tore, 40 FOURTH ST. 8,F. EDUCATION DEPI. FIRST LESSONS IN" OUR COUNTRY S HISTORY: BRINGING OUT ITS SALIENT POINTS, AND AIMING TO COMBINE SIMPLICITY WITH SENSE. BY WILLIAM SWINTON, A. M., AUTHOR OF " CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES," " WORD-ANALTSIS, ETC., ETC. SSJttfj Numerous Illustrations. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO: IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR, AND COMPANY. 1874. EDUCATION DEPT. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, BY WILLIAM SWINTON, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co., CAMBRIDGE. PREFACE. THE recent extension of the study of United States history into the lower grades of our schools has suggested the need of a class-book fitted to their wants. Of histories which the child may read by the mother s knee there is no lack ; but this is not what is required for school study, which must not only convey impressions, but impart a certain amount of avail able knowledge. In the present manual, which is of an entirely different type from his " Condensed History of the United States, - the author has sought to supply this want. In doing so, he has aimed at two things as desirable : The first is, to bring out to prominent view the salient points of our country s history, and such only. In so great a mass of details, selection was absolutely necessary ; for when thousands of facts are put before the child s mind, and everything is made equally important, it simply results that everything becomes equally ////important. Hence the author has endeavored to apply the principles of historical perspective to his treatment, to subordinate minutiae of date and place and number and IV PREFACE. circumstance, and bring to the foreground prominent and vital facts. The second thing the author has aimed at is, to be simple in the mode of presentation without falling into the prevalent sin of children s histories, to wit, silliness in point of matter. They misjudge the nature of the young mind who deem that a child does not prefer good sense to twaddle- What the pupil finds difficult is rarely the thought : it is generally an abstract mode of expression or an elaborate structure of sentence. On this head the author s ideal is on the title-page, to combine simplicity with sense. The teacher will notice that the questions are put in the margin. It is believed that this arrangement will be found exceedingly convenient to both teacher and pupil. The ques tions have been made approximate enough to be a guide, not literal enough to be a servile rule. Great care has been taken to avoid the catechetical abomination, a method that inevita bly dwarfs the pupil s power of expression, and, by so doing, deprives him of one of the chief educational benefits of a history lesson. The illustrations which embellish the First Lessons have been drawn by the best artists, and engraved in a superior manner. w. S. CONTENTS. PART I. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. Page I. FOUR CENTURIES AGO i II. THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY 8 III. How ENGLAND AND FRANCE CAME TO CLAIM PART OF AMERICA 15 IV. SPANISH ADVENTURES AND CONQUESTS . . . . 19 Ponce de Leon, 20. De Soto discovers the Mississippi, 21. Conquest of Mexico, 23. V. THE AMERICAN INDIANS 26 VI. A REVIEW LESSON 32 VII. VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. ... 34 Early History of Virginia, 36. Indian Massacres, 39. About the Government of Virginia, 40. Growth of Virginia, 41. Daughter-Colonies of Virginia, 43. VIII. NEW ENGLAND .... .... 46 Massachusetts P> ay Colony, 48. Connecticut, 49. Rhode Island, 50. New Eng land Life and Growth, 51. IX. NEW YORK AND THE MIDDLE COLONIES .... 57 New Jersey, 60. Pennsylvania, 60. X. THE STRUGGLE WITH FRANCE 63 XL A REVIEW LESSON 72 PART II. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. I. WHY THE COLONIES REVOLTED 73 II CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR 80 Operations around Boston, 80. Lexington, 81. Bunker Hill, 82. Washington, 83. Attack on Charleston, 85. Washington moves to New York, 86. The Declaration of Independence, 87. The Campaign in New York, 88. Retreat through Jersey, 90. The Victory at Trenton, 90 The Pennsylvania Campaign, 91. Burgoyne s Campaign, 93. The French aid America, 95. England asks for Peace, 96. The Scene shifts, 96. Massacre of Wyoming, 97. The War in the South, 98. Treason of Arnold, 100. Siege of Yorktown, 101. Close of the War, 102. The Constitution, 103. III. GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION 105 George Washington, 105. Benjamin Franklin, 107. Patrick Henry, 109. Lafay ette, in. Thomas Jefferson, 112. General Nathaniel Greene, 113. John Paul Jones, 115. Other distinguished Soldiers, 117. IV. A REVIEW LESSON 119 VI CONTENTS. PART III. THE UNITED STATES. I. THE TIMES OF WASHINGTON 121 II. OUR PRESIDENTS 125 III. THE GREAT WEST 127 Boone and Kentucky, 127. Tennessee, 130. Ohio, 130. IV. THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. .... 132 Raids into Canada, 133. Naval Operations, 134. American Victories in Canada, 136. Battle of Lake Champlain, 137. The British at Washington and Balti more, 138. Battle of New Orleans, 138. Peace, 139. V. GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY . 140 Beyond the Mississippi, 140. Hamilton and Burr, 141. War with the Barbary Pirates, 142. Fulton and the First Steamboat, 143. Battle of Tippecanoe, 144. Florida purchased by the United States, 146. Twenty-five Years after Washing- ton s Death, 146. Death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, 148. Jackson s Administration, 148. Webster, Clay, and Calhoun, 149. Independence of Texas, 151. The First Telegraph, 152. The Mexican War, 153. Conquest of Califor nia, 156. Discovery of Gold, 157. The New Far West, 158. The Slavery Struggle, 160. Election of Lincoln, 161. Secession, 163. PART IV. THE REBELLION, OR WAR OF SECESSION. I. THE WAR BEGINS. FORT SUMPTER 164 II. BATTLE OF BULL RUN 165 III. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS OF 1862 168 Capture of Fort Donelson, 168. Battle of Shiloh, 169. Bragg s Invasion of Kentucky, 169. Battle of Murfreesboro , 170. McClellan s Campaign on the Peninsula, 170. Battle of Antietam, 171. Battle of Fredericksburg, 172. Capture of New Orleans, 172. The Monitor and Merrimac, 174. IV. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS OF 1863 175 The Emancipation Proclamation, 175. Vicksburg, 175. Battles at Chattanooga, 176. Operations against Charleston, 177. Chancellorsville, 177. Gettys burg, 178. V. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS OF 1864 180 Grant s Campaign in the East, 180. Sheridan in the Valley, 181. Sherman s March to the Sea, 181. Farragut at Mobile, 182. The Alabama and the Kearsarge, 183. VI. THE FINAL CAMPAIGN . 184 The Situation in the Spring of 1865, 184. Sherman s Operations, 184. Grant s Operations, 185. Assassination of Lincoln, 186. Peace, 187. VII. FACTS AND REFLECTIONS 187 VIII. A REVIEW LESSON 191 PART V. ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE THE WAR. I. JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION 193 Reconstruction, 193. Impeachment of the President, 195. The French in Mexico, 195. Purchase of Alaska, 196. The Atlantic Cable, 196. II. GRANT S ADMINISTRATION 197 ILLUSTRATI COLUMBUS SAILING FROM PA LOS AND LANDING AT GUA- ONS. Designer. W Wand Kngraver. Karct Page COLUMBUS ON HIS VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY MAP OF THE ROUTE OF COLUMBUS, FIRST VOYAGE . . CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS A. R. IV and IVetts . . . . A. K. Waud . 4 R. \Vand . Orr . . Walker . Orr . . Orr . . 7 9 14 18 DE SOTO DISCOVERING THE MISSISSIPPI MAP OF THE ROUTE OF DE SOTO INDIAN LIFE AND BARBARITIES A. R. Waud . Wells . . . . A. R. Waud . Wells . . . Karst . Karst . . Karst . . Karst 19 2 3 26 INITIAL EMBLEM OF THE CAVALIERS MAP OF JAMESTOWN AND VICINITY C. Ey tinge . . Wells . . . (Photograph) Karst . Karst . 34 36 INITIAL EMBLEM OF THE PURITANS INITIAL EMBLEM OF THE DUTCH IN NEW AMSTERDAM C. Eytinge . W. Waud . W Waud Karst . . Karst . . . 46 57 62 W Waud . 63 MAP OF OPERATIONS AROUND QUEBEC FIGHT AT THE LIBERTY-POLE, NEW YORK Wells . . . . A . R. Wand Gilbert Karst Karst . . 70 73 76 Wells Ki nesl 82 W Waud Karst Wells Ka rst ( Photograph) Stiiepel BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (Photograph) (Photograph) Spiegel . Spiegel . 107 L ( Photograph) Sfiiesrel (Photograph) Spiegel I 12 (Photograph) Spiegel I 14 JOHN PAUL JONES - . DANIEL BOONE IN KENTUCKY PERRY S VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE MAP OF THE BATTLE OF PLATTSBURG A. R. Wand . A. R. Wand . A . R. Wand . Wells . . . . A R Waud . A ut hotty Karst . . Karst . . Karst . . Karst . i 5 . 127 135 137 A R. Waud . A R Waud viii ILLUSTRATIONS. Designer. Engraver. Page PROFESSOR SAMUEL F. B. MORSE {Photograph} . Spiegel . . 152 BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI A. R. Wand . Karst . . ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Photograph} . Spiegel . THE RETREAT FROM BULL RUN A. R. Wand . Karst . . THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS W. Waiid . . Karst . . 159 . 162 . 166 "73 MAP OF OPERATIONS IN THE EAST Wells .... Karst . . MAP OF OPERATIONS IN THE WEST Wells . . Karst I 79 . 189 ANDREW JOHNSON (Photograph} . Spiegel . 193 -33^ Columbus sailing from Palos and landing at Guanahani. PART I. DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. I. FOUR CENTURIES AGO. i. EVERY boy and girl knows that, in our day, great steamers and stately ships sail over the whole of the vast c K BREVIARY HISTORY. sea which surrounds the globe. But, four what of the hundred years aofo, the ocean, which enables ocean now and * 400 years ago? us to go so swiftly from one continent to another, nearly stopped the movements of people ; so mariners could only sail timidly along the coasts. what did 2. The most learned men, four hundred learned men think about the years ago, did not know that the earth is shape of the irri earth? round. 11 they had been told that a ship might start from a port, and, by sailing on ward for many months in the same direction, come round to its starting-point, they would what of i iave scoffed at the idea. America at this time ? 3. At that time the prairies and forests of the Western World were the home of red Indians, who hunted and fished and led a savage life in the wild freedom of nature. All HOW long this time, the people who lived in Europe were Europeans . ignorant of the knew nothing about the Western Continent ; Western Conti- . . nent? and they remained ignorant of it till about four hundred years ago, when the New World was discovered by a bold Italian nav igator, named Christopher Columbus, why did the A Jh e reason why the ancients did not ancients not J know about know the real shape of the earth, or the America? . . .. existence of America, is because the great FOUR CENTURIES AGO. art of navigation was then in a very rude state. 5. The first thing that enabled sailors to launch out boldly on the trackless sea was that wonderful invention, the mariner s com- What of the compass ? pass, which came into use early in the fif teenth century. The Portuguese, Spaniards, w ^^ s e and Italians, who were then the most com- tions< mercial and seafaring nations of Europe, be gan to venture out on the Atlantic. The Azore Islands, which lie far out in the At- . Tel1 of their . T-^ . discoveries. lantic, to the west of hurope, were discovered about this time. The western coast of Africa, also, was explored nearly down to its most southern point. 6. Columbus was born just at the period who was born at this time ? when these bold new enterprises were go ing on. His birthplace was the city of Gen o-a, on the Med-i-ter-ra ne-an Sea. It is Teii about him when a lad. related that when a lacl he took to the water as though it were his native element ; but this was not merely because he had a boy ish love of adventure, for at the same time he was diligently studying all that was then known about geography and navigation. After he grew to be a man he continued PRIMARY HISTORY. to follow the sea : for many years he was Tell about him ca ptain of Genoese caravels, which were as a sea-captain. queer-looking, high-prowed ships, and he made trading voyages, and was in sea-fights, Was this the and suffered shipwreck. Thus he erew right kind of . training? strong and brave for the great work which he was born to do. 7. When Columbus was about forty years old he came to the conclusion that he could Can you men- make a far bolder voyage than had ever voyage Coium- been attempted before. His studies had led ? him to believe that our earth, instead of why did he beiiio: flat, as was thought, is round. Hence irL- l-i rvitilH O O think he could sail round tc east of Asia sail round to the he was firmly persuaded that by sailing clue westward from Europe across the Atlantic he would come round to the eastern coast of Asia. 8. Why did Columbus wish to reach Asia? Give his rea- The re ason was that his countrymen, the son for wishing < J to sail to India. Italian merchants living on the Mediterra nean Sea, were carrying on a rich trade with India; but they had to bring the silks and spices and pearl and gold of the East over land by caravans, and it was dangerous and expensive to transport their goods by this route ; hence Columbus thought it would be FOUR CENTURIES AGO. a great thing if he could sail to India all the way by sea. Columbus was also a deeply religious man, and he longed greatly to he bring the unknown barbarous nations of Christian. the far East to a knowledge of the Chris tian faith. 9. Perhaps you will ask why the Italian Tell why India 1 . J could not then merchants did not sail round the Cape of be reached by Good Hope, and reach India in that way. Good Hope. The answer is, that it was not known at this time that a ship could sail round the south ern point of Africa. The passage round the Cape of Good Hope was not discovered till two or three years after Columbus discovered America. 10. It generally happens that those whom God means shall make great discoveries for mankind meet a cold reception from the tri a^ a iid b co- r very people that they are to benefit. Colum- iambus have? bus tasted this bitter cup. He burned to make a voyage that should determine wheth er he was right in his bold idea of reach ing Asia by sailing due westward ; but the first thing was to secure the patronage of some king or court that would give him the means to fit out a vessel. He applied PRIMARY HISTORY. to various governments, and spent ten years of weary waiting ; but he received no encour agement. Give an ac- 1 1 . Finally, he went to Spain. The sov- count of the . . . years spent by ereigiis of Spam at that time were Queen SpajjL " Isabella and King Ferdinand. Columbus was quite well treated ; but he did not ob- why he was tain the help he wanted ; for the sovereigns not listened to. i i i did not care to spend money on a plan which was called a wild dream by all the learned men. Failing in 12. Columbus waited seven years, and Spain, where did - . , i i he now propose then, heart-sore, but undaunted, turned his back on the court of Spain, resolving to go and apply to the King of France. While on what stopped ^ j s way } ie was overtaken by a royal mes- him ? 3 J / senger, sent by the Queen to call him back. The dream of Columbus suddenly seemed to Isabella an inspired prophecy, and she Relate the exclaimed : " I undertake the expedition for story of what . 1-11 Isabella said, my own crown- of Castile, and will pledge my jewels to obtain the means ! " This speech showed the noble spirit of the Queen. However, the sacrifice of her jewels was not needed, because other means were found; so, at last, after nearly twenty years of dis- FOUR CENTURIES AGO. appointment, Columbus was gladdened by hearing the order given to fit out a fleet. 13. At a little seaport of [ Spain named Palos \J>a/i- los}, three small craft, hard ly bigger than the yachts of our day, were got ready. Their names were the San - ta Maria \ma-re aK\^ which Admiral Columbus himself commanded, the Pinta, and the Nina \nenaK\. The whole number of persons Columbus on his Voyage of Discovery. on board was one hundred and twenty. The sun rose (August 3, i49 2 ) o n the little fleet sailing forth on the voyage of discovery. QUESTIONS. Where was the fleet fitted out? Names of the ships. How many persons were on board the three ships ? Give the date of sailing. PRIMARY HISTORY. II. THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY, what map and i. THE scholar will find on the opposite picture are spo- . . - ~, , , Tr ken of? page a map ot the voyage of Columbus. 11 he turns back to the first page, he will find a very pretty picture of the two principal events of the voyage, the sailing from Palos in Spain (which is at the bottom of the page) and the landing in the New World. 2. When Columbus left Palos, he steered where did |- o the southwest, and reached one of the Columbus first . sail ? Canary Isles, named Go-me ra. Beyond this was the dark, mysterious, unexplored sea. What courage and faith it needed to launch out on its untried, trackless waste ! what 5s said 7. It was the most wonderful voyage ever of the vo\ 7 age ? r ,1 -i made. The ignorant fears of the sailors peopled the ocean with awful dangers. The Tell two things compass pointed wrong, and the men thought that alarmed the , , . -, -1,1 i sailors. that the trade-winds, which carried the ships swiftly westward, would prevent them from ever getting back. Columbus invented plau sible reasons for all these things. Still, as THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. 9 day by day carried tSP^Ij 3 ^^ :i : them farther and far ther away from home, ^ o</ % """ \<^ / their alarm increased. \ } 0< \ vJxij, **" tf \ ^ ^^ ^^fe /X - 4. At length they \C 5 /S^ ^fm^ grew mutinous, and i 1 ""|l ^wl wanted to turn back ; - ***<, 5 1\ but Columbus stood I: 1 ^ I very firm. He did not < \ ^ A say he would turn \ I i - - a I back if they did not \ ^ 5 ^ \* \ ^ ^ \ t : - ;:i 1 find land in three days ? ,.... !% ^ " " **. -.\ (as you may have read ^;. xqH .== i, \> (0 p in some books), no, ^ \ / ja he declared that he ^ \ / 1 was bound by the help / N "o u g of Heaven to go to s \ 1 India! i| "\ \ PL r~N ^ " 5. Finally, after L iv many days 1 sailing, the 1 ^ \ ^ faith of the great cap L A 1 ^V* 0/ * tain was rewarded with i llfL */K 1 i?||/\ : P ir-: \\ W^Jh i ^ ^ ^ signs that surely betok ^rffli J> ^ ^V^A A^ ened land. Thus, the \ ^ Jr/1 y sounding-line reached . ^^3S^>- f/l | the bottom, land-birds 2 ^ IO PRIMARY HISTORY. hovered about the ships, and some of the sailors took up the branch of a tree with red berries quite fresh, why did Co- 6. Columbus now felt so sure of being lumbusmakethe 111 1 ships anchor? near land that on the evening of the nth of October he ordered the ships to lie by. men that night. Teii about die No man closed his eyes that night, and all kept on deck intently looking in the direction where they supposed land would appear. About the light 7. About tWO llOUl S before midnight, Co- seen by Colum- . , ,. - bus. lumbus was standing on the forecastle when he observed a light at a distance. A little land first s een ? a ^ tei "Anight the joyful sound of Land ! Land! was heard from the Pinta. Relate what 8. When the morning dawned, the voy- they saw in the . . . . r ., . morning. agers saw an island about five miles to the north, an island clad in lovely verdure, and which the natives called Guanahani \_gwah- na-Jiane\. All shed tears of joy, and raised a hymn of thanksgiving to God. Then they fell at the feet of Columbus, and implored his pardon for their ignorance and insolence and the pain they had given him. Give an ac- n. Immediately the boats were all manned count of the " , landing. and armed, and with colors displayed, and Describe what the sailors did. THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. I I warlike music, and other martial pomp, the crews rowed toward the shore. Columbus landed in a rich dress, and with his drawn sword in his hand, while his men followed. They set up a cross, and, prostrating them selves before it, returned thanks to Heaven for their prosperous voyage. Columbus then caused the royal standard of Castile and Leon to be set up, and thus took possession of the land for the crown of Spain. 10. While the Spaniards were thus em ployed, they were surrounded by the natives, Tell about the : . . . r 1 / natives, what a simple-minded and peaceful race of tawny- they were like, , . 1 , ! t 1 ,1 aild What the > skinned, naked savages, who gazed with thought. astonishment on the new-comers. They thought them the children of the sun, or visitants from some spirit world. Columbus _ what did Columbus name named the natives "Indians," because he them, and why ? thought the island he had found really lay off the coast of India, or Eastern Asia; he had no idea that he had discovered a new continent. 11. Columbus next sailed southward, and discovered the islands of Cu ba and Hayti voyage \_hate\ All the natives they found were naked savages, who kissed the feet of the 12 PRIMARY HISTORY. Spaniards, and willingly exchanged their gold ornaments for beads and pins given them by the sailors, when did Co- j 2 . After spending some time in explor- lumbus start to i i "i go back? mg the islands, Columbus early in the new year (1493) turned his prows homewards, carrying with him the greatest news ever borne by any ship over any sea. Give an ac- 1 3. It almost seemed as though the an- count of the i i n r r storm. gry deep wished to swallow up all proof of the grand discovery, for a terrible storm arose, and the ships nearly foundered. Co- what did Co- lumbus, when he expected his vessels to go lumbus do ? m p down, wrote an account of his discoveries on parchment, enclosed it in a cake of wax, and the cake in a cask which was thrown overboard. 14. But Heaven watched over the discov erer of the New World. The ships reached what of the Spain in safety. Columbus had a grand re- vvelcome home . of Columbus? ception, and the King and Queen imme diately ordered a large and fine fleet to be fitted out. 15. There were some conceited people who pretended, after Columbus had made the discovery, that it was not so wonderful a THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. thine, after all. It is related that at a ban- The courtier . -11 v i that could dis- quet a foolish courtier said he did not think cover America, , , 1,1 T but could not it was very hard to make the discovery. ma ke an e gg Columbus asked him to make an egg stand ^ b a n t f t hi ^ n on end, and when he had to own that he could not do it, Columbus broke the end of the egg, when it stood very readily, which was a courteous but severe rebuke to the pretender, was it not? 1 6. Columbus made a second, third, and fourth voyage. During this time he planted several colonies in the West India Islands, where did he found colonies ? He also discovered South America, near the what great mouth of the Orino co River, in 1498. 17. It was the lot of Columbus to receive , what did Co- lumbus suffer ? injustice and neglect in return for the great est benefits. His fame stirred up the jeal- His fame , J stirred up what ? ousy and hatred of powerful persons at the Spanish court. He was deprived of the gov- Repeat what r . , . . you can of the ernment of the colony he had founded in the last sad years of New World, and sent home in chains. Af- ter the death of his friend, Queen Isabella, he was treated still worse, and was allowed to die in poverty and neglect, at the age of seventy-two. 1 8. You would say would you not? 14 PRIMARY HISTORY. what should that the New World should have been called ie Nev ive be called ? the New World . , . . , _ , -,. have been Columbia in honor of the oreat discoverer. But even this justice was denied Columbus. It did not receive any particular name for a number of years. Finally, a German writer who called it on geography called it AMERICA, after Amer - America, and . - fr . r / 7 i TA v i why? icus Vespucius \yes-pu she-us\, an Italian who made several voyages to South America soon after Columbus s first discovery, and who wrote a description of the countries he saw. 19. But, whatever injustice there was in what undying naming the New World, no American can glory has Co- , . .. , , ^ , lumbus? ever forget that it was discovered by Colum bus, the boldest sailor that ever trod a deck, and one of the noblest men that ever lived. Christopher Columbus. CLAIMS OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE. 15 III. HOW ENGLAND AND FRANCE- CAME TO CLAIM PART OF AMERICA. 1. WHEN the news of the discovery of the ,. , wl ? at J did the discov- land of gold beyond the Atlantic spread over er y of America J . L have ? Europe, many bold navigators made voyages to the New World. 2. There were many voyages made bv Name some J J . of the nations Spanish, and French, and English explorers, thatmdevoy- We shall first learn about the English and French explorations, because the English and French said their discoveries gave them a right to the soil of America. 3. The reason why the English said they _ why did the ^ - / < a English lay had a right to settle in America is because claim to Amer- North America was discovered by a navigator named CAB OT, an Italian, settled in Bristol who sailed under the flag of England. 4. Cabot, as soon as he heard of Col urn- , w ! iat ir ( ! id he ^ ask the King bus s great discovery, applied to the King of for ? England for leave to make a voyage of dis covery. This was granted by Henry VII., and Cabot sailed with his son, Sebastian. 1 6 PRIMARY HISTORY. Relate the c The Cabots sailed on a line far north Cabots voyage. of the route of Columbus. They succeeded in reaching the New World, it is sup- Was this the posed at Cape Breton, and this was the first discovery L of North Amer- first discovery of any part of North America. ica? J . : The date? It was made in 1494 or 1497. Repeat what 6. In 1498, Sebastian Cabot made a sec- you can of Cab ot s second voy- ond voyage. He reached the shore of Amer ica far to the north, up about Labrador. He then changed his course, and steered to the south, sailing down the American coast For whom to what we now call Virginia. Cabot claimed did he claim the land? all the land he discovered lor the crown of England ; and hence, when the English said that they owned a large part of North Amer ica, they declared it was theirs " by virtue of the right of first discovery by Cabot." N r m hat he ve Y / ^ ow we must learn what was the foun- the French a dation of the French claim to a part of North claim. . - . America. In the year 1524, the King of France sent a navigator named Verrazzani \yair-ats-zaK ne\ to America for the purpose Relate what o f making discoveries. He sailed along the he did. coast from Florida to Newfoundland. He set up the standard of the French monarch, and called the country New France. ENGLAND AND FRANCE CLAIM PART OF AMERICA. I J 8. But though England and France said IM the trench or English plant that they owned a great part 01 the wilder- any colonies ness of North America, they did nothing in the way of planting colonies for a long time. It was more than one hundred years after this before lasting French or English colo nies were founded in the New World. o. True, both the French and the English Did they make . any attempts ? made some attempts to found settlements in their possessions. James Carrier \_kart-yed~\ ^ Ten about tried to plant a colony along the St. Lawrence River in New France ; but he failed. In the far southern part of our country two colonies About the J Southern settle- of French Protestants were formed. But the ments and their band that went to South Carolina became discouraged, and returned ; while the settle ment in Florida was attacked by Spaniards and the people were put to the sword. 10. In the early English attempts at Amer- Name the J & \ leader of the ican settlement, Sir Walter Raleigh was the English at- leader. Raleigh was a very accomplished e vho was courtier, and a great favorite with Elizabeth, K the " Virgin Queen," in whose reign he lived. 11. Queen Elizabeth gave Raleigh a grant what grant & . . & & . did he receive ? of a great tract of land in America. First, state what he . . did first. he sent out two ships to explore the country. 1 8 PRIMARY HISTORY. Tell the story T} ie expedition landed on Roanoke Island of the expedi tion. (j\ T . C.). The voyagers were kindly treated by the natives, and re turned with glowing accounts of the land what was the they had seen. Out country named, and why? of compliment to the " Virgin Queen " the country was named VIRGINIA. Ten the story j 2< Raleigh was so Sir Walter Raleigh - of the first colo- < m & ny- delighted with the reports of the land beyond the sea, that he now sent out a band of colo nists, who began a settlement at Roanoke. But the Englishmen got into trouble with the Indians, and came near starving ; so, when a fleet under the bold captain, Sir Francis Drake, happened to arrive off the coast, they were glad to forsake the country, what became And it was well they did, for when Raleigh of the other J band? sent out another band of emigrants they were murdered by the Indians. what was the i <i m Thus we see that all these attempts to result of the ** i i A English and found French or English colonies in Amer- tempts?