other Side, or Notes for the History of the War between Mexico and the United States ; written in Mexico, and translated from the Spanish by A. C. Ramsey. Post 8vo, portraits and maps, cloth. 3s 6d New York, 1850 1960 MEXICO. Report of the Mexican Chamber on the adjustment of the English Debt ; translated from the Spanish. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1850 1961 MEXICAN DEBT. Six Pamphlets issued by the Mexican Bond holders. In 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd 1850 1961* MEXICO. Indagaciones Sobre la Amonedacion en Nueva Espana presentadas al Real Tribunal general de Mineria de Mejico, Por Su Derictor Don Fausto de Elhuyar. 4to, Spanish calf. 7s Qd Madrid, 1818 1962 MEXICO. Briefe in die Hiemath, geschrieben zwischen October 1829 und Mai 1830, Stuttgart, 1835 Mexicanische Zustande aus den jahren 1830 bis 1832. 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1837, bound in 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 4s 1835-37 1963 MEXICO. Bezerra Tanco (Luis) Felicidad de Mexico en la admirable Aparacion de la Virgin Maria N. Senora de Guadelupe de Mexico. . 8vo, vellum. 5s Madrid, 1745 1964 MEXICO. Memorias de Sor Mariana fundadora y abasida del Monasterio de Guadalupe, contiguo de Mexico. 4to, calf. 5s Mexico, 1808 1965 MEXICO. Gamarra y Davalos (J. B. Diaz de) Exemplar Vida de la Sor Maria Josefa Lino de la Santisima Trinidad, Fundadora del Convento de la Purisima Concepcion, en la Ciudad de San Miguel de Allende, Obi spado de Michoacan. 4to, calf. 5s Mexico, 1831 1966 MEXICO. Hidalgo (D. J.) Apuntes para escribir la Historia de los Projectos de Monarquia en Mexico, desde elreinado de Carlos III. hasta la Instalacion del Emperador Maximiliano. 8vo, sewed* 3s Paris, 1868 1967 MENONVILLE (Thierry) Reise nach Guaxaca in Neu-Spanien. 8vo, hoards. 3s 6d Leipzig, 1789 1968 MEXICO. Ortega (T. F.) Memoria sobre los medios de desterrar la Embriaguez. 8 vo, half morocco. 3s Mejico, 18 47 1969 MEXICO. Ortigosa (Vicente) Cuatro Memorias sobre Puntos de Administracion. 4to, half morocco. 3s Mexico, 1866 1970 MEXICO. Mora (J. A. de) Espejo Crystalino de Paciencia : la Vida, y Virtudes de la Ven. Madre sor Maria Ynes de los De- lores, Religiosa Professa en el Religioso Convento de San Lorenzo de la Ciudad de Mexico. 4to, half morocco (wormed and wants pp. 67-70) 9s Mexico, 1729 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 131 1971 MEXICO. Newe Eelaciones. Erste, auss Japon, was sich darinn, so wol in Geistals Welt-lichen im jahr Christ! 1606, denckwur- digs zugefragen. Andere, von Missionibus oder Reisen, so etliche Priester der Societet Jesu, im Jar 1607, in das Konigreich Mexico angestelt, &c. 4to, half vellum. 9s Augsburg, 1611 1972 MEXICO. Picazo (Fr. Miguel de) Eegla y Constituciones del Orden Tercero del Real, y Militar, de N. Senora de la Merced Redempcion de Cautivos, y Catalogo de Indulgencias, &c. Mexico, 1784; Reglamento para el Gobierno Interior del Congreso General, 1824 ; Reglamento para el Colegio Nacional de la Ciu- dad de Jalapa, Jalapa, 1843 ; in 1 vol. 12mo, half bound. 3s Qd 1784-1843 1973 MEXICO. Portilla (Anselmo de) Mejico en 1856 y 1857, gobierno del General Comonfort. 8vo, pp. 440, privately printed, cloth. 7s Qd Nueva York, 1858 1974 MEXICO. Rodeguez (P. Jos.) Relacion delo Acaeido en la Cele- bridad de el Jubelio de el Ano Santa en esta Ciudad y Arzobispo de Mexico, mandada publicar por M. Rubio Salinas. 4to, half morocco. 5s Mexico, 1753 1975 MEXICO. Romero (Dr. Jose" Guadalupe) Noticias para formarla Historia y la Estadistica del Obispado de Michoacan, presentadas a la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica en 1860. 4to, maps, portraits, &c., half morocco. 18s Mexico, 1862 1976 MEXICO. Rosa (Augustin) Respuesta al libelo titulado " Caso du Conciencia," half morocco. 3s Guadalajara, 1857 1977 MEXICO. Die Entdeckung und Eroberung von Mexico nach des Bern Diaz del Castillo mit Borworth von Karl Ritter. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd Hamb. 1848 1978 MEXICO. Kichtofen (E. K. H. F.) Die Ausseren und inneren po- litischen zustande der Republik Mexico. 8vo, extra boards. 4s Qd Berlin, 1859 1979 MEXICO. Cruates Horribles des Conquerants du Mexique, Memoire de Don Ferd. d Alva Ixtlilxochite, traduit par Tarnaux Compans. 8vo, sewed. 4s Qd Paris, 1838 1980 MEXICO. Mexiko und die Mexikaner in physicher, socialer, und politscher Bezielmng, ein vollstandiges Gemalde des alten und neuen Mexiko, von Dr. U. R. Thummel. 8vo, extra cloth. 3s half morocco, gilt top. 4s Qd Erlanyen, 1848 1981 MEXIQUE et Guatemala par M. Larenaudiere Perou et Bolivia par M. Lacroix. 8vo, many maps, mews, and plates of antiquities, pp. 527, sewed. 3s Qd Paris, 1843 1982 MEXICO. Rerum Medicarum Novse Hispanioe Thesaurus, seu Plantarum, Animalium, Mineralium Mexican orum Historia, ex Francisci Hernandez. Noui Orbis Medici Primarii Relationibus in ipsa Mexicana urbe conscriptis a Nardo Antonio Reecho col- lecta, &c. Very thick folio, engraved title (mounted) and numerous woodcuts, vellum. 1. 10s Romce, 1651 " Hernandes, the celebrated Naturalist, was sent to New Spain by Philip II. about 1595, where he remained exploring for several years, and returned to Europe with an Herbarium, the very richness and magnitude of which overwhelmed the men of science. After the death of Hernandes, the collec tions were placed in the hands of Dr. Nardo Ant. Eeccio, who with many collaborateurs completed the above work at Rome in 1628, but it was not published till 1651." 132 Books relating to America, on Sale by 1983 MEXICO. Lorenzana y Buitron (F. A.) Arzobispo de Mexico ; Cartas Pastorales y ~Edictos,Mexico,J.A. de Hogal, 1770 ; Biexnpica y Sotomayor (S.) Obispo de la Puebla ; Carta Pastoral, 1792, Gor- doa (J. M.) Obisrjo de Guadalajara ; Carta Pastoral, Mejico, 1831 ; and 18 other curious and scarce Tracts relating to Mexico in 1 vol. folio, half bound. 1. 4s v. y. 1984 MEXICO. Diario Notable de la Marquesa delas Amarillas, Vir- reyna de Mexico (in verse) 12mo, half bound y scarce and curious. 10s Qd Mexico, 1757 1985 MEXICO. Campos Martinez (Juan Gregorio de). Amorosa con- tienda de Francia, Italia y Espana sobre la augusta persona de D. Carlos III. exaltado al Throno Espanol. Certamen poetico, a que convoca las Eacionales Musas de su docto Parnaso la Uni- versidad de Mexico. 4to, boards. 3s 6d Mexico, 1760 1986 MEXICO. Campos Martinez, Amorosa contienda de Francia, Italic, y Espana sobre la augusta persona de D. Carlos III. exal tado al trono Espanol. Certamen poetica. 4to, calf, neat, the Emperor Maximilian 1 s copy. 10s Qd Mexico, 1761 1987 MEXICO. Bercerra Moreno (Juan) Eelacion del Funeral entierro y exequias de M. Rubio y Salinas, Arzobispo de Mexico, folding plate of the Catafalque by M. Cabrera, Pintor Americano. 4to, boards. 5s Mexico, 1766 1988^MEXICO. Castro (J. A. de) Vedno de la Ciudad de Valladolid de Michoacan, El Triunfo del silencio Cancion Heroica que al Glo- rioso Martirio de San Juan Nepomuceno (in verse). 4to, boards. 4s U Mexico, 1786 1989 MEXICO. Castro (J. A. de) Gratitudes de un Exercitante a las Misericordias de Dios. Canto Mistico. 4to, boards. 3s Puebla, 1793 1990 MEXICO. Pichardo (Jos. Ant.) Elogio de San Felipe Neri en la Iglesia de su Congregacion de Mexico. 4to, boards. 4s Qd Mexico, Zuniga, 1803 1991 MEXICO. Bringas y Encinas (M.) Sermon politico-moral para dar principio a la mision extraordinaria, formada de venerables sacerdotes de ambos cleros, dirigida a la concordia y union de los habitantes de esta America, y el restablecimiento de la paz. 4to, boards. 3s Mexico, 1813 1992 MEXICO. Daurico (M.) Cartas sobre la Variacion de Nuestro Sistema Gubernativo, escritos en el Ano de 1813. 12mo, sewed. 3s Mexico, 1815 1993 MEXICO. Regla de la gloriosa Santa Clara, con las constituciones de las monjas capuchinas del Crucifixo de Roma. 12mo, half calf gilt. 3s 6d Puebla de los Angeles, P. de la Eosa, 1817 1994 MEXICO. Relacion delo ejecutado en la Ciudad de Mexico . . . por la muerte de la Reina D. Isabel de Braganza, 9 y 10 Julio, 1819, 2 plates, Mexico, 1820 ; Relacion de las demostraciones Fiinebres que le hecho por la muerte de la Reina D. Maria Luisa de|Borbon, Mexico, 16 y 17 Setiembre, 1819, Mexico, 1820 ; Re lacion de las exequias Fiinerales por el alma del Rey D. Carlos IV. de Borbon en Mexico, 23 y 24 Setiembre, 1819, Mexico, 1820 in 1 vol. small folio, very neat. 15s Mexico, 1820 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 133 1995 MEXICO. Barcena (M. de la) Exliorcitacion que hizo al tiempo de jurarse la constitucion politica de la Monarquia Espanola, en la Iglesia Catedral de Valladolid de Michoacan. 4to, boards. 3s Puebla, 1820 1996 MEXICO. Tornel y Mendivil (J. Julian) La Aparicion de N. S. de Guadalupe de Mexico, comprobada con Documentos histdricos y defendida de las impugnaciones que se le ban hecho. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half morocco. 5s Orizava, por J. M. Maredo, 1849 The last fourteen articles are from the library of the late Emperor Maxi milian, with his bookplate. 1997 MEXICO. Catalogue de la Riche Bibliotheque de D. Jose Maria Andrade (including 700 pieces or volumes relating to Mexico, or printed in that country) sold by auction at Leipsic, 1869, with the prices the articles sold for. 8vo. 85 1869 1998 MEXICO. Pimental (Francisco) LaEconomia Politica aplicada a la Propiedad Territorial en Mexico. 8vo, sewed. 3s Mexico, 1866 1999 MICHAUX (F. A.) Travels to the West of the Alleghany Moun tains in the States of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, and back to Charleston by the Upper Carolines. 8vo, boards. 3s Qd whole calf. 5s 1805 2000 MICHIGAN. Documents accompanying the Journal of the Senate of the State of Michigan at the Annual Session of 1846. 8vo, half calf. 3s Detroit, 1846 2001 MIERS (John) Travels in Chili and La Plata, with the Mining Operations in Chili. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, many plates, boards. 10s 6d 2 vols., half calf. 12s 1826 2002 MILBERT (J.) Itineraire Pittoresque du Fleuve Hudson, des Parties Laterales de 1 Amerique du Nord. Vol. I. royal 4to, map, and 49 Lithographic Views. 9s Paris, 1828 2003 MILES (Pliny) Advantages of Direct Steam Communication between Europe and America, ma Galway, Ireland. 8vo, map, cloth. 2s 1859 2004 MILLAR (Robert, Minister of the Gospel at Paisley) History of the Propagation of Christianity and Overthrow of Paganism. 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat. 12s JEdinb. 1723 Contains interesting particulars relating to the Introduction of Chris tianity into New England. 2005 MILLER (General) Memoirs of, while in the Service of the Re public of Peru, by John Miller. Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 7s 6d calf gilt. 12s 1829 2006 MILLER (Professor) Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd Princeton, 1835 2007 MILLER (Samuel) Discourse Delivered in the New Church at New York, before the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Birmingham, 1802 2008 MILLER (Samuel) Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century, Part First, containing a Sketch of the Revolutions and Improve ments in Science, Arts, and Literature during that period. 2 vols. 8vo, bound. 4s New York, 1803 2009 MILLET (Pierre de la) Relation de sa Captivite parmi les On- neionts en 1690-1. 8vo, cloth, only 100 copies printed. 9s Nouvelle York, Presse Grammy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1864 134 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2010 MINA (General) Short Extract from the Life of General Mina, published by himself. 8vo (with the Spanish text opposite), half calf. 2s Qd boards. 2s 1825 2011 MIRABEAU (Le Comte de) Considerations surl ordre de Cincin- natus en imitation d un Pamphlet Anglo-American. 8vo, half calf. 6s 1784 2012 MISCELLANEA CUEIOSA,a Collection of some of the principal Phenomena in Nature accounted for by the greatest Philosophers of this Age ; also Collection of curious Travels, Voyages, Anti quities, and Natural Histories of Countries, presented to the Royal Society. 3 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, old calf. 4s 6d, 1705 Another Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 4s 1708 Containing Mr. John Clayton s Account of Virginia, particularly its Natu ral History, &c.; also an Account of New Caledonia, in the Grulf of Darien. 2013 MISSIONARY Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean in the Ship " Duff," Capt. Wilson. 4to, many plates, half calf. 2s 6d 1799 2014 MISSIONARY RECORDS, North America. 12mo, pp. 423, half calf. 2s Qd about 1824 2015 MISSIONS. The Church in the Colonies, Dioceses of Toronto, Quebec and Nova Scotia, Australia and New Zealand, Newfound land, Fredericton, New Zealand, Nova Scotia, Australia, and Quebec. 3 vols. 12mo, maps, cloth. 3s 1847 2016 MISSIONS to the Heathen, India and British America. 2 vols. 12mo, frontispiece, doth. 2s 1847 2017 MISSIONS. Monthly Record of Church Missions (chiefly in Nova Scotia) in connection with the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 12mo, engravings, cloth. 2s 1852 2018 MISSISSIPPI, View of the Valley of the, or the Traveller s Guide to the West. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 2s Phil. 1854 2019 MISSISSIPPI. Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi ou les Provinces de Louisiane, et Floride Occidentale en 1802. 8vo, maps, calf neat. 6s 1803 2020 MISSOURI. Inauguration of Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri, 23d April, 1857. 8vo, cloth. 3s Boston, 1857 A Presentation Copy from the Hon. Edward Everett, with autograph letter. 2021 MITCHELL (Dr.) The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance. 8vo, boards. 6s 1757 2022 MITCHELL. Accompaniment to Mitchell s Distance and Refer ence Map of the United States, containing an Index of all the Counties, Districts, &c., in the Union. 8vo, boards. 3s Phil., 1839 2023 MITCHELL (C. A.) Die Vereinigten Staaten und die andern Lander Amerikas. Royal 8vo, woodcuts, calf. 3s. Phil., 1849 2024 MITCHELL (D. W.) Ten Years in the United States ; an English man s View of Men and Things in the North and South. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1862 2025 MODERN HISTORY, Vol. 5, Part II., containing La Plata, Brazil, the British Plantations of Virginia, &c, the Carriby Islands, French America. 4to, curious maps by Herman Moll, neat. 5s Dublin, 1739 2026 MODERN HISTORY. Another Edition. 4to, maps (wants a leaf in index). 3s 6d ib., 1755 A. jR. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 135 2027 MOHAWK Language. Book of Common Prayer and Kites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, also the Gospel of St. Mark translated into the Mohawk Language, by Capt. Jos. Brant, an Indian of the Mohawk nation (with the English text). 8vo, curious plates, calf . 1.1 5s 1787 2028 MOHAWK. A Primer for the use of the Mohawk Children to acquire the Spelling and Eeading of their own, as well as the English Tongue. Square 12mo, frontispiece, very clean copy, ori ginal binding, very scarce. 2. 2s 1786 Sold for 3. 13s Gd in H. Stevens s sale, March, 1861. 2029 MOLINA. Compendio della Storia Geografica Naturale e Civile del regno del Chile. 8vo, map and plates, fine copy, from Lord Stuart de Bothseay s Library, calf. 15s Bologna, 1776 2030 MOLINA. Saggio sulla Storia Naturale del Chili. 4to, map and portrait, half calf. 6s ib., 1810 2031 MOLINA (J. I.) Compendio de la Historia Civil del Regno de Chile, traducida al Espagnol por Don Nicolas de la Cruz y Baho- monde. 2 vols. small 4to, maps and portrait, good copy, calf neat. 10s 6d Madrid, 1795 2032 MOLINA (Abbe) Essai sur 1 histoire Naturelle du Chili traduit de 1 Italien et enrichi de notes par M. Gravel. 8vo, calf. Qs Paris, 1789 2033 MOLINA (Abbe Don J. Ignatius) Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili, translated from the Italian, with Notes from the Spanish and French versions. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd half calf gilt. 6s whole calf . 6s 6d 1809 2034 MOLLIEN S Travels in the Republic of Columbia. 8vo, map and plate, boards. 3s half bound. 3s 6d whole calf . 4s 1824 2035 MONACHO (R.) Bellum Christianorum principum, praecipse Gal- lorum, contra Saracenos, A.D. 1088, pro terra sancta gestum Verardus (Carolus) De expugnatione regni Granata3 Colon! (Christop) De prima Insularum in Mari Indico situarum lustra- tione qua sub rege Ferdinando Hispaniarum facta est. De lega- tione regis Aethiopise Egnatius (To Bapt.) De origine Turcarum Laetus (Pomp) De exortu Maomethis. In 1 vol. folio, old calf. 2. 2s Basil, H. Petrus, 1533 2036 MONARDES Historia Medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias occidentales que sirven en Medicinae. 4to, wood cuts, good copy, old calf, rare. 1. 11s 6d Sevilla, 1574 2037 MONROE S View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States with the French Republic, with the Correspondence, and other Authentic Documents. 8vo, half calf. 3s whole calf. 3s 6d Phil., 1797 2038 MONROE S (President) Tour of Observation through the North- Eastern and North- Western States of America. 12mo, neat. 2s 1818 2039 MONTE VIDEO. Narrative of the Operations of the British Army under General Auchmuty, employed in the Reduction of Montevideo. 4to, with a plan, half morocco. 7s 6d 1807 2040 MONTGOMERY (James) The West Indies, and other Poems. 12mo, calf extra. 2s 1814 136 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2041 MONTIGNI (M.) E6lation de la Mission du Mississippi du Semi- naire de Quebec en 1700, par MM. de Montigni, de St. Cosme, et Thauner de la Source. 8vo, printed on fine paper, doth. 5s Nouvelle York, 1861 2042 MONTREAL. New Guide to Montreal and its environs. 12mo, map, doth. Is 6d 1851 2043 MOODIE (Mrs. Susanna) Roughing it in the Bush, or Life in Canada. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. 7s 6 d 1852 2044 MOODIE (Mrs.) Life in the Clearings versus the Bush. (A sequel to the former}. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1853 2045 MOORE (Frank) Diary of the American Revolution from News papers and Original Documents. 2 vols. large 8vo, many por traits and plates, doth. 14s New York, 1860 2046 MOORE (J. B.) Memoirs of the American Governors (of New Ply- mouth and Massachusetts Bay). 8vo. Portraits, Vol. I., all pub lished, doth. 7s 6d New York, 1846 2047 MOORE (Geo.) Journal of a Voyage across the Atlantic, with Notes on Canada and United States, and return to Great Britain. Post 8vo, privately printed, doth. 3s 1845 2048 MOORMAN (J. J., M.D.) Virginia Springs, comprising an Ac count of all the Principal Mineral Springs, and an Appendix containing an Account of the Natural Curiosities of Virginia. Post 8vo, maps and plates, doth. 3s Qd Richmond Va., 1857 2049 MOORSOM (Capt. W.) Letters from Nova Scotia. Post 8vo, map and plates, boards. 3s half calf gilt. 4s 1830 2050 MOREAU (Pierre) Klare en Waarachtige beschryving Van de leste Beroerten en Afval der Portugezen in Brasil, in de Fransche taal beschreven door, J. H. Glazemaker, Vertaalt. 4to. Vignette Map on Title, and Plates., in the style of Romain de Hooge, calf, by Hayday. 1. Is Amst., 1652 2051 MORETON S (Rev. Julian) Life and Work in Newfoundland during thirteen years (with Glossary of Words arid Phrases peculiar to Newfoundland). Post 8vo, plates, doth. 3s 1863 2052 MORGAN (Lewis H.) League of the Ao-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois. Royal 8vo, map and plates, doth. 6s Rochester, 1854 2053 MORO (Gaeta,no) Observations on a Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec. 8vo, maps, half morocco. 3s 6d New York, 1849 2054 MORRIS (Valentine) Governor of St. Vincent s in the West Indies ; autograph Note to Dodsley the Bookseller. Is Qd 1772 2055 MORRIS. Narrative of the Official Conduct of Valentine Morns, late Governor-in-Chief of the Island of St. Vincent and its de pendencies ; written by himself. 8vo, boards, tvith interesting MS Note respecting Mr. Morris on the fly-leaf. 5s boards. 4s calf. 5s 2056 MORSE (Dr. J.) American Gazetteer: an Account of the Civil Divisions, Harbours, Indian Tribes, &c. 8vo, maps, bound. 2s Qd Boston, 1810 2057 MORSE (Jedidiah) American Gazetteer. 8vo, maps, calf neat. 3s 1798 2058 MORSE (Dr. Jedidiah) The American Geography, or a View of the present situation of the United States of America. Thick 8vo, bound. 3s Printed on fine paper, half calf . 3s Qd 1792 It contains much curious reading, which, will never become obsolete. A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 137 2059 MORSE (Jed.) The American Geography, or View of the present Situation of the United States of America. Thick 4 to, maps, calf gilt. 4:3 1794 2060 MORSE (Dr. Jed.) Annals of the American Revolution, and some of the principal Indian Wars. 8vo, plates, neat. 6s 6d Hartford, 1824 2061 MORRIS (M. O Connor) Rambles in the Rocky Mountains, and Visit to the Gold Fields of Colorado. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1864 2061* MORSE S (Dr.) Report of a Tour for the purpose of ascertain ing the Actual State of the Indian Tribes. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d boards. 4s New Haven, 1822 2062 MORSE AND PARISH S Compendious History of New England. Post 8vo, boards. 2s calf. 2s 6d 1808 2063 MORSE AND PARISH S Compendious History of New England. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, boards. 3s 1808 2064 MORTON (Nath.) New England Memorial, also Governor Brad ford s History of Plymouth Colony, Portions of Prince s Chro nology, Gov. Bradford s Dialogue, Gov. Winslow s Visits to Massasoit, with numerous articles relating to the Puritans and Pilgrims. Thick 8vo, portrait and plate, cloth. 9s 6 d Boston, 1855 2065 MOSELEY (Dr. Benj.) Treatise on Tropical Diseases, and on the Climate of the West Indies. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1787 2066 MOUNTENEY (Barclay) Selections from the various Authors who have written concerning Brazil, especially the Gold Mines of that Province. 8vo, map, boards. 3s 1825 2067 MUHLENPFORD (Edvard) Versuch einer getreuen Schilderung der Republick Mejico. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. 5s Hanover, 1844 2068 MULLER (S.) Voyages from Asia to America for completing the Discoveries of the North- West Coast of America, with Summary of the Voyages by the Russians on the Frozen Sea in Search of a North-East Passage. 4to, maps, calf neat. 8s 6d half calf. 7s Another (wanting a map), calf. 4s 1761 2069 MULLER (J. G.) Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen. Thick 8vo (an interesting book), sewed. 6s Basd, 1855 2070 MURAT (Achille) United States of North America, with a Note on Negro Slavery, by Junius Redivivus. 12mo, folding map, cloth. 2s 1833 2071 MURATORI (L. A.) II Cristianesima Felice nelle Missioni de Padri della Compagnia di Gesu nel Paraguai. 4to, map, vellum. 4s 6d Fenesia, 1743 2072 MURATORI. Relation des Missions du Paraguay, traduite de 1 Italian. I2mo, fine copy, calf neat. 3s 6d Paris, 1754 2073 MURATORI. Relation of the Missions of Paraguay ; translated from the Italian. 8vo, boards (no map). 2s Qd calf neat. 4s 1759 2074 MURR (Chr. Gottlieb Von) Reisen einiger Missionarien der Gesellschaft Jesu in Amerika, aus ihren eigenen Aufsatzen herausgegeben. 8vo, large map of the River Amazon and plates, half calf. 6s Nurnberg, 1785 2075 MURR (C. G. Von) Diplomatische Geschichte des Portugesischen beruhmten Ritters Martin Behaims. 12mo, folding map, half calf. 7s Qd ib., 1778 17 138 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2076 MUEEAY (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, including the United States, Canada, Shores of the Polar Sea, and Voyages in Search of a North- West Pas sage. 2 vols. 8vo, map, boards. Ts6d half calf gilt. 10s 1829 2077 MUEEAY S (Hugh) History of the United States of America, with Illustrations of the Natural History, by James Nicol. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 5s 1844 2078 MUEEAY (Hugh) Historical and Descriptive Account of Canada, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, &c., with Illustrations of Natural History, by Wilson, Greville, and Trail. 3 vols. 12mo, maps and plates, cloth. 4s 6d Edinburgh, 1839 2079 MUEEAY S (Hon. C. Augustus) Travels in North America and Summer Eesidence with the Pawnee Indians. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, half calf gilt. 9s 6d boards. 6s 1839 2080 MUEEAY S Travels. Another Edition. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1854 2081 MUEEAY (The Hon. C. A.) Prairie Bird (a Novel, descriptive of Ohio). 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s 1844 2082 MUEEAY (Hon. Amelia M.) Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. 2 vols. post 8vo, map, cloth. 4s 6d 1856 2083 MYSTEEY (The) Eevealed, or Truth brought to Light, being a Discovery of some Facts in Eelation to the Conduct of the late M y ; by a Patriot. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1759 2084 "VT (N.) Che la Platina Americana era un Metallo conosciuto 1AI dagli Antichi, Dissertazione. 8vo, uncut. 2s Bassano, 1790 2085 NAEBOEOUGH, Tasman, Wood and Marten. An account of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North towards the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, Nova Zem- bla, Greenland, &c. 8vo, maps and plates, half calf . 4s 1694 2086 NAEEATIVE of the Privations and Sufferings of United States Officers and Soldiers, while Prisoners of War in the hands of the Eebel Authorities. 8vo, plates. 2s 1864 2087 NAEEATIVE of the Shipwreck of the Transport "Premier," near the mouth of the Eiver St. Lawrence, 4th November, 1843. 4to, with many engravings, from sketches made on the spot ly G. R. Dartnell, cloth. 4s 6d 1845 2088 NAEEATIVE of the Campaigns of the British Army at Wash ington and New Orleans, under Generals Eoss, Pakenham, and Lambert, in 1814 and 1815. By G. E. Gleig. 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s 6d i 1826 2089 NAEEATIVE of a Voyage to the Spanish Main in the Ship " Two Friends," Sketches of the Province of East Florida, and Anecdotes of the Habits and Manners of the Seminole Indians and Seminole War. 8vo, half calf gilt. 6s boards. 5s 1819 2090 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, with Memoirs by Herring and Longacre. 2 vols. royal 8vo, numerous fine portraits, half morocco, gilt leaves (binding not uniform). 1 8s New York, 1835 2091 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. Eoyal 8vo, voL I., many fine portraits, cloth, uncut. Is 6d N. Y., 1834 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 139 2092 NAVARRETE (M. Fernandez de) Coleccion de los Viages y Des- cubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV. 3 vols. 4to, maps, new half calf gilt. 1. 145 Madrid, 1825 2093 NAVARRETE. Another copy, COMPLETE in 5 vols. 4to, new, half morocco. 3. 13s Gd ib., 182537 2094 NEAL S (Daniel) History of New England. 2 vols. 8vo, calf (no map), neat. 13s 6d Another, with map, but wanting 2 leaves in vol. 1, neat. 10s 1720 2095 NEAL S New England. SECOND EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, map, calf neat. 1. 10s 1747 2096 NETTLE (Richard) Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence and its Tributaries. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s Montreal, 1857 2097 NEVIS, &c. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Nevis, from 1664 to 1739 inclusive, 1740 Abridgment of the same, 1740 Acts of the Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands from 1620 to 1730. In 1 vol. folio, neat. 5s 1740 2098 NEW (The) Yankee Doodle ; being an Account of the Little Difficulty (the Civil War /) in the Family of Uncle Sam (in verse), by Truman Trumbull. Post Svo, cloth. 2s Qd New York, 1868 2099 NEW BRUNSWICK. Sketches taken in the year 1833. 4to, 12 plates by Harry, Kay, and Russell. 5s 1836 2100 NEW ENGLAND. A True Relation of the late Battel Fought in New England, between the English and the Pequet Salvages. 4to, half bound, cut close by the binder. 3. 13s 6d 1638 2101 NEW ENGLAND. Abstract of the Lawes of New England as they are now Established. 4to, rather close cut in the margin, new calf gilt, by Pratt, rare. 1. lls 6d London, 1641 2102 NEW ENGLAND. The Profession of the Faith of that Rev. and worthy Divine, Mr. J. D., sometimes preacher of Stevens, Coleman Street, London, made Publiquely at his Admission into one of the Churches of God in New England. 4to, half morocco (bottom lines of 2 leaves cut away). 15s 1642 2103 NEW ENGLAND. Church Government and Church Covenant discussed in an Answer of the severall Churches in New Eng land, sent over to them by divers Ministers in England, together with an Apologie of the said Elders of New England, sent over in Answer to Master Bernard in 1639, also an Answer to the Nine Positions. THREE PARTS, complete, 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s 1643 2104 NEW ENGLAND. Some Observations and Annotations upon the Apologeticall Narration, Humbly submitted to the Honour able Houses of Parliament, the Most Reverend and Learned Divines of the Assembly, and all the Protestant Churches here in this Island, and Abroad. Small 4to, boards. 10s Qd 1644 Contains many references to New England writers. 2105 NEW ENGLAND. Copy of a Letter written by Thomas Par ker, Pastor of the Church of Newbury, in New England, to his Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Avery, sometime of rNewbury, Berks, touching Sundry Opinions by her Professed and Maintained. 4to, boards. 1. Is 1650 2106 NEW ENGLAND. A Degenerate Plant, who having Forgot their Former Sufferings and Lost their Ancient Tenderness, are 140 Books relating to America, on Sale by now become famous among the Nations in bringing forth the fruits of Cruelty. Published for the sober People who desire to know how the state of New England now stands, and upon what foundation the New England Churches are built. 4to, good copy, new half morocco, very rare. 10. 10s 1659 2107 NEW ENGLAND. A Disputation concerning Church Members and their Children, in Answer to XXL Questions : Wherein the State of such Children when Adult, together with their Duty towards the Church, and the Churches Duty towards them is Discussed, by an Assembly of Divines meeting at Boston, New England, June 4th, 1657. 4to, boards. 1. 11s 6d Lond., 1659 2108 NEW ENGLAND. Declaration of the Sad and great Persecu tion of the People of God, called Quakers, in New England, for the Worshipping of God. (title printed in red and black) 4to, half morocco, rare. 5. 5s 1660 2109 NEW ENGLAND. An Appendex to the book entituled "New England Judged," being certain writings of those persons which were there executed, together with a short Relation of the Tryal, Sentence and Execution of William Leddra, written by them in the Time of their Imprisonment in the Bloody Town of Boston. 4to, new, half morocco. 3. 3s 1661 2110 NEW ENGLAND. Brooksop (Jone) Invitation of Love unto the Seed of God throughout the World, with a Word to the Wise in Heart and a Lamentation for New England. 4to, vellum ivrapper. 1. 5s Lond. 1662 2111 NEW ENGLAND. Severall Epistles given forth by Two of the Lord s Faithful Servants (W. Eobinsonand W. Leddra), whom He sent to New England to bear Witness to His Everlasting Truth, and were there (at Boston) by the Priests, Rulers and Professors, put to Death for no other Cause but for Keeping the Command ments of God and Testimony of Jesus. 4to, half morocco, rare. 2. 2s 1669 2112 NEW ENGLAND. A Glass for the People of New England in which they may see themselves and Spirits, and, if not too late, Repent and Turn from their Abominable Ways and Cursed Con trivances. By S. G. (Samuel Groom, a Quaker). 4to, half moi occo t rare. 1. 4s 1676 2113 NEW ENGLAND. Three Letters of Thanks to the Protestant Reconciler, from the Anabaptists at Munster, from the Congrega tions in New England, from the Quakers in Pennsylvania. 4to, boards. 1. Is 1683 2114 NEW ENGLAND. Letter from a Gentleman in Boston to Mr. Geo. Wishart, one of the Ministers of Edinburgh, concerning the State of Religion in New England. 8vo, half morocco. 7s 6d Edinb. 1742 2115 NEW ENGLAND and her Institutions, by one of her Sons. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1835 2116 NEW ENGLAND. Historical and Genealogical Register, whole Nos. 41, 42 and 43 (or Nos. 1, 2, 3 of Vol. I. new series), sewed. 2s 1857 2117 NEWS from New England, being a True and Last Account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians and Converted Indians of New Eng land, 1676. Reprinted, 4to, cloth. 4s 6d 1850 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 141 2118 NEW ESSAY (by the Pennsylvanian Farmer) on the Constitu tional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1774 2119 NEWFOUNDLAND. Inventory of Provisions, Netts, Cordage, Casks, Boats, and other utensils for carrying the Fishery at Cape Charles River, the property of Messrs. Bayne cind Brymer, and abandoned by Governor Palliser s orders, 28 August, 1765. Manuscript 4 pp. 2s 2120 NEW GRANADA. Estado Politico di Nuevo regnodi Granada, tomos 2 and 3. Manuscript, 4to, Spanish calf. 1. Is (18th cent.) Believed to be unpublished. 2121 NEW GRANADA. Recopilacion de Leyes de la Neuva Granada, contiene toda la lejislacion nacional vijente hasta el ano de 1844 inclusive, por Lino de Pombo. Folio, half calf . 1. 5s Bogota, 1845 2122 NEWE und warhaffte relation von den was sich in beederley das ist In den West und Ost-Indien von der zeit an zugetragen dasz sich die Navigationes der Holland-Engellandischen compagnien daselbstbin angefangen abzuschneiden, durch Elind Nicolai an tag geben. 4to, boards. 1. Is Munchen, 1619 2123 NEW SPAIN. A Series of 32 Questions, with Answers, respect ing the State and Condition of the Indians in New Spain (manu script in Spanish). Folio, large plain handwriting. 2s about 1770 2124 NEWELL. Memoirs of Mrs. Harriet Newell, Wife of the Rev. S. Newell, American Missionary to India, with a Sermon on her Death, preached at Haverhill, Mass., by Leonard Woods. Post 8vo, portrait, boards. 2s Qd 1816 2125 NEWHALL (James R.) The Essex Memorial for 1836, embracing a Register of the County. 12mo, doth. 3s Qd Salem, 1836 2126 NEW HAVEN. History of Dublin, New Haven, containing the Address by Charles Mason, and proceedings at the Centennial Celebration, with a Register of Families. Royal 8vo, numerous portraits, cloth. 16s Boston, 1855 2127 NEW HAVEN. Strong (Joseph) Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Alexander Gillet, to the Work of the Gospel Ministry at Farmingbury, 29th Dec., 1773. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd New Haven. 1775 2128 NEW JERSEY. Letter concerning an American Bishop, &c., to Dr. Bradbury Chandler, Ruler of St. John s Church, Elizabeth Town, in Answer to the Appendix of his Appeal to the Public. 8 vo, half morocco. 5s Printed in America, no place, 17 68 2129 NEW YORK. Remarks on the Tryal of John Peter Zenger (Printer of the New York Weekly Journal). 4to, half morocco. 5s 1738 2130 NEW YORK. Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1842, assembled for the purpose of Amending the Constitution of the State of New York. Thick 8vo, closely printed, half calf. 5s Albany, 1821 2130* NEW YORK Gazetteer of the State of New York, Survey and Description of its Counties, Towns, and Cities, &c. 8vo, map, calf. 3s. ib. 1824 2131 NEW YORK as it is in 1837. 12mo, neat. 2s N. Y., 1837 142 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2132 NEW YORK in the Year 1695 described, with Plans of the City and Forts as they then existed, by the Rev. John Miller, now first printed from the original manuscript. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1843 " As it contains some curious particulars respecting the state of society in the province at that time, and is moreover of particular local interest, as giving plans of the town and the several forts, the Publisher thought he would be rendering an acceptable service to those persons who take an inte rest in tracing the rise and growth of the great commercial emporium of the western world, by causing a few copies to be printed, and thus preserv ing it from the chance of being lost or destroyed." Preface. 2133 NEW YORK. The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged under the direction of the Hon. Christ. Morgan, Secretary of State ; by E. B. O Callaghan, M.D. 4 very thick 8vo vols. (more than WOO pages each), many maps, views, and por traits, autographs, &c., cloth. 3. 13s Printed at the expense of the State, 1849-51 A most valuable collection, consisting of manuscript documents connected with the early history of the colony, the Indian Aborigines and its affairs, down to the year 1803, also reprints of rare historical memoirs, &c. 2134 NEW YORK. Laws and Ordinances ordained and established by the Mayor and Aldermen of New York for the Government of the said City. 8vo, boards. 3s New York, 1812 2135 NEW YORK State Register for 1843, containing an Almanac, &c. Edited by 0. L. Holley. 8vo, boards. 2s Albany, 1843 2136 NEW YORK. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England and France, by J. R. Brodhead. Edited by E. B. O Callaghan. 11 thick vols. 4to, COMPLETE, maps, &c., cloth (presentation copy to Lord Macaulay). 6. 6s ib., 185658 2137 NEW YORK. Collections of the New York Historical Society. Second Series, vol. 3, part 1. 8vo, boards. 5s 1857 2138 NEW YORK City during the American Revolution, a Collection of Original Papers from the MSS. in the possession of the Mer cantile Library Association of New York. Small 4to, map and facsimile, cloth. 2. 12s Qd Privately printed, 1861 2139 NEW YORK. Breeden Raedt (Extracts from a work called) Aen de vereenighde Nederlandische Provintien. Printed in Antwerp in 1649, translation from the Dutch original, by Mr. C. (relating to New York while under the Dutch). 8vo, 14 pp., only a few copies privately printed, half morocco. 5s A mst. ,1850 2140 NEW YORK. Plea in Vindication of the Connecticut Title to the Contested Lands lying West of the Province of New York, by B. Trumbull. 8vo, privately printed, half morocco, rare. 1. Is New Haven: printed by Thomas and Samuel Green, 1774 2141 NEW YORK Marriages. Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licences were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York, 1664 to 1784. Thick 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d New York, 1860 Containing the names of about 40,000 persons, very useful for Genealo gists. 2142 NICARAGUA. Carte d Etude pour la trace et le profil de Canal de Nicaragua. Par Thome de Gamond, Ingenieur Civil, precede" de Documents Publics sur cette question. Par Felix Belly. 4to, with large coloured map on linen, boards. 7s Qd Paris, 1858 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 143 2143 NICOLAI (Eliud) Navigationes in den West and Ost Indien der Holland Engellandischen Compagnien. 4to, map, fine copy in russia. 1. 15s Munchen, 1619 2144 NICOLAI. Another Copy. 4to, map, FINE COPY, in red morocco. extra gilt edges, by Hay day. 2. 2s ib., 1619 2145 NICHOLSON (Dr. T.) On Yellow Fever, particularly in the Island of Antigua. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1866 2146 NIEUHOFFS (John) Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense zee en Lant- Reize ; behelzende al het geen op dezelve is voorgevallen. Folio, portraits, engraved frontispiece, and numerous plates, half russia. 7s Qd Amster., 1682 2147 NILES (H.) Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America : Speeches, Orations, Proceedings, and other Fugitive and Neg lected Pieces. Royal 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd Baltimore, 1822 2148 NODAL. Relacion del Viage que Hizieron los Capitanes Barto- leme Garcia de Nordal y Go^alo de Nodal, al descubrimiento del Estrecho Magallanes. 4to, engraved title, with the scarce map, calf. 1. 17s Qd (Col. Stanley s copy sold for 30 Guineas.) Madrid, 1621 2149 NOEL (Baptist Wriothesley) The Rebellion in America. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1863 2150 Norris (R.) Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ahadee, King of Da- homy, with a Short Account of the African Slave Trade. Map, 1789 Francklyn s Observations on the Slave Trade in the Bri tish Colonies in the West Indies, 1789. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 3s 2151 NORTH AMERICA. The Present State of North America, etc., Part I. (all printed). Second edition, with emendations. 4to, half calf. 12s 1755 2152 NORTH American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labrador, the Gulph, and River of St. Lawrence, being a Collection of 25 Accurate Charts and Plans, from Surveys by Cook, Lane, and Gilbert. Atlas folio, half bound. 7s Qd 1809 2153 NORTH GEORGIA GAZETTE and Winter Chronicle (as pub- lished during Capt. Parry s Voyage.) 4to, boards. 4s 1821 2154 NORTH-WEST PASSAGE. Account of a Voyage for the Dis covery of North- West Passage, by Hudson s Straits, performed in the Ship " California " (written by Drage). 2 vols. 8vo, boards, edges uncut. 10s Qd 1748 2155 N. W. PASSAGE. Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo, (vol. I a little wormed), calf. 4s Qd 1748 2156 N. W. PASSAGE. The Impracticability of a North-West Pas sage for Ships impartially considered. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, boards. 2s 6d 1824 2157 N. W. PASSAGE. Letters written during the late Voyage of Discovery in the Western Arctic Sea, by an Officer of the Expe dition. 8vo, boards. 3s 1821 2158 N. W. PASSAGE. Discovery of the North-West Passage by H.M.S. "Investigator," Capt. R. M Clure, 1850-54, edited by Commander Sherard Osborn. 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 6s 1856 2159 NORTHERN COLONIES. Observations on the Importance of the Northern Colonies under proper regulations. 8vo, half mo rocco. 8s New York, 1750 2160 NORTH AND SOUTH. By the White Republican of "Eraser s Magazine." Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1863 144 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2161 N. E. BOUNDARY. Consideration on the Claims and Conduct of the United States respecting their North-Eastern Boundary, and of the Value of the British Colonies in North America. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 1826 2162 NORTH AMERICAN BOUNDARY. Parliamentary Reports and Correspondence relative to the Boundary between the British Possessions in North America and the United States under the Treaty of 1783, 3 Parts. Folio, maps. 6s 1840-42 2163 NORTHUP (Solomon) Twelve Years a Slave, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and Rescued in 1853 from a Cotton Plantation near the Red River in Louisiana. Thick post 8vo, plates, doth. 2s Qd 1853 2164 NORTON (John, Teacher of the Church at Ipswich, in New Eng land). The Orthodox Evangelist, wherein many Evangelical Truths are briefly Discussed, Cleared, and Confirmed. 4to, a little stained, old calf. 6s 6d good copy, old calf. 9s 1654 2165 NOVA SCOTIA. Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia, from its first Settlement to the Present Time. 8vo, half morocco. 6s Qd 1754 2166 NOVA SCOTIA. Autograph Letter from Alex. Cunningham, Ship Northumberland," at Halifax, Aug. 8th, 1762. 3s Qd " I am sorry to acquaint you that on the 24th of June last, the French landed 1500 troops at the Bay of Bulls, destroyed all the fishing thereabout, and marched from thence to St. John s, and took it on the 27th," &c., &c. 2167 NOVA SCOTIA. Account of the Present State of Nova Scotia. 8vo, half calf. 4s whole calf . 4s Qd Edinb., 1786 2168 NOVA SCOTIA. Present State of Nova Scotia, with a brief Account of Canada and the British Islands on the Coast of North America. Second Edition. 8vo, map, half calf. 6s without map, half calf . 4s Qd Edinb., 1787 2169 NOVA SCOTIA AND HUDSON S BAY. Geographical History of Nova Scotia, Situation, Extent, and Limits thereof, with Man ners and Customs of the Indian Inhabitants, 1749 Robson s Six Years Residence in Hudson Bay, maps, 1752. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf neat. 10s 6d 2170 NOVA SCOTIA. Statutes at large passed in the several General Assemblies held in Nova Scotia from the First Assembly in 1758 to 1804, inclusive, with complete Index and Abridgment, by R. J. Uniacke. 4to, calf. 12s Halifax, 1805 2171 NOVA SCOTIA. General Description of Nova Scotia. 8vo, map, whole, calf. 4s 6d Halifax, 1825 2172 NOUVION (Victor De) Extraits des Auteurs et Voyages qui ont ecrit sur la Guyane, suivis du Catalogue Bibliographique de la Guyane. 8vo, pp. 618, sewed. 7s 6d Paris, 1844 2173 NOVVS ORBIS Region vm ac Insvlarum veteribvs incognitarvm, una cum tabula cosmographica, et aliquot alijs consimilis argu- mentii libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina, by S. Grynseus. Folio, first edition (no map), vellum. 12s Basileae, apvd lo. Hervagivm, 1532 2174 NO YES (James, Teacher of the Church of Newlury, in New Eng land) The Temple Measured, or a Brief Survey of the Temple A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 145 Mystical, which is the Instituted Church of Christ, &c. 4to, half morocco. 1. Us Gd 1647 Published on occasion of the disputes about the settlement of the Church Government in New England. 2175 NUIX (Don Juan) Eeflexions Imparciales sobre la humanidad de los Espanoles en las Indias, tracudidas con algunas notas. 4to, old calf. 6s Madrid, 17 82 2176 NUEVA ANDALUCIA. Caulin (Ant.) Historia Coro-graphica Natural y Evangelice de la Nueva Andalucia, Proviucias de Cumana, Guayana y Vertientes del Rio Orinoco. Folio, map and plates, half morocco. 2. 2s Madrid, 1779 2177 NUNEZ (Ignacio) Esquisses du Buenos- Ayres, etautres Provinces unies du Rio de la Plata, avec Notes par M. Varaigne. 8vo, neat. 4s Qd Paris, 1826 2178 NUTTALL (Thomas) The Genera of North American Plants and- Catalogue of the Species to the Year 1817. 2 vols. post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 9s Phil., 1818 2179 NUTTALL (Thomas) Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Ter ritory, with Observations on the Manners of the Aborigines. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 6s Phil., 1821 2180 /RESERVATIONS sur le Commerce Maritime dans lesquelles on \J discute quelques points relatifs a I lndustrie et au Commerce des Colonies Francoises. 12mo, neat. 2s 6d Madrid, 1755 2181 OBSERVATIONS upon the Liturgy, with Proposals for its Re form, by a Layman of the Church of England, late an under Secretary of State (Mr. Knox), to which is added the Journals of the American Convention to form a Liturgy for the Episcopal Churches in the United States. 8vo, half calf . 5s. 1789 2182 OCCASIONAL Reflections on the Importance of the War in America. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 6d 1758 2183 OCCOM (Samson, a Native Indian), Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, for Murder at New Haven ; with the Rev. Jona Edwards Observations on the Language of the Muhhe- kanees Indians. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1789 2184 OEXMELIN (A. 0.) Histoire des Aventuriers des Boucaniers et de la Chambre des Comtes 6tablie dans les Indies, 1688, par A. 0. Oexmelin. 2 vols. 12mo, maps and plates. 7s Gd 1688 2185 OFFICIAL Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States during the War with Great Britain in 1812 to 1815, collected and arranged by John Brannan. 8vo, calf gilt. Gs Washington City, 1823 2186 OGLETHORPE. A Memoir of General James Oglethorpe, founder of the Colony of Georgia. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 3s Gd 1867 2187 OGILBY S Accurate Description of the New World, with the remarkable Voyages thither and conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru. Royal folio, full of plates and maps, neat in calf. 1. 8s 1671 2188 OHIO. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Statistics to the General Assembly of Ohio for the year 1857. 8vo, cloth. 2s Gd Columbus, 1858 18 146 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2189 OHIO INDIANS. Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians in the year 1764, under the command of Col. Bouquet, including his transactions with the Indians in the preceding Campaign and Battle of Bushy Kun. 4to, map and plates, half morocco. 1. 5s 1766 2190 OHIO, &c. Lettres ecrites des Eives de 1 Ohio, par A. de Lezay- Marnezia, Au Fort-Pitt, et a Paris, 1801, " tres rare ;" Vignol (M.) Coup d CEil sur Cayenne en 1822 Paris, 1823; Voyage de M. Le Chevalier de Chastellux en Amerique, Paris, 1786; Examen critique des Voyages dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale de M. de Chastellux, par J. P. Brissot de Warville ; 1786, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 12s 17861823 2191 OLDFIELD (Traverse) " To Daimonion" or the Spiritual Me dium ; its nature illustrated by the history of its uniform mys terious manifestation when unduly excited. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d Boston, 1852 2192 OLD INDIAN CHRONICLE, heing a Collection of exceeding rare Tracts, written and published in the time of King Philip s War, by persons residing in the country, with Introduction and Notes, by S. G. Drake. Small 4to, beautifully printed (only 100 copies), map. <!. 4s Boston, 1867 2193 OLIPHANT (Laurence) Minnesota, and the Far West. 8vo, plates, doth. 5s 1855 2194 OLIPHANT (Laurence) Patriots and Filibusters (relating Wal ker s Adventures in Nicaragua). 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd 1860 2195 OLIVER (Peter) The Puritan Commonwealth, an Historical Re view of the Puritan Government in Massachusetts, in its Civil and Ecclesiastical Relations, from its rise to the Abrogation of the First Charter. Royal 8vo, cloth. 7s Gd Boston, 1856 2196 OLMSTED (Fr. L.) Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom, a Traveller s Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the Slave States. 2 vols. post 8vo, map, cloth. 5s 1861 2197 O NEIL S (Lieut.) Account of the Escape of the Royal Family of Portugal to the Brazils. Svo, boards. 2s 1810 2198 OPINION of Judge Cooper on the effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty, by Alexander James Dallas. 8vo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1810 2199 ORDERSON S (J. W.) Creoleana or Social and Domestic Scenes and Incidents in Barbadoes. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1842 2200 OREGON The Claim of the United States to Oregon. Svo, large map, cloth. 2s 1846 2201 O REILLY S Greenland and Adjacent Seas, and the North- West Passage, illustrated in a Voyage to Davis s Strait. 4to, plates, boards. 4s 6d half russia. Qs 6d half calf gilt. 6s 1818 2202 O REILLY S Voyage to Greenland, plates, 1818 Ross s (Sir John) First Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, plates, 1819. Bound in 1 vol. 4to, calf, marbled leaves. 15s 2203 OSBORNE (John) Guide to the Madeiras, Azores, British and Foreign West Indies, Mexico, and Northern South America. 12mo, map, cloth. Is Qd Another Edition. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1846 2204 OSBORN (Lt. Sherard) Stray Leaves from the Arctic Journal, or Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 147 Franklin s Expedition, 1850 1. 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. 4s Qd 1852 2205 OSGOOD (Mrs.) Memorials written by Friends of the late Mrs. Osgood, and edited by Mary E. Hewitt. 8vo, fine plates, cloth. 4s New York, 1821 2206 OSLER (Edward) The Voyage, a Poem written at Sea and in the West Indies, and illustrated by papers on Natural History. Small 8vo, boards. 2s Gd 1830 2207 OSORII (Hier.) de Rebus Emmanuelis Lusitanise Regis, sive Commentarius de reperta ab Hispania et Lusitanis Navagatione in Occidentis et Orientis Indiam et Populorum ejus vita, Moribus, ac Ritibus. Thick small 8vo, vellum. 8s Colon. 1574 2208 Another Edition. 8vo, calf gilt. 7s Qd vellum. 7s ib., 1576 2209 Another Edition. 8vo, vellum. 8s ib., 1586 2210 Another Edition. 8vo, vellum. 10s Gd ib., 1597 2211 OSORIUS (Jerome) Histoire de Portugal, contenant les entre- prises, et gestes memorables, taut en la conqueste des Indes Orientales qu es guerres d Afrique et autre exploites, depuis 1496. Thick 12mo, calf neat. 10s Qd Paris, 1581 Osorius gives an account of the Discoveries of the Portuguese in Brazil, &c. 2212 O SULLIVAN (J. L.) Union, Disunion, and Reunion, a Letter to Gen. Franklin Pierce, ex-President of the United States. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1862 2213 OSTERWALD (John Fredk.) Compendium of Christian Theo logy, translated into English from the Original Latin, by the Rev. John M Mains, with List of Subscribers. 8vo, calf. 6s Hartford (Connecticut), 1788 2214 OUSELEY S Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States. 8vo, boards. 2s 1832 2215 OUTLINE of the Revolution in Spanish America, the Origin, Progress, and State of the War between Spain and Spanish America, by a South American. 8vo, boards. 3s calf. 3s Qd 1817 2216 OVALLE (Alph. d ) Historica Relation del Regno di Cile (Chile). Small folio, curious plates and woodcuts, vellum. 2. 2s Roma, 1646 2217 OVALLE. Another copy, wanting title and copper-plates, vellum. 10s ib., 1646 2218 OVIEDO Y VALDES (El Capitan G. F., Primer Chronista del Neuvo Mundo) Historia General y Natural de las Indias, Islas y Tierra-firme del mar oceano, cotejada con el codice original, la vida, y las enmiendas y adiciones del autor, par Jose A. de los Rios. 4 vols. royal 4to, plates, neat half calf . 3. 13s Qd Madrid, 18513 2219 OWEN S (D. Dale) Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and incidentally of Nebraska territory. Royal 4to, many woodcuts, and an accompanying volume of plates and maps, cloth. 1. 8s Philadelphia, 1852 2220 OWEN (Capt. Richard, R.N.) Nautical Memoir descriptive of the Surveys made in H.M.S. s "Blossom" and "Flanders," from 1829 to 1837 (in the West Indies and Coasts of the Western Pacific). 8vo, not printed for sale, half calf. 5s Dublin, n. d. 148 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2221 OZANNE (Rev. T. D.) The South as it is, or 21 years experience in the Southern States. Post 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1863 2222 T)AGAN S (Count of) Historical and Geographical Description of jL the Great Country and River of the Amazones, with a Map of the River and its Provinces, being that place which Sir W. Raleigh intended to Conquer and Plant, when he made his Voyage to Guiana. 12mo, map, fine, copy, red morocco extra, by Aitkin. 2. 12s Qd 1661 2223 PAGE (T. J., Commander U. S. Navy} La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay, being a Narrative of the Explo ration of the Tributaries of the River La Plata, 1853 56, by Order of the United States Government. Royal 8vo, many en gravings. 10s Qd 1859 2224 PAINE S (Thos.) Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, 1776 Plain Truth, in answer to " Common Sense," 1776 Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress, 1776 Adams (Samuel) Oration at the State-house in Philadel phia, 1776 Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress at Philadelphia, 1776. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf neat. 9s 2225 PAINE S Common Sense, 1776 Plain Truth, addressed to the Inhabitants in answer, by Candidus. In 1 vol. 8vo, boards. 3s Qd London, Almon, 1776 The public have been amused by many extracts from the pamphlet en titled " Common Sense," which have been held up as a proof positive that qhe Americans desire to become independent ; we are happy in this oppor tunity of publishing " Plain Truth," which we take to be as good a proof that the Americans do not desire to become independent. Publishers Advertisement. 2226 PAINE (Thos.) Common Sense addressed to the Inhabitants of America, 1791 Rights of Man, 1791. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf 3s 2227 PAINE S (Thos.) Common Sense addressed to the Inhabitants of America, a new Edition, with Appendix and Address to the Quakers. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d Phil., 1776 2228 PAINE S Common Sense addressed to the Inhabitants of Ame rica (increased one-third), London, 1791 Letter to the Abbe" Raynal on his Mistakes in his Account of the Revolution in America, 1791 and another Tract of Paine s in 1 vol. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s 2229 PAINE (Thos.) Letter to the Abbe Raynal, on the Affairs of North America. 8vo, boards. 2s 1783 2230 PAINE (Thos.) Letter to the Abbe" Raynal, on the Affairs of North America, 8vo, 1783, and 4 others on America, by Paine, Franklin, Price, and Hey. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 7s V. Y. 2231 PALAIRET (J.) Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North America. 8vo,hf.cf. 5s Ids. 6s Qd 1755 2232 PANOPLIST (The) and Missionary Magazine. 13 vols. 8vo, half calf. 1. 4s Boston, 1806-1817 2233 PANORAMA (13 feet long) of the Hudson River from New York to Albany. 12mo, cloth. Is 6d 1845 2234 PALMER (Albert G.) Discourse at the One Hundredth Anni versary of the Organization of the First Baptist Church in North Stonington. 12mo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1844 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 149 2235 PAPERS relating to America ; Presented to the House of Com mons 1809. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1810 2236 PAPERS (Parliamentary) relating to West India Colonies and Mauritius, Part L, British Guiana, Jamaica, and Trinidad. Folio, pp. COO 45 1859 2237 PAPERS relating to Foreign Affairs accompanying the Annual Message of the President of the U. S. 2 thick vols. 8vo, doth. 4s Qd Washington, 1868 The second vol. contains 350 pages relating to Mexico, and 400 more re lating to the Argentine Republic, Brazil, Central America, Chili, and Peru. 2238 PAPERS relative to the Rupture with Spain, in French and English (relating to the Bay of Honduras}, &c. 8vo, uncut. 4s 6d 1762 2239 PARISH S (Sir Woodbine) Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8vo, plates, cloth. 45 6d 1839 2240 PARKES (Joseph) Statutes and Orders of the Court of Chancery, and Statute Law of Real Property of the State of New York. 8vo, boards. 35 1830 2241 PARKINSON (Richard) The Experienced Farmer s Tour in Ame rica, Exhibiting the American System of Agriculture and Breed ing of Cattle. 8vo, boards. 3s 1805 2242 PARKINSON (Richard) Tour in America, 1798 to 1800, ex hibiting Sketches of Society and Manners, with Account of Ame rican System of Agriculture, with recent improvements. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 4s Another, 2 vols, new half calf, gilt. 45 6d 1805 2243 PARKMAN (Francis) The California and Oregon Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 45 Qd New York, 1849 2244 PARKMAN (Francis) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac and War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. Royal 8vo, maps, cloth. 7s Qd Boston, 1851 2245 PARKMAN (Francis) France and England in North America, a Series of Historical Narratives. (Part I. (all printed), containing Huguenots in Florida, with Sketch of their Colonization in Brazil. Champlain, and other early Adventures in North America. 8vo, portrait of Menendez, cloth. 