* ica during the sixteenth century failed. De Soto discovering the Mississippi. IV. SPANISH ADVENTURES AND CONQUESTS. 1. THE Spaniards of the time of Columbus were a strange compound of religious adven ture, fanatical cruelty, wild superstition, and boundless greed. 2. No sooner had Columbus planted a colony in the West Indies than crowds of adventurous spirits passed over from Spain to America. They took possession of all the West India Islands, and from there began to push off to the mainland. In this way the Spaniards discovered and took possession of the Isthmus of Pana ma, of the rich gold-land of Peru, of Yucatan, of Florida, and of Mexico. QUESTIONS. Repeat what is said of the old Spaniards. When did they come to America ? Name the countries they seized. 2O PRIMARY HISTORY. \yhattwoop- <? Thev everywhere set up the cross as posite things did J r they do? the symbol of the Christian faith; but at the same time they treated the poor natives with most unchristian cruelty ; for they enslaved them, and wore out their lives in merciless toil in the mines and on the plantations. of ^the at s jan^sh 4 ^ ie mstoi T f trie Spanish conquest of conquests? those countries that are named above and which together form what used to be called Spanish America is full of tales of chiv alrous exploits and of heartless conduct. Of the many adventures of the Spaniards there are three that are important to be re membered in connection with the history of our country. PONCE DE LEOX. Give the first r The first adventure is the voyage of adventure, and w f . . tell why it is in- Ponce [ pon the\ de Leon to Florida. This teresting. .... . is of interest, because it led to the earliest discovery by the Spaniards of any part of what is now the United States. did V De t Uon e " d 6 " De LeOn heard an India11 le g end about hear and be- a fountain, the waters of which had the power heve? r to keep one forever young. (Suck things could really be believed in those days ! ) SPANISH ADVENTURES AND CONQUESTS. 21 7. To find this fabled fountain, he sailed Give an ac count of his voy- from the West Indies in the year 1512. age. After some time he reached a land of flowers, which he called FLORIDA. This was the same place we now call Florida, which, you know, is the southern peninsula of the United States. 8. De Leon was, of course, disappointed p ive , ; he re - sult of his ex- ill his search for the fountain of immortal peciition. youth. He left, but afterwards returned with a band of adventurers, and tried to take pos session of the country ; but his people were driven off by the Indians, and he was mor tally wounded. o. Although after De Leon a number of ~ Y en T th * e o nrst Spanish set- Spanish explorers went to the coast of Flor- t enie " t >" the r r . United States ida and South Carolina, yet no settlement made ? was made there till St. Augustine, in Flor ida, was founded in 1565, the oldest town in the United States. DE SOTO DISCOVERS THE MISSISSIPPI. 10. We must now learn about the mar- who was the discoverer of the vellous adventures of Ferdinand de Soto, the Mississippi ? discoverer of the Mississippi River. 11. De Soto was the Spanish governor who was he? 22 PRIMARY HISTORY. where did he of one of the West India Islands. He col- get his force ? . . lectecl there and in Spain a finely equipped force, and sailed to Florida, where did i2 . From there the mailed and mounted they go after landing in warriors, under their fiery leader, plunged Florida ? into the interior of the country. 1 hey trav eled far north into what is now Georgia, but was then the land of the Cherokees. Descending southwestward, the followers of De Soto arrived near where Mobile now is. 6 1 3- De Soto had believed that he would would find? fi nc { m t ne interior of the country rich treas- what did he ures of Q;old and silver ; but, instead, he met really find? _ " only savage Indians, with whom he had to fight many battles, and his men had to hew their way through forests and swamps and endure sickness and suffering, what great 14. However, he made one great discov- discovery did he make? ery ; he found, not any treasures of gold, or jewels, but he found the Father of Waters. Give an ac- ^] ie manner o f the discovery was this : he count ot tlie ^ * march north went northwest from Mobile, and, after a from Mobile. toilsome march of many weeks, finally came to a great stream, which the natives called Mesa-seba, which is the same mighty river we still call the Mississippi. SPANISH ADVENTURES AND CONQUESTS. 15. De Soto did not give up his search for treasures for many months, in fact, not till most of his grand array of armor-clad Spaniards had dwindled away. 1 6. Finally, the daring old discoverer became broken hearted and died ; he was buried in the mighty river which he was the first Eu ropean to behold. Those of his follow ers who survived built rafts, and, floating down the Mississippi, reached a Spanish settlement in Mexico. Now, after learning these facts, you will Route of DC find it very interesting to follow^ De Soto s route as given on the map under your eye. CONQUEST OF MEXICO. 17. The third and most important of the Spanish ex ploits in America is the conquest of Mexico by Cortez. QUESTIONS. How long did he look for gold? Tell of his death and burial. What became of his men ? What is the last Spanish expedition spoken of? 24 PRIMARY HISTORY. Ten about the T g. You must know that, at the time Co- abongmal race of Mexico. lumbus discovered America, there was in Mexico a large and powerful people. These civuatio f their were the ^ ztecs - They belonged to a much higher race than the American Indians, for they lived in cities containing great palaces and temples, and had a written language, and books, and tilled the soil, so that they may be said to have been semi-civilized, when the jg. The Spaniards soon heard of this rich Spaniards heard of Mexico, what country of the Aztecs, and its mines of s^old expedition was . . . fitted out? and silver. Accordingly, an expedition was fitted out for its conquest. A Spaniard named Fernando Cortez, a very able and daring but cruel man, w r as made the leader. Relate the 2 o. In n>iQ the expedition sailed from early history of the expedition. Cuba, and landed at Vera Cruz. Here the Spanish commander burnt his ships to show his men that they must conquer or die. where did 2i. Soon after, Cortez marched upon the Cortez march ? .,/., capital of the Aztec emperor, whose name what was the wa s Montezuma. After three years of war- result of the T O 1 struggle? fare, the Spanish army captured the city of Mexico. HOW long did 22. The Spaniards took possession of the the Spaniards A . rule Mexico ? whole country, and it was ruled bv Spanish SPANISH ADVENTURES AND CONQUESTS. 25 governors for three hundred years after this. They enslaved the natives to feed their greed Thei t f eat J ment or the na- for gold. The exhaustless mines of Mexico tives - and Peru became the prize of the Spanish conquest of America. But it was not by men of this kind that Providence was minded , w ? r , e th ese the right men to found a great nation on the soil of the to found a free , , . . , *~ state ? New World. Indian Life and Barbarities. V. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. i. AMERICA was indeed a new world. v/ Everywhere the European explorers, ^ as they landed on the coast or threaded ^T their perilous way into the wooded in terior, beheld novel scenes and objects. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 27 2. For the first time, the Europeans saw what strange- plants were Indian corn, and tobacco, and potatoes, found in Amer- in ^ three plants that are natives of America, and which were not introduced into Europe till after the discovery of the Western Continent. For the first time, also, they saw the buffalo, what animals? the llama, and the turkey. 3. On the other hand, they observed with Name some European ani- surpnse that many familiar European am- mais they did not mals, such as the horse, cow, sheep, cat, dog, and hen, were not to be found in America. 4. But the greatest novelty of all was the ^est vei^ new race of men. The people whom the ty ? Europeans found on this continent differed in appearance, manners, and customs from all the inhabitants of the Old World. They were a new type of mankind. 5. Probably every scholar has seen an Have you ever . J J . seen an Indian ? Indian. Now, the red man of to-day is much the same as his ancestors whom the early explorers of America met three hundred years ago. The Indian is tall, Describe the . , , .. . , T T . , . red man. straight, and well proportioned. His skin is of a copper brown ; his hair long, black, and coarse. Columbus gave the red man the name of " Indian," because he supposed the 28 PRIMARY HISTORY. land he found was a part of India or East ern Asia, ^s why were 5^ The Indians were not a civilized race. they not a civil ized race ? This means that they had no written books, or well-organized society, or arts, or manufac- Their manner tures, or agriculture. They lived mainly by hunting and fishing, and cultivating patches of Indian corn, beans, potatoes, and melons. Their arts. Their arts were of the rudest kind, that is, they could make bows and arrows, and stone tomahawks, and mortars for pounding corn, and birch-bark canoes, and they could dress skins ; but that was about all they could do. Tell about ~ The Indians had no regular govern- their govern- . ment and tribes ment. They w r erc simply gathered together into tribes, each under its own chief, though sometimes several tribes united and formed a band or confederacy. Describe their 8. War was the" great delight of the red man. The Indians scalped their foes, and cherished the scalps as trophies and used them as decorations for their bridles. If captured by an enemy they never asked life; they would show no fear even at the sight of the fire that was to burn their bodies. They prided themselves on their stoicism, \vavs in war. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 2Q which means a contempt for danger and death. Q. Woman, amoiw the Indians, was re- What is saicl 3 . of their women ? garded as a drudge, whose business was to save man from the degradation of labor. The women dressed the food, tilled the little patches of ground, and took charge of the " wigwams," as the Indian habitations were called. 10. The Indian had not the rudiments of _ state why the Indians could civilization in his character. He had no sense not be civilized. of the obligation of law ; he had no capacity for settled industry. To try to civilize him was but to destroy his native virtues and to give him no others in their stead. " The Great Spirit," he said himself, u gave the white man a plough and the red man a bow and arrow, and sent them into the world by different paths, each to get a living in his own way." 1 1. You must not think, from all this, that Was the rec * man all bad ? the Indian had no good qualities ; for under his tawny skin there beat a human heart, and in every human heart there is something divine. 12. They were often hospitable and gen- g0 od ei quai Mention some ities. PRIMARY HISTORY. LTOUS, giving with the thoughtless liberality of children. When they were well treated, they generally showed friendship and fidelity. ,- Dic ! th ^ y A e " They believed in God, whom they called the licve in God? J J Great Spirit ; idolatry was rare among them. They were brave and high-spirited, and had a sort of noble eloquence. 1 3. But from the clay that white colonists set their foot on the soil of North America, the natives of that soil were doomed. The show how the omns which they o-ot from the whites only arts ot the whites <~ e - 1 injured the in- made them reckless in their destruction of dians. . game, and rendered their petty wars more frequent and more bloody. The rum of the white man turned them into brutes. The cottons and calicoes which they learned to use in place of their own furs and deer-skins caused sickness and consumption. Teii about the j* Jt soon appeared that the two races bad feeling that arose. could not live together. Then they began to hate each other. The whites showed themselves grasping and unfeeling in taking the lands of the Indians ; the red man be came crafty, revengeful, and murderous. And StiH ^ s kad s ^te of feeling lasts even down to the present day. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 3! 15. The picture that stands at the head of . "escribe the ^ picture in your this chapter presents some scenes of old time own language. Indian life. It shows the buffalo hunt, in , Thcbuffal which the red man delighted, and the canoe which he paddled swiftly over the waters. ^ i, you will see the mother mourning her The dead dead child. Finally, the picture presents a terribly frequent experience in the life of our forefathers, a white captive bound to the . Thc exccu - 1 < tion. stake and surrounded by the dancing sav ages who are about to put him to death. PRIMARY HISTORY. VI. A REVIEW LESSON. 1. What have tve gone over in the pre- t ioits chapters ? We have gone over the early pe riod of our country s history, down to the time just before the English began to plant those colonies which after wards grew to be the United States. 2. What space of time is included? From the discovery of Amer ica by Columbus in 1492, down to the founding of the first English colony, in Virginia, in 1607. 3. What may this period be called / The period of discovery and ex ploration. 4. What nations of Europe were en gaged in making explorations and settle ments in A r orth America during this period ? The Spaniards, the English, and the French. 5. Can you mention some of the most important of the Spanish explorations and settlements ? Very soon after the discovery of America, the Spaniards settled the West India Islands. In 1512, De Leon discovered the southern coast of what is now the United States, and called it Florida. In 1513, Bal boa, by crossing the isthmus of Pan ama, discovered the Pacific Ocean. In 1519-21, Cortez conquered Mex ico. In 1541, De Soto, after march ing over a great part of what is now the southern section of our country, discovered the Mississippi River. 6. What name did the Spaniards apply io this country ? They called all North America, except Mexico, Florida. 7. Name the first explorations made by the English in America. Those of Cabot, 1494 (or 1497) and 1498, noted as being the first discovery of North America. 8. Did the English try to make settle ments in North America during the six teenth century ? Yes ; but all failed. 9. Tell about the most important. Sir Walter Raleigh, between 1584 and 1587, sent out three parties to settle on Roaiioke Island, in the region called by the English Vir ginia. All failed. A REVIEW LESSON. 33 10. What caused the French to claim part of North America ? The exploration of the coast, in 1 524, by Verrazzani, who named it New France ; and of the St. Law rence region, by Cartier, in 1 534. 1 1 . Wh at were the first successful French and English settlements ? The French in Acadia (Nova Sco tia) in 1605, and at Quebec in 1608 ; and the English at Jamestown, in Virginia, in 1607. 12. What did these discoveries by vari ous nations lead to ? Rival claims to American terri tory, as illustrated on this map. TO ILLUSTRATE 34 PRIMARY HISTORY. VII. VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. OLONIES of England, such was our country in its infancy. Remember this fact, for it is very important. 2. We are now to see how those colonies were planted which afterwards became the United States, how the brave pioneers of American settlement, struggling hard with savage nature and more savage man, succeeded at last in gaining a firm foothold on the American coast ; how they felled the forests and cultivated the soil and established society and laws ; how they were gradually trained to the love of liberty, and, finally, how they revolted from Great Britain and made themselves " free and indepen dent," a hundred years ago. QUESTIONS. \Vhat was our country in its infancy? Tell what part of our history we are going to learn now. This period lasts till the Revolution, how long is that ? VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 35 3. The first English colony in America Name the first . . . English colony was Virginia, founded at J amestown in the in America. year 1607. 4. The leaders in the colonization of Vir- lc ^J, werethe ginia were a number of English noblemen and enterprising merchants, who formed a company called the " London Company." 5. The Kino- of England, whose name what land & m & did the King was James the -First, gave these men a great give them? slice of the immense territory which the English claimed in America. It took the name of South Virginia, and it included all Give its name and what it m- that we now call Virginia and a good deal eluded, more. The King gave them a written agree- What writing && did the King ment, called a charter. It bore the great give them ? seal of England, as you will see in the ini tial picture on the page before this, and was their title-deed to their possessions. 6. As soon as the London Company had T Te , n what the 1 J London Com- received their charter they sent a band of panj now did, one hundred and five emigrants across the ocean to begin a settlement. 7. After crossing the Atlantic, the voya- Give an ac- . J count of the voy- gers found themselves in Chesapeake Bay. age and landing Here they discovered a fine river, which they named the James. They sailed up it for PRIMARY HISTORY. some distance, and began a settlement at a place which they named JAMESTOWN. This was in May, 1607. 8. This settle ment at Jamestown in Virginia was the first lasting English settlement in the United States. You will find the plan on the map here given. Jamestown was burnt during the old colonial days, and all that is left is the crumbling church tower, of which a little sketch, taken during the late war (1862), is given on the map. EARLY HISTORY OF VIRGINIA. 9. When the Virginia pioneers landed, the whole country was covered with thick forests. The first thing the new-comers had to do was to fell trees and build themselves log-cabins. Jamestown and Vicinity. QUESTIONS. For what is the Jamestown settlement remarkable ? What of Virginia at this time ? What was the first thing to do ? VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 37 10 The settlers were not well fitted to HOW did the " rough it " in the woods. Most of them had along ? not been used to work ; so when the provis ions they had brought were used up they came near starving. Many, too, sickened and died on account of the climate. 1 1 . Besides this, the colony was very badly Wh y was the J , J J colony badly governed. I he reason of this was because governed ? the councillors appointed by the London Company to rule over the colony turned out to be worthless men. 1 2. There was one man among them, . Name the one wise man. however, who was very wise and skilful, and who, by his good management, saved the colony from ruin. This man was named Captain John Smith. 13. As you have probably read of John Can you relate c- i i i i anything you bmith in story-books, there is no need to re- may have" read peat his history. You recollect that he had John SmShT passed his early life in wild, romantic adven tures among the Turks and in Africa. In fact, he had had just such an education as was needed to fit him for a leader in the rough work of the wilderness. 14. Smith had been appointed one of the Teiihowhe . . was treated? councillors ; but the others became jealous PRIMARY HISTORY. What of the Indians ? How did Smith manage them ? of him and stripped him of his office. How ever, when things went from bad to worse, and the settlers were on the brink of star vation, they were glad enough to have him become their captain. 15. All this part of Virginia was at that time full of Indians. They were suspicious of the whites and unfriendly to them. But Smith had a wonderful knowledge of how to deal with the red men. He made treaties with them, and, what by friendly treatment, and what by stratagem, contrived to get corn and game enough to feed the wretched set tlers through their first winter in Virginia. 1 6. Smith had many adventures with the Indians. In one of his expeditions he was captured and carried before the chief, whose name was Powhatan. You remember the story (if you don t, your teacher will tell you) of how he was condemned to die, and his head laid on the death-stone, when the chief s daughter, named Pocahontas, begged her father to spare his life, which was done ! 17. Captain Smith was the leading spirit in the colony for its first two years. Then he was wounded by an accidental discharge Tell of his ad ventures. When and how did Vir ginia lose Smith ? VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 39 of gunpowder, and had to return to England. He never visited Virginia again. 1 8. The first five years of Virginia life , what of the * t first five years ? were years of severe trial, and several times it seemed as though the colony would have to be given up. But new settlers arrived , . How did , * t things grow bet- from England every spring, and the people ter? began to get crops of corn, and women were brought over to become the wives of the set tlers, and families grew up ; so at last Vir ginia was firmly planted. INDIAN MASSACRES. 19. There were two terrible Indian -mas sacres in the early part of the history of Vir ginia. The first was in 1622, fifteen years Give the date after the landing at Jamestown. dian massacre 20. The crafty chief of the Indians ar- Teii about it. ranged that just at twelve o clock of the same day the savages should fall upon all the set tlements of the whites. In this way three HOW many J . were killed ? hundred and fifty men, women, and children fell under the murderous tomahawk; and more would have perished if a friendly Indian had not taken the trouble to go through the woods and \varn some of the settlements. 4O PRIMARY HISTORY. Ten how the 2 i. This massacre roused the English to whites revenged themselves. vengeance. They went in bands and burned the wigwams of the Indians, and followed the savages through the forest, killing all they met, and driving the rest to the backwoods. Give an ac- 2 2. The Virginians had peace for twelve count of the sec- . L ond massacre, years after this. Then the Indians again and the end of - the Indian busi- swooped down on the scattered settlements. But this time the savages were so severely punished that they at last saw it was useless to try to make headway against the whites ; so they did not trouble them any more. ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT OF VIRGINIA. What great 23. One of the greatest blessings that blessing did Vir- ... & ginia get in came to Virginia was when the people \vere allowed a share in making their own laws. HOW had the 24. At first, the agents of the London people been ruled? Company had ruled the people, and often treated them in a very tyrannical manner. cha^nSw* 16 But after twelve years (1619) the company made. allowed them to elect certain persons called burgesses. These were to meet and make laws for the inhabitants, just as our laws are made by a State legislature. 25. The first Colonial Assembly met at VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 41 Jamestown in 1619. Thus representative The date of . the first Assem- government, that great privilege, was estab- My. lished in Virginia. 26. There was another important change when was an- . , c w . . . , . , other change in the government of Virginia, made in 1624. made? The King of England took away from the Tel1 about if - London Company the control of matters in Virginia, and put it into the hands of a governor appointed by himself. Then the .what did vir- 3 x / J ginia now be- colony of Virginia became a royal province, come? And it so continued down to the Revolution. GROWTH OF VIRGINIA. 27. If the scholar will count from 1624, . HOW long was . . .* tin Indepen- when Virginia became a royal province, dence? forward to 1776, he will find that it was just about one hundred and fifty years down to the Declaration of Independence. 28. During this long period Virginia grew what of the 3 . & colony all this in numbers and m prosperity, and became a while? great and flourishing colony. 29. Slavery was an important institution when was . . slavery mtro- m Virginia. It was introduced in 1620, duced? when a Dutch ship brought a few negroes to Jamestown and the planters bought them as slaves. 42 PRIMARY HISTORY. what plant ^ o . About this time the Virginians began was now grown, and what effect to cultivate tobacco. I here was soon a great demand for the weed in Europe. This caused the planters to buy large numbers of negroes, so that slavery increased very rapidly. thJu el ht V abom aS 3 1 In tnose days many of the people did slavery. not think it was right to hold slaves, but there were so many negroes that the Virgin ians did not see what was to be done with them. Slavery lasted for nearly two hun- w h , en was it d r ed and fifty years, till it was abolished abolished? . J J during the war of the Rebellion. Can you ten ~ 2> Virginia was called the " Old Domin- why Virginia J O was called the ion," because, during the civil war in Eng- "Old Domin- & . ion " ? land, between the Puritans and Cavaliers, two hundred years ago, when King Charles was beheaded and England was ruled by Crom well, the Virginians continued faithful to the royal cause. whywasVir- ^ <? Virginia was said to be "the best gmiaagood f . country? poor man s country in the world. 1 he woods were full of game and the waters of fish, and the soil yielded abundantly, what did the ->A The people cultivated corn and tobac- people raise ? x . co and cotton, and exchanged what they raised VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 43 for goods from England and the West In dies. 35. The Virginians were a very hospitable V iSnian ut the and noble-hearted people. They were much more free in their manners and opinions than .AS compared the Puritans of New England, of whom we tans. shall soon learn. On the other hand, they did not pay as much attention to education Education, as the New-Englanders. 36. The people had to suffer often from the wl ; a ,J S a . n y u r say of British oppression of their British rulers. But this oppression? only trained them to a spirit of liberty. The result was that when the "alarm-bell of the fot was the Revolution " sounded, Virginia was one of the very first of the colonies to step forward and declare for independence from the rule of Great Britain. DAUGHTER-COLONIES OF VIRGINIA. 37. Virginia was the mother of most of what was the the Southern colonies, the hive from which tween Virginia i . T ,, and the other population went out to make new settle- southern coio- ments in the South. 38. MARYLAND was originally a part of Give an ac- . . . J count of the Virginia. It became a separate colony in founding of c J Maryland. 1632, when the country around Chesapeake 44 PRIMARY HISTORY. Bay was granted by the English King to Lord Baltimore. its B etttedT was 39* ^ was sett ^ ed principally by Roman Catholics. Maryland was the only colony in which, from the first, the people were For what was allowed to think as they pleased in religious it distinguished J * g in early times ? matters. The result was that it grew rapidly. Give an ac- 40. CAROLINA was first settled by emi- count of the ears ,... . - . ly history of grants from Virginia. After a time the King North Carolina. - -^ , , . , , . r ^ of England gave the whole region of Caro lina, North and South, to a number of Eng lish noblemen. The government then was not good, and the people were very glad when these colonies were taken from the " Proprietaires " and made royal provinces. By whom 41. The Carolinas were rapidly settled by Hnas settled ? English, Irish, and Scotch, and by French Protestants called Huguenots. 42. South Carolina was the first place in inJoducSof 6 America where rice was grown. It was in- rice - troduced by a ship-captain, who brought some from Madagascar. The rice-planters needed large numbers of blacks ; hence slavery grew greatly. Ten about the A^ The North-Carolinians drew most of North-Caro- ^ linians. their wealth from their splendid forests of pine, VIRGINIA AND THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 45 which produced tar, turpentine, and resin. They were an industrious and moral people. Hence they prospered. 44. GEORGIA was the last South ern colony that was founded. It was the last founded of the Thir teen Colonies. It was not settled till about forty years before the Declaration of Independence. 45. The leader in founding Georgia was James Oglethorpe, a benevolent and noble-hearted man. His object was to estab- Jame s Oglethorpe lish a colony where oppressed debtors in England might find a refuge, and a chance to begin life over again. A grant was obtained from King George II., and the colony was named Georgia after him. QUESTIONS. What can you say of the founding of Georgia? Who was the leader ? What was his object ? Why was the colony called Georgia? 4 6 PRIMARY HISTORY. VIII. NEW ENGLAND. ILGRIM FATHERS is the affectionate name by which the people of New England cherish the memory of the brave pioneers who left their native land and sought, in the wilds of America, " Freedom to worship God/ 2. The Pilgrims belonged to a sect which had arisen in England, called Puritans. These people did not like the forms of the Episcopal Church of England. They wished for a much simpler and more earnest mode of worship. 3. It was by a Puritan congregation that the first set tlement in New England was made. This was the be ginning of the colony of Massachusetts, founded at Plym outh in 1620. QUESTIONS. Who were the Pilgrim Fathers ? To what sect did the Pilgrims belong ? Tell what they thought about religion. Who made the first settlement in New England ? Name the colony. NEW ENGLAND. 47 4. This congregation had moved from in what coun try had they England to Holland, where its members been 1 living? lived several years ; but they did not like it, so they determined to seek free homes in . what did J they resolve on ? the unpeopled land beyond the Atlantic. 5. First they sailed back to England, and , Te i lwhs }* J J & they first did. there took passage in a little craft called the Mayflower. There were one hundred and be ^ heirnum " one persons, men, women, and children. 6. After a long and stormy passage, the Describe the J r voyage. frail bark neared the rock-bound coast of New England. Before the Pilgrims landed, , what did & & they do before they drew up laws which all agreed to obey, landing? They had to govern themselves, for they did not come out with any charter from the King, like the Virginians. 7. The coast was explored for some time, ^^[Jj * and finally it was resolved to land at Plym- Pilgrims land ? outh. The landing was made December 2 1 , 1620. 8. It was the depth of a New England winter, and the ground was covered with what season & . . was it ? snow. You may believe that it required stout hearts and not only stout hearts, but a lofty, faith to enable them to keep up amid their terrible sufferings and priva- 48 PRIMARY HISTORY. Teii of then- tions. During the winter one half of their sufferings. number sickened and died. HOW about n It was very fortunate that the Indians the Indians ? . t , , i did not trouble them that season. In the spring the red men came in from the back country ; but they behaved in a very friendly way. Give the story IO . There was only one chief, named Ca- ofCanomcus. . " nonicus, who was disposed to be unfriendly. He sent to the settlers a rattlesnake-skin wrapped around a bundle of arrows. Gov ernor Bradford returned the skin, filled with powder and ball, and Canonicus took the hint. Did the set- j Is After the first two or three years of tiers get along . J better by and trial the settlers got along better. I hey cleared the woods and raised crops of corn, and they found abundance of fish and game. what was the I2 The settlement now received the name colony called ? of PLYMOUTH COLONY. It was small in num- a JJ22fi!? bers; but its success was very important, oUCCcoS irnpor- * x tant? since it led to the founding of a much larger settlement. This was MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. who were the j , The way Massachusetts Bay Colony leaders in the J J J Bay colony? was started was very different from the Plym- NEW ENGLAND. 49 outh Colony. A number of wealthy Puri tan gentlemen formed a company to make a settlement in New England. 14. Kinor Charles I. gave them a charter, what did the ~ King give them? granting them a large tract of land, and se curing them the rights and privileges of Eng lishmen. This was in 1629. charter ? fl i s. The next year as many as fifteen hun- H w many . A -T-i Puritans came dred Puritans came over to America. 1 hey in 1630? settled around Massachusetts Bay, and t h^slttfe1> d founded Boston, Dorchester, Salem, Lynn, and other places. John Winthrop, a wise The governor. and good man, was their governor. 1 6. After a number of years Plymouth was what finally united with Massachusetts Bay Colony. Both outh Colony ? came under the same government, and the whole was called Massachusetts. 17. We shall afterwards see something about Massachusetts history. But first we ? we are J going to see must learn how 7 the people began to spread how the P e P le T r i formed other out from Massachusetts and form other colo- colonies. nies in New England. CONNECTICUT. 1 8. Connecticut was first settled by emi- when was Connecticut grants from the Bay colony, in 1636. settled? 5O PRIMARY HISTORY. who were j n The first band that went into the the first band ? r ., ^ fertile valley of the Connecticut River was headed by a Puritan pastor named Hooker, a good and true man. Tell how they 2 o. The emigrants made their way on journeyed. foot through the woods, guided by the com pass, and living chiefly on the milk of the herds which they drove before them. the W se e tUe d ? d 2I ^^ y settled at Hartford and Weth- ersfield and Springfield. At first they were under the protection of their mother-colony, what of their Massachusetts ; but they soon made a ^ov- government ? ; J ernment of their own. what other 2 2. Soon after, another party of pioneers settlement was J " made? made a separate settlement at New Haven. The name of 111 i the settlements Subsequently both were united into one col- what? w ony, and the whole^became Connecticut. RHODE ISLAND. Tell what led 23. The reason of the settlement of Rhode to the settle- . . . r i ment of Rhode Island was the religious strictness 01 the Island. -TJ runtans. ^ who was 24. There was a minister at Salem named Hams, and what Roger Williams, who besfan to preach doc- ofhim? ^ . , tones which the Puritans thought wrong; so they said he should be banished. NEW ENGLAND. 5! 2 ;. Roger Williams went all alone through Tell of his . i i i r wanderings. the woods, and received friendly shelter for the winter in the wigwams of the Indians. In the spring of 1636 the Indian chiefs gave him some land at the head of Narragansett . /- i i T-I -i What place Bay. Here he founded Providence. did he found? 26. Soon after, a party of Williams s what other 1 J settlement was friends moved to Rhode Island. The two made, and what . were the two settlements were afterwards united, and thus named? was founded the colony of Rhode Island. 2 7. Maine and New Hampshire were thinly ^ at c f an settled soon after the landing of the Pilgrims. Maine and New , . , . Hampshire? During a good part of colonial times they were under the same government with Mas sachusetts, and most of their people came from there. NEW ENGLAND LIFE AND GROWTH. 28. The cause of the settlement of Vir- ^^^^ o-inia was commercial adventure. The cause Virginia and of ^ew England. of the settlement of New England was the desire for religious freedom. 20. The Puritans were people of very what can . . . . you say of the strict principles. They thought their whole Puritans ? life and government should be regulated by the Bible. 52 PRIMARY HISTORY. What did 30. This fact gave, rise to many regula- their belief lead . , . to? tions and customs which we should now consider ridiculous or repulsive. On the what was the other hand, the Puritans had wonderful hero- grand side of . Puritanism? ism and were always governed by a sense of duty. Did they y t But this sense of duty sometimes took sometimes mis understand a wrong direction. Thus an offence against their duty? ,. ., HOW was an religion was treated as a civil crime. 32- Several bad results followed from this. Give an ex- For example, they persecuted the Quakers. ample of this in , . their treatment In 1656, they passed a law against these people, and afterwards hanged several for no offence at all. Later (1692), a strange delu- Teii about the s i O n about witchcraft broke out, and a large witchcraft delu sion. number of persons were executed because they were supposed to be possessed with devils. 33. With the Indians, the people of New England had many sa\-age contests. The Name the two two greatest of the early Indian fights were great Indian ,1 ,, T i ,, 17 -m !* " wars. the " Pequot war and " King Philip s war. Give an ac- ~. The Pequot war was waged in Con- count of the n c Pequot war. necticut the very first year after the settle ment (1637). The matter was finally de cided in this way : a band of armed whites NEW ENGLAND. 53 surprised the Indians inside of a palisade, and burned their wigwams ; nearly the whole tribe perished in the flames. ?v Kin Philip s war broke out about . . ^^ ip s war. fifty years after the settlement of Massachu setts (1675). It began in Massachusetts; but finally extended to nearly all the set tlements in New England, and lasted over a year. 16. The principal fight, called the " Swamp Xame the ^ r r & r main fight, and fight," took place in Rhode Island. The In- give the result. dians were completely defeated, and King Philip, the crafty and intrepid Indian leader, was soon afterwards killed. Six hundred whites perished during the war. 37. New England suffered from Indian XT wl l? n ?"* . New England attacks long after this. Especially was this suffer again , , . . from Indians ? the case during three wars which the English colonists, assisted by British forces, carried on- against the French in Canada. 38. In these- wars the Indian allies of the what was the way the Indians French would swoop down on the scattered attacked ? New England settlements, and tomahawk men, women, and children, or carry them off into captivity 39. Their manner of warfare was very 54 PRIMARY HISTORY. Give in your own language their mode of warfare. Relate the story of Mrs. Dustin. When were New England s darkest days ? stealthy. " Children, as they gamboled on the beach ; reapers, as they gathered the har vest ; mowers, as they rested from using the scythe ; mothers, as they busied themselves about the household, were victims to an enemy who disappeared the moment the blow was struck, and who were ever present when a garrison or a family ceased its vigilance." 40. Once a brave woman took terrible ven geance on the savages. Hannah Dustin, of Haverhill, Massachusetts, with her nurse and a boy, were carried off to an island in the Merrimack. The boy said one day to his Indian master, " Where would you strike to kill instantly?" The Indian told him where and how to scalp. Next night Mrs. Dustin, the nurse, and the boy rose secretly \vhile the savages were asleep. There were twelve of them in the wigwam. Arming themselves with the tomahawks of the Indians, they killed ten of the twelve (leaving only a squaw and a boy), and, after long wandering through the woods, reached their home in safety. 41. The darkest days for New England were when one of the English kings, named James the Second, took away their charters. NEW ENGLAND. 55 These^charters, you must know, were of great Wh y did the > people cherish importance ; they had been given to the their charters ? colonies by former kings, and insured the colonists many privileges, and especially the privilege of governing themselves and mak ing their own laws. 42. Now, in 1686, King Tames, who did T what of King o J ^ t James and the not wish any free government in his domin- -tyrant he sent 11 i 1 out? ion, determined to take away their charters. He sent over a mean tyrant, named Andros, to do this, and gave him power to rule over the people. Andros behaved in a very op pressive way, and made the people exceed ingly unhappy. 43. There was one time, though, when ^S he was finely checkmated. He had com- render its J ter ? manded the people of Connecticut to surren der their charter ; but they would not obey. He then went to Hartford to seize the char ter, but while he was in the room the lights were suddenly put out, and the precious doc ument was spirited away by Captain Wads- worth and hid in a tree, known as the famous Ten about f^, f^ , the Charter Charter Oak. Oak. 44. Fortunately the rule of Andros lasted Hov y wa f the J rule of Andros only two or three years ; for his royal master ended ? 56 PRIMARY HISTORY. Were the nb- ernes restored ? For what were the people distinguished? better ? cation ?* f edu " In Connec ticut. what does our country owe toNewEng- died, and a better monarch, King William, came to the throne. Then the liberties of New England were, in a good measure, re stored; and the Charter Oak yielded its faded but precious treasure. 45- The New-Englanders were distin- 7 . guished for their industry, their thrift, and t ^ r & ooc * mora l s - After a time they were much less strict about little things than they were at first The exclusive, persecuting, and unkind spirit of the early Puritans passed away. ^ They were great lovers of education. They took care to establish good schools. In Massachusetts, Harvard College was founded in the early days. In Connecticut, Yale College was established soon after. Thus the young people grew up with knowl edge and intelligence, and education bred in them the love of liberty. 47> Q ur COU ntry owes a great deal to New ~* J & England. Her hardy sons in after days be gan to spread out and people the Western wilderness, carrying with them steady habits, intelligence, enterprise, and the love of free government. NEW YORK AND THE MIDDLE COLONIES. 57 IX. NEW YORK AND THE MIDDLE COLONIES. MAILING alone the American coast in a little craft called the " Half Moon," a sea-captain named Henry Hudson entered the Narrows, and dropped an- ; chor in the magnificent bay now called the Harbor of New York. This was in 1609, two years after the settlement of Jamestown. 2. After a short stay, he sailed up the beautiful river Hudson, which he was the first to discover, and which is named after him. 3. Hudson was an Englishman ; but at this time he was in the employ of the government of Holland, or, as QUESTIONS. Tell of the voyage of Hudson. What river did he discover ? Who was Hudson, and by whom was he employed ? PRIMARY HISTORY. What did the Dutch claim ? Name of the colony ? Where and when was the first settlement made ? What did they pay for Manhat tan Island ? . Name of the Dutch town ? Tell about the growth of the colony. What place up the river was founded ? it was called, the Dutch Republic. Hence the Dutch claimed a right to the whole country lying midway between New England and Vir ginia. They named the region New Neth erlands. 4. Some years after this, in 1623, the Dutch " West India Company " sent out a number of agents and settlers to locate on the island of Manhattan, or New York Isl and. They bought the whole island from the Indians for about twenty-five dollars, and here they erected a few rude hovels, which were the beginning of the great city of New York, the commercial metropolis of our coun try. They called their town New Amster dam. 5. Many Hollanders now began to emi grate to the Dutch colony. New Amster dam became quite a trading-port. Far up the river they founded another trading-port called Fort Orange, and this was the begin ning of Albany. Besides the Dutch there came many New-Englanders, and also French Huguenots and Waldenses from Italy. 6. The Dutch ruled New Netherlands for NEW YORK AND THE MIDDLE COLONIES. 59 about forty years. After this the English HOW long was the Dutch tOOK it. rule, and who -r>. . , . -I i /- ended it ? 7. During this period there were four HOW man the Dutch governors. The last of them was named Stuyvesant \_sti ves-ant\. He did a great deal for the good of the colony; but las ^ hatofthe at the same time he was a stubborn, cross- grained old Knickerbocker, and did not be lieve in allowing the people any freedom. 8. This was very bad policy ; for when an " this English fleet came along to seize New Am sterdam, the people did not care to make any resistance. o. Let us now see how the English came ~ ^hy did O English king to seize the Dutch colony. The English giye his brother this region ? king, Charles II., said that the whole country belonged to England ; so he gave his brother, the Duke of York, the entire region possessed by the Dutch, and told him to take it. 10. In 1664, the Duke of York sent out a fleet to secure his colony. When the ships appeared, the old Dutch governor, Stuyves- flee ant, was furious at the people for not resist ing. He would not sign the articles of sur render till the town was actually in the hands of the English. 60 PRIMARY HISTORY. \\hatwasthe n. Thus you see New Netherlands be- colony now J called? came an English colony. Its name was changed to New York. t0 Yorkers have tion, the New-Yorkers had a great many disputes ? * disputes with the governors sent out by the Did New English kings. But the misrule of the gov- \ ork grow in & spite of misrule? eniors could not hinder New York from becoming a great, wealthy, and populous colony. The tyranny of the British only educated the people to a spirit of indepen dence. NEW JERSEY. what was the z * The soil of New Jersey formed part soil of New Jer- f . J J . r sey? of the possessions which were given to the when did it Duke of York. It became a separate Eng- become an Eng- ... , . . . . T Hsh colony? lish colony about the same time as New York. PENNSYLVANIA. Meaning of ^ The name Pennsylvania means the syivania? Woodland of Penn. This noble man, Wil- Penn? Ham Penn, was a member of the society of Friends, or Quakers. HOW did it jr. N ow the King of England had owed happen that he ^ got his land ? Penn s father, who was an admiral in the NEW YORK AND THE MIDDLE COLONIES. 6 1 British navy, a large sum of money. The son agreed to take as payment a large tract of land lying between New Jersey and Maryland. This received the name of Penn sylvania. 1 6. Penn s idea in doino: this was to pro- what was , Penn s idea ? vide free homes in America for all those of his Quaker brethren who wished to emigrate to a land where they might have their own mode of religious worship. 17. A large number immediately crossed SG s of the the Atlantic, and, in 1682, Penn himself came when did to the colony with two thousand settlers. 1 8. The peace-loving founder of Pennsyl- p en n wish 1 ? vania was very anxious that his people should be good friends with the Indians. He met The treat y- the native chiefs in a council, and made a treaty with them. The Indians loved and venerated the gentle-hearted Quaker, and the indiaM*iove highest praise they could give a white man fc was to say he resembled " Onas," the name by which the Indians called Penn. The Friends never had any trouble with the red man. 19. Soon after, Penn laid out the city of Philadelphia, which means brotherly love. 62 PRIMARY HISTORY. He then returned to England ; but he continued to take a great interest in his colony. His heirs were the " proprietors " of Pennsylvania clown to the Revolution. 20. Delaware was originally a part of the grants made to Penn. It subsequently split off from Pennsylvania; but the two provinces were under the same governor down to the end of colonial times. QUESTIONS. What of Perm s heirs ? Tell about the founding of Delaware. Seal of Pennsylvania. % I The Plains of Abraham. X. THE STRUGGLE WITH FRANCE. i. WHILE our country still be longed to England, it had to carry on a severe struggle with the French in America. We must remember that about the same time the English were making settlements in Virginia and New England, the French were settling the Northern country, -that is, along the gulf and river of St. Lawrence. They founded Quebec (1608) and Montreal. Gradually they 64 PRIMARY HISTORY. Teiuboutthe stretched westward along the great lakes French settle- . . . , . r ments on the St. with their trading-posts and mission-stations. Lawrence and _ T r / r~i west. rather Marquette \_mar-et J, in company with a fur-trader named Joliet, discovered the Mississippi, near its source, ten years before La Salle [saf] sailed down that great river to the Gulf of Mexico, in 1682. New Orleans was founded soon after, what did 2. Finally the French claimed all the they at last claim? country watered by the Mississippi and its what did tributaries. Then they besran to connect they now begin . J "\ to do ? the New Orleans region (called Louisiana) with Canada by a chain of forts. In this Their object ? way they tried to confine the English to the narrow strip of settlement along the Atlantic coast. or the early ? j n the early times, there were several wars with the J French. wars between the English and French set tlers. The English would invade Canada and Acadia, and the French, aided by their Indian allies, would sweep down on New England and New 7 York, what brought 4> These contests arose out of quarrels on these con tests ? in Europe between the kings of France and England, and did not really have much to do with America. THE STRUGGLE WITH FRANCE. 65 5. , But about twenty years before the when did the * J grand trial American Revolution there came a grand come? trial of strength. It is called the " French and Indian War. It began in 1755, lasted rat f a n te of a t n h d e du " eight years, and ended in 1763. French war. 6. This contest is of great importance why this war 1 was important. because it decided that our country should be long to the English, and not to the French. 7. The war began by some Virginians wa ^ w ^ the establishing themselves on the Ohio River, where they had bought a large tract of land, and meant to trade with the Indians. 8. The French pretended that this part Fr .what did the of the country belonged to them. Virginia tend ? said it was her soil. Q. Suddenly French soldiers marched Tel1 the hos- J tile movement down from Canada to where the English of the French. had settled on the Ohio, and carried off some of the traders prisoners. This was in 1753. 10. When this was done, the Governor w^t did Dmwiddie re- of Virginia determined to send a messenger solve on ? to the French commander, asking him what he meant, and telling him to march his sol diers away. 1 1 . The messenger chosen by Governor who was _ the o ... messenger ? Dinwiddie was a young Virginian named 66 PRIMARY HISTORY. Speak of the character of Washington. George Washington, the same great man who was afterwards the leader of our fore fathers in their struggle for independence. 1 2. Washington was then only twenty-one years old ; but he was even then remarkable for his wisdom, dignity, and courage. He had educated himself as a land-surveyor, and had learned skill and patience and self-reli ance. He had also been an officer in the Virginia militia. Hence he was just the man to go on this difficult and dangerous mission. 13. Accompanied by two or three attend ants, Washington made his way through the unbroken wilderness, till at last he reached the French head-quarters and delivered to the commander a letter from the Governor of Virginia. The French officer refused to leave the country, and with this answer Washington set out to return. 14. The horses which the party had brought with them had given out, so there was nothing for it but to return on foot. The day after Christmas, Washington, wrap ping himself up in an Indian dress, with gun in hand and pack on his back, took through Tell about his journey. What did the French officer say ? Give an ac count of the return. THE STRUGGLE WITH FRANCE. 67 the woods by the nearest way to the forks of the Ohio. He had but one companion. 15. It was a perilous journey. In passing f f the through the forest, an Indian, lying in wait journey. for him, shot at him, but missed his aim. When they got to the Alleghany River they spent a whole day making a raft, which they launched. Before they were half over the stream, they were caught in the running ice, and could not reach either shore. Putting out a pole to stop the raft, Washington was jerked into the deep water and saved himself only by grasping at the raft-logs. Finally they managed to reach an island, where they stayed all night, and in the morning the river had frozen over ; so they got across. 1 6. When Governor Dinwiddie received ^. -Uinwiudie now the message brought back by Washington, do? he raised four hundred troops, and sent them under Washington against the French on the Ohio. 1 7. The French had built a fort named , where were * * the French for- Fort Du Quesne [kane], at the very spotted? where the city of Pittsburg now is. The little army of Washington made a long, wearisome march towards this place. Be- the fight 68 PRIMARY HISTORY. fore they got to it, however, they were met by a party of French at a place called Great Meadows. Washington whipped this party. what after- jg. Afterwards the main body of the wards took ^ J place? French came down on the little force. Washington made a very gallant fight, but was forced to surrender. However, he was allowed to retire his force with the " honors of war." The British jn The English government now saw now saw what ? that it was necessary to come in and help the colonists conquer the French. Accord- Name the inorly the next year (176;), General Braddock, English gen- p " : . . erai. with a force of British regulars, was sent out to America. as his 2CX The first tllin Bra< 3dock did was to what of march on Fort Du Quesne. Braddock did Braddock s , ignorance? not know anything about the stratagems of the Indians, who made up a large part of the Andobsti- French force. He was, also, too obstinate nacy ? to mind the advice of Washington, who was with him as an aide-de-camp. what hap- 21. The result was that the British force pened in conse quence ? was suddenly ambushed by the Indians and French, who fired, unseen, from behind trees The regulars, and rocks. The British regulars, not being THE STRUGGLE WITH FRANCE. 69 used to this kind of warfare, were routed. Braddock was killed. It was only by Wash- ^-addock ? ington s coolness that the troops were able co ^ n a e s s h s ington>s to retreat and reach Philadelphia. 22. The British now saw that it would require very hard fighting to beat the French, so they sent over a large army. There was a great deal of fighting for the next two or p^the^eS* three years. Sometimes one side was sue- two or three J years. cessful, and sometimes the other. 23. But the war was not well carried on ^^^j^ till the great English statesman, William on? Pitt, took charge of it. This was in 1759. The most decisive event of the war was the N f"? e . th . e most decisive capture of Quebec, on the St. Lawrence event. River. 24. The French looked upon Quebec as o one of the strongest places in the world. The citadel was built upon a high rock, so steep that no enemy could climb it. It was defended by a great many large cannon, and by a powerful French garrison, commanded er. by General Montcalm. 25. The force to take Quebec was put Beginning of the expedition. under a brave young English general named Wolfe. It consisted of Americans and Reg- PRIMARY HISTORY. ulars, and sailed from Halifax to the St. Lawrence. Were Wolfe s 26. Wolfe began by trying various un- first attempts , , . 1^1 successful? successful plans to take Quebec. 27. At last he hit upon a plan so bold that the French never dreamed of it. He What bold plan did he think of ? Tell how it was done. Operations around Quebec. found that there was a place above Quebec where his troops might climb up the steep to the Plains of Abraham in rear of the city. 28. Accordingly he had the ships sail up the St. Lawrence ; then at night the troops dropped silently down stream in boats, to the spot selected and known as Wolfe s Cove THE STRUGGLE WITH FRANCE. 71 (see- map). In the dark hours the soldiers scaled the precipice, unbeknown to the ene my. The morning light revealed to Mont- Morning J . . showed what ? calm the whole British force drawn up in battle array on the plain. (Picture, p. 63.) 29. As quickly as possible, the French lin ^J f e t ^ at- commander went out to meet the English. tle - The battle began at ten o clock, September T 3> T 759- It was fought with great bravery on both sides ; but the solid charges of the British grenadiers broke the ranks of the French, who finally gave way. 30. General Wolfe was mortally wounded. w ^ th of While he lay on the ground he heard some one say, " They fly." " Who fly ? " asked the dying hero. " The French," was the answer. " Then," said he, " I die in peace." Mont- or Montcaim. calm also was fatally wounded. 31. The capture of Quebec showed the ^^ capture French they could not stand against the Eng- showed what? lish. The war was closed by the Treaty of th *^ d ? Paris, which was signed in 1763, and France Ten what France gave up. surrendered to the English all her American possessions. The long struggle decided that English men and English laws should rule America. PRIMARY HISTORY. XL A REVIEW LESSON. 