4s Qd Boston, 1865 2246 PARKMAN (Francis) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth.. Is (pub. at 1. Is) London, 1851 2247 PARRY S (Capt. Sir W. E.) First Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage. 4to, many fine plates by Finden, half calf . lls calf gilt. 14s 1821 2248 PARRY S First Voyage, 1821 The North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle, 1821. Bound in 1 vol. 4to, calf gilt. 14s 1821 2249 PARRY. Supplement to the Appendix of Capt. Parry s First Voyage (containing an Account of the subjects of Natural His tory). 4to, plates, boards. 4s half calf . 5s 1824 2250 PARRY S Second Voyage towards the North Pole. 4to, many plates, boards. 9s half calf. 1 2s calf gilt. 1 6s 1824 2251 PARRY (Capt.) Appendix to Second Voyage (containing Na tural History and other Sciences). 4to, plates, Ids. 7s Qd 1825 2252 PARRY S Fourth Voyage towards the North Pole. 4to, fine plates, boards. 1. Is calf gilt. 1. Gs 1828 150 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2253 PARSONS (Jonathan, of Newbury-Port) Infant Baptism from Heaven, Two Discourses delivered at Haverill West Parish, with Appendix. Second edition, Svo, half morocco. 5s Boston, 1767 2254 PARTON S General Butler in New Orleans. History of the Administration of the Department of the Gulph, 1862, with Account of the Capture of New Orleans. Thick Svo, plates, cloth. 3s Kd 1864 2255 PARTRIDGE (J. Arthur) the Making of the American Nation, or the Rise and Decline of Oligarchy in the West. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s 1866 2256 PAULDING (J. K. and W. J.) American Comedies. 8vo, boards. 2s Philadelphia, 1847 2257 PAUW (C. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Grecs, sur les Americains, les Egyptiens et les Chinois. Maps, 7 vols. 8vo, FINE COPY, calf, gilt edges. 14s Paris, 1795 2258 PAUW. Selection from M. Pauw (on America), with additions by Daniel Webb, Esq. 8vo, boards. 2s Bath, 1795 2259 PAYNE (A. R. M.) The Geral-Mileo, or the Narrative of a Resi dence in a Brazilian Valley of the Sierra-Pazricis. Post 8vo, plates, boards. 3s 1852 2260 PEDRO de Tobar. Verdadera historica relacion del origen mani- festacion y prodigiosa y milagros de la imagen de la sacratissima virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquira que esta en el nuevo reyno de Granada de las Indias. 4to, bottom margin a little stained, vellum. 15s En Madrid, 1694 2261 PEIRCE (Benj.) History of Harvard University from its Founda tion, 1636, to the period of the American Revolution. 8vo, 2 plates, boards. 5s Cambridge, 1833 2262 PEMBERTON. A Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of Friends at Pyrmont concerning John Pemberton of Philadelphia. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d 1798 2263 PEMBERTON (J. D.) Facts and Figures relating to Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 6d 1860 2264 PENN. Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn. By Thos. Clarkson. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 5s 1813 2265 PENN S (W., Founder of Pennsylvania) Collection of his Works, with a Journal of his Life, with many Original Letters and Papers. 2 vols. folio, A VERY CHOICE COPY, new panelled calf, extra, carmine edges, bound by Stamper. 1. lls 6d 1726 2266 PENN. La Vie de Guillaume Penn, Fondateur de la Pennsyl- vanie, ouvrage contenant 1 Historique des Premiers Fondements de Philadelphie, des Principes de la Soci^te" des Amis (Quakers), &c., par J. M. Marsillac. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf, marbled leaves. 6s Paris, 1791 2267 PENN (William) the Quaker, An Historical Biography founded on Family and State Papers. By Hep worth Dixon. Small 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s Qd 1856 2268 PENN (Paget John) Inquiry into the Evidence relating to the Charges brought by Lord Macaulay against William Penn. Crown 8vo, cloth,. 2s 6d 1858 2269 PENN (W.) Defence of a Paper entitled Gospel Truths, against the Exceptions of the Bishop of Cork s testimony. 8vo, presenta tion copy to Joseph Pike, in the autograph of the celebrated author, W. Penn, calf, neat. 6s 1698 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 151 2270 PENN (W.) Primitive Christianity Kevived in the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers. 12mo, old calf. 5s 1696 2271 PENNSYLVANIA. An Account of the great Divisions amongst the Quakers in Pennsilvania, &c., by G. Keith and T. Budd. 4to, (a small piece out of the last leaf), new half morocco. 2. 2s 1691 2272 PENNSYLVANIA. Abstract of a Letter from Thomas Paskell of Pennsylvania, to his Friend, J. J., of Chippenham. Folio, single leaf (per Jutps unique) half morocco. 1. Us 6d 1683 An interesting paper, giving curious particulars about the Country, W. Penn, the Indians, &c., &c. 2273 PENNSYLVANIA. Keith (George) Further Discovery of Falshood and Persecution in Sam. Jennings and his Party that joined with him in Pensylvania, and some Abettors that Cloak and Defend him here in England, in Answer to his Scandalous Book called The State of the Case. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1694 2274 PENNSYLVANIA. An Historical Eeview of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its origin. By Dr. B. Franklin. Svo, calf. 6s Qd Lond. 1759 2275 PENNSYLVANIA. Authentic Relation of the beginning, pro gress and termination, 1st and 2nd January, 1742, of a Meeting of Ministers of the Christian Eeligion held in German Town and of many well-disposed Christians in Pennsylvania. Authentic Account of the Treaty and Agreement 14th and 15th, Jan. 1742, 9th, 10th, llth, Feb., 10th, llth, and 12th March, held at Geo. Hubner s, Jo. de Turk s, and M. Ashmead s houses the Second, Third and Fourth Meeting of Christian Ministers accompanied by many true Disciples and religious Neighbours. Ludwig s True Report from German Town, 20th Feb. 1742, to his dear German Countrymen and others respecting his own and Bre thren s Writing in Pennsylvania. Some not unprofitable Ques tions concerning various places of Scripture, by a Truth Searcher in America and a Servant of Jesus Christ. Interleaved with an English Translation in Manuscript, all in 1 vol. Small 4to, calf neat. 15. 15s Philadelphia, Gedruckt ley Benjamin Franklin, 1742 The above is a translation of part of the titles of the pieces in the above volume which contains 160 pages ; there are no less than nine title pages, which leads to the supposition they were issued at different times. The volume has the autograph of the Earl of Moira, " Lord Eawdon " of the American War, and was no doubt brought home with him. The English Translation of the last tract appears to be in his handwriting. 2276 PENNSYLVANIA. A Treaty held at the Town of Lancaster in Pennsylvania with the Indians of the Six Nations in June, 1744. Folio, half morocco, uncut. 5. 5s Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1744 2277 PENNSYLVANIA. Another Copy of the same, the title in fac simile, half morocco, uncut. 3. 13s 6d ib. 1744 2278 PENNSYLVANIA. Kurzer Catechismus vor etliche Gemeinen Jesu aus der Reformirten Religion in Pennsylvania die sich zum alter Berner Synodo halten, herausgegeben von Johannes Bech- teln, diener des Worts Gottes. 18mo, fine copy, Hue morocco, extra gilt leaves. 2. 2s Philadelphia, Gedruckt bey Benjamin Franklin, 1742 Unfortunately imperfect, wanting pages 5 to 8 (17 to 20 are in duplicate in their place). 152 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2279 PENNSYLVANIA. A Serious Address to such of the Inhabi tants of Pennsylvania as have connived at or do approve of the late Massacre of the Indians at Lancaster, or the design of killing those who are now in the Barracks at Philadelphia. 12mo, half morocco, rare. ,\. Is Philadelphia, 1764 2280 PENNSYLVANIA. Essay (by the Pennsylvania Farmer) on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies, with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania. By John Dickinson of Philadelphia. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 6d Philadelphia, W. and T. Bradford, 1774 2281 PENNSYLVANIA. Extracts from the Votes of the House of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, with Rules and Regu lations for the better Government of the Military Association in Pennsylvania and the Mode of levying Taxes on non- Association, published by the Committee of Safety. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Gd ib. (1776) 2282 PENNSYLVANIA. Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, by those Freemen of the City of Philadelphia now confined in the Masons Lodge by virtue of a general Warrant signed in Council by the Vice-President of the Council of Pennsylvania. 8vo, half morooco. 4s 6d 1777 2283 PENNSYLVANIA. Apology for the People called Quakers, con taining some Reasons for their not complying with Human In junctions and Institutions in matters relative to the Worship of God, &c., published for the Sufferings of the said People at Philadelphia, by James Pemberton. Folio, half morocco. 2. 2s Philadelphia, 1757 " Unmentioned by Bibliographers, and no copy to be found in the Public Libraries." Thus far described in the auction Catalogue when I bought it at 1. 19s (before binding). I was not able to go to the sale but sent a commission, not expecting it to consist only of 2 leaves. Therefore it will be " caveat emptor," of those who order of me. Joseph Smith omits it in his truly valuable Bibliography of Friends Books. 2284 PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. 8vo, vol. 1, no more published, half calf. 5s ib. 1787 2285 PENNSYLVANIE. Histoire Naturelle et Politique de la Pensyl- vanie et de 1 Etablissement de Quakers dans cette Contre"e, tra- duite de TAllemand. 12mo, map, calf. Is 6d ANOTHER, with out the map, neat. 6s 6d Paris, 1768 2286 PENNSYLVANIA. Serious Address to the People called Quakers on the Continent of North America, as profess Scruples to the present Government, written before the Departure of the British Army from Philadelphia, 1778, by a Native of Pennsyl vania. Second edition. 8vo, boards. 10s Qd Philadelphia, 1778 At the back of the title is the following MS. contemporary note, "The Friends buying up the first edition in order to suppress it induced Mr. Ebenezer Hazard to re-publish it. W. G-." 2287 PENNSYLVANIA State Trials, containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson and John Nicholson, Esq., the former being Judge of the Court of Admiralty, and the Comptroller General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thick 8vo, boards. Is Qd ib. 1794 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 153 2288 PENNSYLVANIA. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, et dans 1 Etat de New York, par un Membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida, traduit et publi6 par 1 Auteur des Lettres d un Cultivateur Ame- ricain. 3 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf gilt. 14s Paris, 1801 2289 PENNSYLVANIA. Short Introduction to Latin Grammar for the Use of the University and Academy of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Small 8vo, calf. 4s Alexandria, 1805 2290 PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings relative to calling the Conven tions of 1776 and 1790, the Minutes of the Convention that formed the present Constitution of Pennsylvania, with the Char ter to W. Penn, the "Constitutions of 1776 and 1790, and View of the Proceedings of the Convention of 1776, and the Council of Censors. 8vo, boards. 7s 6d Harrisburg, 1825 2291 PENNSYLVANIA. Collection of Memorials concerning Divers Ministers and others of the Quakers in Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, to 1787. 8vo, boards. 5s York, 1824 2292 PENNSYLVANIA. Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Penn sylvania within the last sixty years (by William Graydon). Edited by Gait. 8vo, boards. 3s Edinb. 1822 2293 PENNSYLVANIA. Pleasant Peregrinations through the pret tiest parts of Pennsylvania, performed by Peregrine Prolix. 12mo, cloth. 2s Philadelphia, 1836 2294 PENNSYLVANIA. Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with some notices of the writers. Post 8vo, sewed. XI. Is Privately printed, Phil. 1855 2295 PERALTA BARNUEUO (Pedro de) Lima Fundada o Conquista del Peru, Poema Heroico, en que se decanta toda la Historia del discubrimiento, y sugecion de sus Provincias por D. F. Pizarro. Vol. I., 4to, half calf gilt. 7s 6d Lima, 1732 2296 PERNAMBUCO. A Gratidao Pernambucana ao sen Bemfeitor D. Jose Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho Bispo d Elvas os Socios da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboe, &c. Prose and Verse. 4to, calf neat. 6s Lisbon, 1808 2297 PERNETY. Dissertation sur 1 Amerique et les Americains, contre les Recherches Philosophiques de M. de P * * *. 12mo, calf neat. 4s Berlin, 2298 PERU. Garcilasso de la Vega s Royal Commentaries, or History of Peru, translated from the Spanish by Sir Paul Rycaut. Folio, curious plates (no portrait), good clean copy in old calf. 12s 1688 2299 Another Copy. Folio, portrait and plates, neat. 1. Is 1688 A book of authority by all subsequent "writers ; and containing curious facts taken from authors whose works were never published, and now lost. 2300 PERU. True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake at Lima, and Port of Callao, 28 October, 1746, with a Descrip tion of those places. Thick 8vo, map and relates, calf. 3s 6d 1748 2301 PERU. Histoire du Tremblement de Terre de Lima, et Callao, avec la Description de Perou. 1 2mo, folding plates, neat. 2s 6d 1752 2302 PERU. Exposicion de Don Jos6 de la Riva Aguero acerca de su conducta Politica en el tiempo que ejercio la Presidencia de la Republica del Peru. &vo, privately printed, boards. 5s 1824 2303 PERU. The Sixteen Years Travels of Peter de Cieza, through Peru, and the large Provinces of Cartagena and Popayan, now 19 154 Books relating to America, on Sale by first Translated by Capt. Stevens. 4to, folding plan of the city of Cusco, half calf. 15s 1709 2304 PERU. Histoire des Pyramides de Quito, elevees par les Acade"- miciens envoy6s sous 1 Equateur per Ordre du Roi. Plans and very large folding map of the Province of Quito on canvas, calf gilt. 15s 1751 2305 PERU. Present State of Peru, comprising its Geography, Topo graphy, Natural History, &c., the whole drawn from Authentic Documents, chiefly Written and Compiled in the Peruvian Capi tal. By Jos. Skinner. 4to, plates, coloured, boards. 6s russia. 7s 6d 1805 2306 PERU. Cuenta General de la Administracion de las Rentas, de la Republica, en el ano de 1846, y Presupuesto de Gastos, para el bienio de 1847 y 1848. 4to, sewed. 5s Lima, 1847 2307 PERU. Histoire des Chichimeques, ou des anciens Rois de Tez- cuco, par Don Fernando d Alva Ivtlilxochitl, traduite stir leManu- scrit Espagnol. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. 7s Qd Paris, 1840 2308 PERU. Prematica en que su Magestad manda, que toda la moneda de Plata Labrada en el Reyno de Peril, se reduzga, y ponga conforme a la Ley. Folio, boards. 4s 6d Madrid, D. Gar da, 1650 2309 PERU. Diez de San Miguel (A.) La Gran Fee del Centurion Espagnol, Sermon moral. 4to, boards. 3s 6d Lima, 1695 2310 PERU. Vita S. Rosse a Sancta Maria, Virginis Peruanse Tertise Regulse Ordinis S. Dominici. 12mo, engraved frontispiece, vellum, with clasps. 5s Qd Colonies, 1671 2311 PETAYIUS (Dion) History of the World, or an Account of Time to the year 1659, with Geographical Description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Folio, map and remarkable portrait, calf, neat. 8s Qd 1659 2312 PETERS (Richard) Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia, Argued and Determined at the Supreme Court of the United States. Royal 8vo, cloth. 5s Philadelphia, 1831 2313 PETIT. Droit Public, ou Govern ement des Colonies Francises d apres les Loix faites pour ces Pays. 2 vols. 8vo, (some leaves stained), calf. 4s Paris, 1771 2314 PETIT (Emilien) Dissertations sur le Droit Public des Colonies Francoises, Espagnoles et Angloises, d apres les Loix des trois Nations, comparers entr elles. 8vo, fine copy in old morocco gilt. 10s 6d Paris, Knapen, 1778 Contains an account of the origin and the causes of the War between Great Britain and her Colonies, and the civil and religious state of the French Canadians. 2315 PETIVER (Jac.) Musei Petiveriana, Centurise X. 8vo, plates, bound, rare. 5s 1695 Many of the articles came from America, as the names and residences of the donors are given it becomes interesting. 2316 PETO (Sir Morton) Resources and Prospects of America, ascer tained during a visit in 1865. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1866 2317 PEYTON S (J. L.) American Cricis, or Pages from the Note Book of a State (the Confederate) Agent during the War. 2 vols. post 8vo ? cloth. 6s 1867 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 155 2318 PEYTON S (J. L.) Adventures of my Grandfather (J. E. Peyton, of Stoney Hill, Virginia), also a Memoir of him and his son, J. Howe Peyton. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1867 2319 PHILADELPHIA. A Legacy for Children, being some of the last Expressions and Dying Sayings of Hannah Hill, Jun., of the City of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, in America. 12mo, half morocco. 10s Qd 1719 2320 PHILADELPHIA. Smith (W.) Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs, preached in Christ Church, Philadelphia. Small 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 2s Qd Philadelphia, 1775 2321 PHILADELPHIA. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 7s Qd Wilmington, J. Adams, 1776 2322 PHILADELPHIA. Desilver s Philadelphia Directory and Stran gers Guide for 1829. 8vo, maps, boards. 5s Philadelphia, 1829 2323 PHILADELPHIA. Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Eoyal 8vo, boards. 2s ib. 1836 2324 PHILADELPHIA. Dunn s Descriptive Catalogue of Chinese Collections in Philadelphia, with Remarks upon the Manners, Customs, and Government of the Celestial Empire. 8vo, morocco, gilt leaves. 3s ib. 1839 2325 PHILADELPHIA. Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery, near Phila delphia. Imperial 8vo, many plates and cuts, cloth. 4s Qd ib. 1844 2326 PHILLIPS (W.) Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her Allies, a History of the Troubles of Kansas. 8vo, half morocco. 4s Qd Boston, 1856 2327 PHILLIPS (John) Authentic Journal of the late Expedition under Commodore Anson, with Narrative of the Extraordinary Hardships in this Voyage. 8vo, old calf, scarce. 7s 6d Hull, 1745 2328 PHILLIPPO (James M.) Jamaica, its Past and Present State. 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 1843 2329 PHILLIPPO (James M.) United States and Cuba. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1857 2330 PHILO ; An Evangeliad, by the author of "Margaret," a Tale of the Real and Ideal. 8vo, cloth. 2s Boston, 1850 2331 PHILOPONO (Fr. Don Honorio) Nova Typis transacta Navigatio Novi Orbis, Indise Occidentalis. Folio, engraved title and fine plates biJ Kilian, GOOD LARGE AND CLEAN COPY, boards. 2. 2s 1621 2332 PHILOPONO. Another copy. Folio, frontispiece and plates, half calf. 1. 5s half russia. XI. 10s 1621 2333 PHILOPONO. Another copy. Folio, with frontispiece, no plates, also wanting the last leaf, boards. 9s 1621 The name of Philoponus is a pseudonym, the real name of the author being Caspar Plautus, the same to whom the work is dedicated in a most fulsome and commendatory preface. A grosser piece of literary impudence is scarcely to be met with. The author was a monk at Lintz ; he handles the old fathers of American History without gloves, and in turn is so treated by Winckelman. He calls the Brothers De Bry liars. Some of the plates are curious : the engraved title contains portraits of St. Brandon and Father Boyl, the latter of whom accompanied Columbus 011 his second voyage. Henry Stevens, 156 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2333* PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions, 1736, containing Capt. Mid- dleton s Observations on a Voyage to Hudson s Bay ; also, on the Effects of Cold, and the Longitude, Latitude and Declina tion of the Magnetic Needle at Prince of Wales s Fort, Churc hill s Eiver, Hudson s Bay. 4to, neat (from Capt. Middleton, Eichmoiid, 28th Oct., 1737). 4s 2334 PHIPS (Sir Win.) Pietas in Patriam. The Life of his Excellency Sir William Phips, late Capt. General and Governour in Chief of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, New England. Written by one intimately acquainted with him. Small 8vo, morocco extra, gilt leaves, very scarce. 2. 2s 1697 2335 PHIPPS (Lord Mulgrave) Voyage towards the North Pole. 4to, plates, boards. 4s neat. 5s fine copy, old calf, gilt back. 6s Qd 1774 2336 PICKERING (John) Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases peculiar to the United States of America, with Essay on the Present State of the English Language in the United States. 8vo, boards. 5s half calf . 5s Boston, 1816 2337 PICKERING (J.) Ueber die Indianischen Sprachen Amerikas. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Leipzig, 1834 2338 PIDGEON (W.) Traditions of Dee-coo-dah, and Antiquarian Re searches, comprising Extensive Explorations, Surveys, and Ex cavations of the Wonderful and Mysterious Earthen Remains of the Mound-Builders in America. 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth. 7s 1853 2339 PIERCE (Franklin) Legislator, General, &c., Life of, by Nathan iel Hawthorne. Small 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2s Boston, 1852 2340 PIGAFETTA (Ant.) Primo Vieggio intorno al Globo Tarracqueo, ossia ragguaglio della Navigatione alle Indie Orientali per la via d Occidente sulla squadra del Capit Magaglianes neglo anni 1519 1522. 4to, maps and charts, boards. 15s Milano, 1800 2341 PIGOT (Charles) Political Dictionary. 12mo, calf. 2s New York, 1796 2342 PIKE (Z. M.) Exploratory Travels through the Western Terri tories of North America, comprising a Voyage from St. Louis on the Mississippi to the Source of that River, and Journey through the Interior of Louisiana. 4to, map, bds. 7s 6d hf.cf. 9s 1811 2343 PILGRIM FATHERS. A Relation or Journal of the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantations settled at Plimouth, in New England, 1622, reprinted from the original volume with Local Illustrations and Notes. By Dr. Cheever. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d New York, 1848 2344 Another Edition. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s Glasgow, 1849 2345 PILGRIM FATHERS. Collections concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists, formed at Scrooby, in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of James I. The Founders of New Plymouth the Parent Colony of New England. By the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., and an Assistant Keeper of her Majesty s Records. 8vo, cloth. 8s 1854 This work contains some very important particulars of these personages, and their connections previously to their leaving England and Holland, which were entirely unknown to former writers, and have only recently been discovered through the indefatigable exertions of the author. Prefixed to A. R Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 157 the volume are some beautiful Prefatory Stanzas, by KICHAED MOKCTON MILNES, Esq., M.P. (now Lord Houghton). *** To the recently issued copies a frontispiece has been added, of " A View of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby, the residence of William Brewster, the Pilgrim Father," drawn by J. Moore, Jun., from a Sketch by Mrs. Kaine. 2346 PIM (Commander Bedford) The Gate of the Pacific (Nicaragua, Honduras, and Musquito Shore). Thick 8vo, maps and coloured plates, cloth. 12s Gd (pub. at 18s) 1863 2347 PIM AND SEEMAN S Dottings on the Eoadside in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito. Thick 8vo, plates and maps, cloth. 7s Gd (pub. at 18s) 1869 2348 PIMENTEL (Manoel) Brazilian Pilot ; or, a Description of the Coast of Brazil, translated from the Portuguese, with Charts of some of its most considerable Ports. 4to, 14 maps, boards, scarce. 15s 1809 2349 PINDAEI Opera Gr. et Lat. cura Erasmi Schmidii. Very thick 4to, old calf. 7s Gd 1616 Eight pages towards the end of the book are devoted to America in 1602. 2350 PINKAED S (Dr. Geo.) Notes on the West Indies, with Observa tions on Barbadoes, the Coast of Guinea, the Creoles and Slaves of the Western Colonies, and the Indians of South America. 3 vols. 8vo, boards. 5s 1806 2351 Second Edition. Complete in 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. GsGd leather backs, uncut. 7s Gd calf gilt. Ss Gd 1816 2352 PINKEETON (John) General Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels in VARIOUS PARTS OF AMERICA, many now first translated. 4 vols. 4to, many plates, half calf gilt, leaves uncut. 1.145 1819 2353 PINKNEY (William) Some Account of his Life, Writings, and Speeches. By Henry Wheaton. 8vo, portrait, half calf. 6s New York, 1826 2354 PIEATAS de la America y luz a la Defensa de las Costas de Indias Occidentales, traducido de la lengua Flamenca en Espa- nola por el Doctor de Buena Maison. 12mo, vellum. Ss Gd Colonia Agrippina, 1682 2355 PIEATAS de la America y Luz a la Defensa de las Costas de Indias Occidentales, traducido por el Doctor Buena Maison. 4to, very neat, in russia. 9s Madrid, 1793 2356 PIEATES. Histoire des Aventuriers Filibustiers qui se sont sig- nales dans les Indes, par A. 0. Oexmelin, maps and plates, 2 vols. Trevoux, 1775 Histoire des Pirates Anglois depuis leur Esta- blissement dans 1 Isle de la Providence jusqu a present, traduit de 1 Anglois du Capt. C. Johnson, 2 vols. ib. 1775. Together 4 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. 16s Trevoux, 1775 2357 PISONIS (Gul.) De India Utriusque et Naturali et Medica libri Quatuordecim (chiefly relative to Brazil and Chili). Folio, engraved title and numerous woodcuts, calf neat. 14s Amst., 1658 2358 PISTOEIUS (Thomas) Korte en Zakelyke Beschryvinge van de Colonie van Zuriname. 4to, plates, and manuscript notes in Dutch, s^ed. Gs Amst., 1763 2359 PITMAN (E. B.) Succinct View and Analysis of Authentic In- formation on the Practicability of Joining the Atlantic and 158 Books relating to America, on Sale by Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of America. 4to, map, boards. 4s 6d new half calf gilt. 6s Gd 1825 2360 PITT. Review of W. Pitt s Administration, 5th Edition, with Appendix, containing a farther review of Mr. Pitt s Conduct from his Resignation to his Acceptance of a Peerage. (By J. Almon?). 8vo, new half calf. 5s 1766 Nearly the whole of this volume relates to American affairs. 2361 PITTMAN S (Capt. P.) Present State of the European Settle ments on the Mississippi, with Geographical Description of that River. 4to, maps and plates, neat. 16s 1770 2362 Another, uncut. 16s Another, half bound, cut close. 14s 1770 2363 PITOU (L. A.) Voyage a Cayenne dans les deux Ameriques et chez les Anthropophages. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 5s Paris, 1805 2364 PITOU (L. A.) Reise nach Cayenne in Nord und Sud Amerika und zu den Menschen fressen, nebst deszen leben von ihm selbst beschrieben nach dem Franzosischen. 8vo, 2 plates, half russia. 3s Leipzig, 1838 2365 PIZARRO. Discurso en que se Muestra la Obligacion qui su Magestad tiene en Justicia, Conciencia y Razon a Cumplir y Mandar Executar la Merced que le rey hiso a Don Francisco Pizarro del titulo de Marques con Veinte Mil Vassallos en la parte doude mas bien le Estieviesse como a Descubridor, Con quistador y Pacificador de los Opulentissimo Reynos del Peru en favor y Gracia de los Successores de su casu y Mayorazgo para qui de tan Grandes hechos no se Obscuresca la Memoria. Folio, boards, a most interesting and important work (from Ternaux s Col lection). 1. Is N. D. 2366 PLACIDE-JUSTIN, Histoire delTsle d Hayti, ecrite sur les Docu ments Officiels et des Notes Communiquees, par Sir James Baskett. 8vo, map, sewed. 3s 6d Paris, 1826 2367 PLAN for Establishing and Disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain, Ireland, and in all the British Dominions of Ame rica. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1745 2368 PL ANT ARUM Americanarum continens^ Plantas quas olim Caro- lus Plumierius Botanicorum Princeps detexit eruitque atque in In- sulis Antillis ipse depinxit has primum in lucem edidit concinnis descriptionibus et observationibus aeneisque tabulis illustravit Joannes Burmannus, M.D. Folio, portrait and 262 plates, old calf gilt. 1. 4s Amst., 1755 2369 PLUMIERIUS (Carolus) Plantarum Americanarum continens plantas quas olim detexit eruitque atque in Insulis Antillis ipse depinxit concinnis descriptionibus et observationibus aeneisque tabulis illustravit Joannes Burmannus. Folio, 262 plates, but some wanting, old calf gilt. 8s 6d Amst. Sumptibus Auctoris, 1755 2370 PLUMIER (C.) Nova Plantarum Americanum Geneva. 40 plates, 4to, half bound, green morocco. 10s 6d Paris, 1703 2371 POEMS, Moral and Divine, by an American Gentleman, with some Account of the Author. 4to, poor copy, boards. 3s 6 d 1756 2372 POEPPIG (Edward) Reise in Chile, Peru, und auf dem Amazo- nenstrome wahrend der Jahre 1827-1832. 2 vols. 4to, and atlas of plates, boards. 15s Leipzig, 1835 2373 Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to (without atlas}, bds. 10s ib., 1835 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 159 2374 POEPE (Claude.de la) LaPolitique du Paraguay identite de cette Politique avec de cette de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne dans le Rio de la Plata. 8vo, pp. 348, sewed. 3s Qd Paris, 18G9 2375 POETICAL Picture of America, being Observations during a Residence of several Years at Alexandria and Norfolk, in Vir ginia. By a Lady. 12mo, boards. 3s calf neat. 4s 1809 2376 POINSETT (J. R.) Notes on Mexico, with Sketch of the Revolu tion, and Translations of Official Reports on the Present State of that Country. 8vo, map, boards. 4s half russia. 4s 6d new half calf gilt. 6s 1825 2377 8vo, map, half calf . 4s Qd Phil, 1824 2378 POLITICAL Essays concerning the Present State of the British Empire, particularly respecting Natural Advantages and Disad vantages, Constitution, Agriculture, Manufactures, the Colonies, and Commerce. 4to, caff neat. 6s 1772 From pp. 226 to 242 relate to America. 2379 POLITICAL Establishments of the United States of America in a candid review of their deficiencies, with a proposal of Refor mation. 8vo, 3s Qd Philadelphia, 1784 2380 POLLARD (E. A.) The First Year of the War in America. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd 1863 2381 POLLARD. Another Edition, with portrait and map, royal 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1863 2382 POLLARD. Another Edition. Post 8vo, doth. 3s Gd 1865 2383 POLYANTHEA, or a Collection of Interesting Fragments in Prose and Verse, consisting of Original Anecdotes, Biographical Sketches, Dialogues, Letters, Characters, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 5 5 half calf . 6s new half calf gilt. Ss or 2 vols. in 1, half calf. 7s 1804 Containing many pieces relating to America, as Dr. Stiles s " History of the three Eegicides who were secreted in Massachusetts and Connecticut for nearly thirty years ;" " An American Indian s Letter to Queen Anne j" Dr. Belknap s " Life of Capt. John Smith," with notes, &c., &c. 2384 POPHAM COLONY. Memorial Volume of the Popham Cele bration of the Planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sobino, August 19, O.S. 1607 Establishing the Title of England to the Continent, maps. Portland, 1863 Poor (John A.) Vindication of the Claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges as the Father of English Colonization in America. New York, 1862. In 1 thick vol. 8vo, cloth. 6s 2385 POPPLE S Map of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto, on 20 sheets, with a number of interesting Views of Cities, and Plans of Ports on the Margins. Folio, half bound. ... k l. 5s 1733 2386 POPPLE. Another copy. Folio, old calf. 18s 1733 2387 PORCACCHI (Thomaso) L Isle piu famose del Mondo descritte. Folio, maps neatly engraved by Girolamo Porro, several relating to America, vellum. 9s Venetia, 1576 2388 PORCACCHI. Another, fine copy, in old red morocco, ruled with red lines. 15s ib., 1576 2389 PORCACCHI. Another Edition, half calf (little stained). 7s Qd Another, fine clean copy in vellum (wants 2 leaves). 7s 6d ib., 1604 160 Books relating to America, on Sale by ron, 1746 Sermon at the South Church in Boston, New Eng land, Aug. 14, 1746, the day of the General Thanksgiving for the Glorious and Happy Victory near Culloden, 1747 Sermon at the South Church in Boston, Aug. 24, 1749, the day of the General Thanksgiving in the Province of Massachusetts for the Extraordinary Reviving Rains after the most Distressing Drought which has been known among us in the Memory of any Living, Boston, printed 1750. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf, gilt leaves, with auto graph of the Rev. John Prince, of Sion College. 15s 2423 PKINCE (Thomas) Chronological History of New England, in the form of Annals, from its Discovery in 1602 to 1730. THIRD EDITION, with additions, and with Memoir of the Author, by Sam. G. Drake. Eoyal 8vo, plates, cloth. 16s Boston, 1852 2424 PRITTS (J.) Mirror of Olden Time Border Life, embracing a History of the Discovery of America, of the land of our Fore fathers at Plymouth, and their Remarkable Engagement with the Indians, and History of Virginia. Royal 8vo, plates, calf. 5s AUngdon, Va., 1849 2425 PROBATIONARY Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq., a Cousin of Peter s, and Candidate for the post of Poet Laureate to the C. U. S. In 2 parts, 12mo, boards. 4s U Philadelphia, 1796 2426 PROCTOR (Robert) Narrative of a Journey across the Cordillera of the Andes. 8vo, boards. 3s new half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1825 2427 PROTESTANT Episcopal Church in America ; various Sermons on the subject, anid Journal of Conventions of this Church by American Divines, from the year 1827 to the year 1847. In 5 or 6 thick vols. 8vo, boards. 18s Collected by the Chevalier Bunsen and Chas. W. Huckley, of Colombia College, New York. One of the vols. contains the trial of Bishop Onder- donk. 2428 PROUD S History of the Province of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait and maps, calf neat. 1. 15s Philadelphia, 1797 8 2429 PSALTERIUM AMERICANUM. The Book of Psalms in a Translation exactly conformed unto the Original, but all in Blank Verse, fitted unto the Tunes used in our Churches (attri buted to Cotton Mather). 12mo, calf neat. 5. 5s Boston, 1718 2430 PUBLIC Works of the United States of America. Parts 1 and 2 (all printed), edited by Strickland, Gill, and Campbell. Folio, ^plates, boards. 7s Qd London, J. Weak, 1841 2431 PUGH S (Ellis, a Quaker, of Pennsylvania) Salutation to the Britains, to call them from the many Things to the One Thing needful for the Saving of their Souls ; translated from the British (Welsh) Language by Rowland Ellis, revised by David Lloyd. SECOND EDITION (with an Account of the Author, and the Testimony of his Memory at the Monthly Meeting at Gwynedd, in the county of Pennsylvania). 12mo, neat. 10s Qd 1739 2432 PULSZKY S (Francis and Theresa) White, Red, and Black Sketches of Society in the United States. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1853 2433 PULTENEY (W.) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 1778 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 161 2434 PURCHAS, his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World, contain ing a Theologicall and Geographicall Historic of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Islands Adjacent. Folio, calf. 7s6d 1613 2434* PURCHAS, his Pilgrimage ; the second edition much enlarged. Folio, neat. 15s 1614 The portion relating to America occupies more than two hundred pages. 2435 PURDON (John) Abridgment of the Laws of Pennsylvania from the year 1700 to the 2nd April, 1811, with References to Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania. 8vo, calf. 5s Philadelphia, 1811 2436 PURSH (Fred.) Flora America Septentrionalis, or Systematic Ar rangement and Description of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 14s 1816 2437 PUTNAM. Essay on the Life of the Honourable Major General Israel Putnam, by Col. David Humphreys. 12mo, calf extra, gilt edges, rare. 1. 5s Hartford, 1788 2438 PUTNAM (Geo. Palmer) American Facts ; Notes and Statistics Relative to the Government, Resources, Engagements, Manufac tures, Education, Religion, Literature, Manners, and Customs of the United States of America. 8vo, map and portraits, cloth. 2s half calf gilt. 3s Qd 1845 2439 r\UACKENBOS (G. P.) Illustrated School History of the U United States. Crown 8vo, new, half bound. 3s N. Y., 1865 2440 QUAKERS. Ellwood s (Thos.) Answer to Geo. Keith s (the Pennsylvanian Quaker) Narrative of his Proceedings at Turner s Hall, 1696 Pennington (Edw.) Some Brief Observa tions on Geo. Keith s Earnest Exposition, 1696 Ell wood s Epis tles to Friends, briefly Commemorating the Gracious Dealings of the Lord with them, and Warning them of that Spirit of Con tention and Division which hath appeared of late in Geo. Keith, and some few others who have made a breach and separation from Friends in America, 1694 Ellwood s Further Discovery of Geo. Keith, 1694 Ellwood s Truth Defended from the Foul Charges of Geo. Keith, 1695 Pennington s (John) Apostate Exposed, or Geo. Keith Contradicting himself and his Brother Bradford (of Philadelphia), 1695 Pennington s (J.) The People called Quakers cleared by Geo. Keith from the False Doctrines charged upon them by G. Keith, 1696 More Work for Geo. Keith, being G. Keith s Vindication of the Quakers with himself against the Forgeries and Abuses of Thos. Hicks and Will. Kiffin, called Anabaptists (by W. Penn, not in his collected works), 1696. In 1 vol. 8vo, fine clean copies, calf neat, a very rare collection. 2. 12s Qd V. Y. 2441 QUAKERS. Collection of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers in Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the First Settlement thereof to the year 1787. 8vo, calf. 7s Qd 1788 2442 QUAKER (The) Soldier, or the British in Philadelphia, an Histo. rical Novel. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s Philadefyhia, 1858 2443 QUAKERS. William Penn and the Quakers, either Impostors or Apostates, which they please, proved from their avowed prin ciples and contrary practices, 1696 The Foxonian Quakers, 162 Books relating to America, on Sale by Dunces, Lyars, and Slanderers, proved out of Geo. Fox s Jour nal and other Scribblers, 1697. 12mo, half calf. 8s Qd 2444 QUEBEC. An Accurate Journal of the Siege of Quebec. By a Gentleman on the Spot. 1 2 mo, half morocco. 5s 1759 2445 QUEBEC. Letter to the Earl of Chatham on the Quebec Bill. By Lord Lyttelton. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 1774 2446 QUEBEC. New Commission of the Governor of the Province of Quebec Former Commission, King s Proclamation, Commission of Vice Admiral, Abstract of the Quebec Act, Commission to the Capt. General and Governor of New York, first and* second Charters to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. 8vo, privately printed, calf neat. 10s Qd (about 1776) 2447 QUEBEC. Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, in order to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province. 8vo, boards. 9s 1775 2448 QUINCY (Samuel) Twenty Sermons Preached in the Parish of St. Philip, Charlestown, South Carolina. 8vo, very neat, scarce. 1. Is Boston, New England, 1750 2449 QUINCY. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun., of Massa chusetts ; by his son Josiah Quincy. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges (presentation copy to Lord Macaulay). 6s Boston, 1825 2450 QUINCY (President Josiah) History of Harvard University. 2 vols. royal 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth. 10s Qd Cambridge, 1840 Autograph Presentation Copy from the Author. 2451 QUINCY (Josiah) History of the Boston Athenseum, with Biogra phical Notices of its deceased Founders. Eoyal 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd Cambridge, 1851 2452 QUINTANA (Manuel Josef) Vidas de Espanoles celebres. 3 vols. small 8vo, portraits, Spanish calf. 7s Qd Madrid, 1833 Containing the Lives of Vasco de Nunex de Balboa, Francisco Pizarro, Barthohne de las Casas, and other eminent Spaniards, with appendices of original documents. 2453 QUITO. Sobre la Execucion de los Autos de Consejo en que se Mando que D. Alonso restituyessi 151807, pesos que se Presu- puso avia Percibido de mas en los Salaries de la Kesidencia que tomo a Don Francisco. Folio, title mended, extra boards. 7s Qd (1660) 2454 T) AFINESQUE (C. S.) Manual of the Grape Vines and the Art of Xt making Wine, including an Account of 62 Species of Vines, with nearly 300 Varieties, by C. S. Eafinesque. 8vo, 2 plates con taining & figures of Vines, half morocco. 2s Philadelphia, 1830 2455 RAFTER (Col.) Memoirs of Gregor McGregor, a Sketch of the Revolution in New Grenada and Venezuela, with Biographical Notices of Generals Miranda, Bolivar, Morillo, and Hore. 8vo, map and plates, half calf gilt, scarce. 10s Qd 1820 2456 RAINE S (J., Vicar) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth, in the counties of Nottingham and York, comprising Accounts of the Monastery, Hospital, Chapels, and Ancient Tournament Field of the Parish, of the Castle and Manor of Tickhill, and of the Family Possessions of De Buili, the first and A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 163 Norman Lord thereof, together with the Biographical Notices of Roger Mowbray, Philip of Olcotes, Bishop Sanderson, John Cromwell, and others, with Appendix of Documents, &c. 4to, plates and pedigrees, cloth. 15s (original price <!. 6s) 1860 To Americans this volume will prove of great interest, as it describes the localities of the birth-places and residences of Brewster and Bradford, two of the most prominent of the " Pilgrim Fathers." The late Rev. Joseph Hunter was the first to point out these places in his " Collections on the Founders of New Plymouth," (pub. in 1854, price 8*, see No. 2345), " and hence," says Mr. Raine, "it is that educated and accomplished men from America are perpetually visiting with feelings of deep filial affection and veneration the villages of Austerfield and Scrooby." To the copies issued by J. R. Smith an extra print has been added of " a View of the present state of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby, the residence of William Brewster, the Pilgrim Father. " 2457 RAINSFORD (Marcus) Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti, and Principal Transactions in the Revolution of Saint Domingo, its Ancient and Modern State. 4to, maps and plates, boards. Qs 6d half calf gilt. 7s Qd 1805 2458 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bew- tiful Empyre of Guiana, with a relation of the Golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado), and of the Pro vinces of Emeria, Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Countries, with their Rivers adjoining. 4to, FIRST EDITION, red morocco, extra gilt edges. 5. 5s Land., Robert Robinson, 1596 2459 Reprinted with some unpublished Documents relative to that Country, with Notes, &c., by Sir Robert Schomburgk. 8vo, map, cloth. 12s HaEuyt Soc. 1848 2460 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Dicoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bew- tiful Empyre of Guiana, in the yeare 1525, London, 1596 De claration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Ralegh, as well in his Voyage as in and sithence his return, 1618. In 1 vol. 4to, new half morocco, gilt leaves. 4. 14s Qd 2461 RALEIGH. Declaration of the Demeanour and Carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knt., as well as in his Voyage as in, and sithence his returne. 4to, half calf. Qs half morocco. 7s Qd 1618 2462 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Essays and Obser vations upon the first Invention of Shipping, the Misery of In vasive War, the Navy Royall and Sea Service, with his Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana. 12mo, old calf, scarce. 7s Qd 1650 2463 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Abridgement of the History of the World, with his Remains, including his Unlucky Voyage to Guiana. 8vo, neat and clean. 3s 6 d 1702 2464 RAMEL (General) Relation de la Deportation a Cayenne des Citoyens Barthelemy, Pichegru Willot, La Rue, &c., Hambourg, 1799 Anecdotes Secretes sur la Revolution du 18 Fructidor, et Nouveaux Memoires des Deportes a la Guiane (faisant suite au Ramel), Paris, 1799. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 4s 2465 RAMEL. Journal de 1 Adjutant-General Ramel, 1 un des De"- porte"s a la Guiane, avec des Details circonstancies de la Fin Ter rible du General Murinais, &c. 8vo, portrait, half calf. 3s 1799 2466 RAMSAY (Allan) Letters on the Present Disturbances in Great Britain and her American Provinces. 8vo, boards, privately printed. 6s Rome, 1777 164< Books relating to America, on Sale by 2467 EAMSAY (Dr. David) History of the Eevolution of South Caro lina, from a British Province to an Independent State. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, neat. 18s Trenton, 1785 2468 RAMSAY S (Dr. David) History of the Eevolution of South Caro lina. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, boards, clean and uncut. 1. 16s Trenton, 1785 2469 EAMSAY (David) History of the American Eevolution. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. 13s 6d 1793 2470 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf neat. 9s dww half calf. 8s U Dublin, 1795 2471 EAMSAY (Dr. David) Memoirs of the Life of Martha Laurens Eamsay, who died in Charleston, S. C., with Extracts from her Diary, Letters, &c. Small 8vo, half calf. 3s boards. 2s 1815 2472 EAMSAY (Eev. James) Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies. 8vo, boards. 3s bound. 3s U 1784 2473 EAMSAY (Eev. James) Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies, 1784 Clark- son (Thos.) Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, particularly the African, 1786, in 1 vol. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s 2474 EAMUSIO. Delle Navigation! et viaggi nel quale si contengono la descrittione g deir Africa et del Paese, del Prete lanni et la navi- gatione attorno il Mondo. Folio, Yol. I., pigskin. 10s 6d Venetia Giunte, 1588 2475 L Historia delle cose de Tartari descritta da M. Marco Polo. Folio, Yol. II. , vellum. 7s 6d Venetia Giunti, 1559 2476 Le Navigation! al Mondo Nuovo. Folio, Yol. III., vellum. 18s Venetia Giunti, 1556 2477 EANDALL S (J.) Account of the Eise, Principles, &c., of the Quakers in America and elsewhere. 12mo, half morocco. 3s Bristol, 1747 2478 EANKING (John) Historical Eesearches on the Couquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, and Talomeco, in the Thirteenth Century, by the Mongols. 8vo, maps and portraits, boards. 7s Qd calf t extra. 10s 6d 1827 2479 EATHLAND (W., Minister of the Gospel). A most Grave and Modest Confutation of the Errors of the Sect commonly called Brownists or Separatists. 4to, half morocco. 10s 6d 1644 Connected with the Church Government of the early Colonists, who were Brownists. 2480 EATTEAY S (Dr. A.) Yancouver Island and British Colombia. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1862 2481 EAUMEE (Fred. Yon) America and the American People, trans lated by Turner. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 1846 2482 EAWLINS (C. E., Jun.) American Dis-Union Constitutional or Unconstitutional 1 A Eeply to Mr. Spence s " The American Union." Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1862 2483 RAWLINGS (Thos.). The Confederation of the British North American Provinces, their past History and future Prospects ; also British Columbia and Hudson s Bay, and Suggestions on the True and only Practicable Eoute from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Eoyal 8vo, plates and large map, cloth. 3s 6d 1865 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 165 2484 EAYNAL. Histoire de la Eevolution de I Amerique. 12mo, half calf. 2s 1781 2485 EAYNAL (Abbe). Eevolution of Amerique. 12mo, calf. 2s 1781 2486 EAYNAL (Abbe) Philosophical and Political History of the Set tlement and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, translated by Justamond. 5 vols. 8vo, portrait and maps, calf neat. 9s 1777 2487 EAYNAL. Another Edition. 6 vols. small 8vo, portrait, half calf, uncut. 4s Qd Edinb., 1792 2488 EAYNAL (Abb6). Philosophical and Political History of the British Settlements and Trade in North America. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. 4s Edinb., 1776 "The worts of Abbe Kaynal treat of everything that can be sought for connected with the East and West Indies, and if the student will peruse the work, and the great leading historical events, there can be no doubt these celebrated volumes will be found not only agreeable, but highly in teresting and useful." PEOPESSOE SMYTH. 2489 EEALES Exequias por el Senor Don Carlo III. Eey de las Espa- nas y Americas y Eeal Proclamacion de su Augusto. hijo El Senor D. Carlos IV. por la Muy noble y Muy leal Ciudad de Granada Provincia de Nicarragua Eegno de Guatemala. 4to, plates, fine copy, calf gilt. 15s Granada, 1790 2490 EEALES Ordenanzas para la Direction Eegimen y Gobierno del importante Cuerpo de la Mineria de Nueva-Espana y de sa Eeal Tribunal General. Folio, uncut. 7s 6d Eeimpressa en Santiago de Chili, 1833 2491 EECENT Eecollections of the Anglo-American Church in the United States. By an English Layman, five years resident in that Eepublic. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d (pub. at 21s) 1861 2492 EECHEECHES Historiques et Politiques sur les Etats-Unis de rAmeriqiie Septentrionale, par un Citoyen de Virginie. 4 vols. 8vo, half bound. Ss a Colle, 1788 2493 EECUEIL de Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en 1 Amerique qui n ont point este publiez. 4to, maps and plates, calf, neat. 15s Paris, 1684 The maps of Jamaica, Barbadoes, Coasts of New England, are curious: the volume relates principally to Barbadoes, Jamaica, Guiana, Customs of the Caribs, &c 2494 EECUEIL de Voiages au Nord, contenant divers Memoires tres utiles au Commerce et a la ^Navigation. 7 vols. 12mo, maps and plates, vellum. 14s Amst., 1715 Two of these volumes relate to America. 2495 EECUEEDOS sobre la EebeUion de Caracas. 4to, Spanish calf. 10s 6d Madrid, 1829 2496 EED EIVEE COLONY. Eeport of the Proceedings connected with the Dispute between the Earl of Selkirk and the North- West Company at the Assizes held at York, in Upper Canada. 8vo, uncut. 5s 1819 2497 EED EIVEE COLONY. Journal of the Bishop of Montreal during a Visit to the North- West Mission in the Hudson s Bay Territory. 12mo, map and plates, cloth. 2s 1845 166 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2498 EEED AND MATHESON S (Drs.) Narrative of a Visit to the American Churches, as a Deputation from the Congregational Union. 2 thick vols. 8vo, map, new half calf gilt. 85 (pub. at 1. 4s) 1835 2499 EEED AND MATTHESON. Narrative of the Visit to the Ame rican Churches, by Deputation from the Congregational Union of England and Wales. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 4s 1836 2500 EEESE (Dr. David M.) Letters to the Hon. William Jay, being a reply to his Enquiry into the American Colonization and Ame rican Anti-Slavery Societies. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s New York, 1835 2501 EEEVES (John, Chief Justice of Newfoundland) History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland, with an Appendix containing the Acts of Parliament made respecting the Trade and Fishery. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1793 2502 EEGLAMENTO y Aranceles Eeales para el Commercio Libre de Espana a Indias de 12 de Octubre de 1778. 4to, calf extra. 5s Madrid 2503 EEGULATIONS lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them considered, by Dr. Campbell, 1765 Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies for raising a Ee venue by Act of Parliament, by Mr. Delancy, 1766. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 4s 2504 EEISEN einiger Missionarien der Gesellschaft Jesu in Amerika aus ihren eigenen aufsatzen, herausgegeben von Chr. Gott von Murr. 8vo, large folding map of tJie River Amazon, 2 plates, boards, scarce. 10s 6 d Nurmberg, 1785 2505 EELACION del ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes en loa Anos 1785 y 1786, y Noticia de los Habitantes, Suelo, Clima y Producciones del Estrecho. 4to, portrait of Magallanes, and large folding maps, on fine paper, red morocco, gilt leaves. 16s Madrid, 1718 2506 EELACION de los Viages modernos al mar de Sud o descripcion de las Islas del Oceano Pacifico en los anos de 1772 e 1774, Por Don Domingo de Bonechen. Fol. of 62 pages, with drawing of the Isla de S. Carlos, MS. in good bold handwriting. 15s 1777 2507 EELATIONS and Transactions with the Indians, by Bartholomew Casas. viz., I. Istoria 6 Breuissima Eelatione della distruttione dell Indie Occidentali. Venetia, 1643 II. II Supplice schiavo Indiano. ib. 1657 III. La Liberta Pretesa dal supplice schiavo Indiano. ib. 1640 IV. Conquista dell Indie Orientali. ib. 1644. 4 vols. in 1, 4to, vellum (a little wormed). 1. 10s 1640-57 2508 EELATIONS Veritables et Curieuses de 1 Isles de Madagascar, et du Bresil, avec 1 Histoire de la derniere Guerre faite au Bresil entre les Portugais et les Hollandois, par Pierre Moreau. 4to, with the folding plate of " Le Reciff," old calf gilt, good copy, rare. 1. 11s Qd Paris, 1651 2509 EELATIONS de la Louisiane et du Fleuve Mississipi, ofo Ton voit 1 etat de ce grand Pais et les Avantages qu il peut produire, &c. 12mo, map and plates, fine copy, new calf gilt, carmine edges. 15s Amst. 1720 2510 EELATOEIO du Eeparticao dos Negocios da Fazendu a Assem- blia geral Legislativa na Sessao ordinaria de 1835, pelo Ministro e Secretario de Estado Manoel de Nascimento Castro a Silva. 8vo, half calf . 3s 6d Rio Janeiro, 1835 A. E. Smith, 36, SoJio Square, London. 169 2511 REMARKS on the Principal Acts of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain, Vol. I. (all printed), containing Remarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies, with a plan of Reconciliation. 8vo, boards, scarce. 7s Qd 1775 Written by John Lind, a friend of Jeremy Bentham. Dr. Parr said it was the ablest book he had ever read in defence of the American War. 2512 REMEMBRANCER (The) or Impartial Repository of Public Events in America, from its commencement 1775 to 1782 (wants 2 years only to complete the set). 12 vols. 8vo, half bound, uncut 5. 15s Qd London, J. Almon, 1775-82 The first volume not being the first edition, is uniform in size with the others. 2513 REMY (Jules) and J. Brenchley s Journey to Great Salt Lake City, with a Sketch of the History, Religion and Customs of the Mormons. 2 very thick vols. royal 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 8s Qd, pub. at 2. 2s 1861 25H RENGGER AND LONGCHAMPS. Reign of Dr. Jos. Gaspard Roderick de Francia, in Paraguay, being an Account of six years residence in that Republic. 8vo, boards. 3s 1827 2515 RENGGER E LONGCHAMP. II Dotter Francia ed il Para guay. 12mo. 2s Milano, 1837 2516 REPLY to the Observations of Lieut-Gen. Sir Wm. Howe, on a Pamphlet entitled " Letters to a Nobleman," in which his Repre sentations are detected, and those Letters are supported by a variety of New Matter and Argument, by the Author of Letters to a Nobleman. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1781 2517 REPLY to an American s Examination of the " Right of Search," by an Englishman. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1842 2518 REPORTS of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, to which are prefixed the Reports of Alex. Hamilton on Public Credit, National Bank, Manufactures, and the Establishment of a Mint. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 10s Qd Washington, 1828 Published by order of the Senate of the U. S. The most authentic His tory of the Finances of America, comprising the Reports of Hamilton, Gallatin, Dallas, Crawford and Rush, from 1790 to 1828. 2519 REPORTS of the Secretary of War, with Reconnaisances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Lieut. -Col. J. E. John ston, &c., also Report of Capt. R. B. Marcy s Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fee, and Report of Lieut. J. H. Simpson of an Expedition into the Navaji Country. Large 8vo, maps and plates, some coloured, cloth. 7s Qd ib. 1850 2520 REPORT of the Board of Commissioners of Internal Improve ment, in Relation to the Examination of Sundry Routes for a Railway from Boston to Providence (the first in the United States). 8vo, with a map a yard long, half morocco. 5s Boston, 1828 2521 REPORTS on South America, by Rodney and Graham, Commis sioners to Buenos Ay res, sent by the Government of the United States. 8vo, boards, 2s half calf . 3s Qd 1819 2522 REUSS (W. F.) Calculations and Statements relative to the Trade between Great Britain and the United States of America. Royal 8vo, cloth. 3s 1833 2523 REVERE (J. W.) Tour of Duty in California, with Description of the Gold Region. Post Svo, map and plates, cloth. 3s 1849 21 170 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2524 REVIEW of the Laws of the United States of North America, the British Provinces, and West India Islands. 8vo, calf. 3s boards. 2s 1790 2525 REVEIL (Bened. Henry) Shooting and Fishing in the Rivers, Prairies, and Backwoods of North America. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1865 2526 REVOLUTIONARY Memorials, embracing Poems by Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 1778, and Appendix containing General Burgoyne s Proclamation in Burlesque, &c., edited by Rev. Stephen Dodd, of East Haven. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d New York, 1852 2527 REYBAUD (M. Charles) Le Bresil. 8vo, pp. 244 sewed. 3s Paris, 1856 2528 RHEES (W. J.) Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions, and Societies in the United States, and British Provinces of North America. Thick 8vo, new half calf gilt. 7s U Phil. 1859 2529 RIBADENEYRA (Don Ant., Abogado de Mexico) Manual Com- pendio de el Regio Patronato Indian o. Small folio, boards. 10s Qd Madrid, 1755 2530 RICH S (0.) Supplement to the " Bibliotheca Americana Nova," Part L, being Additions and Corrections, 1701 to 1800. 8vo, cloth. 10s Gd Rich, 1841 2531 RICH S (0.) Bibliotheca Americana, Vol. II. Part 2, comprising 1831 to 1844. 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd 1846 2532 RICHARDSON (Dr. John), Fauna Boreali Americani ; or the Zoology of the Northarn parts of British America. THE QUAD RUPEDS. 4to, many plates, boards. 15s cloth t edges smoothed. 13s 6d 1829-37 2533 QUADRUPEDS and BIRDS, by Richardson and Swainson. 2 vols. 4to, many plates of the Birds coloured, half russia, uncut. 3. 3s 1829-37 2534 RICHARDSON S (Sir John) Arctic Searching Expedition, a Journal of a Boat Voyage through Rupert s Land and the Arctic Sea in Search of Sir John Franklin, with Appendix on the Physical Geography of North America, and Vocabularies of Dia lects. 