1. We have just finished what period of our country s history ? The period of the colonies. 2. What time does this period cover ? From the founding of the first col ony at Jamestown, in 1607, and at Plymouth, in 1620, down to the breaking out of the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Inde pendence, 1775-76. 3. What were the two mother-colonies ? Virginia and Massachusetts. 4. Why do we call these mother-colo nies ? Because most of the other colonies were daughters, or offshoots, from these. It was from Virginia that most of the South was colonized. It was from Massachusetts that people spread out all over New England. 5. What other colonies were there be sides the Southern and New England col onies ? The middle colonies, including New York, Pennsylvania, and Dela ware. 6. What can you say of New York and New Jersey ? They originally belonged to the Dutch, and were called New Neth erlands. 7. When did that region fall into the hands of the English ? In 1664, when the Duke of York sent out a fleet and compelled the Dutch authorities to surrender. Then began the two colonies of New York and New Jersey. 8. How did Pennsylvania come to be founded ? The territory of Pennsylvania was granted to William Penn, who in 1682 founded a settlement of English Quakers. 9. Under whose rule were all these colo nies ? Under the rule of Great Britain, and governed by British governors. 10. What was the French and Indian War? A struggle to determine whether the French or the English should govern America. It ended in favor of the English, and was closed by a treaty of peace signed at Paris in 1763. Fight at the Liberty-pole, New York PART II. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. I. WHY THE COLONIES REVOLTED. 1. IT is now one hundred years since our forefathers rose up against British oppression, and after a struggle of seven long years won the independence of our country. 2. A century has gone by, and those who fought that good fight have passed away 74 PRIMARY HISTORY. " Their bones are dust, Their good swords rust, Their souls are with the saints, we trust " ; our hearts must ever beat with pa- dear to us ? triotic emotion at the words " American Revolution," because it was through the sufferings and sacrifices of that struggle that our country became the UNITED STATES. what was -? j n th e countries of Europe from which said about gov- "- t L emment in the the settlers of America came, it was said that old country ? the people could not govern themselves, and that kings had a " divine right " to rule over them. But when our forefathers came to America they had to govern themselves. forefathere^d? Well Vei T SOOn the y f Ulld that ^^ COuld make better laws than the King could make for them. Thus there was independence in the very air of America. cauIeo fTlS r^ 4" This was the de6 P CaUSe f the reVOlt volt? of the colonies: Providence designed that on this continent should be seen an example of democratic government, which means gov ernment " of the people, for. the people, by the people." What other ^ g ut besides this deep cause, there was reason was <J f there? another reason why the Americans revolted. They said they would not submit to cer- WHY THE COLONIES REVOLTED. 75 tain unjust laws made by the English. The British government claimed that the struggle with France had cost a great deal of money, emment & . J claimed ? and that the colonists should pay this back. 6. The British rulers, so as to get money out of the people of the colonies, passed a law that no writing, such as a note or bond or deed, should be considered good in the courts unless it was written on paper that was stamped. The stamped paper had to be bought at a good deal of cost, and this law was called the " Stamp Act." la * ? ame of this 7. In our own times, the notes and bills What is . the reason we do and deeds we draw up have to be stamped not b J ect to 11-1 / this sort of tax ? also, but we made this law ourselves, that is, the law was made for the public good, by members of Congress, or represen tatives, whom we elected. 8. The people of the colonies did not ob- ject to pay taxes, but they claimed do you object to? not think very rightly ? that they should not be taxed without their consent. As the British government would not allow the American colonists to have any voice in r> T ^ i , i ,1 . What did they r arhament, the colonists said that taxation say taxation was against all the principles of liberty. 7 6 PRIMARY HISTORY. 9. The Stamp Act was passed in 1 765. The colonists thought it was a mean trick, intended to make them pay taxes whether they would or not. Hence they deter mined that they w r ould not use the stamps at all. Pub lic meetings w-ere held all over the country ; the King s officers who were to sell the stamps were hung in effigy, and public processions such as that pictured on this were got up to show the indignation of the people. QUESTIONS. When was the Stamp Act passed ? What did the colonists think of it ? How did the people behave ? WHY THE COLONIES REVOLTED. 77 10. The result was that when the British what was the government saw the terrible storm which the Stamp Act had raised in America, they had sense enough to do away with it. 11. But the British government did not Didthegov- . ernment give up give up the right to tax the Americans ; so, the right to tax ? two years after this, a law was passed obli ging the colonists to pay a duty on imported fflass, tea, paper, and certain other articles, what was the . . next tax ? 1 he Americans retaliated by not buying any of the taxed goods. 12. Then the King of England said the what did the Americans were rebels, and he sent out large do? numbers of troops to overawe the people. These soldiers were stationed in New York, w hat f the soldiers r Boston, and other cities, and the people were forced to furnish them with quarters, fuel, etc. i 3. You may imagine they hated the red- Did they like . & J the red-coats ? coats, and it was not long before collisions besfan. In New York there was a riot, in Give an ac- 1-1 i -11 J u j.1 U- count of the which one man was killed by the soldiers New York riot, and several were wounded. The quarrel bqgan by the soldiers cutting down a liberty pole which the patriots had set up. 14. In Boston, also, there was a street en- Tell about the . . , -^ . Boston Mas- counter between the citizens and some Brit- sacre. 78 PRIMARY HISTORY. ish troops, and several patriots were killed or wounded. Both these riots took place in when were 1 770 ; the New York one in January, and the these riots ? t J J? Boston Massacre in March. They caused tremendous excitement all over the country. The tax taken J 5 When the British rulers saw that the off. J Americans were in earnest, they grew alarmed, and took off the taxes, all, except On what was the tax on tea. They left the tax on tea the tax left ? 111-1 why? just to show that they had a right to tax the people. Give the pro- j 6. Now what do you suppose the people gress of the tea- . / V controversy. did ? Why, they did not import any tea. Then the great India Tea Company of Lon don sent out ship-loads of tea on its own account, thinking the people would want the tea so much that they would be glad to pay the small duty, only threepence a pound. HOW about 1 7. But the patriots were not to be gulled the people ? . . . in this way. It was the principle of the tax they would not give in to. Hence they would not let the tea-ships land, but Ant them back to England, or, if the cargoes \\%e got ashore, they destroyed the tea. Tell the story 1 8. At Boston three ships full of tea ar- of the Boston . .. . ^ . . , . tea-party. rived. 1 he British authorities were too WHY THE COLONIES REVOLTED. 79 strong. for the people to force the ships to leave ; so after dark, one night, a party of men, disguised as Indians, went on board and pitched the tea overboard into the harbor. 19. As soon as the British government heard of this, it determined to punish Boston by forbidding any kind of goods to be landed there. Like other unjust laws, this did more hurt than good. It showed the whole coun- try how mean the British rulers were, and the P rt of Bos - m ton ? united the people against them. 20. It was such experiences that made coJJ^^now^ the colonists first think of armed resistance. think of ? But first they resolved to consult together. In September, 1774, delegates from the colo nies met at Philadelphia. This was what is called the first Continental Congress. The Co ^! n en?aT the Congress made a declaration of rights, and Congress, sent a petition to the King and to Parliament. 21. Even then, if England had been wise, the trouble might all have been settled. But it seemed as though Providence made the British rulers blind. It was resolved to force the colonies into submission. Then, at last, the patriots saw that there was nothing for it but to fight. 8o PRIMARY HISTORY. II. CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES OF THE REVO LUTIONARY WAR. Where did the war begin, and when ? Who held Boston ? OPERATIONS AROUND BOSTON. 1. THE war of the Revolution began in Massachusetts. The first outbreak was in 1775, just ten years after the passage of the Stamp Act. 2. In the spring of that year Boston was occupied by two or three thousand British soldiers, who had been sent there to over awe the patriots. General Gage, whom the King had made Governor of Massachusetts, was at their head. whatprepa- , j n {he mean time the people had not rations for war were the people been idle. When they saw that the King making? was bent on forcing them to obey his un just laws, they began to make serious prep arations for war. They provided them selves with guns and powder and ball ; they formed military companies, to be ready at a minute s warning, and hence were called " minute men." A committee of safety, CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. consisting of the wisest and best men of the patriots, took the lead in all these prepa- who took the . lead ? rations. LEXINGTON. 4. The first fight of the war is called the Teiihowthe & . first battle hap- battle of Lexington. It happened in this pened. way : General Gage sent some troops to de stroy a lot of military stores which he found out were at Concord. The patriots heard of this, and the minute-men were called out. 5. On the morning of the iQth of April, 1775, the British troops reached Lexington Give the story 1 JJ o of the march on on their way to Concord. Here they met a Concord, small party of Americans and killed several of them. They then went on towards Con cord and destroyed the military stores at that place. 6. While the British were about this busi- Give an ac - ... count of the bat- neSS the militia began to collect from the sur- tie, and retreat , . t , 111 of the British. rounding country, and they attacked the ene my at Concord Bridge. The red-coats were handled so badly that they retreated towards Boston. Then the Americans followed them Teiiofthe and shot at them from behind rocks and trees and barns. It was a long running fight, and 6 State the PRIMARY HISTORY. before the British troops could get back to British 6 loss. Lexington over two hundred of their num ber had been killed or wounded. BUNKER HILL. what was 7. The news of the fight at Lexington set the effect of the . ,, news of Lex- the whole country m a blaze, boon twenty inorrnn ? . thousand patriots surrounded boston, where the British army was. ington ? Point out Boston on the map. Point out Charlestown. What river between. Where is Breed s Hill ? Where is Bunker Hill ? Remember that the battle was really fought, not on Bunker Hill, but on Breed s Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill. CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 83 8. The first important action was the Name the T T MI T -r " rst im P r tant battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Bun- action. ker Hill, or more properly Breed s Hill, is on a neck of land opposite Boston. A part of Teiihowthe . . 111 fight happened. the American army occupied that place, and erected a fort of earth and logs. The Brit ish officer sent over a force in boats from Boston to take this fort. The result was the battle of Bunker Hill, of which you will find a map on the opposite page. o. It was a very hard fio-ht. The Brit- what can you ^ ill say of the bat- ish won the day because they were stronger tie? in number, and the Americans lacked am- why was the . result as good munition. But the result was just as good as as a victory ? a victory for the patriots, because it thorough ly aroused the whole country. The people now saw that they must conquer or die. WASHINGTON. 10. A little while before the battle of what i m P r - Bunker Hill, the Continental Congress, had taken place? which consisted of representatives from all the colonies, had met again. The congress What of the TT i Congress? was really the government of the " United Colonies," as they were called. 1 1 . Congress voted to raise an army of 84 PRIMARY HISTORY. twenty thousand men, and it chose George Washington as commander-in-chief of the American army. Washington went to Cam- d bridge, near Boston, and there took command Washington ^ o f the forces, just two weeks after the battle of Bunker Hill. The great elm under which he took command is still standing, what is said j 2 . The American army was made up of of the American t J * army? brave, patriotic men, who were determined to fight for their country. But they were very green in war, and the army was very poorly supplied with many things needed, what was especially powder. Hence, Washington Washington s L J . plan? thought it was best to begin by teaching them the art of war. Some people, wise in their own conceit, said he ought to have rushed right on the British in Boston ; but he knew better, what did 1 3. The wisdom of what Washington did Washington do? was fully shown by the result. He hemmed in the British so closely in Boston during the winter, that they came near starving. Finally, the British commander, whose name was General Howe, was forced to ask Wash- Teii about ington to let him evacuate Boston. To this rlowe s leaving Boston. Washington consented. Then the British CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 85 force sailed away to Halifax, and the Ameri cans marched into Boston, to the great joy of the people. ATTACK ON CHARLESTON. 14. While the British were still occupying TO what point 1 J did Howe now Boston, Howe sent a force in ships to attack send troops? Charleston, in South Carolina. But Wash ington found out his plan, and sent General Lee to meet him. 15. When the British fleet arrived off w , h ^ h ^v J dered the Bnt- Charleston, it was found that the ships could ish ships from getting in ? not get into the harbor on account of a strong fort which the patriots had built of earth and palmjej&bbgs. Then a tremen- dous bombardment of the fort was begun. The balls were buried in the soft palmetto- wood, and did little harm. On the other hand, the shot from the fort swept the decks of the British ships and played fearful havoc. 1 6. A brave young sergeant named Jasper Repeat the distinguished himself very much during this fight. One of the balls cut down the flag staff from which the colors of the patriots floated proudly. Jasper leaped over the breastwork, amid a hailstorm of bullets, 86 PRIMARY HISTORY. i suit K, tight. seized the flag, and, fastening it to a ramrod, placed it once more on the fort. J 7- The British continued the fight the -* whole day. A large number of their men were wounded, and many of their ships were shattered ; but they could not take the fort. Hence they gave it up and sailed away. The fort was afterwards named Fort Moultrie, in honor of its brave defender. Where did Washington now resolve to go ? Give an ac count of his going. What is meant by de fences ? For which side was the first campaign a success ? WASHINGTON MOVES TO NEW YORK. 1 8. Soon after the British evacuated Bos ton, Washington, who did not know they were going to Halifax, but feared that they might attack New York City, determined to move his own army to that place. 19. Washington left men enough to see that the British should not take Boston again, and then he sailed with most of his army to New York. He began to arrange the de fences of that city, that is, to build forts near the city and on Long Island and up the Hudson. 20. The opening campaign of the war which we may call the campaign in Mas sachusetts had been successful for the CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 87 Americans. Now see if you can remember its principal events: 1. Battle of Lexington in April, 1775. rind e ai sf ur 2. Battle of Bunker Hill in June, 1775. events - 3. Washington takes command of the army in July and besieges the British all winter. 4. Evacuation of Boston by the British, in March, 1776. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 21. Very soon after Washington reached what great J . event now took New York an event took place that was far P lace ? more important than any battle. This was the adoption of the Declaration of Inde pendence. 22. Why do we every year celebrate the , why do we J J > keep up the 4th 4th of July? It is because on that day f J ul y? this country became a NATION : it threw off the shackles of colonial dependence, and said that henceforth it would govern itself, in place of being governed by the King of England. 23. The Declaration of Independence was for ^ h t h put forth by the Continental Congress, which, ration ? as you have already learned, was the real government of our country at that time. It PRIMARY HISTORY. who wrote it? was written by Thomas Jefferson, who was a member of Congress, and who was after wards President .of the United States. The ^When adopt- Declaration was adopted on the 4th of July, 1776. took e pir c e a when 2 4- The Continental Congress was at this the Declaration time assembled at Philadelphia. When it was announced. was announced that the Declaration had really been adopted, the old bell-man, in the tower of Independence Hall, grasped the tongue of the great bell and hurled it forward and backward a hundred times, its voice pro claiming " liberty throughout all the land, unto HOW did the all the inhabitants thereof." The patriots an- people answer? swered with bonfires and cannon-peals, and every year their descendants have celebrated the great day in much the same manner. THE CAMPAIGN IN NEW YORK. . T^ ha , t . point 25. You remember that Washington had Washing- J ton moved his moved his army to New York after the Brit- army ? ish left Boston. The British now deter mined to attack New York. In the month where and o f August, 1 776, they landed on Long Island. when did the & J . . & British land? There was a large army of British regulars Their force? anc j o f troops called Hessians, whom the CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. English King had hired to fight against America. 26. The Americans had thrown up in- trenchments on Long Island, where Brook- lyn now stands. The British advanced and b j uboutlhe attacked the Americans, who were beaten in the battle. Some say the Americans did not de ^ ? was the manage very well ; but at any rate the enemy was far stronger in numbers. 27. Washington, who had crossed from w ^^ f on ? New York during the battle, saw with grief that the field was lost. The Americans got where did the 7 Americans re- back to their fort on Brooklyn Heights, and tire? defended themselves there till the third night. Then Washington very wisely withdrew the co ^Jt of^h^re- army in boats over to New York. There treat from Long J Island. was a thick fog and the boats were rowed with muffled oars, so the British did not dis cover the retreat till the Americans had escaped. 28. In New York City Washington did i not feel strong enough to risk a battle. He New York? therefore retreated up the island, and the British succeeded in capturing Fort Wash ington, which was so heavy a loss that Washington wept at it. There was noth- 90 PRIMARY HISTORY. what had he ing left for him but to retreat through New now to do ? c . Jersey, and get behind the Delaware. RETREAT THROUGH JERSEY. What of the 20. The patriot army was now terribly American army J J now? thinned in numbers, and greatly discouraged. Many believed the cause was lost. Did the Brit- ^ o . The British immediately followed in ish pursue ? J pursuit, so the Americans had to retreat speak of the through New Jersey. They were razored sufferings of the J J J O& patriots. and barefooted, and many a soldier, as he trudged along, left the bloody prints of his feet on the frozen ground. repeat ab ut the 3 1 Washington conducted the retreat with wonderful skill. The enemy were not Beh j. n j d ] what able to catch up with him. In this way he river did he re- L > tire? got down to the Delaware River, which he crossed into Pennsylvania. As he took care to secure all the boats, the British could not no^he British CI " OSS whei1 the y Ot there * S L rd Cori1 " cross? wallis, the English general, resolved to wait till the Delaware should be frozen over. THE VICTORY AT TRENTON. 32. Very soon after this, Washington gave the British a blow that made them CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 9! think of something else besides crossing the what effect had the blow Delaware. Washington ^ , i . T , r ^i , X- now g av e the 33. On the night of Christmas, 1776, British? Washington with a picked force crossed that Washington river and suddenly fell upon a large body of cross the river ? Hessians at Trenton. They had been carous- w wl }y were the * Hessians sur- ing during Christinas night, and were com- prised ? pletely surprised when they found they were prisoners. This was what Washington called Washington 11 clipping the wings " of the British. say about this? 34. A few days after this, Washington b defeated another body of the British at have an ther J victory ? Princeton. Now the tables were completely turned. The enemy had to fall back and what were J the British give up nearly the whole of New Jersey, forced to do? THE PENNSYLVANIA CAMPAIGN. 35. The object of the campaign of 1777 o ^^J 116 was the capture of Philadelphia by the British. 1777- 36. The British general put his troops on TO what place , . . . .? , -, ~ * if, did the British board ships, and sailed to Chesapeake nay. move ? vi. Washington marched his army down where did . 0/ r Washington go? into Pennsylvania, and the two forces met The two forces on the river Brandywine. Here the Ameri- m stTte*thc re- cans were defeated (September n), and the S1 British took Philadelphia. PRIMARY HISTORY. A Valley Forge. 38. In fact, all the operations in Pennsylvania turned out badly for the Americans. At the end of that year, 1777, they took up their win ter, quarters at Valley Forge. 39. Those were dark days for the patriots at Valley Forge, the darkest of the war. The soldiers were miserably fed, and not half clothed. Many QUESTIONS. Did any of the operations in Pennsylvania turn out well ? Where did they go into winter quarters ? What is said of times at Valley Forge ? Tell of the sufferings of the soldiers. CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 93 of them had no blankets or shoes, and the men left their bloody footprints in the snow. They had to keep themselves as warm as they could in their little huts or around the scanty camp-fires ; but if the fire of pa- what was it 1 that helped triotism had not burned warm within them, them to keep up . 111 i ii-> under suffering? do you think they could have stood it at allr 40. The picture on the opposite page will give you an idea of the kind of scenes amid which the patriot soldiers passed the dreary winter at Valley Forge. BURGOYNE S CAMPAIGN. 41. While Washington was engaged with where were the British in Pennsylvania, events of great happening S importance were happening in the northern n part of New York. 42. In the spring of 1777, General Bur- B ^ he goyne, a famous English officer, set out from from Canada? Canada with" a splendid army. He was to go he ^ h |oV vas to Albany by way of Lake Champlaih. At Albany he was to be joined by another British he ^ b e h e v d as > force, which was to march up from New York City. This was a grand plan of the British what was the British plan ? to cut the rebellion in two, separating New England from the rest of the country. 94 PRIMARY HISTORY. 43. The British army, after much trouble, what fort in pr Ot to p ort Edward, which was high up New York did & or the British the Hudson River. The advance of the enemy had been skilfully resisted by the who resisted brave American general Schuyler. Soon the advance ? . J who was afterwards the American army was put un- " der General Gates. Ten about the 44. While Burgoyne was at Fort Edward, expedition of . i i A 111 the British to he heard the Americans had a large amount of stores at Bennington. He sent a force to seize them. While on the way this force was met by Major Stark, with a small body of militia. re w^at was the ^ Th e British got a terrible drubbing, and several hundred of them were taken. Ten the story It is told that in the fight Major Stark of Stark. . . . animated his soldiers by exclaiming, " See there, men ! there are the red-coats ! before night they are ours, or Molly Stark s a widow ! " the\ h me e ri V can 4 6< The mam body of the Americans was arm > ? at this time near the town of Stillwater, on the Hudson. Burgoyne advanced and Where and showed fight. Two severe battles took when were two _~ . . hard battles place at Bemis Heights, the first on the i gth of September, the second on the 7th CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 95 of October, 1777. The British lost very heavily. 47. After these battles Burgoyne retreated to Saratoga. He would have been very glad treat ? to escape to Canada. But the American army hemmed the British in. The result render - was that Burgoyne, with his army of six thousand men, surrendered to General Gates, October 17, 1777. This was the greatest why was this i A 1111 a S reat victory ? victory the Americans had yet had. 48. The news of the victory in the North What effect / did it have on cheered the hearts of Washington and nis Washington s suffering men at Valley Forge. When the de spatch came with the tidings, he fell upon his knees, clasped his hands, and poured out his thanksgiving to the Almighty. This touch- di d when he r . , heard the good ing incident shows that not a shadow of jeal- news. ousy of the victorious General Gates crossed the mind of our country s leader. He thought not of himself, but only of the cause. THE FRENCH AID AMERICA. 49. The next spring ( 1 778) a very cheering . what cheer- thing happened for America. The King of penedin 1778? France agreed to help the Americans with ships and soldiers and money. This was ar- 96 PRIMARY HISTORY. who ar- ranged by Benjamin Franklin, who had been ranged this ? , . .. . ,_, sent over to ask the aid of the r rench. ENGLAND ASKS FOR PEACE. what did the 50. When the British rulers heard of the British now do ? surrender of Burgoyne and what the French were going to do, they grew very anxious for peace. They sent over persons called Teii what the commissioners, to say to the Americans that commissioners . J said. they would give up all claim to tax them, and allow them to send representatives to Parliament, why did not CL Congress refused to listen to the pro- Congress heed , T & . the offer? posal. It was too late; nothing but inde pendence would now suit the people. THE SCENE SHIFTS. Didthe 52. The French were as good as their French keep & their promise ? word. They immediately fitted out a large fleet with several thousand troops, and sent them out to help the Americans in the sum- whatdidthe mer of 1778. The English were now afraid English fear ? that the French ships would come up the Delaware River, and shut them up in Phila- what did the delphia. Hence the British commander be- Bntish com mander do ? gan to march his army to New York. CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 97 53. Washington, with his troops, forsook who pursued them ? his log-huts at Valley Forge, and pursued. There was a fight at Monmouth, in which where did a fight take place, the British got the worst of it. But they and the result ? succeeded in reaching New York. The American army now encamped at White where did the * armies now set- Plains, near New York City. tle down ? 54. Soon afterwards the French fleet ar- T , wh , at ftl l e J ^ t t French fleet ? rived ; but it did nothing that season, and at the end of the year it sailed for the West Indies. MASSACRE OF WYOMING. SS- Nothing else that you need to remem- What massa- ^ ^ J ere is now spo- ber happened during the year 1778, except ken of? what is called the Massacre of Wyoming \wi-dming}. This was a beautiful valley in what of the r J , valley of Wyo- Pennsylvama. It was a scene of peace and ming? plenty, of bright meadows and green hills and sparkling streams. S6. A large partv of Tories were angry Teii about _ ___ , & \ the massacre. because many of the men of Wyoming had gone to help Washington. They joined with them a number of Indians, and attacked the peaceful inhabitants. All but sixty out of four hundred men were massacred. The women and children were scalped, and the 7 PRIMARY HISTORY. houses and barns and crops were burned, leaving the beautiful vale a scene of utter desolation. HOW did 57. Washington punished the Indians se- Washington re- *" . r venge this deed? verely. A short time afterwards he sent a force that attacked and defeated the savages in Pennsylvania and Western New York, and burned forty of their villages. THE WAR IN THE SOUTH. where was eg. From the year 1779 the war was car- the war carried . . on after 1779? ried on almost entirely in the South. Ten two sue- 59 . At first the British were the most suc cesses of the J British. cessful. They took the city of Savannah, and overran the whole of Georgia. Charles- whatwere ton surrendered next, May, 1 780. Then they the British able J to do now? overran the whole of South Carolina, which had very few troops to defend it. ./eii about 60. Yet the British did not have every- Manon and t m * Sumpter. thing their own way. There arose a number of dashing leaders, like Marion and Sumpter and Lee, who, by their rapid and brilliant movements, annoyed the British terribly. With small bands of daring spirits, they would dash suddenly on detachments of the enemy, and cut them off. . There are many stories CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 99 told of the adventures and exploits of these brave and self-denying men. 61. During the summer of 1 780, Congress when was an army sent sent an army to South Carolina, under Gen- South ? eral Gates. A great battle took place at where was . the first great Camden, August 16. Here the Americans battle? were very badly defeated, losing about two suit. thousand men. Gates retreated rapidly into North Carolina. Soon afterwards, General Greene was given the command of the South- G ^ i n f0 com- ed ern army. mand ? 62. In 1781 the Americans began to have . when didthe & Americans be- some success at the South. s in to have some success ? 63. The first success was at Cowpens, where was . ... , . i T\ /r the first success? where an American detachment under Mor gan defeated a British force led by the ter rible Tarleton. The next action was at Guilford Court House, North Carolina. The losses in this fight were about equal. what of it? 64. The greatest battle in the South was at Eutaw Springs. The British lost eleven hundred men. In the mean time the enter prising troopers, Marion, Sumpter, and Lee, captured various posts held by the enemy. 65. The British now began to see that they could not conquer the South. They there- IOO PRIMARY HISTORY. Where did they go ? fore retired to their stronghold at Charleston, and there they remained till the close of the war. What are we now to read of? Give an ac count of Ar nold. What plan did he form ? What did he say to the Brit ish ? Who was sent to arrange mat ters ? What was agreed ? TREASON OF ARNOLD. 66. We are now to read a dark page in the history of our country, the treason of Benedict Arnold. 67. Arnold was an American general, and had distinguished himself for his bravery in many of the early battles of the Revolution. But afterwards he fell into bad ways, and finally he resolved to betray his country. 68. Arnold knew that West Point, a strong fortress on the Hudson, was so important a point that the British would give almost any thing for it. He therefore asked Washing ton for the command of that post, and Washington, not suspecting his treasonable design, gave it to him. 69. He now signified to the British his willingness to give up the fort, and Major Andre, a young British officer, was sent up from New York by General Clinton to make a bargain with him. It was agreed that Ar nold should put the British in possession of CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 101 the fort, and that they should give him fifty thousand dollars and a general s command. 70. Now we must learn how this danger ous plot was spoiled. Andre set out to re- pl ^ s . the turn to New York City. On the way he covered, was stopped by three militia soldiers. Think ing that they sided with the English, he told them he was a British officer. They then seized him and carried him off a prisoner. 71. Andre was soon after hung as a spy. of Ynd r V? came But the great traitor, Arnold, escaped to the what of Ar- f nold ? English at New York City, and was soon afterwards fighting against his countrymen. SIEGE OF YORKTOWN. 72. We now come to the last battle of the J^ a of war. It was fought at Yorktown, in Virginia, the war fought ? 73. In the summer of 1781, Lord Corn- wallis was stationed at Yorktown with eight the ^ e r ^ e n re thousand troops. Washington was near New armies in the summer of 1781? York City, preparing to attack that place, still held by General Clinton. But he sud denly changed his plan and marched quickly of ^ n at di C d ange against Cornwallis at Yorktown, reaching Washington 3 make? there at the end of September. He was .... - _ , By whom was joined by a large number of rrench troops, he joined? IO2 PRIMARY HISTORY. which had just arrived in the Chesapeake, in a fleet commanded by Count De Grasse. . 74. The allied French and American armies now laid siege to York- town. You will see on the map the British works, and the parallels of the Americans ; you will see where the head quarters of Washington were and the head-quar ters of Rochambeau, the chief commander of the French troops ; you will observe, also, the French men-of-war in the York River, preventing the British from getting away by water. Cornwallis saw finally that his situation was hopeless, so he surrendered on the igth of October, 1781. CLOSE OF THE WAR. 75. This splendid victory really closed the war. The British government saw that the Americans could not QUESTIONS. Tell about the siege. Date of Cornwallis s surrender. What was the effect of this victory ? CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. 1 03 be conquered. Then they began to speak about stopping the fighting. 76. More than a year was spent in arrang- do ^ h t het ing a treaty of peace, between commissioners y ear ? of the two countries. Finally, the treaty was signed at Paris, September 3, 1783, and when was the & m J treaty signed ? Great Britain acknowledged the United States as an independent nation. 77. Before the end of the year the last ha p[* e \^ h b a e ^ red-coat had left our shores ; the patriot sol- f e the end of diers of the Revolution returned to their homes, and Washington retired to his farm at Mount Vernon, Virginia. THE CONSTITUTION. 78. The war of the Revolution left our what was the - state of the country terribly exhausted. The people had country at the C j r r 11 T-i J i J 1 close of the war? suffered fearfully. Ihousands had been Teiiofthe killed, and the land was filled with widows lossoflife - and orphans. Towns had been burned and ofthede- * . struction of fields lay uncultivated. All the arts of peace property. had had to stop during the war. Our coun try was deeply in debt, and there seemed to The debt - be no way of paying it. 79. But the worst tiling of all was that our what was the & worst evil of all? country had no regular government. Con- * 104 PRIMARY HISTORY. what body had managed during the war ? federadonVm// union? What did Washington Say about it ? ,. s . te P did the wise men take ? meet? What was their plan of Ten about its adoption. effjct ? what of the President ? gress had managed matters during the war, and the States had bound themselves by an agreement called " Articles of Confederation." it was not a real union of the States, are," said Washington, " one nation to day, and thirteen to-morrow, who will treat with us on these terms ? " 80. The wise and good men of the coun try, seeing these evils, called a convention of delegates from each of the States to make " a more perfect union." The delegates as sembled at Philadelphia in 1787. They debated long over the matter, and finally agreed upon a plan of government. This plan was named " THE CONSTITUTION." 8 1. The Constitution had to be adopted by two thirds of the States before it could be come the law of the land. During the next year eleven out of the thirteen States ratified it. The 4th of March, 1 789, was appointed as the day when it was to go into effect. 82. The Constitution provided that a chief magistrate called president should be elected by the people. All hearts turned towards Washington, who was accordingly chosen first President of the United States. GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. IDS III. GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. // GEORGE WASHINGTON. i. THE greatest char- what does this mean ? George Washington. Who was the greatest charac- acter of the war of Inde- ter f the war ? pendence was Washing- ^ ton. This means that he was great in every way, not only as a sol dier, but as a statesman and a man. 2. Washington was not His birth- pjace. born in Virginia, far from the city now bearing his You have already learned something of his early history, and how he took part in the ence ? disastrous campaign of Braddock. Even then, as a young man, he was marked for his self-reliance, courage, and love of the right. AVhen the Revolution broke out, and Con- \^LJligl tOO gress was looking for a man to lead its ar- choose him as . *f . ill* commander ? mies, it was upon W ashington that the choice fell. He was then forty-two years old. he? v io6 PRIMARY HISTORY. What is said of Washington compared with other officers ? Examples of defeats. Of retreats. Had the ene my to pay dear ly? Example of his turning on them. What is said of his march on Yorktown ? Give some ex amples of trying scenes where Washington kept his firm ness and faith. Why was he perfectly un selfish ? Give exam ples of this. 3. There were, perhaps, in the American army, officers who were more dashing than Washington ; but there was none that so united all the qualities which make a great captain. He was sometimes defeated, as at Long Island and on the Brandywine. He had often to retreat before the enemy, as in New Jersey and in Pennsylvania. But he made the enemy pay dearly for any success. 4. Sometimes he would turn upon them (as at Trenton, after his retreat behind the Delaware), and deliver a stunning blow when the enemy least expected it. His march on Yorktown, after outwitting Clinton at New York, was a great stroke of generalship. 5. That which more than any one thing in the character of Washington made the success of the Revolution was his firmness in the worst times and places. Amid the ice of the Delaware and in the terrible, try ing scenes of Valley Forge, he never for a moment lost faith in the cause. 6. Washington was perfectly unselfish be cause he was perfectly patriotic. He refused to take anypay. He refused to listen when his troops proposed to make him king. GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. 107 7. .The person at whose house he was . ll Tellt . hestor y 1 illustrating quartered at Valley Forge said that one day, Washington s - 111 i religious char- while walking in the woods, he heard a voice acter. as in supplication. He drew near, and found Washington in prayer ! Such was the char acter of the man who was called " First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 8. Seventy years be fore the Declaration of Independence, Ben jamin Franklin, the greatest statesman of who was the greatest states- the Revolution, was { of the Rev- born. His father was a soap and candle maker in Boston. Af ter going to school for a little while, Benjamin was made to help his father ; but he did not like the business, and chose to learn printing with an elder brother. 9. When about nineteen years old, he His arrival in J Philadelphia. olution? Benjamin Franklin. went to Philadelphia, reaching it on foot, io8 PRIMARY HISTORY. How did be get to be a leading man ? with his pockets stuffed with shirts and stock ings, and a loaf of bread under his arm. A young lady who saw him in this plight walk ing along the street laughed at him. The same young lady was afterward his wife. 10. By hard work as a printer, and by studying late and early, Franklin soon got to be one of the leading men, not only of Penn sylvania, but of America. He was learned in science. By flying a kite during a thun der-storm he brought the lightning down from the clouds. A key was fastened to the string of the kite, and when he saw the spark come from the key, he made the discovery that lightning and electricity are the same thing. 11. Franklin was one of the greatest pa triots of the Revolution. His most valuable service to his country was getting the French to aid the colonists. The plain Pennsylva- nian was a wonderful favorite at the brilliant capital of France. Court and people were alike charmed with his simple manners. The French King finally agreed to send out ships and troops to America, and these helped in the struggle very much indeed. What did he find out about lightning ? What was Franklin s greatest service? Tell about him in Paris. Was he suc cessful ? GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. 12. Franklin was a leader in making the Did he help Constitution. Though then eighty years old, stitution ? his wisdom did much in laying deep the foun dations of our government. Franklin wrote his life in a book called his " Autobiography," ra s y . Autobiog - and every boy would do well to read it. PATRICK HENRY. 13. The leading ora tor, who excited the people to rise against the tyranny of Great Britain, was Patrick Henry. Henry was a Virginian. In his youth he led a rath er wayward life, and it was thought that he would not amount to much. After a while, however, it was found that God had gifted him with wonderful eloquence. 14. This was fully discovered in 1765, when he became a member of the Virginia Legislature. He was the first to offer a reso lution against the Stamp Act, and he made a splendid speech on the subject. Name the ading<?; (7/^ the Revolution. Patrick Henry. What of his youth ? What was afterwards found ? When was this clearly shown ? He was the first to offer a resolution against what ? I I O PRIMARY HISTORY. 15. In the midst of the debate he ex- df claime d> " Caesar had his Brutus, Charles the bate. First his Cromwell, and George the Third " " Treason ! " cried the Speaker, " Trea son, treason ! " echoed from every part of the house. Henry faltered not a moment, but, fixing on the Speaker an eye of fire, he finished his sentence, " may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it" HOW did the ^ From this time, Patrick Henry be- people now look -...-.. on him? came the idol of the people of Virginia. His influence was felt, also, throughout the what did he whole country. He headed the first military movement in Virginia (which was imme diately after the battle of Lexington), and drove out the royal governor, Dunmore. wS he h e!ectfd C ? Shortly afterwards, Henry was elected the first governor of the Commonwealth of Vir ginia. In this position he did a great deal to help on the war. Describe his j ^ Patrick Henry was nearly six feet appearance. * J < J high, spare and raw-boned, with a sunburnt sallow complexion, and a face deeply fur- as an orator? rowed. He was a natural orator of the high est order. As a statesman he was distin- man t GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. I I I squished for his boldness. With these quali- Were not . . i t i r these qualities ties he did a great work, at the early stage of of great use to the Revolution, in rousing the people to the defence of their liberties. Marquis de Lafayette. LAFAYETTE. 1 8. The Marquis de Lafayette was the brightest example of those noble volun teers who came from Europe to fight in the cause of liberty. 19. Born to high rank and a vast for tune in France, La fayette crossed the ocean to give his sword to America when he was but nineteen years old. He had applied to the American agents in Paris for passage; but they were unable to furnish him with a vessel. " Then," said he, " I will fit out a vessel myself" ; and he did so. 20. Lafayette arrived in America in 1777, and was immediately made a major-general. He lived in the military family of Washing ton, who loved him as a son. His generosity What is said of Lafayette ? What is said of him when he came over ? Relate the anecdote about the vessel. When did he reach America ? Washington s opinion of him. I I 2 PRIMARY HISTORY. Hisgeneros- wa s boundless, and when his troops lacked ity. . clothing or equipment he furnished them at his own expense, what was his 2 1 . Lafayette s most brilliant military oper- most brilliant . J n- performance in ation was when he opposed Lord Lornwallis in Virginia. Afterwards he was present at the siege of that place, and led the storming of the redoubt in the most gallant manner. 22. After the fall of Yorktown, Lafayette returned to his native land. The last time Ten about his j ie v i s it e d America was in 1824, when he was last visit. ^ sixty-seven years old. He was called the guest of the nation, and passed through twenty-four States in a triumphal procession. THOMAS JEFFERSON. what is 23. Jefferson was meant by saying u J that Jefferson the great fioliticalphi- was the greatest f * political phiios- losopker of the Rev- opher ? . . ~. . olution. This means that he was the ablest writer about the prin ciples of our govern ment. Give,.anac- 2 , J^ e wag a yj r . Thomas Jefferson, count of him. ginian, and studied to be a lawyer. He was GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. the best scholar of all the great men of the , T eii a , b ? ut hi ? 1 . scholarship and Revolution. He was a very accomplished accomplish- in an, being a bold horseman, a skilful hunt er, a fine violinist, a brilliant talker, and well versed in many languages. 25. The greatest service which Jefferson State thc .. , , . . . greatest thing did his country was writing the Declaration he did for the of Independence. He was a member of the famous Continental Congress, and that body appointed him to compose it. It was signed by all the members of the Congress, and adopted July 4, 1776. 26. The Declaration says that "all men Giveapas- 1 1 -T-1 ^ r T S3 S e fr m the are created equal. I his is the foundation Declaration. of democracy, which means government by the people. % All through the Revolution Jef- T J vhat w f f Jr & J Jefferson after- ferson was one of the leading patriots, and wards? he became president of the United States. 27. It will interest the scholar to know that Jefferson was the author of our conven ient denominations of United States money, the mill, cent, dime, dollar, etc. GENERAL NATHANIEL GREENE. Who was the 28. After Washington, the greatest soldier greatest soldier *? after Washing- oi the Revolution was General Greene. ton? PRIMARY HISTORY. who was he? 29. Nathaniel Greene was the son of a Quaker preacher in Rhode Island. He first When did he distinguished himself first distinguish himself? i n the battle of Lex ington. Washington soon saw that he was Did washing- a very ne officer, and ton think well J of him? promoted him to a high command. He fought under Wash ington in most of the battles in the North. Ten the inci- . Q> j n t } ie battle of Germantown an amus- dent at German- J ing thing happened. Greene s aide-de-camp, Major Burner, wore his hair in a cue. In the heat of the battle this cue was cut off by a musket-ball. Greene, seeing this, said, " Don t be in haste, Major; just dismount and get that long cue." The Major did so. A few minutes afterward another shot came whizzing so close to General Greene as to take from his head a large powdered curl. The British were hotly pursuing. " Don t be in haste, General," said Major Burnet; " dismount and get your curl." The General, however, did not follow the advice. town. GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. , General Greene what was c . Greene s great- hlS Campaign in the est campaign ? Tell about his generalship. 31.. The greatest did in the war was his campaign in Carolinas. He was several times forced to retreat, but did so with wonderful skill. Then he would swoop back on the British and punish them severely. Thus by his fine generalship the enemy were at last forced to give up the whole South. JOHN PAUL JONES. 32. The greatest na val warrior >i\\\e Rev olution was John Paul Jones, the most dar ing captain that ever trod a deck. 33. Jones was a Scotchman, and went to sea when a mere lad. John Paul Jones. ]-[ e Came tO thlS COUn- try about the time of the breaking out of the war. Congress gave him a commission in 1775, and the mast of the ship he was on, the Alfred, floated the first stars and stripes ever hoisted on any war vessel. 34. During the next three or four years, Who was the greatest naval warrior ? Tell some of Jones s history. He comes to this country. Tell an inter esting fact about the stars and stripes. Il6 PRIMARY HISTORY. what of him i n various vessels, he scoured the hi^h seas, during the next . . few years? capturing or destroying scores of British ships, and making descents upon the British coasts, where his name became a terror. Mention his -jc The most wonderful exploit of John most wonderful OJ i r i i i r exploit. Paul Jones was his fight with the British ship Serapis. The battle took place near where did the the coast of Scotland. Jones s ship was fight take place? J m . L called the Bon Homme Richard. The Se rapis carried heavier metal than Jones s ship. Jones, however, boldly lashed his vessel to Ten about the the enemy s side. Then, beneath the pale beginning of the ^ battle. light of the moon, began a fearful struggle. 36. The muzzles of the guns touched, and the crews fought hand to hand, with musket and cutlass. Thrice both vessels were in flames. After two hours of carnage the Brit ish captain asked Jones if he had surrendered. The little commander replied, " I have only begun my part of the fighting." Ten about the >,- At length, after the Serapis had lost surrender of the r British captain, over two hundred men (Jones s loss being even greater), her captain struck his col ors. As the American ship was leaking badly, Jones got his crew on board the cap tured vessel, and the next morning the Bon GREAT MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. I I 7 Homme Richard went down. And thus what became of the Bon ended the most daring and desperate com- Homme Rich- bat in naval annals. OTHER DISTINGUISHED SOLDIERS. 38. General Gates is famous for his cam- For what is . . . Gates famous? paign against Burgoyne in New York, in 1777. He forced Burgoyne to surrender with his whole army. 30. General Israel Putnam was one of the whatofPut- ^ 9 nam ? dashing officers of the Revolution. He was what of him it- at the beginning a farmer in Connecticut, and was ploughing of the war? the field when the news of Lexington came to him. He did not stay even to unyoke his oxen, but, mounting his horse, rode rapidly to Boston. Putnam was one of the leading officers at Bunker Hill. As the British ad- H t ? Bunker vanced, he told his men not to fire until they could see the w r hites of the enemies eyes. He was not a great general, but he was very Was he a brave, and his soldiers called him " Old Put." 40. Another officer of great valor was Name another valorous officer General Anthony Wayne. The most nota- Relate the .... i-i i i i i r most notable ble thing which he did was the capture of thing he did. Stony Point, an important British stronghold on the Hudson. It was taken by a, night i8 PRIMARY HISTORY. Relate the bold feat per formed by Ethan Allen. attack at the point of the bayonet. Con gress awarded Wayne a medal. 41. One of the boldest feats of the early part of the war was accomplished by Ethan Allen. With a small party he took by strata gem the British fort of Ticonderoga. When he ordered the commander to surrender, that officer asked by whose authority. " In the name of the Great Jehovah and the Conti nental Congress ! " shouted Allen. The fort, with all its cannon, was given up. 42. Of the gallant officers who were killed during the war, remember two names in par ticular, Joseph Warren, the noble patriot, killed at Bunker Hill; and General Mont gomery, who fell in an assault on Quebec. 43. There is one other name which should be cherished by every American. It is that of Robert Morris. He was not a soldier, but he did a great deal to supply what is called the " sinew r s of war," that is, money. Morris managed the finances of the country. It was he that enabled Washington to march and fight by furnishing him with funds and supplies. Do you not say, therefore, that he, too, was a noble patriot ? What two gal lant officers killed during the war are named ? What other name is men tioned ? What was he ? Tell about Morris. A REVIEW LESSON. IV. A REVIEW LESSON. 1. We have now gone over what period ? The period of the American Rev olution. 2. What was the catise of the Revolu tion ? The injustice of Great Britain in taxing the American colonies. 3. Where did the war break out ? In Massachusetts. 4. Name the early battles and tell the result. Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, American success ; Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, the British held the field, but the battle was as good as a victory to the Americans. Washington took command in July, besieged the British, and forced them to evacuate Boston in March, 1776. 5. What is the date of the Declaration of Independence ? July 4, 1776. 6. Give an account of the campaign in New York. It began in August, 1776, with" the battle of Long Island. The British were victorious. Washington had then to give up New York City ; he retreated up the Hudson, and the British took Fort Washington. The whole campaign in New York was a failure for the Americans. 7. Give an account of the campaign in New Jersey. Washington retreated through New Jersey, and retired behind the Delaware into Pennsylvania. But on Christmas night of 1776 he re- crossed the Delaware, captured a large body of the enemy at Trenton, and forced the British to go back to the northern part of the State. This campaign was, on the whole, a fine success. 8. Give an account of the campaign in Pennsylvania. In the summer of 1777 the British moved from New York by water to Pennsylvania. Washington s army marched overland, and the two met on the Brandywine. The Ameri cans were defeated. This enabled the British to take Philadelphia. The campaign was unsuccessful for the Americans. The army wintered at Valley Forge. I2O PRIMARY HISTORY. 9. Give an account of Burgoyne s cam paign. Burgoyne invaded New York, but was met by the Americans under General Schuyler, and afterwards under Gates. Two severe actions were fought near Saratoga, and Burgoyne surrendered his whole army at Saratoga, October 17, 1777. 10. When did the French help the Americans ? In 1778, by sending out war ves sels and troops. 1 1 . What was the effect of this ? The British gave up Philadelphia and retreated to New York. Wash ington followed them, fighting one indecisive action at Monmouth, and then took position at "White Plains, N. Y. Nothing important took place between the two armies in New York after this. 12. To what place was the "war now shifted? To the South. 13. Give an account of the campaign in the South ? The British sent a large force to the South at the end of 1779. They captured Savannah and Charles ton, and overran all Georgia and South Carolina. An army was sent down there under General Gates, in 1780, but the British were most successful. General Greene then took command. He had often to retreat, but he managed very well, and finally cooped the British up in Charleston, where they stayed till the end of the war. 14. What was the best battle of the war ? The siege of Yorktown, Virginia. 15. TeH about it. Lord Cornwallis was with an army at Yorktown. Washington moved rapidly from New York to that place. He was joined by a French force under Rochambeau and a French fleet under Count de Grasse. They besieged the British, and Cornwallis surrendered his whole army, October 19, 1781. 1 6. What took place the next year ? Negotiations for peace. 1 7. When was the treaty of peace signed ? September 3, 1783. 1 8. What was our government called at this time ? The Confederation, 19. When did the United States tinder the Constitution begin ? March 4, 1789. 20. Who was the first president of the United States ? George Washington. THE TIMES OF WASHINGTON. 121 PART III. THE UNITED STATES. I. THE TIMES OF WASHINGTON. 1. WITH the founding of the government under the Constitution begins the history our country as r T TT o the United of our country as the UNITED STATES. states begin? 