2 vols. 8vo, many coloured plates, cloth. 9s Qd (pub. at 1. 11s 6d) 1851 An exceedingly interesting record of this most adventurous expedition, and particularly valuable for its Scientific Eesearclies and Discoveries, the Physical Geography of America, Natural History, &c., likewise copious Vocabularies. 2535 RICHARDSON S (John, a Quaker) Life and Services in the Ministry in England, Ireland and America. 12mo, neat. 2s Qd 1791 2536 RICKARD (Maj. F. I.) Mining Journey across the Great Andes, with Explorations of the Silver Mining Districts, and Journey across the Pampas to Buenos Ayres. Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 6d 1863 2537 RILAND (Rev. John) Memoirs of a West India Planter, pub lished from an Original Manuscript, with Preface and additional details. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s calf neat. 2s 6d 1827 2538 RIO JANEIRO. Fourteen Views of Rio Janeiro and Neighbour hood, by J. de C. Moreira. 4to, half bound. 6s Qd Rio, 1814 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 171 2539 EIO DE LA PLATA. Historical, Political, and Statistical of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8vo, maps, d. 5s 1825 2540 RIVERO (M. E. de) y Tschudi (J. E.) Antiquedades Peruanas, woodcuts, 2 vols. including folio Atlas, containing 56 coloured plates of Mummies, Pottery, phases, and other Antiquities. 4 to, and folio, boards. 3. 13s Qd Vienna, 1851 This large and costly work is perhaps the most elaborate nnd valuable one that has hitherto appeared on the archaeology and antiquities of Peru, prior to the conquest by the Spaniards. 2541 RIVERO (M. E.) and J. J. Von Tschudi. Peruvian Antiquities, translated by Francis L. Hawks. Svo, many engravings, cloth. 6s Qd 185a 2542 ROACH (John) Surprising Adventures of John Roach, Mariner of Whitehaven, his Cruel Treatment during a long Captivity amongst the Savage Indians, and Imprisonment by the Spaniards in South America, and return to the place of his Nativity, after being 13 years amongst his Inhuman Enemies. 8vo, boards. 5s Whitehaven, N. D. 2543 ROBERTS (Capt. George) Four Years Voyages, being a Series of Uncommon Events which befel him in a Voyage to the Is lands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, from whence he was bound to the Coast of Guiney. Svo, map and plates, neat. 4s Qd 1726 2544 ROBERTS (W.) An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida, with Detail of the Expeditions and Descents made on that Coast. 4to, maps, old calf. 10s Qd 1763 2545 ROBERTSON (W.) History of America, Books IX. and X., con taining the History of Virginia to the year 1688, and of New England to the year 1652. Svo, calf. 3s Philadelphia, 1799 2546 ROBERTSON S (Dr. William) History of America, 13th Edition, including Virginia and New England. 4 vols. Svo, library edi tion, maps, clean in cloth. 5s 1817 2547 ROBERTSON (Ignatius Loyola) Sketches of Public Characters, drawn from the Living and the Dead, with Notices of other Matters. Svo, boards. 3s Qd New York, 1830 2548 ROBERTSON (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on Paraguay, comprising an Account of Four Years residence in that Republic. 2 vols. Svo, portrait, map and plate, cloth. 4s Qd 1838 2549 Another Copy, with Dr. Francia s Reign of Terror, making 3 vols. post Svo, cloth. 7s Qd half calf gilt. 9s Qd 1839 2550 ROBERTSON (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on South America, com prising Travels on the Banks of the Parana et Rio de la Plata. 3 vols. post Svo, cloth. 6s Qd 1843 2551 ROBERTSON (W. Parish) Visit to Mexico, by the West India Islands, Yucatan, and United States, with Observations and Adventures on the Way. 2 vols. post 8vo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 8s Qd 1853 2552 ROBIN (C. C.) Voyages dans 1 Interieur de la Louisiane, de la Flo- ride Occidentale et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de Saint Domingue suivis de la Flore Louisianaise. 3 vols. 8vo, large folding map and por trait, new half calf gilt. 15s Paris, 1807 2553 ROBINSON S (S. T. L.) Kansas, its Interior and Exterior Life. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1857 172 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2554 EOBINSON (A.) A Short History of the Persecution of Chris tians by Jews, Heathens, and Christians, with the Present State of Eeligion in the United States of America. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6 d Carlisle, n. d. 2555 EOBINSON (Conway) Account of the Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America from ]520 to 1573. 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d Richmond, 1848 2556 EOBINSON (J. H.) Journal of an Expedition 1400 Miles up the Orinoco, and 300 up the Arauca, with an Account of the Coun try, &c. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s half calf . 4s Qd 1822 2557 EOBINSON (W. D.) Memoirs of the Mexican Eevolution, in cluding a Narrative of the Expedition of Gen. Mina, and Ob servations on the Practicability of a Passage between the Pacific and the Atlantic. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait and map, boards. 5s new half calf gilt. 7s 2 vols. in 1, calf gilt. 7s 1821 2558 EOBINSON (John, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers) Works of, with a Memoir and Annotations by Eobert Ashton. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 12s 1851 2559 EOBSON (Joseph) Account of Six Years Eesidence in Hudson s Bay. 8vo, maps, neat. 3s boards. 3s Qd half calf. 3s 6d whole bound. 4s 1752 2560 EOCHEFOET, Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de 1 Amerique avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. 4to, engraved title and plates, vellum. 10s Rotterdam, 1658 2561 Another copy (wanting a leaf in the preface), vellum. 7s 6d 1658 2561* Another Edition. 4to, neat. 12s 1665 2562 EOCHEFOUCAULT. Liancourt (Duke de la) Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iro- quois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. 2 vols. 4to, maps, calf. 12s 1799 2563 EOCHEFOUCAULT. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. 12* 1799 2564 EOCHEFOUCAULT. Another Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, maps, new half calf gilt. 14s 1800 2565 EODNEY. Letters from Sir Geo. Brydges, now Lord Eodney, relative to the Capture of St. Eustatius and its Dependencies, together with his Lordship s Correspondence with the Governors and Admirals in the West Indies and America during 1781. 4to, neat. 5s 1789 2566 EOEBUCK (J. A.) The Colonies of England, a Plan for the Government of some portion of our Colonial Possessions. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1849 2567 EOGEE (Chas.) Eise of Canada from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilization. 8vo, vol. 1 (all printed), cloth. 5s Quebec, 1856 2568 EOGEES (Major Eobert) Journals; containing an Account of several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America during the War. 8vo, calf. 12s 1765 2569 EOGEES (Woodes) Cruising Voyage round the World, 1708-11, with an Account (the first) of Alex. Selkirk s living Four Years in an Uninhabited Island. 8vo, neat. 4s 6dfine clean copy in calf. 6s 1712 fine clean copy in calf. 6s 1726 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 173 2570 EOLT S New and Accurate History of South America, containing a Particular Account of the Discovery of the New World. Thick 8vo, boards. 3s half calf . 3s 6d whole calf. 4s 1756 2571 EOLPH S (Dr. Thos.) Visit to the West Indies, and Tour through the United States and Canada. 8vo, boards. 3s Dunclas, U. C., 1836 2572 EOSAMOND ; or the Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of an American Female in Cuba, with a Disclosure of their Manners and Customs, written by herself. Small 8vo, curious plates, cloth. 2s New York, 1836 2573 EOSS (Alex.) Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia Eiver, and Account of some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Qd 1849 2574 EOSS (Alex.) The Eed Eiver Settlement, its Eise, Progress, and Present State, with Account of the Native Eaces and its Gene ral History to the present day. 8vo, cloth. 4s Qd 1856 2575 EOSS (Alex.) The Fur Hunters of the Far West, a Narrative of Adventures in the Oregon and Eocky Mountains. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 6s Qd 1855 2576 EOSS (John) First Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of Ex ploring Baffin s Bay, and Inquiring into the probability of a North- West Passage. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 12s half calf gilt. 14s whole calf, marbled edges. 15s 1819 2577 EOSS S First Voyage. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, half calf gilt. 4s 1819 This does not contain the Appendixes, &c., of the 4to Edition. 2578 EOSS S (Sir John) Second Voyage in Search of the North- West Passage, and Five Years Eesidence in the Arctic Eegions. 4to, many plates, cloth. 9s 1835 2579 EOSS. Another copy. Eoyal 4to, LARGE PAPER, cloth. 10s 6d 1835 2580 EOSS. Appendix to Sir John EOSS S Second Voyage in Search of a North- West Passage. 4to, portrait and plates, cloth. 6s LARGE PAPER, cloth. 7s 6d 1835 2581 EOSS (Sir John) Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage during 1829, 30, 31, 32, and 33. 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 2582 EOUGHLEY S Jamaica Planter s Guide : a System for Planting and Managing a Sugar Estate in that Island. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd 1823 2583 EOWLANDSON (Jos.) True History of the Captivity (among the Indians) and Eestoration of Mrs. Mary Eowlandson, a Minister s Wife in New England, with a Sermon preached at Weathersfield by Mr. Joseph Eowlandson, husband to the same Mrs. Eowlandson, it being his last Sermon. 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s London, 1682 2584 EUIZ DE LEON (Don Francisco, Hijo de la Nueva-Espana) Her- nandia, Triumphos de la Fe y Gloria de las Armas Espanolas Poema Heroyco, Conquista de Mexico. 4to, half calf gilt (stained). 10s Qd Madrid, 1755 2585 EUMBALL S (Thos.) Travels from New York to Detroit. 8vo, boards. 4s New York, 1824 174 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2586 RUND ALL S Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West, in search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631 ; from early Kecords and MSS. 8vo, maps, doth. 9s HaUuyt Soc., 1849 2587 RURAL Socrates, or an Account of a celebrated Philosophical Farmer lately living in Switzerland, and known by the name of Klyogg. 8vo, half bound, curious. 5s Hallowell (district of Maine), 1800 2588 RUSH (Dr. Benj.) An Account of the Bilious Remitting Yellow Fever, as it appeared in the City of Philadelphia in 1793. 12mo (pp. 248), calf neat. 2s Qd Edinburgh, 1791 2589 RUSH (Benjamin) Eulogium on the Memory of David Kitten- house, late President of the American Philosophical Society. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Qd Philadelphia, 17$ Q 2590 RUSH (R., American Minister) Residence at the Court of London from 1819 to 1825. Second Series, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 6s 1845 2591 RUSSELL (Robert) North America, its Agriculture and Climate, containing Observations on the Agriculture and Climate of Canada, the United States, and the Island of Cuba. Thick 8vo, maps and woodcuts, cloth. 7s 6d (pub. at 14s) Edinburgh, 1857 2592 RUSSELL (W.) History of America from its Discovery by Co lumbus to the conclusion of the late War, with an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Unhappy Contest between Great Britain and her Colonies. 2 vols. 4to, map and plates, calf neat. 12s 1778 2593 RUSSELL. Another copy. 2 vols. 4to (wanting a leaf in vol. 2), half calf. 5s 1778 2594 RUTHERFORD (Professor) The Due Right of Presbyterie, or a Peaceable Plea for the Government of the Church of Scotland. 4to (wanting pages 19 to 22), half calf . 12s 1644 It forms pai-t of the Controversy on Church Government by Cotton, Bobinson, and others. 2595 RYAN S (W. R.) Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower Cali fornia, in 1848-9, with the Author s Experience at the Mines. 2 vols. post 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s Qd (pub. at 1. Is) 1850 SABIN S REPRINTS OF RARE AMERICAN LITERATURE. QUARTO SERIES, ELEGANTLY PRINTED. 2596 A Relation of Maryland, together with a Map of the Countrey, the Conditions of Plantation, His Majesties Charter to Lord Baltemore; translated into English. London, 1635. Large paper, 1. 11s 6d small paper, 10s Qd 2597 AN Account of the Late Revolution in New England, together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen Merchants, and Inhabi tants of Boston, and the Country adjacent, April 18th, 1689 ; written by Nathaniel Byfield, a Merchant of Bristol in New England, 1689. Large paper, 1. Is small paper, 10s Qd 2598 THE Light Appearing More and More Towards Perfect Day, or a Farther Discovery of the Present State of the Indians in New England, Concerning the Progresse of the Gospel amongst them. A. R. Smith, 36, SoJio Square, London. 175 Published by Henry Whitfield, late Pastor to the Church of Christ at Gilford, in New England, 1651. Large paper, 1. Is small paper, 10s Qd 2599 CERTAIN Inducements to Weil-Minded People, who are Strait ened in their Estates or otherwise, or such as are willing out of Noble and Publike Principles, to Transport Themselves, or some Servants or Agents for them, into the West Indies, for the Pro pagating of the Gospel and Increase of Trade, 1643. Large paper, 10s Gd small paper, 5s 2600 STRENGTH Out of Weakness, or a Glorious Manifestation of the Further Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New- England, held forth in sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the Corporati on Established by Parliament for Pro moting the Gospel among the Heathen in New England, and to particular Members thereof, since the late Treatise to that effect, formerly set forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield, late Pastor of Gil ford, in New England. Large paper, 1. Is small paper, 10s Gd 2601 A Further Account of the Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same. London, 1659. Large paper, 12s Gd small paper, 6s 2602 NEW ENGLAND S First Fruits with divers other Special Mat ters concerning that Country, 1643. Large paper, 12s 6d small paper, 6s OCTAVO SERIES. 2603 THE Journal of Major George Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq., His Majesties Lieutenant-Go vernor, and Commander-in-Chief of Virginia, to the Commandant of the French Forces in Ohio, to which are added the Governor s Let ter, and a translation of the French Officer s, with a New Map of the Country, as far as the Mississipi. Large paper, 12s Qd small paper, 6s 2604 VINDICATION of the Captors of Major Andre, by Egbert Ben son. New York, 1817. Small paper, 9s 2605 A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1755. Large paper, 10s 6d small paper, 5s 2606 THE Narrative of Colonel David Fanning (A Tory in the Revo lutionary War with Great Britain), giving an Account of his Adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783, as written by himself, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. Small paper, 1. Is 2607 ORDER BOOK of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the early part of the Expedition under Gen. James Clinton, against the Indian Settlements of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. Large paper, 2. 2s small paper, 1. Is 2608 SAAB YE (Hans Egede) Greenland, being Extracts from a Journal kept in that Country in the years 1770 to 1778, with Friess Account of the Greenlanders, and of the Mission in Greenland. 8vo, map, boards. 3s 1818 2609 SACK S (Baron) Voyage to and Residence in Surinam. 4to, plates, boards. 5s 1810 176 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2610 SAENZ DE S. MARIA. Carta Edificante, 6 Eelacion Sumaria de la Vida del Jos. SAENZ DE S. MARIA, Marques de Valde- Inigo y Fundadar en Cadiz de la actual Santa Cueva (nacio de Vera Cruz). Portrait, half morocco. 4s Qd. 4to Impresa en la Casa de Miseracordia de dicha Ciudad, 1807 2611 ST. CLAIR (Col. Thos. Staunton) Residence in the West Indies and America. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 5s half calf gilt. 7s 1834 2612 ST. DOMINGO. Considerations sur 1 Etat present de la Colonie Fra^aise de Saint-Domingue, par M. H. D. [auberteuil]. 2 vols. calf. 4s Qd Paris, 1776 2613 ST. DOMINGO. Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Insurrection of the Negroes in 1791. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 1792 2614 ST. DOMINGO. History of the Island of St. Domingo, from its first Discovery by Columbus to the present period. By Sir James Baskett. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 3s Qd whole calf. 4s 1818 2615 ST. DOMINGO. Histoire de Toussaint-Louverture, Chef des Noirs Insurges de St. Domingue. Precedee d un coup d oeil politique surcette Colonie. 12mo, portrait, uncut. Qs Qd Paris, 1802 2616 ST. JOHN S (Hector) Letters from an American Farmer, des cribing certain Provincial Situations, and Manners and Customs not generally known. 8vo, plates, half bound, uncut, 4s neat. 4s 6 d Another Edition, with Index, 8 vo, plates, neat. 5s 1783 2617 ST. LUCIA. Memoire sur 1 Isle de Sainte Lucie, dated Paris, Jan. 11, 1751, and Signed La Galissoniere de Silhouette, a tran script. Folio, pp. 57. 3s 2618 SAINT THOMAS. Colonie de Santo-Thomas (on the Bay of Honduras, settled by the Belgians) Enquete de M. Blondel van Cuelebrouk Charge d Affairs, Commissaire Extraordinaire du Gouvernement. Folio, with six large folding plans and charts. 10s Qd Bmxdlm, 1846 2619 ST. VINCENT. Account of the Number of Slaves Employed, and Quantity of Produce Grown on the several Estates in the Island of St. Vincent and its Dependencies from the year 1801 to 1824. 8vo, boards. 3s. Kingstown, 1825 2620 SALMON. Modern History of the Present State of all Nations, their Situations, Persons, Habits, Buildings, Manners, Laws and Customs, Religion and Policy, Arts and Sciences, &c. 3 vols. folio, maps and plates, calf neat. 12s 1746 Nearly 500 pages of the 3rd vol. are devoted to America. 2621 SALMON S MODERN HISTORY. The portion relating to America in 4 vols., 8vo, maps and plates, neat. 5s 1 738 2622 SANDEMAN (Robt., Founder of the Sect " Sandemonians") Dis courses on Passages of Scripture, with Essays, Letters, and Life. 12mo, cloth, is 1857 The author was invited from Scotland to North America, where he founded a church at Danbury, Connecticut, and died there. 2623 SANDERSON S (J. P.) Republican Landmarks ; the Views and Opinions of American Statesmen on Foreign Immigration. 8vo, cloth. 3s Phil. 1856 A. R. Smith, 36, $0/10 Square, London. 177 2624 SANDFORD (Robert) Surinam Justice in the Case of several Persons Proscribed by certain Usurpers of Power in that Colony, being a Publication of the Beginning, Continuance, and End of the late Disturbances in the Colony of Surinam, set forth under that Title by William Byam, Esq., sometime Governor of that Colony, and Vindication of those Gentlemen Sufferers of his Injustice. 4 to, boards, very scarce. 3. 3s 1662 2625 SANDOVAL (D. F. Prudencia de) History of Charles the Fifth, Emperor and King of Spain ; the great Hero of the House of Austria, his Conquest of Peru, Mexico, &c., translated byCapt. John Stevens. 8vo, portrait, calf neat. 6s 1703 2626 SANDYS TRAVAILES, containing a History of the Originall and Present State of the Turkish Empire, of Egypt, and Holy- land, Italy, and adjoining Islands, plates, 1652 Gage s New Survey of the West Indies, containing a Journall of 3300 miles within the Main Land of America, 1648. In 1 vol. folio, calf. 1. 4s 2627 SANDYS TRAYAILES in the Turkish Empire, Greece, Egypt, Italy, and the Holy Land, engraved title, maps and plates, 1652 History of the Warres of the Emperour Justinian, by Procopius, and Englished by Sir Henry Holcroft, engraved title by Cross, 1653 Gage (Tho.) New Survey of the West Indies, or the English American, his travail by Sea and Land, maps, SECOND EDITION, 1655. In 1 vol. folio, fine copies in the, original calf binding. 2. 2s 2628 SANSOM S (I.) Travels in Lower Canada Schoolcraft s Tour in Missouri and Arkansaw Silliman s Tour to Quebec, and other American Travels, in one vol. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 2629 SARTOLO (Bernardo) Cathedratico des Aries en el Colegio da San tiago. Vida Admirable y Muerte Prodigiosa de Nicolas de Ayllon, y con renombre mas glorioso Nicolas de Dios, natural de Chiclayo en las Indias del Peru, 4to, portrait (a few of the prelimi nary leaves wormed), half morocco. 9s Madrid, 1684 2630 SANTA TERESA (P. F. Gioseppe di) Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile accadute tra la Corona di Portogallo e la Republica di Olanda. Small folio, maps and folding plate (two are wanting), good copy, vellum, very scarce. 2. 2s Roma, 1698 2631 SAVAGE (The), by Piomingo, a Headman and Warrior of the Muscogulgee Nation. 12mo, boards. 3s Philad. 1810 2632 SAVERY (Will, Quaker of Philadelphia) Journal of his Life, Travels, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1844 2633 SAVILLE (Capt. Henrie) Libell of Spanish Lies found at the Sacke of Gales, Discoursing the fight in the West Indies between the English Navie of 14 Ships, and Pinasses and Fleete of 20 Saile of the King of Spaines, and of the Death of Sir Francis Drake, with answer briefly confuting the Spanish Lies, 1596. 8vo, only 100 copies reprinted by J. P. Collier, sewed. 10s Qd 1596 This is a fac-simile of the original of which only five copies are known. The contents, besides their value in an Historical point of view, are of interest in reference to the Biographies of two such men as Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins, both of whom perished in the course of the enterprise to which the pamphlet relates. Most of the copies of this reprint perished in the fire at Sotheby s Auction Booms 22 178 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2634 SAVAGE (James) Gleanings for New England History. Eoyal 8vo, half morocco (with autograph letter of H. G. Somerby to Dr. Bliss, about John Prince}. 6s 2635 SAXE-WEIMAR EISENACH (Bernhard, Duke of) Travels through North America during 1825 and 1826. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, boards. 5s Philadelphia, 1828 2636 SAY S (Thomas) American Entomology, or Descriptions of the Insects of North America. 3 vols in 1, royal 8vo, 54 coloured plates, half morocco. 2. 2s Philad. 1824 2637 SCARLETT (Hon. P. Campbell) South America and the Pacific, comprising a Journey across the Pampas and the Andes, from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, Lima, and Panama. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 6s half calf. Ss 6d ANOTHER, wanting frontis piece to vol. I., half calf gilt. 7s U 1838 2638 SCHAPENHAM (Admiral Gheen Huygen) Journal vande Nassausche Vloot ofte Beschryvingh vande Voyagie om dem Gautschen Aerd Kloot Ghedaen met elf Schepen in de Jaren 1623-1624, en een Beschryvinghe vande Regeringe van Peru door Pedro Madriga Gebooren tot Lima. 4to, jBlaxk Hotter, maps and curious plates of the Natives, calf extra, by Riviere, very scarce. 3. 3s Amst. 1643 Containing also an Account of the Discovery of Australia by Pedro F. de Quir. 2639 SCHERER (Jean-Benoit) Recherches Historiques et Geogra- phiques sur le Nouveau-Monde. 8vo, old calf gilt. 9s Paris, 1777 2640 SCHERZER S (Dr. Carl) Travels in the Free States of Central America, Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1857 2641 SCHMIDT (Ulrica) Ander theil dieses Weltbuchs vonSchifffahrten warhafftige Beschreibunge aller und Mancherley Sorgfeltigen Schiffarten, auch Viler unbekanten erfundnen LandtschafFten Insulen Konigreichen, und Stedten, etc., folio, ivoodcut on title, Utter, stamped pig s skin. 1. 10s Franckfurt, 1567 A scarce collection of Yoyages published by Sigismund Feyeraband of Frankfort. In the same volume are bound two other works. 2642 SCHMIDTMEYER (Peter) Travels into Chile over the Andes in 1820 and 1821, with Sketches of the Productions and Agricul ture, Mines and Metallurgy, Inhabitants, History, and other features of America, particularly of Chile and Arauco. 4to, numerous plates, mostly coloured, new half calf . 9s 1824 2643 SCHOMBURGK (Sir Robt. H.) History of Barbadoes, comprising Geographical and Statistical Description of the Island, Sketch of Historical Events since the Settlement, and Account of its Geology and Natural Productions. Thick royal 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. 17s hf. cf. gt. 18s (pub. at 1. 11s Qd) 1847 2644 SCHOMBURGK (Sir Robt. H.) Description of British Guiana, Geographical^and Statistical, exhibiting its Resources and Capa bilities. 8vo, map, cloth. 3s 1840 2645 SCHOOLCRAFT S (H. R.) Journal of Travels from Detroit, North- West through the great chain of American Lakes to the sources of the Mississippi. 8vo, plates, boards. 6s neat. 7s 6d Albany, 1821 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 179 2646 SCHOOLCRAFT S (H. E.) Ethnological Researches respecting the Red Man of America, Historical and Statistical Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Part I. thick vol. 4to, with 76 Chromo-Lithographic plates, bds. (a splendid volume). 2. 12s 6d 1851 2647 SCHOOLCRAFT S Indian Tribes of the United States, their History, Condition, and Prospects, illustrated by about 300 engravings, coloured plates, and ivoodcuts, representing the Antiquities, Manners, Customs, etc., of the Indians, 5 large impl. 8vo vols, neiv half calf, marbled edges, 3. 13s Qd, (pub. 8). Philad. 1853-56 The work comprises, the General History and Mental Type of the Indian Race ; Antiquities of the United States ; Physical Geography of the Indian Country ; Tribal Organization ; History and Government ; Intel lectual Character and Capacity of the Red Man ; Population and Statistics, etc., etc. The information given is of the most reliable and interesting nature, having been prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and published by authority of Congress. 2648 SCHOUTEN (Corn.) Journael van de Wonderlijcke Reyse gekaen door W. Corn. Schouten van Hoorn in 1615-16-17, Verhaelende hoe dat by bezuyden de Straet Magalanes. 4to, black letter, curious woodcuts, half morocco. 1. Is Amst.. M. Groot, N.D. (about 1643) 2649 SCORESBY S Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery. 8.vo, plates, half calf gilt. 12s in boards. 12s boards (title page mended) 7s Qd 1823 2650 SCORESBY S Arctic Regions, and Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, uniform, half calf gilt. 2. 5s 1820-23 2651 SCOTT (Job) a Quaker of Providence, Journal of the life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of that Faithful Servant and Minister of Christ. 12mo, half calf . 2s Qd 1815 2652 SEALSFIELD S (Chas.) Scenes and Adventures in Central America, edited by Hardman. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1852 2653 SEEMAN (Berthold) Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, during the years 1845-51, under the command of Capt. Henry Kellett, being a Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Three Cruises to the Arctic Regions in Search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo, frontispiece and map, cloth. 12s Qd 1853 2654 SELECT Tracts on the Subject of Taxing the British Colonies in America 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 12s Lond. Almon, 1775 2655 SEMPLE (Robert) Sketch of the Present State of the Caracas. Post 8vo, boards. 2s new half calf gilt. 3s Qd 1812 2656 SEPP & BOEHM Reiszbeschreibung wie Dieselbe aus Hispanien inParaguariam kommen, und kurzer bericht der Denckwiirdigsten Sachen Selbiger Landschaft. 12mo, new half calf, rare. 1. Is Number g, 1698 Containing a deal of Information respecting the Indians in Paraguay and Buenos Ayres. 2657 SERMON at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, who had been guilty of Murder, Preached at New Haven in America by Samson Occom, a Native Indian , and a Short Account of the 180 Books relating to America, on Sale by Spread of the Gospel among the Indians ; also Observations on the Language of the Mahbekanee Indians, by Jonathan Edwards. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 6d 1788 2658 SERMONS to Gentlemen on Temperance and Exercise. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s Philadelphia, 1772 2659 SEW ALL (Joseph) Desires that Joshua s Eesolution may be Revived, or excitations to the Constant and Diligent Exercise of Family Religion, Boston in N. E. 1716 The Certainty and Suddenness of Christ s coming to Judgment, a Sermon at the Lecture in Boston, 1716. In 1 vol. small 8vo, calf, original binding, with wooden boards. 1. 125 2660 SEWELL S (W. G.) Ordeal of Free Labour in the British West Indies. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1862 2661 SEYBERT (Dr. Adam) Statistical Annals, embracing Views of the Population, Commerce, Navigation, Fisheries, Public Lands, Post-Office Establishment, Revenues, Mint, Military and Naval Establishments, Expenditures, Public Debts, and Sinking Fund, of the United States of America. 4to, russia gilt. 5s 6d Philadelphia, 1818 2662 SEYBERT (Adam) Annales Statistiques des Etats-Unis, traduit de 1 Anglais par C. A. Scheffer. 8vo, half calf . 2s Paris, 1820 2663 SHAFFNER (Col. T. P.) The War in America, an Historical and Political account of the Southern and Northern States, showing the Origin and Cause of the present Secession War. 8vo, map, coloured, cloth. 3s 1862 2664 SHAKERS (the) A Summary View of the Millennial Church or United Society of Believers, (commonly called Shakers) comprising the Rise, Progress, and Practical Order of the Society. 8vo, neat. 4s 6d Albany, 1823 2665 SHAKERS (the) Testimony of Christ s Second Appearing, con taining a General Statment of all Things pertaining to the Faith of the Shakers. Thick 8vo, neat. 5s Albany, 1810 2666 SHARP (Granville) Law of Retribution, or a Serious Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies, founded on examples of God s Temporal Vengeance against Tyrants, Slaveholders, and Oppres sors. 8vo, boards. 3s 1776 By Sharpe s active exertions, the question whether Negroes can be detained as Slaves in this country was brought to issue in the case of James Somerset. 2667 SHATTUCK (Lemuel) Report to the Committee of the City Council appointed to obtain the Census of Boston for the year 1845, embracing Collateral Facts and Statistical Researches. 8vo, large folding map, cloth. 4s Boston, 1846 2668 SHAW S (John, M.D., F.G.S., &c.) Ramble through the United States, Canada, and the West Indies. 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd (pub. at 10s 6d) 1856 2669 SHEFFIELD (John Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States, with Appendix of Imports and Exports of Great Britain from 1700 to 1783, also Exports of America. 8vo, half calf. 2s whole calf . 3s 1784 2670 SHEFFIELD (John Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States. 8vo, calf. 2s Dublin, 1784 2671 SHEFFIELD (Jean Lord) Observations sur le Commerce des Etats d Amerique. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1789 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 181 2672 SHEFFIELD (Lord) Strictures on the Necessity of Inviolably Maintaining the Navigation and Colonial System of Great Britain. 8vo, calf. 3s 1804 2673 SHELVOCKE S (Capt. George) Voyage round the World by the Great South Sea (including particulars of California and Mexico). 8vo, plates, neat. 4s Qd 1726 ANOTHER EDITION, neat. 5s. 1757 The soil about Puerto Seguro (and very likely in most parts of the val leys), is a rich black mould, which, as you turn it up fresh to the sun, appears as if intermingled with gold dust, some of which we endeavoured to wash and purify from the dust ; but though we were a little prejudiced against the thoughts that it could be possible that this metal should be so promiscuously and universally mingled with common earth, yet we endeavoured to cleanse and wash the earth from some of it, and the more we did, the more it appeared like gold ; but in order to be further satisfied, I brought away some of it, which we lost in our confusions in China. page 400, 401. 2674 SHEPARD (Thomas, Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge, in New England) Theses Sabbatic^, or Doctrine of the Sabbath, 1655 Certain Select Cases Resolved, 1655 The First Principles of the Oracles of God, 1655. In 1 vol. small 8vo, good clean copy, calf neat. 9s 2675 SHEPARD S Theses Sabbatica. Small 8vo, new half calf. 6s 1650 2676 SHEPARD (Thomas) Parable of the Ten Virgins, opened and applied in Divers Sermons. Folio, good clean copy, in old calf. 10s 6d ANOTHER, brown calf neat. 14s 1660 2677 SHEPARD (Thomas) The Sound Believer, a Treatise of Evan gelical Conversion to God. 8vo, old calf. 6s 1670 ANOTHER EDITION, (with MS. title), new half calf. 5s 1650 2678 SHEPARD (Thomas) The Sincere Convert, discovering the small number of True Believers, and the great difficulty of saving Conversion. 8vo, new calf gilt, carmine edges. 12s 1664 ANOTHER EDITION, new half calf . 6s 6d 1650 2679 SHEPARD (Thomas) The Sound Believer, a Treatise of Evan- gelicall Conversion, discovering the Work of Christ s Spirit in reconciling of a Sinner to God, 1653 Theses Sabbaticce, or the Doctrine of the Sabbath, which were first handled more largely in sundry Sermons in Cambridge, New England, by T. Shepard, 1655 Certain Select Cases Resolved, specially tending to the right ordering of the Heart, by T. Shepard, 1655 The Sincere Convert, no title The Saint s Jewels, showing how to apply the Promise and the Soul s Invitation unto Jesus Christ, by T. Shepard, 1655. In 1 vol. thick 8vo. half calf . 12s 6d 2680 SHEPARD (Thomas) The Sound Believer, a Treatise of Evan gelical Conversion. 8vo, new calf gilt, carmine edges. 12s 1659 2681 SHEPARD (Thomas) Certain Select Cases Resolved. Small 8vo, new half calf . 5s 1650 2682 SHEPARD S (Thomas) Wholesome Caveat for a time of Liberty, and of Ineffectual Hearing the Word, with Preface, by Green- hill and Mather. Small 8vo, no title, new half calf. 5s 1652 2683 SHEPARD (Charles) Historical Account of the Island of St. Vincent, with large Appendix on Population, Meteorology, Produce of Estates, Revenue, Carib Grants, &c. 8vo, 2 plates, cloth. 3s (pub. at 12s) 1831 182 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2684 SHERBURNE (J. H.) Life and Character of John Paul Jones, Captain in the United States Navy, during the Revolutionary War. 8vo, SECOND EDITION, greatly enlarged, portrait andfacsimile, cloth. 4s 6d New York, 1851 2685 SHILLIBEER (Lieut. J.) Narrative of the Briton s Voyage to Pitcairn s Island, with interesting sketch of the Present State of the Brazils, and of Spanish South America. 8vo, 16 etchings by the Author, boards. 3s 6d half calf . 3s Qd 1817 2686 SHILLINGLAW (John J.) Narrative of the Arctic Discovery, from the earliest period to the present time, with details of the Measures adopted for the Relief of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin. Post 8vo, portrait and 2 maps, cloth. 3s 1851 2687 SHIRREFF (Patrick) Tour through North America, with a Comprehensive View of the Canadas and United States, as adapted for Agricultural Emigration. 8vo, boards. 3s half calf. 4s 1835 2688 SHORT Account of the Hurricane that passed through the English Leeward Caribee Islands, 30th June, 1733, with remarks by an Inhabitant of St. Nevis. 8vo, calf. 3s 1733 2689 SHORT View of the Encroachments of France in America, and of the British Commerce with Spain. 8vo, boards. 5s 1750 2690 SIBLEY S (J. L.) History of the Town of Union, in the State of Maine, with a Family Register of the Settlers before 1800, and their Descendants. 8vo, cloth (autograph presentation copy to T. B. Macaulay). 6s 1851 2691 SIEGFRIED (J. S.) Siama and Galmory (a Poem in the German Language, the scene of which is laid in America soon after its dis covery). 4to, fine plates, boards. 5s Leipzig, 1801 2692 SIMPSON (Thomas) Narrative of the discoveries on the North coast of America effected by the Officers of the Hudson s Bay Company, in the years 1836 to 1839. 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Qd new half calf gilt. 6s Qd. ANOTHER, without the map, cloth. 3s 1843 2693 SIMPSON (Thomas, the Arctic Discoverer) Life and Travels of, by his brother Alex Simpson. 8vo, portrait and map, cloth. 4s 6d half calf. 5s 1845 2694 SIMPSON S (Sir George) Narrative of a Journey round the World (from London through Canada, across the American Continent, Sand wich Islands, Siberia, and Russia). 2 vols. 8vo, map and portrait, boards. 16s 1847 2695 SINGLETON (J.) Description of the West Indies, a Poem in Four Books. 12mo, calf. 3s Qd half calf . 3s i 1777 2696 SIMON S (Mrs. B. A.) Hope of Israel : presumptive evidence that the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere are descended from the ten Missing Tribes of Israel. 8vo, boards. 4s half calf. 5s 1829 2697 SIMON (Mrs.) The Ten Tribes of Israel Historically identified with the Aborigines of the Western ^Hemisphere. Svo, folding plate, cloth. 5s 1836 2698 SKETCH of the Seminole War, and Sketches during a Campaign. By a Lieutenant of the Left Wing. Small 8vo, boards. 3s Charleston, 1836 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 183 2699 SKETCH of Old England, by a New England Man. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. 5s New York, 1822 This book must have been written by an American in America, and made up from books, conversations, and newspapers, the writer never was in England. From MS. Notes by the late Francis 1 lace, on the fly-leaf. "The United Colonies of America were made part of the Manor of Greenwich, in Kent." Vol. II. p. 13. (A fact ? which may be new to many}. 2700 SKETCHES Accompanying Eeport of Coast Survey of the United States for 1851. 4to, 58 sketches (maps), doth. 5s 1851 A valuable collection of Charts of the Coasts of the United States, both on the Atlantic and Pacific. 2701 SKETCH of the Internal Condition of the United States of America and of their political Relations with Europe. By a Russian. Translated from the French by an American, with Notes. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd Baltimore, 1826 2702 SLAVERY. Historical Account of Guinea, with Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave Trade. By Anth. Benezet, 1788. Letter signed A. B., strongly opposed to Emancipation, N.D. Clarkson (Rev. T.) Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade, 1788. Letters on Slavery by Wm. Dickson, with Addresses to the Whites and to the Free Negroes of Barbadoes. 1789, in 1 vol. thick 8vo, half calf. 4s 2703 SLAVE TRADE, Finance and Imprisonment, Various Tracts on the subjects, by President Quincy, Du Ponceau, Biddle, Mc- Vicker, Carey, Hare, Dew, Watkins, Thorne, and Kimball, &c., above 30 pieces. 4 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half calf. 7s Qd 2704 SLAVE TRADE. Abstract of the Evidence before a Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1790 and 1701, on the part of the Petitioners for Abolition of Slave Trade, plates, 1791 Clarkson s Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade, and 3 others on the subject. 8vo, half calf . 3s 2705 SLAVERY. Letter from Legion to his Grace the Duke of Rich mond, containing an Exposure of the Character of the Evidence on the Colonial Side produced before the Committee. 8vo, boards. 2s 1832 2706 SLAVERY. Debates in Parliament, 1833, on the Bill for Abolition of Slavery in the Colonies, with the Act of Parliament. Very thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 1834 2707 SLAVERY and the Internal Slave Trade in the United States of America, being replies to the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, Convention held in London, June 1840. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1841 2708 SLAVERY. Proceedings of the General Anti-Slavery Conven tion, called by the Committee of the British and Foreign Anti- Slavery Society, and held in London from June 12 to June 23, 1840. Royal 8vo, calf gilt, with marbled leaves. 5s 1841 2709 SLAVERY. Hind s Letter to Lord Brougham, 1833. Anecdotes of American Slavery. Channing s Letters. Sydney s Letters on the subject, and several others, in 1 vol. 12 mo, half calf . 3s 2710 SLEIGH (Lient. Col.) Pine Forests and Hacmatack Clearings, or Travel, Life, and Adventure in the British North American Pro vinces. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1853 184 Books relating to America, on Sale "by 2711 SLIGHT (Benj.) Indian Researches, or Facts concerning the North American Indians. Small 8vo, doth. 3s Montreal, 1844 2712 SLOANE (Hans) Catalogus Plantarum quse in Insula Jamaica, sponte proveniunt adjectis aliis quibusdam, quse in Insulis Made- rae, Barbados, Nieves et Sancti Christophori nascuntur. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1696 2713 SMITH S (J. H.) Authentic Narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre, with a Monody on his Death by Miss Seward. 8vo, map, portrait, and monument, calf gilt. 10s Qd 1808 2714 SMITH S ANDRE. Another copy (without the map). 8vo, calf neat. 9s 1808 2715 SMITH (W. H.) Canadian Gazetteer. 8vo, large map, &c., doth. 6s. Toronto, 1846 2716 SMITH (Dr. Archibald) Peru as it is a Residence* in Lima and other parts of the Peruvian Republic. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards, 4s 6d 1839 2717 SMITH (Edmond Renel) The Araucanians, or Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s Qd 1855 2718 SMITH, of Demerara, Report of the Trial of the Rev. J. Smith, Missionary in Demerara. 8vo, boards. 2s 1824 2719 SMITH (Missionary at Demerara) Substance of the Debate in the House of Commons on the motion of Henry Brougham, respect ing the Trial and Condemnation to Death of Rev. John Smith, late Missionary at Demerara, 1824 London Missionary Society s Report of the Proceedings against Mr. Smith on a Charge of assisting in a Rebellion of the Negro Slaves, 1824. Thick 8vo, half calf. 3s 2720 SMITH (Horace W.) Nuts for Future Historians to Crack, con taining the Cadwalader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, &c. 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd Philadelphia, 1856 2721 SMITH S (J. Jay) American Historical and Literary Curiosities. Second Series. Royal 4to, 64 very interesting plates, cloth. <!. 5s half morocco gilt edges. 1. 8s New York, 1860 2722 SMITH (William Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia) Discourses on the several public occasions during the War in America. 8vo, calf. 3s 1759 2723 SMITH (William, Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia) W T orks. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, boards. 9s Philadelphia, 1803 2724 SMITH S (W.) Natural History of Nevis and the rest of the Charibee Inands. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d neat. 3s Qd 1745 2725 SMITH (John) Letters, with Picters to Match, consarning the Disputed Territory away down East in the State of Maine. Crown 8vo, whimsical plates, boards. 3s New York, 1839 2726 SMITH Capt. John) Description of New England, or Observa tions and Discoveries in the North of America in the Year of our Lord, 1614, with the success of six Ships that went the next year, 1615. 4to, only 250 elegantly reprinted from the edition of 1616, with facsimile of orig. map, doth. 15s Boston, 1865 2727 Large paper, only 75 printed, map, cloth. 1. 11s Qd. ib. 1865 A. R. Smith, 36, Soko Square, London. 185 2728 SMITH (Capt. John) Advertisements to unexperienced Planters of New England, or anywhere, or the Pathway to erect a Planta tion. 4to, only 250 copies elegantly reprinted from the edition of 1631, with facsimile of map, doth. 15s Boston, 18G5 2729 - - LARGE PAPER, cloth. 1. Us Qd ib. 1865 2730 SMITH (Goldwin) Does the Bible Sanction American Slavery ? Post 8vo, cloth. Is Qd 1863 2731 SMITH (Win.) History of the Province of New York from the first Discovery to the year 1732. 4to, folding view of Oswego, FINE CLEAN COPY, calf neat, Lord Bawdon s copy. 4. 4s 1757 2732 SMITH (W.) History of the Province of New York from the first discovery. 8vo, calf neat 1. 10s London, 1776 2733- - Another Edition. 8vo, calf. 18s . Philadelphia, 17 92 2734 SMITH (Joshua Toulmin) Discovery of America by the North men in the 10th Century. Post 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 3s Qd 1839 2735 SMITH. Discovery, &c., Another Edition enlarged. Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s new half calf gilt. 6s 1842 2736 SMITH. Another copy. Wants a map, cloth. 2s Qd 1842 2737 SMYTH (J. F. D.) Tour through the United States, with Anec dotes of several Members of Congress, and description of the Indian Nations. 2 vols. 8vo, neat. 7s Qd bds. uncut, 8s Qd. 1784 2738 SMYTH (J. F. D.) Tour in the United States. Another Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf. 3s Dublin, 1784 2739 SMYTH (D. W.) Short Topographical Description of his Majesty s Province of Upper Canada. 8vo, Second Edition, 8vo, boards. 2s 1813 2740 SMYTH (Admiral W. H.) Life and Services (in South America, West Indies, &c.) of Captain Philip Beaver, late of H.M.S. Nisus. 8vo, boards. 3s new half calf. 4s Qd 1829 2741 SMITHSONIAN Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. IT., viz., On the Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgeman, the Blind Deaf Mute at Boston, compared with the elements of Phonetic Language by Dr. Francis Lieber, plate Microscopical Examination of Sound ings by the United States Coast Survey, plate Contributions to the Physical Geography of the United States Microscopical Observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, by Prof. J. W. Bailey, plates Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, by E. G. Squier, many plates, &c. &c. 4to, uncut. 18s. Washington, 1851 2742 SMYTH AND LOWE S Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para across the Andes and down the Amazon, with a view of ascertaining the practicability of a Navigable Communication with the Atlantic by the Elvers Patchitea, Ucayali, and Amazon. 8vo, plates t cloth. 5s half calf. 6s 1836 2743 SMYTH (Coke) Sketches in the Canadas. Large Folio, 23 plates some little spotted, morocw back, cloth sides. 18s. N. D. 2744 SNOW S (Dr. C. H.) History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massa chusetts. 8vo, plates, neat half calf. Qs Boston, 1828 2745 SNOW (W. Parker) Voyage of the Prince Albert in Search of Sir John Franklin, a Narrative of Every-day Life in the Arctic Seas. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 5s Another Copy, with auto- note to Admiral Beaufort, cloth. Qs 1851 23 186 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2746 SNOW (Commander W. Parker) Two Years Cruise off Terra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and the Eiver Plata. 2 vols. post 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 8s 1857 2747 SNOW (W. P.) Tierra del Fuego. Another. 2 vols. post 8vo, map and chromo-lithograph plates, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. 9s Qd. 1857 2748 SOLDIER S JOURNAL, containing a particular Description of the several Descents on the Coast of France last War, with an Enter taining Account of the Islands of Guadaloupe, Dominique, &c. 8vo, calf, scarce. 3s 1770 2749 SOLIS (Antonio de) Histoire de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion y Progresses de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Neuva Espana. Folio, GOOD COPY of the first edition, vellum. 1. 5 5 Madrid, 1684 2750 SOLIS. Another Edition. Folio, vellum. 7s Qd ib. 1732 2751 SOLIS. Another Edition. Folio, map, and folding plates, calf neat, fine copy of an esteemed edition. 9s Brusselas, 1704 2752 SOLIS. Another Edition. Folio, old morocco, gilt edges. Ss 6d Barcelona, 1711 2753 SOLIS. Another Edition. Folio, calf. 6s Qd Barcelona, 1766 2754 SOLIS (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 3 vols, 12mo, calf. 5s Madrid, 1791 2755 SOLIS (Ant. de) Istoria della Conquista del Messico conosciuta sotto nome di Nova Spagna. 4to, portraits, plates, and interesting vignettes, vellum. 4s Gd Firenze, 1701 2756 SOLIS (Ant. de) Istoria della Conquista del Messico, tradotta in Toscano. 4to, portrait and plates, neat half calf. 3s Penezia, 1715 2757 SOLIS (Antoine de) Histoire de la Conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne par Fernand Cortez, traduite de 1 Espagnol. 2 vols. l 2mo, plates, old calf. 4s 6d Paris, 1730 2758 SOLIS (Ant. de) History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, translated into English by T. Townshend. Folio, map, fine portrait by Vertue, and plates, calf. 9s Qd half calf. 7s Qd 1724 2759 SOLIS (Ant. de) Mexico by Townshend. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, map, and plates, calf neat. 6s 6d 1738 2760 SOLIS S Mexico by Townshend. 2 vols. 12mo, plates, neat. 4s Dublin, 1727 2761 SOME Considerations on the Case stated between the Public and the South Sea Company. 8vo, boards. 3s 1761 2762 SOME Account of the Proceedings at the College of the Countess of Huntingdon in Wales, relative to those Students called to go to her Ladyship s College in Georgia ; also an Account of their being set apart to the Work of the Holy Ministry in America. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1772 2763 SOTO (Ferdinando de) Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, translated out of Portuguese by Richard Hakluyt, 1611, re printed, edited with notes and introduction by W. B. Rye. 8vo, maps, cloth. 10s 6d Hakluyt Soc. 1851 2764 SOULE S (Fr.) Histoire des Troubles de I Amerique Anglaise, ecrite sur les memoires le plus authentiques. 4 vols. 8vo, maps, neat. 7s Qd Paris, 1787 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 187 2765 SOUTH AMERICAN POETS. Rimas varias, flores do Limacom- postas por Diego Bernardes varias Poesias do Fr. Ag. da Cruz. 3 vols, 12mo, calf. 12s Lisbon, 1770 2766 SOUTH SEA COMPANY. Various Acts of Parliament and other Papers relating to the Company trading to the South Seas, and other parts of America. In 1 vol, folio, calf, very neat, a curious collection. 15s 1711 2 4 2767 SOUTHERNS (Thos.) Oroonoko (an American Tragedy). 4to, half calf. 4s 6d 1696 2768 SOUTHEY S (Dr. Robt.) History of Brazil. 3 vols, 4to, boards. 3. 13s 6d 1810 19 2769 SOUTHEY (Robert) History of Brazil. 3 vols, 4to, FINE COPY, calf extra, marbled edges. 5. 5s 1810 2770 SOUTHEY (Robert) History of Brazil, from the year 1499 to 1639. Vol. L,4to, boards. Us calf. 12s half calf. 14s 1810 2771 SOUTHEY (Robert) A Tale of Paraguay. 12mo, plates, boards. 2 S 6d calf gilt. 3s 1825 2772 SOUTHEY S Oliver Newman, a New England Tale. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1845 2773 SOUTHEY (Capt. Thomas) Chronological History of the Con tinent of America and the West Indies. 3 vols, 8vo, boards. 8s 6d calf gilt. 12s 1827 2774 SOUTH (The) Vindicated from the Treason and Fanaticism of the Northern Abolitionists. Small 8vo, cloth. 2s Philadelphia, 1836 2775 SPAIN AND ENGLAND. State of the Rise and Progress of our Disputes with Spain, 1739 Case of James Buchanan, merchant in London, and others concerned and interested in the ship Scipio of which Alexander Mackpherson was master, 1739 Case of Richard Copithorne, sole owner and master of the ship Betty Galley, relating to his being taken by the Spaniards, and Losses sustained. Folio broadside, 1739, and 12 other Tracts relating to the Disputes between Spain and England, all pub lished in 1739, a very complete collection. 8vo, uncut, leather back. 15s 2776 SPANGENBERG Eveque de 1 Eglise des Freres, sa Vie, par Jeremie Risler, traduite de rAllemand. 8vo, half calf. 5s Neuchatel, 1835 Containing a full account of Spangenberg s Travels and Experiences in Georgia. Pennsylvania, New York, and among the Indians. 2777 SPARKS (Jared) Leben und Briefwechsel Georg Washington, nach dem Englischen im auszuge bearbeitet, herausgegeben von Fried Von Raumer. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. 5s Leipzig, 1839 2778 SPARK S (Jared) Lives of John Stark, C. B. Brown, R. Mont- F ornery, and Ethan Allen. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s 1834 ARK S Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold. Small 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 1835 2780 SPECULUM Orientalis Occidentalisque Indiae Navigationem quarum una Georgii a Spilbergen Classis, cum potestate praefecti altra Jacobi le Maire auspiciis imperioque directa annis 1614 18. Oblong 4to, many curious folding maps and plates by De Bry, bound in vellum. 2. 2s Lug. Bat. 1619 188 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2781 SPECULUM. Another copy, imperfect, wanting plates 10, 14, and 16, boards. 10s 6d Lug. Bat. 1619 This is the earliest Edition of Le Maire s account of bis celebrated voy age, and is a work of extraordinary rarity, being unknown to tbe President De Brosses, Dalryinple, and Admiral Burney. 2782 SPEECH intended to have been Spoken by Mr. at the General Court of the South Sea Company, held 16 Jan. 1875, but prevented by other Gentleman taking up so great a part of the time of the said Court. 8vo, boards. 3s 1751 2783 SPENCE (W.) Britain independent of Commerce, 1807 Oil without Vinegar, and Dignity without Pride, or British America and West India Interests Considered, by Macall Medford, Esq., chart, 1807 Baring (Alex.) Inquiry into the Causes and Conse quences of the Orders in Council, and Examination of the Con duct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America, 1808. In 1 vol. 8vo, half russia. s 6d 1808 2784 SPENCE (Jas.) The American Union, its effect on National Character and Policy, with an Enquiry into Secession as a Con stitutional Right, and the Causes of the Disruption. 8vo, cloth. 4s Gd 1861 2785 SPENCER (Thomas) True and Faithful Relation of the Proceed ings of the Forces of King William and Queen Mary in their Expedition against the French in the Caribby Islands in the West Indies, in 1689 and 1690. 4to, half morocco. 1. Is 1691 2786 SPILBERGEN (Joris van) Historia Journael van de Voyagie gedaen met 3 Schepen uyt Zeelandt naer d Oost-Indien, 1604-4. 4to, BLACK LETTER, beautiful copy in blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. 1. 4s Amst. 1652 2787 SPIX AND MARTIUS, Reise in Brasilien. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, new half calf gilt. 1 4s Munchen, 1823-8 2788 SPIX UND MARTIUS Reise in Bra&ilien. 3 vols, 4to, map, half calf. 15s Munchen, 1831 2789 SPIX AND MARTIUS (Drs.) Travels in Brazil. 2 vols., 8vo, plates, half calf. 5s 1824 2790 SPIZELII (Theop.) Relationis Monteziniana? de repertis in Ame rica tribubus Israeliticis et Discussio Argumentorum, pro Origine Gentium Americanarum Israelitica. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1. 4s Another, old calf . 1. 2s Basilece, 1661 2791 SPRAGUE (W. B., Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Albany) Discourse in aid of the Albany Apprentices Library. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Albany, 1833 2792 SPRAGUE (John T.) Origin, Progress, and Conclusion of the Florida War. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s ] 848 2793 SPREECHER DE BERNEGG (J. A.) Conquista de la Nueva Castella, Poema Eroica. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 4s 6d Paris y Leon, 1848 2794 SPRENGEL (M. T.) Geschichte der Revolution von Nord-Ame- rica. 1 2mo, map, very neat. 3s 6d Franlcenthal, 1785 2795 SPRENGEL (M.C.) Geschichte der Revolution von Nord- America. Small 8vo, coloured map, boards. 3s Qd Frankenthal, 1 788 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 189 2796 SPRING (Gardiner) Memoirs of the Eev. Samuel J. Mills, late Missionary to the South Western Section of the United States, and Agent of the American Colonization Society, deputed to Explore the Coast of Africa. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1820 2797 SPRINGER (John S.) Forest Life and Forest Trees, comprising Winter Camp Life among the Loggers, and Wild Wood Adven ture. 8vo, ivoodcuts, doth. 3s Neiv York, 2798 SQUIER S Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, comprising the results of Original Surveys and Explorations. 4to, many plates, seized, uncut. 12s New York, 1849 2799 SQUIER (E. G.) The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the reciprocal principles of Nature in America. Royal 8vo, plates and woodcuts. 9s New York, 1851 2800 SQUIER (E. G.) Travels in Central America, particularly in Nicaragua, its Aboriginal Monuments, Scenery, and People, their Languages, Institutions, Religion, &c. 2 vols. royal 8vo, numerous maps and coloured plates, cloth. 15s New York, 1853 2801 SQUIER (E. G.) Notes on Central America, particularly in the States of Honduras and San Salvador, their Geography, Topo graphy, Climate, Population, Resources, Productions, &c. Royal 8vo, many maps, cloth. 10s 6d Neiu York, 1855 2802 SQUIER (E. G.) States of Central America, their Geography, Climate, Resources, Productions, Commerce, Aborigines, com prising Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, &c., and the Hon duras Inter-Oceanic Railway. Thick royal 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 9s 6d, pub. at 18s 1858 2803 SQUIER (E. G.) Tropical Fibres, their Production and Economic Extraction. 8vo, 16 plates, cloth. 4s Qd 1863 2804 STACKE S (H.) Story of the American War. Post 8vo, map and plate, cloth. 2s 6d 1866 2805 STADEN (Hans, de Homberg en Hesse,) Histoire d un Pays Bresil, situ 6 dans le Nouveau Monde, 1557, edite par H. Ternaux- Compans. 8vo, sewed. 4s 6d Paris, 1837 2806 STAEHLIN (J. Yon) Account of the New Northern Archipelago, lately discovered by the Russians in the Seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir, 1774 Barrington s possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted, and Papers on the same subject, by Col. Beaufoy. Map, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf gilt. 5s 1818 2807 STANSBURY S (Capt. H.) Expedition to the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a description of its Geography, Natural History, Minerals, &c. Thick royal 8vo, many plates of Fiews, and Natural History (wants the two maps), cloth. 9s 1852 2808 STANSBURY S Great Salt Lake. Another copy, with the two large maps. Royal 8vo, cloth. 12s Washington, 1853 2809 STANTON (Daniel) Journal of the Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of a Faithful Minister of Christ, Daniel Stanton, late of Philadelphia. 8vo, calf. 6s U Philadelphia, 1774 2810 STATE of the British and French Colonies in North America, with respect to the Number of People, Forces, Forts, Indian Trade, and other advantages. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Qd 1755 190 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2811 STATE PAPER. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-first Congress, Dec. 2, 1850, with the accompanying documents above 800 pages. Thick 8vo, many plates on the Columbia Elver, half bound. 4s. Washington, 1850 2812 STATEMENT respecting the Earl of Selkirk s Settlement upon the Eed Eiver in North America, its Destruction in 1815 and 1816. and Massacre of Governor Semple and his party. 