2. You will remember that our country Mention the J first period of was, first of all, under the rule of England, our country s and consisted of British colonies. Then, The second. that the colonies rebelled (1775), and de clared their independence (1776). Finally, The third. that the Constitution was made, and the Union under which we are now living was established, 1789. 3. Washington was the first president of when and . where was the Union. He was inaugurated, that is, Washington 11 7 i A -1 r> inaugurated? he began to be president, April 30, 1789. The capital of the Union was at this time New York, and it was on the balcony of the old Federal Hall that Washington swore to support the Constitution. 4. As you advance in your studies, you 122 PRIMARY HISTORY. will be able to understand better about the government of our country. For the present, HOW many try to remember that the Constitution has branches of the J government are arranged that the United States government there? in- shall consist of three branches : what is the Jhe executive branch, that is, the Presi- executive branch? dent, who executes the laws. Theiegisia- The legislative branch, which is Con- tive ? gress, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives: this is the \xw-making power. The judicial ? The judicial branch, which consists of the Supreme Court, whose duty it is to inter pret the law. Ten how the 5. Now, under President Washington, our government was . . put in motion government was put into operation very under Wash- , . . , ^ . ^ ington. much as it is now, that is, Congress, com posed of representatives, elected by the peo ple, met to make laws ; and Washington, with his assistants (called his Cabinet), be gan to administer the government. diiSiesT 6 6 * You would know without being told that there must have been many difficulties in what was the starting the government. One great trouble great trouble ? was that the country was very deeply in debt, what is said ^ One of the great men of Washington s of Alexander & Hamilton? Cabinet was Alexander Hamilton. He was THE TIMES OF WASHINGTON. 123 Secretary of the Treasury. He proposed a plan which Congress adopted, and by which the heavy debts of the Revolutionary war were paid, and means were obtained for car rying on the government. 8. There were several other difficulties which had to be met, difficulties at home about taxes, and on the western frontier with the Indians, and disputes with England and France. But during Washington s adminis- set ^ e e d re ? they a11 tration these things were all settled. 9. The time for which a president is elected is four years ; but after this he may \ be chosen for a second term. Washington was president ? was re-elected ; hence he was president for eight years, that is, from 1789 to 1797. 10. The people would have been very glad j to elect Washington for a third term ; but he elected ? would not consent. He retired to his home at Mount Vernon, where he died December wh ^ h |[J 14, 1799. Remember this date by thinking die? that it was in the last month of last century. 11. In reading about the United States in the times of Washington, you must try and picture to yourself something very different now? from our country at present. I 24 PRIMARY HISTORY. Teli about the number of States then. the Th fiikd rit ry pie then and now. what two great means of travel were lacking then ? what other matters were in their infancy ? what of our country as a young nation? z 2 . There were then but fifteen States, the old Thirteen, together with Vermont, ad mitted into the Union in 1789, and Ken- tuck y in Z 79 2 - These filled hardly more than the narrow strip along the Atlantic sea- coast, east of the Alleghanies ; whereas our country now stretches across the entire American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific. * 3 The PP ulation of the United States i n Washington s time was only about four .... millions, which is not more than one tenth of the people inhabiting our broad Union. 14. In Washington s time, there was not a T steamboat on any American waters. There J . was not a mile of railroad or telegraph on any part of the American continent. The commerce of the United States was very .. ., . i i TVT small. 1 he mines were not worked. No cotton or sugar two of our country s greatest products now was raised. l r In fact, the United States was a youn^ m nation setting up for itself in the world, not with a very large capital, but rich in pluck, energy, faith, and virtue, and with a broad continent on which to write its future. OUR PRESIDENTS. 125 II. OUR PRESIDENTS. i. HERE is a list of the presidents of our what list is nere . -11 country. It is not to be memorized ; but read it over carefully, so that you may be able to turn to it again. 2. First president, George Washington, Administra- . . ~ tionofWash- of Virginia, iwo terms, 1789 to 1797. ington. 3. Second president, John Adams, Massachusetts. One term, 1797 to 1801. 4. Third president, -- Thomas Jefferson, or Jefferson. of Virginia. Two terms, 1801 to 1809. 5. Fourth president, James Madison, of or Madison. Virginia. Two terms, 1809 to 1817. 6. Fifth president, James Monroe, of QfMonroe. Virginia. Two terms, 1817 to 1825. 7. Sixth president, John Ouincy Adams, _ 9 f J hn J J > Qumcy Adams. of Massachusetts. One term, 1825 to 1829. 8. Seventh president, Andrew Jackson, of Jackson. of Tennessee. Two terms, 1829 to 1837. 9. Eighth president, Martin Van Bu- OfVan ren, of N. Y. One term, 1837 to 1841. 10. Ninth president, William H. Har- or Harrison. 126 PRIMARY HISTORY. Of Tvler. Of Polk. Of Taylor. Of Fillmore. Of Pierce. Of Buchanan. Of Lincoln. Of Johnson. Of Grant. rison, of Ohio. Was inaugurated March 4, 1841, and died within a month. 11. Tenth president, -- John Tyler, of Virginia. Had been vice-president under Harrison, on whose death he became presi dent ; served out the term, that is, till 1845. 12. Eleventh president, James K. Polk, of Tennessee. One term, 1845 to 1849. 1 3. Twelfth president, Zachary Taylor, of Louisiana. Died in office, 1850. 14. Thirteenth president, Millard Fill- more, of N. Y. ; vice-president under Taylor, and served till the end of the term, 1853. 15. Fourteenth president, Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire. One term, 1853 to 1857. 1 6. Fifteenth president, James Buchan an, of Penn. One term, 1857 to 1861. 1 7. Sixteenth president, Abraham Lin coln, of Illinois. Served from 1861 to 1865. Re-elected, but assassinated in April, 1865. 1 8. Seventeenth president, Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee; vice-president under Lincoln, and served till 1869. 19. Eighteenth president, Ulysses S. Grant, of Illinois. Became president, 1869. y y * Daniel Boone in Kentucky. III. THE GREAT WEST. BOONE AND KENTUCKY. i . THE story of the pioneers who settled the great West is one of the most interesting and romantic chap ters in the history of our country. The first three settlements beyond the Alleghany Mountains were made in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio. It was from these places that population gradually spread, and settled the whole West. 128 PRIMARY HISTORY. who was the 2 . The first pioneer who began a settle- earhest pio neer ? ment in the vast wilderness was Daniel Boone. He was born in North Carolina. teiubout an y U Bein g ver y f nd f a wild, free life, Boone Boone? left his home about six years before the American Revolution began, and with a few companions threaded his way to the country south of the Ohio River. Give a de- , Standing on the banks of that stream, scnption of the u country he saw. he looked abroad over a limitless landscape of stream, wood, and hill. Over its face roamed vast herds of buffalo. It was the home of many tribes of savage Indians ; but why did f or these Boone was well prepared, being Boone not fear f the Indians ? himself a sort of Indian and a mighty hunter. Describe his He wore a cap of fur and the buckskin dress dress and arms. of the red man, and was armed with hunt ing-knife and rifle, as you see him pictured on the previous page. adventures* Ws 4* Boone na d many daring adventures and hair-breadth escapes among the savages. He was several times captured, but always what of his got away. His companions were not so for- companions ? tunate, for three of them were killed by the Indians and one was eaten by wolves ; so finally Boone and his brother were left alone. THE GREAT WEST. I2Q However, they built themselves a cabin of What did h e and his brother poles and bark, and stayed there hunting and now do ? fishing and surveying the broad country. 5. After remaining two or three years, they returned home to bring out their wives and children, and were joined by several other families. In I77S (which you will , whe " ar V? J where did they remember was in the same year as the battle settle down ? of Lexington), they settled in Kentucky at a place which they called Boonesborough. 6. Two or three years after this, Boone Re]ate , J . Boone s adven- was captured by the Indians. . They took a ture with the in- great fancy to him and treated him kindly, but he made his escape, and after traveling i6o^miles in four days rejoined his family. 7. The settlements at first suffered greatly T what of the Indians ? from the Indians, who were very hostile. Many dreadful deeds were done in early times. The name Kentucky means, in In- . Mea n g of J the word Ken- dian, " the dark and bloody ground," and so tu cky- indeed it was in the times of Boone. 8. You must not think that Kentucky was Was Ken- J tucky a State at a State at this time, for it was then under the this time ? government of Virginia. After the war of the Revolution, large numbers of people from Virginia and North Carolina went to I3O PRIMARY HISTORY. Kentucky, and in 1792 (which was in Wash ington s administration) it came into the Union as a State. what state ? TENNESSEE. 9 Tennessee at first belonged to North Carolina. It was settled by a colony of peo- who settled pi e wno fled from the ill treatment of the British in the Carolinas, in the war of the Rev- l ut i n - They found a home on the Cumber land River, near where Nashville now is. Ia Tennessee became a State in 1796, anc j was ^ e mother of many other States in / tied from there ? the great valley of the Mississippi. what other States were set- OHIO. Ohio 1 ? settled 1 1 - Ohio w r as settled by a company from New England. There were about fifty of the band, who were led by Rufus Putnam (a son of "Old Put"). In the year 1787 ^ Tell how they they reached Pittsburg, where they built a boat which they named the " Mayflower." Launching her on the Ohio, these new Pil grims sailed down stream for five days, and where did finally made a settlement at a place which they make their * first settlement ? they named Marietta \May-re-e? ta~\ THE GREAT WEST. 12,. Other emigrants from New England what sort of . . r people joined soon joined them. Ihey were intelligent, them? hardy, and moral people, and Washington , 1T H ?V rdid / . & Washington took great interest in this first settlement of feel about it ? the Northwest. 13. At this time the woods and prairies Tel] about the , . x Indians in Ohio. of Ohio swarmed with Indians. They were very hostile to the whites, who now began to overrun their hunting-grounds. War fi w^ of the soon broke out. Several battles took place, in which the Indians were successful. After ward General Anthony Wayne (whom you . who was put J J in command ? remember as the bold officer that captured Stony Point) was put in command. 14. Little Turtle, who was the chief of the Li J 1 e Indians, said that the whites had now a lead- said - er who never slept, and advised the tribes to make peace. But they would not. In a great battle the savages were defeated by , wh , en & they defeated ? Wayne, who, in 1795, forced them to make the treaty. a treaty, giving up the whole of Ohio. In oS^alT the year 1802, Ohio came into the Union. State? 15. Tens of thousands of settlers now moved to the West, and the great States of c what other States were Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and Wis- founded ? consin were one by one added to the Union. 132 PRIMARY HISTORY. IV. THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. HOW long i m THE United States were not twenty was it ere our government had years old before they had to go to war with to go to war . . ^. . with England ? England a second time. I his war was HOW long did called the war of 1812, because it began in it last ? - Tiii i that year. It lasted about two years, and ended early in 1815. 2. Now you must try to understand the what two na- cause of this contest. For several years be- tions of Europe . were at war ? fore it began, France, headed by the great Napoleon, was at war with England. The g ovlr h nm^t ur United States said that they would not side sa y ? with either nation, that is, that they would be neutral. But Napoleon would not have American ships trade with the British. England also was not willing to have Ameri- did W E h n a giand ers can shi P s trade with the French. Napoleon and France made an order closing British ports to make in regard > to American American vessels, and England did the ships? . & same with regard to the French ports. 3. England pretended that American ves sels were not obeying this order, and so Brit- THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. 133 ish men-of-war began capturing them. Hun- why did the . & . J . British begin areas of American ships were thus taken. capturing our 4. Besides this, England said that she had s a right to search American vessels to see if w^J 181 ^ o t Rightof Search? they had on board of them any sailors be longing to Great Britain. On this pretence Ten what was u i j j done - our ships were searched, and many seamen were taken from them and forced to serve in the British navy. In some cases the sailors who vvere some of the taken had been naturalized in this country, sailors taken ? others were American-born citizens. The English naval officers behaved in a very in solent way. 5. At last the American government would go ^ r h n e ^f r e ur not put up with this high-handed conduct ^-g ? tostand any longer, and in 1812 declared war against England. James Madison, the fourth in the list, was then president. RAIDS INTO CANADA. 6. The Americans began the war by ^j^^^ ^. making raids into Canada, but these did not ada ? What place amount to much. On the other hand, the did the British British captured Detroit. 7. In the second year of the war, General Dearborn, the American commander-in-chief, 134 PRIMARY HISTORY. Tell what S ent a force which took York, now Toronto. places the . Americans took Another force moved against tort George, at the mouth of the Niagara River, and cap tured it. After a while most of the troops were taken elsewhere. Then the British turned the tables on the Americans. They recaptured Fort George, and made several what of these ra id s into Northern New York, plundering places after wards ? and burning settlements. Were the sea- g 4 While most of the land operations of fights better than the land the years 1812 and 1813 did not turn out well for the Americans, our navy performed a number of brilliant exploits. Those gal- O f thereat" 6 lant sailors Porter and Decatur and Bain- saiiors. bridge, captured many a British war-ship. Tell the story Q Captain Lawrence, in the frigate Chesa- of Lawrence. <^> peake, attacked the British frigate Shannon near Boston Harbor. Lawrence was mor tally wounded, but his dying order, " Don t give up the ship," became the watchword of American sailors. NAVAL OPERATIONS. the^lnde^t 8 io. The grandest naval victory of the war victory? was gained September io, 1813, by Commo dore Perry on Lake Erie. The American THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. Perry s Victory on Lake Erie. fleet consisted of nine vessels, the British of six, but these carried more cannon than our ships. 1 1. Perry s flag-ship was the Lawrence, named in honor of the brave commander of the Chesapeake. (See page 134, Tf 9.) A flag bearing that hero s dying words, " Don t give up the ship," was QUESTIONS. What of the two fleets ? Name the flag-ship. 136 PRIMARY HISTORY. what was displayed as the signal for action, and the the signal? > fight began. Describe the T 2 . The British vessels leveled most of British fire on the flag-ship, their guns at the Lawrence. For two hours they poured in their broadsides, till her can non were dismounted, and she lay upon the water almost a wreck. Only fourteen, out of her crew of one hundred men, were unhurt. what had z o j|- was now c l ear that he must make his now to be done ? way to another vessel, a very dangerous dar?n" C de b ed his thin to do> Takin g his battle-flag with him, he descended into an open boat and made his way to the Niagara, under fire of the whole fleet of the enemy. (See illustration, p. 135.) Give an ac- Iz i The hearty cheers with which the count of Perry s . J attack and the American sailors greeted Perry s deed were British surren- _ i i i 1-1 r der. followed by the thick broadsides of their ves sels. In fifteen minutes the entire British squadron surrendered, and Perry was able His pithy de- to write his pithy despatch, " We have met spatch. , i the enemy, and they are ours. AMERICAN VICTORIES IN CANADA. r 5-* In tne summer of 1814, the Ameri- ries in Canada cans won several victories -pn the Canadian in 1814. Chippew 7 a and Lundy s Lane were THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. 137 the most important. In the latter battle what officer . A was at Lundy s General Winfield Scott, who afterwards led Lane? the Americans in the Mexican war, greatly distinguished himself. 1 6. These successes drove the British from Their effect - the Niagara frontier. BATTLE OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. . take place ? The com manders ? 17. In September, 1814, the beautiful wl ^ n h ^J h n e d Lake Champlain was the scene of another n ^ ^ v r a j ? fi s ht great naval combat. 1 8. The American fleet was under Com modore McDonough, the British under Com modore Downie. For more than two hours the hostile squadrons poured their fire into each other. Nearly all co c the British ships fi s ht - were sunk or taken, and when the action closed there was not a mast standing in either fleet. 19. The victory of the Americans was hailed with shouts of joy by thousands of spectators gathered on the shore. 138 PRIMARY HISTORY. speak of the fight at Platts- burg. 2 o. During this battle the British land forces attacked the Americans at Plattsburg, which was near by. They were repulsed, and when the fleet surrendered, the British army beat a hasty retreat. THE BRITISH AT WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE. Give an ac- 2 i. In August, 1 8 1 4, a British force count of the at- . . tack on Wash- marched against the city of Washington, 1.1,11 i r i which then had no troops to defend it. They burned the Capitol and other public buildings, and went back to their ships. 22. The British then sailed to the neigh borhood of Baltimore, and bombarded Fort Me Henry without success. There was also a skirmish near Baltimore, but as the British general, Ross, was killed, the enemy retreated to their ships an^l sailed away. 23. It was during the bombardment of Fort Me Henry that our beautiful national son g^ "The Star-Spangled Banner," was composed by Francis S. Key. ngton. theYnex e t Banner which was the last battle ? BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. 24. The last action of the war was the _ T ... . famous battle of New Orleans. A force of THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. 139 twelve thousand of the best English troops Tel1 about 1 L the British force. under Sir Edward rackenham approached that city, January 8, 1 8 1 5. It was defended by General Andrew Jackson, with six thousand The Am en- can. militia. 25. Jackson had intrenched his men be- ^^0^" hind a long embankment. As the British battle - lines advanced, they were met by a deadly fire from the rifles of American marksmen, and mowed down in great numbers. 26. It was an overwhelming defeat to the who beat? British. Their commander fell, and over Ten the losses on each side. two thousand were killed or wounded. The American loss was only thirteen ! PEACE. 27. Perhaps you will be surprised to learn Had a treaty that the battle of New Orleans was fought already made ? after a treaty of peace had been made. The treaty had been signed at Ghent, in Belgium, t a fortnight before, but the news had not then fought ? reached this country. I4O PRIMARY HISTORY. V. GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI. when was It I N 1 803 the United States bought from the Louisiana Purchase made, France the vast territory between the Missis- and what was . . ._ . . it ? sippi River and the Pacific Ocean. I his is called the " Louisiana Purchase." what power 2 . The whole country west of the Missis- had claimed it ? J sippi had been claimed by Spain. But in TO what na- the year 1802, Spain eave up her ri^ht to tion did she J . . give it up ? France. At this time, Napoleon the Great what did Na- was ruler of France. He offered to sell poleon offer to .. . T T i <^ r* /- do? Louisiana to the United States for fifteen who bought million dollars. Jefferson, who was presi- it, and when ? . . . . . . . dent at the time, bought it in 1803. Name the first 3. The first State carved out of this pur- State carved out , T . . ,., . . of it? chase was Louisiana, which came into the When admit- TT . . -r>,i- HAT- ted? Union in 1812. But this was not all. You will see what a great thing this purchase was for the United States, when you learn that Name the it covered what afterwards became the ereat other States ri\/r / i *~ afterwards States of Missouri (admitted 1821), Arkansas . (admitted 1836), Iowa (admitted 1846), Min- GROWTtt OF OUR COUNTRY. 141 nescxta (admitted 1858), Kansas (admitted 1861), and Nebraska (admitted 1867). 4. Besides this, the purchase of Louisiana gave the United States control of both sides this give us? of the Mississippi and all its tributaries. Na poleon said about it: " This accession of ter- what did Na- poleon say ? ritory strengthens forever the power of the United States, and I have just given to Eng land a maritime rival that will sooner or later humble her pride." This prophecy came when did * this come true ? true in the war of 1812, as you have seen. HAMILTON AND BURR. 5. In 1804 a great sensation was made in whose death caused great the country by the death of Alexander Ham- feeling? ilton, who, yoii remember, was Secretary of the Treasury under Washington. 6. Aaron Burr, then Vice-President of the Aa ^ a ^ r ? United States, a very talented but bad man, . was a rival of Hamilton s. He challenged th e f out him to fight a duel, which took place at Wee- hawken, and Hamilton was killed. 7. Burr now disappeared from public view, what now be- r came of Burr ? but he afterwards turned up out West, where he is said to have made a conspiracy to sep arate the Western States from the Eastern. 142 PRIMARY HISTORY. why was he He was arrested and tried for treason, but let off ? as our government could not prove that he had been doing this, he was set free. Where are the Barbary States ? What of their pirates ? What did our government do about it ? What made the President punish them ? Tell about the capture of the Philadelphia. Give an ac count of the deed of Deca- tur. WAR WITH THE BARBARY PIRATES. 8. In the northern part of Africa, on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, are the Bar bary States, as they are called. For a long time these were the home of pirates, who used to capture vessels on the Mediterranean, and sell their crews into slavery. 9. For a number of years the United States paid these people a certain sum of money every year not to trouble their ships. But at last the pirates of Tripoli (one of these States) became so insolent that President Jefferson in 1803 sent a naval force under Commodore Preble to punish them. 10. One of the American fleet, the frigate Philadelphia, while chasing a small craft of the enemy, ran upon a rock, and was captured by the Tripolitans. 1 1 . This was a great prize for the pirates, but in February, 1804, Lieutenant Decatur entered the harbor of Tripoli in a small schooner at night, boarded the Philadelphia, GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 143 and burned her. After this, Commodore what ended . . . the war ? Preble several times bombarded Tripoli, and finally in 1805 the governor, or "bashaw," as he was called, was glad to make peace. FULTON AND THE FIRST STEAMBOAT. 1 2. The first steamboat in the world began to run on the Hudson River in the year 1807. 1 3. The steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton, a Pennsylvanian, who was born ten years before the breaking out of the Revolu- 144 PRIMARY HISTORY. What can you say of him ? His steamer on the Seine led to what ? Name of the boat. Tell about its trial-trip. Was the Clermont like our steamers ? tion. He was originally a painter ; but went to Europe, and got interested in the steam- engine. He made a little steamer on the river Seine in France : this was a success as an experiment ; so he came to New York and built what was thought to be quite a large steamboat. 14. The name of this boat was the Cler mont. It made its trial-trip to Albany in thirty-six hours, a great improvement on the river-sloops, which took a week or more. As she sailed up the river, the people hailed her with surprise and delight. 15. Of course she was very different from those you now see floating on our rivers and lakes, or steaming out of our great seaports ; but when you behold these, remember that, giants though they are, they have all come from the little Clermont of Robert Fulton. Had the Western In dians forgotten the lesson Wayne taught them ? BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. 1 6. You saw that General Wayne taught the Indians of the Northwest a severe lesson. But after a while they forgot it. Just before we got into the war of 1812 with England, British agents went to the Indians and stirred GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 145 them up to break the treaty they had made wh stirred them up to hos- with the Americans. tnity? 17. At the head of the Western Indian Describe tribes was the famous chief Tecumseh, a gi ant in strength, and noted for his craft and eloquence. He had a brother named " The Prophet." 1 8. Tecumseh went off to rally the tribes, what did the J two do ? and the Prophet collected his followers at the mouth of the Tippecanoe River, in what was .what was in- then called Indiana Territory. William H. who was Harrison, afterwards president of the United s vernor? States, was governor. 19. Harrison wisely concluded not to wait Hanfeondo? till Tecumseh had marshaled his tribes ; so he went to the Indian army on the Tippe canoe. He was met by ambassadors of the T what did the J Indian ambas- red men, who said they wanted peace, and sadors say ? would make a treaty the next day. 20. That very night the savages, with real Giv e an ac- / & . count of the In- Indian bad faith, attacked the American dian attack. camp. Concealed in the long prairie grass, they shot their deadly rifles into the Ameri can camp. But Harrison was prepared for them, and as soon as it was dawn, he charged upon them, and routed the Indians 146 PRIMARY HISTORY. Date of the battle. with great slaughter. And this was the battle of Tippecanoe, fought November 7, 1811. FLORIDA PURCHASED BY THE UNITED STATES. i ^i fi - r f , et ~ 21. Florida, as you remember, was taken tied Florida ? J possession of by the Spaniards soon after the discovery of America. It did not become a When did it J become part of part of the United States till 1821, when our states ? government bought it of Spain. Florida was mittedT ad * admitted into the Union as a State in 1845. We take a view of the growth of our country how long after Washington ? Who was now president ? How many stars were there in our flasr ? Population. What of the prosperity ? TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AFTER WASHINGTON S DEATH. 22. Let us pause here, and see what had been the growth of our country during the quarter of a century after the death of Wash ington. This would be the year 1825. John Quincy Adams had just become president. 23. There were now twenty-four stars in our flag, showing that the old Thirteen States had grown to twenty-four. 24. The four millions of population had increased to over twelve millions. 25. The prosperity of our country was at this time very great. Agriculture and com merce were both very flourishing. The ex- GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 147 tensive cultivation of cotton (made profitable what made . , T . r the South rich ? since the invention, by Eh Whitney, of a machine called the cotton-gin) had enriched the South. 