8vo, map, boards. 6s half calf . Qs 6d 1817 2813 STEDMAN (Capt. J. G.) Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana, or the Wild Coast of South America, from 1772 to 1777, with History of that Country and productions. 2 vols. 4to, portrait, maps, and numerous plates of Natural History, calf neat. 18s 1796 2814 STEDMAN S Surinam. Another Edition. 2 vols. 4to, portrait, maps, &c., new half russia, gilt tops. 1. 4s half calf, uncut. 1. Is 1806 2815 STEDMAN. Surinam. Another Edition. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, plates, &c. , half calf. 1 6s 1813 2816 STEDMAN (G.) History of the Origin, Progress, and Termina tion of the American War. 2 vols. 4to, maps and plates, boards. 3. 3s calf neat. 2. 15s half calf . 2. 14s 1794 2817 STEDMAN S American War. Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, leather backs, edges uncut. 15s Dublin, 1794 2818 STEPHEN (James) Slavery of the British West India Colonies, delineated as it exists both in Law and Practice, and compared with Slavery of other Countries, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, 5s 1824-30 2819 STEPHENS (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo, full of plates, cloth. 16s 1842 2820 STERNE (Henry) Statement of Facts respecting Grievances of a most serious tendency committed upon him under the Adminis tration of the Marquis of Sligo, the late Governor, and Sir Joshua Rowe, Lord Chief Justice of the Island of Jamaica, with a printed key. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1837 2821 STEUBEN. Life of Fred. Will Von Steuben, Major General in the Revolutionary Army, by F. Kapp, with Introduction by Bancroft. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s 6d New York, 1859 2822 STEVENS (Henry) Bibliotheca Historica, or a Catalogue of 5000 volumes of Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of North and South America, among which are included the larger proportion of the extraordinary library of the late HENRY STEVENS, Senior, Barnet Vt. Founder and first President of the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society, edited with an Introduction and Notes by Henry Stevens, G.M.B.,* F.S.A., &c. Sold by auction by Leonard & Co., at Boston, April 5th to 8th, 1870. 8vo, FINE PAPER, cloth. 12s 6d Boston, I860 2823 STEVENSON S (D.) Sketch of the Civil Engineering of North America. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s calf. 5s 1838 * A great master in Bibliography. A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 191 2824 STEVENSON S (W. B.) Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years Residence in South America (Arauco, Chili, Peru, and Columbia). 3 vols. 8vo, plates, new half calf gilt. 12s 1825 2825 STEWART (John) Bogota in 1836-7, being a Narrative of an Expedition to the Capital of New Grenada, and a Residence there of Eleven months. 12mo, doth 3s New York, 1838 2826 STEWART (C. S.) A Visit to the South Seas (including scenes in the Brazil, &c.) 12mo, portrait, doth. 2s Gd 1832 2827 STEWART S (C. S.) Brazil and La Plata, the Personal Record of a Cruise. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1856 2828 STIGLIANI (Tomaso) Del Hondo nuovo, Venti primi Cariti. 12mo, half russia, good dean copy, rare. 1. Is Piacenza, 1617 2829 STIRLING. Life of Alexander, Earl of Stirling, Major General in the Army of the U. States during the Revolution, with selec tions from his Correspondence, by his Grandson, Wm. Alex. Duer, LL.D. 8vo, portrait and plates, doth. Is Gd New York, 1847 2830 STIRLING (Earl of) His Narrative of the Oppressive Law Pro ceedings against him by Government, followed by an Historical View of the Earl of Stirling s Hereditary Possessions in Nova Scotia, Canada, &c., by E. Lockhart. 4to, privately printed, brds. 5s 1836 2831 STIRLING TITLE. Report of the Trial of Alexander Humphreys, or Alexander claiming the Title of Earl of Stirling before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, for Forgery, with Appendix of Papers on Nova Scotia, &c. 8vo, large fold ing fac-similes, doth. 6s Qd Edinb. 1833 2832 STITH S (W.) History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. 8vo, slightly spotted, and the word "the" top of the title supplied in MS., new calf, elegant gilt leaves. 3. 5s Williamsburg, 1747 2833 STODDARD (Major Amos) Sketches Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana. 8vo, boards. 6s neat. 7s 6d Philadelphia, 1812 2834 STOKES (Ant., Chief Justice of Georgia) View of the Constitu tions of the British Colonies at the time the Civil War broke out. 8vo,neat. 4s half calf . 3s 6d 1783 2835 STONE (W. L.) Life and Times of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red Jacket. Royal 8vo, portrait and plates, cloth. 7s Qd New York, 1841 2836 STONE S (W. L.) Matthias and his Impostures, or the Progress . : of Fanaticism, illustrated in the Extraordinary Case of Robert Matthias and his Followers. 12mo, cloth. 3s New York, 1835 2836* STORK S (W.) Description of East Florida, with a Journal kept by John Bartram, of Philadelphia, upon a Journey from St. Augustine s, up the river St. John s to the Lakes. 8vo, map, neat. 9s (1766) 2837 STORK & BARTRAM. Another Edition, Capt. P. Pittman s Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi, 1769. In 1 vol. 4to, maps and plates, fine copies, in old calf gilt, from the Marquis of Hastings Library. 1. 5s 1770 192 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2838 STOEY (Judge) Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, with preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the adoption of the Constitu tion. 3 vols. 8vo, law calf. 15s 1833 2839 STORY. Life and Letters of Joseph Story, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, edited by his Son. 2 thick vols. 8vo, new doth. 8s 6d 1851 2840 STORY S (Dr. Joseph) Miscellaneous Writings, Literary, Critical, Juridical, and Political. Royal 8vo, doth. 4s Qd Boston, 1835 2841 STORY (Thos.) Journal of his Life and Remarkable Convince- ment of embracing the principles of Truth, as held by the People called Quakers, and also his Travels and Labours in the service of the Gospel. Folio, calf neat. 12s Newcastle upon Tyne, 1747 Nineteen years of his Life were spent in Pennsylvania, Boston, Phila delphia, Barbadoes, and Jamaica. He was a particular friend of Win. Penn, who made him his Deputy in Pennsylvania. 2842 STOWELL & WILSON. History of the Puritans in England and the Pilgrim Fathers. Post 8vo, frontispiece, new half calf gilt, marbled leaves. 4s Qd 1849 2843 STRACHAN S (Jas.) Visit to the Province of Upper Canada. 8vo, boards. 2s 1820 2844 STRACHEY (William) Historie of Travaile into Virginia, ex pressing the Cosmographie and Commodities of the Country, together with the Manners and Customs of the People. 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 10s 6d Hakluyt Society, 1849 2845 STRAIN (Lieut. J. G.) Mountain and Plain, Sketches of a Jour ney in Chili, and the Argentine Provinces in 1849. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s New York, 1853 2846 STRICKLAND S History of the American Bible Society. Royal 8vo, portrait of Dr. Ellas Boudinot, the first President, cloth. 3s 6d New York, 1849 2847 STRICKLAND (Major) Twenty-Seven Years in Canada West, or the Experience of an Early Settler, edited by Agnes Strick land. 2 vols. post 8vo, doth. 5s half calf gilt. 6s 6d 1853 2848 STRONG (Nathan, Pastor in Hartford) The Doctrine of Eternal Misery, reconcileable with the infinite Benevolence of God, and a Truth plainly asserted in the Christian Scriptures. 8vo, calf neat, scarce. 6s Hartford, 1796 2849 STUART (James) Three Years in North America. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf. 5s Qd SECOND EDITION, boards. 4s 6d half calf gilt. 5s Qd THIRD EDITION, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1833 2850 STURGE (Joseph) Visit to the United States, 8vo, doth. 2s 6d 1842 2851 STURGE AND HARVEY. The West Indies in 1837, being the Journal of a Visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, to ascertain the actual condition of the Negro Population of those Islands. 8vo, map, cloth. 3s 1838 2852 SUGAR. Agricola s Letter and Essays on Sugar Farming in Jamaica, by W. F. Whitehouse. 8vo, doth. 4s Jamaica, printed 1845 2853 SUGAR TRADE. Candid and Impartial Considerations of the Sugar Trade of the West Indies, with the value and consequence A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 193 of St. Lucia and Granada, maps, 1763 Conduct of the late Administration Examined, with Appendix of Authentic Docu ments (relating to N. America), 1767. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 5s 6d 2854 SUMMARY View of America, the result of Observations and Inquiries during a Journey in the United States. By an English man (Isaac Candler). Svo, boards. 2s half calf. 3s 1824 2855 SUMMARY View of the Rights of British America, set forth in some Resolutions intended for the Inspection of the Present Delegates of the People of Virginia now in Convention. By a Native and Member of the House of Burgesses. Svo, half calf. 6s 1774 2856 SURINAM. Description du Pipa, ou Crapeau Aquatil de Surinam, qui engendre ses petits, par le dos, et qui semble les en faire clore avec une courte Description des Grenouilles, contems dans le Cabinet de Levinus Vincent. 4to, with Latin text, 2 plates, cloth. 6s Haarlem, 1726 Omitted by all American Bibliographers. 2857 SURINAM. Conduct of the Dutch relating to their breach of Treaties with England, particularly their breach of the Articles of Capitulation for the Surrender of Surinam in 1667, and their Oppressions committed upon the English Subjects in that Colony, with full Account of the Case of Jeronimy Clifford, Merchant and Planter of Surinam. 8vo, calf. 6s 1760 2858 SURPRISING Accounts of the Revival of Religion in the United States of America. 8vo, calf. 2s Qd 1802 2859 SUTCLIFFE (Thos., Gov. of Juan Fernandez) Sixteen Years in Chili and Peru, from 1822 to 1839. Svo, plates, cloth. 6s 1839 2860 SUTCLIFF (Robert, a Quaker) Travels in some parts of North America, in the years 1804, 5, and 1806. 12mo, plates, boards. 2s 6d York, 1815 2861 SUTHERLAND (Dr. P. C.) Journal of a Voyage in Baffin s Bay and Barrow Straits, in the years 1850, 1, under the Com mand of Mr. W. Penny, in Search of the missing Crews of H.M. Ships Erebus and Terror (with the Natural History). 2 vols. post 8vo, maps and plates, cloth. 10s 6d (pub. at 1. 8s) 1852 2862 SUTHERLAND S (Geo.) Geography and Natural and Civil History of Prince Edward Island. 12mo, cloth. Is 6d Charlotte Town, 1861 2863 SWAN (Col.) Causes qui se sont opposees aux Progres du Com merce entre la France et les Etats Unis de 1 Amerique, traduit stir le Manuscrit Anglais. Svo, calf. 3s Paris, 1790 2864 SWARTZ (0.) Observationes Botanicse quibus Plantse India? Occidentalis. Svo, plates, uncut. 4s 6d Erlanc/ce, 1791 2865 SWARTZ (0.) Floras Indise Occidentalis aucta atque illustrate, sive Descriptiones Plantarum in Prodromo recensitarum, 3 vols. 8vo, sewed. 12s Erlangce, 1797 2866 SYDENHAM (Charles Lord) Memoirs of his Life, with Narrative of his Administration in Canada, edited by G. Poulett Scrope. Svo, portrait, doth. 5s half morocco. 6s 1843 194 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2867 HRALBOT S (E. A.) Five Years Residence in the Canadas. 2 vols 1 Svo, plates, boards. 3s Qd 1824 2868 TALBOT. Another copy. 2 vols, plates, new half calf, gilt 6s 1724 2869 TALBOT S (Capt. Silas, of Rhode Island) Life and surprising Adventures in the Revolutionary War. 12mo, half morocco, uncut, gilt top. 7s 6d London, n.d. 2870 TALES of Glauber-Spa, by several American Authors. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 3s New York, 1833 2871 TALLACK S (W.) Sketches of the Society of Friends in America. Post 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1861 2872 TALLEYRAND Memoire sur les Relations Commerciales des Etats Unis avec 1 Angleterre. 8vo, half calf . 2s 1805 2873 TALLEYRAND Another Edition. 8vo, calf gilt. 2s Qd 1808 2874 TALVI Geschichte der Colonisation von Neu England von den Ersten Niederlassungen daselbst im Jahre 1607 bis zur Einfuh- rung der Provinzialverfassung von Massachusetts im Jahre 1692. Thick 8vo, map. 6s Leipzig, 1847 2875 TAMAI DE VARGAS (Don Thorns) Restauracion de la Ciudad del Salvador, i Baia de todos sanctos en la Provincia del Brasil, por las armas del Philippe IV., Rey de la Espanas i Indias. 4to, GOOD COPY, Spanish calf, rare. 2. 12s Qd En Madrid, 1628 2876 TANNER S Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of the United States. 8vo, maps, &c., cloth. 3s New York, 1840 2877 TANNER S (H. S.) Index to his Sheet Map of the United States 12mo, cloth. Is Qd Philadephia, n.d. 2878 TANNER S (John) Narrative of Thirty Years Captivity and Adventures among the Indians, edited by Edwin James, 8vo, portrait, boards. 6s New York, 1830 2879 TAPPAN (David) Letters on Jewish Antiquities, delivered at the Harvard University, Cambridge, N.E., in 1802 and 1803. 8vo, boards. 3s 1807 2880 TARLETON (Lt.-Col.) History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. 4to, plans, half calf. l.-u-hole calf. 1. 4s 1787 2881 TARLETON Another copy. 4to, maps, calf neat, (stained). 13s Qd 1787 2882 TARLETON S History, &c., Another Edition, 8vo, calf. 6s. Dublin, 1787 2883 TATE (Robt.) Practical Treatise upon Useful Subjects, viz., an Effectual Method to Augment Small Livings Scheme for Relief of the South Sea Sufferers, with Proposals to buy Lands in America, and List of the Archbishops, Bishops, &c., in the Spanish West Indies. 4to, half mwocco. 9s 1732 2884 TAYLOR S (J. Glanville) United States and Cuba, Eight Years of Travel. Portrait, 8vo, cloth. 3s 1851 2885 TAYLOR (Bayard) Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire, Voyage to California, via Panama, Life in San Francisco, Pictures of the Gold Regions, and Experiences of Mexican Travel. 2 vols., 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1850 2886 Another Edition. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1850 2887 TAYLOR (John, of Caroline, Virginia) New Views of the Consti tution of the United States. 8vo, cf. 4s PTash., for the Author, 1823 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 195 2888 TAYLOR (John) Selections from the Works of the Baron de Humboldt, relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, and Mines of Mexico, with notes. 8vo, frontispiece and map, boards. 3s Qd A FINE PAPER COPY, boards. 4s Qd 1824 2889 TAYLOR, Account of the Labours, Travels, and Perils of John Taylor (a Quaker of York from 1656 to 1705 in New England, West Indies, &c.) Small 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1710 2890 TEMPLE S (Edmond) Travels in various parts of Peru, including a Year s Residence in Potosi. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 5s half calf gilt. 9s 1830 2891 TEMPLE (Edmond) Travels in Peru. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, poor copy, boards. 3s 1830 2892 TEMPSKY (G. F. von) Mitla, a Journal of Incidents and Per sonal Adventures in Mexico, Guatemala, and Salvador. 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. 6s calf extra, m. I. 9s 1858 2893 TENNENT (Gilbert Minister of the Gospel at New Brunswick in New Jersey) The Necessity of holding fast the Truth, represented in Three Sermons preached at New York, with Appendix relating to Errors lately vented by some Moravians in those parts. 8vo, good copy in old calf. 1. 2s Boston, 1743 2894 TENNENT (Gilbert Minister of the Gospel in Philadelphia) Dis courses on several Important subjects. 8vo, old calf. 7s Qd. Philadelphia, IF. Bradford, 1745 2895 TENNEY (W. J.) Military and Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States, with Biographical sketches of deceased officers. Thick royal 8vo, maps, portraits, and plates, some coloured, cloth. 8s Qd New York, 1866 2896 TERRY (Dr. A. R.) Travels in the Equatorial Region of South America in 1732. 12mo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s Qd Hartford, 1834 2897 TESTAMENT Politique de 1 Angleterre. 12mo, half calf. 5s Philadelphia 1780 2898 TEVET (Andrea) Historia dell India America detta altramente Francia Antartica, tradotta di Francese in Lingua Italiana da M. Giuseppe Horologgi. Small 8vo, (stained but sound), vellum. 1. Is Another half morocco. <!. 2s Vinegia, 1561 2899 TEVET. Another Edition, Small 8vo, good sound Copy, new half morocco. 1. 10s Fenetia, 1584 2900 TEXAS in 1840, or the Emigrant s Guide to the New Republic, the result of Observation, Enquiry and Travel in that beautiful Country, with Introduction, by Rev. A. B. Lawrence. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 2s Qd New York, 1840 2901 THATCHER (B. B.) Indian Biography of the Distinguished among the North American Natives, as Orators, Warriors, States men, &c. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. Qs New York, 1832 2902 THACHER (James) History of the Town of Plymouth, from its first Settlement in 1620 to the present time, with a concise History of the Aborigines of New England, and their Wars with the English. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Boston, 1835 2903 THAYER An Account of the Conversion of the Rev. Mr. John Thayer, lately a Protestant Minister at Boston, in North America, written by himself (in English and Portuguese). 12mo neat. 5s Lisbon, 1788 196 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2904 THE AMERICAN Military Pocket Atlas, an approved Collection of correct Maps of the British Colonies, especially those that are or may be the Theatre of War, viz., North America, West Indies, Northern, Middle, and Southern Colonies, Lake Champlain. Folio, leather cover. 10s London, 1776 2905 THE PAMPHLET, entitled "Taxation no Tyranny," candidly considered, and its arguments and pernicious doctrines exposed and refuted. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d N. I). 2906 THINGS as they are, or Notes of a Traveller through some of the Middle and Northern States. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s New York, 1834 2907 THOME AND KIMBALL Six Months Tour in Antigua, Bar- badoes, and Jamaica, in 1837. 8vo, map, boards. 2s New York, 1838 2908 THOMAS (Gabriel) Historical aud Geographical Account of the Province and country of Pensilvania, and of West New Jersey, in America, 1698. 8vo, fac simile reprint, map new and elegant, calf extra, gilt edges. 15s 1848 2909 THOMAS (Pascoe) True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas and round the Globe, under Commodore Anson. 8vo, calf gilt. 5s 1745 2910 THOMPSON S (Lieut.-Col. Geo.) War in Paraguay, with a His torical Sketch of the Country and its People. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s Pub. at 12s 1869 2911 THOMSON (John Lewis) Historical Sketches of the late War between The United States and Great Britain. 12mo, map and plates, half bound, 4s Philadelphia, 1816 2912 THOMSON (James) Letters on the Moral and Eeligious state of South America, during a residence of nearly seven years in Buenos Ayres, Chili, Peru, and Colombia. 12mo, boards. 3s 1827 2913 THOMPSON (G. A.) Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala from Mexico. 12mo, map, boards. 4s 6d 1829 2914 THOMPSON (Waddy, Envoy Extraordinary from the United States) Recollections of Mexico. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1846 2915 THOMPSON S (Z.) History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical, in three parts, with an Appendix. Very thick vol, Royal 8vo, many engravings, half calf . 9s Burlington, 1853 2916 THORESBY. Narrative of God s Love to William Thoresby, including his Voyage to Newfoundland, and Spiritual Labours there, &c. 12mo, boards. 3s 6d Redruth, 1801 2917 THORPE (T. B.) Our Army on the Rio Grande. 8vo, 26 illustra tions, half bound. 3s Philadelphia, 1846 2918 THORPE (T. B.) Our Army at Monterey. 8vo, map, &c., half bound. 3s Philadelphia, 1847 2919 TIELE (P. A) M6moire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Navigateurs Neederlandais, reimprimes dans les Collections de De Bry et . de Hulsins, et dans les Collections Hollandaises du XVIIe Siecle, et sur les Anciennes Editions Hollandaises des Journaux de Navigateurs Etrangers, la plupart en la possession de Frederik Muller, avec Table de Voyages, etc. Imperial 8vo, facsimile, PRINTED ON THICK PAPER, half bound, uncut. 2. 2s. Amsterdam, 1867 A most valuable bibliography of Dutch Navigation. A. JR. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 197 2920 THOEESBY S (Ralph) Ducatus, Leodiensis, or the Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds, in Yorkshire, with Pedigrees of many of the Nobility and Gentry. Folio, portrait, map, plates, and pedigrees, old calf, A VERY INTERESTING COPY from the parti culars given in the following note. 15. 15s London, 1715 This copy of Thoresby s Ducatus Leodicnsis, 1715, was bought by me at the sale of the effects of a Mrs. Fairfax, a widow lady, who died at her house in Landsown Place East, Bath, in or about 1812. She was the widow of a member of the family of Fairfax, settled in Vir ginia, who were descended of the Fairfaxes of Yorkshire, and to whom descended the title of Lord Fairfax. With it were various papers of the Virginia Fairfaxes, some of which came into my possession at the same sale, which was by auction. It appears that this copy of Thoresby, in which is an account of their family, had been taken with them to America at the time of their emigra tion. At p. 69 are a few MS. Notes in continuation of the Pedigree, and there are also a few slight notes by the same hand to the Pedigree of G-ale, at p. 204, a family who had been one of them a Judge of the Admiralty in North Carolina. When originally bound, blank leaves were introduced at the beginning and close of the volume, apparently for the purpose of annotation, but they have been devoted to quite another purpose, and it i% from this that the present copy obtains its peculiar interest. It is, in fact, an Album (PERHAPS THE ONLY AMERICAN ALBUM IN EXISTENCE). The names (about 100) appear to be those of persons who visited the Fairfax family from about 1725 to 1757, each of whom has added a motto. Among the names we find Gale, Lawrence Washington, Pigott, Wolcott, Robinson, and the Fairfaxes. Some are of people from England. More particularly the Lady at whose sale the book was bought was Sarah, the daughter of Wilson Carey, of Rich Nick, in Virginia (Warwick County) widow of George William Fairfax, born 2nd Jan. 1723-4, at New Providence, who lived in Virginia. He was son of William Fair fax, who was President of the Council in Virginia, son of Henry Fairfax, of Tolston, in the County of York, Esq., England. George William died in 1717. His younger brother, Bryan Fairfax, became by descent the 8th Baron Fairfax, of Cameron, succeeding his cousins Thomas, the 6th Lord Fairfax, and Robert, the 7th Lord, both of whom resided in Virginia. These two Lord Fairfaxes were sons of Thomas, the 5th Lord Fairfax, of Cameron, who died in 1710, brothers of Henry Fairfax, of Tolston, before- mentioned. JOSEPH HUNTER, Torrington Square, Dec. 27, 1847. T he above account of this remarkable book is copied from the fly-leaf, and was written by Rev. Jos. Hunter, the eminent and much-respected Antiquary, Genealogist, and Historian, who died in 1861. 2921 TIMBERLAKE. Memoirs of Lieutenant Timberlake, who accom panied the three Cherokee Indians to England in the year 1762, containing whatever was remarkable or worthy of notice during his Travels to and from that Nation, wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs of the Inhabitants are authentically described, also the principal Occurrences during their residence in London. Svo, map and plate, half morocco, uncut. 1. 5s Another copy, map, but no plate, calf neat. 18s 1765 2922 TIZZARD (Samuel) The New Athenian Oracle, or Ladies Com panion, containing an extraordinary variety of Questions in Prose, on Moral, Philosophical, and other subjects, also a num ber of curious Mathematical Questions with Answers and Solu tions, Rebuses, Charades, &c., with an Address to the Ladies of Columbia. Svo, half calf, (a leaf torn). 5s Carlisle, Pa., 1806 198 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2923 TOBACCO. Storia distincta e curiosa del Tobacco concernenti la sua scoperta, introduziono in Europa con osservazioni sopra il medesimo. 8vo, plate, boards, bs Ferrara, 1758 2924 TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis de) De la Democratie en Amerique. 2 vols. 8vo, map, calf, marbled edges. 5s Paris, 1835 2925 TOCQUEVILLE, (Alexis de) De la Democratie en Amerique. 3 vols. 12mo, large folding map, doth. 6s Bruxelles, 1835 2926 TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis de) Democracy in America, translated by Henry Reeve. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf , (no map). 12s 1835 2927 TOCQUEVILLE. Another. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, last edition. 14s 1862 2928 TOLLENS. L Hivernage des Hollandais a la Nouvelle-Zemble 1596-97, traduite par Clavareau. 4to, plates, boards. 3s. Maastricht, 1832 2929 TOM THUMB. Life of Charles S. Stratton, the American Man in Miniature, with extracts . and cuttings from Newspapers, &c. 12mo, boards. 2s Qd 1844 2930 TONTI (Chev.) Account of Mons. de la Salle s last Expedition and Discoveries in North America. 8vo, old calf. 12s 1698 2931 TORQUEMADA (Juan de) Monarchia Indiane con el origen y guerras Indios Occidentales de sus poblaciones descubrimiento conquista conversion y otras cosas maravillosas de la mesma tierra. 3 vols. folio, engraved titles, fine copy, limp vellum. 4. 14s Qd Madrid, 1723 2932 TORQUEMADA. 3 vols. folio, good copy, Spanish calf. 4. 4s ib. 1723 2933 TORQUEMADA, Monarchia Indiana, vols. 1 and 3 (title wanting to vol. 3), folio vellum. 15s ib. 1723 This History is without question the most complete, in respect to the Antiquity of Mexico, of any hitherto published. Clairigero. 2934 TORRENTE (Don Mariano) Bosquejo Economico Politico de las Isla de Cuba. 2 vols. 8vo, sewed. 7s 6d Habana, 1852-3 2935 TORRENTE Politica Ultramarina que abraza todos los puntos referentes a las Relaciones de Espana con los Estados Unidos con la Inglaterra y las Antillas, y senaldamento con la Islas de Santo Domingo. 8yo, sewed. 5s Madrid, 1854 2936 TORREY S American Slave Trade, shewing the Slave Dealers take Free People from some of the States, and sell them for Slaves in others. 12mo. plates, boards. 2s 1822 2937 TOWNSHEND (J. K.) Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Moun tains, including a Journey to the Columbia River, and Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chile, &c. 2 vols. post 8vo, frontispiece, boards. 5s London, 1840 2938 TOWNSHEND S (Capt. F. French) Ten Thousand Miles of Tra vel, Sport and Adventure (in U.S. Canada, Far West, Rocky Mountains, California, &c.) 8vo, doth. 4s Qd (published at 15s) 1869 2939 TOWNSEND (Shippie) Gospel News, divided into eleven sections, with Psalms, Hymns, and Songs. 8vo, good clean copy, half calf. 15s Boston, Printed for the Writer, 1794 2940 TRACTS relative to the Aborigines, (Canadian Indians, &c.,) published by direction of the Meeting for Sufferings. 8vo, doth. 2s 1843 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 199 2941 TRACY (Joseph) The Great Awakening, a History of the Kevival of Religion in the time of Edwards and Whitefteld. 8vo, por traits, cloth. 6s Boston, 1842 2942 TRAITS of American Indian Life and Character, by a Fur Trader. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1853 2943 TRANSACTIONS of the New York State Agricultural Society, Vol. V. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s Qd Albany, 1846 2944 TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute on Agriculture for 1843. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2s 2945 TRAPHAM (Dr. Thomas) Discourse of the State of Health in the Island of Jamaica, with the Customs and Manner of Living. Small 8vo, calf. 6s 1679 2946 TRAVELS of several learned Jesuit Missioners into India, China, and America. 8vo, Jialf calf. 4s6d m 1714 2947 TRAVELS of Capts. Lewis and Clarke, from St. Louis, by the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, to the Pacific, compiled from the Official Communication of Capt. Lewis. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d half calf. 3s whole calf . 3s Qd 1809 2948 TREATY for the Composing of Differences and Establishing of Peace in America between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain. 4to, half morocco. 5s 1670 2949 TREMENHEERE (Hugh Seymour) Notes on public Subjects, made during a Tour in the United States and in Canada. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 4s 6d (pub. at 10s Qd) 1852 2950 TREMENHEERE S Constitution of the United States compared with England. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s Qd London, 1854 2951 TRIAL of the Right Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Bishop of New York, on a presentment made by the Bishops of Virginia, Tenessee, and Georgia. New York, 1845. Report of the Com mittee appointed to consider the sentence upon the Right Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk. ib. Facts connected with the present ment of Bishop Onderdonk, by John Jay. ib. 1845. Progress of Puseyism, a Review of the Apologies of Dr. Seabury and Mr. Haight for the ordination of Mr. Arthur Carey, by a Churchman. ib. 1843. Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church assembled in a general convention, ib. 1845. In one thick vol. 8vo, cloth. Qs 2952 TRIAL of Lieut.-Col. Cockburne, late Governor of the Island of St. Eustatius, for the Loss of the said Island. 4to, half calf. 4s Qd 1783 2953 TRIAL of Robert M. Goodwin for killing James Stoughton, Esq., in Broadway, New York. 8vo, boards. 3s Qd New York, 1820 2954 TRIAL of Lucretia Chapman, who was jointly indicted with Lino Amalia Espos y Mina, for the Murder of W. Chapman, Esq., of Andalusia, Pa. by W. E. Bois. Svo, boards. 5s Philadelphia, 1832 2955 TRIALS of P. M. S. Wallace and M. S. S. Wallace, for wilfully destroying the Brig Dryad, off Cuba, with intent to Defraud the Marine Assurance Companies and Underwritters. Svo, cloth. 3s 1841 2956 TRIAL of Pedro de Zulueta, Jim., on a charge of Slave Trading, and Documents illustrative of the Case. Large Svo, privately printed, cloth. 3s 1841 200 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2957 TRIAL of Thomas 0. Selfridge, Attorney-at-Law, for Killing Charles Austin on the Public Exchange in Boston. 8vo, boards, stained. 2s Qd 1806 2958 TRIAL at Large of General Whitelocke, late Commander of the Forces in South America (at Buenos Ayres). Thick 8vo, plates, half russia. 9s 1808 2959 TROLLOPE (Anthony) The West Indies and Spanish Main. 8vo, map, new half calf. 4s Qd 1859 cloth. 3s 1860 2960 TROLLOPE S (Anthony) North America. 2 vols. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 12s (pub. at 30s) 1862 2961 TROLLOPE S (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the Americans. 2 vols. post 8vo, the edition with caricature plates, cloth. 6s 1832 2962 TROLLOPE (Mrs.) Another edition. 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd 1839 2963 TROLLOPE (Mrs.) The Refugee in America, a Novel. 3 vols. 12mo, new half calf gilt. 6s 1836 2964 TROTT (Dr. Nicholas, Chief Justice of S. Carolina) Laws of the British Plantations in America, relating to the Church and Clergy, Religion and Learning. Folio, fine copy of this rare and important work, calf neat. 3. 3s London, 1721 2965 TROTTER (A.) Observations on the Financial position and Credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have con tracted Public Debts. 8vo, map, cloth. 3s 1849 2966 TROUP (Robert) Letter to the Hon. B. Livingstone, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, on the Lake Canal Policy of the States of New York with Supplement and additional Documents. 8vo, half morocco. 3s Albany, 1822 2967 TRUE and Impartial Account of the Rise and Progress of the South Sea Company, wherein the Assiento Contract is particu larly considered, by a Gentleman now resident in Jamaica. 8vo, boards, 5s 1743 2968 TRUE STATE of the present difference between the Royal African Company and the separate Traders, showing the irregu larities and impositions of the Joint Stock Managers, &c. 4to, cloth, 6s 1710 It contains some curious particulars of the Slave Trade with the American Plantations. 2969 TRUMBULL (John, the Painter) Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters, 1756 to 1841. Thick 8vo, many interesting plates of Boston, Ticonderaga, Indians, &c. t boards. 6s Qd 1841 2970 TRUMBULL S (Dr. Benj.) History of Connecticut. Vol. 1, 1630 1713. Thick 8vo, map and portraits, neat and clean. 1. 5s Hartford, 1797 2971 TRUXILLO (Fr. Manuel Maria) Exhortacion Pastoral avisos im- portantes y reglamentos utiles que para la mejor observancia de la disciplina regular e ilustracion de la Literatura en todas las Provincias y Colegios Apostolicos de America y Filipinas. 4to, old calf. 7s Qd Madrid (Ibarra), 1786 2972 TSCHUDI (Dr. J. J. Von) Travels in Peru in the years 1838-42 on the Coast, in the Sierra across the Cordilleras and the Andes into the Primeval Forest. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. Qs (pub. at 14s) 1847 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 201 2973 TUCKER (Geo.) Life of Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, with parts of his correspondence never before published. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, doth. 7s Qd 1837 2974 TUCKER (Josiah, Dean of Gloucester] Cui bono ? or an enquiry what benefits can arise to the English, or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the greatest Victories or Suc cesses in the present War. 8vo, calf. 2s Qd 1781 2975 TUCKER (Josiah, Dean of Gloucester) Four Tracts, with two Sermons on Political and Commercial Subjects, chiefly with respect to the American War. 8vo, half calf. 3s ivhole calf. 4s 1774 2976 TUCKER S Four Tracts. 8vo, half calf gilt. 4s 1776 2977 TUCKER S (Dean) Four Tracts oh Political and Commercial Subjects (chiefly ivith regard to America), 3rd Edition, 1776 Tucker s Tract V., the Respective Pleas and Arguments of the Mother Country and of the Colonies, 1775 Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775, Lond., Almon, 1776 Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America, being an Answer to the Declaration of Congress, 1776. In 1 vol. 8vo, very neat. Ss Qd V.Y. 2978 TUCKER S (Dean) Four Tracts, 1774 Tract V., the Pleas and Arguments of the Mother Country and the Colonies, 1775 Humble Address to the Landed Interest, whether a connection with, or a separation from the Colonies of America be of the most lasting benefit, 1775. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 5s 2979 TUCKER. Humble Address and Earnest Appeal as to a connec tion with or separation from the Continental Colonies of America. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1775 2980 TUCKER (Dean) Series of Answers to Popular Objections against separating from the Rebellious Colonies, and discarding them entirely. 8vo, boards. 2s Qd 1776 2981 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.) America and her Commentators, with a critical Sketch of Travels in the United States. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s New York, 1864 2982 TUDOR (Henry) Narrative of a Tour in North America, com prising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, United States, and British Colonies, with Excursion to the Island of Cuba. 2 vols. post 8vo, half bound. 4s 1834 2983 TUDOR (Wm.) Letters on the Eastern States (of America). 8vo, boards. 4s calf gilt, marbled leaves.. 5s Boston, 1821 2984 TURELL. Memoirs of the Life and Death of the Pious and Ingenious Mrs. Jane Turell, who died at Medford (Mass.), March 26, 1735, setat. 27, by her Consort Rev. Ebenezer Turell, Pastor of the Church at Medford, to which are added two Ser mons, the Lord s Day after the Funeral by her Father Benjamin Colman, D.D. 12 mo, calf. 10s Qd 1741 2985 TURNBULL S (D.) Travels in Cuba, with Notices of Porto Rico. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s half calf gilt. 6s 6d 1840 2986 TWO Months in the Confederate States. By an English Mer chant. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd 1863 2987 TYLOR (Edw. B.) Anahuac, or Mexico and the Mexicans. 8vo, map and coloured plates, cloth. Qs Gd (pub. at 12s) 1861 25 202 Books relating to America, on Sale by 2988 TYNG- S Memoirs of Rev. Dr. Bedell of Philadelphia. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1835 2989 TYSON (P. T.) Geology and Industrial Resources of California. 8vo, maps, cloth. 5s Baltimore, 1851 2990 TTLLOA (Ant. de) Noticias Americanas sobre la America U Meridional y la Septentrional Oriental comparacion general de los Teritorios, Climas, y produciones en las tres Especies, Vegetales, Animales, y Minerales, sobre la Lengua y sobre el modo en que pasaron los primeros Pobladores. 4to, a highly esteemed work, calf. 9s Madrid, 1772 2991 ULLOA. Another Edition, small 4to, Spanish calf. 12s vellum. 10s ib. 1792 2992 UMFREVILLE S (Edw.) Present State of Hudson s Bay, contain ing a full description of that Settlement and adjacent country, and an account of the Fur Trade, and specimen of five Indian Languages. 8 TT o, boards. 3s Qd half calf. 4s whole calf. 4s 6d 1790 2993 UNITARIAN TRACTS Constitution of the first Society of Unitarian Christians in the City of Philadelphia, 1807 Right, Duty and Importance of Free Inquiry in matters of Religion, Philadelphia, 1807 Carlisle (Edmund, Bishop of) Reflections on the Life and Character of Christ, Philadelphia, 1808, and two others. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 6s 2994 UNITED STATES and England, being a reply to the Criticism on Inchiquin s Letters, contained in the Quarterly Review for January, 1814. 8vo, calf. 2s New York, 1815 2995 UPHAM (Chas. W.) Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a his tory of the delusion at Salem in 1692. 12mo. boards. 4s Boston, 1831 2996 URING (Capt. Nath.) History of his Voyages and Travels (New foundland, Virginia, New England, Campeachy, Carolina, Bay of Honduras, West India Islands, &c.), folding maps, (a plate want ing), 1726 Relation of the late intended Settlement of the Islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, in America, in right of the Duke of Montagu, in the year- 1722, folding maps, 1725. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf neat. 12s 2997 URQUINAONA Y PARDO (Don Pedro de) Relacion documen- tada del Origen y Progresos de Trastorno de las Provincias de Venezuela, hasta la Exonoracion del Capitan General Don Domingo, Monteverde, hecha en el mes de Diciembre de 1813, por la guaraicion de la plaza de Puerto Cabello. 4to, Spanish calf. 1. 4s Madrid, 1820 2998 TTAIL (Eugbne A.) De la Litterature, et des Hommes de Lettres Y des Etats-Unis d Amerique. 8vo, pp. 636, boards. 4s 6d Paris, 1841 2999 VANCOUVER (Capt. Geo.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World, in which the Coast of North- West America is carefully examined and surveyed. 3 vols. 4to, with the maps and plates folded to the same size, and uniformly bound in russia, gilt, A FINE SET. 2. 2s 1798 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 203 3000 VANCOUVER S Voyage to the North Pacific Ocean. 3 vols. 4to, (ivanting 2 or 3 plates,) accompanied with the Atlas, boards. 1. 105 1798 3001 VANCOUVER (C apt. George) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean. 6 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, boards, 12s half calf, gilt. 18s 1801 3002 VASTEY (Baron de) On the causes of the Revolution and Civil Wars of , Hay ti, a sequel to the Political Remarks upon certain French Publications concerning Hayti, translated from the French by W. H., M.B. 8vo, privately printed, boards. 6s Qd half calf. 7s6d Exeter, 1823 3003 VAUGHAN (Sir W.) The Golden Fleece, divided into three Parts, under which are Discovered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decays of the Kingdom, and lastly, the Wayes to get Wealth and to restore Trading, so much complained of, trans ported from Cambrioll Colches out of the Southermost part of the Island called Neivfoundland, by Orpheus Junior. 4to, with facsimile of the RARE folding MAP, good, clean, and sound copy, red morocco, extra, gilt leaves. 5. 5s 1626 3004 VAUX (Roberts) Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Benezet (the Quaker of Philadelphia, and one of the first Anti-Slave writers). Small 8vo, frontispiece, boards. 25 1817 3005^VEGA (Garcilaso de la) Commentarios reales de los Yncas del Peru. Second Part, first edition, folio (ivanting title), half calf. 10s Cordova, 1617 3006 VEGA S (Garcillasso de la) Royal Commentaries of Peru, treating of the original of their Incas or Kings, their Idolatry, Laws, Conquests, with many other particulars relating to their Empire before the Spaniards invaded their countries, also describing the manner by which that new world was conquered by the Spaniards, rendered into English by Sir Paul Rycaut. Folio, portrait and plates, neat. 1. Is 1688 Containing curious facts taken from the authors whose works were never published, and now lost. 3007 VEGA (Garcilasso de la) Histoires des Guerres Civiles des Espa- gnols dans les Indes, mise en Francois par I. Baudoin. Thick 4to, frontispiece, gaod clean copy, vellum. 15s a Paris, 1658 3008 VEGA (Garcilasso de la) Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espa- gnols dans les Indes entre les Pi^arres et les Almagres qui les avoient conquises, traduite par J. Baudoin. 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, old calf. 9s Another, fine copy, old calf gilt. 10s Amst. 1706 3009 VEGA (Garcilasso de la) Histoire des Yncas rois du Perou et 1 Histoire de la conquete de la Floride. 2 vols. 4to, plates by Picart, (tivo wanting in Vol. 1.), old calf gilt. 12s Artist. 1737 3010 VEGA (Garcilasso de la) Historia de la Florida. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf. 7sQd Madrid, 1803 3011 VEGA (Garcillasso de la) Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride, ou Relation de ce qui s est passe dans les decouverte de ce pays par Ferdinand de Soto. 2 vols. small 8vo, plates, seiced. 7s 6d calf. 7s Qd a Leide, 1731 204 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3012 VEITIA LINAGE (Joseph de) Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occiden tales. Folio, (wants a leaf in the Address to the Reader), calf. 10s 6d Seville, 1672 3013 VENEGAS (Miguel) Natural and Civil History of California, with accounts of the several Voyages and attempts made for Settling California, and taking actual surveys of that country, its Gulf, and Coast of the South Sea. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, calf neat. 14s 1759 3014 VENEZUELA. Cuerpo de Leyes, Decretos y Resoluciones san- cionadas por les Congressos de Venezuela en los anos 1830-42, con un Apendice que contiente las Leyes Juridiciales vigentes, expedidas por las legislaturas de Colombia y otras importantes. 5 vols. small 4to, neat. 1. 10s Caracas, 1833-43 3015 VERGENES (M., Ministre de Louis XVI.) Memoire Historique et Politique sur la Louisiane, et la Guyana. 8vo, portrait, half calf. 4s Qd whole calf. 5s 1802 3016 VEKPLANCK (Gulian C.) Anniversary Discourse delivered before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 7, 1818. 8vo, boards. 4s New York, 1818 Contains a glowing eulogium on Las Casas, also interesting particulars of the Pilgrim Fathers. 3017 VERPLANCK S (G. C.) Advantages and the Dangers of the American Scholar, a Discourse. 8vo, cloth. 2s New York, 1836 3018 VESPUCIUS. Ricerche Istorico, Critiche circa alle scoperte d Amerigo Vespucci, compitale da F. Bartolozzi. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 6s 6d Firenze, 1789 3019 VESPUCCI (Amerigo) Elogio di, con una Dissertazione Giusti- ficativa di questo celebre Navigatore del P. Stan. Canovai. 4to, half morocco, uncut. 12s Firenze, 1790 3020 VESPUCCIUS (Alb.) Von der new Gefunden Region. 4to, with woodcuts, a facsimile of the extremely rare original, half red morocco, extra 1. 11s 6d Nuremberg (about) 1505 3021 VESPUCCIUS. Vita e Lettere de Amerigo Vespucci, raccolte e illustrate dalF Ang. M. Bandini. 4to, frontispiece, half morocco, uncut edges. 7s 6d Firenze, 1745 3022 VESPUCCI (Amerigo) Viaggi con la Vita, 1 Elogio e la Disserta zione giustificativa di questo celebre Navigatore del S. Canovai. 8vo, port., uncut. 6s half morocco, uncut. 7s 6d Firenze, 1817 3023 VIEW of the Coasts, Countries, and Islands within the limits of the South Sea Company. 8vo, maps, by H, Moll, neat and clean. 5s 1711 3024 SECOND EDITION. 8vo, map, neat. 5s N.D. 3025 VIEWS of Society and Manners in America during the years 1818, 1819, and 1820. By an Englishwoman (Miss Wright, notorious for the Socialist doctrines she promulgated). 8vo, half calf, gilt. 3s 1821 3026 VIGNE S (G. T.) Six Months in America. 2 vols. post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 1832 3027 VIGNES (G. T.) Travels in Mexico and South America, (Nica ragua, Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Peru, &c.) 2 vols, post 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 5s (pub. at 21s) 1863 3028 VIGNOLE S (Charles) Observations upon the Floridas. 8vo, boards. 4s New York, 1823 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 205 3029 VILLAGUTIERRE SOTOMAYOR (Juan de) Historia de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza, reduccion y progresos de la de Lacandon y otras naciones de Indies barbaros, de la mediacion de el reino de Guatimala a las Provincias de Yuca tan en la America Septentrional ; Primera Parte. Thick folio, good copy, half morocco. 6. 6s Madrid, 1701 " With an engraved frontispiece of the Arms of Spain which is frequently wanting. This work, the second part of which was never published, appears to have been unknown to Meusel." Rich. From the Library of the Emperor Maximilian. 3030 VILLAVICENCIO (Manuel) Geografia de la Republica del Ecua dor. Thick 8vo, plates and maps. 10s 6d (pub. at 1. 7s) New York, 1858 3031 VINDICATION of the Rights of the Americans. 8vo, half morocco. 7s Qd London, (about 1765) Without date publisher s or printer s name, but issued about the time of the introduction of the Stamp Act, 1765, taking the unpopular side. Names and places are given by ; probably for fear of a prosecution. Omitted by Kich. 3032 VIRGINIA. Newes from Virginia (1610), a Poetical Tract des cribing the Adventures supposed to be referred to in Shake speare s Tempest. Reprinted from a copy believed to be unique. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. Square 12mo, 10 copies printed, half morocco, gilt top. 2. 5s 1865 3033 VIRGINIA. Relation of the Rt. Hon. the Lord de la Wane, Lord Governour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie planted in Virginia, 1611 A fac-simile Reprint of the rare original, only 50 impressions taken off, 4to, sewed. 5s 1859 3034 VIRGINIA. A Letter from W. A., a Minister in Virginia to his Friend T. B., Merchant, of Gracious-street, London, declaring the Advantages to those minded to Transport themselves thither. 4to, 8 pages, half morocco, rare. <4. 4s 1623 3035 VIRGINIA. Publick Good without Private Interest, or a Com pendious Remonstrance of the present Sad State and Conditions of the English Colonies in Virginia, 1657 4to, an admirable fac-simile reprint, new, half morocco, extra, edges uncut. 1 8s Vienna, 3036 VIRGINIA. A Song of Sion, by a Citizen thereof, whose out ward habitation is in Virginia, and being sent over to some of his Friends in England, the same is found fitting to be published for to warn the Seed of Evil Doers (by John Grave), with an additional Postscript from Another Hand. 4to, in verse, half morocco, curious and rare. 2. 2s 1662 3037 VIRGINIA. Account of the Present State and Government of Virginia, by Hartwell, Blair, and Chilton. 8vo, (wanting title and 2 leaves), calf. 5s 1727 3038 VIRGINIA. Brief Narrative of the Revival of Religion in Vir ginia, in Letters to a Friend signed Tho. Saunders, John Dickens, Deveroux Jarratt, and Tho. Rankin. 8vo, new half calf. 8s Qd 1779 3039 VIRGINIA. Observations sur la Virginie, par M. J * * * traduites de 1 Anglais. 8vo, large map, calf. 5s Paris, 1786 206 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3040 VIRGINIA CASES. A Collection of Cases decided by the General Court of Virginia, chiefly relating to the Penal Laws of the Commonwealth, 1794 to 1814, with explanatory notes by Judges Brockenbrough and Holmes. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd Philad. 1815 3041, VIRGINIA. Documents containing Statistics of Virginia, ordered to be printed by the State Convention sitting in the City of Richmond. Thick 8vo. 3s 1851 3042 VISION of Rubeta, an Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan. Royal 8vo, plates, boards. 5s Boston, 1838 3043 VOLNEY (C. F.) Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats Unis d Amerique suivi d eclaircissmens sur la Floride, sur la Colonie Francois au Scioto sur quelques Colonies Canadiennes et sur les Sauvages. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s half calf. 4s Qd whole calf gilt. 5s Paris, 1803 3044 VOLNEY. Another Edition, 8vo, map, sewed. 4s Qd ib. 1822 3045 VOLNEY S View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America, with some Accounts of Florida, the Indians, and Vocabulary of the Miama Tribe. 8vo, boards. 4s Qd calf neat. 5s new half calf gilt. 6s 1804 3046 VON SACK S (Baron) Voyage to Surinam, and Residence there, during 1805, 6, 1807, and Return to Europe by Way of North America. 4to, frontispiece and map, boards. 4s Qd 1810 3047 VORSTELLUNG des Nordens, oder Bericht von Einigen Nord- landern, und absonderlich von dem so genannten Grunlande. 4to, half morocco, rare. 1. Us Qd Hamburg, 1675 At the end is a Short Discourse of a Voyage to the North Pole (in German), with a woodcut diagram. Printed at Hamburg in 1676. 3048 VOYAGES aux cdtes de Guinee et en Amerique, par M. N * * * 12mo, plates, old calf gilt. Qs Qd Amst. 1719 3049 VOYAGES, Adventures, and Escapes of Capt. R. Falconer. 12mo, frontispiece and plate, reprint 0/1734, neiv half calf gilt. 3s Qd 1838 3050 VOYAGE dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans 1 Etat de New York, par un Membre adoptif de la Nation Oneida, traduit et publi6 par 1 Auteur des Lettres d un Cultivateur Americain. 3 vols. 8vo, portrait and plates, half bound. Qs old calf gilt. 9s Paris, 1801 3051 VOYAGE d un Suisse dans differentes Colonies d Amerique, pen dant la derniere Guerre. (Attributed to Girod-Chantrans ; relates principally to St. Domingo). 8vo, boards. 3s Qd Neuchatel, 1785 3052 VOYAGES and Adventures of Capt. Earth Sharp and others in the South Sea, also Capt. Van Horn s Surprising of Vera Cruz, Morgan s Expedition to Panama, &c., by P. A. Small 8vo, calf, clean copy. 7s Qd 1684 3053 TiTAERACHTIGH Verhael van de Schip-vaert op Oost Indien VV ghedaen by de acht Schepen onder den Heer Admirael Jacob van Neck en de Vice- Admirael Wybrand van Warwijck van Amsterdam gezeylt in den jare 1598, Hier achter is aen- ghevoeght de Voyagie van Sebald de Weert haer de Strate Magalanes. 4to, glark Better, with folding plate, containing Q Views, vellum scarce. 1. Is. Amsterdam, 1648 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 207 3054 WAPER (Lionel) New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, the Indian Inhabitants, &c. 8vo, map and plates, good clean copy, calf. 15s Another copy, little stained. Qs 6d 1699 3055 Another Edition. Svo, neiv calf . 15s 1704 3056 WAGNER UND SCHERZER Die Republik Costa Ricca in Cen tral Amerika, Reisestudien und Skizzen aus den Jahren 1853 und 1854. Svo, map, half calf. 9s Leipsiz,1856 3057 WAKEFIELD (E. Gibbon) England and America, a comparison of the Social and Political State of both Nations. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth. 6s 2 vols. half calf extra. 7s Qd 1833 3058 WAKEFIELD (Pricilla) Excursions in North America. 12mo, map, bound. 2s 1806 3059 WALKER (Sir Hovenden) A Journal, or full Account of the late Expedition to Canada, with Appendix containing Commissions, Orders, Instructions, Letters, Memorials, Courts Martial, Coun cils of War, &c., relating thereto. Svo, calf neat. 15s 1720 This volme was written by Sir Hovenden Walker in exculpation of him self and others who commanded the unfortunate expedition against Canada, when, by the unskilfulness of the Pilots, eight ships and nearly a thou sand men were lost in the River St. Lawrence. 3060 WALKER S (James) Letters on the West Indies. 8vo, boards. 2s_ half calf. 2s Gd 1818 3061 WALLER (J. A.) Voyage in the West Indies, and various Obser vations during a residence in Barbadoes, with notices and illustra tions relative to the City of Paramarabo in Surinam. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 3s Qd 1820 3062 WALSH (Robert, American Consul-General in Paris) On the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government. Svo. 2s 1810 Of this wo.rk there were eleven editions printed in London ; it was also translated into most of the European languages. 3063 WALSH S (Rev. Dr. Robert) Notices of Brazil. 2 thick vols., 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6dhalf calf gilt. 10s Qd 1830 3064 WALSH S (Robt. Jr.) Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain, respecting the United States of America, containing an Historical Outline of their Merits and Wrongs as Colonies. Thick Svo, half calf. 4s whole calf . 4s Qd boards 3s 1819 For .tin s work the Author received the thanks of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 3065 WALTER (Nehemiah, late Pastor of Roxbury) Discourses on LV. Chap, of Isaiah, with Preface by Prince and Foxcroft, giving some account of his Life. 8vo, new half calf , stained. 6s Qd Boston, 1755 3066 WALTER KENNEDY; an Interesting American Tale. 12mo, boards. 2s 1808 3067 WALTER (Thomas) Flora Caroliniana secundum systema Vegeta- bilium Linnaei digesta speciebus plurimis novisq ornata. Svo, plate, boards. 5s 1788 3068 WALTON (William) An Expose on the Dissensions of Spanish America. Svo, boards. 3s 1814 208 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3069 WALTON (W.) Present State of the Spanish Colonies, including a particular account of Hispaniola, or the Spanish part of St. Domingo. 2 vols. 8vo, map and portrait, half calf gilt. 5s whole calf. 5s 6d 1810 3070 WARD (H. G.) Mexico in 1827. 2 thick vols. 8vo, map and plates, boards, 12s neat half calf . Us 1828 3071 WARD (Bernardo, Natural del Reyno de Irlanda) Proyecto Econ- nomico en que se proponem varias providencias dirigidas a promover los intereses de Espanas con los medios y fondos necesarios para su plantificacion (the Second Part principally relates to America). 4to, vellum. 6s Madrid, 1779 Another Edition, 4to,coJ/. 5-5 Madrid, 1782 3072 WARDEN (D. B.) Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America, from their first Coloniza tion to the present day. 3 vols. 8vo, maps, new half calf gilt. Ss Edinburgh, 1819 3073 WARDEN S Geographical and Statistical Description of the Dis trict of Columbia, the seat of the General Government of the United States. 8vo, plate and map, half calf . 6s Paris, 1816 3074 WARNER (H. W. of New York) The Liberties of America. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1853 3075 WARREN (John Esaias) Para ; or Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon. Post 8vo, cloth. 5s New York, 1851 3076 WAR in Disguise, or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, 1806 Mysteries of Neutralization by John Brown, 1806 War as it is, and War as it should be, by a True Englishman, 1806 Examin ation of the British Doctrine, which subjects to Capture a Neu tral Trade not open in time of Peace, 1806. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 5s 3077 WASHINGTON.^ (General) Official Letters to Congress, during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf. 6s 2 vols. 8vo, half calf . 6s London, 1795 3078 WASHINGTON S (General) Letters to Several of his Friends, 1776, in which is set forth a fairer and fuller view of American Politics than ever yet transpired. 12mo, caff. 5s Noplace, 1778 3079 WASHINGTON. Proceedings of the Town of Charleston, Mass., in Memory of General Washington, with the Prayer and Ser mon of Dr. Jed. Morse. 8vo, half calf. 5s 6d half morocco. 7s 1800 3080 WASHINGTON. Selections from the Correspondence of General Washington and James Anderson, LL.D. 8vo, boards. 5s 1800 3081 WASHINGTON (President) Letters to Sir John Sinclair on Agri cultural and other interesting Topics, the whole engraved in fac simile. 4to, boards. 6s 1800 3082 WASHINGTON (President) Life of, by Chief Justice Marshall. 5 vols. 8vo, portrait and map, new half calf gilt. 16s whole calf neat. 18s 1804, 1807 3083 WASHINGTON. Marshall s Life of Washington. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, calf neat, marbled edges. 12s Philadelphia, 1832 3084 WASHINGTON, par Guizot. 12mo, portrait of Guizot, calf neat. 2s Paris, 1842 A. R. Smith, 3G, Soho Square, London. 209 3085 WASHINGTON by Guizot, translated by Henry Reeve. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1840 3086 WASHINGTON. Eecollections and Private Memoirs of Wash ington, by his Adopted Son George Washington Parke Curtis, with Illustrative Notes by B. J. Lossing. Thick royal 8vo, portraits and plates, cloth. 8s Gd New York, I860 3087 WASHINGTON. Life of George Washington, with his Diaries, Speeches, and various miscellaneous Papers relating to his Habits and Opinions, by Jared Sparks. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, boards. 8s Gd 1839 3088 WASHINGTON. Monuments of Washington s Patriotism, con taining a fac simile of his public accounts kept during the Revolu tionary War, also some of the most interesting Documents con nected with his Military Command, &c., with Elogium by Major W. Jackson. Small folio, portrait and plate of paper money, cloth. Ss Gd Washington, 1838 3089 WASHINGTON (Geo.) Life of, in Latin Prose, by Francis Glass, A.M. of Ohio, edited by J. M. Reynolds. 8vo, medallion portrait, cloth. 3s Gd New York, 1853 3090 WASHINGTON, or Liberty Restored : a Poem in Ten Books, by Thomas Northmore. Small 8vo, neat. 4s Baltimore, 1809 3091 WASHINGTONS (The), a Tale of a Country Parish in the 17th Century, based on authentic documents. A Narrative of the Washington Family before their settlement in America, by the Rev. J. N. Simpkinson. Post 8vo, frontispiece and vignette, cloth. 5s Gd.pul). at 10s Gd 1860 3092 WASHINGTON S (Hon. B.) Reports of Cases determined in the Circuit Court of the District of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, commencing 1803. 8vo, vol. 1., law calf. 5s Phil. 1826 3093 WATERTON S (Chas.) Wanderings in South America (Guiana), the North- West of the United States and the Antilles. 4to, half calf extra. 4s Gd 1825 3094 WATERTON (Charles) Wanderings in South America. 12mo, frontispiece, cloth. 