26. The North was now beginning to N( ^V of the engage largely in manufactures. To encour age these President Adams was in favor of A^msTavored what is called a tariff, which means duties at , a ; i 5 > . , M What is a or taxes laid on articles manufactured abroad tariff? and brought into this country. Such a tariff, when passed J by Congress ? was made by Congress in 1828. This ena bled the Eastern people to make great profits Its effect - out of their cotton goods, iron, etc. But the How did the South look on people of the South were much opposed to it? the tariff, because, not being a manufactur ing people, they naturally wished to buy as cheaply as possible. 27. It was about this same time that great to Km ft works like canals and railroads began to be this time ? built. The Erie Canal, which unites Lake Erie with the Hudson River, was opened during Adams s administration. 28. Then, too, the first railroad was con- structed (at President Adams s own town of Quincy), the beginning of the vast net work of iron roads now covering our country. 148 PRIMARY HISTORY. The first railroad for carrying passengers was the Baltimore and Ohio, begun in 1829. DEATH OF JOHN ADAMS AND THOMAS JEFFERSON. What notable 2 Q. The fiftieth anniversary of the Dec- event happened -\ J in 1826? laration of Independence, July 4, 1826, was rendered remarkable on account of the death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the second and third presidents. Jefferson was Ten about these t ] ie au th O r of the Declaration ; Adams, its two great men. great advocate in Congress. The last words of Adams were, " Thomas Jefferson still sur vives " ; but Jefferson was already lying dead in his home at Monticello. JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. when did 30t On the 4th of March, 1829, General Jackson become u president? Andrew Jackson became president. what have 31. You have already learnt something Jackson? about General Jackson, and know that he was the hero of the battle of New Orleans. Teii what He was a man of tremendous will, of im- manner of man he was. mense energy and determination, and of very fiery temper ; but the people liked him. What was the ~, . T , most important 32. 1 he most important matter in Jack- * son s time was what is called " nullification." GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 149 33- To understand this, remember what Ten what you remember of the was said about the Southern people s oppos- meaning of nui- ing the tariff. Well, in 1832, Congress in creased the duties. South Carolina said they should not be collected in her harbors. This was called nullifying, or making null and void the laws of the United States. 34. Jackson said he should enforce the , law, and sent General Scott down to Charles- do ? ton to see about it. But in the mean time the matter was settled to the satisfaction of the South. Henry Clay had got Congress to pass a law arranging for the gradual lessen ing of the duties. WEBSTER, CLAY, AND CALHOUN. 35. Our three great- Name the * three great ora- est orators and states- tors and states men during the first half of the present cen tury were Webster, Clay, and Calhoun. 36. Daniel Webster was born in New Glve ??J";~ count of Web- Hampshire, in 1782. ster s early life. Daniel Webster. His father was a hum- I5O PRIMARY HISTORY. ble farmer; but he managed to send Daniel to college. He afterwards studied law, and in l812 lie was elected to Congress from what of him Massachusetts. He was one of the grandest as an orator ? His greatest orators that ever lived. His greatest speeches what? es were made in favor of the Union and in op position to the " State rights " doctrine of the 1J South. He had a large frame, and a head f hls as massive as his mind. He died in 1852. Give an ac- 27. Henry Clay was born in Virginia, count of Clay s . i early life. but removed early to Kentucky. The little schooling he got was in a log-cabin ; but soon his genius showed it self. He was elected TO what office to {he Senate, and rose was he elected ? to have a commanding anfcdotofhin, voice ti ^- When he proposed the " compro mise bill," his friends said it would lessen his Henry Clay - chances for the presidency. " I would rather be right than be president was Clay s noble what is said reply. His manners were peculiarly win- of his manners ? r J J ning, and no statesman was ever more loved. He died the same year as Webster. GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 38. John C. Calhoun was born in South Carolina, in 1782. He was the greatest statesman of the South. For forty years he was in public life, and had much influence, espe cially in the South. He was noted for the keen ness of his intellect and the force of his logic. Calhoun was a power- John c. caihoun. f u i advocate of the doc trine of the right of a State to secede from the Union. This has made his name disliked in the North ; but Webster said of him : " He had unspotted integrity and honor unim- peached ; nothing groveling, low, or meanly selfish came near his head or heart." He died in 1850. 39. These three great men were all can didates for the presidency and were all un successful. When and where was Cal houn born ? What is said of him ? For what was he noted ? What doctrine did he advocate? What effect had this ? What did Webster say of him? Date of his death. What remark able fact is stated ? INDEPENDENCE OF TEXAS. 40. From the earliest period, what we now ^ what had " Texas been ? call the State of Texas had been claimed as a 152 PRIMARY HISTORY. What is said of the American settlers ? Who forced the Mexicans to give up ? What did our government then do ? When did Texas come into the Union ? part of Mexico. However, many Americans had settled in that region. They did not like the way the Mexican government treated them, so, in 1835, they rose up and declared Texas an independent State. 41. War now broke out. General Sam Houston \heustun\ led the Americans. He fought so skilfully that Santa Anna, the Mexican commander, had to give up in 1836. Then our government acknowledged the independence of Texas. In 1845, Texas was admitted into the Union. THE FIRST TELEGRAPH. Where was the first tele graph ? W T ho invent ed it? Repeat what is said. 42. The first tele graph - ever built was stretched between Washington and Bal timore, in the year 1844. 43. The telegraph was invented by Pro fessor Samuel Morse, a native of Massachu setts. Congress gave Professor Samuel F. B. Morse. him thirty thousand dollars to try if his invention would work. GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 153 It was a perfect success, and now we have what of the 1 , 1-1 r, i i tele ra P h now ? over one hundred thousand miles of telegraph. THE MEXICAN WAR. 44. When Texas was annexed to the tr what ^ id Henry Clay say United States, Henry Clay said that the an- about annexa- nexation would be a cause of war with Mexico. A war with that country broke out in 1 846, which lasted two years, and resulted in the complete success of the United States. 45. We must now learn the causes of the war. There were three principal reasons. war were there ? First, the Mexicans, being very angry because Tel1 the first - Texas had joined the Union, committed many outrages on the Texans ; this stirred up a very hostile spirit. Secondly, the Southern The second. States were jealous of Mexico, because slave- holding had been abolished by its government, in obedience to the Pope of Rome; and Mexi co was likely to afford an easy place of refuge for fugitive slaves. The third reason was that what was the o f third reason ? ever since Texas had separated from Mexico the Mexican government had been disputing about what was the right boundary between its territory and Texas. The Mexican gov ernment said the Nueces \nway sees~\ River 154 PRIMARY HISTORY. was the right boundary ; the United States said it was the Rio Grande \reo grand y\ ar Then the United States government pro- propose? posed that a line should be fixed by commis sioners appointed from each country. This proposal the Mexicans rejected. Then they what then? b e g an to injure and insult the Texans. our government 4^* Under these circumstances, our gov- now did ernment, in the spring of 1846, ordered Gen eral Taylor to advance with a force to the Did this lead Ri o Grande. This immediately led to a to war ? conflict. Two actions took place, and Gen eral Taylor was victorious in both. di^he news* 47* When t ne news of these battles reached have ? the United States, it set the whole country in a blaze. Congress declared war, raised a large army, and put it under General Scott. whatofTay- 48 j n ^e mean lor meanwhile ? time, General Taylor ^g continued successful, ^ and beat the Mexican general Santa Anna in General scott. two more battles, at Monterey (September, 1846) and Buena Vista \_bwaynah veestaJi\. GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 155 40. General Scott began his campaign HowdidScott Jj P 5 begin his cam- ( March, 1847) by capturing the seaport of paign? Vera Cruz. He then commenced his march what then? toward the Mexican capital. 50. The first opposition met with was at where was the nrst opposi- the rocky pass of Cerro Gordo, where Santa tion met ? Anna was intrenched. This position was carried by storm, and the army continued its sul ^ tate the re " march up the high table-land of Mexico. 51. From Puebla the advance was up From here the the Cordilleras \cor-deel-y edras\. Reaching where ? their crest, the army saw before it a mag- nificent panorama of snow-capped mountain- crest peaks, while in the beautiful valley below lay the ancient capital of the Montezumas. It was the very scene on which Cortez and his w j 10 h * d . J gazed on it m armored array of Spaniards had gazed more olden times ? than three hundred years before. 52. For the defence of the city, the Mexi- Me Sn S h for th cans had a number of fortresses and castles, ^ C g il ? y s de ~ beginning about fifteen miles beyond its lim its. The first of these strongholds was fir J ? hat of the Churubusco, which was taken by assault. After this there remained the massive citadel of Chapultepec, built upon a rock, which rose this ? one hundred and fifty feet from the plain. 156 PRIMARY HISTORY. Describe the attack. What was the effect of the fall ofChapultepec ? When did the army enter the capital ? What was the result of the cap ture of the city ? Date of the treaty. State what the Mexicans gave up. 53. After a heavy bombardment, the storming column was thrown forward. With a shout and rush the Americans made their way up the steep rock, and leaped the in- trenchments, sweeping away the Mexicans. 54. Chapultepec had been their main re liance, and when it was taken they lost all hope. Next day, September 14, 1847, the American army entered the city of Mexico. 55. The capture of the Mexican capital ended the war. In February of the next year a treaty of peace was made. By this treaty the Mexicans gave up to our government the whole of California and New Mexico. What did Fremont hear and do ? Were the Americans vic torious ? What was the result ? CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA. 56. Just before the breaking out of the Mexican war, Captain John C. Fremont, who was in Oregon, heard that the Mexicans in California were giving trouble to some Ameri cans who had settled there ; so he went into California and headed the Americans. They beat the Mexicans in several little engage ments, and Captains Sloat and Stockton took some of the California seaports. 57. The result was, that when the war GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 157 clos-ed, in 1848, California was part of the territory which the Mexican government gave up to the United States. DISCOVERY OF GOLD. 58. Very soon after California was given what great 3 J > discovery took up to the United States, a great discovery place in Caiifor- 8 J nia, and when ? took place there. This was the finding of gold in large quantities. 59. The gold was found accidentally on the American River (a branch of the Sacra mento) in a mill-race that was building for a Colonel Sutter. 60. When the men began to look farther, they found the precious metal in great abun dance. Soon the news spread. From the East, and in Tact from almost the whole news spread ? world, thousands of people flocked to the El Dorado, as it was called, or land of gold. 6 1. The growth of California was perfect- what of the growth or Cah- ly wonderful. Soon San Francisco became forma ? a great city, and is now the centre of all the what of San i -T t i ^-i ^ vr Francisco? commerce with India and China. California now produces not only gold in great abun- what does J ^ California now dance, but large quantities of wheat and produce ? wool and wine. 158 PRIMARY HISTORY. when admit- 62. California was admitted into the Union ted into the Union? as a State in 1850. What was thought to be the West, for merly ? Where is it now ? When were Kansas and Ne braska settled ? When admit ted? When did the Mormons go West ? Where did they settle ? What led to the settlement of Nevada ? What settled Oregon ? THE NEW FAR WEST. 63. When your parents were your age, the West used to be Ohio and Illinois ; but every year people moved farther and farther towards the setting sun, and now we have a new " Far West " beyond the Mississippi. 64. It was about twenty years ago that Kansas and Nebraska began to be settled. Kansas was admitted into the Union in 1 86 1, and Nebraska in 1867. 65. In 1846 the sect of people called the Mormons removed from Illinois into the very heart of the Rocky Mountains. They settled in Utah under Brigham Young, and founded the city of Great Salt Lake. They believe in having many wives. 66. The discovery of silver in Nevada led to the settlement of that country, and in 1864 it came into the Union as a State. Gold in Colorado has attracted large numbers there. The great rush of people to the Pa cific coast soon settled Oregon, and in 1859 it came into the Union as a State. GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 159 67. Now the vast plains be- \\; yond the Mississippi, which used to be crossed with such toil by the emigrants, with their slow-moving ox-trains, are traversed by the great Pacific Railroad, and you go from New York to San Francisco in seven days ! QUESTION. What can you say of the great plains now ? i6o PRIMARY HISTORY. Tell what you see in the pic ture ? What subject has always given great trouble ? When were there slaves North as well as South ? Were there many in the North ? Why did slavery flourish in the South ? How many negro slaves in 1860 ? When did there begin to be a feeling against slavery ? When did this show itself? 68. You will notice in the last picture a scene beyond the Mississippi. You will ob serve the astonished Indians, who may stand as the emblem of the past, gazing on the fly ing locomotive, the type of fat present* THE SLAVERY STRUGGLE, 69. Almost since the beginning of our government, the subject of slavery has given great trouble in our country. 70. In the old colonial times, there were negro slaves in the North as well as in the South. But in the North they were few in numbers, and gradually they became fewer. 71. In the South slavery flourished greatly. This was owing to the great demand for ne groes to work on the plantations, cultivating tobacco, cotton, sugar, and rice. By the year 1860, the blacks of the South had increased to about four millions. 72. About fifty years ago, there began to be quite a strong feeling against slavery on the part of many people at the North. This showed itself very strongly in the year 1820, when it was proposed to admit Missouri as a State. The South wanted it to be a slave GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. l6l State ; the antislavery people desired that it should come in as a free State. 7 v The matter was finally arranged by what How was the 1 . , matter at last is called the " Missouri Compromise." In this arranged? it was agreed that slavery should be allowed in Missouri, but excluded in the new territo ries north of the southern line of Arkansas. 74. Thirty-four years after (in 1854), when , when was . J J n this compromise it was proposed to make Kansas a territory, done away with? those who favored slavery succeeded in hav ing this compromise done away with. Con- gress passed a law that in Kansas the people were to be left to say whether they would have slaves or not. 75. Now there began a great rush into Kansas of those who opposed and those who favored slavery. There was quite a long JJ e h ? attook " border warfare " there, and this kept up the excitement all over the country. 76. After this there were several things, such thi n V s a h a ther as the " Fugitive Slave Law " and the " John P ened to mak e bad feeling ? Brown raid," which stirred up a great deal of bad feeling. ELECTION OF LINCOLN. 77. Such was the state of the country in st * f the the year 1860, when the time came to name 162 PRIMARY HISTORY. country at what time ? Were there several candi dates named ? Who was nominated by the Republi cans ? When was the vote ? Who was elected ? Give what is said about Lin coln. He took the side of what party ? When was he assassinated ? a candidate for the presidency to succeed Mr. Buchanan. 78. There were several persons named by the different political parties. The man nominated by the Republican party (which was opposed to slavery being spread any farther) was Abraham Lincoln. The people voted on the 6th of November, 1860, and when the votes were counted, it was found that Lincoln was elected president. 79. Abraham Lin coln was born in Kentucky, but when he was a young man he moved with his parents to Illinois. He had very little schooling. However, he studied law and was elected to Con gress. When the Republican party arose, he took that side very strongly. Lincoln was tall and gaunt in person, with a sad, careworn face. We shall afterwards see that he was assassinated in the year 1865. Abraham Lincoln. secessionists GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY. 163 SECESSION. 80. At the time of Lincoln s election, there , Did most of the people love is no doubt that most of the people, North the Union at i o 11 i t T T T> i this time ? and South, loved the Union. But there were who stirred violent men on both sides. In the South there were the Secessionists, who said that say when the people of the North voted for Mr. Lincoln it showed that they were bent on abolishing slavery. 8 1 . The secession leaders soon set the What d . id the Secessionists whole South in a blaze. South Carolina soon do ? r. . Which State took the lead, and in December, 1860, seceded, seceded first ? that is, left the Union. Mississippi, Alabama, f w hat , States followed ? Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas fol lowed within a month. 82. In February, 1 86 1 , these States formed c w , hat was the Southern gov- a government of their own, which they called emment called ? the Confederate States. They elected Jeffer- ^ ho w * s son Davis president. 83. It was now plain that the government whft.was it now plain must must either allow the seceded States to go be done ? out, or fight to bring them back. You will now see how out of these troubles there grew a tremendous war. 164 PRIMARY HISTORY. PART IV. THE REBELLION, OR WAR OF SECESSION. I. THE WAR BEGINS. FORT SUMPTER. when Lin- i. ABRAHAM LINCOLN became president coin became president, how on the 4th of March, 1 86 1. At this time seceded ? 65 seven Southern States had seceded from the c wh ? th . adthe Union. The Secessionists had seized the Secessionists done ? f or ts and arsenals and navy-yards of the gov ernment in the South. what was ai- 2> At the time of President Lincoln s most the only fort the United inauguration, Fort Sumpter, in Charleston States held ? Harbor, was almost the only fort in the South where the United States forces had a foot- who defend- hold. It was defended by a small garrison edit? ^ T . under Major Anderson, what had the ? A larsfe Southern force under General Southern force " f done ? Beauregard \bo-regard \ had built batteries to fire on the fort. bombardmen? 6 4 ^he bombardment began on the morn- and the result. m g of April 12, 1 86 1. At the end of thirty- six hours, Anderson surrendered the fort. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 165 .=;. The news of the bombardment of Fort what effect did the news of Sumpter caused the greatest excitement thefaiiofSump- throughout the North. It was plain that there was now to be WAR, and Sumpter was the first scene in this dreadful drama of blood. 6. The President immediately called for co )ncai] d forV n seventy-five thousand volunteers. This call wasjtan- J swered ? was answered with the greatest zeal. From all quarters armed men hastened forward to Washington City. 7. In the mean time eight other slave States, including Virginia, had seceded. The ^ w ? hile se " Confederate government made Richmond its what city was * made the capi- capital, and soon there was a large Southern tai? force in Virginia. 8. The Commander-in-Chief of the Union Un ^ c s . the army was the veteran General Scott. He ma ^Y d h e ^ t ? did sent troops across the Potomac into Virginia. General Scott Several skirmishes took place at this early Leaving out skirmishes, period of the war ; but there was no impor- what was the tant battle until Bull Run, in July, 1861. battie"? pc IT. BATTLE OF BULL RUN. 9. When the people of the North saw a large force collected at Washington, they be- s in to cr y ? 1 66 PRIMARY HISTORY. gan to cry, " On to Richmond ! The Southern force was at Bull Run, twenty-five miles south of Washington. Beau regard was in command. 10. The Union army moved out under General Mc Dowell (General Scott being too old to take the field), to QUESTIONS. Where was the Southern army posted ? Who commanded ? The Union army went forth under whom? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 167 attack the Confederates at Bull Run. There where was the battle ? was a fierce fight there on Sunday, July 21, 1 86 1. Both sides fought with great valor, Tell about it. and up to three o clock in the afternoon the Union army had rather the better of it. 11. Then fresh troops came to help the Confederates, and they broke the ranks of came the Union soldiers, who began to retreat. The officers could not stop them. They fled across the stone bridge (see illustration on the previous page), and soon the rout be- re t aboutthc came a panic. The troops could not be stopped till they reached the fortifications around Washington. 1 2. The principal effect of the battle of Bull JSg^ ef . Run was to show the whole country that a ^of Bull terrible war was upon it, not a holiday affair, as many had supposed. Both sides now set ea( ^ side^o ? to work forming great armies. President Lincoln called for half a million of troops. The whole South, also, rushed to arms. 13. General George B. McClellan, who JJ^ had been successful against the Confederates commander ? in West Virginia a short time before Bull Run, was now made General-in-Chief. He passed the winter in training the army. 1 68 PRIMARY HISTORY. III. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS OF 1862. Were there a I A During the long war of four years great many bat- " ties during the which now followed, there were so many bat- war ? ties that you would not be able to remember the names of half of them. You may here after read the history of the war in larger ieam\boutthe books but for the present it is only need- most important, f u ] for you to know the principal battles and are we not ? . J their result* where did 15. In 1 862 the war opened at the West. the war open in ^ 1862 ? The first important event was the CAPTURE OF FORT DONELSON. Where was : 6. Fort Donelson was a stronghold of Donelson ? the Confederates on the Cumberland River, why impor- in Tennessee. It was the key-point in a line of defences to guard the Southwestern States against invasion from the North. and^tm oved z ? ^ Union force, under Brigadier-Gen- against it? e ral U. S. Grant, with a fleet of gunboats com manded by Commodore Foote, moved against Fort Donelson. It was besieged by land and what was the bombarded from the river till the Confeder- end of the siege ? ates surrendered (February 16, 1862). THE WAR OF SECESSION. 169 18. The effect of the capture of Donelson state the ef- r feet of the cap- was very important. It encouraged the tureofDonef- North, and obliged the Southern army to leave the city of Nashville. BATTLE OF SHILOH. 19. The next great battle in the West Name the next great was fought at Shiloh, on the Tennessee Riv- western battle ? er. Generals Grant and Buell commanded Who com manded ? on the Northern side, and Generals Albert Sidney Johnson and Beauregard on the Southern. 20. It was the Confederate side which ^^^ made the attack (April 6). At first they were tack ? very successful, and drove the Union force Ten about it. down to the river s brink. But General Johnson was killed, night came on, fresh troops for the Union side arrived, and next . r . How did the morning, after a brisk fight, the Southerners battle end ? retreated. BRAGG S INVASION OF KENTUCKY. 21. In the summer of 1862, a large South- . in what dire* * tion did Bragg s ern army, under General Bragg, moved north- army move ? ward from Chattanooga into Kentucky. The Union army had to fall back to the Ohio I7O PRIMARY HISTORY. River. After the Southern troops had gath- n- ered a reat q uan % of supplies, they re- tucky ? treated. There was no battle with this army till December, 1862. BATTLE OF MURFREESBORO . Name the 2 2. This action was fought between an- next battle with . TTT /-. army, other Union army of the West under General the Rosecrans and the Confederates under Bragg. it a hard Jt was a Vei 7 liarcl ^S^t, and lasted three fi s ht? days. The Union army held the battle-field, ^state the re- anc j h ence ^ was a sort of victory ; but both sides lost terribly. Repeat what 2 ^ You see, then, that the principal bat- were the three Western battles ties of the West, in 1 862, were Fort Donel- son, Shiloh, and Murfreesboro . McCLELLAN S CAMPAIGN ON THE PENINSULA. state the first 2 ^ j n t h e g ast ^g rst important event important event of 1862 in the of 1 862 was the campaign on the Yorktown peninsula, in Virginia. General McClellan McClelland moved his army from Washington there by idea in going to water, in the spring. The object was to take the peninsula ? Richmond. *u W e here u were 25. The Confederates were met behind the Southern J troops met? earth works at Yorktown, where Cornwallis THE WAR OF SECESSION. had surrendered to Washington. Here there was a siege of a month, and then the South ern army fell back toward Richmond. 26. Several battles took place in the vicin- what took place here ? ity of Richmond. But the Union army was not successful. General Lee was in com- State the re - mand of the Southern army. He forced what did General McClellan to retreat to Harrison s cieiian to do? Landing, on the lames River. The North- where was the Northern ern army was now ordered to be shipped army now 111 IT r i shipped ? back by water to Washington. 27. While this was ^oins; on, General what did Lee . & . , . TT do while this Lee marched northward with his army. He was going on ? beat a Union force under General Pope at Manassas, and then crossed the Potomac into Maryland. BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. 28. In Maryland, one great battle took place between General Lee and General McClellan. This was the battle of Antie- tam, fought September 17, 1862. It was Tell about it. very hard fought on both sides, and resulted in great loss of life. In consequence of this battle, Lee was forced to recross the Potomac The result ? into Virginia. 172 PRIMARY HISTORY. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. Name the 2 Q. The next QTeat battle in Virginia was next great battle t in Virginia. at Fredericksburg, on the Rappahannock River. It was fought in December. 1862. o The Confederate commander was General who were Lee; the Union commander was General the command ers? Burriside, who had been put in the place of General McClellan, as leader of the army Tell the re- o f the Potomac. The result was a terrible suit. defeat to the Union army. 1862 in the battles of the East in 1862 were the cam- Tf ocf paign on the Peninsula, the battle of Antie- tam, and the battle of Fredericksburg. CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS. what is said -> It One of the greatest events of the war of the capture rt of New Or- was the capture of New Orleans. The Con- leans ? what defend- federates had forts below New Orleans to prevent the Union ships from going up and attacking the city. Thus, by holding New Orleans, the Confederates controlled the navigation of the Mississippi River. When did the . r fleet go there, 32. In the spring of 1 862, a large fleet of whom"? ei war-vessels, under Admiral Farragut, sailed THE WAR OF SECESSION. The Capture of New Orleans. to the Mississippi to attack New Orleans. The fleet sailed up stream till it came to the southern forts, St. Philip and Jackson. These Farragut bombarded for six days ; but he could not do them much harm. What do you suppose he then determined to do ? To run past the batteries. 