4s 1839 3095 WATKIN S (Sir Edward W.) Trip to the United States and Canada. Post 8vo. Is Gd 1852 3096 WATSON. Men and Times of the Revolution, or Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including his Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from the year 1777 to 1842, edited by his son. 8vo, cloth. 4s Second Edition, post 8vo, portrait, d c., cloth. 4s Gd Neio York, 1856 3097 WAYLEN (Rev. Edward) Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. Thick 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s Qd 1846 3098 WEATHERHEAD S (W. D.) Account of the late Expedition against the Isthmus of Darien, under the command of Sir Gregor M Gregor. 8vo, map, boards, scarce. 5s 1821 3099 WEBSTER (W. H. B.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean in 1828, 9, and 1830, under Capt. Foster. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt. 9s C*/ 1834 2G 210 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3100 WEBSTER (Noah) Collection of Essays and Fugitiv Writings on Moral, Historical, Political, and Literary Subjects. 8vo, calf, scarce. Gs Gd half calf. 5s Gd Boston, 1790 Many of the Essays are written in a new kind of Orthography, he says, " In the Essays ritten within the last yeer, a considerable change of spelling iz introduced." 3101 WEBSTER (Noah) Compendious Dictionary of the English Lan guage, in which five thousand Words are added to the number found in the best English Compends, and Chronological Table of the most remarkable Events respecting America, and List of the Post Offices in America. 8vo, original edition, neat, very scarce, a great curiosity. 10s Gd New Haven, 1806 3102 WEBSTER (Daniel) Speeches and Forensic Arguments. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s Gd Boston, 1835 3103 WEBSTER. Memorial of Daniel Webster, from the City of Boston. 8vo, portrait and view, cloth. 4s Boston, 1853 3104 WEBSTER (Daniel) Beauties of, selected, with Critical Essay on his genius and writings, by James Rees. 12mo, portrait, cloth. 2s New York, 1839 3105 WEDDELL S (James) Voyage to the South Pole (to the 74 degree of lat.), and Visit to Terra del Fuego. 8vo, plates, boards. 4. s ._ An other, JialJ calf. 4s Gd 1825 3106 WEDDELL. Second Edition, with Additions. Svo, plates, boards. 6s calf neat, 7s Gd half calf . Gs Gd (pub. at 18s) 1827 3107 WELBY (Adlard) Visit to North America and the English Settle ments in Illinois, with a Winter Residence in Philadelphia. 8vo, plates, half calf . 3s boards. 2s Gd 1821 3108 WELD (Isaac) Travels through the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. 4to, maps and plaies, good copy, calf neat. 5s half morocco. 4s Gd 1799 3109 WELD (Isaac) Travels through the States of North America, and Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years of 1795-6 and 1797. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, hoards. 3s Gd 1793 neat. 4s Gd 1799 boards. 4s Gd calf neat. 5s 2 vols. in I, half calf. 4s 1800 half calf . 4s Gd 1807 3110 WELD S (Isaac) Travels through the United States and Canada. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. 3s Gd half calf. 2s 1800 3111 WELD (Isaac) Voyage au Canada pendant les anees 1795, 1796, et 1797, traduit de 1 Anglais. 3 vols. 8vo, map and plates, seu-ed. 3s Paris, 1801 " Weld s Travels in America, passed through several editions, and was translated into various European languages twice into German ; and, in short, the book was regarded as the grest authority of the period on Ameri can subjects. The travels extend over three years, 1795-7, and embrace a very large portion of the United States and Canada. In fact there can be no question that the colonization of Canada was mainly promoted and influenced by this book." " Accompanied by a faithful servant, Mr. Weld, sometimes on horseback, sometimes on foot, or in canoe, made his way through vast forests, or along rivers or lakes ; narrowly escaped shipwreck on Lake Erie, and experienced all the adventure incident to passing through an unsettled country, while in the cities and towns he mixed in the best society, and had the honour and pleasure of knowing Washington." A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London, 211 3112 WELD (C. R) The Search of Sir John Franklin. 8vo, map, doth. 2s 1851 3113 WESLEY (John, M.A.) Narrative of the late Work of God at and near Northampton, in New England, extracted from the Rev. Jonathan Edward s Letter to Dr. Coleman. Post 8vo, half morocco. 3s Gd 1798 31 U AYESLEY S (Rev. John) Extract of his Journal from his embark ing for Georgia to his return to London. 12nio, calf. 3s Bristol, (1738) 3115 WEST S (Rev. John) Journal during a residence at the Red River Colony, and Excursions among the North West American Indians. 8vo, plates^ boards. 3s 182-4 31 1C WEST S Journal of a Mission to the Indians of New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse, or Grand River, Upper Canada. 8vo, map, boards. 2s 1827 3117 WEST (Stephen, Pastor in Stockbridge) Essay on Moral Agency, containing remarks on a late anonymous publication entitled " An Examination of President Edwards s inquiry on Freedom of Will." 8vo, calf. 6s Salem, 1794 3118 WEST (Gilbert) Defence of Christian Revelation, and Observa tions on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul, by the Hon. Geo. Lyttleton. 8vo, calf. 3s Gd London : Printed by Voluntary Subscript ions in order to be dispersed in H.M. Colonies and Islands in America, 1748. 3119 WEST India Sketch Book. 2 vols. post 8vo, plates, board*. is 6d new half calf gilt. Qs 6d 1834 3120 WEST INDIES. Extracts from Papers printed by Order of the House of Commons, relative to the West Indies. Thick royal 8vo, pp. 700, cloth. 3s 184U 3121 WEST INDIES. Present State of the West Indies, and autheii- tick account of the first Discoveries of those Islands and parts adjacent. 4to, map, uncut. 3s calf gilt. 5s ho If calf. 4s 1778 3122 WEST INDIES. Present State of the West Indies, an accurate description of what parts are possessed by the several Powers in Europe. 4to, map. 6s Qd 1778 3123 WEST INDIES. Montgomery on the West Indian Adventurer. 3 vols. post Svo, neat, half calf . 6s Jamaica, 1812 3123* WEST INDIES. Letters on the West Indies, by James Walker, 1818- -The \Yest Indies as they are, or a real picture of Slavery, more particularly in Jamaica, by Rev. R. Bickell, 1815 Obser vations on the West India Company Bill as printed and read a Second time, 1825 Case of John Smith, one of the Missionaries at Demerara. Newcastle, 1824. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 5s 3124 WEST INDIA ATLAS, Illustrated with 40 correct Charts and Maps from actual Surveys, with Historical account of the several Countries and Islands in that part of the World. By Thomas Jefferys. Folio, half calf. 10s Qd 1775 3125 WEST INDIES. Journal of a Voyage to the West Indies on board the Economy, 1796. Manuscript, in 3 books, 4to and folio. 5-v 212 Books relating to America, on Bale by 3126 WEST INDIA TRACTS. Thoughts on the Value and Impor tance of the Colonial Trade, by Chas. Bosqument, 1807 Letter on the causes of the rapid and progressive depreciation of West India property, N.D. Lowe (Jos.) Inquiry into the state of the British West Indies, 1808 Outline of a plan for the better Cul tivation, Security, and Defence of the British West Indies, by Capt. Larman, 1807 The Interests of Agriculture and Com merce inseparable by W. Lushington, 1808, with autograph letter of H. Elliot to the Rt. Hon. W. Windham, 1 Aug. 1808. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf . 5s 3127 WEST INDIAN Incumbered Estates Act with Notes, by R. J. Cust. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1859 3128 WESTON S (Plowden E. J.) Documents connected with the History of South Carolina, edited by P. C. J. Weston, 100 printed for Private Distribution only. 416, elegantly printed) half morocco, uncut. .4. 4s 185G 3129 WETHERALD (Thos.) Sermons delivered at Friends Meetings in Baltimore and Washington, and at the State House in Annapolis. Svo, boards. 35 Baltimore, 182G 3130 WHATELY S (Archbp.) Historic Certainties respecting the Early History of America. Svo. 3s 1861 3131 WHEATLEY (Phillis, Negro servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston) Poems on various subjects. 12mo, portrait of the lady, neat. 6s half calf. 5s Qd 1773 3132 WHEATLEY. Another copy, without the portrait, boards. 4s new half calf. 4s Qd 1773 3133 WHEATON (Henry) Enquiry into the validity of the British claim to a right of visitation and search of American Vessels suspected to be engaged in the African Slave Trade. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1842 3134 WHEELER. Memoir of Daniel Wheeler, with an account of his Gospel Labours in the Islands of the Pacific. 12mo, cloth. 2s Gd Philadelphia, 1859 3135 WHEELER (John H.) Historical Sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851, w r ith Sketches of her Distinguished Men. 2 vols. in 1, Svo,2)lates, cloth. 7s Gd Philadelphia, 1851 3136 WHITFIELD (Henry, late Pastor of Gilford, New England) Strength out of Weaknesse, or a glorious Manifestation of the further progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. 4to. russia. 2. 12s Gd 1652 3137 WHITFIELD (Thomas) The extent of Divine Providence, or a treatise tending to shew that the Just and Holy God may have a hand in the unjust actions of Sinful Men. 4to, boards, (title soiled). Gs Gd 1651 3138 WHITFIELD (Thos., Minister of the Gospel at Burbrook, Northampton shire, New England) Vindication of the Doctrine of God s abso lute Decree, and of Christ s absolute and special Redemption, in way of answer to those objections against them, by Thos. Pierce in his Treatise entituled The Divine Philanthropy. 4to ; half morocco. 10s Gd 1657 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 213 3139 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah in Georgia, &c., 6 continuations, with Sevvard s Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, in company with Whitefield, 1739-1745, and Ode of Verses on Whitefield s Death, composed in America ly a Negro girl, 17 years of age, curious broad side, printed and sold for the benefit of a poor Family burnt out a few weeks since near Shoredilch Church. In 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 15s 3140 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah in Georgia. 8vo, old calf . 4s Qd 1730 3141 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) A short Account of God s dealings with him, from his Infancy to the time of his entering into Holy Orders, written by himself, on board the Elizabeth, bound from London to Philadelphia, and sent over by him to be published for the benefit of the Orphan Houses in Georgia. 8vo, boards. 5s 1740 3142 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) An Account of Money received and dis bursed for the Orphan House in Georgia. 8vo, plan, half mor. 5s 1741 3143 WHITEFIELD (Rev. Geo.) Select Collection of Letters to his Friends in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, with an Account of the Orphan House in Georgia. 3 vols. 8vo, portrait, neat. 8s Qd 1772 3144 WHIPPLE (Hon. John, of Rhode Island] Free Trade in Money or Note, shewing the great cause of Fraud, Poverty, and Ruin, in answer to Jeremy Bentham. Boston, 1856 Currency of Money, its nature and uses, and effects of the Circulation of Bank Notes for currency, by a Merchant of Boston, ib. 1855 Boston Railways, their condition and prospects, map. ib. 1856 Honduras, Inter-Oceanic Railway Preliminary Report, by E. G. Squier, maps, New York. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. 5s. 3145 WHITE (The) Slave ; or, Memoirs of a Fugitive, a new Picture of American Slave Life. 12mo, half calf. Is 6d 1852 3146 WHITE (D.) New England Congregationalism in its Origin and Purity, illustrated by the foundation arid early Records of the first Church in Salem. 8vo, cloth. 5s Salem, 1861 3147 WHITE (Nathaniel, Pastor of the Church at Summer Islands) Truth gloriously appearing from under the sad and sable cloud of Obloquie, or a vindication of the Practice of the Church of Christ in the Summer Islands. 4to, boards, scarce. 5. 5s Printed for G. Calvert, at the Black Spread Eagle at the West End of Paules, N.D. 3148 WHITE (John) Pastor of the first Church in Gloucester) New England Lamentations, under these three heads, the Decay of the Power of Godliness, the Danger of Arminian Principles, the Declining State of our Church Order, Government, and Discipline, with the methods of our Recovery. 8vo, lialf morocco. 10s ftd Boston, 1734 3149 WHITE (Bp.) Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, from its organization to the pre sent time. 8vo, cloth. 5s New York, 1836 3150 WHITE. Wilson (Bird, D.D.) Memoir of the Life of William State of D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the White, Pennsylvania. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s Philad., 1830 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3151 WHITE S ( T., dapt. tf.N.) Naval Eesearches, or a candid Enquiry into the conduct of Admirals Byron, Graves, Hood, and Rodney (in the American JVar). 8vo, folding plans, boards. 3s 6d 1830 3152 WIFE of Leon, and other Poems, by two Sisters of the West. 8vo, boards. "2s New York, 1844 3153 WIGHAM S (Eliza) Anti-Slavery Cause in America and its Martyrs. Post 8vo, doth. 2s 1863 3154 WIKOFF S (H.) A New Yorker in the Foreign Office, and his Adventures in Paris. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1858 3155 WILKES (Commander) Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition round the World, 1838-42, condensed and abridged, (Brazil, Chili, Peru, &c.) Royal 8vo, half calf gilt. 5s 1845 3156 WILKINSON (Gen. Jas.) Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols. 8vo, facsimiles (but without maps), half calf. 1. 4s Philad., 1816 3157 WILLARD S (Samuel, Teacher of a Church in Boston,) Discourse of Justification as it was delivered in several Sermons. Small 8vo. clean, in the original sheep binding. 2. 2s Boston, printed lij 8. G., for Samuel Phillips, at the West End of the Town House, 1686 3158 WILLARD (Joseph) Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Massachusetts, Oct. 2, 1829. Biographies of all the former Judges of the State, &c. 8vo, privately printed, half calf . 5s Lancaster, 1830 3159 WILLARD (Joseph) Address in Commemoration of the Two- Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Lancaster (Mass.) 8vo, new calf gilt. 7s Gd Boston, 1853 3160 WILLARD (S.) Plans and Sections ^of the Obelisk on Bunker s Hill, with details of Experiments made in Quarrying the Granite. 4to, plates, boards. 6s Boston, 1843 3161 WILLIAMS (Roger, of Providence, in New England) Key into the the Language of America, or an help to the Language of the Natives in that part of America called New EnglandT 12mo, calf, rare. 12. 12s 1643 " I had tins book from Benjarnin Franklin of Philadelphia, Minister from the United States of America at the Court of Versailles, E. POORE." Note on fit -leaf. 3162 WILLIAMS (Roger) Key to the Language of America, Another copy. 12mo, new and elegant, in morocco extra, tooled sides. 13. 13s 1643 3163 WILLIAMS (Roger) Mr. Cotton s Letter, lately printed, exam ined, and answered. 4to, hf. mor., very rare. 10. 10s 1644 3164 WILLIAMS S (Roger) Bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of Conscience Discussed, and Mr. Cotton s examined and answered, edited by Underbill. 8vo, cloth. 7s Qd 1848 An interesting book relating to the religious disputes of the " Pilgrim Fathers," by tlie honoured Founder of thu Slate of Rhode Island. 3165 WILLIAMS (Edward) Virgo Triumphans, or Virginia truly valued; more especially the South part thereof, viz., the Fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isles of Roanoak, of Latitude from 31 to 37 Degr. relating the meanes of raising infinite profits to the Adven turers and Planters. 4to, a beautiful clean copy, as fresh as when printed, green morocco exfrc, gilt leaves. 15. 15s 1650 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 215 3166 WILLIAMS (Samuel) Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 8vo, map, neat. 6s Walpole, 1794: 3167 WILLIAM S (Samuel) Vermont. Second Edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 14s Burlington, 1809 3168 WILLIAMS (Cynric R.) Tour through the Island of Jamaica, from the Western to the Eastern end. 8vo, boards. 3s 1827 3169 WILLIAMS (S. W.) Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, first Minister of Deerfield, Massachusetts, and Account of the Indian Wars in that vicinity. Small 8vo, cloth. 3s Greenfield, Mass. ,1837 3170 WILLIAMS (The Hon. James) The South Vindicated, a series of Letters written for the American Press during the Canvass for the Presidency, in 1860, with introduction by John Baker Hopkins. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s 1862 3171 WILLIAMSON French and Indian Cruelty, exemplified in the Life and Vicissitudes of Peter Williamson, carried off from Aber deen and sold for a slave in Pennsylvania, and his surprising Adventures in North America among the Indians. 12mo, calf. 7s U Edinburgh, 1787 3172 WILLIAMSON (Dr. John) Medical and Miscellaneous Observa tions relative to the West India Islands. 2 vols. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 7sQd 1817 3173 WILLIS S (N. P.) Letters from under a Bridge, and Poems. 4to, fine plates from drawings by Bartlett, of American scenery, cloth gilt. 6s ^ 1840 Illustrative of the Vale of Wyoming. 3174 WILLIS (Thos.) Doctrine and Principles of the Quakers explained and vindicated in reply to Hibbard s Address to the Quakers. 12mo, half calf. 2s New York, 1812 3175 WILMORE. Case of John Wilmore truly and impartially related, or a Looking Glass for all Merchants and Planters concerned in the American Plantations. F olio, rellum, rare. 10s Qd 1682 3176 WILSON (Jas., of Edinburgh). Memoir of his Life, and Ex tracts from his Journals during a residence in Guatemala. 12mo, boards. 2s 1829 3177 WILSON S (Bishop) Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians, (dedicated to the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia). 12mo, half calf. 2s 1740 3178 WILSON (Robt. A.) Mexico and its Religion, with incidents of Travel in that Country during parts of the years 1851, 52, 53, 54. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1856 3179 WILSON (Robt. Anderson) New History of the Conquest of Mexico, in which Las Casas s denunciation of the popular his torians of that War are fully vindicated. Thick royal 8vo, frontispiece, maps, and cuts, cloth. 9s Philadelphia, 1859 3180 WILSON (Samuel) Sermons, with Abstract of Consul Dean s Narrative of his Sufferings, Shipwreck, and wonderful Preserva tion, while proceeding to New England in the year 1710. 8vo, calf. 5s 1735 216 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3181 WILSON AND BONAPARTE S American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, edited by Professor Jameson. 4 vols., 12mo, cloth. 10s 6d half calf. 12s Edinburgh, 1831 3182 WILSON (Thos., a Quaker) Brief Journal of his Life and Travels (in Carolina, Virginia, Barbadoes, &c.) 12mo, neat. 2s Qd 1784 3183 WIMPFFEN S (Baron de) Voyage to St. Domingo, 1788-90, translated by Wright. Half calf . 3s cloth. 2s Qd 1797 3184 WINES (E. C.) Two years and a half in the American Navy. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Qs boards. 3s Qd 1833 3185 WINSLOW (Rev. Octavius) Memoir and select Remains of Rev. W. Nevins, D.D., of Baltimore, with introductory Essay. 12mo, new half rmsia. 3s 1839 3185* WINSOR (Justin) History of Dnxbury, Massachusetts, with Genealogical Registers. Svo, portrait, cloth. 10s Gd Boston, 1849 Autograph inscription copy to the Kcv. Joseph Hunter. 3186 WINTERBOTHAM (W.) Historical, Geographical, and Philo sophical view of the American United States, and European Settlements in America and West Jndies. 4 vols. 8vo, jwates, calf. 4s Gd 1795 3187 WINTERBOTHAM (W.). Another Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, plates, half calf . 8s new half calf gilt. 10s Gd N. D. 3188 WINTERBOTHAM S America, the Vol. of Maps belonging to. 4to, half calf. 3s 3189 WINTHROP (Robt. C.) Addresses and Speeches on various occa sions. Royal 8vo, (pp. 773), cloth. 5s Boston, 1852 3190 WINTHROP (John) History of New England from 1630 to 1649, from his Original Manuscripts, with illustrative notes, by James Savage. Second Edition, with additions, 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 16s Boston, 1853 3191 WINTHROP (John) History of New England from 1630 to 1649, with Notes by Jas. Savage. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait neat. 15s Boston, 1825 3192 WINTHROP (John, Governor of Massachusetts). Life and Letters, by R. C. Winthrop. 8vo, portrait and plate, cloth. 7s Gd Boston, 1864 3193 WIRT S Letters of the British Spy. 12mo, calf neat. 3s Gd Richmond, 1805 No American literary production had before so rapid and extensive circu lation as this had for a few years. 3194 Another Edition. 12mo, boards. 2s London, 1812 3195 WIRT. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, Attorney-General of the United States, by John P. Kennedy. 2 vols. post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 6s Qd Philadelphia, 1850 3196 WIRT S (W.) Life of Patrick Henry. 8vo, portrait, calf. 4s Philadelphia, 1836 3197 WISE (Lieut.) Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cali fornia, with Wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. Post 8vo, half bound. 3s Gd 1849 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 217 3198 WOLCOTT (Oliver) An Address to the People of the United States, on the subject of the Report of a Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed to examine and report whether Monies drawn from the Treasury have been faithfully applied to the objects for which they were appropriated, and whether the same have been regularly accounted for. 8vo, half morocco, 5s Hartford, 1802 3199 WOLFE (General) Instructions to Young Officers, also his Orders for- a Battalion and an Army, with the Orders and Signals in Embarking and Debarking an Army by flat bottomed Boats, &c., and a Placart to the Canadians. 8vo, second edition, half russia, re nj scarce, (not in the British Museum). 15s 1780 It contains the daily general orders and directions of Wolfe during the American Campaign. 3200 WOLFE (General). Sabine s (Lorenzo) Address before the New England Historic Genealogical Society of Massachusetts, oil the Death of Major General Wolfe, with Passages omitted in the delivery, and illustrative Notes and Documents. 8vo, 2s Qd Boston, 1859 3201 WOLFE. Life of Major General Wolfe, founded on Original Documents, and illustrated by his Correspondence, by Robert Wright. Thick 8vo., portrait, new cloth. Gs Pub. at 145. 1864 3201* WOLLEY (Rev. C.) Two Years Journal in New York and part of its Territories in America, 1679, edited with Historical Notes, by E. B. O Callaghan. 8vo, cloth, is 6d, New York, 1860 3202 WOOD (George) Catalogue of the Albany Institute Library, founded 1793. Royal 8vo, new half calf 3s N. D. 3202*WOOD (William) A Survey of Trade, in four parts. 8vo, calf neat, is 1722 Part III. has G6 pages relating to the Colonies in America. 3203 WOOD S (John) Two Years Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in the Illinois Country, United States, with Habits and Customs of the Back- Woodsmen. Svo, map, boards. 2s new half calf. 35 Qd 1822 3204 WOODBURY. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Miss Fanny Woodbury, of Beverley, N.H. By the Rev. Jos. Emerson. I2mo, port., neat, 2s 1816 3205 WOODMAN (H.) Reports of Criminal Cases Tried in the Muni cipal Court of the City of Boston (U.S.), before Peter Oxenburgh Thacker, Judge of that Court, edited by H. Woodman. Svo, calf. 6s Boston, 1845 3206 WOOD WORTH S (Sam.) Champions of Freedom, a Romance founded on the Events of the War of 1812-15. 2 vols. post Svo, boards. 4s Qd New York, 1816 3207 WOOLMAN. Journal of the Life, Gospel Labours, and Chris tian Experiences of that Faithful Minister John Woolman, of Mount Holly, New Jersey. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d 1775 3208 AVOOLMAN S (John) Journal. Another Edition. Svo, boards. 2s Gd 1824 12mo, boards. 2s 1847 3209 WORCESTER (Noah) Bible News, or Sacred Truths. Post 8vo, coif (a leaf torn). 2s Gd Boston, 1812 "lam not insensible that publishing my Views exposes me to attacks from evcrv denomination of Christians." Letter VIII. 27 218 Books relating to America, on Sale by 3210 WORCESTER (Dr.) The Friend of Peace, by Philo Pacificas. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 7s 6d Boston, 1821 3211 WORKMAN (Giles, Master of the College School in Gloucester) Private Men no Pulpit Men, or a Modest Examination of Lay men s Preaching, discovering it to be neither warranted by the Word of God, nor allowed by the Judgment or Practice of the Churches of Christ in New England. 4to, Ids. 1. 5s 1646 3212 WORSLEY S (Israel) View of the American Indians, showing them to be the Descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1828 3213 WORTLEY (Lady E. S.) Travels in the United States, &c., during 1849 and 1850. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1851 3214 WORTLEY (Lady Erneline) &c. (Containing Recollections of the Mississippi, Niagara, Choctaius, King of Mosquitos* Throne, &c.) Post 8vo, front, of Niagara, cloth. 3s 1853 3215 WRANGELL (Admiral Von) Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in 1820 to 1823, edited by Lieut.-Col. E. Sabine. 12mo, portrait and map, cloth. 4s 1844 3216 Another Edition, 8vo, new half calf gilt. 5s 1840 3217 Another Edition, 12mo, cloth. 2s Qd. New York, 1841 3218 WRIGHT (Frances, afterwards Madame D Arnsment) Views of Society and Manners in America. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d ANOTHER, half calf, with autograph of Miss Sedgwick. 3s Gd 1821 3219 Another Edition. 8vo, boards. 3s New York, 1821 3220 WRIGHT (Miss) Voyages aux Etats-Unis d Amerique, ou Observa tions sur la Societe, les Moeurs, les Usages et le Gouvernement de ce Pays, traduits par J. T. Parisot. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, 3s 1822 3221 WRIGHT (Frances) Course of Popular Lectures delivered in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louisville, and other Cities and Towns and Districts of the United States. 8vo, boards. 2s New York, 1829 3222 WEIGHT S (J.) American Negociator, or the Various Currencies of the British Colonies in America. 8vo, neat. 3s 1761 3223 Third Edition. 8vo, neat. 3s Gd 1765 This work has escaped the Notice of Lowndes and Eich. 3224 WYNNE S History of the British Empire in America, Vol. I. 8vo, maps, &c., neat. 2s 1769 3225 WYSE (Francis) America, its Realities and Resources, comprising Important Details connected with the Social, Political, Agricul tural, Commercial, and Financial State of the Country, its Laws and Customs. 3 vols. cl oth. 12s half calf gilt. 14s (published at 2. 2s) 1846 3226 WYTFLIET (Cornelius) Descriptionis Ptolemaic^ Augmentum. sine Occidentis Notitia beni commentario illustrata, engraved title . and 19 maps (wanting Hispanwla). Folio, fine clean copy in vellum. 10s 6d Lovannii, 1598 Curious Maps of the different countries of America, illustrating Haklujt, Drake, Raleigh, &c. 3227 WYTFLIET. Histoire Universelle des Indes Occidentales et Orientales, et de la Conversion des Indiens. In 3 parts, folio, curious maps, neat. 14s ANOTHER, in vellum, good copy. 16s Doway, 1611 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 219 3228 Y ORK TOWN. Orderly Book of the Siege of York Town, JL from Sept. to Nov., 1781, now first printed by Horace W. Smith (Revolutionary Series No 1). 4to, one of 10 copies printed on extra fine plate paper, uncut. 15s Philadelphia, 1865 3229 YOUNG (Alex.) Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. Thick 8vo, map and portrait, cloth. 7s 6d Boston, 1844 3230 YOUNG S (Alex.) Chronicle of the first Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1623-36. Thick 8vo, portrait and map, doth. 7s Gd 1846 3231 YOUNG (Sir W.) Some observations of the Nature, Importance, and Settlement of our New West India Colonies, 1764 Con siderations which may tend to promote the Settlement of our New West India Colonies, by encouraging individuals to Embark in the Undertaking, 1764. 8vo, calf gilt (autograph presentation copy from Sir W. Young). 3s Gd 3232 YOUNG (Thos.) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, with an Account of Truxillo and adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan, and Vocabulary of the Mosquitan Language. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Qd 1847 3233 F7ARATE (Aug. de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conqueste /J du Perou. 2 vols. 12mo, map and plates, calf. 7s Qd Amst. 1717 3234 ZARATE. Another Edition. 2 vols. I2mo, plates, neat. 6s Paris, 1742 3235 ZAVALA (D. Lorenzo de) Ensayo Historico de las Revoluciones de Megico, 1808-1830. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, calf. 9s Paris, 1831 Neuva-York, 1832 3236 ZILIA, a Poem in Three Cantos. 8vo, boards. 2s New York, 1830 3237 ZORGDRAGUS (C, G.) GroenlandscheVisschery met eene Histo- rische Beschryving derNoordere Gewesten, Groenlaudt, Yslandt, Spitzbergen. Nova Zembla, &c. 4to, maps and plates, vellum. 5s Amst. mo 3238 ZORRILLA (J.) Poesias. 3 vols. 8vo, hf. cf. 6s Valparaiso, 1843 3239 ZUCCHELLI (Anto.) Relazioni del Viaggio e Missione di Congo nell Etopia Inferiore Occidentale. 4 to, half calf gilt. 9s Fenezia, 1712 Containing the Voyage from Lisbon to the West Indies and Brazil, with many curious particulars of the Indians in Brazil. 220 Maps relating to America, on Sale by MAPS. 3240 NEW Map of America, from the latest Observations, by John Senex. Large sheet. Is Qd about 1720 3241 CARTE d Amerique. Folio. Is De risk. 1722 3242 HEMISPHERE Occidental par Gul. De 1 Isle. Folio. Is Qd 1724 3243 NEW General Map of America, by Eman. Bowen. Folio. Is 1752 3244 SANSON (G.) Amerique Meridionale. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, 1669 3245 AMERICA Meridionals a Rio de la Plata, per Fretum Magella- nicum ad Toraltum. Folio. Is Amst., Renard, 1715 3246 AMERIQUE Meridionales, par Le Sr. d Anville, on 3 sheets. 3s Paris, 1748 3247 AMERICA, par Borealis, Florida, Baccalaos, Canada, Corteraelis, a Cornelio da Indias in lucem edita. Folio. 5s 3248 SANSON (G.) Amerique Septentrionale. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, 1669 3249 AMERIQUE Septentrionale, par Le Sr. Sanson. Large sheet. 2s 1692 3250 AMERICA. Settentrionale colle nuove scoperte sur all anno 1688, e descritta dal P.M. Coronelli. Folio 2 large sheets. 3s 6d Venetia, 1695 3251 SANSON (Sieur.) Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses prin- cipales Parties ou sont les uns des autres les Estats suivant qu ils appartenant presentement aux Francois, Castillans, Portugais, Hollandois, &c. Large sheet coloured. 3s Paris, 1696 3252 CARTE Particuliere de 1 Amerique Septentrionale ou sont com- pris le Destroit de Davids, le Destroit de Hudson, c. Folio. Is Qd Mortier 3253 HEMISPHERE Septentrional, par Gul. De 1 Isle. Folio. Is Qd 1714 3254 MAP of North America, by George Willdey. Large double sheet, coloured. 2s Gd London, 1720 3255 A NEW and Exact Map of America, on two sheets in the margins are representations of the Manners, Customs, and Habits of the Natives of Virginia, &c., also QJ View of the Cataract of Niagara. 5s J. Bowles (about 1740) 3256 AMERIQUE Septentrionale. par le Sieur D Anville. On 2 sheets. 3s Paris, 1746 3257 NORTH America, performed by the Sieur D Anville, greatly im proved by Mr. Bolton. Engraved by E. W. Scale, published by Malachy Postlethwayt, on 4 sheets. 5s 1752 3258 MAP of North America. Folio. Is Palairet 3259 DUNN S Map of the British Empire in America, Large sheet. Is 1774 3260 MAP of North America, distinguishing the British and Spanish Dominions according to the Treaty of 1763, by Bowen and Gib son. 2 sheets. 2s ^^^ A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 221 3261 D ANVILLE S Map of North America, improved with the English Surveys made since the Peace. Large sheet. Is. 1 775 3262 ARROWSMITH S Chart of the Strait between Asia and America, with the Coast of the Tschutski. Sheet. Gd 1794 3263 CHART of the Tracks of the Northern Navigators to the Western Hemisphere in the 10th and subsequent Centuries, by J. T. S. 4to. 3d 3264 MAP exhibiting the New Discoveries in the Interior of North America. By A. Arrowsmith, very large sheet (60 inches by 50). 2s Gd 1802 3265 CARTE des Possessiones Angloises et Francoises de 1 Amerique Septentrionale. Is Gd Palairet, 1763 3266 SPANISH Possessions in North America, Southern Part. Large sheet. Is Neele, 1809 3267 PLAN du Bassin et de la Riviere du Port Royal ou Annapolis. Folio. Sheet. Is 1780 3268 DRAFT of the Island of Antegua. 4to. Gd about 1700 3269 MAP of the Island of Antigua, or Antigo, containing all the Parishes, Roads, Churches, &c. By E. Bowen. Folio. Is Gd 1752 3270 ANTIGUA, Surveyed by R. Baker, improved by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3271 TERRE Artiche descritte dal P. M. Coronelli. Folio. 3s Fenetia, 1695 3272 POLI Arctic!, per F. de Witt. Folio, coloured. Is Amst., Renard, 1715 3273 SIR JOHN FRANKLIN S Arctic Discoveries, between Baffin Bay and Cape Bathurst, combined with those of Sir Edward Parry in 1819, and the several searching Expeditions, concluding with that of McClintock in 1859. Large sheet, col 2s Gd 1860 3274 FACSIMILE of the rare Map of the Arctic Regions belonging to " Foxe s North-West Fox." 4to. 1 0,? Gd. 1 635 3275 BARBADOES. 8vo. Gd P. Morden, about IGSO 3276 CHART of Barbadoes. 4to. Gd about 1750 3277 MAP of the Island of Barbadoes, by E. Bowen. Fol. Is Gd 1752 3278 CARTE de 1 Isle de la Barbade, par Bellin. Fol. Sheet. Is 1758 3279 BARBADOES, Surveyed by William Mayo, improved by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Gd 1775 3280 CHART of Bermuda. 4to. Gd about 1750 3281 SUMMER Islands (Bermuda). Folio. Is Hondius, 1635 3282 NEW and Accurate Map of Bermudas or Summer s Islands, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is Gd 1752 3283 BERMUDAS or Summer s Islands, from a survey by C. Lempriere. Large sheet. Is 1775 3284 BEQUIA, the Northernmost of the Granadilies, surveyed in 1763. Is Jeffreys, 1775 3285 HARBOUR of Boston and Surrounding Country, by Des Barres. Folio, very large sheet, coloured. 2s 1775 3286 CARTE Particuliere du Havre de Boston, par Chabert. Large sheet. 2s 1780 3287 BRASIL. Folio, coloured. Is Gd Amst., Janson 3288 BRAZIL. Le Plan de 1 Isle Anthony, Vaz le Reciff et Terre Ferme au Havre de Pernambuco en Brasil, avec toutes ses Forti fications, Folio, map engraved by Hondius, curious 4s Gd 1640 222 Maps relating to America, on Sale by 3289 NEW and Accurate Map of Brasil, divided into its Captainships, by Eman. Bowen. Folio. Is Qd 1752 3290 BRASIL. 4to, coloured. Qd Neele 3291 CALLAO (Port of) and adjacent Islands, &c. 4to. Qd Jefferys 3292 PARTE Orientale de la Nouvelle France, ou du Canada, par Bellin. Folio, large sheet. 2s 1745 3293 CANADA, Louisane et Terres Angloises, par d Anville. 4 sheets. Folio. 25 6d 1755 3294 VONDERVELDEN and Charland. Topographical Map of the Province of Lower Canada. 2 sheets on canvas. 2s. 1803 3294* BOUCHETTE S Map of the Province of Lower Canada, shewing its Divisions into Districts, Counties, Seigniories, and Townships with all the Lands reserved both for the Crown and the Clergy, &c. 10 large sheets. Is 6d 3295 BOUCHETTE S Map of the Province of Upper and Lower I. Canada, coloured, on 2 sheets. 2s 3295* BOUCHETTE S Large Map of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, on 3 large sheets, coloured, on canvas, in a case 5s about 1840 3296 MAP of the Province of Canada (and the adjacent parts of the U.S.) On a large sheet, by JVyld, coloured. Is Qd 1843 3297 CARACCAS. Large sheet. Is 6d Neele. 1809 3298 HARBOUR of Casco Bay and Islands adjacent (District of Maine). Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 3299 NORTH and South Carolina, with their Indian Frontiers, the whole from actual surveys, by Henry Mouzon, and others. Folio, 2 very large sheets, coloured. 3s Qd 1775 3300 CHART of South Carolina, from Cape Roman to Port Royal. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 3301 PLAN of the River and Sound of D awfoskee, in South Caro lina, surveyed by Capt. John Gascoigne, one sheet. 2s about 1750 3302 Seat of War in the Southern British Colonies, comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, &c., by B. Romans. Folio, large sheet. Is 1776 3303 A NEW Map of Carolina, with a Table of the names of such settlements as are upon Ashley and Cooper River, arid their owners names. Folio. 5,? London, G. Willdey (about 1690) 3304 CARTE General de la Caroline. Folio, coloured. Is 6d Mortier 3305 NEW and Accurate Map of North and South Carolina, Georgia, &c. By E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 3306 MAP of North and South Carolina, with their Indian Frontiers, from surveys by H. Mouzon and others. 2 large sheets. 3s 1775 3307 CARY S New Map of Carolinas and Georgia, also the Florida and part of the Bahama Islands. Single sheet. Is 1806 3308 CHART of the Carribee Islands. Folio. Is Mount and Page, about 1700 3309 VAL (P. du) Isles d Amerique dites Caribes ou Cannibales et de Barlovento. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, 1664 3310 CHART of the Caribe Islands. By Mount and Page. Folio. Is 1702 3311 CARIBBEE and Virgin Islands, and Porto Rico. By T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is 1775 A. R. Smith, 3fi, Soho Square, London. 223 3312 COAST of Tierra Firma, from Carthagena to Golfo Triste. By T.Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is 1775 3313 L ISLE de Cayenne occupee par Messieurs de la Compagnie des Indes Occiden tales. Folio, coloured, curious. 2s Qd Pan s, 1667 3314 PLAN of Attack and Defeat of the American Fleet, under Arnold, ! by the King s Fleet, under Capt. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, Is Qd Faden, 1776 \ 3315 MAP of the Settlement of the Colombian Agricultural Associa tion. 4to. Qd Arrowsmith 3316 PART of the Provinces of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, with the Lagunas. By T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is 1775 3317 CHART of Cuba, Straights of Bahama, &c. Folio. Is Mount and Page, (about 1700) 3318 MAP of the Island of Cuba, St. Domingo, and Porto Rico, on one sheet. By E. Bowen. Folio. Is Qd 1752 3319 CUBA, with Part of the Bahama Banks and the Martyrs. By T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3320 CURACAO, by Van Keulen. Large sheet. Is Jeffreys, 1775 3321 KEULEN (Gerard van) Map of Curasao, from the Dutch Origi nals. Sheet on canvas in case. Is Qd 1794 3322 A NEW Map of the Isthmus of Darien (by John Senex, about 1720). 4to. Is Qd 3323 A DRAFT of the Golden and adjacent Islands, with Part of the Isthmus of Darien, as it was taken by Captain Jenefer, where ye Scots West India Company were Settled. 4to. 2s H. Moll, sc. (about 1720) 3324 DOMINICA, from a Survey in 1773. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 : 3325 FLORIDA and the Lakes of Canada. 8vo. Qd R. Morden (about 1680) 3326 PLAN of Espiritu Santo Bay in East Florida. 4to. Qd Jeffreys 3327 COAST of West Florida and Louisiana. By T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3328 PENINSULA and Gulf of Florida, or Channel of Bahama, with the Bahama Islands. By T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3329 BOUCHETTE S Plan of the district of Gaape. Single sheet. Is 1815 3330 SEPTENTRIONALIORA America a Groenlandia per Freta Davidis et Hudson ad Terrain Novam. Folio. Is Amst., Renard, 1715 3331 MAPS of Old Greenland, the Isles of Ferro, or Farro, Iceland, with a Draught of the Maelstrom. By E. Bowen. On one sheet, Folio. Is 6d 1752 3332 CARTE de 1 Isle de la Grenade, par Benin, Folio, large sheet. Is Qd 1760 3333 GRANADA and Popyan. Folio. Qd ffondius, 1635 3334 GRENADA, divided into its Parishes, by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3335 THE Kingdom of Guatemala. Royal 4to. Qd Walker 3336 GUIANA. Folio, coloured. Is Qd Amst., Janson 224 Maps relating to America) on Sale by 3337 MAP of Part of Dutch Guyana, containing the Colonies of Esse- quebo, Demerary, and Berbice, in which are described all the Lands granted under, the Batavian Government, surveyed in 1798 and 1802 by Major von Bouchenroeder, with the names of the Plantations and their Occupiers. Large sheet, coloured, on canvas in case. 5s 1802 3338 ISLE de la Guadaloupe. P. Mariette,Mio, coloured. 2s Pans, [1664] 3339 GUADALOUPE from the best Authorities, by J. Jeffreys. Folio, coloured. Is Gd 3340 HALIFAX and Harbour of Chebucto. 4to. 6ft 7 1750 3341 HISPANIA Nova, Folio. Gd Hondius,lG35 3342 MAP of the Bay of Honduras, by T. Jeffreys. Is Gd 1775 8343 THE Principal Islands in America belonging to the English Em pire, viz., Jamaica, Barbadoes, Antigua, St. Christopher s and Bermudos. Folio. 3s Lond., G. Willdey (about 1690) 3344 CHAKT of the Island of Jamaica, with the Parishes. Folio. Is Mount and Page, (about 1706) 3345 JAMAICA, with Plans of the Harbours of Bluefields, Kingston, and Port Eoyal. Folio. Is Jeffreys, 1775 3346 MAP of the Island of Jamaica, divided into Counties and Parishes, Gd 1794 3347 MAP of Jamaica, also of the Islands of Barbadoes, Tobago, and St. Christopher s by John Senex. Large sheet. 2s (about 1720) 3348 MAP of Jamaica, divided into its principal Parishes, with a Draught of the Harbours of Port Antonio and St. Francis, Port Royal, or Kingston, on one sheet by Eman Bowen. Folio. Is 6ft 1752 3349 JAMAICA and Cape Gracias a Dios, with the Banks, by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet Is 177 a 3350 JAMAICA. Plan of the City of Kingston, by J. B. Pechon. Large sheet, coloured. 2s 6 d 1809 3351 PLAN de la Ville et du Port de Louisbourg leve" en 1756. Folio, sheet, Is. 1779 3352 CARTE de la Louisiane, par d Anville. Folio, Is Gd 1752 3353 CARTE reduite des Costes de la Louisiane et de la Florida, par le Sieur Bellin. Folio, large sheet, coloured. 2s Gd 1764 3354 CARTE de la Louisiane, et du Cours du Mississippi, par de L Isle. Folio. 2s Gd 1703 3355 MAP of Louisiana and the River Mississippi, by John Senex. Large sheet. 2s Gd (about 1720) 3356 NEW and Accurate Map of Louisiana, with part of Florida and Canada, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is Gd 1752 3357 WESTERN Coast of Louisiana and the Coast of New Leon, by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Gd 1775 3358 TARDIEU S Map of Louisiana and Mexico, on 2 large sheets coloured, on canvas in a case 3s 6ft 7 1820 3359 DRAUGHT of the Bay of Matanzas, by R. Pearson. Folio Is (about 1*7 00) 3360 MARTINICO. Folio, coloured. Is Amst., Janson 3361 L ISLE de la Martinique. Folio, coloured. 2s P. Marriette, Paris, 1664 3362 CARTE de 1 Isle du Martinique por Gul. de L isle. 2s 1732 3363 L ISLE de la Martinique dressee par M. Bellin. Large sheet 2s Gd 1762 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 225 3364 MARTINICO, by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Gd 1775 3365 LA MARTINIQUE par les Ingenieurs Anglois lorsqu ils en etoient Possesseurs par Jeffreys. Large she*t. Is Gd Paris, 1779 3366 PLAN of the Harbour, Fort, Town, and Environs of Fort Royal in Martinique, by Lieut. Booth. 2 large sheets, coloured. 2s Gd W.Fadm, 1793 3367 SANSON (N.) Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne Nouvelle Galliae, Yucatan, &c., et autres Provinces jusques al Isthme de Panama. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, 1656 3368 SANSON (N.) Le Noveau Mexique et la Floride. Folio, coloured, 2s Paris, 1656 3369 MEXICO. Svo. Gd K. Morden, (about 1680) 3370 NEW Mexico and California. Svo. Gd 11. Morden, (about 1680) 3371 CARTE du Mexique et de la Florida?, par Gul. De Lisle. Folio. 2s 1703 3372 NEW and Accurate Map of Mexico, or New Spain, California, New Mexico, &c., by E. Bo wen. Foiio. Is 1752 3373 COAST of Mexico, from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta Brava, by T.Jeffrey. Large sheet. Is 1775 3374 CARTA Esferica que comprehende las costas del seno Mexi- cano por Juan de Langara. Large sheet. Is Gd 1799 3375 ARROWSMITH S Large Map of Mexico and Adjacent Provinces. On 4: sheets on canvas in a case. 5s 1810 3376 POIRSON (J. B.) Carte de Mexique d apres de Mr. Humboldt, et d autres materiaux. Single sheet. Is Gd 1811 3377 MAP of the Mining District of Mexico, on canvas folded. Royal 4to. 2s 3378 MISSISSIPPI from the Sea to Bayagoulas. 4 to. Gd 1761 3379 MAP of the Course of the Mississippi, from Balise to Fort Char- tres, taken on an Expedition to the Illinois in 1765, by Lieut. Ross. Is Gd 1775 3380 MAP to Illustrate General Amherst s Expedition to Montreal. 4to. M 1760 3381 MONTREAL. Cane s Topographical and Pictorial Map of the City of Montreal. A large sheet on canvas in a case. 2s Gd 1846 3382 PLAN de la Baie de Narraganset, dans la nouvelle Angleterre, d apres C. Blaskowits. Sheet. Is 1780 3383 NE\y ENGLAND Observed and Described by Captain John Smith (with his portrait in the top corner.) Folio, the margins cut off. 7s Qd S. Pass, sculp. 3384 FACSIMILE of the Map of New England and New York, belong ing to " Mather s Ecclesiastical History of Nevr England," Folio. 10s Gd 1702 3385 SEAT of the War in New England by an American Volunteer, with the Marches of the several Corps sent by the Colonies towards Boston, with the Attack on Bunker s Hill. Folio, coloured. 2s 1775 3386 MAP of New England, by Captain John Smith. With his por trait in the top corner and his coat of arms in the middle of the map. 15s Simon Pass, sculp., 1614 28 226 Maps relating to America, on Sale by 3387 MAP of the Inhabited part of New England, containing the Pro vinces of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and the Colonies of Conetikut and Rhode Island. On canvas in a case. 5s Jeffreys, 1755 3388 MAP of the most inhabited part of New England, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, by T. Jeffreys. 2 sheets. 3s 1774 3389 THE Provinces of New England, New York, and Canada. 4to. Is Gibson 3390 TERRA Nova ac Maris tractus circa Novam Franciam,~Angliam, Bel p in m, &c. Folio. Is Amst., Renard, 1715 3391 CHART of the South Coast of Newfoundland, including the Islands of St. Peter s and Miquelon, by James Cook, (afterwards the circumnavigator,) on 3 sheets. 4s Qd. 1767 3392 CHART of the West Coast of Newfoundland, by James Cook, (the circumnavigator,) on 3 sheets. 6s 1768 3393 CHART of the Straights of Bellisle, with part of the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, by Captain James Cook, (the cir cumnavigator,) 1 sheet. 2s 1766 3394 CHART of part of the South Coast of Newfoundland, by James Cook, (the circumnavigator), large sheet. 3s 1776 3395 A CHART of the Sea Coast of Newfoundland between St. Laurence and Point May, a coloured drawing on 4 sheets, by CAP TAIN JAMES COOK, afterwards the circumnavigatar. 15s 3396 GENERAL Chart of the Island of Newfoundland from Surveys by Cook, Lane, and others. Folio, coloured. Is 6d. 1775 3397 FACSIMILE of the rare Map of Newfoundland belonging to " Vanghan s Golden Fleece." 4to. 10s Qd 1626 3398 CHART of the Sea Coast of Newfoundland, New Scotland, (Nova Scotia,) New England, New York, New Jersey, with Virginia, and Maryland, by Mount and Page. Folio. 2s 1702 3399 CHART of the Banks of Newfoundland, by Chabert, Cook, and Fleurieu. Single sheet. Is 1775 3400 NEW and Accurate Map of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and New England, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is 6d 1752 3401 PROVINCE de New Jersey, divisee en Est et Quest et traduit a Paris chez le Rouge Ingenieur. Coloured on targe sheet. 2s Paris, 1782 3402 TANNER (H. S) Map of New York. Coloured, large sheet on canvas, in a case. Is Philadelphia, 1810 3403 PLAN of New York, with part of Long Island, &c., with parti cular description of the Engagement between Flat Bush and Brooklyn, 27th August, 1776. Large sheet 2s Faden 3404 SEAT of Action between the British and American Forces, or Plan of the Western Part of Long Island, August 27th, 1776, Large sheet. 2s Sayer and Bennett \ 3405 MAP of the Country in which the Army under General Burgoyne acted in 1777. 4 to. Qd \ 3406 MAP of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey, with part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec, by Jefferys and Pownall. 2 sheets. 2s 1776 A. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 227 3407 MAP of the States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c. a very large drawing on several sheets, mounted on canvas in a case. 7s Qd. (about 1765) 3407* MAP of the State of New York by SIMEON DE WITT, on six large sheets. 5s 1802 3408 PLAN of the Township of Blenheim, Schoharie County. New York as surveyed and divided by James Creassy in the year 1772, very large size, a Drawing. Is Qd This map referred to in the affidavit of James Campbell on Mr. Weatherheacl s Claim, March 14, 1786 Richard Lee. (Not* on the corner.} 3409 SEAT of War in the Middle British Colonies, Virginia, Mary- / land, Pensylvania, &c., fol. large sheet. Is 177G - 3410 SEAT of War in the Northern Colonies, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia. New England, New York, &c., corrected from Gov. PownhalPs map 1776, fol. large sheet. Is 1776 3411 NEW Orleans, Plan of. 4to. Bd 1761 3412 HISPANIA Novae sive Magnse recens et vera descriptio, 1579. Folio, clean. 3s Qd 3413 NOVA Hispania et Nova Gallicia. Folio, coloured. 2s Qd H. Hondius. 3414 COAST of New Spain, from Vera Cruz to Triste Island, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 3415 MAP of the North Pole with all the adjacent Countries yet discovered, by E. Bowen. Folio. Is Qd 1752 3416 NORTH West America. 8vo. Qd Pi. Morden, (about 1680) 3417 MARE del Nord (including the Coast of N. and S. America) autore P. M. Coronelli. Folio. 2s Fenetia, 1695 3418 MAP of the Province of Nova Scotia, including the Island of Cape Breton, from actual surveys by W. Mackay. Pery large sheet, coloured, on canvas in a case. 5s 1834 3419 PLAN of the Harbour of Chebucto and Halifax. 4to. 3d (about 1760) 3420 SKETCH of Pope s Harbour, 15 leagues from Chebucto Head, by John Marr, Engineer, 1761, a draining. 4to. Is 6^ 1761 3421 MAP of Lake Ontario . to the Mouth of the St. Lawrence, by Kitchen. 4to. Is 3422 MAP of the Oregon Districts and the adjacent country, on a large sheet, coloured. 2s 1843 3423 PANAMA. Map of the Isthmus of Panama, from a Spanish Draught, by J. Cowley. A very curious and interesting drawing in pen and Indian ink. Folio. 5s. 3424 PANAMA, with the Coasts from Great River, on the Mosquito Shore to Cartagena, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 3425 MAP of Pensylvania, exhibiting not only the Improved Parts of that Province, but also its extensive Frontiers, chiefly from the Map of W. Scull, published in 1770. 3 sheets. 2s 1775 3426 CARTE de la Terre Ferme du Perou du Bresil, et du Pays de Amazones par Gul. de L Isle. Folio. 2s 1703 3427 NEW and Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Ama zones. By Eman Bowen. Folio. Is Qd 1752 3428 PERU. Large sheet. Is Qd Neele, 1809 228 Maps relating to America, on Sale by 3429 CHURRACA (Cosme de) Piano geometrico del Puerto, Capital de la Isla de Puerto Rico. Single sheet. Is Qd 1794 3430 DRAUGHT of the West End of Porto Rico, and the Island of Zachee. Folio. Is Mount and Page, 1700 0431 MAP of the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata. Large sheet Is Arrowsmith. 3432 ROUATAN, or Rattan, surveyed by Lieut. H. Barnsley, improved by Thomas Jefferys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3433 CHART of the Saintes (two Islands near Guadaloupe Island). By Arrowsmith, large sheet. Is Qd 1798 3434 CARTE de 1 Isle de Sainte Christophe. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, P. Mariette 1664 3435 ACCURATE Map of the Island of St. Christopher, or St. Kits. ByE. Bowen. Folio. Is Qd 1752 3436 ST. CHRISTOPHER S, Surveyed by Anthony Ravell, Esq., engraved by T. J efferys ; and Nevis, by T. Jefferys, on one large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3437 RAVELL (Ant.) Isle of St. Christophe, or St. Kitts, par Le Rouge, large sheet. Is Qd Paris, 1779 3438 MAP of St. Christopher s, from Mr. Andrew Norwood s Survey. Folio. Is Mount and Page, (about 1700) 3439 NEW and Exact Map of the Island of St. Christopher, from an actual Survey made in 1753, describing the several Parishes, Highways, situation of every Gentleman s Plantation, Mills, Houses, &c. By Lieut. Saml. Baker, R.N., large sheet on canvas in a case. 5,9 3440 CARTE de 1 Isle de St. Dominique, par Gul. De L Isle. Folio. 2s 1725 3441 FADEN S Map of St. Domingo, large sheet, coloured. Is Qd 1794 3442 ISLE of St Domingo, after the Survey of Don J. Solano, on canvas, in a case. 2s Faden, 1796 3443 LA DOMINGUE, large sheet. 2s Qd Paris, Re Rouge. 3444 SOUTH Part of St. Domingo, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 3445 FADEN S Map of the Island of St. Eustatius, corruptly St. Eustatia. Large sheet coloured. Is Qd 1795 3446 MAP of the Island of St. John in the Gulf of St. Laurence, divided into Counties, Parishes, Lots, &c., from the survey of Captain Holland. Single sheet. Is Qd 1775 3447 PLAN de 1 Ile de St. Jean, au Nord de TAcadie d apres Captain Holland. Fol sheet. Is 1778 3448 A PLAN of the River St. Laurence from Quebec to the Island of Anticosti, a dnmirig on four sheets, by the celebrated Captain James Cook, tlie circumnavigator. 15s 3449 A PLAN of the River St. Laurence from Hare Island to Quebec, a coloured drawing on four sheets. 7s Qd (about 1750) 3450 RIVER St. Laurence, from Tillery to the Fall of Montmorenci, with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec under Saunders and Wolfe, drawn by a Captain in the Navy. Royal 4to. 5s. 1759 3451 CHART of the Gulph of St. Laurence, composed from a Great Number of Actual Surveys. Folio, coloured. Is Qd about (1770) 3452 AN EXACT Chart of the River St. Lawrence, from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti, by Thos. Jefferys. Large sheet, coloured. 2s 1775 A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 229 3453 ST. LUCIA, by T. Jefferys. Large sheet. Is 1775 3454 MAP of the Island of St. Michael, Azores, by Cooper. 4to. Is 3455 CARTE de 1 Isle Saint Pierre par Bellin. Fol. sheet. Is 1630 :H56 ST. VINCENT, from an Actual Survey in 1773. Large sheet. Is 1775 3457 PLAN of the Town and Fort of Carillo at Ticonderoga, with the Attack made by the British Army, 8th July, 1758, by T. Jefferys. Folio, coloured. 2s 3458 MAGNUM Mare del Zur, cum Insula California. Folio. Is Amst. RenarcL 1715 3459 NEW and Accurate Map of Terra Firma and the Caribee Islands, by E. Bowen. Folio. \s Qd 1752 3460 TENASSE Government, formerly part of North Carolina. 4to. Qd Imlay 3461 TURKS Islands, from a Survey made in 1758. Is 1775 3462 CARTE des Etats Unis, avec 1 Epoques de I Etablissement des Europeans dans les Etats Unis. 4to. Qd 3463 UNITED States, with the British and Spanish Territories accord ing to the Treaty. Folio. Is Qd Faden, 1763 3464 CARTE des Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique suivant le tra te de Paix de 1783, par Luttre, dediee et presentee A. S. Excellence, Mr. Benjamin Franklin, large sheet coloured. 2s Paris, 1 784 3464* MAP of the United States and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, by J. and A . Walker. 4 large sheets, coloured. 4s 3465 ARROWSMITH S Map of the United States from a number of Critical Researches, on 4 sheets, coloured. 4s 3466 MAP of the United States, compiled from the latest Surveys, by Arnos Lay, very large, mounted on camas in a case. 5s. N. Y. 1833 3467 COLTON S Map of the Southern States of America, very large sheet. Is Qd 1862 3468 WESTERN Territories of the United States. 4to. Qd Imlay. 3469 ORTA (Bernardo de) Piano del puerto de Vera Cruz in la Costa ocidental del seno Mexicano. On single sheet. Is Qd 1798 3470 JEFFERY (Jno.) Map of the Virgin Islands, from English and Danish Surveys. Sheet on canvas in a case. Is Qd 1794 3471 THE Virgin Islands from English and Danish Surveys, by T. Jeffreys. Large sheet. Is Qd 1775 3472 VIRGINIA item et Floridse Americas Provinciarum, nova descriptio. Fol., coloured, curious. 5s 3473 VIRGIN^E tabula. Fol., coloured. 5s Amst. H. Hondius, N.D. 3474 VIRGINIA and Florida. Folio. Is Hondius, 1635 3475 A NEW Map of the English Empire in America, viz., Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, &c., by J. Senex. Large sheet. 2s 1719 3476 MAP of Virginia, Maryland, and the improved parts of Pennsyl vania and New Jersey, by J. Senex. Folio. 2s 1719 3477 DRAUGHT of Virginia, from the Cape to York in York River, and to Kimquatou in James River, by M. Tiddeman. Folio. Is Mount and Page (about 1700) 3478 MAP of the most inhabited parts of Virginia, containing the whole Province of Maryland, with part of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Drawn by Fry and Jefferson in 1775. Two sheets. 2s Qd 230 Maps relating to America, on Sale by 3479 PLAN of the City of Washington, by Mr. Ellicott. Is 6d (about 1810) 3480 CHART of the West Indies. Folio. Gd Mount and Page (about 1700) 3481 CHART of the Trading Part of the West Indies. Folio. Is Mount and Page, (about 1700) 3482 SANSON (N.) Les Isles Antilles, &c., entre lesquelles sont les Lucayes et les Caribes. Folio, coloured. 2s Paris, 165G 3483 MAP of the West Indies and adjacent Parts, by N. Vischer of Amsterdam, done into English. Sheet coloured. 2s London, H. Overtoil, (about 1680) 3484 WEST India Islands. 8vo. 6d R. Morden, (about 1680) 3485 CHART of the West Indies, from Newfoundland to the River Oronoque, by Muunt and Page. Folio. Is 1702 3486 CARTE des Antilles Francoises et des Isles voisines, par Gul de I/Isle. Folio. 2s 1717 3487 ACCURATE Map of the West Indies, by E. Bo wen. Folio. IsGd 1752 3488 CARTE des Isles Antilles et du Golfe du Mexique avec le Majetire partie de la Nouvelles Espagnes, par M. Bonne. Coloured on 3 sheets. 2s 1780 3489 THE West Indies, by Bryan Edwards. On two large sheets. 2s 6d Stockdah, 1793 3490 MAP of the English Empire in the West Indies, with Jamaica enlarged, by J. ISenex. Folio. Is (about 17^0) 3491 ARROWSMITH S Chart of the West Indies and the Spanish Dominions in North America. On four sheets. 5s 1809 3492 SPHERICAL Chart of the Sea of the Antilles and of the Coast of Terra Firma, from the Island of Trinidad to the Gulf of Hon duras. On large sheet. 2s Faden, 1806 3493 GENERAL Chart. of the Western Ocean, by Mount and Page. Folio. Is 1702 3494 WINDWARD Passage, with the several Passages from the East End of Cuba and the North Part of St. Domingo, by T. Jelierys. Large sheet. Is 1775 ENGRAVINGS. 3495 WILLIAM PENN S Treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsylvania, 1681, painted by Benjamin West, engraved by J. Hall, published by J. Boydell, 1775, size of the plate 24 inches by 18. 5s 3496 Another, choice old impression. 7s Gd 3497 An unfinished Artist s Etching, showing the progress of the work before the figures were filled in. A curiosity. 7s 6d 3498 WOLFE (General), Design for a Monument to. 4to. 3d 1789 3499 QUEENSTON. General Brock s Monument. 4to. 3d Bartlelt 3500 RAPIDS, near the Village of Cedars. 4to. 3d Bartlett A. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 231 3501 A CURIOUS Coloured Manuscript Caricature of Captain Edward Sabine, " the Polar Astronomer Learning to take a Lunar Observation," illustrating Sir John Ross s Voyage to Baffin s Bay. 25 Qd 3502 BUFFALO, Tippecanoe Log Cabin at. 4to. Qd 1840 3503 BUNKER S HILL, Curious for its unlikeness. 8vo. 3d 1790 3504 FORT JOHNSON from the South, drawn on the Spot by Mr. Guy Johnson. 4to. Gd Naklt 3505 VIEW of the Pierced Island, a Remarkable Rock in the Gulf of St. Laurence. Folio. 2s Hervey Smyth, 1760 3506 VIEW in Hudson River, of the entrance of what is called the Topan Sea. Folio. 2s Peter Benazech 3507 NORTH View of Fort Royal, in the Island of Guadaloupe, when in Possession of His Majesty s Forces in 1759. Folio. 2s Lieut. Campbell 3508 QUEBEC. The Distillery at Beaufort. 8vo. 2d Heriot 3509 Square and Churches. 4to Qd Walton 3510 FACSIMILES of the Signatures to the Declaration of Indepen dence, July 4, 1776. 4to. 3d 3511 A VIEW of the Archiepiecopal Palace at Scrooby, Notts, the Residence of William Brewster, " the Pilgrim Father," before he left England. 8vo. Qd Raine and Moore 3512 Printed on 4to paper. d 3513 A VIEW of Mexico. Ob. 8vo. Is (about 1720) 3514 PENN S Treaty with the Indians. 4to, woodcut by J Jackson, from West s picture. 4d 3515 A PROSPECTIVE View of the Battle fought near Lake George, 8th September, 1755, between the English and Mohawks under General Johnson, against the French and Indians. FoJio 5s S. Blodyet, delin. 3516 A VIEW of Savannah as it stood 20th March, 1734, by Peter Gordon, dedicated to the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia. Folio, large sheet, curious. 5s 3517 A LARGE Folio Engraving of the Seven Indian Kings or Chiefs which were brought over from Carolina, by Sir Alexander Gum ming, to enter into Articles of Friendship and Commerce with his Majesty Geo. II. (afeiv words from the inscription at the bottom have been nibbled off by a rascally mouse since I bought it}. 7s 6d Markham and Basire, 1738 3518 THE REPEAL; or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ Stamp. A curious caricature engraving. 5s. 1776 3519 BUSH HILL, seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq., near Philadelphia. 12mo. Gd 1787 3520 PHILADELPHIA State House. 8vo. 3d 1752 3521 VIEW of Niagara Fort. 4to. 6d 1759 3522 PERSPECTIVE View of Montreal. 4to. Qd old print. 1759 3523 OPERATIONS of the Siege of Quebec 4to. Qd 1759 3524 PERSPECTIVE View of Quebec. 4to. Qd 1759 3525 VIEW of Quebec from the Basin. 4to. Qd Booker 3526 ST. PHILIP S Church, Charlestown, South Carolina. 8vo. 3d 1753 232 Books relating to America, on Sale by ADDITIONAL BOOKS. 3527 ADDRESSES and Messages of the Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Harrison. Thick 8vo, portrait of Harrison, neat, calf gilt. 5s New York, 1841 0528 ATTEMPT to show that America must be known to the Ancients; with an Appendix concerning the American Colonies, by an American Englishman, Pastor of a church in Boston (Samuel Mather?) 8vo, half morocco. 1. Is Boston, N.E., by J. Kneeland, 1773 3529 BARLOW S (Joel) Vision of Colombus, a Poem in nine books. Small 8vo neat. 4s 6d 1787 3530 BEAMISH S (N. L.) Discovery of America by the Northmen in the 10th Century, with Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. 8vo, maps, doth. 3s Qd Published at 10s Qd 1841 3531 BIBLIOTHECA Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America, 2 parts, 8 clays sale, (the balk of what appeared in Henry St evens s " Nuggets"), 1861 Catalogue of Anglo-American Literature, a larger collection than has hitherto ever been offered in one saie (belonging to G. E. Mason) 10 days sale, 1859. Another Collection, by the same, 5 days sale, 1860. In 1 vol. 8vo, In If morocco, uncut. Is Qd 3532 BOTTA (C.) Storia della Guerra dell Independenza degle Stati Uniti d America. 4 vols. 8vo, portrait* of Botta, Washington, Franklin, and Lafayette, calf extra, marbled leaves. 12s Milano, 1819 3533 BRITISH American Association and Nova Scotia Baronets. Report of the Action for Damages for alleged Libel, Broun (soi- disant) Sir Richard, against the Globe Newspaper. Edited by W. B. D. Turnbull. 8vo, pp. 106, A UNIQUE COPY, half blue morocco, uncut, bound by Hay day. .3. 3s Edinburgh, 184:6 Printed for Private Circulation. The impression was limited to 70 copies on paper, AND THIS ONE ON VELLUM. 3534 DRAKE. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. Col lected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher, Preacher in this Employment, and compared with divers others Notes that went in the same Voyage. 4to, new calf extra, by Bedford. 3. 5s 1652 3535 ENQUIRY into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawnee Indians from the British Interest. Written in Pennsylvania. Together with the Remarkable Journal of C. F. Post, on a Message from the Governor of Pennsylvania to the Indians of the Ohio. 8vo, map, neat. 1. 4s 1759 3536 FEDERMANN (Nic.) Relation du Premier Voyage aux Indes de la mer Octane, (New Granada and Venezuela), 1557. Edite par Ternaux-Compans. 8vo, sewed. 4s 6d Paris, 1837 A, R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 233 3576 GOMAEA (Francois Lopez de) Histoire Generale des Indes Occi- _, dentales et Terres Neuves, qui iusques a present ont este" Descou- vertes, traduite par Matt. Mart. Fumee. Thick small 8vo, FINE COPY, new and elegant, in morocco gilt edges. 3. 3s. Paris, 1584 3577 GUIANA. A Publication of Guiana s Plantation, newly under taken by the Eight Honourable the Earl of Barkshire and Com pany for that most famous Biver of the Amazone s in America. 4to, new calf extra by Pratt. 4. 14s Qd London, 1632 3578 HAKIOT (Thos.) Admiranda Narratio de Commodis et Incolorum Bitibus Virginia. Folio, with the rare map and 29 plates, by Theo dore de Bry, FINE COPY, calf extra, by Pratt. 5. 5s Franc/, 1590 3579 LAS CASAS (Earth) Account of the first Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America, their unparalleled Cruelties on the Indians, &c. 8vo, (wants 2 plates) neat. 9s 1699 3580 MANUSCEIPT. A Collection of Instructions, Orders, and other Miscellaneous Papers relating to the several Governments belong ing to the Crown of Great Britain in North America, 264 pages and Index plainly written, collected by James Abercromby (who was agent for Carolina and Virginia). Folio, vellum. 5. 5s 1740 to 1760 A very interesting manuscript. 3581 An Examination of the Laws of this Kingdom relative to the Government, Trade, Customs, and other branches of Eevenue arising to the Crown from the American Colonies. Folio. 47 leaves plainly written. By James Abercromby, in paper covers. 2. 2s 1751 3582 Letter Book of James Abercromby. Proceedings of Com mittees, An Account to " The Assembly of Virginia Dr. to James Abercromby, Esquire, for Money disbursed on their Account, and for Business done as Agent, from Jan. 1753 to Jan. 1758," etc., curious and interesting historical MS. 5. 5s 3583 An Examination of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Trade and Government of the American Colonies, etc., by J. Aber- crombie, plainly written on 109 leaves. Folio, vellum. 2. 2s 1752 Not in the Author s own handwriting, but the title is signed by him ; also, a Memorandum, dated 1779, at the end of the MS., stating it having been placed in the hands of Lord Halifax, whose friendship he was favoured with, and that he could not help taking notice how remarkably the seditious proceedings in America confirmed the rectitude of his ideas. 3584 Letter Book of James Abercrombie, Agent for North Carolina, containing copies of many important Letters relative to the American Colonies ; A Debtor Account of James Aber crombie, 1749-50 "Memorandum of Papers and Writings left with Mr. John Hume, Merchant in Charlestown, South Carolina, for James Abercrombie, Esq." " Inventory of Plate," Bonds, Left with Mr. John Hume," etc. Folio, vellum. 5. 5s 3585 MASSACHUSETTS BAY. The Charter of William and Mary to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England. Boston, Printed by B. Green. 1714. Acts and Laws of Her Majesty s Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England. Boston, Printed by B. Green, 1714. In 1 vol. small folio, original binding. 3. 3s " Eidono eximinii viris Addingtoni Davenporti, Bostoniensis coneiliarii Regii. J. ABEECEOMBT." 234 Books relating to America. 35S6 MAUDE (John) Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800, and Tour Through Canada. Imp. 8vo. FINE PROOF PLATES ON INDIA PAPER, new crimson morocco, super extra gilt edges. 4. 4s 1826 This copy is one of FOUR printed on Whatman s best thick ribbed paper, the certificate of which is printed on fly-leaf; it also contains sixteen pages of Additional Notes, which were printed afterwards, and which are not in other copies. It is a presentation copy from the author, with his inscrip tion. The Author was a resident of Moor House, in Yorkshire, and one highly respected in the county, he was also the author of " Wensleydale," a Descriptive Poem with Notes. 3587 NEW ENGLAND. A brief Relation of some Church Courses held in Opinion and Practice in the Churches lately erected in New England. By W. R. 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s Lond. for E. Erewster, 1644 3588 NEW ENGLAND. Letter of many Ministers in Old England requesting the Judgment of their Reverend Brethren in New England concerning nine positions, written Anno 1637. Together with their answer thereto returned. Now published by Simeon Ash and William Rathband. 4to, half morocco. 2. 2s Land. T. Underhill, 1643 3589 NEW ENGLAND. A Modest Enquiry into the Grounds and Occasions of a late Pamphlet, intitled, " a Memorial of the Pre sent Deplorable State of New England." 4to, half morocco uncut. 2. 2s Lond. Printed in the Year 1707 It also contains the Memorial itself, which was written by Governor Dudley. 3590 NEW Haven s Settling in New England. And some Lawes for Government : Published for the use of that Colony. Though some of the orders intended for present convenience may pro bably be hereafter altered, and as need requirethother Lawes added. 4to ; morocco extra, EXTREMELY SCARCE. 10. 10s Lond. Printed by M. S.,for Livewell Chapman, 1656 3591 SLATER. Memoir of Samuel Slater, the Father of American Manufactures, connected with a History of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in England and America. By Geo. S. White. 8vo. with 30 engravings, cloth. 9s Philadelphia, 1836 3592 CARTWRIGHT S Journal during a Residence of nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 vols. 4to, plates, calf neat. 1. 4s 1792 3593 BERNARD (Richard, Preacher of God s Word), Christian Adver tisements and Counsels of Peace, also Disswasions from the Separatists Schisme, commonly called Brownisme. 12mo, FINE COPY, in new calf extra, by Bedford. 1. 11s 6d London, Felix Kingston, 1608 The author of the above rare little volume was a Puritan member of the Church of England, whose Nonconformity was permitted, from the personal respect felt for him by his bishop. Before his settlement at Batcome, in Somerset, he was vicar of Worksop, and was much connected with the men who afterwards became the PIL&EIM FATHERS. See Hunter s Founders of New Plymouth, also Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, vol. viii., p. 402. The sect of Brownists had also intimate connections with the religioue opinions of New England. BILLING, TBINTEB, GUILDFOfiD. Catalogue of Books PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W. DLARD (George). The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of Massachusetts, in New England. 8vo, pedigrees, <&c., cloth. 15s An interesting volume to the English genealogist, it_contains a >od deal of new matter eir collateral branches. good deal of new matter relating to this old English Family and AGINCOURT. A Contribution towards an Authentic List of the Commanders of the English Host in King Henry the Fifth s Expedition. By the Eev. JOSEPH HUNTER, post 8vo. 2s 6d AKERMAN S (John Yonge, Fellow and late Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries) Archaeological Index to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic, Romano-British, and Anglo-Saxon Periods. 8vo, illustrated with numerous engravings, comprising upwards of five hundred objects, cloth. 15s This work, though intended as an introduction and a guide to the study of our early antiquities, will, it is hoped, also prove of service aa a book of reference to the practised Archaeologist. " One of the first wants of an incipient Antiquary is the facility of comparison ; and here it is furnished him at one glance. The plates, indeed, form the most valuable part of the book, both by their number and the judicious selection of types and examples which they contain. It is a book which we can, on this account, safely and warmly recommend to all who are interested in the antiquities of their native land. " Literary Gazette. AKERMAN s (J. Y.) Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins. Foolscap 8vo, with numerous wood engravings from the original Coins (an excellent introductory book], cloth. 6s 6d CONTENTS : SECT. 1, Origin of Coinage Greek Eegal Coins 2. Greek Civic Coins 3. Greek Imperial Coins 4. Origin of Roman Coinage Consular Coins 5. Roman Imperial Coins 6. Roman British Coins 7. Ancient British Coinage 8. Anglo-Saxon Coinage 9. English Coinage from the Conquest 10. Scotch Coinage 11. Coinage of Ireland 12. Anglo-Gallic Coins 13. Con tinental Money in the "Middle Ages 14. Various Representatives of Coinage 15. Forgeries in Ancient and Modern Times 16. Table of Priceu of English Coins realized at Public Sales. 2 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BT AKERMAN S (J. Y.) Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England, drawn from the originals. Described and illustrated. One handsome volume, 4to, illustrated with 40 COLOURED PLATES, half morocco. 2. 2s (original price 3) The plates are admirably executed by Mr. Basire, and coloured under the direction of the author, which is not the case with a re-issue of the volume now sold bound in cloth. It is a work well worthy the notice of the Archaeologist AKERMAN S (J. Y.) Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, Described and Illustrated. Second edition, greatly enlarged 8vo, with plates and woodcuts, cloth. 10s 6d The "Prix de Numismatique" was awarded by the French Institute to th author for this work. " Mr. Akerman s volume contains a notice of every known variety, with copious illustrations, and is published at a very moderate price ; it should be consulted, not merely for these particular coins, but also for facts most valuable to all who are interested in Romano-British History." Archceol. Journal. AKERMAN S (J. Y.) Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, Geo graphically Arranged and Described Hispania, Gallia, Britannia. 8vo, with engravings of many hundred Coins from actual examples. Cloth. 7s 6d (original price 18s) AKERMAN S (J. Y.) Tradesman s Tokens struck in London and its Vicinity, from 1648 to 1671, described from the originals in the British Museum, &c. 8vo, with 8 plates of numerous examples, cloth, 7s 6d (original price 15s.) LARGE PAPER in 4to, cloth. 15s This work comprises a list of nearly 3000 Tokens, and contains occasional illustrative, topographical, and antiquarian notes on persons, places, streets, old tavern and coffee-house signs, &c., &c., with an introductory account of the causes which led to the adoption of such a currency. AKERMAN S (J. Y.) List of Tokens issued by Wiltshire Tradesmen in the Seventeenth Century. 8vo, plates, sewed. Is 6d AKERMAN S (J. Y.) Wiltshire Tales, illustrative of the Manners, Customs, and Dialect of that and adjoining Counties. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d " We will conclude with a simple but hearty recommendation of a little book which is as humourous for the drolleries of the stories as it is interesting as a picture of rustic manners." Tallis s Weekly Paper. AKERMAN S (J. Y.) Spring Tide ; or, the Angler and his Friends. 12mo, plates, cloth. 2s 6d (original price 6s) These Dialogues incidentally illustrate the Dialect of the West of England. " Never in our recollection has the contemplative man s recreation been rendered more attractive, nor the delights of a country life set forth with a truer or more discriminating zest than in these pleasant pages." Gent. s Mag. ALEXANDER (W., late Keeper of the Prints in the British Museum) Journey to Beresford Hall, in Derbyshire, the Seat of Charles Cotton, Esq., the celebrated Author and Angler. Crown 4to, printed on tinted paper, with a spirited frontispiece, representing Walton and his adopted Son, Cotton, in the fishing-house, and vignette title page. Cloth. 5s Dedicated to the Anglers of Great Britain and the various Walton and Cotton Clubs. Only 100 printed. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 8 ALFRED S (King) Anglo-Saxon Version of the Compendious His tory of the World by Orosius, with Translation, Notes, and Dissertations, by the Rev. Dr. BOSWORTII, Professor of Anglo- Saxon at Oxford. Royal 8vo, map and facsimiles of the MSS. t cloth. 16s ALFRED (King). Memorials of King Alfred, being Essays on the History and Antiquities of England during the Ninth Century the Age of King Alfred. BY various Authors. Edited and in part written by the Rev. Dr. GILES. Royal 8vo, pp. 400, coloured plate of K. Alfred s Jewel, seven plates of Anglo-Saxon Coins, and views of Grimbald s Crypt, cloth, 7s 6d ALLIES (Jabez, RS.A.) The Ancient British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities and Folk-Lore of Worcestershire. 8vo, pp. 500, with 6 plates and 40 woodcuts, Second Edition, cloth. 7a 6d (original price 14s) " The good people of Worcestershire are indebted to Mr. Jabez Allies for a very handsome volume illustrative of the history of their native county. Hia book, which treats On the Ancient British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities and Folk-lore of Worcestershire, has now reached a second edition ; and as Mr. Allies has embodied in this, not only the additions made by him to the original work, but also several separate publications on points of folk-lore and legendary interest, few counties can boast of a more industriously or carefully compiled history of what may be called its popular antiquities. The work is very handsomely illustrated." Notes and Queries. ANDERSON (Wm.) Genealogy and Surnames, with some Heraldic and Biographical Notices. 8vo, woodcuts of Arms and Seals, cloth. 3s 6d (original price 6s) 1865 ANGLO-SAXON Version of the Life of St. -Guthlac, Hermit of Croyland. Printed, for the first time, from a MS. in the Cottonian Library, with a Translation and Notes by CHARLES WYCLIFFE GOODWIN, M.A., Fellow of Catherine Hall, Cambridge. 12mo, cloth. 5s ANGLO-SAXON Version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, and the Anglo-Saxon Remains of St. Basil s Admonitio ad Filium Spiritu- alem. Now first printed from MSS. in the Bodleian Library, with a Translation and Notes by the Rev. H. W. NORMAN. 8vo, second edition, enlarged, sewed. 4s ANGLO-SAXON. Narratiunculse Anglice Conscripta. De perga- menis excribebat notis illustrabat eruditis copiam, faciebat T. OSWALD COCKAYNE, M.A. 8vo. 6s Containing Alexander the Great s Letter to Aristotle on the situation of India Of wonderful things in the East The Passion of St. Margaret the Virgin Of the Generation of Man, &c. ANGLO-SAXON. A Fragment of ^Elfric s Anglo-Saxon Grammar, uElfric s Glossary, and a Poem on the Soul and Body, of the Xllth Century, discovered among the Archives of Worcester Cathedral, by Sir THOMAS PHILLIPPS, Bart. Folio, PRIVATELY PRINTED, sewed. Is 6d Several other Anglo-Saxon works will be found in this Catalogue. I POORS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY ARCH^EOLOGIA CAMBRENSIS. A Record of the Antiquities, Historical, Genealogical, Topographical, and Architectural, of Wales and its Marches. First Series, complete, 4 vols, 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, cloth. 2. 2s Odd Parts may be had to complete Seta. Second Series, 6 vols, 8vo, cloth. 3. 3s Third Series, vol 1 to 12. 1. 10s each Published by the Cambrian Archaeological Association. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Report of the Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute held at Chichester, July, 1853. 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, clotf^ 7s 6d Printed uniformly with the other Annual Congresses of the Institute. ARCHER FAMILY. Memorials of Families of the Surname of Archer in various Counties of England, and in Scotland, Ireland, Barbadoes, America, &c. By Capt. J. H. LAWRENCE ARCHER. 4to, but few copies printed, cloth. 12s 6d ATKINSON S (George, Serjeant at Law) Worthies of Westmoreland ; or, Biographies of Notable Persons Born in that County since the Reformation. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s (original price 16s) AUTOBIOGRAPHY of JOSEPH LISTER (a Nonconformist), of Bradford, Yorkshire, with a contemporary account of the Defence of Bradford and Capture of Leeds, by the Parliamen tarians, in 1642. Edited by THOS. WRIGHT, F.S. A. 8vo, cloth. 2a AUTOBIOGRAPHY of THOMAS WRIGHT, of Birkenshaw, in the County of York, 1736-1797. Edited by his Grandson, THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A. Fcp. 8vo, pp. 376, cloth. 5s Particularly interesting about Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, and their neighbour hoods, and a curious picture of manners and persons in the middle of the last century. AUTOGRAPHICAL Miscellany; a Collection of Autograph Let ters, Interesting Documents, &c., executed in facsimile by FREDK. NETHERCLIFT, each facsimile accompanied with a page of letter-press by R. SIMS, of the British Museum. Royal 4to, A HANDSOME VOL, extra cloth. 1. Is (original price 1. 16s) Containing sixty examples of hitherto unpublished Letters and Documents of Blake, Boileau, Buonaparte, Burns, Calvin, Camden, Carrier, Catherine de Medicis, Charles I., Chatterton, Congreve, Crammer, Cromwell, Danton, D Aubigne, Dryden, Edward VI., Elizabeth, Elizabeth (sister of Louis XVI.), Franklin, Galilei, Glover, Goethe, Goldsmith, Henry VIII. , Hyde (Anne), James II., Jonson, Kepler, Kotzebue, Latimer, Loyola, Louis XIV., Louis XVI., Luther, Maintenon, Maria Antoinette, Maryborough, Marmontel, Mary Queen of Scots, Melancthon, Newton, Penn, Pompadour, Pole (Cardinal), Raleigh, Ridley, Robespierre, Rousseau, Rubens, Sand, Schiller, Spenser, Sterne, Tasso, Voltaire, Walpole (Horace), Washington, Wolfe, Wolsey, Wren, and Young. For the interesting nature of the documents, this collection far excels all the prepious ones. With two exceptions (formerly badly executed), they have never been published before. BAIGENT (F. J., of Winchester] History and Antiquities of the Parish Church of Wyke, near Winchester. 8vo. engravings. 2s 6d JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 5 BANKS (Sir T. C.) Baronia Anglia Concentrate, or a Concentration Of all the Baronies called Baronies in Fee, deriving their Origin from Writ of Summons, and not from any Specific Limited Creation, showing the Descent and Line of Heirship, as well of those Families mentioned by Sir William Dugdale, as of those whom that celebrated Author has omitted to notice ; in terspersed with Interesting Notices and Explanatory Remarks. Where to is added, the Proofs of Parliamentary Sitting, from the Reign of Edward I. to Queen Anne ; also, a Glossary of Dormant English, Scotch, and Irish Peerage Titles, with reference to presumed existing Heirs. 2 vols, 4 to, cloth. 15s (original price 3. 3s) LARGE PAPER COPY (very few prin ted). 2 vols. 1. Is A book of great research, by the well-known author of the " Dormant and Extinct Peerage," and other heraldic and historical works. Those fond of genealogical pursuits ought to secure a copy while it is so cheap. It may be considered a supplement to his former works. Vol. ii. pp. 210-300, contains an Historical Account of the first Settlement of Nova Scotia, and the foundation of the Order of Nova Scotia Baronets, distinguishing those who had seizin of lands there. BANKS (W. Stott, of Walcefield) Walks in Yorkshire. I. In the North West. II. In the North East. Thick f cap. 8vo, 2 large maps, cloth. 5s N. E. portion separately, comprising Redcar, Saltburn, Whitby, Scarborough, and Filey, and the Moors and Dales between the Tees, &c. Fcap. 8vo, sewed. Is 6d BARBER (G. D., commonly called Barber-Beaumont] Suggestions on the Ancient Britons, in 3 parts. Thick 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d (original price 14s) BARKER. Literary Anecdotes and Contemporary Reminiscences of Professor Porson and others, from the Manuscript Papers of the late E. H. Barker, Esq., of Thetford, Norfolk, with an Original Memoir of the Author. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s 1852 A singular book, full of strange stories and jests. BARKER (W. Jones) Historical and Topographical Account of Wensleydale, and the Valley of the Yore, in the North Riding of Yorkshire. 8vo, illustrated with views, seals, arms, &c., cloth. 4s 6d (original price 8s 6d) " This modest and unpretending compilation is a pleasant addition to our topographical literature, and gives a good general account of a beautiful part of England comparatively little known. It is handsomely printed with a number of finely executed woodcuts by Mr. Howard Dudley .... No guide to the district exists applicable alike to the will-filled and scantly furnished purse a defect which the auhor has endeavoured to supply by the present volume. BARNES (Rev. W.) Tiw ; or a View of the Roots and Stems of the English as a Teutonic Tongue. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. 5s "I hold that my primary roots are the roots of all the Teutonic languages; and, if rny view is the true one, it must ultimately be taken up by the German and other Teutonic grammarians, and applied to their languages. " The Author. 6 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY BARNES (Rev. William, of Came Rectory, Dorchester] A Philological Grammar, grounded upon English, and formed from a com parison of more than Sixty Languages. Being an Introduction to the Science of Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. 8vo (pp. 322), cloth. 9s " Mr. Barnes work is an excellent specimen of the manner in which the advancing study of Philology may be brought to illustrate and enrich a scientific exposition of English Grammar." Edinburgh Guardian. Of the science of Grammar, by induction from the philological facts of many languages, Mr. Barnes has, in this volume, supplied a concise and com prehensive manual. Grammarians may differ as to the regularity of the principles on which nations have constructed their forms and usagas of speech, but it is generally allowed that some conformity or similarity of practice may be traced, and that an attempt may be made to expound a true science of Grammar. Mr. Barnes has so far grounded his Grammar upon English as to make it an English Grammar, but he has continually referred to comparative philology, and sought to render his work illustrative of general forms, in conformity with principles common, more or less, to the language of all mankind. More than sixty languages have been compared in the course of preparing the volume ; and the general principles laid down will be found useful in the study of various tongues. It is a learned and philosophical treatise." Literary Gazette. . BARNES (Rev. W.) Anglo-Saxon Delectus ; serving as a first Class- Book to the Language. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d "To those who wish to possess a critical knowledge of their own Native English, some acquaintance with Anglo-Saxon is indispensable ; and we have never seen an introduction better calculated than the present to supply tha wants of a beginner in a short space of time. The declensions and conjuga tions are well stated, and illustrated by references to Greek, the Latin, French, and other languages. A philosophical spirit pervades every part. The Delectus consists of short pieces on various subjects, with extracts from Anglo-Saxon History and the Saxon Chronicle. There is a good Glossary at the end." Athenamm, Oct. 20, 1849. BARNES (Rev. W.) Notes on Ancient Briton and the Britons. Fcap. 8vo, doth. 3s " Mr. Barnes has given us the result of his Collections for a Course of Lectures on this subject, and has produced a series of Sketches of the Ancient Britons, their language, laws, and modes of life, and of their social state as compared with that of the Saxons, which will be read with considerable Interest." Notes and Queries. " We are very glad to meet with such pleasant and readable Notes as Mr. Barnes . They are very unaffected essays, imparting much warmth to the old carcase of British lore, and evincing some real study. He has found out the value of the old Welsh laws, and has made some useful comparisons between them and those of the Saxons with much freshness if not absolute novelty. " Guardian. BARNES (Rev. W.) Views of Labour and Gold. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. 3s "Mr. Barnes is a reader and a thinker. He has a third and a conspicuous merit his style is perfectly lucid and simple. If the humblest reader of ordinary intelligence desired to follow out the process by which societies are built up and held together, he has but to betake himself to the study of Mr. Barnes s epitome. The title "Views of Labour and Gold," cannot be said to indicate the scope of the Essays, which open with pictures of primitive life, nad pass on, through an agreeably diversified range of topics, to considerations of the rights, duties, and interests of Labour and Capital, and to the enquiry, What constitutes the utility, wealth, and positive well being of a nation? Subjects of this class are rarely handled with so firm a grasp and such light and artistic manipulation." A thenceum. The opinion of such a Scholar and Clergyman of the Established Church on subjects of political economy cannot fail to be both interesting and instructive and the originality of some of his views and expressions is well calculated to attract and repay the mots careful attention." Finanieal Refornwr. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 7 BARNES (Rev. W.) Poems, partly of Rural Life, in National Eng lish. 12mo, cloth. 5s BARNES (Rev. W.) Poems of Rural Life in the DORSET DIALECT. Fcap. 8vo, first collection, fourth edition, cloth. 5s Second Collection, second edition, fcap. 8vo, doth. 5a Third Collection, fcap. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d BATEMAN (Thos., of Youlgrave, Derbyshire) Vestiges of the An tiquities of Derbyshire, and the Sepulchral Usages of its Inha bitants, from the most Remote Ages to the Reformation. 8vo, with numerous woodcuts of Tumuli and their contents, Crosses, Tombs, &c., cloth. 15a BATEMAN S (Thomas) Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills, in the Counties of Derby, Stafford, and York, from 1848 to 1853, with Notices of some former Discoveries hitherto unpublished, and Remarks on the Crania and Pottery from the Mounds. 8vo, numerous woodcuts, cloth. 10s 6d BATTLE ABBEY. Descriptive Catalogue of the Original Charters* Grants, Donations, etc., constituting the Muniments of Battle Abbey, also the Papers of the Montagus, Sidneys, and Web- sters, embodying many highly interesting and valuable Records of Lands in Sussex, Kent, and Essex, with Preliminary Memo randa of the Abbey of Battel, and Historical Particulars of the Abbots. 8vo, 234 pages, cloth. Is 6d BEDFORD S (Rev. W. K. Riland) The Blazon of Episcopacy, being a complete List of the Archbishops and Bishops of England and Wales, and their Family Arms drawn and described, from the first introduction of Heraldry to the present time. 8vo, 144 pages, and 62 pages of drawings of Arms, cloth. 15s This work depicts the arms of a great number of English Families not to be found in other works. " There has been an amount of industry bestowed upon this curious work which is very creditable to the author, and will be found beneficial to all who care for the subject on which it has been employed." ATHEN^UM. BERRY S (W.) Pedigrees and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Hertfordshire. Folio (only 125 printed), Ids. 1. 10s (original price 3. 10s) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANY, edited by JOHN PETHERAM. 8vo, Nos. 1 to 5 (all published), with general title. Is CONTENTS. Particulars of the Voyage of Sir Thomas Button for the DU- covery of a North-West Passage, A.D. 1612 Sir Dudley Digges Of the Cir cumference of the Earth, or a Treatise of the North-East Passage. 1611-13 Letter of Sir Thomas Button on the North- West Passage, in the State-Paper Office Bibliographical Notices of Old Music Books, by Dr. Rimbault Notices of Suppressed Books Martin Mar Prelate s Rhymes The Hardwickc Collection of Manuscripts. BIBLIOTHEQUE Asiatique et Africane, ou Catalogue des Ouvragea relatifs a 1 Asie et a 1 Afrique qui ont paru jusqu en 1700, par H. TERNAUX-COMPANS. 8vo, avec supplement et index, sewed 10s 6d 8 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY " BIBLIA PAUPERUM." One of the earliest and most curious BLOCK BOOKS, reproduced in facsimile from a copy in the British Museum, by J. Ph. BERJEAU. Royal 4to, half bound. 2. 2s The BIBLIA PAUPERUM, known also by the title of HISTORIC VETERJS ET Novi TESTAMENTI, is a set of woodcuts in which the Old and New Testament are both brought to memory by pictures, and some lines of text in Latin. This name, BTBLJA PAUPERUM, is derived from its use by monks of the poorer order* commonly called PAUPERES CHRISTI. A* & specimen of the earliest woodcuts and of printed block-books, destined to supersede the mamiscripts anterior to the valuable invention of Guttenberg, the BIBLIA PAUPERUM is well worthy the attention of the amateur of Fine Artg as well as of the Bibliographer. It consists of 40 engraving*, printed on one ide only of the leaves, and disposed so as to have the figures opposite to each other. The engravings were printed by friction, with a substance of a brownish colour instead of printing ink, which was unknown at this early period. To Jroitat* as near as possible the original, the plates in this facsimile are disposed opposite each other, and printed in a brownish colour. Various editions of this Block-Book have been discovered, without any writer being able to say which Is the first one. A review of them is given in the printed Introduction of the book. Besides the rhymed Latin Poetry of which part was given by Heinecken, and after him by Ottley the Introduction gives, for the first time, the whole of the Text printed on both sides in the upper compartment, as well as an English Explanation of the subject. ONLY 250 COPIES HAVE BEEN PRINTED, UNIFORMLY WITH MB. S. LEIGH BOTHERBY S Principta Typographical. BIGSBY S (Robert, M.A., LL.D.) Historical and Topographical Description of Repton, in the County of Derby, with Inciden tal View of objects of note in its Vicinity. 4to, a handsome volume, with SEVENTY illustrations on copper, stone, and wood, cloth. 18s (original price 3. 3s) BLAKE (M.) A Brief Account of the Destructive Fire at Blandford Forum, in Dorsetshire, June 4, 1731. Reprinted from the edi tion 0/1735, with a plan and 2 views. 4to, cloth. 2s 6d BLAVIGNAC (J. D., Architect) Histoire de 1 Architecture Sacre e du quatrieme au dixieme siecle dans les anciens e>eche*s de Geneve, Lausanne, et Sion. One vol, 8vo, 450 pages, 37 plates, and a 4 to Atlas of 82 plates of Architecture, Sculpture, Frescoes, Reliquaries, <bc., &c. 2. 10s A very remarkable book, and worth the notice of the Architect, the Archge- ologist, and the Artist. BOYNE (W., F.S.A.) Tokens issued in the Seventeenth Century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by Corporations, Merchants, Tradesmen, &c., described and illustrated. Thick 8vo, 42 plates, cloth. 1. Is (original price 2. 2s) Nearly 9500 Tokens are described in this work, arranged alphabetically under Counties and Towns. To the Numismatist, the Topographer, and Genealogist, it will Jbe found extremely useful. BOSWORTH (Rev. Joseph, D.D., Anglo-Saxon Professor in the University of Oxford) Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. 8vo, closely printed in treble columns. 12s " This is not a mere abridgment of the large Dictionary, but almost an entirely new work. In this compendious one will be found, at a very moderate price all that is most practical and valuable in the former expensive edition, with a great accession of new words and matter." Author s Preface. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 86, SO HO SQUARE. 9 BOSWORTH and WARING. Four Versions of the Holy Gospels, viz., in Gothic, A.D. 360; Anglo-Saxon, 995; Wycliffe, 1389; and Tyudale, 1526, in parallel columns, with Preface and Notes by the Rev. Dr. BOSWORTH, Professor of Anglo-Sa*on in the University of Oxford, assisted by GEORGE WARING, M.A., of Cambridge and Oxford. One vol, 8vo, above 600 pages, cloth. 12s 6d A very low price has been fixed to ensure an extended sale among students and higher schools. LARGE PAPER. 4to, a handsome volume, not many printed* doth. 2. 2s " The texts are printed in four parallel columns, and very great care appears to have been taken iu their collation and correction." ATHENAEUM. " We heartily welcome this volume, brought out with so much care and ability ... It does credit to the printers of the University. . , . The work is Bcholarlike, and is a valuable contribution to the materials for Biblical Criti cism. . . We heartily commend it to the study of all who are interested either In the philology of the English language, or in the history and formation of our Authorized Version." THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER, a Quarterly Review. " Tt may almost be a question, whether the present volume phssesses greater Interest for the divine or for the philologist. To the latter it must certainly be Interesting from the opportunity which it affords him of marking the gradual development of our languages. The four versions of the Gospel, . . . with a learned and instructive preface, and a few necessary notes, form a volume, the value and importance of which need scarcely be insisted upon." NOTES AND QUERIES. BLAKEY (Robert) Historical Sketches of the Angling Literature of all Nations, to which is added a Bibliography of English Writers on Angling, by J. R. Smith. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. 5s BOWLES (Rev. W., Lisle) Hermes Britannicus, a Dissertation on the Celtic Deity Teutates, the Mercurius of Csesar, in further proof and corroboration of the origin and designation of the Great Temple at Abury, in Wiltshire. 8vo, bds, 4s (original price 8s 6d) BRIDGET S (Charles) Index to the Printed Pedigrees of English Families contained in County and Local Histories, the " Herald s Visitations," and in the more important Genealogical Collec tions. Thick 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d A similar work to Sims s " Index of Pedigrees in the MSS. in the British Museum. What that is for Manuscripts this is for Printed Books. It is the most complete Index of its kind, and contains double the matter of other hasty productions. BROOKE (Richard, F.8.A.) Visits to Fields of Battle in England, of the XVth Century, with some Miscellaneous Tracts and Papers, principally upon Archaeological Subjects. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 15s The work contains a descriptive account of the scenes of most of the memo rable conflicts in the Wars of York and Lancaster, comprising the celebrated battles of Shrewsbury, Blore Heath, Northampton, Wakefield, Mortimer s Cross, Towton, Barnet, Tewkesbury, Bosworth, and Stoke, and genealogical and other particulars of the powerful, warlike, and distinguished personages who were the principal actors in those stirring and eventful times, with plana of some of the fields of Battle, and an Appendix containing the principal Acts of Attainder relative to the Wars of the Roses, and Lists of the Noble men, Knights, and other personages attainted by them. 10 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY BROOKE (Richard) A Descriptive Account of Liverpool, as it waa during the last Quarter of the XVIIIth Century, 17751800. 4 handsome vol, royal 8vo, with illustrations) cloth. 12s 6d (original price 1. 5s) In addition to information relative to the Public Buildings, Statistics, and Commerce of the Town, the work contains some curious and interesting par ticulars which have never been previously published, respecting the pursuits, habits, and amusements of the inhabitants of Liverpool during that period, with views of its public edifices. BRUCE (Dr. J. Collingwood, Author of the "Roman Wall") The Bayeux Tapestry Elucidated. 4to, a handsome volume, illus trated with 17 COLOURED plates, representing the entire Tapestry, extra bds. 1. Is. BUCHANAN (W.) Memoirs of Painting, with a Chronological His- tory of the Importation of Pictures by the Great Masters into England since the French Revolution. 2 vols, 8vo, bds. 7s 6d (original price 1. 6s) BUNNETT (H. Jones, M.D.) Genoa, with Remarks on the Climate, and its influence upon Invalids. 12mo, cloth. 4s BURKE (John) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Medium 8vo, SECOND EDITION, 638 closely printed pages, in double columns, with about 1000 Arms engraved on wood, fine port, of JAMES I., cloth. 10? (original price 1. 8s) This work engaged the attention of the author for several years, comprises nearly a thousand families, many of them amongst the most ancient and eminent in the kingdom, each carried down to its representative or repre sentatives still existing, with elaborate and minute details of the alliances, achievements, and fortunes, generation after generation, from the earliest to the latest period. CALTON S (R. Bell) Annals and Legends of Calais, with Sketches of Emigre Notabilities, and Memoirs of Lady Hamilton. Post 8vo, with frontispiece and vignette, cloth. 5s PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. History of the Siege by Edward III. in 1346-7, with a roll of the Commanders and their followers present, from a contemporary MS. in the British Museum The Allotment of Lands and Houses to Edward s Barons Calais as an English borough List of the Streets and Householders of the same Henry Vlllth s Court there Cardinal Wolsey and his expenses The English Pale, with the names of Roads, Farmsteads, and Villiages in the English Era The Sieges of Theroup.nne and Tournai The Pier of Calais Proa and Cons of the place The Hotel Dessin Sterne s Chamber Churches of Notre Dame and St. Nicholas The Hotel de Ville Ancient Staple Hall The Chateau and Murder of the Duke of GloucesterThe Courgain The Field of the Cloth of Gold Notice of the Town and Castle of Guisnes, and its surprise by John de Lancaster The Town and Seigneurio of Ardres The Sands and Duel ling Villages and Chateau of Sangatte, Coulgon, Mark, Eschalles, and Ham- mes Review of the English Occupation of Calais, and its Recapture by the Duke de Guise The Lower Town and its Lace Trade Our Commercial Rela tions with France Emigre Notabilities Charles and Harry Tufton, Captain Dormer and Edith Jacquemont, Beau Brummel, Jemmy Urquhart, and his friend Fauntlerpy, " Nirnrod," Berkeley Craven, Mytton, Duchess of Kingston A new Memoir of Lady Hamilton, &c. Altogether an interesting volume on England s first Colony. BURN S (J. Southerden) The High Commission, Notices of the Court and its Proceedings. 8vo, cloth, only 100 printed. 3s JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 11 BURN s (J., Southerden) History of Parish Registers in England, and Registers of Scotland, Ireland, the Colonies, Episcopal Chapels in and about London, the Geneva Register of the Pro testant Refugees, with Biographical Notes, etc. Second edition, greatly enlarged, 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d CAMBRIDGE. Hisi^ria Collegii Jesu Cantabriglensis, a J. Sher- manno, olim prses. ejusdem Collegii. Edita J. 0. HALLTWELI*, 8vo, cloth. 2s CARD WELL (Rev. Dr., Professor of Ancient History, Oxford) Lec tures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans, delivered in the University of Oxford. 8vo, cloth. 4s (original price 8s 6d) A very interesting historical volume, and written in a pleasing and popular manner. CARTWRIGHT. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Mechanical Inventions of Edmund Cartwright, D.D., F.R.S., Inventor of the Power Loom, <kc. Edited by E. H. STEICKLAND. Post 8vo, engravings, boards. 2s 6d (original price 10s 6d) It contains some interesting literary history, Dr. Cartwright munberinff among his correspondents, Sir W. Jones, Crabbe, Sir H. Davy, Fulton, Sir S. Raffles, Langhorne, and others. He was no mean Poet, as his legendary tale of "Armiue and Elvira" (given in the Appendix) testifies. Sir W. Scott says It contains some excellent poetry, expressed with unusual felicity. CATALOGUE (Classified} of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with Indexes of Authors and Subjects, and a List of Historical Pamphlets, chronologically arranged. By BENJ. VINCENT, Librarian. Thick 8vo, pp. 948, half morocco, marbled edges. 15s It will be found a very useful volume to book collectors, and indispensable to public librarians. CHADWICK (William) The Life and Times of Daniel De Foe, with Remarks, Digressive and Discursive. 8vo, pp. 472, portrait, cloth 10s 6d. " Daniel De Foe devoted his life and energies to the defence of free institu tions and good government. He was the Radical of his day. He not only wrote, but suffered for truth and liberty. He was impoverished and perse cuted for his labours in this cause ; nay, he was repeatedly imprisoned for his principles, or for his unswerving attachment to them, and for his boldness and honesty in asserting them. He was the vigorous and indefatigable opponent of priestism, of ecclesiastical domination, and of the Popish tendencies of his time. We might not approve of all he wrote against the Catholics, but we should remember that he saw and felt, as we cannot, how inherently opposed to true freedom is the Catholic system. Although we live in very different times from those in which De Foe lived, yet his life is full of pregnant lessons for the liberals and friends of religious freedom of our day." Bradford Review. CHRONICLE of London from 1089 to 1483, written in the 15th Century, and for the first time printed from MSS. in the British Museum, with numerous Contemporary Illustrations of Royal Letters, Poems, descriptive of Public . Events and Manners and Customs of the Metropolis. (Edited by SIR HARRIS NICOLAS.) 4to, facsimile, cloth Ids. 15s Only 250 copies printed. It forms a Supplement to the Chronicles of Hard- ng, Rastall, Graft on, Hall, and others. 12 . BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY CHATTO (W. A., Author of " Jackson s History of Wood Engrav. ing ") Facts and Speculations on the History of Playing Cards in Europe. 8vo, profusely illustrated with engravings, both plain and coloured, cloth. 1. Is " The inquiry into the origin and signification of the suits and their marks, and the heraldic, theological, and political emblems pictured from time to time, in their changes, opens a new field of antiquarian interest ; and the perse verance with which Mr. Chatto has explored it leaves little to be gained by hig successors. Tho plates with which the volume is enriched add considerably to its value in this point of view. It is not to be denied that, take it altogether, it contains more matter than has ever before been collected in one view upon the same subject. In spite of its faults, it is exceedingly amusing ; and the most critical reader cannot fail to be entertained by the variety of curious out lying learning Mr. Chatto has somehow contrived to draw into the investiga tions." Atlas. "Indeed, the entire production deserves our warmest approbation." Lite rary Gazette. "A perfect fund of antiquarian research, and most interestiug even to per sons who never play at cards." Tait s Magazine. " A curious, entertaining, and really learned book." Rambler. "THE GAME OP THE CHESSE," the First Book printed in England by WILLIAM CAXTON, reproduced in facsimile from a copy in the British Museum, with a few Remarks on Caxton s Typographical Productions, by VINCENT FIGGINS. 4t*o, pp. 184, with 23 curious woodcuts, half morocco, uncut. 1. Is or, in antique calf, with bevelled boards and carmine edges. 1. 8s Frequently, as we read of the Works of Caxton and the early English Printers, and of their Black Letter Books, very few persons ever had the opportunity of seeing any of these productions, and forming a proper estimate of the ingenuity and skill of those who first practised the " Noble Art of Printing." THE TYPE HAS BEEN CAREFULLY IMITATED, AND THE WOODCUTS FACSIMILIEI BY Miss BYFIELD. The Paper and Watermarks have also been made expressly, as near as possible, like the original ; and the book is accompanied by a few remarks of a practical nature, which have been suggested during the progress of the fount, and the necessary study and comparison of Caxton s Works with those of his contemporaries in Germany, by Mr. V. PIQGINS, who spent two years "labour of love " in cutting the matrixes for the type. COLLECTION" of Letters on Scientific Subjects, illustrative of the Progress of Science in England. Temp. Elizabeth to Charles II. Edited by J. 0. HALLIWELL. 8vo, cloth. 3s Comprising letters of Digges, Dee, Tycho Brahe, Lower, Hariott, Lydyatt, Sir W. Petty, Sir C. Cavendish, Brancker, Pell, &c. ; also the Autobiography of Sir Samuel Morland, from a MS. in Lambeth Palace, Nat. Tarpoley s Cor rector Analyticus, &c. Cost the subscribers of the Historical Society of Sci ence 1. COPENHAGEN. The Traveller s Handbook to Copenhagen and its Environs. By ANGLICANUS. 12mo, with large map of Sea* land, plan of Copenhagen, and views, cloth. 8s COSIN s (Mr., Secretary to the Commissioners of Forfeited Estates Names of the Eoman Catholics, Non-Jurors, and others, who Refused to Take the Oaths to King George I., together with their Titles z Additions, and Places of Abode, the Parishes and Townships where their Lands lay, the Names of the then Tenants, and the Annual Value of them as returned by them selves. Reprinted from the Edition 0/1745. 8vo, cloth. 5a A curious book for the Topographer and Genealogist JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 13 CRAIG S (Rev. J. Duncan) A Hand-Book to the modern Provencal Language, spoken in the South of France, Piedmont, &c., com prising a Grammar, Dialogues, Legends, Vocabularies, &c., use ful for English Tourists and others. Royal 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d T%is little book is a welcome addition to our literature of comparative philo logy in this country, as we have hitherto had no grammar of the sweet lyrical tongue of Southern France. CUES WELL S (Rev. S. F.) Collections towards the History of Printing in Nottinghamshire. Small 4to, sewed. 2a DALE (Bryan, M.A.} Annals of Coggeshall, otherwise Sunnedon, in the County of Essex. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6d D ALTON (John, Earrister-of-Law, of Dublin) Illustrations, Histo rical and Genealogical, of the most Ancient FAMILIES OP IRELAND (500), Members of which held Commissions in King James s Service in the War of the Revolution, wherein their respective Origins, Achievements, Forfeitures, and ultimate Destinies ar set forth. 2 thick vols, 8vo, pp. 1400, cloth. 1. Is DANISH. English-Danish Dialogues and Progressive Exercises. By E. F. 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The idea of assembling the testimonies of foreign visi tors, and showing us how we appeared to others in the days of Bess, by way of contrast and comparison to the aspect we present in the days of Victoria, was one which involved much arduous research. Mr. Rye had had no predecessor. He has not only added an introduction to the works he assembles and translates, but has enriched them with some hundred pages of notes on all kinds of subjects, exhibiting a wide and minute research." Fortnightly Review. (Q. H. LEWES.) " It contains a good deal of cnrious and anmsing matter." Saturday Review. " Mr. Bye s work claims the credit of a valuable body of historical annota tion. " A thenoeum. " The book is one of the most entertaining of the class we have seen for a long while. It contains a complete and lively reflex of English life and manners at the most fascinating period of our history." London Review. 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Thick 8vo, many plates, engraved by F. W. fairholt, F.S.A., and cuts, cloth, a handsome volume. 1. Is The " Prix de Numismatique " has been awarded by the French Academio des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, to the author, for this book. FOSBROKE (T. Dudley, F.S.A.) The Tourist s Grammar, or Rule* relating to the Scenery and Antiquities incident to Travellers, including an Epitome of Gilpin s Principles of the Picturesque, Post 8vo, bds. 2s (original price 7s) JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, S01IO SQUARE. 15 FINLAYSON (James) Surnames and Sirenames, the Origin and History of certain Family and Historical Names, and Remarks on the Ancient Right of the Crown to Sanction and Veto the Assumption of Names, and an Historical Account of the Namea of Buggey anl Bugg. 8vo. Is 6d (original price 3s 6d) FRENEAU (Philip) Poems on Various Subjects, but chiefly illus trative of the Events and Actors in the American War of Inde pendence, reprinted from the rare edition printed at Philadelphia in 1786, with a Preface. Thick fcap. 8vo, elegantly printed, cloth. 6s Freneau enjoyed the friendship of Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and Munroe, and the last three were his constant correspondents while they lived. His Patriotic Songs and Ballads, which were superior to any metrical composi tions then written in America, were everywhere sung with enthusiasm. See Griswold s "Poets and Poetry of America," and Duyckinck a "Cyclop, of American Literature." GILBERT (Walter B.) The Accounts of the Corpus Christi Frater nity, and Papers relating to the Antiquities of Maidstone. 12mo, cloth, gilt leaves. 3s 6d GILES (Rev. 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HAKEWILL (H.) Roman Remains discovered in the Parishes of North Leigh and Stonesfield, Oxfordshire. 8vo, map, and 2 plates. 2s 6d HALLIWELL S (James Orchard, F.R.S., &c.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Reign of Edward I. 2 vols, 8vo, containing upwards of 1,000 pages, closely printed in double columns, cloth, a new and cheaper edition. 15s It contains above 50,000 words (embodying all the known scattered glossaries of the English language), forming a complete key for the reader of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other authors, whose works abound with allusions, of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries and books of reference. Most of the principal Archaisms are illustrated by exam ples selected from early inedited MSS. and rare books, and by far the greater portion will be found to be original authorities. HALLIWELL (J. 0.) the Nursery Rhymes of England, collected chiefly from Oral Tradition. The SIXTH EDITION, enlarged, with many Designs by W. B. SCOTT, Director of the School of Design, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 12mo, cloth, gilt leaves. 4s 6d The largest collection ever formed of these old ditties. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 17 HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales, with Historical Elucidations. 12mo, doth. 4s 6d This very interesting volume on the traditional literature of England is divided into Nursery Antiquities, Fireside Nursery Stories, Game Rhymes, Alphabet Rhymes, Riddle Rhymes, Nature Songs, Proverb Rhymes, Places, and Families, Superstition Rhymes, Custom Rhymes, and Nursery Songs , a large number are here printed for the first time. It may be consiuered a sequel to the preceding article. HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) Early History of Freemasonry in England, Illustrated by an English Poem of the XlVth Century, wit! Notes. Post 8vo, second edition, with a facsimile of the oriyina. MS. in the British Museum, cloth. 2s 6d " The interest which the curious poem, of which this publication is chiefli composed, has excited, is proved by the fact of its having been translated int t German, and of its having reached a second edition, which is not common with such publications. Mr. Halliwell has carefully revised the new edition, and increased its utility by the addition of a complete and correct Glossary." LITE RARY GAZETTE. HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) The Manuscript Rarities of the University of Cambridge. 8vo, bds. 3s (original price, 10s 6d) A companion to Hartshorne s "Book Rarities" of the same university. HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) A Dictionary of Old English Plays, existing either in print or in manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the 1 7th century, including also Notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors during the same period, with par ticulars of their Authors, Plots, Characters, &c. 8vo, cloth. 12s Twenty-five copies have been printed on THICK PAPER, price 1. la. HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) Rambles in Western Cornwall, by the Foot steps of the Giants ; with Notes on the Celtic Remains of the Land s End District and the Isles of Scilly. Fcp. 4to, elegantly printed by Whittingham, cloth. 7s 6d HALLIWELL (J. 0.) Notes of Family Excursions in North Wales, taken chiefly from Rhyl, Abergele, Llandudno, and Bangor. Fcp. 4to, with engravings, elegantly printed by Whittingham, cloth. 5s HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) Roundabout Notes, chiefly upon the Ancient Circles of Stones in the Isle of Man. Fcp. 4to, only 100 printed. 2s HALLIWELL S (J. 0.) Introduction to the Evidences of Christi anity. Fcp. 8vo, 2ND EDITION, cloth. Is 6d (original price 3s 6d) The only book which contains in a popular form the Ancient Heathen un conscious testimonies to the truth of Christianity. HARROD (Henry, F.S.A.) Gleanings among the Castles and Con. vents of Norfolk. 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, cloth. 17s 6d. LARGE PAPER, 1. 3s 6d. "This volume is creditable to Mr. Harrod in every way, alike to his industry, aste, and his judgment. It is the result of ten years labour The volume is so full of interesting matter that we hardly know where to begin our extracts or more detailed notices." GENTLEMAN S MAGAZINE, November, 1857. HOLLOWAY S (W., of Rye] History and Antiquities of the Ancient Port and Town of Rye, in Sussex, compiled from the Original Documents. Thick 8vo (only 200 printed] cloth. 