33. The Confederates had stretched a stout chain QUESTIONS. What forts did it come to ? Tell what Farragut did. What did he now determine to do ? Ji< 174 PRIMARY HISTORY. Tell what de- across the river to prevent the passage of fences of the . L r & river the Con- the ships. They had also fire-rafts to let federates had. , ITT- i n loose among the Union vessels, and float- m g batteries and gunboats. Farragut man aged to destroy the chain, and on the 24th Give an ac- o f April his fleet steamed past the forts, count of run ning the batter- ran the fiery gantlet of the rafts, and met ies and the fight. J & and destroyed the Confederate squadron. what was Then the fleet steamed up to New Orleans, the result ? L which was forced to surrender. THE MONITOR AND MERRIMAC. what re- * One of the most remarkable naval markable naval battle is spoken actions on record was the combat between of? the Monitor and Merrimac, in March, 1862. what was the or The Merrimac was a Confederate Merrimac? . OJ iron-clad war-vessel, which had been built at Norfolk. Suddenly, one day, she steamed Ten about her ou t an d attacked a fleet of Union war-vessels, raid on the Union ships, near the mouth of James River. She ran against and sank the Cumberland, and com pelled the frigate Congress to surrender. Next day she was to finish the rest of the fleet. What came . . . . on the scene 36. But during the night there arrived from New York a strange new iron craft, THE WAR OF SECESSION. 175 which had just been built, and was called the Monitor. -37. It was nicknamed the " Yankee cheese- A/r Te . n about the f Monitor. box," on account of its being a revolving iron tower placed on an iron-plated hull, which only rose a few inches above the water. 38. In the morning, the Monitor attacked Give an ac- count of the the Merrimac, and, after a fierce fight, com- fi ght. pelled the terrible Confederate ram to steam, disabled, into Norfolk. A little while later she was blown up by the Confederates for fear of being captured by the Union force. This fight between two iron ships excited great interest all over the world. IV. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS OF 1863. THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. 39. On New Year s day of 1863, Presi- dent Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proc- Proclamation, and when is- lamation. This declared all the slaves within sued? the borders of the Confederacy to be free. VICKSBURG. 40. The capture of New Orleans opened the lower part of the Mississippi ; but the PRIMARY HISTORY. thel h o e nfedei d - atesstiiia stronghold . f who was the U nion com- mander? Ten what he what did he at last think of doing? carried o^t the surrender. Was the Mis- sissippi now open ? Confederates had a stronghold at Vicksburg. Here their batteries prevented the Union . . x fleet from passing either up or down. ^ lm Th e task of taking Vicksburg was o given to General Grant. During the early part of 1863, he tried several ways of captur ing the place ; but all failed. Finally, he thought of running past the batteries with & . . . the ships, and marching his army down be low and in the rear of Vicksburg. 4 2 This P lan W3>S Carried OUt Grant succeeded in shutting up the Confederates in Vicksburg. The place withstood a siege Q f twQ mQn ths ; but Oil the 4th of July, 1863, li liad to surrender - Port Hudson, the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi, followed. Then the great river ran free to the sea. BATTLES AT CHATTANOOGA. A i n the summer of 1863, General Rose- u crans marched south from Murfreesboro , where you remember a great battle had been fou ht in December, 1862. The Confed- Southemarmy? erates fell back to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Rosecrans followed. Near Chattanooga when did Rosecrans ad- vancefrom Murfreesboro hefoiiow a tht id THE WAR OF SECESSION. 177 the battle of Chickamausra was fought in Sep- what battle & & . took place ? temper. It was a defeat for the Union army. The result? 44. Soon after this, General Grant took r , Tell ^ at 1 Grant did when command of the army at Chattanooga. In he took com- November, he attacked the Southern army at Missionary Ridge, and forced it to retreat. OPERATIONS AGAINST CHARLESTON. 45. One of the principal strongholds of what is said r ^ r of Charleston ? the Confederates was Charleston. In the spring of 1863, a fleet of iron-clads, called th jfl" et a that monitors, under Admiral Dupont, went to at- went against it. tack Fort Sumpter. The fleet was repulsed, , and the attack failed. The result - 46. After this General Gillmore built bat- cjj^ 11 ^ teries, with great guns, on the islands near Charleston Harbor, and bombarded Fort Sumpter for months. It was at last knocked all to pieces ; but the Union army was not Was the Union army able to take the fort or Charleston. They able to take T i MI i Sumpter or did not surrender till near the end of the war. Charleston ? CHANCELLORSVILLE. 47. You remember that the last battle fought in Virginia was Fredericksburg. After that General Burnside was followed PRIMARY HISTORY. who followed by General Hooker in command of the army Burnside in J J command of the OI the Potomac. Virginia army ? r> T n T r> TTI Give an ac- 48. In May, 1863, Hooker crossed the count of the bat- TV i , -,i i TM / r i tie of chancel- Kappahannock with his army. I he Confed erates, under Lee, met him at Chancellors- ville, about ten miles from Fredericksburg. Here a desperate battle took place. The Teii the re- result was that the Union army was defeated suit. m J with great slaughter, and had to recross the Rappahannock in very bad spirits. GETTYSBURG. what was the ^ jh e ^ rea test battle of the whole war greatest battle of the war ? W as fought at Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania. bea\en L t e he had 5- General Lee had beaten the Union u , ni V, r , my army in Virginia several times ; so he thought what did he now J . propose? he would carry the war into the North. He Te i lv y herehe marched his army to the Potomac, which he marched. t J crossed into Maryland. He then advanced northward into Pennsylvania, and it is sup posed that he meant to go to Philadelphia. GeYerdMeade 5 1 General Meade, who had lately been do? made commander of the army of the Poto mac, hurried forward to meet Lee. The two where did armies met at Gettysburg, in Western Penn- the two armies . meet ? sylvama. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 179 Gettysburg. 52. The battle began on the ist of July with a partial Southern suc cess. On the second day, the Con federates again attacked, but could not move the Union army. 53. The third day General Lee again made a fierce onset. There were nine hours of desperate fight ing, and then the Southern army was driven from the QUESTIONS. Tell what took place the first day. The second day. Give an account of the third day s battle. l8o PRIMARY HISTORY. field. The Confederate loss in killed and >s of the South. Tell the loss WO unded and prisoners was over thirty thou- sand ! where did 54> After the battle of Gettysburg, Gen- Lee now re- J treat? eral Lee retreated into Virginia, and took position south of the Rapidan River. The The Union Union army followed up to the north side ; army did what ? J but nothing of importance took place there during the rest of the year. V. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS OF 1864. GRANT S CAMPAIGN IN THE EAST. what were ct The spring of 1864 saw two great the two Union J i /? armies in 1864? Union armies in the field. General Grant mandedthem? had been put in command of all the United States forces. He left the Western army under the care of General Sherman, while he himself took command of the Army of the Potomac, in Virginia. when did c6. In the month of May, General Grant Grant begin his . J movement ? crossed the Rapidan, and attacked the Con- did. 6 federates under General Lee in the Wilder ness. The battle was not decisive for either side. However, Grant advanced and en gaged Lee again, and so kept fighting all THE WAR OF SECESSION. l8l the way down to the Tames River. The loss He fought tin j J J .he reached what to the Army of the Potomac in this battle- river? i rri Tel1 the march of a month was over fifty thousand men. union loss. 57. When General Grant got down to the James River, he proceeded to lay siege to Ia y sie s e to ? Petersburg and Richmond. This lasted during the whole winter of 1864-65. Sev eral important actions took place ; but there was nothing decisive till the spring of 1865. SHERIDAN IN THE VALLEY. 58. In the summer of 1864, General Lee sent a force under General Early to attack General Early . . , to attack Wash- Washington. They assaulted the works ington city. around the national capital, but were re pulsed. Early then retired to the Shenan- Ea ^ y h ^ ir d e id to ? doah Valley. 59. General Grant now sent an army un- Grlmit^nd"* der General Sheridan against Early. Sheri- against him? dan won a brilliant victory at Winchester, in September, and the next month gained an- other battle at Cedar Creek. SHERMAN S MARCH TO THE SEA. 60. We must now turn to the West. At the same time that Grant advanced against 1 82 PRIMARY HISTORY. what gen- Lee (May, 1864), Sherman attacked the Con- eral in the West J r/ moved the same federates under General I.E. Johnston, in time that Grant _ did? Georgia. 6 1. As Sherman advanced, he fought the PP ose d to him, and compelled it to to what city? fall back. In this way he won his way to Atlanta, a very important point. 62. The Confederate government now put General Hood in place of Johnston. Hood resolve to Hood determined to invade Tennessee, thank- see*? ing this would force Sherman to retreat. shemaVdo? 6 3 But in P lace of tllis Sherman gave Thomas one half the army, to look after Tennessee, while with the rest he pushed through Georgia, burning and destroying, till he reached the sea-coast, and captured Sa- what had vannah. In the mean time Thomas had met Thomas done meantime? Hood s army at Nashville, and destroyed it. FARRAGUT AT MOBILE. what place 64. i n T u l y 1864, a powerful fleet, under was attacked by ^ . J J m a fleet under Admiral Farragut, was sent against Mobile, the harbor of which was defended by two v v strong forts. 65. Farragut lashed his vessels together in pairs, stationed himself in the main-top THE WAR OF SECESSION. 183 of his flag-ship, and thus ran the fire of the Giv e an ao 111 r TT count of what forts, with the loss of but one ship. He was done. engaged and captured the Confederate iron clad Tennessee, and afterwards, with the as sistance of a land force, took the forts. THE ALABAMA AND THE KEARSARGE. 66. During: this year immense loss was From what .did Northern caused to Northern commerce by certain commerce suf fer ? Confederate cruisers built in England. From the beginning of the war, Southern privateers had been so active that now hardly a North ern merchant-ship could sail the seas. 67. The most destructive of these vessels which was i iii/- .the most de- was the Alabama, commanded by Captain structive ship ? Semmes. She had captured or burned over sixty ships; but in June, 1864, her career of destruction was brought to a close. The United States war-vessel Kearsarge \_keer- sarj~\, commanded by Captain Winslow, at- fight with the tacked the Alabama off the coast of France, and after a brilliant fight of an hour sent her to the bottom. 68. Now you must try to understand what y0 u ^atouf is meant by the " Alabama Claims," of which the "Alabama * Claims. you will read a great deal. You must remem- 184 PRIMARY HISTORY. ber that the Alabama was built in England. The United States government knew that she was really being built for the Confeder ates, and asked the British authorities to pre vent her from going to sea. But, notwith standing this, the Alabama was allowed to sail out and destroy Northern ships. Hence the United States said England was to blame, and should pay damages. VI. THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. THE SITUATION IN THE SPRING OF 1865. what was 69. In the spring of 1865, it was clear that plain in the i spring of 1865 ? the end of the Confederacy was nigh. Sher- Why was it t , . i ,1 r- ,1 , TI clear that the man had gone through the Southwest like a war was near ; n wh j rlw j nd Q f destruction. The United States war-vessels stood sentinel at every Southern seaport to prevent supplies from going in, and the resources of the South were nearly ex hausted. SHERMAN S OPERATIONS. 70. The final campaign was begun by Ten about Sherman. From Savannah his army began Sherman s march north- its advance northward (February i, i86s) to ward from Sa- . __. v . . vannah. join Grants army in Virginia. 71. The Confederates had nothing to THE WAR OF SECESSION. 185 oppose to the advance of Sherman except a feeble remnant of an army under General Joseph E. Johnston. They made several g^JJi^*)-^ stands, but could not keep .back the Union keep back sher- army, which marched northward through South Carolina and into North Carolina. Sherman advanced to Goldsboro , and John- Sh ^jJ^? d ston retired with his force to Raleigh. Just vance? ~ . .,,... In what other at this time Grant was beginning in Virginia place were great r , . , . , , , , , events happen- the series of operations which ended the war. ing ? GRANT S OPERATIONS. 72. In the spring of 1865, General Lee Le ^ s ^ e? was still holding Richmond and Petersburg, with an army much reduced in strength. General Grant began his operations by send- Gr ^ n t w b ^ n his ing a force to attack a part of the Confeder- operations? ate defences of Petersburg, at Five Forks. Here a battle was fought, April i, in which the Confederates were defeated. 73. Next day, a successful assault was what took > place next day ? made along the whole line of works in front of Petersburg. The result was that Lee, see- gul s t tate the re - ing that he could hold Petersburg and Rich mond no longer, abandoned those places, and began a retreat westward. 1 86 PRIMARY HISTORY. Ten about the 74. Immediately a hot pursuit was corn- pursuit. J menced. For a week the fearful race lasted. Several partial fights were made, and at last the Union van junder Sheridan succeeded in planting itself squarely in front of the south ern army. General Lee could now do noth- wh^-e^as the m & so ^ e surren dered his army to Grant at surrender? AppOlTiattOX Court HoUSC, April 9, 1865. Teii what took yc In the mean time, Sherman had en- place between ** ; Sherman and gaged Johnston at Raleigh, which city he Johnston. J * , . entered April 13. At this time General Johnston heard of Lee s surrender. As he knew that resistance was now hopeless, he surrendered to General Sherman, April 26. when was the By the end of May, all the Southern forces civil war at an J > end ? had laid down their arms, and the CIVIL WAR was at an end. ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN. 76. The tidings of Lee s surrender caused great joy throughout the North. But in the what terrible midst of the rejoicinofs a terrible event hap- event happened ... . at this time ? peiied. President Lincoln was assassinated in the theatre at Washington. The man count: of the^as w ^ ^^ ^ e ^ eec ^ was a desperate and proba- sassination. bly insane person, named John Wilkes Booth. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 187 Mr. Lincoln died the next morning. Booth fled, but was overtaken and shot by one of his pursuers. PEACE. 77. At the end of May, a two days re- view of the armies of Sherman and Grant took place at Washington. The disbanding of the troops now began, and a million of soldiers retired from the camp and bivouac to the pursuits of peaceful life. VII. FACTS AND REFLECTIONS. 78. You have now learned the principal why was this - . ., 1 TT 1 WEr a la facts of the great civil war in the United bie war? States. It was one of the most lamentable contests in the history of the world, because it arrayed in strife the two sections of a peo ple which had previously been the most hap py and prosperous on earth. 79. When the scholar grows up, and comes to study the history of our country more fully, he will learn that the seeds of this war were sown long before the men who waged the war were born. This should make us charitable in judging the conduct of the in judging about the war ? Southern people. I 88 PRIMARY HISTORY. what is said of slavery ? what other good effect has the war had? HOW much did the war cost the North ? what of the South ? Ten about the loss of life. HOW many were killed or wounded on both sides ? worth what h cost? g o . The principal cause of the war was x slavery. The greatest result of the \var was the abolition of slavery. This has proved a benefit to the people of the South. 81. Another o-ood effect of the war is, that it has brought the people of the North and the South to understand each other better and respect each other more than they ever did. 82. The war was very costly, both in treasure and in blood. At its close the North had a debt of nearly three billions of dollars. The finances of the South were utterly ruined. 83. On the Union side, it is estimated that ,,,11 three hundred thousand men were either killed in battle or died from disease. Four hundred thousand more w r ere crippled or disabled for life. It would be a low estimate to say that on both sides over ONE MILLION OF MEN were either killed or received wounds during the war ! ^4 ^ u ^ we mus ^ remember, that, above all, the war saved the UNION, which is far beyond the price of money or of lives ! V *oA fc ?r#fo* ^^4^ <? ,v^/.*oSrf ml > Zf-Sr V f / ; I Wf-4JLlJt A REVIEW LESSON. VIII. A REVIEW LESSON. 1. Tell when the War of Secession be gan, how long it lasted, and when it closed. It began with the firing on Fort Sumpter, in April, 1861, lasted four years, and ended\t\\h. the surrender of Lee at Appomattox Court House, April, 1865. 2. What was the first important battle ? The battle of Bull Run in Vir ginia. It was a defeat to the Union army. 3. What were the most important opera tions in the West in 1862? General Grant captured Fort Don- elson, a Union success ; fought the battle of Shiloh, which was not deci sive. General Rosecrans fought the battle of Murfreesboro , a Union success. 4. Name the most important na val oper ation of 1862. The opening of the lower Missis- | sippi and the capture of New Or leans by Admiral Farragut. 5. What were the most important opera tions in the East in 1862 ? McClellan s campaign on the Pen insula, against Richmond, which was not successful ; Lee s victories over Pope and invasion of Maryland, ter minated by the battle of Antietam, which forced Lee to retreat into Vir ginia. The battle of Fredericks- burg was fought in the last month of 1862, and was a Confederate vic tory. 6. What was the greatest military suc cess in the West in 1863 ? The surrender of Vicksburg to General Grant on the 4th of July. This, with the capture of Port Hudson (which followed), resulted in opening the whole of the Mississippi River, and cutting the Confederacy in two. 7. What was the greatest Union triumph in the East in 1863 ? The battle of Gettysburg, fought July i, 2, and 3. 8. Why was this battle so important? Because the Confederates had in vaded the North in strong force, hav ing previouslybeaten the Union army at Chancellorsville, and, if Lee had been successful at Gettysburg, he could have captured Philadelphia and Washington. - 192 PRIMARY HISTORY. 9. Give an accotmt of the operations in Virginia in 1864. In May, General Grant crossed the Rapidan River and attacked the Con federates under Lee, The result was the battle of the Wilderness, which was not decisive. Grant then, by a series of " flanking " movements, forced his way down to the James River. In the course of this march several great battles were fought, as Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Cold Harbor. These were attended with great loss of life to the Union army. Grant then crossed the James River and laid siege to Petersburg and Richmond. 10. Give an account of Sheridan s cam paign in the Shenandoah Valley. In September, 1864, Sheridan fought the Confederates under Early at Winchester, a Union victory. A month later, Early attacked the Union army at Cedar Creek; at first he was successful ; but in the after noon Sheridan routed Early, and af terwards destroyed that force. 1 1. Give an tfraw;// of the operations in the West in 1864. General Sherman advanced from Chattanooga, and fought General Johnston in several great battles. He forced the Confederates to re treat, and captured Atlanta. The Confederate army under Hood then moved north into Tennessee ; but General Thomas won a great victory over him at Nashville. In the mean | time Sherman had marched through I Georgia to the sea, at Savannah. 12. Give an accoiint of the campaign that ended the war. In February, 1865, General Sher man began to march northward from Savannah. Charleston and Colum bia fell. Sherman advanced through South Carolina and North Carolina, and defeated the small Confederate army in several actions. He reached Raleigh at the end of March. In the mean time, Grant, in April, made an attack on the lines of Petersburg and Richmond. Lee evacuated these places, and retreated westward. The Union army pursued the Confeder ates, and Lee surrendered at Appo- mattox Court House, April 9, 1865. Johnston surrendered to Sherman, April 26. <=r JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. 193 PART V. ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE THE WAR. I. JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. RECONSTRUCTION. i. THE Constitution says that when a pres ident dies in office, the vice-president shall take his place. At the time of Lincoln s as sassination, Andrew Johnson was Vice- President, and a few hours after the Presi dent s death, April 15, 1865, Johnson took the oath of office. 2. President Lincoln lived to see the war ended, but not the Union restored. The great task before our government was now to arrange for bringing back the Southern States to their place in the Union. This was called Reconstruction. What does the Constitution say about a president dying in office ? Andrew Johnson. Who now be came president ? What was the great task the government now had to do ? 194 PRIMARY HISTORY. 3. President Johnson immediately set State what the about doing this WOrk. He told the South- President told > the South. ern States that they must, i, blot out their decrees of secession ; 2, declare void the Confederate debt ; and, 3, adopt an amend ment to the Constitution (called the Thir teenth Amendment), doing away with slavery forever. 4- In the course of the year 1865, the Southern States did all these things. Slavery was blotted out. And now the South was ready to send representatives to Congress, and become once more a part of the United States, what difficui- r But here a difficulty arose. President ty arose ? J . * . Johnson had acted without consulting Con gress, which was not in session at the time ; and when Congress did meet in December, 1865, there was great dissatisfaction with what he had done. what was 6. Congress was not willing that the South Congress op- . <J posed to ? should come back on the President s terms, what did They wanted a Fourteenth Amendment to the Congress want r J Constitution, which should give to the freed negroes certain rights and privileges. John son was opposed to this, and the Southern JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. 195 States would not adopt the Fourteenth Amend- what f Johnson and ment ; so they were kept out, and Congress the South ? appointed military governors to rule them. 7. Between President and Congress there J^w 6611 whom was there was now a bitter struggle, which lasted two now a g reat ,. r ^ struggle? or three years. The policy of Congress at last was carried out. The South did what whicl ? r> olic y was carried out ? was required, and in 1868 and 1869 came back into the Union. IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT. 8. The quarrel between Congress and the u ^ r h e f , President led to Johnson s impeachment in 1868. The impeachment of a president means accusing him of breaking the law, and trying him before the Senate. If he is found guilty, he is turned out of office. 9. Congress said that Johnson had broken the law by attempting to remove Secretary be impeached Stanton from office. After a long trial, the President was acquitted, only one vote more su jj tate the re being needed to find him guilty. THE FRENCH IN MEXICO. 10. The relations of the United States with France, with regard to Mexico, was 196 PRIMARY HISTORY. whatques- tion about France arose? TellwhatNa- poieonhad coSt V of a wh a a C t" states n dfd d Alaska. mentioned? another important question in Johnson s ad- . . . . * J ministration. During our war. Napoleon III. i i i r i 1 TV /r - sent an army, which defeated the Mexican Republicans, in 1863, and the Archduke Maximilian was made Emperor of Mexico. IT - The United States had to allow this during our war, but at its close they de manded of Napoleon that the French troops should leave Mexico. Napoleon found it best to do this. The Mexicans then rose against Maximilian and his soldiers and con quered them. The end was that Maximil ian was shot in June, 1867. PURCHASE OF ALASKA. n March > l86 7> w ith the Russian government, the United States bought the Territory of Alaska. It is valuable for its fur and fish ; the price paid for it was $ 7,200,000, in gold. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. T 3- In the y ear l866 scien ce had one of its grandest triumphs in the completion of the Atlantic Cable. It was laid by the steam er Great Eastern, and stretches under the GRANTS ADMINISTRATION. 197 sea from Valencia Bay, in Ireland, to Heart s Tell about the . 1 i T cable and where Content, in Newfoundland, a distance of eigh- it runs, teen hundred miles. By means of this sub marine telegraph, the Old and the New World are brought into instant communication. II. GRANT S ADMINISTRATION. I. When the time came to choose a pres ident to take the place of Johnson, the Re publicans named as their candidate, Gen eral U. S. Grant, and the Democrats put up Horatio Seymour. Grant was elected, and on March 4, 1869, became president. 2. As General Grant agreed with the Re publican party, the dispute between Congress and the President was at an end. Hence both North and , South looked forward to a better state of things. 3. One of the most important things dur ing Grant s administration was the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Consti- Name the candidates for President in 1869. Ulysses S. Grant. Who was elected ? Was there any more quar reling between Congress and the President ? What was one important thing in Grant s ad ministration ? PRIMARY HISTORY. tution (March 10, 1870). By this the ne- . . sToes were made citizens and voters. 4. Our country now entered upon a period at the South? and West? what did the Fifteenth Amendment do ? what is said of the better c ., -, * , state of things ol prosperity, which continues to the present t - ma jj ie 5 out j 1 nas k een recovering from the wounds of the war. The great Southern products, tobacco, cotton, and sugar, increase with each succeeding year. At the North commerce and manufactures flourish greatly, while in the West vast new fields are opened up to American enterprise. \\henvyiiithe Republic be a century old? Repeat what is said of the growth in States. In popula tion. In area. - c. . The time is near at hand when we J shall celebrate the one-hundredth anniver sary of the birthday of the United States. On the 4th of July, 1876, the Republic will have seen a CENTURY of growth. 6 - And what a growth it has been ! The thirteen stars in our flag have increased to e thirty-seven. The three millions of popula- tion have swelled to forty millions. The area of settlement, widening beyond the narrow limits of the Atlantic sea-board, has stretched out until it covers the continent from ocean to ocean. GRANT S ADMINISTRATION. I 99 7. To the future progress of our country there seems to be no limit. Our vast re sources give to every one a fair chance of success in life. Under the Constitution we have the best government in the world. Our free public schools afford to every child a good education, which is in itself a fortune. Though we must not think that we have no faults as a nation, it may fairly be claimed that no people are more upright, prosperous, and happy than the Americans. 8. The grand lesson taught by the his tory of the United States is patriotism, that is, the love of our country. What is said of the future ? Of our re sources ? Our govern ment ? Education ? W T hat may we fairly say about the Amer icans ? What is the grand lesson of our history ? 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