1. Is 18 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY HOLLOWAY S (W.) History of Romney Marsh, in Kent, from th time of the Romans to 1833, with a Dissertation on the Origi nal Site of the Ancient Anderida. 8vo, with maps and plates, cloth. 12s HARTLIB. A Biographical Memoir of Samuel Hartlib, Milton s familiar Friend, with Bibliographical Notices of Works published by him, and a reprint of his Pamphlet entitled "An Invention of Engines of Motion." By HENRY DIRCKS, C.E., author of the Life of the Marquis of Worcester, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d To have been the familiar friend of Milton, the correspondent of Boyle and Evelyn, Pepys and Wren, and to have had the honour of suggesting to Milton his trace on Education and of receiving his high praise in his own lofty and so norous language, is honour enough to make Hartlib s name and life worthy of a special work. HAWKINS (J. S., F.S.A.) History of the Origin and Establishment of Gothic Architecture, and an Inquiry into the mode of Paint ing upon and Staining Glass, as practised in the Ecclesiastical Structures of the Middle Ages. Royal 8vo, 1813, 11 plates, bds. 4s (original price 12s) HERBERT S (The Hon. Algernon) Cyclops Christianus, or an Argu ment to disprove the supposed Antiquity of the Stonehenge and other Megalithic Erections in England and Brittany. 8vo, cloth. 4s (original price 6s) HORNE (R. H., Author of " Orion" etc.} Ballad Romances. 12mo, pp. 248, cloth. 3s (original price 6s 6d) Containing the Noble Heart, a Bohemian Legend ; the Monk of Swineshead Abbey, a Ballad Chronicle of the Death of King John ; The Three Knights of Camelott, a Fairy Tale ; The Ballad of Delora, or the Passion of Andrea Como : Bedd Gelert, a Welsh Legend ; Ben Capstan, a Ballad of the Night Watch ; the Elfe of the Woodlands, a Child s Story. " Pure fancy of the most abundant and picturesque description. Mr. Home should write us more fairy tales ; we know none to equal him since the days of Dray ton and Herrick. EXAMINER. "The opening poem in this volume is a fine one, it is entitled the Nobl Heart, and not only in title but in treatment well imitates the style of Beau mont and Fletcher." ATHENAEUM. HUME (Rev. A., LL.D., F.S.A., &c., of Liverpool) Ancient Meols, or some Account of the Antiquities found near Dove Point, on the Sea Coast of Cheshire, including a Comparison of them with Relics of the same kind respectively procured elsewhere. 8vo, full of engravings, cloth. 1. Is HUNTER (Rev. Joseph, F.S.A.) The Pilgrim Fathers Collections concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separa tists formed at Scrooby, in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of James I., the Founders of New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England. 8vo, with -View of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby inserted, cloth. 8s This work contains some very important particulars of these personages, and their connections previously to their leaving England and Holland, which were entirely unknown to former writers, and have only recently been disco vered through the indefatigable exertions of the author. Prefixed to tlia rolume are some beautiful Prefatory Stanzas by Richard Monckton Milneat Esq., M.P. (now Lord Houghton.) JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOffO SQUARE. 10 HUSSEY (Rev. Arthur) Notes on the Churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey mentioned in Domesday Book, and those of more recent date ; with some Account of the Sepulchral Me morials and other Antiquities. Thick 8vo, fine plate*, cloth. 12s (original price 18s) HUTTON (W., of Derby) Description of Blackpool, in Lancashire. 8vo, 3rd edition. Is 6d IRVING (Joseph, of Dumbarton) History of Dumbartonshire, with Genealogical Notices of the Principal Families in the County ; the whole based on Authentic Eecords, Public and Private. Thick 4to, pp. 636, maps, plates, and portraits, cloth. 3. JOHNES (Arthur J.) Philological Proofs of the Original Unity and Recent Origin of the Human Race, derived from a Comparison of the Languages of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 8vo, cloth. 6s (original price 12s 6d) Printed at the suggestion of Dr. Prichard, to whose works it will be found a useful supplement. JONES (Morris Charles) Valle Crucis Abbey, its Origin and Foun- tion Charter. 8vo. Is JORDAN (Rev. J., the Vicar) Parochial History of Enstone, in the County of Oxford. Post 8vo, a closely printed volume of nearly 500 pages, cloth. 7s JUNIUS The Authorship of the Letters of Junius Elucidated, in cluding a Biographical Memoir of Lieut.-Col. Barre", M.P. By John Britton, F.S.A., &c. Royal 8vo, with Portraits of Lord Shelbume, John Dunning, and Barre,from Sir Joshua Reynold* * picture, cloth. 6s LARGE PAPER, in 4to, cloth. 9s An exceedingly interesting book, giving many particulars of the American War and the state of parties during that period. KELKE (Rev. "W. 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History of the Convocation of the Church of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1742. Second edition, with considerable additions. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s (original price 12s) LAWRENCE (Sir James, Knight of Malta] On the Nobility of the British Gentry, or the Political Ranks and Dignities of the British Empire compared with those on the Continent. Post 8vo. Is 6d Useful for foreigners in Great Britain, and to Britons abroad, particularly of those who desire to be presented at Foreign Courts, to accept Foreign Military Service, to be invested with Foreign Titles, to be admitted into foreign ordefn, to purchase Foreign Property, or to Intermarry with Foreigners. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 21 LETTERS of the KINGS of ENGLAND Now first collected from the Originals in Royal Archives, and from other Authen tic Sources, Private as well as Public. Edited, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by J. 0. HALLIWELL. Two handsome volumes, post 8vo, with portraits of Henry VIII. and Charles /., cloth. 8s (original price 1. Is) These volumes form a good companion to Ellis s Original Letters. The collection comprises, for the first time, the love-letters of Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn, in a complete form, which may be regarded, perhaps, as the most singular documents of the kind that have descended to our times ; the series of letters of Edward VI. will be found very interesting specimens of composition ; some of the letters of James I., hitherto unpublished, throw light on the Murder of Overbury, and prove beyond a doubt the King was im plicated in it in some extraordinary and unpleasant way ; but his Letters to the Duke of Buchingham are of the most singular nature ; only imagine a letter from a Sovereign to his Prime Minister commencing thus : " My own sweet and dear child, blessing, blessing, blessing on thy heart-roots and all thine." Prince Charles and the Duke of Buckingham s Jouruey into Spain has never been before so fully illustrated as it is by the documents given in this work, which also includes the very curious letters from the Duke and Du chess of Buckingham to James I. LIBER ALBUS : the White Book of the City of London. Com piled A.D. 1419, by JOHN CARPENTER, Common Clerk; RICHARD WHITTINGTON, Mayor. Translated from the Original Latin and Anglo-Norman, by H. T. Riley, M.A. 4to, pp. 672 (original price 18s), the few remaining copies offered, in cloth, at 9s- -Half morocco (Roxburghe style), 10s 6d Whole bound in vellum, oar- mine edges, 12s Whole morocco, carmine edges, 13s 6d Extensively devoted to details which must of necessity interest those who care to know something more about their forefathers than the mere fact that they have existed. Many of them until recently consigned to obli vion ever since the passing away of the remote generations to which they be longed intimately connected with the social condition, usages, and manners of the people who uncouth, unlearned, ill-housed, ill-fed, and comfortless though they were, still formed England s most important, most wealthy, and most in fluential community throughout the chequered and troublous times of the 13th and 14th centuries. During this period, in fact, there is hardly a phase or feature of English national life upon which, in a greater or less degree, from th&se pages of the " Liber Albus," some light is not reflected. LIBRARY OF OLD AUTHORS. Elegantly and uniformly printed in foolscap Sro, in cloth. Of some there are LARGE PAPER copies for the connoissenr of choice books. THE Vision and Creed of PIERS PLOUGHMAN. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT ; a new edition, revised, with additions to the Notes and Glossary. 2 vols. 10s 1856 "The Vision of Piers Ploughman is one of the most precious and interest ing monuments of the English Language and Literature, and also of the social and political condition of the country during the fourteenth century. . . . Its author is not certainly known, but its time of composition can, by internal evidence, be fixed at about the year 1362. On this and on all matters bearing upon the origin and object of the poem, Mr, Wright s historical introduction gives ample information In the thirteen years that have passed since the first edition of the present text was published by the late Mr. Pickering, our old literature and history has been more studied, and we trust that a large circle of readers will be prepared to welcome this cheaper aud carefully revised reprint." Literary Gazette 22 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY THE Dramatic and Poetical Works of JOHN MARSTON. Now first collected, and edited by J. 0. HALLIWELL, F.R.S., &c. 3 vols. 15s 1856 " The edition deserves well of the public ; it is carefully printed, and the annotations, although neither numerous nor extensive, supply ample explana tions upon a variety of interesting points. If Mr. Halliwell had done no more than collect these plays, he would have conferred a boon upon all lovers of our old dramatic poetry." Literary Gazette. REMARKABLE Providences of the Earlier Days of American Co lonisation. By INCREASE MATHER, of Boston, N.E. With In troductory Preface by George Offor. Portrait. 5s 1856 A very singular collection of remarkable sea deliverances, accidents, remark able phenomena, witchcraft, apparitions, &c., &c., connected with inhabitants of New England, &c., <fcc. A very amusing volume, conveying a faithful por trait of the state of society, when the doctrine of a peculiar providence and personal intercourse between this world and that which is unseen was fully believed. THE Table Talk of JOHN SELDEN. With a Biographical Preface and Notes by S. W. SINGER. Third edition, portrait. 5s 1860 LARGE PAPER. Post 8vo, doth. 7s 6d 1860 "Nothing can be more interesting than this little book, containing a lively picture of the opinions and conversations of one of the most eminent scholars and most distinguished patriots England has produced. There are few volumes of its size so pregnant with sense, combined with the most profound earning! it is impossible to open it without finding some important fact or discussion, something practically useful and applicable to the business of life. Coleridge says, There is more weighty bullion sens* in this book than I ever found in the same number of pages in any uninspired writer. Its merits had not escaped the notice of Dr. Johnson, though in politics opposed to much it inculcates, for in reply to an observation of Boswell, in praise of the French Ana, he said, A few of them are good, but we have one book of the kind better than any of them Selden s Table Talk. "Mr. Singer s Prejace. THE Poetical Works of WILLIAM DRUMMOND, of Hawthornden. Now first published entire. Edited by W. B. TURNBULL. Fine portrait. 5s 1856 "The sonnets of Drummond," says Mr. Hallam, "are polished and elegant, free from conceit and bad taste, and in pure unblemished English." ENCHIRIDION, containing Institutions Divine, Contemplative Practical, Moral, Ethical, (Economical, and Political. By FKANCIS QUARLES. Portrait. 3s 1856 "Had this little book been written at Athens or Home, its author would have been classed with the wise men of his country. " Headley. THE Works in Prose and Verse of Sir THOMAS OVERBURT. Now first collected. Edited, with Life and Notes, by E. F. RIMBAULT. Portrait after Pass. 5s 1856 HYMNS and Songs of the Church. By GEORGE WITHER. Edited, with Introduction, by EDWARD FARR. Also the Musical Notes, composed by Orlando Gibbons. With portrait after Hole. 5s 1856 "Mr.Farr has added a very interesting biographical introduction, and we hope to find that the public will put their seal of approbation to the present edition of an author who may fairly take his place on the same shelf with George Her bert" Gent s Mag.. Oct., 1858. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 23 HALLELUJAH ; or, Britain s Second Remembrancer, in Praiseful and Penitential Hymns, Spiritual Songs, and Moral Odes. By GEORGE WITHER. With Introduction by EDWARD FARR. Portrait. 6s 1857 Hitherto this interesting volume has only been known to the public by extracts in various publications. So few copies of the original are known to exist, that the copy from which this reprint has been taken cost twenty -one guineas. MISCELLANIES. By JOHN AUBREY, F.R.S., the Wiltshire Anti quary. FOURTH EDITION. With some Additions and an Index. Portrait and cuts. 4s 1857 CONTENTS :- Day Fatality, Fatalities of Families and Places, Portents, Omens, Dreams, Apparitions, Voices, Impulses, Knockings, Invisible Blows, Prophecies, Miracles, Magic, Transportation by an Invisible Power, Visions in a Crystal, Converse with Angels, Corpse Candles, Oracles, Ectasy, Second Sight, &c. ; with an Appendix, containing his Introduction to the Survey of North Wilt shire. THE Iliads of HOMER, Prince of Poets, never before in any language truly translated, with a Comment on some of his chief Places- Done according to the Greek by GEORGF CHAPMAN, with Intro, duction and Notes by the Rev. RICHARD HOOPER. 2 vols, sq. fcap. 8vo. SECOND AND REVISED EDITION, with portrait of Chapman, and frontispiece. 12s 1865 " The translation of Homer, published by George Chapman, is one of the greatest treasures the English language can boast." Godwin. "With Chapman, Pope had frequently consultations, and perhaps never translated any passage till he read his version." Dr. Johnson. " He covers his defects with a daring, fiery spirit, that animates his transla tion, which is something like what one might imagine Homer himself to hav writ before he arrived at years of discretion." Pope. " Chapman s translation, with all its defects, is often exceedingly Homerie, which Pope himself seldom obtained." Hallam. " Chapman writes and feels as a Poet as Homer might have written had he lived in England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth." Coleridge. " I have just finished Chapman s Homer. Did you ever read it ? it has the most continuous power of interesting you all along. . . . The earnestness and passion which he has put into every part of these poems would be incredi ble to a reader of mere modern translation." Charles Lamb. HOMER S ODYSSEY. Translated according to the Greek by GEORGE CHAPMAN. With Introduction and Notes by REV. RICHARD HOOPER. 2 vols, square fcp. 8vo, with facsimile of the rare original frontispiece. 12s. 1857 HOMER S Battle of the Frogs and Mice ; HESIOD S Works and Days ; Mus^us s Hero and Leander ; JUVENAL S Fifth Satire. Translated by GEORGE CHAPMAN. Edited by Rev. RICHARD HOOPER. Square f cp. 8vo, frontispiece after Pass. 6s. 1858 " The editor of these five rare volumes has done an incalculable service to English Literature by taking George Chapmanis folios out of the dust of time- honoured libraries, by collating them with loving care and patience, and, through the agency of his enterprising publisher, bringing Chapman entire and complete within the reach of those who can best appreciate and least afford to purchase the early editions." Athenaeum. 24 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY POETICAL Works of ROBERT SOUTHWELL, Canon of Loretto, now first completely edited by W. B. Turnbull. 4s 1853 " His piety is simple and sincere a spirit of unaffected gentleness and kindli ness pervades his poems and he is equally distinguished by weight of thought and sweetness of expression." Saturday Review. THE Dramatic Works of JOHN WEBSTER. Edited, with Notes, etc.. by WILLIAM HAZLITT. 4 vols. 1. 1857 LARGE PAPER, 4 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 1. 10s This is the most complete edition, containing two more plays than in Dyce edition. THE Dramatic Works of JOHN LILLY (the Euphuist). Now first collected, with Life and Notes by F. W. FAIRHOLT. 2 voln, 10s. 1858 LARGE PAPER, 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 15a THE Poetical Works of RICHARD CRASHAW, Author of " Steps t<i the Temple," " Sacred Poems, with other Delights of the Muses," and " Poemata," now first collected. Edited by W. B. TURNBULL. 5s. 1858 " He seems to have resembled Herbert in the turn of mind, but possessed more fancy and genius." ELLIS. LA MORT d ARTHUR. The History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Compiled by Sir THOMAS MALORY, Knight. Edited from the Edition of 1634, with Introduction and Notes, by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A. 3 vols, SECOND AND REVISED EDITION. 15s. 1866 LARGE PAPER, 3 vols, post 8vo, doth. 1. 2s 6d ANECDOTES and Characters of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope and other eminent Persons of his Time. By the Rev. JOSEPH SPENCE. With Notes, Life, etc., by S. W. SINGER. The second edition, portrait. 6s. 1858 LARGE PAPER, post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d. 1858 "The Anecdotes of kind-hearted Mr. Spence, the friend of Pope, is one of the best books of ana in the English language." Critic. Dr. COTTON MATHER S Wonders of the Invisible World, being an account of the Trials of several Witches lately executed in New England, and of the several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. To which are added Dr. INCREASE MATHER S Fur ther Account of the Tryals, and Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcrafts, and Evil Spirits Personating Men. Reprinted from the rare original editions of 1693, with an Introductory Preface. Portrait. 5s. 1862 THE Dramatic and Poetical Works of THOMAS SACKVILLE, Lord Buckhurst, and Earl of Dorset. With Introduction and Life by the Hon. and Rev. R. W. SACKVILLE WEST. Fine portrait from a picture at Buckhurst, now first engraved. 4s. 1859 REMAINS of the EARLY POPULAR POETRY OP ENGLAND, collected and edited by W. CAREW HAZLITT. 4 vols, with many curious woodcut facsimiles. 1. 1864 6 LARGE PAPER, 4 vols, cost 8vo, cloth. 1. 10s JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 25 LUCASTA. The Poems of RICHARD LOVELACE, now first edited and the Text carefully revised, with Life and Notes by W. CAREW HAZLITT, with 4 plates. 5s. 1864 LARGE PAPER. Post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d THE WHOLE OF THE WORKS OP ROGER ASCHAM, now first collected and revised, with Life of the Author. By the Rev. Dr. GILES, formerly Fellow of C. C. C., Oxford. 4 vols. 1. 1866 LARGE PAPER, 4 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 1. 10s. Ascham is a great name in our national literature. He was one of the first founders of a true English style in prose composition, and of the most respect able and useful of our scholars. Retrospective Review. LONG (Henry Lawes) On the March of Hannibal from the Rhoi;c to the Alps. 8vo, map. 2s 6d LOWER S (Mark Antony, M.A., F.S.A.) Patronymica Britannica, a Dictionary of Family Names. Royal 8vo, 500 pages, with illus trations, cloth. 1. 5s This work is the result of a study of British Family Names, extending ovei more than twenty years. The favourable reception which the Author s "English Surnames" obtained in the sale of Three Editions, and the many hundreds of communications to which that work gave rise, have convinced him that the subject is one in which considerable interest is felt. He has therefore been induced to devote a large amount of attention to the origin, meaning, and history of our family designations ; a subject which, when inves tigated in the light of ancient records and of modern philology, proves highly illustrative of many habits and customs of our ancestors, and forms a very curious branch of Archaeology. Preface. LOWER S (M. A.) Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations from Old English Writers. With illuminated Title-page, and numer ous engravings from designs by the Author. 8vo, cloth. 14s "The present volume is truly a worthy sequel (to the SURNAMES ) in the same curious and antiquarian line, blending with remarkable facts and intelli gence, such a fund of anecdote and illustration, that the reader is almost sur prised to tind that he has learned so much while he appeared to be pursuing mere amusement. The text is so pleasing that we scarcely dream of its ster ling value ; and it seems as if, in unison with the woodcuts, which so cleverly explain its points and adorn its various topics, the whole design were intended for a relaxation from study, rather than an ample exposition of an extraordinary and universal custom, which produced the most important effect upon the minds and habits of mankind." Literary Gazette. " Mr. Lower s work is both curious and instructive, while the manner of its treatment is so inviting and popular, that the subject to which it refers, which many have hitherto had too good reason to consider meagre and unprofitable, assumes, under the hands of the writer, the novelty of fiction with the im portance of historical truth." Athenceum. LOWER S (M. A.) Contributions to Literature, Historical, Antiqua rian, and Metrical. Post 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 7s 6d Contents : 1. Local Nomenclature 2. The Battle of Hastings, an Historical Essay 3. The Lord Dacre, his mournful end, a Ballad 4. Historical and Ar chaeological Memoir on the Iron Works of the South of England, with numerous illustrations 5. Winehelsea s Deliverance, or the Stout Abbot of Battayle, in Three Fyttes 6. The South Downs, a Sketch, Historical, Anecdotical, and Descriptive 7. On the Yew Trees in Churchyards 8. A Lyttel Geste of a Greate Eele, a pleasaunt Ballad 9. A Discourse of Genealogy 10. An Anti quarian Pilgrimage in, Normandy, with woodcuts 11. Miscellanea, &e.,&c. 26 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY LOWER S (M. A.) Chronicle of Battel Abbey, in Sussex, originally compiled in Latin by a Monk of the Establishment, and now first translated, with Notes and an Abstract of the Subsequent History of the Abbey. 8vo, with illustrations, doth. 9s This volume, among other matters of local and general interest, embraces New Facts relative to the Norman Invasion The Foundation of the Monas teryThe Names and Rentals of the Original Townsmen of Battel Me moirs of several Abbots, and Notices of their Disputes with the Bishops of Chichester, respecting Jurisdiction The Abbey s Possessions A Speech of Thomas a Becket, then Chancellor of England, in favour of Abbot Walter de Luci Several Miracles Anecdotes of the Norman Kings and an Historical Sketch of the Abbey, from 1176 to the present time by the Translator. LOWER S (M. A.) Memorials of the Town of Seaford, Sussex. Svo, plates. 3s 6d LOWER S (M. A.) Bodiam (in Sussex), and its Lords. 8vo, engrav ings. Is LOWER S (M. A.) Worthies of Sussex, Biographical Sketches of the most eminent Natives or Inhabitants of the County, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with Incidental Notices illustrative of Sussex History. Royal 4to, many engravings, cloth. 1. 16s LOWER S (M. A.) Sussex Martyrs, their Examinations and Cruel Burnings in the Time of Queen Mary, comprising the interest ing Personal Narrative of Richard Woodman, extracted from " Foxe s Monuments." With Notes. 12mo, sewed. Is. LOWER S (M. A.) The Stranger at Rouen, a Guide for Englishmen. 12mo, plates. Is LUKIS (Rev. W. C.) Account of Church Bells, with some Notices of Wiltshire Bells and Bell-Founders, containing a copious List of Founders, a comparative Scale of Tenor Bells and Inscriptions from nearly 500 Parishes in various parts of the Kingdom. 8vo, IB plates, cloth. 3s 6d (original price 6s) MADDEN (Fred. W., of the Medal Room, British Museum) Hand- Book to Roman Coins. Fcap. 8vo, plates of rare examples, cloth. 5s A very useful and trustworthy guide to Roman Coins. MANTELL (Dr. Gideon A.) Day s Ramble in and about the Ancient Town of Lewes, Sussex. 12mo, engravings, cloth. 2s MARTIN MAR-PRELATE CONTROVERSY. AN EPISTLE to the Terrible Priests of the Convocation House. By MARTIN MAR-PRELATE. 1588. With Introduction and Notes by J. Petherham. Post 8vo. 2s COOPER (Bishop of Winchester) An Admonition to the People of England against Martin Mar-Prelate, 1589, with Introduction. Post 8vo, pp. 216. 3s 6d PAP with a Hatchet, being a Reply to Martin Mar-Prelate, 1589, with Introduction and Notes. Post 8vo. 2s JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 2? HAY any Worke for Cooper ? Being a Reply to the Admonition to the People of England. By Martin Mar-Prelate, 1589, with Introduction and Notes. Post 8vo. 2s 6d AN ALMOND for a Parrot, being a Reply to Martin Mar-Prelate, 1589, with Introduction. Post 8vo. 2s 6d PLAINE PERCEVALL the Peace-Maker of England, being a Reply to Martin Mar-Prelate, with Introduction. Post 8vo. 2s MATON S (Dr. W. G.) Natural History of Wiltshire, as comprehen ded within Ten Miles round Salisbury. 8vo. Privately printed. 2s MAYNARD S (James) Parish of Waltham Abbey, in Essex, its History and Antiquities. Post 8vo, engravings, cloth. 2s 6d MENZIES (Mrs. Louisa J.) Legendary Tales of the Ancient Britons, rehearsed from the Early Chronicles. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. 3s Contents ; 1. Esyllt and Sabrina 2. Lear and his three Daughters 3. Cy- nedda aud Morgan 4. The Brothers Beli and Bran 5. Ellidure the Compas sionate 6. Alban of Verulam 7. Vortigern 8. Cadwallon and the Final Struggle of the Britons. MICHAEL ANGELO considered as a Philosophic Poet, with trans lations by JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR. Post 8vo. SECOND EDITION. Cloth. 2s 6d (original price 5s) MILTON S Early Reading, and the prima stamina of his "Paradise Lost," together with Extracts from a Poet of the XVIth Cen tury (Joshua Sylvester). By CHARLES DUNSTER, M.A. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d (original price 5s) MILTON ; a Sheaf of Gleanings after his Biographers and Annota- tors. By the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. Post 8vo. 2s 6d MOORE (Thomas) Notes from the Letters of Thomas Moore to his Music Publisher, James Power (the publication of which was suppressed in, London), with an Introduction by Thomas Crofton Croker, F.S.A. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d The impressions on the mind of a reader of these Letters of Moore in Lord Lord Russell s edition will be not only incomplete, but erroneous, without the Information to be derived from this very interesting volume. MORLAND. Account of the Life, Writings, and Inventions of Sir Samuel Morland, Master of Mechanics to Charles II. By J. 0. HALLIWELL. 8vo, sewed. Is MUNFORD (Rev. Geo., Vicar of East Winch, Norfolk) Analysis of Domesday Book for the County of Norfolk. 8vo, with pedigrees and arms, cloth. 10s 6d " Many extracts have been made at various times for the illustration of local descriptions, from the great national (but almost unintelligible) record known as Domesday Book : but Mr. Munford has done more in the case of his own county, for he supplies a complete epitome of the part of the survey relating to Norfolk, giving not only the topographical and statistical facts, but also a great deal that is instructive as to the manners and condition ef the people, the state of the churches and other public edifices, the mode of cultivation and land tenure, together with a variety of points of interest to the ecclesiolo- gist and antiquary." BURY POST. 28 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY NARES (Archdeacon) A Glossary, or Collection of Words, Phrases, Customs, Proverbs, &c., illustrating the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. A New Edition, with considerable Additions, both of Words and Examples. By JAMES 0. HALLIWELL, F.R.S., and THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A. 2 thick vols, 8vo, cloth. 1. Is The Glossary of Archdeacon Nares is by far the best and most useful work we possess for explaining and illustrating the obsolete language and the cus toms and manners of the 16th and 17th Centuries, and it is quite indispensable for the readers of the literature of the Elizabethan period. The additional words and examples are distinguished from those in the original text by a f prefixed to each. The work contains between FIVE and srx THOUSAND addi tional examples, the result of original research, not merely supplementary to Nares, but to all other compilations of the kind. NASH S (D. W., Member of the Royal Society of Literature} Taliesin, or, the Bards and Druids of Britain. A Translation of the Re mains of the earliest Welsh Bards, and an examination of the Bardic Mysteries. 8vo, cloth. 14s NASH S (D. W.) The Pharaoh of the Exodus. An Examination of the Modern Systems of Egyptian Chronology. 8vo, with frontis piece of the Egyptian Calendar, from the ceiling of the Ramasseum, at Thebes, cloth. 12s NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, Elements of Naval Architecture, being a Translation of the Third Part of Clairbois s " Traite Elemen- taire de la Construction des Vaisseaux." By J. N. STRANGE, Commander, R.N. 8vo, with Jive large folding plates, cloth. 5s Lectures on Naval Architecture, being the Substance of those delivered at the United Service Institution. By E. GARDINER FISHBOURNE, Commander, R. N. 8vo, plates, cloth, 5s 6d Both these works are published in illustration of the " Wave System. " NETHERCLIFF S (F. G.) Hand-Book to Autographs, being a Ready Guide to the Handwriting of Distinguished Men and Women of Every Nation, designed for the Use of Literary Men, Autograph Collectors, and others. Containing 700 Specimens, with a Bio graphical Index by R. Sims, of the British Museum. 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges. 10s 6d (original price 15s) . The Same. PRINTED ONLY ON ONE SIDE. 8vo, cloth extra. 1. Is The specimens contain two or three lines each besides the signature, so that to the historian such a work will reccomend itself as enabling him to test the genuineness of the document he consults, whilst the judgment of the autograph collector may be similarly assisted, and his pecuniary resources economized by a judicious use of the Manual. To the bookworm, whose name is Legion, we would merely observe, that daily experience teaches us the great value and interest attached to books containing Marginal Notes and Memoranda, whtm traced to be from the pens of eminent persons. NEWTON (William) A Display of Heraldry. 8vo, many hundred engravings of Shields, illustrating the Arms of English Families, doth. 14s JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 29 HEWTON (William) London in the Olden Time, being a Topo graphical and Historical Memoir of London, Westminster and Southwark ; accompanying a Pictorial Map of the City and Suburbs, as they existed in the reign of Henry VIII., before the Dissolution of the Monasteries ; compiled from Authentic Docu ments. Folio, with the coloured map, 4 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 3 inches, mounted on linen, and folded into the volume, leather back, cloth sides, 1. Is (original price 1. 11s 6d) NORFOLK S (E. E.) Gleanings in Graveyards: a Collection of Curious Epitaphs. Third Edition, revised and enlarged, fcap. 8vo, cloth. 3s NUMISMATIC Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. NEW SERIES, Edited by W. S. W. VAUX, JOHN EVANS, and F. W. MADDEN. Nos. 1 to 24, Published Quarterly. 5s per Number. This is the only repertory of Numismatic intelligence ever published in England. It contains papers on coins and medals, of all ages and countries, by the first Numismatists of the day, both English and Foreign. Odd parts may be had to complete a few of this and the former series in 20 vols. OLD BALLADS. Catalogue of a unique Collection of 400 Ancient English Broadside Ballads, printed entirely in the 33lacfe letter, lately on sale by J. RUSSELL SMITH. With Notes of their Tunes, and Imprints. Post 8vo, a handsome volume, printed by Whit- tingJtam, in tJte old style, half bound. 5s A Copy on thick paper, without the prices to each, and a different title-page, only 10 copies so printed. 10s 6d PARISH S (Sir Woodbine, many years Charge d Affairs at Buenos Ayres} Buenos Ayres, and the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, from their Discovery and Conquest by the Spaniards to the Establishment of their Political Independence ; with some Ac count of their Present State, Appendix of Historical Docu ments, Natural History, &c. Thick 8vo, Second Edition, plates and woodcuts, also a valuable map by Arrowsmith, cloth. 10s 6d (original price 14s) " Among the contributions to the geography of the South American Continent, the work of our Vice-President, Sir Woodbine Parish, holds a very important place. Professing to be a second edition of a former book, it is, in reality, almost a new work, from the great quantity of fresh matter it contains on the geography, statistics, natural history, and geology of this portion of the world." President of the Royal Geographical Society s Address. PATERSON S (Jas.) Histories of the Counties of Ayr and Wigton. Post 8vo, vol 1. KYLE, in two parts, cloth. 1. Is Vol II, CARRICK, post 8vo, cloth. 12s Particularly full of information about the Family FUtory of the district PEDLER (E. H., oj Liskeard) The Anglo-Saxon Episcopate of Corn wall, with some Account of the Bishops of Crediton. 8vo, 3s 6d (original price 7s 6d) 30 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY PETTIGREW (Thos. Jos.) On Superstitions connected with the History and Practice of Medicine and Surgery. 8vo, frontis piece, cloth. 4s (original price 8s) PETTIGREW (Thos. Jos.) Inquiries into the Particulars connected with Death of Amy Robsart (Lady Dudley), at Cumnor Place, Berks, Sept. 8, 1560 ; being a refutation of the Calumnies charged against Sir Robert Dudley, Anthony Forster, and others. 8vo, 2s PILGRIMAGES to St. Mary of Walsingham and St. Thomas of Canterbury. By DESIDERIUS ERASMUS. Newly Translated. With the Colloquy of Rash Vows, by the same Author, and hia Characters of Archbishop Warham and Dean Colet, with Notes by J. GOUGH NICHOLS. Post 8vo, engravings, cloth. 3s 6d (ori ginal price 6s) PIOZZI, Love Letters of Mrs. Piozzi (formerly Mrs. Thrale, the friend of Dr. Johnson), written when she was eighty, to the handsome actor, William Augustus Con way, aged Twenty -seven. 8vo, sewed. 2s " written at three, four, and five o clock (in the morning) by an octo- genary pen ; a heart (as Mrs. Lee says) twenty-six years old, and as H. L. P. feels it to be, all your own." Letter V., 3rd Feb., 18 20. " This is one of the most extraordinary collections of love epistles we have chanced to meet with, and the well-known literary reputation of the lady the Mrs. Thrale, of Dr. Johnson and Miss Burney celebrity considerably enhances their interest. The letters themselves it is not easy to characterise ; nor shall we venture to decide whether they more bespeak the drivelling of dotage, or the folly of love ; in either case they present human nature to us under a new aspect, and furnish one of those riddles which nothing yet dreamt of in our philosophy can satisfactorily solve." Polytechnic Review. POPE. Facts and Conjectures on the Descent and Family Con nections of Pope, the Poet. By the REV. JOSEPH HUNTER. Post 8vo. 2s POPE. Additional Facts concerning the Maternal Ancestry of Pope, in a Letter to Mr. Hunter. BY ROBERT DAVIES, F.S.A. Post 8vo. 2s POPULAR Treatises on Science, written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English, edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. 8vo, cloth. 3s CONTENTS : An Anglo-Saxon Treatise on Astronomy of the Tenth Century, now first published from a MS. in the British Museum, with a translation ; Livre des Creatures, by Phillippe de Thaun, now first printed, with a trans lation (extremely valuable to Philologists, as being the earliest specimens of Anglo-Norman remaining, and explanatory of all the symbolical signs in early sculpture and painting) ; the Bestiary of Phillippe de Thaun, with a translation ; Fragments on Popular Science from the Early English Metrical Lives of the Saints (the earliest piece of the kind in the English Language). POSTE (Rev. Beale) Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins, intended to supply materials for the Early History of Great Britain, with a Glossary of Archaic Celtic Words, and an Atlas of Coins. 8vo, many engravings, cloth. 10s 6d POSTE (Beale) Vindication of the " Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins." 8vo, plates, and cuts, cloth. Is JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 31 POSTE (Rev. Beale, M.A.) Britannic Researches ; or, New Facta and Rectifications of Ancient British. History. 8vo (pp. 448), with engravings, cloth. 15s "The author of this volume may justly claim credit for considerable learning, great industry, and, above all, strong faith in the interest and importance of his subject. . . . On various points he has given us additional information, and afforded us new views, for which we are bound to thank him. The body of the book is followed by a very complete index, so as to render reference to any part of it easy : this was the more necessary, on account of the multifarious- ness of the topics treated, the variety of persons mentioned, and the many works quoted." A thenaeum, Oct. 8, 1853. " The Rev. Beale Poste has long been known to antiquaries as one of the best read of all those who have elucidated the earliest annals of this country. He is a practical man, has investigated for himself monuments and manuscripts, and we have in the above-named volume the fruits of many years patient study. The objects which will occupy the attention of the reader are 1. The political position of the principal British powers before the Roman conquest under the Roman dominion, and struggling unsuccessfully against the Anglo-Saxon race ; 2. The Geography of Ancient Britain ; 3. An investigation of the Ancient British Historians, Gildas and Neunius, and the more obscure British chroni clers ; 4. The ancient stone monuments of the Celtic period; and, lastly, some curious and interesting notices of the early British Church. Mr. Poste has not touched on subjects which have received much attention from others, save ta cases where he had something new to offer, and the volume must be regarded therefore, as an entirely new collection of discoveries and deductions tending to throw light on the darkest, as well as the earliest, portion of our national history. " A tlas. POSTE (Rev. Beale) Britannia Antiqua, or Ancient Britain brought within the Limits of Authentic History. 8vo, pp. 386, map, cloth. 14s A Sequel to the foregoing work. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ANQLIA CHRISTIANA SOCIETY. GIRALDUS Cambrensis, De Instructione Principum, with a Preface, Chronological Abstract and Marginal Notes (in English), by the REV. J. S. BREWER. 8vo, boards. 5s 1846 Now first printed from the Manuscript in the Cottonian Library, particularly illustrating the Reign of Heniy II. Among our earlier chroniclers, there is not a more lively writer than Giraldus de BarrL CHRONICON Monasterii de Bello, with a Preface, Chronological Abstract, and Marginal Notes (in English), by the Editor. 8vo, boards. 5s 1846 A very curious History ol Battle Abbey, in Sussex, by one of the Monks. Printed from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. LIBER ELIENSIS, ad Mem Codicum Variorum. Vol 1 (all printed), with English Preface and Notes, by the Rev. D. Stewart, of the College, Ely. 8vo, boards. 5s 1848 An important chronicle of the early transactions connected with the Monas tery of Ely, supposed to have been compiled by Richard the Monk, between 1108 and 1131. The above three volumes are all the Society printed. They are well worthj of being placed on the same shelf with the Camden, Caxton, Surtees, and Chet- ham Societies publications. From the limited number of members of tha Society, the books are little known. J. R. Smith having become the pro prietor of the few remaining copies, recommends an irly purchase. 32 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY PROVINCIAL DIALECTS OF ENGLAND A DICTIONARY of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, &c., by J. 0. HALLIWLLL, F.R.S., &c. 2 vols, 8vo, 1000 pp., in double columns, FIFTH EDITION, doth. 15s GLOSSARY of Provincial and Local Words Used in England. By F. GROSE, F.S. A., with which is now incorporated the Supple ment. By SAMUEL PEGGE, F.S.A. Post 8vo, doth. 4s 6d CROCKETT S (J. Trotter) Glossary of North Country Words, with their Etymology and Affinity to other Languages and Occasional Notices of Local Customs and Popular Superstitions. THIRD EDITION, corrected and enlarged by W. E. BROCKETT. 2 vols, in 1, post 8vo, doth. 10s 6d (original price 21s) CIMENS of Cornish Provincial Dialect, collected and arranged by Uncle Jan Treenodle, with some Introductory Remarks and a Glossary by an Antiquarian Friend ; also a Selection of Songs and other Pieces connected with Cornwall. Post 8vo, with a curious portrait of Dolly Pentreath, doth. 4a CORNISH Dialect and Poems, viz. 1 Treagle of Dozmary Pool, and Original Cornish Ballads. 2 Cornish Thalia : Original Comic Poems illustrative of the Dialect. 3 A Companion to the Cornish Thalia. By H. J. DANIELL. 4 Mirth for " One and all." By H. J. DANIELL. 6 Humourous Cornish Legends. By H. J. DANIELL. 6 A Budget of Cornish Poems, by various Authors. 7 Dolly Pentreath, and other Humorous Cornish Tales. 8 The Great Mine Conference, and other Pieces. 9 Rustic Poems. By GEORGE HAMLYN, the "Dartmoor Bloom- field: 10 Mary Anne s Experiences : her Wedding and Trip up the Tamar. By H. J. DANIELL. 11 Mary Anne s Career, and Cousin Jack s Adventures. By H. J. DANIELL. 12 A New Budget of Cornish Poems. By H. J. DANIELL. 13 Mirth for Long Evenings. By H. J. DANIELL. 14 Bobby Poldree and his Wife Sally at the Great Exhibition tion. By H. J. DANIELL. All 12mo, Sixpence each. A GLOSSARY of the Words and Phrases of Cumberland. By WILLIAM DICKINSON, F.L.S. 12mo, doth. 2s JOHN NOAKES and MART STYLES, a Poem, exhibiting some of the most striking lingual localisms peculiar to Essex, with a Glossary. By CHARLES CLARK, Esq., of Great Totham Hall, Essex. Post 8vo, doth, 2s. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 83 NATHAN HOGG S Letters and Poems in the Devonshire Dialect. The fifth Edition, with additions. Post 8vo. Coloured wrapper. Is. "These letters, which have achieved considerable popularity, evince an extensive acquaintance with the vernacular of the county and its idioms and phrases, while the continuous flow of wit and humour throughoiit cannot fail to operate forcibly upon the risible faculties of the reader. In the Witch story Nathan has excelled himself, and it is to be hoped we have not seen his last effort in this brancli of local English literature. The superstitions of Jan Vaggis and Jan Plant are most graphically and amusingly portrayed, and the various incidents whereby the influence of the Evil Eye is sought to be counteracted, are at once ludicrous aud irresistible." Plymouth Mail. NATHAN" HOGG S New Series of Poems in the Devonshire Dialect, including the Witch Story of Mucksy Lane, and the Kenton Ghost. Dedicated by Permission to his Highness Prince Louis Lucicn Bonaparte. Post 8vo, 4th edition enlarged, coloured wrapper. Is A GLOSSARY of Words used in Teesdale, in the County of Dur ham. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d (original price, 6s) "Contains about two thousand words . . . It is believed the first and only collection of words and phrases peculiar to this district, an-! we hail it therefore as a valuable contribution to the history of language and literature . . . the author has evidently brought to bear an extensive personal ac quaintance with the common language." Darlington Times. POEMS of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect. By the Rev. WILLIAM BARNES, of Came Rectory, Dorchester. First Collection. Fcp. 8vo, FOURTH EDITION, cloth. 5s. Second Collection, Fcap. 8vo. SECOND EDITION, cloth. 5s. Third Collection. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d. "The author is a genuine poet, and it is delightful to catch the pure breath of song in verses which assert themselves only as the modest vehicle of rare words and Saxon inflections. We have no intention of setting up the Dorset patois against the more extended provincialism of Scotland, still less of com paring the Dorsetshire poet with the Scotch ; yet we feel sure that these poems would have delighted the heart of Burns, that many of them are not unworthy of him, and that (at any rate) his best productions cannot express a more cordial sympathy with external nature, or a more loving interest in human joys and Borrows." Literary Gazette. GRAMMAR and Glossary of the Dorset Dialect. By the Rev. W. BARNES. 8vo. 2s 6d. DIALECT of South Lancashire, or Tim Bobbin s Tummas and Meary, revised and Corrected, with his Rhymes, and an enlarged Glossary of Words and Phrases chiefly used by the Rural Popu lation of the Manufacturing Districts of South Lancashire. By SAMUEL BAMFORD. 12mo, second edition, cloth. 3s 6d.. LEICESTERSHIRE Words, Phrases, and Proverbs. By A. B. EVANS, D.D., Head Master of Market Bosworth Grammar School. 12mo, cloth. 5s. A GLOSSARY of the Provincialisms of the County of Sussex. By W. DURRANT COOPER, F.S.A. Post 8vo, second edition* enlarged, cloth. 3s 6d. 34 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY A GLOSSARY of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, with Ex. amples of their Colloquial Use, with illustrations from various Authors, to which are added tbe Customs of the County. By Miss A. E. BAKER. 2 vols, post 8vo, doth. 16s (original price 1. 4s) We are under great obligations to the lady, sister to the local historian of Northamptonshire, who has occupied her time in producing this very capital Glossary of Northamptonshire provincialisms." Examiner. " The provincial dialects of England contain and preserve the elements and rudiments of our compound tongue. In Miss Baker s admirable Northampton shire Glossary, we have rather a repertory of archaisms than vulgarisms. But tt ia much more than a vocabulary ; it preserves not only dialectical peculiarities, but odd and disappearing customs ; and there is hardly a page in it which does not throw light on some obscurity in our writers, or recall old habits and practices." Christian Remembrancer, Quarterly Review. WESTMORELAND and Cumberland. Dialogues, Poems, Songs, and Ballads, by various Writers, in the Westmoreland and Cum berland Dialects, now first collected, to which is added a Cop> ous Glossary of Words peculiar to those Counties. Post 8vo, (pp. 408), doth. 9s. A GLOSSARY of Provincial Words in use in Wiltshire, showing their Derivation in numerous instances, from the Language of the Anglo Saxons. By JOHN YONGE AKEEMAN, Esq., F.S.A. 12mo, doth. 3s THE DIALECT of Leeds and its Neighbourhood, illustrated by Conversations and Tales of Common Life, etc., to which are added a Copious Glossary, Notices of the various Antiquities, Manners, and Customs, and General Folk-lore of the District. Thick 12mo, pp. 458, doth. 6s Tfcis is undoubtedly the best work hitherto published on the dialects of Yorkshire in general, and of Leeds in particular. The author, we believe one of our fellow townsmen for his introductory remarks are dated Leeds, March, 1861 has used not only great industry, but much keen observation, and has produced a book which will everywhere be received as a valuable addition to the archaeological literature of England. Leeds Intelligencer. A LIST of Provincial Words in Use in Wakefield, Yorkshire, with Explanations, including a few descriptions and localities. By W. S. BANKS. 12mo. Is 6d THE Yorkshire Dialect, exemplified in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs, applicable to the County, with a Glossary. Post 8vo. Is. A GLOSSARY of Yorkshire Words and Phrases, collected in Whitby and its Neighbourhood, with examples of their collo quial use and allusions to local Customs and Traditions. By an INHABITANT. 12mo, doth. 3s 6d A GLOSSARY, with some Pieces of Verse of the Old Dialect of thf English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, Ca Wexford, Ireland. Formerly collected by JACOB POOLB, oi Growton, now edited with Notes and Introduction by the REV. W. BARNES, Author of the Dorset Poems and Glossary. Fcap. 8vo, doth. 4s 6 d JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 36 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CAXTON SOCIETY. OP CHRONICLES AND OTHER WRITINGS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Uniformly printed in 8vo. with English Prefaces and Notes. Of several of the Volumes only 100 copies have been printed, and only three sets can be completed. CHRONICON Henrici de Silgrave. Now first printed from the Cotton MS. By C. HOOK. 5s 6d GAIMAR (Geoffrey) Anglo-Norman Metrical Chronicle of the Anglo Saxon Kings. Printed for the first time entire, with Appendix, containing the Lay of Havelok the Dane, the Legend of Er- nulph, and Life of Hereward the Saxon. Edited by T. WRIGHT, Esq., F.S.A. Pp. 284 (only to be had in a set) The only complete edition ; that in the Monumenta Histories Britannica, printed by the Record Commission, is incomplete. LA REVOLTE du COMTE de WARWICK contre le Roi Edouard IV., now first printed from a MS. at Ghent, to which is added a French letter, concerning Lady Jane Grey and Queen Mary, from a MS. at Bruges. Edited by Dr. GILES. 3s 6d WALTERI Abbatis Dervensis Epistolae, now fir&t printed from a MS. in St. John s College, Cambridge. By C. MESSITER. 4s 6d BENEDICTI Abbatis Petriburgensis de Vita et Miraculis St. Tho- mae Cantaur, now first printed from MS. at Paris and Lam beth. By Dr. GILES. 10s. GALFRIDI le Baker de Swinbroke, Chronicon Angeliae temp. Ed ward II. et III., now first printed. By Dr. GILES. 10a EPISTOLSE Herberti de Losinga, primi Episcopi Norwicensis, et Oberti de Clara, et Elmeri Prioris Cantuariensis, now fir^fc printed. By Col. ANSTRUTHER. 8s ANECDOTA Bedae Lanfranci, et aliorum (inedited Tracts, Letters, Poems, &c., Bede, Lanfranc, Tatwin, etc.) By Dr. GILES. 10s RADULPHI Nigri Chronica Duo, now first printed from MSS. in the British Museum, By Lieut. Col. ANSTRUTHER. 8a MEMORIAL of Bishop Waynflete, Founder of St. Mary Magdalene College, Oxford. By Dr. PETER HEYLYN. Now first edited from the original MS. By J. R. BLOXAM, D.D., Fellow of the same College. 5s 6d ROBERT GROSSETETE (Bishop of Lincoln) " Chasteau d Amour," to which is added, " La Vie de Sainte Marie Egyptienne," and an English Version (of the 13th Century) of the " Chasteau d Amour," now first edited. By M. COOKE. 6s 6d QALFREDI Monumentis Historia Briton um, nunc primum in Anglia novem codd. MSS. collatis. Editit J. A. GILES. ICs 86 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY ALANI Prioris Cantuariensis postea Abbatis Tewkesberiensis, Scripta quae extant. Edita J. A. GILES. 6s 6d CHRONICON Anglise Petriburgense Iterum post Sparkium cum cod. MSS. contulit. J. A. GILES. 6s 6d VITA Quorandum Anglo-Sax on um, Original Lives of Anglo-Saxons and others who lived before the Conquest (in Latin}. Edited by Dr. GILES. 10s SCRIPTORES Rerum Gestarum Wilhelmi Conquestoris. In Unum collecti. Ab J. A. GILES. 10s. CONTINENS : 1. Brevis relatio de Willelmo nobilissimo Comite Normannorum. 2. Protestatio Willelmi priini de primatu Cantuariensis Ecclesife. 3. Widonis Ambrianensis Carmen de Hastingeiisi. 4. Charta Willelmi Bastardi. 5 Epis- tola Will, conquestoris ad Gregorium papam. 6. Excerpta de vita Willelmi Conquestoris. 7. De Morte Will. Conq. 8. Hymnus de Morte Will. Conq. 9. De Morte Lanfranci. 10. Gesta Will. Ducis Normannorum. 11. Excerpturaex cantatorio S. Huberti. 12. Annalis Historia brevis sive Chronica Monasterii 8. Stephani Cadomensis. 13. Carmen de Morte Lanfranci. 14. Charta a rege Will, concessa Anglo-Saxonice scripta. 15. Du Roi Guillaume d Augleterre par Chretien de Troyes. 16. Le Dit de Guillaume d Angleterre. QUEEN" DAGMAR S Cross, facsimile in gold and colours of the Enamelled Jewel in the Old Northern Museum, Copenhagen, with Introductory Remarks by Prof. GEORGE STEPHENS, F.S.A. 8vo, sewed. 3s RAINE (Rev. James) History and Antiquities of North Durham, as subdivided into the Shires of Norham, Island, and Bedling- ton, which from the Saxon period until 1844 constituted part of the County of Durham, but are now united to Northumberland. BOTH PARTS complete, folio, fine plates (wanting 3 plates in the first part) bds. 1. 5s Part II. (wanting by many Subscribers] quite complete. 18s. LARGE PAPER. 1. Is RAINE S (Rev. Jas.) Saint Cuthbert, with an Account of the State in which his remains were found upon the opening of his Tomb in Durham Cathedral, 1827. 4to, plates and woodcuts, Ids. (a very interesting vol). 10s 6d. (Original price, 1. lls 6d) " From the four corners of the earth they come, To kiss this shrine this mortal-breathing saint." RAINE S (Rev. Jas.) Catterick Church, Yorkshire, a correct copy of the contract for its building in 1412. Illustrated with Remarks and Notes. With thirteen plates of views, elevations, and details, ly A. SALVIN, Architect. 4to, cloth. 6s. Or LARGE PAPER, cloth. 9s RAINE (Rev. James) Historical Account of the Episcopal Castle or Palace of Auckland. Royal 4to, line views, portraits, and seals t doth. 10s 6d (original price, 1. Is) JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOIIO SQUARE. 37 RAINE (Rev. John, Vicar of Blyth) The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth, in the Counties of Nottingham and York, comprising Accounts of the Monastery, Hospitals, Chapels, and Ancient Tournament Field, of the Parish of the Castle and Manor of Tickill, and of the Family Possessions of De Buili, the First and Norman Lord thereof, together with Biographical Notices of Roger Mowbray, Philip of Olcotes, Bishop Sander- eon, John Cromwell, and others, with Appendix of Documents, &c. ^.to plates and pedigrees, cloth. 15s (original price, 1. 6s) LARGE PAPER, royal 4to. 1. 5s These copies have an additional view of the Remains .of Scrooby Palace, no* Issued with the early copies. RECORDS. The Connection of Wales with the Early Science of England, illustrated in the Memoirs of Dr. Robert Recorde, the first Writer on Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, &c., in tha English Language. By J. 0. HALLIWELL. 8vo, sewed. Is REDFERN S (Francis, of Uttoxeter), the History of Uttoxeter, in Staffordshire, with Notices of Places in the Neighbourhood, Post 8vo, many engravings, cloth, 7s 6d THE RELIQUARY ; a Depository for Precious Relics, Legendary, Biographical, and Historical, illustrative of the Habits, Customs, and Pursuits of our Forefathers. Edited by LLEWELLYN JEWITT. F.S.A. 8vo, Nos. 1 to 26, illustrated with engravings, published quarterly. 2s 6d per No. RELIQUIAE ANTIQUE ; Scraps from Ancient Manuscrips, illu. traing chiefly Early English Literature and the English Lan guage. Edited by Wright and Halliwell. 8vo, Vol II., in Nos. 12s Many subscribers want the second volume. A number of odd parts of both vols to complete copies. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW (New Series) consisting of Criticisms upon, Analysis of, and Extracts from, curious, useful, valuable, and scarce Old Books. 8vo, Vols I. and II., all printed, cloth. 10s 6d (original price, 1. Is). 185354 These two volumes form a good companion to the old series of the Retrospec tive, in 16 vols; the articles are of the same length and character. REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) Notes and Observations on Pictures chiefly of the Venetian School, being Extracts from his Italian Sketch Books ; also the Rev. W. Mason s Observations on Sir Joshua s Method of Colouring, with some unpublished Letters, of Dr. Johnson, Malone, and others ; with an Appendix, con taining a Transcript of Sir Joshua s Account Book, showing tha Paintings he executed, and the Prices he was paid for them. Edited by William Cotton, Esq. 8vo, cloth. 5s "The scraps of the Critical Journal, kept by Reynolds at Rome, Florence, end Venice, will be esteemed by high-class virtuosi." Leader. RIMBAULT (E. F., LL.D., RS.A., &c.) A Little Book of Songs and Ballads, gathered from Ancient Music Books, MS. and Printed. Elegantly printed in post 8vo., pp. 240, hf. morocco. 6s "Dr. Rimbault has been at some pains to collect the words of the aongi which used to delight the rustics of former times." Atlas. 88 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY EIMBAULT (Dr. E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. A Bibliograpbi cal Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, &c., &c. 8vo, cloth. 5s It records a class of books left undescribed by Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, and furnishes a most valuable Catalogue of Lyrical Poetry of the age to which It refers. ROBERTS (George, of Lyme Regis] Life, Progresses, and Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, &c., to his Capture and Execu tion, with a full account of the " Bloody Assise," under Judge Jefferies, and Copious Biographical Notices. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates and cuts, cloth, 7s 6d (original price, 1. 4s.) Two very interesting volumes, particularly so to those connected with the West of England. Quoted for facts by Lord Macaulay. ROBERTS (George) The Social History of the People of the South ern Counties of England in Past Centuries, illustrated in regard to their Habits, Municipal Bye-laws, Civil Progress, &c. Thick 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d (original price, 1 6s) An interesting volume on old English manners and customs, mode of travel ling, punishments, witchcraft, gipsies, pirates, stage-players, pilgrimages, prices of labour and provisions, the clothing trade of the West of England, &c., cc., compiled chiefly from original materials, as the archives of Lyme-Regis and Weymouth, family papers, church registers, &c. Dedicated to Lord Macaulay. ROBIN" HOOD. The Great Hero of the Ancient Minstrelsy of England, " Robin Hood," his Period, real Character, &c., inves tigated, and perhaps ascertained. By the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTEB. Post 8vo. 2s 6d. ROBINSON (J. B., of Derby} Derbyshire Gatherings; a Fund ol Delight for the Antiquary, the Historian, the Topographer, and Biographer, and General Reader. A handsome 4o, with engrav* ings, extra cloth, gilt edges. 1. 5s ROMAN COINS. Records of Roman History, from Cnseus Pon> peius to Tiberius Constantinus, as exhibited on the Roman Coins, Collected by Francis Hobler, formerly Secretary to the Numismatic Society of London. 2 vols, royal 4to, frontispiece and numerous engravings, in cloth. 1. Is (original price 2. 26, only 2 50 printed). " A work calculated not only to interest the professed numismatist, but also to instruct the classical student and the historian. The unpublished Coins are rather numerous, especially when we consider how many works have been printed on the Roman series, and how much it has been studied The value of the work is much enhanced by the illustrations, executed by M*. Fairholt, with the peculiar spirit and fidelity which indicate his experienced hand." C. Roach Smith s Collectanea Antigua. SACRED MUSIC. By the Rev. W. Sloane Evans, M.A. Royal 8vo, third edition, sewed. Is 6d (original price, 6s) Consisting of Psalm Tunes, Sanctusses, Kyrie-Eleisons, <fcc., &c., and fifty- four Single and Double Chants (Major, Changeable, and MinorJ. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 39 SALVERTE S (Eusebius) History of the Names of Men, Nations, and Places, in their Connection with the Progress of Civiliza tion. Translated by the Rev. L. H. Mordaque, M.A., Oxon. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1. 4s "Notre nom propre c est nous-memes." " Nomina si nescis periit cognitio rerura." "Full of learning, well written, and well translated." Daily News. "These two volumes are filled with a minute and philosophical enquiry Into the origin of names of all sorts among all nations, and show profound schola*- Bhip and patient skill in wide and elaborate research. Much of the work is, necessarily, too profound for general readers particularly the appendices to the second volume but the larger part of the enquiry is so curious and interest- Ing that any ordinary reader will fully appreciate and profit by the researches." Birmingham Journal. SANDYS (W., F.SA.) Christmastide, its History, Festivities, and Carols (with their music). In a handsome vol. 8vo, illustrated with 20 engravings after the designs of f. Stephanoff, extra cloth t gilt edges. 5s (original price 14s) K Its title vouches that Chrismastide is germane to the time. Mr. Sandys hag brought together, in an octavo of some 300 pages, a great deal of often interest- Ing information beyond the stale gossip about "Christmas in the olden time," md the threadbare make-believes of jollity and geniality which furnish forth *iost books on the subject. His carols, too, which include some in old French and Provencal, are selected from numerous sources, and comprise many of the less known and more worth knowing. His materials are presented with good feeling and mastery of his theme. On the whole the volume deserves, and hould anticipate, a welcome." Spectator. . SANDYS (W.) and S. A. FORSTER. History of the Violin and other Instruments played on with a Bow, from the Earliest Times to the Present, also an Account of the Principal Makers, English and Foreign. Thick 8vo, pp. 408, with many engravings, cloth. 14s SANDY S (Charles, of Canterbury) Consuetudes Kancige. A History of Gavelkind, and other remarkable Customs, in the County of Kent. 8vo, illustrated with facsimiles, a very handsome volume, cloth. 15s. SANDYS (Charles) Critical Dissertation on Professor Willis s "Archi tectural History of Canterbury Cathedral." 8vo. 2s 6d M Written in no quarrelsome or captious spirit ; the highest compliment Is .paid to Professor Willis where it is due. But the author has made out a clear case, in some very important instances, of inaccuracies that have led the "learned Professor into the construction of serious errors thoughout. It may be considered as an indispensable companion to his volume, containing a great deal of extra information of a very curious kind." Art-Union. SAULL (W. D.) On the Connection between Astronomical and Geological Phenomena, addressed to the Geologists of Euroj^ and America, 8vo, diagrams, sewed. 2s SCRASE FAMILY. Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Scraae, of Sussex. By M. A. LOWER. 8vo. Is 6d SHAKESPERIANA. A LIFE OF SHAKESPEARE, including many particulars nv 3ting the Poet and his Family, never before published. By v TT . T71 T> d ~J-_ O - 77 .J. J.~J iT. >7 fT J. O. HALLIWELL, F.R.S., etc. 8vo, illustrated with 75 engravings on wood, most of which are of new objects from drawings by Fairholt, cloth. 15s. 1848 This work contains upwards of forty documents respecting Shakespeare and his family, never before published, besides numerous others, indirectly illustrat ing the Poet s biography. All the anecdotes and traditions concerning Shake speare are here, for the first time, collected, and much new light is thrown on his personal history, by papers exhibiting him as selling Malt, Stone, &c. Of the seventy-six engravings which illustrate the volume, more than fifty have never before been engraved. It is the only life of Shakespeare to be bought separately from his works. NEW ILLUSTRATIONS of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakespeare. By the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 7s 6d (original price 1. Is). 1845 Suppleinentary to all editions of the works of the Poet. Part 2, price 8s., and Parts 3, 4, and 5 together, price 3s., may be had to complete copies. SHAKESPEARE S Versification, and its Apparent Irregularities Explained by Examples from Early and Late English Writers, By W. SIDNEY WALKER, Edited by WM. NANSOM LETTSOM. foolscap 8vo, cloth. 6s. 1854 " The reader of Shakespeare would do well to make himself acquinted with this excellent little book previous to entering upon the study of the poet." Mr. Singer, in the Preface to his New Edition of Shakespeare. A CRITICAL Examination of the Text of Shakespeare ; together with Notes on his Plays and Poems, by the late W. SIDNEY WALKER. Edited by W. Nanson Lettsom. 3 vols, foolscap 8vo, cloth. 18s. 1860 "Very often we find ourselves differing from Mr. Walker on readings and interpretations, but we seldom differ from him without respect for his scholar ship and care. His are not the wild guesses at truth which neither gods nor men have stomach to endure, but the suggestions of a trained intelligence and a chastened taste. Future editors and commentators will be bound to consult these volumes, and consider their suggestions. " Athenaeum. " A valuable addition to our Philological Literature, the most valuable part being the remarks on contemporary literature, the mass of learning by which the exact meaning and condition of a word is sought to be established, Literary Gazette. "Mr. Walker s Works undoubtedly form altogether the most valuable body of verbal criticism that has yet appeared from an individual " M r. Dyce s Prefact to Vol. 1. of his Shakespeare, 1864. NARES (Archd.) Glossary, or Collection of Words, Phrases, Customs, Proverbs, etc., illustrating the Works of English Authors, par* ticularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. A new edition, with Considerable Additions both of Words and Examples. By James 0. Halliwell, F.R.S., and Thomas Wright, M.A., F.S.A. 2 thick vols, 8vo, cloth. 1. Is. 1867 The Glossary of Archdeacon Nares is by far the best and most useful Work we possess for explaining and illustrating the obsolete language, and the customs and manners of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, and it is quite inde- spen sable for the readers of the literature of the Elizabethan period. The additional words and examples are distinguished from those of the original text by a t prefixed to each. The work contains between five and six thousand Additional examples, the result of original research, not merely supplementary JD Nares, but to all other compilations of ths kind. JOHN RU&SELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 41 A LETTER to Dr. Farmer (in reply to Ritson), relative to hia Edition of Shakespeare, published in 1790. By EDMUND M ALONE. 8vo, sewed. Is 1793 COMPARATIVE Review of the Opinions of James Boaden in 1795 and in 1796, relative to the Shakespeare MSS. 8vo, 2s .1796 ESSAY on the Genius of Shakespeare, with Critical Remarks on the Characters of Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, and Ophelia, by H. M. GRAVES. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d (original price 5s 6d) 1826 HISTORICAL Account of the Monumental Bust of Shakespeare, in the Chancel of Stratford-upon-Avon Church, by ABB.WIVELI* 8vo, Opiates. Is 6d 1827 VORTIGERN, an Historical Play, represented at Drury Lane, April 2, 1796, as a supposed newly discovered Drama of Shakespeare, by WILLIAM HENRY IRELAND. Neiv Edition, with an original Preface. 8vo, facsimile. Is 6d (original price 3s 6d) 1832 The Preface is both interesting and curious, from the additional Information H gives respecting the Shakespeare Forgeries, containing also the substance of the author s " Confessions." SHAKESPEARE S Will, copied from the Original in the Prerogative Court, preserving the Interlineations and Facsimiles of the three Autographs of the Poet, with a few Preliminary Observations, by J. 0. HALLIWELL. 4to. Is 1838 TRADITIONARY Anecdotes of Shakespeare, collected in Warwick- shire in 1693. 8vo, sewed. Is 1833 OBSERVATIONS on an Autograph of Shakespeare, and the Ortho graphy of his Name, by Sir FRED. MADDEN. 8vo, sewed. IB 1838 SHAKESPEARE S Autobiographical Poems, being his Sonnets clearly developed, with his Character, drawn chiefly from his Works, by C. A. BROWN. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1838 BHAKESPERIANA, a Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakes peare s Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications illustrative of his works. By J. 0. HALLIWELL. 8vo, cloth. 8f 1841 "Indispensable to everybody who wishes to carry on any inquiries connected with Shakespeare, or who may have a fancy for Shakesperian Bibliography." Spectator. REASONS for a New Edition of Shakespeare s Works, by J. PATNH COLLIER. 8vo. Is 1843 ACCOUNT of the only known Manuscript of Shakespeare s Plays, comprising some important variations and corrections in the " Merry Wives of Windsor," obtained from a Playhouse Copy of that Play recently discovered. By J. 0. HALLIWELL. Svo. Is 1843 * WHO was Jack Wilson, the Singer of Shakespeare s Stage ?" An Attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, A.D. 1644. By E. F. RIMBAULT, LL.D. Svo. la 184b 42 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY CRITICISM applied to Shakespeare. By C. BADHAM. Post 8vo. Is 1843 CROKER (Crofton). Remarks on an Article inserted in the Papers of the Shakespeare Society. Small 8vo, sewed, Is. 1849 THE Tempest as a Lyrical Drama. By MORRIS BARNETT. 8vo. la 1850 A FEW Remarks on the Emendation, " Who Smothers her with Painting," in the Play of Cymbeline, discovered by Mr. Collier, in a Corrected Copy of the Second Edition of Shakespeare, by J. 0. HALLIWELL, &c. 8vo. Is 1852 CURIOSITIES of Modern Shakespeare Criticism. By J. 0. HALLI WELL. 8vo, with the first facsimile of the Dulwich Letter, sewed. Is 1853 A FEW Notes on Shakespeare, with Occasional Remarks on the Emendations of the Manuscript-Corrector in Mr. Collier s copy of the folio, 1632, by the REV. ALEXANDER DYCE. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1853 " Mr. Dyce s Notes are peculiarly delightful, from the stores of illustration with which his extensive reading, not only among our writers, but among those of other countries, especially of the Italian poets, has enabled him to enrich them. All that he has recorded is valuable. We read this little volume with pleasure, and closed it with regret. "Literary Gazette. A FEW Words in Reply to the Rev. A. Dyce s " Few Notes on Shakespeare," by the Rev. JOSEPK HUNTER. 8vo. Is 1853 THE Grimaldi Shakespeare. Notes and Emendations om the Plays of Shakespeare, from a recently discovered annotated copy by the late Joe Grimaldi. Esq., Comedian. 8vo, woodcuts. Is 1853 A humourous squib on Collier s Shakespeare Emendations. THE Moor of Venice, Cinthio s Tale, and Shakespeare s Tragedy. By JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR. Post 8vo. Is 1855 CURSORY Notes on Various Passages in the Text of Beaumont and Fletcher, as edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, and on hia " Few Notes on Shakespeare," by the Rev. JOHN MITFORD. 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d 1856 BACON and Shakespeare, an Inquiry touching Players, Playhouses, and Play-writers, in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth ; to which is ap pended an Abstract of a Manuscript Autobiography of Tobie Matthews, by W. H. SMITH. Foolscap 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1857 " Lord Palmerston was tolerably well up in the chief Latin and English Classics ; but he entertained one of the most extraordinary paradoxes touching Gie greatest of them that was ever broached by a man of his intellectual calibre. He maintained that the Plays of Shakespeare were really written by Bacon, who passed them off under the name of an actor, for fear of compromising his professional prospects and philosophic gravity. Only last year, when this sub- Jact was discussed at Broadlands, Lord Palmerston suddenly left the room, and speedily returned with a small volume of dramatic criticisms (Mr. Smith s book) In which the same theory was supported by supposed analogies of thought and expression. There, said he, read that^ end you will come over to my opinion." Fraset t Maa Nw.IQGb. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 45 HAMLET. An Attempt to Ascertain whether the Queen were an Accessory before the Fact, in the Murder of her First Husband. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1856 " This pamphlet well deserves the perusal of every student of Hamlet. " Notes and Queries. SHAKESPEARE S Story-Teller, Introductory Leaves, or Outline Sketches, with Choice Extracts in the Words of the Poet him self, with an Analysis of the Characters, by George Stephens, Professor of the English Language and Literature in the Univer sity of Copenhagen. 8vo, Nos. 1 to 6. 6d each. 1856 PERICLES, Prince of Tyre, a Novel, by Geo. Wilkins, printed in 1608, and founded upon Shakespeare s Play, edited by PRO FESSOR MOMMSEN, with Preface and Account of some original Shakespeare editions extant in Germany and Switzerland, and Introduction by J. P. COLLIER. 8vo, sewed. 5s 185? LLOYD (W. Watkiss) Essays on the Life and Plays of Shakespeare, contributed to the Edition by S. W. Singer, 1856. Thick post 8vo, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 9s 1858 Only 50 copies privately printed. THE Sonnets of Shakespeare, rearranged and divided into Four Parts, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1859 STRICTURES on Mr. Collier s New Edition of Shakespeare, pub lished in 1858, by the Rev. ALEXANDER DICE. 8vo, cloth. 6s (original price 7s 6d) 1859 THE Shakespeare Fabrications, or the MS. Notes of the Perkins folio, shown to be of recent origin ; with Appendix on the Authorship of the Ireland Forgeries, by C. MANSFIELD INQLEBY, LL.D. Foolscap 8vo, with a facsimile, shewing the pseudo old writing and the pencilled words, cloth. 3a 1859 STRICTURES on Mr. Hamilton s Inquiry into the Genuineness of the MS. Corrections in J. Payne Collier s Annotated Shakespeare. Folio, 1632. By SCRUTATOR. 8vo, sewed. Is 1860 SHAKESPEARE and the Bible, shewing how much the great Dra matist was indebted to Holy Writ for his Profound Knowledge of Human Nature. By the Rev. T. R. EATON. Fcap. 8vo, clot h. 2s 6d 1860 THE Footsteps of Shakespeare, or a Ramble with the Early Drama tists, containing New and Interesting Information respecting Shakespeare, Lyly, Marlowe, Green, and others. Post 8vo, cloth. 5s 6d 1831 SHAKESPEARE, his Friends and Contemporaries. By G. M. Tweddell. Second Edition, 8vo, Parts I to III. 6d each. 18613 THE Shakespeare Cyclopaedia, or a Classified and Elucidated Sum mary of Shakespeare s Knowledge of the Works and Phenomena of Nature. By J. H. Fennell, 8vo, Part I., sewed. Is 1862 44 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY A BRIEF Hand Book of the Records belonging to the Borough of Stratford-on-Avon ; with Notes of a few of the Shakespearian Documents. Square post 8vo, cloth (only 50 printed). 7s 6d 1862 SHAKESPEARE No Deerstealer ; or, a Short Account of Fulbroke Park, near Stratford-on-Avon. By C. Holte Bracebride. 8vo, privately printed. Is 6d 1862 WHELER s Historical Account of the Birthplace of Shakespeare, reprinted from the edition of 1824, with a few prefatory remarks . by J. 0. Halh weU. S\o, front. Is 6d 1863 BRIEF Hand List of the Collections respecting the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and the History and Antiquities of Stratford- upon-Avon, formed by the late Robert Bell Wheler, and pre sented by his sister to that Town, to be preserved for ever in the Shakespeare Library and Museum. Small square 8vo. 7s 6d Chiswiclc Press, 1863 Only 100 copies printed at the expense of Mr. Halliwell, not for sale. SHAKESPEARE S Coriolanus. Edited, with Notes and Preface, by F. A. LEO, with a quarto facsimile of the Tragedy of Corio lanus, from the folio of 1623, photolithographed by A. BUR- CHARD, and with Extracts from North s Plutarch. 4to, elegantly printed, extra cloth. 15s 1864 SHAKSPERE and Jonson. Dramatic versus Wit-Combats Auxi liary Forces Beaumont and Fletcher, Marston, Decker, Chap man, and Webster. Post 8vo. 4s. 1864 REPRINTS of Scarce Pieces of Shakespearian Criticism, No. 1, " Re marks on Hamlet, 1736." Fcap. 8vo. Is 6d 1864 THREE Notelets on Shakespeare I. Shakespeare in Germany ; II. The Folk-lore of Shakespeare ; III. Was Shakespeare a Soldier ? By WILLIAM J. THOMS, F.S.A. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1865 " On this subject of Shakespeare in Germany, Mr. W. J. Thorns nas reprinted a paper read some years ago before the Society of Antiquaries, together with two other Notelets on the Poet The Folk Lore of Shakespeare, from the ATHENAEUM, and Was Shakespeare a Soldier ? from NOTES AND QUERIES. Not the least of Mr. Thoms s many services to English literature is the invention of that admirable word folk-lore, which appeared for the first time in these columns only a few years ago, and has already become a domestic term in every corner of the world. His illustration of Shakespeare s knowledge of this little world of fairy dreams and legends is a perfect bit of criticism. He answers the query as to Shakespeare s having seen martial service in the affirmative ; and therein we think his argument sound, his conclusion right. These Notelets were very well worthy of being collected into a book." Athenceum. SHAKESPEARE S Editors and Commentators. By the Rev. W. R. ARROWSMITH, Incumbent of Old St. Pancras. 8vo, sewed. Is 6d 1865 NEW Readings in Shakspere, or Proposed Emendations of the Text. By ROBERT CARTWRIGHT, M.D. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1866 THE SHAKESPEARE EXPOSITOR : being Notes, and Emenda tions on his Works. By THOMAS KEIGHTLEY. Thick fcap. 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1867 JOHN RUSSELL SMITE, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 45 SHAKESPEARE S Jest Book. A Hundred Mery Talys, from the only perfect copy known. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Dr. HERMAN OESTERLEY. Fcap. 8vo, nicely printed by Whit- tingham, half morocco. 4s 6d Tlie only perfect copy known of the " Hundred Mery Talys " was lately dis covered in the Royal Library at Gottingen. This is a verbatim reprint, supply ing all the chasms and lost tales in former editions, with copious Notes by the editor, pointing out the origin of the various tales, and authors who have used them. SHARPE s (Samuel, author of the History of Ancient Egypt, &c.) The Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum described. Post 8vo, with many woodcuts, cloth. 5s. 1862 "We strongly counsel every one who desires to obtain a true knowledge of the Egyptian Department of the Museum to lose no time in obtaining this cheap and excellent volume." Daily Xews. " Mr. Sharpe here presents the student of Egyptian antiquity and art with a very useful book To the accomplished student this book will bo useful as a reminder of many things already known to him ; to the tyro it may serve as a guide and aide-memoire : to the mere visitor to the Galleries in the British Museum, this will be a handy guide book, in which an immediate answer may be sought and found for the oft-repeated questions before these wondrous remains of what are their natures? what their meanings? what their purposes?" Athenaeum. SHARPE (Samuel) Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity, with their Influence on. the Opinions of Modern Christendom. Post 8vo, with 100 engravings, cloth. 3s. SHARPE (Samuel) History of Egypt, from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 620. 2 vols, 8vo, third edition (excepting the engravings, the same as the fourth), elegantly printed, cloth. 4s 6d (original price 16s) SHARPE (Samuel) Critical Notes on the Authorized English Version of the New Testament, being a Companion to the Author s "New Testament, translated from Griesbach s Text." Fcap. 8vO, SECOND EDITION, cloth. 2s 6d SHEPHERD (Charles). Historical Account of the Island of Saint Vincent, in the West Indies, with large Appendix on Population, Meteorology, Produce of Estates, Revenue, Carib Grants, etc. 8vo, plates, cloth. 3a (original price 12s) BINDING (Professor, of Copenhagen) History of Scandinavia, from the early times of the Northmen, the Seakings, and Vikings, to the present day. First English Edition, thoroughly revised and augmented. 8vo, pp. 490, large map and portrait of Q. Marga ret, cloth. 6s SKELTON (John, Poet Laureate to Henry 7/77) Poetical Works, the Bowge of Court, Colin Clout, Why come ye not to Court ? (his celebrated Satire on Wolsey), Phillip Sparrow, Elinour Rumming, etc., with Notes and Life. By the Rev. A. DYCE. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 16s (original price 1. 12s) " The power, the strangeness, the volubility of his language, the audacity of his satire, and the perfect originality of his manner, made Skelton one of the most extraordinary writers of any age or country." Southcy. 46 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY SIMS (Richard, of the Dept. of MSS. in the British Museuri) A Ms- nual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Antiquary, and Legal Professor, consisting of Descriptions of Public Records, Paro chial and other Registers, Wills, County and Family Histories, Heraldic Collections in Public Libraries, &c. 8vo, SECOND EOT* TION, pp. 540, cloth. 15s This work will be found indispensable by those engaged in the study of Family History and Heraldry, and by the compiler of County and Local History, the Antiquary and the Lawyer. In it the Public and other Records, most likely to afford information to genealogical inquirers, are fully described, and their places of present deposit indicated. Such Records are The Domes day Books Monastic Records Cartse Antiques Liber Niger Liber Rubeus Testa de Nevil Placita in various Courts Charter Rolls Close Rolls- Coronation Rolls Coroners Rolls Escheat Rolls Fine Rolls French, Gascon, and Norman Rolls Hundred Rolls Liberate Rolls Memoranda Rolls Oblata and other Rolls Inquisitions Post Mortem Inquisitions ad quod Damnum Fines and Recoveries Sign Manuals and Signet Bills Privy Seals Forfeitures, Pardons, and Attainders Parliamentary Records County Palatine Records- -Scotch, Irish, and Welsh Records also Wills Parochial and other Registers Registers of Universities and Public Schools Heraldic Collections Records of Clergymen, Lawyers, Surgeons, Soldiers, Sailors, Ac., <fcc. The whole accompanied by valuable Lists of Printed Works and Manuscripts In various Libraries, namely : at the British Museum The Bodleian, Ashmo- lean, and other Libraries at Oxford The Public Library, and that of Caiua College, Cambridge The Colleges of Arms in London and Dublin The Libraries of Lincoln s Inn, and of the Middle and Inner Temple at Chetham College, Manchester ; and in other repositories too numerous to mention. The more important of these Lists are those of Monastic Cartularies Extracts from Plea and other Rolls Escheats Inquisitions, &c. Tenants in Capite Recusants Subsidies Crown Lands Wills Parochial and other Registers Heralds Visitations Royal and Noble Genealogies Peerages, Baronetages, Knightages Pedigrees of Gentry County and Family Histories Monumental Inscriptions Coats of Arms American Genealogies Lists 01 Gentry Members of Parliament Freeholds Officers of State Justices of Peace Mayors, Sheriffs, <fec. Collegians, Church Dignitaries Lawyers The Medical Profession Soldiers Sailors, etc. To these is added an " Appendix," containing an Account of the Public Re cord Offices and Libraries mentioned in the work, the mode of obtaining admis sion, hours of attendance, fees for searching, copying, &c. Table of the Regnal Years of English Sovereigns ; Tables of Dates used in Ancient Records, <fec. SIMS (Richard) Handbook to the Library of the British Museum, containing a brief History of its Formation, and of the various Collections of which it is composed, Descriptions of the Cata logues in present use, Classed Lists of the Manuscripts, etc., and a variety of Information indispensable for Literary Men, with some Account of the principal Public Libraries in London. Sm. 8vo (pp. 438) with map and plan, cloth. 2s 6d It will be found a very useful work to every literary person or public institu tion in all parts of the world. "A little Handbook of the Library has been published, which I think will be most useful to the public." Lord Seymour sReplyin theH. of Commons, July,ISM. " I am much pleased with your book, and find in it abundance of information which I wanted." Letter from Albert Way, Esq., F.S.A., Editor of the ** Promptorum Parvulorum," &c. " I take this opportunity of telling you how much I like your nice little Hand- look to the Library of the British Museum, which I sincerely hope may have the success which it deserves. "Letter from Thos. Wright, Esq., F.S.A., Author of the Biographia Britannica Literaria, dc. "Mr. Sims s Handbook to the Library of the British Museum is a very oomprehensive and instructive volume I venture to predict for it a wide circulation." Mr. Botton Corney, in "Notes and Queries," No. 213. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, 0,770 SQUARE. 47 SLOANE EVANS (W. S.) Grammar of British Heraldry, cons ting of Blazon and Marshalling with an Introduction on the Rise and Progress of Symbols and Ensigns. 8vo, SECOND EDITION, many plates, cloth. 5s (original price 13s) SMITH S (Henry Ecroyd) Reliquiae Isurianae, the Remains of th* Roman Isurium, now Aldborough, near Boroughbridge, York, shire, illustrated and described. Royal 4to, with 37 plates, elotk. 1.53 The most highly illustrated work ever published on a Roman Station in England. SMITH S (Charles Roach, P.S.A.) History and Antiquities of Rich- borough, and Lymme, in Kent, Small 4to, with many engrav ings on wood and copper, by F. W. fairholt, cloth. 1. Is "No antiquarian volume could display a trio of names more zealous, successful, and intelligent, on the subject of Romano-British remains, than tlie three here represented Roa<;h Smith, the ardent explorer ; Fairholt, the exceV lent illustrator, and Rolfe, the indefatigable collector. Literary Gazette* "iMITH ( W., jun., of Morley) Rambles about Morley (West Riding of Yorkshire) with Descriptive and Historic Sketches, also an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Woollen Manufacture in this Place. Royal 12mo, map and numerous engravings, cloth. 5s SMITH S (Toulmiu) Memorials of Old Birmingham, Men and Names, Founders, Freeholders, and Indwellers, from the 13th to tha 16th Century, with particulars as to the earliest Church of the Reformation built and endowed in England, from original and unpublished documents. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d SMITH (John Russell) Bibliothecana Cantiana. A Bibliographical Account of what has been published on the History, Topogra phy, Antiquities, Customs, and Family Genealogy of the County of Kent, with Biographical Notes. 8vo (pp. 370) with two plates of facsimiles of autographs of 33 eminent Kentish Writers. 6s (original price 14s) SMITH (J. R.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. Post 8vo. Is 6d SMITH (J. R.) A Bibliographical List of all the Works which have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. Post 8vo. Is "Very serviceable to such as prosecute the study of our provincial dialects, or are collecting works on that curious subject. . . . We very cordially recommend it to notice." Metropolitan. SPEDDING (James, Editor of Lord Bacon) Publishers and Authors. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s Mr. Spedding wishes to expose the present mystery (?) of publishing, he thinks from a number of cases that we publishers do not act on the square. However, there are two sides to the question ; but his book will be useful to the uninitiated. STEPHENS (Professor George, of Copenhagen] the Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, now first Col lected and Deciphered. Folio, Part 1, pp. 362, with about 150 engravings. 2. 10s The Author promises the second and concluding Part next year. 48 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY STEPHENS (Professor) The Ruthwell Cross (near Annan, Dumfries shire) with its Runic Verses, by Csedmou, and Cscdmon s Cross- Lay, " The Holy Rood, a Dream," from a Transcript of the 10th Century, with Translations, Notes, &c. Folio, with two plates, eewed. 10s This will be included in the forthcoming second part of Professor Stephens a work, this portion is published separately to meet the wishes of a number of Archaeologists. STIRRY S (Thos.) A Rot amongst the Bishops, or a Terible Tempest in the Sea of Canterbury, set forth in lively emblems, to please the Judicious Reader. (A Satire on Abp. Laud), four very curi ous woodcut emblems, cloth. 3s A facsimile of the very rare original edition, which sold at Bindley s sale for 13. SURREY HILLS. A Guide to the Caterham Railway and its Vici nity. Post 8vo, 2nd and revised edition, with a map, sewed. 6d Thousands of tourists and pleasure-seekers go hundreds of miles for beautiful Bcenory without perhaps finding a country of more varied and interesting character than that to be met with in the Caterham Valley, and within twenty miles of the metropolis. SURTEES (Rev. Scott. F., of Sprotburgh, Yorkshire) Waifs and Strays of North Humber History. Post 8vo, 3 plates, cloth. 3s 6d SURTEES (Rev. Scott F.) Julius Caesar, Did he Cross the Channel (into Kent) ? Post 8vo, cloth. Is 6d " In giving an answer in the negative to the above question, we ask for a fair and dispassionate hearing, and in order to avoid circumlocution pass at once our Rubicon, and propound as capable of all proof the following historical heresy, viz., that Caesar never set foot at Boulogne or Calais, never crossed the Channel, or set eyes on Deal or Dover, but that he sailed from the mouths of the Rhine or Scheldt, and landed in Norfolk on both his expeditions. " AUTHOR. TESTAMENT (The New) translated from Griesbach s Text, by SAMUEL SHARPE, Author of the History of Egypt, &c. 5th edition. 12mo, pp. 412, cloth. Is 6d The aim of the translator has been to give the meaning and idiom of the Greek as far as possible in English words. The book is printed in paragraphs (the verses of the authorised version are numbered in the margins) the speeches by inverted commas, and the quotations from the " Old Testament " in italics, those passages which seem to be poetry in a smaller type. It is entirely free from any motive to enforce doctrinal points. Five large impressions of the volume sufficiently test its value. We cordially recommend this edition of the New Testament to our readers and contributors. British Controversialist. Upon the whole, we must admit that his is the most correct English Version in existence, either of the whole or of any portion of the New Testament. The Ecclesiastic, and repeated by the English Churchman. TESTAMENT (Old). The Hebrew Scriptures, translated by SAMUEL SHARPE, being a revision of the authorized English Old Testa ment. 3 vols, fcap. 8vo, cloth, red edges. 7s Gd "In the following Revision of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament, the aim of the Translator has been to shew in the Text, by greater exactness, those peculiarities which others have been content to point out in Notes and Commentaries. He has translated from Van der Hooght s edition of the Hebrew Bible, printed in Amsterdam in 1705 ; except when, in a few cases, he has followed some of the various readings so industriously collected by Dr. Keunicott. " Prejace. A Prospectus may be had. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. 49 TANSWELL S (John, of the Inner Temple) the History and Anti quities of Lambeth. 8vo, with numerous illustrations, cloth. 4s 6d (original price 7s 6d) THOMPSON (James) Handbook of Leicester. 12mo, Second Edit., woodcuts, bds. 2a THOMPSON" (Ebenezer) A Vindication of the Hymn " Te Deum Laudamus," from the Corruptions of a Thousand Years, with Ancient Versions in Anglo Saxon, High German, Norman French, &c., and an English Paraphrase of the XVth Century, now first printed. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. 3s A book well worth the notice of the Ecclesiastical Antiquary and tb Philologist THOMPSON (Ebenezer) on the Archaic Mode of expressing Num bers in English, Anglo-Saxon, Friesic, etc. 8vo (an ingenious and learned pamphlet, interesting to the Philologist). Is TIERNE Y S (Rev. Canon) History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, including the Biography of its Earls. 2 vols, royal 8vo, fine plates, cloth, 14s (original price, 2. 10s.) TITIAN. Notices of the Life and Works of Titian the Painter. By SIB ABRAHAM HUME. Royal 8vo, portrait, cloth. 6s. TONSTALL (Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham] Sermon preached on Palm Sunday, 1539, before Henry VIII.; reprinted verbatim, from the, rare edition by Serthelet, in 1539. 12mo. Is 6d. An exceedingly interesting Sermon, at the commencement of the Reformation ; Strype in his "Memorials," has made large extracts from it. TORRENT of PORTUGAL ; an English Metrical Romance. Now first published, from an unique MS. of the XVth Century, preserved in the Chetham Library at Manchester. Edited by J. 0. HALLIWELL, &c. Post 8vo, cloth, uniform with Ritson, Weber, and Ellis s publications, cloth. 5s. "This is a valuable and interesting addition to our list of early English metrical romances, and an indispensable companion to the collections of Ritson, Weber, and Ellis," Literary Gazette. TOPOGRAPHER (The) and Genealogist. Edited by J. G. NICHOLS 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1. 5s (pub 3. 3s) This extremely valuable work forms a sequel to the " Collectanea Topographica Genealogica," and the intrinsic value and originality of the materials comprised therein, will entitle it not only to preservation, but to frequent reference. TOWNEND s (William) The Descendants of the Stuarts. An Un- chronicled Page in England s History. 8vo, portraits and folding pedigrees, SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS, half morocco 5s (original price 10s) This volume contains a most minute, precise, and valuable history of the Descendants of the Stuart Family. Neither of our Historians from Hume to Macaulay give even the more prominent facts in connection with many branches of the House of Stuart. " This is a really interesting contribution to what we may term the private records of history What Mr. Townend has done is full of curioua information. His Genealogical tables shew all the ramifications which spring out of the matrimonial alliances of the descendants of the Stuarts, and very curious possibilities some of these indicate We promise our readers that this volume contains much that is worthy of perusal and recollection, as well as much that ia suggestive." Globe. 60 BOOKS PUBLISHED AND SOLD B7 TOXOPHILUS ;" the School of Shooting (the first English Treatise on Archery. By ROGER ASCHAM, reprinted from the Rev. Dr. Giles s Edition of Ascham s Whole Works. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. 3s TROLLOPE (Rev. W.) History of the Royal Foundation of Christ s Hospital, Plan of Education, Internal Economy of the Institu tion, and Memoirs of Eminent Blues. 4to, plates, cloth. 8s 6d (original price 3. 3s) TUCKETT (John) Pedigrees and Arms of Devonshire Families, as recorded in the Herald s Visitation of 1620, with Additions from the Harleian MSS. and the Printed Collections of West- cote and Pole. 4to, Parts I. to XII. Each 5s TURNER S (Sir Gregory Page) Topographical Memorandums for the County of Oxford. 8vo, Ids. 2s TWEDDELL (G. M.) The Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham. By G. M. TWEDDELL. 8vo, Parts I. to VI. 6d each. TWO LEAVES of King Waldere and King Gudhere, a hitherto un known Old English Epic of the 8th Century belonging to the Saga Cycle of King Theodoric and his Men. Now first pub lished with a Modern English Reading, Notes, and Glossary by GEORGE STEPHENS, English Professor in the University of Co- penhagen. Royal 8vo, with four Photographic Facsimiles of the MS. of the 9th Century, recently discovered at Copenhagen. 15s Without Facsimiles. 7s 6d VASEY (George) A Monograph of the Genus Bos. The Natural History of Bulls, Bisons, and Buffaloes, exhibiting all the known Species (with an Introduction containing an Account of Expe riments on Rumination from the French of M. FLOURENS). 8vo, with 72 engravings on wood by the A uthor } cloth. 6s (origi nal price 10s 6d) Written in a scientific and popular manner, and printed and illustrated uniformly with the works of Bell, Yarrell, Forbes, Johnston, &c. Dedicated to the late Mr. Yarrell, who took great interest in the progress of the work. Mr. Vasey engraved many of the beautiful woodcuts in Mr. Yarrell s works. VASEY S (George) Illustrations of Eating, displaying the Omni vorous Character of Man, and exhibiting the Natives of various Countries at Feeding-time. Fcap. 8vo, with woodcuts by the Author. 2s VERNON S (E. J., B.A., Oxon) Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, on the Basis of Professor Rask s Grammar ; to which are added Reading Lessons in Verse and Prose, with Notes, for the Use of Learners. 12mo, cloth. 5s " Mr. Vernon has, we think, acted wisely in taking Rask for his model : but let no one suppose from the title that the book is merely a compilation from, the work of that philologist. The accidence is abridged from Rask, with constant revision, correction, and modification ; but the syntax, a most im portant portion of the book, is original, and is compiled with great care and skill ; and the latter half of the volume consists of a well-chosen selection of extracts from Anglo-Saxon writers, in prose and in verse, for the practice of the student, who will find great assistance in reading them from the grammatical notes with which they are accompanied, and from the glossary which follows them. This volume, well studied, will enable anyone to read with ease the generality of Anglo-Saxon writers ; and its cheapness places it within the reach *f every class. It has our heartar recommendation." jMa*-<urv Gazett** JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOffO SQUARE. 61 VICARS (^John) England s Worthies, under whom all the Civil and Bloody Warres, since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are related. Eoyal 12mo, reprinted intJie old style (similar to Lady Willough- by s Diary), with copies of the 18 rare portraits of ter Hollar, etc., half morocco. 5s WAGE (Master, the Anglo-Norman Poet) His Chronicle of the Nor man Conquest, from the Bomaii de Rou. Translated into Eng lish Prose, with Notes and Illustrations, by EDGAR TAYLOK, F.S.A. 8vo, many engravings from the Bayeux Tapestry, Norman Architecture, Illuminations, etc., cloth. 15s (original price 1. 8s) Only 250 copies printed, and very few remain unsold ; the remaining copies are now in J. R. Smith s hands, and are offered at the above low price in conse quence of the death of Mr. Pickering ; hitherto no copies have been sold under the published price. WACKERBARTH (F. D.) Music and the Anglo-Saxons, being some Account of the Anglo-Saxon Orchestra, with Remarks on the Church Music of the 19th Century. 8vo, 2 plates, sewed. 4s "WARNE (Charles, F.S.A.) The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset ; an Ac count of Personal and other Researches in the Sepulchral Mounds of the Durotriges. Folio, plates and woodcuts, doth. 1. 10s WAYLEN (James, of Devizes) History and Antiquities of the Town of Marlborough, and more generally of the entire Hundred of Selkley, in Wiltshire. Thick 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 14s This volume describes a portion.of Wilts not included by Sir B. C. Hoare and other topographers. WEST (Mrs.) A Memoir of Mrs. John West, of Chettle, Dorset. By the Rev. JOHN WEST, A.M. A new edition, with Brief Me moir of the Writer. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d The fourth edition of an interesting volume of Religious Biography. The Rev. John West was the first missionary to the Indians of Prince Rupert s Land, the first wooden church at Red River was partly built by his own hands. WESLEY Narrative of a Remarkable Transaction in the Early Life of John Wesley. Now first printed from a MS. in the British Museum. SECOND EDITION ; to which is added a Re view of the Work by the late Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. 8v<^ sewed. 2s A very curious love affair between J. W. and his housekeeper ; it gives a curious insight into the early economy of the Methodists. It is entirely unknown to all Wesley s biographers. WILLIAMS (John, Archdeacon of Cardigan) Essays, Philological, Philosophical, Ethnological, and Archaeological, connected with the Prehistorical Records of the Civilised Nations of Ancient Europe, especially of that Race which first occupied Great Britain. Thick 8vo, with 7 plates, cloth. 16s WINDSOR. Annals of Windsor, being a History of the Castle and Town, with some Account of Eton and Places Adjacent. By R. R. TIGHE and J. E. DAVIS, Esqs. In 2 thick vols, roy. 8vo, illustrated with many engravings, coloured and plain, extra cloili. 1. 5s (original price 4. 4s) An early application is necessary, as but few copies remain on sale. 62 BOOKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY WILLMOTT (Robert Aris, some time Incumbent of Bear Wood, Berks) A. Journal of Summer Time in the Country. FOURTH EDITION ; to which is added an Introductory Memoir by his Sister. Foolscap 8vo, elegantly printed by Whittingham, extra cloth. 5s This Journal of Summer Time is a genial gossip of literary matters under the various days of the month from May to August. It is full of anecdote, and full of interest ; and is a sort of literary natural history, like that of Selbourne. by good Gilbert White. The observations, the reading, the meditations of & well-trained, well-tilled mind, give this volume its charm, and make it on which even the best-informed reader may wile away an hour with in recalling his own wanderings in the literary fields. The great glory of this book is that it is thoroughly natural. It does not aim at fine writing or sensational stories, but jots down from day to day such memoranda as a well-stored mind, familiar with the great treasures of our literature, would give forth in the quiet of a country parsonage, when summer smiled over the fields and woods, and a garden gave forth its pleasant sights and sounds. Birmingham Journal. WORSAAE S (J. J. A., of Copenhagen) Primeval Antiquities of Den mark, translated and applied to the illustration of similar re mains in England, by W. J. Thorns, F.S.A. 8vo, many engrav ings, cloth. 4s 6d (original price 10s 6d) WRIGHT S (Thomas, M.A., F.S.A., Member of the Tnststute of France) Essay on Archaeological Subjects, and on various Questions connected with the History of Art, Science, and Literature in the Middle Ages. 2 vols, post 8vo, printed by Whittingham, illustrated with 120 engravings, cloth. 16s CONTENTS : 1. On the Remains of a, Primitive People in the South-East corner of Yorkshire. 2. On some ancient Barrows, or Tumuli, opened in East Yorkshire. 3. On some curious forms of Sepulchral Interment found m East Yorkshire. 4. Treago, and the large Tumulus at St. VVeonard s. 5. On the Ethnology of South Britain at the period of the Extinction of the Roman Government in the Island. 6. On the Origin of the Welsh. 7. On the Anglo- Saxon Antiquities, with a particular reference to the Fausset Collection. 8. On the True Character of the Biographer Asser. 9. Anglo-Saxon Architecture, illustrated from illuminated Manuscripts. 10. On the Literary History of Geoffrey of Monmouth s History of the Britons, and of the Romantic Cycle of King Arthur. 11. On Saints Lives and Miracles. 12. On Antiquarian Exca vations and Researches in the Middle Ages. 13. On the Ancient Map of the World preserved in Hereford Cathedral, as illustrative of the History of Geography in the Middle Ages. 14. On the History of the English Language. 15. On the Aba. sis, or Mediaeval System of Arithmetic. 16. On the Antiquity of Dates expressed in Arabic Numerals. 17. Remarks on an Ivory Casket of the beginning of the Fourteenth Century. 1& On the Carvings on the Stalls in Cathedral and Collegiate Churches. 19. Illustrations of some Questions relating to Architectural Antiquities (a) Mediaeval Architecture illustrated from Illu minated Manuscripts : (&) A Word more on Mediaeval Bridge Builders : (c) On the Remains of proscribed Races in Mediaeval and Modern Society, as explaining certain peculiarities in Old Churches. 20. On the Origin of Rhymes in Medi- seval Poetry, and its bearing on the Authencity of the Early Welsh Poems. 21. On the History of the Drama in the Middle Ages. 22. On the Literature of the Troubadours. 23. On the History of Comic Literature during the Middle Ages. 24. On the Satirical Literature of the Reformation. "Mr. Wright is a man who thinks for himself, and one who has evidently a title to do so. Some of the opinions published in these Essays are, he tells us, the result of his own observations or reflections, and are contrary to what have long been those of our own antiquaries and historians." Spectator. Two volumes exceedingly valuable and important to all who are interested in the Archaeology of the Middle Ages ; no mere compilations, but replete with fine reasoning, new theories, and useful information, put in an intelligible manner on subjects that have been hitherto but imperfectly understood." London Rev. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 86, SO HO SQUARE. 68 WRIGHT (Thomas) Essays on the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle Ages. 2 vols, post 8vo, elegantly printed, doth. 16s CONTENTS: Essay 1. Anglo-Saxon Poetry 2. Anglo-Norman Poetry 3. Chansons de Geste, or historical romances of the Middle Ages 4. Proverbs and Popular Sayings 5. Anglo-Latin Poets of the Twelth Century 6. Abelard and the Scholastic Philosophy 7. Dr. Grimm s German Mythology 8. National Fairy Mythology of England 9. Popular Superstitions of Modern Greece, and their connection with the English 10. Friar Rush and the Frolicsome Elves 11. Dunlop s History of Fiction 12. History and Transmission of Popular Stories 13. Poetry of History 14. Adventures of Hereward the Saxon 15. Story of Eustace the Monk 16. History of Fulke Fitzwarine 17. Popular Cycle or Robin Hood Ballads 18. Conquest of Ireland by the Anglo-Normans 19. Old English Political Songs 20. Dunbar, the Scottish Poet. WRIGHT (Thomas) Biographia Britannica Literaria, or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland. ANGLO- SAXON PERIOD. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s (original price 12s) The Anglo-Norman Period. Thick 8vo, cloth, 6s (original price 12s) Published under the superintendence of the Council of the Royal Society of Literature. There is no work in the English Language which gives the reader such a com prehensive and connected History of the Literature of these periods. WRIGHT (Thomas) Wanderings of an Antiquary, chiefly upon the Traces of the Romans in Britain, many illustrations, post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d (original price 8s 6d) WRIGHT S (Thomas) Saint Patrick s Purgatory, an Essay on the Legends of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages. Post 8vo, cloth. 6s " It must be observed that this is not a mere account of St Patrick s Purgatory, but a complete history of the legends and superstitions relating to the subject, from the earliest times, rescued from old MSS. as well as from old printed books. Moreover, it embraces a singular chapter of literary history omitted by Warton and all former writers with whom we are acquainted ; and we think we may add, that it forms the best introduction to Dante that has yet been published." Literary Gazette. "This appears to be a curious and even amusing book on the singular subject of Purgatory, in which the idle and fearful dreams of superstition are shown to be first narrated as tales, and then applied as means of deducing the moral cha racter of the age in which they prevailed." Spectator. WRIGHT S (Thomas) Anecdota Literaria, a Collection of Short Poems in English, Latin, and French, illustrative of the Litera ture and History of England in the Xlllth Century, and mose especially of the Condition and Manners of the Different Classes of Society. 8vo, cloth, only 250 copies printed. 5s WROXETER. The Roman City of Uriconium at Wroxetcr, Salop ; illustrative of the History and Social Life of our Romano- British forefathers. By J. Corbet Anderson. A handsome volume, post 8vo, with numerous cuts drawn on wood from the actual objects by the author, extra cloth. 12s 6d YORKSHIRE. The History of the Township of Meltham, near Huddersfield, by the late Rev. JOSEPH HUGHES, edited with addition by C. H. Post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d Several other books relating to Yorkshire, are interspersed through this Cata- ogue. 5* BOOKS PUBLISHED AND SOLD B7 ADDENDA. TWAMLEY S (C.) Historical and Descriptive Account of Dudley Castle in Staffordshire. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s SCOTT (Henry, Minister of Anstruther Wester}. Fasti-Ecdesice Scoti- cance ; the Sucession of Ministers to the Parish Churches of Scot land, from the Reformation, A.D. 1560, to the present time. Parti. Synod of Lothian and Tweedale. 4to, pp. 400, d. 1. 10s To be completed in 3 parts the second is now in the Printer s hands. " THE design of the present work is to present a comprehensive account of the SUCCESSION OF MINISTERS of the Church of Scotland, since the period of the Reformation. An attempt is made to give some additional interest by furnish ing incidental notices of their lives, writings, and families, which may prove useful to the Biographer, the Genealogist, and the Historian. "The sources from which the work has been compiled are the various records of Kirk Sessions, Presbyteries, Synods, and General Assemblies . to gether with the Books of Assignations, Presentations to Benefices, and the Commissariat Registers of Confirmed Testaments. From these authentic sources the information here collected will, it is believed, be found as accurate as the utmost care can render it. Having been commenced at an early period of life, this work has been prosecuted during all the time that could be spared from professional engagements for a period of nearly fifty years. " Some idea of the labour and continuous research involved in preparing the work may be formed, when the Author states, that he has visited all the Presbyteries in the Church, and about seven hundred and sixty different Pa rishes, for the purpose of examining the existing records. In this way he has had an opportunity of searching eight hundred and sixty volumes of Presbytery, and one hundred volumes of Synod Records, besides those of the Gi-neral As sembly, along with the early Registers of Assignations and Presentations to Benefices, and about four hundred and thirty volumes of the Testament Registers in the different Commissariats." Extract from Preface. RECORDS of the Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, with extracts from other Records relating to the affairs of the Burghs of Scotland, 1295-1597, edited by J. D. MARWICK. 4to, pp. 600, cloth, only 150 printed for sale. 1. 10s PASSAGES from the Autobiography of a "MAN OF KENT," toge ther with a few rough Pan and Ink Sketches by the same hand of some of the people he has met, the changes he has seen, and the places he has visited, 1817-1865. Thick post 8vo. Cloth. 6s. KENRICK (Rev. John, Curator of Antiquities in the Museum at York, author of ^Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs," "History of Phoenicia," &c.) Papers on subjects of Archaeology and His tory communicated to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. 8vo, doth. 3s 6d. (Original price 9s.) CONTENTS. The Rise, Extension, and Suppression of the Order of Knights Templar in Yorkshire. Historical Traditions of Pontefract Castle, including an Enquiry into the Place and manner of Richard the Second s Death. Relation of Coins to History, illustrated from Roman Coins found at Metha], in Yorkshire. The Causes of the Destruction of Classical Literature. The History of the Recovery of Classical Literature. The Reign of Trajan, illustrated by a monument of his reign found at York. Roman Wax Tablets found in Transylvania New Year s Day in Ancient Rome. JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SO HO SQUARE. 55 HISTORY of the Hebrew Nation and its Literature. By SAM. SHARPE, author of the History of Ancient Egypt, &c. Post 8vo, cloth. 5s TEXTS from the Holy Bible explained by the Help of Ancient Monuments. By SAMCTEL SHARPE, Author of the History of Egypt and other works. Post 8vo, with 160 drawings on wood, chiefly by JOSEPH BONOMI, Curator of Soane s Museum. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d (pub at 5s) ON THE Chronology of the Bible. By SAMUEL SHARPE, Au thor of the History of Egypt, &c. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. Is 6d ANALECTA Anglo-Saxonica : a Selection in Prose and Verse, from Anglo-Saxon Authors of various Ages ; with a Glos sary. Designed chiefly as a first book for students. By BENJAMIN THORPE, F.S.A. A new Edition with correc tions and improvements. Post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d ENGLISH Retraced, or Remarks on the "Breeches" Bible (the Genevan Version) and the English of the present day. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s (pub at 5s) An ingenious and instructive volume, the result of a good deal of reading. A GLOSSARY of the Cotswold (Gloucestershire) Dialect, illustrated by examples from Ancient Authors. By the late Rev. RICHARD WEBSTER HUNTLEY, A.M., of Boxwell Court, Gloucestershire. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s A GLOSSARY of the Dialect of the district of Cleveland in the North Riding of Yorkshire. By the Rev. J. C. ATKIN SON, Incumbent of Dariby. Thick small 4to, 662 pages", cloth. 1. 4s ON THE Dialect of Somersetshire, with a Glossary, Poems, &c. , exemplifying the Dialect. By J. JENNINGS. Second Edition, edited by the Rev. J. K. JENNINGS. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d A DICTIONARY of the LANGUAGE of SHAKESPEARE. By SWYFEN JERVIS, of Darlaston Hall, Staffordshire. 4to, 378 pp., in double columns, 4to, cloth (a cheap volume.) 12s The author died while the volume was in the press, when his friend the Rev. Alex. Dyce, the Shakesperian scholar, completed it from the materials he had left. TRANSACTIONS of the LOGGERVILLE LITERARY SO CIETY. 8vo, pp. 174, with many humorous cuts, extra cloth, gilt edges. 7s 6d GENEALOGY of the Family of COLE, of Devon, and of those of its Branches which settled in Suffolk, Hants, Lincoln, Surrey, and Ireland. BY JAMES EDWIN-COLE. 8vo, cloth. 5s 56 JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. PORTRAITS of Illustrious Persons in English History, drawn by G. P. Harding, F.S.A, frem original Pictures, with Biographical and Historical Notices, by Thomas Moule, F.S.A. In a handsome roy. 4to volume, bound in cloth ex tra, bevellededges, and gilt leaves. 1. Is Contents : King Henry VIII. and the Emperor Charles the Fifth. Sir Robert Dudley, son of the Earl of Leicester. Queen Catherine of Aragon. Sir William Russell, Lord Russell of Thornhaugh. Sir Anthony Browne. Anthony Browne, Viscount Montagu. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. Sir Anthony Shirley. Sir Charles Scarborough, M.D. Henry Carey, Viscount Falkland. Flora Macdonald, the preserver of Prince Charles Stuart. William Lenthall, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1640. Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford. William Camden, Antiquary. Sir Thomas Browne, of Norwich, M.D. [Separate prints may be had on folio, India paper proofs 3s 6d each. EARLY ENGLAND and the Saxon English ; with some Notes on the Father-Stock of the Saxon -English, the Frisians. By W. BARNES, B.D., Author of Poems in the Dorset Dia lect, &c. , &c. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. 3s ANCIENT ROLLS OF ARMS, No. 1., Glover s Roll of the Reign of Henry III. Edited by George J. Armytage. 4to, with frontispiece of Shields, sewed. Price 4s It is the intention of the Editor to bring out a series of these Rolls to the extent of a dozen or more, varying in price from 4s to 10s. No. II. contains another Roll of the Reign of Henry III., in which nearly 700 Coats are emblazoned. A HAND-BOOK to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Lite rature of England, from Caxton the first English Printer, to the year 1660. BY W. CAREW HAZLITT, one thick vol, 8vo, pp. 716, in double columns, half morocco, JRoxburghe style. 1 11s 6d LARGE PAPER, royal Svo, HALF MOROCCO, ROXBURGHE STYLE. 3. 3s It will be found indispensable to Book-Collectors and Booksellers. It is far in advance of anything hitherto published on Old English Literature. A MARTYR TO BIBLIOGRAPHY : A Notice of the Life and Works of JOSEPH-MARIE QUERARD, the French Bib liographer. By OLPHAR HAMST. Svo, cloth (only 200 printed). 3s 6d HANDBOOK for FICTITIOUS NAMES, being a Guide to Authors, chiefly of the Lighter Literature of the XlXth Century, who have written under assumed names ; and to Literary Forgers, Impostors, Plagiarists, and Imitators. By OLPHAR HAMST, Esq., Avthor of a Notice of the Life and Works of J. M. Querard. Svo, cloth. 7s 6d THICK PAPER (only 25 copies printed). 15s An exceedingly curious and interesting book on the bye ways of Lite rature. ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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